20, frg.6. HL Todd. 12. RJ Miller. (Brudon) Miller.
20, frg.6. HL Todd. 12. RJ Miller. (Brudon) Miller.
Photo Credits l. PETROMYZONTIDAE Lampetra spadicea Bean USNM 38005, holotype, 7 215 in. TL, Jacona, Michoac6n. Bean 1887:pl. 20, frg.6. H. L. Todd. Lampetra eeminis (Alvarez) UNfrvlz 211022, I l0 mm SL, Manantial Cupatchiro at Tangancicuaro, Mich. (Pelletier) CARCHARHINIDAE Carcharhinus leucas (Valenciennes) Garman l9l3:pl. 3. (Pelletier) PRISTIDAE Pristis pectinata Latham. No photo Pristis perotteti Muller and Henle. No photo. ACIPENSERIDAE Scaphirhynchus platorynchus (Rafinesque) Forbes & Richardson 1920:pl opp. p 26. (Pelletier) LEPISOSTEIDAE Atractosteus spatula (Lacepede) TU 8619, 489 mm TL, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Suttkus 1963:fig. 18. R. J. Miller. (Pelletier) Atractosteus tropicus Gll Sara to draw Ed Wiley has none Lepisosteus oculatus Winchell TU 6454,534 mm TL, Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana. Suttkus 963.fig. 12. R. J. Miller. (Brudon) Lepisosteus osseus (Linnaeus) TU 1119,554 mm TL, Pearl River, Louisiana. Suttkus 1963:fig. 13. J. Miller. (Brudon) ELOPIDAE Elops affinis Regan UMMZ 159257, 158.5 mm SL, ditches ca 8 km S of Mapoli, Sonor (Theriot) Elops saurus Linnaeus USNM (no number), Massachusetts. Goode 1884:pl 218. H. L Todd. (Pelletier) IUSE photos of affinis & saurus?- ONLY DIFFERENCE IS GILLRAKER] Tarpon atlanticus (Valenciennes) USNM 74924, New Jersey. Goode 1884.p1. 2178 (.as Megalops thrissoides). Probablv H. L. Todd, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Martonyi) 7 ANGUILLIDAE Anguilla rostrata (Lesueur) USNM 20470.640 mm TL" Holyoke, Massachusetts. Jordan & Evermann 1900(a).pI. 55, fig. 143 (as A chrysypa) H L. Todd (apparently by USNM photographer) 8. CLUPEIDAE Brevoortia sunteri Hildebrand USNM T29798, type,205 mm SL, Rockport, Texas. Hildebrand 1963'.frg. 93 A. S. Green. (Pelletier) Brevoortia patronus Goode USNM 129810,164 mm SL, offGalveston, Texas. Hildebrand 1948:fig. 3. A. S. Green. (Bay) Dorosoma anale Meek UMMZ 189961, 144 mm SL, Arroyo Cantabal, nr. Rio Chixoy, El Tuiche ISPELLING?], Guatemala. (Theriot) Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur) IIMMZ 128171,180 mm SL, Bodcaw Cr., Lafayette Co., Arkansas. W. L. Brudon. (Pelletier) Dorosoma petenense (Grinther) USNM 48790 (holotype of Signalosaatchafalayae),120 mm SL, Atchafalaya River at Melville, Louisiana. Evermann & Kendall 1898:pl. 7, frg 4. (Pelletier) Dorosoma smithi Hubbs & Miller Ul,tfrl4z 133749, holotype, l2l mm SL, pothole by Rio Piaxtla, Piaxtla, Sinaloa. (Theriot) Harengula jaguana Poey USNM 132472, type of H. p. cubana, 104 mm SL., Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Rivas 1963:fig. 97. (Pelletier) Harengula thrissina (Jordan & Glbert) David Bay to photo Lile stolifera (Jordan & Glbert) UNINIZ 157263,66 mm SL, Rio Yaqui, NE ofEsperanza, Sonora. (Theriot) Opisthonema libertate (Gtinther) UNfrvlZ 94701, ad 171 mm SL, Magdalena Bay, Baja Calif (Pelletier) 9 IO. ENGRAULIDAE Anchoa mitchilli (Valenciennes) UMMZ 184362,59 mm SL, Rio Soto la Marina, Tamaulipas (Theriot) USNM 119790,72 mm SL, Grande Isle, Louisiana. Hildebrand 1963.32 (as A. m. diaphana). L E. Cable (Pelletier) Anchoa walkeri Baldwin & Chang USNM 204046,89.5 mm SL, San Blas, Nay. (Pelletier) IN,IORE INFO?] Anchovia macrolepidota (Kner and Steindachner)KEY ONLY,NO FIG,NO MAP CHARACIDAE Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier) Need photo?? Astyanax jordani (Hubbs & Innes) LnvI}i4Z 114486 (as Anoptichthys), 65.0 mm SL, "subterranean fish from Mexico", Rio Tampoan, SE San Luis Potosi. (Theriot) Astyanax mexicanus (Filippi) No data. Miller 1952 fig 1 W L Brudon. (?) Bramocharax caballeroi Contreras-Balderas & Rivera-Teillery. Sara to draw Brycon guatemalensis Regan UMMZ 184704,114 mm SL, Rio Teapa at Teapa, Tabasco. (Theriot) Hyphessobrycon compressus (Meek) U\/frIZ 188040, ad. male (x) 3a mm SL, Laguna Malanche, Guatemala. M. B. Lackey. (Pelletier) Roeboides guatemalensis (Gunther) Ul\/fr\M 190782 (as R. salvadoris), (x) 63.1 mm SL, channel from Maria Linda, SE of Escuintla, Escuintla-Santa Rosa line, Guatemala. I l. GYMNOTIDAE Gymnotus sp. [not going to photo, just mention] t2. CYPRINIDAE Agosia chrysogaster Grard (no data), male, female. Minckley 1973:figs. 62,63. (Pelletier) Algansea aphanea Barbour & Miller UMMZ 189599, ad. female?, 82 mm SL, Rio Terrero, Jalisco. M. B. Lackey. (Pelletier) Algansea avia Barbour & Miller UMMZ 172238, male 67 .9 mm SL, trib. Rio Grande de Santiago, ca. 4.8 km NE of hwy l5 on road to Santa Maria del Oro, Nayarit. (Martonyi/Pelletier) Algansea barbata Nvarez & Cort6s P966, male 103.2 mm SL, Ixtlahuaca, NNW of Toluca, Mexico. (Martonyi/Pelletier) Algansea lacustris Steindachner TU 30835, female 165.5 mm SL, Lake Patzcuaro, Michoac6n. (Martonyi/Pelletier) Algansea monticola Barbour & Contreras U\/frvlz 189064, male 56.0 mm SL, Rio Calvillo, trib. Rio Juchipila at Calvillo, Jalisco. (Martonyi/Pelletier) Algansea popoche (Jordan & Snyder) UMMZ 192544, male 176.0 mm SL, Lake P6tzcuaro, MichoacSn. (Martonyi/Pelletier) Al gansea tincella (Valenciennes) UNfrvlZ 179752, male 110.6 mm SL, Rio de Tizapan,Tizapan, Jalisco; UMMZ 172220, male 65.4 mm SL, Rio Teuchitlan, Teuchitlan, Jalisco. (Martonyi/Pelletier) Campostoma anomalum (Rafinesque) UN IZ 210712, male 69.8 mm SL, Rio Pilon, Montemorelos, Nuevo Le6n, (Pelletier) Campostoma ornatum Girard IJNIMZ 208256, male 82.3 mm SL, female 78.8 mm SL, Rio Piedras Verdes, above Col. Ju6rez, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Codoma ornata Girard UMMZ 196726, male 45.8 mm SL, female 47.0 mm SL, Rio San Pedro at Meoqui, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Dionda catostomops Hubbs & MillerLMMZ 196346, holotype, ad. male 54.7 mm SL, Rio Tamasopo, Tamasopo, San Luis Potosi. (Martonyi/Pelletier) Dionda diaboliHubbs & Brown Ulvfrvlz 196744, (x) 32.4 mm SL, Rio San Carlos, 27 km S of Cd. Acufla, Coahuila. (Theriot) Dionda dichroma Hubbs & Miller UMMZ 196701, holotype, male 51.7 mm SL, marsh 10 km S of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi. (Martonyi/Pelletier) Dionda episcopa Grard Ul\/fr\[Z 211108, br. male 55.4 mm SL, Rio Parral at Rancho Blanco, Chihuahua. (RRM slidelPelletier) UMMZ 210713, br. male 52.6 mm SL, Rio Pilon, Montemorelos, Nuevo L6on. (Pelletier) Dionda erimyzonops Hubbs & Miller UMMZ 186495, br. male 33.5 mm SL, Rio Mante nr. Cd. Mante, Tamaulipas. M. B. Lackey. (Pelletier) Dionda ipni (Alvarez & Navarro) U\lfi/lz 193492, br. male 51.5 mm SL, trib. Rio San Marcos, Puebla. (Pelletier) Dionda mandibularis C ontreras-B alderas & Martinez- Verduzco LMMZ 196703, br. male 51.9 mm SL, marsh 10 km S of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi. (Martonyi/Pelletier) Dionda rasconis (Jordan & Snyder) CAS-SU 6153, no data. Jordan & Snyder 1900(1899):fig. 3. No artist name (C.L.Starks?), redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Pelletier) Dionda n. sp. UlvtuIZ 211057, male (x) 34.6 mm SL, female (p) 37 .3 mm SL, Ojo de San Juan, just N of Los Berros, Dur. (Pelletier) LMMZ 179652, male 56.6 mm SL, female 58.9 mm SL, Rio Tunal 9 km SE of Durango, Dur. Evarra bustamantei Navarro. No photo Evarra eigenmanni Woolman USNM 45577, holotype, 71 mm SL, Mexico City. A. H. Baldwin, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Pelletier) Evarra tlahuacensis Meek. No photo Gila conspersa Garman U\/^/IZ 211068, male (x) 80.2 mm SL, female (y) 82.3 mm SL, Rio Sextin at El Zape, Durango. (Pelletier) UMNIZ 211050, male 80.6 mm SL, female 109.6 mm SL, Rio Cabrales just N of San Isidro Cabrales, 3.3 mi N of hwy (Fresnillo-Valparaiso), Zac. (Pelletier) Gla ditaenia Miller USNM 729954, holotype, male 64 mm SL, Rio Magdalena nr. La Casita, ca 40 km S of Nogales, Sonora. (Smithsonian Inst. photo) Gila elegans Baird and Girard tJl|yNlZ 179581, ad. male, 314 mm SL, Green R. below Flaming Gorge Dam, Utah. M. J. Orsen. (Paleo photographer) Gla modesta (Garman) TU2874I, male (#l) 73.8 mm SL, female (#13) 78.7 mm SL, small spring near Bella Union on hwy. 57, Coahuila. (Pelletier) Gila nigrescens (Grard) UMMZ 208243, female (#7) 88.2 mm SL, Rio Santa Maria above Buenaventura, Chihuahua. (Pelleti er?????) UM:MZ 182394, ad. female 114.7 mm SL, tributary