The mission of Jesuit High School as a Catholic, college preparatory
The mission of Jesuit High School as a Catholic, college preparatory
The mission of Jesuit High School as a Catholic, college preparatory school is to develop in its students the competence, conscience, and compassion that will enable them to 2013 - 2014 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT be men of faith and men for others. A LET TER FROM THE PRESIDENT G ratitude. That’s the first word that comes to mind as I look over the past three years, and especially this past year. The list of items for which I am grateful would well exceed the page limit of this report, so I’ll confine myself to a few items, but with the caveat that I’m relating not the twentieth part. In the first column I wrote for Jaynotes (Fall 2011-12), I highlighted what I saw as the five key days at Jesuit: • the Mass of the Holy Spirit, in which we ask God’s power in the work of forming men of faith and men for others; • PAG Sunday, in which we commit ourselves to a broadbased community engaged in this formation; • Open House, in which we invite future generations of Blue Jays into this community; • the Thanksgiving Drive, in which this community gives itself in service to others; • and any given day, in which millions of encounters, conversations, and actions of Jesuit’s community are woven into the basic fabric of a school that changes lives. More than three years later, I am more convinced than ever of the importance of these days. None of these days would have been possible without the practical support of the people recognized in this report. Their commitment to the work of Jesuit High School forms a key element of the best that happens here, a partnership that is an integral element of the life-changing mission of our school. As the pages of this report relate, parents of current students, parents of alumni, alumni themselves, and many other friends generously provide the financial resources that allow Jesuit to do something remarkable. Their partnership with Jesuit allows us to charge a tuition that generates only 75% of the cost of educating a Blue Jay. But why is this difference desirable? This partnership effectively allows us at Jesuit to tell all of our parents: “We understand and appreciate the financial commitment, and even sacrifice, that sending your sons to Jesuit represents. We realize that for the vast majority of you, this is not an easy task. We therefore pledge ourselves in partnership with you to shoulder our own financial burden, to face the yearly task of raising upwards of $3 million for the education of your sons. But we have good news: we are not alone in our task. Our partnership includes thousands of alumni and hundreds of parents who were once in your position. They join with us in making your sons’ education possible. In finances, just as in academics, in discipline, and in co-curriculars, all of us will face challenges; but we all pledge to help one another to overcome these challenges.” I hope this message is a source of encouragement to parents of present and future Blue Jays, just as it has been for their predecessors. It calls upon us who are charged with the governance of Jesuit High School to look upon our parents not as consumers of a commodity that we produce, but as individuals who share with us a covenant, a covenant to form their sons, now our students, into men of faith and men for others, men who have received of the generosity of others and to all called to show even greater generosity to others, men who freely choose to open their lives to the plan of the generous God Whom we are called to imitate. Yes, the financial support related in these pages makes it possible for Jesuit to pay its bills and to maintain its facilities and programs. But much more, this support enables Jesuit High School to live out its mission and truly to remain a school that changes lives. And thus, my last word, as was my first, is one of deep gratitude. Rev. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 President REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | FY 2014 THE MISSION OF JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL A S A C AT H O L I C , C O L L E G E P R E PA R ATO RY SCHOOL IS TO DEVELOP IN ITS STUDENTS THE COMPETENCE, CONSCIENCE, AND C O M PA S S I O N T H AT W I L L E N A B L E T H E M TO BE MEN OF FAITH AND MEN FOR OTHERS. Financial Summary.............................................................. 02 Donor Honor Roll................................................................ 04 Chapel of the Holy Name of Jesus Renovation......................... 34 Giving by Alumni............................................................... 37 Giving by Parents................................................................. 56 Giving by Parents of Alumni.............................................. 61 HFA Campaign..................................................................... 63 Scholarships.......................................................................... 64 Foundations......................................................................... 67 Matching Gifts ................................................................... 67 Maisounabe Society............................................................ 68 In Memory Of.................................................................... 68 Volunteers............................................................................ 69 Administration & Staff....................................................... 