twany kitaen
twany kitaen
I PtaintiffTAWNY KITAEN alleges: 2 INTRODUCTION 3 4 l. andrnodel,thoughtshehadfinally TawnyKitaen,a well-knownacfress 5 foundthemanof ber dreamsin Philip Cyburt, Shebelievedthis wasa manshecouldtrust, 6 dependon, and shareher life with. Sheneverimaginedthis seeminglyhonestandcaringman I woulcslitheriilto herlife only to rob herof overthreemillion dollarsduriugthecourseof E their1bur-yearrelationship. 9 2. TawnyKitaenandPhilipCyburt'srelationsbip blossomed, andby r0 Auguit 2002theywereliving togetherandsharingin everyaspectof eachothers'lives;they ll celebrated birthdaysandho)idaystogether,markedmilestonesin their children'slives,and 12 favel:d togeth€r.TawnyKitaencameto totallytrustPhilip Cyburt,andhe becameinvolved l3 in every facetof her life. Shcbelievedtheyhadbecometruc partners. t4 3. Tragically,theloyaltyanduust TawnyKitaenhadin Philip Cyburtwas l5 shatte:edwhenshediscovered that,withoutherknowledge,he hadbeenusingher creditcards, t6 signingher nafle on checks,withdrawiugmoneyfrom her irccounts,andsellingher realestate t7 holdirgs, for his personalbenefit,andultimatelydefraudingher of over threemillion dollars. l8 l9 20 2l tt THE PARTIES 4. ThePtaintiff,TAWNY KITAEN ("Kitaen"),is, andat all materialtimcs hasbeen,an individualresidingin theCountyof Los Angeles,California. 5. Plaintiffis informedandbelieves, andbasedihereonallegesthat 23 DefenJant, PHILIPW. CYBURT("Cyburt"),is, andat all relevanrmarerialtimeshasbeen, 24 anindrvidualresidingin theCountyof LosAngeles,Caiifornia, i:+ 75 6. Plaintiff is informedandbelieves,and basedthereonallegesrhat .?: /. 26 pursuantto Codeof Civil Proceduresection474, that fictitiously-namedDefendartssued a.:. Ti 27 hereinas DOES I through50, inclusive,andeachof thern,were in somemannerresponsible /,. !iIi '7 ?A or leg.lly liable for the actions, evenr, damages,transactionsand circuursuncesalleged K;\a 129-2PLe\COMPLAtNf. ypd COMPLAINT ?'d LldEe., Looz eI 3nu I hereir. Thetruenamesandcapacities of suchfictitiously-narned whether Defendant$, 2 indivdual, corporale,associate or otherwise,arepresentlyunknownto PlaintiffandPlaintiff 3 will seekleaveof Courtto arnendthisComplaintto assertthelrue namesandcapacities of 4 suchhctitiously-named Defendants whenthesamehavebeenascertairtedFor convenience, ( to a named-defendant each:eference hereinshallalsorefer to theDOE Defendants. andeach 6 of thcm. 7 7. Plaintiffis informedandbelieves, that andbasedthereonalleges, andeachof them,includingwithoutlimiratiorrthoseDefendants E Defer.dants, hereinsuedas 9 DOEii, wereactingin ccrrcertor participationwilh eachother,or werejoint participants and r0 joint-ventwers,owners, collatoratorsin theacmcomplained of, or wereco-conspirators, l1 principals,partners,agentsor employees of theothersin doingtheactscornplained of herein, 1 2 anderLch and all of themwereactingwithin thecouse and scopeof saidagency,partnership, t3 ownershi.p emplcyment,conspi.racy, , or joint venture,andeachandall of themwereactingin 14 concertonewith the other,andall togetber,Plaintiffis furtherinformedandbelievesand 15 basedthereonallegesthattheactsandconducthercinallegedof eachsuchDefendant were 16 knowt to, authorizedby, and/orratiFred by theotherDefendants, andeachof them. When 17 Plaintfi ascertains thetruenalnesandcapacities of DOESI through50, inclusive,it will seek IE leaverf this Court to amendhis Complainrby settingfortb the same. l9 8, Plaintiffis informedandbelieves,andbasedthereonalleges, thatat all 20 timeshereinmentioned eachof theDefendants was,andis, the agent,co-conspirator, servant, 2l alter egoand/orernployee of eachof the otherDefendants, andall of thethingsallegedto have 22 beenconeby saidDefendants weredonein a capacityof an agent,co-conspirator, servanlr 23 alteregoand/oremployeeof andfor theorherDefendanrs. 