lockheed aircraft corp.
lockheed aircraft corp.
Analysis Range Prepared by C.L. Johnson Date June 4, 1936 Page Model LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. ***************************************************** of Pages No. of FORM 100 – 37 Photographs – 0 By – 10E Report No RANGE STUDY OF LOCKHEED ELECTRA BIMOTOR AIRPLANE. No. 0 C.L. Johnson W.C. Nelson 487 Analysis Range Prepared by C.L. Johnson Date June 19, 1936 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Page 00 Model 10E Report No INDEX. ****** ITEM FORM 100 PAGES. Face page 0 Index 00 Introduction 1 Summary and recommendations 1 –4 Discussion 3 Discussion of curves derived 4–5 Additional data 6 Conclusions 6 Flight procedure data 7 Effect of head and tail winds 8 Various curves on range performance 9 – 14 Take-off curves and effect of wing flaps 15 Normal airplane cruising charts 16 Engine power curves 17–18 Appendix and computaions 19 – 36. 487 Analysis Range Prepared by C.L. Johnson Date June 4, 1936 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Page 1 Model 10E Report No 487 INTRODUCTION. ************* This report contains a complete study of the factors determining the maximum practical range of the Lockheed Electra Model 10E bimotor airplane. The problem is gone into in considerable length in order that complete recommendations may be made as to optimum methods of take-off, climb and level flight. Such factors as the effect of altitude, wind, variation of propulsive efficiency at constant forward speed, and variation of specific fuel consumption are all included in the study. As a summary, curves are given showing the recommended values of the above throughout a flight of the greatest possible range. The airplane under consideration is a Model 10E Electra equipped with Pratt and Whitney S3H1 engines rated 600 BHP at 2300 rpm for take-off and not more than 412 BHP at 2000 rpm for cruising. To enable close control to be maintained over the mixture strength, a Cambridge gas analyzer is connected into the exhaust system. Hamilton Standard constant rpm, controllable pitch propellers are used. Added to this equipment is a Sperry Gyro-Pilot to lessen fatigue during long flights. The engine operating conditions have been given careful consideration in recommending a flight procedure. Combinations of rpm and manifold pressure are chosen with regard to engine reliability and smoothness as well as optimum propulsive efficiency. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ***************************************** The complete performance has been computed conservatively based on actual flight test results on Model 10E*. Fuel consumption data is based on results which have been obtained in flight with careful mixture control. To get a range of 4500 miles it will be necessary to calibrate the Cambridge Analyzer so that the fuel consumption curve shown on page 13 can be obtained. FORM 100 Analysis Range Prepared by C.L. Johnson LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Date June 14, 1936 Page 2 Model 10E Report No SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ***************************************** The important results from the report may be summarized as follows: (1). Best take–off distance is obtained using a 30° wing flap setting. The tail of the airplane should be lifted off the ground as soon as possible and held up through the take–off run. (2). On a hard run–way, using 600 BHP per engine, the take-off distance is 2100 feet at sea level. (3). Climb after take-off with a gross weight of 16,500# is 500 feet per minute with wing flaps at 30° (using take-off power). (4). After obtaining a safe altitude (50 to 100 feet), the flaps should be retracted and the engine power reduced to 550 BHP per engine at 2200 rpm. (5). The climb should be continued at this power to an altitude of 2000'. (6). At 2000', the power should be reduced to 380 BHP/engine and the flight continued at the values of altitude, power, rpm and speed shown on the inclosed curve. (7). During the maximum range flight, the following considerations apply: FORM 100 a. Variation of altitude from that specified by amounts as much as 2000' (except in the heavy load condition) has very little effect on the range. b. With headwinds or tails winds up to 20 mph, the best airspeed is wthin 5 mph of that shown on the flight procedure curve. c. When the wind increases with altitude, the load condition, and power conditions