We invite you to read our 2014 Report to the Community.


We invite you to read our 2014 Report to the Community.
St. Mary’s General Hospital Foundation Report to the Community
Our Journey
to Heal
The laying of the cornerstone of
St. Mary’s General Hospital: Sunday
October 21, 1923. The hospital accepted
its first patients exactly one year later.
2014 marks 90 years since our founders, the Sisters
of St. Joseph of Hamilton and a small group of local
physicians, opened the doors to St. Mary’s General
Hospital in 1924. We are inspired by the legacy of the
Sisters of St. Joseph and grateful that their compassion
and strength continues to guide us today.
Land at what is now
911 Queen’s Boulevard
purchased by the Saisters
of St. Joseph for $18,000
Construction starts
on St. Mary’s with the
help of $150,000 raised
by the community
We have come a long way in the past 90 years. We are pleased
with all that has been accomplished, and appreciative of the
generosity of our donors, support from our community, and
dedication from staff, physicians and volunteers.
In 2013, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Regional
Cardiac Care Centre with staff and the community at
the Annual Community Update, and 2014 marks the 10th
anniversary of our Thoracic Centre of Excellence which we
also look forward to celebrating with you. 2013 also saw
the initiation of the Integrated Comprehensive Care pilot
project, which we hope will result in patients transitioning to
home faster and receiving more comprehensive care at home
after discharge.
Over the past year, St. Mary’s has been recognized
nationally and internationally for our quality patient
care, patient experience, and commitment to continuous
improvements. In October, St. Mary’s was named in
an article in The Journal of the American Medical Association
as a leading North American healthcare organization in
using Lean tools and methodologies to drive continuous
improvement. We are pleased with the ongoing application of
Lean by front line staff as we continue to look for better
ways to provide safer and more cost effective care.
We’re honoured to share that for the second year in a row,
St. Mary’s was rated by our patients among the top 10 per cent
of hospitals in Ontario for patient satisfaction. Ensuring an
optimal patient experience is something we take special pride in.
Our Journey to Heal Generations / Leadership
These successes would not be possible without the support
and commitment from our donors, community and staff, who
help us provide the best patient care possible, with innovation,
compassion and respect.
Looking ahead to 2014, we are eager to begin renovations
to support our new cardiac arrhythmia program. This will
allow us to provide the full spectrum of cardiac care to those
living with heart disease in Waterloo-Wellington. In order to
achieve this and continue to support the needs of our patients,
we will once again ask for your support and we hope that you
will continue to see the benefits of investing in St. Mary’s.
In this report, we share with you touching stories
demonstrating how the generosity of our donors has a direct
impact on our ability to meet the needs of our patients and their
loved ones, and focus on their spiritual and physical health and
well-being. We have done this by looking at where we’ve come
from over the past 90 years and where we are going next.
On behalf of everyone at St. Mary’s, thank you for your
continued support.
Don Shilton
President, St. Mary’s General Hospital
Peter Sweeney
President, St. Mary’s General Hospital Foundation
At St. Mary’s General Hospital, we consider ourselves
blessed to have benefitted from the incredible support of
this great community for 90 years. In that time we have
had the opportunity to meet numerous donors who have
often thought of great fundraising ideas to help us out.
Doors open
St. Mary’s School of Nursing
graduates 42 nurses
St. Mary’s accredited by the
American College of Surgeons
From the initial $150,000 raised to build our hospital in 1924
to the numerous bake sales, golf tournaments and even bingo
nights, we’ve have had the privilege to see it all.
Most recently though, it was a young donor who reminded
us of what it means to be a philanthropist.
Brent Thornton, a manager at a local high-tech company,
wanted to give back to the community that has been good to
him and his family. With February approaching, he and his
friends decided to throw a party for Valentine’s Day and raise
money for the Cardiac Care Centre at St. Mary’s.
