Foreword - Den Helder Airport
Foreword - Den Helder Airport
VOLUME 15 | EDITION 12 | MAY 2011 REGIONAL AIRPORT OF NORTH-HOLLAND-NORTH reflecting on the future of den helder airport Recently, several people who are directly involved with Den Helder Airport gave a lot of thought to its future. This resulted in the draft of a strategic vision. Strategic policy advisor Edwin Roos was closely involved in this process on behalf of the Municipality of Den Helder. Reason to interview him about this. FOREWORD Foreword While compiling this first issue of the year, renovation of the runway is still underway. As it looks now, it should be fully operational on 1 July 2011. During the renovation, helicopter traffic can use the parallel taxiway (Delta) that was constructed last year. Various circumstances have also taken their toll on airport activity. Last year, we were plagued by extreme winter weather and volcanic ash from Iceland, which totally obstructed helicopter traffic. This year, fog played a significant role. In fact, there were hardly any flights for an entire week during the month of March. In terms of new developments: Since 1 February of this year, CHC Helicopters Netherlands has put our Den Helder Airport hangar to full use. Space in the new Hangar 5 has also been rented to an aeroplane owner and a helicopter operator. Other helicopter operators has also expressed interest. In addition, a request for a building permit to expand Hangar 5 with office facilities has been sent. This will proceed if there is sufficient interest. Finally, we would like to renovate spots 7, 8 and 9 in front of the passenger building this year. These former spots 1, 2 and 3 were the first to be put to use at one time. Strategic policy advisor Edwin Roos was at the creation of the strategic vision for Den Helder Airport. Edwin Roos believed that it was authority, Defence and Den until 2025. A period that, high time to consider a strategy Helder Airport. A good team that according to the policy advisor, is to secure the future of the worked together to take a good concrete enough to take civilian airport and employment look at the future. Use was also measures now while planning for as a result. “The airport has a lot made of information that had the future. to deal with due to the many already been collected. With this changes that are still pending. as the starting point, views and The Chamber of Commerce visions from our own took the initiative to bring these organisations and those from parties together. They included the outside were studied. the Municipality of Den Helder Ultimately, all of this provided a and CHC Helicopters as consistent report in the form of a shareholders, the Province of strategic vision.” The report North Holland as licensing closely examines the period Once again, various people have been interviewed for this issue, including Edwin Roos, strategic policy advisor with the Municipality of Den Helder, who explains how the strategic vision for the airport came about. In turn, KeesJan de Waal talks about his newly established company NoordWest Services & Security and board members Arie Dobbe and Stef Swart explain the activities of the neighbourhood association De Friesche Buurt. We also simultaneously interviewed three women who are active in the offshore industry and we introduce our new employee Jochum Mollema. If you would still like more information about us after reading this newsletter, I cordially invite you to visit Den Helder Airport. Of course, all information and news can also be found on our website: Conny van den Hoff Managing Director Luchthavenweg 10A, 1786 PP Den Helder, The Netherlands Phone: (0223) 63 56 66 | Fax: (0223) 66 08 92 Internet: E-mail: [email protected] - continued on page 2 - 1 reflecting on the future of den helder airport CONTINUATION L AT E S T N E W S L AT E S T N E W S L AT E S T N E W S d e c i s i o n o n w h et h e r to k e e p d e ko oy nava l a i r ba s e o pe n p o st p o n e d Defence Minister Hans Hillen has postponed the decision on whether to keep De Kooy Naval Airbase open until 1 July 2011. This was revealed on 8 April when the Ministry of Defence announced a large package of radical cost-cutting measures. Not without Defence well-represented. We cannot When asked about the content do without Defence at this of the strategic vision, Edwin time. That is the message. It Roos replies: “We worked was also agreed that we will together on developing four join together to coordinate our now extends the uncertainty about their future. However, for Den Helder Airport, the postponement tracks. The first track suggests communications toward offers an opportunity to negotiate with Defence. Minister Hillen also indicated this in his letter that the airport needs to Defence and the government. regarding the cutbacks: 'In consultation with co-users and local authorities, Defence is prepared to become more deeply The first concrete result is a do its utmost to keep De Kooy Naval Airbase open by distributing expenses differently, among other entrenched in Den Helder's letter sent jointly by Mayor offshore cluster. In a regional Koen Schuiling and Royal context, it was agreed that we Commissioner Johan Remkes in North Holland North will to Minister Hillen of the closing