Museum Pavilion, Robert Ryman, Insel Hombroich
Museum Pavilion, Robert Ryman, Insel Hombroich
Museum Pavilion, Robert Ryman, Insel Hombroich Process, Concept corten-steel fascination contrast Altering the folding principle Folding a canyon 10 10 10 10 Dok architecten - Powerplant Uithof-Utrecht 10 10 10 10 by changing the overall shape of the umbrella, all of the rainwater will be collected in the umbrella center 6 14 7 13 4 4 8 12 5 11 10 10 11 6 10 10 9 8 8 7 9 som=20 8 som=16 Because of the caracteristics of the triangle system, a mathematical formula for the center point can be found: 0 h 3 ng t square length The diagonals are always touching the outer corners of the squares, but only if the square is moved in the direction of the diagonals. 5 4 1 le Length = 2sqrt(o.5l^2+0.5l^2) x tan(0 x (90/trusses)) = 2sqrt(o.5l^2+0.5l^2) x tan(1 x (90/trusses)) = 2sqrt(o.5l^2+0.5l^2) x tan(2 x (90/trusses)) ...... till tan(45) 2 square length 9 7 6 Herzog & deMeuron - CaixaForum Madrid By combining the search for the floorplan and the search for the optimal position of the origami umbrella, an optimal floorplan can be found. Because of the openings in the origami tree (windows, pivot door) eventualy the 9 serie was chosen for the final umbrella plan. In the pictures above and left, the paintings are projected on the floor. Because of the (floorprojection = 3 x painting height) necessarity, only few option where still possible. Building B ilding development de elopment In this way every painting is an a specified area, and the smallest painting is surrounded by empty wall space, to emphasize the dimensions. reference & inspiration MSc 2 | AR0500 | Architectural intensification semester building technology | 13 january 2009 | Steven Goeman | b1210904 | [email protected] Museum Pavilion, Robert Ryman, Insel Hombroich S p a t i a l E x p e r i e n c e , Pe r s p e c t i v e s The origami umbrella is the most distinctive feature of the interior Due to the arrangement of the paintings, the visitor is guided clockwise The sequence of seven can be seen on one single wall The Winsor 1966 (160 x 160) painting redirects the visitir to the right MSc 2 | AR0500 | Architectural intensification semester building technology | 13 january 2009 | Steven Goeman | b1210904 | [email protected] Museum Pavilion, Robert Ryman, Insel Hombroich P l a n s , S e c t i o n s , Fa c a d e s & L o c a t i o n Ground floor Floor 1 Crossection AA Crossection BB North Facade West Facade north East Facade South Facade Location, scale 1:1000 MSc 2 | AR0500 | Architectural intensification semester building technology | 13 january 2009 | Steven Goeman | b1210904 | [email protected] Museum Pavilion, Robert Ryman, Insel Hombroich Construction 3D roof construction detail The origami shaped roof is separated from the outer wall by a sky light zone. Between the sky lights and the main (origami) roof there is a 500 mm eased frame which deals with different dimensions caused by the origami principle. The roof folding construction is stabilized by extra steel sections in the cross direction. The wooden frame is build around these stabilizing elements. Under the window frame construction extra supporting beams are used to transfer wind pressures to the steel origami structure. These beams are located after every two window cross beams, so the clear rhythm of the windows isn’t interrupted. At the bottom of the eased frame structure, light fittings are placed. The face of the eased frame is finished with plaster boards and plaster. Extra ring for tensile forces Exploded view of the pavilion and construction Building in total MSc 2 | AR0500 | Architectural intensification semester building technology | 13 january 2009 | Steven Goeman | b1210904 | [email protected] Museum Pavilion, Robert Ryman, Insel Hombroich Climate & Construction 2 1 2 2 Summer Winter - - Water functions as extra thermal mass - Water evaporates, adjusting air humidity - 2 ponds: - one for extracting heat from the surface water - one for evaporation - Pond 2 can be filled ones in a while by pond 1 - Heatpump with floor radiation heating - adjustable ventilation valves Water is used as temperature buffer Water evaporates 1 single pond Rainwater and surfacewater Water has to be moving, smell Connection with Hombroich water Case panels open, enough suction power Adjustable ventilation valves Rooftop windows to be opened 2 1 Heat Pump Materialen prefab brick ceilingplate Eter-backer system Main construction idea In the floor of the building there is an extra tension rod located to coop with the bending moment caused by the overhang of the main brick facade walls. Materialen Bluclad supporting plate for decorative plaster The sandwichpanels can be divided in 2 parts. The corten part is welded into shape at the construction site. The alluminium part (with a layer of polystyrene) is glued to the corten umbrella after the welding is finished. The smallest part is exists of only one folding line. By welding some parts already in the factory (depending on the dimensions, the building time on site is reduced. Bluclad has low hygroscopic movement which result in a high dimensional stability 3D detail of the sandwichpanel connection Etanco invisible construction for fibrecementplates (for brick ceiling) Vebo facade supporting system MSc 2 | AR0500 | Architectural intensification semester building technology | 13 january 2009 | Steven Goeman | b1210904 | [email protected] Museum Pavilion, Robert Ryman, Insel Hombroich Fa c a d e F ra g m e n t Facade fragment, scale 1:20 MSc 2 | AR0500 | Architectural intensification semester building technology | 13 january 2009 | Steven Goeman | b1210904 | [email protected] Museum Pavilion, Robert Ryman, Insel Hombroich Details alluminum window frame U-shaped steel fitting alluminum covering Multiplex board wood spacer brickwork alluminum window frame cavity ventilation box square shaped steel beam 150 x 150 mm 50 mm polystyrene insulation 8 mm corten steel plating 2 mm alluminum plating steel transition construction waterproof layer plaster board minaral wool minaral wool poured concrete wall Detail 2 Detail 1 light fitting Detail 3 eased frame structure wood, 100 x 50 mm floor radiating heating pipes poured concrete floor concrete tiles 500 x 500 mm leveling concrete floor vebo facade support system alluminum bracket alluminum cross beam alluminum attaching beam mineral wool concrete column plaster bluclad facade support plate glued brick strips waterproofing layer wooden crossbeam 200 x 100 mm ZBB lintel mineral wool Detail 4 MSc 2 | AR0500 | Architectural intensification semester building technology | 13 january 2009 | Steven Goeman | b1210904 | [email protected]