37mm Russian `Spade` Mortar
37mm Russian `Spade` Mortar
Fax: 610-250-3961 50 H i lto n St r e e t, Easton PA 18042 May be the COOLEST new military product of 2016! 37mm Russian ‘Spade’ Mortar WHEN IS A SPADE NOT JUST A SPADE ? WHEN IT’S A MORTAR TOO ! Sarco has the ‘Kamabee Keep’ rework of the coolest mortar design in the history of warfare. Innovative Russian designers took the concept of the standard ‘Entrenching Tool’ that every soldier wore on his belt, and elevated it to ‘Heavy Weapon Status’, by allowing it to dig trenches & also fire 37mm Mortar Rounds! Designed in the late 1930s and fielded against Finland in late 1939/40 in the Russo Finn War, and throughout WW2 along the Russian Front. Never been on the U.S. or World market! It can be attached to your belt using the canvas & leather carrier, be detached to operate as a small shovel, or used to lob rounds on the enemy. Transforms into a mortar in @15 seconds with practice. This is a new made replication of the original and is non-firing. Sarco Inc. carries this item exclusively and they are currently in stock. We also have the ‘late war’ style 15 round bandolier used by troops to carry mortar ammunition including Mosin Nagant Rifle ammunition. To top it off, we have replica 37mm Mortar inert display rounds available too ! The only place to see this item in the entire world is in a Russian military museum. Truly this is a piece of ordnance lost to history! The design concept was amazing and its impact could still be amazing in this day & age! Imagine a platoon of infantry Riflemen also each carrying 15 mortar shells and working as a fire and maneuver machine. Stalinist purges and a failure to develop better ammunition put this idea to sleep before its time! 37mm Spade Mortar Assembly......................................$175.00 MT001 Belt Carrier for the Mortar............................................... $19.95 MT002 Chest Bandolier w/ Mosin Pouch.................................... $65.00 MT003 Mortar Round, inert for display.......................................$19.95 MT004 www.E-Sarcoinc.com (610) 250-3960 INFO@SARC OINC.C OM RPG-2 Rocket Launchers... Crossed the Frontier & Have Arrived!!!!!! Original and In Virtually ‘Like New’ Condition !!!!! Light and streamlined, the Russian designed RPG-2 Rocket Launcher was effective against Infantry and Armor. Vietnam was a key testing ground for the real world employment of this weapon. U.S. forces gained an acute respect for the impact of this weapon which caused great anxiety for troops moving in M113 APCs and M48 tanks as well as Cargo trucks running back and forth from the DMZ. With it’s low profile and ease of loading, the RPG2 maintained a sinister presence in the jungles of Vietnam and over the decades, it was effective throughout conflicts in Asia, Africa, and South & Central America. Sarco has obtained these RPG-2s from the Warsaw Bloc and they have been deactivated to BATF specifications. The launchers are in excellent condition and have a bore hole cut in the tube as part of the deactivation. Also a solid rod is in place within the bore as required. The trigger housing is functional, can cock and click with a trigger pull, and the front and rear sights are functional and have good spring tension. Also…..an RPG-2 Rocket without booster will fit into the tube just fine and it makes a fabulous display piece and is extremely realistic! Our stock is quite limited and we are not sure if we will be able to obtain more. RPG-2 Launcher only.................................................................................................$475.00 MT009 RPG-2 Rocket (original body & fins with inert replacement warhead) If purchasing an RPG-2 launcher then the rocket is ...................................................................................$75.00 each MT010 ***Rockets by themselves are ................................$100.00 ea, Or 3 for................$270.00 MT011 Rocket Backpack (for holding 3 rockets) ....................................................................................................... $60.00 ea MT012 Rocket Backpack with 3 Inert RPG-2 Rockets if purchasing an RPG-2 launcher.......................................................................................... $199.95 MT013 Purchase a complete package of RPG-2 launcher, 1 Rocket, Backpack, Cleaning Rod/ Gunners Spares & Tool Set for..........................