should be carefully considered when choosing an altitude different than that shown on the curves. No strict rules can be given covering the optimum flight procedure with varying wind gradients with altitude. d. Increase the power output when climbing from one altitude to another. Climb at an indicated speed of 120 to 130 mph. 487 Analysis Range Page Prepared by C.L. Johnson LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Date June 16, 1936 3 Model 10E Report No 487 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ****************************** Continuing the di scuss ion of important factors during the maximum range f l ight – e. Watch the mixture closely at all times. The engines must be run very lean. f. In climb when the power output is increased, check the mixture and head temperatures. g. When about 100 to 150 miles from the end of the flight, put the ship in a power glide losing about 250 to 300 feet of altitude per minutes while maintaining cruising power output. h. The best average altitude at which to fly and the best power output are shown on the flight procedure curve. The lighter the load, the higher the density altitude for best range. i. Standard carburetor air temperature has been assumed in choosing manifold pressures and rpm to obtain a given power. Normal deviations of carburetor air temperature likely to be encoucntered may be neglected. j. If icing conditions are encountered, so that carbu retor heat must be applied, the mixture may have to be richened somewhat to prevent detonation in the engines. Normally, the carburetor heat should be set to “FULL COLD”. DISCUSSION. *********** The computations and most of the basic curves are given in an attached appendix. In attacking the problem, complete calculations of the altitude–speed–power characteristics of the airplane with three different gross weights were made to get the optimum operating conditions. Most of the final curves are derived using graphical in– tegration of the basic curves. Methods of computation are given in the Appendix and no further discussion on procedure will be given here. Perhaps the simplest way to give the results of the complete study is to comment on each of the final curves presented. FORM 100 Analysis Range Page Prepared by C.L. Johnson Date June 16, 1936 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 4 Model 10E Report No 487 DISCUSSION OF CURVES DERIVED. *************************** The various c urves are denoted by f igure numbers at the bottom of each sheet. The impor tant points about each f igure will be discussed in tur n: FIGURE I . This is the curve sheet which summarizes the results of the maximum range study. Star ting with a g ross weight of 16,500# (1200 gallons of fuel), the elapsed time and distance in air miles is shown plotted against the optmum operating conditions of the airplane and engine. This curve should g reatly simplify the pilot’s duties. FIGURE II . The ef fect of head winds and tail winds on the optimum f light speed for a typical case is plotted. For a 20 mph head wind, the indicated airspeed should be increased about 4 mph for the heavy load conditioin. For the 20 mph tail wind, the speed should be decreased about the same amount. Values for other load conditions and wind speeds can be obtained from this char t. It applies exactly to sea level only, but the trends shown apply fairly well to the range of altitudes likely to be used. FIGURE I I I . The best speeds, power output and the elapsed time for the longest range f light using the most conservative fuel consumption curve is plotted against distance. This curve was modified and approx– imated to get F igure I. It is interesting to note that over a fairly wide range of power and speeds, the airplane e f f i c i e n c y is constant, so that the same range can be obtained with considerable dif ference in elapsed time. The f light procedure outlined in F igure I is based on the lower power output at the beginning of the f light and the higher power over the g reater par t of the f l ight so that a low elapsed time can be obtained with the engine operating at its best ef f iciency and reliability. FIGURE IV . Figure IV shows the variation of gross weight and best altitude in the maximum range flight. FORM 100 Analysis Range Page Prepared by C.L. Johnson Date June 15, 1936 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 5 Model 10E Report No 487 DISCUSSION OF CURVES