the airbase. The trade association of oil companies NOGEPA, Den Helder Airport, the work with a cluster approach. Ministry of Defence and Chamber of Commerce and neighbouring municipalities have also expressed their concern about With a total five clusters, one Minister Piet Hein Donner of the potential closing and would like to join in the discussions to prevent it. As this edition went to of which is offshore. Both the the Ministry of the Interior. It harbour and the airport are prominently states the service providers for the entire importance of the airport for offshore sector. However, we North Holland North.” For the employees of De Kooy Naval Airbase, the postponement is particularly unpleasant since it things'. The objective of Den Helder Airport and the governments involved is to keep the civilian airport, one of the most important pillars of the offshore industry in North Holland North, open. Earlier, Royal Commissioner for the province of North Holland Johan Remkes and Den Helder Mayor Koen Schuiling sent an urgent letter to the Ministry of Defence, with a request not to pursue press, some 5,300 people had already signed the petition at to keep De Kooy Naval Airbase open. have observed that they are still somewhat separate Further expansion worlds. It was indicated that The third and fourth tracks in the airport needs to the strategic vision concern participate in developing the the possibilities for the airport cluster. Den Helder aims to to develop further. “Good Stripped of its tail rotor and rotor blades, the Director Nico Bais, and Commander 991 become the frontrunner in spatial and environmental last Dutch Sikorsky S-61N helicopter has left Squadron Henk Ensink of Naval Airbase De serving the wind energy sector conditions should be created, Den Helder Airport for good. After nearly forty Kooy. offshore at the European level. but it all depends on what will years of trusted service, the PH-NZD ('the old If you want to take this appear in the permit for the lady') was brought to Antwerp on a low-loader and must be ready by 1 July of this year. No objective seriously, you have to NAM gas treatment station. on 14 February. Once there, the aircraft was flight traffic with fixed wing aircraft will be work together to devise The risk contours of this placed on an ocean-going vessel for further possible during this period. However, innovative concepts. For station are close to the airport. transport to Halifax, Canada. The last part of helicopters can continue to fly using the example, Maritime Campus We have sketched three the trip to its final destination in Vancouver taxiway (Delta) parallel to this runway, which Netherlands (MCN) is a good scenarios for this. In one, there will be made by train. In the meantime, the was constructed last year. partner in helping to think is the possibility of developing task of the PH-NZD from CHC Helicopters out these concepts and the new activities on the south Netherlands has been taken over by two on the Industrieweg will be completely rebuilt role that the airport can play side of the airport. We also smaller S-76 helicopters from the same and renovated, the office organisation has there.” support airport-related company. (Photo: Frits Aalderink) moved temporarily to the Total building at The second track of the activities that do not create Den Helder Airport. The company expects to strategic vision involves additional risks. This might be able to return to its trusted location in the communication and lobbying include performing middle of June of this year. toward Defence. “The maintenance and repair work importance of the presence of for helicopters and small received a building application for the Defence was examined. We aircraft, or the assembly of expansion of Hangar 5 with office facilities. concluded that, for a healthy these small aircraft. With this Initially, it will involve 450 square metres floor functioning of the airport, it is objective in mind, we would area on the ground floor; with sufficient crucial for Defence to remain like to place Den Helder interest, another 210 square metres will be Airport in the market and added on the first floor. include these activities in the “We cannot do without Defence at this time. ” • • • • • Den Helder Airport is visited by • Renovation of the runway started on 7 March Since the office of GDF SUEZ E&P Nederland The municipality of Den Helder recently The numbering of the spots, the parking new development plan for this representatives of surrounding municipalities spaces for helicopters and aeroplanes, has area.” The strategic vision will on a regular basis. So, too, on 7 February 2011 changed. A more logical and consecutive be supported by the parties when Mayor Marjan van Kampen-Nouwen, numbering from 1 through 12 has been involved, including Den Town Clerk Jan Wittink and the aldermen chosen. The buffer has also been discontinued. Helder alderman Kees Visser Jacques de Waal and André Lont from the Three helicopter spots and a general aviation and member of the Provincial municipality of Wieringen came by to see for (GA) spot have been created at this location. Executive Jaap Bond. Both themselves the activities that will be developed New boarding was installed in mid-March to responded favourably and at the airport. They were received by Airport mark the spots. promised to work on Director Conny van den Hoff, Supervisory implementing the vision. 