Brent explains why he and his friends—co-event planners
Mike Civak and Shawn Fuller—decided to hold an event for
St. Mary’s. “We wanted to find a way to have a good time while
giving back to a local charity. Holding a Valentine’s Day event
for our local cardiac centre made perfect sense,” says Brent.
He added that for people of his age and stage in life, the ability
to make a large personal donation is not easy. “Most people
our age are still busy raising their families, securing jobs and
paying their mortgage so the ability to make a large personal
donation to charity is difficult. By bringing people together at
Our Journey to Heal Generations / Gratitude
St. Mary’s Ladies Auxiliary
is born and raises $464 in
its first year
an event like this with a reasonable ticket price and some great
silent auction items, we had a much larger impact than any of
us could have had on our own.”
While the event required a lot of hard work and planning,
they were ecstatic about the results. The turnout was great
and they raised over $2,000, which was more than double
what they had hoped. The support and generosity from their
friends, family and community Brent describes as “incredible.”
Brent, Mike and Shawn look forward to potentially
making their “party for a purpose” an annual tradition. Brent
hopes to inspire other young people to start their own
fundraising initiatives and will happily lend a helping hand to
get them on track.
By being creative, innovative and goal-oriented, Brent
proves that everyone has the ability to do their part and give
back to the community. “Just keep the feel-good goal in mind
and you will succeed,” he says.
At St. Mary’s, we’ve been fortunate to have people like
Brent helping us out for 90 years and it is because of them
that we have been able to serve our community for generations.
Col. Hugh J. Heasley accepts a cheque
from generous community partners during
the community campaign of 1960.
A twelve-bed ward during visiting
hours at St. Mary’s in 1955.
Born in 1924, John Petsch is a man as longstanding
as St. Mary’s General Hospital itself and thanks to an
innovative program we launched last year, he continues
to live at home with his wife Katherine.
U pgrades
$53,000 in fundraising used
to upgrade the pediatric unit
f undraising
The annual Rose Day
campaign raises $10,400
for St. Mary’s
The program is called Integrated Comprehensive Care (ICC)
and is designed to help our patients translate through the
healthcare system and stay in their homes and out of the
hospital as long as possible. Having fought two heart attacks,
lymphoma, arrhythmia, shortness of breath and multiple
surgeries—all within a matter of 18 months—John has been
through it all and he credits our ICC program for making his
difficult journey much easier.
For decades, St. Mary’s has worked hard to provide safe
and effective patient care. The implementation of the ICC
program is just one example of how we have improved the
patient experience in our hospital and in the community.
Designed to create a smooth transition from the hospital to
home by integrating hospital and community care services,
the ICC program allows patients to continue to receive the
care they need after being discharged from the hospital. By
doing so, we not only reduce the number of repeat emergency
room visits and reduce the length of hospital stays, we provide
our patients with the assurance that they are in good hands,
even after discharge.
Thanks to the ICC program and the remarkable people
Our Journey to Heal Generations / Home Care
branching out
The St. Mary’s “Tower” opens
from St. Mary’s who make it happen, John continues to live at
home with his wife where he enjoys reminiscing about their
past together while even enhancing his already admirable
computer skills.
Not only was John provided guidance upon discharge
from the hospital, he also receives in-house nursing support
every two weeks and is able to contact his personal ICC
Nurse, Janis, whenever necessary by phone.
“The staff are caring and compassionate, and overall just
very helpful,” says John’s daughter Mary Meaney. “Janis has
been a great coordinator. I can think of at least four occasions
where she provided us the help we needed where otherwise, my
dad would have ended up back in the emergency department.”
“I really don’t know where we’d be without this wonderful
program at St. Mary’s,” she adds. “My parents are comfortable
and managing in their home and I worry less about them.
While they may need to consider alternative living
arrangements in the future, ICC remains helpful in allowing
them to stay in their home longer than may have otherwise
been possible. This program has provided us all with peace of
mind and really is a true gift.”