DERIVED. *************************** FIGURE V. F igure V shows the ef f ect of a l t i tude and power output on the air miles per gallon for the airplane at three d i f f erent g ross weights. Neg lecting any wind g radient, it wil l be seen from the curves how l i t t l e gain there i s in f ly ing at a high altitude over the major par t o f the distance considered. With the highest g ross weight, there is a def inite disadvantage in f lying higher than 2000’. FIGURE VI. This curve was derived to show the minimum amoun of fuel nec– essar y to go various distances less than the maximum range. It also shows the g ross weight with the above amount of fuel. In order to increase the cr uising speed for distances less than the maximum, more fuel than that shown wil l be taken along so that higher power outputs may be used. This curve is based on the conservative fuel consumption curve. FIGURE VII. F igure VII is a col l ect i on of various curves showing specif ic fuel consumption, optimum power and weight conditions and the ef f ect of g ross weight on best fuel consumption per mile. The fuel consumpt– ion curves are average propeller load curves which apply to the aver– age pitch settings of the propeller and throttle setting of the engine during the f l ight. The higher curve has been refer red to as the “con– servative curve”. The lower curve which reaches a minimum specif ic fuel conssumption of .42 #/BHP/Hr. is the one which must be obtained to get 4500 mile range. The other curvse shown on F igure VII are self explanator y. FIGURE VIII. F igure VIII i s also a col l ecti on of curves used to derive the best f light procedure. The decrease in miles per gallon with increased g ross weight, and the corresponding increase in speed for best range as the g ross weight is increased are ver y interesting. FIGURE IX. F igure IX gi ves the engine and propeller data for take–of f cal– culations and the ef fect of f lap setting on take–of f distance at sea level. The computations are based on having a good hard run–way and using the best take–of f technique. The tail should be lif ted as soon as possible for the minimum take–of f r un. The rate of climb af ter take–of f is also shown for al l f lap settings. FORM 100 Analysis Range Page Prepared by C. L. Johnson Date June 16, 1936 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 6 Model 10E Report No ADDITIONAL DATA. **************** Engine power curves of two types are included in Figures X and XI. The normal cruising chart at the ATC gross weight is also furnished on page 16. The increase in gross weight from 10,500# to the average weight throughout the maximum range f l i ght (namely 12,900#) cuts dow n the high speed to 200 mph at 10,000’ at 450 BHP output per engine. High speed at sea level with a gross weight of 16,500# and 450 BHP/engine is 177 mph. CONCLUSIONS. ************ As a result of the study just concluded, are obtained: (1). the following results It is possible to fly a Lockheed Electra Model 10E non–stop for a distance between 4100 and 4500 miles starting out with 1200 gal lons of gasoline and the proper amount of oil. (2). The above range is for zero wind conditions. The procedure outlined in this report should be followed to get optimum results. This is especially true in regard to maintaining proper engine mixture control. (3). The Cambridge Gas Analyzers should be carefully calibrated in flight to see if the fuel consumption data used in this analysi s can be obtained. This should be done before attempt– ing any long range flight. (4). The airspeed indicator must be c a l i b r a t e d for pitot–static position error. FORM 100 (5). Low power output f l i ghts should be made with the leanest mixture setting to be used to check the engine head temper– atures. They may run too cool so that a shutter arrangement might have to be made so that the head temperatures can be kept up to the value giving best engine e f f i c i e n c y . (6). Do not draw more than 600 BHP for one minute on the take–off. Cut back the power as soon as it is safe. 487 FORM 107 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-14 Millimeters, 10th line heavy. Initial gross wt: – 16,500# Applies for Wind of ± 20 mph. Take-off at 2300 rpm and 36 1/2" for 1 minute WATCH MIXTURE AT ALL TIMES. 