oxygen capability for small wet boats the need for oxygen at the dive


oxygen capability for small wet boats the need for oxygen at the dive
Terrence M. Rioux
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MASSACHUSETTS, 02543 U.S.A.
The immediate administration of 100% 02 to a diving
accident victim is a vital part of the first aid process.
Most diving authorities recommend a first aid kit with an
oxygen source as a necessary part of the diving
equipment carried into the field. However, the protective
cases which often come with the kits may not be entirely
suitable for some common diving situations. The often
drenching environment of a small, open boat, particularly
in salt water areas, can ruin expensive equipment in a
very short time, or worse, there could be a serious fire
hazard in the presence of spilled oil or gasoline. This
paper discusses some of the problems of packaging
oxygen/first aid kits for small craft and also makes
The accepted treatment for divers suffering from gas embolism
or decompression sickness is immediate recompression at a properly
staffed hyperbaric facility using approved oxygen/air treatment
tables. It is, however, safe to assume that the vast majority of scuba
dives are conducted away from the immediate vicinity of a
Coldwater Diving For Science... 1987
recompression chamber, hospital, or other segments of the
emergency medical system. Some operations are
remote from
outside assistance. Even if divers are relatively close to a chamber
facility, it may take some time to remove the victim from the water,
to alert rescue personnel, and to initiate transportation of the victim.
The rescue and first aid action of the dive team is critical to the
outcome of a diving accident.
Because of the sensitivity of neurological and cardiac tissue to
hypoxia (brain tissue may become permanently damaged in four to
six minutes), rapid administration of one hundred percent oxygen is
considered by most diving authorities to be a vital part of this first
aid process. Breathing one hundred percent normobaric oxygen,
while not as effective as under controlled hyperbaric conditions,
assists in the reduction of obstructive inert gas bubbles,
reoxygenates hypoxic tissue, and may reduce the swelling of brain
and spinal cord tissue. Other problems, which mayor may not be
related to the dive, such as heart attack and near drowning also
utilize high concentration of the gas as an important part of the
Because of the necessity for timeliness, diving teams are now
encouraged to bring oxygen units to the dive site. In order for
emergency oxygen equipment to be most effective, it must be
available at the staging area for immediate use, and it must function
correctly. The divers and support personnel must be trained and
maintain current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first
aid, emergency procedures, and in the proper use of the equipment.
The oxygen supply must be sufficient in order to support a patient
until outside medical help can be reached and during transport to the
chamber. It is important to emphasize that oxygen equipment must
be used only in conjunction with the activation of the emergency
medical system and rapid transport to a hyperbaric treatment
Despite the need for a supply in an emergency, it is not likely
that many individual sport divers or even inst:--lctors carry oxygen,
although it is sometimes carried aboard sport divmg charter vessels.
This may be because oxygen delivery systems are somewhat costly
($300 to $500 and up), require training, and add to the bulk of
equipment to carry. Another factor may be that the purpose of the
equipment is to manage emergency situations which are relatively
rare and which only happen "to someone else". Also, the need for
T. RIOUX. Oxygen for small boats
emergency preparedness may not generally be stressed sufficiently
in entry-level sport diving training classes. However, It is clearly the
responsibility of the diving team to be prepared to handle
emergency diving situations. Universities and research institutions
which support a formal diving program should require emergency
oxygen capability for diving operations. Not only should this
equipment be carried aboard all research vessels, but there should
be a" capability as well for local shore or small vessel diving.
The most commonly seen oxygen delivery systems consist of
one or more high pressure cylinders (typically 2000 - 2400 psi), a
pressure reduction regulator, tubing, breathing mask, and carrying
case. Other equipment may include airways, aspirators, manual
bag/mask resuscitators (commonly known as "Ambulance" or
"AMBU" bags) and possibly some replacement items such as nylon
gaskets. Standard first aid supplies may be included in the kit,
including dressings, bandages, first aid manuals, and other materials.
