the preliminary program
the preliminary program
Is the German 'Civil Clause' a model to prevent the involvement of psychologists in military atrocities? Boehnke, Klaus (Germany) Transforming the soul and practice of psychology: Placing human rights at the center Wessells, Michael G (United States of America) The Independent Review of the American Psychological Association: Lessons Learned and Actions Taken Mc Daniel, Susan H (United States of America) The IUPsyS position on torture Cooper, Saths (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) ISGSClinical Tuesday, July 26, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 501 Development and field testing of a truly global classification of mental disorders: WHO's ICD-11 Organizer: Watts, Ann D (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Japanese contributions to field studies for ICD-11 mental and behavioural disorders Matsumoto, Chihiro (Japan) Preparation and preliminary results of the Case Controlled field studies of the ICD-11 Mental and Behavioral Disorders in Russian Kulygina, Mayya A (Russia); Ponizovsky, Pavel A (Russia); Karpenko, Olga A (Russia); Keeley, Jared W (United States of America); Reed, Geoffrey M (Switzerland) IUPsyS 2016 Lifetime Career Award Tuesday, July 26, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall IUPsyS 2016 Lifetime Career Award TBA AW-02 IUPsyS 2016 Achievement Against the Odds Award Wednesday, July 27, 11:00 – 11:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall IUPsyS 2016 Achievement Against the Odds Award TBA AW-03 IUPsyS 2016 Young Investigator Award: Basic Science Thursday, July 28, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall IUPsyS 2016 Young Investigator Award: Basic Science TBA AW-04 IUPsyS 2016 Young Investigator Award: Applied Science Thursday, July 28, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall IUPsyS 2016 Young Investigator Award: Applied Science TBA OLCognitive Sunday, July 24, 17:00 – 17:40 National Convention Hall Adaptation to teleoperated robots Ishiguro, Hiroshi (Japan) Introduction by Masataka, Watanabe (Japan) KA25-01Clinical Monday, July 25, 09:00 – 09:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Resilience and Vulnerability in the Stress Process: Our Trains Run on Both Tracks Hobfoll, Stevan E (United States of America) Introduction by Akira, Tsuda (United States of America) Camerer, Colin F (United States of America) Introduction by Shinya, Yamamoto (United States of America) KA25-03Cognitive Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Social cognition, the amygdala, and autism Adolphs, Ralph (United States of America) Introduction by Matsuzawa, Tetsuro (United States of America) KA25-04Cognitive Monday, July 25, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Judging, Feeling, Thinking: What makes us special? Greene, Joshua (United States of America) Introduction by Tatsuya, Kameda (United States of America) KA25-05 Neural Physiological Monday, July 25, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Decision making and reward in prefrontal cortex, striatum and amygdala Schultz, Wolfram (United Kingdom) Introduction by Masamichi, Sakagami (United Kingdom) KA25-06Cognitive Monday, July 25, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Free will, control, and responsibility Churchland, Patricia S (United States of America) Introduction by Toshio, Yamagishi (United States of America) KA25-07Cognitive Monday, July 25, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Artificial Empathy Asada, Minoru (Japan) Introduction by Masako, yamakoshi (Japan) IUPsyS Presidential Symposium AW-01 IUPsyS Secretary General’s Symposium Organizer: Cooper, Saths (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Discussant: Ritchie, Pierre (Canada) IUPsyS Awardee’s Lecture IPSGeneral Tuesday, July 26, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 501 Not in our name: Psychology post-Hoffman Reed, Geoffrey M (Spain) KA25-02Cognitive Monday, July 25, 10:00 – 10:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Behavioral game theory: Psychological limits on strategic cognition Opening Lecture Cooper, Saths (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Introduction by Kazuo, Shigemasu (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Latest developments and field testing of ICD-11 Mental and Behavioural Disorders Myowa- Keynote Address IPAGeneral Monday, July 25, 11:00 – 12:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Are Psychology and Human Rights Compatible? IUPsyS Presidential Address SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Use of mental disorders classification system in clinical practice: Focus on mega countries Bhargava, Rachna (India) 1 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM KA26-01 Neural Physiological Tuesday, July 26, 09:00 – 09:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall The Neurobiology of Beauty Zeki, Semir (United Kingdom) Introduction by Hideki, Ohira (United Kingdom) KA26-02Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 10:00 – 10:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Going Beyond the Information Given: The Role of Causal Thinking Hastie, Reid (United States of America) Introduction by Tatsuya, Kameda (United States of America) KA26-03 Neural Physiological Tuesday, July 26, 11:00 – 11:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall The making, keeping and losing of memory Morris, Richard G M (United Kingdom) Introduction by Yuko, Yotsumoto (United Kingdom) KA26-04Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 12:00 – 12:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall The Memory Factory Loftus, Elizabeth F (United States of America) Introduction by Makiko, Naka (United States of America) KA26-05General Tuesday, July 26, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Eudaimonic Well-Being: Highlights from 25 Years of Inquiry Ryff, Carol (United States of America) Introduction by Mayumi, Karasawa (United States of America) KA26-06Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall On the Cultural Nature of Human and Non-Human Primates: Elucidating the Evolutionary Origins of Conformity, Over-imitation and our Cultural Cognition Whiten, Andrew (United Kingdom) Introduction by Satoshi, Hirata (United Kingdom) KA26-07Developmental Tuesday, July 26, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Emotion-related Self-regulation: Conceptualization and Relations to Adjustment Eisenberg, Nancy (United States of America) Introduction by Kazuhide, Hashiya (United States of America) KA27-01Personality Wednesday, July 27, 09:00 – 09:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Culturally-relevant personality assessment Cheung, Fanny M (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Introduction by Yukiko, Muramoto (China (People's Repbulic of China)) KA27-02Developmental Wednesday, July 27, 10:00 – 10:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall A Continuing Controversy: Investing in Early Childhood versus Adolescent Interventions Schneider, Barbara (United States of America) Introduction by Rainer K, Silbereisen (United States of America) KA27-03Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 12:00 – 12:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall On space geckos and urban apes: thinking outside the box Call, Josep (United Kingdom) Introduction by Masaki, Tomonaga (United Kingdom) KA27-04Personality Wednesday, July 27, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall The Broaden and Build Cycle of Attachment Security Mikulincer, Mario (Israel) Introduction by Kaoru, Sekiyama (Israel) KA27-05Social Wednesday, July 27, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Oxytocin Sustains and Enables Cooperation within and Competition between Groups Keynote Address De Dreu, Carsten (Netherlands) Introduction by Masanori, Takezawa (Netherlands) 2 KA27-06Cultural Wednesday, July 27, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Affective Foundations of Sociality: Co-evolution of Genes and Culture Kitayama, Shinobu (United States of America) Introduction by Toshio, Yamagishi (United States of America) KA27-07Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Cognitive Continuity: A Kingdom Full of Special Capacities De Waal, Frans BM (United States of America) Introduction by Toshikazu, Hasegawa (United States of America) KA28-01Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 09:00 – 09:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Musical Illusions, Perfect Pitch, and Other Curiosities Deutsch, Diana (United States of America) Introduction by Etsuko, Hoshino (United States of America) KA28-02General Thursday, July 28, 10:00 – 10:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall 55 Years of Research and Conservation of the Chimpanzees of Gombe National Park, Tanzania: a program of the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) Goodall, Jane (United Kingdom) Introduction by Matsuzawa, Tetsuro (United Kingdom) KA28-03General Thursday, July 28, 11:00 – 11:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Dealing with Challenges of Social and Economic Change: Role of Agency in Regional and International Comparison Silbereisen, Rainer K (Germany) Introduction by Kazuo, Shigemasu (Germany) KA28-04Social Thursday, July 28, 12:00 – 12:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall The strength of social norms across cultures: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Gelfand, Michele (United States of America) Introduction by Yohsuke, Ohtsubo (United States of America) KA28-06Applied Thursday, July 28, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Research on improving the interviewing of suspects Bull, Ray (United Kingdom) Introduction by Makiko, Naka (United Kingdom) KA29-01Social Friday, July 29, 10:00 – 10:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall The multimodal nature of human communication Semin, Gun R (Portugal) Introduction by Minoru, Karasawa (Portugal) Purba, Retno D (Indonesia); Marieta, Josephine R DHS-2 Neural Physiological Tuesday, July 26, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 502 New Horizons in Cognitive Neuroscience: Face-to-face social interactions between two individuals probed by hyperscanning, neuronal recording, and neuroendocrinological approaches Organizer: Watanabe, Masataka (Japan) Shared attention and inter-individual neural synchronization in the human right inferior frontal gyrus Sadato, Norihiro (Japan) Social reward signals in primate striatum Schultz, Wolfram (United Kingdom); Baez-mendoza, Raymundo Oxytocin forms relationship inter-individual Kikusui, Takefumi (Japan); Nagasawa, Miho; Mogi, Kazutaka KA29-02Applied Friday, July 29, 11:00 – 11:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Life Design Paradigm in context: contributions for counseling, coaching, and guidance DHS-3Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 501 Evolutionary Perspectives in Psychology Maria, Duarte E (Portugal) Introduction by Jun, Saiki (Portugal) The Elephant Model for Studying Cognitive Evolution Organizer: Tomonaga, Masaki (Japan) Plotnik, Joshua (Thailand) DHS-1Applied Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 501 Disaster Prevention and Mitigation : Sharing of best practices from Asian countries Organizer: Yeo, Clare (Singapore) Crisis preparedness & response : The Singapore experience Yeo, Clare (Singapore); Marieta, Josephine R (Indonesia); Purba, Retno D (Indonesia) The Perspective of Psychological Services/Support and The Strength of Inter-Professional Networking in The Framework Mitigation and Disaster Handling Management : Lessons Learned From Indonesia Rosa, Josephine (Indonesia); Purba, Retno D The Perspective of Psychological Services/Support and The Strength of Inter-Professional Networking in The Framework Mitigation and Disaster Handling Management : Lessons Social and self-recognition in bottlenose dolphins Janik, Vincent M (United Kingdom) How they see the world: Visual cognition compared among humans, chimpanzees, horses, and dolphins Tomonaga, Masaki (Japan) DHS-4Applied Thursday, July 28, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 501 Psychology and Law in Japan: From the Lab to Applied Knowledge in the Criminal Justice System (Symposium sponsored by Japanese Society for Law and Psychology) Organizer: Naka, Makiko (Japan) Co-organizer: Matsuo, Kayo (Japan); Itoh, Yuji Psychological Examination of the Reliability of Eyewitness Statements: A field experimental approach to Iizuka Case. Current progress of confession credibility assessment research in Japan Takagi, Kotaro (Japan) The use of forensic interviews with alleged child victims and witnesses in Japan Naka, Makiko (Japan) Effects of emotional materials on lay judges' fact-findings Itoh, Yuji (Japan) Discussant: Loftus, Elizabeth F (United States of America) DHS-5General Friday, July 29, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 501 Media Technology and Psychology Public Lecture Masten, Ann (United States of America) Introduction by Masuo, Koyasu (United States of America) Learned From IndonesiaSpeakers Organizer: Sato, Takao (Japan) Co-organizer: Watanabe, Junji (Japan) x = ( human + physics ) / 2 Fujiki, Jun (Japan) Exploring the border between biology and art: from bacteria to memorial service Iwasaki, Hideo (Japan) What is Substitutional Reality? Fujii, Naotaka (Japan) PL-01Cultural Sunday, July 24, 14:30 – 15:30 Conference Center 1F Main Hall How to Create Movement in Animation Yamamura, Koji (Japan) PL-02Cultural Monday, July 25, 17:20 – 18:20 Conference Center 1F Main Hall On the Prohibition of "Don't Look": Depth Psychology in Shame Culture Kitayama, Osamu (Japan) PL-03Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 17:20 – 18:20 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Diversity of Learning in Classroom and Role of Psychology in Japan: The History, the Present Situation, and the Prospects Tsuge, Masayoshi (Japan) PL-04Developmental Wednesday, July 27, 17:20 – 18:20 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Recovery from Child Abuse: Effects of Child Abuse on Brain Development. Uchida, Nobuko (Japan) Itsukushima, Yukio (Japan) 3 Keynote Address KA28-05Developmental Thursday, July 28, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Resilience in Developing Systems: Progress and Promise Diversity In Harmony Symposium SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PL-05Social Thursday, July 28, 17:20 – 18:20 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Qualitative measures for communicative activities in daily life situations Kawashima, Ryuta (Japan) The Resiliency Scale for Young Adults: Theory, research and assessment Saklofske, Donald H (Canada); PrinceEmbury, Sandra (United States of America); Nordstokke, David W (Canada) Japanese features of perceiving wellbeing and its effect on stress Tanaka, Yoshiyuki (Japan); Tsuda, Akira Discussant: Hasson, Uri (United States of America); Saito, Hirofumi (Japan) SPS-05 Neural Physiological Monday, July 25, 14:40 – 16:40 Conference Center 3F 301 Trasnscranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): a powerful tool for research in psychology and neuroscience (Symposium sponsored by Miyuki Giken) Public Lecture Sponsored Symposium PL-06Applied Thursday, July 28, 18:40 – 19:40 Conference Center 1F Main Hall Investigative Psychology In Japan: It's History, Present Situation, Landscape Resilience and career outcomes for the 21st century Discussant: Cheung, Fanny M (China (People's Repbulic of China)) The History of TMS? Ochi, Keita (Japan) SPS-03Applied Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 412 Animal welfare: A scientific assessment of animal stress and comfort (Thematic Session sponsored by Japanese Society for Applied Animal Behaviour) Quadripulse stimulation (QPS): a new plasticity induction method in humans SPS-01 Neural Physiological Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 301 Functional and neural mechanisms of interval timing and temporal cognition (Symposium sponsored by Hiroshima University & Japanese Society for Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology) Organizer: Sakata, Shogo (Japan) Differential effects of striatal and amygdala manipulations on reward timing and devaluation in peak procedures Delamater, Andrew R (United States of America); Browne - Walters, Samantha; Caamano - Tubio, Rosa The brain mechanisms modulating and producing interval timing: the role of the amygdala and the dorsal striatum Hata, Toshimichi (Japan) Clocks within Clocks: Timing by Coincidence Detection Buhusi, Catalin V (United States of America); Buhusi, Mona Discussant: Onoda, Keiichi (Japan) SPS-02Applied Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 304 Constructing lives in harmony: the power of resilience (Symposium sponsored by The Japanese Association of Health Psychology) Organizer: Noguchi, Kyoko (Japan) Co-organizer: Di Fabio, Annamaria (Italy); Saklofske, Donald H (Canada) Psychological growth, Salutogenic Effect and adaptability in Antarctica Yan, Gonggu (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Di Fabio, Annamaria (Italy) Organizer: Ninomiya, Shigeru (Japan) How to assess animal welfare and comfort on the basis of animal behaviour Ninomiya, Shigeru (Japan) Is hair cortisol useful for animal welfare assessment?: Hair cortisol and behavioral monitoring in group-living captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Yamanashi, Yumi (Japan); Teramoto, Migaku; Morimura, Naruki; Inouemurayama, Miho; Idani, Gen'ichi; Hirata, Satoshi Development of enriched housing systems for farm animals: Welfare and productivity Shimmura, Tsuyoshi (Japan) Polson, Michael J (United Kingdom) Ugawa, Yoshikazu (Japan) Using TMS to study the transformation from decisions to actions Bestmann, Sven (United Kingdom) Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of neuropsychiatric conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cumulative cognitive effects Martin, Donel (Australia); Forster, Jane; Mcclintock, Shawn; Loo, Colleen Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a tool for primate neuroscience research Tsutsui, Ken-ichiro (Japan) SPS-06 Neural Physiological Tuesday, July 26, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 301 Perspectives on cognitive studies with multi neural activity recording (Symposium sponsored by PhysioTech Co. & Plexon Inc.) Organizer: (Japan) Sakagami, Masamichi SPS-04Cognitive Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 301 Future trends in neuroimaging: Social brain interaction within reallife contexts (Symposium sponsored by Shimadzu Corporation) Cholinergic interneurons and orbitofrontal-dependent state correlates in dorsomedial and dorsolateral striatum Organizer: Saito, Hirofumi (Japan) Co-organizer: Shimada, Sotaro (Japan) Decoding dynamic cognitive processes from neural ensembles 5) No brain is an island: A variety of NIRS (near-infrared spectroscopy) studies concerning hyper scanning Wallis, Jonathan D (United States of America) Saito, Hirofumi (Japan) Face to Face, Brain to Brain: Exploring the Mechanisms of Dyadic Social Interactions Hasson, Uri (United States of America) Resilience and Positive Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being Brains of a feather: Friendship predicts similar patterns of neural activity Kenny, Maureen (United States of America); Di Fabio, Annamaria (Italy) Wheatley, Thalia (United States of America); Parkinson, Carolyn 4 Organizer: Tsutsui, Ken-ichiro (Japan) Schoenbaum, Geoffrey (United States of America) Decoding value related signals represented in multiple areas of the prefrontal cortex using ECoG electrodes Sakagami, Masamichi (Japan); Tanaka, Shingo; Kawasaki, Keisuke; Hasegawa, Isao; Suzuki, Takafumi How can the brain encode unlimited amount of memory? - temporary cell assemblies in hippocampus Sakurai, Yoshio (Japan); Manabe, SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM interference. SPS-07Cultural Tuesday, July 26, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 301 Common and individual values of beauty derived from cosmetics behavior in East Asian regions (Symposium sponsored by Shiseido Co.) Organizer: Takano, Ruriko (Japan) Bangkok women's aesthetic sense and values of beauty Tanwongprasert, Natnika (Thailand) The changing sense of beauty and views of makeup among women in Shanghai Xie, Li (Japan) Beauty shifts: challenges in expressing identity and beauty Oe, Yukari (Japan); Ishii, Mika; Masui, Kiyoshi SPS-08General Wednesday, July 27, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 301 PSYCHOLOGY IN LATIN AMERICA FOR THE XXIth. CENTURY Organizer: Ardila, Ruben (Colombia) History of professionalization of psychology in Latin America. Between academics and social relevance Klappenbach, Hugo (Argentina) Scientific Research in Latin American Psychology: Past and present Gutierrez, German (Colombia) Latin American psychology: A view from Europe Peiro, Jose M (Spain) Discussant: Han, Buxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) SPS-09Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 301 Stroop & Reverse-Stroop interference as cognitive control: The possible underlying mechanisms and applied perspectives (Symposium sponsored by Toyo Physical Corporation) Organizer: Hakoda, Yuji (Japan) Co-organizer: Shimada, Hiroyuki (Japan) Stroop/Reverse-Stroop interference in developmental disorder Watanabe, Megumi (Japan) Stroop-like interference in the pictorial animal size test Sense of agency and learning in humans Haggard, Patrick (United Kingdom) Ikeda, Yoshifumi (Japan) Choking under pressure, and the flow, their neural correlates identified Stroop / reverse-Stroop interference as cognitive control task Shimojo, Shinsuke (United States of America) Ashitaka, Yuki (Japan) SPS-12Applied Thursday, July 28, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 301 Development of PC games and apps to prevent traditional bullying, cyberbullying, and Internet problems: Exchange of Korean and Japanese researchers' expertise and experiences (Symposium sponsored by JUNGLE, Inc.) Language switching and cognitive control Nam, Kichun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Park, Jang Ho; Kim, Jeahong; Nam, Sooleen; Baik, Yeonji SPS-10Social Wednesday, July 27, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 304 The Social Context of Burnout Organizer: Leiter, Michael P (Canada) The relative importance of social vs. other demands and resources at work in predicting burnout and work engagement Hakanen, Jari J (Finland); Luukkonen, Ritva The intervening effect of emotional selfregulation self-efficacy on workplace violence and burnout Laschinger, Heather (Canada); Fida, Roberta (United Kingdom) Avoiding Burnout: The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Leader Well-Being Organizer: Toda, Yuichi (Japan) Co-organizer: Oh, Insoo (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Developing content of PC games and apps to prevent traditional and cyberbullying: Focusing on effective coping strategies and intervention for bystander. Oh, Insoo (Korea (Republic of Korea)) A Case Study on Development of Serious Games for Cyber Bullying Prevention Yoon, Hyung Sup S (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Day, Arla (Canada); Hartling, Nikola The development of WEB teaching materials for information moral named "Joh-Torre". The Social Context of MBI Profiles Ishihara, Kazuhiko (Japan) Leiter, Michael P (Canada) Discussant: Maslach, Christina (United States of America) SPS-11Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 301 Elucidating and improving the athletic brain: Synergy of cognitive neuroscience and information technology (Symposium sponsored by NTT corporation) Organizer: Kashino, Makio (Japan) Decoding and modulating the implicit brain functions in sport performance using wearable sensors and sensory feedback Kashino, Makio (Japan); Mochida, Takemi; Ijiri, Tetsuya; Kimura, Toshitaka Discussant: Kanetsuna, Tomoyuki (Japan) SPS-13Personality Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Exhibition Hall E204 Accumulated evidence of personality development in Japan (Thematic Session sponsored by The Japanese Society of Personality Psychology) Organizer: Oshio, Atsushi (Japan) Personality development Japanese cheldren among Tani, Iori (Japan) Personality development in a Japanese adolescent sample Kawamoto, Tetsuya (Japan) Age differences in the Big Five personality traits across the lifespan among Japanese adults (People's Implicit visuomotor function for generating quick action Gomi, Hiroaki (Japan) Takahashi, Yusuke (Japan); Hoshino, Takahiro The relationship between mental disorder and Stroop and Reverse-Stroop Elucidating the development of human central motor system Personality development in a Japanese elderly population Song, Yongning (China Repbulic of China)) Naito, Eiichi (Japan) Nishita, Yukiko (Japan) 5 Sponsored Symposium Hiroyuki; Hirokawa, Junya SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Discussant: Oshio, Atsushi (Japan) Yukihito Do we need music? : The fruits and roles of the psychology of music in the studies of perception, cognition, emotion, and social behaviour (Symposium sponsored by The Japanese Society for Music Perception and Cognition) SPS-14Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 301 Attention, awareness, and the sense of agency in driving and Organizer: Hoshino, Etsuko (Japan) rehabilitation (Symposium sponsored by Riken BSI-Toyota Collab- Principles of music perception Nakajima, Yoshitaka (Japan) oration Center) Organizer: Kumada, Takatsune (Japan) Co-organizer: Kitajo, Keiichi (Japan); Nakashima, Ryoichi Attentional gating of visual inputs by oscillatory alpha dynamics - A TMSEEG study Okazaki, Yuka (Japan); Kitajo, Keiich Sponsored Symposium Modulating Conscious Movement Intention by Noninvasive Brain Stimulation and the Underlying Neural Mechanisms Music as a microscope on human learning and memory Stevens, Catherine J (Australia) Everyday emotions and music-related emotions Yamasaki, Teruo (Japan) The roles of music in social life and thought Cross, Ian (United Kingdom) Shibata Alnajjar, Fady (Japan); Shimoda, Shingo SPS-16Developmental Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 301 The Role of Motor Activity in Psychological Development (Symposium sponsored by the Japanese Association of Behavioral Science) Moderators of Agency: Evidence from Studies of Intentional Binding Organizer: Anderson, David I (United States of America) Obhi, Sukhvinder S (Canada) The Role of Agency and Attention in Infant Psychological Development He, Biyu Jade (United States of America) Neurofeedback rehabilitation activating local neural pathways The sense of agency for braking a moving object during the manual and automatic control Nakashima, Ryoichi (Japan); Kumada, Takatsune SPS-15Clinical , 13:40 - 15:40 Tuesday, July 26, Conference Center 5F 503 Explaining delusions: empirical and theoretical approaches to delusion formation Organizer: Puddifoot, Katherine (United Kingdom) Anderson, David I (United States of America) Crawling Experience Sensitizes Infants to Visual Proprioception Specifying a Sudden Drop Ueno, Moeko (Japan); Uchiyama, Ichiro WALKING ONSET CREATES MAJOR PSYCHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN INFANTS Campos, Joseph (United States of America); He, Minxuan SPS-17 Neural Physiological Effects of positive and negative deluFriday, July 29, 10:50 – 12:50 sional ideation on memory Conference Center 3F 301 Sugimori, Eriko (Japan) Artificial living environment and A Hybrid Theory of Delusion Mind (Symposium sponsored by Formation Hitachi, Ltd., Research & DevelopMiyazono, Kengo (Japan) ment Group) Organizer: Maki, Atsushi (Japan) Modelling delusions of misidentification with hypnosis and examining tech- Development of Mind-Scope and Mind niques that encourage belief revision Centric Environment Cox, Rochelle (Australia) Maki, Atsushi (Japan) The Default Mode Network and the Stimulating the typical and atypical cognitive architecture of belief fixation. brain to improve learning and cognition A new approach to the one stage -two Cohen Kadosh, Roi (United Kingdom) stage debate about delusion formation. The Neural Basis of Changing Social Gerrans, Philip S (Australia) Norms through Persuasion Delusion, a philosophical conceptuali- Matsumoto, Kenji (Japan); Yomogida, sation from original empirical work Gunn, Rachel R (United Kingdom) 6 Evolutionary and comparative cognitive neurobiology of human and non-human primates: Interaction of neural, cognitive and ecological niches. Iriki, Atsushi (Japan) SPS-18Clinical Friday, July 29, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 303 The role of clinical psychology in Japan in the 21st century (Symposium sponsored by The Association of Japanese Clinical Psychology) Organizer: (Japan) Kanazawa, Yoshinobu The development of the Clinical Psychology profession in the United Kingdom - identifying opportunities and responding to challenges Murphy, David J (United Kingdom) Difficulties Japanese clinical psychology has as a scientific discipline and possible solutions to the issue Shimoyama, Haruhiko (Japan) Clinical practice based on the scientistpractitioner model in medical treatment. Suzuki, Shin-ichi (Japan) Competencies in Clinical Psychology Training: Exploring competencies in Japanese context Iwakabe, Shigeru (Japan) Discussant: (Japan) Kanazawa, Yoshinobu SPS-19Cognitive Friday, July 29, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 502 Diversity in environment reveals universal cognitive mechanisms (Symposium sponsored by The Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology & The Korean Society for Cognitive and Biological Psychology) Organizer: Harada, Etsuko T (Japan) Co-organizer: Yi, Kwangoh (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Saito, Satoru (Japan) Culture and language Zhou, Jiaxian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Yi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Qing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yang, Kai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Dehaene, Stanislas (France) The Challenge of Diversity in Psychology:WEIRD research, Implications, and Improvements Heine, Steven (Canada) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Organizer: Ikeda, Masami (Japan) IA25-01General Monday, July 25, 09:00 – 09:40 Conference Center 3F 315 Rethinking Undergraduate Psychology Programs: New Goals and Directions Goh, Chee-leong (Malaysia) Introduction by Ai, Namba (Malaysia) IA25-02Social Monday, July 25, 09:00 – 09:40 Conference Center 4F 418 Attachment and Parenting in the Collectivistic Context Sumer, Nebi (Turkey) Introduction by Saito, Atsuko (Japan) IA25-03Developmental Monday, July 25, 09:00 – 09:40 Conference Center 4F 419 Evidence-based prevention of school bullying (ijime): KiVa antibullying program Salmivalli, Christina (Finland) Introduction by Keizaburo, Yamaya (Finland) IA25-04Cultural Monday, July 25, 10:00 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 418 Diversity Sparks Community Change and Action: Bottom-Up Approaches to Holistic Child Protection and Psychosocial Support in Sub-Saharan Africa Wessells, Michael G (United States of America); TBA Haga, Shigeru (Japan) Introduction by Kazuo, Ueda (Japan) IA25-06Social Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Observations of the Roles of Social Groups Shapes the Content of their Stereotypes Eagly, Alice H (United States of America) Introduction by Fanny, Cheung (United States of America) IA25-07Clinical Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Positive mental health: A combined cross-sectional and longitudinal research program in Asia, Europe and America Margraf, Jurgen (Germany) Introduction by Tetsuo, Naito (Germany) IA25-08 Theory & Methodology Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Human-Machine Collaborations for Sensible Automated Driving Inagaki, Toshiyuki (Japan) Introduction by Makoto, Itoh (Japan) IA25-09Clinical Monday, July 25, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Mind matters: How a dose of positive psychology helps dementia caregivers get through the day Cheng, Sheung-tak (Hong Kong) Introduction by Yasumasa, Otsuka (Hong Kong) IA25-10Developmental Monday, July 25, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Early intervention in autism: current knowledge and unresolved issues Roge, Bernadette (France); Arnaud, Mado; Guillon, Quentin; Kruck, Jeanne; Bouvet, Lucie; Baduel, Sophie Introduction by Hiroko, Norimatsu (France) Matthews, Gerald (United States of America) Introduction by Makoto, Itoh (United States of America) IA25-12Applied Monday, July 25, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Health behavior change: Theory and digital interventions Schwarzer, Ralf (Germany) Introduction by Shin'ichi, Ichikawa (Germany) IA25-13 Theory & Methodology Monday, July 25, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Building a Better Psychological Science Eich, Eric (Canada) Introduction by Kazuhiko, Yokosawa (Canada) IA25-14Clinical Monday, July 25, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 4F 419 On the Instability of Diagnostic Categories: A Cultural-Clinical Psychology Approach Ryder, Andrew G (Canada); Chentsova, Yulia E (United States of America) Introduction by Junko, Matsumi (Canada) IA25-15Cultural Monday, July 25, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Genes and Cross-Cultural Adaptation Kashima, Emiko (Australia) Introduction by Tomoko, (Australia) Ikegami IA25-17Cognitive Monday, July 25, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 4F 419 The muted sense: neurocognitive limitations of olfactory language Olofsson, Jonas K (Sweden) Introduction by Wataru, Sato (Sweden) 7 Sponsored Symposium YCSGeneral Sunday, July 24, 15:00 – 16:00 Exhibition Hall Harbor Lounge A Media workshop "Brain and Mind" science education for elementary and junior high school students : Let's measure "Tactile Acuity" and visualize it with your face IA25-11Applied Monday, July 25, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Fatigue and Workload Management in Autonomous and Unmanned Vehicle Operation Yokohama City Symposium Rogers, Timothy T (United States of America) IA25-05Applied Monday, July 25, 10:00 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 419 Psychology and Safety Practice: How can we psychologists contribute to safety? Invited Address Understanding the diversity and consistency of neural codes for human semantic representations SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IA25-18Applied Monday, July 25, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 3F 315 What to take into account in designing marriage enrichment programs? Setiawan, Jenny L (Indonesia) Introduction by Akira, Tsuda (Indonesia) IA25-19Cognitive Monday, July 25, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Synergies in early language acquisition Christophe, Anne (France) Introduction by Toshiki, Ogawa (France) IA25-20Developmental Monday, July 25, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Challenges in Transition Urban Filipinas Midlife Concerns, Experiences, and Behaviors Regala, Angela V (Philippines) Introduction by Hisao, Osada (Philippines) IA25-21Clinical Monday, July 25, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Working with young adults in Higher Educational Settings (Universities) Keane, Barry P (United Kingdom); McAteer, Catherine M Introduction by Kenichi, Suzuki (United Kingdom) IA25-22Cognitive Monday, July 25, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Processing time with our auditory system Lorenzi, Christian (France) Introduction by Kazuo, Ueda (France) Invited Address IA25-23Developmental Monday, July 25, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Bio-Behavioral Synchrony and the Cross-Generation Transmission of Well-Being and Psychopathology Feldman, Ruth (Israel) Introduction by Koichi, Negayama (Israel) IA26-01Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 3F 304 The role of attention in the renewal effect, towards a relapse model Nieto, Javier RodolfoTBA 8 (Mexico); Bernal, IA26-02 Neural Physiological Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 3F 315 Thought for food: effects of learning on eating and eating on learning IA26-08 Theory & Methodology Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Replication Depends on Which Effect-Size Measure Is Used Swithers, Susan E (United States of America) Introduction by Kenjiro, Aoyama (United States of America) Smithson, Michael (Australia); Shou, Yiyun Introduction by Matia, Okubo (Australia) IA26-03Developmental Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Diversity and harmony inside the developing brain Houde, Olivier (France) Introduction by Yusuke, Moriguchi (France) IA26-04 Theory & Methodology Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 4F 419 The Ambivalence of Experience in Psychological Theory: Recognizing a Fundamental Historical and Theoretical Conundrum Stam, Henderikus J (Canada); TBA IA26-05Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 3F 304 Dynamic Changes in Human Brain and Behavior Revealed by Connectomics: A Lifespan Perspective Zuo, Xi-nian (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Introduction by Naoyuki, Osaka (China (People's Repbulic of China)) IA26-06Social Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 3F 315 Polyculturalism: A Lay Theory of Culture and its Consequences in Intergroup Relations in Asian Cultures Bernardo, Allan B. I. (Macao) Introduction by Masaki, Yuki (Macao) IA26-07General Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Towards a political history of the IUPsyS. Cross-cultural research in the context of the Cold War during the first years of the International Journal of Psychology. Klappenbach, Hugo (Argentina) Introduction by Maria Cristina, Richaud (Argentina) IA26-09Social Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 3F 304 Positive Psychology and Changing the World in Harmony: On the Role of Passion for a Cause Vallerand, Robert J J (Canada) Introduction by Tadatoshi, Ogura (Canada) Cognitive IA26-10 Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 3F 315 How joint action shapes our minds Knoblich, Günther (Hungary) Introduction by Ando, Hanae (Japan) IA26-11 Social Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 4F 413 A study on the crimes against women and children in Sri Lanka Wijesinghe Mudiyanselage, Dhanapala (Sri Lanka) Introduction by Yaguchi, Kohich (Japan) IA26-12Applied Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Is forced poverty a new form of massive abuse? The Cyprus experiment. Platrites, Kyriakos N (Cyprus) Introduction by Ken, Kihara (Cyprus) IA26-13Social Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Collective self-regulation of cultural dynamics? Kashima, Yoshihisa (Australia) Introduction by Yukiko, Uchida (Australia) IA26-14Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 3F 304 Understanding Barriers to Treatment for Gambling Disorder Hodgins, David C (Canada) Introduction by Satoko, (Canada) Kimpara SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IA26-15Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 3F 315 How do language backgrounds impact audiovisual speech perception across lifespan? IA26-21Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 3F 304 Brain Plasticity, Memory Consolidation and Emotion Processing. When Sleep and Time Matter IA26-27Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 3F 304 Psychodynamic psychotherapy for eating disorders: Research findings and clinical implications Sekiyama, Kaoru (Japan); Hisanaga, Satoko; Shinozaki, Jun Introduction by Hirofumi, Saito (Japan) Peigneux, Philippe (Belgium) Introduction by Simon F., (Belgium) Poulsen, Stig (Denmark); TBA IA26-16Developmental Tuesday, July 26, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 4F 413 Development and Social-Cultural Learning of Cooperation Sharing Behavior of Only Children and Children with Siblings in China IA26-22Applied Tuesday, July 26, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Elaborating on the Concept of Criminal Thinking: How and Why the Criminal Behavior is Normalized? IA26-17General Tuesday, July 26, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Oxytocin mediates human chemosensory communication of gender in a dose-dependent manner Zhou, Wen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Kepu; Ye, Yuting Introduction by Kosuke, Sawa (China (People's Repbulic of China)) IA26-18Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Acting and perceiving in social contexts Oncul, Oznur (Turkey) Introduction by Yoshinori, Sugiura (Turkey) IA26-23Social Tuesday, July 26, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 4F 418 The Psychology of 'Giving' : Some Cultural Insights Krishnan, Lilavati (India) Introduction by Yukiko, Uchida (India) Developmental IA26-24 Tuesday, July 26, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 3F 304 Negativity as an important component of mother-infant negotiation dynamics Negayama, Koichi (Japan) Introduction by Saito, Atsuko (Japan) Coello, Yann (France) Introduction by Toshiki, Ogawa (France) IA26-19General Tuesday, July 26, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 3F 304 Psychological perspective and conditions of giftedness Sekowski, Andrzej (Poland) Introduction by Hisao, Osada (Poland) IA26-20Social Tuesday, July 26, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Social Network Analysis in Psychology Barrasa, Angel (Spain); Lopez Granero, Caridad Introduction by Ikuo, Daibo (Spain) - IA26-25Applied Tuesday, July 26, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Educational Psychology in the UK : Practice, Training and Research Lewis, Victoria L (United Kingdom) Introduction by Kyoko, Noguchi (United Kingdom) IA26-26Social Tuesday, July 26, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Collectivistic Independence: Just an Oxymoron or the New Reality for Flourishing in East Asia? Choi, Hoon-seok (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Introduction by Masaki, Yuki (Korea (Republic of Korea)) IA26-28General Tuesday, July 26, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Epigenetic mechanisms linking environment genes and behavior; clinical implications Szyf, Moshe (Canada) Introduction by Hirofumi, Saito (Canada) IA26-29Applied Tuesday, July 26, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Ethnicity, Religion and Judicial Decision-Making? An Empirical Study of Implicit Bias in United States Judges Levinson, Justin (United States of America); Bennett, Mark Introduction by Yuji, Itoh (United States of America) IA26-30Personality Tuesday, July 26, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 304 Choicework: theory, assessment, components, patterns, antecedents and consequences Leontiev, Dmitry (Russia); TBA IA26-31General Tuesday, July 26, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Updating the History of Women in Psychology Denmark, Florence (United States of America); Reison, Anastasia Introduction by Hanae, Ando (United States of America) IA26-32 Neural Physiological Tuesday, July 26, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Understanding the perceptual experience of pain: an experimental approach Haggard, Patrick (United Kingdom) Introduction by Wataru, Sato (United Kingdom) 9 Invited Address Zhu, Liqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Introduction by Noboru, Takahashi (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Crowe SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IA27-01 Neural Physiological Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 3F 315 How are our self and its consciousness related to the spontaneous activity of the brain? A neuroscientific and neurophilosophical perspective Northoff, Georg (Canada) Introduction by Takashi, (Canada) Nakao IA27-02Clinical Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Validating endophenotypes for schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Evidence from neurological soft signs Chan, Raymond (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Introduction by Mie, Matsui (China (People's Repbulic of China)) IA27-03Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Emotion evokes anticipation: Event-related potential and fMRI studies Kotani, Yasunori (Japan); Ohgami, Yoshimi; Kiryu, Shigeru; Inoue, Yusuke Introduction by Masahito, Sakakibara (Japan) IA27-04Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 3F 315 Reading, Cognition, and Culture IA27-07Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 3F 315 How we can solidly solve a couple of so-called >>mysteries<< of the Mona Lisa by means of psychological methodology Carbon, Claus-christian (Germany); Hesslinger, Vera M Introduction by Kazunori, Morikawa (Germany) IA27-08Applied Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Tactility for understanding and producing information Watanabe, Junji (Japan); TBA IA27-09Cultural Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 4F 419 The claimed space in psychology: Maori indigenous knowledge in the lives of resilient peoples. Waitoki, Waikaremoana (New Zealand); Nikora, Linda Waimarie; Awateremasters, Bridgette Introduction by Kazuo, Fujita (New Zealand) IA27-10Social Wednesday, July 27, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 3F 315 Labyrinths, Mannequins, fMRI, and Eyeballs: Toward a Psychology of Prayer Invited Address Padakannaya, Prakash (India) Introduction by Akiyoshi, Kitaoka (India) Ladd, Kevin L (United States of America) Introduction by Takashi, Tsukiura (United States of America) IA27-05Cultural Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 4F 418 A Study on Counseling Skills - Are they culturally different? IA27-11Developmental Wednesday, July 27, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Mysteries of Love: Emotions in Intimate Relationships Fukuhara, Machiko (Japan) Introduction by Hirokazu, Furukawa (Japan) IA27-06 Theory & Methodology Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Inverse Bayes inference based on "Pasting Universe" Gunji, Yukio P (Japan) Introduction by Eiji, Muraki (Japan) 10 Haase, Claudia M (United States of America) Introduction by Saea, Tohira (United States of America) IA27-12Clinical Wednesday, July 27, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Family Psychology and Therapy: Advances in Understanding and Treating Couples and Families Bray, James H (United States of America) Introduction by Noriko, Kusakabe (United States of America) IA27-13Social Wednesday, July 27, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Economic Hardship, Coping and Psychological Well-being Greenglass, Esther R (Canada) Introduction by Tomoko, Tanaka (Canada) IA27-14 Neural Physiological Wednesday, July 27, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 4F 419 The neural basis of Affective Theory of Mind in health and mental disorders Schnell, Knut (Germany); Hentze, Charlotte; Schramm, Elisabeth; Walter, Henrik Introduction by Jun, Sasaki (Germany) IA27-15Clinical Wednesday, July 27, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 3F 315 The Scientist-Practitioner Gap: Enhancing Evidence-Based Practice Dozois, David J (Canada) Introduction by Hirokazu, Furukawa (Canada) IA27-16 Theory & Methodology Wednesday, July 27, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Dimensions of Timbre Namba, Seiichiro (Japan) Introduction by Sonoko, Kuwano (Japan) IA27-17Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Imagine that! The theoretical and neural basis for how rats make decisions under conditions of perceptual ambiguity. Blaisdell, Aaron P (United States of America) Introduction by Kosuke, Sawa (United States of America) IA27-18Applied Wednesday, July 27, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 3F 315 CONTRIBUTIONS OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY TO WELLBEING AND PERFORMANCE AT WORK: A MULTILEVEL APPROACH Peiro, Jose M (Spain) Introduction by Yasumasa, Otsuka (Spain) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Osaka, Naoyuki (Japan) Introduction by Yoshio, Takane (Japan) IA27-20Developmental Wednesday, July 27, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Aging of the Intellectually Handicapped persons in Bangladesh and Japan Sufi, Anwarul H (Bangladesh) Introduction by Masabumi, Tokoro (Bangladesh) IA27-21Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Kawaii as an emotion: Understanding the effects of cuteness on human cognition and behavior Nittono, Hiroshi (Japan) Introduction by Saea, Tohira (Japan) IA27-22Cultural Wednesday, July 27, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 4F 419 THE HUMAN PSYCHE ON THE BORDER OF IRREVERSIBLE TIME: FORWARD-ORIENTED SEMIOSIS Valsiner, Jaan (Denmark) Introduction by Tetsuya, Kono (Denmark) IA27-23Social Wednesday, July 27, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Psychology of Democracy: Paradoxes of democracy, social psychological preconditions for democracy, and current dilemmas Klicperova, Martina (Czech Republic) Introduction by Kono, Tetsuya (Japan) IA27-24General Wednesday, July 27, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Cognitive psychology and functional psychology can be mutually supportive: Putting the functionalcognitive framework to work De Houwer, Jan (Belgium) Introduction by Ayumi, Tanaka (Belgium) IA27-25Clinical Wednesday, July 27, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Thirteen years follo-up case study of a schizophrenic patient who kept drawing gods as his self-image IA28-01Clinical Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 3F 315 What do we know about the status of psychodynamic therapy in 2016 Barber, Jacques (United States of America) Introduction by Satoko, Kimpara (United States of America) IA28-02General Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Woman's Embodied Self: The (Un) Healthy Body Chrisler, Joan C (United States of America) Introduction by Yuko, Okamoto (United States of America) IA28-03Cultural Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 4F 419 The politics of diversity and the place of culture in mental health: Theory, research and practice Kirmayer, Laurence J (Canada) Introduction by Jun, Sasaki (Canada) IA28-04Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 3F 315 The response of eye pupils to isoluminant faces of three different ethnicities. Laeng, Bruno (Norway); Gitiye Kiambarua, Kenneth (Norway); Bochynska, Agata (Norway); Suzuki, Hikaru (Japan); Okubo, Matia (Japan) Introduction by Matia, Okubo (Norway) IA28-05Developmental Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Psychology of longevity by integrating culture with empirical studies Han, Buxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Introduction by Ruben, Ardila (China (People's Repbulic of China)) IA28-06Cultural Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Zen at work: high quality of life standards, East-west cross-fertilization IA28-07Social Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 3F 315 Minority Stress, Resilience, and Health Disparities in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trasngender Populations Meyer, Ilan H (United States of America) Introduction by Junko, Matsumi (United States of America) IA28-08Clinical Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Childhood anxiety disorders: A major challenge for the future of mental health Schneider, Silvia A (Germany) Introduction by Haruhiko, Shimoyama (Germany) IA28-09Social Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Inscribing Decoloniality to Justpeace: Reflections from South Africa Seedat, Mohamed (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Introduction by Shahnaaz, Suffla (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) IA28-10Developmental Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 3F 315 Gene-environment Correlations are Crucial for Understanding Family Relationships and Development Knafo, Ariel (Israel); Avinun, Reut Introduction by Sonoko, Ogawa (Israel) IA28-11Developmental Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Towards a new science of academic engagement Salmela-aro, Katariina (Finland) Introduction by Toshiaki, Shirai (Finland) IA28-12Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Motion illusions in stationary images Kitaoka, Akiyoshi (Japan) Introduction by Kenzo, Sakurai (Japan) Prieto, Jose M (Spain) Introduction by Hiroshi, Yama (Spain) Yokota, Masao (Japan); TBA 11 Invited Address IA27-19 Neural Physiological Wednesday, July 27, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Executive functions of working memory control an access consciousness: An NCC approach SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IA28-13Clinical Thursday, July 28, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Process of Creating Body Image and Birth of Individualization with a Case Study of a 4-year-old Girl with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Tamotsu, Sakaki (Japan); Mizuho, Mishima; Satoko, Yoshinaka Introduction by Noboru, Takahashi (Japan) IA28-14Developmental Thursday, July 28, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 4F 418 From Language Brokering to Family Decision Making: A Comparative Perspective on Family Dynamics in Immigrant and Native Families Titzmann, Peter F (Germany) Introduction by Yusuke, Moriguchi (Germany) IA28-15Cultural Thursday, July 28, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 4F 419 The Psychology of Religious Diversity Norenzayan, Ara (Canada) Introduction by Hiroshi, Yama (Canada) IA28-16Personality Thursday, July 28, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Borderline Personality Disorder and Treatment Resistance: Rediscovering the biopsychosocial model Plakun, Eric M (United States of America) Introduction by Yuko, Okamoto (United States of America) Invited Address IA28-17Developmental Thursday, July 28, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Empathy in children: Theory, development, and assessment Richaud, Maria C (Argentina) Introduction by Shoji, Itakura (Argentina) IA28-18Applied Thursday, July 28, 14:20 – 15:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Psychological Principles in Therapeutic Interventions for Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: A Group-Based Intervention Model Nair, Elizabeth (Singapore) Introduction by Noriko, Kusakabe (Singapore) 12 IA28-19Social Thursday, July 28, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Gender and the Sociocultural Turn in Psychology Marecek, Jeanne (United States of America) Introduction by Eriko, Matsumoto (United States of America) IA28-20 Theory & Methodology Thursday, July 28, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Computational Comparative Psychology: A Manifesto Burgos, Jose E (Mexico) Introduction by German, Gutierrez (Mexico) IA28-21Clinical Thursday, July 28, 15:20 – 16:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Diagnostic Classification in the Twenty-First century:Historic and International Perspectives on Old Challenges and New Opportunities Ritchie, Pierre (Canada) Introduction by Buxin, Han (Canada) IA28-22Clinical Thursday, July 28, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Recovering emotionally after a terrorist attack: insights from Psychology Garcia-vera, Maria Paz (Spain) Introduction by Shamala, Kumar (Spain) IA28-23 Neural Physiological Thursday, July 28, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Human brain network for visual motion processing Ashida, Hiroshi (Japan) Introduction by Kazunori, Morikawa (Japan) IA28-24Social Thursday, July 28, 16:20 – 17:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Risk and Risk-taking from a social psychology perspective Roland-levy, Christine D (France) Introduction by Kurt, Pawlik (France) IA28-25Developmental Thursday, July 28, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Religiosity and Adolescents: An Indonesia's Case of Indonesia Moslem Adolescents Purwono, Urip (Indonesia); French, Doran C. (United States of America) Introduction by Tadatoshi, Ogura (Indonesia) IA28-26 Theory & Methodology Thursday, July 28, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 418 Building a sociocultural approach in Brazilian social Psychology: a history of a scientific innovation of the 1980s Freitas Campos, Regina H (Brazil) Introduction by Kenjiro, Aoyama (Brazil) IA28-27Social Thursday, July 28, 17:20 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 419 Identity dynamics in adolescence: The interplay of individual, interpersonal, social, and cultural factors Crocetti, Elisabetta (Netherlands) Introduction by Kazumi, Sugimura (Netherlands) IA29-01Social Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 3F 315 Multiple approach to racial ingroup bias in empathy Han, Shihui (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Introduction by Toshikatsu, Kakimoto (China (People's Repbulic of China)) IA29-02 Theory & Methodology Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Optimal Design for IRT Models Holling, Heinz (Germany) Introduction by Yoshio, (Germany) Takane IA29-03 Cultural Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 09:10 Conference Center 4F 419 The role of traditional healers, bush doctors and shamans in the mental health of underserved populations living in non-westernized societies Lewis-jack, Ometha O (United States of America) Introduction by Shigeno, Sumi (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Sufi, Nafiul H (Bangladesh) Introduction by Kenichi, (Bangladesh) Suzuki IA29-05Social Friday, July 29, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Compensation between competence and warmth in intergroup relations: Structural and strategic foundations Yzerbyt, Vincent Y (Belgium) Introduction by Tomoko, (Belgium) Ikegami IA29-06General Friday, July 29, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Digital archive for the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami compiling the experiences and lessons Imamura, Fumihiko (Japan) Introduction by Shigeru, Watanabe (Japan) IA29-07Clinical Friday, July 29, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 3F 315 EMDR is an effective trauma therapy: but is it a unique treatment? Lee, Christopher W (Australia) Introduction by Mariko, (Australia) Osaka IA29-08 Theory & Methodology Friday, July 29, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct for Diagnosing Single Cases Operationally, Qualitatively and Quantitatively Naito, Tetsuo (Japan) Introduction by Masabumi, Tokoro (Japan) IA29-09 Neural Physiological Friday, July 29, 10:30 – 11:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Brain activity, cognitive impairment, and vehicle movement analysis for evaluation of fitness to drive in the elderly. Horikawa, Etsuo (Japan) Introduction by Masahito, Sakakibara (Japan) IA29-10Cognitive Friday, July 29, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 3F 315 Absolute pitch and relative pitch in music students: A comparison between East and West IA29-15Clinical Friday, July 29, 13:00 – 13:40 Conference Center 4F 419 Culture in Psychotherapy: Adaptation or developing autochthonous treatments for diverse populations? Miyazaki, Kenichi (Japan); Rakowski, Andrzej (Poland); Makomaska, Sylwia (Poland); Jiang, Cong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tsuzaki, Minoru (Japan); Oxenham, Andrew J (United States of America); Ellis, Greg (United States of America); Lipscomb, Scott D (United States of America) Introduction by Sumi, Shigeno (Japan) Bernal, Guillermo (Puerto Rico) Introduction by Ava D., Thompson (Puerto Rico) Cognitive IA29-11 Friday, July 29, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 4F 418 Overmier, J. Bruce (United States of America) Introduction by Kurt, Pawlik (United States of America) How Cultural Acquisitions re-tool brain and mind Kolinsky, Regine (Belgium) Introduction by Miyawaki, Yoichi (Japan) IA29-12Cultural Friday, July 29, 11:30 – 12:10 Conference Center 4F 419 Guiding Principles for Conducting Mental Health Training Program Internationally Nicolas, Marieguerda (United States of America) Introduction by Akihito, Shimazu (United States of America) IA29-13General Friday, July 29, 13:00 – 13:40 Conference Center 3F 315 Mythodrama: Encouraging Change and Insights through Play, peculiar Stories and Drama, an approach in Conflict Management and Group Therapy practised in Swiss and Japanese Schools, as well as Counselling Centres. Guggenbuehl, Allan (Switzerland) Introduction by Ai, Namba (Switzerland) IA29-14Applied Friday, July 29, 13:00 – 13:40 Conference Center 4F 418 Psychosocial Recovery from Natural Disaster, Epidemics and Terrorism: Ebola in West Africa; SARS in China; Japan TsunamiEarthquake; Earthquakes in Haiti and China; 911, Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina in USA Kuriansky, Judy (United States of America); Daisey, Russell (United States of America); Zinsou, Joel C (United States of America); Jean-charles, Wismick (Namibia); Harada, Shinji (Japan); Shibata, Tomoko (Japan); TBA IA29-16General Friday, July 29, 14:00 – 14:40 Conference Center 3F 315 Neuroscience of motivation and behavior as guided by psychology of learning IA29-17 Neural Physiological Friday, July 29, 14:00 – 14:40 Conference Center 4F 418 Socioeconomic State of Rehabilitation Technology for the Physically Disabled Persons in Bangladesh Sufi, Farhana B (Bangladesh) Introduction by Shoji, (Bangladesh) Itakura IA29-18 Neural Physiological Friday, July 29, 14:00 – 14:40 Conference Center 4F 419 Aging of the brain and cognition: What the time tells and what we are still waiting to hear. Raz, Naftali (United States of America) Introduction by Eriko, Matsumoto (United States of America) IA29-19 Neural Physiological Friday, July 29, 15:00 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 315 The treachery of images: Why the brain responds differently to real object than photos Culham, Jody C (Canada); Snow, Jacqueline C (United States of America); Gerhard, Theresa M (Germany); Schwarzer, Gudrun (Germany) Introduction by Ken, Kihara (Canada) IA29-20Developmental Friday, July 29, 15:00 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 418 Ages of Life Between Diversity and Harmony : Generations, Aging and Cultural Variations. For a Global Useful Psychology in the 21st Century World. Heslon, Christian (France) Introduction by Hiroko, Norimatsu (France) 13 Invited Address IA29-04Cultural Friday, July 29, 09:30 – 10:10 Conference Center 3F 315 Changing pattern of treatment seeking behaviour in Bangladesh SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IA29-21Applied Friday, July 29, 15:00 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 419 Work engagement: A useful construct for occupational health in the 21st century? IS25-03Social Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 10:40 Conference Center 5F 501 Culture, group interactions and creating shared spaces for harmony and Lesbian/Bisexual Racial/Ethnic Minority Women: Types, Frequency, and Implications Organizer: Singh, Purnima (India) Schaufeli, Wilmar B (Netherlands) Introduction by Akihito, Shimazu (Netherlands) Intergroup dialogue and harmony Mobilizing the Public to Uphold Social Justice: An Exploration of the Motivational Mechanism underlying Collective Action for Social Minorities IS25-01Social Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 302 Togetherness with Independence in Groups: How Do We Make It Happen and What Are the Consequences? Organizer: Choi, Hoon-seok (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Collectivistic Independence: A Conceptual Framework and Methodological Advances Seo, Jeong-gil (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Hayeon; Choi, Hoon-seok Loyal Deviance: Who Blows the Whistle and Why? Kwon, Young-mi (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Choi, Hyoim At the Crossroad of Ingroup Love and Outgroup Helping: Finding a Way to Sustainable Intergroup Reconciliation Euh, Hyun (United States of America) Network Dynamics of Worldviews in Work Groups Cultural Jung, Jiin (United States of America); Choi, Ha-yeon (Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)) IS25-02Cultural Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 303 The Problems and Possibilities of Diversity Organizer: Safdar, Saba (Canada) Invited Address Mutual Accommodation: The basis for managing cultural diversity Berry, John W (Canada) A Dual Process Model of Diversity: Theory and Applications in South Africa Van De Vijver, Fons (Netherlands); Jackson, Leon (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Realizing the potential of cultural diversity Sam, David L (Norway) Invited Symposium Challenges and success Multiculturalism in Canada Safdar, Saba (Canada) of Siddiqui, Roomana N (India) CONFIGURING COLORS OF SHARED LIVING: INTERPLAY OF CATEGORIZATION, POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONAND VIOLENCE Kapur, Preeti (India) Communalism and Communitarianism: A Study of Hindu- Muslim Relations in an Indian Province Mishra, Arvind K (India) Unpackaging collective ritual Fischer, Ronald (Denmark) Discussant: Singh, Purnima (India) IS25-04Cultural Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 10:40 Conference Center 5F 502 Learning About the Japanese Mind, Learning From Asian Psychoanalytic Understandings Organizer: Kitayama, Osamu (Japan) Amae in Japan's psychoanalysis and love in western psychoanalysis Kudo, Shimpei (Japan) A Cross-Cultural Psychoanalytic Study of Pathological Narcissism in Japan and the United States Rousell, Jonathan H (United States of America) Mapping Mindsets: Connecting Culture, Brain, and Genes Kitayama, Shinobu (United States of America) IS25-05Applied Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 302 Joining forces in collective action to achieve justice and well-being for all Organizer: Mak, Winnie W (Hong Kong) Civic Engagement as a Means to Promote Well-being of Emerging Adults: Findings from the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong Mak, Winnie W (Hong Kong); Chan, Randolph C The Construction of Identity Politics in Hong Kong An Examination of Multiple Social Identities Chan, Wing Y (United States of America) Collective Action among Heterosexual 14 Deblaere, Cirleen (United States of America) Chan, Randolph Chun Ho (Hong Kong); Zhang, Ruirui; Yang, Sherry Xue; Ma, Gloria Yuet Kwan IS25-06General Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 303 Asian psychology of religion Organizer: Dueck, Alvin (United States of America) Co-organizer: Han, Buxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Psychological Practices and Religiosity of the Japanese After the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011 Saito, Chizuko (Japan) Asian Psychology of Religion Kapur, Preeti (India) Religious Experiences as Selfobject Experiences for the Fragmented Self: A Self Psychological Approach to the Korean Revival Movement in 1907. Jang, Jung Eun (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Asian Psychology of Religion Dueck, Alvin (United States of America); Han, Buxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Saito, Chizuko (Japan); Jang, Jung Eun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Girishwar, Misra (India); Kapur, Preeti (India) IS25-07Social Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 304 The Evolution of Empathy Organizer: Kikusui, Takefumi (Japan) Mice are People Too: Social Modulation of and by Pain in Laboratory Rodents and Humans Mogil, Jeffrey S (Canada) Empathy and Cooperation: Primate Origins De Waal, Frans BM (United States of America) Evolution of the Social Brain Hofmann, Hans A (United States of America) Discussant: Kikusui, Takefumi (Japan); Hasegawa, Toshikazu SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM from the perspective of ecological phenomenology Organizer: Hirata, Satoshi (Japan) Tanaka, Shogo (Japan) Novel action copying in bonobos and chimpanzees compared to humans Essays on Mind, Body and Human Nature: Reconsidering the Philosophical Terminology of Neo-Confucianism Clay, Zanna (United Kingdom); Tennie, Claudio Social evaluation based on direct and third-party interactions in captive bonobos (Pan paniscus) Krupenye, Christopher (United States of America); Hare, Brian Understanding about others’ action in chimpanzees and humans Hirata, Satoshi (Japan); Yamakoshi, Masako Myowa- Social and cultural theories of human and non-human primate intelligence Whiten, Andrew (United Kingdom) IS25-09Cultural Monday, July 25, 14:40 – 16:40 Conference Center 3F 302 What happened in the areas affected by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami? Organizer: Abe, Tsuneyuki (Japan) Actual damage from the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami: The actual state in affected areas with data stored in digital archives Sato, Shosuke (Japan) Daily life in disaster areas: Real life of refugees, underscoring the public order perspective Okamoto, Hideo (Japan) Japanese attitudes toward Fukushima nuclear disaster the Honda, Akio (Japan) Global Responses: Response to the 2011 Great East Japan disaster in Taiwan and other countries Tai, Shen Feng (Taiwan) Eight Factors of the "Power to Live" with Disasters: Education, Experiment, and Neuroscience Sugiura, Motoaki (Japan) IS25-10 Theory & Methodology Monday, July 25, 14:40 – 16:40 Conference Center 3F 303 An integrative study on the concept of self, body and mind: Beyond the dichotomy of East and West Organizer: Kono, Tetsuya (Japan) An alternative concept of mind Nemoto, Hideaki (Japan) Kono, Tetsuya (Japan) Driver's trust in automated driving when passing bicycles Reconsidering the self in Japanese culture from an embodied perspective Abe, Genya (Japan); Sato, Kenji; Uchida, Nobuyuki; Itoh, Makoto Ito, Takayuki (Japan) The Self as Field: Overcoming the Binaries of Mental/Somatic, Autonomous/Conditioned, Individual/Collective, East/West Kasulis, Thomas P (United States of America) IS25-11Applied Monday, July 25, 14:40 – 16:40 Conference Center 3F 304 What Promotes Entrepreneurship? An International Perspective Organizer: (Germany) Obschonka, Martin Social Entrepreneurs Value Profiles, Creativity and Social Business Innovation Stephan, Ute (United Kingdom); Huysentruyt, Marieke (France); Van Looy, Bart (Belgium) Work Values as Predictors of Young Adults´ Entrepreneurial and Leadership Intentions Lechner, Clemens M (Germany); Sortheix, Florencia M (Finland); Martin, Obschonka (Germany); Katariina, Salmela-aro (France) Person-City Personality Fit and Entrepreneurship: An Explorative Study in China Zhou, Mingjie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Obschonka, Martin (Germany); Silbereisen, Rainer K (Germany) IS25-12Applied Monday, July 25, 14:40 – 16:40 Conference Center 5F 502 human factors in car-bicycle interaction Organizer: Itoh, Makoto (Japan) Driver decision and procedure to overtake cyclists with oncoming traffic Bianchi Piccinini, Giulio (Sweden); Itoh, Makoto (Japan) Car-bicycle interaction - Driver s reaction to supporting technology Stuiver, Arjan (Netherlands); Brookhuis, Karel A; De Waard, Dick Design of an autonomous overtaking system from a viewpoint of acceptance IS25-13Social Monday, July 25, 15:40 – 17:40 Conference Center 5F 501 Diversity, Inclusion, Development: Perspectives from Work Psychology, Global Health, Community Development and Macropsychology. Organizer: Carr, Stuart C (New Zealand) Living Wages, Sustainable Livelihood and Poverty Eradication Carr, Stuart C (New Zealand); Maleka, Molefe (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Meyer, Ines (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Parker, Jane (New Zealand); Arrowsmith, James (New Zealand); Haar, Jarrod (New Zealand); Jones, Harvey (New Zealand); Groothof, Doutzen (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Barry, Marie-louise (New Zealand); Yao, Christian (New Zealand); Eastgate, Lindsay (New Zealand) Can NGO services that respect principles of justice, freedom from dominance and respect for identity enhance sustainable development? Godbout, Jeffrey (New Zealand) STEM: Supporting, training and empowering managers: A controldesign HRM study in Mozambique and Tanzania. Mcauliffe, Eilish (Ireland); Masanja, Honorati (Tanzania); Sidat, Mohsin (Mozambique); Team, Stem (Ireland) Macropsychology: The Psychology of Policy Maclachlan, Malcolm (Ireland); Mannan, Hasheem (Ireland); Huss, Tessy (Ireland); Embong, Abdul Rahman (Malaysia); Mji, Gubela (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) IS26-01Cultural Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 301 CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY: A NEW SCIENCE OF THE HUMAN NATURE Organizer: Valsiner, Jaan (Denmark) Co-organizer: Marsico, Giuseppina (Italy); Marsico, Giuseppina Importance of history of psychology: From Ganzheit to new theoretical horizons Wagoner, Brady (Denmark); Klempe, Hroar (Norway); Lehmann-muriithi, Kolja (Germany); Salvatore, Sergio (Italy) 15 Invited Symposium IS25-08Cognitive Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 502 Social and Cultural Intelligence in Primates SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Unity of the real and the non-real: Imagination in action and talk Tateo, Luca (Denmark); Tanggaard Pedersen, Lene Understanding Human Being Within the Framework of William Stern's Critical Personalism: Teleology, Holism, and Valuation Lehmann-muriithi, Kolja (Germany); De Resende Damas Cardoso, Carolina (Brazil); Lamiell, James T (United States of America) Psychology and art: Conceptual and methodological intersections Lehmann O., Olga V (Norway); Glaveanu, Vlad (Denmark); Brinkmann, Svend (Denmark); Freeman, Mark (United States of America) Values in action: Development over life course Komatsu, Koji (Japan); Tapia- Villanueva, Luis (Chile); Molina, Maria Elisa (Chile) Discussant: Sato, Tatsuya (Japan); Carriere, Kevin R (United States of America); Eckerdal, Rebekka M (Denmark); I. Nedergaard, Jensine (Denmark); Omi, Yasuhiro (Japan); I. Nedergaard, Jensine (Denmark) IS26-02Developmental Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 302 Well-Being in the Oldest-Old: Developmental Change or Characteristic of Survivors? Organizer: Gondo, Yasuyuki (Japan) Relationship between cognitive function and well-being of oldest-old people. Gondo, Yasuyuki (Japan); Masui, Yukie; Nakagawa, Takeshi; Kamide, Kei; Ikebe, Kazunori; Yasumoto, Saori; Arai, Yasumichi; Ishizaki, Teturo Social Support and Well-Being Among the Oldest Old: Findings from the Georgia Centenarian Study Martin, Peter (United States of America); Jasper, Angelica; Poon, Leonard W Predictors of valuation of life in nearcentenarians and centenarians Jopp, Daniela S (Switzerland); Rott, Christoph (Germany) Stability and Change of Valuation of Life in Old Age Invited Symposium Nakagawa, Takeshi (Japan); Gondo, Yasuyuki; Masui, Yukie; Ishioka, Yoshiko; Ogawa, Madoka; Inagaki, Hiroki; Tabuchi, Megumi; Kozono, Marina; Yasumoto, Saori; Numata, Keitaro; Kurinobu, Takeshi; Tsai, Ujyun; Goto, Fumika; Takayama, Midori; Ikebe, Kazunori; 16 Kamide, Kei; Arai, Yasumichi; Ishizaki, Tatsuro; Takahashi, Ryutaro IS26-03Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 303 Healing relationship in psychotherapy: Attachment, the therapeutic alliance, and transformation Organizer: Iwakabe, Shigeru (Japan) The role of the therapeutic alliance and techniques in psychotherapy: A research update Barber, Jacques (United States of America) An Attachment Psychotherapy Perspective on Mikulincer, Mario (Israel) Studies on the therapeutic alliance in Japan Kanazawa, Yoshinobu (Japan) Discussant: Iwakabe, Shigeru (Japan); Barber, Jacques (United States of America) IS26-04Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 501 Topic:Microcounseling All over the World - Basis for Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions Organizer: Fukuhara, Machiko (Japan) Microcounseling, communication basis of Zalaquett, Carlos P (United States of America) Engaging Clients in New Ways of Thinking, Behaving, and Experiencing: Incorporating Microcounseling into Outpatient Morita Therapy Practice and Therapist Training Ishiyama, Ishu (Canada) Neural mechanisms underlying active listening: From social neuroscience view Kawamichi, Hiroaki (Japan) Human Centered Approach in Medical Setting-from the viewpoint of MD at General Hospital Asazuma, Naoki (Japan) Microcounseling for psychotherateutic interventions - contribution of multicultural counseling views in harmony Backenroth, Gunnel M (Sweden) Discussant: Ivey, Allen E (United States of America) IS26-05General Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 502 The Regulation and Licensing of Psychology in South East Asia: The past and the future Organizer: Goh, Chee-leong (Malaysia) Co-organizer: Goh, Chee-leong (Malaysia) Professionalizing the Practice Psychology in the Philippines of Regala, Angela V (Philippines); Tarroja, Maria Caridad H Indonesia's Experience and Perspectives on the Regulation of Psychological Practices: / Why do we need it? / Purwono, Urip (Indonesia) The Regulation of Psychology in Malaysia Goh, Chee Leong (Malaysia) Discussant: Yeo, Clare (Singapore); Yeo, Clare IS26-06General Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 503 Psychology Education and Training: A New Deal for Postdoc Programs Organizer: (Germany) Silbereisen, Rainer K Doing a Psychology PhD in an Interdisciplinary Program--A BestPractice Example from the German Excellence Initiative Boehnke, Klaus (Germany) Standards of excellence, challenges and opportunities in graduate programs of psychology in Latin America and the Caribbean Mendez, Milagros A (United States of America) Pathways - International, interdisciplinary post-doctoral program Salmela-aro, Katariina (Finland) The International Declaration on Core Competences in Professional Psychology Nielsen, Sverre L (Norway); Demers, Steven IS26-07Applied Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:30 Annex Hall F201 Challenges in providing children and adolescents with more effective road safety education Organizer: Ogawa, Kazuhisa (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Ohtani, Akira (Japan) Safety education: Producing a road hazard map in the higher grades of elementary school Ogawa, Kazuhisa (Japan) Key issues that inform road safety education programs for school age children in Australia: an example of a research based program. Sasaki, Jun (Japan); Hashimoto, Maki high school students Fear of Offending Others in Japan and Canada: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Taijin Kyofusho Fujii, Tsutomu (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Watanabe, Momoka (Canada); Sasaki, Jun (Japan); Zhou, Biru (Canada); Kirmayer, Laurence (Canada); Ryder, Andrew (Canada) The closeness of society affects Taijinkyofusho tendencies: A socioecological approach employing Multi-methods. Discussant: Smith, Richard (United States of America); Smith, Peter K (United Kingdom) IS26-12Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 503 Using Ambulatory Assessment to understand emotion regulation and affective dynamics in everyday life Sheehan, Mary C (Australia) Sato, Kosuke (Japan); Yuki, Masaki Theoretical and empirical foundations of effective road safety interventions aimed at children aged 5-12 years IS26-10Social Tuesday, July 26, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 303 Towards an integrative understanding of the mechanisms underlying emotion regulation Affective dynamics and their regulation processes in everyday life in patients with borderline personality disorder Organizer: Kross, Ethan (United States of America) Emotion Regulation Flexibility in Daily Life and its Relation to Well-Being Self-Talk as a Regulatory Mechanism: How you do it matters Koval, Peter (Australia); Haines, Simon (Australia); Ciarrochi, Joseph (Australia); Gleeson, John (Australia); Hollenstein, Tom (Canada); Kuppens, Peter (Belgium) Thomson, James A (United Kingdom) Supporting road safety education in schools and families Lammi, Antero M (Finland) IS26-08General Tuesday, July 26, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 301 Psychology and Disease Prevention Organizer: Omori, Mika (Japan) The Socioecology of Child Health: Rural and Minority Childhood Obesity Prevention in the US Mckyer, Lisako J (United States of America) A psychological approach to TB prevention: Implications from a questionnaire to Japanese adults Mika, Omori (Japan) The Use of Behavior-Change Theory in the Prevention of Body Image and Eating Disorders Rodgers, Rachel (United States of America) Health literacy and critical thinking for disease prevention Kusumi, Takashi (Japan) IS26-09Cultural Tuesday, July 26, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 302 The recent advances in studies on Taijin-kyofusho Organizer: Sasaki, Jun (Japan) Co-organizer: Ryder, Andrew (Canada) G Unpackaging Cultural Differences in Social Anxiety: The Role of SelfConstrual, Self-Enhancement Motive, and Cognitive Styles Norasakkunkit, Vinai (United States of America) A preliminary study on the psychological factor that enhances the conviction of offensive cognition in Taijin-kyofusho Kross, Ethan (United States of America) Neurocognitive evidence for strategy and individual differences in emotion regulation Moser, Jason S (United States of America) Emotional Regulation among Psychologically Vulnerable Individuals: A Field Study of Parents of Pediatric Cancer Patients Penner, Louis (United States of America); Albrecht, Terrance L; Harper, Felicity Cultural moderation of physiological responses during emotion regulation among young children Karasawa, Mayumi (Japan) IS26-11Social Tuesday, July 26, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 502 The emotion in bullying : Focusing on the roles of envy and its related concepts Organizer: Sawada, Masato (Japan) Co-organizer: Kanetsuna, Tomoyuki (Japan) Does envy reinforce bullying?: Interaction with group level influences Kanetsuna, Tomoyuki (Japan); Sawada, Masato The dark side of class-level selfesteem: Impact of schadenfreude on reported bullying. Hitokoto, Hidefumi (Japan); Sawada, Masato Organizer: (Germany) Ebner-priemer, Ebner-priemer, Ulrich Santangelo, Philip Ulrich (Germany); Ruminative thinking in real-life and the lab - Affective impact and beyond Kubiak, Thomas (Germany) Food intake as a strategy of emotional regulation Kikuchi, Hiroe (Japan) Discussant: Pawlik, Kurt (Germany) IS26-13Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 10:50 – 12:50 Annex Hall F201 Emotion-Cognition Interactions Organizer: (India) Srinivasan, Narayanan How should we operationalize affect in emotion-cognition interactions? Becker, D. Vaughn (United States of America) A Dual Process Framework for Understanding the Temporal Dynamics of Threat-related Attention Adams, Jr., Reginald B (United States of America) Interactions between Emotions and Scope of Attention Srinivasan, Narayanan (India) Motivational Dimensional Model: Relationship Between Motivational Intensity and Cognitive Scope Gable, Philip A (United States of America) Discussant: Gable, Philip A (United States of America) Implicit attitude towards bullying: Using Implicit Association Test among junior 17 Invited Symposium Practical issues of road safety education for young children SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IS26-14Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 10:50 – 12:50 Annex Hall F202 PTG and Resilience in Hong Kong, Turkey, Japan, and the US: Toward Culturally-Sensitive Research IS26-16Social Tuesday, July 26, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 303 Gender and Sexuality: Emerging Issues in Developing Countries Organizer: Natu, Sadhana A (India) Organizer: Okamura, Kazuko (Japan) Organizer: Taku, Kanako (United States of America) Exploring Gender Inequalities In India : Need for Psychological Insights SAFE Move for older drivers: A FrenchSwedish research initiative Factorial validity of the Chinese version of Posttraumatic Growth Inventory across cultures and populations Natu, Sadhana A (India) Strand, Niklas (Sweden); Dukic Willstrand, Tania; Marin-lamellet, Claude Ho, Samuel (Hong Kong) Posttraumatic growth in Turkey: different samples, different trauma types Kilic, Cengiz (Turkey) The Experience of Medical Student Volunteers Participating in the Relief Efforts Following Japan's 3/11 Triple Disaster Yanagisawa, Robert T (United States of America); Katz, Craig L Characteristics of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) Oshio, Atsushi (Japan) Discussant: Taku, Kanako (United States of America) Beyond Orientalism and Cultural Essentialism: Queer Neoliberalism in China Liu, Wen (United States of America) Queering psychology in India: The need for critical perspectives Ranganathan, Shubha (India) IS26-17General Tuesday, July 26, 13:40 – 15:40 Annex Hall F201 Ig Nobel Prize winners talk about the evolutionary basis of the human mind Organizer: Matsuzawa, Tetsuro (Japan) Physical ethology of single-celled organism Nakagaki, Toshiyuki (Japan) IS26-15Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 302 Innovative and Responsive Health/ Clinical Assessment/Interventions for Stigmatized Mental Health Conditions among Japan, Taiwan, and North America Cold-blooded cognition: Why the reptile brain isn't a "reptile brain" Organizer: Tsuda, Akira (Japan) Co-organizer: Wang, Li-fei (Taiwan) IS26-18Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 13:40 – 15:40 Annex Hall F202 Sensory substitution Importance of psychological approach in clinical setting; a comprehensive strategy to manage lifestyle related diseases with applying the transtheoretical model Koike, George (Japan); Tsuda, Akira The Initial Development of the Culturally-Sensitive Emotion Regulation Scale / Wang, Li-fei (Taiwan); Koay, Evelyn Y; Chen, Mih-Ying An Integrative Psychotherapy Model: Systematic Treatment Selection (STS) (DVD) Beutler, Larry E (United States of America) Invited Symposium Discussant: Kimpara, Satoko (Japan) IS26-19Applied Tuesday, July 26, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 302 Research for better mobility and safety of elderly people Predictors of future driving status and crash involvement in Japanese older drivers Kosuge, Ritsu (Japan) Safety while walking among older people: the intersection of mobility, road safety, physical fragility, gender and fears about personal safety King, Mark J (Australia) Road Safety of older drivers: knowledge base and recommendations Holte, Hardy (Germany) IS26-20Clinical Tuesday, July 26, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 303 The potentiality of Collage therapyThe beginning and development of Collage therapy in Japan- Wilkinson, Anna (United Kingdom) Organizer: Moritani, Hiroyuki (Japan) Beyond utilitarianism of science: A case study of research on avian cognition The developmental characteristics of the collage expression. Watanabe, Shigeru (Japan) Yoshifumi, Nishimura (Japan) Discussant: Matsuzawa, Tetsuro (Japan) The integrative interpretation of collage expression - Focus on categorization as a quantitative analysis Organizer: Auvray, Malika (France) The Rewired Blind Brain Ptito, Maurice (Denmark); Kupers, Ron Investigating the spatial perspectives that are adopted by sighted and blind people to interpret patterns of tactile stimulation Arnold, Gabriel (France); Auvray, Malika Substituting Time for Space Hayward, Vincent (France) Origins of task-specific sensory-independent organization in the visual and auditory brain: neuroscience evidence, open questions and clinical implications Amedi, Amir (Israel); Heimler, Benedetta (Israel); Striem-amit, Ella (United States of America) Yamagami, Eiko (Japan) Therapy and Art Psychotherapy Dubowski, Janek K (United Kingdom) Discussant: Moritani, Hiroyuki (Japan) IS26-21Applied Tuesday, July 26, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 501 Diversity Management for the ageing workforce Organizer: Wegge, Juergen (Germany) Co-organizer: Van Der Heijden, Beatrice I (Netherlands) Managing age diversity in organizations and teams: The state of the art Wegge, Juergen (Germany) Job Characteristics That Support a Longer, Healthier Work Life Truxillo, Donald M (United States of America); Zaniboni, Sara (Italy); Fraccaroli, Franco (Italy) Bridge Over an Ageing Population - The Mediating Roles of LMX and 18 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Veth, Klaske N (Netherlands); Van Der Heijden, Beatrice Ijm; Korzilius, Hubert Plm; Emans, Ben Jm; De Lange, Annet H Ergonomic Work Design as Precondition for Effectively Integrating the Aging Workforce in Production Tasks Fritzsche, Lars (Germany) Harvesting the benefits of diversity by promoting organizational identification and pro-diversity beliefs in organizations Van Dick, Rolf (Germany) IS26-22Applied Tuesday, July 26, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 502 The investigative interviewing of suspects and witnesses/victims. Organizer: Bull, Ray (United Kingdom) The Coordination of Confession: An Analysis of Police Interviews Richardson, Beth H (United Kingdom); Taylor, Paul J; Snook, Brent; Conchie, Stacey M; Bennell, Craig Development of Suspect Interviewing Research and Practice in South Korea Jo, Eunkyung (Korea (Republic of Korea)) The investigative interviewing of suspects and witnesses/victims Mattison, Michelle L (United Kingdom); Dando, Coral J; Ormerod, Tom C The use of forensic interviews with alleged child victims/witnesses in a MDT team in Japan Naka, Makiko (Japan) IS26-23Cognitive Tuesday, July 26, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 503 Coordination, Communication, and Commitment in Joint Action Organizer: Sebanz, Natalie (Hungary) EEG investigations on the representation of Self and Other during joint action planning Michael, John (Hungary); Natalie; Knoblich, Gunther Sebanz, IS26-24General Tuesday, July 26, 16:00 – 18:00 Annex Hall F201 The Important Role of Engagement in School and Work Settings Organizer: Mesurado, Belen (Argentina) Work Engagement and Job Burnout: The Role of Social Axioms in a Job Demands-Resources Framework Valencia, Marshall (Malaysia); Hemalatha, Krishnan Relation between Personality Traits and Basic Psychological Need with Academic Engagement Richaud, Maria C (Argentina); Mesurado, Belen Why Sense of Relatedness Promotes Academic Engagement in a Collectivist Setting: The Mediating Role of Academic Motivation Mateo, Nino Jose (Philippines); Ouano, Jerome A (Philippines); Datu, Jesus Alfonso D (Hong Kong); Yuen, Mantak (Hong Kong) Social Cultural influences on worker mental model: one organization, different minds Quezada, Ariel (Chile) IS26-25General Tuesday, July 26, 16:00 – 18:00 Annex Hall F202 Experimental Philosophy Using the Methods of Psychology to Address Central Issues in Philosophy Organizer: Stich, Stephen (United States of America) Folk Intuitions about the Reference of Natural Kind Terms Cheon, Hyundeuk (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Philosophical Arguments and Moral Motivation IS27-01Developmental Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 301 How developmental psychology and neuroscience can help shape education in the future? Organizer: Borst, Gregoire (France) How to bear in mind adolescent brain functioning when designing learning environments for STEM subjects Schumacher, Ralph (Switzerland); Stern, Elsbeth What Keeps Women out of the hard Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Math ?Gender Stereotypes more than Testosterone Huguet, Pascal (France) From illiteracy to literacy in adulthood: A microlongitudinal study Kolinsky, Regine (Belgium); Franco, Ana (Belgium); Leite, Isabel (Portugal); Carvalho, Cristina (Portugal); Fernandes, Tania (Portugal); Calcus, Axelle (United States of America); Morais, Jose (Belgium) The positive role of inhibitory control in academic learning of school-aged children Borst, Gregoire (France); Ahr, Emmanuel; Linzarini, Adriano; Houde, Olivier IS27-02Social Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 302 Theory-based approaches for promoting health behavior change Organizer: Scholz, Urte (Switzerland) Frameworks for developing, evaluating, and implementing interventions promoting healthy diet and physical activity Luszczynska, Aleksandra (Poland) Using theory to increase understanding of the non-initiation of subsidized HIVtreatment: the interplay of motivational and volitional processes. Konvalinka, Ivana (Denmark) Andow, James (United Kingdom) De Wit, John B (Netherlands); Mao, Limin (Australia); Adam, Philippe (Australia); Cogle, Aron (Australia); Slavin, Sean (Australia); Post, Jeffrey (Australia); Wright, Edwina (Australia); Kidd, Michael (Australia) Psychological processes and brain mechanisms for musical joint action The Inclusive Approach: How to Use the Methods of Psychology to Address Central Issues in Philosophy Health Behavior Change From a Dyadic Perspective: Theory and Findings From Two Daily Dyadic Studies Kourtis, Dimitrios (Hungary) Lindauer, Matthew (Australia) Prediction and adaptation mechanisms facilitating interpersonal coordination Experimental Philosophy and Aesthetic Testimony Keller, Peter (Australia) Nonverbal communication supporting joint action performance Vesper, Cordula (Hungary) Coordination enhances the implicit sense of commitment in joint action Bishop, Michael A (United States of America) Stadler, Gertraud Turu (United Kingdom); Matthew, Riccio (United Kingdom); Janina, Luescher (Switzerland); Sibylle, Ochsner (Switzerland); Nina, Knoll (Germany); Rainer, Hornung (Switzerland); Urte, Scholz (Switzerland) 19 Invited Symposium CWX Between HRM and Employee Outcomes for Bridge Workers SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Effects of social control on smoking, affect and behavioral outcomes in the context of smoking cessation: Results from two daily diary studies Scholz, Urte (Switzerland); Stadler, Gertraud (United Kingdom); Luescher, Janina (Switzerland); Ochsner, Sibylle (Switzerland); Hornung, Rainer (Switzerland); Knoll, Nina (Germany) Discussant: Schwarzer, Ralf (Germany) IS27-03Clinical Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 303 Assessing personality and psychopathology in the DSM-5 decade the Spanish Speaking Caribbean assessment tools Bernal, Guillermo (Puerto Rico) Kurz, Rainer H (United Kingdom) Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology (CRCP 2016) and Haitian/ French Psychology Interpersonal Relatedness and Entrepreneurial Activity at city level: study on Chinese samples Nicolas, Marieguerda (United States of America) Zhou, Mingjie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jianxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Yixin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Obschonka, Martin (Germany); Silbereisen, Rainer K (Germany) Discussant: Thompson, Ava D (Bahamas) IS27-05 Theory & Methodology Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 501 Component-based structural equation modeling: Generalized structured component analysis Organizer: Rossi, Gina (Belgium) Co-organizer: Derksen, Jan (Netherlands) Organizer: Takane, Yoshio (Canada) Co-organizer: Hwang, Heungsun (Canada) Personality Disorders and Interpersonal Functioning in Daily Life An Introduction to Generalized Structured Component Analysis Pincus, Aaron L (United States of America); Dowgwillo, Emily A; Levy, Kenneth N; Wilson, Stephen J; Newman, Michelle G Age specific and age neutral expressions of personality functioning in adolescents: towards developmentally sensitive severity markers of personality pathology Rossi, Gina (Belgium) Derivation of an Empirically-Based Set of Personality Facets for the Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders Bagby, Robert M (Canada) Utility of the MMPI-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) in the Assessment of DSM-5 Personality Psychopathology Sellbom, Martin (New Zealand) Traditional psychopathological models revisited: A network analytic approach to MMPI-2 restructured clinical scale items. Van Der Heijden, Paul T (Netherlands); Egger, Jos I.m (Netherlands); Rossi, Gina M.p (Belgium) IS27-04Cultural Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 304 Psychologists in Caribbean Society: Unity in Diversity Organizer: Dudley-grant, Rita (United States of America) Invited Symposium CANPA as a vehicle to promote collaboration across nations Dudley-grant, Rita (United States of America); Amuleru-marshall, Omowale (Grenada) Toward and indigenous psychology: Scholarship, research, and training in Hwang, Heungsun (Canada) Dynamic generalized structured component analysis Jung, Kwanghee (United States of America); Takane, Yoshio (Canada); Hwang, Heugnsun (Canada); Woodward, Todd S (Canada) Functional generalized structured component analysis: Representing the temporal structure of intensive streams of data Suk, Hye Won (United States of America); Hwang, Heungsun (Canada) Generalized structured component analysis Choi, Ji Yeh (Canada); Hwang, Heungsun Pathway Analysis of Rare Variants Using generalized structured component analysis Park, Taesung (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Choi, Sungkyoung (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Sungyoung (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Hwang, Heungsun (Canada) Discussant: Takane, Yoshio (Canada) IS27-06 Theory & Methodology Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 502 Recent evolutions in crosscultural assessment Organizer: Iliescu, Dragos (Romania) Intelligence and Development Scales for Children and Adolescents (IDS-2): Norming in multiple cultures. Schuchart, Nadine (Germany) Recent Developments in Cross-Cultural Assessment Van De Vijver, Fons (Netherlands) Cross-cultural 20 development of Assessment of transversal skills in large-scale assessments across countries: What about cross-cultural comparability? Greiff, Samuel (Luxembourg); Martin, Romain IS27-07Developmental Wednesday, July 27, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 302 Cultural and social factors in the development of face recognition Organizer: Liu, Chang Hong (United Kingdom) British children all look the same: Patterns of eye movements are stable from five years of age. Bennetts, Rachel J (United Kingdom); Liu, Chang Hong Spatial and temporal stimulus characteristics eliciting attention to faces in early infancy Otsuka, Yumiko (Japan); Ichikawa, Hiroko; Kanazawa, So; Masami, Yamaguchi K. Development of the own-race advantage in school-age Taiwanese children: Revealed with a morphing face paradigm Chien, Sarina Hui-lin (Taiwan); Tai, Chulik; Yang, Shu-fei Perceptual narrowing towards adult faces is a cross-cultural phenomenon in infancy: A behavioral and near-infrared spectroscopy study with Japanese infants Kobayashi, Megumi (Japan); Macchi Cassia, Viola (Italy); Kanazawa, So (Japan); Yamaguchi, Masami K (Japan); Kakigi, Ryusuke (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IS27-08General Wednesday, July 27, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 303 History of psychology and critical psychology (I): Exploration of critical historiography of psychology Building Resilience and Social Capital in Disaster-affected Communities: Salvaging Historical and Cultural Heritage as a Form of Psychosocial Support Delay Discounting, genetic sensitivity and leukocyte telomere length Daisuke, Sato (Japan) Kirsch, Peter (Germany) Organizer: Long, Wahbie (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Co-organizer: Igarashi, Yasuhiro (Japan) Professor Igarashi, Yasuhiro (Japan) Feminism and Psychology: A Short History of the Future Marecek, Jeanne (United States of America) Uses of psychological measurement in Brazil Jaco-vilela, Ana Maria J (Brazil) Discussant: Long, Wahbie (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) IS27-09Applied Wednesday, July 27, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 304 Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)-Approved University Curriculum for Japan: Tasks and Promises Ahead in Bringing in International Credentialization Organizer: Tanaka, Sakurako (Japan) Discussant: Masten, Ann (United States of America); Morris, John (Japan) IS27-11Applied Wednesday, July 27, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 502 International Test Commission (ITC): Guidelines for good testing practice Organizer: Odendaal, Aletta (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Introduction to the ITC test-related guidelines development. The ITC Guidelines on Test Use Ion, Andrei (Romania); Iliescu, Dragos ITC Guidelines on Computer-Based and Internet-delivered Testing Odendaal, Aletta (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) The ITC Guidelines on Quality Control in Scoring, Test Analysis and Reporting of Test Scores Geisinger, Kurt F (United States of America) Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB): Updates, Developments and Opportunities around the World ITC Test Adaptation Guidelines Martin, Neil T (United Kingdom) Discussant: Van (Netherlands) KO KO RO and B e h av i o r : Misunderstanding and Future of Applied Behavior Analysis in Japan Tanaka, Sakurako (Japan); Matsuda, Kozue; Kurumiya, Yukie Crime and punishment?: Behavior analysis for judicial and welfare experts Junichiro, Kanazawa (Japan) Discussant: Heward, William L (United States of America) IS27-10Clinical Wednesday, July 27, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 501 Psychosocial support after disasters and promoting resilience within disaster areas.Reports from Indonesia and Japan. Organizer: Hongo, Kazuo (Japan) Psychosocial support and strengthening resilience of children (and community) in the aftermath of disaster. Zachra, Siti Fatimah (Indonesia) Cheung, Fanny M (China (People's Repbulic of China)) De Vijver, Fons IS27-12 Neural Physiological Wednesday, July 27, 10:50 – 12:50 Annex Hall F202 Neuropeptides, behavior, and the brain: Insulin, oxytocin, and sex hormones Organizer: Stockhorst, Ursula (Germany) Co-organizer: Kirsch, Peter (Germany) Insulin in the brain: Effects of intranasal insulin on food intake and metabolic functions and of food intake on olfaction From anxiety and affiliation: Oxytocin and the socioemotional brain. IS27-13Clinical Wednesday, July 27, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 302 Cross-cultural Research: Legal Advocacy/Intervention Organizer: Pir, Tara (United States of America) Mental Health Treatment in Collaboration with Legal Professionals Kato, Yoshiko (Japan) Integrating Legal Advocacy in a Multidisciplinary Team Approach: An Intervention in Mental Health Service Delivery to Prevent Recidivism Marquez, Joseph E (United States of America); Pir, Tara; Mesrobian, Sirvart; Yekyazarian, Armen Understanding Radicalization and Recidivism in the Context of Providing Appropriate Intervention for Individuals with Mental Health Challenges from Underserved, Ethnically Diverse Populations Yekyazarian, Armen M (United States of America); Pir, Tara; Mesrobian, Sirvart T; Marquez, Joseph E IS27-14General Wednesday, July 27, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 303 International Perspectives on Motivation and Engagement in Education Organizer: Martin, Andrew J (Australia) Teacher Structure as a Predictor of Students Perceived Competence and Autonomous Motivation: The Moderating Role of Differentiated Instruction in the Canadian Context Guay, Frederic (Canada); Roy, Amelie; Valois, Pierre School motivation in Hong Kong: Gender and year level differences Stockhorst, Ursula (Germany) Mok, Magdalena Mo Ching (Hong Kong); Mcinerney, Dennis M Insulin in the brain: Effects of intranasal insulin on food intake and metabolic functions and of food intake on olfaction / / Motivation and Achievement in the Diverse Australian Classroom: Towards a Better Understanding of Typical and At-risk Students Stockhorst, Ursula (Germany) Insulin and oxytocin in the regulation of eating behavior and metabolic function Martin, Andrew J (Australia); Burns, Emma C; Collie, Rebecca J Hallschmid, Manfred (Germany) 21 Invited Symposium History of psychology and psychologization : A view of a Japanese critical psychologist Kamiyama, Machiko (Japan) Ebstein, Richard P (Singapore) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IS27-15Social Wednesday, July 27, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 502 Job-related stress in natural disasters (Symposium sponsored by Japanese Association of Industrial/ Organizational Psychology) IS27-18 Theory & Methodology Wednesday, July 27, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 303 Critical Psychology around the World (I): Theoretical psychology against the mainstream and local contexts for a global psychology Organizer: Ando, Kiyoshi (Japan) Co-organizer: Inoue, Kako (Japan) Organizer: Igarashi, Yasuhiro (Japan) Co-organizer: Stam, Henderikus J (Canada); Stam, Henderikus J The experience of the Great East Japan Earthquake and psychological support as a part of disaster relief Watson, Tamara L (Australia); Otsuka, Yumiko (Japan); Clifford, Colin W (Australia) Impaired face processing in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) may arise from an early bias for objects. Dobkins, Karen R (United States of America); Carver, Leslie J; Akshoomoff, Natacha; Pallet, Pam; Mccleery, Joseph Illusory effects of facial makeup Possibilities of critical psychologies and reflexivity: A view of a Japanese theoretical psychologist Morikawa, Kazunori (Japan) Mental health in local public employees that were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake Igarashi, Yasuhiro (Japan) Hill, Harold C (Australia) Takahashi, Naoya (Japan) Stam, Henderikus J (Canada) Horike, Hiroko (Japan) Enhancing resilience exposed journalists in trauma Mcmahon, Cait (Australia) Ethical Conduct Research Newman, America) Elana of What is critical psychology a psychology of? Critical psychology in post-colonial (?) Hong Kong Fu, Wai (Hong Kong) Post-disaster (United States of IS27-16Cultural Wednesday, July 27, 13:40 – 15:40 Annex Hall F202 Culturally relevant models: Exemplars in community based research and practice Organizer: Hutcheson, Stephanie P (Bahamas) Exploring the Impact of International Education Experiences on Change in Global Perspectives and American Identity Among College Students. Smart, Avril A (United States of America) Indabas Sankofa Going Back to The Island To Fetch Community Hutcheson, Stephanie P (Bahamas); Hall Campbell, Niambi (Bahamas); Jones, Giavana (Bahamas); Smart, Avril (United States of America); Emmanuel, Andrea (Egypt) IS27-17 Theory & Methodology Wednesday, July 27, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 302 Fast and Frugal Trees for Threat Assessment and Action Taking Sexual Minorities in Japan and the role of Psychologist Tsuge, Michiko (Japan) Discussant: Teo, Thomas (Canada) IS27-19Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 304 Ecological adaptation and the diversity of visual perception Organizer: Ushitani, Tomokazu (Japan) Co-organizer: Goto, Kazuhiro (Japan) Form perception in animals: phylogeny and adaptation Goto, Kazuhiro (Japan) Object-based attention in evolution Ushitani, Tomokazu (Japan); Fujii, Kazuki; Katsube, Maki; Hoshino, Yukiko; Goto, Kazuhiro; Imura, Tomoko; Tomonaga, Masaki Views, active vision, and navigating brains: An insect perspective Cheng, Ken (Australia); Barron, Andrew B; Narendra, Ajay; Zeil, Jochen Discussant: Watanabe, Arii (Japan) IS27-20Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 501 The many faces of face perception Invited Symposium Organizer: Keller, Niklas (Germany) Organizer: Otsuka, Yumiko (Japan) A Signal Detection Analysis of Fast and Frugal Trees The dual-route model of the influence of head orientation on eye gaze perception Luan, Shenghua (Germany) Fast and Frugal Trees for Threat Assessment and Action Taking Keller, Niklas (Germany) Simple Decision Rules of Cooperation Tan, Jolene H (Germany) 22 Otsuka, Yumiko (Japan); Mareschal, Isabelle (Japan); Clifford, Colin (United Kingdom) Expectation and perception of the age and sex of a face The hollow-face illusion and threedimensional shape perception IS27-21Applied Wednesday, July 27, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 502 Career Intervetion: Empirical-based Study Cross Culture Organizer: Hou, Zhi-jin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) The Effectiveness of Group Intervention on Career Decision-making Ambiguity Tolerance Hou, Zhi-jin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Jie; Xu, Meng-fei A meta-analytic evaluation of career interventions: Past findings and future directions Whiston, America) Susan (United States of Career Life Meaning: RAISE-up model for Career Counseling Tien, Hsiu-lan S (Taiwan) A Multifaceted Approach for Assessing the Effectiveness of Career Interventions Gati, Itamar (Israel); Levin, Nimrod Discussant: Maria, Duarte E (Portugal) IS27-22General Wednesday, July 27, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 503 How can scientists effectively communicate the value of psychology to laypersons? Organizer: Endo, Yumi (Japan) The Current Status and Future Strategies of Public Outreach in Psychology in Japan Sugamura, Genji (Japan) Gamification of Psychology: Room Escape and Mind Craft Tseng, Chiahuei (Hong Kong) Sound track brings new approaches of the psychological study of audio-visual interaction and a new track of outreach for psychology. Kayahara, Takuro (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Ikeda, Masami (Japan) IS27-23Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 16:00 – 18:00 Annex Hall F202 Working Memory: Insights from Development Organizer: Camos, Valerie (Switzerland) Development of working memory: what is the trend from infancy through childhood? Cowan, Nelson America) (United States of Bridging visual working memory research from infancy through adulthood using dynamic systems models Simmering, Vanessa R (United States of America); Perone, Sammy Examining the sources of development of pre-schoolers working memory Camos, Valerie (Switzerland) The development of visual and verbal short-term memory consolidation in children Bayliss, Donna M (Australia); Bogdanovs, Jade (Australia); Jarrold, Christopher (United Kingdom) Accumulation of knowledge in the Hebb repetition paradigm affects immediate serial recall: Implications for the development of verbal working memory Saito, Satoru Masataka (Japan); Nakayama, Discussant: (Switzerland) Barrouillet, Pierre IS28-01 Theory & Methodology Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 301 Shocking plots and inappropriate Images: Mythodrama Organizer: Ajima, Tomoko (Japan) Mythodrama, the Meaning of Myth, Archetype and Healing Shen, Heyong (Macao) Mythodrama in Japan Ajima, Tomoko (Japan) Mythodrama in Asia Guggenbuehl, Allan (Switzerland) Discussant: Morioka, Masayoshi (Japan) IS28-02Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 302 The cognitive and neural bases of human tool use IAAP at the United Nations Office in Vienna - What IAAP Can Do to support Drug and Alcohol Treatment According to the Global Goals Organizer: Osiurak, Francois (France) Indicators for the New Global Goals: How Psychologists Can Contribute to the Successful Measurement of Achievement On the neurocognitive origins of human tool use: Toward a reasoning-based approach Osiurak, Francois (France) Ecology of the development of human tool-using skills Nonaka, Tetsushi (Japan) Cerebellar internal models for dexterous use of tools Imamizu, Hiroshi (Japan) The white-matter structural network underlying human tool use and tool understanding Bi, Yanchao (China (People's Repbulic of China)) IS28-03Social Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 304 Current Issues related to LGBTI in East Asia: Illustration from Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong Organizer: Suen, Yiu Tung (Hong Kong) State of Affairs for LGBT in Japan Kasai, Makiko (Japan) Beliefs about the Ajustment of Children in the Same Sex Families among Heterosexual University Students in Taiwan Chang, Te-sheng (Taiwan) LGBTI people in Hong Kong: Cultural, social and political contexts Suen, Yiu Tung (Hong Kong) Discussant: Mak, Winnie W (Hong Kong) IS28-04Applied Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 501 New Global Goals 2015-2030: Successful Advocacy about Mental Health and Well-being, Decent Work and Resilience by Psychologists at the United Nations and How Psychologists Can Contribute to Sustainable Development Organizer: Gauthier, Janel (Canada) How Psychologists can do Successful Advocacy for their Work to Scale Up Their Projects, Up Their Profile, and Develop Mutli-stakeholder Partnerships Beiglboeck, Wolfgang P (Austria) Saner, Raymond (Switzerland); Saner Yiu, Lichia Making Your Voice Heard at the United Nations in topics like Aging the Family and Womens Issues Denmark, Florence (United States of America) Making Your Voice Known from all Parts of the World Baptista, Telmo M (Portugal) Discussant: Peiro, Jose M (Spain) IS28-05Applied Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 502 Life Design dimensions and interventions for a challenging future Organizer: Nota, Laura (Italy) Rebuilding the difficult future giving meaning to Life design Counseling approach Maria, Duarte E (Portugal) Individuals characteristics and wellbeing at work: The role of professional resources and adverse conditions Maggiori, Christian (Switzerland); Masdonati, Jonas; Rossier, Jerome Career preparedness and adaptability: resources helping adolescents managing challenging times Ferrari, Lea (Italy); Sgaramella, Teresa M; Soresi, Salvatore; Ginevra, Maria C Transition to Adulthood for Persons with Developmental Disabilities as Joint Projects Young, Richard A (Canada); Marshall, Sheila K; Stainton, Timothy; Curle, Deidre; Wall, Jessie; Munro, David; Zhu, Ma; Elbouhali, Asmae; Murray, John; Parada, Filomena; Zaidman-zait, Anat Constructivist dialogues and interpersonal processus recall : two case studies Cohen-scali, Valerie (France); Robinet, Marie Line Kuriansky, Judy (United States of America); Okorodudu, Corann; Zinsou, Joel 23 Invited Symposium Outreach activities for the media workshop series "Brain and Mind" science education for "The Japanese Psychonomic Society Committee for developing teaching materials for high school students" SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IS28-06Cultural Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:30 Annex Hall F201 What does internationalization mean for psychology in your country? Views from countries of the 5 continents Organizer: Koller, Silvia H (Brazil) Internationalizing Psychology: Bahamian Perspective A Thompson, Ava D (Bahamas) Internationalization in Psychology: The case of African youth and well-being promotion Khumalo, Itumeleng P (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Wadende, Pamela (Kenya) Retrospect and prospects of internationalization of psychology of Japan Imada, Hiroshi (Japan) What does internationalization mean for psychology in Latin America? Koller, Silvia H. (Brazil); Haddad, Emily J IS28-07Applied Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:30 Annex Hall F202 The Psychology, Prediction, and Prevention of Violence. Organizer: Montgomery, Bob (Australia) The Psychology, Prediction, Prevention of Violence and Diverse and Global Leadership Chin, Jean L (United States of America); Velayo, Richard IS28-09Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 302 Spatial Cognition, Navigation, and Environmental Knowledge Organizer: Denis, Michel (France) Reasoning about spatial relations from imagined perspectives Avraamides, Marios N (Cyprus) Route planning in public transport: Considering the role of users preferences and spatial abilities Singh, Anneliese A (United States of America); Chang, Sand When environment helps cognitive restoration: An application of the Attention Restoration Theory to different contexts Pazzaglia, Francesca (Italy); Alessio, Angelo; Moe, Angelica Discussant: Tversky, Barbara (United States of America) Early detection and mentalizationbased interventions for Borderline personality disorder in adolescents O'roark, Ann Marie (United States of America) Interdisciplinary collaboration: Lead with a common language Invited Symposium Downey, Michelle A (United States of America) Leadership and well-being: An emerging topic in European leadership research Boer, Diana (Germany); Buengeler, Claudia (Netherlands) 24 Social Marginalization and the Mental Health of Trans People Jansen, Petra (Germany) Bray, James H (United States of America) State of psychology's knowledgebase on leadership: Current Thinking Organizer: Singh, Anneliese A (United States of America) Transgender People of Color and Mental Health around the World: Intersections of Racism and Anti-Trans Bias Organizer: Van Alphen, Bas (Belgium) Co-organizer: Rossi, Gina (Belgium) Organizer: O'roark, Ann Marie (United States of America) IS28-11Cultural Thursday, July 28, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 304 Mental Health and Well-Being of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People The investigation and training of spatial knowledge and navigation skills of neurological patients in virtual environments Preventing and Managing Couple and Family Violence IS28-08Social Thursday, July 28, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 301 Understanding leadership. Beyond Stagnating Models and Quantative Quagmires Discussant: Rossi, Gina (Belgium) Bauer, Greta R (Canada); Hammond, Rebecca; Pyne, Jake; Redman, Nik; Travers, Anna; Travers, Robb Morris, Laurel M (Australia) Assessment of risk for violence Van Alphen, Bas (Belgium) Gyselinck, Valerie (France); Grison, Elise; Burkhardt, Jean-marie IS28-10Personality Thursday, July 28, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 303 Personality and psychopathology across the Life-Span Montgomery, Bob (Australia) Spectrum Disorders in older adults. An expert opinion approach. Hutsebaut, Joost (Netherlands) Assessment of psychopathology and personality in adolescent psychiatric and older adult (neuro)psychiatric outpatients: Comparison of SWAP-200 item functioning and its relation with neurocognitive measures. Egger, Jos (Netherlands); Berix, Anke; Van Der Heijden, Paul Personality Traits and Deficits: Age as a Moderator for the Relationship with Personality Disorder Crego, Cristina (United States America); Widiger, Thomas A. of Schema therapy in older adults: a multiple baseline case series. Videler, Arjan C (Netherlands) Diagnostics and treatment of Autism Family Systems and Emotion Work for Transgender Youth and Their Caregivers Budge, Stephanie (United States of America); Katz-wise, Sabra Using the American Psychological Association (APA) Guidelines with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Clients in Everyday Psychological Practice Dickey, Lore M (United States of America) Jumping out of the textbook and into the fire: Training and teaching gender diversity in psychology curricula Burnes, Theodore R (United States of America) Discussant: Dickey, Lore M (United States of America) IS28-12 Neural Physiological Thursday, July 28, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 502 Cross-modal compensation and plasticity in the blind and deaf: these two modalities do not always show similar outcomes. Organizer: Lepore, Franco (Canada) Comparatively exploring the neural navigation network when neuroimaging groups with different levels of vision while navigating virtual mazes with the virtual-EyeCane sensory substitution device Amedi, Amir (Israel); Maidenbaum, Shachar; Chebat, Daniel R VISUAL CORTICAL ACTIVITY SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Sathian, Krish (United States of America); Stilla, Randall F; Lacey, Simon A; Occelli, Valeria Crossmodal plasticity in auditory cortex following deafness Lomber, Stephen G (Canada) IS28-13Clinical Thursday, July 28, 10:50 – 12:50 Annex Hall F201 Cultural impact on the assessment of individuals with ADHD, LD, and ASD Organizer: Takahashi, Tomone (Japan) Co-organizer: Davis, Mark (Australia) Why the numbers of students with ADHD and/or LD are so small in Japanese higher education? Takahashi, Tomone (Japan) human-animal interaction Sawa, Kosuke (Japan) IS28-15Cultural Thursday, July 28, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 302 Lessons from Asian Indigenous Psychology: Local understanding and universal applicability Korea, Philippine, and Japan Organizer: Han, Gyuseog Q (Korea (Republic of Korea)) The meaning of Family to Koreans: Indigenous analysis of familism in Korea Hur, Taekyun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Benavides, Paloma; Lee, Chaerin; Park, Sun W.; Heo, Yong Hoe Meanings of Pakikipagkapwa: An Indigenous Psychological Investigation of a Filipino Cultural Value A comparison between Japanese and US-Canadian self and observer report symptoms of adult ADHD: From a study of standardization of the Japanese version of the Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales Yacat, Jay A (Philippines); Conaco, Ma. Cecilia G. Ohnishi, Masafumi (Japan); Someki, Fumio (United States of America) Ito, Tetsuji (Japan) Patterns of self-report of symptoms influencing assessment of ADHD in Asia Davis, Mark (Australia) Disabilities, School Systems and Culture: An Anecdotal Report of a School Psychologist in New York Barnes, Shizuko K (United States of America) IS28-14Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 10:50 – 12:50 Annex Hall F202 Current Issues in Comparative Psychology Organizer: (Colombia) Gutierrez, German What is the concept of Kizuna, tie, relationship, or bondage? : Critical review in the situation after the Grate EastJapan Earthquake 2011 Conceptualizing Ogi: A cultural motivation for self-resilience Han, Min (Korea (Republic of Korea)) A framework of moral development based on indigenous analysis of Korean worldview Han, Gyuseog Q (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Choi, Bongyoung IS28-16Social Thursday, July 28, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 303 Health and wellbeing in varying socio-cultural contexts Organizer: Karasawa, Mayumi (Japan) The social genomics of positive mindsets: Molecular correlates of optimism Ardila, Ruben (Colombia) Akutsu, Satoshi (Japan); Kitayama, Shinobu (United States of America); Cole, Steve (United States of America); Yukiko, Uchida (Japan); Katsumura, Fumiaki (Japan) Contemporary Methods in Comparative Psychology: Levels of Analysis, Techniques, and Designs Does Persistently High Psychological Well-Being Benefit Health: Findings from Japan and the U.S. Gutierrez, German (Colombia) Ryff, Carol (United States of America) A computational approach to comparative psychopathology Culture Moderates the Link between Negative Emotions and Inflammation Sanabria, Federico (United States of America) Miyamoto, Yuri (United States of America) SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY, THE LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE From comparative psychology to industrial design: what we can learn from Kawakami, Norito (Japan); Kan, Chiemi IS28-17Applied Thursday, July 28, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 304 Psychology Associations Supporting Minority Human Rights: The International Psychology Network for LGBTI Issues Organizer: Schlittler, Ronald L (United States of America) Co-organizer: Anderson, Clinton W (United States of America) THE PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA: PROVIDING LEADERSHIP IN ADVANCING UNDERSTANDING OF SEXUAL AND GENDER DIVERSITY ON THE AFRICAN CONTINENT Nel, Juan A (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) NLPA Orgullo: Addressing the needs and celebrating the lives of Latina/o LGBT persons Heredia, Dagoberto (United States of America); Cerezo, Alison; Abreu, Roberto; Aranda, Elizabeth Organized Psychology as a Means to Advance LGBT Rights: The Case of the Psychological Association of the Philippines Torre, Beatriz (Philippines); Manalastas, Eric Julian IS28-18Cultural Thursday, July 28, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 501 Scientific Inquiry of Violence: Context and Character Organizer: Suchday, Sonia (United States of America) Causes, Risk and Protective Factors of Campus Violence as perceived by Arab University faculty Farah, Adnan M (Bahrain) Discovering How Urban Poverty and Violence affect Health in Developing Countries Kapur, Suman (India) Social psychological effects of fairness and morality on intergroup aggression Kumagai, Tomohiro (Japan) Invited Symposium DURING METAPHOR PROCESSING IN CONGENITALLY BLIND PEOPLE Social inequality, psychological resources, and health in two cultures, Japan and the United States 25 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Protective Factors, and Interventions IS28-19Developmental Thursday, July 28, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 502 Synchrony as the foundation of cognitive and social development: Mother-infant co-manipulation of time structure IS28-21Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 13:40 – 15:40 Annex Hall F202 Judgment and decision under uncertainty: Toward good decision making Organizer: Takemura, Kazuhisa (Japan) Roy, Prasanta K (India); Ghosh, Doyel; Mitra, Ansuman Organizer: Toyama, Noriko (Japan) Co-organizer: Negayama, Koichi (Japan) The others are doing it so now we are doing it too: Causal effects of different justifications when managers communicate change decisions Psycho-social Capacity Building and Community Recovery in the Aftermath of Disaster: Experience from the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake Nordmo, Mads (Norway); Selart, Marcus; Lines, Rune Ho, Andy Hau Yan (Singapore) Synchrony of preverbal vocal behavior and rhythmic motor action in early infancy Ejiri, Keiko (Japan) Mother-infant co-construction of solid feeding Toyama, Noriko (Japan) Development of mother-infant synchrony and dissynchrony in feeding and its cultural comparison Negayama, Koichi (Japan) The prospective and embodied nature of communication: Sharing time with another. Delafield-butt, Kingdom) Jonathan (United Takemura, Kazuhisa (Japan) Metacognitive Awareness of Unexpected Risk and a Method for its Promotion Hatori, Tsuyoshi (Japan) Conflict and Ambiguity: Described versus Experienced Smithson, Michael (Australia) Development and time structure of mother-infant interaction in tickling play Ishijima, Konomi (Japan) Discussant: Feldman, Ruth (Israel) IS28-20Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 13:40 – 15:40 Annex Hall F201 Procedural working memory Organizer: Saito, Satoru (Japan) How do people follow instructions? Investigating action-based working memory in healthy and clinical populations Yang, Tian-xiao (China Repbulic of China)) Probability Weighting Model in Sequential Sampling without Replacement: An Explanation of Gambler’s Fallacy and Risky Choice Behavior (People's The development of procedural working memory Van 't Wout, Felice (United Kingdom); Jarrold, Chris On the relationship between procedural and declarative working memory Barrouillet, Pierre (Switzerland); Corbin, Lucie (France); Dagry, Isabelle (Switzerland); Camos, Valerie (Switzerland) Invited Symposium Role of procedural knowledge in executive control processes Vandierendonck, Andre (Belgium) IS28-22Clinical Thursday, July 28, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 302 Preventative Interventions for Depression Organizer: Dozois, David J (Canada) Changes in self-schema structure in a randomized controlled prevention trial of cognitive therapy and attention bias modication for depression. Dozois, David J. A. (Canada); McDermott, Rebecca Depression Prevention in Japanese College Students Sato, Hiroshi (Japan) Preventing suicide using smartphones and web programs: Randomised controlled trials. Christensen, Helen (Australia) Discussant: Ryder, Andrew G (Canada) IS28-23Social Thursday, July 28, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 303 Disaster Trauma, Risk, and Resilience Organizer: Suar, Damodar (India) Situating Trauma and Healing within Cultural and Sociopolitical Contexts: A Social Constructionist Approach Priya, Kumar Ravi (India) Postdisaster 26 Trauma: Risk and Suar, Damodar (India) Psycho-social perspectives of Flood in Himalayan Region: Response, Resilience and Recovery Disaster Preparedness: Antecedents and Strategies Mishra, Sasmita (India) Discussant: Suar, Damodar (India) IS28-24Cultural Thursday, July 28, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 304 Internationalizing the Psychology Curriculum: Perspectives from the Majority World Organizer: Thompson, Ava D (Bahamas) Professional psychology education and training in post-apartheid South Africa: Successes and challenges Sodi, Tholene T (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Psychology education in Turkey: Rapid Growth and Slow Transformation Sumer, Nebi (Turkey) Psychology education in the Latin American countries: Challenges and emerging areas Maluf, Maria-regina (Brazil) The Teaching of Psychology in Southeast Asia: Towards Regional Standards of Psychology Education Tarroja, Maria Caridad (Philippines); Bernardo, Allan B. I (Macao); Goh, Chee Leong (Malaysia); Purwono, Urip (Indonesia) Discussant: Mendez, Milagros A (United States of America) IS28-25General Thursday, July 28, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 501 Sound and Time Organizer: Kuwano, Sonoko (Japan) Co-organizer: Miura, Masanobu (Japan) Measuring loudness through reaction time: Binaural and temporal summation Ellermeier, Wolfgang (Germany); Schlittenlacher, Josef (United Kingdom) The effect of quiet portion of intermittent noise on the overall impression Morinaga, Makoto (Japan); Tsukioka, SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Learning to hear a silence?: Behavioural and neurophysiological studies of Japanese specific speech listening Sadakata, Makiko (Netherlands); Kaoru, Sekiyama (Japan) Embodiment of metrical structure: motor patterns and two fMRI studies Tsai, Chen-gia (Taiwan); Wang, Li-ching (United Kingdom) Discussant: Tsuzaki, Minoru (Japan) IS28-26Cultural Thursday, July 28, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 502 Culture and Psychology Organizer: (Mexico) Diaz-loving, Rolando Indigenizing psychology in the Indian Context Pandey, Janak (India) C O N F I R M ATO RY A N A LYS I S OF THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL ASSERTIVENESS SCALE FOR CHILDREN Flores-galaz, Mirta Margarita (Mexico) Gender believes and norms through various Mexican cultural contexts Diaz-loving, Rolando D (Mexico) IS28-27Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 16:00 – 18:00 Annex Hall F201 Aesthetic science of art in cognitive psychology and neuroscience Organizer: Miura, Kayo (Japan) Brain activity reflecting learning of implied motion in abstract paintings Kim, Chai-youn (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Ran Attractive or discomforting?: Spatial properties of and cognitive traits regarding the polka-dotted artwork of Yayoi Kusama Miura, Kayo (Japan) On the aesthetic appeal of non-easyon-the-mind artworks Carbon, Claus-christian (Germany) Discussant: Osaka, Naoyuki (Japan); Sakurai, Kenzo IS28-28Clinical Thursday, July 28, 16:00 – 18:00 Annex Hall F202 Psychological problems of students seen through college counseling in the UK, China, and Japan. Organizer: Suzuki, Kenichi (Japan) Co-organizer: Sasaki, Kiyoko (Japan) Student Psychological Services in the United Kingdom Keane, Barry P (United Kingdom); Mcateer, Catherine College Counseling In Japan Takahashi, Kuninori (Japan) College Student Services in China Psychological Ji, Yuanhong (Japan) IS29-01Applied Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 302 Personal factors in Mediating Health Recovery: Their qualities, antecedents and enablers Organizer: Mpofu, Elias (Australia) Post-stroke depression and anxiety: Influence on activities of daily living in a Singapore acute rehabilitation care setting Mpofu, Elias (Australia); Fang, Yihong; Athanasou, James ICF Personal Factors and Determination of Success in Disaster Response and Large-Scale Deployments in Medical and Community Response Settings Leblanc, Jeanne M (Canada); Thornton, Martin E (United States of America) Personal and Environmental Factors in Promoting Posttraumatic Growth: Risk Factors, Protective Factors, and Resilience Levers, Lisa Lopez (United States of America) Immigrant and refugees: Their personal assets and vulnerabilities for health and wellbeing. IS29-02Clinical Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 3F 303 An Integrative Psychotherapy Model of Systematic Treatment Selection: Clinical Supervision Training & Cross-cultural Study in Taiwan Organizer: Kimpara, Satoko (Japan) Co-organizer: Beutler, Larry E (United States of America) Systematic Treatment Selection: History & Development (DVD) Beutler, Larry E (United States of America) Systematic Treatment Selection: Eight Evidence-Based Principles in Supervision Training Kimpara, Satoko (Japan) An Integrative Psychotherapy Model of Systematic Treatment Selection: Assessment, Supervision Training & Cross-cultural consideration in Taiwan Chen, Hsiu-jung (Taiwan); Wang, Li-fei Discussant: Wang, Li-fei (Taiwan) IS29-03 Neural Physiological Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 501 Frontiers in the psychological research using animal models -Harmonized translational study elucidating the operating principles underlying human psychological processesOrganizer: Takase, Kenkichi (Japan) Co-organizer: Yanai, Shuichi (Japan); Yamaguchi, Tetsuo; Hoshi, Hideo Endophenotype in the brain: A key concept for understanding the relationships between genes and behavior Miyakawa, Tsuyoshi (Japan) Meta-analysis of genetically modified mice on behavioral and biological phenotypes Sam, David L (Norway) Takase, Kenkichi (Japan); Kenichi; Funato, Hiromasa Individual resilience in the face of health compromising stressors: Evidence from Cross-Cultural Studies Reducing Impulsivity with the Aim of Influencing Substance Abuse & Health Decision-Making Catalano, Denise (United States of America); Keegan, John (United States of America); Yaeda, Jun (Japan); Sunami, Nobuko (Japan) Kikuchi, Madden, Gregory J (United States of America) Invited Symposium Hidebumi; Kaku, Jiro; Kuwano, Sonoko; Namba, Seiichiro Discussant: Edwards, Stephen D (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Edwards, Stephen D 27 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IS29-04Cultural Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 502 Indigenous Psychology: Charting the relevance, content and application of psychology education and practice for indigenous peoples. Organizer: Waitoki, Waikaremoana (New Zealand) Our response to the question of indigenous elders - How does your training prepare psychologists to work with indigenous people? Masters, Bridgette A (New Zealand); Nikora, Linda Waimarie; Waitoki, Waikaremoana W; Valentine, Hukarere; Macfarlane, Sonja; Gibson, Kerry Australian Indigenous Psychology Education Project (AIPEP): Directions for Education & Practice Darlaston-jones, Dawn K (Australia); Dudgeon, Pat Maori men's sense of self as pluralistic, embedded and relational Rua, Mohi R (New Zealand); Hodgetts, Darrin; Stolte, Ottilie Cultural perspectives about evidence: Sensitivities and sensibilities for psychology Macfarlane, Sonja L (New Zealand) Thinking outside the box Improving access for Maaori clients within clinical practice. Valentine, Hukarere (New Zealand); Pahina, John Discussant: Nikora, Linda Waimarie (New Zealand) IS29-05Applied Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:30 Annex Hall F201 Coaching psychology in Asia Organizer: Nishigaki, Etsuyo (Japan) Co-organizer: Kiuchi, Keita (Japan) Perception of the value of coaching in organizations in Japan and expectation of the coaching psychology Shito, Yumiko (Japan) IS29-06Cognitive Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:30 Annex Hall F202 Lifespan neuroscience of human cognition: Principles of healthy and pathological aging Organizer: Sekiyama, Kaoru (Japan) Co-organizer: Tsukiura, Takashi (Japan) Frames of Mind: Do Age-Related Changes in Brain Structure Constrain Cognitive performance in Healthy Adults? Raz, Naftali (United States of America) Differential Effects of Aging on Cognitive and Social Domains? Gutchess, Angela (United States of America) The impact of a dual-task exercise intervention on neural efficiency in older adults Sekiyama, Kaoru (Japan); Nishiguchi, Shu; Toshikazu, Kawagoe; Yamada, Minoru; Suzuki, Maki; Abe, Nobuhito; Otsuka, Yuki; Nakai, Ryusuke; Yoshikawa, Sakiko Cognitive impairment in neurodegenerative dementias at MCI stage Ikeda, Manabu (Japan); Hashimoto, Mamoru; Matsushita, Masateru; Miyagawa, Yusuke; Ijichi, Daisuke; Ueno, Yukiko; Iwata, Naohiro Discussant: Tsukiura, Takashi (Japan) IS29-07Cognitive Friday, July 29, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 3F 302 Children's scientific reasoning skills in the light of general cognitive development Organizer: Stern, Elsbeth (Switzerland) Lennart; Deiglmayr, Anne Abductive inference in learning of word meanigns and scientific concepts Imai, Mutsumi (Japan) Discussant: Houde, Olivier (France) IS29-08 Theory & Methodology Friday, July 29, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 502 What do laboratories teach us about the history of Psychology? Organizer: Cirino, Sergio (Brazil) The Laboratory of Psychology of the Belo Horizonte Teachers College and the framing of the nature nurture debate in Brazilian psychology Freitas Campos, Regina H (Brazil) Early history of psychology laboratories in Japan Takasuna, Miki (Japan) The First Psychological Laboratory in Mexico Escobar, Rogelio (Mexico) China's first psychology laboratory: a fortuitous synthesis of western psychology and Confucian morality? Wong, Chin-hei (Hong Kong); Blowers, Geoffrey Laboratories of Behavior Analysis in Brazil in the 1960s: Reception, Circulation and Indigenization Cirino, Sergio (Brazil); Miranda, Rodrigo L IS29-09Social Friday, July 29, 10:50 – 12:50 Annex Hall F201 Collective Action & intergroup dynamics in the Arab Region Organizer: Harb, Charles (Lebanon) Arab public opinion - exploring political attitudes across populations and time Harb, Charles (Lebanon); Saab, Reem Theory of Mind Predicts Scientific Reasoning. A Longitudinal Study from Preschool to Elementary School Age. How Risk Perception Shapes Collective Action Intentions in Repressive Contexts: A Study of Egyptian Activists during the 2013 Post-Coup Uprising Current State and Future Directions of the Practice of Coaching Psychology in Japan from the Perspective of the Japanese Association for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Sodian, Beate (Germany); KristenAntonow, Susanne; Koerber, Susanne Ayanian, Arin H (United Kingdom); Tausch, Nicole Understanding Support for an Islamic Caliphate & Rule in Tripoli, Lebanon: a Social Psychological Perspective Kiuchi, Keita (Japan) Do young children trust mothers testimony when mothers testimony is conflict with children s naive theory Zhu, Liqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Tingyu Saab, Rim (Lebanon); Harb, Charles Development of coaching psychology in Japan Nishigaki, Etsuyo (Japan) Invited Symposium Coaching psychology in Korea Tak, Jinkook (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Coaching psychology in Asia: developing a cross-cultural model in research and practice Law, Ho C (United Kingdom) 28 The impact of domain-specific learning in physics on scientific reasoning skills in elementary school children Stern, Elsbeth (Switzerland); Schumacher, Ralph; Edelsbrunner, Peter; Schalk, The effects of dehumanization on reciprocal dehumanization and collective action Kteily, Nour (United States of America) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM IS29-10Clinical Friday, July 29, 10:50 – 12:50 Annex Hall F202 Posttraumatic Growth Resulting from 3.11 in School Settings IS29-12Cultural Friday, July 29, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 302 A Conceptual History of Indian Psychology Organizer: Tominaga, Yoshiki (Japan) Organizer: Panda, Minati (India) Co-organizer: Tripathi, Rama C (India) Organizer: Grondin, Simon (Canada) Co-organizer: Tobimatsu, Shozo (Japan); Hasuo, Emi The concepts of purity and impurity (Pavitra and Apavitra): An exploration within the Indian cultural tradition A new insight into the filled duration illusion in the auditory modality: Difference between duration ranges Tripathi, Rama C (India) Hasuo, Emi (Japan) Manas and the Indian Concept of Self: Some Reflections Spatiotemporal interactions in perception and action: New approaches to the kappa effect Taku, Kanako (United States of America) Posttraumatic Growth Among Disaster Survivors in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia Akbar, Zarina (Germany); Witruk, Evelin Posttraumatic Growth among Children who experienced Great East Japan Earthquake in the Disaster Area Onuma, Shiori (Japan); Fujiwara, Tadao Secondary Traumatic Stress and Posttraumatic Growth after the Large Scale Disaster among School Counselors Bhawuk, Dharm P (United States of America) Caste, Patriarchy and Embodiment of 'Peeda': A Cultural-Psychological Study of Dalit Women in India Neural correlates of auditory temporal assimilation: an EEG and MEG study Vyas, Aparna (India); Panda, Minati Time Perception in Patients with Parkinsons Disease Madhyam Marg (Middle Path) and Indian Collectivism Tominaga, Yoshiki (Japan) Panda, Minati (India) Psychological consequences among survivors of natural disasters and war with special reference to post-traumatic growth Karma as the Transcendental Path towards Growth and Healing: Conceptual History and Applications Witruk, Evelin I (Germany); Akbar, Zarina Discussant: Krishnan, Lilavati (India) IS29-11Social Friday, July 29, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 301 Joint Action IS29-13Clinical Friday, July 29, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 303 ICD-11: Crucial Relationships between Assessment, Mental and Behavioral Diagnostics, Clinical Practice and Opportunities and Risks in Psychology's Global Momentum. Presenters: NN, Geoffrey M. Reed and Klaus Pedersen Organizer: Tversky, Barbara (United States of America) Gesture and speech in adult-child interactions Clark, Eve V (United States of America) On indicating things as a communicative act Kuroda, Tsuyoshi (Japan) Priya, Kumar Ravi (India) Organizer: Pedersen, Klaus (Denmark) Mitsudo, Takako (Japan) Mioni, Giovanna (Italy); Grondin, Simon (Canada); Stablum, Franca (Italy) Discussant: Nakajima, Yoshitaka (Japan) IS29-15Developmental Friday, July 29, 13:40 – 15:40 Annex Hall F201 Advances in understanding and preventing bullying/ ijime in schools amongst young people. Organizer: Smith, Peter K (United Kingdom) Investigating and understanding crossnational differences in bullying Smith, Peter K (United Kingdom) What explains classroom differences in bullying? Salmivalli, Christina (Finland) Clark, Herbert H (United States of America) ICD-11: Structure, Diagnostic Guidelines, and Clinical Utility Grasping others intentions Matsumoto, Chihiro (Japan) Bullies, Victims, and Not-soinnocent Bystanders:Measurement, Psychosocial Correlates, Risk & Protective Factors, and Intervention Becchio, Cristina (Italy) Psychology and the World Health Organization: Global, National and Regional Opportunities Marsh, Herb W (Australia); Craven, Rhonda G; Parada, Roberto H; Hamilton, RL Ritchie, Pierre (Canada) Bullying in the cyber-world: From school to university Joint Action Learning Sebanz, Natalie (Hungary) Co-ordinating Understanding: The Importance of Negative Evidence. Healey, Patrick G (United Kingdom); Mills, Greg (Netherlands); Eshghi, Arash (United Kingdom) Discussant: Tversky, Barbara (United States of America) ICD-11: Structure, Diagnostic Guidelines, and Clinical Utility Reed, Geoffrey M (Spain) Relationships between Assessment, Mental and Behavioral Diagnostics & Treatment. Developments in Danish and Norwegian Mental Health Care Pedersen, Klaus (Denmark) Discussant: Poulsen, Stig (Denmark) Cassidy, Wanda E (Canada) Discussant: Toda, Yuichi (Japan) IS29-16Clinical Friday, July 29, 13:40 – 15:40 Annex Hall F202 Mechanism of the effects of mindfulness-based practice: attention and acceptance as a mediator of intervention outcomes. Organizer: Koshikawa, Fusako (Japan) Co-organizer: Sugamura, Genji (Japan) 29 Invited Symposium A Brief Psycho-Educational Intervention Program on Posttraumatic Growth IS29-14 Neural Physiological Friday, July 29, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 501 Time in the brain SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Emerging Psychologists’ Symposium How and when mindfulness works: attention as a mediator/moderator Sugiura, Yoshinori (Japan) How does brain work during mindfulness meditation? Kumano, Hiroaki (Japan); Kawashima, Issaku; Haitani, Tomosumi; Fukiko, Sugiyama; Nozomi, Tomita; Taiki, Shima Mindfulness-based practice as skills training in sports and meditation Sakairi, Yosuke (Japan) Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: the "how, what and why" of attention and acceptance in preventing recurrent depression Williams, Mark (United Kingdom) EPP-01General Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Symposium 1: Emotion, Cognition, and Health -- Integrating Empirical Evidence -Organizer: Ashida, Hiroshi (Japan) Attachment, emotion regulation, and well-being in couples: A dyadic approach Brandao, Tania (Portugal); Matias, Marisa (Portugal); Ferreira, Tiago (Portugal); Vieira, Joana (Portugal); Schulz, Marc S (United States of America); Matos, Paula M (Portugal) Cortisol reactivity in social anxiety: Meta-analysis and underlying mechanisms Maeda, Shunta (Japan) Effect of sense of agency on prospective memory task performance EPP-02General Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 17:30 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Symposium 2: Diverse perspectives on emotion regulation and psychological well-being EPP-04General Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Symposium 4: Multi-diciplinary approach to mental health Organizer: Ishii, Keiko (Japan) How individuals with psychopathic traits deal with stress? Steer away from rumination? The impact of Repetitive Negative Thinking on attentional disengagement. Kornacka, Monika (France); Douilliez, Celine Attachment patterns, emotion regulation strategies and psychosocial adjustment in early adolescence Skoczen, Ilona (Poland) Relationship features and stereotype content as predictors of positive outcomes during cross-class interactions Clemente, Jose Antonio R. (Philippines) Effects of children´s experiences of nature in agricultural areas on reported psychological restoration Collado Salas, Silvia (Spain); Staats, Henk (Netherlands); Sorrel, Miguel A (Spain) EPP-03General Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Symposium Group 3: Psychology for community building Organizer: Imai, Mutsumi (Japan) To identify or not to identify: Differential effects of group identification on mental health among people living with HIV Kumari, Sushma (India); Singh, Tushar Chan, Randolph Chun Ho (Hong Kong); Mak, Winnie Wing Sze Psychosocial, Behavioral, and Environmental Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes on the U.S.