GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES Audit report, Consolidated Annual Accounts and Directors’ Report at 31 December 2015 This version of our report is a free translation of the original, which was prepared in Spanish. All possible care has been taken to ensure that the translation is an accurate representation of the original. However, in all matters of interpretation of information, views or opinions, the original language version of our report takes precedence over this translation INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT ON THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS To the shareholders of Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A.: Report on the Consolidated Annual Accounts We have audited the accompanying consolidated annual accounts of Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. (Parent Company) and its subsidiaries (the Group), which comprise the consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2015, the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity, the consolidated statement of cash flows and related notes to the consolidated annual accounts for the year then ended. Directors' Responsibility for the Consolidated Annual Accounts The Parent Company´s Directors are responsible for the preparation of these consolidated annual accounts, so that they present fairly the consolidated equity, financial position and financial performance of Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. and its subsidiaries, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union, and other provisions of the financial reporting framework applicable to the Group in Spain and for such internal control as Directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated annual accounts that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated annual accounts based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with legislation governing the audit practice in Spain. This legislation requires that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated annual accounts are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated annual accounts. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated annual accounts, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the parent company´s directors´ preparation of the consolidated annual accounts in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the presentation of the consolidated annual accounts taken as a whole. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L., Torre PwC, Pº de la Castellana 259 B, 28046 Madrid, España Tel.: +34 915 684 400 / +34 902 021 111, Fax: +34 915 685 400, R. M. Madrid, hoja 87.250-1, folio 75, tomo 9.267, libro 8.054, sección 3ª Inscrita en el R.O.A.C. con el número S0242 - CIF: B-79 031290 1 Opinion In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated annual accounts present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated equity and financial position of Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. and its subsidiaries as at December 31, 2015, and its consolidated results of its operations and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Union, and other provisions of the financial reporting framework applicable in Spain. Emphasis of Matter Without affecting our audit opinion, we draw attention to Notes 2.1) and 3.1.c) to the consolidated annual accounts, which indicate that at 31 December 2015 the consolidated balance sheet for the Group present negative working capital (excluding the effect of non-current assets and related liabilities held-for-sale). Note 3.1.c) also mentions that as part of the Strategic Plan that is expected to be implemented in the coming months the Management of the Group has prepared projected cash flows for the coming year that demonstrate its capacity to satisfy its short-term obligations, although some of the assumptions taken into account may not be under the control of the Group, which indicates the existence of a significant uncertainty regarding the capacity of the Group to realize its assets and settle its liabilities in the amounts and the classification under which they are stated in the accompanying consolidated annual accounts, which have been prepared on a going-concern basis. The Parent Company's Directors understand that the relevant assumptions taken into account in its projections will be substantially fulfilled and therefore the use of the going-concern principle, in the indicated terms and circumstances, is adequate. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements The accompanying consolidated Directors’ Report for 2015 contains the explanations which the Parent Company´s Directors consider appropriate regarding Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. and its subsidiaries´ situation, the development of their business and other matters and does not form an integral part of the consolidated annual accounts. We have verified that the accounting information contained in the Directors’ Report is in agreement with that of the consolidated annual accounts for 2015. Our work as auditors is limited to checking the Directors’ Report in accordance with the scope mentioned in this paragraph and does not include a review of information other than that obtained from Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. and its subsidiaries´ accounting records. PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L. Original in Spanish signed by Fernando Chamosa 9 May 2016 2 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Annual Accounts at 31 December 2015 and 2015 Directors’ Report CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Content of the consolidated annual accounts of Group Isolux Corsán, S.A. and subsidiaries Note 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Page Consolidated balance sheet Consolidated income statement Consolidated statement of comprehensive income Consolidated statement of changes in equity Consolidated statement of cash flows Notes to the consolidated annual accounts General information Summary of significant accounting policies 2.1. Basis of preparation 2.2. Consolidation 2.3. Foreign currency transactions 2.4. Property, plant and equipment 2.5 Investments property 2.6. Intangible assets 2.7. Concessionary assets and other non-current assets assigned to projects 2.8. Interest cost 2.9. Impairment of non-financial assets 2.10. Financial assets 2.11. Derivative financial instruments and hedging activities 2.12. Inventories 2.13. Trade and other receivables 2.14. Cash and cash equivalents 2.15. Share capital 2.16. Deferred income 2.17. Trade and other payables 2.18. Compound financial instruments 2.19. Bank Borrowings and other financial liabilities 2.20. Current and deferred income taxes 2.21. Employee benefits 2.22. Provisions 2.23. Revenue recognition 2.24. Interest income 2.25. Dividend income 2.26. Leases 2.27. Dividend distribution 2.28. Environment 2.29. Operating results 2.30. Non-current assets (or disposal groups) and related liabilities held for sale and discontinued operations 2.31. Segment reporting Financial risk management Critical accounting estimates and judgements Segment information Property, plant and equipment Goodwill and other intangible assets Concessionary assets and other non-current assets assigned to projects 3 5 6 7 9 10 10 11 11 16 18 19 20 20 21 23 23 24 25 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 31 31 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 44 47 52 54 56 1 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Note 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Page Investments in associates accounted for the equity method Financial investments Derivative financial instruments Trade and other receivables Inventories Cash and cash equivalents and Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Non-current assets and related liabilities held for sale and discontinued operations Share capital, share premium and legal reserve Cumulative translation differences Parent company profit/(loss) distribution and non-controlling interest Trade and other payables Bank Borrowings and Senior Notes Deferred income tax Provisions for other liabilities and charges Revenue / Sales and Materials consumed and other external costs Other income and expense Employee benefit expenses Operating leases Net financial results Income tax Dividends per share Commitments, contingencies and guarantees provided Business combinations Related-party transactions Joint Operations Temporary joint ventures (UTEs) and Consortia Environment Events after the reporting period Auditors’ fees Appendix I Appendix II Appendix III Appendix IV Appendix V 60 68 69 72 74 74 75 78 79 79 80 82 85 88 89 89 89 90 91 91 93 93 94 95 97 98 98 98 99 100 103 104 111 112 2 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Thousand euro) Note ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Intangible assets Concessionary assets assigned to projects Other non-current assets assigned to projects Investments in associates accounted for the equity method Financial investments Trade and other receivables Deferred income tax assets Derivative financial instruments 6 7.1 7.2 8.1 8.2 9 10 12 21 11 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 75,636 481,178 24,394 41,609 118,245 126,992 10,530 26,500 337,573 - 113,043 479,628 23,458 25,622 126,470 973,807 10,435 111,905 288,523 777 1,242,657 2,153,668 Current assets Inventories Trade and other receivables Derivative financial instruments Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 13 12 11 14.2 242,961 2,082,661 26 13,491 253,142 1,847,216 2,131 14,675 Cash and cash equivalents Non-current assets held for sale 14.1 15 169,185 1,327,346 291,272 379,602 3,835,670 2,788,038 5,078,327 4,941,706 Total assets Notes 1 to 37 and Appendices I to V are an integral part of these consolidated annual accounts. 3 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Thousand euro) Note 31 December 31 December 2015 2014 EQUITY Equity attributable to owners of the parent company Share capital Share premium Legal reserve Hedging reserve Cumulative translation differences 16.a 16.b 16.c 11 17 Retain earnings Non-controlling interest 18 92,788 183,914 287,547 (61,582) (419,661) 18,017 526,237 17,637 (61,717) (188,895) 52,178 60,474 135,184 371,753 (15,988) (6,907) 119,196 364,846 1,348,675 185,582 12,227 71,804 39,813 1,271,424 207,672 21,918 43,171 43,206 19,192 62,354 1,677,293 1,649,745 233,963 63,482 2,480,765 26,655 12,376 43,897 276,090 13,297 2,355,487 20,663 15,466 73,559 420,700 172,553 3,281,838 2,927,115 Total liabilities 4,959,131 4,576,860 Total equity and liabilities 5,078,327 4,941,706 Total equity LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Bank Borrowings and Senior Notes Project finance Derivative financial instruments Deferred income tax liabilities Provisions for other liabilities and charges Other payables Current liabilities Bank Borrowings and Senior Notes Project finance Trade and other payables Current tax liabilities Derivative financial instruments Provisions for other liabilities and charges Liabilities held for sale 20 8.3 11 21 22.1 19 20 8.3 19 11 22.2 15 Notes 1 to 37 and Appendices I to V are an integral part of these consolidated annual accounts. 4 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (Thousand euro) Year ended 31 December Note Total operating income Revenue / Sales Other operating income Change in inventories Own work capitalized Total operating expenses Materials consumed and other external costs Employee benefit expenses Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses 23 & 5 24 23 25 6,7 & 8 Change in trade provisions Other operating expenses 24 Operating results 2015 2014 2,203,668 2,189,203 14,771 (306) (2,093,782) (1,363,393) (348,505) (41,259) (24,600) 2,134,187 2,128,103 5,255 514 315 (1,968,392) (1,233,005) (334,080) (41,216) (44,587) (316,025) (315,504) 109,886 165,795 Financial expenses 27 (265,578) (236,188) Financial income Net financial results Share of profits/ (losses) of investments accounted for the equity method 27 27 29,086 (236,492) 30,616 (205,572) 9 42,992 26,357 (83,614) (13,420) 38,461 (19,285) (45,153) (32,705) (10,438) (9,280) (55,591) (41,985) (51,897) (38,586) (3,694) (3,399) (55,591) (41,985) Profit before income tax Income tax 28 Results for the year from continuing operations Results for the year from discontinued operations 15 Results for the year Attributable to: Owners of the parent Non-controlling interest 18 Notes 1 to 37 and Appendices I to V are an integral part of these consolidated annual accounts. 5 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 AND 2014 (Thousand euro) Year ended 31 December Note Profit/(losses) for the year 2015 2014 (55,591) (41,985) - - - - Other comprehensive income: Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss: Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: Share of other comprehensive income of investments accounted for the equity method 9 (150,227) (10,321) Currency translation differences 17 (87,713) (19,634) 9,097 10,005 Cash flow hedges Tax effect relating to items that may be reclassified 21 (2,090) (3,320) Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax (230,933) (23,270) Total comprehensive income for the year (286,524) (65,255) (282,527) (62,357) Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to: - Owners of the parent - Non-controlling interests (3,997) (2,898) Total comprehensive income for the year (286,524) (65,255) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company arising from: - Continuing operations (272,082) (53,111) (10,445) (9,246) (282,527) (62,357) - Discontinued operations Notes 1 to 37 and Appendices I to V are an integral part of these consolidated annual accounts. 6 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY – YEAR 2015 (Thousand euro) Attributable to equity owners of the Parent Company Share Capital (Note 16) Balance at 31 December 2014 Legal Reserve (Note 16) Share Premium (Note 16) Cumulative translation difference (Note 17) Hedging reserve (Note 11) Noncontrolling interests (Note 18) Retained earnings Total Equity 18,017 526,237 17,637 (61,717) (188,895) 60,474 (6,907) 364,846 Profit/(loss) for the year Share of other comprehensive income of investments accounted for the equity method (note 9) - - - - - (51,897) (3,694) (55,591) - - - (6,706) (143,521) - - (150,227) Net cash flow hedges - - - 6,842 - - 165 7,007 Currency translation differences - - - - (87,245) - (468) (87,713) Total other comprehensive income - - - 136 (230,766) - (303) (230,933) Total comprehensive income - - - 136 (230,766) (51,897) (3,997) (286,524) Share capital increase 74,771 (342,323) 267,552 - - - - - Other movements - - 1 (1) - 45,958 (5,084) 40,874 2014 Profit Distribution (Note 18) - - 2,357 - - (2,357) - - 92,788 183,914 287,547 (61,582) (419,661) 52,178 (15,988) 119,196 Balance at 31 December 2015 Notes 1 to 37 and Appendices I to V are an integral part of these consolidated annual accounts. 7 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY – YEAR 2014 (Thousand euro) Attributable to equity owners of the Parent Company Share Capital (Note 16) Balance at 31 December 2013 Legal Hedging Reserve (Note reserve 16) (Note 11) Share Premium (Note 16) Cumulative translation difference (Note 17) Noncontrolling interests (Note 18) Retained earnings Total Equity 18,017 526,237 15,280 (47,625) (179,216) 92,866 (2,311) 423,248 Profit/(loss) for the year Share of other comprehensive income of investments accounted for the equity method (note 9) - - - - - (38,586) (3,399) (41,985) - - - (21,015) 10,694 - - (10,321) Net cash flow hedges - - - 6,923 - - (238) 6,685 Currency translation differences - - - - (20,373) - 739 (19,634) Total other comprehensive income - - - (14,092) (9,679) - 501 (23,270) Total comprehensive income Other movements and additions to consolidation scope - - - (14,092) (9,679) (38,586) (2,898) (65,255) - - - - - 8,551 (1,698) 6,853 2013 Profit Distribution (Note 18) - - 2,357 - - (2,357) - - 18,017 526,237 17,637 (61,717) (188,895) 60,474 (6,907) 364,846 Balance at 31 December 2014 Notes 1 to 37 and Appendices I to V are an integral part of these consolidated annual accounts. 8 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 2015 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Thousand euro) Year ended 31 December Notes Cash flows from operating activities Results for the year before taxes Adjustments for: - Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses - Change in trade provisions - Results on property, plant and equipment disposal - Share of other comprehensive income of investments accounted for the equity method - Net financial results Subtotal Changes in working capital : - Inventories - Trade and other receivables - Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - Trade and other payables Cash generated from operations - Taxes paid Net cash generated from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities - Net cash variation due to changes in consolidation scope - Acquisition of tangible and intangible assets net of revenue from property, plant and equiptment and intangible assets´ disposals - Acquisition of concessionary assets and non-current assets assigned to projects - Net change in long-term payables - Advance to disinvesment to joint business - Acquisition of investments in associated and joint ventures accounted for the equity method - Income from investments in associated and joint ventures accounted for the equity method - Interest received and other financial income Net cash used in investing activities 2.5, 6,7,8 & 15 9 & 15 27 & 15 31 9 Cash flows from Financing activities - Proceeds from bank borrowings - Reimbursement of bank borrowings - Proceeds from project finance - Reimbursement of project finance - Other debt instruments - Interest paid Net cash generated from/(used in) financing activities Net change in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year Exchange differences included in net change for the year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year Cash Flows contributed by discontinued operations 14.1 & 15 14.1 & 15 15 2015 2014 (97,379) (25,473) 40,992 24,322 2,672 (42,992) 240,834 265,828 41,555 44,587 (25,276) 207,685 268,551 26,924 (94,005) 1,184 (182,905) (80,353) (14,837) (95,190) (35,819) (184,308) (6,882) 117,942 134,011 (11,016) 122,995 - (6,003) (14,859) (17,628) (25,251) 215,721 (15,804) (750) - - (25,519) - 13,648 2,715 178,326 3,879 (48,177) 112,401 (111,356) 22,861 (13,870) (211,876) (201,840) 185,606 (856,392) 37,008 (30,956) 840,322 (209,329) (33,741) (118,704) 293,976 (3,773) 171,499 (124) 41,077 251,752 1,147 293,976 29 Notes 1 to 37 and Appendices I to V are an integral part of these consolidated annual accounts. 9 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 1. General information As of yearend 2015 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. (hereinafter, the Company) forms a group (hereinafter, the Group) comprising the parent company Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. and its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. Additionally, the Group participates with other entities or members in joint ventures and temporary joint operations (hereinafter, Joint Ventures). Appendices I, II, III, IV and V to these notes contain additional information on the entities included in the consolidation scope. The Group companies hold interests of less than 20% in other entities over which they have no significant influence. The Group’s main activities and sales are carried on and made in Spain, Latin America, Asia, Africa and North America. On 17 December 2004, the Company was incorporated which, following several name changes, is now named Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. The Company is the parent of a group that is continuing the activities of Grupo Isolux Wat. The latter group gained broad experience in the Spanish market and was engaged mainly in engineering. At the beginning of 2005 it merged with the Corsán Corviam Group, which was also reputable and engaged mainly in construction. Grupo Isolux Corsán is the result of the 2005 merger. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A.’s registered office is at Caballero Andante 8, 28021 Madrid. The Company is registered in the Madrid Mercantile Register, page M-00367466, volume 20,745, sheet 189. The latest updating of its bylaws is entered in page M-00367466, volume 27.069, sheet 147, inscription Nº169. For the purposes of preparing the consolidated annual accounts, a group is understood to exist when the parent company has one or more subsidiaries, which are those entities that the parent company controls directly or indirectly. The principles applied during the preparation of the Group’s consolidated annual accounts, together with the consolidation scope, are described in Note 2.2. Appendix I to these notes set outs the identification details of the subsidiaries included in the consolidation scope under the full consolidation method. Appendix II provides the identification details of the associates included in the consolidation under the equity method. Appendix III contains the identification details of the joint ventures included in the consolidation scope under the equity method. Appendix IV contains the identification details of the joint operations included in the consolidation scope under the proportionate method. Furthermore, the parent company and certain subsidiaries are members of temporary joint ventures (UTEs) and consortia, whose assets, liabilities, income and expenses are recognized using the proportionate method. Appendix V contains a detail of the temporary joint ventures and consortia of which Group´s companies are members. The main consolidation scope changes during 2015 are described below: • Main incorporated companies: Inversiones Alicudi, S.L., Inversiones Atoko, S.L., Inversiones Leucade, S.L., Linhas Laranjal, L.T.D.A, Parkia Canarias, S.L.U., Estacionamientos Granada, S.A. • Sale of the companies: Elaborados Metálicos EMESA, S.L., Sociedad Concesionaria Zona 8-A, S.A., Tecna del Ecuador, S.A. and the joint venture Pinares del SUR, S.L. The main consolidation scope changes during 2014 are described below: • Main incorporated companies: Corsán Covián Colombia, S.A.S., Tenedora de Acciones de Líneas de Transmisión Peruanas, S.A.C., Líneas de Transmisión Peruanas, S.A.C., Icapark I, S.A. Icapark II, S.A., Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U., Isolux Ingeniería G.K. and Isolux-TVIG HW, LLC. • Change of control of Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. and its subsidiaries (see Note 31). 10 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. does business in Spain and abroad, mainly consisting of the following activities (carried on by the Company itself or its subsidiaries): • • • • • • Engineering studies, industrial assembly and manufacture of the necessary components, integrated facilities and construction. Manufacture, sale and representation of electrical, electronic, electromechanical, computer and industrial products, machinery and equipment. Rendering of all types of consultancy, audit, inspection, metering, analysis, report, research and development services; project design, planning, supply, execution and assembly; project and site management and supervision; tests, trials, commissioning, control and evaluation; repair and maintenance services in integrated facilities; electrical and electronic facilities, air conditioning and aeration systems; sanitary fluid and gas systems; elevators and freight elevators; fire protection and detection systems; hydraulic systems, information systems, mechanical and industrial systems; communications, energy, environment; and energy lines, substations and power plants. Integrated construction, repair, conservation and maintenance of all kinds of construction and all kinds of installation and fitting work. Purchase, sale, lease and operation by any means of real property or real property rights. Holding, management and administration of securities and equity interests in any entity. The Group mainly operates through the following business lines: • • EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), related mainly to the construction and engineering projects under “turnkey contracts.” Concessions: • Through Isolux Infrastructure the Group holds infrastructure concessions of highways, electricity infrastructure concessions such as high-voltage transmission lines and substations, and solarphotovoltaic generation plants. • Infrastructure concessions of car parks. These consolidated annual accounts, together with the annual accounts of the parent company, were prepared by the Board of Directors on 31 March 2016. The Directors will submit these consolidated annual accounts to the General Shareholders` Meeting for approval. The accounts are expected to be approved without changes. 2. Summary of significant accounting policies The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these consolidated annual accounts are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the financial years presented in these consolidated annual accounts. 2.1. Basis of preparation The Group’s consolidated annual accounts at 31 December 2015 have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted for its use by the European Union, approved by the European Commission Regulations (IFRS-EU) and effective at 31 December 2015. The Group’s firs time application of IFRS-EU was on 1 January 2006. The policies described below have been consistently applied to all the financial years presented in these consolidated annual accounts. The amounts are expressed in thousands of euro in this document, unless otherwise stated. The consolidated annual accounts have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for certain cases stipulated by IFRS-EU in which assets and liabilities are carried at fair value. The Company has made the following choices in cases in which IFRS-EU allow for alternative criteria: • Measurement of property, plant, investment property and intangible assets at historical cost. 11 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The preparation of consolidated annual accounts under IFRS-EU requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires that management exercise judgment in the process of applying the parent company’s accounting policies. In Note 4 discloses the areas that require a higher level of judgment or entail greater complexity, and the areas where assumptions and estimates are significant for the preparation of the consolidated annual accounts. Standards, amendments and interpretations that came into effect in 2015 a) Standards, interpretations and amendments effective from January 1, 2015 applied by the Group: • IFRIC 21 “Levies”. This interpretation addresses the accounting treatment of taxes imposed by governments other than income taxes, fines and penalties imposed for violations of the law. The question is when the entity must recognise a liability for the obligation to pay a levy that is accounted for according to IAS 37. It also addresses the accounting treatment of a liability for the payment of a levy when the amount and due date are known. • Annual improvements to IFRS, 2011-2013. In December 2013, the IASB published the Annual Improvements to IFRS for the years 2011-2013. The changes introduced by these Annual Improvements generally apply to the fiscal years starting on or after 01 January 2015, although they may be implemented sooner. The changes are as follows: IFRS 3, “Business combinations”. Exception of the scope for joint ventures. IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement". Scope of the "portfolio exception" available in IFRS 13. IAS 40 “Real estate investments": Relationship between IAS 40 and IFRS 3 when a property is classed as an investment property or owner-occupied property. The application of the new standards and prior amendments by the Group has not had a significant effect on the consolidated annual accounts. b) Standards, amendments and interpretations that are not yet in force but can be early adopted for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2015 and which have been adopted by the European Union: • Annual Improvements to IFRS for the years 2010-2012: In December 2013, the IASB published the Annual Improvements to IFRS for the 2010-2012 Cycle. The changes introduced by these Annual Improvements generally apply to the fiscal years starting on or after 1 February 2015, although they may be implemented sooner. The changes are as follows: • IFRS 2, “Share-based payments”: Definition of "condition for irrevocability of the concession". IFRS 3, “Business combinations”. Recognition of a contingent consideration in a business combination. IFRS 8, "Operating segments" Information to be reported on the aggregation of operating segments and the reconciliation between the assets assigned to the segments reported on and the entity's assets. IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement". References to the ability to measure current accounts receivable and payable at their nominal value when the effect of the discount is not significant. IAS 16 “Property, plant and equipment" and IAS 38 “Intangible assets”: Proportional reexpression of the cumulative amortisation when using the revaluation model. IAS 24 “Related party disclosures”: Entities that render services through key management personnel as related parties. IAS 19 (Amendment) “Defined benefit schemes, employee contributions”; the IAS 19 (revised in 2011) distinguishes between employee contributions in relation to the service provided and those contributions not linked to the service provided. The current modification also distinguishes between contributions linked to service only in the financial year in which they appear and those linked to service in more than one financial year. The amendment allows the contributions linked to the service to be deducted from the accrued benefit during the year during in which the service is rendered, if the contributions do not vary during this period. Likewise, the contributions linked to service that do vary during the relevant time period must be extended for the duration of the service provided using the 12 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) same assignation method as is applied to benefits. This amendment is applicable to financial years commencing 1 February 2015 and will be applied retrospectively. It may be adopted prior to that date. • IFRS 11 (Amendment) “Joint arrangements’ regarding acquisition of an interest in a joint operation”: The amendments require an investor to apply the principles of business combination accounting when it acquires an interest in a joint operation that constitutes a ‘business’. The investor must recognize assets and liabilities at fair value; related costs, as expenses; deferred tax; and residual value, as goodwill. This Amendment will be applied prospectively for fiscal years starting on or after 1 January 2016, although it may be implemented early. • IAS 16 (Amendment) and IAS 41 (Amendment) “Agriculture: Fruit production plants”: Under this Amendment, fruit production plants are accounted for the same as other property, plant and equipment but differently than other biological assets. Consequently, the amendments include these types of plants within the scope of IAS 16 rather than IAS 41. The products grown at these plants still fall within the scope of IAS 41. These Amendments will apply prospectively to fiscal years starting on or after 1 January 2016 but may be implemented earlier. • IAS 16 (Amendment) and IAS 38 (Amendment) “Property, plant and equipment’ and IAS 38, ‘Intangible assets’ regarding depreciation and amortisation.”: This amendment clarifies that the use of revenuebased methods to calculate the depreciation of an asset is not appropriate because revenue generated by an activity that includes the use of an asset generally reflects factors other than the consumption of the economic benefits embodied in the asset. The IASB has also clarified that revenue is generally presumed to be an inappropriate basis for measuring the consumption of the economic benefits embodied in an intangible asset. These Amendments will apply prospectively to fiscal years starting on or after 1 January 2016 but may be implemented earlier. • Improvement Project, Cycle 2012-2014: The amendments affect IFRS 5, IFRS 7, IAS 19 and IAS 34 and apply to the fiscal years beginning on or after 1 July 2016, subject to adoption by the EU. The main changes are as follows: IFRS 5: "Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations": Changes to disposal methods. IFRS 7, "Financial instruments: Disclosures”. Continued involvement in administration contracts. IAS 19, “Employee Benefits”. Determination of the discount rate for post-employment obligations to employees. IAS 34, “Interim financial reporting”: Information presented elsewhere in the interim financial information. • IAS 1 (Amendment) "Presentation of financial statements”. The amendments to IAS 1 encourage companies to use their professional judgement to determine which information should be disclosed on the financial statements. The amendments clarify that materiality applies to the financial statements as a whole and that the inclusion of information that is immaterial could diminish the usefulness of the financial information. In addition, the amendments clarify that entities should use their professional judgment when determining where and in what order the information is presented on the financial statements. The amendments to IAS 1 can be applied immediately and will be mandatory for fiscal years starting on or after 1 January 2016. • IAS 27 (Amendment) “Equity method in separate financial statements”: IAS 27 is modified to restore the option of using the equity method to account for investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates in the separate financial statements of an entity. It also clarifies the definition of separate financial statements. An entity that chooses to change to the equity method will apply the amendment to the fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2016 according to IAS 8, "Accounting policies, changes to accounting estimates and errors". Early implementation is allowed. The Group is analysing the impact of these new standards on the consolidated annual accounts. 13 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) c) • • Standards, amendments and interpretations of existing standards that have not been adopted by the European Union IFRS 15 “Revenue from contracts with clients”: In May of 2014, the IASB and the FASB issued a joint standard in relation to the recognition of revenue from contracts with clients. Under this standard, income is recognised when the client assumes the control over the product or service in question, i.e., when the client has the ability to determine how the product or service is used and to generate profits using it. This IFRS standard includes new guidelines for determining whether income should be recognised over time or at a particular moment in time. IFRS 15 requires detailed reporting of recognised income and the income that is expected to be recognised in the future in relation to existing contracts. It also requires quantitative and qualitative information on the significant judgments used by management to determine recognised income and the changes to those judgments. This Amendment will be applied prospectively for fiscal years starting on or after 1 January 2017, although it can be implemented early. IFRS 9 “Financial instruments”: Deals with the classification, valuation and recognition of financial assets and liabilities. The complete version of IFRS 9 replaces most of the guidance in IAS 39. IFRS 9 retains but simplifies the mixed measurement model and establishes three primary measurement categories for financial assets: amortised cost, fair value through OCI and fair value through P&L. The basis of classification depends on the entity’s business model and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset. Investments in equity instruments are required to be measured at fair value through profit or loss with the irrevocable option at inception to present changes in fair value in OCI, unless it is classified as available-for-sale. If so, changes in fair value are presented through profit or loss. For financial liabilities there were no changes to classification and measurement except for the recognition of changes in own credit risk in other comprehensive income, for liabilities designated at fair value, through profit or loss. There is now a new expected credit losses model that replaces the incurred loss impairment model used in IAS 39. IFRS 9 relaxes the requirements for hedge effectiveness by replacing the bright line hedge effectiveness tests. It requires an economic relationship between the hedged item and hedging instrument and for the ‘hedged ratio’ to be the same as the one management actually uses for risk management purposes. Contemporaneous documentation is still required but is different from that which is currently prepared under IAS 39. Finally, comprehensive information is required, including reconciliation between the initial and final amount of the provision for expected credit losses, assumptions and data, and a reconciliation in the transition between the categories of the original classification under IAS 39 and new classification categories under IFRS 9. IFRS 9 will be effective for fiscal years starting on or after 1 January 2018, although it may be implemented earlier. IFRS will be applied retroactively, although it will not be necessary to re-express the comparative figures. If the entity chooses to implement IFRS 9 early, all of the requirements must be met early as well. Entities applying the standard before 1 February 2015 have the option of implementing the standard in phases. • IFRS 10 (Amendment) and IAS 28 (Amendment) “Sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint ventures”: These amendments clarify the accounting treatment of sales and transfers of assets between an investor and its associates or joint ventures, which depends on whether or not the non-monetary assets sold or contributed to an associate or joint venture constitute a "business". These amendments address an inconsistency between IFRS 10 and IAS 28 in the sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint venture.A full gain or loss is recognised when a transaction involves a business. A partial gain or loss is recognised when a transaction involves assets that do not constitute a business, even if those assets are in a subsidiary. The Amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28 are prospective and are effective from 1 January 2016. However, at the end of 2015 the IASB decided to postpone the effective date (without fixing a day), as a wider revision is planned which can result in the simplification of these transactions accounting standars as well as the accounting of subsidiaries and joint ventures. • IFRS 10 (Amendment), IFRS 12 (Amendment) and IAS 28 (Amendment) “Investment entities: Applying the consolidation exception": These amendments clarify three aspects regarding the application of the requirements for investment entities to recognise subsidiaries at fair value rather than consolidate them. The proposed amendments: 14 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) • • • Confirm that the exemption from presenting consolidated financial statements continues to apply to the subsidiaries of an investment entity when they themselves are parent entities. Clarifies when the dominant investment entity should consolidate a subsidiary that provides investment-related services rather than recognising the fair value of the subsidiary and Simplifies the application of the equity method of an entity that is not itself an investment entity but owns an interest in an associate that is an investor. This Amendment will apply to fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2016, although it can be implemented early. • IFRS 16, "Leases" In January 2016 the IAS published a new standard regarding leases that repeals IAS 17 "Leases" as a result of the joint project with the FASB. The IASB and the FASB have reached the same conclusions in many areas related to the recognition of lease agreements, including the definition of a lease, the general requirement to reflect leases on the balance sheet and the measurement of lease liabilities. The IASB and the FASB also agreed not to include substantial changes in the accounting that must be applied by the lessor, and similar requirements established by the previous rules were maintained. Differences still remain between the IASB and the FASB according to the recognition and presentation of lease expenses in the income statement and the cash flow statement. Under IFRS-IASB, IFRS 16 is mandatory starting on 1 January 2019, although it may be applied earlier but only simultaneously with the application of IFRS 15 "Revenue from Contracts with Customers". IFRS 16 has not yet been approved by the EU. • IAS 12 (Amendment) "Recognition of deferred tax assets for unrealized losses" This amendment clarifies how to recognize deferred tax assets relating to investments in debt securities measured at fair value. The decreases in the carrying amount below the cost of a fixed rate debt instrument measured at fair value, where the tax base remains at cost, give rise to deductible timing differences. The estimate of probable future taxable profits may include the recovery of some assets above their carrying amount if there is sufficient relevant evidence. This may be the case, for example, when an entity expects to maintain a fixed-rate debt instrument in its portfolio and obtain the contractual cash flows. The amendment is effective for years commencing on or after 1 January 2017, although it may be adopted earlier. As a general rule it will be applied retrospectively. However, at the initial application date of the amendment, there is an option to recognize the change in equity in the comparative period against the beginning balance of the reserve for accumulated gains. • IAS 7 (Amendment) – "Disclosure Initiative - Amendments to IAS 7" This limited scope amendment implements an additional disclosure requirement in the financial statements that allows the users of the financial statements to evaluate changes in the liabilities deriving from financing activities. The following changes in such liabilities must be disclosed: i) changes in the cash flows from financing; ii) changes arising from gaining or losing control over subsidiaries or other businesses; iii) the effect of changes in exchange rates; and v) other changes. The amendment is effective for years commencing on or after 1 January 2017, although it may be adopted earlier. No comparative information from prior years is required when an entity applies the amendment for the first time. The Group is analizing the impact that these new standars may have on the consolidated annual accounts if they are adopted. Going Concern At 31 December 2015 the Group's working capital is negative by 353 million euro (Note 3.1 c) (excluding the effect of non current assets and related liabilities held for sale). Current bank borrowings total 234 million euro (Note 20) and the available amounts in short term facilities of credit decreased from 211 million euro at the end of 2014 to 91 million euro at 31 December 2015 (Note 20.4). Notwithstanding those circumstances, the 15 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Directors of the Parent Company have prepared these consolidated annual accounts on a going concern basis considering that they do not have any doubts regarding the Group's capacity to generate resources from its operations, fulfil its short-term debt commitments and stabilize its liquidity position, within the context of the actions that are being carried out and are pointed out in these annual accounts (Note 3.1.c). Additionally, in the preparation of these consolidated annual accounts the following mitigating factors have been taken into account with respect to any possible uncertainty relating to the application of the going concern principle: (i) the corporate debt refinancing process that achieved in 2015 (Note 20); (ii) the negotiations held with financial institutions to renew the available financing lines; and (iii) the possibility of executing the asset disinvestment plan, when that would contribute to the Group's best business interests (Note 3.1 c). 2.2. Consolidation Subsidiaries Subsidiaries are all entities (including structured entities) over which the group has control. The group controls an entity when the group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the group. They are deconsolidated from the date on which control ceases. When through the acquisition of a subsidiary, the Group acquires a group of assets or net assets that are not a business, the group cost is allocated between the identifiable assets and liabilities within the group based on their fair values at the acquisition date. The Group applies the acquisition method to register business combinations. The consideration transferred for the acquisition of a subsidiary corresponds to the fair value of the assets transferred and the liabilities incurred with the previous owners and the equity interests issued by the Group. The above-mentioned consideration includes the fair value of any asset or liability arising from a contingent consideration agreement. Identifiable assets acquired and liabilities and contingent liabilities undertaken in a business combination are measured at fair value on the acquisition date. For each business combination, the Group may recognize any noncontrolling interest in the acquired company at either its fair value or the percentage of such non-controlling interest in the acquired company’s identifiable net assets. Acquisition-related costs are expensed as incurred. If the business combination is achieved in stages, the acquisition date carrying value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is re-measured to fair value at the acquisition date through profit or loss. Any contingent consideration to be transferred by the group is recognised at fair value at the acquisition date. Subsequent changes to the fair value of the contingent consideration that is deemed to be an asset or liability is recognised in accordance with IAS 39 either in profit or loss or as a change to other comprehensive income. Contingent consideration that is classified as equity is not remeasured, and its subsequent settlement is accounted for within equity. The excess of the aggregate of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interest in the subsidiary acquired and the fair value at the acquisition date of any previous share in the acquired equity over the fair value of the net identificable assets of the subsidiary acquired is accounted for as goodwill. If the consideration transferred, the non-controlling interest recognized and the equity share previously hold is lower than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is directly recognized in the income statement. Intercompany transactions, balances, income and expenses on transactions between Group companies are eliminated. Unrealized losses are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred. Accounting policies of subsidiaries have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group. 16 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Appendix I to these notes set outs the identification details of the subsidiaries included in the consolidation scope under the full consolidation method. There are some subsidiaries held by 50% or less that are controlled due to agreements the Group has with shareholders (see Appendix I). The subgroups that are formed by Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. and subsidiaries, Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos S.A and subsidiaries (this last one since the date specified in Note 31) where the group holds a 80.77% and 100% of the shares, respectively, are not considered subsidiaries as the control is not held by the Group. Agreements established between shareholders result in the investment being considered as a joint venture (See Appendix III). Disposal and change of control of subsidiaries When the group ceases to have control any retained interest in the entity is re-measured to its fair value at the date when control is lost, with the change in carrying amount recognised in profit or loss. The fair value is the initial carrying amount for the purposes of subsequently accounting for the retained interest as an associate, joint venture or financial asset. In addition, any amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income in respect of that entity are accounted for as if the group had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities. This may mean that amounts previously recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss. In transactions in which the Group loses control over a business but retains joint control (or moves from joint control to control), the Group measures the shareholding at fair value when control is lost (both the part retained and the part lost) and recognises the loss or gain in the income statement. Changes in the shareholding in subsidiaries without changes in control Transactions with non-controlling interests that do not result in loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions – that is, as transactions with the owners in their capacity as owners. The difference between fair value of any consideration paid and the relevant share acquired of the carrying value of net assets of the subsidiary is recorded in equity. Gains or losses on disposals to non-controlling interests are also recorded in equity. Associates Associates are all entities over which the Group has significant influence but not control, generally accompanying a shareholding between 20% and 50% of the voting rights. Investments in associates are accounted for by the equity method and are initially recognized at cost. The Group’s investment in associates includes goodwill (net of any accumulated impairment loss) identified on acquisition. If ownership in an associate is reduced, but significant influence is retained, only a proportionate share of those amounts previously recognized through the overall income statement are reclassified to the income statement, as appropriate. The Group’s share on its associates’ post-acquisition profits or losses is recognized in the income statement and its share of post-acquisition movements in other comprehensive income statement is recognized in the comprehensive income statement. The cumulative post-acquisition movements are adjusted against the carrying amount of the investment. When the Group’s share of losses in an associate equals or exceeds its interest in the associate, including any other unsecured receivables, the Group does not recognize further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate. At financial information reporting dates, the Group assesses if there is any objective evidence of impairment of the investment value in the associate. In such case, the Group calculates the amount of impairment as the difference between the associated recoverable amount and its carrying amount, and recognizes the amount adjacent to “share of profit/ (loss) of an associate” in the income statement. 