11-18-14 Agenda Packet - Montgomery County Schools
11-18-14 Agenda Packet - Montgomery County Schools
1 MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 18, 2014 McNabb Middle School Auditorium 6:30 p.m. Page # I. Call To Order II. Pledge of Allegiance – JROTC III. Student Demonstration of Learning – 8th Grade Math Digital Presentations of Student Learning IV. Recognition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 A. Boys Golf B. Cross Country V. Remarks by Citizens – Agenda Items VI. MCEA Monthly Report – Dena Amburgy VII. Reports/Monthly Updates Verbal Reports A. Preschool – Melody Claypoole B. Ed Tech Summit Follow-Up and Chromebook Insights – Stephanie Baker, Debbie Goldy, Ben Monnett, Collis Robinson Printed Information C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. VIII. Maintenance -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Transportation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-7 Technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Food & Nutrition Services ------------------------------------------------------------------9 Child Care ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 Communications & Community Education Report ----------------------------------- 11-13 Chinese Education ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-16 Office of Special Projects/Exceptional Children -------------------------------------- 17-18 School Reports & SBDM Minutes ------------------------------------------------------ 19-41 Family Resource/Youth Service Centers ----------------------------------------------- 42-49 Guidance Reports -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50-55 Professional Leave--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Superintendent’s Reports – Verbal Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes – October 7, 2014 Special Session, October 28, 2014 Regular Session ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57-62 B. Treasurer/Food Service Director Reports & Accounts Payable ------------------- 63-184 2 C. D. E. F. IX. Personnel Matters ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 185-194 Use of Facilities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 195 Fundraising Requests----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196 Agreements/Contracts/Applications -------------------------------------------------- 197-199 1. Wireless Wide Area Network G. Student Trip Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------- 200-203 H. Declaration of Surplus Property ------------------------------------------------------- 204-205 I. Area Technology Center SEEK Fund Statement of Assurance ------------------- 206-207 J. Purchase of Chromebook Cases ---------------------------------------------------------- 208 K. Requests for Diplomas/Graduation ------------------------------------------------------ 209 L. Policies & Administrative Procedures ------------------------------------------------ 210-232 1. Use of School Property – Certified, 03.1321 – First Reading 2. Use of School Property – Classified, 03.2321 – First Reading 3. Access to Electronic Media, 08.2323 – First Reading 4. Staff Use of Electronic Devices – Certified, 03.1321 AP.1 – Review 5. Staff Use of Electronic Devices – Classified, 03.2321 AP.1 – Review 6. Access to Electronic Media, 08.2323 AP.1 - Review 7. Electronic Access/User Agreement Forms, 08.2323 AP.21 – Review Facilities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 233-244 A. McNabb Middle School Storm Drainage Change Order 032-01 X. Remarks by Citizens – Non-Agenda Items XI. Confirm December Meetings – The regular December meeting is tentatively planned for December 16, 2014 at the Montgomery County Intermediate School. XII. Closed Session as per KRS 61.810, if needed. XIII. Adjournment 3 Montgomery County Board of Education Agenda Item – November 18, 2014 RECOGNITION 1. MCHS Boys’ Golf Kevin Lawson The MCHS Boys’ Golf Team finished as Runner-Up in regional tournament and advanced to state competition, which was held on October 9th and 10th. Team members are: 12th Tristan Blevins 11th Jay Adams Brack Castle 2. Cross Country 9th Justin Jude Evan King Laken Robertson Matthew Shumate 8th Kyle Amburgey Luke Fuller Ian King Jonathon Kosier Hopey Newkirk Two high school runners, Connor Jackson and April Eling, and one middle school runner, Jewelee Holbrook, qualified at the regional meet to advance to state competition on November 8th. Connor ran a personal best of 18:25 and placed 26th overall. In girls’ competition, April placed 15th overall. In middle school competition, Jewelee also ran a personal best of 21:54 and placed 18th overall. In the girls’ state competition, April Eling placed 80th of 225 runners with a time of 21:48. Jewelee Holbrook was 121st with a time of 21:48. In boys’ competition Connor Jackson finished 213th of 248 runners with a time of 19:14. Montgomery County Schools 4 Monthly Board Report Custom Period (10/01/2014 - 10/31/2014) Craft Ceiling Tile Labor Hrs Labor Costs Material Costs Sales Tax Total WO % of Work Costs Count (Count) 1.5 $37.50 $18.00 $0.00 $55.50 1.00 4 $100.00 $94.85 $0.00 $194.85 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Custodial Avg Hours Per WO Avg Cost Per WO 0.48% 1.5 $55.50 4.00 1.91% 1 $48.71 6.00 2.87% $0.00 Doors and Hardware 22.5 $562.50 $72.88 $0.00 $635.38 15.00 7.18% 1.5 $42.36 Electrical 46.5 $1,162.50 $438.60 $0.00 $1,601.10 31.00 14.83% 1.5 $51.65 Equipment 14.5 $362.50 $455.13 $0.00 $817.63 17.00 8.13% .85 $48.10 24 $600.00 $1,800.00 $0.00 $2,400.00 1.00 0.48% 24 $2,399.98 54.75 $1,368.75 $993.45 $0.00 $2,362.20 42.00 20.10% 1.3 $56.24 Grounds $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2.00 0.96% $0.00 Heating/Ventilation ... $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 26.00 12.44% $0.00 10.5 $262.50 $10.00 $0.00 $272.50 14.00 6.70% .75 $19.46 23.25 $581.25 $834.30 $0.00 $1,415.55 15.00 7.18% 1.55 $94.37 5.5 $137.50 $0.00 $0.00 $137.50 1.00 0.48% 5.5 $137.50 Painting $0.00 $65.00 $0.00 $65.00 3.00 1.44% $21.67 Pest Control $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1.00 0.48% $0.00 $1,150.00 $348.18 $0.00 $1,498.18 17.00 8.13% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1.00 0.48% $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 12.00 5.74% Flooring General Maintenance Key and Lock Lighting P/A System Plumbing 46 Security Camera Water Leaks Grand Totals Monday, November 03, 2014 4 257 $6,425.00 $5,130.39 $0.00 $0.00 209.00 $11,555.39 100.00% 2.71 $88.13 $0.00 .33 1.23 $8.33 $55.29 Page 1 of 1 5 Transportation Activity – October 2014 • Transportation drove 122 trips, taking 733.25 hours, traveling 9,252 miles and transporting 3,665 students. • Preschool drove 60 double routes, traveling 5112 miles and using 366 hours. • Drivers did their individual and total bus emergency drills. • Safety meeting for all drivers, monitors, mechanics and staff. • School bus Trunk or Treat at Jeffersonville Park. OCTOBER 2014 BOARD AGENDA REPORT TRANSPORTATION FIELD TRIP PAYMENT HISTORY - OCTOBER 1 - 31, 2014 CUSTOMER(S) Board Board Board Board Board Board GROUP(S) Black Achievers Bowling MCHS Academic Team MCHS Cheerleaders MCHS Creative Writing MCHS Cross Country Board MCHS Football Board Board MCHS Boys Golf MCHS Boys Soccer Board Board FFA MCHS JROTC Board Board Board Board Board Board MCHS Girls Soccer MCHS Marching Band MCHS Band Equipment MCHS Orchestra MCHS Vocal Music MCHS Volleyball Board Board McNabb Girls Basketball McNabb Football REASON/DESTINATION Downtown; Lexington Danville Maysville Woodford Co. MSU Lykins Park; Mason Co; Lexington Bourbon Co; Woodford Co W. Jessamine Bowling Green Henry Clay; Mercer Co.; Scott High Breathitt Co; Camp McKee Whitley Co; Louisville; Mont. Co Airport Rowan Co. Downtown; Grayson Grayson Camargo/Jeffersonville Raceland High School Clark Co; Harrison Co; Madison Central; NKU; Clark Co; Harrison Co Powell Co BOARD TOTAL Bi-Water Farm; Carlisle; 2 Camargo Elementary Camargo PTO/4-H Camp Sisters CAMARGO ELEMENTARY Special Education CBI Ch of God; Park; Farmer Mkt Goodys; 2 Sisters; Cinema CBI TOTAL KY School for the Deaf KY School for the Deaf Danville KENTUCKY SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Mapleton Mapleton 4-H Camp, Carlisle/2 Sisters MAPLETON MCIS MCIS Camargo/Jeffersonville MCIS MCHS MCHS Guidance Heritage Hall MCHS MCHS English Department School Farm AMOUNT(S) $ 549.62 $ 244.00 $ 166.50 $ 209.50 $ 152.25 $ 465.50 6 NUMBER OF TRIP(S) 4 1 1 1 1 3 $ 1,038.00 5 $ $ 445.00 1,136.75 1 4 $ $ 153.00 834.50 2 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ 140.00 600.00 272.50 43.50 274.50 1,282.25 1 4 1 1 1 6 $ $ 431.50 99.50 3 1 $ 8,538.37 44 $ $ $ 1,016.61 1,016.61 472.38 9 9 10 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 472.38 1,040.25 1,040.25 1,183.49 1,183.49 131.00 131.00 120.75 120.75 95.00 10 8 8 7 7 2 2 1 1 3 MCHS MCHS MC2 Academy MCHS MCHS MCHS MCHS MCHS Work Ethics MCHS MSE MSE MSE School Nutrition School Nutrition SCHOOL NUTRITION Vocational School Welding Lab VOCATIONAL SCHOOL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 95.00 398.00 398.00 28.75 28.75 85.00 85.00 1,187.39 1,187.39 114.63 114.63 1,458.75 1,458.75 TOTAL GROUPS INVOICED Board Camargo Elementary Kentucky School for the Deaf Mapleton Elementary MCIS MCHS Guidance MCHS English Dept MCHS MC2 Academy MCHS Work Ethics MCHS MSE School Nutrition Special Education $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ AMOUNT 8,538.37 1,016.61 1,040.25 1,183.49 131.00 120.75 95.00 398.00 85.00 28.75 1,187.39 114.63 472.38 Vocational School $ 1,458.75 GROUPS TOTAL Toyota Camargo/Jeffersonville Clay Community Center Bi-Water Farm; 4-H Camp Bramble Ridge Orchard Welding Lab $ 15,870.37 7 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 9 9 3 3 17 17 NUMBER OF TRIP(S) 44 9 8 7 2 1 3 2 2 1 9 3 10 17 118 Montgomery County Schools 8 Monthy Board Report(1) Reporting Period : Custom Period (10/01/2014 - 10/31/2014) Labor Hrs Labor Costs Material Costs Sales Tax Total Incident % of Incident Avg Hours Avg Cost Costs Count (Count) Per Incident Per Incident Audio / Visual 3.58 $89.50 $0.00 $0.00 $89.50 11.00 6.18% .33 $8.14 Computer Monitor 6.76 $169.00 $0.00 $0.00 $169.00 14.00 7.87% .48 $12.07 1.5 $37.50 $0.00 $0.00 $37.50 2.00 1.12% .75 $18.75 27.45 $675.00 $0.00 $0.00 $675.00 35.00 19.66% .78 $19.29 1.25 $31.25 $0.00 $0.00 $31.25 4.00 2.25% .31 $7.81 .5 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 2.00 1.12% .25 $6.25 Internet Connection 5.75 $143.75 $0.00 $0.00 $143.75 11.00 6.18% .52 $13.07 Laptop 7.25 $181.25 $0.00 $0.00 $181.25 10.00 5.62% .73 $18.13 Miscellaneous/Questi... 5.58 $127.00 $0.00 $0.00 $127.00 16.00 8.99% .35 $7.94 Mobile Device 10.5 $262.50 $0.00 $0.00 $262.50 5.00 2.81% 2.1 $52.50 Mouse 1.75 $43.75 $0.00 $0.00 $43.75 2.00 1.12% .88 $21.88 .5 $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 1.00 0.56% .5 $12.50 .25 $6.25 $0.00 $0.00 $6.25 1.00 0.56% .25 $6.25 Printers 6.16 $154.00 $0.00 $0.00 $154.00 16.00 8.99% .38 $9.63 Projector 5.33 $133.25 $0.00 $0.00 $133.25 11.00 6.18% .48 $12.11 4 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 3.00 1.69% 1.33 $33.33 15 $375.00 $0.00 $0.00 $375.00 8.00 4.49% 1.88 $46.88 Software Application 1.25 $31.25 $0.00 $0.00 $31.25 4.00 2.25% .31 $7.81 Software Request 2.25 $56.25 $0.00 $0.00 $56.25 4.00 2.25% .56 $14.06 6 $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 6.00 3.37% 1 $25.00 14.75 $368.75 $0.00 $0.00 $368.75 10.00 5.62% 1.48 $36.88 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1.00 0.56% $12.50 $0.00 $0.00 $12.50 1.00 0.56% ProblemType Copier CPU / Computer Document Camera Email New Equipment Password Security System Smart Board Tablet Telephone Services Web Site Wireless Connection Grand Totals Monday, November 03, 2014 .5 127.86 $3,172.75 $0.00 $0.00 178.00 $3,172.75 100.00% $0.00 .5 16.15 $12.50 $402.76 Page 1 of 1 Our Commitment to Healthy Meals….. This school year the School Nutrition Program will continue to: offer choices of fresh fruit and vegetables, no trans-fat in food, 100% bread/grain offerings that are whole grain, continue to offer red-orange vegetables, dark green vegetables, and beans and other legumes, and meet age-appropriate calorie limits. All students must take a fruit and/or vegetable serving with the reimbursable lunch. Beginning 2014-2015 this will also include breakfast. SCHOOL MEAL NUMBERS 9 District Totals: Days Served—17 days Breakfast ADP 1744 Lunch ADP 3612 Breakfast Participation 38% Lunch Participation 79% Free Participation(L)5-12 78% Red. Participation (L)5-12 79% Paid Participation (L)5-12 65% School Nutrition Report – November 2014 Sept (21 days) Camargo Mapleton Mt. Sterling ELC Students in Mindy Jordan’s room enjoyed the apples and honey sticks at Bramble Orchard. Did you know??… A bee only produces 1 tsp of honey during its life span. Breakfast 7296 (347) 6849 (326) 5947 (283) 2268 (108) Lunch 10395 10759 10083 2299 (495) (512) (480) (109) Oct (17 days) Breakfast Lunch Camargo 5774 (340) 8202 (483) Mapleton 5338 (314) 8724 (513) Mt. Sterling 4732 (278) 8168 (481) ELC 1786 (105) 1743 (103) **Number in the ( ) is the Average Daily Participation. UPCOMING EVENTS November 2014 Other Highlights • • • • • • • • • • • Held managers meeting Completed Safety Inspections Attended Administration Meeting Completed Free and Reduced Meal Application Verification Attended the Alliance for Healthier Generation Meeting in Russell Springs Completed School Wellness Assessment for all schools Met with Donald May with Horizon to update software program Completed Site Enrollment information for KDE Taste Testing with Schwan’s Rep at MCHS State Department Training on Wellness Policy Toured cafeterias with new County Extension Agent—Hannah Leonard November 6—Alliance for Healthier Generation Meeting November 6—Chamber Banquet November 13—School Assessment for Alliance for Healthier Generation December 2014 December 4-5 KY Department of Ag Commodity Meeting Owensboro December 9—Holiday Staff Party Charge Update as of 11-5-14: Camargo 1,990.86 Central 398.55 MSE 2,637.44 Mapleton 1,919.87 McNabb 6,192.70 MCIS 7371.55 MCHS 9,372.92 Total Mealpayplus on-line deposit for October 29,883.89 $10,640.85 10 Montgomery County Schools District Child Care Program November 2014 Highlights & Upcoming Events • Full day child care was offered at Mapleton Elementary on Tuesday, November 4th for Election Day. • The two before/after child care classrooms at the Early Learning are at full capacity due to increased enrollment Enrollment & Attendance • • • • • ELC: 24 Camargo:45 Mapleton: 108 MCIS: 35 MSE: 111 Professional Development • CPI Renewal Training • Planning Age Appropriate Activities with After School Children Report prepared by: Kristi Carter 11 N O V 2 0 1 4 DISTRICT COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC RELATIONS UPDATE • Leadership Montgomery County – Education Day for the 2014 class of Leadership Montgomery County is scheduled for December 11th. Approximately 15 participants and sponsors spend the day touring and learning about the school district. Stops will include the Intermediate School, McNabb renovation project, transportation, Chenault Agriculture Center, and more. • Annual Professional Development – The public relations staff will attend professional development sessions at the annual Kentucky School Public Relations Association Conference on November 13th in Lexington. • Social Media – The district Facebook and Twitter feeds remain active and an overall positive means of sharing information and receiving feedback. The total number of followers for our Facebook page increased by 77 to 3,851; and the number of Twitter followers increased by 8 to 479. The most viewed Facebook post for the path month was the October 3rd posting about the district’s success in spring testing. It reached 9,412 people, was shared on other pages by 49 people, got 245 “likes” and 18 comments, all of which were positive. • Annual Report – The Annual Report for the district for the 2013-14 school year has been completed, following receipt of spring test scores. The report includes a brief overview of the districts performance, achievements and finances for the past year. A few copies will be provided at schools and key locations and the document will be posted on the district website. • Ongoing - Website revisions and maintenance (including district level changes by the website company and staff website training sessions), weekly provision of information/news releases to media, preparation of Board meeting agenda packets, coverage of district events (stories and or photos), advertisements, OneCall Now notification messages, Facebook, Twitter, district communication plan, note cards, events and programs, weekly Board update, monthly recognition programs, weekly employee newsletter and parent newsletter, and attendance at community functions. • Recent & Upcoming Events– Benefits fairs concluded. Six fairs were held, one at each school site. The staff will be helping, as needed, with the Chromebooks project in terms of providing information to parents and staff and volunteering to serve at rollout events. The PR staff may promote the district via the Christmas Parade and Christmas in the Park, etc. (at minimal cost). PR staff visited Mapleton Elementary’s reading fair exhibit and contest to take pictures and judge staff costume contest. Community Education Director, Jeff Perkins, helped to judge reading fair entries. He also emceed the Annual Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet on November 6th. Banners for the annual Kentucky School Boards Association banner contest are being prepared by the schools. PR staff will gather them, solicit input regarding a winner, and forward the winning entry to the Galt House for display at the annual KSBA conference. 12 BOARD OF EDUCATION REPORT Community Education Director November 2014 Family Reading Nights “Reading is the single most important skill necessary for a happy, productive and successful life. A child that is an excellent reader is a confident child, has a high level of selfesteem and is able to easily make the transition from learning to read to reading to learn” (Homework Help Secrets). Therefore, we must do anything and everything we can as early as possible to help students begin to love reading and start to become avid readers. However, there is also evidence revealing that 2/3 of American students living in poverty have no books at home to read. So it shouldn’t surprise then that only 16% of students eligible for free or reduced lunch programs are proficient in reading, compared to 42% who are not eligible” (NAEP). As such, with the grant money I have received and the books that have been purchased we have held three “Family Reading Nights” for preschoolers and their parents or caregivers. At the first one, for the KERA preschoolers at the E.L.C. on Thursday, Oct. 2, we had at least 50 parents show up. At the second one, for both the KERA and Head Start preschoolers at Camargo on Tuesday, Oct. 7, we had approximately 15 adults and at the final one, for Head Start preschoolers at the E.L.C. on Tuesday, Oct. 14, we had about 20 adults present. The agenda for each of these meetings consisted of a brief talk on the research and data that support the importance of reading to children at an early age, Catherine Rush doing a 15-20 minute workshop for parents on reading, and then the children and their parents were dismissed to go to their individual classrooms to get their free books. Volunteerism Volunteerism is going well. I continue to beat the drum for the importance of volunteerism in every community meeting and setting that I am in. For the convenience of potential volunteers I have also included a hard copy of the training and an email power point that have both been given to the receptionists at all our schools. Persons that are interested in volunteering can get background checks from the schools and also go over the orientation material. Reading Groups and Mentoring I have set up regular weekly meetings in all of our elementary schools. I meet with two students in each school for approximately 45-60 minutes for reading/mentoring. I have now added six additional students at Camargo that I will be meeting with. I will be meeting with three students from Mrs. Hall’s 2nd grade class on Tuesdays and on Wednesdays three students from the 3rd grade. I also read A.R. books with Brittany Rose’ kindergarten class. I am still hoping to meet with at least two students per week from the Sterling School. 13 We have several adults that are currently mentoring students at the high school while I am also in discussion with Lacy Gross about the possibility of others being mentored. E.L.C. I am continuing to work closely with Melody Claypoole and Mary Smith to see that things function smoothly at the E.L.C. I help coordinate the unloading of car riders in the morning, assist with all students in the cafeteria at lunchtime, and oversee getting the students to the buses in the afternoons. As the sole male figure at the E.L.C., I see being a positive role model for these preschoolers as a very significant part of my job. God only knows what many of these children see and experience on a daily basis from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. the next morning. I strive every day to bring encouragement to them, support, smiles, laughter and an altogether positive feeling for school and the classroom. Community “Broker” I continue to serve as a “broker” and representative of the school district through the various boards and committees in the community that I serve on. Again, I want to say thank you for giving me the privilege of serving our students and their families! Boards I serve on: • St. Joe Hospital Advisory Committee • A community Violence Prevention Team developed from a grant from St. Joe Hospital • PATH (Promoting Awareness concerning Teen Health) this is the teen pregnancy team sponsored by the health dept. • Sterling Healthcare Clinic board • Montgomery County Adult Basic Education (chair this committee) Speaking opportunities: • Hope Hill Children’s Home chapel service • Leadership Montgomery County monthly meeting • Rotary Club • Kiwanis • Parent University at MCIS sponsored by Christie Redmond • Taught Leadership class at Maysville Technical College • My wife and I do a Bible study/character development class on Wednesday evenings at Gateway Children’s Home. I will be attending the annual Community Education Director’s workshop in Frankfort on November 19-20. Respectfully submitted, Jeff Perkins 14 Montgomery County Elementary Chinese Board Report November 2014 The Chinese teachers love their schools and the students of Montgomery County! They meet weekly with students in grades K-4. Chinese Content: Kindergarten Family Moon Festival Thanksgiving First Grade Words for Family Members – mother, father, sister, brother Second Grade Words for Extended Family Members – grandmother, grandfather Moon Festival Food – turkey, pumpkin pie, corn, apple, grapes, potatoes Third Grade Family – engaging in dialogue about family Thanksgiving Read and write characters for family members Fourth Grade Expressions – Hello, teacher! Hello, children! Please, goodbye Map of China Confucius Math Content First Grade Add and subtract within 20 Determine if equations are true or false Second Grade Add within 100 Regrouping Adding 2 and 3 digit numbers Third Grade Graphing Even/Odd numbers Patterns Multiplying and dividing within 100 Multiplying by multiples of 10 Fourth Grade Dividing whole numbers Multiplication word problems 15 16 17 COUNTY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION AGENDA November 13, 2014 Department of Exceptional Children/Special Projects Board Report December 1 Child Count: November is typically the busiest month for special education staff members due to the December 1st Child Count. On December 1st of each year, a report is generated detailing all students in Montgomery County who receive special education services. The number of special education students on Decmeber 1st is used to determine funding for the following school year (i.e., 20152016 school year). Currently, the Department of Exceptional Children/Special Projects administrative team is meeting several times per week to review draft child count reports and correct any errors (e.g., incorrect dates, incorrect enrollment) that may prevent a student from counting on the December 1st report. Preschool Child Count: December 1st is also the date that we create our Preschool Child Count. The Special Projects Department is currently creating draft preschool count reports, with a final report scheduled to be generated on December 1, 2014. A second preschool report will be created in March 2015 to account for any students that enroll on and after December 2, 2014. These two reports are used to determine the amount of preschool funding our district receives. Medicaid: For the 2014-2015 school year, KDE contracted with a new company (Sivic Solution Group) for Medicaid services. Because of the change, new reports have been created. We are currently transitioning the new company and re-establishing our reports to follow the new company’s guidelines. Speech-Language Services: The Department of Exceptional Children/Special Projects seeks approval to create a new Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) position, with the option of hiring a Speech Language Pathologist Assistant. Presently, our SLPs across the district have each attained their maximum caseload number of 65 students. • • • 1 201 KAR 17:038. Caseload limitations. Section 1.(1)(a) The caseload for a speech-language pathologist who works five days a week, or the equivalent number of hours in the public school system, shall not exceed sixty-five (65) pupils. 1 The caseload is 97 for a SLP who supervises a SPLA (65 for SLP and 32 for SPLA). Currently, Montgomery County has six Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) and one Speech Language Pathologist Assistant (SPLA). http://www.lrc.ky.gov/kar/201/017/038.htm 18 • • • • • Speech services are determined on an individual basis and agreed upon at the Admissions and Release (ARC) Committee meeting. For example, students’ services typically range from a minimum of 30 minutes weekly to a maximum of 30 minutes 12 times monthly. All students receive services at least weekly; thus, each SLP is serving 65 students per week. In addition to providing direct services, SLPs must screen all referred students and provide intervention strategies to the students in the referral process. All of the speech language pathologists are either at their maximum of caseload of 65 (97 for supervising SLP), are over 65 (97 for supervising SLP), or will be within the next month. There are numerous upcoming ARC (Admissions & Release Committee) meetings to place students who need speech-language services. There is no waiver process to increase the maximum caseload for SLPs. Information from the Board of Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology explains that by law, the SLP may not go over their limit of 65. SLPs who exceed this limit may be subject to disciplinary action and possible termination of their license. In summary, all of our SLPs are either at or above the maximum caseload of 65 (or 97 for Supervising SLP) or will be after December 1, 2014. In order to maintain compliance with the aforemention Kentucky Administrative Regulation, and to provide, effective, high-quality speech language services, a new position for a Speech Language Pathologist is necessary. 