2 new start for securit y service Kees-Jan de Waal, with his company NoordWest Services & Security, has been conducting the surveillance and security tasks at Den Helder Airport since 1 April. He took on this wonderful challenge with virtually the same team that had been performing these tasks at the airport for years. Kees-Jan de Waal has been in Den Helder Airport, in turn, has the surveillance and security provided security by field for more than twenty concluding a five-year contract years, first at CSU Security and with Kees-Jan de Waal's new later at Trigion Beveiliging. company. “Planning with the customer and a service-oriented mentality provide added value for the customer. ” “Trigion was the result of the fact that it took over CSU Spreading its wings Security in January 2010. At the With a trusted team of time, this security company was employees, the new still engaged in negotiations surveillance and security with Den Helder Airport to company started on 1 April extend its contract. Ultimately, under the name NoordWest it was decided to extend it until Services & Security. “Twelve the beginning of 2011. In mid- people from the present team 2010, Den Helder Airport switched to my company. This indicated that it would actually means that all activities at the prefer to do business with a airport can be continued and smaller organisation. They high quality remains asked me whether I would be guaranteed. Of course it is also interested in taking over the comforting to know that Den security tasks at the airport. It Helder Airport has offered fit in with my ambitions and I security to my company for the thought it was an interesting next five years.” When asked idea, but I had to think it over. whether he will still be found After I looked into what it on the workfloor as the new would entail, I wrote a plan of director, Kees-Jan de Waal action for the Justice replies: “I will simply continue department on setting up a to work with my team for the security company. Negotiations time being. I also work as an with Den Helder Airport instructor for X-ray training, I'm followed, which ultimately active as an ECABO-certified resulted in an agreement. As a trainee supervisor and I keep result, NoordWest Services & busy with the safety and in- Security has taken over the house emergency service (BHV) security tasks at Den Helder organisation. Among other Airport effective 1 April 2011.” things, I supervise the BHV (advertisement) Kees-Jan de Waal and the team of NoordWest Services & Security. F.l.t.r.: Fred Visser, John Crol, Leo de Jong, Rob Snoek, Cor Groeneveld, Kees-Jan de Waal, Hans Henke, Jacques de Waal, Jan de Caluwé. Bottom row: Kelly Knaapen, Marianne Biersteker, Karin Visser exercises that are required by (International Ship and Port years, but there is still a lot to be law.” Facility Security) certified. done. And I have many ideas In addition to the services for Companies that would like a about that. The nice thing is Den Helder Airport and the oil quickscan of the internal and that the management of Den companies that operate from external security can also come Helder Airport has always there, Kees-Jan de Waal would to us. We identify all the aspects supported me in implementing also like to work in the Den and give advice. We also give new ideas in the field of safety Helder outer harbour. “I would advice on digital security and and security here.” really like to provide services for the set up, improvement or the offshore industry. We are maintenance of a BHV familiar with all the safety organisation. I have a fresh view aspects, both at the airport and of the security field and would in the harbour. We would also also like to focus on a more like to conduct gangway checks service-oriented task for again and security work at security and surveillance, but offshore ships, like we used to the main task remains security. do at CSU Security. As a security Planning with the customer company, we are prepared for it, and a service-oriented since we have a Port Facility mentality provide added value Officer on our team and all our for the customer. We have been employees are ISPS doing this at the airport for 43 more space for biardo The distribution area of Biardo Survival Suits in the departure hall of the passenger building was expanded in March of this year. Increasing activity and a new oil company as customer are the reason, says Director Frans Meeuwissen. The team of Biardo Survival Suits. F.l.t.r: Tatiana Bloemendaal, Liesbeth Dreesens, Bas Reitsma, Esther Polak, Joop Roeloffs. Biardo Survival Suits has been sector of the North Sea. In located in Heemskerk since addition to survival suits, offshore its founding in 1986. Since personnel are also distributed life 1998, the company has been jackets, so-called Life Jackets providing at Den Helder Airpocket Plus and Personal Airport the distribution of Locator Beacons. “Thanks to the extra storage and/or stock we can now work more quickly. ” survival suits to offshore personnel. Biardo has had its own distribution area in the departure hall since 1 February 2007. “During the (advertisement) third week of March, this area was expanded by ten square metres. We became increasingly busy and we now have Total E&P Nederland as a customer as well. We have been able to conclude a longterm contract with this company”, says Frans Meeuwissen. Due to the extra space, the number of survival suits, also called helicopter transportation suits, has expanded from 1,600 to 1,900. “Thanks to the extra storage and/or stock we can now work more quickly. We are also looking at whether we will expand our current staffing level of five employees. Biardo's customers include an entire series of operators who are busy working on the exploration and production of oil and/or gas in the Dutch 4 (advertisement) rare bird On 2 March, a Beechcraft B300 Super Air King with registration G-KLNB landed at Den Helder Airport. The small plane is owned by SaxonAir, which has been based at Norwich International Airport since 2007. SaxonAir is the fastest growing private charter company in Great Britain. Company representatives flew on this plane to Den Helder Airport, where they could witness firsthand how helicopter flights are handled. The 'Den Helder Airport Standard' has become increasingly recognised abroad. The first Beechcraft King Air was put to use in 1972 by the American army. Two years later, civilian aviation followed this example. This type of plane is currently used in more than 94 countries for a variety of purposes. The best known is the work for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) in Australia. (advertisement) 45 new employee taken on Heerhugowaard. After enjoying myself. But actually Jochum lives with his wife working there for two years, I I'm immersed in a learning and six month old daughter had seen enough and I process and I still have a lot in Den Helder. In his leisure decided to apply for a job at to figure out. Jac van Steijn time he likes to tinker De Doggershoek. In addition just had an operation on his around in his father-in-law's to my task of group leader, I ankle. But he drops by workshop. During the had the opportunity to regularly and I can ask him summer, he also frequently receive a level 4 diploma for anything. My task includes gets on his racing bike and he Social Pedagogical Worker. doing small maintenance likes to read. An added The plan was to take another work, repair and paintwork, advantage of his new job is higher professional salting the roads, clearing that he can cycle to work education training course in snow, mowing the grass and every day. the field, but the closing of making sure that everything the state institution put an looks tidy. What I really like end to that.” about my new job is the Regarding his first contacts with so many impressions at Den Helder different people. And to be Airport, Jochum says: “I work honest, I did not expect Den in a very pleasant team, Helder Airport to be such a exclusively with women. I'm large, dynamic company.” (advertisement) Jochum Mollema installs the new spot markers at Den Helder Airport. On 3 January of this year, Jochum Mollema (31) started a new job at Den Helder Airport. As technical assistant, he succeeded Jac van Steijn, who has almost reached pensionable age. Like many others in North at De Doggershoek, he has a Holland North, Jochum technical background. “After Mollema's job was on the line completing primary and due to the closing of De high school in Den Helder, I Doggershoek, a government trained at ESPEQ in institution for youth. One day Heerhugowaard to become a he was tipped off by an carpenter. I then went to acquaintance about a job work for a contractor in opening at Den Helder Hoorn and in Den Helder.” Airport. “I called immediately But the heavy work left him and they told me to send in with a chronic shoulder my CV. Ultimately, I was injury, and he was forced to chosen during the selection take a different direction. procedure.” Although Jochum “I went to work at the adult had worked as a group leader detention centre in “I work in a very pleasant team, exclusively with women. ” 63 W O M A N I N T H E O F F S H O R E W O R L D without logistics everything offshore would come to a standstill They are frequently travelling, so they do not see each other very often; nevertheless, they form a close-knit, unique team. A team consisting exclusively of women, who make sure that each year from Den Helder Airport and Norwich Airport a total of some 30,000 people are brought by helicopter safely and on time to and from their work offshore. We are referring to the Air Logistics Team for the southern North Sea of Shell/NAM, which partly operates from Den Helder and partly from Assen. why we also make regular Netherlands Navy, Miranda de flights to platforms. Then you Groot landed a job through a know what you are working temporary employment for.” agency at the NAM helicopter department in Velsen. “Some The Air Logistics Team for the southern North Sea of Shell/NAM. F.l.t.r.: Francis Schuurman, Miranda de Groot and Nataschja Kercher. Operational challenges seven years later I changed jobs Nataschja Kercher has been and bid farewell to helicopters. active in the offshore sector for But through internal transfers about fifteen years, after and departmental mergers I working for various banks. am