Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between
Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between
Bulletin 1155 December 2006 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station Vance H. Watson, Director Robert H. Foglesong, President • Mississippi State University • Vance H. Watson, Vice President Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 D.T. Bowman Crop Science Department North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina O.A. Gutierrez USDA-ARS Mississippi State, Mississippi R.G. Percy USDA-ARS Maricopa, Arizona D.S. Calhoun Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co. Idalou, Texas O.L. May Delta and Pine Land Co. Tifton, Georgia This publication would not have been possible without extensive assistance and advice from virtually the entire U.S. cotton breeding community, both active and retired. At the risk of overlooking many who have made significant contributions, the authors would like to recognize the following: H.B. Cooper, J.G. Boswell Company; S.R. Oakley, California Planting Cotton Seed Distributors; R.J. Phipps, Missouri Cooperative Extension Service; L.M. Verhalen, Oklahoma State University; J.F. Mahill, Germains Seed Company; Warner Fisher, retired; D.F. Owen, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station; P.M. Thaxton, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station; Richard Sheetz, Paymaster Technologies; C.W. Manning, retired; K.S. Jones, retired; Lynn McDonald, Triumph Seed Company; Charlie Cook, Syngenta; Jane Dever, Bayer CropScience; Margaret Hamill, Bayer CropScience; William Hugie, Deltapine; David Bush, American Cotton Breeders, Inc.; Fred Bourland, University of Arkansas; Tom Kilgore, Beltwide Cotton Genetics; Dick Auld, Texas Tech University; Scott Brown, All-Tex Seed; Jinfa Zhang, New Mexico State University; Gerald Myers, Louisiana State University; J.E. Jones, JAJO, Inc.; James Olvey, Olvey & Associates, Inc. Bulletin 1155 was published by the Office of Agricultural Communications, a unit of the Division of Agriculture, Forestry, and Veterinary Medicine at Mississippi State University. Copyright 2006 by Mississippi State University. All rights reserved. This publication may be copied and distributed without alteration for nonprofit educational purposes provided that credit is given to the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 I NTRODUCTION This bulletin is an update of two previous bulletins covering the periods 1970 to 1990 (Calhoun et al. 1994) and 1970 to 1995 (Calhoun et al. 1997). Pedigrees added since the last bulletin include 283 new upland cultivars and 10 new pima cultivars. Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 are available in this bulletin as one collection. Cultivar parentage information is useful to geneticists, applied plant breeders, and public policy makers. Geneticists can use pedigree information to estimate genetic distance among cultivars (Bowman et al. 1997), to evaluate the contribution of various genetic pools to current cultivars (Bowman et al. 1996), to monitor changes in genetic vulnerability over time (Van Esbroeck et al. 1998) or over changes in genetic makeup of commercial cultivars (Bowman et al. 2003), and to ascertain the importance of genetic diversity to cultivar improvement (Van Esbroeck and Bowman 1998). Applied breeders can use this information to identify parents that are genetically dissimilar and thus have the potential to generate new variability for future crop improvement. Breeders can also identify genetic pools that have been proven valuable or have been neglected in the past. If analysis of pedigree information indicates that a large proportion of the current cultivars are closely related, public policy makers can be made aware of the potential genetic vulnerability in the crop and the need to expand the genetic base (May et al. 1995). This information can also be used to illustrate the contribution of various breeding programs to elite commercial cultivars. Cultivar pedigree information can highlight the contribution of, and justify funding for, programs aimed at long-term germplasm improvement rather than the development of germplasm with immediate commercial application. Ware (1950) traced the origin of virtually all cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars in use at that time, but his publication is now difficult to obtain and not well known. Ramey (1966) drew on information from Ware (1950) and elsewhere to provide a fairly complete description of pedigrees of major cotton cultivars released prior to 1966. Turner (1952) documented the breeding history of early strains and cultivars from the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station. Staten (1971) traced the history of the New Mexico Acala breeding program, including pedigree information on important Acala cultivars and breeding lines, and Turner (1974) provided similar information on the California Acalas. Culp and Harrell (1974) documented the development of germplasm from the Pee Dee Research Station in South Carolina. However, a single source of pedigree information on modern cotton cultivars is not available. It is important to have this information periodically documented to ensure that as much of the available information as possible is accessible to as wide an audience as possible. The Crop Science Society of America maintains a permanent, but voluntary, registry of cultivars as well as germplasm lines; however, not all cultivar originators choose to register their products. With the enactment of the Plant Variety Protection Act, the breeding history of cultivars covered by the Act must be documented. While information submitted as part of the application for plant variety protection is in the public domain, it is not readily or freely (i.e., without charge) accessible. In addition, not all originators of cultivars seek protection under the Plant Variety Protection Act, and those who do are not required to give complete pedigree histories of breeding lines that went into the cultivar being protected. As a result, much of the information on cotton cultivar pedigrees is limited to impermanent memoranda of release notices or remains publicly unavailable in the personal files of various breeders. Much information has already been lost. The principal sources of information used to determine the cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 were Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 1 (1) records from the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) Office, (2) Crop Science cultivar registration notices, and (3) Characteristics of Cotton Varieties Grown in Texas, editions 2 and 3 (Metzer et al. 1984, Metzer and Supak 1990, respectively). Unless indicated in other sources, it was assumed that cultivars grown in Texas in 1984 had been released since 1970. Pedigree information was obtained from these same sources and other publicly available reference materials. We also drew heavily on the willingness of various active and retired breeders to supply information from their personal files, and for this we are grateful. Table 1 provides various identifiers for the cultivars, including cultivar name, experimental designation (when known), PVP application number (if any), and Crop Science registration number (if any). Also listed in Table 1 is the year of release, if known. The first two digits of the PVP application number indicate the year that application was made, but this may or may not correspond with the year of release. Unfortunately, some inconsistency with regard to cultivar names was necessary. In some cases, we have listed the cultivar name without the usual brand name (e.g., cultivar 9023 is currently sold as SeedCo 9023, but PVP certificate was issued with the name 9023). In other cases, the cultivar names included brand names, some of which may be obsolete. For example, Hartz H1330 is listed with the Hartz brand name because it was submitted for variety protection under that name. However, H1215, which was also sold by Jacob Hartz Seed Co., was listed under the name H1215. This situation is further complicated by the fact that both cultivars were sold under the Paymaster brand name. Some ambiguity in cultivar names is thus unavoidable. Readers are advised to look for cultivars both with and without the brand names they may be familiar with. The column in Table 1 listing originator or owner is also somewhat ambiguous. We have tried to use this information primarily to recognize the contribution of the originator; however, when a cultivar has changed ownership several times or the origin is not clear, we have listed the most recent owner. The final column in this table is the source used for the pedigree information. The first choice for a source of information was a Crop Science registration or experiment station bulletin because these tend to be complete and readily available. The second choice was “personal communication” (PC) because these often include information not provided in PVP applications. The final choice was Exhibit A from PVP applications. Simple cultivar pedigrees (usually including two to four parents) are presented in Table 2. Pedigree notation has been standardized to conform as much as possible to 2 the method proposed by Purdy et al. (1968). A few examples of the Purdy et al. slash notation vs. traditional “x” notation follow: Traditional ‘Y’ Notation AxB (A x B) x C (A x B) x (C x D) [(A x B) x C] x D [(A x B) x B] x B Slash Notation A/B A/B//C A/B//C/D A/B//C/3/D A/3*B Simple pedigrees can be expanded by checking for the pedigrees of the parents listed. In many cases these parents are themselves listed as cultivars in Table 2. The column, “Notes on pedigree,” in Table 2 provides additional information for expanding simple pedigrees. These notes include parentage of breeding lines or older cultivars given in the simple pedigree, the location where such information is presented (usually Table 3), or other information. Parentage of most breeding lines and obsolete cultivars that appear in the pedigrees of cultivars in Table 2 are presented in Table 3. Many of the pedigrees in Table 3 can be further expanded by tracing the pedigrees of the parents listed. These parents (when known) are also in Table 3, or in the case of most obsolete cultivars, a reference is given for the figure showing the pedigree tree that includes the obsolete cultivar. Certain entries in Table 3 have been grouped for convenience. Most of the parental material and cultivars from the Multiple Adversity Resistance (MAR) program at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station in College Station has been listed together, as have germplasm from the Pee Dee Research Station at Florence, South Carolina. Pima germplasm has also been listed separately. Several figures are used to indicate the origin of obsolete cultivars or to illustrate certain complex pedigrees. Figures 1 through 10 are redrawn from Ramey (1966) and trace the development of major cultivars up to about 1965. Figure 11 was adapted from Culp and Harrell (1974) to illustrate the development of important germplasm from the Pee Dee Experiment Station. Figures 12 to 16 were adapted from figures developed by Thomas Kerr about 1969 and apparently not previously published (although they have been widely circulated among cotton breeders). Figures 12 and 13 illustrate the development of the “Triple Hybrid” material to the point that it was used in several breeding programs. Figure 14 traces the development of the Atlas family of cultivars and germplasm. Figure 15 traces the development of important Missouri lines and cultivars. Figure 16 traces the development of early California Acalas. Figure 17 was drawn from the information provided in PVP applications for ‘Quapaw’ and ‘GSA71.’ Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 To save space, numerous, perhaps unfamiliar abbreviations are used in all three tables. The meanings of these abbreviations are given below: Abbreviation AES = Agricultural Experiment Station (postal code used to indicate state) CKR = Coker CS = Crop Science (volume and page numbers given in references) DP = Deltapine or D P & L PM = Paymaster PVP = Plant Variety Protection (usually in reference to application documents) Sel. = Selection out of Sib. = Sibling of STV = Stoneville Pedigrees have been traced back as far as records are available, thus coefficients of parentage can be determined. Because some pedigrees cannot be traced back to the genetic base in cotton, an assumption of no relation- ship is made. However, the effect of this assumption is minor because the unknown parentage is so far removed (five generations or more) that this has little impact on the final coefficient. Eight ancestors form a portion of the genetic base of cotton, and they average 10 generations removed from pedigrees of cultivars released since 1970 (Bowman et al. 1996). Seed of these ancestors are no longer available. Sometimes the pedigrees can only be traced back a few generations, and records are incomplete or unavailable. This was the case for several cultivars when the coefficient of parentage was calculated for 260 cotton cultivars (Bowman et al. 1997). A subsequent study based on genetic similarity estimates revealed that the coefficients of parentage were underestimating relatedness but that the relative relationship among cultivars did not change (Van Esbroeck et al. 1999). Therefore, relative genetic relatedness can be calculated from the pedigrees listed, although true genetic relatedness would need to be determined in another manner. R EFERENCES Bowman, D.T., O.L. May, and D.S. Calhoun. 2003. Genetic uniformity of the U.S. upland cotton crop since the introduction of transgenic cottons. Crop Science 43: 515-518. Bowman, D.T., O.L. May, and D.S. Calhoun. 1997. Coefficients of parentage for 260 cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 1990. USDA ARS Bulletin 1852. U.S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, D.C. Bowman, D.T., O.L. May, and D.S. Calhoun. 