17 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Gains and losses on transactions between the Group and its associates are recognized in its financial statements to the extent they correspond to other investors’ share in associates not related to the investor. Unrealized losses are eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred. Accounting policies of associates have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies adopted by the Group. Dilution gains or losses in associates are recognized in the income statement. Appendix II to these notes set outs the identification details of the associates included in the consolidation scope under the equity consolidation method (or equity method). Joint arrangements The Group applies IFRS 11 to all joint arrangements. Investments in joint arrangements under IFRS 11 are classified as joint operations or joint ventures depending on the contractual rights and obligations of each investor. The Group has evaluated the nature of its joint arrangements and has determined that part of them should be classed as joint ventures while others should be considered joint operations. Joint ventures are accounted for by the equity method, as are associates. Unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and its joint businesses are eliminated on the basis of the Group’s ownership percentage in them. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction shows evidence of an impairment of the transferred asset. The accounting policies of the joint businesses have been modified as necessary to ensure that they are consistent with the policies adopted by the Group. Joint operations are consolidated using the proportionate method. The Group combines its shareholdings in the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses, as well as cash flows of the jointly controlled company on a line by line basis together with those items in its accounts that are similar in nature. The Group recognises its share in the profits or loss deriving from the sale of Group assets to jointly controlled entities in its consolidated annual accounts in the proportion corresponding to other participants. The Group does not recognise its share in the profit or loss of a jointly controlled entity deriving from the purchase by the Group of assets from the jointly controlled entity until the assets are sold to an independent third party. A loss is recognised immediately on a transaction if it reveals a reduction in the net realisable value of current assets, or any impairment loss. Appendix III hereto identifies the details of the joint businesses included in the scope of consolidation using the full consolidation method. Appendix IV hereto identifies the details of the joint operations included in the scope of consolidation using the proportionate consolidation method. Temporary joint ventures (UTEs) A temporary joint venture (UTE), as defined by Spanish legislation and similar legislations, is a system in which entrepreneurs collaborate for a specified, fixed or undetermined period to carry out or to execute a construction work, service or supply. The UTE’s balance sheet and income statement items are included in the shareholder’s balance sheet and income statement on a proportionate basis as these entities are considered joint operations. Transactions between the UTE and other Group subsidiaries are eliminated. Appendix V contains details of each UTE consolidated using the proportionate method. 2.3. Foreign currency transactions Functional and presentation currency The items included in the annual accounts of each of the Group companies are measured using the currency of the principal economic environment in which the company operates (“functional currency”). The 18 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) consolidated annual accounts are presented in euros, the Company’s functional and presentation currency, although figures are expressed in thousands of euro for presentation purposes. Transactions and balances Transactions in foreign currency are converted to the functional currency using the exchange rates effective at the transaction dates; at the year-end they are measured at the exchange rate in force at that moment. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of transactions and convertion at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are recognized in the income statement, except when deferred in equity (other comprehensive income) as qualifying cash flow hedges or qualifying net investment hedges. Changes in the fair value of monetary instruments denominated in foreign currency and classified as held for sale are separated into translation differences resulting from changes in the instrument’s amortized cost and other changes in the instrument’s carrying amount. The translation differences related to changes in the amortized cost are recognized in results for the year and other changes in the carrying amount are recognized in other comprehensive income. Translation differences on non-monetary financial assets and liabilities such as equity instruments at fair value through profit or loss are recognized in profit and loss as part of the fair value gain or loss. Translation differences on non-monetary financial assets such as equity instruments classified as available-for-sale financial assets are included in other comprehensive income. Group companies Results and the financial position of all Group companies (none of which has the currency of a hyperinflationary economy) whose functional currency differs from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation currency as follows: • • • The assets and liabilities on each balance sheet presented are converted at the closing exchange rate at the balance sheet date; The income and expenses in each income statement are converted at the average exchange rates (unless this average is not a reasonable approximation of the cumulative effect of the rates existing at the transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are converted at the rates on the transaction dates); and All resulting exchange differences are recognized as a separate component of equity (other comprehensive income). On consolidation, any exchange differences resulting from the translation of a net investment in foreign companies and loans and other instruments in foreign currency designated as hedges of those investments are recognized in equity. When sold, such exchange differences are recognized in the income statement as part of the profit or loss on the sale. Adjustments to goodwill and fair value arising on the acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign entity and converted at the year-end exchange rate, except goodwill arising prior to 1 January 2006. Exchange differences are recognised in other comprehensive income. 2.4. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment mainly comprise lands, buildings, plants, offices, technical installations, machinery and tooling. Property, plant and equipment are recognized at cost less depreciation and cumulative impairment losses, except for land, which is presented net of impairment losses. Historical cost includes expenses directly attributable to purchases of property, plant and equipment. Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognized as a separate asset only when it is likely that the future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of a replaced component is written off the accounts. All 19 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) other repair and maintenance expenses are charged to the income statement in the year in which they are incurred. Land is not depreciated. Depreciation of other assets is calculated on a straight-line basis in order to allocate costs to their residual values over their estimated useful lives, using the following rates: Rate Buildings Plant Machinery Tooling Furnishings Data-processing equipment Vehicles 1%- 3% 6 % - 14 % 10 % - 17 % 12,5 % - 33 % 5 % - 16 % 12.5 % - 25 % 8 % - 14 % The assets’ residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each balance sheet date. An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount (Note 2.9). Profits and losses on the sale of property, plant and equipment are calculated by comparing the proceeds with the carrying amount and are included in the income statement on the line “Other operating income”. Own work capitalized is carried at production cost and reflected as income in the income statement. Assets received through debt collection procedures are measured at the lower of the price related to the receivable for the corresponding asset, and market price. 2.5. Investment property Based on applicable legislation, investment property are valued at acquisition cost, applying the same criteria as those established for property, plant and equipment elements, regarding capitalization and depreciation, as stated in Note 2.4. In line with the presentation and disclosure requirements contained in IAS 40, and unless the Group applies the cost method to value its investment property, it also determines their fair value periodically, measured as their value in use. The value in use amount is determined based upon market assumptions made by the Group. Depreciation of real-estate investments is recognized annually through the income statement on a useful life basis. 2.6. Intangible assets Goodwill Goodwill arises from the acquisition of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures and represents the excess of the consideration transferred over the Group’s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired, liabilities and contingent liabilities, and the fair value of the non-controlling interest in the acquired company. For the purposes of impairment testing, goodwill acquiring in a business combination is allocated to each cash generating unit, or group of cash generating units, which are expected to benefit from the combination synergies. Each unit or group of units to which the goodwill is allocated, represents the lowest level in the entity at which the goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes. Goodwill is monitored at the operating segment level. 20 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Impairment losses on goodwill are reviewed at least once a year or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate a potential impairment loss. Goodwill’s carrying amount is compared with the recoverable amount, which is the higher of the value in use or the asset’s fair value less sale costs. Any impairment loss is immediately registered as an expense and cannot be reversed. Administrative concessions Administrative concessions are recognized in the amount paid by the Company with respect to assignment or operating royalties. In certain cases, concessions relate to the administrative authorization granted by municipal authorities or other public bodies for the construction and subsequent operation of car parks, highways, electric transmission lines and other assets during the periods specified in the relevant contracts; assets related to those concessions are classified under the heading “concessionary assets assigned to projects” (Note 2.7). Computer software Software licenses acquired from third parties are capitalized on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and prepare the licenses for the use of a specific program. These costs are amortized over the useful life of the software for a maximum of 5 years. Costs associated with developing or maintaining computer software programs are recognized as an expense when incurred. Costs that are directly associated with the production of identifiable and unique software products controlled by the Group, and that will probably generate economic benefits exceeding costs beyond one year, are recognized as intangible assets. Computer program development costs recognized as assets are amortized over the program’s estimated useful lives (no more than 5 years) on a straight-line basis. Research and development expenses Research expenditure is recognized as an expense as incurred. Costs incurred in development projects (related to the design and testing of new or improved products) are recognized as intangible assets when the following requirements are met: • • • • • • Completion of production of the intangible asset so that it becomes available for use or sale is technically possible; Management intends to complete the intangible asset in question, for use or sale; There is capacity to use or sell the intangible asset; The manner in which the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits is demonstrable; Adequate technical, financial or other resources are available to complete development in order to use or sell the intangible asset; and The outlay attributable to the intangible asset during development can be reliably measured. Other development expenditure is recognized as an expense when incurred. Development expenses previously recognized as an expense are not recorded as an asset in a subsequent period. No development costs are capitalized at 31 December 2015 and 2014. 2.7. Concessionary assets and other non-current assets assigned to projects When concessions refer to administrative authorization granted by several public bodies for the construction and later operation, during the period stated in the corresponding agreements, of car park, highways, electric transmission lines and other assets, they are treated as established in IFRIC 12 from an accounting perspective. This applies only when, according to the contractual terms, the Group has authorization to operate the infrastructure but does not control because: • The concession assets are owned by the granting authority in the majority of cases. 21 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) • • • The granting authority controls or regulates the concession holder’s services and the conditions under which they must be rendered. Operated by the concession holder in accordance with the criteria set out in the concession documents during the stipulated concession term. At the end of that period, the assets revert to the granting authority and the concession holder no longer holds any rights in this respect. In the cases in which concessions are under the IFRIC 12 scope, related assets may be classified as: • • Financial assets: When the granting authority establishes an unconditional right to receive cash or other financial assets, regardless of public service demand made by users. Intangible assets: Only in such cases in which contractual arrangements do not set an unconditional right to receive cash or other financial assets from the granting authority, regardless of public service demand made by users. These concessions are mainly funded under the heading of “Project Finance”. Although additional guarantees may exist during the construction and operational phases, these funding structures are usually applied to projects that in themselves provide enough support to financial entities related to the debts incurred. Each of these projects is performed through specific companies by which the project’s assets are funded on the one hand by promoters contributions, limited to a certain amount, and on the other hand through long-term debt from third parties. Debt servicing of these loans is mainly supported by future cash flows generated by the project and by real guarantees on the project’s assets. Revenue is recognized at the fair value of the service rendered. Construction services: The Group recognizes construction services revenue as stated in Note 2.23. The amounts received or outstanding related to construction services are recognized at their fair value. Assets are valued based upon the costs directly attributable to the construction, such as studies and projects, expropriations, service replacement, work execution, work management and administration, plants and buildings, until they are in operation, as well as the corresponding part of other indirect attributable costs. This type of costs can be capitalized to the extent that they correspond to the construction period. Likewise, those financial expenses accrued during the construction period are also capitalized (under the intangible asset model). The Group recognizes contractual obligations to the extent related services are incurred. Nonetheless, when the granting authority has complied with its contractual obligations to a greater extent than those commitments corresponding to the Group’s concessionary entity, a liability and an increase in the intangible assets will be recognized for the amount that equalises the obligation rendered by the group to the obligation committed by the granting authority. This situation mainly occurs when the Group’s concessionary entity has the right to charge users from the beginning of the concession period and the infrastructure previously existed and will be improved and/or extended later. Under the intangible asset model, dismantling, retirement or replacement accruals as well as work relating to improvements or increases in capacity the associated income of which is included in the concession contract, are recognized from the beginning of the concession period as part of the fair value of the asset. Financial discounts of such accruals and the corresponding amortization are recorded in the income statement for the period. In addition, provisions related to major repairs are registered in the income statement in a systematic and accrual basis. Under the financial asset model, the construction service counterpart is a receivable which also includes a financial remuneration. It is calculated based upon the project’s expected rate of return in line with its 22 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) estimated flows, which includes inflation forecasts and tariff reviews in those cases in which they are included in the contract. Once the construction has finished, the Group re-estimate the fair value of the service rendered if circumstances have changed or uncertainties that existed during construction have disappeared. Once the operational phase begins, the receivable is valued at amortized cost and any difference between actual and expected flows will be recognized in the income statement. Unless the circumstances affecting concession asset flows significantly change (economical re-balances approved by the granting authority, contract enhancement, etc.), the rate of return will not be modified. Economic rebalancing is only considered for calculating the value of a financial asset when the grantor has a vested right to receive cash or other financial assets. Financial remuneration in concession financial assets is classified by the Group as operating revenue, since it is part of the Group’s general activity, which is exercised on a regular basis and generates income periodically. When claims against the grantor due to construction overcosts arise, the Group only recognises the related revenue when negotiations have reached an advanced stage such that is highly probable that the grantor will accept the claim and the amount of the claim that the grantor will probably accept can be reliably measured. Maintenance and operational services: Safeguarding and maintenance costs not representing an increase in an assets useful life or productive capacity are registered as an expense in the period in which they occur. At the end of the concession period, the whole investment, net from any amount to be reimbursed by the granting authority, will be covered through recognition of depreciation. The concessionary entity receives income based on services rendered, either directly through the users or through the granting authority. Once the operational phase begins, collections and operational costs are recognized as operating income and expenses, respectively, in the year. Under the intangible asset model, assets are depreciated on a straightline basis over the concession period, except for highways and car parks, which are depreciated based upon the demand (traffic volume and expected occupation) during the concession life. At each balance sheet date the project performance is reviewed to assess if assets will be recovered through operating income generated over the concession period; otherwise, there would be impairment. 2.8. Interest cost Interest costs incurred in the construction of any qualifying assets are capitalized over the period needed to complete and prepare the asset for the intended use; they have been assessed in accordance with IAS 23. Other interest costs are expensed. General and specific borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying assets, which are those that necessarily require a substantial period of time before they are ready for their intended use or for sale, are added to the cost of the assets until the assets are substantially ready for intended use or sale. Financial income from temporary investments of specific borrowings pending their application in qualifying assets is deducted from borrowings costs able to be capitalised. Other borrowing costs are recognised in the income statement in the year in which they are incurred. 2.9. Impairment of non-financial assets Assets with an indefinite useful life and goodwill are not amortized/ depreciated and are tested annually for impairment. Assets subject to amortization/depreciation are tested for impairment provided that an event or change in circumstances indicates that their carrying amount might not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognized in the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher between an asset’s fair value less sale costs and value in use. For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped together at the lowest level for which there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash-generating units). Non-financial assets other than goodwill for which 23 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) impairment losses have been recognized are tested at each balance sheet date in the event that the loss has reversed. 2.10. Financial assets The Group classifies its financial assets in the following categories: at fair value through profit or loss, loans and receivables, held to maturity and held for sale. The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets were acquired. Management establishes the classification of financial assets when they are initially recognized and reviews the classification at each reporting date. In accordance with IFRS 13 amendment, the Group classifies market-valued financial instruments based on the lowest of used data that were significant with respect to the instrument whole fair value. In compliance with this standard, financial instruments must be classified as follows: 1. 2. 3. Quoted prices in active markets for identical instruments. Directly (prices) or indirectly (based on prices), observable data for the instrument. Data not based on market observations. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are financial assets held for trading. A financial asset is classified in this category if acquired mainly for short-term sale. Derivatives are also categorized as held for trading unless they are designated as hedges. The assets in this category are included in current assets, where the intention is to settle them within 12 months; otherwise they are classified as non-current. Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. They are included in current assets, except for maturities greater than 12 months after the balance sheet date, which are classified as non-current assets. Loans and receivables are included in trade and other receivables in the balance sheet (Note 2.13), as well as in concessionary assets assigned to projects in the case of receivables related to the financial assets model (Note 2.7). They are also included under the consolidated balance sheet heading “Cash and cash equivalents” (Note 2.14). Held-to-maturity financial assets Held-to-maturity financial assets are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturities that Group management has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. If the Group sells a non-insignificant amount of its held-to-maturity financial assets, the entire category will be reclassified as held for sale. Such available-for-sale financial assets are included in non-current assets, except those that mature within 12 months as from the balance sheet date, which are classified as current assets. Financial assets held for sale Financial assets held for sale are non-derivatives assets that are either designated in this category or not classified in any of the other categories. They are included in non-current assets unless management intends to dispose of the investment within 12 months of the balance sheet date. Recognition of financial assets Acquisitions and disposals of investments are recognized at the trading date, i.e. the date the Group undertakes to acquire or sell the asset. Investments are initially recognized at fair value plus transaction costs for all financial assets not carried at fair value through profit or loss. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are initially carried at fair value and transaction costs are taken to the income statement. Investments are written off when the rights to receive cash flows from them have expired or have been transferred and the Group has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership. Available-for-sale financial assets 24 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are subsequently carried at fair value. Loans and receivables are carried at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Gains and losses resulting from changes in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are included in the income statement in the year in which they arise. Dividend income from financial assets at fair value through profit or loss is recognized in the income statement when the Group’s right to receive payment is established. Changes in the fair value of monetary instruments denominated in foreign currency and classified as held for sale are analyzed by separating the differences in the instrument’s amortized cost and other changes in the instrument’s carrying amount. Translation differences on monetary instruments are recognized in the income statement, while translation differences on non-monetary instruments are recognized in equity (other comprehensive income). Changes in the fair value of monetary and non-monetary instruments classified as held for sale are recognized in equity (other comprehensive income). When available-for-sale instruments are sold or impaired, the cumulative fair value adjustments recognized in equity are taken to the consolidated income statement. Interest on available-for-sale instruments calculated using the effective interest rate method is recognized in the income statement item “Net financial results”. Dividends from available-for-sale equity instruments are recognized in the income statement in “Net financial results” when the Group’s right to receive payment is established. The fair values of quoted investments are based on current bid prices. If the market for a financial asset is not active (and for unlisted securities), the Group establishes fair value using measurement techniques which include recent uncontrolled transactions between willing and knowledgeable parties relating to other instruments that are substantially identical and the analysis of discounted cash flows and option pricing models, maximizing market input and relying as little as possible on the entity’s specific inputs. At the balance sheet date, the Group assesses whether there is objective evidence of impairment losses with respect to a financial asset or group of financial assets. For equity instruments classified as held for sale, in order to determine whether there is impairment losses it will be necessary to examine whether there is a significant or protracted below cost decline in the fair value of the securities. If there is any evidence of this type for available-for-sale financial assets, the cumulative loss determined as the difference between the acquisition cost and current fair value, less any impairment loss in that financial asset previously recognized in the income statement, is removed from equity and recognized in the income statement. Impairment losses recognized in the income statement on equity instruments are not reversed through the income statement. Impairment testing of receivables is described in Note 2.13. A financial asset is derecognized when all risks and benefits associated with the asset’s ownership are substantially transferred. In the case of receivables, this transference takes place when credit and default risks are transferred. Financial assets and liabilities are offset and presented by its net value in the balance sheet when there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recorded amounts, and the Group has the intention to settle or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. 2.11. Derivative financial instruments and hedging activities Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value at the contract date and are subsequently re-measured at fair value. The method to recognize the resulting gain or loss depends on whether the derivative is designated as a hedging instrument and, if so, on the nature of the item being hedged. The Group applies hedging accounting when the hedge is highly efficient, to hedge the fair value of hedged items. The Group may designate certain derivatives as: • Fair value hedges of recognized assets and liabilities (fair value hedge); 25 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) • • Hedges of a specific risk associated with a recognized liability or a highly probable forecast transaction (cash flow hedge); or Hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation (net investment hedge). The Group documents at the inception of the transaction the relationship between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as its risk management objective and strategy for undertaking hedging transactions. The Group also documents its assessment, both at hedge inception and on an ongoing basis, of whether or not the derivatives used in hedge transactions are highly effective in offsetting changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedged items. The fair value of some derivative financial instruments used for hedging purposes is shown in Note 11. Movements on the hedging reserve are shown in the consolidated statement of changes in equity and consolidated statement of comprehensive income. The total fair value of hedging derivatives is classified as a non-current asset or liability if the period to maturity of the hedged item is more than 12 months and as a current asset or liability if the period to maturity of the hedged item is less than 12 months. Derivatives not classified as hedges for accounting purposes are classified as current assets or liabilities. Regarding the amendment in IFRS 13, the Group proceeds to classify financial instruments market valuations as stated in Note 2.10. Fair value hedge Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualified as fair value hedges are recognized in the income statement together with any change in the fair value of the hedged asset or liability that may be attributable to the risk hedged. If the hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, the adjustment to the carrying amount of the hedged item for which effective interest rate method has been used, is recorded as profit or loss up to its maturity. Cash flow hedge The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualified as cash flow hedges is recognized in equity. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is immediately taken to the income statement. Amounts accumulated in equity are reclassified to in the income statement in the periods when the hedged item affects results (for instance, when the forecast sale that is hedged takes place). The gain or loss relating to the effective portion of interest rate swaps hedging variable-rate borrowings is recognized in the income statement item “Net financial results”. The gain or loss relating to the effective portion of forward foreign currency contracts hedging sales is recognized in the income statement item “Revenue/Sales” and the ones hedging purchases is recognized in “Materials consumed and other external costs”. When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative gain or loss existing in equity at that time remains in equity and it is recognized when the forecast transaction is ultimately recognized in the income statement. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that was reported in equity is immediately transferred to the income statement item “Net financial results”. Net investment hedge Hedges of net investments in foreign operations are accounted for in a similar way to cash flow hedges. Any gain or loss on the hedging instrument relating to the effective portion of the hedge is recognized in equity. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is immediately recognized in the income statement. Gains and losses accumulated in equity are included in the income statement when the foreign operation is disposed of. 26 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Derivative financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Certain derivatives do not qualify for hedge accounting and are recognized at fair value through profit or loss. Changes in the fair value of any derivative instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are immediately recognized in the income statement item. 2.12. Inventories Raw materials and finished products are carried at the lower between the acquisition or production cost, using the weighted average cost method, or the net realizable value (the lowest). Finished products and work in progress items costs include design costs, raw materials, direct work force, other direct costs and general manufacturing costs (based on a normal capacity of production facilities). Changes in prices of such inventories referred to variable indexes are recorded against inventories value. Buildings under construction and other structures are measured based on direct execution costs, also including financing costs incurred during the development phase and structural costs attributable to the projects. These items are classified as short- or long-term cycle depending on whether the period to completion is less or more than twelve months. Obsolete, defective or slow-moving products are written down to their net realizable value. Net realizable value is the selling price estimated during ordinary business course, less applicable sale variable costs. 2.13. Trade and other receivables Trade receivables are amounts due from customers related to goods sold or services rendered in the ordinary course of business. If the receivables are expected to be collected in a year or less (or in the operation cycle if longer), they are classified as current assets. Otherwise, they are recorded as non-current assets. Trade receivables are initially recognized at fair value and are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method, less provision for impairment. A provision for impairment of trade receivables is established when there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all amounts due in accordance with the original terms of the receivables. The existence of significant financial difficulties on the part of the debtor, the probability that the debtor will become bankrupt or undertake a financial restructuring, and late payment or default are considered to be indicators of the impairment of a receivable. The amount of the provision is the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the effective interest rate. The asset’s carrying amount is written down as the provision is applied and the loss is recognized in the income statement. When a receivable is uncollectable, the provision for receivables is adjusted accordingly. Subsequent recoveries of receivables written off are recognized in the income statement for the year in which the recovery takes place. 2.14. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, demand deposits in banks and other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less. Bank overdrafts are shown within bank borrowings in current liabilities on the balance sheet. 2.15. Share capital Share capital consists entirely of ordinary shares classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds. Where any Group company purchases the Parent company’s equity share capital (treasury shares), the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental costs (net of income taxes), is deducted from 27 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) equity attributable to the Parent company’s equity owners until the shares are redeemed, reissued or sold. When these shares are sold or subsequently reissued, any amount received, net of any incremental cost on the transaction which is directly attributable and the corresponding income tax effects, and is included in equity attributable to the parent Company’s equity owners. 2.16. Deferred income a) Official grants According to IFRS-EU, official grants are booked when there is a reasonable assurance of compliance with all the conditions related to their enjoyment and that they will be received. Grants and aids given to the Group are subject to several conditions. Expectations on compliance with requirements to get the above-mentioned grants are continually assessed, considering that they will be fulfilled without the Group having to restore them. Thus, grants are recognized at 31 December 2015 and 2014 (Note 19). The Group has several grants to fund its investments. Due to the varied characteristics of each grant received, judgement is used to determine their amount in those cases in which the aids refer to non-interest-bearing loans. In these situations, implicit interests are computed by using the effective market rate to calculate a loan’s fair value. The difference between the nominal amount and the fair value of loans is considered as deferred income and is registered in the income statement in line with what is being financed. If the noninterest-bearing loan is allocated to an asset acquisition, the deferred income is registered as profit / (loss) for the year, during the useful life of that asset. Otherwise, if the non-interest-bearing loan is related to an operating cost, the deferred income is recognized in the income statement at the time that the expense is incurred. b) Non-interest-bearing loans granted by official entities Non-interest-bearing loans received by the Group are registered at present value (calculated applying the effective market interest rate). The difference at the initial date between the nominal value of the loan and its present value is booked as follows: when the funding is allocated to an asset acquisition, the above-mentioned difference is considered as deferred income and is registered on the income statement during the period in which such financial assets are amortized. c) Deductions Tax revenue corresponding to deductions or allowances in the income tax amount pending of application, from investments in property, plant and equipment, is registered in the consolidated income statement in the same period in which the property, plant and equipment that gave rise to them is depreciated, because they are specific aids subject to certain conditions and aimed at encouraging investment in renewable energies. 2.17. Trade and other payables Trade payables are initially recognized at fair value and are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method. Payables are classified as current liabilities if payments mature is less than a year. Otherwise, they are classified as non-current liabilities. 2.18. Compound financial instruments The liability component of a compound financial instrument is recognised initially at the fair value of a similar liability that does not have an equity conversion option. The equity component is recognised initially at the difference between the fair value of the compound financial instrument as a whole and the fair value of the liability component. Any directly attributable transaction costs are allocated to the liability and equity components in proportion to their initial carrying amounts. 28 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Subsequent to initial recognition, the liability component of a compound financial instrument is measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Estimated cash flows are re-estimated at each closing date and changes in the amortised costs using the original effective interest rate are recognised against profit and loss. The equity component of a compound financial instrument is not re-measured subsequent to initial recognition except on conversion or expiry. Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the end of the reporting period. 2.19. Bank Borrowings and other financial liabilities Bank borrowings are initially carried at fair value net of transaction costs. They are subsequently measured at amortized cost. Any differences between the funds obtained (net of necessary costs) and their repayment value are recognized in the income statement over the life of the debt applying the effective interest rate method. Bank borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer settlement for at least 12 months as from the balance sheet date. Interest and other costs incurred to obtain bank loans are taken to the income statement for the year on an accrual basis. Commissions paid on the arrangement of credit lines are recognised as debt transaction costs provided that it is probable that part or all the line will be used. In this case, the commissions are deferred until the line is utilised. Insofar as it is not probable that all or part of the credit line will be used, the commission is capitalised as an advance payment for liquidity services and is amortised over the period during which the facility is available. Other financial liabilities mandatorily convertible into equity instruments on a specific date or in a specific time period are initially recognised at fair value, net of transaction costs, and are subsequently measured at amortised cost, using the original effective interest rate and adjusting the carrying amount through profit or loss due to changes in estimated future debt repayment flows. An exchange of debt instruments between a debtor and creditor, provided that the instruments have substantially different conditions, will be recognized as the settlement of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial liability. Similarly, a substantial modification of the current conditions governing a financial liability or a portion thereof (regardless of whether or not it is attributable to financial difficulties affecting the debtor) is recognised as a settlement of the original financial liability and a new financial liability is recognised. In order to apply the previous paragraph, the Group considers that the conditions will be deemed to be substantially different if the present value of discounted cash flows under the new conditions, including any fee paid net of any fee received, and applying the original effective interest rate to the discount differs by at least 10% from the present discounted value of the cash flows that still remain with respect to the original financial liability. When a debt instrument exchange or a modification of it, it is recorded as an elimination, the costs and commissions incurred will be recognised as part of the results deriving from the extinguishment. If the exchange or modification mentioned above is not recognised as an extinguishment, the costs and commissions will be adjusted by the carrying value of the liability and amortised over the remaining life of the modified liability. 2.20. Current and deferred income taxes Tax expense for the year comprises current and deferred tax. Tax is recognized in the income statement except to the extent it relates to items recognized directly in equity. In this case, tax is also recognized in equity. The current tax charge is calculated based on the tax laws approved or about to be approved at the balance sheet date in the countries where the Group’s companies operate and generate results subject to tax. 29 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Management assesses regularly the positions taken in relation to tax returns with respect to situations where tax law is subject to interpretation, and establishes, where appropriate, the necessary provisions on the basis of the amounts that it is expected to pay to the tax authorities. Deferred income tax is calculated, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated annual accounts. However, if the deferred taxes arise from the initial recognition of a liability or an asset on a transaction other than a business combination that at the time of the transaction has no effect on the tax gain or loss, they are not accounted for. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realized or the deferred income tax liability is settled. Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be offset. Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and associates, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences is controlled by the Group and it is likely that the temporary difference will not reverse in a foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if, and only if, there is a legally recognized right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities derive from income tax levied by the same taxing authority on the same taxable entity or person or different taxable entities or persons which intend to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis. 2.21. Employee benefits Pension and retirement obligations For the purposes of their accounting treatment, defined contribution plans under which the Group’s obligation consists solely of contributing an annual amount must be differentiated from defined benefit plans under which employees are entitled to a specific benefit on the accrual of their pensions. Defined contribution plans A defined contribution plan is a pension plan under which the Group pays fixed contributions to a fund and has no legal or constructive obligation to make additional contributions if the fund has insufficient assets to pay to all the employees the benefits related to the services rendered in the current year and in prior years. Contributions accrued in respect of defined contribution plans are expensed annually. Defined benefit plans A defined benefit plan is a pension plan that is not a defined contribution plan. A defined benefit plan usually defines the amount of the benefit that will be received by an employee at the time of retirement, normally on the basis of one or more factors such as age, years of service and remuneration. The liability recognized in the balance sheet with respect to defined benefit pension plans is the present value of the defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet date less the fair value of the plan assets and any unrecognized past service costs. The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually by independent actuaries in accordance with the projected unit credit method. The present value of the obligation is determined by discounting the estimated future cash flows at interest rates on government Senior Notes denominated in the currency in which the benefits will be paid and maturities similar to those of the relevant obligations. At 31 December 2015 and 2014 the Group does not have this type of defined contribution or defined benefit plans. 30 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Termination benefits Termination benefits are payable as a result of the Group’s decision to terminate employment before the normal retirement date, or whenever an employee accepts voluntary redundancy in exchange for these benefits. The Group recognizes these benefits when it has demonstrably undertaken to terminate current employees’ employment in accordance with a formal detailed plan that cannot be withdrawn, or to provide severance indemnities as a result of an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy. Benefits that will not be paid within 12 months of the balance sheet date are discounted to their present value. Profit-sharing and bonus plans The Group recognizes a liability and an expense for bonuses and profit-sharing based on a formula that takes into consideration the profit attributable to the Company’s equity owners after certain adjustments. The Group recognizes a provision when contractually obliged or when there is a past practice that has created a constructive obligation. 2.22. Provisions The Group recognizes a provision when: it has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events; it is likely that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation; and the amount has been reliably estimated. Provisions are not recognized for future operating losses. Where there are a number of similar obligations, the likelihood that an outflow will be required in settlement is determined by considering the class of obligations as a whole. A provision is recognized even if the likelihood of an outflow with respect to any one item included in the same class of obligations may be small. Provisions are carried at the present value of forecast payments that are expected to be required to settle the obligation, using a rate before taxes that reflects the current market assessment of the time value of money and the specific risks of the obligation. The increase in the provision due to passage of time is recognized as interest expense. Provisions for project completion and loss-making construction contracts are explained in Note 2.23. Dismantling accruals Based on technical studies performed, the Group has estimated the present dismantling cost of technical installations recognized under the heading of assets assigned to projects. This estimation has been capitalized as higher asset value and depreciated over its useful life, which in most cases is similar to lease contracts subscribed for the lands in which the installations have been installed. In addition, the Group has capitalized the present value of the estimated dismantling and retirement costs of the plants at the end of their useful life. Concessionary assets dismantling, retirement and major maintenance provisions are detailed in Note 2.7. 