-Mexico Border Together we have it all! Examining benefits of communal coping and participation in collective emotional gatherings Mccurley, Jessica (United States of America); Burgos, Jose Luis (United States of America); Pena, Juan (United States of America); Perez Tejada, Alan (Mexico); Segovia, Luis A (Mexico); Vargas Ojeda, Adriana C (Mexico); Ojeda, Victoria D (United States of America); Gallo, Linda C (United States of America) Wlodarczyk, Anna (Spain); Basabe, Nekane (Spain); Paez, Dario (Spain); Rime, Bernard (Belgium); Villagran, Loreto (Chile); Reyes, Carlos (Spain); Garcia, Felipe E (Chile); Zumeta, Larraitz (Spain); Bobowik, Magdalena (Spain); Amutio, Alberto (Spain) My Castle with the Knight in Shining Armor: The Place Identity Construction of Third Culture Kids Lijadi, Anastasia.aldelina (Macao); Van Schalkwyk, Gertina J Social dream drawing study of the social construction of student leadership in a South African university Pule, Neo Tshireletso (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) 30 Organizer: Imamizu, Hiroshi (Japan) Wendt, Guilherme (United Kingdom); Jones, Alice Essential Therapeutic Skills for Mental Health Practitioners: Adaptation of the Enhancing Assessment of Common Therapeutic (ENACT) Factors Scale in Sri Lanka Abeysinghe, Abeysinghe Mudiyanselage Nilanga Dilshika (Sri Lanka) The Role of Curiosity, Avoidance, Ethnic Identity, and Career Barriers in Asian American College Students' Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Kim, Young Hwa (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Choi, Na-yeun Social Cognition in Schizophrenia : Development and evaluation of a novel intervention programme Chandran, Dhanya (India) EPP-05Social Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Symposium 5: Tackling the social and psychological barriers towards wellbeing Organizer: Ohnuma, Susumu (Japan) Prevalence and Predictors of GenderBased Violence in Conflict-Affected Communities in Northeastern Uganda Mootz, Jennifer America) (United States of DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A PSYCHOLOGICAL SCREENING TOOL TO ASSESS PRE-ENLISTMENT PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS LIKELY TO IMPACT ON PERFORMANCE AND WELLBEING OF MILITARY PERSONNEL IN SRI LANKA Hettigoda Gamage, Kanthilatha (Sri Lanka); Richter, Jorg (United Kingdom) How Does Developmental Disorder Influence the Treatment Outcome of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Clinical Characteristics Associated with Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder Tsuchiyagaito, Aki (Japan); Oshima, Fumiyo; Hirano, Yoshiyuki; Shimizu, Eiji; Nakagawa, Akiko Ching, Boby Ho-hong (Hong Kong) EPP-06General Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Symposium 6: Learning, assessment, and intervention for the latest psychological issues NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTIONING IN RIGHT VERSUS LEFT HEMISPHERIC BRAIN DAMAGE PATIENTS WITH ISCHEMIC STROKE Ranga, Mona (India) EPP-08Cultural Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Symposium 8: Law of sociocultural mind in human beings Using new technologies psycho-oncology in Kassianos, Angelos (Cyprus) EPP-10 Neural Physiological Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Symposium 10: Dynamics of adaptive changes in individual life and community life -- Toward successful adaptation -- Organizer: Ogawa, Kenji (Japan) Organizer: Takase, Kenkichi (Japan) Organizer: Wada, Hiromi (Japan) Effects of learning on the flavor perception and preference Socio-Economic Status, Time Spending, and Sleep Duration in Indian Children and Adolescents The interplay between sociocultural factors and psychological processes in cross-cultural transitioning Bapat, Radhika S (India); Van Geel, Mitch; Vedder, Paul Wada, Kaori (Canada) Onuma, Takuya (Japan); Sakai, Nobuyuki Self-other agreement measures of acceptance in predicting academic achievement: A longitudinal analysis. Gallardo, Laura O. (Spain); Barrasa, Angel Risk Assessment and Recidivism Prediction: A Neuropsychosocial Model When the Absence of Choice Equals Freedom Eisen, Charis (Germany); Ishii, Keiko The role of resilience in predicting parental psychopathology and posttraumatic growth after a child's admission to intensive care: a longitudinal study. Rodriguez Rey, Rocio (Spain); Alonso Tapia, Jesus Adjorlolo, Samuel (Ghana); Chan, Heng Choon Buddhist Beliefs and Practices as Mediating Factors in the Healing Narratives of Refugees from Burma/ Myanmar Self-efficacy, Planning, and Action Control in an Oral Self-Care Intervention See, Maha Yewtuck (United States of America) The Efficacy of Loving Kindness Meditation on Measures of Subjective Well-Being in Healthy Young Adults: Preliminary Data Zhou, Guangyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gan, Yiqun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Nina, Knoll (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ralf, Schwarzer (Australia); Kyra, Hamilton (Australia) An exploration of career adaptability and vocational identity in South African Township adolescents Mohamed, Ahmed Dahir (United Kingdom); Lewis, Christa (United States of America) Albien, Anouk Jasmine (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Naidoo, Anthony V Exploring Successful Strategic Changes in Indian Organizations: Consequences and Success Measurement EPP-07General Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Program 7: Cognitive, Developmental, and Personality studies EPP-09Developmental Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 311 Emerging Psychologists' Symposium 9: Emerging issues in global psychological research Organizer: (Japan) Kawahara, Jun-ichiro Japanese preschoolers' understanding of false beliefs: Transfer from an ordinary character to extraordinary characters Furumi, Fumikazu (Japan); Koyasu, Masuo Confidence and Conscientiousness: Can we assess a trait using an ability test? Douglas, Heather Elaine (Australia); Arneson, Justin (United States of America); Borness, Cate (Australia) The Role of Family Relationships in moderating the Association between Family Type and Psychological Wellbeing of Emerging Adults in Cyprus Bayraktar, Fatos (Cyprus); Essau, Cecilia; Gilvarry, Catherine Organizer: Mazuka, Reiko (Japan) A feedback neural circuit for calibrating aversive memory strength Ozawa, Takaaki (Japan); Ycu, Edgar A (Japan); Kumar, Ashwani (Japan); Ahmed, Touqqer (Pakistan); Yeh, Li-feng (Japan); Koivumaa, Jenny (Japan); Johansen, Joshua P (Japan) Attachment and Life Transitions in Young and Older Adults: Implications for Clinical Practice and Psychotherapy Interventions Ramos, Katherine (United States of America) Cognitive Functions in Older Persons with Type-2 Diabetes, Study from Southern India Sahoo, Sonali Sandipta (India) Ecovillages: Examples of Prefiguration within the Environmentalist Movement? Carman, Petra (Slovenia) YIS-01General Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:30 Annex Hall F202 Early Career Psychologists' Leadership and Initiative in Japan and around the World Organizer: Ogawa, Kenji (Japan) Recent Progress of a Committee for Early Career Psychologists in Japan Ogawa, Kenji (Japan) Lessons Learned: Giving Voice to Early Career Psychologists in the U.S. Ciftci, Ayse (United States of America) Paving the Way for Early Career Psychologists in Taiwan Teoh, Yee San (Taiwan) Discussant: Suzuki, Hanako (Japan) Sadanand, Shilpa (India); Bharath, Srikala; Kumar, Janakiprasad Keshav; Bantwal, Ganapathi; Phillip, Mariamma 31 Young Investigator’s Symposium Effects of biological essentialism of gender differences on transgender stereotyping and prejudice Emerging Psychologists’ Symposium SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM YIS-02Applied Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:30 Annex Hall F202 Training top-notch, innovative, international doctoral researchers with a joint doctoral program: Case of European Doctoral Programme on Career Guidance and Counseling Young Investigator’s Symposium Organizer: Cohen-scali, Valerie (France) The European Doctoral Programme in Career Guidance and Counselling (ECADOC) project: Methodologies and joint research projects Nota, Laura (Italy); Salvatore, Soresi; Maria Cristina, Ginevra Writing a PhD in career counseling: Methodological thoughts Masdonati, Jonas (Switzerland); Rossier, Jerome; Maggiori, Christian IAAP Invited Address European Doctoral Programme on career guidance and counseling: a reflection from the process to the outcomes Duarte, Maria E (Portugal) Discussant: Suzuki, Hanako (Japan) IAAP Invited Symposium IAAP-04General Wednesday, July 27, 13:20 – 14:00 Conference Center 3F 315 Globalization and terrorism: Finding more effective approaches to preventing violence and promoting peace around the world Gauthier, Janel (Canada) Introduction by Kyoko, (Canada) Noguchi IAAP-01Applied Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 10:40 Conference Center 5F 503 Psychology, Terrorism and National Emergency Organizer: Prieto, Jose M (Spain) Co-organizer: Prieto, Jose M (Spain) The art of concealment and disguise Prieto, Jose M (Spain) The Terrorist Mind and Psychological Manipulation Social Nishida, Kimiaki (Japan) The media dynamics of war: legitimization of violent action Lopez-lopez, Wilson (Colombia) Does what doesn’t kill you make you stronger? Effects of previous and subsequent traumatic events in the long-term mental health of victims of terrorism Garcia-vera, Maria Paz (Spain); Sanz, Jesus; Moran, Noelia; Gesteira, Clara; 32 Pedro, Altungy Efficacy of stress management training for emergency personnel in situations involving radiation and chemical contaminants Sanz, Jesus (Spain); Garcia-Vera, Maria Paz; Eduardo, Samper; Jesus, Peraza Discussant: Garcia-vera, Maria Paz (Spain); Lopez-lopez, Wilson (Colombia) IAAP-02Clinical Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 503 Primary care psychology Latest developments in integrated care An International Perspective Organizer: Vines, Robyn F (Australia) Making change happen. Getting from general ignorance, to a future with integrated teams in primary care Hofgaard, Tor Levin (Norway) Psychology and Law in South Africa : current issues and prospects Tredoux, Colin G (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Nortje, Alicia Discussant: Bull, Ray (United Kingdom) IAAP-05 Theory & Methodology Wednesday, July 27, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 503 Experimental Psychology and Psychological measurement in Latin America. Organizer: Jaco-vilela, Ana Maria J (Brazil) The beginnings of the psychological assessment and guardianship of young offenders in Catalonia Mora Montserrat, Sergio (Spain); Saiz Roca, Milagros; Saiz Roca, Dolors Experimental Psychology Psychometrics in Argentina Primary Care Psychology in the United States: Addressing Behavioral Health and Substance Use Problems in Primary Care Rossi, Lucia A (Argentina) Prescott, Diana L (United States of America); Bray, James H Salas, Gonzalo (Chile) Psychologists and family physicians working together in Canada Chomienne, Marie Helene (Canada); Grenier, Jean; Lalande, Kathleen; Menard, Suzanne Mind the Heart: Example of Integrated Psychological Care for Cardiac Patients in Primary Care Grenier, Jean (Canada); Chomienne, Marie-helene; Jbilou, Jalila; Greenman, Paul The status and likely future direction of primary care clinical psychology in the UK to From laboratory to tests: the psychological transition in the educational system of Chile (1889-1927) IAAP-06General Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 503 Current and emerging ethical issues in psychology: Perspectives from around the world Organizer: Allan, Alfred (Australia) Current and emerging ethical issues in psychology: Canada Sinclair, Carole (Canada) The professional relationship revisited Geertsema, Henk (Netherlands) Current and emerging ethical issues in psychology: Turkey Kinderman, Peter (United Kingdom) Korkut, Yesim (Turkey) Discussant: Vines, Robyn F (Australia) Mixed message about the conflicting responsibilities of psychologists to their clients and society IAAP-03Applied Wednesday, July 27, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 503 Forensic Psychology : current issues, and prospects Organizer: Tredoux, Colin G (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Australian Forensic Psychology Training Competencies Watt, Bruce (Australia) Forensic Psychology in the UK Bull, Ray (United Kingdom) Training forensic practitioners and researchers to be moral agents Allan, Alfred (Australia) Allan, Alfred (Australia) IAAP-07Applied Thursday, July 25, 12:20 - 14:20 Conference Center 5F 503 Promoting Proenvironmental Behavior Organizer: Schultz, Wesley (United States of America) Attitude toward frugality, i.e. mottainai mind, plays an important role in promoting Proenvironmental Behavior Fujii, Satoshi (Japan); Miyakawa, Ayu; Corral, Victor O The effect of value-congruent SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Abrahamse, Wokje (New Zealand); Graham, Thomas Using psychology to promote more sustainable urban water management IAAP-09Social Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:30 Conference Center 5F 503 Analysis of the effect of gender son social development in Latin America Fielding, Kelly S (Australia) Organizer: Diaz-loving, Rolando (Mexico) Identifying Psychological Barriers and Facilitators Specific to Stages in the Decision-making Process for Home Energy Upgrades Role of emotional and social intelligence in women's mate choice Klockner, Christian A (Norway) Choosing the Right Tool for the Job: When to Use Different Behavior Change Tools Schultz, Wesley (United States of America); Mckenzie-mohr, Doug (Canada) IAAP-08Social Thursday, July 28, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 503 Contributions of Psychology to Peace Organizer: (Colombia) Lopez-lopez, Wilson A multi-dimensional model to approach peace Lopez-lopez, Wilson (Colombia) Peace building in Colombia: Democratic Security vs. Negotiation Sabucedo, Jose Manuel (Spain); Alzate, Monica (Colombia) Peace and War discourses in a society Barreto, Idaly (Colombia) Colombian People s Views Regarding Forgiveness Reconciliation and Amnesty Pineda-marin, Claudia Lopez-lopez, Wilson (Colombia); Discussant: Alzate Garcia, Monica (Colombia); Sabucedo, Jose Manuel (Spain); Barreto, Idaly (Colombia); Pineda-marin, Claudia (Colombia) Ortiz-rodriguez, Gregorio (Colombia); Gutierrez, German Couple´s norms and gender stereotypes in 9 Mexican regions Cruz Del Castillo, Cinthia (Mexico); Olivera, Margarita; Diaz-loving, Rolando Gender stereotypes and adolescent unplanned pregnancy risk Bendezu, Ana (Peru) Effects of formal education on the development of androgyny Diaz-loving, Rolando D (Mexico) IAAP-10General Friday, July 29, 10:50 – 12:50 Conference Center 5F 503 Is Research on Organizational Behavior Relevant to Practice? Organizer: Latham, Gary (Canada) Co-organizer: Erez, Miriam (Israel) Is Research on Organizational Behavior Relevant to Practice? Kozusznik, Barbara (Poland) Is Research on Organizational Behavior Relevant to Practice? Sue-chan, Christina (Hong Kong) Is Research on Organizational Behavior Relevant to Practice? Frese, Michael (Singapore) Enhancing Entrepreneurship with Psychological Training - Theory, Applications, and Results Frese, Michael (Singapore) Michael (Singapore); Frese, Michael (Singapore) IAAP-11Social Friday, July 29, 13:40 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 503 Health behaviors in context: The role of social and structural factors in self-regulation Organizer: Inauen, Jennifer (Switzerland) Am I overweight? A longitudinal study on parental and peers weight-related perceptions on dietary behaviors and weight status among adolescents Zarychta, Karolina (Poland); Mullan, Barbara (Australia); Luszczynska, Aleksandra (Poland); Horodyska, Karolina (Poland) Implementation conditions for diet and physical activity interventions: an umbrella review. Horodyska, Karolina (Poland); Luszczynska, Aleksandra (Poland); Hayes, Catherine B (Ireland); O'shea, Miriam P (Ireland); Langoien, Lars J (Norway); Roos, Gun (Norway); Van Den Berg, Matthijs (Netherlands); Hendriksen, Marieke (Netherlands); Zarychta, Karolina (Poland); De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse (Belgium); Brug, Johannes (Netherlands) With a little help from my friends: Enhancing healthy eating with smartphone support groups Inauen, Jennifer (Switzerland); Bolger, Naill (United States of America); Amrein, Melanie (Switzerland); Rackow, Pamela (Switzerland); Scholz, Urte (Switzerland) Self-efficacy, Action Planning, and Social Support Explain Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Zhou, Guangyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gan, Yiqun Discussant: Scholz, Urte (Switzerland) Discussant: Peiro, Jose M (Spain); Frese, 33 IAAP Invited Symposium information to encourage sustainable food choices. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 1. Neural Physiological Contributed Symposium CS27-26Psychobiology Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 416 Effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on food seeking, food intake, and health Organizer: Grimm, Jeffrey (United States of America) Imaging of Human Behavior and Experience Makeig, Scott (United States of America) Neural dynamics of the of the formation of spatial maps during fully-mobile human navigation Iversen, John R (United States of America) Not-so-sweet health effects of nonnutritive sweeteners Directional tuning and reference frames revealed by noninvasive EEG in humans: a computational MoBI study Swithers, Susan E (United States of America) Tanaka, Hirokazu (Japan) Exploring Functional Vision Potentiation of sucrose craving by a non-nutritive sweetener Miyakoshi, Makoto (United States of America) Grimm, Jeffrey (United States of America) Craving for artificial sweetener: Incubation of saccharin craving and involvement of dopamine (DA) D1 receptors. Aoyama, Kenjiro (Japan) Discussant: Grimm, Jeffrey (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS28-16 Clinical Psychology Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 412 Recent advances in understanding d e p re s s i o n : mu l t i m o d a l i t y approaches from the perspective of neuroimaging, epigenetics and machine learning Organizer: Yamamoto, Tetsuya (United States of America) Co-organizer: Kumano, Hiroaki (Japan) Machine learning for subtype identification and diagnosis of depression from multimodal data Yoshimoto, Junichiro (Japan) Prefrontal Control in Depression: Fickle Friend or Begrudged Enemy? Siegle, Greg J (United States of America) Epigenetic depression biomarkers of major Morinobu, Shigeru (Japan) Discussant: Ohira, Hideki (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS29-22Learning Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 312 Evolution of vocal learning Organizer: Okanoya, Kazuo (Japan) Evolutionary emergence of vocal complexity in finches: sexual selection and relaxed selection as two factors Okanoya, Kazuo (Japan) Evolution of brain and genes for vocal learning and spoken language Jarvis, Erich D (United States of America) Evolution and development of a primate vocal communication system Takahashi, Daniel Y (United States of America); Ghazanfar, Asif A Thematic Session TS26-08Neuropsychology Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E206 Axes in our mental time: is there any unique time axis for mankind? Organizer: Kitazawa, Shigeru (Japan) Hippocampal ripples as mechanisms underlying memory formation and extinction Ikegaya, Yuji (Japan) Where tactile signals are ordered in time --a comparison among species Kitazawa, Shigeru (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS29-01Neuroscience Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 304 Challenging brain-mind-body interactions during natural behaviors using EEG. Autobiographical age awareness disturbance (AAAD) syndrome in autoimmune limbic encephalitis Organizer: Kanayama, Noriaki (Japan) Co-organizer: Matsumoto, Atsushi (Japan) Apes remember a movie story EEG Source-Resolved Brain/Body 34 Kawamura, Mitsuru (Japan); Kuroda, Takeshi; Futamura, Akinori; Sugimoto, Azusa; Midorikawa, Akira; Honma, Motoyasu Hirata, Satoshi (Japan); Kano, Fumihiro Discussant: Otsu, Yukio (Japan) Thematic Session TS27-24Neuropsychology Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 414 Do neuropsychological case studies belong to the past? Why are case studies majorities in Japan? Organizer: Midorikawa, Akira (Japan) The current state of neuropsychology in Japan Midorikawa, Akira (Japan) Research and educational environment for Japanese neuropsychologists Koyama, Shinichi (Japan) Neuroimaging of single cases: when is once enough? Landin-romero, Ramon (Australia) Discussant: Matsui, Mie (Japan) Oral Presentation Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 318 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior OR25-58-1 Mortality salience attenuates the in-group bias of costly punishment: a functional MRI investigation Krueger, Frank (United States of America); Feng, Chunliang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Azarian, Bobby (United States of America); Tian, Tengxiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Lili (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Feng, Xue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Luo, Yuejia (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Ethics OR25-58-7 Ethical Dilemmas and Coping of Chinese College Counselors in Crisis Intervention Yang, Zhenzhi J (China (People's Repbulic of China)) History of Psychology OR25-58-8 Psychological study of genius and Mukhagali Makhatayev's genius personality Tileubayeva, Meruyert (Kazakhstan); Massalimova, Aliya R.; Kavakova, Maira P.; Kalymbetova, Elmira K.; Ramazanova, Aliya K.; Boltayeva, Aliya M. Neuropsychology OR25-58-4 Antagonism of dorsohippocampal orexin-2 receptors suppresses drug-seeking behavior: A neuropsychopharmacological study Sadeghi, Bahman (Iran) OR25-58-5 Crime, cognitive dysfunction, and mental disorders: The utility and impli- cations for rehabilitation of cognitive testing in a forensic psychiatric population Shumlich, Erin J (Canada); Balsom, Rod; Gould, Kelsey; Hoaken, Peter N.s G. Y., Yashodhara Kumar (India); S, Venkatesan; D' Souza, Lancy OR25-58-6 Updating is related to treatment adherence in substance use disorders patients Martin-perez, Cristina (Spain); Navas, Juan F (Spain); Perales, Jose C (Spain); Vilar- Lopez, Raquel (Spain); VerdejoGarcia, Antonio (Australia) OR25-33-1 Does electroencephalogram (EEG) of an audience viewing an episode in a serial of a TV program explain his/her viewing behavior toward subsequent episodes more than his/her verbal reaction does? Kumakura, Hiroshi (Japan) Neuroscience OR25-58-3 Contribution of non-genetic factors to dopamine and serotonin receptor availability in the adult human brain Borg, Jacqueline (Sweden); Cervenka, Simon (Sweden); Kuja-halkola, Ralf (Sweden); Matheson, Granville J (Sweden); Jonsson, Erik G (Sweden); Lichtenstein, Paul (Sweden); Henningsson, Susanne (Denmark); Ichimiya, Tetsuya (Sweden); Larsson, Henrik (Sweden); Stenkrona, Per (Sweden); Halldin, Christer (Sweden); Farde, Lars (Sweden) Pharmacological Effects OR25-58-2 A CASE STUDY ABOUT PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF AYURVEDIC TREATMENTS ON A MENOPAUSAL WOMAN Yenkamala, Mina Ananda M (France) Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 424B Language OR25-33-6 Literacy acquisition drives hemispheric lateralization of reading Eisner, Frank (Netherlands); Kumar, Uttam (India); Mishra, Ramesh K (India); Tripathi, Viveka Nand (India); Guleria, Anupam (India); Singh, Jay Prakash (India); Huettig, Falk (Netherlands) Neuropsychology OR25-33-2 Investigation of Voltage Value Changes on Human Brain during Video Gaming. A Brain Capacitometer Study Edison, Rizki Edmi (Indonesia); Anisa, Yayu Hizza; Ihsan, Muhammad Fathul; Nurfauzi, Rizki; Maharani, Rizky OR25-33-3 The Neural Mechanisms of Human Mate Copying Xie, Jiajia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhuang, Jinying OR25-33-5 CASE REPORTS:TRY OUT OF SMART PHONE APPLICATIONS FOR NEURO-PSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION IN TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY Neuroscience OR25-33-4 Planning function study: new ideas about stimuli presentation during EEG recording Chuvgunova, Olga A (Russia); Kostromina, Svetlana N Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 317 Clinical Psychology OR26-62-3 Comparison The Personality Trait in Breast cancer Patients and Normal Khosravani, Hoda (Iran) Decision Making OR26-62-2 Electrophysiological correlates of processing facial attractiveness and its influence on moral decision making Huiling, Song (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-62-6 The neural correlates of risky decision making across short and long runs Rao, Li-lin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Neuropsychology OR26-62-5 Undervaluing future rewards explains adolescents impulsivity in intertemporal choice: results from an eventrelated potential study Huang, Yunyun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Ping Political Psychology OR26-62-4 The Relationship Between Ideology and Disgust Sensitivity as Measured Through Event Related Brain Potentials Lewis, John E (United States of America); Fieldstone, Shaina C; Black, Ryan A; Tartar, Jaime L Psychobiology OR26-62-1 The Moderating Effect of Vagal Regulation On the Relation between Marital Conflict andInternet Addiction Wang, Zhenhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Hui; Yang, Xiaojun Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 511 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior OR26-30-5 Morphometric brain abnormalities in male adolescents with conduct disorder Gao, Yidian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yao, Shuqiao OR26-30-6 Family Functioning and Adolescent Aggression: Moderator Effect of Cardiac Vagal Functioning Zhang, Hui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Quan, Sixiang; Luo, Yun; Yang, Xiaohui; Wang ( Corresponding Author), Zhenhong Aging OR26-30-1 Implicit and explicit memory in older adults with obstructive sleep apnea Helmes, Edward (Australia); Casey, Geneviveive P.; Speelman, Craig Neuropsychology OR26-30-2 CROSSED LATERALITY IN PARKINSON DISEASE Danilova, Nina N (Russia); Glozman, Janna M; Nodel, Marina R; Yakhno, Nikolay N OR26-30-3 The Influence of Alexithymia on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Reaction in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Yagihashi, Mao (Japan); Kano, Michiko; Muratsubaki, Tomohiko; Kanazawa, Motoyori; Morishita, Joe; Tanaka, Yukari; Fukudo, Shin Neuroscience OR26-30-4 Characteristics and Features of Sleep Paralysis in Italy: Hallucinations and REM Sleep Somatic Sensations Associated with the Pandafeche Attack Romanelli, Andrea (Italy); Jalal, Baland (United Kingdom); Hinton, Devon E (United States of America) Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 421 Neuropsychology OR27-24-4 Probabilistic syntax model of the birdsong using a simple artificial neural network with feedback of the previous sequences. Koumura, Takuya (Japan); Okanoya, Kazuo OR27-24-5 Loss of Glial cells of the hippocampus in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder Han, Fang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jingzhi, Jiang; Yuxiu, Shi 35 1. Neural Physiological SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 1. Neural Physiological OR27-24-6 The social neuropsychology of homelessness Pluck, Graham (Ecuador); Sato, Yuko (Japan) Neuroscience OR27-24-1 An Animal Model of Depression Induced by Central Inflammation Lin, Wenjuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tang, Mingming; Pan, Yuqin OR27-24-3 An exploration of the correlation between altered gray matter volume and heterogenicity of PTSD symptoms in Chinese earthquake survivors Zhang, Xiaoyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Wencai; Wang, Li; Zhang, Jianxin Psychobiology OR27-24-2 Patterns of psychobiological response of young men faced to a competitive situation based on luck or effort. Salvador, Alicia (Spain); Gonzalez_bono, Esperanza; Hidalgo, Vanesa; Costa, Raquel Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Behavioral Psychology OR27-84-5 Crossmodal perceptual masking effect Hidaka, Souta (Japan); Ide, Masakazu Comparative Cognition OR27-84-1 Perception and Production of time duration around 10 seconds by rats: a cascaded delay model Okanoya, Kazuo (Japan); Nixima, Ken'ichi; Tanaka, Tomohiro; Kurotani, Toru Decision Making OR27-84-3 Post-response beta-gamma power predicts the degree of choicebased learning in internally guided decision-making Nakao, Takashi (Japan); Kanayama, Noriaki (Japan); Odani, Misaki (Japan); Ito, Yosuke (Japan); Hirata, Yuki (Japan); Nasuno, Reika (Japan); Hiramoto, Ryosuke (Japan); Miyatani, Makoto (Japan); Northoff, Georg (Canada) Environmental Psychology OR27-84-4 Zebrafish prefer 45 degrees oblique line to 135 degrees line innately without perceptual learning Mittani, Keiichi (Japan) Sensation and Perception OR27-84-2 Attention influence on binaural interaction in human auditory 36 brainstem response under random distribution of sound locations Ikeda, Kazunari (Japan) Majdi, Reyhaneh (Iran); Javaheri, Elham S Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 511 Decision Making OR28-78-1 Abnormal brain activations underlying social interactive behaviors in major depressive disorder Zhou, Yuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Yun; Chen, Qun OR28-60-1 Chronic Unpredictable Stress Alters Delay-Discounting and Neuronal Activation in Cortico-Striatal Circuits in GDNF-Deficient Mice Buhusi, Mona (United States of America); Olsen, Kaitlin; Buhusi, Catalin V Neuroscience OR28-60-2 Neural basis of the crossdomain syntactic priming between language and mathematics Nakai, Tomoya (Japan); Okanoya, Kazuo OR28-60-5 Neural Patterns during Memory Encoding as a Source for the Effectiveness of Mnemonic Training Pan, Yafeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hao, Ning; Liu, Ning; Li, Xianchun; Zhao, Yijie; Cheng, Xiaojun; Ku, Yixuan; Hu, Yi Psychobiology OR28-60-3 Effects of familiar and unfamiliar olfactory stimuli on ultrasonic vocalization in rat pups Wada, Hiromi (Japan); Shimura, Mikoto OR28-60-4 Sympathetic nervous system synchrony in couple therapy Karvonen, Anu (Finland); Kykyri, Virpi-liisa; Kaartinen, Jukka; Penttonen, Markku; Seikkula, Jaakko OR28-60-6 Comparing autonomic responses in Remember-Know judgments and high- and low-confidence trials Tsuneoka, Michiko (Japan); Matsuda, Izumi; Ogawa, Tokihiro; Takano, Yohtaro Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 512 Neuropsychology OR28-78-2 Neural social stress processing in first-episode, treatment-naive patients with major depressive disorder Yao, Shuqiao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ming, Qingsen OR28-78-3 An ERP research of subthreshold depression individual cognitive processing characteristics on different affective picture stimulus Li, Xue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Yang; Tan, Xi; Kong, Junhui OR28-78-4 Depression destructive effect on the hippocampus and memory impairment Neuroscience OR28-78-5 Delayed alterations in cognitive flexibility and pre-cortical BDNF expression in adult mice exposed to social stress during adolescence: effects of duloxetine treatment Wang, Weiwen (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-78-6 Hippocampal neurogenesis dysfunction is linked to neuroinflammation induced depressive-like behaviours Lin, Wenjuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tan, Mingming; Guan, Xiting; Li, Yingcong Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 512 Cognition OR29-10-2 Women Outperform Men on Unfamiliar Face Processing: an ERP Study Sun, Tianyi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Lin; Guo, Xiuyan Emotion OR29-10-4 Differences in Facial Information Processing between Deaf Signers and Normal Hearing Non-Signers Kang, Sun-mee (United States of America) OR29-10-5 Neural Underpinnings of Two Sides of Emotion An, Sieun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Han, Xiaochun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Bing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Xinhuai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Marks, Michael (United States of America); Han, Shihui (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Neuropsychology OR29-10-1 Do tests of pre-morbid ability feature a Flynn effect? Crowe, Simon F (Australia); Watt, Stephanie; Gow, Bennie; Norton, Kate OR29-10-3 Alcohol use severity in young adults is related to poorer affective regulation and drink-driving risk perception Martin-perez, Cristina (Spain); Navas, Juan F (Spain); Perandres, Ana (Spain); Martinez-ruiz De Lara, Cristian (Spain); Lopez-martin, Angela (Spain); Verdejogarcia, Antonio (Australia); Vilar-lopez, Raquel (Spain) Poster Presentation Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 09:40 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Development PS25A-01-1 Cortisol-associated Brain Activation during Acute Psychosocial Stress in Adolescents Golde, Sabrina (Germany); Gleich, Tobias; Romund, Lydia; Pelz, Patricia; Raufelder, Diana; Lorenz, Robert C; Heinz, Andreas; Beck, Anne Neuropsychology PS25A-01-3 Abnor mally-Enhanced Emotional Reactions among Individuals at High Risk of Developing Hypertension Wiener, Avigail (Israel); Okon-singer, Hadas PS25A-01-4 Empathy : Meta-analysis of body image and facial expressions paradigm Dong, Daifeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Qiong; Yao, Shuqiao PS25A-01-6 Neuronal apoptosis induced by IRE1 alpha pathway of endoplasmic reticulum stress in the locus coeruleus of rats under single prolonged stress Zhao, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shi, Yuxiu PS25A-01-7 Assessing brain connectivity of alexithymia using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging Ma, Xin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Deng, Yunlong; Tang, Qiuping; Bao, Tingting PS25A-01-8 Neurological Soft Signs in Chinese Adolescents with Schizophrenia, Schizotypal Personality Traits and Healthy Controls Wang, Xin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Xiongzhao; Tang, Qiuping PS25A-01-9 The skin potential level as objective criteria of formation of emotional burnout Tukaiev, Sergii (Ukraine); Fedorchuk, Svitlana; Chikina, Liudmila; Zyma, Igor; Sosiedka, Iuliia; Gerasko, Taisia Peace PS25A-01-5 Influence of Long term Rajayoga meditation on Attentional Networks using EEG Sharma, Kanishka (India); Trivedi, Richa; Chandra, Sushil; Kumar, Rajesh; Abdul Salam, Amritha; Dubey, Ashok K Social Brain PS25A-01-2 The EEG Study of Social Creativity and General Creativity: Based on the Difference of State from Trait Wang, Yali (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gu, Chuanhua Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Aging PS27A-08-1 Auditory Processing Disorder Preceding Clinical Dementia Horigome, Mio (Japan); Matsuo, Koji; Iwai, Katsushige; Kakehi, Kazuhiko Communication PS27A-08-20 Auditory responses in the nucleus taeniae of the amygdala and its adjacent region in songbirds Fujii, Tomoko (Japan); Ikebuchi, Maki; Okanoya, Kazuo Crime and Delinquency PS27A-08-15 Examination of a presentation method for eye movement in the concealed information test Naganuma, Satomi (Japan); Ochi, Keita Culture PS27A-08-27 The differences in regional homogeneity of resting state brain activity between heavy metal music enthusiasts and classical music enthusiasts Sun, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Duan, Shuxia PS27A-08-7 Beauty enhanced memory for natural conversation Sugiyama, Jumpei (Japan); Shinozaki, Jun; Usui, Keiko; Suzuki, Ayuko; Nagamine, Takashi PS27A-08-8 Mother-infant interaction influences maturation of short-term synaptic plasticity in the medial prefrontalanterior basolateral amygdala pathway Takita, Masatoshi (Japan); Kikusui, Takefumi PS27A-08-10 Exposure to Emotional Odour Facilitates Response Execution-An ERP study Doi, Hirokazu (Japan); Kazuyuki, Shinohara PS27A-08-11 Autonomic Flexibility Facilitates Effectiveness of Spontaneous Self-Regulation of Sadness Stange, Jonathan P (United States of America); Hamilton, Jessica L; Fresco, David M; Alloy, Lauren B Forensic Psychology and Law PS27A-08-13 Relationship between the arousal level and the physiological reactivity under thesituationof the concealed information test Otsuka, Tomomi (Japan); Hirota, Akihisa PS27A-08-14 The validity of pupillary responses in the concealed information test Ogawa, Tokihiro (Japan); Matsuda, Izumi; Michiko, Tsuneoka Developmental Disorders Gene and Behavior / Epigenetics PS27A-08-2 Imbalance hypothesis of monoamine nervous system activity: The relationship between behavioral characteristics and urinary excretion of monoamine neurotransmitters in children with neurodevelopmental disorders Morinaga, Masakazu (Japan); Yamashita, Masatoshi; Yamamoto, Takanobu PS27A-08-24 Exploration of novel learning and memory associated genes in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice Dai, Jiajun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Miao, Lvqing; Liu, Cheng; Yang, Ronghua; Wang, Huarong Emotion PS27A-08-4 Association between interoceptive accuracy in resting state and emotional state Tanaka, Yuto (Japan); Terasawa, Yuri; Umeda, Satoshi PS27A-08-5 Presence of other accelerates attenuation of negative emotion Murata, Asuka (Japan); Shikibu, Mana; Tominaga, Daigo; Murohashi, Harumitsu PS27A-08-6 Effects of physical attractiveness of the opposite sex on heartbeat evoked potential in men Fuseda, Kohei (Japan); Katayama, Jun'ichi PS27A-08-26 Association of common variants in H2AFZ gene with schizophrenia and cognitive function in schizophrenia patients Ming, Chang (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Health Psychology PS27A-08-25 Respiratory Sensations and Psychophysiological Relaxation Terai, Kensuke (Japan); Umezawa, Akio Language PS27A-08-16 Terms of Address Change the Expectancy of Honorific Forms of Utterance: An Event-Related Potential Study Kwak, Jarang (Korea (Republic of Korea)); 37 1. Neural Physiological SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 1. Neural Physiological Rha, Younghyoun; Lee, Donghoon PS27A-08-17 EEG connectivity and its time course in pragmatic inference. Tokimoto, Shingo (Japan); Tokimoto, Naoko; Miyaoka, Yayoi PS27A-08-21 Brain Activations of Lexical and Emotional Prosody Perception: An fMRI Study Tsao, Feng-ming (Taiwan); Hsu, Wei-chin Hsu; Kao, Chieh; Liu, Huei-mei Neuropsychology PS27A-08-18 Syndromic analysis of the psychological rehabilitation of higher mental functions (HMF) in L.S. Vygotsky- A.R. Luria approach Kovyazina, Maria S (Russia); Varako, Nataliya A; Zinchenko, Yuri P; Ivanova, Galina E PS27A-08-23 Predicting the type and strength of emotions using brain activity: An fMRI study Okuya, Teruhisa (Japan); Nagao, Kumi; Moriizumi, Yuki; Iwakawa, Mikio; Sasabe, Kohji; Akiyama, Iwaki; Watanabe, Yoshiaki PS27A-08-34 Experimental study of the Concealed Information Test using Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy- Cerebral blood flow dynamics reaction sees through the truthNiioka, Kiyomitsu (Japan); Ochi, Keita PS27A-08-35 Psychological "Instant" and "Continuance": An event-related potential study of duration selective attention Urushihara, Ayaka (Japan); Tetsuko, Kasai PS27A-08-38 Goal-Directed, Top-Down Signals Distributed to Primary and Higher Visual Areas Revealed by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a Standard Task Paradigm in Visual Attention Yamada, Kazuhiro (Japan); Kuroki, Chihiro; Akiyoshi, Jotaro; Kawano, Yoshihisa PS27A-08-41 Sweet taste threshold for sucrose inversely correlates with depression symptoms and anxiety trait in female college students in the luteal phase Nagai, Masanori (Japan); Wada, Maki; Matsumoto, Sayaka; Sakamoto, Reiko; Nagasawa, Natsuki PS27A-08-42 Conscientiousness distracts the concealment of deception Sato, Megumi (Japan); Miyazawa, Shiho; Suzuki, Daisuke; Iwasaki, Syoichi; Sora, Ichiro PS27A-08-43 Increased Resting-state 38 Functional Connectivity of Visual Cortex in Non-clinical Populations with Dissociative Experiences Hur, Ji-won (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kwon, Jun Soo Neuroscience PS27A-08-3 Temporal characteristics of thought orientation: an ERP study Ito, Yuichi (Japan); Shibata, Midori; Tanaka, Yuto; Terasawa, Yuri; Umeda, Satoshi PS27A-08-9 Developmental change of Broca's area from infancy to early adulthood in healthy individuals. Takahashi, Michio (Japan); Mitsuhiro, Nakashima; Mie, Matsui PS27A-08-12 Theta transcranial alternating stimulation (tACS) enhanced neural oscillations mediating arithmetic calculation Katsurakawa, Motomu (Japan); Kitajo, Keiichi PS27A-08-19 The reflection of Stroop and Stop-signal tasks response inhibition in the event-related potentials and reaction time Marakshina, Julia A (Russia); Vartanov, Alexander V; Bespalov, Boris I; Kozlovskiy, Stanislav A; Kiselnikov, Andrey A PS27A-08-22 The experience of 'unseen' beautiful faces biases aesthetic judgment but does not correlate with activity in medial orbito-frontal cortex (mOFC) Hoshi, Hideyuki (United Kingdom); Shigihara, Yoshihito; Zeki, Semir PS27A-08-28 Developing brain, adolescence and vulnerability to nicotine: An animal study Suenaga, Toshiko (Japan); Ishida, Yasushi; Nakahara, Daiichiro PS27A-08-29 Neuronal correlates of the self-concept in adolescence: A focus on the significance of friends Gleich, Tobias (Germany); Romund, Lydia; Golde, Sabrina; Lorenz, Robert C; Raufelder, Diana; Pelz, Patricia; Heinz, Andreas; Beck, Anne PS27A-08-30 Relationship between auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) and subjective experience in waking and sleep Takahara, Madoka (Japan); Dentico, Daniela (United States of America); Boly, Melanie (United States of America); Tononi, Giulio (United States of America) PS27A-08-31 White matter tract integrity in cannabis users at different neurodevelopmental stages Solowij, Nadia (Australia); Jakabek, David; Lorenzetti, Valentina; Yucel, Murat PS27A-08-32 An attempt to identify the effects of melatonin on hippocampal synaptic plasticity with the Bayesian approach Takahashi, Yoshiyuki (Japan); Okada, Takashi; Sawa, Kosuke PS27A-08-33 Does empathic brain response to pain depend on physical attractiveness and sex of the suffering person? Jankowiak-siuda, Kamila (Poland); Rymarczyk, Krystyna; Zurawski, Lukasz; Jednorog, Katarzyna; Marchewka, Artur PS27A-08-36 Role of glial-neuronal interaction in central fatigue: Identification of the central fatigue circuit based on sensitivity to tryptophan and its neuroactive metabolites Yamashita, Masatoshi (Japan); Yamamoto, Takanobu PS27A-08-37 Dynamic brain activation and deactivation during working memory indicate the top-down regulation by a core control system Wen, Xiaotong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Chenghua PS27A-08-39 The administration of an autophagy-promoting nutraceutical can improve cognitive function in an amyloid-beta42-injection mouse model of Alzheimer´s disease Liao, Yung-feng (Taiwan); Chen, Yunwen; Wang, Bo-jeng; Chen, Pei-yeh R; Huang, Chang-jen PS27A-08-40 Relationship between regional brain responses to infant faces and personality traits in young female adults Niwano, Katsuko (Japan); Ito, Ayahito; Tanabe, Motoko; Sato, Yosuke; Fujii, Toshikatsu Thursday, July 28, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Behavioral Psychology PS28P-03-27 The Effects of Emotional Experiences on Users'Behaviors in Social Networking Services:An experimental study of Sina microblog Huang, Lu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Na; You, Zhiqi; Liu, Guangda; Zhou, Zongkui Cognition PS28P-03-17 Effect of illusory-contour stimulation on early frontal components on VEPs Hayakawa, Tomoe (Japan); Takahashi, Kouki PS28P-03-18 Consideration of the difficulty for creating mental rotation training program Oshiyama, Chiaki (Japan); Okabayashi, Satoshi; Hayashi, Yuta; Shimizu, Eiji PS28P-03-19 Integration of multimodal information in hippocampal-retrosplenialprefrontal circuit Terada, Satoshi (Japan); Sakurai, Yoshio; Hiroyuki, Nakahara; Shigeyoshi, Fujisawa PS28P-03-20 The influence of a central cue on the spatial-numerical association of response codes effect: an event-related potentials study Liu, Yu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Pan, Yun; Han, Hong Xiao; Luo, Shuang Ye; Wang, Heng; Wu, Lan Lan Comparative Cognition PS28P-03-21 Detection of Non-adjacent Dependency in Bengalese Finches in an Operant Task Mizuhara, Tomoko (Japan); Okanoya, Kazuo Kawasaki, Katsuyoshi (Japan); Komori, Satomi; Kudo, Hitomi; Koyano, Saki; Koyama, Takamasa PS28P-03-24 Cilostazol, a phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor, as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of dementia. Yanai, Shuichi (Japan); Kojima, Kai; Arasaki, Tomoko; Endo, Shogo Psychobiology PS28P-03-3 Pica as an index of rats' nausea induced by exercise Nakajima, Sadahiko (Japan) PS28P-03-4 Relationship between the psychobiological stress response and Exercise habits Yajima, Jumpei (Japan); Okamura, Hisayoshi (Japan); Toyama, Hiroyuki (Finland) PS28P-03-5 Long-lasting effect of chronic neonatal treatment with MK-801 on locomotor activity in rats Niikura, Ryo (Japan); Sakata, Shogo Decision Making PS28P-03-6 Awake/sleep state-dependent neural activities in the songbird premotor nucleus HVC: an investigation by local field potentials. Shiba, Shintaro (Japan); Okanoya, Kazuo PS28P-03-29 Stimulating the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Improves Decision Making He, Qinghua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Mei PS28P-03-7 An injection of NMDA type receptor blocker into the dorsal striatum did not impaire the acquisition of memory for duration in a peak interval procedure Hata, Toshimichi (Japan) PS28P-03-22 Do female rats behave pro-socially? Hata, Yumi (Japan); Hata, Toshimichi Neuroscience PS28P-03-26 Explicating the influence of different types of glia-cells on neuronal plasticity by using agent-based modelling Schmidt, Tino (Germany); Schmidt, Matthias; Henrich, Dietmar PS28P-03-30 Comparison of eventrelated potentials and reaction time in Stroop task with and without inhibition of response Marakshina, Julia A (Russia); Bespalov, Boris I; Vartanov, Alexander V; Kiselnikov, Andrey A; Kozlovskiy, Stanislav A Personality PS28P-03-25 The ERPs characteristics of Emotional attention bias in patients with borderline personality disorder Yi, Jinyao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Cao, Xiyu; Zhong, Mingtian; Yao, Shuqiao Pharmacological Effects PS28P-03-23 Effects of propranolol and emotional conditioning on nose-poking operant learning and emotionality of rats PS28P-03-8 Study on the usefulness of non-contact sheet sensor for sleep evaluation: a comparison with actigraphy and sheet sensor Okamura, Hisayoshi (Japan); Mihara, Kengo; Tsuda, Akira PS28P-03-9 A novel technology to measure finger arterial endothelial function and its relationship with anger, anger expression and sense of coherence in Japanese healthy youth Tanaka, Gohichi (Japan); Mihara, Kengo; Okamura, Hisayoshi; Tsuda, Akira PS28P-03-12 Estrogenic modulation of wheel-running activity is independent of that of fear- and anxiety-related behavior in female mice. Tomihara, Kazuya (Japan) PS28P-03-14 Cognitive dysfunction and epigenetic alterations at the BDNF gene are induced by social isolation during early adolescence Shao, Feng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Man; Wang, Weiwen Psychometrics PS28P-03-10 Developing the polytomous BW aberrant indices by person and item facets Huang, Tsai-wei (Taiwan); Chih-ming, Lu Sensation and Perception PS28P-03-11 Mismatch negativity (MMN) and the scale illusion: an electroencephalography (EEG) study Ono, Kentaro (Japan); Altmann, Christian F PS28P-03-15 fMRI study of the visual search for self-controlling moving objects Horita, Kazume (Japan); Yoshida, Takako PS28P-03-16 MRI-compatible wearable actuator for measuring sense of agency Tanaka, Shota (Japan); Suzumori, Koichi; Nabae, Hiroyuki; Yoshida, Takako Social Brain PS28P-03-1 Emotional support reduced the feeling of social exclusion: An eventrelated potential (ERP) investigation Yamagata, Toyoki (Japan); Shikibu, Mana; Katayama, Jun'ichi; Murata, Asuka PS28P-03-2 TMS on the rTPJ accelerates moral judgment Chou, Yuju Sally (Taiwan) PS28P-03-13 Core neural substrates of joint attention using hyperscanning functional MRI Tanabe, Hiroki C (Japan); Yoshioka, Ayumi; Koike, Takahiko; Okazaki, Shuntaro; Sadato, Norihiro Teaching Psychology PS28P-03-28 Development of ability of art appreciation in school students Popov, Vyacheslav O (Kazakhstan); Khon, Natalya N; Islamgulova, Svetlana K Rapid Communication Friday, July 29, 10:30 – 12:00 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Cognition RC-09-2 Neural correlates of cognitive inhibition and attentional bias in a nonclinical sample of adolescents Tirado Santiago, Giovanni (United States of America); Algaze Beato, Antonio; Rosado Santiago, Coral; Rodriguez Corcelles, Lydia C; Quinones Camacho, Laura E; Lopez Valentin, Cybelle M Emotion RC-09-1 Psychophysiological mechanisms of emotional tears and cardiac activities Takagi, Ayaka (Japan); Tanaka, Yuto; 39 1. Neural Physiological SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 1. Neural Physiological Umeda, Satoshi Music Psychology RC-09-12 Mental pressure puts musical performance out of gear Kotani, Shuntaro (Japan); Furuya, Shinichi Neuroscience 2. Cognitive RC-09-3 Brain activity during electronic organ performance- Experimental research using fMRI Obata, Satoshi (Japan); Ogawa, Junichi; Kinoshita, Hiroshi RC-09-8 Combined evaluation scheme based on EEG and subjective evaluation for marketing research Ihara, Aya S (Japan); Matsumoto, Atsushi; Sakasegawa, Yohei; Nogai, Takeshi; Naruse, Yasushi RC-09-9 A new behavioral task for evaluation of visual recognition memory in rats Ohnuki, Tomoya (Japan); Sakurai, Yoshio RC-09-11 A Study on the Electrophysiological Correlates of Creativeness through the Creation of Logotypes by using Tangrams Zalce-aceves, Alejandro (Mexico) Pharmacological Effects RC-09-4 Oxytocin is aversive under some circumstances in mice Takada, Kohji (Japan) Sensation and Perception RC-09-6 Audiovisual temporal recalibration in temporal order judgment is independent of awareness of a temporal lag Tsujita, Masaki (Japan); Ichikawa, Makoto RC-09-10 The cortical activation to object size is modulated by both depth and context Wu, Chia-ching (Taiwan); Chen, Chien-chung Sleep Psychology RC-09-5 Observations of Nap Quality using EEG Ogoshi, Sakiko (Japan); Ogoshi, Yasuhiro; Nakai, Akio Social Psychology RC-09-7 The cognitive neural mechanism of cooperation: An asymmetrical relationship perspective Liu, Yaozhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Hong; Zhang, Jianliang; Jiang, Tianwen 40 Contributed Symposium CS25-07Language Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Annex Hall F201 Language Validation: Monitoring Text and Discourse Congruence Organizer: Singer, Murray (Canada) Validating Presupposed and Focused Text Concepts Singer, Murray (Canada) Validation of textual information: What kinds of inconsistencies are detected during comprehension? Richter, Tobias (Germany) Processing of inconsistencies in canonical and non-canonical sentences: Evidence from self-paced reading and eye-tracking Schroeder, Sascha (Germany); Eilers, Sarah; Richter, Tobias Acquiring Inaccurate Understandings: Limits on the Contributions of Prior Knowledge Rapp, David N (United States of America) Discussant: Graesser, Arthur C (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS25-12 Decision Making Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 415 Decision making in laboratory gambling tasks: New findings on cognitive and emotional processes, individual differences, and situational variations as predictors of decision-making behavior Organizer: Buelow, Melissa T (United States of America) Co-organizer: Schiebener, Johannes (Germany) Exploring sex-differences in decision making Singh, Varsha (India) Losses loom larger than gains when predicting health outcomes: Evidence from a maltreated adolescent sample Weller, Joshua A (United States of America); Kim, Hyoun; Leve, Leslie Johannes; Pekal, Jaro; Stockigt, Gerrit; Brand, Matthias Short-term reward vs. long-term risk: Who decides disadvantageously after ego depletion? Schiebener, Johannes (Germany); Palkovics, Michael (Austria); Brand, Matthias (Germany) Discussant: Brand, Matthias (Germany) Contributed Symposium CS25-24 Social Brain Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 17:30 Conference Center 3F 312 Current directions of working memory research based on individual differences Organizer: Osaka, Naoyuki (Japan) Individual Differences in Executive Functions: Unity/Diversity Framework and Recent Research Findings Miyake, Akira (United States of America) Dynamic relationship between the Executive Network and the Default Mode Network Koshino, Hideya (United States of America) The Prefrontal Cortex, A Critical Source for Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity Minamoto, Takehiro (Japan) Efficiency of selecting and excluding visual working memory representations depends on the stage of selection Tsubomi, Hiroyuki (Japan) Discussant: Osaka, Mariko (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS26-07 Comparative Cognition Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 417 Do great apes have a theory-ofmind, and do they have an (implicit) false-belief understanding like human infants? Organizer: Kano, Fumihiro (Japan) Mind-reading in animals: past progress and future directions Call, Josep (United Kingdom) The relationship between personality characteristics and behavioral decision making task performance Mindreading eyes: Spontaneous eye gaze reveals false belief attribution in human infants and adults Buelow, Melissa T (United States of America); Brunell, Amy B; Barnhart, Wesley R Senju, Atsushi (United Kingdom) Great apes make anticipatory looks in movie stories Weighing up short- and long-term consequences: A process relevant in IT-security decisions? Kano, Fumihiro (Japan); Hirata, Satoshi (Japan); Krupenye, Christopher (Japan); Call, Josep (United States of America) Muller, Silke M (Germany); Schiebener, Great apes anticipate actions based on SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Krupenye, Christopher (United States of America); Kano, Fumihiro (Japan); Hirata, Satoshi (Japan); Call, Josep (Germany); Tomasello, Michael (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS26-12 Sensation and Perception Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 414 Symposium on the Perceptual Basis of Aperture Passability Judgment Organizer: Furuyama, Nobuhiro (Japan) Co-organizer: Mishima, Hiroyuki (Japan); Maruyama, Shin; Nonaka, Tetsushi Perception of dynamically evolving affordances for passing through apertures Wagman, Jeffrey B (United States of America) Visuomotor control of locomotion through apertures: how body-scaled information is obtained Higuchi, Takahiro (Japan) The body-pushcart coordination in aperture crossing when there are more than one aperture Tomono, Takayuki (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS26-14 Comparative Cognition Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 416 The evolution of peace: insights from bonobo society Organizer: Yamamoto, Shinya (Japan) The influence of victim signalling on the expression of post-conflict behaviours in bonobos (Pan paniscus). Clay, Zanna (United Kingdom); Austry, Diane (France); De Waal, Frans Bm (United States of America); Zuberbuhler, Klaus (Switzerland) Affiliative social bonds and patterns of coalition formation of female wild bonobos in Wamba, DR Congo. Tokuyama, Nahoko (Japan); Furuichi, Takeshi Tolerant society in bonobos (Pan paniscus): food begging for social bond rather than food itself Yamamoto, Shinya (Japan); Fumihiro; Furuichi, Takeshi Bonobos strangers are prosocial Kano, towards Tan, Jingzhi (United States of America); Ariely, Dan; Hare, Brian Contributed Symposium CS27-08 Sensation and Perception Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 415 Perception of material properties Organizer: Nishida, Shin'ya (Japan) The mental and neuronal representation of material properties Gegenfurtner, Karl R (Germany) Perceiving the quality of surfaces and images Motoyoshi, Isamu (Japan) Visual recognition of Shitsukan Nishida, Shin'ya (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS27-16 Evolutionary Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 414 Comparative Cognition and Animal Welfare Science Organizer: Yamanashi, Yumi (Japan) How do chimpanzees acquire new behavioral patterns in a zoo? : application of knowledge derived from cognitive studies to improve zoo animal welfare Yamanashi, Yumi (Japan); Matsunaga, Masayuki; Mizuno, Akihiro; Shimada, Kanae; Kado, Ryuichiro; Tanaka, Masayuki Comparative Cognition and Animal Welfare Science: attention bias methods for assessing animal psychological wellbeing Bethell, Emily J (United Kingdom) Walking rehabilitation of a physically disabled chimpanzee using cognitive tasks: a case study Sakuraba, Yoko (Japan); Tomonaga, Masaki; Hayashi, Misato Eye preferences in response to emotional stimuli in captive capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella) Wilson, Duncan A (Japan); Tomonaga, Masaki (Japan); Vick, Sarah J (United Kingdom) Contributed Symposium CS27-19Language Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 417 A psycholinguistic approach to the cognitive mechanisms underlying second language comprehension Organizer: Kingdom) Sato, Sayaka (United Altering male-dominant representations: A study on the new and innovative nominalised adjectives and participles in first and second language German Gygax, Pascal M (Switzerland) Shifting representation biases in bilinguals: A case of gender information in English and French Sato, Sayaka (United Kingdom); Gygax, Pascal M (Switzerland) Foreign Language Side Effect: Temporary Decline of Thinking Ability during Communication in L2 Takano, Yohtaro (Japan) Cognitive Resource Allocation and Its Effects in Text Comprehension in a Second Language Morishima, Yasunori (Japan) Discussant: Roland, Douglas (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS27-21 Comparative Cognition Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 312 Comparative Cognitive Approaches onto Mechanisms Underlying Language Evolution Organizer: Adachi, Ikuma (Japan) The Rock-Paper-Scissors Game in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Test for Intransitive Inference Using the Computer Controlled Discrimination Task Gao, Jie (Japan); Tomonaga, Masaki (Japan); Matsuzawa, Tetsuro (Japan); Su, Yanjie (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Two Digits Number and Idea of Place Value in Chimpanzees: Approaching Human Language with Concept of Number in Chimpanzees Muramatsu, Akiho (Japan) Comparative approaches on crossmodal correspondences Adachi, Ikuma (Japan) Minds without language process number magnitudes: A comparative approach Rugani, Rosa (Italy) Contributed Symposium CS28-04 Comparative Cognition Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 313 The Evolutionary origins of behavi o ra l c o o rd i n a t i o n and synchronization Organizer: Hattori, Yuko (Japan) Joint action coordination in humans and apes Knoblich, Gunther (Hungary) 41 2. Cognitive agents` (false) beliefs SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM An experimental study on interactional synchrony in chimpanzees and humans Vladimir T; Afanasenko, Inna V; Telnova, Olga V Yu, Lira (Japan); Tomonaga, Masaki Hemispheric specificity in attentional blink control Rhyhtmic coordination and synchronization in chimpanzees and humans Hattori, Yuko (Japan) 2. Cognitive Contributed Symposium CS28-13Development Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 312 New Perspectives on Social Cognitive Development in Humans Organizer: Myowa-yamakoshi, Masako (Japan) Baby see baby do? Comprehensive longitudinal study finds no compelling evidence of neonatal imitation Suddendorf, Thomas (Australia); Oostenbroek, Janine; Nielsen, Mark; Redshaw, Jonathan; Kennedy, Siobhan; Clark, Sally; Davis, Jaqueline; Slaughter, Virginia Stealing the soul of imitation? Heyes, Cecilia (United Kingdom) Simulating Fetal Sensory-Motor Experiences and Embodied Neural Learning for Understanding the Basis of Human Cognitive Development Kuniyoshi, Yasuo (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS28-14Cognition Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 313 Hemispheric Asymmetry and Cognition Organizer: Ermakov, Pavel N (Russia) Asymmetry of the evoked brain activity in ranking the emotionally charged scenes by people with different polymorphic variants of the MAOA and COMT genes Ermakov, Pavel N (Russia); Kovsh, Ekaterina M; Dyshljuk, Irina S; Yavna, Denis V The Relationships between Motivational Strategies of Getting Psychological Degree and Hemispheric Asymmetry Belyanin, Valery (Canada); Ermakov, Pavel (Russia); Vorobyeva, Elena (Russia) Hemispheric asymmetry of secondorder visual mechanisms Babenko, Vitaly V (Russia); Ermakov, Pavel N; Yavna, Denis V SPECIFIC FEATURES OF BRAIN ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN THE PROCESS OF SOLVING CREATIVE PROBLEMS Saakyan, Oxana S (Russia); Fomenko, 42 Borokhovski, Eugene (Canada); Abakumova, Irina V (Russia); Babenko, Vitaly V (Russia) Contributed Symposium CS28-20 Sensation and Perception Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 416 The Contents of Perception and the Perception/Cognition Border. Organizer: Mandelbaum, Eric (United States of America) Co-organizer: Mandelbaum, Eric (United States of America) Seeing and Conceptualizing: Modularity and the Shallow Contents of Perception Mandelbaum, Eric (United States of America) Seeing and Conceptualizing: Modularity and the Shallow Contents of Perception Mandelbaum, Eric (United States of America) Ensemble Encoding and the Contents of Perception Bayne, Tim (Canada) No watershed for overflow: recent work on the richness of consciousness Phillips, Ian B (United Kingdom) Contributed Symposium CS28-25 Comparative Cognition Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 411 Spatial Mapping of Number and Order in Humans and Nonhumans Organizer: Tomonaga, Masaki (Japan) Co-organizer: Adachi, Ikuma (Japan) NUMBERS IN THE BRAIN: FROM VERBAL WORKING MEMORY TO LONG-TERM MEMORY Abrahamse, Elger (Belgium); Van Dijck, Jean-philippe; Verguts, Tom; Fias, Wim Number-space associations without language. Behavioral evidence from an animal model: the domestic chick (Gallus gallus) Rugani, Rosa (Italy) Spontaneous Spatial Mapping of order in nonhuman primates Adachi, Ikuma (Japan); Diamond, Rachel F (United States of America); Hampton, Robert R (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS29-03 Comparative Cognition Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 304 The evolutionary origins f bonding mechanism Organizer: Hattori, Yuko (Japan) Is blood thicker than water? The social bonds and coalition formations in wild bonobos. Tokuyama, Nahoko (Japan); Kawamoto, Yoshi; Makinose, Emiko; Ishizuka, Shintaro; Furuichi, Takeshi Influence of inter-individual distance on grooming interaction in captive chimpanzees and bonobos Allanic, Morgane (Japan); Hirata, Satoshi; Hayashi, Misato; Matsuzawa, Tetsuro CHIMPANZEES, BUT NOT ORANGUTANS DISPLAY AVERSIVE REACTIONS TOWARD THEIR PARTNER RECEIVING A SUPERIOR REWARD Kim, Yena (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Choe, Jae Chun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Rho, Jeong Rae (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Tomonaga, Masaki (Japan) Communicative abilities underlying social bonding in chimpanzees Hattori, Yuko (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS29-04Cognition Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 312 The cognitive studies of eye gaze Organizer: Matsuda, Masafumi (Japan) Co-organizer: Honma, Motoyasu (Japan) Sensitivity to eye gaze in infants: Comparison to a robot and a human Itakura, Shoji (Japan); Okumur, Yuko Effect of early familial environment on the development of eye gaze processing Senju, Atsushi (United Kingdom) Evolution of social attention: predictable variation in movie viewing across macaques, great apes, and humans Kano, Fumihiro (Japan); Shepherd, Stephen V (United States of America); Hirata, Satoshi (Japan); Call, Josep (Germany) Social environmental differences of eye-contact perception areas: effects of gender and the existence of a third person Matsuda, Masafumi (Japan) Cross-cultural differences in own- vs. other-race eye scanning: Developmental evidence Lee, Kang (Canada) Contributed Symposium CS29-06 Sensation and Perception Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 412 Consciousness is ever-present, but determined by the past: How the perceptual past influences the perceptual now Organizer: Murakami, Ikuya (Japan) The Continuity Field (CF): a mechanism for perceptual stability via serial dependence Whitney, David (United States of America) Utility of prior exposure for perceivers, for searchers, and for researchers Murakami, Ikuya (Japan); Masahiko; Osugi, Takayuki Terao, Are perceptual and attentional memory two sides of the same coin? Kristjansson, Arni (Iceland) Contributed Symposium CS29-11 Behavioral Psychology Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 417 Human cognition and classical conditioning Organizer: Tanaka, Ayumi (Japan) Co-organizer: Aoyama, Kenjiro (Japan) Stimulus pairings as a symbolic cue for changes in liking: A novel perspective on evaluative conditioning Hughes, Sean (Belgium); De Houwer, Jan Cue interaction in human causal judgment: Challenges for both association formation models and the propositional approach. Urushihara, Kouji (Japan) Evaluative conditioning and social psychology Hayashi, Mikiya (Japan) Discussant: De Houwer, Jan (Belgium) Contributed Symposium CS29-18 Sensation and Perception Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 415 Visual memory, statistical processing and attention in understanding visual environments Organizer: Saiki, Jun (Japan) The effect of background image statistics on perceived object size Chen, Chien-chung (Taiwan) Left-side bias on statistical information extraction Yeh, Su-ling (Taiwan); Li, Kuei-an Kuo, Bo-cheng (Taiwan) Thematic Session TS26-12Aging Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 419 Effects of aging and lifestyle on cognitive and brain functions Binding of non-spatial features in visual working memory Organizer: Suzuki, Maki (Japan) Co-organizer: Sekiyama, Kaoru (Japan) Saiki, Jun (Japan) Age-related cortical over-recruitment in working memory Neural Mechanisms by Which Attention Modulates the Comparison of Remembered and Perceptual Representations Thematic Session TS25-02 Comparative Cognition Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 415 Marmoset cognition: clue for understanding cognitive evolution in social animals Organizer: Kawai, Nobuyuki (Japan) Cognitive abilities of common marmosets for object recognition and manipulation Yamazaki, Yumiko (Japan); Atsushi, Iriki Vocal communication in non-human primates revisited: Small New World monkey, big new horizon? Wakita, Masumi (Japan) Differential vocalization under anxiety and fear context in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) Kato, Yoko (Germany); Gokan, Hayato (Japan); Oh-nishi, Arata (Japan); Suhara, Tetsuya (Japan); Watanabe, Shigeru (Japan); Minamimoto, Takafumi (Japan) Marmosets with fetal exposure to valproic acid fail to recognize third-party non-reciprocal interactions Kawai, Nobuyuki (Japan); Miyuki, Yasue; Akiko, Nakagami; Taku, Banno; Noritaka, Ichinohe Discussant: Ichinohe, Noritaka (Japan) Thematic Session TS25-10 Sensation and Perception Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Exhibition Hall E204 The visual phantom illusion revisited Organizer: Gyoba, Jiro (Japan) Phantom induced blindness Gyoba, Jiro (Japan) Visual phantoms induced by secondorder components Sakurai, Kenzo (Japan) Visual phantoms transparency and Kitaoka, Akiyoshi (Japan) perceptual Maki, Suzuki (Japan) Common neural activation pattern between visual working memory and mobility in older adults. Kawagoe, Toshikazu (Japan) Multimodal exercise program can improve cognitive function and brain activation efficiency in older adults: Results from a randomized controlled trial Nishiguchi, Shu (Japan) Discussant: Raz, Naftali (United States of America) Thematic Session TS26-15Development Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 419 The Role of Social Touch in the Development of Infants' Body Representation Organizer: Myowa-yamakoshi, Masako (Japan) The sense of self: body for action, action for body Asai, Tomohisa (Japan) Integration of auditory and tactile information affected by tickling interaction in infancy Tanaka, Yukari (Japan) Haptic-emotional shared representation in parieto-insular regions of the macaque monkey Ishida, Hiroaki (Japan) Thematic Session TS26-18Cognition Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 311 Developmental and cultural influences in theory of mind and person perception Organizer: Tsuji, Hiromi (Japan) Co-organizer: Mitchell, Peter (United Kingdom) How do Japanese children benefit from mindreading training? Findings from a detailed examination of the training process Tsuji, Hiromi (Japan) 43 2. Cognitive SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM British and Japanese explanations and predictions of differing interpretation: cultural differences in advanced theory of mind. Determinants of synesthetic colors for different types of graphemes, Japanese characters and the English alphabet: a developmental model Neural evidence for enhanced sensory and cognitive processing with adaptive partners Naito, Mika (Japan); Doherty, Martin J (United Kingdom) Asano, Michiko (Japan); Yokosawa, Kazuhiko Cultural influences mindreading Developmental Changes of Synesthesia Observed in Japanese Elementary School Children Modulation of syntax processing in music and language by musical training and language impairment on adults' Slaughter, Virginia (Australia); Perez Zapata, Daniel; Henry, Julie 2. Cognitive Mediterraneans are Better Natural Psychologists than British People Mitchell, Peter (United Valanides, Constantinos Kingdom); Discussant: Schweinberger, Stefan R (Germany) Thematic Session TS27-07Cognition Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E204 Research on reasoning and its expansion Organizer: Yama, Hiroshi (Japan) Explanation type preference Matsuda, Eiko (Japan); Yoshihiro, Okazaki (Japan); Tom, Froese (Mexico) Synesthesia-like associations between graphemes and colors in Japanese non-synesthetic population Nagai, Junichi (Japan); Kazuhiko; Asano, Michiko Yokosawa, Discussant: Hamada, Daisuke (Japan) Thematic Session TS27-13Communication Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Exhibition Hall E206 What do faces tell in social communication?: A psychological and neurophysiological approach Do, Kyung Soo (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Yoo, Kwanghyeon Organizer: Fujimura, Tomomi (Japan) Co-organizer: Ichikawa, Hiroko (Japan) Cultural differences in reasoning between Westerners and Easterners The roles of face angle and gaze direction in video-mediated face-to-face communication. Nakata, Takayuki (Japan) Jentschke, Sebastian (Norway) Thematic Session TS28-06Neuroscience Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 416 Brain-to-brain coupling: from single-brain to multi-brain research Organizer: Saito, Hirofumi (Japan) Brain-to-brain coupling of Neural Correlates of Action and Speech Memory Based Deception and its Detection: A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) study Saito, Godai (Japan); Gyoba, Jiro; Yamada, Ryoma; Itsukushima, Yukio; Oi, Misato; Lin, Chenhui; Saito, Hirofumi Inter-brain network underlying turnbased cooperation and competition: A hyperscanning study using near-infrared spectroscopy Yasuda, Takashi (Japan) Liu, Tao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Saito, Godai (Japan); Lin, Chenhui (Japan); Saito, Hirofumi (Japan) Majima, Yoshimasa (Japan) Effects of the confounding nature of facial features and emotion expressions on facial attractiveness Inter-brain functional connectivity between player and observer facilitated by cheering: NIRS hyperscanning study Does a tendency towards intuitive reasoning predict belief in and use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)? Semantic dimensions and cognitive process for the judgments of emotion from facial expressions Yama, Hiroshi (Japan) Intuitive-analytical thinking styles predict belief in paranormal and non-paranormal pseudoscience. Galbraith, Niall D (United Kingdom) Thematic Session TS27-12 Sensation and Perception Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Exhibition Hall E204 Grapheme-color synesthesia in East Asian languages Organizer: Yokosawa, Kazuhiko (Japan) Co-organizer: Asano, Michiko (Japan) Exploratory analysis of synesthetic colors distribution in the color space Hamada, Daisuke (Japan); Yamamoto, Hiroki; Saiki, Jun Non-random association between sound and color- Insight from multi-lingual grapheme-color synesthetes and non-synesthetes Kim, Chai-youn (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kang, Mi-jeong; Kim, Ye-seul; Kim, Hyun-woong 44 Takahashi, Midori (Japan) Watanabe, Nobuyuki (Japan) Neural representation of psychological dimensional space in emotional face processing Fujimura, Tomomi (Japan) Cultural differences and its neural basis differences in emotion perception from facial and vocal expressions Takagi, Sachiko (Japan); Tanaka, Akihiro Discussant: Kikutani, Mariko (Japan) Thematic Session TS27-16 Music Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Exhibition Hall E204 Brain mechanisms shaped by musical learning and development Organizer: Rie, Matsunaga (Japan) Musically enculturated our brains: Implications from bi-musical study. Matsunaga, Rie (Japan); Abe, Jun-ichi Shimada, Sotaro (Japan); Tadayoshi, Koide Investigating Information flow between interacting brains using fNIRS-hyperscanning technique Zhu, Chaozhe (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Dai, Ruina; Duan, Lian; Zhang, Zong; Xiao, Xiang; Sun, Peipei; Yu, Xiaoting; Huang, Yuxia Discussant: Hasson, Uri (United States of America); Wheatley, Thalia Thematic Session TS28-22Communication Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 415 Social cognition and behavior in dolphins Organizer: Mizuguchi, Daisuke (Japan) Co-organizer: Yoshida, Yayoi (Japan) New methods in dolphin signature whistle research Janik, Vincent M (United Kingdom) Signature calls in beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucasu) Mishima, Yuka (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Yamamoto, Chisato (Japan) Social touch and synchronous behavior in dolphins Sakai, Mai (Japan) Approach Behavior and Synchronous Breathing: Two ongoing studies of wild Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin behavior Sakakibara, Kasumi (Japan); Tajima, Natsuko Discussant: Yoshida, Yayoi (Japan); Mizuguchi, Daisuke Thematic Session TS29-15Cognition Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 313 New Perspectives in Face Processing Organizer: Ueda, Yoshiyuki (Japan) The Dual Function of Gaze in Face Perception Gobel, Matthias S (United States of America); Kim, Heejung S (United States of America); Richardson, Daniel C (United Kingdom) Simultaneous perception of multiple facial expressions and their personality traits Ueda, Yoshiyuki (Japan) The contribution of personality impression to face-voice integration Mitsufuji, Yuka (Japan); Ogawa, Hirokazu Other-race effect in hyper-realistic mask detection: a new challenge for facial identification. Sanders, Jet G (United Kingdom); Minemoto, Kazusa (Japan); Ueda, Yoshiyuki (Japan); Yoshikawa, Sakiko (Japan); Jenkins, Rob (United Kingdom) Discussant: Tanaka, Akihiro (Japan) Oral Presentation Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 318 Cognition a simulated virtual week game Singh, Tushar (India); Kumari, Sushma OR25-04-4 Cognitive function associated with math achievement in children Leung, Ada (Canada); Cai, Dan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Das, J. P. (Canada) OR25-04-5 SOMA Model: The New Development in Field of Self-Regulation Liu, Ruiguang (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-04-6 Action for memory: the implication of motor response in multimodal integration Camus, Thomas P (France); Brouillet, Denis; Brunel, Lionel Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 423 Cognition OR25-26-1 Vection strength is determined by the subjective size of a visual stimulus modulated by amodal completion Ogawa, Masaki (Japan); Seno, Takeharu; Ito, Hiroyuki; Okajima, Katsunori OR25-26-2 Physical Weight and Knowledge of Embodied Effects on Judgments of Learning and Memory Lim, Alliyza (Malaysia); Cheong, Winnee OR25-26-4 Best thing's always in the middle? An investigation of centrality effect by eye-tracking technique Tsang, Cheuk Yu (Hong Kong); Chui, Hiu Yeung; Lo, Lap Yan OR25-26-5 What comes first: Affect or cognition? Maslany, Anna J (Canada); Pestonji, Natasha; Hart Smith, Jacqueline; Graf, Peter OR25-26-6 Memory for the Meaningless: A Meta-Analysis on the Skill Effect of Recalling Random Material Sala, Giovanni (United Kingdom); Gobet, Fernand Decision Making OR25-04-1 How to explain NC bias (negative conclusion bias) in conditional inference. Nakagaki, Akira (Japan) OR25-26-3 Interpersonal integration of spatial judgments: The role of communication and feedback. Voinov, Pavel V (Hungary); Knoblich, Gunther K; Sebanz, Natalie OR25-04-2 Susceptibility to Feature Integration in the Simon Task Depends on Working Memory Capacity Kim, Bia (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Donghoon; Sohn, Myeong-ho Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 5F 511 Cognition OR25-04-3 Effect of affective arousal on prospective memory task performance in OR25-28-1 A questionnaire study on mediators of aging and prospective memory errors Morita, Taisuke (Japan); Eriko, Nakata OR25-28-2 IQ or Intellectual Competencies? In Search for Essence of Intelligence. Makarova, Daria N (Russia); Shcherbakova, Olga V OR25-28-3 Measuring explicit and implicit bi-dimensional attitudes to predict studying behaviour and outcome. Kelly, Steve (United Kingdom); Finnegan, Eimear; Elliot, Mark; Mccartan, Rebecca; Pagani, Stefania; Burns, Sarah; Hunt, Rebecca OR25-28-4 Hierarchical representation of motion scene: Closer relationship in the motion tree makes the position of moving object more predictable Xu, Haokui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Jifan; Tang, Ning; Shen, Mowei OR25-28-5 The Effect of Relative Salience between Target and Distractor on Selective Attention Sohn, Myeong-ho (United States of America); Teng, Chunyue OR25-28-6 Can learning names along with a genealogical tree constrain the serial position effect? Ohtsu, Kayoko (Japan) Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 511 Cognition OR25-46-1 The use of supervised neural networks for modelling the participation of cognitive, self-regulation, parenting and genetic factors in cognitive training and level of functioning in children Musso, Mariel F (Argentina); Cascallar, Eduardo C (Belgium); Combita Merchan, Lina M (Spain); Rueda Cuerva, Maria Del Rosario (Spain) OR25-46-2 Perceiving People from Voice and Face Schweinberger, Stefan R (Germany) OR25-46-3 The Strength of Source in Predicative Metaphor Comprehension Lam, Wing Yin (Hong Kong); Zhou, Dehui OR25-46-4 Effects of Thinking Mode and Stimuli Complexity on Lie Detection Accuracy Tee, Sui Ling (Malaysia) OR25-46-5 Style and level features of intelligence of younger schoolchildren* Budrina, Ekaterina (Russia); Ovchinnikova, Anastasia 45 2. Cognitive Post conflict management in bottlenose dolphins SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Psychological Assessment OR25-46-6 Validation of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status for individuals diagnosed with Dementia Paranawithana, Chrishara E (Sri Lanka); Senaratna, Chamara; Fernando, Arjuna; Kathriarachchi, Samudra; Mendis, Jayan; Rathnaweera, Ramani 2. Cognitive Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall E205 Cognition OR25-17-1 Strategies in mental multiplication Thevenot, Catherine (Switzerland); Castel, Caroline (Switzerland); Fayol, Michel (France) OR25-17-2 Untangling aging effects in Prospective Memory: A complex hierarchical model Pereira, Antonina (United Kingdom); Meirinhos, Victor; Chmiel, Nik OR25-17-3 Visual information might be highly processed in sensory memory: Evidence from sematic similarity of masking Hu, Jingjing (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-17-4 Embodied Perception in Close Friendships: The Mediating Role of Vitality in the Effect of Support Type on Geographical Slant Perception Leong, Aaron (Malaysia); Teoh, Cameron; Chua, Sook Ning OR25-17-5 Conceptual abilities as a predictor of apologues comprehension efficiency Nikiforova, Elizaveta A (Russia); Scherbakova, Olga V OR25-17-6 Temporal course of implicit emotion regulation during a PrimingIdentify task: an ERP study Li, Xuebing (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall E206 Cognition OR25-18-1 Influences of age-related mindfulness changes on reality monitoring errors Nakata, Eriko (Japan); Morita, Taisuke OR25-18-2 The association between affective valence and vertical /horizontal spatial axes Huanjun, Lin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-18-3 The Fluency and Distinctive- 46 ness Heuristics: A Study based on Recognition Paradigm Wang, Yating (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Guo, Boda; Wang, Yong OR25-18-4 Moving and BreakingMovement can facilitate people breaking the mental set and restructuring the problem representation. Liu, Hongyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-18-5 The impact of simultaneous presentation of plural prisoner's dilemma games on the cooperation rate and its prediction Kawai, Hiroki (Japan); Tsuzuki, Takashi; Chiba, Itsuki OR25-18-6 Exploring the relationship between social skill and face / object recognition Lander, Karen (United Kingdom); Poyarekar, Siddhi; Clark, Marissa; Giannou, Kyriaki Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Exhibition Hall E206 Cognition OR25-36-1 The influence of attention on sense of agency Wen, Wen (Japan); Yamashita, Atsushi; Asama, Hajime OR25-36-2 Cognitive mechanism underlying the choice blindness phenomenon : the failure of representation or recalling? Hui, Zhang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fuming, Xu; Hongyu, Ma; Hanying, Tang; Yanwei, Shi OR25-36-3 The effect of different motivation levels of negative emotions on Attention Blink Wang, Aiping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Chengcheng OR25-36-4 Do Digital Natives really better process information through improved attention processing? Cuny, Caroline (France); Allain, Gael OR25-36-5 What is the context of contextual cueing? Makovski, Tal (Israel) OR25-36-6 Attentional Allocation Policy in Prospective Memory: The Effect of Working Memory Load and Cue Specificity Zhou, Chenchen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); You, Xuqun; Ji, Ming Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 313 Decision Making OR26-78-1 The neural origins of evidence accumulation for perceptual decisions: Evidence from two identical ERP and fMRI studies Bode, Stefan (Australia); Bennett, Daniel (Australia); Corbett, Elaine (Australia); Sewell, David (Australia); Paton, Bryan (Australia); Stahl, Jutta (Germany); Egan, Gary F (Australia); Smith, Philip L (Australia); Murawski, Carsten (Australia) Emotion OR26-78-5 Prefrontal activation differences between recognizing macroexpressions and microexpressions: An fNIRS study Shen, Xunbing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fu, Genyue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lee, Kang (Canada); Fu, Xiaolan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Sensation and Perception OR26-78-2 The Boundary Processing in Appraisal Attractiveness Liu, Chang Hong (United Chen, Wenfeng (China Repbulic of China)) of Holistic of Facial Kingdom); (People's OR26-78-3 COGNITIVE STYLE AND GENDER DIFFERENCES IN WAYFINDING Naurzalina, Danna (Kazakhstan); Davletkalieva, Elizabeth; Kulbayeva, Bakit; Almurzayeva, Bibigul; Aymaganbetova, Olga; Magsumova, Olessya; Amanbayeva, Elmira OR26-78-4 Perceived duration of piano sounds Hasuo, Emi (Japan); Nakajima, Yoshitaka OR26-78-6 The Bogart Illusion Inverted Tai, Tzuyao (Japan); Kitaoka, Akiyoshi Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 318 Cognition OR26-06-1 Left gaze bias in visual face perception has an endogenous origin Bridgeman, Bruce (United States of America); Smith, Cameron; Kopalle, Hema OR26-06-2 Is there any relationship between phonetic and tactile? The investigation between sound and touch. Luk, Hei Man Cassie (Hong Kong); Lo, Lap Yan OR26-06-3 Linking Confidence in Complex Problem Solving to ProblemSolving Self-Concept, Achievement, and Need for Cognition Rudolph, Julia (Luxembourg); Niepel, Christoph (Luxembourg); Kroner, Stephan SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR26-06-4 Changing allocation of attentional resources in a very short time: Attentional blink in high-trait anxious individuals Yonemitsu, Fumiya (Japan); Shimokido, Takashi OR26-06-6 The role of personal semantic knowledge in temporally extended selfmemory system : a transdisciplinary approach Piolino, Pascale (France) Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 318 Cognition OR26-25-1 A Theoretical Consideration on Abstraction and Concretization from a Phenomenological Psychological and Educational Perspective Yoshida, Akihiro (Japan) OR26-25-2 An ERP Experiment of Undergraduates Memorizing Chinese Double-word Phrases Using Marvelous Imagery Memory Wang, Hongli (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Xu; Liu, Guoyan; Jin, Xue; Xiong, Ming; Gong, Yafei; Luo, Yu OR26-25-3 Embodied processes in a native (L1) and in an learned (L2) language: Evidence from a linguistic Affective Priming task Garrido, Margarida V (Portugal); Marilia, Prada; Catarina, Azevedo; Semin, Gun R OR26-25-4 Perception of Stroop Stimuli in the View of Global and Local Precedence Effect Kwok, Ho Ling (Hong Kong); Zhou, Dehui OR26-25-5 Time flies when you have a good sense of direction. Ozawa, Ryosuke (Japan); Kitazawa, Shigeru OR26-25-6 The impact of measurement unit change on statistical testing in mixedeffects cognitive models Cheng, Chung-ping (Taiwan) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 318 Emotion OR26-06-5 Detecting emotion in speech: The role of tone and context. Kikutani, Mariko (Japan); Ikemoto, Machiko Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 421 Cognition Hidemi; Ichihara, Shigeru; Masuda, Naoe; Ishihara, Shigeru OR26-26-1 Hemispheric Differences, Information Processing And Mental Load In Vigilance Performance Paul, Alpana (India) OR26-85-5 Review of experimental phenomenological studies about animacy perception as perceptual organization Komatsu, Hidemi (Japan); Sakai, Atsushi; Masuda, Naoe OR26-26-2 Shoot and Forget: The Impact of Taking Photos & Gender on Memory Yap, Hou Huai Gary (Malaysia); Teoh, Cameron OR26-85-6 Attention enhances perceived contrast by attenuating the surround suppression Zhou, Liufang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lu, Shena; Cai, Yongchun OR26-26-3 How Japanese Native Speakers Perceptually Restore Temporal Distortion in English Ishida, Mako (Japan); Arai, Takayuki; Kashino, Makio Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 424B Cognition OR26-26-4 Influence of Induced Emotions on Joint Simon Effect and the Underlying Mechanism Song, Xiaolei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Yangyang OR26-26-5 Distinctive aesthetic quality between natural scene photographs and paintings Naito, Tomoyuki (Japan); Kitaguchi, Masatoshi; Wakabayashi, Masahiro; Sato, Hiromichi OR26-26-6 Intelligibility of locally timereversed speech in Chinese, English, German, and Japanese Ueda, Kazuo (Japan); Nakajima, Yoshitaka (Japan); Tamura, Shunsuke (Japan); Shichida, Akihiko (Japan); Ellermeier, Wolfgang (Germany); Kattner, Florian (Germany); Daebler, Stephan (Germany); Neo, Ngar Nie (Germany) Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 423 Neuroscience OR26-85-1 Auditory modulation of material properties of food by pseudo-mastication feedback sound generated from EMG signal Fujisaki, Waka (Japan); Ino, Shuichi; Endo, Hiroshi Sensation and Perception OR26-85-2 Phenomenally transparent and non-transparent color spreading in flank transparency displays Kimura, Eiji (Japan) OR26-85-3 Geometrical Structure of Gaze Perceptional Space Mori, Masaki (Japan); Watanabe, Toshio OR26-54-2 Enhanced processing of unpleasant emotional pictures near hands Du, Feng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Xiaotao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Abrams, Richard A (United States of America); Zhang, Kan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-54-3 Distinctive effects of visual novelty of package design between aesthetic preference and want to eat judgment Matsumoto, Eriko (Japan); Kawashima, Tomoya (Japan); Takeuchi, Miho (Japan); Lajante, Mathieu (France); Wakabayashi, Masahiro (Japan); Kitaguchi, Masatoshi (Japan); Naito, Tomoyuki (Japan) OR26-54-4 Individual differences in reward sensitivity and both liking and wanting food with novel package design Kawashima, Tomoya (Japan); Lajante, Mathieu (France); Wakabayashi, Masahiro (Japan); Kitaguchi, Masatoshi (Japan); Naito, Tomoyuki (Japan); Matsumoto, Eriko (Japan) OR26-54-5 The Effect of Low Versus High Avoidance-Motivation Negative Emotion on Analogic Reasoning Wang, Aiping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xuesong, Du OR26-54-6 Search for lexical units in letter charts Izmalkova, Anna I (Russia); Blinnikova, Irina V Media and Psychology OR26-54-1 Empathy with and Projecting Feelings onto Robots from Schemas about Humans Konijn, Elly A (Netherlands); Hoorn, Johan F OR26-85-4 Vection perceived by the wind Murata, Kayoko (Japan); Komatsu, 47 2. Cognitive (Germany); Goldhammer, Frank (Germany); Strobel, Anja (Germany); Preckel, Franzis (Germany); Greiff, Samuel (Luxembourg) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR26-51-2 Mentoring children through chess training, enhancing cognitive functions. Joseph, Ebenezer (India); Easvaradoss, Veena; Simon, Miriam Kalpana; Abraham, Suneera; Chandran, David of China)); Ouyang, Feiyi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Holm, Linus (Sweden); Zhou, Liang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huang, Yingyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gan, Lingyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chao, Huizhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Mengye (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Sheng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yang, Bo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Pan, Junhao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Xiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-51-3 Segregation and integration processes in inhibition of return Zhang, Yang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Luo, Yuejia; Zhang, Ming OR26-71-4 Collinear Gabor structure and visual selective attention Tseng, Chiahuei (Hong Kong); Leung, Jiayu OR26-51-4 Short- and long-term storage components in working memory Velichkovsky, Boris B (Russia) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E205 Neuroscience OR26-51-5 Cognitive performance alteration under condition of emotional tension Leonova, Anna B (Russia); Kapitsa, Maria S; Blinnikova, Irina V OR26-19-1 Effects of memory self-efficacy beliefs on brain activity Kalpouzos, Gregoria (Sweden); Backman, Lars Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 513 Cognition OR26-51-1 An Evaluation method to diagnose roles of Gates in Recurrent Neural Networks Asakawa, Shin (Japan) 2. Cognitive OR26-51-6 Active overcoming of learning difficulties for students with different cognitive styles Kasatkina, Olga V (France); Aismontas, Bronus B (Russia) Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 514 Cognition OR26-71-5 LEADER-FOLLOWER CONGRENCE IN IMPLICIT THEORIES AND WORK OUTCOMES: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF LEADER-MEMBER EXCHANGE Kong, Ming (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-71-6 Gender, age and temperament differences in meaning attribution Trofimova, Irina (Canada) Sensation and Perception OR26-71-1 Assumptions about illumination account for differential interpretations of "the dress" stimulus Wallisch, Pascal (United States of America) OR26-71-2 Perceptual contrast between two short adjacent time intervals marked by clicks Nakajima, Yoshitaka (Japan); Matsuda, Mizuki; Tomimatsu, Erika; Hasuo, Emi OR26-71-3 Tap ahead of time: its relationship with tapping variability Yang, Junkai (China (People's Repbulic 48 OR26-19-2 Neuroticism modulates brain activity involved in avoiding emotional pictures Zhou, Renlai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Deng, Yaling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Shijia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Walter, Martin (Germany) OR26-19-3 Perceptual lear ning increases the strength of the ERP P1-N1 components Xi, Jie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huang, Chang-bing OR26-19-4 Using mnemonic by superior memorizers recruits parietal cortex Hu, Yinying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Xianchun; Chen, Yue; Hu, Yi Social Brain OR26-19-5 Sex or Gender differences in Autobiographical Memory? New insights from an fMRI study Compere, Laurie (France); Charron, Sylvain; Gallarda, Thierry; Lion, Stephanie; Rari, Eirini; Oppenheim, Catherine; Piolino, Pascale OR26-19-6 Why do some people engage in immoral love? : Insights from neuroimaging and implicit association test. Ueda, Ryuhei (Japan); Yanagisawa, Kuniaki; Ashida, Hiroshi; Abe, Nobuhito Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 317 Arts OR27-58-1 The Transformative Power of Literary Fiction Wong, Giselle (Malaysia) OR27-58-2 Test of Taste. In the Search for Objective Measures of Harmony in Paintings Francuz, Piotr (Poland); Zaniewski, Iwo (Poland); Cutting, James E. (United States of America); Augustynowicz, Pawel (Poland) OR27-58-4 Manifestation of Depression in Fiction Belyanin, Valery (Canada) OR27-58-5 Could the Diversity of Facial Expressions Representations in Visual Art be the Subject of a Harmonized Aesthetic Relation ? Achour Benallegue, Amel (France); Paubel, Pierre Vincent; Amarantini, David; Pelletier, Jerome; Kaminski, Gwenael OR27-58-6 Longitudinal analysis of actors' expertise about their attitudes toward the acting. Ando, Hanae (Japan) Music Psychology OR27-58-3 The characteristics of absolute pitch (AP) and the effects of timbre on judgment----Based on two large-scale direct-test studies at Shanghai Conservatory of Music Li, Xiaonuo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Deutsch, Diana (United States of America); Yu, Jiaxuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shen, Jing (United States of America) Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 421 Educational and School Psychology OR27-60-1 A new trial to reorganize the concepts Minagawa, Jun (Japan) OR27-60-2 Self-regulated learning strategies and reading motivation as predictors of reading comprehension among Deaf Filipino College Learners Sison, Christina S (Philippines) OR27-60-3 Cognitive processes and Self-regulated Learning: interactions and Impact on General Academic Performance Musso, Mariel F (Argentina); Cascallar, Eduardo C (Belgium); Boekaerts, Monique (Netherlands) OR27-60-4 Phonological recoding of SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR27-60-5 Modeling and Modeling Learning Styles Influences on Divergent Thinking, Artistic Creativity and Scientific Creativity Yi, Xinfa (United States of America); Sui, Xin (United States of America); Bai, Honghong (Netherlands) OR27-60-6 Effect of Early Intervention in removing the Specific Learning Difficulty among Indian School Children:A Study of English as a Second Language Mohanty, Atasi (India); Sarkar, Arundhati; Das, Namita Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 422 Educational and School Psychology OR27-61-1 Elasticity of College Students' Beliefs about Knowledge Utility Nomura, Ryota (Japan) OR27-61-2 Jumping hurdles in life using best practice interventions - A hope filled case study Marsay, Gloria (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR27-61-3 Family Economic Status and Parental Involvement: Influences of Parental Expectation and Perceived Barriers Wang, Yiji (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Yi; Deng, Ciping OR27-61-4 Retrieval-based Learning: Translating Laboratory Research into Educational Practice Lim, Stephen Wee Hun (Singapore) OR27-61-5 Developping creativity in teacher training based on design activities. John, Didier (Switzerland); Bonnardel, Nathalie (France) OR27-61-6 Critically Evaluating Multiple, Conflicting Pieces of Information: The Effects of Unpacking the Information, and Theory of Mind Ability Manalo, Emmanuel (Japan); Mizokawa, Ai (Japan); Scharrer, Lisa (Germany); Koyasu, Masuo (Japan) Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 424B Aging OR27-33-1 Understandablity of signboard direction and ageing: The universal design principle is there. Harada, Etsuko T (Japan); Miyashiro, Kozue; Hashimoto, Ena OR27-33-2 Diagnostic Utility of Wechsler Adult Ingelligence Scale Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) Among Elders with Alzheimer's Dementia Adishesa, Syanes (Indonesia); Halim, Magdalena S OR27-33-3 Executive and memory functions in older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer´s disease patients in comparison to cognitively healthy older adults Ballesteros, Soledad (Spain); Redondo, Maria Teresa; Reales, Jose Manuel OR27-33-4 The effects of environmental factors and task complexity on the strategies of foot-eye coordination for foot positioning performed by older adults Lu, Jun Ming (Taiwan) OR27-33-5 Age and Physical Activity on Object Recognition Memory Chee, Hui Ni (Malaysia) OR27-33-6 The influence of aging on sequential decision making: The role of search and cognitive-motivational factors Rydzewska, Klara (Poland); Sedek, Grzegorz (Poland); Von Helversen, Bettina (Switzerland) Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 425 Aging OR27-45-2 The relations between age, psychosocial factors and fluid cognitive abilities Jurkuvenas, Vytautas (Lithuania); Bagdonas, Albinas OR27-45-4 Older persons' competence to use mobile phones: An exploratory study Leburu, Khumbudzo K (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Grobler, Herman Hb (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Bohman, Doris D (Sweden) OR27-45-5 MEMORY PERFORMANCES AMONG THE ELDERLY BASED ON THEIR SOCIAL ACTIVITIES E. Ading, Carmella (Malaysia); Chua, Bee Seok; Sombuling, Agnis OR27-45-6 Age and intertemporal choice with loss,less risk taking or more? He, Quan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Dan, Xue-ting Gender and Sexuality China)); Su, Yanjie Personality OR27-45-1 Interaction of parent- child schemas in different types of personality disorders Ali Beigi, Neda (Iran); Hamideh, Askari; Saeedeh, Zenozian Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 512 Aging OR27-29-1 Mid-life Occupational and Household Work Complexity, and Late-life Cognitive Function in Japanese Women Ishioka, Yoshiko (Japan); Gondo, Yasuyuki; Masui, Yukie; Nakagawa, Takeshi; Ogawa, Madoka; Inagaki, Hiroki; Tabuchi, Megumi; Kozono, Marina; Yasumoto, Saori; Kurinobu, Takeshi; Takayama, Midori; Katagiri, Keiko; Arai, Yasumichi; Kamide, Kei; Ikebe, Kazunori; Ishizaki, Tatsuro; Takahashi, Ryutaro OR27-29-2 Investigating the effects of a DHA fish oil supplement on cognitive performance in older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment: An update from the baseline testing session Mengelberg, Alexia (New Zealand); Leathem, Janet M; Podd, John V; Conlon, Cathryn OR27-29-3 Age-related Positivity Effect in the Unconscious Processing of Facial Expressions Chen, Wenfeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tang, Wei; Fu, Xiaolan OR27-29-5 The association between mental, physical, and social components in leisure activities and cognitive function in octogenarian -findings from the SONIC studyKozono, Marina (Japan); Gondo, Yasuyuki; Ogawa, Madoka; Ishioka, Yoshiko; Nakagawa, Takeshi; Masui, Yukie; Inagaki, Hiroki; Tabuchi, Megumi; Ikebe, Kazunori; Kamide, Kei; Arai, Yasumichi; Ishizaki, Tatsuro; Takahashi, Ryutaro Educational and School Psychology OR27-29-4 Method of assessment critical thinking competency Mitina, Olga (Russia); Tsukerman, Galina OR27-29-6 Development and validation of a measure of academic self-regulated learning among Thai university students. Wattananonsakul, Sittipong (Thailand) OR27-45-3 Empathy and creativity: The role of different components and gender Jiang, Weili (China (People's Repbulic of 49 2. Cognitive visual images in older typically developing teenagers: Establishing baseline performance. Brophy, Megan P (United Kingdom) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 512 Educational and School Psychology OR27-83-1 Moderation of Prior Knowledge on the Guidance Effect in Technology-Based Guided StudentCentered Learning Lou, Anna (United States of America) 2. Cognitive OR27-83-2 Using Behavioral Data from Computer-Generated Log Files to Understand Complex Problem Solving Performance in a Computer-Based Assessment Niepel, Christoph (Luxembourg); Greiff, Samuel (Luxembourg); Scherer, Ronny (Norway); Martin, Romain (Luxembourg) OR27-83-3 Effects of Peer Presence on Collaborative Essay Revision Fukaya, Yuko (Japan); Ichikawa, Yoko OR27-83-4 Reciprocal relationship between self-regulated learning and mathematics achievement: A multilevel cross-lagged path analysis Zhu, Jinxin (Hong Kong); Mok, Magdalena Mo Ching OR27-71-6 TitleSociodemographic risks and its contributions to cognitive functioning in a sample of low SES youth in South Africa Pillay, Lingum G (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Pillay, Basil J; Kliewer, Wendy Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR27-71-2 Deficits of cognitive restructuring in major depressive disorder: measured by textual micro-counseling dialogues Zhang, Wencai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jiang, Nengzhi; Zhang, Jianxin OR27-71-5 The effect of Craving-based Intervention on reducing internet addiction of college students in China Deng, Linyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fang, Xiaoyi; Liu, Lu; Xia, Cuicui; Lan, Jing Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Exhibition Hall E202 Language OR27-83-5 The Effect of Context Characteristics on Students` Situational Interest when Learning Chemistry Habig, Sebastian (Germany); Van Vorst, Helena; Sumfleth, Elke OR27-53-1 The influence of English and Mandarin speakers' temporal thinking patterns on language processing Yang, Wenxing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sun, Ying OR27-83-6 Motivating or distracting? How decorative pictures can foster learning in primary schools. Opfermann, Maria (Germany); Schmeck, Annett; Leutner, Detlev OR27-53-2 Language Difference in Mental Representation of Time: Comparing Chinese and English Lee, Leung Pong (Hong Kong); Lo, Lap Yan Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Exhibition Hall E202 Clinical Psychology OR27-53-3 Bilingual Language Learning in Connectionist Networks Liang, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR27-71-1 A standardized test in arabic measuring level of child performance Nacira, Zellal (Algeria) OR27-71-3 COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY ON TEMPORAL AND PARIETAL REGIONS OF THE BRAIN AMONG TEST ANXIOUS STUDENTS Saraladevi, Krishman K (India) OR27-71-4 Sequential decision-making in humans: Neurobiological, cognitive and psychopathological implications Sebold, Miriam H (Germany); Schad, Daniel J (Germany); Nebe, Stephan (Germany); Juenger, Elisabeth (Germany); Garbusow, Maria (Germany); Zimmermann, Ulrich S (Germany); Smolka, Michael N (Germany); Rapp, Michael (Germany); Huys, Quentin Jm (Switzerland); Heinz, Andreas (Germany) 50 OR27-53-4 A Bayesian Computational Model of Written language Production Mason, Helen (Australia); Cottrell, David Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 316 Behavioral Psychology OR28-70-3 Community Reinforcement Approach: Treatment of addiction in the Netherlands Greeven, Peter G (Netherlands); Roozen, Hendrik G OR28-70-4 In Search of the Chosen One: The Effectiveness of Video Games to Reduce the Intensity of Anxiety - State in College Students. Hernandez, Gerardo (Mexico) OR28-70-5 Emotional contagion for pain during face-to-face interaction Murata, Aiko (Japan); Nishida, Hiroshi; Ohie, Kei; Kameda, Tatsuya OR28-70-6 Probabilistic syntax model of the birdsong - a study based on model selection. Koumura, Takuya (Japan); Okanoya, Kazuo Decision Making OR28-70-1 The influence of aging on compensatory decision making of different formalization levels: The eye-tracking study Sedek, Greg (Poland); Rydzewska, Klara; Bielecki, Maksymilian Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 316 Emotion O R 2 8 - 5 3 - 1 Fa c i a l E x p re s s i o n Processing: The effect of Culture and Cognitive load Ahmed, Lubna (United Kingdom); Ueda, Yoshiyuki (Japan); Saiki, Jun (Japan) OR28-53-2 Perceive Them but Not Recognize Them: Investigation of the Emotion Perception and Recognition Processes of Peak Facial Expressions Xiao, Ruiqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yanmei, Wang OR28-53-3 Reading and mindfulness: Effect of training in speed-reading on the psychological status Miyata, Hiromitsu (Japan); Sasaki, Toyofumi OR28-53-4 The influence of emotional words on the recognition of microexpressions Shen, Xunbing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Qi; Fu, Xiaolan OR28-53-5 Sadly disgust or disgustedly sad: A study on the distinctiveness of basic emotions with a new Asian emotional expression photobank Lee, Leung Pong (Hong Kong); Li, Wang On; Lo, Lap Yan; Yeung, Pui Sze Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 316 Emotion OR28-70-2 Is mind-wandering accompanied by negative mood? Iijima, Yudai (Japan); Tanno, Yoshihiko; Sasaki, Tsukasa Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 316 Language OR28-02-1 English Regular Past-tense Processing in Chinese - English Second SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR28-02-2 Action simulation in Chinese metaphor comprehension Zheng, Weiqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Ye; Fu, Xiaolan OR28-02-3 The Influence of L2 Proficiency and Modality on Bilinguals Attention Control Ability Cao, Yu (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-02-4 Using concept maps to organize information and attain coherence for English as foreign language (EFL) writers Chang, Peichin (Taiwan) OR28-02-5 A comprehensive study of good college English learners' learning strategies in China Zha, Dehua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Dianzhi OR28-02-6 When repetition hinders performance: Inhibitory nonword repetition effects in lexical decision Perea, Manuel (Spain); Marcet, Ana (Spain); Vergara, Marta (Spain); Gomez, Pablo (United States of America) Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 316 Sensation and Perception OR28-53-6 The Role of Racial Membership in Change Detection of Facial Expressions Serene, Zi Chien, Tan (Malaysia); Teoh, Cameron Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 317 Decision Making OR28-20-3 Familiarity Breeds Contempt: Does Mere Exposure hold with negative stimuli? Pestonji, Natasha (Canada); Rishi, Raafay; Graf, Peter Language OR28-20-1 Beginning to read and to write in Brazilian Portuguese: effects of phonemes, syllables and articulatory gestures De Almeida Sargiani, Renan (Brazil); Maluf, Maria Regina Learning OR28-20-4 The effect of explaining the meaning of mathematical formulas in homework tasks on 8th-grade students' test performance and conceptions of learning Ota, Eriko (Japan) OR28-20-5 Response-stimulus intervals affect the heteromorphism-isomerism transfer of implicit sequence learning Liu, Dianzhi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tang, Dan; Zhang, Jianxin; Zha, Dehua OR28-20-6 The role of uncertainty in human associative learning and attention Beesley, Tom (Australia); Easdale, Lara; Le Pelley, Mike Psychological Assessment OR28-20-2 Assessing prospective memory experiences in clinical and nonclinical populations: Development and validation of the Prospective Memory Concerns Questionnaire (PMCQ) Sugden, Nicole (Australia); Kiernan, Michael Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 424B Aggression and Prosocial Behavior OR28-65-1 How Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR) Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms act on Prosociality: the Mediation Effect of Moral Evaluation Shang, Siyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Su, Yanjie Cognition OR28-65-2 Profile of Indonesian Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV-ID) in Mild Alzheimers Disease Kuswanto, Kornelia G (Indonesia); Halim, Magdalena S OR28-65-3 The nature of visual analysis and performance effectiveness for air traffic controllers, CCTV surveillance operators and X-ray screeners. Donald, Fiona M (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Donald, Craig H; Gould, Megan Emotion OR28-65-4 Lesions of Nucleus Taeniae of the Amygdala Affect Feeding and Fear Behaviour in Birds. Ikebuchi, Maki (Japan); Bischof, Hansjoachim (Germany); Okanoya, Kazuo (Japan) OR28-65-5 Unconscious emotional processing regarding food Sato, Wataru (Japan); Sawada, Reiko; Kubota, Yasutaka; Toichi, Motomi; Fushiki, Tohru OR28-65-6 Negative affects make you more analytic, while positive affects make you more holistic: Emotions modulate cognitive style Zhang, Meng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Yiding; Zhou, Caiping Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 424B Health Psychology OR28-48-2 Robots as messengers of bad news. Similar effects as human doctors. Hoorn, Johan F (Netherlands); Nihot, Marcel Pharmacological Effects OR28-48-1 Caffeine and stress promote a more liberal bias on tasks assessing hallucination-like experiences and false memory in a non-clinical sample. Crowe, Simon F (Australia); Watt, Stephanie; Lavan, Doron Sport and Exercise Psychology OR28-48-4 A difference of eye-head movements with half turn between non-gymnasts. Sato, Yusuke (Japan); Masaharu, Sasaki in coordination during a jump gymnasts and Shuko, Torii; OR28-48-5 Realistic stimuli show selective effects of motor expertise during a mental body rotation task Molinaro, Corinne (France); Lejeune, Laure; Habacha, Hamdi; Molinaro, Marion; Midavaine, Vladimir OR28-48-6 Evaluating socially desirable concepts: differences between questionnaires and observation Zarotis, Ioannis A (Greece) Traffic Psychology OR28-48-3 Science of agency and automation design: Towards a model for effective human-automation interaction Berberian, Bruno (France); Le Goff, Kevin (France); Rey, Arnaud (France); Haggard, Patrick (United Kingdom) Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 512 Cognitive Robotics OR28-27-1 Building a Fuzzy Emotion Perception and Classification Framework with Semantic Annotation from a Cognitive Robotics approach. Velasco-bermeo, Nestor (Mexico); Garcia-meraz, Melissa; Garcia-amaro, Ernesto 51 2. Cognitive Language Learners: Second Language Proficiency Effect and Effect of Word Frequency Chang, Xin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Neuropsychology OR28-27-3 Virtual reality as an ecologically valid tool for assessing multifaceted episodic memoryin a lifespan approach and in lesioned patients. Piolino, Pascale (France) 2. Cognitive OR28-27-4 The Other Race Effect for Facial Expression Processing in Women: Behavioral and ERP Evidence from a Balanced Cross-Cultural Study Jiang, Zhongqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sommer, Werner (Germany); Recio, Guillermo (Germany); Kuenecke, Janina (Germany); Li, Wenhui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Peng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Jiamei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Jingjing (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-27-5 Memory profile in Iranian patients with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Tavakoli, Mahgol (Iran); Emsaki, Golita; Neshatdoust, Hamidtaher; Barekatain, Majid Psychological Assessment OR28-27-2 A Close Analysis on the Teacher Evaluation Indicators in the USA Sun, Hechuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Pan, Jing OR28-27-6 I often wish I could be like other children. Neurocognitive and psychological features of HIV positive children and adolescents Pahad, Shenaaz (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Woollett, Nataly C Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 514 Developmental Disorders OR28-12-2 Increased auditory processing capacity in autism Remington, Anna (United Kingdom); Fairnie, Jake G Language OR28-12-4 Balanced dual language use is associated with reduced cognitive cost in the elderly Oei, Adam C (Singapore); Yow, W. Quin OR28-12-5 The mono-syllabic word inferiority effect in visual recognition of Korean words Yi, Kwangoh (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Masuda, Hisashi (Japan); Bae, Sungbong (Korea (Republic of Korea)) OR28-12-6 Effects of anti-harmonization between word's semantic and typography: An investigation using the visual world 52 paradigm Miyashiro, Kozue (Japan); Kosugi, Shinichiro; Harada, Etsuko T Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 423 Comparative Cognition Learning OR29-07-1 Audio-visual cross-modal concept of familiar persons in dogs (Canis familiaris) Ogura, Tadatoshi (Japan); Izumi, Shoko; Imai, Miku; Nagano, Sakurako; Matsuura, Akihiro OR28-12-1 A neural network model of chunking and abstract processes in implicit sequence learning Fu, Qiufang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Lituan; Feng, Yangqin; Wang, Jianyong; Fu, Xiaolan; Zhang, Lei; Yi, Zhang OR28-12-3 Effectiveness of using phonemic awareness based activities in improving decoding skills and rapid naming of third grade students referred for learning disabilities in Oman Emam, Mahmoud M (Oman) Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 422 Crime and Delinquency OR29-55-5 Executive Function as a Mediator between Protective Factors and Symptoms of Problem Behaviors Ahmad Badayai, Abdul Rahman (Malaysia); Khairuddin, Rozainee; Haji Ismail, Khaidzir; Wan Sulaiman, Wan Shahrazad Forensic Psychology and Law OR29-55-4 Comparing Eyewitness Identification Performance in Simultaneous versus SequentialLineups: A Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of Eyewitness Discriminability Joong Kit, Siow (Malaysia) Media and Psychology OR29-55-1 Psychology at the Movies: The Representation of Psychopathology and Mental Health Professionals in Contemporary Cinema Wedding, Danny (Antigua and Barbuda) OR29-55-2 Effect of Media Multitasking On Context Processing: A Study of HMM (Heavy Media Multitaskers) and LMM (Light Media Multitaskers) On AX-Continuous Performance Task with Distractor Jatmika, Wulan N (Indonesia); Kusrohmaniah, Sri; Wiradhany, Wisnu OR29-55-3 Strikingly low agreement in the appraisal of motion pictures Whritner, Jake A (United Kingdom); Pascal, Wallisch (United States of America) OR29-07-2 Jealousy-like behaviors in domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus). Bucher, Benoit (Japan); Takagi, Saho; Arahori, Minori; Fujita, Kazuo OR29-07-3 Rodents learn the necessity of other individuals in a cooperative task Kusayama, Taichi (Japan) OR29-07-4 Does Density Influence Visual Numerical Discriminations in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella)? James, Brielle T (United States of America); Beran, Michael J; Parrish, Audrey E OR29-07-5 Rats selectively skip memory task before the checking in disadvantageous trials Yuki, Shoko (Japan); Okanoya, Kazuo OR29-07-6 Do cats recall their owner's face upon hearing the owner's voice? Takagi, Saho (Japan); Arahori, Minori; Chijiiwa, Hitomi; Fujita, Kazuo Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 513 Comparative Cognition OR29-28-4 Estimation of animal intelligence by university students in Malaysia Yap, Zhan Chuin (Malaysia); Shishimi, Gentaro OR29-28-5 Do dogs show a preference for people who help their owner spontaneously? Chijiiwa, Hitomi (Japan); Kuroshima, Hika; Hori, Yusuke; Anderson, James R; Fujita, Kazuo OR29-28-6 Cooperative