1996. Genetic base of upland cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 1990. Crop Science 36:577581. Calhoun, D.S., D.T. Bowman, and O.L. May. 1997. Pedigrees of upland and pima cultivars released between 1970 and 1995. Mississippi Agricultural Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1969. Calhoun, D.S., D.T. Bowman, and O.L. May. 1994. Pedigrees of upland and pima cultivars released between 1970 and 1990. Mississippi Agricultural Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin 1017. Culp, T.W., and D.C. Harrell. 1974. Breeding quality cotton at the Pee Dee Experiment Station Florence, SC. USDAARS. Publ. ARSS30.12 p. May, O.L., D.T. Bowman, and D.S. Calhoun. 1995. Genetic diversity of cotton cultivars released between 1980 and 1990. Crop Science 35:15701574. Metzer, R.B., J.R. Supak, and E. Grubaugh. 1984. Characteristics of cotton varieties grown in Texas1994. Texas Agricultural Extension Service Bulletin B1312. Metzer, R.B., and J.R. Supak. 1990. Characteristics of cotton varieties grown in Texas, 3rd edition. Texas Agricultural Extension Service Bulletin B1312. Purdy, L.H., W.Q. Loegering, C.F. Konzak, C.J. Peterson, and R.E. Allan. 1968. A proposed standard method for illustrating pedigrees of small grain varieties. Crop Science 8:405406. Ramey, H.H. 1966. Historical review of cotton variety development. p. 310-326. In Proc. 18th Cotton Improvement Conf, Memphis, Tennessee. 1112 Jan. 1966. Nat’l Cotton Counc., Memphis, Tennessee. Staten, G. 1971. Breeding Acala 1517 cottons, 1926 to 1970. New Mexico State University Memoir Series No. 4. Turner, J.H. 1952. Upland cotton breeding for the coastal plain area of Georgia. University of Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station Tech Mimeo. Paper No. 6. Turner, J.H. 1974. History of Acala cotton varieties bred for San Joaquin Valley, California. ARS W16. Van Esbroeck, G.A., and D.T. Bowman. 1998. Cotton germplasm diversity and its importance to cultivar development. J. Cotton Science 2:121-129. Van Esbroeck, G.A., D.T. Bowman, D.S. Calhoun, and O.L. May. 1998. Changes in the genetic diversity of cotton in the USA from 1970 to 1995. Crop Science 38:33-37. Van Esbroeck, G.A., D.T. Bowman, O.L. May, and D.S. Calhoun. 1999. Genetic similarity indices for ancestral cotton cultivars and their impact on genetic diversity estimates of modern cultivars. Crop Science 39:323-328. Ware, J.O. 1950. Origin, rise, and development of American upland cotton varieties and their status at present. Mimeo Publ. University of Arkansas, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 3 4 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 HYX 6102 APX 7114-46 C-4226 C-32 C-4164 N-657, C-225 E945 E1137 E3134 1028 OR 8893 OR 7133 B8040 B344 6612 (1964); 9450 (1969) B1788 3579 B4442 B4364 or NMB 4364 Acala 4111 B3-1 Experimental designation 9800149 9800148 9800150 200300260 9800166 8800171 200100119 9000173 200300282 200100118 9700072 9000168 9500225 9500127 8300031 9500237 PVP no CV-66 CV-67 CV-77 CV-82 CV-93 CV-99 CV-107 CV-115 CV-83 CV-89 CV-100 CV-64 CV-68 CV-78 CV-65 CS reg. no 2005 1988 2001 1990 2003 1973 1975 1976 1977 1983 2003 1997 2004 1997 2005 2000 1997 1990 2004 2004 2004 1970 1975 1977 1982 1987 1990 1994 1999 1983 1986 1990 1951 1971 1978 1964 1983 Year Stoneville Pedigreed Seed. Co. P&H Seeds, Inc., Hillsboro, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aikin, TX Seedco Corp., Lubbock, TX NM AES NM AES NM AES NM AES & ARS-USDA NM AES NM AES NM AES NM AES NM AES NM AFS NM AES NM AES NM AES NM AES NM AES NM AES NM AES NM AES & ARS-USDA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA USDA-ARS, Shafter, CA USDA-ARS, Shafter, CA USDA-ARS, Shafter, CA USDA-ARS, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA CPCSD, Shafter, CA Originator or owner PVP Exhibit A R.H. Sheetz/PC G.L. Rea/PC Zhang et al. 2005 Zhang et al. 2005 Zhang et al. 2005 CS 18:164 CS18:164 CS20:113 CS24:382 CS28:190-191 CS32:831-832 CS35:1227-1228 CS 40:1200 CS24:382-383 CS27:149 CS32:1295 CS18:163; Staten 1971 CS18:164 CS20:113 CS 18:163; Staten 1971 S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC H.B. Cooper/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC H.B. Cooper/PC S.R. Oakley/PC H.B. Cooper/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Reference for pedigree Table 1. Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Upland Cotton 1 173-90 2 7563 3 9023 4 Acala 1517-02 5 Acala 1517-03 6 Acala 1517-04 7 Acala 1517-70 8 Acala 1517-75 9 Acala 1517-77 10 Acala 15 17-77BR 11 Acala 1517-88 12 Acala 1517-91 13 Acala 1517-95 14 Acala 1517-99 15 Acala 1517-SRI 16 Acala 1517-SR2 17 Acala 1517-SR3 18 Acala 1517C 19 Acala 1517E-1 20 Acala 1517E-2 21 Acala 1517V 22 Acala BXN Nova 23 Acala Diva 24 Acala Fiesta RR 25 Acala GLS 26 Acala GTO Maxxa 27 Acala Maxxa 28 Acala Nem-X 29 Acala Nem-XHY 30 Acala Prema 31 Acala Riata RR 32 Acala Royale 33 Acala Sierra RR 34 Acala SJ-2 35 Acala SJ-3 36 Acala SJ4 37 Acala SJ-5 38 Acala SJC- 1 39 Acala Summit 40 Acala Ultima 41 Acala Ultima EF 42 AgriPro AP 4130 43 AgriPro AP 6101 44 AgriPro AP 6102 45 AgriPro AP 7114 Ref. no Cultivar name Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 5 Upland Cotton 46 AgriPro AP 7115 47 All-Tex 857 48 All-Tex Atlas 49 All-Tex E-2 50 All-Tex Excess 51 All-Tex Max-9 52 All-Tex Quickie 53 All-Tex Top Pick 54 All-Tex Wiltmaster 571 55 All-Tex Xpress 56 Americot 951 57 Americot 1621 58 Americot 4207 59 Americot 8120 60 Apache 61 Arkot 518 62 AZ 64 63 BC 4 64 BCG 24R 65 BCG 28R 66 BCG 30R 67 BCG 245 68 BCG 295 69 Blanco 3363 70 Blightmaster A-5 71 BR-636 72 Bronco 360 73 Bronco 414 74 Bronco 625 75 Bronco 693 76 BXN 57 77 BXN 58 78 Carolina ES300 79 Cascot 2910 80 Cascot 392 81 Cascot B-2 82 Cascot BR-1 83 Cascot C-13 84 Cascot L-7 85 CENCOT 86 Chembred CB 219 87 Chembred CB 232 88 Chembred CB 333 89 Chembred CB 407 90 Chembred CB 1135 9200224 9200189 9500166 9600285 8700165 All-Tex 85041 All-Tex 85034 21-S-1-87 88009 X2679 U Ark 7518 (2402) AZ6401 7700042 8000032 8300034 7700043 9500139 9500138 8300124 9000212 8900114 7100051 9500125 9200188 9900274 PVP no All-Tex 85039 Experimental designation CV-91 CS reg. no 1986 1990 1995 1995 2000 2001 2001 1995 1987 1972 1993 1992 1986 1995 1993 Year Emergent Genetics Inc. All-Tex Seed Co., Leveland, TX All-Tex Seed Co., Leveland, TX All-Tex Seed Co., Leveland, TX All-Tex Seed Co., Leveland, TX All-Tex Seed Co., Leveland, TX All-Tex Seed Co., Leveland, TX All-Tex Seed Co., Leveland, TX All-Tex Seed Co., Leveland, TX All-Tex Seed Co., Leveland TX American Cotton Breeding Inc., Little Rock, AR American Cotton Breeding Inc., Little Rock, AR American Cotton Breeding Inc., Little Rock, AR American Cotton Breeding Inc., Little Rock, AR Brownfield Seed & Delinting Co., B’fld, TX AR AES AZ AES Raymond E. Bird, Reedley, CA Beltwide Cotton Genetics Beltwide Cotton Genetics Beltwide Cotton Genetics Beltwide Cotton Genetics Beltwide Cotton Genetics Growers Seed Assn., Lubbock, TX TX AES & USDA-ARS, Lubbock, TX Ron Thorp, Stanfield, AZ Bronco Seed Co., Stamford, TX Bronco Seed Co., Stamford, TX Bronco Seed Co., Stamford, TX Bronco Seed Co., Stamford, TX Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Leland, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Leland, MS Humco International Inc. Custom Ag Services, Loraine, TX Custom Ag Services, Loraine, TX Custom Ag Services, Loraine, TX Custom Ag Services, Loraine, TX Custom Ag Services, Loraine, TX Custom Ag Services, Loraine, TX OK AES Chembred Inc. Chembred Inc. Chembred Inc. Chembred Inc. Chembred Inc. Originator or owner PVP Exhibit A Metzer & Supak, 1990 R.G. Ward/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Q. Adams/PC D. Panter/PC D. Panter/PC H. Webb/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 R. Bridge/PC Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 L.M. Verhalen/PC Metzer & Supak 1990 PVP Exhibit A Metzer & Supak, 1990 PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Metzer & Supak, 1990 Scott Brown/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Mike Nelson/PC D. Bush/PC D. Bush/PC D. Bush/PC D. Bush/PC Bob Dumas/PC CS 28:190 AZ AES release memo PVP Exhibit A Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name 6 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Upland Cotton 91 Chembred CB 1233 92 Coker 130 93 Coker 139 94 Coker 208 95 Coker 304 96 Coker 310 97 Coker 312 98 Coker 3131 99 Coker 315 100 Coker 320 101 Coker 4101 102 Coker 417 103 Coker 420 104 Coker4360 105 Coker 500 106 Coker 5110 107 Condor 108 Coyote 109 Crooked Row-I 110 CS7S 111 CT1 112 CT10 113 CT11 114 CT12 115 Dawson V-14 116 DC 81 117 DC 827 118 DC886 119 Delcot 277 120 Delcot 277J 121 Delcot 311 122 Delcot 344 123 Delcot 390 124 Deltapine 120 125 Deltapine 137 126 Deltapine 20 127 Deltapine 20B 128 Deltapine 215B 129 Deltapine 2156 130 Deltapine 25 131 Deltapine 26 132 Deltapine 237B 133 Deltapine 2379 134 Deltapine 30 135 Deltapine 32B MO 63-277 MO 63-277J MO 74-944 MO 78-344 MO 79-390 HQ 211 CT HQ 212 CT HQ 110 CT HQ 120 CT SS 9303 Vreseis RB-RB-64 Experimental designation 8200029 9700252 8100072 7300014 8500110 9700253 9900295 9400147 7200016 7800022 9900292 8100029 8600161 200300110 200300111 200300109 200300108 7900015 7900087 8200071 8300078 7200101 9700185 8900169 8900252 8700070 8300082 7700024 7100021 7200100 8100019 8000087 8900290 PVP no CV-55 CV-71 CV-79 CV-90 CV-84 CS reg. no 1997 1981 1974 1975 1989 1989 1972 1978 1980 1986 1985 1981 1974 1985 1982 1984 1971 1990 1987 1983 1978 1971 1972 1983 1979 1989 1971 1970 Year Seed Source Inc. Seed Source Inc. Seed Source Inc. Seed Source Inc. Dawson Seed Co. Lamesa, TX Dawson Seed Co. Lamesa, TX Dawson Seed Co. Lamesa, TX Dawson Seed Co. Lamesa, TX MO AES & PSRD-ARS-USDA MO AES MO AES MO AES MO AES Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta& Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Chembred Inc. Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Hartsville, SC Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Coker Pedigreed Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Seed Source, Inc. USDA, Shatter, CA Crooked Row Farms, Crosbyton,TX Originator or owner L. McDonald & H.W. Webb/PC L. McDonald/PC L. McDonald/PC L. McDonald & H.W. Webb/PC Metzer et al., 1984 L. McDonald & H.W. Webb/PC Metzer et al., 1984 L. McDonald & H.W. Webb/PC L. McDonald/PC L. McDonald/PC H.W. Webb/PC H.W. Webb/PC L. McDonald/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer& Supak, 1990 J. Green/PC PVP Exhibit A Metzer & Supak, 1990 Unknown J. Green/PC J. Green/PC J. Green/PC J. Green/PC Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 CS12:126-127 CS19:294 CS20:669 CS27:150 CS25:198 K.R. Jones/PC D. Keirn/PC K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC PVP Exhibit A K.R. Jones/PC K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 7 Upland Cotton 136 Deltapine 388 137 Deltapine 393 138 Deltapine 41 139 Deltapine 409B/RR 140 Deltapine 410B 141 Deltapine 420RR 142 Deltapine 422 B/RR 143 Deltapine 425 BII/R 144 Deltapine 425RR 145 Deltapine 428B 146 Deltapine 429RR 147 Deltapine 432 RR 148 Deltapine 434 RR 149 Deltapine 436 RR 150 Deltapine 444 BR/RR 151 Deltapine 448B 152 Deltapine 449 BG/RR 153 Deltapine 450 B/RR 154 Deltapine 451 B/RR 155 Deltapine 458 BG/RR 156 Deltapine 468 BGII/RR 157 Deltapine 488 BG/RR 158 Deltapine 491 159 Deltapine 493 160 Deltapine 494 RR 161 Deltapine 4025 162 Deltapine 4049 163 Deltapine 50 164 Deltapine 50B 165 Deltapine 51 166 Deltapine 543 167 Deltapine 555 BG/RR 168 Deltapine 565 169 Deltapine 5111 170 Deltapine 5305 171 Deltapine 5409 172 Deltapine 5415 173 Deltapine 5415 RR 174 Deltapine 5432 175 Deltapine 5461 176 Deltapine 55 177 Deltapine 5557 178 Deltapine 5611 179 Deltapine 5614 180 Deltapine 5681 DPLX00513BR DPLX01X99R DPLX01W99R Experimental designation 200200047 200000332 9700276 9700289 9300189 9100132 9700251 9400182 9100115 7500103 9700284 9400116 9100267 9300060 200400098 9900137 9800138 8400154 9700254 8900105 9900185 200300135 9900293 9900294 9800206 200300323 200400151 200100159 7900102 9900296 9800204 200000262 9900291 200300322 9800209 9800207 9900297 200401047 200400219 9800205 9900186 PVP no CS reg. no 1974 1990 2002 1990 1984 2003 2002 2003 2004 2004 2000 1999 2005 1979 Year Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Originator or owner W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC PVP Exhibit A K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC D. Keim/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name 8 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Upland Cotton 181 Deltapine 5690 182 Deltapine 5690 RR 183 Deltapine 5816 184 Deltapine 61 185 Deltapine 6100 Acala 186 Deltapine 6100 RR Acala 187 Deltapine 6166 Acala 188 Deltapine 62 189 Deltapine 6204 Acala 190 Deltapine 6207 Acala 191 Deltapine 6211 Acala 192 Deltapine 66 193 Deltapine 69 194 Deltapine 655 B/RR 195 Deltapine 675 196 Deltapine 688 B/RR 197 Deltapine 70 198 Deltapine 77 199 Deltapine 80 200 Deltapine 826 201 Deltapine 891 202 Deltapine Acala 90 203 Deltapine 90B 204 Deltapine 90RR 205 Deltapine DES 607 206 Delta Emerald 207 Delta Gem 208 Delta Jewel 209 Deltapine NSL 210 Delta Opal 211 Delta Pearl 212 Delta Sapphire 213 Deltapine SR-1 214 Deltapine SR-2 215 Deltapine SR-383 216 Deltapine SR4 217 Deltapine SR-482 218 Deltapine SR-5 219 Deltapine SR-980 220 Delta Topaz 221 DES 119 222 DES 24 223 DES 422 224 DES 56 225 Dixie King III DES2134-056 DES11913 or Sl 1-19-27 DES 06-020-24 Deltapine 7146N OA-204 OA-207 OA-211 DP6 Experimental designation 7200042 7200043 8200137 7500089 8200067 8000052 8100098 200100161 8500176 7800040 8100170 7800041 7300089 8300112 9900136 200000261 8100143 9700250 9700255 9800189 9800202 7800097 8600073 7800023 7200143 9100116 9700249 9100111 7300103 9400109 9800203 9100112 8200111 9700044 200000192 99000275 7400025 8400130 9800208 PVP no CV-88 CV-69 CV-80 CV-70 CS reg. no 1985 1978 1982 1978 1973 1981 1976 1983 1981 1979 1986 1977 1974 1976 1996 1998 1999 1974 1984 1973 1990 Year Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS O & A Enterprise O & A Enterprise O & A Enterprise Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Terra Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS MS Agric. Forestry Exp. Stn., Stoneville, MS MS Agric. Forestry Exp. Stn., Stoneville, MS MS Agric. Forestry Exp. Stn., Stoneville, MS MS Agric. Forestry Exp. Stn., Stoneville, MS MS Agric. Forestry