$625.00 MT014 RPG-2 Cleaning Rod Set.....................................$15.95 MT015 RPG-2 Gunners Spares & Tools Set ( 2 firing pin/spring sets, bushing, wrench, punch, combo tool )...............$18.95 MT016 WW2 U.S. M19 60mm PARATROOP MORTAR (non-firing display) U.S. Marine Raider and Army Airborne units benefited from a light 60mm mortar assembly rushed to the front in 1942. Roughly a 20 lb. mortar, this allowed a savings of 25+ lbs. over the standard M2 mortar, and allowed for more ammo to be carried. Paratroops learned how to utilize it by aiming with the M15 sight as used on the M1 Garand grenade launcher and by using a degree of ‘Kentucky Windage’ to walk rounds on top of the enemy at places like Bougainville, Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal, Operation Husky, etc. Also significant use occurred in Korea and Vietnam. Our non-firing steel replica uses the original WW2 issue baseplate and M15 sight assembly with a new made undersized I.D. tube and non-functional ball and cap assy. with lanyard latch firing lever. First time available in the United States! Mortar only. Supplies are very limited. $495.00 MT005 ORIGINAL US ARMY & NAVY DRONE MT006 Beechcraft Mfg For more info, contact Dave, ext 223 or Mark, ext 224 COLLECTOR’S ITEM WWII M1 CARBINE LEATHER SCABBARD Made from an original utilizing strong leather, brass cover and correct fasteners, and markings. Originally made for the full stock M-1 Carbine, it also fits similar sized firearms like the Ruger® 10/22® with the Sarco stock. $57.95 MT007 WWII M1 GARAND RIFLE LEATHER SCABBARD Heavy leather scabbards have the tunnel to cover the operating rod handle and two leather carrying straps with brass hardware. Perfect reproduction $59.95 MT008 ITALIAN WW2 ‘SAMURAI’ MAGAZINE VEST Another First on the U.S. market as Sarco brings you another ‘Kamabee Keep’ item that is as rare as ‘hens teeth’! The WW2 Italian Paratrooper canvas & leather vest referred to as the ‘Samurai’ vest, was a staple of the 185th Parachute Division that was famous for their preparation of the invasion of Malta, and importantly for the 2nd battle of El Alamein where they resisted 4 British Infantry Divisions and 2 Armor Divisions thrown against them. Continued their courageous stands at Monte Casino and after Italy capitulated, they continued with the Germans as the 4th Fallschirmjager Division which fought until May 1945. The entire time , they operated with this smart chest rig that held 5 Beretta M38 magazines on the front and 7 on the back along with 6 grenades on the waist pouches. This vest would still be viable in todays military operations if you inserted body armor plates or Kevlar! Very comfortable and a brilliant design! It is applicable and useful with numerous other submachine gun magazine like Sten, Thompson, MP40 etc. Normally repro versions although rare as well, are priced at several hundred dollars for this version. We have a limited supply of these at an attractive price ! $125.00 MT017 U.S. ARMY TERRAIN TACTICAL MODEL KIT We have a small number of U.S. Military terrain board kits used in teaching Officers & Enlisted servicemen how to shoot, move, and communicate over a landscape in conventional warfare. It helps everyone envisage the ‘larger’ picture on the battlefield and how units are coordinated before, during, and after the battle and excellent for learning ‘maneuver warfare’. This set is made up of 4 foam latex terrain panels with contours and some terrain features. Also comes with extra foam terrain features like hills, forests , scrub, and plastic buildings, pill boxes, obstacles and unit identifiers. Opposing forces are included with the Orange being a mechanized force and Blue forces are Infantry, Mortars, and Artillery. The entire set comes inside a large wooden case, (63”x33”x8”), which turns into a table, (@64”x 63” ), and with it’s folding legs rests @ 2 feet off of the floor. Pretty cool and is excellent for war gaming with pieces you provide . These sets were used for training in the 1950s/60s. Originally , the set also came with paints so you could add terrain features like rivers, lakes, roads etc. The paints are all dried up , but you can use paint of your choosing on the latex foam. Because of the large size of this set, it is a freight item or can be picked up at our showroom in Easton , Pa. Used, and sold as is. Only about a half dozen available ..........................................................................