2050 2000 2000 1950 1900 Range analysis C.L. Johnson prepared by date June 3, 1936 RECOMMENDED FLIGHT PROCEDURE ****************************** Lockheed Electra Model 10E. Data for Obtaining Optimum Range. Engine RPM 1800 400 360 1700 350 FIGURE I. 325 BHP/Engine 250 28.5" LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 380 200 28.5" 28" 26.2" 26" 24" Average Manifold Pressure 21.5" 8000' – 135 M.P.H. 150 M.P.H. 4000' – 145 M.P.H. DISTANCE – AIR MILES 0 0 1000 5 2000 10 15 APPROXIMATE TIME in HOURS 3000 20 4000 25 30 7 page model 10E report no. 487 Density Altitude and True Indicated Airspeed. 2000' – 155 M.P.H INDICATED FORM 107 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-14 Millimeters, 10th line heavy. analysis Range prepared by C.L. Johnson date June 3, 1936 EFFECT OF HEAD WINDS AND TAIL WI NDS ON AI RSPEED FOR OPT IMUM RANGE. Sea Level Al t i tude Shown — Simi l ar E f f ec t for Other Al t i tude s. EXAMPLE: 70 To f i nd the optimum f l y i ng a i rspeed f or sea l evel with a gro ss weight o f 16,500#, with any wind cond i t ion (head or ta i l wind), draw l i ne f rom wind speed or i g in, tangent to the proper curve as shown. 40 30 20 For above example, the best speeds are given below. Zero wind — 150 mph true airspeed. 20 mph ta i l wind — 146 mph. 20 mph head wind – 154 mph. 12,300# 9,300# The above trends can be taken to apply f a i r l y well the range of al t i t udes to be used. 20 h mp Ta Ze il ro Wi nd d nd Wi 20 h mp to d n Wi ea H Head Wind Ta i l Wind INDICATED AIRSPEED – M.P.H. 40 0 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 8 page model 10E report no. 487 10 Gross Wt. — 16,500# Resul t s : FUEL CONSUMPTION – GALLONS PER HOUR. FIGURE II. 50 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 60 FORM 107 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-14 12 M.P.H. Hours. Optimum Speed, Fuel Consumption, and Elapsed Time Vs. Distance. Electra Model 10-E Initial Gross Wt. 16,500# Constant R.P.M. Propellers. Pratt & Whitney S3H1 Engines Zero Wind. Performance at Best Power and Altitude. 24 170 analysis Range prepared by W.C. Nelson. date 5-18-36. Gallons (100) Millimeters, 10th line heavy. Miles Per Hour. 160 20 150 FIGURE III. 140 8 16 6 12 4 6 130 Gallons of Fuel Consumed. Elapsed Time, Hours. 4 0 0 0 1000 2000 Distance Covered in Miles. 3000 4000 9 page model 10E report No. 2 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 10 487 FORM 107 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-14 Variation of Gross Weight, Power Output, and Cruising Altitude With Distance Initial Gross Wt. 16,500# Lockheed Electra Model 10-E Zero Wind. Constant R.P.M Propellers. 12 17 Gross Weight - Pounds 16 8 400 13 12 6 300 11 Optimum Power Output Alternative Power Output (see pg. ) 10 200 9 4 100 2 0 0 1000 2000 Distance Covered – Miles. 3000 4000 10 page model 10E report no. 487 0 Altitude – 1000' FIGURE IV. Optimum Cruising Altitude 14 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 10 15 BHP. analysis Range prepared by W.C. Nelson. date 5-18-36. Weight (1000#) Millimeters, 10th line heavy. KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-11 20 X 20 to the inch. analysis Range prepared by W.C. Nelson. date 5-18-36. Miles Per Gallon Versus Altitude For Various Gross Weights and Power Outputs. Constant Speed Propellers. Zero Wind. Gross Wt. 16,500# Gross Wt. 12,900# Gross Wt. 9300# 10 400 BHP. 300 BHP. 300 BHP. 250 BHP. Altitude – 1000' FIGURE V. LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 8 375 BHP. 350 BHP. 350 BHP. 200 BHP. 6 350 BHP. 250 BHP. 4 2 3.5 Miles Per Gallon 4.0 3.0 3.5 Miles Per Gallon 2.0 2.5 Miles Per Gallon 3.0 11 page model 10E report no. 487 0 3.0 FORM 107 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-14 Millimeters, 10th line heavy. 1400 19,000 1200 analysis Range prepared by W.C. Nelson. date 5-18-36. Fuel and Initial Gross Weight Necessary For a Given Range. Constant R.P.M. Propellers. Lockheed Electra Model 10-E Zero Wind. Performance at Best Power and Altitude. 18,000 Gallons of Fuel. 16,000 Gross Weight – Pounds. FIGURE VI. 800 17,000 600 400 15,000 14,000 13,000 12,000 11,000 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 1000 10,000 9,000 200 1000 2000 Desired Range in Miles. 3000 4000 12 page model 10E report no. 487 0 analysis Range prepared by W.C. Nelson. date 5-11-36. 13 page model 10E report no. 487 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. FUEL CONSUMPTION B.H.P. R.P.M. OPTIMUM R.P.M., POWER, and WEIGHT CONDITIONS FOR ANY ALTITUDE 350 2000 350 BHP. For 4100 mile range. 