to Laguna Bustillos at hwy bridge 27 kmN of Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua. (Pelletier?????) IJMMZ 209024. ad. male (#1) 123 2 mm SL, Rio del Carmen near San Isidro, Chihuahua. (Pelletier?????) I UMMZ 208167, male (#3) 105.2 mm SL, Arroyo Hernindez and Rio Piedras Verdes at and just below Colonia Hernindez, Chihauhua. (Pelletier??) ENM-GR-75-152, ad. male 82.5 mm SL, Mimbres River, 3.2 km N of Mimbres, New Mexico. (Pelletier??) Gla pulchra (Grard) UNfrvIZ2lll35, male (x) 77.7 mm SL, female (y) 85.7 mm SL, Rio de Copete at Vicente Guerrero, Chihuahua. (Pelletier) Gla n. sp. ["pulchra"] U\/frvlz208T79,male74.l mm SL, female 80.4 mm SL., Rio Candemefra, Chihuahua. "pulchra". (Theriot) Gila purpurea (Grard) UMMZ l4l2l4, male (#11) 89.3 mm SL, San Bernardino Creek, nr. Mexico-U.S. boundary, Arizona. (Pelletier) Gla robusta Baird and Grard UI\INIZ 182499, female 305 mm SL, Green River, ca l3 km S of Big Piney, Wyoming. (Paleo photographer) Gila sp. fParras] NO PHOTO Gila sp. [Sauz] NO PHOTO Gila sp. [Tlahualilo, : Palomas?] UMMZ 211104, male 64.5 mm SL, trib. Laguna Tlahualilo, Durango. (RRM slide/Pelletier) Gla sp. [Santiaguillo, Tunal] NO PHOTO Gila sp. [Bavicora] IJMNIZ2lll44, male 80 mm SL (possible holotype), Arroyo de Terraseno near Las Varas, Chihuahua. (Pelletier) Hybognathus amarus (Grard) UMMZ 124734 (as H. nuchalis) (#l), 63 0 mm SL, Rio Grande, Dona Ana Co., New Mexico. (Theriot) Hybopsis aestivalis (Grard) Ul\/frvIZ 178711 (#l), 59.8 mm SL, Rio Grande in White Rock Canyon, New Mexico. (Theriot) USNM 36524, type, 70 mm, San Marcos River at San Marcos, Texas. Evermann & Kendall 1894:pl. 19. A. H. Baldwin, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Pelletier) Hybopsis boucardi (Gunther) UMMZ 178579, ad. male 52.5 mm SL, Rio Xolochtla, Oaxaca. [2.black or white backgroundl. (Martonyi) H)'bopsis imeldae (Cortes) Ul\/lNlZ 191700, male (#l) 56.3 mm SL, Rio de las Grutas, 12 km N of Sola de Vega, Oaxaca. (Theriot) Hybopsis moralesi (de Buen) U\,&vlZ 191696 (#1), male 53.9 mm SL, Rio de la Raya, nr. Tepelneme, Oaxaca. (Theriot) Notropis aguirrepequenoi Contreras-B. and Rivera-T. UMMZ 197492 (#1), male 35.5 mm SL, Rio Pilon, 5 km S of Nuevo Leon-Tamaulipas line. (Theriot) Notropis amabilis (Grard) LMMZ 2125A0, holotype, female 37.4 mm SL, Rio an Carlos, 27 km S of Cd. Acufra, Coahuila. (Theriot) Notropis amecae Chernoff& Miller 37.4 mm SL, Rio Teuchitlan, trib. to Rio Ameca, E edge of Teuchitlan, Jalisco. (Pelletier) Notropis aulidion Chernoff& Miller UMMZ 212499, holotype, female 35.1 mm SL, reservoir ca. 25 km E of Durango City, Dur. Notropis bocagrande Chernoff & Miller UMMZ 208249, holotype, female 42.3 mm SL, Ojo Solo, 3 km NE of Ejido Rancho Nuevo, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Notropis braytoni Jordan & Evermann UMMZ 201514 (#l), male 44.0 mm SL, Rio Grande ca 5 km E of San Francisco Canyon, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Notropis buchanani Meek Sara to draw Notropis calientis Jordan and Snyder CAS-SU 6193 (#2), type, 51 mm, Rio Verde at Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes. Jordan & Snyder 1900:fig. 4. C.L. Starks, redrawn by P. J. Wynne, retouched by S. V. Fink. (Bay) Notropis chihuahua Woolman USNM 44l5I,type,64 mm, Rio de los Conchos at Chihuahua, Chihuahua. Woolman 1894:pl. 2. A. H. Baldwin. (Martonyi) Notropis [cifuentesi Contreras-B. MS] UMMZ 208189, 41.8 mm SL, Rio de Agujas, trib. Rio Ballezas 1.6 km W of Ballezas, Chih. (Pelletier) Notropls formosus (Girard) USNM 50002 (as N. santamariae), probably type, 39 mm, pool near L. Santa Maria, Chihuahua. Evermann & Goldsborough 1902.frg.2). A. H. Baldwin. (Martonyi) Notropis garmani Jordan UlvfrvIZ 179643 (#1), 45.8 mm SL, Rio Nazas at hwy 40 crossing, Durango. (Theriot) BLACK BACKGROLTND UMMZ 211085, male 54.5 mm SL, Rio de los Ramos at Los Otales, Durango. (RRM slide/Pelletier) WHITE BACKGROTIND Notropis jemezanus (Cope) U\/ov12203178 (#3), 53.0 mm SL, Pecos fuver, 10 km below Santa Rosa, New Mexico. (Theriot) Notropis lutrensis (Baird & Girard) {.IMMZ 196686 (x), male 47 mm SL, Rio Amasa, 10 km W of Huejutla, Hidalgo. (Theriot) Notropis nazas (Meek) U\/^/V 196711, male (#1) 45.8 mm SL, female (#2) 48.6 mm SL, Rio Aguanaval 34 km NE of Nieves, Zacatecas. (Theriot) Notropis orca Woolman UMMZ 20768A,lectotype, female 56.2 mm SL, Rio Grande at El Paso, Texas. (Theriot) Notropis panarcys Hubbs & Miller I IMZ 198785" holotype, br. male 50.8 mm SL, Rio San Pedro at Meoqui, Chihuahua. M. J. Orsen. (Brudon) Notropis proserpinus (Girard) TU 97452, male 55.2 mm SL, Pecos R. at mouth of Independence Cr., Terrell Co., Texas. (Scripps Inst. Ocean.) Notropis rutilus (Grard) UMMZ 212500, holotype, female UMMZ 210714, br. male 36.5 mm SL, Rio Pil6n near Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon. (Pelletier) Notropis saladonis Hubbs & Hubbs UMMZ 173132, holotype, male32 mm SL, Rio Salado, 1.6 km W of Manuel Martinez Parela, Nuevo Le6n. (Pelletier) Notropis sallei (Gtinther) U\lfrvlz 191695, male 56.3 mm SL, Rio SE of Totimehuacan Puebla. (Theriot) UlvfrvIZ 193478, male 63.9 mm SL, Rio Lerma, NW of Toluca, Mexco. (Theriot) Notropis simus (Cope) TU 35683, male 64.9 mm SL, Rio Grande N of Pena Blanca, New Mexico. S. V. Fink. (Pelletier) Notropis stramineus (Cope) Ul\/frvIZ 210715, ? male 48.3 mm SL, Rio Pil6n near Montemorelos, Nuevo Le6n. (RRM slide/Pelletier) NOTE SAYS: Misidentification Notropis tropicus Hubbs & Miller UMMZ 169498, male 29.5 mm SL, Rio Axtla near Xlitla, San Luis Potosi. M. B. Lackey. (Pelletier?) DRAWING U\ /IZ 192897, male 35.8 mm SL, Rio Guayalejo at Llera, Tamaulipas. (Martonyi) PHOTO IJNfrvIZ i93806, female 34.0 mm SL, Rio Axtla near Xilitla, San Luis Potosi. (Martonyi) PHOTO Notropis xanthicara Minckley & Lytle [from Minckley, no info, not the fish in M&L] Pimephales promelas Rafinesque UMMZ 196732, br. male 52.0 mm SL, non-br. male 55.0 mm SL, Rio San Pedro at Meoqui, Chihuahua. (Martonyi) Pimephales vigilax (Baird and Grard) UMMZ 142031, male (x) 52.6 mm SL, Little Brazos River, Texas. (Pelletier) Ptychocheilus lucius Grard Flaming Gorge, Utah. Needs re-touching Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes) UM\IZ 208193, male 50.0 mm SL, Rio de Agujas (Conchos basin), trib. Rio Ballezas at Ballezas, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Rhinichthys osculus (Girard) NO PHOTO Stypodon signifer Garman MCZ 24896, syntype, 40 mm SL, Parras, Coahuila. S. V. Fink. (Pelletier) Tiaroga cobitis Grard ffrom Minckley 1973.fig 64, male, no data] (Pellitier) Yuriria alta (Jordan) UMMZ 192299 (2), male 120.5 mm SL, trib. to Rio Lerma, 17 km NW of Aya El Chico, Jalisco. (Theriot) t3 CATOSTOMIDAE Carpiodes carpio (Rafinesque) David Bay to photo: P W. Smith, Fishes of Illinois, 1979 153 Catostomus bernardini Grard fMinckley 1973.fr9.78, no data] (Pelletier) Catostomus cahita Siebert & Minckley [RRM's C. dicheilus] UMMZ 213393 (A), female, 148.1 mm SL, UMMZ 213394 (B), male, Arr. Ahumado, Chihuahua. Siebert & Minckley 1986:fig. 5. [See C. yaqui belowl Catostomus clarki Baird & Grard IJNINIZ 157238,66 mm SL, trib. to Rio Santa Cruz, ca.43 km S of Nogales, Sonora. (Pelletier) Catostomus insignis Baird and Grard [Minckley 1973.fig.77, no data] (Pelletier) Catostomus leopoldi Siebert & Minckley l: RRM's C. labeo MS [northern Yaqui] UMMZ 213391(A), female, 151.0 mm SL, UMMZ 213392, male, Rio Gavilan, Chihuahua. Siebert & Minckley 1986:fig. 1 Catostomus plebeius Baird and Grard Ul\lfrvlz 185378, male 127.5 mm SL, Rio Piedras Verdes, Chih. (Pelletier) Catostomus cf. plebeius [Tunal] NO PHOTO Catostomus trimaculatus MS [Fuerte to Culiacin] UMMZ 208197,103.7 mm SL, Rio Turuachic ca 3 km S of Chinatu. Chih. (Pelletier) Catostomus wigginsi Herre and Brock UMMZ 157254,133 mm SL, Rio San Miguel, 33 km NE of Hermosillo, Sonora. (Pelletier) Catostomus yaqui MS [southern Yaqui] [: C. cahita Siebert & Minckley including Rio Mayol UlvftvIZ 182379,116 mm SL, Rio Papigochic, 8 km W of Minaca. (Martonyi) Cycleptus elongatus (Lesueur) USNM 10790,540 mm TL, Cincinnati, Ohio. H L Todd. (Pelletier) Ictiobus bubalus (Rafinesque) Forbes & Richardson 1920:color pl. opp. p.72 fno data]. (Pelletier) Ictiobus labiosus (Meek) FMNH 4492 (as Carpiodes labiosus), holotype, 191.0 mm SL, Valles, San Luis Potosi (Theriot) Ictiobus meridionalis (Gunther) Regan 1906-08:pl. 24, fi5. 