2005-06 Annual Report - Junior Achievement of South Dakota
2005-06 Annual Report - Junior Achievement of South Dakota
be. 2005-2006 Annual Report table of contents Introduction 4 Purpose 6 Letter from the Chair and President 7 Peak Performance Award 8 Leadership Awards Junior Achievement Programs Junior Achievement Student Testimonials 9 10 12, 22 Volunteers 13 Lead Investors 21 Annual Investors 23 Fund Raising Events 34 Board of Directors & Area Boards/ Staff 38 Financials 41 Student Growth 42 Student Distribution 43 Being anything requires making a choice; a choice to become something or someone. Become a role model for a child. Become an investor to a cause or an organization. Whatever you become, the point is that you’re choosing to “be.” You’ll make an impact along the way, both on someone else and on yourself. That’s what it means to “be.” It means making a choice that makes an impact. be. JA encourages you to 32,547 students across South Dakota were inspired by Junior Achievement classroom volunteer role models in 2005-06. V I S I O N 2 0 1 2 “To inspire over 40,000 South Dakota students to understand business and economics with additional impact in middle and high school.” P U R P O S E “Junior Achievement of South Dakota educates and inspires young people to value free enterprise, business, and economics, to improve the quality of their lives.” Dr. Aelred Kurtenbach 2005-06 Board Chair, Junior Achievement of South Dakota, Inc. Daktronics, Inc. Kristie Fiegen President Junior Achievement of South Dakota, Inc. D R . A E L R E D K U R T E N B A C H K R I S T I E Thank you for allowing us to be your partner in reaching out By supporting Junior Achievement, you provided the to our South Dakota school children. Together, we were able inspiration. You inspired these kids to dream big and to impact more than 32,500 students with innovative lessons plan for their future success. F I E G E N about the relevance of their education outside the classroom. It is a motivating force of more than 1,600 caring JA classroom volunteers who dedicate time, energy, and resources to help change the lives of young people through Junior Achievement Junior Achievement of South Dakota continues to be recognized worldwide as one of the top performing JA areas. South Dakota was awarded both the Peak Performance Team Award and the Platinum Summit Award from JA in 24 South Dakota Worldwide Headquarters. The awards are among Junior communities. Achievement’s highest honors, which measure program growth and financial health. We want to educate more students about the free enterprise system and ensure our state’s continued economic vitality. That’s a big task – a dream we can accomplish with your continued support. P E A K P E R F O R M A N C E T E A M A W A R D The Peak Performance Team Award is given to Junior Achievement offices with the highest performance in 2005 in areas of student and total revenue growth. The award was presented to twelve area Junior Achievement offices, which represent the top eight percent. Junior Achievement Worldwide recognizes local community leaders who have been instrumental in making their Junior Achievement area successful. The Gold Leadership Award is the highest worldwide honor given to a community leader by Junior Achievement Worldwide. In 2006, this award was presented to eleven individuals across the world, out of 250,000 volunteers, who have taken their Junior Achievement commitment to the next level. Mike Derby, Rapid City Coldwell Banker Commercial, was honored with this award at the 2006 JA Business Hall of Fame ceremonies. Congratulations, Mike! M I K E D E R B Y, C O L D W E L L B A N K E R JA Worldwide Leadership Awards were presented to the following S I L V E R eleven local South Dakota leaders for their exceptional service and Dr. Rick Melmer, South Dakota Department of Education (Pierre / Ft.Pierre) volunteerism: B R O N Z E G O L D L E A D E R S H I P A W A R D : Mike Derby, Coldwell Banker Commercial (Rapid City) L E A D E R S H I P C O M M E R C I A L L E A D E R S H I P A W A R D : A W A R D : Duane Bunkowske, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. (Pierre / Ft.Pierre) Matt Burkhart, Johnson Controls, Inc. (Sioux Empire) Todd Christoffer, First National Bank Rapid City (Rapid City) Phil Collins, Fischer, Rounds & Associates, Inc. - Century 21 (Mitchell) Suzanne Gabrielson, Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. (Rapid City) Todd Jordre, Northern State University Foundation (Aberdeen) Jay Morris, NorthWestern Energy (Huron) Cheryl O’Brien, Sioux Falls School District (Sioux Empire) Les Tuma, Brookings Equipment, Inc. (Brookings) Junior Achievement’s sequential and integrated K-12 that Junior Achievement Worldwide has created and Junior programs help young people relate what they learn today in Achievement of South Dakota offers to the students in 24 school to future successes in life and work. Critical thinking, communities across the state. problem solving, using information, interacting with others, and working as a team are elements critical to students’ roles as productive members of the workforce and their community. Listed on the following page are the programs 10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PROGRAMS Ourselves – teaches kindergarten children the economic role of individuals. Our Families – explains the role the family plays in the local economy to first-graders. Our Community – shows second-graders the responsibilities and opportunities available in a community. Our City – allows third-graders to conduct business operations and make city-planning decisions. Our Region – introduces state economics and the economic resources of regions to fourth-graders. Our Nation – lets fifth-graders experience the operation of a business. Our World – teaches sixth-graders about the economy on a global level. MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS JA Economics for Success – instructs students about JA Personal Finance – helps students make informed decision-making in regard to budgets, education and decisions about the effective use of income to reach personal career choices, and other financial considerations. financial goals. JA Global Marketplace – provides practical information about JA TITAN – introduces critical economic and management the global economy and its effect on students’ lives. decisions through an interactive Web-based simulation. JA America Works – focuses on U.S./Regional History, JA Economics of Staying in School – explains the economic economic events, business leaders, and citizenship. benefits of staying in school. JA Enterprise in Action – describes the principal JA Company Program – gives students a hands-on characteristics of the United States economic system and the opportunity to organize and operate a business. role of business in it. JA Economics – examines the fundamental concepts of JA Personal Economics – focuses on personal skills micro-, macro-, and international economics. and interests, career options, and personal family financial JA Success Skills – develops students’ interpersonal management. effectiveness and problem-solving skills necessary for the workplace. 11 L E A H H A N S E N , M I T C H E L L H I G H S C H O O L My experience with Junior Achievement started back in marketing, and selling details of a business. Our class the 5th grade. I remember learning about some of the decided to sell sweatpants to students and our community. many aspects of business in a fun and engaging manner. We had to make all the decisions and take all the actions In high school, we were able to learn about business in that any company would have to make, from a company a hands-on approach by creating our own business and name to the design, marketing, and pricing of the product. product in small business class. It was very helpful because the Junior Achievement curriculum followed what Through this first hand experience, I was able to learn the many details that go into a successful business. Junior we were currently Achievement really created an interest for me to someday learning in class and run my own business. Junior Achievement provides offered us even more kids with the fundamental knowledge of owning a small insight into the setup, business and helps create many opportunities. Thank you to everyone that makes this wonderful program possible! 12 Volunteers are a vital source of inspiration and motivation for young people. These classroom volunteers help young people better understand economic concepts as a first step in making a successful transition from school to work. During the 2005-06 school year, more than 1,600 classroom volunteers provided more than 32,500 South Dakota students the much-needed link between what students learn in school and the business world. 