2.23. Revenue recognition Revenue / Sales include the fair value of payments received or receivable for the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Group’s activities. Sales are presented net of value added tax, returns, rebates and discounts, and after eliminating sales within the Group. The Group recognizes revenue when the amount may be reliably estimated, it is likely that the future economic benefits will flow to the entity and the specific conditions are fulfilled for each of the Group’s activities, as described below. A reliable calculation of the amount of revenue is not deemed possible until all sale-related contingencies have been resolved. The Group’s estimates are based on historical results, taking into consideration customer type, transaction type and specific terms of each arrangement. The methods used to recognize revenue in each of the Group’s business activities are described below: 31 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Construction business When the results of a construction contract may be reliably estimated, ordinary revenue and associated costs of the contract are recognized as such in the income statement, based on the percentage of completion of the activity performed under the contract at the balance sheet date. When a project is expected to generate a loss, the necessary provisions are recorded to cover the entire loss during preparation of the updated budget. Percentage of completion is generally determined by examining work executed. This method may be used since all contracts generally include: • • • A definition of each project unit that must be executed to complete the whole project; A measurement of each of these project units; and The price at which each unit is certified. In order to put this method into practice, at the end of each month a measurement of completed units is obtained for each project. The resulting total is the amount of construction work executed at the contractual price, which is recognized as project revenue from inception. The difference with respect to the corresponding figure a month earlier is production for the month, which is the amount recognized as revenue. The cost of executing a project is recognised on an accrual basis, recognising the expenses actually incurred to perform the units of work as expenses (including unaccrued expenses and those for which no supplier invoices have been received from the supplier, in which case a liability will be recognised for the invoices to be received). In case that the proyects are cancelled when the returnable positions must be determinated, the Direction fix the best stimations base on experts reports, their legal experts and other relevant information. The application of this revenue recognition method is combined with the preparation of a budget made for each construction contract by project unit. This budget is used as a key management tool in order to maintain detailed monitoring, project unit by project unit, of fluctuations between actual and budgeted figures. In such exceptional cases, when it is not possible to estimate the margin for the entire contract, the total costs incurred are recognized and sales that are reasonably assured with respect to the completed work are recognized as contract revenue, subject to the limit of the total contract costs. In the event that they are cancelled, recoverable positions are determined by management based on the best estimates of third-party appraisals, the analyses provided by legal advisors and other relevant available information. During the execution of construction work, unforeseen events not envisaged in the primary contract may occur that increase the volume of work to be executed. These changes to the initial contract require the customer’s technical approval and subsequent financial approval. This approval permits, from that moment, the issue and collection of certificates for this additional work. Revenue from the additional work is not recognized until the customer’s approval is reasonably assured; costs incurred in this work are, however, recognized when incurred, irrespective of the degree of approval obtained from the customer. In the event that the amount of work actually executed in a project exceeds the amount certified at the year end, the difference between the two amounts is reflected in the consolidated balance sheet item “Trade and other receivables”. When the amount of work actually executed in a project is lower than the amount of the certificates issued, the difference is recognized in the consolidated balance sheet item “Trade and other payables”. Estimated project close-out costs are provisioned and deferred over the execution period. These costs are recognized proportionally on the basis of estimated costs as a proportion of executed work. Costs incurred from project completion to definitive settlement are charged to the provision recorded and the remaining balance is recognized in the item “Provisions for other liabilities and charges” in current liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet. In the case of construction contracts at the year end that are expected to make a loss, the estimated loss is recognised when it is unlikely to be offset by additional revenue. 32 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) When claims against the client due to construction overcosts arise, the Group only recognises the related revenue when negotiations have reached an advanced stage in which it is highly probable that the client will accept the claim and claim´s amount that the client will probably accept can be reliably measured. Late-payment interest arising from delays in the collection of certificates from public administrations is recognized when it is likely that the interest will actually be collected and the amount may be reliably measured. These interests are included in the financial income item of the income statement. Costs relating to the tendering of bids for construction contracts are taken to the income statement when incurred, when the success of the bid is not probable or is not known at the date the costs are incurred. Bid tendering costs are included in the cost of the contract when the success of the bid is probable or is known, or when it is certain that the costs will be reimbursed or included in contract revenue. Engineering business Engineering project revenue is recognized on a percentage-of-completion basis, based on direct costs incurred in relation to total estimated costs. The methods described for the construction business, as regards the recognition of revenue for additional work, recognition of estimated future losses by recording provisions, accounting treatment of any timing differences between revenue recognition for accounting purposes and the certificates issued to customers, recognition of late-payment interest, treatment of costs related to bids submitted and treatment of claims submitted to customers are also applied to the engineering business. Concessions and services business The Group has concessions to operate electricity infrastructure, car parks, toll roads, and others (Note 2.7). The services business consists mainly of environmental services, such as wastewater treatment, and maintenance services for industrial infrastructure and related areas. Under concession and management contracts for services, revenue and expenditure is recognized on an accrual basis, irrespective of when the related monetary or financial flows take place. The accounting treatment of the main activities is described below. Multiple element contracts Concessions for public services are contracts between a private operator and the Government or a different public body, in which the latter party grants to the private operator the right to provide public services such as the supply of water or electricity, or the operation of roads, airports or prisons. Control over the asset is retained by the public sector, but the private operator assumes responsibility for building the asset and for operating and maintaining the infrastructure. Depending on the contract terms, concessions are treated as intangible assets (when the predominant element is that the concession holder has the right to receive fees directly from users or the level of future flows are not assured by the granting authority) or as financial assets (when the granting authority guarantees a level of future cash flows). The Group offers certain agreements under which it builds an infrastructure in exchange for a concession to operate it for a specified period. When such contracts contain multiple elements, the amount of revenue recognized is defined as the fair value for each phase of the contract. Revenue from infrastructure construction and engineering is recognized as described in the preceding paragraphs. Revenue from an intangible asset operation is recognized on an accrual basis as operating revenue. When a financial asset has been recognized, revenue is treated as a principal repayment with an interest income component. The characteristics of the Group’s main activities are described below: 33 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Toll roads/electricity transmission lines In most cases, the principle of risk and business venture on the part of the concession holder coexists with the principle of assurance of the concession's economic and financial equilibrium on the part of the Government. Revenue is recognized at fair value during the construction phase. When the granting authority directly provides or guarantees a level of revenue for the concession holder, the asset is included in receivables. When the concession holder has the right to receive fees from users or revenues are not guaranteed, an intangible asset is recognized. In such cases, the Group recognizes revenue on an accrual basis and the intangible asset is depreciated over the concession term using a straight-line method, except for some toll roads infrastructures concessions in which the depreciation is recognized based in the traffic forecast for the concession. Car parks Car park business may be divided into: • Car parks for local residents: This business involves the construction of car parks whose spaces are sold directly to the end customer. The sale and related costs are not recognized until the parking space has been handed over, which usually coincides with the execution of the public deed of sale. Additionally, in order to recognize the sale and costs, construction of the car park must have been completed and the license for the use of the car park must have been delivered. Commitments formalized in car park sale contracts pending handover are recorded as advanced receivables in the amounts obtained on account of the parking space. Capitalized costs are included in inventories and measured as described in the relevant section. • On-street car parks: This is a public service rendered to local authorities, which mainly concerns the management of public parking and the collection of the fees charged by municipalities for these services. The revenues are usually the hourly parking fees paid or the price paid for the public service by the council and is recognized when the relevant amounts fall due for payment. In the case of concessions, the amount paid to obtain the concession is recognized in the income statement over the concession period. Capitalized costs are included as intangible assets or financial assets, depending on the characteristics of the contract. Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis during the concession term and begins when the asset is available for use. • Off-street car parks: In this case, revenues arise from the use of parking spaces owned by the company or held under an administrative concession. Off-street car park revenues are recorded when the hourly parking rate is paid and, in the case of season ticket holders, on an accrual basis. Revenues from mixed car parks (off-street and for local residents) are recognized as described in the preceding paragraph, in the case of the off-street spaces. As regards spaces for local residents, the amounts received for spaces handed over are recorded in liabilities and taken to the income statement on a straightline basis over the relevant concession periods, provided the distributable costs may not be reasonably segregated. During the accounting period in which the revenues are recognized, the necessary provisions are posted to cover costs to be incurred following handover. These provisions are calculated using the best estimates of costs to be incurred and may only be reduced as a result of a payment made in relation to the costs provisioned or a reduction in the risk. Once the risk has disappeared or the payments have been made, the surplus provision is reversed. Capitalized costs are recognized as intangible assets. Electric energy sales Electricity sales carried out by solar-photovoltaic plants in accordance with the sector regulations, as described below, are usually registered based upon the actual production. In the case of solar-photovoltaic plants in Spain, a complement due to investment costs (based on a standard per technology) and a complement related to operation compensation are additionally accounted for. Sales for the period include the estimate about provided energy which is pending to be invoiced at the year end. 34 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Up until 2013 solar-photovoltaic plants in Spain operated and received compensation based on Royal Decree 661/2007 (25 May), which regulates the production of energy under the special system, or based on Royal Decree 1578/2008 (26 September) on compensation for the generation of electricity using solar-photovoltaic technologies after the deadline for maintaining compensation in accordance with Royal Decree 661/2007 (25 May). In both cases the compensation was based on the right to receive a regulated rate for up to 30 years. During the period in which the aforementioned Royal Decrees were in force certain legislative changes were made that did not modify the essence of the compensation system, but did introduce limits and variables that changed the income to be received. Upon the publication of Royal Decree-Law 9/2003 (12 July 2013), which adopts urgent measures to guarantee the financial stability of the electrical system, solar-photovoltaic plants and other renewable-source electricity generation technologies, may also receive during the regulatory useful life specific compensation consisting of an amount per unit of installed capacity that covers, when appropriate, the investment costs for each typical solar-photovoltaic plant that cannot be recovered through the sale of energy on the market, in addition to the compensation for the sale of energy at market values, and the former is called compensation for the investment. There is also an amount that covers, if appropriate, the difference between operating costs and market share revenue which is called compensation for operations To calculate the compensation for the investment and compensation for operations for a typical plan the standard revenues from the sale of energy produced at market prices, the standard operating costs necessary to carry out the activity and the standard value of the initial investment are taken into consideration. The standard values will be set in a Ministerial Order published by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism for each of the various solar-photovoltaic plants which may be segmented by technology, capacity, age, etc. The compensation for the investment and, if appropriate, compensation for operation will allow the cost of plants to be covered such that they may compete on equal level with other technologies and may obtain a reasonable profit, which will be set based on the average yield of 10-year Spanish Government Senior Notes plus a spread. Both the spread that is set and certain compensation parameters that will be established in the Ministerial Order may be changed every six years. The new regulation took effect on 13 July 2013, although certain developments were published in 2014. One of these was Royal Decree 413/2014 of 6 June which regulates the production of electricity using renewable energy sources, co-generation and waste. Another was Order IET/1045/2014 of 16 June which approved the remuneration parameters for standard facilities applicable to certain electricity production plants using renewable energy, co-generation and waste and established the parameters to be considered for calculating the specific remuneration to which each facility is entitled as well as the different standards by plant type. Based on the regulatory changes, impairment tests are conducted on the Cash Generating Units (CGU) of the photovoltaic solar power plant. 2.24. Interest Income Interest income is recognised using the effective interest method. When a loan and receivable is impaired, the Group reduces the carrying amount to its recoverable amount, being the estimated future cash flow discounted at the original effective interest rate of the instrument, and continues unwinding the discount as interest income. Interest income on impaired loan and receivables is recognised using the original effective interest rate. 2.25. Dividend Income Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is established. 35 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 2.26. Leases When a Group company is the lessee – Finance lease The Group leases certain property, plant and equipment. Property, plant and equipment leases where the Group has substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classed as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalized at the lease’s inception at the lower between the fair value of the leased property and the present value of the minimum lease payments. Each lease payment is allocated between the liability and finance charges so as to achieve a constant rate on the outstanding debt. The corresponding rental obligations, net of finance charges, are included in other longterm payables. The interest element of the finance cost is charged to the income statement over the lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each period. The property, plant and equipment acquired under finance lease is depreciated over the shorter of the useful life of the asset or the lease term. When a Group company is the lessee – Operating lease Leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. When a Group company is the lessor When assets are leased under finance lease, the present value of lease payments is recognized as a financial account receivable. The difference between the gross receivable and the present value of that amount is recognized as a financial return on capital. Lease revenues are recognized during the lease period in accordance with the net investment method, which reflects a constant periodic rate of return. Assets leased to third parties under operating lease contracts are included in tangible fixed assets on the balance sheet. Income from leases is recognized on a straight-line basis during the lease term. 2.27. Dividend distribution Dividend distribution to the Parent Company’s equity holders is recognized as a liability in the Group’s consolidated annual accounts in the year in which the dividends are approved by the parent Company’s equity holders. 2.28. Environment The consolidated Group has no environmental liabilities, costs, assets, provisions or contingencies that could be significant in relation to its equity, financial situation and results. No specific breakdowns are therefore included in these notes to the consolidated annual accounts relating to environmental issues. 2.29. Operating results The income statement caption Operating results includes the results of the Group companies’ ordinary activities, excluding financial results (see Note 27) and shares on results of companies consolidated under the Equity method and under discontinuing operations. 2.30. Non-current assets (or disposable groups) and related liabilities held for sale and discontinued operations Non-current assets and associated liabilities (or disposable groups of assets) are classified as assets held for sale and liabilities associated with non-current assets held for sale when their value will be recovered mainly through their sale, provided that the sale is considered to be highly probable and the asset is available for 36 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) immediate sale in its current state. These assets are measured at the lower of the carrying value and fair value less selling costs. Discontinued operations represent components of the Group that will be sold or otherwise disposed of, or are classified as held for sale. These components consist of operations and cash flows that may be clearly distinguished from the rest of the Group from both an operating and financial information point of view and they represent lines of business or geographic areas that may be considered to be separate from the rest. 2.31. Segment reporting Operative segments are consistently disclosed with internal information, which is presented to the highest decision-making unit. This unit is responsible for operative segments resources allocation and for these segments’ performance assessment. Management Committee has been designed as the highest decisionmaking unit (Note 5). The Management Committee has established operating segments based on the financial information that the Board of Directors reviewed and used in making strategic decisions. The accounting policies of these segments are the same that are applies and described in these consolidated financial statements. 3. Financial risk management 3.1. Financial risk factors Group’s activities are exposed to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including foreign exchange risk, fair value interest rate risk and price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Group’s overall risk management program focuses on financial markets uncertainty and seeks to minimize potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance. The Group uses derivative financial instruments to hedge certain risks. Risk management is performed by the Group’s Central Treasury Department in accordance with policies approved by the Board of Directors. This department identifies, evaluates and hedges financial risks in close association with the Group’s operating units. The Board provides written policies for overall risk management and for specific areas such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, use of derivatives and non-derivatives, and investment of cash surpluses. a) Market risk a.1) Foreign exchange risk The Group has international operations and is therefore exposed to foreign exchange risk during currency transactions, relating particularly to the US Dollar (USD), Brazilian Real, Mexican Peso and Indian Rupee, as well as to other currencies. Foreign exchange risk arises from future commercial transactions, recognized assets and liabilities and net investments in foreign operations. Management has implemented a policy that requires the Group companies to manage foreign exchange risk with respect to their functional currency. The Group companies are obliged to hedge all foreign exchange risk through the Central Treasury Department. Foreign exchange risks arising from future commercial transactions and recognized assets and liabilities are hedged by means of forward contracts traded through the Group’s Treasury Department. Foreign exchange risk arises when future commercial transactions or recognized assets and liabilities are denominated in a currency other than the company’s functional currency. The Group’s Treasury Department has a policy of hedging net forecast flows deriving from forecast transactions in currencies other than the functional currency of the Group company that effects the transaction. At 31 December 2015 and 2014 there were foreign current call-put transactions related to companies located in Spain, USA, Asia and Latin America (See Note 11). 37 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The Group’s transactions are generally completed in each country’s functional currency, although transactions are often effected in a different currency (mainly in Spain, India, and Latin America), particularly in US Dollars and Euro. At 31 December 2015, had the functional currency of each country with transactions in US Dollars depreciated/appreciated by 10% against the US Dollar, without any change in the remaining variables, the consolidated result after tax for 2015 would have been 19,339 thousand euro lower/higher (2014: 17,850 thousand euro lower/higher), mainly due to the effects of the increase/decrease in US dollars liability/asset positions. Equity would have changed by the same amounts (effects calculated excluding the impact of fair value changes in the derivative financial instruments contracted). The Group has a number of investments in foreign operations whose net assets are exposed to foreign exchange risk. These investments are located basically in Netherlands, Latin America (Brazil and Mexico), USA and India. In general, the Group ensures that operations in each country are financed by bank borrowings in the functional currency of that country so that foreign exchange risk only affects the capital investment. Where the investment is partially or fully financed by bank borrowings, the Group ensures that the loans are obtained in the correspondent functional currency. When no financing is used, the Group does not contract hedges, except in certain cases in which short-term forecast flows relating dividends from the subsidiary are hedged. Set out below is a breakdown of the main foreign currency exposures affecting capital investments (measured considering net assets from foreing consolidated subsidiaries, and investment in joint ventures included in Note 9): Brazilian Real (*) Mexican Peso (*) Indian Rupee US Dollar (*) Other currencies (*) Total 2015 526,640 237,853 396,261 427,679 244,528 1,832,961 2014 504,124 255,927 339,983 457,571 184,310 1,741,915 (*) Excluding the value of goodwill at each date, as mentioned in Note 7.1. a.2) Price risk The Group is not exposed to equity instrument price risk since it has no significant investments. The Group is partially exposed to market price risk in respect of raw materials, relating basically to metals and oil, which affect the price of supplies of equipment and materials manufactured in the projects executed by the Group. Generally, these effects are efficiently passed on in selling prices by all similar contractors operating in the same sector. The Group reduces and mitigates price risk by means of policies implemented by management, consisting basically of a reduction or increase in the rate of placements and the selection of currencies and countries of origin, as well as by ensuring the production or acquisition of certain raw materials at a closed price. a.3) Cash flow and fair value interest rate risk Interest rate risk must be analyzed in relation to the two types of financing obtained by the Group: • Project finance As explained in Note 8, the Group participates in a number of investment projects under “Project finance” arrangements in which, among other aspects, repayments are secured only by cash flows from the respective projects; there may be, in some cases and during the construction phase, additional guarantees. In such cases, financing mainly comprises long-term, variable-rate instruments. The interest rates applicable depend on the country in which the project is located and on the currency in which the financing is issued. Financing issued at variable rates exposes the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. The Group uses interest rate swaps to convert long-term financing totally or partially to fixed interest rates. Additionally, under certain project finance contracts the company that obtains the financing undertakes vis-à-vis the granting banks to contract the above-mentioned derivative financial instruments. Exposure to variable interest rate risk at each year end is analyzed below: 38 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 2015 Euribor Rate Project Finance Cash and cash equivalents interest-bearing Net position Portion hedged with derivative financial instruments 2014 158,997 (442) 158,555 71% Euribor Rate Project Finance Cash and cash equivalents interest-bearing Net position Portion hedged with derivative financial instruments 162,312 (201) 162,111 69% Other rates (*) 76,544 (2,475) 74,069 0% Other rates (*) 81,773 (4,365) 77,408 0% Total 235,541 (2,917) 232,624 48% Total 244,085 (4,566) 239,519 47% (*) Includes project finance related to non-current assets held for sale (Note 15) The Group analyses its exposure to interest rate risk in a dynamic manner. A simulation is performed in which the Group calculates the effect on results of a specific change in the interest rate. In each simulation, the same interest rate fluctuation is used for all currencies and reference rates. Scenarios are only simulated for liabilities representing the most relevant interest-bearing positions. Based on the simulations performed, the impact on results after tax of an increase/decrease of 100 basis points in the interest rate would have been a reduction/increase of 888 thousand euro (2014: 672 thousand euro), mainly due to a rise/reduction in interest expense on variable-rate loans; equity would have changed by the same amounts (effects calculated without considering the impact of fair value changes in the derivative financial instruments contracted). • Bank Borrowings The Group’s interest-rate risk arises mainly from long-term bank borrowings. Bank borrowings issued at variable rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. Fixed-interest bank borrowings and Senior Notes expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. A large part of the Group’s bank borrowings are obtained at variable rates, the main reference rate being the Euribor. The Group policies consist in the use of interest rate swaps to convert long-term financing to fixed interest rates. Exposure to variable interest rate risk at each year end is analyzed below: Euribor Rate 2015 Other rates Total Bank Borrowings 499,135 188,304 687,439 Cash and cash equivalents interest-bearing (70,767) (95,501) (166,268) Net position Portion hedged with derivative financial instruments 428,368 54% 92,803 0% 521,171 39% Euribor Rate 2014 Other rates Total Bank Borrowings 447,445 226,843 674,288 Cash and cash equivalents interest-bearing (88,645) (183,726) (272,371) Net position Portion hedged with derivative financial instruments 358,800 101% 43,117 0% 401,917 67% 39 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The Group analyses exposure to interest rate risk in a dynamic manner. A number of scenarios are simulated taking into consideration refinancing, renewal of current positions, alternative financing, existence of variablerate investments (in this sense, very short-term interest-bearing placements are treated as being exposed to variable interest rates) and existing hedges. Through these scenarios, the Group calculates the effect on results of a specific change in the interest rate. In each simulation, the same interest rate fluctuation is used for all currencies. Scenarios are only simulated for liabilities that represent the most relevant interest-bearing positions. Based on the simulations conducted, the impact on after-tax results of an increase/decrease of 100 basis points interest rate would decrease/increase in 729 thousand euro (2014: 1,640 thousand euro), mainly due to higher/lower interest expense on variable rate loans; equity would have changed in the same amount (effects calculated not considering the impact of changes in fair value of financial derivatives contracts). b) Credit risk The Group manages credit risk in relation to the following groups of financial assets: • • Derivative financial instruments (see Note 11) and balances included under Cash and cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (see Note 14). Balances related to trade and other receivables (see Note 12). Derivative financial instruments and bank transactions included in cash and cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are contracted with reputable financial institutions that obtain high credit ratings. According to trade and other receivables (54.20% and 56.27% at 31 December 2015 and 2014, respectively) relate to transactions with national and international public institutions and the Group therefore considers that credit risk is under tight control. A significant part of the receivables from private companies relate to companies with high credit ratings and there is no default history with respect to the Group. A follow-up is performed on a periodically basis of the overall position in trade and other receivables and also an individual analysis of the most significant exposures. c) Liquidity risk Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and marketable securities, the availability of funding through an adequate amount of committed credit facilities and the ability to close out market positions. Due to the dynamic nature of the underlying businesses, Group Treasury aims to maintain flexibility in funding by keeping committed credit lines available. Regarding to the Group’s project financing arrangements (“Project finance”), as explained in Note 8, repayments are secured only by cash flows from the respective projects. In such cases, the Group hedges liquidity risk by ensuring that financing is long term and structured on the basis of the forecast cash flows for each project. Accordingly, 74.51% of financing assigned to projects recognized at 31 December 2015 (2014: 93.98%) falls due after more than 1 year. There is any financing recognized at 31 December 2015 (2014: 17.23%) falls due after more than 4 years. As regards the Group’s liquidity position, management monitors the Group’s forecast liquidity based on expected cash flows. The following table contains a breakdown of the Group’s financial liabilities that will be settled in the net amount, grouped together by maturity date based on the period from the balance sheet date to the maturity date stipulated in each contract. The amounts shown in the table relate to undiscounted cash flows stipulated in the contract. Balances payable in less than 12 months reflect the relevant carrying amounts as the effect of discounting is not significant. 40 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Less than 1 year Between 1 and 2 years Between 2 and 5 years More than 5 years At 31 December 2015 Bank Borrowings and Senior Notes Derivative financial instruments* Trade and other payables** Accrued unmatured interest 233,963 12,376 1,695,506 90,871 109,040 7,584 10,416 80,238 387,610 192,760 852,025 26,413 Total 2,032,716 207,278 580,370 878,438 At 31 December 2014 Bank Borrowings and Senior Notes Derivative financial instruments* Trade and other payables** Accrued unmatured interest 276,090 15,466 1,873,182 101,482 90,958 7,888 14,654 88,268 309,618 7,098 205,506 870,848 10 31,351 Total 2,266,220 201,768 522,222 902,209 *Excluding derivative financial instruments linked to project finance. **Does not include deferred income, interim invoicing or advances received on contracts. It also does not include any other accounts payable that do not involve liquidity risks. Liquidity risk is managed on an overall, centralized basis by the Group Treasury Department. This includes both managing cash from the Group’s recurring transactions (analysis and follow-up of debt maturities, collections, renewal and contracting loans, management of available credit lines, and temporary investment of cash surpluses) and managing the funds necessary to undertake planned investments. Although the Group recognizes negative working capital totalling 353 million euro at 31 December 2015 (excluding the effect of non-current assets and related liabilities held for sale), the Directors of the Parent Company consider that the liquidity risk is adequately managed based on the cash flow forecasts that the Group prepares. Such forecasts main objective in the short-term; a) strength the liquidity position of the working capital, thereby helping to ease recurrent cash tensions that currently exist in the Group's business sector and b) adapt the Group's financial structure to the current market conditions, as well as to the cash generation capacity of each of the Group's business units. Among other measures currently under analysis, which include the feasibility of redefining the current business structure in order to guarantee that each business unit indebtness that is in line with its capacity to generate operating cash, as well as the establishment of an asset disinvestment process, provided that it may be executed in a manner that contributes to the Group's best business interests As of the preparation date of these annual accounts, a Strategic Plan is being prepared, designed and communicated to the main parties involved in the process. In order to provide more transparency and to strength the reliability of the cash flow estimates (which are the basis on which the aforementioned projections are prepared), the Group has facilitated the continuous detailed review of its projected information to an external advisor in this area, and which commenced during the second half of 2015. It is worthmentioning that during the year the aforementioned review, has experienced a general achievement of the objectives established in the different forecast prepared by the Management. Set out below are the most relevant assumptions defined by Group Management to preparing the aforementioned forecasts, which fulfilment involves factors that may not be under the control of the Group and therefore generate a certain level of uncertainty regarding materialization: • As previously mentioned, forecasts take into consideration the working capital of a substantial part of the bank borrowings that fall due in the short-term, particularly the credit facilities. The perception of financial agents regarding the outlook for the Group's business sector has deteriorated during the second half of 2015 due to external factors. This environment also gives rise to limited access to capital markets, which is shown in the decline in the market prices for the debt instrument issued by the Group. In order to attain its objectives, the Group expects to continue to have the confidence of financial institutions in order to renew, or replace, a significant part of the existing credit lines, which 41 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) primarily consist of ordinary credit facilities, confirming facilities, factoring facilities, and bank guarantees. • The Group's business structure may be redefined, as was mentioned previously, together with the debt level to attribute to each business unit. This restructuring requires the prior acceptance by at least a relevant part of financial creditors in line with the previously comments. The Group therefore considers that the confidence shown by financial creditors with respect to the solvency of its project is a key aspect of the success of these proposals within the framework of the ordinary negotiations currently in progress with those financial creditors. • Finally, Group Management is considering the possibility of making significant disinvestments in 2016 in order to reduce its corporate financial debt, to the extent that such transactions may be executed in a manner that contributes to the Group's best business interests. The businesses that may be sold include the concessions, particularly those that Management expects may be assumed soon by the Group as a result of the completion of the break up with the joint business which parent company is Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. (Notes 9 and 15). Although a significant part of those businesses are located in Brazil, which is currently undergoing serious political and economic difficulties that could negatively affect both the disinvestment period and the volume of liquidity to be obtained as a result of such a disinvestment and, possibly, the decision to execute the disinvestment, Group Management considers that those circumstances have been properly evaluated when preparing the forecasts and, therefore, will not significantly affect the plans currently being executed. Taking into account these cash flow projections for 2016, which form part of the Strategic Plan currently being developed, the Directors consider that the Group will be in an adequate situation to allow it to fulfil its shortterm obligations. Accordingly, these consolidated annual accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis 3.2. Capital risk management The Group’s capital management objectives consist of protecting its capacity to do business as a going concern in order to obtain a return for shareholders and profits for other holders of equity instruments, as well as to maintain an optimal capital structure and reduce cost of capital. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group could adjust the amount of dividends payable to shareholders, reimburse capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell shares to reduce debt. The Group monitors capital based on the leverage ratio, in line with industry practices. This ratio is calculated as net debt divided by total capital (excluding the position assigned to projects). Net debt is calculated as total bank borrowings and Senior Notes (including current position in trade and other payables, as reflected in the consolidated accounts) less cash and cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. Capital is calculated as equity, as reflected in the consolidated accounts, plus net debt. Leverage ratios at 31 December 2015 and 2014 are shown below: Bank Borrowings and Senior Notes (see Note 21) and Trade and other payables – Current (see Note 20) Less: financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (see Note 14.2) Less: cash and cash equivalents (see Note 14.1) Net debt Equity (including non-controlling interest, excluding hedge reserves and cumulative translation differences) Total capital Leverage ratio (Net debt / Total capital) 2015 2014 4,063,403 (13,491) (169,185) 3,880,727 3,903,001 (14,675) (291,272) 3,597,054 600,439 4,481,166 86.6% 615,458 4,212,512 85.4% 42 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 3.3. Fair value estimation Financial instruments included at Level 1: The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets (such as publicly traded derivatives and heldfor-trading and available-for-sale investments) is based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. The market price used for financial assets is the current bid price. Financial instruments included at Level 2: The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined by using valuation techniques. The Group uses a variety of methods and makes assumptions that are based on market conditions existing at each balance sheet date. Market prices or brokers’ prices are used for long-term payables. Other techniques, such as the estimated discounted cash flow method, are used to determine fair value for the remaining financial instruments. The fair value of interest-rate swaps is calculated as the present value of the estimated future cash flows. The fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts is determined using forward exchange market rates at the balance sheet date. The methods are classified in accordance with IFRS 13 (see Note 2.10). If one or more of the significant inputs are not based on observable market data, the financial instrument is included in Level 3. The following table presents an analysis of the financial instruments that are measured at fair value, classified by measurement method. The various levels have been defined as follows: ▪ Listed prices (not adjusted) on active markets for identical assets and liabilities (Level 1). ▪ Directly (prices) or indirectly (deriving from prices) (Level 2) observable information relating to the asset or liability, other than the listed prices included in Level 1. ▪ Information regarding the asset or liability that is not based on observable market data (non-observable data) (Level 3). The following table presents the Group's assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value at 31 December 2015: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Derivative financial instruments - assets - 26 - 26 Derivative financial instruments - liabilities - (24,603) (44,195) (68,798) Total - (24,577) (44,195) (68,772) During the year there were no reclassifications among indicated Tiers. The following table presents the Group's assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value at 31 December 2014: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Derivative financial instruments - assets - 2,908 - 2,908 Derivative financial instruments - liabilities - (37,384) (34,194) (71,578) Total - (34,476) (34,194) (68,670) The valuation techniques used to define fair values are as follows: a) Swaps: The exchange by two market participants of a series of cash flows, according to the terms of each contract, during a period of time. The value of this type of instrument is calculated by discounting the cash flows in the currency as for the contract. Likewise, day computation models are implemented in accordance to the base. 43 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) b) Interest Rate Swaps (IRS): Variable interest rates are calculated based upon the curve of the corresponding currency and deriving the implicit rates on each of the reference dates as for the contract. c) Futures on the exchange rate between currencies or variable income assets: fair value is calculated based on the differential between the price contracted at the beginning of the operation and expected value of the asset on maturity, being an accepted practice in the market. d) The fair value of the option on the Corpfin Capital contract and other entities (Note 11) included in Level 3 is calculated using models based on estimated future cash flows discounts using observable market value. Changes in fair value generated during the year are recognised in the income statement. e) Options on a basket of underlined securities: The prices of the options are obtained from estimates of scenarios based on the probability of their occurrence. In this context, the most common methodology is the Montecarlo method, which is based on the premise that the value of an option is the average of the values obtained under different random scenarios adjusted to reflect the statistical distribution of the underlying securities. The number of scenarios must be high and never less than 50,000 simulations. To perform the valuation of these assets, the Montecarlo simulation method is employed for the valuation of the underlying securities and the Payoff in each scenario is applied to deduce the corresponding price. f) It is assumed that the carrying value less the provision for impairment of accounts receivable and payable approximates their fair value. g) The fair value of financial liabilities for financial reporting purposes is estimated by discounting future contractual cash flows at the current market interest rate that is available to the Group for similar financial instruments. 4. Critical accounting estimates and judgements The preparation of consolidated annual accounts under IFRS-EU requires that management makes estimations and assumptions that could affect the accounting policies adopted and the amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and related breakdowns. The estimates and assumptions made are continuously evaluated and are based on past experience or other facts that are deemed to be reasonable under the circumstances, at the balance sheet date, the result of which is the basis from which to judge the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities that cannot be immediately determined in any other manner. Actual results could differ from estimated ones. Certain accounting estimates are considered to be significant if the amount of the estimates and assumptions is material and if the impact of the estimates and assumptions on the financial position or operating results is material. Group management’s main estimates are explained below. 4.1. Critical accounting estimates and judgments The Group makes estimates and judgments concerning the future. The resulting accounting estimates will, by definition, rarely matches the related actual results. The estimates and judgments that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below. Business combinations or net-asset group acquisitions IFRS-EU requires, at the acquisition date of a subsidiary, an analysis of whether the acquired element can be considered as a business or as a net-asset group not complying with the business definition, as stated in IFRS 3 “Business combinations” (Note 2.2). When the Group acquires shares in an entity not considered as a business but as a net-asset group, the cost is allocated to identifiable individual assets and liabilities, based on their fair value at the acquisition date. Netasset group cost may include any element related to share-based payments. In these cases, the difference between the fair value of the acquired assets and the amount payable in cash is directly registered in equity. 