71 Dear Jesuit Benefactor: The President’s Report for the 2014 fiscal year (FY) recognizes the 5,100 benefactors who donated $4,783,815 to Jesuit High School between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. We join our president in thanking you for your loyal and generous support, which allows Jesuit to continue to fulfill its mission that has been in place since 1847 — developing in its students the competence, conscience, and compassion that will enable them to be men of faith and men for others. Diligent efforts were made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this report, especially the names of our benefactors and their inclusion in the appropriate giving levels. If there is an inaccuracy of any sort, please inform us promptly so that an apology may be rendered. We also want to ensure that the information in our database, which serves as the primary source of the content for this report, is correct and up-to-date. To report omissions or if you have a question, email Pierre DeGruy ’69, director of communications: [email protected]; or call his direct line: (504) 483-3813. We pray that Blue Jays and their families everywhere will experience the peace, love, and joy of a blessed Christmas in 2014. Best wishes for a prosperous new year in 2015. The Staff Office of Institutional Advancement Jesuit High School of New Orleans December 1, 2014 How Benefactors Are Listed The Donor Honor Roll that begins on page 4 lists all benefactors alphabetically in the Giving Clubs that reflect the total amount of their donations to Jesuit in the 2014 FY. This is the only section that groups benefactors by their respective Giving Clubs. Donors are listed alphabetically in the remaining sections. The Donor Honor Roll features letters adjacent to the names of benefactors. These letters correspond to the fund(s) to which donations were made. For example, (L, C, S, J) means contributions were made to: L — LEF (Living Endowment Fund) GIVING CLUBS Fiscal Year 2014 (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014) The Ignatian Circle* The Blue & White Club $10,000 and above The Founders Club $5,000 — $9,999 The Honors Club $3,000 — $4,999 C — Holy Name of Jesus (Small Chapel) Renovation The 1847 Society* S — Scholarship Funds The GAP Givers $2,667 — $2,999 J — The most frequently used letter means the benefactor is a Loyal Jesuit Donor. A J is merited by benefactors who contributed to Jesuit High School in FY 2014 PLUS in any three of the previous four fiscal years — 2013, 2012, 2011, or 2010. The President’s Club $1,000 — $2,666 The Boosters Club $500 — $999 Other letters found in the Donor Honor Roll indicate: P — PAG (Parents’ Annual Giving) O — POA (Parents of Alumni) H — HFA (Home Field Advantage Campaign — John Ryan Stadium) R — Roussel Building Renovation Fund Throughout the report, Jesuit alumni are designated by their two-digit graduation year. They are also recognized with fellow alumni donors by their year of graduation. The † cross symbol indicates the benefactor died after donating to Jesuit. For the individual who donated and later died, the † cross is placed after the person’s last name or, if an alumnus, his graduation year. Couples who donated and a spouse later dies, the † cross is inserted after the first name of the deceased. The report includes (in parenthesis) the first names and grad years of deceased alumni whose widows contributed to Jesuit. Gallant Fighting Sons The Alma Mater Club $300 — $499 The Anniversary Club $167 — $299 The Blue Jays Up to $166 * Donors in The Ignatian Circle and The 1847 Society were invited by the president to special receptions. 2 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | FY 2014 Fiscal Year 2014 (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014) OPERATING INCOME Instructional Income Less Financial Aid Less Courtesies (Students of Employees) Total Operating Income $11,389,752 (710,248) (91,528) 10,587,976 OPERATING DISBURSEMENTS Instructional$5,457,506 General & Administrative 5,473,339 Operations & Maintenance 1,478,965 Student Activities & Auxiliary Enterprises 507,741 Depreciation1,307,489 Total Operating Disbursements 14,225,040 Total Deficit from Operations (3,637,064) OPERATING INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES Annual Giving $2,307,499 Investment Income 654,993 Property Income 508 Miscellaneous Income 131,692 Blue Jay Bazaar/Celebration 237,802 Total Income from Other Sources Operating Deficit 3,332,495 (304,569) D O N AT I O N S AT A G L A N C E FY 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Donors 5,100 5,040 5,124 5,107 4,510 Amount $4,783,815 $3,325,134 4,073,214 4,194,089 4,635,706 INVESTMENT INCOME F RO M E N D OW M E N T F U N D FY 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Investment Income $654,993 608, 558 1,304,339 325,903 263,764 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 3 GIVING BY DOLLARS Giving Levels Alumni Parents Parents of Alumni The Blue & White Club Friends Foundations Total $1,015,852 $151,269 $183,100 $175,100 $489,900 $2,015,221 The Founders Club 342,487 101,234 45,300 20,868 10,000 519,889 The Honors Club 293,454 190,878 9,500 7,000 8,000 508,832 The GAP Givers Club 78,112 112,518 2,650 2,700 0 195,980 The President's Club 453,632 196,148 24,208 9,050 2,000 685,038 The Boosters Club 256,977 87,914 10,415 4,500 500 360,306 The Alma Mater Club 126,594 21,314 5,775 350 0 154,033 The Anniversary Club 153,026 18,871 8,237 3,900 0 184,035 The Blue Jays 122,326 12,810 11,814 13,532 0 160,482 $2,842,459 $892,956 $300,999 $237,000 $510,400 $4,783,815 Parents of Alumni Friends Foundations Total Totals GIVING BY CONTRIBUTORS Giving Levels Alumni Parents The Blue & White Club 32 5 10 6 6 59 The Founders Club 56 16 8 3 2 85 The Honors Club 86 62 3 2 2 155 The GAP Givers Club 29 42 1 1 0 73 The President's Club 350 148 21 5 2 526 The Boosters Club 471 162 18 9 1 661 The Alma Mater Club 373 64 17 1 0 455 The Anniversary Club 731 87 37 18 0 873 The Blue Jays 1727 141 144 201 0 2213 Totals 3,855 727 259 246 13 5,100 BY DOLLARS Parents (19%) Alumni (60%) BY CONTRIBUTORS Parents of Alumni (6%) Friends (5%) Foundations (10%) Parents (14%) Alumni (77%) Parents of Alumni (4%) Friends (4%) Foundations (1%) 4 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | FY 2014 C E L E B R AT I O N , B L U E J AY B A Z A A R , & CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE NET INCOME Celebration Blue Jay Bazaar Christmas Boutique FY 2014 FY 2013 FY 2012 $114,486$94,068 $97,185 115,245111,959 101,859 8,0717,578 9,689 TOTAL $237,802 $213,605$208,733 * Celebration on November 2, 2013; Blue Jay Bazaar on March 30, 2014; Christmas Boutique on December 7, 2013 Alumni director Mat Grau ’68 congratulates senior Reuben Hogan backstage minutes before the commencement ceremony begins. Senior Adam Boe is flanked by his parents, Jeanne and Ken Boe ’84, and his grandparents. Ron Drez ’59, author of Gallant Fighting Sons: The Jesuits, Louisiana, and Their School in New Orleans, discussed his book in September 2013 in St. Ignatius Hall. Blue Jay mothers Jeanie Favret, Darlene Robért, Ana Tumminello, and Gisele Prados were honored at the 2013 Alma Mater Awards Luncheon. F I N A N C I A L A I D AT J E S U I T H I G H S C H O O L Year Tuition Students Receiving Aid 2013-14$7,980 2012-137,700 2011-127,400 2010-117,000 2009-106,700 Amount of Aid Courtesies (Sons of Amount Faculty/Staff) of Courtesies 166 $697,120 153 669,100 126 528,700 120 432,125 113 407,772 Total Amount of Aid & Courtesies 14 $89,376 11 67,760 8 47,815 11 61,600 9 45,560 $786,496 736,860 576,515 493,725 453,332 H O LY N A M E O F J E S U S C H A P E L R E N OVAT I O N R E N OVAT I O N O F T H E C H A P E L O F T H E H O LY N A M E O F J E S U S The renovation of the Holy Name of Jesus Chapel is a work in progress. The so-called “small chapel,” which is located on the second floor of the Banks Street administration building, is more than 100-years-old and in dire need of attention. It was originally built downtown on Baronne Street in memory of Thomas J. Semmes on the site of the old Jesuit College. When Jesuit built a new high school at Carrollton and Banks in 1925-26, the small chapel was dismantled and reassembled at its current location to be used as the Jesuit community’s domestic chapel. Among the many features of the chapel that are being restored to its original beauty are the stained glass window dome, numerous stained glass windows, hardwood floors, pews, paintings, walls, and tapestries. The project began in earnest last May and is expected to be completed in early 2015. A total of 422 donors contributed $541,735 to the restoration project in fiscal year 2014. Among the donors were 324 alumni, including 210 of Jesuit’s newest alums — graduates of the Class of 2014 who pooled their pocket change for a “class gift.” At the final assembly on April 30, representatives of the class presented a check (just shy of $5,000) to outgoing president Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76. Marie & Daniel Abadie, Sr. Daniel Abadie, Jr. ’14 Jorge Abadin ’14 Judy & José Abadin, Jr. Louise & Herman Abry Ella & Donald Adams ’61 Jane & William Adams Zachary Adams ’14 Marie & Brian Adorno ’77 Matthew Alikhani ’14 Arman Alizadeh ’14 The Almar Foundation Mark Alvarez ’14 Adam Aucoin ’14 Austin Aucoin ’14 Tootie & Kevin Avin Corey Avrard, Jr. ’14 Christopher Babin ’14 Victor Babin, Jr. ’38 Bettye & Michael Bagot, Jr. Blake Baker ’14 Joshua Baldassaro ’14 Carrie & Robert Bartlett ’75 Yuko & Joseph Basset, Jr. ’79 Alice & Walter Baudier, Jr. Victoria & Walter Baudier III ’98 Mary Jane & John Becker ’57 Anne & Mark Beebe, Sr. Aimee & Michael Bell Peter Belleau ’14 Jill & Christopher Bellone, Sr. Christopher Bellone, Jr. ’14 Matthew Bennett ’14 Collin Bergeron ’14 Ryan Bergeron ’14 Brendan Besh ’14 Janice Billings Colton Blagrove ’14 Jonathan Blanchard ’14 Matthew Blasini ’14 Stephen Blum ’14 Donna & Russel Bodin Adam Boe ’14 Bruce Lynn Bosworth ’61 Daniel Boudreau ’14 Dale Boudreaux ’61 Mitchell Bourgeois ’14 Usha & Warren Bourgeois III ’74 Alexander Boustany ’14 Matthew Brandt ’14 Nathan Braquet ’14 Alexander Brewster ’14 Jamee & Arthur Brewster ’80 Emily & James Brown, Jr. ’77 Christian Bruno ’14 Colin Burgess ’14 Samantha & Henry Burkhardt Grady Burnett ’14 Brian Burvant ’14 Ian Calamari ’14 Gloria & Raymond Caldarera John Caliva ’14 Ryan Cambias ’14 Mary Jane & Timothy Cambias ’61 August Cannon ’14 Bonnie & Glenn Cannon Georgia & Fabio Canton ’61 Tyler Cao ’14 Ashley & Ross Cascio ’98 Harrison Cates ’14 Fayne St. John & Russell Cecola Nicholas Charles ’14 Corey Cloninger ’99 James Cobb Keith Collins, Jr. ’14 Fr. John Brown, S.J. explains the renovation process at a reception in February 2014. Clayton Colombo ’14 Lynne & John Combe, Jr. Amy & John Combes ’73 Riley Conroy ’14 Ginja & W. Mark Cousins ’74 Weldon Cousins ’14 Patricia & Ralph Cox, Jr. ’64 Brenda & Skip Crabtree Elizabeth & Terry Creel Pamela & Guy Cresson Janet & Daniel Crumb ’82 Jason Crumb, Jr. ’14 Tristan Culotta ’14 Klara & Drago Cvitanovich Phillip d’Aquin ’14 Justin Daigle ’14 Shannon & Raymond Daigle, Jr. ’85 Gerard Danos, Sr. ’61 Nicholas David ’14 Zachary DeChristopher ’14 Evan DeHoog ’14 Chase DeMonte ’14 Clayton Deron ’14 Elise & Raymond Diament Brett Dipuma ’14 Sean Dobies ’14 Patrick Doell ’14 Will Dufour ’14 Laurie Ann & Patrick Dugan ’84 Sarah & Mark Duggan ’04 Sally Duplantier (Adrian ’45) Christopher Dupré ’14 Denise & Michael Dupuis Michael Dwyer ’14 Jake Eccles ’14 Chase Eckholdt ’14 Rhonda & Gregory Eckholdt ’79 Rebecca & Daniel Edmund Elizabeth & Ken Ehrhardt, Sr. Linda & Philip Ehrhardt, Sr. Ryan Ellinghausen ’14 Pat & Donald Ellis ’64 Elizabeth & David Elvir Sondra & P. Michael Elvir ’58 Mary & P. Michael Elvir, Jr. ’82 Dominic Engolia ’14 Joseph Eustis ’14 Charles Everhardt IV ’14 Gaston Eymard ’14 Charles Farley ’14 Dominique & F. Leo Faust, Jr. ’61 Taylor Ferris ’14 Liam Fitzgerald ’14 Evan Fitzpatrick ’14 Debra & Philip Flettrich III Philip Flettrich IV ’13 Mary & Brett Forshag ’84 Patrick France ’14 Dominick Frank ’14 Michael Frank ’14 Glenn