19 Camargo Elementary School SCHOOL REPORT November 2014 Instruction & Assessment Our faculty began the school year with multiple professional development opportunities, including (but not limited to): • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Science Standards Deconstruction, on July 28 Kentucky State Police Shooter Scenario, on July 29 Comprehension Toolkit Reading Training, only July 31 ThinkLink Training Multiple PGES Trainings Data Notebooks, August 12 Horizontal Planning, August 19 Running Record Training, August 26 Program Review Overview and Evidence Collection, September 4 Horizontal Planning, September 9 Guided Reading, September 30 Program Review, October 7 Vertical Alignment/Planning, November 3 Genius Project, November 18 KPREP Data Study, November 20 Camargo’s teachers are being trained extensively this year on best practices in reading instruction. As indicated by Camargo’s 2013-2014 KPREP scores, growth is needed in the area of reading. Because of that, the majority of professional development teachers are receiving is geared toward reading instruction. Camargo is also intentionally planning and preparing for meeting Program Review standards, by dedicating one afternoon a month to work in Program Review committees. One faculty meeting a month is dedicated entirely to Program Review work. Professional Learning Communities are well under way at Camargo. Agendas for PLCs are attached. Since August, PLCs have been geared primarily towards implementation of PGES. As noted in our agendas, however, there have been multiple focus areas for PLCs, not limited to, but including: • • • • • • • • • • Response to Intervention A-Z Reader take home libraries Expectations for administering running records Posted work expectations The use of flashbacks and class agendas Assessment data Purposeful writing Literacy initiatives Peer Walkthroughs Professional Growth Plans • • 20 Student Growth Goals Student Growth Goal Rubrics Julie Bonfield, district curriculum specialist, began her work at Camargo during the week of October 27. Camargo is specifically using her to model lessons in classrooms. She has been working closely with new teachers at Camargo, to model lessons which convey our level of high expectations for instruction. Highlights & Upcoming Events Thursday, November 6 - PLCs – Peer Walkthroughs Friday, November 7 - Fall Festival, 5:30-8:30 - all teachers need to attend Wednesday, November 12 – Veterans’ Day Program Horizontal Planning Camargo Cooks at McDonalds’ on Maysville Road Thursday, November 13 – PLCs – data discussions Friday, November 14 – Picture Day Makeups Tuesday, November 18 - Faculty Meeting: Genius Project Thursday, November 20 - SBDM, 3:30 Tuesday, December 2 – Faculty Meeting: Program Review Tuesday, December 9 – Faculty Meeting: Horizontal Planning Thursday, December 11 – PLCs – analyze writing pieces SBDM @ 3:30 Tuesday, December 16 – Faculty Meeting: Vertical Planning Camargo presents The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, 5:30 Thursday, December 18 – Christmas Program at Camargo, 6:00 Parent & Community Involvement Newsletters are sent home weekly, to communicate with parents about what students are learning (specifically in the area of humanities/program review) and upcoming events. The newsletter has also been used, specifically lately, to communicate information about our literacy initiatives, including an increased use of A-Z Readers. Our website is being maintained by Felicia Spencer and we look forward to several new updates and improvements. A major focus of our work this year will be improved communication with parents. Additionally, our Family Resource Center hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Brunch on Thursday, November 13. Student Attendance Kindergarten 89.96% 1st Grade 91.06% 2nd Grade 92.26% 3rd Grade 93.78% th 4 Grade 92.11% Staff Attendance October 93.1% November (thus far) 94.6% Report prepared by: Sarah C. Woodford, Principal 21 MAPLETON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL REPORT November 2014 Instruction & Assessment Mapleton teachers have two primary focuses: one is to continue to work on differentiation to meet the individual needs of all of our students, and the second focus is to increase the rigor in our daily instruction. During PLCs, discussions have taken place about questioning strategies and creating authentic student work. We are working to create relevant learning experiences that are differentiated to meet the needs of all of our students. Specifically, at the primary level, teachers have been collaborating to incorporate a reading/writing workshop model into their classes. Highlights & Upcoming Events • • • • • • • • • • • November 1 – Fall Festival November 3 – Wulfe Brothers and medal ceremony for Proficient and Distinguished students November 5 – Faculty Meeting; Student Assistance Team meeting November 6 – Family Dinner Night/Health Fair/Book Fair/Parent-Teacher Conferences November 11 – Veterans’ Day program @ 9:00 November 13 – Horizontal Planning November 14 – PLCs all day November 19 – Thanksgiving lunch for staff and students November 20 – Midterm Ends November 25 – Career Fair; Midterms go home November 26 - 28 – No School – Thanksgiving Break December Activities: • 1st – Camfield Productions – Character Education assembly • 4th – 1st Grade Field Trip; Art Fair/ AR Family Night (5:00-7:00) • 9th – Horizontal Planning • 10th – SBDM @ 4:00 • 11th – PTO @ 6:00 • 12th – Nutcracker performance @ 1:00 • 16th – Faculty Christmas Party 22 Parent & Community Involvement Mapleton’s PTO sponsored a Fall Festival on November 1st. The PTO raised over $12,000. This money will be used to purchase instructional materials for teachers and students such as classroom magazines, mini-grants for teachers, Apps for the iPads, and reading resources. On November 6th, Mapleton will hold a parent-teacher conference night. We have over 150 parent teacher conferences scheduled. We also treated families to a free dinner of chili, sandwiches, and dessert. The parents were also able to read and take AR tests with their child and attend sessions on helping your child with their homework as well as reading strategies they can use at home. We are also planning our first Health Fair in conjunction with our Dinner Night. We will have 15 booths set up where visitors can get their cholesterol, weight, and BMI taken as well as general information for a healthier lifestyle. On November 11, our school will be celebrating Veterans’ Day with a school-wide program. We will have veterans from our community, 3rd graders are performing, and the high school ROTC will be presenting the flag. Enrollment & Attendance Month Enrollment August September October November December January February March April May June July 679 687 679 680 Report prepared by: Stephanie Harris Student Staff Attendance Attendance % % 95.1% 96.9% 94.9% 95.4% 93.9% 94.5% 23 MAPLETON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SBDM COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 MAPLETON ELEMENTARY MEDIA CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Stephanie Harris Becky King Corenna Fowler Carmen Liles Jamie Allison I. Call to Order. Mrs. Harris called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Agenda approved with a motion by Becky King and a second by Carmen Liles. Final approval by consensus. Minutes from the August 13 and Special Session on August 26 meeting was passed out. Motion made by Whitney Lee, seconded by Corenna Fowler. Final approval by consensus. GOOD NEWS: Mrs. Harris reported on the following: • Grandparents Week • Family Literacy Night • Author visiting the library • PTO working on teacher grant • Assessing Student Achievement, progress monitor, Think Link • Gap Scoring • Free & Reduced Lunch • Emergency Plan 24 II. III. IV. V. • There was no public comment Whitney Lee reported briefly on Program Review. Mrs. Harris opened discussion on the School Health Fair being in conjunction with Family Dinner Night. Mrs. Harris reported on the budget and finances. Mrs. Harris discussed of Fall Festival, Red Ribbon Week and book character dress-up. With no further business, Carmen Liles made a motion to adjourn at 4:30. Becky King seconded it. Passed by consensus. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 08, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Frances Allen Attendance/Secretary 25 MOUNT STERLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 6601 Indian Mound Drive Mount Sterling, KY 40353 Phone: (859) 497-8730 Fax: (859) 497-8704 Mrs. Brandy G. Holley, Principal Mr. Nick Pannell, SAM Board Report: November 2014 Instruction & Assessment Instruction After our most recent ISS walkthroughs, our focus for instruction continues to be on RIGOR and student engagement. We have taken the feed back from those walk through stops and had deep discussions as grade level teams through PLC meetings to find areas of growth. Assessment Our focus on assessment has turned to in-depth conversations based on individual student needs. We are continuing to focus our GAP population and target those students during our intentional RTI block. We also continue with our standards based grading system, which intentionally focuses on student mastery of skills. We have also implemented Distinguished Diners lunches which is an incentive for students to do well on their common assessments. Highlights and Upcoming Events On Friday, MSE will host our annual fall festival. We are looking forward to hosting our school families and community members for an evening of fun. Next Thursday, November 20, will be our Family Movie Night. We have begun our Distinguished Diners lunches. Students earning a distinguished score on their most recent assessments have a special lunch that month with Mrs. Holley and Mr. Pannell. Parent and Community Involvement Our MSE students recently turned in over 12,000 Box Tops. This equated to $1200 in free money for our school. 26 On Thursday, November 6th, MSE was host to “Desserts with Distinguished.” We welcomed former MSE fourth graders and current fourth graders to join us for desserts and an awards ceremony. Students that achieved Distinguished on the 2013-2014 Unbridled Learning we recognized. We hosted over 175 people. It was a wonderful event. Our students are currently selling discount cards. If students sell 1800 cards, Mrs. Holley has to kiss a pig and Mr. Pannell will eat chocolate covered ants. Attendance At MSE, we are striving to reach “Top 10” in daily attendance for staff and students. Our attendance rate thus far has been great. We have provided attendance and behavior incentives in hopes of maintaining our top-notch attendance rate. MSE has had an average daily attendance rate of 98.3% during the month. Our average staff attendance has been 98.9% during the same time period. We currently have 637 students enrolled. 27 MONTGOMERY COUNTY INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL SCHOOL REPORT November 2014 Instruction & Assessment: October marked our first round of PLC peer walkthroughs. Each teacher visited various grade level classrooms and content areas. They each completed a walkthrough document where they focused on identifying rigor, student engagement and wrote down positive feedback for colleagues. We had our AR reward party for those meeting their 1st nine weeks AR goals (AND 80% or better accuracy/correctness) on Friday, October 31st. Students were able to participate in a variety of fun games in the gym and Mrs. Givens and Mr. Wolf report that fun was had by all! Teachers have identified the students who will be participating in the PGES Student Voice Survey. A schedule has been created and this survey will be given from November 3rd- 11th. Highlights and Upcoming Events • We have elected two new members to our SBDM council. Our parent representative will be Ms. Claudia Evans, and our teacher representative will be Mr. Travis Bond. • Our 5th grade proficient and distinguished students, who attended Mapleton Elementary, were invited to Mapleton for a fun celebration. The students were treated to a performance by the Wulfe Bros, and were presented with medals for their achievement. • MCIS is hosting the veterans in our community for a Veterans Day Celebration on November 11th @ 8:30a.m. Our students will be interviewing veterans and writing essays, reports, and/or biographies. The celebration will include; a presentation about Veterans Day, spotlight on local veterans, announcement of winning essay, guest speaker, and a reception to follow. November Activities: November 11th- Veterans Day Assembly and Reception @ 8:30a.m. The community is invited. November 18th- Parent Conference Night – 5-7 p.m. November 20th- Parent University – “Test Scores: What do they mean?” 6p.m. November 25th- MCIS KPREP Awards Ceremony 1-3p.m. 28 Enrollment & Attendance Month August September October November December January February March April May June Enrollment 708 720 727 Report prepared by: Mark Crain Student Attendance % 98.55% 95.54% 94.57% Staff Attendance % 96.63% 91.56% 91.80% J.B. MCNABB MIDDLE SCHOOL 29 3570 Indian Mound Drive Mount Sterling, KY 40353 Phone: (859) 497-8770 Fax: (859) 497-9683 Mr. Larry D. Bailey, Principal Mr. Wesley R. Vernon, Assistant Principal Board Report: November 2014 Instruction & Assessment McNabb has begun making Tribe Notebooks for each grade level department. The notebooks are a way to consolidate and organize the plans, goals, and various types of assessment data used to inform and drive instructional decisions in each department. The notebooks will take everything teachers are already doing and tie them together in one location. This organizational structure will help streamline PLC meetings and more importantly make sure all students are accounted for and considered in the decision making process. For example, the notebooks can be used to pinpoint instruction for GAP groups or students that have not mastered a particular learning target. New Attendance Incentives McNabb has started to implement new attendance incentives to help boost student attendance. Among the new incentives are a weekly drawing for students who attend each day, a daily team competition for highest attendance, recognition for most improved monthly attendance, and “helmet stickers” that go on homeroom doors each day the homeroom has perfect attendance. We are also working to make personal connections with students that miss school frequently with the hope that students will want to be at school. 100% Attendance! Special Recognition The Mt. Sterling Chamber of Commerce recognized McNabb Middle School Art Teacher, Marsha Riddell, as the 2014 Educator of the Year! The award was presented November 6th, at the Chamber’s annual award banquet. We know Ms. Riddell is a wonderful teacher that goes above and beyond for her students. McNabb is fortunate to have her as a teacher. 30 Parents and Community Veterans’ Day Program On Tuesday, November 11, McNabb will be hosting a Veterans’ Day celebration beginning at 9:00 am in the gym to show our appreciation for their service. There will be performances by the McNabb band, orchestra, and choir. McNabb’s JROTC will present the colors and perform a flag folding ceremony. There will be a guest speaker, as well as veterans visiting for the ceremony. All students will be in attendance. All veterans and parents are welcomed. Health and Safety Fair 7th and 8th grade students will attend a safety fair on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 from 11:30a.m. – 3:30 p.m. in the McNabb Gym. The fair will focus on areas of personal safety while at home, using social media and technology as well as traveling on the road and playing in the outdoors. Attendance Month Enrollment Student Attendance Percentage Staff Attendance Percentage August September October November December January February March April May 713 719 735 95.4% 94.01% 92.5% 96.5% 31 McNabb Middle School Site-Based Decision-Making Council Regular Session 09-09-14 4:00 PM Media Center Calvin Schmieg made a motion to call the meeting to order; Kirby Haskins with the second. Principal Larry Bailey called the meeting to order. The following council members and guests were present: Larry Bailey, Diana Cline, Kirby Haskins, Calvin Schmieg, Melodie Fuller, Nancy Cooper, Julie Bonfield, Jessica Corey, and Wesley Vernon. Mr. Bailey presented the agenda to the council and asked that item number two be removed from the agenda, as it was not necessary to present this item at this time. Kirby Haskins motioned to approve the agenda with one revision; Melodie Fuller with the second. The council approved the agenda. Mr. Bailey presented the minutes from August 12 and August 25 to the council for approval. Diana Cline motioned to approve the minutes, Melodie Fuller with the second. The council approved all minutes. There was no public comment to be made. Mr. Bailey presented the budget information to the council. The council reviewed the student activities and MUNIS reports. Julie Bonfield presented student achievement data from Unit 1 8th grade Math to the council. Ms. Bonfield reviewed the data and informed the council of goals for improvement, including reducing novice scores. Mr. Vernon presented GAP goals to the council. Mr. Vernon reviewed strategies, goals, and activities to reach present GAP targets. Ms. Fuller discussed ESS in regards to GAP students. Ms. Cline asked questions about ESL students and how they related to GAP goals and targets. Kirby Haskins made a motion to approve GAP goals; Calvin Schmieg with the second. The council voted; all in favor. Mr. Bailey presented the August Guidance and FRYSC reports to the council. The council read and reviewed these reports. Mr. Bailey presented the disciplinary report for the month of August. The council read and discussed the data. The council discussed the Back-To-School Bash Dance incentive. Mr. Bailey presented the attendance data to the council. Mr. Vernon presented the current McNabb purpose statements to the council and discussed creating a new one. Mr. Vernon presented some sample purpose statements to the council to aid in creating the new one. The council discussed ways to involve parents, teachers, and stakeholders involved in the creation and decision making process for choosing a new purpose statement. The council decided to 32 construct three statements from staff PLC meetings to present to parents and choose a single one from there. Mr. Vernon presented the Purpose Statement policy to the council for the first reading. The council read and discussed the policy. Revisions were made and the council will have a second reading at the following regularly scheduled meeting. Nancy Cooper motioned to go into closed session for a personnel consultation; Melodie Fuller with the second. The council went into closed session. The council resumed open session. The council adjourned. 33 April 2013 MCHS School Report – November 2014 Instruction & Assessment Presently -We have utilized the new PLC plan to create a more focused approach to PLC work. The purpose of “Working on the Work” (WOW) PLC plan is the inclusion of the administrative team in the discussions within the departments concerning unit planning, assessments, and Response to Intervention (RTI) plans as well as the sharing of strategies and other academic information during this PLC. In addition, the Professional Learning (PL) PLC has been utilized to disseminate PGES information as well as information about state accountability data. -I have been working with several teachers identified by the administrative team as a result of the observations and walkthroughs. I have provided coaching in the areas of classroom management, lesson preparation, and lesson delivery. -I have also worked closely with the core content departments to analyze the test data from the 2013-2014 KPREP and End of Course exams. We are using this information to determine our course to prepare students for this year’s exam. I have, at this time, worked with English and Social Studies to determine “next steps” to address the issue of improving our GAP scores. The following is a brief summary of some of the ideas expressed during our WOW PLC meetings: English Strategies & Activities -Focused (RTI) -Utilize the assistance of Reading Specialists to assist those students in need of additional reading remediation -Inclusion of a school-wide “Literacy Strategy of the Month” Social Studies Strategies & Activities -To address pacing, continue to develop the split US History course (Early US History and Recent US History) -To address the issue of high absenteeism, increase the amount of parent contacts and grades in Infinite Campus to express the need for students to be present in class each day -Inclusion of more literacy opportunities, such as reading, writing, and vocabulary activities Upcoming Plans - I will continue to provide assistance to those teachers in most need of coaching. I will continue to discuss alternative strategies and practices with those teachers to improve upon what they are already doing in the classrooms. -I will work with the Math and Science departments to continue to develop strategies to improve our GAP scores in those content areas. SBDM Information Next meeting is Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 5:30pm MCHS Media Center November Activities: MCHS – November Calendar of Events Nov. 1st JROTC Indian Challenge Competition at MCHS from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sixteen teams will be competing. Free admission. Concessions will be available. Nov. 4th No School (Election Day) Nov. 7th Veterans Day Ceremony in the Arena at 2:00 p.m. All veterans and their guests are invited to attend. Last Day to register to take the ACT Test given at MCHS on December 13th. Nov. 7th 34 Nov. 10th Cross Country Banquet in the cafeteria at 6:00 p.m. Nov. 12th Club Day 2nd half of 1st block. Nov. 13TH Academic Team Match – MCHS vs Rowan County in the Media Center at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 17th End of 4 ½ Weeks Nov. 18th Progress Reports go home. Nov. 18th 2015 Spring Musical Auditions in the auditorium at 3:30 p.m. Nov. 20th SBDM Meeting at in the Media Center 5:30 p.m. Nov. 21st Picture Day (all grades) Nov. 21st, 22nd HOSA Fundraiser: HOSA will be taking Portraits after school in the Area Technology Center. The portrait certificate is for 2 8x10s, 2 5X7s and 8 wallets (all of the first pose taken). Additional poses can be purchased at an additional cost. Contact Mrs. Malone or a HOSA student to purchase a portrait certificate ($10). Nov. 26th- 28th No School (Thanksgiving Break) Enrollment & Attendance: Month Enrollment Student Attendance % Staff Attendance % August 1355 93.57 97.40 September 1350 92.73 96.44 October 1339 92.26 95.62 November December Montgomery County High School Site Based Decision Making Council Meeting October 16, 2014 5:30 pm Media Center 35 Rob Donaldson called the regular site based decision making council meeting for MCHS at 5:44p.m. on October 16, 2014 in the Media Center. The following members and guests were present. Rob Donaldson Chairperson Allison Whaley Teacher Rep Jo Botts Teacher Rep Alton Stull Teacher Rep Laura Fraley Parent Rep Tamara Hart Parent Rep Austin Haywood Guest Crystal Fultz Guest Steve Jenkins Guest The council reviewed the September 18, 2014 regular meeting minutes and voted to amend by adding Steve Jenkins in attendance. Tamara Hart moved to amend and Jo Botts seconded. The council reviewed the two statements of conditions in the activity fund audit recommendations from the 2013-2014 audit. Mrs. Fraley requested a copy of the management’s response to the conditions to be included in the next council’s packet. There were no guests present waiting to speak during open chair. The council discussed and reviewed the activity accounts receipts and expenditures and instructional fund expenditures for September. Mr. Donaldson explained expenditures from the academy’s budget. The council also asked why faculty vending was showing a negative balance. They asked for an explanation in the November meeting. The council approved the reports by consensus after their discussions. Mrs. Fraley suggested that the Professional Development budget for MC^2 be used to train teachers to teach higher level students. The council reviewed the schedule and minutes for meetings of the following committees: Budget, Technology, Staff Culture, Student Culture and Leadership. The council discussed concerns that parents are not involved on committees at the high school. The middle and elementary schools have parents involved on committees. Alton Stull recommended that MCHS should review the by-laws regarding parent involvement. Mr. Stull was concerned that we should have sent a one call to invite parents/community members or tried other methods to encourage parents to be involved in the committees. The council recommended in the next regular meeting on November 20, 2014 that the council review the by-laws and policies on committees to make sure we are in compliance with our SBDM committees. The most recent policy is dated November 21, 2013 by Jim Dusso. 36 Mrs. Tamara Hart voiced concerns about a lack of textbooks in some departments. She asked the administration to find out how many teachers need textbooks. She also asked that the administration check to see what are other schools are doing to provide textbooks since the state has cut textbook funds to all districts. Mrs. Tamara Hart voiced concern about computer Lab A & B. She asked Mr. Donaldson to identify the issues addressed by the tech committees. Mrs. Tamara Hart asked about the At Risk community involvement from YSC, DPP, CDW, and DJJ. Mr. Donaldson agreed to get with Mrs. Lacy Gross to see if we are using these groups as resources. He will have the committee also discuss options for their involvement. Mrs. Fraley stated she would like to hear from the Curriculum and Leadership committees to discuss concerns. The SBDM agreed it would like to have more detailed minutes and or a report monthly from the committee chair. The council suggested the Baseball teams’ $9,000 savings be shared with groups by their method of travel during spring break. They may take want to consider following their guide on out of state trips. Crystal Fultz presented an oral report and written report on her curriculum related activities at the high school. She also reviewed the revised plan for using professional learning communities at the high school during the 2014-2015 school year (PLCs). Mrs. Fraley voiced concern that meeting two times a week may be too much. She was then informed that WOW (Working on Work) and PLCs alternate and each department only sees an administrator in PLC one time per week. Mrs. Hart would like for SBDMs from McNabb, MCHS and possibly MCIS collaborate to do vertical teaming to push a higher level of instruction down into the middle and elementary schools. She informed the council that parents have expressed a need for work sessions with McNabb. Mr. Donaldson agreed to share that recommendation with Mr. Bailey. Rob Donaldson informed the council that all comments were positive regarding MC^2’s recent field trip to Toyota. He also stated that he is working on a student/parent survey to gather feedback about how to improve MC^2’s core class offerings and course pathways. The survey will be completed through a Survey Monkey. Mr. Donaldson also stated that he is setting up a visit at McNabb for the MC^2 science teacher. He is also putting together a “Brain Trust” committee to begin the process of planning MC^2’s course offerings for the 2015-2016 school year. The council decided to table the consultation on new hires until Mr. White returned and set a date for a special meeting for that purpose. The current SBDM council has not elected a Vice chair to deal with the hiring. Mr. Alton Stull made the motion and Mrs. Jo Botts seconded. SBDM council also requested adding a Vice Chair among the members during the next meeting. Mr. Alton Stull moved to adjourn at 7:37p.m. and Mrs. Jo Botts seconded. 