44 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) When the Group acquires shares in an entity considered as a business, the business combination cost is allocated to identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities in the acquired company, at the acquisition date. These assets and liabilities are initially valued at fair value. If a part of the combination cost depends on future events, the amount of such adjustment is included in the combination cost, to the extent it is probable and can be reliably measured. The excess of business combination cost over the acquirer’s shareholding in the acquired net assets at fair value is registered as goodwill. During 2015 and 2014, the Group completed acquisitions and changes of control over groups of net assets and businesses (Note 31). Based on management judgement, the acquisition cost of these businesses has been booked in line with the terms included in the sale-purchase agreements. Estimated impairment of goodwill and other non financial assets The Group, on an annually basis, tests for impairment goodwill, and if any impairment indicators are identified tests other non-financial assets, in accordance with the accounting policy in Note 2.9. The recoverable amounts of cash-generating units have been determined based on value-in-use calculations. These calculations require the use of estimates and sensitivity analyses are performed on the most relevant variables included in the estimates, paying particular attention to situations in which potential impairment indicators may be identified (see Note 7.1 and 8.2). Income tax The Group is subject to income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. A significant level of judgment is required to determine the worldwide provision for income tax. There are many transactions and calculations with respect to which the ultimate calculation of the tax is uncertain in the ordinary course of business. The Group recognizes liabilities for anticipated tax matters based on estimates as to whether additional taxes will be necessary. When the final tax result differs from the amounts which were initially recognized, such differences will have an effect on income tax and the provisions for deferred taxes in the year in which they are deemed to arise. In such sense, there are no significant aspects subject to estimates that could have a material impact on the Group’s position. Recovery of deferred tax assets The recoverability of deferred tax assets (Note 21) is assessed at the moment these arise, and subsequently each balance sheet date, based upon forecast results included in the Group’s business plan. In particular, the Group considers the synergies arising from tax consolidation, as well as future tax benefits based upon the above-mentioned business plan. Fair value of derivatives or other financial instruments The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market is determined by using valuation techniques. The Group exercises judgment to select a variety of methods and to make assumptions based mainly on market conditions at the balance sheet date. The Group has used discount cash flow analyses for a number of available-for-sale financial assets not traded in active markets. Revenue recognition The Group recognizes revenue from construction and engineering activities on a percentage-of-completion basis. Percentage of completion is calculated as costs incurred under the contract as a percentage of estimated total contract costs. This revenue recognition method is only used when the result of the contract may be reliably estimated and the contract is likely to generate profits. If the result of the contract cannot be reliably estimated, revenue is recognized as costs are recovered. When a contract’s costs are likely to exceed the contract’s revenue, the loss is immediately expensed. When applying the percentage-of-completion method, the Group makes significant estimates in relation to total costs necessary to perform the contract. These estimates are reviewed and evaluated periodically to verify whether a loss has been generated and whether the percentage-of-completion method may continue to be applied, or to re-estimate the forecast 45 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) project profit. During the project, the Group also estimates likely contingencies relating to the increase in the total estimated cost and adjusts revenue recognized accordingly. The Group’s historical data indicates that its estimates are adequate and reasonable in relation to the above-mentioned aspects. Concession contracts Based upon available information and all relevant terms included in the concession contracts, the Group performs a detailed analysis to determine if such arrangements are within the scope of IFRIC 12. The main aspects to be considered in this analysis are as follows: a) If the granting authority controls or regulates the use of the infrastructure by the concessionaire, to whom it must render the associated services and at what price. b) If the granting authority has any residual share of the infrastructure at the end of the concession period. Based on these terms and on the available information for each contract, the Group determines the accounting model to be applied: Intangible asset model: the Group applies this model when the concessionaire has the right to receive toll collections (or any other type of payment) from users, as a consideration for infrastructure funding and construction, or when the granting authority remunerates the concessionaire based on the degree of infrastructure utilization. In both cases, the amounts to be paid to the concessionaire are not guaranteed. Financial asset model: the Group applies this model when the concessionaire has an unconditional contractual right to receive payments from the granting authority, regardless of the degree of infrastructure utilization. Mixed model: when the concessionaire is partially paid both by users (depending on the infrastructure use) and by the granting authority (based on an unconditional contractual right to receive payments). Once the accounting model has been defined, there are key estimations / assumptions used by Management, such as: • • • • Traffic forecasts to calculate intangible assets depreciation (road concessions). Maintenance accrual: estimates of future CAPEX value, based on each business plan used by Management. The construction margin expected by Management, used to measure intangible / financial assets at fair value. When determining the financial asset value in accordance with electric transmission line contracts and their legal interpretations, the concessionaire Management estimates granting the authority to compensate them for the infrastructure residual value at the end of the concession period. Useful lives of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Group management determines estimated useful lives and related depreciation charges for its property, plant and equipment and its intangible assets. This estimate is based on the period during which the non-current assets will generate economic benefits based on updated business plans. At each closing date, the Group reviews the useful lives of non-current assets. If the estimates differ from previous estimates, the effect of the change is recognized prospectively as from the year in which the change takes place. For those intangible assets related to motorway administrative concessions that are depreciated in a systematic way based on the traffic and revenues expected in accordance with updated business plans, Group’s management annually updates traffic estimates made for such concessions. Likewise, in case circumstances imply worse conditions based on business plans, impairment tests will be carried out. 46 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Warranty claims The Group generally offers 24 or 36 month warranties on its projects and services (up to 60 months, in special cases). Management estimates the related provision for future warranty claims based on historical warranty claim information, as well as recent trends that might suggest that past cost information may differ from future claims. As in the case of revenue recognition, the Group’s historical data indicates that its estimates are adequate in this respect. Receivables and financial assets The Group makes estimates relating to the collectability of balances owned by customers in projects in which disputes have arisen or litigation is in progress due to disagreement with the work executed or the failure to fulfil contractual clauses linked to the return on the assets handed over to customers. The Group also makes estimates to assess the recoverability of available-for-sale financial assets, based mainly on the financial health and near-term business prospects of the investee company. Provisions Provisions are recognized when it is probable that a present obligation arising from past events will result in an outflow of funds and the amount of the obligation may be reliably estimated. Significant estimates are required in order to comply with IFRS-UE. Group management makes estimates of the likelihood of the contingencies and the amount of the liability to be settled in the future, evaluating all relevant information and facts. Joint agreements and control When applying IFRS 10 and IFRS 11 on investments, the Group makes accounting estimates and judgments when determining the existence of joint agreements or control and when differentiating between joint business and joint operations. 5. Segment information As described in Note 1, of the consolidated financial statements and based on the information reviewed by the Management Committee, the Group develops its activity mainly through 2 operating segments, as described below: • • EPC Concessions “Other Corporate and Consolidated Adjustments” includes corporate overheads and non-core business such as the operation of a biodiesel plant and Real Estate business. The “EPC” segment obtains its revenues mainly from the rendering of construction services, whereas the “Concessions” segment, mainly related to concessions of highways, concessions of transmission lines, solar photovoltaic energy plants (all of them included in subgroup Isolux Infraestructures) and concession of car parks (included in subgroup Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos), ears its revenues by renderind the related service according to the relevant concession agreement. Revenues generated between segments mainly arise from construction services rendered by “EPC” to the rest of the Group’s segments. These transactions are carried out under market conditions and are analysed by the Management Committee. Note 28 include relevant information on about the volume of these transactions. The effects of business combination (including transactions that imply changes of control) are considered by the Group as part of corporate segment. In addition, the Management Committee performs detailed analysis concerning the main geographical areas in which the Group operats; these are principally Spain, Latin America (mainly Mexico, Brazil and Argentina), Asia (mainly India), and others (mainly activities carried out in the USA and African countries, such as Angola or Algeria). 47 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Since 2014 the Group applies the IFRS 11 of the Group consolidated financial statements, the most noteworthy of which is IFRS 11 due to its significant impact over consolidated information. This impact has basically come from the application of the consolidation by the equity method instead of the proportionate consolidation method until 2013, in relation to the subgroups headed by Isolux Infraestructure Netherlands, B.V. and Isolux corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. (see Note 9), which represents a significant part of the concession business. In order to measure its business performance, the Group Management uses financial information which still considers the application of the proportionate consolidation method; on the basis it gives more detailed and precise information for a better understanding of the concession segment development. The tables below include the column “Consolidation method adjustments” with the purpose of reconcile segment information with the data included in the balance sheet and the consolidated income statement. The performance of operating segments is assessed by the Management Committee based on the evaluation of each segment’s operating result. Financial income and expenses are analysed at the level of each individual segment to assess their net impact on the line item “Net financial result”. A detailed analysis is carried out by the Treasury Department, which manages the Group cash position. Income tax is analysed at a Group level by the Management Committee, and for this reason, income taxes are not allocated to each individual segment. The information by segments related to the income statement submitted to the Management Committee for the segments to be reported for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2015 is as follows: 2015 EPC Other, Corporate and Consolidation Adjustments Concessions Consolidation method adjustments (IFRS 11) Sub-total Total Revenue from external customers 2,160,888 870,332 24,392 3,055,612 (866,409) 2,189,203 Segment´s ordinary revenue 2,160,888 870,332 24,392 3,055,612 (866,409) 2,189,203 Own work capitalized Other operating income and Change in inventories - - - - - - 15,786 26,012 (1,320) 40,478 (26,013) 14,465 2,176,674 896,344 23,072 3,096,090 (892,422) 2,203,668 (1,954,781) (418,925) (69,221) (2,442,927) 415,004 (2,027,923) 221,893 477,419 (46,149) 653,163 (477,418) 175,745 (29,264) (96,632) (16,505) (142,401) 101,142 (41,259) (8,245) 49 (16,404) (24,600) - (24,600) Operating result 184,384 380,836 (79,058) 486,162 (376,276) 109,886 Net financial results Share of profit / (losses) of investments accounted for the equity method Profit before income tax (47,340) (293,118) (174,082) (514,540) 278,048 (236,492) Total operating income Other operating expenses Gross operating results (EBITDA) (*) Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses Variation in trade provisions Income tax Results for the year from continuing operations Results for the year from discontinued operations Results for the year - - - - 42,992 42,992 137,044 87,718 (253,140) (28,378) (55,236) (83,614) - - (15,902) (15,902) 54,363 38,461 137,044 87,718 (269,042) (44,280) (873) (45,153) - - (10,438) (10,438) - (10,438) 137,044 87,718 (279,480) (54,718) (873) (55,591) - Owners of the parent - - (51,897) (51,897) - (51,897) - Non-controlling interest - - (2,821) (2,821) (873) (3,694) Attibutable to: (*) EBITDA is the profit for the year from continuing operations before income taxes, participation in the earnings of companies carried by the equity method, net financial result, variation in trade provisions, amortization and impairment losses. 48 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The information by segments related to the income statement submitted to the Management Committee for the segments to be reported for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014 is as follows: 2014 EPC Other, Corporate and Consolidation Adjustments Concessions Consolidation method adjustments (IFRS 11) Subtotal Total Revenue from external customers 2,096,689 656,597 26,985 2,780,271 (652,168) 2,128,103 Segment´s ordinary revenue 2,096,689 656,597 26,985 2,780,271 (652,168) 2,128,103 Own work capitalized Other operating income and Change in inventories 315 - - 315 - 315 Total operating income Other operating expenses Gross operating results (EBITDA) (*) Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses 16,025 - 425 16,450 (10,681) 5,769 2,113,029 656,597 27,410 2,797,036 (662,849) 2,134,187 (1,834,054) (285,013) (57,735) (2,176,802) 294,213 (1,882,589) 278,975 371,584 (30,325) 620,234 (368,636) 251,598 (18,504) (86,703) (27,317) (132,524) 91,308 (41,216) Variation in trade provisions (20,563) 99 (24,123) (44,587) - (44,587) Operating result 239,908 284,980 (81,765) 443,123 (277,328) 165,795 Net financial results Share of profit / (losses) of investments accounted for the equity method Profit before income tax (13,430) (263,893) (170,957) (448,280) 242,708 (205,572) Income tax Results for the year from continuing operations Results for the year from discontinued operations Results for the year - - - - 26,357 26,357 226,478 21,087 (252,722) (5,157) (8,263) (13,420) - - (31,122) (31,122) 11,837 (19,285) 226,478 21,087 (283,844) (36,279) 3,574 (32,705) - - (9,280) (9,280) - (9,280) 226,478 21,087 (293,124) (45,559) 3,574 (41,985) - Owners of the parent - - - (38,586) - (38,586) - Non-controlling interest - - - (6,973) 3,574 (3,399) Attibutable to: (*) EBITDA is the profit for the year from continuing operations before income taxes, participation in the earnings of companies carried by the equity method, net financial result, variation in trade provisions, amortization and impairment losses. Ordinary revenues from external customers are measured consistently with those applied in the income statement. In fiscal years 2015 and 2014, no consolidation adjustments are included in the "Other, Corporate and Consolidation Adjustments". Therefore, the financial information included in this column refers only to transactions included in the "Others" and "Corporate" segments. The information by segments related to the balance sheet submitted to the Management Committee for the segments to be reported for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2015 is as follows: 49 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) EPC Concessions 2015 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Intangible assets Investment property Concessionary assets assigned to projects Other non-current assets assigned to projects Investments in associates accounted for the equity method Financial investments Trade and other receivables Deferred income tax assets Derivative financial instruments Non-current assets Inventories Trade and other receivables Derivative financial instruments Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Cash and cash equivalents Non-current assets held for sale Current assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Bank borrowings and Senior Notes Project finance Derivative financial instruments Deferred income tax liabilities Provisions for other liabilities and charges Other payables Non-current liabilities Bank borrowings and Senior Notes Project finance Trade and other payables Current tax liabilities Derivative financial instruments Provisions for other liabilities and charges Liabilities held for sale Current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES Non-controlling interests Other, Corporate and Consolidation adjustments Subtotal Consolidation method adjustments (IFRS 11) Total 44,549 481,178 15,483 - 179 32,889 2,324 30,908 8,911 - 75,636 514,067 24,394 2,324 (32,889) (2,324) 75,636 481,178 24,394 - - 3,717,788 5,532 3,723,320 (3,681,711) 41,609 - 1,345,285 118,211 1,463,496 (1,345,251) 118,245 1,119 14,409 111,099 667,837 116,328 3,130,726 26 43,061 78,606 5,220,132 26,340 183,809 6,878 9,411 2,061 225,619 400,653 104,942 (929,234) - 10,530 59,531 415,324 6,288,622 247,610 2,385,301 6,904 126,992 (33,031) (77,751) (5,045,965) (4,649) (302,640) (6,878) 126,992 10,530 26,500 337,573 1,242,657 242,961 2,082,661 26 11,543 151,243 3,409,866 4,077,703 48,539 283,296 548,862 5,768,994 1,949 10,929 380,608 (430,806) (30,153) 62,031 445,468 380,608 3,527,922 9,816,544 (48,540) (276,283) 946,738 307,748 (4,738,217) 13,491 169,185 1,327,346 3,835,670 5,078,327 15,385 30,549 (990) 3,156,646 118,460 220,734 1,334,280 124,541 11,445 39,105 1,348,675 3,281,187 129,905 290,388 (3,095,605) (117,678) (218,584) 1,348,675 185,582 12,227 71,804 72,018 6,902 124,854 108,640 2,872,297 22,334 12,376 110,048 598,458 4,203,356 990 183,247 509,533 (5,310) 24,099 (49,171) 3,059 1,463,259 124,333 34,202 (445,384) 3,831 - 132,895 608,419 5,791,469 233,963 217,449 2,936,446 20,855 36,475 (93,082) (589,227) (4,114,176) (153,967) (455,681) 5,800 (24,099) 39,813 19,192 1,677,293 233,963 63,482 2,480,765 26,655 12,376 43,352 3,058,999 3,183,853 6,537 124,473 837,032 5,040,388 139,241 545 166,881 (115,592) 1,347,667 (36,321) 168,370 166,881 3,780,439 9,571,908 109,457 (124,473) 253,819 (498,601) (4,612,777) (125,445) 43,897 420,700 3,281,838 4,959,131 (15,988) (*) At the end of Decembre 2015, the balances related to the joint venture Isolux Infrastructure have been classified as non-current assets and related liabilities held for sale (see Notes 9 and 15). The Management is analyzing the information of the joint venture before the reclassification was made and it is included in "Consolidation method adjustments". This adjustment are necessary in order to allow the reconciliation of segment information with the data included in the balance sheet . 50 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The information by segments related to the balance sheet submitted to the Management Committee for the segments to be reported for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2014 is as follows: EPC Other, Corporate and Consolidation adjustments Concessions 2014 ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Intangible assets Investment property Concessionary assets assigned to projects Other non-current assets assigned to projects Investments in associates accounted for the equity method Financial investments Trade and other receivables Deferred income tax assets Non-current assets Inventories Trade and other receivables Derivative financial instruments Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Cash and cash equivalents Non-current assets held for sale Current assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Bank borrowings and Senior Notes Project finance Derivative financial instruments Deferred income tax liabilities Provisions for other liabilities and charges Other payables Non-current liabilities Bank borrowings and Senior Notes Project finance Trade and other payables Current tax liabilities Derivative financial instruments Provisions for other liabilities and charges Liabilities held for sale Current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES Non-controlling interests Consolidation method adjustments (IFRS 11) Subtotal Total 81,394 479,628 13,988 - 245 32,883 106 3,548,499 31,404 9,364 - 113,043 512,511 23,458 3,548,499 (32,883) (3,522,877) 113,043 479,628 23,458 25,622 - 1,337,191 126,470 1,463,661 (1,337,191) 126,470 - - - - 973,807 973,807 1,107 37,694 86,128 20 699,959 134,505 2,651,258 1,648 15,955 112,934 5,047,813 25,416 311,739 - 9,328 15,768 201,872 757 394,963 100,709 (774,288) 483 10,435 69,417 400,934 777 6,142,735 260,630 2,188,709 2,131 42,488 (112,411) (3,989,067) (7,488) (341,493) - 10,435 111,905 288,523 777 2,153,668 253,142 1,847,216 2,131 11,443 236,341 3,035,195 3,735,154 24,819 314,114 676,088 5,723,901 3,232 41,348 379,602 (248,914) 146,049 39,494 591,803 379,602 3,462,369 9,605,104 (24,819) (300,531) (674,331) (4,663,398) 14,675 291,272 379,602 2,788,038 4,941,706 63,710 3,635 20,875 6,963 2,941,273 135,246 202,957 1,200,751 143,234 16,892 15,759 1,271,424 3,084,507 155,773 239,591 (2,876,835) (133,855) (196,420) 1,271,424 207,672 21,918 43,171 65,838 2,933 156,991 94,108 2,505,403 17,525 12,069 30,386 526,810 3,843,635 990 366,585 556,201 (85) 16,178 (36,987) 48,904 1,388,553 180,992 12,656 (294,192) 3,138 3,397 59,237 578,647 5,389,179 276,090 379,241 2,767,412 20,578 31,644 (16,031) (516,293) (3,739,434) (365,944) (411,925) 85 (16,178) 43,206 62,354 1,649,745 276,090 13,297 2,355,487 20,663 15,466 73,208 2,702,313 2,859,304 5,853 3,018 942,887 4,786,522 145,689 351 172,553 78,895 1,467,448 (31,465) 76,577 172,553 3,724,095 9,113,274 120,077 (3,018) (796,980) (4,536,414) (126,984) 73,559 172,553 2,927,115 4,576,860 (6,907) The consolidation adjustments included in the column "Others, Corporate and Consolidation Adjustments" at 31 December 2015 and 2014 totalled 1,616 million euro and 1,612 million euro, respectively, and mostly affected the headings titled "Trade and other accounts receivable" and "Trade and other accounts payable", both current and non-current. The additions to non-current assets in 2015 in the amount of 10,182 thousand euro refers to the EPC segment (2014: 14,251 thousand euro) to the Concessions segment in the amount of 27,599 thousand euro (2014: 16,224 thousand euro) and to the Others segment in the amount of 4,928 thousand euro (2014: 3,377 thousand euro). Total assets and liabilities amounts presented to Management Committee are measured consistently with those applied in the consolidated annual accounts. These assets and liabilities are assigned based on segment activities and physical asset location. 51 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The parent company is registered in Spain, but as mentioned above, the Group also operates abroad. Information by geographical segment considering the geographical origin of each customer at 31 December 2015 and 2014 is presented below: 2015 Revenue/ sales 2014 Revenue/ sales Spain Latin America 444,216 Spain 1,630,853 Latin America 536,315 1,496,663 Asia Other 586,324 Asia 394,219 Other 404,634 Consolidation method adjustments (IFRS 11) Subtotal 3,055,612 (866,409) 2,189,203 Consolidation method adjustments (IFRS 11) Subtotal 342,659 Total 2,780,271 Total (652,168) 2,128,103 During 2015 the Group carried out transactions with a single customer representing more than 10% of the Group revenue. These revenues correspond to the EPC segment and in Latin America. During 2014 no transactions carried out with a single customer which represents more than 10% of the Group revenue. Management believes that this situation is punctual with no concentration risk. 6. Property, plant and equipment Set out below is a breakdown of property, plant and equipment showing its movement below: 2015 Land and buildings Plant machinery and tooling Furnishings Vehicles Data processing equipment PPE in progress Other PPE Total Cost 1 January Additions Disposals Trasnsfers Translation differences effects 31 December 75,435 212 (21,702) 492 54,437 128,971 7,265 (29,002) 42 (234) 107,042 9,791 450 (882) (351) 9,008 12,074 771 (1,035) (313) 11,497 13,649 662 (1,186) 428 13,553 744 217 (11) (42) (76) 832 3,785 561 (1,293) 11 3,064 244,449 10,138 (55,111) (43) 199,433 Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses 1 January Depreciation Disposals Transfers Translation differences effects Impairment 31 December (8,095) (633) 13,332 (17,841) 18 (93) (13,312) (93,255) (7,882) 19,392 (201) 319 (81,627) (6,059) (589) 578 173 (5,897) (8,398) (1,197) 780 207 (8,608) (11,696) (923) 966 (401) (12,054) - (3,903) (382) 486 1,459 41 (2,299) (131,406) (11,606) 35,534 (17,841) 1,276 246 (123,797) 41,125 25,415 3,111 2,889 1,499 832 765 75,636 Net book value 52 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 2014 Land and buildings Plant machinery and tooling Furnishings Vehicles Data processing equipment PPE in progress Other PPE Total Cost 1 January Additions Disposals Trasnsfers Translation differences effects 31 December 72,926 3,063 (84) (1,001) 531 75,435 134,420 8,123 (15,410) 325 1,513 128,971 9,415 381 (110) 105 9,791 13,169 1,291 (2,434) 48 12,074 10,917 572 (432) 1,917 675 13,649 541 36 (56) 206 17 744 4,588 624 (1,468) 41 3,785 245,976 14,090 (19,994) 1,447 2,930 244,449 Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses 1 January Depreciation Disposals Transfers Translation differences effects Impairment 31 December (6,308) (675) 25 590 (99) (1,628) (8,095) (85,006) (13,001) 5,884 (471) (661) (93,255) (5,526) (565) 83 (10) (41) (6,059) (9,266) (1,486) 2,390 (47) 11 (8,398) (8,813) (1,174) 383 (1,528) (564) (11,696) - (4,409) (809) 1,359 9 (53) (3,903) (119,328) (17,710) 10,124 (1,457) (1,407) (1,628) (131,406) Net book value 67,340 35,716 3,732 3,676 1,953 744 (118) 113,043 During 2015 the disposals are mainly due to the exit of Elaborados Metálicos Emesa, S.L. from the consolidation´s scope. In 2015 land and buildings relating to the plant in Coiros (Galicia) were impaired by the amount of 17,841 thousand euro, in accordance with the recoverable value. Property, plant and equipment include at 31 December 2015 vehicles, machinery and other assets totalling 182 thousand euro (2014: 435 thousand euro) being acquired under finance leases, as analyzed below: Capitalized finance lease cost Accumulated depreciation Net carrying amount 2015 2014 919 (737) 1,123 (688) 182 435 At the end of 2015 there are not bank borrowings secured by land and buildings (2014: 24,516 thousand euro). The balance of secured debt amounts in 2014 is 3,655 thousand euro. At 31 December 2015, the Group has property, plant and equipment located abroad for a total cost of 63,897 thousand euro (2014: 63,498 thousand euro) and accumulated depreciation of 40,285 thousand euro (2014: 36,131 thousand euro). The income statement includes rental costs of 70,058 thousand euro (2014: 101,950 thousand euro), relating to rented property, plant and equipment. At 31 December 2015, fully-amortized assets with a carrying amount of 42,517 thousand euro are still in use (2014: 46,358 thousand euro). The consolidated Group has taken out a number of insurance policies to cover risks relating to property, plant and equipment. The coverage provided by these policies is considered to be sufficient. 53 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 7. Goodwill and other intangible assets 7.1. Goodwill Set out below is an analysis of goodwill, the only intangible asset with an indefinite useful life, showing its movement below: 2015 2014 Beginning of the year Additions Translation differences effects Impairment losses 479,628 1,550 - 477,117 2,511 - End of the year 481,178 479,628 During 2015 and 2014 no impairment losses have been identified. Goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives have been assigned to the Group’s cash-generating units (CGUs) based on the country concerned and the business segment. Set out below is a summary by CGU (or CGU group) of goodwill assignment: CGU 2015 2014 Construction Engineering – México Engineering – Brazil Engineering – Argentina and other Engineering – Spain and other 154,578 24,510 54,735 16,189 231,166 154,578 24,510 54,735 14,639 231,166 Total 481,178 479,628 The amount recoverable from CGUs is determined based on value-in-use calculations using cash flow projections before taxes in accordance with the financial budgets approved by Management covering five years in which the cash flows are estimated for the entire life of the projects. Cash flows relating to periods after these five years are projected using the estimated residual growth rates indicated below. The growth rate does not exceed the average growth rate over the long term for the business in which the CGU operates. Cash flows are discounted using a rate based on the weighted average cost of capital for each of the CGU's. The most relevant key assumptions employed to calculate value-in-use are set out below: Operating result (*) Residual growth rate Discount rate 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 54,380 24,188 6,559 20,177 122,926 98,927 13,364 6,194 9,201 96,398 1% 2% 3% 2% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 1.7% 11.21% 9.96% 12.16% 17.12% 17.03% 11.50% 10.50% 14.50% 13.80% 17.40% CGU Construction Engineering – México Engineering – Brazil Engineering – Argentina and other Engineering – Spain and other (*) Results included in operating result column refer to the forecast for the following year. These assumptions have been used to analyze each CGU in the business segment. Group´s management believes that changes in assumptions that may be considered as possible and may cause that the CGUs value carrying amount to exceed its recoverable amount are not reasonably possible. 54 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Management calculated the budgeted gross margin based on past performance and market expectations. Weighted average growth rates are in line with the forecasts contained in industry reports. Discount rates applied are before taxes and reflect specific risks related to the relevant business segments. Additionally, for each goodwill balance the Group performs sensitivity analyses, particularly in relation to discount rates (increased by amounts ranging between 17% and 21%), operating results (decreased according to expectations and covering potential risks), and residual growth rate (using lower anticipated inflation rates) in order to determine whether possible changes in key assumptions generate impacts on the recoverability of the carrying value of goodwill. The values that emerged as a result of these sensitivity analyses are higher than the book value of the goodwill. 7.2. Other intangible assets A breakdown of 2015 and 2014 movement is as follows: 2015 Cost 1 January Additions Disposals Transfers Translation differences effects 31 December Administrative Concessions Computer software and other Total 16,805 (4,493) 6,498 18,810 43,803 4,972 (548) (49) 48,178 60,608 4,972 (5,041) 6,498 (49) 66,988 Disposals Transfers Translation differences effects 31 December (3,266) (426) (3,692) (33,884) (5,624) 539 67 (38,902) (37,150) (6,050) 539 67 (42,594) Net book value 15,118 9,276 24,394 Accumulated amortizacion and impairment losses 1 January Amortization 55 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 2014 Cost 1 January Additions Disposals Transfers Translation differences effects 31 December Administrative Concessions Computer software and other Total 16,869 16 (80) 16,805 40,734 3,522 (473) 20 43,803 57,603 3,538 (473) (80) 20 60,608 1 January Amortization Disposals Transfers Translation differences effects 31 December (2,416) (437) (413) (3,266) (28,460) (5,887) 369 119 (25) (33,884) (30,876) (6,324) 369 (294) (25) (37,150) Net book value 13,539 9,919 23,458 Accumulated amortizacion and impairment losses Administrative concessions captions include costs related to the construction and/or operation of various assets (water treatment and waste management plants, and other concessions) for which the Group has obtained the concession to operate the assets for a certain period. At the end of the concession period, the asset will entirely revert to the granting authority. The Group will depreciate capitalized asset over the concession term. The item Computer software reflects the ownership and right of use of computer software acquired from third parties. The balance of computer software does not include amounts related to software developed in-house. At 31 December 2015, fully-amortized computer software with a carrying amount of 27,039 thousand euro is still in use (2014: 20,733 thousand euro). Bank borrowings are secured by other intangible assets valued at 6,734 thousand euro (2014: 11,317 thousand euro). The balance of secured debt amounts to 500 thousand euro (2014: 798 thousand euro). 8. Concessionary assets and other non-current assets assigned to projects The consolidation scope includes investment in companies equity incorporated to engage single project. The project companies are usually financed by means of project finance. The basis of the agreement between the company and the bank is the assignment of cash flows generated by the project to service the debt and interest (including an exclusion or quantified allowance for all other assets), in such a way that investment payback for the bank will generally take place solely through the project cash flows. Additional guarantees could be settled in some cases during construction phase. Any other borrowings are subordinated to the Project finance until it is fully repaid. These are financing arrangements which are applied to specific business projects. 56 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 8.1. Concessionary assets assigned to projects In view of the projects’ characteristics a large part of the concessionary assets assigned to projects are related to intangible and financial concessionaire assets (see accounting treatment in Notes 2.6, 2.7 and 2.23). 2015 2014 30,209 27,560 (1,665) (13,310) (1,066) 41,728 14,360 16,198 (243,690) 593 243,557 (1,306) 497 30,209 Accumulated amortizacion and impairment losses 1 January Amortization Business combination effects (Note 31) Transfers from non-current assets held for sale Disposals Transfers 31 December (4,587) (755) 5,223 (119) (3,893) (3,668) 38,835 (35,853) (8) (4,587) Net book value 41,609 25,622 Cost 1 January Additions Business combination effects (Note 31) Translation differences effects Transfer from non-current assets held for sale Disposals Transfers 31 December The disposals of 2015 correspond to the exit from the consolidation scope of Sociedad Concesionaria Zona 8A, S.A. At 31 December 2015, concessionary assets assigned to projects located abroad amount to 41,609 thousand euro (2014: 15,538 thousand euro). During 2015, 5,074 thousand euro have been capitalized (2014: 159 thousand euro). According to Note 2.7 of the accounting policies the Group classifies its concessionary assets into two groups: intangible nature and financial nature. At 31 December 2015 and 2014 all the concessionary assets are intangible. The projects included in this heading basically refer to the following under the concession type model: • Concession agreement involving the 220 kV transmission project between Moyabamba-Iquitos and the associated substations signed with the Ministry of Energy and Mining in Peru through the company Lineas de Transmision Peruanas S.A.C. The forecasted investment for the project is 735 million US dollars and the concession term is 30 years once the operation the line enters into commercial operation. • Concession agreement involving the 230 kV transmission project through the company “Linhas de Laranjal Transmissora de Energia LTDA.”, consisting of the 105 km line connecting these substations in Jurupari and Laranjal do Jari C3. The contract was signed with the National Electricity Agency ("Agencia Nacional de Energia Electrica" - ANEEL). The forecasted investment for the project is 191 million Brazilian real and the concession term is 30 years. Control of most concession assets reverts to the grantor at the end of the concession period although there is usually an option to renew concessions at the time they expire. 57 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 8.2. Other assets allocated to projects There are other non-current assets assigned to projects (non-concession assets not included within the scope IFRIC12), whose detail is presented below: 2015 2014 Cost 1 January Additions Business Combination effects (Note 31) Translation differences effects Transfer from non-current assets held for sale (Note 15) Disposals Transfers 31 December 236,054 39 (2) 236,091 236,386 26 (27,267) 29,057 (1,871) (277) 236,054 Accumulated amortizacion and impairment losses 1 January Amortization Business Combination effects (Note 31) Translation differences effects Disposals Transfer from non-current assets held for sale (Note 15) Transfers 31 December (109,584) (5,007) (4) (3,251) (117,846) (101,338) (8,626) 4,672 641 (5,105) 172 (109,584) 118,245 126,470 Net book value At 31 December 2015 this heading included 117 million euro in net value (2014: 126 million euro) relating to two biodiesel production plants (located in Ferrol and Castellón) that are managed through the subsidiary Infinita Renovables,S.A. These plants started operations in 2009. On 24 January 2014 the Official State Gazette published the final list of the assignments of biodiesel production amounts for the calculation of mandatory biofuel targets and Infinita Renovables, S.A. was given 900,000 tonnes per year for the coming two years, which is the maximum capacity of the Company's plants. On 2013 the Company signed an industrial lease agreement that entered into force during the first semester of 2014 and under which the Company will lease the operation of the two plants for five years, renewable for a further five, in exchange for a fixed annual price, plus a variable price based on the tonnes sold by the third party, plus a share in the profits that party obtains. The recoverable value of these assets is calculated based on a business plan that reflects management's best estimates taking into consideration a series of assumptions. The most important is the entry into force and term of the industrial lease agreement and the production volume traded, together with the gross margin obtained by exploitations of plants. Within the balance of the heading, during 2015 and 2014 there were no elements assigned to projects in the abroad. During the year 2015 and 2014, financial expenses have not been capitalized. 58 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 8.3. Project finance The maturity date according the contracts are presented below: 2015 Non-current Maturities per year Current 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Subsequent years Subtotal Total 63,482 129,286 - 56,296 - - - 185,582 249,064 2014 Non-current Maturities per year Current 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Subsequent years Subtotal Total 13,297 45,875 123,159 572 34,560 588 2,918 207,672 220,969 At 31 December 2015 debts totalling 90,068 thousand euro (2014: 58,657 thousand euro) are denominated in foreign currencies (mainly United States Dollars). The Group has been granted a loan with a nominal amount of 202 million euro (senior loan), of which 155 million euro approximately are outstanding as of 31 December 2015 (2014: 155 million euro), to finance the construction and operation obligations relating to the biodiesel production plants. This loan was granted by Banco Santander and has corporate guarantees. On 27 December 2013 the loan agreement was novated, establishing an interest rate of Euribor plus a spread ranging between 3.75% and 4.25% based on a series of parameters and extending its maturity to 2017. On 29 December 2015 a waiver was obtained with respect to the compliance of the ratios associated with the loan in 2015 as well as the postponement of the reimbursement fee of December 2015. Current maturities in 2015 include 30 million US dollars relating to the bridge loan for the "Molloco" hydroelectric plant in Peru. In March 2016 the credit agreement has been renewed and the principal amount due date has been extended to March 2018. Project financing may require, as common guaranty, the pledge of shares of the developter company as collateral provided by shareholders, collection rights grant or limitations to the availability of project assets, although there may be certain additional surety mainly during the construction period and up until the projects enter into operation. Every funding is referenced to different market rates (principally Euribor) and these are revised over periods not exceeding 6 months. As a result, fair value of both current and non-current funding amounts approximate to their carrying amounts. 59 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 9. Investments in associates accounted for the equity method Set out below is an analysis of investments in associates accounted fot the equity method showing its movement below: Opening balance 1 January Business combination effects (Note 31) Translation differences effects Cash flow hedging reserves Other changes with impacts on reserves Additions and other movements Transfers to non-current assets held for sale (Note 15) Profit/(loss) of entities accounted for the equity method Closing balance 31 December 31/12/2015 973,807 (143,521) (6,706) 42,335 12,805 (794,720) 42,992 126,992 31/12/2014 827,820 119,768 10,694 (21,015) 8,525 1,658 26,357 973,807 The investments are mainly related to the joint businesses of Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. (IIN) and subsidiaries (during 2014 and parcially in 2015 when the investment is transferred to non-current assests held to sale, see Note 15) and Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. and subsidiaries (added in 2014, see Note 31). During 2015 the investment in IIN has been transferred to non-current assets held for sale, the investment´s analisys is carried out below. The Group’s interests in its joint ventures consolidated through the equity method, all of which are unlisted, are analyzed below: 2015 Name Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. and subsidiaries Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. and subsidiaries Country of incorporation Activity Consolidation method Share Holland (1) Equity Method 80.77% Spain (2) Equity Method 100.00% 2014 Name Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. and subsidiaries Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. and subsidiaries Country of incorporation Activity Consolidation method Share Holland (1) Equity Method 80.77% Spain (2) Equity Method 100.00% (1) IIN and subsidiaries operate primarily in the following lines of business (see note 15): • • • Highway infrastructure concessions. High voltage transmission line concessions Operation of photovoltaic solar power plants (2) Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. and subsidiaries operate the car park concession business (see Note 31). Note 5 on financial reporting by segment include relevant financial information regarding these investments, for each of the periods presented. There are no contingencies relating to associates and joint ventures except for those mentioned in Note 30. 60 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 9.1. Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. summary financial information Notwithstanding the Group ownership interest of 80.77%, Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands B.V. and its subsidiaries, this investment is considered a joint venture considering that key business decisions on the relevant activities need to be taken jointly by the parties. This situation is the result of the experience of reserved matter in the shareholding agreement that require approvals through special majorities, in both Board of Directors and Shareholder’s meetings, including amongst other, some matters that give participating rights to the partners such as budget and business plan approvals, acquisition and disposal of operational assets, changes of dividend policy, appointment and retribution of key management and withdrawing of financial facilities. The main assets in which IIN participates in are: Business H Initiation 2008 Integration Method FC Situation O 2010 PC C/O 2009 PC O 2009 PC O 2009 2006 2008 2007 FC FC PC FC C/O O O O 2014 FC C Brazil 25 45 45 19 35 years since COD 30 2002 FC O Brazil 30 2008 FC O Brazil 30 2008 FC O 30 30 30 2007 2007 2011 PC PC FC O O C Name NH1: Panipat – Jalandhar Share 61%(1) Country India H NH2 Varanasi – Aurangabad 50%(2) India H NH6 Gujarat-Maharastra Border – Surat – Hazira Port 50%(2) India H NH8 Kishangarh – Ajmer – Beawar 50%(2) India H H H H Viabahia BR 116 - BR 324 Saltillo – Monterrey Perote – Banderilla Madrid – Ocaña A4 92.16% 100% 50% 51% Brazil Mexico Mexico Spain H Indiana I-69 51% US TL CPTE – Cachoeira Paulista 100% 96.89% Concessi on period /Duration 22 (*) 36 (*) 25 (*) 25 (*) TL LXTE – Xingu TL LMTE – Macapá TL TL TL 50% 33% 100% Brazil Brazil Brazil 100% Brazil 30 2013 FC C TL IENNE – Interligação JTE – Jaurú LTTE- Taubaté LITE – Itacaiunas (ParáTocatins) WETT 50% USA 2008 PC O TL Uttar Pradesh 100% India 2011 FC C PS Grupo T-Solar Global 88% Several Unlimited 35 years since COD Unlimited 2008 FC C/O TL 97.16% (*)This includes the estimated increase in the concession periods due to deferrals and other reasons set out in the contract clauses. (1) Includes 10% stake in NH1 from Isolux Corsán. (2) Interest affected by operation with Morgan Stanley described afterwards. FC: Full consolidation method PC: Proportional consolidation method H: Highway TL: Transmission Lines PS: Photovoltaic Solar C: Under construction O: In operation 61 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The information presented below refers to the figures at 100% and then converted to euros (without including the items held for sale from the businesses of Transmission Lines and Photovoltaic Solar), and also includes the reconciliation with the information considered for consolidation purposes by the Group. Therefore, it takes into account the effects of including the Group's participation and the adjustments arising from the consolidation process. The investment at 31 December 2015 it is clasiffified as non current assets held for sale (note 15). 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 ASSETS Non current assets Concessionary assets and other non-current assets assigned to projects Investments in associates and joint ventures Other non-current assets 4,148,374 3,932,833 261,138 299,505 81,979 192,920 4,491,491 4,425,258 Current assets Concessionary assets and other non-current assets assigned to projects 73,698 112,112 Cash and cash equivalents 271,537 306,161 Other current assets 197,976 212,005 543,211 630,278 5,034,702 5,055,536 2,853,562 2,712,703 579,345 763,952 3,432,907 3,476,655 Project finance 145,627 340,359 Trade and other current liabilities 752,840 448,504 898,467 788,863 4,331,374 4,265,518 (142,625) 133,431 560,703 656,587 Effects of applying Group share and consolidation adjustments 234,017 201,454 Total net assets at 80.77% 794,720 858,041 Total assets LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Project finance Trade and other non current liabilities Current liabilities Total liabilities Non-controlling interests Total net assets As described in note 2.7, the Group classifies its concession assets as intangible or financial assets. At 31 December 2015, the net carrying value of these assets (considering the part of the investments in joint business consolidated by equity method) totalled 2,068 million euro (31 December 2014: 1,903 million euro) and 1,804 million euro (31 December 2014: 1,747 million euro), respectively. In line with accounting practices and in compliance with IFRIC 12 in relation to such contracts, accounts receivable are recorded using the financial asset model. Non-current accounts receivable are recognised at amortised cost. 62 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) There were no significant changes in 2015 in relation to concession assets. Other assets assigned to projects mainly include photovoltaic solar power plants (through T-Solar Global Group), and power transmission lines in the United States (through the WETT concessionaire), with a net book value (considering the share of the investments in joint businesses consolidated by the equity method) of 1,530 million euro (31 December 2014: 1,552 million euro). Based on the regulatory changes described in Note 2.23, and considering the Ministerial Order defining the remuneration parameters passed in 2014, the Group updated the impairment tests performed the year before on the CGUs related to solar plants located in Spain. The results of the tests did not reveal the need to record any impairment, considering the recoverable amount of the assets related to this business. The Group estimated that the regulatory changes would reduce its capacity to attend to future bank debt payments relating to photovoltaic facilities in Spain, therefore once the regulation was approved in 2014, the Group began a refinancing process of the debt of its Spanish subsidiaries in order to suit the relevant payments to the new remunerative scenario. The process was successfully concluded in 2015. Accounts payable and other non-current and current liabilities include (either consolidated or carried by the Company using the equity method): • Convertible debts into ordinary shares of IIN as a result of the agreement with Public Sector Pension Investment Board (hereinafter PSP). On June 29, 2012, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries entered into the Investment Agreement with PSP to enter into the company IIN, the latter received two convertible loans from its shareholders. PSP has provided a convertible loan available to Isolux Infrastrucutre in the amount of 313 million US dollar. Group Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. has provided a convertrible loan available to Isolux Infrastructure, Netherlands, B.V. in the amount of 63 million US dollar. Both loans beared interest at 12.5%, payable half-year. The loans would have been converted in 2017 upon the release of 2016 year-end financial statement. During the year 2015, part of the liquidation of the joint arrangement described below, the partners agreed that these convertible loans would not accrue any interest starting on 1 January 2015. Furthermore, based on the original contractual terms, the extinguishment of the joint arrangement implies the non convertability of the loan and will be due at the time the extinguishment takes place. The carrying amount is recognized fully as a liability on the accompanying balance sheet in an amount of 380 million euro (2014: 345 million euro). • Preferred shares issued by the company that acts as a holding for several highway concessions in India that were underwritten by Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partner (hereinafter MSIP). On 18 March 2011, the Group signed an agreement with MSIP for an infrastructure investment fund to enable the latter to act as a strategic partner in the development of the motorway concession business in India. At 31 December 2015, MSIP had made several investments in ICC Sandpiper, which in turn made investments in the concession holders. These preferred shares are classified as a liability, considering that the conversion ratio is variable and they can be converted into shares after an initial five-year period (or sooner if certain events occur such as a breach of certain obligations included in the Agreement between the parties and other events such as a public offering of the SPV's shares or a change of control). These investments, classified as liabilities on the balance sheet and totalling 101 million euro (2014: 76 million euro), give MSIP 24% of the voting rights ICC Sandpiper and approximately 83% of the economic rights, a position that will be adjusted in the future. Once the investment is complete and the shares have been converted, each partner will hold 50% of the economic and political rights. 