13 VOLUNTEERS 14 ABERDEEN Karen Makela Kerri Konshak John Fraser Walt Syltie Tom Agnitsch Waneta Malsom Lee Lewis Paula Gapp RJ Toering Lisa Beck Lynn Murphy Chris Limmer Pat Grothaus Les Tuma Julie Bohling Mike Mutziger Ross McDaniel Bill Hardin Tim Weelborg John Carda Matt Prehn John McGrath Christie Hardin Kari Westlund Bob Compton Alan Ruhlman Jill McGuire Jen Heitkamp Stephanie Wright Kelly Comstock Christy Sachs-Leach Brad Merkel RaeAnn Holmes DELL RAPIDS Susan Cook Lori Salfrank Melanie Mills Jody Huntimer Linda Avery Lori Cope Don Schatz Kathy Nordgren Jason Jacobson Jon Beers Nicole Crawford Mysty Schaunaman Marv Peterson September Kegen Ricca Bent Mary Davis Jeff Scheel Joel Pollema Tom Kenefick Kim Berven KC DeBoer Melissa Schultz Jason Poppens Ryan Krogman Michelle Bunkers Matt Kurtenbach Sheri Dearduff Bobbie Dempsey Laura Siefkes Jay Rasmussen Jennifer Dewald Jennifer Slaight-Hansen Faye Sandstede Nancy Diede Diane Soderlund Mary Schaefers Nathan Schmidt Susanne Lynch Rob Everist Lacey Matthews Sara Grunewaldt Anne McCarty Chad Hansen Lisa Dix Guy Trenhaile Jessica Dorn Barb Ulmer Cary Schroeder Nancy Mergen Jill Hansen Sandy Dosch Suzanne Vogel Kristina Schuldt Mary Clare Miller Ryan Haskell Jean Dutt Cindi Walsh Rahn Siemonsma Stephanie Motter Stacy Hoffman Peri Erdmann Nikki Walter Jessica Simmons Cindy Mydland Shauna Hoglund Kristen Fauth Jason Wear Jereme Skiles Amy Nemitz Cindy Kannenberg Rod Fouberg Kelly Weaver Mindi Skiles Peg Pederson Lisa Gross Mary Anne Whitman Jeff Skyberg Lori Ponto Craig Karus Kari Karst Wendy Gugel Becki Woehl Jeff Spurling Cami Powers Michele Kommes Kari Harrison B R A N D O N VA L L E Y Debbie Tellinghuisen Amanda Quam Connie Larson Craig Haugaard Amy Ahlers Darrell Vander Esch Mary Reed Diane LeBrun Lloyd Hodgin Corey Atkinson Kara VanRuler Jessica Rehder Donna Lueder Donna Hurley DeLora Bahnson Deb Vigants Wendy Reid Bruce Mogen Todd Jordre Mark Bahnson Scott Wickersham Kimberly Retterath Tom Morris Lois Joseph Tina Birath Michael Williams Jeff Rief Betty Root Michelle Jung Karen Bonander Tricia Wingert Robin Rief Don Root Jim Kaiser Chris Conrad Jennifer Wullstein Jesse Ronning Pam Russo Nancy Kappes Mike DeJager BROOKINGS Brian Satterlee Alan Schlaikjer Mick Karst Erika Dew Sheila Anderson Dana Schroeder Sheba Schlaikjer Lee Keller Michelle Eggers Jerry Beers Jackie Schroeder Tami Schwebach Terri Koch Mary Entinger Dan Beinhorn Kristen Seas Natalie Solberg Connie Kusler Scott Gardner Victoria Blatchford Jerry Sikkink Cory Van Duyn Jay Kusler Carol Geist David Bordewyk Amy Singrey Janet Wehde Kristen Lee Melissa Guthmiller Jennifer Bortnem Penny Skovly Tracy Welbig Melanie Long Susie Hanson Steve Britzman Jim Skyberg Robin Wiebenga HARRISBURG Brian Lundquist Kari Heckel Linda Clark VJ Smith Melanie Lundquist Lorie Helgeson Jane DeBoer Cara Sterbis Bill Allen Brenda Machtemes-Carda Ryan Holoch Barb Fishback John Sterbis Lynn Brower Dean Buckneberg Debbie Lehmen Jeff Landeen Lisa Johnson Ken Barker Pat Budde Gail Lichty Jason Lurz Karen Jorgenson Duke Boston Tom Dunn Pat Ernst Gwynne McDonald Kandy Lurz Wayne Klinger Ronda Green Deb Ness Don Marker Kelly Knippling Lori Fryer Chad Halstenson Jennifer Peskey Joel Molascon Jean Koehler Jennifer Gabriel Tracey Heiden Shari Pyle Mechelle Nordberg John Koons Scott Geis Curt Hohman Sarah Radke Russ Olson Pam Larson T.J. Gusso Wendy Knecht Kim Rieger Frank Palleria Renee LeBrun Lynn Hammerstrom Jean Krueger Jason Rubish Tim Peters Steve Limberg Valinda Heinbaugh Jolene Kuper Tim Sletten Craig Peterson Jon Louder David Hersrud Gary Lane Lori St. Aubin Scott Schlisner Steve Morgan Kathy Hersrud Jeremy Hoven Trista Lantaff Carolyn Stahl Camelyn Sims Trudy Morgan Emery Lee Phillip Tiernan Joanne Wheeler Kerri Muehler Van Hyde Tammy Loos Angie Uttecht Dennis Zingmark Todd Muehler Lisa Langer Tom Ludewig Bobbie Vossler Tammy Jo Zingmark Ron Muth Derrick Linn Machelle Moen Kristi Wallman MITCHELL Doug Neumann Sandy Mattern Tim Reuer JonnyK Wanner Ginger Adams Patrick Oleson Cal McGinnis Lori Sisson Dan Wehde Sheri Andersen Sarah Olson Dan O’Shea Paul Sova Susan Welch Bret Arnone Kelly Pfeifer Wade Pehl Steve Tebben Karla Wiegel Jane Baier Richard Platt Scott Reiman Hollie Stalder Shelley Tilton Sheila Wollman Amanda Baker Andrew Priebe Amy Trankle Kusmak Peggy Woolridge Geri Beck Christie Priebe Viki Steely Darla Van Rosendale LENNOX Dave Brooks Steve Rice John Teigen Kristie Venenga Lynette Almond Deb Bruce Janell Ridgway Dennis Thuringer Eric Wallace Michelle Bly Diana Carbon Allison Russell P I E R R E / F T. PIERRE HURON Andrew Christianson Alice Claggett Toby Russell Theresa Bell Shellie Delaney Vicki Clarke Nicole Schempp Karl Adam Ann Boyd Darla Fjerstad Helen Crow Jeff Schmidt Deide Baldwin Jeff Burns Mike Fjerstad Bob Everson Faith Sievert-Martin Kellie Beck Tricia Davis Justin Hinker LeAnn Farnham Veronnica Smith Todd Bernhard Jeff Decker Steve Kary Julie Flemmer LaRue Steffes Jenny Boocock-Wegner Mary Dunn MADISON Deb Giblin Dave Stevens Deanne Booth Janice Farrar Sascha Albrecht Clint Greenway Jason Stoebner Matt Brakke Sherman Gose Beth Bernard Teka Gunkel Sheilah Stoneback Verne Brakke Cliff Hadley Tami Christiansen Dan Harrington Chip Holmes Amy Dockendorf Ed Fiegen Rod Goeman Tricia Hamilton Bonny Hansen Linda Heath Dixie Herll Kristy Szabo Carla Bruce Terry Torgerson Duane Bunkowske Ryan Tupper De Costello Julie VanOverschelde Tami Darnall Craig Davis Rebecca Johnson David Heim Tim Herll Mike Vehle Andrea Kannegieter Jeff Heinemeyer Vicky Herrick Blake Waddell Greg Dean Gretchen Kinney Jim Hockett Maria Houston Caleb Walters Larry Deiter Kristin Kline Shannon Kauffman Ryan Jensen Hannah Walters Rick Dockter Georgia Langbehn Douglas Knowlton Jacquelyn Johnson NORTHERN HILLS Twila Dockter VOLUNTEERS Rhonda Hanson 15 Karae Englehart Kent Baker David Hillard Julie McFarland Terri Stuck Bob Gray Justin Becker Dusty Hirsch Jim McKeon Ryan Swenson Cara Gray Julie Benedict Patty Hogan Sandi Mickley Marcia Taylor Laurie Gronlund Scott Benson Dan Hoyer Kimberly Mikkonen Barb Ulmer Vic Huber Wayne Miller Mutch Usera Connie Halverson Loren Hanson Joe Jacobson Tom Morrison Kathy Waggoner Scott Isburg Steve Blake Kari Jagodzinski Shelly Moser Monica Walters Bob Jeffries John Brockelsby Rob James Rob Mudge Brian Walton Scott Jones Robin Buckingham Dave Janak Lisa Mueller Jeff Wangen Karl Jegeris Tom Nearman John Weber Steve Kalkman Bill Newhouse Kurt Whitesell Lori Wolfe Sherrie Kelley VOLUNTEERS Brenda Kleinjan 16 Cindy Berg Kristin Bickett Dave Bussard John Carlson Paul Knecht Jack Caudill Cathy Kerr Brandon Noble Lori Koenecke Malcom Chapman Troy Kilpatrick Steve Nolan Pat Wolff Kim Larson Brian Chleborad Clancy Kingsbury Jon Oostra Kyla Wright Dan Lusk Tim Christofferson Kitty Kinsman Steve Palmer Laurie Wynne Shawn Lyons Steve Conzet Adam Kirsch Susan Pemberton Steve Zellmer Lonnie McKittrick Kim Davis Courtney Klemann Kevin Queen Paul Zimmerman Chris Nelson Doug DeGroot Don Knudsen Linda Rabe SIOUX FALLS Heidi Olson Shawn DeGroot Amy Koenig Bruce Rampelberg Allen Aaberg James Palmer Michael Delforge Heather Krafka Susan Ricci Dennis Aanenson Melissa Puepke Mike Derby Karla Kramer Bob Riggio Micah Aberson Dan Rice Jodi Enderson Jennifer Lage Dennis Riske Jennifer Ackerman Rich Sattgast Kristin Esser Richard Latuchie Colleen Ronning Jeff Adams Marc Schmitz Robert Fouberg Curt Lauinger Rick Rylance Joe Adams Mary Steffen Pam Fritz Carol Lawhun Sandra Sandmeier Matt Adamski Tim Strauser Suzanne Gabrielson Scott Lawhun Terrie Sauder Fred Aderhold Amos Aesoph Bob Sutton Wendy Ganser Debbie Leber Stacey Schaefer-Fenske Cindy Ullmann Jennifer Gholson Eric Lee Peggy Schlechter Gary Allen Jim Ulmen Tom Gimborys Katie Lefler Peter Schmid Chris Altenburg Judy Ulmen Justin Gray Doug Lind Dave Schmidt Jason Alteri Tina VanCamp Julie Greer Randy Long Rachel Schueneman-Nordbye Amanda Amenson Tina Ames Clint Waara Lee Groskopf David Lust Jay Segrist Dawn Woods Mark Haberman Tobi Lyon Debbie Siemonsma Pat Amor Mark Zabel Kent Hagg Joanie Mantei Calvin Sievers Marie Andersen RAPID CITY / BLACK Liz Hamburg Jea Martin Tom Simmons Becca Anderson H AW K Pat Hamilton Joe Martin Mike Simpson Becky Anderson Andy Ainslie Ladonna Hamre Tom Martin Brandy Small Carmen Kay Anderson Diane Alberts Charles Hart Sandy Massey Jason Smiley John Anderson Trina Allen Joyce Hatch Bill Masterson Pam Snyder Varns Orrin Anderson Scott Anderson Mike Alley Christian Haugo Ruby Matejcik Jody Sperlich Dan Altenburg Susan Hencey Kyle Mattison Kathy Stark-Brewer Robyn Arens J.J. Anderson Patti Herlihy Matt McCormick Susan Staudinger Angela Armstrong Jodi Anderson Marnie Herrmann Scott McDonald Kathy Stephens Jessica Armstrong Kyle Aspaas Denise Blomberg Trixy Burgess Kristi Dancsisin Scott Enebo James Auch Tim Blotske Matt Burkhart Harland Danielsen Doug English Renita Entringer Amy Aukes Dawn Bly Tamara Burns Paul Dannenbring Jan Ausdemore Amy Boddicker Cynthia Burrell Tim Dardis Mike Erger Dave Austad Mark Boehm Jeff Buum Kathy Dathe Doug Erickson Stephanie Baatz Denice Boehmer Cade Nancy Davidson Paul Erickson Judy Backstrom Chris Boettcher Erin Cambier Ashley Davis Dann Ericson Audie Baker Kelli Bohls Lee Ann Carlon Kathy Davis Kim Even Rafael Balayan Ryan Bohy Jeff Carlson Kirk Davis Kevin Fahy Candice Baltzer Jeff Boldt Joey Carlson Ryan Davis Barbara Fairchild David Bangasser Kathy Bolt Rod Carlson Teresa DeBoer Kay Fairchild Jerry Barr Carla Borchardt Brad Carnes Jeremy DeCurtins Joy Falencik Kelley Barrett Lois Borchardt Eastlyn Carson Cal DeJong Hulyn Farr Candice Bartels Sonya Borgum-Meledge-Ade Sheila Casiello Tim Devlin Jaylon Feenstra Amanda Bauer Tracie Bormann Jean Cave Eric DeZotell Patricia Feller Chris Bauer Jody Borstad Tom Chaplin Ian Dickerson Scott Fettig Teresa Baum Erin Bosch Amanda Chaput Michael Dimick Amy Fick Mari Beth Baumberger Melissa Bosch Jenny Charlson Mike Dimmick Kristie Fiegen Sherrie Baumgartner Tom Bosch Amy Chase Sally DiPasquale Rusty Fiegen Miles Beacom Leah Bossman Andrea Christensen Fred Dirkson Rebecca Field Kim Beaner Jeromy Bouwman Kim Christensen Deb Docken Resa Fincher Brian Beck Heidi Bowers Kristi Christensen Dan Donohue Mark Finnegan Nancy Beck Jodi Beehler Laura Bowman Dan Boyum Julie Christie Devin Doremus Tom Fitz Cathy Clark Maureen Draper Ralph Flanagan Jacki Florey Mike Begeman Kelly Brady Jim Clark Jake Droge Evan Beimers Justin Brashear Julie Clark Linda Duba Carol Flynn Tammy Beintema Jeff Brecht Merry Close Jared Ducommun Scott Folkers Beth Belitz Jeri Breck Suzy Collignon-Hodgen Kim Ducommun Nancy Fonder Jody Bell Paula Breen Randy Connelly Tom Durfee Kazmann Foster-Teel Gerald Beninga Kaye Cook Dana Dykhouse Jill Franken Teri Benjamin John Brennan Brian Brenner Shannon Cook Alija Dzekic Joan Franken Shawn Frederiksen Greg Breukelman Mike Cooper Dustin Ebbesen Jeff Briden Ryan Corbin Jeff Eckhoff Sandi Frey Mary Berkness Melissa Brinkman Michelle Corey Toni Eckhoff Jennifer Friedbauer Brian Bernhard Nancy Brockmueller Marcy Crawford Brian Eide Chad Fritz Karla Bertrand Alysia Broughton Jon Crow Pam Eisma Michele Fritz Connie Fritz-Phillips Kayla Bickett Jessie Brower Michael Culver Stephanie Elcock Marsha Biggar John L. Brown II Dan Currier Cindy Elifrits Kim Frock David R. Billion Jane Brumels Lyle Dabbert Scott Elkins Christy Fuerst Audra Fullerton Dick Birath Holly Brunick Darin Daby Donna Elledge Glenda Bittner Dean Buckneberg Gary Daly Kari Elling Lenee Gaddis Michelle Black Deb Burdine Sasa Damjanovic Jason Ellsworth Shannon Gaddis Burke Blackman Christine Burg Erin Dancsisin Kimberly Enebo Shelly Gaddis VOLUNTEERS Susan Benney Doug Berkland 17 VOLUNTEERS 18 Tom Gage Renee Halgerson Rita Herreid Kandy Jamison Steve Kirby