300 1900 For 4500 mile range 1800 300 BHP. 250 1700 250 BHP. 200 BHP. .55 .45 .35 Spec. Fuel cons. (#/BHP/Hr.) 200 9300# 12,900# Gross Weight. 16,000# Miles Per Gallon Vs. Power Output at Various Altitudes. 10,000' 5,000' S.L. 3.5 Mi./Gal. 20 X 20 to the inch. KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-11 4.0 3.0 10,000' 5,000' Gross Wt. 9300# Gross Wt. 12,900# S.L. Gross Wt. 16,500# 5,000' 2,500' S.L. 2.5 200 300 BHP. 200 300 BHP. FIGURE VII. 300 400 BHP. analysis Range prepared by W.C. Nelson. date 5-18-36. 14 page model 10E report no. 487 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Miles Per Gallon Versus Fuel Load at Optimum Power Output and Altitude. 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 300 600 900 1200 Miles Per Hour Versus Fuel Load. M.P.H. 180 170 160 150 20 X 20 to the inch. KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-11 140 130 0 300 600 900 1200 Fuel in Tanks - Gallons. H.P.M. Hours Per Mile Versus Distance Covered. .0070 .0065 .0060 1000 2000 FIGURE VIII. 3000 4000 5000 analysis Range prepared by W.C. Nelson. date 5-20-36. 15 page model 10E report no. 487 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Blade Angle in Degrees (.75R) Thrust (#) Take-off Characteristics. Sea Level. Gross Wt. 16,500# H.S.C.S. Prop. 600 BHP/engine at 2300 r.p.m. 2200 Thrust 2000 1800 1600 1400 14 Blade Angle 1200 13 0 40 60 M.P.H. 80 2600 800 2400 600 2200 400 2000 O° 10° 20° 30° Flap Angle. 40° 50° 200 FIGURE IX. 12 100 Effect of Flaps on Rate of Climb. 600 BHP. Output. Rate of Climb in Ft./min. Effect of Flaps on Take-off Run. 600 BHP. Output. Take-off Run in Feet. NO. 359-11 20 X 20 to the inch. KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. 20 O° 10° 20° 30° Flap Angle. 40° 50° Analysis – Range. By – W. C. Nelson Date – 5–19–36. LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. S E A L E V EL HP. REQUIRED CURVES Vm.p.h. q#/ft CL 87.5 19.5 1.85 90 20.8 1.73 95 23.1 1.56 100 25.5 1.41 105 28.0 1.29 110 30.9 1.17 120 36.8 0.98 130 43.1 0.84 140 50.0 0.72 2 150 160 Page – 16 Model – 10-E Report – 487 57.4 65.0 0.63 0.55 FLAPS DOWN 30° CD HPREQ .244 508 .218 498 .197 528 .179 556 .165 591 .151 626 .132 711 .119 815 .110 940 .104 .100 1092 1270 HPREQ. = DV = CDAqYmph. = 1.22 CDqVmph. 550 375 S E A L E V EL HP. AVAILABLE — 600 B.HP. — 2300 r.p.m. — FLAPS 30° Vm.p.h. 90 95 100 105 110 120 130 140 / ND .382 .403 .425 .446 .467 .510 .552 .595 V C S β .72 15° .76 15° .80 16° .84 16.5° .88 17° .96 17° 1.04 17° 1.12 18° F L A PS NEUTRAL V m.p.h. T.HP 95 769 100 780 105 799 110 810 120 840 130 865 140 889 150 900 HP. REQ — 498 484 476 480 500 520 556 η 0.62 0.64 0.65 0.665 0.675 0.70 0.72 0.74 HP. ex . — 282 315 334 360 365 369 344 T.HP. 745 769 780 780 810 840 865 889 HP REQ 498 528 556 556 626 711 815 940 RC — 564 f.p.m. 630 668 720 730 7.38 688 HP ex. 247 241 224 224 184 129 50 – RC 494 f.p.m. 482 448 448 368 258 100 – Analysis Range Prepared by C.L. Johnson Date June 17, 1936 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. APPENDIX and COMPUTATIONS ************************* FORM 100 19 Page Model 10E Report No. 487 Range Analysis W.C. Nelson Prepared by Date 5–19–36. R-CLJ LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Page 20 Model 10–E Report No. 487 METHOD OF COMPUTATION The basic horsepower required curves are developed from flight test data and include an additional variation in "e" to account for the change in propulsive efficiency with angle of attack. Horsepower available curves are determined from the engine propeller characteristics. From these curves the cruising speeds at various power outputs and altitudes is determined and the optimum power – r.p.m. conditions selected for the engine. Complete data on the fuel consumption of the engine was not available so generalized data on aircooled engines was used. (see pg. ) From the known speeds and power outputs a chart of miles per gallon for various gross weights and alittudes was derived. From this chart the optimum power and altitudes for flight were selected and a graph of miles per gallon versus fuel load at any point during the trip was drawn up. Integration of this curve yields the range. Similarly, integration of the hours per mile versus miles travelled curve gives the elapsed time at any point during the trip. Range, elapsed time, optimum speeds, power output, and altitude are then plotted on pgs. and . A curve of the gallons of fuel necessary for any given range is also presented on pg . Recommended Sea Level