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IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF 1 1 1 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY AND PUBLIC NEED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OWNERSHIP, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A 138kV TRANSMISSION LINE ORIGINATING AT THE SE TEXARKANA STATION LOCATED IN TEXARKANA ARJCANSAS AND TERMINATING AT A PROPOSED STATION TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE JOHN W.TURK, JR. GENERATION FACILITY LOCATED IN HEMPSTEAD COUNTY, ARKANSAS AND FOR THE PROPOSED TURK STATION AND RELATED FACILITES 1 1 ) DOCKET NO: 08-001-U ) ) 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF BENTON ) ) ) ss. The undersigned, David R. Matthew, upon his oath deposes and says: I. That I am of Iegal age and am competent to testify regarding the matters stated -. 3 That on January 10, 2008, I mailed the Notice of Filing of Application for herein. Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need with attached map to all persons listed on the attached mailing lists by certified mail, rehim receipt requested, with sufficient postage thereon. A copy of said notice mailed to the landowners, librarians and governmciit officials with a copy of the transmittal letters to tlic landowners, librarhs and governmental officials are attached hereto. 3. Notice was also published in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette and the Texarkana 1 Gazette on January 13 and 14,2008 and in the Hope Star on January 14 and 15,2008. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYS NOT. &--Davi R. Matthews SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 14 day of Seal & Commission Expiration: NOTARY PUBLIC-ARKANSAS 2 L, 200s BEFORE THE ARKANSAS PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THIS APPLICATION OF SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF ENVIRONMENTALCOMPATLBILITY AND PUBLIC NEED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, O\-vNERSHIP, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A 138 kV TRANSMISSION LINE ORIGINATING AT THE SE TEXARKAiiA STATION LOCATED UV TE-A ARKANSAS AND TERiWNATING AT A PROPOSED STATION TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT THJX JOHN W.TURK, JR. GENERATION FACILITY LOCATED IN HEMPSTEAD COUNTY, ARKANSAS AiUD FOR THE PROPOSED TURK STATION A N D RELATED FACILITIES NOTICE OF FJLTNG OF APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF ENVLnONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY ANT) P m L I C NEED Noticc is hereby provided that on or about January 15, 2008, Southwestern Electric Poivcr Company (SWEPCOor the Company) will file an application for a Ccrtificatc of Environmental Compatibility and Public Nccd (CECPN) with the Arkansas PubIic Scrvicc Commission (Commission). Thc application wiIl scck authority to construct a new rnnsmission substation (,,Turk Station”) locatcd on thc prcmiscs of the John W. Turk Jr. Generation Facility in Hcmpsrcad County and will furtlier scck authority to construct a new 138 kV transmission linc originating at SWEPCO’s cxisting SE Tcxarkana Station, tmvcrsing approximately 22 milcs through Hcmpstcad, Millcr and Little Rivcr countics and terminating at thc proposed Turk station. The ovcnlI Icngth of thc transmission linc to be built under this CECPN wili be approximtcly 22.2 milcs ifbuilt on the Company’s proposed routc and approximately 32.2 milcs if built on thc longest of die elcvcn ahcrnalivc routcs. Thc proposed transmission line will be constructed on new easements to bc procurcd or that have bccn procurcd by SWEPCO in the arca depictcd on the attached map. The Company is proposing to construct the transmission linc on Route 31. Thcrc arc elcvcn altcrnativc routes aIso under consideration for liis project. A map is attached to this notice which depicts the tweIvc possible rourcs for the proposcd transmission linc. Each route is cornpriscd of various links which arc dcpicicd on the map. The table shown on the map informs you which links arc involved for each of the possible routes. As indicated above, the Company’s proposed routc is Route 3 1 comprised of links A2-C”H2-J2-U-L2*-L2”-02-02’. Hoivcvcr, thc Commission may considcr and prefer any of the elcvcn altcrnate routcs. 