Special items for remote areas may include blood pressure cuff,
stethoscope, shears for removing diving suits, hypothermia
thermometer, and the like. The actual set-up of the kits depends
upon such factors as available space, the isolation of the site, and the
emergency training of the team.
The cylinders are constructed either of chromium molybdenum
steel, or of aluminum alloy. Various sizes are available, which range
in capacity from the very compact 248 liter "C" to the 420 liter "D",
682 liter "E", to the large, heavy 2000 liter "H" size. The valves may
either be of the "post" type, usually seen on the small cylinders, to
those with a handwheel on the larger models. Similarly, the small
cylinder valves use a pin-type yoke connector to the regulator, while
the large cylinders are screw-on. For safety reasons oxygen cylinders
and regulators are not compatible with any other gas equipment.
There are several types of oxygen breathing regulators. A
common type provides a constant flow with several calibrated flow
rates which can be set by a control knob. A barbed connector allows
the attachment via a disposable "double bell" tube to a nasal cannula,
AMBU bag mask, or a disposable mask. Another popular type is a
demand valve which can also have a calibrated positive pressure
button or lever for resuscitation. This inhalator/resuscitator type
Coldwater Diving For Science... 1987
consists of a first stage connected to a second stage by a medium
pressure oxygen supply hose. Some models combine the constant
flow capability with an inhalator/resuscitator function to allow for
several different delivery configurations.
One hundred percent non-rebreather masks are preferred for
the treatment of diving accidents such as embolism or decompression
sfckness in order to reduce bubbles efficiently. Oronasal masks are
press-fitted by the user onto the demand valve outlet port, and this
type is also used for the AMBU bag. See-through masks are preferred
so that the rescuer can detect the presence of vomitus. Disposable
oronasal masks, often with a reservoir bag, are commonly used with
the constant flow regulator.
A complete description of oxygen delivery equipment is not
within the scope of this paper, and the reader is referred to
appropriate medical sources for more detailed information.
Oxygen is necessary for combustion to take place, and high
concentrations greatly accelerate the rate of burning. There is a great
danger of explosion when volatile substances, such as grease, oil, or
gasoline corne in contact with elevated oxygen partial pressures. For
this reason, and also because medical oxygen is intended to be used
for human consumption, the gas must be handled carefully. Oxygen
equipment is not compatible with other gas equipment. Oxygen
equipment must be specially cleaned and certified for this service.
In fact, an adapter device of Australian manufacture, called the
Bendeez, has been the object of a recent controversy. This product
was designed to allow a diver to attach his scuba regulator to an
oxygen cylinder. The advantage of this device is that it permits a
conscious diver to inhale a one hundred percent concentration of
oxygen while using the familiar scuba mouthpiece instead of an
oronasal mask. Standard oronasal masks may leak if not carefully
positioned on the face, may leak anyway on some faces, and certainly
will leak on a bearded face. The dlver who uses a mouthpiece must
pinch his nostrils closed with his fingers or use a noseclip, or even
wear a diving mask in order to gain the full one hundred percent
benefit. It also means that the diver only needs to invest in an
oxygen cylinder, a supply of the gas, and the brass adapter to possess
the system. The Bendeez is apparently used frequently in Australia,
T. RIOUX. Oxygen for small boats
but it has met with much criticism in the United States. While at first
glance the adapter seems to be a good, economically sound idea, the
fact that scuba regulators are not specially designed, cleaned, or
certified for oxygen use has condemned the device in this country.
There could be an explosion if the regulator were contaminated, for
example, from the compressor lubricating oil. Walters (1985) gives
an interesting first hand account of a fire which involved a home
made adapter mating an oxygen cylinder to a scuba regulator,
although the Bendeez product itself apparently has had a good safety
record in Australia. Despite this, the standard of practice in this
country is to utilize an approved oxygen regulator, given the safety
risk and the increasing liability problem.