63 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The investment in associates and joint venture section of the balance sheet includes these main proyects: 2015 Denomination NH2 NH6 NH8 Perote-Banderilla IENNE JTE WETT Concessional assets and other assets assigned to projects 159,578 305,939 178,846 435,458 143,112 103,120 587,669 Project finance 88,119 232,383 134,997 412,365 40,590 46,662 352,346 Revenue / Sales 44,675 72,615 17,796 18,512 18,145 16,704 81,220 Cash and cash equivalents and assets at fair value through profit/loss 63,916 1,711 3,294 4,342 501 4,219 11,620 Revenue / Sales 34,890 18,162 2,541 17,565 17,943 (2,300) 74,968 Cash and cash equivalents and assets at fair value through profit/loss 42,509 3,888 315 4,981 368 2,604 1,290 2014 Denomination NH2 NH6 NH8 Perote-Banderilla IENNE JTE WETT Concessional assets and other assets assigned to projects 137,830 210,367 145,663 416,178 165,110 79,008 492,995 Project finance 62,897 173,426 108,433 366,477 51,234 38,717 293,345 The results of these projects are shown under companies carried by the equity method on the income statement detailed below. 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Total operating income 1,091,065 881,695 Revenue / Sales Other operating income 1,084,094 6,971 870,135 11,560 Total operating expenses (711,803) (580,929) Materials consumed and other external costs Employee benefit expenses Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses Other operating expenses (503,695) (22,678) (87,675) (97,755) (415,612) (26,513) (89,889) (48,915) Operating results Net financial results Share of profits/ (losses) of investments accounted for the equity method 379,262 300,766 (305,240) (266,465) 30,566 8,553 Profit before income tax 104,588 42,854 Income tax (67,129) (25,894) 37,459 16,960 Results for the year Attributable to: – Owners of the parent company – Non-controlling interest Effects of applying Group share and consolidation adjustments Total net result at 80.77% 36,715 21,139 744 (4,179) (873) 7,672 35,842 28,811 64 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) In relation to this joint business, there are no specific restrictions on the payment of dividends, other than the statutory ones. As mentioned in Note 30.b), in the ordinary course of business, and as is common among engineering and construction companies, when Group companies act as sponsors during the construction phase of certain concession projects, the Group provides guarantees to certain companies that are part of the Isolux Infrastructure joint business in the amount of 104 million euro (2014: 171 million euro). On 31 March 2015 the partners in the joint arrangement IIN agreed to separate, the primary aspects of their agreement are as follows: • The partners agreed to engage an independent expert to determine the interest held by each partner after the conversion of the aforementioned loan, as well as the resolution of other matters set out in the original agreement concluded in 2012 (all for the purposes of appraising the businesses within the framework of the separation from the joint arrangement), and to establish a step plan to be followed for implementing the separation of the joint arrangement (including the process of obtaining the relevant authorizations from the grantors, financing entities, regulatory authorities and other relevant parties). • The appraisal of the businesses prepared by an independent third-party was considered for the purposes of the asset separation process. • The agreement stipulates that the Group will retain those companies whose businesses are related to the operation of photovoltaicpower-generation plants and the concessions type agreement of highvoltage transmission lines (except the 50% interest held in the company owning the concession agreement concerning the WETT high-voltage transmission line, which has been attributed to PSP in accordance with an agreement reached by the parties during that separation process), whereas PSP will retain the interest in the companies relating to the motorway infrastructure concessions (and the aforementioned interest in WETT). The difference between the appraisal of the businesses retained by each of the partners and the total value based on the interest held by each one of them will be settled in cash. As a result of the work performed by the aforementioned independent expert, the conclusion reached in September that, after the separation of the joint business, PSP would have to pay the Group a total of approximately 303 million US dollars, adjusted by the transfers between the businesses that took place in 2015 that will be established after the end of the separation process. The Group has received an advance payment from IIN totalling 105 US dollars and another advance payment from several entities totalling 132 million US dollars through factoring of the amount pending to be received. Due to the fact that at 31 December 2015 not all of the authorizations required to complete the process had been obtained, at that date the Group maintained its investment in IIN although it was classified as a noncurrent asset held for sale (together with the rest of the assets and liabilities associated with this transaction) (Note 15), meeting the requirements established by IFRS 5. Subsequent to the extinguishment, the Group will become the owner of the following concession assets: 65 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Business TL Name CPTE – Cachoeira Paulista Share 100% 96.89% Concessi on period /Duration 30 Initiation 2002 Integration Method FC Situation O Brazil 30 2008 FC O Brazil 30 2008 FC O Country Brazil TL LXTE – Xingu TL LMTE – Macapá TL TL TL IENNE – Interligação JTE – Jaurú LTTE- Taubaté LITE – Itacaiunas (ParáTocatins) 50% 33% 100% Brazil Brazil Brazil 30 30 30 2007 2007 2011 PC PC FC O O C 100% Brazil 30 2013 FC C TL Uttar Pradesh 100% India 2011 FC C PS Grupo T-Solar Global 88% Several FC C/O TL 97.16% 35 years since COD Unlimited 2008 FC: Full consolidation method PC: Proportional consolidation method TL: Transmission Lines PS: Photovoltaic Solar C: Under construction O: In operation 66 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 9.2. Summarised financial information for Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. The information below refers to the figures at 100%, which is the Group's interest in the share capital of Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 ASSETS Non-current assets Concessional assets and other assets assigned to projects 310,699 296,244 Other non-current assets 143,518 132,345 454,217 428,589 Cash and cash equivalents 12,374 13,558 Other current assets 32,146 14,701 Current assets 44,520 28,259 498,737 456,848 84,909 50,292 232,707 203,666 317,616 253,958 Projects finance 40,647 70,818 Trade and other current liabilities 13,482 14,677 54,129 85,495 371,745 339,453 - 1,629 126,992 115,766 Total assets LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Projects finance Trade and other non-current liabilities Current liabilities Total liabilities Non-controlling interests Total net assets Accounts payable and other non-current liabilities include debt with a carrying value of approximately 63 million euro (2014: 48 million euro) related to the transaction described in Note 31. This loan bears an annual interest rate of 8.75%, 4.25% of which must be capitalised as part of the debt while the remaining 4.50% may be paid in cash or capitalized as part of the debt, at the borrower's discretion. This debt matures on June 30, 2020. However, it may be repaid in advance under certain conditions. Project financing includes the liabilities corresponding to Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos I, SL. and Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos II, S.L. approximately 67 and 29 million euro respectively which maturity date are 2022 and 2016 respectively. In December a waiver was obtained with respect to compliance with ratios associated with the loan for the year 2015. The subgroup is in the middle of a debt restructuring process that it expects to conclude during the first half of the year. As mentioned in Note 30.b), the Group has provided guarantees totalling 70 million euro (2014: 70 million euro) for certain project finance debts of certain companies that are part of the Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos joint venture. In addition, at 31 December 2015 there are no other commitments on the part of the Group in relation to this investment. 67 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Total operating income 40,517 7,835 Revenue / Sales Other operating income 20,735 19,782 6,772 1,063 (21,087) (8,082) (66) (3,178) (8,205) (9,638) (54) (1,259) (2,527) (4,242) Total operating expenses Materials consumed and other external costs Employee benefit expenses Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses Other operating expenses Operating results 19,430 (247) Net financial results (8,861) (2,795) Profit before income tax 10,569 (3,042) Income tax Results for the year (3,406) 455 7,163 (2,587) 7,150 (2,454) 13 (133) Attributable to: – Owners of the parent company – Non-controlling interest Other operating income includes the effects of the business combinations resulting from the new year entry into the scope of the sub-group, as well as the effect deriving from the settlement in favour of the sub group of certain arbitration concluded during the year 2015. 10. Financial Investments Set out below is an analysis of financial investments assets showing its movement below: Opening balance Additions Disposals Closing balance Less non-current portion Current portion 2015 10,435 95 2014 10,446 - - (11) 10,530 (10,530) - 10,435 (10,435) - For measurement purposes, financial investments are classified as available-for-sale financial assets (See Note 2.10). For non-controlling interest investments in unlisted companies in which the Group does not have significant influence because these are residual investments in companies with no significant size within the Group, and given the impossibility of applying measurement methods to the investments, they are presented at acquisition cost, net of impairment disclosed in the financial information of the respective companies. This caption does not include investments in debt instruments. Financial investments are all denominated in euro. Maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying amount of the assets classified as financial investments. 68 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 11. Derivative financial instruments Derivative financial instruments are analyzed below at 31 December 2015 and 2014: 2015 Assets 2014 Liabilities Assets Liabilities Interest rate swaps-cash flow hedges Interest rate swaps-held for trading Currency forward contracts-cash flow hedges Currency forward contracts- held for trading 26 (161) - (38) Total 26 (24,603) 2,908 (37,384) - (10,733) (1,494) - (15,916) (2,151) - - 777 (3,851) Less non-current portion: Interest rate swaps –cash flow hedges Interest rate swaps –held for trading Currency forward contracts – cash flow hedges Currency forward contracts – held for trading Current portion - (10,733) (1,494) - (19,314) (2,151) - (12,215) 2,908 (15,881) - - - - - (12,227) 777 (21,918) 26 (12,376) 2,131 (15,466) Derivatives held for trading are classified as current assets or liabilities. The total fair value of a hedging derivative is classified as a non-current asset or liability if the period to maturity of the hedged item is more than 12 months and as a current asset or liability if the period to maturity of the hedged item is less than 12 months. The ineffective net portion of cash flow and fair value hedges recognized as revenue in the income statement totals 695 thousand euro (2014: loss 2,205 thousand euro) (see Note 27). The maximum credit risk exposure at the reporting date is the fair value of the derivative financial instruments carried in the balance sheet. Financial instrument balances under this caption are classified in Group 2 for the purpose of information sources used to determine its fair value in compliance with IFRS 7 (See Note 2.10). Foreign currency forward contracts It is expected that high likely future transactions hedged, denominated in foreign currency, take place on different dates, mainly within the next 12 months. Profit and loss recognized in the hedging reserve in equity with respect to foreign currency forwards at 31 December 2015 are recognized in the period or periods during which the hedged transaction affects the income statement. This normally takes place within 12 months of the balance sheet date unless the gain or loss had been included in the initial purchase value of fixed assets, in which case such recognition occurs during asset’s life (between five and ten years). Main currency forward contracts characteristics at 31 December 2015 are shown below: Project name or associate Transaction Forward Isolux Ingeniería Sale Forward Isolux Ingeniería Sale Forward Isolux México Purchase Forward Isolux México Purchase (*) Effective at 31 December 2015 (**) QAR: Qatari Royal; MXN: Mexican Peso; KWD: Kuwaití Dinar. Currency (**) Final maturity QAR KWD MXN MXN 28/01/2016 28/01/2016 29/04/2016 29/01/2016 Notional value (*) (73,937) (4,570) 429,875 202,952 69 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Main currency forward contracts characteristics at 31 December 2014 are shown below: Project name or associate Transaction Currency (**) Forward Isolux Ingeniería Sale MXN Forward Isolux Ingeniería Sale QAR Forward Isolux Ingeniería Purchase USD Forward Isolux Ingeniería Sale KWD Forward Isolux Ingeniería Purchase USD Forward Isolux Ingeniería Sale USD Forward Isolux Uzbekistán Purchase USD Forward Isolux Uzbekistán Sale USD Forward Isolux México Purchase MXN Forward Isolux Grupo Isolux Corsán Purchase USD (*) Effective at 31 December 2014 (**) USD: US Dollar; QAR: Qatari Royal; MXN: Mexican Peso; KWD: Kuwaiti Dinar Final maturity 15/01/2015 14/01/2015 31/12/2015 02/03/2015 01/03/2016 30/01/2015 13/01/2015 13/01/2015 31/07/2017 18/02/2020 Notional value (*) (6,862) (74,083) 170 (12,259) 29,600 (58,059) 24,000 (20,358) 698,828 60,000 Although all the contracts in force at 31 December 2015 and 2014 were obtained for hedging purposes, due to the Group’s contracting and designation criteria applicable at the contract dates, some of the contracts did not qualify for hedge accounting under IFRS-EU. Profits and losses recorded in the hedging reserve within the Equity (net of tax effect and non-controlling interests) resulting from cash flow hedge at 31 December 2015 amount to (8,725) thousand euro (2014: (10,211) thousand euro) and will be transferred to the income statement on an ongoing basis until the contract is settled. Interest rate swaps The notional value of interest rate swaps (including the effect of inversions in joint ventures and assets held for sale) outstanding at 31 December 2015 amounted to 898,058 thousand euro (2014: 1,112,044 thousand euro). At 31 December 2015, fixed interest rates ranged between 1.55% and 5.55% (2014: 1.72% and 5.55%) for those operations in which interest rate is variable linked to Euribor. In the case of the derivative linked to the TIIE rate (variable rate used for two projects in Mexico), the contracted fixed interest rate 8.20% (2014: 8.20%). During 2015 operations linked to Libor were cancelled. At 31 December 2015 profit and loss from interest rate swaps recorded in equity through a hedging reserve (net of the tax effect and non-controlling interests and including the effect of investments and assets held for sale) amounts to (52,857) thousand euro (2014: (51,506) thousand euro). They will be transferred to the income statement until bank loans are paid off. Settlement of these derivatives generated a loss of 12,296 thousand euro (2014: loss 14,815 thousand euro). 70 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Set out below is an analysis of the main interest rate swaps in force at 31 December 2015 (including contracts related to joint ventures and non-current assets held for sale): Name GRUPO ISOLUX HIXAM I HIXAM II INFINITA RENOVABLES CIUDAD DE LA JUSTICIA CIUDAD DE LA JUSTICIA Infra Netherlands PEROTE XALAPA Infra Netherlands CONCESIONARIA A4 NG Bank syndicated loan BBVA syndicated loan (**) La Caixa syndicated loan (**) Santander syndicated loan (**) Banesto syndicated loan (**) Bankia syndicated loan (**) Loan Raggio di Puglia (**) Contract date Final maturity 04/07/2013 05/02/2007 13/01/2010 30/12/2013 14/10/2014 14/10/2014 13/02/2008 01/08/2008 22/12/2008 15/07/2008 18/06/2009 04/01/2009 31/12/2010 18/03/2010 25/01/2012 29/12/2017 29/12/2022 23/12/2025 30/12/2017 15/10/2029 15/10/2029 14/02/2022 16/06/2025 31/12/2026 31/12/2027 18/06/2021 04/12/2023 20/12/2023 23/04/2026 29/06/2029 Notional Fixed Currency value interest (thousand) rate 270,754 EUR 1.72% 52,918 EUR 4.36% 24,032 EUR 4.35% 108,360 EUR 2.53% 3,660 EUR 1.55% 1,162 EUR 1.55% 1,148,374 MXN 8.20% 44,005 EUR 5.55% 27,088 EUR 3.96% 321,361 EUR 4.54% 7,627 EUR 4.09% 4,445 EUR 4.00% 20,642 EUR 3.53% 1,426 EUR 3.65% 10,578 EUR 2.73% Variable interest rate (charged) Euribor Euribor Euribor Euribor Euribor Euribor TIIE (*) Euribor Euribor Euribor Euribor Euribor Euribor Euribor Euribor (*) Mexican long-term reference interest rate (**) Corresponding to Grupo T- Solar Global Set out below is an analysis of the main interest rate swaps in force at 31 December 2014 (including contracts related to joint ventures and non-current assets held for sale): Name GRUPO ISOLUX GRUPO ISOLUX GRUPO ISOLUX HIXAM I HIXAM II Sociedad Concesionaria ZONA 8A INFINITA RENOVABLES Infra Netherlands PEROTE XALAPA Infra Netherlands CONCESIONARIA A4 NG Bank syndicated loan BBVA syndicated loan (**) La Caixa syndicated loan (**) Santander syndicated loan (**) Banesto syndicated loan (**) Bankia syndicated loan (**) Loan Raggio di Puglia (**) Contract date Final maturity 10/09/2010 04/07/2013 16/05/2011 05/02/2007 13/01/2010 19/05/2008 30/12/2013 13/02/2008 01/08/2008 22/12/2008 15/07/2008 18/06/2009 04/01/2009 31/12/2010 18/03/2010 25/01/2012 29/06/2015 29/12/2017 16/05/2015 29/12/2022 23/12/2025 20/05/2024 30/12/2017 14/02/2022 16/06/2025 31/12/2026 31/12/2027 18/06/2021 04/12/2023 20/12/2023 23/04/2026 29/06/2029 Variable Notional Fixed interest Currency value interest rate (thousand) rate (charged) 85,441 Eur 2.03% Euribor 319,436 Eur 1.72% Euribor 45,000 Eur 3.05% Euribor 55,133 Eur 4.36% Euribor 25,996 Eur 4.35% Euribor 5,697 Eur 4.82% Euribor 117,390 Eur 2.53% Euribor 1,410,810 Mxn 8.20% TIIE (*) 45,264 Eur 5.55% Euribor 28,678 Eur 3.96% Euribor 336,607 Eur 5.09% Euribor 8,003 Eur 4.09% Euribor 4,681 Eur 4.00% Euribor 22,041 Eur 3.69% Euribor 1,497 Eur 3.65% Euribor 11,179 Eur 2.73% Euribor (*) Mexican long-term reference interest rate (**) Corresponding to Grupo T- Solar Global Purchase options and sale of shares During October 2011, an agreement was signed between the Group and Corpfin Capital Advisors, S.A. and other funds, whereby Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. (GTSG) shares received by these Companies (equivalent to 11.66% of the capital of GTSG) are subject to a put option and call option by which the Group would have the obligation (under the put option) or on the contrary would have the right (under the call option) to acquire such shares under certain conditions (which defer between both options). The options are exercitable between April 30 and May 31, 2016 for the put option, even though there are situations related to liquidity events that could lead to an early exercise, and between 1 January 2014 and 28 February 2016 in the case of the call option, at 71 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) an agreed price of 75.6 million euros (which can vary according to the date of exercise and other conditions). These options have been valued at fair value, and the related liabilities are included within the caption “Other payables” in current liabilities. 12. Trade and other receivables Set out below is an analysis of trade and other receivables: Non-current Loans to companies accounted for the equity method Trade receivables for sales and services Other receivables 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 16,342 10,158 87,661 20,284 3,960 26,500 111,905 Current Trade receivables for sales and services Trade receivables-work completed pending certification Less:Provision for impairment of receivables 665,594 907,444 (32,702) 539,497 859,299 (10,372) Trade receivables – Net Receivables from companies under EM Sundry debtors Public entities In advance-payments to suppliers Other receivables 1,540,336 76,113 63,524 140,235 172,467 89,986 2,082,661 1,388,424 93,535 13,864 141,701 147,239 62,453 1,847,216 There is no significant effect on the fair values of trade and other receivables due to its recognition at amortized cost, since nominal values are deemed to approximate fair values. At 31 December 2015, the heading of "trade receivables for sales and services" includes customer withholdings in the amount of 106,957 thousand euro (2014: 82,742 thousand euro). At 31 December 2015 232,490 thousand euro have been deducted (2014: 183,443 thousand euro), corresponding to German method contracts loans and other invoiced ceded to third parties prior to maturity. These assets have been written off the balance as it has been considered they meet the conditions established by IAS 39 on derecognition of financial assets. At 31 December 2015 “Trade receivables for sales and services” caption includes bills discounted at banks for a total of 46,139 thousand euro (2014: 28,169 thousand euro). The Group has recognized a loss of 1,355 thousand euros due to the impairment of trade receivables during the fiscal year ended 31 December 2015 (2014: loss 2,013 thousand euros). At 31 December 2015 the Group has recognized a provsion of 32,702 thousand euro (2014: 10,372 thousand euro) due to the impairment of trade receiveables. The majority of the provision refers to past due amounts, being the rest of the overdue estimated not to be impaired. Periodically the Group analyses the posible existence of impairment of trade receivable. In this sense, in order to mitigate credit risk, the Group has established measures both previoulsy the engagement of new contracts and during the execution of work, to flag the existence of any risk associated to the collectability of the amouns receivable. Such measures, amongst others, comprise solvency study, credit ratings, considering as well the geopolitical risks, project type and class of client (public or private). The matured debt at 31 December 2015 represents 11.3 % of the trade receivables - net (2014: 10.4%), 38.5 % of which was less than 180 days old (2014: 61.9%). At 31 December 2015, 49 % of matured debt referred to public sector clients (2014: 73.3%). 72 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) At 31 December 2015, unimpaired matured debt outstanding amount due by 180 days totalled 68,620 thousand euro (2014: 55,588 thousand euro) of which 64.5% (2014: 49.3%) refers to outstanding amount due by public sector entities. Change in the provision for impairment of trade receivables is as follows: 2015 2014 Opening balance Appropriations Applications Transfers 10,372 1,355 (2,201) 23,176 36,125 2,013 (27,766) - Closing balance 32,702 10,372 The remaining accounts included in receivables contain no assets that are impaired. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the fair value of each category of receivables referred to above. It is not Group policy to contract insurance for receivables hedging. The balance of trade receivables for sales and services includes the following amounts denominated in currencies other than the euro: US Dollar Qatar Riyal kuwaití Dinar Brazilian Real Argentinean Peso Mexican Peso Algerian Dinar Indian Rupee Chilean Peso Bolivarian Peso Other currencies 31/12/2015 110,334 18,081 23,347 20,816 117,459 12,807 14,672 52,247 2,627 16,927 63,183 31/12/2014 75,185 16,235 5,390 19,987 63,758 4,377 27,516 39,376 3,416 1,959 46,290 452,500 303,489 Costs incurred and recognized gains (less recognized losses) on all contracts in force at the balance sheet date amounted to 8,930 million euro (2014: 7,802 million euro) and 795 million euro (2014: 578 million euro), respectively. 73 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 13. Inventories A breakdown of inventories is set out in the following table: Real Estate developments in progress Raw materials and finished products Capitalized project costs 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 104,942 47,707 90,312 100,085 69,137 83,920 242,961 253,142 Set out below is a breakdown of Real Estate developments in progress by cycle: Real Estate developments in progress, short cycle Real Estate developments in progress, long cycle 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 104,942 100,085 104,942 100,085 At 31 December 2015 and 2014 there are no commitments to sell real estate developments in progress (other than those held for sale). In this respect, during 2015 and 2014 the Group has not received advance payments related to real estate developments. During 2015, capitalized interest amounted to 50 thousand euro (2014: 384 thousand euro), relating to interest accrued during the construction of developments and arising on direct financing received to build the properties. During 2015 assets were not received through payment in kind (2014: 1,440 thousand euro). In 2015, no impairment was recognised for the real estate development projects underway (2014: not recorded). Market value of the properties is based on independent expert reports. 14. Cash and cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 14.1 Cash and cash equivalents Set out below is a breakdown of cash and cash equivalents: Cash and banks Short-term bank deposits and other 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 145,617 23,568 263,622 27,650 169,185 291,272 This caption includes cash (cash in hand and short-term bank deposits) and cash equivalents (i.e., short-term highly liquid investments easily convertible into specific cash amounts within a maximum of three months, or with no restriction and no availability penalty if higher, and whose value is not subject to significant change risks). Of the total figure for cash and cash equivalents, temporary joint ventures contributed 49,417 thousand euro (2014: 49,176 thousand euro). Cash and cash equivalents include balances in currencies other than euro totalling 97,977 thousand euro (2014: 197,760 thousand euro). 74 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The main currencies held as cash are as follows: US Dollar Argentinean Peso Argelian Dinar Boliviano Bangladesh Taka Brazilian Real Mexican Peso Omani Rial CFA Franc Peruvian Nuevo Sol Uzbequistan Sum Others Total 2015 2014 36,586 8,190 10,404 1,620 2,710 4,595 175 5,275 8,621 4,074 2,606 13,121 97,977 61,171 44,222 22,660 2,702 8,425 5,559 3,875 8,844 7,886 3,318 2,966 26,132 197,760 For the purposes of the cash flow statement, the treasury balance includes the balance in the caption cash and cash equivalents. 14.2 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Set out below is a breakdown of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss: Short -term bank deposits and others 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 13,491 14,675 13,491 14,675 In this heading mainly records current deposits in credit institutions. 15. Non-current assets and related liabilities held for sale and discontinued operations Non-current assets and related liabilities held for sale Before 2015 the Group formally approved the start of the process to sell its property operations, as well as certain operating assets located in Latin America and therefore decided to classify the assets and liabilities relating to these operations as held-for-sale. The real estate and other operating assets located in Latin America, which are classified as held for sale, have been classified as such for more than twelve months but they have not been sold due to circumstances that, at the time of classification, were either improbable or beyond the Group's control. However, the Group remains firmly committed to the plan to sell these assets. They are being actively marketed and formal offers have been received. The Group therefore believes that there is a very good chance that they will be sold in the near future. In some cases, sales agreements have been signed and are pending authorisation from the supervisory bodies or finalisation of the sales process. As explained in Note 9, in 2015 the partners of the joint arrangement IIN decided to extinguish the agreement and in exchange of the investment in the joint arrangement the Group will receive control over certain businesses identified in that note. This investment is therefore included under the heading Non-current assets held-for-sale at 31 December 2015. At the date of preparation of these consolidated annual accounts considering the relevant authorizations, the joint arrangement had not yet been received. Although, given the fact that the limited authorizations that have yet to be received are of little importance, Group Management considers that this process will be completed shortly. Once the authorizations are obtained the change in control will be effective in accordance with IFRS 3. Management's preliminary estimates resulting from the change in control is an increase in the consolidated 75 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) group's assets, liabilities and equity totalling approximately 2,143 million euro, 1,834 million euro and 309 million euro, respectively. Furthermore, at the same date the items that at 31 December 2015 were recognized under the headings Cumulative Translation and Hedging reserves with respect to the investment in IIN will be recycled to 2016 results. The aforementioned figures are provisional and are subject to adjustments that could arise in the final calculations once the change in control is completed. Set out below is a breakdown of the non current assets and liabilities held for sale of 2015 and 2014: Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (Note 6) Intangible assets (Note 7.2) Investment property Concessionary assets assigned to projects and other non-current assets assigned to projects (Notes 8.1 & 8.2) Investments in associates accounted for the equity method (Note 9) Long-term credits and deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets Current assets Inventories Trade and other receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets Non-current liabilities Bank borrowings Project finance Provisions for other liabilities and charges Other payables and deferred tax liabilities Current liabilities Bank borrowings Project finance Trade and other payables Provisions for other liabilities and charges Total liabilities 31/12/2015 44,671 14,295 31/12/2014 44,939 1 14,413 91,799 858,912 31,307 5,033 1,046,017 81,410 5,605 5,400 7,275 159,043 158,130 120,885 2,314 281,329 1,327,346 168,255 49,600 2,704 220,559 379,602 50,070 92,525 2,667 8,277 153,539 38,104 100,385 2,459 9,095 150,043 4,767 5,920 256,454 20 267,161 420,700 6,318 12,168 4,004 20 22,510 172,553 In order to compare the carrying value of the assets against their fair value, the Group has estimated fair value using appraisals prepared from independent experts in the case of the real estate activity in Spain, all of them included in the Official Register of Bank of Spain. The appraisals have been issued accordig to different valuation methods, such as residual dynamic method, cost method and comparative method, and have been updated during the year 2015. The fair value of the businesses and other assets to be received as part of the agreement signed by the partners with respect to the investment in IIN has been estimated by Group Management and reviewed by independent experts. Equity in the consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2015 includes 280 million euro (2014: 7.1 million euro) in accumulated differences on exchange that are related to non-current assets and liabilities held-forsale, 261 million euro belong to the investment in IIN. In hedging reserves there are 43 million euro related to non-current assets and liabilities held for sale from IIN investment (2014: no credit). Bank borrowings are secured by land and buildings valued at 17,580 thousand euro (2014: 17,880 thousand euro). The secured debt balance amount to 2,679 thousand euro (2014: 3,579 thousand euro) under the mortgage loans´ framework. 76 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Inventories and investment properties include real estate developments totalling 97 million euro securing financing received at 31 December 2015 (2014: 109 million euro). The balance of the secured debt amounted to 36 million euro (2014: 38 million euro). The heading "Trade and other payables" includes the advance payments received with respect to the separation agreement of the partners of Isolux Infrastructure. On 31 March 2015 the first advance payment from PSP in the amount of 105 million US dollar (approximately 97.8 million euro at the exchange rate as of the date of receipt) was received based the signed contracts. On 5 September 2015 based on the conclusions of the independent expert with respect to the transaction described in Note 9.1 resulting in a balance of 303 million US dollar receivable by the Group, from which the advance of 105 million US dollar payment must be discounted, therefore pending approximately 198 million US dollar to be received after the separation process and all adjustments arising from the transfer between the businesses will be completed. On 9 October 2015 the Group signed an advance collection agreement of 132 million euro with several financial entities, subject to the definitive completion of the disinvestment operation. Based on the special nature of this agreement, it is classified by the Group as "Other debt" under the heading "Trade and other payables". Discontinued operations Before 2015, the Group classified the property operation as discontinued activity in Spain. Set out below is a breakdown of the results for the year from discontinued operations for 2015 and 2014: 2015 2014 Total operating income Sales revenue Other operating income Change in inventories Total operating expenses Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses Other operating expenses (2,817) 5,581 1,014 (9,412) (2,087) 267 (2,354) (4,653) 3,745 89 (8,487) (4,206) (339) (3,867) Operating profit/(loss) (4,904) (8,859) Net financial results Share of investments accounted for the equity method (Note 9) (4,342) (4,519) (2,113) (1,081) (13,765) (12,053) Profit before tax Income tax (Note 28) 3,327 2,773 Results for the year (10,438) (9,280) Attributable to: Non-controlling interest Owners of the parent Company 7 (10,445) (34) (9,246) Results for the year (10,438) (9,280) Cash flows generated by discontinued operations unit in 2015 and 2014 are analysed below: Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Net change in cash and cash equivalents 2015 (2,367) 654 1,589 2014 (3,031) 1,803 1,257 (124) 29 77 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 16. a) Share capital, share premium and legal reserve Share capital At 31 December 2015, as the result of the operation described below, the parent company’s share capital consists of 360,340,024 ordinary shares (2014: 90,085,006 shares) divided in 270,255,018 ordinary shares class A with a par value of 0.01 euro each and 90,085,006 ordinary shares class B with a par value of 1 euro (2014: there were just one type of shares of 0.20 euro). The shares are fully paid up in a total amount of 92,788 thousand euro (2014: 18,017 thousand euro). There are no restrictions on the transfer of the shares. The following companies hold interests in the parent company’s share capital: 2015 2014 No. of shares % Interest No. of shares % Interest Construction Investment Sarl Inversiones Corporativas S.A. Hiscan Patrimonio, S.A.U. Cartera Perseidas, S.L. Charanne B.V. 187,458,248 42,293,356 85,769,792 36,087,008 8,731,620 52.023% 11.737% 23.802% 10.015% 2.423% 46,864,562 10,573,339 21,442,448 9,021,752 2,182,905 52.023% 11.737% 23.802% 10.015% 2.423% Total 360,340,024 100.000% 90,085,006 100.000% On 15 January 2015, the Group's shareholders, at the General Shareholders Meeting, approved a capital increase in the amount of 342,323 thousand euro to be charged to the Share Premium by increasing the par value of the existing shares 4 euro each. It was also agreed to split the Company's shares, reclassifying them as Class A shares (par value of 0.01 euro each) with one voting right per share and Class B shares (par value of 1 euro each) with 100 voting rights per share. As a result, the share capital was reduced by 267,552 thousand euro. The share capital reduction was intended for creating a restricted reserve fund for the Class A shares that will only be available under the same conditions as required for the share capital reduction. Following these changes, the share capital is 92,788 thousand euro. Finally, in the same meetings the shareholders agreed to modify the representation system of the Class A and Class B shares by transforming the physical certificates into account entries. b) Share premium At December 31 2015 this reserve is unrestricted and amounts to 183,914 thousand euro (2014: 526,237 thousand euro). c) Legal reserve and other unavailable reserves Appropriations to the legal reserve are made in compliance with Article 274 of the Spanish Capital Companies Act, which stipulates that 10% of the profits for each year must be transferred to this reserve until it represents at least 20% of share capital. At 31 December 2015 and 2014 this reserve amounts to 3,493 thousand euro. At December 2014 this reserve was fully constituted due to the capital increases carried out later, in the following years a part of the benefit will supply the reserve. The legal reserve is not available for distribution. If it is used to offset losses in the event of no other reserves being available, it must be restablished with future profits. In addition, this reserve includes the reserve resulting from the application of the parent company of Article 273,4 of the Spanish Capital Companies Act “In any event, a restricted reserve equivalent to the goodwill appearing on the asset side of the balance sheet must be allocated and a portion of profits representing at least 5% of that goodwill must be allocated to this reserve. If there were no profits or profits were insufficient, freely available reserves should be used”. This reserve amounts to 16,501 thousand euro at 31 December 2015 (2014: 14,144 thousand euro). 78 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 17. Cumulative translation differences A breakdown by company/subgroup of cumulative translation differences is set out below: Subsidiary or subgroup 2015 2014 Isolux de México S.A. de CV Grupo Isolux Corsán – Branches Carreteras Centrales Argentina, S,A. Isolux Corsán Energías Renovables, S.A. Isolux Proyectos e Instalaciones, Ltda. Isolux Corsán do Brasil, S.A. Isolux Corsán India Tecna Estudios y Proyectos de Ingeniería, S.A. and subsidiaries Azul de Cortes, S.A. de C.V. Isolux Corsán Argentina, S.A. Corsán Corvián Construcción, S.A. – Branches Isolux Ingeniería, S.A.- Branches Isolux Mozambique LDA. Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. and subsidiaries Lineas De Transmision Peruanas, SAC Others (34,762) (33,623) (3,302) (17,336) 1,450 14,134 8,891 (903) 13,468 (4,477) (16,797) (75,066) 1,576 (261,427) (4,704) (6,783) (2,255) (34,903) (358) (6,380) (3,998) 8,208 3,413 (2,235) 8,708 (4,472) (8,946) (30,921) 1,533 (117,907) 168 1,450 Total (419,661) (188,895) 18. Parent company profit/(loss) distribution and non-controlling interest The proposal for the distribution of the parent company’s 2015 results that will be submitted to the Annual General Shareholders Meeting and as well as the approved 2014 result distribution (on 30 June 2015) are set out below: Available for distribution 2015 2014 Results for the year (128,495) (140,373) Distribution Prior-year losses Reserve for unavailable goodwill (Spanish Capital Companies Act, art.273,4) (130,852) (142,730) 2,357 2,357 (128,495) (140,373) 79 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Change in non-controlling interests during 2015 is set out below: Grupo Tecna Grupo Isolux Corsan Concesiones, S.A. Interisolux Torrejón Viv. Joven, S.L. Julitex, S.L. Interisolux Alcorcón Viv. Joven, S.L. Agua Limpa Paulista, S.A. Infinita Renovables, S.A. Luxeol, S.L. Total Opening balance 5,850 18,705 12 (424) 502 1,639 (33,195) 4 Share of profit/losses 694 (24) 31 (124) (4,256) (15) (6,907) (3,694) - Change in shareholding and others (109) (5,035) (12) 9 (11) (395) 165 1 Closing balance 6,435 13,670 (439) 522 1,120 (37,286) (10) - (5,387) (15,988) - Change in shareholding and others 1,147 33 (13) 31 (679) Closing balance 5,850 18,705 12 (424) 502 1,639 (33,195) - (1,554) (162) - 4 - (1,197) (6,907) Dividends Change in non-controlling interests during 2014 is set out below: Grupo Tecna Grupo Isolux Corsan Concesiones, S.A. Interisolux Torrejón Viv. Joven, S.L. Julitex, S.L. Interisolux Alcorcón Viv. Joven, S.L. Agua Limpa Paulista, S.A. Infinita Renovables, S.A. Aparcamiento Gomez Ulla, S.L. Aparc. Nuevo Hospital de Burgos Luxeol, S.L. Total 19. Opening balance 4,001 17,184 12 (396) 498 1,989 (27,324) 1,580 143 2 Share of profit/losses 702 1,521 (61) 17 (381) (5,192) (26) 19 2 (2,311) (3,399) Dividends Trade and other payables Set out below is a breakdown of trade and other payables at 31 December 2015 and 2014: 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 Deferred income-Official grants Accounts payable in associates and Joint Ventures Other payables 7,908 11,284 8,625 1,573 52,156 Total 19,192 62,354 1,306,947 430,156 577,764 1,122 45,462 119,314 2,480,765 1,412,575 411,402 342,565 16,015 75,840 97,090 2,355,487 Non-current Current Trade payables Trade bills payable Advances received on contracted work Accounts payable in associates and Joint Ventures Social security and other taxes Other payables Total Nominal values are deemed to approximate fair values. The heading "Trade bills payable" mainly includes confirming facilities, trade bills and other commercial documents issued to suppliers as part of the Group's ordinary business operations. 80 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) The balance in this heading at 31 December 2015 includes 23,108 thousand euro which, at the date of preparation of these accounts, a new payment schedule is being negotiated with the related entities. In January 2016, within the framework of Article 161 of Brazilian Law 11.105/2005, the applications for the “Plan de Recuperaçao Extrajudicial” were filed, affecting the branches of Isolux Ingenieria, S.A and Corsan Corviam Construccion, S.A. in Brazil, as well as the subsidiary companies Isolux Projetos e Instalações Ltda. and Isolux Projetos, Investimentos e Participações Ltda. were filed. This plan has been delayed (not yet ratified by the courts), and is currently in the allegations phase. This process is established by Brazilian legislation and allows companies to restructure their debt in an ordered manner and to continue with their business once that situation has been overcome. Additionally, it is worth mentioned that in Isolux Ingenieria, S.A. branch in Uruguay, as a result of the early termination of two ongoing projects, the treasury tensions have increased, forcing Management to open the way for the renegotiation of the outstanding balances and schedules payment with the suppliers/subcontractors. While a high proportion of these negotiations are being successfully concluded, due to disagreements over a claimed amount of 170 thousand US dollars, incorrectly based on Group view, on 17 March 2016 the request for arrangement agreement with the creditors has been declared under Uruguay´s regulatory framework. Group management is working on presenting the appeal against the court decision as well as on transferring sufficient funding to address this situation as soon as possible, as a consequence, no equity negative impacts are expected. Information on deferred payments to suppliers. Third additional provision of the “Duty of information disclosure” Spanish Law 15/2010, of 5 July. The information required by Additional Provision Three of Law 15/2010 (5 July), prepared in accordance with the ICAC Resolution dated 29 January 2016 on the information to be included in the notes to the annual accounts with respect to the average payment period for suppliers in commercial transactions is set out below. In accordance with the regime provided for in Law 15/2010, the deferral period allowed and applicable to Grupo Isolux Corsan´s spanish companies is 60 days in the case of supplier and subcontractors of work contracts or other trade operations. These terms are applicable to contracts signed after July 7, 2010. The duty of disclosure refers only to the trade payables included in the current liabilities under the heading "Trade and other payables” of the consolidated balance sheet. Thus creditors or suppliers that do not meet this condition, such as suppliers of fixed assets or creditors through leasing, are outside the scope of this law. The Resolution indicates that the calculation only includes companies located in Spain, with the understanding that the payment terms are subject to Spanish legislation, that are consolidated using the full or proportional method once all reciprocal credits and debits are eliminated. The calculation of the average payment period is calculated taking into account the supplier invoice date and the payment date (as is mentioned below, in cases in which payment is made through confirming facilities the date on the relevant documentation is used). The Group generally applies the payment management system the confirming facilities through financial entities under the terms of contracts with their suppliers and/or subcontractors. The Group recognizes and pays suppliers financial expenses implicit in these agreements reached with the Group. Average payment period to suppliers Payment ratio Pending payments ratio Total year payments Total pending payments 31 December 2015 Days 108 89 175 Thousand euro 448,348 122,593 Pursuant to the above-mentioned, Group policy about payment to suppliers responds to agreements reached to those suppliers and takes into account market conditions, considering works volume and supplies resulting 81 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) from contracts entered by the Group with different Public Administrations as well as the usual collection period in the business sectors in which the Group operates. 20. Bank borrowings and Senior Notes At 31 December 2015 and 2014, bank borrowings and senior notes are as indicated below 31/12/2015 31/12/2014 832,722 330,914 22,901 161,909 229 829,458 221,483 18,663 201,492 328 1,348,675 1,271,424 11,760 46,139 6,746 69,475 93 99,750 11,760 28,910 88,742 57,931 90 88,657 Non-current Senior Notes Syndicated loans Credit lines Other borrowings Finance lease liabilities Current Senior Notes Advanced credit debts Syndicated loans Credit lines Finance lease liabilities Other loans Total bank borrowings 233,963 276,090 1,582,638 1,547,514 Except for the senior notes, all borrowings bear interest at Euribor rates and contracted rates are reviewed after periods which do not generally exceed six months. The fair values of current and non-current bank borrowings therefore approximate their carrying amounts. At 31 December 2015 and 2014, non-current bank borrowings mature as indicated below: 2015 2014 Between 1 and 5 years More than 5 years Senior Notes Syndicated loans Credit lines Other loans Finance lease liabilities 330,914 22,901 142,665 170 832,722 19,244 59 832,722 330,914 22,901 161,909 229 Total 496,650 852,025 1,348,675 Concept Between 1 Total and 5 years More than 5 years Total 221,483 18,663 160,169 261 829,458 41,323 67 829,458 221,483 18,663 201,492 328 400,576 870,848 1,271,424 Finance lease liabilities amounts have been discounted to their present value. Future financial charges on finance leases amount 33 thousand euro (2014: 48 thousand euro). 82 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 20.1) Syndicated loans On 12 June 2015 the Group concluded an agreement with several financial institutions regarding the modification and amendment of the terms of several syndicated loans that the Group had up until that date. The new debt facility includes 5 debt tranches with maturity dates that run between 2017 and 2020. The interest rate has been established at Euribor plus a spread ranging between 2.80% and 4.25% per year based on the value of certain ratios. At the end of 2015 the outstanding nominal balance was 332.2 million euro. This loan is subject to a compliance ratio agreement, which is normal for this type of transaction. At 31 December 2015, Company management understands that full compliance has been obtained with all ratio relating to this agreement. In June 2011 the Group concluded an agreement for a loan in the nominal amount of 59,500 thousand euro with syndicated banks whose agent entity is EBN Banco de Negocios, S.A. to be used to finance Group projects. In February 2014 the Group reached a novation agreement under which the initial due date of June 2014 was changed to a final due date in June 2017 with half-yearly repayments and the interest rate was established at Euribor plus a spread of between 3.25% and 4% per year (previously Euribor 3.5% per year) based on the value of certain ratios. At the year-end the outstanding nominal balance was 12.8 million euro (2014: 19 million euro). This loan is subject to a compliance ratio agreement, in line with this type of transaction. At December 31, 2015 Company management understands that the Group is in compliance with ratio relating to this agreement. 