now back in aviation.” In First as a NAM representative addition to her task as logistic at the Peterson shipping planner, Miranda has recently agency and for the past four become increasingly involved years as logistics planner at in contract management. She NAM. “In my current work I is also involved with Business supervise the daily operations. Improvement projects and In addition to managing the arranges the financial planning teams in Den Helder settlement of reports from the and Great Yarmouth I am also Air Logistics Team. “I believe responsible for the cross that without logistics border operations. For everything offshore would Francis Schuurman is head of Norwich by helicopter to their contacts with Bristow example, personnel who work come to a standstill. Many the Air Logistics Team. She work offshore, but then to Shell Helicopters. She is also a in the English sector make use people have no idea what kind operates as team leader from platforms in the English sector member of the NOGEPA of the accommodations on a of work has to be done behind Assen and is also a member of of the North Sea.” Nataschja Working Group Aviation and platform in the Dutch sector, the scenes to steer everything the European Logistics Kercher adds: “Both in Den the Taskforce North Sea, for such as the K14-C platform in the right direction.” Due to Leadership Team at Shell. The Helder and in Norwich, a team which she also has regular where more beds are available. her contract work, Miranda team also consists of Nataschja provides the planning schedule contact with the management This cross border traffic takes can often be found at the NAM Kercher and Miranda de Groot, for all these flights.“ board of Den Helder Airport. place under the flag of office in Assen. “In the latter working group I ONEgas, the joint venture of both of whom work as Logistic Planning Engineers in Den Maintain a feel for operations represent the NOGEPA on Shell Expro (UK) and NAM in The most important objective Helder. Just like Den Helder Of the three women, Francis behalf of all the oil companies the southern North Sea. of the entire team is to Airport with its team of women, Schuurman has been working in the Netherlands. This group ONEgas is one of our improve efficiency even Shell/NAM is also unique in for Shell/NAM the shortest, just also includes helicopter important customers, just like further. “Compared with that its operations in the two years. Nevertheless, she is operators, the Dutch Aviation the Drilling department and Norwich, Den Helder Airport southern part of the North Sea very familiar with helicopters. “I Authority and Air Traffic the Projects department of is a cut above in terms of are managed exclusively by a worked at the Royal Netherlands Control and Defence. The Shell/NAM.” Nataschja is also logistics. Everything is well female team. Four other people Air Force for twenty years. As Taskforce North Sea was busy in a NOGEPA working organised and you are truly a are occupied with air-related head of Technical Services founded a number of years ago group, involved in customer here”, Francis says logistic activities: three are Department with the 301 to bring about safe and efficient standardising regulations that and adds in closing with a stationed in the Scottish city of Apache squadron and with the use of the Dutch airspace over oil companies employ for the wink: “I believe this is Aberdeen and one is stationed in military aviation authority, the North Sea.” Francis was helicopter traffic of their staff particularly because almost Norway. For the operations in among other things. The air recently offshore, where she members. “But I still see the everything is arranged by the southern part of the North force is truly a fascinating place visited the Ameland Westgat most attractive aspect of my women, just like at Den Helder Sea, two helicopters from Bristow to work, but I was suddenly gas production platform and job finding solutions for Airport.” fly from both Den Helder ready for a new challenge. And the Noble Hans Deul jack-up operational problems.” Airport and Norwich, England. Shell offered me this drilling rig. “Since we arrange Miranda de Groot: “Just like the opportunity.” As team leader, the helicopter operations, it is A cut above Dutch sector, more than 15,000 Francis is also contract holder; in good to maintain a feel for the In 1986, after four years of people are also flown from that capacity, she maintains operations offshore. That is active service with the Royal 47 neighbourhood association de friesche buurt thirty years strong together You can certainly call it a thriving association. In fact, it will be celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. We are referring to neighbourhood association De Friesche Buurt , which has about 70 members, all of whom live and work at a stone's throw from Den Helder Airport. Reason to look up Chairman Arie Dobbe and Secretary Stef Swart. Arie Dobbe is a flowerbulb that our association is against the grower by profession. Together airport. On the contrary. We also with his son Alex, he runs the see that the airport provides high- nursery De Razende Bol on the quality employment and that, Middenvliet. Stef Swart is a like the flowerbulb sector, it is