Engine Conditions. Gross Wt. Power R.P.M. Man. Pr. 9300# 200BHP. 1700 24.5 "Hg. 9300 250 1700 26.6 9300 300 1800 27.8 9300 350 1950 28.5 12,900 250 1700 26.6 12,900 300 1800 27.8 12,900 350 1950 28.5 16,500 350 1950 28.5 * 16,500 375 2100 28.5 * 16,500 400 2100 29.5 * Would only be used at altitude where max. cruising lim– itations of 2000 r.p.m. and 28.5" Hg. would not be exceeded. FORM 100 Analysis Range Prepared by W.C. Nelson Date 5–20–36. LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 21 Page Model 10–E Report No.487 COMPUTATIONS (continued) Take-off will be considered with a gross weight of 16,500# and a power output of 600 BHP. per engine at 2300 r.p.m. at sea level. Schrenk's Method of analysis will be used. The following table of take–off relationships is then derived. V V/ND CP b CT 0 m.p.h. 0 .0418 12.9° .102 10 .030 .0418 12.9° .100 20 .061 .0418 13.0° .097 30 .091 .0418 13.1° .093 40 .121 .0418 13.1 .090 50 .152 .0418 13.2 .090 60 .182 .0418 13.3 .086 70 .312 .0418 13.4 .082 80 .242 .0418 13.7 .080 90 .273 .0418 13.8 .078 100 .303 .0418 14.0 .075 * Effective thrust includes a 7% losses. Thrust Thrust(Effective) 2,320 #/prop. 2,160 #/prop.* 2,270 2,110 2,200 2,050 2,120 1,970 2,090 1,950 2,050 1,910 1,960 1,820 1,860 1,730 1,820 1,690 1,770 1,650 1,710 1,590 reduction factor due to tip Then: S = W q1 1 g (P – P ) o 1 log P e Po 1 S is the take—off run in ft. 1 W is the gross weight = 16,500# g = std. air density = .0765 #/cu.ft. q = take—off impact pressure. 1 P is the initial accelerating force. P the final. o 1 .9 C = 1.31 Lmax. q = 27.5 #/sq.ft. (104 m.p.h.) 1 C = 0.148 D P = T — mW = 4320 — .04 x 16,500 = 3650# o o The coefficient of friction of .04 corresponds to a good field with hard turf. P = T — D = 3180 - .148 x 458 x 27.5 = 1317# 1 1 1 S = 16,500 27.5 log 3660 = 2590 ft. 1 e 1317 .0765 (3660 - 1317) FORM 100 Analysis Range Prepared by W.C. Nelson Date 5–20–36. LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Page 22 Model 10-E Report No.487 COMPUTATIONS (continued) Investigating the effect of flaps down 20°: 0.9 C = 1.57 Lmax. C = 0.183 D P = 3660# o o = 23 #/sq.ft. (95 m.p.h.) 1 P = 1620 x 2 - 0.183 x 458 x 23 = 1310# 1 S = 16,500 23 log 3660 = 2180 ft. 1 e 1310 .0765 2350 Flaps down 30°: 0.9 C = 0.9 x 1.35 = 1.67 Lmax. C = 0.21 D P = 3660# o q = 21.6 #/sq.ft. (92 m.p.h.) 1 P = 2 x 1660 - 0.21 x 458 x 21.6 = 1240# 1 S = 16,500 21.6 log 3660 = 2080 ft. 1 e 1240 .0765 2420 Flaps down 45°: 0.9 C = 1.75 Lmax. C = 0.243 D P = 3660 # o q = 20.6 #/sq.ft. 1 P1 = 2 x 1660 - 0.243 x 458 x 20.6 = 1000# S = 16,500 1 .0765 FORM 100 20.6 2660 log 3660 e 1040 = 2165 ft. (89.5 m.p.h.) Analysis Range W.C. Nelson Prepared by Date 5–20–36. LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 23 Page Model 10-E Report No. 487 COMPUTATIONS (continued) From the preceding calculations and graphs it is evidenct that the minimum take-off run occurs with the flaps set at approximately 30°, when it is reduced some 20% from the unflapped run. Computations for the rate of climb curves are included in the appendix, pg. . FORM 100 FORM 107 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-14 Millimeters, 10th line heavy. Analysis Range Prepared by W.C. Nelson. Date 5-18-36. Drag Polar and Variation of "e". 1.4 1.2 CD = .029 + CL3 20.75 e C Gear Up L Gear Down .8 Flaps 20°, Gear Down. Flaps 30°, Gear Down .6 e Flaps 45°, Gear Down. .4 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 1.0 .2 0 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .85 .75 e 24 Page Model 10E Report No. 487 0 Range prepared byW . C. Ne l s on page analysis date 5 – 18 – 3 6 . LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. model report 25 10E no. 487 PROPELLER CHARACTERISTICS From NACA T. R. 351 , f ig.25 Appl i ed t o H. S. 5095–6 1.0 .8 28° 23° .6 1.6 17° 12° .4 28° .2 1.2 23° V/ND 1.0 17° Millimeters, 10th line heavy. NO. 359-14 0 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. 1.4 .8 12° at .75 R .6 .4 .2 0 0 FORM 107 .4 .8 1.2 C S 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.6 analysis Range prepared by W.C. 5-18-36. Nelson page 26 model 10E report no. 487 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Horsepower Required and Available Curves. Constant R.P.M. Propellers Gross Wt. 16,500#. H.P. Sea Level 900 5,000’ 10,000’ 800 600 Millimeters, 10th line heavy. KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-14 700 S.L.–350 BHP.-1800 r.p.m. S.L.