Another controversy has revolved around the use of the scuba
mouthpiece, which just happens to fit nicely onto the outlet port of
several commonly used oxygen demand regulators. Pierce (1985) has
suggested that, for the reasons given above in regards to the
advantages of the Bendeez, a SCUBA mouthpiece could be substituted
in certain situations for an oronasal mask. In response to a critical
review (Houssiere, 1986), Pierce (1986) suggested that perhaps it
would require an oxygen equipment manufacturer 10 design a SCUB A
mouthpiece in order to be able to add this item to the list of tools
available to the diving first-aider.
A third controversy which may affect the use of oxygen in the
field is that the gas is considered in some states to be a drug. This
view would require a prescription to obtain oxygen and would
restrict its use to medical professionals. Divers who administered
oxygen could be in violation of state law. An effort should be made in
those states by the diving community to convince the legislature to
modify those laws.
There are several considerations relating to carrying oxygen
supp!' es into the field. The unit must be portable and compact, or the
dive teams simply will not carry it with them. As discussed above, a
high concentration of oxygen may greatly increase the risk and rate
of combustion in the presence of volatile substances. The equipment
must be protected from oil, grease, and the like. There is also the
need for cleanliness of the equipment for sanitary reasons, since the
gas is intended to be used internally through the pulmonary system.
Coldwater Diving For Science... 1987
Finally, the equipment must be kept in working condition, free from
corrosion or other contaminants. It may be worse to carry lifesupport devices which malfunction when needed the most than not
to have them at all. At least a false sense of security would not be a
factor in the management of an accident situation.
The amount of oxygen and other first aid supplies to have at
the staging area depends upon such factors as the distance, in time,
from outside assistance and evacuation to the emergency medical
system. Obviously there has to be some compromise between what
would be ideal and what effectively can be carried by the diving
team. Several types of kits should be made up by the Diving Program
which may be selected for the dive site, depending upon its
remoteness. For example, the larger oceanographic research ships
have the capacity for transporting divers to areas possibly several
days to even a week or more from the outside world, and there is
usually sufficient storage for several large cylinders. Such vessels
should have the supplies to last at least several days (long term use
of oxygen involves careful observation of the patient for signs of lung
irritation due to oxygen toxicity). Intermediate operations, up to a
few hours from shore, would require considerably less. Two or more
of the "D" (420 liter) cylinders should be sufficient. Finally, the most
compact kits, using one "D" or even the "C" (248 liter) size, could be
brought aboard small craft used in nearshore work where help may
be as close as twenty minutes away. Those twenty minutes, however,
could have a significant effect upon the outcome of the injury.
While the larger diving vessels and some shore staging areas
may provide adequate shelter for first aid supplies, much, if not most
diving activity is conducted from small craft or from exposed
waterfront areas. Salt spray is a particularly damaging agent for
metallic devices such as regulators and cylinders. In addition to the
obvious destructive nature of corrosion, salt crystals, sand, and
corrosion products may affect the free movement of component
parts. Because of the small tolerances between moving parts of gas
control systems, a surprisingly tiny amount of contaminant particles
can seric~'sly compromise the function of the oxygen delivery
Small, open craft used in salt water areas may have little or no
available space for safe storage, and, because of their size, are
particularly intimate with the salt-laden environment. There may be
significant water sloshing about on the deck, which could even
T. RIOUX. Oxygen for small boats
occasionally include a small amount of gasoline from the outboard
motor. Open beaches may have windblown sand and other small
Despite the contamination problem imposed by the
environment, it is still advisable and possible to carry oxygen and
first aid systems safely. The key is in the careful packaging of the
gear, so that the susceptible items can be completely isolated from
the potentially damaging environment. Unfortunately, most of the
cases currently available from medical supply companies for oxygen
systems do not offer the degree of protection necessary from the
challenging environment described above. These carriers are
apparently designed to be used in the field under semi-protected
conditions, as from an ambulance or patrol craft which would afford
adequate shelter until the moment of use. For most such uses, this is
more than adequate.