Exp. Stn., Stoneville, MS Originator or owner K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC PVP Exhibit A K.R. Jones/PC PVP Exhibit A W. Hugie/PC PVP Exhibit A K.R. Jones/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A K.R. Jones/PC K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC K.R. Jones/PC K.R. Jones/PC K.R. Jones/PC D. Keim/PC W. Hugie/PC K.R. Jones/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC Metzer et al., 1984 W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC W. Hugie/PC L.M. Verhalen/PC Metzer & Supak 1980 Metzer & Supak, 1990 K.R. Jones/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 K.R. Jones/PC Metzer et al., 1984 W. Hugie/PC CS26:646-647 CS18:523 CS22:1085 CS18:524 PVP Exhibit A Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 9 Upland Cotton 226 Dunn 1002 227 Dunn 1047 228 Dunn 109 229 Dunn 118 230 Dunn 119 231 Dunn 120 232 Dunn 1325 233 Dunn 1850 234 Dunn 219 235 Dunn 224 236 Dunn 325 237 Dunn 400 238 Dunn HS 120 239 D 2429 240 DynaGro DG 201 241 DynaGro DG 203 242 DynaGro DG 205 243 DynaGro DG 206 244 DynaGro DG 20 GRR 245 DynaGro DG 256 246 Earlycot 31 247 Earlycot 32A 248 Earlycot 48 249 Earlycot WR 250 El Dorado Acala 251 FM 800 B2R 252 FM 819 253 FM 819 RR 254 FM 832 255 FM 832 B 256 FM 832 LL 257 FM 958 258 FM 958 B 259 FM 958 LL 260 FM 960 R 261 FM 960 BR 262 FM 960 B2R 263 FM 963 264 FM 966 265 FM 966 LL 266 FM 975 267 FM 981 LL 268 FM 989 269 FM 989 B2R 270 FM 991 B2R UAPX 006-4 Experimental designation 9800259 200100209 200100208 9800258 9800257 9600209 7300055 2004 2004 1984 1984 Agronomics Inc., Lubbock, TX Agronomics Inc., Lubbock, TX Agronomics Inc., Lubbock, TX Agronomics Inc., Lubbock, TX J.G Boswell, Corcoran, CA Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience 1997 1998 2000 L.N. Namken 1988 2004 1997 1980 1981 1986 7900006 8000129 8500088 8800052 8700210 200400100 Originator or owner Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Dunn Seed Farms, Seminole, TX Syngenta Seed L.N. Namken Year 1986 1986 1986 1974 1974 1975 CS reg. no 8500091 8500090 8500089 7100048 7200098 7400096 PVP no J. Dever/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Charlie Cook/PC L.M. Vehalen/PC Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 PVP Exhibit A J. Dever/PC PVP Exhibit A Charlie Cook/PC Charlie Cook/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 J.L. Dunn/PC J.L. Dunn/PC J.L. Dunn/PC J.L. Dunn/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 R. Dunn/PC J.L. Dunn/PC J.L. Dunn/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Charlie Cook/PC Charlie Cook/PC Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name 10 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Upland Cotton 271 FM 5013 272 FM 5015 273 FM 5017 274 FM 5024 BXN 275 FM 503R LL 276 FM 5044 R 277 FM 5045 BR 278 G&P 1005 279 G&P 1068 280 G&P 3755 281 G&P 3774 282 G&P 5479 283 G&P 74+ 284 G&P 785 285 GaCot79 286 Garst/AgriPro 4600 RR 287 Garst/AgriPro AP 7126 288 Garst/AgriPro AP 9257 289 Gavilan 290 GC 120 291 GC 251 292 GC 260 293 GC 271 294 GC 500 295 GC 535 296 GC 546 RR 297 GC 703 298 GC 707 299 Georgia King 300 Germain’s Acala GC-352 301 Germain’s Acala GC-356 302 Germain’s Acala GC-362 303 Germain’s Acala GC-363 304 Germain’s Acala GC-410 305 Germain’s Acala GC445 306 Germain’s Acala GC-510 307 Germain’s Acala GC-555 308 Germain’s Acala GC-610 309 Germain’s Acala GC-702 310 Germain’s GC-21 0 311 Green 312 GSA 71 313 GSA 74 314 GSA 75 315 GSA 78 200000177 9900197 200200055 9100257 8500076 8800017 8400129 8100060 8700061 8100061 8200166 8100062 9300099 9000235 9300098 8900170 7400089 7900071 7605007 7900072 GC-171 GC-9209 GC-9646 GaT 85-278 GC-714 GC-8978 Vreseis G-A3PTab-b4 GC-151 200100171 200100170 9500081 200000175 200000178 8300108 9500282 7700019 7700018 8300033 9000019 9500262 PVP no APX 7126 APX 9257 SS100 Frego 142 Experimental designation CV-98 CV-76 CS reg. no 1990 1984 1985 1983 1981 1983 1981 1984 1980 2000 2000 1979 Year GA AES Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA Germain’s Cotton Seeds, Inc., Bakersfield, CA USDA, Shafter, CA Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Pioneer Hi-Bred Int., Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred Int., Inc. Germain’s Cotton Seeds Inc. Bakersfield, CA Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co. Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Seed Source, Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred Int., Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred Int., Inc. Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience Bayer CropScience G&P Seed Co., Inc., Aquilla, TX G&P Seed Co., Inc., Aquilla, TX G&P Seed Co., Inc., Aquilla, TX G&P Seed Co., Inc., Aquilla, TX G&P Seed Co., Inc., Aquilla, TX G&P Seed Co., Inc., Aquilla, TX G&P Seed Co., Inc., Aquilla, TX GA AES Originator or owner CS32:493 J.F. Mahill/PC J.F. Mahill/PC J.F. Mahill/PC J.F. Mahill/PC J.F. Mahill/PC J.F. Mahill/PC J.F. Mahill/PC J.F. Mahill/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A R. Phipps/PC R. Phipps/PC R. Phipps/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A J. Green/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Margaret Hamill/PC Margaret Hamill/PC Margaret Hamill/PC Margaret Hamill/PC Margaret Hamill/PC Margaret Hamill/PC Margaret Hamill/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 J. Nehring/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 D. Bush/PC J. Nehring/PC CS20:112 Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 11 Upland Cotton 316 GSC 1093 317 GSC 20 318 GSC 25 319 GSC 27 320 GSC 30 321 GSC 71+ 322 Gumbo 323 Gumbo 500 324 H 1215 325 H 1220 326 H 1244 327 H1330 328 H 1380 329 H 1560 330 Hancock 331 Highland 34 332 Highland 52 333 Holland 1379 334 Holland 186 335 Holland 1919 336 Holland 4002 337 Holland 850 338 HQ 120 CT 339 HQ 210 CT 340 HS 12 341 HS 22 342 HS 23 343 HS 44 344 HS 46 345 HS Salcot 10 346 Hurdt 570 347 Hurdt 580 348 Hurdt 590 349 Hurdt 700 350 Hurdt 750 351 Hurdt 850 352 Hurdt 900 353 HY 007 354 HY 39 355 JAJO 8098 356 JAJO 8185 357 JAJO 8190 358 KC 311 359 KC 380 360 Kings Acala M5 HOX 852 SS109-5 ? 9200241 200300341 200300340 200300342 8800197 8700069 8900026 1990 9000150 9300041 8900104 9100145 2004 2004 2004 1989 1990 1993 9400132 200300108 200100173 1994 2002 1972 1976 1981 Year HOX850 CT-12 SS 9901 CV-56 CV-1 12 CV-113 CV-1 14 CV-108 CS reg. no 9600141 9000280 9400118 9400119 9400120 9400270 9000032 8400101 8400057 8700005 8800048 8700006 PVP no HX 186 8518-18 and Ark 818 AR 8517-18 LA 830909 T59-134 La. Okra 25 Experimental designation Hyperformer Seed Co., Memphis, TN I&S Research Co., Tempe, AZ Hyperformer Seed Co., Memphis, TN J&S Research Co., Tempe, AZ Hurdt’s Quality Seeds, Lubbock, TX Hurdt’s Quality Seeds, Lubbock, TX Hurdt’s Quality Seeds, Lubbock, TX Hurdt’s Quality Seeds, Lubbock, TX Hurdt’s Quality Seeds, Lubbock, TX Hurdt’s Quality Seeds, Lubbock, TX Hurdt’s Quality Seeds, Lubbock, TX Holland Cottonseed Co., Big Spring, TX Hyperformer Seed Co., Memphis, TN JAJO Genetics, Baton Rouge, LA JAJO Genetics, Baton Rouge, LA JAJO Genetics, Baton Rouge, LA Northrup King, Hartsville, SC Northrup King, Hartsville, SC J.G. Boswell Co., Corcoran, CA Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES AR AES AR AES LA AES TN AES Brownfield Seed & Delinting Co., B’fld, TX Brownfield Seed & Delinting Co., B’fld, TX Holland Cottonseed Co., Big Spring, TX Holland Cottonseed Co., Big Spring, TX Holland Cottonseed Co., Big Spring, TX Holland Cottonseed Co., Big Spring, TX Holland Cottonseed Co., Big Spring, TX Seed Source, Inc. Seed Source, Inc. J & S Research Inc. Originator or owner Al Hoggard/PC Al Hoggard/PC Al Hoggard/PC Al Hoggard/PC Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 R. Holland/PC PVP Exhibit A J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC D.L. Burns/PC D.L. Burns/PC PVP Exhibit A R. Phipps/PC R. Phipps/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 LA LAES Circular No. 103 LA LAES Circular No. 114 CS 37: 1013 CS 37: 1013 CS 37: 1014 CS 36:813 F. Borland/PC PVP Exhibit A CS 12:714 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 R. Holland/PC R. Holland/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 D. Bush/PC J. Green/PC J. Green/PC Al Hoggard/PC Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name 12 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Upland Cotton 361 Kings Acala Plus 362 KSA81M 363 LA 887 364 Lambright 2020 365 Lambright 2020 A 366 Lambright 2020B 367 Lambright GL-4 368 Lambright GL-5 369 Lambright GL-F 370 Lambright GL-N 371 Lambright L-X-28 372 Lambright X-15-3-A 373 Lambright X-15-4 374 Lamesa 5 375 Lamesa 8 376 Lankart 142 377 Lankart 175 378 Lankart 311 379 Lankart 511 380 Lankart LX 571 381 Lankart PR 75 382 Linwood 383 Ligur 384 Ligur CT 385 Lockett 77 386 Lockett BXL 387 McDonald 3 388 McNair 2l0 389 McNair 220 390 McNair 235 391 McNair 511 392 McNair 612 393 Miscot 8806 394 Miscot 8839 395 MD51ne 396 Mocha 397 N 2108 SS 398 New Mexico Acala #20 399 NG 1553 R 400 NG 2448 R 401 NG 3969 R 402 Northern Star 5 403 Northern Star 998 404 Northern Star R-4A 405 NuCotn 33 CT 13 R710 CT 301 HQ LA830887 Experimental designation Charlie Cook/PC PVP Exhibit A Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 D. Keim/PC Northern Star Seed Farms, Lubbock, TX Northern Star Seed Farms, Lubbock, TX Northern Star Seed Farms, Lubbock, TX Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS 9500109 CV-103 J. Pellow/PC CS33:212 CS31:1701 J.H. Lambright/PC J.H. Lambright/PC J.H. Lambright/PC J.H. Lambright/PC J.H. Lambright/PC J.H. Lambright/PC J.H. Lambright/PC J.H. Lambright/PC J.H. Lambright/PC J.H. Lambright/PC Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 R.H. Sheetz/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 J. Green/PC J. Green/PC J. Green/PC Metzer et al., 1984 R.H. Sheetz/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 D.L. Burns/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 D.L. Burns/PC D.L. Burns/PC CS:42:2216 T. Wallace/PC CS33:1415 Reference for pedigree Private Grower 1991 CV-118 2001 1971 1975 2002 7200095 7400023 J.G. Boswell Co., Corcoran, CA Nat’l Fibre Res. Ctr., Kenya LA AES Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Lambright Pedigree Seed Co., Station, TX Dawson County Seed Co, Lamesa, TX Dawson County Seed Co, Lamesa, TX Lankart Seed Farms, Waco, TX Lankart Seed Farms, Waco, TX Lankart Seed Farms, Waco, TX Lankart Seed Farms, Waco, TX Lankart Seed Farms, Waco, TX Pioneer Hybrid Seed Co., Plainview, TX Seed Source, Inc. Seed Source, Inc. Seed Source, Inc. Lockett Seed Co., Lockett, TX Lockett Seed Co., Lockett, TX Dawson County Seed Co, Lamesa, TX McNair Seed Co., Laurinburg, NC McNair Seed Co., Laurinburg, NC McNair Seed Co., Laurinburg, NC McNair Seed Co., Laurinburg, NC McNair Seed Co., Laurinburg, NC T. Wallace, MSU T. Wallace, MSU USDA-ARS, Stoneville, MS C. Harvey Campbell, David B. Ferguson Originator or owner 7605014 1970 1976 7100090 7600077 1980 1987 1976 1986 1984 1999 1990 Year 1975 1970 CV-102 CV-97 CS reg. no 9900398 200300107 7500084 7100026 9000215 8400153 8700086 8600086 7200018 8000135 7200092 7500029 7800029 7500028 7200090 7200089 7200091 9100065 8800085 9500274 9400252 PVP no Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 13 Upland Cotton 406 NuCotn 35 407 NuCotn 64 408 NuCotn 66 409 NuCotn 68 410 OA-262R 411 OA-265 BR 412 OA-304 413 Paymaster 101-B 414 Paymaster I I I-A 415 Paymaster 145 416 Paymaster 147 417 Paymaster 266 418 Paymaster 303 419 Paymaster 404 420 Paymaster 505 421 Paymaster 784 422 Paymaster 785 423 Paymaster 792 424 Paymaster 892 425 Paymaster Dwarf 426 Paymaster HS 26 427 Paymaster HS200 428 Paymaster PM 183 429 Paymaster PM 280 430 Paymaster PM 330 431 Paymaster PM 1199 RR 432 Paymaster PM 1210 433 Paymaster PM 1215 BG 434 Paymaster PM 1215 RR 435 Paymaster PM 1218 BG/RR 436 Paymaster PM 1220 BG 437 Paymaster PM 1220 BG/RR 438 Paymaster PM 1220 RR 439 Paymaster PM 1244 BG 440 Paymaster PM 1244 BG/RR 441 Paymaster PM 1244 RR 442 Paymaster PM 1266 443 Paymaster PM 1277 444 Paymaster PM 1330 BG 445 Paymaster PM 1330 BG/RR 446 Paymaster PM 1330 RR 447 Paymaster PM 1440 448 Paymaster PM 1560 BG 449 Paymaster PM 1560 BG/RR 450 Paymaster PM 1560 RR OA-262 OA-265 E 421 Experimental designation 1999 LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES LA AES Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Delta & Pine Land Co., Scott, MS O & A Enterprise, Inc. O & A Enterprise, Inc. O & A Enterprise, Inc. Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, I X Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Paymaster Technologies, Inc., Aiken, TX Originator or owner 9700130 9700131 9700132 2002 2002 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1976 1984 1971 1974 1979 1987 1975 1972 1973 1984 1968 1983 1986 2004 2004 Year LA AES LA AES LA AES CS reg. no 9700110 9700109 9700111 9700122 9700123 20000213 9700124 9700125 9700126 9700127 9700128 9700129 7700054 7700076 7700077 8900270 7300013 8600087 9000216 9500156 9500157 9500158 200100222 8900269 7600043 7500060 8000081 9500110 9500111 9500112 9500113 200400152 200400171 9500107 7200072 7200071 PVP no J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC F. Borland/PC F. Borland/PC F. Borland/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC R.H. Sheetz/PC PVP Exhibit A J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name 14 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Upland Cotton 451 Paymaster PM 2145 RR 452 Paymaster PM2156 RR 453 Paymaster PM 2192 BG 454 Paymaster PM 2200 RR 455 Paymaster PM 2280 BG/RR 456 Paymaster PM 2320 RR 457 Paymaster PM 2326 BG/RR 458 Paymaster PM 2326 RR 459 Paymaster PM 2330 RR 460 Paymaster PM 2379 RR 461 PD-1 462 PD-2 463 PD-3 464 Phytogen 33 Acala 465 Phytogen GA 161 466 Phytogen PSC 355 467 Phytogen PSC 413 468 Phytogen 410 R 469 Phytogen 440 W 470 Phytogen 470 WR 471 Phytogen 480 WR 472 Phytogen 485 WRF 473 Phytogen 510 R 474 Phytogen PSC 556 475 Phytogen PSC 569 476 Phytogen PSC 636 477 Phytogen 710 R 478 Phytogen GA 894 479 Phytogen PSC 952 480 Pioneer Brand PR 68 481 PR 80 482 Prolific Stormproof 483 Pronto 484 Quapaw 485 Quapaw D 486 Raider 202 487 Raider 271 488 Ranger 55 489 Ranger 64-2 490 Ranger BB-53 491 Ranger RV-12 492 Ranger RV-64 493 Ranger TM-62 494 Rex 713 495 Rilcot 90 61-28 or 62-5 or 63-22 7700028 7200069 8600085 7800104 8000136 9900288 B7413 JAJO 9556/PSC 556 JAJO 9569/PSC 569 8800117 9700152 9800175 200100163 9900195 9700140 9900192 9900193 9900191 9700141 9900194 200100150 PVP no PD4548 PD6520 PD6208 B2584 Experimental designation 2001 CV-117 2000 2000 1976 1978 1999 1985 1985 1988 2000 Year CV-85 CV-86 CV-92 CS reg. no Pioneer Hybrid Seed Co., Plainview, TX Pioneer Hybrid Seed Co., Plainview, TX Von Roeder Seed Farms, Snyder, TX LA AES Rogers Cotton Seed Co., Waco, TX Rogers Cotton Seed Co., Waco, TX Dick Auld, Texas Tech Dick Auld, Texas Tech Ranger Seed Co., Tahoka, TX Ranger Seed Co., Tahoka, TX Ranger Seed Co., Tahoka, TX Ranger Seed Co., Tahoka, TX Ranger Seed Co., Tahoka, TX Ranger Seed Co., Tahoka, TX AR AES Rilcot Seed Co., Littlefield, TX JAJO Genetics, Baton Rouge, LA JAJO Genetics, Baton Rouge, LA Phytogen Seed Co. USDA-ARS & SC AES USDA-ARS & SC AES USDA-ARS & SC AES J. C. Boswell Originator or owner Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer et al., 1984 LA LAES Circular No. 103 PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A D. Auld/PC D. Auld/PC Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 PVP Exhibit A Metzer et al., 1984 J. Jones/PC J. Jones/PC PVP Exhibit A CS25:198 CS25:198-190 CS28:190 PVP Exhibit A CS41:1995 Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 15 Upland Cotton 496 Rilcot 90-A 497 Rilcot 95 498 Rilcot Balebuster-I 499 Rilcot Drylander 289 500 Rilcot RK-6 501 Rilcot Stripper N 502 Rogers 7590 503 Rogers GL-6 504 Rogers LG 86 505 Rogers LG-10 506 Rogers LG-102 507 S-35 508 S-55 509 San Simon Del Cerro 510 SC-1 511 Sicot 53 512 Sicot 70 513 Sicot 72 514 Sicot 80 515 Sicot 189 516 SioKra L23 517 SioKra S-102 518 SioKra V-16 519 SioKra V-17 520 Sisco 772 521 Si Samrong 60 522 Simwalt 82 523 SNI-15 524 Southland 400 525 Southland MI 526 Southwest 222 527 Southwest 227 528 Southwest 584 529 SS 9501 530 SS 9815 531 SS 9901 532 SS 9907 533 Stoneville 112 534 Stoneville 132 535 Stoneville 239 536 Stoneville 256 537 Stoneville 302 538 Stoneville 324 539 Stoneville 373 540 Stoneville 453 01324 ST69132 ST 93919 HQ 210 CT AG 18 PD9241 Experimental designation 8500162 9300070 9900177 7500102 8200051 9200054 9900166 8800173 200100172 200100173 8400010 9500099 9000154 8900079 7100027 8500213 7200059 8900125 7900030 8100024 8900207 8900208 9000256 7600042 PVP no CV-95 CV-72 CS reg. no 1988 1985 1992 1998 1977 1981 1986 1986 1988 1982 1979 1986 1986 Year AR-SEA-USDA & SC AES CSIRO CSIRO CSIRO CSIRO CSIRO CSIRO CSIRO CSIRO CSIRO Hal Lewis, Hyperformer Seeds Field Crops Res. Inst., Thailand OK AES Shades of Nature, Int’l Southland Seed Co., Slaton, TX Southland Seed Co., Slaton, TX Technical Seed Proc., Brownfield, TX Technical Seed Proc., Brownfield, TX Technical Seed Proc., Brownfield, TX Seed Source, Inc. Seed Source, Inc. Seed Source, Inc. Seed Source, Inc., Stoneville, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Emergent Genetics, Inc. Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Emergent Genetics, Inc. Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Rilcot Seed Co., Littlefield, TX Rilcot Seed Co., Littlefield, TX Rilcot Seed Co., Littlefield, TX Rilcot Seed Co., Littlefield, TX Rilcot Seed Co., Littlefield, TX Rilcot Seed Co., Littlefield, TX Rogers Cotton Seed Co., Waco, TX Rogers Cotton Seed Co., Waco, TX Rogers Cotton Seed Co., Waco, TX Rogers Cotton Seed Co., Waco, TX Rogers Cotton Seed Co., Waco, TX Seed Source, Inc., Leland, MS Seed Source, Inc., Leland, MS Originator or owner D.M. Panter/PC CS29:236 L.M. Verhalen/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 J. Green/PC J. Green/PC J. Green/PC J. Green/PC L. McDonald/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A L. McDonald/PC L. McDonald/PC PVP Exhibit A Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 J.M. Green/PC J.M. Green/PC PVP Exhibit A CS19:410 Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name 16 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Upland Cotton 541 Stoneville 457 542 Stoneville 468 543 Stoneville 474 544 Stoneville 495 545 Stoneville 506 546 Stoneville 580 547 Stoneville 603 548 Stoneville 731N 549 Stoneville 825 550 Stoneville 907 551 Stoneville 1553 R 552 Stoneville 2448 R 553 Stoneville 3539 BR 554 Stoneville 3664 R 555 Stoneville 4563 B2 556 Stoneville 4575 BR 557 Stoneville 4646 B2R 558 Stoneville 4686 R 559 Stoneville 4691 B 560 Stoneville 4740 BG 561 Stoneville 4793 R 562 Stoneville 4892 BR 563 Stoneville 5222 B2 564 Stoneville 5242 BR 565 Stoneville 5303 R 566 Stoneville 5599 BR 567 Stoneville 6636 BR 568 Stoneville 6848 R 569 Stoneville BR-110 570 Stoneville BR-115 571 Stoneville BXN 16 572 Stoneville BXN 49B 573 Stripper 31A 574 Stroman 254 575 Sure Grow 1001 576 Sure Grow 96 577 Sure Grow 105 578 Sure Grow 125 579 Sure Grow 125 B/R 580 Sure Grow 125 R 581 Sure Grow 150 BR 582 Sure Grow 150 R 583 Sure Grow 180 584 Sure Grow 209 585 Sure Grow 215 BG/RR 200100213 200000253 200300279 200300280 X 9903 X 9902 STX 0003 R STX 9905 SBX016 STX 0001 200000252 X 9901 9700090 9700091 9000138 9900180 9900299 9400063 9900190 9900302 20010015 8500031 8700136 9900176 200200195 7400088 200300275 200200276 200200277 200000284 9400152 9600108 8100059 200200056 7300057 7600048 7900024 9200016 PVP no STX 0103 ST 89545, ST 7907 STX 9573 STX 94332 Experimental designation CS reg. no 2001 2000 2000 2005 2000 1999 2000 2000 2003 2004 2003 2003 2005 2005 1985 1987 1999 2002 2005 2003 2005 1975 1977 1981 1991 2004 2004 1996 1982 2000 Year Sure-Grow, Leland, MS Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Emergent Genetics, Inc. Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Stoneville, MS Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Ron Thorp, Stanfield, AZ Ron Thorp, Stanfield, AZ Emergent Genetics, Inc. Emergent Genetics, Inc. Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Gro-Agri Seed Co., Lubbock, TX Sure-Grow, Leland, MS Originator or owner PVP Exhibit A J. Creech/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A J. Creech/PC Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer & Supak, 1990 R.R. Bridge/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Unknown PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Unknown PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A D.M. Panter/PC D.M. Panter/PC D.M. Panter/PC D.M. Panter/PC D.M. Panter/PC D.M. Panter/PC D.M. Panter/PC Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 17 Upland Cotton 586 Sure Grow 248 587 Sure Grow 348 588 Sure Grow 404 589 Sure Grow 501 590 Sure Grow 521 BR 591 Sure Grow 521 R 592 Sure Grow 585 B 593 Sure Grow 585 R 594 Sure Grow 622 595 Sure Grow 747 596 Sure Grow 821 597 SV 13 598 SV 93 599 Tamcot 22 600 Tamcot 2111 601 Tamcot 788 602 Tamcot CAB-CS 603 Tamcot CAMD:E 604 Tamcot CD3H 605 Tamcot GCNH 606 Tamcot HQ95 607 Tamcot Luxor 608 Tamcot Pyramid 609 Tamcot SP21 610 Tamcot SP21S 611 Tamcot SP23 612 Tamcot SP37 613 Tamcot SP37H 614 Tamcot Sphinx 615 Tejas 616 Terra 207 617 Terra 292 618 Terre 302 619 Terra 366 620 Terra C-30 621 Terra C-40 622 Terra SR-10 623 Texas 121 624 Texas 224 625 Texas 244 626 Texas 300 627 Thorpe 628 Tifcot 56 629 TPSA 1633 630 TSP 333-HS 65-PR-1633 HAS 229, Terra 90-292-91E TX-CAMD-H MAR-CD3PIHP45H-1-89 9800200 7300092 8700152 7200081 9800201 8500066 7800075 8600164 87000141 9000092 9900394 200100114 7200047 7800074 7200045 7200046 7800096 9600134 9500252 8800133 9200150 9500072 9500073 8500155 8500154 8500088 TX-CABCS-1-81 203Q,B.V.72 and H6-2-72 TX-CPD37HH-1-83 TX-GCANH-1-83 MAR-CABUCD3H-1-86 TX-CAMD-S 9100221 8500056 8500075 9900300 9900301 9400049 9300173 200100152 9700092 PVP no TAM 211 Experimental designation CV-96 CV-119 CV-120 CV-61 CV-73 CV-62 CV-63 CV-75 CV-109 CV-87 CV-74 CV-94 CS reg. no 1972 1973 1985 1977 1986 1988 1990 2004 2004 1971 1977 1971 1971 1977 1995 1986 1985 2005 2000 2000 Year J&S Research Co., Tempe, AZ J&S Research Co., Tempe, AZ TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES TX AES Brownfield Seed & Delinting Co., B’fld, TX Terra Industries, Inc., Memphis, TN Terra Industries, Inc., Memphis, TN Terra Industries, Inc., Memphis, TN Terra Industries, Inc., Memphis, TN Terra Industries, Inc., Memphis, TN Terra Industries, Inc., Memphis, TN Terra Industries, Inc., Memphis, TN South Texas Planting Seed South Texas Planting Seed South Texas Planting Seed South Texas Planting Seed OK AES & USDA-ARS GA AES Texas Planting Seed Assn. Technical Seed Proc., Brownfield, TX Sure-Grow, Leland, MS Sure-Grow, Leland, MS Originator or owner T. Kilgore/PC L.M. Verhalen/PC S.H. Baker/PC PVP Exhibit A Metzer & Supak, 1990 PVP Exhibit A J. Creech/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A J. Creech/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A J. Creech/PC J. Creech/PC J. Creech/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A P. Thaxton/PC PVP Exhibit A Metzer et al., 1984 CS 26:384-385 CSI 9:411412, TAES Bull. L-1720 CS28:574-578 TAES BUL. L-2266 CS30:1359-1360 CS43:2299 CS44:343 CS16:884 CS19:410 CS16:884 CS16:884 CS19:412, TAES Bull. L-1672 CS 36:1074 B. Dumas/PC F.M. Miller/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak, 1990 Metzer & Supak 1990 T. Kilgore/PC T. Kilgore/PC Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name 18 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Pima Cotton 1 Buffalo 2 CH252 3 CH253 4 Conquistador 5 Cobalt Pima 6 DP 340 Pima 7 DP White Pima 8 DP HTO 9 DP 744 10 Deltapine 9911 Pima 11 OA-304 12 Oro Blanco Pima 13 Palo Verde 14 Pima S-5 15 Pima S-6 16 Pima S-7 17 Platinum Pima 18 PSC 57 Pima 19 PHY 76 Pima 20 PHY 800 Pima Upland Cotton 631 UAPX-001 632 UAPX-003 633 UAPX-006 634 Ultra 635 UTE 636 Westburn 70 637 Westburn M 638 Western 44 639 WG 4207 640 WG 8120 641 Wiltmaster 569 642 Wiltmaster 571 E104 P3822 P 7049 P 11061 P-29 E421 OA-340 OA-337 OA-333 UA-4 O&A 312 Experimental designation 200400156 9900020 200100121 US Patent 200200111 9800191 9800192 200100004 9400117 9500107 9300175 9400040 9400039 9000211 9000221 9500108 7700049 9700283 9500103 9500104 9500105 PVP no CV-60 CV-81 CV-101 CV-54 CS reg. no 1975 1984 1991 2003 1998 2001 2004 2005 2002 1998 1998 2001 1989 1989 1971 1976 Year Sally Vreseis Fox Chaney Ranch, CA Chaney Ranch, CA Olvey & Assoc., Maricopa, AZ CPCSD, Shafter, CA O & A Enterprise, Inc. O & A Enterprise, Inc. O & A Enterprise, Inc. O & A Enterprise, Inc. Delta and Pine Land Co., Scott, MS Olvey & Assoc., Maricopa, AZ I.G. Boswell Co., Corcoran, CA Sally Vreseis Fox USDA-ARS & AZ, NM & TX AFS USDA-ARS & AZ, NM & TX AES USDA-ARS & AZ AES CPCSD, Shafter, CA Phytogen Seed Company, LLC Phytogen Seed Company, LLC Phytogen Seed Company, LLC OK AES & CRD-ARS-USDA OK AES & CRD-ARS-USDA Von Roeder Seed Farms, Snyder, TX West Gaines Seed and Delinting West Gaines Seed and Delinting All-Tex Seed Co., Levelland, TX All-Tex Seed Co., Levelland, TX L.N. Namken, Weslaco, TX L.N. Namken, Weslaco, TX L.N. Namken, Weslaco, TX Seedco Originator or owner PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A S.R. Oakley/PC PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A H.B. Cooper/PC PVP Exhibit A CS16:604 CS24:382 CS32:1291 S.R. Oakley/PC J.F. Mahill/PC J.F. Mahill/PC J.F. Mahill/PC Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 PVP Exhibit A Metzer et al., 1984 Metzer et al., 1984 PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A PVP Exhibit A Reference for pedigree Table 1 (continued). Identification of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005 and the source of information used in pedigrees. Ref. no Cultivar name Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 19 Acala 1517C Acala 1517E-1 Acala 1517E-2 Acala 15 17V Acala BXN Nova Acala Diva Acala Fiesta RR Acala GLS Acala GTO Maxxa Acala Maxxa Acala Nem-X Acala Nem-X HY Acala Prema Acala Riata RR Acala Royale Acala Sierra RR Acala SJ-2 Acala SJ-3 Acala SJ-4 Acala SJ-5 Acala SJC-1 Acala Summit Acala Ultima Acala Ultima EF AgriPro AP 4103 AgriPro AP 6101 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 173-90 7563 9023 Acala 1517-02 Acala 1517-03 Acala 1517-04 Acala 1517-70 Acala 1517-75 Acala 1517-77 Acala 1517-77BR Acala 1517-88 Acala 1517-91 Acala 1517-95 Acala 1517-99 Acala 1517-SR1 Acala 1517-SR2 Acala 1517-SR3 Upland Cotton 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Cultivar Name Ref. no N656/Acala Prema T4584/T5692 Acala Maxxa *6/1445 T6754/T7044 Acala Maxxa *6/1445 AXTE-I/NM 2302 C6TE/NMB7378 C6TE/NMB3080 C6TE/NMB3080 C6TE/NMB3080//NM7403/Acala 4-42-77 B4164/B5663 B4164/B2724 B9621/D842 Dp 5461/Dp 5690 Dp 41/Dp 5415 B1662/N-3 1544/1557 Acala 3080/PD2165 Sel. Acala 1517E-1 Acala 2503/Coquette Maxxa *5/Stv. BXN 57 B4164/A1618 Acala Maxxa*6/1445 L2950/B5663 B4164/B2724 T7538/S4959 No information available at this printing PM 266-69/Lockett 99-1 Southland 400/CA3026 Prema//Acala 1517-95/GC-362 B4222/H1014 Acala 1517-95/87D3-24 B1413/Hopicala Acala 688/Acala 9608 Acala 1517-70/Unknown Storm Resistant Sel. Acala 1517-77 Acala 1517-77BR/DP 70 Acala 8130/Acala 8874 Acala 3080/PD2165 B742/E1141 Acala 1517-E1/Unknown Storm Resistant Acala 1517-E1/Unknown Storm Resistant Acala 1517-E1/Unknown Storm Resistant Pedigree B9621=sib of Acala Ultima; D842=B3302/B1644; See parents in Table 3 (Multiline of 5918 & 5845); See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 From F4 Bulk, See parents in Table 3 From F5 Bulk; See parents in Table 3 Sib of Acala GC-5 10; See parents in Table 3 B4164=Acala Maxxa A1618=Acala Prema See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 T7538=S196/NMI900-1; S4959=12302-4//C6TE/NMB7378; See parents in Table 3 B1662=T6754/T7044; N-3=Sel. N6072; N6072=12302/Tanguis; See parents in Table 3 N656=B1662/N6074; See parents in Table 3 T4584=AXTE-1 I/NM49-2; T5692=C6TE/NMB3080; See parents in Table 3 1445=Monsanto line carry RR gene T6754=C6TE/NMB3080; T7044=AXTE1 -57/Tex E364; See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 Sib. Acala 1517-SR1 Same pedigree as Acala 1516-SR2, with additional selection for verticillium wilt tolerance Pedigree of 1544 and 1557 lost in fire; Possible sib of original Acala 1517 Acala 3080=NMB3080 (Table 3); PD2165 (Table 3) 8130=Sel. Acala 1517-70; Acala 8874 (Table 3) Acala 3080=NMB3080 (Table 3); PD2165 (Table 3) B742=Acala 9136/250 B1413=250/49W//250/9136 (See parents in Table 3); Hopicala (Table 3) 688=Sib. Acala 1517V; 9608=DP14/K3131; K3131 From Africa; DP 14 (Table 3) Lockett 99-1=Lockett 4789-A/Lubbock 4; See parents in Table 3 CA3026 (Table 3) Notes on Pedigree Table 2. Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. 20 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Cultivar Name Upland Cotton 44 AgriPro AP6102 45 AgriPro AP7114 46 AgriPro AP 7115 47 All-Tex 857 48 All-Tex Atlas 49 All-Tex E-2 50 All-Tex Excess 51 All-Tex Max-9 52 All-Tex Quickie 53 All-Tex Top Pick 54 All-Tex Wiltmaster 571 55 All-Tex Xpress 56 Americot 951 57 Americot 1621 58 Americot 4207 59 Americot 8120 60 Apache 61 Arkot 518 62 AZ 64 63 BC4 64 BCG 25R 65 BCG 28R 66 BCG 30R 67 BCG 245 68 BCG 295 69 Blanco 3363 70 Blightmaster A-5 71 BR-636 72 Bronco 360 73 Bronco 414 74 Bronco 625 75 Bronco 693 76 BXN 57 77 BXN 58 78 Carolina ES 300 79 Cascot 2910 80 Cascot 392 81 Cascot B-2 82 Cascot BR-1 83 Cascot C-13 84 Cascot L-7 85 CENCOT 86 Chembred CB219 87 Chembred CB232 88 Chembred CB333 Ref. no CA398/Lankart 611 Stormmaster/Stoneville 20/Acala 5675/3/Stormmaster DP 70/DP Acala 90 Lankart G-3/Lankart 6024 Sel. Lankart KC-G3-14124 Sel. Lankart 57 PM 303-T//6lM283/PM145 Sel. CKR 315 with BXN gene via tissue culture transformation Sel. CKR 315 with BXN gene via tissue culture transformation Composite of Coker lines Sel. Cascot BR-1C LE68-73/DES 56 Sel. TX-Bonham Sel. TX-Bonham Sel. TX-Bonham Sel. TX-Lewis Sel. Westburn M F2 hybrid F2 hybrid F2 hybrid La. 887/Dp 5415 Sel. Lankart 57 CA 3006/Sel. PM HS 26 Tamcot CAMD-E/PM 792 CA 3004/PM 145 CA 3006/DP Acala 90 ORHU-1-78/Tamcot CAMD-E Dess 333-50 CA 803/AZ 6024 Sel. All-Tex Quickie Dp. 51//TXLEBO278/Aubne 213///TAM3R3116 All-Tex Quickie/Stv. 453//Arkot 8506-23 MD51ne/DES 333//MAR 411BF88 China MD25/Stv. 112//Arkot 8001-12 PM 145/DP SR383 Rex 713/CKR 304 AC239/AZ6010 No information available at this printing 81-66/Dp 5415 Pedigree Bonham (Table 3) Bonham (Table 3) Bonham (Table 3) Lewis (Table 3) Cascot BR-1C=Sel. Bonham; Bonham (Table 3) Table 3 61M283=Empire/Acala; Empire (Table 3) BXN gene confers resistance to herbicide Bromoxinyl BXN gene confers resistance to herbicide Bromoxinyl Lankart 6024=Lankart/Acala; Lankart 6024=Lankart/AZ6024? See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3; Same pedigree as Blightmaster and CA291A (Table 3) AC239 = presumed sel. Pee Dee line AC (Table 3); AZ6010 (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 CA 3004 in Table 3 CA 3006 in Table 3 ORHU-1-78 (Table 3) Table 3 CA 3006 in Table 3 81-66=sel. Dp. 41 Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 21 Cultivar Name Upland Cotton 89 Chembred CB407 90 Chembred CB1135 91 Chembred CB1233 92 Coker 130 93 Coker 139 94 Coker 208 95 Coker 304 96 Coker 310 97 Coker 312 98 Coker 3131 99 Coker 315 100 Coker 320 101 Coker 4101 102 Coker 417 103 Coker 420 104 Coker 4360 105 Coker 500 106 Coker 5110 107 Condor 108 Coyote 109 Crooked Row-1 110 CS7S 111 CT1 112 CT10 113 CT11 114 CT12 115 Dawson V-14 116 DC 81 117 DC 827 118 DC 886 119 Delcot 277 120 Delcot 277J 121 Delcot 311 122 Delcot 344 123 Delcot 390 124 Deltapine 120 125 Deltapine 137 126 Deltapine 20 127 Deltapine 20B 128 Deltapine 215 B 129 Deltapine 2156 130 Deltapine 25 131 Deltapine 26 132 Deltapine 237 B 133 Deltapine 2379 Ref. no F2 hybrid F2 hybrid F2 hybrid CKR 315/McNair 220 DES 56/CKR 310 CKR 8103/CKR 201 Sel. CKR 310 CKR 100 Staple/DP 15 Sel. CKR 310 CKR 310/CKR 5114 CKR310/CKR 8103 CKR 315/McNair 220 Coker 100 Staple/DP 15 Sel. CKR 413 CKR310/CKR413 CKR 310/PM 111A CKR 310/Tamcot 788A CKR 100 Staple/DP 15 Sel. of McNair 235 Sel. Colored-lint Cotton, USDA, Shafter CA1073//CA491/AZ6024 75007-3/DP 90 Sel. SS 9901 Sel. SS 9901 DP 5415/KC 311 SS 511/SS 195 Sel. CA 614 Sel. CA1073 Sel. Delcott 277 Sel. CA491-714 Rex//TJ/EF 310 Sel. Delcot 277 Complex (Sel. Delcot 277, Auburn 56, MO-Del, 101-102B) CKR 310*4/MDR (i.e. Multiple Disease Resistant) Delcot Lines M063-277BR2A/HYC74-283//MO63-277BR2A DP 66/DP 55 DP 5540-611-73-84/DP Smoothleaf DP l6//DP Smoothleaf/DP 45/3/DES 56 (or DP 16/DES 56) DP 20*4/Donor BG DP 2156*4/Donor BG Unknown DP 45/STV 7A DP 45/STV 7A DP 2379*4/Donor BG DC 81/DP 90 Pedigree See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 DP5540 (Table 3); DP Smoothleaf (Table 3) DP 16, DP Smoothleaf, and DP 45 in Table 3; DP 16=DP Smoothleaf/DP 45 CA491 (Table 3) Rex (Table 3); TJ/EF3 10 (Table 3 in PD germplasm section); Diagram in Fig. 15 i.e. Sel. of S65-396, a component of Delcot 277 Details not given MDR=Complex (Delcot 277, MO-DEL, Aub.56, Oklahoma 20,101-102B) See parents in Table 3 SS 511=sel. Of McNair 235; SS 195=Sel. DES 119 CA614 (Table 3) CA1073 (Table 3) No additional info. available See parents in Table 3 Tamcot 788A (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 Coker 413 (Table 3) Coker 413 (Table 3) L. McDonald/PC has CKR 310/CKR 67-109 CKR 8103=Sib. CKR 310 See parents in Table 3 CKR 8103=Sib. CKR 3 10; CKR 201 (Table 3) Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. 22 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Cultivar Name Upland Cotton 134 Deltapine 30 135 Deltapine 32B 136 Deltapine 388 137 Deltapine 393 138 Deltapine 41 139 Deltapine 409 B/RR 140 Deltapine 410 B 141 Deltapine 420 RR 142 Deltapine 422 B/RR 143 Deltapine 424 BIIRR 144 Deltapine 425 RR 145 Deltapine 428 B 146 Deltapine 429 RR 147 Deltapine 432 RR 148 Deltapine 434 RR 149 Deltapine 436 RR 150 Deltapine 444 BG/RR 151 Deltapine 448 B 152 Deltapine 449 BG/RR 153 Deltapine 450 B/RR 154 Deltapine 451 B/RR 155 Deltapine 458 B/RR 156 Deltapine 468 BGII/RR 157 Deltapine 488 BG/RR 158 Deltapine 491 159 Deltapine 493 160 Deltapine 494 RR 161 Deltapine 4025 162 Deltapine 4049 163 Deltapine 50 164 Deltapine 50B 165 Deltapine 51 166 Deltapine 543 167 Deltapine 555 BG/RR 168 Deltapine 565 169 Deltapine 5111 170 Deltapine 5305 171 Deltapine 5409 172 Deltapine 5415 173 Deltapine 5415 RR 174 Deltapine 5432 175 Deltapine 5461 176 Deltapine 55 177 Deltapine 5557 178 Deltapine 5611 Ref. no Sel. DP 66 DP 5415*4/Donor BG DP 5409/DES 119 SG 125/SG 501 DP 55/STV 603 DP 5409 *3/DONOR BG//DP 5409 *3/DONOR RR///DP 5409 DP 5409*4/Donor BG DP 20*3/Donor RR DP 20*3/Donor BG//DP 20*3/Donor RR///DP20 Recurrent Parent SG 215 BG/RR DP 51*4/Donor RR DP 51*3/Donor BG DP 5409*4/Donor RR DP 5415 RR///Coker 312 RR/DP 5415//ST 474 Recurrent Parent SG 890 DP 50*4/Donor RR SG 501*2/ST 132//H 1330/Coker 312 BG///DP 51*2/H1440*2//DP 5415 RR DP 5415*4/Donor BG DP 5415/DP 5690//BGRR parent DP 50*3/Donor BG//DP 50*3/Donor RR///DP 50 DP 51*3/Donor BG//DP 51*3/Donor RR///DP 51 DP 5415*3/Donor BG/DP 5415*3/Donor RR///DP 5415 Recurrent Parent NuCotn 33B Recurrent Parent DP 491 DP 5415/DP 2156 Delta Pearl/CS 50 Recurrent Parent DP 491 CS7S x Chaco 520 Chaco 520 x Georgia King DP 16//DP Smoothleaf/DP 45/3/DES 56 (or DP 16/DES 56) DP 50*4/Donor BG Sel. DP 50 99Q47 [531][15985][1445]-04.20B/20-20B Recurrent Parent Delta Pearl DP 6100 Acala/Georgia King DP 50/Pee Dee 3 PD 3/Ering 92 DP50/DP Acala 90 DP 50/DP Acala 90 DP 5415*5/Donor RR DP 5461/DP 77 DP 4l/DP experimental 737-451-79-B DP 16/STV 7A 28119-334-51/DP 5415 DP Acala 90/SJ80B4F1 Pedigree No additional info. available for SJ80B4F1 See parents in Table 3 DP 16, DP Smoothleaf and DP 45 in Table 3; DP 16=DP Smoothleaf/DP 45 Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 23 DP 90*4/Donor BG DP 90*5/Donor RR DES 920/DP 20 DPX 8116-3113-41-53/Sicala VI DP 5690/Siokra 14 DPX 79214-100-503-601/Siokra 1-4 DP 16 (Nectariless) DP 5816 x Sicala 33 DP 5816/Sicala 34 DP 5415/Sicala V1 DP Smoothleaf/Rex//Lankart 57 DP Smoothleaf/Rex//Gregg 35/Rex DP SR-5/ CA 1073 DP Smoothleaf/Rex//Gregg 35/Rex Sel. DP SR-4 Acala 1517-BR2//DP Smoothleaf/Rex CA 788/DP SR-2 DP 5415/Siokra L22//DP 5415 DES 24/DES 2134-047 STV 603/Delcot 277 DP 55/DES 2134-018 Deltapine 90B Deltapine 90 RR Deltapine DES 607 Delta Emerald Delta Gem Deltapine Jewel Deltapine NSL Delta OPAL Delta PEARL Delta Sapphire Deltapine SR-1 Deltapine SR-2 Deltapine SR-383 Deltapine SR-4 Deltapine SR-482 Deltapine SR-5 Deltapine SR-980 Delta Topaz DES 119 DES 24 DES 422 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 Pedigree DES 56/McNair 235 DP Acala 90/DP 80 DP Acala 90/DP 80 DP 5690*5/Donor RR DP Acala 90/ DP 69 Sel. DP 16 DP exp. strain 90-31Y/CPCSD exp. strain C-7 DP 6100*4/Donor RR Acala T6310/Acala T6892 Sel. DP 61 USDA Shafter Germplasm 0207-1 sel. USDA Shafter Germplasm 0207-1 sel. USDA Shafter Germplasm 0207-1 sel. DP 16/DP 5540 Sel. DP61? DP 5690*3/Donor BG//DP 5690*3/Donor RR///DP 5690 DP 5415/AC1517-77BR DP 90*3/Donor BG//DP 90*3/Donor RR///DP 90 STV 7A/DP 66 DP 66/DP 120 DP16//DP 5540/DP Smoothleaf Exp. Strain 523M-327-43-51/ Exp. Strain 527-312-46-53 DP 41/DP 120 DP 6516/DP 6582 Cultivar Name Upland Cotton 179 Deltapine 5614 180 Deltapine 5681 181 Deltapine 5690 182 Deltapine 5690RR 183 Deltapine 5816 184 Deltapine 61 185 Deltapine 6100 Acala 186 Deltapine 6100 RR ACALA 187 Deltapine 6166 Acala 188 Deltapine 62 189 Deltapine 6204 Acala 190 Deltapine 6207 Acala 191 Deltapine 6211 Acala 192 Deltapine 66 193 Deltapine 69 194 Deltapine 655 B/RR 195 Deltapine 675 196 Deltapine 688 B/RR 197 Deltapine 70 198 Deltapine 77 199 Deltapine 80 200 Deltapine 826 201 Deltapine 891 202 Deltapine Acala 90 Ref. no DES 2134-018=Sib. DES 56 DES 2134-047=Sib. DES 56 See parents in Table 3 CA 788 (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 CA1073 (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 Nectariless trait backcrossed into DP 16 6516=DP 16/John Cotton Polycross; 6582=DP 16/AZ 5909; See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 No additional info. available STV 7A (Table 3) 0207-1=9275-1 0207-1=9275-1 0207-1=9275-1 See parents in Table 3 Parents USDA experimental releases 1 of 4 Component lines in DP 16 (DP 16 in Table 3) No additional info. on 90-3 IY; C-7 = S-6538 = S195/NM1986-3 Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. 24 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Cultivar Name Upland Cotton 224 DES 56 225 Dixie King III 226 Dunn 1002 227 Dunn 1047 228 Dunn 109 229 Dunn 118 230 Dunn 119 231 Dunn 120 232 Dunn 1325 233 Dunn 1850 234 Dunn 219 235 Dunn 224 236 Dunn 325 237 Dunn 400 238 Dunn HS 120 239 D2429 240 DynaGro DG 201 241 DynaGro DG 203 242 DynaGro DG 205 243 DynaGro DG 206 244 DynaGro DG 206 RR 245 DynaGro DG 256 246 Earlycot 31 247 Earlycot 32A 248 Earlycot 48 249 Earlycot WR 250 El Dorado Acala 251 FM 800 B2R 252 FM 819 253 FM 819 RR 254 FM 832 255 FM 832 B 256 FM 832 LL 257 FM 958 258 FM 958 B 259 FM 958 LL 260 FM 960 R 261 FM 960 BR 262 FM 960 B2R 263 FM 963 264 FM 966 265 FM 966 LL 266 FM 975 267 FM 981 LL 268 FM 989 Ref. no CS50 C312LL25/4*FM 989 DP 90/75007-3//DP 90/Tamcot SP 37 H DP 90/75007-3//DP 90/Tamcot SP 37H 88001/83055-33 Recurrent Parent Sicot 41 88001/83055-33 Sicala V-1/Siokra 1-4 Paymaster HS 26/Tamcot CAB-CS Sel. CA491 Sel. Earlycot 32 Earlycot 31/Bonham 73 CA614/PM266 C6TE/NMB 3080//ATE 1-57/Tex E364 FM 832*4//FM 966B2/FM 800 RR Siokra S324/Sicala V-1 C110/Deltapine 20 C120/Deltapine 20 ST 213/PD 2164 Sel. Dixie King Dunn 219/Dunn 224 Tamcot SP-21/Dunn 219 Sel. of material from Lavon Ray (TAES, Lubbock) Sel. Dunn 56C Sel. Dunn 56C Sel. Tamcot SP23 Dunn 325/Dunn 1850 DP Acala 90/ PM 145 Sel. Dunn 119 Sel. MO-Del line AZ 6401/DP 16 Acala line/PM 303 Dunn 219/Dunn 120 C215781-2//C120/Reba B50 C32/Deltapine 20 Pedigree Table 3 Earlycot 32=Rex Smooth Leaf/NMB 3080//Stripper 31; See parents in Table 3 Bonham (Table 3) CA614 (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 C110=Tamcot SP 37/PD 9363 C32=G&P3774/McNair 220 Metzer et al., 1984: “Composite of Delta and Stripper types”; MO-Del (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 No additional info. given Dunn 56C=Rex/CA 398; See parents in Table 3 Dunn 56C=Rex/CA 398; See parents in Table 3 Metzer et al., 1984 has: Tamcot/Dunn 118 See parents in Table 3 Dixie King in Table 3 Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 25 Cultivar Name Garst/AgriPro 4600 RR Garst/AgriPro AP 7126 Garst/AgriPro AP 9257 Gavilan GC 120 GC 251 GC 260 GC 271 GC 500 CG 535 GC 546 RR GC 703 GC 707 Georgia King Germain’s Acala GC-352 Germain’s Acala GC-356 Germain’s Acala GC-362 Germain’s Acala GC-363 Germain’s Acala GC-410 Germain’s Acala GC-445 Germain’s Acala GC-510 Germains Acala GC-555 Germain’s Acala GC-610 Germain’s Acala GC-702 Germain’s GC-210 Green 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 Upland Cotton 269 FM 989 B2R 270 FM 991 B2R 271 FM 5013 272 FM 5015 273 FM 5017 274 FM 5024 BXN 275 FM 5035 LL 276 FM 5045 BR 277 FM 5045 BR 278 G&P 1005 279 G&P 1068 280 G&P 3755 281 G&P 3774 282 G&P 5479 283 G&P 74+ 284 G&P 785 285 GaCot 79 Ref. no 8902=sel. GC-510. MR2-4-2 Breeding line with RR gene GC-500*2//8902/MR2-4-2 Sel. Germain’s Acala GC-352 Sel. SB 3-3 Sel. Colored-lint Cotton, USDA, Shafter C6TE/NMB3080//NM7403/AcaIa 4-42-77 Sel. T8687 Germain’s Acala GC 510/S5565 S6689=AXTE 1-57/Tex E364//C6TE/NM3080 (See parents in Table 3) T8687=C6TE/NMB3080 (See parents in Table 3) See parents in Table 3 T4845=C6TE/NMB3080 (See parents in Table 3); S1603=Sib. Acala SJ-2 T4852=C6TE/NMB3080; S1391=C6TE/NMB3080//12302; See parents in Table 3 S2694=12302-4/Tanguis/Acala 4-42; S3468=C6-5/DeI Cerro 503; See parents in Table 3 Sib of Acala SJC-1; See parents in Table 3 T8687=C6TE/NMB3080; See parents in Table 3 S5565=T4852/S1291 (from USDA Shafter Res. Stn.), no additional info. Available Selected for resistance to Verticillium Wilt SB 3-3 = Acala Cluster/PM Dwarf No additional info. available See parents in Table 3 88-2305 see Table 3 GC-100/GC-9033 GC-555/88-2305 Tifcot 56/McNair 235 Sel. S-6689 Sel. T-8687 Tex E364/12302-89//C6TE/NM7378 S1603/T4845 T4852/SI391 S2694/S3468 No info. on 636-24 No info. on 841 MO 78-344=Coker 310/MDR Delcot lines=exp. design. Delcot 344 See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 CA3016 (Table 3) DP Smoothleaf (frego bract)—Frego bract strain of DP Smoothleaf; DP Smoothleaf (Table 3) See Table 3 for parents CAMD S75C has same pedigree as Tamcot SP21S No info. available for GPX 105-81; CA3029 (Table 3) Notes on Pedigree 636-24/Dp. 5415 841/Dp. 20 Sel. MO 78-344 GC-210/Dp. 50//GC-9033 GC-303/GC-9033 Recurrent Parent Sicala V2 PMHS26-30 PM HS 26/PM HS 200-B-33 PM HS 26/2*Southland M1 Stv. BXN 47/4*SC 9219 Coker 312 CC/3*SC 9023 Coker 312 BR/4* SC 9023 Coker 312 BR/4* SC 9023 Sel. CAMD S75C GPX 105-81/Tamcot CD3H//G&P 3774/CA3029 Sel. Tamcot SP-37 Sel. Tamcot SP-37 Sel. Tamcot SP-37 Sel. G&P 3774 Tamcot CAB-CS/CA3016 DP Smoothleaf (frego bract)/3*DP 16 Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. 