problem solving in two groups of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) Kaigaishi, Yu (Japan); Nakamichi, Masayuki; Yamada, Kazunori Evolutionary Psychology OR29-28-2 Chimpanzees do not use the tit-for-tat strategy during token exchanging in the prosocial paradigm tasks Trojan, Maciej (Poland); Sikorska, Julia; Szymanska, Justyna; Jakucinska, Anna OR29-28-3 Emotional Stroop effect: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM LD Co-morbidity Nazarboland, Neda (Iran); Abedinzadeh, Narges; Ghanbari, Saeed Gene and Behavior / Epigenetics PS25A-08-8 The Role of Cognitive Ability of Mathematics Achievements in different Grades of Students Meixia, Zhu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Dan, Cai OR29-28-1 False memory from misinformation is associated with the OXTR gene Zhu, Bi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Chuansheng (United States of America); Loftus, Elizabeth F (United States of America); Moyzis, Robert K (United States of America); Dong, Qi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lin, Chongde (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Exhibition Hall E205 Gene and Behavior / Epigenetics OR29-49-2 Low taste sensitivity and food neophobia Ittyerah, Miriam (India); Monneuse, Marie Odile (France) Social Psychology OR29-49-1 Processing Emotional information: Do we read the face or body? Ahmed, Lubna (United Kingdom); Paltoglou, Aspasia OR29-49-3 Measurements of the Velvet Hand Illusion and a simulation model proposal to explain the quantity of the illusion Miyaoka, Tetsu (Japan) Poster Presentation Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Aging PS25A-08-5 The mediating role of socioeconomic factors in age-related memory decline Jurkuvenas, Vytautas (Lithuania); Bagdonas, Albinas; Kairys, Antanas; Zamalijeva, Olga PS25A-08-19 Semantic Processing in Chinese: Category Effects, Task Effect and Age Effects Lai, Yi-hsiu (Taiwan) Clinical Psychology PS25A-08-3 Affective and cognitive theory of mind in patients with obsessivecompulsive disorder Liu, Wanting (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Xiongzhao; Tang, Qiuping; Gan, Jun; Fan, Jie PS25A-08-28 Assessing the Impact of Anxiety on Executive Function Impairments in Children with ADHD and Cognition PS25A-08-15 Avoidance of cognitive demanding of media multitasker Liu, Tengfei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Hongyu; Tan, Jianfeng; Wang, Wenna PS25A-08-17 Within the Community Inmates of the Relationship between Implicit and Explicit Self-esteem and Anxiety Ye, Shujin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25A-08-18 The Effect of Cognitive Factors in Insomnia Feng, Fan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Weidong PS25A-08-23 Masked repetition priming hinders subsequent recollection but not familiarity: A behavioral and event-related potential study Guo, Chunyan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Bingbing; Wang, Wei; Gao, Chuanji PS25A-08-26 Negative Emotion Weakens Self-referential Processing: Evidence from ERPs Fan, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fu, Xiaolan; Zhong, Yiping Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Cognition PS25P-09-23 Effects of unfamiliar foreign languages on identification of vocal emotion Shigeno, Sumi (Japan) Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Communication PS25A-08-14 The relation between communicative perspective-taking and executive functions Lee, Hyeonjin (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Yoonhyoung; Chun, Sihyeon; Gwon, Eunyeong IMAGERY, VISUAL COGNITIVE STYLE, VISUAL INFORMATION PROCESSING AND WORKING MEMORY Ramkumar, Pushpala A (India); Kalaimathi, Hemalatha D Culture PS25A-08-21 Context sensitivity in visual perception in Japanese and American infants Meristo, Marek (Sweden); Ueno, Mika (Japan); Itakura, Shoji (Japan); Carlson, Stephanie M (United States of America) Decision Making PS25A-08-6 Emotive self and cognitive self processing differentially modulate outcome evaluation: evidence from an ERP study Zhu, Xiangru (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25A-08-10 Overlap of accessible information undermines the anchoring effect Bahnik, Stepan (Germany); Strack, Fritz PS25A-08-27 When do Landscapes with Utility Wires become Wirescapes? Yamada, Ayumi (Japan); Toyama, Midori Educational and School Psychology PS25A-08-2 The visuo-spatial working memory of deaf signers Chiu, Yi-shiuan (Taiwan) PS25A-08-13 Transformational Process and Transformational Abilities in the Context of the Creative Process Ma, Min (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Van Oystaeyen, Fred (Belgium); Jaarsveld, Saskia (Germany); Lachmann, Thomas (Germany) PS25A-08-16 Motivational Profile of a group of college students Aguilar- Rivera, Maria Del Carmen (Argentina); Gamez-Guadix, Manuel (Spain); Mateos- Perez, Estibaliz (Spain) Emotion PS25A-08-4 The Impact of Facial Expressions on Typicality of Emotion Words Hu, Jon-fan (Taiwan); Yu, Chi-lin; Wang, Min-ying; Chen, Hsueh-chih PS25A-08-22 Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence of early cognitive processing of emotions Ceric, Francisco (Chile); Otero, Carolina Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS25A-08-25 IMPACT OF GUIDED IMAGERY ON VIVIDNESS OF VISUAL 53 2. Cognitive modulated by motivational relevance Quan, Sixiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Zhenhong; Zhang, Hui; Yang, Xiaohui; Luo, Yun SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Emotion PS25P-09-1 Does the facial feedback hypothesis work on negative feelings? Hayashi, Mitsuko (Japan) PS25P-09-2 Cognitive control and positive emotion regulation Grosse Rueschkamp, Johanna (Germany); Brose, Annette 2. Cognitive PS25P-09-3 The effect of reward representation retrieval on anticipatory pleasure Huang, Lingqian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Shengjie; Yan, Chao PS25P-09-4 Gender difference of social anxiety: hemifacial asymmetry for emotional expressions Ishikawa, Kenta (Japan); Kobayashi, Akihiro; Okubo, Matia PS25P-09-5 Face and Voice recognition of emotions in institutionalized adolescents Arriaga, Patricia (Portugal); Santos, Carolina PS25P-09-6 Recall and Recognition: Opposite Patterns in Negative and Neutral False Memory Creation Steakley-freeman, Diana M (United States of America); Mcbride, Dawn M PS25P-09-7 The Emotional Memory Trade-off effect in Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Mao, Weibin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhao, Haoyuan; Dong, Liyun; Bai, Lu PS25P-09-8 Fear of eyes: The influence of social anxiety on trypophobic eyes Xue, Yuting (Japan); Chaya, Kengo; Uto, Yuki; Yao, Qirui; Yamada, Yuki PS25P-09-9 Facial Feedback and MicroExpression Recognition Guo, Hui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Lingling; Wu, Qi PS25P-09-10 Effects of aging on interoceptive accuracy and emotional sensitivity Terasawa, Yuri (Japan); Umeda, Satoshi PS25P-09-11 Effects of trait positive emotions on visual attention at globallocal cognitive tasks. Araki, Yukiko (Japan) PS25P-09-12 EMOTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDENTS DURING COLLABORATIVE THINKING ACTIVITY Belousova, Alla K (Russia); Belousova, 54 Ekaterina E PS25P-09-13 Effects of the protective frame on negative affect Iwaki, Tatsuya (Japan) PS25P-09-14 Automatic Emotion Regulation in Response Inhibition: The Temporal Dynamics of Emotion CounterRegulation During a Go/No-Go Task Zhang, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25P-09-15 Effects of emotions induced by object achievement failures on error responses in the Stroop task Wada, Kazushige (Japan); Ueda, Mayuko Expression of Emoticon: an ERP Study Son, Kyeong Sik (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Yang, Yaeeun; Park, Taejin PS25P-09-26 Development and validation of a stimulus set of Japanese facial expressions from different angles Fujimura, Tomomi (Japan) PS25P-09-27 Attentional demand of physical activity decreases mind-wandering with emotional valence: Regulating negative emotion by an emotional distraction Ozawa, Sachiyo (Japan); Hiraki, Kazuo Monday, July 25, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Emotion PS25P-09-16 Emotion judgment based on the facial expression:A comparative study of Korean, Japan, China. Myeong Ok, Shin (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Minsoo, Jung; Hyunjung, Shin; Bia, Kim PS25P-13-1 A constraint-based representation of emotional attitudes in Toda's Urge Theory and its implications Kaneko, Yasuo (Japan) PS25P-09-17 The influence of facial expressions on outcome evaluation: An ERP study Ishii, Chikara (Japan); Hashimoto, Midori; Konishi, Kenzo PS25P-13-8 Relations between the presence of an audience and dancers' emotions: A comparison of male and female dancers Shikanai, Nao (Japan) PS25P-09-18 Effect of achievement goals on false recognition Tokuoka, Masaru (Japan); Yamane, Takashi; Osumi, Takahiro PS25P-13-14 Relationship between the mood and behavior in emergencies Ueda, Mayuko (Japan); Wada, Kazushige; Usui, Shinnosuke PS25P-09-19 Prioritized detection of attractive and romantic partner faces during rapid serial visual presentations Nakamura, Koyo (Japan); Arai, Shihoko; Kawabata, Hideaki PS25P-13-15 The effects of relaxation music on GSR reactivity at youngsters Mihaela, Chraif (Romania) PS25P-09-20 Induction of emotion by vocal signals in rats as measured by a cognitive bias task Saito, Yumi (Japan); Yuki, Shoko; Kagawa, Hiroko; Seki, Yoshimasa; Okanoya, Kazuo PS25P-09-21 The effects of power priming and exposure sequence on mere exposure effect Matsuda, Ken (Japan); Onoda, Seina; Kouroki, Moritaka; Kusumi, Takashi PS25P-09-22 The Effect of Integrative Activities to the Humor Sense and Emotion Regulation for the Junior High Students in Taiwan. Tsai, Meng-hua (Taiwan); Chen, Hsuehchin; Hsu, Wan-ting PS25P-09-24 The effect of different levels of arousal of positive emotion on thought-action repertories Sugawara, Daichi (Japan); Mastumoto, Noboru; Sugie, Masashi PS25P-09-25 Processing of Facial PS25P-13-16 Sex differences in the sensitivity to emotional face and context: An event-related potential study Kato, Ryosuke (Japan); Takeda, Yuji PS25P-13-17 Selective attention for happy and sad faces in the dot-probe paradigm Akamine, Aki (Japan); Maeda, Eri PS25P-13-21 Relationship between emotional intelligence and cognitive cool and hot laboratory tasks: A systematic review Gutierrez Cobo, Maria J (Spain); Cabello, Rosario; Fernandez-berrocal, Pablo Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Language PS25A-08-9 Generalized quantifiers in natural languages and user interfaces Druzhinin, Yury (Russia) PS25A-08-24 Research on simultaneity processing defects of Chinese students' English reading disorder Luo, Lan (China (People's Repbulic of SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Monday, July 25, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Language PS25P-13-2 Cognitive strategies and eye-movement patterns of experienced SL learners in vocabulary learning tasks Izmalkova, Anna I (Russia); Blinnikova, Irina V PS25P-13-3 The effects of listener topic involvement in interpretation of emotiondescriptive metaphors Oka, Ryunosuke (Japan); Kojima, Takatsugu; Kusumi, Takashi PS25P-13-4 Are event units in Event Segmentation Theory subsumed under the concept of situation in Event-Indexing model in animation? Kajii, Naochika (Japan) PS25P-13-5 Effect of auditory information on reading comprehension: Comparison of audio-visual presentaion with oral reading Takahashi, Maiko (Japan); Tanaka, Akihiro PS25P-13-6 Can nevtral activate NEUTRAL more than neztral? Evidence from masked priming Marcet, Ana (Spain); Perea, Manuel PS25P-13-7 Mental simulation during comprehension of English and Japanese action sentences in English learners Awazu, Shunji (Japan); Suzuki, Akio; Akama, Hiroyuki PS25P-13-9 Flexibility of time-space association in the Japanese language Mochizuki, Masaya (Japan) PS25P-13-10 The effect of the position of verb on shallow processing in Japanese Fukuda, Yuki (Japan) PS25P-13-11 Effects of Emotional Prosody on Processing Lexical Tones Kao, Chieh (Taiwan); Tsao, Feng-ming P S 2 5 P - 13 - 12 H o w Students Comprehend Haiku: Through Understanding Elliptical and Figurative Expressions Fukaya, Yuko (Japan) Ueda, Kazuo; Remijn, Gerard B PS25P-13-19 The Effect of Cognitive Resource Allocation on Theory of Mind Reasoning in Second-Language Comprehension Sumlut, Roi Sawm (Japan); Isozaki, Mikitoshi; Morishima, Yasunori PS25P-13-20 A Cognitive Linguistic View on a 'classic' Freudian Interpretation: Ronald Langacker's 'Subjectification' and Ella Freeman Sharpe Matsumoto, Yukiko (Japan) PS25P-13-22 Importance of a word in word recognition Jincho, Nobuyuki (Japan); Fujikura, Shohei PS25P-13-23 Bilingual advantage in Collaborative Problem Solving: The role of sharing similar languages Lim, Tony (Singapore); Yow, Wei Quin PS25P-13-24 The time course and magnitude of Stroop effect in bilinguals Chunyan, Mai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xianyou, He PS25P-13-25 Effect of audience awareness on writing to explain the content of the read material : a combinational study of reading and writing Kashiwazaki, Hideko (Japan) PS25P-13-26 Effect of intonation and content of spoken utterances on impressions of speakers' personality Tajima, Keiichi (Japan); Aikawa, Masumi PS25P-13-27 The effect of handedness and word-frequency on explicit memory performance and motor performance Fu, Yuan (United Kingdom); Serrien, Deborah Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Media and Psychology PS25A-08-20 Making a Database and Psychological Assessments of Vection Scenes in Japanese Animations Tokunaga, Kosuke (Japan); Ogawa, Masaki (Japan); Ikehata, Satoshi (United States of America); Masuda, Tomohiro (Japan); Seno, Takeharu (Japan) Neuropsychology PS25P-13-13 Factors responsible for word order in the case of Japanese noun phrases with a coordinate conjunction Fujiki, Daisuke (Japan) PS25A-08-7 Attention span affects the parallel consolidation of color into visual working memory Liu, Qiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Tengfei PS25P-13-18 The Speech-to-Song Illusion in Japanese Ono, Asuka (Japan); Nakajima, Yoshitaka; PS25A-08-12 Changes in functional Neuroscience connectivity during predictive contextual processing in autism Fogelson, Noa (Spain); Ling, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yuan, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fernandez Del Olmo, Miguel A (Spain) Monday, July 25, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Neuroscience PS25P-06-1 Neural correlated of Spontaneous deception with Spatiotemporal analysis: A functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study Lin, Xiaohong (Macao); Sai, Liyang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fu, Genyue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yuan, Zhen (Macao) PS25P-06-7 Retrieval of taste preference triggered by visual stimulus: An ERP/sLORETA study Tsuji, Koki (Japan); Shibata, Midori; Sato, Arisa; Umeda, Satoshi PS25P-06-8 The effect of real-time fNIRS neurofeedback on cortical activity during motor imagery Bai, Xuejun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Qihan; Zhou, Song; Zhang, Peng; Tan, Ke; Zhang, Mingzhe; Wang, Wen PS25P-06-15 Time course and localization of brain activity during numerical processing in grapheme color synesthesia, an ERP and sLORETA study Shibata, Midori (Japan); Fukuzaki, Sa-ya; Sato, Arisa; Umeda, Satoshi PS25P-06-18 Right Hemispheric Advantage of Novel Semantic Association in Chinese Wei, Linlin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Zhijin; Zhao, Qingbai; Li, Ying; Zhao, Lili PS25P-06-19 How do Focused attention meditation and Open monitoring meditation regulate the default mode network activity? Fujino, Masahiro (Japan); Ueda, Yoshiyuki; Mizuhara, Hiroaki; Saiki, Jun; Nomura, Michio PS25P-06-21 The relationship between projective psychological test score and the structure of human brain. Saito, Daisuke N (Japan); Uchiumi, Chigusa; Aizawa, Naoki; Makita, Kiyoshi; Nakamura, Yugo; Ishibashi, Masahiro PS25P-06-26 Representations of time during temporal bisection in the hippocampus Shimbo, Akihiro (Japan); Izawa, Ei-ichi; 55 2. Cognitive China)); Chen, Guang; Chen, Tianlin; Zhong, Zhibing; Zhang, Wenchun; Li, Haibin SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Fujisawa, Shigeyoshi Nakano, Shun (Japan); Masami, Ishihara Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Psychometrics PS25P-06-13 Sound symbolism modulates perceptual judgment on dynamic events Gobara, Akihiko (Japan); Yamada, Yuki; Miura, Kayo 2. Cognitive PS25A-08-1 The Screen For Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatry: A Proposal of Polytomous Scoring System Gomez Benito, Juana (Spain); Berrio, Angela I (Spain); Guilera, Georgina (Spain); Rojo, Emilio (Spain); Purdon, Scot (Canada); Pino, Oscar (Spain) Monday, July 25, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Sensation and Perception PS25P-06-2 The factors determining the appearance of Navon figures: the effects of exposure frequency and size range of stimulus. Murakami, Takashi (Japan) PS25P-06-3 Neural entrainment to rhythmic structures reallocates visual attention over time Yuan, Peijun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Ying; Yi, Jiang PS25P-06-4 Visual attention affects the fusional limit of a peripherally located object when using a Posner spatial cueing task Kihara, Ken (Japan); Ono, Hiroshi (Canada) PS25P-06-5 Effects of changing-size and changing-disparity cues on visually induced self-motion Seya, Yasuhiro (Japan); Shinoda, Hiroyuki PS25P-06-6 Integration or separation in the processing of facial properties Dahl, Christoph D (Switzerland); Rasch, Malte J (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Bulthoff, Isabelle (Germany); Chen, Chien - Chung (Taiwan) PS25P-06-9 Perceptual learning technology improves the mapping of ambiguous facial expressions to emotional category words Unuma, Hideyuki (Japan); Hasegawa, Hisa (Japan); Kellman, Philip J (United States of America) PS25P-06-10 Effect of Body Posture on the Interpretation of Cast Shadows Koizumi, Tomomi (Japan); Ito, Hiroyuki; Sunaga, Shoji; Tomimatsu, Erika PS25P-06-11 Temporal distortion in the perception of actions and events Yabe, Yoshiko (Canada); Dave, Hemangi; Goodale, Melvyn A PS25P-06-12 Temporal-order judgment for the unconscious visual target 56 PS25P-06-14 Dependence of effects of odors on the perceivers' preference: arousal and relaxing effects Ohtsuka, Satoko (Japan) PS25P-06-16 Can Taiwanese political parties be categorized by face? Exploring the effect of perceived age on categorization accuracy Chang, Chien-kai (Taiwan); Chien, Sarina Hui-lin PS25P-06-17 Effects of repetition on the isochronous perception of sounds at different lengths Kuroda, Tsuyoshi (Japan); Tomimatsu, Erika (Japan); Grondin, Simon (Canada); Miyazaki, Makoto (Japan) PS25P-06-20 The effect of the height of the first-person perspective on bodily selfconsciousness during the full-body illusion Toi, Chiharu (Japan); Ishiguchi, Akira PS25P-06-22 Temporal recalibration after motor-auditory delay is accompanied with reduction of auditory latency Sugano, Yoshimori (Japan); Keetels, Mirjam (Netherlands); Vroomen, Jean (Netherlands) PS25P-06-23 Negative correlation between strength of visually induced selfmotion and subsequent motion aftereffects Teramoto, Wataru (Japan) PS25P-06-24 Length illusion on Benham's top Shoji, Kaori (Japan); Miyata, Chiemi (Japan); Kihara, Ken (Japan); Ohtsuka, Sakuichi (Japan); Ono, Hiroshi (Canada) PS25P-06-25 Quadri-stable perception induced by visual motion stimulus Remijn, Gerard B (Japan); Yoshizawa, Tatsuya; Yano, Hiroaki PS25P-06-27 Auditory scene context facilitates visual object recognition Niimi, Ryosuke (Japan); Saiki, Takahiro; Yokosawa, Kazuhiko PS25P-06-28 The effects of the three attributes of color on visual roughness perception Inaba, Takashi (Japan) Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Sport and Exercise Psychology PS25A-08-11 The Influences of Physical Exercises on College Student Explicit and Implicit Structures of Subjective Well-being Jing, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Cognition PS26A-03-1 Affective states high in arousal modulate associative learning processes in latent inhibition Sachse, Pierre (Austria); Campidell, Thomas; Furtner, Marco; Maran, Thomas PS26A-03-2 The mechanisms of temporal and spatial cues of the BHI in Chinese carrier pilots approaching Xuqun, You (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chang, Ming PS26A-03-3 Developmental feature of the language use in the haiku composed by the children: Shift from a concept of living to a scientific concept Minagawa, Naohiro (Japan) PS26A-03-4 How does temporal order unfold in mental time line? Yamashiro, Daichi (Japan); Hyodo, Muneyoshi PS26A-03-5 The effect of pre-existing memory representations on repetitionrelated N250r and N400 Nie, Aiqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26A-03-7 Micro-expression recognition of patients with depression and their evaluation index Yin, Ming (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Xinyun; Yin, Ming PS26A-03-8 Effect of time pressure on time-based prospective memory Cegarra, Julien (France); Matha, Pauline; Rattat, Anne-claire; Valax, Mariefrancoise PS26A-03-9 False memory for pictures and words: An explanation of false memory with memory strength of list materials Shimane, Daisuke (Japan); Itoh, Yuji PS26A-03-10 The Effect of Visual Working Memory of Number Sequence on Spatial-Numerical Associations Chen, Xianke (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tong, Biao; Zhao, Qingbai PS26A-03-11 The right hemisphere advantage for haptic perception of length. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Niida, Sumaru (Japan); Harada, Etsuko T PS26A-03-12 Relationships between Reading Speed, Memory Performance, and Readers' Literary Response during Manga Reading Saito, Ryo (Japan); Wada, Yuichi PS26A-03-33 Experiential information processing styles may relate to false memory production Mukai, Akira (Japan) PS26A-03-14 Extreme situations affect human behavior: A study to shed light on some aspects of human perception towards extremes Sudo, Ryunosuke (Japan); Ukezono, Masatoshi; Hara, Yuki; Lauwereyns, Johan PS26A-03-15 Effect of reminiscence bump on arousal a feeling of nostalgia Takigawa, Shinya (Japan) PS26A-03-17 Effects of location and presentation format of the secondary task on attentional boost effect Horng, Ruey-yun (Taiwan); Fan, Ying-fang PS26A-03-18 The sense of agency can be modulated by the interaction between action optionality and valence of outcomes Tanaka, Takumi (Japan); Kawabata, Hideaki PS26A-03-21 Features of intellectual development and academic achievement at younger school age* Ovchinnikova, Anastasia (Russia); Yukhareva, Vera PS26A-03-34 Bayesian perceptual model of auditory Kappa effect Chen, Youguo (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26A-03-36 Examining a relation between the revelation effect and the criterion shift Miura, Hiroshi (Japan); Itoh, Yuji PS26A-03-37 Does self-reference effect occur for subliminally self-referenced items? Yaoi, Ken (Japan); Osaka, Mariko; Osaka, Naoyuki PS26A-03-38 Mapping of combinations of spatial attributes to responses Fujii, Yumiko (Japan); Morita, Hiromi PS26A-03-39 Close in My Perspective and Far in Others': The Effect of Change in Narrative Perspective on the Psychological Distance and Emotional Intensity of Autobiographical Memory Gu, Xuan (Hong Kong); Tse, Chi Shing PS26A-03-40 The effect of retention interval on recognition memory for central and peripheral details of an armed individual Harada, Yuki (Japan); Mitsudo, Hiroyuki PS26A-03-22 Navon letters processing affects cognitive style task performance Hakoda, Yuji (Japan); Song, Yongning (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Cognition PS26A-03-24 Effect of selective attention from emotional arousal stimulus on trait anxiety and habituation. Masuda, Naoko (Japan); Sonoda, Naoko PS26A-06-1 Movement-compatibility effect for the self and other people's names Takafumi, Yasueda (Japan); Ogawa, Hirokazu PS26A-03-28 The relationship between onomatopoeic words of luster sensations and high-grade feel of fabrics Kondo, Aki (Japan); Yoshikawa, Megumi; Sukigara, Sachiko PS26A-03-30 Top-down Disambiguation in Multisensory Binocular Rivalry Kim, Sungyong (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Jeounghoon PS26A-03-31 Does the auditory Stroop conflict processing relate to individual predominant perception and sensation system. Hashioto, Midori (Japan); Ishii, Chikara; Konishi, Kenzo PS26A-03-32 Analysis of cognitive process while waiting during ICT use PS26A-06-2 The relationship between eidetic imagery and synesthesia among Japanese college students Matsuoka, Kazuo (Japan) PS26A-06-3 Implicit Information and Fixational Eye Movements in a 2-AFC task. Tane, Kengo (Japan); Michimata, Chikashi of China)); Zhao, Jun-bang; Zhang, Xu-kun PS26A-06-6 Observation time and rotational speed as predictors of mental-rotation performance in a chronometric study Rahe, Martina (Germany); Quaiser- Pohl, Claudia PS26A-06-7 Interactions between different types of metacognitive monitoring in the process of learning word lists Yamane, Takashi (Japan); Chujo, Kazumitsu PS26A-06-8 Effects of linguistic labeling on preschoolers' listening comprehension of narrative texts: Outcomes of analogy use or language related effects on TOM understanding? Motoo, Mitsuda (Japan) PS26A-06-9 Personal motivational and cognitive characteristics as the basis of creative and intellectual achievements in adolescence Trifonova, Alina V (Russia); Druzhinina, Svetlana V PS26A-06-10 A Birds Eye View of a Foreign World: Individual Differences in Spatial Cognition Blasko, Dawn G (United States of America); Lum, Heather; Waldfogle, Grace; Dodds, Dominick; Blasko Drabik, Holly PS26A-06-11 The effect of social contexts on gaze-cueing effect Takao, Saki (Japan); Ariga, Atsunori PS26A-06-12 The effect of planning the daily routine on the efficacy expectation of pursuing the goal Sawayama, Ikuo (Japan); Yamaguchi, Yosuke; Sannomiya, Machiko PS26A-06-13 Metacognition in prospective memory: prediction accuracy for prospective memory in naturalistic context and Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire Une, Yuko (Japan) PS26A-06-14 Comprehensive value evaluation structure for artifact design Inomata, Kentaro (Japan); Lee, Nayoung; Nikata, Kunio; Nagata, Noriko PS26A-06-4 Effects of encoding on ratings of self-reference and brightness of affective pictures. Kato, Mizuki (Japan); Fujita, Tetsuya PS26A-06-15 Effects of basic lifestyle habits on chronic fatigue syndrome:Focus on exercise and sleep Omura, Asumi (Japan); Sugiyama, Mizuna; Imai, Shoji PS26A-06-5 Can Object-based Attention Modulate the Steady-state Visual Evoked Potential ? Zhang, Zhi-jun (China (People's Repbulic PS26A-06-16 The Optimization of Sensory Prediction and Sense of Agency Matsumoto, Tomoaki (Japan); Yanagihara, Dai; Tanno, Yoshihiko 57 2. Cognitive Saneyoshi, Ayako (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 2. Cognitive PS26A-06-17 The Effect of Exogenous Attention on Visual Working Memory Wang, Sa (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Lingcong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Yin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ye, Chaoxiong (Finland); Liu, Qiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)) visual and tactual activities.- sight restoring, visual deprivation and restricted Masaharu, Sasaki (Japan); Shuko, Torii; Yusuke, Sato PS26A-06-18 Do human bodies capture stimulus-driven attention as strong as human faces do? Endo, Mitsuo (Japan) PS26A-10-1 The Relationship Between Endowment and Self-Reference Effects in Memory in Eastern and Western Participants Turk, David J (United Kingdom); Walford, Alexandra (United Kingdom); Itagaki, Fumihiko (Japan) PS26A-06-19 Lateral visual field difference of the Simon effect and its proportion congruency effect. Watanabe, Yurina (Japan); Yoshizaki, Kazuhito PS26A-06-20 The autism-spectrum as an unfavorable/partly favorable origin of imagery ability Hatakeyama, Takao (Japan) PS26A-06-21 Regional Selectivity for Face Holistic Processing: Upper face advantage Wang, Zhe (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sun, Yuhao; Yang, Xiteng PS26A-06-22 A Book Review May Be Susceptible to the Bookbinding Type : I. A Hardcover versus Paperback Poetry-Novel Book Kato, Kumiko (Japan); Sugamura, Genji; Nakamura-taira, Nanako PS26A-06-23 The Autobiographical Memory on the Japanese Cheap Confectionery ( "Da-gashi") Tsuboi, Hisako (Japan) PS26A-06-24 Comparison between foot and hand responses for a spatial perspective-taking task Muto, Hiroyuki (Japan); Matsushita, Soyogu; Morikawa, Kazunori PS26A-06-25 Word length effects on order memory in immediate and delayed free-reconstruction tasks Toga, Miyuki (Japan); Hoshino, Yuji PS26A-06-27 Interaction between Spatial Domain and Spatial Reference Frame in Deaf and Hearing Populations Ming, Zhang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Aijun, Wang PS26A-06-28 Individual differences in facial expression recognition Aoki, Natsumi (Japan); Takeuchi, Tatsuto PS26A-06-29 Contextual effects on gaze cueing Tomobe, Anna (Japan) PS26A-06-30 The size perception by 58 Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Cognition PS26A-10-12 The Influence of Retention Interval and Cue Type on Metacognitive Judgments Gongxiang, Chen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jia, Zhao PS26A-10-13 Effects of processing based on the hierarchical structure of drive on incidental memory Toyota, Hiroshi (Japan) PS26A-10-14 Individual differences in interpreting random dot pattern as humans influence face priming effect Taga, Tadashi (Japan); Masanori, Kobayashi; Ueno, Taiji; Kawaguchi, Jun PS26A-10-2 Color usefulness in an object color memory task Sasaki, Mikuko (Japan); Kawabata, Yasuhiro PS26A-10-15 The mere presence of a cell phone may result in a spatial bias toward the device Ito, Motohiro (Japan); Kawahara, Jun PS26A-10-3 The research of creative perception of reality in the conditions of excess and deficit of actual information Naydonova, Lyubov M (Ukraine); Molyako, Valentin; Bila, Iryna; Tretiak, Tetiana; Medvedeva, Nadiia; Vaganova, Natalia; Kokaryeva, Maria; Latysh, Natalya; Kirichevska, Eleonora PS26A-10-16 Where should we look in the road? The effect of gaze position on egocentric direction and position perceptions Nakashima, Ryoichi (Japan); Ueda, Sayako; Iwai, Ritsuko; Hine, Kyoko; Kumada, Takatsune PS26A-10-4 The frog-hand illusion: an evidence of body schema constraint in size constancy? Taya, Shuichiro (Japan) PS26A-10-5 Influence of background color on the experience of product search Saegusa, Chihiro (Japan); Monchi, Rie; Nishino, Machiko; Oshida, Akiko; Saga, Kojiro; Honda, Naoyuki; Kawakita, Yoshihisa; Yakura, Mie PS26A-10-6 Motion parallax threshold for discontinuous surface perception Shiraiwa, Aya (Japan); Hayashi, Takefumi PS26A-10-7 Features of cognitive style "rigid/flexible cognitive control" among younger schoolchildren.* Budrina, Ekaterina (Russia) PS26A-10-8 The changeable relationship between working memory and fluid intelligence in different ages Ma, Liang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Renlai; Chen, Xiaoying PS26A-10-10 Does eye closure facilitate or suppress memory? A comparison between emotional and neutral events Uchiyama, Tomomi (Japan); Matsumoto, Aki PS26A-10-11 The effect of repeated presentation of list items on DRM false recognition in incidental learning. Nozoe, Kenta (Japan) PS26A-10-17 Quantitative evaluation of individuality of aesthetic sensibility Wakabayashi, Masahiro (Japan); Kitaguchi, Masatoshi; Sato, Hiromichi; Naito, Tomoyuki PS26A-10-18 The effect of emotional stress and cognitive load on switch costs Blinnikova, Irina V (Russia); Kapitsa, Maria S; Leonova, Anna B PS26A-10-19 Differences in reaction time and accuracy in visual and auditory continuous performance tests for adults with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Kobayashi, Yuko (Japan); Tabaru, Kei PS26A-10-20 Embodied strategy in a mental rotation task is more advantageous for females Makinae, Shiika (Japan); Kasai, Tetsuko PS26A-10-21 The influence of the representation of a person on a reading span test Ishiguro, Sho (Japan); Saito, Satoru PS26A-10-22 Meta-analysis revealed a positive relationship between the degree of prioritization of representations within visual working memory and their susceptibility to perceptual interference. Takeno, Masae (Japan); Ueno, Taiji; Kitagami, Shinji PS26A-10-23 The effect of array visibility on the rehearsal for spatial information Suto, Satoru (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS26A-10-25 Aesthetic appraisal and comprehension of infographics Takahashi, Tomoyo (Japan); Kitagami, Shinji PS26A-10-26 A Study of effect of brightness and vividness to the impression of color Wakata, Tadayuki (Japan); Saito, Miho PS26A-10-27 Materialism, Well-Being, and Locus of Control: Comparative Study of East Asian Countries Lee, Yoonkyoung (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Goeun; Lee, Sunam; Jeong, Eun Hee; Shin, Hyunjung; Kim, Bia PS26A-10-28 Expectancy of performance modulates the influence of reward on intrinsic motivation Umemoto, Sachio (Japan); Akai, Seiki; Matsushita, Soyogu Tuesday, July 26, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Cognition PS26P-10-1 A benefit of "flagging inhibition" in insight problem solving Nishida, Yuki (Japan); Orita, Ryo; Hattori, Masasi PS26P-10-2 Luminance distribution statistics influence visual moisture evaluation of 3D rendered materials Iwasa, Kazunori (Japan); Komatsu, Takanori PS26P-10-3 Sound Blindness and Its Effects on Concentration and Performance Greatbatch, Richard L (United States of America); Bowser, Nicholas J; Kazmerski, Victoria A; Lum, Heather C PS26P-10-4 Effects of Phonological Familiarity and Context on Japanese Homophone Processing Mizuno, Rika (Japan); Matsui, Takao Ozawa, Ikumi Masamichi (Japan); Yuzawa, PS26P-10-9 Preview benefit survives 3D rotation if the configuration of old items remains constant. Osugi, Takayuki (Japan); Ikuya, Murakami PS26P-10-10 Inversion effect on facial beauty Kuraguchi, Kana (Japan); Ashida, Hiroshi PS26P-10-11 Changes of imagery vividness caused by realizability of imagined content Imai, Fumihito (Japan) PS26P-10-12 Age perception from faces with manipulation of global and local skin texture. Takagi, Ryu (Japan); Kurosumi, Motonori; Hongo, Maya; Mizukoshi, Koji; Kamachi, Miyuki G PS26P-10-13 Crowding suppresses the generation of P300 Peng, Chunhua (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26P-10-14 Face and pareidolia face are processed differently in rapid serial visual presentation Arihara, Katsuhiko (Japan); Ariga, Atsunori PS26P-10-15 Stimulus characteristics in Mental Rotation of feet Tanaka, Yasunori (Japan); Sekiyama, Kaoru PS26P-10-16 Alteration of cognitive function in methamphetamine abusers Sriyaem, Sompornthip (Thailand); Buntup, Doungjai; Permpoonputtana, Kannika; Chucharoen, Prapapun; Govitrapong, Piyarat PS26P-10-17 Development of thinking about themselves by participants of group psychotherapy Belousova, Alla K (Russia); Grinko, Anna A PS26P-10-5 Effect of script-typical actions on familiarity of a scene Suzuki, Ikuo (Japan) PS26P-10-18 The role of text color in learning: A Brain Computer Interface study Lucchiari, Claudio (Italy); Folgieri, Raffaella PS26P-10-6 Fat content modulates rapid detection of food Sawada, Reiko (Japan); Sato, Wataru; Toichi, Motomi; Fushiki, Tohru PS26P-10-19 Analysis of gaze patterns in viewing videos with a news flash Ishi, Hanae (Japan); Kazumichi, Matsumiya PS26P-10-7 N170 component reflects change of hairstyle for face perception Tanaka, Hideaki (Japan) PS26P-10-20 Positive affect and seeing soft objects promotes utilitarian moral judgment Majima, Yoshimasa (Japan); Nakamura, Hiroko PS26P-10-8 Effects of pressure on working memory performance and source monitoring in university students PS26P-10-21 Does Unconscious Reward Undermine Intrinsic Motivation? Ichimura, Kenshiro (Japan); Fujino, Masahiro; Okada, Akiho; Kobatake, Junichi; Kusumi, Takashi PS26P-10-22 Selective directed forgetting in the three-list design Itoh, Mika (Japan) PS26P-10-23 Individual differences in eye movements while reading manga Miyoshi, Retsu (Japan); Wada, Yuichi PS26P-10-24 The effect of emotional states on attentional capture Shimomura, Tomonari (Japan); Yamamoto, Risa; Inukai, Tomoe PS26P-10-25 The Effect of Geometric Cues Directness on Reorientation Huang, Zhenzhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Qingfen PS26P-10-26 Effect research and Baumtest changes in the test of a Neuropsychological Educational Approach to Cognitive Remediation (NEAR) practice of schizophrenia Igai, Saori (Japan); Katsuki, Jun; Naka, Yasuhiro; Aono, Masatomo PS26P-10-27 Finding the somatic precursor of spontaneous insight Shen, Wangbing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yuan, Yuan PS26P-10-28 The difference in self-evaluation of the preference of make-up face and the skin condition between ages. Tani, Yusuke (Japan); Tobitani, Kensuke; Muramatsu, Shinsuke; Kobayashi, Shinji; Nagata, Noriko PS26P-10-29 Spatial ability explains the male advantage in approximate arithmetic Wei, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Xinlin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Chuansheng (United States of America) PS26P-10-30 Relationship among organization as a learning strategy, recall performance, and learning motivation Yamaguchi, Tsuyoshi (Japan) PS26P-10-31 Repetition suppression of faces in passive viewing, priming, and recognition memory tasks: an fMRI study Lee, Sung-mu (Taiwan); Lin, Chun-yu Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Comparative Cognition PS26A-03-19 List-like presentation of remember- and forget-items in a same trial effectively demonstrates directed forgetting in rats 59 2. Cognitive PS26A-10-24 Random Number Generation in Human Being Cai, Wenfeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Yina; Bao, Yan SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Tanaka, Chiaki (Japan); Taniuchi, Tohru PS26A-03-27 Numerical discrimination of visual stimuli by pigs Ueno, Ryousei (Japan); Taniuchi, Tohru Developmental Disorders 2. Cognitive PS26A-03-25 Attentional Priority for Special Interests in Autism and Neurotypical Passions Remington, Anna (United Kingdom); Parsons, Owen E; Bayliss, Andrew P Educational and School Psychology PS26A-03-6 A case study to promote deep understanding in history:Developing skills to construct causal comprehension through cognitive counseling Suetsugu, Rei (Japan) PS26A-03-13 Investigation on the model associated with students' observational learning in everyday life. Tomioka, Naomi (Japan); Minagawa, Naohiro PS26A-03-16 Investigation of testrelated thinking styles among Japanese university students. Nakagawa, Karin (Japan) PS26A-03-20 The impact of meta-cognitive strategy instruction on intrinsic motivation - Focus on lesson induction and goal setting Akasaka, Kosuke (Japan) PS26A-03-26 A review of the relationship between academic resilience and academic self-efficacy Kim, Jungha (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Saetbyul; Lee, Seon-young PS26A-03-35 Curriculum Development in Programming Education for Elementary School Subjects Kuriyama, Naoko (Japan); Saito, Takahiro; Mori, Hideki; Nishihara, Akinori Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Evolutionary Psychology PS26A-06-26 Selective Activation of Distributed Memory Resources in Problem Solving Li, Songqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gao, Fangfang; Zhao, Qingbai; Zhou, Zhijin Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Psychometrics PS26A-10-9 Validating the Dot-Probe Task through Attention Orientation and Corresponding Affective Response in a 60 Multicultural Sample Krieg, Alexander W (United States of America); Xu, Yiyuan Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Sensation and Perception PS26A-03-23 Warmth and Coolness of Colors in Color-Vision Deficient Observers Sato, Keiko (Japan) PS26A-03-29 Motion perception plays a role in the Anti-Gravity Lens illusion. Yanagi, Junji (Japan); Ichikawa, Makoto Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Cognition PS27A-02-4 Consistency of the configuration in scenes from different viewpoints gives accurate spatial memory in a film Michino, Shiori (Japan); Sato, Nobuya PS27A-02-5 The relationship between anomalous experiences and the mental own-body transformations Hiromitsu, Kentaro (Japan) PS27A-02-7 Effects of commonality discovery training on idea generation Yamakawa, Mayu (Japan); Kiyokawa, Sachiko PS27A-02-9 Errors in grasping perceptions based on images of everyday tools Tada, Mikari (Japan) PS27A-02-11 Value-Driven Attentional Capture occurs in response inhibition Mine, Chisato (Japan); Saiki, Jun PS27A-02-12 Investigating color preference and harmony of two-colour combinations through eye tracking Jin, Shengai (Japan); Kawabata, Yasuhiro PS27A-02-15 Time evaluation while performing sequential actions Tanaka, Kanji (Japan); Watanabe, Katsumi PS27A-02-18 Shorter response with a warm hand for happy faces: Stimulusresponse compatibility between facial "warm-cold" expressions and hand temperature Kanaya, Hidetoshi (Japan); Nishizaki, Yukiko; Nagai, Masayoshi PS27A-02-19 Study of weight-space metaphor on family relation words in Jinpo and Han nationality Jian, Li Z (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS27A-02-20 Effects of repeated retrieval on long-term retention and the far transfer of learning in 6-year old children Tajika, Hidetsugu (Japan); Hotta, Chie (Japan); Neumann, Ewald (New Zealand) PS27A-02-21 Recollection of positive autobiographical memory under negative mood: Individual differences in difficulty of recall. Hoshino, Yuji (Japan) PS27A-02-24 Verification of the generality in the process of "encouragement" Nagumo, Kent (Japan); Nozawa, Akio; Iwaki, Tatsuya; Ishikawa, Tomoharu PS27A-02-25 Retrieval failure contributes to False Recognition of Face Mao, Weibin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Chenchen; Bai, Lu; An, Shu PS27A-02-26 Motion aftereffect under low light levels Iwahara, Ayaka (Japan); Yoshimoto, Sanae; Takeuchi, Tatsuto PS27A-02-28 Change, not motion, determines subjective duration Tomimatsu, Erika (Japan); Nakajima, Yoshitaka; Elliott, Mark A; Ito, Hiroyuki PS27A-02-30 Effects of abuse experiences and internal working models on emotion recognition of faces Matsuo, Kazuya (Japan); Fukui, Yoshikazu PS27A-02-34 How people estimate their confidence: Bayesian model comparison leads to a more efficient model Somatori, Keita (Japan); Shimotomai, Atsushi; Kunisato, Yoshihiko PS27A-02-36 Brain structural / functional relationship between meta-cognitive skill and rumination: A MRI study Katsumata, Yuina (Japan); Nakatani, Hironori; Takahashi, Miho PS27A-02-38 The role of eye characteristics in facial beauty, likability and attractiveness Mitsuhiro, Kanako (Japan); Kitaoka, Akiyoshi PS27A-02-43 Implicit and explicit preferences for good art and bad art Cho, Kiyoe (Japan); Miura, Kayo PS27A-02-45 Effects of Retrieval Practice on Rereading: An Eye-Tracking Study Saito, Ryo (Japan); Niikuni, Keiyu; Wada, Yuichi; Muramoto, Toshiaki PS27A-02-48 Effect of reduction in color perception on Stroop and reverse Stroop interference Matsumoto, Aki (Japan); Hakoda, Yuji; Watanabe, Megumi PS27A-02-49 Good hand writing SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS27A-02-51 Time Flies When You're Having Fun: The Effect of Valence on Time Perception Fergusson, Janel (Canada); Maslany, Anna; Graf, Peter PS27A-02-54 Social Cognitive Deficits of Patients with Bipolar Affective Disorder in Remission Nehra, Ritu (India); Grover, Sandeep; V, Vijayalakshmi; Sharma, Sunil Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Cognition PS27A-05-1 The effect of being watched by anthropomorphized objects on charitable donation in religious people Miyazaki, Yuki (Japan) PS27A-05-2 Transition of attention for traffic lights reflected by ERP P3 Morimoto, Fumihito (Japan) PS27A-05-3 Diversity in Conflict: How Perception of Social Environment Shapes Essentialist Thinking about Social Categories Xu, Yian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Coley, John D PS27A-05-5 Approximate Number System Mediates the Relationship bet ween Working Memory and Arithmetical Estimation Strategy Utilization of Chinese Children Li, Hongxia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Si, Jiwei; Zhang, Mingliang; Huang, Bijuan PS27A-05-7 The size perception by visual and tactual activities.- sight restoring, visual deprivation and restricted Masaharu, Sasaki (Japan); Shuko, Torii; Yusuke, Sato PS27A-05-12 Effects of facial attractiveness on judging gaze directions and head orientations Usui, Hiroto (Japan); Nagata, Yoko PS27A-05-14 An evaluation of accuracy of memory monitoring and effectiveness of memory control in laboratory and everyday settings Shimizu, Hiroyuki (Japan) PS27A-05-16 The effect of working memory load on SNARC effect: maybe tasks have a word to say Zhijun, Deng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yinghe, Chen; Xiaoshuang, Zhu; Qi, Zhao; Yanjun, Li PS27A-05-17 The effect of olfactory surroundings to subjective pain sensation using pain-related somatosensory event related potentials (SEPs) Konishi, Kenzo (Japan); Yamaguchi, Tetsuya; Ishii, Chikara; Hashimoto, Midori; Akiyama, Junichi PS27A-05-19 Semantic processing in the absence of visual awareness induced by interocular suppression Lu, Shena (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Shuangxia; Cai, Yongchun PS27A-05-20 Position-element frequency effects in the Hebb repetition paradigm Nakayama, Masataka (Japan); Saito, Satoru PS27A-05-22 The role of arousal in the change detection of gaze direction Suzuki, Hikaru (Japan); Okubo, Matia PS27A-05-24 Are schematic negative facial expressions of infants detected faster than those of adults? : A visual search task study Koremura, Eriko (Japan); Ishiguchi, Akira PS27A-05-26 explanatory methods in scientific textbooks Tabata, Noriko (Japan); Hoshi, Kaoru PS27A-05-27 An Empirical Research on the Influencing Factor in Propositional Reasoning Ability Chen, Shuiping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Zhifang; Hu, Zhujing of readers Morita, Aiko (Japan) PS27A-05-36 Mere exposure effect and recognition memory for amodally completed faces. Tomita, Akitoshi (Japan); Matsushita, Soyogu; Morikawa, Kazunori PS27A-05-40 Comparisons of the spatial frequency characteristics of natural faces and faces wearing make-up Torii, Sakura (Japan); Tada, Akihiro PS27A-05-41 How We Fold Origami?:The Process of Creative ORIGAMI Maruyama, Manami (Japan) PS27A-05-43 The role of visuo-spatial working memory capacity on the processing of spatial descriptions Oto, Hironori (Japan) PS27A-05-46 Quality perception and identification of real materials: A comparison between a congenitally blind person who gained sight after surgery and the normally sighted Mochizuki, Toshiko (Japan); Torii, Shuko PS27A-05-47 Does the own facial expression influence to the cognition of the other facial expression ?: An ERP study Yoshida, Yuta (Japan); Ishii, Chikara; Hashimoto, Midori; Konishi, Kenzo PS27A-05-48 The Inter personal Situation in the Autobiographical Memory on Confectionery of Japan Tsuboi, Hisako (Japan) PS27A-05-30 A letter in the hand: Rotating together or separately? Chen, Jialing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Qingfen PS27A-05-52 Mind is in the eye of the beholder: Two-dimensional structure of mind-perception in Japan. Ishii, Tatsunori (Japan) PS27A-05-31 Age-related Commonalities and Differences Concerning the Evaluation of Tea Beverage Package Designs Mukai, Shioko (Japan); Kobayashi, Genya; Kakamu, Kazuhiko Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Cognition PS27A-05-32 Brain functional networks in children with high levels of inattention and impulsivity. Machida, Keitaro (Australia); Johnson, Katherine A PS27A-05-34 Individual differences in manga reading: The relationships between eye-tracking measures and reader's personality traits Wada, Yuichi (Japan); Miyoshi, Retsu PS27A-05-35 Effects of oral reading and subvocalizations on text comprehension and eye movements: There are two types PS27P-02-1 Stronger handgrip force with larger visual stimulus: Compatibility between perceptual size and power production Nagai, Masayoshi (Japan); Yamada, Yohei (Japan); Kanaya, Hidetoshi (United States of America); Naoaki, Kawakami (Japan); Yukiko, Nishizaki (Japan) PS27P-02-2 Mental transformation of a constantly visible item and a memorized item Okuzumi, Hideyuki (Japan); Oi, Yuhei; Saito, Ryotaro; Ikeda, Yoshifumi; Hirata, Shogo; Haishi, Koichi; Kokubun, Mitsuru; Oi, Mutsuko 61 2. Cognitive enhances the writer's overall attractiveness Inukai, Tomoe (Japan); Naho, Hujimoto; Tomonari, Shimomura SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS27P-02-3 The Influence of Emotional Materials on Subject Performed Task Advantage Effects Zhang, Hui Juan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) control mechanisms Maran, Thomas (Austria); Sachse, Pierre; Herz, Christoph; Peglow, Nora; Hutzenthaler, Nicola; Gumbert, Mathias; Furtner, Marco PS27P-02-4 Individual Difference of Working Memory Strategy in Japanese Reading Span Test Tokimoto, Naoko (Japan); Tokimoto, Shingo PS27P-02-16 Social development in deaf children: using Theory-of-mind task Masuda, Sayako Y (Japan) 2. Cognitive PS27P-02-5 Control of spatial attention in bright and dark environments: Comparison between simple reaction and attentional tasks Kimura, Takahiko (Japan); Naito, Hiroshi; Kinosada, Yasunori PS27P-02-6 Effects of metacognitive verbalization on implicit learning Kiyokawa, Sachiko (Japan) PS27P-02-7 Figurative-logic inter-transitions as one of mechanisms of creative thinking of the person Mun, Mariya (Kazakhstan) PS27P-02-8 The Delay JOL Effect Under Directed Forgetting Paradigm Gongxiang, Chen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jia, Zhao PS27P-02-9 Relationships between the dorsal-ventral questionnaire and the General Aptitude Test Battery in Japan Shibahara, Naoki (Japan); Endo, Masao; Ishii, Hisao; Tanaka, Yuka P S 2 7 P - 0 2 - 10 P R O F E S S I O N A L IDENTITY OF THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT SELFASSERTION STRATEGIES Krishchenko, Elena P (Russia) PS27P-02-11 The relationship between implicit learning performance and digit span test Tanaka, Daisuke (Japan) PS27P-02-12 Difference between attractiveness and beauty ratings judging from facial symmetry and eye size Oda, Masaomi (Japan) PS27P-02-13 Moral Metaphors: Investigating the Effects of Physical Cleansing on Moral Judgment and the Moderating Roles of Disgust and Private Body Consciousness Liew, Tze Hao Timothy (Malaysia); Cheong, Winnee PS27P-02-14 Sense of object ownership and sense of agency Sasaki, Kyoshiro (Japan); Yamada, Yuki PS27P-02-15 Valence- and arousal specific emotional modulation of cognitive 62 PS27P-02-17 The effect of aging on serial order memory of visuo-spatial information. Higo, Katsuki (Japan); Minamoto, Takehiro; Osaka, Mariko PS27P-02-18 Does a shift of reaching threshold influence the pseudoneglect? Takayama, Ryota (Japan); Michimata, Chikashi PS27P-02-19 Effect of updating training on relieving symptoms of children with learning disabilities Chen, Xiaoying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Renlai PS27P-02-20 The effect of target position on detection of Kanji-Kana-combined worry words Tomishima, Hiroki (Japan); Suenaga, Kiyoshi; Hideyuki, Fujiu PS27P-02-21 Esthetical judgments of pleasantness and the utility of the golden rectangle Tozawa, Junko (Japan) PS27P-02-22 Retrieving information relating to concrete items: nature or artifact cues promote retrieval of information about nature items. Teranishi, Yuji (Japan); Kawabata, Yasuhiro PS27P-02-23 The conflict adaptation effect and response preparation: an EventRelated Potential and Lateralized Readiness Potential study. Nishimoto, Mika (Japan); Miyatani, Makoto; Nakao, Takashi PS27P-02-24 Emotional Empathy modulates Face Inversion Effect: A Nearinfrared Spectroscopy Study Ito, Hiroshi (Japan) PS27P-02-25 The Modulation of Working Memory on Number-Time Associations: Evidence from the Number Magnitude Congruency Effect Fan, Zhao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jing, Guomin; Ding, Xianfeng; Cheng, Xiaorong PS27P-02-26 Could mental time lines be activated simultaneously? Ding, Xianfeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Zhongshu; Niu, Bingyu; Cheng, Xiaorong; Fan, Zhao; Feng, Ning PS27P-02-27 Effects of Facial Expressions on Visual Short-Term Memory and Alexithymia Traits Takahashi, Junichi (Japan); Gyoba, Jiro PS27P-02-29 Influence of individuallevel and sentence-level factors on braille reading speed Oshima, Kensuke (Japan); Nakano, Yasushi Wednesday, July 27, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Cognition PS27P-05-1 Self-Serving Attribution Bias and Emotion Hyun Jung, Shin (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Sunam; Lee, Goeun; Kim, Bia PS27P-05-3 Does the unity of the Muller-Lyer illusion figure can be disrupted by changing the color combination of the parts ? Okada, Natsumi (Japan); Hashimoto, Midori; Konishi, Kenzo PS27P-05-4 Structure of mental representations in ad hoc categories Tanaka, Hikaru (Japan) PS27P-05-8 The effect of individual past time perspective on ratings of past, present, and future episodic self-related events Shimojima, Yumi (Japan) PS27P-05-9 Spatial information impairs memory of order of landmarks on route map Suto, Noboru (Japan) PS27P-05-11 Eye-closure enhances recognition memory with visual tests but not with auditory tests Uchiyama, Tomomi (Japan); Mitsudo, Hiroyuki PS27P-05-13 Color effects in the schematic face of anger and sadness Takahashi, Fumiyo (Japan); Kawabata, Yasuhiro PS27P-05-17 Resource function of intelligence and cognitive style impulsivity/ reflectivity in academic achievement of younger schoolchildren.* Ovchinnikova, Anastasia (Russia) PS27P-05-18 The shrinkage of the functional field of view depends on both item type and context Harada, Yuki (Japan); Mitsudo, Hiroyuki PS27P-05-20 Effect of monitoring on the decision criterion and mind-wandering during a sustained attention task Kinosada, Yasunori (Japan); Fujii, SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS27P-05-21 Effects of hearing level and spectro-temporal pattern in the identification of environmental sounds in children with hearing impairment Tabaru, Kei (Japan); Kobayashi, Yuko; Harashima, Tsuneo; Katada, Akiyoshi PS27P-05-22 The function of attention under stress Nishimura, Ritsuko (Japan); Kimura, Yumi; Yoshizaki, Kazuhito PS27P-05-23 Chinese NetSpeak Use Facilitates Creative Problem Solving Zhao, Qingbai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Yi; Zhou, Zhijin PS27P-05-27 Matching between music and color: Relation to their impression Dan, Naoko (Japan); Watanabe, Takaaki; Omori, Takahide PS27P-05-28 Unlearning contextual information by removing irrelevant information from working memory: A study using a variant of the modified Sternberg task. Tamaki, Kentaro (Japan); Katsuo, Naito PS27P-05-29 Quantitative judgment of group-wide facial attractiveness Yarimizu, Hidekazu (Japan) PS27P-05-30 Order Recall in Verbal Short-Term Memory is Influenced by Semantic Activation Saint-aubin, Jean (Canada); Poirier, Marie (United Kingdom); Robichaud, Jean-michel (Canada); Guitard, Dominic (Canada) PS27P-05-33 Effect on visual search by the artificial visual field constriction Saito, Ryotaro (Japan); Ikeda, Yoshifumi; Okuzumi, Hideyuki; Kokubun, Mitsuru; Kobayashi, Iwao Comparative Cognition PS27P-05-2 The presence of females enhances allopreening between single males in captive large-billed crows Miyazawa, Eri (Japan); Izawa, Ei-ichi PS27P-05-5 Synesthesia-like perception in Human, Rodents (Rats and Hamsters), and Fish. Takahashi, Makoto (Japan); Taniuchi, Thoru; Betsuyaku, Thoru; Fujita, Kazuo PS27P-05-6 Preference or flexibility? Spatial navigation of Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) in multiple-cue (beacon and position) environment. Betsuyaku, Toru (Japan); Nakamura, Noriyuki; Fujita, Kazuo Hataji, Yuya (Japan); Fujita, Kazuo PS27P-05-7 Adaptation of pecking behavior to the experimentally extended bill in birds. Matsui, Hiroshi (Japan); Izawa, Ei-ichi PS27P-05-34 Appetitive classical conditioning in tortoise Taniuchi, Tohru (Japan); Noda, Kousuke PS27P-05-10 Discriminative response to multiple-item array task in budgerigar and pigeons Watanabe, Sota (Japan); Yamada, Masayuki; Hase, Yuriko; Fujita, Kazuo; Ishida, Masato PS27P-05-12 Horses communicate with humans taking account of humans' knowledge state Ringhofer, Monamie (Japan); Yamamoto, Shinya PS27P-05-14 Differences in ultrasonic vocalizations between male and female mice Hishimura, Yutaka (Japan) PS27P-05-15 Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) can distinguish delayed self-images from recorded self-images. Hanazuka, Yuki (Japan); Midorikawa, Akira PS27P-05-16 Do capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) flexibly change information encoding depending upon expected task difficulty? Kishimoto, Reiki (Japan); Iwasaki, Sumie; Fujita, Kazuo PS27P-05-19 Conditional place discrimination of visual stimuli by miniature pigs Ueno, Ryousei (Japan); Inaba, Hirokazu; Taniuchi, Tohru PS27P-05-24 Absence of suppression of intake of less preferable food by anticipation of more preferable food in rats Nishikawa, Mikita (Japan); Taniuchi, Tohru PS27P-05-25 Manipulation of tools to obtain food in rats Nagano, Akane (Japan); Aoyama, Kenjiro PS27P-05-26 Horse gaits classification using the Infinite Gaussian Mixture Model and stability analysis Ohkita, Midori (Japan); Nishiyama, Keita; Mano, Hiroshi; Murai, Chizuko; Takagi, Tokio; Kubo, Takatomi; Ikeda, Kazushi; Sawa, Kosuke; Samejima, Kazuyuki PS27P-05-31 Do rats use rememberand forget-cue to reallocate memory resource in directed forgetting? Tanaka, Chiaki (Japan); Taniuchi, Tohru PS27P-05-32 Dynamic corridor illusion in pigeons Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Educational and School Psychology PS27A-02-2 Effect of Question-Based Instruction with Collaborative Learning in an elementary school ethics class Oyama, Yoshinori (Japan) PS27A-02-10 LEARNING PHYSICS WITH ANGRY BIRDS VIDEOGAME: AN EPISTEMIC APPROACH Pozo, Juan-ignacio (Spain); De Aldama, Carlos PS27A-02-14 Classroom practice and its educational effects in an improvisational dance course for undergraduates: Focusing on problem finding and communication skills Nakano, Yuko (Japan); Shimizu, Daichi; Okada, Takeshi PS27A-02-16 Epistemic practice to improve elementary students' construction of scientific arguments: A case analysis of the effects caused by commenting on peers' arguments using epistemic criteria Sakamoto, Miki (Japan); Yamaguchi, Etsuji PS27A-02-17 Effects of conceptual combination training on technological imagination Horng, Ruey-yun (Taiwan); Hung, Yu-chuan PS27A-02-22 Procrastination under examination context and its metacognition Xu, Haoqin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS27A-02-31 A meta-analytic review of the relationship between metacognitive skills and learning performance. Ohtani, Kazuhiro (Japan); Hisasaka, Tetsuya PS27A-02-32 A study of difference in activities between "initial planning" and "writing" in second language writing Sakihama, Hideyuki (Belgium) PS27A-02-37 The relation between class results and cognitive/non-cognitive ability Fujimoto, Koichi (Japan) PS27A-02-40 Instructional method for generating and answering questions in a university lecture class Kobayashi, Hiroko (Japan) 63 2. Cognitive Tatsufumi; Dempo, Kaori; Shinohara, Kazumitsu; Enya, Takeshi; Shibagaki, Yumi SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS27A-02-42 Examining a Model of the Appraisal of On-line Reading Environment and On-line Reading Ability, and the Moderating Effects of Gender of Junior High School Students Huang, Hsiu-shuang (Taiwan); Gan, Monlong; Tseng, Ya-ying; Hsu, Li-yun PS27A-02-46 Effects of retrieval practice for learning of foreign language vocabulary in Japanese university student Yamada, Yohei (Japan) 2. Cognitive Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Educational and School Psychology PS27A-05-9 The Effects of Verbal or Nonverbal Reflection on Collaborative Insight Problem Solving. Kodama, Keiichi (Japan); Nakano, Yoshiki PS27A-05-25 Applying Epistemology of Ecological Agents to Instructional Design and Practices Nomura, Ryota (Japan) PS27A-05-29 The relationship between students' perception of errors and creative behaviors Min, Jiyeon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Yeon, Eun Mo; Shin, Jongho PS27A-05-37 How do we read expository text with plural maps? Fukuya, Izumi (Japan); Morita, Aiko; Kusahara, Kazuhiro; Watanabe, Takumi; Osaka, Yu PS27A-05-44 A Study of First-year University Students' Images of Teaching, Teachers and Children: Examining the Differences between Faculty of Education and Non-Education Mishima, Tomotaka (Japan) PS27A-05-49 Influence of Self-Ranking Feedback on Learning Performance and Task Motivation Ichimura, Kenshiro (Japan); Ueda, Yoshiyuki; Kusumi, Takashi Emotion PS27A-05-11 Dynamic Facial Displays as Detectors of Authentically Expressed Emotions Namba, Shushi (Japan); Miyatani, Makoto; Nakao, Takashi Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Language PS27A-02-35 Familiarity effects for katakana-orthography loanwords on the reading of the English words in unbalanced Japanese L1-English L2 bilinguals Ogawa, Taeko (Japan) Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Language PS27A-05-6 A Megastudy of Lexical Decision Performance for 8,429 Traditional Chinese Two-Character Compound Words in Hong Kong Cantonese Speakers Tse, Chi-shing (Hong Kong); Chan, Yuenlai (Hong Kong); Yap, Melvin J (Singapore); Sze, Wei-ping (Singapore); Lin, Dan (Hong Kong) Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Music Psychology PS27A-02-8 Mixed emotions perceived by music listening: Can we feel happy and sad at the same time while listening to music? Hoshino, Etsuko (Japan) Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Psychometrics PS27P-02-28 The Reliability, Validity, Sensitivity, Specificity and Predictive Values of the Chinese Version of the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale Chou, Kuei-ru (Taiwan) PS27A-05-50 Factors contributing to good explanation Ito, Takaaki (Japan); Kakihana, Shinichiro Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Sensation and Perception PS27A-05-51 Predicting Academic Success: a Cohort Study at a South African University Myburgh, Cecilia (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Marais, David D; Stanz, Karel PS27A-02-1 Can humans be detected more accurately than other objects? Evidence from an ultra-rapid categorization task Tachibana, Ryo (Japan); Niikuni, Keiyu; Muramoto, Toshiaki PS27A-05-53 Effects of Strategy Attribution for Success/Failure on Self-Esteem Hanaya, Michiko (Japan) PS27A-02-3 Sounds and flashes affect the stability of visual time perception differently Asaoka, Riku (Japan); Gyoba, Jiro 64 PS27A-02-6 The effect of intentionally and unintentionally exposure to an odor Ogawa, Midori (Japan); Ayabekanamura, Saho PS27A-02-13 The role of blur in the motion illusion induced by the luminance gradient in stationary images Matsushita, Soyogu (Japan); Kitaoka, Akiyoshi PS27A-02-23 Effects of lip color on perceived lightness of human facial skin. Kobayashi, Yuki (Japan); Matsushita, Soyogu; Morikawa, Kazunori PS27A-02-27 Crucial period of online vision for grasping control is modulated according to movement duration Fukui, Takao (Japan); Inui, Toshio PS27A-02-29 The time-course of sensitivity in contour detection by using fragmented object contour Taniguchi, Ko~suke (Japan); Takahashi, Kenji; Arai, Miyabi PS27A-02-33 Exploring the other-race effect in discrimination and categorization task with Taiwanese adults: Using a morph face paradigm Yang, Shu-fei (Taiwan); Chen, Chun-man; Chien, Sarina Hui-lin PS27A-02-39 The Composition by Line Drawing has a Facilitatory Influence on Fick Illusion? Mori, Kazuhiko (Japan) PS27A-02-41 Apparent speed of object motion affects time perception Takase, Airi (Japan); Tayama, Tadayuki PS27A-02-44 Effects of negative emotional valence intensity on visual target detection performance Takeshima, Yasuhiro (Japan) PS27A-02-47 Role of the locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system in attention direction for visual change detection: a pupillometric study Kodama, Hijiri (Japan); Kihara, Ken; Ohtsuka, Sakuichi PS27A-02-50 Psychophysical Experiments on Hardness Sensation of an Object from the Sounds of Tapping Created by a White Cane Nunokawa, Kiyohiko (Japan); Seki, Yoshikazu; Chikai, Manabu; Doi, Kouki; Ino, Shuichi PS27A-02-52 Visual attention affects the fusional limit of a centrally located object when using an attentional blink task Nosaki, Yuji (Japan); Kihara, Ken (Japan); Ono, Hiroshi (Canada); Ohtsuka, Sakuichi (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Sensation and Perception PS27A-05-4 Oculomotor markers of stimulus importance Bessonova, Yulia V (Russia); Oboznov, Alexander A; Almayev, Nickolay A; Murasheva, Olga V PS27A-05-8 The effects of location shift in object-centered and ego-centered coordinates on the boundary extension in visual and motor task Murakoshi, Takuma (Japan); Kimura, Eiji; Ichikawa, Makoto PS27A-05-10 The Facing Bias in PointLight-Walkers which Vary in a Walking Speed Nakamura, Ko (Japan) Braun, Doris I (Germany); Gegenfurtner, Karl R; Schutz, Alexander C PS27A-05-39 Attention enhances perceived contrast by attenuating the surround suppression Zhou, Liufang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lu, Shena; Cai, Yongchun PS27A-05-42 Bidwell effect under various chromatic illuminations and different eccentricities Bliumas, Remigijus (Lithuania); Svegzda, Algimantas; Stanikunas, Rytis; Daugirdiene, Ausra; Vaitkevicius, Henrikas; Kulbokaite, Vaiva PS27A-05-45 Neuronal entrainment to hierarchical visual rhythms Wang, Ying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Xue; Jiang, Yi Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Aging PS27A-05-13 Gait perception of Bunraku puppets in the Japanese traditional performing arts Sumi, Shigemasa (Japan) PS28A-04-1 Influences of aging on odor-evoked autobiographical memory Yamamoto, Kohsuke (Japan); Sugiyama, Haruko PS27A-05-15 Perceived duration can be shortened by scrambled structure of natural images, but is not affected by their impressions Takahashi, Yuri (Japan); Imaizumi, Shu; Yamada, Momoko; Hibino, Haruo; Koyama, Shinichi PS28A-04-5 Longitudinal cognitive changes in healthy older Japanese: A preliminary report from ten-year long-term REPRINTS study Sakuma, Naoko (Japan); Suzuki, Hiroyuki; Ohgami, Yuko; Otsuka, Shino; Ogawa, Susumu; Yasunaga, Masashi; Fujiwara, Yoshinori PS27A-05-18 Length perception by head and by hand Wagman, Jeffrey B (United States of America); Langely, Matthew D (United States of America); Higuchi, Takahiro (Japan) PS27A-05-21 The effect of visual movement information on auditory sensitivity Kang, Yoonbum (Japan); Saida, Shinya PS27A-05-23 The effect of adaptation to simple line drawings on duration estimation Tayama, Tadayuki (Japan) PS27A-05-28 Bistable visual event perceptions can be altered by specific hand postures Saito, Godai (Japan); Gyoba, Jiro PS27A-05-33 The effect of sound on visual grouping in a multi-stable stimulus Yano, Hiroaki (Japan); Nakajima, Yoshitaka; Ueda, Kazuo; Remijn, Gerard B PS27A-05-38 Changes in visual sensitivity for luminance and chromatic stimuli during eye movements PS28A-04-6 The promoting effect of Qigong exercise intervention and physical activity supervision on the health-related fitness and cognitive function in aging adults Fong, Dong-yang (Taiwan); Kuo, Chengyuh; Lin, Wei-chung; Chiang, Yi-te; Wang, Yung-shun PS28A-04-7 The effects of education on the performances of Stroop test. Nagahara, Naoko (Japan); Hatta, Takeshi; Hotta, Chie; Iwahara, Akihiko; Ito, Emi PS28A-04-9 The Role of Sensory Function in Processing Speed and Working Memory Aging Ji, Lingling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Peng, Huamao; Mao, Xiaofei PS28A-04-10 Effects of working memory components of older adults on single tapping Otsuka, Kazunori (Japan) PS28A-04-11 Effects of advanced aging on motor imagery Suzuki, Maki (Japan); Sekiyama, Kaoru PS28A-04-20 COGNITIVE AGING AND THE USE OF TECHNOLOGIES Job, Remo (Italy); Sulpizio, Simone PS28A-04-24 Cognitive intervention through a training program for picture book reading in community-dwelling older adults: Long-term effects on verbal memory Suzuki, Hiroyuki (Japan); Yasunaga, Masashi; Sakurai, Ryota; Ogawa, Susumu; Takahashi, Tomoya; Yamauchi, Misako; Fujiwara, Yoshinori PS28A-04-25 Effect of aging on emotional process-related decision-making:Are the older adults less subject to the sunkcost fallacy? Du, Xiaoxu (Japan); Masumoto, Kouhei PS28A-04-26 Age and gender differences in relationships among emotion regulation, mood, and mental health. Masumoto, Kouhei (Japan); Taishi, Nozomi; Mariko, Shiozaki Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Arts PS28P-09-1 Cognitive constraints in art appreciation and the effect of reading commentaries on artwork Tanaka, Yoshifumi (Japan) PS28P-09-2 Viewing Time and Evaluation in Art Appreciation: Laboratory Study of the Museum Fatigue Effect Mikuni, Jan (Japan); Hideaki, Kawabata PS28P-09-4 The effects of attitude toward art making on artistic inspiration between art majors and non-art majors: A multiple population analysis Ishiguro, Chiaki (Japan); Okada, Takeshi PS28P-09-5 New Affective and Cognitive Dimensions for Representing Abstract Movements Joung, Jeehyun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Jeounghoon PS28P-09-8 The Influence of Constraint Modification on Novices' Creativity in Drawing Wang, Shijun (Japan); Takagi, Kikuko; Okada, Takeshi PS28P-09-11 The relationship between the aesthetic dimension of value and aesthetic evaluations of paintings: A case study focusing on representational and abstract paintings Miyashita, Tatsuya (Japan); Kimura, Atsushi; Oka, Takashi PS28P-09-17 An experimental study on 65 2. Cognitive PS27A-02-53 Effect of continuity in visual search. Lu, Yi-hui (Taiwan); Li, Jingling SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Gestalt perception of serially presented motion picture shots: investigation on the factor of actor's incomplete action in reaction shot which facilitate perceptual grouping of filmic events. Suzuki, Kiyoshige (Japan) PS28P-09-18 Effect of Art-making and Art appreciation experience on creativity Cho, Eunbyul (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Shin, Jongho 2. Cognitive Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Behavioral Psychology PS28A-04-3 Effects of Spatial and Emotional Cueing on Evaluative DecisionMaking for Food Xu, Ji (Japan); Zommara, Noha Mohsen; Lauwereyns, Johan PS28A-04-13 How do organizations lose their strategic change confidence ? Research on the underminers and destruction mechanism of collective efficacy Chen, Ying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Xiaohu; Wang, Guan PS28A-04-14 The perception of psychological time by young boys with different self-trust level Krishchenko, Elena P (Russia) PS28A-04-15 Behavioral Integration and Task Conflict for Team Creativity: the Mediating Role of Team Reflexivity Luo, Jinlian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhong, Jing; Zhang, Bo PS28A-04-21 Conversation While Eating Induces Action Disfluencies Hirose, Naoya M (Japan) PS28A-04-22 A Literature Review of Hope Theory Wang, Guan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Xiao-hu; Chen, Ying PS28A-04-27 Are features of item-stimuli responsible for IAT effects? Tazumi, Tooru (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Clinical Psychology PS28A-08-9 A search for the relationship of interpersonal rejection sensitivity and Cognitive Attentional Syndrome (CAS): A metacognitive perspective Hinuma, Tomoko (Japan); Tomita, Nozomi; Kishino, Yuri; Araki, Minori; Kuroda, Ayaka; Kumano, Hiroaki PS28A-08-10 A search for the effects of worry to depression: A metacognitive perspective 66 Kuroda, Ayaka (Japan); Tomoe, Mariko; Tomita, Nozomi; Kishino, Yuri; Araki, Minori; Hinuma, Tomoko; Kumano, Hiroaki Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Cognitive Robotics PS28P-09-15 Synchronization among body parts movement during mental rotation. Noda, Mitsuru (Japan) Communication PS28P-09-6 Influence of fine changes in mean utterance pitch on impression formation and listener's mood Hashimoto, Kanami (Japan) PS28P-09-12 Difference bet ween beauty of skin and that of makeup to explain appearance of makeup faces with eye shadows Kiritani, Yoshie (Japan); Okazaki, Akane; Motoyoshi, Kanako; Takano, Ruriko; Ookubo, Noriko PS28P-09-13 Conformity in rock-paperscissors tends to reduce interpersonal space Takahashi, Yoshiyuki (Japan); Ohkita, Midori; Sawa, Kosuke PS28P-09-16 Relationships between humor expression and personality traits in university students. Inoue, Takeshi (Japan); Tani, Asuka PS28P-09-19 Sharing memories online facilitated memory retention Wang, Qi (United States of America) PS28P-09-23 Effect of Instruction on Perspective-Taking on the Utterances of University Students in an Advice-Giving Scenario Mashimo, Tomoko (Japan); Sannomiya, Machiko Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Comparative Cognition PS28P-05-16 Examination of appetitive classical conditioning processes in Japanese fire belly newts using US devaluation method Taniuchi, Tohru (Japan) Kazumi; Yokota, Kaeko; Wachi, Taeko; Otsuka, Yusuke; Hirama, Kazuki Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Culture PS28P-05-13 The Effect of cultural differences and cognitive style on the task of absolute or relative judgment. Nakamura, Narae (Japan) PS28P-05-22 The study of ethno-cultural identity using eye-tracking technology Kovalev, Artem I (Russia); Menshikova, Galina Ya PS28P-05-27 Development of cultural differences in emotion perception from face and voice Kawahara, Misako (Japan); Sauter, Disa (Netherlands); Tanaka, Akihiro (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Decision Making PS28A-12-1 Robustness of the nonchange bias in the Monty Hall Dilemma: Even direct instruction to change the first choice did not change the bias Ebe, Masahiro (Japan); Imai, Mutsumi PS28A-12-2 Myopic loss aversion or following the with-larger-difference dimension? A heuristic model of risky decision making for both single and aggregated plays Zhao, Lei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ye, Junhui; Jiang, Chengming; Hu, Fengpei PS28A-12-4 The Effect of Spatial Distance on the Base-rate Neglect Xu, Fuming (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Ou; Kong, Shixiao PS28A-12-5 The Effect of Temporal Distance on the Base-rate Neglect Shi, Yanwei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Fuming; Kong, Shixiao PS28A-12-9 Age-related reduction of cognitive dissonance Ito, Ayahito (Japan); Kawachi, Yousuke; Kawasaki, Iori; Fujii, Toshikatsu Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Crime and Delinquency PS28A-12-10 Differences in decision making styles between New Zealanders and Japanese in the process of selecting a ski resort Sayama, Kohichi (Japan); Gnoth, Juergen (New Zealand) PS28A-08-22 Expertise of profilers: Effects on offender profiling analyses and their accuracy Kuraishi, Hiroki (Japan); Watanabe, PS28A-12-11 Phantom effect in dynamical models of multialternative choice Soma, Masashi (Japan); Takashi, Tsuzuki; Itsuki, Chiba SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS28A-12-13 Is Consumers' Purchase Decision-Making Related to Attention on Packaging Logos? : A Case Study of Tea Beverage Packaging. Mukai, Shioko (Japan) LESSONS BASED ON THE MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES THEORY IN REGULAR CLASSES WITH CHILDREN HAVING SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS Wakui, Megumi (Japan) Ishii, Taku (Japan) PS28A-12-14 Contextual Influences on the Orientation and Attention Shifts to the Optimal Choice Zommara, Noha M (Japan); Xu, Ji; Lauwereyns, Johan PS28A-08-4 Does conscious self-attention promote cognitive empathy?: the moderate effect of autistic traits Yoshida, Shoko (Japan); Nagata, Masako PS28A-08-3 The effect of presenting modalities and learning experience on the mental representation of spatial knowledge Li, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ding, Yuan PS28A-12-18 The Logic of Cognitive Biases in the Behavioral Decision-Making Process Domeier, Markus (Austria); Sachse, Pierre PS28A-12-19 The prospect for information predicts curiosity: Exploratory actions driven by expected information gain in asteroid avoidance and word synonym learning Holm, Linus (Sweden); Wadenholt-aden, Gustaf (Sweden); Schrater, Paul (United States of America) PS28A-12-21 Overweighting of the better case scenario in valuation of economic information Kobayashi, Kenji (United States of America); Hsu, Ming PS28A-12-22 Factors influencing differences between useful and useless regret Ueichi, Hideo (Japan); Tuya, Kenji Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Development PS28A-04-8 Young children's representation of inter-object relation in spatial reorientation Zhang, Meng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Qingfen PS28A-04-12 Attentional bias for threat in the first year of life Nakagawa, Atsuko (Japan); Sukigara, Masune PS28A-04-16 Toward the construction of a new developmental model explaining children's understanding of external representations Kimura, Minako (Japan); Kato, Yoshinobu Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Developmental Disorders PS28A-08-1 EFFECTS OF SPELLING PS28A-08-5 Seeking for neural markers of dyslexia Grabowska, Anna M (Poland); Jednorog, Katarzyna PS28A-08-14 Relation between the adult ADHD tendency and the attentional function for the daily behavior on the traffic scene Kosuge, Hanae (Japan); Kumagai, Keiko PS28A-08-16 Sustained attention and inhibitory control in persons with intellectual disabilities Haishi, Koichi (Japan); Ikeda, Yoshifumi; Oba, Shigeji; Okuzumi, Hideyuki PS28A-08-18 Elementary school teachers' perceptions of specific reading disabilities in Japan Hwang, Yeonhee (Japan); Ishizaka, Ikuyo; Hosokawa, Toru PS28A-08-21 Spatial working memory in individuals with intellectual disabilities: Effects of task presentation format Oi, Yuhei (Japan); Okuzumi, Hideyuki; Kokubun, Mitsuru PS28A-08-23 Influence of autistic traits on Left-Right discrimination in different perspective taking Ikeda, Hanako (Japan); Wada, Makoto PS28A-08-24 The capacity limitations of spatial working memory in children with autism: effects of central coherence Li, Songze (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Jinsheng; Li, Chengshi; Wang, Qi; Wang, Yan; He, Jianqing Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Economic PS28P-09-9 Does mental imagination of touching promote purchase intention? Iseki, Sayo (Japan); Ueno, Taiji; Kitagami, Shinji PS28P-09-14 The Emergence of Desire in the Interaction with the Environment Based on the Field Work on the SelfService French Restaurant Lunatique Aizu, Ritsuharu (Japan) PS28P-09-20 Probability discounting in choices between imperfect substitutes PS28A-08-13 Japanese tea ceremony that entrains movements between hostess and guest. Sano, Naoko (Japan); Tsuchida, Yoshio; Koga, Takaaki; Oguni, Kaori; Akita, Takeshi Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Evolutionary Psychology PS28P-05-4 Attentional Bias for Angry Faces: A Study Using the Concentration Game Shibasaki, Masahiro (Japan) PS28P-05-10 Theory of mind and its relation to information superiority in reasoning : Investigation with the Amount guessing game Tokita, Mamino (Japan); Hiraishi, Kai PS28P-05-12 Are You Really Interested in Him? The Presence of Another Woman May Affect Your Decision: Mate Choice Copying in Humans Sayama, Nanao (Japan); Ochi, Keita PS28P-05-19 Computers Change Neural Processing in Recalling Information Chen, Xianke (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jia, Huibin; Zhao, Qingbai; Zhou, Zhijin Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Forensic Psychology and Law PS28A-08-15 Accuracy of recognition memory and perceived aggressiveness in objects: the implication of the levels-ofprocessing effect Mora Montserrat, Sergio (Spain); Saiz Roca, Dolors Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Gene and Behavior / Epigenetics PS28P-05-11 Twin study of pattern recognition memory in adolescents Zakharov, Ilya (Russia); Voronina, Irina; Voronin, Ivan; Ismatullina, Victoria; Malykh, Sergey 67 2. Cognitive PS28A-12-15 Influences of social distance and accountability in multi-alternative decision making Kikuchi, Manabu (Japan); Tsuzuki, Takashi Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Environmental Psychology SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Health Psychology PS28P-05-8 Positive and negative transfer in implicit sequence learning Miyawaki, Kaori (Japan) PS28A-04-2 How patterns of illness perception explain differences in depression and anxiety among long-term breast cancer survivors Hara, Saaya (Japan); Takeuchi, Emi; Ogawa, Yuko; Suzuki, Shin-ichi PS28P-05-9 A Growth Curve Modeling of Korean College Students L2 Writing and Motivation Chae, Soo Eun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Han, Jaeho 2. Cognitive PS28A-04-4 The cognitive factors of motivation in Japanese worker's resilient behavior. Nakajima, Kensuke (Japan) Human Relationships PS28A-04-19 The attentional bias to attachment name on different priming tasks Li, Tonggui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Leiyan Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Industrial and Organizational Psychology PS28P-09-21 Are you humble today? The effects of humble leadership on employee job performance Zhou, Jiantao (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS28P-09-22 Unraveling the Complexity of Workplace Sarcasm: Perspective, Power, Gender and Culture Blasko, Dawn G (United States of America); Kazmerski, Victoria A; Sheik Dawood, Shariffah R; Rebecca, Misterovich L; Alysha, Simmons Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Learning PS28P-05-1 Video Obser vation Research on Preschooler's Block Play: Identifying Features Associated with the Development of Abstract Thinking Edwards, Kaoru (United States of America); Jay, Tim (United Kingdom) PS28P-05-2 Cognitive and physiological processes in insightful problem solving of the puzzle game Tangram Nakano, Yoshiki (Japan) PS28P-05-5 The number of study and test trials influence on retention: Comparison between various studying and testing schedules. Cho, Daisuke (Japan) PS28P-05-6 Properties of exposurebased motion direction learning Zhang, Gong- Liang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yu, Cong 68 PS28P-05-14 Cross-modal and singlemodal Probabilistic Category Learning in a Weather Prediction Task. Xunwei, Sun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qiufang, Fu; Xiaolan, Fu PS28P-05-20 Which Matters More in Implicit Category Learning: Edge-based or Surface-based Features Zhou, Xiaoyan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fu, Qiufang; Fu, Xiaolan PS28P-05-25 Relationships between gesture and mental models in science education Cho, Young Hoan (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Jeong, Dae Hong; Kim, Jihyeon; Cho, Haeree PS28P-05-26 Age Effect in Recognition of Different Word Frequency and Category Peng, Yunshi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Yulin; Peng, Lei Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Media and Psychology PS28A-08-6 The effects of SNS text messages on the judgments on TV debate shows Inuzuka, Miwa (Japan) PS28A-08-8 The Influence of English Proficiency on First Position Advantage in word process Jiang, Shan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jijia Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Music Psychology PS28P-05-3 Influences of musical expression on pitch discrimination and performer identification Nakahara, Shiun (Japan); Nakata, Takayuki PS28P-05-7 Temporal changes in brain activation during a rhythm perception Takeshita, Yuya (Japan); Higashihara, Masahiro; Boasen, Jared F; Suzuki, Anri; Yokosawa, Koichi PS28P-05-15 The feature of musical rhythm perception of children with Down's Syndrome with the moderate intellectual level Sakai, Hiromi (Japan); Mochizuki, Toshiko PS28P-05-17 The mere exposure effect on strong experiences with music Yasuda, Shoko (Japan); Jun, Nakahara PS28P-05-21 Effects of the Position of Swing in Quadruple Meter on the Impression of Musical Rhythm Ikegami, Shimpei (Japan); Shigeno, Sumi PS28P-05-23 Recall of memory for songs cued by titles Ozuku, Chisa (Japan) PS28P-05-24 Analyses of the relation between children's music improvisation and their personality traits Umata, Ichiro (Japan); Nagisa, Chika; Sakai, Yuya; Ogawa, Jun'ichi Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Neuropsychology PS28A-12-3 Influence of avoidance behavior on extinction training during memory reconsolidation. Nitta, Yusuke (Japan); Takahashi, Toru; Haitani, Tomosumi; Kawashima, Issaku; Usui, Kaori; Kumano, Hiroaki PS28A-12-7 Profile of cognitive functions in adults with Dystrophinopathy Ueda, Yukihiko (Japan); Suwazono, Shugo; Maedo, Sino; Higuchi, Itsuro PS28A-12-8 Neural correlates for preventing the production of lexicalization errors in non-word reading Hashimoto, Ryusaku (Japan); Suzuki, Maki; Ogawa, Nanayo; Yokoi, Kayoko; Endo, Keiko; Hirayama, Kazumi; Mori, Etsuro PS28A-12-12 Impact of Worry on Frontal Lobe Activity in relation to Working Memory in ADHD Students Amirtham. S, Nithiya (India); Krishnan, Saraladevi PS28A-12-20 Neural Correlates to TextPicture Integration Li, Songqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhao, Qingbai; Zhou, Zhijin PS28A-12-23 Experimental study of disturbance in maintaining consciousness Suzuki, Kimihiro (Japan) PS28A-12-24 Executive function and emotional facial expression recognition in Parkinson disease Alonso Recio, Laura (Spain); Serrano Rodriguez, Juan M; Martin Plasencia, Pilar PS28A-12-25 The influence of pitch accent on word comprehension Hata, Wakana (Japan); Ueta, Ayako; SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS28A-12-26 N400 or LPC? Neural Correlates to the Processing of NetSpeak Zhao, Qingbai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ke, Wei; Tong, Biao; Zhou, Zhijin Sleep Psychology PS28A-08-2 Interaction between learning behavior and individual lifestyle in terms of social jetlag Narisawa, Hajime (Japan); Yamaguchi, Tsuyoshi Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Personality PS28A-08-11 Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Face Emotion Processing: An fMRI Investigation Tamura, Miyuki (Japan) PS28A-04-23 Relationships between Prosodic Features of Speech Sound and Big-Five Personality impressions Uchida, Teruhisa (Japan) PS28A-08-19 REM sleep consolidates the both of negative and positive emotional memories. Ogawa, Keiko (Japan); Mori, Miki Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Psychobiology Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Social Brain PS28P-05-18 Physiological responses to semantic stimuli in the habituation paradigm: An approach to the mechanism underlying the Concealed Information Test. Komatsu, Takehiro (Japan); Hamamoto, Yuki; Yonemori, Hitoshi; Takeuchi, Mariko PS28A-04-17 How are social approach and avoidance motivation influenced by personal networks? Souma, Toshihiko (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Psychological Assessment PS28A-12-16 Comparing individuals with and without a migration background using The Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales Gygi, Jasmin T (Switzerland); Fux, Elodie; Grob, Alexander; Hagmann-von Arx, Priska PS28A-12-17 Factor Analysis of the Sinhala Version of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS). Paranawithana, Chrishara E (Sri Lanka); Senaratna, Chamara; De Jong, Joop; Fernando, Arjuna; Kathriarachchi, Samudra; Mendis, Jayan; Rathnaweera, Ramani Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Race and Ethnicity PS28A-08-7 Implicit processing of other race faces: an event-related potential study Pesciarelli, Francesca (Italy); Leo, Irene PS28A-08-17 Are race perception of morphing faces determined by observers' fixation locations Yan, Linlin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Zhe; Sun, Yuhao; Zhang, Zhijun Social Psychology PS28A-04-18 The inhibition mechanism of social attention requests realistic evaluation Jingling, Li (Taiwan) Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Traffic Psychology PS28A-08-12 A method of improving the effectiveness of flight simulator training -Application of pilot performance and workload assessment methodsAiba, Yuko (Japan); Arake, Masashi; Ogawa, Takaaki; Tsuruhara, Aki; Hayashi, Shunsuke PS28A-08-20 The relationship between workload and mind wandering in driving Zhang, Yuyu (Japan); Kumada, Takatsune Rapid Communication Friday, July 29, 10:30 – 12:00 Exhibition Hall Poster6 Aging RC-11-15 Dual-task study of cognitive component of Theory of Mind and inhibition function in aging Li, Na (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-11-65 Definition-based unitization reduces associative memory deficits in older adults: Evidence and mechanisms Li, Juan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Baoxi; Zheng, Zhiwei Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Sport and Exercise Psychology RC-11-87 Aging differences of transfer effect of positive / negative outcome Hibi, Yuko (Japan); Sawa, Kosuke PS28P-09-7 Implicit motor learning of a rowing a Stand up paddle surfing (SUP) task: Validation of the effectiveness of analogical instruction Kuno, Takahiro (Japan); Kato, Takaaki RC-11-88 Combined Cognitive Training versus Memory Strategy Training in Healthy Older Adults Li, Juan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Xinyi; Li, Bing; Hou, Jianhua PS28P-09-10 Characteristic differences of a ball's direction when batting Miyoshi, Satoko (Japan) Teaching Psychology PS28P-09-3 Development of IQ, EQ and intelligence types of students - future teachers Mynbayeva, Aigerim (Kazakhstan); Vishnevskaya, Anastassiya; Mynbayeva, Sholpan Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Theoretical Frameworks Psychology of PS28A-12-6 Cognitive Processes of Posttraumatic Growth in Chinese Culture: A Conceptual Framework Chim, Kathleen Alias Hiu Man (Hong Kong); Dubrow-marshall, Linda; Eachus, Peter; Tang, Andrew Check Wing Arts RC-11-89 The neural correlates of sublimity and beauty Ishizu, Tomohiro (Japan); Zeki, Semir Behavioral Psychology RC-11-51 Effects of self-controlled feedback during self-controlled task difficulty practice on motor learning Wang, Chung-yin (Taiwan); Jwo, Jun-ling; Tsai, Min-jen; Wu, Shih-wei RC-11-78 Different timing mechanisms in consciously controlled delayed actions Bao, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yang, Taoxi (Germany); Li, Yao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Poppel, Ernst (Germany) RC-11-81 Modeling of the predictive behavior under the uncertain situation Kamiya, Naoki (Japan) RC-11-84 Does spatial attention interact with feature-based attention? 69 2. Cognitive Yasuda, Nao; Mizuto, Yoko; Higashikawa, Mari; Ishizaka, Ikuyo; Fukuda, Michinari SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Bao, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jiyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yang, Taoxi (Germany) Cognition RC-11-1 Attentional Modulation of Ensemble Coding for Dynamic Faces' Identities Zhou, Guomei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Bin 2. Cognitive RC-11-2 Phonology, orthography, and disyllable context in auditory recognition of Mandarin third tone sandhi Wang, Guixiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xuqian, Chen; Yong, Chen RC-11-3 The common element effect of metaphorical mapping in language processing Chen, Xuqian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Guixiang, Wang; Yuchan, Liang RC-11-4 On How Conceptual Connections Influence the Category Perception Effect of Colors Wang, Guixiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xuqian, Chen RC-11-5 Color effects in the schematic face of anger and sadness Takahashi, Fumiyo (Japan); Kawabata, Yasuhiro RC-11-7 A study of the cognitive basis of entrepreneurship Gomes, Carlos A (Germany); Mecklinger, Axel; Obschonka, Martin RC-11-8 Domain General Associative Ability Moderate the Serial Order Effect in Divergent Thinking Xu, Xiaobo (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-11-9 Event-related potentials as an index of imageability of Chinese classifiers: Do categorization devices carry space information? Chen, Xuqian (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-11-11 The correlation of association with the frequency of involuntary memory Kamiya, Shunji (Japan) RC-11-16 The impact of perceptual load on crossmodal spreading of attention Chen, Xiaoxi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yue, Zhenzhu; Gao, Dingguo; Liu, Yaozhong; Ye, Maolin RC-11-17 Hemispheric asymmetry in visuospatial attention: Evidence from a functional visual field task 70 Furukawa, Kaori (Japan); Nakahara, Kimihiro; Mitsudo, Hiroyuki RC-11-19 Voluntary Action and Tactile Sensory Feedback in Intentional Binding Effect Zhao, Ke (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qu, Fangbin; Cui, Qian; Piao, Qiuhong; Xu, Hui; Li, Yan; Fu, Xiaolan; Wang, Liang RC-11-20 Multiple-identity tracking via foveal vision, peripheral vision, and memory Li, Jie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Oksama, Lauri (Finland); Hyona, Jukka (Finland) RC-11-21 Impact of Vividness of Visual Imagery and verbal Fluency on Semantic Effects During Speech Production Fang, Yanhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yin, Guanhai; Zhang, Jijia RC-11-24 Working Memory Capacity Affects Semantic Effects Size During Language Production Fang, Yanhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yin, Guanhai; Zhang, Jijia RC-11-26 The Effect of Presenter's Demeanor and Mode of Presentation of Items on Memory Retention Pineda, Danicca V (Philippines); Perilla, Stephanie Ll.; Gabriel, Patricia G; Maog, Jewel B RC-11-30 Combined Role of Age and Conceptual Relations on Semantic Effects during Language Production Yin, Guanhai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fang, Yanhong; Zhang, Jijia RC-11-31 Social Inhibition of Return in Anorexia Nervosa Dalmaso, Mario (Italy); Castelli, Luigi; Scatturin, Pietro; Carli, Lorenza; Todisco, Patrizia; Palomba, Daniela; Galfano, Giovanni RC-11-33 Different neurocognitive pattern of conflict control in Tibetan living at high altitude above and below 4000 m Wang, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Hailin; Han, Buxin RC-11-36 The Mechanism of the Effect of Task Setting on Negative Compatibility Effect: The Effect of Top-down Cognition Control on Subliminal Prime Processing Jiaying, Wang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hang, Liu RC-11-37 The effect of the head direction in the attentional capture by gaze cue Murata, Yuya (Japan); Shigemasu, Hiroaki RC-11-39 MEMORY RETENTION: Effect of Numbers of Words, Numbers of Letters in a Word and Its Positioning to Preschool Children Ciocson, Kresha Joy G (Philippines); Fulgosino, Julie Anne N; Peloton, Eunice Alyssa G RC-11-41 The role of alertness on visual and auditory temporal information processing Liu, Peiduo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yang, Wenjing; Huang, Xiting; Liu, Guangyuan RC-11-46 Is Working Memory Capacity Domain-Specific? Sanada, Motoyuki (Japan); Koki, Ikeda; Toshikazu, Hasegawa RC-11-47 Visuospatial and verbal memory in mental arithmetic Cleraman, Jack (United Kingdom) RC-11-55 Exploratory study on the effects of Abacus-type Mental Arithmetics (AMA) Takenouchi, Hiroshi (Japan); Yoshiyasu, Takefuji RC-11-57 The influence of cognitive and affective factors on mind wandering Krimsky, Marissa (United States of America); Denkova, Ekaterina; Jha, Amishi RC-11-58 Children's mirror system activity is affected by viewpoint difference while observing other's hand actions Nishimura, Yuki (Japan); Ikeda, Yuki; Higuchi, Shigekazu RC-11-60 Sense of agency in competitive situations: Effects of behavioral consequences and others Yajima, Yurie (Japan); Tanaka, Yuto; Umeda, Satoshi RC-11-62 Ipsilateral Benefit Effect of Handedness in Posture Judgment: Evidence from Event-Related Potential Mei, Dongmei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Wei; Ming, Li RC-11-63 The Influence of Object-based Attention and Similarity on Feature Binding Maintained in Visual Working Memory Li, Shouxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Che, Xiaowei RC-11-67 Identification of emotions in the attentional blink is enhanced with the distinctive eyes Shigemasu, Hiroaki (Japan) RC-11-68 Action plans of reaching toward objects: observation to hand actions influence identification of graspable objects SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM RC-11-71 Effects of autistic traits and the context use on social cognitions: A mediation analysis Ishikawa, Mitsuhiko (Japan); Itakura, Shoji; Tanabe, Hiroki RC-11-75 Mirror visual feedback with movable mirror makes an illusory feeling of the hand movement. Ishihara, Yuki (Japan); Kodaka, Kenri RC-11-80 Influence of the temporal-unit duration on the intelligibility of English mosaic speech Kojima, Kaori (Japan); Nakajima, Yoshitaka RC-11-82 Segregation and integration processes in inhibition of return Zhang, Yang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Luo, Yuejia; Zhang, Ming Communication RC-11-28 Onomatopoeias used by nurse students toward preschool patients before and after pediatric nursing training Ishidate, Miyako (Japan); Ito, Takehiko; Oyama, Tadasu RC-11-83 Perceptual Validity and Analytical Advantages of Non-Negative Bases Extracted from Factor Analyses of Japanese Speech Nakao, Kanshi (Japan); Kishida, Takuya; Nakajima, Yoshitaka Comparative Cognition RC-11-42 Reduction and reconstruction of the biological motion of medaka fish Shibai, Atsushi (Japan); Arimoto, Tsunehiro; Yoshinaga, Tsukasa; Tsuchizawa, Yuta; Dashdavaa, Khureltulga; Hosoda, Kazufumi RC-11-52 Do horses understand emotional value of human facial expressions? Nakamura, Kosuke (Japan); Takimoto, Ayaka; Hasegawa, Toshikazu RC-11-53 Does a human smile serve as a positive reward in horses? Takimoto, Ayaka (Japan) RC-11-54 Object-based attention in avian species, pigeons and hill mynas. Fujii, Kazuki (Japan); Ushitani, Tomokazu RC-11-74 Do humans and fish share similar numerical criteria when making numerosity judgments? Miletto Petrazzini, Maria Elena (Italy); Agrillo, Christian (Italy); Bisazza, Angelo (Italy); Izard, Veronique (France) RC-11-77 Do fish (Poecilia reticulata) perceive the brightness illusion? Agrillo, Christian (Italy); Miletto Petrazzini, Maria Elena; Bisazza, Angelo Decision Making RC-11-70 Variability of false-consensus in decision making. Kitamura, Miho (Japan); Watanabe, Katsumi RC-11-73 Indecisiveness Person Avoid the Situation Confronted to Decision-making. Saito, Shoko (Japan); Midorikawa, Akira Developmental Disorders RC-11-12 Quantifying Distractibility in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Attentional Capture by Salient and Attractive Distractors Okumura, Yasuko (Japan); Kita, Yosuke; Suzuki, Kota; Inagaki, Masumi RC-11-64 Memory of the Self in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Yamamoto, Kenta (Japan); Masumoto, Kouhei Educational and School Psychology RC-11-44 Growth Trajectories of Achievement in Mathematics, Chinese Language and English Language: Longitudinal Tracking of Student Academic Progress Mok, Magdalena Mo Ching (Hong Kong); Zhu, Jinxin; Law, Cecilia Lai Kwan RC-11-66 Effects of school-based cognitive training on academic achievements and cognitive abilities Maehara, Yukio (Japan) Emotion RC-11-38 Effects of spousal hand-holding and attachment on salivary alpha amylase and aversiveness in response to infant crying Hiraoka, Daiki (Japan); Miyasaka, Mami; Nomura, Michio RC-11-43 Determinant of attention bias magnitude toward threat-related stimulus: temporal characteristics of stimulus presentation Takahashi, Kento (Japan); Ambo, Hideo; Sato, Toshihiko RC-11-48 Influence of invisible affective faces on social judgments of own-race and other-race faces Shang, Junchen (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-11-56 The emotion regulation of positive emotions Regner, Evangelina R (Argentina) Environmental Psychology RC-11-35 Does hyperbaric exposure affect mental spatial transformation ability?: An examination using two kinds of mental body rotation tasks. Kageyama, Nozomu (Japan) Evolutionary Psychology RC-11-49 Pictures of out-group members increase human impulsivity Shinohara, Asami (Japan); Yamamoto, Shinya RC-11-50 Mirrors have a modest effect on human impulsivity Shinohara, Asami (Japan); Yamamoto, Shinya Health Psychology RC-11-61 NORMALIZATION OF COGNITIVE THINKING BY HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Bryndin, Evgeniy G (Russia) Language RC-11-18 Japanese Kanji Word Recognition Processing for Chinese Learners of Japanese: A Study of Phonological Priming Xiao, Jing (Japan); Morishima, Yasunori RC-11-34 Phonological Awareness in EFL Japanese Elementary School Students Participating in Foreign (English) Language Activities Sakuma, Yasuyuki (Japan); Takaki, Shuichi RC-11-69 Two distinct systems for categorization of semantic information Matsumoto, Atsushi (Japan); Takahiro, Soshi; Norio, Fujimaki; Aya, Ihara Learning RC-11-6 Effects of decaffeinated coffee on reaction time Fukuda, Mina (Japan); Aoyama, Kenjiro RC-11-23 Family Resemble Category Learning:ERPs Study Xing, Qiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sun, Hailong RC-11-25 The impact of cognitive load and stimulus timing on contingency judgment Do Carmo Blanco, Noelia (France); Jozefowiez, Jeremie RC-11-76 Properties of exposure-based motion direction learning Zhang, Gong- Liang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yu, Cong 71 2. Cognitive Wang, Yonghui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhao, Liang; Zhao, Nan; Gong, Yanyan; Chen, Qiang SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Neuroscience RC-11-22 Involvement of frontal activities in proactive inhibition depends on the proportion of incompatible stimuli: a simultaneous EEG and NIRS study Suzuki, Kota (Japan); Okumura, Yasuko; Kita, Yosuke; Oi, Yuhei; Shinoda, Haruo; Inagaki, Masumi Personality 2. Cognitive RC-11-86 The relation between perfectionism and error-related negativity Yang, Yaeeun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Park, Taejin Psychological Assessment RC-11-29 The Preliminary Analysis of the Stability of K-WPPSI-4 Performances Choi, Hyewon P (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Jinsuk; Han, Jihyeon 3. Developmental Psychometrics RC-11-59 Design, development and calibration of a questionnaire data set to evaluate perceptual, emotional and cognitive abilities in third and fifth grade school children Zalce-aceves, Alejandro (Mexico) Sensation and Perception RC-11-13 Visual Words Differ from Nonwords: Electrophysiological Correlates of Implicit Processing for Bigram Familiarity Kasai, Tetsuko (Japan); Uno, Tomoki; Urushihara, Ayaka; Makinae, Shiika RC-11-14 Visual discomfort and temporal flicker Yoshimoto, Sanae (Japan); Garcia, Jesel (United States of America); Jiang, Fang (United States of America); Wilkins, Arnold (United States of America); Takeuchi, Tatsuto (Japan); Webster, Michael A (United States of America) RC-11-32 Causal context changes the temporal order of two serial events. Umemura, Hiroyuki (Japan) RC-11-40 Transfer of aftereffect between motion and binocular cue in perception of 3D surface shape He, Shufang (Japan); Shigemasu, Hiroaki RC-11-45 Visual masking and time perception: The effect of target stimulus duration Asaoka, Riku (Japan); Gyoba, Jiro RC-11-72 Perceptual rhythm changes in seeing continuous random dot patterns. Inoue, Teresa (Japan); Shogo, Itoi; Ikuya, Murakami 72 RC-11-85 The effect of flanker dissimilar to target in visual crowding Kusano, Tsutomu (Japan) (Canada); Manolitsis, George (Greece); De Jong, Peter (Netherlands); Parrila, Rauno (Canada) Social Psychology Discussant: Parrila, Rauno (Canada); Parrila, Rauno RC-11-10 Females in physical pain trust more on others for self-interest Wang, Chenbo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jiatao, Gao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Cheng, Zhu (United States of America); Xiaowei, Dong (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Sport and Exercise Psychology RC-11-27 Relationship between gaze stabilization and angle of head and trunk movement in gymnasts during jumps with half turn Sato, Yusuke (Japan); Torii, Shuko; Sasaki, Masaharu RC-11-79 Postural Sway in Competitive Fencers Sato, Hideaki (Japan); Nagai, Masanori; Wada, Maki; Sunaga, Noriaki Contributed Symposium CS25-05 Educational and School Psychology Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 416 Literacy acquisition across diverse writing systems Organizer: Inoue, Tomohiro (Japan) Cognitive predictors of early literacy skills in syllabic Hiragana and logographic Kanji Inoue, Tomohiro (Japan); Georgiou, George K (Canada); Muroya, Naoko (Japan); Oshiro, Takako (Japan); Imanaka, Hirofumi (Japan); Kitamura, Hiroyuki (Japan); Hosokawa, Miyuki (Japan); Maekawa, Hisao (Japan); Parrila, Rauno (Canada) Cognitive-linguistic skills and reading and writing in Korean Hangul, Chinese Hanja, and English among Korean children Cho, Jeung-ryeul (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Sang-mee Does culture influence the role of distal cognitive processes on reading and mathematics? Deng, Ciping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wei, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Das, J. P. (Canada); Tavouktsoglou, Athanasios (Canada); Georgiou, George K. (Canada) Does orthographic consistency influence the growth of reading? Georgiou, George K (Canada); Landerl, Karin (Austria); Desrochers, Alain Contributed Symposium CS25-13 Educational and School Psychology Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 416 Psychology, Creativity and Participatory Education Organizer: Hanchett Hanson, Michael (United States of America) Making of a Star: Youth Development and Participatory Models of Creativity Hanchet Hanson, Michael (United States of America) Introducing Access and Equity to the Creative Classroom Clapp, Edward P (United States of America) From distributed and participatory to critical approaches in educating creativity Glaveanu, Vlad (Denmark) Discussant: Moran, Seana (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS25-17Culture Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 313 Mother-child Emotional Discourse and Child Socio-emotional Outcomes: Understanding the Role of Culture Organizer: Yang, Yang (United States of America) Co-organizer: Wang, Qi (United States of America) Maternal Emotion Teaching in MotherChild Interactions in Japan: Contribution to Preschoolers' Emotion Knowledge Watanabe, Naomi (United States of America); Denham, Susanne A (United States of America); Bassett, Hideko H (United States of America); Kobayashi, Tessei (Japan); Curby, Timothy (United States of America); Nasser, Ilham (United States of America) Discussion of Internal States and Behaviors in Mother Child Reminiscing: Relations to Children's Emotion Knowledge in European American and Chinese Immigrant Families Yang, Yang (United States of America); Koh, Jessie B.k. (Canada); Wang, Qi (United States of America) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM developmental changes in children's drawing activities through the Digital Pen Koh, Jessie Bee Kim (Canada); Wang, Qi (United States of America) Evolution and development of representational drawing How did you feel? Mother-child conversations about emotionally salient past events and children's psychological adjustment in a German sample Saito, Aya (Japan); Hayashi, Misato; Takeshita, Hideko; Matsuzawa, Tetsuro Schroder, Lisa (Germany) Contributed Symposium CS26-06Personality Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 416 Adolescent psychosocial development Contributed Symposium CS25-22Development Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 417 Time perspective in motivational context Organizer: Tsuzuki, Manabu (Japan) Co-organizer: Herrera, Dora I (Peru) Future time perspective and adaptability profiles in Portuguese VET and higher education-oriented students Paixao, Maria Paula A (Portugal); Silva, Jose Tomas; Duarte, Francisca C Relations between developments in students' time perspectives on school and professional career and in academic self-efficacy Peetsma, Thea (Netherlands); Jaap, Schuitema; Ineke, Van Der Veen Development of Japanese version of adolescent time attitude scale (ATAS-J) Chishima, Yuta (Japan) Influence of time relatedness on present behavior Ishikawa, Akane (Japan) Career development and time perspective in undergraduate students Tsuzuki, Manabu (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS25-27 Comparative Cognition Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 17:30 Conference Center 4F 417 Evolution and development of object manipulation and drawing behavior Organizer: Hayashi, Misato (Japan) Development of object manipulation as a foundation of drawing behavior Hayashi, Misato (Japan); Takeshita, Hideko Perception-Action Foundations of Use of Graphic Instruments and Tools in Early Childhood Lockman, Jeffrey (United States of America); Fears, Nicholas E Quantitative dynamic analysis of Yato, Yuko (Japan) Discussant: Tanaka, Masayuki (Japan) Organizer: Sugimura, Kazumi (Japan) Co-organizer: Crocetti, Elisabetta (Netherlands) The multi-faceted side of delinquency: A comparison of male adolescents reporting no, minor, and major delinquency over time Titzmann, Peter F (Germany); Silbereisen, Rainer K. (Germany); Mesch, Gustavo (Israel) The relationship between intra-individual change in positive youth development and individual and contextual factors: findings from the Lithuanian study of positive youth development Kaniusonyte, Zukauskiene, Oksana Goda (Lithuania); Rita; Malinauskiene, The relationships between separation, connectedness, and identity: A reconsideration with Japanese adolescents Sugimura, Kazumi (Japan); Nakama, Reiko; Mizokami, Shinichi; Hatano, Kai; Tsuzuki, Manabu The Dynamic Interplay among Maternal Empathy, Quality of Mother-Adolescent Relationship, and Adolescent Antisocial Behaviors: New Insights from a SixWave Longitudinal Multi-Informant Study Crocetti, Elisabetta (Netherlands); Moscatelli, Silvia (Italy); Van Der Graaff, Jolien (Netherlands); Keijsers, Loes (Netherlands); Van Lier, Pol (Netherlands); Koot, Hans M (Netherlands); Rubini, Monica (Italy); Meeus, Wim (Netherlands); Branje, Susan (Netherlands) Discussant: Shirai, Toshiaki (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS26-11Cognition Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 413 New paradigms of Theory of mind with a special focus on the linguistic aspect of the tasks : data in typical and atypical development (with autism) Organizer: Norimatsu, Hiroko (France) Linguistic model of interpreting process, involving ToM ability Raoul, Blin (France) ToM ability tested with the "disambiguation task" in French & Japanese children aged 16-38 months Norimatsu, Hiroko (France); Blin, Raoul (France); Sorsana, Christine (France); Hashiya, Kazuhide (Japan); Kobayashi, Hiromi (Japan) Theory of mind in children with autism spectrum disorder : a real deficit or a developmental delay ? Bouvet, Lucie (France); Guillon, Quentin; Norimatsu, Hiroko; Kruck, Jeanne; Voltzenlogel, Virginie; Roge, Bernadette Metacognitive developments in word learning: Connecting the disambiguation effect and theory of mind Doherty, Martin J (United Kingdom); Gollek, Cornelia Discussant: Kozima, Hideki (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS26-19Development Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 414 Socialization in different contexts: moderating and mediating effects of intervention programs Organizer: Helmerhorst, (Netherlands) Katrien Working mechanisms of the KiVa antibullying intervention among primary school children Saarento, Silja (Finland); Salmivalli, Christina Moderating effects of the Caregiver Interaction Profile training on caregiverchild interactions in center based child care Helmerhorst, Katrien (Netherlands); Riksen-walraven, Marianne; Fukkink, Ruben; Tavecchio, Louis; Gevers Deynoot - Schaub, Mirjam Self-help intervention based on a parenting book: does it work as well as face-to-face programs for children with conduct problems? 73 3. Developmental Discussion of internal states during mother-child reminiscing and children's socio-emotional functioning in two cultural communities SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Trifan, Tatiana Alina (Sweden) Children's genetic susceptibility to parenting: Evidence from a randomized trial of the Incredible Years parent training program Overbeek, Geertjan (Netherlands); Weeland, Joyce; Chhangur, Rabia Working mechanisms of the KiVa antibullying intervention among primary school children Salmivalli, Christina (Finland); Saarento, Silja Discussant: Ozdemir, Metin (Sweden) Contributed Symposium CS27-14Development Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 412 Time perspective in developmental context Organizer: Shirai, Toshiaki (Japan) 3. Developmental Future Orientation, aspirations and social variables related to academic success and well-being in university students Herrera, Dora I (Peru); Matos, Lennia Developments in time perspectives on school and professional career of students in intermediate vocational education Van Der Veen, Ineke (Netherlands); Peetsma, Ineke Relations between developments in students' time perspectives on school and professional career and the importance attached to school by their parents Schuitema, Jaap (Netherlands); Thea, Peetsma; Ineke, Van Der Veen The relationship between time perspective and identity formation with a focus on both identity formation processes and products Ishii, Ryo (Japan) Time orientation and identity development in early adulthood among college graduates Shirai, Toshiaki (Japan); Nakamura, Tomoyasu; Higata, Atsuko Discussant: Paixao, Maria Paula A (Portugal) Contributed Symposium CS27-27Development Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 417 What to and "how to" study in selfregulatory research: Recent trends in view of various perspectives and approaches Organizer: Watanabe, Tadaharu (Japan) Co-organizer: Takeo, Kazuko (Japan) Is an understanding of the need to control emotion central to their regulation of actions and emotions? Pala, F Cansu (Turkey); Lewis, Charlie (United Kingdom) Development of conflict management strategies of children in China, Japan, and South Korea and parent's behaviors and ways of thinking Maruyama, Hiroki (Japan) Developmental change of infant selfregulation as one aspect of motherchild joint development Tadaharu, Watanabe (Japan); Takeo, Kazuko Discussant: Takahashi, Noboru (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS28-09Development Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 415 Family Influences at Different Ages - Data and Results from Large Panel Studies Organizer: Baumer, Thomas (Germany) Effects of the family structures and the family education on the early development of children. First outcome of the French cohort ELFE at one year. Geay, Bertrand (France); Humeau, Pierig Organizer: Moriguchi, Yusuke (Japan) Understanding violations of Gricean maxims in typically developing preschoolers and adults Okanda, Mako (Japan); Itakura, Shoji Development of the interpretation of ambiguous referents in preschoolers with developmental disorder Murakami, Taro (Japan) Autism phenotype and models of lexical development Surian, Luca (Italy) Understanding violations of Gricean maxims in children with autism spectrum disorder Asada, Kosuke (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS29-07 Educational and School Psychology Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 413 Role of family environment in the development and expression of high intellectual/creative potential in low SES children Organizer: Tordjman, Sylvie (France) Family environment facilitating the development and expression of high intellectual potential in French low SES children Tordjman, Sylvie (France); Perou, Cindy; Kermarrec, Solenn; Guignard, Jacques-henri Effects of Family Background and the Home Learning Environment on Participation in Extra-curricular Activities from Grade 5 to Grade 7. Results from the National Educational Panel Study of Germany. Role of family environment in the development and expression of high creative potential in Chinese low SES children Baumer, Thomas (Germany); Rosbach, Hans - Gunther Role of family environment in the development and expression of high intellectual potential in Chinese low SES children The Transition to Adulthood in Europe and China: A comparative panel-analysis of the trajectories from school to work, from partnership to parenthood and leaving the parental home Nauck, Bernhard (Germany); Groepler, Nicolai Discussant: Von Maurice, Jutta (Germany) 74 Contributed Symposium CS28-10Development Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 416 Pragmatic abilities in typically and atypically development Cheng, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Mingjing; Dai, Hongci; Liu, Zhengkui Zhu, Mingjing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Cheng, Li; Shi, Jiannong Discussant: Tordjman, Sylvie (France) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Thematic Session TS26-17Development Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Exhibition Hall E206 Understanding the mental state of others: Current directions in Theory of Mind research Organizer: Kikuchi, Yukiko (Japan) Co-organizer: Akechi, Hironori (Finland) Organizer: Furumi, Fumikazu (Japan) Co-organizer: Mizokawa, Ai (Japan) Involuntary facial mimicry in ASD / TD children: an EMG study with static / morphing facial stimuli Children's response to positive feedback after failure and Theory of Mind Hashiya, Kazuhide (Japan) Does omission bias make a change in the perception of intention? Short interpersonal distance in individuals with autism spectrum disorder Asada, Kosuke (Japan) Facial attention and its effect on social cognition in face-to-face live situations Kikuchi, Yukiko (Japan) Mind perception and moral judgement in autism Akechi, Hironori (Finland) Discussant: Senju, Atsushi (United Kingdom) Thematic Session TS26-06Personality Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 416 Positive Development in Adulthood in Finland and Russia: implications and trends. Organizer: Strizhitskaya, Olga (Russia) Positive Approach Functioning: Empirical Strizhitskaya, Olga (Russia) Transitioning into Adulthood: Striking a Balance between Support and Independence Schneider, Barbara (United States of America); Klager, Christopher; Chen, I-chien; Burns, Jason Pre-employment Psychosocial Antecedents of 30-Year-long Career Pathways in a Finnish 46-year old Birth Cohort Ek, Ellen M (Finland); Ala-mursula, Leena; Garcia Velazquez, Regina; Tolvanen, Asko; Koiranen, Markku; Salmela-aro, Katariina The parameters of positive functioning in the structure of Burnout: age aspects Petrash, Marina (Russia) Discussant: Savenysheva, Svetlana S (Russia) Mizokawa, Ai (Japan) Hayashi, Hajimu (Japan) Role-play facilitates reading the mind of characters with inversed and reversed perception Furumi, Fumikazu (Japan); Masuda, Megumi; Koyasu, Masuo A case of acquisition of mentalizing from various forms of media by a child with autism Goshiki, Toru (Japan) Empathy and perspective taking in autism spectrum disorders Komeda, Hidetsugu (United Kingdom) Discussant: Lewis, Charlie N (United Kingdom) Thematic Session TS26-23 Comparative Cognition Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 416 Social-affective processes: thirdparty issues in evolutionary and developmental perspectives Organizer: Fujita, Kazuo (Japan) Co-organizer: Anderson, James R (Japan) What makes a conspecific? The role of different types of information on conspecific perception in reptiles Wilkinson, Anna (United Kingdom); Frohnwieser, Anna (United Kingdom); Murray, John C (United Kingdom); Kis, Anna (Hungary); Pike, Thomas W (United Kingdom) Building blocks of moral competence: Do infants link the domains of harm and fairness? Surian, Luca (Italy); Meristo, Marek (Sweden); Ueno, Mika (Japan); Itakura, Shoji (Japan) Third-party-based social evaluations by capuchin monkeys Anderson, James R (Japan); Kuroshima, Hika; Takimoto, Ayaka; Bucher, Benoit; Fujita, Kazuo Young children s motivation to share earned resources with peers Schaefer, Marie (Germany); Daniel; Tomasello, Michael Haun, Third-party affective evaluation of humans in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) Fujita, Kazuo (Japan); Chijiiwa, Hitomi; Hori, Yusuke; Kuroshima, Hika; Anderson, James R Thematic Session TS27-09Aging Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Annex Hall F201 Pathways to Wonderful Aging: Designing life to promote positive development in old age Organizer: Kusaka, Nahoko (Japan) Development of gerotranscendence: A key concept to explain the higher subjective well-being of older people. Gondo, Yasuyuki (Japan); Masui, Yukie; Nakagawa, Takeshi; Kamide, Kei; Ikebe, Kazunori; Arai, Yasumiti; Ishizaki, Teturo; Takahashi, Ryutaro On the road to a better life: A goal realization program for depressed older adults. Lapierre, Sylvie (Canada); Desjardins, Sophie; Marcoux, Lyson; Dube, Micheline; Miquelon, Paule; Cantinotti, Michael; Alain, Michel; Boyer, Richard The intervention of Wonderful Aging: A program to find the meaning of life Kusaka, Nahoko (Japan); Tsuchida, Noriaki; Narumoto, Jin Photographic Metacognition Workshop: How to visualize the positive aspect of the Self Ueda, Nobuyuki (Japan) Thematic Session TS27-14 Developmental Disorders Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Annex Hall F201 Investigation into the intergenerational transmission of psychopathology: An empirical consideration of risk and protective factors from developmental psychopathology Organizer: Kibe, Chieko (Japan) Co-organizer: Saito, Aya (Japan) Inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity in children and their parents: Association of parent-child relationship and mental health of children Saito, Aya (Japan) Influence of Parental and Children's Autistic Traits on the Parent-Child 75 3. Developmental Thematic Session TS25-13 Developmental Disorders Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 17:30 Conference Center 4F 414 Social cognition and behavior in autism: from body sense to theory of mind SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Relationship and Psychological wellbeing in children. Sakata, Yukina (Japan) Longitudinal investigation into transgenerational association of parental depressive symptoms with preschoolers' socioemotional adjustment Kibe, Chieko (Japan) Investigation into Influence of "Rejection Sensitivity" of Parents with Depression on Children's Psychosocial Maladjustments Sato, Minori (Japan) Discussant: Kawashima, Akiko (Japan) 3. Developmental Thematic Session TS27-18 Educational and School Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Annex Hall F201 The Emergence of School Guidance in High Schools in China and a Comparison with that in Australia Organizer: Wang, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)) A Chinese perspective of school guidance based on developmental evaluation Deng, Ciping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Wei Current status of developmental guidance in Chinese high schools Thematic Session TS28-10Development Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E204 Factors That Influence the Development of Fairness from Infancy through Childhood: Evidence from China and USA Organizer: Liu, Wen (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Equity Sensitivity in 2~3 Years Old Children in a Resource Distribution Task Liu, Wen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Lin; Zhang, Xue The role of empathy in 5~6 years old preschool children’s inequity aversion Wang, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Discussant: Li, Zhining (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Deng, Ciping Zhang, Xue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Wen The Impact of Social Comparison on The Gap between 3~8 year-old Children’s Fairness Cognition and Behavior Liu, Wen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); ZHANG, YU; TU, XINTIAN Organizer: Kanzaki, Mami (Japan) Kawamata, Tomomichi (Japan) How do volunteer-supporters rebuild the relationships with the students, who had avoided school but start participating in the school? Kanzaki, Mami (Japan) How does a school counselor take an approach to students who avoid school in cooperation with teachers? Onohara, Ai (Japan) Drop out from school as a question of match rather than missing qualification or motivation. Jensen, Mogens (Denmark) 76 How Japanese older adults obtain health and medical information: probably not through internet Kinjo, Hikari (Japan) Noro, Ikuko (Japan) How do the high school students suffering from multiple problems achieve participation and boundary crossing? The development of school guidance in China comparing with Australian school guidance practices: An international perspective Wada, Yuichi (Japan) Distributive Justice of Young Children and The Relationship between It and Theory of Mind The effect of career counselling on career decision-making self-efficacy in year 10 students in a Chinese provincial key high school Wang, Meng (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Associations between Internet usage, computer literacy, and quality of life among older adults Elderly patients' comprehension of information during informed consent Li, Zhining (China (People's Repbulic of China)) The related research of high school students' autonomous learning ability and mental healt Organizer: Yoshida, Hajime (Japan) Co-organizer: Yamamoto, Hiroki (Japan) Liu, Wen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wen, Guoqi; Tu, Xintian Thematic Session TS28-13 Educational and School Psychology Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Exhibition Hall E206 The adolescents' lives after dropout from schools: How can we reconstruct trust with them? Xiaojun, Peng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jing, Weng Thematic Session TS28-17Aging Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 313 Literacy for healthy aging: The role of comprehending on a healthylongevity life. Possible support for older adults to use structure strategy in comprehending instructions for medical emergency notification services. Yamamoto, Hiroki (Japan) Discussant: Scholz, Urte (Switzerland) Thematic Session TS29-14Development Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 311 The effects of co-cooking and eating/drinking activities between children and adults on their psychological development Organizer: Tajima, Nobumoto (Japan) Characteristics of the mother-child interactions observed during co-cooking activities. Kotani, Megumi (Japan) Developmental support for a child with Down syndrome using snack routine with co-making CALPIS.