Fraychineaud ’14 Joan & J. Charles Freel, Jr. Jorge Galdamez ’14 Austin Galy II ’14 Jane Gambel Grant Garrison ’14 Lisa & Lyon Garrison ’81 Laurie & Allen Gaudet III Connor Gillen ’14 Emily & Gavin Gillen ’98 Jennifer & Gene Gillen ’91 Geoffrey Gillen ’95 Christy & Gerard Gillen III ’78 Gil Gillen Dawn & Glenn Gillen ’85 5 6 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Sharon & Grant Gillen ’93 Deborah & Gregory Gillen ’79 Patricia Gillen (Gerard ’54) Mary & John Gohres, Jr. Fernando Gonzales ’14 Sara & Ryan Gootee ’91 Charles Graham ’14 Kyle Gresham ’14 Joshua Griener-Hickey ’14 Connor Gruntz ’14 John Guerra ’14 Joan & Mark Guidry Jeanne Turner & Philip Gunn Andrea & Charles Haddad ’63 Luke Hahn ’14 Susan & Charles Hamilton III ’81 Charles Hamilton ’14 Marie & Ardley Hanemann, Jr. ’61 Michael Hanley, Jr. ’14 Kory Hannan ’14 Joan & Marucie† Hartson III Eric Hartupee ’14 Joseph Hauth ’14 William Healy, Jr. ’14 Caldwell Hebert ’14 Joseph Hebert IV ’14 Ann & Kevin Heigle ’69 Joan & Stephen Herbert ’46 Tish & Robert Hess, Jr. ’62 Ivan Hidrovo ’14 Mary Hillery Joy Hodges Mathilde & Bruce Hoefer, Sr. FY 2014 Elizabeth & Bruce Hoefer, Jr. ’72 Lisa & Karl Hoefer, Sr. ’76 Reuben Hogan ’14 Kyle Holzman ’14 Janice & Roch Hontas Allan Hornbrook ’14 Patricia & Joel Hron Mary & James Huck Tristan Humphrey ’14 Glynn Hyer, Jr. ’14 The Jesuits of New Orleans The JKP Family Foundation Alicia & Michael Johnson ’88 William Johnson ’14 Zachary Jones III ’14 Damian Junius ’14 Devin Keister ’14 Patricia & John Kelly, Jr. Sandra & McNeil Kemmerly Carey & Richard Kernion, Jr. ’85 Margaret Kessels Michael Kettenring ’61 Betty & Robert Killeen Connie & Thomas Kitchen ’65 Carol & Richard Koster Evan Kramer ’14 Sandra & Kenneth Krizan, Jr. Lisa & Omer Kuebel III ’82 John Kurtz ’14 Jonathan Kwon ’14 Jordan Lacoste ’14 Virginia & Mark LaCour ’97 John Landry ’14 Austin Lanier ’14 Jacob Larriviere ’14 Christian Latino ’14 Matthew Lauto ’14 Stephen Lazar ’14 Paulette & René Lazare, Jr. ’43 Patricia & Byron LeBlanc Kimberly & Phillip Lee Taylor Lee ’14 Andrea & Georges Legrand Philip Legrand ’14 Cooper Lemoine ’14 Jan & Alan Leonhard, Jr. ’85 Alex Letulle ’14 James Licciardi IV ’14 Simonne & Joseph Licciardi, Jr. ’53 Brock Lingle ’14 Mary Beth & Jerry Lobrano ’86 Peggy & Michael Lulich ’76 Sheldon Lykes Jean & Ronald Lyons Nicholas Maggio ’14 Lynn & Arthur Mann III ’64 Patrick Mansour ’14 Quentin Marks ’14 Robyn & Paul Marsh ’74 Lynda & Charles Marshall Nancy & Michael Marsiglia Andrew Martin ’14 Loretta & Edward Martin, Jr. ’53 Gina & James Martin, Jr. ’94 Cameron Martinez ’14 Gayle & Gerald Martinez, Sr. ’61 Christopher Maurice ’14 Cheryle & Edwin Mazoue, Jr. ’62 Joseph McAloon ’14 Elizabeth & Leo McAloon III Mary Lou McCall Blanche McCloskey Michael McCombs ’14 Karen & F. King McGoey, Jr. ’61 Indie & Donald McKay, Jr. Ryan McKeough ’14 Amy & John McMahon ’87 Jane & Joseph McMahon, Jr. ’60 Ryan McMahon ’14 Marion McNamara William McQueen ’14 Jack Meehan ’14 Roy Messina ’14 Robert Michalik ’14 Wendy & Jacques Michell ’61 Jan & Carlos Mickan Kevin Mickan ’14 James Mickler ’14 Pierre Miller III ’14 Spencer Miller ’14 Anne & R. King Milling Christopher Mire ’14 Rahul Mirpuri ’14 Elisabeth Mitchell John Mitton ’14 Wanda & Ronald Montalbano ’83 Courtney Moran René Mouledoux ’68 Members of the President’s Advisory Council get a close-up view in July 2013 of why the Holy Name of Jesus Chapel and its stained glass windows and other features require extensive restoration. JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL OF NEW ORLEANS Workers prepare to remove sections of the stained glass dome to begin restoration. Dennis Muller ’74 Michael Murray ’14 Riccardo Muzzetto ’14 Stephanie & David Myers ’87 William Myers ’14 F. Mooney Nalty Matthew Neagle ’14 Judith & Guy Nelson III Louise Nelson Benjamin Nettleton ’14 Jeremy Nguyen ’14 Grant Nichols ’14 Julie & Philip Nimmo Thomas Nimmo ’14 Terry & John Nolan, Jr. ’61 Cindy & Michael Nolan ’63 Sueann & Brian North ’83 Terri & Michael North ’82 Nancy & Ronald North Avra & Michael O’Dwyer ’74 Christopher Padilla ’14 Cindy & Brian Pagragan ’74 Ross Palmer ’14 Patrick Parent ’14 Hayden Pels ’14 Christie & H. Gunther Perdigao Laura & Robert Perez ’61 Janet & Michael Perez André Perez-Chaumont ’14 Anne & Van Perkins Max Perret ’14 Gavin Pertuit ’14 Peyton Pertuit ’14 Norman Pettingill ’61 Matthew Pettus ’14 Maureen & Leon Poche, Jr. Whitcomb Porter ’14 Janet & John Blake Postell ’59 Hunter Protti ’14 Leron Prout ’14 Ashton Queyrouze ’14 Preston Raffray ’14 Frank Randazzo ’57 Bonnie Rault (Joseph ’43) Leah & Joseph Rausch ’99 Douglas Regan ’14 Jackie Latino & Troy Reilly, Sr. Phyllis & Milton Retif, Sr. ’51 Donlen & Clarence Reuther III ’78 Debra & Jon Richards Carson Rigol ’14 Luke Robbins ’14 Blake Robért ’14 Darlene & Marc Robért II Willard Robertson, Jr. ’14 Sharon & Mark Rodi ’59 Lori & Michael Rodrigue ’71 Jeanne & William Roe ’74 Alex Rooney ’14 Meryl & J. Michael Rooney ’59 Laura Rosamond Lisa & Brian Rourke Collin Roy ’14 Janet & John Ryan III ’70 Patrick Ryan ’14 Peggy & James Ryder, Jr. ’62 Karen & Mahlon Sanford Alexander Scalco ’14 Elodie & George Schminke III ’41 Stacey & Paul Schott ’82 Roger Schroeder ’74 Brandon Sequeira ’14 Brian Sevin, Jr. ’14 Stephen Sigle ’14 Colby Simoneaux ’14 Judy & Eric Simonson ’82 Nancy Simonson Janet & George Sins, Jr. ’59 Linda & Kurt Sins ’61 Christin & Jason Smith ’73 Spencer Smith ’14 Brett Spansel ’14 Joy & Mark Spansel ’73 Julie & Kevin Spencer Herbert Spurlock III ’14 Luke St. Germain ’14 David Stahl, Jr. ’14 Jacob Stansberry ’14 Baron Steckler ’14 Patrick Steen ’14 Sean Stephens ’14 Joyce & Paul Stevens ’70 Kathy & Robert Stevens ’74 Connie & James Sticker, Jr. John Stieffel ’14 Quinn Stiller ’14 Therese & James Stuckey Carroll Suggs Geralyn & John Suhor Christopher Sylvain, Jr. ’14 Katherine & James Szeszycki, Sr. James Szeszycki, Jr. ’14 Nicholas