1 Authority to build this tnnsrnission line and Turk Station is bcing sought in ordcr for SWSPCO to connccl iis John W.Turk Jr. Generation Facility to tfic electrical grid system within the area governed by the Southwest Power Pod. You arc notificd that inkwention or limited appearances must be fiIed with thc Commissionwithin 30 days aflcr January 15, 2008, unless good cause is shown pursuant io Arkansas Codc Annotated 523-18-517. You are further notified that at the hearing to be scheduled by the Commission on this application, the following rules shafI 3PPIF (a) The Commission will hear evidence of the gencnl economic and cnvironmcntal impact of the proposcd TaciIity, as opposed to individual objections to the presence of thc facility; @) That compensation for damages is not awarded by the Commission. Compcnsation is awardcd by Circuit Court in an eminent domain proceeding if the applicant and the landowner cannot settle privately; and (c) That thc purposc of the hearing is to choose the location with the lcast generally adverse economic and cnvironmental consequences, and that in the COU~SCof selecting a location, the Cornmissioil may modify onc of the proposed locations if i t is in the public intercst. You are further notified that the application includcs an EnvironmentaI Impact Statement which i s on file at thc Ocfcc of thc Secretary of the Arkansas Public Servicc Commission located at 1000 Center Strcct, LittIc Rock, Arkansas and is availablc for public inspection. Further, the Environmcntal Impact Statement is availablc for inspcction bctwccn the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the local office of SWEPCO located at 3708 W. 7~ Strcct, Tcxarkana, Texas. In addition, the application, including the EnvironmentaI Impact Statement, is avaiIable for public inspection at the public libraries in Texarkana (Texas), I-lop, Fulton, Aslidown, Winthrop and Forcman, Arkansas. 2 January 10,2008 Re: APSC Docket 08-0014-SE Texarkana transmission line Dear *: A T T O R N E Y S 179 South Second Street Rogers, AR 72756-4525 PH 479/636-0875 FX 479/636-8150 David R. Matfhews* Cra@A. Campbell George R. Rhoads* Edwin N. McCIure Larry J. Thompson Mark 7.FryauP* Mauticio A. Herrera*"* Sarah L. Waddoups C. Eric Vesfer Vicki S. Vasser Jesse J. Reyes Kimberly R. Weber Mary B. Matfhews of counsel 'Pis0 odmilted in Oklahoma W s o edmined in Texas & Missouri '**alsoadmitted in Missouri Enclosed with this letter you will find a copy of an AppIication for Certificate of EnvironmentaI Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of a 138 kV transmission line originating at SWEPCO's SE Texarkana Station located in Texarkana, Arkansas and terminating at a proposed station to be constructed at the John W. Turk Generation Facility and for the proposed station. The transmission substation, to be known as the Turk Station, is located in Hempstead County. The proposed transmission line traverses parts of Miller, Little River and Hempstead counties. In addition, I am providing you a copy of the Notice of the Application and a compact disk that contains the environmental impact statement required by Arkansas law. These documents will be filed with the Arkansas Public Service Commission by Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO)on January 15, 2008 in APSC Docket No. 008-001-U. You are being provided a copy of said Application and EIS pursuant to the requirements of law found in Arkansas Code Annotated 523-18-51 3. Promptly after this Application is filed, you will receive an invitation from the staff of the Arkansas Public Service Commission to comment as to the adequacy of SWEPCO's statements. The invitation to comment will advise you that comments must be received within sixty (60) days of the date of mai[ing or delivery of the invitation unless an agency requests, for cause, a longer period for consideration. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have about the Applic tion, this notice, or any other matter. a Email [email protected] Website www.mcmt. corn Enclosures January IO, 2008 Re: A T T O R N E Y S 179 Soufh Second Sfreef Rogers, AR 72756-4525 PH 47W636-0875 FX 479/636-8150 David R. Matfhews* Craig A. Campbell George R. Rhoads* Edwin N. McClure Larry J. Thompson Mark T. Fryauf"* Mauticiu A. Herrera *** Sarah L. Waddoups C. Eric Vester Vicki S. Vasser Jesse J. Reyes Kimberiy R. Weber Mary B. Matthews SWEPCO Application for CECPN APSC Docket No. 08-001-U-SE Texarkana APSC Docket No. 08-002-U-Sugar Hill Dear Sir or Madam: I am one of the attorneys representing Southwestern Electric Power Company. On or about January 15, 2008 SWEPCO will file two Applications with the Arkansas Public Service Commission for two separate Certificates of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of two 138 kV transmission lines and a new transmission substation. The substation, to be known as Turk Station, will be Iocated in Hempstead County. The transmission lines will traverse parts of Miller, Little River and Hempstead counties. Arkansas Code Annotated 523-18-513 requires that a copy of the Application, including the environmental impact statement, be made available for public inspection at all public libraries in each county in which the proposed utility facility is to be located. t have enclosed with this letter two disks, each of which contains an electronic copy of the Application and the environmentaf impact statement for the respective dockets. I am aIso providing under separate cover a paper copy of the Application and environmental impact statement for your convenience. 1 would appreciate your making these documents and disks available for inspection by the public for the next 180 days. of counsel uch for your attention to this matter. 'also admittod In OkIahoma "'alsondmittod in TQXLIS & Missouri "'also odmitlod in Missouri David R. Matthews Email cac@m cmt.cum Website www.mcrmf.corn DRM:sah Enclosures January 10,2008 Re: A T T O R N E Y S 7 79 South Second Street Rogers, AR 72756-4525 David R. Matfhews* Craig A. Campbell George R. Rhoads* Edwin N. McCiure Larry J. Thompson Mark T. Fryauf“* Mauricio A. Herrera*** Sarah L. Wadduups C. ,Eric Vester Vicki S. Vasser Jesse J. Reyes Kimberiy R. Weber Mary B. Matthews of counsel ‘also sdmilted in Oklnhoma **PISO admiltod in Toxos &M;ssoun’ ‘**OISO admittad in Missouri SWEPCO’s Application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need-APSC Docket No. 08-001-U Dear Landowner: Enclosed with this letter you will find a Notice of Filing of AppIication for a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need and a map. SWEPCO is seeking authority from the Arkansas Public Service Commission to build a new 138 kilovolt transmission line and new substation. You are being sent this notice because, according to the records maintained in the county courthouse, you own property which may be traversed by the transmission line. The map which is attached to the Notice identifies various links which comprise each of the twelve ahernate routes. SWEPCO has proposed Route 31 which is comprised of links A2-C2-H2-J2-L2-L2’-L2”-02-02’. If your land is not located on any of those links, then the route of the transmission line proposed by SWEPCO does not traverse you. However, at the hearing to be scheduled in this matter, the Commission has the authority to modify SWEPCO’s proposed route or to decide