37 Montgomery County High School Special Site Based Decision Making Council Meeting Monday, November 3, 2014 12:00p.m. Principal’s Office The MCHS site based council held a special meeting on November 3, 2014 scheduled for 12:00p.m. in the high school administration office. Shannon White called the special meeting to order at 12:03p.m. The following members were in attendance. Shannon White Chairperson Alton Stull Teacher Rep Allison Whaley Teacher Rep Laura Fraley Parent Rep Jo Botts Teacher Rep Tamara Hart Parent Rep Mr. White apologized for not having a Vice Chair election on the agenda earlier in the year. Allison Whaley nominated Tamara Hart to serve as the vice chair of the council for the 2014-2015 school year. Alton Stull seconded. There were no other nominees. Ms. Hart was elected Vice Chair. Mr. White advised the council that the central office had discovered that Rob Donaldson’s principal certification had expired. The oversight was determined during the state’s LEAD report due by October 31. Mr. Donaldson will be re-assigned as a curriculum specialist at the high school until he can get recertified. Mr. White advised the council that Mr. Donaldson has scheduled the two state tests needed to recertify. He should be recertified by December 8, 2014. Mr. White agreed to work with the central office to assure that the council follows appropriate procedures in filling the vacant assistant principal position upon Mr. Donaldson’s recertification. Alton Stull moved to go into closed session to consult on hiring of personnel at 12:20p.m. Laura Fraley seconded. Tamara Hart moved to reconvene at 12:25p.m. Jo Botts seconded the motion. Mr. White made the following recommendations for hire after consultation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Collin Jones Olivia Claypool Jerry Stuphin Gene Nornhold John Vice Assistant Archery Coach Assistant swimming Coach Assistant Wrestling Coach Bass Team Head Coach Bass Team Assistant Coach 38 6. Jeff Stein 7. Diana Cline 8. Janice Ballard 9. Sybil Fleming 10. Katie Jo Thompson 11. Allison Whaley 12. Diana Cline 13. Sarah (Elam) Farrow 14. Sherry Whitt Chess Team Assistant Coach Graduation Sponsor MCHS Tutor Reading}could be up to 5 total tutors MCHS Tutor Reading}could be up to 5 total tutors Assistant Basketball Coach Prom Sponsor Prom Sponsor Prom Sponsor Prom Sponsor The council adjourned at 12:30p.m. 39 Sterling School SCHOOL REPORT November 2014 Instruction & Assessment • Exterior construction of the greenhouse was completed by the Ag Science class. • First Science Lab given at Hope Hill • Received Plan Scores on Nov. 5th. Highlights & Upcoming Events • Awarded Student of the Week : Zach Cockerham • Published 2nd newsletter: The Sterling Focus. • Bi-weekly top 5 Marriott students rewarded with lunch out at Pizza Hut. Community Involvement • Assisted ELC students with crossing Maysville Rd. Enrollment & Attendance Month Enrollment August September October November December January February March April May June 53 50 59 Student Staff Attendance Attendance % % 83.0 96 82.1 97 79.96 96 Report prepared by: Rocky Franz 40 Montgomery County Early Learning Center School Report November 2014 Enrollment as of November 5, 2014: KERA Preschool: 119 ELC – 87 Camargo – 32 Tuition Program: 23 Head Start: 110 ELC – 70 Camargo – 40 Letters covered September-October: Bb, Aa, Mm, Cc, Ll, Ss, Ff Letters for November: Dd, Oo, Gg, Hh Numbers: 1-10 The preschool teachers at the Early Learning Center are working to establish an additional Literacy Block for students. The students will receive reading instruction in the regular classroom each morning. Then, students will also receive reading instruction each afternoon in groups more specific to their individual reading needs. Catherine Rush will be working with teachers to ensure daily reading strategies and activities are intentional and rigorous. Teachers, assistants, and the curriculum specialist will be assigned a reading group to instruct during the reading block. Students and teachers at the Early Learning Center visited the residents of Sterling Meadows on October 31. The students performed six Halloween songs. The residents passed out candy to the students after the performance. It was a great experience for all. Sterling Meadows has invited the Early Learning Center to come back in December for a Christmas party. 41 Upcoming Activities: November 14 and November 21 - Pancakes with Pilgrims November 26-28 – Thanksgiving Holiday Break December 12 – No School for KERA Preschool Students MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOLS FRYSC MONTHLY REPORT CENTER: Camargo 42 Submitted by: Jodi Morrison MONTH: October 2014 Services Total Home Visits Parent Contacts Teacher/Staff Contacts Administrative Contact Counseling/Referral to Counseling Attendance Clothing Shoes Food Crisis Intervention Health Services Mental Health Services Family Needs Academic Support/School Supplies Conflict/Problem Resolution Legal/PNP Large Group Activities Community Agency Referral/Collaboration Materials Provided Holiday Assistance Other Services __________ _5___ _103_ _111_ _62__ _16__ _12__ _37__ _6___ _45__ _2___ _28__ _2___ _167_ _1___ _0___ _25__ _5___ _4___ _711_ _83_ _ _12_ _ FRYSC ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES County/State/Regional Meetings Parent Conferences Administrative Team Meetings Faculty Meetings __1__ __22_ __0__ __0__ Other activities during the month included: 45 Backpack meals Newsletter FRC Advisory Council Meeting Volunteers-7 Lice Prevention-10 Vision Screenings-215 KY ASAP Meeting Taught TGFD to 4th grade students Planned and organized Wild West Day Began WOW PAL program Helped with A-Z tea (provided cookies and paper products) Met with both counselors and began planning Reality Store and Career Day Gave out Say No to Drugs sticker to students-631 Gave out Fire Safety Books to Preschool and Head Start students Bought banners to decorate school for Red Ribbon Week MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOLS FRYSC MONTHLY REPORT CENTER: Mapleton DIRECTOR: Danielle Pleasant MONTH: October Services Total Home Visits Parent Contacts Teacher/Staff Contacts Administrative Contact Counseling/Referral to Counseling Attendance Clothing Shoes Food Crisis Intervention Health Services Family Needs Academic Support/School Supplies Conflict/Problem Resolution Legal/PNP Large Group Activities Agency Referral Materials Provided Other Services 6 124 48 56 2 11 15 3 45 0 133 3 10 0 1 2 7 _____ N/A FRYSC ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES County/State/Regional Meetings Parent Conferences Administrative Team Meetings Faculty Meetings Other activities during the month included: Helped and referred kids to the WOW PAL Program Lice issues-7 PBIS reward-8 classrooms Vision screening 121 1st and 3rd graders Dental Bus-5 students $874 in services Transported students to 4-H camp Helped plan Testing Celebration Planned Health Fair Planned Family Dinner Night Started contacted sponsors for the Angel Tree 1 set up 104 conferences 1 0 43 MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOLS FRYSC MONTHLY REPORT CENTER: Mapleton/MSE FRC 44 Submitted by: Cartrec Garrett MONTH: October 2014 Services Total Home Visits Parent Contacts Teacher/Staff Contacts Administrative Contact Counseling/Referral to Counseling/Behavior Attendance Clothing Shoes Food Crisis Intervention Health Services 8 1425 590 64 31 14 10 + (what was given by staff) 3 54 3 94 (discussed issues w/nurse + acted upon when needed) 4 17+ (what was given by staff) 5 3 4 15 See Below Mental Health Services Academic Support/School Supplies Conflict/Problem Resolution Legal/PNP Large Group Activities Agency Referral Materials Provided Other Services FRYSC ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES County/State/Regional Meetings Parent Conferences Administrative Logistics Meetings Faculty Meetings 2 1 1 Other Activities & Summary of Monthly Activities Include: Morning Meet and Greet Worked on Behavioral Issues with Students Assisted in front office when needed Worked with SRO’s on various child related issues Worked with Pathways on various student issues Collaborated with the school nurse on several issues especially lice Checked on at-risk and students with behavioral issues in several classrooms Set up volunteers for various school needs Worked on Attendance Issues with school attendance clerk and staff Organized school-wide vision screenings for students in need. Organized School-wide Family Dinner Night for students, parents and staff Assisted with the WOW PAL Program Worked with coordinator for Big Brothers/Big Sisters in recognizing students for the program Gave out weekly Weekend Backpack to students in need 45 Worked with ESL coordinator to assist Hispanic families in need Found Volunteers for Principal and teachers/staff Organized school-wide Cancer Awareness walk for students and staff. Worked with staff with various 4H Environmental Camp needs for students. Attended School Culture Committee Meetings Talked with various community members, businesses, churches to assist 300+ kids for Christmas Ass Took names for our Angel Tree Christmas Program Worked on organizing school-wide Fall Festival activities MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOLS FRYSC MONTHLY REPORT CENTER: MCIS YSC Submitted by: Christie Redmond Jouett MONTH: October 2014 Services Total Home Visits Parent Contacts Teacher/Staff Contacts Administrative Contact Counseling/Referral to Counseling Transitioning Attendance Clothing Shoes Food Crisis Intervention Health Services Lice Counseling and Prevention Mental Health Services Family Needs Academic Support/School Supplies Conflict Resolution Mentoring Tutoring Legal/PNP Large Group Activities Community Agency Referral/Collaboration Materials Provided Holiday Assistance Other Services Volunteers Child Care Referrals 6 71 109 41 0 0 1 23 6 93 1 7 15 1 1 23 4 192 0 0 2 3 160 12 11 1 FRYSC ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES County/State/Regional Meetings Parent Conferences Administrative Team Meetings Faculty Meetings Other ____________ 0 2 0 1 N/A Other activities during the month included: Published and distributed 2 issues of MCIS Messenger to students Distributed Operation Powerpacks to students Assisted in front office and cafeteria as needed Input FRYSC data into Infinite Campus 46 47 Received various donations from the community (thank you notes have been sent) Made several trips to Walmart for supplies Attended 10/7 staff meeting- Chromebook demonstration Selected 17 students to participate in the Wow Pal program and obtained parental permission for them to participate in program. This program links community sponsors with students who may need help with school supplies, snacks or other basic needs and related items throughout the school year. Each student receives a monthly care package. Assisted with Principal’s Cold Water Challenge Coordinated all aspects of the school’s Minority SBDM Parent Election Served lunch to students as part of the district’s National School Lunch Week (10/15) Represented school at presentation of the check for the restoration of DuBois Community Center (10/28) Assisted with the staff celebration following the release of KPREP score Assisted with the retirement reception for BJ Willoughby Cancelled Parent University (10/27) due to lack of attendance Accompanied 5th grader from Camargo to CES for their testing celebration (10/3) 48 MCNABB YOUTH SERVICE CENTER REPORT - November 2014, Becky Kelley, Director Home Visits 0 0 Parent Contacts 7 7 Teacher/Staff Contacts 1 1 Administrative Contacts 1 1 Counseling/Referral to Counseling 2 2 Attendance 12 12 Clothing 24 24 0 0 84 84 Crisis Intervention 1 1 Health Services 1 1 Mental Health Services 0 0 Family Needs 2 2 Academic Support/School Supplies 5 5 Conflict /Problem Resolutions 0 0 Legal/PNP 2 2 Large Group Activities 3 3 Agency Referrals 2 2 Materials Provided 0 0 Shoes Food/Backpack Program OTHER SERVICES 0 Employment Applications 0 0 Volunteer In-Service Training 0 0 First Time Offenders 0 0 Attendance Incentive 12 12 MCHS YSC Impact plus workers 0 0 MCHS YSC PSI Applications/HANDS PROG. 0 0 MCHS YSC Safety Evaluations 0 0 MCHS YSC FREE LUNCH FORMS 0 0 MCHS BIG BROTHER BIG SISTERS 0 0 McKinney Vento Asst Act 4 4 County/State/Regional Meetings 0 0 PARENT CONFERENCES 2 2 Faculty Meetings 5 5 170 170 FRYSC ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES TOTAL FOR MONTH 0 49 MCHS YOUTH SERVICE CENTER REPORT - November 2014, Becky Kelley, Director Home Visits 3 3 Parent Contacts 9 9 Teacher/Staff Contacts 14 14 Administrative Contacts 19 19 Counseling/Referral to Counseling 8 8 Attendance 4 4 36 36 Shoes 4 4 Food/Backpack Program 0 0 Crisis Intervention 8 8 Health Services 0 0 47 47 5 5 Academic Support/School Supplies 19 19 Conflict /Problem Resolutions 18 18 Legal/PNP 4 4 Large Group Activities 0 0 Agency Referrals 7 7 29 29 Clothing Mental Health Services Family Needs Materials Provided OTHER SERVICES 0 Employment Applications 2 2 Volunteer In-Service Training 0 0 First Time Offenders 0 0 Attendance Incentive 0 0 MCHS YSC Impact plus workers 5 5 MCHS YSC PSI Applications/HANDS PROG. 1 1 MCHS YSC Safety Evaluations 7 7 MCHS YSC FREE LUNCH FORMS 23 23 MCHS BIG BROTHER BIG SISTERS 2 2 McKinney Vento Asst Act 3 3 County/State/Regional Meetings 3 3 PARENT CONFERENCES 5 5 Faculty Meetings 1 1 TOTAL FOR MONTH 286 FRYSC ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES 0 286 50 CAMARGO ELEMENTARY GUIDANCE REPORT - November 2014, Janie Robinson, Counselor COUNSELOR Responsibilities/Interventions Number Served Parent Contact/Meeting (Letter, Phone, E-mail) Teacher Conference Pathways Referral Social Services Referral Materials Provided Other Services 27 6 6 2 2 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 15 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Crisis Intervention 2 2 2 2 1 0 0 Testing (ACT/AP/ASVAB/PSAT/SAT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financial Aid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Individual Counseling (Social/Emotional) Academic Counseling (Grades/Schedule/Credits) Counseling (Behavioral) Mentoring Small Group Counseling (Divorce/Death/Social Skills/Other/Etc.) Classroom Guidance (Counseling Model ASCA) Attendance (Student/Parent Contact) RTI/504/ARC Meeting (Participate In) Teacher/Parent Conference (Schedule/Attend/Follow up) Student Orientation/Transition Activities Post Graduate Counseling Student Enrollment 4 Record Transfers 7 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EILA CONFERENCES STAFF MEETINGS OTHER Consults - Total 0 Additional Activities: 0 * Truancy home visits: 3 * FRC council meeting 0 * Pathways consultations - 8; Gateway Foster Care Agency - 2 0 51 MAPLETON GUIDANCE REPORT - November 2014 COUNSELOR Responsibilities/Interventions Individual Counseling (Social/Emotional) Academic Counseling (Grades/Schedule/Credits) Report Cards Counseling (Behavioral) Mentoring Counselors: Leslee Toy and Emily Colegrove Number Served Parent Contact/Meeting (Letter, Phone, E-mail) Teacher Conference Pathways Referral Social Services Referral Materials Provided Other Services 20 0 2 0 0 0 0 700 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Small Group Counseling (Divorce/Death/Social Skills/Other/Etc.) Classroom Guidance (Counseling Model ASCA) Attendance (Student/Parent Contact) RTI/504/ARC Meeting (Participate In) 10 3 3 0 0 0 2 27 27 0 0 0 0 0 Teacher/Parent Conference (Schedule/Attend/Follow up) 85 31 85 0 0 0 0 Student Orientation/Transition Activities 21 21 21 0 0 0 0 Crisis Intervention ( drills) 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 Testing (Brigance, DE, K-PREP, Iowa, etc.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financial Aid N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Post Graduate Counseling N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21 21 21 0 0 64 records 0 0 9 0 0 27 records 9 contacts Student Enrollment (Does not included all new students enrolled prior to the beginning of school.) Record Transfers PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EILA CONFERENCES STAFF MEETINGS OTHER 9 0 Narrative: Description of Service Provided Additional Activities: *Meet with Homeroom Teachers/ Counseling Needs & Surveys* Career Fair Invitations & Planning* Family Dinner Night* 0 Disability Determination Requests * Student Placement & Transition Activities, * Scheduling & Schedule Changes * Red Ribbon Week 3 3 *Hometown Hero Breakfast* PLCs *Record Keeping * School Tours * Planning for School Events * Monitoring of IC Grading * ME/ District Administrative Meetings * Board Meetings * Meetings with Charter & Pathways and Impact Plus *ARC, 504s * Correspondence with School and District Personnel * Fall Festival * BAC duties * DE testing * Program Review Committee Mtg. *OPGES Cadre/ Process * LEAD Report/ IC Data Clean Up * ESS planning and Referrals 52 MT. STERLING ELEMENTARY GUIDANCE REPORT, November 2014 ACTION TAKEN COUNSELOR Responsibilities/Interventions Individual Counseling Small Group Counseling (Divorce/Death/Social Skills/Other/Etc.) Classroom Guidance Number of Students Served: 635 Counselor - Sara Mays Narrative of Counseling Activities Number Served 35 12 Lunch Bunch 54 Classrooms Cathy and I see our student twice a month in a classroom guidance setting. Parent Contact/Conferences 26 Teacher Contact/Conferences 18 Community Agencies Referrals 0 Attendance (Student/Parent Contact) 25 Complete One call message to students who have four or more unexcused absences. RTI/504/ARC Meeting (Participate In) 15 Crisis Intervention 1 Student Orientation/Transition Activities 9 Student Enrollment 9 Record Transfers 16 School Events * Student Spotlight Distinguished Diners * Positive Calls to outstanding students Coordination of Mate of the Month - recognizing positive students from each homeroom Completion of Social Security forms Out Walk for Breast Cancer Dinner Night * * * * Pink * Family PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EILA CONFERENCES 0 STAFF MEETINGS 7 OTHER Impact Consult 0 * Three MSE administrative meetings * Two MSE Faculty meetings Two Culture Committee meetings * 53 Montgomery County Intermediate School Guidance Report October 7, 2014-November 6, 2014 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Individual Counseling Sessions (Social/Emotional)-45 Academic Contacts (Grades/Schedules)-9 Behavior Intervention/Counseling-12 Attendance Contacts-10 504 Meetings/ContactsParent Conferences-3 Parent Contact (Phone/Email)-14 Chair ARC meetings-6 Crisis Intervention-0 Safety Assessment Referral-0 Student Enrollment-5 Record Transfers-3 Staff Meetings-3 Teacher Contact/Consults-22 Social Services report-0 ILP Classes-9 • • • • • Other Activities Classroom walkthroughs Student Spotlight PLCs Newsletter Articles KIP Survey 54 ACTION TAKEN McNabb Middle School - November 2014, Tonia Toy, Counselor COUNSELOR Responsibilities/Interventions Individual Counseling Small Group Counseling (Divorce/Death/Social Skills/Other/Etc.) Classroom Guidance Number of Students Served: Parent Contact/Conferences Teacher Contact/Conferences Community Agencies Referrals Attendance (Student/Parent Contact) RTI/504/ARC Meeting (Participate In) Crisis Intervention Student Orientation/Transition Activities Student Enrollment Narrative of Counseling Activities Number Served 54 15 2 48 3 Guidance Office: KPREP, Cambridge, and EXPLORE test results have been sorted and sent home with students this month. Term One report cards were sent home right before the Fall Break. 7 15 2 0 KIP SURVEYS: FRYSC and Guidance went into all classrooms to complete the KIP surveys with students. 9 9 Record Transfers 6 Student Voice Surveys: I have been working in the computer lab with various classrooms aiding students in the School Events 3 completion of their surveys. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EILA CONFERENCES STAFF MEETINGS OTHER Impact Consult 3 0 Attendance Incentive Plan: FRYC, Guidance, and assistant principal have met several times to generate and set in 2 motion a school wide attendance incentive plan. 55 MCHS GUIDANCE REPORT - Lacy Gross, Jon Mansfield, Melissa Eads, Counselors - November 2014 (October data) COUNSELOR Responsibilities/Interventions Individual Counseling (Social/Emotional) Academic Counseling (Grades/Schedule/Credits) Counseling (Behavioral) Mentoring Number Served 6 11 0 3 Small Group Counseling (Divorce/Death/Social Skills/Other/Etc.) Classroom Guidance (Counseling Model ASCA) Attendance (Student/Parent Contact) RTI/504/ARC Meeting (Participate In) 15 Teacher/Parent Conference (Schedule/Attend/Follow up) 13 Student Orientation/Transition Activities 0 0 2 113 Crisis Intervention 0 Testing (ACT/AP/ASVAB/PSAT/SAT) 35 Financial Aid 6 Post Graduate Counseling Student Enrollment Record Transfers PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EILA CONFERENCES STAFF MEETINGS OTHER 3 1340 20 2 Activities through the Guidance Office Participated in a webinar on Work-Keys, took interested students to a college fair at Heritage Hall, participated in a 1 Title IX meeting, coordinated the first Work Ethics session for designated seniors, ran and distributed the 1st nine weeks report cards, attended a CKSEC Counselor's Cadre, hosted college reps from UK and Midway, worked with 2 the Black Achievers to allow students to attend various field trips, advertised scholarships and open house events, hosted College Application Week on Oct. 15 & 16 for all seniors (113 seniors filled out at least 1 college application during these two days), met with students about mentoring 56 PROFESSIONAL LEAVE - November 18, 2014 NAME Mike Manley Rob Ledington Jeff Perkins DATE OF LEAVE 11/13/14 - 11/14/14 11/19/14 - 11/22/14 11/20/14 - 11/21/14 Ben Monnett,Stephanie Baker, Debbie Goldy, Collis Robinson 11/8/14 - 11/9/14 Julie Tuttle Dan Gooch Jessica Ledington, Rob Ledington Rob Ledington 12/4/14 - 12/5/14 12/5/14 - 12/6/14 1/5/15 1/16/15 LOCATION OF LEAVE LEAVE ACTIVITY APPROXIMATE COST/SOURCE Richmond, VA National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference $810 from high school instructional funds Nashville, TN Career Tech Association for Career and Technical Education Conference $1,600 including registration and sub. From Perkins grant funds and high school funds Frankfort, KY Community Education Workshop $370 from Community Education funds Louisville, KY EdTech Team Kentucky Summit - Featuring Google Approximately $500 each from for Education technology funds Owensboro, KY Kentucky Department of Agriculture Annual Meeting $362 from food service funds Bowling Green, KY Kentucky High School Athletic Association State Football Championship Games $1,134, including sub, from Winn Estate football funds Orlando, FL Louisville, KY National Baseball Convention Subs requested from school funds. Other expenses paid by Boosters. Sub requested. Other expenses paid State Baseball Rules Clinic by Boosters. 57 MINUTES Montgomery County Board of Education October 7, 2014 Special Meeting Montgomery County High School Cafeteria 6:30 p.m. The Montgomery County Board of Education met in special session in the Montgomery County High School cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 7, 2014. A copy of the agenda is bound at the conclusion of these Minutes. The following members were present: Mr. Kenney Gulley, Chair Mr. Kelly Murphy, Vice Chair Mrs. Alice Anderson Mrs. Sharon Smith-Breiner Mrs. Donna Wilson Also present: Michelle Williams, Board Attorney Dr. Joshua E. Powell, Superintendent & Secretary to the Board I. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. II. Review of 2013-14 Kentucky Unbridled Learning Assessment Results – Alison Hubbard presented data related to the statewide assessments taken by students in the spring of 2014. Montgomery County achieved in the 91st percentile. The district earned a Distinguished classification. Detailed information from the presentation is bound at the conclusion of these Minutes. III. Surplus of Existing Wireless Wide-Area Network Infrastructure Order #2014-15:61: - Primary Motion Passed – Mrs. Anderson made a motion to declare as surplus the existing wireless wide-area network infrastructure, as presented. Mrs. Wilson seconded the motion. Mr. Kenney Gulley Mr. Kelly Murphy Mrs. Alice Anderson Mrs. Smith-Breiner Mrs. Donna Wilson IV. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Board Adjourns Order #2014-15:62: - Having no further business to discuss, upon a motion by Mrs. Wilson, seconded by Mrs. Anderson, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Mr. Kenney Gulley Mr. Kelly Murphy Mrs. Alice Anderson Mrs. Smith-Breiner Mrs. Donna Wilson __________________________ Secretary - Board of Education Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ___________________________ Chairperson - Board of Education 58 MINUTES Montgomery County Board of Education October 28, 2014 Regular Meeting Mt. Sterling Elementary School Gymnasium 6:30 p.m. The Montgomery County Board of Education met in regular session in the Mt. Sterling Elementary School gymnasium at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 to conduct monthly business. A copy of the agenda is bound at the conclusion of these Minutes. The following members were present: Mr. Kenney Gulley, Chair Mr. Kelly Murphy, Vice Chair Mrs. Alice Anderson Mrs. Sharon Smith-Breiner Mrs. Donna Wilson Also present: Dr. Joshua E. Powell, Superintendent & Secretary to the Board Mrs. Michelle Williams, Board Attorney I. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. II. Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Mt. Sterling Elementary students. III. Student Demonstration of Learning – The Mt. Sterling Elementary Student Technology Leadership Program presented a video that demonstrated technology use in the classrooms at MSE. IV. Recognition – A. Boys Golf - The MCHS Boys’ Golf Team finished as Runner-Up in regional tournament and advanced to state competition, which was held on October 9th and 10th. Team members are: 12th Tristan Blevins 11th Jay Adams Brack Castle 9th Justin Jude Evan King Laken Robertson Matthew Shumate 8th Kyle Amburgey Luke Fuller Ian King Jonathon Kosier B. Holly Haydon – Girls Golf - MCHS Girls’ Golf team member, Holly Haydon, quali- fied in regional tournament play to advance to the state round of competition held October 6-8 in Bowling Green. C. Teacher Feature - Congratulations to McNabb teacher Dominic McCamish for being recognized as this month’s Mt. Sterling Advocate Featured Teacher. D. Testing Awards – Schools of Distinction - Mapleton Elementary, Montgomery County Intermediate Distinguished School – McNabb Middle 59 Schools of Proficiency – Camargo Elementary, Mt. Sterling Elementary Distinguished District Highest percentile gain and highest percentile rank – McNabb Middle School, Montgomery County Intermediate School. V. Hearing of Citizens – One individual requested to address the Board: A. Bobby Stinnett – Mr. Stinnett asked Mr. Gulley to inform the rest of the Board what Mr. Gulley had told Stinnett prior to the start of the meeting regarding the school board procedure on public participation at meetings. Mr. Gulley advised that the policy is okay, based on what he has been advised, but the wording of the procedure is being reviewed for any clarification needed so as to not infringe upon anyone’s rights. Mr. Gulley added that he had hoped to hear back from KSBA today, but that he had not. Stinnett stated that a similar procedure in Union County was changed after he recently expressed concerns. Mr. Stinnett said that test scores are not the only measure of a school system and that integrity is important. VI. Monthly MCEA Update – Mrs. Dena Amburgy, MCEA President, reminded the audience that children are the main focus. Test scores represent college and career readiness. In the last state budget, money for textbooks was turned into technology money. The members of MCEA support the technology initiative. Ms. Amburgy congratulated staff for test result success. VII. Reports/Monthly Updates Verbal Information A. EXPLORE and PLAN Results – Alison Hubbard reviewed. B. 2013-14 Kentucky Unbridled Learning Assessment Results – Alison Hubbard reviewed. Printed Information C. Maintenance D. Transportation Department E. Technology F. Food & Nutrition Services – Mrs. Anderson expressed concern about increasing meal charges at MCIS, McNabb and MCHS. G. Child Care H. Communications Report & Community Education Report I. Chinese Education J. Office of Special Projects/Exceptional Children K. School Reports & SBDM Minutes L. Family Resource/Youth Services Centers M. School Guidance N. Professional Leave – A list of approved leaves is bound at the conclusion of these Minutes. O. YMCA Black & Hispanic Achievers Reports 60 P. Superintendent’s Reports – Verbal – Dr. Powell stated that he was proud of the educators and students in Montgomery County. Expectations are high and there is a lot of talk about how we can improve. 91st percentile is the new norm and that is exciting. VIII. Consent Agenda Order #2014-15:63 – Primary Motion Passed: Motion made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mrs. Wilson to approve consent agenda items as submitted, with the exception of item C. Personnel Matters, which was pulled for further discussion. Mr. Kenney Gulley Yes Mr. Kelly Murphy Yes Mrs. Alice Anderson Yes Mrs. Smith-Breiner Yes Mrs. Donna Wilson Yes Items approved were: A. 9/16/14 Special Session and 9/23/14 Regular Session minutes. B. Treasurer/Food Service Director Reports & Accounts Payable D. Use of Facilities – A list of approved facility use requests is bound at the conclusion of these Minutes. E. Fundraising Requests – A copy of approved fundraising requests is bound at the conclusion of these Minutes. F. Agreements/Contracts/Applications 1. Math Achievement Fund Grant 2. Winchester/Clark Co. Parks and Recreation Swim Team Agreement G. Student Trip Requests – A copy of the approved student trip requests is bound at the conclusion of these Minutes. H. State Technology Activity Report & Offer of Assistance I. Declaration of Surplus Property – Technology – A list of approved surplus property is bound at the conclusion of these Minutes. J. SBDM Final Allocation K. Shortened School Day Request L. KISTA Bus Purchase Discussion of Pulled Items: B. Personnel Matters– Mrs. Anderson asked why Mt. Sterling Elementary needed a health services assistant in addition to a nurse. Dr. Powell consulted with Board Attorney Williams. Due to the matter involving personnel, Dr. Powell advised that he would clarify via a memo, but that he believed that Mrs. Anderson would not object when she received additional information. Mrs. Anderson also expressed concern regarding the change in the Law Enforcement Officer qualifications from a required Bachelor’s degree to degree preferred. Dr. Powell explained that none of the candidates applying for 61 the position hold a Bachelor’s degree and that it is rare for COPS certified individuals who are otherwise qualified for the position to have a 4 year college degree. Order #2014-15:64 – Primary Motion Passed: Motion made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mrs. Wilson, to approve item B. Personnel Matters, as presented. IX. Mr. Kenney Gulley Yes Mr. Kelly Murphy Yes Mrs. Alice Anderson Yes Mrs. Smith-Breiner Yes Mrs. Donna Wilson Yes Facilities A. Special Inspections Contract Award – Mrs. Anderson stated that Mr. Rison con- firmed that the cost of the contract was already budgeted and would not come from contingency funds. Order #2014-15:65– Primary Motion Passed: Motion was made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mrs. Wilson, to approve the Special Inspections Contract Award to CSI in the amount of $34,225. Mr. Kenney Gulley Yes Mr. Kelly Murphy Yes Mrs. Alice Anderson Yes Mrs. Smith-Breiner Yes Mrs. Donna Wilson Yes B. BG-1 for Area Technology Center Order #2014-15:66– Primary Motion Passed: Motion was made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mrs. Wilson, to approve the BG-1 for the Area Technology Center, as presented. The total project cost is $65,000 and includes removal of main tile in the hallway by an asbestos specialist, installation of new floor tile by maintenance staff, replacement of all restroom fixtures and partitions in men’s and women’s restrooms, painting of all classrooms, hallways, and the welding shop, and replacement of old lighting with new lighting fixtures. Mr. Kenney Gulley Yes Mr. Kelly Murphy Yes Mrs. Alice Anderson Yes Mrs. Smith-Breiner Yes Mrs. Donna Wilson Yes C. AT&T Fiber Optic Cable Relocation Order #2014-15:67– Primary Motion Passed: Motion was made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mrs. Wilson, to approve Change Order Request 262-01, for JMK Electrical to provide labor and materials in association with fiber optic cable relocation at McNabb Middle School in the amount of $16,462.32. In addition, a direct purchase with AT&T to replace the fiber optic cable is approved in the amount of $13,554.00. 62 X. Mr. Kenney Gulley Yes Mr. Kelly Murphy Yes Mrs. Alice Anderson Yes Mrs. Smith-Breiner Yes Mrs. Donna Wilson Yes Chromebook Technology Initiative – After a presentation by District Technology Integration Specialist Debbie Goldy and lengthy discussion that followed, Mrs. SmithBreiner expressed support for taking a vote on the matter. Order #2014-15:68– Primary Motion Passed: Motion was made by Mr. Murphy, seconded by Mrs. Smith-Breiner, to accept the HP proposal for a 3-year fair market value lease agreement. The motion is contingent upon approval of the Kentucky Department of Education and the approval of the Board Attorney after review of lease documentation. The yearly payment for each of three years will be $309,013.05 and the total of payments is $927,039.15. XI. Mr. Kenney Gulley Yes Mr. Kelly Murphy Yes Mrs. Alice Anderson Yes Mrs. Smith-Breiner Yes Mrs. Donna Wilson Yes Confirm October Meetings –A tentative working session is planned for November 13, 2014 and the regular session is scheduled for November 18, 2014 in the McNabb Auditorium. Mrs. Anderson asked for clarification regarding information provided to Board members prior to the start of the meeting. She advised that it may take a closed session to discuss. Mrs. Williams stated that it was her impression that the matter was covered by insurance. Mrs. Anderson stated that a school board issue should be handled by Mrs. Williams unless it is involving litigation or otherwise covered by insurance. XII. Board Adjourns Order #2014-15:69: - Having no further business to discuss, upon a motion by Mr. Murphy seconded by Mrs. Wilson, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Mr. Kenney Gulley Yes Mr. Kelly Murphy Yes Mrs. Alice Anderson Yes Mrs. Smith-Breiner Yes Mrs. Donna Wilson Yes __________________________ Secretary - Board of Education ___________________________ Chairperson - Board of Education 63 Montgomery County School District Treasurer's Monthly Reconciliation Report OCTOBER 2014 Bank Statement Balance $ 25,147,908.33 Payroll Outstanding $ A/P Outstanding In Transit (Discrp) In Transit ( HEALTH INSURANCE ) In Transit ( ) Bank Balance Fund Balances (MUNIS Balance Sheet) $ (539,884.62) $ $ $ 1,736.69 (25,558.26) - (602,541.88) $ 23,981,660.26 General Fund Special Revenue Fund Capital Outlay Fund Building Fund Construction Fund Debt Service Fund Food Service Fund Childcare/Camp Fund Trust/Fiduciary Fund $ 7,359,417.62 $ 55,872.79 $ 219,501.54 $ 880,225.98 $ 13,721,941.78 $ 929,628.00 $ 499,891.10 $ 95,082.64 $ 220,098.81 . $ 23,981,660.26 Total Revenues Total Expenditures $ $ Total Fund Balances 3,234,865.96 3,613,218.17 64 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 1 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES RECEIPTS UNDEFINED REV SOURCE UNDEFINED REV TYPE 0112 EXTRA SERVICE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,131,039.64 7,800,000.00 -331,039.64 .00 .00 2,249.73 43,753.88 55,750.21 .00 .00 46,108.55 156,922.59 55,750.21 3,400,000.00 315,000.00 140,000.00 620,000.00 300,000.00 3,400,000.00 315,000.00 93,891.45 463,077.41 244,249.79 101,753.82 258,781.35 4,775,000.00 4,516,218.65 209,312.39 437,098.32 2,000,000.00 1,562,901.68 209,312.39 437,098.32 2,000,000.00 1,562,901.68 6,689.63 .00 12,890.58 .00 40,000.00 .00 27,109.42 .00 6,689.63 12,890.58 40,000.00 27,109.42 TOTAL UNDEFINED REV TYPE TOTAL UNDEFINED REV SOURCE TOTAL RECEIPTS 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES AD VALOREM TAXES 1111 1113 1115 1117 1119 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX PSC PROPERTY TAX DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX MOTOR VEHICLE TAX FRANCHISE TAX TOTAL AD VALOREM TAXES SALES & USE TAXES 1121 UTILITIES TAX TOTAL SALES & USE TAXES OTHER TAXES 1191 OMITTED PROPERTY TAX 1192 EXCISE TAX TOTAL OTHER TAXES 65 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 2 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUE OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS 1280 REVENUE IN LIEU OF TAXES .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,922.00 290.00 .00 8,368.00 4,050.00 750.00 35,000.00 5,000.00 .00 26,632.00 950.00 -750.00 2,212.00 13,168.00 40,000.00 26,832.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 498.62 18,536.12 50,000.00 31,463.88 498.62 18,536.12 50,000.00 31,463.88 .00 .00 1,022.00 5,493.00 .00 .00 .00 5.00 11.00 690.00 10.00 .00 -4,424.36 .00 .00 .00 7,165.61 394.50 .00 431.74 .00 .00 5,254.00 16,912.00 .00 .00 20.00 10.00 220.00 2,495.00 10.00 .00 .00 .00 3,635.00 .00 7,354.55 2,155.45 10.00 2,858.58 .00 .00 14,500.00 33,700.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,200.00 .00 10,081.00 11,000.00 5,500.00 100.00 .00 .00 9,246.00 16,788.00 .00 .00 -20.00 -10.00 -220.00 -2,495.00 -10.00 .00 .00 .00 -435.00 .00 2,726.45 8,844.55 5,490.00 -2,758.58 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS TUITION 1310 PRESCHOOL TUITION 1310 DRIVERS ED TUITION 1310 TUITION FROM INDIVIDUALS TOTAL TUITION TRANSPORTATION 1420 TRN FEE FM OTH GVT SRC W/IN ST TOTAL TRANSPORTATION EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1740 1740 1740 1740 1740 1750 1750 1750 1750 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 ADMISSIONS CAMARGO ADMISSIONS MAPLETON ADMISSIONS MCNABB ADMISSIONS MCHS ADMISSIONS MCIS ADMISSIONS MSE STUDENT FEES STUDENT FEES MAPLETON STUDENT FEES MCNABB STUDENT FEES MCHS STUDENT FEES MSE DONATIONS DONATIONS MAPLETON DONATIONS MCNABB DONATIONS MCHS OTHER STUDENT ACTIVITY INCOME OTHER CAMARGO OTHER MAPLETON OTHER MCNABB OTHER MCHS 66 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 3 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 1790 OTHER MCIS 1790 OTHER MSE 6,587.92 645.95 6,661.92 11,324.82 9,550.00 8,700.00 2,888.08 -2,624.82 18,032.36 58,921.32 96,331.00 37,409.68 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,540.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 67.40 .00 .00 .00 .00 9,920.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 277.76 451.98 .00 13,432.66 .00 .00 35,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 5,000.00 .00 65,000.00 .00 .00 25,080.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,722.24 4,548.02 .00 51,567.34 .00 .00 5,607.40 24,082.40 110,000.00 85,917.60 344,106.22 823,478.09 7,111,331.00 6,287,852.91 1,696,975.00 6,796,807.00 20,300,000.00 13,503,193.00 1,696,975.00 6,796,807.00 20,300,000.00 13,503,193.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL STUDENT ACTIVITIES COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES 1819 OTHER FEES TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1911 1912 1919 1930 1960 1980 1990 1991 1997 1998 1999 BUILDING RENTAL BUS RENTAL OTHER RENTAL INCOME GAIN/LOSS ON SALE OF ASSETS SERVICES PROVIDED TO OTH LOCAL REFUND OF PRIOR YR EXPENDITURE MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE TRANSCRIPT FEES OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS CRIME CHECK/FINGERPRINTING OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES STATE PROGRAM 3111 SEEK PROGRAM TOTAL STATE PROGRAM OTHER STATE FUNDING 3120 3122 3123 3124 3125 3127 3128 3129 OTHER STATE FUNDING VOCATIONAL TRANSPORTATION STATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL DIST VOCATIONAL SCHOOL BUS DRVR TRAINING REIMB FLEXIBLE SPENDING REFUND AUDIT REIMBURSEMENT KSB/KSD TRANSP REIMBURSEMENT 67 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 4 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ TOTAL OTHER STATE FUNDING .00 .00 10,000.00 10,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,990.28 11,961.12 35,000.00 23,038.88 2,990.28 11,961.12 35,000.00 23,038.88 .00 .00 6,310,758.00 6,310,758.00 .00 .00 6,310,758.00 6,310,758.00 1,699,965.28 6,808,768.12 26,655,758.00 19,846,989.88 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENTS 3130 KY STATE TREAS. NATL BOARDS 3131 MISCELLANEOUS REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENTS RESTRICTED 3200 RESTRICTED STATE REVENUE TOTAL RESTRICTED REVENUE IN LIEU OF TAXES/STATE 3800 REVENUE IN LIEU OF TAXES/STATE TOTAL REVENUE IN LIEU OF TAXES/STATE REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS 3900 REVENUE FOR/ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES UNRESTRICTED DIRECT 4100 UNRESTRICTED DIRECT FEDERAL TOTAL UNRESTRICTED DIRECT RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE 4500 RESTRICTED FED THRU STATE TOTAL RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE THROUGH INTERMEDIATE AGENCIES 68 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 5 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 4700 FEDERAL REV THRU INTERMED SRC .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 19,308.93 8,616.51 29,236.34 8,616.51 90,000.00 .00 60,763.66 -8,616.51 27,925.44 37,852.85 90,000.00 52,147.15 27,925.44 37,852.85 90,000.00 52,147.15 .00 10,453.00 .00 20,380.00 729,568.78 85,000.00 729,568.78 64,620.00 10,453.00 20,380.00 814,568.78 794,188.78 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,627.20 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,372.80 .00 .00 1,627.20 5,000.00 3,372.80 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10,453.00 22,007.20 819,568.78 797,561.58 2,082,449.94 7,692,106.26 34,676,657.78 26,984,551.52 TOTAL THROUGH INTERMEDIATE AGENCIES FEDERAL REIMBURSEMENT 4810 MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT 4810 MEDICAID SBAC TOTAL FEDERAL REIMBURSEMENT TOTAL REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5210 FUND TRANSFER 5220 INDIRECT COSTS TRANSFER TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS SALE OR COMP FOR LOSS OF ASSETS 5310 5311 5312 5331 5332 5341 5342 LAND SALE LOSS SALE LOSS SALE LOSS & IMPROVEMENTS OF LAND & IMPROVEMENTS COMP - LAND & IMPROVEMNTS OF BUILDINGS COMP - BUILDINGS OF EQUIPMENT ETC COMP - EQUIPMENT ETC TOTAL SALE OR COMP FOR LOSS OF ASSETS CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS 5500 CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS TOTAL CAPITAL LEASE PROCEEDS TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 69 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 6 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 2,082,449.94 15,823,145.90 42,476,657.78 26,653,511.88 70 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 7 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 1000 INSTRUCTION 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0840 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY TOTAL 1000 2100 1,228,772.14 73,720.69 2,568.64 4,013.92 3,251.62 33,847.27 300.46 2,897.80 .00 3,158,345.08 197,484.06 9,049.35 21,342.91 15,231.75 235,763.51 300.46 1,911.74 .00 14,664,006.91 5,796,275.00 30,873.00 105,631.00 41,507.04 700,683.23 74,684.52 64,836.00 13,032.00 11,505,661.83 5,598,790.94 21,823.65 84,288.09 26,275.29 464,919.72 74,384.06 62,924.26 13,032.00 1,349,372.54 3,639,428.86 21,491,528.70 17,852,099.84 115,778.79 9,064.53 5,304.18 .00 429.44 277.05 .00 .00 323,384.92 26,126.97 12,633.28 .00 130,428.96 3,946.53 29,208.03 .00 1,322,614.00 353,427.00 45,050.00 600.00 132,375.00 8,265.00 29,460.00 .00 999,229.08 327,300.03 32,416.72 600.00 1,946.04 4,318.47 251.97 .00 130,853.99 525,728.69 1,891,791.00 1,366,062.31 52,221.62 3,428.75 300.00 8,808.07 171.40 -1,004.22 .00 .00 167,924.23 9,647.03 2,366.00 10,000.91 505.34 53,869.04 .00 .00 759,965.00 239,388.00 6,675.00 13,604.00 17,325.00 199,634.00 1,000.00 17,750.00 592,040.77 229,740.97 4,309.00 3,603.09 16,819.66 145,764.96 1,000.00 17,750.00 63,925.62 244,312.55 1,255,341.00 1,011,028.45 26,669.92 90,670.41 7,215.03 484.55 -314.07 4,476.93 102,746.28 650,999.63 28,224.36 2,477.66 296,506.90 10,177.70 328,600.00 448,600.00 325,955.00 17,400.00 350,310.00 56,705.00 225,853.72 -202,399.63 297,730.64 14,922.34 53,803.10 46,527.30 INSTRUCTION STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2100 2200 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF SUPP SERV 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2200 2300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF SUPP SERV 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 DISTRICT ADMIN SUPPORT SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES 71 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 8 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 0700 0800 0840 PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY TOTAL 2300 2400 .00 59.00 .00 .00 4,559.00 .00 750.00 16,500.00 .00 750.00 11,941.00 .00 129,261.77 1,095,691.53 1,544,820.00 449,128.47 94,956.36 7,905.40 .00 .00 .00 .00 345,476.47 28,175.45 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,057,095.00 439,148.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 711,618.53 410,972.55 .00 .00 .00 .00 102,861.76 373,651.92 1,496,243.00 1,122,591.08 66,822.70 12,786.11 596.00 3,286.36 2,110.63 927.37 3,452.28 .00 266,806.37 51,154.05 1,676.00 18,787.85 5,438.76 16,950.29 19,638.82 4,297.44 891,980.00 309,095.00 16,500.00 39,343.44 19,500.00 70,706.56 117,950.00 10,400.00 625,173.63 257,940.95 14,824.00 20,555.59 14,061.24 53,756.27 98,311.18 6,102.56 89,981.45 384,749.58 1,475,475.00 1,090,725.42 105,455.83 26,298.35 5,767.61 32,462.22 12,379.95 115,754.58 1,720.34 .00 402,597.57 107,865.78 14,959.47 158,419.43 48,410.91 590,297.21 9,876.93 3,645.14 1,288,775.00 557,783.00 31,400.00 257,478.92 90,710.00 1,464,423.20 74,545.00 6,927.88 886,177.43 449,917.22 16,440.53 99,059.49 42,299.09 874,125.99 64,668.07 3,282.74 299,838.88 1,336,072.44 3,772,043.00 2,435,970.56 112,120.71 28,069.92 970.00 10,844.95 320,698.66 80,543.51 6,222.00 11,869.80 1,376,675.00 671,085.00 12,350.00 9,500.00 1,055,976.34 590,541.49 6,128.00 -2,369.80 DISTRICT ADMIN SUPPORT SCHOOL ADMIN SUPPORT 0100 0200 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2400 2500 SCHOOL ADMIN SUPPORT BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2500 2600 BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2600 2700 PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 0100 0200 0300 0400 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES 72 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 9 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 0500 0600 0700 0800 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2700 3100 176.39 43,228.90 .00 459.45 2,502.60 181,973.00 5,300.00 -7,466.02 4,200.00 716,402.00 15,750.00 5,500.00 1,697.40 534,429.00 10,450.00 12,966.02 195,870.32 601,643.55 2,811,462.00 2,209,818.45 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,176.30 95.22 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,705.20 380.88 .00 .00 .00 40.26 .00 .00 31,800.00 4,360.00 1,000.00 .00 600.00 1,000.00 .00 .00 23,094.80 3,979.12 1,000.00 .00 600.00 959.74 .00 .00 2,271.52 9,126.34 38,760.00 29,633.66 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 27,921.73 400,000.00 372,078.27 .00 27,921.73 400,000.00 372,078.27 .00 .00 65,000.00 65,000.00 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE OPERATION 0200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL 3100 3200 FOOD SERVICE OPERATION DAY CARE OPERATIONS 0200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL 3200 3300 DAY CARE OPERATIONS COMMUNITY SERVICES 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 3300 3400 COMMUNITY SERVICES ADULT EDUCATION OPERATIONS 0200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL 3400 5100 ADULT EDUCATION OPERATIONS DEBT SERVICE 0800 DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 5100 5200 DEBT SERVICE 0900 FUND TRANSFERS OTHER ITEMS 73 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 10 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GENERAL FUND (1) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ TOTAL 5200 FUND TRANSFERS .00 .00 65,000.00 65,000.00 .00 .00 6,234,194.08 6,234,194.08 .00 .00 6,234,194.08 6,234,194.08 2,364,237.85 8,238,327.19 42,476,657.78 34,238,330.59 -281,787.91 7,584,818.71 .00 -7,584,818.71 5300 CONTINGENCY 0840 CONTINGENCY TOTAL 5300 CONTINGENCY TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR GENERAL FUND (1) 74 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 11 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE SPECIAL REVENUE (2) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 .00 .00 .00 11.16 76.28 .00 -76.28 11.16 76.28 .00 -76.28 3,288.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,424.36 1,000.00 5,100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 15,784.00 3,285.00 32,403.83 1,000.00 6,435.73 1,000.00 7,100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 .00 3,285.00 .00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 -15,784.00 .00 -32,403.83 .00 -5,435.73 .00 -6,100.00 .00 .00 18,812.36 69,008.56 9,285.00 -59,723.56 .00 10,000.00 27,731.48 9,163.34 23,075.00 42,861.49 -4,656.48 33,698.15 10,000.00 36,894.82 65,936.49 29,041.67 28,823.52 105,979.66 75,221.49 -30,758.17 191,022.25 .00 .00 .00 746,090.28 .00 .00 672.00 1,317,370.82 77,701.50 77,701.50 .00 571,280.54 77,701.50 77,701.50 -672.00 RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1710 1740 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 ADMISSIONS MCHS STUDENT FEES DONATIONS DONATIONS CAMARGO DONATIONS MAPLETON DONATIONS MCNABB DONATIONS MCHS DONATIONS MCIS DONATIONS MSE TOTAL STUDENT ACTIVITIES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1920 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS 1990 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES RESTRICTED 3200 3200 3200 3200 RESTRICTED STATE REVENUE REVENUE-CAM FAM RESOURCE CENTE REVENUE-MSE/MAP FAM RESOURCE C REVENUE - CAMARGO 75 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 12 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE SPECIAL REVENUE (2) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 3200 REVENUE - MSE .00 588.00 .00 -588.00 191,022.25 747,350.28 1,472,773.82 725,423.54 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 191,022.25 747,350.28 1,472,773.82 725,423.54 5,319.90 -17,189.81 .00 17,189.81 5,319.90 -17,189.81 .00 17,189.81 548,268.64 536,888.65 3,401,888.00 2,864,999.35 548,268.64 536,888.65 3,401,888.00 2,864,999.35 553,588.54 519,698.84 3,401,888.00 2,882,189.16 .00 .00 .00 .00 65,000.00 .00 65,000.00 .00 .00 .00 65,000.00 65,000.00 .00 .00 65,000.00 65,000.00 773,434.31 1,373,028.78 5,014,883.31 3,641,854.53 773,434.31 1,373,028.78 5,014,883.31 3,641,854.53 TOTAL RESTRICTED REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS 3900 REVENUE FOR/ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES RESTRICTED DIRECT 4300 RESTRICTED DIRECT FEDERAL TOTAL RESTRICTED DIRECT RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE 4500 RESTRICTED FED THRU STATE TOTAL RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE TOTAL REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5210 FUND TRANSFER 5220 INDIRECT COSTS TRANSFER TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 76 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 13 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE SPECIAL REVENUE (2) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 1000 INSTRUCTION 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 1000 2100 236,448.31 50,819.72 700.00 187.65 347.57 34,479.39 .00 .00 628,116.13 137,375.15 4,539.01 629.23 14,435.36 63,560.33 5,069.22 3,917.00 2,456,483.00 556,160.80 31,525.00 3,600.00 32,368.00 340,955.20 20,232.00 16,050.00 1,828,366.87 418,785.65 26,985.99 2,970.77 17,932.64 277,394.87 15,162.78 12,133.00 322,982.64 857,641.43 3,457,374.00 2,599,732.57 16,927.36 6,815.95 .00 124.03 1,201.92 2,425.78 .00 .00 52,526.77 22,588.38 .00 471.76 2,043.52 7,691.18 .00 .00 203,615.00 82,176.00 1,400.00 1,200.00 8,909.00 35,869.00 1,500.00 .00 151,088.23 59,587.62 1,400.00 728.24 6,865.48 28,177.82 1,500.00 .00 27,495.04 85,321.61 334,669.00 249,347.39 39,362.70 11,496.74 245.00 .00 660.81 1,651.29 576.00 .00 .00 .00 147,355.32 41,061.81 6,576.49 .00 1,151.43 40,232.55 32,906.00 .00 .00 .00 458,456.00 138,593.08 15,263.17 1,000.00 18,099.83 68,134.25 92,690.56 1,000.00 11,294.00 .00 311,100.68 97,531.27 8,686.68 1,000.00 16,948.40 27,901.70 59,784.56 1,000.00 11,294.00 .00 53,992.54 269,283.60 804,530.89 535,247.29 .00 .00 75.