When we use your donations to invest in new
technology, we always ask “how will this improve
patient care?” We do this because healthcare
technology is expensive and it changes quickly.
technolog y
A new nuclear medicine
department opens with
community support
Obstetrics and pediatric
services transferred to what
is now Grand River Hospital
The St. Mary’s General Hospital
Foundation is incorporated
With limited resources, we are constantly evaluating what
equipment needs to be replaced for safety reasons and what
needs to be replaced to enhance patient outcomes.
Last year, with the support or our loyal donors, we invested
$360,000 in a new cardiac diagnostic system called PACS,
which stands for Picture Archiving & Communication
System. Upgrading this diagnostic technology is akin to
replacing your film-based camera with a digital version.
The pictures are not only better, they are viewable instantly.
Our new PACS system allows our technicians to diagnose
heart conditions through the use of echo-cardiography much
quicker and our cardiologists to view those images almost
instantly. Prior to making this investment, it would take 2–3
weeks for a patient to get their results. Today, we’re turning
those results around in 24–48 hours.
Our Journey to Heal Generations / Echo PACS
Dr. Heather Warren, one of our newest cardiologists, points
out two crucial benefits of the new PACS. “First of all, we
provide our patients and their care team with the information
they need very quickly and secondly, we improve the quality
of our diagnosis and reduce the risk of errors because the
entire system is automated.”
Reducing our turnaround time not only makes us more
efficient but it allows us to see more patients, get their disease
diagnosed and treated quicker, all while reducing the anxiety
that comes with waiting for a medical test.
At St. Mary’s we have been diagnosing and curing disease
since 1924. While the technology has come a long way in those
90 years, our commitment to providing our community with
the best care possible has never wavered. Throughout it all,
donors like you have made that possible.
Dr. Ferrell proudly displays a
new Picker x-ray unit during an
open house in 1962.
out R each
The “Save our Hospital”
campaign begins in the
wake of hospital closures
across Ontario
New 100,000 square foot
addition opens with $10 million
in community support
Cardiac Arrhythmia program
comes to the community
St. Mary’s is chosen as the site
of Ontario’s first community
based regional cardiac centre
Our Cardiac Centre
celebrates its 10th anniversary
Full cardiac services begin
at St. Mary’s including
surgery and angioplasty
Our Journey to Heal Generations / Looking Forward
Throughout this annual report to the
community, you have read about our
past and our present. In each case, our
community of donors, like you, have
made it all possible.
The future of St. Mary’s is bright and we hope you will
continue to support our mission of caring, compassion
and innovation.
Over the next five years, we will be enhancing a
number of our clinical services, starting with the
development of a new cardiac arrhythmia program. This
program is the last major piece of the puzzle for our
cardiac centre as it completes our goal of eliminating
the need for residents of Waterloo region to travel for
advance cardiac care. Today, those with heart rhythm
issues, like irregular heartbeats or atrial fibrillation, must
travel to London for diagnosis, care and treatment. By
2015, with your help, that will change.
Over the next few years, our Foundation has committed
to raise the $15 million necessary to build and equip the
new arrhythmia program and we hope today you will
consider helping in that monumental effort. We have
raised $4 million already and have used those funds to
purchase a new CT-scanner and replace an existing
catheterization camera; both prerequisites to providing
an arrhythmia service.
We hope you have found this report inspiring and
informative. Thank you for your continued support and
We wish you and your loved ones good health.
H e a sl e y So ci et y
Col. Hugh J Heasley was selflessly dedicated to the
public good. His commitment inspired this society
honouring Foundation donors of $5000 or more from April 1, 2013 to March 31. 2014.
Mrs. Lynne Alex
Ms. Joy Atherton
Mr. Glenn Baechler
Mr. & Mrs Brian & Mary Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Phares & Laura Bauman
Bayer Inc.