to utilize one of the other eleven alternate routes. Thus, you are being notified in order that you may monitor these proceedings and take whatever steps you feel necessary to protect your interest. The specific Iocation of the proposed line across any properties has not been determined at this time. When the specific line route is selected by the Commission, surveyors will then survey the exact line route and SWEPCO representatives will be able to discuss with you the exact location ofthe structures on your property if you are to be traversed. A larger version of the attached map is available for closer review at the SWEPCO offices at 3708 W. 7’ Street, Texarkana, Texas. n Davi Website DRM:sah Enclosure atthews SE Texarkana-Turk 138 kv G2 G2 G2 E2 M2 P2 L2' L2' L2' G2 L2 J2 W2 L2' E2 W2 G2 P2 D2 G2 P2 F2 12 C2 W2 W2 I42 X2 M2 120th Century Holiness Church do Sansford White ]Aaron, Joseph Preston IAbemathv ComDanv Abernathy, Ray Adams, Jimmy D. & Brenda L. Akin, David &Wayne Akin, Michael A. & Betty S. Akin, Mike & Betty Albiani. Timothv V. Allen, Rev& Clayton-Trust Allen, Willis .Allred. Lvnn E. II & Clara P. Anderson, Lisa Walker Anderson, Manuel Heirs, do Tommy Anderson Anderson. William H. Andres, E. & Townsend, A. & P. Apostolic Lighthouse, Inc. ARK Electric COOD CorD Ark St Highway Commission Arkansas Convalescent Center Arkansas Pulpwood Company, Inc. Arkansas Stale Highway Commission Art Mtg Borrower Propco 2006-3LP ,Artex Electric Co. Autrey, 1.Wren & Debbie Autrey, Leroy & Harriet B & L Metal Products. Inc. Barnes, Melvin S. 8 Janet R. Bartholomew, Aaron Lynn IP. 0. Box 493 IFouke 3621 Central ITexarkana !Texarkana 3800 Abemathv Rd. @ I 5 Sugarhill 'Texarkana j915 Shorthorn Texarkana 'PO Box 232 Fulton 6858 Mandevilte Rd. Texarkana 6858 Mandeville Rd. Texarkana Sacramento 4209 Loazell Court 1915 Dudley Texarkana 6967 McClure Rd. Texarkana 6205 E. 9th Texarkana 4020 Purdue Dallas 245 Elm Dr. Montgomery 3201 Sanderson Ln. Texarkana 2901 Arkansas Blvd. Texarkana 1901 Dudley Texarkana PO Box 194208 800 Scott Hamilton Drive Little Rock IP. 0. Box 2261, 10324 Interstate 30 ]Little Rock IWateway Plaza 1 STE 25,10003 Woodloch 1 \Forest Dr. The Woodlands 'PO Box 752 Camden P. 0.Box 2261, 10324 Interstate 30 ]Little Rock I O Glenlake Parkway, Suite 800 c/o I Americold Logistics i Atlanta 610 Division 1Texarkana P. 0.Box 960 Texarkana 2 Spring Valley Ln. Texarkana P.0.Box 1305 Texa rItana #5 Blackfriars Rd. Texarkana 8257 US HWY 82 Texarkana I AR 1 1 AR 71854 71854 AR 71854 ' AR AR AR A AR 71854 71854 71838 71854 71854 , CA 95864 1 I AR 1 AR I AR 71854 71854 I TX AL AR AR 75225 36117 I I 71854 71854 71854 72219-4208 AR AR AR I 71854 72203 TX AR AR 77380 71701 GA AR AR AR AR TX AR 30328 71854 75504 71854 72203 i I 75504 75503 71854 117 S E Texa r kana-Tu r k 138 kv 52 G2 L2 02 L2' W2 H2 F2 M2 02 02 L2' P2 ' P2 ' G2 L2' H2 L2' U' J2 J2 E2 E2 S2 12 D2 J2 F2 L2 L2 ]Bruce, Cart W. & Kelly M. 1 I106 Mawood ]Brunson, Ethel L. & Davis L. Burks, Hope Bursey, Ray C.& Brenda Bursey, Ray C.Jr., & Brinder Burson, Ronald C. Burton. Barbara Jean Burton, Timothy D. & Tammie A. Cameron, Albert W.& Donna K. Captes, Jacquelyn CapIes, John Carpenter, Ken & Michelle Carriaan I Routon Carrigan, Nora Carter, A. C. & Robin Dale Carter, MarionJunior Century Bank, N. A. Chandler, Robert F. Chandler, Will & Lorna Ann Chandler, William R. & Cynthia 1. Chandler, Wm R. - Rogers, Linda G. Cheatham, Herbert D. Cisneros, Juan & Martin City of Tekarkana, Arkansas ICline. Curtis M. & NeIlene Coe, James Coher Building Co, Inc. College Hill United Methodist Church Collumns, Jasper L. & Lula Mae Conway, Dedria D. 162 West 74th 6215 Old Post Rd. 3720 County 13720 County P. 0.Box 5754 709 Baltimore 1 ITexarkana IChicago Tex a rItan a Texarkana ITexarkana Texarkana Texarkana 60621 I 71854 71854 71854 AR Hope I AR 1 ' Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana TX ' Tex arkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Genoa Texarkana , AR AR 'Texarkana Texarkana ,Texarkana Texarkana I TX Hoae Texarkana '801 Ida 216 Walnut ,#8SDarrow Lane 4106 Arbor Dr. P. 0,Box 370 5402 S. Rondo Rd. P. 0.Box 368 ,6218 Old Post Rd. It AR AR AR I Texarkana Texarka na Texarkana Texarkana 6721 E. 9th 718 Ida 1823 Roberts P. 0.Sox 1261 PO Box 214 PO Box 214 1707 Dudley 7796 Mandevitle Rd. 2900 St. Michael Dr. 10749 Old Post Rd. 7015 E. Broad 7428 Bonita Park Road P. 0.Box 329 703 Logan AR AR AR AR AR AR AR 2802 Rose I [ AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR I TX i AR AR AR AR , I 71854 75505 71854 71854 71854 71854 71054 75504 71801 71801 71854 71854 75503 71854 71854 71854 75504 71854 71854 71854 71854 75503 75504 71854 71840 71854 317 SE Texarkana-Turk 138 kv E2 P.0.Box 91314 J2 6103 E. 9th Street Lima & Western Ave. 7717 Crestwell Road #I2 2200 Forest Cook, Charity Coonrod. Clifford D.&Annette Cooper Tire & Rubber Co-Plant S2 Copeland, John L. & Carolyn C. X2 F2 Cornelius. Harvev & Kathv G2 'Cotton Belt Hospital M2 Cowart, John David &Amanda F2 Crabtree. Julius E. N2 Cranford, James B., Jr. Crawford, Jonas & Gloria M2 E2 Crittenden. Brad Crockett, Lucinda EST L2" Crow, Jacqueline M. M2 M2 Crow. Joe H.& Melissa K. Crow, Maurice D. & Patricia L. H2 L2 Cruise, Bob Joe & Lois P. E" Cutiaher. Ken G2 Cullipher, Clarence Br PegQy Cursh. Chartes E. & Lovie Jo X2 K2 ID 8 M Enternrises LP Daily, Georgia Mane L2' L2' Daniel. Charles 0.&Julia Ann X2 IDavis. Clavton F2 'Davis, Mary Elizabeth Boyce L2" Davis, Ruth Penney G2 Day, Jeny L. Trust U2 Dean, Murvin & Eartene 02 Dean, Sam & Luanne S. D2 Deaton. Ben David F2 Dickens,Aubrey W. d Peggy J. F2 Dickson, George E. & Dixie R. Sioux Falls Texarkana Findlay Shreveport TexarItana 1 1 SD AR OH 57109 71854 45840 71106-6031 71854 LA AR t 4802 Tennessee Rd. 414 MC 26 5487 Summerhill Rd. 6209 E. 9th 377 MC68 5023 Cockney Court 315 MC 117 883 MC 117 630 N. Rondo Rd. 6954 McClure Rd. Rt. 12, Box 286 10630 Mandevitle Rd. 2725 Dudley 19262 Maanolia Ave.. Suite B 15515 Tennessee Rd. ;7343E. Broad 1272 H Street. Unit E IC21 Horseshoe Dr. 2700 Forest 6616 Wuthering Heights Ln. 14 Martha 795 MC 63 606 Ida 4302 Jan Circle 2077 Cook Rd. Texarkana Fouke Texa rkan a Texarkan a Texa rkana Annandale Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana jTexarkana ITexarkana IRiverside Texarkana Texarkana IChula Vista Wake Village Texarkan a Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana AR AR , ' 71854 71837 75503 71854 71854 TX AR AR VA AR i AR 22003 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 AR 1 1 I I AR AR AR AR CA AR AR CA TX I 1 AR AR AR AR AR TX AR 1 I 92503 71854 71854 90910 77501 71054 71854 71854 71854 7 1854 75503 71854 417 SE Texarkana-Turk 138 kv G2 D2 X2 U2' 02 F2 H2 K2 H2 H2 G2 G2 F2 IF2 Fort Chadboume Corp. Fort, Viola M. Fortman. Debra A. Four H Properties, Inc. Fowler, Scott P. Franks, Ben D. &Taylor, Bessie Frazier, Gilbert E. & Reeomia Fricks Butane Gas, Inc. Fricks, Julius, Jon, &Jason Friedman, Harry 6. Fulgium, Deloris or Donald R. Fuller, Patricia Ann Fuller. Ratnh E. IG & C Batte Timber Co., LLP P. 0.Box 1503 17 Preston Circle 918 Ida P. 0.Box 1466 3305 Walnut 712 Roberts 21 18 Forest P. 0. Box 113 P. 0 . 8 0 113 ~ 200 W. Broad 18326 US HWY 71 1809 Dudley 1805 Dudlev IP.0.Box 226 Ft. Stockton Texarkana Texarkana I Magnolia Texarkana Texa r kana Texarkana Tex arka na ' TX 79735 AR AR AR 71854 71854 TX 75503 71854 71854 AR AR TX Tex arkana Texarkana TX TX Fouke AR AR AR AR Texarkana Texarkana 1 Fouke 71753 1 75504 75504 75501 71837 71854 71854 I 71837 517 SE Texarkana-Turk 138 kv L2 [Harris. Kenneth L. & Maw D. X2 /Harris. Melba Harrison, Vir@ L. &John F. Harvey, Carlos J. Havnes. Jesse & Lula Hays Farms, LLC Hays,Dan Headlev, Patricia IHeadlev-Eodf~~v-Tate-Tate Heath, Jim N. & Atton Rape Heflin, Letitia Henrv. Dorothv Henry, Heten