Jason Gant Corey Halstenson Dave Hewett Mike Jamison Jamie Kiyombo Shelly Gardner Tracie Hammerstrom Tim Hilber Becky Jankowski Derek Klawitter Craig Gaspar Shelley Hanisch Mike Hilbrands Wendy Jansen Jason Klein Gary Gaspar Kevin Hanlon Carrie Hill Emily Janssen Tim Klein Steve Gaspar Tom Hanlon Karen Hilmoe Deb Jarding Kae Klinkenborg Barry Gates Dennis Hanneman Mary Hitzemann Heath Jennings Randy Knecht Jami Gates Aaron Hansen Sheila Hoff Rich Jensen Stacey Knips Ned Gavlick Donita Hansen Bill Hoffman Michael Jerstad Mary Kobernusz Ann Gehl Gaylen Hansen Ed Hoffman Donna Jipp Katie Koch Michelle Giesen Kelle Hansen Jeff Holcomb Anna Johnson Nicholas Kok Julie Gifford Tana Hansen Kelly Holderby Darrin Johnson Joe Kolb Diane Gildemaster Traci Hansen Tammy Holmes Joan Johnson Casey Koll Julie Gilson-Derner Michelle Hanson Ryan Holoch Kimberly Johnson Lisa Kollis-Young Amy Glammeier Tom Hanson Troy Holt Kurt Johnson Trista Kontz-Bartels Tom Glanzer Jeff Harkness Amber Holtberg Sheryl Johnson Sandy Kost Mary Gochal David Harr Pam Homan Julie Jones Todd Kost Kari Godwin Joel Harrington Tim Homan Lisa Jones Bryan Kouri Dave Kowalczyk Jeremy Goebel Deb Harris Amber Hone Mary Jones Dan Goeman Connie Hartman Quintin Honerman Pat Jones Dan Kramer Rey Gonzales Wendy Hass Laura Honken Rhonda Jones Kerry Kramer Samantha Goodlett Yvonne Hawkins TJ Hora Don Jorgensen Jennifer Krejci Angela Goossen Bob Hayes Matt Horak Laura Jucht Eric Krouse Jeremy Gossen Jean Healy Steve Horan Kathy Jurgens Stacy Krouse Kylie Graber Todd Heath Gary Horrocks Kara Kann Melanie Krumvieda Stan Graber Judi Hedrick Lonna Houchin Cheryl Kappenman Ruth Krystopolski Addie Graham Sandra Heerde Ron Houston Danielle Karber Ann Kulzer James Gramm Brooke Heethuis Kristina Hove Chris Karr Nancy Kunz Cherie Grant Kim Hefner Greg Huber Dean Karsky Pat Kyte Cassie Green Cathy Heinemann Joan Huber Kevin Kavanaugh Brent LaFrenz Marilyn Green Don Helberg Kerri Huber Jeremy Keckler James Lang Anne Griesgraber Judy Helgeson Michael Huber Michael Kedik Dan LaRock Bridget Grush-Wolf Douglas Helkenn Cindy Huether Brian Gully Dawn Heller Kory Huft Jay Kelly Meredith Larson Trent Gusso Nicholle Helm Dave Hughes Kris Kemmis Troy Larson Evan Hackett Monica Helms Jeff Hugunin Wendy Kendall Darin Hage Christa Henderson Lynn Hultman Jim Kenny Faye Lee Marty Hagemann Mark Henkelman Melanie Hunhoff Shanon Kerkhove Jody Leuthold John Keilholz Craig Hagen Helen Henkin Jessica Hutchinson Sarah Hagenlock Lon Henning Dan Hylland Jerry Kerns Kim Haiar Carrie Hepner Marcine Hyser Brenda Kibbe Alison Kerska Donna Larson Shirley Lauer Elizabeth Lewis Jeff Liberstein Jennifer Liebert-Rusk Anne Hajek Steve Herman Becky Ingalls Anne Marie King Stacy Lindemann Doug Hajek James Heroux Peggy James Marcia King Dave Link Kevin Lippert Monty Miller Marilyn Norman Joel Pollema Paul Livermore Todd Miller Amy Oberg Jenny Polzin Kathleen Ronan-Perkins Donna Ronning Steve Loge Mike Milstead Heath Oberloh Bob Portice Heather Rossow Rhonda London Holly Minihan Cheryl O’Brien Judy Portice Cody Roth Tom Loofe Jennifer Mirkovic Karen O’Connor Jeff Post Pat Rowland Jeff Lund Vladimir Mirkovic Jan Oleson Mark Powell Dave Rozenboom Pat Lund Tracy Mitzel Rick Olivier Laverna “Marty” Presley Lori Ruesch Will Lyons Jennifer Mjelde Emily Olson Joe Priebe Jeff Russell Cristina Madrigal Brian Moberly Eric Olson Lynn Pudwill Robynn Russell Jill Madsen Patti Moberly Gail Olson Michelle Raasch Mary Rysavy Sarah Malchow Lory Molseed Kristopher Olson Melissa Radigan Cory Sachtjen Leah Manzer Kelly Moran Krista Orsack Cathy Rasmussen Ryan Sailor Randy Marsh Michelle Mueller Lynn Otis Kara Rasmussen Mike Salmons Sue Martens Ryan Mulder Troy Outka Tad Raterman Jay Salonen Melissa Martin Jarrod Muller Loretta Paganini Kurt Ratzlaff Jennifer Salonen Shelli Masek Chan Masselink Jane Massmann Weber Melanie Mundt Becky Munsch Pat Murphy Cathy Painter Thad Pals Diann Sarahan Ruth Sauerbrun Nathan Reed Lisa Schaal Lorena Paradise Tammy Reese Lisa Schaefer Wayne Muth Ann Parker Kathy Reiners Mary Schave Lori Narum Jessica Pederson Aaron Reiter Brad Schelling Pete Schmidt Dave Matzke Barb Murray Matt McCaulley Angela McClain Mike Pap Bill Rausch Mitch Rayman Laurie McDonald Rich Naser Chris Pellerzi Susan Remund Jim McGuire Tylene Nedved Sally Pelletier Linda Renes Tom Schmidt Kim Renze Dawn Schmitt Juanita Schmunk Lisa McGuire Pete Nelsen Randy Perkins Michelle McIntyre Abby Nelson Kim Perry Duke Requist Adrienne McKeown Audra Nelson Stephanie Perry Mary Beth Retterath Julie Schnaible Don McLaughlin Deb Nelson Dennis Peters Lynette Reuland Al Schoeneman Mary Medema Kristi Nelson Fred Peters Jeff Reynolds Marcus Scholten Judith Meierhenry Matt Nelson Greg Petersen Dave Reznicek Bobbi Schoolmeester Mirna Nelson Becky Peterson Laurie Rhoades Gina Schumacher Robert Nelson Garry Peterson Kristi Richter Heather Schumacher Jennifer Mentele Sunny Nester-Holtz Janiece Peterson Stacie Ries Amanda Schutz Jon Merchant Barb Nevin Kirsti Peterson Steve Rindsig Jennifer Scoular Paula Mesman Kristi Niechwiadowicz Lee Peterson Lisa Rios Kim Sechser Gary Messerli Dave Nielsen Marc Peterson Michele Rislov Melanie Seiter Janna Selchert Kerri Meyer Mike Nieman Tom Pfeifer Russ Robers Stacey Meyer Tom Nieman Cyndi Phillips Doug Roby Susan Sharpe Mark Mickelson Brianna Niklason Nicole Pieper Jim Roddell Jennifer Sherman Ron Mielke Tammy Nold Lisa Pierce Jeff Rodman Tom Shields Joan Millage Tracy Noldner Ray Pierson Susan Rodman Mark Shlanta Dianne Miller Jennifer Noltner Marci Pirlet Trudy Rodman Tony Sieber Doug Miller John Nordlie Tamara Podzimek Ann Roemen Steve Siegel Josh Miller Darryl Nordquist Justin Point Sarah Roloff Daniel Sieger VOLUNTEERS Jean Melton Elizabeth Mendelson 19 VOLUNTEERS 20 Monie Siemonsma Matt Struck Dan Turgeon Betsey Wick Jessica Simmons Jason Sundberg Stacy Tweedt Laura Widman Judy Swearingen Julie Terrell Laura Sims Todd Sundleaf Judy Unzicker Jason Wierenga Joelle Thies Jereme Skiles Beth Swanson Donna Van Bockern Tammy Wierenga Ray Trankle Danyell Skillman Trent Swanson Cindy Van Den Top Alan Wieskamp Amy Trankle Kusmak VERMILLION Mitch Sletten Carmen Swartz Brenda Van Holland Cheryl Williams Jolene Smith John Swedeen Sherry Van Meter Julie Williams Jenny French Lori Smith Shane Swedlund David Van Nieuwenhuyzen Wendy Wills Teresa Gilbertson Philip Smith Mark Swenson Michelle Van Slooten Amy Wilson John Hemmingstad Ryan Smith Joel Sylvester Stephanie VanderWaerdt Joe Wilson Sarah Hirsch Wittmuss Todd Smith Neal Tapio Michelle Vanderwerf Kevin Wilson Maxine Johnson Jill Smook Justin Taylor Scott VanGinkel Jamie Wirkus Art Mabry Kristen Solomon Chad Telford Jovette VanHoorn Pam Wirth Ric Rasmussen Allen Sommerfeld Mark Ten Napel Kurt VanKalsbeek Jan Woerman Lisa Swanson Jon Sommervold Brenda Tenney Jeremy Sorenson Heidi Terveen Todd VanVugt Carol Woltjer Mel Ustad Jay Soukup Sam Theobald Terry Vellek Toshea Womble Darwin Van Den Oever Carrie VanOverbeke Michelle Wolf Marietta Soukup Ted Thie Sandi Vietor Carl Wynja Sandy Soyland Ryan Thim Jeremy Vis Nate Zeeb Gail Spars Bob Thimjon Greg Wagner Kay Wagner Christine Spoo Mary Thoen Dave Stadheim Diana Thomas Dianne Stadtfeld Laurie Thompson Molly Walsh Christianson Kim Staebell Todd Thompson Jodi Stanga Jared Thomsen Carolyn Starzl Ted Walnofer Randy Uhl WAT E R T O W N Bryan Arendsee Kim Zirbel Carmen Bakken TEA Lorie Blackwell Michelle Boadwine Kami Canfield Sonya Borgum-Meledge-Ade Louis Canfield Todd Wannarka Lori Brace Liz Christianson Steve Watzel Lonnie Carda Jerry Cleveland Stacy Thorstenson John Weber Garrett Carter Patricia Crom Jill Stavig-Snyder Amanda Tiede Sadie Weber Dan Cordie Jodi Driscoll Lynette Stearns DeeAnn Tiede-Konrad Steven Weber Mike Dykes Tom Engebretson Craig Fisher Patrick Steele Pat Tiefenthaler Jody Weddell Dustin Ebbesen Colin Steen Nathan Timmermans Scott Weeldreyer Resa Fincher Dave Fuchs Colleen Stegenga Rhonda Toft Pat Weerheim Billie Jo Forsstrom Annette Gamber Sherri Stiles-Imker Larry Toll Brent Weiler Stephanie Fritz Jeff Gamber Stefanie Stockberger Cliff Toole Stuart Weise Lisa Hartman Sue Gregersen Ron Heiser Erin Stoffel Brian Tordsen Judy Welch Bruce Herman Dean Stoick Mike Toy Mary Wheaton Cathy Jurgensen Jason Hutt Dawn Stolle Amy Trankle Kusmak Michael Wheaton Carrie King Scott Johnston Ben Stone Sam Trebilcock Mike Wheelock Shawna Kleinwolterink Jenny Kasuske Erica Stone Chuck Trites Jay White John Lawler Tari Korthour Ken Stork Heather Trudeau Lisa White Tim Murphy Julie LeVake Rollie Story Ginger Trumbull Rich White Janice Paulson Patti Linngren Courtney Livingston Cris Stratman Ann Tschetter Ryan White JanaLee Peterson Laura Straw Orlen Tschetter Bob Whitmore Angie Sabella Jolynne Mack Jenni Struck Cecily Tucker Brad Whitsell Jennifer Salonen Brenda McKee Kris Munger WEST CENTRAL Melissa Plucker Amy Gose Sara Marlow Timothy Oviatt Vonnie Barnett Bob Schulte Jeral Gross Darren Melstad Marc Mooney Mitch Pratt Marlyn Bergeson Kristina Stack Jan Grossenburg Tana Reihe Steve Dick Sharon Struck Deb Gubbels Kim Nelson Jody Roose Penny Eggebraaten Penny Thompson Kevin Guthmiller Pauline Pleiss Jean Schmitt Bruce Eide Amanda Witt Carol Hamvas Jane Pugh Sandy Sheehan Lynette Ensz YA N K T O N Ron Hatch Kathy Quinlivan Dan Rafferty John Small Jeff From Loren Anderson Shawna Hatch Kerry Terwilliger Nancy Gacke Dave Baumeister Christy Hauer Pam Rezac Pam Thompson Paul Gausman Laura Baumeister Mike Healy Brenda Rueb Scott Shindler Louise Towle Lynn Goetsch Carolyn Becker Dale Hebda Glen Vilhauer Mike Kane Kevin Dietz Renee Hejna Bill Shorma Debbie Walrath Tracy Ketcham Jennifer Eickhoff Andy Holst Brandi Tschumper Sharon Welch Joe Krizan Tony Erickson Buddy Hovland Tirani Van Emmerik Mindy Wirkus Camille Lewis Carla Ewald Steve Huff Kevin Watt Kathy Witte-Holmes Jeremy Menning Jim Fitzgerald Rob Klimisch Deb Weddingfeld Sarah Zaug Rhonda Milstead Sheila Fitzgerald Dawn Koenig Denny Weiss Kirby Zent Scott Nelson Susie Frick Yvette Lafrentz Marty Wermers Margaret Pennock Kathie Gerstner Lori Leader Bob Willcockson Past Junior Achievement Lead Investors: Empire Lead Investor for the 2005-06 program year. 2004 HSBC – North America 2003 Midland National Life Insurance Company 2002 Schoeneman’s Building Materials 2001 Xcel Energy 2000 