$250.00 MT018 My Artillery has you in checkmate. You are Kaput ! Yah, but my tanks are advancing 1 click to deliver your Govt a 3rd term for your Comm ander in Chief... Now wh o feels the ‘Burn’ ! NAPOLEONIC FLAG French Foreign Legion Indochina /Algerian Mle-49 ‘Le Chapeau de Brousse’ Famous and very hard to find, French ‘bush hat’ as used by the French Foreign Legion during their conflicts in Vietnam and Algerian theaters of operation. We have a small number of new manufactured Mle-49 hats in the almost impossible to find size of U.S. size 7-1/2” (Large)!!! These are faithfully made in a heavy khaki cotton with traditional batting in the brim ( not cardboard !). 2 grommets on each side with brim snap on one side. Because of the difficulty and labor intensive sewing pattern that encompassed the entire hat to make it durable to the standards of the Legion, we had to work with a number of manufacturers before we found one who could get it right! You’ll love this hat on the farm, camping, travelling etc! We like it because it is truly a bush hat that looks ‘hard core adventurer’, and not commercial traveler. The type you’d wear all year round in Panama or Alaska! 1st Grenadier Guard Flag as flown over the battlefield at Waterloo, 200 years ago. This flag represented the personal guard of Napoleon, made up of the ‘Old guard’ or most experienced and most dependable of the Imperial forces. Just about impossible to find this flag anywhere on the market, it is truly one of the most beautiful regimental battle flags that took to the field. We have carefully manufactured this flag in cotton with double batting and gold fringe around the outside with dimensions of @3 feet by 3 feet. One side of the flag shows the unit designation and the other lists 15 battle honors up until Waterloo. A strikingly glamorous flag for display or household décor. $34.95 $29.95 MT019 RUSSIAN PPSH-41 SMG (non-firing) Truly one of the world’s first class sub machine guns of WW2 & beyond. Over 5 million produced and many of them came face to face with U.S. servicemen in Korea and Vietnam. Spewing a voracious 900+ rds. a minute with 7.62x25 Tokarev ammo, this gun demanded respect, especially when the Soviets outfitted entire Companies of their infantry with this SMG against German troops in WW2 and the Chinese against U.N. troops in Korea. This glorious full size, non-firing display gun in wood and metal with removable 71rd. drum, has an action that allows you to cock the bolt and pull the trigger. We also offer an Original Ppsh41 sling and Drum Pouch with this package, as long as supplies last. (colors of pouch & sling may vary). RARE M11A3 WWII RIFLE Lost in warehouse for 10 years! GRENADES Repainted and may have minor storage dings on fins. These don’t exist anymore! Small quantity only! $34.95 These are original G.I. dummy grenades, not the repro paperweights that are currently sold. Acquired years ago and lost in the warehouse. New condition. Not for sale in California ................................................... $14.50 MT092 HISTORIC FIGHTING KNIVES German WWI Trench Knife w/ boot scabbard, New ... $39.95 MT024 B AY O N E T S MT022 DUMMY GRENADE U.S. BASEBALL TYPE PPSH41 W/ POUCH & SLING $199.95 MT020 Italian WW2 Fighting Knife w/scabbard, New............................... $26.95 MT023 MT021 OF British Enfield #9 blade bayonet w/ scabbard, New.... ........................ $29.95 MT026 British Enfield Spike bayonet w/ scabbard, Orig ............... ...................................................................... $12.00 MT027 British Enfield #5 ‘Jungle’ bayonet w/ scabbard, New ............. $39.00 MT028 British Enfield 1907 w Quillon & scabbard, New .... ..................$58.95 MT029 British Sten MK2 SMG bayonet. New...................... ................... $34.95 MT030 British 1907 Leather scabbard. Original ........................ $24.95 MT031 British Spike bayonet SCABBARD .................................. $9.00 MT032 British #9 bayonet SCABBARD........................................ $9.95 MT033 Carcano 1938 ‘Folding Handle’ bayonet & scabbard. Very hard to find! Faithfully produced from an original............ ...................................... $89.95 MT034 Beretta 38 SMG ‘Folding Handle’ bayonet & scabbard. Extremely hard to find. Faithfully produced from an original........... $99.95 MT035 FAL bayonet & scabbard for the thin early flash hider Rifles and STG-58 .. ............................................................ $19.95 MT036 THE U.S. M3 Fighting Knife w/ scabbard, New ... $29.95 MT025 WORLD SIG 530/540/542 Rifle bayonet & scabbard .......................................... $75.00 MT037 G3 Danish bayonet & scabbard ......... $65.00 MT038 SKS Spike bayonet ......$9.95 MT039 Mosin Nagant 91/30 bayonet........................................................ $19.95 MT040 Mosin Nagant 91/30 Bayonet w/leather scabbard.......................... $34.95 MT041 Mosin Nagant 44 Carbine bayonet................................................. $28.95 MT042 Japanese Type 38 & 99 Bayonet & scabbard................................. $49.95 MT043 U.S. M16 (M7) bayonet w/scabbard, USGI, VG condition.$29.95 MT044 U.S. M9 type M16 bayonet w/scabbard. New. $39.95 MT045 U.S. Garand Rifle 16” bayonet & scabbard. New. $29.95 MT046 U.S. Garand Rifle 10” bayonet & scabbard. Original Bayonet w/Reproduction scabbard. $64.95 MT047 (see our website for many more bayonets) Please check our website E-Sarcoinc.com for hundreds of thousands of gun parts, accessories, and military material spanning the last hundred years and beyond ! Suit Of Medieval Armor (full size) HOTCHKISS 37MM USN PRATT & WHITNEY CANNON Full sized set made from 20 gauge steel, complete with stand!. Stands over 6 feet tall and when on it’s base, 80” tall! Comes complete with helmet, skirt, and battle sword. A quality set of armor which will be eye candy to anyone who comes in your store! We purchased in bulk so compare at current market retail of $2400 - $5,000! Quantity is very limited so act quickly. Some assembly required. Revolving barreled cannon is amazingly rare! Our 1890 manufactured cannon on carriage is one of only 5 that we know of in the U.S. These cannon adorned sailing ships of the U.S. Navy, installation defenses, and Regimental batteries. Much of the cannon is bronze and we have numerous spares and inert shell casings & shells as well as original & new barrels. $135,000.00 MT048 $995.00 each MT053 GERMAN M35 WW2 HELMET Model M35 helmet with leather steel banded liner and leather chinstrap and shell with rolled edge like the originals. We provide a free German WW2 era emblem decal. U.S. Size is @7-1/2”,(Large), which works well between 7-1/4 to 7-5/8” head sizes. New mnfr., Green. (For more details, please call for Dave, Mark, or Cholly) MIG-21 COCKPIT Original Combloc MIG-21 Jet Cockpit housing saved from the smelter’. Earmarked to be destroyed, we were able to intervene long enough to obtain a few of these East German cockpits with canopy. Probably will never see these again! $49.50 MT054 GERMAN LUFTSCHUTZ WW2 HELMET Only 1 remaining Well-made multiple piece construction like the original. Used by allof the services. Large size 7-1/2” $8,000.00 MT049 $55.00 MT055 FRENCH LRAC-50 BAZOOKA Rarely seen since their use in Indochina, Algeria, and the Yom Kippur War, these rocket launchers were similar to U.S. Bazookas , but added a shield and optic housing. Very compact, they were easier to maneuver in tight spaces and primarily saw service with French forces in Colonial frontiers and the Israeli Army. Demilled to BATF specs. Sarco is the only place to get these! M1895 PRUSSIAN GERMAN FUSILIER REGIMENT HELMETS Just got another shipment of Picklehaubes – Finely crafted of heavy leather with solid brass trim, cockades, spike assembly and detailed eagle emblem. These are (non firing) M1895 Prussian German Fusilier Regiment Helmets - Nicely done. All the $495.00 MT050 metal is a beautiful brass. An extremely accurate & detailed recreation and fit for use or display and will be the topic of conversations in your collection or “man cave”. German spiked