- To facilitate spontaneous and communication behavior-. Nagasaki, Tsutomu (Japan) Co-making and drinking "Calpis" activity as cultural tool to mediate communications between preschoolers and aged people Miyashita, Takahiro (Japan) Discussant: Kawashima, Ryuta (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Organizer: Takeshita, Hideko (Japan) The evolution and development of smiles: a comparison between humans and chimpanzees Kawakami, Fumito (Japan) Behavioral and cognitive development in an infant chimpanzee with cerebral palsy: An approach applying human childcare and therapy services Takeshita, Hideko (Japan); Takashio, Junichi; Yamada, Nobuhiro; Takahashi, Ichiro; Kawakami, Fumito; Fukuda, Keiko; Honda, Yusuke; Tatara, Naruki; Shimomoto, Yoshiko; Hayashi, Misato; Mizuno, Yuu; Tomonaga, Masaki Support for mothering in chimpanzees and orangutans Hayashi, Misato (Japan) Why orangutans develop slower than other great apes? A study on a Bornean population Mendonca, Renata S (Japan); Kanamori, Tomoko; Kuze, Noko; Hayashi, Misato; Matsuzawa, Tetsuro Discussant: Delafield-butt, Jonathan (United Kingdom) Thematic Session TS29-23 Developmental Disorders Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 415 What autistic spectrum disorder children see and how they interpret what they saw- eye tracker data and story telling contents of Japanese and Chinese ASD children compared Organizer: Kakinuma, Miki (Japan) Communicative behavior of Autistic Spectrum disorder and typically developing children in Japan and China Igarashi, Kazue (Japan); Konno, Michiko (Japan); Watanabe, Tadaharu (Japan); Jing, Jin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) How children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder process visual information Uechi, Ayako (Japan); Takarabe, Morihisa (Japan); Jing, Jin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Half of the parents of ASD children have lower visual information processing performances, just like their offspring. Kakinuma, Miki (Japan); Takahashi, Momoko (Japan); Izuru, Nose (Japan); Jing, Jin (Japan); Yu, Jin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Buyun, Liu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Uechi, Aya (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Takarabe, Morihisa (Japan) Oral Presentation Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 424A Aggression and Prosocial Behavior OR25-14-1 Why allocate resources to unfamiliar preschool peers? The more the recipient deserve it, the more be allocated Zhang, Zhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shi, Jiannong OR25-14-2 Effects of Peer Rejection on School Children' Prosocial Behavior: the Moderating and Mediating Role of Self-esteem Zhang, Ye (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Shanshan; Wang, Leqiong; Tian, Siyu; Xu, Guohua OR25-14-3 The moderating effects of empathy on the association between coping and relational aggression among preadolescents Voulgaridou, Ioanna (Greece); Kokkinos, Constantinos M OR25-14-4 The relationship between cooperation and punishment in children with high-functioning autism Li, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Liqi OR25-14-5 Role of friendship network structure on prosocial behavior: A multilevel analysis Kim, Jingu (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Yoon, Young; Park, Jonghyo OR25-14-6 The development of social orientation value and its effect on sharing ingroup bias Hao, Jiajia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yinghechen, Chen; Xuejun, Bai Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 424A Aging OR25-50-1 Odor Identification and cognitive functions in older adults: Evidence from the Yakumo Study Hatta, Takeshi (Japan); Katayama, Naomi; Katoh, Kimiko; Iwahara, Akihiko; Hatta, Taketoshi; Hatta, Junko; Higashikawa, Mari; Hotta, Chie; Ito, Emi OR25-50-2 Neuroticism Personality, Spirituality, Trait of Emotional Support, and Psychological Well-Being of Empty-Nest Mothers Wardani, Ria (Indonesia) OR25-50-3 Development of the 3-item psychological autonomy scale for the elderly in Japanese Fukase, Yuko (Japan); Murayama, Norio; Tagaya, Hirokuni OR25-50-5 Mental Health Status and Attitude towards Aging of Selected SelfIdentified Lesbian and Gay Filipino Able-Aged Reyes, Marc Eric S (Philippines); Abella, Nicole Meliza Ann C; Abello, Rizal Michael R; De Vera, Roed Vincent C; Go, Bennie Kate V; Morales, Kathleen Anne C OR25-50-6 Analyzing Sexual Well-Being among a Cross-National Sample of Older Adults Von Humboldt, Sofia (Portugal); Leal, Isabel Health Psychology OR25-50-4 Childhood self-control and mortality by midlife Daly, Michael (United Kingdom) Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 511 Aging OR25-64-2 Levels of Frustration and Coping Mechanism of Older Adults in a Selected Institution for the Elderly: Basis for a Counseling Intervention Program Agustin, Eleanor C (Philippines) OR25-64-4 A public temporary employment agency promotes positive worker identity and life satisfaction in Japanese elderly people: a longitudinal test of Lemon's activity theory of aging Nakahara, Jun (Japan) OR25-64-5 Effects of reminiscence in group session on mental activities in later life Hosokawa, Aya (Japan) OR25-64-7 Effects of negative life events and gerotranscendence on changes in mental health over three years among the 80+ population: The SONIC study Masui, Yukie (Japan); Gondo, Yasuyuki; Nakagagawa, Takeshi; Ishioka, Yoshiko; Ogawa, Madoka; Kozono, Marina; Inagaki, Hiroki; Takayama, Midori; Katagiri, Keiko; Yasumoto, Saori; Megumi, Tabuchi; Kurinobu, Takeshi; Arai, Yasumichi; Ikebe, Kazunori; Kamide, Kei; Takahashi, Ryutaro; Ishizaki, Tatsuro OR25-64-8 Predictors of Physical and Psychological Health in the Retirement 77 3. Developmental Thematic Session TS29-21 Comparative Cognition Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 412 Comparative developmental and cultural studies on child development and child rearing SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Transition: Preliminary Analyses on Hong Kong Chinese Retirees Yeung, Dannii Y (Hong Kong) Development OR25-64-1 Have You Thought About Our Marriage Life Yet? : a Study about Future Orientation on Marriage Area in College Students Faza, Gaida (Indonesia); Nurshadrina, Amanda; Rubiyanti, Yanti OR25-64-3 Will You Marry Me? : Study about Influence of Status in Relationship to Future Orientation on Mariage Area in College Students Rubiyanti, Yanti (Indonesia); Faza, Gaida; Nurshadrina, Amanda 3. Developmental OR25-64-6 The effect of separation experience on the mental health of migrant children Han, Ru (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhengkui, Liu Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center B1F 24 Aging OR25-70-1 Learning in the third age as a way to cope with cognitive aging and improve psychological well-being Belovol, Elena V (Russia); Shurupova, Elena Y; Boyko, Zlata V OR25-70-5 Social Comparison and Subjective Well-being in Older Adults: The Moderate Effects of Physical Health and Cognitive Ability Tingting, Huang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Dahua, Wang OR25-70-6 Utility of a digit working memory task in early detection of Alzheimer's disease for Chinese older adults Chang, Jianfang (Hong Kong); Hau, Kit Tai OR25-70-8 BREAKING THE MYTHS OF AGING: LIFESTYLE OF PEOPLE WITH LONG LIFE IN DAVAO REGION Mirafuentes, Teresita C (Philippines) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR25-70-2 Drawing on psychotherapeutic practice: to basics for integrating psychologist in personal development Chernaya, Anna (Russia) Gender and Sexuality OR25-70-3 Gender rules development during pretend play episodes of children adopted by gay couples Cerqueira-santos, Elder (Brazil) 78 OR25-70-4 SEXUALITY AMONG ELDERLY: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY Ganub, Calvin Dave D (Philippines) Health Psychology OR25-70-7 THE INFLUENCE OF PROBLEM/EMOTION FOCUSED COPING STRATEGIES ON GENERAL HEALTH OF FEMALE PARTNERS OF THE INCARCERATED IN IBADAN, NIGERIA. Bukola, Bada V (Nigeria) Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Exhibition Hall E206 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior OR25-54-4 Increased callousunemotional/'psychopathic' traits in South African children: What does this mean? Pileggi, Lea-ann (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Naylor, Tamsyn; Malcolm-smith, Susan OR25-54-6 The Content of Violence In Cartoon and Its Influence on Primary School Children's Aggressiveness Jiahong, Du (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR25-54-3 RESILIENCY, ATTACHMENT STYLE, AND SEX ROLE ORIENTATION AMONG CHILDREN OF OVERSEAS FILIPINO WORKERS:IMPLICATIONS FOR A PROPOSED COSP INTERVENTION PROGRAM Hocson, Sheila Marie G (Philippines); Sacayan, Rose Lynne V Crime and Delinquency OR25-54-2 A hopeful way forward for young boys who have lost their way. Marsay, Gloria (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Scioli, Anthony (United States of America); Omar, Shaheda (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Forensic Psychology and Law OR25-54-1 Taiwanese Children's Recall of a Staged Event: Effects of Age, Time Delay, and Retrieval Method Teoh, Yee San (Taiwan); Chiang, Wen-yu Health Psychology OR25-54-5 Resilience and Migration: psychosocial and cultural risk and protective factors in Iranian immigrants living in Australia Hosseini, Ashraf A (Australia); Kakuma, Ritsuko (Australia); Davern, Melanie (Australia); Ghazinour, Mehdi (Sweden); Evans, William (United States of America); Minas, Harry (Australia) Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 313 Development OR26-40-1 Visual selective attention development among 7-13 years old supernormal children Zhang, Xingli (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Xiaoyan; Fu, Yao; Yan, Jinglu; Shi, Jiannong OR26-40-2 Perceived Parental Disciplinary Behaviours and Adult Romantic Attachment of Malaysian Chinese - A Mixed-Methods Study Lee, Zheng Yang (Malaysia); Haron, Fatimah OR26-40-3 Paternal reactions to Chinese adolescents' negative emotions: Relations to adolescents' loneliness Wang, Mingzhu (Hong Kong); Zou, Hong (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-40-4 Experiencing Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) Method Among Working Mother and Stay At Home Mother in Indonesia: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Maharani, Ega Asnatasia (Indonesia) OR26-40-5 Chinese children's imaginary companions: Relations with peer relationship and social competence Qiyi, Lin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hong, Fu; Yingjia, Wan; Nan, Zhou; Hui, Xu Family and Community OR26-40-6 Assessing and exploring family resilience in a rural community on the West Coast, South Africa: A mixed methods research study Isaacs, Serena A (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Roman, Nicolette V; Savahl, Shazly; Sui, Xin-chen Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 316 Cognition OR26-42-5 A Study on Selective Attention in Different Types of Young Electronic Game Player Wei, Lanyun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fu, Liping OR26-42-6 Theory of Mind Development Among Filipino Preschoolers De Gracia, Ma. Regina L (Australia); Peterson, Candida; De Rosnay, Marc Comparative Cognition OR26-42-4 Development of 9 captive SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Emotion OR26-42-2 The Regulation Strategy Use of Guilt and Shame in Adolescents: The Moderating Effects of Self-esteem Shiyun, Xie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xingyi, Feng; Biao, Sang; Xinmei, Deng; Tingting, Pan Personality OR26-42-3 Social support in resilience development process of disadvantaged undergraduate students Wang, Ping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Dianzhi Psychometrics OR26-42-1 Towards a comprehensive test specification for normative childhood fears: A conservation of resources perspective Collings, Steven J (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 317 Behavioral Psychology OR26-05-4 Developing Mahasarakham University Student Identity (Morality,Social Responsibility and Unity). Tayraukham, Sombat (Thailand) OR26-05-5 How children in China conceive of good and bad people Chen, Xinkui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Harris, Paul L (United States of America) OR26-05-6 Career Initiative as a New Competency: the Case of Self-initiated Expatriates (SIEs) in Their Global Work Experiences Jannesari, Milad (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Zhongming (China (People's Repbulic of China)); T. Mccall, Jacob (United States of America) Gene and Behavior / Epigenetics OR26-05-2 The role of oxytocin in the development of sociability: Evidence for an interaction between genes and childhood environment Dobewall, Henrik (Finland); Hakulinen, Christian; Pulkki-raback, Laura; Seppala, Ilkka; Lehtimaki, Terho; Raitakari, Olli T.; Keltikangas-jarvinen, Liisa; Hintsanen, Mirka Psychobiology OR26-05-1 Mneme Project: stress effects on memory in young and older men Salvador, Alicia (Spain); Hidalgo, Vanesa; Pulopulos, Matias P; Espin, Laura; Almela, Merc Edes Psychological Assessment OR26-05-3 Griffiths III - Revision process, standardisation and psychometric properties Foxcroft, Cheryl D (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Stroud, Louise Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 421 Aging OR26-64-1 Metaphor comprehension in active and healthy aging Carvalho, Susana (Brazil); Santos, Izabella S; Quintela, Sofia H OR26-64-2 Happiness Among Selected Filipino Elderly: A Consensual Qualitative Research Diego, Arnel A (Philippines); Dela Cerna, Lyle C; Camacho, Edmongino J; Delariarte, Clarissa F OR26-64-3 Health and functional limitation in very late life: Reassessing older adults quality of life inthe Fourth Age and survival risk Burns, Richard A (Australia) OR26-64-4 Loneliness and Perceived Social Support: A Comparative Study between Chinese Bereaved Parents of Only-Child and Solitary Childless Elders Liu, Zhi-han (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-64-5 Surabaya: An ElderlyFriendly City Pudjibudojo, Jatie K (Indonesia); ., Setiasih; Wahyuningsih, Sri; Sugoto, Srisiuni; Raharjo, T B OR26-64-6 The effects of attitude toward aging on social participation and physical activity in the future: 15 years longitudinal study of Japanese elders Takeuchi, Masumi (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 422 Development OR26-27-1 Colombian adolescents well being. The role of emotional regulation, proactive coping, optimism, and pro-social behavior Carrillo, Sonia (Colombia); Ripoll, Karen; Gomez, Yvonne; Cortes, Carlos OR26-27-2 Young children's views on fair distribution of work responsibilities: Sharing with friends, acquaintances, and strangers in first-person contexts Hashimoto, Yuko (Japan); Toda, Yuichi OR26-27-3 Latent class analysis of resilience-supporting resources among resilient Sesotho-speaking South African adolescents Van Rensburg, Angelique C (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Theron, Linda; Rothmann, Sebastiaan OR26-27-4 The immediate impact of television cartoons and electronic games on Chinese preschoolers' executive function Yang, Xiaohui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Zhenhong; Zhu, Liqi OR26-27-5 A longitudinal investigation of meaning in life and the psychosocial functioning of Chinese middle adolescents Wang, Qian (Hong Kong); Guan, Meilin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Yongjuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-27-6 Helicopter parenting and the psychological adjustment of Hong Kong Chinese university students Chiu, Hiu Man (Hong Kong); Wang, Qian Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 425 Culture OR26-67-6 Does it really take a village? Attachment in middle childhood in a Cameroon village Becke, Sophia (Germany); Bongard, Stephan; Hahn, Hans Peter Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 425 Decision Making OR26-29-2 Children Show In-group Favoritism in Altruistic Giving towards Natural Disasters Li, Yiyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lee, Kang (Canada); Li, Hong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Decety, Jean (United States of America) Development OR26-29-1 Predicting who does well: Adolescent predictors of healthy psychosocial functioning at age 25 Delfabbro, Paul H (Australia); Stevenson, Jeremy; Winefield, Helen R; Winefield, Anthony H OR26-29-3 Formation of maturity and responsibility of psychologists Dmitrieva, Liudmila (Russia) 79 3. Developmental chimpanzees-a longitudinal study reveals individual differences in cognitive, social and motor development Kakinuma, Miki (Japan); Hatakeyama, Hitoshi; Tscuchida, Asami; Nose, Izuru SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR26-29-4 Social cognition and pragmatics: a study with Brazilian autistic children Del Prete Panciera, Sara (Brazil); Buso, Maria Stephani De Lima; Jurdi, Andrea Perosa Saigh OR26-29-6 To feed without teaching, is the father's fault: Fathers' Unique Contribution to Preschoolers' Theory-ofmind development Liu, Yanchun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Su, Yanjie Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 425 Development 3. Developmental OR26-67-3 Adolescents' Psychosocial Adjustment from Diverse Perspectives and it's Association with Maternal Depression: Mediated by the Mother-Child Relationship (MCR) and Adolescents' Emotion Regulation (ER) Rueth, Jana E (Germany); Lohaus, Arnold; Vierhaus, Marc OR26-67-4 Work for Life: Context Contributors of Resilience among Working Youth in Manila Yujuico, Isabelle C (Philippines); Morales, Marie Rose H (Philippines); Santos, Henri Carlo Y (Canada) OR26-67-5 Children's empathy influences their search and estimates facial pain expression's performance: Evidence from eye tracking Yan, Zhiqiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Su, Yanjie Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 425 Family and Community OR26-29-5 Attachment Security and Adjustment Problems over One Year Time in Middle Childhood Gervinskaite Paulaitiene, Lina (Lithuania); Grausliene, Izabele; Barkauskiene, Rasa Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 425 Personality OR26-67-1 Passing on, looking back, and passing away: The indirect effect of generativity on attitudes towards death through ego-integrity. Busch, Holger (Germany) OR26-67-2 Quasi-development of critical thinking attitude during adulthood, and links to the big five personality traits Takahashi, Yusuke (Japan); Kusumi, Takashi; Manalo, Emmanuel 80 Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center B1F 24 Development OR26-36-1 The relation between effortful control and intentional self-regulation: A latent growth curve model analysis Liu, Yih-lan (Taiwan); Kuo, Chao-sheng; Chang, Hui-tzu Emotion OR26-36-3 Anxiety-Attachment and Avoidance-Attachment Orientation as predictors of Empathy Parcon, Apryl Mae C (Philippines) OR26-36-6 The Relationship Between Mothers' Parenting Styles and Emotion Understanding of Children Through the Mediator Role of Children's Perceived Parenting Styles of Their Mothers Caliskan, Arzu (Turkey); Sahin-acar, Basak Health Psychology OR26-36-5 A daily dairy investigation on stress and emotion of Chinese college students Zhang, Jieting (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yao, Zheng (Canada) Poverty OR26-36-4 The paradox between subjective and objective physical health of low SES migrant children in China Sun, Ling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Hongchuan; Huang, Silin; Yu, Yonghong; Dou, Donghui; Ma, Min Psychometrics OR26-36-2 DETERMINING THE RELIABILITY OF INDIVIDUALIZED ASSESSMENT OF MASTERY MOTIVATION MANUAL FOR 15-36 MONTH OLD CHILDREN ( MORGAN 1992) BY USING MALAYSIAN SAMPLE. Hashmi, Shazia (Malaysia); Hashmi, Shazia; Bee Seok, Chua; Agnis, Sombuling Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Exhibition Hall E205 Development OR26-76-1 Effects of Extrinsic Motivation on Adolescent Scientific Creativity and Artistic Creativity Gu, Chuanhua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xue, Yukang; Wu, Jingjing OR26-76-2 The role of sibling relationships in adolescents psychological outcomes Mahama, Sheriffa (Ghana); Kumador, David; Tackie-ofosu, Vivian OR26-76-3 Relationships between identity development, implicit self-associations with death, and explicit death images Ishii, Ryo (Japan) OR26-76-4 Coping with diversity in kindergarten - Language promotion in migrant children by early music education and interactive reading aloud Quaiser-pohl, Claudia M (Germany) OR26-76-5 Hypotheses about the of appearance the new in mental development Obukhova, Liudmila F (Russia) OR26-76-6 Route selection by young children on traveling salesperson navigation tasks presented on a touch-sensitive screen Miyata, Hiromitsu (Japan); Watanabe, Shigeru; Minagawa, Yasuyo Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 314 Development OR27-02-1 The stability of undergraduates' judgments of posthumous function in responses of two questionnaires in a year Amaya, Yuko (Japan) OR27-02-2 Effect of Authoritative Parenting and Family Relation on Adolescent leadership: the Mediating Role of General Self-concept Li, Gai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Bin OR27-02-3 Parents reactions to the loss of their child: Resilience is by no means typical Infurna, Frank J (United States of America); Luthar, Suniya S OR27-02-4 Parenting Style and Psychological Reactance: The Mediating Role of Personality Gu, Chuanhua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Han, Mei; Wang, Hui; Wang, Yaxian; Xue, Yukang OR27-02-5 What factors predict depression and anxiety among disabled adolescents in a low-income country? Kubota, Rie (Australia); Dinh, Phuong T (Viet Nam); Robinson, Julie A (Australia) OR27-02-6 Preschool teachers' practices of monitoring children to prevent health risks and facilitate adaptation: Multi-method triangulation in a qualitative study Utsumi, Shoka (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR27-75-2 Long-term consequences of a mild perinatal pathology of the nervous system for mental ontogenesis Sultanova, Alfiya (Russia) OR27-75-3 Help seeking intentions of Pakistani school going adolescents for personal and interpersonal concerns Haqqani, Sabahat (Pakistan); Schwannuaer, Matthias (United Kingdom); Chen, Stella (United Kingdom); Qadir, Farah (Pakistan) OR27-75-4 What cognitive therapy suits the cognitive level of children best? Simon, Ellin (Netherlands); Lambert, Ann; Driessen, Sabine; Muris, Peter; Field, Andy OR27-75-5 Sex Differences in Mental Health of Young Children Ariana, Atika D (Indonesia) OR27-75-6 How adults with left-behind experience adapt to society: the impact of Parents-Child relationships and Peer relationships . Jiang, Jili (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Guangxing Crime and Delinquency OR27-75-1 THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL SUPPORT FROM CORRECTIONAL SUPERVISOR, SOCIAL SUPPORT FROM PEER GROUP AND COPING STRESS TO PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING JUVENILE INMATES IN TANGERANG CHILD CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION Indri Hapsari, Iriani (Indonesia); Kumalasari, Dian; Windarti, Rima; Listiani, - Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 317 Development OR27-76-1 A study on teachers' perceptions about educational supports for atrisk children from multicultural families in South Korea Lee, Younwoo (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Choi, Jiyoung of University in Intellectual Capacities Hashemi, Soheila (Iran) OR27-76-6 Maternal Caregiving Profiles in Turkey Karagobek, Busra A (Turkey); Aran, Ozlu; Selcuk, Emre; Gunaydin, Gul Media and Psychology OR27-76-2 The Relation between Selfdisclosure, Social Support, and Interpersonal Trust in Online Communication among Chinese College Students Sun, Xiaojun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Kaveri, Subrahmanyam (Armenia); Zhou, Zongkui (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR27-76-4 The Relationship Between Social Network Site Use and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Social Comparison Lian, Shuailei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sun, Xiaojun; Zhou, Zongkui; Yan, Jinglei Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 318 Communication OR27-41-5 Acoustic development and maternal interpretation of human baby cry Nonaka, Yulri (Japan); Aucouturier, Jeanjulien; Katahira, Kentaro; Okanoya, Kazuo Development OR27-41-2 Automatic Facial Mimicry to Dynamic Emotional Stimuli in 5-month-old Infants Isomura, Tomoko (Japan); Nakatani, Kazuko; Nakano, Tamami OR27-41-3 Revisiting Kurt Lewin, the Field Theory Psychologist Who Put Quality over Quantity Sukemune, Seisoh (Japan) OR27-41-4 Resilience development and influences on wellbeing of migrant and left behind children Fu, Yao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Mingjing, Zhu; Qian, Liu; Yunfeng, He; Xingli, Zhang; Jiannong, Shi OR27-76-3 How do mothers promote their toddlers' prosocial development?: Focusing on mothers' attuned responses Kabaya, Shinsuke (Japan) OR27-41-6 BATA! BATA! ANG AGA MONG GUMAWA. A study on the Psychological Well-being of 15-19 years old teenage mothers in Tondo, Manila In Partial Fulfillment in Research Lopez, Jairus Andrew A (Philippines); Lastra, Jasmine L; Blardony, Zoren Matthew L OR27-76-5 A Study of Graduate Students Intellectual Development Level Based on King and Kitchener Reflective Judgment Model and Analysis on the Role OR27-41-1 The Mediating Effect of Self Consistency and Congruence on the Health Psychology Relationship between Happiness and Adolescents' Conscience Zeng, Lianping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zeng, Chuikai; Yan, Liangshi; Zhao, Shouying; Pan, Yun; Lan, Wenjie Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 513 Human Relationships OR27-30-1 Marital Stability Model of Early Adulthood Based on Cognitive Attribution, Emotion Regulation and Conflict Styles Latifa, Rena (Indonesia) OR27-30-2 Parenting Pattern and Selfesteem and Interpersonal Trust of University Students Lin, Gao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shuqing, Wang OR27-30-3 Transmission of attachment style and physiological stress response to romantic conflict in Chinese young couples: A dyadic analysis Wang, Hui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Han, Zhuo Rachel OR27-30-4 Does the Desire to Conform to Peers Moderate Links between Popularity and Indirect Victimization in Early Adolescence? Closson, Leanna M (Canada); Hogg, Leslie D OR27-30-5 From Thinking to Feeling to Acting to Poor Peer Adjustments in Preschool Children Laux, Stephanie (Germany); Schindler, Rose; Rudolph, Udo; Schulz, Katrin OR27-30-6 Mentorship and Positive Functioning in Adulthood. Strizhitskaya, Olga (Russia) Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center B1F 24 Aging OR27-52-5 THE EFFECT OF NURSEPATIENT INTERACTION AND SELFTRANSCEDENCE ON MEDICATION ADHERENCE AMONG THE ELDERLY PATIENTS. Bukola, Bada V (Nigeria); Anuoluwapo, Adejuwon G Communication OR27-52-1 Ensuring Internet Access to the Horn of African Universities for Community Development Peace Education Okaka, Wilson T (Uganda) Development OR27-52-2 Schizophrenia in the South 81 3. Developmental Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 316 Clinical Psychology SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM African isi-Xhosa population: does experience of childhood trauma play a role? : Analyses from the genomics of schizophrenia in the Southern African Xhosa people (SAX) study Mall, Sumaya (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR27-52-3 The Relationship between Peer Rejection and Prosocial Behavior on Chinese Children: the Moderating and Mediating Role of Self-esteem Zhang, Yu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Ye; Zhang, Shanshan; Chen, Mengmeng; Tian, Siyu OR27-52-4 The associations among economic hardship, mother-adolescent relationships and adolescent adjustment based on the family stress model: A follow up study. Ergul Topcu, Aysun (Turkey); Gure Duru, Aysen 3. Developmental Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E202 Development OR27-35-1 The Development of Fine Motor Skills in Children Aged 3 to 6 Years Old Zhang, Xingli (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gen, Da; Shi, Jiannong OR27-35-2 Attachment Styles and Coping Strategies among Malaysian Adolescents: Exploring Differences across Genders Wan Sulaiman, Wan Samhanin (Malaysia); Abdul Kadir, Nor Ba'yah; Wan Sulaiman, Wan Shahrazad; Saim, Nor Jana OR27-35-3 The effect of parental involvement on children's self-control: A questionnaire study Tao, Ting (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Ligang; Fan, Chunlei; Gao, Wenbin OR27-35-4 Relations between maternal power assertion and Chinese children's social, school, and psychological adjustment: A longitudinal study Xu, Xinpei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Dan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Xinyin (United States of America) Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 314 Educational and School Psychology OR28-01-1 On the accuracy of German teachers' identification of pupils involved in bullying Bilz, Ludwig (Germany) OR28-01-2 Social 82 intelligence and school bullying Mcgrath, Andrew J (Australia) OR28-01-3 Effect of Academic and Leisure Boredom on Study-Leisure Conflict and Academic Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model Shishido, Takt (Japan); Watanabe, Hiroshi; Tsumita, Atsushi; Hojo, Hidekatsu OR28-01-4 Early identification, early intervention: The inclusion of Grade R children experiencing spelling barriers in a dual medium township primary school Sekhukhune, Catherine D (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR28-01-5 Universit y Students' Reflections of Experiencing Wisdom in a Mindfulness Course Le, Thao N (United States of America) OR28-01-6 Construction of notebook to observe the creative process of young students during complex solving problems in educational context. John, Didier (Switzerland); Botella, Marion (France); Attanasio, Rachel (Switzerland); Lambert, Marie-dominique (Switzerland) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 317 Educational and School Psychology OR28-71-1 Teachers Perceptions of Children at Risk Martins, Maria Jose D. (Portugal); Figueira, Ana Cristina OR28-71-3 Challenges faced by educators of learners with intellectual disability: A case of Fulufhelo special school in South Africa. Mushome, Vhahangwele (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Mashamba, Tshilidzi OR28-71-4 Development of the Shared Leadership measurements for School Classes Ioku, Tomohiro (Japan); Kugihara, Naoki; Uchida, Ryosuke OR28-71-5 Life course trajectory: an attempt of empirical modelling of life designing through the adolescence Khlomov, Kirill D (Russia); Bochaver, Alexandra A; Zhilinskaya, Alisa V Human Relationships OR28-71-6 Anxiety-Attachment and Avoidance-Attachment Orientation as predictors of Dysfunctional Relationship Beliefs Parcon, Apryl Mae C (Philippines) Learning OR28-71-2 The Roles of Culture and Socioeconomic Status in Japanese and American First Graders' Beliefs about School Learning Yamamoto, Yoko (United States of America) Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 424A Culture OR28-30-2 Do Grand-Parents Matter? Language Acquisition of Young Children: A Socio-Cultural Paradigm Anjali, Anjali (India) Development OR28-30-5 Effects of reality shock and copings with reality shock of campus life on adjustment to university Mizuno, Masashi (Japan); Chishima, Yuta Language OR28-30-1 Sensitivity to parental attention helps children learn new verbs Oshima Takane, Yuriko (Canada); Krastev, Sekoul; Boyle, Kristen OR28-30-3 The Misconception of Ajeg Bali in early child bilingual education in North Bali Jampel, I Nyoman (Indonesia); Asril, Nice Maylani; Lestari, Ni Gusti Ayu Made Yeni OR28-30-4 The onset of story comprehension and production in young Italian children learning English as a second language Taeschner, Traute (Italy); Destino, Krizia; Pirchio, Sabine OR28-30-6 Mutual exclusivity: Testing the selectivity of word-object associations Sia, Ming Yean (Malaysia); Mayor, Julien Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 511 Developmental Disorders OR28-09-1 Emotion Dysregulation of Parents and Emotion Regulation of Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Longitudinal Associations Li, Yanbin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lin, Xiuyun; Hou, Xiangning OR28-09-2 What learning children with intellectual disability learn to us? Etheve, Gwoenael (France) OR28-09-3 Autism and Lyme disease : the effect of a long- term antibiotic treatment on a young patient comorbid with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Lyme disease SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR28-09-4 Developmental Trajectories of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Adolescence and Intra/ Interpersonal Predictors Wang, Biyao (Germany); You, Jianing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lin, Min-pei (Taiwan); Leung, Freedom (Hong Kong) OR28-09-5 I do Therefore I am: The Self in Autism Wuyun, Gaowa (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Yanhong; Xi, Sisi; Zhang, Tianyang; Mamat, Marhaba; Wu, Qiong OR28-09-6 Effect of Art Therapy on some Functional areas of the persons with Autism Banerjee, Mallika (India) Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 514 Learning OR28-46-2 The clustering of experiences in after-school program and quality of life of elementary school children: The application of Process-Person-ContextTime (PPCT) Model Cheng, Choa-yang (Taiwan); Shyu, Yun; Lin, Sunny S. J. OR28-46-4 Contributions of Language, Visual-spatial, and Executive Function Skills to Number Competence in Very Young Chinese Children Zhang, Xiao (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-46-5 How teachers can boost conceptual understanding in physics classes Schumacher, Ralph (Switzerland); Stern, Elsbeth; Hofer, Sarah OR28-46-6 The learning process in a Transformational leadership intervention: a quasi-experimental study in a Norwegian educational context. Ytterstad, Stig (Norway) Sport and Exercise Psychology OR28-46-1 A cultural-historical perspective on applied sport psychology and talent development in sport. Ntshangase, Sibusiso (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR28-46-3 Benefice of fencing practice on self-concept development in imprisoned adolescents in Senegal. Rosnet, Elisabeth M (France); Robin, Nelly; Bourdageau, Mario Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Exhibition Hall E202 Educational and School Psychology OR28-50-1 The Role of Task-focused Behavior, Self-concept, and Math Interest in Mathematics Performance of Chinese Children Cai, Dan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Georgiou, George K (Canada); Viljaranta, Jaana (Finland) OR28-50-2 Life Satisfaction Among Padang Adolescents: The Role of School Climate, Academic Self Efficacy, and Peer Relationships Mina, Nur (Indonesia) OR28-50-3 Academic self efficacy and parental psychological control as mediators of the effect of family socioeconmoc status on high school student test anxiety Xu, Xiaobo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Yunying; Pang, Weiguo; Liu, Wenling; Han, Jiantao; Wang, Lixia OR28-50-4 PRELIMINARY STUDY: SOCIAL SKILLS OF STUDENTS IN INCLUSIVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN YOGYAKARTA Widiasmara, Nur (Indonesia) OR28-50-5 Philanthropists' Efforts: A contribution towards rural education and social reform? Aysen, Ghamiet (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Parumasur, Sanjana Brijball OR28-50-6 Resilient factors in transitions from preschool to first grade Hoskovcova, Simona (Czech Republic) Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E205 Educational and School Psychology OR28-17-1 Developmental Cascade Models Linking Peer Victimization, Depression, and Academic Achievement in Chinese Children Liu, Junsheng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Dan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Bullock, Amanda (Canada); Coplan, Robert (Canada); Chen, Xinyin (United States of America) OR28-17-2 Improving the Stability of Childcare Teachers and the Childcare Quality in Japan: Division of Duties at Childcare Centers and Strengthening Teachers' Expertise Watanabe, Naomi (United States of America); Kawasaki, Nobuki (Japan) OR28-17-3 Personality predictors of flourishing in Indian adolescents Nandinee, Durgesh (India); Vincent, Kallavarapu; Rana, Suvashisa OR28-17-4 Bullying Victimization Heightens Cortisol Response to Psychosocial Stress in Chinese Children Guanghui, Chen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yanhong, Kong; Wenxin, Zhang OR28-17-5 AM I DOING IT ALL RIGHT. CHILDRENS MOTIVE ORIENTATION ON LITERACY LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN THE TRANSITION TO FIRST YEAR PRIMARY Cavada, Paula (Denmark) OR28-17-6 Conception of learning in children's drawings Chen, Pin-ju (Taiwan); Tsai, Chin-chung Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 424B Community Psychology OR29-47-1 Re-establishing the Sense of Community: An Action Research Study in a Taiwan Rural Community Ku, Yu-chun (Taiwan) Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 424B Culture OR29-14-4 Metacognitive abilities and theory of mind in Japanese and German children Kim, Sunae (Germany); Paulus, Markus (Germany); Sodian, Beate (Germany); Itakura, Shoji (Japan); Ueno, Mika (Japan); Senju, Atsushi (United Kingdom); Proust, Joelle (France) OR29-14-5 Konco wingking : Polemics in degree of mother secured attachment in Java -Exploratory indigenous study in developmental psychologyAsril, Nice Maylani (Indonesia) Decision Making OR29-14-1 Personality trait of novelty seeking predicts the degree of choiceinduced preference change Miyagi, Madoka (Japan); Mizuochi, Ryohei; Yang, Wanlu; Kashihara, Shiho; Kobayashi, Ryota; Hiramoto, Ryosuke; Matsubayashi, Haruko; Edahiro, Misato; Miyatani, Makoto; Nakao, Takashi OR29-14-6 Renewed Package Design Effect on the Attention and DecisionMaking Process of Japanese Consumers from a Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Perspective Moriyoshi, Naoko (Japan); Kindaichi, Masumi; Mori, Izumi 83 3. Developmental Planche, Pascale (France) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 424B Developmental Disorders System of Extraordinary Experience Xuhong, Zhuang (Japan) OR29-47-2 Can the Theory of Mind of Children with High Functioning Autism be Improved by Intervention? : An Experimental Approach Banerjee, Mallika (India) OR29-26-5 Conflict communication in Czech families Hoskovcova, Simona (Czech Republic); Prokop, Daniel Family and Community OR29-47-3 Intervention Study on Undergraduate Suffering Identity Crisis by Group Psychology Counseling Xie, Bin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR29-47-4 COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF ADHD Glozman, Janna M (Russia); Nurieva, Ekaterina; Shevchenko, Irina; Kiselnikov, Andrey A 3. Developmental OR29-47-5 Saccadic Research on Mathematical High-Proficiency and LowProficiency Students' Number Processing under the Conditions of Endogenous and Exogenous Attention Pan, Yun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Lanlan; Han, Xiaohong; Luo, Yeshuang; Huang, Yu; Liu, Yu Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 424B Media and Psychology OR29-14-3 Social Network Site Use and Loneliness in Chinese Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Online Positive Feedback and Friendship Quality Liu, Qingqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Zongkui; Fan, Cuiying; Sun, Xiaojun; Kong, Fanchang Music Psychology OR29-14-2 Does practicing with others facilitate active "hearing-motor" attunement? An exploratory study on the effects of group music lessons Maruyama, Shin (Japan); Ogawa, Junichi Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 424B Psychology of Religion Spirituality and OR29-47-6 Relationship of religious beliefs, identity styles and personality traits with depression among female students Mehdizadegan, Iran (Iran); Raeesi, Nagess Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 511 Decision Making OR29-26-4 Affect as a Decision-Making 84 OR29-26-6 Strength and Trust: Two Cores of Resilience Mechanism and its Application (Based on the study of 98 case interviews with troubled adolescents) Tian, Guoxiu (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Psychology of Disaster OR29-26-3 A Preliminary research of resilience improvement program for Tokyo metropolitan citizens Kobayashi, Yoko (Japan); Munakata, Tsunetsugu Sustainable Development OR29-26-1 Saving Brains Grenada: Enhancing Neurodevelopment & Preventing Corporal Punishment with Conscious Discipline Landon, Barbara G (Grenada) OR29-26-2 SUSTAINABILITY OF INDONESIAN FARMERS REGENERATION IN PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYZE Retnosari, Anita D (Indonesia); Mafazi, Naufal; Muti'ah, Zakiya; Pari, Razaf; Nuqul, Fathul L Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 5F 513 Clinical Psychology OR29-44-5 Alexithymia and its Relationship with Borderline Personality Traits in counseling patients Tang, Qiu Ping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Xin; Miao, Bing; Liu, Man; Chen, Wen Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR29-44-4 Asymmetric Indices an Indicator of Worry and Working Memory: Case Study Reports on Students with Behavioral Problems Amirtham. S, Nithiya (India); Krishnan, Saraladevi Crime and Delinquency OR29-44-6 The Moral Rationalization of Immoral Action: Phenomenological Study of Male Perpetrators of the Murder Kristinawati, Wahyuni (Indonesia) Family and Community OR29-44-1 Good Parenting Concept Development Hadjam, Noor R (Indonesia); Chizanah, Lu'lu'atul; Pristanti, Rizky F; Syafitri, Diany U; Sari, Dwi P; Pariman, Pariman OR29-44-2 Positive Parenting Is Not a Cure-All: Evidence for Its Negative Effects on Civic Engagement in the Transition to Adulthood Pavlova, Maria K (Germany); Silbereisen, Rainer K (Germany); Ranta, Mette (Finland); Salmela-aro, Katariina (Finland) OR29-44-3 TRANSGENERATIONAL PATTERNS OF PARENTING SCRIPTS Nasvytiene, Dalia (Lithuania); Lazdauskas, Tomas Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 5F 514 Clinical Psychology OR29-45-6 Psychosocial care for cancer patient Subba, Usha Kiran (Nepal) Development OR29-45-2 Am I Ready Yet to Build Intimate Relationship? : Study about Description of Future Orientation on Marriage Area in College Students based on Age Nurshadrina, Amanda (Indonesia); Rubiyanti, Yanti; Faza, Gaida Developmental Disorders OR29-45-3 Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors of Adolescent Males with Autism Camitan, Desiderio Iv S (Philippines); Gomez, Marie Grace A OR29-45-4 What behind the play An explorative study of parents perceptions about the function of play Kristiana, Ika F (Indonesia); Widayanti, Costrie G OR29-45-5 An examination of the relationship between multiple imitation performance and language development in children with autism spectrum disorders. Ishizuka, Yuka (Japan); Yamamoto, Junichi Media and Psychology OR29-45-1 Explaining the Victim-toCyberbully Chain through a Cyclic Process Model in a Longitudinal Study Konijn, Elly A (Netherlands); Den Hamer, Anouk SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS25A-07-19 Effect of Violent Online Game on Cyberbullying: The Moderating Role of Self-esteem Kuai, Song (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Cui-ying, Fan PS25A-07-22 Differences in Attributions for Public and Private Face-to-face and Cyber Victimization among Adolescents in Six Countries Wright, Michelle F (United States of America) PS25A-07-24 Violent Video Game Playing and Bullying among Chinese Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Parenting Styles Chu, Xiao-wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fan, Cui-ying; Zhang, Meng Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS25P-08-14 The Effect of Parenting Style on Adolescents' Cyberbullying:The Mediating Role of Covert Narcissism Fan, Cuiying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Dan Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Aging PS25A-07-16 Trajectories of Positive Ageing in Taiwan Gao, Yujing (Taiwan) Monday, July 25, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Arts PS25P-12-25 The Research of psychological characteristics of artistic information perception by younger students Medvedeva, Nadiia (Ukraine) Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Clinical Psychology PS25A-07-31 Treatment of Attachment & Family of Origin Issues with Children and Adolescents Canillas, Gregory (United States of America) Cognition PS25A-07-2 Singaporean preschoolers punish errant ingroup members in a resource distribution task Lee, Kristy (Singapore); Setoh, Peipei PS25A-07-4 The contribution of phonological process abilities to different aspects of mathematics in Chinese children: A longitudinal study from first to third grades Xiaolin, Ye (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wei, Wei; Ciping, Deng PS25A-07-14 Japanese young children's understanding of causality of pain Nakashima, Nobuko (Japan) Communication PS25A-07-5 The relationship between preschool children's behavior in food education and their usual communication skills rating by teacher. Hori, Yuri (Japan) Monday, July 25, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Communication PS25P-12-1 Relation between self-regulation and social interaction in the youngest class of kindergarten: A short-term longitudinal study Hirose, Shohei (Japan); Yato, Yuto PS25P-12-2 Subtle temporal delays in infants' responses affect mothers' infantdirected actions: A Study of Mother-child interactions Yamamoto, Eriko (Japan); Nagata, Kaori; Hiraki, Kazuo PS25P-12-3 A cross-sectional and longitudinal observation of pointing gestures by infants and their mothers in Japan. Kishimoto, Takeshi (Japan) PS25P-12-4 The effects of role playing to emotional regulation process in preschool children. Nakata, Sakae (Japan) PS25P-12-5 Communication Goes Multimodal: Effect of Different Interjections on Intention Inference of the Interaction in Visual Modality. Uto, Yusuke (Japan); Maruta, Mito; Hashiya, Kazuhide PS25P-12-6 Expectations about thirdparty joint interactions in infancy. Meng, Xianwei (Japan); Uto, Yusuke; Hashiya, Kazuhide PS25P-12-7 Influence of non-mother adults on the development of vocal greetings in Japanese macaques Katsu, Noriko (Japan); Yamada, Kazunori; Nakamichi, Masayuki PS25P-12-8 The developmental change of moral judgment for the case of collective action Ishikawa, Katsuhiko (Japan); Meng, Xianwei; Hashiya, Kazuhide Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS25A-07-28 The Influence of MajorCareer Incongruence on Occupational Engagement: A Mediated Moderation Model of Career Certainty and External Locus of Control Kim, Ji Geun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Jiyoon; Heo, Dayon Monday, July 25, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS25P-12-12 Group Social Skills Training for High-School Students: Including the Help-Seeking Skills Honda, Masahiro (Japan) Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Decision Making PS25A-07-23 The development of decoy effect in young children Zhen, Shanshan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yu, Rongjun Development PS25A-07-13 Why do you always negate me A study about a special Chinese parenting. Xin, Gao (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25A-07-15 The Relation between Identity Status and Career Selection in University Students Muroi, Miya (Japan) PS25A-07-21 The relationship between pretend play and theory of mind in preschool children: A comparative study on the debate between theory theory and simulation theory Dong, Jimei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ni, Yujing PS25A-07-33 High school students' selfcontrol and learning burnout, self-directed learning related longitudinal track Meng, Sun (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25A-07-34 Perceived Parenting, Effortful Control and Dual Autonomy among Taiwanese Adolescents: A Longitudinal Mediation Analysis Kuo, Chao-sheng (Taiwan); Liu, Yih-lan PS25A-07-35 Subjective cost of mental effort and cognitive control in children Chevalier, Nicolas (United Kingdom) 85 3. Developmental Poster Presentation Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS25A-07-37 The mediating role of parental mindmindedness between childrens theory of mind and sharing in Ultimate Games Wang, Lamei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Liqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Zhenlin (Hong Kong) PS25A-07-43 Psychological well-being of left-behind children in China Yu, Guoliang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhao, Fengqing PS25A-07-45 Dissociative impairment of cogtive and affective empathy in adolescents with conduct problems An, Mi-so (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Min-yong; Ghim, Hei-rhee Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Development 3. Developmental PS25P-08-1 The Effect of Social and Non-social Network Use on Youth's Social Creativity: The Moderation Role of Personality Wang, Yaxian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gu, Chuanhua PS25P-08-2 Inter personal regulation in Japanese Children Mizuno, Rie (Japan) Self- PS25P-08-3 The attachment's role: social support to social exclusion Li, Haojian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Ping PS25P-08-4 Factors related to attitudes toward nurturing the next generation in Japanese college students Teramoto, Taeko (Japan); Shibahara, Yoshiyuki PS25P-08-5 Identity formation and positive youth develompent: A four wave longitudinal study Kaniusonyte, Goda (Lithuania); Zukauskiene, Rita; Malinauskiene, Oksana PS25P-08-6 Group-dirested Praise Increases Preschoolers' Task Engagement Zhang, Xiangkui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sha, Jingying; Wen, Mingjing PS25P-08-7 Self Esteem, SelfRegulation and Risk Taking Behavior among College Students Mahama, Sheriffa (Ghana); Tackie-ofosu, Vivian PS25P-08-23 Effects of repeated retrieval on the transfer of learning in younger children 86 Hotta, Chie (Japan); Hidetsugu, Tajika (Japan); Ewald, Neumann (New Zealand) PS25P-08-25 Development of desirable self-assertive behavior in infants Kuramori, Mihoko (Japan) Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Developmental Disorders PS25A-07-3 Machine learning analysis of children's motor patterns in iPad gameplay identifies autism spectrum disorder Anzulewicz, Anna (Poland); Delafield Butt, Jonathan (United Kingdom); Sobota, Krzysztof (Poland); Ferrara, Maria (United Kingdom) PS25A-07-6 A Transitional Model for Young Adults with IDD: an International Framework Suedmeyer, Eric (United States of America); Sanders, Shondolyn; Williams, Maurice; Hatcher, Sarah; Schiro-geist, Chrisann PS25A-07-10 Exploring the Factor Structure of the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children (CES-DC) in Chinese adolescents Zhao, Guoxiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhao, Yanhua; Zhu, Xiangru PS25A-07-11 The influence of pubertal timing on Chinese female adolescence's depression, anxiety, and behavioral problems Ling, Hui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Amin; Lu, Yao; Xia, Yu PS25A-07-30 The experience of mothers with children suffering from cerebral palsy: A case study conducted at Mutale Municipality, South Africa. Madzhie, Mpho (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Mphephu, Khathutshelo PS25A-07-38 Family Environment and Hope in Adolescent: The Mediating Effect of Self-esteem Ling, Yu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Yushu; Zeng, Yifang P S 2 5 A - 0 7- 4 2 P s y c h o p a t h o l o g y Symptoms of Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Profiles of Both Parental and Children Emotion Regulation Xiuyun, Lin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Developmental Disorders PS25P-08-18 Visual Attention to Circumscribed Interests in the Individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Evidence from An Eye Tracking Study Mo, Shuliang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qi, Yafei; Liang, Liang PS25P-08-21 Analysis Reason of Undergraduates Identity Crisis in Term of Parenting Pattern Xie, Bin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25P-08-27 Investigation of gender identity of adolescents who have experience of drug use Sadyrova, Mansiya (Kazakhstan); Berdibayeva, Sveta (Kazakhstan); Garber, Alena (Germany); Bulatbayeva, Aigul (Kazakhstan); Sadykova, Nazira (Kazakhstan); Nauryzbayeva, Rakhat (Kazakhstan); Akhmetova, Gulmira (Kazakhstan); Imangaliyeva, Sholpan (Kazakhstan) Monday, July 25, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Developmental Disorders PS25P-12-26 Parenting Stress in Mothers of Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders Related to Child Characteristics Nagai, Yuuya (Japan); Maeda, Saki; Hinobayashi, Toshihiko; Kanazawa, Tadahiro Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Educational and School Psychology PS25A-07-1 An analysis of factors affecting the cultivation of sports habits of primary and middle school students Jiang, Xinghong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fan, Yangyang; Zhang, Shuhua PS25A-07-7 ByPASSing "g": The role of cognitive processes in reading and mathematics Wei, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Deng, Ciping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Georgiou, George K. (Canada) PS25A-07-39 Association between Moral Reasoning and Moral Behavior Peng, Wu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huashan, Liu; Lei, Xu; Bibo, Xu PS25A-07-44 Differences in Perception of Recess between Adolescent Children and Parents:Influences on Adolescents Life Satisfaction and Academic Burnout Choi, Hyosik (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Yeon, Eun Mo; Kwon, Heekyung; Hong, Yoonjeong SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS25P-08-19 Possible support for first year high school students to use structure strategy while comprehending expository text: Processes of the signaling effect depending on their strategy use. Yamamoto, Hiroki (Japan) PS25P-08-20 The Structural Relationship among School Basic Psychological Needs, Self-Directed Learning, and Classroom Engagement Yeon, Eun Mo (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Myungsook PS25P-08-22 THE STUDY OF PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION AMONG FUTURE PSYCHOLOGISTS IN POSTSOVIET KAZAKHSTAN Sagnaeva, Tolkyn (Kazakhstan); Aymaganbetova, Olga; Sadvakasova, Zuhra; Syrgakbayeva, Amaral; Zholdassova, Manzura; Li, Alexina PS25P-08-24 THE APPROACHES TO THE HUMANIZATION OF PHYSICAL CULTURE Rogaleva, Liudmila (Russia); Malkin, Valerii (Russia); Kim, Alla (Kazakhstan); Aidossova, Zhanerke (Kazakhstan) PS25P-08-26 The Relationship between Study Procrastination and Timemanagement Disposition of Chinese Senior High school Students Xiaohong, Han (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yu, Liu; Yun, Pan Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Emotion PS25A-07-12 Home chaos and migrant children security: the moderating effect of gender Chang, Shumin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Yingmin; Du, Xiufang PS25A-07-27 Play: Positive emotion self-generating system Nakano, Shigeru (Japan) PS25A-07-29 Adults' Mind-Mindedness for Infants:Relation with Experience and Knowledge Shinohara, Ikuko (Japan); Moriguchi, Yusuke Family and Community PS25A-07-26 The Study on Develeping Family-based Life Education Program for Young Health-Impaired Children and Their Familes Tsau, Chwen-chyong (United States of America) PS25A-07-32 Identifying and Treating Substance Abuse Disorders with Adolescents Canillas, Gregory (United States of America) PS25A-07-36 Paternal and maternal psychological and physical aggression and children's anxiety in China Wang, Meifang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Li; Wang, Xinxin PS25A-07-40 Typology of Personal Helplessness (based on research of adolescents) Ponomareva, Irina (Russia); Tsiring, Diana PS25A-07-41 Bidirectional effects of romantic dimensions of parents and psychomotor, emotional and behavioral behavior of their children at early childhood with differential gender effect Pereira, Ximena (Chile); Armijo, Ivan Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 General PS25P-08-17 TIGER LIFE: A Model for Transition from School to Work Schiro-geist, Chrisann (United States of America); Broadbent, Emer D Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Health Psychology P S 2 5 A- 0 7- 8 Pa re n ta l Fe e d i n g Strategies, Child Eating Difficulties, and Child Body Mass Index (BMI): The Moderating Role of Parental Regulatory Focus He, Zijing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Mu, Yan; Zhang, Qing; Yu, Yanfei Human Relationships PS25A-07-18 The research of ego and courage on the interpersonal relationshipskill Changrong, Tang R (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Weidong, Wang; Guixia, Li; Birling, Yonna PS25A-07-20 The Role of Partner Responsiveness in Health and WellBeing: Findings from a 10-year Longitudinal Study Selcuk, Emre (Turkey); Ong, Anthony D (United States of America); Slatcher, Richard B (United States of America); Gunaydin, Gul (Turkey); Almeida, David M (United States of America) Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Human Relationships PS25P-08-8 Lonely in silence: focus on the hearing-impaired adolescents.The effect of self-esteem on social avoidance, the mediation effects of social distress. Wu, Linhua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Risheng PS25P-08-9 Patterns of Affective Relationships and Quality of life among Institutionalized Children in Japan. Tanimukai, Mitsue (Japan); Akazawa, Junko; Katsurada, Emiko PS25P-08-10 Relationship between Ibasho ''Person who eases your mind'' and sense of contribution in late adolescence Okamura, Toshimitsu (Japan) PS25P-08-11 Prediction of Dating Violence by the Aspect Model of Romatic Rerationships in Adolescence Kosaka, Yasumasa (Japan) PS25P-08-12 The Impact of Cyberostracism on Depression among Adolescents: The Moderation Effect of Optimism Zhou, Zongkui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Niu, Gengfeng; Xie, Xiaochun; Sun, Xiaojun PS25P-08-13 Mother's Voice and Adult Attachment Style: An ERP Study Zhang, Shirong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Ping Monday, July 25, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Language PS25P-12-9 Language Outcomes of Late Talking Children: A Longitudinal Study from Two to Seven Years of Age Liu, Huei-mei (Taiwan); Wu, Ming-yu; Tsao, Feng-ming PS25P-12-16 An examination of Japanese infants' perception of morae as speech sounds. Cheong, Yeonju (Japan); Uehara, Izumi PS25P-12-17 Repeated Oral Reading Intervention as a Window onto Rapid Automatized Naming and Word Reading Fluency in Chinese and English Shum, Kathy K (Hong Kong); Au, Terry PS25P-12-18 Developmental changes of young Chinese children in the semantic domains of emotion labels Jiang, Lu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hamana, Mai (Japan); Haryu, Etsuko (Japan) 87 3. Developmental Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Educational and School Psychology SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS25P-12-19 Morphological awareness and counting in Hong Kong Chinese children Lin, Dan (Hong Kong); Liu, Yingyi; Zhang, Xiao PS25P-12-20 Taiwanese Young Children's Private Speech: Developmental Stability and Change, Internalization and Relations with Externalizing Behaviors Lin, Hui-li (Taiwan); Chang, Hsiang-yun; Lee, Ying Chieh; Hsu, Yu-hsuan; Yang, Shin-yu; Li, Pei-hsuan; Sung, Wen-yi PS25P-12-21 How mothers describe dynamic action events to 20-month-old children: A cross-linguistic study Kobayashi, Tessei (Japan); OshimaTakane, Yuriko (Japan); Hirama, Kanako (Canada); Melhem, Brenda (Canada); Morel, Stephanie (Canada) 3. Developmental PS25P-12-22 Is the salak sweet? Measurement of judgment of the degree of reliance upon vague expressions 2 Koizumi, Yoshiko (Japan) PS25P-12-23 Sound Symbolism Facilitates Infants to Learn Adjectives Hu, You-hsin (Taiwan); Tsao, Feng-ming Media and Psychology PS25P-12-10 Social Network Use and Envy among College Students: The Moderating Effect of Narcissism Zhang, Yongxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ding, Qian; Zhou, Zongkui PS25P-12-11 Does Problematic Internet Use Reduce Inhibition of Return Ding, Qian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Kong, Fanchang; Zhang, Yongxin; Zhou, Zongkui PS25P-12-13 The Impact of Romantic Media Exposure on Undergraduate Students' Romantic Beliefs: The Effect of Perceived Realism and Social Comparison Orientation Niu, Gengfeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Zongkui; Sun, Xiaojun; Tian, Yuan PS25P-12-14 Does SNS Using Increasing Depression? The Mediation effects of Online Self-disclosure and Social Support Lei, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xie, Xiaochun; Niu, Gengfeng PS25P-12-15 Relationship of the Intensity of Wechat Using and Positive Coping: The Mediation effect of Social Support and Friendship Satisfaction Xie, Xiaochun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lei, Li; Fan, Wenzhu; Xiang, 88 Nan; Yang, Sen; Dong, Chunliang Hamaguchi, Yoshikazu (Japan) Music Psychology PS26P-05-23 The impact of family and peer involvement on effortful control and externalizing behaviors in early adolescents Matsuki, Taro (Japan); Saito, Seiichi PS25P-12-24 The influence of group music study on children's empathy Kawase, Satoshi (Japan); Ogawa, Jun'ichi Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Psychological Assessment PS25A-07-17 The impact of future time perspective in career adaptability of Brazilian adolescents Bardagi, Marucia P (Portugal); Janeiro, Isabel N (Portugal); Ortuno, Victor (Portugal); Teixeira, Marco Antonio P (Brazil) Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Psychology of Disaster PS25P-08-15 Psychological Impacts Associated with the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster #2: Survey of elementary school students and kindergarten children Takaya, Rieko (Japan); Tsutsui, Yuji; Tominaga, Misako; Ujiie, Tatsuo PS25P-08-16 Psychological Impacts Associated with the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster #1: Survey of 18-month-old and 3-year-old Children Tsutsui, Yuji (Japan); Takaya, Rieko; Tominaga, Misako; Ujiie, Tatsuo Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Social Psychology PS25A-07-25 The Relation Between School Stress and Subjective Well-being of High School Students: Moderate Effect of Resilience Dan, He (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Teaching Psychology PS25A-07-9 The Dimensional Scale of Adolescent Attachment to the Teacher and its Psychometric Properties Mehdipour Maralani, Farnaz (Iran); Gholamali Lavasani, Masoud Tuesday, July 26, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS26P-05-22 A study on proactive-reactive aggressiveness in high school students: Construction of the scales, examination on their relationships with physical and relational aggression, exploration of subtypes PS26P-05-24 Are Narcissists More Likely to be Involved in Cyberbullying? A Study of Chinese Adolescents Fan, Cuiying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chu, Xiao-wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Meng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Wu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Hui (United States of America) PS26P-05-25 Developmental trajectories and predictors of aggression from childhood to adolescence in a Japanese sample Sakai, Atsushi (Japan); Murohashi, Hiroto; Sugawara, Masumi PS26P-05-26 Effects of affects on Chulalongkorn University undergraduates' aggression in playing competitive and violent video game Luadlai, Supalak (Thailand); Nattakorn, Wongjantara; Somchart, Sakulkoo; Mingmada, Nayanakawee Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Crime and Delinquency PS26A-02-2 Enhancing Positive Outcomes in Youth Offenders and the Community (EPYC): A 10-wave Longitudinal Study Chu, Chi Meng (Singapore); Zeng, Gerald; Li, Dongdong Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Culture PS26A-05-13 Relations between mother's practice of feeding and weaning and medical staff's advice:Comparison of Japan and France Kawahara, Noriko (Japan); Toyama, Noriko (Japan); Norimatsu, Hiroko (France); Negayama, Koichi (Japan) PS26A-05-14 Quality of Life in Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Canadian Youth: The Role of Belongingness, Acculturation, and Interactions with Peers Wingsiong, Aranda (Canada); Kear, Emily; Menna, Rosanne; Hakim-larson, Julie PS26A-05-15 Parent's behaviors and ways of thinking about children's' conflict management strategies in China, Japan, and South Korea SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Tuesday, July 26, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Decision Making PS26P-02-10 A Qualitative Investigation of Unwilling Choice of First-time Employment and the Coping method of difficulties through the Career Ishiguro, Kanae (Japan) PS26P-02-11 Children's judgement of the legitimacy of community rules which regulate individual concerns, A comparative study between England and Japan Kinoshita, Yoshiko (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Development PS26A-02-1 Factors related to the early childhood childcare environment: A 5-year cohort study Sawada, Yuko (Japan); Tanaka, Emiko; Watanabe, Taeko; Shimozato, Miho; Anme, Tokie PS26A-02-3 Links between activity involvement and positive youth development: the mediating role of identity style Zukauskiene, Rita (Lithuania); Kuneviciene, Inga Truskauskaite PS26A-02-4 Teachers' Support to the Development of Emotion Regulation: A Case Study of 3-year-old Children at Kindergarten Morino, Miwo (Japan) PS26A-02-6 Developmental changes of guilt and shame in preschool children Yamaguchi, Sayoko (Japan); Sanefuji, Wakako PS26A-02-7 Do children overimitate any type of actions:Tool-use vs bodily movement Taniguchi, Yuuki (Japan); Sanefuji, Wakako PS26A-02-8 Characteristics of motherchild co-making of "CALPIS" and its effects on psychological development. Kotani, Megumi (Japan); Miki, Youko; Tajima, Nobumoto; Miyashita, Takahiro PS26A-02-9 Children Internet Use and Academic Performance: A Longitudinal Study Wu, Na (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huang, Lu; Zhou, Zongkui PS26A-02-10 Relationship between fundamental social skills and ego identity in adolescents: The mediating effect on their friendship. Fujiwara, Takeshi (Japan) PS26A-02-20 Applicability of French "Palate Education" to Japanese Preschoolers Yato, Yuko (Japan); Ito, Yuu PS26A-02-21 Changing Demographics of University Students not Desiring a Steady Romantic Relationship over the Course of One Year. Kosaka, Yasumasa (Japan) PS26A-02-22 Difficult life situations and mental resources of teenagers Khazova, Svetlana (Russia) PS26A-02-11 Assessment of young children's social-emotional development: application of Vineland Social Emotional Early Childhood Scales to a sample of italian children in kindergarten. Carone, Manuela (Italy) PS26A-02-23 Mental Health and Related Factors in Left-behind Children in Chinese Rural Area Ni, Xiaoli (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Yuping; Qian, Yuyan; Wang, Weiling PS26A-02-12 Perspectives of "psychological independence" and "intimacy" in emerging adulthood: A comparison of mother/father-daughter/son relationships Mizumoto, Miki (Japan) PS26A-02-25 The role of the studentteacher relationship on development of social competence in preschool children. Shimizu, Hisayo (Japan); Shimizu, Kenji PS26A-02-13 What types of benefits from negative life events promote identity achievement? Watanabe, Hitomi (Japan) PS26A-02-14 How Japanese Young Children Understand their friends ? : In the Case of Casual Friendships Noda, Junko (Japan) PS26A-02-15 Exploring the Long-term Impact of Infertility Treatments and Parenting: The Narratives of Middle-Aged Women who Became a Parent through Infertility Experiences Sato, Kasumi (Japan) PS26A-02-16 Do Moral Decisions Make Us Happy? :Developing the Relationship between Moral Decision Making, Emotion, and Well-Being Hasegawa, Mari (Japan) PS26A-02-17 Classification of unexpected reality in childcare training Hamada, Shoko (Japan); Matsuda, Yuko; Shitara, Saeko PS26A-02-18 An investigation on occupation values of special education teachers in China Tian, Jinlai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Enling; Zhang, Xiangkui PS26A-02-19 Promoting Social Competence for Shy Children: An Intervention Program Based on Social Information Processing Theory Zhao, Yuetong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Enling; Zhang, Xiangkui PS26A-02-26 Study of young adults' parental attachment, and psychological distance to parents and friends Niwa, Tomomi (Japan) PS26A-02-27 The effect of family environment on preschool children's emotional and behavioral problems: the chain mediating effect of optimism and resilience Xu, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Cheng, Qi; Xing, Yanyan; Wang, Xinrui PS26A-02-28 Mothers' representations of their infants, sensitivity and infants' attchment security: A longitudinal study in Japan Motoshima, Yuko (Japan) PS26A-02-29 The Relationship of College Students' Internet Addiction Tendency with Their Death Attitude: The Mediation Effect of Meaning in Life Cui, Chengzhu (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26A-02-30 The effect of self-regulation behaviors at 3.5, 5, and 6years old on temperaments at their school age Namba, Kumiko (Japan); Kawai, Masatoshi; Sasaki, Megumi; Tanaka, Shigeki; Yamamoto, Hatsumi PS26A-02-31 Quantitative analysis of TAT and CAT stories from a developmental viewpoint Miyagi, Kanako (Japan) 89 3. Developmental Maruyama, Hiroki (Japan); Ujiie, Tatsuo (Japan); Takai, Jiro (Japan); Takahama, Yuko (Japan); Sakagami, Hiroko (Japan); Shibayama, Makoto (Japan); Fukumoto, Mayumi (Japan); Ninomiya, Katsumi (Japan); Park, Hyang Ah (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Xiaoxia, Feng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Takatsuji, Chie (Japan); Hirose, Miwa (Japan); Kudo, Rei (Japan); Shima, Yoshihiro (Japan); Nakayama, Rumiko (Japan); Hamaie, Noriko (Japan); Feng, Zhang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Moriizumi, Satoshi (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Tuesday, July 26, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Development PS26P-02-1 Eating and sleeping in preschool children (5): The effects of the mothers' pattern in cooking behavior and eating behavior on children's health, timing of eating and sleeping, and eating behavior Hasegawa, Tomoko (Japan); Fukuda, Kazuhiko; Kawahashi, Ikko; Imada, Sumio PS26P-02-2 Is understanding of pretense related to inhibitory control?: difference between intention understanding and representational manipulation Kutsuki, Aya (Japan) 3. Developmental PS26P-02-3 language development of infants and consciousness of nursery teachers in transition from onomatopoeia to the general vocabulary Yamamoto, Mayumi C (Japan); Ishimoto, Mana PS26P-02-4 The relationship between social attitudes and styles of university life Mineo, Naoko (Japan) PS26P-02-5 Childrens Abilities in Identifying Contract Violations: Looking into the Role Effect Chin, Jui-chih (Taiwan); Lin, Miao-hui PS26P-02-6 Effects of baby massage based on child's temperament characteristics on mother's self-efficacy. Takei, Yuko (Japan); Terasaki, Masaharu; Kadota, Masako; Okutomi, Yoichi; Takeuchi, Itsuko PS26P-02-7 Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Self-esteem and Interpersonal Sensitivity : Based on Mental Health Zhang, Xiangkui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gao, Shuang PS26P-02-8 Parental Assessment of Cooperativeness, Role-taking, Consideration for others, Obedience to rules, Selfassertion, Affiliation, and Sympathy in Schoolchildren Tobari, Maine (Japan); Nao, Fumiko; Shuto, Toshimoto; Oyama, Tomoko; Tamura, Saori PS26P-02-9 Eating and sleeping in preschool children (6): Late rising and brunch on weekend causes malfunctioning of several physical and mental conditions. Fukuda, Kazuhiko (Japan); Hasegawa, Tomoko; Kawahashi, Ikko; Imada, Sumio PS26P-02-19 Re-exploring the scale of unexpected reality in childcare training Matsuda, Yuko (Japan); Shitara, Saeko; 90 Hamada, Shoko PS26P-02-21 Influence of attention on cognitive abilities and learning of schoolaged children Mizuto, Yoko (Japan); Ishizaka, Ikuyo; Higashikawa, Mari; Hata, Wakana PS26P-02-22 Children's conceptualization of floating and sinking objects and their use of density concept Sakawaki, Takako (Japan) PS26P-02-23 Infant-caregiver interactions in Japanese infant homes: Focusing on infant holding Kurogi, Saki (Japan); Aoki, Kikuyo; Shimada, Kyoko; Yokoyama, Ryoko; Otsuka, Miyuki Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Developmental Disorders PS26A-02-24 Spontaneous Look at People in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder Satake, Shinji (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Diversity PS26A-05-18 WHAT IS GIFTEDNESS? A FORMAL DEFINITION FROM THE EYES OF A PSYCHOLOGIST AND A MATHEMATICIAN Kong, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hon, Benny Y.c. (Hong Kong) PS26A-05-19 Children with and without disability's attitude toward children with disability Viola, Oky P (Indonesia) PS26A-05-20 Developing one's particular foodway: A quest for harmony nourished by diversities Gfeller, Fabienne (Switzerland) Tuesday, July 26, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Educational and School Psychology PS26P-05-1 A Qualitative Analysis of the Influence of Role models on Teachers Career Development Sung, Pei-chi (Taiwan) PS26P-05-2 Research into the effects and adjustments related to the consolidation of elementary schools with one local junior high school in Japan Kobayashi, Sayoko (Japan) PS26P-05-3 The effects of parental involvement on children's perception of utility value: The moderating effect of parent-child relationships Kera, Masaki (Japan); Ishii, Ryo; Tamai, Ryuichi PS26P-05-4 Verbal Fluency Tasks Related to the Knowledge of Childcare Environments: The Role of Practical Experience. Ohgami, Yuko (Japan) PS26P-05-5 Development of Learning Beliefs in School Scale for Japanese student Ito, Shingo (Japan); Matsukura, Sayaka; Hirose, Eiko PS26P-05-6 Morphological awareness and literacy skills in Japanese 1st and 2nd grade children Muroya, Naoko (Japan); Inoue, Tomohiro (Japan); Hosokawa, Miyuki (Japan); Georgiou, George K (Canada); Parrila, Rauno (Canada); Maekawa, Hisao (Japan) PS26P-05-7 Development of Interpersonal Acceptability in Elementary and Secondary School Students Matsumoto, Emi (Japan) PS26P-05-8 The effects and challenges of keeping goats at elementary schools in Japan Kutsumi, Shiho (Japan); Gen, Watanabe; Naoko, Koda PS26P-05-9 Depressive tendencies and relative factors in high school girls (2)-Focusing on self-reported academic performance and choice of university Miyamoto, Tomohiro (Japan); Sagara, Junko; Suzuki, Etsuko PS26P-05-10 A multilevel study of individual characteristics and classroom climate in explaining bystander behavior in bullying situations Nishino, Yasuyo (Japan) PS26P-05-11 The practice and the evaluation of career related course in Japan. Nagasaku, Minoru (Japan); Osaka, Eiko PS26P-05-12 Analysis of the Relationships of Self-Education ability with Experiential Learning in Volunteer Activities and Teaching Practices: From a survey for Japanese university students in a course of teacher training Nagata, Akiko (Japan); Nagata, Junichi PS26P-05-13 Depressive tendencies and relative factors in high school girls (1)-Focusing on self-evaluation and academic performance Sagara, Junko (Japan); Miyamoto, Tomohiro; Suzuki, Etsuko PS26P-05-14 Retrospective reports of preventive psychosocial education experiences and its relationship between SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS26P-05-15 Less interest and effort, more anxiety in group learning: Experimental evidence on the effects of a dominant group leader Mu, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Zijing; Wang, Cong PS26P-05-16 Causal relationship between scholastic ability and willingness for learning, fundamental learning skill(writing-skill) -astructural equation modeling approachKawasaki, Akihiro (Japan); Yoshihiro, Murakami; Makoto, Nakanishi; Yuko, Ogino; Tomohito, Okumura; Kazushi, Miya PS26P-05-17 Experiential avoidance and coping strategies on academic stressor among junior high school students preparing for high school examination: A Latent growth curve model. Ishizu, Kenichiro (Japan); Shimoda, Yoshiyuki; Ohtsuki, Tomu PS26P-05-18 The effect of Format and Instruction on the argumentative use of tables and graphics Perez-echeverria, Maria-puy (Spain); Garcia-mila, Merce; Postigo, Yolanda PS26P-05-19 A Ground Theroy of Factors Influencing Adolescent's High-risk Drowning Behavior Zhang, Hui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Bin; Luo, Shi; Yu, Hongtao; Fang, Chaoyang; Bu, Shu PS26P-05-20 The relationship between over-adaptation and school adjustment in Japanese junior high school students Kazama, Junki (Japan); Hiraishi, Kenji PS26P-05-21 Content Analysis Elementary School Science Textbooks and Teaching Methods of teachers based on Epistemological Beliefs Components Hashemi, Soheila (Iran); Khabbazi Kenari, Mehdi; Sharifi, Elahe Tuesday, July 26, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Emotion PS26P-02-12 The implicit evaluation of emotion regulation of college students: Evidence from ERP Yao, Yujia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xuan, Yuyang; Sang, Biao PS26P-02-13 The infant behavior directing gaze toward mother in natural settings as role in supporting the development of self-regulatory functions Takenaka, Kazuko (Japan); Shitami, Chie PS26P-02-14 Family economic pressure and child socioemotional adjustment: The protective role of maternal mindfulness in Chinese families Lam, Chun Bun (Hong Kong); Chung, Kevin Kien Hoa PS26P-02-15 Moral Emotion and Fair Behavior in Children and Adults: Different Interpersonal Functioning of Guilt and Pride Li, Longfeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Yinghe; Bai, Liu; Zhang, Xiao PS26P-02-16 Cortisol reactivity and actual behavior to emotional challenging task in Japanese preschoolers Kazama, Midori (Japan); Hirabayashi, Hidemi; Karasawa, Mayumi PS26P-02-17 Relation Bet ween Empathy and Self-Esteem in sixth-grade Elementary School Students Takemori, Michi (Japan) PS26P-02-18 The effects of modeling on acquiring social and emotional skills for elementary school students Shaura, Ryuta (Japan); Watanabe, Yayoi PS26P-02-20 Emotional Intensity in elementary school children Fujino, Saori (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Gender and Sexuality PS26A-05-4 Risk factors and correlates of dating violence (5):The connection between assaults and the psychological effects of intercourse Inosaki, Atsuko (Japan); Ueno, Junko; Matsunami, Tomoko; Akazawa, Junko; Aono, Atsuko PS26A-05-7 Risk factors and correlates of dating violence (6): Classifying dating violence experiences and the sense of being controlled by dating partners. Ueno, Junko (Japan); Matsunami, Tomoko; Akazawa, Junko; Inosaki, Atsuko; Aono, Atsuko PS26A-05-11 Risk factors and correlates of dating violence(7) : Reciprocal and nonreciprocal dating partner violence Akazawa, Junko (Japan); Inosaki, Atsuko; Ueno, Junko; Matsunami, Tomoko; Aono, Atsuko PS26A-05-22 Japanese women's adherence to "Maternal Love": The change from prenatal to postnatal period. Egami, Sonoko (Japan) PS26A-05-23 Longitudinal Associations Between Self-Esteem and Gender and Ethnic-Racial Felt Pressure from Family and Peers Among African American and Latino/a Youth Aoyagi, Keiko (United States of America); Santos, Carlos E PS26A-05-24 Marital commitment between couples in child-rearing period and in middle-aged and elderly period Ito, Yuko (Japan); Sagara, Junko Health Psychology PS26A-05-1 Exploring Determinants of Maternal Role Development in Mothers of Premature Infants: a Path Analysis Kim, Ahrim (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Tak, Youngran; Park, Hyunkyung; Lee, Hyunju PS26A-05-2 The effect of proactive coping strategies on transition form college to work: an one-year follow-up Cai, Yihui (Japan); Kohyama, Takaya PS26A-05-3 Relations between Life Events Stress on Suicidal Ideation in Chinese Adolescents: the Moderating Effect of Approach Coping Style Li, Dan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Shihong; Liu, Junsheng PS26A-05-5 Desirable Degree of SelfParticipation to the Content and Method Determination of Medical Services in the Japanese Young, Middle-age and Elderly groups Okuda, Hiroki (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Language PS26A-02-5 Development of Pragmatic Abilities in Adolescents:Use of a computerized system to investigate semanticand contextual inferences in idiom comprehension Hattouti, Jamila (France); Gil, Sandrine; Laval, Virginie Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Media and Psychology PS26A-05-6 Why Do People Take Selfies? Relationship among Narcissism, Selfie and Positive Affect of College Students Ding, Qian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Yongxin; Zhou, Zongkui Personality PS26A-05-8 The Developmental Characteristics of Infants' Self-Recognition 91 3. Developmental perceived effectiveness and openness to diversity among Japanese university students. Sugimoto, Kie (Japan); Aoyama, Ikuko; Iida, Junko; Endo, Hiroko SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Aged from 18 to 24 Months and Relationships between Self-recognition and Mother-Infant Attachment Ling, Liu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lizhu, Yang; Sha, Tao erosexuals in Japan Nakayama, Yutaro (Japan); Isozaki, Mikitoshi toward the elderly - Comparison for their own image Kuze, Junko (Japan); Okumura, Yumiko Social Psychology PS26A-05-9 A longitudinal study about the relationship between global self-worth and social acceptance among Japanese children. Maeshiro, Kazumi (Japan); Sakai, Atsushi; Tanaka, Mami; Sugawara, Masumi PS26A-05-28 Resilience as resource for creativity in teaching students of humanitarian specialties of Kazakhstan and Bulgaria (comparative analysis) Mynbayeva, Aigerim (Kazakhstan); Miteva, Pepa (Bulgaria) PS27A-03-20 The discourse analysis of the conversation of the elderly person with dementia Tanaka, Motoki (Japan) PS26A-05-10 Peer Group Based Day Care in Childhood Predicts Sociability and Perceived Social Support in Adulthood in the 27-Year Prospective Young Finns Study Oksman, Elli (Finland); Rosenstrom, Tom; Hintsanen, Mirka; Hutri Kahonen, Nina; Viikari, Jorma; Raitakari, Olli; Keltikangas Jarvinen, Liisa 3. Developmental PS26A-05-12 Feelings during past contact with infants and present interest in infants Ougihara, Takashi (Japan) Psychology Spirituality of Religion and PS26A-05-25 Examen of Consciousness for the Well-being of Adolescents Chow, Stephen S (Hong Kong); Chu, Matthew Ht PS26A-05-26 Religious community as a space for creating leaders Walachowska, Karolina J (Poland); Tatala, Malgorzata; Walesa, Czeslaw PS26A-05-27 Testing and Extending Theories of Religious Socialization in Japan: Examining the Impact of Years of Christian School on Religiosity Krieg, Hanna O (Japan) Race and Ethnicity PS26A-05-16 Stories and Drawings about Ethnicity from Guatemalan Adolescents Ashdown, Brien (United States of America); Ressel, Kristin; Smith, Cassidy; Hanno, Olivia PS26A-05-17 The Intersection of Ethnic and Gender Identity Among Latina/o Youth in the United States: Links to Well-Being, and Familial Ethnic and Gender Socialization Santos, Carlos (United States of America) Sexuality, LGBTI PS26A-05-21 A qualitative research on the effects of gay and bisexual men's "coming-out" on their friendship with het- 92 Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Aging PS27A-03-5 Comparison of mental health between caregivers currently caring for dementia patients and those that have completed caregiving Okumura, Yumiko (Japan); Kuze, Junko PS27A-03-12 PARENTING AND GRANDPARENTING: PERCEIVED ABOUT EMOTIONAL AUTONOMY OF TEENAGERS Desiningrum, Dinie R (Indonesia) PS27A-03-13 Love Care and Elders Achievements as Factors Affecting Their Perception towards Death Marquez, Jonas Matheu D (Philippines); Feranil, Ivy Lyra M; Santiago, Germinda S PS27A-03-14 Gender differences in coping self-efficacy of the elderly Okamoto, Megumi (Japan); Nagoshi, Yasuhide; Suzuki, Naoto PS27A-03-15 The Psycho-Social Characteristics of Homebound Older People in Japan Goto, Fumika (Japan); Gondo, Yasuyuki; Nakagawa, Takeshi; Yasumoto, Saori; Masui, Yukie; Ogawa, Madoka; Takahashi, Ryutaro; Ishizaki, Tatsuro PS27A-03-16 The Effects of the Psychological and Behavioral factors on Longevity Takayama, Midori (Japan); Arai, Yasumichi; Takayama, Michiyo PS27A-03-17 Own recognition of confidence in a memory and decline of awareness of the memory: In relation to well-being Nishimura, Akinori (Japan); Shimanouchi, Aki; Sato, Shinichi PS27A-03-18 Are older adults less to be "waste": implication of social goals in sunk-cost effect Liu, Xueping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Peng, Huamao; Cai, Xu PS27A-03-19 University Students' image of the elderly and their attitude PS27A-03-21 A study of the relation between Japanese elderly people's satisfaction with their current life and their level of social participation: Based on the role of social networks Fukuzawa, Ai (Japan); Katagiri, Keiko; Masumoto, Kouhei; Kondo, Narihiko; Chogahara, Makoto; Okada, Shuichi PS27A-03-22 Mild Cognitive Impairment: Exploring Its Occurrence at Middle-Aged Adults Pacamalan, Maria Angelli D (Philippines); Cotiangco, Lera Fay I PS27A-03-23 Related factors that predict the transition to dementia after 3-years in community-dwelling elderly : Results of the Chiyoda-city longitudinal survey of mental and physical health Inagaki, Hiroki (Japan); Sugiyama, Mika; Sakuma, Naoko; Ura, Chiaki; Miyamae, Fumiko; Morikura, Mitsuo; Maruyama, Rei; Hayashida, Misae; Takagi, Akiko; Awata, Shuichi PS27A-03-24 Time until death and attitude toward death in Japanese middleaged and elderly Tange, Chikako (Japan); Nishita, Yukiko; Tomida, Makiko; Otsuka, Rei; Ando, Fujiko; Shimokata, Hiroshi PS27A-03-25 Self-formation and Reparative Process of Non-kindred Elderlies through Volunteer Childcare Suzawa, Hiroe (Japan) PS27A-03-26 Age effects in the relation between the decline of awareness of a memory and the degree of confidence in the memory Shimanouchi, Aki (Japan); Sato, Shinichi; Nishimura, Akinori PS27A-03-27 Intention for self-change across the life span: Focusing on concern about self-change Chishima, Yuta (Japan) Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Behavioral Psychology PS27A-06-21 The Relationship of Job Crafting and Teacher's Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Middle School: the Mediating Role of Work Engagement Geng, Qingling (China (People's SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS27A-06-22 Repetitive maternal separation induced suppression of object exploration behavior in Octodon degus. Uekita, Tomoko (Japan) PS27A-06-23 Altruism, Selfishness, and Social Discounting in Elementary School Children Sorama, Michiko (Japan); Ito, Masato; Saeki, Daisuke PS27A-06-24 Effects of cognition of infant crying on paternal parenting behavior Saori, Koyama (Japan); Masako, Moriyama; Tomoko, Obara; Sachiko, Kobayashi PS27A-06-25 Effects of family-centered parent training for a young child with autism Kamiyama, Tsutomu (Japan) PS27A-06-26 Influence of spatial perception abilities on reading in school-age children Saj, Arnaud (Switzerland); Barisnikov, Koviljka Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Clinical Psychology PS27P-03-37 Visualizing the tactile awareness of children with severe and multiple difficulties Takenaga, Tatsuki (Japan) PS27P-03-38 Influences of teacher and social support regarding the sense of burden, anxiety, and positive feelings among mothers of kindergarten children Kumagai, Azusa (Japan); Tanii, Junichi Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Cognition PS27A-06-1 The effect of childcare training on the perception of infant's emotional facial expression Ito, Ayahito (Japan); Niwano, Katsuko; Tanabe, Motoko; Sato, Yosuke; Fujii, Toshikatsu PS27A-06-2 Shared Book Reading at Home Facilitates the Frequency of Joint Attention in Infancy. Sato, Ayumi (Japan); Horikawa, Etsuo; Ichiro, Uchiyama PS27A-06-3 Do stimuli influence global precedence effect? Noda, Mitsuru (Japan); Ochiai, Yoko PS27A-06-4 Visual search of different types of stimuli is differently influenced by visual complexity and visual similarity in both Chinese children and adults Liu, Duo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Xiaoqin PS27A-06-6 Can executive functions be used to predict the development of mentalizing ability in Japanese children? Tsuji, Hiromi (Japan) PS27A-06-7 Pleasant and unpleasant autobiographical memories recalled by students during school days: A preliminary investigation using longitudinal case studies. Uehara, Izumi (Japan) PS27A-06-8 Working memory structure in children aged between 4 and 7 years Lanfranchi, Silvia (Italy); Carretti, Barbara; Cornoldi, Cesare PS27A-06-9 Imitation of gestures in children is not directly influenced by limitations of memory span Mizuguchi, Takashi (Japan) PS27A-06-10 The effect of financial and non-financial reinforcement for inhibitory control: Comparisons between elementary and junior high school students. Miyasaka, Mami (Japan); Nomura, Michio Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Communication Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS27P-03-32 The Effect of Group Therapy with Multimedia Intervention on Deaf-Mute Children with Low Self-Concept Zheng, Rongshuang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zeng, Qingmei; Pan, Feng PS27P-03-33 A Psychodrama Treatment to Improve Psychological Well-being of Korean College Students with Insecure Attachment Chae, Soo Eun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Sujin; Han, Jaeho Wednesday, July 27, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS27P-06-7 The Effect of Preventive Group Setting Parent Training Program for Mothers having Preschool Children A Randomized Controlled Trial Tatsumoto, Shin (Japan) Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Development PS27P-03-18 How Japanese mothers communicate with their children about death during shared book reading Saito, Yu (Japan); Uchida, Nobuko PS27A-03-1 The Effect of Different Group-directed Praise on Pre-school Children's task engagement: The Mediating Role of Group Image Concern Sha, Jingying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Xangkui; Sun, Yang Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Comparative Cognition PS27A-03-2 Stages of Initial Introduction of Drawing Actions at Pre-school Age Solovieva, Yulia (Mexico); Quintanar, Luis PS27A-06-5 Differential effects of maternal separation periods on anxiety-like behavior in rats Kawamura, Yurie (Japan); Wada, Hiromi PS27A-03-3 The influence of a mother's child-rearing attitude on the formation of a university student's friendship skills fostered during junior high school Toda, Sueko (Japan) PS27A-06-12 Developmental characteristics in utterance temporal parameters by vocal learners: a comparative study in human infants and young songbirds Takahasi, Miki (Japan); Okanoya, Kazuo; Mazuka, Reiko PS27A-06-13 Serial learning in zoo primates -Cognitive enrichment and exhibition of primate intelligence in Kyoto City ZooTanaka, Masayuki (Japan) PS27A-03-4 Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth among Early Adults Affected by HIV/AIDS: The Role of Rumination and Self-esteem Liu, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huang, Jingjing; Xu, Guoqing; Shen, Chaoran PS27A-03-6 Online and Offline Friendship Networks among Chinese Adolescents Lei, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xie, Xiaochun; Liu, Dong; Wang, Qing PS27A-03-7 The Relationship Between 93 3. Developmental Repbulic of China)); Yao, Jinjuan; Qi, Yahui; Xu, Hui SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Personality Types and Prosocial Behavior and Aggression in Chinese Adolescents Xie, Xiaochun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Wu; Lei, Li; Xing, Cai; Zhang, Yongxin PS27A-03-8 Development of executive functions facilitates understanding of "theory of mind" in childhood Shima, Yoshihiro (Japan) PS27A-03-9 Depressed mood is related to interpretations and to prefrontal activity of young women when reading emotions from infants' facial expressions Matsuzawa, Masako (Japan) PS27A-03-10 Southeast Asian American College Students: Maternal Socialization in Relation to Academic Outcomes Lamborn, Susie D (United States of America); Lynch, Ryan; Zhang, Bo 3. Developmental PS27A-03-11 The Context of Young Children's Utterances about Positive and Negative Emotions in Peer Play Iwata, Miho (Japan) Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Development PS27P-03-20 Social Development of Young Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems (2) : Characteristic of Participation in Group Activity Hirakawa, Kumiko (Japan); Iijima, Noriko; Takahashi, Chie; Koizumi, Yoshiko; Kamiya, Tetsuji; Hongo, Kazuo PS27P-03-21 Accepting one's own limitations in the process of changing the self. Takemura, Akiko (Japan) PS27P-03-22 Young children's views of emotions in themselves: preschoolers' telling about their own emotional experiences Kubo, Yukari (Japan) PS27P-03-23 Development of script generalization to a new situation in young children. Yanaoka, Kaichi (Japan); Koyasu, Masuo PS27P-03-24 Effects of Parenting Attitudes and Parental discipline on Guilt Feelings in 5-Year-Old Preschoolers. Ishikawa, Takayuki (Japan) PS27P-03-25 Turn-Taking Behavior in Triads of Preschool Children Playing Three Types of Games Fujita, Aya (Japan) PS27P-03-30 Links between activity involvement and positive youth development: the mediating role of identity style Zukauskiene, Rita (Lithuania); 94 Kuneviciene, Inga Truskauskaite PS27P-03-34 Intergenerational Transmission of Optimism among Parents and Preschool children: the Mediation Effect of Parenting Style Wang, Xinrui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Yan; Xing, Yanyan Wednesday, July 27, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Development PS27P-06-1 Developmental trajectories of perceived parental styles and selfesteem among Taiwan adolescents Chang, Yiting (Taiwan) PS27P-06-3 The defective number sense hypothesis in preterm children. Masson, Sandrine (Switzerland); Chazoule, Guy (France); Castel, Caroline (Switzerland); Fayol, Michel (France); Thevenot, Catherine (Switzerland) PS27P-06-18 Is the "Emerging Adulthood" avairable in Japan? Okada, Tsutomu (Japan) PS27P-06-19 The Research of Coding Characteristics of 7 to 11-Year-old Children's SNARC Effect of Numerical Cognition Pan, Yun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Yu; Huang, Yu; Han, Xiaohong PS27P-06-22 Description and analysis of the experience of a Japanese father as a primary caregiver Masui, Hideki (Japan) PS27P-06-25 The mechanism of promoting the change in the self-assertion strategies from non-verbal to verbal behavior in infancy Kuramori, Mihoko (Japan) PS27P-06-4 The Relationship between Infant Heart-Rate Response and Regular Music Exposure Kajikawa, Sachiyo (Japan); Kuroishi, Sumiko PS27P-06-27 The Influence of Adult Mother-Daughter Relationships on Daughter's Marital Relationships: Psychologically Independent Relationships between Mothers and Married Daughters with Infants Abe, Kahori (Japan) PS27P-06-5 Self-Regulation of Preschoolers in Taiwan: Correlation of Private Speech, Executive Function and Effortful Control Lin, Hui-li (Taiwan); Lee, Pei-hsuan PS27P-06-28 Influence of Numeration System on Mathematical Literacy~Case 2 Comparative Study of French and Japanese~ Fujiwara, Yoshiko (Japan); Murata, Kazu PS27P-06-6 Conceptual Examination and Scale Development of Parental Independency from Their Adolescent Child Kitahara, Yuri (Japan) PS27P-06-30 Observation of Neonatal Spontaneous smiling and Social Smiling Ikeda, Masahito (Japan) PS27P-06-8 Factors influencing mother's perception of agency in infants Ban, Midori (Japan); Takahashi, Hideyuki PS27P-06-10 Types of work-family balance and mental health in middle-aged and elderly people, from the perspective of work-family conflict and work-family facilitation Tomida, Makiko (Japan); Nishita, Yukiko; Tange, Chikako; Otsuka, Rei; Ando, Fujiko; Shimokata, Hiroshi PS27P-06-15 The psychological process that leads to finding a new commitment Kitani, Tomoko (Japan); Hongo, Hikari; Hihara, Shougo; Manabe, Issui; Okamoto, Yuko PS27P-06-17 A Study of Experiences Influencing Development of Identity in Adolescence Manabe, Issui (Japan); Hihara, Shogo; Hongo, Hikari; Kitani, Tomoko; Okamoto, Yuko PS27P-06-33 The influence of the reversibility of event on young children's counterfactual thinking Nakamichi, Keito (Japan) PS27P-06-35 Effects of unexpected reality in childcare training on preschool teacher efficacy Shitara, Saeko (Japan); Hamada, Shoko; Matsuda, Yuko PS27P-06-36 The Relationship between Stigma Perception and Depression of Young Migrant Workers: Multiple Mediating of Resilience and Social Alienation Bu, Yu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lin, Danhua PS27P-06-37 Comprehension of Integrated Speech and Iconic Gesture in Young Children: The Effect of Directive Words Miyake, Hidenori (Japan); Sugimura, Shinichiro PS27P-06-39 Dual-task walking in school-aged children and its relation to cognition, behavior and psychosocial SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS27P-06-40 The Impact of Classmate Relationship Climate on Adolescent Problem Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model Zhang, Yongxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ding, Qian; Chen, Wu; Zhang, Chenyan; Zhou, Zongkui; Sun, Xiaojun PS27P-06-42 The development of selfconcept in elementary school students: A longitudinal study Sakuma, Michiko (Japan) PS27P-06-43 Influence of Numeration System on Mathematical Literacy ~Case 1 Numeration System in French and Japanese, and Mathematical Education for Children Reaching School Age~ Murata, Kazu (Japan); Fujiwara, Yoshiko PS27P-06-44 The courage in a group of Italian children Ferrari, Lea (Italy); Santilli, Sara; Di Maggio, Ilaria PS27P-06-45 The Effects of Smartphone Addiction Tendency on Mental and Physical Health in Korean College Students: Moderating Effects of SelfEfficacy, Parent-Child Relationships and Friendship Sung, Hyun-ran (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Han, Hyun-ji Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Developmental Disorders PS27P-03-1 The correlations between the language processing skills in L1(Uyghur) and the dyslexia in L2(Chinese) among Uyghur- Chinese bilingual children Kanji, Maihefulaiti (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Qin PS27P-03-3 Cognitive characteristics of difficulties in learning English in Japanese middle high school student Murata, Miwa (Japan); Kono, Toshihiro; Hirabayashi, Rumi; Nakamura, Kenryu PS27P-03-4 Nonword repetition performances in Mandarin-speaking preschool children with specific language impairment Chen, Yuchun (Taiwan); Liu, Huei-mei; Chang, Chien-ju PS27P-03-5 Goal-directed imitation in children with autism spectrum disorder Sekine, Satoru (Japan); Matsuda, Soichiro; Yamamoto, Jun-ichi PS27P-03-6 The effects of interactive interventions by using graduated prompt level for children with special educational needs on problem solving tasks. Aoki, Masumi (Japan); Hamada, Kasumi; Okazaki, Shinji PS27P-03-7 The effect of social experience on development of imitation skills in toddlers at risk for autism spectrum disorder Sanefuji, Wakako (Japan) PS27P-03-8 The effects of conversations between instructors and children with special educational needs on solving the Non-Verbal Matrix Task: strategy and eye movement Hamada, Kasumi (Japan); Masumi, Aoki; Shinji, Okazaki PS27P-03-9 Effect of daily physical training on aerobic fitness and ratings of perceived exertion in teenagers and young adults with intellectual disabilities Tamura, Ayana (Japan); Satonaka, Ayako; Hasegawa, Sakurako; Hosokawa, Masanori; Suzuki, Nobuharu PS27P-03-10 Grammatical Difficulties for Adults with Developmental Disorders Nakagawa, Yoshiko (Japan); Koyama, Takamasa PS27P-03-11 Imitation and gaze direction during interaction with others in children with developmental disorders Makita, Kyoko (Japan); Nagai, Yuuya; Hinobayashi, Toshihiko; Tadahiro, Kanazawa PS27P-03-12 Effective Attitudes of Supporters to nourish Independence and Sociality of Children with Developmental Disorders : Analysis of Participant Observation Records in Small-Group Activities Hirosawa, Aiko (Japan); Takezawa, Tomohiro; Ogoshi, Sakiko self and language through participation in forms of life. -Using cultural contexts of music, game, co-cooking, home and classroom.Nagasaki, Tsutomu (Japan) PS27P-03-16 Effect of Intervention on Joint Attention Strategies used by Mothers of Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders Nagai, Yuuya (Japan); Tasaki, Haruna; Maeda, Saki; Hinobayashi, Toshihiko; Kanazawa, Tadahiro PS27P-03-17 Relationship between Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome and Hypersensibilities Ogata, Masanori (Japan); Arai, Rie; Tsunoda, Marie; Kumagai, Keiko PS27P-03-28 The psychological support that mothers having children going to special support class at school long for Ohashi, Yu (Japan); Tanimukai, Mitsue PS27P-03-40 Personality traits in adults with auditory processing disorder Obuchi, Chie (Japan) PS27P-03-43 Significance of perseverative behaviors from the perspective of self development and educational support Tadashi, Yano (Japan) PS27P-03-46 Ponzo visual illusion in autism Morita, Yuki (Japan); Hoshi, Kaoru Wednesday, July 27, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Developmental Disorders PS27P-06-13 Narrative Co-construction about Mental State in Adults-Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Heebok, Lee (Japan); Kazuo, Hongo PS27P-06-16 Characteristics of the postural sway during standing in adults with Asperger syndrome Sakamoto, Reiko (Japan); Endo, Kiyomi; Wada, Maki; Nagai, Masanori PS27P-03-13 Long-term Prognosis of Development in Children with Craniosynostosis: Cognitive Development of Patients Aged 1 to 15 years with Apert Syndorome Saito, Kazue (Japan) PS27P-06-20 Metaphor processing defects and intervention in Highfunctioning autism Li, Chengshi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Jinsheng; Wang, Qi; Li, Songze PS27P-03-14 Longitudinal change in play durations of children with autism spectrum disorders associated with joint attention strategies of adults Tasaki, Haruna (Japan); Nagai, Yuuya; Maeda, Saki; Hinobayashi, Toshihiko; Kanazawa, Tadahiro PS27P-06-23 The Recognition of Emotional Prosody in Autism Spectrum Disorders Wang, Qi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Jinsheng; Li, Chengshi; Li, Songze PS27P-03-15 Comprehensive developmental support program for sense of PS27P-06-26 Effects of a Stress Coping Program including relaxation and problem 95 3. Developmental functioning Hagmann-von Arx, Priska (Switzerland); Manicolo, Olivia; Lemola, Sakari; Grob, Alexander SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM solving within a group of high school students Higo, Shoji (Japan); Eto, Hiroshi; Iwashita, Akiko PS27P-06-29 Self-control of Chinese Children with Moderate Intellectual Disability in Delay of Gratification task Li, Zhimin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Wen; Gao, Shan; Sato, Shigeto PS27P-06-31 Follow Up of Adults with Autism Who Received Complete Assessment in Childhood Tsai, Wen-che (Taiwan); Soong, Weitsuen; Chie, Wei-chu PS27P-06-34 The developmental characteristics of the experience of humor in autism spectrum disorder Nagase, Kai (Japan) 3. Developmental PS27P-06-41 Identifying Youths with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) in Korea Yoon, Soo Jin (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Chung, Kyong-mee Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Educational and School Psychology PS27P-03-2 Differences in reading motivation of German girls and boys in primary school Endepohls - Ulpe, Martina (Germany) PS27P-03-19 The process of activity of shape constructions on plays with Origami materials for two to three year old children Senoo, Tomoko (Japan); Bekki, Yoshiko; Sawai, Yoshiko PS27P-03-29 Integrating conflict resolution skills moderates fear of negative evaluation by others and adjustment among early adolescence Usukura, Hitomi (Japan); Hamaguchi, Yoshikazu PS27P-03-31 An Examination of Factors Related to Taiwanese Adolescents Time Management and Ac a d e m i c Procrastination Shih, Shu-shen (Taiwan) PS27P-03-39 Why do under-achievers in small schools in rural areas have had the feeling of joy in learning from 3rd grade onwards, compared to big schools in urban areas? Urakawa, Maori (Japan); Yoshitake, Rio PS27P-03-41 Predicting friendship quality of junior high school : A longitudinal study during the transition from elemen- 96 tary to junior high school. Onishi, Ayako (Japan); Nakashima, Yoshimi; Harada, Katsumi Sumiya, Shiori (Japan); Umekawa, Noriko; Kameyama, Toru; Watanabe, Noriko PS27P-03-42 The effect of academic competence on academic attribution Hsu, Chong-shiann (Taiwan) PS27P-06-38 Relations bet ween Classroom Teachers' Humor Expressions, Pupils' School Morale and the Element of School Satisfaction Kawamura, Akihiro (Japan); Kawamura, Shigeo; Musashi, Yuka PS27P-03-44 Developing a sleep, and stress management education program for elementary school students. Furutani, Maki (Japan); Utsumi, Sae; Okumura, Daiki PS27P-03-45 The Effects of Teacher Leadership Style on Students' Creative Problem Solving: Mediation of Approach Motivation and Academic Emotions Zhou, Zhijin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Mo, Meilu; Zhou, Yingjie PS27P-03-47 Development and validation of Japanese version of Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale (PDSS-J) in school-aged children. Komada, Yoko (Japan); Nakajima, Shun; Tamura, Norihisa; Tanaka, Hideki; Inoue, Yuichi Wednesday, July 27, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Educational and School Psychology PS27P-06-2 Contribution of SchoolBased Structured Activities to University Students' Developmental Outcomes: A Retrospective Study Komoto, Aiko (Japan) PS27P-06-12 What factors influence Joy in learning in elementary students? -In the view point of grades, approval from teachers and classes, subjective and objective school achievements and other variablesYoshitake, Kumiko (Japan); Urakawa, Maori; Hyodo, Tomomi PS27P-06-14 The process of activity of shape constructions on plays with Origami materials and dot stickers for two to three year old children. Bekki, Yoshiko (Japan); Senoo, Tomoko; Sawai, Yoshiko PS27P-06-21 A study of the relationship of friend groups among elementary and junior high school students Musashi, Yuka (Japan) PS27P-06-24 The study regarding several types of both goal consciousness to thefuture and participation in extracurricular activity in high schoo llife Suganuma, Saimi (Japan) PS27P-06-32 Creativity and School Adjustment of First and Second Graders in Japan Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Evolutionary Psychology PS27A-06-11 Understanding and use of reputation-based indirect reciprocity rules in 5- to 6-year-olds Onishi, Kenji (Japan) Gene and Behavior / Epigenetics PS27A-06-14 The Intergenerational Transmission of Child-Rearing Attitudes and Moderating Role of Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR) and CD38 Genes Savelieva, Kateryna (Finland); Dobewall, Henrik; Pulkki- Raback, Laura; Seppala, Ilkka; Lehtimaki, Terho; KeltikangasJarvinen, Liisa PS27A-06-15 Genetic and environmental influences on development of early executive functions and math ability: A twin study Fujisawa, Keiko K (Japan); Todo, Naoya; Ando, Juko Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Language PS27P-03-35 The understanding of utterances from context in children with Language Impairment (LI) Czaplewska, Ewa (Poland) PS27P-03-36 Verbal imitation in maternal input and children's linguistic development Ogura, Tamiko (Japan); Masuda, Tamami; Hirai, Jyunko; Hamabe, Naoko Wednesday, July 27, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Learning PS27P-06-11 The effects of worked examples on mathematics learning: Single-content versus double-content examples Qu, Kejia (China (People's Repbulic of China)) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM P S 2 7 A- 0 6 - 18 N e u ro p hys i o l o g i c a l Correlates between the Event-related Potential of Feedback Processing and the trait extraversion in children Zou, Yuchen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Yanfang; Din, Ying Neuroscience PS27A-06-19 Brain-based Lifespan Trajectory of Social Cognition Zhixiong, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xinian, Zuo PS27A-06-20 The maternal affect toward infants during the puerperal period might be correlated with the biomarkers in cord blood. Tanaka, Shigeki (Japan); Yamakawa, Noriko; Tamai, Kohta; Namba, Kumiko; Sasaki, Megumi; Obanawa, Naoko W; Kawai, Masatoshi; Yamamoto, Hatsumi Psychobiology PS27A-06-16 Very preterm children show more behavioral and emotional problems and decreased cortisol and cortisone in saliva and hair Maurer, Natalie (Switzerland); Perkinsongloor, Nadine (Switzerland); Stalder, Tobias (Germany); Hagmann-von Arx, Priska (Switzerland); Brand, Serge (Switzerland); Holsboer-trachsler, Edith (Switzerland); Wellmann, Sven (Switzerland); Grob, Alexander (Switzerland); Weber, Peter (Switzerland); Sakari, Lemola (Switzerland) PS27A-06-17 Associations between heart rate variability and spontaneous crying in preterm and full-term infants at term-equivalent age Shinya, Yuta (Japan); Kawai, Masahiko; Niwa, Fusako; Myowa-yamakoshi, Masako Wednesday, July 27, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Psychological Assessment PS27P-03-26 Age-related changes in vocational aptitudes measured by the GATB Muroyama, Harumi (Japan) PS27P-03-27 Correlations between Student and Teacher Ratings for Social Skills among Japanese Elementary, Middle, and High School Students. Shinkawa, Hiroki (Japan); Tomiie, Tadaaki Wednesday, July 27, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Theoretical Frameworks of Psychology Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS27P-06-9 New Approaches to Adolescent Development: Discussion on Tanaka's Theory of Hierarchies and Stages on the Reversible Operations in Human Development Nishigaki, Junko (Japan) PS28P-10-3 Group Social Skills Training for High-School Students: Effects on HelpSeeking Preferences Honda, Masahiro (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS28P-10-2 Children's beliefs about aggression: Associations with aggressive behaviors and social maladjustment in Japan. Sekiguchi, Yuichi (Japan); Hamaguchi, Yoshikazu PS28P-10-6 Parental marital conflict and child coercion/aggression in Chinese families: Which parental emotion regulatory strategy is protective? Chung, Kevin Kein Hoa (Hong Kong); Lam, Chun Bun PS28P-10-10 The Association between Callous-Unemotional Traits and Cyberbullying: a Cross-Culture Study Xiaoran, Ge (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Lei; Lu, Niu PS28P-10-11 The Effects of School-wide Social Skills Intervention on High School Students over three years Hoshi, Yuuichirou (Japan); Watanabe, Yayoi Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Aging PS28A-09-6 Age-related changes in psychological well-being in middle-aged and elderly Japanese: a five-year longitudinal study Nishita, Yukiko (Japan); Tange, Chikako; Tomida, Makiko; Otsuka, Rei; Ando, Fujiko; Shimokata, Hiroshi Cognition PS28A-09-2 The Automatic Nonsymbolic Numerosities Processing In Preschoolers Zhu, Xiaoshuang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Yinghe; Li, Yanjun; Deng, Zhijun Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Development PS28A-09-4 Longitudinal Study on Early Development of Numerical and Literal Notation in Young Children Yamagata, Kyoko (Japan); Wakaba, Koike PS28A-09-13 Kyara (a Japanese Term for Simplified Personality) and the Multiple Self in Japanese Adolescents Murai, Fumika (Japan); Kato, Hiromichi; Naka, Makiko PS28A-09-16 The relationship between the mental number line and mapping and scaling abilities in young children. Uragami, Moe (Japan); Sugimura, Shinichiro PS28A-09-17 The historical aspects of meaning in life for university students Fukuda, Ritsuko (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Development PS28A-13-1 The Effect of the Completion of Graphical Representation on the Use of Inversion principle of Four-to-Six-Year-Old Children Wu, Yina (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS28A-13-2 Associations of parental attachment styles with parenting anxiety and marital relationships among Japanese parents Ando, Satoko (Japan); Fukumaru, Yuka; Muto, Takashi PS28A-13-3 Is Mother's Question in Speech a Predictor of Infants' Perception of Intonation? Ota, Hiroshi (Japan); Shimizu, Yuki PS28A-13-4 How preschoolers in Japan enhance their peer relationships during preparatory works for an athletic meet: A case study of 5-year-old preschoolers Oikawa, Tomohiro (Japan); Kawata, Manabu PS28A-13-5 Selectivity in sharing behavior and delayed gratification in preschoolers 97 3. Developmental Wednesday, July 27, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Neuropsychology SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Kumaki, Yuto (Japan) PS28A-13-6 Outdoor play in early childhood: the effects of contact with nature and active communication with others Yoshinaga, Mari (Japan); Shikano, Akiko; Noi, Shingo PS28A-13-7 Changes in Mother's Feelings and Behaviors Toward Infants' Crying: The Period Before and After Rearing Their Second Child Terui, Yuko (Japan) PS28A-13-8 Do infants refer the social evaluation by others? Suk, Yuseung (Japan); Zhao, Wanying (Canada); Hamlin, Kiley (Canada); Itakura, Shoji (Japan) 3. Developmental PS28A-13-9 The Influence of Negative Network Event on Belief in a Just World among College Students: Effects and Mechanisms Cao, Min (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tian, Yuan; Yan, Yifan; Lu, Ziyin; Zhou, Zongkui; Hong, Yunzhe PS28A-13-10 Where do young children focus on during pretend play? Otsuka, Honami (Japan) PS28A-13-11 The dynamics of perceived adulthood among Japanese post-adolescence Endo, Yumi (Japan) PS28A-13-13 The Influence of Temperament and Teacher Expectations and Peer Acceptance on Self Control of Children Shen, Yue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yang, Lizhu; Liu, Ge PS28A-13-14 The developmental interplay of preschoolers behavioural problems and harsh parenting practices Cesniene, Ilona (Lithuania); Jusiene, Roma PS28A-13-16 Internet Communicative Characteristics of Social-withdrawal College Students at Different Levels: Social Network Analysis Tian, Yuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Zongkui; Ding, Qian; Zhang, Fengjuan; Hong, Yunzhe; Yan, Yifan; Ding, Yi; Li, Dan PS28A-13-17 Developmental changes of perceived cuteness in various species: from an altricial-precocial perspective Saito, Atsuko (Japan); Ikeda, Koki; Kobayashi, Hiromi; Hashiya, Kazuhide PS28A-13-19 Exploring factors enhancing childcare behavior and parent-role evaluation in Japanese fathers Terami, Yoko (Japan); Atsushi, Ito; Kenji, 98 Minami; Kyo, Matsushima; Yuko, Oikawa; Keiko, Takemoto; Yukano, Teramura PS28A-13-20 A longitudinal study of the Job-Hunting Maintenance Processes among Japanese university students Karube, Yuki (Japan); Sato, Jun; Sugie, Masashi PS28A-13-22 What do children think about laughing at others? Ito, Rie (Japan) PS28A-13-23 The mediating role of autonomy between autonomy support and adolescents' academic performance Chen, Xuelian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Zhao PS28A-13-24 The development of empathic behaviors in Japanese toddlers Ueda, Mizuho (Japan); Katsurada, Emiko PS28A-13-25 Children`s effortful control: behavioral tasks of 60 months. Ikki, Kousuke (Japan); Mizuno, Rie PS28A-13-27 Development of preschoolers' self-regulatory behavior facilitated by their mothers' responsive support Watanabe, Akiyo (Japan); Watanabe, Tadaharu; Takeo, Kazuko PS28A-13-28 Relationship of gratitude with joy of giving and satisfaction with life Ikeda, Yukitaka (Japan) PS28A-13-29 The Relation between Motivation for Child-Rearing and Social Support in Japanese Mothers Nakashima, Naoko (Japan); Tachibana, Haruna; Matsumoto, Mayuko; Kobayashi, Sachiko; Matsuoka, Mirei; Sugimoto, Hideharu; Hayamizu, Toshihiko PS28A-13-30 Loneliness and Friendship in First-Year University Students Satoh, Yuhkoh (Japan) PS28A-13-31 The Effects and Influence Factors of Active Mediation of Media Using in Children and Adolescents Mo, Shuliang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qi, Yafei PS28A-13-32 Social Development of Young Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems (3) : Characteristic of the Language Development Iijima, Noriko (Japan); Takahashi, Chie; Koizumi, Yoshiko; Hirakawa, Kumiko; Kaymiya, Tetsuji; Hongo, Kazuo PS28A-13-33 Preschool teachers' practices of monitoring children to prevent health risks and facilitate adaptation: Multi-method triangulation in a qualitative study Utsumi, Shoka (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Development PS28P-14-1 The situation where preschool children lie: In terms of questioner and peeking status Sanefuji, Wakako (Japan); Nagatoshi, Ayaka PS28P-14-2 Age differences in childrens judgement of bilateral violations of conditional promises Chin, Jui-chih (Taiwan); Lin, Miao-hui PS28P-14-3 Menarche and Interest in Infants among Japanese schoolgirls Hinobayashi, Toshihiko (Japan); Shimizu, Mayuko K; Kanazawa, Tadahiro; Minami, Tetsuhiro; Itoigawa, Naosuke PS28P-14-4 A research project on the development and application of educational support for at-risk children of economically disadvantaged and multi-cultural families. Cha, Jae Kyoung (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Jinho H PS28P-14-5 The Development of threedimensional attention as Measured by the Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEA-Ch): A Longitudinal Study from Grade 1 to Grade 4 Zhou, Hui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yan, Chao; Wei, Wei; Deng, Ciping PS28P-14-6 The Relation Between Adolescent Socio-emotinal Problems and Life History Strategy: From a Japanese Large Scale Survey. Sugiyama, Hiroshi (Japan) PS28P-14-7 Feeding in small group care: A focus on caregiver behaviors in a Japanese infant home Otsuka, Miyuki (Japan); Aoki, Kikuyo; Shimada, Kyoko; Yokoyama, Ryoko; Kurogi, Saki PS28P-14-8 How Five-year-old Children's Response Sequence Patterns Change During Their Class Discussion Time Lu, Xiaoyun (Japan) PS28P-14-9 Identity styles changes over one year in adolescence: age and gender differences Malinauskiene, Oksana (Lithuania); Zukauskiene, Rita; Kaniusonyte, Goda PS28P-14-10 How does Video Game Experience in Early Childhood Affect Attitude and Fatigue Related to Portable 3D Game Machines? SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS28P-14-11 Observation of Responsive Interactions between Children and Childcare Workers at Japanese Kindergartens Kawasaki, Tokuko (Japan) PS28P-14-12 Rational imitation in infancy is different from that in childhood Taniguchi, Yuuki (Japan); Sanefuji, Wakako PS28P-14-13 Social Development of Young Children with Externalizing Behavior Problems (1):Characteristic of the Emotional Development Hongo, Kazuo (Japan); Iijima, Noriko; Takahashi, Chie; Koizumi, Yoshiko; Hirakawa, Kumiko; Kamiya, Tetsuji PS28P-14-14 Mothers' Motivation for Child-Rearing Investigated Using the free description method Tachibana, Haruna (Japan); Nakashima, Naoko; Matsumoto, Mayuko; Kobayashi, Sachiko; Matsuoka, Mirei; Sugimoto, Hideharu; Hayamizu, Toshihiko PS28P-14-15 Longitudinal changes of global self-worth and lifestyle during early adolescence in Japan Yamamoto, Chika (Japan) PS28P-14-16 Loneliness, Friendship Quality and Motivation in Childhood and Adolescence Nakajima, Takahiro (Japan); Masako, Nagata PS28P-14-17 How Does Child-Rearing Thoughts and Feelings Change ? : A Comparison among generations. Kuwabara, Chiaki (Japan); Ide, Yukako PS28P-14-18 Relation among Number Reading, Number Writing, and Numberrelated Tasks in Pre-school Children Koike, Wakaba (Japan); Yamagata, Kyoko PS28P-14-19 The young women career development process who left workplace within three years after entering the company. Oi, Hazuki (Japan) PS28P-14-20 Cognitive mechanism underlying the relationship between rapid automatized naming and reading: A longitudinal study on bilingual childre Yeung, Susanna (Hong Kong) PS28P-14-21 Mother-Child Attachment Styles and Adjustment in Adolescence Allard, Cami R (United States of America) PS28P-14-22 Experimental Research on Cognitive Categorization in College Students with Different Hoarding Behavior Level Liu, Meng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fu, Liping Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Developmental Disorders PS28A-09-7 Task performance support for people with intellectual disabilities based on executive functions Oba, Shigeji (Japan); Ikeda, Yoshifumi; Haishi, Koichi PS28A-09-29 Difficulty reversing ambiguous figures in young autistic children--A comparative study with young typically developing children-Kudo, Hidemi (Japan); Beppu, Satoshi; Kato, Yoshinobu Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Developmental Disorders PS28A-13-15 The relation between reading abilities and attention among school-aged extremely low-birth-weight children: evidence from eye movement study. Isaki, Motohiro (Japan); Kanazawa, Tadahiro; Hinobayashi, Toshihiko; Kamada, Jiro; Kitajima, Hiroyuki; Hirano, Shinya PS28A-13-18 Factor Structure of AutismSpectrum Quotient Japanese Version Kaneyama, Yumi (Japan); Maeda, Yukiko; Sato, Hiroshi; Ishikawa, Shin-ichi Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Ecological Contexts PS28A-09-23 Social and cultural influences on parent-child well-being among Black and Latino teen parents in an urban, low-income community: a mixed-methods investigation Conn, Bridgid M (United States of America); De Figueiredo, Sophie; Mankerian, Meray; Pelle, Kimberly; Ahmed, Harris; Sherer, Sara; Iverson, Ellen Educational and School Psychology PS28A-09-11 Relations among Parental Attachment, Separation-Individuation, Self-Discrepancy and Ego Identity Statuses in University Students Wang, Shuqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Feng, Jing PS28A-09-22 Social skills training including education on information technology ethics Harada, Eriko (Japan); Watanabe, Yayoi PS28A-09-26 The Effects of Attachment to a Companion Animal (Dog) on SelfEsteem in Elementary School Children. Hamano, Sayoko (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Educational and School Psychology PS28A-13-12 The Effects of a Peer Counselor-training Program for High School Students Nakamura, Maiko (Japan); Nakamura, Fumiko; Kimura, Kaoru PS28A-13-21 Changes in classroom atmosphere in a junior high school throughout a year Esumi, Shuko (Japan); Shoji, Ichiko PS28A-13-26 Analyzing the Impacts of Children's Role-taking Ability on the School Adjustment Considering Emotional Engagement and Emotional Adjustment Honma, Yuko (Japan); Uchiyama, Ichiro Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Educational and School Psychology PS28P-10-1 The Effect of Developmental Support in Preschool, Demonstrated by Changes in the Draw-A-Man Test of Mental Age Yamashita, Yukie (Japan); Oyama, Hideko PS28P-10-4 Six-dimensional life begins after school: research for organizing afterschool activities in Japanese undergraduates Ikoma, Shinobu (Japan); Hasumi, Motoko; Kitahara, Yasuko; Kawashima, Kentaro; Sato, Tetsuyasu PS28P-10-5 The occurrence of specific hearing difficulties and that of coexistence with specific learning difficulties in the regular classroom in Japan. Hirabayashi, Rumi (Japan); Nakamura, Kenryu PS28P-10-7 Exploring the Relationships on the Interpersonal Self-Support, Friendship Quality and Cooperative Skill in College Students Yahui, Qi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hui, Xu; Jinjuan, Yao; Qingling, Gen; Xiaopei, Sun; Lixin, Zhang; Yueyuan, Qian; Meifang, Yu PS28P-10-8 Japanese Classroom Dynamism - Communal Life of Learners for the Basis of Active Learning Kawamura, Shigeo (Japan) PS28P-10-9 Relationships between 99 3. Developmental Takaoka, Masako A (Japan); Ashida, Hiroshi SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM motivational regulation strategies and learning engagement of children in home study Umemoto, Takatoyo (Japan); Tanaka, Kenshiro PS28P-10-12 Peer-Perceived Characteristics of Creative Students Kim, Myung-seop (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Baek, Keunchan; Lee, Seon-young PS28P-10-13 A Study on Implicit Knowledge of Experts Creativity: Development of Creativity Education Program for Gifted Students in Arts Yeon, Eun Mo (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Choi, Hyosik 3. Developmental PS28P-10-14 A short-term longitudinal study concerning the relationship between social skill and being careful not to be hurt by friends Nagai, Akiyuki (Japan) PS28P-10-15 The difference in the perception of effective praise between elementary school students and teachers Aoki, Naoko (Japan) PS28P-10-16 A Study of relationship between Non-proactive attitude in academic and Narcissism of contemporary Japanese students. Onishi, Kyoko (Japan) PS28P-10-18 The Relationship between Self-Regulation and Self-Esteem in the Middle Childhood Urata, Yuka (Japan); Yoshihashi, Yuka; Takura, Sayaka; Nagata, Masako PS28P-10-19 Effect of parenting style and parent's motivation on Japanese middle school students' academic motivation along with self-determination theory. Kurazumi, Tomoe (Japan); Sakurai, Shigeo PS28P-10-20 The relationship between non-cognitive and cognitive development of children in the high quality kindergarten. Iwatate, Kyoko (Japan); Nishizaka, Sayuri; Kusumoto, Chisato; Matsui, Tomoko; Iwatate, Shizuo PS28P-10-21 The difference of children of daycare in Finland and Japan Shimoda, Hiroko (Japan); Okamoto, Yuji (Japan); Shimoda, Keitaro (Japan); Renge, Kazumi (Japan); Keskinen, Esko (Finland); Keskinen, Soili (Finland); Niemi, Pekka (Finland); Koyasu, Masuo (Japan); Takahashi, Ryosuke (Japan) PS28P-10-22 After School Hours of Current Junior High School Students and 100 High School Students in Japan Hasumi, Motoko (Japan); Kitahara, Yasuko; Kawashima, Kentaro; Sato, Tetsuyasu; Ikoma, Shinobu PS28P-10-23 The Low Arousal Emotions Dominate Academic Delay of Gratification of Junior School Students and the Achievement Goal Orientation Play a Mediating Role between Them Chen, Di (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS28P-10-24 Longitudinal Study of Elementary School Students School Adaptation in the process of School Consolidation Kaneko, Yasuyuki (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Ethics PS28A-09-15 Framework on Life choices by medical students - selection criteria between career and childbirh Kondo-arita, Megumi (Japan); Inamoto, Takashi Family and Community PS28A-09-1 Parenting mediates in the intergenerational transmission of empathy: The moderating role of child gender Bai, Liu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Yinghe; Li, Longfeng; Zhang, Xiao PS28A-09-3 Consultation to care staff in infant home and development support for children with special needs Tanabu, Rieko (Japan); Sugai, Hiroyuki PS28A-09-5 Developmental Profiles of Finnish Parents' Ability Attributions Regarding Their Child's Successes and Failures in School Enlund, Emmi (Finland); Aunola, Kaisa; Tolvanen, Asko; Lerkkanen, Marjakristiina; Nurmi, Jari-erik PS28A-09-8 The Comparison of the Commitment to the Person Who Helps Father and Mother with Preschoolers Most in the Childcare Support Center in Japan Kato, Kuniko (Japan) PS28A-09-9 Psychological well-being, parental acceptance, and motivation oriented toward academic goals in Colombian young adults Castro, John A (Colombia) PS28A-09-14 The effects of children's externalizing behaviors and mothers' perceptions of fathers' parenting on mothers' coparenting quality and fathers' selfreported involvement Kato, Michiyo (Japan); Kamiya, Tetsuji; Kurosawa, Tai PS28A-09-18 The difference of factors affecting reactions to parental expectations between Japanese and Estonian university students. Kasuga, Hideaki (Japan) PS28A-09-19 Effects of trust in parents, expectations from parents, and perception of parents' expectations on university students' achievement motivation Fukuoka, Yoshiharu (Japan) PS28A-09-20 The relationship among Japanese mother-child conflict, sense of mutual trust, and child's well-being in early adolescence Hiraishi, Kenji (Japan); Watanabe, Kenji PS28A-09-24 Personal Growth Associated with Parenting Children with Congenital Limb Differences Shiraga, Akiko (Japan) PS28A-09-27 Going-out behavior of young children without their mothers: Longitudinal study from preschool to elementary school Kojima, Yasuo (Japan) PS28A-09-28 The influence of the youngest child's age on attitudes towards life and death among Japanese adults Tanaka, Miho (Japan); Saito, Seiichi PS28A-09-32 Development of couplehood and parenthood through experiences of miscarriage/stillbirth Sugao, Shoko (Japan); Yasumoto, Saori History of Psychology PS28A-09-25 Vygotsky after Vygotsky Obukhova, Liudmila F (Russia) Industrial and Psychology Organizational PS28A-09-31 The conflict which a minor professional group confronts in the collaborative workplace ; Professional identity of Nurses working in Nursery Center Yamamoto, Chika (Japan); Sakai, Keiko PS28A-09-33 Qualitative Analysis of the Resignation of Nursery School Teachers: The Crisis at Promotion Sakai, Keiko (Japan); Yamamoto, Chika Social Psychology PS28A-09-10 Relationship between salivary oxytocin level and generosity in preschoolers Fujii, Takayuki (Japan); Nishina, Kuniyuki; Takagishi, Haruto PS28A-09-12 Social Emotion and Social Well-being among University Students: SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS28A-09-21 Parent-child interactions and child social competence: longitudinal evidence using the Interaction Rating Scale (IRS) Anme, Tokie (Japan); Tanaka, Emiko; Watanabe, Taeko; Tomisaki, Etsuko PS28A-09-30 THE RESEARCH OF PSYCHOSOCIAL READINESS FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY AMONG FUTURE PSYCHOLOGISTS IN POSTSOVIET KAZAKHSTAN Sagnaeva, Tolkyn (Kazakhstan); Berdibayeva, Sveta; Aymaganbetova, Olga; Orakova, Amangul; Naurzalina, Danna; Seiitnur, Zharas Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Teaching Psychology PS28P-10-17 Investigation of exploratory factors to encourage children to eat during a meal for nursery school teacher. Nishiura, Kazuki (Japan); Hiromi, Sato Rapid Communication Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior RC-01-31 The relationship between cooperation and punishment in children with high-functioning autism Li, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Liqi Aging RC-01-48 Endogenous shift of attention elicited by eye-gaze is related to the decline in frontal lobe function in older adults Kato, Chikako (Japan); Tsuchida, Noriaki; Sakaguchi, Yoshie; Takahashi, Nobuko; Ishikawa, Mariko; Imamura, Kazuko; Kitahara, Yasuko; Yoshida, Hajime RC-01-51 The pathway to help-seeking of the age-related hearing loss Sano, Tomoko (Japan); Osada, Hisao Arts RC-01-3 Sandplay Therapy in building the Application of self-awareness Cao, Jian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Risheng; Luo, Ye; Tham, Yeeyen Behavioral Psychology RC-01-8 The mental difference under adverse reading mode for primary school student Sui, Xue (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Clinical Psychology RC-01-13 The Semiotic Process of Weness in Couple therapy Molina, Maria E (Chile); Tapia-villanueva, Luis Cognition RC-01-6 Comparison of the Recognition about Six Characteristics in Life-Span Developmental Process among the Four Different-Aged Groups with the Multi-axis Concentric Circle Scale Okuda, Hiroki (Japan) Communication RC-01-18 The Social Relationships Satisfaction of Chinese Migrant Children Ren, Wen (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-01-46 Cross-linguistic comparison of interpretation of ambiguous utterances in Japanese and Chinese children Murakami, Taro (Japan); Meng, Xianwei; Hashiya, Kazuhide Culture RC-01-12 The Relationship between Perceived Parenting Practices and Locus of Control Orientation under the Chinese Cultural Influences Fung, Ching Man (Hong Kong) RC-01-23 Young children's spontaneous symbiotic strategies in a multi-cultural preschool Sakakibara, Tomomi (Japan); Wada, Mika; Yamana, Yuko; Huang, Wan-chien Development RC-01-1 Model Construction of College Students' Beliefs in a Just Word: A Qualitative Examination Lu, Ziyin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tian, Yuan; Yan, Yifan; Cao, Min; Zhou, Zongkui; Hong, Yunzhe RC-01-2 Father and Mother Roles in Child Positive Expression in Naturalistic Environments Gerhardt, Micah (United States of America); Feng, Xin; Bridgeman, Cassandra RC-01-4 Social Network Site Use and Loneliness in Adolescents: Mediating of Online Social Support Lu, Ziyin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hong, Yunzhe; Tian, Yuan; Yan, Yifan; Cao, Min RC-01-10 4 Month Infant predictors of inhibited and uninhibited profiles Wang, Pei-ling (Taiwan) RC-01-16 Modal Construction of College Students' Beliefs in a Just Word: A Qualitative Examination Yan, Yifan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tian, Yuan; Lu, Ziyin; Cao, Min; Hong, Yunzhe RC-01-17 The development of fairness concerns in the first two years of life Sommerville, Jessica (United States of America) RC-01-20 Comparison of psychological factors including parenting cooperation for adolescents based on Baumrind's parenting typology Hirata, Hiromi (Japan) RC-01-22 The Effect of Online Game Flow on Online Game Addiction: The Chain Mediating Role of Cognitive Distortion and Behavioral Repetition Gu, Xiuling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fan, Cuiying; Wei, Hua RC-01-24 The Relationship between College Students' Online Game Flow and Online Game Addiction: The Mediation Effect of Behavioral Repetition Gu, Xiuling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fan, Cuiying; Wei, Hua RC-01-25 why we were addicted to smartphone? An evidence from affective priming experiment on addicts and non-addicts Pan, Tingting (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-01-28 Development of shoes wearing in Japan: a longitudinal observation Kohga, Takashi (Japan) RC-01-34 Think Outside the Box: A Guide to the Youth You Teach and Serve Hawkey, Kyle (United States of America); Hawkey, Breanna RC-01-38 Gender difference: Family environment influent boys' academic performance Wang, Yiheng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Ming RC-01-39 Maternal Elaboration and Childrens Autobiographical Memory Development A Meta Analysis Karagobek, Busra A (Turkey); Elibolpekaslan, Nur RC-01-42 PAMUMUKADKAD: A MIXED METHOD ANALYSIS ON THE ATTITUDES OF SELECTED FILIPINO FEMALE TEENAGERS TOWARDS SEX Laude, Erika Bianca M (Philippines); 101 3. Developmental Compensatory and Mediation Role of Belief in a Just World Sun, Xiao Pei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qi, Ya Hui; Xu, Hui; Yao, Jinjuan SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Domdom, Roneil Gabriel R RC-01-44 The development of joint action coordination with parent in young children. Furuhata, Naoki (Japan); Sato, Atsushi; Itakura, Shoji