1 (Pelletier) Ictiobus niger (Rafinesque) Bay to photo of Sara to draw Moxostoma austrinum (Bean) UMNIZ 2A8206, female 186.0 mm SL, fuo de Ballezas, hwy 24bndge ca. 35 km E of El Vergel, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Moxostoma congestum (Baird and Girard) LA4MZ 192469 (#,1)" 173 mm SL, Rio Potosi, 16 km NW of Hualahuises at hwy 85, Nuevo Le6n. (Theriot) Xyrauchen texanus (Abbott) [Brudon to fix] t4 ICTALURIDAE Ameiurus melas (Rafinesque) Forbes & Richardson 1920:color pl. opp. p. 190 (Pelletier) Ictalurus australis (Meek) NO PHOTO B valid? Ictalurus balsanus (Jordan and Snyder) CAS-SU 6149 (as Istlarius balsanus), 250 mm, Rio Ixtla, Morelos. Jordan and Snyder 1900:fig. 2. Drawn by C. L. Starks?, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Martonyi?) Ictalurus dugesi (Bean) USNM 23123 (as Ameiurus or Istlarius dugesi), probably type, 390 mm, Rio Turbio, Guanajuato. H. L. Todd, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Martonyi?) Ictalurus furcatus (Lesueur) Ul\lfrvlz 97485,190 mm SL, jct. of Rio de los Hules and Rio Calaboza, 15 km SW of Tantoyuca, Veracruz. G. Eager. (Pelletier?) Ictalurus lupus (Grard) USNM 916,240 mm, Pecos River, Texas. Evermann & Kendall 1894 (1892):pl. 12. H. L. Todd, redrawn by P. J. Wynne and W. L. Brudon. (Brudon) Ictalurus cf. lupus? [upper Conchos + 1 in Rio Grande] Sara to draw Ictalurus mexicanus (Meek) UN IZ 203216,198 mm SL, La Media Luna, ca. T2 km S of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi. (Theriot) Ictalurus pricei (Rutter) Sara to draw Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) USNM 27846,266 mm. Evermann & Kendall 1894 (1892):pl. 13. H. L. Todd, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Martonyi) Ictalurus sp. [TunallNazas] NO PHOTO Prietella phreatophila Carr anza fno cat. no.] Holotype, female 54.6 mm SL, spring at Muzquiz, Coahuila. Carranza 1954:pl 1. J. Sivilla (Pelletier) Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque) USNM 27873, ca. 450 mm TL, Illinois R. Jordan & Evermann 1900:pl 27, frg. 62. H. L. Todd. (Brudon probably) l5 ARIIDAE Arius aguadulce (Meek) USNM 134332 [Susan J. sending info]. K. H. Moore. (Pelletier) Arius assimilis (Grinther) USNM 134340 [Susan Jewett to send info]. K. H. Moore. (Pelletier) Arius caerulescens (Gunther) BMNH [no cat. no.], ca. 200 mm SL, loc. unknown. Regan 1906-08:pl. 17, frg.2. J. Green (Bay) Arius felis (Linnaeus) USNM 21487 (as Arius felis), 1l 114" long, Pensacola, Florida. Goode 1884:pl. 236. H. L Todd. (Pelletier) USNM 5881 (as Arius holbrooki) fhave written Susan J.] Arius gilberti (Jordan & Williams) (as Galeichthys gilbertr), Mazatlan, Sinaloa. Jordan 1895:pl 26. A. L. Brown. (Pelletier) Arius liropus (Bristol) Sara to draw Arius "peruvianus" (Lutken) Arius seemani (Gi.inther) + A. gilberti?? Not on Ann. ch.list 9-86 Bagre marinus (Mitchill) USNM 10422 (as Aelurichthys marinus), l3 7l20" long, Wood's Holl (sic), Massachusetts. Goode 1884:pl. 235. H. L. Todd. (Pelletier) Potamarius nelsoni (Evermann & Goldsborough) USNM 50001 (as Conorhynchos nelsoni), type, 385 mm, Rio Usumacinta at Montecristo (:Emiliano Zapata), Tabasco. Evermann & Goldsborough l902.frg. 1. A. H. Baldwin, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Martonyi) 16. PIMELODIDAE Rhamdia guatemalensis (Gunther) UMMZ 183901, 126.2mm SL, Nacimiento del Rio Cosalapa, Ver. (Theriot); OR: 147.3 mm SL male? (2 photos) Rhamdia laticauda (Heckel) Ul\lfrvlz 196674 (#8), I 10.5 mm SL, juv. 69.1 mm SL, arroyo tributary to Rio Metlac near Fortin, Veracruz. (Theriot) Rhamdia lyncea Bianco & Miller Rhamdia parryi Eigenmann and Eigenmann U\,$VZ 184739,68.0 mm SL, Rio Tapanatepec 9 km E of turnoffto Chahuites, Oaxaca. (Theriot) Rhamdia reddelli Miller LMMZ 211164, holotype, male 98.5 mm SL, Cueva del Nacimiento del Rio San Antonio, Oaxaca. (Theriot) Rhamdia roseni MS Bailey & Miller [Rio Lagartero] UMMZ 193903, 119.2 mm SL, Rio Lagartero, l l km NW of Nenton, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. (Theriot) Rhamdia sp. [Rio Sabinal] UNfrvIZ 184732, male 139.8 mm SL, Rio Sabinal at Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas. (Theriot) Rhamdia sp. [blind, Chiapas] 11 SALMONIDAE Salmo chrysogaster Needham and Gard UMMZ 208199 (#1), juv. 81.9 mm SL, Rio Verde, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Salmo gairdneri Richardson USNM 61056, type of Salmo gairdneri nelsoni, 165 mm TL, San Ramon R. at Rancho San Antonio, 56 km NE of Port San Quintin, Baja California. A. H. Baldwin. (Pelletier?) Salmo sp. fYaqui,Casas Grandes, Mayo] U|\,[NIZ 211522 (#3), 132.4 mm SL, trib. Rio Tomochic, 2000 m, 28L 2l' N, l07L 58'W, Chihuahua (Yaqui drainage). (Theriot) l8 BYTHITIDAE Ogilbia pearsei (Hubbs) UMMZ 116094 (as Typhlias pearsei), holotype, 90.5 mm SL, Balaam-Canche Cave, 5 km from Chichen-Itza, Yucat6n. G. Eager. (Pelletier) 19. BATRACHOIDIDAE Batrachoides goldmani Evermann and Goldsborough USNM 50006, type,265 mm, Rio Usumacinta at Montecristo (:Emiliano Zapata), Tabasco. Evermann & Goldsborough 1902'.fr9.8. A. H. Baldwin. (Martonyi) Opsanus beta (Goode and Bean) UMML 1492,158 mm SL, Virginia Key, Florida. Walters & Robins 1961:fig. 18. W. R. Courtenay,Jr. (Pelletier) 20. GOBIESOCIDAE Gobiesox fluviatilis Briggs and Miller UMMZ 177317, type, 53.7 mm SL, Barranca de Barranquitas, Jalisco. (Brudon) Gobiesox mexicanus Briggs and Miller U\/nvIZ 177318, type, 68.8 mm SL, Rio Coyuquilla, Guerrero. (Brudon) 21. F{EMIRAMPHIDAE Hyporhamphus gilli Meek and Hildebrand USNM 81736, type, 170 mm long, Panama Bay, Balboa, Panama. Meek & Hildebrand 1923:pl. 17, fig 1. [no credits] (Pelletier) Hyporhamphus mexicanus Alv arez UMMZ 143519, , Pet6n, Guatemala (unpublished). M. H. Carrington. (USNM photographer) Hyporhamphus rosae (Jordan and Glbert) USNM 129956 (as holotype of H. patris), ad. female (?) 1 l8 mm SL, Rio del Fuerte, just above El Fuerte, Sin. A. M. Awl, retouched by W. L. Brudon. (Brudon) 22. BELONIDAE Strongylura hubbsi Collette AMNH 25785,187 mm SL, El Pet6n, Guatemala. M. H. Carrington. (USNM photographer) Strongylura timucu (Walbaum) USNM 184270,138 mm SL, Pass-A-Grill, Florida. M. H. Carrington. (USNM photographer) Strongylura marina 23. RIVIILIDAE Rivulus ocellatus Hensel NO PHOTO Rir,ulus robustus Miller and Hubbs ttMMZ 124278, holotype, male 32.5 mm SL, pool N of Arroyo Zacatispan Oaxaca; I;MMZ 146156, female 33.0 mm SL, arroyo tributary to Rio Chiquito (Coazacoalcos distributary) at Almagres, Veracruz. (Pelletier) Rivulus tenuis (Meek) UMMZ 788922. male (#1) 23.7 mm SL, Laguna Tio Ramon,Yeracruz; UMMZ 187775, female (#4) 23 8 mm SL, Estero de Tatagapilla, Veracruz. (Theriot) 24. CYPRINODONTIDAE Cualac tessellatus Miller UMMZ l7ll35, holotype, male 38.5 mm SL, UMMZ 171136, female 41.0 mm SL, La Media Luna, 10 km SSW of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi. (Brudon) Cyprinodon [albivelis MS; upper Yaqui; Galeana] UMMZ 2IT597, male (#1), 36.8 mm SL, Rio Papigochic at Guerrero, Chihuahua; UMMZ 211582, female (#2),40.3 mm SL, El Ojo, Yep6mera, Chihuahua. (Pelletier) UMMZ 21T628, male (x) 37.9 mm SL, female (#12) 39.3 mm SL, outlet ditch of Ojo de los Reyes, S of Galeana, Chih. (Pelletier) Cyprinodon alv ar ezi Miller IJI\lfrvIZ 179638, holotype, male 37 .4 mm SL, {IMMZ 179639, female 40.3 mm SL, spring at Potosi, Nuevo Le6n. (W. L. Cristanelli) Cyprinodon [artatus MS] U\lfrIZ 2Q3024, male (#2) 36.8 mm SL, female (#11) 36.0 mm SL, Ojo Caliente, 19 km NW of Janos, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Ul\lfrvlz 162629, male (#1) mm SL, female (#30) mm SL (U ofM Photo Services) Ul\/frvlz 209021, male (#5), 37 .3 mm SL, female (#12),40.9 mm SL, Rio Santa Clara at Santa Clara, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Ul\/frvlZ209017, male (x),35.8 mm SL, female (y),34.8 mm SL, Arroyo Nopabechic, l0 km N of turnoffto Laguna Bustillos from W of Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Cyprinodon artifrons Hubbs NO MAP UMMZ 196494, male (x) 41.4 mm SL, female (fl a2.8 mm SL, mangrove swamp S of Progreso, Yucat6n. (Theriot) Cyprinodon atrorus Miller Ul\lfrvlz 179846-47, male [no measurement], Laguna San Pablo, Cuatro Cienegas, Coah. (??) Cyprinodon