First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard 1999 The First National Bank of Sioux Falls 1998 Home Federal Bank 1997 Norwest Bank (Wells Fargo Bank SD, N.A.) 1996 U.S. Bank 1995 Citibank South Dakota, N.A. 1994 US WEST Communication (Qwest) VOLUNTEERS Thank you to Bell Inc. for being the Junior Achievement of the Sioux 21 M I T C H E L L T R A M P, M I D D L E S C H O O L S T U D E N T I have been involved with Junior Achievement since 1st world. This year I had the privilege of taking part in an 8th grade. Every Junior Achievement experience I have had grade pilot program. We learned about things that took has been fun, enjoyable, and has had a positive impact place during the 19th century that somehow had an effect on my life. on the economy. It helped me to see how much we rely on inventions and new ways of doing things for an easier and In 5th grade, I learned about being an entrepreneur. Our smoother business world. volunteer really made me believe that I could do anything. I know without Junior 22 Junior Achievement has supplied me with knowledge Achievement I probably would that I can take with me for the rest of my life. It has been not be as successful of a awesome to learn with this program and be a part of student, or know as much it. I really hope that every student will have the same about economics and the real opportunities and experiences that I have had with JA. Junior Achievement of South Dakota greatly acknowledges Heartland Paper, Insight Marketing Design, and Midland National Life who have contributed so much to the preparation of this annual report. The recognition extended to those in this report is a small way to thank our supporters for making a difference. We have invested much effort to make this report accurate and apologize if your name has been omitted or misspelled. 23 Thank you to all of our investors for their commitment in providing the necessary resources for Junior Achievement to impact students across South Dakota. We also thank the many contributors, not listed, who donated to the golf and bowl events. 24 S TAT E W I D E E X PA N S I O N Hub City Inc. Luverne Truck Equipment 3M Foundation Todd Jordre Marv’s Sanitary Service, Inc. Avera Health Nancy Kappes Midwest Railcar Repair Citigroup Foundation Kesslers Food & Drug Pace Manufacturing Daktronics Inc. Kiwanis Club - Aberdeen Sioux Valley Energy Tim and Kristie Fiegen Kyburz-Carlson Construction Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Great Plains Education Foundation Inc. JoEllen Lindner Soo Sanitary and Trenching Harris Interactive Lust Chevrolet The Art Department LG Everist, Inc. Millstone Family Restaurant Total Fire Protection Town and Country Realtors Qwest Northern State University SD Association of Healthcare Organizations NorthWestern Energy Valley Springs Body Shop SD Bankers Foundation Ophthalmology Associates Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota NA B R O O K I N G S SD Retailers Association Pierson Ford-Lincoln-Mercury Sheldon F. Reese Foundation Plains Commerce Bank 3M Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Presentation College B & B Auto Inc. B & B Concrete Inc. South Dakota Community Foundation Quality Quick Print South Dakota Electric Utility Companies Rhodes Group BankStar Financial South Dakota Leadership Seminar Runnings Farm and Fleet Banner Associates Inc. State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance Co. Lori Salfrank Victoria Blatchford A B E R D E E N Schwan Financial Group Bowes Construction Brian J. Hildebrandt CPA, PC 3M Tracey Smith A & B Business Equipment Student Loan Finance Corporation Brookings Chiropractic Aberdeen Federal Credit Union Taco John’s Brookings Equipment Inc. Aberdeen Optimist Club Tom & Danielle Aman Foundation Central Business Supply Aberdeen Radio Ranch Guy Trenhaile Clites Electric American News U.S. Bank Avera St. Lukes Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota NA Courtesy Plumbing Dairy Queen Paula Carlson Wells Fargo Financial Bank Centennial Homes, Inc. Wendy’s Restaurant Dale’s Alignment Susan Cook Clark Wold Dave’s Collision Repair Center CorTrust Bank Creek Side Farms, Inc. Dacotah Bank Aberdeen Dacotah Banks, Inc. B R A N D O N V A L L E Y Alliance Communication Cooperative Inc. Brandon Chiropractic Brandon PTA Daktronics Inc. DiScMaCon Dr. Jason Jahn, Optometrist Edward Jones Eggers Chiropractic Curves for Women Einspahr Auto Plaza First National Bank Brandon Eugene Beckman & Sons Implement First State Bank of Warner Holiday Inn Express Expanding Harmonies Dance Studio Rod and Glenna Fouberg Home Federal Bank Falcon Plastics Inc. Great Plains Education Foundation Inc. Jubilee Foods Farmers Implement & Irrigation Great Western Bank Kane Enterprises Fergen’s Menswear Harms Oil Company Lewis Drug Stores First Bank & Trust HealthCare Plus Federal Credit Union Limmer Financial Services Glover Helsper & Rasmussen, P.C. Home Federal Bank Lou-Rich Gustafson Krogman & Associates INVESTORS Mary Davis Education Assistance Corporation 25 Hawley-Steen Insurance D E L L R A P I D S Charles D. Hoffman, DDS, PC Hicks Enterprises Buskerud Construction Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton and Burns Dr. Richard Holm M.D. County Fair Food Store Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Home Federal Bank Curves for Women Consolidated Ready Mix, Inc. Homestead Do-it Center Dell Rapids Lumber Company Creative Printing Hy-Vee Food Store Dells Auto Dan & Shelli Cumbee Craig Johnson Dells Materials Curt’s Heating & Cooling KFC of Brookings Dells Theatre Dakota Family Dentistry LG Everist Golden West Telecommunications Dakota Water Softening M & S Cleaning Hansen Real Estate Company LLC Dakotaland FCU Mannerud Insurance Harrington Chiropractic Emily Davis Martin Oil Shauna Hoglund Dr. Mark Belyea’s Office MetaBank Home Federal Bank Dr. Michael Fuchs’ Office Dr. David Meyer Kahler Financial Services Dr. Thomas Hajek’s Office Midwest Glass Millborn Seeds, Inc. Mills Construction Inc. Kahler Funeral Home Lewis Drug Stores LG Everist Mary Dunn East River Nursery Edney Distributing Mills Property Management Microsoft Corporation Eyeopener Lions Club of Huron John and Stephanie Motter Mike Kroger Masonry & Restoration, Inc. F & M Bank Mr. Movies David O’Hara Farmers Union Service Association MTR Inc. Pizza Ranch Charlie Farrell Nagel’s Bump & Paint Pam Russo Ferguson Electric Napa Auto & Truck Parts Schwebach Insurance and Real Estate First National Bank South Dakota Northern Border Pipeline Sioux Valley Energy Northwestern Energy Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Flanagan Agency Bush Fullerton Papa Johns Natalie Solberg Harrington & Associates, Ltd. Prest Rack Inc. St. Mary Booster Club Holiday Inn Express Prussman Construction Swiftdrifters Snowmobile Club Huron Cinema 3 Randy L. Knutzen DDS TLC Lawn Care Huron Clinic Rude’s Funeral Home Troy’s Wood Specialties Huron Lioness Club Huron Noon Lions Club Schneider Chiropractic Video Plus Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Huron Optimist Club Slumberland H U R O N Huron Regional Medical Center Steven J. Britzman, Attorney at Law 5 Star Autocrafters Huron Vision Center, LLC Taco John’s A G Edwards & Sons Andrea and Eric Kannegeiter American Bank & Trust Kiwanis Club of Huron Anderson Furniture Krech Dakota Airspray, Inc. W. W. Tire Service Bales Continental Commission Kuhler Funeral Home Waltz Construction Bank of the West Landstrom Photo Loft INVESTORS V. J. Ahlers Construction Inc. VeraSun Energy Corporation Webster Insurance / Skip Webster Barti Metal Lewis Drug Stores Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Carpet Center Manford Music & Vending Dixie White Carpet Outlet Meekins Appraisal Service 26 Yorkshire Eye Clinic, LTD Carr Chiropractic Meyer Modernizing Montgomery Agency Central Business Supply Robert & Mechelle Nordberg North Star Conoco Credit Soup, Inc. Outer World Screen Printing & Design Northwest Pipe Fittings Inc of Huron Dairy Queen - Jode Inc. Pamida NorthWestern Corporation Dakota Ethanol, LLC Pavement Services, Inc. Olsen Implement Dr. Derrill Hanson’s Office PPD UHMW Industries Overbuilt, Inc. East River Electric Power Coop PrairieWave Communications Pepsi Cola Bottling Co East River Federal Credit Union Prostrollo Motor Company Picek Construction Ellsworth Funeral Home Radio Shack Pierce & Harris Engineering Eyecare Center Rapid Air Corporation Potter’s Quality Footwear Falcon Plastics, Inc. Rotary Club of Madison Prostrollo Motor Sales James Farkas Scott Schlisner Rainbow Flower Shop Farmers Insurance Group Second Street Diner Red Wilk Construction First Bank and Trust Security Bank Rotary Club of Huron Gehl Company Silver Creek Production Schoenhard Motor Company Gerry Elpert, DDS, Dental Office Sioux Valley Energy Sertoma Club - Huron (Evening) Great Western Bank Stan’s Men’s & Women’s Apparel Sertoma Club - Huron (Mens) Heartland Consumers Power District State Farm Insurance Snow, Huether & Coyle Hueners Tax Service The Insurance & Real Estate Market, Inc. South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation Interlakes Community Federal Credit Union Waddell & Reed South Dakota Wheat Growers Interlakes Medical Center Weiland Funeral Chapel State Farm Insurance JMS Precision Inc. Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Trussbilt Jubilee Foods Wohlenberg Ritzman & Company, LLP Urology Specialists Chartered Julia’s Garden and Gifts M I T C H E L L Vic Gross Insurance, Inc. Kiwanis Club of Madison A & B Business Equipment Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Krug Products Inc. Avera Queen of Peace Health Services West Way Trailers/Under the Sun Kundert Williams Insurance Bankwest of Mitchell Wiedenman Construction Lake County International Bauer Dental Studio Dr. Randall Zitterkopf Larry Green, DDS Dental Office Big Green Inc. L E N N O X Laser Cut, Inc. Boyd Financial Services Dakota Heritage State Bank Lee’s Sales and Salvage Central Electric Cooperative Inc. Great Plains Ethanol Lewis Drug Stores Coborn’s Inc. Home Federal Bank Lucky Bucks Casino Coca Cola Bottling Company Madison Chiropractic Center CorTrust Bank Jerry’s Auto Sales Madison Community Hospital County Fair Food Store Lennox Area Community Fund Madison Discount Liquor D & E Music & Vending PrairieWave Communications Madison Farmers Elevator Company Daily Republic Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Madison Realty, Inc. Dakota Pump Inc. Valley Exchange Bank / Lennox Challenge Grant Fund Madison Vision Clinic Dental Care Center, Prof. LLC M A D I S O N Don Marker Dental Health Partners AmericInn Lodge & Suites Joel Molascon Dice Financial Arneson, Issenhuth & Parent, LLP Montgomery’s Furniture Outlet Wayne Edinger B & G Transportation, Inc. Moonlite Inn Endorf, Lurken, Olson and Company Bernard Schuurmans, DDS Dental Office Nicky’s Restaurant & Lounge Exchange Club of Mitchell INVESTORS Jerry’s Auto Body, Inc. 27 Farm Credit Services of America Scott Supply Company Inc. Farmer’s Coop Elevator Association Steamway Cleaning A & B Business Equipment Dr. Brett T. Farnham, Prof LLC Taco John’s American State Bank Finishing Touches by Bonnie Kor Tessiers Inc. Firesteel Healthcare First Dakota National Bank P I E R R E / F T. P I E R R E BankWest The City Hair and Day Spa Bernie & Sally Christenson Family Fund The Clothing Company Best Western Ramkota Inn First National Bank South Dakota The Depot Duane Bunkowske Fischer, Rounds & Assoc. - Century 21 The Medicine Shoppe Clausen & Rice, LLP Floor to Ceiling Store Marilyn Forst Hampton Inn Hard Drive Central The Sport Clinic PC Dakota State Bank Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. Delta Dental Plan of SD Trail King Industries Inc. Delta Trust Twin Cities Fan Axial Division Fine Line Auto Innovative Systems LLC U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray First National Bank Iverson Chrysler Center U.S. Bank Fischer Rounds - Century 21 Jacquelyn Johnson Vantage Point Solutions Gator’s Restaurant Kiwanis Club of Mitchell Wal-Mart #2990 Home Federal Bank KMIT/KOOL 98 Radio Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Isburg Funeral Chapels KQRN/Q107 Waitt Radio N O R T H E R N H I L L S Paul Knecht Krall Optometric Professional LLC American Colloid Company Medical Associates Clinic Montana-Dakota Utilities Luxury 5 Cinema Barker Reynolds Law Firm, LLC Martin Insurance Agency Duke Boston Agency Moodie Implement McDonald’s First National Bank - Sturgis Palmer, Currier & Hoffert, LLP McFarland Supply Company Inc. First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard Petersen Motors Meyers Oil Company Inc. First Western Bank - Belle Fourche Pierre Mall Miedema Sanitation Inc. First Western Bank - Spearfish Pierre New Car Auto Dealers Association Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation Great Western Bank - Spearfish Pierre/Ft. Pierre Rotary Club Mitchell Area Federal Credit Union Kathy Hersrud Pizza Ranch Mitchell Area Manufacturers Association Jaycees of Sturgis Reinke Baker Investments Mitchell Clinic Lawrence County Journal Schmidt, Schroyer, Moreno & Lee, PC Mitchell Jaycees Northern Black Hills Rotary Club South Dakota Community Foundation Mitchell Lions Club Northern Hills Federal Credit Union St. Mary’s Healthcare Center Morgan, Theeler, Wheeler, Cogley and Petersen Northern Hills First Western Insurance Stulken Petersen, LLP Todd Muehler Pioneer Bank & Trust Charlie Thompson Mueller Lumber Company Porterfield Electric Wal-Mart Muth Electric PrairieWave Communications Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Muth Properties Simply Service Federal Credit Union Nelson Enterprises Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Zonta Club of Pierre-Ft. Pierre Northwestern Energy Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. - Deadwood A & B Business Equipment Accupress America C I T Y / B L A C K H AW K INVESTORS R A P I D Palace Motors Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. - Belle Fourche Quality Wood Design Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. - Spearfish Stanford Adelstein Rotary Club of Mitchell Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. - Sturgis American Memorial Life Insurance Company Rozum Motors West River Foundation Bangs, McCullen, Butler, Foye & Simmons 28 Scoreboard Sports Bar Bankwest Barker & Little, Inc. McKie Automotive Bierschbach Equipment Merrill Lynch Western Dakota Insurors Dr. Peter Wharton Big D Oil Company Montana-Dakota Utilities Company Whiting Hagg and Hagg Black Hills Agency Northwest Pipe Fittings Who’s Hobby House Black Hills Board of Realtors Northwestern Mutual Financial SIOUX FALLS / HARRISBURG A & B Business Equipment Black Hills Corporation Osheim-Catron Funeral Home Black Hills Harley Davidson Pella Window Store A & M Electric Black Hills Regional Eye Institute Pennington Title Company A G Edwards & Sons Black Hills Surgery Center, L.L.P. Pete Lien and Sons Inc. Air Guard Federal Credit Union Border States Electric Supply Pioneer Bank & Trust Allstate Foundation C. Michael Homes PrairieWave Communications Ameri/Star Real Estate Inc. Casey Peterson and Associates Prudential Kahler Realtors American Electric Coldwell Banker Commercial Rapid Chevrolet/Toyota of the Black Hills Courtney W. Anderson Common Cents Food Stores and Pepsi Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce Animal Medical Clinic Contractors Supply Rapid City Community Foundation John Archer Courtesy Subaru Inc. Rapid City Jaycees Architectural Roofing & Sheetmetal, Inc. Architecture Inc. Dacotah Bank Rapid City Journal Dakota Charitable Foundation Rapid City Medical Center LLP Argus Leader Dave Schmidt Insurance Agency Rapid City Medical Federal Credit Union Jessica Armstrong Associated Consulting Engineers Inc. Derby Enterprises Rapid City Regional Hospital System of Care Eddie’s Truck Sales Tom Rau Austad’s Golf First Administrators, Inc. RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation Auto Body Specialties First National Bank - Rapid City RBC Dain Rausher Availability Employment Services First Western Bank RCC Western Stores Inc. Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center Fountain Springs Healthcare GCC Dacotah Inc. GE Consumer Finance GE Foundation Glenn C. Barber & Associates Inc. Reptile Gardens Riddle’s Group Inc. Dennis Riske Bill and Ruth Barlow RPM & Associates Baumgartner’s Electric Sam’s Club Beal Distributing Inc. Golden West Technologies Security First Bank Great Western Bank St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School System Gunderson, Palmer, Goodsell & Nelson LLP Dave Bangasser Bangs, McCullen, Butler, Foye & Simmons Dick Beck Bell Inc. Stanley J. Johnsen Concrete Contractor Inc. Bender Commercial Real Estate Bierschbach Equipment and Supply Gustafson Builders Stockmens Financial Corporation Heartland GMAC Real Estate Summit Inc. Billion Motors Susan Hencey Taco Bell Burke and Jeannie Blackman Tessier’s Inc. Joel Blanchard Patty Hogan The Chapman Group Bluestem Capital Company J. Scull Construction Service Inc. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Boyce, Greenfield, Pashby & Welk, L.L.P. Ketel Thorstenson Timberline Oil and Gas Corp. Brandt Solomon & Anderson LLP David Lust Time Equipment Rental & Sales Dr. Doug Brost Mac Construction Company Inc. U.S. Bank BSI - Balance Systems Mandalay Homes, LLC Wal-Mart Dean Buckneberg McDonalds Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Builders Supply Company INVESTORS Highmark Federal Credit Union 29 Building Products Inc. Ditch Witch of South Dakota Inc. Hagen Real Estate Burns Moving and Storage Dizco Inc. Hagen, Wilka and Archer PC Halberstadt’s Men’s Clothiers Business Aviation Inc. DMS Health Group Byrne Companies/VistaComm Dougherty & Company, LLC Ardis Halvorsen C & R Supply Downtown Rotary Club Handy Man Home Remodeling Hansen Family Foundation C. A. Rickert and Associates Karen Dunham Cadwell, Sanford, Deibert and Garry Dunham Company - Commercial Monte and Deb Hanson Campbell Supply Dunham Company - Residential Vince & Margaret Hanson Canfield Business Interiors Inc. Brandford and Donna Dyar Harold’s Photo Center Rod Carlson Egger Steel Company John Harris Carlson Distributing Eide Bailly LLP Hauge Associates Jeff Carmon Electric Pulp Century Business Products Inc. Electric Supply Company Sylvia Henkin Electronic Systems Inc. Henry Carlson Company Christopherson, Bailin and Anderson Elliott & Andersen Floor Covering Henry Scholten & Company, LLP CHS/Fin-Ag Elmen Family Foundation Hiebert Greenhouse Citigroup Foundation Empire Bowl Mary Hitzemann Cathy Clark Empire Mall Hjellming Construction Company Inc. CNA Surety INVESTORS HDR Engineering Hemar Insurance Corporation of America Christensen Pet Clinic Coca-Cola Bottling Company 30 Electric Construction Company CCC Information Services Family Dental Center Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry, PC Holcomb Freightliner Inc. Holmes Murphy and Associates Inc. Component Manufacturing Ron and Hulyn Farr Dr. Pam Homan Pam Connell Tim and Kristie Fiegen Home Federal Bank Cool Beans! Coffee Company First Bank & Trust Howalt-McDowell Insurance Inc. CorTrust Bank First Dakota National Bank Howe Heating and Plumbing Inc. Costello Property Management First Dakota Title Hoy Trial Lawyers Creative Surfaces Inc. First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard HSBC - North America Crossroads Book and Music Inc. Formatop Company Inc. Hutchinson Technology Culligan Water Conditioning Fred the Fixer Hy-Vee Food Stores Cummins Great Plains Trygve Fredrickson Independent Insurance Agents of Sioux Falls D W Proehl Construction Frisbee Plumbing and Heating Insight Marketing Design Dacotah Bank Frontier Bank Institutions Services Inc. Dakota Beverage Company Inc. G and H Distributing Inc. Insurance Connection Dakota King dba Burger King Gage Brothers Concrete Products Interstate Office Products Inc. Dakota News Inc. Garry Associates J & L Harley Davidson Dakota Security Systems Jami Gates J W Horner Lumber Company Jack Rabbit Lines Dakota Sports Gateway Casino and Lounge Dakota Staffing Geotek Engineering and Testing Services Inc. Jans Corporation DakotaCare Getty Abstract-Midwest Title John Morrell and Company Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz and Smith Girton-Adams Ice Company Kay’s Casino and Cafe Deerfield Bank Golden Rule Construction Company Inc. John and Enid Kinkead Bernie DeWald Graham Automotive Koch Hazard Architects DeWild, Grant, Reckert and Associates