Eric Beam & Family
BMO Bank of Montreal
Dr. & Mrs. Allen & Dale Burgoyne
Conestoga Cold Storage
Mr. John Constantine
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Margaret Cowan
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan & Malkin Dare
Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Erika Dubrick
Mrs. Vera Dubrick
Eli Lilly Canada Inc
Emmerton Fund Hospital Equipment
Erb International Inc.
Mrs. Pauline Evoy
Mrs. Veryl Finlay
Mr. & Mrs. Karl & Marga Glockemann
Mr. Bruce Gordon
Mr. Dorian Hausman & Ms. Christina Kempster
Mrs. Diana Hausman
Jeans’n Scrubs
Kitchener Waterloo Poppy Fund
Mrs. Mary Kuntz
Kuntz Electroplating Inc.
Ms. Jennifer Lehman
Mr. Albert Lorch
Mr. John Lowater
Lyle Shantz Hallman Charitable Foundation
M&M Meat Shops Limited
Mabel and Gordon McMillen Foundation
Manulife Financial
Mr. Lloyd Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Rick & Nancy Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Alex & Christine Matulewicz
Medical Centre at the Boardwalk
Mersynergy Charitable Foundation
Miller Thomson LLP
Mr. & Mrs. William & Doreen Motz
Ms. Margaret A. Motz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Elizabeth Motz
MWS Solutions Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Monty & Bonnie Oakes
Mr. & Mrs. Helmunt & Margaret Oberlander
Mr. & Mrs. George and Cecilia Piller
Mr. & Mrs. Adolph & Sylvia Prachar
Mrs. Donna P. Querengesser
Rae & Lipskie Investment Counsel Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sandra & Harvey Reid
Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTO) Golf
Mr. & Mrs. Willi & Magda Ristau
Ross & Doris Dixon Charitable Foundation
S.G.Cunningham (Kitchener) Limited
Mr. & Mrs. Lonsdale & Roberta Schofield
Mr. William Seegmiller
Sports Properties International (SPI)
St. Mary’s General Hospital Volunteer Association
Mr. & Mrs. James & Lois Stark
Stead & Evans Limited
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Jo-Anne Straus
Teledyne Dalsa Inc
The Great-West Life Assurance Company
The May Court Club of Kitchener-Waterloo
Spaenaur Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Colette Udvari
Mr. Harold Voisin
Wallenstein Feed Charitable Foundation
2012 Waterloo Region International Plowing Match
Mr. David Westfall
Westfall and Hill Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald & Joanne White
As the first superintendent, Sister M Bonaventure
was committed to excellent care. This society honours those
who contributed $1,000 - $4,999 from April 1, 2013 to
March 31, 2014.
Mrs. Marjorie Acheson
Airboss Rubber Compounding
Mr. & Mrs. Wilhelm & Elizabeth Albrecht
Alloy Casting Industries Limited
Mr. & Mrs. André & Raymonde Anderson
Angie’s Waterloo Since 1962
Ms. Judy Beauchamp
Bell Canada Employee Giving Program
Mr. Ken Bezruki
Dr. & Mrs. Robert & Gale Blackburn
Blessed Sacrament RC Church
Mr. & Mrs. William & Dorothy Bonvanie
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Elizabeth Boyd
Mr. Robert Broadfoot
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard & Marg Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Joanne Brown
Mrs. Shirley Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Colleen Bulla
Can Am Exteriors
Canadian Energy Strategies Inc.