helmet. These helmets were used up to the end of WWI. Beautiful huge brass Prussian spread eagle on the front. Last shipment we sold out for $99.95. SARCO struck a tremendous deal to bring you this helmet at 1/10th the price of an original. GERMAN WWII PANZERFAUST 60 LAUNCHER & ROCKET (NON FIRING) All steel construction, this full size inert display launcher is complete with rocket assembly. Used extensively in II, especially against U.S. tanks in France and Germany $180.00 MT051 Bren Mk 3 LMG ‘Display Gun’ Parts Set British Armored Regarded as the lightest of the Bren Guns, the MK3 had lightening cuts made to Car Available the receiver and usually was found with a barrel @2-3/4 inches shorter than the $59.95 MT056 FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION NCO KEPI Beautiful wool Kepi (blue wool with red top & piping). Comes with removable desert cover and neck protector. Large size 7-1/2” $30.00 MT057 Call MK2 series barrel. Nevertheless, both sized barrels were used on this gun in WW2 For . This model was envisaged as an answer for Airborne and Infantry troops fighting in the jungles of the Pacific, but actually once production started in 1943, it found Details it’s way to every theater of the war. Our kit is terrific for making a Check our website for Original Mfr & Repro Luger Parts, including a new shipment of SWISS Luger Parts! non firing display gun. Comes with all parts shown including the correct receiver cut to BATF specifica- AUSTRIAN WW1 HELMET Very well-made with short brim and helmet lugs. Best of the Axis WWI helmets! $495.00 MT052 We also have Mk1, Mk3 & L4A3 Bren Kits, parts & accessories. Check our website for details! $55.00 MT058 tions, a cut Bren barrel with all attaching parts and five .303 cal. magazines. ORDERING CUSTOMER SERVICE – [email protected] PARTS QUESTIONS: [email protected] MACHINE GUN QUESTIONS: [email protected] SHIPPING ALL ORDERS WILL BE RECEIVED, PROCESSED AND SHIPPED OUT OF OUR PENNSYLVANIA LOCATION. MINIMUM SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHARGES START AT: $9.50 Rifle Stocks and Barrels…. $12.50 Call for larger items on prepaid orders * NJ residents please add 7% sales tax. Not all items available to NJ residents. * PA residence please add 6% sales tax All orders to Alaska and Hawaii shipped via US Mail, unless customer specifically requests Blue or Red Label UPS (not available for online orders). Employees not authorized to modify prices or conditions stated in this advertisement. OUR INVENTORY - We try to ship the best condition parts at the time of your order. Some are new and some are used, many hard to get · Prices are subject to change without notice. Our ads in the Shotgun News are catalogue prices and may not reflect any sales or higher pricing found on our website · All sales subject to availability. Acceptance or receipt of order does not constitute confirmation of order. Employees are not authorized to modify prices or conditions stated in ads · All NFA rules apply. INSTRUCTIONS Sarco only sells SHOWROOM VISIT PHONE ORDER: (610) 250-3960 Mon-Sat 10am-5pm / Friday Opened til 8pm products to persons ONLINE ORDER: www.E-Sarcoinc.com For directions to the showroom, see website 18 years or older FAX ORDER: (610) 250-3961 ABOUT HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINES MAIL ORDER: Sarco Inc, 50 Hilton St, Easton PA 18042 Although we try to stay abreast of current State gun OUR GUARANTEE Our guarantee is simple and easy to understand. If you are not satisfied with any laws, it is a herculean task with over 20,000 laws on item received from us you have 5 days to return it for a replacement or a refund of the advertised price. All the books. By ordering, you are stating that you are returns must be accompanied by a letter WITH YOUR INVOICE NUMBER and explanation of the probcomplying with your Local & State laws. Most States lem. All returns must be in the same condition as you received them-any alterations or work will void the guarantee. Special order items not returnable. We can not accept returns on TOOLS unless the tool is allow large capacity magazines. Some do not. If you defective. We do not refund any shipping costs unless the error/problem causing the return is our fault. are unsure on this