beltrani Nvarez U\/NIZ 196548, male 35.8 mm SL, female 31.1 mm SL, Laguna Chichankanab, Yucat6n. (Martonyi) Cyprinodon bifasciatus Miller Ul\/n$Z 179835, holotype, male 44.5 mm SL, Ul,,/ft/lz 179836, female 36.0 mm SL, Rio Puente Colorado, Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila. (Cristanelli) Cyprinodon eximius Grard LMMZ 196715. male (#4) 36.1 mm SL, female (#3)34.7 mm SL, Banos de San Diego, 24km S of Chihuahua City, Chih. (Pelletier) Cyprinodon fontinalis Smith and Miller UMMZ 2A4189, holotype, male 45.5 mm SL, UMMZ 203022. female 30.7 mm SL, Ojo de Carbonera, ca.36 airline km W of Villa Ahumada, 106L 51'W, 30L 35'N. (Theriot) Cyprinodon labiosus Humphries and Miller UMMZ 203907, holotype, male 33.4 mm SL;UMMZ 203908, allotype" female 36.0 mm SL, Laguna Chichankanab, Yucat6n. (Martonyi) C)rprinodon latifasciatus Garman MCZ 24884, type (#2),38.5 mm SL, Parras, Coahuila. (U of M Photo Services, retouched by Brudon) Cyprinodon macrolepis Milier U\,LI\42168983, male (#5), 36 mm SL, female (#19), 32.5 mm SL, Ojo de Hacienda Dolores, S of Jimenez, Chihuahua. (U of M Photo Services, retouched by Brudon) Cyprinodon macularius Baird and Grard UI\^IZ 162680, male, 35 mm SL, Rioi San Pedro, Sonora. U.of M. Photo Services. (Brudon) Cyprinodon maya Humphries and Miller UMIVIZ 203903, holotype, male62.5 mm SL, UMML203904, allotype, female 56.3 mm SL, Laguna Chichankanab, Yucatin. (Martonyi) Cyprinodon meeki Miller UMMZ 179649, male 31.0 mm SL, female 31.4 mm SL, warm spring ca. 7 km E, 3.2 km NE ofjct. hwys. 40 & 45, near Durango, Dur. (Pelletier) Cyprinodon nazas Miller UNfrvIZ209034,male42.3 mm SL, female 36.5 mm SL, Rio del Oro,6.5 km SW of Santa Maria del Oro, Durango. (Pelletier) ClTrrinodon pachycephalus Minckley and Minckley UMMZ 203016, male 39.0 mm SL, UMMZ 207704, female 38.3 mm SL, Balneario San Diego de Alcala, Chihuahua. (Pelletier) Cyprinodon n. sp.? (: pachycephalus?) {IMMZ 2T1689, male 40.3 mm SL, female 41.9 mm SL, Ojo Caliente ditches ca. I km S of Julimes, Chihuahua. (Pelletier) Cyprinodon simus Humphries and Miller UMMZ T96545,ma\e,32.6 mm SL, female 30.6 mm SL, Laguna Chichankanab, Yucat6n. (Martonyi) Cyprinodon variegatus Lacepede LMMZ 192935, male (#1) 44.0 mm SL, Brownsville, Texas; UMMZ 16762T, female (#2) 40.3 mm SL, Arroyo Colorado at Harlingen, Texas. (Pelletier) Cyprinodon verecundus Humphries UMNIZ207695,male27.2 mm SL, UNfrvIZ20769l, female 28.3 mm SL, Laguna Chichankanab, Yucat6n. (Humphries) Floridichthys polyommus Hubbs NO MAP UMMZ 196585, male (#1) 52.4 mm SL, female (#2) 55.4 mm SL, tidal arroyo ca.23 km S of , Campeche (Theriot) Fundulus grandis Baird and Grard tINdMZ 167628, male 52.2 mm SL, female 57.5 mm SL, salt pools near Del Mar, Texas. (Theriot) Fundulus grandissimus Hubbs NO MAP Fundulus lima Vaillant USNM 61058 (as F. meeki), female 83 mm long, San lgnacio, Baja California. Evermann 1908:fig. 1. V. Dandridge. (Pelletier?) Fundulus parvipinnis Girard IIMMZ 129575, male 61.8 mm SL, female 55.0 mm SL, N of Ensenada, Baja California. (Theriot) Fundulus persimilis Miller NO MAP tIIv{MZ 163094, holotype, nuptial male 75 mm SL, UMNIZ 162303, female (#32) 65 mm SL, Rio Lagartos, Yucat6n. (U of M Photo Services) Fundulus similis (Baird and Grard) NO MAP UMMZ 153579, nuptial male (#4) 76.5 mm SL, female t#17) 62 mm SL, Boca Ciega Bay, Florida. (U of M Photo Services) Garmanella pulchra Hubbs NO MAP U}I{IIZ 196559, male 32.8 mm SL, female 30.4 mm SL, cienega just S of Sisal, Yucat6n. (Theriot) Lucania interioris Hubbs and Miller UNfr/IZ 179850, holotype, adult male 26.5 mm SL, La Angostura Canal, Cuatro Ci6negas, Coahuila. S. Runyan. (Pelletier) Lucania parva (Baird and Grard) Ut/fiIZ 192702,ma1e20.7 mm SL, female 22.0 mm SL, Laguna Makax, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo. (Theriot) Megupsilon aporus Miller and Walters UMMZ 189020. male24 mm SL. female ?7.5 mm SL. El Potosi. Nuevo Le6n. (Martonyi) Profundulus candalarius Hubbs UMMZ 16667A, male 49 mm SL, Rio Grande de Comitan at Yocnajab, Chiapas; Ulfi{Z 166673, female 50 mm SL, La Cienega, I km NE of Comitan, Chiapas. (U of M Photo Services) Profundulus hildebrandi Miller IIMMZ 157633, holotype, nuptial male 66.5 mm SL, Laguna de Maria Eugenia at San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. (F Anderegg) Profundulus labialis (Gunther) Ulvfrvlz 105456, female 65 mm SL, Pansamala (Polochic basin), Guatemala. (C. Flaten) Profu ndulus punctatus (Gtinther) UMMZ 166695, male 51 mm SL, Rio Colojate, 4 km SW of La Democracia, Guatemala;UNfrvlZ 166692, female 47 mm SL, Finca Moca, Guatemala. (Uoflfit Photo S ervice s/P elletier) 25 GOODEIDAE Allodontichthys hubbsi Miller and Uyeno UMMZ 200221, holotype, male 48.3 mm SL, tributary to Rio Tuxpan, 8 km N of Pihuamo, Jalisco; LIMMZ 172158, female (#11) 50.9 mm SL, Rio San Rafael (:Rio Tamazula) at hwy 110, Jalisco. (Theriot) Allodontichthys tamazulae Turner U\VINIZ 172159, male (#4) 40.0 mm SL, female 56.4 mm SL, Rio San Rafael (:Rio Tamazula) at hwy 110, Jalisco (Theriot) Allodontichthys zonistius (Hubbs) UI\INIZ 189593, male 43.5 mm SL, female 40.5 mm SL, Rio de Comala at second bridge S of Comala, Colima. (Martonyi) Allodontichthys sp. fPotrero Grande/de la Pola] UMMZ 198850, male (#1) 43.0 mm SL, female (#2) 44.4 mm SL, Rio Potrero Grande, 10 km W of Ameca, Jalisco. (Theriot) Allodontichthys n. sp. UMMZ 189602 (as Allodontichthys tamazulae). male (#1) 46.7 mm SL, female (#2) 44.4 mm SL, Rio Terrero ca. 1 .5 km W of 21 Noviembre, Jalisco. (Theriot) Alloophorus robustus (Bean) UIvf[tIZ 198830, male 77 .5 mm SL, female 90.7 mm SL, outlet ditch from Presa San Juanico, Michoac6n. (Theriot) Allotoca dugesi (Bean) LJI\INIZ 189620, male 31.5 mm SL, female 41.5 mm SL, Lago Yurirra,2.6 km E of Yuriria, Guanajuato. Allotoca maculata Smith and Miller I II{Z 20025A, holotype, male 27 .2 mm SL, U}i4MZ 203851, female 35.0 mm SL, Laguna Magdalena, Jalisco. (Theriot) Ameca splendens Miller and Fitzsimons UMMZ 172229, male 73 mm SL, female 81.5 mm SL, Rio Teuchitlan at Teuchitlan, Jalisco. (Brudon) Ataeniobius toweri (Meek) UMMZ 193449, male 48.5 mm SL, female 50.7 mm SL, tributary to Rio Verde 16 km SE of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi. (Theriot) Chapalichthys encaustus (Jordan and Snyder) UMMZ 201573, male (27) 47.8 mm SL, female (y) a8.5 mm SL, Lake Chapala just NE of Chapala, Jalisco (Theriot) Chapalichth)'s pardalis Alvarez UNfr\/LL202427, male 55.4 mm SL, female 54.1 mm SL, Balneario at Tocumbo, Michoac6n. (Theriot) Chapalichthys peraticus Nvarez TU 31943,male 62.9 mm SL, female 62.4 mmSL, (Theriot) Characodon audax Smith & Miller ITMMZ 27l}6l, male 38.3 mm SL, female 45.8 mm SL, El Ojo de Las Mujeres at El Toboso, Durango (Pelletier) [same as field kodachrome] Characodon lateralis Gtinther IIMMZ 211063, male 31.9 mm SL, female 38.6 mm SL, Ojo de Agua de Las Mujeres, 8 km SE Guadalupe Aguilera, Durango. (Pelletier) Grardinichthys multiradiatus (Meek) U\lfrIZ 189605, male37.1 mm SL, female 38.0 mm SL, Rio Lerma just below Presa Algate, Mexico. (Theriot) Grardinichthys viviparus (Bustamante) UMMZ 201547. male (x) 32.8 mm SL, female (y)37.9 mm SL, between Chalco and Tlahuac, Mexico. (Theriot) Goodea atripinnis Jordan UNfrvIZ 198808, male 56.0 mm SL, female 58.3 mm SL, Rio Turbio, T .2 km SE of Doblado, Guanajuato. (Theriot) Goodea gracilis Hubbs and Turner UMNIZ 193441, male 49.7 mm SL, female 51 .4 mm SL, Rio San Lorenzo at Pena Blanca, Quer6taro. (Theriot) Goodea luitpoldi (Therese von Bayern and Steindachner) LIN4MZ 19881l, male 64.7 mm SL, female 88.0 mm SL, pond at Rancho El Molino, Michoac6n. (Pelletier) Hubbsina turneri de Buen U}ltMZ 178584, male (#4) 28.5 mm SL, female (#7) 36.0 mm SL, Rio de Morelia near Undameo, Michoacin. M. B. Lackey. (Pelletier) Ilvodon furcidens (Jordan and Glbert) LMMZ 185595 (as I. f. furcidens), male (#l) 63.9 mm SL, female 54.7 mm SL, Rio de Comala ca 8 km N of Colima, Colima. (Kingston/Brett) U\/frvIZ 203259, holotype of I. f. amecae Kingston, male 58.7 mm SL, UMMZ 203260, allotype, female 62.7 mm SL, Rio de la Pola ca 4 km E of Guachinango and 40 km W of Ameca, Jalisco. (Kingston/Brett) U\ NIZ 203257 " holotype of I. f tuxpan Kingston, male 63.4 mm SL, UMMZ 203258, allotype, female 64.9 mm SL, Rio Tuxpan