20.2) Other borrowings The following debts are included under this caption: On 15 February 2012, the Group entered into a new agreement with Corporación Andina de Fomento to obtain a loan with a nominal value of 50 millions US dollar, to finance Group activities; at the year end, the outstanding balance amounts to 37 millions US dollar (2014: 47 millions US dollar). The loan bears interest at the six-monthly Libor rate plus 5.5% per annum, in six-month periods. The final maturity of this loan is February 13, 2022 with 16 semi-annual installments starting on August 2014. In 2015 a series of novation agreements were signed with respect to the original contract, in order to defer the payment of several instalments and to partially modify the ratios. This loan is subject to a compliance ratio agreement, in line with this type of transaction. At 31 December 2015 Company management understands that the Group is in compliance with ratio relation to this agreement. On 14 March 2013, the Group concluded a new agreement with Inter-American Development Bank, to grant a loan with a nominal value of 100 million US dollar whose main purpose is the financing of the Group's activities and at the year-end it presents an outstanding balance of 82 million US dollar (2014: 100 million US dollar). This loan bears interest at 6-month Libor plus a spread of 4.38% per year, every six months. This loan matures on 15 February 2020, with 10 half-yearly installments starting on 15 February 2015. This loan is subject to a compliance ratio agreement, in line with this type of transaction. At 31 December 2015 Company management understands that the Group is in compliance with ratio relation to this agreement. On 25 April 2013, the Group concluded a new agreement with Corporación Andina de Fomento, to grant a loan with a nominal value of 50 million US dollar whose main purpose is the financing of the Group's activities and at the year-end it presents an outstanding balance of 44 million US dollar (2014: 50 million US dollar). This loan bears interest at 6-month Libor plus a spread of 5.5% per year, every six months. This loan finally matures on 25 April 2023, with 16 half-yearly installments starting on 25 October 2015. In 2015 a series of novation agreements were concluded with respect to the original contract, in order to defer the payment of several instalments and to partially modify the ratios. 83 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) This loan is subject to a compliance ratio agreement, in line with this type of transaction. At 31 December 2015 Company management understands that the Group is in compliance with ratio relation to this agreement. On 4 December 2014 an agreement was concluded with ING Bank NV branch in Spain, for a loan and a line of credit for a nominal amount of 30 million euro in order to cover corporate financing. Interest for the loan is quarterly payable at the Euribor plus a spread of between 2.75% and 3.25%. At the year-end the outstanding balance was 30 million euro (2014: 20 million euro). This loan is for a term of 2 years after the signing date. This loan is subject to a compliance ratio agreement, in line with this type of transaction. At 31 December 2015 Company management understands that the Group is in compliance with ratio relation to this agreement. On 16 June 2015 an agreement was signed with Natixis, S.A., branch in Spain, for a loan for a nominal amount of 20 million euro. The interest rate has been established at Euribor plus a spread ranging between 2.80% and 3.25% per year based on the value of certain ratios. At the year-end the outstanding balance was 20 million euro. This loan falls due in June 2017. This loan is subject to a compliance ratio agreement, in line with this type of transaction. At 31 December 2015 Company management understands that the Group is in compliance with ratio relation to this agreement. 20.3) Credit lines The Group has contracted multiple credit lines that are generally recognised as short-term balances since maturities are usually annual, although the agreements include automatic renewal clauses. Amounts due after one year are classified as non-current balances. These credit lines are linked to EURIBOR rate with spreads between 2% and 5%. 20.4) Other information The carrying amount of the Group’s borrowings is denominated in the following currencies: Non-current Euro Other currencies Current Euro Other currencies Total bank borrowings 2015 2014 1,191,622 157,053 1,108,888 162,536 1,348,675 1,271,424 173,508 60,455 201,857 74,233 233,963 276,090 1,582,638 1,547,514 At 31 December 2015, the Group has available short-term facilities through credit lines, factoring and other financing facilities amounting 90,610 thousand euro (2014: 211,012 thousand euro). Nominal values are deemed to approximate fair values. 84 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 20.5) Senior notes During 2014 the Group issued (through its subsidiary Group Isolux Corsán Finance B.V.) 850 million euro of senior unsecured notes with a fixed rate of 6.625%. These notes mature on April 15, 2021. The Original Notes were issued on March 15, 2014 for an amount of 600 million euro, and the Additional Notes on June 26, 2014 for an amount of 250 million euro, all together “the Notes”. The Notes are jointly and severally guaranteed by Group Isolux Corsán, S.A. and certain group subsidiaries. At 31 December 2015 the listed price of these senior notes was 23.49% (2014: 87.21%). The Group assumed a series of compliance obligations with respect to the senior notes, as is usual in this type of transaction. At 31 December 2015 Management understands that none of those obligations have failed to be met. 21. Deferred income tax The gross movement of deferred income tax is shown below: 2015 Deferred tax Deferred tax assets liabilities 2014 Deferred tax Deferred tax assets liabilities 1 January Charge to income statement (Note 28) Tax charged to equity Exit from consolidation scope Effect of tax rate change in Spain in income statement Effect of tax rate change in Spain in equity 288,523 53,234 (3,816) (368) 43,171 29,371 (384) (354) 256,204 79,523 (1,600) - 24,179 22,896 141 - - - (44,010) (1,594) (3,962) (83) 31 December 337,573 71,804 288,523 43,171 Deferred tax assets at each year end are as follow: Tax losses Tax credits pending application Temporary differences 2015 2014 129,240 17,955 190,378 106,507 18,911 163,105 337,573 288,523 85 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Change during 2015 and 2014 in deferred tax assets and liabilities is as follows: Deferred tax assets Reversals Appropriations Other movements Total At 1 January 2014 Charged to income statement Charged to equity Effect of tax rate change in Spain in income statement Effect of tax rate change in Spain in equity (11,851) (1,636) - 91,374 36 - (44,010) (1,594) 256,204 79,523 (1,600) (44,010) (1,594) At 31 December 2014 Charged to income statement Charged to equity Exit from consolidation scope (15,165) (3,093) - 68,399 (723) - (368) 288,523 53,234 (3,816) (368) At 31 December 2015 337,573 Deferred tax liabilities Reversals Appropriations At 1 January 2014 Charged to income statement Charged to equity Effect of tax rate change in Spain in income statement Effect of tax rate change in Spain in equity At 31 December 2014 Charged to income statement Charged to equity Exit from consolidation scope Other movements Total (10,154) - 33,050 141 - (3,962) (83) 24,179 22,896 141 (3,962) (83) (7,491) - 36,862 (384) - (354) 43,171 29,371 (384) (354) At 31 December 2015 71,804 Deferred tax assets / (liabilities) charged to equity during the year are as follows: 2015 2014 (3,432) (1,125) (3,432) (1,125) Fair value reserves in equity: Reserve for hedging transactions 86 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Deferred tax assets and liabilities arising from temporary differences are analysed below: 2015 2014 Deferred tax assets Arising from provisions Arising from non-current assets Arising from financial derivatives measurement Arising from deductible financial expense (Royal Decree-Law 12/2012) Arising from other items 45,444 3,074 4,413 108,695 28,752 49,653 3,682 8,229 72,404 29,137 Total 190,378 163,105 Arising from financial derivatives measurement Arising from non-current assets Arising from trade and other receivables (19,676) (52,128) (504) (15,659) (27,008) Total (71,804) (43,171) Deferred tax liabilities At 31 December 2015 the Group has recognized tax credits with respect to tax losses from some subsidiaries in the amounts detailed below: Generation Spain Brazil Argentina Other countries Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1,779 9,152 9,074 31,194 20,853 21,613 5,071 50 3,945 6,519 3,473 - 1,584 492 1,655 12,786 1,779 10,736 14,145 31,194 21,395 9,073 40,918 93,665 15,585 3,473 16,517 129,240 Tax credits for losses carried forward in Argentina expire in 5 years time since the date of creation. In Spain due to the law amendment detailed below, the application of the tax credits becomes unlimited. In Brazil the compensation period is unlimited. Deferred tax assets for tax credits in respect of tax losses available for offset and tax-loss carryforwards are recognized insofar as the existence of the relevant tax benefit through future taxable profits is likely. Most tax loss carryforwards relate to companies that are part of the consolidated tax group in Spain. Management has performed an analysis to determine the amount of credits to be activated, considering that it is likely that tax revenues will be generated in the future to offset these tax loss carryforwards (along with other net tax assets related to the tax group). Among other things, management's analysis took the following aspects into account: generation of future tax revenues according to the business plans of the member companies of the tax group, the existence of past tax losses that are not expected to be repeated in the future (e.g., related to the impairment of certain assets), the reorganisation measures implemented to adapt the structure to the current business volume in Spain, and the implementation of tax optimisation measures to offset the inefficiencies that have arisen in recent years as a result of the rapid international expansion of the Group's operations and the changes in Spanish tax laws. A new Corporate Tax Law 27/2014 was enacted on 28 November, introducing a gradual reduction in the general tax rates from 30% in 2014 to 25% in 2016, the elimination of the time limit on offsetting tax losses and limits on the deductibility of losses associated with the assets. The impact of this policy change on the tax expense shown on the income statement amounted to a loss of 40,048 thousand euro (Note 28), while the effect on equity items amounted to 1,511 thousand euro. Also on the same date, laws 26/2014 and 28/2014 87 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) were passed on Personal Income Tax and Value Added Tax, respectively. These laws did not have a significant impact on the Group's financial statements as of the closing date. 22. 22.1. Provisions for other liabilities and charges Provisions for other liabilities and charges – Non-current Provisions for project completion Provisions for litigation and other Decommising provisions Total Balance at 1 January 2014 Reversals /Applications Appropriations 13,748 (2,303) 842 30,084 (17,721) 16,238 2,219 99 46,051 (20,024) 17,179 Balance at 31 December 2014 Reversals /Applications Appropriations 12,287 (587) 1,854 28,601 (5,383) 624 2,318 99 43,206 (5,970) 2,577 Balance at 31 December 2015 13,554 23,842 2,417 39,813 Provisions for project completion and guarantees The balance in this account relates to projects that are completed or substantially completed and consists of the Group’s estimate of probable costs to be incurred prior to final acceptance by the customer. Additional customer claims not subject to objective quantification at consolidated annual accounts preparation date could arise, although Management understands no significant loss over provisioned amounts will arise. Provisions for litigation and other This balance relates to provisions set up to cover other liabilities and charges related or not related to litigation, including tax or other contingencies for which the Group considered a provision should be posted. In the opinion of the directors and legal counsel, the lawsuits in question are not likely to generate significant losses above the amounts provisioned. Decommissioning provisions Based upon technical studies, the Group has estimated the current cost of decommissioning central solar installations as well as biodiesel plants that have assets assigned to projects, booking these estimates as a higher asset value and amortizing it over its useful life, which in most cases is similar to the useful life of the lease agreements of the land where the solar plants and the biodiesel plants are located. 22.2. Provisions for other liabilities and charges – Current The balances included in this item, totalling 43,897 thousand euro (2014: 73,559 thousand euro), related to the Construction Division and the Engineering Division and mainly consist of provisions for project completion costs and other items. “Change in trade provisions” in the income statement registers net allocations made to provisions for other liabilities and current expenses. 88 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 23. Revenue / Sales and Materials consumed and other external costs Sales information by activity and market is included in segment information note (see Note 5). The account “Materials consumed and other external costs” during 2015 and 2014 is analyzed below: Raw materials and other supplies Change in inventories – no real estate Other external costs Total 24. 2015 2014 510,303 15,038 838,052 620,248 (14,875) 627,632 1,363,393 1,233,005 Other income and expense Other operating income and expense are analyzed below: 2015 2014 445 14,326 14,771 2,049 3,206 5,255 70,058 200,200 2,928 42,839 316,025 101,950 186,214 (12,909) 40,249 315,504 Other operating income Operating grants Other operating revenue Total Other operating expense Operating leases Other external services Net impairment of accounts receivables Taxes Total “Net impairment of accounts receivable” includes 2,928 thousand euro related to impairment of trade receivables (2014: 12,909 thousand euro) and other amounts (Note 12). 25. Employee benefit expenses Wages and salaries Social Security contributions and other social charges 2015 2014 285,981 62,524 266,689 67,391 348,505 334,080 “Wages and salaries” include termination indemnities amounting 10,348 thousand euro (2014: 10,916 thousand euro). The Group’s average workforce is analyzed below: Category 2015 2014 Graduates Administrative staff Workers 2,427 809 2,333 2,008 1,030 2,936 5,569 5,974 Additionally, the average number of employees by the proportionately-consolidated companies has been 318 (2014: 356 employees). 89 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) At 31 December 2015, personnel distribution by gender is as follows: Category Board Directors Senior managers Managers Graduates Administrative staff Workers Men Women Total 13 5 167 1,847 367 1,972 4,371 11 418 185 105 719 13 5 178 2,265 552 2,077 5,090 Men Women Total 14 6 364 1,761 538 2,133 4,816 22 413 216 137 788 14 6 386 2,174 754 2,270 5,604 At 31 December 2014, personnel distribution by gender is as follows: Category Board Directors Senior managers Managers Graduates Administrative staff Workers Additionally, the proportionately-consolidated companies had 317 employees at the year end (2014: 374 employees). The average number of disabled persons (disability equal or higher than 33%) employed during 2015 and 2014 by Group companies, are classified in the following categories: Category Graduates and administrative staff Workers 26. 2015 2014 11 7 18 15 8 23 Operating leases Future minimum lease instalments under non-cancellable operating leases are analyzed below: 2015 2014 Less than 1 year Between 1 and 5 years More than 5 years 18,214 12,765 29 30,298 18,060 147 Total 31,008 48,505 The expense recognized in the income statement during 2015 in relation to operating leases totals 70,058 thousand euro (2014: 101,950 thousand euro). The Group leases the building in which its headquarters are located from a third party. The lease agreement has a 12-year term as from lease inception (15 March 2007), although the Group may exercise a purchase option as from year five, in which case the parties must previously agree on the terms of the transaction. Since at lease inception and at the preparation date of these consolidated annual accounts, the purchase option is not likely to be exercised the operation has been classified as an operating lease. All payments due throughout the original 12-year term are included in the above table. 90 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 27. Net financial results Net financial results at 31 December 2015 and 2014 are detailed below: 2015 2014 Interest expense and other financial expense Net losses on foreign currency transactions 263,185 2,393 236,188 - Financial expenses 265,578 236,188 29,086 - 28,566 2,050 Interest income and other financial income Net gains on foreign currency transactions Financial income Net financial result – Expense 29,086 30,616 236,492 205,572 During 2014 the chapter interest expense and other financial expense included 9.9 million euro related to the payment in advance of certain bank borrowing (Note 20) and 2.5 million euro of corresponding ineffectiveness of related derivatives. 28. Income tax Group Isolux Corsán, S.A. is the parent Company of Tax Group 102/01, therefore it is authorized to file consolidated statement in Spain for all the companies included within the Tax Group. The expenses for income tax include: 2015 2014 Current income tax Deferred tax (Note 21) (14,598) (23,863) 35,864 (16,579) Total expense for income tax (38,461) 19,285 The Group’s income tax differs from the theoretical amount that would have been obtained if the tax rate applicable to the consolidated companies’ profits had been used as follows: Continued operations: 2015 2014 Profit / loss before income taxes (83,614) (13,420) Tax calculated at the rate applicable to the parent company’s profits Effect on equity method consolidation Effect on tax payable of non-tax deductible expenses Effect of different tax rates abroad and other differences in foreign operations Effect of tax rate change in Spain (Note 21) Other (23,411) (9,938) 7,879 (2,953) (10,038) (4,026) (7,907) 5,400 (4,171) 40,048 (10,059) Tax expense (38,461) 19,285 91 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Discontinued operations: 2015 2014 (13,765) (12,053) Tax calculated at the rate applicable to the parent company’s profits Effect on tax payable of non-tax deductible expenses and other (3,854) 527 (3,616) 843 Tax expense (3,327) (2,773) Profit / loss before taxes The effective tax rate, for continuing and discontinued operations, in 2015 has been (42.9%) (2014: (64.8%)). This rate differs from the rate applicable to the parent company (28% in 2015 and 30% in 2014) mainly due to the net effect of non-deductible expenses as well as different tax rates abroad that may be higher or lower than the rate applicable in Spain with the effect of not including the share of profits / (losses) of investments accounted for the equity method and the effect of changes in tax rates in Spain in 2014. On 1 July 2010, inspection activities on Income Tax for the period 2005-2008 were initiated in Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A., as the parent company of the tax group. Likewise, several group companies were subject to a general inspection of Value Added Tax (2006-2008), Personal Income Tax (2006-2008), Annual Statement of Operations (2005-2008) and Intra-Community Business Operations Statement (2005-2008). As a result of the above-mentioned inspections, in 2012 corporate income tax assessments were raised for the periods inspected. Some of the assessment were contested by Grupo Isolux Corsán, mainly in connection with export deductions, transactions abroad, non-deductible expenses and other deductions applied to property restatements amounting to approximately 33.7 million euro, all relating to subsidiaries of the Tax Group. On 31 August 2012, an economic-administrative claim was filed against those assessments at the Central Tax and Treasury Court, who on 21 January 2015 notified the dismissal of the claim. On 18 March 2015 the Group submitted an appeal to be filed before the Supreme Court. In the opinion of the Parent company's management and tax advisors, there are sound grounds for defending the Group's position and these proceedings are not expected to have a significant impact on the Group's financial situation. Consequently, the Group has not recognized any provision in relation to the previous situation. The Group has provided mortgages on certain properties to secure the appeals against the aforementioned contested tax assessments as well as for other claims made by the tax authorities. The net carrying value of the properties subject to mortgages totals 66 million euro (2014: 66 million euro), 30 million euro belong to assests held for sale (Note 15). In December 2015 the Italian tax authorities completed their inspection and issued an administrative settlement in the amount of 12.6 million euro plus penalties and interest, relating to a VAT verification procedure against the branch of Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. The Company's management and tax advisors consider that reasonable arguments of substance to attain the dismissal of this case exits and no significant impact on the Group's assets is considered to be existing. The Group has not therefore recognized any provision relating to that situation. On 4 February 2016, Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A., as the parent of the tax group, received notice of the beginning of an inspection of corporate income tax for the period 2009/2010 Several companies of the Isolux Corsán Group are also undergoing general tax inspections of value added tax (2009-2010) and personal income tax (2011-2013). These inspections had not yet been completed at the date of preparation of these consolidated annual accounts. As a result of actions that may be undertaken by the tax authorities in connection with the years open to inspection, contingent tax liabilities could arise that cannot be objectively quantified. Nonetheless, the Parent Company’s Directors consider that any liabilities arising with respect to this inspection would not give rise to significant amounts in excess of the provisions. In addition to the periods mentioned, the main Group companies are open to inspection for the following taxes and periods: 92 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Tax Fiscal years Corporate Income Tax Value Added Tax Personal Income Tax Other taxes 2009 to 2014 2009 to 2015 2011 to 2015 Last 4 years As a result, among other things, of the different interpretations to tax legislation lends itself, additional liabilities may be raised in the event of a tax inspection. The directors of the parent company consider, however, that any additional liability that might be raised would not significantly affect these consolidated annual accounts. 29. Dividends per share No dividends have been distributed in 2014, nor proposed in 2015. 30. Commitments, contingencies and guarantees provided 30.a) Commitments Non-current assets purchase commitments No significant commitments have been made to purchase non-current assets at the balance sheet date, other than those required in the ordinary course of business. Operating lease commitments The Group leases a number of premises, offices and other property, plant and equipment under noncancellable operating leases. These leases contain variable terms, phase-related clauses and renewal rights. The lease expenditure charged to the income statement during the year and information on future minimum instalments is set out in Note 26. 30.b) Contingencies and guarantees provided The Group has contingent liabilities in respect of bank guarantees and other guarantees provided in the ordinary course of business. In accordance with its general terms of engagement, the Group is required to provide technical guarantees in connection with the execution of projects. These guarantees may be provided in cash or in the form of bank guarantees and must remain in effect for a specified period. In the ordinary course of business, as is common practice in companies engaged in engineering and construction activities, the Group furnished guarantees to third parties totalling 2,367 million euro (2014: 1,929 million euro) for the proper performance of contracts. In addition, in the ordinary course of business and as is common practice wit the sector, wherte the Group companies act as sponosrs during the construction phase of certain concession projects, the Group has provided guarantees to certain project companies that form part of the subgroup IIN, for a total amount of 104 million euro (2014: 171 million euro). In addition, the Group have provided certain guarantees to Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos, S.A. for a total amount of 70 million euro (2014: 70 million euro). With respect to such guarantees, no additional significant liabilities are expected, other than those provided for, as stated in Note 22. Under the agreements reached with PSP in the business combination performed on 2012, the Group has executed a series of guarantees in relation to certain losses sustained or incurred by IIN and subsidiaries as a consequence, among other things of the fulfilment of concession project construction budgets, legal proceedings, environmental aspects, tax contingencies or certain breaches of the EPCs agreed prior to the shareholders' agreement signed in 2012. Additional liabilities could arise in the future as a result of significant 93 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) departures relating to these commitments. These guarantees were cancelled upon the definitive conclusion of the agreement concluded between the partners to terminate the joint arrangement (Note 9.1). 31. Business combinations During 2015 any business combination has taking place. During 2014 the following business combinations took place: a) Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. and subsidiaries During July 2014 the Group signed an agreement with several investments funds acting in a coordinated manner through Oak Hill Advisors, under which the investment funds undertook to invest in the form of senior loans for up to a total of 100 million euro. These loans will be used to make new investments in the Group’s car park business which is included in the subgroup of which Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. is the parent. At 31 December 2014 loans received amounted to 50 million euro. The remaining 50 million euro loans will be withdrawed only once the initial 50 million euro investment is completed. At 31 December 2015 63 million euro are disbursed. The purpose of this agreement is to group existing assets together with new assets and subsequently after some time during which business is expected to improve, the intention is to sell the car park business on a whole. The selling is expected to take place between October 1, 2019 and June 3, 2020. The agreement between the parties provides how the funds will be distributed on the basis of the spelling price obtained. Distribution of the funds to each one of the party will be variable depending on the selling price obtained. The agreements signed between the parties mean that although the new investors do not have an ownership interest in the companies, key business decisions have to be taken jointly by the parties. Therefore Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. and its subsidiaries is considered to be a joint venture. This operation has been recognised as a change of control with the application therefore of the accounting policies described in Note 2.2 Key business decision include amongst other, budget and business plan approvals, acquisition and disposal of investment, dividend distribution, and of financial facilities withdrawing. In order to allocate the acquisition cost, the estimated fair value of the assets, has been calculated on the basis of the future cash flow discount method. As a result of this change of control, there are no significant impacts on the consolidated income statement. In the consolidated cash flow statement, according to requirement of IAS 7, the effect of scoping out of the consolidation perimeter is shown under the heading “Net cash variation due to change in consolidation scope” within cash flow from investing activities, even though it is a non cash transaction. The following table summarises payments and provisional fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date: Cash and cash equivalents Non-current assets assigned to projects Other non current assets Other current assets Non current bank borrowings Other non current liabilities Other current liabilities Taxes payable Total identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed Non-Controlling interests Total net assets Thousand euro 6,003 259,257 12,406 12,097 (117,362) (37,993) (5,431) (7,650) 121,327 (1,559) 119,768 The balance sheet at 31 December 2014 and 2015 and the income statement for 2015 and the period between the change of control and 31 December 2014 are disclosed in Note 9 for the Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. subgroup. 94 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 32. Related-party transactions Transactions with related parties during 2015 and 2014 form part of the Group’s ordinary course of business. These transactions are described below: a) Transactions with the Company’s main shareholders a.1) Transactions with CAIXABANK The Group only carries out banking activities with Caixabank. Set out below are the amounts and nature of banking operations contracted at 31 December 2015 and 2014: 2015 Granted Long-term loans – Syndicated Project finance Mortgage loans Bank guarantees furnished Factoring Other loans 2014 Disposed Granted Disposed 61,136 61,136 55,058 55,058 67,942 57,593 75,997 65,516 98 98 327 327 182,000 167,820 171,264 171,264 15,000 15,000 - - - - 3,600 3,600 In addition, the Group has numerous bank accounts in the ordinary course of business with Caixabank.The Group manages a portion of its cash position by contracting financial assets through Caixabank. Income statement for the period includes costs and income related to the transactions described above, which have been performed under market conditions. The Group has also contracted interest rate swaps with Caixabank to hedge the future changes in of the Euribor, for a notional amount of 100,039 thousand euro (2014: 114,661 thousand euro), related to the syndicated loan and specific project finance. b) Transactions with the Company’s Board of directors and management b.1) Information required by articles 229 to 231 of Spanish Company Act Parent company´s directors have nothing to report pursuant to Articles 229 to 231 of Spanish Companies Act, in relation to the obligation to be loyal, to avoid conflicts of interest and to refrain from competing with the Company, except for the following offices and functions held and performed, and shareholdings owned with respect to all Group companies at 31 December 2015: • Mr. Luis Delso Heras is a Board director of Ghesa, Ingeniería y Tenología, S.A., Cable Submarino de Canarias, S.A., T-Solar Global, S.A.U (Chairman), Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. (Chairman), Grupo Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. (Chairman), and Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands B.V. His son, Mr. Alvaro Delso Ramírez del Molino, Director of Finance of Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A.; member of the Board of Directors of Corsán-Corviam Construcción, S.A.; and Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. His daughter, Mrs Carmela Delso Ramírez del Molino, is a member of the Board of Directors of TSolar Global Operating Assets, S.L. • Mr. José Gomis Cañete is a Board member of Grupo Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. (ViceChairman), Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A., and Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B. V. His son, Mr. Alvaro Gomis Fernández, is a member of the Board of Directors of T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. 95 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) • Mr. Antonio Portela Álvarez is a Board director of Desarrollo de Concesiones y Servicios, Sercón, S.A.(Chairman) , Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos, S.L (Chaiman), Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A., CorsánCorviam Construcción, S.A. (Chairman), Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. (Chairman), Grupo Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A., and Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B. V. Additionally, Mr Antonio Portela Alvarez holds shares in Infinita Renovables, S.A. (indirect interest of less than 10% through other companies). • D. Francisco Francisco Moure Bourio is a Board director (Secretary) of PGP de Energía, S.A. • Hiscan Patrimonio, S.A.U., is a Board Member of Autovía del Camino, S.A.; Concessia, Cartera y Gestión de Infraestructuras, S.L..; and it has a shareholding in Autovía del Camino, S.A. • Inversiones Corporativas Digitales, S.A. is a Board Member of Concessia, Cartera y Gestión de Infraestructuras, S.A.” The inclusion of the above information in the notes to the consolidated annual accounts of Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. is the result of a detailed analysis of the information received from all the members of the Board of Directors of Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A., based on a teleological interpretation of Articles 229 to 231 of Spanish Companies Act. b.2) Board of directors and Senior management of Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. benefits Wages and salaries (including indemnities) Per diems for attendance at Board meetings 2015 2014 7,414 962 5,667 660 8,376 6,327 In 2015 the heading wages and salaries includes severance payments totalling 1,366 thousand euro (2014: none). b.3) Loans granted to Board of Directors At 31 December 2015 there is any loan granted by the Group to members of the Board of Directors (2014: 5.4 million euro). c) Transactions with companies consolidated under the equity method Transactions and balances with associates and joint ventures at 31 December 2015 and 2014 are analyzed below: Debtor balances Isolux Infrastructure subgroup Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos subgroup Creditor balances 2015 Revenue / Sales Costs / Purchases 228,130 125,045 3,360 222,882 - - 21 2,785 96 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) Debtor balances Isolux Infrastructure subgroup Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos subgroup Pinares del Sur, S.L. Creditor balances 180,990 206 17,588 - 2014 Revenue / Sales Costs / Purchases 777 858 - 290,670 6,188 - Transactions mentioned above were made under market conditions. In the normal course of business activities, and as usual between the companies engaged in engineering and construction activities, the Group has provided guarantees to joint ventures for a total amount of 120 million euro (2014: 123 million euro) included within the amount disclosed in Note 30.b). 33. Joint Operations The Group has interests in the joint operations disclosed in Appendix IV. The amounts set out below represented the Group’s share, based on its interest in the joint ventures, on assets, liabilities, revenue and results of joint operations consolidated through the proportional method (see Note 2.2). These amounts are included in the consolidated balance sheet and consolidated income statement: Assets: Non-current assets Current assets Liabilities: Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Net assets Income Expenses Profit after tax 2015 2014 22,624 49,492 17,878 54,685 72,116 72,563 25,125 39,387 23,548 43,838 64,512 67,386 7,604 5,177 72,009 (64,924) 45,632 (49,921) 7,085 (4,289) There are no contingent liabilities relating to the Group’s interests in las joint operations or contingent liabilities recognized by the joint operations themselves. 97 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 34. Temporary joint ventures (UTEs) and consortia The Group has interests in the UTEs disclosed in Appendix V. The amounts set out below represent the Group’s share, based on its interests in the UTEs, of assets, liabilities, revenue and results. These amounts are included in the consolidated balance sheet and consolidated income statement: Assets: Non-current assets Current assets Liabilities: Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Net assets Revenue Expenses Profit after taxes 2015 2014 3,280 876,415 1,467 794,368 879,695 795,835 144 786,874 148 730,104 787,018 730,252 92,677 65,583 1,082,219 (989,542) 613,570 (547,987) 92,677 65,583 In addition, at 31 December 2015 and 2014 the Group holds shares in several consortia. The following amounts have been recorded in the consolidated balance sheet and consolidated income statement: Assets: Non-current assets Current assets Liabilities: Non-current liabilities Current liabilities Net assets Revenue Expenses Profit after taxes 2015 2014 15,056 353,440 7,988 340,577 368,496 348,565 2,864 334,129 2,603 374,358 336,993 376,961 31,503 (28,396) 178,282 (146,779) 199,682 (228,078) 31,503 (28,396) There are no contingent liabilities relating to the Group’s interests in UTEs / Consortia, or contingent liabilities recognized by the UTEs / Consortia themselves. 35. Environment The Group has taken the necessary measures to protect and improve the environment and to minimize environmental impact, if applicable, in compliance with current environmental legislation. Consequently, no provision for environmental liabilities and charges has been deemed necessary and there are no contingencies relating to environmental protection and improvement. 36. Events after the reporting period After the reporting period, no significant subsequent event exist that could impact these consolidated annual accounts. 98 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS (Thousand euro) 37. Auditors’ fees The fees accrued by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditors, S.L. for audit services rendered during 2015 amount to 1,143 thousand euro (2014: 1,091 thousand euro). Fees accrued by PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L. for other services rendered during 2015 amount to 829 thousand euro (2014: 864 thousand euro). Fees accrued by other companies operating under the PricewaterhouseCoopers brand for audits and other services rendered in Spain during 2015 amount to 338 thousand euro (2014: 356 thousand euro). Fees accrued by other companies operating under the PricewaterhouseCoopers brand for audits and other services rendered abroad during 2015 amount to 822 thousand euro and 195 thousand euro respectively (2014: 790 thousand euro and 143 thousand euro respectively). The fees accrued by other auditors for audit services rendered and other services during 2015 amount to 260 thousand euro and 534 thousand euro respectively (2014: 150 thousand euros and 301 thousand euro respectively). 99 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix I Subsidiaries included in the Consolidation Scope Company name Address % of interest Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Watsegur, S.A. GIC Fábricas, S.A. Eólica Isolcor, S.L. Luxeol, S.L. Desarrollos de Ingenieria Iguarán S.A. Isolux Eólica, S.A Isolux Corsán, LLC Isolux Corsan Construction, LLC Isowat Mozambique, Lda. Isolux Maroc, S.A. Agua Limpa Paulista, S.A Isolux Corsán Polonia Sp Zoo Isolux Corsan Puerto Rico, LLC Energia Huasteca, S.A. de C.V. Construcciones e Instalaciones del Noreste S.A. de C.V Isolmex, SA de CV Tecna Estudios y Proyectos de Ingeniería, S.A. Tecna Proyectos y Operaciones, S.A. Latintecna, S.A. Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Aviles Madrid Houston Canada Maputo Casablanca Sao Paulo Warsaw Puerto Rico México DF México DF México DF Buenos Aires Madrid Lima Sta.Cruz de la Sierra Mexico DF Rio de Janeiro Quito Caracas Al Khobar Luanda Bogota Madrid Madrid Rio de Janeiro Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 70.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 40.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 75.00% 74.99% 74.97% Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Corsán, LLC Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Tecna Estudios y Proyectos S.A. Tecna Proy. y Operaciones, S.A. 67.49% 74.99% 71.24% 74.99% 74.96% 36.75% 74.99% 74.99% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 97. 76% 100.00% Tecna Proy. y Operaciones, S.A. Tecna Proy. y Operaciones, S.A. Tecna Proy. y Operaciones, S.A. Tecna Proy. y Operaciones, S.A. Tecna Proy. y Operaciones, S.A. Tecna Proy. y Operaciones, S.A. Tecna Proy. y Operaciones, S.A. Tecna Proy. y Operaciones , S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Wat Ingeniería, S.L. Powertec Española, S.A. Isolux Wat Ingeniería, S.L. Isolux Corsán Servicios, S.A. Isolux Corsán Servicios S.A. Global Vambru, S.L.U. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Tecna Bolivia, S.A. Tecninct Proyectos e Ingeniería S.A. de C.V. Tecna Brasil Ltda. Medianito del Ecuador, S.A. Ven Tecna, S.A. Tecna Arabia TPYC Angola, S.A. Tecna Ingeniería y Construcciones, S.A.S. Isolux Wat Ingeniería, S.L. Powertec Española, S.A. Powertec Proyectos e Obras Ltda. Isolux Corsán Servicios S.A. Ambulux, S.L. Global Vambru, S.L.U. Aguas de Gata, S.L. Grupo Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. Desarrollo de Concesiones y Servicios Sercon, S.A. Shareholder Consolidation Method FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC Activity Auditor Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Concessions Engineering Engineering Engineering Construction Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Construction Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering PwC PwC PwC Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited PwC PwC Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited PwC PwC Other FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Concessions Services PwC PwC E&Y Other Unaudited Other Deloitte Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited 100 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix I Company name Instalaciones y Montajes La Grela, S.A. Corsan-Corviam Construcción, S.A. Extremeña de Infraestructura, S.A. Inversiones Blumen, S.L.U. Tenedora de Acciones de Generadora Electrica Molloco, SAC Generadora Electrica Molloco, SAC Corsanmex, S.A. de C.V Isolux Corsán Cyprus Limited Isolux Corsán Panamá, S.A. Isolux de México, S.A. de C.V. Isolbaja, S.A. de C.V. Constructora Presa El Purgatorio SPU, S.A. de C.V. Isolux Corsán Argentina S.A.R.L. Isolux Corsán Argelie, SARL Isolux Corsán do Brasil S.A. Isolux Projectos, Investimentos e Participações LTDA Isolux Projectos e Instalaçoes, LTDA. Isolux Corsán India Engineering & Constuction Private LTD. Corsan Corviam Asia Projects Infrainter Infraestructuras Internacionales, SA Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Valdelrío, S.L. Electrónica Control de Motores, S.A. Julitex, S.L. El Sitio de la Herrería, S.L. Interisolux Torrejón Vivienda Joven, S.L. (*) Interisolux Alcorcón Vivienda Joven, S.L. Olmosa, S.L. Isolux Corsán Global Assets, S.L. (1) Las Cabezadas de Aranjuez, S.L. Unidad Mater. Avanz. Ibérica, S.A. Infinita Renovables, S.A. Azul de Cortes, B.V. Azul de Cortes, S. de R.L, de C.V. Bendía, S.A. EDIFISA, S.A. Corvisa, productos asfálticos y aplicaciones, S.L. Address % of interest A Coruña Madrid Madrid Madrid 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Peru Peru Mexico DF Nicosia Ciudad de Panamá Mexico DF Mexico DF Mexico DF Buenos Aires Algeria Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo 100.00% 75.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 98.00% 98.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Rio de Janeiro 100.00% Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Inversiones Blumen, S.L.U. Corsán-Corviam Construcción, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Isolux de México, S.A. de C.V. Isolux de México, S.A. de C.V. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Isolux Projectos, Investimentos e Participações LTDA Haryana Uzbekistan Ecuador Madrid Madrid Madrid Las Palmas Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Orense Vigo Amsterdam Mexico DF Madrid Madrid Madrid 100.00% 100.00% 99.95% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 80.00% 100.00% 100.00% 80.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 80.70% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 96.00% 100.00% Shareholder Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Azul de Cortes BV Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Consolidation Method FC FC FC FC FC Activity Auditor Engineering Construction Construction Construction Construction Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited PwC PwC Unaudited Unaudited FC Construction FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC Construction Construction Real-estate Real-estate Real-estate Real-estate Real-estate Real-estate Real-estate Real-estate Real-estate Real-estate Engineering Energía Renovable Real-estate Real-estate Engineering Real-estate Construction Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited PwC 101 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix I Company name Powertec Catalunya, S.A.U. Powertec Sistemas Energéticos, S.A.U. Acta – Actividades Eléctricas Asociadas, S.A. Isolux Corsan Gulf LLC Isolux Corsán Energías Renovables, S.A. Isolux Corsán Arabia Saudí, LLC Parque Eólico Loma Blanca II, S.A. Parque Eólico Loma Blanca I, S.A. Parque Eólico Loma Blanca III, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsan Finance, B.V. Corsan Corviam Colombia, SAS Tenedora De Acciones De Lineas De Transmision Peruanas, SAC Lineas De Transmision Peruanas, SAC Isolux Ingenieria, GK Isolux Ingenieria, Ltd Isolux Corsan RDC, SARL (*) Linhas de Laranjal Trans. Energia, Ltda (*) (*) (1) FC: Address % of interest Madrid Madrid Lisboa Oman Buenos Aires Riyadh Buenos Aires Argentina Argentina Amsterdam Colombia 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 70.00% 100.00% 99.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Corsan-Corviam Construcción, S.A. Peru 100.00% Isolux Ingeniería S.A. Tenedora De Acciones De Lineas De Transmision Peruanas, SAC Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Projetos e Instalaçoes, LTDA. Peru Japan Ruanda Congo Brazil 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Shareholder Consolidation Method FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC Activity Auditor Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Concessions Construction Engineering Engineering Engineering Other Construction Engineering Unaudited Unaudited Other Unaudited KPMG Unaudited PwC PwC PwC PwC Unaudited FC Engineering Unaudited Unaudited FC FC FC FC Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Companies acquired or incorporated during the year and/or additional investment in companies already included in the consolidation scope in the previous year. The incorporation of these companies in the scope did not generate additional sales this year. Company name changed during the year (before Cost Wright SL) Full consolidation method. 102 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix II Associates included in the consolidation scope Company name Gestión de Partícipes de Bioreciclaje, S.L. Autopista Madrid Toledo Concesionaria, S.A. Proyectos Inmobiliarios Residenciales, S.L. Albali Señalización, S.A. Ferrocarriles Interurbanos, SA de CV Adress Cadiz Madrid Madrid Madrid Mexico % of interest 33.33% 25.50% 25.60% 7.50% 20.88% Share holder Global Vambru, S.L.U. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería S.A. Consolidation method EC EC EC EC EC Activity Auditor Concessions Concessions Real-estate Engineering Construction Other Other Unaudited Other Unaudited EC: Equity consolidation method. 103 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix III Joint ventures included in the consolidation scope Company name Address % of interest Shareholder Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Aparcamientos IC Talavera II, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Segovia II, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Ruiz de Alda S.A. Explotaciones Las Madrigueras, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Zaragoza Torrero, S.L. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos Madrid, S.A. I.C. Plaza de Benalmádena Canarias Aparcamiento Nuevo Hospital de Burgos, S.L. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos, S.L.U. Aparcamientos IC Gomez Ulla, S.L. Ceutí de Aparcamientos y Serv., S.A. Aparcamientos IC Zaragoza, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Talavera, S.L. Aparcamientos Islas Canarias, S.L. Gestión de Concesiones, S.A. Aparcamientos IC Toledanos, S.L. Aparcamientos Segovia, S.L. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos II, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Toledanos II, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Ponzano, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Hospital de Murcia, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Chiclana, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Córdoba, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Valladolid, S.L. Parking Pio XII, S.L. Aparcamientos IC Sarrión Emiso Cádiz S.A. Aparcamientos Los Bandos Salamanca, S.L IC Aparcamientos activos, S.L. Inversiones Pallas, S.L. Compañía Concesionaria Baracaldo Parking Juzgados, S.A. Icapark I, S.A. Icapark II, S.A. Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Tenerife Madrid Madrid Las Palmas Madrid Madrid Madrid Ceuta Madrid Madrid Las Palmas La Línea Madrid Segovia Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Palencia Madrid Cadiz Madrid Madrid Madrid 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 70.00% 100.00% 50.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 50.98% 50.00% 70.00% 100.00% 100.00% Grupo Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos, S.L.U. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos II, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos II, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos II, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos II, S.L.U. Hixam Gestión de Aparcamientos II, S.L.U. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. ICAPARK II, S.A. Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U Madrid 100.00% Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Madrid Madrid 100.00% 100.00% Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos, S.A. ICAPARK I, S.A. Consolidation Method EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC Activity Auditor Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions PwC Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Other Unaudited Unaudited PwC Unaudited Unaudited EC EC Concessions Concessions PwC PwC 104 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix III Company name Inversiones Estromboli, S.L.U. Inversiones Filicudi, S.L.U Inversiones Koronis, S.L.U Inversiones Hildas, S.L. Estacionamientos Granada, S.A. (*) Inversiones Alicudi, S.L. (*) Inversiones Atoko, S.L. (*) Inversiones Leucade, S.L. (*) Parkia Canarias, S.L.U. (*) Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. Conc. Aut. Monterrey-Saltillo, S.A. de C.V. Sociedad Concesionaria Autovía A-4 Madrid S.A. Isolux Corsán Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. Linhas de Xingu Transmissora de Energía Ltda. (*) Linhas de Macapa Transmissora de Energía Ltda. (*) Isolux Energia e Participações S.A. Vias Administración y Logística, S.A. de C.V. Isolux Corsán Mexicana de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. Isolux Corsán Concesiones de México, S.A. de C.V. Isolux Corsán Brasileña de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. Cachoeira Paulista T. Energia S.A. Jauru Transmissora de Energía S.A. Concesionaria Autopista Perote - Xalapa S.A. de C.V. Soma-Isolux NH One Tollway Private Limited Inteligacão Eletrica Norte e Nordeste, S.A. Viabahia Concessionaria de Rodovias, S.A. (*) Soma Isolux Surat Hazira Tollway Private Limited Soma Isolux Kishangarh-Beawar Tollway Private Limited Wind Energy Transmission Texas, LLC. Iccenlux Corp. Consolidation Method EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC Activity Auditor Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited PwC EC EC Concessions Concessions PwC PwC 78.96% Isolux Corsán Mexicana de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. Isolux Corsán Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. EC Concessions PwC Rio de Janeiro 76.51% Isolux Energia e Participações S.A. EC Concessions PwC Rio de Janeiro 76.72% Isolux Energia e Participações S.A. EC Concessions PwC Rio de Janeiro Mexico DF Madrid 78.96% 78.96% 78.96% EC EC EC Concessions Concessions Concessions PwC PwC Unaudited Mexico DF 78.96% Isolux Energy Investments, SLUV Isolux Corsán Mexicana de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. Isolux Corsán Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. EC Concessions Unaudited Madrid 78.96% EC Concessions Unaudited Rio de Janeiro Rio Janeiro Mexico DF 78.96% 26.32% 39.48% Isolux Corsán Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. Isolux Energia e Participações S.A. Isolux Energia e Participações S.A. Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. EC EC EC Concessions Concessions Concessions PwC KPMG PwC Haryana Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Haryana 48.17% 39.48% 72.78% 39.48% Isolux Corsan NH1 Cyprus Limited Isolux Energia e Participações S.A. Isolux Corsán Participaçöes na Viabahía Ltda Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. EC EC EC EC Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Other E&Y E&Y Other Haryana 39.48% Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. EC Concessions Other Austin Delaware 19.74% 78.96% Wett Holdings LLC Isolux Energy Investments, SLUV EC EC Concessions Concessions E&Y E&Y Address % of interest Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 78.96% Mexico DF Madrid 78.96% 38.49% Madrid Shareholder Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Isolux Corsan Aparcamientos Activos, S.L.U. Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. 105 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix III Consolidation Method EC EC Activity Auditor Concessions Concessions PwC Other EC EC EC Concessions Concessions Concessions Other E&Y Unaudited Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. EC Concessions Unaudited 39.48% Indus Concessions India Private Limited EC Concessions Other Nicosia Haryana 78.96% 78.96% EC EC Concessions Concessions Other Unaudited Linhas de Taubaté Transmissora de Energía Ltda. ICC Sandpiper, B.V. Rio de Janeiro 78.96% Isolux Energy Investments, SLUV Isolux Corsan Power Concessions India Private Limited Isolux Energia e Participações S.A. EC Concessions PwC Amsterdam 78.96% EC Concessions E&Y South East U.P. Power Transmission Company Limited Plena Operação e Manutenção de Transmissoras de Energia Ltda Operadora Autopista Perote - Xalapa, S.A. de C.V. Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. Isolux Infra. Netherlands (Suc. España) Linhas de Itacaiunas Trasmissora de Energia LTDA Isolux Energy Investments, SLUV Isolux Corsán Participaçöes de Infraestrutura Ltda Isolux Corsán Participaçöes na Viabahía Ltda ICCI USA Holding, LLC Uttar Pradesh 78.96% Isolux Corsan Concessions Infraestructure Holland, B.V. Mainpuri Power Transmission Private Limited EC Concessions Other Rio de Janeiro 78.96% Isolux Energia e Participações S.A. EC Concessions Unaudited Mexico DF 39.48% Isolux Corsán Concesiones, SA EC Concessions PwC Amsterdam Spain Brazil 78.96% 78.96% 78.96% Grupo Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán Concesiones, S.A. Isolux Energia e Participações S.A. EC EC EC Concessions Concessions Concessions PwC PwC PwC Spain Sao Paulo 78.96% 78.96% Isolux Corsán Concesiones, SA Isolux Corsán Brasileña de Infraestructuras, S.L. EC EC Concessions Concessions Unaudited Unaudited Sao Paulo USA 78.96% 78.96% EC EC Concessions Concessions Unaudited Unaudited USA USA USA Vancouver Madrid Lima 78.96% 40.27% 40.27% 78.96% 69.76% 35.58% Isolux Corsán Participaçöes de Infraestrutura Ltda Isolux Corsán Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. ICCI USA Holding, LLC ICCI Indiana Holding, LLC I-69 Investment Partners, LLC Isolux Energy Investments, SLUV Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. EC EC EC EC EC EC Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Somerset Somerset BDO Unaudited PwC PwC Company name Address % of interest Indus Concessions India Private Limited Isolux Corsan NH1 Cyprus Limited Haryana Nicosia 78.96% 78.96% Isolux Corsan Concessions Cyprus Limited Wett Holdings LLC Isolux Corsan Power Concessions India Private Limited Isolux Corsan Concessions Infraestructures Holland BV Soma Isolux Varanasi Aurangabad Tollway Private Limited Isolux Corsan Energy Cyprus Limited Mainpuri Power Transmission Private Limited Nicosia Delaware Haryana 78.96% 39.48% 78.96% Isolux Corsán Concessions Cyprus Limited Isolux Corsán Concesiones de Infraestructuras, S.L.U. ICC Sandpiper, B.V. Iccenlux Corp. Isolux Corsan Energy Cyprus Limited La Haya 78.96% Haryana ICCI Indiana Holding, LLC I-69 Investment Partners, LLC I-69 Development Partners, LLC ICCON Transmission Inc Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. Gts Majes, S.A.C. Shareholder 106 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix III Company name ARRL (Mauritius) Limited Astonfield Solar Rajasthan (Private) Limited T Solar Cyprus Limited T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Global Surya, S.L.U. TZ Almodóvar del Río, S.L.U. Ortosolar Promotor de Energías Renovables, S.L.U. Global Elefantina, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Solar, S.L.U. T-Solar Autónoma S.L.U. TZ Morón 2, S.L.U. Ortosol Energía 1, S.L.U. Ortosol Energía 2, S.L.U. Ortosol Energía 3, S.L.U. Ortosol Energía 4, S.L.U. Ortosol Energía 5, S.L.U. Ortosol Energía 6, S.L.U. Pentasolar, S.L.U. Pentasolar Talayuela 1, S.L.U. Pentasolar Talayuela 2, S.L.U. Pentasolar Madrigal 1, S.L.U. Pentasolar Madrigal 2, S.L.U. TZ Morita, S.L.U. TZ Morita 1, S.L.U. TZ Morita 2, S.L.U. TZ Morita 3, S.L.U. TZ Morita 4, S.L.U. TZ Morita 5, S.L.U. TZ Morita 6, S.L.U. TZ Morita 7, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea 1, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea 2, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea 3, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea 4, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea 5, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea 6, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea 7, S.L.U. Address % of interest Shareholder Bombay New Delhi Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid 34.88% 34.88% 69.76% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. ARRL (Mauritius) Limited Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid 35.58% 69.76% 35.58% 35.58% 69.76% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Pentasolar, S.L.U. Pentasolar, S.L.U. Pentasolar, S.L.U. Pentasolar, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. TZ Morita, S.L.U. TZ Morita, S.L.U. TZ Morita, S.L.U. TZ Morita, S.L.U. TZ Morita, S.L.U. TZ Morita, S.L.U. TZ Morita, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea, S.L.U. TZ Castillo de Alcolea, S.L.U. Consolidation Method EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC Activity Auditor Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Mazars Other Unaudited PwC PwC PwC PwC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions PwC Unaudited PwC PwC Unaudited PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC 107 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix III Company name TZ Archidona I , S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Archidona 1, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Archidona 2, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Archidona 3, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Archidona 4, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Archidona 5, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Archidona 6, S.L.U. TZ La Poza, S.L.U. TZ La Poza 1, S.L.U. TZ La Poza 2, S.L.U. TZ La Poza 3, S.L.U. TZ La Poza 4, S.L.U. TZ La Poza 5, S.L.U. TZ La Poza 6, S.L.U. TZ La Poza 7, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista 1, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista 2, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista 3, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista 4, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista 5, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista 6, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista 7, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha 1, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha 2, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha 3, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha 4, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha 5, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha 6, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha 7, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Veguilla, S.L. (*) TZ Veguilla 1, S.L.U. TZ Veguilla 2, S.L.U. TZ Veguilla 3, S.L.U. TZ Veguilla 4, S.L.U. TZ Veguilla 5, S.L.U. TZ Veguilla 6, S.L.U. TZ Veguilla 7, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Los Mochuelos, S.L.U. Address % of interest Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 69.76% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% Shareholder Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. TZ Archidona I, S.L.U. TZ Archidona I, S.L.U. TZ Archidona I, S.L.U. TZ Archidona I, S.L.U. TZ Archidona I, S.L.U. TZ Archidona I, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. TZ La Poza, S.L.U. TZ La Poza, S.L.U. TZ La Poza, S.L.U. TZ La Poza, S.L.U. TZ La Poza, S.L.U. TZ La Poza, S.L.U. TZ La Poza, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista, S.L.U. TZ Buenavista, S.L.U. Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha, S.L.U. TZ Alcolea Lancha, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Veguilla, S.L. Tuin Zonne Veguilla, S.L. Tuin Zonne Veguilla, S.L. Tuin Zonne Veguilla, S.L. Tuin Zonne Veguilla, S.L. Tuin Zonne Veguilla, S.L. Tuin Zonne Veguilla, S.L. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Consolidation Method EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC Activity Auditor Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC Unaudited PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC 108 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix III Company name TZ Los Mochuelos 1, S.L.U. TZ Los Mochuelos 2, S.L.U. TZ Los Mochuelos 3, S.L.U. TZ Los Mochuelos 4, S.L.U. TZ Los Mochuelos 5, S.L.U. TZ Los Mochuelos 6, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo 1, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo 2, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo 3, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo 4, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo 5, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo 6, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada 1, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada 2, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada 3, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada 4, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada 5, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada 6, S.L.U. Granadasolar E. Renovables, S.L.U. Granadasolar Sigüenza 1, S.L.U. Granadasolar Sigüenza 2, S.L.U. Aspa Energías Renovables, S.L.U. TZ La Seca 1, S.L.U. TZ La Seca 2, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Medina, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Medina 1, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Medina 2, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Medina 3, S.L.U. TZ El Carpio, S.L.U. Elduayen Fotovoltaica, S.L.U. P.S. Huerto Son Falconer, S.L.U. Borealis Solar, S.L.U. European Sun Park Arnedo, S.L.U. Windmill Fotovoltaica, S.L.U. Windmill Energie Alicante 1.2, S.L.U. Windmill Energie Alicante 1.3, S.L.U. Windmill Energie Alicante 1.4, S.L.U. Yeguas Altas, S.L.U. Address % of interest Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% Shareholder Tuin Zonne Los Mochuelos, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Los Mochuelos, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Los Mochuelos, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Los Mochuelos, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Los Mochuelos, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Los Mochuelos, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozohondo, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada, S.L.U. Pensolar Pozocañada, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Granadasolar E. Renovables, S.L.U. Granadasolar E. Renovables, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Aspa Energías Renovables, S.L.U. Aspa Energías Renovables, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Medina, S.L.U Tuin Zonne Medina, S.L.U Tuin Zonne Medina, S.L.U Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. Tuin Zonne Origen, S.L.U. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. Consolidation Method EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC Activity Auditor Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC 109 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix III Company name Huerto Albercones, S.L.U. Huerto Las Pesetas, S.L.U. Huerto Cortillas, S.L.U. Huerto Paniza, S.L.U. Huerto Montera, S.L.U. Parque Solar Saelices, S.L Gts Repartición, S.A.C Raggio di Puglia 2 S.R.L. Astonfield Solar Gujarat (Private) Limited Grupo T-Solar Global USA, INC Grupo T-Solar Global USA, LLC Solar Power Ventures, LLC (USA) Sol Orchard Imperial 1, LLC GTS Puerto Rico LLC Solaner Puerto Rico One, LLC GTS Puerto Rico Two LLC (USA) Solaner Puerto Rico Two LLC (Puerto Rico) Grupo T-Solar Australia Pty Ltd GTS El Centro Equity Holdings GTS El Centro Managing Member, LLC Gts El centro Project Holdings, LLC GTS Japan Co, Ltd. Shizen Kankyo Systems Kabushiki Kaisha Solar Farm Cunderin Pty Ltd. Solar Farm Jurien Bay Pty Ltd. Solar Farm Kellerberrin Pty Ltd. Solar Farm Moora Pty Ltd. Solar Farm Southerb Cross Pty Ltd. Alqlunia 5, S.A. Landscape Corsán, S.L. Address % of interest Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Lima Roma New Delhi Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Delaware Puerto Rico Delaware Puerto Rico Perth California California California Tokio Tokio Perth Perth Perth Perth Perth Toledo Madrid 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 35.58% 34.88% 69.76% 69.76% 41.86% 69.76% 69.76% 34.88% 69.76% 34.88% 69.76% 69.76% 69.76% 69.76% 69.76% 69.76% 48.83% 48.83% 48.83% 48.83% 48.83% 50.00% 50.00% Shareholder T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. T-Solar Global Operating Assets, S.L. ARRL (Mauritius) Limited Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. Grupo T-Solar Global USA, INC Grupo T-Solar Global USA, LLC Gts El centro Project Holdings, LLC Grupo T-Solar Global USA, INC GTS Puerto Rico LLC Grupo T-Solar Global USA, INC GTS Puerto Rico LLC Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. GTS El Centro Managing Member, LLC Grupo T-Solar Global USA, inc GTS El Centro Equity Holdings Grupo T-Solar Global, S.A. GTS Japan Co, Ltd. Grupo T-Solar Australia Pty Ltd Grupo T-Solar Australia Pty Ltd Grupo T-Solar Australia Pty Ltd Grupo T-Solar Australia Pty Ltd Grupo T-Solar Australia Pty Ltd Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. Consolidation Method EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC Activity Auditor Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Real-estate Real-estate PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC PwC Other Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Other Unaudited (*) Companies acquired or incorporated during the year and/or additional investment in companies already included in the consolidation scope in the previous year. The incorporation of theses companies in the scope of consolidation did not generate additional sales this year. EC: Equity consolidation method. 110 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS OF GRUPO ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix IV Joint Operations included in the Scope of Consolidation Company name Lineas de Comahue Cuyo, S.A. Indra Isolux de México S.A de C.V. Constructora Autopista Perote Xalapa S.A. de C.V. Eclesur, S.A. Líneas Mesopotámicas S.A. Líneas del Norte S.A. Ciudad de la Justicia de Córdoba S.A. Empresa Concesionaria Líneas Eléctricas del Sur, S.A. Partícipes de Biorreciclaje, S.L. Bioreciclajes de Cádiz S.A. Isonor Transmission S.A.C. Caravelli Cotaruse Transmisora de Energía S.A.C. Carreteras Centrales de Argentina, S.A. Societat Superficiaria Preventius Zona Franca, S.A. Isolux TVIG HW, LLC (*) Consorcio Puente Bio Bio Consorcio Puente Maule Consorcio Linea 3 Engala Africa (PTY) LTD Address Buenos Aires Mexico DF Mexico DF Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Sevilla Buenos Aires Madrid Cadiz Lima Lima Buenos Aires Barcelona USA Chile Chile Chile South Africa % of interest 33.34% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 33.33% 33.33% 48.75% 44.25% 33.33% 32.66% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 33.33% 50.00% Shareholder Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Isolux de México, S.A. de C.V. Isolux de México, S.A. de C.V. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Corsán Corviam Construcción S.A. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Isolux Corsan Servicios, S.A. Partícipes de Biorreciclaje, S.L. Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. Isonor Transmisión S.A.C. Corsan Corviam Construccion, S.A. Corsan Corviam construcción, S.A. Isolux Corsan LLC Corsan Corviam Construccion, S.A. Corsan Corviam Construccion, S.A. Corsan Corviam Construccion, S.A. Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. Consolidation Method PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Activity Auditor Engineering Construction Construction Concessions Engineering Engineering Construction PwC Unaudited PwC Unaudited PwC PwC Unaudited Unaudited Engineering Concessions Concessions Concessions Concessions Construction Construction Engineering Concessions Concessions Concessions Engineering Other Other Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited (*) Companies acquired or incorporated during the year and/or additional investment in companies already included in the consolidation scope in the previous year. The incorporation of theses companies in the scope of consolidation did not generate additional sales this year. PC: Proportional consolidation method. 111 GROUP ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix V Temporary Joint Ventures (UTEs) and Consortia participated by companies included in the Consolidation Scope Joint ventures’ name % of interest Joint ventures’ name % of interest ABASTMENTO MELILLA 50.00% UTE MONUM.HISTORICO 60.00% UTE CBC 33.34% UTE DCS R.TURBIO C&S 50.00% UTE JUCAR VINALOPO 33.33% UTE AVE PORTO-MIAMAN 75.00% FFCC EL PORTAL UTE 70.00% SANEA.CASTRILLON UTE 55.00% UTE RSU BARBATE 100.00% C.HIDROGENO PUERTOLL 50.00% UTE EDAR LA LINEA 50.00% TOLOSA-HERNIALDE UTE 90.00% UTE A357 DES CARTAMA 60.00% UTE RMS AER.SANTIAGO 50.00% A-312 VTE LINARES 50.00% UTE CEUTA APARCAM. 50.00% UTE-AT MADRID TOLEDO 36.00% UTE CHUAC 50.00% A-316 DESDOB MARTOS FFCC OSUNA AGUADULCE 50.00% CONSERV.CIUDAD REAL 50.00% 50.00% UTE ISOLUX PUERTOLL. 50.00% EMERG.QUIEBRAJANO 50.00% ACONDIC.LOS RODEOS 70.00% ABAST.OCCID.ASTURIAS 80.00% CARCEL DE MENDOZA 50.00% ABASTECIMIENTO OVIED 100.00% 90.00% UTE ACCESO CORUÑA 50.00% COMISARIA TARRAGONA MERCADO DE TARRAGONA M-501 PANTANOS 50.00% UTE PALENCIA 50.00% UTE COIN CASAPALMA 50.00% MEJORAS TENERIFE SUR 50.00% HOSPITAL DE BURGOS 10.00% UTE HOSPITAL DEL SUR 40.00% UTE ABASTEC.LERIDA 70.00% UTE AER.TENERIFE SUR 50.00% UTE AITREN.SUPLIDOS 20.00% UTE PUERTO MIÑO 85.00% UTE HOSPITAL MILITAR 57.00% EDIF.MUTUA MADRILEÑA 50.00% LINEA AVE CAMPOMANES 50.00% UTE TELECONTR.EDARES 60.00% UTE HOSPITAL MILITAR 43.00% U.T.E. EDISON 50.00% UTE L5 HORTA 40.00% UTE COMPOST.ARAZURI 50.00% AUTOV.CONCENTAI.MURO 50.00% UTE VICOTEL 50.00% INTERC.ARCO TRIUNFO 65.00% ELORRIO-ATXONDO UTE 65.00% SAN.Y ABAST.CHICLANA 50.00% HOSPITAL DE PARANA 50.00% UTE U 11 SAN LAZARO 70.00% UTE EDAR LAGARES 25.00% HOSP.PARAPLEJ.TOLEDO 50.00% UTE EDAR LAGARES 25.00% UTE PRESA SANTOLEA 50.00% UTE TENIENTE RUIZ 50.00% UTE PARAPL.TOLEDO IN 30.00% UTE PLISAN 50.00% UTE AVE TRINIDAD 33.34% UTE PARAMO BAJO 55.00% UTE PZA SUR DELICIAS 50.00% SALAVE UTE CONSTRUC. 25.00% UTE MACEIRAS REDONDE 50.00% UTE TUNEL CORNO 70.00% ABASTECIMIEN.OROPESA 70.00% UTE EDAR MALPARTIDA 99.99% AUTOV IV CENTENARIO 70.00% ZIZURKIL-ANDOAIN UTE 18.50% VIA PRAT LLOBREGAT 25.00% UTE SECOM 36.78% UTE ABAST.OROPESA 30.00% UTE NEA SUR 25.00% 99.90% 112 GROUP ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix V Joint ventures’ name % of interest Joint ventures’ name % of interest UTE ARITZETA 50.00% FO NEA SUR - INSTAL. 25.00% BALAZOTE UTE 75.00% CONSERV.CTRAS.MA-OE 70.00% UTE REDES BCN 50.00% UTE ELECTRICAS MOGAN 50.00% UTE PRESA HORNACHUEL 50.00% INTERC.CHOELE CHOEL 50.00% UTE CABREIROS 70.00% GASEODUCTO HOSPITAL 50.00% LOMA LA LATA - OFF 75.00% UTE TUNELES DE MOGAN 33.33% REGADIO DURATON UTE 50.00% VERTEDERO SEGOVIA 50.00% UTE 3 EDAR SESEÑA 49.50% AVE URZAIZ-SOUTOMAIO 50.00% UTE DEP.SESEÑA BOROX UTE REGADIOS BALAZOTE 49.50% UTE CATENAR. DURANGO 50.00% 25.00% UTE OAMI ALICANTE 33.33% CTRA.LEÓN CEMBRANOS 65.00% UTE EDAR NERJA-CONS. 50.00% UTE REGADÍO DURATON 50.00% UTE EDAR NERJA,ING. 50.00% UTE PTO.RICO-MOGAN 30.00% UTE OLMEDO ZAMORA 40.00% NUEV.APOY T.BARC UTE 75.00% SALAVE UTE MANTENED. 25.00% RIO TURBIO SUC.GRUPO 9.00% UTE RED ENTRE RIOS-C 20.00% UTE EDAR TOMELLOSO 90.00% UTE RED ENTRE RIOS-I 20.00% UTE RIO TURBIO OFF 91.00% CIE.CICLO ENARSA OFF 50.00% RIO TURBIO SUC.INGEN 91.00% UTE EDAR SALAMANCA 65.00% CERCANIAS PINTO UTE 40.00% UTE MTTO.POLIC.VASCA 50.00% UTE ARCO TRIUNFO 35.00% UTE CAP LA MINA 55.00% UTE ACCESO T-SUR BCN 25.00% UTE AYTO.MORALEJA 60.00% UTE IDAM MONCOFA 40.00% TUNEL CORNO IZDA. 70.00% UTE IDAM MONCOFA C-C 5.00% CONSER.CTRAS.EXTREMA 50.00% ACTUAC.MEDIAMBIE.AVE 33.34% UTE MESAVE 40.00% UTE LAVACOLLA AER.SA 55.00% ET PUERTO MADRYN 50.00% QATAR GTC 144B 2006 100.00% UTE AYTO. JARAIZ 100.00% UTE PLANTA ALGAR 99.00% UTE ISOLUX ARIAS 60.00% UTE REMODELAC.L3 TMB 40.00% AMPLIACION EDAR LEON 75.00% AUT A4 TRAMO MADR R4 50.00% 63 VIV.EN HOSPITALET 65.00% AUTOVÍA ARANDA 70.00% UTE AVE VAR.PAJARES 50.00% UTE FUENTE DE PIEDRA 70.00% REH.FABRICA TABACOS 70.00% UTE CORIA-MORALEJA 60.00% UTE SUBESTAC.PAJARES 50.00% UTE AP7 MAÇANET 55.00% UTE PRESA ALMUDEVAR 30.00% UTE AVELE INFRA.TRAN 28.00% VIAL CONEXION S-20 50.00% UTE AVELE 2 INFRA.TR 28.00% UTE CORREDOR 3 HILOS 22.00% BLOQ.OBSTETRICO HOSP 20.00% TRAVIESAS UTE BURGOS 50.00% UTE INECAT 39.25% BOMBEO BOLUETA-CONS. 37.50% UTE VIA SAGRERA 50.00% BOMBEO BOLUETA -ING. 22.50% SEDE ADMIN.HOSPITAL LOS BANDOSSALAMANCA 57.00% EDIF.CIUDAD JUSTICIA 65.00% 98.78% COLECTORES BOADILLA 50.00% UTE ENLACE MEIRAS 50.00% COLECTORES BOADILLA 50.00% CENTRAL ENARSA - ON 50.00% UTE ISAC ENTRE RIOS 33.35% ACCESOS SOTO RIBERA 60.00% LOMA LATA ON (Argen) 75.00% 113 GROUP ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix V Joint ventures’ name % of interest Joint ventures’ name % of interest UTE CAJA DUERO 50.00% UTE DAROCA SEGUR.WAT 80.00% REH.CUARTEL TTE.RUIZ 42.50% UTE DAROCA SEGUR.ING 20.00% 3M APARCAM. CEUTA 42.50% 33.35% UTE DCS LOMA LA LATA 50.00% ISAC ENTRE RIOS IISA EDAR PALOMARESCONST UTE CAJA DUERO (50%) 50.00% EDAR PALOMARES -ING. 50.00% UTE ELECTR.PARAPLEJ. 99.00% TRAVIESAS-UTE MERIDA 50.00% UTE ENARSA OFF 50.00% TRAVIESAS-UTE MURCIA 50.00% UTE EDAR LA CHINA 50.00% EDAR TOMELLOSO-0011 50.00% CSIC EN LA CARTUJA 70.00% EDAR TOMELLOSO-0044 50.00% UTE ARQUITECTURA L-5 43.50% EDAR VALDEPEÑAS-0011 50.00% AMP.HOSP.GUADALAJARA 50.00% EDAR VALDEPEÑAS-0044 50.00% HOSPITALIZACION 60.00% UTE EXPL.VIELHA-0011 50.00% UTE PLTA.COMPRESORA 50.00% UTE EXPL.VIELHA-0044 50.00% UTE SEDE HOSP.MILIT. 43.00% UTE ABLANEDA 50.00% UTE CSIC LA CARTUJA 30.00% ETAP ABLANEDA 0044 50.00% UTE HOSPITALIZACION 40.00% UTE GRIERSON 50.00% EUBA-IURRETA UTE RONDA POCOMACOCORUÑ 50.00% CARCEL DE AGOTE 50.00% 80.00% MTTO. C.P.CEUTA-0011 70.00% UTE LOECHES 50.00% UTE MTTO.CP.CEUTA-30 10.00% C.PENITENCIAR.CEUTA 70.00% UTE MTTO.CP.CEUTA-44 20.00% AZUCARERA PRAVIA UTE 60.00% UTE 3 HILOS MURCIA 50.00% UTE MTTO.EDIF.XUNTA 70.00% UTE SLURRY SOC. 0011 10.00% UTE AVE PINAR II 64.29% UTE SLURRY SOC. 0013 90.00% FACULT.MEDICINA CTCS 50.00% UTE GALERIA LANGOSTE 50.00% RAMBLA ALBOX 70.00% CONSTR.SUBEST.LINEAS 50.00% UTE EL.PARAPLE.SERV. 1.00% UTE BENIDORM:SUPLIDO 49.00% UTE TUNEL BIELSA-INS 18.00% SUPLIDOS UTE HOSPITA 40.00% PRESA GUADALMELLATO 60.00% UTE FLUMEN MODE 50.00% UTE TUNEL BIELSA-22% LOS BANDOSSALAMANCA 22.00% UTE EMPALME MANACOR 30.00% 30.00% UTE LIN.9 METRO BCN 20.00% UTE TUNEL BIELSA-C&S 10.00% UTE INTERCAM.SAGRERA 25.00% UTE GERONA I 50.00% UTE AERP.CIUDAD REAL 65.00% LAV PINOS PUENTE-GR 80.00% UTE JARDINES GERENA 50.00% UTE C.PENITENC.CEUTA 10.00% UTE EL MANCHON SUPL. 50.00% UTE PENITENC.CEUTA 20.00% UTE ATEWICC 3 SUPLID 33.34% UTE AVICO - TTE. 33.34% UTE MUNICIPIOS COSTE 20.00% HOSP.GR.DE LAFERRERE 40.00% UTE ARRIBES ABADENGO 50.00% BALSA DE VICARIO 70.00% UTE RSU SAN ROQUE 100.00% UTE ZONA VERDE 60.00% 50.00% 114 GROUP ISOLUX CORSÁN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 Appendix V Joint ventures´ name Isolux Soma and Unitech JV ICI –Soma Maharashtra CJV C&C ICI Mep Services J.V. Isolux - Man J.V. Uttar Pradesh I.C.I. - C&C J.V. Uttar Pradesh I.C.I. – C&C J.V. Mainpuri I.C.I. - C&C J.V. Varanasi I.C.I. C&C Transmission JV I.C.I. C&C Execution JV I.C.I & SOMA-ENTERPRISES LIMITED Constructor Minuano Consorcio Constructor Viabahia Consorcio Constructor Puente Chilina Consorcio Isolux-Tradeco-Tampa Tank Isolux Ingenieria Sterling & Wilson Consortium I.Ingenieria Sterlin & Wilson Consortium Consorcio de los Cuatro Rios Cuenca CCC Proj&sadbhav Rngin JV Consorcio Medes-Isolux Consorcio Paranaiba Consorcio Grupo Isolux Corsán Engevix Consorcio Araguaia – Isolux Corsán Consorcio Grupo Isolux Corsán – Linha 15 Metro Consorcio Grupo Isolux Corsán – Linha 17 Metro Consorcio Grupo Isolux Corsán Consorcio Const. Engevix Isolux Paranaiba KAS Corsan Corviam, J.V. CJV ICI & C&C (*) % of interest 49.50% 50.00% 50.00% 99.99% 60.00% 100.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 50.00% 50.00% 70.00% 30.00% 44.50% 51.00% 70.00% 57.47% 60.00% 50.00% 50.00% 80.00% 99.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 60.00% 74.00% (*) Entities acquired or created during the year and/or additional stakes acquired in companies already included in the scope of consolidation the previous year. The inclusion of these companies in the scope of consolidation did not generate additional sales this year. 115 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 1. ENTITY’S POSITION 1.1. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE At 31 December 2014, Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. (hereinafter, the Company) forms a group (hereinafter, the Group) comprising the parent company Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. and its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates. In addition, the Group participates with other entities or members temporary joint ventures. Group companies also hold interests of less than 20% in other entities over which they have no significant influence. The Group develops its main activities in Spain, Latin America, Asia, Africa and North America. Isolux, S.A., was founded in 1933 with a focus on energy transmission and generation. In 1991, Isolux, S.A. merged with Wat, S.A., a company established in 1954 with a focus on engineering projects. The resulting company, Isolux Wat, S.A., was specialized in a range of support and design services for projects and was awarded its first highway concession, which was located in Spain. In 2000, Isolux Wat, S.A. was awarded its first electric power transmission line, which was located in Brazil. In 2005, Isolux Wat, S.A. expanded its presence both domestically and internationally through the acquisition of Corsán Corviam, S.A., a leading Spanish construction company which was the result of the merger in 2000 of Corsán Empresa Constructora, S.A. (incorporated in 1928) and Corviam, S.A. (incorporated in 1962). The resulting entity, Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A., was the then largest non-listed engineering and construction group in Spain in terms of revenue. Since our establishment, we have operated in the infrastructure and industrial activities, energy and construction, and concessions businesses. The Group mainly operates through the following business lines: • EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), related mainly to the construction and engineering projects under “turnkey contracts”, in the following businesses. Energy, Infrastructure and Transmission & Distribution. • Concessions: the Group holds infrastructure concessions including motorways, high-voltage transmission lines, solar-photovoltaic energy plants and car parks. On 31 March 2015 the partners in the joint arrangement IIN agreed to separate, the primary aspects of their agreement are as follows: • The partners agreed to engage an independent expert to determine the interest held by each partner after the conversion of the aforementioned loan, as well as the resolution of other matters set out in the original agreement concluded in 2012 (all for the purposes of appraising the businesses within the framework of the separation from the joint arrangement), and to establish a step plan to be followed for implementing the separation of the joint arrangement (including the process of obtaining the relevant authorizations from the grantors, financing entities, regulatory authorities and other relevant parties). • The appraisal of the businesses prepared by an independent third-party was considered for the purposes of the asset separation process. • The agreement stipulates that the Group will retain those companies whose businesses are related to the operation of photovoltaicpower-generation plants and the concessions type agreement of highvoltage transmission lines (except the 50% interest held in the company owning the concession agreement concerning the WETT high-voltage transmission line, which has been attributed to PSP in accordance with an agreement reached by the parties during that separation process), whereas PSP will retain the interest in the companies relating to the motorway infrastructure concessions (and the aforementioned interest in WETT). The difference between the appraisal of the businesses retained by each of the partners and the total value based on the interest held by each one of them will be settled in cash. As a result of the work performed by the aforementioned independent expert, the conclusion reached in September that, after the separation of the joint business, PSP would have to pay the Group a total of approximately 303 million US dollars, adjusted by the transfers between the businesses that took place in 2015 that will be established after the end of the separation process. The Group has received an advance payment from IIN totalling 105 US dollars and another advance payment from several entities totalling 132 million US dollars through factoring of the amount pending to be received. 1 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 Due to the fact that at 31 December 2015 not all of the authorizations required to complete the process had been obtained, at that date the Group maintained its investment in IIN although it was classified as a noncurrent asset held for sale (together with the rest of the assets and liabilities associated with this transaction) (Note 15), meeting the requirements established by IFRS 5. Subsequent to the extinguishment, the Group will become the owner of the following concession assets: Business TL Name CPTE – Cachoeira Paulista Share 100% 96.89% Concessi on period /Duration 30 Initiati on 2002 Integration Method FC Situation O Brazil 30 2008 FC O Brazil 30 2008 FC O Country Brazil TL LXTE – Xingu TL LMTE – Macapá TL TL TL IENNE – Interligação JTE – Jaurú LTTE- Taubaté LITE – Itacaiunas (ParáTocatins) 50% 33% 100% Brazil Brazil Brazil 30 30 30 2007 2007 2011 PC PC FC O O C 100% Brazil 30 2013 FC C TL Uttar Pradesh 100% India 2011 FC C PS Grupo T-Solar Global 88% Several 2008 FC C/O TL 97.16% 35 years since COD Unlimited FC: Full Consolidation method PC: Proportional consolidation method TL: Transmission lines PS: Photovoltaic Solar C: Construction O: Operation 1.2. OPERATION The Group is organized in the following business areas: A. EPC The EPC business is present in over 38 countries across the world and develops the following activities: • • • B. T&D (Transmission and distribution): The Group provides the installation and maintenance of T&D infrastructures (including high-voltage transmission lines and substations), a wide range of services, including electrical, mechanical and special installations, railway electrification and signage, deployment and maintenance of electrical and telecommunications networks, electromechanical installations for airports and shipping, security and control systems, and industrial services and maintenance. Energy: construction of thermal power generation plants (coal, liquid fuel and gas primarily), renewable energies (solar photovoltaic and wind), oil&gas (focus mainly on upstream and midstream EPC projects, both onshore and offshore). Infrastructures: construction of roads, highways, railways, non-residential building and any type of civil works (waste water treatment infrastructures, etc.) CONCESSIONS Our concessions division is organized in two separate sub-groups: • • Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V.: this company through a number of project companies maintains and operates three types of assets: (i) transmission lines, (ii) toll roads and (iii) solar photovoltaic generation assets. Isolux Aparcamientos: this company operates over 28,884 car park spaces in Spain. 2 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 C. OTHER ASSETS AND CORPORATE In addition to the corporate and headquarters costs, we include here other assets that are considered as noncore activities for the Group (i.e. Biodiesel plants, real estate and other assets which are held for sale, etc.). Grupo Isolux Corsán is a leading EPC international contractor, with a strong market position. According to ENR, we are the 10th largest international contractor in the power sector, 7th in the Latin America/Caribbean area and 41st EPC contractor globally. We have maintained similar rankings in the previous years. Our strategy is based on the following: Expand our EPC activities and selectively enter new markets. We intend to consolidate the current footprint of our EPC business, as well as to selectively enter new markets, and to develop our business in growth areas such as energy. We intend to leverage our presence in countries where we already operate and use our knowledge of local markets and potential synergies to expand our operations in those countries and to expand to neighboring countries. We see opportunities in markets with high GDP growth rates and strong demand for infrastructure, subject to the presence of a stable legal framework and clients with strong credit standing. We prioritize U.S. dollar and euro denominated contracts and advance payment practices. We also see opportunities in markets where there is a need to expand current infrastructure or for the revitalization of obsolete facilities. In particular, we see the energy sector as a key area of growth and intend to leverage our in house capabilities and experience in energy generation and renewable energies. Increase operational efficiency and financial flexibility. We are committed to maintaining a sound capital structure and a strong liquidity position. We intend to increase our financial flexibility through the sale of concession or other assets on an opportunistic basis, when we deem market conditions to be appropriate. We also intend to access the global capital markets, as appropriate and subject to market conditions. EVOLUTION AND BUSINESS RESULTS The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the consolidated annual accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2015, except for the application the new standards described below. 1.3. CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES In 2015 the Group applied the following new accounting principles (standards, amendments and interpretations) that enter into force for all years starting on or after 1 January 2015: • IFRIC 21 “Levies”. This interpretation addresses the accounting treatment of taxes imposed by governments other than income taxes, fines and penalties imposed for violations of the law. The question is when the entity must recognise a liability for the obligation to pay a levy that is accounted for according to IAS 37. It also addresses the accounting treatment of a liability for the payment of a levy when the amount and due date are known. • Annual improvements to IFRS, 2011-2013. In December 2013, the IASB published the Annual Improvements to IFRS for the years 2011-2013. The changes introduced by these Annual Improvements generally apply to the fiscal years starting on or after 1 January 2015, although they may be implemented sooner. The changes are as follows: IFRS 3, “Business combinations”. Exclusion of joint ventures from the scope. IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement". Scope of the "portfolio exception" available in IFRS 13. IAS 40 “Real estate investments": Relationship between IAS 40 and IFRS 3 when a property is classed as an investment property or owner-occupied property. 3 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 The application by the Group of the new legislation and previous amendement has not had a significant effect on the consolidated financial statements. 1.4. CHANGES IN CONSOLIDATION SCOPE The main consolidation scope changes during 2015 are described below: • • Main incorporated companies: Inversiones Alicudi, S.L., Inversiones Atoko, S.L., Inversiones Leucade, S.L., Linhas Laranjal, L.T.D.A, Parkia Canarias, S.L.U., Estacionamientos Granada, S.A. Sale of the companies: Elaborados Metálicos EMESA, S.L., Sociedad Concesionaria Zona 8-A, S.A., Tecna del Ecuador, S.A. y del negocio conjunto Pinares del SUR, S.L. According to 2014, the main consolidation scope difference in 2015 is the change of control of Isolux Corsán Aparcamientos, S.A. y subsidiarias. Discontinued operations and assets and liabilities held for sale Before 2015, the Group approved the beginning of a sale process for the following activities and started to classify these assests and liabilities as held for sale in the consolidated balance sheet. • Real estate business in Spain, which comprises Isolux Corsán Inmobiliaria, S.A. and its subsidiaries, as well as certain real estate assets that are owned by Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A., Corsán Corviam Construcción, S.A. and Isolux Ingeniería, S.A. (the “Real Estate business”); • Água Limpa Paulista, S.A. (“Água Limpa”) • Isolux Corsán Energías Renovables, S.A. (“ICERSA”). As a result of this decision, all the assets related to the abovementioned activities have been classified under the heading “Non-current assets held for sale” in our consolidated balance sheet as of 31 December, 2014 and have measured them at the lower of (a) their book value and (b) their fair value less cost to sell. The book value of the liabilities related to such assets has been classified under the heading “Long-term liabilities related to assets held for sale.” The real estate and other operating assets located in Latin America, which are classified as held for sale, have been classified as such for more than twelve months but they have not been sold due to circumstances that, at the time of classification, were either improbable or beyond the Group's control. However, the Group remains firmly committed to the plan to sell these assets. They are being actively marketed and formal offers have been received. The Group therefore believes that there is a very good chance that they will be sold in the near future. In some cases, sales agreements have been signed and are pending authorisation from the supervisory bodies or finalisation of the sales process. Additionally, the real estate business activity qualifies as discontinued activity as required by IFRS 5. Therefore, the results of operations of real estate activity in the consolidated income statement have been classified under “Results for the year from discontinues operations” during the years 2015 and 2014. The results of operations for the year 2015 and 2014 in Agua Limpia and ICERSA have not been classified as discontinued operations because this assets does not meet the requirements for such classification. As explained in Note 9, in 2015 the partners of the joint arrangement IIN decided to extinguish the agreement and in exchange of the investment in the joint arrangement the Group will receive control over certain businesses identified in that note. This investment is therefore included under the heading Non-current assets held-for-sale at 31 December 2015. At the date of preparation of these consolidated annual accounts considering the relevant authorizations, the joint arrangement had not yet been received. Although, given the fact that the limited authorizations that have yet to be received are of little importance, Group Management considers that this process will be completed shortly. Once the authorizations are obtained the change in control will be effective in accordance with IFRS 3. Management's preliminary estimates resulting from the change in control is an increase in the consolidated group's assets, liabilities and equity totalling approximately 2,143 million euro, 1,834 million euro and 309 million euro, respectively. Furthermore, at the same date the items that at 31 December 2015 were recognized 4 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 under the headings Cumulative Translation and Hedging reserves with respect to the investment in IIN will be recycled to 2016 results. The aforementioned figures are provisional and are subject to adjustments that could arise in the final calculations once the change in control is completed. This heading in the balance sheet at 31 December 2015 and 2014 breaks down as follows: Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment (Note 6) Intangible assets (Note 7.2) Investment property Concessionary assets assigned to projects and other non-current assets assigned to projects (Notes 8.1 & 8.2) Investments in associates accounted for the equity method (Note 9) Long-term credits and deferred tax assets Deferred tax assets Current assets Inventories Trade and other receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total assets Non-current liabilities Bank borrowings Project finance Provisions for other liabilities and charges Other payables and deferred tax liabilities Current liabilities Bank borrowings Project finance Trade and other payables Provisions for other liabilities and charges Total liabilities 31/12/2015 44,671 14,295 31/12/2014 44,939 1 14,413 91,799 858,912 31,307 5,033 1,046,017 81,410 5,605 5,400 7,275 159,043 158,130 120,885 2,314 281,329 1,327,346 168,255 49,600 2,704 220,559 379,602 50,070 92,525 2,667 8,277 153,539 38,104 100,385 2,459 9,095 150,043 4,767 5,920 256,454 20 267,161 420,700 6,318 12,168 4,004 20 22,510 172,553 In order to compare the carrying value of the assets against their fair value, the Group has estimated fair value using appraisals prepared from independent experts in the case of the real estate activity in Spain, all of them included in the Official Register of Bank of Spain. The appraisals have been issued accordig to different valuation methods, such as residual dynamic method, cost method and comparative method, and have been updated during the year 2015. The fair value of the businesses and other assets to be received as part of the agreement signed by the partners with respect to the investment in IIN has been estimated by Group Management and reviewed by independent experts. Equity in the consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2015 includes 280 million euro (2014: 7.1 million euro) in accumulated differences on exchange that are related to non-current assets and liabilities held-forsale, 261 million euro belong to the investment in IIN. In hedging reserves there are 43 million euro related to non-current assets and liabilities held for sale from IIN investment (2014: no credit). Bank borrowings are secured by land and buildings valued at 17,580 thousand euro (2014: 17,880 thousand euro). The secured debt balance amount to 2,679 thousand euro (2014: 3,579 thousand euro). Inventories and investment properties include real estate developments totalling 97 million euro securing financing received at 31 December 2015 (2014: 109 million euro). The balance of the secured debt amounted to 36 million euro (2014: 38 million euro). The heading "Trade and other payables" includes the advance payments received with respect to the separation agreement of the partners of Isolux Infrastructure. On 31 March 2015 the first advance payment from PSP in the amount of 105 million US dollar (approximately 97.8 million euro at the exchange rate as of the date of receipt) was received based the signed contracts. On 5 September 2015 based on the conclusions of the independent expert with respect to the transaction described in Note 9.1 resulting in a balance of 303 million US dollar receivable by the Group, from which the advance of 105 million US dollar payment must be 5 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 discounted, therefore pending approximately 198 million US dollar to be received after the separation process and all adjustments arising from the transfer between the businesses will be completed. On 9 October 2015 the Group signed an advance collection agreement of 132 million euro with several financial entities, subject to the definitive completion of the disinvestment operation. Based on the special nature of this agreement, it is classified by the Group as "Other debt" under the heading "Trade and other payables". Discontinued operations Before 2015, the Group classified the property operation as discontinued activity in Spain. Set out below is a breakdown of the results for the year from discontinuing operations for 2015 and 2014: 2015 2014 Total operating income Sales revenue Other operating income Change in inventories Total operating expenses Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses Other operating expenses (2,817) 5,581 1,014 (9,412) (2,087) 267 (2,354) (4,653) 3,745 89 (8,487) (4,206) (339) (3,867) Operating profit/(loss) (4,904) (8,859) Net financial results Share of investments accounted for the equity method (Note 9) (4,342) (4,519) (2,113) (1,081) (13,765) (12,053) Profit before tax Income tax (Note 28) 3,327 2,773 Results for the year (10,438) (9,280) Attributable to: Non-controlling interest Owners of the parent Company 7 (10,445) (34) (9,246) Results for the year (10,438) (9,280) Cash flows generated by discontinuing operations unit in 2015 and 2014 are analysed below: Cash flows from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Cash flows from Financing activities Net change in cash and cash equivalents 2015 (2,367) 654 1,589 (124) 2014 (3,031) 1,803 1,257 29 6 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 1.5. MAIN FIGURES Financial Data - Revenue of 2,189 million euro, increase of 2.9% compared to previous period. EBITDA (*) of 176 million euro, decrease of 30.2% compared to previous period (€ million) Year 2015 Year 2014 Var % Consolidated Income Statement Revenue 2,189 2,128 2.9% EBITDA 176 252 (30.2%) Operating result 110 166 (33.7%) Net result (56) (42) (33.3%) 31.12.15 31.12.14 Var % 5,078 4,942 2.8% 119 365 (67.4%) (€ million) Consolidated Balance Sheet Total Assets Shareholder's equity (*)EBITDA are the results for the year from continuing operations before Net financial results, Share of profit / (loss) of investments accounted for the equity method, Change in trade provisions, Income tax, and Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses. Key indicatos by segment are as follows: (€ Million) Key indicators by segment Sales Year 2015 Year 2014 EBITDA Var % Year 2015 Year 2014 EBITDA margin Var % Year 2015 Year 2014 2,161 2,097 3.1% 222 279 (20.4)% 10.3% 13.3% 870 657 32.4% 477 371 28.6% 54.8% 56.5% 24 27 n.a. (46) (30) n.a. n.a. n.a. Subtotal 3,055 2,780 9.9% 653 620 5.3% 21.4% 22.3% Consolidation method adjustments (866) (652) n.a. (477) (369) n.a. n.a. n.a. Total consolidated 2,189 2,128 2.9% 176 252 (30.2)% 8.0% 11.8% EPC Concessions Other, Corporate and Consolidation Adjustments Operational data: EPC business In the year 2015, 85.2% of our EPC revenue came from international markets outside Spain. The backlog of our EPC business amounted to 6,817 million euro as of December 2015. 7 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 Concessions The following table details some operational data of our concessions portfolio: Projects already in operations Year 2015 3,637 Year 2014 3,637 Toll roads – (Km) 1,609 1,477 Solar PV – (MW) 254 254 28,884 26,103 Transmission lines – (Km) Car parks – (Spaces) Considering the effects of the separation from IIN and the consequent control change described in section 1.4, the WETT transmission lines (605 km) and all roadway concessions (1609 km) will cease to be under the Group's control. 