issue, contact your Local or State Returns may be subject to 10% restocking charge. Send all shipments pre-paid. CODs will be refused. Any law enforcement to confirm what is allowed. This items returned due to customer’s error are subject to a 10% restocking charge. ($2.00 minimum). As we is a partial list of States with some hi-capacity redo not install the parts we sell, we cannot guarantee they will function when installed by others. For propstrictions: NJ, NY, MA, MD, HI, KS, CO, CT, IL and er function and safety, many gun parts should be installed by a competent gunsmith - see our disclaimer: various county laws therein including Chicago, D.C. DISCLAIMER Parts sold by Sarco should be installed only by a competent gunRETURNS smith. These products are sold as is and without a warranty. No liability is expressed We offer a 5-day inspection period on all of our merchandise, or implied for damage or injury which may result from the improper installation except for special order items which are not refundable. or use of these products. Items that state they are sold “as-is” are not returnable. Tools and marketing devices are not returnable. REGARDING LOCAL, CITY & STATE REGULATIONS! SARCO makes a large effort to keep abreast of state & local gun laws. With over 20,000 laws on the books this is a Herculean and impossible job. Some of the products sold by SARCO could be restricted for sale in your local area, while not restricted nationally. This could include, but not be limited to firearms, ammo, parts, high cap mags, edged weapons, air guns, etc. You must determine your right to purchase, own, use or resell specific products offered by SARCO in your jurisdiction. As local laws are constantly changing, it your responsibility to determine if a product is prohibited before ordering from SARCO. You warrant by ordering from SARCO that you are a legal adult without any legal restrictions from ordering and are complying with all state, local, and federal laws. Please check your local laws before ordering. LEGAL ADVICE????? PLEASE, DO NOT CALL SARCO for legal advice on guns. We are not a legal firm and therefore are not able to give any advice. Any discussions had with any SARCO employee are to be considered as guidance only. For questions on legal gun matters we suggest you call ATF. That’s what we do. PHONE ORDERS, EMAILED, FAXED OR MAILED-IN ORDERS: You will need a Return Authorization Number to return something. Please email [email protected] or call (610) 250-3960 ext.114 for a RT #. Feel free to check on the status of your return, credit or refund. ONLINE ORDERS: Please visit our website www.e-sarcoinc.com and click the Return Policy link. Fill out the printable form and mail it back with your package. Feel free to email our e-Comm department at [email protected] to check on the status of your return or call (610) 250-3960 and ask to be transferred to the e-Commerce Department. We do not refund any shipping cost unless the error/problem causing the return is our fault. Returns may be subject to a 10% restocking charge. HOLSTERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD WWI STANDARD LUGER 4” CANVAS HOLSTER Carefully reproduced in both khaki (African Service), and green (European Army Service). This is a flap holster with two belt loops on back. Specify color of Khaki or Green when ordering: GREEN HOLSTER.....................$29.00 MT059 KHAKI HOLSTER......................$29.00 MT060 WWI NAVAL LUGER 5” CANVAS HOLSTER First World War rendition of the Canvas Luger holster for the Navy Luger with 5” barrel. Available in Khaki (African Service) or Green (Army Service). Specify color when ordering: GREEN HOLSTER................$29.00 MT061 KHAKI HOLSTER................$29.00 MT062 LUGER ARTILLERY STOCK HOLSTER RIG Exact reproduction of the Luger Artillery model leather holster rig used by German troops. Our Artillery holster rig includes the holster itself, cleaning rod, carrying strap, leather pieces to connect to a stock board, and 2 pocket magazine pouch which goes on the carry strap. We offer this set with a wood stock and without a wood stock: 1. Wood Stock with Leather Arty. Holster Rig ............................................... $129.95 MT063 2. Leather Arty. Holster Rig without stock ................................................. $34.95 MT064 LEATHER NAVAL LUGER HOLSTER Black leather holster for the Naval 5 inch barrel Luger. Complete with shoulder strap and cleaning rod pouch ........................