at San Rafael, Jalisco. (Kingston/Brett) UMMZ 203261, holotype of I. f. variabilis Kingston, male 56.4 mm SL, UMMZ 2A3262, allotype, female 57.0 mm SL, tributary to Rio San Pedro at Apulco, Jalisco. (Kingstontsrett) Ilyodon whitei (Meek) Ul\lXdZ 169846, male (x) 54.8 mm SL, female (#13) 56.1 mm SL, Rio Capatitzio,46 kmNE of Apatzingan, Michoacin. (Theriot) Ilyodon xantusi (Hubbs and Turner) UMMZ 185594 (as L x. xantusi), male (#6) 58.0 mm SL, female 58.0 mm SL, Rio de Comala ca 8 km N of Colima, Colima. (Kingston/Brett) UMMZ 203255, holotype of I. x. latos Kingston, male 62.1 mm SL, UMMZ 203256, allotype, female 56.0 mm SL, Rio Terrero 0.8 km W of 2l de Noviembre, Jalisco. (Kingston/Brett) Allotoca ameca Smith & Miller MS Drawing by S.V.Fink Neoophorus catarinae de Buen UMMZ 198817, male 55.9 mm SL, female 56.3 mm SL, Rio Santa Catarina at Uruapan, Michoac6n. (Theriot) Neoophorus diazi (Meek) UMMZ 198813, male 37.5 mm SL, female 36.2 mm SL, pond at Rancho El Molino, Michoac6n. (Theriot) Neoophorus meeki Nvarez UMMZ 198815, male 31.8 mm SL, female 32.1 mm SL, SE end of Lago Zir ahuen, Micho ac6n. (Theriot) Neoophorus regalis Nvarez (Theriot) P895 (#2), male 48.0 mm SL. Skiffia bilineata (Bean) Ul{frvlz 198860, male (x) 24.3 mm SL, female (y) 29.2 mm SL, Rio Grande de Morelia near Undameo, Michoac6n. (Theriot) Skiffia francesae Kingston Ul\[NlZ , male (x) 31.7 mm SL, female (y)32.2 mm SL, aquarium stock from type locality, Teuchitlan, Jal. (Pelletier) Skifiia lermae Meek UMMZ 198812, male (x) 47.4 mm SL, female $) a8.7 mm SL, pond at Rancho El Molino, Michoacfn (Theriot) Skiffi a multipunctata (Pellegrin) UMMZ 172169, male (#7) 41.5 mm SL, female (#24) 53.5 mm SL, Lago de Cam6cuaro ca. 15 km SE of Zamora, Michoac6n. (Theriot) Skiffia sp. fAmeca] NO PHOTO (no good specimens) Xenoophorus captivus (Hubbs) UlvlNlZ 189578, male 43.0 mm SL, lemale 50.3 mm SL" Presa de San Ysidro, ca. 3.5 km SW of Jesus Maria, San Luis Potosi. (Theriot) Xenotaenia resolanae Turner LMMZ 209037,male54.4 mm SL, female 51.4 mm SL, trib. Rio Purificaci6n at km 80, just S of turnoffto Purificaci6n, Jal. (Theriot) Xenotoca eiseni (Rutter) TIMMZ 172243, male (#1) 44.7 mm SL, female (#18) 48 0 mm SL, Manantial El Sacristan, Tepic, Nayarit. (Pelletier) Xenotoca melanosoma Fitzsimons UM]"[Z 211030, male (x) 39.3 mm SL, female (y) a6.7 mm SL, tributary to Rio Escondido at Escondido, near base of Cerro Mazatepec, Jalisco. (Pelletier) Xenotoca variata (Bean) Zoogoneticus quitzeoensis (Bean) USNM 48209 (as Platypoecilus quitzeoensis), type, female 47 mmTL, . Bean (1898 or 1899), Proc. USNM 2l'.540. ? artist, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Martonyi probably) 26. ANABLEPIDAE Anableps dowi Gill UMMZ 190534, ad. female 187 mm SL, ad. male 145 mm SL, Rio Grande de Pasco, Guatemala. (? Martonyi?, Bay?) 27. POECILIIDAE Belonesox belizanus Kner UMMZ 184592, male 86.0 mm SL, female 109.8 mm SL, Laguna de Pajaritos, Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. (Theriot) Brachyrhaphis hartwegi Rosen and Bailey UMMZ 179539, holotype, male23.9 mm SL, tributary to Rio Jalapa at Finca Esperanza, Chiapas. S. Runyan. (Probably Pelletier) Carlhubbsia kidderi (Hubbs) UNnvIZ 196626, male (x) 25.2 mm SL, female (y) 41.6 mm SL, Rio Mamantel, ca. 33 km WSW of Escarcega, Campeche. (Theriot) Gambusia affinis (Baird and Grard) [from 1952 Miller Bait fishes, no data] (Brudon) Gambusia alvarezi Hubbs and Springer I-IMMZ 2111T0, male22.6 mm SL, spring at San Gregorio, Chihuahua. (Pelletier) Gambusia atrora Rosen and Bailey UMMZ 179999, holotype, male23.5 mm SL, Rio Axtla at Xilitla, San Luis Potosi. S. Runyan. (Pelletier) Gambusia aurata Miller and Minckley UMMZ 188736, holotype, male22.3 mm SL, UMMZ 188737, allotype, female 26.0 mm SL, canal from Rio Mante, Cd. Mante, Tamaulipas. (Martonyi) Gambusia echeagarayi (Alvarez) Ul\LNlZ 184705 (as G. atripinnis), holotype, male24 mm SL, UMNIZ 184706, allotype, female 27 mm SL, Rio Teapa at Teapa, Tabasco. (U of M Ph. Serv./Brudon) Gambusia eurystoma Miller UMMZ 197600, holotype, male 24.5 mm SL, IJ}fivlZ 197601, allotype, female 28.8 mm SL, Arroyo del Azufre, 10 km W of Teapa, Tabasco. (Martonyi) Gambusia hurtadoi Hubbs and Springer UMMZ 196737, male 16.2 mm SL, female 25.5 mm SL, Ojo Hacienda Dolores, 12.5 km SSW of Jimenez, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Gambusia krumholzi Minckley LII\4MZ 180320, holotype, male29.7 mm SL, UMMZ 180321, allotype, female 30.5 mm SL, Rio de Nava, E of Cuatro Cienegas, Coah. (Pelletier) Gambusia longispinis Minckley UllfivIZ 179621, male 20.4 mm SL, marsh by La Angostura Canal, Cuatro Ci6negas, Coah. (Pelletier) Gambusia marshi Minckley and Craddock LIN,{MZ 179618, male (x) 26.6 mm SL, female (y) 38.0 mm SL, Rio Salado de los Nadadores, Coah. (Pelletier) Gambusia panuco Hubbs male 2l mm SL, female 3l mm SL, Rio Antigua Morelos at Antigua Morelos, Tamaulipas. (Theriot) Gambusia rachowi (Regan) Ul\/frvIZ 187761, male 20.9 mm SL, female 25.6 mm SL, arroyo N of UMMZ 186277, Tenochitlan, Veracruz. (Pelletier) Gambusia regani Hubbs Gambusia senilis Grard UlvIJ[.[Z 2A3Al2, male 22.2 mm SL, female 34. 1 mm SL, Rio San Pedro 7.1 km S of Satevo, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Gambusia cf. senilis [San Diego, Chih.] IJ\frvIZ male 22.8 mm SL, 0.8 km E of Balneario San Diego de Alcala, Chihuahua. (Pelletier from RRM slide) UMMZ T96776, male 20.3 mm SL, female 33.4 mm SL, Banos de San Diego de Alcala, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Gambusia sexradiata Hubbs UMMZ 196465, male (x) 27.4 mm SL, female (V) 35 1 mm SL, Caobas Laguna, 2 km S of hwy 186, Quintana Roo. (Theriot) Gambusia speciosa Grard UMMZ 196738, male (x),23.5 mm SL, female (fl2a.a mm SL, Arroyo la Salada, 38 km N of Zaragoza, Coahuila. (Theriot) Gambusia vrttata Hubbs UMMZ 186500, male (x) 26.4 mm SL, female (y) 27 I mm SL, canal 2llll4, from Rio Mante, Cd. Mante, Tamaulipas (Theriot) Gambusia yucatana Regan Ul\/frvIZ 184721, male (x) 26.7 mm SL, female (y)28.a mm SL, Rio Samaria, 40 km W of Villahermosa, Tabasco. (Theriot) Heterandria bimaculata (Heckel) Ul\/frvlz I839A2, male 35.5 mm SL, female 50.0 mm SL, Nacimiento del Rio Cosolapa, Oaxaca. M. B. Lackey. (Pelletier) Heterandria j onesi (Gunther) I-II\4MZ 183894 (topotype of P. pauciradiatus), male37 mm SL, female 43.5 mm SL, Rancho Sierra de Agua, Orizaba Valley. M. B. Lackey. (Pelletier) Heterandria sp. fTacotalpa] LMMZ 2IA842, male 26.2 mm SL, female 26.4 mm SL, Arroyo Madrigal at Rio Tacotalpa SE of Teapa, Tabasco. (Pelletier) Heterandria sp. [P6nuco] NO PHOTO Phallichthys fairweatheri Rosen and Bailey UMNIZ 172456, holotype, male 29.1 mm SL, U\/INIZ 172457, allotype, female 33.3 mm SL, Rio San Pedro M6rtir. El Petdn. Guatemala. (Brudon/Pelletier) Poecilia butleri Jordan LMMZ 181370, male (#4) 42.5 mm SL, female (#2) 42.5 mm SL, tributary to Rio Papagayo, Guerrero. (Martonyi) Poecilia catemaconis Miller Ul\/^42195953, holotype, male 50.9 mm SL, LMMZ 178555, female 44.5 mm SL, Laguna Catemaco, Veracruz. (UofM Photo Services/Brudon) Poecilia chica Miller LMMZ 172135, male 31 mm SL, female 29.5 mm SL, juv. 23 mm SL, Rio Purificaci6n ca 8.5 km E of La Huerta, Jalisco. (Uoflvl Photo ServicesiBrudon) Poecilia formosa (Grard) UMMZ 184403, female 37.5 mm SL, Rio Tigre, just N of Aldama, Tamaulipas. (Theriot) Poecilia latipinna (Lesueur) U\/frvIZ 209980, male 50.2 mm SL, female 47 .4 mm SL, canal 16 km SSW Stuart, Florida. (Theriot) Poecilia latipunctata Meek IJN /lZ T86496, male (x) 39.1 mm SL, female 0) al.5 mm SL, canal from Rio Mante, Cd. Mante, Tamaulipas. (Martonyi) Poecilia maylandi Meyer UMMZ 178413, male 53.7 mm SL, female 61.3 mm SL, Rio Aguililla at Aguililla, Mich. (Pelletier) Poecilia mexicana Steindachner CAS-SU 6165 (as P. limantouri: type of P. lima), male 59 mm long, Rio Tamesoe [:Tamesi] near Tampico, Tamaulipas. Jordan & Snyder 1900:fi9. 