RC-01-45 Development of daily gaze communication between infant and mother Yamamoto, Hiroki (Japan); Sato, Atsushi; Itakura, Shoji RC-01-47 Construction of a Holistic Theory of Life-span Development in Terms of the Relationship between Cognitive and Emotional Development Kaneda, Toshiko (Japan) 3. Developmental RC-01-50 Preliminary study on the relationship between maternal mind-mindedness and infants' development of symbolic play Koyama, Yuri (Japan) RC-01-53 How do kindergarten teachers and students cope with peer conflicts among children: Focusing on teaching in peer conflicts Fukuda, Mana (Japan) RC-01-55 The Developmental Changes in Peer Relationship among Elementary School Children: Analysis of Written Composition about Friends. Yoshino, Sayaka (Japan) RC-01-59 THE ASSOCIATIONS AMONG ECONOMIC HARDSHIP AND MARITAL RELATIONS BASED ON THE FAMILY STRESS MODEL Sahin, Hikmet (Turkey); Gure Duru, Aysen Developmental Disorders RC-01-26 Reliability and validity of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition checklist: a preliminary study on the Japanese children Kita, Yosuke (Japan); Inagaki, Masumi; Nakai, Akio RC-01-41 Why The incedence Rate of Japanes Kana Dyslexia is Low Tanaka, Midori (Japan) Diversity RC-01-29 << The dynamic of Local diversities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. >> Kaimwa Maneno, Bruno (Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo)) Educational and School Psychology RC-01-5 Fine motor skills and academic achievement in elementary and middle school students 102 Murakami, Tatsuya (Japan); Suzuki, Takashi; Kamimura, Yasukazu RC-01-9 Gender difference in math anxiety: the chain mediating effect of selfesteem and control beliefs Zhang, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xie, Fang R C - 01- 14 Pe rc e i ve d Pa re n t a l Psychological Control and Test Anxiety: The Mediating Role of Academic Self-efficacy Lou, Liandi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Xiaobo; Pang, Weiguo RC-01-21 Goals for the new school year of Japanese junior high school students Matsuo, Naohiro (Japan) RC-01-27 Stability in victimization by bullying in middle childhood of Japan Murakami, Tatsuya (Japan); Sakurai, Shigeo RC-01-32 The relationships of school adjustment, compensatory strategies and social skills among high school students. Hashimoto, Taku (Japan); Shinkawa, Hiroki; Tomiie, Tadaaki RC-01-35 Participation in an informal science class with a focus on science learning motivation: Antecedents and consequences Goto, Takayuki (Japan); Kano, Kei; Nakanishi, Kazuo RC-01-52 Comparisons of Elementary School children with Japanese and German QOL scores based on KidKINDLR Questionnaire, by focusing on the cultural background of Self-assertion Shibata, Reiko (Japan); Matuzaki, Kumiko RC-01-54 Social Skills to Combat School Bullying Sundaram, Suresh (India) RC-01-56 Factors Affecting Adaptation to College Life in Freshman Students Shiozaki, Mari (Japan) RC-01-62 Study on the interaction model of the test anxiety's psychological factors affecting test results Huang, Ruoqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Emotion RC-01-11 Parternal Emotion Expressiveness Mediates the Relations between Father-Child Relationship and Children Behaviors Zhang, Xiao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Yinghe; Bai, Liu; Li, Longfeng RC-01-49 Preschool Children's Volitional Regulation of Emotion Expression and Theory of Mind Understanding Liu, Hang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Jiaying; Wang, Jiao Family and Community RC-01-58 Mother and Yaya: Comparison of Socialization Goals, Practices and Roles Heruela, Menorca Nyn L (Philippines); Fabro, Annjanette V.; Sarmiento, Eileen Mae B; Flores, Audrey Deniece RC-01-60 Do firstborn children have an increased risk of losing parents favor in China A comparison of parental involvement between only and non-only children Guo, Xiaolin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lv, Bo; Zhou, Huan; Liu, Chunhui; Luo, Liang RC-01-61 The Influence of Academic Achievement on Affective Well-being The Divergence of the Moderating Role of Parents valence toward School on Gender and Affective States Liu, Chunhui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Guo, Xiaolin; Lv, Bo; Zhou, Huan; Luo, Liang Gender and Sexuality R C - 01- 3 7 T h e Psychological Progressions of Business Female Leaders in China: Case Research on the Career Plights and Breaking Mechanism Li, Xianmiao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huo, Weiwei; Luo, Jinlian Health Psychology RC-01-43 Flourishment and self-esteem in Mexican worker students Camacho Cristia, Carmen (Mexico); Sanchez Leyva, Jose L Human Relationships RC-01-19 Image of family meals, family cohesion, cooperation for parenting, selfesteem, and perception of bodies of Japanese college students Hirata, Hiromi (Japan); Hanaoka, Ai; Kuwahara, Shiori Language RC-01-7 Mother's use of mental state words to her 14- to 21-month old child in different settings Hamana, Mai (Japan) Learning RC-01-33 The relationship between cocreative process and children's misattributions to the self Ota, Ayaho (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Neuroscience RC-01-30 Disrupted large-scale network in adolescents with Conduct Disorder Yao, Shuqiao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jiang, Yali Psychometrics RC-01-15 The Applicability Analysis of Wender Utah Rating Scale in Chinese University Students Wei, Zhang (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Organizer: Tsuruta, Toshiro (Japan) Internet delinquency and risky online behavior among Japanese adolescents: Effect of moral disengagement and mediating role of their assessment of internet crimes Yanagida, Takuya (Austria); Takeuchi, Kazuo (Japan) Relationship between Internet addiction and online self-presentation among Japanese adolescents Tsuruta, Toshiro (Japan) Effects of anonymous beliefs of internet on the levels of caution for various online risk behaviour Kanetsuna, Tomoyuki (Japan) Cyber Bullying and Cyber Victimization: Future Directions for Research Sport and Exercise Psychology Yoon, Jina (United States of America) RC-01-40 Analysis on the Influence Factors of primary and secondary school Students' Satisfaction with School Sports Activities Jiang, Xinghong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Kexin; Zhang, Shuhua Discussant: Toda, Yuichi (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS29-21Personality Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 304 The Psychology of Wisdom Organizer: Glueck, Judith (Austria) Adversity and Transformation: A Path to Wisdom? Aldwin, Carolyn M (United States of America); Igarashi, Heidi A; Levenson, Michael R Is it all downhill after 50? Wisdom and Ageing in Organisations Mckenna, Bernard (Australia) Wisdom That Led to Significant Learning Experience: A Process Perspective Yang, Shih-ying (Canada) Thematic Session TS27-05Personality Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 416 Highly Sensitive People in Japan: From Measurement to Psychological Approaches Organizer: Takahashi, Aki (Japan) Introduction of Individual Differences on Sensory-Processing Sensitivity Takahashi, Aki (Japan) Highly Sensitive Person Scales in Japan: Statistical Characters, Validity, and Complexity Iimura, Shuhei (Japan) Characteristics of Life Skills in Highly Sensitive Persons: From the Viewpoint of Life Skills Education for Mental Health Kase, Takayoshi (Japan) Studies on Highly Sensitive Person in Competitive Sports: Relevance to Athletic Psychological Resilience Yuki, Ueno (Japan) High Sensitivity in the Clinical Domain: Why it is a Problem and Means of Treatment Amemiya, Rei (Japan) Discussant: Hirano, Mari (Japan); Iimura, Shuhei Thematic Session TS29-16Emotion Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Exhibition Hall E204 Assessment, Correlates, and Implications of Expectancies for Negative Mood Regulation Across Cultures Organizer: Catanzaro, Salvatore J (United States of America) Co-organizer: Catanzaro, Salvatore J (United States of America) Negative Mood Regulation in Greece Kanavou, Angeliki A (United States of America); Iliopoulou, Mariza (United Kingdom); Milidou, Marina (Switzerland) Negative Mood Regulation Expectancies in the United States and Predominantly European Cultures: A review Catanzaro, Salvatore J (United States of America); Mearns, Jack Assessing Negative Mood Regulation Expectancies in Japan: Implications for Culturally Valid Measurement Mearns, Jack (United States of America); Tresno, Fiona (Japan) Discussant: Wang, Guofang (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Oral Presentation Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 317 Personality OR25-39-1 The embodied self: body focus increases self-structure integration Suszek, Hubert (Poland) OR25-39-2 The HEXACO traits and cooperative, honest, and modest behavior: An overview and new findings Zettler, Ingo (Denmark); Hilbig, Benjamin E (Germany) OR25-39-3 The Pathological Personality Traits of Narcotic Prisoners based on PID-5 Adhiatma, Widhi (Indonesia); Halim, Magdalena S OR25-39-4 The positive power of negative thinking: The defensive pessimism and performance/well-being in Chinese Organization Feng, Yun (Taiwan); Chou, Lifang; Tsai, Sungchun OR25-39-5 Personality Predictors of Vocational Interests of Chinese High School Students: Incremental Contributions of the Emic Interpersonal Relatedness Factor Wan, Sarah Lai Yin (Hong Kong); Cheung, Fanny M 103 3. Developmental RC-01-57 The picture expression of the tense used in Japanese animation Sazae san, comparison between 1994 and 2015 Muranoi, Hitoshi (Japan) Thematic Session TS25-14 Media and Psychology Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 17:30 Conference Center 4F 415 Relationships between online selfpresentation and online misbehavior 4. Personality Media and Psychology RC-01-36 Does Social Networking Sites enhance adolescents' friendship? Selfpresentation in Social Networking Sites, positive feedback and Friendship Quality Cui, Xi-xi (China (People's Repbulic of China)) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR25-39-6 A Reliability Generalization of the Big-Five Factor Personality Tests in China Luo, Jie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Yuan; Chen, Wei; Pan, Yun; Zhao, Shouying Esther Health Psychology OR25-27-3 A Chinese co-validation journey through the structure of personality: From the General Factor of Personality to Big Five + Initiative Kurz, Rainer H (United Kingdom) OR26-65-1 The relationship between Big-Five with happiness and mental health among Iranian college students Khademi Ashkzari, Moluk (Iran); Piryaei, Salehe; Abdolahpur, Maryam Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 413 Personality OR25-27-4 Psychosemantic method of motives diagnostics Dedyukina, Elena (Uzbekistan); Mitina, Olga (Russia) OR26-65-2 The effect of work-family balance on job satisfaction : A Moderated Mediation Model Yu, Yue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jianxin OR25-23-1 Personality states and emotion changes before, during and after Ramadan fasting Mastor, Khairul A (Malaysia); Kasan, Hasnan (Malaysia); Locke, Kenneth (United States of America); Idris, Fazilah (Malaysia); Abu Zahrin, Syaidatun Nadzirah (Malaysia); Wan Hassan, Wan Zulkifli (Malaysia); Mahmood, Abdull Rahman (Malaysia); Musa, Nik Yusri (Malaysia); Che Haron, Che Sulaila (Malaysia) OR25-23-2 Relationship between cluster B personality traits and neurological soft signs Cai, Lin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Xiongzhao OR25-23-3 Face Shapes and Personality Kai, Zhizhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)) 4. Personality OR25-23-4 Shyness kills Creativity: The Mediating Role of Creative Process Engagement Tan, Chee-seng (Malaysia); Lau, Xiaoshan; Kung, Yian-thin OR25-23-5 Effect of grandparents' co-parenting on young children's personality and adaptation: in Chinese three-generation-families Sun, Cindy (Japan); Jiang, Na (Japan); Sun, Xuji (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-23-6 Personality strengths as resilience factors: The importance of lagged analyses and the power of hope Goodman, Fallon R (United States of America); Disabato, David J; Kashdan, Todd B; Machell, Kyla A Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 425 Personality OR25-27-1 Narcissism and youth psychological well-being in urban vs. rural China Wang, Qian (Hong Kong); Zhou, Hui (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-27-2 The Influence of Self-Esteem on Reactions to Challenge and Threat Maki, Kristen (Canada); Greenglass, 104 OR25-27-5 Do Social Cynics Have Poor Psychological Health?An Investigation of How and When. Ng, Jacky, Chi Kit (Hong Kong); Chen, Sylvia, Xiaohua Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center B1F 24 Culture OR25-16-6 Individualism, Collectivism, and its role on Religious Behaviors and Well-Being. Moreno, Oswaldo A (United States of America) Decision Making OR25-16-5 Narrative analysis of Choice Re-Making in Popular Movies Paukova, Anna B (Russia) Personality OR25-16-1 PERSONALITY STRUCTURE AND ATTACHMENT SECURITY IN THE MIDDLE CHILDHOOD Grausliene, Izabele (Lithuania); Gervinskaite Paulaitiene, Lina; Barkauskiene, Rasa OR25-16-2 Can various identity statuses justify Iranian adolescents psychopathology Norozpour, Marzieh (Iran) OR25-16-3 Subjective wellbeing among Russian and Chinese students with different temporary prospect Pilishvili, Tatiana S (Russia) OR25-16-4 personality trait on spiritual well-being and resiliency Zarnaghash, Maryam (Iran); Zarnaghash, Mina; Lashani, Leila Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 422 Family and Community OR26-65-4 Phenomenon of resistance in childhood Savina, Olga O (Russia); Magomedeminova, Olga I; Khoroshkova, Yulia M; Karacheva, Ekaterina A OR26-65-3 Health and well-being of medical students Hofer, Stefan (Austria); Hausler, Melanie; Huber, Alexandra; Strecker, Cornelia; Brenner, Mirjam; Hoge, Thomas OR26-65-5 Insight alleviates the discrepancy between self-other evaluation toward the self Nakajima, Miho (Japan); Tanno, Yoshihiko Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 424A Personality OR26-53-1 Big Five similarity between dyadic members with voluntary working linkage Iwai, Ritsuko (Japan); Iseki, Ryuta; Kumada, Takatsune OR26-53-2 The Factor Structure of Malaysian Personality Adjectives using Lexical Approach Mastor, Khairul A (Malaysia); Saucier, Gerard (United States of America); Halim, Fatimah Wati (Malaysia); Jaafar, Jas Laile Suzana (Malaysia) OR26-53-3 Orienting and disengagement: Social anxiety moderates effects of exclusion on selective attention to signs of acceptance Deng, Yanhe (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Xiangping OR26-53-4 Big-Five personality traits and body mass index (BMI) in Japan: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study Hirashima, Taro (Japan); Ito, Hiroyuki (Japan); Tani, Iori (Japan); Tsubota, Yuki (Japan); Oshio, Atsushi (Japan); Abe, Shingo (Japan); Kawamoto, Tetsuya (Japan); Terracciano, Antonio (United States of America); Sutin, Angelina (United States of America) OR26-53-6 Big Five Manga: A non-verbal pathway to personality? Roos, John Magnus (Sweden); Kajonius, Petri J. Psychological Assessment OR26-53-5 Validity Of Fluid Intelligence SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 425 Personality OR26-48-1 Narcissism and Moral Decision-Making in Context with Social Evaluations He, Ning (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lu, Yao; Li, Yihang OR26-48-5 Gender and Age Differences in Basic Personality Traits and Interpersonal Problems Across Young Adulthood Akyunus, Miray (Turkey); Gencoz, Tulin OR26-48-6 Identity Orientations and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Authoritarianism among Young People in Turkey Demir, Ilkay (Turkey) Social Psychology OR26-48-2 Moral values and personality time perspective in university students Moskvicheva, Natalia L (Russia); Kostromina, Svetlana N OR26-48-3 Impact of Motivation to Lead, Decision Making Style, and Interpersonal Behavior on Psychological Well-being on Management Graduates M, Venkatesan (India); Rohatgi, Anubha OR26-48-4 ONLINE CHATTING AND GAMING IN INDONESIA: LONELINESS AS A MODERATOR ON EFFECT OF PERSONALITY ANDGENDERONCOMPULSIVE INTERNET USE Nisa, Yunita Faela (Indonesia); Ulfah, Dara Mutia Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 512 Health Psychology OR26-12-1 Modification effects of feminine personality trait on association between dietary intake and depressive symptoms in Japanese female students. Hirokawa, Kumi (Japan); Takahata, Yoko; Uesugi, Sayo OR26-12-2 Effects of optimistic and defensive pessimistic expectations on coping processes under academic pressure. Aizawa, Noriko (Japan); Omori, Mika OR26-12-3 Childhood self-control predicts smoking throughout life: Evidence from 21,000 cohort study participants Daly, Michael (United Kingdom) OR26-12-4 Smoking behavior and the implicit approach: Developing an intervention applying Approach-Avoidance-Task Hamdan, Stephani R (Indonesia); Moeliono, Marisa F; Srisayekti, Wilis OR26-12-5 Psychological well-being and attitudes toward lifetime in connection with past traumatic experience in adulthood Troshikhina, Evgenia G (Russia); Koltunova, Anna V OR26-12-6 The Relationship among Five-pattern Personality, Constitution and Psychological Health in Chinese Medicine Du, Jian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Hao; Yang, Qiuli Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center B1F 24 Development OR26-55-2 The conceptualization of Early Childhood Mental Health in Surabaya Margaretha, Margaretha (Indonesia) Health Psychology OR26-55-3 Personality Correlates of Breast Cancer Patients Kreitler, Shulamith (Israel); Kreitler, Michal M OR26-55-5 The comparison of patience components among patients with major depression, generalized anxiety disorder and normal individuals Hosseini, Amineh (Iran); Ashna, Amir Hossein Personality OR26-55-1 Lay theories of meaning and their association with life strategies Osin, Evgeny N (Russia); Kuznetsova, Sofia S; Malyutina, Anna V OR26-55-4 Correlations between personal values and meanings and integral traits of personality in young adults on the example of students of Tashkent Chukarin, Boris (Russia); Mitina, Olga Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 314 Educational and School Psychology OR27-74-1 Psychological Russian students Ershova, Regina V (Russia) Health of OR27-74-2 Type of school, academic motivation and mathematics self-efficacy of senior high school students Cayubit, Ryan Francis O (Philippines); Bontorostro, Jan C; Buzon, James Romulus M; Mendoza, Charmaine Joan P; Oblimar, Carmina Loren S; Salvador, Erika Q OR27-74-3 Differences of foreign students` psychological adaptation to Russian university environment Darinskaia, Larisa (Russia); Somova, Natalia; Molodtsova, Galina; Moskvicheva, Natalia OR27-74-4 Academic resilience and school to work transition. Pokropek, Artur (Poland); Smulczyk, Marek OR27-74-5 The Impact of ResourceManagement Strategies for Academic Learning in the University Entry Phase Waldeyer, Julia (Germany); Fleischer, Jens; Leutner, Detlev; Wirth, Joachim OR27-74-6 Development and validation of bullying-IAT among Japanese junior high school students Fujii, Tsutomu (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Sawada, Masato (Japan) Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 314 Psychological Assessment OR27-56-1 Discrimination Capacity of the Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders in Scoring Personality Disorder Types Using Maladaptive Traits Riegel, Karel D (Czech Republic); Preiss, Marek (Czech Republic); Ksinan, Albert J (United States of America); Harsa, Pavel (Czech Republic) OR27-56-2 A test to evaluate social and sensorimotor skills for employment inclusion in people with developmental or cognitive disabilities. Herrera, Aura Nidia (Colombia); Delgado, Henry A.; Cardenas, Jenny OR27-56-3 Areas and Topics of Assessment of the Relation with Authority Grigutyte, Neringa (Lithuania); Gudaite, Grazina OR27-56-4 The Five Factors in Filipino: the Comprehensive Assessment of Personality Inventory (Compass) and Validation with Best Friend Ratings and International Personality Item Pool Scales Del Pilar, Gregorio E. H (Philippines); Ignacio, Rene Ela P; Pascasio, Marston S; Sio, Christie P OR27-56-5 Imagining success: what are we really priming? Ulfert, Anna-sophie (Germany); Kersting, Martin OR27-56-6 Developing and Validating the Inventory of Career Personality Style Fu, Mingchen (Hong Kong); Zhang, Li-fang 105 4. Personality Test Based On Cattel-Horn-Carrol Theory Andriani, Fitri (Indonesia) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 317 Industrial and Organizational Psychology OR27-40-1 Relation between Basic Psychological Needs, Working Environment, and Job Satisfaction Tanaka, Kiho (Japan); Sakhaee, Ehssan (Australia) Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E205 Behavioral Psychology OR27-18-2 Parental rearing - what's the impact on mental health and adolescent alcohol consumption. Zhang, Zhao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Songli, Mei OR27-40-2 Political skill: Personality traits as antecedents Templer, Klaus J (Singapore) OR27-18-4 Self-Esteem as Mediator Between Rejection Sensitivity and Anger Luo, Lin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Bi, Chongzeng OR27-40-3 Personality factors and length of service as predictors of preferred coping strategies among cabin crew Shrivastava Kashi, Anita (United Arab Emirates); Blundell, Chloe OR27-18-5 Study of personality characteristics of children with high and low challenging behavior patterns Gautam, Anita (India); Mukopadhyaya, Anjana OR27-40-4 Factors of Professional development and Emotional Burnout of the ambulance personnel Petrash, Marina (Russia) OR27-40-5 Observer ratings of personality and leadership emergence: A multilevel approach. Follesdal, Hallvard (Norway) Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 424A Industrial and Organizational Psychology 4. Personality OR27-14-1 How people differ in experience structure during professional activity depending on their personality Bondarenko, Aleksey (Israel); Mitina, Olga (Russia) OR27-14-2 The effect of working conditions on salivary cortisol secretion and the moderating role of personality traits. Parent-lamarche, Annick (Canada); Marchand, Alain OR27-14-3 The moderating role of emotional intelligence in the relationship between core self-evaluations and career success Khademi Ashkzari, Moluk (Iran); Piryaei, Salehe; Khademi Ashkezari, Ezzat OR27-14-4 Assertiveness and leadership: clarifying the construct of dominance Palmer, Carolin (Germany) OR27-14-5 A Qualitative Analysis of Personality and Transformational Leadership Traits of Diplomatic and Administrative Officers Wan Sulaiman, Wan Shahrazad (Malaysia); Halim, Fatimah Wati; Omar, Fatimah; Muhammad Hafidz, Sarah Waheeda; Che Kassim, Arena 106 Culture OR27-18-1 Memories of childhood: universal features and cultural specifics Lyamzenko, Anastasiya D (Uzbekistan) Industrial and Psychology Organizational OR28-54-3 Personality, Resilience and Stress States: A Multidimensional Perspective Matthews, Gerald (United States of America); Panganiban, April Rose; Wohleber, Ryan; Lin, Jinchao; Abich, Julian; Reinerman-jones, Lauren OR28-54-4 Pride and Five Factor Model of Personality among Adults Chettri, Alisha (India); Thingujam, Nutankumar S OR28-54-5 The Lived Experience of Shame in the Context of Acquaintance Rape Katsidzira, Audrey (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR28-54-6 Emotional competence and satisfaction with university life among students and faculties Nozaki, Yuki (Japan); Koyasu, Masuo Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 422 Aging OR27-18-3 Top Managers' personality, cognitive abilities, and motivation Ringelband, Olaf J (Germany) OR28-23-6 Successful aging through creative activity Glozman, Janna M (Russia); Naumova, Valentina Psychological Assessment Arts OR27-18-6 Examining the bipolarity of risk taking and risk aversion: two sides of the same coin? Phan, Wei Ming Jonathan (United States of America); Sam, Yoke Loo (Singapore); Ho, Moon-ho R (Singapore); Chan, Kim Yin (Singapore); Chernyshenko, Oleksandr S (Singapore) OR28-23-5 Engagement with beauty: Natural, Artistic, Moral, Ideal... How long is the list in Russian?* Sabadosh, Pavel A (Russia) Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 317 Ecological Contexts OR28-54-2 Who Reaps the Benefits of Social Change? Trait Exploration and its Socioecological Boundaries Lechner, Clemens M (Germany); Obschonka, Martin; Silbereisen, Rainer K Emotion OR28-54-1 Anger related to temperament, character, and psychopathology in healthy individuals: a follow-up study in healthy individuals Richter, Jorg (United Kingdom); Visser, Maretha (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Cassimjee, Nafisa (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Du Preez, Elizabeth (New Zealand); Lauritz, Lars Erik (Sweden); Ghazinour, Mehdi (Sweden) Culture OR28-23-1 Functionality and Intimacy in Close Relationships Cruz-martinez, Luz Maria (Mexico); Rivera Arafgon, Sofia; Garcia Mendez, Mirna; Diaz-loving, Rolando Educational and School Psychology OR28-23-2 Accounting of differences in students' learning styles in the development of tasks in General Studies Darinskaia, Larisa (Russia); Gnedykh, Daria Music Psychology OR28-23-3 Effects of Rumination and Musical Arousal on Mood Improvement Yam, Su Lin (Malaysia) OR28-23-4 Investigating the role of parents in the perfectionistic tendencies of university music students Botha, Madaleen (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Panebianco-warrens, Clorinda R SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR28-11-5 Self-defeating humor and affiliation in Japanese university students Amemiya, Toshihiko (Japan); Yoshida, Kohei OR28-11-6 Conversations on cutting off our noses to spite our faces: Introducing the concept of "Spite" as a means of rethinking self-aggression in object-relations theory Townsend, Anthony R (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Clinical Psychology OR28-11-4 The Development of Otheroriented Narcissism Scale for College Students Yang, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR28-11-1 Evaluation of the effectiveness of motivational interviewing interventions in the treatment of young cannabis users Bergeron, Jacques (Canada) Development OR28-11-2 Children's perception of parents and coping strategies Kostromina, Svetlana (Russia); Moskvicheva, Natalia OR28-11-3 A cross-sectional study on identity development from late childhood to middle adolescence Nakama, Reiko (Japan); Shinichi, Mizokami; Kazumi, Sugimura; Kai, Hatano; Manabu, Tsuzuki Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 314 Cognition OR29-34-3 Attentional bias towards physiological and social threat in college students with trait anxiety Zhu, Lei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Qin; Wang, Zhenhong Diversity OR29-34-5 Dreams and the ontopsychological approach to their interpretation Ostrovskiy, Alexander (Russia); Namdi, Dana; Dmitrieva, Victoria; Vereitinova, Tatiana Personality OR29-34-1 The Temporal Doppler Effect: Its Moderating Conditions and Adaptive Function Gan, Yiqun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Miao, Miao OR29-34-2 Features of Psychological Well-being of Adults Dermanova, Irina B (Russia); Troshikhina, Evgenia G OR29-34-4 Revision of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale Altmann, Tobias (Germany); Roth, Marcus Social Psychology Partner's Success or Failure Zhang, Shanshan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lv, Xiaomin; Zhang, Ye; Wang, Mengying; Dai, Chenxu Psychobiology OR29-56-1 Structure of temperament and psychophysiology of temperament traits Trofimova, Irina (Canada) OR29-56-2 Temperamental Concommitants of Intelligence in Korean Children Choi, Hyewon P (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Ji, Suhyun OR29-34-6 The Age Trends of Impulsivity of Suicides and Controls in Rural China Lin, Lin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jie, Zhang (United States of America) OR29-56-3 Temperament and mood disorders in adulthood Sulis, William (Canada) Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 421 Crime and Delinquency OR29-56-5 Escapism: interdisciplinary analysis of approaches to the phenomenon and research prospects in personality psychology Olkina, Oxana (Russia); Savchenko, Tatiana OR29-38-5 The inter-rater reliability of the PCL-R in practical field settings Matsushima, Yuko (Japan); Kroner, Daryl G Forensic Psychology and Law OR29-38-3 TESTING CONSTRUCT VALIDITY OF CRIMINAL ASSESSMENT TOOL OASys SCALES USING MMPI-2 Ustinaviciute, Laura (Lithuania); Laurinavicius, Alfredas; Cesniene, Ilona Theoretical Psychology Frameworks of OR29-56-6 Alternative Constructions of the Self for Sri Lankan Contexts Kumar, Shamala (Sri Lanka) Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 424A Decision Making O R 2 9 - 3 8 - 4 I n fe r r i n g Fe m a l e Psychopathy from Developmental Factors Taylor, Enna E (United States of America); Cunliffe, Ted B; Smith, Jason M OR29-46-4 How people differ in their computer games preferences depending on their individual characteristics. Mirsaidov, Mirjalol M (Uzbekistan); Mitina, Olga V (Russia) Harassment and Trauma Gender and Sexuality OR29-38-1 Measur ing Gender Discrimination and its effects: The development of Gender Discrimination Inventory (GDI) Kira, Ibrahim (United States of America); Shuwiekh, Hanaa (Egypt); Bujold/bugeaud, Mireille (United States of America) OR29-46-6 Gender differences from vieupoint of MOA model Kosheleva, Sofia (Russia) Psychology of Disaster OR29-38-2 German Angst and strategic bombing: A large-scale empirical test Obschonka, Martin (Germany); Stuetzer, Michael (Germany); Gosling, Samuel D (Germany); Potter, Jeff (United States of America) Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 423 Personality OR29-56-4 Gender Differences in Implicit Self-esteem:the Effect of Romantic Gene and Behavior / Epigenetics OR29-46-2 Variations on the Oxytocin Receptor Gene Influence Affective Neuroscience Personality Liu, Jin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Su, Yanjie OR29-46-3 Nostalgia proneness is associated with self-enhancement: phenotypic and genetic evidence Luo, Yu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Yunzhi; Cai, Huajian Social Brain OR29-46-1 Personality, empathy and the social brain: empirical evidence using a multimodal approach 107 4. Personality Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Haas, Brian W (United States of America) Development Theoretical Psychology PS25P-03-35 The relationship between multidimensional empathy and nursery traits regarding students in the kindergarten and nursery-school teacher education courses Kino, Kazuyo (Japan); Takahashi, Yasuko; Uchida, Chiharu Frameworks of OR29-46-5 On the Prediction of Subjective Well-Being from a more Comprehensive Viewpoint Laux, Stephanie (Germany); Rudolph, Udo Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 511 Health Psychology OR29-58-1 Individual coping with stress and negative affectivity when romantic relationships end or disengage Kryukova, Tatiana L (Russia) Human Relationships OR29-58-2 Determinants of Integration and Confrontation in Internal Dialogues Puchalska - Wasyl, Malgorzata M (Poland) Media and Psychology OR29-58-3 The effect of shyness on Japanese college students' loneliness through mediation of important social networks: Comparing face-to-face, instant messaging and e-mail Ye, Shaoyu (Japan) 4. Personality OR29-58-4 Higher Alexithymic Person More Share Online News Articles in Indonesia Nisa, Yunita Faela (Indonesia) Psychometrics OR29-58-5 Social Media Stalking, Not Intruding Hoh, Xin Jie (Malaysia); Loo, Hwee Huang; Chong, Jia Wei; Goh, Joshua Jun Hong; Liow, Wan Cheng; Beh, E Laine OR29-58-6 Defining Constructs of the Five Factor Model Using A Malaysian Context: Towards developing an assessment tool for personality Chong, Natalie (Malaysia); Arosh, Sabrena G; Mamauag, Maria Felicitas M; Teo, Shi Wei; Tai, Yan Shan; Ooi, Huan Jie Poster Presentation Monday, July 25, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Clinical Psychology PS25P-03-22 Effects of Internal Working Models of Attachment on Social Adaptation-1--From the perspective of congruity/incongruity of explicit and implicit aspects of IWMOura, Shinichi (Japan); Matsuo, Kazuya; Fukui, Yoshikazu 108 Educational and School Psychology PS25P-03-18 Relation between teacher's learning motivation on subject instruction, their way of learning and their teaching ability Miwa, Shuhei (Japan); Toyama, Miki PS25P-03-20 Emotional intelligence: meaning and development at the University of Kazakhstan Sadvakasova, Zuhra (Kazakhstan); Madaliyeva, Zabira; Zhaitapova, Altynai PS25P-03-21 Personal characteristics of school teachers with varying degrees of emotional burnout syndrome Satybaldina, Nazym (Kazakhstan); Berdibayeva, Sveta; Akhtayeva, Nadiya; Baishukurova, Anara; Kabakova, Maira PS25P-03-23 Changes in SelfAwareness Among University Freshman. Yoshida, Tetsuya (Japan); Ito, Akiko PS25P-03-24 A Scenarios Experiment about the Influence of Gratitude on Helping Behavior He, An-ming (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hui, Qiu-ping (NHO). Naruse, Yoshie (Japan); Takeoka, Yoshinobu; Sewake, Ryo; Aoki, Tomomi; Kaneda, Hitomi; Oriyama, Hisae; Nonokawa, Youko; Miura, Miwako; Takemori, Yachiyo; Nishide, Kumi; Oono, Miho; Murai, Noriko; Ando, Keiko; Kawai, Masatoshi; Tanaka, Shigeki; Yamamoto, Hatsumi PS25P-03-33 The relationship between the feelings after procrastination and personalities Kurozumi, Ryo (Japan) PS25P-03-36 The effects of autonomy support from university political instructors in China -A comparison with teaching assistants in JapanJuming, Jiang (Japan); Ayumi, Tanaka PS25P-03-37 Emotional Intelligence and Teaching Competencies Akhmetova, Jamilya B (Kazakhstan); Kim, Alla M (Kazakhstan); Aidossova, Zhanerke K (Kazakhstan); Khon, Natalya N (Kazakhstan); Harnisch, Delwyn L (United States of America) Health Psychology PS25P-03-17 The Impact of Personality on Psychological Health and Occupational Burnout: the Mediating and Moderating Role of Psychological Capital He, Zhifang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Shuiping; Liu, Jianping PS25P-03-27 The effect of intergroup status among junior high school students on school adjustment, mediated by Social Dominance Orientation Mizuno, Kumpei (Japan) PS25P-03-19 Longitudinal Survey of Sense of Coherence (SOC) Scores: Comparison of First and Third Year Japanese University Students Sasaki, Eri (Japan); Horita, Ryo; Nishio, Akihiro; Isomura, Yuki; Yamamoto, Mayumi PS25P-03-29 Relationship between the level of viability and coping strategies of teenagers Madaliyeva, Zabira (Kazakhstan); Puzikova, Svetlana; Kudaibergenova, Aliya PS25P-03-25 Effect of the Sense of coherence is for depression and subjective-happiness-feeling, what is mediated by generalized self-efficacy and sense of basic trust Isowa, Soutarou (Japan) PS25P-03-30 Relationship Between Academic Demands and Academic SelfEfficacy Among Freshmen and Sophomore Students of Philippine Normal University Condeza, Jean Lois F (Philippines); Caspe, Dezza C; Lugo, John Mark C PS25P-03-26 Personality and health locus of control among middle-aged and older adults living in a Japanese community. Iwasa, Hajime (Japan); Yoshida, Yuko PS25P-03-31 Effect of praise on praiser Kyousuke, Kakinuma (Japan); Tanaka, Ayumi PS25P-03-32 The regional characteristics of psychological vital sign (PVS c Miechuo MC) of nursing and midwifery students in National Hospital Organization PS25P-03-34 Development of the KIT version of the PERMA-Profiler (2): results of item analysis Matsumoto, Kei (Japan); Shiotani, Toru; Matsumoto, Kaori; Yamakami, Fumino; Sumiko, Ooya; Ishimaru, Masaki; Muraoka, Tomoko; Kagami, Tomomitsu PS25P-03-38 Relationships between SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Human Relationships PS25P-03-39 China College Students' Internet Usage Making Impacton Loneliness: The Role of Society Supporting Systems Qing, Luo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xiaojun, Sun; Yuan, Tian; Xiangen, Hu; Zongkui, Zhou PS25P-03-40 Psychological peculiarities of abandoned children's social adaptation Kalymbetova, Elmira (Kazakhstan); Arystan, Kuralay; Baimoldina, Laura; Zholdassova, Manzura; Duisenbekov, Davlet PS25P-03-41 Study on cognition of friend of young moderns Kishi, Toshiyuki (Japan) PS25P-03-42 Relationship as a factor of arranging the cooperation Toxanbayeva, Nurgul (Kazakhstan); Sarybekova, Zhanat; Makashkulova, Gulzhan; Berdibayeva, Sveta; Karabekova, Azina; Toxanbayev, Almas Media and Psychology PS25P-03-43 The effects of frequency of watching TV dramas on work values for future career, moderated by career education: A two-wave panel survey on college students. Asoh, Naoko (Japan); Tajima, Sachi; Shoun, Akiyo; Sakamoto, Akira PS25P-03-44 The Usage of Emoticons and Functuations Reflects The Users' Personality Jiang, Shan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jijia PS25P-03-45 Perception of oneself and personal characteristics of players in multiplayer online game Ryumshina, Liubov (Russia) Personality PS25P-03-1 Chinese Undergraduates' Narrates Characteristic and Its Connection With the Development of Self-identity Chen, Yongling (Hungary); Li, Lihong (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25P-03-2 Construction of two dimensional sense of self scale Sekimori, Masumi (Japan); Okamoto, Takuya; Hasegawa, Koji PS25P-03-3 Does Personality Influence People's Preference? The Relationship between Personality Similarities and Dog Preferences Shen, Zhuozhuo (Macao); Lea, Stephen E. G. (United Kingdom); Hall, Brian J. (Macao) PS25P-03-4 Relationships between Negative Identity, Career Decisions, and Interpersonal Relationships Hihara, Shogo (Japan); Sugimura, Kazumi PS25P-03-5 Positive vs. Negative Correlations between Self-Concept Differentiation (SCD) and Psychological Adjustment, found to be moderated by the Level of Personal Agency (LPA) Du, Jian (Japan); Kato, Kazuo PS25P-03-6 Relationship between the Dark Triad personality and the transition in forming interpersonal impression Masui, Keita (Japan); Henmi, Mari; Kijima, Nobuhiko; Umeda, Satoshi PS25P-03-7 Self-interest and belief in reciprocity: the moderating role of emotion regulation Koo, Hyunjin (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Jung, Yeseul; Hong, Minsung; Park, Yonguk; Sohn, Young Woo PS25P-03-8 Relation of Personality Disorders and Crime among the Prisoners of Mashhad Jail Tahernia, Taha (Iran); Porghove, Masoud PS25P-03-9 How is identity related to internal and external problem behaviors in adolescence? Hatano, Kai (Japan); Sugimura, Kazumi PS25P-03-10 The Relationship between Alexithymic tendency and Behavior problems on Students with physical and mental disease Kawauchi, Eriko (Japan); Nagai, Yuuya; Takeda, Kazunori PS25P-03-11 The Relationship between Low Judged Quality of Decision Process and Anticipation of Regret in People with Perfectionism Egawa, Iori (Japan); Tanno, Yoshihiko PS25P-03-12 The relationship between Systemizing-Empathizing and random number generation Itagaki, Fumihiko (Japan); Wakabayashi, Akio PS25P-03-13 Friendship styles and interpersonal traits : A circumplex analysis Hashimoto, Yasuhiro (Japan); Oshio, Atsushi PS25P-03-14 Effects of Dichotomous Thinking and Information-Processing Style on Moral Judgment Mieda, Takahiro (Japan); Oshio, Atsushi PS25P-03-15 Executive function moderates the relationship between psychopathy and cognitive empathy Tamura, Ayame (Japan); Sugiura, Yoshinori PS25P-03-16 Development of the Japanese Optimism and Pessimism Scale for Children and Examining its Reliability and Validity Toyama, Miki (Japan) PS25P-03-46 Functional impulsivity positively correlates with cognitive task performance: The Japanese version of Dickman Impulsivity Inventory Yamamoto, Akira (Japan); Furumitsu, Isato; Imada, Sumio Sport and Exercise Psychology P S 2 5 P - 0 3 - 2 8 P SYC H O F O R M I N G TRAINING IN SPORT Malkin, Valerii (Russia); Rogaleva, Liudmila Monday, July 25, 09:40 – 10:40 Exhibition Hall Poster7 Arts PS25A-10-15 Emotional burnout in the acting profession Skavinskaya, Elena N (Russia) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS25A-10-10 A study on relationship between methods of confronting with the problems and level of feeling loneliness in adolescent girls Bahaodini, Hamide (Iran); Pourmoosavi, Maryam; Rezazadeh, Zeinabalsadat Culture PS25A-10-20 Personal construction in students who return from international academic exchanges Balcazar, Patricia (Mexico); Gurrola, Gloria (Mexico); Moysen, Alejandra (Mexico); Saul, Luis (Spain); Garay, Julieta (Mexico); Elizabeth, Estrada (Mexico); Villaveces, Martha (Mexico) Development PS25A-10-8 The phenomenological-synergetic paradigm of personality values' becoming Romanyuk, Lyudmyla V (Ukraine) PS25A-10-12 Third Culture Kids and adult development: Age-related changes in dimensions of personality and well-being Abe, Jo Ann A (United States of America); 109 4. Personality Resilience Factors and Controllable/ Uncontrollable Life Stressors Kaminishi, Yuki (Japan); Sato, Suguru SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Abe, Katherine K Personality Educational and School Psychology PS25A-10-1 The nonlinear effect of trust to the Presidenton professional and value sphere of personality Dostovalov, Sergey (Russia); Basimov, Mikhail PS25A-10-11 Personality factors in the context of overcoming of problematic situations among students in the educational environment Stoyanova, Irina Y (Russia); Terekhina, Olga V; Shukhlova, Yulia A; Truevtsev, Dmitriy V; Chekanova, Maria O PS25A-10-14 Reaction toward class, Making Friendship, Academic Achievement and Pupils' Rowdyism: Test of a Structural Model on Personal Determinants Bennacer, Halim (France) Emotion PS25A-10-7 Relating Trait emotional intelligence, happiness, emotional intelligence, suicidal orientation and academic achievement in a sample of university students in Nigeria Akinsola, Esther F (Nigeria); Goma, Ruth O; Akinwale, Gbenusola PS25A-10-13 A longitudinal study of happiness and meaning-making Abe, Jo Ann A (United States of America) Environmental Psychology 4. Personality PS25A-10-21 The influence of parentchild facial resemblance on parents' trait anxiety: the moderating of gender Quanlei, Yu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qiuying, Zhang (United States of America); Shenghua, Jin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) General P S 2 5 A- 10 - 17 M O N OTO N O U S DEPENDANCIES OF SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL, NOT REGISTERED BY CORRELATIONAL ANALYSIS Akimova, Nataliya (Russia); Basimov, Mikhail Health Psychology P S 2 5 A- 10 - 9 : R E L AT I O N S H I P BETWEEN SELF-ESTEEM AND MENTAL HEALTH OF RAZAVIEH HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS Aghamohamadi Sendani, Sadra (Iran) Industrial and Psychology Organizational PS25A-10-22 Evaluating the relationship between organizational commitment and five factor personality models of NEO-FFI among employees of the organization Pourmoosavi, Maryam (Iran); Rezazadeh, Zeinabalsadat; Bahaodini, Hamide 110 PS25A-10-2 Life satisfaction and selfrealization features among women in midlife crisis Ulianich, Anna L (Russia); Skripacheva, Elena N PS25A-10-3 A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Internet Addiction and Eysenck Personality Yang, Lin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhong, Sijia; Gao, Shuang PS25A-10-4 Shyness of Junior High School Students and School Adaptation: the Mediating Effect and Moderating Effect of Coping Style Chen, Yingmin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chang, Shumin; Du, Xiufang PS25A-10-5 The relationship of inherited and acquired characteristics and personality hardiness Kashpur, Daryna (Ukraine); Tukaiev, Sergii; Pogorilska, Nataliia PS25A-10-6 SATISFACTION FROM ACHIEVEMENT AS A SYNERGETIC CAUSE OF NOTIONAL ANGUISH Akimova, Nataliya (Russia); Basimov, Mikhail Psychological Assessment PS25A-10-19 Evaluation of Teenage Borderline Personality Trait Through Projective Drawing test Xing, Yi Lun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Jian Ping; Xiang, Jin Jing Psychometrics PS25A-10-18 Psychodiagnostic of Personal Helplessness: working-out of the Questionnaire for Adolescents Krylova, Marina (Russia); Tsyring, Diana Social Psychology PS25A-10-16 Personality Differences in Online and Offline Self-disclosure Preference Among Adolescents: A Variable- and Person-Oriented Approach Xu, Lei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Kong, Xiaodong Tuesday, July 26, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS26P-11-19 Personality predictors of coping with school violence among adolescents Dementiy, Liudmila Kupchenko, Viktoriia E I (Russia); PS26P-11-20 Trait Respect Correlates Positively with Prosocial Behavior in Japanese University Students Muto, Sera (Japan) PS26P-11-21 Does aggressiveness and alexithymia lead to aggressive behavior for people on the autism spectrum ? Yamawaki, Nozomi (Japan); Kono, Shoko Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Behavioral Psychology PS26A-07-17 Delay discounting: a changing state or a stable personality trait? Malesza, Marta (Poland) Tuesday, July 26, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Clinical Psychology PS26P-11-9 Effects of Internal Working Models of Attachment on Social Adaptation-2--From the perspective of size and direction of discrepancy between explicit and implicit aspects of IWMOura, Shinichi (Japan); Matsuo, Kazuya; Fukui, Yoshikazu PS26P-11-10 Comparison of Personality Traits in Breast and Lymphoma Cancer Patients with Healthy People Tahernia, Taha (Iran); Porghove, Masoud PS26P-11-12 Expectancy of childs trust relationship to mother from perception of mothers expectation and evaluation to the perception Imai, Ai (Japan); Nakai, Azumi PS26P-11-14 Effects of cognitive therapy-based lecture and morita therapybased lecture on rumination of undergraduate students. Shimizu, Kenji (Japan); Shimizu, Hisayo PS26P-11-15 The relationship between trauma, victimhood and dissociation: Pathological dissociation and healthy dissociation. Ikeda, Tatsuya (Japan); Okamoto, Yuko PS26P-11-16 Emotion Sensitivity and Negative Affect in Borderline Personality Disorder: The Role of Emotion Regulation Yeh, Zai-ting (Taiwan); Zeng, Yi-han; Liu, Shen-ing; Fang, Chun-kai PS26P-11-17 Developing a measure of sluggish cognitive tempo for adults: discrimination from depression Sunada, Yasuhide (Japan); Munenaga, Koda; Yoshinori, Ito; Yoshinori, Sugiura SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM and Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Cognition PS26A-07-27 Impaired working memory in patients with borderline personality disorder: An ERPs study Yi, Jinyao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Ying; Zhong, Mingtian; Yao, Shuqiao Communication PS26A-07-29 Effects of collage execution in a group and subsequent sharing activity on participants' mood change and affiliative behavior Takeuchi, Itsuko (Japan); Terasaki, Masaharu; Takei, Yuko; Kadota, Masako Tuesday, July 26, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Community Psychology PS26P-11-23 The Relation between Owner Personality Characteristics and The Dog's Behavioral Patterns Nishimura, Nobuko (Japan); Mogi, Chie Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS26P-11-13 Efficacy of Life Analytic Counseling for Reducing Depression in Undergraduates: Focusing on the Relationship among Depression, Rumination, and Resilience Matsumoto, Mayuko (Japan); Nakashima, Naoko Development PS26P-11-8 The relationship of temperament traits with behavior and emotional problems in adolescents: evidence from a Russian sample Vasin, Georgy M (Russia); Lobaskova, Marina M; Gindina, Elena D; Malykh, Sergei B Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Emotion PS26A-07-11 Analysis of the Relationship Between Time Perspective and Difficulties in Emotional Regulation with Structural Equation Modeling among Turkish Undergraduate Students. Burhan, Pinar (Turkey); Bayram, Nuran PS26A-07-12 The Relationship of Fear of Anger to Self-compassion and Self-criticism. Hayashi, Tatsuya (Japan) PS26A-07-13 Comparison of Emotion Regulation between high and low perceived criticism groups in Japanese university students Naruse, Mayu (Japan); Jinnai, Ayane; Horiuchi, Satoshi; Sakano, Yuji PS26A-07-14 The mediation effect of loneliness between negative affectivity and sexual problem in university students. Jin, Eunju (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Hwang, Suk-hyun PS26A-07-15 Exploratory factor analysis study : Relationship of Ambivalence over emotional expressiveness with emotion and personality variables A-reum, Lee (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Hwang, Samuel S PS26A-07-16 Interactive effects of interoceptive awareness and finitude salience on empathy Takahama, Sachiko (Japan) PS26A-07-18 Effects of the Clay-Work Combined with the Listening to the Music on the Mental States Yamawaki, Mayumi (Japan) PS26A-07-19 The effects of the quality of social relationships and emotion regulation ability on the happiness of introvert individuals Gutierrez Cobo, Maria J (Spain); Cabello, Rosario; Fernandez- Berrocal, Pablo PS26A-07-20 Development of the Japanese version of the Humiliation Inventory (HI-J) Numata, Mami (Japan); Matsui, Yutaka (Japan); Hartling, Linda M (United States of America) PS26A-07-21 Measuring Mindfulness in Daily Life Blanke, Elisabeth S (Germany); Brose, Annette PS26A-07-22 Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Trypophobia Questionnaire (TQ-J) Imaizumi, Shu (Japan); Furuno, Manami; Hibino, Haruo; Koyama, Shinichi PS26A-07-23 Does the non-dominant hand increase the frequency of draws in rock-paper-scissors? Kushizaki, Masashi (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Forensic Psychology and Law PS26P-11-11 Offender characteristics of serial criminal damage to vehicles in Japan. Zaitsu, Wataru (Japan) PS26P-11-22 A comparison of the MMPI-2 clinical, content and supplementary scales of Lithuanian violent and nonviolent male offenders Cesniene, Ilona (Lithuania); Laurinavicius, Alfredas; Ustinaviciute, Laura Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Human Relationships PS26A-07-24 The theoretic and empirical study of youth self-assessment Toxanbayeva, Nurgul (Kazakhstan); Turdaliyeva, Sholpan; Smatova, Klara; Abisheva, Elmira; Alimbayeva, Saule; Ussenova, Sandugash Tuesday, July 26, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Industrial and Organizational Psychology PS26P-11-24 Investigation of subjective risk assessment in miners work Sarybekova, Zhanat (Kazakhstan); Berdibayeva, Sveta; Yeleussinov, Bauyrzhan; Kassymzhanova, Anargul; Issabek, Nurdaulet; Mun, Mariya; Ayaganova, Almagul PS26P-11-25 Is Obsessive Passion always a Troublemaker?: The Moderating Role of Envy in Motivation and Performance of Obsessive Passion Rhee, Jeongmin (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Shin, Yonghwan; Sohn, Young Woo PS26P-11-26 Target practice: Who is subjected to more impression management behaviors? Law, Stephanie J (Canada); Bourdage, Joshua S; Ogunfowora, Tunde Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Neuroscience PS26A-07-28 Correlations between the brain responses of nulliparous females when viewing infants' facial expressions and their personality Tanabe, Motoko (Japan); Niwano, Katsuko; Ito, Ayahito; Sato, Yosuke; Fujii, Toshikatsu Personality PS26A-07-1 Is ambiguity tolerance an important factor that can distinguish between depression and anxiety? Tomono, Takanari (Japan) PS26A-07-2 Identity developmental trajectories in adolescence and young 111 4. Personality PS26P-11-18 Feeling Function Acceptance of Empathic Images Sato, Junichi (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM adulthood: based on the five dimensional model Hatano, Kai (Japan); Kazumi, Sugimura PS26A-07-3 Interpersonal sensitivity and privileged self as a risk factor for depression (1) :Re-examination of the factor structure of the Interpersonal Sensitivity/Privileged Self Scale Muranaka, Masaki (Japan); Yamakawa, Itsuki; Sakamoto, Shinji PS26A-07-4 Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the ABbreviated Impulsiveness Scale Kobashi, Mariko (Japan); Ida, Masanori PS26A-07-5 Does defensive pessimism help anxious people to communicate with strangers? Defensive pessimism and state anxiety interact to predict the behavioral intention for smooth communication Shimizu, Haruka (Japan); Nakashima, Ken'ichiro; Morinaga, Yasuko PS26A-07-6 Transformative Process Concerning Hypervigilant Narcissism in University Students Koya, Mayumi (Japan); Takano, Yasuyo PS26A-07-7 Socioeconomic Status and Life Satisfaction Among Chinese Adolescents: Analyses of Self-esteem as a Mediator and Optimism as a Moderator Zhou, Zongkui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Wu 4. Personality PS26A-07-8 Having features of both eating quickly and type A behavior pattern, it is a risk factor for obesity Ogawa, Sayaka (Japan); Saigo, Tatsuo; Takeoka, Atsushi; Hamaguchi, Toyohiro; Shirabe, Susumu; Tayama, Jun PS26A-07-9 Competitiveness as the reason Impulsiveness in non-linear psychology (Five-Factor Personality Model) Basimova, Polina (Russia); Basimov, Mikhail Tuesday, July 26, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Personality PS26P-11-1 PREDICTORS OF TREATMENT DROPOUT IN DEPRESSED OUTPATIENTS: THE ALTERNATIVE FIVE FACTOR MODEL Goma-i-freixanet, Montserrat (Spain); Ramos-grille, Irene; Aragay, Nuria; Valero, Sergi; Valles, Vicenc; Guillamar, Roser PS26P-11-2 Relations between idleness, procrastination and self-efficacy in students Babaeva, Yulia (Russia); Mekhtizade, Elina; Varvaricheva, Yana 112 PS26P-11-3 Trypophobia can be predicted by disgust sensitivity, empathic traits, and visual discomfort Furuno, Manami (Japan); Imaizumi, Shu; Hibino, Haruno; Koyama, Shinichi Personality Toyoshima, Aya (Japan); Shinichi, Sato Culture PS26P-11-4 Interpersonal sensitivity and privileged self as a risk factor for depression (2): A cross-generational study Yamakawa, Itsuki (Japan); Muranaka, Masaki; Sakamoto, Shinji PS27P-04-30 Japanese term "Yori Dokoro (what you depend on) " and Heinz Kohut's theory of Selfobject internalization, Narcissistic Vulnerability, attachment, and ego-identity. Shirai, Daisuke (Japan) PS26P-11-5 Influences of Internal Working Models, Family Functions and Gender Differences on Loneliness in Japanese University Students Fujimori, Akihito (Japan); Hayashi, Hideki; Fujiwara, Yoji PS27P-04-31 Japanese way of representing mildness of personality: Focusing on Gitaigo, mimetic words in the Japanese language Komatsu, Koji (Japan); Sakai, Keiko; Mukoyama, Yasuyo; Nishioka, Miwa PS26P-11-6 Development of Vitality Scale Fukui, Miki (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Social Brain PS26A-07-10 Psychological features of professional qualities formation in pilots. Mukeyeva, Karina (Kazakhstan); Munaidarova, Bakhyt; Zhexembayeva, Zhadra; Oilybayeva, Laura; Taurbekova, Ainur; Abdulkarimova, Glyussya; Tlenbayeva, Aisha; Naurzalina, Danna; Li, Alexina Social Psychology PS26A-07-25 The interaction of personality traits and environmental factors in the prediction of depression in Russian young adults Kuznetsova, Valeriya (Russia); Knyazev, Gennady; Dorosheva, Elena; Bocharov, Andrey; Savostyanov, Alexander PS26A-07-26 Specifics in Development of the Legal Consciousness of Law Students Lukashova, Svetlana (Kazakhstan); Omirzhanov, Yesbol; Chongarov, Yerzhan; Baigelova, Nurgul Tuesday, July 26, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Traffic Psychology PS26P-11-7 Introducing the Cycling Anger Scale Emmermann, Birte (Germany); Oehl, Michael Wednesday, July 27, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Aging PS27P-04-26 Age Differences in The Relationship Between Internet Use and Development PS27P-04-25 Relationship between Executive function Questionnaire and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Childhood Katagiri, Masatoshi (Japan); Ito, Hiroyuki; Murayama, Yasuo; Hamada, Megumi; Uemiya, Ai; Nomura, Kazuyo; Tsujii, Masatsugu PS27P-04-27 Mechanism of total identity formation: Why did Yukio Mishima want to be totally somebody other than himself? Miyoshi, Akiko (Japan) Gender and Sexuality PS27P-04-29 Correlations between adults` romantic attachment type and their love stories after R. Sternberg Ekimchik, Olga A (Russia) Health Psychology PS27P-04-23 The Effect of Anxiety Sensitivity on the Autonomic Nervous Reaction During the Cold Pressor Test Dodo, Naomi (Japan); Hashimoto, Ryusaku PS27P-04-24 Stress and self-esteem mediate the relationships between different categories of perfectionism and life satisfaction Zhong, Mingtian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Lingyu; Yi, Jinyao PS27P-04-28 Effects of past memories of taking meals on attitudes towards having breakfast Tani, Shujiro (Japan); Aoki, Sanae Personality PS27P-04-1 Mechanisms linking lead userness and innovative behavior in brand communities: A moderated mediation study SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Wang, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)) (Japan); Carducci, Bernardo J (United States of America) Khon, Natalya N (Kazakhstan); Kim, Alla; Aidossova, Zhanerke PS27P-04-2 Relationship Between the Determination of Speciality, and the Satisfaction Level to a College Life Hagiuda, Nobuko (Japan) PS27P-04-12 The Perceived Importance of the Big Five Personality Traits in College Students Kawamura, Soichiro (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Behavioral Psychology PS27P-04-3 Psychometric properties of The Persistence, Perseveration and PerfectionismScale (PPPS-22) in Turkish sample Bulutlu, Lelyi (Turkey) PS27P-04-13 Perfectionism Increases Regret via Moderating the Relationship between Justifiability and Judged Quality of Decision Process Egawa, Iori (Japan); Tanno, Yoshihiko PS27P-04-4 Entrepreneurial Intention among Vocational College Students and its Relationship with Big Five Traits Shu, Deming (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Hongzhen; Feng, Chengzhi; Jiang, Yuzhu PS27P-04-14 Factor Analysis of Attitudes Towards Ambiguity Scales and its Relation to the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in Japanese Healthy Volunteers Enoki, Hiroyuki (Japan); Koda, Munenaga; Saito, Satona; Nishimura, Sayako; Kondo, Tsuyoshi PS27P-04-6 Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence Using Information Communication Technology: Relation with Narcissism and Preoccupation for Persecutory Ideation Takezawa, Midori (Japan); Matsui, Megumi PS27P-04-7 Effect of control deprivation on primary and secondary control: Perspectives of compensatory control theory Yang, Shenlong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Guo, Yongyu; Kuang, Fudong; Li, Jing; Bai, Jie; Hu, Xiaoyong; Shu, Shouli PS27P-04-8 The relation of self-compassion to self-related humor in Japanese university students Yoshida, Kohei (Japan); Amemiya, Toshihiko PS27P-04-9 Chinese different social classes' perception of distributive justice and the coping strategies Guo, Yongyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Yi PS27P-04-10 A Factor Analytical Investigation of the Japanese Translation of the Cheek-Buss Shyness Scale in Support of the Three-Component Model of Shyness Matsuda, Kouhei (Japan); Sato, Emi (Japan); Carducci, Bernardo J (United States of America) PS27P-04-11 Examining the Personality Correlates of a Japanese Translation of the Cheek-Buss Shyness Scale Sato, Emi (Japan); Matsuda, Kouhei PS28A-14-11 The Mediating Effect of Self-Compassion in the Relationship of Subjective Happiness and Perceived Stress in Young Adults Baclig, Lorraine Jessica L (Philippines) PS27P-04-15 Diversity of attachment relations and identity integration Laverdiere, Olivier (Canada) PS28A-14-12 Individual ability of fear extinction predicts their resilience to drug addiction in rats Ueno, Masaharu (Japan); Yamada, Kazuo; Ichitani, Yukio PS27P-04-16 Relation Bet ween Personality Traits and Depression in University Students: the Moderating Effect of Friendship Shen, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Li PS28A-14-13 Prevalence of personality disorders in patients with bipolar I disorder Haghighi, Mohammad (Iran); Rahimi, Alireza; Jahangard, Leila; Ahmadpanah, Mohammad PS27P-04-18 Styles of handling Interpersonal conflict and the Dark Triad Shimotsukasa, Tadahiro (Japan); Oshio, Atsushi PS28A-14-14 The effects of Prolonged Control Deprivation on Scientific Belief Bai, Jie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Guo, Yongyu; Yang, Shenlong PS27P-04-19 Children - parental relations as a factor of the self-relation and self-perception in adolescence (based on the cross - cultural studies) Akhmetova, Jamilya B (Kazakhstan); Satybaldina, Nazym K; Kabakova, Maira P PS28A-14-15 Socio-psychological profile of a person exposed to suicidal behavior Li, Alexina (Kazakhstan); Kudebayeva, Gulmira; Sardarova, Zhannat; Aimaganbetova, Olga; Naurzalina, Danna; Kuldasheva, Nadezhda; Nikitenko, Viola PS27P-04-20 The Dark Triad Appearance Impressions Kiire, Satoru (Japan); Ochi, Keita and PS27P-04-21 A cross cultural study of Chinese and American College Students' entrepreneurial intention Sun, Yang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Ping; Feng, Hang Xiao; Li, Yan; Zuo, Ling En; Liu, Hang PS27P-04-22 Comparison of Baum test results between the 1970s and 2010s Sado, Tadahiro (Japan); Maeda, Tadashi; Furutani, Manabu Psychology Spirituality of Religion and PS27P-04-17 Religious Faith and Values: Cross-Confessional Research in Kazakhstan PS28A-14-16 The Effects of Subliminal Secure Priming on Adult Creative Exploration Wang, Hongzhi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Wen PS28A-14-17 The significant positive correlation between the strength of vection (illusory self-motion perception) and sense of immersion Seno, Takeharu (Japan); Nagata, Yoshiko PS28A-14-18 Influence of creative abilities on choice of strategy to cope with difficult circumstances Satybaldina, Nazym (Kazakhstan); Sadvakassova, Zukhra; Berdibayeva, Sveta; Mukasheva, Anar; Akhtayeva, Nadiya; Bassybekova, Kulyash 113 4. Personality PS27P-04-5 The development of Selfaffliction Tendency Scale Revised version (SATS-R) and short scale(SATS-S) Wu, Pei-yu (Taiwan); Lin, Ching-wen PS28A-14-10 The experimental study of individual`s accentual character Zhubanazarova, Nazirash (Kazakhstan); Mandykaeva, Almagul; Bekmuratova, Gulzhanar; Kunanbaeva, Maira; Toxanbayeva, Nurgul; Turdaliyeva, Sholpan; Abdeyeva, Svetlana SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM General PS28A-14-19 Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the PIUQ--an preliminary research Lin, Mingming (Japan) Personality PS28A-14-1 Personality Ideology in Chinese Novels: Evidence from Conceptual Metaphors of Spatial Self Wang, Wanzhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Siyun; Gu, Chuanhua PS28A-14-2 Causal Relationships among Scholarship Competence, SelfEsteem, and Psychological Stress Response Using a Two-Factor Solution of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Fukudome, Kodai (Japan); Morinaga, Yasuko PS28A-14-3 The Difference between Sensory-Processing Sensitivity and Sensory Processing Disorder - The Comparison of Highly Sensitive Person Scale and Adolescent / Adult Sensory ProfileTakahashi, Aki (Japan); Iimura, Shuhei PS28A-14-4 Knowledge and use of character strengths as a factor of mental well-being in adulthood Kebza, Vladimir (Czech Republic); Blatny, Marek; Jelinek, Martin; Kodl, Miloslav; Kernova, Vera 4. Personality P S 2 8 A - 1 4 - 5 P S YC H O L O G I C A L COMPONENTS OF HAPPINESS AND CREATIVITY Akhtaeva, Nadiya (Kazakhstan); Polyvyannaya, Natalya; Gazizova, Kamilya; Bekbayeva, Zeynep; Autalipova, Yelnur; Tolegenova, Aliya PS28A-14-6 A Study of Correlation among Digit Ratio, Big Five Personality Traits, and Autism-Spectrum Quotient Yoshimoto, Jun (Japan); Etsuo, Mizukami PS28A-14-7 A relationship between two kinds of seeking for the violent scene and the sensation Yoshioka, Hiroko (Japan); Inoue, Kako PS28A-14-8 Character strengths and their relation to Big Five personality traits Blatny, Marek (Czech Republic); Jelinek, Martin; Kebza, Vladimir PS28A-14-9 Changes in undervaluing others by Japanese university freshman and its positive effects on extracurricular activities Kodaira, Hideshi (Japan) Psychological Assessment PS28A-14-21 Factor 114 Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Values in Action Inventory for Youth in Chinese Sample Mu, Shoukuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Wen PS28A-14-22 Discounting Inventory: New Instrument to Measure the Discounting Rate Malesza, Marta (Poland) PS28A-14-24 Expert validity of a nonverbal personality assessment Roos, John Magnus (Sweden) PS28A-14-25 Integrated interpretation of the Hand Test and the Landscape Montage Technique Sasaki, Hiroko (Japan) PS28A-14-26 Psychological Types and Mental Health Sato, Junichi (Japan) Psychometrics PS28A-14-20 Examining the test-retest reliability of the state and trait version of the Two-Item Self-Esteem Scale Minoura, Yukihisa (Japan); Narita, Ken'ichi PS28A-14-23 German Validation of the Value in Action Survey of Character Strengths Renn, Daniela (Austria); Hausler, Melanie; Strecker, Cornelia; Huber, Alexandra; Brenner, Mirjam; Hoge, Thomas; Hofer, Stefan Rapid Communication Friday, July 29, 10:30 – 12:00 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Behavioral Psychology RC-08-7 Exploring the Girt personality between high school students and ISEF participants in Taiwan Lin, Cheli S (Taiwan) RC-08-10 Addiction among adolescence: the role of Emotional Competence Oskenbay, Fariza (Kazakhstan); Tolegenova, Aliya; Jakupov, Maksat; Zholdassova, Manzura; Tunguskova, Dariya; Akazhanova, Alma Educational and School Psychology RC-08-16 A Study on Values of Arts Undergraduate Students and Educational Strategy Gao, Zhaoxia (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Emotion RC-08-20 Worry is predicted by cognitive flexibility and attentional control in a non-clinical sample of adolescents Rodriguez Corcelles, Lydia C (Puerto Rico); De Jesus Romero, Robinson A.; Rodriguez Hernandez, Valerie N; Joyner Bizama, Allison B; Aviles Font, Mariela; Acevedo Molina, Monica C; Diaz, Paulina G; Tirado Santiago, Giovanni Harassment and Trauma RC-08-6 Assessing the Current Sense of Personal Growth among Japanese Middle School Children Iimura, Shuhei (Japan); Taku, Kanako (United States of America) Health Psychology RC-08-22 The Relationship of Humor Styles and Psychological Well-being Takaoka, Shino (Japan); Tanaka-matsumi, Junko Media and Psychology RC-08-9 Association between frequency of being emotionally moved and evaluation of narrative advertising. Tsumura, Masayuki (Japan); Kato, Juri Neuroscience RC-08-3 Effects of parental emotional warmth on the relationship between regional gray matter volume and depression-related personality traits Wenjing, Yang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Junyi, Yang; Dongtao, Wei; Jiang, Qiu Personality RC-08-1 Personality profile in mental health patients Goma-i-freixanet, Montserrat (Spain); Martinez, Yolanda RC-08-2 Analysis of Personal Factors according to Rural Voters Behavior in Western China Zhu, Jinwei (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-08-4 Am I Different from the Others? : A Comparison of Neurotic Trends of Teenage Orphans and Teenagers Raised by Parents Baltazar, Zyrah Regina R (Philippines); Luna, Tricia Marielle C; Iradiel, Abegail C RC-08-5 Conscience and behavior of college students: effect of parenting style Yang, Zhongping (China Repbulic of China)); He, Zeng, Lianping aggression moderating (People's Mingyuan; RC-08-13 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERSONALITY TRAITS AND JOB SATISFACTION OF BANK STAFF Huan, Hu (China (People's Repbulic of SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM RC-08-15 Effects of prior experience of pain on empathic feelings for painful pictures with measuring physiological indices. Murase, Ayaka (Japan); Imai, Akira RC-08-17 The Sense of Self-Efficacy Research on Junior High School Students of Different Temperament Types He, Mingyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yang, Zhongping; Zhao, Shouying; Zeng, Lianping RC-08-19 Birth order effects on personality. Is it real or not real? Takaki, Noriko (Japan) RC-08-21 The investigation of the relationship between A/B personality and phychological harmony among ethnic college students of Yunnan in China. Xiao, Xuesen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Risheng Sexuality, LGBTI RC-08-11 Relationship of the Big Five Personality Traits on the SelfEsteem among Filipino Male Homosexual Students in Higher Education Gabriel Alan, Valencia D (Philippines); Lisondra, Dawn Jayliagn R; Marquez, Dianne Camille Dj Social Psychology RC-08-12 The Different Consequences of Social Power and Personal Power in Response to Social Rejection Yang, Wenqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-08-14 The Influence of Parents to the Justice Sensitivity of College Students Lyu, Yong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jie RC-08-18 Exploring the Effects of Gender and Urban or Rural Origination on Stereotypes of Shyness Bolinao, Andre Marcel G (Philippines); San Miguel, Maria Emelyn P; Abarro, Dominni Jermond M; Liao, Joseph Dominic S Sport and Exercise Psychology RC-08-8 Effects of physical exercise on subjective well-being: the mediating role of Mental Elasticity----a case study of middle-aged college teachers in Guizhou Province Ba, Yiming (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Contributed Symposium CS25-06 Race and Ethnicity Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 417 Facial Processing, Categorization, and Social Biases: Novel Approaches in Theory and Methodology Money Cues Increase Agency and Decrease Prosociality Among Children: Early Signs of Market Mode Behaviors Organizer: Stepanova, Elena V (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS26-10 Family and Community Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 412 Understanding father involvement across contexts: insights from Japan, South Africa and the Netherlands FACEGAME: a computer based system for testing experimental hypotheses about the own group bias in face recognition Tredoux, Colin G (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Remembering 'Us' versus 'Them': Exploring the Other-Race Effect in Working Memory Marleen, Stelter (Germany); Degner, Juliane The Within-Race Effect of FeatureBased Biases in Black Americans Hagiwara, Nao (United States America); Stepanova, Elena of Attractiveness as a Function of Skin Color and Facial Features: Evidence from Categorization and Affective Priming Studies Stepanova, Elena V (United States of America); Strube, Michael J; Pehrson, Kali; Hagiwara, Nao Learning to see race: The long road to adult-like racial perception Dunham, Yarrow (United States of America) Discussant: Stepanova, Elena V (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS25-20 Social Psychology Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 415 Children in a Material World Organizer: Gasiorowska, Agata (Poland) Parental attitudes towards money and economic socialization of their children Trzcinska, Agata (Poland); Sekscinska, Katarzyna; Maison, Dominika Intelligence and economic knowledge predict saving in children at the age from 7 to 9 Gasiorowska, Agata (Poland); Chaplin, Lan N (Poland); Zaleskiewicz, Tomasz (United States of America); Wygrab, Sandra (Poland); Vohs, Kathleen D (Poland) Organizer: Keizer, Renske (Netherlands) Which men become involved fathersThe impact of mens own attitudes on paternal involvement in the Netherlands Keizer, Renske (Netherlands) Non-resident Black fathers in South Africa Makusha, Tawanda (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Richter, Linda Father Involvement in Japan Fukuda, Setsuya (Japan) Childless Gay Men: Predictors of their intentions to have children Van Rijn - Van Gelderen, Loes (Netherlands); Tornello, Samantha (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS26-16 Sexuality, LGBTI Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 411 Minority stress, resilience, and health of sexual and gender minority people: An international perspective Organizer: Meyer, Ilan H (United States of America) Integrating life course and minority stress perspectives on gay men's health and identity development Hammack, Phillip L (United States of America) Gender Nonconformity and mental health among lesbian, gay and bisexual adults: Homophobic stigmatization and internalized homophobia as mediators Joanna Agata; Van Beusekom, Gabriel (Netherlands); Kuyper, Lisette (Netherlands); Sandfort, Theo Gm (United States of America) Young children use ownership to predict behaviors and emotions Transsexual People in Japan and Suicidal Behavior. Pesowski, Madison Friedman, Ori New to New York: Ecological and Rudzinska Wojciechowska, (Poland); Gasiorowska, Zaleskiewicz, Tomasz L (Canada); Ishimaru, Keiichiro (Japan) 115 5. Social China)); Xiang Ping, Liu; Gong Rui, Lan SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Psychological Determinants of Health Among Recently Arrived Young Adult Gay and Bisexual Urban Migrants Pachankis, John (United States of America) Coping Style as Mediator of Samesex Attraction-Related Differences in Psychological Adjustment in Dutch Adolescents Bos, Henny (Netherlands); Van Beusekom, Gabriel (Netherlands); Sandfort, Theo (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS27-07 Educational and School Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 414 Promoting academic engagement: Cognitions, contextual influences and transformative instructional practices in Japan, Hong Kong and Australia Organizer: Ng, Clarence (Australia) Transformative instructional practices for enhancing children's self-affirmation in a Japanese elementary school: An activity-theoretical case study Yamazumi, Katsuhiro (Japan) Pedagogical principles for promoting learning of English as an international language between Japanese and Korean university students through internet: A self-determination theory perspective Desired Emotions and Values across Cultures II Schwartz, Shalom H (Israel); Tamir, Maya (Israel); Torres, Claudio (Brazil) Values and Behaviors: The Mechanisms that Link Them Sagiv, Lilach (Israel); Roccas, Sonia Basic Human Values, Well-Being, and Intimate Relationships Hill, Charles T (United States of America); Rivas Barros, Maria (Colombia); Boehnke, Klaus (Germany); Boer, Diana (Germany); Brumbaugh, Claudia C (United States of America); Canto Y Rodriguez, Jose Enrique (Mexico); Giotsa, Artemis (Greece); Carcedo Gonzalez, Rodrigo J (Spain); Ivan, Loredana (Romania); Kito, Mei (Japan); Kurys-szyncel, Karolina (Poland); Jankowiak, Barbara (Poland); Lasso, Zsuzsa (Hungary); Macbeth, Guillermo (Argentina); Razumiejczyk, Eugenia (Argentina); Mari, Sylvia (Italy); Torres, Claudio V (Brazil) Contributed Symposium CS27-11 Social Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Annex Hall F201 Harmonies and Disharmonies between Humanity and Technology Organizer: Newman, David T (United States of America) Developmental Cybernetics: Infant Perceptions of Nonhuman Agents Itakura, Shoji (Japan) America) Sexual behavior in the daily context of the relationship Dewitte, Marieke (Netherlands); Van Lankveld, Jacques (Netherlands); Vandenberghe, Sjouke (Belgium); Loeys, Tom (Belgium) How to Analyze Ecological Momentary Assessment Data of Individuals and Couples Verboon, Peter (Netherlands); van Lankveld, Jacques; Beaulen, Audrey The feasibility of EMA-based therapeutic feedback in couples receiving Emotionally-Focused Couple Therapy Beaulen, Audrey (Netherlands); Van Lankveld, Jacques; Den Oudsten, Brenda; Aaronson, Neil; Aarnoudse, Berry The Link Between Intimacy, Sexual Desire, and Sexual Activity in Daily Life. Experience Sampling Research Among Women and Men Living in Steady Relationships Van Lankveld, Jacques J (Netherlands); Jacobs, Nele; Thewissen, Viviane; Dewitte, Marieke; Verboon, Peters Contributed Symposium CS28-07 Social Psychology Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 413 Towards social well-being: the challenge of the psychology of the leader Nakano, Michiko (Japan); Ng, Clarence (Australia) Anthropomorphism is Consequential; Not Cute Enhancing students' reading engagement through incorporating self-regulated learning based instruction in Hong Kong Chinese language classes Waytz, Adam (United States of America) Schaefer, Ricardo (Brazil) Lau, Kit-ling (Hong Kong) Transhumanism and Morality: Reactions to Enhancing Human Abilities with Technology Newman, David T (United States of America); Fast, Nathanael J; Graham, Jesse Lacerda E Silva, Wesley (Brazil); Miranda, Clarissa 5. Social Australian disadvantaged students' voices about motivation to learn Mathematics and their implications for transforming Mathematics instruction Ng, Clarence (Australia) Discussant: Oshima, Jun (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS27-10 Social Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 417 Basic human values as determinants of emotions, behavior, and subjective well-being. Organizer: Torres, Claudio V (Brazil) Desired Emotions and Values across Cultures I Torres, Claudio V. (Brazil); Schwartz, Shalom H (Brazil); Tamir, Maya (Russia) 116 Discussant: Newman, David T (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS27-20 Human Relationships Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 311 Ecological Momentary Assessment in Sex And Relationship Research Organizer: Van Lankveld, Jacques J (Netherlands) Using cellular phone based EMA approaches to understand the romantic and sexual interactions of adolescents and young adults Hensel, Devon J (United States of Organizer: Bernabei, Pamela (Italy) Empowering the social well-being: how psychology can help leaders. Evidence from successful and failed leaders: risks and self-sabotage. Definition of characteristics. leader and its Palumbo, Gabriella (Italy) A new approach to business: the business intuition. Bernabei, Pamela (Italy); WU, RUIJUN Discussant: Bernabei, Pamela (Italy); De Angelis, Floriana (United Kingdom) Contributed Symposium CS28-22 Social Psychology Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 311 Individual suffering in a diagnostic culture Organizer: Nielsen, Mikka (Denmark) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Nielsen, Mikka (Denmark) Struggling with a Depression Diagnosis: Individual Negotiations with Diagnostic Categories Ronberg, Mette T (Denmark) Grief as a normative phenomenon Kofod, Ester H (Denmark); Brinkmann, Svend Mental illness and city life: on the cityscapes of diagnostic cultures Birk, Rasmus H (Denmark) Diagnostic Culture and the Pursuit of Happiness Hill, Nicholas J (Australia) Contributed Symposium CS28-31 Theoretical Frameworks of Psychology Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 417 Identity and Identity Research in Psychology and Neighboring Disciplines Organizer: Bamberg, Michael (United States of America) Introduction: How to make sense of Identity and Identity Research from the angle of different approaches Bamberg, Michael (United States of America) The concept of identity capital. A contradiction to identity in flux? Watzlawik, Meike S (Germany) The "snap-shot" approach to identity research: Investigating self-narratives of a person with a severe language problem Nochi, Masahiro (Japan) KYARA as an identity concept for linking socio-cultural theory with individual/ personal psychology Hosaka, Yuko (Japan) The social origins of our internal sense of self: A theoretical framework for integrating evolutionary psychology and discursive analysis Laetsch, David C (Switzerland) Discussant: Bamberg, Michael (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS29-12 Industrial and Organizational Psychology Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 304 Tell me what is going on at work, and I will tell you how happy you are! Contextual and situational factors influencing employees wellbeing at work Organizer: Junca-silva, Ana (Portugal) Co-organizer: Junca-silva, Ana (Portugal) Well-being at work: Which coping strategies use to get it? Mendonca, Helenides (Brazil); Zanini, Daniela S; Neiva, Elaine R Family-work enrichment, perceived social support and flourishing at work: The mediated role of core self-evaluations Ferreira, Maria Cristina (Brazil); Gabardomartins, Larissa Maria David Being humorous at work: the role of gelotophobia on affect and organizational climate Junca-silva, Ana (Portugal); Caetano, Antonio; Rueff-lopes, Rita To Sir, with love: Subjective well-being, perception of organizational practices, and coping strategies with Brazilian professors Torres, Claudio V (Brazil); Mendonca, Helenides (Brazil); Dagenais-desmarais, Veronique (Canada); Ferreira, Maria Cristina (Brazil); Caetano, Antonio (Portugal) Discussant: Junca-silva, Ana (Portugal) Contributed Symposium CS29-17 Social Psychology Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 414 Seeing the world through the lens of values: The relationships between values and perception Organizer: Roccas, Sonia (Israel) Values and Children's Perception of Affect: A Twin Study Knafo, Ariel (Israel); Elfenbein, Hillary Anger (United States of America) Values and Susceptibility to Perception Bias: The Case of Benevolence Values and the Halo Effect Elster, Andrey (Israel); Sagiv, Lilach Values, physical contamination, and the perceived cleanliness of others. Nussinson, Ravit (Israel); Roccas, Sonia Affecting the Perceptions of Outsiders: The Influence of Espoused Organizational Values and Role-Based Goals on the Preferences of External Constituents Lee, Fiona S (United States of America); Arieli, Sharon (Israel); Sagiv, Lilach (Israel) Discussant: (Netherlands) De Dreau, Carsten Thematic Session TS25-01 Psychology of Disaster Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 414 Decision making in an uncertain future: Fukushima reconstruction Organizer: Yamaguchi, Fumie (Japan) Psychological and Social Processes Expressed in Testimonials to the 2011 Disasters of Japan Kabir, Russell S (Japan) What to believe in the radiation disaster? Children's trust, perception of the disaster and future participation in the society and reconstruction Komatsu, Mariko S (Japan) Awareness of the public to evacuate with pets under emergency disaster circumstances Matsumoto, Chika (Japan); Sakata, Kiriko; Sugiura, Hitomi Determinants of group consensus building about nuclear-related facilities Yamaguchi, Fumie (Japan); Sakata, Kiriko; Sugiura, Hitomi Discussant: Clingwall, Dion (Japan); Sugiura, Yoshinori Thematic Session TS25-05 Social Psychology Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 311 New Advances in the Social Dilemma Research Organizer: Yamagishi, Toshio (Japan) Genetic and Pro-sociality Neural Basis of Takagishi, Haruto (Japan) Solving the social dilemma is an adaptive problem; our evolved psychology contains the solutions Krasnow, Max (United States of America) In-group Cooperation In intergroup Conflict Evolves to Defend against Predation and Needs No Norm Enforcement De Dreu, Carsten (Netherlands) Reconciling evolutionary-based prosociality with institutional solutions in 117 5. Social Structuring the self: The moral implications of getting an ADHD diagnosis SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM social dilemmas Norm Violations Evoke Moral Outrage Yamagishi, Toshio (Japan) Konishi, Naoki (Japan); Oe, Tomoko; Shimizu, Hiroshi; Ohtsubo, Yohsuke Thematic Session TS25-07 Social Psychology Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 417 Concept Engineering: A road to proposing a better concept definition Organizer: Karasawa, Kaori (Japan) Co-organizer: Todayama, Kazushisa (Japan) How do people conceptualize free will? Watanabe, Takumi (Japan) Engineering the concept of free will Suzuki, Takayuki (Japan) People's Conceptualization of the "Mind" and How It Works Hashimoto, Takaaki (Japan) The philosophical significance of social psychology: the case of free will Ota, Koji (Japan) Discussant: Stich, Stephen (United States of America) Thematic Session TS25-16Communication Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall E204 Accurate Nonverbal Communication in Interpersonal Settings Organizer: Daibo, Ikuo (Japan) The effects of nonverbal communication knowledge and self-evaluation of social skills on decoding and encoding processes. Ogawa, Kazumi (Japan) The influence of ability of emotional control on changes in nonverbal behaviors during deception Park, Heejung (Korea (Republic of Korea)) 5. Social Synchrony increases the accuracy of affective judgment in dyadic interaction settings Fujiwara, Ken (Japan) The effectiveness of cultural social skills training program: An evidence from Chinese undergraduate students Mao, Xinhua (Japan) Discussant: Daibo, Ikuo (Japan) Thematic Session TS26-02 Evolutionary Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 412 Evolutionary psychological approaches to social norms Organizer: Ohtsubo, Yohsuke (Japan) 118 An exploratory study of third-party intervention in norm violations Sasaki, Shunta (Japan); Asai, Nobuko; Ohtsubo, Yohsuke Punishers' paying costs to maintain their reputation preserves large-scale human cooperation from collapse. Tanaka, Hiroki (Japan) Thematic Session TS26-04 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 414 Beyond the Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis: New Directions in Prosocial Motivation and Behavior Research Organizer: Oceja, Luis V (Spain) Co-organizer: Stocks, Eric L (United States of America) Generalization of the Empathy-Altruism Link When Presenting the Individual in Need as One-Among-Others. Cyberbullying: youth's perceptions in a South African school context Moross, Karen (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Finchilescu, Gillian Thematic Session TS26-19 Decision Making Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 412 Thinking the role of independence and interdependence in the wisdom of crowds Organizer: Takezawa, Masanori (Japan) Independent judgments based on common cues: The wisdom of the crowds in the inherently interdependent world Nakawake, Masanori Yo (Japan); Takezawa, Emphasizing group performance undermines Wisdom of the Crowd: An experiment with the information-cascade paradigm Kim, Hye-rin (Japan); Toyokawa, Wataru (United Kingdom); Kameda, Tatsuya (Japan) Oceja, Luis V (Spain); Ambrona, Tamara Group size induces a trade-off between the wisdom of crowds and maladaptive herding in humans Empathy, Rumination, Psychological Escape and Toyokawa, Wataru (United Kingdom); Whalen, Andrew; Laland, Kevin N Stocks, Eric L (United States of America); Mirghassemi, Felicia Thematic Session TS26-22 Health Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 415 Revisiting social roles, self-actualization and well-being of Japanese women in the era of new economic reforms Is There a Motive with the Ultimate Goal of Increasing the Welfare of the World? Salgado, Sergio (Chile); Oceja, Luis (Spain); Gonzalez, Carolina (Chile) Discussant: Stocks, Eric L (United States of America) Thematic Session TS26-14 Methodology and Statistics Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Exhibition Hall E206 Psychological Research using Q methodology Organizer: Finchilescu, Gillian (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) South African Students’ Perceptions of Interracial Contact: A Q-Methodology Study Finchilescu, Gillian (South (Republic of South Africa)) Africa Who's Identity is it anyway? Construction of Female Leader Social Identities Muthal, Saloshni (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Finchilescu, Gillian Organizer: Mori, Kazuyo (Japan) The life situations of Japanese women Mori, Kazuyo (Japan) A Preliminary study of a Coaching Psychology Intervention to Enhance Women's Well-being Ishikawa, Rie (Japan) Development and Application of a Scale for Woman's Self-Efficacy in Reemployment / Career Change Okuta, Noriko (Japan) Work Engagement and Psychosomatic Well-being of Japanese Women at Midlife. Matsuda, Yoriko (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Organizer: Abrams, Dominic (United Kingdom) Co-organizer: Turner, Rhiannon N (United Kingdom); Houston, Diane M When Diversity Creates Tolerance: A New Intervention to Reduce Generalized Prejudice Vasiljevic, Milica (United Kingdom); Richard, Crisp J (United Kingdom); Francesca, Prati (Italy); Monica, Rubini (Italy) Implicit Prejudice Against an Age Diverse Workplace: Challenges for an Ageing Population Drury, Lisbeth (United Kingdom); Swift, Hannah J; Abrams, Dominic Capitalizing on diversity in schools via confidence in contact Turner, Rhiannon N (United Kingdom); Cameron, Lindsey Differentiation in Children's Relationships in Ethnically Diverse Contexts Leman, Patrick J (United Kingdom); Skipper, Yvonne; Watling, Dawn; Rutland, Adam Equality Hypocrisy, Inconsistency and Prejudice: The Unequal Application of the Universal Human Right to Equality Van De Vyver, Julie (United Kingdom); Houston, Diane M; Abrams, Dominic Thematic Session TS27-22 Gender and Sexuality Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 412 Current and Future Directions in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Youth Minority Stress and Health Research Organizer: Schrager, Sheree M (United States of America) Innovations in Minority Stress Theory for Adolescents Goldbach, Jeremy T (United States of America) Experts at the Table: The Modified Delphi Approach to Minority Stress Item Development Schrager, Sheree M (United States of America); Goldbach, Jeremy T; Gibbs, Jeremy junior-high school teachers Using the Minority Stress Theory to Describe Suicide Risk Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth Teacher Stress in Working with Challenging Students in Hong Kong Marshal, Michael P (United States of America) Discussant: Motonaga, Takuro (Japan) Discussant: Meyer, Ilan H (United States of America) Thematic Session TS28-08Culture Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E204 Recent cross-cultural and withincultural findings on social orientation Thematic Session TS27-28Cognition Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Exhibition Hall E204 The Value of Eye-to-Eye Contact in Studying the Social Brain Organizer: Kret, Mariska E (Netherlands) Using Live Face-to-Face Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Investigate the Social Brain in Autism Harrison, Laura A (United States of America); Tyszka, J. Michael; Elison, Jed; Adolphs, Ralph Eye contact: to see and to be seen Hietanen, Jari K (Finland) Live Interaction Distinctively Shapes Primate Social Gaze Dynamics Dal Monte, Olga (United States of America) Pupil Dilation Mimicry Correlates With Trust Kret, Mariska E (Netherlands) Thematic Session TS28-04 Educational and School Psychology Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 414 International Comparison on Teachers' Mental Health Organizer: Shimizu, Yasuo (Japan) Discussion on Teachers Mental Health and Their Development Motonaga, Takuro (Japan) The Effect of Resilience and Perfectionism on Teachers’ Mental Health Shimizu, Yasuo (Japan); Motonaga, Takuro; Hayakawa, Tosaku Mediating mechanisms in the association between stressful work-related psychosocial factors and wellbeing among Finnish primary school teachers Iwata, Noboru (Japan) Pang, I Wah (Hong Kong) Organizer: Ishii, Keiko (Japan) Cultural and regional differences in the contrast between self-expression and rejection avoidance Hashimoto, Hirofumi (Japan) Does having unusual tastes lead to being isolated? Moderating effect of relational mobility Takemura, Kosuke (Japan); Ishiguro, Itaru Association between social sensitivity genes and interdependence in Japanese Ochi, Misaki (Japan); Ishii, Keiko; Matsunaga, Masahiro; Noguchi, Yasuki; Yamasue, Hidenori; Ohtsubo, Yohsuke Japanese youth marginalization decreases interdependent orientation Ishii, Keiko (Japan); Uchida, Yukiko Thematic Session TS28-09Emotion Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E206 Regulation of social emotions in contemporary society: cross-cultural analysis Organizer: Gurieva, Svetlana D (Russia) Effects of Emotion Regulation on Aggression and Depression in Japanese and Russian Students. Co-organizer: (Japan) Kawabata, Takeyasu Effects of Emotion Regulation on Aggression and Depression in Japaneseand Russian Students. Kawabata, Takeyasu (Japan) Rational and intuitive components of expression control Gluschkoff, Kia (Finland); Elovainio, Marko; Keltikangas- Jarvinen, Liisa; Hintsanen, Mirka; Mullola, Sari; Kinnunen, Ulla; Hintsa, Taina Manichev, Sergey A (Russia) Work-family life balance and psychological distress among Japanese Gurieva, Svetlana D (Russia); Mikhalyuk, Olga S Ethnic Attitude as an Indicator of Formation and Development of the Interethnic System of Relations 119 5. Social Thematic Session TS27-02Diversity Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 412 Psychological Responses to Diversity: Social and Developmental Processes That Inhibit or Facilitate a More Diverse Society (Thematic Session sponsored by British Psychological Society & Wiley) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Relaxation and nighttime sleep: effects of autogenic training on subsequent sleep Sato, Toshihiko (Japan) Using the emotional component when watching a film encouraging school children to do sports Dmitrieva, Victoria (Russia); Odintsova, Veronika Thematic Session TS28-12 Decision Making Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Exhibition Hall E204 Process tracing in multi attribute decision making Organizer: Tamari, Yuki (Japan) Comparison between choices by the method of monitoring information acquisition and those by the method of conjoint analysis. Takakai, Yuto (Japan); Ideno, Takashi; Takmemura, Kazuhisa Yokota, Kunihiro; Ikeda, Koki Searching for a Peace of Mind: Experimental Explorations to Reduce Negative Biases towards Fukushima Products Ikeda, Koki (Japan); Nakanishi, Daisuke; Yokota, Kunihiro; Hiraishi, Kai Thematic Session TS28-20 Social Psychology Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 413 Collaborative work for Justice and Fairness in Japan: social stratification, interpersonal relationship and deliberation. Organizer: (Japan) Wakabayashi, Kosuke Analyzing the deliberation process in the mixed jury trial in Japan, from the collaborative aspect in the fairness achievement. Wakabayashi, Kosuke (Japan) The Priority Heuristic in The Effortaccuracy Framework: A Computer Simulation Approach The effect of contact to information about social issues on a sense of micro level fairness in Japan Murakami, Hajime (Japan); Niwa, Natsumi; Haraguchi, Ryohei; Tamari, Yuki; Takemura, Kazuhisa Kawashima, Nobuyoshi (Japan) Effects of graphical representation in multi-attribute tables: An eye-tracking study Morii, Masahiro (Japan); Ideno, Takashi; Okada, Mitsuhiro; Takemura, Kazuhisa Computer simulation study of decision strategies in which each attribute is dichotomous Tamari, Yuki (Japan); Haraguchi, Ryohei; Ideno, Takashi; Takemura, Kazuhisa A study of multi-attribute decision making and reasoning process: Using an eye-tracking methods Ideno, Takashi (Japan); Morii, Masahiro; Okada, Mitsuhiro; Takemura, Kazuhisa 5. Social Thematic Session TS28-15 Decision Making Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 311 Why Do People Still Avoid Products from Fukushima?: Emotion, Dual Process, and Error Management Importance of the informational justice for collaborative achievement of the social fairness Sato, Tatsuya (Japan) Achieving harmony and fairness in performing family work in close relationships Nameda, Akinobu (Japan) Thematic Session TS29-02Development Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 411 Lights and Shadows of In- and Outgroup Bias: From Development and Evolutionary Views Organizer: Hashiya, Kazuhide (Japan) Possible factors forming in-group preference in 3-4 year old children: through the looking preference studies. Maeyama, Kazuki (Japan); Hashiya, Kazuhide Organizer: Ikeda, Koki (Japan) Culture and the Perception of Social Context: How Cultural Background and Social Orientation Affects In-group and Out-group Judgments Effects of Affect and Cognition on the Avoidance of Products from Fukushima: Applying the Dual Process Theory Russell, Matthew J (Canada); Masuda, Takahiko (Canada); Ishii, Keiko (Japan); Hioki, Koichi (Japan) Kudo, Daisuke (Japan) Deconstructing in- and out-group biases: An ethnographic approach Risk perception of radioactivity related risk factors: A web survey in Japan. Hiraishi, Kai (Japan); Nakanishi, Daisuke; 120 Takada, Akira (Japan) Discussant: Masuda, Takahiko (Canada) Thematic Session TS29-10 Educational and School Psychology Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E206 Designing School Crisis Prevention in East Asia Organizer: Nishiyama, Hisako (Japan) Difference in Recognition of School Crisis Prevention by Positions, School Levels and Domains Nishiyama, Hisako B (Japan) The effect of a regional drug prevention project in Hong Kong Mow Chiu Raymond, Chan (Hong Kong) Designing School Crisis Prevention in East Asia: Assessment and intervention for preventing bullying in Japanese schools Watanabe, Yayoi (Japan) Thematic Session TS29-20Diversity Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 411 Social class, disharmony and lay peoples attitudes towards various health conditions Organizer: Wang, Suzie X (United Kingdom) Co-organizer: Wang, Xu (United Kingdom) Attitudes towards depression: the role of social class and attribution Wang, Xu (United Kingdom); Christensen, Anne; Milnes, Kate The production of disharmony through social class and health inequalities: A discourse analysis of accounts of childhood obesity in online media commentary. Woolhouse, Maxine (United Kingdom); Whisker, Anya The influence of social factors on alcohol use among mothers Baker, Sarah (United Kingdom) Thematic Session TS29-25 Social Psychology Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 417 Japan-Korea Young Scholar Symposium on Adversity: Similarities, Differences, and Synthesis Organizer: Takawaki, Ryuta (Japan) Co-organizer: Seo, Jeong-gil (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Adversity by the Name of Social Exclusion: It Hurts but I Do not Crash Ryong, Joung Soon (Korea (Republic of Korea)) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Consequences of Ostracism in Korea and Japan: A Comparative Study Luan, Mo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Hong China)); Lu, Jingyi; Xie, Xiaofei; Huang, Tao Lee, Ha-yeon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Jeong, Huyoung (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Takawaki, Ryuta (Japan); Kaneko, Michihiro (Japan); Choi, Hoon-seok (Korea (Republic of Korea)) OR25-19-3 The Moral Dimension of Money Matters Much in Risky Decisionmaking on Investment He, Guibing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Yu Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 314 Sport and Exercise Psychology Kaneko, Michihiro (Japan); Takawaki, Ryuta (Japan); Lee, Ha-yeon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Jeong, Huyoung (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Ando, Kiyoshi (Japan) Differences in Cultural Display Rules between Japan and Korea: A Literature Review and Research Propositions. Yuk, Youngsun (Japan); Ando, Kiyoshi (Japan); Kim, Chaerim (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kuraya, Takumi (Japan); Lee, Soohyun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Moon, Sanghee (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Seo, Jeonggil (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Adversity in the Eyes of the Beholder: Effects of Culture-Congruent vs. Culture- Incongruent Displays of Sadness in Japan and Korea Kuraya, Takumi (Japan); Seo, Jeong-gil (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Chaerim (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Soo-hyun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Moon, Sang-hee (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Yuk, Young-sun (Japan); Choi, Hoon-seok (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Oral Presentation Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 314 Communication OR25-01-4 Exploring relational regulation in older persons' mobile phone use Steyn, Sandra E (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Roos, Vera; Botha, Karel OR25-01-5 Jibes : social game or violent demonstration Isabelle, Boyer (France) Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 314 Decision Making OR25-19-1 Conflict and decision delay in the Prisoner's Dilemma Game Akiyama, Eizo (Japan); Mizuno, Makoto OR25-19-2 Maximization Paradox: Inevitable Result of Believing in Objective Best OR25-19-4 The study of seemingly trivial factors effects on consumer's attitudes Yamasaki, Mariko (Japan) OR25-19-5 The explicit and implicit studies of consumers enterprise preference on attributions of positive and negative events of enterprise Wu, Xue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Weijun; Feng, Rui; Zhao, Weizhi; Fei, Erjian OR25-19-6 The effects of Cross-sensory Channels in Warm and Cold on Consumer Behavior Liao, Jiangqun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huang, Jieke Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 314 Decision Making OR25-37-1 The ending effect in decision making: Motivational need for an emotionally rewarding ending Xing, Cai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Song, Yunqiang; Chen, Dongzhen; Xu, Ruiheng; Zou, Tong OR25-37-2 Social Distance Reduce the Biases of Evaluating Probabilistic Information from Emotional and Cognitive Perspectives Sun, Qingzhou (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lu, Jingyi; Liu, Yongfang OR25-37-3 Measuring thresholds of fear with the method of limits and assessing the effectiveness of color utilization in communicating probabilistic earthquake forecasting Hirota, Sumire (Japan); Oki, Satoko OR25-37-4 The role of Motivations in the Mechanism of Consistent Contributor Effect in a step-level game Tao, Yuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Qionghan; Ma, Jianhong OR25-37-5 The effect of self-esteem level and self-esteem threat on risk taking in monetary auction tasks Fangzhu, Qi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yongfang, Liu; Xun, Jia OR25-37-6 When your strengths threatens me: Supervisors show less social comparison bias than subordinates Jia, Huiyuan (China (People's Repbulic of Traffic Psychology OR25-01-1 Don t show me Comparative optimism and selective exposure to prevention information among drivers Perrissol, Stephane (France); Bardin, Brigitte; Smeding, Annique; Gargiulo, Danilo OR25-01-2 Traffic and Transportation Psychology in Indonesia: A study on Indonesian drivers behavior in selected cities Hanum, Nadia (Germany); Reschke, Konrad OR25-01-3 Danger! Man driver ahead Bardin, Brigitte (France); Perrissol, Stephane; Bordel, Stephanie; Hugues, Marina; Fournier, Jean Yves; Aillerie, Isabelle; Yerpez, Joel Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 316 Decision Making OR25-56-2 Holistic thinking and the decision making of air traffic controllers in resolving potential conflicts Zhang, Jingyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Eh, Xiaotian OR25-56-6 The Strategy in Intertemporal Choice: Option-based or Dimensionbased Jiang, Duo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Guibing OR25-56-7 The Effect of Spatial Distance on Intertemporal Choice He, Miao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Guibing; Wang, Yuan Health Psychology OR25-56-1 Suicide risk in Australian adolescents: Socio-demographic, health and psychological correlates Winefield, Anthony (Australia); Delfabbro, Paul H; Winefield, Helen R; Malvaso, Catia OR25-56-4 Patient safety experiences: patient and healthcare profession perspectives 121 5. Social The role of active coping and positive acceptance in post-ostracism responses in Japan OR25-01-6 The Self Determination Theory Approach to Understanding Four Dimensions of Engagement in Physical Education Chew, Wai Cheong Eugene (Singapore); Suhaimi, Nur Raihan Binte SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Yoelao, Dusadee (Thailand) OR25-56-5 Therapeutic affordances and perceived outcomes of online support groups: findings from an online asynchronous interview study of women living with endometriosis Coulson, Neil S (United Kingdom); Shoebotham, Amie OR25-56-8 Patient experiences of chronic disease and lifestyle intervention programmes Skowno, Philippa (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Draper, Catherine; Derman, Wayne; Stein, Dan J Social Psychology OR25-56-3 Challenges in Developing Indigenous Psychology in Indonesia Cahyo, Anggra N (Indonesia); Minza, Wenty M Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 318 Culture OR25-22-2 Intergroup attribution bias and the reducing effect of imagining positive contact between the Han and Uygur ethnic groups in China Zhang, Xiaomei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Weijun; Xie, Qiang; Feng, Rui OR25-22-5 POSITIVES OF BEING MARGINALIZED: STRENGHTENING INTERGROUP RELATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY INDIA Bhatia, Aakanksha (India) Social Psychology OR25-22-1 Behavioral measurements of intergroup trust on Chinese Uygur and Han College Students Wen, Suxia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Hongli 5. Social OR25-22-3 Attitudes towards Syrian Refugees in Turkey and Evaluation of Related Factors Isik, Esra (Turkey) OR25-22-4 Dynamic co-evolution of social mentalities and peer relationship: based on a perspective of social network Zhang, Zhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-22-6 THE EFFECT OF SELFAFFIRMATION ON RESPONSES TO HUMILIATION BY INGROUP AND OUTGROUP Toeyhom, Sirintip (Thailand); Huansuriya, Thipnapa; Pratakviriya, Wanut; Klomchit, Suthatta 122 Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 413 Industrial and Organizational Psychology OR25-05-1 Leadership approaches to diversity at the workplace: Implications for employees' organizational commitment and well-being Sandal, Gro M (Norway); Van De Vijver, Fons (Netherlands); Bye, Hege M (Norway) OR25-05-2 Transfor mation and Leadership in Local Government Calleja, Mendiola T (Philippines); Hechanova, Maria Regina M; Canoy, Nico A; Franco, Edna P; Alampay, Erwin A; Alampay, Ramon Benedicto A OR25-05-3 Relationship between the Effectiveness of Senior Leadership Teams and Organizational Performance in China Hou, Jingxi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fang, Siqi (Hong Kong) OR25-05-4 Factors predicting the intention of "shares" on SNS: Exploring the effects of article readers' sympathy and self-relevance Suzuki, Hiroko (Japan); Sugitani, Yoko; Watanabe, Isamu OR25-05-5 The interaction between leadership style and subordinates humor in workplace Maruyama, Junichi (Japan); Fuji, Kei OR25-05-6 Exploring R&D Leader Effectiveness Das, Sitanshu Sekhar (India); Suar, Damodar Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 413 Personality OR25-41-5 Memory-tracing Study on Influence of Parenting Styles on Personality Elements Wang, Weidong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Feng, Fan; Lv, Xueyu; Li, Guixia; Zhang, Jinhua Psychology Spirituality of Religion and OR25-41-2 An Empirical Study of Factors Related to Workplace Forgiveness: A Buddhist Perspective Boonyarit, Itsara (Thailand) OR25-41-3 The effect of culture-specific religious priming on money allocation in an anonymous dictator game in a Japanese sample Miyatake, Sanae (Japan); Higuchi, Masataka Social Psychology OR25-41-1 Stop labeling them as sensitive issues A qualitative exploration of Malay Muslim students perspectives on interfaith engagement in Malaysia Fernandez, Elaine (Malaysia); Coyle, Adrian (United Kingdom) OR25-41-4 Personality, Socioeconomic Status, and Subjective Well-being: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Social Support Xu, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-41-6 Development and validation of the Religious Collective Self-Esteem Scale for children Oulali, Imane (Netherlands); Akker, Van Den, Alithe; Overbeek, Geertjan Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 422 Industrial and Organizational Psychology OR25-25-1 Cosmetic Facial Surgery: The Relationship of Self-Esteem to the Job Satisfaction and Burnout of Employed Adults Cregan, Christina (Australia); Kalus, Alicia R OR25-25-2 Prevalence of burnout and relationship with its consequences Grau-alberola, Ester (Spain); Gil-monte, Pedro R.; Figueiredo-ferraz, Hugo OR25-25-3 Validation of the Well-being at Work Situation and Feelings' Scale Lemoine, Jeremy (France); Pappalardo, Fatima-ezzahra; Roland-levy, Christine OR25-25-4 The mediating role of guilt in the relationship between burnout and depression Figueiredo Ferraz, Hugo (Spain); Gil Monte, Pedro; Grau Alberola, Ester OR25-25-5 Burnout, conditions at work and Work/home Interaction in relation to physical activities Schoenenberger, Sandrine O (France) OR25-25-6 Higher education orientation and students attitudes towards entering the labour market The mediator role of employability Gamboa Navarro, Juan Pablo (Spain); Hernandez Baeza, Ana; Gonzalez Roma, Vicente Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 422 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality OR25-07-1 Vasudeva Kutumbakm or the SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR25-07-2 The Effects of Performing Rituals on Perceived Future Benefits Following Negative Outcomes versus Non-negative Outcomes Tan, Xiaoyue (Netherlands); Van Prooijen, Jan-willem; Van Lange, Paul OR25-07-3 The Effects of Religiosity and Growth Orientation on Personal Growth Initiative of Indonesian Academic Students in Padang. Tentramin, Yulmaida A (Indonesia) OR25-07-4 The role of risk attitude and uncertainty on believing in God Ng, Gary Ting Tat (Hong Kong); Hui, Chin Ming OR25-07-5 Does Religion Help Us Become Altruistic?: Religiousness, Altruism, and Prosocial Hypocrisy Revisited with Data from Protestant Adolescents Ji, Chang-ho (United States of America) Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 424A Sexuality, LGBTI OR25-32-1 Blessing or burden? The role of appraisal for the relationship between family rituals and flourishingamong LGBT adults in the Netherlands Hanke, Katja (Germany); Van Egmond, Marieke C (Germany); Crespo, Carla (Portugal); Boer, Diana (Germany) OR25-32-2 The Influence of Threat on the Relationship Between Contact and Sexual Prejudice Mevissen, Fraukje E (Netherlands); Schmitz, Julia (Netherlands); Pryor, John B (United States of America); Bos, Arjan Ae (Netherlands) OR25-32-3 Parenting Desires and Intentions: A Comparison of Childless Gays and Lesbians in Germany Kranz, Dirk (Germany); Fischer, Jan Andrej (Germany); Niepel, Christoph (Luxembourg) OR25-32-4 Can Curiosity Increase Craving Pornography? Ramadhan, Chairul (Indonesia) OR25-32-5 A Bond Between Man and Woman: Religiosity, Moral Foundations, and Same-Sex Marriage Attitudes in the Philippines Ochoa, Danielle (Philippines); Sio, Christie P; Quinones, Diwa Malaya A; Manalastas, Eric Julian OR25-32-6 Prime and prejudice: The use of religious quotes to influence attitudes toward Filipino gays and lesbians Rabino, Arian Anderson (Philippines); Evangelista, Zyra Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 424B Educational and School Psychology OR25-69-5 Rite of Passage from Primary School to High School in South Africa Gobind, Subha S (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) General OR25-69-1 Role of Assistive Technologies in Adjustment and Productivity of Persons with Visual Impairment: A Qualitative Analysis Dhalwal, Surender K (India); Juyal, Shyamlata OR25-69-7 The provision of effective psychological services in rural communities: possible challenges. Mushome, Vhahangwele (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Mashamba, Tshilidzi Methodology and Statistics OR25-69-8 Predictions DIFs by the BW Item-fit Indices: A Monte Carlo study Lin, Shu-yu (Taiwan); Huang, Tsai-wei Psychological Assessment OR25-69-2 Factorial structure of the Indonesian version of Sanctification of Marriage Questionnaire Wahyuningsih, Hepi (Indonesia) Traffic Psychology OR25-69-3 Who are better drivers? The effects of religious orientations on driving behaviours Koca-atabey, Mujde (Turkey); Ozkan, Turker; Lajunen, Timo; Oner-ozkan, Bengi OR25-69-4 Relationship between epidemiological variables and traffic accidents among Colombian drivers Serge Rodriguez, Andrea Cecilia (Spain); Useche Hernandez, Sergio Alejandro (Spain); Ruiz Perez, Jose Ignacio (Colombia); Gomez Diaz, Ivan Andres (Colombia) OR25-69-6 Predicting an unknown behaviour: the use of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) - An acceptance model for driver's support systems Bel, Marlene (France); Pansu, Pascal; Somat, Alain; Michele, Moessinger; Yves, Page Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 425 Emotion OR25-45-1 Boasting increases malicious envy Kaynak, Bagdat D (Turkey); Van De Ven, Niels (Netherlands); Sawada, Masato (Japan); Oshio, Atsushi (Japan); Van Osch, Yvette (Netherlands) OR25-45-2 Exploring Malaysian Netizens' Emotional Expressions towards Aviation Incidents through a Content Analysis of Twitter Tee, Eugene Y.j. (Malaysia); Too, Carmen OR25-45-3 The regulation effect: reappraisal and empathic accuracy Naor, Navot (Israel); Shamay- Tsoory, Simone G; Sheppes, Gal; Okon- Singer, Hadas OR25-45-4 Categorical perception of emotions in adults and pre-verbal infants: Evidence from new coloured stimuli Cong, Yongqi (Netherlands); Junge, Caroline; Aktar, Evin; Raijmakers, Maartje; Sauter, Disa OR25-45-5 Perceived Emotional Synchrony and Self-Transcendence Emotions: Two Longitudinal Studies of Religious and Secular Collective Gatherings Wlodarczyk, Anna (Spain); Basabe, Nekane (Spain); Paez, Dario (Spain); Rime, Bernard (Belgium); Zumeta, Larraitz (Spain); Bobowik, Magdalena (Spain) OR25-45-6 The relationship between emotional mimicry and emotional contagion: the role of epistemic motivation Deng, Huan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hu, Ping Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 5F 512 Educational and School Psychology OR25-11-1 <<OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITY>> IN RUSSIAN EDUCATION Ershova, Regina V (Russia) OR25-11-2 The mediating effects of selfefficacy on the relationship between perceived social support and school adjustment of multicultural children in Korea Sung, Lihyo (Korea (Republic of Korea)) OR25-11-3 Socialization and Self Identity Preservation of Thai Parents who Homeschool their Child(ren): a Case 123 5. Social World is My Family from ancient to modern for Unity in Diversity in terms of the full development of human consciousness documented and empirically reviewed models. Gurubatham, Mohan R (Malaysia) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Study of BAAN FLEARN. Chansaengsee, Sovaritthon (Thailand) OR25-11-4 Reinforcing life and Career skills; one effective sort of homeschooling in the 21st century Meesil, Namphung (Thailand) OR25-11-5 Cognitive, personality and environmental determinants of early school leavers Pokropek, Artur (Poland); Smulczyk, Marek OR25-11-6 Maximum Exposure in English leads to Maximum Learning of English: Does Educators assumption empowers or disempowers learners in low cost English medium schools Kapoor, Rashim P (India); Panda, Minati Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 513 Community Psychology OR25-48-6 Diversity holds potential for change Van Der Merwe, Petro (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Family and Community OR25-66-4 Sakinah Family : a Qualitative Study Tresnawaty, Yulistin (Indonesia); Kumala, Anisia OR25-66-7 Makoti and mamazala: Exploring the experiences of motherdaughter-in-law relationship within the South African context Nganase, Tebogo R (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Basson, Wilna OR25-66-8 Predictors of Intergenerational Relations in Interdependent Society Verma, Sunil (India) 5. Social Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 513 Gender and Sexuality OR25-48-4 A boy cannot marry another boy: policing of gay masculinities in a public high school, South Africa. Langa, Malose M (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR25-48-5 Transgender-inclusive sex/ gender measures for population surveys: Mixed-methods assessment of Englishlanguage items in a multicultural Canadian context Bauer, Greta R (Canada); Scheim, Ayden I; Braimoh, Jessica; Dharma, Christoffer 124 Human Relationships (United States of America) OR25-48-2 Comparisons to Ideal Self as Source of Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Evaluations Hallinger, Natalie J (United States of America); Dehart, Tracy; Burrow, Anthony L OR25-34-4 Implementation of Brief Interventions (Elements) and Interdisciplinary Work Groups to Develop Child Mental Health Care in Community Service Agencies Klest, Sihu K (Norway) Sexuality, LGBTI Psychology Spirituality OR25-48-1 A Philippine Validation of the Attitudes Toward Transgendered Individuals (ATTI) Scale Macapagal, Raymond A (Philippines) OR25-48-3 Mapping LGBTQI health studies in Korea: A Systematic Review of research until 2013 Lee, Hyemin (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Seung-sup Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Social Psychology OR25-66-1 Coping Mechanisms underlying Internet Addiction: A Systematic Test of Alternative Models Cheng, Cecilia (Hong Kong) OR25-66-2 A Lesson learnt from the success of the health district in Thailand : Positive psychology view. Surakarn, Amaraporn (Thailand) OR25-66-3 Being Hindu in Mumbai: Psychology of majority group membership Kulkarni, Mrinmoyi (India) OR25-66-5 The Dark Triad of personality and corrupt intention: The mediating role of belief in luck Zhao, Huanhuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Yan; Zhang, Heyun OR25-66-6 Now what, Jose? The party is over: Subjective evaluation of the 2014 World Cup impact on a community surrounding a Brazilian host city and its perspective on national identity. Tashima, Jesselyn N (Brazil); Hoersting, Raquel C; Yamada, Beatriz L Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center B1F 24 Arts OR25-34-1 Development and Validation of a Theatre Experience Scale Au, Winton (Hong Kong); Chan, Maggie Community Psychology OR25-34-3 Community Resilience and social justice:A bridge too far? Ahmed, Rashid M (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Mosavel, Maghboebah of Religion and OR25-34-2 Musings on Mormonism: Reflections on the psychobiographical study of Mormon leaders Saccaggi, Carolina F (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Social Psychology OR25-34-5 Social Attribution on Mudik Behaviour of Indonesian People Kurnia, Mar'atus R (Indonesia); Johana, Devi E; Avivah, Ratna N Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Exhibition Hall E205 Learning OR25-35-6 Cublak-cublak Suweng: Traditional Indigenous Games and The Correlation with Cognitive Development on Early Childhood at Aisyiyah Busthanul Atfhal, Yogyakarta Pramudyani, Avanti Vera Risti (Indonesia) Social Psychology OR25-35-1 The rebuilding of Wundt's Volkerpsychologie in hometown of Confucius Li, Zhaoxu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Research Team, Folk Psychology OR25-35-2 Promoting Indigenous Psychology in Indonesia: Core Periphery Approach? Wardani, Aulia K (Indonesia); Minza, Wenty M OR25-35-3 Manner of Increasing Academic Self-Efficacy on Javanese Freshmen: A Study with Indigenous Psychological Approach Muhamad, Gloria E (Indonesia); Wardani, Aulia K OR25-35-4 Intergroup Contact or CrossCultural Adaptation: What Shapes Sojourner Representations of Locals? Bierwiaczonek, Kinga (Portugal); Waldzus, Sven (Portugal); Van Der Zee, Karen I (Netherlands) OR25-35-5 Defining Achievement among Students Live in Pesantren: An Indigenous Approach Inarah, Nur S (Indonesia); Beryllia, Nurul A SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR26-39-2 Tell me what I want to hear: Lay people assign higher authority to financial experts whose advice confirms consumers' expectations Gasiorowska, Agata (Poland); Zaleskiewicz, Tomasz OR26-39-3 The influence of surcharge perceived value on partitioned pricing Liu, Ning (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Su, Nan OR26-39-4 What is the role of readiness for self-improvement in adolescent materialism (adolescent Poles)? Zawadzka, Anna Maria (Poland); Iwanowska, Magdalena OR26-39-5 Impact of prior digital content purchase and attitudes towards piracy on using music streaming services Penz, Elfriede (Austria); Hofmann, Eva Industrial and Psychology Organizational OR26-39-1 Extending the Human Resource Management process-based approach Ferreira, Ana T (Portugal); Gomes, Jorge F; Keating, Jose; Silva, Isabel OR26-39-6 Autonomy Support from Organization Enhances Volunteerism: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective Ho, Yi Ming (Malaysia); Chua, Sook Ning Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 313 Media and Psychology OR26-59-1 Predictors of Mobile Social Game Addiction in Japan: A Longitudinal Analysis of Adolescents and Young Adults Shibuya, Akiko (Japan); Teramoto, Mizuha; Akiyama, Kumiko OR26-59-2 How social media shape one's public mood: the interaction effect of sphere, information value and justice sensitivity Yixin, Zhou (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Mingjie, Zhou; Zheng, Zhang; Kexin, Wang; Shuang, Chen OR26-59-3 Internet Usage Behavior Among Technical Students: Role of Personality Attributes Bhattacharyya, Pratishtha (India); Pradhan, Rabindra Kumar; Bhaskar, Survi Vinay OR26-59-4 Reducing mental stigma through social advertising campaigns: Application of Stereotype Content Model. Zawisza, Magdalena J (United Kingdom) OR26-59-5 Effects of intergroup contact via SNS on prejudice toward foreign people Matsuo, Yumi (Japan); Tajima, Sachi; Teramoto, Mizuha; Shoun, Akiyo; Aita, Mari; Shibuya, Kei; Sakamoto, Akira OR26-59-6 A Media Mediation: Countering the Implications of Digital Communication on Conflict in Romantic Relationships Lee, Angela (United States of America) Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 314 Behavioral Psychology OR26-60-1 Does the name matter? The what and why of name dropping Nambudiri, Ranjeet (India); Totawar, Abhishek; Prasad, Manu Ethics OR26-60-4 Examining the role of retributive or no-retributive respose of victim, nature of crime and victim-offender relationship on judgment of third party Maheshwari, Saurabh (India); Singh, Purnima; Tripathi, Rama C; Pande, Namita Human Relationships OR26-60-6 Who Supports Me Matters: Differentiating Autonomy Support Sources in Predicting Academic Motivation and Subjective Well-being. Cheng, Danielle (Malaysia) Social Psychology OR26-60-2 New Stakeholders of Expatriates Social Adjustment and Psychological Wellbeing Ahmad, Ali (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tang, Ningyu OR26-60-3 The influences of contacts via SNS on the attitudes toward foreign people: Study on the intergroup anxiety's mediation effect Teramoto, Mizuha (Japan); Matsuo, Yumi; Tajima, Sachi; Shibuya, Kei; Iwatsubo, Chiaki; Shoun, Akiyo; Aita, Mari; Sakamoto, Akira OR26-60-5 Causes and Influence Factors of Conflict between Mothers and Daughters-in-Law in Rural Areas Yanli, Zhu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yiwen, Ren Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 317 Communication OR26-43-1 Assessing the effect of sex role and self-esteem on communication style Giri, Vijai N (India) OR26-43-2 Perceived Physical Attractiveness in Social Network Sites: An Experimental Study Wang, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Saihua; Hua, Wei; Wen, Fangfang OR26-43-3 Beyond Similarity Attraction and Opposition Attraction: Extraversion match and Interaction on Social Media among Cross-sex Well-acquaintances Zhang, Zheng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Mingjie OR26-43-4 Employee voice: workplace communication Gobind, Jenni (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR26-43-5 Influence of inter-individual distance on grooming interaction in captive chimpanzees and bonobos Allanic, Morgane (Japan); Hirata, Satoshi; Hayashi, Misato; Matsuzawa, Tetsuro OR26-43-6 Melatonin productivity changes a quality of courtship vocalizations in male mice Matsumoto, Yui K (Japan); Kasahara, Takaoki; Okanoya, Kazuo Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 317 Educational and School Psychology OR26-24-1 A new way of educating: the Ontopsychological approach to higher education Miranda, Clarissa M (Brazil); Wazlawick, Patricia; Rothmann, Any R; Carminatti, Samuel A; Teixeira, Eloy D; Gazzaneo, Luiz V; Verardi, Natallya; Schaefer, Ricardo OR26-24-2 Exploring the relationship between social identity factors and academic persistence for historically underrepresented groups at university Silinda, Fortunate T (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Dumont, Kitty B OR26-24-3 UNSUCCESSFUL RETRIEVAL AND ITS EFFCET ON SUBSEQUENT LEARNING: EXPLAINING THROUGH IMPLICIT THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE Devi, Salam P (India) 125 5. Social Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 312 Economic SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR26-24-4 SELF IDENTIFICATION AND GROWTH AFTER ACADEMIC FAILURE IN JAVANESE STUDENTS: AN INDIGENOUS APPROACH Inayaturrobbani, Fakhirah (Indonesia); Nur Shabrina, Zafira Rahmania OR26-24-5 Materialism has a negative impact on student learning: Examining the role of materialism on motivation, engagement, and achievement King, Ronnel B (Hong Kong); Datu, Jesus Alfonso (Hong Kong); Valdez, Jana Patricia M. (Philippines) Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 318 Communication OR26-63-2 Verbal communication testing by drawing Karpova, Natalya L (Russia); Glozman, Janna M; Kupriyanchuk, Maria; Cheburashkin - Antipov, Dmitry OR26-63-3 College Students Communication on Yik Yak: Is It All Negative? Morrow, Jennifer A (United States of America); Nadel, Sarah A OR26-63-6 Deal Seals - Reaching binding agreements in legally non-binding negotiations Brunsch, Daniel (Germany); Bente, Gary Social Psychology OR26-63-1 The Dynamics of Social Well-being: Perspectives from Ecology and Gender in Indian Context Tiwari, Dharmendra N (India) OR26-63-4 A Latest International Psychological Monograph about Facingaudience Communication Apprehension (FACA) in 2015: Review on Undergraduates' FACA in Southwestern China Lv, Sansan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zeng, Lianping; Ma, Wenyan; Chen, Hui; Yu, Yang 5. Social OR26-63-5 Linguistic designing of the text Kiseleva, Anna A (Ukraine); Petro, Vlasov K Anthropomorphism and Attitudes towards Animals with Emotional Empathy. Kong, Zhuo Liang (Malaysia) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 421 Industrial and Organizational Psychology OR26-07-1 A Social Learning Perspective to Understand the Antecedents and Consequences of Supervisory Unethical Behavior Wang, Zhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Haoying OR26-07-2 An effect of career guidance activities and policies at university career centers on the rate of the students unsettled for careers Fukamachi, Tamayu (Japan) OR26-07-3 How to manage work-life interface? : Attitudes among contemporary Japanese youth Adachi, Tomoko (Japan) OR26-07-4 Effective Leader Attributes, Behaviors and Values in the Indian Manufacturing Sector: A Qualitative Study Alat, Priya (India); Suar, Damodar OR26-07-5 Educational and career antecedents of the university graduates career identity A longitudinal study Gamboa Navarro, Juan Pablo (Spain); Hernandez Baeza, Ana; Gonzalez Roma, Vicente OR26-07-6 Factors Effecting Organizational Commitment in Different Companies Ercegil, Gonca (Turkey); Mese, Gulgun Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 421 Social Psychology OR26-83-1 The influence of creative mindsets on achievement goals, enjoyment, creative self-efficacy and performance among college students from Mexico Puente-diaz, Rogelio (Mexico) Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 421 Decision Making OR26-83-3 Social rejection impedes group performance Zhang, Hongchuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jianwei; Zhang, Mei; Wang, Chengquan; Liu, Oumei; Li, Haihong; Sun, Ling OR26-83-6 Effect of Status of Other Player and Observability in One-Shot Prisoner's Dilemma Game Shishido, Takt (Japan) OR26-83-4 Shunning for everyone: Does utilitarian rationale justify ostracism? Tamai, Ryuichi (Japan); Igarashi, Tasuku General OR26-83-2 The Association of Animal 126 OR26-83-5 Altruistic investment as a personal networking strategy Mararitsa, Larisa V (Russia); Sventsitskiy, Anatoly L; Pochebut, Kazantseva, Tatyana V Ludmila G; Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 422 Aging OR26-84-1 Impact of Intergenerational Contact on the Link between Stereotype Threat and Performance: A Study in Two Cultures Sanitioso, Rasyid (France); Febriani, Arum OR26-84-2 COPING WITH COMPETITION, WINNING AND LOSING AND RISK TAKING IN YOUNG AND OLD AGE Fulop, Marta (Hungary); Molnar, Mark; Orosz, Gabor; Ivaskevics, Krisztian OR26-84-4 Permanence of aged workers in the work places: psychosocial factors. Santos, Noemia D (Brazil); Gunther, Isolda A OR26-84-5 Orders of Worth: Aging and Seniors in the dispute of the Chilean labor market. Lay-raby, Nelson D (Chile); Zamora Bugueno, Carlos R Decision Making OR26-84-3 Age Difference in the Influence of Negative Emotions on Social Decision Making:The Role of Emotion Regulation Ju, Chengting (China (People's Repbulic of China)); You, Xuqun; Zhang, Baoshan Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 422 Educational and School Psychology OR26-08-2 Lives and times of children from child-headed households: Implications for educational psychologists Pillay, Jace (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR26-08-5 The "Risk of bullying" questionnaire: a new tool for risk of school bullying evaluation Khlomov, Kirill D (Russia); Bochaver, Alexandra A Health Psychology OR26-08-4 Work more, feel depressed: 2014 Korea Interns & Residents Survey Yoon, Jaehong (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Seung-sup Social Psychology OR26-08-1 Are you the RIGHT person? The Influences of Leadership Styles and Perceived Homosexuality on Management SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR26-08-3 EXPLORATION OF PUBLIC LEADERSHIP CONCEPT Helmi, Avin Fadilla (Indonesia); Pritularga, Kandrika Fadhlan Teaching Psychology OR26-08-6 Social networks in class Lung, Tzyy-jiun (Taiwan) Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 423 Social Psychology OR26-28-1 Trajectories of evaluating gender counter-stereotypes on a continuum: An examination based on facial appearance, behaviors and traits Zuo, Bin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wen, Fangfang; Fang, Zeming; Wu, Yang; Sun, Shan OR26-28-2 The negative consequences of a positive stereotype: The influence of counter-stereotypic behaviors on attitudes Wu, Yang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sun, Shan; Zuo, Bin; Yan, Lei; Wen, Fangfang OR26-28-3 Imagined Intergroup Contact Reduce Intergroup Bias Through Epistemic Unfreezing Yu, Haitao (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-28-4 Group Level Reality and Stereotype: A study of inter-caste attribution in India Misra, Shreela (India) OR26-28-5 The Relationship between Stereotype Threat and Subjective Wellbeing of Migrant Children and its Psychological Mechanism Wen, Fangfang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Bin; Fang, Zeming; Wu, Yang; Sun, Shan OR26-28-6 A Meta-analysis of Interventions Designed to Reduce Stereotype Threats: Effectiveness and Possible Moderators Shan, Zhang B (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Pei, Liu Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 424A Gender and Sexuality OR26-34-3 Engendered' well-being. The importance of being content with one's gender identity. Russell, Douglas (United Arab Emirates) OR26-34-5 Gender stereotypes and electoral Intentions: The mediator effect of Social Representation of female political leadership in Cameroun. Wassouo, Emmanuel (France); Sallah, Makafui Peace O R 2 6 - 3 4 - 1 Pe rs o n a l Co n fl i c t Management Among Leaders and NonLeaders of College Student Organizations in Jakarta (Indonesia) Asti Wulandari, Maria Theresia (Indonesia); Lukito, Arnold OR26-34-6 Contact Hypothesis through performing art and culture of Poso as alternative to reduce prejudice on Poso former Child Soldier Yusuf, Izack (Indonesia) Race and Ethnicity OR26-34-2 Seeing "us vs. them": The Effect of Social Categorization to ORE Hu, Ping (China (People's Repbulic of China)) tural diversity Grigoryan, Lusine K (Germany); Schwartz, Shalom H (Israel) Ethics OR26-16-5 Chinese Insurance Agents in the Bad Barrels Zhang, Na (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jian Social Psychology OR26-16-4 Residential mobility moderates the effect of uncertainty on descriptive norm compliance Li, Yan-mei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hong, Ying-yi (Singapore); Li, Xiao-shu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Kan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 511 Communication OR26-68-2 The Social Responsibility of Media in Developing Public Health Policy communication for Integrated Health Practices (IHP) in Africa Okaka, Wilson T (Uganda) Social Psychology Social Psychology OR26-34-4 The process of collective memory, recognition, healing and forgiveness in the dynamic temporal model of intergroup forgiveness. Grounded theory study on the victims of the 1965 tragedy. Tampubolon, Riyanti Abriyani (Indonesia) OR26-68-1 Functional Dissociation of Posterior and Anterior Insula in Moral Disgust Ying, Xiaoping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Luo, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chiu, Chiyue (Hong Kong); Wu, Yanhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fan, Jin (United States of America) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 424B Culture OR26-16-6 Culture and use of polite expression: The mediating role of relational mobility Zhao, Xian (United States of America); Adams, Glenn (United States of America); Xu, Fuming (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Diversity OR26-16-1 Identity adaptation and coping strategies among asylum seekers and refugees from Syria. Plivard, Ingrid (France) OR26-16-2 Disharmony in diversity: Traditional beliefs, attitudes and stigmatization of persons living with albinism in Ghana Wiafe-akenten, Brenya C (Ghana) OR26-16-3 Majority/minority group membership and regional context moderate relations of values to attitude to cul- OR26-68-3 The Role of Future Time Perspective and Resources Accessibility as Moderators on Attitude-Behavior Consistency in Sustainable Agricultural Behavior Virianita, Ratri (Indonesia); Markum, Mohammad Enoch; Ariyanto, Amarina Ashar OR26-68-4 Influences of Gender, Political and Religious Orientation of Intuition Based Moral Decision Making Process Piyale, Zeynep Ecem (Turkey); Tepe, Beyza (Turkey); Sirin, Selcuk (United States of America); Rogers-sirin, Lauren (United States of America) OR26-68-5 What do I like myself for? Self-esteem is dominated by agentic over communal information Parzuchowski, Michal (Poland); Baryla, Wieslaw; Wojciszke, Bogdan 127 5. Social Decision Making Stereotype among University Students in Taiwan Suen, Mein-woei (Taiwan); Lee, Shenkwang; Tseng, Yi-ting; Chi, Pe-ru; Chung, Geng-tang; Liao, Yu-chi; Hsiao, Wei-ren; Chang, Yu-tzu; Lai, Chih-hsuan; Lin, Tsung-yi; Chin, Yen-ling; Li, Chih-yu SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR26-68-6 Descriptive Norms Influence Reactions to Anger-Related Moral Events Gao, Wenjun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Manqi; Li, Yuan Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 512 Communication OR26-69-3 The Effect of Personal Space on Situational Communication Apprehension while controlling for Public Self-Consciousness Li Heong, Woon (Malaysia) Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 512 Family and Community OR26-69-1 Companion animals, emigration and relational loss Marchetti-mercer, Maria C (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Social Psychology Social Psychology OR26-89-1 Could people get happiness from good memories of the past? The research on relationship between nostalgia, gratitude, and subjective well-being Li, Bin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Aimei; Wei, Haiying; Wang, Hong OR26-69-2 A dialectical and vectorial model of love and hate: interhuman harmony versus homicides. Mamali, Catalin S (United States of America) OR26-89-2 COLLECTIVE TIME PERSPECTIVE AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION: GROUP MEMBERS' ATTITUDES TOWARD COMMON PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Nestik, Timofei A (Russia) Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 512 Social Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center B1F 24 Aging Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 512 Emotion OR26-88-3 How social support and sense of community mediate between social participation and subjective wellbeing in different age groups: Based on a mail survey in a suburban area in Japan Sugawara, Ikuko (Japan) OR26-74-1 Positive aging for all? The protective effect of positive views on aging in precarious circumstances Craciun, Catrinel (Germany); Gellert, Paul; Flick, Uwe OR26-69-4 We are sorry, they don't care: Misinterpretation of facial embarrassment displays inintergroup contexts Kommattam, Pum (Netherlands); Jonas, Kai J; Fischer, Agneta H OR26-88-5 How We Look at Problems: Social Class Differences in Sense of Control and Attributions Daganzo, Mary Angeline A (Macao); Bernardo, Allan B. I OR26-69-5 Being too proud of oneself fabricates illusory social network ties Shiraki, Yuma (Japan); Igarashi, Tasuku OR26-88-6 Attitudes toward zou hou men: Effects of Type of Guanxi, Social Dominance Orientation and Right-wing Authoritarianism Wang, Tulips Yiwen (Macao); Bernardo, Allan B. I Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 512 Crime and Delinquency OR26-88-4 Please, steal my money! The psychology of Auction Fraud Modic, David (United Kingdom); Palomaki, Jussi; Anderson, Ross OR26-69-6 Impaired perceptual sensitivity of angry expression in social anxiety, evidence from categorical perception paradigm Jia, Shiwei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qiu, Fanghui Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 512 Ethics 5. Social OR26-88-1 The Means-End Chains of Whistleblowers: An Application of the Laddering Technique Park, Heungsik (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Jaeil (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Jeong, Joowon (United States of America) OR26-88-2 The Own-Race Effect of Chinese Kazak and Han College Students in Face Recognition: The Influence of Inter-Group Attitude and Inter-Group Contact Experience Liu, Yang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Long, Changquan 128 Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Emotion OR26-89-3 The relative judgement for gratitude: Relatively too small help is not a reference point Yamamoto, Akitomo (Japan); Higuchi, Masataka OR26-89-4 Does Loneliness Necessarily Decrease Prosocial Behavior: The Roles of Gender and Situation Huang, Heqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Yanchun; Liu, Xiaocen OR26-89-5 Physical cleansing facilitates acceptance of collective guilt among collective narcissists Golec De Zavala, Agnieszka (United Kingdom) OR26-89-6 Bodily Experience of Coldness and Regulation Emotion Bakar, Resekiani M (Indonesia); Susianto, Harry OR26-74-5 A Psychological Assessment of Retired Indian Army Officers with a focus on Hardiness, Depression and Learned Helplessness: Implications for Coping/ Subjective Well Being Rishi, Parul (India); Sharma, Nidhi Culture OR26-74-4 Subjective Well-Being in Collective Culture: The Contribution of Harmonious Value, Perspective Taking, and Trait Forgivingness Widyarini, Nilam (Indonesia); Kurniati, Ni Made Taganing (Indonesia); Citra, Ajeng Furida (Indonesia); Worthington, Jr., Everett L. (United States of America) Gender and Sexuality OR26-74-3 Gender Stereotypes and False Memory: Effect of Emotional Valence Ok, Ahmet Caglar (Turkey); Er, Nurhan Peace OR26-74-6 Proactive police-public partnership in India: A means to maintain and sustain peace in community Rana, Suvashisa (India) Race and Ethnicity OR26-74-2 Transformation of mutual ethnic stereotypes and growth of social distance among youth in regions of local military conflicts (Donetsk, Ukraine), postconflict (Chechen Republic, Russia) and border regions (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) Grishina, Anastasia V (Russia); Abakumova, Irina V SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Dai, Taotao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Bin; Wen, Fangfang; Wu, Yuepeng; Song, Jingjing OR26-37-1 Relative Income and Subjective Well-being: Examining the Multiple Reference Groups of the Rural-tourban Migrant Workers Wang, Junxiu (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR27-38-4 Can Some Approaches to Disaster Prevention Actually Blunt Awareness and Preparedness? A Japanese Case Study Inui, Yosuke (Japan); Atsumi, Tomohide; Higaki, Tatsuki OR26-37-2 The Engagement in Positive Youth Development (PYD) Program and its effects on life effectiveness and psychological well-being: A case study of rural youths in Paitan. C Ah Gang, Getrude (Malaysia); Bee Seok, Chua; Iqbal Hashmi, Shazia OR27-38-6 Transient nature of pay-itforward reciprocity Horta, Yutaka (Japan); Takezawa, Masanori (Japan); Kinjo, Takuji (Japan); Nakawake, Yo (Japan); Masuda, Naoki (United Kingdom) OR26-37-3 Working memory capacity influences stereotype threat effects on elderly adults' recognition Wang, Pei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Qin OR26-37-4 Cooperative belief as an inner motive to cooperation in social dilemmas Liu, Changjiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hao, Fang OR26-37-5 Relationship of socioeconomic and sociometric status with Chinese migrants' subjective well-being: the moderating effect of social mobility Silin, Huang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hongchuan, Zhanghang; Jiawei, Hou Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 314 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR27-38-2 Building Resiliency: Psychosocial Intervention Programs of Local Government Units (LGUs) in Albay Belardo, Sipronio B (Philippines) Environmental Psychology OR27-38-3 Perceptions of Nuclear Energy and Radiation in Japan Imamichi, Tomoaki D (United States of America); Takagi, Yoko Globalization OR27-38-5 Cross-cultural contact as a predictor for perceived national differences in personality traits and values. Soeldner, Tobias (Japan); Nadja, Lorenz (Germany) Social Psychology OR27-38-1 Prefer traits of warmth, competence, or moral when describe self and others? It depends on context. Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 316 Environmental Psychology OR27-57-2 Connectedness to nature and sustainable behavior: sense of unity with nature as a path towards pro-social and pro-environmental behaviors Corral-verdugo, Victor (Mexico); Garcia, Fernanda I; Duron, Fernanda; Tapia, Cesar O; Fraijo, Blanca S OR27-57-3 The Role of Spirituality in Re-presenting the Human-Nature Relationship Carman, Petra (Slovenia) OR27-57-4 Understanding the interaction between identity and motivations in sustainable living: Towards a conceptual model Garnelo Gomez, Irene (United Kingdom); Littlewood, David C; Money, Kevin G OR27-57-5 Impact of sustainability labels in the tourism sector on consumers' perception and their travel behavior Penz, Elfriede (Austria); Hofmann, Eva; Hartl, Barbara OR27-57-6 Strongly attached but not so happy? Comparing the relationship between place attachment and subjective well-being in native and non-native residents in Ibaraki, Japan Kaida, Naoko (Japan) Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 316 Family and Community OR27-03-4 The Influence of Parents Attitudes and Perceived Norms on the Behaviour of Restricting Childrens Screen Time Russell, Douglas (United Arab Emirates) OR27-03-5 The role of mental health in mediating the relation between stress and smartphone addiction among Korean adolescents Sung, Lihyo (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Health Psychology OR27-03-1 Change in job insecurity and depressive symptoms among automobile sales workers: A 7-year follow-up study in South Korea Kim, Seung-sup (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Yugyun OR27-03-2 The conceptions and actions of mental health of the professionals members of the teams of the "Support to the Health of the Family" (NASF) from Fortaleza/Brazil Lima, Aluisio F (Brazil); Lima, Stephanie C F; Santos, Beatriz O; Sena, Kilson; Lima, Brigia S A; Felix, Thiago S; Castro, Emanuel M A; Lisbao, Yuri M; Holanda, Renata B; Benigno, Gabriela G F; Oliveira, Pedro R S OR27-03-3 Personal Wellbeing in a National Charity Institution. Workers Attitudes and beliefs Demicheli, Guido R (Chile); Infante, Alvaro E OR27-03-6 Does disapproval hurt? Experience of medical benefit application among firefighters injured on the job and its association with depressive symptoms in South Korea Yoon, Seohyun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Seung-sup Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 316 Social Psychology OR27-57-1 ALTRUISM BEHAVIOR FORMED FOR THE MEMBER OF ENVIRONMENTALIST ORGANIZATION Utami, Nindia P (Indonesia); Fahmie, Arief Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 317 Human Relationships OR27-04-4 The emotional state of pregnant women and their relation to the pregnancy and the fetus Savenysheva, Svetlana S (Russia); Bezruchenko, Anna Social Psychology OR27-04-1 Support towards displaying religious symbols in public spaces and its predictors Hamer, Katarzyna (Poland); Bilewicz, Michal OR27-04-2 Effects of Social Exclusion on Ego Depletion: The Compensation 129 5. Social Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E202 Social Psychology SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Effect of Self-awareness Zhang, Ye (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Shanshan; Wang, Jiaming; Liu, Lanxin; Li, Zimi OR27-04-3 It could have been me: Counterfactual thinking as a motivator to donate to disaster victims Zagefka, Hanna (United Kingdom) OR27-04-5 Leadership Psychology: new global demands require new forms of leadership Wazlawick, Patricia (Brazil); Schaefer, Ricardo; Teixeira, Eloy D; Biasotto, Helena; Lacerda, Wesley; Chikota, Horacio; Rothmann, Any OR27-04-6 Blameworthy omissions, causality, and normative expectations: What omissions can teach us about moral responsibility Dranseika, Vilius (Lithuania); Berniunas, Renatas Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 318 Ecological Contexts OR27-77-2 PERCEIVED COASTAL DISTRESS AND BEHAVIOURAL RESILIENCE TO CLIMATE CHANGE IN ANDAMAN ISLANDS OF INDIA Rishi, Parul (India); Mudaliar, Ruchi OR27-77-5 Ecovillages residents' attitude towards environmental policy of the Russian Federation: search for harmony Deyneka, Olga S (Russia) Environmental Psychology OR27-77-3 Nuclear power and Japan's future: Understanding beliefs about how nuclear policies will affect society Park, Joonha (Japan); Bain, Paul (Australia); Kusumi, Takashi (Japan) 5. Social OR27-77-4 Under the Dome: Air Pollution, Wellbeing, and Pro-Environmental Behaviour Among Beijing Residents Wang, Fang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gu, Dian; Huang, Niwen; Zhang, Maoxin; Yu, Chenyi; Wang, Yachao; Wang, Shun OR27-77-6 Disease stresses and crossnational variations in gender difference in pro-environmental behavior Pong, Vivien (Hong Kong); Chan, Hoiwing; Tam, Kim-pong Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 318 Health Psychology OR27-23-2 Studying the anti-vaccination behavior and attitudes: a systematic review of methods 130 Eritsyan, Ksenia (Russia); Antonova, Natalia; Tsvetkova, Larissa OR27-23-3 Improving Health and Wellness for Women with Disabilities: Integrating Care from the Margins to the Center Miles-cohen, Shari E (United States of America); Signore, Caroline OR27-23-4 Factors influencing women's decisions to initiate and terminate breastfeeding Kiernan, Michael J (Australia); Hiramatsu, Izumi OR27-23-5 Predicting Psychological Well-being: A Cross-National Comparison Chiacchia, Daniel (Canada); Greenglass, Esther (Canada); Hughes, Brian M (Ireland) OR27-23-6 Reinstatement may improve mental health: A comparative study about the laid-off and the reinstated after the massive lay-off in 2009 from SsangYong Motor Company in South Korea Park, Jooyoung (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Seung-sup Social Psychology OR27-23-1 HIV serostatus disclosure to sexual partners among sexually active HIV-positive men and women in South Africa Simbayi, Leickness C (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 318 Social Psychology OR27-77-1 Using Social Representations Approach in Understanding Disaster Risk among Super Typhoon Haiyan Survivors Guiang, Rowena S (Philippines); Baquiano, Marshaley J Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 421 Human Relationships OR27-78-5 Happiness and Work-Life Policies: Empowering Women in Workplaces Banez, Randy M (Philippines); Sonza, Rolaida L Social Psychology OR27-78-1 Environment and Individual Predictors of Forgiveness in Collective Culture: The Role of Harmonious Value, Perspective Taking, and Empathic Understanding Kurniati, Ni Made Taganing (Indonesia); Worthington, Jr., Everett L (United States of America); Citra, Ajeng Furida (Indonesia); Widyarini, Nilam (Indonesia) OR27-78-2 The relationship between attachment security and mindfulness: A systematic review. Stevenson, Jodie (United Kingdom); Millings, Abigail; Emerson, Lisa-marie OR27-78-3 Child sexual abuse in India: Psychosocial issues and intervention model for prevention Naga Seema, Nd S (India) OR27-78-4 Perceptions of the future, race and ethnicity: What are the implications for intergroup relations in the postapartheid South Africa? Bornman, Elirea (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Mynhardt, Johan C OR27-78-6 Major stressors in a group of migrant farmworkers in Mexico. Morales Trujillo, Graciela (Mexico) Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 422 Diversity OR27-43-1 Diversity is in the Eye of the Beholder Unzueta, Miguel M (United States of America) OR27-43-3 Identity of Deaf/Hard-ofHearing individuals on microaggressions, coping strategies, and well-being Chu, Man Him (Hong Kong) OR27-43-4 I want to help but...': The effects of identity denial on minority group members' prosocial behaviour Blackwood, Leda M (United Kingdom) OR27-43-5 Minority employment inclusion in Chile : gap between incentives and employability profile Lay-raby, Nelson D (Chile); Zamora Bugueno, Carlos R OR27-43-6 Beyond Bias. Managing Unconscious Bias in the Workplace May, Glenda (Australia) Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 422 Economic OR27-25-6 Economic stress, perceptions of control, and risk taking Katter, Joana K (Canada) Industrial and Psychology Organizational OR27-25-5 Psychosocial effect of Corporate Social Responsibility policies Yepes, Montserrat (Spain); Romeo, Marina; Perez, Francisco Javier; Boria, Sefa; Barbancho, Fernando SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 422 Personality OR27-43-2 Women, Work and WellBeing: Psychological Barriers and Interventions Calura, Mary Claire D (Philippines); Villaviza, Jr., Gregorio L; Galman, Sheena Mai A Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 422 Political Psychology OR27-25-1 The appraisal gap: Why victim and transgressor groups disagree on the need for a collective apology Hornsey, Matthew J (Australia); Okimoto, Tyler; Wenzel, Michael OR27-25-2 The role of motivational processes in the relationship between national identification and political participation Caspi, Avner (Israel); Liviatan, Ido; Roccas, Sonia OR27-25-4 National Identity And AntiImmigrant Attitudes: The Case Of Russia Grigoryan, Lusine K (Germany) Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 423 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior OR27-08-1 THE RELATION BETWEEN PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING AMONG JUNIOR COLLEGE STUDENTS Annisa, Verdiantika (Indonesia); Kumolohadi, Retno OR27-08-4 Social support as protective factor from negative intimate partner violence consequences on parenting Gaxiola Romero, Jose C (Mexico); Gaxiola Villa, Eunice; Pineda Dominguez, Antonio OR27-08-6 RESILIENCY: SOME PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRELATES Chatterjee, Anindita (India) Crime and Delinquency OR27-08-3 Psychological impact of social violence in children of Monterrey, Mexico. Alvarez Bermudez, Javier (Mexico); Castilo Vaquera, Manuel Alejandro Media and Psychology OR27-08-2 Using evolutionary psychology to understand why people love violent video games so much Denson, Thomas F (Australia) OR27-08-5 Explaining gender differences in video game playing: Results of a German representative study in the general adult population of Germany Rehbein, Florian (Germany); Andreas, Staudt; Michael, Hanslmaier; Soren, Kliem Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 424A Gender and Sexuality OR27-68-1 Societal discourses of male rape in the context of feminism and patriarchy: Is harmony possible? Pretorius, Gertie H (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR27-68-4 How to get women into engineering? Gendered advertising, STEM subjects and embodied cognition. Zawisza, Magdalena J (United Kingdom); Szymkow-sudziarska, Aleksandra (Poland); Golec De Zavala, Agnieszka (United Kingdom); Mckendrick, Emily (United Kingdom) Industrial and Psychology Organizational OR27-68-3 Are Spanish workplaces free of discrimination? The case of incivility against LGB employees Munduate, Lourdes (Spain); Di Marco, Donatella (Spain); Arenas, Alicia (Spain); Hoel, Helge (United Kingdom) OR27-68-5 Effects of support from multiple mentors on women's work performance and work-family conflict Sakakibara, Keiko (Japan) OR27-68-6 Conflict Interactions in the Filipino Workplace: How High and Low Class Individuals Differ in Conflict Management Styles Mationg, Marian Mira M (Philippines); Teng, Aldrich Nixon S; Viray, Ma. Cristina Rosanne M; Yap, Terese Samantha T Poverty OR27-68-2 Benefits of Temporary Employment Programs in Marginalized Rural Areas of the State of Chihuahua Ordonez Parada, Ana Isabel (Mexico); Sanchez Acosta, Luis Raul; Flores Morales, Carmen Romelia; Hernandez Perea, Jose Juan Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 425 Development OR27-27-3 Child Stress as a Mediator of Intergenerational Transmission of Depression Gerhardt, Micah (United States of America); Feng, Xin; Ku, Seulki OR27-27-4 Grain size of children's report: Development in regulating skills, executive functions, metacognitive awareness, and verbal ability Sasaki, Shingo (Japan); Naka, Makiko OR27-27-5 Premarital Sexual Behavior of Adolescence in Surabaya Indrijati, Herdina (Indonesia) Family and Community OR27-27-6 THE HAPPINESS OF CHILD WHO EXPERIENCE CHILD REARING DISAGREEMENT AS A RESULT FROM TRANSCULTURAL MARRIAGE Erdiansyah, Muhammad Bayu B (Indonesia); Dinda Putri, Fatikha D Media and Psychology OR27-27-1 Considerations in reporting suicide stories in Ghana A qualitative analysis of media personnels views Akotia, Charity S (Ghana); Joseph, Osafo (Ghana); Boakye, Kofi E (United Kingdom) Political Psychology OR27-27-2 Remembering atrocities, justifications, and apologies: Motivated recall as a function of group membership Panapitiya Dias, Kulani S (United States of America); Coman, Alin Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 425 Social Brain OR27-63-5 Threat modulates interbrain synchrony during social coordination Mu, Yan (United States of America); Gelfand, Michele Social Psychology OR27-63-1 Effects of holding out-group perpetrators legally accountable, on victim group members' willingness to reconcile Petrovic, Nebojsha (Serbia); Leidner, Bernhard (United States of America); Li, Mengyao (United States of America) OR27-63-2 The Integrated Well-being of Chinese Citizen and Its Antecedents Model Chen, Zhixia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Qiming 131 5. Social Media and Psychology OR27-25-3 Situational Envy: The Effect of Photo, Relationship, and Situation on Envy in the Context of Social Media Esguerra, Maria Carmela-paz D (Philippines); Lucindo, Patrizia Adeline A; Sarmiento, Eileen Mae B; Blancaflor, Deina Ida S SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR27-63-3 Transferring effect of cooperation and its mental Mechanism Zhang, Zhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jianxin; Guo, Boda OR27-63-4 Non-conscious Relationship Reactance: The Role of Controlling Support Low, Alyssa (Malaysia) OR27-63-6 Working together through creativity towards self-determination: a longitudinal field experiment Patras, Luminita (Spain); Martinez-tur, Vicente; Moliner, Carolina; Gracia, Esther Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 511 Decision Making OR27-46-2 The Origin of the Domain Specific Risk Taking: Evidence from twin study and meta-analyses Li, Shu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, X. T. ( Xiao- Tian) (United States of America); Zheng, Rui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xuan, YanHua (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR27-46-3 Self-Other Differences in Stock Market Decisions: A View from the Cognition of Change Lu, Jingyi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xie, Xiaofei OR27-46-5 The Harmony between Task Characteristics and Thinking Mode Determines Decision Effectiveness Rusou, Zohar (Israel); Ayal, Shahar; Hochamn, Guy; Zakay, Dan OR27-46-6 REGULATORY FIT IN THE CONTEXT OF MULTIPLE GOALPURSUIT: THE ROLE OF FEEDBACK VALENCE Dogruyol, Burak (Turkey) Diversity 5. Social OR27-46-4 Misunderstanding of the risknotion among diverse stakeholders in consensus building on Environmental policy Yoshida, Etsuko (Japan) Neuroscience OR27-46-1 When Do Financial Outcomes Become More Attractive? The Individual and Interactive Influence of Ownership and Choice in Stock-People Relationships on Brain Response to Stock Outcomes Shang, Zhe (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Lei; Wu, Han 132 Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 513 Decision Making OR27-66-2 The Hidden-Zero Effect in Risky Choice: An Eye-tracking study Liang, Zhu-yuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Lei; Su, Yin OR27-66-3 Surveillance cameras enhance moral conviction Tan Soo Hee, Jameson (Malaysia) OR27-66-4 To do or not to do list: biases in multiple task management Ayal, Sahar (Israel); Amar, Moty; Rusou, Zohar OR27-66-5 Multi Criteria Decision Making on Choosing Social Science Major of Ex Nature Science Student Maknun, Tsurayya (Indonesia) Industrial and Psychology Organizational OR27-66-6 Accountability: a blessing or a curse? The fit between personal and organizational accountability and the quality of care among nurses Leonenko, Marina (Israel); Drach-zahavy, Anat Social Psychology OR27-66-1 Consumers' Attitude towards Genetically Modified Foods: Based on Benefit Perception, Risk Perception and Trust in Expert Chen, Lijun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fu, Yan Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 514 Community Psychology OR27-49-5 Mental illness from the perspective of black rural teachers in the Limpopo Province of South Africa De Villiers, Derika (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Boshomane, Mokgadi; Ally, Yaseen Crime and Delinquency OR27-49-1 Experiences of Victimization as a Risk Factor for Offending among Juvenile Delinquents Horio, Yoshihiro (Japan) Ecological Contexts OR27-49-2 The social context of violence: A longitudinal study of repeated victimization in adolescents and young adults Stroem, Ida F (Norway); Thoresen, Siri; Hjemdal, Ole Kristian; Wentzel-larsen, Tore Family and Community OR27-49-6 Individual, Family, and Social Factors Associated to Serious Physical Violence in Marriage Wu, Lei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hong, Wei Gender and Sexuality OR27-49-4 An Exploratory Study of Work-Life Balance Issues among Female Academics in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): The Case of Malaysia Lim, Hooi Shan (Malaysia); Valencia, Marshall Media and Psychology OR27-49-3 Predicting Satisfaction with Life and Psychological Traits Using Machine Learning and Social Media Language Data Chen, Lushi (Hong Kong) Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Annex Hall F201 Gender and Sexuality OR27-91-1 Examining Body Perceptions and Submissive Acts of Women in The Context of Gender Roles Yilmaz Soylu, Meryem (Turkey); Er Kepenek, Selma; Bozgeyikli, Hasan OR27-91-2 The Effect of Woman's Lifestyle on Attitudes Toward Rape and Rape Victims Yasin, Fatma (Turkey); Celik Ok, Melis Human Relationships OR27-91-3 The Relationship Between Couple s Novel Life Events and Relationship Satisfaction A Diary Study Aykutoglu, Bulent (Turkey); Gundogdu Akturk, Elcin; Akgonul, Busra OR27-91-4 Reflecting on Relationship Conflict from a Self-Distanced (vs. SelfImmersed) Perspective Promotes Relationship Well-being Kucukkomurler, Sanem (Turkey); Kirimer Aydinli, Fulya; Selcuk, Emre OR27-91-5 How do Adolescents' Repress Sadness Caused by Conflict in Romantic Relationships? : An Indigenous Approach Fargha, Ali A (Indonesia); Shabrina, Zafira R N OR27-91-6 Understanding Conflict among Adolescent Romantic Relationships: A Study Using Indigenous Psychological Approach Sidhaya, Pratipa (Indonesia); Shabrina, Zafira R N SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR27-54-6 Inter-Parental Conflict and Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Adolescence: A Moderated Mediation Model Zhou, Guangdong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fung, Annis Lai Chu (Hong Kong) Family and Community OR27-54-1 Employment, financial, and health issues of mothers caring school children with disabilities in Japan Ejiri, Keiko (Japan); Matsuzawa, Akemi Human Relationships OR27-54-2 GENDER AND FRIENDSHIP IN AN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN YOGYAKARTA Shobihah, Ida F (Indonesia); Minza, Wenty M OR27-54-5 Attachment, flirting and love styles in short-term and long-term relationships. Bouquet-escobedo, Geraldine S (Mexico); Diaz-loving, Rolando Social Psychology OR27-54-3 Sweet love: Experiencing sweet taste implicitly promotes romantic processing Wang, Liusheng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Qian OR27-54-4 Storming, Performing, and Norming in Cross-Sex Friendship Cliques Ananda, Kirana Dwi Meilani (Indonesia) Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 314 Globalization OR28-18-4 Psychology across Borders: Exploring Competencies for Psychologists Doing International Work Bullock, Merry (United States of America); Inman, Arpana G Political Psychology OR28-18-1 The Volunteers Response to The Refugee Crisis - Identity Paths Lazarova, Lyubka (Australia) OR28-18-2 Distance between an ideal democracy and the current democracy Lebreuilly, Joelle (France) OR28-18-3 Insight into Lying Behaviour with Priming Effect: Three Studies of Using FrenchPoliticians and Presidents as Primers Chang, Kirk (United Kingdom); Celse, Jeremy (France); Quinton, Sarah (United Kingdom) OR28-18-5 Connotative meanings of socially relevant words as indicators of social climate and its changes in Serbia: longitudinal analysis Petrovic, Nebojsha (Serbia); Kuzmanovic, Bora Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 318 Evolutionary Psychology OR28-21-1 Women Perceive Males' Face to Be More Attractive After Seeing Meat Honmoto, Sayuri (Japan); Sugamura, Genji Human Relationships OR28-21-4 Jealousy and Basic Need Satisfaction: A Diary Study Aykutoglu, Bulent (Turkey); Uysal, Ahmet OR28-21-5 Meeting you, meeting me: phenomenological construction of intersubjectivity in the case of first-time encounters Coupe, Christophe (France); Ollagnierbeldame, Magali; Cazemajou, Anne OR28-21-6 Self-Discrepancy & Stress: Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) to Test Similarity to Ideal Self as a Moderator of Coping Effectiveness Hallinger, Natalie J (United States of America); Dehart, Tracy; Burrow, Anthony L Social Psychology OR28-21-2 More Than Beauty: The Effect of Accessibility in Romantic Partner Pursuing Han, Ji (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yu, Feng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shi, Jinfang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tang, Shi (United Kingdom) OR28-21-3 Religious Identity: A Source of Prejudice in India Bano, Shabana (India) Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 421 Decision Making OR28-39-6 Ontogenetic shift in behavior of Asian elephants during risky situations: What happened on a busy road? Ramamurthy, Nachiketha S (India); Mizuno, Kaori (Japan); Idani, Gen'ichi (Japan); Sukumar, Raman (India) Evolutionary Psychology OR28-39-3 Evolution of Ingroup Derogation Wu, Qi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Wang; Li, Xiongfeng; Zhou, Ping OR28-39-5 Social Simulation Theory of Dreaming: State of the Evidence Tuominen, Jarno O (Finland); Valli, Katja; Revonsuo, Antti Social Brain OR28-39-1 Does cultural worldviews and self-esteem buffer death concerns? A genetic moderation effect Luo, Siyang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Han, Shihui Social Psychology OR28-39-2 Environmental mortality threat accelerate individuals' reproduction timing: A life history theory perspective Hu, Yuanjie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Hongchuan; Hou, Jiawei; Dou, Donghui OR28-39-4 Relationship between inclusion of social group into the self, feeling of self-expansion and self-efficacy Besta, Tomasz (Poland); Zawadzka, Anna M; Lawendowski, Rafal Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 422 Crime and Delinquency OR28-06-1 The promotion of social inclusion by transparentizing social systems: Surveys on PFI (Private Finance Initiative ) prisons in Japan Kamise, Yumiko (Japan) Social Psychology OR28-06-2 Does Prejudice reflect reality? Social consensus influences the attribution of biased versus factual evaluations Jaeger, Florian (Germany); Kessler, Thomas OR28-06-3 The comparison on death attitude of the staff, people coming to see a doctor and the family of the patients with terminal cancer in a community hospital Fan, Hui (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-06-4 Motivational balance and codevelopment: a double helix metaphor of motivational vectors. Mamali, Catalin S (United States of America) OR28-06-5 Promoting Interaction as a 133 5. Social Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Exhibition Hall E205 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM mediator between classroom goal orientation and students' intrinsic motivation Chophy, Vinika (India) OR28-06-6 Experiences of Perceived Exclusion by Migrants and Refugees in Australia Kabir, Rakshinda A (Australia); Misajon, Dr Roseanne; Bliuc, Dr Ana-maria; Chambers, Dr Richard Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 423 Educational and School Psychology OR28-24-1 The Effects of Service Learning on Students' Personal and Cognitive Outcomes Singh, Dharminder Singh D (Malaysia); Mamauag, Maria Felicitas M; Munn, Brenda Ng. Kaar Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 423 Environmental Psychology OR28-07-1 Social representations and uses of pesticides : the case of French farmers and students Weiss, Karine (France); Zouhri, Bouchra; Levasseur, Elodie; Valette, Armance OR28-07-2 The role of age on young children´s pro-ecological behaviours Collado Salas, Silvia (Spain); Evans, Gary W (United States of America); Corraliza, Jose A (Spain); Sorrel, Miguel A (Spain) OR28-07-3 Does the mere presence of an opportunity for discussion increase cooperation even when non-participants exist?: an experiment utilizing the "cleaning duty game" Kitakaji, Yoko (Japan); Ohnuma, Susumu OR28-07-4 Not artificial eyes but presence of real person trigger a situational norm Mori, Yasuhiro (Japan); Susumu, Ohnuma 5. Social OR28-07-5 Model of Energy Efficency for Students Dewi, Fransisca I (Indonesia); Setyanigsih, Endah; Widodo, Lamto Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 423 Gender and Sexuality OR28-24-4 I have something to tell you Rape Survivors Disclosure at Mamelodi Hospital Rape Survivors Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa De Villiers, Derika (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Yaseen, Ally OR28-24-5 How does Exposure to Sexism Predict Women's Performance on 134 Academic Tests? The Relationships among Exposure to Sexism, Feeling Anger and Academic Performance Enic, Deniz (Turkey); Tosun, Pinar Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 423 Gender and Sexuality OR28-75-6 The role of scientific evidence and evolving religious norms in explaining sexual prejudice Anderson, Joel R (Switzerland); Falomirpichastor, Juan M Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 423 History of Psychology OR28-24-2 I am Psyched! Using psychology's past and present to inspire and empower minority girls. Miles-cohen, Shari E (United States of America); Faye, Cathy (United States of America); Rutherford, Alexandra (Canada) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 423 Language OR28-75-5 In search of the absent voice: The status of indigenous languages in post-apartheid South Africa Cakata, Zethu (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 423 Sexuality, LGBTI OR28-24-6 Gay Emotions: A PersonPerception Perspective Kranz, Dirk (Germany); Wortmeier, Theresa Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 423 Sexuality, LGBTI OR28-75-2 Living a Satisfied Sexual Identity: Discovering Wonders and Unveiling Secrets of Selected Filipino LGB Adults Hernandez, Angelbert Z (Philippines) OR28-75-4 Dissonant Identities: The Psychological Costs of Conflicts in Allegiances among Black Sexual Minorities in South Africa and the United States Jackson, Skyler (United States of America); Sarno, Elissa L; Mohr, Jonathan J Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 423 Social Psychology OR28-24-3 The Wedding Performance: Gender Performance and System Justification in Eurocentric, Heterosexual Wedding Ceremonies Froschauer, Ursula (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 423 Social Psychology OR28-75-1 In-group identity and outgroup favoritism among Chinese migrant workers Zhao, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-75-3 Identity and recognition of stigmatized people in Brazil: the approach of a Brazilian Critical Social Psychology Lima, Aluisio F (Brazil) Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 424A Health Psychology OR28-47-3 Factors of differences in child vaccination patterns: the test of Health Behavior model on Russian sample Eritsyan, Ksenia (Russia); Antonova, Natalia OR28-47-4 Relationship bet ween Autonomy, life satisfaction, interpersonal stressors and Marital Status of women Rao, Priyanka A (India) OR28-47-5 Lookism hurts: Appearance discrimination and its association with poor self-rated health among emerging adulthood in South Korea Lee, Hyemin (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Seung-sup OR28-47-6 Self-Acceptance As a Mother of Child with Special Needs Cahyani, Rizky A (Indonesia) Social Psychology OR28-47-1 Doctor-Patient Trust in Contemporar y China: Trend, Characteristics and Research Review Wang, Xinjian (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-47-2 The prevalence and correlates of external HIV/AIDS-related stigma in the general population of South Africa: Results from the 2012 population-based household survey Simbayi, Leickness C (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Mehlomakulu, Vuyelwa SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR28-82-1 Familism and intimate partner violence in Latin America Cienfuegos, Yessica (Mexico); Merly, Marie-france (Ecuador); Avalos, Alejandro (Mexico) Personality OR28-42-2 Self-improvement and materialistic aspirations. Zawadzka, Anna Maria (Poland) Social Psychology Gender and Sexuality OR28-42-1 Effects of unfairness and inequality on government satisfaction Zhou, Jie (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-82-4 The lived experiences of Australia's female street-based sex workers: Impacts of stigma and discrimination Lennon, Rachel (Australia) Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 511 Social Psychology OR28-82-5 Fostering harmony through media representations of sex work in New Zealand Groot, Shiloh (New Zealand) OR28-26-1 Impacts of Trustors' Social Identity Complexity on Interpersonal and Intergroup Trust Xin, Ziqiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chi, Liping OR28-82-6 Predicting Virginity amongst Malaysian Females: Do Background and Perception of Success Matter? Gun, Jacqueline (Malaysia); Kheng, Amanda Harassment and Trauma OR28-82-2 Is Complicated Birth One of the Early Childhood Traumas? A Framework for Birthing Trauma, its Impacts and Proliferation Kira, Ibrahim (United States of America); Lewandowski, Linda; Chiodo, Lisa; Laddis, Andreas Sexuality, LGBTI OR28-82-3 Does Social Support Buffer the Effect of Homophobic Violence on Depressive Symptoms? : A study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual adults in South Korea Yi, Horim (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Seung-sup Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 425 Clinical Psychology OR28-42-3 COPING STRATEGIES AMONG JAVANESE STUDENTS AFTER EXPERIENCING ACADEMIC FAILURES RAISED IN URBAN, SUBURBAN AND RURAL AREAS: AN INDIGENOUS PSYCHOLOGY APPROACH Kurniawan, Akhmad (Indonesia); Shabrina, Zafira Rahmania N Environmental Psychology OR28-42-4 The English Plastic Bag Charge, Attitude Change, and Behavioural and Policy Spillover. Poortinga, Wouter (United Kingdom); Thomas, Gregory 0; Sautkina, Elena OR28-26-2 The influence of trustworthiness in adolescents' generalized trust Sari, Juita S (Indonesia); Faturochman, Faturochman OR28-26-3 Reconstruction of PatientDoctor Trust in Contemporary China: A Social Psychological Perspective Lv, Xiaokang (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-26-4 An Identity Uncertainty Model of Superordinate-Subgroup Relations Jung, Jiin (United States of America); Hogg, Michael A. (United States of America); Choi, Hoon-seok (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lewis, Gary (United Kingdom) OR28-26-5 Perceived General Trust and Sexual Attitude in China -- a Study based on the Emancipation Therory Shao, Xiaoyi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qu, Ran; Ni, Xiaoli OR28-26-6 Engaging in Business Impairs Trustworthiness Judgment on Novel Faces Nie, Mengjie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Hongchuan; Xin, Ziqiang Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 512 Environmental Psychology OR28-44-2 Focusing on global environmental issues can help to resolve intergroup conflict in spite of the disparity between rich and poor regions Ohnuma, Susumu (Japan); Kitakaji, Yoko; Kobayashi, Tsubasa Industrial and Psychology Organizational OR28-44-4 I choose, I like? ---Preference Reversal in Choice Blindness Paradigm Hui, Zhang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fuming, Xu; Hongyu, Ma; Hanying, Tang; Yanwei, Shi OR28-44-5 Detrimental effects of workplace bullying: the impact on organizational emotionalintelligence Fiz Perez, Javier (Italy); Giorgi, Gabriele; Arcangeli, Giulio Social Psychology OR28-44-1 Bodily Postures Impact Acquisition of Traditional Chinese Values of Filial Piety Ma, Jianhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-44-3 Emotions in Response to Microaggression: Implications for Collective Action Singh, Purnima (India); Sohi, Khushbeen K OR28-44-6 The process of group-norm revision: A qualitative study targeting minutes of meetings Ozeki, Miki (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 513 Gender and Sexuality OR28-62-1 Transition of male roles through miscarriage or stillbirth of thier partner Yasumoto, Saori (Japan); Shoko, Sugao Industrial and Psychology Organizational OR28-62-5 Cognitive component of networking ability: its structure and measurement Mararitsa, Larisa V (Russia) Social Psychology OR28-62-2 When Do Procedural Fairness and Outcome Fairness Interact to Influence Legitimacy of Authorities? The Moderating Effect of Social Class Yang, Linchuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Hongyu; Jiang, Hai; Jiang, Juan; Qi, Ling; Hu, Wei OR28-62-3 Role Affective Forecasting: Predictions of Organizational Future Kong, Ming (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-62-4 Exposure to luxury products influences subsequent task motivation Huang, Yunhui (China (People's Repbulic 135 5. Social Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 424B Culture SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM of China)); Changxin, Li OR28-62-6 Social Achievement Goals in the Mental Health of Chinese Undergraduates Zhao, Yanhua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Xiangru; Zhao, Guoxiang Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 514 Ethics OR28-80-3 Virtue, Continence, Incontinence and Vice: Making Virtue Judgments Based on the Judgment of Thinking Systems Yu, Feng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Kaiping, Peng Pharmacological Effects OR28-80-1 Oxytocin exaggerates selective belief updating towards desirable social feedback Ma, Yina (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Psychometrics OR28-80-6 Development and Verification of the College Students' Relative Deprivation Scale in China Mainland Liuzhan, Jia (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Social Psychology OR28-80-2 Synchrony as the Human Connection in the Social World Au, Brigit K (Hong Kong); Lo, Lap Yan OR28-80-4 Prosocial Consequences of Interpersonal Synchrony: A Meta-Analysis Rennung, Miriam (Germany); Goritz, Anja S OR28-80-5 Social Awkwardness: Scale Construction and Development Goh, Jun Hong, Joshua (Malaysia) 5. Social Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center B1F 24 Cognition OR28-15-1 Reverse Correlating Love: Highly Passionate Women Idealize Their Partner's Facial Appearance Gunaydin, Gul (Turkey); Delong, Jordan E Health Psychology OR28-15-2 Association between selfefficacy and health behaviour in disease control: Systematic review Isa, Affendi B (Malaysia); Zaini, Zanariah Social Psychology OR28-15-3 Perceived MotivationSpecific Benefits and Intention to Continue 136 Volunteering with Role Identity and Satisfaction as Mediators Pow, Yih Ling (Malaysia); Haron, Fatimah Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Exhibition Hall E202 Educational and School Psychology OR28-84-1 Students Perception of Flipped Classroom and Distant Mode Teaching Effects of Motivational and SelfDetermination Orientations Hau, Kit-tai (Hong Kong); Chang, Jianfang OR28-84-3 Social Support among Student with Borderline Intelectual Functioning Who Won Medals in International Sport Competition Novia Viorica, Putu A (Indonesia); Yoga Pramana, Ida Bagus Gde A OR28-84-4 Grit, Time Perspective, and Academic Achievement among College Freshmen Peruelo, Carla Marez P (Philippines) Industrial and Psychology Organizational OR28-84-2 The nature of leadership essentialism: implications for performance management decisions Sojo, Victor E (Australia); Stratemeyer, Michelle; Wood, Robert OR28-84-6 Impact of Work-Life Balance on Turnover Intention among Medical Doctors in the University Teaching Hospitals in Nigeria Ayinde, Adeboye T (Nigeria) Psychology of Disaster OR28-84-5 Shared responses to disasters Shankar, Shail (India) identities and Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E205 Health Psychology OR28-34-1 Attitudes towards donating to the biobanks among Russian students Tsvetkova, Larisa (Russia); Eritsyan, Ksenia; Antonova, Natalia Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Exhibition Hall E205 Industrial and Organizational Psychology OR28-68-4 Personal adaptation of young specialists Kotlyarova, Liubov (Russia); Rostovskij, Vladimir; Ekaterina, Syinova OR28-68-5 How does managerial exemplarity help to increase employees satisfaction and affective commitment at work A moderated-mediation model in the context of proximal vs virtual management Wang, Zhe (France); Finkelstein, Remi; Didry, Alexandra OR28-68-6 An Exploratory Study of Causes of Organizational Silence in an Organization Hashemi, Seyedesmaeil (Iran); Beshlideh, Kioumars; Baharloo, Mostafa Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E205 Race and Ethnicity OR28-34-3 The study of interpersonal space using CAVE virtual reality technique Menshikova, Galina Y (Russia) Social Psychology OR28-34-2 The Impact of Construal Levels on Self-Control Dou, Donghui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Xiaocen OR28-34-4 Epistemic Innocence and the Ethical/Epistemic Dilemma over Stereotyping Puddifoot, Katherine (United Kingdom) OR28-34-5 Simulating Disaster Voluntarism in Japan: "Pay it Forward" as a Strategy for Extending the Post-Disaster Altruistic Community Daimon, Hiroaki (Japan); Atsumi, Tomohide OR28-34-6 EXPLORATION OF CORRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR CONCEPT FROM PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Helmi, Avin Fadilla (Indonesia); Husna, Aftina Nurul Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Exhibition Hall E205 Social Psychology OR28-68-1 Social Competences and Problem Solving: Prospects of combining two different Branches of Psychology in empirical Research and in Models of Competences Vollmers, Burkhard (Germany) OR28-68-2 What Makes You Stay? Money or Connection: A Hierarchical Analysis of 19-city in China Zheng, Rui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Shu OR28-68-3 The Relationship between Adaption and Social Support of Chinese Peasant Workers Shen, Jie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zeng, Lianping; Pan, Yun; He, Mingyuan; Huang, Shiwu; Zhao, SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 314 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior OR29-01-3 Happiness and Altruism: An Experience Sampling Method Approach Goto, Akira (Japan) OR29-01-4 Mediated moderation of state-like competence in predicting the effect of prosocial engagement on wellbeing: An experience sampling study. Hui, Pui Hung (United Kingdom); Spectre, Aleksandr OR29-01-5 Attention During Altruistic Decision Making: The Role of Satiation Status and Dispositional Exchange Orientation Li, Tianyuan (Hong Kong); Leung, Jacky Yiu Cheung OR29-01-6 Always having less, giving more?: the paradox is present only when the uncertainty is low Diaz Rivera, Paola Eunice (Mexico); Cruz Torres, Christian Enrique; Diaz Loving, Rolando Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 314 Cognitive Robotics OR29-18-5 How Emotions and Emotional Coping Affect Perceptions of a Social Robot Spekman, Marloes (Netherlands); Konijn, Elly A; Hoorn, Johan F Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 314 Community Psychology OR29-50-6 Positioning Marginalised Voices and Subjugated Knowledges within Hegemonic Spaces: A Counter-narrative of African Youth Suffla, Shahnaaz (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Seedat, Mohamed; Bawa, Umesh Decision Making OR29-50-3 Moderating Role of Intuitive/ Deliberative Mode in Predicting Congruence between Implicit/Explicit Motives and Daily Life Decisions Okvitawanli, Ayu (Germany); Rothermund, Klaus Educational and School Psychology OR29-50-5 A New Perspective of Explaining Tibetan Poor English Performance Li, Yinghui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Jing Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 314 Human Relationships OR29-18-3 What lies beneath the prosocial lies in a close relationship? Fung, Jane M. Y. (Hong Kong); Hui, Chin Ming OR29-18-6 The Art of Loving: Philosophy and Gender Perspective in Javanese Culture Santoso, Koko (Indonesia); Rif'atin, Chusnul M Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 314 Sexuality, LGBTI OR29-50-2 Examining the role of religious environment and viewing pornography in forming sexual attitude and myths in male adults: An empirical study Jain, Gagan (India) Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 314 Social Psychology OR29-01-1 Altruism born of suffering: the influencing mechanism of attribution Lv, Feng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huangfu, Gang OR29-01-2 The Effect of Human Altruism on Gratitude: the Belief in a Just World as a Mediator Li, Xia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Zhen; Zhang, Jianxin Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 314 Social Psychology OR29-18-1 The relationship between ethical judgment and unethical behavior: The moderating role of internal locus of control Arshadi, Nasrin (Iran); Hazaryan, Solmaz OR29-18-2 The Different Roles of Relative Ingroup Prototypicality in Outgroup Attitudes for Majority and Minority Groups Wang, Jin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Lei; Kou, Yu OR29-18-4 From Psychology as a Science to Social Psychology of Science Kumar, Neelam (India) Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 314 Social Psychology OR29-50-1 Purchase Types and Wellbeing: The Mediating Roles of Postpurchase Sharing and Relatedness Need Satisfaction Jiang, Jiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zeng, Taoran; Wang, Rong; Xu, Yayi OR29-50-4 Negotiating Hierarchical Friendships: A Study of Intra-generational Relations in Indonesia Minza, Wenty M (Indonesia) Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 317 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior OR29-20-1 Perception of courteous and considerate driving : Do men and women differ and if so, how ? Vallieres, Evelyne F (Canada); Mcduff, Pierre; Pinard Saint-pierre, Fabrice; Mousseau, Manon OR29-20-2 Your Emotion on my eMotion: Gender differences on aggression based on facial display of emotional cues Arriaga, Patricia (Portugal) OR29-20-3 Gender Information in Violent Online Games Affects Female Players' Aggression Wu, Yuepeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wen, Fangfang; Wang, Miao; Zuo, Bin; Song, Jingjing; Feng, Ke OR29-20-4 Assessment of aggressiveness: Development and validation of a scale Bouquet-escobedo, Geraldine S (Mexico); Garcia-mendez, Mirna OR29-20-5 Cyber Victimization vs. Traditional Victimization: A meta-analysis of differential victimization associated with depression and anxiety among adolescents and children Li, Junyi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tang, Yun; Zhou, Zongkui OR29-20-6 Cyber-victimization, Online Friendship and Psychological Adjustment Among Hong Kong Chinese College Students Leung, Angel Nga Man (Hong Kong) Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 318 Behavioral Psychology OR29-37-1 I am in a Good Mood, but does that affect my Self-efficacy? An Experimental Study to Test the Moderation of Hedonic and Utilitarian Motivation Nambudiri, Ranjeet (India); Totawar, Abhishek; Nath, Papri Environmental Psychology OR29-37-3 The Impact Of Green Open Space In Public Higher Education Towards The Levels of Work Stress in Lecturers 137 5. Social Pengjuan SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Pratiwi, Wahyu Riska Elsa (Indonesia); Putra, Sudrajad Yudo; Suherni, Suherni General Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 422 Social Psychology OR29-37-2 The Higher Functions of the Psyche Dadayev, Shukran M (Azerbaijan) OR29-39-1 ORGANIC CLAIMS BIAS LENIENCY JUDGMENTS Prada, Marilia (Portugal); Rodrigues, David; Garrido, Margarida V Social Psychology OR29-39-2 Feeling 'Clean and Fresh': Canadian Women's Motivations for Using Vaginal Hygiene Products Jenkins, Amanda (Canada); Crann, Sara; O'doherty, Kieran; Research Team, Vogue OR29-37-4 The Mediator Role of Human Strength between Egoistic Relative Deprivation and Subjective Well-Being Ozdemir, Fatih (Turkey); Islambay, Demet; Tekes, Burcu; Oner-ozkan, Bengi Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 421 Family and Community OR29-05-4 Emotional labor in the family setting: Impact of mothers' emotional regulations toward husband on child raising Sekiya, Daiki (Japan) Social Psychology OR29-05-1 Interconnection between types of teaching, learning motivation and senior pupils' anxiety Kussainova, Manshuk A (Kazakhstan); Mussina, Sara S (Kazakhstan); Torebekova, Elmira A (Kazakhstan); Kabekenov, Gabit U (Kyrgyzstan); Ayazbayeva, Nazerke G (Kazakhstan) OR29-05-2 Cheating Behavior Among High School Student in Yogyakarta: An Indigenous Approach Jamaluddin, Samudera F (Indonesia); Beryllia, Nurul A 5. Social OR29-05-3 SOCIAL SUPPORT AND RESILIENCE: PREDICTORS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING ON ADOLESCENTS WITH STRESSFUL LIFE EVENT Gonzalez Lugo, Sandybell (Mexico); Gaxiola Romero, Jose C; Valenzuela Hernandez, Edgar R; Rivera Sander, Martin A OR29-39-3 The different version of counterfactual potency predicting the formation of behavioral intention Nagaya, Kazuhisa (Japan) OR29-39-4 Same Meaning but Different Feelings: Different Expressions Influence Satisfaction in Social Comparison Song, Yi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xie, Xiaofei; Zhang, Hui OR29-39-5 The Impact of Brand Commitment on Brand Derogatory Attribution and Intergroup Attribution Bias Yuan, Zongzong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Weijun; Feng, Rui; Yang, Chun; Chen, Yushu OR29-39-6 THE MEANING OF LIFE BY ABDI DALEM KEPARAK KERATON NGAYOGYAK ARTA HADININGRAT: PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACH Indraswari, Candra (Indonesia); Sutarmanto, Hadi Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 423 Evolutionary Psychology OR29-24-1 Predicting Regional Variations of Nationalism with Online Expression of Disgust Emotion in China Chen, Hao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Gao, Shuqing; Lai, Kaisheng; Yue, Guo-an Teaching Psychology Forensic Psychology and Law OR29-05-5 Remaining sane during paradoxical learning experiences: Postgraduate Psychology students' coping strategies Groenewald, Johann P (Australia); Van Tonder, Christian L (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Henn, Carolina (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Abadi, Hossein A (Australia) OR29-24-6 Communication Characteristics of Testimonies by Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: The Effect of Borrowed Words Watanabe, Yuki (Japan); Ohashi, Yasushi OR29-05-6 Examining Teachers' Strategic Use of Unpleasant Emotional Expressions by Using Discursive Analysis Ishino, Mika T (Japan) 138 Social Psychology OR29-24-2 THE EFFECTS OF SYSTEM JUSTIFYING BELIEFS ON CORRUPTION PERCEPTION AND CORRUPT INTENTION Tan, Xuyun (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR29-24-3 How Individual Religious Fanaticism could be lasting? : A CaseStudy in Sarwodadi - Indonesia Wardani, Aulia K (Indonesia); Minza, Wenty M OR29-24-4 Does social face consciousness facilitate corruption? The role of moral disengagement and HonestyHumility Zhang, Heyun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Yan; Zhao, Huanhuan OR29-24-5 Norms influence differently adolescents' risky vs. safe behaviors: evidence from the road safety domain. Chaurand, Nadine (France); Cestac, Julien; Kraiem, Sami; Assailly, Jeanpascal; Burkhardt, Jean-marie Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 424B Culture OR29-63-3 Comparison of violence acceptance and kinds of assertiveness in a sample of Juarez students. Moreno- Cedillos, Alicia (Mexico); Juarezescobedo, Vania A Poverty OR29-63-4 Effectiveness of Social Programs Aimed at Combating Extreme Poverty in the County of Chihuahua, Mexico. Ordonez Parada, Ana Isabel (Mexico); Flores Morales, Carmen Romelia; Sanchez Acosta, Luis Raul; Viramontes Olivas, Oscar Alejandro OR29-63-5 Poverty and Psychology Poluektova, Olga V (Russia); Efremova, Maria V (Russia); Breugelmans, Seger M (Netherlands) Sexuality, LGBTI OR29-63-2 Social milieu and loneliness among rural gay/bisexual men: Improving accessibility as a means to better health Hubach, Randolph D (United States of America); Li, Michael J; Dodge, Brain OR29-63-6 Attitudes toward male samesex sexuality: A culturally-informed experimental mapping method in Japan and the United States Davis, Brian R (United States of America); Shimizu, Yuki (Japan) Social Psychology OR29-63-1 Self-Esteem, Loneliness, and Subjective Well-Being among People Experiencing Homelessness in Portugal Ferreira, Joaquim A (Portugal); Santos, Eduardo R; Figueiredo, Lara SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM O R 2 9 - 4 1- 6 A G G R E S I V E N E S S REVIEWED FROM LOCUS OF CONTROL AND ETHNIC Diwandana, Aliefia R (Indonesia); Suwoto, Annisafitri N; Norhidayah, Fauza Crime and Delinquency OR29-41-1 Effects of neighborhood commitment and atmosphere on antisociality mediated by collective efficacy: A multilevel study with stratified sampling Yoshizawa, Hiroyuki (Japan); Yoshida, Toshikazu; Nakajima, Makoto; Yoshida, Takuya; Ozeki, Miki; Harada, Chika Culture OR29-41-5 Are collectivists more interested in luxury? Evidence based on web search data from American 50 states Lai, Kaisheng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Hao; Sheng, Mingming; Yue, Guo-an Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 425 Gender and Sexuality OR29-57-1 Beauty and cosmetics: A qualitative inquiry into self identity of women De, Sonali (India) General OR29-57-2 Challenges to Psychological Science: Systemic Causes and Consequences Margraf, Jurgen (Germany) OR29-41-3 Emotion, Empathy, Sense of Patriotism and National Identity Relating to Public Attitudes towards International Aid in Australia Islam, Mir R (Australia); Lee, Rebecca A OR29-41-4 How do affect- and cognition-based trust influence personal estimate of group efficacy?: the moderating role of collectivism and power distance Huansuriya, Thipnapa (Thailand); Salazar, Maritza (United States of America) Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 425 Social Psychology OR29-57-4 Paradoxical Effects of Popular Self-help Materials: Examining the Effects of Positive Self-Statement on Mood Changes and Depression Stigma Yeung, June C (Hong Kong) Theoretical Psychology Frameworks of OR29-57-3 Is this still Julie? Study participants' use of proper names is not indicative of their intuitions about personal identity Dranseika, Vilius (Lithuania) Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 512 Gender and Sexuality OR29-27-1 Traumatic experiences in an adult life and the fertility rate in women Kucharska, Justyna (United Kingdom); Lojek, Emilia (Poland) Human Relationships Health Psychology OR29-57-5 DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, AND STRESS AMONG FEMALE INMATES Waldo, Alfred D (Philippines) Industrial and Psychology Ksenya S Organizational OR29-57-6 Influence of work-family conflict on health: A gender perspective. Grau-alberola, Ester (Spain); Gil-monte, Pedro R.; Figueiredo-ferraz, Hugo; Llorca Rubio, Jose L. Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 425 Social Psychology OR29-41-2 Social distance between Russian and Asian students of National Research Nuclear University Leonova, Elena V (Russia); Voznichuk, O R 2 9 - 2 7- 2 P E E R R E L AT I O N BETWEEN SENIOR AND JUNIOR STUDENTS AT AN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN INDONESIA Rahmawati, Atikah D (Indonesia); Minza, Wenty M OR29-27-3 The (B)ODD-Model Infidelity Hergert, Jane (Germany) of Psychology of Disaster OR29-27-4 Mental health outcomes and experiences of refugee and migrant women following exposure to xenophobic violence: a mixed methods study White, Janine A (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Henderson, Hester L Social Psychology OR29-27-5 Intimate Relationships, Family Structures, Mental Health and their relationships among Chinese Secondary Vocational School Students Shi, Qing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Weijun, Ma; Zhiwei, Deng; Rui, Feng OR29-27-6 Intergroup Attributional Bias in the Contrast Perspective of EnterpriseConsumer:In the viewpoint of implicit and explicit Ma, Yanni (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Weijun; Sun, Huiwen; Feng, Rui Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Behavioral Psychology OR29-11-2 PERSONAL INTEGRITY AS AN INDIVIDUAL ATRIBUTE: A STUDY AMONG ADULT IN INDONESIA Chandra, Istiani (Indonesia) OR29-11-3 Policies and attitudes to immigration in Australia and South Korea. Asudo Punjabi, Dinesh (Australia) OR29-11-5 Investigations on Workplace Diversity Militating against Workers' Efficiency in some Higher Institutions of Learning in Nigeria: Implications for Counselling Psychology Momoh, Grace O (Nigeria); Bahago, Beatrice A; Anakwe, Augustine I OR29-11-6 Motivation Of Change & Cure & Care Treatment in Malaysia Baba, Hadijah (Malaysia); Wan Sulaiman, Wan Shahrazad; Ibrahim, Fauziah; Sarnon, Norulhuda Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 513 Community Psychology OR29-60-1 Contextualizing Well-Being among Korean adolescents living in Japan: Effects of School, Family and Community Resources across Differing Contexts Sasao, Toshi (Japan); Hatta, Naoki; Homma, Tori OR29-60-3 Identifying Multi-Layered Sources of Well-being among Korean parents in Japan: A Test of the Life Resources Model for an Ethnic Minority Community Hatta, Naoki (Japan); Sasao, Toshiaki; Homma, Tori; Suzuki, Ai Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Crime and Delinquency OR29-11-1 Deterrence effects in juvenile antisocial behavior Frias Armenta, Martha (Mexico) 139 5. Social Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 425 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR29-11-4 Predictors of Recidivism among Japanese Male Criminals at Offender Rehabilitation Facilities Kishi, Kaori (Japan); Monma, Takafumi; Ozawa, Sakiko; Takeda, Fumi Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 513 Educational and School Psychology OR29-60-5 The Relationship between Psychological Capital and Student Engagement among College Student Prihatsanti, Unika (Indonesia); Ratnaningsih, Ika Zenita; Rusmawati, Diana; Prasetyo, Anggung Resdasari Race and Ethnicity OR29-60-6 Rapid evaluative tuning: The presence of external incentives for cooperation can reduce implicit race bias Lin, Shiang-yi (United States of America); Packer, Dominic J Sleep Psychology OR29-60-2 Collective self-esteem change in the face of group threaten:The role of national identity Hang, Lv (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Nian, Zhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ya, Xia Meng (United States of America) Social Psychology OR29-60-4 Expatriates Abroad: An Examination of the Effects of Personal Identities and Ethnic Group Status in a Sample of American Expats Craig-henderson, Kellina M (United States of America) the General Election of Regional Head Simultaneously in East Java, Indonesia Matulessy, Andik (Indonesia) OR29-61-5 Damning the Dam: Insights from Save the Narmada Movement in India Ravi, Ravi Shankar (India) OR29-61-6 The Study of Women Empowerment in local governance in India Kulkarni, Smita T (India); Natu, Sadhana Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center B1F 24 Behavioral Psychology OR29-15-2 Emotional Intelligence: Emotions and Leadership Fernandes, Jacksan J (India) Culture OR29-15-5 Javanese Muslim Women's Affective Who Face Ngelangkah Marriage (Preceded by Younger Sister's Marriage) and How to Overcome It Rahmadini, Shabrina F (Indonesia) Development OR29-15-4 Psychological Disorders, Resilience and Achievement in Science, Technology and Mathematics of Adolescents Affected by Bomb Blasts in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria Bahago, Beatrice A (Nigeria); Momoh, Grace O; Attah, Bala G; Ozoji, Bernadette E; Yohanna, Julius; Olusiyi, Leah A Forensic Psychology and Law 5. Social Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 514 Political Psychology OR29-15-3 CROSS CULTURAL GENDER BASED RESPONSES TOWARDS TRAUMATIC EVENTS IN POLICE WORK Naz, Sajida (Pakistan) OR29-61-1 Engagement at mass protest political action and geopolitical choice: East and West of Ukraine Naydonov, Mykhaylo (Ukraine); Naydonova, Lyubov A; Grygorovska, Liubov; Naydonova, Lyubov M OR29-15-1 Moderation Effect of Contact Conditions:A Study Among Turkish and Kurdish People in Turkey Guler, Meltem (Turkey) OR29-61-2 The traumatic destiny in the context of Latin America's dictatorships Endo, Paulo C (Brazil) Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E202 Diversity OR29-61-3 #SONA2014: Social Representations of the 2014 Philippine State of the Nation Address in 140 Characters Baquiano, Marshaley J (Philippines); Guilaran, Johnrev B OR29-16-1 Sex and gender diversity and its effects on innovation in the work environment Steyn, Renier (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Nel, Jo E OR29-61-4 The influence of political intelligence to the emergence of the political party constituent aggressiveness in 140 Social Psychology OR29-16-2 Stereotype Based Faultlines: The Effects of A Stereotypically Consistent Composition of Groups on Intergroup Relations Stanciu, Adrian (Germany) OR29-16-3 The Complementar y Knowledge and Spiritual Needs in Cultural Diversity and Religions; Phenomenological Study in "Studio Friend of The Child" (Sanggar Sahabat Anak) Muti'ah, Zakiyatul (Indonesia); Fariz, Muhammad Widodo; Mahpur, Mohammad; Fitri, Annisa; Retnosari, Anita Desi OR29-16-4 Young Javanese Adolescent Perspective on Sharing Religiosity Behavior on Social Media : An Indigenous Psychological Approach Laylicha, Agnes F (Indonesia) Social Psychology OR29-16-5 The role of Power Distance, collectivism / individualism determinants on justice perception among Indians Pandey, Vijyendra (India) OR29-16-6 The role of fathers in system justification Chua, Sook Ning (Malaysia); Philippe, Frederick L (Canada) Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Exhibition Hall E205 Arts OR29-66-5 When experts have a bad mood: effects of aesthetic experience and emotions in aesthetic judgement Chai, Fangyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yu, Feng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Peng, Kaiping (United States of America) Cognition OR29-66-2 Walking blindfolded unveils unique contributions of behavioural approach and inhibition to lateral spatial bias Weick, Mario (United Kingdom); Allen, John A; Vasiljevic, Milica; Yao, Bo Community Psychology OR29-66-3 Physicians attitudes toward suicide, criminalizing attempted suicide, and suicide prevention in Ghana Osafo, Joseph (Ghana); Akotia, Charity S (Ghana); Boakye, Kofi E (United Kingdom) Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E205 Crime and Delinquency OR29-33-6 Crime Detection Through Identifying Crime-Linked Indicators of Anxiety Donald, Craig H (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Corkill, Jeff (Australia) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Exhibition Hall E205 Emotion and school achievement Kiral Ucar, Gozde (Germany); Dalbert, Claudia Akmaral (Kazakhstan); Kamzanova, Altyngul (Kazakhstan); Satiyeva, Sholpan (Kazakhstan) OR29-66-1 Effects of Mood on Group Creative Performance Liou, Shyhnan (Taiwan); Leung, Ka-yee (Singapore); Tsai, Ming-hong (Singapore) PS25P-04-2 The association between individual-level social capital and suicidal ideation in Japan Aiba, Miyuki (Japan); Tachikawa, Hirokazu; Fukuoka, Yoshiharu; Arai, Tetsurou; Matsui, Yutaka PS25P-04-13 How psychology contributes to the enactment of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities: Suggestions for further studies in Japan Tagaki, Masakuni (Japan) PS25P-04-3 The effect of temporal distance on persuasion: Comparing construal-level theory and the elaboration likelihood model Ozaki, Taku (Japan) PS25P-04-14 Testing the status-legitimacy hypothesis in Chinese different social classes: The role of attribution for the gap between the rich and the poor Yang, Shenlong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Guo, Yongyu; Li, Jing; Hu, Xiaoyong; Shu, Shouli; Chen, Hanming; Bai, Jie Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E205 Psychology of Disaster OR29-33-1 Five Years of the Picturescue Movement: Restoring Lost Photographs Following the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Miyamae, Ryohei (Japan); Atsumi, Tomohide OR29-33-2 Group Dynamics of "Things" in the process of recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Atsumi, Tomohide (Japan) OR29-33-3 Experimental Study of Perceived Level of Seismic Intensity and Actual Seismic Motion by Using Minimotion Simulator Sugiyama, Takashi (Japan); Yamori, Katsuya; Goltz, James D OR29-33-4 An Empirical Study on the Influence of Social Attachment on Behavioral Response under Emergency Shihui, Chen (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR29-33-5 Two girls with Severe Weather Phobia who experienced the Earthquake Disaster in Fukushima during their infancy Katsumaru, Masako (Japan); Kikuchi, Shintaro; Katori, Naho; Tokita, Natsuko; Sakai, Michiko; Watanabe, Hisako Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Exhibition Hall E205 Social Psychology OR29-66-4 The pain of unfairness: The link between the sensitivity to physical pain and unfairness Haixia, Wang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xiaofei, Xie; Kefeng, Li Poster Presentation Monday, July 25, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Social Psychology PS25P-04-1 The personal belief in a just world, school related justice cognitions, PS25P-04-4 RESEARCH OF RISK BEHAVIOR OF HIV-AIDS TRANSMISSION IN HOMOSEXUALS LIVING WITH HIV / AIDS Sastre, Julia (Spain); Sanchez, Flor; Del Romero, Jorge; Rodriguez, Carmen PS25P-04-5 Acceptance of and collective action against wealth inequality: A moderated mediation analysis Cheng, Grand (Singapore); Chan, Darius (Hong Kong); Yeung, Dannii (Hong Kong) PS25P-04-6 Frequency of grooming the eyebrows and cosmetic consciousness in men Oda, Yayoi (Japan); Ueichi, Hideo; Kikuchi, Kenichi PS25P-04-7 Explaining is Believing: Causal Attributions of Accidents and Explanation Bias Miyamoto, Sousuke (Japan) PS25P-04-8 A study on the determinants of fund-raising action for disaster victims Nakajima, Makoto (Japan) PS25P-04-9 Going Beyond the Beauty - Trust Link: The Moderating Role of mood Zhao, Na (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25P-04-10 Effects of self-enhancing and self-verifying evaluations from close friends on college adjustments Taniguchi, Junichi (Japan) PS25P-04-11 Thinking about death increases temporal discounting: an fMRI study Yanagisawa, Kuniaki (Japan); Kashima, Emiko S (Australia); Shigemune, Yayoi (Germany); Nakai, Ryusuke (Japan); Abe, Nobuhito (Japan) PS25P-04-12 Psychological features of substance use adolescents in Kazakhstan Garber, Alena (Germany); Berdibayeva, Sveta (Kazakhstan); Baizhumanova, Bibianar (Kazakhstan); Zhumadilova, PS25P-04-15 Influence of easy arousal of collective guilt on ready complicity in bullying Nodera, Aya (Japan) PS25P-04-16 Need for Self-uniqueness Influences the Evaluations of Gender Counter-stereotypical People Tan, Kaihua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wen, Fangfang; Ye, Shujin; Tan, Xiao; Zuo, Bin PS25P-04-17 Research on Disputes between Labor and Management by Using Game Theory in China's Professional Sports Luo, Qi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Jingwen PS25P-04-18 The integrated model of Japanese emotional gratitude and emotional indebtedness in the receiving help scene Yoshino, Yuka (Japan); Aikawa, Atsushi Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Social Psychology PS25P-07-1 Relationship between the attitude toward "communication skills" and self-evaluations of social skills in Japanese undergraduate students. Watanabe, Asami M (Japan) PS25P-07-2 PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DECISION-MAKING POLICY IN A CONFLICT SITUATIONS AMONG UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEES Li, Yelena (Kazakhstan); Yeskendirova, Aishahan; Sardarova, Zhannat; Naurzalina, Danna; Zhantureyeva, Aigul; Mikheyeva, Anna; Varisova, Sayara PS25P-07-3 The effects of disclosing conflict of interest on consultation: A comparative study of voluntary and mandatory disclosure 141 5. Social OR29-66-6 The Psychological Underpinnings of Malaysian Chinese Aversion to Cats: A Qualitative Study Yap, Ginny S. L. (Malaysia); Tee, Eugene Yj SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Kim, Namho (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Chung, Kyong-mee PS25P-07-4 Does the ambiguity of social norms facilitate conformity? Field experiments on escalators Daiku, Yasuhiro (Japan); Agata, Ako; Fa, Hui; Ioku, Tomohiro; Shimizu, Kazunori; Imamura, Yuki; Masataka, Morio; Kunisu, Souma; Ohnishi, Keiko; Tamenori, Ayumi; Tokai, Ryo; Kugihara, Naoki PS25P-07-5 Communal identification for uncer tainty reduction regarding relationships Terashima, Yuto (Japan); Takai, Jiro PS25P-07-6 Relationship between Preference of Internet Service and Internet Addiction in Adolescents: the Moderation Effect of Region Wu, Gongan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jin, Shenghua; Yu, Quanlei PS25P-07-7 The effects of perspectivetaking versus empathy in negotiation: Combining with negotiator's power and payoff structure Au, Al (Singapore); Tam, Kim-pong (Hong Kong) PS25P-07-8 Power and Regret Yang, Liu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Dou, Donghui PS25P-07-9 A Comparative Study of Over-adaptation Tendency and Social Support in Japan and China Wang, Xiao (Japan) PS25P-07-10 Residential mobility and personality traits can predict autonomy: A micro- and macro-level perspective Asano, Ryosuke (Japan) PS25P-07-11 Values and Hostile Intent Attribution to Out-Groups within China and Japan Relations: Huang, Lihua (Japan); Nawata, Kengo; Miyajima, Takeru; Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki 5. Social PS25P-07-12 Diversity of social adversity -Severity, the ease of recuperation, and benefit-finding Takahashi, Sachiko (Japan); Ando, Kiyoshi; Ohshima, Takashi; Horike, Kazuya PS25P-07-13 The influence of nationality on facial impression Yasugi, Kazuto (Japan); Mori, Kumiko PS25P-07-14 The Influences of Sympathy and Compassion on the prosocial Behavior Sensui, Kiyoshi (Japan) PS25P-07-15 Study of the interpersonal relationships of individuals with a dual 142 pathology, residents in a therapeutic community Isidro, Ana-isabel (Spain); Gonzalez, Noelia PS25P-07-16 Differences between self and peer ratings: Effects of abstraction level and social desirability of questionnaire items in Big Five personality tests Sekizuka, Mayu (Japan); Kimura, Eiji PS25P-07-17 Does symmetrical layout promote not only perceived relevance to a topic but also understanding of the topic? Takeda, Mia (Japan) PS25P-07-18 Effects of repetitive announcements of the same information during a traffic disturbance on railway passengers' emotion Kikuchi, Fumitoshi (Japan); Yamauchi, Kana PS25P-07-19 Preferences for Signs Used to Deter Socially Inconsiderate Behaviors Depend on Relational Mobility Tomono, Satoko (Japan) PS25P-07-20 How changes in temporal distance affect prediction of an actor's future behavior based on spontaneous trait inferences Taniguchi, Yuri (Japan); Ikegami, Tomoko Monday, July 25, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Social Psychology PS25P-11-1 Individual Adaptability and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Social Support Zhou, Mi (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25P-11-2 Men Seek Power, Women Seek Relationships: Different Mediators bet ween Social Exclusion and Stereotyping Zhu, Wenqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Bin; Xiao, Renfei; Tan, Xiao; Dai, Taotao PS25P-11-3 The progressive cycle of tertiary industry migrant workers` city experience: discoveries from a qualitative study Wang, Na (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qiang, Li PS25P-11-4 Self uncertainty motivates group identification Akasu, Daisuke (Japan) PS25P-11-5 The effects of the growth mindset on two types of envy toward carrier women Tado'oka, Yoshika (Japan); Ishii, Kunio; Kato, Juri; Karasawa, Kaori PS25P-11-6 Self-uncertainty and group identification of Guild : group norms as the moderator Xu, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Qiang PS25P-11-7 The effect of own and the other's self-esteem on self-disclosure Shinada, Mizuho (Japan) PS25P-11-8 Basking in Relationship Glory: The Secondary Reflection Process Strategy in Maintaining a Positive Self-Evaluation Pierce, Nathan (Japan); Isozaki, Mikitoshi PS25P-11-9 The relation between Transmission intention of the risk information and assumed attitude of others Shiotani, Takamasa (Japan); Tsuchida, Shoji; Nakagawa, Yuri PS25P-11-10 Effects of third-party perspective taking on social comparison: The difference between a best friend and an acquaintance. Okubo, Nobutoshi (Japan); Shimoda, Shunsuke PS25P-11-11 Metacognitive groupreflexive mechanisms of attitude change Naydonova, Lyubov M (Ukraine) PS25P-11-12 Multiple Pathways of Integration model Contained Cognition and Emotion Factors for Collective Actions Liuzhan, Jia (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25P-11-13 The effect of peer group similarity on individual relationship satisfaction with one's peer group Kira, Yugo (Japan); Okamoto, Takuya; Ogata, Akiko PS25P-11-14 Structuring College Students' Social Competences Acquisition Process - How do education majoring students make different career decisions? Iseri, Mai (Japan); Kawamura, Shigeo PS25P-11-15 Victims and Survivors of Natural Disasters: The Race and Gender of the Perceived and the Perceivers Matter Louis, Elizabeth F (United States of America); Stewart, Alan PS25P-11-16 AN INTERNET-ADDICTION AMONG YOUNG AGE Gazizova, Kamilya (Kazakhstan); Aktaeva, Nadiya; Tastanova, Aygerim; Baishukurova, Anara; Satybaldina, Nazym; Makeeva, Zhazira PS25P-11-17 Psychological essentialism and group perceptions Asai, Nobuko (Japan) PS25P-11-18 Antecedent conditions of SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS25P-11-19 Testing the basic premises of the Evaluation Model of Normative Appeals (EMNA) Salgado, Sergio (Chile); Gonzalez-suhr, Carolina (Chile); Oceja, Luis (Spain); Beramendi, Maite (Argentina) PS25P-11-20 Paradoxical effects of social exclusion on intertemporal choice: Ostracism promotes rational choices in time discounting and preference reversal tasks Ozaki, Yuka (Japan); Kaneko, Michihiro PS25P-11-21 Attitude Towards Supervision in Business Education of Supervisor Training in Latvia Zakrizevska, Maija (Latvia) PS25P-11-22 Police officers' Psychosocial Job Characteristics and General Mental Health Hansson, Jonas (Sweden); Hurtig, Annakarin; Lauritz, Lars-erik; Padyab, Mojgan PS25P-11-23 Doctor-Patient Trust: Concept, Developmental Stages, and Integrated Framework Wang, Cong Heidi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Xinjian PS25P-11-24 Perception of emotions and traits in human and bunraku puppet faces: Are they related to perceiver's selfesteem, aggression, and empathy? Oe, Tomoko (Japan); Hosoda, Akihiro; Shizuo, Gotou PS25P-11-25 The study on the relationship among implicit identity, self-stigma and aggression between migrant workers and curbanians Zhang, Shuhua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Jingjing; Jiang, Xinghong PS25P-11-26 Attitudes toward Guanxi and Effects of Social Dominance Orientation and Right-wing Authoritarianism Wang, Tulips Yiwen (Macao); Bernardo, Allan B. I PS25P-11-27 Trait self-esteem does not moderate the effect of mortality salience on cultural worldview defense and fear in Japan: Cultural differences between Europe and Asia. Toya, Akihiro (Japan); Nakashima, Kenichiro; Morinaga, Yasuko Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 09:40 Exhibition Hall Poster5 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS25A-04-13 The Double-Edged Sword of Virtue: Individuals with Prosocial Reputations are Punished More Harshly for their Selfish Acts Li, Sai (United Kingdom); Kogan, Alex; Levy, Eric PS25A-04-38 What is the Role of Parents in the Establishment of Aggressive Behavior and Self-Identity of Adolescence? Rozi, Fahrul (Indonesia); Yuliawati, Reny; Sholehah, Sholehah Aging PS25A-04-25 Depression of Left Behind and Non Left Behind Elderly in Rural China Tang, Dan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Lin PS25A-04-34 Education in the "third age" as a factor of social adaptation of retired Boyko, Zlata (Russia) Behavioral Psychology PS25A-04-41 Investigate the origin of the components of self-determination theory in naturalism thought Mehdipour Maralani, Farnaz (Iran); Hoseini, Afzal Sadat PS25A-04-45 Influencing Factors of Adolescents Smoking Park, Young Ok (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Tak, Young Ran Community Psychology PS25A-04-17 COMMUNITY DISORDER IN RELATION TO PARENTING AND PARENT-CHILD INTERACTIONS IN A LOW-INCOME COMMUNITY IN SOUTH AFRICA Jacobs, Liezille J (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS25A-04-8 Views of University students regarding campus mental health services: A qualitative study conducted at a rural University Mphephu, Khathutshelo E (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Madzhie, Mpho Decision Making PS25A-04-5 Mindfulness meditation and addictive behaviors Li, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Fuming PS25A-04-22 Influence of Proposer's Facial Trustwothiness on Risk Decision Making Qi, Yue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Du, Feng; Liu, Xun; Zhang, Kan PS25A-04-24 Experience-based and described-base decision-making of Allais Paradox Liu, Tengfei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Fuming; Ma, Hongyu; Ding, Qian PS25A-04-33 Factors associated with family surrogate's decision satisfaction of end-of-Life care for nursing home residents with dementia in northern Taiwan Huang, Hsiu-li (Taiwan) Diversity PS25A-04-27 Preference Awareness in the negotiation preparation of diverse teams to foster joint priorities Thiemann, Daniel (Germany); Engelmann, Tanja; Hesse, Friedrich W Family and Community PS25A-04-12 Child partial self-esteem as a cause ofpositive parental feelings Padurina, Elena (Russia); Basimov, Mikhail PS25A-04-43 Positive feelings in the family and their expression amongmothers and fathers Padurina, Elena (Russia); Basimov, Mikhail Gender and Sexuality PS25A-04-7 Muslim and Christian Perceptions on the Gender Division of Labour in Indonesia Sari, Almonika C (Indonesia) PS25A-04-14 Factors contributing to adolescent learners' non-adherence to HIV/AIDS prevention programme in South African schools Mapangwana, Neziwe N (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) PS25A-04-29 IDEAL WOMAN IMAGE IN KAZAKHSTAN Tolegenova, Aliya (Kazakhstan); Naurzalina, Danna; Sadykova, Nazira; Umbetova, Akbota; Sutyeyeva, Maira; Aimaganbetova, Olga PS25A-04-32 Colorism and Gendered Identities: An Exploration of Skin Bleaching among Jamaican Men Robinson, Petra A (United States of America) 143 5. Social pluralistic ignorance: An experimental investigation on preference estimation and normative behavior Iwatani, Shuma (Japan); Muramoto, Yukiko SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Harassment and Trauma PS25A-04-15 Preliminary insights from the Harassment and Revenge Porn (HARP) Survey Short, Emma (United Kingdom); Barnes, Jim Human Relationships PS25A-04-36 The Relationship among College Students Loneliness WeChat Moment Use and Self-disclosure Wei, Shengnan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zou, Hong Industrial and Psychology Organizational PS25A-04-3 Dissolving past inconsistencies: Workplace conflict's impact on performance depends on its short-term affective consequences. Mauersberger, Heidi J (Germany); Hess, Ursula PS25A-04-9 Unfairness and Envy: Which is the Fact?Chinese Prosocial Behavior in ComparisonSituations Wendian, Shi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xiujun, Li Media and Psychology PS25A-04-31 The Relationship between Narcissistic Personality,Cyberbullying and Social Status Insecurity among Chinese Adolescents Niu, Lu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lei, Li; Gai, Xiaoran; Xie, Xiaochun Personality PS25A-04-16 Age peculiarities of time perception in different generations context Alona, Korniseva (Latvia) Race and Ethnicity 5. Social PS25A-04-1 Psychological analisys of social distance level among youth in postconflict regions Boguslavskaya, Victoria F (Russia); Grishina, Anastasia V Social Psychology PS25A-04-2 The Life Meaningfulness of Students Who Take An Active Part in Student Self-Management Trushina, Irina (Russia); Vsemirnova, Yuliya; Ovchinnikov, Mikhail PS25A-04-4 Adonization as a technique to influence using physical attractiveness and its individual determinants Mandal, Eugenia (Poland) 144 PS25A-04-6 When human is less human? Taking agent perspective leads to dehumanization Frankowska, Natalia (Poland); Wojciszke, Bogdan PS25A-04-10 Status and characteristics of contemporary preschool teachers' work value in China Zhang, Jianren (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Qin, Qiwen; Xia, Yu PS25A-04-11 The Effects of Moral SelfRegulation on Prosocial Intention and Age Effect Chen, Liang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Wen PS25A-04-18 Coping and social support in a group of migrant farmworkers in Mexico. Morales Trujillo, Graciela (Mexico) PS25A-04-19 Negative Meta-Stereotypes and the Evaluation of Intergroup Helping: The Role of System Justification Belief Zhang, Lange (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Aidi, Ma; Wang, Lei; Kou, Yu PS25A-04-20 How attachment might influence and predict the social identity of online video game group Tan, Hua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Qiang; Xu, Wei PS25A-04-21 An Examination of Goal Systems from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective Cheung, Susanna (Canada); Pelletier, Luc G PS25A-04-23 Information Processing Scope: The Effect of Antisocial versus Prosocial Lyrics on Widening and Narrowing of Information Processing Triplett, Andrew (United States of America); Shah, Mehul PS25A-04-26 Can Success Offset Negative Evaluation of CounterStereotypes? Depends on Your Gender Wang, Miao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wen, Fangfang; Sun, Shan; Zuo, Bin; Liu, Ke; Liu, Guoqi PS25A-04-28 Comparison of psychological well-being among novice, proficient, and expert teachers in China Zhang, Jianren (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Ying; Ling, Hui; Li, Hao; Xia, Yu PS25A-04-30 Scientific and theoretical analyze of socialization problem in psychology Almas, Toksanbaev (Kazakhstan); Alimbayeva, Saule; Toleshova, Ulmeken; Kuanali, Maira; Ussenova, Sandugash; Stybayeva, Aigul; Toxanbayeva, Nurgul PS25A-04-35 Youth' features of Social Status Perception Fedotova, Svetlana (Russia); Folomeeva, Tatiana V PS25A-04-37 Social cues and frame effect in risky decision among Chinese undergraduates Zhang, Yinling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Qin; Cao, Baohua; Liu, Na; Chen, Zhaoyun; Zhang, Xinwei PS25A-04-39 Knowledge and behaviors regarding HIV-AIDS in adolescents in the city of Beira in Mozambique Maloa, Benvindo S (Mozambique) PS25A-04-40 Empirical Analysis on the Optimum Dimensions Structure of Chinese University Teachers' Professional Psychological Capital Li, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25A-04-42 Transference in the nursepatient relationship : a case report on prostate cancer suffering from transference syndrome Wang, Min Chia M (Taiwan); Shu, Chan Chang; Wen, Tsung Huang PS25A-04-44 Social Network sites use and self-objectification in young adults: the moderating role of contingencies of self-worth Sun, Xiaoqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hou, Yubo PS25A-04-46 The Relationship among implicit self-esteem, explicit self-esteem and social anxiety of Chinese University students Zhu, Amin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ling, Hui Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Community Psychology PS26A-08-2 Study of Dynamics between Collective and Autobiographical Memories - A case of "Distanced Remembering" on an Assimilation Policy Nohara, Miyuki (Japan) PS26A-08-8 Exploratory study of skills for promoting community activities in Japan Takahashi, Naoya (Japan) PS26A-08-11 Analysis of influence of communication styles on belongingness of community members Komatsu, Kyoko (Japan); Oto, Tomoko; Niida, Sumaru SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS26A-08-23 Analysis of the relationship between belongingness and investment cost in a hobby community Oto, Tomoko (Japan); Komatsu, Kyoko; Niida, Sumaru PS26A-08-27 COMMUNITY VIOLENCE AND HOPELESSNESS IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Gurrola, Gloria (Mexico); Balcazar, Patricia; Garay, Julieta; Esparza, Oscar; Luis, Oliva; Estrada, Elizabeth PS26A-08-28 Study on Addiction from Approach to Playing Games on Smartphones Miyamoto, Koki (Japan); Kato, Shogo; Ito, Hiromi; Ito, Ryuichi Diversity PS26A-08-12 Professional orientation as a factor of struggling to the professional ideal Yertargynkyzy, Dinara (Kazakhstan); Akhmetova, Gulnas; Mukasheva, Anar; Algozhaeva, Nursulu PS26A-08-13 Family: Experiences and meanings of adult children of same-sex couples from Puerto Rico Irizarry-robles, Carol Y (Puerto Rico) PS26A-08-17 Diagnosis research competence of future social teacher Zhexembinova, Ainur (Kazakhstan) PS26A-08-31 Factors affecting Japanese teenagers' aspiration for human coexistence: focusing on experiences at their home and school Esumi, Shuko (Japan) Social Brain PS26A-08-7 Involvement of oxytocin system in sociability impairment of juvenile social isolation rats Tanaka, Kenjiro (Japan); Osako, Yoji; Tomita, Koichi; Takahashi, Kou; Yuri, Kazunari PS26A-08-15 Response to social calls is affected by lesions of nucleus taeniae of the amygdala in Birds Ikebuchi, Maki (Japan); Bischof, Hansjoachim (Germany); Okanoya, Kazuo (Japan) PS26A-08-25 Slow maturation of selfface specific channel in human inferior temporal gyrus Morita, Tomoyo (Japan); Saito, Daisuke N; Ban, Midori; Shimada, Koji; Okamoto, Yuko; Kosaka, Hirotaka; Okazawa, Hidehiko; Asada, Minoru; Naito, Eiichi PS26A-08-29 Perceived personality traits of others affect the neural functional connectivity underlying inequity aversion Nakatani, Hironori (Japan); Kazuo, Okanoya PS26A-08-30 Meeting Two Minds: False Belief Processing for Two instead of One False Belief Ozdem, Ceylan (Belgium); Brass, Marcel; Van Der Cruyssen, Laurens; Schippers, Arjen; Van Overwalle, Frank PS26A-08-33 Attention to sings of inclusion influences on reducing social pain. Izaki, Tsubasa (Japan); Ogawa, Keiko Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 09:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Social Psychology PS26A-01-1 A Study about the Relationship among Metacognition, Social Adaptation and Life Events in Adolescents Zhang, Zhikun (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26A-01-2 Effects of primary and secondary control on coping with interpersonal stress Fukuno, Mitsuteru (Japan) PS26A-01-3 A comparative study of the effect of animistic thinking on hoarding tendency between Japan and the United States Ikeuchi, Hiromi (Japan) PS26A-01-4 The effect of moral licensing on corruption: Group membership as a moderator Cheng, Qi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Yan; Ke, Yannan; Yu, Miao PS26A-01-5 The Impact of Crosscategorization on Stereotyping: The Interaction Between In-group Favoritism and One-dimensional Stereotype Yan, Lei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Bin; Liu, Guoqi; Tan, Kaihua; Ye, Shujin; Deng, Juan PS26A-01-6 I Am Not Going to Make It. Go On Without Me: The Joint Impact of Value Orientation and Self-Representation on Exit Behavior in Workgroups Cha, Young-jae (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Choi, Hoon-seok PS26A-01-7 The Influence of Metastereotype in Japan and China Gao, Yuan (Japan) PS26A-01-8 The mediation effect of present caregiver attachment function on the association between early childhood attachment and self-acceptance abilities among older adolescents Hokao, Ayuko (Japan); Ikegami, Tomoko PS26A-01-9 Residential Mobility Impedes Self-Control Zhou, Xinyue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Wuming (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Cao, Shangqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Vohs, Kathleen D (United States of America); Baumeister, Roy F (United States of America) PS26A-01-10 The effects of independent and interdependent self-construal on perceived inconsiderate behavior on train: A comparative study between Japanese and Chinese students. Niida, Kumiko (Japan); Huang, Menghe; Yano, Tatsuhito; Zhu, Ping; Chen, Tong; Sato, Hiroshi; Kushizaki, Masashi PS26A-01-11 Apology repairing trust: the mediation role of emotion Ma, Fengling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, Zhenfen; Xu, Fen PS26A-01-12 The Functional Significance of Crossed-Categorization of Social vs. Natural Group Song, Jingjing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Bin; Cai, Fu; Zhu, Wenqi PS26A-01-13 The prediction of school bullying through Social Identity Theory Gaviria, Elena (Spain); Bustillos, Antonio; Silvan, Prado; Morales, Francisco PS26A-01-14 Paper fortune affects our life satisfaction in the past but not in the future Watanabe, Tomoya (Japan); Arihara, Katsuhiko; Kimura, Mariko; Ariga, Atsunori; Nishida, Kimiaki PS26A-01-15 The more stereotypic, the more Retweets: How linguistic abstractness and stereotypicality influence information transmission on Twitter Tanaka, Yuri (Japan); Karasawa, Minoru; Miyamoto, Sosuke PS26A-01-16 Examining the Causal Relationship between Socail Capital Factors and Perceived Security in Neighborhood Setting Kota, Tamai (Japan); Fujita, Hidenori PS26A-01-17 Measuring Shared Knowledge with Group False Memory (2) Arima, Yoshiko (Japan) PS26A-01-18 Knowledge is Money: Financial Value and Psychological Consequences of Cultural Capital 145 5. Social PS26A-08-16 Evaluation of "environmental reconstruction" and social networks following the Great East Japan Earthquake through an online survey conducted in Iwate Prefecture Maeda, Hiroe (Japan); Matsuno, Shotaro; Watanabe, Satoshi SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Yu, Feng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Kaiping, Peng PS26A-01-19 Research of Attitudes towards Alcohol Using Implicit and Explicit Methods Plotka, Irina (Latvia); Blumenau, Nina; Igonin, Dmitry; Krasone, Svetlana; Bondarevska, Iraida PS26A-01-20 Why young people feel difficult to consult their Net trouble to others ? Kojima, Yayoi (Japan) PS26A-01-21 Differences in accuracy of person perception between blindness students and sighted students Lee, Si Hyung (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Jung, Taeyun PS26A-01-22 Help-seekers consider help-givers: Effects of the help-givers' negative feelings and costs on help-seeking behavior Takegahara, Yasuko (Japan); Ambo, Hideo PS26A-01-23 Threat of evaluation from others on psychophysiological responses when waiting to make a speech Yoshizawa, Eri (Japan) PS26A-01-24 The relationship between quantity of information contact and public evaluation of volunteer probation officers to promote understanding for social reintegration support Sanai, Sato (Japan); Ueichi, Hideo PS26A-01-25 Tourists motivation and memories of positive or negative experiences Okamoto, Takuya (Japan) PS26A-01-26 Does Benevolent Sexism moderate the effect of power posing on self-esteem for women? Numazaki, Makoto (Japan); Matsuzaki, Keisuke 5. Social PS26A-01-27 Comparison of attachment styles using text mining in prisoner's dilemma game behavior with a Tit For Tat strategy Annen, Yasumasa (Japan) PS26A-01-30 The Effect of Moral Judgment on Mass Incident Intention Shu, Shou-li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Guo, Yong-yu PS26A-01-31 The effect of recalled behavior on one's moral judgment: Does recalling utilitarian immoral behavior lead people to judge others immorally? Haruta, Yuka (Japan); Higuchi, Masataka PS26A-01-32 The liberals' dilemma: Effects of negative meta-stereotypes on intergroup anxiety Kobayashi, Tomoyuki (Japan); Masanori, Oikawa PS26A-01-33 Effects of intra- and intergroup interaction on group reality formation: A computer-based SIMINSOC game study. Kakimoto, Toshikatsu (Japan); Ando, Kaori; Hosono, Fumio PS26A-01-34 The New Blood Donation Action Suggested Through the Future Session-An Example of the Co-operation withMiyazakiRedCrossBloodDonationCenterYamada, Kyoko (Japan); Ideyama, Minoru PS26A-01-35 Why caregivers do not use resources for their child-rearing? Imai, Akihito (Japan); Ito, Atsushi PS26A-01-36 Reliability and Validity of the Trial Procedural Justice Questionnaire in an Imitate Circumstance Wu, Lin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26A-01-37 Cultural differences of dyadic interactive nonverbal behaviour in Chinese and Australian Cohorts Huang, Jia (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26A-01-38 Predicting behavioral intentions from affect and stereotypes: A replication in an interpersonal context Clemente, Jose Antonio R. (Philippines); Bernardo, Allan B. I (Macao) PS26A-01-39 Influence of the Ambivalence attitude to the self-regulation. Lin, Hui-tzu (Taiwan); Sun, Chien-ru PS26A-01-28 General trust and preference of universalistic versus parochial partners Inoue, Yukako (Japan); Kiyonari, Toko; Saito, Atsuko; Hasegawa, Toshikazu PS26A-01-40 A Comparative Study on the Psychological Trait and Social Behavior of College Students in Japan-China Shi, Guirong (Japan); Inoue, Shiichiro PS26A-01-29 Does overt head movement validate priming effect on person perception? Morikawa, Kenta (Japan); Numazaki, Makoto PS26A-01-41 The effect of sleepiness on moral judgement Kimura, Marino (Japan); Higuchi, Masataka 146 PS26A-01-42 ADJUSTMENT TO DIVORCE: EVALUATION OF A COMMUNITY GROUP INTERVENTION PROGRAM Slanbekova, Gulnara (Kazakhstan); Kabakova, Maira; Aplashova, Arna; Axakalova, Zhanna; Iskakova, Mira PS26A-01-43 Modulation of eye contactfrequency by social crowding: a mobile eye-tracking study Maran, Thomas (Austria); Furtner, Marco; Campidell, Thomas; Varesco Kager, Nora; Sachse, Pierre PS26A-01-44 Processing Priority for One's Own Birthday Shen, Chaoran (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Yan PS26A-01-45 Psychological features of aggressive reactions among adolescents with deviant behaviour Garber, Alena (Germany); Berdibayeva, Sveta (Kazakhstan); Mursaliyeva, Agaisha (Kazakhstan); Belzhanova, Kulzhamila (Kazakhstan); Akbembetov, Bulat (Kazakhstan); Kassymova, Roza (Kazakhstan) PS26A-01-46 The Changing process of the Attitude toward University Club Activities Takada, Haruki (Japan) PS26A-01-47 Who tweets negative things about themselves? Effects of selfesteem and reassurance seeking on the tweets in the twitter Hasegawa, Koji (Japan) PS26A-01-48 Motivations for manipulating others: An attempt to conceptualize Kikawa, Satomi (Japan) PS26A-01-49 A Research on the Determinants of Adolescents' Conscience Zeng, Lianping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yan, Liangshi; Zhao, Shouying; Zeng, Chuikai; Luo, Jie; Chen, Wei PS26A-01-50 Influence of Eudaimonia and Hedonia for well-being in Japan Terasaka, Taito (Japan) PS26A-01-51 The effect of leadership and openness of organization on maltreatment in early childhood educational institution. Uemura, Zentaro (Japan) PS26A-01-52 A Simulation Study on Collective Opinion Dynamics in Percolation Network Shibuya, Kazuhiko (Japan) PS26A-01-53 Classification of stereotypes about female based on their dominance Yamamoto, Mana (Japan); Oka, Takashi SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS26A-01-55 Validity of the SingleTarget Implicit Association Test (ST-IAT) for Measuring Shyness Sawaumi, Takafumi (Japan); Fujii, Tsutomu (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Aikawa, Atsushi (Japan) PS26A-01-56 Stereotypes content in Spanish public libraries users: dimensions of morality, sociability and competence Cuadrado, Isabel (Spain); Cervantes, Luisa; Navas, Marisol PS26A-01-57 The perception of deception in daily life of Japanese university students using a daily diary method Murai, Jun'ichiro (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Social Psychology PS26A-04-1 Exploring elements of disaster prevention consciousness: Based on interviews with disaster prevention professionals Shimazaki, Kan (Japan); Ozeki, Miki; Yi, Taiyoung; Usuda, Yuichiro China)); Bo, Jin (United States of America) PS26A-04-6 The factors that increase work motivation of students working part-time Kokubo, Midori (Japan) PS26A-04-7 Why do extroverts feel more positive affect and life satisfaction?: The indirect effect of social contribution and sense of power Takebe, Masataka (Japan); Murata, Koji PS26A-04-8 Predictors of Retention in Longitudinal Study - MIDJA (Midlife in the Japan) longitudinal survey case Nakajima, Reiko (Japan); Karasawa, Mayumi PS26A-04-9 Social Exclusion and Social Inclusion: The experiments on the impacts of isolation and inclusion towards emotions and behaviors Tai, Shen Feng (Taiwan) PS26A-04-10 Effect of companion animals on decreasing free-riding behavior in a public-goods game Hayashi, Mikiya (Japan); Nose, Izuru; Irimajiri, Mami; Kakinuma, Miki; Masamoto, Kaori; Tuchida, Asami PS26A-04-11 Effects of the self-leader and perceived peer-leader relationships on one's leader-evaluation. Morishita, Yusuke (Japan); Taniguchi, Junichi PS26A-04-2 Do more job choices increase the burden of job hunting in university students? Tabata, Naoya (Japan) PS26A-04-12 Accounting for Time Activating Economic Utility Mindsets Li, Jibo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Yingying PS26A-04-3 Self-favoring or self-deprecating? Self-construal priming modulates the effects of social threat on self-evaluation Zhang, Tianyang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xi, Sisi; Zhang, Ming; Wu, Yanhong PS26A-04-13 Effects of relationship liquidity and personal beliefs on judgment of altruistic norms as ought or ideal: An insight into variations in moral norms Uehara, Yoriko (Japan) PS26A-04-4 Thinking as friends facilitates memory for friends Qian, Haoyue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Dong, Rong; Gao, Xiangping PS26A-04-5 Parent Purchase Behavior and Unhealthy Information Dissemination as Moderators of the Relationship between Sensation Seeking and Lottery Purchase Intention in Adolescent Students Luo, Xiaobing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Na (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shi, Wenwen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Lian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Bin (China (People's Repbulic of PS26A-04-14 THE PROBLEM OF VALUE ORIENTATIONS OF THE MODERN YOUTH Baishukurova, Anara (Kazakhstan); Bassybekova, Kulyash PS26A-04-15 Prejudices and gender stereotypes in the Spanish society today Isidro, Ana-isabel (Spain); Alvarez, Maria PS26A-04-16 Effects of empathy on hearing people's perception of the difficulties hearing-impaired people face in daily life Nabata, Yasuyuki (Japan); Nabata, Ritsuko; Kurita, Tokika; Katsuya, Noriko PS26A-04-17 On peculiarities of person's manifestation need and motivational sphere at the computer addiction Sadvakasova, Zuhra (Kazakhstan); Khasen, Gulmira; Taubaeva, Shargul; Rogacheva, Irina PS26A-04-18 The name-letter effect in the Latin alphabet, hiragana, and katakana Tsuda, Hisamitsu (Japan) PS26A-04-19 Effects of moderately positive life extension on perceived desirability of gain or loss stories Fujishima, Yoshitsugu (Japan) PS26A-04-20 The second condition of the Successful psychopath; The moderating effects of work environment to association between psychopathic traits and achievement in the Japanese work place. Yanagida, Munetaka (Japan); Fuji, Kei PS26A-04-21 Loneliness and thermal sense: Do lonely people prefer warmth? Kudo, Eriko (Japan) PS26A-04-22 Characteristics of understanding of oneself and partner in interpersonal interaction by persons with manipulative tendencies Ryumshina, Liubov (Russia) PS26A-04-23 Investigating the effects of self-compassion and self-esteem on coping strategies and stress-related growth Miyagawa, Yuki (Japan); Taniguchi, Junichi Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Social Psychology PS26A-08-1 The Role of Gratitude between Social Support and Loneliness: Mediator or Moderator He, An-ming (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hui, Qiu-ping PS26A-08-3 Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct on an Image of Role of Elderly Nurse at Super-aging Society in Japan Gorai, Kazuko (Japan); Yamazaki, Mayako; Naito, Tetsuo PS26A-08-4 The Study of Relationship among Social Responsibility,Perfectionism and Self-identity of Chinese College Students under One-child Policy Li, Mingyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Feng, Jing PS26A-08-5 Differences in neural responses to the self under mortality threat between Christians and atheists Fan, Xiaoyue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Han, Shihui PS26A-08-6 What are the names of your group and the enemy's group? Labeling in 147 5. Social PS26A-01-54 How Psychological Distance Influence Aesthetical Judgment Han, Ji (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Tang, Shi (United Kingdom); Yu, Feng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Han, Tingting (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chai, Fangyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM intergroup conflicts. Teraguchi, Tsukasa (Japan); Kugihara, Naoki Nagamine, Masato (Japan); Toyama, Miki; Miwa, Shuhei; Tang, Li; Aikawa, Atsushi PS26A-08-9 How do the wrongdoing gravity and level of publicity affect whistleblowing behavior? Yoshida, Sho (Japan); Kugihara, Naoki Tuesday, July 26, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Culture PS26A-08-10 Association between interpersonal trust, reciprocity, and suicidal behaviors: a longitudinal cohort study in South Korea Kim, Ja Young (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Seung-sup PS26A-08-14 Beliefs about gender roles among adolescent students of Muktangan schools in Mumbai Fernandes, Malvika E (India); Fernandes, Malvika PS26P-06-1 Differences in intercultural adjustment between voluntary and involuntary migration: Focusing on Japanese domestic migrants living in Okinawa Maemura, Naoka (Japan); Kato, Junzo PS26P-06-3 Normality at a Social Comparison: International Comparative Study between the United States and Japan Kuroishi, Norihiro (Japan); Sano, Yoriko PS26A-08-19 Youth' features of Social Status Perception Folomeeva, Tatiana V (Russia); Fedotova, Svetlana V PS26P-06-15 DO TRADITION CHINESE CULTURE MAKE A DIFFERENT IN TERMS OF ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION IN THOSE SOUTH EAST ASEAN CHINESE? SAMPLE FROM SECONDARY SCHOOL'S STUDENT OF CHINA MAIN LAIN AND MALAYSIA. Yee Yen, Tham (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Risheng; Liu, Xiang Ping PS26A-08-20 Does thinking in a group promote creativity? : Investigation based on qualitative evaluations Imamura, Yuki (Japan); Kugihara, Naoki PS26P-06-18 Culture and attribution accounts interact to impact laypeople's perceived exoneration for wrongdoing Tang, Ying (United States of America) PS26A-08-21 The moderating effect of moral foundations on the relationship between interpersonal stressors and depression Hashimoto, Takeshi (Japan); Gherghel, Claudia PS26P-06-19 SUICIDES IN POSTSOVIET KAZAKHSTAN: ROLE OF AGE, GENDER AND DEPRESSION Li, Alexina (Kazakhstan); Abdulkarimova, Glyussya; Dzhumagaliyeva, Indira; Aymaganbetova, Olga; Kudebayeva, Gulmira; Zholamanova, Ainur; Zhubandykova, Meruert; Vasko, Tatyana PS26A-08-18 How do egalitarians accept meritocracy? The role of compensatory judgments Yada, Naoya (Japan); Ikegami, Tomoko PS26A-08-22 Understanding Patientphysician Trust: Lessons from US and Insights to China Wang, Ji (China (People's Repbulic of China)) 5. Social PS26A-08-24 Social Psychological factors of adaptation among migrants to urban city Almaty Kusainov, Askarbek (Kazakhstan); Kalymbetova, Elmira K; Amitov, Sultankhozha A; Baimoldina, Laura O; Zholdassova, Manzura K; Kamzanova, Altyngul T PS26A-08-26 Seeking help from Dark Triad individuals: The role of socioeconomic status and trait self-control Tasaki, Yuri (Japan); Nakashima, Ken'ichiro; Morinaga, Yasuko; Ura, Mitsuhiro PS26A-08-32 Monetary value from regulatory fit: The difference on the effects of advertising conditions. 