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 555.00 .00 .00 725.00 36.11 1,380.00 650.00 1,275.00 725.00 36.11 825.00 650.00 1,275.00 INSTRUCTION STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2100 2200 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF SUPP SERV 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0840 0900 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY OTHER ITEMS TOTAL 2200 2300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF SUPP SERV 0100 0200 0300 0500 0600 DISTRICT ADMIN SUPPORT SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES 77 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 14 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE SPECIAL REVENUE (2) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 0800 DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2300 2400 .00 .00 .00 75.00 555.00 4,066.11 3,511.11 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,090.96 91.46 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8,363.84 365.84 .00 .00 89.98 .00 .00 24,550.00 1,070.00 1,200.00 3,800.00 3,080.00 .00 .00 16,186.16 704.16 1,200.00 3,800.00 2,990.02 .00 .00 2,182.42 8,819.66 33,700.00 24,880.34 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1,055.50 .00 .00 .00 .00 32,000.00 8,928.00 .00 5,000.00 750.00 .00 26,269.00 32,000.00 8,928.00 -1,055.50 5,000.00 750.00 .00 26,269.00 .00 1,055.50 72,947.00 71,891.50 2,472.31 1,003.57 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,472.31 1,003.57 .00 4,446.00 .00 .00 761.35 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,322.00 .00 .00 -2,472.31 -1,003.57 .00 -4,446.00 2,322.00 .00 -761.35 3,475.88 8,683.23 2,322.00 -6,361.23 DISTRICT ADMIN SUPPORT SCHOOL ADMIN SUPPORT 0100 0200 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL 2400 2500 SCHOOL ADMIN SUPPORT BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 0100 0200 0300 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2500 2600 BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 0100 0200 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2600 2700 PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE STUDENT TRANSPORTATION 0100 0200 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2700 2900 .00 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL 78 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 15 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE SPECIAL REVENUE (2) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 0100 0200 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TOTAL 2900 3100 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 19,997.02 1,385.33 15.00 85.92 201.08 816.19 .00 74,517.01 4,575.26 15.00 1,183.60 4,767.61 816.19 .00 237,700.46 17,309.20 813.00 9,790.00 36,626.65 1,500.00 1,535.00 163,183.45 12,733.94 798.00 8,606.40 31,859.04 683.81 1,535.00 22,500.54 85,874.67 305,274.31 219,399.64 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL FOOD SERVICE OPERATION 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 3100 3300 FOOD SERVICE OPERATION COMMUNITY SERVICES 0100 0200 0300 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 3300 3400 COMMUNITY SERVICES ADULT EDUCATION OPERATIONS 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY TOTAL 3400 5200 ADULT EDUCATION OPERATIONS 0100 0200 0300 0500 0700 0900 FUND TRANSFERS SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES PROPERTY OTHER ITEMS TOTAL 5200 FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENDITURES 79 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 16 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE SPECIAL REVENUE (2) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 432,704.06 1,317,234.70 5,014,883.31 3,697,648.61 340,730.25 55,794.08 .00 -55,794.08 TOTAL FOR SPECIAL REVENUE (2) 80 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 17 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND (310) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 212,500.00 425,000.00 212,500.00 .00 212,500.00 425,000.00 212,500.00 .00 212,500.00 425,000.00 212,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 212,500.00 425,000.00 212,500.00 .00 212,500.00 425,000.00 212,500.00 RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES RESTRICTED 3200 RESTRICTED STATE REVENUE TOTAL RESTRICTED TOTAL REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5210 FUND TRANSFER TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 81 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 18 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND (310) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 2600 PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 0400 0500 PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES TOTAL 2600 4100 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 425,000.00 425,000.00 .00 .00 425,000.00 425,000.00 .00 .00 425,000.00 425,000.00 .00 212,500.00 .00 -212,500.00 PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE LAND/SITE ACQUISITIONS 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 4100 4700 LAND/SITE ACQUISITIONS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0900 OTHER ITEMS TOTAL 4700 5100 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS DEBT SERVICE 0800 DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 5100 5200 DEBT SERVICE 0900 FUND TRANSFERS OTHER ITEMS TOTAL 5200 FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND (310) 82 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 19 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE BUILDING FUND (5 CENT LEVY) (3 TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,197,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,197,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,197,500.00 2,197,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2,197,500.00 2,197,500.00 RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES AD VALOREM TAXES 1111 1113 1115 1116 1117 1118 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX PSC PROPERTY TAX DELINQUENT PROPERTY TAX DISTILLED SPIRITS TAX MOTOR VEHICLE TAX UNMINED MINERALS TAX TOTAL AD VALOREM TAXES PENALTIES & INTEREST ON TAXES 1140 PENALTIES & INTEREST ON TAXES TOTAL PENALTIES & INTEREST ON TAXES OTHER TAXES 1191 OMITTED PROPERTY TAX 1192 EXCISE TAX TOTAL OTHER TAXES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES RESTRICTED 83 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 20 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE BUILDING FUND (5 CENT LEVY) (3 TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 3200 RESTRICTED STATE REVENUE .00 859,126.00 1,718,250.00 859,124.00 .00 859,126.00 1,718,250.00 859,124.00 .00 859,126.00 1,718,250.00 859,124.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 859,126.00 3,915,750.00 3,056,624.00 .00 859,126.00 3,915,750.00 3,056,624.00 TOTAL RESTRICTED TOTAL REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5210 FUND TRANSFER TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS SALE OR COMP FOR LOSS OF ASSETS 5311 5312 5331 5332 5341 5342 SALE LOSS SALE LOSS SALE LOSS OF LAND & IMPROVEMENTS COMP - LAND & IMPROVEMNTS OF BUILDINGS COMP - BUILDINGS OF EQUIPMENT ETC COMP - EQUIPMENT ETC TOTAL SALE OR COMP FOR LOSS OF ASSETS TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 84 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 21 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE BUILDING FUND (5 CENT LEVY) (3 TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 4100 LAND/SITE ACQUISITIONS 0700 0900 PROPERTY OTHER ITEMS TOTAL 4100 4200 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,915,750.00 3,915,750.00 .00 .00 3,915,750.00 3,915,750.00 .00 .00 3,915,750.00 3,915,750.00 .00 859,126.00 .00 -859,126.00 LAND/SITE ACQUISITIONS LAND IMPROVEMENTS 0400 PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES TOTAL 4200 4700 LAND IMPROVEMENTS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0700 0900 PROPERTY OTHER ITEMS TOTAL 4700 5100 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS DEBT SERVICE 0800 DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 5100 5200 DEBT SERVICE 0900 FUND TRANSFERS OTHER ITEMS TOTAL 5200 FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR BUILDING FUND (5 CENT LEVY) (320) 85 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 22 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE CONSTRUCTION FUND (360) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS -15,126,313.02 12,962.53 .00 -12,962.53 -15,126,313.02 12,962.53 .00 -12,962.53 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -15,126,313.02 12,962.53 .00 -12,962.53 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 15,139,275.55 14,532,136.05 .00 -14,532,136.05 15,139,275.55 14,532,136.05 .00 -14,532,136.05 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 15,139,275.55 14,532,136.05 .00 -14,532,136.05 TOTAL EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1999 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES RESTRICTED DIRECT 4300 RESTRICTED DIRECT FEDERAL TOTAL RESTRICTED DIRECT TOTAL REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS BOND ISSUANCE 5110 BOND PRINCIPAL PROCEEDS TOTAL BOND ISSUANCE INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5210 FUND TRANSFER TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS 86 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 23 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE CONSTRUCTION FUND (360) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ TOTAL RECEIPTS 12,962.53 14,545,098.58 .00 -14,545,098.58 12,962.53 14,545,098.58 .00 -14,545,098.58 TOTAL REVENUE 87 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 24 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE CONSTRUCTION FUND (360) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 4100 LAND/SITE ACQUISITIONS 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 4100 4200 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 86,071.11 414,995.75 200.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 226,228.75 1,178,193.70 11,975.62 .00 13,900.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -226,228.75 -1,178,193.70 -11,975.62 .00 -13,900.00 .00 .00 501,266.86 1,430,298.07 .00 -1,430,298.07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LAND/SITE ACQUISITIONS LAND IMPROVEMENTS 0300 0400 0840 PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES CONTINGENCY TOTAL 4200 4300 LAND IMPROVEMENTS ARCHITECTURAL/ENGIN 0300 PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV TOTAL 4300 4500 ARCHITECTURAL/ENGIN BUILDING ACQUISTIONS & CONSTRUCTION 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0840 PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY TOTAL 4500 4700 BUILDING ACQUISTIONS & CONSTRUCTION BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0300 0400 0500 0700 0800 0840 PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY TOTAL 4700 5200 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0900 FUND TRANSFERS OTHER ITEMS 88 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 25 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE CONSTRUCTION FUND (360) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ TOTAL 5200 FUND TRANSFERS .00 .00 .00 .00 501,266.86 1,430,298.07 .00 -1,430,298.07 -488,304.33 13,114,800.51 .00 -13,114,800.51 TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR CONSTRUCTION FUND (360) 89 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 26 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE DEBT SERVICE FUND (400) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS .00 32,524.91 .00 -32,524.91 .00 32,524.91 .00 -32,524.91 .00 32,524.91 .00 -32,524.91 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3,611,181.22 3,611,181.22 TOTAL EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES RESTRICTED 3200 RESTRICTED STATE REVENUE TOTAL RESTRICTED REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS 3900 REVENUE FOR/ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE 4500 RESTRICTED FED THRU STATE TOTAL RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE TOTAL REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5210 FUND TRANSFER 90 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 27 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE DEBT SERVICE FUND (400) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS .00 .00 3,611,181.22 3,611,181.22 .00 .00 3,611,181.22 3,611,181.22 .00 32,524.91 3,611,181.22 3,578,656.31 .00 32,524.91 3,611,181.22 3,578,656.31 TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 91 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 28 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE DEBT SERVICE FUND (400) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 5100 0800 DEBT SERVICE DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 5100 8,321.79 811,810.53 3,611,181.22 2,799,370.69 8,321.79 811,810.53 3,611,181.22 2,799,370.69 8,321.79 811,810.53 3,611,181.22 2,799,370.69 -8,321.79 -779,285.62 .00 779,285.62 DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR DEBT SERVICE FUND (400) 92 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 29 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE FOOD SERVICE FUND (51) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 606,562.49 606,563.00 .51 91.16 590.82 2,000.00 1,409.18 91.16 590.82 2,000.00 1,409.18 40,333.53 4,818.47 20,202.03 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,228.74 138,659.30 21,693.00 47,826.60 .00 .00 .00 .00 18,330.98 431,000.00 125,000.00 157,500.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 102,150.00 292,340.70 103,307.00 109,673.40 .00 .00 .00 .00 83,819.02 69,582.77 226,509.88 815,650.00 589,140.12 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 69,673.93 227,100.70 817,650.00 590,549.30 750.00 750.00 27,000.00 26,250.00 750.00 750.00 27,000.00 26,250.00 RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS FOOD SERVICE 1611 1612 1620 1621 1622 1624 1629 1630 REIMBURSABLE SCHOOL LUNCH PROG REIMBURSABLE SCH BREAKFAST PRG NON REIMBURSABLE PROGRAMS NON-REIMBURSABLE LUNCH PROG NON-REIMBURSABLE BREAKFAST PRG NON-REIMBURSBLE A LA CARTE PRG NON-REIMBURSBLE OTHER FOOD PRG SPECIAL FUNCTIONS TOTAL FOOD SERVICE OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1980 REFUND OF PRIOR YR EXPENDITURE 1990 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES RESTRICTED 3200 RESTRICTED STATE REVENUE TOTAL RESTRICTED 93 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 30 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE FOOD SERVICE FUND (51) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS 3900 REVENUE FOR/ON BEHALF PAYMENTS .00 .00 123,875.00 123,875.00 .00 .00 123,875.00 123,875.00 750.00 750.00 150,875.00 150,125.00 240,702.57 441,097.08 1,639,254.00 1,198,156.92 240,702.57 441,097.08 1,639,254.00 1,198,156.92 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 240,702.57 441,097.08 1,639,254.00 1,198,156.92 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 311,126.50 668,947.78 2,607,779.00 1,938,831.22 311,126.50 1,275,510.27 3,214,342.00 1,938,831.73 TOTAL REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE 4500 RESTRICTED FED THRU STATE TOTAL RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE CHILD NUTRITION PROGRAM DONATED COMMODIT 4950 CHILD NUTR PRG DONATED COMMOD TOTAL CHILD NUTRITION PROGRAM DONATED COMMODIT TOTAL REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5210 FUND TRANSFER TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS SALE OR COMP FOR LOSS OF ASSETS 5341 SALE OF EQUIPMENT ETC TOTAL SALE OR COMP FOR LOSS OF ASSETS TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 94 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 31 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE FOOD SERVICE FUND (51) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 3100 FOOD SERVICE OPERATION 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0840 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY TOTAL 3100 5200 60,119.88 14,084.65 2,480.83 9,415.48 989.56 164,966.56 .00 3,668.26 .00 179,002.36 41,715.53 15,024.83 19,081.03 3,516.58 485,138.19 .00 11,862.73 .00 841,237.00 331,316.00 61,800.00 52,300.00 21,350.00 1,721,439.00 38,700.00 31,200.00 30,000.00 662,234.64 289,600.47 46,775.17 33,218.97 17,833.42 1,236,300.81 38,700.00 19,337.27 30,000.00 255,725.22 755,341.25 3,129,342.00 2,374,000.75 10,453.00 20,380.00 85,000.00 64,620.00 10,453.00 20,380.00 85,000.00 64,620.00 266,178.22 775,721.25 3,214,342.00 2,438,620.75 44,948.28 499,789.02 .00 -499,789.02 FOOD SERVICE OPERATION 0900 FUND TRANSFERS OTHER ITEMS TOTAL 5200 FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR FOOD SERVICE FUND (51) 95 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 32 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE CHILDCARE AND CAMP FUNDS (52) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 102,769.88 113,400.00 10,630.12 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4,207.00 .00 .00 4,207.00 .00 .00 .00 4,207.00 4,207.00 28,360.20 .00 116,546.00 .00 348,000.00 .00 231,454.00 .00 28,360.20 116,546.00 348,000.00 231,454.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 28,360.20 116,546.00 352,207.00 235,661.00 .00 .00 112,720.00 112,720.00 .00 .00 112,720.00 112,720.00 .00 .00 112,720.00 112,720.00 RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1720 SALES 1750 DONATIONS 1790 OTHER STUDENT ACTIVITY INCOME TOTAL STUDENT ACTIVITIES COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES 1810 CHILDCARE FEES 1819 OTHER FEES TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1920 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS 3900 REVENUE FOR/ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES 96 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 33 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE CHILDCARE AND CAMP FUNDS (52) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE 4500 RESTRICTED FED THRU STATE 1,504.29 14,945.06 60,145.00 45,199.94 1,504.29 14,945.06 60,145.00 45,199.94 1,504.29 14,945.06 60,145.00 45,199.94 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 29,864.49 131,491.06 525,072.00 393,580.94 29,864.49 234,260.94 638,472.00 404,211.06 TOTAL RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE TOTAL REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5210 FUND TRANSFER TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 97 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 34 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE CHILDCARE AND CAMP FUNDS (52) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 2500 BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 0100 0200 0300 0500 0600 0700 0800 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 2500 3200 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 82.65 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,742.00 800.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,742.00 800.00 -82.65 .00 82.65 6,542.00 6,459.35 23,721.18 5,064.40 210.00 98.42 161.80 5,262.98 .00 .00 .00 102,075.53 22,193.34 655.00 340.72 733.60 13,097.46 .00 .00 .00 325,300.00 132,060.00 5,450.00 2,800.00 14,565.00 73,550.00 .00 .00 2,855.00 223,224.47 109,866.66 4,795.00 2,459.28 13,831.40 60,452.54 .00 .00 2,855.00 34,518.78 139,095.65 556,580.00 417,484.35 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 34,518.78 139,178.30 563,122.00 423,943.70 -4,654.29 95,082.64 75,350.00 -19,732.64 BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES DAY CARE OPERATIONS 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0840 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY TOTAL 3200 5200 DAY CARE OPERATIONS 0900 FUND TRANSFERS OTHER ITEMS TOTAL 5200 FUND TRANSFERS TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR CHILDCARE AND CAMP FUNDS (52) 98 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 35 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE COMMUNITY EDUCATION FUND (53) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1740 STUDENT FEES TOTAL STUDENT ACTIVITIES COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES 1811 COMMUNITY ED FEES 1819 OTHER FEES TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1919 OTHER RENTAL INCOME 1920 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS 1990 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS 3900 REVENUE FOR/ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE ON BEHALF PAYMENTS TOTAL REVENUE FROM STATE SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS 99 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 36 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE COMMUNITY EDUCATION FUND (53) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ INTERFUND TRANSFERS 5210 FUND TRANSFER .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 100 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 37 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE COMMUNITY EDUCATION FUND (53) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 1000 INSTRUCTION 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 1000 3300 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 INSTRUCTION 0100 0200 0300 0500 0600 0700 0800 COMMUNITY SERVICES SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 3300 COMMUNITY SERVICES TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATION FUND (53) 101 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 38 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE FIDUCIARY FUND-AGENCY FUNDS (6 TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1720 SALES 1790 OTHER STUDENT ACTIVITY INCOME TOTAL STUDENT ACTIVITIES COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES 1810 CHILDCARE FEES 1819 OTHER FEES TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1920 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE 4500 RESTRICTED FED THRU STATE TOTAL RESTRICTED THROUGH THE STATE TOTAL REVENUE FROM FEDERAL SOURCES TOTAL RECEIPTS 102 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 39 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE FIDUCIARY FUND-AGENCY FUNDS (6 TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ TOTAL REVENUE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL FOR FIDUCIARY FUND-AGENCY FUNDS (61) 103 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 40 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE FIDUCIARY-PENSION,INVEST,TRUST TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 171,602.82 163,110.45 -8,492.37 37.68 49.80 100.82 51.02 37.68 49.80 100.82 51.02 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 15,572.48 6,533.00 2,381.55 .00 .00 16,934.48 11,947.00 2,381.55 .00 .00 126,190.73 .00 .00 .00 .00 109,256.25 -11,947.00 -2,381.55 .00 .00 24,487.03 31,263.03 126,190.73 94,927.70 503.48 .00 82,042.26 .00 100,000.00 .00 17,957.74 .00 503.48 82,042.26 100,000.00 17,957.74 25,028.19 113,355.09 226,291.55 112,936.46 25,028.19 113,355.09 226,291.55 112,936.46 25,028.19 284,957.91 389,402.00 104,444.09 RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS FOOD SERVICE 1610 REIMBURSEABLE TOTAL FOOD SERVICE STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1720 1720 1720 1720 1750 SALES CHENAULT VO- AG SALES FFA (CHENAULT) SALES ( HORTICULTURE) DONATIONS TOTAL STUDENT ACTIVITIES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1920 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS 1997 OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 104 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 41 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE FIDUCIARY-PENSION,INVEST,TRUST TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 1000 INSTRUCTION 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0840 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY TOTAL 1000 5100 917.40 208.36 .00 481.79 1,278.13 3,104.93 .00 .00 .00 5,793.52 1,303.14 -910.00 2,091.96 22,148.11 33,574.50 857.87 .00 .00 23,000.00 5,920.00 8,071.00 12,000.00 40,800.00 291,511.00 2,000.00 .00 6,100.00 17,206.48 4,616.86 8,981.00 9,908.04 18,651.89 257,936.50 1,142.13 .00 6,100.00 5,990.61 64,859.10 389,402.00 324,542.90 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5,990.61 64,859.10 389,402.00 324,542.90 19,037.58 220,098.81 .00 -220,098.81 INSTRUCTION 0800 DEBT SERVICE DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 5100 DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR FIDUCIARY-PENSION,INVEST,TRUST (7000) 105 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 42 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE TRUST FUNDS (71) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE TOTAL 0999 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS TOTAL EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS FOOD SERVICE 1610 REIMBURSEABLE TOTAL FOOD SERVICE STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1720 1720 1720 1750 CHENAULT VO- AG SALES FFA (CHENAULT) SALES ( HORTICULTURE) DONATIONS TOTAL STUDENT ACTIVITIES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1920 CONTRIBUTIONS/DONATIONS TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 106 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 43 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE TRUST FUNDS (71) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 1000 INSTRUCTION 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0840 SALARIES PERSONNEL SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED PROF AND TECH SERV PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS CONTINGENCY TOTAL 1000 2600 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 INSTRUCTION PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 0400 0600 PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES SUPPLIES TOTAL 2600 5100 PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 0800 DEBT SERVICE DEBT SERVICE AND MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL 5100 DEBT SERVICE TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR TRUST FUNDS (71) 107 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 44 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GOVERNMENTAL ASSETS (8) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1930 GAIN/LOSS ON SALE OF ASSETS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES OTHER RECEIPTS SALE OR COMP FOR LOSS OF ASSETS 5311 SA;E PROCEED/LOSS LAND & LD I, 5331 SALE PROCEEDSSALE OF BUILDINGS 5341 SALE PROC/LOS OF EQUIPMENT ETC TOTAL SALE OR COMP FOR LOSS OF ASSETS TOTAL OTHER RECEIPTS TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 108 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 45 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GOVERNMENTAL ASSETS (8) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 1000 INSTRUCTION 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 1000 2100 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 83.17 .00 -83.17 .00 83.17 .00 -83.17 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 INSTRUCTION STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 2100 2200 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF SUPP SERV 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 2200 2300 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF SUPP SERV DISTRICT ADMIN SUPPORT 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 2300 2400 DISTRICT ADMIN SUPPORT SCHOOL ADMIN SUPPORT 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 2400 2500 SCHOOL ADMIN SUPPORT BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 2500 2600 BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 2600 2700 .00 PLANT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE STUDENT TRANSPORTATION 109 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 46 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE GOVERNMENTAL ASSETS (8) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 2700 2900 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 83.17 .00 -83.17 .00 -83.17 .00 83.17 STUDENT TRANSPORTATION OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL 0700 PROPERTY TOTAL 2900 3300 OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL 0700 COMMUNITY SERVICES PROPERTY TOTAL 3300 COMMUNITY SERVICES TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR GOVERNMENTAL ASSETS (8) 110 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 47 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE FOOD SERVICE ASSETS (81) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1930 GAIN/LOSS ON SALE OF ASSETS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 111 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 48 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE FOOD SERVICE ASSETS (81) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 3100 0700 FOOD SERVICE OPERATION PROPERTY TOTAL 3100 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 FOOD SERVICE OPERATION TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR FOOD SERVICE ASSETS (81) 112 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 49 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE DAYCARE ASSETS (82) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 3200 0700 DAY CARE OPERATIONS PROPERTY TOTAL 3200 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DAY CARE OPERATIONS TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR DAYCARE ASSETS (82) 113 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 50 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE ADULT EDUCATION ASSETS (84) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ REVENUES RECEIPTS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES 1930 GAIN/LOSS ON SALE OF ASSETS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL REVENUE 114 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 |P 51 |glkymnth MONTH YEAR BUDGET AVAILABLE ADULT EDUCATION ASSETS (84) TO DATE TO DATE APPROP BUDGET ________________________________________________________________ _________________ __________________ ______________ _______________ EXPENDITURES 3400 0700 ADULT EDUCATION OPERATIONS PROPERTY TOTAL 3400 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ADULT EDUCATION OPERATIONS TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL FOR ADULT EDUCATION ASSETS (84) 115 11/14/2014 14:25 9653arho |MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT |MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2015 Period 4 REPORT OPTIONS |P 52 |glkymnth ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fiscal Year/Period for reports 2015 Include page break between funds? Y Include expenditure detail? N Include Percent Used? N Include Last FY Actuals? Thru (P)eriod or (T)otal for Year N Include Prior FY 2 Actuals? N Include Encumbrances? N 4 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Angela Rhodes ** 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 Page 1 of 1 195 USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES REQUESTS NOVEMBER 18, 2014 - Board Agenda Facility Requested Group Date of Event Anticipated Attendance Nature of Request Request Waiver of Building Fee MCHS MCHS Swim Team 10.29.14 20 Parent Meeting YES - Cafeteria MCHS Soccer 11.2.14 80 Banquet YES - Cafeteria MCHS Baseball Boosters 11.10.14 25 Booster Meeting YES - Classroom MCHS Golf Boosters 11.23.14 108 Banquet YES - Cafeteria MCHS Hope First Church of God 12.3.14 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 225 Holiday Supper YES - Cafeteria MCHS Football Boosters 12.14.14 12:00 pm 9:00 pm 220 Banquet YES - Cafeteria MCHS Swim Team 12.16.14 3:45 pm 4:30 pm 25 Meeting YES - Cafeteria MCHS Swim Team 1.3.15 25 Meeting YES - Cafeteria MCIS Tribe Soccer 18 Practice YES - Gym Camargo Steven White 12 Softball Practice YES - Gym 30 Youth Group YES - Gym 30 Youth Group YES - Gym 200 + Christmas Recital YES - Gym 24 Soccer Training YES - Gym 20 Birthday Party YES - Cafeteria Mapleton Mapleton Hope First Church of God Hope First Church of God Every Wednesday until 2.25.15 January - February 2015 2.6.15 3.6.15 MSE Kelly's School of Dance 12.20.14 MSE Anthony Chandler November 2014 February 2015 ELC Jonie Cundiff 11.16.14 Times 5:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 3:45 pm 4:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 196 FUNDRAISING REQUESTS November 18, 2014 School MCHS MCHS MCHS Group Black & Hispanic Achievers Art Club Bowling Date of Event Nature of Fundraising 11/1/14 and two other dates in December Dances 12/12/2014 Christmas Tea 11/12/14 - 2/28/15 Sell MCHS Bowling Apparel Purpose of Funds Funds will be used to purchase t-shirts and pay for a portion of trip in January Art Competition Team expenses 197 Montgomery County Board of Education Agenda Item November 18, 2014 Approval of Bids for Removal of Existing Wireless Wide-Area Network Infrastructure At its October 7, 2014 meeting, the Montgomery County Board of Education voted to surplus the existing wireless wide-area network infrastructure. A bid advertisement was published in the October 16, 2014 edition of the Mt. Sterling Advocate. The bid opening was set for Monday, October 27, 2014. One bid was received from MapleNet Wireless. The company agrees to remove all towers and haul off of District property and pay the District $5,000. A copy of the proposal is attached. Superintendent recommends approval of MapleNet Wireless proposal, as presented. 