10. C. L. Starks, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Martonyi?) Poecilia orri Fowler UMMZ 193309, male 41 mm SL, female 43 mm SL, Belize River, Belize City, British Honduras (: Belize). (Martonyi) Poecilia petenensis (Gunther) Gtinther 1868:pl. 86, fig. I (as Mollienesia petenensis), male, Lake Petdn. G. H. Ford. (Pelletier) Poecilia sphenops Valenciennes UMMZ 192842.ma1e74 mm SL. female 72mm SL.40 km S of Veracruz City, Veracruz. (Martonyi) Poecilia sulphuraria (Alvarez) UMMZ 184716. male 30 mm SL. female 32 mm SL, Arroyo del Azufre, 10 km W of Teapa, Tabasco. (Martonyi) Poecilia velifera (Regan) Ul\DrlZ specimen, male ca 60 mm SL, Ouradnik, retouched by Brudon; Ul\/frvlz 196526. female 60.2 mm SL, spring trib. to Rio Lagartos, I km E of Rio Lagartos, Yucat6n. (Theriot) Poeciliopsis baenschi Meyer, Radda, Riehl, & Feichtinger U\/NIZ 172136, female 23.0 mm SL, male 19.0 mm SL, creek 2.4kmE. of La Concepcion, Jalisco. (Martonyi) Poeciliopsis balsas Hubbs UMMZ 178412, male 20.0 mm SL, female 29.3 mm SL, Rio Aguililla at Aguililla, Michoacin. (Brudon) Poeciliopsis catemaco Miller UMNIZ 176977, holotype, male 36.9 mm SL, Ul\DdZ 181806, allotype, female 73.5 mm SL, Laguna Catemaco, Ver. (UofM Photo Services, retouched by Brudon; Pelletier) Poeciliopsis fasciata (Meek) IA{MZ 161517, male22.2 mm SL, female 28.0 mm SL, Rio Tehuantepec at Tehuantepec, Oaxaca. (Brudon) Poeciliopsis gracilis (Heckel) U\,LNLZ 178517, male32.5 mm SL, female 48.7 mm SL, Rio Perros above lxtepec, Oaxaca. (Brudon) Poeciliopsis hnilickai Meyer and Vogel UMMZ 210829, topotypes, male27.0 mm SL, female 34.4 mm SL, stream I km W of Ixtapa, Chiapas. (Pelletier) Poeciliopsis infans (Woolman) Ul,^/lZ 201575, male 21.3 mm SL, female 33.8 mm SL, Lake Chapala 0.8 km NE of Chapala, Jalisco. (Theriot) Poeciliopsis latidens (Garman) UN IZ 164642, male 21.2 mm SL, female 28.5 mm SL, Rio Yecorato ca. 1l km N of Guasave, Sinaloa. (Uoflvl Photo ServiceslBrudon) Poeciliopsis lucida Miller Ul\/^42 177266, holotype, male 20.0 mm SL, UMMZ 177267 , allotype, female 29.0 mm SL, 1.5 km N of San Benito, Sinaloa. (black:Pelletier, white:Brudon) Poeciliopsis monacha Miller LIMMZ 177268, holotype, male 18.5 mm SL, Ulfi/IZ 177269, allotype, female 28.0 mm SL, Arroyo San Benito, Sonora. (Brudon) Poeciliopsis monacha-lucida NO MAP;NO PHOTO Poeciliopsis monacha-occidentalis NO MAP. NO PHOTO Poeciliopsis occidentalis (Baird and Grard) [Minckley 1973.fr5.93, no data] (Pelletier) Poeciliopsis presidionis (Jordan and Culver) UMMZ 160598, male34 mm SL, female 46 mm SL, Rio Piaxtla near Piaxtla, Sinaloa. (UoflVI Photo Services) Poeciliopsis prolifi ca Miller Ul\/frvlz 177272, holotype, male 14.9 mm SL, TIMMZ 177273, allotype, female 30.0 mm SL, Arroyo Sonolona, Sonora. (Brudon) Poeciliopsis scarlli Meyeer, Riehl, Dawes, & Dibble. Poeciliopsis turneri Miller TIMMZ 183943, allotype, female 36.9 mm SL, UMMZ 183942, holotype, male 25.9 mm SL, Rio Apamila, 4.5 km WNW of La Huerta, Sonora. (Martonyi/Orsen) Poeciliopsis tumrbarensis (Meek) U\/frvlz 178491, male (x) 21.0 mm SL, female (y) 33.0 mm SL, Rio Papagayo between Acapulco and San Marcos, Guerrero. (Theriot) Poeciliopsis viriosa Miller UI\{MZ 177270, holotype, male23.0 mm SL, LII\4MZ 177277, allotype, female 34.5 mm SL, SW of Las Palmas, Jalisco. (Brudon) Priapella bonita (Meek) FMNH 4631 (paratypes of Gambusia bonita), male 27 .5 mm SL, female 32.1 mm SL, Rio Tonto at Refugio, Veracruz. (Pelletier) Priapella compressa Nvarez UMNIZ270844,male24.9 mm SL, female 26.5 mm SL, Arroyo Madrigal at mouth in Rio Tacotalpa, SE of Teapa, Tabasco. (Pelletier) Priapella intermedia Alvarez and Carranza UMMZ 178535, male 34.5 mm SL, female 36.5 mm SL, Rio Sarabia and small tributary on Trans-Isthmian hwy, Oaxaca. (Pelletier) Xenodexia ctenolepis Hubbs AMNH 24578, male, female [no measurements], Rio Negro just N of Ixcan, El Quiche, Guatemala. (AMNH photographer) Xenodexia sp. fnew species not to be photographed] Xiphophorus alv ar ezi Ro sen UMMZ T77304, male 39 mm SL, Rio Santo Domingo, Chiapas. Rosen 1979:fr9.42. Xphophorus andersi Meyer and Schartl IJII$IZ 2l1000. male32.1 mm SL. female 33.7 mm SL, Rcho. Santa Anita, Ver. (Pelletier) Xiphophorus clemenciae Alvarez UMMZ 190890, male 33.9 mm SL, female 35.9 mm SL, trib. to Rio Sarabia ca. I km N of Rio Sarabia along Trans-Isthmian Hwy, Oax. (Pelletier) Xphophorus cortezi Rosen Ulr/D/lZ 1773A2, holotype, male 38.5 mm SL, Arroyo Matlapa at Comoca, 3.2krnN of Axtla, S. L. P (Pelletier) Xphophorus couchianus (Grard) UNfrvIZ 186471, male (x) 23.3 mm SL, female (y) 27 .0 mm SL, Ojo de Agua Apodaca, ca. 13 km ENE of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. (Theriot) Xphophorus evelynae Rosen UMMZ 177306, holotype of Xphophorus variatus evelynae, male 3l mm SL, Rio Xaltepuala at Rio Necaxa at Tepexic, Puebla. (Pelletier) Xphophorus gordoni Miller and Minckley UMMZ 179866, holotype, male24.A mm SL, Ulrl{NlZ 179667, allotype, female 24.6 mm SL, Laguna Santa Tecla, ca.32 airline km SSE of Cuatro Ci6negas, Coahuila. (Cristanelli) Xiphophorus helleri Heckel Ul\/ft\lz 181308, male (x) 45.9 mm SL, female $) a6.9 mm SL, creek at Naranja Shangrila, near Cordoba, Veracruz (Theriot) Xiphophorus maculatus (Grinther) L /IMZ 210798, male 29.5 mm SL, female 31.0 mm SL, laguna on W side of hwy 145,ca.3 km S ofPapaloapan, Oax. (Pelletier) Xiphophorus milleri Rosen UMNIZ 184556, female 31.7 mm SL, male 24.7 mm SL, female 31.9 mm SL, tributary to Laguna Catemaco , 2.4 km S of Catemaco, Veracruz. (Theriot) Xiphophorus montezumae Jordan and Snyder IJMNIZ 196697, male (x) 56.8 mm SL, female (y) 55.8 mm SL, Rio Gallinas 1.3 km N of Rascon, San Luis Potosi (Theriot) Xiphophorus nigrensis Rosen LIN4MZ 777307, holotype of Xiphophorus pygmaeus nigrensis, male 30 mm SL, Nacimiento del Rio Choy, S. L. P. (Pelletier) Xphophorus pygrnaew Hubbs and Gordon UMMZ 21A729. male22.8 mm SL, Rio Huichihuaya, tributary to Rio Axtla, near Xlitla, San Luis Potosi. (Pelletier) Xphophorus variatus (Meek) Ul\,LNtZ 194929, male (x) 40.0 mm SL, female (y) 36.5 mm SL, stream 6.4 km E of Martinez de la Torre,Yeracruz. (Theriot) Xiphophorus xiphidium (Gordon) U\INIZ 1744A4, male 32.8 mm SL, female 36.2 mm SL, Arroyo de La Rosa at La Rosa, Tamps. (Pelletier) 28 ATHERINIDAE Atherinella alv arezi (Diaz-Pardo) UMML209373,57.0 mm SL, stream 24km E of Palenque on Palenque-La Libertad road, Chiapas. (Pelletier) Atherinella ammophila Chernoff & Miller UNfivIZ 210808, holotype, 62.4 mm SL, Rio de la Palma, 8 km NNW Sontecomapan, Veracruz. (Pelletier) Atherinella balsana (Meek) FMNH 3706, holotype, 55.7 mm SL, Rio Balsas at Balsas, Guerrero. (Pelletier) Atherinella callida Chernoff Barry will send Atherinella crystallina (Jordan and Culver) Barry will send Atherinella suatemalensis (Grinther) of Atherinella [hyperoche MS Chernoffand Miller] UMMZ 209011, holotype, 75.1 mm SL, Rio Mamantel, 34 km WSW of Escarcega, Campeche. (Theriot) Atherinella lisa (Meek) USNM 55851182178 (as Menidia lisa), 40.0 mm SL, (Theriot) Atherinella marvelae Chernoff and Miller Ul\/frvIZ 209012, holotype, female 80.2 mm SL, Rio Bravo below Salto de Eyipantla, Veracruz. (Theriot) Atherinella sallei (Regan) UMMZ 207708,52.8 mm SL, Rio Hueyapan at Hueyapan, Veracruz. (K. Steelquist) Atherinella schultzi (Alvarez & Carranza) Atherinella sp. [Teapa] Atherinella sp. [Rio Hond6, L. Bacalar] Chirostoma aculeatum Barbour TU 40889, holotype, 85.0 mm SL, Laguna de Yuriria, Guanajuato. (Barbour/Pelletier) Chirostoma arge (Jordan and Snyder) [2 spp.?, 1 photo only] U\,nvIZ 179762,59.2 mm SL, Rio de Aguascalientes near Belen del Refugio, Jalisco. (Barbour/Pelletier) Chirostoma attenuatum Meek TU 31918 (as C. a. zirahuen),77.9 mm SL, Lago de Zirahuen, Michoacfn (B arbour/Pelletier) Chirostoma bartoni Jordan and Evermann LMMZ 197624,65.3 mm SL, La Alberca W of Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato. (Theriot) Chirostoma chapalae Jordan and Snyder TU 40836, 80.4 mm SL, Lake Chapala at Ajijic, Jalisco. (Barbour) Chirostoma charari (de Buen) TU3l9l 1 (#3), 57.1 mm SL, lago below Balneario Cointzio, Mich. (Pelletier) Chirostoma consocium Jordan and Hubbs TU 40845, I i5.1 mm SL, Lake Chapala at Ajijic, Jalisco. (Barbour) Chirostoma estor Jordan TU 40855, 256.0 mm SL, Lago de Patzcuaro, Jalisco. (Barbour) Chirostoma grandocule (Steindachner) TU 40861, 170 mm SL, Lago dePatzcuaro, Jalisco. (Barbour/Pelletier) Chirostoma humboldtianum (Valenciennes) TU 40827 (as holotype of C. h. avium Barbour), 103 mm SL, lake E of San Pedro Lagunillas, 21 km E of Compostela, Nayarit. (BarbourlPelletier) Chirostoma jordani Woolman TU 37752,90.4 mm SL, E end oflake Chapala, Jalisco. (Barbour/Pelletier) Chirostoma labarcae Meek TU 31958, 75.9 mm SL, Rio Santiago at Poncitlan, Jalisco. (Barbour/Pelletier) Chirostoma lucius Boulenger UMMZ 197648,228.3 mm SL, Lake Chapala,6.l km W of Ajijic, Jalisco. (Barbour) Chirostoma melanoccus Afvarez TU 40867, 55.1 mm SL, San Juanico dam near Cotija, Michoac6n. (Barbour) Chirostoma mezquital Meek UMMZ 211093 (x), 48 mm SL, arroyo 16 km N of Canatlan, Dur. (Pelletier) Chirostoma patzcuaro Meek TU 40882, 105.7 mm SL, Lago dePirtzcuaro, Jalisco. (Barbour) Chirostoma promelas Jordan and Snyder UMMZ 193465,140 mm SL, Lake Chapala, Jal. (Pelletier) Chirostoma riojai Solor zana and Lopez TU 31867, 69.1 mm SL, Rio Lerma, 2.4kmW of Lerma, Mexico. (Barbour) Chiro stoma sphyraena Boulenger UNnvIZ 197647,204.9 mm SL, Lake Chapala. 