148 PS26P-06-20 Comparing Japanese Self-descriptions in Two Different Writing Formats Toyama, Midori (Japan) PS26P-06-28 Help-seeking behavior among Chinese college students: A model integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Behavioral Model of Health Services Use Li, Wenjing (Australia); Denson, Linley; Dorstyn, Diana Tuesday, July 26, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Emotion PS26P-03-1 The relationship between psychological closeness with targets of gratitude and emotional well-being Ito, Tadahiro (Japan) PS26P-03-2 Psychological peculiarities of faculty members' coping-strategies Mikheyeva, Anna (Kazakhstan); Janzakova, Sholpan; Sanqilbayev, Ospan; Kismetova, Galiya; Korolev, Nikolay; Naurzalina, Danna; Li, Alexina PS26P-03-4 The functions of schadenfreude and gluckschmerz in gossip situation Jung, Kyuhee (Japan); Karasawa, Kaori (Japan); Masuda, Takahiko (Canada) PS26P-03-5 A simple action decreases empathic neural response towards others' suffering Han, Xiaochun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Bing; Liu, Yi; Luo, Siyang; He, Kang; Shi, Zhenhao; Wei, Kunlin; Wu, Xinhuai; Shihui, Han PS26P-03-6 THE STUDY OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF PROSPECTIVE PSYCHOLOGISTS IN KAZAKHSTAN Li, Yelena (Kazakhstan); Ikhsanova, Dilyara; Dzhumagalieva, Indira; Yergaliyeva, Gulzhan; Abugaliyeva, Gulshat; Akhmetzhanova, Mannar; Kim, Alla PS26P-03-7 How do we act as if we feel sad? Uko, Shuji (Japan) PS26P-03-8 THE RESEARCH OF EMOTIONAL BURNOUT IN PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY OF FIREFIGHTERS IN POST-SOVIET KAZAKHSTAN Ganiyeva, Shakhinur (Kazakhstan); Li, Yelena; Aymaganbetova, Olga; Garber, Alyona; Kudysheva, Botagoz; Sagnaeva, Tolkyn PS26P-03-9 The relationships between two kinds of sensitivity to exclusion and feelings of guilt and prosocial behavior Furukawa, Yoshiya (Japan); Nakashima, Ken'ichiro; Morinaga, Yasuko PS26P-03-10 The duration of emotional responses of "Kandoh (the state of being emotionally moved)" associated with sadness through social sharing Tezuka, Yosuke (Japan) PS26P-03-11 Context Modulation of the Perception of Individual Emotion by Surrounding Faces Lee, Jeongsoo (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lim, Seung-lark (United States of America); Lee, Donghoon (Korea (Republic of Korea)) PS26P-03-12 Variation of feeling of embarrassment by observer reaction Fukuda, Tetsuya (Japan); Higuchi, Masataka SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS26P-03-15 Do people change the appraisal of emotional state of other and their own facial expressions in response to different facial expressions of other in the same situation Masuda, Megumi (Japan) PS26P-03-16 The effect of uncertainty and curiosity on duration of negative emotional experience Kaneko, Michihiro (Japan); Kutsuzawa, Gaku; Horike, Kazuya PS26P-03-18 Emotion Expression and Efficacy in Group: Pride and Guilt Cho, Hsiu-tsu (Taiwan) PS26P-03-19 Self-talk and academic performance: An approach to cognitive and emotional processes underlying the relationship Sastre, Julia (Spain); Toro, Ines; Sanchez, Flor; Carvajal, Fernando PS26P-03-20 Differential contribution of the cognitive and affective empathy to understandings of the protagonist's feelings in a story Okada, Akihiro (Japan); Nagai, Yurika PS26P-03-21 The effect of a narrative depiction of separation in the novel portrayed friendship on being moved Kato, Juri (Japan); Murata, Koji PS26P-03-22 The Japanese model of human facial expressions. Takahashi, Naoki (Japan) PS26P-03-23 Emotional regulation and gang related violence in a sample of adolescents from San Cristobal, Venezuela Gonzalez-castro, Jose Luis (Spain); Oliveros Granados, Maria Alejandra (Venezuela) PS26P-03-25 Moderating effects of cultural self-construal on the relationships between emotion experience and the use of emotion regulation strategies. Kanai, Masato (Japan); Yukawa, Shintaro PS26P-03-26 Correlation between feeling of trust and motivation to self-disclosure of students Komano, Hiroshi (Japan); Morikawa, Takashi; Tanimukai, Mitsue PS26P-03-27 Subjective Uncomfortableness of Hot Sensation Leads to "Hot" Judgement Yamamoto, Yumi (Japan); Sugamura, Genji PS26P-03-28 The Effect of Mood Awareness and Emotional Expression on the Relationship between Academic Stress and Adjustment Cho, Myung Hyun (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Na, Jinkyung PS26P-03-29 The effect of expecting intergroup interaction on collective guilt Ryu, Hakche (Japan); Hotta, Miho; Karasawa, Minoru PS26P-03-30 Facial electromyographic responses to different parts of the emotional faces Shoji, Hiroaki (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Emotion PS26P-06-8 In-group Biases in Recognizing Facial Emotion Embedded in Different Contexts from Chinese and U.S. Participants Hong, Fang (United States of America); Cheng, Chen (United States of America); Sang, Biao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ku, Yixuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Pan, Tingting (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26P-06-12 Jealousy in Friendships, Merely Dubious Relationships, Preromantic Relationships, and Romantic Relationships Kuo, I-hsiu (Taiwan); Wei, Chih-fen PS26P-06-21 Transmission of collective emotion in face-to-face circumstances Zheng, Wen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fang, Ping; Yu, Ailin; Peng, Kaiping; Li, Disi Human Relationships PS26P-06-2 Emotional expressions of Turkish males and females in relationship conflict: An investment model perspective Kaynak, Bagdat D (Turkey); Hovardaoglu, Selim PS26P-06-4 Development of the Inventory of Premarital Commitment (IPC): Factor structure, reliability, and validity Ustunomiya, Hiroshi (Japan) PS26P-06-9 Utterance Control functions of non-verbal behaviors by listeners in group discussion Naito, Mayumi (Japan) PS26P-06-11 Predicting romantic relationship formation after breast cancer Shaw, Laura-kate (Australia); Sherman, Kerry A; Fitness, Julie PS26P-06-13 Personalities associated with Romantic Jealousy Experience : Considering Self-esteem and Narcissism in Japanese samples Kanno, Yu (Japan) PS26P-06-17 An integration of actorpartner effects in dyadic attachment researches through meta-analysis Okubo, Keisuke (Japan) PS26P-06-22 How do people with hikikomori describe connectedness to society and family? : Focusing on the time of occurrence Koshi, Megumi (Japan); Aoki, Kikuyo; Yatsuda, Masako; Iwafuji, Hiromi PS26P-06-23 Individual differences in the effects of interpersonal stress coping: Focusing on fear of negative evaluation Taniguchi, Hirokazu (Japan) PS26P-06-24 The determinants of the relative strength of communal versus exchange norms in close relationships: Self-esteem and relational mobility Miyazaki, Genta (Japan); Saeki, Daisuke; Ikegami, Tomoko; Yada, Naoya PS26P-06-26 Self-protective function of social projection : Social projection to outgroup increases the validity of opinion Yoshihara, Chieko (Japan); Takamatsu, Reina; Takai, Jiro PS26P-06-27 Development of the Attitude for Kyara Scale and the Kyararelated Fatigue Scale Kawabata, Minaho (Japan); Aizawa, Noriko; Omori, Mika Industrial and Psychology Organizational PS26P-06-6 SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PERSONNEL MOTIVATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF ANTICRISIS MANAGEMENT IN ONE PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN KAZAKHSTAN Turgumbayeva, Aizhan (Kazakhstan); Ye s k e n d i r o v a , Aishakhan; Dzhumagaliyeva, Indira; Naurzalina, Danna; Beknazarova, Aiman Psychology of Disaster PS26P-06-5 Gender differences in the role of intrusive and deliberate ruminations on posttraumatic growth after 3.11 Kamijo, Namiko (Japan); Taku, Kanako (United States of America); Yukawa, Shintaro (Japan) PS26P-06-7 University students' interst and support toward a community affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake: activities in Iwaki City, Fukushima 149 5. Social PS26P-03-14 Positive affect from outperformance: Using the Japanese version of the IPANAT Shimoda, Shunsuke (Japan); Okubo, Nobutoshi; Kobayashi, Mai; Sato, Shigetaka; Kitamura, Hideya SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Kumagami, Takashi (Japan) PS26P-06-10 Relationships between website-browsing experiences for learning about earthquakes and the quality of disaster manuals in in kindergartens and nursery schools Shimizu, Masuharu (Japan); Usui, Yukari; Mori, Toshiyuki; Yoshioka, Machiko; Chiba, Takeo; Sakaguchi, Shota; Aoi, Yuki PS26P-06-14 The meaning of returning home among evacuees of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident Hidaka, Tomoo (Japan); Takeyasu, Kakamu; Tomohiro, Kumagai; Takehito, Hayakawa; Tetsuhito, Fukushima PS26P-06-25 Resilience of emergency services in crisis situations. The interdisciplinary research project REBEKA Gerhold, Lars (Germany); Menski, Ute; Wahl, Stefanie; Bartl, Gabriel; Seitz, Jan PS26P-06-29 Relationship between website-browsing experiences for learning about earthquakes and the quality of disaster manuals in clubs for children's after-school activities Usui, Yukari (Japan); Mori, Toshiyuki; Chiba, Takeo; Hatano, Eiji; Yoshioka, Machiko; Shimizu, Masuharu Accented Cantonese and Mandarin Speakers Shum, Priscilla Lok-chee (Hong Kong); Hamamura, Takeshi (Australia); Tse, Chishing (Hong Kong) Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS27A-09-1 Microaggressions and More Young, Alicia E (United States of America); Stark, Sabrina; Fox, Jessica; Tidwell, Lauren; Spraberry-tekell, Chelsea; Topham, Cherie PS27A-09-2 Age differences in the relationship between the Big-Five personality traits and altruistic behavior Kawamura, Yuta (Japan); Kusumi, Takashi PS27A-09-3 DEVIANT BEHAVIOR OF TEENAGERS IN THE INTRA-GROUP COMMUNICATION CONDITION Akhtaeva, Nadiya (Kazakhstan); Mukhambetova, Akmaral; Kassen, Gulmira; Satybaldina, Nazym; Abdigaparova, Aitkul; Irgebayeva, Nazilya 5. Social Tuesday, July 26, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Social Psychology PS27A-09-4 A cross cultural study on effects of depletion of cognitive resources on victim's demand for an apology Yamamoto, Takehiro (Japan); Ohbuchi, Ken-ichi PS26P-03-3 Social Transformation and the Change of Trust Structure: Evidence from China Xu, Shangkun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zheng, Xiaoxiao PS27A-09-5 Witnessed Violence, Attachment, Alcohol and Commitment as Predictors of Psychological Dating Abuse Rapoza, Kimberly (United States of America) PS26P-03-13 Can contact with weak ties on social networking service (SNS) change an individual's mindset toward stress at the workplace? Nagano, Soichi (Japan); Fuji, Kei PS27A-09-6 Homo Economicus in Mexico city: dictator game with people of high and low socioeconomic status Diaz Rivera, Paola Eunice (Mexico); Zaragoza Romero, Gustavo Andres; Valencia Camargo, Maria Fernanda; Diaz Loving, Rolando PS26P-03-17 The positivity of anger: Not expressing anger causes deterioration in relationships Uehara, Shunsuke (Japan); Tamura, Toru; Nakagawa, Tomohiro PS26P-03-24 Impressions of male/ female leader whose behavior is according to PM leadership styles on the dimensions of "warmth" and "competence". Sasayama, Ikuo (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Social Psychology PS26P-06-16 Language Attitudes in Hong Kong: Evaluative Reactions towards 150 PS27A-09-7 A Study on Cognitive and Emotional Characteristics of Violent Offenders in Japan Kawabata, Takeyasu (Japan); Kumagai, Wataru; Ohbuchi, Ken-ichi PS27A-09-8 the Relationship between Lifetime Violence Exposure and Deviant Peers among Chinese College Students Wu, Zhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Weiling PS27A-09-9 Expectation that actors of prosocial behaviors benefit from and cost for third parties Futamura, Ikumi (Japan) PS27A-09-10 The influencing effects of individual, family, and school factors on preschool children's social skills in family context and kindergarten context Yang, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Yun PS27A-09-11 Voluntary formation of sanctioning institutions in social dilemmas and their effectiveness Inaba, Misato (Japan); Takahashi, Nobuyuki; Katsuura, Seina PS27A-09-12 psychological violence victimization caused psychologically entrapped in their romantic relationships: Analysis using latent class analysis Komura, Kentaro (Japan) PS27A-09-13 Polumorphism of the μ-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) is associated with guilt in prisoner's dilemma game. Nishina, Kuniyuki (Japan); Takagishi, Haruto; Inoue-murayama, Miho; Takahashi, Hidehiko; Yamagishi, Toshio PS27A-09-16 Sense of responsibility stemming from a utilitarian social norm on altruistic behavior Shimizu, Kazunori (Japan); Kugihara, Naoki PS27A-09-17 Parents' Aggressive Attitude towards Children (PAAC) Scale Tan Huan Seen, Adrea (Malaysia); Lam Yi Hing, Eddie; Chen Wen, Lai; Jia Shin, Lim; Ying Qiu, Tan PS27A-09-19 Moderating Effects of Entity Belief on Acceptance of Apology in Asymmetric Conflicts: An Examination with Japanese Adults Obuchi, Kenichi (Japan); Yamamoto, Takehiro (Japan); Xie, Xiaojing (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS27A-09-20 Defection was more quickly detected when you feel in danger He, Chunhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS27A-09-21 The Relationship between Lifetime Violence Exposure and Family Environmental Factors among Chinese College Students Wang, Weiling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Dang, Jiingping; Qian, Yuyan; Wang, Yuping Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS27P-12-28 Effect of a Psychoeducational Intervention on Displaced Aggression Tanno, Syota (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS27P-12-29 Influence of rumination on depression and attribution of self-responsibility Hatta, Taketoshi (Japan); Hatta, Junko Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS27P-12-14 Relationships of time perspective and happiness after social alienation Kim, Misook D (Korea (Republic of Korea)) PS27P-12-19 Assessing the Effectiveness of Therapy Dogs for Children with Autism in an Educational Setting Lum, Heather C (United States of America); Kazmerski, Victoria A; Galeza, Emily R Crime and Delinquency PS27P-12-1 Have Elderly People Become Aggressive? Yu, Yasuhiko (Japan); Kiire, Satoru; Ochi, Keita PS27P-12-3 The effect of nine countermeasures on littering attitude Keino, Yusuke (Japan); Abe, Tsuneyuki PS27P-12-7 A study of Japanese consumer complaint behavior : Examining the negative experiences of service employees Kiriu, Masayuki (Japan); Iriyama, Shigeru; Ikema, Iiri PS27P-12-20 Social support, religiosity and stress in Blitar Juvenile Detention, Indonesia Swastiani, Vivi Dinatya (Indonesia) PS27P-12-21 Strain, self-control, and delinquent behavior: A moderated mediation analysis Nakagawa, Tomohiro (Japan) PS27P-12-22 Classification of Chikan on the train, difference of occurrence between Tokyo Area and local areas Otaka, Mina (Japan); Ochi, Keita PS27P-12-25 Difference in characteristics of crimes of indecency in public Comparison between Tokyo and Osaka Ikema, Airi (Japan); Iriyama, Shigeru; Kiriu, Masayuki PS27P-12-34 Effects of place attachment and perceived benefit-cost of community involvement on participation in crime prevention activities in a Japanese urban community Enomoto, Kaori (Japan); Kawada, Atsushi; Uematsu, Kanta; Iwatani, Shuma; Kawajiri, Tomoya; Watamura, Eiichiro; Muramoto, Yukiko Mikheyeva, Anna (Kazakhstan); Syrbayeva, Shara (Kazakhstan); Chernikova, Tamara (Russia); Utegaliyeva, Bibigul (Kazakhstan); Kussenova, Liliya (Kazakhstan); Shadyarova, Zhazira (Kazakhstan); Aidossova, Zhanerke (Kazakhstan); Naurzalina, Danna (Kazakhstan) Wednesday, July 27, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Development PS27P-08-8 Socio Psychological Research of Firefighters' Emotional Burnout Ganiyeva, Shakhinur (Kazakhstan); Li, Yelena (Kazakhstan); Aymaganbetova, Olga (Kazakhstan); Garber, Alyona (Germany); Ikhsanova, Dilyara (Kazakhstan); Aimaganbetov, Akhmet (Kazakhstan) PS27A-12-6 School Based Intervention on Math- Gender Stereotypes in Adolescent Girls Zhao, Fengqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yu, Guoliang PS27A-12-12 A Cross-cultural Study of Career Consciousness: Comparisons between Japanese and Korean University Students Osaka, Eiko (Japan); Minoru, Nagasaku Wednesday, July 27, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Diversity P S 2 7 P - 0 8 - 14 I N F L U E N C E OF PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PERSONALITY ON PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION FOR THE FUTURE SOCIAL WORKER Yertargynkyzy, Dinara (Kazakhstan); Akhmetova, Gulnas; Mukasheva, Anar; Algozhaeva, Nursulu Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Diversity PS27P-12-5 Diversity in sexual orientation and experiences of violence among Costa Rican and Puerto Rican university students: Harmony in Costa Rican diversity and violence in Puerto Rican heteronormativity Irizarry-robles, Carol Y (Puerto Rico); Serra-taylor, Jose; Jimenez-chafey, Maria I; Villafane-santiago, Angel Wednesday, July 27, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Economic PS27P-08-23 How do the young and old generations of our society cooperate?: An economic experimental approach providing evidence for the overlapping generation mechanism Fukadai, Mao (Japan); Inukai, Keigo Emotion Wednesday, July 27, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Environmental Psychology PS27A-12-18 SUSTAINABLE BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENCE: THE ROLE OF GENERAL AND PERCEIVED FAMILY VALUES Balunde, Audra (Lithuania); Jovarauskaite, Lina Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Environmental Psychology PS27P-12-9 the Preliminary Establishment of Chinese PM2.5 Health Risk Degree Assessment Scale Feng, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Song, Sutao; Chen, Gongxiang; Tong, Yuehua Wednesday, July 27, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Ethics PS27A-12-3 Building schoolchildren interethnic interaction culture: a view from Kazakhstan Yesseyeva, Mensulu T (Kazakhstan); Anarbek, Nazgul; Li, Anasstasiya PS27A-12-9 Effects of Affectedness, Justice Sensibility and Justice Norm on Anger at Organizational Wrongdoing. Wang, Jinmin (Japan) PS27A-12-21 Development a Japanese version of the Moral Foundation Questionnaire Honda, Shiho (Japan); Kosugi, Koji E; Ishimaru, Sayaka; Utsunomiya, Saki; Yamane, Tomonari; Sakamoto, Kazuhisa; Ohe, Yoshihiro; Kobayashi, Hitomi; Arim, Takumi; Kidera, Aoi PS27P-08-4 Psychological aspects of faculty members' professional burnout 151 5. Social Clinical Psychology PS27P-12-27 Biopsychosocial correlates of mental health service use among young adults: A systematic review of research published in English Li, Wenjing (Australia); Dorstyn, Diana; Denson, Linley SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Forensic Psychology and Law WITH INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE Puente, Alicia (Spain); Ubillos, Silvia; Paez, Dario PS27P-12-2 Defensive wounds in strangulation cases with and without a suicide note: Description of Japanese police officers with experience as coroners Iriyama, Shigeru (Japan); Ikema, Airi; Kiriu, Masayuki PS27A-12-15 The Effect of Gender Threat on Implicit Sexism and Stereotyping Speegle, Shelby (United States of America) PS27P-12-15 The Factors which Create Sentencing Disparities in Lay Judge Trials Yamasaki, Yuko (Japan); Ishizaki, Chikage PS27P-12-24 Exploring the needs of theft crime victims in the Taiwanese justice process Chien, Yu Chuan (Taiwan); Teoh, Yee-san Wednesday, July 27, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Gender and Sexuality PS27A-12-16 The Psychological Progressions of Business Female Leaders in China: Case Research on the Career Plights and Breaking Mechanism Li, Xianmiao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Luo, Jinlian; Huo, Weiwei PS27A-12-17 Influences of sex-role on feelings and interpretations of compliments Yoshioka, Mariko (Japan); Inoue, Wataru PS27A-12-19 A structural equation model for gender roles based on Bem Sex Roles Inventory Santamaria Davila, Jordi (Spain) PS27A-12-1 Female and Male Objectification Effects within Popular Music Kamaruddin, Nur Amira (United States of America); Morris, Taylor C; Kazmerski, Victoria PS27A-12-20 Subjective Wellbeing of Chinese People from a Gender Viewpoint Lai, Xinzhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yin, Minchueh; Liang, Xiaoxian; Su, Hongyuan; Li, Ling; Wen, Jianbin; Liu, Xiaoling PS27A-12-2 A simulative experimental study about selection of spouse Dohi, Itsuko (Japan); Ueno, Junko; Aono, Atsuko; Sato, Nozomi Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Harassment and Trauma PS27A-12-4 Perception of Division Labor based on Gender: Muslim and Christian Women Uzzakiyah, Hasna (Indonesia) PS27A-12-5 Gender and Ethnicity: Who Wears the Pants in this Relationship? Ashdown, Brien (United States of America); Sasse, Samantha; Hadley, Rachel PS27A-12-7 Development of new male roles scale Watanabe, Yutaka (Japan) 5. Social PS27A-12-8 Social and psychological determinants of urban women lifestyle Sidorova, Larissa (Kazakhstan); Kozlov, Vladimir V (Russia) PS27A-12-10 Why do some heterosexual women have a preference for Boys Love Song, Jia (Japan); Rong, Mengting PS27A-12-11 The sex differences of selfrelated emotions and responses to anger in children Huang, Shih-tseng T (Taiwan); Kao, Yi-wen PS27A-12-13 STRATEGIES OF FEMALE SEX WORKERS FOR COPING 152 PS27A-09-14 Helping Professionals from Elsie Gaches Village Experiencing Vicarious Trauma: Bearing Witness to Anothers Trauma Aloyan, Kez Ayi G (Philippines); Barcelona, Mark Nicholas C; Castillo, Maria Angelica A Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Health Psychology PS27P-12-4 Learn to rational attribution, harvest happy life? The Influence of Attribution Styles on Subject Well-being: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Capital Li, Bin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Luo, Ziwei; Li, Fangjun; Wei, Haiying; Li, Aimei PS27P-12-6 Effectiveness of PACAP and USDT for Population Approach to the Primary Prevention of Child Abuse: A better screening by eliminating false positives and false negatives Ueda, Reiko (Japan); Miyazawa, Junko PS27P-12-8 Unaccompanied AsylumSeeking Refugee Children's Forced Repatriation: Social Workers' and Police Officers' Health and Job Characteristics Sundqvist, Johanna (Sweden); Hansson, Jonas; Ghazinour, Mehdi; Ogren, Kenneth; Padyab, Mojgan PS27P-12-11 Social Workers' and Police Officers' Individual Social Support and Mental Health in Work with Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Refugee Children's Forced Repatriation Ghazinour, Mehdi (Sweden); Sundqvist, Johanna; Hurtig, Anna-karin; Padyab, Mojgan PS27P-12-13 The Relationship between percept of pros/cons on social media and addiction in Japanese University Students Kitami, Yuina (Japan); Shimizu, Yasuo; Mori, Kazuyo PS27P-12-16 A systematic review of socio-psychological factors of the anti-vaccination behavior and attitudes Antonova, Natalia A (Russia); Eritsyan, Ksenia PS27P-12-33 Does Paranoid Cognitive Style (PCS) Always Make People Feel Bad? PCS Can Increase or Decrease Well-being. Diaz, Dario (Spain); Brinol, Pablo; Stavraki, Maria; De La Fuente, Sofia; Anton, Luis Fernando; Ye Chen, Su Miao PS27P-12-35 The effect of altruistic behavior on happiness is modulated by relationship with the recipients Osumi, Takahiro (Japan); Yamane, Takashi Wednesday, July 27, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Industrial and Organizational Psychology PS27P-08-1 Trust in organizations, relationship with perceived creativity and innovation Sanchez, Flor (Spain); Da Costa, Silvia (Spain); Paez, Dario (Spain); Gondim, Sonia (Brazil); Font, Celia (Spain) PS27P-08-2 Development of a scale for assessing the mutual-monitoring climate of organizations Wang, Wei (Japan); Sakata, Kiriko; Sugiura, Hitomi PS27P-08-5 Validity and Reliability on the JSCTA-In-Basket Game Kato, Shogo (Japan); Miyamoto, Koki; Ito, Hiromi; Ito, Ryuichi PS27P-08-6 Social Network Structure and Interactive Characteristic of Self-managed Teams in Different Developmental Stages Wu, Tiejun (China (People's Repbulic of SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS27P-08-7 The transactive memory system reduces the sense of busyness in teams Nagaike, Kazuyo (Japan); Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki PS27P-08-11 Japanese Employer Concerns toward Hiring and Retaining Workers with Mental Disabilities: Analysis of Free Description Data with Text Mining Methods Miyazawa, Shiho (Japan); Sakuma, Naoto; Kawamura, Kosuke PS27P-08-13 THE INFLUENCE OF SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CLIMATE ON THE JOB SATISFACTION LEVEL OF HIGHER EDUCATION PERSONNEL IN THE CONDITIONS OF ANTICRISIS MANAGEMENT Turgumbayeva, Aizhan (Kazakhstan); Sarsenbayeva, Lyaziza; Naurzalina, Danna; Yeralina, Elmira; Bayukanskaya, Svetlana; Beknazarova, Aiman PS27P-08-15 The effects of workplace diversity and inclusive climate on employee morale in Japan Masaki, Ikutaro (Japan); Muramoto, Yukiko PS27P-08-18 Leader-Member Exchange and Work Outcomes: The Role of Self-esteem Aafaqi, Rehana (Canada); Ansari, Mahfooz A. PS27P-08-19 The Multilevel Influence of Micro-openness Foundation on Creativity Zhong, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Luo, Jin Lian; Han, Yang PS27P-08-21 Career Adaptability: A Qualitative Understanding from the Cases of Career Changers in Japan Saido, Hiromi (Japan); Yoshida, Junko PS27P-08-24 Predicting the procrastination in employees of modern organization Svetlana, Ivanova A (Russia); Valentina, Barabanshchikova V PS27P-08-25 The study about the influence that the life event of the woman office worker gives in work ethic and carrier awareness. -From the viewpoint of type of job and ageUeno, Yuki (Japan); Tokoro, Masafumi PS27P-08-27 The function of career resilience during reality shock: Comparing technical and clerical employees Kodama, Makiko (Japan) PS27P-08-31 The "Spanish Burnout Inventory" (SBI) Figueiredo Ferraz, Hugo (Spain); Gil Monte, Pedro; Grau Alberola, Ester Political Psychology PS27P-08-3 Evaluation of Procedural Fairness and Empowerment in Participatory Policy Development: A case study of four consecutive years of Shimin Tougikai (citizen deliberation meetings) Maeda, Hiroe (Japan) PS27P-08-9 An empirical study on effects of the narratives in the communication on political psychology Miyakawa, Ayu (Japan); Takahashi, Yuki; Kawabata, Yuichiro; Fujii, Satoshi PS27P-08-17 Text-Mining Analysis of Opinions for Exploring Trust toward Infrastructure Investment and its Reasons in Japan Numajiri, Ryoshun (Japan); Tanaka, Kosuke; Nakao, Satoshi; Hsieh, Hsusheng; Miyakawa, Ayu; Kanda, Yusuke; Fujii, Satoshi PS27P-08-22 Colombian People s Views Regarding Educational Ways about Drugs Consumption Pineda-marin, Claudia (Colombia); Lopez-lopez, Wilson PS27P-08-28 An effect of reflective opportunities on the changes in protected value Setiawan, Irwan (Japan); Tsuneyoshi, Aoyama; Tsuyoshi, Hatori PS27P-08-30 Explicit and Implicit Legitimacy in China Yang, Linchuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jiang, Hai; Hu, Wei; Ma, Hongyu PS27P-08-32 Standing Uncertainty as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Procedural Justice and Legitimacy Judgments Liang, Juan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Hongyu PS27P-08-33 The Influence of Different Socialization Agents on Hong Kong Youths' Civic Attitude and Engagement Wei, Jun (Hong Kong); Meng, Weikang; Lu, Danni PS27P-08-34 The Uncertain Duty: The Effects of Priming Rights and Duties on Decision Making Carriere, Kevin R (United States of America); Moghaddam, Fathali M Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Poverty control and Financial Anxiety Zhao, Miaomiao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Bin; You, Zhiyue; Wang, Meng Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Psychological Assessment PS27P-12-10 Development and validation of a preference scale for individual and cooperative behavior. Homma, Tact (Japan); Moriya, Jun PS27P-12-26 Reliability, Convergent and Divergent Validity for Rosenberg SelfEsteem Scale between High School Students and Undergraduates in Wuhan Tan, Xiao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wen, Fangfang; Zuo, Bin; You, Zhiyue; Wang, Wei PS27P-12-30 Influence of association on the measurement of subjective adjustment among Japanese female university students Shimazu, Yasuko (Japan); Obanawa, Naoko W Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Race and Ethnicity PS27A-09-15 Disctinct neural coding of other-race and own-race faces Zhou, Yuqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Luo, Siyang; Han, Shihui Wednesday, July 27, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Sexuality, LGBTI PS27A-12-14 Development and validation of the Japanese version of the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG-J) Horikawa, Yui (Japan); Oka, Takashi PS27A-12-22 Effects of reproductive beliefs on homophobia Adachi, Nahoko (Japan); Ikegami, Tomoko Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Social Psychology PS27A-09-18 A DEVICE-ADDICTION AMONG KIDS AS PRECONDITION OF AN INTERNETADDICTION Gazizova, Kamilya (Kazakhstan); Akhtaeva, Nadiya; Baishukurova, Anara; Faizullina, Aida; Basibekova, Kulyash; Seiitnur, Zharas PS27A-09-22 The Poor's Stereotype: the effect of Cognitive Resource, Self- 153 5. Social China)); Liu, Dianzhi; Yu, Jieting SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Wednesday, July 27, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Social Psychology engage in positive activities Gherghel, Claudia Emilia Hashimoto, Takeshi PS27P-08-10 The Implicit Priming of Altruistic Behavior Zeng, Tuo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Mo, Lei; Zeng, Xiang Yan; Zeng, Jia Ping; Wang, Jin Dao PS27P-12-31 The Mediating Role of Emotion Arousal in the Effects of Dilemma Type and Language on Chinese-English Bilinguals' Utilitarian vs. Deontological Choice to Moral Dilemmas Chan, Yuen Lai (Hong Kong); Gu, Xuan; Ng, Chi-kit Jacky; Tse, Chi-shing PS27P-08-12 Which protective mechanisms are responsible for resilience? Zizak, Antonija (Croatia); Maurovic, Ivana PS27P-08-16 Malleability and durability of implicit attitude: The influence of approach and avoidance behavior Orita, Ryo (Japan); Hattori, Masasi PS27P-08-20 Migrant Worker Parents' Marital Quality and Their Migrant Children's Behavior Problems: the Mediating Role of Children's Self-conception Chen, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS27P-08-26 The Influence of Perspective Taking on Stereotyping: The Moderation of Need for Cognitive Closure Sun, Shan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Yang; Zuo, Bin; Wen, Fangfang PS27P-08-29 Abusive Supervision Perceptions among Filipino Migrant Workers in Macau: Its Consequences for Self-Esteem and Rejection of Heritage Culture Daganzo, Mary Angeline A (Macao); Bernardo, Allan B. I Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Social Psychology 5. Social PS27P-12-12 Helpful or Unhelpful? SelfAffirmation on Challenge-Confronting Tendencies for Students Who Fear Being Laughed at Liu, Cheng-hong (Taiwan); Huang, Po-sheng; Huang, Ching-chun; Lin, Ching-yi; Chang, Jen-ho PS27P-12-17 Adolescents´ evaluations about Ecuadorian, Moroccan and Romanian immigrants in Spain Cuadrado, Isabel (Spain); Constantin, Andreea Alexandra; Ibanez, Ruben PS27P-12-18 Effects of descriptive norm and the presence of other people on the intention of deterring inconsiderable behavior Tanaka, Tomoe (Japan) PS27P-12-23 The relationship between moral foundations and motivation to 154 (Japan); PS27P-12-32 A Cognitive Model of Stereotype Activation:How Stereotype Activation Affects Performance Feng, Ke (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Bin; Tan, Kaihua; Liu, Ke; Wang, Wei Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS28A-11-15 The effect of temporal distance on the bias between helping intention and behavior: the role of anonymity and reminder Wan, Weijie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sun, Jiaqing (United States of America); Zhu, Yijie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jin, Shenghua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Hongxia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Bowen (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Aging PS28A-11-10 Leisure activities and 10-year survival among older adults living in a rural town in Japan Iwasa, Hajime (Japan); Yoshida, Yuko; Kumagai, Shu; Suzuki, Takao; Yoshida, Hideyo PS28A-11-17 Remembering people long ago: Social ties with invisible people and well-being among the old-old adults Ishioka, Yoshiko (Japan); Takayama, Midori; Sugawara, Ikuko; Suganuma, Maki; Masui, Yukie; Ogawa, Madoka Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Arts PS28A-07-15 On the subjective evaluation of collective musical performance Yamasaki, Teruo (Japan) Behavioral Psychology PS28P-04-1 The Impact of Ambidextrous Leadership Behavior on Innovation:Based on the Dual-Core Innovation Model Assumption Guan, Jianshi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Luo, Jinlian; Zhong, Jing; Zhao, Li PS28P-04-2 Conflict Management of Students and Teachers in High School in Thailand Chaiakkarakan, Napattararat (Thailand) PS28P-04-6 The Influence of exercise in childhood and adolescence on the present exercise habits of people with mental disabilities Hiroshima, Mayo (Japan); Tamada, Akiko; Yokoyama, Kazuhito; Kitamura, Fumihiko; Ito, Hiroaki PS28P-04-13 Effects of a KY activity using Manga signboards. Shoji, Takuro (Japan); Taniguchi, Masaharu; Maeda, Ken-ichi; Kumasaki, Mieko PS28P-04-16 ADAPTATION FEATURES OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS AT THE HIGHER MILITARY LAW INSTITUTE Naurzalina, Danna (Kazakhstan); Karimova, Aigul; Muldasheva, Bagdashzhan; Kibatayeva, Norslu; Almurzayeva, Bibigul; Tolegenova, Aliya; Amankeldy, Saltanat PS28P-04-18 How Does Moral Evaluation Modulate Empathy for Pain: An Event-relative Potential Research Li, Xiang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huang, Yu; Shi, Kan; Li, Hong PS28P-04-19 Relationships between tenure in the company, job stress, social support, job satisfaction and life satisfaction through comparition with Japan and South Korea office workers Park, Myunghee (Japan); Kawata, Yujiro (Japan); Hirosawa, Masataka (Japan); Hwang, Kyudae (Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)) Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Cognition Thursday, July 28, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Arts PS28P-08-2 Trust Depends on Warmth, but Respect not Always Depends on Competence Dai, Taotao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Suo, Yvxian; Zuo, Bin PS28P-04-22 How the Gap between Expectations and Satisfaction Impacts Art Consumers' Attitudes Nakajima, Reiko (Japan) PS28P-08-6 Does mindset priming affect the use of strategies in a signal detection task? Matsuzaki, Keisuke (Japan); Numazaki, SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Makoto Yergali; Kuanali, Maira Tarui, Konomi (Japan); Igarashi, Tasuku PS28P-08-11 Pupillary response to facial stimuli varying in familiarity and similarity with the self-face Herte, Katharina (Austria); Wendler, Hannes; Sachse, Pierre; Maran, Thomas PS28A-07-29 An experimental study on interactive process in terms of PAMs: satisfaction of speakers Noguchi, Chigusa (Japan); Maiya, Kiyoshi PS28P-08-22 Ease-of-Retrieval Effects on Procedural Justice Judgments Under Conditions of Informational Liang, Juan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Hongyu PS28P-08-14 The affective consequences of repeated selective attention and inhibition Yamazaki, Mizuki (Japan) PS28A-07-30 Development of strong and weak arguments using necessity and effectiveness as criteria Tachikawa, Tsuneyasu (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Development PS28P-08-15 What Affects my Values?: Power and Reference Group and their Relationship with Moral Reasoning Esperanza, Maria Mikaela S (Philippines); Patricio, Ruth D; Ferido, Julia Isabelle G; Pagana, Josaine Anelle B Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Decision Making Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Communication PS28A-07-7 The Effectiveness of Nonverbal Skills Training in a Conversation with Opposite Gender Stranger Tsuchiya, Yukino (Japan) PS28A-07-8 The effect of sociosexuality on courtship behaviors Nakamine, Shin (Japan); Komura, Kentaro PS28A-07-11 Correlates of social support seeking among adolescent-female stalking victims in Japan. Shimada, Takahito (Japan) PS28A-07-12 Self-effacement in humancomputer interaction: Social responses toward computers in Japan Tanibe, Tetsushi (Japan); Karasawa, Kaori PS28A-07-13 Communication of doctor and patient Mikami, Satomi (Japan); Yamaguchi, Hiroyuki PS28A-07-14 The role of communication skills in family resilience: Focusing on moderation of motivation to commit to family Kataoka, Yusuke (Japan); Tsuchiya, Koji; Kusumoto, Kazuhiko PS28A-07-18 Psychological peculiaritis of resolving the conflicts in relationships between teenagers Yesbergenova, Gulnur (Kazakhstan); Toxanbayeva, Nurgul; Naubayeva, Khapiza; Abdeyeva, Svetlana; Molbassynova, Zhumakul; Omargazy, PS28P-08-5 Effects of Intuition and Deliberation on Escape Judgement and Decision-Making Under Different Complexity of Conditions Li, Hong (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS28P-08-7 Development of the Difficulty with Trivial Decision-making scale: Its psychometric properties and relationship with emotional variables Choi, Yi Seul (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Hwang, Samuel S PS28P-08-9 Trust and gender: The impact of social value orientation and control on men's strategic behavior in the Trust Game Inoue, Yumi (Japan); Akutsu, Satoshi; Katsumura, Fumiaki; Yamagishi, Toshio PS28P-08-12 Career Decision-making for Teaching Profession and Interpersonally Motivated Experience Wakamatsu, Yosuke (Japan) PS28P-08-13 Beyond Good and Evil: The Role of Personal Identity and Beliefs on Moral Behaviour Rossi, Julian V (Australia); De La Piedad Garcia, Xochitl; Ferguson, Rose Thursday, July 28, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Educational and School Psychology PS28P-04-3 Perceptions and final academic results in university students. Does the type of exam matter? Gallardo, Laura O. (Spain); Castro, Angel; Barrasa, Angel; Villanueva, Victor; Abarca-sos, Alberto; Julian, Jose Antonio PS28P-04-4 Effects of Social Distance between Person and School and Home on Depression in China Fukuzumi, Noriaki (Japan); Yamaguchi, Shoji PS28P-04-5 Japanese teachers' confidence and perceived efficacy to deal with school bullying Aoyama, Ikuko (Japan); Sugimoto, Kie; Iida, Junko; Endo, Hiroko PS28P-04-7 A Trial Method of Understanding the Past Disaster: A Case Study Using Fixed-Point Photographs at Kobe Port island Takamori, Junko (Japan); Atsumi, Tomohide PS28P-04-8 The effects of power and grit on satisfaction and apathy in academic settings Yuya, Takaki (Japan); Kenichi, Akama; Toshimitsu, Okamura PS28P-08-17 Accuracy versus defensemotivated dyadic argumentation regarding capital punishment Yoshida, Takuya (Japan) PS28P-04-9 What does PTA (ParentTeacher Association) mean for women?: The involvement types in PTA activities Arima, Akie (Japan); Shimojima, Yumi; Takeshita, Miho PS28P-08-18 The Influence of Affiliation Motivation on Shared Mental Model in Group Decision Making Ye, Junhui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhao, Lei PS28P-04-10 Effect of service learning for college students -Activities on the educations for "Mental Supporter"Okabe, Ryota (Japan); Yoshikawa, Reiko; Okada, Morihiro PS28P-08-21 Regulatory focus and ingroup silence PS28P-04-11 Effective methods for moral education in Japan: Focusing on 155 5. Social PS28P-08-16 The spatial self and other Ding, Xianfeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Xiao; Li, Zhongshu; Cheng, Xiaorong; Fan, Zhao PS28P-08-4 Pursuit of Equity or Control of Pork Barrel? Laboratory Experiment in Real and Hypothetical Public Money Allocation Houdek, Petr (Czech Republic); Vranka, Marek A PS28A-07-27 The Impact of Selfpresentation in Online Social Network Sites on Depression: The Effect of Optimism and Social Support Niu, Gengfeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhou, Zongkui; Sun, Xiaojun SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM competence types and morality of human relations Numata, Jun (Japan); Okuno, Hiroyuki PS28P-04-12 Effect of relational efficacy on help-seeking in same-sex friendships Goto, Ayafumi (Japan) PS28P-04-17 Psychological characteristics of rural school students and teachers in Kazakhstan. Mukeyeva, Karina (Kazakhstan); Baktybayev, Zhanat; Almurzayeva, Bibigul; Ungarbayeva, Shynar; Rizuanova, Anar; Skabayeva, Gulmira; Aymaganbetova, Olga; Naurzalina, Danna; Li, Alexina PS28P-04-21 Motivational intervention with reciprocal teaching Nakaya, Motoyuki (Japan); Machi, Takeshi; Tachibana, Haruna PS28P-04-23 Predicting school maladjustment of junior high school student : A longitudinal study during the transition from elementary to junior high school. Harada, Katsumi (Japan); Nakashima, Yoshimi; Onishi, Ayako PS28P-04-25 Effects of students' own and their neighbors' attitudes on rulebreaking behaviors in educational settings. Deguchi, Takuhiko (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Environmental Psychology PS28P-12-3 The ecological belief in a just world and environmental behavior Kiral Ucar, Gozde (Germany); Celik, Bilal; Baier, Monika; Muller, Markus; Kals, Elisabeth PS28P-12-5 The afforestation versus forest exploitation trade-off: Can we preserve long-term benefits for future generations? Kuwahara, Kazane (Japan); Igarashi, Tasuku 5. Social PS28P-12-6 Interest Structure in Public Development: Effects on Fair Process Effect Aoki, Toshiaki (Japan); Hayashi, Yoichiro PS28P-12-8 Recognition by local government officials about problems with pet feces and efforts to solve them in Japan Koda, Naoko (Japan) PS28P-12-9 the Preliminary Establishment of Chinese PM2.5 Health Risk Degree Assessment Scale Feng, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Shuqing; Wei, Shuhua; Song, Sutao; Chen, Gongxiang 156 PS28P-12-15 The correlations between sleepiness, subjective well-being and proenvironmental behavior. Kaida, Kosuke (Japan); Kaida, Naoko PS28P-12-17 Choosing restorative environment: The influence of stressor and personality Hata, Tomoko (Japan) PS28P-12-20 DIFFERENT TIMES DIFFERENT VALUES. DO TIME PERSPECTIVES AFFECT SUSTAINABLE BEHAVIOR AND VALUES? Balunde, Audra (Lithuania); Poskus, Mykolas S PS28P-12-21 Using Implicit Association Test (IAT) as a tool to measure Affinity towards Diversity (ATD) Corral, Victor O (Mexico); Corral, Victor (Mexico); Fujii, Satoshi (Japan); Tapia, Cesar (Mexico); Fraijo, Blanca (Mexico) PS28P-12-22 Determinants of the adoption of high-cost energy-efficient household facilities Kobayashi, Tsubasa (Japan); Ohnuma, Susumu Evolutionary Psychology PS28P-12-7 When Love Meets Money: Priming the Possession of Money Influences Mating Strategies Li, Jian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Yi Ming PS28P-12-10 Effects of Hand Washing on Implicit Anti-Fat Bias Liu, Zheying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liang, Chen; Zeng, Xuemei; Wu, Qi PS28P-12-14 Women are sensitive to duration and interval of men's past relationships: A sophisticated form of matechoice copying in a highly social species. Amano, Yoichi (Japan); Wakao, Yoshinori Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Family and Community PS28A-11-1 Verifying the theoretical model of quality of life with Japanese married couples Yoshitake, Naomi (Japan); Sugawara, Masumi PS28A-11-2 The Relationship between Mental Health and Life Satisfaction of Chinese Rural Cross-Generation Leftbehind Family: a Mediation Model Qu, Ran (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shao, Xiaoyi; Ni, Xiaoli PS28A-11-4 TRAUMA AND DIVORCE Slanbekova, Gulnara (Kazakhstan); Kabakova, Maira (Kazakhstan); Chung, Man (Hong Kong) PS28A-11-5 Effects of Conflict Resolution and Daily Communication on Predicting Marital Quality of Chinese Newlyweds Li, Xiaomin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fang, Xiaoyi PS28A-11-6 The life style of an alcohol family Saporovskaya, Mariia (Russia); Khazova, Svetlana PS28A-11-7 The effect of the mother's gatekeeping on the father's stress at home; mother-child cohesion and the psychological existence of fathers Yuki, Ozaki (Japan); Munechika, Ito PS28A-11-9 Experiences of a Biblicallybased marriage enrichment programme: Perceptions of Christian couples attending Pentecostal church in South Africa. Khomari, Dorcas M (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) PS28A-11-11 Who uses their spouse as a "social surrogate"? A study of the social surrogate hypothesis as regards social network expansion among mothers with preschool-aged children. Nishimura, Takashi (Japan); Katagiri, Sakie; Watanabe, Aki; Furutani, Kaichiro; Soma, Toshihiko; Naganuma, Takami PS28A-11-12 The effect of participating in community disaster drills by persons with disabilities. Kitamura, Yayoi (Japan) PS28A-11-13 RELATION OF COMMUNITY VIOLENCE AND DEPRESSION, ANXIETY AND STRESS Gurrola, Gloria (Mexico); Balcazar, Patricia; Moysen, Alejandra; Garcia, Dolores; Maldonado, Cosme; Villaveces, Martha PS28A-11-18 Power and Autonomy in Married Couples: A Typology and Multilevel Approach. Jou, Yuh-huey (Taiwan) PS28A-11-19 The attitude to the family and professional activity in women with children of preschool age Savenysheva, Svetlana S (Russia); Isakova, Natalya PS28A-11-20 The relationship between stress response and early child care environment in school-aged children Tanaka, Emiko (Japan); Tomisaki, Etsuko; Watanabe, Taeko; Watanabe, Kumi; Meiryandah, Hilda; Anme, Tokie PS28A-11-23 The Changes of the Family SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Harassment and Trauma PS28A-07-4 The symptoms of victims of the Tokyo subway sarin attack Matsui, Yutaka (Japan); Fujita, Hiroyuki; Kobayashi, Maiko; Takahashi, Sachiko; Nakamine, Shin Thursday, July 28, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Health Psychology PS28P-04-20 Metacognitive Feelings of Ease and Eating Attitudes and Behaviors Diaz, Dario (Spain); Brinol, Pablo; Requero, Blanca; Cancela, Ana; Santos, David Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Language PS28P-08-3 The psychological analysis of respondents' attitude towards Kazakh language. Abdirakhmanova, Yadykar (Kazakhstan); Kabekenov, Gabit; Kakpanbayeva, Nuraina; Akhmediyeva, Kulmariya; Abdiraimova, Elmira; Tlenbayeva, Aisha; Aymaganbetova, Olga; Naurzalina, Danna Learning PS28P-08-1 Middle school students' beliefs about effort and their attitudes toward struggling learners Chen, Shun-wen (Taiwan) PS28P-08-8 Do people learn social rules like children learn grammars?: Experimental tests of learning algorithms in the domain of social norms. Kita, Toshimasa (Japan); Takezawa, Masanori PS28P-08-10 Development of an announcement training program for railway operatives as an adaptive expert support tool Kana, Yamauchi (Japan); Fumitoshi, Kikuchi PS28P-08-19 The Effect of a FutureOriented Question on Participants in Gaming Simulations Nakamura, Mieko (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Media and Psychology PS28A-07-1 Cinema and unconscious: Cinelogy. Jungova, Hana (Italy); Di Pietro, Daniela; De Angelis, Floriana; Palumbo, Gabriella PS28A-07-2 An Empirical Research on the Situation of Mobile Phone Usage in Adolescent and Its Influences upon Their Values Hui, Qiu-ping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); He, An-ming PS28A-07-3 A two-wave panel survey on career education and television viewing Tajima, Sachi (Japan); Shoun, Akiyo; Asoh, Naoko; Sakamoto, Akira PS28A-07-5 Psychological Portrait of A Modern Russian Viewer: The Structure of Movie Preferences Kubrak, Tina A (Russia); Grebenshchikova, Taisiia A; Pavlova, Natalya D; Latynov, Vladislav V PS28A-07-6 Psychological analysis of social advertising impact on the harm of smoking Omarova, Lora (Kazakhstan); Sochin, Sergei; Stambekova, Assel; Umbetova, Akbota; Shugayeva, Gulshat; Akhmetova, Tulesh; Skabayeva, Gulmira; Aymaganbetova, Olga PS28A-07-9 Social Relationship Preference of Filipino Digital Natives Pacamalan, Maria Angelli D (Philippines); Cotiangco, Lera Fay PS28A-07-10 How the timing of showing CM and the valence of the TV program effects has an effect on the CMs value. Tasaka, Hanae (Japan); Ikeuchi, Hiromi PS28A-07-16 The Bystander Effect of Altruistic Punishment in Network Environment Gao, Qian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Hongyu PS28A-07-17 Will WeChat reminder be effective when you suffer social exclusion? Hu, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yang, Linchuan PS28A-07-19 No.1 Advertising Is More Effective Than Compartive Advertising Kai, Erina (Japan); Ochi, Keita PS28A-07-21 The influence of collection and utilization of information related to child-rearing on Japanese mothers' mental health Matsumura, Ken'ichi (Japan); Obanawa, Naoko W; Masuda, Mako PS28A-07-22 Extending "Internet Paradox Revisited": Examination of the social and psychological effect of Internet use from the aspect of online behavior Fuji, Kei (Japan) PS28A-07-23 Effect of online social sharing about negative emotional events: Style of talking and reaction from audience Endo, Hiroko (Japan); Fuji, Kei PS28A-07-24 The effects of media use on the changes in national images during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil Sakuma, Isao (Japan) PS28A-07-25 The effect of viewing television on work values: The moderating role of transportation. Shoun, Akiyo (Japan); Tajima, Sachi; Asoh, Naoko; Sakamoto, Akira PS28A-07-26 Psychological Resources and Risks of Internet Using by Teenagers during War Naydonov, Mykhaylo (Ukraine); Naydonova, Lyubov A.; Naydonova, Lyubov M.; Naydonov, Ivan PS28A-07-28 Images about foreign nations in mass media and social media Yamamoto, Akashi (Japan) PS28A-07-31 Mediated effects of intergroup contact via SNS and face to face international communication on attitude toward foreign people. Matsuo, Yumi (Japan); Tajima, Sachi; Teramoto, Mizuha; Shoun, Akiyo; Aita, Mari; Shibuya, Kei; Sakamoto, Akira Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Methodology and Statistics PS28P-12-1 The Effects of Outgoing Envelopes, rewards, and follow-up postcards on the Response Rate in Mail Surveys: Do Transparent Envelopes Increase Response? Maeda, Hiromitsu (Japan) Music Psychology PS28P-12-12 Heavy metal fans: sense of belonging and self-definition. Plivard, Ingrid (France) PS28P-12-19 The impact of lyrics on college students mood when they listen to music Morikawa, Takashi (Japan); Kameshima, Shinya; Komano, Hiroshi; Nagami, Makiko 157 5. Social Structure in China and the Changes of the Self-concept of Chinese People Yang, Rui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Bo; Sun, Lei SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Thursday, July 28, 14:30 – 15:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Neuroscience Mesurado, Belen (Argentina); Rodriguez, Lucas; Crespo, Ricardo; Franck, Juan Francisco; Rodriguez, Omar PS28P-08-20 Maternal parenting behavior and neural emotion processing in adolescents Romund, Lydia (Germany); Raufelder, Diana; Flemming, Eva; Lorenz, Robert C; Pelz, Patricia; Gleich, Tobias; Heinz, Andreas; Beck, Anne PS28A-11-16 The Study of Relationship among Mystical Experiences, Religious Experiences and Positive Personality of Chinese People Xu, Tianyi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Feng, Jing Thursday, July 28, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Peace PS28P-04-24 Peace psychology for a peaceful world Sraman, Ripan Barua (Bangladesh) Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Personality PS28P-12-11 The Influence Trait Empathy Has upon Altruistic Punishment: the Moderating Effect of Social Value Orientation Gao, Qian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Hongyu PS28P-12-13 Three types of curiosity about people-information: Personal emotion, personal secret and personal attribute. Nisikawa, Kazuji (Japan); Yoshizu, Jun; Yoshida, Kouhei PS28P-12-18 Relationships between Interpersonal Traits and Behavior Patterns on Twitter Migiwa, Ifu (Japan); Hashimoto, Yasuhiro; Oshio, Atsushi Thursday, July 28, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 5. Social PS28A-11-3 Criteria of spirituality of the personality on the basis of universal values: experience of Kazakhstan Anarbek, Nazgul (Kazakhstan); Yesseyeva, Mensulu T (Kazakhstan); Kotliarov, Igor V (Belarus); Zhunissova, Botagoz (Kazakhstan); Nalivaev, Ruslan (Kazakhstan) PS28A-11-8 Psychology of Religious and Spiritual Development Pagngnakitti Thero, Rev Kadukanne (Sri Lanka) PS28A-11-14 Relation between Spirituality and Religions with Prosocial Behavior Toward Different Targets: Stranger, Friend and Family 158 PS28A-11-21 The public perception of religious people and the existence of nonscientific truth Arakawa, Ayumu (Japan); Kobo, Matsushima PS28A-11-22 Compassionate feeling might reduce desire for punishment: A preliminary study Murakami, Yusuke (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 09:30 – 10:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Sexuality, LGBTI PS28A-07-20 Themes of Arguments against Same-Sex Marriage in Taiwan: A Discourse Analysis Wang, Ta-wei (Taiwan); Wu, Yi-hsuan; Shih, Huang-yin Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Sleep Psychology PS28P-12-2 Evaluate multiply-categorizable individuals can decrease stereotyping Zuo, Bin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wen, Fangfang; Sun, Shan Sport and Exercise Psychology Imai, Yasuo (Japan); Renge, Kazumi PS28P-12-16 Study on the effects of the road designs to mutual consideration of pedestrians and drivers Miyakawa, Ayu (Japan); Nakayama, Takahiko; Fujii, Satoshi Rapid Communication Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior RC-02-17 Higher revenge rumination trait prevents retrieval of positive memory toward a transgressor: A study with an association memory task Minamoto, Takehiro (Japan); Haruno, Masahiko RC-02-24 The comparison between the effects of sadness counteracting anger and cognitive reappraisal regulating anger under stress Zhan, Yun (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-02-39 Does Higher Poverty Result in Higher Aggression? Effects of Rich-poor Characteristics and Empathy on the Aggression of Violent Video Game Players Gao, Xuemei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Weng, Lei; Pan, Wei; Zheng, Chijun RC-02-42 Negative Meta-Stereotypes and the Evaluation of Intergroup Helping: The Role of SystemJustification Belief Kou, Yu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Langge; Ma, Aidi; Wang, Lei Thursday, July 28, 13:30 – 14:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Teaching Psychology RC-02-69 What Makes the poor stay poor? The effects of perceived stability of the stratification system on high-status individuals' willingness to support Autonomy-oriented vs. Dependencyoriented type of Help Austin Jay, Ferolino P (Philippines) PS28P-04-14 Factors Affecting Teachers Participation in Cyber Entrepreneurship Education Activities Yu, Tai-kuei (Taiwan); Chao, Cheng-min RC-02-81 Defection was more quickly detected when you feel in danger He, Chunhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS28P-12-23 The Effect of Team Unity on Resilience of Athletes Yamada, Kai (Japan) PS28P-04-15 Collecting and Classifying the Contexts of Japanese Elementary School Teacher's Postures: An Exploratory Study Nonaka, Yoichiro (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Traffic Psychology PS28P-12-4 Investigating psychological influences of the peer passenger effect on driving Aging RC-02-6 Prevalence of depression and its associated factors among Chinese elderly people: a comparison study between community-based population and hospitalized population Li, Ning (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Gong; Zheng, Xiaoying RC-02-22 Aging Stereotype Threat Activate Negative Self-concepts: An ERP Evidence SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM (People's RC-02-88 Construction of Mental Health Service System for Senior Citizens in Chinese City Communities from the Perspective of Possibility Psychology Wang, Xiaofeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Mengcheng Behavioral Psychology RC-02-54 Cultural difference of dyadic interactive nonverbal behaviour in Chinese and Australian Cohorts Huang, Jia (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Clinical Psychology RC-02-37 Help seeking attitudes of Japanese school teachers Mizuno, Haruhisa (Japan) Cognition RC-02-2 The effect of wearing a medical mask and sunglasses on perceiver's impression Fujii, Toshikatsu (Japan); Ito, Ayahito (Japan); Jenkins, Rob (United Kingdom); Sanders, Jet (United Kingdom); Yoshida, Kazuki (Japan); Murakami, Yui (Japan); Sakai, Shinya (Japan) RC-02-65 The effect of perspectives and time-intervals on evaluation of inconsistent behaviors Shirasuna, Yuki (Japan); Hiraoka, Daiki; Ishiguro, Sho; Himichi, Toshiyuki; Yanaoka, Kaichi; Kusumi, Takashi Communication RC-02-46 The effect of recipient's gratitude feeling and gratitude behavior on benefactor's prosocial behavior. Kuranaga, Hitomi (Japan) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions RC-02-33 Development of the masculine self-presentation scale for junior high school male students Fukushima, Tadasane (Japan); Fujiu, Hideyuki RC-02-64 Emotional labor as high school teachers and its effects on burnout Tashiro, Yoshikatsu (Japan); Fujiu, Hideyuki Decision Making RC-02-36 PROBABILITY WEIGHTING FUNCTION DERIVED FROM HYPERBOLIC TIME DISCOUNTING: THE EMPIRICAL STUDY COMPARING FITS FOR SIX PROBABILITY WEIGHTING FUNCTIONS Murakami, Hajime (Japan); Takemura, Kazuhisa (Japan); Himichi, Toshiyuki (Japan); Murayama, Kou (United Kingdom); Sakaki, Michiko (United Kingdom) RC-02-85 Detachment and Reinterpretation have Different Impact on Guilt Regulation Feng, Xingyi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sai, Liyang; Sang, Biao; Xie, Shiyun Development Ethics RC-02-77 Trust Structure and Village Development: Based on the Empirical Data Analysis of 1,000 Farmers in 300 Villages Xu, Shangkun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Yuan RC-02-8 Moral Values in Japan: associated with personality traits and life-history strategy Amano, Kai (Japan); Kawamoto, Tetsuya Diversity RC-02-10 Female Psychologists in Lombardy: Diversity and Equal Opportunities Contini, Cristina C (Italy) RC-02-28 Integrating the value-based label as curricular strategy. A dimension of the University Social Responsibility (RSU) Jimenez, Maite I (Chile); Astudillo, Carolina L RC-02-31 Harmony with the body and the community construction. The university as a social open space Jimenez, Maite I (Chile); Jimenez, Gladys A; Reveco, Jacqueline C; Bravo, Gonzalo A RC-02-89 Downward Influence Strategies and General Health: Mediating Role of Organizational Justice Ghosh, Vinit (India); Tripathi, Nachiketa RC-02-35 Low future orientation leads to unethical behavior Yan, Jin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Nannan; Hu, Jian Evolutionary Psychology RC-02-4 Male-skewed altruism in a pairbond of life-long monogamous corvids Takahashi, Nana (Japan); Hasegawa, Toshikazu; Izawa, Ei-ichi RC-02-15 Influences of genetic polymorphisms in oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) on direct reci-procity of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) Onishi, Kenji (Japan); Sato, Yutaro; Yamada, Kazunori; Nakamichi, Masayuki; Hasegawa, Toshikazu RC-02-84 Trolley Problem as a Legal Question:Does it shed new light on the Traditional, Ethical "Trolleyology"?-- Or: Co-evolution of Morality & Law -Wada, Mikihiko (Japan) Economic Family and Community RC-02-63 A grounded theory study of Consumers Perceived Value for Sport Lottery Bettors Guo, Dong-dong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Bin; Hu, Yue; Wang, Mushi RC-02-48 Family structure and child labour in South Angola Ventura, Margarida F (Angola) Educational and School Psychology RC-02-16 Gender differences in structure of value priorities : A study on School children Dutta Roy, Debdulal (India) Culture RC-02-53 Procrastination: The role of self-efficacy and perceived task characteristics Tao, Vivienne Y.k. (Macao); Kuan, Hoi Kei RC-02-43 When All Is Right with The World: Cultural Fluency Influences Endorsement of The Inherence Heuristic Lin, Ying (United States of America); Oyserman, Daphna RC-02-18 Regret facilitates learning: A card game experiment Komiya, Asuka (Japan); Goto, Takayuki Emotion RC-02-67 Stepping Out of the Shadow: A Multimethod Study on Filipino Stepfathers Bolinao, Andre Marcel G (Philippines); Zabala, Gail Franccesca F; Reyes, Lia Angela E; Inciong, Vincent Gender and Sexuality RC-02-11 Effects of Exposure to Explicit Knowledge about Microaggression and Gender of Microaggressor on Perception of Gender Microaggression Bustamante, Charlene Mari Angela P (Philippines); Fernandez, Jerieka Nicole Isabella D.; Cabanlong, Jemima F,; Odeste, Gian Carlo O. RC-02-27 Effect of Empathy Gap and Empathic Accuracy on relationship satis- 159 5. Social Zhang, Baoshan (China Repbulic of China)) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM faction in romantic couples Jueun, Part (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Yoon, Hayeyoung RC-02-34 Ambivalent sexism in Japanese adults Ui, Miyoko (Japan); Odagiri, Noriko; Komura, Kentaro; Matsui, Yutaka RC-02-68 The psychological effects of physical abuse by intimate partners among women in Malamulele, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Mushwana, Mercy D (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) RC-02-70 Exploring the possible relationship between conformity to stereotypical masculinity, and the acceptance of rape myths. Viljoen, Barry L (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) General RC-02-82 Perspectives in the field of psychology of abilities studies Yesbergenova, Gulnur (Kazakhstan); Alimbaeva, Saule; Sytybaeva, Aigul; Toleshova, Ulmeken; Liyasova, Aigul; Toksnabaeva, Nurgul; Zhumagulova, Gulnar Globalization RC-02-21 Factors Associated with Mental Health Status among Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan: Exploration of Personal, Family and Work Characteristics. Susatyo, Bianca Marella (Taiwan); Chuang, Yi-fang Industrial and Psychology Organizational RC-02-83 Effects of staff training on confidence levels: A comparison between seminar training and case conference training Oba, Hikaru (Japan); Sato, Shinichi 5. Social Learning RC-02-12 Providing effective feedback is more complicated that it might seem: lessons from the classroom. Anderson, Charles J (Japan) Media and Psychology RC-02-3 Social Comparison Mediates the Association between Social Networking Site Usage and Psychological Well-Being Wang, Jin-liang (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-02-19 Real, Ideal, or False SelfPresentation Among Young Adult and Middle Adult Facebook Users 160 Grafil, Maria Joan C (Philippines); Yu, Christine Joyce L; Wendam, Hannah A RC-02-50 Can "googling" correct misbelief? Kobayashi, Tetsuro (Hong Kong); Taka, Fumiaki (Japan); Suzuki, Takahisa (Japan) RC-02-56 Role of Online Anonymity and Emotion on Self-Disclosure Heruela, Menorca Nyn L (Philippines); Mariano, Alena Marie B; Guevarra, Patricia Marie; On, Karinazay RC-02-57 A research of the factors to feel uncomfortable when a photograph is contributed to SNS without permission Muranoi, Hitoshi (Japan) RC-02-62 Traumas and digital memoriessharing narratives about Abruzzis earthquake Micalizzi, Alessandra (Italy); Manuela, Farinosi Political Psychology RC-02-9 The Effect of Voice Pitch on Impression Formation of Party Leaders --An Experiment using Speeches of the Debate by Political Leaders-Okada, Yosuke (Japan) Psychological Assessment RC-02-40 The relationship between organizational identification and organizational citizenship behaviors: The moderating role of psychological safety Lin, Linda Linchin (Taiwan); Mayeregger Echeverria, Maria Jose; Mayeregger Echeverria, Maria Jose Psychology Spirituality of Religion and RC-02-78 The role of religion in unity and diversity Azarbayejani, Masoud (Iran) Race and Ethnicity RC-02-38 HARMONY IN DIVERSITY: A CASE FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE AND INCLUSIVITY Teffo, Lesiba J (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Sexuality, LGBTI RC-02-29 Social Desirability and Attitudes Towards Lesbians and Gay Men Fernandez, Jerieka Nicole Isabella D (Philippines); Balanag, Earl Marvin P; Evangelista, Marquee Denielle T; Matsumura, Mayumi RC-02-52 Psychological impact of teenage pregnancy among adolescents in Dichoeung Village, Sekhukhune District, Limpopo Province. Mushwana, Mercy D (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Social Psychology RC-02-1 The need to control for regression toward the mean in analyses of panel survey data Saito, Shinichi (Japan) RC-02-5 When people fail to activate their knowledge: The relation between elaboration and activating knowledge on deceptive advertisements Daiku, Yasuhiro (Japan); Kugihara, Naoki RC-02-7 The effect on cooperative behavior by social distance and cooperation index between different school age Zhang, Lei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Bibo RC-02-13 The association of Positive/ Negative Androgyny and Gender with Need for Cognition Kaynak Malatyali, Meryem (Turkey); Buyuksahin Sunal, Ayda; Demirtas Madran, Hanife Andac RC-02-14 Citizen participation in nuclear energy issues in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan Tsujikawa, Norifumi (Japan) RC-02-20 PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING IN HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM OF KAZAKHSTAN Kusainov, Askarbek (Kazakhstan); Niyazova, Adina E; Kamzanova, Altyngul T; Kalymbetova, Elmira K; Baimoldina, Laura O; Zholdassova, Manzura K RC-02-23 Strong conformity in adolescents between 10 and 16 years old: interaction of social anxiety and stress situation Zhang, Peng (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-02-25 Sharing a Home: The Relationship Between the Elderly Parent and their Adult Children Rojas, Danielle Angelica A (Philippines); Ang-og, Gladys Faith F; Gomez, Monica Maria E; So, Victoria K RC-02-26 The Effects of Interpersonal Familiarity and Task Complexity on Dyad Task Performance Rojas, Danielle Angelica A (Philippines); Aguiguid, Marnelie M; Malonzo, Mikhaela Francesca Marietta A; Rosario, Josh Simm O RC-02-30 Interpersonal touch in the immersive virtual reality. Swidrak, Justyna (Poland); Pochwatko, Grzegorz; Dolinski, Dariusz SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM RC-02-44 Development of Subliminal Couples Coping Test-- The go/no-go association task for dyadic coping -Yokotani, Kenji (Japan); Bodenmann, Guy (Switzerland); Wakashima, Koubun (Japan); Okuno, Masako (Japan); Sato, Kohei (Japan); Mitani, Seiya (Japan); Kubo, Junya (Japan); Ishii, Kousuke (Japan); Ishii, Kayo (Japan); Kurosawa, Tai (Japan) RC-02-45 VIOLENCE AND EMOTIONAL REGULATION STRATEGIES IN MEXICO Rivera, Sofia (Mexico); Diaz- Loving, Rolando; Jaen- Cortes, Claudia Ivethe; Mendez- Rangel, Fernando; CruzMartinez, Luz Maria; Garcia- Mendez, Mirna RC-02-47 Finding a Place: Towards the Integration of Street Children into Mainstream Society Rivera, Mary Anne F (Philippines); Castro, Katherine Anne C; Deogracias, Farah Iman F; Schumann, Luise RC-02-49 Motives of alcohol consumption by young men and women: comparative analysis Skitnevskaya, Larisa (Russia) RC-02-51 War and religiousness: A terror management perspective Du, Hongfei (Macao); Chi, Peilian RC-02-55 Don't act as a villain: The influence of stereotype activation on self-evaluation Wen, Fangfang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Bin; Wu, Yang; Tan, Xiao; Li, Na RC-02-58 Effects of Self Concept Priming and Gender on Prosocial Behavior Ticzon, Immel Clarizza G (Philippines); Brijuega, Chloe E; Cao, Andrea Katerin S; Payuyo, Patrick Franco V; Fabro, Annjanette V RC-02-59 Notice early warning signs of domestic violence by thinking abstractly (vs. concretely): an experience sampling study. Ito, Gen (Japan); Soma, Toshihiko RC-02-60 Kinship Care: A Case Study Peralta, Clarisse Anne G; Inciong, Vincent Angelo M; Fabia, Bianca Anne RC-02-61 The Influence of Interpersonal Distance Perception on Altruistic Behavior of Social Mindfulness Hao, Fang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ren, Yu; Liu, Changjiang RC-02-86 Gender stereotypes and electoral Intentions: The mediator effect of SocialRepresentation of female political leadership in Cameroun Sallah, Makafui Korkoe (France); Wassouo, Emmanuel RC-02-66 Context Creates Compromise: Dissecting the Effects of Contextual Information and Psychological Distance on the Moral Judgement on Heavy Drinkers Magno, Jose F (Philippines); Magno, Jose Marcel Y; Quintos, John Gabriel Robert R RC-02-71 Relationships between mindfulness and empathy Himichi, Toshiyuki (Japan); Osanai, Hidekazu; Goto, Takayuki; Fujita, Hiroyo; Kawamura, Yuta; Nomura, Michio RC-02-72 The Impacts of Pressures on the Creativity of College Students in Picture Drawing and the Moderating Effects of Achievement Motivation Yan, Liu (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-02-73 The relationship of materialism to percieved social support through mediating roles of social comparison in Iranian students Sepahmansour, Mojgan (Iran) RC-02-74 When do Bad Times become Good Times?;Exploring How Limitation of Resources affects the Levels of Competitiveness of Student Leaders with High and Low Social Dominance Orientation Pascual, Giselle G (Philippines); Galicia, Jhonard B; Balones, Ruselle Mae L; Dela Cruz, Ma. Nancy C; Austero, Judy RC-02-75 Comparison of attachment styles using co-occurrence networks in prisoner's dilemma game behavior with 4 strategies Annen, Yasumasa (Japan) RC-02-76 A dualistic model of modesty and its implications for Person-Making in China Zheng, Hong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Fengyan RC-02-79 Meanings of Hometown in Psychological Homeless People Numayama, Hiroshi (Japan); Fukushima, Tomoko RC-02-80 A Study on the Effects of Confederate Behavior and Canned Laughter on Humor Perception Sandiego, Brittany Kate R (Philippines); RC-02-87 Katorpehan: An Investigation of the Meaning and Experience of Torpe of Adolescents and Young Adults Hermosa, Christine Kiere T (Philippines); Reyes, Luis Alberto I; Rupisan, Paolo Miguel N Contributed Symposium CS25-15 Educational and School Psychology Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Annex Hall F202 Structures and issues of PTA in socio-cultural context in democratic countries of Japan, USA, and UK Organizer: Takeo, Kazuko (Japan) Co-organizer: Omi, Yasuhiro (Japan) Present state and issues of PTA in Japan - Focusing on conflicts between diversity of the PTA-active mothers' lifestyles and rigidity of the PTA organization Takeo, Kazuko (Japan) The PTA and Education Inequity in the United States Suzuki, Sawako America) (United States of The historical consideration about mandatory participation in PTA in Japan Jinno, Kiyoshi (Japan) Present state and issues of PTA in Japan - Focusing on conflicts between diversity of the PTA-active mothers' lifestyles and rigidity of the PTA organization Takeo, Kazuko (Japan) Discussant: Lewis, Charlie N (United Kingdom) Contributed Symposium CS25-18 Political Psychology Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 411 Cultural differences and social development. The Re.Cri.Re first results and theoretical and methodological implications for policy design Organizer: Salvatore, Sergio (Italy) The social representations of self and life environment across Europe. 161 5. Social RC-02-41 The Different Roles of Relative Ingroup Prototypicality in Outgroup Attitudes for Majorityand Minority Groups Kou, Yu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Jin; Wang, Lei Ruda, Joy Delyn A (Philippines); Cho, Haeun 6. Cultural RC-02-32 Parasocial Interaction, Terror Management Theory and Football Fanaticism Sozen, Ayse I (Japan); Hasta, Derya (Turkey) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Implications for social development Kharlamov, Nikita A (Denmark) Contributed Symposium CS26-09 Sexuality, LGBTI Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 411 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Parents: Building Families and Navigating Stigma Contributed Symposium CS26-17 Social Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 412 Cross-cultural and socio-cultural approaches to creativity The analysis of the cultural dynamics. Re.Cri.Re methodological framework Organizer: Sweeney, Kristin K (United States of America) Veltri, Giuseppe A (United Kingdom) Cross-cultural variations in creative perception modulate creative performance Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Parents: Building Families and Navigating Stigma Kharkhurin, Anatoliy V (United Arab Emirates); Yagolkovskiy, Sergey R (Russia) Horne, Sharon (United States of America); Reeves, Teresa; Simons, Peter; Wadler, Brianna; Guerrero, Aj; Maroney, Meredith Cross-cultural consumer comparisons in advertising creativity and effectiveness Same-Sex Parented Families in the United States: Unique Pathways, Strengths and Challenges Shiu, Eric (United Kingdom) Mannarini, Terri (Italy); Rochira, Alessia; Salvatore, Sergio Environmental perception of cultural dynamics and semantic meaning attribution Dialectical approach to social development. Theory and implications for policy-design. Salvatore, Sergio (Italy); Fini, Viviana (Italy); Kharlamov, Nikita (Denmark); Mannarini, Terri (Italy); Rochira, Alessia (Italy); Veltri, Giuseppe (United Kingdom) Discussant: Sato, Tatsuya (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS26-05 Harassment and Trauma Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 415 Diverse and Global Insights on Women and Trauma: A Focus on Assessment, Prevention and Intervention from Theoretical, Research, and Clinical Care Perspectives Organizer: Coker-appiah, Dionne S (United States of America) Prevention as Intervention: The Ecological Systems Approach to Preventing Sexual Offences in India Khanna, Richa (United States of America) Exploring the traumatic experiences of women living with HIV using the Life History Calendar Dass-brailsford, Priscilla (United States of America) Sweeney, Kristin K (United States of America) How Lesbian Mothers Prepare Adolescents for Homophobic Stigmatization Bos, Henny (Netherlands); Van Rijn-van Gelderen, Loes; Van De Bongardt, Daphne; Gartrell, Nanette Contributed Symposium CS26-13Culture Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 415 East Asian Children and Money as a Cultural Tool: Dialectically Understanding Different Cultures Organizer: Oh, Sunah (Japan) Co-organizer: Takahashi, Noboru (Japan) Dialogical Process of Mutual Cultural Understanding over “Treat” OH, SUNAH (Japan) Reporting sexual assaults in the United States: The influence of police-community racial tensions and mistrust Parent-child relationship on the pocket money issue in Vietnam Henninger, Amy L (United States of America); Iwasaki, Michiko Cultural diversity and common foundation: From cross-culture study in children's pocket money MOBBING, COPING WITH STRESS AND JOB BURNOUT AMONG POLISH NURSES Wilczek Ruzyczka, Ewa (Poland) Trauma and intervention in Southeast Asian and Chinese victims of trafficking and abuse Hu, George (China (People's Repbulic of China)) 6. Cultural Discussant: Inman, Arpana G (United States of America) 162 Thi Mai Huong, Phan (Viet Nam) Pian, Chengnan (China Repbulic of China)) (People's Expanded mediational Structure and Cultural Psychology of Difference as the theoretical frameworks for understanding cultural means of money Yamamoto, Toshiya (Japan) Discussant: Takagi, Kotaro (Japan) Organizer: Glaveanu, Vlad (Denmark) Missing the Gap Tanggaard, Glaveanu Lene (Denmark); Vlad, How minds and cultures compose each other through creativity Moran, Seana (United States of America) Discussant: Hanchett Hanson, Michael (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS27-01 Sexuality, LGBTI Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 411 Research into sexuality and gender diversity: implications for health, education and psychological professionals, commissioners and policy makers Organizer: Toguchi, Takuya (Japan) Recognition of sexual and gender diversity related vocabulary among Japanese clinical psychology graduate students Toguchi, Takuya (Japan) Recognition of sexual and gender diversity related vocabulary among Japanese clinical psychology graduate students Toguchi, Takuya (Japan) Exploring transgender experience in a cross-cultural context: Implications gained from an interview with an Australian female-to-male Machida, Naoko (Japan) Minority Stress and Smoking among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults Smith, Nathan G (United States of America); Obasi, Ezemenari M; Reitzel, Lorraine R SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Contributed Symposium CS27-03Culture Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 312 Cognitive development across cultures: The role of parent-child interaction in cultural transmission Contributed Symposium CS27-13Environmental Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 312 Understanding the Role of Cultural Contexts on Environmentalism Organizer: Senzaki, Sawa (United States of America) Social dominance orientation helps explain dominance over nature What makes memory constructive? Cross cultural differences in children's imaginary companion: Comparison of Japanese children to American children Milfont, Taciano L (New Zealand) Prolepsis and Collective Memory: How the Future Weights on the Past. The role of culture in Japanese and American mothers' descriptions about others and their children Shimizu, Yuki (Japan); Senzaki, Sawa (United States of America) Parent-child interaction: Relation to attention and perception Cross-national variations in the gap between environmental awareness and pro-environmental behaviors Cultural differences on the role of norms on environmental behavior De Saint Laurent, (Switzerland) Ando, Kaori (Japan) Discussant: Mori, Naohisa (Japan) Cosmopolitan Orientation as a Novel Predictor of Pro-Environmental Efforts Story Time Reflects Cross-Cultural Differences in Attentional Patterns in Infancy Discussant: (Australia) Senzaki, Sawa (United States America); Shimizu, Yuki (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS28-12Culture Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 311 How can we understand and study culture? New methodologies of dialogical research for mutual understanding. Contributed Symposium CS27-04 Sexuality, LGBTI Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 411 Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Individuals Negotiating Stigma and Seeking Acceptance within Families of Origin Organizer: Sweeney, Kristin K (United States of America) Same-sex attraction, gender nonconformity, and mental health: The protective role of parental acceptance. Van Beusekom, Gabriel (Netherlands); Sandfort, Theo Gm (United States of America) Experiences around Acceptance and Rejection from Primary Families of LGBT Individuals in India Shivakumar, Seemanthini T (India) I think people were a bit unsure about how to react': Exploring family reactions to non-heterosexuals' positive and negative life events in Western countries. Peel, Elizabeth (United Kingdom) Discussant: Horne, Sharon (United States of America) Bresco De Luna, Ignacio (Denmark) Trajectories of remembering: Collective memory from a developmental perspective Kuwabara, Megumi (United States of America) Discussant: Wang, Qi (United States of America) Wagoner, Brady (Denmark) Tam, Kim-pong (Hong Kong); Chan, Hoi-wing Leung, Angela Ka-yee (Singapore); Koh, Kelly (Singapore); Tam, Kim-pong (Hong Kong) of Organizer: Bresco De Luna, Ignacio (Denmark) Kashima, Yoshihisa Organizer: Oh, Sunah (Japan) Co-organizer: Sakakibara, Tomomi (Japan); Watanabe, Tadaharu Story presenting method as dialogical research tool for understanding culture Watanabe, Tadaharu (Japan) Dy n a m i c s of i n te rc u l t u ra l understanding:An analysis of dialogical classes between Chinese and Japanese university students Pian, Chengnan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sakakibara, Tomomi (Japan) Constance M Contributed Symposium CS28-21Diversity Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 417 Seeking harmony in diverse places unknown: The plight of immigrants and refugees in the 21st century Organizer: Rubin, Neal S (United States of America) running women's problem solving groups with syrian refugees in Lebanon. Khoury, Brigitte (Lebanon) A qualitative study on Korean marriage migrants adjusting to a new life after divorce Kim, Eunha (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Health Promotion for Latino Immigrant Families in Chicago Machizawa, Sayaka (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS28-24Emotion Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 313 Cross-cultural comparisons of positive self-conscious emotions. Organizer: Arimitsu, Kohki (Japan) Process of Understanding Cultures Using Movies in an Exchange Class between Japanese and Korean Universities When self-conscious and and sociallyengaging emotions overlap: Awe as a trigger for self reflection and evaluation in interdependent Japan OH, SUNAH (Japan) Taylor, Pamela M (Japan); Uchida, Yukiko (Japan); Nakayama, Masataka (Japan); Keltner, Dacher (United States of America) A new theoretical framework for MUTUAL understanding of cultures based on the concept of EMS. Yamamoto, Toshiya (Japan) Discussant: Valsiner, Jaan (Denmark); Tajima, Atsushi (Japan); Yamamoto, Toshiya (Japan) Cultural differences in compassion for self and others and well-being between Japan and the United States. Arimitsu, Kohki (Japan); Hitokoto, 163 6. Cultural Moriguchi, Yusuke (Japan); Senzaki, Sawa (United States of America) Organizer: Tam, Kim-pong (Hong Kong) Contributed Symposium CS28-19Culture Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 415 Memory, Culture, and Society SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Hidefumi (Japan); Kind, Shelley (United States of America); Hofmann, Stefan G. (United States of America) Global Mental Health: Approaches to Latino Mental Health and Haitian Mental Health Happiness in cultural context: Interdependent happiness as a core concept of happiness among interdependent cultural members Bloom, Jill (United States of America) Hitokoto, Hidefumi (Japan) In-group gain and in-group identification with political party and sport team predicts schadenfreude in reaction to out-group suffering Smith, Richard (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS28-27 Educational and School Psychology Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 413 Symposium title: Child Science of Parenting and Schooling: Comparison between Asia and Africa. (Japanese Society of Child Science officially supports this symposium) Organizer: Ando, Juko (Japan) Children in family, school, and society: China and Senegal. Ando, Juko (Japan); Zhong, Mei (Japan); Amo, Kae (China) The effect of grandparenting on children's personality: comparison of Japan and China Sun, Cindy (Japan) Teaching Embodied Hayashi, Akiko (Japan) Discussant: Amo, Kae (France); Zhong, Mei (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Contributed Symposium CS29-10 Community Psychology Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 416 Community Approaches to Cultural Diversity, Crime, and Response to Natural Disaster Organizer: Garcia-shelton, Linda M (United States of America) Haitian Children's Resileince and Vulnerability Assessed with HouseTree-Person (HTP) Drawings Roysircar-sodowsky, Gargi (United States of America) 6. Cultural Teacher Knowledge of LGBT Issues and Student Bullying of LGBT Classmates in Japan: Report of Incidence and Community Based Programs to Address Identified Problems. (Community) Kasai, Makiko (Japan) 164 Human Trafficking: What's our community response? Sidun, Nancy M (United States of America) Effective Responses to Communities following a Natural Disaster (Disaster) Garcia-shelton, Linda M (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS29-13Diversity Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 312 Multiculturalism for Harmony Association) Sera, Hideko (United States of America) Undergraduate Education Commitment to Ethnic/Racial Diversity Competency: College-wide, General Education, and Psychology Major Student Learning Goals at Macalester College Brown, Kendrick T (United States of America) Commitment to Ethnic/Racial Diversity Competency in Education, Training, and Workplace in the United States: Undergraduate, Graduate (National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology), and Organization (American Psychological Association) Wilson, Torrey (United States of America) Organizer: Ciftci, Ayse (United States of America) Co-organizer: Ciftci, Ayse (United States of America) Graduate Student Organizational Efforts in the American Psychological Association to Promote Ethnic/Racial Diversity Competency Finding Harmony-in-Between: Turkey El-ghoroury, Nabil (United States of America) Ciftci, Ayse (United States of America) Japan in the midst of transition: from a perceived homogeneous country to a multicultural society Suzuki, Hanako (Japan) Multicultural Counseling Education and Training in Korea Lee, Ji-yeon (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Multiculturalism for harmony: The United States Inman, Arpana G (United States of America); Eftekharzadeh, Pegah Thematic Session TS25-06Diversity Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 414 Commitment to Ethnic/Racial Diversity Competency in Education, Training, and Workplace in the United States: Undergraduate, Graduate (National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology), and Organization (American Psychological Association) Organizer: Sera, Hideko (United States of America) Co-organizer: Sera, Hideko (United States of America) Commitment to Ethnic/Racial Diversity Competency in Education, Training, and Workplace in the United States: Undergraduate, Graduate (National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology), and Organization (American Psychological Discussant: Jackson, James S (United States of America) Thematic Session TS26-26Diversity Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Exhibition Hall E204 Psychology of Identity Intersectionality: Research, Practice, and Pedagogy Organizer: Rivera, David (United States of America) Critical Pedagogical Shifts: Applications of Intersectionality Frameworks to Psychological Research and Practice Deblaere, Cirleen (United States of America) Intersectional Stereotypes and Person Perception: Avoiding Bias in Clinical Settings Lee, Yi Jung (Taiwan) Intersecting Social Identities and Collective Action Chan, Wing Y (United States of America) Teaching at the Intersections of Multiple Oppressed Identities: Theoretical Conceptualizations and Practical Strategies Rivera, David (United States of America) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM How and why can we read manga so fast? Organizer: Simoes, Tchilissila A (Angola) Discussant: Sugamura, Genji (Japan) Family functioning and quality of life in Southern Angola Traguedo, Tania B (Angola) Mutual Adjustment and Conjugal Functioning: Differences from Portuguese and Angolan Couples Januario, Dulcineia C (Angola) “Southern Angolan families matter”: Southern Angolan Family Life Cycle Model. Simoes, Tchilissila A (Angola); Alberto, Isabel M Discussant: Ventura, Margarida (Angola) Thematic Session TS27-21 Sexuality, LGBTI Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 411 LGBT Psychology in Taiwan: Emerging Issues in Diverse Settings Organizer: Wang, Ta-wei (Taiwan) The Lacanian Framework of Gender in Taiwan: A Critical Overview Lee, Shuo (Taiwan) Microaggression Experiences in Workplace of LGB Counseling Psychologists Chao, Shuchu Ting-huan (Taiwan); Huang, Gendered HIV Prevention Policies and Self-Diagnosis of Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Taiwan Tseng, Po Ying (Taiwan) Experiences of Group Work Services for Gay Men in a Hospital in Taipei: A Retrospective Reflection Huang, Ying-hao (Taiwan) From center to periphery: Taiwanese counseling Scenario Tamada, Keisaku (Japan) How Do We Understand Manga? Manga Literacy and Manga Comprehension. Nakazawa, Jun (Japan) Thematic Session TS29-03Culture Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 412 Psychological conflicts in contemporary Bali: From the viewpoints of indigenous psychology Organizer: Suzuki, Kazuyo (Japan) CONFLICT BETWEEN EARLY ADOLESCENT CHILDREN AND THEIR PARENTS IN BALINESE FAMILIES Pande Ary (Indonesia) Susilawati, Luh Kadek What makes working Balinese women happy ?(Exploring Happiness in working Balinese women, an Indigenous Psychology Approach) Indrawati, Komang R (Indonesia); Sikiani, Ni Komang Dewi; Pratama, Putu Yoga Sukma; Pradnyadari, Ni Made Dyah Sathya DYNAMICS OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION ON BALINESE WOMEN (A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY OF CONFLICT IN BALI) Yoga Adityawira, I Ketut (Indonesia); Winawan Made, Ivan Prasetya; Kartika H., Yohanes; Tobing, David Hizkia Are Moslem Immigrants Now Free from Discrimination by Balinese People ? Trisna Dewi, Putu Yunita (Indonesia); Puspita Adi, Putu Ratih; Herdiyanto, Yohanes K.; Tobing, David Hizkia Cultural contact and conflicts of Japanese immigrants living in Bali Suzuki, Kazuyo (Japan) The Kuo, Li-an (Taiwan); Lee, Hsin-chien Discussant: Wang, Ta-wei (Taiwan) Thematic Session TS28-11 Media and Psychology Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E206 Toward a Psychology of Manga/ Anime: Japanese Perspectives Discussant: Tezuka, Chizuko (Japan) Oral Presentation Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 316 Behavioral Psychology OR25-02-6 Patterns of health seeking behavior in Kenya Wadende, Pamela A (Kenya); Singoei, James K Organizer: Ieshima, Akihiko (Japan) Educational and School Psychology Impact of manga on personality development of youth OR25-02-1 To avoid or to approach hardworking underachievers? Mediators between peers effort-making and adolescents friend-making in the Confucian cul- Ieshima, Akihiko (Japan) tural context Fwu, Bih-jen (Taiwan); Wei, Chih-fen; Chen, Shun-wen; Wang, Hsiou-huai OR25-02-2 Cyber bullying experience of school/college students: An India- Japan Comparison Sugimori, Shinkichi (Japan); Sundaram, Suresh (India) OR25-02-3 Developing a researcher identity: PhD students' writing conceptions and research-related conditions. Castello, Montserrat (Spain); Monereo, Carles OR25-02-4 Comparing achievement goal profiles among students from various cultural backgrounds Litalien, David (Australia); Morin, Alexandre J.s (Australia); Mcinerney, Dennis M (Hong Kong) Learning OR25-02-5 Team Social Network and Team Creativity: Measuring the mediating effect of Team Learning Process Zhang, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhong, Yuting; Zhao, Juan Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 317 Culture OR25-03-1 Cultural Manifold Analysis (CULMAN): Trust of Nations Yoshino, Ryozo (Japan) OR25-03-2 A qualitative study about the notion of well-being and Feng-Shui for Chinese drivers in automotive contexts Rau, Pei Luen Patrick (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Yubo; Zhuang, Chunping OR25-03-3 Personality as a Moderator in the Relationships between Adult Attachment and Parental styles of Chinese Urban Adolescents in Difference Communities. Yang, Anbo (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xie, Dong (United States of America) OR25-03-4 Is the Understanding the Concept About Ngayah Related to the Conformity among Sekaa Teruna Teruni in Bali? Putra, I Putu Brian Obie (Indonesia); Aryaningrat, Putu Sintha Dewi OR25-03-5 Understanding Exclusionary Reactions toward a Foreign Culture: The Influence of Intrusive Cultural Mixing on Implicit Intergroup Bias Shi, Yuanyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huajian, Cai 165 6. Cultural Thematic Session TS26-27 Family and Community Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Exhibition Hall E206 Family Structural Functioning in Southern Angola SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR25-03-6 God Image and its Correlates across Developmental Stages and Genders among Hindus: A Socio-Cultural Perspective Bhatia, Aakanksha (India) Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 318 Community Psychology OR25-40-2 Adaptation of mental health programs for online dissemination Chan, Tsz Ying Amy (Hong Kong) Culture OR25-40-1 Diaz Guerrero Sociocultural Premises sixty years later Reyes-lagunes, L. Isabel (Mexico) OR25-40-3 Bengal's Baul: voice against homogenization struggling for the divined oneness- transition over changing time Sengupta, Amitava (India) OR25-40-4 Brazilians in Japan : A qualitative study of the difficulties and facilitators of acculturation Tashima, Jesselyn N (Brazil); Torres, Claudio V OR25-40-5 Social Representations of Spirit Possession in Philippine Media: An Analysis of Videos Ang, Angelica Issah V (Philippines) OR25-40-6 Psychologycal Ayem-tentrem of Javaneese People Nuryakin, Fauzanin (Indonesia); Mahpur, Mohammad Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 424B Arts OR25-51-1 Youth Orchestra Recanto Maesto: a case of Ontopsychological Pedagogy applied to Music to foster Responsibility and Musical Talent in children and youth of the countryside of Brazil Miranda, Clarissa M (Brazil); Penna, Michael F; Carrara, Claudio; Gazzaneo, Luiz V; Rothmann, Any R; Wazlawick, Patricia OR25-51-2 Examining the social perception of Israeli children of Ethiopian and non-Ethiopian origin An Analysis of children's drawing Yedidia, Tova (Israel); Levine- Keini, Noga 6. Cultural OR25-51-3 Creativity: A Cultural Perspective Karnilowicz (mizuno), Cassandra R (Japan) OR25-51-5 Teaching Social Values Through Humorous Character (Sabdapalon & Nayagenggong) in Traditional 166 Javanese Chronicle Krestaryaningwidhy, Anggrelika (Indonesia); Hakim, Moh. T P Culture OR25-51-4 How to measure Intercultural Competence on the organizational level? The introduction of a new construct under the influence of Intercultural Training. Schnabel, Svenja D (Germany) Economic OR25-51-6 Chinese and Caucasian, Who is More Risk Tolerance? Dai, Zhijie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Grace, Randolph C (New Zealand); Song, Xianwen (China (People's Repbulic of China)) illness in a South African community Makgahlela, Mpsanyana W (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Sodi, Tholene OR25-67-8 On wabi sabi and the aesthetics of family secrets Reading Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the shore Orgad, Yariv (Israel) Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 314 Culture OR26-41-1 Mental Illness through the eyes of culture: African perceptions of the causes of Schizophrenia. A case of Harare Hospital Mudhovozi, Pilot (Zimbabwe); Zirima, Herbert Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 514 Culture OR26-41-2 Active learning to develop university students' intercultural competence Mak, Anita S (Australia) OR25-67-1 Hong Kong street performers field study: Why they do it, their donation seeking habits and attitudes Ho, Robbie (Hong Kong) OR26-41-3 Indigenous Psychology: Bridging the Local and Global Dhani, Kurnia R (Indonesia); Minza, Wenty M OR25-67-2 The Intra-generational Differences of Cultural Adaption of Ecomigrants in the West Arid Zones of China Ding, Feng-qin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Cui, Miao; Zen, Xiang-lan; Yong, Shao-hong OR26-41-4 Self-motives of Moral Behavior: A Cross-cultural Study of Moral Action and Affect Buruian, Alexandrina (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-67-3 Effects of ego-depletion, social distance and culture on temporal discounting Speckmann, Felix (Germany); Steinmetz, Janina (United States of America) OR26-41-5 Priming Modernity and Work Experiences Strengthens the Association Between Fairness/Harm Concerns and Anger in China Chen, Manqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Yuan; Gao, Wenjun OR25-67-4 Birth Cohort Change of Collectivism: A Study of Chinese Adolescents and Their Parents Zhou, Zheng (Hong Kong); Liu, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wong, Wan-chi (Hong Kong) OR26-41-6 Beverage Culture: Tasting Tea or Coffee Affects Self-Evaluation Han, Yangmei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hsueh, Fang-hsuan; Tai, Yu-ting; Lv, Meizhen; Wang, Lei OR25-67-5 Different styles of keeping harmony in the collectivist cultures of Brazil and Japan: The role of ideal affect in interdependence De Almeida, Igor E (Japan); Uchida, Yukiko OR25-67-6 PARENTING AND ETHNIC: BETWEEN BATAK TRIBE MOTHER AND SUNDANESE MOTHER Widyani, Bianda Retno (Indonesia); Sari, Syifa; Budiono, Neira Ardaneshwari; Salsabila, Aliya; Saraswati, Nimas Linggar; Anjasmara, Doni Dwi; Gracia, Gabriella; Gayatri, Nyoman Sri; Sabirin, Muhammad Muaz; Faustino, Jeremy; Febrianti, Vinesia; Carissa, Nathasia OR25-67-7 Makgoma: A culture specific Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 3F 316 Culture OR26-61-2 Effects of background information on identification/interpretation of the central figure Isaka, Kaoru (Japan); Naka, Makiko; Michimata, Chikashi OR26-61-4 GENDER EQUALITY: CULTURAL CONSTRAINTS AMONG THE IGBOS IN NIGERIA Uzoka, Rose N (Nigeria); Ononuju, Ndidi A; Onyekwere, Nonye A Diversity OR26-61-5 Issues related to stress of mothers of international families SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Theoretical Psychology Frameworks of OR26-61-1 Indigenised psychology and indigenous psychological studies in China Zhang, Yao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Xinjian; Wang, Jingna OR26-61-3 Chinese indigenous psychology and its features Wang, Xinjian (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Zhe; Zhang, Yao OR26-61-6 Indigenous Psychologies A Meta-Analysis of an emerging field Nikora, Linda Waimarie (New Zealand); Waitoki, Waikaremoana; Masters, Bridgette; Rua, Mohi Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 424A Clinical Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 425 Culture OR26-10-2 Portraying Heterogenous Societies: The Contribution of Crosscultural Psychology in Indonesia Sukamto, Pungki A (Indonesia); Minza, Wenty M OR26-10-4 Relational Mobility Breeds Favorable Responses Towards Culture Mixing: A Socio-ecological Perspective Chen, Yongyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Peng, Luluo; Zheng, Xiaoying OR26-10-5 The relationship between GDP and national creativity under the dark clouds of power distance culture Sheng, Mingming (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Hao; Lai, Kaisheng; Yue, Guo-an Educate Students about Cultural Sensitivity, Build a Framework of Effective Community Engagement, and Improve Psychological Wellbeing Al-aseer, Janine (United States of America) OR26-13-6 The Looping Effect of Mental Disorders Vesterinen, Tuomas (Finland) Sustainable Development OR26-13-1 Social and Cultural Values in Sustainable Development Process Shmeleva, Irina A (Russia) Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center B1F 24 Culture OR26-93-2 The More (Social Group Memberships), the Merrier: Is this the Case for Asians? Chang, Melissa Xue-ling (Australia); Jetten, Jolanda; Cruwys, Tegan; Haslam, Catherine OR26-15-5 Lay explanatory models of depression, help-seeking behavior and preferred coping strategies among Somali refugees in Norway. A mixed method study. Markova, Valeria (Norway); Mjeldheim Sandal, Gro OR26-10-6 Why do young Asian women desire to have white skin? Understanding conscious and non-conscious motivations of young women in Bangkok Cuny, Caroline (France); Opaswongkarn, Titima Diversity Emotion Culture OR26-10-1 A Jungian perspective as the bridge between African worldviews and Western worldviews Du Toit, Danie H (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Van Der Merwe, Karen; Juma, James OR26-93-1 Why Expressing Emotions Associated With Poorer Psychological Well-being in China? The Moderating Effect of Contra-Hedonic Beliefs of Happiness and Their Relations with Culture Values Deng, Xinmei (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-15-1 Psychology: Re(turn) to Subjectivity & Representation De, Sonali (India) OR26-15-2 Negotiating meaning in the figured world of classrooms: Student engagement in Multilingual education Plus (MLE PLUS) programme in India Manocha, Sakshi (India); Panda, Minati OR26-15-3 Who you want to be and who you think you are: the distance between ideal self and current self and biculturals' well-being in Canada Tao, Dan (Canada); Doucerain, Marina; Segalowitz, Norman; Ryder, Andrew OR26-15-4 Help in Orientation and Psychoeducation (HOPE): Psychosocial and psychocultural Support for Refugees in Germany. Traumatization and Acculturative Stress (Trauma of Exile). Treatment in a Political Context Emminghaus, Wolf B (Germany) Gender and Sexuality OR26-15-6 Culture, family and gender in Jewish women's lives Krimberg Von Muhlen, Bruna (Brazil); Alba, Avril; Strey, Marlene OR26-10-3 WESTERN PSYCHOTHERAPY AND TRADITIONAL AFRICAN HEALING: Partners or Opponents Mosue, Letta M (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Culture OR26-13-2 Acculturation and Health of International Students in China: How Cultural Values, Identification and Personality Traits Influence Their Attitudes and Experience Zhang, Yanyan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-13-3 How to treat mental disorders with Traditional Chinese Medicine Riegel, Andrea-mercedes (Germany) OR26-13-4 The meaning of honor and dignity logics on the acculturation processes. Krys, Kuba (Poland); Justyna, Swidrak; Anna, Kwiatkowska OR26-13-5 Using Service-Learning to OR26-93-3 Bedouin adolescents: Are their coping resources stable over time? Braun-lewensohn, Orna (Israel) Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 316 Harassment and Trauma OR27-39-4 The axe forgets but the tree that is cut will never forget. Proverbs depicting experiences of war trauma from the narratives of veterans in Zimbabwe Mutambara, Julia (Zimbabwe); Sodi, Tholene (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Health Psychology OR27-39-1 Health Disparities among Asian American Ethnic Communities in the United States: A Phenomenological Approach Lui, Angela M (United States of America); Sheu, Hung-bin; Bordon, Jennifer J OR27-39-2 Psychological factors associated with cancer: A study of the lived experiences of a group of elderly men of African descent diagnosed with prostate cancer 167 6. Cultural Fujioka, Isao (Japan) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Nkoana, Shai E (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Sodi, Tholene OR27-39-3 Through a cultural lens: Filial piety and overall well-being of Chinese HIV-positive gay men Cheng, Rachael Xi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Mak, Winnie W. S. (Hong Kong) OR27-39-5 Culture and Chronic Pain Experiences Deif, Reem M (Egypt) OR27-39-6 Sociocultural Barriers to Medical and Psychosocial Care for Women in Diverse Countries Coping with Chronic and Life Threatening Physical Conditions Coons, Helen L (United States of America) Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 421 Culture OR27-42-1 Creating harmony in the form of love for Buginess-Makassar family Khumas, Asniar (Indonesia); Kurniawan, Wawan OR27-42-2 Being Two People at the Same Time: The Impact of Bicultural Identity Integration on the Implicit Prejudice Among Asian Americans Hsu, Yu-wei (Hong Kong); Livingston, Robert W (United Kingdom) OR27-42-3 Maori childbearing decisions: Indigenous distinctiveness and harmony in a colonising frame Le Grice, Jade S (New Zealand) OR27-42-4 PRELIMINARY RESEARCH ON PARENTING STYLE IN INDONESIA Borualogo, Ihsana Sabriani (Indonesia) OR27-42-5 I am Charlie, but not a "mere image": Visual Insults and Japanese Manga Self-Esteem Takemoto, Timothy (Japan) OR27-42-6 Understanding Military Cultural Competency Troiani, Joseph E (United States of America) Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 423 Diversity Outcomes? An Examination of the Last 20 Years of Research Denson, Nida (Australia); Bowman, Nicholas A (United States of America) Preliminary Study of a University in Eastern Taiwan Wang, Tsai-wei (Taiwan); Chang, Te-sheng OR27-62-5 Ethnocultural identity in the modern Russian society: impact of the region Shaigerova, Ludmila (Russia); Zinchenko, Yuri OR27-28-4 Implicit Beliefs on Religiosity as a Mediating Variable in the Endorsement of Polyculturalism in Relation to the Attitudes toward the LGBT Community Manalo, Kamille Anne M (Philippines); Chinlee, Mark B; Ceralde, Angela Candice; Villarica, Vettina Gender and Sexuality OR27-62-2 Analysis and Research on Self-consciousness of Female Graduates --------Perspectives from Feminism Shaoli, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR27-28-5 Feelings of Marginalization, Stigmatization and Its Effect on Health: A Study of Indian Eunuchs Verma, Sunil (India) OR27-62-4 News Por trayals of Witchcraft-Related Violence in South African Print Media: A Feminist Psychological Exploration Ally, Yaseen (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Environmental Psychology OR27-62-6 Influence of sexual aggression on psychological well-being of Indian women: cultural definition, context, and socialization norms that encourage sexual aggression Sarkar, Sreeroopa (United States of America); Moore, Rachel; Friedman, Robin Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 511 Culture OR27-28-6 Subjective well-being: a sample of Ciudad Juarez Moreno- Cedillos, Alicia (Mexico); LunaGarcia, Elizabeth L Diversity OR27-28-3 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING AMONG WORKING MOTHERS IN INDONESIA AND CHINA Novitasari, Resnia (Indonesia); Qudsyi, Hazhira (Indonesia); Ambarito, Tika P (Indonesia); Yudhani, Eri (Indonesia); Nisak, Fakhrun (Indonesia); Wang, Chenxi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Mingming (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Baihua (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Sexuality, LGBTI 6. Cultural OR27-62-1 Intergenerational comparison indicators of value system in different ethnical groups (Russians and Dagestans living in St. Petersburg) Natalia, Grishina V (Russia) OR27-28-1 Sexual Minorities and Identity Politics in India: Story of a Struggle against never-ending spiral of Social Stigma Satpathy, Maheswar (India) OR27-62-3 Do Diversity Courses Make a Difference in University Student OR27-28-2 Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual University Student Experiences: A 168 OR27-12-1 Cross-national variation of gender difference in environmental concern: The impact of socio-cultural factors Chan, Hoi-wing (Hong Kong); Tam, Kimpong; Pong, Vivien OR27-12-2 Pro-environmental behaviors in a big city versus a small city in Malaysia: Investigating environmental attitudes, knowledge and behavioral intentions in a developing country Park, Miriam S (Malaysia); Goto, Nobuhiko; Yeng, Hong Qing; Thiry, Jeffery Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 513 Gender and Sexuality OR27-48-2 Predictors of Attitudes Towards Women in Turkey: Sex roles, Individualism-Collectivism, and and Parenting Style Bugay, Asli (Turkey); Delevi, Raquel (United States of America) Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Globalization OR27-12-3 Exploring the predictive power of eco-cultural antecedents and correlates: Are country clusters more meaningful than individual nations? Friedman, Shlomit (Israel); Ronen, Simcha (Israel); Shenkar, Oded (United States of America); Ben Asher, Halo (United States of America) OR27-12-4 Can Ubuntu be used as a Psychotherapeutic Epistemology? Viljoen, Barry L (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR27-12-6 Rethinking identity: Globalization and technology SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Ediati, Annastasia (Indonesia); Utari, Agustini Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 513 Personality OR27-89-3 Gender discrimination and mental health in women and men: a crosscultural study Kucharska, Justyna (United Kingdom); Shuwiekh, Hanaa (Egypt); Abu-ras, Wahiba (United States of America); Lewandowski, Linda (United States of America); Kira, Ibrahim (United States of America) OR27-48-1 Traditional Chinese Personality Theory and Related Application Yang, Qiuli (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Du, Jian; Wang, Hao OR27-48-4 Correlates of Adult Attachment and Cross National Patterns Searight, Russell (United States of America); Sumer, Nebi (Turkey); Guzey, Ayca (Turkey); Tuzel, Mahir (Turkey); Johnson, Lacey N (United States of America) Psychometrics OR27-48-3 A psychometric exploration of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale in an isiXhosa-speaking South African Township Albien, Anouk Jasmine (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Naidoo, Anthony V OR27-48-5 The Colonial Mentality Scale for Malaysians (CMS-M): Scale Development and Validation Study Foo, Catherine (Malaysia); Lee, Alison; Chong, Natalie; Darwishah, Najla; Jalalpour, Erfan OR27-48-6 LOCUS OF CONTROL IN MEXICAN MATE CHOOSING. Serendipity date or choice? Padilla-bautista, Joaquin A (Mexico); Rueda-rodriguez, Lilian; Valenciacamargo, Maria F; Diaz-loving, Rolando Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 513 Social Psychology O R 2 7- 12 - 5 Ac c u l t u r a t i o n and Attachment. Is attachment security a buffer against the adversities of the immigration experience? Soltani, Yasaman (Germany) Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Exhibition Hall E202 Gender and Sexuality OR27-89-1 Factors Affecting Women Maternity at Age 15-19 Years Pudjibudojo, Jatie K (Indonesia); Setiasih, .; Wahyuningsih, Sri; Sugoto, Srisiuni; Setyaningrum, Idfi; Anggraeni, Maria; Benu, Benny OR27-89-2 Midwives' Knowledge and Attitude towards Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) and its psychological impact OR27-89-4 Male Body Ideal in China: Attention Biases to Body Shape Images Revealing by An Eye-Movement Tracking Study Shi, Qiyan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xi, Yurong; Kou, Hui; Chen, Hong OR27-89-5 Ndiyindoda! (I am a man): A Xhosa perspective of Traditional Male Initiation in South Africa Siswana, Anele (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Bohmke, W.r OR27-89-6 Gender tolerance in modern Kazakhstan Uyzbayeva, Anar (Kazakhstan); Aubakirova, Saltanat; Ismagambetova, Zuhra; Akhmetova, Gaukhar Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 314 Diversity OR28-69-1 Social Justice and Historical Repair: The Promise of Culturally Transforming Mental Health Service Systems Mock, Matthew R (United States of America) Emotion OR28-69-3 Differentiating positive emotions across cultures Cong, Yongqi (Netherlands); Sauter, Disa A (Netherlands); Keltner, Dacher (United States of America) OR28-69-4 Culture Moderates the Relationship bet ween Emotional Expression and Subjective Well-being Liu, Pan (Singapore); Chan, David (Singapore); Qiu, Lin (Singapore); Kosinski, Michal (United States of America); Stillwell, David J (United Kingdom) OR28-69-5 More than words: An emotion concept in the absence of a lexical category. Sauter, Disa (Netherlands); Le Guen, Olivier (Mexico); Majid, Asifa (Netherlands) Music Psychology OR28-69-6 Evalution in the musical impression of Elvis Preley Katsumata, Yoko (Japan); Fukuzumi, Noriaki; Yamaguchi, Shoji Sensation and Perception OR28-69-2 Cultural Diversity in Eye Movements is shaped by Nurture not Nature Caldara, Roberto (Switzerland); Richoz, Anne-raphaelle; Liu, Yingdi; Lao, Junpeng Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 421 Community Psychology OR28-22-6 The ways of grassroots communities: an ethnographic inquiry on trauma healing and reconciliation in northern Rwanda Molnar, Yuko (United Kingdom) Family and Community OR28-22-1 The culture of parenting in the context of the One-child policy in China: How over-devotion from grandparents had become a problem and how it can be dissolved Wang, Wei (Japan) OR28-22-2 An attitude toward postdivorced co-parenting in Japan Odagiri, Noriko (Japan); Matsui, Yutaka; Ui, Miyoko; Komura, Kentaro OR28-22-3 Parental Expectations and Parental Autonomy: Their Impact on Parental Relationship Satisfaction in Second Generation Female Emerging Adult Immigrants in Canada Chan, K. Jacky (Canada); Young, Marta Y; Moorman, Jessie OR28-22-4 Situated Ethnic Identity: The Effects of Parental Autonomy Support on Heritage and Host Identity of Second Generation Immigrants Chan, Jacky K (Canada); Young, Marta; Sharif, Noor; Moorman, Jessie OR28-22-5 Acculturation Attitudes and Marital Satisfaction of Binational Couples in Turkey Tezer, Nihan (Turkey); Fisiloglu, Hurol Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 422 Culture OR28-74-4 Language Brokering: Personality and Avoidance Behaviour Narchal, Renu (Australia) 169 6. Cultural Young, Jennifer T (United States of America); Platt, Jason J (Mexico) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Industrial and Psychology Organizational OR28-74-1 Can Cooperating with Competitors Benefit Innovation? A Crosscultural Study Erez, Miriam (Israel); Lee, Cynthia (United States of America); Weiguo, Zhong (Israel); Arbel, Iris (Israel); Gvirtz, Eldad (Israel) Poverty OR28-74-6 PROTECTIVE FACTOR ON RESILIENCE IN POVERTY STUDENTS OF SMAN 1 MARGAHAYU IN BANDUNG Borualogo, Ihsana Sabriani (Indonesia); Auli Azka, Ifada Race and Ethnicity OR28-74-2 Identity Invalidation: An Instrument Development Study Franco, Marisa G (United States of America); O'brien, Karen G OR28-74-3 Walking The Line: The Impact of Being a 'Bicultural' Second Generation Emerging Adult on Experiencing Overt and Subtle Forms of Discrimination in Canada Moorman, Jessie (Canada); Young, Marta Y; Chan, K. Jacky OR28-74-5 The dialogue of civilizations: the image of the Japanese in the descriptions of Russian travellers of the 19th century. Suleimanian, Andranik (Russia) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 511 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality OR28-77-1 How indigenous belief systems and cultural practice guides help seeking behavior for psychosocial and medical problems: a South African perspective Vawda, Naseema B (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR28-77-2 Loving-kindness Meditation: A Buddhist Way to Cultivate Confucian Benevolence? Zeng, Xianglong (Hong Kong) 6. Cultural OR28-77-3 Conceptualizing Sacredness and the Divine: Comparing Adherents of Dharmic and Abrahamic Religions in the U.S. and India Crane, Lauren S (United States of America); Bano, Shabana (India) OR28-77-4 The supervision of the psychological thoughts in Confucianism Zhang, Jinhua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fan, Feng; Guixia, Li; Lan, 170 Hong; Weidong, Wang OR28-77-5 Phenomenological analysis of religiosity as a protective factor for preventing suicide Mali Kovacic, Urska (Slovenia) OR28-77-6 Believe or not to Believe?: The Relationship Between Self-Disclosure and Self-Acceptance in Atheist and Agnostic Adolescent in Indonesia Saragih, Debbi R (Indonesia); Kartika, Ayu; Muthi'ah, Nur I Overcoming Challenges in Implementing Group Care Interventions in International Low Resource Communities: Lessons Learned from Haiti Abrams, Jasmine A (United States of America) Human Relationships OR29-02-4 Authenticity and the Ways of Living in Japanese College Students: Hardships,Authenticity and Everydayness Ishikawa, Kiyoko (Japan); Takahashi, Mai OR29-02-5 The Development Ethnocultural Empathy Kimmel, Paul R (Panama) Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center B1F 24 Culture OR28-32-2 Is Love Need in Marriage?: Cross Cultural Study on BuginessMakassar Male and Female Kurniawan, Wawan (Indonesia); Khumas, Asniar Emotion OR28-32-1 Why Do People Feel Happy and Sad at the Same Time? Subcultural Differences in Experiencing Mixed Emotions between Han Chinese and Mongolian Chinese Deng, Xinmei (China (People's Repbulic of China)) of Political Psychology OR29-02-6 Frustration and satisfaction in a post-communist democracy: Empirical assessments and interpretation in terms of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Klicperova, Martina (Czech Republic); Kostal, Jaroslav Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 318 Diversity Ethics OR29-21-1 Everyday discrimination faced by Muslim women wearing and not wearing hijab and Caucasian women Shah, Syed Ashiq Ali (Canada) OR28-32-4 The consequences of perceived discrimination in disadvantaged and privileged immigrant groups in Japan Shun, Gong (Japan) OR29-21-2 THE DILEMMA OF UNITY IN DIVERSITY: INSIGHTS FROM NIGERIA. Ezekiel-hart, Jessica (Nigeria) OR28-32-5 ethics of justice vs ethics of care: Implications for value based praxis within African contexts Maseko, Mpikelelo M (Zimbabwe); Maphosa, Sibangilizwe OR29-21-3 The Academic Impact of Accessibility for Students with Print Related Disabilities at Minority Serving Higher Education Institutions in the United States: A Longitudinal Study Ancis, Julie R (United States of America); Lee, Christopher Gender and Sexuality OR28-32-3 The subjective experience of time in academic women as a new type of patriarchal captivity. A Mexican case. Gamboa-solis, Flor-de-maria (Mexico) Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 316 Community Psychology OR29-02-1 Community engagement as mental health promotion: towards a committed psychologicalpractice Eiroa-orosa, Francisco Jose (United Kingdom) OR29-02-2 Protective Experiences that Foster Resiliency Among Nigerian Young Adults Korb, Katrina A (Nigeria) OR29-02-3 Recommendations for OR29-21-4 Defining Meanings of Happiness through a Multicultural Lens: Impact of a Japan Study Abroad Trip Teranishi Martinez, Christy (United States of America) OR29-21-5 Remembering home: The case of Zimbabweans in South Africa. Katsidzira, Audrey (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR29-21-6 International Student Retention in U.S. Higher Educations Institutions Dai, Jie (United States of America); Jing, Yuan SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM OR29-43-6 Confronting Underlying Issues of Racism and Other Prejudices for Effective Intercultural Communication Velasco, Daniel (Japan) Social Psychology OR29-43-1 Belonging support matters more for well-being in interdependent contexts Bowen, Kimberly S (United States of America); Uchida, Yukiko (Japan) OR29-43-2 Intimate Relationship on Indonesian Young Adult Fujoshi (A Preliminary Study) Wardanie, Fithria (Indonesia); Astrini, Retno A; Sinaga, Yuni Priska P OR29-43-3 Examining Modesty within a Cultural Context: Sandbagging, the Honesty-Humility Trait, Self-Esteem, and Psychological Well-Being in Malaysia Ng, Ying Ying (Malaysia); Park, Miriam Sang-ah OR29-43-4 Reconsidering cultural competence development as a narrative of complex movements: Insights from an investigation into the Australian Indigenous mental health arena. Garvey, Darren C (Australia) OR29-43-5 Criteria for belonging to a national group according to Americans, Britons and Poles: differences and similarities from open-ended questions Hamer, Katarzyna (Poland); Luzniakpiecha, Magdalena (Poland); Mcfarland, Sam (United States of America); Czarnecka, Barbara (United Kingdom) Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E205 Industrial and Organizational Psychology OR29-17-1 You can cheat the company - but you can not cheat God - Leadership in an Islamic south-eastern Asian company Ringelband, Olaf J (Germany) OR29-17-2 Clustering countries: The contribution of a nested analysis Friedman, Shlomit (Israel); Ronen, Simcha (Israel); Ben Asher, Halo (United States of America); Shenkar, Oded (United States of America) OR29-17-3 International Survey of Personal Values, Strengths, Well-being, Spirituality, Religiosity, and Work Satisfaction Zygmont, Conrad S (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Merino Soto, Cesar A (Peru); Pradhan, Rabindra K (India) OR29-17-4 Employee's self-regulation motivation and psychological well-being in Chinese organization: the moderating effects of authoritative leadership and benevolent leadership Hung, Shao Wei (Taiwan); Yeh, Yi-ting; Jen, Chin-kang OR29-17-5 Harmony-based interpersonal stress and work performance in Chinese organization: the moderations of Gaunxi-oriented and moral leadership Cheng, Pei-shan (Taiwan); Tseng, Chunjung; Chou, Li-fang Poster Presentation Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 09:40 Exhibition Hall Poster7 Aging P S 2 5 A- 0 5 - 10 D o - N o t - Re s u s c i ta te Directives and Mortality Rates among Nursing Home Residents in Taiwan Tsai, Hsiu-hsin (Taiwan); Tsai, Yun-fang Arts PS25A-05-13 EFFECT OF GLOBALIZATION ON FLOW PERFORMANCE IN GODEAN JATHILAN PRANESA YOGYAKARTA Tumimbang, Maria A (Indonesia) Communication PS25A-05-7 The Explanation and Feasible Solvement of the Approvement and Transmission of Conspiracy Theories on Weibo,Which are based on the Meaning Maintenance Model Daniela, Chang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yi, Lu Lan; Yun, Huang Culture PS25A-05-1 Effectively Teaching Diversity and Social Justice in Psychology: The Passion of Cultural Community Immersion and Reliving History Mock, Matthew R (United States of America) PS25A-05-2 Developing Cultural Network to Strengthen the Community through Local Culture Inheritance Process: A Case Study of Thai Phuan, Nakorn Nayok Lamainil, Siwaporn (Thailand) PS25A-05-3 Research of College Students' Propensity of Conspicuous Consumption Wu, Jia (Macao); Li, Qianfeng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hall, Brian J (Macao) PS25A-05-4 A Simple Hand Gesture Reduces Noise-Induced Anxiety: The Emotional Effects of the Traditional Taoist Hand Gesture of Wogu in a Pre-Test PostTest Experiment He, Zijing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Mu, Yan; Lu, Shaowen PS25A-05-5 Development of Emotional and Cultural Intelligence Flotman, Aden-paul (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Mayer, Claude-helene; Viviers, Rian; Schneiderstengel, Detlef PS25A-05-6 The Effects of Attachment Relationship and Filial Piety on Career Commitment Process of Chinese University Students Hon, Suet (Hong Kong) Diversity PS25A-05-12 To be Tattooed or not to be: Negative Perceptions of Individuals With Tattoos Across Gender Giovino, Roger R (United States of America); Ko, Clara Health Psychology PS25A-05-9 The effect of Rosmarinus herbal tea on occupational burnout in Iran Chemical Industry Investment company employees Mehrabi, Tayebeh (Iran) Media and Psychology PS25A-05-14 Self-transcendence and excessive TV commercial viewing in senior pupils Vasylchenko, Anatolii V (Ukraine); Abbasova, Gunay A; Derevinskaya, Larisa V; Tukaiev, Sergii V; Zima, Igor G Psychology Spirituality of Religion and PS25A-05-8 The relationship between matureness ceremonies in increasing self esteem among 9 year olds Rezazadeh, Zeinabalsadat (Iran); Bahaodini, Hamide; Pourmoosavi, Maryam Race and Ethnicity PS25A-05-11 The conspiracy mentality of Russians and Kumyks is an indicator of cultural harmony Pishchik, Vlada I (Russia) 171 6. Cultural Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 5F 512 Communication SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Tuesday, July 26, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Cognition Horimoto, Mitsuko (Thailand); Maiya, Kiyoshi PS26A-13-4 Belgian - Japanese Cultural Differences in Reaction Times of Affective Picture Judgment Yoshioka, Haruka (Japan); Muta, Toshizumi (Japan); Fontaine, Johnny (Belgium); Koshikawa, Fusako (Japan) PS26A-13-2 Satori in Nikko "Transformation of image of Japan: 1945-2015" Medvedeva, Nadiia (Ukraine); Molyako, Valentin Decision Making PS26A-13-11 Qualitative evaluation of a couple-based cognitive-behavioral intervention on postnatal depression Ngai, Fei Wan (Hong Kong) PS26A-13-6 The Collective self of South African Indian and isiZulu students in the career decision making process. Reddy, Amidevi (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); May, Michelle S PS26A-13-10 Acceptability of health care hazards in the general population and among physicians Quintard, Bruno (France); Roberts, Tamara; Quenon, Jean-luc; Michel, Philippe Diversity PS26A-13-18 Japanese attitude toward own surname and change of own surname Ishino, Yoko (Japan) PS26A-13-19 An Assessment of the Cultural Prejudices That Exist Among Conservative Christians Toward Interracial Marriages. Mair, Barbara Y (United States of America); Ripley, Jennifer S; Garzon, Fernando General Health Psychology PS26A-13-14 Relationship between decisional balance for stress management behavior and subjective well-being in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean college students Matsuda, Terumi (Japan); Tsuda, Akira (Japan); Kim, Euiyeon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Deng, Ke (Japan) 6. Cultural 172 PS26A-13-22 Psychological features of ethno-cultural identity of the titular ethnos of Kazakhstan Mun, Mariya (Kazakhstan); Berdibayeva, Sveta; Serikbayev, Saken; Kassymova, Roza; Kunanbayeva, Maira; Yelubayeva, Mirshat Sport and Exercise Psychology PS26A-13-13 A New Type of Evidences of the Difference in Subjectivity/Objectivity between American and Japanese: A Research of Psychology of Language Sugaya, Yusuke (Japan) PS27A-10-1 Collective Responsibility in a Collectivistic Culture: Cognitive and Functional Aspects Oh, Yong-taek (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Jung, Taeyun PS26A-13-23 Rotten or Respected: Development and Validation of a FujoshiFudanshi Scale Choong, Kahmann (Malaysia); Zahirin, Farah Nadhirah B PS26A-13-8 An experimental study on the anger-coping strategy of Thai people PS26A-13-21 Cultural orientation in Czech Vietnamese Hrebickova, Martina (Czech Republic) PS26A-13-12 The Significance of ChenStyle Taijiquan for a Taijiquan Master Hariawan, Yofe M (Indonesia) PS26A-13-1 What is Japanese elderly's emptiness (Munashisa) ?: a text analysis of free descript answers Oue, Maaya (Japan) PS26A-13-7 Cultural differences in pattern matching: multisensory recognition of socio-affective prosody Shochi, Takaaki (France); Rouas, JeanLuc (France); Ming, Zuheng (France); Guerry, Marine (France); Bugeau, Aurelie (France); Erickson, Donna (Japan) PS26A-13-20 The culture-specific difficulty rearing child in Japan. - comparison of conception between Chinese, Filipino, and Japanese mothers Omori, Yoshino (Japan) Language Media and Psychology PS26A-13-5 Effects of relationships and events on face-related feelings: comparison between Japanese and Chinese Lin, Pingping (Japan); Maiya, Kiyoshi PS26A-13-17 Racism in Modern Digital Era: Defining and Assessing Perceived Racism Online Keum, Brian Taehyuk (United States of America); Miller, Matthew J PS26A-13-9 Bilingualism as a condition for successful individual socialization Abdirakhmanova, Yadykar (Kazakhstan); Naurzalina, Danna; Abdol, Eleonora; Tlenbayeva, Aisha; Karasheva, Zhanar; Aymaganbetova, Olga; Buzelo, Anna; Sarkulov, Marat Emotion PS26A-13-3 A Pilot Study of "Mottainai", International Comparison Between China and Japan. Tamba, Hideo (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Sandigul Race and Ethnicity PS26A-13-15 Psychological features of the value sphere structure of titular ethnic group of Kazakhstan Berdibayeva, Sveta (Kazakhstan); Kozhamzharova, Dariyakul; Sakhiyeva, Farida; Atakhanova, Gulzagira; Smatova, Klara; Berdibayev, Satybaldy; Belzhanova, Aliya PS26A-13-16 The study of ethnic identity and self-esteem of modern Kazakh teenagers Sadyrova, Mansiya (Kazakhstan); Berdibayeva, Sveta; Nussipzhanova, Bibigul; Kukubayeva, Assiya; Buzaubakova, Klara; Akbembetov, Bulat; Beissenova, Zhuparkul; Daribayeva, Wednesday, July 27, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Culture PS27A-10-2 Cross-cultural study of caregiver burden for Alzheimer's disease in Japan and Taiwan: result from Dementia Research in Kumamoto and Tainan (DeReKaT) Matsushita, Masateru (Japan); Pai, Ming Chyi (Taiwan); Koyama, Asuka (Japan); Ikeda, Manabu (Japan) PS27A-10-3 Cross-Cultural Differences in Average Daily Behavior Gardiner, Gwendolyn (United States of America); Baranski, Erica; Funder, David PS27A-10-4 The study of factor structures of the Japanese version of Multicultural Personality Questionnaire: MPQ Short Form -from the point of view of cultural and social backgroundSuzuki, Yumi (Japan); Ukezono, Masatoshi PS27A-10-5 Culture and early attention to positive versus negative self-relevant information: An ERP investigation Kamikubo, Aya (Japan); Karasawa, Mayumi (Japan); Kitayama, Shinobu SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS27A-10-6 Psychosocial adjustment of international students in Japan: The case of Chinese students Yin, Mengxi (Japan); Aoki, Kikuyo; Koshi, Megumi PS27A-10-7 A longitudinal investigation of strategies to enhance well-being among Chinese college students Wu, Kai (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sun*, Xiaojie PS27A-10-8 Independent / Interdependent self- construals and feeling of happiness: the mediating role of gratitude Sun, Xiaojie (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS27A-10-9 Effort Beliefs and Subjective Well-Being: Maximizing and Satisficing as Mediators Wei, Chih-fen (Taiwan) PS27A-10-10 The comparative study on the dietary life style between university students and their mothers in Japan and Korea Onodera, Atsuko (Japan); Kawano, Rie PS27A-10-11 Cultural Comparison of Conflict Solution Style of Pre-school Teachers in Japan, China, Taiwan and Korea Tomo, Rieko (Japan) PS27A-10-12 Face Attractiveness of Anime Heroine Characters Ota, Midori (Japan); Ochi, Keita PS27A-10-13 The thoughts of female foreign spouses in Taiwan towards their mother language and culture Huang, Wan Chien (Japan) PS27A-10-14 The significance of experimental studies on cross-cultural peculiarities in ethno-psychology Nagashbekova, Marzhan (Kazakhstan); Smatova, Klara; Alimbayeva, Aiganym; Omargazy, Yergali; Toxanbayeva, Nurgul; Mandykaeva, Almagul; Bekmuratova, Gulzhanar PS27A-10-15 Shared Commercial Culture Value: An Anthropological Study of the Endogenous Mechanism of the Islamic Food Safety in Hui Nationality Cui, Miao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yong, Shao-hong; Ding, Fengqin; Zen, Xiang-lan PS27A-10-21 Cross-Cultural and Gender Differences in Weighting Individual Input for Group Emotion Judgment Lee, Donghoon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Sewon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Bia (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Hyunjung, Shin (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Myeong-ho, Sohn (United States of America); Richard, Carlson A (United States of America) PS27A-10-22 The Psychological Meaning of Fire Symbols in Japanese Festivals Hashimoto, Tomohiro (Japan) PS27A-10-23 Zhongyong keep vitality and peace of mind at the same time compared with belief in Fate Guo, Zheng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wei, Qingwang; Jiang, Shan PS27A-10-29 The effects of religion on non-religious people in Japan Arakawa, Ayumu (Japan); Matsushima, Kobo PS27A-10-28 Two types of Live Beliefs: Contemporary Asians' Filial Piety Chen, Szu - Yu (Taiwan); Wei, Chih Fen Environmental Psychology PS27A-10-27 THE BACKYARD AS AN AFFECTIVE CONSTRUCTION Reis, Wanderlene F (Brazil) Ethics PS27A-10-18 Ethnic identity research of students from mixed marriages in postsoviet Kazakhstan Aimaganbetova, Olga (Kazakhstan); Aimaganbetov, Akhmet; Nurbekova, Zhanar; Orakova, Amangul; Kassymova, Laura; Almurzayeva, Bibigul; Turgumbayeva, Aizhan Industrial and Psychology Organizational PS27A-10-25 Two Dimensional of Authoritarian Leadership and Voice Behavior: A Self-regulation Theory View Yeh, Yi-ting (Taiwan); Jen, Chin-kang; Lee, Ming-yen; Hsu, Wen-chung; Wang, Yi-hsien PS27A-10-26 The construct of humble leadership in Chinese context Wang, Biying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Du, Qianqian Political Psychology PS27A-10-24 Attitudes toward the Rights of children with Disabilities in development countries: The case of Mexico Estrella Castillo, Damaris F (Mexico); Marrufo Heredia, Ofelia Psychology Spirituality of Religion and PS27A-10-19 Discussions of the passion play in Oberammergau from the aspect of religious psychology Morimoto, Mauymi (Japan) PS27A-10-20 Euro-Islam as a dialogue of civilizations: the conservation and acquisition of identity and worldview Myamesheva, Galiya (Kazakhstan); Asset, Mussalin Sexuality, LGBTI PS27A-10-16 Social Relationship Attitudes Toward Bisexuals among Heterosexual University Students in Taiwan Chen, Cheng-wen (Taiwan); Chang, Te-sheng PS27A-10-17 X-gender: A Japanese Concept of a Gender Identity That is Not Explicitly Female or Male Yamada, Sonomi (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster1 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS28P-13-13 Does mortality salience promote donation behavior? A cross-cultural comparison of Japan and China Fa, Hui (Japan); Kugihara, Naoki PS28P-13-24 Cultural Adaptation of a Social-Emotional Curriculum for Young Children Clinton, Amanda B (Puerto Rico); Fritzhand, Ana (Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)) PS28P-13-55 The Negative Psychological and Physiological Effects of Media Violence Information among Chinese College Students of Different Lifetime Violence Exposure Wang, Weiling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Yupin; Ni, Xiaoli; Qian, Yuyan Aging PS28P-13-43 Age and cultural differences in Gains, Maintenance, and Losses between Japanese and American across the lifespan Matsuoka, Mirei (Japan); Higgins, Tory E (United States of America); Radossi, Andrea (United States of America); Hardi, Felicia A (United States of America) Arts PS28P-13-9 Music Preference and its Personality Correlates in Chinese University Students Liu, Ke (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zuo, Bin; Wu, Yang; Dai, Yuee; Yan, Lei 173 6. Cultural (United States of America) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM PS28P-13-29 The relationship between Agari and the music performance in Japanese college music majors Bannai, Kurara (Japan); Endo, Shintaro; Oishi, Kazuo PS28P-13-40 The effect of photographic style on viewer suppositions about the photographer Yoneyama, Kana (Japan); Ishiguro, Chiaki; Okada, Takeshi Communication PS28P-13-27 Semiotic Skin:How to make sense of embodiment I. Nedergaard, Jensine (Denmark) PS28P-13-32 Analysis of personal attitude construct on the scheme of nonverbal communication style of Mexican which was perceived by a Japanese exchange student Naito, Tetsuo (Japan) PS28P-13-34 Measuring Behavior Related to Coping in Intercultural Environments at the Workplace Komatsu, Emiko (Japan); Kogo, Chiharu Community Psychology PS28P-13-52 Comparison of Japan and Korea on the Supportive Functions of Child-Rearing Network : Focusing on the Psychological Distances between Mothers and Child-Rearing Network Members Kim, Yeonkyeong (Japan) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS28P-13-30 Attachment and perfectionism in Korean female college students: A study of distorted body image, eating pathology, depression, and life satisfaction Shin, Heecheon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Eunha, Kim PS28P-13-31 The Power of SelfNarrative in Career Counseling: A Case Study of NEET Hung, Peng-i (Taiwan); Fu, Trista Juhsin PS28P-13-33 Interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) of foreign-born counselors in the United States: Multicultural counseling competence of Japanese counselors Nakao, Gen (Japan) Crime and Delinquency 6. Cultural PS28P-13-14 The inhibition function of shame as a moral emotion on juvenile delinquency Nagafusa, Noriyuki (Japan) 174 Culture PS28P-13-1 Immigration and well-being over time: Middle Eastern immigrants living in the United States Toukhly, Oraib (United States of America); Cuc, Alexandru PS28P-13-2 Comparison of opinions on support of elderly parents between Japanese and Korean university students Kawano, Rie (Japan); Onodera, Atsuko PS28P-13-3 Halo effect in Chinese Cultural Context Lo, Wu-chih (Taiwan); Wei, Chih-fen PS28P-13-4 African visual artists: Discussions on inspiration and creativity. Van Staden, Fred J (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) PS28P-13-5 The relationship between consumers' face conscious and new product adoption: The moderation effects of consumer knowledge and product complexity Yuan, Huyixin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Li PS28P-13-6 Reviving the Lost Skills of Traditional Japanese Paper Making: A Socio-cultural Approach Takeuchi, Kazuma (Japan) PS28P-13-7 THE RELATIONSHIP OF MODEL MINORITY STEREOTYPE, ASIAN CULTURAL VALUES, AND ACCULTURATION TO GOAL ORIENTATION, ACADEMIC SELF-EFFICACY, AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN ASIAN AMERICAN COLLEGE STUDENTS Cho, Heekyung (Korea (Republic of Korea)) PS28P-13-8 the Research for Refined Temperament Cultivation of Contemporary Teachers from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Morality Wu, Zhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Weiling PS28P-13-10 Evaluation of mental strain going with everyday activities. A comparison of different cultural backgrounds Sakaki, Yuko (Japan); Muller, Friedrich (Germany); Mori, Shuji (Japan); Yi, Kwangoh (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Bae, Sungbong (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Tan, Yuka (Taiwan); Ward, Lawrence (Canada) Development PS28P-13-42 The effect of the 'Importance of relationships' on life Okamoto, Yuji (Japan); Shimoda, Hiroko; Shimoda, Keitaro; Matsuyama, Takashi; Takahashi, Ryosuke; Matsumura, Yasushi PS28P-13-46 Mental negotiations between selves and others among young adults: Examining cultural commonality and differences Hirai, Mika (Japan) PS28P-13-48 Research Analysis on Trend of Related Variables and Programs about Language Development of Young Children from Multicultural Families in South Korea Sung, Younghwa (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Lee, Sanghee PS28P-13-49 A Study for Assessing Rules among Children in East Asia Gao, Xiangshan (Japan); Yamagiwa, Yuichiro (Japan); Umezaki, Takayuki (Japan); Kominato, Mai (Japan); Sato, Marie (Japan); Hyunn, Jung Hwan (Korea (Republic of Korea)) PS28P-13-50 A study for assessing selfcontrol development of children in East Asia Umezaki, Takayuki (Japan); Yamagiwa, Yuichiro (Japan); Gao, Xiangshan (Japan); Kominato, Mai (Japan); Sato, Marie (Japan); Hyunn, Jung Hwan (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Educational and School Psychology PS28P-13-35 Comparing Self-efficacy Beliefs between American and Chinese Students: A Qualitative Study Fu, Jun (United States of America) PS28P-13-38 What Stops You from Being Happy?