24 9, Unlessotherwise atlegedherein,all of theev€ntsandoccurrences, and i-'r: 25 the co.tductof thepartiesheteto,ashereinsetforth,(ookplacein theCountyof LosAngeles, = i! € 26 Statet,f California. '-J n ri ilii 28 i"r Kr\4|2')-2'PLE\COMPLAINT.c BI COMPLAINT g' d Ndee rt Looz er 5" C causingher to 1 bightr price with Kilaen'sfunds,againwithouther knowledgeor authorization, 7 damages.In total,PhilipCyburtsbsconded suffe:significant with no lessthanthree e@nornic 3 rnillirn dollars($3,000,000.00) of Ms. Kitaen'smoney. 4 14. On multipleoccasions, includinga formaldemandon Augustl, 2097, Kiraendemanded Cyburtreturnthefundsheconverrcd.He hasrefused. 6 FIRSTCAUSEqF ACTION 7 (For Breachof Fiduciary Dut-v) I 15. adoptsandincorporates by reference, Kitaenrealleges, eachandevery contained in Paragraphs I through14,inclusive,asthoughfully setforthherein. 9 allegi,tions r0 16. KitaenandCyburt'sfour and th yearlive-in relationshipcreateda t7 fiducary relationshipbetweenrheparties. Cyburthadan obligationto act in thebestinterest t2 andrnakefull disclosure of all materialfactswithinhis knowledge relalingto of Kir:aen, in whichthepartieswereinvolved. 13 trans:rctiors t4 L7. Clburt breached his fiduciaryduty to Kitaenby convertingthefollowing r5 fundsfor his own usewithouther knowledgeor consent:chargestotalingoveronchundred 76 thousrnddollars($100,000.00) totalingover on Kiaen'sAmericanExpressAccount:charges t7 on Kitaen'sVisaSignature over thirty-fivethousand dollars($35,000.00) card;redeeodng l8 of Kitaen'sAmericanExpressairlinemileswithouther approval;withdrawals $140,000.00 dollars($300,000,00) t9 totalirrgoverthreehundredthousand from Kitaen'sMerrill Lynch 20 Accounqfraudulentlysigningchecksin Kitaen'snane totalingover {ifty thousand dollars 2l ($50,ti00.00X sellingof Kitaen'srealestateholdingsandthendiverting andtheunauthorized for his own use,andthensubs€quently 22 the profits frorn thesesalesto his accounts repurchasing 23 therealestateholdingsat a higherpricewith Kitaen'sfunds,againwirhoutherknowledge or 24 conseflt,resultingin significant economic lossesfor Kitaen. F; 2s 18. As a directandproximate resultof Cyburt'sbreachof bis fiduciaryduty, '3i in anamountthathasnot yet beenfully ascertained, but which is :=,'' 26 Kitae:rhasbeendarnaged ii ,:4 .5: f: 27 plusapplicable interestbelieredto beno lessthanthreemilliondollars($3,000,000.0O), ''g,i 2t .? K:\0 ) 2!. \PLS\COM PLAINT.wl g'd COMPLAINT Ltdle:t LOOZ EI 3nU I , 19. Cyburt'sactsallegedabovewerewillful, wanton,rnalicious,and oppr(rssive, with theintentto defraudKitaen,andjustify theawardirtgof andwereundertaken andpunitivedamages. 3 exsmplary 4 SECQNDCAUSEOF ACTIOIJ 5 (For Conversion) 6 20. by reference, adoptsandincorporarcs Kitaenrealleges, eachandevery I through14, inclusive,as thoughfully setforth berein. 7 allegirtiomcontainedin Paragraphs I I 21. herein,Kitaenwas,andstill is, thesoleow:ler, At all timesrnentioned andauthoriry,of herArnericanExpressAccount,her andi:l wasentitledto solepossession 10 AmericanExpressAirlhe miles,her Merrill LynchAccount,herVisaSignature Card,andher l1 12 realestateholdings, 22. his fiduciaryduty to Between20V2and2006,Cyburtdisregardod thefollowingfundsfor his ownusewithoutherknowledge or conseot: 13 Kirael, andconverted t4 dollars($100,000.00) on Kitaen'sAmerican chargestotalingoveronehundredthousand ts r6 totalingoverthirty-fivethousand dollars($35,000.00) on Kitaen's Exprr:ss Account;charges Visa iignaturecardlredeemirrg of Kitaen'sAmericanExpressairlinemiles over$140,000.00 L1 withouther approval;withdrawalstotatingoverthreehundredthousanddollars($300,000.00) l8 frour Kitaen'sMertill LynchAccounqfraudulenrlysigningchecksin Kitaen'snametotaling t9 over :iftythousand andtheunauthorized sellingof Kitaen'srealestate dollars($50,000.00); 20 holdirrgsandthendivertingthepro{itsfrom thesesalesto hls accountsfor his own use,again 2T wihout her knowledgeor consent,rcsuttingin significanteconomiclossesfor Kiaen. 