26 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Cultivar Name Upland Cotton 312 GSA 71 313 GSA 74 314 GSA 75 315 GSA 78 316 GSC 1093 317 GSC 20 318 GSC 25 319 GSC 27 320 GSC 30 321 GSC 71+ 322 Gumbo 323 Gumbo 500 324 H 1215 325 H 1220 326 H 1244 327 H1330 328 H 1380 329 H 1560 330 Hancock 331 Highland 34 332 Highland 52 333 Holland 1379 334 Holland 186 335 Holland 1919 336 Holland 4002 337 Holland 850 338 HQ 120 CT 339 HQ 210 CT 340 HS 12 341 HS 22 342 HS 23 343 HS 44 344 HS 46 345 HS Salcot 10 346 Hurdt 570 347 Hurdt 580 348 Hurdt 590 349 Hurdt 700 350 Hurdt 750 351 Hurdt 850 352 Hurdt 900 353 HY 007 354 HY 39 355 JAJO 8098 356 JAJO 8185 Ref. no Sel. McNair 235 No pedigree information given in PVP Exhibit A AZ 7209/DP Acala 90 DES 422/DP Acala 90 Sel. CA614 Selection in Hurdt breeding material Hurdt 570/PM101-A Sel. Tamcot SP-21 CA614/GSA 71 Sel. in breeding materials including Southeastern strains and Acala 3080 Sel. in Hurdt’s breeding material and Lankart 611 Cascot C-13//Tx-Le6873/Mo63-277J KC 311/Acala SJ-5 LA 887/LA 850082FN//MD51ne/LA 887 LA 887/SG 125 HS 10/DP 90 See Fig. 17 Sel., HYC MDR-2 Sel. GSA 71 Sel. CA 614 PM 404/GSA 75 Sel. CA 614 Sel. Gro-Agri 177 Sel. Gro-Agri 71033 Stripper 31A/Gro-Agri 12644 GSA 71/Gro-Agri 12644 Composite of [Acala Okra/6* STV 7A] + [Acala Okra/3*STV 7A/4*STV 213] DP 25/ La. Okra 3; Composite of 3 lines (La. Okra 541, 546, and 551) MC-T8-27-8C/La HG063 MC-T8-27-8C/La HG063 MC-T8-27-8C/La HG063 DES 119/Miscot 7803-52 DES 237-7/Miscot 7824 DES 119/LA 434-RKR M8/Empire Wilt Acala 1517-70/Stripper 31 Sel. Rex Smoothleaf 66 Sel. TX-Bonham HX 2411/HBN 402 Demeter III/CMS//Cascot 2277/3/DP 16/G. h. race marie-galante Sel. Holland 5677 Cascot C-13//Tx-Le6873/Mo 63-277J Pedigree CA614 (Table 3) Acala 3080=NMB 3080 (Table 3); no additional info. given Lankart 611 (Table 3); no additional info. given Tx-Le6873 = Lewis (Table 3); Mo63-277J = Delcot 277J CA614 (Table 3) No additional info. given PM101-A=Sel. PM 101 (Fig. 9) AZ 7209 (Table 3) LA 434-RKR=DP 15/Clevewilt-6//DP 16. See parents in Table 3. M8 (Table 3); Empire Wilt-Empire WR? (Table 3) Stripper 31 (Table 3) Rex Smoothleaf 66=Sel. Rex Smoothleaf (Table 3) Bonham (Table 3) HX 2411=Cascot C-l3/TX-H6-2-72; HBN 401=high strength line, TAES Lubbock CMS=cytoplasmic male sterile, Demeter, DP 16 in Table 3; Holland 5677=Sel. Bonham (Table 3) Tx-Le6873 = Lewis (Table 3); MO 63-277J=Delcot 277J 12644=Vert. wilt resistant line from Steve Wilheim, Univ. So. CA 12644=Vert. wilt resistant line from Steve Wilheim, Univ. So. CA STV 7A and STV 213 (Table 3) La. Okra 3 = Acala Okra (SAI 71)/6*DP Smoothleaf See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 Miscot 7803-52 (Table 3) Table 3 CA 614 (Table 3) See Fig. 17 HYC MDR-2 Incl.: Stripper 31, Aub. M, AXTE, Breeding lines Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 27 Cultivar Name 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 Lambright 2020 Lambright 2020 A Lambright 2020B Lambright GL4 Lambright GL-5 Lambright GL-F Lambright GL-N Lambright L-X-28 Lambright X-15-3-A Lambright X-15-4 Lamesa 5 Lamesa 8 Lankart 142 Lankart 175 Lankart 311 Lankart 511 Lankart LX 571 Lankart PR 75 Linwood Ligur Ligur CT Lockett 77 Lockett BXL McDonald 3 McNair 210 McNair 220 McNair 235 McNair 511 McNair 612 Miscot 8806 Miscot 8839 MD51ne Mocha N 2108 SS New Mexico Acala #20 NG 1553 R NG 2448 R NG 3969 R Upland Cotton 357 JAJO 8190 358 KC 311 359 KC 380 360 Kings Acala M5 361 Kings Acala Plus 362 KSA81M 363 LA 887 Ref. no MD65-11ne (Table 3) 1450 (Fig. 10) C21578-2/Tamcot Sphinx Sel. Watson’s Acala via NM 1-19 via 1450 via 707 See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 McNair 1032 (Table 3) McNair 1032 and Coker 201 (Table 3) Lockett 4789, SP 12, and CA563 (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 No information on HI-67 at this printing; Other – see parents in Table 3 McNair 235-366=sel. of McNair 235 No additional info. given Lankart 3840 (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 CA852 (Table 3) CA852 (Table 3) Frego plant selection from normal bract cultivar CA1786 (Table 3) No info. available on Lambright 123BR-1 at this printing; Del Cerro (Table 3) No info. available on Lambright 123BR-1 at this printing; Del Cerro (Table 3) No info. available on Lambright 123BR-1 at this printing; Del Cerro (Table 3) No info. available on Lankart 3940 at this printing Lankart 3840 (Table 3) Parents from Tanzania LA434-RKR=DP 15/Clevewilt-6//DP 16 (LA 434 in CS18:199); See parents in Table 3 Glanded plant selection from glandless cultivar Metzer & Supak, 1990 has: McNair 3151/DP90 McNair 3150 (Table 3) T6310=Tex E364/SJ-2; T6133=C6TE/NMB3080; Pima S-4 (Table 3) Notes on Pedigree Lambright X-15-4/CA 852 Lambright X-15-4/CA 852 Sel. Lambright GL-5 Lambright GL-5/CA1786 Sel. Lambright X-15-3(= Lambright 123BR-1/Del Cerro) Sel. Lambright X-15-3 (= Lambright 123BR-1/Del Cerro) Lambright 123 BR-1/DeI Cerro Blightmaster A-5/Lankart 3940 Blightmaster A-5/Lankart 3840 Westburn M/Lockett 77 Sel. Lines Related to Lankart LX571 Lankart 175/Lankart 3840 Lockett 4789/3/Lockett 4789-A//SP52-67/79N.BV65 Lankart 57/Lankart 3840 Lockett 4789-A/SP11-671179N.BV65/HI-67 KNX-111/Acala SJ5 KH 390/McNair 235-366 sel. Ligur Lockett 4789-A/SP12-67//Lockett 4789A/CAS63 Lockett 4789 (31)/SP19//SP20 Sel. Lamesa 8 Rex/Atlas 182 CKR 201/PD2165 CKR 201/PD2165 Sel. McNair 1032 McNair 1032/CKR 201-16-B DES 119/Tamcot CDP 37 HP1H-1-186 DES 119/DP 90 DP90*3/MD65-11ne Sel. Lambright GL-4 Sel. Lambright 2020 LA 887/SG 125 DP Acala 90/McNair 235 McNair 220/McNair 3150 T6310/T6133//Pima S-4/3/DP61 Sel. Kings Acala M5 Sel. UKA59/240 DES 119/LA 434-RKR Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. 28 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Sel. CA3068 DES 119/H1330 Stv. 132/Stv. 453 H1215*4/Donor BG H1215*4/Donor RR H1220*2//H1215/DONOR BG///H1220*4//LA 887/DONOR RR H1220*4/Donor BG H1220*2//H1215/Donor BG///H1220*4//LA887/Donor RR H1220*5/Donor RR H1244*3/Donor BG H1244*3/Donor BG/H1244*3/Donor RR///H1244 H1244*3/Donor BG/H1244*3/Donor RR///H1244 H1244*3/Donor BG/H1244*3/Donor RR///H1244 Hx 92112/Terra C40 H1330*/Donor BG H1330*/Donor BG//H1330*/Donor RR///H1330 H1330*/Donor RR Paymaster PM 330 Paymaster 1199 RR Paymaster 1210 Paymaster 1215 BG Paymaster 1215 RR Paymaxster 1218 BG/RR Paymaster 1220 BG Paymaster 1220 BG/RR Paymaster 1220 RR Paymaster 1244 BG Paymaster 1244 BG/RR Paymaster 1244 RR Paymaster 1266 Paymaster 1277 Paymaster 1330 BG Paymaster 1330 BG/RR Paymaster 1330 RR 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 Pedigree Stormproof/Northern Star 11//Stormmaster Selection in commercial field near Littlefield, TX Sib. Stripper 31 Bt transgenic Coker 312/4*DP 5415 Bt transgenic Coker 312/4*DP 5690 DP 51 and SU Donor DP 5415 and SU Donor DP 5690 and SU Donor Nu 33B//04201/Dp. 5415 R sel. Nu 33B//04201/Dp. 5415 R sel. sel. Pima 79-105 Sel. PM 101 Sel. PM 111 Sel. Tamcot SP-21 347-355/PM 404 AZ 6024-11-1-2/DP5540//PM 101A/TAES B4 PM 18/PM I 11 Sel. PM 303 PM18/PM111 PM 202/5/Blightmaster/Empire KK/3/Shafter 011/4/PM202/Empire GL Sel. PM 909 PM Dwarf/Tenn. 59-538 PM266/New Mexico Acala//Westburn M/PM303 PM 105/146-21VF62 Acala SJ-4/5B9-184 107X329 123171-74/160X145 145521 PM 785/146055 107x329 123271-74/160xI45 125521 Cultivar Name Upland Cotton 402 Northern Star 5 403 Northern Star 998 404 Northern Star R-4A 405 NuCotn 33 406 NuCotn 35 407 NuCotn 64 408 NuCotn 66 409 NuCotn 68 410 OA-262R 411 OA-265BR 412 OA-304 413 Paymaster 101-B 414 Paymaster 111-A 415 Paymaster 145 416 Paymaster 147 417 Paymaster 266 418 Paymaster 303 419 Paymaster 404 420 Paymaster 505 421 Paymaster 784 422 Paymaster 785 423 Paymaster 792 424 Paymaster 892 425 Paymaster Dwarf 426 Paymaster HS 26 427 Paymaster HS200 428 Paymaster PM 183 429 Paymaster PM 280 Ref. no See parents in Table 3 Blightmaster, Empire, PM 202, and Shafter 011 (Table 3) Possible outcross; PM 909 (Table 3) No additional info. available Order of crosses assumed PM105 (Table 3); no additional info. available 5B9-184=Sel. PM266 107X.. =Tamcot 788/NMB4364; 160X...=NMB3080/B6-1380; most in Table 3 146055 = PM 266/Northern Star R4 107...=Tamcot 788/NMB4364; 160...=NMB3080/B6-1380; Most – see parents in Table 3 See Table 3 347-355=PM 111A-B4/A6-634 (from R.H. Sheetz, PC) AZ 6024, PM 101, and DP5540 (Table 3); TAES B4=B4LK (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 Pima 79-105=6503-33-3-1/6614-91-1-1 PM 101 (Table 3) PM 111 (Table 3) Stormmaster (Table 3); Northern Star=Sel. Lankart (Ramey, 1966) No additional info. given Table 3 Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 29 Cultivar Name Upland Cotton 447 Paymaster 1440 448 Paymaster 1560 BG 449 Paymaster 1560 BG/RR 450 Paymaster 1560 RR 451 Paymaster 2145 RR 452 Paymaster 2156 RR 453 Paymaster 2192 BG 454 Paymaster 2200 RR 455 Paymaster 2280 BG/RR 456 Paymaster 2320 RR 457 Paymaster 2326 BG/RR 458 Paymaster 2326 RR 459 Paymaster 2330 RR 460 Paymaster 2379 RR 461 PD-1 462 PD-2 463 PD-3 464 Phytogen 33 Acala 465 Phytogen GA 161 466 Phytogen PSC 355 467 Phytogen PSC 413 468 Phytogen 410 R 469 Phytogen 440 W 470 Phytogen 470 WR 471 Phytogen 480 WR 472 Phytogen 485 WR 473 Phytogen 590 R 474 Phytogen PSC 556 475 Phytogen PSC 569 476 Phytogen PSC 636 477 Phytogen 710 R 478 Phytogen GA 894 479 Phytogen PSC 952 480 Pioneer Brand PR 68 481 PR 80 482 Prolific Stormproof 483 Pronto 484 Quapaw 485 Quapaw D 486 Raider 202 487 Raider 271 488 Ranger 55 489 Ranger 64-2 490 Ranger BB-53 491 Ranger RV-12 Ref. no Notes on Pedigree sel. Ga. 161 Tex Quickie/Stv. 453//Ark. 8506 Lockett 4789/SP-52-67//Lockett 4789-A/79N, BV65 Tamcot SP-23/52o, BV65 Western Stormproof/Acala 1517BR2 Sel. La. Super Okra 2, Composite of 4 lines Complex cross of Nucala, AHA, Rowden, Hopi, Stormproof, Empire WR. Sel. Quapaw Sel. M3 of PMHS200 Sel. M3 of PM HS 200 Sel. Little’s Special Sel. Ranger RV-64 Stripper 31/PM111-A Sel. CA1072 LA 887/LA 8500 82 FN//MD51ne/LA 887 LA 887/MD51ne Stripper 31 (Table 3) CA1072 (Table 3) Little’s Special=Sel. Macha; Macha (Fig. 9) See parents in Table 3 52o, BV65 (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 La. Super Okra 2 = M8 Super Okra Leaf, BC4/6*STV 7A; M8 and STV 7A (Table 3) Metzer et al., 1984 has: “Pedigree similar to Stripper 31”; See Fig. 17 HS 23/DP 5415 H1560*3/Donor BG H1560*5/Donor BG//H1560*5/Donor RR///H1560 H1560*4/Donor RR Paymaster 145*5/Donor RR Recurrent Parent DP 2156 PM 183*4/Donor BG Paymaster HS200*5/Donor RR Paymaster HS200*4/DonorBG.Paymaster HS200*4/Donor RR///Paymaster HS200 TEJAS*4/Donor RR Paymaster HS26*4/Donor BG//Paymaster HS26*4/Donor RR///Paymaster HS26 Paymaster HS26*5/Donor RR PM 330*4/Donor RR Recurrent Parent DP 2379 also seen as PM 2379 PD4381/PD8623 See parents in Table 3 FTA 266/Atlas//AC235/Dixie King FTA, Atlas, AC, Dixie King (Fable 3) PD9363/PD9240 See parents in Table 3 Sel. Acala Prema 91-29/ Coker 315//GA 78-17/DP 90///Auburn 244////M725/PD 6208 DES 949/Acala 1517-88 DES 119/B18-10 B18-10=USDAAcala breeding line Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. 30 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Cultivar Name Upland Cotton 492 Ranger RV-64 493 Ranger TM-62 494 Rex 713 495 Rilcot 90 496 Rilcot 90-A 497 Rilcot 95 498 Rilcot Balebuster-1 499 Rilcot Drylander 289 500 Rilcot RK-6 501 Rilcot Stripper N 502 Rogers 7590 503 Rogers GL-6 504 Rogers LG 86 505 Rogers LG-10 506 Rogers LG-102 507 S-35 508 S-55 509 San Simon Del Cerro 510 SC-1 511 Sicot 53 512 Sicot 70 513 Sicot 72 514 Sicot 80 515 Sicot 189 516 Siokra L23 517 Siokra S-102 518 Siokra V-16 519 Siokra V-17 520 Sisco 772 521 Si Samrong 60 522 Simwalt 82 523 SNI-15 524 Southland 400 525 Southland M1 526 Southwest 222 527 Southwest 227 528 Southwest 584 529 SS 9501 530 SS 9815 531 SS 9907 532 SS 9901 533 Stoneville 112 534 Stoneville 132 535 Stoneville 239 536 Stoneville 256 Ref. no ACQ 1217-3-2/SI Samrong 2 Tamcot 24/3306 No information available at this printing DP 6434-58-61/PM 266-B9-24-2 DP 6434-58-61/PM 266-B9-24-2 TAES MAR strain/Auburn M Sel. Southwest 2 Sel. TAES, Lubbock breeding line Sel. DES 119 KNH 390/McNair 235-366 DES 422/Dp. 90 KNX 111/Acala SJ5 Sel. STV 213 Sel. MC-T8-27-8C Sel. STV 132 Sel. STV 7 Sel. CA614 Lewis/Tamcot CAMD-E Sel. Rex Smoothleaf-66 Sel. Macha Sel. Rilcot 90 Selection in the Rilcot breeding program CA49l/RiIcot Stripper N Selection in the Rilcot breeding program CA1786/Rilcot breeding material Sel. CA 398 Quapaw/Lyman G11//2*RDC 10N W6/4*M8//Del Cerro/3/W6/4*M8948//Lankart 57 EC 8/Rogers LG-102 TX AES Lines/Glandless From Ferris Watson Seed Co. Rogers LG-10/Glandless, Nectariless From TX AES Sel. McNair 235 Sel. MD82ne Sel. Del Cerro CKR 421/PD4398 183/CS 50 Sicala V-1/94009-47 83055-33-1111/CS 50 9003-118/Sicot 189 DP 90/Tamcot SP37H//DP 90 Siokra 1-1/DP 90 Sicala V-1/Siokra S 324 Sel Siokra V-15 Siokra V-15/Sicala V-2 Pedigree STV 7 (Table 3) STV 213 (Table 3) MC-T8-27-8C (Table 3) McNair 235-366=sel. of McNair 235 DP6434 (Table 3) DP6434 (Table 3) Auburn M (Table 3); no additional info. available Southwest 2= crosses between MAR and nematode resistant strains No additional info. available ACQ...