----Chinese Graduate Students' Psychological Safety Influence Factors Zhang, Yuan (United States of America); Fan, Hongxia (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS28P-13-39 Social capital as protective factor of Japanese students' mental health: Comparison between schools in Japan and Japanese schools overseas Saito, Ayumi (Japan); Aoki, Kikuyo; Koshi, Megumi; Asahi, Kae; Kobayashi, Minoru PS28P-13-41 Effects of play experience on class adaptation Kinoshita, Masahiro (Japan); Mori, Shigeyuki Ethics P S 2 8 P - 13 - 2 3 P syc h o d i a g n o s t i c researches of ethnic tolerance peculiarities Nagashbekova, Marzhan (Kazakhstan); Ospanbayeva, Makhabbat; Momynova, Salamat; Sarbassova, Venera; Alimbayeva, Aiganym; Molbassynova, Zhumakul; Toxanbayeva, Nurgul SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Family and Community PS28P-13-51 SELF CONSTRUAL OF INDEPENDENCE AMONG MARRIED COUPLES IN KENYA: A CULTURAL CONSTRUCTION Ogwari, Rael A (Kenya) PS28P-13-53 Late birth and Values of Children in mothers -Comparison of Values of Children between Japan and Korea Nagahisa, Hisako MS (Japan) PS28P-13-54 MATE SELECTION AMONG PARSI ADULTS IN MUMBAI Fernandes, Malvika E (India) Gender and Sexuality PS28P-13-21 The ICEBERG EFFECT: Violence Against women Puente, Alicia (Spain); Ubillos- Landa, Silvia; Paez-rovira, Dario Globalization PS28P-13-47 Factors discouraging and encouraging university students to interact internationally Kojima, Nanae (Japan) Harassment and Trauma PS28P-13-28 The Development of the Project LOVE Teen Dating Violence Prevention Intervention: A Focus on Community Based Participatory Research, Youth Perspectives and Intervention Development Coker-appiah, Dionne S (United States of America); Wynn, Mysha R; Parker, Donald; Stith, Doris; Lackner, Sandra; Knight, Taro; Chirumbole, Dana; Hollier, Charnel; Simms, Marcia; Dickens, Tyquan Human Relationships PS28P-13-18 Interpersonal Behavioral Difficulties of Japanese People in Indonesia During Situations of Intercultural Contact: Implications for Learning Social Skills Towards Forming Relationships with Indonesian Muslims. Nakano, Sachiko (Japan); Tanaka, Tomoko PS28P-13-19 Japanese Students' Coping Strategies and Perception of Interpersonal Cultural Differences While Sojourning in the United Kingdom: With a Focus on Cross-Cultural Friendships Tetsukawa, Hirokatsu (Japan); Tanaka, Tomoko PS28P-13-25 The Correlation analysis between Job Satisfaction and Workplace Deviant Behavior of Chinese Employees Xiaohong, Han (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yun, Pan; Yu, Liu Industrial and Psychology Organizational PS28P-13-11 Why Cant We Be Friends: The Impact of Polyculturalism on Foreign Coworker Relations Del Rosario, Fatima Bianca H (Philippines); So, Tiffany Kei V; Chan, Hiu Sheung; Suarez, Kara Angela L Psychological Assessment PS28P-13-37 An Initial Validation of the Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT) for ChineseStudents in Japan Shimada, Naoko K (Japan); Junko, Iida; Shi, Xiaoling; Tsuda, Yurika; Terashima, Hitomi; Li, Yuan Xiang; Funaki, Rei; Imamura, Yumika Psychometrics PS28P-13-36 Assessing the Cultural Intelligence Scale within a South African context Myburgh, Cecilia (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Erasmus, Marilaine; Alewyn, Nel Race and Ethnicity PS28P-13-44 Investigation of the features of ethnic consciousness Kazakh children of orphanages Sarybekova, Zhanat (Kazakhstan); Berdibayeva, Sveta; Aimaganbetova, Olga; Toxanbayeva, Nurgul; Satiyeva, Sholpan; Zhubanazarova, Nazirash; Faizullina, Aida PS28P-13-45 Psychological research of age characteristics of valuable sphere of the titular ethnos of Kazakhstan Berdibayeva, Sveta (Kazakhstan); Kozhamzharova, Dariyakul; Aldambergenova, Gaukhar; Shagyrbayeva, Mentay; Atakhanova, Saltanat; Satybaldina, Nazym; Orazbayeva, Aiymbala Social Psychology PS28P-13-12 The Role of Community Leaders and The process of Local Culture Conservation for Enhancing the Cultural Strength in Thai Phuan community, Nakornnayok Province: A Case Study in Thailand Junprasert, Thasuk (Thailand) PS28P-13-15 Name similarity effect in Chinese culture: the effects of family name and given name on memory and social evaluation Yang, Jiaxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Yan PS28P-13-16 Interpreting tension and conflict in the Australian Indigenous mental health arena: Findings from a Causal Layered Analysis of player approach, ambivalence and avoidance. Garvey, Darren C (Australia) PS28P-13-17 Cross cultural connections for a better understanding of social attitudes, changes, and diversity among Albanian and Mexican-American students. Leishman, Kathryn C (United States of America); Dorambari, Diedon PS28P-13-20 Social Comparison Tendency, Perception of the Conditions for Happiness, and Self-esteem: A Crossnational Study of Korean and Japanese University Students Park, Euna (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Yi, Jonghan PS28P-13-22 Transnational Cultural Identity Theory (TCIT) - Impact of Living Abroad on Cultural Identity Development Eijsermans, Brandi N (Switzerland) Rapid Communication Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions RC-03-18 The Theory of Microaffirmation as Applied to the Rainbow Community Koch, Julie M (United States of America); Knutson, Douglas; Lee, Hang-shim; Lee, Fallyn; Glon, Brendon Culture RC-03-2 Smile Perceptions Vary Across Cultures - the Study of Forty Four Cultures Krys, Kuba (Poland) RC-03-4 The Polycultural Ideology Scale: A Measure of a Combined Diversity Ideology Zou, Zhimin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-03-5 Cultural Differences in Experiencing Contradiction: Role of Dialectical Thinking Yu, Ailin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zheng, Wen; Fang, Ping; Peng, Kaiping RC-03-7 Comparison of models related 175 6. Cultural PS28P-13-26 STUDY OF INTRACULTURAL ASPECTES OF THE ETHNIC IDENTITY Aimaganbetova, Olga (Kazakhstan); Nurbekova, Zhanar; Saduakasova, Zuhra; Naurzalina, Danna; Nurysheva, Gulzhakhan; Balgimbayeva, Zulfiya SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical to elderly people's purpose of life in Japan and Thailand Ohue, Takashi (Japan) RC-03-8 Acculturation and Attachment. Is attachment security a buffer against the adversities of the immigration experience? Soltani, Yasaman (Germany); Van Dick, Rolf; Bongard, Stephan RC-03-10 Tinder, Juicy!: Understanding Filipino Emerging Adults' Tinder Usage Sandiego, Brittany Kate R (Philippines); Salcedo, Arla Mae Nicole T; Martinez, Corinna Victoria C; Gaspar, Paul Angelo U RC-03-11 Cultural differences in neural correlates of cognitive control Mai, Xiaoqin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Liu, Chao RC-03-13 Polish couples in Norway. Relationships between acculturation strategies, gender, work-life balance and satisfaction with life. Swidrak, Justyna (Poland); Krys, Kuba; Kwiatkowska, Anna RC-03-19 research on the implicit structure of wisdom personality Haiqing, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)) RC-03-20 Cit y Probit y-Culture Questionnaire: A Chinese Validation of a scale for civil servants Yiran, Zhao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Kan, Shi Development RC-03-21 Problem Behaviors of Children from Multicultural and Monocultural Families in Korea: Differences in Behavior Evaluations between Parents and Teachers Kang, Ji Hyeon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Ha, Hye Suk Diversity RC-03-6 A comparative study on the differences of subjective well being of college students in China during the transition period Cong, Xiaobo (China (People's Repbulic of China)) 6. Cultural RC-03-22 Concepts of Identity among Filipino Cosplayers Fernandez, Jerieka Nicole Isabella D (Philippines); Carlota, Alexandra Cecilia T; Santos, Elysia Faye C; Taguinod, Marion Ann Aleli I Emotion Social Psychology RC-03-1 Negative Affect during Collective (but not Individual) Tasks are Associated with Holistic Attention Tominaga, Hitoshi (Japan); Uchida, Yukiko (Japan); Miyamoto, Yuri (United States of America); Yamasaki, Teruo (Japan) RC-03-12 Gender stereotypes and electoral intentions The mediator effect of female political leadership Representation in Cameroun. Wassouo, Emmanuel (France); Sallah, Makafui Ethics RC-03-16 Implicit measurement of the relationship between multi-identity and metal healthy for ethnic minorities in China: Xinjiang students Li, Ming (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Family and Community RC-03-9 Exploring the Caregiving Relationship of a Yaya and an Alaga Pineda, Danicca V (Philippines); Castillo, Christian; Dy, Julia; Tiu, Danielle Gender and Sexuality RC-03-3 The gender differences of fresh man in their occupational stability in China Manze, Huang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Risheng, Zhang RC-03-15 De - gender them! Gendered division of household labour and men's willingness to share it - cross - cultural comparison of Polish and Norwegian students. Kosakowska-berezecka, Natasza (Poland); Besta, Tomasz (Poland); Jurek, Pawel (Poland); Korzeniewska, Lubomila (Poland); Seibt, Beate (Norway) Human Relationships RC-03-17 The Impacts of Instinct and Culture on the Implicit Attitude towards Incest Taboo: Evidences from the Hans and the Mosos Xiao, Er-ping (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Psychological Assessment RC-03-23 Translation and validation of the Spanish Mental Illness Stigma Attribution Questionnaire (AQ-27-E) Munoz, Manuel (Spain); Guillen, Ana I; Perez-santos, Eloisa Race and Ethnicity RC-03-14 Values of a modern Russian family, depending on ethnoconfessional affiliation Zvezdina, Galina (Russia); Grishina, Anastasia V Contributed Symposium CS25-03Aging Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 3F 313 The Importance of Geropsychology in Clinical and Counseling Psychology Training Curricula Organizer: Knight, Bob (Australia) Graduate Students' Perceived Competencies and Interests in Working with Older Adults: Comparisons in Geropsychology Curricular Practices across Four Countries Scott, Theresa L (Australia); Woodhead, Erin L (United States of America); Emery, Erin E (United States of America); Pachana, Nancy A (Australia); Konnert, Candace A (Canada); Edelstein, Barry A (United States of America) Strengthening clinical geropsychology training in cross-disciplinary teams Nordhus, Inger Hilde (Norway); Flo, Elisabeth Aged care placements improve geropsychology skills and attitudes: A controlled trial Bhar, Sunil S (Australia); Silver, Mark; Koder, Deborah The importance of supervision and mentoring in development of future professional geropsychologists Knight, Bob (Australia) Contributed Symposium CS25-08 Forensic Psychology and Law Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 312 Assessment and interventions with juvenile offenders in the international context Organizer: Watt, Bruce (Australia) Victim turned Offender in a sample of New Zealand Adolescents with harmful sexual behaviour: What is the relationship? Lambie, Ian (New Zealand) Familial Influence and (Re)offending in Singapore: Key Findings from A Programme of Research on Youth Offenders Chu, Chi Meng (Singapore); Zeng, 176 Gerald; Chng, Grace Examining the validity of the risk principle in Japanese juvenile offenders Takahashi, Masaru (Japan) Protective factors and the relationship with desistence in a sample of high-risk young people in detention Luebbers, Stefan (Australia) Fitness/Competence to stand trial in Australia Watt, Bruce (Australia) Contributed Symposium CS25-23Culture Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Annex Hall F201 Concurrently Raising Problems and Clinical Health Promotion Strategies for Child, Adolescent, and Family among Asians and Asian Americans Organizer: Wang, Li-fei (Taiwan) The ecological group counseling intervention for impulsive children and adolescents: An evidence-based program in Taiwan Wang, Li-fei (Taiwan) The exploration of sex and age differences in the emotional reactions of children in Taiwan Huang, Shih-tseng T (Taiwan) Problems Gambling among High School Students in Greater San Jose, California Kimpara, Satoko (Japan); Chau, Kelly D (United States of America); Le, Thuy-ann (United States of America); Wong, Jorge (United States of America) Discussant: Wong, Jorge (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS25-25 Clinical Psychology Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 17:30 Conference Center 3F 313 Disorders specifically associated with stress and trauma: Findings in preparation of WHO's ICD-11 release Organizer: (Switzerland) Maercker, Andreas Prevalence and Risk Factors of Prolonged Grief Disorder among Chinese Bereaved Adults: Evidence from Mainland China and Hong Kong Tang, Suqin (Hong Kong); He, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Jianping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chow, Amy Yin Man (Hong Kong) Adjustment Disorder: Factor structure of the ICD-11 proposal in a national sample of Lithuania Cyberspace in China Kazlauskas, Evaldas (Lithuania); Zelviene, Paulina (Lithuania); Eimontas, Jonas (Lithuania); Maercker, Andreas (Switzerland) Beyond HIV counseling and testing: LGBT-targeted counseling and health services in Bangkok, Thailand Complex PTSD in studies Switzerland and Germany from Bachem, Rahel C (Switzerland); Hecker, Tobias; Perkonigg, Axel; Maercker, Andreas Contributed Symposium CS25-26 Teaching Psychology Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 17:30 Conference Center 4F 412 Innovation in the Teaching of Clinical Psychology: Ensuring Forward-looking Competencies Organizer: Pachana, Nancy A (Australia) Innovation & Evaluation in Clinical Psychology Training Morriss, Elissa M (Australia); Pachana, Nancy A; Woodward, Rana Development and acceptability of a vignette matching procedure to assess clinical psychology trainees competencies in field placements Deane, Frank (Australia); Gonsalvez, Craig; Terry, Josephine; Blackman, Russell How are competencies assessed in clinical psychology training: A review Pachana, Nancy A (Australia); Halford, Kim W; Babbage, Duncan R One man and his dog: The journey of a legally blind student through a clinical psychology training program Pachana, Nancy A (Australia); Mac, Jefferson Future-proofing Psychologists: How to make psychology leaders Howard, Fiona M (New Zealand); Gibson, Kerry; George, Nigel Discussant: Pachana, (Australia); Deane, Frank Nancy A Contributed Symposium CS26-02 Sexuality, LGBTI Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 411 Changing perspectives on understanding LGBTI communities Current trends in China, Thailand, India and Philippines Organizer: Shivakumar, Seemanthini T (India) Shen, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chang, Te-sheng (Taiwan) Ojanen, Timo T (Thailand); Ratanashevorn, Rattanakorn Building a Psychology for LGBT Rights & Well-being: The Experience of Research & Teaching in the Philippines Manalastas, Eric Julian (Philippines); Torre, Beatriz A Awareness and Attitudes towards Gender/Sexual Minorit yamong Psychiatry and Psychological Counseling Practitioners Xin, Ying (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Haoning, Xu Aspects impeding affirmative practices and comparison of multi-dimensional gender / consciousness of transgenders Shivakumar, Seemanthini T (India) Contributed Symposium CS26-04 Educational and School Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 414 Predicting Youth Mental Health and Well-Being: A Cross-National Study Organizer: Ito, Ayako (Japan) Positive Life Assets and Well-being among Thai Youth. (Tripathi S.) Tripathi, Suriyadeo (Thailand) Positive Youth Development: A Comparative Study of Thai and U.S. University Students. Kleebpung, Nonthasruang (Thailand); Tripathi, Suriyadeo (Thailand); Smith, Douglas C (United States of America) Application of the Social Emotional Health Survey to Japanese youth Shimoda, Yoshiyuki (Japan); Ito, Ayako Importance of Classroom Climate in Promoting Mental Health among Japanese Students: Teacher Attitudes and Management Style Ito, Ayako (Japan) Bringing out the Best in Teachers and Youths Lau-smith, Jo-anne N (United States of America) Discussant: Smith, Douglas C (United States of America) Public Attitudes Toward LGBT Issues in Contexts of Schools, Workplace and 177 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical Contributed Symposium CS26-23 Sexuality, LGBTI Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 411 Improving Psychological Services to Sexual and Gender Minorities: Practice Guidelines and Position Statements for Psychological Practice with LGBT People Organizer: Schlittler, Ronald L (United States of America) Improving Psychological Services to Sexual and Gender Minorities: Practice Guidelines and Position Statements for Psychological Practice with LGBT People Koch, Julie M (United States of America); Horne, Sharon; Anderson, Clinton; Schlittler, Ron Kukreja, Suniti (United States of America) Coping Resources and Psychological Adjustment of Thai Older Adults with Chronic Illness and the Role of Caregivers in Thailand's Changing Society Facilitating Improved Health Practices with Asian Older Adults Through Technology Palgi, Yuval (Israel) Wong, Jorge (United States of America) Discussant: Kimpara, Satoko (Japan) Introduction of the Position Paper for Psychologists Working with Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexual (LGB) Individuals to Hong Kong: Implications and Challenges. The Role of Emotional Management on Psychological and Physical Health: The Implications for Metal Health in the Aged Population THE PSYSSA SEXUAL- AND GENDER DIVERSITY POSITION STATEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSIONALS IN SOUTH AFRICA Victor, Cornelius J (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Improving Psychological Services to Sexual and Gender Minorities: Hungary Lanyi, Katalin (Hungary) Contributed Symposium CS27-05Aging Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 412 Culturally Responsive Health Promoting and Innovative Strategies for Asian Older Adult Resiliency Organizer: Wong, Jorge (United States of America) Role of Family Members in Effective Treatment and Compliance for Asian American Older Adults 178 Shrira, Amit (Israel); Bodner, Ehud Subjective Age and Distance-toDeath as Moderators the Association between Posttraumatic stress Disorder Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth among Older Adults Jowett, Adam J (United Kingdom) Jung, Hiu Ching (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Mak, Winnie W. S.; Cheung, Eliza; Chu, Annie; Ip, K. C.; Lam, Charlene; Leung, Eugenie; Ling, Candy; Tang, June; Wai, Veronica; Au, Winton; Leahy, Trisha; Leung, Cynthia; Leung, Frank Feeling Young and Less Troubled: A Youthful Subjective Age Buffers the Negative Effect of Daily Hassles Sirikantraporn, Skultip (United States of America); Tuicomepee, Arunya (Thailand); Wongsinudom, Piyapat (Thailand); Detamornrat, Pattanaporn (Thailand); Yaimanee, Pagorn (Thailand) Contributed Symposium CS27-09Aging Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 416 Proposing a Concept of Mental Frailty in Aging - Preliminary Studies Based on Health Psychology United we stand: the development of guidelines and position statements for ethical practice with LGBT people in the United Kingdom Hou, Wai Kai (Hong Kong); Ma, Mark Tsz Wah Organizer: Wu, Yin-chang (Taiwan) Omori, Mika (Japan) The relations between interoception and emotional reactions in old age Huang, Yun-hsin (Taiwan); Wu, Chihhsun; Chen, Ching-yu; Hsu, Chih-cheng; Wu, Yin-chang Positive and Negative Attitude toward Aging as mediators between Physical frailty and Quality of Life: Results from a 2-year-longitudinal study in Taiwan. Wu, Chih-hsun (Taiwan); Wu, Yin-chang Discussant: Wu, Yin-chang (Taiwan) Contributed Symposium CS27-17Aging Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 415 How Do Older Adults Cope with Stress, Trauma and with the Aging Process? The Relationship between Missile Warning Time and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Young and Older Adults Hoffman, Yaakov (Israel); Shrira, Amit; Bodner, Ehud; Cohen-fridel, Sara; Grossman, Ephraim Discussant: Hall, Brian J (Macao) Contributed Symposium CS27-22 Sexuality, LGBTI Wednesday, July 27, 12:50 - 14:20 Conference Center 4F 411 International perspectives on affirmative counseling practices with student LGBTIQ clients in educational settings Organizer: Davis, Brian R (United States of America) Affirmative Psychotherapy for LGBTQ University and College Students: Awareness, Knowledge, and Action Perez, Ruperto M (United States of America); Lee Barber, Jill S Yokohama Local LGBT Center Visitors' Self-Identification and Mental Health Miyajima, Kensuke (Japan); Hoshino, Shinji Itoda, Ichiro; Hidaka, Yasuharu Innovative Practices in Supervising LGBTQ Affirmative Therapy: Fostering Clinician Competency O'shaughnessy, Tiffany (United States of America) Wanna Talk? Report from the special counseling service on gender and sexuality at International Christian University, Japan Takada, Yoshimi (Japan) Discussant: Tsuge, Michiki (Japan) Organizer: Bodner, Ehud (Israel) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms as a Function of the Interactive Effect of Subjective Age and Subjective Distance-to-Death along the Life-Span Bodner, Ehud (Israel); Cohen-Fridel, Sara; Hoffman, Yaakov; Shrira, Amit International perspectives on LGBT mental health and negative psychological outcomes Organizer: Moreno, Jhon A (Canada) Risky sexual behavior and mental health Age Differences in Control Strategies in in LGB people living in Montreal, Canada Everyday Life Fabrics Moreno, Jhon A (Canada); Mckerral, Michelle Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in the transgender Community: An International Sample Dickey, Lore M (United States of America); Lee Barber, Jill S Suicide Risk Among Sexual Minority Female Youth in the Philippines Manalastas,Eric Julian (Philippines) Contributed Symposium CS28-05 Family and Community Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 411 Parental Alienation: A Critical Problem for Families in Many Countries Organizer: Bernet, William (United States of America) Parental Alienation in Japan Aoki, Akira (Japan); Odagiri, Noriko Parental Alienation Within the Context of Parental Child Abduction in Japan Gomez, John (Japan) Identifying and Intervening with Families at High Risk for Parental Alienation Lee, Lora (Hong Kong) A Hopeful Presentation on Reconnection and Reunification after a History of Parental Alienation Korosi, Stan (Australia) Discussant: Nurcombe, Barry (Australia) Contributed Symposium Health Psychology CS28-06 Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 412 Biofeedback and clinical application of heart rate variability Organizer: (Japan) Sakakibara, Masahito History of Japanese Society of Biofeedback Research and Hot Topics in Heart Rate Variability Hirota, Akihisa (Japan) Heart rate variability biofeedback increases respiratory sinus arrhythmia, a cardiorespiratory resting function Sakakibara, Masahito (Japan) Application of respiration-guiding stuffed toy for the HRV biofeedback Uratani, Hiroki (Japan); Mieko, Ohsuga Discussant: Oikawa, Leo O (Japan) Contributed Symposium CS28-11Aging Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 417 Use of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory across Countries Death Metaphor and Continuing Bonds to Understand Death and Dying Ho, Samuel (Hong Kong) Return to the terminal situation: Exploring psychological life experiences in dying cancer patient / Organizer: Pachana, Nancy A (Australia) Yaw-sheng, Lin (Taiwan) Discussion of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory in International Contexts Discussant: Yaw-sheng, Lin (Taiwan) Pachana, Nancy A (Australia); Nordhus, Inger Hilde The Development of the Thai Version of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI) Pisitsungkagarn, Kullaya (Thailand); Taephant, Nattasuda (Thailand); Jarukasemthawee, Somboon (Thailand); Pachana, Nancy (Australia) Observations on the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI) in a large Singaporean cohort Byrne, Gerard J (Australia); Pachana, Nancy A (Australia); Nur, Fadzillah (Singapore); Kua, Ee-heok (Singapore); Mahenran, Rathi (Singapore); Jiang, Minjun (Singapore); Feng, Lei (Singapore) The Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI). Translation and psychometric data from a Norwegian sample admitted to psychogeriatric assessment. Nordhus, Inger Hilde (Norway); Hynninen, Kia Minna Discussant: Pachana, Nancy A (Australia); Nordhus, Inger Hilde (Norway) Contributed Symposium CS28-30 Health Psychology Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 416 Living in amidst of uncertainty and caring: Exploring the psychosocial experiences and risk factors of cancer patients and the professional development of clinical psychologists inspecialist palliative care Contributed Symposium CS29-14 Gender and Sexuality Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 411 Addressing Women's Issues from a Transnational Feminist Perspective: A Culturally Sensitive Approach Organizer: Nakamura, Mayumi (United States of America) Co-organizer: Machizawa, Sayaka (United States of America) Belief in a just world and Hwa-Byung (Korean culture bound syndrome) Kim, Eunha (Korea (Republic of Korea)) Understanding the world of bicultural parenting Nakamura, Mayumi (United States of America) The impact of migration on parenting challenges and cultural identity development Mcgrath, Breeda (United States of America) Trauma Recovery of Taiwanese Sexual Assault/Abuse Survivors: Gender and Sociocultural Contexts Wang, Yu-wei (United States of America) Contributed Symposium CS29-16Aging Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 413 Working with older adults/elders in three countries/continents : Learning from international practice Organizer: Yaw-sheng, Lin (Taiwan) Organizer: Kingdom) Rachel, Tribe (United The experience of clinical psychologists in specialist palliative care and professionalization development Working with interpreters when working with older adults in mental health, sharing practice from the UK. Fan, Sheng-yu (Taiwan) Rachel, Tribe (United Kingdom) The prevalence of emotional distress and related risk factors among patients with cancer in Taiwan Eldercare training in the U.S.: Self-care for the caregiver Sing-how, Wang (Taiwan) The effectiveness of a mindfulnessbased group intervention for fear of cancer recurrence and coping styles Shih, Shih-ming (Taiwan) Yokoyama, Kayoko (United States of America) THE OLDER ADULT PERCEPTIONS ABOUT AGING IN RURAL UGANDA Mayengo, Nathaniel Namusoke, Jane (Uganda); 179 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical Contributed Symposium CS29-19 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions Friday, July 29, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 4F 416 Reflecting on Supervision Through the Lens of Culture, Setting, Regulation, and Ethics Organizer: Falender, Carol (United States of America) Ethical implications for supervisors and supervisees in rural regions in Norway Dalen, Knut (Norway); Dalen, Nina Clinical supervision in the South African context Pillay, Anthony L (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Thematic Session TS25-08Psychological Assessment Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Exhibition Hall E204 The evolution of the Rorschach in Japan. Organizer: Ogawa, Toshiki (Japan) Co-organizer: Iwasa, Kazunori (Japan) Psychological Basis of the Relationship between the Rorschach Texture Response and Adult Attachment. Iwasa, Kazunori (Japan) Seeking Neural correlates of the Rorschach Response: a fMRI study Ishibashi, Masahiro (Japan); Uchiumi, Chigusa; Aizawa, Naoki; Makita, Kiyoshi; Nakamura, Yugo; Saito, Daisuke N The State of Clinical Supervision and Ethics in the U.S.: Lessons to be Learned from Colleagues Eye movements when implementing the Rorschach test Falender, America) Discussant: Ogawa, Toshiki (Japan) Carol (United States of Discussant: Kaslow, Nadine J (United States of America) Thematic Session TS25-04 Clinical Psychology Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Annex Hall F202 Evidence-based research for Hikikomori (prolonged social withdrawal) in Japan Organizer: Nonaka, Shunsuke (Japan) Co-organizer: Sakai, Motohiro (Japan) Lifetime prevalence, psychiatric comorbidity and demographic correlates of Hikikomori in a community population in Japan. Koyama, Asuka (Japan) General condition of hikikomori (prolonged social withdrawal) in Japan: Psychiatric diagnosis and outcome in mental health welfare centres Yasuda, Masaru (Japan) Thematic Session TS25-09 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 414 New Trend of Person-Centered and Experiential Approach in Japan Organizer: Itou, Yoshimi (Japan) Basic encounter group in Japan and my own view on BEG Shimoda, Motoo (Japan) The research for Development for Focusing Manner Scale(FMS) and how to teach Focusing and Focusing Attitudes in Japan Fukumori, Hideaki (Japan) Emotion-Focused Therapy Yamaguchi, Keiko (Japan); Iwakabe, Shigeru Kondo, Naoji (Japan) Discussant: Itou, Yoshimi (Japan) The relationship between hikikomori severity and cognitive-behavioral family factors: A two-year follow-up study Thematic Session TS25-11Neuropsychology Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Annex Hall F202 What kind of neuropsychological approaches are effective in each remission stage of brain injury? Nonaka, Shunsuke (Japan); Hironori, Shimada Data based picutre of HIKIKOMORI in Japan: past, present, and future Sakai, Motohiro (Japan) Organizer: Hashimoto, Yukari (Japan) Co-organizer: Shibasaki, Mitsuyo (Japan) The role of neuropsychological approaches in acute and subacute injury phases Anzaki, Fumiko (Japan) 180 What should we do in the neuropsychological rehabilitation of convalescence stage? Ozeki, Makoto (Japan) The objectives of neuropsychological approaches for patients with chronic stage brain injury. Sawada, Kozue (Japan) Discussant: Shibasaki, Mitsuyo (Japan) Thematic Session TS26-01 Sexuality, LGBTI Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 411 The Difficulties of Sexual Minorities in Japan Organizer: Tsuge, Michiko (Japan) Junior High School Gay Men's Relationships with Their Friends and Teachers in Japan Tanaka, Masashi (Japan) The investigation into the narrative of bisexuals regarding their difficulties in life. Hirose, Shiori (Japan) Exploring transgender experience: An analysis of interviews with transgender people in Japan Machida, Naoko (Japan) Discussant: O'shaughnessy, (United States of America) Tiffany Thematic Session TS26-03 Clinical Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 413 What is psychological Healthy? Organizer: Yamatsuta, Keisuke (Japan) Co-organizer: Sugiyama, Takashi (Japan) Health Psychological Approach to School Problems in Japan Shimizu, Yasuo (Japan) Emotion and authenticity for healthy living Ito, Masaya (Japan) What is therapy? psychological health in Yamatsuta, Keisuke (Japan) Discussant: Fukushima, Tetsuo (Japan) Thematic Session TS26-09 Clinical Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E204 Handover process at a psychotherapy "How should be commit? What should be absorbed?" Organizer: Sato, Yuhki (Japan) Handover process at a psychotherapy - Psychological state of therapist on handover processWatanabe, Tomoyuki (Japan) Handover process in animal-assisted psychotherapy Utsumi, Yurika (Japan) Organizer: Maeda, Shunta (Japan) Handover process at a psychotherapy / - Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct on the scheme of case handover processSato, Yuhki (Japan) Discussant: Naito, Tetsuo (Japan) Thematic Session TS26-11 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 417 Supporting international students in Japan Organizer: Kojima, Nanae (Japan) Problems faced by international students: Including one's autobiography Huang, Zhengguo (Japan) Student outreach and support in a globalizing campus community Shimada, Naoko K (Japan) Health support students for Thematic Session TS26-20 Clinical Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 413 Basic research on social anxiety in Japan international Kojima, Nanae (Japan) Thematic Session TS26-16 Clinical Psychology Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Exhibition Hall E204 Narrative and Remembering in the Autobiographic Memory Organizer: Morioka, Masayoshi (Japan) A suggestion of a model of a process of Autobiographical Reasoning cued picture books Nakazono, Saeko (Japan) The Effects of Changes in the Meaning of Autobiographical Memory on one's Future Perspectives -From the Standpoint of the Dialogical Self TheoryKawashima, Yoriko (Japan) On the Attitude for the Past and the Time Perspective in University Students Ikura, Miki (Japan) Interaction between self-narratives and autobiographical memory recalls in middle-aged and elderly adults. Nomura, Haruo (Japan) Discussant: Morioka, Masayoshi (Japan) Effects of cognitive defusion for generalized type of social anxiety Sato, Tomoya (Japan); Shimada, Hironori; Ohtsuki, Tomu Cognitive processing and cortisol responses in social anxiety Maeda, Hironori Shunta (Japan); Shimada, Challenges in improving "traditional" exposure paradigms for social anxiety: Empirical findings and future prospects Masuda, Yuto (Japan); Shimada, Hironori Basic research for enhancement of the effect of exposure therapy for social anxiety Kanai, Yoshihiro (Japan) Thematic Session TS26-24 Psychology of Disaster Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 417 Psychosocial Aspects of Earthquake Responses in Japan and Nepal Organizer: Maeda, Jun (Japan) Introduction to the Psychology of Disaster Symposium Maeda, Jun (Japan) Psychosocial Services Earthquake Nepal in Post- Maharjan, Sujen M (Nepal) Japanese people's process of coping and recovery in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 Gunsolley, Hitomi (United States of America) Training of Trainers in CommunityBased Psychosocial Support for Nepalese psychologists Manickam, Leister S (India); Jacobs, Gerard A (United States of America) The Feature of Japan Red Cross Society's Response toward Great East Earthquake as Psychosocial Support Maeda, Jun (Japan) Thematic Session TS27-04Emotion Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 415 Social Emotional Learning FRIENDS programs that promote Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Matsumoto, Yuki (Japan) Preventive psycho-education experiences and its relationship between perceived effectiveness, communication skills and self-esteem among Japanese high school students. Aoyama, Ikuko (Japan) Past Experiences of psycho-educational programs including SEL in schools and its effect on university students' adjustment. Ishimoto, Yuma (Japan) Self-compassion, interpersonal competencies, and exposure to dating violence among adolescents involved with child welfare: Results from Maltreatment and Adolescent Pathways (MAP) Longitudinal Study Tanaka, Masako (Canada); Wekerle, Christine; Macmillan, Harriet Discussant: Miyazaki, Akira (Japan) Thematic Session TS27-06 Educational and School Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 417 Recent issues and future prospects of cognitive behavioral approach for Japanese children Organizer: Osao, Masumi (Japan) Effects of the Japanese parent-child relationship on social skill of the child Morita, Noriko (Japan); Udagawa, Shiho; Minosaki, Koji; Shimada, Hironori Evaluation of methods to prevent aggressive and bullying behaviors among children and adolescents in Japan Osao, Masumi Hironori (Japan); Shimada, Differences in the effect of video feedback on social anxiety between junior high school and high school students Nonaka, Shunsuke (Japan); Kawagoe, Anri; Shimada, Hironori Adaptive behaviors for mental health promotion among children Koseki, Shunsuke (Japan) Impaired social problem-solving in aggressive adolescents: cognitive skills deficit or communication style? Takahashi, Fumito (Japan) Organizer: Miyazaki, Akira (Japan) 181 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical Thematic Session TS27-08 Health Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E206 New Approaches to Integrated Care in Three Areas of Healthcare in the USA: Family Medicine, Mental Health, and Pain Management Organizer: Kelly, Jennifer F (United States of America) Team-based Integrated Primary Care in Family Medicine Mc Daniel, Susan H (United States of America); Kelly, Jennifer; Kaslow, Nadine; Anton, Barry; Belar, Cynthia The Role of Psychology in PatientCentered Medical Homes (PCMH) Kaslow, Nadine J (United States of America) The Role of Psychology in Pain Management in an Interdisciplinary Setting Kelly, Jennifer F (United States of America); Anton, Barry; Belar, Cynthia; Kaslow, Nadine; Mcdaniel, Susan H Interprofessional mental health group practice Anton, Barry S (United States of America) Discussant: Belar, Cynthia D (United States of America) Thematic Session TS27-10 Clinical Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E204 Autism Research in Taiwan: from toddler age to school age Organizer: Chiang, Chung-hsin (Taiwan) Parental Self-Efficacy, Mental Health, and Social Support of Taiwanese Parents of High-Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Chao, Chia-chen (Taiwan); Wu, I-hwey; Wen, Ru-ying; Hsiao, Yen-wen Creative movement approach to dance therapy in the caregiver-mediated intervention for young children with autism spectrum disorders Chu, Ching-lin (Taiwan); Chiang, Chunghsin; Tsung-chin, Lee A Longitudinal Study of Autistic Symptom Severity and its Relation with Cognitive Function in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Two-Year-Olds (T-STAT) to Detect Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Aged Three-Years gender dysphoria, interpersonal relations, and mental health. Wu, Chin-chin (Taiwan) Relationships between parenting behaviors and ADHD symptoms in children Thematic Session TS27-15 Clinical Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 413 Enhancing mental health services in Primary Health Care in Indonesia: Task-shifting and the role of psychologists Organizer: Surjaningrum, Endang R (Australia) Policy and practices for integrated maternal and mental health care in the community and Primary Health Care (PHC) in Surabaya Surjaningrum, Endang R (Australia); Minas, Harry; Jorm, Anthony F; Kakuma, Ritsuko A study of Australian and International Experiences to Inform theDevelopment of Curriculum for Psychologists Working in PrimaryCare in Indonesia Setiyawati, Diana (Indonesia); Minas, Harry (Australia); Blashki, Grant (Australia); Wraith, Ruth (Australia); Colucci, Erminia (Australia) Screening Depression in the Primary Health Care (PHC): A New Culturally Appropriate Tool for Indonesians Widiana, Herlina S (Australia) Evaluation of Capacity Building Needs for Mental Health Cadre in Primary Health Care Level Retnowati, Sofia (Indonesia); Marastuti, Ariana Training curriculum for early learning volunteer teacher in the community and the contribution to integrated mental health care for children in primary health care (PHC). Mastuti, Endah (Indonesia); Nawangsari, Nurainy F Thematic Session TS27-19 Clinical Psychology Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 311 Longitudinal Research about Development and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents Organizer: Murayama, Yasuo (Japan) Chiang, Chung-hsin (Taiwan); Hsu, Li-i; Wu, Chin-chin; Houyuh-ming, Hou; Liu, Jiun-horng; Chu, Ching-lin Effects of emotion regulation and stressors on depression in elementary and junior-high school students Using the Taiwan Version of the Screening Tool for Autism in Relationships between feelings of 182 Murayama, Yasuo (Japan) Hamada, Megumi (Japan) Nomura, Kazuyo (Japan) The effect of class size on academic achievement and the psychosocial adaptation of students Ito, Hiroyuki (Japan) Discussant: Kuroda, Miho (Japan) Thematic Session TS28-02General Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 412 The transdiagnostic nature of distress tolerance: Strengths, detriments, and a new measure Organizer: Goodman, Fallon R (United States of America) The need for multiple informants when measuring distress tolerance. Alexander, Lisa A (United States of America); Dan, Blalock V; David, Disabato J; Patrick, Mcknight E; Todd, Kashdan B Psychometrics of a Scenario-Based Distress Tolerance Measure Quartuccio, Jacob (United States of America); Disabato, David J; Franz, Simone; Alexander, Lisa; Goodman, Fallon R; Stiksma, Melissa; Blalock, Daniel; Mcknight, Patrick E; Kashdan, Todd B Giving distress tolerance the gift of context: An examination of daily situational factors and quadratic relationships in distress tolerance and psychological functioning Stiksma, Melissa C (United States of America); Kashdan, Todd B Sustained distress tolerance to achieve well-being and long-term goals: Comparing perseverance of effort and consistency of interests from the Grit Scale Disabato, David J (United States of America); Goodman, Fallon R; Kashdan, Todd B Psychological needs satisfaction and the ability to tolerate pain in everyday life Goodman, Fallon R (United States of America); Kashdan, Todd B Discussant: Alexander, Lisa A (United States of America) Thematic Session TS28-14 Clinical Psychology Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Exhibition Hall E206 Clinical studies of the drawing and their application to the clinical setting Organizer: Namekawa, Mizuho (Japan) Co-organizer: Yokota, Masao (Japan) Study on depressive mood using the tree test (Baumtest) Namekawa, Mizuho (Japan) Mother-and-child drawings made drawn by women in the early postpartum period Kohno, Chika (Japan) Clinical usage of the colored circle drawing to pregnant and postpartum women Sakurai, Kaoru (Japan) Specific coloring features of line-drawings by schizophrenic patients. Ai, Igarashi (Japan) Physiological and Psychological Effects of Relaxation Elicited by Drawing during Pregnancy and The Puerperal Period:psychological and physiological evaluation by POMS, muscular tension, and data from the literature Wada, Keiko (Japan) Discussant: Yokota, Masao (Japan) Thematic Session TS28-16 Clinical Psychology Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 312 Application and the effect of "Dohsa-hou"(Japanese original psychotherapy using body-movement technique) to the various kind clients. Organizer: Zamami, Airi (Japan) Introduction to Dohsa-hou (Japanese original psychotherapy using bodymovement technique)-how the somaticpsychology contribute to problems in clientsZamami, Airi (Japan); Hong, Gan Chun (Malaysia); Harizuka, Susumu (Japan); Imura, Osamu (Japan) Application and effects of Dohsa-hou for children with autism spectrum disorder Ozawa, Eiji (Japan) Effects of Dohsa-Hou for Children in Residential Care Takahashi, Kayo (Japan) Application of Dohsa-hou for student with anxiety in student counseling. Satoshi, Koga (Japan); Airi, Zamami Matsuda, Eiko K (Japan) An application and effect of Dohsa-hou to chronic pain patient Sleep paralysis (kanashibari) is an altered state of consciousness based on the unusual occurrence of stage REM, and frequently experienced by ordinary people. Haramaki, Yutaka (Japan) Discussant: Imura, Osamu (Japan) Thematic Session TS28-23 Clinical Psychology Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 416 Psychological approach to the members in Antarctic station as closed environment and the readaptation to the Japanese life Fukuda, Kazuhiko (Japan) Organizer: Kuwabara, Tomoko (Japan) Thematic Session TS29-08 Clinical Psychology Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 417 Cognitive behavioral group therapy for addictive behavior problem in Japan Psychological approach to the members in Antarctica base as closed environment and the re-adaptation to the Japanese life Kuwabara, Tomoko (Japan) Experiences in Antarctic Station as "Extraordinary" Kato, Nanako (Japan) Psychology of Antarctic expedition members through drawings Sasaki, Reiji (Japan) Thematic Session TS28-26 Clinical Psychology Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Exhibition Hall E206 Modern type depression: Searching for social and psychological factors Organizer: Sakamoto, Shinji (Japan) An outline of ''modern type depression'' Matsuura, Takanobu (Japan) Images of "modern type" depression Sakamoto, Shinji (Japan) Social backgrounds of "modern type" depression (MTD): The history of psychoeducation and formation of the prototypes of depression Kashihara, Jun (Japan) An empirical approach to understanding "modern type depression" from selfpresentation theory Yamakawa, Itsuki (Japan) Thematic Session TS29-07 Sleep Psychology Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 416 Nightmare research and its clinical applications in Japan Organizer: Matsuoka, Kazuo (Japan) Co-organizer: Matsuda, Eiko K (Japan) Cognitive-behavioral therapy Japanese nightmare sufferer. for The effects of childhood trauma, dissociation, fantasy proneness, and negative emotionality in the prediction of frequency and distress of nightmare. Tanabe, Hajime (Japan) Discussant: Okada, Hitoshi (Japan) Organizer: Nomura, Kazutaka (Japan) CBGT for addiction related to popular entertainment Tanaka, Yuki (Japan); Shimada, Hironori CBGT for addiction related to criminal issues Nomura, Kazutaka (Japan) CBGT for Internet and game addiction Terakado, Shiho (Japan) A review of the outcome and process variable in intervention for addictive behaviors Ishii, Miho (Japan); Shimada, Hironori A review of effectiveness of the treatment formats in cognitive behavioral group therapy for addictive behaviors Inomata, Natsumi (Japan); Shimada, Hironori Thematic Session TS29-13 Community Psychology Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E206 Understanding personal recovery at the individual, service, and cultural levels Organizer: Cheng, Winnie Wing Lam (Hong Kong) Co-organizer: Mak, Winnie W (Hong Kong) Cultural Model of Self-Stigma among Individuals with Mental Illness Chan, Kevin K. S. (Hong Kong); Mak, Winnie W. S. Effectiveness of self-determination theory-based physical exercise in improving mentaland physical health among individuals with depression 183 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical Cheng, Winnie Wing Lam (Hong Kong); Mak, Winnie Wing Sze Effect of Cross-Cultural Supervision on Minority Patients WE WRAP: An innovative empowerment and education program for people with mental health challenge and young people Joseph, Melinda M (United States of America) Wong, Cheuk Y (Hong Kong); Mak, Winnie W; Yau, Sania S The Role of Personal Narratives between Insight and Life Satisfaction among People with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders Chio, Floria H. N. (Hong Kong); Mak, Winnie W. S. Thematic Session TS29-18Arts Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 311 Arts therapies: theory, practice and effects Organizer: Van (Netherlands) Hooren, Susan Culturally Competent Supervision: Impact on Case Conceptualization for Minority Patients Kwok, Kammy K (United States of America) Cultural competence: Identifying stigma during the therapeutic process Hsu, Yun (United States of America) Thematic Session TS29-26Neuropsychology Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Exhibition Hall E204 Cognitive remediation therapy for schizophrenia Organizer: Matsui, Mie (Japan) Neuropsychological Educational Approach to Cognitive Remediation (NEAR) Theoretical underpinnings of arts therapies: neuroscientific pespectives and evidence for working factors Tamiko, Mogami (Japan) Van Hooren, Susan (Netherlands) Matsui, Mie (Japan); Otsuka, Sadao; Hoshino, Takatoshi; Miura, Kayoko; Takahashi, Michio Dance Movement Therapy: Eastern and Western perspectives. Kleinlooh, Simone (Netherlands) Development and Reliability of A Music Therapy Assessment Tool for People with Dementia Mitsudome, Yuki (Japan) Fostering Emotional Well-Being: Effects of Clay Art Therapy for Patients with Depression Nan, Joshua K (Hong Kong) Efficacy of Art Therapy in individuals with Personality Disorders cluster B/C: a randomised controlled trial Haeyen, Suzanne (Netherlands); Van Hooren, Susan; Hutschemaekers, Giel Discussant: Van (Netherlands) Hooren, Susan Thematic Session TS29-19 Clinical Psychology Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 313 The Value of Cultural Competence in Community Mental Health Supervisors Organizer: Wong, Jorge (United States of America) Cultural, racial, and gender dynamics of matched and unmatched supervisory dyads Ma, Vanessa K (United States of America); Enriquez, Richard 184 Compensatory cognitive training for schizophrenia Pilot trial of the Japanese version of Metacognitive Training Kikuchi, Akiko (Japan); Sayaka, Sato; Motoko, Yoshida; Mayuko, Koyama; Toshiaki, Kono; Takuma, Ishigaki; Kazuyuki, Nakagome Effects of the program that combined cognitive rehabilitation and supportive employment-RCT study about Thinking Skills for Work in Japan. Sato, Sayaka (Japan); Yamaguchi, Sosei; Shimodaira, Michiyo; Taneda, Ayano; Ichikawa, Ken; Satake, Naoko; Sakata, Masuhiro; Nishio, Msaaki; Ikebuchi, Emi; Ito, Junichiro Discussant: Kurtz, Matthew (United States of America) Oral Presentation Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 317 Clinical Psychology OR25-21-5 Helping factors in Psychotherapy : psychotherapists' point of view. A cross cultural survey : France Canada (Quebec)-Vietnam. Dana, Castro (France) Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 317 Clinical Psychology OR25-57-5 PREDISPOSED BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER Rasonabe, Marietta B (Philippines); Joven, Jason S OR25-57-7 Decadal population-level trends in flourishing and languishing in Australia Burns, Richard A (Australia) Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 317 Community Psychology OR25-21-1 Social determinants of poor physical and mental health among Filipina domestic helpers in Macau, China: Results from a multiple stakeholder community health needs assessment. Hall, Brian J (Macao); Garabiles, Melissa R (Philippines) Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 317 Developmental Disorders OR25-57-2 Functional Impairment Of South African Children with ADHD: Design, Implementation And Evaluation Of A Targeted Intervention Fischer, Mareli (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Thomas, Kevin Gf OR25-57-4 Non suicidal self injury for adolescents: the findings for Greek students during the economic crisis. Kotsopoulou, Anastasia (Greece); Melis, Athanasios OR25-57-6 Eight-year longitudinal follow-up of mental health from adolescence to early adulthood. Gutierrez-garcia, Raul A (Mexico); Benjet, Corina L.; Mendez, Enrique; Martinez, Kalina I. Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 317 Industrial and Organizational Psychology OR25-21-3 Development of the workplace bullying scale Shitara, Saeko (Japan); Monma, Takafumi; Ozawa, Sakiko; Furutani, Noriko; Takeda, Fumi Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 317 Neuropsychology OR25-57-1 Memory functioning in Schizophrenia: a comparative study with DOC and normal subjects. Timpano Sportiello, Marco R (Italy); Cantone, Dario; Rossi, Chiara; Cammisuli, Davide M Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 317 Neuroscience OR25-21-2 DESTRUCTION OF SEMANTIC CATEGORIES AS EEG MARKERS FOR PARKINSON DISEASE Danilova, Nina N (Russia); Glozman, Janna M OR25-21-6 Mood-related impulsivity is related to abnormal prefrontal activity during emotional regulation in gambling disorder patients Navas, Juan F (Spain); ContrerasRodriguez, Oren (Spain); VerdejoRoman, Juan (Spain); Martin- Perez, Cristina (Spain); Vilar- Lopez, Raquel (Spain); Verdejo- Garcia, Antonio (Australia); Perales, Jose C (Spain) Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 317 Neuroscience OR25-57-3 Is the Distinction Between the Etiology of the Different Onset of Conduct Disorder Quantitative or Qualitative? Jiang, Yali (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yao, Shuqiao OR25-57-8 Overlapping and distinct brain regions involved in estimating the spatial position of numerical and nonnumerical magnitudes: An fMRI study Ashna, Amir Hossein (Iran); Aghayan Golkashani, Faezeh; Majdi, Zahra; Malmir, Samaneh; Sahebzamani, Samaneh Monday, July 25, 12:20 – 13:50 Conference Center 3F 317 Psychological Assessment OR25-21-4 Subclinical dissociation in Japanese adolescents and acute psychiatric inpatients. Masuda, Ryota (Japan) Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 4F 422 Clinical Psychology OR25-43-1 The Effect of Group Sandplay Intervention on Implicit Aggression of Junior Middle School Students Zen, Xiang-lan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yong, Shao-hong; Ding, Fengqin; Cui, Miao OR25-43-5 Prediction of burnout, posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth from resilience and coping in pediatric critical care personnel. The impact of positive and negative work-related posttrauma outcomes in satisfaction with life. Rodriguez Rey, Rocio (Spain); Palacios, Alba; Alonso Tapia, Jesus; Perez, Elena; Alvarez, Elena; Coca, Ana; Mencia, Santiago; Marcos, Ana; Mayordomo, Juan; Fernandez, Francisco; Gomez, Fernando; Ordonez, Olga; Llorente, Ana; Cruz, Jaime; Belda, Sylvia; Olmedilla, Marta; Ramos, Victoria OR25-43-6 The dark side of psychotherapy: Patient malpractice claims and their consequences. Scholten, Saskia (Germany); Kintscher, Maja; Pataki, Anita; Velten, Julia; Margraf, Jurgen Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR25-43-3 Face-to-face or online psychoanalytical therapy and supervision? Cai, Yanyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Qianwei OR25-43-4 Effects of a Group Psychotherapy Principles Training on Psychotherapists' Group Process Awareness Bilican, F. Isil (Turkey); Mceneaney, Anne (United States of America) Language OR25-43-2 LINGUISTIC REFLEXIONS OF PSYCHOTHERAPY: CHANGE IN USAGE OF FIRST PERSON PRONOUN IN INFORMATION STRUCTURE POSITIONS Kose Demiray, Cigdem (Turkey); Gencoz, Tulin Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 423 Clinical Psychology OR25-08-6 Delivering large-scale and long-lasting implementation of evidencebased treatment programs for youth with serious behavioral problems. Christensen, Bernadette (Norway); Thogersen, Dagfinn M Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR25-08-1 MULTICULTURAL AND SOCIAL JUSTICE COMPETENCIES TRAINING PROTOCOL FOR COUNSELORS AND PSYCHOTHERAPISTS Sanchez-corral, Elsa (Mexico) OR25-08-5 Therapist personality and therapeutic alliance Arias, Erika M (Spain); Navia, Carmen E (Colombia) Developmental Disorders OR25-08-2 Parental Emotion Socialization and Child Psychopathology: Mediation Through Child Emotion Regulation and Moderation Through Shared Positive Affect Jin, Zhuyun (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Han, Zhuo OR25-08-3 Behavior Coaching and Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors of Adolescent Males with Autism Camitan, Desiderio Iv S (Philippines); Gomez, Marie Grace A OR25-08-4 Trials on Subtyping Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Synthesis of Proposed Solutions Lyu, Yifan (Hong Kong) Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 4F 425 Clinical Psychology OR25-09-2 The Effectiveness of Mindfulness and Cognitive Retraining Techniques for Children with Learning Disability Gupta, Sanjeev K (India); Hande, Vasudha H OR25-09-3 Does the completed suicide of a peer impact on middle schooler's own suicidality in a developing country? Vawda, Naseema B (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR25-09-4 The effect of the C.O.M.E. Program for people with mental disorders in a small care unit to life a more Independent life Blatter, Nikolaus (Austria); Bliem, Harald R; Juen, Barbara Hildegard; Blatter, Silvia OR25-09-6 Helping the Burning-Out Therapist: Discussion on Practical Way to Prevent Therapist from Burning-Out Endo, Takanori K (Japan) Health Psychology OR25-09-1 The evaluation of dehumanizing behaviors and professional burnout among nurses and nursing students Glebocka, Alicja (Poland); Wilczek Ruzyczka, Ewa OR25-09-5 Massage Therapy: Its Psychological Effects Rich, Grant J (United States of America) Monday, July 25, 09:10 – 10:40 Conference Center 5F 511 Crime and Delinquency OR25-10-1 Profile of intellectually disabled rape victims referred to the Free State Psychiatric Complex from 2003 to 185 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical 2009. Calitz, Frikkie J (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); De Ridder, Loube; Gericke, Nandi; Pretorius, Annamarie; Smit, Jaco; Joubert, Gina OR25-10-2 Factors Influencing Drug Treatment Motivation for Drug-involved Offenders: A Sample from a Metropolitan City in China Yang, Yang (United States of America); Ciping, Deng (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wei, Wei (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR25-10-3 Social reintegration (parole) program decreases the risk of recidivism but not relapse among Japanese drugrelated inmates: A four-year prospective design Yokotani, Kenji (Japan); Tamura, Katsuhiro OR25-10-4 The Gelding Penalties for Sex Offenders and the Frustration Risk of New Crimes Kumalasari, Anindya G (Indonesia); Herdiana, Ike Forensic Psychology and Law OR25-10-5 Meaning in Life and Character Strengths in Offenders and Non-offenders: A Qualitative Study Leung, Joane Yin Ting (Hong Kong) OR25-10-6 A PAI Investigation of Incarcerated Psychopathic and NonPsychopathic Females Smith, Jason M (United States of America); Taylor, Enna E Monday, July 25, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 5F 514 Clinical Psychology OR25-49-1 Research on Adolescence: Group Psychotherapy With Adolescents Cornejo, Rodrigo (Chile) OR25-49-2 Perceived Maternal Parenting and Self-Compassion as Predictors of Psychological Distress during Adolescence Temel, Meryem (Turkey); Atalay, Ayse OR25-49-4 What do we expect from our daily caffeine ? implications for the treatment of addictions. Beiglboeck, Wolfgang P (Austria) OR25-49-5 The impact of posttraumatic stress cognition and interpersonal dependency on posttraumatic stress (PTS)-like symptoms and psychological co-morbidities following relationship dissolution among college students. Fang, Siqi (China (People's Repbulic of 186 China)); Chung, Man Cheung (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Waston, Clare (United Kingdom) OR25-49-6 Factors Related to Seeking Help From Student Counseling Services: A Comparative Study on Japanese and Chinese Students (1) An, Tingting (Japan); Nagai, Satoru Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR25-49-3 Mechanisms of Attention Bias Modification Training on Reducing Adolescent Depression Yang, Wenhui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ding, Zhirui Monday, July 25, 16:00 – 18:00 Exhibition Hall E206 Clinical Psychology OR25-72-1 Effect of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) on Quality of Life of Prostitutes : single-subject design Abedi, Mohammadreza (Iran); Mirenayat, Parvin; Izadi, Razieh OR25-72-2 Differences in coping with stressful situations between Tanzanian and Emirati university students Al Miskry, Abdullah S (United Arab Emirates); Hamid, Abdulla A Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR25-72-5 A Meta-Analytic Review of Psychotherapy Efficacy in China Xu, Hui (United States of America); Tracey, Terence J. G Educational and School Psychology OR25-72-7 The effectiveness trial of a universal preventive program "OKs Program" based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy in school setting Mio, Mayumi (Japan); Matsumoto, Yuki Health Psychology OR25-72-6 Stress in families affected by caring for sick members due to HIV/AIDS Setwaba, Mokgadi M (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Mashego, Teresa-ann Ta-b Sexuality, LGBTI OR25-72-8 Gaps in Responses to LGBT Issues in Thailand: Policies of Mental Health Related Professional Associations and State-Affiliated Bodies Ratanashevorn, Rattanakorn (Thailand); Ojanen, Timo T.; Boonkerd, Sumonthip Teaching Psychology OR25-72-3 Strengthening doctoral supervision in a DPsych context (with specialisation in child and adolescent psychology) Van Der Watt, Ronel (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) OR25-72-4 Self-Awareness in the Training of Mental Health Professionals: Testing a Mediational Effect Hung, I-ching Grace (United States of America); Sheu, Hung-bin Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 312 Clinical Psychology OR26-01-1 The study of patients' with coronary heart disease personality in regard to their adherence to treatment after coronary bypass surgery Iakovleva, Mariia (Russia) OR26-01-3 A comparsion study of parent-child relationship between families of children/adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and families of normally developed children/adolescents Chiu, Suk Ling Karoline (Hong Kong) OR26-01-4 Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS): Testing Measurement Equivalence across Cultures Kubota, Rie (Australia); Chen, Junwen (Australia); Peters, Lorna (Australia); Skuza, Pawel (Australia); Furukawa, Toshi A (Japan); Nagata, Toshihiko (Japan) OR26-01-5 Father's Self-Perception and Conduct-Disordered Child's Perception of the Father Singh, Chayanika (India) OR26-01-6 The Relation between Daily Hassles, Problem-Focused Coping, and Stress in Adolescents with Parental Chronic Medical Condition Sieh, Dominik S (Netherlands); Van Der Doorn, Dolf Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR26-01-2 Use of Confrontation as an Intervention Technique in Counseling of Parents having Children with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) Jain, Sandeep K (India) Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 313 Clinical Psychology OR26-21-1 Psychosocial care for cancer patient Subba, Usha Kiran (Nepal) OR26-21-3 Cultural Orientation, PTSD, and the Mediating Role of Coping Strategy Sy, Dorothy Joy S (Philippines); Alcantara, Alyzza Danielle B.; Alamodin, Reeann Marie P.; Nalipay, Ma. Jenina N. OR26-21-5 The Process of Meaning Making Coping in Mother of Children with Leukemia Zulkaida, Anita (Indonesia) OR26-21-6 Title: An exploration of the modifying influence of social networks on Filipina domestic helpers anxiety in Macau, China Chan, Chi Iao, Christy (Macao); Hall, Brian J (Macao); Garabiles, Melissa (Philippines); Bernardo, Allan B.i. (Macao) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR26-21-4 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Cancer Patients: A MetaAnalysis of Treatment Outcomes Rnic, Katerina (Canada); Squires, Scott D; Dozois, David J Health Psychology OR26-21-2 Acute Stress Disorder Symptoms and Mortality in Cardiac Patients Ginzburg, Karni (Israel) Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 318 Family and Community OR26-44-6 The Effect of Feelings of Loss in Parents Nurturing Children with Cerebral Palsy Hirzan, Afif Saifi (Indonesia); Indati, Aisah Health Psychology OR26-44-1 The attitudes toward euthanasia in the fear of death context among caregivers of patients with paralysis Glebocka, Alicja (Poland) OR26-44-2 Acceptance of life with illness, disease-related appraisals and social support in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Jedynak, Tomasz (Poland); Janowski, Konrad; Mackiewicz, Barbara OR26-44-3 mHealth Interventions are promising for increasing medication adherence among people with serious mental illness: Results from a systematic review Xiong, Peng (Macao); Wu, Tat Leong; Hall, Brian J OR26-44-4 To determine Type D personality components Quota on Coronary heart disease severity Seirafi, Mohammadreza (Iran); Ahadi, Hassan; Taghilo, Sadegh; Haghranjbar, Farokh OR26-44-5 Dyadic Interdependence of Conception of Death of AIDS and Quality of Life in Chinese Couples with Both Partners Infected with HIV Yu, Nancy X (Hong Kong); Zhang, Jianxin (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 511 Clinical Psychology OR26-11-6 Social Suppor t and Spirituality as Predictors of Hopelessness and Suicidal Behaviors Among Filipino Adolescents Topacio, Anne Marie D (Philippines) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR26-11-5 The Effectiveness of a Group Parent Training Program for Culturally Diverse Families Fu, Trista Juhsin (Taiwan); Yu, Chian Ya Decision Making OR26-11-1 Decision making process when facing ethical dilemmas in clinical supervision listening to the supervisors experience Villafuerte Montiel, Ana L (Mexico) OR26-11-2 From Maximizing to Satisficing: Evidence for Adaptive Decision Making Strategy Qian, Jing (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR26-11-3 The Relationship Between The Predissolution Self-Expansion And The Postdissolution Self-Concept Of Women After Annulment Of Marriage Piojo, Amelita L (Philippines); Gayoles, Lisa Anna M OR26-11-4 Inclusion of Relational and Cognitive Dimensions in the Assessment of Older Adult's Mental Competence in Financial Decision Making Serranilla- Orquiza, Mary Grace (Philippines) Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 513 Clinical Psychology OR26-32-1 Body-related biases in eating disorders: Approach and avoidance tendencies in response to own-body and other-body photographs Schuck, Kathrin (Germany); Munsch, Simone (Switzerland); Rinck, Mike (Netherlands); (Germany) Schneider, Silvia OR26-32-3 Thought-shape fusion and media exposure: Cognitive and behavioral outcomes in women with eating disorders compared to healthy and psychiatric controls Lennertz, Julia (Germany); Wyssen, Andrea (Switzerland); Humbel, Nadine (Switzerland); Schuck, Kathrin (Germany); Biedert, Esther (Switzerland); Schneider, Silvia (Germany); Munsch, Simone (Switzerland) OR26-32-5 The role of acculturation on substance use disorder and depression among Latinos in the United States. Moreno, Oswaldo A (United States of America) OR26-32-6 Cross-cultural examination of Australian and Japanese female university students' beliefs about the treatment of Bulimia Nervosa Dryer, Rachel (Australia); Manalo, Emmanuel (Japan); Uesaka, Yuri (Japan); Tyson, Graham A (Australia) Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 513 Clinical Psychology OR26-70-2 Associations among self-disturbances in schizophrenia Klaunig, Mallory J (United States of America); Neis, Aaron M; Trask, Christi; Hansen, Geoffrey; Cicero, David C OR26-70-6 Bereaved Widows and Their Married Counterparts:A Comparison of Jewish and Muslim Women in Israel Using the Two-Track Model of Bereavement Rubin, Simon Shimshon (Israel) Tuesday, July 26, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 513 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR26-32-4 Countertransference experiences of psychoanalytic psychotherapists working with anorexia patients Card, Melissa (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Human Relationships OR26-32-2 Agency and the childhood origins of feedism. Charles, Kathy E (United Kingdom); Palkowski, Michael Tuesday, July 26, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 5F 513 Psychology of Disaster OR26-70-1 Intrusive Event-Related 187 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical Rumination and PTSD Symptoms: The Mediating Effect of Negative Self- and World-Cognitions Mordeno, Imelu G (Philippines); Nalipay, Ma. Jenina N. OR26-70-3 Reliability and Validity of the Impacts of Disaster Scale: A Case of Kaohsiung Gas Explosions Yen, Hann Wei (Taiwan); Shieh, Bi-ling OR26-70-4 PTSD Symptoms and Perceived Disaster Impacts of Policemen After Kaohsiung Gas Explosions 2014 Shieh, Bi-ling (Taiwan) OR26-70-5 Positive Metacognitions and Meta-Emotions as Determinants of PTSD and Posttraumatic Growth in Survivors of a Natural Disaster Nalipay, Ma. Jenina N (Philippines); Mordeno, Imelu G Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 514 Aging OR26-90-4 Do Attitudes toward Aging and Cancer Predict Quality of Life Differently for Middle- and Old-age Breast Cancer Survivors? Li, Yun-jhih (Taiwan); Huang, Yi-ci; Lin, Tung; Wu, Chih-hsun; Chen, Sue-huei Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 514 Clinical Psychology OR26-52-4 Testing the Mediating Role of Anger Rumination and Dissociative Somatic Symptoms in the Emotional Cascade Model of Non-Suicidal SelfInjury: A Two-Wave Longitudinal Study Liu, Xiaoliu (Hong Kong); Leung, Freedom Yiu-kin OR26-52-5 Motivation and anhedonia in patients with schizophrenia Wang, Jiao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Huang, Jia; Yang, Xin-hua; Simon, Lui S. Y; Eric, Cheung F. C Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 514 Clinical Psychology OR26-90-2 The role of depressive dysfunctional attitudes in posttraumatic stress disorder in victims of terrorism Sanz, Jesus (Spain); Fausor, Rocio; Garcia-vera, Maria Paz; Gesteira, Clara; Gutierrez, Sara; Reguera, Belen; Moran, Noelia OR26-90-6 A 9/11 Follow-up Study: Pathways of DeepInterconnectedness and Deep Conflict to Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth 188 White, Michelle A (United States of America); Ai, Amy L Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 514 Family and Community OR26-52-2 Using a systemic approach to understand the adolescent experience of immigration Caro, Ana M (Peru) OR26-52-3 Predictors of Parenting Program Engagement among Canadian Parents Chan, Kathy (Canada); Lee, Catherine M Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 514 Health Psychology OR26-90-1 The Study on the Relationship between Expectant Fathers Perceived Stress and Expectant Parents Depressive Symptoms from Early Pregnancy to Six Week Postpartum in Hong Kong Koh, Yee Woen (Singapore); Chan, Chui Yi (Hong Kong); Lee, Antoinette Marie (Hong Kong); Tang, Catherine So Kum (Singapore); Yeung, Jean Wei Jun (Singapore) OR26-90-5 Mindfulness self-care education group for patient with type 2 diabetes: Preliminary study in Taiwan Chen, Hsiu-jung (Taiwan); Cheng, Yih-ru; Lue, Bee-horng Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 514 Human Relationships Tuesday, July 26, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 5F 514 Psychometrics OR26-52-6 The Validity and Reliability of Brief Assessment of Cognition for Schizophrenia Filipino Version Carpena, Jose Mari A (Philippines); Roraldo, Maria Patricia Nicole R; Espada, Ron Julius Tuesday, July 26, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E202 Clinical Psychology OR26-18-1 Illness Uncertainty and its impact on Psychological Status among Inpatients with Stroke Ni, Chunping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Peng, Jing; Ren, Xiaoran; Hua, Yan OR26-18-4 Cognitive functioning of patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Eremina, Daria A (Russia) OR26-18-5 Secondary Traumatic Stress in Social Workers Assisting Victims of Disaster and Family Violence after the Great East Japan Earthquake Kanno, Hanae (United States of America); Yasuhiro, Niikawa (Japan) Health Psychology OR26-18-2 Effectiveness of Family Consolidated Treatment of Autistic Children (FCTAD) on decreasing parental stress and marital satisfaction of mothers of autistic children Aliakbari Dehkordi, Mahnaz (Iran); Pouretemad, Hamid Reza; Fayezi, Noshin OR26-52-1 Eating Disorders and Physical Touch Apprehension Are Related to Poorer Relationship Quality in US Women Veterans: Implications for Bolstering the Protective Quality of Relationships Blais, Rebecca K (United States of America); Maguen, Shira; Christensen, Danielle; Monson, Candice M OR26-18-3 Perceived Social Support, Psychological Resilience and Gender Differences among Cancer Survivors Srivastava, Jyoti (India); Shukla, Hari Shankar; Kaushik, Sandhya Singh; Tewari, Mallika Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 5F 514 Psychology of Disaster OR27-73-3 A biological·pyschological· environmental factor that has an effect on chasing behavior in the casino simulation game Shin, Hyun-ji (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Jung, Chang-hyun; Byeon, Seo-young; Kim, Kyo-heon OR26-90-3 NUCLEAR PLANT EXPLOSION AND VIOLENT AGGRESSION BY ARMED FORCES: COULD TWO SPECIFIC TRAUMAS BE COMPARED? Grigutyte, Neringa (Lithuania); Auskalnyte, Aurelija; Povilaitiene, Ieva; Povilaitis, Robertas; Gailiene, Danute Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 313 Clinical Psychology OR27-73-5 Description and pre-post evaluation of an internet based treatment program for pathological gambling in Norway - A pilot study Myrseth, Helga (Norway) OR27-73-6 The Determination of Validity, Reliability and the Related Variables of Internet Addiction Scale in a Turkish Sample According to the Internet Gaming Disorder Diagnostic Criteria Proposed in DSM-5 Basbug, Sezin (Turkey); Durak Batigun, Aysegul Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR27-73-1 Experiences of Breast Cancer Patients and Helpful Processes in SEGT: A Qualitative Study Brandao, Tania (Portugal); Tavares, Rita (Portugal); Schulz, Marc S (United States of America); Matos, Paula M (Portugal) Health Psychology OR27-73-2 The American Psychological Association's Clinical Practice Guideline Initiative Kurtzman, Howard S (United States of America) OR27-73-4 Filial Piety Could Predict Quality of Life in Mothers with Breast Cancer Chen, Pin-hua (Taiwan); Chen, I-ju; Wu, Chih-hsun; Chen, Sue-huei Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 317 Clinical Psychology OR27-22-2 Short-term longitudinal study on protective and risk factors of gambling problem in South Korean adults : Focusing on psychological factors Choi, Young-imm (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Shin, Hyun-ji; Kim, Kyo-heon OR27-22-5 Can an Internet-based, avatar-led Acceptance and Commitment Therapy influence youth to quit smoking? Karekla, Maria (Cyprus) Family and Community meta-analysis Bieleninik, Lucja (Norway); Ghetti, Claire; Gold, Christian Psychology of Disaster OR27-22-4 Efficacy of psychological treatment in victims of terrorism who suffer from mental disorders in the very long term Garcia-vera, Maria Paz (Spain); Gesteira, Clara; Sanz, Jesus; Moreno, Natalia; Zapardiel, Alejandro; Altungy, Pedro; Navarro, Roberto; Moran, Noelia Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 423 Emotion OR27-80-1 Micro-expression recognition of patients with depression and their evaluation index Liu, Dianzhi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chen, Xinyun; Yin, Ming; Wang, Ping OR27-80-2 The Path From Character Strengths to Happiness and Mental Health: A study with youth in the United Arab Emirates Petkari, Eleni (United Arab Emirates); Ortiz Tallo, Margarita (Spain) OR27-80-4 Short term group cognitivebehavioral therapy contributes to recovery from mild depression: evidence from functional and structural MRI Du, Xue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Lin Q; Qiu, Jiang OR27-80-5 Perceived and Performance level Emotional Difficulties in Hypertension Shukla, Meenakshi (India); Jain, Dharmendra; Pandey, Rakesh OR27-80-6 Developmental Trauma and Its Adult Consequences: Understanding and Changing Emotion Pryde, Nia A (Hong Kong) Health Psychology OR27-22-1 The impact of emigration on the elderly left behind: A South African perspective Marchetti-mercer, Maria C (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Jithoo, Vinitha; Swartz, Leslie OR27-80-3 Husbands Expression of Emotions to His Wifes Psychological Adjustment to Breast Cancer A Qualitative Study Valentina, Tience Debora (Indonesia) OR27-22-6 Attachment and personal resiliency among children of incarcerated mother in Indonesia Kaloeti, Dian Veronika Sakti (Germany) Wednesday, July 27, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 424A Clinical Psychology Health Psychology OR27-22-3 Music Therapy for preterm infants and their parents/caregivers during NICU hospitalization and after discharge to home: a systematic review and OR27-86-2 Effectiveness of Group Training of Health Promoting Life Style on the Vitality of aging women with Hypertension Esmaeili, Maryam (Iran); Tabaeian, Sayedeh Razieh; Basiri, Nooshin; Mahdavi, Saeideh OR27-86-3 Cue-induced craving in individuals with a tendency to physical exercise dependence Trotzke, Patrick (Germany); Starcke, Katrin; Muller, Astrid; Brand, Matthias OR27-86-4 The Assessment of Adolescents with Depression and Anxiety In Terms of Child Abuse Experiences, Early Maladaptive Schemas, and Psychological Problems Guzey, Melike (Turkey); Yigit, Ibrahim; Kilic, Harun; Celik, Cihat OR27-86-5 EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES OF WOMEN TURNING FORTY YEARS OF AGE Mkhize, Constance N (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Health Psychology OR27-86-1 Prevalence, Comorbidity and Psychosocial Correlates of Six Addictive Behaviors in Young Adults in Singapore Tang, Catherine So-kum (Singapore) Learning OR27-86-6 Drug- and nondrug-related Pavlovian-to-Instrumental-Transfer effects in alcohol dependence Garbusow, Maria (Germany); Schad, Daniel J (Germany); Sebold, Miriam (Germany); Sommer, Christian (Germany); Junger, Elisabeth (Germany); Zimmermann, Ulrich S (Germany); Smolka, Michael N (Germany); Schlagenhauf, Florian (Germany); Huys, Quentin J (Switzerland); Rapp, Michael A (Germany); Heinz, Andreas (Germany) Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 424B Clinical Psychology OR27-15-2 Influence of Financial Stress, Monetary Motivation, Gambling Contact Degree on Problem Gambling Severity Sang, Jae-hoon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Shin, Hyun-ji; Choi, Young-imm; Kim, Kyo-heon Communication OR27-15-5 What are the predictors of fat talk engagement? Takamura, Ai (Japan); Ikuzaki, Fumino; Yamazaki, Yoko; Omori, Mika OR27-15-6 Developing a program to facilitate college students' empathy for their parents. Oshima, Kiyomi (Japan) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR27-15-4 Increasing Mental Health 189 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical Concerns Among College Students in the US and China Lan, Mei Fang (United States of America) Globalization OR27-15-3 FACEBOOK ADDICTION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP OF YOUNG ADULTS-A STUDY FROM INDIA Mukherjee, Tilottama (India); Chakraborty, Moumita Health Psychology OR27-15-1 Body Image and Identity Status among Senior Students Dovydaitiene, Migle (Lithuania); Valiukaite, Evelina Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 5F 511 Clinical Psychology OR27-10-1 Your Leisure Time is Precious: Correlation Between Perceived Freedom in Leisure and Leisure Satisfaction in Medical Interns in Indonesia Kristalindari, Mayadha (Indonesia); Lovian, Divani A; Kurniati, Fadhilah OR27-10-6 Predictors of job satisfaction and intention to quit in Psychotherapy Training Schladitz, Sandra (Germany); Druege, Marie Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR27-10-2 Group cohesion: the measurement and the impact of leader selfdisclosure and group norms on it Fan, Fumin (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jia, Xuan Health Psychology OR27-10-4 Development and validation of an Occupational Mental Health Scale for Chinese teacher Li, Yuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); You, Xuqun; Wang, Zhenhong; Li, Ying; Lan, Jijun; Tu, Jinlu; Ji, Ming; Yan, Bihua; Ju, Chengting OR27-10-5 Psychological consequences of mastectomy: a preliminary analytical study of 3 Senegalese women Diop, Ismahan S (Senegal); Kasse, Abdoul A Psychological Assessment OR27-10-3 The effects of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia on neurocognitive performance: a prospective longitudinal case study Sato, Satomi (Japan); Takimoto, Tetsuya; 190 Fujii, Miu; Ishida, Toshiaki; Kosaka, Yoshiyuki; Dairoku, Hitoshi Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center B1F 24 Clinical Psychology OR27-16-1 Internet addiction: The impact of personality, psychopathological symptoms, affective responses, and cognitive mechanisms across different types of Internet addiction Brand, Matthias (Germany); Wegmann, Elisa; Trotzke, Patrick; Laier, Christian OR27-16-2 Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on vitality of female with Psoriasis Aghaei Jeshvaghani, Asghar (Iran); Heidari, Pariya; Hosseini, Sayed Mohsen; Almasi, Maryam OR27-16-3 Occupational Mental Health: Prevention and Treatment in France and Sweden Benelbaz, Jonathan (France) OR27-16-4 Imagining the Future: Future Imagination Training Decreases Delay Discounting Among Internet Addicts and Normal Users Hongxia, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shenghua, Jin Wednesday, July 27, 08:30 – 10:00 Exhibition Hall E202 Aging OR27-17-4 Aging in the Slum Communities of Manila, Philippines Macalinao, Jean M (United States of America); Twaddle, Iain K. B Clinical Psychology OR27-17-1 The inefficient cognitive processing might be the mainly cognitive deficit for the preschoolers at risk for ADHD Hwang-gu, Shoou-lian (Taiwan); Chen, Yu-chi; Gau, Susan Shur-fen; Lin, Hsiangyuan; Ni, Hsing-chang; Liang, Sophie Hsin-yi; Lin, Chiao-fan OR27-17-3 The relation between craving towards gambling and alcohol consumption. Ruiz, Jose I (Colombia); Garay-quevedo, Orlando OR27-17-5 Dysfunctional attitude as a moderator of the relationship between ship environmental stress and tobacco dependence in pelagic fishermen Yang, Juan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Family and Community OR27-17-2 Satisfaction with Daily Life and Coping for Couple Relationship of Sexless Couples (SLCs) at First Visit to an Infertility Clinic Hieda, Mayumi (Japan); Jumpei, Yajima; Mitoko, Oshima Health Psychology OR27-17-6 Health Anxiety in Middle Adulthood Maulina, Venie Viktoria Rondang (Indonesia) Wednesday, July 27, 10:20 – 11:50 Exhibition Hall E205 Clinical Psychology OR27-36-2 Impact of conventional beliefs & social stigma on attitude towards access to mental health services in Pakistan Khalily, Muhammad Tahir (Pakistan) OR27-36-3 ILLNESS BEHAVIOUR OF INDIAN PALLIATIVE CARE PROFESSIONALS: AN IN DEPTH INTERVIEW Thatte, Nandini N (India); Natu, Sadhana A OR27-36-5 New diagnostic criteria for PTSD: testing DSM-5 in victims of terrorist attacks Sanz, Jesus (Spain); De Miguel, Carmen; Garcia-vera, Maria Paz; Gesteira, Clara; Moran, Noelia; Navarro, Roberto; Altungy, Pedro; Reguera, Belen OR27-36-6 Exploring the Risk and the Protective Factors Influencing Gambling Addition based on Short Term Longitudinal Study: Focused on Sociocultural Factors. Bae, Songsuk (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Choi, Young-imm; Shin, Hyun-ji; Kim, Kyo-heon Community Psychology OR27-36-1 Social network support increases psychological distress among Filipino female domestic workers in Macau Mendoza, Norman B (Macao); Mordeno, Imelu G (Philippines); Hall, Brian J (Macao) Neuroscience OR27-36-4 Amygdala connectivity is altered in vulnerability for major depression Wackerhagen, Carolin (Germany); Wustenberg, Torsten; Kruschwitz, Johann; Mohnke, Sebastian; Garbusow, Maria; Veer, Ilya M; Meyer-lindenberg, Andreas; Heinz, Andreas; Walter, Henrik; Romanczuk-seiferth, Nina Y Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 3F 316 Clinical Psychology OR28-19-3 Posttraumatic Stress (PTS)like symptoms and psychological co-morbidities following relationship dissolution among college students: The role of fear of intimacy and alexithymia Fang, Siqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Chung, Man Cheung (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Hanson, Hayley (United Kingdom) OR28-19-4 The Characteristics of Counseling Services Based on Qualitative Analysis of the Content of Counseling Sessions at Japanese Language School An, Tingting (Japan) OR28-19-6 A Single Case NIRS (nearinfrared spectroscopy) Study on the Client-Therapist Relationship in Sandplay Therapy. Akimoto, Michiko (Japan); Furukawa, Keiko; Ito, Junko; Kubota, Yasutaka Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR28-19-2 Traumatic bereavement, complicated grief and PTSD: Implications for therpay Malkinson, Ruth (Israel) OR28-19-5 How foreign language influence psychoanalytical supervision: a qualitative research Yan, Wenhua (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shu, Xinyue Family and Community OR28-19-1 A Grounded Theory of Family Resilience Among Transnational Families of Filipina Domestic Helpers: Narratives of Striving to Commit to Family Garabiles, Melissa R (Philippines); Ofreneo, Mira Alexis P (Philippines); Hall, Brian J (Macao) Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 3F 317 Clinical Psychology OR28-37-1 Case-control trial of Cognitive-behavior Group Therapy Program in Reducing Hostility and Improving Parasympathetic Activity for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Weng, Chia-ying (Taiwan); Lin, Chin-lon; Lin, Tin-kwang; Chen, Chih-wei; I-mei, Lin; Yi-da, Li; Chiu-tien, Hsu OR28-37-5 Factors Related to Seeking Help From Student Counseling Services: A Comparative Study on Japanese and Chinese Students (2) Nagai, Satoru (Japan); Tingting, An OR28-37-6 The Changing Mental Health Care Scenario in the Maldives: From Traditional Healing Practices to a Psychological Model of Care. Naaz, Aishath A (Maldives); Mariyam, Muslima; Fathimath, Shahuru Dialectical Behavior Therapy Adapted for Adolescents with Internalizing and/or Externalizing Problems Fu, Trista Juhsin (Taiwan) Culture OR28-72-4 Cognitive schemas as longitudinal predictors of depressive relapse Machado, Daniel A (Canada); Dozois, David J.a.; Shumlich, Erin; Rnic, Katerina N; Maolino, Nadia B OR28-37-2 Bringing suicide out of the darkness into a new light: A cross-national comparison of suicide between the United States and Japan Thomas, Philippa (United States of America) OR28-72-5 Consumption of Cognitive Resources: How Depression Tendency Affects Positive Illusion and Numerical Ability Chen, Shuquan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Li, Yizhuo; Yu, Feng OR28-37-3 The roles of three social-support indices in predicting depressive symptoms and somatic complaints: A longitudinal investigation among Bedouin Arab and Jewish students in Israel Abu-kaf, Sarah (Israel); Shahar, Golan; Priel, Beatriz Psychometrics OR28-37-4 An adaptation study of the GCQ and CCI into Turkish Bilican, F. Isil (Turkey); Mceneaney, Anne (United States of America) Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 318 Clinical Psychology OR28-04-5 The Relationship Between Emotional Focused Coping with Self Poisoning Tendency of Adolescent in Surabaya Based on Age and Gender Noviekayati, Gusti Ayu A (Indonesia); Mandas, Astrid L OR28-04-6 An Integrative Perspective On The Interplay Between Early Maladaptive Schemas And Well-Being: The Role Of Self-Compassion and Emotion Regulation Yakin, Duygu (Turkey); Gencoz, Tulin Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 318 Clinical Psychology OR28-72-1 Little Suppression Effect for Emotional Materials in Depressed Individuals via Different Sensory Channels Liu, Mingfan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jiang, Ying; Zhang, Hui Systemic Review OR28-04-1 The Balance Model of Psychological Needs in Chinese Culture Lingcong, Zhang (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-04-3 A Case Study of Prereleasing Female Prisoner with Low Selfesteem and Immature Coping Strategy by Sand Tray Therapy Wu, Siyu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Risheng Health Psychology OR28-04-4 Early Maladaptive Schemas, Time Perspective and Eating Attitude: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation and Emotion Reactivity Aka, Turkuler B (Turkey); Tunca Demirbas, Ceyda OR28-72-2 A Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 3F 318 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR28-04-2 Somatisation tendency, Perception of poverty, Potency in economically underprivileged adolescents from Urban West Bengal Banerjee, Saoni (India); De, Sonali (India); Lev-wiesel, Rachel (Israel) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 3F 318 Neuropsychology OR28-72-3 Prospective Memory in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: in pursuit of an Early Diagnosis Pereira, Antonina (United Kingdom); De Mendonca, Alexandre (Portugal); Ellis, Judi (United Kingdom) OR28-72-6 The role of culture and psychoeducation in definition of stroke symptoms, treatment selection and perceived recovery: A case study of the Ghanaian stroke patient. Bruce, Delphine (Ghana); Sam, David L (Norway); Anum, Adotey (Ghana); Opoku, J Y (Ghana); Danquah, Samuel A (Ghana) of 191 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center 4F 422 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR28-40-1 Social Integration of International Students in High School: Friendship Matters Arthur, Nancy M (Canada); Zhao, Xu; Jafari, Helia OR28-81-6 Nature as a stage for change: Examining the use of the outdoors in the treatment of adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders. Demille, Steven M (United States of America) Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 424A Community Psychology OR28-40-2 Life Design resources and satisfaction for quality of life in adults experiencing complex life conditions Sgaramella, Teresa Maria M (Italy); Ferrari, Lea; Santilli, Sara; Dimaggio, Ilaria OR28-64-1 Correlates of depression in Macau (SAR), China: Results from the first epidemiological study of depression in Macau. Hall, Brian J (Macao); Lam, Agnes, Iok Fong OR28-40-3 The Process of Developing A Culturally Adapted Depression Intervention for American Indians Ward, Earlise C (United States of America) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 424A Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR28-40-4 Bicultural Competence and Use of Validationgram in Multicultural Counselling Sasaki, Ayumi (Canada); Ishiyama, Ishu OR28-40-5 Motivational Interviewing-A Caribbean perspective Browne, Natasha S (Canada) OR28-40-6 Indigenous psychotherapy with Bedouins in Jordan Lewis, John E (United States of America); Toukhly, Oraib Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 424A Clinical Psychology OR28-64-4 Social anxiety and the changes in looking of the own "self" Tanaka, Yasuko (Japan); Kobori, Osamu (United Kingdom); Nakazato, Michiko (Japan); Shimizu, Eiji (Japan) OR28-64-6 Alcohol use and depressive symptoms in a South African adolescent cohort Rawatlal, Nishola (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Pillay, Basil J (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Kliewer, Wendy (United States of America) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 424A Clinical Psychology OR28-81-5 Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavior Therapy In Adolescents With Headache And Anxiety Disorder: An Efficacy Study Sharma, Pragya (India); Mehta, Manju; Sagar, Rajesh 192 OR28-81-1 SEAcotherapy: Utilising the sea as a co-therapist. Galbraith, Victoria E (United Kingdom); Plass, Maya OR28-81-2 Meditation and Music: Adjunct Therapy for Addiction Rehabilitation Leuterio, Ray P (United States of America) OR28-81-3 Dropout and engagement in trauma-focused internet-based interventions: a systematic review Eimontas, Jonas (Lithuania); Kazlauskas, Evaldas Thursday, July 28, 14:40 – 16:10 Conference Center 4F 424A Health Psychology OR28-64-2 Unhealthy behaviors, lipids and coronary heart disease severity:A structural equation modeling approach Seirafi, Mohammadreza (Iran); Ahadi, Hassan; Agamohammadi, Mozhgan OR28-64-3 Patients perspective on interprofessional collaboration and patient safety Didier, Amelia (Switzerland); Shaha, Maya; Alvarado, Vanessa; Liebig, Brigitte; Pfammatter, Jean - Pierre OR28-64-5 Group therapy: insights from the recipients Neumann, Petra (Germany) Thursday, July 28, 16:30 – 18:00 Conference Center 4F 424A Music Psychology OR28-81-4 Effects of music therapy on the mental health and self-esteem of patients who suffered hemiplegic stroke during adulthood Kojima, Toshiko (Japan) Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 424B Clinical Psychology OR28-31-1 INVESTIGATION OF THE FACTORS WHICH INFLUENCE PERCEIVED SOCIAL SUPPORT OF PATIENTS DIAGNOSED WITH ANXIETY DISORDERS AND DEPRESSION Ozcan, Celale T (Turkey); Mercan, Nese 2; Sarikoc, Gamze; Oksuz, Emine; Kaplan, Medine; Gul, Tuba OR28-31-2 Experiential Avoidance as a Mediator between Rejection Sensitivity and Social Interaction Anxiety Sintos, Marcella L (Philippines) OR28-31-3 The impact of the world congress on a psychosocial intervention: Academic dissemination of cognitive behavioral therapies for children and adolescents in Japan Ishikawa, Shin-ichi (Japan); Hida, Noriko; Kishida, Kohei; Ueda, Yukari; Nakanishi, Yo; Kaneyama, Yumi OR28-31-4 Social anxiety and attentional biases for emotional faces in a Japanese nonclinical sample Sasagawa, Satoko (Japan) OR28-31-5 Sleep Paralysis in Italy: Association with PTSD, Anxiety and Depression Symptoms Romanelli, Andrea (Italy); Jalal, Baland (United Kingdom); Hinton, Devon E (United States of America) OR28-31-6 Looming Maladaptive Style (LMS): Its association with perceived parenting, depression, and social anxiety in a group of Turkish university students. Altan-atalay, Ayse (Turkey); Ayvasik, Belgin Thursday, July 28, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 425 Clinical Psychology OR28-08-3 Qualitative study on pain self-management in patients with lumbar disc herniation on the basis of Stages of Change Model Ni, Chunping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ren, Xiaoran; Peng, Jing Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR28-08-1 Multimodal Spiritual Therapy (incorporate S/R therapy with MMT) for GAD Janbozorgi, Masuod (Iran) Family and Community OR28-08-4 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT OBESITY: WHAT DOES PSYCHOLOGY HAVE TO OFFER IN THE TREATMENT OF EXTREME OBESITY? Minshall, Gerri A (Australia) Health Psychology OR28-08-2 Sense Making in Mother of Children with Leukemia Zulkaida, Anita (Indonesia) Thursday, July 28, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 5F 514 Clinical Psychology OR28-29-2 The effectiveness of TAT as diagnostic tool for Mental Disorders in Saudi Arabia Saleh, Maan A (Saudi Arabia) OR28-29-5 The Construction and Application of Anxiety Scoring System ofHouse-Tree-Person Drawing Test Zhang, Yuanyuan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xu, Fangzhong OR28-29-6 Training, experience and the anchoring effect in relation to diagnostic accuracy Tyson, Graham A (Australia); Wendt, Daniel Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR28-29-1 Couple Harmony Belmihoub, Keltoum (Algeria) Psychological Assessment OR28-29-3 A Pilot Study Towards the Development of an Instrument to Measure Anorexia Nervosa in Men Reeves, Megan M (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Laher, Sumaya OR28-29-4 Measure Depression among Chinese Adolescents: Short-Forms of CES-D are Better than the Full Yang, Wenhui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xiong, Ge Thursday, July 28, 12:50 – 14:20 Conference Center B1F 24 Clinical Psychology OR28-49-1 Analysis of the effect factors of TCM psychological TIP technique in the application of group psychotherapy Xifang, Liu (China (People's Repbulic of China)) OR28-49-2 Racial Differences in Secondary Traumatization among Hurricanes Katrina-Rita Volunteers Kanno, Hanae (United States of America); Ai, Amy L OR28-49-4 Yoga as a medium of Social Psychiatry affecting mental health among adolescents Mukherjee, Debjani (India) History of Psychology OR28-49-3 History of Psychology: The influences of war, institutions and politics on the development of Clinical Psychology in Scotland Allan, Carole A (United Kingdom) Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center 3F 317 Clinical Psychology OR29-52-1 Prevalence of pathological gambling without cognitive distortions in a general population sample from Colombia Ruiz, Jose I (Colombia) OR29-52-2 Comparing individual and group intervention for psychological adjustment in people with multiple sclerosis: A feasibility randomised controlled trial Das Nair, Roshan (United Kingdom); Kontou, Eirini; Smale, Kathryn; Barker, Alex; Lincoln, Nadina OR29-52-3 Crowning Glory: Lived Experiences of Females with Alopecia Binala, Ervin Jhon Patrick C (Philippines); Ojeda, Rochelle` M; Peralta, Elsha C; Calvo, Romulo M; Carpio, Tiffany Crime and Delinquency OR29-52-5 Minotaur in the labyrinth -complex and archetype in unconscious criminal motives Dongfang, Weilong (Macao); Guan, Shaoqin (Macao); Luo, Min (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shen, Heyong (Macao) OR29-52-6 Social context and bad parenting as enhancers of corruption practices Cruz, Christian E (Mexico); Correa, Fredi E; Garcia Y Barragan, Luis F; Garcia, Tonatiuh Health Psychology OR29-52-4 The lived experience of psoriasis patients Dovydaitiene, Migle (Lithuania); Morkuniene, Laura Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center 4F 421 Clinical Psychology OR29-22-6 The Roles of Emotions and Self-Elaboration in Psychopathological Symptoms Vatan, Sevginar (Turkey) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR29-22-2 Pivotal Moments in Psychotherapy O'leary, Nicky C (Ireland) OR29-22-3 Enrichment of multicultual counsellor training and clinical practice: Japanese Morita therapy for expanding trainees' perspectives and facilitating their growth Sasaki, Ayumi (Canada); Ishiyama, Ishu OR29-22-5 Meeting of two worlds: Finding insight through helpful difference in counseling Eason, Michael S (Hong Kong) Health Psychology OR29-22-1 Initial Psychometric Evidence of Two New Measures for Assessing Health-Related Social Support and Outcome Expectations among College Students in the United States Sheu, Hung-bin (United States of America) OR29-22-4 Online gaming motivation mediates game involvement in predicting problematic Internet use: A longitudinal study Chang, Shan-mei (Taiwan); Chen, Ssukuang; Lin, Sunny S.j. Friday, July 29, 08:30 – 10:00 Conference Center 4F 425 Clinical Psychology OR29-08-2 Brief psychological intervention decreases alcohol use on inpatients injured in drink-driving accidents Navas, Juan F (Spain); Martin- Perez, Cristina (Spain); Cordovilla, Sergio (Spain); Portillo, Monica (Spain); Fernandez- Mondejar, Enrique (Spain); Verdejo- Garcia, Antonio (Australia); VilarLopez, Raquel (Spain) OR29-08-5 Effect of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) on Self-esteem of Prostitutes : single-subject design Mirenayat, Parvin (Iran); Abedi, Mohammadreza; Izadi, Razieh OR29-08-6 The Dynamic of Forgiveness in Wives Experiencing Domestic Violence Dwika Puspita Dewi, I Dewa Ayu D (Indonesia); Hartini, Nurul Harassment and Trauma OR29-08-1 Child Sexual Abuse in Cyprus: Utilizing Epidemiological Data to Promote Prevention of Abuse, Protection of Victims, Prosecution of Perpetrators and Participation by Children Karayianni, Eleni (Cyprus); Diakidoy, 193 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical I re n e - a n n a ; Fanti, Hadjicharalambous, Katsimicha, Evita Kostas; Maria-zoe; OR29-08-3 Broken and guilty since it happened: A population study of traumarelated shame and guilt after violence and sexual abuse Aakvaag, Helene F (Norway); Thoresen, Siri (Norway); Wentzel-larsen, Tore (Norway); Olff, Miranda (Netherlands); Roysamb, Espen (Norway); Dyb, Grete A (Norway) OR29-08-4 Military Sexual Trauma (MST) in U.S. Women Veterans: Associations of Rank, Ethnicity, and Assault by Fellow Unit Member with Inaccurate Disclosure of Sexual Assault Blais, Rebecca K (United States of America); Brignone, Emily; Fargo, Jamison D; Gundlapalli, Adi V Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center B1F 24 Clinical Psychology OR29-32-1 Adult outcomes of childhood maltreatment: mediating roles of intolerance of uncertainty, rumination and insecure attachment Leung, Patrick W (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Lam, Tracy OR29-32-2 The neural machanism of the placebo effect of empathy for pain Zhao, Yili (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Jianxin; Zhang, Wencai OR29-32-6 Examining the Beliefs of Psychological Disorders and Attitude towards Mental Illness in a Rural Community, Southwestern Nigeria Lawal, Abiodun M (Nigeria) Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center B1F 24 Clinical Psychology OR29-64-2 The role of insecure attachment on emotion dysregulation in a South African adolescent cohort Rawatlal, Nishola (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Pillay, Basil J (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)); Kliewer, Wendy (United States of America) OR29-64-3 Post Abortion Syndrome as variant of PTSD based on DSM V in Indonesia Kurniawati, Erlin (Indonesia) OR29-64-4 Effectiveness of Emotion Regulation in Patients with PseudoSeizure Tavakoli, Mahgol (Iran); Shokrollahi, Mojgan; Esmaeili, Maryam; Barekatain, 194 Majid Hung, Fu-chien Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center B1F 24 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR29-65-4 INTERNET ADDICTION IN YOUNG ADULTS: A PSYCHO - SOCIAL STUDY FROM INDIA Mukherjee, Tilottama (India); Goswami, Shubhangi OR29-32-3 The neural mechanism of insight triggered by textual micro-counseling dialogues of restructuring orientation Yu, Fei (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Wencai; Zhang, Zhijie; Zhang, Jianxin Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center B1F 24 Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions OR29-64-5 Future Time Perspective Scale: A psychometric study Pacheco Miguel, Jose (Portugal); Paixao, Maria P; Silva, Jose T; Machado, Teresa S Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center B1F 24 Diversity O R 2 9 - 3 2 - 5 U N D E R S TA N D I N G LESBIAN SEXUAL HEALTH: REACHING A VULNERABLE POPULATION Karydi, Alex (United States of America) OR29-65-3 Effect of Psychosocial Intervention in HIV/AIDS Kumar, Rajeev (India); Suar, Damodar; Singh, Sanjay K Industrial and Psychology OR29-64-6 Lucite Ceiling, Well-Being & Marginalization: Exploring the Interrelationships Shukla, Tanu (India); Choubisa, Rajneesh Health Psychology OR29-64-1 DECLINE OF COMMON MENTAL DISORDERS OVER TIME IN PUBLIC PRIMARY CARE TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA Peltzer, Karl (Thailand) and OR29-32-4 Surrender to God: An Approach to the Concept Jaufalaily, Nahdhata (Indonesia) Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Exhibition Hall E202 Clinical Psychology OR29-65-2 Identifying two subtypes of paranoid ideation in non-clinical population Chen, Ying-yu (Taiwan); Li, Meng-ze; Organizational OR29-65-5 An Investigation of Short and Long term Effects of a Gratitude Intervention in Relation to the Stress Coping Styles and Resiliency of Turkish Employees: The Mediating Role of Gratitude State Teoman, Dalga Derya (Turkey); Unsal, Prof Dr Pinar OR29-65-6 Engineers' leadership in various stages of project life cycle Hui, Chen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Sansan, Lv; Yang, Yu; Wenyan, Ma Psychology Spirituality Friday, July 29, 14:10 – 15:40 Conference Center B1F 24 Gender and Sexuality Friday, July 29, 10:20 – 11:50 Conference Center B1F 24 Psychology of Religion Spirituality Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions of Religion and OR29-65-1 Hope and Religiousity: ReDesigning the Placebo Effect Khan, Rahmattullah (Malaysia); Shahdan, Md A; Salami, Mutiu O Poster Presentation Monday, July 25, 08:40 – 09:40 Exhibition Hall Poster3 Aggression and Prosocial Behavior PS25A-03-1 Corporal punishment by parents and child-to-parent aggression in Spanish adolescents Mateos-perez, Estibaliz (Spain); Gamezguadix, Manuel (Spain); Del Hoyo, Joana (Spain); Calvete, Esther (Spain); Aguilar Rivera, Maria C (Argentina) Clinical Psychology PS25A-03-4 Parental Attachment and Depression in Adolescence: The Mediator Roles of Language Use, Emotional Quotient and Insight. Icin, Zuhre Neslihan (Turkey); Simsek, Omer Faruk; Arifoglu, Berat PS25A-03-6 Online Risky Behaviors among Adolescents: Prospective Relations among Problematic Internet Use, Cyberbullying Perpetration, and Meeting Strangers Online Mateos-perez, Estibaliz (Spain); Gamezguadix, Manuel (Spain); Borrajo, Erika (Spain); Almendros, Carmen (Spain); Aguilar Rivera, Maria C (Argentina) PS25A-03-10 How did depression and hopelessness influence the suicide ideation: the mediation effect of psychache Chen, Zhenzhen (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wu, Caizhi PS25A-03-11 Research on Alexithymia of Cancer Patients and Evidence-Based Psychological Nursing Sui, Huajie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Shen, Xunbing; Luo, Lan PS25A-03-12 Study on Chinese clinical nurses risk perception and its influence factors Zhang, Yinling (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Cao, Baohua; Liu, Qin; Zhang, Xinwei; Chen, Zhaoyun; Liu, Na PS25A-03-14 Depression and Coping Mechanisms of Overseas Filipino Workers Labrador, Johmel N (Philippines) PS25A-03-16 A meta-analysis of resting state fMRI in first-episode patients with major depressive disorder Zhong, Xue (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yao, Shuqiao; Zhu, Xiongzhao; Liang, Ruitao PS25A-03-17 The influence of cultural on the subjective experience of depression and the expression of its signs (on example of the representatives of Siberian peoples) Bokhan, Tatiana G (Russia); Bokhan, Nikolay A; Galazhinskaya, Oksana N PS25A-03-24 Stressful life events in Colombian children and adolescents with high level of vulnerability Romero-acosta, Kelly (Colombia) PS25A-03-25 The influence of positive thinking on treatment process of cancer patients Moldashbayeva, Aizhan (Kazakhstan); Khussainova, Ilmira; Baishukurova, Anara PS25A-03-26 Effects of different thinking styles of rumination on anger and depression Huang, Shih-siou (Taiwan); Hung, Fu-chien PS25A-03-28 Negative Life Events, Coping and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms among Syrian Acarturk, Z. Ceren (Turkey); Cetinkaya, Mustafa (Turkey); Senay, Ibrahim (Turkey); Gulen, Birgul (Turkey); Hinton, Devon (United States of America) PS25A-03-29 Spontaneous neuronal activity of left superior temporal gyrus predict insight level in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder Fan, Jie (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhu, Xiongzhao; Tang, Qiuping; Gan, Jun; Liu, Wanting; Niu, Chaoyang PS25A-03-31 School-based assessment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Validation of a German screening questionnaire for teachers Koentges, Christa (Germany) PS25A-03-32 Clinical effect of TIP in treatment of mild to moderate depression Xuanzi, Zhou (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25A-03-39 Exposure therapy for Panic disorder: A case study in China Gu, Li (China (People's Repbulic of China)) Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Interventions PS25A-03-8 Genetic counseling for psychiatric disorders: a meta-analysis Moldovan, Ramona (Romania); Pintea, Sebastian; Austin, Jehannine PS25A-03-22 Leveraging on Information Communication Technology to foster counseling Practice. Igbokwe, Uwakwe O (Nigeria); Obi, Osorochi P. PS25A-03-23 Effect of Nurse Navigators Psycho-Education Intervention with Colorectal Cancer Patients Lin, Wen-li (Taiwan); Chang, Shu Chan; Huang, Wen-tsung; Taso, Chao-jung PS25A-03-30 China Initial Sandplay Features Horizontal Comparison of Eight Psychological Symptoms Adults Liu, Yong-xian (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25A-03-35 Effect of Nurse Navigators Psycho-Education Intervention with Lymphoma Patients Wu, Pei-hua (Taiwan); Chang, Shu Chan; Huang, Wen-tsung; Taso, Chao-jung Culture PS25A-03-13 Refusal of Surgery in Gastric Cancer: Reasons and Effect on Survival Lin, Wen-li (Taiwan); Chang, Shu Chan; Huang, Wen-tsung; Taso, Chao-jung Ecological Contexts PS25A-03-5 Psychological safety and self-realization of youthful age people living in areas with technogenic and ecological threats conditions Terekhina, Olga V (Russia) PS25A-03-38 Promoting Harmony and Flow using Bonsai as therapy tool. Hermann, Caroll (South Africa (Republic of South Africa)) Family and Community PS25A-03-2 Predict the severity of externalizing problems in preschool children based on neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness parents Aliakbari Dehkordi, Mahnaz (Iran); Mohtashami, Tayebeh; Sadeghkhani, Asad; Ghaemi, Sevda Gene and Behavior / Epigenetics PS25A-03-37 Serotonin 5-HT1B Receptor G861C Polymorphism is associated with psychiatric stress triggering factor in migraineurs Kim, Manho (Korea (Republic of Korea)) General PS25A-03-3 Differences of Internet addiction, smartphone addiction, and academic achievement according to the type of procrastination Lee, Kangyoon (Korea (Republic of Korea)); Kim, Ugeun; Yun, Jihye; Lee, Yoonhee; Sung, Jieun; Song, Goeun Health Psychology PS25A-03-7 COMPARISON OF THE LIFE QUALITY OF PATIENTS WITH KIDNEY FAILURE AND PATIENTS WITH CANCER Garay, Julieta (Mexico); Gurrola, Gloria; Moysen, Alejandra; Balcazar, Patricia; Villaveces, Martha; Estrada, Elizabeth P S 2 5 A - 0 3 - 9 R E L AT I O N S H I P S BETWEEN MATERNAL COPING STRATEGIES AND CHILDHOOD OBESITY Abajo, Hector A (Spain); Pitti, Carmen T; Gonzalez-leandro, Pedro; Bethencourt, Juan M; Penate, Wenceslao Developmental Disorders PS25A-03-15 Development of the Occupational Stressors Scale in Policeman of Public Security Organization in China and Assessment of the Reliability and Validity Li, Yanqing (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Jiang, Guangrong PS25A-03-40 Psychometric Properties and Overlap of the GSQ and AQ Among Japanese University Students Ujiie, Yuta (Japan) PS25A-03-18 Anxiety and depressive disorders frequency in chronic disease patients in Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam 195 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical Peltzer, Karl (Thailand); Pengpid, Supa PS25A-03-19 Intervention on Cognitionorientated Parental Coping styles of children with Mild to Moderate Cerebral Palsy in China Guo, Xinzhi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Xiangkui; Cui, Mengshu; Gao, Shuang PS25A-03-20 Stratified and random transversal study on Quality of Life in climacteric women on Madrid (Spain). Robles, Jose Ignacio J (Spain); Larroy, Cristina PS25A-03-21 Positive recovery in the scope of mental illness - Evidence from Swiss Household Panel data Klaas, Hannah S (Switzerland); Morselli, Davide; Spini, Dario PS25A-03-34 Alexithymia and its relationships with anxiety and depression in asthma Rezaei, Fatemeh (Iran); Afshari, Afrooz Music Psychology PS25A-03-36 THE EFFECT OF MUSICTHERAPY ON ALEXITHYMIA: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON TURKISH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Kaya Goktepe, Ayse (Turkey); Yildiz, Nadire Gulcin Neuropsychology PS25A-03-27 Altered Spontaneous Brain Activity in Adolescents with Conduct Disorder Revealed by Regional Homogeneity Wu, Qiong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yao, Shuqiao; Zhong, Xue; Dong, Daifeng PS25A-03-33 The Relationship of Criminal Aggression to Neuropsychological Deficits Golden, Charles J (United States of America); Golden, Chloe J; Golden, Leila A; Golden, Zarabeth L; Golden, Heather K Monday, July 25, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Clinical Psychology PS25P-10-1 A Case Study on Effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy for Selective Eating Disorder (SED) Abamor, Ayse Enise (Turkey); Usta, Fatma Dilara; Yasar, Alisan Burak; Erdogan Taycan, Serap; Kaya, Burhanettin PS25P-10-2 Effects of Dohsa-hou (a psychological action method) on 196 adolescent students for stress-management education Yoshikawa, Shoko (Japan) Ip, Chin Nong (Macao); Hall, Brian J (Macao); Chen, Wen (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25P-10-3 A Associated Research for Genetic Polymorphism of 5-HTTLPR with PosttraumaticStressDisorder Jiang, Xiang L (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Guo, Jun C PS25P-10-14 Comparing effectiveness between short version and full version of STEPPS for university students in Japan. Terashima, Hitomi (Japan); Okubo, Chisa; Isato, Ayako; Yamada, Keisuke; Miyamae, Mitsuhiro; Fujisato, Hiroko PS25P-10-4 Semantic memory organization in Japanese patients with schizophrenia examined with category fluency Sumiyoshi, Chika (Japan); Fujino, Haruo; Sumiyoshi, Tomiki; Yasuda, Yuka; Yamamori, Hidenaga; Ohi, Kazutaka; Fujimoto, Michiko; Hashimoto, Ryota PS25P-10-5 Characteristics of Multidisciplinary Collaboration and Liaison among Clinical Psychologists: Secondary Analysis of Cross-sectional Survey of Clinical Psychologists in Japan Arai, Masaru (Japan) PS25P-10-6 Influence of BPSD and cognitive appraisal by nursing home workers on workers' psychological stress responses Inoue, Yuko (Japan); Sasaki, Miho PS25P-10-7 Relation between identity diffusion and childcare anxiety of mothers: Self-determination and time perspective Miyamoto, Junko (Japan) PS25P-10-8 The effects of difficulty of context understanding and empathy on acquirement of social skills Yamaoka, Kosuke (Japan); Morita, Noriko; Osao, Masumi; Nonaka, Shunsuke; Shimada, Hironori PS25P-10-9 Psychological support of women in prenatal diagnostics Odintsova, Veronika V (Russia); Konoplyannikov, Alexander; Songolova, Ekaterina; Nikiforova, Alina PS25P-10-10 Psychological Growth as a Result of Stressful Experiences among Japanese Adolescents: Its Relationship to the Disruption of Core Beliefs, the Event Related Rumination and Personality Ogiwara, Moe (Japan); Mukai, Takayo PS25P-10-11 Japanese version of Responsibility Attitude Scale and Responsibility Interpretations Questionnaire Ishikawa, Ryotaro (Japan) PS25P-10-12 How clinical psychologists acquire their roles focusing on the entering palliative care units in Japan Ueda, Mami (Japan) PS25P-10-13 Title: Does social support modify the relationship between trauma exposure and alcohol misuse? PS25P-10-15 The roles of emotional approach coping and social support in predicting mental health of KMA cadets by testing moderation model Kang, Sungrok (Korea (Republic of Korea)) PS25P-10-16 Risk factors of early turnover among new employees Harada, Shin (Japan) PS25P-10-17 Experiences and support needs of mothers with cancer who have school-aged children Kobayashi, Mariko (Japan) PS25P-10-18 Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct on the scheme of case handover process from School Counselor's perspective Sato, Yuhki (Japan); Naito, Tetsuo PS25P-10-19 The House Imagery Projective Test: A new measure of mental status Yu, Xiaoxia (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yuan, Yuan; Zhang, Hongchuan; Liu, Yang PS25P-10-20 The Effects of Parenting Stress on Informant Disagreement Among Preschoolers with Risk for ADHD Chen, Yu-chi (Taiwan); Hwang-gu, Shoou-lian; Susan Shur-fen, Gau; Hsiangyuan, Lin; Hsiang-yuan, Ni; Sophie Hsin-yi, Liang; Chiao-fan, Lin PS25P-10-21 Assessment of functional support strategies for parents of junior high school students with child-rearing stress Sokabe, Yusuke (Japan); Koseki, Shunsuke; Ono, Haruka; Tachibana, Miki PS25P-10-22 Cognitive appraisal and organizational commitment predict problem-solving coping for stressors on club activities in undergraduates. Saito, Ayano (Japan) PS25P-10-23 Work Engagement by Psychologists in Medical Institutions and their Clinical Psychological Experiences Nakajima, Kasumi (Japan); Murakami, Naomi; Hiranuma, Risa; Shirai, Noriko; Tanaka, Katsutoshi; Iwamitsu, Yumi PS25P-10-24 The Induction of Mental Contamination among Chinese People Tang, Tan (Hong Kong); Wang, Jianping (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS25P-10-25 Buffering effect of social support on the impact of interrole conflict between work and caregiving roles on the mental health of family caregivers of people with dementia in Japan Morimoto, Hiroshi (Japan); Furuta, Nobuo; Kono, Mitsue; Kabeya, Mayumi PS25P-10-26 The integration of breathing training into mobile application on heart rate variability Wang, San Yu (Taiwan); Lin, I-mei; Huang, Ching-yu; Hung, Ya Ting; Lin, Hsin-yi; Ko, Chia-i; Chen, Sui-pi PS25P-10-27 The Role of Family Relationships in moderating the Association between Family Type and Psychological Well-being of Emerging Adults in Cyprus Bayraktar, Fatos (Cyprus); Essau, Cecilia A.; Gilvarry, Catherine PS25P-10-28 The influence of metacognitive beliefs on rumination, worry, and depression Ikeda, Hiroto (Japan); Miyazaki, Kyuichi; Matuno, Kodai; Nedate, Kaneo PS25P-10-29 Background of Households with Child Sexual Abuse: A case literature review Kanto, Yuka (Japan) PS25P-10-30 Development of instruments measuring diet-related behaviors and mutual dissatisfaction levels in Japanese couples with Type 2 diabetes. Shoji, Wataru (Japan) PS25P-10-31 Prevalence and psychosocial risk factors associated with Internet addiction among senior high school students in Taiwan Lin, Min-pei (Taiwan); Hu, Wei-hsuan; Wu, Yung-wei Jo; Liu, Yin-han; Chen, Chao-jui PS25P-10-32 The present situation and support of the needy persons with mental disorders in Japan Seino, Kai (Japan); Nomoto, Aoi; Yuichiro, Haruna PS25P-10-33 An intervention for people with borderline personality disorder who are also parents: a pilot study of clinician acceptability Grenyer, Brin F (Australia); Mccarthy, Kye L; Lewis, Kate L; Kostrevska-kirov, Suzanna; Harris, Astrid; Bourke, Marianne PS25P-10-34 Memory bias in individuals with subclinical paranoid ideation: using self-reference judgment and incidental learning tasks Hung, Fu-chien (Taiwan); Li, Meng-ze PS25P-10-35 Higher levels of gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety are associated with increased risk of presence of irritable bowel syndrome Saigo, Tatsuo (Japan); Tayama, Jun; Ogawa, Sayaka; Takeoka, Atsushi; Hamaguchi, Toyohiro; Nakaya, Naoki; Fukudo, Shin; Shirabe, Susumu PS25P-10-36 Emotion regulation strategies in depression: A meta-analysis study Yan, Yuqi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Yan, Chao PS25P-10-37 Differences in the cognitive behavioral characteristics of gambling disorder patients with maintained problem behaviors by different contingencies Tanaka, Yuki (Japan); Nomura, Kazutaka; Shimada, Hironori; Terakado, Shiho; Yao, Nozomi; Ohishi, Hiroyo; Ohishi, Masayuki PS25P-10-38 Creating models of growth after failure: A focus on affections after failure, mindfulness, and perfectionism Chiba, Shusaku (Japan) PS25P-10-39 The influence of intolerance of uncertainty on the satisfaction with treatment caused by symptom improvement in burning mouth syndrome Matsuoka, Hirofumi (Japan); Utsunomiya, Masafumi; Yoshida, Koki; Moriya, Mitsuru; Sakano, Yuji; Chiba, Itsuo; Abiko, Yoshihiro PS25P-10-40 Difference of atypical depression from typical depression and borderline personality disorder - From the viewpoint of parent-child relationship Hayashi, Hideki (Japan); Takei, Yuko; Fujimori, Akihito; Takeuchi, Itsuko; Hono, Takahiro PS25P-10-41 Cross-lagged relationships between stress and depression Liao, Pei-chun (Taiwan); Chang, Shan-mei Monday, July 25, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster4 Clinical Psychology PS25P-14-1 Examination of Depression and Anxiety Levels With Attitude AgainstBrother and Perceptions Figures of Individuals Having a Brother Who isMentally or Physically Disabled Isiten, Havva Nuket (Turkey) PS25P-14-2 Attentional biases to sad stimuli in dysphoric individuals undergoing depressive mood induction Isato, Ayako (Japan); Nishimura, Haruki; Matsumoto, Noboru; Masuyama, Akihiro PS25P-14-3 The effect of social anxiety on the attentional disengagement from socially threatening stimuli Suzuki, Takashi (Japan); Kinosada, Yasunori; Shinohara, Kazumitsu PS25P-14-4 Effects of Creative Hopelessness on willingness of social anxiety tendency : As an indicator Speech time Inoue, Kazuya (Japan); Sato, Kenji PS25P-14-5 Diagnostic Efficiency of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) Internalizing Score for Identifying Mood Disorders Chen, Yen-ling (Taiwan); Youngstrom, Eric (United States of America) PS25P-14-6 A loss of distraction and the immediate enhancement effect of thought suppression Hattori, Yosuke (Japan) PS25P-14-7 The clinical significance of the therapist's participation in Sandplay therapy from the standpoint of pretherapy Endo, Ayumu (Japan) PS25P-14-8 Effect of raisin exercise on positive feelings of depressed students Nakai, Azumi (Japan) PS25P-14-9 Measuring Experiential Avoidance Using Ecological Momentary Assessments: A Study Shima, Taiki (Japan); Honda, Hikari; Ouchi, Yuko; Saito, Junichi; Iwata, Ayaka; Kumano, Hiroaki PS25P-14-10 Campus mental health in Japan: How can we encourage students to seek help? Sasaki, Megumi (Japan) PS25P-14-11 The Relationship between the Use of Social Networking Sites and Emotional Intelligence among Japanese University Students Huang, Zhengguo (Japan) PS25P-14-12 The relationship between ego identity and expression of baum-test in Japanese university students. Morita, Shuhei (Japan) PS25P-14-13 The effects of key concepts of psychotherapy on mental health Takagi, Gen (Japan) PS25P-14-14 Psychological approach to Tojisha Kenkyu studies of people with mental illness Kodaira, Tomoe (Japan); Ito, Takehiko PS25P-14-15 Conceptual Reorganization of Directive Intervention and Nondirective attitude in Humanistic Psychology Kaneko, Shuhei (Japan) PS25P-14-16 The effectiveness of psy- 197 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical choeducational program CARE (ChildAdult Relationship Enhancement) for foster parent. Fukumaru, Yuka (Japan) and attentional control predicts problemsolving style Mukai, Hidefumi (Japan); Sugiura, Yoshinori PS25P-14-17 Developing a new emotional-switching Stroop task Tsuchiya, Mizuki (Japan); Kunisato, Yoshihiko PS25P-14-29 Post Natal Depression: Early Intervention and Promotion of Wellbeing. De Angelis, Floriana (United Kingdom); Palumbo, Gabriella (Italy); Milgrom, Jeannette (Australia); Mirabella, Fiorino (Italy); Gigantesco, Antonella (Italy) PS25P-14-18 Relationships of actual and virtual social support to Internet addiction mediated through self-esteem among senior high school students in Taiwan Hu, Wei-hsuan (Taiwan); Lin, Min-pei; Chang, Kuei-mien; Wu, Yung-wei Jo PS25P-14-19 Application of controlled multisensory environment (Snoezelen) therapy in a Japanese nursing facility. Yotsumoto, Yuko (Japan); Sato, Takao PS25P-14-20 Analyses of Personal Attitude Construct on Recovery Process from Social Withdrawal Hiratsuka, Daichi (Japan); Naito, Tetsuo PS25P-14-21 Dyadic Interaction between Stress and Emotion among Infertile Couple in Taiwan. Lin, Hui-tzu (Taiwan); Hong, Jia-sin; Hsu, Wen-yau PS25P-14-22 The Factor Structure of the Differentiation of Self Scale for Undergraduate Students (DSSU) Kudo, Koji (Japan) PS25P-14-23 Effects of memory therapy conducted with a school-refusing student Sakuma, Shinich (Japan); Watanabe, Junko; Katsumata, Teruchika PS25P-14-24 The influence of counselor's makeup and client's attitude to makeup on person perception Shimizu, Mariko (Japan) PS25P-14-25 Sexual Morality and Mental Contamination: the Moral Emotions as a Mediator Fan, Wenchao (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Chenyi; Wang, Jianping PS25P-14-26 The development of a program to improve life-career resilience for job seekers with disabilities Takahashi, Miho (Japan); Suzuki, Yuhei PS25P-14-27 Effects of anxiety about job hunting on behaviors related to finding a job Tanabe, Yasuko (Japan); Kawasaki, Yutaka; Murata, Miki; Tashiro, Kyoko; Shimada, Hironori PS25P-14-28 The interaction between positive metacognitive beliefs about worry 198 PS25P-14-30 Effect of acceptance for values -In context of Acceptance & Commitment TherapyKamiya, Shinki (Japan); Kikai, Tomoki; Ito, Yoshinori PS25P-14-31 Can explicit measures of stigma toward depression be improved? Proposing the use of semantic differential (SD) scales Kashihara, Jun (Japan) PS25P-14-32 The effects of self-compassion on post-event processing of social anxiety disorder Hayashi, Ami (Japan); Hiranaka, Yui; Ito, Yoshinori PS25P-14-33 Relationships between Mindfulness, Uncontrollability of Rumination, and Attentional functions Takahashi, Yoshifumi (Japan); Sugiyama, Takashi PS25P-14-34 The relations between resilience and changes of attitude toward life induced by the Great East Japan Earthquake Norisada, Yuriko (Japan); Saito, Seiichi; Okamoto, Hideo PS25P-14-35 Sensor disorder of a child as a predictor and moderator of parents coping processes with regard to daily stress. Mikhailova, Nadezhda (Russia) PS25P-14-36 Analysis of Personal Attitude Construct on the Influence of Absence of a Dog in Animal-assisted Therapy for an Opposite Sex Patient Utsumi, Yurika (Japan); Naito, Tetsuo PS25P-14-37 Cognitive process of speech exposure in social anxiety disorder Shirotsuki, Kentaro (Japan); Kodama, Yoshio; Adachi, So-ichiro PS25P-14-38 Effects of actual behavior and children's perceptions of parents' rearing behavior on social skills Morita, Noriko (Japan); Udagawa, Shiho; Minosaki, Koji; Shimada, Hironori PS25P-14-39 The effects of borderline personality disorder (BPD) trait on emotion dysregulation and the severity of BPD symptoms in Japanese nonclinical adolescents Miyamae, Mitsuhiro (Japan); Fujisato, Hiroko; Yamada, Keisuke; Isato, Ayako; Okubo, Chisa; Terashima, Hitomi PS25P-14-40 The Relationship between Self-esteem, Coping styles and Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency in College Students Jing, Zu (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xiangkui, Zhang PS25P-14-41 Self-Compassion as a Moderator of the Relationship between Discrepancy of Self-Esteem and Mental Health Watanabe, Ayumi (Japan); Akamine, Yuki; Ito, Yoshinori Tuesday, July 26, 10:30 – 11:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Clinical Psychology PS26A-09-1 Sandtray Applied into the Assessment of Resilience of College Students of China Wang, Dan (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Risheng PS26A-09-2 A systematic review of the present situation and support for homeless individuals with mental disorders in Japan Seino, Kai (Japan); Aoi, Nomoto; Yuichiro, Haruna PS26A-09-3 The psychological features of neurological patients' anxiety level Omarova, Lora (Kazakhstan); Sutyeyeva, Maira; Myrzatayeva, Bibymariya; Sadykova, Nazira; Akhtayeva, Nadiya; Tolegenova, Aliya; Li, Alexina; Naurzalina, Danna PS26A-09-4 Self-reflection interacts with self-rumination predicting decentering Mori, Masaki (Japan); Tanno, Yoshihiko PS26A-09-5 Process of inhibiting a woman's murderous intention towards her husband: Research using a semi-structured interview. Tsuruta, Satoshi (Japan); Kugihara, Naoki PS26A-09-6 The self-committed statement of significant others to promote mood change of depressive person Sando, Nagisa (Japan) PS26A-09-7 Evaluation of Effectiveness of T-RACO for Persons Suffering Stress Kobayashi, Taku (Japan); Akaki, Mai; Sando, Nagisa PS26A-09-8 Reduced loss aversion and its relations to symptom severity in pathological gambling and alcohol dependence Genauck, Alexander (Germany); Quester, Saskia; Heinz, Andreas; Romanczukseiferth, Nina PS26A-09-9 The Predictive Effect of Humor Styles on Somatization Selvi, Kerim (Turkey) Saradevi, Krishanan PS26A-09-19 Is age at symptom onset associated with inhibitory deficits in adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder? Lei, Hui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Zhang, Xiaocui; Zhu, Xiongzhao PS26A-09-10 Factors contributing to depression and resilience to depressionamong university students Takai, Noriko (Japan) PS26A-09-20 The mediation effect of the looming cognitive style in the relationship between fear of negative and positive evaluations and social anxiety Liang, Chi-wen (Taiwan); Lin, Yu-han; Lu, Yi-jia PS26A-09-11 The impact of stigma on the rehabilitation of hospitalized mental patients Xu, Yan (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26A-09-21 Investigation and compare the lifestyle, quality of life and depression in people with type 2 diabetes and multiple sclerosis Dehghani, Akram (Iran) PS26A-09-12 Testing the Looming Maladaptive Style Questionnaire (LMSQ-R) in Taiwanese undergraduates: Factor structure and relationship with social anxiety subtypes Lin, Yu-han (Taiwan); Liang, Chi-wen PS26A-09-22 Attentional bias modification to increase attention to positive information with explicit instruction Nishiguchi, Yuki (Japan); Tanno, Yoshihiko PS26A-09-13 A qualitative analysis of free responses evaluating social skills training Kohno, Risa (Japan); Kira, Yugo; Inoue, Saori; Mizusaki, Yuki; Kambara, Kohei; Ogata, Akiko PS26A-09-14 Development of the perceived function of writing scale Mizuno, Masashi (Japan); Ishikawa, Mariko; Sato, Jun PS26A-09-15 Latent classes and predictors of orthorexic behaviours among eating disorder patients Brytek Matera, Anna (Poland); Rogoza, Radoslaw (Poland); Gramaglia, Carla (Italy); Zeppegno, Patrizia (Italy) PS26A-09-16 Association between positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia patients and the tree drawing test Kawasugi, Keita (Japan); Todoroki, Keiko; Sugawara, Hitomi; Kodaira, Akiko; Nobutou, Asako; Tsukamoto, Yasuyuki; Nishizawa, Sakura; Takemura, Kazuhisa; Todoroki, Junichi; Iwamitsu, Yumi PS26A-09-17 Associations between self-help groups and the effects of the type of parenting on children's social withdrawal in Japan Honma, Emiko (Japan); Saito, Masako; Naito, Mamoru; Tanebe, Seiko; Kobayashi, Rie; Sato, Toru PS26A-09-18 Stress and Anger management on family factor, childhood behaviour, state anger, trait anger and loneliness among school students Veerakumar, Suriyakumar (India); PS26A-09-23 Eye tracking and attentional bias for emotion stimuli with symptoms of earthquake related PTSD Haibo, Yang (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Xin, Zhao; Xiaoying, Wei; Xiangliang, Meng; Jingnan, Zhu; Chenxia, Xu PS26A-09-24 A statistical analysis on basic attributes of social withdrawal ("hikikomori") clients observed at a "Regional Support Center for Hikikomori" Nakaji, Nobuo (Japan); Asami, Kenichiro PS26A-09-25 The Effects of State Brooding and Emotional Stimuli on Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Sato, Hideki (Japan); Risa, Ito; Koyo, Higami; Satomi, Matsumoto; Nobutaka, Namiki; Ryo, Yajima; Shin-ichi, Suzuki PS26A-09-26 The role of delay discounting on behavioral theory of depression. Aoki, Shuntaro (Japan); Nihei, Masato; Ouchi, Yoshiya; Shinkawa, Hiroki; Sakano, Yuji Tuesday, July 26, 11:30 – 12:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Clinical Psychology PS26A-12-1 Workplace Social Support and Mental Symptoms of Employees in the Period of Economic Depression. Nagae, Masumi (Japan) PS26A-12-2 Depression and Somatic Symptoms in Japanese and American College Students: Negative Mood Regulation Expectancies as a Personality Predictor Hamamura, Toshitaka (Japan); Mearns, Jack PS26A-12-3 A study of functional aspects of the relationship between anger and assertive behavior Osao, Masumi (Japan); Hashimoto, Rui; Nagano, Kyoko; Nonaka, Shunsuke; Morita, Noriko; Hironori, Shimada PS26A-12-4 The practice and modification of the agency of perception and concern model: Development of hypotheses using qualitative research Aoki, Minori (Japan) PS26A-12-5 Relationship between Perception of Difficulties of Menstruationrelated Symptoms and Mindfulness Inayoshi, Remi (Japan) PS26A-12-6 The social psycho - mechanism of depression somatization Peng, Yunshi (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Xia PS26A-12-7 Effects of mindfulness training that emphasizes interoceptive awareness of maladaptive eating behaviors Ishikawa, Miki (Japan); Tashiro, Kyoko; Tanabe, Yasuko; Murata, Miki; Shimada, Hironori PS26A-12-8 Interactive effect between implicit attitude to alcohol and selfreported relapse risk to the relapse of Japanese alcohol dependent inpatients Ogai, Yasukazu (Japan); Aikawa, Yuzo; Yumoto, Yosuke; Umeno, Mitsuru; Sakakibara, Satoshi; Kadowaki, Arisa; Saito, Tamaki; Morita, Nobuaki; Ikeda, Kazutaka PS26A-12-9 The Effect of Mindfulness Training on Performance: From the Perspective of Attention Control Sato, Yosuke (Japan); Koshikawa, Fusako; Sawamiya, Yoko PS26A-12-10 Three Good Things in Life as a Stress-coping in Japan Iwabuchi, Alisa (Japan) PS26A-12-11 Executive Control Processing in Trait Anxiety Using the WCST Miyazaki, Kyuichi (Japan); Kaneo, Nedate PS26A-12-12 Body image dissatisfaction in college students in mainland China: An exploratory study Liang, Rui (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Ma, Zhen-ling; Wang, Kui PS26A-12-13 Development of the Unforgivability Scale. Takata, Nami (Japan); Kushizaki, Masashi PS26A-12-14 Examination of the effects 199 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7. Clinical of trait and state anxiety on memory retrieval Higami, Koyo (Japan); Kaneko, Yui; Haruna, Suyama; Ito, Risa; Sato, Hideki; Matsumoto, Satomi; Namiki, Nobutaka; Yajima, Ryo; Suzuki, Shin-ichi PS26A-12-15 Relationship between autism spectrum conditions and adult attachment style for the other person among Japanese university students Nishita, Takashi (Japan); Kawata, Yujiro; Hirosawa, Masataka PS26A-12-16 The impact of peer support training on life skills in a sample of 41 high school students. Matsushita, Takeshi (Japan) PS26A-12-17 The influences of perceived social support and personality on trajectories of subsequent depressive symptoms in Taiwanese youth Lien, Yin-ju (Taiwan); Chen, Chia-yi; Hu, Ji-ning PS26A-12-18 A Study on the Impact of Attention Control on Insomnia. Araki, Minori (Japan); Tomita, Nozomi; Kuroda, Ayaka; Hinuma, Tomoko; Kumano, Hiroaki PS26A-12-19 Therapists attachment and empathic dispositions as determinants of countertransference Laverdiere, Olivier (Canada); Descoteaux, Jean PS26A-12-20 A preliminary study on training to enhance self-care and prevent burnout among graduate trainees in clinical psychology using the psychoeducational program, "Successful Self" Ando, Mikayo (Japan) PS26A-12-21 Effects of Dohsa-methodbased mindfulness on the performance of executive functions using a mirror drawing task and the Stroop test Konno, Yoshitaka (Japan) PS26A-12-22 Response to Marital Conflict as Mediators of the Effects of Marital Conflict on Psychological Stress Response between Japanese and Chinese High School Students Zhang, Xinhe (Japan) PS26A-12-23 Effects of mindfulness yoga for traumatized children at a Child Guidance Center Soma, Hanae (Japan); Komamura, Juri; Koshikawa, Fusako PS26A-12-24 Examining the influence of cognitive fusion on experiential avoidance by using Ecological Momentary Assessment 200 Honda, Hikari (Japan); Shima, Taiki; Ouchi, Yuko; Saito, Junichi; Iwata, Ayaka; Takahashi, Toru; Kumano, Hiroaki PS26A-12-26 Association between posttraumatic growth and personality among cancer patients in Japan Matsui, Tomoko (Japan); Taku, Kanako (United States of America) PS26A-12-27 Expressive arts group therapy approach to cope with trauma and foster posttraumatic growth (PTG) after the Great East Japan Earthquake 2011 Inoue, Takayo (Japan) Tuesday, July 26, 15:30 – 16:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Clinical Psychology PS26P-09-1 Effects of Narcissistic Vulnerability on Remembering Past Events Tagami, Kyoko (Japan) PS26P-09-2 A creation of a scale for dissociative coping behavior Hirosawa, Aiko (Japan); Ohnishi, Masafumi; Kishi, Toshiyuki PS26P-09-3 Associations between perceived teasing experiences and dysmorphic concern, acceptance with cosmetic surgery in Japanese university students Tanaka, Masanori (Japan); Yamamiya, Yuko; Tayama, Jun PS26P-09-5 The relationship between Sense of Coherence and restrained, emotional, and external eating in Japanese and Austrian university students Kato, Yoshiko (Japan); Greimel, Elfriede (Austria); Gartner, Maria Muller (Austria); Freidl, Wolfgang (Austria); Roth, Roswith (Austria) PS26P-09-7 Co-occurrence of orthorexia nervosa and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, disordered eating patterns and body uneasiness: the mediating role of gender and Body Mass Index Brytek Matera, Anna (Poland); Cena, Hellas (Italy); Fonte, Maria Luisa (Italy); Donini, Lorenzo Maria (Italy); Poggiogalle, Eleonora (Italy) PS26P-09-8 Self-compassion and psychological well-being: the mediating role of interpersonal competence Chen, Yu Jie (Taiwan); Chen, Sue-huei PS26P-09-9 Interpersonal problems and difficulties in emotion regulation predict disordered eating? Namatame, Hikari (Japan); Sawamiya, Yoko PS26P-09-10 The effectiveness of ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) on depression, marital satisfaction and resiliency of veteran's wives in Iran. Dehghani, Akram (Iran); Jafari, Elahe; Afshari, Afrooz PS26P-09-11 The develpment and meaning of the questionnaire: Importance of relationships Okamoto, Yuji (Japan); Shimoda, Hiroko; Koyasu, Masuo; Takeda, Hiroshi; Matsumura, Yasushi PS26P-09-12 Sensory-processing sensitivity as related to psychosomatic health in healthy Japanese people Takahashi, Toru (Japan); Haitani, Tomosumi; Sugiyama, Fukiko; Kawashima, Issaku; Usui, Kaori; Honda, Hikari; Kumano, Hiroaki PS26P-09-13 Investigating social skills training as a possible depression intervention for late adolescents in Japan Kira, Yugo (Japan); Kohno, Risa; Kambara, Kohei; Mizusaki, Yuki; Inoue, Saori; Ogata, Akiko PS26P-09-14 Relationships between self-focused attention and the five factors of mindfulness Mori, Masaki (Japan); Yoshihiko, Tanno PS26P-09-15 Perspectives of people with hikikomori (social withdrawal): Based on their initial messages for telepsychology in Japan Yatsuda, Masako (Japan); Aoki, Kikuyo; Iwafuji, Hiromi; Koshi, Megumi PS26P-09-16 Development of College Life Anxiety Scale(CLAS) Fujii, Yoshihisa (Japan) PS26P-09-17 The Mechanism Behind Mindfulness and School Stress Reduction Iijima, Yuya (Japan); Matsuno, Kodai; Miyazaki, Kyuichi; Nedate, Kaneo PS26P-09-18 Dose a Person with high Self-affliction Tendency Have fewer Positive Psychological capitals Wu, Pei-yu (Taiwan); Lin, Ching-wen; Chang, Ching-jan PS26P-09-19 Measuring Experiential Avoidance: A Psychometric Study of the Chinese Version of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire in Taiwan Kung, Yi-wen (Taiwan); Chen, Sue-huei PS26P-09-20 The early maladaptive schemas and coping styles of opiate abusers in a Turkish sample Mackali, Zeynep (Turkey); Hatiboglu, Gozde PS26P-09-21 Qualitative Research on Intimacy of Female Young Adults Who Have Experienced Parental Divorce Shoko, Mizuno (Japan) PS26P-09-22 The psychosocial impact of the atomic bomb on successive generations of survivors from the perspective of generativity Kamite, Yuka (Japan) PS26P-09-23 Blunted anterior insula activation in anticipation of appetitive and aversive food and social images in schizophrenia Yan, Chao (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26P-09-24 Pathological Internet Use and Depressive Symptoms in Chinese Adolescents: A Coping-Mediation Model Wang, Yuping (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Wang, Weiling; Qian, Yuyan; Ni, Xiaoli PS26P-09-25 Help-seeking from formal and informal sources and related variables among Japanese undergraduate students Kimura, Masato (Japan) PS26P-09-26 Experience of Imaginary raisin exercise through a text analysis of free descriptions Nakai, Azumi (Japan) PS26P-09-27 Supporting school entry as a commitment to first-grade problems: A literature review Ono, Haruka (Japan); Koseki, Shunsuke; Tachibana, Miki; Sokabe, Yusuke PS26P-09-28 Differences of DohsaExperiencing among three basic Dohsa-Tasks Takeuchi, Tomoya (Japan) PS26P-09-29 The development of Sandplay Therapy in China and its feasibility of treatment on neurosis Zhang, Risheng (China (People's Repbulic of China)) PS26P-09-30 The Effect of Family Social Support to Adaptation After Residential Move Hitachi, Yurika (Japan); Nishimura, Kaoru PS26P-09-31 THE COMBINED USE OF VIRTUAL REALITY EXPOSURE IN THE TREATMENT OF AGORAPHOBIA. EMPIRICAL STUDY. Pitti, Carmen T (Spain); Penate, Wenceslao; Bethencourt, Juan M.; Rocasanchez, Maria J; De La Fuente, Juan; Acosta, Leopoldo; Villaverde, Maria L.; Gracia, Ramon PS26P-09-32 The phenomenological trend of evolving Asian parenting styles and the popularity of reality TV shows focus on parenting practices Li, Karen K (United States of America); Avvampato, Courtney; Takeuchi, Risa PS26P-09-33 Possibilities and limits of mindfulness approach in Japan: A consideration of the mindfulness-based iPhone application Oue, Maaya (Japan); Yamamoto, Emi; Suganuma, Shinichiro; Shimoyama, Haruhiko PS26P-09-34 Effects of Emotion Focused Brief Therapy:Novel Method for Changing Negative Cognitons Suzuki, Shuntaro (Japan) PS26P-09-35 Looming Maladaptive Style as a moderator of the association between maladaptive perfectionism and anxiety Altan-atalay, Ayse (Turkey) Tuesday, July 26, 16:30 – 17:30 Exhibition Hall Poster2 Clinical Psychology PS26P-13-1 The patterns of reaction time for each item in the Landscape Montage Technique Oba, Urara (Japan); Sasaki, Reiji PS26P-13-2 University counseling center websites in Japan and factors contributing to their assessment by users Ito, Naoki (Japan) PS26P-13-3 Psychological aspects of involvement in Massively Multiplayer On-line Game (MMOG) Ryzhov, Andrey (Russia); Tkhostov, Alexander; Pechnikova, Leonora PS26P-13-4 The Chinese Version of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties with High School Students in China mainland Xin, Xiuhong (China (People's Repbulic of China)); Fang, Jianqun; Xin, Xiujuan; Su, Xiaojun PS26P-13-6 Does overgeneral retrieval attenuate the function of autobiographical memory? Matsumoto, Noboru (Japan); Norichika, Chihiro; Mochizuki, Satoshi PS26P-13-7 Effects of anxiety sensitivity and dissociation on somatic symptoms: Gender difference Fukui, Yoshikazu (Japan); Matsuo, Kazuya; Oura, Shinicni PS26P-13-8 The relationship between suicide resilience and social support with family and friends in Japanese university students Sugioka, Masanori (Japan); Wakabayashi, Sumino; Yashima, Minako PS26P-13-10 Increased risk of suffering depression subsequent to urticaria in adolescence: national database study Yi-jui, Chang (Taiwan) PS26P-13-11 Stability of the drawing expression process in the Landscape Montage Technique Sasaki, Reiji (Japan); Oba, Urara PS26P-13-12 Evaluating support strategies for victims of bullying using a functional analysis Koseki, Shunsuke (Japan); Koseki, Mami; Ohtani, Tetsuhiro; Sokabe, Yusuke; Ono, Haruka; Tachibana, Miki PS26P-13-13 The interrelation of social and demographic status and emotional state of HIV positive-people. Madaliyeva, Zabira (Kazakhstan); Kasen, Gulmira; Fedorovich, Olesya PS26P-13-14 How do depression, rumination and social problem solving interact with each other? A three-wave longitudinal study Hasegawa, Akira (Japan); Kunisato, Yoshihiko; Morimoto, Hiroshi; Nishimura, Haruki; Mastuda, Yuko PS26P-13-15 The Role of Psychological Pain and Physical Dissociation for Understanding Suicidality Fekken, Cynthia (Canada); D' Agata, Madeleine T; Holden, Ronald R PS26P-13-16 Development of a stress scale for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake Okamoto, Hideo (Japan); Saito, Seiichi; Norisada, Yuriko PS26P-13-17 A Comparative Study Of Married Couples' Conflict Resolution Strategies And Family Structures In Japan And South Korea Yu, Kyungran (Japan) PS26P-13-18 Development of Stress Management Program for Pregnant Women in Japan Kusakabe, Noriko (Japan) PS26P-13-20 Examining Mental Strain of Group Home Care Providers in Working with People with Mental Disorders Baba, Ayako (Japan); Takahashi, Miho PS26P-13-22 Harmonizing Diverse Theories of Suicide by Integrating Shneidmans and Joiners Models of Suicidal Behavior in Understanding Suicide Ideation Holden, Ronald R (Canada); Chen, Cara L; D'agata, Madeleine T PS26P-13-23 The influence of meaning making process on changes in self-con- 201 7. Clinical SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC
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