22 23. On multipleoccasions, includinga forrnaldemandon AugustI,2m7, 23 Kitaerrdemanded Cyburtreturnthefirndshe convertod.He hasrefused. 24 24. Cyburt'sacrsallegedabovewerewillful, wanton,malicious,and i':! +a 25 oppressive, wirh the intentto defraudKiaen, andjustify theawardingof andwereundercaken {t 1l 26 exem'rlary andpunitivedamages. ''ii . i- r . ijt 27 28 K:\4 | 29. l\PLE\COMPLAINT opd 9' d COMPI.AINT Ll dte:t eOOe et 2nU 1 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 2 (For Accounting/Destructlve Ttust) 3 25. Kitaen realleges,adoptsand incorporatesby reference,eachand every 4 allegitions containedin ParagraphsI through 14, inclusive, as though fully scl forth herein. 5 26, Kitaen's and Cyburt's four and Vz year live-in relationship, createda 6 fiduciary relationshipbetweenthe parties. Cyburt had an obligation to act in the bestinterest 7 of Kitaen, and make full disclosureof alt material facts within his knowledgerelating to I trans,rctions in which thc partieswere involved, 9 27. Cyburr breachedhis fiduciary dury to Kitaen by converdng the following 10 firndr for his own use wilhout her knowledgsor consent:chargestotaling over one hundred 11 thousanddollars ($t00,000.00)on Kitaen'sArnericanExpressAccount;chargestotalingover t2 rhirty-five thousanddollars ($35,000.00)on Kihen's Visa Signaturecard; redeemingover 13 $140 000.00 of Kitaen's ArnericanExpressairline miles without her approval;withdrawals t4 totali:rg over three hurrdredthousanddollars ($3Q0,000.00)from Kitaen's Merrill Lynch 1 5 Accolmt; fraudulentlysigningchecksin Kitaen'snametotaling over fifty thousanddollars 16 ($50,)00,00);andth.eunauthorizedsellingof Kiuen's real estateholdingsand thendiverting T7 thc profits from thesesalesto his accountsfor his own use, and then subsequentlyrcpurchasing 1.8 the real estateholdings at a higlrcr price with Kitaen's funds, againwithoucher lcrowledgeor 1 9 consed, resultingin significanteconomiclossesfor Kitaen. 20 28. As a direct and proximate result of Cyburt's breachof tris fiduciary duty, 2l Kitaerrhas been darnagedin al arnountthu hasnot yet been fully ascertained,and an tt accourting of Cyburt's financial accountsand information from Cybun regardingtlre saleand 21 repurr:haseof Kitaen's real estateholdings is necessaryin order to obtain this inforrnation, u Kitaerris informed and believesand thereonallegesthat the amount,owed is not lessthan three )E millio r doilars($3,000,000.00). 25 29. ln 20O4,Kitaen demandedthat Cybutt accountfor the aforementioned 27 rnoniei, andpay the amountfound due to Kitaen, but Cyburt has failed and refused,and 28 continJesto fail and tefuse, to renderan accountingand pay Kitaen. K:\{ | 2?-2,PLACOMPLAI NT.rvnd 4' d COMPII,INT I , 30. By virtueof Cyburt'swrongfulacts,he holdstheconverted funds,in an amountno lessthanthreemilliondollars($3,000,000.00), as a constructive trusl€efor the 3 beot,fltof Kitaen. 4 FqURTH C-AUSEOF ACTION 5 (ForFraud) 6 31. Kiuen realleges, adoptsandincorporates by reference,eachandevery 7 allegations contai$edin Paragraphs I througb14, inclusive"asthoughfully setfurth herein, E I 32. Kitaen'sandCyburt'sfour and t/zyearlive-in reluionship,creareda Frdur iary relationshipbetweentheparties. Cyburthadan obligationto act in thebestintere$t 10 of K taen,andmakefull disclosureof all malerialfactswithin his knowledgerelatingto l1 t2 transactions in whichthepartieswereinvolved. 