Canton Poultry Meats Inc
Mr. Tim Catherwood
Mr. & Mrs. David & Nancy Cattanach
Dr. Mel Cescon and Dr. Donna M. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Dean & Lydia Chudleigh
Mr. & Mrs. Horace & Rita Coelho
Mr. John Coleman
Conestoga Rovers & Associates Limited
Congregation of the Resurrection - Ontario-Kentucky Province
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck & Teri Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. James & Jean Costelec
Mr. & Mrs. James & Blanche Cranston
Creative Fundraisers
Ms. Margaret Cressman
Ms. Mary Ellen Cullen
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis & Krystal Darling
Mr. & Mrs. Pierre & Gisele Denomme
Mrs. Mary-Anne Dienst
Mr. Philip Dilts & Family
Mr. Claire Dionne
Dr. & Mrs. Dale & Barbara Doran
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Joyce Douwes
Doyle Investments Corp
Mr. Joseph Draper
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Jill Dunbrook
Mr. Tom Dunlop
Mr. & Mrs. Allan & Pat Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney & Susan Dusick
Dr. Blair Egerdie and Ms. Catherine Kelly
Mr. Harold Ellenton
Embree & Co LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert & Ingrid Englisch
Mr. Ron J. Ertel
Mr. & Mrs. William & Albertina Eybergen
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald & Betsy Eydt
FaithLife Financial
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin & Marilyn Faruzel
Mr. Joseph Fehrenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Margaret Finnen
Mr. Timothy M. Fleming and Ms. Margaret F. Woolcott
Mrs. Grace Flewelling
Mr. Roland A. Flowers
The Honorable & Mrs. Patrick & Noreen Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph & Phyllis Forbes
Ms. Hannah Fournier
Mr. & Mrs. David & Doreen Frey
Mr. David Gallinger
Mr. & Mrs. Myron & Berna Garron
Gary H. Attack Financial Planning Inc
Gateman Milloy Inc.
Mrs. Marjorie Gilliland
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Jean Gimbel
Mr. & Mrs. Mel & Joan Goldstein
Goodlife Fitness - Cambridge
Ms. Donna M. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. David & Pat Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Brenda Grant
Greek Ladies Philoptochos Society
Mrs. Diane Gunning
Mr. & Mrs. John & Marianne Heffner
Mrs. & Mrs. Robert & Christine Henhoeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Murray & Carol Herriot
Mr. Dave Heubach
Mrs. Mary Hiuser
Mr. & Mrs. Werner & Tracey Hohn
Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Mary Houslander
Mr. & Mrs. John & Martha Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Carol Huehn
Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Tammy Hynes
Mr. & Mrs. John & Madelyne Imrie
Infrared Pavement Repair Corp
Dr. & Mrs. Roderick & Alberta Jack
Dr. & Mrs. Ivan & Tina Jagas
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred & Catherine Jenkins
Mr. Howard Jones
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Dieter & Rosalind Kays
Ms. Diane Keilhau
Dr. Robert Kilborn
Kitchener Sports Association
Mr. & Mrs. Iain & Jane Klugman
Knar Jewellery
KPMG Chartered Accountants
Mr. John J. Kraemer
Mr. William Kreller
Mr. & Mrs. Hartman & Brenda Krug
Mr. Doug Kudoba
Mr. & Mrs. David & Marilyn Kuhn
Dr. & Mrs. H. John & Teresa Lackner
Lackner McLennan Insurance Ltd
Vietnamese Tennis Club
Ms. Sharon Lau-Wiffin
Dr. Desta Leavine
Dr. Yves Leclerc
Mr. Dave Leitch
Ms. Oilin Leung
Libro Credit Union
Lions Club - Paradise & District Area
Lions Club of Kitchener
Mrs. Joyce A. MacCallum
Mr. Arthur Maine
Dr. Kevin McCann