198 199 200 (Overnight, Out-of-State, in Excess of 150 Miles) STUDENT TRIP REQUESTS November 18, 2014 NAME Chris Ballard, Sheena Bromagen, Allison Whaley, Andrea Bartlett, Ginny Muse, Thomas Hall & 90 students DATE OF LEAVE LOCATION OF LEAVE EVENT FUNDING SOURCE $1,200 for buses; $135 each registration paid by KYA; $90 each Louisville and Frankfort, meals; Subs requested - MCHS funds KY 12/7/14 - 12/9/14 Kentucky Youth Assembly (lodging included in registration) Honda Battle of the Bands Invitational Showcase and recruitment fair. The HBOB was created to celebrate, support and recognize the excellence of Black college marching See attached letter. The MCB&HA bands and the unique group requests Board financial academic experiences support for this activity. Estimated offered by Historically cost is $4,290 for 22 people. Students Montgomery County Black Black Colleges and will pay for their own food. & Hispanic Achievers group 1/23/15 - 1/25/15 Atlanta, GA Universities. Superintendent recommends approval. State Forestry Career $610 including sub; Chenault and Andrea Kirby & 4 students 4/28/15 - 4/30/15 Campbellsville, KY Development Event MCHS funds 201 Black & Hispanic Achievers of Montgomery County Honda Battle of the Bands Trip In association with the Central Kentucky YMCA Black Achievers Program, the Montgomery County Black & Hispanic Achievers group is requesting financial support for a student trip to attend the Honda Battle of the Bands in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday, January 24, 2015. The Honda Battle of the Bands was created to celebrate, support and recognized the excellence of Black college marching bands and the unique academic experience offered by Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). Eight bands are chosen to advance to the Honda Battle of the Bands Invitational Showcase. The Showcase features musical performances from these eight HBCU marching bands. The 2015 Showcase is scheduled for 3:00 pm on Saturday, January 24, 2015. In addition to the Battle of the Bands Showcase, the group will attend a recruitment fair hosted by the universities, go on a tour of the National Park Service for Martin Luther King, Jr., and visit the Georgia Aquarium while in Atlanta. The group is scheduled to travel from Kentucky to Atlanta on Friday, January 23rd and requests excused absences from school on that day. The group will return home on Sunday, January 25, 2015. Trip Cost: Miller Transportation $62 per student Crowne Plaza Ravinia Atlanta $76/person for 2 nights Ticket Fees (Aquarium and Battle of the $57 Bands) Total Cost Per Person: $195 20 Students + 2 Chaperones = 22ppl (22 ppl x 195) = $4,290 *The cost of food is not included. Students will need to provide their own money for food. Trip Itinerary: Miller Transportation (Lexington, KY) Friday January 23, 2015 202 1:00 am Meet at Designated Area by group 1:30am Load Motor Coach Load Motor Coach and Depart for Atlanta 2:00am Depart For Atlanta There will Be Two Rest stops along the Way 8:00am (approx.) Arrive in Atlanta for Breakfast (on your own) 9:00am (approx.) Depart for Hotel and check in 10:00am Load Motor Coach and depart for the Georgia aquarium 11:00am (approx.) Arrive at the Aquarium/ museum 2:00pm Depart for Grab and go Meal, (Mc Donald’s, etc.) 3:00pm (approx.) Arrive at Martin Luther King Museum 5:00 pm Depart for hotel End of Day Any other activities (you are on your own) Saturday January 24, 2015 Breakfast/ Lunch on your own (Mall across the street) 203 12:00 noon Load Motor Coach and depart for College Fair 1:00 pm Arrive at College fair 2:30pm Walk over to Georgia Dome for Honda Battle of the Bands 3:00 pm Honda Battle of the Bands 7:00 pm Depart for Grab and Go Dinner Sunday January 25, 2015 9:00am Check out of Hotel and Depart for Mall in Tennessee. 2:00pm-2:30pm Load motor coach and Depart for Lexington. There will be 2 restroom stops on the way back. 8:30pm-9:00pm (approx.) Arrive back in Lexington. 204 205 Montgomery County Board of Education Meeting November 18, 2014 Declaration of Surplus Property – McNabb Football Sleds The McNabb athletic program currently has two football sleds that are outdated and unusable. It is requested that the items be declared as surplus to the educational needs of the district and disposed of in accordance with statute. Any funds recouped in the disposal would be returned to the McNabb football program. 206 207 FY15 20% SEEK FUNDS STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES 1) District assures funding will be used for retirement of debt services and building maintenance of technical center. (702 KAR 1:130 Section 2) 2) District will report expenditures of these funds by using project # 18CA. 3) Funds available July 1, 2014 – June 20, 2015 with carry forward of funds if a plan is in place for major expenditure the next year. 4) District will contact OCTE to request approval of carry forward funds. 5) Districts in collaboration with ATC staff will identify areas of need. 6) Failure to use funds appropriately in FY 15 will result in FY 16 expenditure reimbursement. 7) Examples of allowable use of 20% SEEK funds include, but are not limited to: Purchased Professional and Technical Services – Non School Employee Architectural and Engineering Services Security Services Purchased Property Services Snow Removal Contracted Grounds Services Non-Technology-Related Repairs and Maintenance Technology-Related Repairs and Maintenance Equipment/Machinery/Furniture Repairs and Maintenance Building Repairs and Maintenance Other Repairs and Maintenance Portable Classroom Rentals Other Purchased Services Property Insurance (OCTE has policy for equipment on inventory) Property Land and Improvements Buildings Machinery Furniture and Fixtures Technology Related Hardware Instructional Equipment Other Equipment Superintendent Signature Date 208 MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOAR D OF EDUCATION MEETING November 18, 2014 Chromebook Cases Several cases have been considered by district staff for use with the Chromebooks that will be in use in the district ranging from sleeves to heavy-duty, highly-protective cases, including • • • • • Caselogic – Laptop and MacBook Sleeve - $18.00 MaxCases – Max Zip Sleeve - $15.00 Brenthaven – Trek Sleeve 11” - $28.00 Brenthaven - Ecco–Prene Plus 11” - $20.00 Digital Treasures – SlipIt! Select for 11.6” Chromebook - $15.00 Each of these are sold on the State Peripherals Contract via Pomeroy. Based upon the review, principal and staff input, and consideration of protection and sturdiness, it was recommended that Digital Treasures – SlipIt! Select cases be purchased. This case has external pockets, as well as a carrying handle and removable shoulder strap. It is proposed that 3,000 cases be purchased for a total of $45,000 using KETS technology funds. City Blue will embroider the school district logo on each for $1.50 each. 209 MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CONSENT AGENDA November 18, 2014 RE: Request for Diploma for Special Circumstances Montgomery County Schools currently has four students with special circumstances who are requesting to receive a diploma prior to May of 2015. Kentucky Department of Education officials have advised that this is a local board decision. All four students have met the requirements referenced in 704 KAR 3:305, as well as graduation requirements approved by Montgomery County Board of Education. Two of the students attend the Sterling School, one is at Hillcrest Hall, and one is at Gateway Juvenile Services. Each of the students will turn 18 years old during the school year, resulting in changes in their living and/or educational arrangements. The students have indicated that, having completed graduation requirements, they wish to receive their diplomas. The administrators at the Sterling School and site schools concur and ask that the diplomas be granted. Superintendent’s Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the four students referenced be granted a high school diploma due to meeting all of the graduation requirements. 210 DRAFT (11/17/14) PERSONNEL 03.1321 - CERTIFIED PERSONNEL - Use of School Property All personnel shall be responsible for school equipment, supplies, books, furniture, and apparatus under their care and use. Any damaged, lost, stolen, or vandalized property shall be reported to the employee's immediate supervisor, who shall then report it to the Superintendent/designee once it is confirmed that the item cannot be recovered. In addition, employees shall not perform personal services for themselves or for others for pay or profit during work time and/or using District property or facilities. District property being used for unauthorized purposes shall be reported to that employee’s immediate supervisor. OUTSIDE WORK An employee shall not use any District facility, vehicle, electronic communication system, equipment, or materials in performing outside work. These items (including security codes and electronic records, such as E-mail) are property of the District and shall be used for job-related purposes. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS Employees shall not use a code, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication unless they have been given authorization to do so. Employees cannot expect confidentiality or privacy as to information entered or stored in their E-mail accounts. Authorized District personnel may monitor the use of electronic equipment from time to time. DRIVING RECORD Employees who have occasion to drive a Board-owned vehicle and/or transport students, shall annually provide the Superintendent with a copy of their driving records from the Kentucky Department of Transportation. Any traffic citation received during the year shall be reported to the Superintendent prior to driving a Board-owned vehicle or transporting students. BOARD OWNED VEHICLES The Superintendent may assign Board owned vehicles to employees as deemed necessary for District purposes. Board-owned vehicles shall not be used for private purposes other than to commute to and from work or for minimal personal use (such as a stop for a personal errand on the way between a business and the employee's home). Employees may use an assigned vehicle at any time when they are acting in their official capacity as a District employee. Employees may be permitted to park District-owned vehicles at their residence or on other private property as approved by the Superintendent. Otherwise, Board-owned vehicles must remain on Board property when not in use. ACCIDENTS Employees using District-owned vehicles shall report to their immediate supervisor when they have an accident involving a Board-owned vehicle. 211 PERSONNEL 03.1321 (CONTINUED) Use of School Property USE OF ASSIGNED TELECOMMUNICATION ELECTRONIC DEVICES The Board authorizes the purchase and employee use of telecommunication electronic devices, as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. These devices shall include, but are not limited to, pagers and digital or cell phones, tablets, or laptops. Telecommunication Electronic devices may be assigned or made available on a temporary or ongoing basis when it is determined that: 1. Assignment of a device to an employee is a prudent use of District resources. 2. The employee's job responsibilities require frequent access the ability to communicate frequently and access to a District or public telephone is not readily available. 3. The employee's job involves situations where immediate communication is necessary to ensure the security of District property or safety of students, staff or others while on District property or engaged in District-sponsored activities. District-owned telecommunication electronic devices shall be used primarily for authorized District business purposes. However, occasional personal use of such equipment is permitted. The employee will be required to sign for the electronic device whether the assignment is for a temporary or an on-going basis. (A copy shall be kept by the employee’s supervisor.) Upon leaving the district’s employment or assignment to another position the employee shall return the electronic device to their supervisor/designee to insure the device and accessories are returned and in working order. Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES Individuals may be required to reimburse the Board for repair or replacement of District property lost, stolen, damaged, or vandalized while under their care. Individuals shall file a police report for stolen items. Individuals shall immediately report the incident to their supervisor. REFERENCES: KRS 160.290 KRS 189.292 KRS 281A.205 702 KAR 5:080 RELATED POLICIES: 03.17/03.27 03.21 06.221, 06.23, 08.2323 Formatted: ksba normal, Font color: Auto Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: Font: Bold 212 DRAFT (11/17/14) PERSONNEL 03.2321 - CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL - Use of School Property All personnel shall be responsible for school equipment, supplies, books, furniture, and apparatus under their care and use. Any damaged, lost, stolen, or vandalized property shall be reported to the employee's immediate supervisor, who shall then report it to the Superintendent/designee once it is confirmed that the item cannot be recovered. In addition, employees shall not perform personal services for themselves or for others for pay or profit during work time and/or using District property or facilities. District property being used for unauthorized purposes shall be reported to that employee’s immediate supervisor. OUTSIDE WORK An employee shall not use any District facility, vehicle, electronic communication system, equipment, or materials in performing outside work. These items (including security codes and electronic records, such as E-mail) are property of the District and shall be used for job-related purposes. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS Employees shall not use a code, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication unless they have been given authorization to do so. Employees cannot expect confidentiality or privacy as to information entered or stored in their E-mail accounts. Authorized District personnel may monitor the use of electronic equipment from time to time. DRIVING RECORD Employees who have occasion to drive a Board-owned vehicle and/or transport students, shall annually provide the Superintendent with a copy of their driving records from the Kentucky Department of Transportation. Any traffic citation received during the year shall be reported to the Superintendent prior to driving a Board-owned vehicle or transporting students. BOARD OWNED VEHICLES The Superintendent may assign Board owned vehicles to employees as deemed necessary for District purposes. Board-owned vehicles shall not be used for private purposes other than to commute to and from work or for minimal personal use (such as a stop for a personal errand on the way between a business and the employee's home). Employees may use an assigned vehicle at any time when they are acting in their official capacity as a District employee. Employees may be permitted to park District-owned vehicles at their residence or on other private property as approved by the Superintendent. Otherwise, Board-owned vehicles must remain on Board property when not in use. ACCIDENTS Employees using District-owned vehicles shall report to their immediate supervisor when they have an accident involving a Board-owned vehicle. 213 PERSONNEL 03.2321 (CONTINUED) Use of School Property USE OF ASSIGNED TELECOMMUNICATION ELECTRONIC DEVICES The Board authorizes the purchase and employee use of telecommunication electronic devices, as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. These devices shall include, but are not limited to, pagers and digital or cell phones, tablets or laptops. Telecommunication Electronic devices may be assigned or made available on a temporary or ongoing basis when it is determined that: 1. Assignment of a device to an employee is a prudent use of District resources. 2. The employee's job responsibilities require the ability to communicate frequently and access to a District or public telephone is not readily available.frequent access. 3. The employee's job involves situations where immediate communication is necessary to ensure the security of District property or safety of students, staff or others while on District property or engaged in District-sponsored activities. District-owned telecommunication electronic devices shall be used primarily for authorized District business purposes. However, occasional personal use of such equipment is permitted. The employee will be required to sign for the electronic device whether the assignment is for a temporary or an on-going basis. (A copy shall be kept by the employee’s supervisor.) Upon leaving the district’s employment or assignment to another position the employee shall return the electronic device to their supervisor/designee to insure the device and accessories are returned and in working order. Formatted: ksba normal RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES Individuals may be required to reimburse the Board for repair or replacement of District property lost, stolen, damaged, or vandalized while under their care. Individuals shall file a police report for stolen items. Individuals shall immediately report the incident to their supervisor. REFERENCES: KRS 160.290 KRS 189.292 KRS 281A.205 702 KAR 5:080 RELATED POLICIES: 03.17/03.27 06.23, 08.2323 Formatted: ksba normal, Font color: Auto Formatted: ksba normal 214 DRAFT (11/17/14) CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 Access to Electronic Media (Acceptable Use Policy) The Board supports reasonable access to various information formats for students, employees and the community and believes it is incumbent upon users to utilize this privilege in an appropriate and responsible manner as required by this policy and related procedures, which apply to all parties who use District technology. SAFETY PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES The Superintendent shall develop and implement appropriate procedures to provide guidance for access to electronic media. Guidelines shall address teacher supervision of student computer use, ethical use of electronic media (including, but not limited to, the Internet, e-mail and other District technological resources), and issues of privacy versus administrative review of electronic files and communications. In addition, guidelines shall prohibit utilization of networks for prohibited or illegal activities, the intentional spreading of embedded messages, or the use of other programs with the potential of damaging or destroying programs or data. Students shall be provided instruction about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response. Internet safety measures, which shall apply to all District-owned devices with Internet access or personal devices that are permitted to access the District’s network, shall be implemented that effectively address the following: • Controlling access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and World Wide Web; • Safety and security of minors when they are using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications; • Preventing unauthorized access, including “hacking’ and other unlawful activities by minors online; • Unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information regarding minors; and • Restricting minors’ access to materials harmful to them. A technology protection measure may be disabled by the Board’s designee during use by an adult to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purpose. The District shall provide reasonable public notice of, and at least one (1) public hearing or meeting to address and communicate, its initial Internet safety measures. Specific expectations for appropriate Internet use shall be reflected in the District’s code of acceptable behavior and discipline including appropriate orientation for staff and students. 215 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 (CONTINUED) Access to Electronic Media (Acceptable Use Policy) PERMISSION/AGREEMENT FORM Parents shall be notified regarding use of electronic media. Students shall be granted access to electronic media unless parents request otherwise. The required permission/agreement form, which shall specify acceptable uses, rules of on-line behavior, access privileges and penalties for policy/procedural violations, must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of minor students (those under 18 years of age) and also by the student. This document shall be kept on file as a legal, binding document. In order to modify or rescind the agreement, the student's parent/guardian (or the student who is at least 18 years old) must provide the Superintendent with a written request. EMPLOYEE USE Employees shall not use a code, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication unless they have been given authorization to do so. (Authorization is not required each time the electronic media is accessed in performance of one’s duties.) Each employee is responsible for the security of his/her own password. Employees shall use electronic mail and other District electronic media primarily for purposes directly related to work-related activities, including promotion of student learning and communication with the home and education-related entities. Employees may not use electronic media to: 1. Engage in illegal activity; 2. Promote a commercial purpose for a non-school related reason; 3. Pursue personal gain; or 4. Advance personal propaganda. Employees may use District electronic media for permissible purposes before or after the instructional day or assigned working hours or for brief access during break or planning periods, provided such access does not interfere with the employee’s assigned duties. Technology-based materials, activities and communication tools shall be appropriate for and within the range of the knowledge, understanding, age and maturity of students with whom they are used. District employees and activity sponsors may set up blogs and other social networking accounts using District resources and following District guidelines to promote communications with students, parents, and the community concerning school-related activities and for the purpose of supplementing classroom instruction. Networking, communication and other options offering instructional benefits may be used for the purpose of supplementing classroom instruction and to promote communications with students and parents concerning school-related activities. In order for District employees and activity sponsors to utilize a social networking site for instructional, administrative or other work-related communication purposes, they shall comply with the following: 216 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 (CONTINUED) Access to Electronic Media (Acceptable Use Policy) EMPLOYEE USE (CONTINUED) 1. They shall request prior permission from the Superintendent/designee. 2. If permission is granted, staff members will set up the site following any District guidelines developed by the Superintendent’s designee. 3. Guidelines may specify whether access to the site must be given to school/District technology staff. 4. If written parental consent is not otherwise granted through AUP forms provided by the District, staff shall notify parents of the site and obtain written permission for students to become “friends” prior to the students being granted access. This permission shall be kept on file at the school as determined by the Principal. 