33. DespiteCybruthavingvoluntarilyaccepted thetrustandconfidence l3 repoledon him by Kitaen,andio violationof this relationshipof tnst andconfidencc,Cyburt l4 abusrdthetust andconfidence of Kitaenby convertingthefollowing fundsfor his ownuse l5 wilhr'uther knowledgeor consent:chatgestotalingover onehundredthousand dollars l6 ($10(t,000.Ct0) on Kitaen'sAmericanExpressAccount;chargestotalingover thirty-five l7 thousand dollars($35,00000)on Kitaen'sVisaSignature card;redeemiag over$140,000.00 18 of Ki aen'sAmericanExpressaitlinemileswjthouthcr approval totalingover I withdrawals t9 threebundredthousand dollars($300,000.00) fromKitaen'sMerrill LynchAccount; 20 fraudrlentlysigningchecksin Kitaen'snametotalingoverfifty rhousand dollars($50,000.00); 2l andtlreunauthorized setlingof Kitaen'srealeslateholdingsandthendivertingtheprofitsfrom J1 thesesalesto his accounts for his ownuse,andthcnsubsequently repurchasing therealestate 23 hotdirgsat a higherpricewith Kinen's funds,againu,ithouther knowledge or consett, 24 resultng in significanteconomiclossesfor Kitaen. No part of thesesumshasbeenrerurnedto 25 Kitaerr,despiteKitaen'sdernand therefor. 26 27 34. Cyburt did the actsherein allegedwith the intent to deceiveand defraud and Cyburt ernployeddevicx to concealfrom Kitaen rhe fact that he had convertedher n K :\4 | 29-2 iPLE\COMPLA lNT. t1d COMPLATNT a' d xdse:f 4ooz eI 3nu I fundsfor his own use. Cyburtdid theseactswitlr theintentto inducerelianceby Kitaenin his 2 contiruing ftdelity. 3 35. and reliancein Cyburt,until on or Kitaendid in factplaceconfidence the true factsconcerningthewithdrawalsand 4 aboutDecember2005,whenshediscovered s croditcardchargesmadeby Cybur(for his ownuse,asallegedabove.Kitaenreasonably 6 reliedon Cybrutbasedon theirrelationship, 36. 7 I As a resultof Cyburt'sfraudasallegedhereln,Kitaenhasbeendamaged in an lmountof no lessthandrreemilliondollars($3,000,000.00). 37. 9 Cybuft'sactsallegedabovewerewillful, wanton,malicious,and with theintentto defraudKitaen,andjustify tbe awardingof 10 opprersive,andwereundertaken 11 exemlrlaryandpunicivedamages. 1Z WHEREF'ORE,Kitaenpraysfor judgmentas follows: l5 t4 AS TI} TTIE FIRST CAUSEOF ACTIOIY: 1. l5 in the amountof no lessthantbreemillion dollrs For generaldamages or according to proo{ pluspre andpostjudgmentinterestthereonat thelegal t6 ($3,0(10,000.00), t7 rate; 2. l8 damages accordingto proof; For punitiveandexemplary 19 AS TI) TIIE SECONDCAUSEOF ACTION: 20 3. in theamountof no lessthanthreemillion dollars For generaldamages 2r ($3,0(10,000.00), to proof,pluspreandpostjudgmentintaestthereonat thelegal or according c, rate; 4. 23 accordingto proof; For punitiveandexemplarydamages 24 AS TI) THE THIRD CAUSEOF ACTION: t.-_ .j,i.r .j,ij :i, ! 5. 25 For generaldamages in thearnountof no lessthanthreemilliondollars 26 ($3,0(0,000.00),or accordingto proof,ptuspreandpostjudgmentinterestthereonat thelegal 27 rate; .: i. t z8 6. For an accountingbetweenKitaen and Cyburt; K14 I 29.: \PLE\COMPLAINT,$!d COMPLAINT g' d Ll dqest 4OO Z eI 3nU 7. ($1, in the amountof no lessthanthreemillion dollars For generaldarnages 0), or accordingto proof, pluspre andpostjudgmentinterestthereonat the legal rate For punitiveandexemplarydamagesaccordingto proof; TA_ 9. For reasonable costsof suit incurredherein; l0 For reasonable attorneysfeesas maybe providedby law; and 11 For suchother andfurther rclief asthe court maydeemappropriate, DA' : August fL,,Zffit I.AVELY & SINCER PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION WILLIAIVIJ. BRIGGS,II JESSICAC. ti t I COMPLAINT Ll dge:t 4OOe eI 3nU