E. d o Huntley, B. Henshaw, John N. Hensley, Garfield Henslev. Garfield & Maw IHickerson,Jewel1 Wayne & Shelby Hickey, Clarence E., Jr. Hilland. Rhillir>A. 1Hinderer. Everett L. & Rita Hinshaw, C.T., Jr. Hoffman, Bryan L. & Kelty M. IHolden. Robert Wavne & Marsha Holden, Wayne & Marsha Holmes, Clephus & Cornelia Holt. David S. & Annla M. Homer, Rowdy W. & Carol A. Hosey, William Dale & Martha B. Housinn Authoritv of Texarkana. AR G2 52 P2 X2 M2 M2 P2 ' L2 H2 L2' X2 02 02 U2 U2 M2 K2 H2 M2 H2 H2 G2 M2 M2 M2 G2 U2' N2 K2 U2 !Howard, La Quinta R. ;Howard, Mary Jane & ET AL ]Howard, Phyllis Rider I1210 Smith Rd. I 1118 Smith Rd. 515 North Orleans St. 4804 Lionet Ave. 6001 E. 9th 451 River Rd. 451 River Rd. 6303 E. 9th 16303 E. 9th PO Box 4469 6775 McClure Rd. 1415 Walter 1310 E. 35th #305 11574 St. HWY 296 702 Ida 702 tda 1430 M C 53 1420 E. 22nd 2118 Hazel 15905 Tennessee Rd. 2420 Linden 226 H a m Roberts Rd. 12801 E. 9th 7006 Tall Oaks Dr. 5283 MC 4 8513 US HWY 82 [Texarkana ITexarkana 7101:E. 9th Texarkana 1027 N. Mosley Rd. 1I O Bramble CTS 1429 MC 53 14031 Halcourt Ave. 5521 Tennessee Rd. Texarkana Texarkana ITexarkana Nowalk Texarkana 1 AR 1 1 AR I Fulton AR TX Texarkana Texarkana Fulton Fulton Texarhana ITexarkana Longview Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana ITexarkana Texarkana !Texarkana I Texarkana Texarkana Doddridge Texarkana ! 1 I 1 1 ~ I I ' AR AR AR AR AR I TX ' AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR TX AR AR AR AR AR 1 1 AR AR AR AR AR ] AR CA AR I 71854 71854 71838 75501 71854 71838 71838 71854 71854 75606 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 75501 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 71834 71:854 71854 71854 71854 71854 90650 71854 717 SE Texarkana-Turk 138 kv U2' F2 L2 L2 1 F2 L2' F2 E2 G2 F2 M2 H2 102 €2 X2 I L2 J2 E2 t2' M2 L2 H2 M2 M2 J2 K2 M2 K2 M2 E' t2 F2 Lee, James A. & Rose V. Lee, Michael &Johnson, Alicia Leigh, William Don & Mary Sue Letterman. Frank D. & Dona W. 1 Letterman. Frank 0 . & Waldene Lewis, Lisa Lewis, Noms A. Lewis. Robert E. 8 Lisa Liltle, Bessie F. Taylor Little, Carla Livingston, Patricia Loonev. Charles E. & Pauline H. Iloosbrock, P. & Haggerty, K. Lovelis, Jack Matthew Luckenbaunh. Michael & Maria Matone, Herbert L.& Doris J. Mangum, Clifford Mangum, Sidney & Zonnie Marcano. Hector 8 Acosta. Norma Martin, Joseph, Kathy, & Laurel Martindale, R. J. - Rollin Junior Martinez, Robert M. & Patricia Mattin, Debbie-Robert-Presby May, Janis Ann iMav. John York McAdams, Brandon R. McCaskitl, Muriel McClain. Curtis L. & Sandie A. McCuller, John & Frances J. McCutcheon, Margaret R. McDougal, Gary McDowell. Bitlv W. & Brenda L. 1609 Dudley 36 M C 54 1400 Forrest 7050 McClure Rd. 17050 McClure Rd. 1325 Hasting Crossing Rd. 5702 Joey Ln. 1325 Hastinn Crossinn Rd. P. 0.Box 1136 21473 US HWY 71 3220 Old Tyler Rd. 7707 E. 9th 1726 Chelsea 3613 Wutherling Heights PI. 5440 Calico Duck 14075 St. H W 296 1115 Smith Rd. 6323 E. 9th 7252 Nautica Wav 14816 Joey Lane 1103 E. 22nd, Apt. 6 123 PR 1131 1419 Walter 254 MC 118 12436 Cleo Rd. 4411 E. 9th 1212 Grape 16703E. 9th 336 Perry St. 7228 Tennessee Rd. 943 Clear Creek 6883 McClure Rd. Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana I Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texar kana Oil City Fouke 1 ! Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Lake Worth Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texa rkana Texarkana Gonzales LA AR Tx I 1 I AR AR AR AR Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana AR AR Tx AR 71854 71854 71854 7'854 7 1854 71854 71854 33467 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 AR LA AR Texarkana i AR AR Texa r kan a I 75961 AR I 71854 71854-9305 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 71061 71854 AR AR AR AR AR FL AR Texarkana Texarkana I I AR Nacogdoches Texarkana ITexarkana Texarkana AR AR AR AR AR AR AR I I 70737 1 71854 71854 71854 71854 71854 75503 71854 917 SE Texarkana-Turk 138 kv 1 M2 1 McDowelt. Leonard & Vicki 1 I106 Hastinn Crossinn Rd. ITexarkana I AR 1 71854 FZ P. 0.Box 786 4914 Tennessee Rd. I182 Cook Rd. 618 St. Paul Dr. Hope Texa rkana Texarkana Arlington Tex arka na Tex arka na Tex arka na 1Tex arkana Texarkana Waterloo Texarkana Texarkana AR AR AR 71802 D2 McGehee, Barbara McKamie, Bill A. or Reba A. McKay, Gregory R. &Angela McLarty, W.H., Jr. McMillan, Billy G. McNatt, Clemrnie L. McPeak. Johnnv IMcPeak, Rita S. Meredith Enterprises, Inc. do E-2 Mart Stores, Inc. Miederhoff. Edward Voracek, Steven Miller Clabom Oil Dbt. Co., tnc. Milter County Arkansas Milter County Farm Bureau Miltis. JoseDh & Donna Milts, Justin Miner, Barbara Ann Stantifer Miner, Barbara Ann Stantifer & Jefferson, Lisa nlkla Lisa Batton G2 Missouri Pacific RR Co. L2’ Missouri Pacific RR Co. Mitchell. Charles & Charlotte Mitchell, Christopher 1. Mitchell, Eric Earl & Rita Faye Mitchell. Juanita Mitchetl, P & V. & Lemley, M & P Mooneyham, Donald & Cynthia Moore. Connie Moore, Phillip S. & Rhenee Moore, Samuel &Julia Mosely Oil Co. M2 F2 M2 J2 D2 G2 IH2 F2 I G2 G2 H2 F2 L2” 02 02 F2 M2 X2 G2 02 H2 M2 G2 G2 L2 8393 US H W 82 411 Meadows Rd. 1002 Roberts 11411 Dudley P. 0.Box 1426 6760 David Scott Dr. P.0. Box 1036 400 Laurel P. 0.Box 239 2902 Forest 313 M C 390 7 Wood Place Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana 910 Ida Texarkana 1400 Douglas Stop 1640, Property TX Union Pacific Omaha 1400 Douglas Stop 1640,Property TX Union Pacific Omaha 4602 Sanderson Ln. ;Tex arkana 12357 M C 43 Fouke 1135 Cook Rd. Texarkana RT. 4. Box 664 Texarkana P. 0. Box 136 Fouke 801 Cheny Texarkana 1403 Delaware Texarkana 20 Meadowview Dr. Texarkana P.0.Box 5094 Tex arkana 1221 Dudley Texarkana TX I1 AR AR AR AR AR AR 71854 71854 76013 71054 71854 71854 71854 75504 62298 75504 7t854 75504 71854 71854 71854 AR 71854 NE 68179-1640 NE AR AR AR AR I AR AR I AR TX TX AR 68179-1640 7t854 TX AR ~ 1 i AR AR AR 1 1 71837 71854 71854 71837 71854 71854 75505 75505 71854 1017 Llll SE Texarkana-Turk 138 kv 1 H2 1 Paul Farnilv Trust - Odie Trust I 1909 E. 9th 1 Texarkana G2 F2 t2 D2 Paul, David G. Paxton, Maggie Peavv. J e w L. Penny, Barbara A. Phillips & Sons Refrigeration Phillips, Anna L. ET AL Phillins. Anna L. ET AL 11909 E. 9th 1821 Dudley Ave. P. 0.Box 952 6623 McClure Rd. Tex arkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana J2 J2 M2 - 1102 Bowie 4403 E. 9th 4403 E. 8 t h 1 AR 1 ~ AR AR AR AR 282500 71854 71854 75504 I 71854 TX AR AR 75501 71854 71854 ueen's Plantation Tree Div. L2 M2 F2 H2 D2 D2 Reck, Hope d o Hope Burks Redden, Joseph W.& Mary D. Redden, Joseph W.& Mary D. Regions Bank DBA Regions MTG Rehkopf Enterprises Inc. #5057 Reid. Reainald G.. Sr. '6215 6 d Post Rd. 6405 E. 9th 6405 E. 9th P. 0.Box 18001 P. 0.Box 3777 106 Melrose Texark ana Tex arka na Tex arkana Hattiesburg Wake Village Texarkana AR AR AR MS TX TX 1 71854 71854 71854 39404 75501 75504 1217 SE Texarkana-Turk 138 kv L2' N2 L2 M2 M2 J2 P2 P2 X2 H2 H2 H2 K2 W2 L2 Thompson, Louise, Gene, Martha, d Loe Thompson, William K. & Connie Three lakes, LTD do Dick King Tibbit, Donald R. & Waldreia Tibbit, Robert W., Jr. & Lorena Tibbit. Robert Warren Sr. Tbbit; Walter R. & Irene R. Timberstar Texarkana II LP C/O Timberstar Southwest Manager, LLC Tirrito, Lucian & Margaret T-Mac Cattle LLC d o mark Townsend Trio Tansportation Inc. Tri-State Iron & Metal Co. Tultos, Herbert Sr. & Hejen Turk, Kelly & Brannan, ADA Turner. CharIes Michael 806 Ida 7735 Dooley Ferry Rd. #8 Parkplace I010 Smith Rd. 9665 US HWY 82 9661 US HWY 82 6401 E. 9th 8570 Business Park Drive, Suite 200 1020 HWY 71 South 2701 Ark Blvd 1423 Main Street P.0.Box 775 5710 Mount Olive Dr. 5627 Tennessee Rd. 3529 HWY 43 S. Texarkana Texarkana New Boston Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Shreveport