ZEPHYR Magazine: Zephyr November 2014
ZEPHYR Magazine: Zephyr November 2014
Z ZEPHYR november 2014 Featured Ar tist: MARK MORGAN stage fright - p. 6 Jeremy Zenou in motion - p. 20 Marta Bevacqua the spirit of the wood - p. 28 Fidel Gonzalez china tow n girl - p. 38 Tiffany Egbert wanderlust - p. 46 Dasha & Mari stardust - p. 56 H Robert Upton v intage americana - p. 76 On Our Radar: G A I L J O B - p.70 NICOLAS CANON LUNA r o b e r t g a r c i a - p.74 p.72 ZephyrMagazine.com SANDY GOLDSTEin Creative Director & Fashion Editor Ellie Craze Art Director & Graphic Designer H Robert Upton Publisher & Editor-in-Chief SOFIA VERDUGO Copy Editor Andrea CasteLO Intern fe at ure d ar t i st : MARK MORGAN Zephyr Magazine is honored to share featured artist, fashion photographer, Mark Morgan’s work. Native to the East Coast, Mark has since relocated to Arizona and his unique Downtown Phoenix photography studio once served as grocery store in the late 1920s! When he is not spending time with his Presa Canario dogs, Dolce and Bella, Mark shoots emerging models and editorials for publication. When asked, his favorite part of shooting new faces is the excitement they feel when the final images are revealed from their portfolio session. Mark’s work has been featured in several publications from New York to Miami including Vogue Italia Art and Commerce. 7 STAGE FRIGHT Photog rapher : Mark Morgan Model: Ky ra - Ford Rober t Black Agenc y Styli st: Anthony L eroux Hair/Makeup: Stephanie Neihei s el D esig ner : John Paul Ataker 8 In motion Photog rapher : Jeremy Z enou Hair/Makeup: Veronique Marot 20 THE SPIRIT OF THE WOOD Photog rapher : Mar ta B e vacqua Model: Hannah - Cr ystal Model Manag e me nt & Ar i z ona Model Management Makeup: B eatr ice C ontino Hair : Yumiko Hikage D esig ner : C ong Shen 28 CHINA TOWN GIRL Photog rapher : Fidel G onz alez Model: Jessica L ee Styli st: Liz et Papada Makeup: Jeff Jones Hair : Chr i stina Culinski Nail s: S ara Chue 38 WANDERLUST Photog rapher : Tiffany Egber t Hair/ Makeup: S andy G old stein Wardrobe: Kitten Paws Vintage 46 STARDUST Photog rapher : D asha & Mar i Model s: Olga N., Alex L. - PM Management, Ukraine Makeup: D asha & Mar i Wardrobe: L ara Q uint 56 z ON OUR RADAR emerging new artists 69 Photographer: Gail Job Model: Ely s e Jankowski Wardrobe: Melody Rodr ig uez - All For You Vintag e Hair : Vaness a Naf i ssi Make up: Ar ielle C ano Photog raphe r : Nicola s C anon Luna Model : S ara S aldar r iag a Fa shion D esig ne r : Lui s a Alvarado - DU C K Y B L AC K Make Up & Hair : E z equiela Jime nez PA : Guille r mo Vale nc ia Photog rapher : Rober t G arcia Model: Er ic Far rar-Ford Rober t Black Agec y Styli st : Cindy B onilla Vintage Americana Photog rapher : H Rober t Upton Model: Rox anne S anders on - Ford Rober t Black Agenc y Styli st: S arah Murzy n Hair : Kendyl Field s Makeup: S andy G old stein PA: Andrea C astelo 76 z acknowledgements Stage Fr ight (p. 8 - 19) w w w.markmorganphotog raphy.org w w w.snmakeupar ti st.com w w w.johnpaulataker.com L ocation: Stagebr u sh Theater In Motion (p. 20 - 27) w w w. j e r e my z e n o u . t u m b l r. c o m The Spir it of the Wood (p. 28 - 37) w w w.mar tabe vacquaphotog raphy.v ie wbook.com China Tow n Girl (p. 38 - 45) w w w.f idelgon z alezphotog raphy.com Wanderlu st (p. 46 - 55) w w w.tiffanyegber tphoto.com w w w.bbellemakup.com w w w.kittenpawsv intage.com Stardu st (p. 56 - 67) w w w.dashamar i.foliodrop.com O n O ur Radar (p. 70 - 75) w w w.g job photog raphy.com w w w.nicoallphotog raphy.tumblr.com w w w.robe r tg photog raphy.com Vintage Amer icana (p. 76 - 86) w w w.hrober tupton .com w w w.s araheliiz a.com s arahmurzy n@g mail.com 88 THE AGE NCY AZ THE AGENCY M O D E L S A C T O R S K I D S ARIZONA P R I N T R U N W A Y 7014 east camelback road suite 2139 scottsdale, az 85251 480.947.5588 www.theagencyaz.com @agencyaz image by: kenny sweeney Prepared by MagCloud for Jim Hesterman. Get more at zephyrmagonline.magcloud.com. Z ZEPHYR november 2014 featured ar ti st : Mark Morgan Jeremy Zenou Marta Bevacqua Fidel Gonzalez Tiffany Egbert Dasha & Mari h robert upton on our radar : GAIl JOB NICOLAS CANON LUNA ROBERT GARCIA