Mr. Barry McCarthy and Ms. Gail Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John & Barbara McCrory
David T. McDonald Co. Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Danny & Paula McKinnon
Mr. Howard Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. George & Mary Lou Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Neil & Lois Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent & Phonsine Morrison
Mrs. Agatha Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne & Dianne Moser
Mr. Gerald Moser
Mr. & Mrs. Roger & Mary Moser
Audrey and Gerald Moser Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley & Donna Nahrgang
Mr. Leonard Curchin & Ms. Lucinda Neuru
Ontario Die International Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Brad & Becky Ostrom
Mr. Siegfried Ott
Mr. David Paleczny and Ms. Mary Reynolds
Pawn Centre Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Janet Peddigrew
Mr. & Mrs. Howard & Rosemary Pell
Peritus Environmental Consultants Inc
Mr. & Mrs. John & Janet Pfaffinger
Pfizer Canada Inc
Ms. Shelagh Pigeon
Dr. Bill Plaxton
PM Contracting Ltd
Mr. & Mrs. John & Joyce Pollock
Mr. Ken Poole
QLO Management Inc c/o Jiffy Lube
Mr. & Mrs Brian & Carol Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. William & Sandra Hett
Mr. & Mrs. Roland & Elaine Rees
Dr. David Reinhardt
Ms. Phyllis Rodina
Dr. & Mrs. David & Fran Roth
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 469 (Poppy Fund)
Ruby Electric Ltd
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Melisa Sandrock
Sanofi Aventis Canada Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice & Shirley Scarlett
Schiedel Construction Incorporated
Mr. Derek Schmuck
Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Jennifer Schoenmakers
Dr. & Mrs. Paul & Lisa Sharkey
Mr. Manassa Sherk
Mr. & Mrs. Don & Carolyn Shilton
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas & Anne Shoniker
Mr. Bruce Simpson & Dr. Janis Randall Simpson
Mr. Peter H. Sims, Q.C.
Dr. Stuart J. Smith
St. Agatha’s Roman Catholic Church
Ms. Judy Staats
Mr. & Mrs. Ray & Lisa Strayer
Sun Life Financial - Matching Gifts Program: Location 104A25
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Jean Sutherland
Mrs. Susan M. Swann
Mrs. Kay Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Krista Sweeney
Swenco Limited
Mr. & Mrs. Roger & Moira Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Wendy Thaler
The Cloverleaf Charitable Foundation
The James & Elise Devitt Foundation
The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation
The Savvas Chamberlain Family Foundation
Mrs. Bettie E. C. Thomas
Mr. Theodore A. Tiegs
Mr. Bryan Timms
Tire Team Centres Inc
Ms. Ellen Todd
Mr. Bruce H. Underwood
Mr. John E. Verity
Ms. Janice Vincent
Mrs. Elaine Voisin
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond & Joan Voll
Mr. George A. Wallace
Waterloo Region Portuguese Business & Professionals Assoc.
Mr. & Mrs. Rob & Michele Way
Ms. Nancy Webb
Mr. Lothar Weihe
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne & Dorothy Weppler
Mrs. Ann M. Williams-Gorrie
Dr. & Mrs. Russell & Peggy Willoughby
Dr. & Mrs. Ian & Terry Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. John & Susan Wissent
Woerner Investments Inc
Dr. & Mrs. Frank & Juliana Wong
Mrs. Gail Wood
Mr. Lloyd Wright
Zonta - Betty Thompson Golf Classic
Corn e r ston e SOCIETY
Members of the Cornerstone Society have notified the
Foundation that they have made a provision for St. Mary’s
General Hospital in their estate or financial plans.