$24.95 MT065 LUGER HARDSHELL HOLSTER Black leather holster most commonly worn by German officers in WWII. Our holster comes complete with period markings..... $24.95 each, 3 for $69.95 MT066 BROWNING HI-POWER HOLSTER Soft shell with spare mag pouch. As issued during WW2 German occupation of the factory. $24.95 HOL021 Browning Hi-Power Stock Holster w/Frog ...................... ...................$135.00 MT067 STEYR HAHN M1912 PISTOL HOLSTER Well made in russet color with ammo pouch and we provide 10 original stripper clips ................... $32.95 MT068 P35 RADOM PISTOL HOLSTER Adopted by Germany for integration into its forces, the P35 was an exceptional pistol. Our holster reflects the one as issued to the German military $24.95, or 3 for ................. $69.95 MT069 Sarco presents an increasing new line of finely made metal and wood replica firearms, noted for their historical significance in the battle for and against, the rise of fascism and geo political domination in the World Wars of the last century. These display guns are full size and the best quality on the market. Many of them come with markings and or accessories not available from the competition. These are perfect for presentation, static display, reenacting, or for outfitting that military vehicle in the garage! NOTE ON NON-FIRING DISPLAY GUNS - While most Americans can own non-firing display guns, some States and municipalities have enacted regulations inhibiting ownership. It is important that you check your State’s gun laws to see if you reside in one of these areas. We cannot ship our display guns out of the country. Below is a partial list of States where there are laws concerning ownership of display guns. Remember, by ordering from Sarco, Inc., you are confirming to us that you are complying with your State regulations on this issue. CA, CT, KS, MA, MN, WI *All non-firing display guns come with an orange plug inserted in the muzzle – required by Commerce law. STEN MK-2 SMG DISPLAY GUN Outstanding new arrival of a non-firing, all metal replica of the venerable Sten Gun used since WWII. Stock is removable, bolt can be charged, and magazine is removable. We have two versions in stock: A. STEN MK2 WITH SLING & MAGAZINE .............................................................................................$145.00 MT077 B. STEN MK2 WITH SLING, MAGAZINE AND COMMANDO PISTOL GRIP FOR ONVERTING THE GUN INTO A PARATROOP VERSION ....................................................................................$159.95 MT078 GERMAN MP-40 SMG (non-firing) Famous full size display gun with operating bolt, recoil assembly, folding stock, mag catch and trigger. Saw combat throughout Europe, Africa, and even Vietnam! Bound to spark interest and conversations from all who see it. Realistic metal and plastic construction and it comes with steel magazine and leather sling.....................................$210.00 MT079 GERMAN WW2 MP44 ASSAULT RIFLE (NON-FIRING) Full size, solidly built with some functioning parts. Comes with magazine. Feels and looks like the real thing!................................................. $240.00 MT080 M1 GARAND RIFLE (NON-FIRING) The wood on this rifle is better looking than most govt. wood stocks. Wellmade w/some functioning parts…...........$235.00 MT081 GERMAN LUGER SNAIL DRUM CARRIER Always difficult to find, Sarco has reproduced a fine heavy duty leather snail drum carrier based on the WWI design. Well-crafted to last a lifetime................ $32.00 MT070 U.S. M1A1 PARATROOP CARBINE (NON-FIRING) Very accurate folding stock version of the Paratroop M1A1 carbine. Some functional parts and magazine................. $220.95 MT082 U.S. M1 CARBINE (NON-FIRING) Very realistic looking with some functioning parts. This version is the standard WW2 model w/o bayonet lug....................... $218.95 MT083 U. S . P R E M I UM G R A DE HOL ST E R S Sarco offers a long line of standard grade quality holsters which can be found in this ad on the ‘Y’ page. We also offer some exceptionally tanned U.S. Military historic holsters for presentation grade pistols. The finish and crisp embossing are superior to our standard line and are still affordably priced. Beautiful quality holsters for your top grade pistols! U.S. THOMPSON 1928 SMG W/20 RD MAG A) 1916 Hip Holster (Right Hand & Left Hand Available) (NON-FIRING) Model 1911 hip holster in original WW2 color of russet A B C D E brown w/ leg strap. Some functional parts, includes MT093 Right Hand draw: ..........................................$35.00 MT052 sling and 20 rd. stick magazine MT094 Left Hand draw:..............................................$35.00 MT053 .............................$242.95 MT084 B) 1917 S&W .45 REVOLVER HOLSTER (Left & Right) THOMPSON 1928 DISPLAY GUN (non-firing) Butt back model in russet for the right hip with leg strap ..........................................................................$35.00 MT054 MT095 Wood and metal replica of the venerable submachine gun that made Butt forward model for right hip with left hand draw. Can be history with gangMT096 used on left hip for left hand draw too .......$35.00 MT055 sters of the 20s, C) 1912 Cavalry Holster ( Right & Left Hand Available) and our troops Long drop cavalry holster for the Model 1911 pistol in the and allies in WW2. Well WW2 russet brown color with leg strap. made and has a cocking mechRight Hand draw...........................................................................................................................................................$35.00 MT071 anism that moves back and forth Left Hand draw..............................................................................................................................................................$35.00 MT072 and trigger that allows the bolt forward. Magazine catch also works. D) Victory Model S&W Revolver Holster (Right Hand) WW2 russet brown color.............................................................................................................................................$35.00 MT073 Comes with steel 50rd. display drum. A real crowd pleaser and guarE) Colt 1892 & S&W 1902 .38 Revolver Holster anteed to start conversations! ........................................... $249.95 MT085 Original russet color with brass ring at bottom. Made for the standard 5” barrel. Commonly called the M1905 holster ‘DESERT EAGLE’ NON FIRING .........................................................................................................................................................................................$35.00 MT074 C96 MAUSER BROOMHANDLE STOCK & HARNESS Well-made hardwood stock and leather holster. Pistol fitting connects quickly and the pistol can be stored in the wood stock and then inserted in the leather holster. Made famous during WWI. Stock & harness only..............$179.95 MT075 GERMAN OFFICER POCKET PISTOL HOLSTER German Field Grade Officers usually carried smaller pistols like the Mauser 1910 and PPK when they could obtain one. This holster holds both guns just like the original and comes complete with date code and Waffen stamps. Mag pouch on front and belt loop on back. Black leather ..................................................... $29.95 MT076 DISPLAY PISTOL Venerable pistol well known for knocking out hardened personnel targets, body armor,and lightly armored vehicles. Also well known for it’s ‘online’ presence in ‘Call of Duty 4’! The full size metal replica has an action that cocks and trigger pulls with a click , and the magazine can be ejected................................................................... $105.00 MT086 GERMAN LUGER PISTOLS (3 VARIETIES) Beautifully made, full size replicas in metal with knurled wood grips. Very realistic looking. We offer a couple with and without holsters: 1. Standard luger w/ 4” barrel..... $112.95 MT087 Standard luger w/ WWI canvas holster ............................................................$122.95 MT088 2. Naval Luger w/ 5” barrel...........$112.95 MT089 Naval Luger w/ WWI canvas holster ............................................................$122.95 MT090 3. Artillery luger w/ 8” barrel.......$124.95 MT091
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