=A 200/Carolina Queen; Sl Samrong 2=Complex interspecific Tamcot 24 = SP24 (Table 3), 3306=-Im2/OK 13-2; Im2 (Table 3) MD82ne (Table 3) Blend of 6 plant selections; Del Cerro (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 No additional info. given CA491 (Table 3) No additional info. given CA1786 (Table 3); no additional info. available CA398 (Table 3) RDC 10N=Sel. Rogers LG 10; Lyman G11=TAES glandless line W6=Watson Stormproof B-29; Other – see parents in Table 3 EC 8=Line from E. Cook of Lubbock Christian College, Lubbock, TX No additional info. at this printing No additional info. at this printing CA614 (Table 3) Lewis (Table 3) Rex Smoothleaf-66—Sel. Rex Smoothleaf (Table 3) Macha (Fig. 9) Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 31 Cultivar Name 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 Stoneville 3539 R Stoneville 3664 R Stoneville 4563 B2 Stoneville 4575 BR Stoneville 4646 B2R Stoneville 4686 R Stoneville 4691 B Stoneville 4740 BG Stoneville 4793 R Stoneville 4892 BR Stoneville 5222 B2 Stoneville 5242 BR Stoneville 5303 R Stoneville 5599 BR Stoneville 6636 BR Stoneville 6848 R Stoneville BR-110 Stoneville BR-115 Stoneville BXN 16 Stoneville BXN 49B Stripper 31A Stroman 254 Sure-Grow 1001 Sure-Grow 96 Sure-Grow 105 Sure-Grow 125 Sure-Grow 125B/R Sure-Grow 125R Sure Grow 150 BR Upland Cotton 537 Stoneville 302 538 Stoneville 324 539 Stoneville 373 540 Stoneville 453 541 Stoneville 457 542 Stoneville 468 543 Stoneville 474 544 Stoneville 495 545 Stoneville 506 546 Stoneville 580 547 Stoneville 603 548 Stoneville 731N 549 Stoneville 825 550 Stoneville 907 551 Stoneville 1553 R 552 Stoneville 2448 R Ref. no DP Acala 90/DP 120 DP Acala 90/DP 70 ST 132 *6/Coker 130 BXN ST 474 *4/HX 1422 Event 531 Complex cross of: Roldo Rowden #5 & #27, Empire WR, BBR 4-1-36 B2 Formerly, “GSA-254”; “Sel. out of Acala-type cotton” McNair 235/DP Acala 90 Delcot 344/Deltapine 5415 D6-70/B3-33 DP 50/3*DES 119 Sure-Grow 125*3/Donor BG//Sure-Grow 125*3/Donor RR///Sure-Grow 125 Sure-Grow25*3/Donor RR Recurrent Parent SG 501 6MO21 *5/Donor Parent Event 1445 Recurrent Parent LA 887 STV 474 *4/HX 1422 Event 531 and 1445 STV 474 *4/HX 1422 Events 531 and 1445 STV 474 *4/HX 1422 Event 531 Recurrent Parent Stv. 474 STV 474 *4/Donor Parent Events 531 and 15985 Recurrent Parent Stv. 132 STV 453/DES 119 STV 453/DP 50 STV 7/STVX1834 Stv. 468/DP 5415 STV 7/AUB 257-202 STV 7A/Meyer 76-4 Sel. STV 731N DES 06-20-24/STV 18777N or DES 24/STV825 PM 266-69/STV 213 Stoneville 42-41688/Stoneville 804-41055 Stv. 132/Stv. 6413 STV 603/STV 213 Stv. 468/La. 887 Pedigree HX 1422=donor parent Presumed pedigree in Fig. 17 No additional info. available No additional info. available HX 1422=donor parent DES 06-20-24=DES24; STV 1877N=STV825 STV 7 (Table 3); AUB 257-202 = sib. Auburn 56 (Table 3) STV 7A (Table 3); Meyer 76-8=BC2 STV 7A to nectariless source (Meredith/PC) STV 7 (Table 3); No info. available on STVX1834 STV 213 (Table 3) STV 213 (Table 3) Parents were Stoneville Pedigreed Seed experimental lines of unknown parentage Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. 32 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Cultivar Name 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 Tamcot 788 Tamcot CAB-CS Tamcot CAMD-E Tamcot CD3H Tamcot GCNH Tamcot HQ95 Tamcot Luxor Tamcot Pyramid Tamcot SP21 Tamcot SP21S Tamcot SP23 Tamcot SP37 Tamcot SP37H Tamcot Sphinx Tejas Terra 207 Terra 292 Terra 302 Terra 366 Terra C-30 Terra C-40 Terra SR-10 Texas 121 Texas 224 Texas 244 Upland Cotton 582 Sure Grow 150 R 583 Sure-Grow 180 584 Sure-Grow 209 585 Sure-Grow 215 BG/RR 586 Sure-Grow 248 587 Sure-Grow 348 588 Sure-Grow 404 589 Sure-Grow 501 590 Sure-Grow 521 BR 591 Sure-Grow 521 R 592 Sure-Grow 585 B 593 Sure-Grow 585 R 594 Sure-Grow 622 595 Sure-Grow 747 596 Sure-Grow 821 597 SV 13 598 SV 93 599 Tamcot 22 600 Tamcot 2111 Ref. no CA398/P1874 CAMD-21-S-78/BCUS-8-76 MDR.SP7-67/17M2//SP46-67/17M2 Tamcot SP37H/CDPS-1-77 CAMD-21S-5-80/GN-8-76 Tamcot CD3H/MAR-CABU’CS-2-1-83 CA BUCAHuGS-1-88/CABUCAG8US-1-88 Tamcot Sphinx/CD3HGCBU8S-1-91 K4808-5 (1&2)D//B’master/39-11-20/3/K4808-5 (1&2)A/ SP21F/SP33F//SP21V/SP37V K4808-5 (1&2)D//B’master/39-11-20/3/K4808-5 (1&2A/ K4808-5 (1&2)D//B’master/39-11-20/3/K4808-5 (1&2)A/ 66N, B.V.65/52o, B.V.65 MAR-CDP37HPIH-1-1-86/Sel. PM 145 Sel. CA3064 DES24/DES56 CKR 420-511/DES 24 STV 731N/PD 875 STV 825/DP 16 6942-051/DES 56 6942-051/DES 56 DP 6434/CA 1073 Sel. C21S781-2 HQ 95/DP 20 Recurrent Parent SG 501 Delcot 344/Deltapine 5415 Delcot 344/Deltapine 5415 Recurrent Parent SG 125 Mo89-117/Deltapine 5415 Mo89-117/Deltapine 5415 DP 50/DES 119 DES 119/DES 237-7 Recurrent Parent SG 125 Recurrent Parent SG 125 DES 119*4/Donor BG DES 119*3/Donor RR Quickie/D3*28 Plant selection of Sure-Grow 125 D6-73/C2-9 Sel. DP 16 Sel. DP 16 TAM 87G3-27/TAM 88 G-104 PD 6142/unknown Pedigree CKR 420-511 was a smooth-leaf strain from Coker Pedigreed Seed Co. See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 6942-051=DP 16 Background; See DP 50 6942-051=DP 16 Background; See DP 50 See parents in Table 3 CD3HGCBU85=CD3HCAHUGH-2-88/CABUCAG8US-1-88 Bmaster=Blightmaster; See parents in Table 3; Bulk of similar strains Parents are strains of Tamcot SP21 & SP37; Composite of H4-14-71 & H4-18-72 Bmaster=Blightmaster; See parents in Table 3; Bulk of similar strains Bmaster=-Blightmaster; See parents in Table 3; Bulk of similar strains See parents in Table 3; Composite of strains, H2-45-74, H2-46-74, and H2-47-74 MAR-CDP...= MAR breeding line CA3064 (Table 3) Unknown identified as “high strength line of unknown origin from John Gannaway” See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 Parents are strains of Tamcot SP21 and SP37, all with pedigree=92K/62K (Table 3) CDPS-1-77 (Table 3) See parents in Table 3 MAR-CABU’CS-2-1-83=Sib Tamcot CAB-CS DP 16 (Table 3) DP 16 (Table 3) DES 119 exp. designation = S11-9-27; DES237-7 (Table 3) Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 33 Cultivar Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Upland Cotton 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 Buffalo CH252 CH253 Cobalt Pima Conquistador DP 340 Pima DP White Pima Dp HTO Pima Dp 744 Deltapine 9911 Pima OA-304 Oro Blanco Pima Palo Verde Pima S-5 Pima S-6 Pima S-7 Platnium Pima PSC S-7 Pima PHY 76 Pima PHY 800 Pima UAPX-006 Ultra UTE Westburn 70 Westburn M Western 44 WG 4207 WG 8120 Wiltmaster 569 Wiltmaster 571 Upland Cotton 626 Texas 300 627 Thorpe 628 Tifcot 56 629 TPSA 1633 630 TSP 333-HS 631 UAPX-001 632 UAPX-003 Ref. no Pima S-5/ancestor of Coyote Se1. P79-103 Sel. Pima S-6 OA 304/W402 Sel. Pima 79-106 67205/65482 G-8572/7802 G-8566/7202-2 86-293/P74 No information available at this printing Sel. Pima 79-106 Sel. Pima S-6 Pima S-5/Brown linted plant//A 3 PT/3/195 Pima 3-79/Pima S-1//Pima S-1/3/Pima S4 5934-23-2-6/5903-98-4-4 6614-91-93/6907-513-509-501 P82/P94 H 439/H 424 P 625/H 417 Pima S-7//H 430/H 435 CA1056-69-10//AZ6024/DP5540 CA803/AZ6024 C120/DP20 Blend of unknown materials DP 90/Tamcot CAB-CS Sel. Westburn (Im2/22-3)F3 4-1//Westburn BC4 Acala 44/Western Stormproof Sel. C300-91 Lankart 611/Fox 42-5//Fox 42-5 PD4381/CKR 310 Sel. breeding line 62-0-10 “...selection process from hybrid germplasm” C32/DP20 C110/DES119 Pedigree H 439, H 424 = reselections from Pima S-6 P 635 = reselection of USDA P53 H 430, H 435 = reselections of Pima S-6 6614=Sib. Pima S-6; 6907=P28/Pima S-4 Selected for green lint, no additional info. available See parents in Table 3 Pima 79-106 in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 Pima 79-106 in Table 3 P79-103=6503/6612 See parents in Table 3 See parents in Table 3 Westburn (Table 3) Im2, Westburn (Table 3), 4-1=STV 20/Acala 5675 (Ramey, 1966)? See parents in Table 3 C300-91=S295/2*Tamcot HQ 95 Lankart 611, Fox 42 in Table 3 PD4381 (Table 3) No additional info. given No additional info. available C32=G&P 3774/McNair 220 C110=PM 4298/CAMD-E/3/40W-10/sel. SP 37//PD 9363; 40W-10=Lockett breeding line C120=PM 4298/PD 9233//sel. SP 37 Notes on Pedigree Table 2 (continued). Pedigrees of cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 2005. 34 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Synonymous w/ B4 or TAES B4 Parents in Table 3. Parents in Table 3. No additional info. available Probably AXTE/Lankart 57 KP from Africa Acala P18C (Fig. 10) Fig. 10 Not in Staten, 1971 Acala 1517V (Table 2) Also Fig. 10 Fig. 10 Also Fig. 10 Fig. 14 Fig. 14 Fig. 14 Fig. 14 Fig. 14 Fig. 14 Fig. 6 Fig. 6 Fig. 16 Also Fig. 10 Also Fig. 10 Watson’s Acala (Fig. 10) Also Fig. 10 Also Fig. 10 K3131 from Africa 87-49=Unidentified Missouri line Also Fig. 16 1-2302 (or 12302) 250 349-25 350-26 49W 8373 88-2305 9136 Acala 1517 Acala 1517 BR-2 Acala 1517B Acala 1517D Acala 216 Acala 2187 Acala. 2503 Acala 29 Acala 4-42 Acala 4-42-77 Acala 44 Acala 49 Acala 51 Acala 5675 Acala 840 Acala 8874 AcaIa P18C Acala Q6-2 AHA 6-1 Atlas 182 Atlas 261 Atlas 302 Atlas 352 Atlas 66 Atlas 67 Auburn 56 Auburn M AXTE-1 AZ5909 AZ6010 AZ6024 AZ6401 AZ7209 B1413 B2724 B4164 B4LK B5663 B 16662 AXTE-1/NM2302 Sel. 8373 K3131/Unidentified John Cotton wilt line Unidentified John Cotton Acala line/87-49 Acala 49/Hartsville Acala ? with introgression of Arizona Long Staple 120 (G. barbadense) Sel. USDA 6-005 which is T7044/S4959. S5459=12302-4//C6TE/NM 7378 Complex cross w/Tanguis and Arizona Long Staple 120, BC to Acala 1517 types Sel. Watsons Acala via Young’s Acala via 329 via 504 via 1064 8373/STV 20//Acala 216/3/Acala 49/Hartsville Sel. Watson’s Acala via 707 via 233 via 2652 via 6068 via 3754 Cross of 2 exp. strains of unknown parentage, Probable introgression of G. barbadense Sel. Acala 1517B Acala 2503/Coquett//Acala 840 Exp. Acala strain/Sib. original Acala 1517 Sel. Acala 1517 (see Fig. 10) Sel. Acala 1517 (Plant #4 in 1942) (Possibly outcrossed to Missdel Acala) Sel. Acala 4-42 (see Fig. 10) Santan Acala/Acala 1517 Sel. Acala 1517B Missdel/Acala P18C//Acala 29 Sel. Acala #5 Unknown Acala 1517V/Acala 2187 Sel. Acala P12; P12 selected before 1928 from Selection #1 of the original Acala (from 1907) Sel. Original Acala via P12 via #1 HA76/sel. no. 5-12 of Acala 1517 Pandora/Florida Green Seed//Early Fluff/3/AHA 6-1-4/4/Triple Hybrid 458 Pandora/Florida Green Seed//Early Fluff/3/AHA 6-1-4/4/Triple Hybrid 458/5/AC 239 Pandora/Florida Green Seed//Early Fluff/3/AHA 6-1-4/4/Triple Hybrid 458/5/Empire Atlas 302//C6-5/Earlistaple Mix of Atlas 261 line and Atlas 352 lines Mix of Atlas 352 selections Cook 307-6/2*CKR 100//CKR 100W Sel. Auburn 56 Acala 5l//TH 458/2*Early Fluff AXTE/ 8 to 10 Acala lines Complex, Incl.: Acala, Triple Hybrid, Early Fluff, and Lankart 57 349-25/AHA/4/350-26/3/49W/ROXE//KP/C108 Exp. designation of AZ64 (see Table 2) 6608/1209-6-19-7-69 250/49W//250/9136 T6886/S5548; T6886=C6TE/NMB3080; S5548=C6TE/NMB 3080 T7538/S4959; T7538=S196/1900-1; S4959=1230-4//C6TE/NMB7378 Lankart 57 background with B4 gene for bacterial blight resistance T 5690/T 7044 T 6757/T 7044 Pedigree Notes Strain/cultivar name Pedigree Table 3. Pedigrees of breeding lines and obsolete cultivars included in pedigrees of recent cultivars. TAES Bul. L-2240 CS32:831 Turner, 1974 Ramey, 1966 Staten, 1971 T. Kerr, Unpublished T. Kerr, Unpublished T. Kerr, Unpublished T. Kerr, Unpublished T. Kerr, Unpublished T. Kerr, Unpublished Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 T. Kerr, Unpublished W. Fisher/PC AZ AES release memo W. Fisher/PC AZ AES release memo W. Fisher/PC Staten, 1971 CS32:831 CS18:163-164 Staten, 1971 Staten, 1971 S.R Oakley/PC Staten, 1971 Staten, 1971 Turner, 1974 Ramey, 1966 Turner, 1974 Staten, 1971 W. Fisher/PC W. Fisher/PC Staten, 1971 Staten, 1971 PVP Exhibit A 9900197 Staten, 1971 Staten, 1971 Staten, 1971 Staten, 1971 Staten, 1971 Source Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 35 B3302 B1644 Bayou Bayou 7769 BBR Blightmaster Bonham C108 C6-5 (AKA C6) C6TE CA1003 CA1056 CA1072 CA1073 CA1076 CA122 CA1786 CA291A CA3004 CA3006 CA3016 CA3026 CA3029 CA3064 CA3068 CA398 CA488 CA491 CA550 CA563 CA614 CA659 CA663 CA702 CA758 CA788 CA803 CA852 CA958 CA961 Clevewilt Coker 100 Coker 100 Staple Coker 100W Coker 201 Coker 413 Coker 421 CA291A/89A//CA122; 89A=Macha/2*Acala Acala 49//Express/Egyptian/3/KP (African)/C108 C.B.3051 (Yugoslav)/Stormrider CA291A/Shafter 011 Lankart 611W/CA398-56-4 CA488/CA398-56-4 CA291A/CA550 CA398/3/CA291A/Empire KK//Aub. 155-156 CA491//STV Smoothleaf/CA291A CA659/CA398 C398/P1874 Del Cerro/CA398 CA291A-60B//CA291A-60A/Shafter 011/3/P1874/4/CA398 Nectariless/3 (or 4)*CA291A CA491/Del Cerro Cleveland 884/Dixie Triumph Sel. STV 2 (possibly outcrossed to Coker Foster) Sel. Coker 100 Sel. Coker 100 (probably outcrossed to Clevewilt) Set. Carolina Queen (see Fig. 5) Glabrous off-type in Coker 100 Wilt/Coker Wilds Sel. Coker 413 S196/1900-1 C6TE/NMB3080 Deltapine 15/Clevewilt 6 Sel. of Bayou Sel. Jackson Round Boll via STV 2B via STV 5 via Lone Star Stormmaster *2/4-1; 4-1=STV20/Acala 5675 Empire/Lankart B4//Tamcot SP21; Lankart B4=B4LK (Table 3) Wilt resistant Acala line from TX AES, El Paso, Q6-2 Acala/Hopi Mencopi//?*Acala; i.e. unknown number of backcrosses to unknown Acalas C6-5//TH458/Early Fluff CA958/CA702 CA803/AZ6024 CA614/E364 CA614 (V538)/AZ6024-11-1 CA491/AZ6024-11-1 Macha/Rogers Acala 111; Same pedigree as Stormmaster CA961/CA1003 STV 20/Acala 5675//2*CA122 (Thaxton/PC has “Blightmaster with B7 gene”) Strain/cultivar name Pedigree Fig. 5 Fig. 5 Fig. 5 CA788=Tamcot 788 Express (Fig. 3) Same pedigree as Blightmaster Parents in Fig. 9 and 10 Fig. 7 for Hopi Acala origin Fig. 4 Fig. 9; See also CA291A Tamcot SP21 (Table 2) Pedigree Notes D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 Ware, 1950 Ramey, 1966 L. May/PC CS19:410 CS19:410 D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 Metzer & Supak, 1990 W. Fisher/PC Turner, 1974 S.R. Oakley/PC D.F. Owen/PC Metzer et al., 1984 D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC D.F. Owen/PC Source Table 3 (continued). Pedigrees of breeding lines and obsolete cultivars included in pedigrees of recent cultivars. 