Mrs. Marjorie Acheson
Mrs. Marjorie E. Atchison
Ms. Joy Atherton
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan & Amy Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. John & Tracy Atkinson
Mr. Glenn Baechler
Ms. Ruth Y. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Wendy Basse
Mr. Eric O. Beam
Mrs. Helen Benninger
Mr. Leonard Black
Mr. & Mrs. Edmour & Josephine Boudreau
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Elizabeth Boyd
J. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Ted & Mary Byvank
Mr. & Mrs. Horace & Rita Coelho
Mr. & Mrs. Garry & Nancy Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Derek & Jacqueline Coombes
Mr. James Cranston
Mr. Ennio De Marinis
Mr. & Mrs. John & Dolores Doherty
Mr. Gerald G. Dubrick
Mrs. Elvera Einwechter
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson & Leona Erb
Dr. & Mrs. Gerard & Moyra Evans
Mrs. Dorothy Falconer
Mr. & Mrs. John & Shirley Fenwick
Mrs. Veryl Finlay
Mrs. & Mr. Grace & Clarence Flewelling
Mr. Roland A. Flowers
Mr. Karl J. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Marie Fundak
Mr. Theodore G. Giesbrecht
Mr. Gerhard Goetz
Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Bobbie Gummow
Ms. Doretha Guthrie
Rev. Judith Harris
Mr. & Mrs. John & Joan Hatashita
Mr. Stewart Hayward
Mr. & Mrs. Murray & Sherri Helmka
Mr. Rob & Mrs Christine Henhoeffer
Ms. Frances Hergott
Mr. Dave Heubach
Mr. Edward H. Heubach
Ms. Thi Hue Hoang
Ms. Ksavera A. Horlor
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred & Catherine Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur & Anna Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Peter & Christiane Kahlen
Mr. & Mrs. Karl & Judy Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Colin & Rosemarie Kavanagh
Mr. David J. Kelly
Dr. Robert Kilborn
Ms. Denise Klug
Mrs. Erika Knipfel
Mr. Gregory Kruse
Mrs. Mary E. Kuntz
Ms. Karen V. Lackenbauer
Mr. & Mrs. Victor & Anna Lagonia
Dr. Klaus Lutzer
Mr. Arthur Maine
Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Chris Masterman
Mr. Kirk McPherson
Mr. & Mrs. Hans & Kaete Melchers
Mr. Nicholas Meurs
Mr. Henry W. Meyer
Mr. Keith Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Muriel Misch
Mrs. Zorica Mitic
Mrs. Margo Montgomerie
Mr. & Mrs. William & Doreen Motz
Ms. Genowef Myszor
Mrs. Kathleen P. Pearce
Ms. Rita Polzin
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred & June Preiss
Ms. Irene Price
Mrs. Carole Anne Rason
Mr. & Mrs. Roland & J. Elaine Rees
Reuben Halpern Family Holdings Ltd
Mr. & Mrs. James & Mary Robertson
Mrs. Alice M. Roeder
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Jan Rooney
Mr. Gerrardo Santantonio
Mr. Phonpraseuth Saysanavong
Mr. & Mrs. George & Debra Schell
Ms. Virginia Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Abram & Margaretha Schmitt
Mr. Keith Schnarr
Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Estelle Sidler
Mr. Istvan Sipos
Mr. W. Ross Smith
Mrs. Mary Strauss
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh & Mary Helen Stroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Marisa Tessier
Mr. Andrew Trainor
Ms. Karin Voisin
Mr. Mac Voisin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Donna Wall
Mr. Robert Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Judy Whalen
Ms. Diane White
Mrs. Dorothy Wolfenberg
Mrs. Thelma E. Zlateff
E stat e Gi f ts
We honour the following individuals who provided for the
future needs of St. Mary’s. In the past fiscal year, we received
bequests previously arranged by these individuals:
Mrs. Waltraud Anton
Estate of Lawrence E. Banks Sr.
Estate of Mamie Beilstein
Mrs. Carol Biesel
Mrs. Marguerite H. Brooke
Mrs. Evelyn R. Caesar
Mrs. Norma Fraser
Mrs. Maria Furbacher
Estate of Harold Elwood Gabel
Mrs. Kathleen Joyce Halpern
Estate of Richard L. Harrington
Mrs. Diana Hausman
Estate of Eva Komarnicky
Estate of Pierre A. Leblond
Estate of Leonard F. McDermott
Miss Catharine Meyer
Estate of Dorothy E. Mohr
Estate of Helen Rossi
Mr. Stillman H. Schlueter
Estate of Jean E. Schweitzer
Estate of Alan Simpson
Mrs. Eileen Snider
Estate of Helen A. Stoesser
Mr. John S. Storey
Estate of Roy E. Weaver
Estate of Dorothy I. Wilker
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