–350 BHP.-1900 r.p.m. 500 400 80 FORM 107 100 120 140 Velocity – M.P.H. 160 180 200 analysis Range prepared by W.C. 5-18-36 Nelson page 27 model 10E report no. 487 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Horsepower Required and Available Curves. Constant R.P.M. Propellers Gross Wt. 12,900# 900 Sea Level 5,000’ 10,000’ 800 700 600 S.L.—550 BHP.—1900 r.p.m. 500 Millimeters, 10th line heavy. KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-14 S.L.—550 BHP.—1800r.p.m. S.L.—300 BHP.—1700 r.p.m. S.L.—300 BHP.—1900 r.p.m. 400 S.L.—250 BHP.—1700 r.p.m. S.L.—250 BHP.—1900 r.p.m. 300 80 100 120 140 Velocity — M.P.H. FORM 107 160 180 200 analysis Range prepared by W.C. 5-18-36 Nelson 28 page 10E model report no. 487 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Horsepower Required and Available Curves. Constant R.P.M. Propellers Gross Wt. 19,500# 800 Sea Level 5,000’ 10,000’ 700 600 S.L.—350 BHP.—1800r.p.m. 500 S.L.—350 BHP.—1900 r.p.m. S.L.—300 BHP.—1700 r.p.m. NO. 359-14 Millimeters, 10th line heavy. KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. S.L.—300 BHP.—1900 r.p.m. 400 S.L.—250 BHP.—1700 r.p.m. S.L.—250 BHP.—1900 r.p.m. S.L.—200 BHP.—1500 r.p.m. 300 S.L.—200 BHP.—1700 r.p.m. 200 80 FORM 107 100 120 140 Velocity — M.P.H. 160 180 200 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO., N.Y. NO. 359-14 Millimeters, 10th line heavy. analysis Range prepared by W.C. 5-18-36. FORM 107 Change in Speed With R.P.M. at Constant Power Output. Constant Speed Propeller Gross Wt. as Indicated. 350 BHP. 300 BHP. 250 BHP. 200 BHP. 28.5'' Man. Press. Limit 1900 Nelson R.P.M. 16,500# 1800 9300 # 12,900# 9,300# 9,300# 1700 9300# 28.5'' Manifold Press. Limit 1600 LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. 12,900# 12,900# 1500 4 0 2 4 M.P.H. Increase in Speed. 0 2 4 0 2 4 487 2 page 29 model 10E report no. 0 Analysis – Range By – W.C. Nelson LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Date – 5-18-36. Vmph q% 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 SEA LEVEL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED CURVES C L C D 16,500# 12,900# 9,300# 10.9 12.5 14.4 16.4 18.5 20.8 1.36 23.1 1.22 25.5 1.41 1.11 30.9 1.17 0.91 36.8 0.98 0.77 43.1 0.84 0.65 50.0 0.72 .057 57.4 0.63 0.49 65.0 0.55 0.43 43.5 0.49 0.38 82.8 0.44 0.34 92.2 0.39 0.31 102.0 0.85 0.88 W = CLAqA = 458.3ft2 CL = 36.0 for q = 28.2 for q CL = 20.3 for q 16,500# 12,900# 9,300# 1.41 1.24 1.10 0.98 0.147 0.88 0.123 0.80 0.160 0.106 0.66 0.115 0.080 0.55 0.089 0.665 0.47 0.073 0.055 0.41 0.061 0.049 0.55 0.53 0.043 0.31 0.041 0.040 0.28 0.049 0.38 0.25 0.040 0.036 0.22 0.038 0.034 0.20 0.036 0.033 Pg –30 Model – 10E Report – 487 HP REQ. 16,500# 12,900# 9,300# 0.160 0.126 0.105 0.089 336 0.089 329 0.068 498 330 0.056 476 332 0.047 480 350 0.042 500 376 0.039 520 418 0.036 556 451 0.034 596 508 0.033 670 564 0.032 726 655 0.032 812 726 0.031 896 821 16,500# 12,900# 9,300# HPREQ = DV = CDAq Vmph = 1.22 CDqVmph 550 375 211 202 201 203 206 212 232 253 887 333 378 431 503 581 684 771 Analysis – Range By – W.C. Nelson LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Date – 5-18-36. Vm.p.h. 100 120 140 160 180 200 V/ND 100 120 140 160 180 200 .575 .690 .805 .920 1.035 1.150 100 120 140 160 180 200 .575 .690 .805 .920 1.035 1.150 100 120 140 160 180 200 .514 .617 .720 .822 .925 1.030 100 120 140 160 180 200 .575 .690 .805 .920 1.035 1.150 .651 .781 .912 1.042 1.172 1.302 SEA LEVEL Cs 1.20 1.43 1.67 1.90 2.14 2.39 SEA LEVEL 1.13 1.25 1.48 1.80 2.03 2.26 SEA LEVEL 1.09 1.30 1.51 1.73 1.95 2.16 SEA LEVEL 1.04 1.24 1.45 1.65 1.85 2.06 SEA LEVEL 1.04 1.25 1.35 1.65 1.87 2.09 200 B.HP. 1500 r.p.m. b 19° 21° 23° 25° 26.5° 28° 200 B.HP. 1700 r.p.m. 16° 20.5° 21.5° 21.5° 23° 24.5° 250 B.HP. 1700 r.p.m. 17° 19° 21° 22.5° 24° 25.5° 250 B.HP. 1900 r.p.m. 14° 16° 17° 19° 21° 22.5° 300 B.HP. 1700 r.p.m. 19° 21° 25° 23.5° 25° 26° Pg –31 Model – 10E Report – 487 0.74 0.77 0.785 0.77 0.74 0.72 T.HP. 148 154 157 154 148 144 0.73 0.76 0.77 0.72 0.70 0.64 146 152 154 144 140 128 0.74 0.76 0.77 0.76 0.745 0.71 185 190 192.5 190 186 178 0.70 0.73 0.74 0.72 0.70 0.66 175 183 185 180 175 165 0.72 0.76 0.765 0.78 0.77 0.75 216 228 230 234 231 225 η Analysis – Range By – W.C. Nelson LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Date – 5-18-36. Vm.p.h. 100 120 140 160 180 200 V/ND 100 120 140 160 180 200 .543 .651 .760 .869 .978 1.086 100 120 140 160 180 200 .514 .617 .720 .822 .925 1.030 120 