6.1 km W of Ajijic, Jalisco. (Barbour) Membras martinica (Valenciennes) USNM 22864 (as Kirtlandia vagrans), Pensacola, Florida. H L. Todd. (Pelletier) Menidia beryllina (Cope) fno cat. no.] Potomac River. Jordan & Evermann 1900:fig. 338. A. H. Baldwin, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Pelletier) Poblana alchichica Nvarez Poblana ferdebueni Solorzano and Lopez Poblana letholepis 29 A7v ar ez GASTEROSTEIDAE [: G a microcephalus?] LMMZ 131725,33 mm SL, Arroyo Grande Creek, San Luis Obispo Co., Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus California. M. B. Lackey. (Pelletier) 30 SYNGNATHIDAE Oostethus brachyurus (Bleeker) ( GCRL 13888, male762 mm SL, Mississippi. ) Pseudophallus starksi (Jordan and Culver) Probably CAS-SU 2686 (as Siphostoma starksii), type, probably from Rio Presidio, Sinaloa. Jordan 1895:30. A. L. Brown. (Brudon) 31. CENTROPOMIDAE [Rivas says 12 Mex. spp., will send line drawings (best way to demonstrate differences) and key for 12 species; C.undecimalis is only for-sure photo Centropomus armatus Gll Centropomus ensiferus Poey Centropomus medius GUnther Centropomus mexicanus Bocourt Centropomus nigrescens Gtinther Centropomus pagllg[Js Poey Centropomus pectinatus Poey ? NO MAP, NO PHOTO, KEY only Centropomus poeyi Chavez KEY only, NO FIGURE, NO MAP no freshwater records Centropomus robalito Jordan and Glbert Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch) [no cat. no.] 375 mm long. Meek & Hildebrand 1925:pl 41 (Pelletier) Centropomus unionensis Bocourt Centropomus viridis Lockington 32. CENTRARCHIDAE Lepomis cyanellus Rafinesque Forbes & Richardson 1920:color pl. opp. p 249 (Pelletier) Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque U\/fi/IZ 130340 (as L. m. speciosus), (x) 92.9 mm SL, Rio Sabinas, Coahuila. (Theriot) Lepomis megalotis (Rafinesque) UlfrvIZ 208218, male? (x) 104.5 mm SL, Rio de Ballezas, ca 127 km by stream above hwy 24 bridge, Chihuahua. (Theriot) Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede) P.W Smith 1979.232. Bay to copy JJ PERCIDAE Etheostoma australe Jordan INHS ?, male 49 mm SL, Rio Santa Isabel at General Trias, Chihuahua. (L PagelPelletier) Etheostoma grahami (Girard) lJlvtlvIz 196753, male (x) 33.5 mm SL, female (y) 32.9 mm SL, Rio San Carlos, 27 km S of Cd. Acufla, Coah. (Pelletier) Etheostoma pottsi (Girard) INHS 75300, male 40.4 mm SL, female 37 .2 mm SL., Rio Sain Alto near Atotonilco, Zacatecas. (Pelletier) Etheostoma sp. [Cuatro Cienegas] [Probably won't photo] Percina macrolepida Stevenson LMMZ 196805, male75.4 mm SL, Cache Slough, Yolo Co., Calil (introduced) (Pelletier) 34 CARANGIDAE Caranx hippos (Linnaeus) (USNM) 10431 (as Carangus hippos), Woods Hole, Massachusetts. fin USNM files, ? artistl (Pelletier) Caranx latus Agassiz 65 mm TL, Meek & Hildebrand 1925pl.26. Bay to copy Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy & Gaimard [FMNH?] 105 mm TL. Meek & Hildebrand T925:pl.26, fig.2. (Pelletier) Oligoplites altus (Gtinther) BMNH 1867.9.23.23 (as Chorinemus altus), holotype, 222 mm SL. [Giinther 1869.433, fig. of head]. (Theriot) LUTJANIDAE Lutjanus argentiventris (Peters) NO MAP Lutjanus colorado Jordan and Glbert NO MAP Lutjanus qriseus (Linnaeus) NO MAP USNM 21337 (as L. stearnsii), Pensacola, H. L. Todd. (Pelletier) Lutjanus novemfasciatus Gll NO MAP 36. Goode 1884.p1 142. GERREIDAE Diapterus auratus Ranzani USNM 81738 (as D. evermanni), type, 78 mm long, Mindi River near Mindi, Panama CanalZone. Meek & Hildebrand 1925.p1. 63. (Pelletier) Diapterus axillaris (Cuvier) Diapterus brevimanus (GiiLnther) Diapterus lineatus Humboldt Diapterus mexicanus ( Steindachner) U\frvlz 143689 (#5), 102 0 mm SL, Rio San Pedro M6rtir, El Pet6n, Guatemala (Theriot) Diapterus peruvianus (Cuvier) Eucinostomus argenteus Baird NO MAP Eucinostomus currani Yitfiez-Arancibia NO MAP Eucinostomus melanopterus (Bleeker) UMMZ 199673 (x), mm SL, Gerres cinereus (Walbaum) UMMZ 184860, jtx. 66.7 mm SL, Laguna de Puerto del Rio between Tecuala and Navillero, Nayarit. (Pelletier) UMMZ 184500, 85.6 mm SL, mouth of Rio Mandinga, 0.8 km S of Boca del Rio, Yeracruz. (Pelletier) 37. HAEMULIDAE Pomadasys bayanus Jordan and Evermann NO MAP UMNIZ 172105.115.6 mm SL, Rio La Lima atLaLima,l2km SSW of Las Varas, Nayarit. (Theriot) Pomadasys ramosus Poey NO MAP UMMZ 92II4, 150 mm SL. Rio Hueyapan above San Juan, Acayucan, Veracruz. (Theriot) Pomadasys crocro (Cuvier) NO MAP Pomadasys leuciscus (Gunther) NO MAP SCIAENIDAE Aplodinotus grunniens Rafi nesque Forbes & Richardson 1920:opp. p.323 (Pelletier) Micropogonias furnieri (Desmarest) Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus) USNM 20742, Newport, Rhode Island. Todd. (Pelletier) CICHLIDAE Cichlasoma bartoni (Bean) UMMZ 196706,127.2 mm SL, marsh 10 km S of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi. (Theriot) Cichlasoma beani (Jordan) UN/fiIZ l72A2l, 159 mm SL, stream 6.5 km SSE of San Blas, (Theriot) Cichlasoma bifasciatum (Steindachner) UMMZ 200702,117 mm SL, Rio Teapa at Teapa, Tabasco. (Theriot) Cichlasoma bulleri (Regan) UNfi$Z 184755, (x) 121 mm SL, Rio Almoloyaca.32kmN of S terminus of Trans-Isthmian hwy, Oaxaca. (Theriot) Cichlasoma [caerulora MS, Bailey and Rosen] UMMZ 188030. 123.3 mm SL. Arrovo Tamarindo. 0.5 km above mouth in Laguna Petexbatum, Pet6n, Guatemala. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma callolepis (Regan) U\frvlz 178845, 74.0 mm SL, Rio Almoloya ca.32 km N of S terminus of Trans-Isthmian hwy, Oaxaca. (Brudon) Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum (Baird and Grard) CAS-SU 6162 (holotype of C. carpintis), 184 mm TL, Laguna del Carpinte near Tampico, Tamaulipas. C. L. Starks, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Martonyi?) Cichlasoma ellioti (Meek) UNf,I'/IZ 196378, (#l) 66.7 mm SL, Rio Puente Chica 34km E of Jalapa, Veracruz. M. Orsen. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma fenestratum (Gtinther) UMNIZ 184565, (#l) 111 mm SL, Rio La Trinidad at Achotal, Veracruz. (Theriot) Cichlasoma friedrichsthali (Heckel ) UM\/IZ 189899, 92.2 mm SL, Arroyo Aguateca, above S end of Laguna Petexbatum, Pet6n, Guatemala (Theriot) Cichlasoma eeddesi Regan NO PHOTO Cichlasoma grammodes Taylor and Miller UMMZ 204200, holotype, male 178 mm SL, Rio Grande de Chiapa between Tuxtla Gutierrez and Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas. M. Orsen. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma guttulatum ( Gtinther) UMNIZ 178573,105 mm SL, Rio Tequisistlan at Pan-American Hwy, Oaxaca. (Martonyi/Theriot ) Gtinther 1869:pl. 78, no. 3 (Pelletier) Cichlasoma hartwegi Taylor and Miller UMMZ 207701, holotype, male 131 mm SL, Rio Grande de Chiapa between Tuxtla Gutierrez and Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas. M. Orsen. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma helleri (Steindachner) U\lfrvZ 184711, topotype, 110 mm SL, Rio Teapa at Teapa, Tabasco. M. Orsen. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma heterospilum Hubbs TIMMZ 184634,129 mm SL, IWHERE IS PHOTO????? Theriot took 1e801 Cichlasoma intermedium (Gtinther) Gtinther 1868:Pl. 78, Lake Pet6n. G. H. Ford. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma irregulare (Gunther) Ul\/frvlz 169097 , l5l mm SL, Yaxoquintela near El Real, Chiapas. (Theriot) Cichlasoma istlanum (Jordan and Snyder) CAS-SU 6150 (as type of Heros istlanus), 169 mm SL, Rio Ixtla at Puente de Ixtla, Morelos. Jordan & Snyder 1900:fig. 2I. C. L. Starks. (probably Martonyi) Cichlasoma labridens (Pellegrin) Ulvo'/lz 193305, nuptial male 96.7 mm SL [don't use nuptial female 95.5 mm SL], canal from La Media Luna just S of Rioverde, San Luis Potosi. (Theriot) 198798, ad. female (#4) 89 0 mm SL, Rio Tamasopo N of Tamasopo, San Luis Potosi. M. Orsen. (NO PHOTO made!! Get?O Cichlasoma lentiginosum (Steindachner) UMMZ 191740,90 mm SL, stream 4.8 km SW of Palenque, Chiapas. (Theriot) Cichlasoma macracanthum (GUnther) LII\,{MZ 191722, female 82 mm SL, Rio Sesecapa, 51 km W of Huixtla, Chiapas. (Theriot) BEST BMNH 197-2001368, (#1) 122 mm SL, Huamuchal, Guatemala. (Martonyi) Cichlasoma meeki (Brind) LMMZ 196469, (#6),76.8 mm SL, Caobas Laguna, 2 km S of hwy 186, Quintana Roo. (Theriot) Cichlashoma melanurum UMMZ Cichlasoma minckleyi Kornfield and Taylor UMMZ 209434, holotype, male 93.4 mm SL, Posos de la Becerra, 16 km SSW of Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila. (Theriot) Cichlasoma nebuliferum (Gunther) FMNH 4709, (#l) 183 mm SL, San Juan Evangelista, Yeracruz. (Theriot) UMMZ 210993.152 mm SL, Rio Playa Vicente at hwy l0 km S of Playa Vicente, Y eracruz. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma octofasciatum (Regan) LMMZ 190859, female (x) 85 mm SL, ca 12 km N, 14 km E of Xpujil, Campeche. (Theriot) Cichlasoma pantostictum Taylor and Miller LMMZ 170951, imm. female (#8) 79 5 mm SL, Laguna de Chairel at Tampico, Tamaulipas (Theriot) Ul\,nvIZ 157315, juv. 80.7 mm SL, Rio Sabinas, 10 km NE of Gomez Farias, Tamaulipas (Theriot) Cichlasoma pasione Rivas U\/n\[Z 210898, male 108 mm SL, Laguna Noh, Yucat6n. (Pelletier) U\/fr\{Z196456,54.3 mm SL, Rio Candelaria on hwy 186, Campeche. (Theriot) Cichlasoma pearsei (Hubbs) UMMZ 189919, female 127 mm SL, Arroyo Yaxtunila 8 km above Rio de la Pasion, El Pet6n, Guatemala. (Theriot) Cichlasoma [posolera MS, Bailey and Rosen] UNfr\IZ143980, ad. 108.3 mm SL, Rio de la Pasion at Tres Islas, Pet6n, Guatemala. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma regani Miller UMMZ 1847 57 , mm SL, Rio Almoloya ca 32 km N of S terminus of Trans-Isthmian hwy, Oaxaca. M. B. Lackey. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma robertsoni Regan UMMZ 196637, male? 127 mm SL, Rio Mamantel 34 km WSW of Escarcega, Campeche. (Theriot) Cichlasoma salvini (Gunther) Ul\lfr\IZ 196638, ad. male 105 mm SL, Rio Mamantel 34 km WSW of Escarcega, Campeche. (Theriot) Cichlasoma socolofi Miller and Taylor UMMZ 210819, holotype, ad. male 64.9 mm SL, Rio Misala at Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, S of Palenque, Chiapas. (Pelletier) Cichlasoma spilurum (Gtinther) UMMZ 187431, 53 mm SL, Manantial El Chorro 24km NE of Laguna Zoh, Campeche. (Martonyi) Cichlasoma steindachneri Jordan and Snyder CAS-SU 6164, holotype, 61 mm SL, Rio Verde near Rascon, San Luis Potosi. Jordan& Snyder 1900:fig.20. C. L. Starks, redrawnbyP. J. Wynne. (Martonyi?) Cichlasoma synspilum Hubbs UMMZ 184637, female (#2) 121 mm SL, Rio Chilapa near Cd. Pemex, Tabasco. (Theriot) Cichlasoma teapae Evermann and Goldsborough A H Baldwin, redrawn by P. J. Wynne. (Martonyi?) Cichlasoma trimaculatum (Gtinther) Ul\/fr\[Z190518, imm. 69.6 mm SL, Rio Asuchillo, 23 km SE of Escuintla, Guatemala (Theriot) Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Giinther) UMMZ 187781, 81 mm SL, Estero de Tatagapilla, ca 4.5 km WSW of Tenochtitlan, Veracruz. (Theriot) Cichlasoma usumacintae MS [Bailey and Rosen] PICTTIRE NE\aER TAKEN! UMMZ 144332, ad. 153.5 mm SL, mouth of Arroyoito Jalomax, Pet6n, Guatemala. (Pelletier) WON"T USE A PICTURE LTNLESS DESCRIBED Petenia splendida Giinther 75 mm, Rio Usumacinta at Montecristo (:Emiliano Zapata). Evermann & Goldsborough1902.fig. 5, pl. 155. J. Gloetzner. (Martonyi?) 40 MUGILIDAE Agonostomus monticola (Bancroft) Regan 1906-08.p1. 11, fig 2 (Brudon) Gtinther 1868:Pl. 170 (as A. microps). G. H. Ford. (Pelletier) Agonostomus salvini Gflnther 1868:Pl. 70 (as A. nasutum) G. H Ford. (Pelletier) Chaenomugil proboscideus (Gtinther) NO PHOTO, NO MATERIAL Joturus plghardal Poey USNM 31010, Panama. A. H. Baldwin. (Pelletier) Mugil cephalus Linnaeus Minckley 1973 .frg. 124. (Pelletier) Mugil curema Valenciennes Ut\/fr\/lz 186486, juv. 138 mm SL, estero trib. to Bahia Tecolutla, 4.5 km SSE of Tecolutla, Veracruz. (Pelletier) 4l DACTYLOSCOPIDAE Dactyloscopus amnis Miller and Briggs U\fr\/lz 179550, holotype, female 79.6 mm SL, Rio Papagayo ca 40 km SE of Acapulco, Guerrero. S. Runyan. (Pelletier) 42. ELEOTRIDAE Dormitator latifrons (Richardson) Regan 1906-08:pl. 1, fig. I (Pelletier) Dormitator maculatus (Bloch) IJl,tfrvlz 2A9984,77.4 mm SL., canal 16 km SSW Stuart, Florida. (Theriot) Eleotris amblyopsis (Cope) Ul\/frvlz 197251, juv. 69.0 mm SL, Rio Paujila above El Golfete, 19 km SW of Livingston, Isabal, Guatemala. (Pelletier) Eleotris picta Kner and Steindachner UMMZ 184827,juv. 104.7 mm SL, Rio Papagayo at road crossing ca. 40 km ESE of Acapulco, Guerrero (Pelletier) Eleotris pisonis (Gmelin) U\/frvlz 184467,134.5 mm SL, Rio Rancho Nuevo, ca. 76 km S of Vega de Alatorre, Veracruz. (Pelletier) Gobiomorus dormitor Lacepede UMNIZ 167488,juv. 66.5 mm SL, stream 3.7 kmW of Ixtacocoa, Veracruz. (Brudon) Gobiomorus maculatus (Gtinther) UMMZ 172038,juv. (#3) 65.0 mm SL, stream i4 km E of Las Varas, Nayarit. (Brudon) Gobiomorus polylepis Gnsburg LIMMZ 172143,juv. (#a) 67.0 mm SL, Rio Armeria at Manzanillo-Colima hwy crossing, Colima. (Brudon) Guavina suavina (Valenciennes) U\/frilz 184505, 104 mm SL, estero of Rio Mandinga, just S of Boca del Rio, Veracruz. (Pelletier) Leptophil)'pnus [stenolepis MS] Ul\,nVZ 197087, male? 37 .4 mm SL, female 36.3 mm SL, Rio San Ramos below outfall from underground Huehuetenango, Guatemala. (Pelletier) 43 GOBIIDAE Awaous tajasica (Lichtenstein) UMMZ 178551, 108.3 mm SL, stream on Trans-Isthmian hwy 8 km N of Donaji, Oaxaca. (Theriot) Awaous transandeanus (Ginther) UMMZ 202603,80 mm SL, side pools of Rio Salado above hwy 110 bridge, Colima. (Pelletier) Evorthodus lyricus (Girard) UMMZ 186674,51.4 mm SL, Laguna de Conajoan on hwy 180 S of Buena Vista, Veracruz. (Theriot) Gllichthys mirabilis Cooper IJI\/frvIZ 141168, male 108 mm SL, E end of Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo Co., California. (Pelletier) Gobionellus claytoni (Meek) U\ IZ 167639, holotype of G. atripinnis, ad. male 40.0 mm SL, stream 12.4 km E of Brownsville, Texas. Glbert & Randall 1979.fig. 3. (Pelletier) Gobionellus microdon (Glbert) UMMZ 1785T4,84 mm SL, Laguna Tres Palos at Acapulco airport, Guerrero. (Theriot) Lophogobius cyprinoides (Pallas) GCRL 4440, male 59.6 mm SL, Boca del Rio Cienquita ca 5 km W of Porto [Puerto?] Cort6s, Guatemala. Dawson 1972 Frg 4 (Pelletier) Microgobius miraflorensis Glbert and Starks CAS-SU 6511, type,29 mm SL, Miraflores, Colombia [:Panama]. Glbert & Starks 1904.p1. 29,fr5.54 (Pelletier) Sicydium symnogaster Ogilvie-Grant UMMZ 183892, topotype, 108 mm SL, Rio Misantla at Misantla, Yeracruz. (Theriot) Sicydium multipunctatum Regan Regan 1906-08:pl. 1, fig. 1. (Pelletier) 44 SYNBRANCHIDAE Ophisternon aenigmaticum Rosen & Greenwood Sara to try to draw Ophisternon infernale (Hubbs) UIVIMZ I16093 (as Pluto infernalis), holotype, 325 mm SL, Hoctun Cave, Hoctun, Yucat6n. G. Eager. (Pelletier) Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch Sara to try to draw 45 COTTIDAE Leptocottus armatus Grard UMMZ 731796,juv. 86.5 mm SL, San Dieguito R., San Diego County, California. (Pelletier) 46 BOTHIDAE Citharichthys gilberti Jenkins and Evermann LMMZ 172081" 80 mm SL, Rio Mascota, 1.6 km N of Ixtapita, Jalisco. (Theriot) Citharichthi,s spilopterus Giinther Gtinther i868:pl 80, fig. 2, Chiapam, Guatemala. J. Jury. @elletier) Citharichthys uhleri Jordan U\/D/|Z 184533,51 mm SL, Laguna Pajapan ca 24 km N of Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. (Theriot) 47. SOLEIDAE Achirus mazatlanus (Steindachner) UMMZ 163803, (x) 78.4 mm SL, Gulf of California ca 129 km S of Guaymas, Sonora. (Theriot) Trinectes fonsecensis (Gunther) Ul\lfrvlz l7l93l, (x) 89.2 mm SL, Rio Yaqui ca 8 km W of Potam (48 km WNW of Cd. Obregon), Sonora. (Theriot) Trinectes maculatus (Bloch and Schneider) LIMMZ 164757,66 mm SL, Rio Jamapa at Boca del Rio, Veracruz. (Theriot).
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