5. Once the site has been created, the sponsoring staff member is responsible for the following: a. Monitoring and managing the site to promote safe and acceptable use; and b. Observing confidentiality restrictions concerning release of student information under state and federal law. Staff members are discouraged from creating personal social networking sites to which they invite students to be friends. Employees taking such action do so at their own risk. All employees shall be subject to disciplinary action if their conduct relating to use of technology or online resources violates this policy or other applicable policy, statutory or regulatory provisions governing employee conduct. The Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Certified Personnel requires certified staff to protect the health, safety, and emotional well-being of students and confidentiality of student information. Conduct in violation of this Code, including, but not limited to, such conduct relating to the use of technology or online resources, must be reported to Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) as required by law and may form the basis for disciplinary action up to and including termination. COMMUNITY USE On recommendation of the Superintendent/designee, the Board shall determine when and which computer equipment, software and information access systems will be available to the community. Upon request to the Principal/designee, community members may have access to the Internet and other electronic information sources and programs available through the District’s technology system, provided they attend any required training and abide by the rules of usage established by the Superintendent/designee. CHECKOUT OF SCHOOL OWNED ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices may be made available for student checkout but shall be the responsibility of the person to whom the device is issued and be subject to all provisions set out in the policy and related procedures. In addition, a signed AUP form must be on file at the school or District level before an electronic device is issued to a student. Formatted: ksba normal 217 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 (CONTINUED) Access to Electronic Media (Acceptable Use Policy) DISREGARD OF RULES Individuals who refuse to sign required acceptable use documents or who violate District rules governing the use of District technology shall be subject to loss or restriction of the privilege of using equipment, software, information access systems or other computing and telecommunications technologies. DISREGARD OF RULES (CONTINUED) Employees and students shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination (employees) and expulsion (students) for violating this policy and acceptable use rules and regulations established by the school or District. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES Individuals shall reimburse the Board for repair or replacement of District property lost, stolen, damaged, or vandalized while under their care. Students or staff members who deface a District web site or otherwise make unauthorized changes to a web site shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion and termination, as appropriate. RESPONDING TO CONCERNS School officials shall apply the same criterion of educational suitability used to review other educational resources when questions arise concerning access to specific databases or other electronic media. AUDIT OF USE Users with network access shall not utilize District resources to establish electronic mail accounts through third party providers or any other nonstandard electronic mail system. The Superintendent/designee shall establish a process to determine whether the District’s education technology is being used for purposes prohibited by law or for accessing sexually explicit materials. The process shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Utilizing technology that meets requirements of Kentucky Administrative Regulations and that blocks or filters Internet access for both minors and adults to certain visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or, with respect to computers with Internet access by minors, harmful to minors; 2. Maintaining and securing a usage log; and 3. Monitoring online activities of minors. RETENTION OF RECORDS FOR E-RATE PARTICIPANTS Following initial adoption, this policy and documentation of implementation shall be retained for at least five (5) years after the last day of service in a particular funding year. 218 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Access to Electronic Media (Acceptable Use Policy) REFERENCES: KRS 156.675; KRS 365.732; KRS 365.734 701 KAR 5:120; 16 KAR 1:020 (Code of Ethics) 47 U.S.C. 254/Children’s Internet Protection Act; 45 C.F.R. 54.520 Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS) RELATED POLICIES: 03.1325/03.2325; 03.17/03.27; 08.1353, 08.2322 09.14, 09.421, 09.422, 09.425, 09.426 08.2323 (CONTINUED) 219 DRAFT (11/17/14) PERSONNEL 03.1321 AP.1 Staff Use of Telecommunication Electronic Devices Employees issued a telecommunication electronic device are responsible for its safekeeping at all times. Defective, lost or stolen equipment (pagers, digital or cell phones, tablets, or laptops. etc.) are to be reported immediately to the Central Officetheir supervisor so that the service provider may be notified. Telecommunication devices issued to employees are to be returned to the Central Office designee at the conclusion of the school year, activity or as otherwise specified. EMPLOYEE USE Employees assigned a District owned phone or other communicationelectronic devices shall agree to the provisions of this procedure, along with the following: 1. Employees shall not engage in activities that distract them from safely operating a vehicle. 2. Except for communications made to and from a central dispatch, school transportation department, or its equivalent, drivers shall not use an telecommunication electronic device, including those used for calling, texting or emailing while operating a Board-owned vehicle unless the vehicle is parked or unless there is a bona fide emergency, which shall include, but not be limited to the following actions: a. Report illegal activity; b. Summon medical help; c. Summon a law enforcement or public safety agency; or d. Prevent injury to a person or property. 3. Care should be taken to ensure confidentiality is maintained during conversations using telecommunication devices. 4. Board-owned telecommunication electronic devices are not to be loaned to others. 5. Devices are assigned for business/professional use. Employees shall assume responsibility for costs for personal use when such use results in additional cost to the District. 6. All communications and equipment shall comply with adopted district policies and procedures. 7. Damage or loss of equipment shall be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor without delay. I have read and agree to comply with the above procedures concerning use of District cell phones or other communication electronic devices. __________________________________________________ ______________________ Employee Signature Date 220 DRAFT (11/17/14) PERSONNEL 03.2321 AP.1 Staff Use of Telecommunication Electronic Devices For information relating to staff use of telecommunication electronic devices, see procedure 03.1321 AP.1. RELATED PROCEDURE: 03.1321 AP.1 Formatted: ksba normal 221 DRAFT (11/17/14) CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.1 Access to Electronic Media ELECTRONIC MAIL/INTERNET The District offers students, staff, and members of the community access to the District’s computer network for electronic mail and Internet. Because access to the Internet may expose users to items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or offensive, we require all students under the age of eighteen (18) to submit a completed Parent Permission/User Agreement Form to the Principal/designee prior to access/use. All other users will be required to complete and submit a User Agreement Form. Except in cases involving students who are at least eighteen (18) years of age and have no legal guardian, parents/guardians may request that the school/District: Provide access so that the parent may examine the contents of their child(ren)'s email files; Terminate their child(ren)’s individual email account and/or Internet access; and Provide alternative activities for their child(ren) that do not require Internet access. Parents/guardians wishing to challenge information accessed via the District’s technology resources should refer to Policy 08.2322/Review of Instructional Materials and any related procedures. GENERAL STANDARDS FOR USERS Standards for users shall be included in the District’s electronic access plan, which shall include specific guidelines for student, staff, and community member access to and use of electronic resources. Access is a privilege—not a right. Users are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks. Independent access to network service is given to individuals who agree to act in a responsible manner. Users are required to comply with District standards and to honor the access/usage agreements they have signed. Beyond clarification of user standards, the District is not responsible for restricting, monitoring, or controlling the communications of individuals utilizing the network independently. The network is provided for users to conduct research and to communicate with others. Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored. During school hours, teachers of younger children will guide their students to appropriate materials. Outside of school, families bear the same responsibility for such guidance as they exercise with information sources such as television, telephones, movies, radio, and other media that may carry/broadcast information. NO PRIVACY GUARANTEE The Superintendent/designee has the right to access information stored in any user directory, on the current user screen, or in electronic mail. S/he may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and insure that individuals are using the system responsibly. Users should not expect files stored on District servers or through District provided or sponsored technology services, to be private. 222 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.1 (CONTINUED) Access to Electronic Media RULES AND REGULATIONS Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Violating State and Federal legal requirements addressing student and employee rights to privacy, including unauthorized disclosure, use and dissemination of personal information. 2. Using third party providers or any other nonstandard electronic MAIL system; 3. Using student email accounts are for non-educational purposes; 4. Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures, including those that involve: • Profanity or obscenity; or • Harassing or intimidating communications. 5. Damaging computer systems, computer networks or school/District websites; 6. Violating copyright laws, including illegal copying of commercial software and/or other protected material; 7. Using another user’s password, “hacking” or gaining unauthorized access to computers or computer systems, or attempting to gain such unauthorized access; 8. Trespassing in another user’s folder, work, or files; 9. Intentionally wasting limited resources, including but not limited to gaming, streaming audio or video for no-educational purposes and downloading of freeware or shareware programs; 10. Using the network for commercial purposes, financial gain or any illegal activity; 11. Using technology resources to bully, threaten or attack a staff member or student or to access and/or set up unauthorized blogs and online journals, including, but not limited to MySpace.com, Facebook.com or Xanga.com; and social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.: and 12. Students revealing their name and personal information to, or establishing relationships with, “strangers” on the network, unless a parent or teacher has coordinated the communication. Users are held accountable for the additional rules and regulations found in the Montgomery County Schools Electronic Access & Usage Plan. You can locate a copy of the plan on the District website. Violations of these rules and regulations may result in loss of access/usage as well as other disciplinary or legal action. Formatted: ksba normal 223 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.1 (CONTINUED) Access to Electronic Media 1:1 USER AGREEMENT TERMS The Montgomery County School District has initiated a 1:1 initiative, “i21” for students and teachers in grades five through twelve (5-12) in an effort to embrace 21st Century Learning. Students will be using these devices in the classroom as a part of routine instruction each day. After reading and returning the required agreement, students will be allowed to take their designated devices home to continue school work. Please remember that the devices are the property of the District and their contents may be viewed at any time. Students are expected to have their devices with them each day, fully charged and ready for use. GOALS FOR STUDENT USERS Formatted: sideheading, Centered Formatted: policytext Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal, Not Superscript/ Subscript Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal • Increase 21st Century Learning Skills • Increase productivity and organization Formatted: ksba normal • Increase student ownership of their learning and the learning process Formatted: ksba normal • Utilize a wide array of digital educational materials GUIDELINES Student use of the District issued devices falls under the District Acceptable Use Policy for technology. Internet and device use will be monitored through District level management software. Anyone found to be violating acceptable use will be disciplined. All software, applications and documents stored on the District issued devices are the property of the District and subject to review/monitoring. District Devices should NOT: Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: sideheading, Left, Space After: 0 pt Formatted: policytext, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal, Not Superscript/ Subscript Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal • Be modified in any way other than instructed by administration or school personnel. • Have applied marks, stickers or other decoration placed on them or their case. Formatted: ksba normal • Be exchanged with anyone. Formatted: sideheading, Left, Space After: 0 pt • Have browsing history cleared or disabled. Formatted: ksba normal • Be carried without being in the District-issued protective case. • Have asset tag modified or tampered with in any way. Formatted: ksba normal • Have heavy objects placed on top of them. Formatted: Font: Italic Failure to comply with these guidelines will be treated as a violation of the District Acceptable Use Policy and will be handled according to the school discipline code. Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: policytext, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: policytext, Left, Space After: 0 pt Formatted: ksba normal 224 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.1 (CONTINUED) Access to Electronic Media 1:1 USER AGREEMENT TERMS (CONTINUED) CARE AND USE OF DISTRICT ISSUED DEVICES Formatted: sideheading, Left, Space After: 0 pt • Use a soft, lint-free towel to clean the screen—do not use spray or liquid cleaners. • Make sure hands are clean before using device. Formatted: policytext, Left, Space After: 0 pt, Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" • Keep devices away from food and drink. Formatted: ksba normal • Use only the included charger and a standard outlet to charge your device. Charge daily. • Report software/hardware issues as soon as possible. • Keep the District issued device in a climate controlled environment—do not expose to extreme temperatures. SAVING DOCUMENTS Documents are saved with your device using cloud storage. This will require you to have a District issued Google Apps for Education account. Using this account, you can save, export and import documents. This allows you to access your documents from other devices via the Internet. You can also share your documents with other students or your teacher. Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal REPORTING TECHNICAL ISSUES Errors or problems should be reported as soon as is practical. This can be done by informing school personnel so the issue can be addressed in a timely manner. Damage due to a determined accidental cause will be addressed by the school through normal procedures. Damage due to negligence or carelessness will result in the student assuming the financial responsibility of the replacement/repair of the District issued device. Students taking the device from school property must sign and submit the User Agreement Application. Student use of the device off school grounds may be revoked at anytime by administration. Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal SECURITY Students should only use the District supplied Google Apps for Education account. Students should never share their account passwords with others, unless requested by an administrator, teacher, parent or guardian. Formatted: ksba normal Students are responsible for following the guidelines and rules set forth in the District Acceptable Use Policy. Formatted: ksba normal Violations of these policies may result in disciplinary actions/ Formatted: ksba normal If a violation or the Acceptable Use Policy or discipline code occurs, appropriate consequences will be imposed. Formatted: ksba normal 225 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.1 (CONTINUED) Access to Electronic Media 1:1 USER AGREEMENT TERMS (CONTINUED) SECURITY (CONTINUED It is expected that students will: • Formatted: ksba normal Maintain control of their assigned District issued device unless otherwise directed by administration Formatted: ksba normal • Maintain the District issued case Formatted: ksba normal • Not have the device out around food/drink (breakfast, lunch, snacking) Formatted: ksba normal • Not leave the device unattended • Not play games during instructional time Formatted: ksba normal • Not clear or disable browsing history Formatted: ksba normal • Maintain adequate battery charge for school use Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal LOSS OR DAMAGE If a District issued device is damaged or lost, please report to administration as soon as possible. If theft is suspected, a police report must be filed. If an incident happens in the evening, please inform administration by 8:00 AM the following school day. Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal GENERAL RULES • After five (5) unexcused absences in a semester (or less by recommendation of Principal/DPP), the student may become a day user until regular attendance is established. Formatted: ksba normal • General misconduct or failing to have the assigned District issued device at school/charged may result in student being assigned to day user status for a length of time determined by administration. Formatted: ksba normal Please Remember: Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal • Devices may be monitored by administration at any time. Formatted: ksba normal • Administration reserves the right to take a District issued device at any time. Formatted: ksba normal • Teachers reserve the right to limit the device use during class. • The device is the property of the District. Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal 226 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.1 (CONTINUED) Access to Electronic Media 1:1 USER AGREEMENT TERMS (CONTINUED) RELATED COSTS Damage/Repair/Replace Fee Schedule Issue Accidental Damage - 1st Instance Accidental Damage - 2nd Instance Action(s) Necessary A report must be made immediately to administration. The device and case must be returned to the school so that a new or spare device may be issued. A report must be made immediately to administration. The device and case must be returned to the school so that a new or spare device may be issued. However, a spare device may not be issued for a 2nd break. The student may need to wait until the original device is returned from service. Cost $25 $50 Accidental Damage - 3rd and additional Instances A report must be made immediately to administration. The device and case must be returned to the school. However, a spare device will not be issued. The student must wait until the original device is returned from service. Some loss of privileges of using the device may occur. $100 Intentional Damage A report must be made immediately to administration. The device and case must be returned to the school so that a new or spare device may be issued. Deliberate damage will be referred to an administrator. Any and all appropriate discipline for damage to school property may be appropriate. Cost of Repair or Full Replacement Cost - $330 A report must be made immediately to administration and full replacement cost shall be paid. *Device *Protective Case *Power Cord A report must be made immediately to administration and a police report must be filed. $330 $30 $25 Lost Theft No Cost Damage/Repair/Replace fees apply from distribution date until date the device is returned to the District. Formatted: policytext REMINDER OF NO PRIVACY GUARANTEE Formatted: sideheading, Left, Space After: 0 pt District personnel have the right to access information stored in any user directory, on the current user screen or in electronic mail. They may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that individuals are using the system in accordance with District policies and guidelines. Students should not expect files stored on District servers or through District provided technology services to be private. By accepting these terms and conditions, students waive any right to privacy or confidentiality to material that was created, sent, accessed or stored using a District computing device or District provided account. Formatted: ksba normal Formatted: ksba normal 227 DRAFT (11/17/14) CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.21 Electronic Access/User Agreement Forms AUP FORM USER’S NAME (LAST) ___________________ (FIRST) ___________________ (INITIAL) ______ USER’S ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________ USER’S AGE ______ DATE OF BIRTH ___________ SEX ___ PHONE NUMBER ___________ SCHOOL ______________________________________________________________________ IF APPLICABLE, USER’S GRADE _______ HOMEROOM/CLASSROOM ______________________ IF APPLICABLE, USER’S DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/PROGRAM ______________________________ PLEASE CHECK: If you are a student certified employee classified employee member of the community. As a user of the Montgomery County School District’s computer network, I hereby agree to comply with the District’s Internet and electronic mail rules and to communicate over the network in a responsible manner while abiding by all relevant laws and restrictions. I further understand that violation of the regulations is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and school disciplinary action and/or legal action may be taken. User’s Name (Please print) ______________________________________________________________ User’s Signature ______________________________________________ Date ____________________ Prior to the student’s being granted independent access privileges, the following section must be completed for students under 18 years of age: As the parent or legal guardian of the student (under 18) signing above, I grant permission for my child to access networked computer services such as electronic mail and the Internet. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes; however, I also recognize that some materials on the Internet may be objectionable, and I accept responsibility for guidance of Internet use by setting and conveying standards for my child to follow when selecting, sharing, researching, or exploring electronic information and media. CONSENT FOR USE By signing this form, you hereby accept and agree that your child’s rights to use the electronic resources provided by the District and/or the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in District policy/procedure. Please also be advised that data stored in relation to such services is managed by the District pursuant to policy 08.2323 and accompanying procedures. You also understand that the e-mail address provided to your child can also be used to access other electronic services or technologies that may or may not be sponsored by the District, which provide features such as online storage, online communications and collaborations, and instant messaging. Use of those services is subject to either standard consumer terms of use or a standard consent model. Data stored in those systems, where applicable, may be managed pursuant to the agreement between KDE and designated service providers or between the end user and the service provider. Before your child can use online services, he/she must accept the service agreement and, in certain cases, obtain your consent. Name of Parent/Guardian (Please print) ____________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ____________________________________________ Date ____________ Daytime Phone Number: _____________________ Evening Phone Number: _____________________ STUDENTS: ADULTS: Return this form to your school. Return this form to your supervisor/program director/school. 