Great Western Bank Dr. Al and Nancy Kosters Kouri Insurance Kent Morstad Rice Insurance Kreisers Inc. Murphy, Goldammer, Prendergast Risk Administration Services Kriens Construction Co. Myrl and Roy’s Paving Inc. Robson Hardware Ruth Krystopolski Rich Naser Saturn Hummer Pontiac Cadillac of Sioux Falls KSFY Television Nasser Law Offices PC Sayre Associates Inc. Jake and Amy Kusmak Nelson and Nelson CPA LLP Schaap’s Traveland Landscape Garden Center Nelson Laboratories Ltd. Scheel’s All Sports David Larson, Sr. New York Life Foundation Schock Foundation Lawrence and Schiller Inc. Tom and Jean Nicholson Schoeneman Lumber Company Lewis Drug Stores Norberg Paint Inc. Scott Lumber and Supply Company Valerie and Richard Lietz Nordica Warehouses Inc. SDN Communications Lloyd Companies Norman’s Menswear Sea Chiropractic LodgeNet Entertainment North Central Insurance Sencore Electronics Dr. Tom Lorang NorthWestern Corporation Sertoma International Bob Lowrey Northwestern Mutual Life Shipley’s Launderers and Dry Cleaners Lynn, Jackson, Shultz and Lebrun PC Novak Sanitary Service Office Macy’s Cheryl O’Brien Mark Shlanta Showplace Wood Products Maguire Iron, Inc. OHARA, LLC W. Tom and Mary Simmons Mahlander’s Appliance and Lighting Eric Olson Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation Malloy Electric and Bearing Supply Omnitech, Inc./Dataware Mark E. and Sara Griffin Foundation Orthopedic Consultants Maxim Technologies Inc. May & Johnson, PC McDowell-Rogers Realtors LLC Overhead Door Company Inc. Steve Palmitier Pam Oil Inc. Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce Sioux Falls Construction Sioux Falls Federal Credit Union Sioux Falls Ford Sioux Falls Kiwanis East Club McFarland Supply Company Pap Farm’s Inc. McGinnis and Company Parker Transfer and Storage Sioux Falls Kiwanis South Sioux Sioux Falls Kiwanis West McKinney Allen and Associates Paulsen Marketing Communications Sioux Falls Rubber Stamp Works Medical X-Ray Center, PC Pepsi-Cola Bottling Sioux Falls School District #49-5 Judith and Mark Meierhenry Pfeiffer, Hofer and Associates PC Sioux Falls Stockyards MetaBank Cyndi Phillips Sioux International Metavante Corp Pierre’s Body Shop Inc. Sioux Merchant Patrol Security Services Inc. Sioux Nation Ag Center MidAmerican Energy Pilates Center of South Dakota Midcontinent Communications Porter Apple Company Sioux Pipe Inc. Midland National Life PrairieWave Communications Sioux Steel Company Pride Neon Inc. Sioux Valley Clinic Physicians Community Service Group Principal Financial Group Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Minerva’s Qwest Sisson Printing Minnehaha Sertoma Club Ramkota Companies Sodak Distributing Minnwest Bank Randall-Stanley Architects Software Unlimited Inc. Missile Muffler & Brake Inc. Raven Industries Natalie Solberg Richard and Lory Molseed Real Estate Book of the Sioux Empire Barry Solomon Monarch Sales Company Jack Rentschler Soukup Park Ronald Moquist Results Radio South Western Dental INVESTORS Linus Miller Miller Funeral Home Inc. 31 Southeastern Dental Center Woods, Fuller, Shultz, and Smith PC Polaris Paul Sova Workplace Sound & Technology Center Richard Rasmussen Sprenger Midwest Inc. Workplace Technology Center, Inc. Rasmussen Motors Stan Houston Equipment Company Inc. Xcel Energy Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Stan’s Northview Campers, Inc. Zandbroz Inc. Sioux Valley Vermillion Clinic Ken Stork Zimmer, Duncan and Cole Bryan and Chon Sommervold Stuart, Gerry and Schlimgen LLC T E A Dr. Mel & Joanne Ustad Sullivan Inc. Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center Darwin and Diane Van Den Oever Sun Enterprises D.T.S., Inc. Vermillion Civic Council SVC-Family Practice Physicians Charitable Fund Daniels Construction, Inc. Vermillion Lions Club Sweetman Construction Exchange Insurance Agency Vermillion PTA Syverson Tile Inc. Farmer’s State Bank Vermillion Rotary Club Target National Bank Herman Otten Construction, Inc. Williams and Company Tel-Drug Pharmacy Krause Gentle Corporation - Kum N Go W A T E R T O W N Rob and Julie Terrell Lee’s Meats & Sausages A & B Business Equipment Tessiers Inc. McGreevy and Associates AFLAC State Office The Diamond Room by Spektor Kevin and Janice Paulson Austin, Hinderaker, Hopper, Strait & Bratland, LLP The Everist Company PrairieWave Communications Barkley Truck Lines The First National Bank in Sioux Falls Schwartzle Construction Benchmark Foam, Inc. The Flower Shop Sioux Falls Auto Auction BISCO The Trane Company Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Coldwell Banker Thermo King of Sioux Falls Tea Chiropractic & Rehab Comfort Keepers Ted Thie Tea Community Club County Fair Food Store Bob Thimjon Tea Dental Clinic Crawford Funeral Chapel Tomar, Ltd. Valley Exchange Bank Dacotah Bank Total Card, Inc. Video Plus Dakota Bodies, Inc. TSP V E R M I L L I O N Dakota Tube U.S. Bank Aaladin Industries, Inc. First Bank & Trust First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard Van Buskirk Company Jim and Colette Abbott Vern Eide Motorcars Inc. Ag Opportunities Gray Construction Virg Christoffels & Company, Inc. Dr. Kevin Brown & Dr. Cindy Johnson Brown Great Western Bank Bymers Insurance Hanson Vilhauer & Raml P.C. Waddell and Reed INVESTORS Wallace Osgood Company 32 CorTrust Bank Home Federal Bank Walling Water Management Culhane Communications Inc. Hy-Vee Food Store Waterbury Heating, Cooling & Interior Décor First Dakota National Bank J. Scott Industries Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Hy-Vee Larry’s Lumber Wells Fargo Education Financial Services Dr. Jerry Johnson Makepeace Jewelers Wells Fargo Financial Bank Dr. Roger Kozak Bob Whitmore Larry Brady Enterprise Jim Wilcox David Link Wild Water West Waterpark Art Mabry Mallard Pointe Surgical Center McKeever’s Full Line Vending Minnesota Rubber, Inc. Moffatt Products, Inc. Williams Insurance Agency Young Moore, III Office Systems Inc. WL Inc. Theodore Muenster Plains Commerce Bank/Principal Financial PrairieWave Communications Signature Salon Murl Miller John Redlinger Sioux Valley Energy Mount Marty College Redlinger Bros. Plumbing & Heating Co. Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System MT & RC Smith Insurance Reliabank South Bar Northwestern Public Service Sharp Chevrolet Jason Sundberg Optimist Club of Yankton James Siemens Tammen Oil PrairieWave Communications Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Twisters Kathy Quinlivan Cece Soucy West Central PTO Randall Schaap CPA Team Electronics Y A N K T O N Pamela Rezac Glen Vilhauer A & B Business Equipment Sacred Heart Monastery Joel Vockrodt Applied Engineering Shur-co Wal-Mart Avera Sacred Heart Health Services Slowey Construction Watertown Box Corp. Blackburn and Stevens, LLC South Dakota Community Foundation Watertown Ford Chrysler Conkling Distributing Company Inc. The Observer Watertown Kiwanis Club CorTrust Bank Wal-Mart Watertown Optimist Club Culhane Communications Inc. Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Watertown Rotary Club Dakota Chiropractic Clinics WNAX Radio Kenneth B. Way Kevin and DeVee Dietz Wohlenberg Ritzman & Company, LLP Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Bradley Dykes Yaggie’s Inc. Wight, Comes & Sogn Ehresmann Engineering Yankton Area Foundation Eisenbraun and Associates Yankton Daily Press and Dakotan W E S T C E N T R A L A’la Mode Fejfar Plumbing & Heating Yankton Equipment American Legion Post #118 First Dakota National Bank Yankton Medical Clinic, P.C. American Sports First National Bank South Dakota Yankton Motor Company Beaverbuilt Gehl Company Yankton Rexall Drug Central Plains Taxidermy Kathie and Rudy Gerstner Farmers Elevator in Humboldt Gerstner Oil Company Farmers State Bank Goetz & Klimisch Jeff & Joni From Hatch Furniture of Yankton Hartford Area Development Christy Hauer Hartford Dental Clinic Tom Hausmann Hartford Farmers Elevator Hoffner Flying Hartford Steak Co. Tavern Home Federal Bank Home Federal Bank Hy-Vee Food Store I-90 Speedway Johnson, Heideprem, Miner, Marlow & Janklow LLP Imagination Station Karl’s TV & Appliance Kolberg-Pioneer Tammy Loos Kostel Funeral Home & Crematory Ludens Implement KPH Heating & Air Conditioning Master Tech Auto Repair KYNT AM Midwest Sales Larry’s Heating & Cooling Inc. Mike & Rhonda Milstead Lewis & Clark Specialty Hospital Oakleaf Auto Crushing, LLC Luken Memorial, Inc. Yankton Sertoma Club INVESTORS L & H Pizza Ranch Yankton Rotary Club 33 B O W L - A - T H O N In the fall of 2005, Junior Achievement of Aberdeen, During 2005-06 Junior Achievement of Brookings, Huron, Mitchell, the Sioux Empire, Watertown, Pierre / Ft. Pierre, Rapid City, and the and Yankton held their Annual Bowl-a-Thons. More than Sioux Empire held their annual golf 2,100 bowlers helped to raise over $171,000. In March of events. Through these golf events, 2006, HSBC – North America held its own HSBC/JA Bowl-a-Thon, which raised over $9,500. 34 G O L F 129 golfers raised over $173,500 for JA programs. S P E C I A L E V E N T S I N V E S T O R S & S P O N S O R S TOP RAPID CITY 2005 GOLF Mac Construction Company Inc. Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry, PC INVESTORS Ramada Inn (Sioux Falls) Fiegen Construction M A J O R S P O N S O R S Red Rock Golf Club, LLC GE Company Independent Insurance Agents of Rapid City, Inc. Hani Shafai Great Plains Brokerage Inc. RSM McGladrey Paul Thorstenson Jamison Advertising H O L E - I N - O N E S P O N S O R S Tin Lizzie Casino Kevin Kirby Blue Ribbon Mortgage, L.L.C. TSP Three Dean Krogman Coldwell Banker Commercial Wal-East Development, Inc. Musivend Inc. Derby Enterprises Whiting Hagg and Hagg Porter Apple Company Jacobs Motor Company Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce Rapid City Journal U.S. Bank E A G L E S P O N S O R S George & Nancy Dunham Fenske Media Corporation T O P S I O U X G O L F E M P I R E 2 0 0 6 I N V E S T O R S M A J O R S P O N S O R S A&B Business Equipment Qwest Risk Administration Services River Ridge Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Center Sioux Valley Health Plan Results Radio Dave Stadheim Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. The Olson Group H O L E - I N - O N E S P O N S O R S Thompson Electric John Fenske Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center U.S. Bank HiQual Manufacturing USA, Inc. First Bank & Trust Dr. Dave West Rob James First Mortgage Judith Olsen First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard AAA Collections Vince Green Aaron M. Smith Insurance Agency Inc Don Ward B I R D I E S P O N S O R S P A R S P O N S O R S HOM Furniture Mark Antonitis James Borglum Interstate Office Products Inc. Appraisal Resources DeMersseman, Jensen, Christianson LLP McDonald’s John Bennett First National Bank - Rapid City MetaBank Boen and Associates Inc. GE Consumer Finance SDN Communications Bowden Productions Houston & Judith Haugo Sioux Valley Hospitals and Health System Broin and Associates Journey Mortgage Dr. Bob Nixon SolCom Inc. E A G L E S P O N S O R S Paul Bruflat BSI - Balance Systems Northwestern Mutual Financial Paul Cink Andrew Burkhart Rapid City Regional Hospital System of Care Dakota Supply Group Cadwell, Sanford, Deibert and Garry Red Rock Development Company Direct Marketing Solutions Children’s Dental Center The Houston Haugo Family/Valley Bank Foundation GF Electric CorTrust Bank Greg Jamison Critical Distinction Best Western Town & Country Inn George Lund Cutler & Donahoe, LLP Black Hills Corporation Tom Meyer D.T.S., Inc. Black Hills Power Midcontinent Foundation Dell Rapids Chevrolet Pontiac Cretex Mark Powell & Rhonda Lockwood Dell Rapids Ford DKEA LLC Toyota Corporate Dorsey and Whitney LLP P A R S P O N S O R S Fits Services, Inc. Great Western Bank Toyota Motor Credit Corporation B I R D I E S P O N S O R S Jeff Eckhoff Eide Bailly LLP Rich Hinseth CNA Surety Dr. Jeff Feiock Jim Johnson Egger Steel Company First Dakota Title 35 First National Bank South Dakota Great Western Bank SDSU Alumni Association Getty Abstract-Midwest Title Kitchens & Windows Unlimited State Theater Company Great Western Bank Koch Hazard Architects Huck Finn Painting Kouri Insurance Jackson-Fairmont Dental Laboratory, Inc. LodgeNet Entertainment Dell Rapids Rocky Run Golf Course JDS Industries,Inc. Midcontinent Communications H U R O N Prairiewave Communications Burger King Jeff Koch Raymond’s Jewellers Burger Plus Kreisers Inc. Risk Administration Services Holiday Inn Express KSFY Television School Bus, Inc. HomeHearted Hallmark L G Everist SDN Communications Korn-N-Kones LTS Medical, LLC Showplace Wood Products Jay Morris Mert & Karen Lund Sioux Falls School District #49-5 Performance Radio Frank Meyer Target National Bank Pizza Hut Ronald Moquist Tel-Drug Pharmacy Taco John’s Orion Financial Corporation The First National Bank in Sioux Falls Tailgate Restaurant & Lounge Owens & Minor, Inc. U.S. Bank Trendz Day Spa Physicians Laboratory Ltd. Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Vertos Sayre Associates Inc. Wells Fargo Financial Bank M I T C H E L L Williams Insurance Agency Nancy Schultz I N - K I N D D O N A T I O N S Burger King #2082 Coca Cola Bottling Company Jim Scoular A B E R D E E N County Fair Food Store Sioux Falls Construction Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce Culver’s Frozen Custard & ButterBurgers Sioux Falls Skyforce Aberdeen Radio Ranch Dr. Lucky’s Bar and Grill Sioux Falls Surgical Center American News KQRN/Q107 Waitt Radio Sioux Valley Energy Coca-Cola Bottling Company Los Sombreros Sodak Distributing Culver’s Luxury 5 Cinema The Everist Company Dacotah Banks, Inc. Paul Thorstenson Education Assistance Corporation Vogel Foundation Lakewood Mall Quiznos Subs P I E R R E / F T. P I E R R E American State Bank Wollman Insurance Northern State University Dakota Radio Group Workplace Technology Center, Inc. Papa Murphy’s Sign Professional All-Around Graphix Xcel Energy Presentation College RAPID CITY / BLACK HAWK Roncalli Backyards and Billiards S I O U X E M P I R E B O W L - A - T H O N 2 0 0 5 Taco Bell Best Buy Taco John’s Black Hills Bagels Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center Wells Fargo Financial Bank Black Hills Gold Jewelry by Coleman Backyard Broadcasting - KRRO Wendy’s Restaurant Black Hills Harley Davidson HSBC - North America B R O O K I N G S Black Hills Regional Eye Institute Brookings CVB Boston’s Restaurant and Sports Bar M A J O R L A N E 36 R A P I D S Kempf Construction, Inc. Karen Schreier T O P Taco John’s D E L L I N V E S T O R S S P O N S O R S S P O N S O R S CorTrust Bank Brookings Radio Casa del Rey Dacotah Bank Burger King Coca-Cola Bottling Company Deerfield Bank Larson Manufacturing Company Custer State Park Resort Empire Mall Perkins Restaurant Eagle Distributing First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard Ram Pub GE Consumer Finance Graffitti’s Car Wash Foleys Fish, Chop and Steakhouse Sioux Falls Spitfire Soccer Haugo Broadcasting Inc. Fryn’ Pan Sioux Falls Stampede Hockey Club Kevin Eilbeck Photography Fuddruckers Sioux Falls Storm Football KEVN Fox Gamers Sioux Falls Two-Way Radio Service Inc. Minerva’s Restaurant and Bar Gigglebees Southeastern Hair Design & Day Spa Modrick’s Travel Services Great Bear Recreation Park Starbucks Coffee House Mystique Edge Day Spa & Salon Great Outdoor Store Tradewinds Press Outback Steakhouse Harold’s Photo Center Uno Tomato Reptile Gardens Heartland Paper Company Vacation Internationale Sanford’s Grub & Pub Henkin Schultz Inc. Wild Water West Waterpark Scheel’s All Sports Holiday Inn City Centre Williams Insurance Agency Servall Uniform & Linen Supply Honeybaked Ham Company Willow Run Golf Course Sioux Falls Two-Way Radio Service Inc. John Morrell and Company Z’Kota Grille TGI Friday Johnson Brothers/Famous Brands T E A The Touch Massage Therapy Kaladi’s DSI Automotive Products Two Wheeler Dealer Cycle & Fitness KELOLAND TV V E R M I L L I O N Wal-Mart KSFY Television Broadcaster, Press and Plain Talk Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Lewis Drug Stores W A T E R T O W N Dr. Paul Zimmerman Linweld Burger King SIOUX FALLS / HARRISBURG Mad Rock Pub Country Inn and Suites A & B Business Equipment Marion Meats Hy-Vee Food Store Advertising Arts Inc. McDonald’s KWAT 950 AM Radio All About Travel Midcontinent Communications McDonald’s Argus Leader Midwest Provisions Pepsi Cola Avera McKennan Fitness Center Emily Minor Photography Perkins Restaurant and Bakery Backyard Broadcasting - KRRO Monarch Sales Company Taco John’s Bakker Crossing Golf Course NitWits Comedy Club Zesto’s Beal Distributing Inc. Outback Steakhouse Y A N K T O N Breadsmith Panther Graphics Arby’s Buffalo Wild Wings Pepsi Cola Bottling Avera Sacred Heart Health Services Builders Supply Company Pride Neon Inc. Burger King Camille’s Sidewalk Cafe Qdobe Mexican Grill Culhane Communications Inc. Carnaval Brazilian Grill Quiznos Subs First Dakota National Bank Chili’s Results Radio Godfather’s Coca-Cola Bottling Company RJ Ries Dry Cleaners KFC/Taco Bell Cold Stone Creamery Royal Fork Buffet Sacred Heart Hospital Auxiliary Cookie Jar Ruby Tuesday Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota NA Coyote Canyon Salon Montage Wendy’s Dakota Golf Management SDN Communications Yankton Tobacco Education Coalition Empire Car Wash Sheraton Hotel - Sioux Falls Empire Dairy Queen Shipley’s Launderers and Dry Cleaners Central Valley Golf Course Dakota Skies Empire Mall Showplace Wood Products Famous Dave’s Sioux Falls Construction First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard Sioux Falls Fire Department Floral Two Sioux Falls Skyforce W E S T C E N T R A L 37 J U N I O R A C H I E V E M E N T O F S O U T H D A K O TA , I N C . BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. Al Kurtenbach, Daktronics, Inc. (Chair) Curt Hage, Home Federal Bank (Vice Chair) Vicki Clarke, County Fair Food Stores (Secretary) Dean Buckneberg, Henry Scholten & Company, LLP (Treasurer) Dennis Aanenson, A&B Business Equipment, Inc. Sally Christenson Mike Derby, Coldwell Banker Commercial Dana Dykhouse, First PREMIER Bank Rod Fouberg, Dacotah Banks, Inc. Christine Hamilton, Christiansen Land & Cattle LTD Terry Johnson, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Kitty Kinsman, K Group Steve Kirby, Bluestem Capital Company David Link, Sioux Valley Hospitals & Health System Don Marker, Sioux Valley Energy Judith Meierhenry, South Dakota Supreme Court Dr. Rick Melmer, South Dakota Department of Education David Rozenboom, U.S. Bank Mark Shlanta, SDN Communications Bob Sutton, South Dakota Community Foundation 38 Bob Thimjon, The Ramkota Companies, Inc. Dr. Randall Zitterkopf, Huron School System 2 0 0 6 S T A F F Kayla Bickett JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT AREA BOARDS ABERDEEN AREA JA BOARD Lynn Murphy, Education Assistance Corporation (Chair) Mary Davis, Avera St. Luke’s (Vice Chair) Gail Ogdahl, Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce (Secretary) Susan Cook, Tel Serv Communications Glenna Fouberg Dr. Gary Harms, Aberdeen School District Todd Jordre, Northern State University Foundation Nancy Kappes, Dacotah Banks, Inc. JoEllen Lindner, Presentation College Melanie Long, U.S. Bank Lori Salfrank, American News Mysty Schaunaman, Wells Fargo Financial Bank Jeff Scheel, Home Federal Bank Mary Schwab, Aberdeen Catholic Schools Joe Senger, Dacotah Banks, Inc. BROOKINGS AREA JA BOARD Lyle Bowes, Bowes Construction (Chair) Sarah Perry, Falcon Plastics, Inc. (Vice Chair) Mary Reed, 3M (Secretary) Jan Brockel, Daktronics, Inc. Tim Burns, Consolidated Ready Mix Orville Creighton, Brookings School District District Manager Kerri DeGraff Special Events Manager Amber Edelen Senior Program Manager Patricia Feller Administrative Manager Kristie Fiegen President Resa Fincher Education Manager Carol Geist Education Assistant Liz Hamburg District Manager, Black Hills Deb Hanson Database Assistant Janet Kayser-Robinson Finance Manager Amy Trankle Kusmak Program Director Julie Terrell Regional Director Vicki Jensen, Larson Manufacturing Co. Matt Kurtenbach, Daktronics, Inc. Gary Mork, Brookings School District Stephanie Motter Cindy Mydland, Sioux Valley Clinic Dr. Jon Schneider, Schneider Chiropractic Les Tuma, Brookings Equipment Inc. Dixie White, Larson Manufacturing Co. HURON AREA JA BOARD Jay Morris, NorthWestern Energy (Chair) Emily Davis (Vice Chair) Andrea Kannegeiter, Natural Resources Conservation Service (Secretary) Barry