retired navy man who lives on important for the economy.” To the Kortevliet. Both have been conclude, Arie says: “I believe that participating in the five member we always deal with each other in board of De Friesche Buurt for a decent way, which is reflected in years. Arie Dobbe explains about our motto 'Work together, live how the association was started: together'. “Initially, the reason to join forces had to do with the plan to COLOPHON extend the Middenvliet to the Kooypunt business estate and to Secretary Stef Swart (left) and Chairman Arie Dobbe. (Photo: PAS Publicaties) The Den Helder Airport close the existing railway crossing on the Kortevliet. At the time, four flowerbulb growers “It would be wrong to believe that our association met here to take action.” Stef broad circulation and is meant to inform interested parties about is against the airport.” Swart adds: “There were also Newsletter is distributed in a the activities at and around Den Helder Airport. plans to allow residential homes Reproducing of parts of the on an allotment garden members skate together every keep the track at its present meantime, we understand that content is only authorized with complex. Several neighbours had year, as they recently did in location. Thanks to prodding by the Defence department has source indication. strong objections. The Heerenveen. our association, the road surface purchased land so that the The content has been compiled at and the lighting of the Kortevliet practice spot and the slope hill campaigners pooled their information. No rights can be drawn upon the content in fact. resources, which resulted in the Racetracks and traffic measures have also been improved.” Stef can be moved further away to establishment of neighbourhood The neighbourhood association Swart adds: “And, in consultation more open space. This would get association De Friesche Buurt also came into action when plans with the municipality of Den rid of a lot of our irritation.” Arie Luchthavenweg 10A in1981.” And it was successful, emerged to move the airstrip at Helder, we are currently adds: “And now we have to hope 1786 PP Den Helder since the railway crossing simply Naval Airbase De Kooy. Arie: investigating whether the road that this plan does not bite the Telephone: +31 (0)223 63 56 66 remained open and the houses “Early on, the government had surface of the Doggersvaart dust because of the announced Fax: +31 (0)223 66 08 92 were never built. Then, under already started buying up houses between the Torplaan and the cutbacks.” the auspices of the association, for this, which were then rented railway line can be improved and Arie has this to say about the the impetus was given to clean out again. As an association, we whether the intersection with the civilian helicopter activities: “If a up ten old bunkers in the urged them to stop until the Kortevliet can be made safer for number of helicopters start up PAS Publicaties farmlands. “Our efforts to plans on moving the airstrip had children who have to cross over to simultaneously early in the Postbus 47 construct a cable system were crystallised. It was stopped at the visit the riding school that is morning and the wind is blowing 1760 AA Anna Paulowna not rewarded. But technology time and never went beyond the located a bit further on.” in the wrong direction, we can has caught up with us on this purchase of two homes. We also smell the exhaust fumes here. But Den Helder Airport [email protected] Editor Editorial staff Paul Schaap point.” saw plans to construct a Formula Practice spot and slope hill it is usually of short duration. If Aside from promoting interests, 1 racetrack in our A problem that actually runs as a the rules are followed, we are not a neighbourhood party is held neighbourhood. We were only theme through the history of the very inconvenienced by offshore for the neighbours each year. briefly consulted about it, but association is the relocation of the helicopters.” This year, the five members of fortunately the plan has now practice spot and the slope hill of Both Arie and Stef participate in Production PAS Publicaties, Anna Paulowna Conny van den Hoff Debbie Liebe Marjolein van Dam the organising committee will been shelved. However, we now Naval Airbase De Kooy. Stef: “They the meetings with the certainly be preparing a big have a motor cross track that are located directly behind the Environmental Protection jubilee party. The association provides extra noise. We were houses on the Kortevliet. Consultation and Information also has a bridge, klaberjass (card promised that it would only be Intensive exercises with defence Committee (COVM) at De Kooy game) and billiards club and the temporary and that the track helicopters create a lot of noise, on behalf of the association. “We youth committee organises would be moved to the particularly during the summer can always speak our mind there Print events for youth from the Wieringermeerpolder. But there months, when they are constantly and we feel like they listen to us.” Dékavé Managing Print neighbourhood. And the are still those who would like to flying in the evening. In the Stef: “It would be wrong to believe 8 Creator NeverSeen, GRAPHIC ART&DESIGN
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