1.6. Consolidated income statement (€ million) Year 2015 Year 2014 Var % 2,204 2,134 3.3% (2,053) (1,927) 6.5% (41) (41) 0% 110 166 (33.7)% (237) (206) 150% 43 26 - (84) (14) - 39 (19) - Result for the year from continuing operations (45) (33) - Result for the year from discontinued operations (11) (9) - (56) (42) - Operating income Operating expenses Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses Operating results Net financial results Share of profit/(losses) of investments accounted for the equity method Net result before tax Income tax Results for the year Operating results Operating result as a percentage of operating income increased from 7.8% in the year 2014 to 5.0% in 2015, due mainly to the negative impact of the macroeconomic situation in some of our primary markets such as Brazil, there have been cancellations of significant contracts that gave rise to a negative impact on operating income. Results for the year The decline in profits before taxes in 2015 compared to 2014 is due to the negative impact on operating profits and also to the decline in financial income as a result of the increase in financial expense arising on guarantees and factoring arrangements. The impact was partially offset by the improvement in the results obtained by Isolux Infrastructure (which are shown under interests in the profits of equity-consolidated companies). 8 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 1.7. Segment results EPC EPC sales increased by 3.0% in 2015 compared with 2014, primarily due to the effect of changes in exchange rates (positive impact by the Indian rupee, the US dollar and the Argentinean peso, partially offset by the devaluation of the Brazilian real. The main projects that were completed during the year relate to roadway projects in India, Armenia and Senegal and the solar energy plant in Honduras. The negative development of EBITDA is highly impacted by the cancellation of significant projects in Brazil and Chile. Concessions The income from the concession segment increased by 32.4% in 2015 compared with last year, due to the annualized impact of the launch of the transmission assets in 2014 as well as the entry of several roadways in India into operation. The income from the parking facility business also showed a significant increase due to the entry of new assets into the scope of consolidation as a result of the agreement reached with an investor in 2014. The evolution of EBITDA during the year in absolute terms shows a notable increase, primarily in the transmission line business, whose increase is due to the positive adjustment made to the financial model as a result of the better inflation assumptions and the entry into operation of two roadways in India. Other, corporate and consolidation adjustments This segment also includes revenue and EBITDA generated by: • • Biodiesel business Infinita. Wind farm Loma Blanca.This asset is held for sale. It also recognizes the operating cost of central services that have increased primarily due to the structural expenses deriving from the opening of new markets/countries. 1.8. Consolidated balance sheet (Million €) 31.12.15 31.12.14 Var (%) Property, plant and equipment 76 113 (32.7)% Intangible assets and Goodwill 506 503 0.6% 160 152 5.3% 127 974 (87.0)% 337 289 16.6% Other long term assets 37 123 (69.9)% Total non-current assets 1,243 2,154 (42.3)% 243 253 (4.0)% 2,083 1,847 12.8% - 2 n.a. 13 15 (13.3)% Long term assets assigned to projects Investments in associates accounted for the equity method Deferred income tax assets Inventories Trade and other accounts receivable Derivative financial instruments Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss 9 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 Cash and cash equivalents 169 291 (41.9)% 1,327 380 249.2% Total current assets 3,835 2,788 37.6% Total assets 5,078 4,942 2.8% Non-current assets held for sale Investments in associates accounted for the equity method as of 31 December, 2015 includes both Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V, the holding company for the majority of our concessions, as well as our car parks business. The decrease compared with the previous year is due to the investment in Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. being reclassified as an Asset held-for-sale. Trade and other receivables: At 31 December 2015 the 12.8% increase compared with the end of last year is due to the effect of a slowdown in the average collection period, as well as the amount withheld to secure projects that were completed during the year. Non-current assets held for sale: The increase is due to the inclusion of the assets relating to the investment in Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. which was reclassified to this heading at the end of the year. (Million €) 31.12.15 31.12.14 Var (%) Share capital and reserves 135 372 (63.7)% Non-controlling interests (16) (7) 128.6% 119 365 (67.4)% Shareholders' equity Bank borrowings and senior notes 1,349 1,271 6.1% Project finance 186 208 (10.6)% Provisions for other assets and expenses 40 43 (7.0)% Deferred tax liabilities 72 43 67.4% Other non current liabilities 31 85 (63.5)% 1,678 1,650 1.7% Bank borrowings and senior notes 234 276 (15.2)% Project finance 63 13 384.6% 2,481 2,355 5.4% Provisions for other assets and expenses 44 74 (40.5)% Other current liabilities 38 36 5.6% Liabilities held for sale 421 173 n.a. Total current liabilities 3,281 2,927 12.1% Total equity and liabilities 5,078 4,942 3% Total non-current liabilities Liabilities and other payables Bank borrowings: At 31 December 2015 bank borrowings increased as a result of the effect of the exchange rate applicable to loans denominated in US dollars. Project Finance: The increase during the year mainly relates to the Moyobamba Hydroelectric Plant in Peru for a total of 30 million US dollars. Liabilities and other payables: The 5.4% increase compared with the end of 2014 is mainly due to the advance payments received with respect to the closing of Isolux Infra. 10 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 1.9. Consolidated cash flow statements (€ Million) Year 2015 Year 2014 Profit/(loss) for the period before taxes (97) (25) Adjustments for non-cash items 265 269 Changes in working capital (248) (110) Taxes paid (15) (11) (95) 123 - (6) Acquisition of concessionary assets and non-current assets assigned to projects (40) (34) Other capital expenditure, net 215 (12) 3 4 178 (48) Income/(reimbursement) of corporate debt, net 1 (671) Income/(reimbursement) of project finance, net 9 6 (212) (209) - 840 (202) (34) Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities Changes in consolidation perimeter, net Interest received and other finance income Net cash generated from/(used in) investing activities Interest paid Proceeds from issuance of Senior Notes Net cash generated from/(used in) financing activities Our net cash generated in operating activities is (95) million euro in the year ended 31 December 2015. We had net results for the period of negative by 97 million euro, which, after adjusting for non-cash items, changes in working capital and taxes paid, amounted to 2 million euro, mainly due to the cancellations of projects in Latin America. The net cash generated on investing activities totalled 178 million euro during 2015, primarily due to the positive effect of the early payments relating to the process of closing the Isolux Infrastructure joint arrangement with the partner PSP. There have been cash outflows relating to investments made during the year that were partially offset by interest received. The net change in cash due to changes in the scope of consolidation relates to the non-monetary effect arising on the exit of the concession business led by Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. from the scope of consolidation. Cash generated by financing activities is (202) million euro at 31 December 2015, primarily due to the payment of 212 million euro in interest, which was partially offset by the net income from project finance facilities. 11 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 1.10. Key financial and non-financial indicators The main operational and financial indicators for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014 include: (€ Million) Year 2015 Year 2014 Corporate net debt 1,413 1,256 12.5% Portfolio 6,817 7,107 (4.1)% 20.78% 16% - New contracts 2,453 3,344 (26.6)% EPC Income 2,161 2,097 3.1% “Book to bill” ratio 1.41x 1.59x (11.3)% Portfolio for concessions Var (%) 1.11. Environmental and staff issues a) Environment Our operations generally require us to obtain authorizations, permits and environmental licenses in the different countries where we operate. Isolux Corsán has the Corporate Environmental Management System which applies in all business areas and in all countries in which it operates. The aim is to prevent contamination with the utmost respect and care for the natural environment. In its Environmental Policy Group is committed to: • • • • • • Develop and implement activities in environmental management systems in accordance with the principles established in the international standard ISO 14001. Establish and monitor compliance with environmental objectives and targets consistent with tis policy. Ensure that these objectives and targets help to increase good behavior and effectiveness of environmental management system. Implement practices aimed at preventing and reducing pollution, minimizing the most significant environmental impacts. Comply with applicable environmental legislation and other requirements subscribed by the company. Periodically review this policy to maintain its alignment with the vision and strategic objectives of the Management. According to this methodology, Isolux Corsán identifies the environmental aspects associated with their activity and objectively evaluates them by applying a standard for all business areas and all countries scale. A degree of affection is obtained for every environmental intervention to determine the need for controls and measures to eliminate or minimize their impact on the environment. We are not aware of any material environmental issues that may affect the Group’s utilization of our tangible fixed assets. b) Personnel The composition of the average workforce employed in the Group was as follows: Category 2015 2014 Graduates Staff Workers 2,427 809 2,333 5,569 2,008 1,030 2,936 5,974 12 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 Additionally, the average number of employees during the year by the companies included in the consolidation by the proportional method has been 318 employees (2014: 356 employess). The gender distribution at the end of the fiscal year ended 31 December, 2015 and 2014 of the Group staff was as follows: 2015 Category Men Women 2014 Total Men Women Total Board Directors 13 - 13 14 - 14 Senior managers 5 - 5 6 - 6 Managers 167 11 178 364 22 386 Graduates 1,847 418 2,265 1,761 413 2,174 367 185 552 538 216 754 1,972 105 2,077 2,133 137 2,270 4,371 719 5,090 4,816 788 5,604 Administrative staff Workers The average number of disabled persons (disability equal or higher than 33%) employed during 2015 and 2014 by Group companies, are classified in the following categories: Category Graduates and administrative staff Workers 2. 2015 2014 11 7 18 15 8 23 LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES 2.1. Liquidity Liquidity describes the ability of a company to generate sufficient cash flows to meet the cash requirements of its business operations, including working capital needs, capital expenditures, debt service obligations, other commitments, contractual obligations and acquisitions. Our primary sources of liquidity across our businesses are provided by our cash flows from operating activities and our financing activities. In the case of our EPC business, our primary sources of liquidity are provided by cash flows from our EPC business and from our non-project debt including Bank borrowings and the Senior Notes. The primary liquidity requirements of our EPC business are debt service obligations on our existing and future non-project debt and costs and expenses related to operation of the business. In the case of our Concessions business, the primary source of liquidity for each company in the Concessions division is the cash flow generated by the relevant project and the project debt of such project company. The primary liquidity requirements of each project company are capital expenditures and debt service obligations on existing and future project debt.We finance the construction of our concession-type projects by means of project debt at the project company level and equity contributions from us, our partner PSP and, in certain cases, other co-investors. Additionally, during the year 2014 the Group issued senior notes with a nominal value of 850 million euro, which pay a fixed rate and mature on April 15, 2021. As of December 31, 2015 we had 738 million euro of bank borrowings, 845 million euro of senior notes and 249 million euro of project debt in our balance sheet. 13 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 Group’s maturities greater than one year of borrowings are: (€ Million) Between 1 and 5 years More than 5 years Total 331 23 143 497 186 833 19 852 - 833 331 23 162 1,349 186 Senior notes Syndicated loans Credit facilities Other borrowings Finance lease liabilities Total bank borrowings and senior notes Project debt Current maturities of borrowings correspond to: (€ Million) Borrowings and senior notes Project finance Total current bank borrowings 234 63 297 The position of short-term liquidity assets correspond to: (€ Million) Cash and cash equivalents Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Total position 169 13 182 Additionaly, at year end, Isolux Infrastructure and Isolux Aparcamientos, our main business segment concessions, consolidated by the equity method had the following balances: Project debt Cash and cash equivalents Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Isolux Infrastructure 3,000 272 32 Isolux Aparcamiento 126 12 - 3,126 284 32 (€ Million) Total 2.2. Capital resources Our strategy includes strengthening the capital structure of the group, for which it was raised during the year 2014, to conduct a public offering of shares. The purpose was to reduce the Group’s level of debt. This process has been postponed until the right market conditions are met and so far, alternatives to reduce the leverage of the Group are been studied. These options include corporate operations either asset sales or new partners. 14 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 2.3. Analysis of contractual operations and off balance sheet The following table details the Group’s commitments with third parties at 31 December, 2015 and 2014 (millions euro): At December 31, 2015 Borrowings and senior notes Derivative financial instruments* Trade and other payables ** Accrued unmatured interest Total At December 31, 2014 Borrowings and senior notes Derivative financial instruments* Trade and other payables ** Accrued unmatured interest Total Less than 1 year Between 1 and 2 years Between 2 and 5 years More than 5 years 234 12 1,696 91 2,033 109 8 10 80 207 388 192 580 852 26 878 276 16 1,873 101 2,266 91 8 15 88 202 310 7 205 522 871 31 902 *Does not include associated derivative financing projects **Distributable income, billing account and advances received for work contracts and any other accounts payable non-refundable and that does not generate liquidity risk are not included. The detail of borrowings and senior notes, current and non-current, at 31 December 2015 is the following (million euro): At December 31, 2015 Senior notes Loans Factoring Credit facilities Total Current Non-current 12 106 46 69 233 833 493 23 1,349 The following table shows the breakdown of debt commitments Project Group at 31 December, 2015 (million euro): Project Finance Less than 1 year Between 1 and 2 years Between 2 and 5 years More than 5 years 63 129 57 - There are no other off-balance sheet obligations in addition to those described in the notes of the consolidated financial statements that are recurrent in our business (guarantees provided, litigation, arbitration proceedings or other regulatory measures). 15 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 3. MAIN REGULATORY RISKS 3.1. Operational risks a) Regulatory risks We are subject to changes in regulations. We must comply with specific regulations relating to our EPC and Concessions divisions as well as general regulations in the various jurisdictions where we operate (such as those related to accounting, employment, data protection and taxation). As in all highly regulated sectors, any deregulation or regulatory changes in the EPC or concession sectors could adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. In the case of significant regulatory changes (including tax amendments) affecting the concessionaires in which we hold a stake, there may in certain circumstances be a right to adjust the terms of a concession or to negotiate changes with the competent administration in order to reestablish the economic and financial balance between the parties. We cannot guarantee that an adjustment, however, will be possible in all cases, that any such adjustment would be satisfactory for the concessionaires or that it would be carried out in a reasonable time period. If these adjustments are not possible, do not provide sufficiently greater income or are delayed, our business, results of operations and financial condition may be materially adversely affected. Our operations in solar photovoltaic generation and continued growth depend on regional, national and international policies supporting renewable energies, including the availability of state incentives and approved premiums for renewable power. The development and profitability of renewable energies are dependent, in significant part, on national and international political support. In particular, the European Union and its Member States, including Spain and Italy, have been pursuing policies of active support for renewable energies for several years. In countries where no feed-in tariff regime exists or is being contemplated, we are required to sell electricity under power purchase agreements with governments or utilities. The prices under such agreements are freely negotiated and are often linked to current market prices for electricity, which may be substantially lower than the feed-in tariffs established under regulatory frameworks in Spain or elsewhere. In addition, while certain regulatory frameworks establish feed-in tariffs for periods of up to 30 years, power purchase agreements typically have substantially shorter durations and we can give no assurance that we will be able to enter into new power purchase agreements or renew our existing power purchase agreements when they expire. Any changes in tariff regimes or our inability to enter into power purchase agreements on favorable terms or at all, could significantly reduce a relevant project’s economic viability and may have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. Regulatory changes may have an adverse effect on our electricity operations. Regulatory changes related to our electricity operations may have an adverse effect on our electric power generation and transmission operations and ultimately our results of operations and financial condition. In particular, on January 27, 2012, the Spanish Council of Ministers approved a new regulation (the “Moratorium”), temporarily suspending further renewable energy generation capacity. The Moratorium, so long as it remains in effect, therefore removes incentives for growing our electricity operations and introduces uncertainty with regard to the development of new facilities, as the suspension period is open-ended and may extend indefinitely. On 28 December, 2012, a law aimed at reducing the deficit within Spain’s heavily-subsidized electricity production industry and ensuring the sustainability of Spain’s energy supply through the imposition of certain tax measures was published in the Spanish Official Gazette (the “Energy Tax Law”). The Energy Tax Law, which became effective as of January 1, 2013, provides for, among other things, a direct tax on energy generators equal to 7% of the total annual revenue of each energy generation facility. Moreover, Royal Decree Law 2/2013 of February 1 introduced some measures that affect the remuneration to be received by energy generators under the special regime (the “Additional Measures”): • Special regime facilities which elect selling its electricity output to the pool will receive an equivalent premium equal to zero; and • The amendment of the methodologies for reviewing the remuneration linked to the general Consumer Price Index (as the remuneration received by special regime generators). From January 1, 2013 that 16 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 index was replaced by the Consumer Price Index at constant tax rates, excluding unprocessed foods and energy products. Regulatory changes such as the Moratorium, the Energy Tax Law and the Additional Measures may have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. Furthermore, the Spanish government has initiated a reform of the electricity sector (the “Energy Reform”) with the aim of guaranteeing the sector’s financial stability. The first step of such reform was implemented by means of the Royal Decree Law 9/2013, of July 13, 2013 (the “RDL 9/2013”). In late 2013, Law 24/2013, of December 26, on the electricity sector was approved (containing, among others, the principles set out in RDL 9/2013 in respect of the remuneration of renewable energy generators). As with previous regulations (i.e., RDL 14/2010, the Moratorium, the Energy Tax Law or the Additional Measures), the purpose of the Energy Reform is to resolve the unsustainability of the electricity tariff deficit. On June 11, 2014 a new regulation on renewable energy electricity generation activity was passed by means of Royal Decree 413/2014, which regulates electricity generation activity using renewable energy sources, cogeneration, and waste (the “RD 413/2014”). Additionally, on June 16, 2014, the Ministerial Order IET/1045/2014 (the “MO IET/1045/2014”) was passed, approving the remuneration parameters based on standardized costs and revenues for certain electricity production facilities using renewable energy sources, cogeneration and waste. The new regulations establish a new remuneration system for facilities producing electricity from renewable energy sources, cogeneration and waste, which replaces the former remuneration regime and has had an adverse impact on our electricity operations in Spain. Compliance with new regulations relating to electricity generation activity may have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. b) Operational risks: We depend on a limited number of suppliers for materials and components and various outside contractors to construct, operate and maintain our projects. If we are not able to obtain the necessary materials and components for our EPC or concession-type projects that meet our quality, quantity and cost standards on time, our capacity to construct or develop a project could be interrupted and our production costs could be increased. We may not be able to identify new suppliers or approve their products for use in our projects in a timely manner and on commercially reasonable terms. Materials and components from new suppliers may also be less suitable for our technology and result in lower efficiency that may materially adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition. We frequently subcontract certain works in our EPC and concession-type projects to third parties. We therefore depend on the capacities of these third parties to complete the construction of certain parts of the works of our projects according to the quality standards, price and deadline to which we have agreed. Most of our construction and operating agreements with third-party contractors contain fixed deadlines and prices. If these contracts are breached, the guarantees that may have been given may be insufficient to cover the losses we suffer and our business, results of operations and financial condition may be materially adversely affected. We are exposed to fluctuations in the price and problems with the supply of raw materials. The primary raw materials we use in our projects are steel, stainless steel, stone and sand aggregate, cement, reinforcing bars, iron and copper. Our raw materials suppliers vary in each market in which we operate due to the market-specific requirements of our projects. Although we include raw material cost estimates in our tender estimates, raw material costs are subject to price fluctuations. In addition, the supply of essential raw materials may be delayed or interrupted due to factors beyond our control, including the implementation of import restrictions, which could result in project delays and increased costs if alternative suppliers are unable to provide replacement raw materials at competitive prices or at all. Moreover, we may be unable to pass on any or all of the increased raw material costs to our customers. Such price fluctuations or supply interruptions could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition and results of operations. Our operations require us to obtain licenses, authorizations and permits for both our EPC and our concession-type projects, which may entail a long and complex process. Any failure to obtain or renew such approvals, licenses and permits or comply with the terms of such approvals, licenses and permits may have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations and financial condition. We are required to obtain various environmental, development and labor-related approvals in connection with our operations in the countries in which we operate. Although we have obtained the majority, but not all, of the licenses, authorizations and permits required for carrying out the construction works in both our EPC and our 17 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 concession-type projects that are in the development phase, we cannot ensure that this will be the case in the future. We may be unable to obtain all licenses, authorizations and permits required for the projects we are planning. Procedures for obtaining authorizations vary from country to country and requests may be rejected by the relevant authorities for many reasons, or they may be approved, but with significant delays. The process of obtaining permits can be further delayed or hindered by changes in national or other legislation or regulation or by opposition from communities in the areas affected by a project. Moreover, certain operating or construction permits that have been issued to us could be contested. We may be subject to claims made against us by customers, suppliers, subcontractors or other third parties, and other litigation and legal proceedings. Our EPC and concession-type projects involve complex design and engineering, procurement of supplies to be manufactured specifically for the project, and management of the project’s construction management. We may encounter difficulties in engineering, equipment delivery, scheduling changes and other factors, some of which are beyond our control and may affect our ability to complete the project in accordance with the original delivery schedule or to meet the contractual performance obligations. In addition, we rely on third-party partners, equipment manufacturers and subcontractors to assist us with the completion of our contracts. As such, claims involving customers, partners, suppliers, subcontractors and third parties may be brought against us, and by us, in connection with our project contracts. Claims brought against us could include back charges for alleged defective or incomplete work, breaches of warranty and/or late completion of the project and claims for canceled projects and involve actual damages, as well as contractually agreed upon liquidated sums. Claims brought by us against customers could include claims for additional costs incurred in excess of current contract provisions arising out of project delays and changes in the previously agreed scope of work. Claims between us and our suppliers, subcontractors and vendors include claims like any of those described above. These project claims, if not resolved through negotiation, are often subject to lengthy and expensive litigation or arbitration proceedings. Charges associated with claims may materially adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition. As of 31 December, 2015, our recorded provisions for “litigation and other” were 23.8 million euro. c) Concentration of customers During 2015 the Group carried out transactions with a single customer representing more than 10% of the Group revenue. These revenues correspond to the EPC segment and in Latin America. During 2014 no transactions carried out with a single customer which represents more than 10% of the Group revenue. Management believes that this situation is punctual with no concentration risk. 4. FINANCIAL RISK Group’s activities are exposed to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including foreign exchange risk, fair value interest rate risk and price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. 4.1. Market risk a.1) Exchange rate risk The Group has international operations and is therefore exposed to foreign exchange risk during currency transactions, relating particularly to the US Dollar (USD), Brazilian Real, Mexican Peso and Indian Rupee, as well as to other currencies. Foreign exchange risk arises from future commercial transactions, recognized assets and liabilities and net investments in foreign operations. The Group hedges net forecast flows deriving from forecast transactions in currencies other than the functional currency of the Group companies that affect the transaction. Management has established a policy requiring Group entities to manage their risk of exchange rate of foreign currency against the functional currency. The companies are required to cover the entire exchange rate risk to which they are exposed with the Central Department of Treasury. To manage exchange rate risk that arises from future comercial transactions and recognized assets and liabilities, the Group companies use forward contracts, transacted through Group Treasury Department. The Group management policy of the Group Treasury Department is to cover the expected net flows originated in transactions in other than the functional currency of the Group’s company that makes the transaction. At 31 December 2015 and 2014 there were only sales-purchases of foreign currency by transactions realized by companies located in Spain, USA, Asia and Latin America. 18 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 The Group’s operations are generally performed in the functional currency of each country, although transactions performed in other currency are common (in Spain, India and Latin America principally), especially in US dollar and Euro. If at December 31, 2015 the functional currency of each country with operations in US dollars had depreciated/appreciated 10% against the US dollar keeping the other variables constant, consolidated profit after tax would have been 19,339 thousand euro lower/higher (2014: 17,850 thousand euro lower/higher), mainly as a result of the effects of revaluation/devaluation of the active or passive positions in US dollars; equity would have varied in the same magnitudes (calculated excluding the effect of theimpact of changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments). The Group has various investments in foreign operations, whose net assets are exposed to risk of foreign currency translation. Such operations are concentrated mainly in Netherlands and Latin America (Brazil and Mexico), USA and India. Overall the Group policy is that the operations in each country are financed by debt taken in the functional currency of each country, so that risk affects only to the part corresponding to the investment capital. If investment is financed partly or wholly with borrowings to credit institutions, the Group’s policy is to take loans denominated in the functional currency. In the absence of funding, the Group’s policy is not to make coverage, except in certain cases where expected cash flows in short term by delivering dividends of the subisidiary are covered. The main exposures in foreign currenty as a result of capital investments measured from the net assets of foreign companies included in the consolidated balance and the joint ventures. Brazilian real (*) Mexican peso (*) Indian rupee US Dollar (*) Other currency (*) Total 2015 527 238 396 428 244 1,833 (*) Value of goodwill existing at each date not included. a.2) Price risk The Group is not exposed to equity instrument price risk since it has no significant investments. The Group is partially exposed to market price risk in respect of raw materials, relating basically to metals and oil, which affect the price of supplies of equipment and materials manufactured in the projects executed by the Group. Generally, these effects are efficiently passed on in selling prices by all similar contractors operating in the same sector. The Group reduces and mitigates price risk by means of policies implemented by management, consisting basically of a reduction or increase in the rate of placements and the selection of currencies and countries of origin, as well as by ensuring the production or acquisition of certain raw materials at a closed price. a.3) Cash flow and fair value interest rate risk Interest rate risk must be analysed in relation to the two types of financing obtained by the Group: • Project finance The Group participates in a number of investment projects under “Project finance” arrangements in which, among other aspects, repayments are secured only by cash flows from the respective projects; there may be, in some cases and during the construction phase, additional guarantees. In such cases, financing mainly comprises long-term, variable-rate instruments. The interest rates applicable depend on the country in which the project is located and on the currency in which the financing is issued. Financing issued at variable rates exposes the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. The Group uses interest rate swaps to convert long-term financing totally or partially to fixed interest rates. Additionally, under certain project finance contracts the company that obtains the financing undertakes vis-àvis the granting banks to contract the above-mentioned derivative financial instruments. 19 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 The risk exposure to variable interest rate at year-end 2015 is as follows: (€ Million) Referenced Euribor Other references (*) Total 159 159 71% 77 (3) 74 0% 236 (3) 233 48% Bank Borrowings Cash and cash equivalents interet-bearing Net position Portion hedged with derivative financial instruments (*) Includes project finance related to assets held for sale. The Group analyzes its exposure to interest rate risk dynamically. A simulation through which the Group estimates the effect on the outcome of a given interest rate change is made. For each simulation, the same variation in the interest rate for all currencies and references is used. The scenarios are performed only for liabilities that represent the most relevant interest-bearing positions. Based on the simulations performed, the impact on profit after tax increase / decrease of 100 basis points in the interest rate would mean a decrease / increase of 888 thousand euro (2014: 672 thousand euro), mainly due to higher / lower interest expense on variable rate loans; equity would have varied in the same magnitudes (calculated excluding the effect of impact of changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments). • Bank Borrowings The Group’s interest-rate risk arises mainly from long-term borrowings. Borrowings and Senior Notes issued at variable rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. Fixed-interest borrowings expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. A large part of the Group’s borrowings are obtained at variable rates, the main reference rate being the Euribor. The Group policies consist in the use of interest rate swaps to convert longterm financing to fix interest rates. The variable rate risk exposure at each period is as follows: (€ Million) Referenced Euribor Bank Borrowings Other references Total Cash and cash equivalents interest-bearing 499 (71) 188 (95) 687 (166) Net position 428 93 521 54% 0% 39% Portion hedged with derivative financial instruments The Group analyses exposure to interest rate risk in a dynamic manner. A number of scenarios are simulated taking into consideration refinancing, renewal of current positions, alternative financing, existence of variablerate investments (in this sense, very short-term interest-bearing placements are treated as being exposed to variable interest rates) and existing hedges. Base don these scenarios, the Group calculates the effect on the outcome of a given interest rate change. For each simulation, the same variation in the interest rate for all currencies is used. The scenarios are performed only for liabilities that represent the most relevant interestbearing positions. Based on the simulations performed, the impact on profit after tax of an increase / decrease of 100 basis points in the interest rate would mean a decrease / increase of 729 thousand euro (2014: 1,640 thousand euro), mainly due to higher / lower interest expense on variable rate loans; equity would have varied in the same magnitudes (calculated excluding the effect of impact of changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments). 20 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 4.2. Credit risk The Group manages credit risk in relation to the following groups of financial assets: • Derivative financial instruments and balances included under Cash and cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. • Balances related to trade and other receivables. Derivative financial instruments and bank transactions included in cash and cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are contracted with reputable financial institutions that obtain high credit ratings. In relation to the assessment of credit risk in respect of derivative financial instruments and bank transactions included in cash and cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, Group management applies the following procedures: • Credit Default Swap (CDS). When CDSs quoted in the market exist, credit risk is quantified on the basis of the market quotation. The CDS is the additional premium that an investor is prepared to pay to cover a credit position. The quantification of the risk is therefore equal to this premium. • Credit Spread on issues of bonds. When quoted bonds on various financial markets exist, the quantification of the credit risk can be obtained as the differential between the internal rate of return (yield) on the bonds and the risk free rate. • Comparable. If it is not possible to obtain the quantification of the risk by applying the above two methodologies, the use of comparable is generally accepted, that is, companies or bonds issued by companies in the same sector are used as a reference. In connection with the balances of trade and other receivables, a high proportion of them (54.20% and 56.27% at 31 December 2015 and 2014, respectively) are related to operations with national and international public entities, which the Group believes that the credit risk is very limited. In relation to private sector clients, a significant portion of the balances are related to companies with high credit ratings and with which there is no history of default. Global position of customers and receivables is periodically monitored as well as an individual analysis of the most significant exposures. 4.3. Liquidity risk Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and marketable securities, the availability of funding through an adequate amount of comited credit facilities and the ability to close out market positions. Given the dynamic nature of the underlying business, the Group’s Treasury Department aims to maintain flexibility in funding by the availability of committed credit lines. It is noteworthy that, in relation to various investment projects (“Project finance”) in which the Company participates, they are characterized by the fact that the repayment of the financing arranged is mainly guaranteed by the cash flow of the respective projects. In theses cases, the Group’s policy to cover the liquidity risks state that these loans are taken long-term and structured on the basis of expected cash flows for each of the projects. In implementing this policy, the 74.51% of the funding allocated to projects taken at 31 December 2015 (2014: 93.98%) has a maturity greater than one year, there is any funding taken at 31 December 2015 (2014: 17.23%) is longer than 4 years maturity. Regarding the rest of the Group’s liquidity position, the Management monitors the forecast liquidity reserve of the Group based on expected cash flows. The liquidity risk management is carried out jointly and centrally by Group’s Treasury. This management includes both treasury management of Group’s recurrent operative (analysis and monitoring of debt maturities and credit collection, renewal and contracting of credit facilities, management of available credit lines, temporary placement of surplus cash) as the management of necessary funds to undertake planned investments. Although the Group recognizes negative working capital totalling 353 million euro at 31 December 2015 (excluding the effect of non-current assets and related liabilities held for sale), the Directors of the Parent 21 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 Company consider that the liquidity risk is adequately managed based on the cash flow forecasts that the Group prepares. Such forecasts main objective in the short-term; a) strength the liquidity position of the working capital, thereby helping to ease recurrent cash tensions that currently exist in the Group's business sector and b) adapt the Group's financial structure to the current market conditions, as well as to the cash generation capacity of each of the Group's business units. Among other measures currently under analysis, which include the feasibility of redefining the current business structure in order to guarantee that each business unit indebtness that is in line with its capacity to generate operating cash, as well as the establishment of an asset disinvestment process, provided that it may be executed in a manner that contributes to the Group's best business interests As of the preparation date of these annual accounts, a Strategic Plan is being prepared, designed and communicated to the main parties involved in the process. In order to provide more transparency and to strength the reliability of the cash flow estimates (which are the basis on which the aforementioned projections are prepared), the Group has facilitated the continuous detailed review of its projected information to an external advisor in this area, and which commenced during the second half of 2015. It is worthmentioning that during the year the aforementioned review, has experienced a general achievement of the objectives established in the different forecast prepared by the Management. Set out below are the most relevant assumptions defined by Group Management to preparing the aforementioned forecasts, which fulfilment involves factors that may not be under the control of the Group and therefore generate a certain level of uncertainty regarding materialization: • As previously mentioned, forecasts take into consideration the working capital of a substantial part of the bank borrowings that fall due in the short-term, particularly the credit facilities. The perception of financial agents regarding the outlook for the Group's business sector has deteriorated during the second half of 2015 due to external factors. This environment also gives rise to limited access to capital markets, which is shown in the decline in the market prices for the debt instrument issued by the Group. In order to attain its objectives, the Group expects to continue to have the confidence of financial institutions in order to renew, or replace, a significant part of the existing credit lines, which primarily consist of ordinary credit facilities, confirming facilities, factoring facilities, and bank guarantees. • The Group's business structure may be redefined, as was mentioned previously, together with the debt level to attribute to each business unit. This restructuring requires the prior acceptance by at least a relevant part of financial creditors in line with the previously comments. The Group therefore considers that the confidence shown by financial creditors with respect to the solvency of its project is a key aspect of the success of these proposals within the framework of the ordinary negotiations currently in progress with those financial creditors. • Finally, Group Management is considering the possibility of making significant disinvestments in 2016 in order to reduce its corporate financial debt, to the extent that such transactions may be executed in a manner that contributes to the Group's best business interests. The businesses that may be sold include the concessions, particularly those that Management expects may be assumed soon by the Group as a result of the completion of the break up with the joint business which parent company is Isolux Infrastructure Netherlands, B.V. (Notes 9 and 15). Although a significant part of those businesses are located in Brazil, which is currently undergoing serious political and economic difficulties that could negatively affect both the disinvestment period and the volume of liquidity to be obtained as a result of such a disinvestment and, possibly, the decision to execute the disinvestment, Group Management considers that those circumstances have been properly evaluated when preparing the forecasts and, therefore, will not significantly affect the plans currently being executed. Taking into account these cash flow projections for 2016, which form part of the Strategic Plan currently being developed, the Directors consider that the Group will be in an adequate situation to allow it to fulfil its shortterm obligations. Accordingly, these consolidated annual accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis 22 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 4.4. Capital risk management The Group’s objectives regarding managing capital are to safeguard the ability to continue as a going concern to seek a return for shareholders and benefits to other holders of equity instruments and to maintain an optimar capital structure to reduce the cost thereof. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the amount of dividends payable to shareholders, repay capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to reduce debt. The Group monitors capital in accordance with the leverage ratio, in line with the industry practice. This index is calculated as net debt divided by total capital (excluding the projects’ position assigned). Net debt is calculated as total debt with credit institutions, the current positon of trade and other payables, as shownin the consolidated accounts, less cash and cash equivalents and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. The capital is calculated as equity, as shown in the consolidated accounts, plus net debt. The leverage ratios at 31 December 2015 and 2014 are as follows: (€ Million) Bank Borrowings and senior notes and Trade and other payables - current Less: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Less: Cash and cash equivalents Net debt Equity (including Non-controlling interests, excluding hedging reserves and cumulative translation differences) Total Capital Leverage ratio (Net debt / Total capital) 5. 2015 4,063 (13) (169) 3,881 2014 3,903 (15) (291) 3,597 600 4,481 86.6% 615 4,212 85.4% Expected Business Trends Ej. 2015 Ej. 2014 Var (%) EPC Income 1,413 1,256 12.5% Portfolio 6,817 7,107 (4.1)% (€ Million) 20.78% 16% - New contracts 2,453 3,344 (26.6)% EPC Portfolio 2,161 2,097 3.1% “Book to bill” ratio 1.41x 1.59x (11.3)% Portfolio for concessions At 31December 2015 our portfolio of EPC, which gives visibility to revenues in the coming years, was 6.8 bn euro. New contracting during the year amounted to 2.5 bn euro, an increase of 27% over the previous year, of which about 90% are international projects. Portfolio of work for our concession division represents only 18% of the total. Our EPC division has reduced reliance on concession division significantly since at 31 December 2010 the concessions portfolio represented 26% of the total. Concessions Key metrics Transmission lines (Km) Toll roads (Km) Solar PV (MW) Car parks (Spaces) Year 2015 3,637 Year 2014 3,637 1,609 1,477 254 254 28,884 26,103 23 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES DIRECTOR´S REPORT 2015 Considering the effects of the separation from IIN and the consequent control change described in section 1.4, the WETT transmission lines (605 km) and all roadway concessions (1,609 km) will cease to be under the Group's control. 6. Information on Research and Development (R&D) Activities The Group is particularly committed to dedicating the necessary resources to be up-to-date with the latest technological developments in our sector. Research, initial design, testing of new products and services, etc., as well as specific innovation initiatives involving these products, regardless of whether or not they are attributed to projects, are carried out in general by the employees of the Group’s different departments within the framework of varying national government aid program. 7. Acquisition and disposal of treasury shares There has been no acquisition or disposal of treasury shares during the period. 8. Subsequent events There have been no significant events after the reporting date that could have a significant impact on the consolidated financial statements. 24 GRUPO ISOLUX CORSAN, S.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES PREPARATION OF THE CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2015 The Board of Directors of the trading Company “Grupo Isolux Corsán, S.A. at its meeting on 31 March, 2016, and in compliance with the requirements of Article 253 of the Law of Capital Companies and of Article 37 of the Commercial Code, procedes to formulate the Consolidated Financial Statements (Consolidated Balance Sheet, Consolidated Income Statement, Global Consolidated Income Statement, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity, Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements) and the Director’s Report, referring to the year ended at 31 December 2015, and on the terms set out in the accompanying documents and preceding this writing. Signatories: Mr. Luis Delso Heras Chairman Mr. José Gomis Cañete VP (Representing Construction Investments, Sarl.) Mr. Javier Gómez-Navarro Navarrete Member Mr. Serafín González Morcillo Member Mr. Francisco Moure Bourio Member Mr. Ángel Serrano Martínez – Estéllez Member Mr. Jordi Casas Bedós Member (Representing Sercapgu, S.L.). Mr. Jorge Mercader Miró Member (Representing Hiscan Patrimonio S.A.U.) Mr. José María de Torres Zabala Member (Representing Cartera Perseidas, S.L.) Mr. Lorenzo José Martínez Márquez Member (Representing Inversiones Corporativas, S.A.) Mr. Francesc Bellavista Auladell Member (Representing Inversiones Corporativas Digitales, S.L.U.) Mr. José Luis Ros Maorad Member D. Antonio Portela Álvarez CEO D. Juan Francisco Falcón Ravelo Non-voting secretary