228 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.21 (CONTINUED) Electronic Access/User Agreement Forms FOR STAFF MEMBERS I, ________________________________________, have read the Montgomery County Schools System Staff Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Information Resources and Technology. By my signature, I am agreeing to comply with this policy. _____________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ Title _____________________________________ Date Formatted: sideheading, Centered, Space After: 0 pt Formatted: Space After: 6 pt 229 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.21 (CONTINUED) Formatted: Space After: 12 pt 1:1 User Agreement Application Name of Student:_________________________________________ Grade:______________ Formatted: policytext, Space After: 0 pt Parent Name:_________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code:__________________________________________________________ Formatted: policytext, Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single, Widow/Orphan control Phone Number:_______________________________________________________________ Do you have wireless at home? Yes No I DO wish to participate in the Montgomery County School District’s “i21” 1:1 initiative. Formatted: policytext, Indent: First line: 0", Space After: 0 pt Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.19" I agree to the provisions outlined in the policy terms 08.2323 AP.1 and understand that: • Enrollment in this program is REQUIRED to take the device home. • The policy only covers the school issued device. • Liability is limited to the replacement/repair of the device; no additional liability is implied or assumed. • Devices must be in the provided case. Damage that occurs when the device is not housed in the given case is the full responsibility of the student/parent. • Device must be brought to school fully charged each day. • After five (5) unexcused absences in a semester (or less by recommendation of Principal/DPP), the student may become a day user until regular daily attendance is achieved. Formatted: Space After: 6 pt, Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5", Font Alignment: Baseline Failure to comply with any of the above may result in loss of privileges. Formatted: Font: 12 pt I DO NOT wish to participate in the Montgomery County School District’s “i21” 1:1 Initiative. I understand that my student will still be issued a device for school use but that it cannot leave school property. Formatted: Tab stops: Not at 0.5" Student Name:_____________________________________________________ Printed Signature Date:________ Formatted: Tab stops: 5", Left Guardian Name:_____________________________________________________ Printed Signature Date:_______ Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", Hanging: 0.19" Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0", Space After: 12 pt, Tab stops: 5", Left Office Use Only: Serial Number: _____________________________________ Asset Tag #:__________________ Formatted: Border: Bottom: (Single solid line, Auto, 0.5 pt Line width, From text: 10 pt Border spacing: ) Formatted: Space After: 6 pt, Border: Bottom: (Single solid line, Auto, 0.5 pt Line width, From text: 10 pt Border spacing: ) 230 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.21 (CONTINUED) Electronic Access/User Agreement Forms BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (B.Y.O.D.) RESPONSIBLE USE GUIDELINES PURPOSE The Montgomery County School District uses instructional technology as one way of enhancing our mission to teach the skills, knowledge, and behaviors students will need as responsible citizens in the global community. Students learn collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking in a variety of ways throughout the school day. The use of technology in the classroom drastically improves student engagement, increases the ability for differentiation and provides students with immediate feedback. In an effort to increase access to those 21st Century skills, the District will allow personal devices on our network and school grounds for students who follow the responsibilities stated in the Acceptable Use Policy 08.2323 and the enclosed guidelines regarding B.Y.O.D. When permission is granted by individual teachers based on the school’s policy, the District’s students may bring in personal laptops or other production devices to complete school work. Purchasing and loading software onto personal laptops and other production devices is the parent’s responsibility. District and school personnel will not be able to assist students with technical issues that occur with their devices. Printing will not be available from these personal devices. Students who demonstrate good digital citizenship through the successful completion of a digital safety assessment using Digital Driver’s License or the iSafe curriculum and have a signed AUP may be allowed to connect their personally owned devices to the District network. Students are expected to use devices for educational purposes and only with the consent of school staff. Although the use of devices on the District network is monitored, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. Parents and guardians are likewise responsible for what students may access through any non-District wi-fi or cellular connection. The District strives to provide appropriate and adequate technology to support instructional purposes. The use of personal devices by students is optional, and students who do not participate in B.Y.O.D. will not be penalized and alternate modes of participation will be available. An important component of B.Y.O.D. will be education about appropriate online behaviors. Staff will review cyber-safety rules with students frequently throughout the course of the school year and will offer reminders and reinforcement about safe online behaviors. In addition to the rules outlined in these guidelines, students will be expected to comply with all class and school rules while using personal devices. The use of technology is not a necessity but a privilege. When abused, privileges may be taken away. DEVICE TYPES For the purpose of this program, the word “devices” will include items with a web browser, such as laptops, netbooks, cell phones, smart phones, iPods, iPads, tablets, and eReaders. Please note that gaming devices (Nintendo DS, PSP, or other gaming devices with internet access) are not permissible at this time. 231 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.21 (CONTINUED) Electronic Access/User Agreement Forms BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (B.Y.O.D.) RESPONSIBLE USE GUIDELINES (CONTINUED) STUDENTS AND PARENTS/GUARDIANS AGREEMENT The use of technology to provide educational material is not a necessity but a privilege. When abused, privileges may be taken away. Students and parents/guardians participating must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, as well as all Board policies, particularly BOE Policy 08.2323 – Access to Electronic Media (Acceptable Use Policy) and Policy 09.4261 (Telecommunication Devices). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Students take full responsibility for their personal device and keep it with them at all times. The school is not responsible for the security of the personal device. Each teacher has the discretion to allow and regulate the use of personal devices in the classroom and on specific projects. Approved devices must be in silent mode (sound muted) while on school campus, unless otherwise allowed by a teacher. Headphones may be used with teacher permission. Devices may not be used to cheat on assignments, quizzes, or tests or for non-instructional purposes (such as making personal phone calls and text messaging). Students may not use devices to record, transmit, or post photographic images or video of a person or persons on campus during school hours or during school activities, unless otherwise allowed by a teacher. Devices may only be used to access computer files on internet sites that are relevant to the classroom curriculum. Games are not permitted. Students shall comply with teachers' requests to shut down the computer or close the screen. Files have to be saved on the personal device, a jump drive, an external drive, or another media device. Printing from personal devices will not be possible at school. Personal devices must be charged prior to school and run on battery power while at school. The school’s network filters will be applied to a device’s connection to the internet and any attempt to bypass the network filters is prohibited. Students are prohibited from: o Bringing a device on premises that infects the network with a virus, Trojan, or program designed to damage, alter, destroy, or provide access to unauthorized data or information o Processing or accessing information on school property related to “hacking.” o Altering or bypassing network security policies The District administration is authorized to collect and examine any device that is suspected of causing technology problems or being the source of an attack or virus infection. Students and parents should be aware that devices are subject to search by school administrators if the device is suspected of a violation of the student code of conduct or a legal violation. If the device is locked or password protected, the student will be required to unlock the device at the request of a school administrator. 232 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION 08.2323 AP.21 (CONTINUED) Electronic Access/User Agreement Forms BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE (B.Y.O.D.) RESPONSIBLE USE GUIDELINES (CONTINUED) LOST, STOLEN, OR DAMAGED DEVICES Each user is responsible for his/her own device and should use it responsibly and appropriately. The takes no responsibility for stolen, lost, or damaged devices, including lost or corrupted data on those devices. While school employees will help students identify how to keep personal devices secure, students have the final responsibility for securing their personal devices. SECURITY AND DAMAGES Responsibility to keep the device secure rests with the individual owner. Neither the District nor its employees are liable for any device stolen or damaged on campus. If a device is stolen or damaged, it will be handled through the administrative office similar to other such incidents. It is recommended that appropriate skins (decals) and other custom touches be used to physically identify personal device from others. Additionally, protective cases for technology are encouraged. USAGE CHARGES The District is not responsible for any possible device charges to an individual’s account that may be incurred during approved school-related use. NETWORK CONSIDERATIONS Users should strive to maintain appropriate bandwidth for school-related work and communications. All users will use the specified wireless network to access the internet. The District does not guarantee connectivity or the quality of the connection with personal devices. The District technology department is not responsible for maintaining or troubleshooting student personal devices. To be read and signed by both the student: I understand and will abide by the above guidelines. I further understand that any violation is unethical and may result in the loss of my network and/or device privileges as well as other disciplinary action. During the course of the school year, additional rules regarding the use of personal devices may be added. STUDENTS: Return this form to your school. 08.2323 AP.21 (BYOD Guidelines) I understand and will abide by the above guidelines. I further understand that any violation is unethical and may result in the loss of my personal device privileges as well as other disciplinary action. ________________________________________ Signature of Student ______________ Date ________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ______________ Date 233 November 17, 2014 Change Order 032-01 To: R.B.S Design Group, P.S.C. From: William R. Rose Re: J.B. McNabb Middle School BG# 13-111 Revisions and additions to the storm drainage and downspout piping. Craig Please review and advise upon the recommendation to the Owner to consider or reject this proposal as outlined below and on accompanying information. Item # 1. Revisions to original designed storm drainage system $28,461.93 Item # 2. Replacement of existing storm drainage piping not in original design $27,309.64 Item # 3. Replacement of above grade downspout piping not in original design $4,500.00 See attached Chart from RBS for unit price and breakdown. Total cost this change = Add $60,271.57 The Walker Company 232 Calk Avenue Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 (859) 498-4444 Packs’, Inc. 75 Baldridge Road Morehead, KY 40351 (606) 784-4108 234 J.B. MCNABB MIDDLE SCHOOL RBS 11060 ARCHITECT’S EVALUATION OF PROPOSED CHANGE ORDER 11-13-14 DRAIN LINES LINE ‘A’ Revised Design 8” 58.4 49.8 62.3 91.5 Total 262 x $30.00 $ 7,860.00 Original Design 12” 58.4 49.8 135.6 121.6 Total 365.4 x $34.00 $ 12,423.60 15“ 33.1 64.5 91.1 Total 188.7 x $36.00 $ 6,793.20 $ 14,653.20 $ 12,423.60 Total revisions to Line A: $ 2,229.60 LINE B Revised Design 8” 52 x $ 30.00 $ 1,560.00 Original Design 12” 52 x $34.00 $ 1,768.00 12” 78.2 x $ 34.00 $2,658.80 76.3 x $34.00 $ 2,594.20 15” 85.5 $ 3,078.00 TOTAL $ 7,296.80 Total revisions to Line B: TOTAL $ 4,362.20 $ 2,934.60 235 LINE C Revised Design Original Design 8” 63 x $30.00 $ 1,890.00 12” 63 74.7 Total 137.70 x $34.00 $ 4,681.80 12” 76.5 66.4 Total 142.90 x $34.00 $ 4,858.60 TOTAL $ 6,748.60 TOTAL $ 4,681.80 Total revisions to Line C: $ 2,066.80 LINE D Revised Design Original Design 8” 67.9 x $30.00 $ 2,037.00 12” 67.9 46.8 52.1 Total 166.80 x $34.00 $ 5,671.20 10” 46.8 x $33.50 $ 1,567.80 12” 45.5 x $34.00 $ 1,547.00 15” 52.6 x $36.00 $ 1,893.60 6” 19.8 x $28.00 $ 554.40 8” 23.3 24.6 30.1 11.8 12.5 28.4 19.8 Total 150.50 x $30.00 $ 4,515.00 236 LINE D - continued Revised Design Original Design 4” 16.8 23.4 30.1 12 5.3 12.5 30.9 Total 131 x $26.50 $ 3,471.50 TOTAL $ 11,071.30 TOTAL $ 10,186.20 Total revisions to Line D: $ 885.10 LINE E Revised Design Original Design 12” 142.2 X $34.00 $ 4,834.80 12” 125.1 X 34.00 $ 4,253.40 TOTAL $ 4,834.80 TOTAL $ 4,253.40 Total revisions to Line E: $ 581.40 237 CATCH BASINS LINE A Revised Design Original Design 3 - 24” 0 LINE B Revised Design Original Design 3 – 24” 2 – 24” LINE C Revised Design Original Design 3 - 24” 2 - 24” LINE D Revised Design Original Design 1 - 30” 3 – 24” 3 – 24” Catch Basins added: 6 x $ 1,700.00 = $ 10,200.00 5 – 24” 1 – 30” 238 SUMMARY OF CHANGE ORDER FOR DESIGN CHANGES: Revisions to drain lines $ 8,697.50 Catch basins $ 10,200.00 Change in pipe: $ 2,000.00 Demo existing piping: $ 4,050.00 15 inch headwall (2 @ $1,500) $ 3,000.00 Duramaxx $ ( - 3,198.00) Subtotal $ 24,749.50 Overhead and profit $ 3,712.43 TOTAL $ 28,461.93 239 VALUE ADDED ITEMS: LINE A: 8” 89.1 19.7 108.8 x $30.00 = $3,264.00 3 downspouts @ $730.00: $ 2,190.00 TOTAL: $ 6,272.10 LINE B: 4” 22.9 23 18.1 24.5 17.9 106.4 x $26.50 = $2,819.60 5 downspouts @ $365.00: $ 1,825.00 TOTAL: $ 5,341.29 LINE C: 4” 18.3 35.7 20.4 20.2 35.3 129.9 x $26.50 = $3,442.35 5 downspouts @ $365.00: $ 1,825.00 TOTAL: $ 6,057.46 LINE D: 4” 36.7 18.3 24.3 13.4 92.7 x $26.50 = $2,456.55 6 downspouts @ $365.00: $ TOTAL: $ 5,343.54 2,190.00 240 LINE E: 8” 23.9 27.6 51.5 x $30.00 = $1,545.00 3 downspouts @ $730.00: $ 2,190.00 TOTAL: $ 4,295.25 SUMMARY OF VALUE ADDED ITEMS: Total value added items: $ 27,309.64 Modify and replace existing downspouts: $ 4,500.00 TOTAL VALUE ADDED ITEMS: $ 31,809.64 241 Work Changes Proposal Request McNabb Middle School Phase II BG # 13-111 RFP NO. 15 Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the contract sum and contract time for modifications to the contract documents described herein. Within five (5) working days, the contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Construction Manager, in writing, of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. Description: Provide pricing for the storm drainage system per the attached RFI 13 and 14 response and Drawing C4.0R dated 10/23/2014. Note: Please schedule a site visit with the CM and Owner to determine the quantity and size of above grade downspouts to be replaced. Date of Issuance: 10-24-2014 By: William R. Rose The Walker Company 232 Calk Avenue Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 (859) 498-4444 Packs’, Inc. 75 Baldridge Road Morehead, KY 40351 (606) 784-4108 Packs' Inc. Mail - RE: McNabb BG 13-111 RFI 14 1 of 2 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=6c9c44f2fa&view=pt&search... 242 Bob Rose <[email protected]> RE: McNabb BG 13-111 RFI 14 1 message Kenny McDaniel <[email protected]> Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 2:38 PM To: Bob Rose <[email protected]>, "Rison, Phil" <[email protected]>, Craig Thomas <[email protected]>, Alisa <[email protected]> Cc: Bob Barton <[email protected]>, David Rhodes <[email protected]>, Josh Shuster <[email protected]>, Jeff Garrison <[email protected]>, [email protected], Steve Gamblin <[email protected]>, Stephen Kirk <[email protected]> Craig / Alisa / Bob, Per the discussions and progress meeƟng direcƟon aŌer RFI 14. Please find aƩached the revised drawing for downspout collecƟon and storm water improvements needed at the site. Per the meeƟng, a proposal to delete the work in the base bid and provide work shown heron is requested. It is my understanding that the downspout boots shall be priced as specified uƟlizing the cast iron boots and alternate bid for Piedmont or equal steel fabricated boot. Downspouts which need to be replaced shall be per the original specificaƟons. Please contact me with any quesƟons. Kenny Kenneth D. McDaniel, PE, LEED AP Project Manager Paducah Marion 500 South 17th Street 403 North Court Street P.O. Box 120 Paducah, KY 42002-0120 270-443-1995 phone 270-443-1904 fax Marion, IL 62959 618-993-6700 phone 618-993-6717 fax 10/24/2014 6:25 PM Packs' Inc. Mail - RE: McNabb BG 13-111 RFI 14 2 of 2 https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=6c9c44f2fa&view=pt&search... 243 www.bfwengineers.com Follow us From: Bob Rose [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 1:45 PM To: Kenny McDaniel; Rison, Phil; Craig Thomas; Alisa Cc: Bob Barton; David Rhodes; Josh Shuster; Jeff Garrison; Jim Gilbert ([email protected]) Subject: McNabb BG 13-111 RFI 14 Kenny, Please review attached RFI 14 and advise. Also per our phone conversation regarding RFI 13 am awaiting pricing for the down spout boots will send info once received. Thanks, -- C4.0 REVISED PER RFI 14.pdf 1614K 10/24/2014 6:25 PM 244 STORMWATER DOWNSPOUT PIPING TABLE STORMWATER BASE BID PIPE TABLE 3 NAME SIZE MATERIAL LENGTH SLOPE UPSLOPE STRUCTURE DOWNSLOPE STRUCTURE DS-1 12" ADS N-12 142.23' 1.72% TEE-1 ST-12 DS-2 12" ADS N-12 38.84' 1.00% DS-3 12" ADS N-12 11.98' 1.00% EL-1 TEE-1 DS-4 12" ADS N-12 83.50' 1.00% EL-2 EL-1 DS-5 12" ADS N-12 107.70' 1.00% DS-6 8" ADS N-12 23.96' 1.00% DS-6A 8" ADS N-12 27.67' 1.00% DS-7 4" ADS N-12 12.52' 1.00% DS-8 4" ADS N-12 30.95' 1.00% ST-13 DS-9 4" ADS N-12 30.11' 1.00% ST-13 DS-10 4" ADS N-12 12.09' 1.00% DS-11 4" ADS N-12 5.75' 1.00% DS-12 4" ADS N-12 23.34' 1.00% DS-13 4" ADS N-12 16.82' 1.00% ST-14 DS-14 4" ADS N-12 36.72' 1.00% ST-14 DS-15 4" ADS N-12 18.30' 1.00% ST-15 DS-15A 4" ADS N-12 24.37' 1.00% ST-15 DS-16 6" ADS N-12 19.80' 1.00% ST-15 DS-17 6" ADS N-12 13.40' 1.00% DS-18 6" ADS N-12 34.18' 1.00% DS-19 6" ADS N-12 49.12' 1.00% EL-11 DS-20 4" ADS N-12 16.56' 1.00% EL-7 DS-21 4" ADS N-12 13.83' 1.00% EL-7 EL-6 DS-22 6" ADS N-12 23.73' 1.00% EL-6 EL-5 DS-23 6" ADS N-12 17.93' 1.00% EL-5 ST-4 DS-24 4" ADS N-12 18.35' 1.00% ST-4 DS-25 4" ADS N-12 35.70' 1.00% ST-4 DS-26 4" ADS N-12 35.37' 1.00% ST-4 DS-27 4" ADS N-12 20.43' 1.00% ST-5 DS-28 4" ADS N-12 20.25' 1.00% ST-5 DS-29 6" ADS N-12 18.38' 1.00% DS-30 6" ADS N-12 50.62' 1.00% EL-12 DS-31 4" ADS N-12 29.63' 1.00% ST-7 DS-32 4" ADS N-12 29.72' 1.00% ST-7 DS-33 4" ADS N-12 22.98' 1.00% ST-7 DS-34 4" ADS N-12 23.00' 1.00% ST-7 DS-35 4" ADS N-12 18.10' 1.00% ST-8 DS-35A 4" ADS N-12 24.58' 1.00% ST-8 DS-36 4" ADS N-12 17.98' 1.00% ST-8 DS-37 6" ADS N-12 17.06' 1.00% DS-38 6" ADS N-12 47.66' 1.00% DS-39 8" ADS N-12 19.77' 1.00% DS-40 8" ADS N-12 89.11' 1.00% DS-41 8" ADS N-12 91.55' 5.00% EL-14 ST-11 DS-42 8" ADS N-12 62.33' 11.41% EL-9 EL-14 DS-43 8" ADS N-12 49.83' 1.00% EL-10 EL-9 DS-44 8" ADS N-12 58.44' 1.00% DS-45 6" ADS N-12 3.44' 1.00% DS-46 6" ADS N-12 6.64' 1.00% DS-47 6" ADS N-12 11.23' 1.00% DS-48 8" ADS N-12 4.28' 1.00% DS-49 6" ADS N-12 2.64' 1.00% 1 3 MATCHLINE (SEE SHEET C4.1 - SITE - STORMWATER PLAN) 3 1 LOWER LEVEL 1 LANDSCAPING 1 + F.F.E. 1000.02 (1ST FLOOR) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12" PIN OAK 1 1 + F.F.E. 999.93 (1ST FLOOR) RIP RAP RIP RAP 12" CHERRY CANOPY DOWNSPOUT COLLECTIONS @ COLUMNS. SEE ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL SHEETS FOR LOCATION. McNABB MIDDLE SCHOOL 1 (2-STORY BRICK VENEER STRUCTURE) 1 1 1 2" POPLAR 1 1 6" TREE 6" TREE 1 8 1 6" DEAD TREE 1 1 1 3 3 3 + F.F.E. 999.99 1 3 3 3 3 5 6" PIN OAK SANITARY MH RIM. 998.26 INV. 993.31 L DR IV E 4 HO O 6" PIN OAK RIP RAP NOTE: ALL STORMWATER PIPING UNDER 12" DIAMETER CAN BE EITHER ADS N-12 OR SCH. 40 PVC. DL E SC STORM INLET RIM. 997.78 INV. 995.23 M ID ALT. BID #2 SANITARY MH RIM. 1002.69 INV. 993.04 ST-6 EL-12 EL-8 ST-10 EL-8 EL-13 ST-11 EL-13 EL-10 M cN A BB ALT. BID #1 ST-12 3 3 5 3 1 5 3 3 EL-11 + F.F.E. 999.99 + F.F.E. 999.99 3 ST-13 5/14/2014 COORDINATE LOCATION OF CANOPY DOWNSPOUTS WITH CANOPY PROVIDOR AND CONNECT TO DS-27. LOWER LEVEL F.F.E. 1011.87 + (2ND FLOOR) EL-3 KDM 1 UPPER LEVEL Structure - (104) SAK LOWER LEVEL LOWER LEVEL 3 UPPER LEVEL Structure - (104) RFI 14 10/23/2014 UPPER LEVEL EL-2 12350 + F.F.E. 1011.99 (2ND FLOOR) UPPER LEVEL TEE-1 6" PIN OAK NAME SIZE EX-3 6" EX1-11 15" EX2-8 MATERIAL UPSLOPE STRUCTURE DOWNSLOPE STRUCTURE LENGTH SLOPE 29.88' -1.54% PLASTIC PIPE 216.32' 5.03% ST-1 EX-1 15" PLASTIC PIPE 167.34' 5.83% ST-2 EX-2 P1-3 12" SCH 40 PVC 66.41' 2.00% ST-3 ST-1 P1-6 15" SCH 40 PVC 85.46' 2.67% ST-6 ST-1 P1-9 15" SCH 40 PVC 91.13' 1.00% ST-9 ST-1 P2-12 15" SCH 40 PVC 52.66' 3.50% ST-12 ST-2 P4-5 8" ADS N-12 63.08' 0.89% ST-5 ST-4 P6-7 12" SCH 40 PVC 78.20' 0.64% ST-7 ST-6 P7-8 8" ADS N-12 52.09' 1.10% ST-8 ST-7 P9-10 15" SCH 40 PVC 64.55' 1.00% ST-10 ST-9 P10-11 15" SCH 40 PVC 33.06' 1.00% ST-11 ST-10 P12-4 12" SCH 40 PVC 76.51' 1.00% ST-4 ST-3 P12-13 12" SCH. 40 PVC 45.52' 1.00% ST-13 ST-12 4 6" PIN OAK 4 6" POPLAR * ALL KEY NOTES ARE FOR PROPOSED ITEMS. SEE SITE DETAIL SHEETS FOR SPECIFIC DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 1 2 3 6" PIN OAK STORMWATER STRUCTURE TABLE STORMWATER BASE BID STRUCTURE TABLE PROVIDE DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION FOR EXISTING DOWNSPOUTS. SEE DETAIL 5, SHEET C6.0. EXISTING DOWNSPOUTS TO BE REPLACED AS NECESSARY. CUT AND PATCH EXISTING IMPROVED SURFACE FOR DOWNSPOUT COLLECTION PIPING DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION FOR NEW DOWNSPOUTS. SEE DETAIL 5, SHEET C6.0. 5 DESCRIPTION GRATE RIM ELEVATION PIPES IN EX-1 CONCRETE HEADWALL ??? 982.47 EX-2 CONCRETE HEADWALL ??? ST-1 CURB INLET 4 NAME CONNECT EXISTING PIPING TO NEW STRUCTURE. EXISTING PIPE INVERT ELEVATION IS ASSUMED, CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ACTUAL INVERT PRIOR TO PURCHASING STORM WATER STRUCTURES. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ENGINEER WITH ANY DISCREPANCIES. 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN SUMP DEPTH SUMP ELEVATION EX1-11 (INV:980.61) 2.00 ??? 983.37 EX2-8 (INV:981.51) 2.00 ??? 996.13 P1-6 (INV:991.48) P1-3 (INV:993.30) P1-9 (INV:993.34) EX1-11 (INV:991.48) PIPES OUT 0.50 990.98 ST-3 ST-2 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 995.91 P2-12 (INV:991.26) EX2-8 (INV:991.26) 0.50 990.76 P13-14 10" ADS N-12 46.89' 1.00% ST-14 ST-13 ST-3 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 997.72 P12-4 (INV:994.63) P1-3 (INV:994.63) EX-3 (INV:994.77) 0.50 994.13 P14-15 8" ADS N-12 67.93' 1.00% ST-15 ST-14 P12-4 (INV:995.40) 0.50 994.90 PROVIDE CONTECH "DUROMAXX" REINFORCED POLYETHYLENE PIPE SLEEVE FOR ALL PIPING UNDER BLDG. SLAB. LEGEND ST-4 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 999.75 P4-5 (INV:995.40) DS-23 (INV:997.29) DS-24 (INV:997.89) DS-25 (INV:997.89) DS-26 (INV:997.89) ST-5 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 999.75 DS-27 (INV:997.25) DS-28 (INV:997.25) P4-5 (INV:995.96) 0.50 995.46 ST-6 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 997.63 P6-7 (INV:993.76) DS-29 (INV:995.00) P1-6 (INV:993.76) 0.50 993.26 P6-7 (INV:994.26) 0.50 993.76 CURB INLET CURB INLET 15" PLASTIC PIPE STORMWATER NOTES: 1. STORM PIPE USED FOR YARD DRAINS SHALL BE ADS PIPE WITH CAST IRON GRATES OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2. ALL BACKFILL MATERIALS SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED ON THE DETAILS. SEE SITE DETAIL SHEETS FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION. 7. 8. HEADWALL INV. 981.51 ALL STORM WATER PIPE BENEATH PAVEMENT SHALL BE BACKFILLED FULL DEPTH WITH DENSE GRADED AGGREGATE (DGA). PIPE FITTINGS ARE NOT DESIGNATED ON THESE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING AND INSTALLING ALL FITTINGS TO COMPLETE THE STORM WATER PIPING INSTALLATION AS PART OF THEIR CONTRACT WITH NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. ALL CONNECTIONS REQUIRE FITTINGS. PARTICULARLY, ALL DOWNSPOUTS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE MANIFOLD LINES WITH APPROPRIATE FITTINGS. FITTINGS INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TEE'S, WYE'S, ELBOWS, CROSSES, CONNECTING BANDS, GASKETS, ETC. CURB INLET HEADWALL INV. 980.61 CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUBMITTING PIPE AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURE MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS, SIZES AND QUANTITIES TO THE ENGINEER FOR WRITTEN APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. STORM WATER PIPE AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PROPER CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SUCH THAT SITE DRAINAGE IS ALLOWED TO DRAIN FROM THE SITE. IT IS CRITICAL THAT THE STORM WATER RUNOFF BYPASS AND/OR EXIT THE AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT DEGRADATION OF THE SITE CAUSED BY PRECIPITATION AND/OR PONDING WATER. ALL STORM WATER PIPE AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. SPECIAL PROVISIONS MAY BE NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC AND ASSOCIATED LOADING. CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE ANY PIPE OR DRAINAGE STRUCTURES DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION, AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. SANITARY MH RIM. 995.90 INV. 993.06 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 999.75 ST-8 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 999.75 DS-35 (INV:997.25) DS-36 (INV:997.25) DS-35A (INV:997.25) P7-8 (INV:994.83) 0.50 994.33 ST-9 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 997.37 P9-10 (INV:994.25) P1-9 (INV:994.25) 0.50 993.75 ST-10 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 999.00 P10-11 (INV:994.90) DS-37 (INV:997.00) P9-10 (INV:994.90) 0.50 994.40 ST-11 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 999.17 DS-41 (INV:995.23) DS-39 (INV:996.00) P10-11 (INV:995.23) 0.50 994.73 ST-12 30" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 997.58 P12-13 (INV:994.04) DS-1 (INV:993.10) DS-18 (INV:995.00) P2-12 (INV:993.10) 0.83 992.27 P12-13 (INV:994.50) 0.50 994.00 P13-14 (INV:994.97) 0.50 994.47 ST-13 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 999.80 DS-7 (INV:994.62) P13-14 (INV:994.50) DS-9 (INV:996.33) DS-8 (INV:994.71) ST-14 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN 999.75 P14-15 (INV:994.97) DS-13 (INV:998.05) DS-14 (INV:997.25) 999.75 DS-16 (INV:995.65) DS-15 (INV:995.65) DS-15A (INV:995.65) S 6. HEADWALL INV. 981.89 E 5. ALL STORM WATER PIPE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 12" OVER THE TOP OF PIPE (NOT INCLUDING PAVEMENT SECTIONS). CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE MINIMUM COVER IN ALL CASES. IF DISCREPANCIES EXIST IN THE GRADING PLAN OR IF UNSEEN SITE CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WILL NOT ALLOW THIS COVER AS DESIGNED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY. ST-7 W 4. 15" PLASTIC PIPE P7-8 (INV:994.26) DS-31 (INV:997.87) DS-32 (INV:997.87) DS-33 (INV:997.25) DS-34 (INV:997.25) N 3. 15" PLASTIC PIPE GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 15 20 40 80 ST-15 24" ADS BASIN PEDESTRIAN P14-15 (INV:995.65) 0.50 500 SOUTH 17th STREET PADUCAH, KY 42003 PHONE - 270.443.1995 995.15 403 NORTH COURT STREET MARION, IL 62959 PHONE - 618.997.9190 966 DOUBLE BRIDGE RD LEWISBURG, TN 37091 PHONE - 931.359.4882 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = ft. www.bfwengineers.com 1215 DIUGUID DRIVE MURRAY, KY 42071 PHONE - 270.753.7307 505 W. UNIVERSITY AVE., STE. 224 CHAMPAIGN, IL 61826 PHONE - 217.433.2172 MONTGOMERY COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD J.B. McNABB MIDDLE SCHOOL RENOVATION MT. STERLING, KENTUCKY SITE - STORMWATER PLAN (REVISED PER RFI 14) STORMWATER TABLE STORMWATER BASE PIPE BID PIPE TABLE