36 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Coker 67-109 Coker Wilds Cook 307-6 Cook Improved Coquette Del Cerro Deltapine 14 Deltapine 15 Deltapine 16 Deltapine 45 Deltapine 5540 Deltapine 6434 Deltapine Smoothleaf Demeter DES 237-7 Dixie King E364 Earlistaple Early Fluff Empire Empire WR Fox 4 Fox 42 GC-210 GC-9033 GC-100 GC-303 Gregg G5559 G5522 HA 76 Hartsville Hopicala HYC74-283 HYC76-59 Im2 John Cotton Polycross L2950 La. HG 063 La. 434 RKR Lankart Lankart 3840 Lankart 57 Lankart 611 Lewis Lockett 4789 Lubbock 4 Unknown Deltatype Weber/Lightning Express Sel. Cook Improved Sel. Beat-All; Probably outcrossed to Dickson LA AES strain of unknown parentage Sealand/Mesilla Valley Acala (MVA)//MVA/Triple Hybrid (TH)/3/MVA/TH//AHA 6-1-4/MVA DP 11/DP 10 Sel. DP 14 DP Smoothleaf/Fox 4-4205; Fox 4-4205=DP 45=Sel. Fox 4 Sel. Fox 4; =Fox 4-4205 Auburn 56/DP 15 Sib. or Sel. DP SR-5 (Table 2) Sel. DP 15 DES HAF 277/Pima S-3//2*Upland DES2134-018/DP 5916-65; DES2134-018 = sib. DES 56; DP 5916-65 = Sel. DP 16 Coker 100W/Empire WR//Bobsbaw 1; Bobshaw 1=Sel. STV 5A (see Tex E364) Tidewater Acala/Coker Wilds Station C/Empire; Station C=Sel. Clevewilt STV 2/Cook 307-6 Sel. Empire Sel. Fox; Fox=STV 2/DP 14 Probable synonym for Fox 4-4205 (see DP 45) Sel. SB3-3 USDA Acala Breeding Line Dp. 30/Coker 304 GC -210/Dp. 50//DES 119 GC-210/Dp. 50//Dp. 90 Sel. Macha C6TE/NM 7378//G8160 C6TE/NM 7370//G0042/SJ2 Hopi Moencopi/Acala Q 6-2; =Hopi Acala 76 Indirect Sel. Wyche Sel. no. 4447 from AHA 6-1-5 Mass Cross w/: (Half & Half, Quapaw, Stripper 31, PM 18, M059-1021) / (71CX-15, 71C-18) Sel. HYC74-283 Unknown Intercross: Acalas(Hopicala, 7378, 8229, 2302), Aub 56, STV213, DP smoothleaf, PM111 G5559/G5522 La. HG 83-1-1546/La. HG 1838-1497; Parents from intercross of STV 213 and XG-1 5 progeny Bayou 7769/Dp 16 Indirect Sel. Petit Gulf Sel. Lankart 57 Sel. Lankart Sel. Lankart 57 Experimental designation = Tx-Le6873 Lone Star/Lockett 88A Unknown Strain/cultivar name Pedigree Fig. 9 Fig. 9 TAES line Fig. 9 Fig. 3 C.L. Roberts/PC Blend of 5 double crosses Ramey, 1966 NilesIPC Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 R. Holland/PC Ramey, 1966 CS28:200 Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 Staten, 1971 CS21:991-992 CS21:991-992 Culp & Harrell, 1974 Turner, 1952 Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 K.R. Jones/PC PVP Exhibit A 200000175 PVP Exhibit A 200000175 PVP Exhibit A 200000177 PVP Exhibit A 200000178 Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 CS18:163-164 Staten, 1971 K.R. Jones/PC K.R. Jones/PC K.R. Jones/PC K.R. Jones/PC K.R. Jones/PC PVP # 9000154, Ex. A Ramey, 1966 Proc 1981 BWCC, p. 94 CS27:1316 Ramey, 1966 Source Fig. 7 Fig. 2 Also Fig. 10 No additional info. given Fig. 9 Fig. 4 =Empire WR?; Fig. 4 Fig. 8 Fig. 8 DES HAF 277 in CS 13:778 DES56 (Table 2), DP16 (Table 3) Fig. 5 Also Fig. 10 Also Fig. 8 Also Fig. 8 Parents in Fig. 8 Also Fig. 8 Also Fig. 8 AKA, Wilds (Fig. 6) Fig. 3 Fig. 3; Possible synonym, Cook Pedigree Notes Table 3 (continued). Pedigrees of breeding lines and obsolete cultivars included in pedigrees of recent cultivars. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 37 M11 M8 M8948 MC-T8-27-8C McNair 1032 McNair 3150 McNair 7125 MD 82 ne MD65-11ne Mesilla Valley Acala Miscot 7803-52 Missdel MO-Del M063-277 MO63-277BR2A NM2302 NM49-2 NM7403 NMB3080 NMB4364 NMB7378 Nucala P1874 Pandora Paymaster 101 Paymaster 105 Paymaster 111 Paymaster 18 Paymaster 202 Paymaster 54 Paymaster 909 Rex Rex Smoothleaf Rowden ROXE S1603 Sealand 542 Shafter 011 Socorro Island Stardel Stoneville 20 Stoneville 213 Stoneville 7 Stoneville 7A Stormmaster Stripper 31 T5690 Nectariless stock from J.R. Meyers Doubled haploid of DP 14 Original designation of M8 DES 56/Tamcot SP37 Sel. Auburn 56 McNair7125/CKR 310 Atlas 92/Rex DES 24/DES 24-8ne//DES 24; DES 24-8ne=DP 16 nectariless on DES 24 background FTA 263-20/4*DP 16//2*Deltapine 16ne; Deltapine 16 ne = nectariless isoline of DP 16 Sel. Watson’ Acala via 707 via 1450 via Mesa Acala DES 56/MAR-22-74; DES 56 (Table 2); MAR-22-74 = “Advanced line from Texas A&M Univ.” Sel. Foster TH108/AHA 6-1-4//Cook/Empire/3/Tanguis/4/Pandora/Early Fluff/5/Early Fluff 310/6/2*Aub. 56 Exp. designation of Delcot 277 (see Table 2) Crosses among: Delcot 277, MoDel, Auburn 56 Exp. designation of Acala 1517D (see Fig. 10) Sel. Acala 49 Unknown Acala 49W/9136 Exp. designation of Acala 1517-70 (see, Table 2) Acala 2503/Coquette Sel. original Acala via 5-37 via #5 via #3 High strength line from El Paso; Pedigree unknown Station C/Station 21; Station C=Sel. Clevewilt; Station 21=Sel. Dixie Triumph PM 54/9-1; 9-1=Stoneville 20/Acala 5675 PM 54/Macha/2*PM 54 PM 101/Lankart 611 Rowden/Empire//Empire/3/Oklahoma 4-1-3-6B2 Sel. PM 101 Sel. Kekchi PM 101/CA 2 BBR/2*Empire Dwarf Smoothleaf/2*BBR//Empire/2*Rex Sel. Bohemian Unidentified John Cotton line AXTE-1/NM 2302 Bleak Hall (a Sea Island)/5*Coker Wilds glandless line from Shafter, CA Wild G. hirsutum collection with high gossypol content from Socorro Island, Mexico Dp 14/Stv. 20 Sel. Jackson Round Boll via STV 5A via STV 5 via Lone Star Sel. Jackson Round Boll via STV 7 via STV 2B via STV 5 via Lone Star; Selection 54213 Sel. Jackson Round Boll via STV 2B via STV 5 via Lone Star Sel. Jackson Round Boll via STV 7 via STV 2B via STV 5 via Lone Star; Selection 54204 Macha/Acala 111 SP31-66-2373; no additional info. available at this printing C6TE/NM 3080 Strain/cultivar name Pedigree Ramey, 1966 C.W. Manning/PC Ramey, 1966 C.W. Marnning/PC Ramey, 1966 R.H. Sheetz/PC Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Fig. 9; Same pedigree as CA122 Probable Pedigree in Fig. 17 Sib. Acala SJ-2 (Table 2) Sib. Acala 1517V (Table 2) Fig. 10 Parents in Fig. 5 Fig. 9 Parents in Fig. 9 Fig. 9 Okla..=Sel. Acala (Ware, 1950)? Fig. 9 Fig. 9 CA 2=Acala/Hopi Fig. 7 Fig. 7 Fig. 3 J. Econ. Ent 62:588 W.M. Meredith/PC W.M. Meredith/PC CS28:1035 Ramey, 1966 L. Roberts/PC L. Roberts/PC W.M. Meredith/PC CS33:1415 Staten, 1971 CS 29:242-243 Ramey, 1966 Kerr, Unpublished CS12:126-127 CS25:198 Turner, 1974 Assumed Source Staten, 1971 CS18:164 Staten, 1971 Ramey, 1966 D.F. Owen/PC Turner, 1952 Ramey, 1966 G.A. Niles/PC Ramey, 1966 R.H. Sheetz/PC Ramey, 1966 Ramey,1966 R.H. Sheets/PC Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 Ramey, 1966 W. Fisher/PC J.F. Mahill/PC Culp & Harrell, 1974 D.F. Owen/PC J. Econ. Ent. 62:588 Not in Staten, 1971 Fig. 7 Fig. 15 Also Fig. 15 No additional info. given DES 24 in Table 2 FTA = PD breeding line (Table 3) Parents in Table 2 Fig. 6 Pedigree Notes Table 3 (continued). Pedigrees of breeding lines and obsolete cultivars included in pedigrees of recent cultivars. 38 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 TH 108/AHA 6-1-4/3/Cook/Empire/Tanguis/4/Pandora/Early Fluff/5/Early Fluff 310 Auburn 56/Western Stormproof Western Prolific*2/Macha See Coker Wilds, this table Socorro lsland/DP 15//2*M11 Sel. C6TE C6TE/NMB3080 AXTE 1-57/Tex E364 Wilt tolerant G. barbadense from Peru Strain from Escaleta Station, El Paso, TX, Unknown pedigree G. arboreum/G. thurberi//3*Coker 100/3/Cook 144-133/4/4Coker 100 WB TH 108/Rowden 2088//Empire 8/3/Empire 10 G. arboreum/G. thurberi//3*Coker 100/3/Cook 144-133/4/Coker 100WR G. arboreum/G. thurberi//3*Coker 100/3/Cook 144-133/4/Coker 100WR Multiple Adversity Resistance (MAR) germplasm from Texas AES, College Station 101-102B Sel. SP52-67 39-11-20 Glandless genetic stock from Scott Mc Michael, Cotton Res. Ctr., Shafter, CA 52o, B.V. 65 K4808-5 (1&2)D//Blightmaster/39-11-20/3/K4808-5 (1&2)D/PayM54-M-105-3 61K K4805-5 (1&2)D//CA291A/39-11-20 62K K4805-5 (1&2)D//CA291A/39-11-20 66N, B.V.56 K4808-5 (1&2)D//Blightmaster/39-11-20/3/K4808-5 (1&2)D/PayM54-M-105-3 79N,BV65 K4808-5 (1&2)D//Blightmaster/39-11-20/3/K4808-5 (1&2)D/PayM54-M-105-3 92K K4805-5 (1&2)A/PayM54-105-3 93K K4805-5 (l&2)A/PayM54-l05-3 BCUS-8-76 H4-10-71 (from intercross of Tamcot SP21, SP23, and SP37)/Blank-1-73 Blank-1-73 UNKNOWN/ASP-3-69; ASP-3-69=Lewis-12-71=Tamcot SP23/A8-64; A8-64—BC to Texcala CAMD-21-S-78 21’-18-71 (strain of Tamcot SP21)/H4-14-71 (strain of Tamcot SP21S) CAMD-21S-5 21-18 (strain of Tamcot SP21)/H4-14-71 (strain of Tamcot SP21S) CDPS-1-77 H4-14-71 (strain of Tamcot SP21S)DPxP-4BR DPxP4BR B4LK/SPHI-4-BR GN-8 GN-1 (glandless, nectariless genetic stock)/H3-6 (strain of Tamcot SP23) H4-14-71 One of two component lines of Tamcot SP21S K4805-5 (1&2)A Empire WR w/ bacterial blight genes B2B3 from Knight BAR (G. barbadense) ORHU-1-78 ORS-59/Blank-1-73; ORS-59=MDR 17M2-1 (a strain of SP21I)IORLG (an okra-frego stock) PayM54-M-105-3 Paymaster 54 breeding stock obtained in 1956 SP 11-67 92K/61K; a strain of Tamcot SP23 (Table 2) SP 12 92K/61K; a strain of Tamcot SP23 (Table 2) SP 19 Strain of Tamcot SP21 (Table 2) SP 20 Strain of Tamcot SP21 (Table 2) SP 24 CA398/P1874 SP 52-67 92K/61K; a strain of Tamcot SP23 (Table 2) SPHI-4 Tri-species hybrid Tamcot 788A CA398/P1874 T6757 T6754 T7044 Tanguis Tex E364 TH (Triple Hybrid) 108 TH (Triple Hybrid) 149 TH (Triple Hybrid) 171 TH (Triple Hybrid) 458 Tidewater Acala TJ x EF 310 Westburn Western Stormproof Wilds XG-15 Strain/cultivar name Pedigree Sib. Tamcot 788 Paymaster 54 (Fig. 9) Component line of SP21 or SP37 CA291A=Blightmaster CA291A=Blightmaster Component line of SP21 or SP37 Component line of SP21 or SP37 Also Fig. 15 Parents in Fig. 6 and 9 Fig. 9 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 12 Fig. 12 Pedigree Notes Thaxton/PC CS16:884 TAES Bul. L-1672 Thaxton/PC Thaxton/PC TAES Bul. L-1672 Thaxton/PC Thaxton/PC Thaxton/PC TAES Bul. L-2138 TAES Bul. L-2138 TAES Bul. L-2138 TAES Bul. L2266 TAES Bul. L-2240 TAES Bul. L-2240 TAES Bul. L2266 TAES Bul. L-2240 CS16:884 Thaxton/PC CS16:884 Thaxton/PC Thaxton/PC Thaxton/PC Thaxton/PC L.M. Verhalen/PC Thaxton/PC Thaxton/PC D.F. Owen/PC J. Econ. Ent. 62:588 CS 12:126 CS 9:522 Ramey, 1966 S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC Turner, 1974 D.F. Owen/PC Kerr, Unpublished Kerr, Unpublished Kerr, Unpublished Kerr, Unpublished Source Table 3 (continued). Pedigrees of breeding lines and obsolete cultivars included in pedigrees of recent cultivars. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 39 Pima Germplasm 5903-98-4-4 5934-23-2-6 (P19) Ashmouni P28 Pima 3-79 Pima 32 86-293 P 36 ATL 75 B ATL 74 F Pima 38 P 74 Pima 79-103 Pima 79-106 Pima S-1 Pima S-2 Pima S-3 Pima S-4 P82 P94 W402 SI/Pima S-1///P32/Pima S-1//3-79/Pima S-1 HB-3181///3-79/Pima S-1//Pima S-1 Sea Island/Jumel; Jumel=a G. barbadense tree cotton in Egypt 2-2-2-3/4/x4/3/Pima S-1//SSI Sakel/Old Pima//Old Pima///Giza 7/4/Sakel/Old Pima//Old Pima SXP/Pima//Giza 7 80-137/80-142=P 28/Pima S-5//Pima S-5/P 32 HB 3181/3/3-79/Pima S-1//Pima S-1/4/Tifton, GA//3-79/Pima S-1 Pima S-4/3/3-79/Pima S-1//Pima S-1 3-79/Pima S-1//Pima S-1/3/Pima 32/Pima S-1//3-79/Pima S-1/4/Tifton. GA//3-79/Pima S-1 Sib. Pima S-2 81-107/P 59=ATL 75B/P36//ATL 74-F/P 36 6503-33-3-1/6612-62-5 6503-33-3-1/6614-91-11 Complex cross of Sea Island, Pima, Tanguis, Stoneville Pima 3-79/Pima S-1 Mass Cross (“Hybrid B”) Incl.: Pima S-1, Tanguis, Pima strain 1-71, Ashmouni, Giza 12, Pima 32... Pima 32/Pima S-1 10-8//Pima S-2 Sel. Pima 5-7 Se. Pima S-6 Sel. SP9 which is a sel. Of Pima S-6 Pee Cee Germplasm A (PD line) TH 171/Sealand 7//Earlistaple AC (PD line) C6-5/3/TH 171/Sealand 7//Earlistaple F (PD line) Sealand 542/TH 108/AHA 6-1-4/3/13 Earlistaplc FJA (PD line) F/J//A FTA (PD line) F/T//A J (PD line) TH 108/AHA 6-1-4//Earlistaple PD 6142 SC-1//CKR 421/PD2164 PD2164 AC239/FJA348 PD2165 AC/FJA PD2183 C6-5/Earlistaple/FJA PD4381 Auburn 56/AC 349 PD4398 FTA 263/Atlas PD4461 V/4*Auburn 56//V/4*Earlistaple; V=experimental Pima line PD8619 DP4461/MO-DeI PD8623 AC/Dixie King//CKR 421 PD875 DSR-1x6-56/2*PD8619; DSR...= Sel. storm-resistant dwarfs from TAES PD9233 PD9240 Coker 421/PD4398 PD9249 Sel. FJA PD9363 Carolina Queen/PD9249//PD2183/PD2164 T (PD line) TH 108/AHA 6-1-4//Earlistaple Strain/cultivar name Pedigree S1 10-8=Sel. Pima S-1? Fig. 11 Sib. SC-1 (Table 2) Fig. 11 AKA Line Ql Fig. 11 Fig. 11 Fig. 11 Fig. 11 Fig. 11 Fig. 11 Fig. 11 Fig. 11 SC-1 (Table 2); Others (Table 3) Pedigree Notes Hal Moser CS20:831-832 CS20:831-832 Niles & Feaster, 1984 CS16:603 CS16:604 CS16:604 S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC S.R. Oakley/PC R. Percy R. Percy Niles & Feaster, 1984 R. Percy R. Percy R. Percy Hal Moser Hal Moser Hal Moser Hal Moser CS25:201 L. May/PC CS 19:751 Culp & Harrell, 1974 Culp & Harrell, 1974 Culp & Harrell, 1974 Culp & Harrell, 1974 Culp & Harrell, 1974 Culp & Harrell, 1974 Culp & Harrell, 1974 L. May/PC Culp & Harrell, 1974 Culp & Harrell, 1974 L. May/PC CS19:418 Culp & Harrell, 1974 L. May/PC L. May/PC Culp & Harrell, 1974 L. May/PC Source Table 3 (continued). Pedigrees of breeding lines and obsolete cultivars included in pedigrees of recent cultivars. 40 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Pedigree 6503-33-3-1/6614-91-11 6503-33-3-1/6612-62-5 6112-4-1-5-1 SB/6404-68-2-9 6503-33-3-1/6614-91-11 6614-91-9-3/6910-20-1-5 single pl. se. EL-5782, Hyb. B single plant sel., mass cross 8004-95-5/7907-38-5-4 7804/H2067-GE P32/P41 81-135/80-142 Pima S-6/81-107 Pima S-6-P53 81-107/P59 P45/P53 P60/P58 83-201/82-216 81-244/82-216 P62/P59 P72/P73 S.I. St. Vincent V-135/P62 P62/Giza 70//8006/P73 89590//P62/Giza 70 P62/S.I. St. Vincent//8810 P75/88-314//8810 P62/S.I. St. Vincent//8810 Strain/cultivar name Pima Germplasm P45 P51 P52 P62 P66 E15 8327 84514 84524 P70 P71 P72 P73 P74 P75 P76 P77 P78 P79 8810 89590 93252 93260 94217 94218 94220 PI 542770 PI 542771 PI 542772 PI 542773 PI 542774 PI 542775 PI 561923 PI 561924 PI 561925 PI 593678 PI 593679 PI 593680 PI 593681 PI 593682 PI 593683 PI 593684 PI 593685 PI 593686 PI 593687 PI 599428 PI 599427 PI 619624 PI 619625 PI 619626 PI 619627 PI 619628 Pedigree Notes CS31:495, Turcotte, Feaster, Young CS31:495, Turcotte, Feaster, Young CS31:495, Turcotte, Feaster, Young CS31:495, Turcotte, Feaster, Young CS31:495, Turcotte, Feaster, Young CS31:495, Turcotte, Feaster, Young CS33:347, Percy & Turcotte CS33:347, Percy & Turcotte CS33:347, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS37:626-627, Percy & Turcotte CS38:1409, Percy & Turcotte CS38:1409, Percy & Turcotte CS42:988, Percy CS42:988, Percy CS42:988, Percy CS42:988, Percy CS42:988, Percy Source Table 3 (continued). Pedigrees of breeding lines and obsolete cultivars included in pedigrees of recent cultivars. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 41 42 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 43 44 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 45 46 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 47 48 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 49 50 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 51 52 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 53 54 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 55 56 Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 57 Printed on Recycled Paper Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that also may be suitable. Mississippi State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or group affiliation, age, disability, or veteran status.
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