Ashdown Tex arka na Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Harrison AR 1 AR ' TX AR AR AR I AR 71854 71854 t A 71105 71854 71854 AR AR 75570 71854 71054 71854 71854 TX 75501 AR AR AR AR 75504 71854 71854 72601 SE Texarkana-Turk 138 kv M2 W2 U2' G2 M2 K2 M2 I I Wolf, Everett R. & lyonne Woodard, George T.Fam Trust do Sue Mitchell Woodard. George T. Fam Trust c/o Sue Mitchell Woo-Ng-Tran-Tran-Yoshida Works, M i3 R & Brown & Kennington Worthington, Robert J. & Jimmie D. Wren. H Allen & Amv L. 115 Ralph Dr. 2826 Dimple Dell Rd. 1507 Dudley 7963 US H W 82 410 N. Rondo Rd. IYoung, Timoth L. & Patricia 1 Chisenhall. L a m 12908 Forest 12840 Reaions Ctr. 400 W. CaDitol ILANDOWNER COUNT 538 6232 McClure Rd. 15 Ralph Dr. I Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Sandy Texarkana Tex arkana Tex arkan a 1Texarkana 1Little Rock 71854 AR TX TX UT AR 75501 75501 84092 71854 71854 71854 AR AR I I ! i AR AR 1 I 71854 72201 I 1717 Texarkana Public Library 600 W.3d Street Texarkana, TX 75501 Hempstead County Library 500 S. Elm Street Hope, AR 71801 Foreman Public Library P.O. Box7 Foreman, AR 71836 FuIton Public Library P.O. Box 235 FuIton, AR 71838 Winthrop Branch Library P.O. Box 193 Winthrop, AR 71866 Ashdown Public Libraty +I60E. Commerce As hdown, AR 71822 Congressman Mike Ross 221 W. Main St. Prescott, AR 71857 Senator Mark Pryor 500 President Clinton Ave. Suite 401 Little Rock, AR 72201 Senator Jim Hill 100 Center NashvilIe, AR 71852 Senator Barbara Horn P.O. Box 64 Foreman, AR 71836-005 Rep. Steve Hatrelson 300 N. State Line Ave. Texarkana, AR 72854 Rep. Larry Cowling P.O. 80x 427 Foreman, AR 71836 Rep. David Powers Rep. Bruce Maloch 552 Hempstead 104 North Hope, AR 71801 650 Columbia 258E Magnolia, AR 71753 Mr. Larry Walther, Director Arkansas Dept Economic Dev. Mr. Dan Flowers, Director Arkansas State Hwy & Trans P.O. Box 2261 Little Rock, Arkansas 72203 1 Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Governor Mike Beebe State of Arkansas Capitol Mall, Governor's Office State Capital Room 250 Little Rock, AR 72201 Mr. Scott Henderson, Director Arkansas Game & Fish 2 Natural Resources Drive Little Rock, AR 72205 Arkansas D.F.& A. P.O. Box 3278 Little Rock, AR 72203-3278 Mr. Dustin McDaniel Attorney General State of Arkansas 323 Center, Suite 200 Little Rock, AR 72201 Paul Halverson, Director Arkansas Department of Health P.O. Box 1437 Little Rock, AR 72203-1437 Arkansas Energy Office One State Capitol Mall Little Rock, AR 72201 Mayor Bobby Steed P.O. Box 97 Hevins, AI3 71825 Mayor Wayne Reed City of Ashdown P.O. Box 135 Ashdown, AR 71822 Mayor David W ilkinson City of Foreman P.O. 80x 10 Foreman, AR 71836 Mayor Henry Hale, Ill P.O. Box236 Fujton, AR 71830 Mayor Stacy Dunson P.O. Box8 McCaskiIl, AR 71847 Mayor Willie Carrigan P.O. Box 94 Ozan, AR 71055 Ms. Karen Smith, Director Arkansas Natural Heritage 500 Tower Bldg, 323 Center Street Little Rock, AR 72201 Ms. Teresa Marks, Director Arkansas Dept. of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 8913 Little Rock, AR 72201 Mr. Richard Weiss, Director Mayor Horace Shipp City of Texarkana P.O. Box 2711 Texarkana, AR 75504 Mayor Paul Hentey P.O. Box 7 Washington,AR71862 Honorable Wallace Martin Hempstead County Judge 400 S. Washington St. Hope, AR 71862 Honorable Max Tackett Howard County Judge Honorable Clayton Castleman Little River County Judge 421 N. Main St. Nashville, AR 71852 351 N. Second St. Ashdown, AR 71822 Honorable Roy McNatt Miller County Judge 400 Laurel St. Texarkana, AR 71 854 Chris Tomason Hempstead Co. Attorney P.o. Box 1216 Hope, AR 71802 Rep. Randy Stewart P.O. Box 23 Kirby, AR 71950 Rep. Scott Sullivan 1833 N. 9'h Street DeQueen, AI3 71832 Senator Blanche Lincoln 912 4'hSt. Little Rock, AR 72201 w.
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sity; Dr. Larry M., a radiologist in
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