Different case designs offer varying degrees of protection.
Obviously, the least desired way to carry equipment in the field is
with no protective cover at all. Not only would the gear be
unprotected, but it is important that the components of the
rescue/first aid system be organized in an efficient manner for ready
use. Most of the carriers available from the medical suppliers do
allow for a reasonable amount of organization of the contents.
Some types of containers can be eliminated for small craft
diving operations because of their component materials. Vinylcovered plywood kits would not be very durable in the special diving
situations described above. Significant corrodible metal fittings, such
as plated steel in latches, hinges, reinforcing edge strips, and carrying
handles, are not recommended, as well as, obviously, all-metal
containers. All-metal carriers would have the additional
disadvantages of unnecessary extra weight and possible electrical
conducti vity.
Soft packs made of materials such as cordura nylon, especially
if non-corrosive fittings, such as heavy duty nylon zippers and
space-age plastic buckles or attachment rings are used, would
certainly hold up to the salt water environment. The main
disadvantage of the nylon soft packs is that there is not much
protection to the contents from crushing, such as from careless
Coldwater Diving For Science... 1987
handling of heavy weight belts. Also, while such packs may be coated
with a water-repellent substance, they would not protect from a
drenching such as a wave washing over the gunwales. Further, it
may be difficult to clean in the field any grease or oil which may
come in contact with the material.
Several molded polyethylene cases are currently available
which contain no metal, even at the hinge, and provide excellent
crush protection and reasonable spray resistance. Should any grease
contact the exterior, it could be easily removed. Compartments
molded into the case interior provide the necessary organization and
accessibility for the cylinder valve, regulator, mask and tubing. The
carrying handle also is molded into the case. The International
Orange color make the unit highly visible. While this type of rugged
carrier may be excellent for most field purposes, there are still some
disadvantages for the diver using an exposed small boat or beach.
The case is certainly designed to be splash-resistant, but the level of
protection is still not enough to keep a flood out. Anyone who has
used small boats for nearshore diving knows the problem well. Also,
the units would flood and sink if dropped overboard or if the craft
On-site or "home-made" solutions must be considered carefully
for usefulness and safety. For example, bagging the kit in plastic is
quite unreliable, even when double or triple-bagged. It is nearly
impossible to completely seal the contents against a drenching. The
bag is susceptible to tearing and puncturing. This method lacks the
capability of organization and crush protection. As more layers of
bags and tape are added, it becomes more difficult to get to the kit in
an emergency, and it becomes less likely that the divers will inspect
it between deployments in a multi-day operation.
Adapting carriers designed for other uses to be used as an
oxygen/first aid kit also requires careful weighing of the utility
versus the safety and other problems, C'lt the least of which is the
liability issue. In the author's opinion, a promising solution to the
problem of packaging oxygen equipment in the special diver
situations described above may be found in several cases designed
for camera protection. Such cases have been tested in the field at
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for several years and have
been safe and very effective in meeting the protection and
T. RIOUX. Oxygen for small boats
organization requirements as stated above. However, the following
suggestions are made with the understanding that the user will
assume responsibility for his own actions.
The search for an adequate protection system for oxygen
equipment was initiated so that "blue water" divers could carry a
supply aboard their inflatable boat. This would enable the dive team
to administer pure oxygen to an embolized diver immediately and
during the 10 minutes or so it would take to transport him to the
mother ship. Several units were quickly rendered useless due to
corrosion because of inadequate packaging of the kit. Oxygen systems
are expensive enough to be considered non expendable! After some
experimentation with various systems, a type of camera case
designed for divers was tried with success. It was realized that the
same case could be useful to similar diving groups which operate in
challenging situations. It was felt that the need for a dependable
supply of oxygen and first aid gear, coupled with careful treatment
of the kit, would outweigh the fact that the case was not designed
expressly for carrying oxygen.