Cranston, Greater Huron Development Corporation Shelli Cumbee, Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Mary Dunn, Center for Independence Tim Huber, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Gerry Krech, Krech Dakota Airspray, Inc. Cody Larson Shawn Miller, Trussbilt Kim Rieger, Huron Regional Medical Center Tim Sletten, American Bank & Trust Lori St. Aubin, NorthWestern Energy Mike Taplett, Huron School System Dr. Randall Zitterkopf, Huron School System 39 MADISON AREA JA BOARD Mechelle Nordberg, East River Federal Credit Union (Chair) Amy Dockendorf, Dakota State University (Secretary) Sascha Albrecht, Madison Chamber of Commerce James Farkas, Gehl Manufacturing Kelly Grenier Don Marker, Sioux Valley Energy Dr. Frank Palleria, Madison Central School Craig Peterson, Madison Central School Tim Schut, Waddell & Reed James Sigaty, Dentist Dr. John Sweet Joanne Wheeler, PrairieWave Communications Susan Winthers Tammy Jo Zingmark, AmericInn Lodge & Suites The Madison Area Board would like to honor Royce Hueners for his involvement in JA of Madison. Royce had a great impact on the JA program as well as the Madison community. He is deeply missed. MITCHELL AREA JA BOARD Ron Muth, Muth Properties (Chair) Dave Brooks, First National Bank South Dakota (Vice Chair) Allison Russell, Oakleaf Property Management (Secretary) Phil Collins, Fischer, Rounds & Associates Inc. - Century 21 Marilyn Forst, Gertie Belle Rogers Dr. Joseph Graves, Mitchell School District Tammy Hohn Jacquelyn Johnson, Dice Financial Services Karmen McCain, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Todd Muehler, First National Bank South Dakota Chuck Noel, Trail King Industries Inc. Andrew Priebe, U.S. Bank Steve Rice, Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. Casey Thompson, Hampton Inn Terry Torgerson, CorTrust Bank of South Dakota NORTHERN HILLS AREA JA BOARD Wade Pehl, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. (Chair) Randy Morris, Black Hills Special Services Coop (Vice Chair) Hollie Stalder, Lawrence County Journal (Secretary/Treasurer) Ken Barker, Barker, Wilson, Reynolds and Burke Monte Bertsch, First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard Jennifer Gabriel, Sturgis Area Chamber of Commerce James Heinert, Meade School District Kathy Hersrud, Hersruds of Sturgis and Belle Fourche Van Hyde, Sturgis Healthcare Lisa Langer, Spearfish Area Chamber of Commerce Dan Leikvold, Lead-Deadwood School District William O’Dea, Belle Fourche School District David Peters, Spearfish School District Scott Reimann, First National Bank 40 Teresa Schanzenbach, Belle Fourche Chamber of Commerce P I E R R E / F T. P I E R R E A R E A J A B O A R D Duane Bunkowske, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. (Chair) Todd Bernhard, Delta Trust (Vice Chair) Larry Deiter, Home Federal Bank (Secretary) Sally Christenson De Costello, Pierre Mall Craig Davis, First National Bank Rick Dockter, Gator’s Restaurant Charlene Foster Scott Isburg, Isburg Funeral Chapels Paul Knecht, SD Dental Association John Pedersen, Pierre School District Dan Rice, Clausen & Rice, LLP Larry Jaske, Stanley County School District RAPID CITY AREA JA BOARD Suzanne Gabrielson, Pete Lien and Sons Inc. (Chair) Rick Rylance, Dacotah Bank (Vice Chair) Jodi Anderson, Black Hills Regional Eye Institute Scott Benson, Blue Ribbon Mortgage Cindy Berg, Mac Construction Harry Brenden, Rapid City Area Schools John Brockelsby, Reptile Gardens John Carlson, Highmark Federal Credit Union Todd Christoffer, First National Bank - Rapid City Mike Derby, Coldwell Banker Commercial Pam Fritz, Burger King Mark Haberman, Walmart Christian Haugo, Haugo Broadcasting Inc. Susan Hencey, Western Dakota Insurors Patty Hogan, U.S. Bank Rapid City Rob James, Northwestern Mutual Financial Richard Latuchie, Rapid City Regional Hospital System David Lust, Gunderson, Palmer, Goodsell & Nelson LLP Bill Masterson, Rapid City Journal Steve Nolan, Bangs McCullen Law Firm Linda Rabe, Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce Dennis Riske, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Steven Sterijevski, Best Buy Terri Stuck, Chrysalis Dr. Peter Wharton, Rapid City Area Schools SIOUX EMPIRE AREA JA BOARD Dean Buckneberg, Henry Scholten & Company, LLP (Chair) Dennis Aanenson, A&B Business Equipment, Inc. (Vice Chair) Judith Meierhenry (Secretary) Mark Shlanta, SDN Communications (Treasurer) David Austad, Austad’s Golf Stores Mark Bahnson, Alliance Communications Cooperative Matt Burkhart, Johnson Controls Inc Rod Carlson, First PREMIER Bank Cathy Clark, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Bernie DeWald, McKinney Allen & Associates Dan Donohue, Davenport, Evans, Hurwitz & Smith Shelly Gardner, Augustana College Gary Gaspar, Interstate Office Products, Inc. Paul Gausman, West Central School District George Gulson, Brandon Valley School District Mary Hitzemann, Home Federal Bank Curt Hohman, Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center Dr. Pam Homan, Sioux Falls School District Ruth Krystopolski, Sioux Valley Health Plan Rick Lessnau, McDonald’s Dr. Tom Lorang, Sioux Falls Catholic Schools Pat Lund, Total Card, Inc. Mary Medema, Sioux Falls Development Foundation Tom Meyer, Midland National Life Mike Milstead, Minnehaha County Sheriff Ronald Moquist, Raven Industries Cheryl O’Brien, Sioux Falls School District Lynn Otis, Macy’s Cyndi Phillips, Wild Water West Waterpark and the AdventurePark Paul Sova, Showplace Wood Products Ken Stork, Citibank South Dakota, NA Bob Thimjon, The Ramkota Companies Rhonda Toft, HSBC - North America Tom Van Wyhe, The Trane Company Jay Woudstra, Sioux Falls Christian Schools SIOUX EMPIRE AREA JA BOARD AMBASSADORS Sara Andrews, First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard Jeff Carmon, Qwest Scott Gardner, Luverne Truck Kayleen Graff, Graff Roofing Chad Hansen, Dakota Homestead Title Insurance Chris Limmer, Limmer Financial Aaron Mentele, Electric Pulp Rhonda Milstead Tom Morris, Ramkota Companies Tim Murphy, Sencore Scott Nelson, SDN Communications Joel Pollema, Monarch Sales Jason Poppens, Wells Fargo Financial Deb Rausch, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Al Schlaikjer, A & B Business Equipment Tami Schwebach, Schwebach Insurance and Real Estate Natalie Solberg, Home Federal Bank Jason Sundberg, Home Federal Bank Joelle Thies, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Dianna Tyler, West Central Elementary VERMILLION AREA JA BOARD Dr. Roger Kozak (Chair) Colette Abbott (Vice Chair) Kari Jensen, Jolley Elementary School (Secretary) Jill Chickering Dr. Mark Froke, Vermillion School District Mary Lea Hennies Dr. Cindy Johnson Brown, Prairie Eye Clinic Art Mabry, City of Vermillion Joel Nielsen, USD Farron Pratt, First Dakota National Bank Ric Rasmussen, Rasmussen Motors Chon Sommervold, Sioux Valley Clinic John Storm Dr. Mel Ustad, SD Department of Tourism and State Development Darwin Van Den Oever, CorTrust Bank WAT E R T O W N A R E A J A B O A R D Scott Driscoll, Watertown Ford Chrysler (Chair) Barry Wilfahrt, E-fficiency Seminars and Consulting (Vice Chair) Liz Christianson, Boys & Girls Club of Watertown (Secretary) Stephen Anderson, Mellette Elementary Allen Fannin, Edward Jones Dave Johnson, Reliabank Becky Krause, First PREMIER Bank / PREMIER Bankcard Dr. Robert Mayer Timothy Oviatt, Public Opinion Carolyn Oyan, Roosevelt Elementary Mary Rector, Jefferson Elementary Steve Schoepp, Comfort Keepers James Siemens, Hy-Vee John Small, Community Recreation Center Cece Soucy, Immaculate Conception School Joel Vockrodt, Office Systems Inc YA N K T O N A R E A J A B O A R D Bob Cappel, Yankton Chamber of Commerce (Chair) Brandi Tschumper, Mount Marty College (Vice Chair) Kathy Quinlivan, Avera Sacred Heart Health Services (Secretary) Kathie Gerstner, Gerstner Oil Co. Jeral Gross, First National Bank South Dakota Ron Hatch, Hatch Furniture Christy Hauer, Avera Sacred Heart Jerome Klimisch, Stewart Elementary School Sheila Kuchta, Mount Marty College Marcy Moser, First Dakota National Bank Deb Reiner, Lincoln Elementary School Brenda Rueb, Wells Fargo Bank South Dakota, N.A. Connie Wagner Bob Willcockson, Raymond James/First Dakota National Bank 41 financials statement of activities • year ended june 30, 2006 Revenue: Special Events Golf revenues Golf expenses Net golf revenues Bowl-A-Thon revenues Bowl-A-Thon expenses Net Bowl-A-Thon revenues Net Special Events Contributions Donated equipment Gifts in kind received Gifts in kind used Investment income Unrealized gain on investments Net assets released from restriction Expenses: Program Services National and program materials and participation fee Other program services Total program services Management and general Volunteer recruitment General fund raising Total expenses Changes in net assets Net assets, beginning Net assets, ending UNRESTRICTED TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED TOTAL - - - $ 175,875 (29,732) 146,143 - - - $ 175, 875 (29,732) 146,143 - - - - 84,936 12,000 64,396 (64,396) 32,599 1,188 700,852 831,575 168,532 (21,711) 146,821 292,964 341,219 - - - 399 - (700,852) (66,270) - - - - - - - - - - - - 168,532 (21,711) 146,821 292,964 426,155 12,000 64,396 (64,396) 32,998 1,188 765,305 142,071 448,915 590,986 51,222 35,825 125,414 803,447 28,128 288,177 $ 316,305 - - - - - - - (66,270) 1,024,632 $ 958,362 - - - - - - - - 15,030 $ 15,030 142,071 448,915 590,986 51,222 35,825 125,414 803,447 (38,142) 1,327,839 $ 1,289,697 35,000 student growth chart 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 42 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 paul gausman susan cook duke boston ken stork the billions Aberdeen 1,271 Belle Fourch 98 Spearfish 136 Watertown 861 Huron 764 Meade School District 183 Brookings 1,272 Pierre / Ft. Pierre 798 Lead/Deadwood 52 Rapid City/Black Hawk 3,332 Madison 531 Sioux Falls 17,278 Mitchell 1,321 Dell Rapids 623 Brandon Valley 1,076 West Central 491 Parkston 12 Tea 508 Vermillion 201 Yankton 1,014 Harrisburg 547 Lennox 178 43 1000 N West Avenue, Suite 110 • Sioux Falls, SD 57104 • Phone: 605.336.7318 1.800.871.7007 • Fax: 605.336.2257 • Email: [email protected] • jasd.org
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