140 160 .514 .617 .720 .822 .925 1.030 .690 .805 .920 SEA LEVEL 300 B.HP. 1900 r.p.m. b Cs 1.00 16° 1.20 17° 1.40 18.5° 1.60 20° 1.80 22° 2.00 23° SEA LEVEL 350 B.HP. 1800 r.p.m. 1.00 18° 1.20 19° 1.40 21° 1.60 22° 1.80 23.5° 2.00 25.5° SEA LEVEL 350 B.HP. 1900 r.p.m. 0.97 17° 1.16 18° 1.35 20° 1.54 21° 1.74 22° 1.93 24° 5,000' 200 B.HP. 1700 r.p.m. 1.32 18° 1.55 20° 1.75 22° 5,000' 120 140 160 180 .651 .760 .869 .978 1.24 1.46 1.65 1.85 5,000' 120 140 160 180 .617 .720 .822 .925 250 B.HP. 300 B.HP. 1.17 1.36 1.56 1.75 Pg –32 Model – 10E Report – 487 0.71 0.75 0.76 0.75 0.74 0.71 T.HP. 213 225 228 225 222 213 0.71 0.75 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.76 248 262 270 270 270 266 0.70 0.74 0.76 0.77 0.75 0.74 245 259 266 270 262 259 η σ 1/5 = 0.972 0.76 0.76 0.75 152 152 150 σ 1/5 = 0.972 1800 r.p.m. 18° 19° 21.5° 23° 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.755 190 190 190 189 σ 1/5 = 0.972 1900 r.p.m. 17.5° 19° 21° 22.5° 0.75 0.76 0.76 0.76 225 228 228 228 Analysis – Range By – W.C. Nelson LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Date – 5-18-36. Vm.p.h. 120 140 160 180 140 160 180 100 120 140 160 180 200 140 160 180 V/ND .651 .760 .869 .978 .720 .822 .925 .465 .559 .651 .745 .848 .930 .651 .745 .848 10,000' 250 B.HP. Cs 1.21 1.42 1.60 1.79 10,000' 300 B.HP. 1.32 1.51 1.70 120 140 160 180 .651 .745 .848 .559 .651 .745 .848 18.5° 20° 22° 24° 1900 r.p.m. 20° 22° 23° SEA LEVEL 400 B.HP. 2100 r.p.m. 0.90 15° 1.08 19° 1.26 17° 1.44 18° 1.62 21° 1.80 22° 5,000' 400 B.HP. 2100 r.p.m. 1.22 18.5° 1.40 20° 1.557 21.5° 10,000' 140 160 180 1800 r.p.m. b 400 B.HP. 1.19 1.36 1.53 SEA LEVE 375 B.HP. 1.102 1.29 1.47 1.66 η 0.75 0.77 0.78 0.78 Pg –33 Model – 10E Report – 487 T.HP. 188 193 195 195 σ 1/5 = 0.943 σ 1/5 = 0.943 0.76 0.78 0.78 228 234 234 0.68 0.715 0.76 0.76 0.75 0.74 272 286 304 304 300 296 σ 1/5 = 0.943 0.75 0.77 0.76 300 308 316 σ 1/5 = 0.943 2100 r.p.m. 20° 21° 23° 0.75 0.77 0.79 300 308 316 2100 r.p.m. 15° 17° 18° 20° 0.72 0.76 0.75 0.74 270 285 281 278 Analysis – Range By – W.C. Nelson LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Date – 5-18-36. Pg –34 Model – 10E Report – 487 9300# GROSS WEIGHT B.HP./ENG. R.P.M. MAN. PR. 350 300 250 200 350 300 250 350 400 350 400 375 1950 1950 1950 1800 1800 1800 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 28.5 "Hg 26.5 24.6 27.8 25.8 23.7 26.6 24.5 22.5 24.5 22.5 20.5 1950 1950 1950 1800 1800 1800 1700 1700 1700 28.5 26.5 24.6 27.8 25.8 23.8 26.6 24.5 22.5 1950 1950 1950 2100 2100 2100 1950 2100 2100 2100 2100 28.5 26.5 24.6 29.5 27.2 25.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 26.5 24.5 ALTITUDE SPEED S.F.C. 0 ' 174 m.p.h. 0.46#/BHP.HR. 5,000 181 0.46 10,000 189 0.46 0 164 0.465 5,000 170 0.465 10,000 177 0.465 0 151 0.47 5,000 157 0.47 10,000 162 0.47 0 135 0.515 0.515 139 5,000 143 0.515 10,000 12,900# GROSS WEIGHT 0 165 0.46 5,000 170 0.46 10,000 175 0.46 0 152 0.465 5,000 156 0.465 10,000 158 0.465 0 133 0.47 5,000 133 0.47 10,000 — — 16,500# GROSS WEIGHT 0 144 0.46 5,000 128 0.46 10,000 — — 0.465 0 162 164 0.465 5,000 10,000 159 0.465 2,500 141 .046 2,500 163 0.465 0 153 0.46 5,000 151 0.46 10,000 143 0.46 TOTAL FUEL CON. IN GAL.. PER HR. MILES PER GAL. HR./GAL. 53.6 53.6 53.6 46.5 46.5 46.5 39.2 39.2 39.2 34.3 34.3 34.3 3.24 3.37 3.52 3.52 3.66 3.8 3.85 4.00 4.14 3.93 4.05 4.17 .0186 .0186 .0186 .0215 .0215 .0215 .0255 .0255 .0255 .0291 .0291 .0291 53.6 53.6 53.6 46.5 46.5 46.5 39.2 39.2 — 3.07 3.17 3.26 3.27 3.36 3.40 3.39 3.39 — .0186 .0186 .0186 .0215 .0215 .0215 .0255 .0255 — 53.6 53.6 — 62.0 62.0 62.0 53.6 62.0 57.5 57.5 57.5 2.68 2.38 — 2.61 2.65 2.56 2.63 2.63 2.66 2.62 2.48 .0186 .0186 — .0161 .0161 .0161 .0186 .0161 .0174 .0174 .0174 Analysis – Range By – W.C. Nelson LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORP. Date – 5-18-36. Values Derived From FUEL DISTANCE USED COVERED 300 gals. 846 mi. 600 1812 900 2880 1200 4080 0 0 Pg –35 Model – 10E Report – 487 Graphical Integration of Miles Per Gallon Vs. Fuel Load Curve. OPTIMUM HOURS SPEED PER MILE 160 m.p.h. .00625 153 .00633 153 .00654 143 .00700 162 .00617 Values Derived From Graphical Integration of Hours Per Mile Vs. Distance Covered. DISTANCE COVERED 1,000 mi 2,000 3,000 4,000 ELAPSED TIME 6.20 hrs. 12.49 18.97 25.68 DISTANCE DESIRED FUEL NECESSARY GROSS WEIGHT 0 miles 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 GAL. 120 244 520 820 1165 9,300# 10,020 10,764 12,420 14,220 16,240