Although several companies may manufacture similar suitable
camera cases, two models manufactured by Pelican Products, Inc., of
Torrance, California were selected for this project. The cases are
constructed of a lightweight ABS foam resin which is surprisingly
resistant to abuse. They are claimed to be watertight, airtight,
dustproof, and dentproof. An o-ring and groove cover assembly
makes the seal. The cases float, even when loaded with an oxygen
cylinder and regulator. There is an overpressure valve consisting of a
small slotted screw with its own o-ring seal. The only metal parts are
two stainless steel hinge pins, two latch pins, and the stainless purge
screw. Stainless steel, spring type safety locks for the latches are
available. These may eliminate the chance of inadvertent opening of
the lid and the subsequent spilling of the contents, but the latch
safety locks are somewhat difficult to open and reqUIre some
maintenance. Also available is a nylon carrying strap.
The inside is lined with prescored pickable foam which allows
the user to design his own contents organization. Replacement inserts
are available from the manufacturer. The lid is lined with a
convoluted, "egg crate" foam. Thus the contents are effectively
protected from shock and are insulated from transient temperature
Coldwater Diving For Science... 1987
Several years of use have proven the manufacturer's claims for
this particular product. Oxygen/first aid kits have been carried safely
and without corrosion on many diving operations. The fire hazard is
The case contains a sealed system. In active use, the
demand valve delivers the gas away from the case, since the average
oxygen supply hose is 6 feet in length.
However, there are precautions and a standard of care which
must be followed in order to preserve the safety of the user and the
function of the equipment. For example, the cylinder should be
tested before it is removed for the diving operation to insure that
there is still sufficient gas, that the valve-to-yoke gasket seals
correctly, and that the regulator works correctly. After testing, and
after any use, the cylinder valve must be carefully closed and the
regulator vented to avoid a build-up of internal pressure. It is
important to take a moment to observe the supply gauge to ensure
that the valve seat is actually secured. The purge screw should be
closed before the case is taken into a wet environment. Any grease
which may contact the exterior should be immediately washed away
with copious amounts of soapy water. Care should be taken that the
case is placed in the driest part of the craft, and that it is never
thrown about. Care' should also be taken to ensure that heavy objects
are not dropped on the case. It is not meant to be a seat.
During use, it is vital to the safety of everyone in the vicinity
that all oxygen precautions are followed, such as the strict
prohibition of smoking and the removal of all volatile substances,
such as oily clothing, from the immediate vicinity. Additional
measures could include inserting a moisture-absorbing packet in the
cases when they are to be used in very humid, tropical environments
to avoid the growth of mold. The cases should be stored in a dry,
cool, well ventilated, sheltered area with the latches open and the lid
slightly ajar during periods of extended storage. This would allow
for ventilation to prevent the growth of internal mold and also would
promote a longer life for the o-ring seal. Since the cases are designed
to be used for camera equipment, it is important to clearly r!.lark
them to avoid having divers ~arelessly taking the wrong item.
Training all diving and support personnel in the proper use is a
priority. All research divers should be required to maintain current
certification in first aid, including periodic practice in the use of the
oxygen kit.
T. RIOUX. Oxygen for small boats
Two kit models are in current use at Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution. A small kit is used for nearshore operations where the
maximum time for reaching other supplies and/or outside medical
help is twenty minutes. This utilizes the "Pelicase" whose external
dimensions are 18-112 inches length by 15-114 inches width by 67/8 inches depth, and whose internal dimensions are 17-7/8 inches
length by 11-3/4 inches width by 6-112 inches depth. This size
allows packing a "c" size (248 liter) aluminum cylinder, oxygen
regulator, mask, airway, Divers Alert Network Diving Accident
Manual, and a small first aid box. The complete contents are listed in
Appendix 1. The loaded weight is approximately twelve pounds.
The other size, called the "King Pelican" case measures 23-114
inches length by 20-3/4 inches width by 9 inches depth externally,
and 22 inches length by 17 inches width by 8 inches depth
internally. This size allows packing two "D" size (420 liter) aluminum
cylinders, plus regulator, cuffed mask, small first aid box, and other
items such as an Ambulance Bag type resuscitator, blood pressure
cuff, stethoscope, airways, and various oxygen hose connections. The
complete list of contents are listed in the appendix. This case weighs
about thirty five pounds fully loaded, or about the same as a scuba
cylinder. Because the time range for this kit is longer, several of the
included items are intended to allow the first responder to observe
vital signs data for transmission to a physician.
The regulators are stored within the case already secured to
the cylinder to facilitate quick use. In order to use the regulator, the
mask needs to be inserted onto the outlet port, and the cylinder
valve must be opened. The valve has an attached toggle to avoid
unnecessary fumbling with small wrenches.
The cases could be
them even better adapted
foam could be made of
already shaped to accept
present foam material is
rescue use. The case could
and marked at the factory.
improved by the manufacturer to make
for carrying oxygen/first aid kits. The
a more durable, fire-retardent material,
the cylinders and other equipment. The
somewhat soft to stand up to everyday
be made of a brighter, unmistakable color,
It is unlikely that a properly functioning, secured and vented
oxygen assembly would leak gas. If this did occur, however, the 0ring seal of the lid would allow internal pressure to "burp" out, even
with the purge screw closed. A specially designed adaptation of this
Coldwater Diving For Science... 1987
type case, however, should include a purge which would function as
an automatic overpressure valve rather than a manually screwed
device, for additional safety.
The design of the carrying case can be a limiting factor in
safely bringing an oxygen/first aid kit into a wet, salt laden
environment. If the equipment is isolated from corrosion inducing
factors and is properly handled, it can be available for immediate use
for the management of a diving accident casualty. No system or
protocol will be perfect for all sites or situations. It is also impossible
to completely foolproof any system. Therefore the suggestions
presented in this paper are not intended to be a definitive solution to
the transport of oxygen into challenging environments. It is the
desire of the author to stimulate discussion rather than to create
Bennett, P., and D. Elliott. 1982. The Physiology and Medicine of
Diving. Best Publishing, San Pedro, CA
Compressed Gas Association. 1983. Accident Prevention in OxygenRich and Oxygen-Deficient Atmospheres. CGA P-14. Arlington,
Dueker, Christopher. 1985. Scuba Diving
Safety Digest. Menlo Park, CA.
Safety and Health. Diving
Edmonds, Carl. 1985. "Gadgets and Goofy Ideas". SPUMS J. 15(2): 3132.
Houssiere, Daniel. 1986. "Another Point of View" (letter to editor).
NAUI NDA News. Jan.-Feb.: 44.
Mebane, G. Y. 1985. Underwater Diving Accident Manual. National
Divers Alert Network, Duke University, Durham, NC.
\1iller, James. 1979. NOAA Diving Manual. U. S. Government Printing
Office. Washington, D.C.
Pierce, Albert. 1985. Scuba Lifesaving. The Royal Lifesaving Society
Canada. Toronto, Ont..
T. RIOUX. Oxygen for small boats
Pierce, Albert. 1985. "A Smoldering Spark of Life". NAUI NDA News.
Feb.: 20-22.
Pierce, Albert. 1986. "Response to Comments" (letter to editor). N AUI
NDA News. Sept.-Oct.: 43-44.
Pilmanis, Andrew. 1987. "Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Rationale for
Treatment of Diving Accidents". SPUMS J. 17(1): 20-23.
Walters, Des. 1985. "Oxygen Fire in a Home Made Adapter". SPUMS 1.
15(2): 31-32.
Wishaw, Ken. 1986. "A' New System of Giving Oxygen to Divers
Emergency". SPUMS J. 16(4): 147-149.
Coldwater Diving For Science... 1987
This kit was designed for diving operations which are within 20
minutes of outside assistance. Divers should be familiar with the
contents before removing it from the Diving Locker for use.
Immediate administration of oxygen can be lifesaving for diving
accidents. Some of the features and precautions to be followed for
this system are listed below:
The case has a watertight seal, IS reasonably ruggedly
constructed, and has a small metal purge screw in the bottom.
It is designed to withstand the rigors of use in the field.
However, please don't abuse it by rough handling, standing on
it, tossing heavy weights on it, etc. Although the case is
corrosion-resistant, please lightly spray with fresh water and
wipe dry any sand, mud, or salt water which may have been
splashed on it. THIS IS A LIFE-SUPPORT UNIT.
To avoid any possible build-up of internal pressure, please
remember to close the valve, vent the oxygen from the
regulator, and check that the gauge reads "zero" before closing
the lid.
It is important to keep up the inventory. If something is used
from the kit, please tell the Diving Safety Officer so that the
expended item can be replaced. It is a good idea to check the
oxygen cylinder pressure before the diving operation begins.
Oxygen can cause an explosion in the presence of oil, gas, or
grease. Wash immediately with soapy water and thoroughly
rinse if these substances have come in contact with the case. Do
not permit smoking in the area while oxygen is being
T. RIOUX. Oxygen for small boats
oxygen cylinder, "C" (248 1.) size
oxygen regulator, freeflow/demand
oxygen mask, inflatable cuff, adult
airway, adult
Red Cross Standard First Aid Manual
DAN Diving Accident Manual (books behind foam lid)
first aid box
paramedic SCIssors
dressing 2x2"
triangular bandage
gauze (Kling) bandage
cyalume lightstick
alcohol swabs
thermal "space" blanket
spare oxygen gaskets
Coldwater Diving For Science... 1987
This kit was designed for diving operations which may be located
some distance, up to two hours, from outside medical assistance.
Divers should be familiar with the contents before removing it from
the Diving Locker for use. Immediate administration of oxygen can
be lifesaving for diving accidents. Some of the features and
precautions to be followed for this system are listed below:
The case has a watertight seal, is reasonably ruggedly
constructed, and has a small metal purge screw in the bottom.
It is designed to withstand the rigors of use in the field.
However, please don't abuse it by rough handling, standing on
it, tossing heavy weights on it, etc. Although the case is
corrosion-resistant, please lightly spray with fresh water and
wipe dry any sand, mud, or salt water which may have been
splashed on it. THIS IS A LIFE-SUPPORT UNIT.
To avoid any possible
remember to close the
regulator, and check that
the lid. Please take the
latching device.
build-up of internal pressure, please
valve, vent the oxygen from the
the gauge reads "zero" before closing
time to learn how to use the safety
This box may appear to be heavy and bulky (it weighs the
same as a scuba cylinder), but it is a small price to pay for
someone's life.
It is important to keep up the inventory. If something is used
from the kit, please tell the Diving Safety Officer so that the
expended item can be replaced. It is a good idea to check the
oxygen cylinder pressure before the diving operation begins.
Oxygen can cause an explosion in the presence of oil, gas, or
grease. W r..~,h immediately with soapy water and thoroughly
rinse if these substances have come in contact with the case. Do
not permit smoking in the area while oxygen is being
T. RIOUX. Oxygen for small boats
oxygen cylinder, "D" size (2)
oxygen regulator, freeflow/demand
oxygen mask, inflatable cuff, adult
oxygen hose, double bell type
oxygen mask, non-rebreather, disposable
blood pressure cuff
airway, large adult
airway, small adult
Red Cross Standard First Aid Book
DAN Diving Accident Manual
regulator instructions (books located behind foam lid)
first aid box
paramedic scissors
dressing 2x2"
gauze bandage (Kling)
triangular bandage
Band-Aids (box)
razor blade
spare oxygen gaskets
thermal "space" blanket
cyalume lightstick
alcohol swabs (block)