Tadros ’14 Bonnie & Robert Talbot, Jr. ’55 Christopher Taliancich ’14 Elizabeth & Eric Tanzberger ’87 Joseph Taranto William Tebbe ’14 William Thompson ’14 Nicola Tomba ’14 Christopher Totaro ’14 David Treen III ’14 Mary & B. Benson Tucker Andrew Tufts ’14 John Tufts ’14 Ana & Joseph Tumminello ’79 Betty & Kenneth Vairin ’61 Mark Veals, Jr. ’14 Elizabeth Vega Robert Velez ’74 Susan & Patrick Veters ’79 Sharon & Thomas Villarrubia, Sr. Adam Waguespack ’14 Margaret & Dick Wall, Jr. Cullen Walsh ’14 Corey Webb ’14 Mary Ann & Stephen Wegmann ’71 Kathryn & David Weidner James Whitlow III ’14 Richard Williams, Jr. ’14 Linda & W. Patrick Williams ’74 Christopher Wilson ’14 Evan Wolff ’14 Garrett Wolff ’14 Nicholas Wolff ’14 Kevin Yokum ’14 Sang Yun ’14 Lisa & Michael Zainey ’74 Dina & Mark Zelden Nathan Zimmer ’14 7 8 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | FY 2014 C L A S S A N A LY S I S Grad Donors Living Grads YearAlumni Percent Donation Donating Amounts Grad Donors Living Grads YearAlumni Percent Donation Donating Amounts 1935 1 9114 11% $350 1976 71 1936 2 14113 14% $200 1977 42 162 168 26%$31,764 1937 3 17 169 18%$1,175 1978 48 186 196 26%$23,726 1938 7 22 181 32%$2,035 1979 64 232 240 28%$92,301 1939 5 20 125 25%$2,050 1980 67 214 227 31%$68,620 1940 8 26 138 31%$1,735 1981 57 201 207 28%$33,755 1941 3 23147 13% $465 1982 56 216 223 26%$49,330 1942 11 37 30%$105,421 1983 74 234 241 32%$52,853 1943 16 44 160 36%$20,905 1984 71 213 218 33%$61,270 194418 46 139 39%$4,335 1985 73 32%$133,111 194522 45 139 49%$8,359 1986 50 213 219 23%$40,835 1946 21 34%$11,000 1987 54 236 241 23%$60,992 194728 77 166 36%$8,896 1988 57 239 243 24%$47,934 1948 31 46%$14,992 1989 65 241 249 27%$29,792 194925 45 95 56%$9,067 1990 34 205 211 17%$40,444 195041 86 160 48%$6,205 1991 74 213 218 35%$72,376 1951 62 108 168 57%$28,193 1992 72 231 233 31%$28,352 1952 52 98 159 53%$22,210 1993 57 234 237 24%$33,268 1953 52 104 168 50%$24,650 1994 54 223 230 24%$27,720 1954 42 104 163 40%$34,126 1995 53 262 264 20%$16,599 1955 56 131 183 43%$15,399 1996 48 234 239 21%$15,833 1956 71 107 152 66%$36,338 1997 60 277 281 22%$30,763 1957 61 117 152 52%$22,825 1998 79 235 237 34%$39,852 1958 51 141 187 36%$18,538 1999 71 277 281 26%$13,591 1959 71 130 171 55%$52,755 2000 51 265 270 19%$17,329 1960 86 183 226 47%$88,970 200136252 253 14%$7,812 1961 57 183 225 31%$55,100 2002 42 256 258 1962 63 151 181 42%$36,509 200358287 288 20%$8,100 1963 92 50%$104,484 200446278 280 17%$8,112 1964 63 188 213 34%$37,610 200575266 266 28%$9,908 1965 62 32%$105,188 200650260 260 19%$7,490 1966 56 173 191 32%$23,920 200745273 274 16%$4,840 1967 47 140 163 34%$13,766 200845273 273 16%$2,759 1968 63 162 173 39%$35,942 200947244 245 19%$2,141 1969 58 175 195 33%$37,723 2010 3259 259 1%$8,040 1970 50 34%$336,353 2011 1264264 0% 1971 43 162 178 27%$39,536 2012 3262 262 1%$7,935 1972 48 167 182 29%$30,390 2013 7255255 3% $462 1973 47 158 164 30%$52,863 2014210 260 260 81% $4,598 1974 49 146 157 34%$72,029 Totals 3,855 13,700 16,310 28%$2,842,459 1975 41 152 160 27%$33,570 164 62 138 68 150 185 191 145 210 222 161 200 226 204 234 36%$137,143 16%$14,482 $50 ALUMNI GIVING G I V I N G B Y A LU M N I The primary vehicle for alumni giving is the Living Endowment Fund or LEF drive. Donations to LEF, and its companion PAG drive for Jesuit parents, are essential to the financial health of the school and provide critical operating support that thwarts the necessity for large annual increases in tuition. Contributions from both drives help keep Jesuit affordable for as many families as possible. L E F R E S U LT S FY 2014 FY 2013 FY 2012 Amount Donated $1,197,944 $1,150,608$1,077,863 Alumni Donating 3,333 3,5183,533 Average Gift $359 $327 $305 Jesuit thanks Lyon “Snapper” Garrison ’81 for the outstanding job that he did serving as chairman of the 2014 LEF campaign. In this section, Jesuit recognizes alumni who contributed to any Jesuit-related fund during the 2014 fiscal year. Benefactors are listed alphabetically with their classmates by year of graduation. 1935 Benigno Martinez, Jr. 1936 Henry Read Helen & James Roy 1937 Marie & Alvin Blaum Rita† & William Brandner, Sr. John Signorelli 1938 Victor Babin, Jr. Alvin Christovich, Jr. Gloria & Laurence Mazzeno, Jr. Susan & J. Garic Schoen Thomas Shepard, Jr. Francis Wegmann Janet & Harold Zeringer, Jr. 1939 James Fitzmorris, Jr. Thomas O’Hare, Jr. Shirley & Vincent Paciera Leonard Rolfes Elizabeth & Roger Shaw, Jr. 1940 Joyce & Charles Glueck Harold Lambert † Hazel & Bryce LeBlanc, Sr. Margot & Richard McNeely Nathalie & William† Nelson, Jr. Betty Ruth & Warren Nolan Rita Claire & George Quartano Kent Zimmermann 1941 Jane & John Frick, Jr. James Hassinger, Jr. Elodie & George Schminke III 1942 Janet & Robert Anderson, Jr. Beti & Frank Basile, Jr. Donald Bohn Lawrence Bole Mildred & Henry† Fransen Marie & James Hymel, Jr. Anna & Joseph Maes, Jr. Joseph Meiman René Meric, Jr. † Ane & Joseph† Ruli Estate of Paul J. Zerangue, Jr. 1943 Joy & Joseph Barreca Ona Claire & Anthony† Carimi Mary Ann & Lionel Currier Katherine & Mortimer Currier Martha & William Feaheny Mickey & David Ferry, Jr. Mimi & Leonard Gately, Jr. Marie† & Thomas Greve Nancy & Herbert Grossimon Mary† & John Koffskey, Jr. Paulette & René Lazare, Jr. Eunice & John Palmer, Jr. Bonnie & Joseph† Rault, Jr. Jules Simoneaux, Jr. Nicole & Richard Spangenberg Mary Lou & Albert Widmer, Sr. 1944 Elise & John Atchley, Jr. Helen & Douglas Block George Connolly, Jr. Gail & Floyd del Corral Arthur Duffy, Jr. Ruth† & Frank Incaprera Mary & Chris Kontos Charlotte & Maurice† Larue, Jr. John Lulich, Jr. Agnes & George Lyons, Jr. Lois & John Maderson Joan & George Meiman Beatrice & Henry Mestayer Cecile & Frank Panepinto Joseph Sarrat Nicholas Schiro, S.J. Margaret & Albert Simon Claire & Carl Von Meysenbug 1945 Louise & Francis† Abadie Elizabeth & William Brennan, Jr. Jane & Harold Brouphy, Jr. Sylvia & Frank D’Angelo, Jr. John Donnes II Joycelyn & John Exnicios Peter Finney, Sr. Antoinette & Emmett Fitzpatrick Jacqueline† & P. Linden Hebert, Sr. Danella & George Hero III Joan & Richard Hutson Dianne & Warren Kirsch Janice & Edward Lambremont, Jr. Lydia & George† Montgomery III Anne & Levere Montgomery, Jr. Judy & Joseph Murray Thelma & Otto† Rees Godfrey Reggio, Jr. Joan & Merlin Remmers Frances & Peter Smith Thomas Wheelahan Kinabrew Williams, Jr. 1946 Jo Anne & Edward Basanez Earl Bellanger James Bethancourt Casmier Blanda Warren Brechtel Judy & Erroll Broussard, Jr. Marie Louise & R. Louis Caro, Jr. Toby & Robert Charbonnet Ethel & Gordon Clay, Jr. Norma & Frederick Coogan, Jr. Davey & Philip Foto Patricia & Clarence Greff Joan & Stephen Herbert Joanne & Charles Karst III Doris & Richard Kuntz Dorothy & John Lacourrege Dixie & F. James McCutchon Ann & William Neff Joan & William Perret Marion Porter Rosemary & Thomas Taquino 1947 Greta & Robert Acomb, Jr. Albert Baudier Katherine & Robert Boh Lois & Albert Bordes, Jr. George Calongne Elton Correa June & Donald Ford Betty & Robert Gallinghouse, Jr. Yvonne & Gilbert Ganucheau Barabra & Albert Gelpi, Jr. Elizabeth & Alces Laiche, Jr. Barbara & William Lanius Isabel & Louis Larue Lucie & Charles LeCorgne Elaine & Philip Mouledous Sam Peperone Dot & Maurice Riley, Jr. Ann & Patrick Rooney, Sr. Fay & Lester Ryall Maebell & Melville Schmitz Joan & Patrick Schott Marie & Joseph Silvestri Carolyn & Earl Simoneaux Frank Stewart, Jr. Claiborne Talbot, Jr. Maureen & Harry Theard, Jr. Nancy & Herbert Trenchard Joyce & Roy Ward 1948 Joann & Blake Arata Earl Berrigan John Browne Janet & Richard Burkart Eileen & Anthony Capritto III Jean & Oliver Carriere, Jr. Katherine & Thomas Casey Ann & Herbert† Christenberry Anthony Clesi, Jr. 9 10 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Gwendolyn & Edmund Crane, Jr. Adele & William Dominguez Noel & Leo Dubourg, Jr. Joan† & Richard Francis Brenda & Joseph Fuselier Susan & William† Glennon, Jr. Carol & W. Grusich, Jr. William Hankins, Jr. Maureen & Richard King Arlene & James Koffskey Verna & Moon Landrieu Dolores & Marcel Leumas, Jr. Louis Mailhes Pat & H. Lee Mason Maria & Michael McCall Pat & Robert McIntyre Robert Moulin A. Mark Parker, Jr. June & Wilfred Prados, Jr. Helen & Gerald Russell Yvonne & Simon Savoie, Jr. Susan & Albert Stall 1949 Shirley & Joseph Barreca Anne & Henry Chapman Rose Annette & Victor Chisesi Robert Connolly Bunny & Ernest† Conzelmann James Cooke, Jr. Elvire & Adrian Cordes Margy & Donald† Degeorge Gerda & Thomas Gernon III FY 2014 Ernest Jacomine, Jr. Gloria & William Kelly, Jr. John Kepler Norbert Landry Norma & Jack Long Roland Mestayer, Jr. Sue & E. Clarke Montgomery Mary & V. Joseph Perez III Bernadette & Thomas Poole Donna & Allen Porter, Jr. Pat & Edward Ryan Phyllis & Edwin Stacy, Jr. Marie & Richard Villarrubia Connie & Martial Waldo Jane† & H. L. Dufour Woolfley Anton Zanki 1950 Kay & Henry Andressen Juan Baker Horace Block Mariellen & Luke Boudreaux III Sharon & Patrick Browne, Jr. Frances & Craig Crovetto Chester Drenning, Jr. Aleeta & Carl Ducrow Thomas Early, Jr. Sally & Gerald Fucich Barbara & Eugene Garber Fleta & Marcel Garsaud, Jr. Mary Ellen† & Ronald Gregory Yvonne & George Groetsch J. Valsin Guillotte III Ethel & John Hernandez Sylvia & Robert Higgins Vivian & George Hill Charles Holmes Patricia & George Irwin Daniel Killeen Ruth Ann & Milton Lagasse, Jr. Willie & August LaNasa Lester Lautenschlaeger Irene & Howard Lewis, Jr. Catherine & Gene Matranga Anne & Anthony Maurin Linda & Paul McGill Betsie & Paul Melancon Robert Mohr Kathleen & Eugene Murret Manuel Perez Mildred & Thomas Prendergast † Paul Rutledge William Starr, Jr. Rosetta & Vincent Tumminello, Sr. Kathleen & Frank Varela Paul Vitrano, Jr. Betty & Thomas Wallbillich, Jr. Wishie & Robert Walsh Jean & Joseph Wirth, Jr. 1951 Patricia & Louis Barreca Emily & G. Dufour Bayle John Belsom Mary & Clyde Bergeron, Jr. Myrna & Henry Bergeron, Jr. The fall and spring LEF phone drives end each night with lucky alumni leaving Jesuit with a Blue Jay goodie. Joseph Berrigan, Jr. Madeleine & Emanuel Blessey Sue & Donald Boensel Patricia & Daniel Bourgeois, Sr. Kay & James Brandau Barbara & Anthony Cutrera, Jr. Gail & F. Roy Daigle, Jr. Opal & Gaston de la Bretonne, Jr. Mary & Robert Donnelly Emma & Henry Ecuyer, Jr. Mary† & Gerard Fasullo, Sr. Cletus Fleming, Jr. Corinne & Lee Freeland Barbara & Stephen Gauthreaux Erva & Joseph Guenther Ann & Ernest Hansen, Jr. C. Ellis Henican, Jr. Kathleen & John Hite, Jr. Donald Hulin Barbara & Armand Kramer Mary & Alvin LaCoste Kaye & Henry Lartigue, Jr. Barbara & Charles Lashley Carol & Hobson LeBlanc Cathy & Ronald Levy Donald Lindemann Muriel & Fred Lipps, Jr. Merlin Louapre Maurice Maspero, Jr. Sherry & Samuel Miceli, Jr. Laura & John Mitchell, Jr. Sylvia & Boyd Mothe, Sr. Stefanie & David Naumann ALUMNI GIVING Carleton Page John Paisant, Sr. Pam & Arthur Patron, Sr. Louis Perrilliat Jere & Theodore Pfister, Jr. Anne & Daniel Powell Doris & John Prieur Irlee & Ronald Redmann Phyllis & Milton Retif, Sr. Anne & Ronald Rittiner Maurice Robichaux, Jr. Elsie & Thomas Rowell, Jr. Anne Marie & Clifford Sanders Melsy & Edgar Saunders, Jr. Leonor & Donald Schellhaas Warren Schlesinger John Schrewe, Jr. † Bonnie & John† Shea Elizabeth & Leonard Sintes Caroline & Lloyd† Smith, Jr. Iris & Irvine Vidacovich, Jr. James Weilbaecher, Jr. Ann & Fred Westenberger Nancy & Richard Ziolkovski, Jr. Joan & Richard Pfister Laurie & Clifton Power, Jr. Ronald Quintana Harry Ray, Jr. Alice & Thomas Rayer Mary Beth & Harold Salaun, Jr. Elsie & Jack Scariano, Jr. Ann & Claude Simon, Jr. Evelyn & Albert Trepagnier Dixie & Kevin Trower Betty & Karcher Wild, Jr. Mary & John Young 1953 Catherine & Joey Almerico Anthony Amadeo Robert Blereau Joel Borrello Geri & Melvin Bourgeois Bonnie & Raphael Eiffert, Jr. Fran† & John Faherty Fran & Theodore† Falcon Jeannette & Michael Federico Thomas Finney Kathryn & Lee Foley, Jr. Julia Ann & John Gooch, Jr. Estelle & Kenneth Gregory Ginger & Delos Hall Jerrilyn & Albert Hanemann, Jr. Rose & Philip Hoz, Jr. Jane & Arthur Kingsmill Phyllis & William Kitchen, Jr. Rosemary & Alan Landeche Dottie & George Lara Simonne & Joseph Licciardi, Jr. Isabelle & Peter Marrero, Jr. Loretta & Edward Martin, Jr. Dale & Wayne McWhorter James Williams Brenda & Lawrence Zimmermann 1954 Patsy & Harley Albert Cheryl & Paul Alker Patricia & Will Billon Lauralie & Eugene Blanchard, Jr. Eugenie & Philip Brooks, Sr. Charlene & Philip† Carroll, Jr. Dottie & John Charbonnet Monetta & Philip Clark, Jr. Suellen & John Elstrott Barbara & Donald Falcon Milica & Patrick Flanagan Connie & G. Robert Gay Ruth† & Clark Giffin, Jr. Elizabeth & David Guillot Audrey & Carlos Gutierrez 1952 Anna Marie & Edward Arbo Linda† & Robert Armbruster Mary Ann & Edmond Bendernagel, Jr. Kay & James Berrigan Jane & William Blessey Barbara & Owen Brennan, Jr. Augustus Cambias III Jeanne & Jerry Casey Diane & Erwin Caswell, Jr. Salvadore Christiana Betty & R. Turner Clem Connie & Richard Deck Lois & Vincent Dilosa Peter Duffy F. Clancy Dupepé Edna & Paul Duvoisin, Sr. Norvin Fagan Betty & Ronald Fenasci Louis Ferry, Jr. Myrtle & John Fontenot, Jr. Stella & George Frilot III Elizabeth & William Furlong James Graves, Sr. Sue & W. Patrick Harrigan III Adele & Paul Hatrel Harold Heiple Joan & James Hughes, Jr. Lois† & Will Jourdan Joan & Gerald Keller Donna & Russell Klein Del & Frans Labranche, Jr. Jane & Oliver Latour, Jr. Lynda & Vincent Lococo Shirley & Michael McCune Mary & John McSweeney Carl Meyer Cass Moret Robert Morgan James Murphy Mary Lou & John Paquette Nine Jays strong, the Class of 2005 took over the president’s conference room during the LEF spring calling event. Clockwise, from bottom, are Brian LeBon, Baker Potts, Todd Hack, Grant Adolph, Rob Casey, Tim Brinks, Michael Tufton, Ryan McCall, and Jack Stanton. Julie & Maurice Bouy, Jr. Mary & Louis Britsch, Jr. James Edward Brown Billie & Peter Butler, Sr. Ann & Ronald Cambias, Sr. John Campesta, Jr. Nona & Carl Carreca Sandra & Bernard Cox Mary† & Robert Coyle Marilyn & Joseph d’Aquin, Jr. Edmond Daigle Ronald Deck Molly & George Douglass, Jr. G. Edward Merritt William Murray Cecile & Justin Renaudin Joy & George Rojas Olga & Curtis Rome, Jr. Cathy & Santo Russo George Schneider, Jr. Tay & Thomas Schoen Leah & Matthew Schott Thoy & William Smith, Jr. Shirley & A. Roland Spedale Joseph Stassi Marilyn & Ellis Torres Frances & James Haydel Lynne & Larry Hoffman Catherine & Frank Johnson III Dorothy & Dominic LaNasa, Sr. Peg & Gary Lefebvre Sylvia & James McCune Alma & Abel McNamara Mary Ann & Michel Medawar, Jr. June & Robert Menard Virginia & Allen Montecino, Jr. Mary & Patrick T. Wade North Marilyn & Peter Quirk Betty & Valentine Reinhard 11 12 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Betty & Robert Riordan, Jr. Patricia & Chris Rodick III Ann & Herbert Sayas, Jr. Mary Ann & Mettery Sherry, Jr. Louvin & Robert Skinner Cathy & Julius Smith, Jr. Karon & Myron Smith, Jr. Marie & Alfred Spansel Robert Stackpole Kathleen & John Stassi II Norman Tolpo Sandra & Waldo Treuting, Jr. Cleo & Richard Velleman Patsy & Eugene Walet III 1955 Diane & Milton Alberstadt, Jr. Emmett Benit, Jr. Judy & Leon Bordelon Gerard Brady Joyce & Terry Brennan Memory & Robert Britsch Esther & Ashton Charree, Jr. Sandra & Donald Collins Ellen & George Cook Peggy & Stephen Cupit John Ferrara Merle & Mitchell Ferraro Mary Ann & Charles Ferro Gerard Finley Lynne & Richard Gallmann Ellen & Charles† Gambel, Jr. Helen & Terrence Gleason Florence & Thomas Johnson Jeanette & Charles Jones Sandra & Ronald Karcher Kathleen & Albert Keller Shirley & George Kleinpeter, Jr. Janie & J. Dwight LeBlanc, Jr. Barbara & Terence LeBlanc Elizabeth & Stephen Leech Eleanor & Charles Livaudais Carol & Roy Lombardo, Jr. Cam & Salvador Lusco Jeannie & Robert Martin Sarah & Timothy McNamara Stanton McNeely, Jr. James Morgan, Jr. Judy & Jules Morris Gloria & Paul Nosacka, Jr. James Crandell Otto Diane & George Pabst, Jr. Patricia & Ralph Pausina Dianne & Peter† Pellegrini Richard Petitbon Barbara & Sam Poole, Jr. Robert Quintana, Jr. Frank Recely, Jr. Joan Ann & Harry Reilly, Jr. Barbara & William Renaudin, Jr. Georgette & Nasson Rodriguez Joan & Anthony Schlosser, Jr. Ellen & E. Kelleher Simon Joanne & George Sirgo, Jr. Albert Smith III Cheryl & Edward Smith Emmett Smith, Jr. FY 2014 Yvonne & George Smith, Jr. Markus Straume Bonnie & Robert Talbot, Jr. Robert Treuting Joyce & Delosa Young 1956 Patricia & Thomas Arata Leo Bader Jackie & Cecil Berry, Sr. Kathryn & Barra Birrcher Josette & Anthony Bonfanti Sandra & Theodore Borgman, Jr. Jane & Ronald Borne Anne & Norbert Breaud Sue & Patrick Browne Alice & Daniel Brupbacher Nora & James Buisson III Robert Burns, Jr. Timothy Caserta George Cassard III Jan & George Collins, Jr. Lois & Raymond Condon Juliet & André Constantin Janet & Francis Courtenay, Jr. Leanne & Hamil Cupero Sissy & René Curry, Jr. Clyde de la Houssaye, Jr. Judy & Jacques Diano Melanie & Hal Drez Cheryl & Edward Dumaine, Jr. Judy & Davis Egle Nancy & Franklin Endom, Jr. Jill & F. Douglas Fonte Albert Gooch Margaret & Ronald Gravois Gayle & L. Grossimon Liz & Elliotte Harold, Jr. Shirley & Bert Haydel Juanita & Harold Heidingsfelder, Jr. Lee & Allen Hermann Berta & James Holliday Claude & Richard Johannessen Joseph Kirn Dianne & Eugene Kirsch Carol & George Kreider Joal & Omer Kuebel, Jr. Judith & Henry Landry III Jane & James Larose Noelle & Sam LeBlanc III Anne & Alan Leonhard Ginny & John Lopiccolo Gail & Numa Marquette, Jr. Donna & Lawrence McNamara Violet & Edward McSweeney Peggy & G. Sidney† Menard Angie & Louis Menard Miyoko & Thomas Michel Mary Jean & James Moore Mair & Richard Murphy Sandy & Thomas† Murtagh Howard O’Donnell Dorothy & Michael Porter Emile Rainold III Rose Marie & David Redmann Carol & Robert Saucier Patsy & Rosario Schilleci Carolyn & David Schof, Jr. Dolores & Robert Schroeder Elaine & Ewell Smith Jo Ann & John Smith III Anna & Richard Tompson Lacia & Anthony Tridico Sharon & Robert Weilbaecher Diane & Russell White Bobbie & Edward Williams Maria & Robert Winn Martha & Robert Zimmer 1957 Vincent Almerico, Jr. Anthony Armbruster, Jr. Mary Jane & John Becker Gail & Robert Becker Mary Ann & Edwin Brannan Linda & Malcolm Burns Joan & Manuel Calamari Connie & William Cavanaugh III Carla & Charles Chassaignac Nathalie & Leed Colon, Jr. Clive & Edward† Comeaux Ann & G. Price Crane, Jr. Thetis & Richard Cusimano Patricia & Marcel Dastugue III Kathleen & Eugene Delaune II Mary & Albert Demarest, Jr. Robert DeSilva Gayle & Rudolph Ehrensing Madeline & Wayne Engeron, Sr. Peggy & Philip Fernandez Linda & Eugene Fields Arleen & Henry Friloux, Jr. Audrey & John Gallagher Theodore Gallagher, Jr. Madelyn & Raymond Garrity Beryl & Claude Greco Kathleen & Lawrence Grundmann, Jr. Dorothy & Hart Guenther Betty & Richard Hale III Sue & William Hammel Barbara & Gerard Hansen Ellen & Edgar Hull Catherine & Francis Jacob III Bonnie & Raphael Kuchler Sylvia & Anthony Macaluso Lorraine & David Martin, Sr. Kathy & Alfred Mathews, Jr. Henriette & William McGregor, Jr. Dennis Miller, Jr. Janet & Wolfgang Neumann Mary & C. Michael O’Donnell Evon & Bennett Powell Peggy & Thomas Prevost, Jr. Frank Randazzo Colleen & Arthur Renaudin, Jr. Pat & Earl Riecke Fay & George Rizzo, Jr. Karl Rodehorst Pat & Henry Schonberg Lucy & Francis Selman, Jr. Bonnie & Geary Serpas Susan & John Thomas, Jr. Sheryl & Wilbur Toups, Jr. Mary Ann & John Veca Glenda & Ralph Villars Kathy & Louis Vinterella Diane & Victor Viosca, Jr. Lynda & Dallas Ward, Jr. Lena & Lloyd Webre, Jr. Fay & Wayne Weilbaecher, Sr. John Wick III 1958 William Barclay, Jr. Margaret & Robert Baxter William Benson Gail & James Blazek Eva & John Boh, Jr. Patricia & Claude Bourgeois, Jr. Margaret & Gerard Brady Maureen & Lamar Callaway Ronald Campagna Lionel Carey, Jr. Margaret & James Carriere Judith & Joseph Cassanova Marguerite & Richard Celestin Mila & Richard Chauviere Donna & Ronald Civello Jackie & William Curry, Jr. Ann & Charles Cyrus, Jr. Shirley & Albert Derbes III William Dowie, Jr. Judy & Ronald Drez Anne & Augustus Elmer III Sondra & P. Michael Elvir Susan & Michael Fogarty Brenda & C. James Gelpi Joseph Gendusa Diane & Charles Genre Lynne & Edmond Gonzales, Jr. Frederick Grosz Brenda & Ronald Hebert James Heno Mary & Kenneth Hoffman, Jr. Aggie & William Hutchinson, Jr. Sandy & Ronald Jung Susan & Robert Klees Elaine & Owen Lynch Susan & Gerald McCaffery Michael Melancon Nini & Joseph Miller, Jr. Robert Pajares, Sr. Linda & M. Ray Patron Eileen & William Pettingill, Jr. Judy & Robert Phillpott Nancy & Robert Redmann Elmore Rigamer, Jr. Sue & Stephen Rodi, Jr. Gail & Don Saucier Margaret & Charles Scarpero, Jr. Edmund Toscano, Jr. June & J. William Vaudry, Jr. Mariela & William Wahden, Jr. Leah & Harold Weis, Jr. 1959 Beth & H. Kenneth Adolph Anonymous Mary Ann & Claude Aucoin, Jr. Sara & Richard Baringer Kathleen & George Becker III ALUMNI GIVING Kathryn & Garnett Bedenbaugh, Jr. Barbara & Patrick Berrigan Linda & Frank Bordelon Kathleen & Edward Bosworth Peggy & Gerald Burns Byrne Cambeilh, Jr. Marilyn & Thomas Canale Harry Clark III Mary & James Craven III Deanna & George Crozier, Jr. Nelson Daigle, Jr. Anne & John Dardis Patricia & Charles Denechaud III Richard Derbes Keith & Stephen Derbes Melissa & Donald Doyle, Jr. Susan & John DuArte II Tanya & William Dunlap Willard Eastin, Jr. Cathy & Elbert Goodier III Nancy & John Gremillion Barbara & Charles Heim, Jr. Janet & Earl Higgins Julie & James Holmes, Sr. Susan & Parker Hudson III Hope & Warren Jung II Carole & Paul LaNasa Diana & F. Henri Lapeyre, Jr. Sheila & Laurence Larmann Bernadine & Michael Lejeune David Lester Diann & John Marchese John Mason, Jr. Shirley & James McCoy Cynthia & Robert Meibaum Eugene Miller Betty & Dimitry Morvant, Jr. Margo & Robert Murphy, Jr. Penny & Alexander Ortolano Marge & Wallace Paletou Elizabeth & Beauregard† Parent, Jr. Janet & John Blake Postell Carol & Robert Raphael Kathleen & Marion Reine, Jr. Patty & Edward Rice, Jr. Marianne & Raymond Rizzo, Jr. Geraldine & G. Thomas Rizzuto Mary Ann & James Robarts, Jr. Sharon & Mark Rodi Meryl & J. Michael Rooney Pat & Stanley Roux, Jr. Marie & John† Ruckstuhl Yvonne & Jack Saux, Jr. Lynn & Roy Schully Janet & George Sins, Jr. Edwin Stoutz, Jr. Susie & Stanton Truxillo Judy & Jerome Tujague, Jr. Betty Ann & John Unsworth, Jr. Joan & Charles Vairin Karen & Edward Vocke III Kathleen & Paul Vogt, Sr. Margot & Wilfred Vosberg, Jr. Jo & Larry Ward Mary & J. Fred Woessner, Jr. Mary & Lawrence Zummo 1960 Don Almerico Bette & Alan Arnold Linda & Lawrence Babst, Jr. Karen & Joseph Baiamonte Jean & Gerard Ballanco Philip Becnel III Evey & August Berner, Jr. Laura & Anthony Bevinetto Marilyn & Joseph Bianca Judith & Thomas Bonner, Jr. Nancy & T. Hoy Booker Karen & Byron Bordelon III Sarah & Bruce Brown Donna & Louis Buja, Jr. Clark Colgan Gail & Anthony Compagno Linda & W. Richard Couturier A. Claude Cutitto Carolyn & Michael D’Antonio Carole & Jesse Danna, Jr. Karen & Jean de la Houssaye Charles Derbes III Dianne & David Diliberto Terry & Cornelius Duarte Sally & Richard Edrington Karen & Philip Facquet, Jr. Toni & Richard Farmer III Elaine & Alfred Frey, Jr. Walter Gamard II Janet & Gerald George Robert Hammond, Jr. Kathleen & Richard Hare Jeanne & Albert Harris, Jr. Ronald Hebert Barbara & Boyd Helm Ardys & James Heurtin Patricia & John Housey, Jr. Catherine & James Ipser Phyllis & Gerald Jackson Kay & Robert Kerrigan, Jr. Margaret & Robert Kinler Terry & John Lachin III Margaret & Clement Lartigue IV Kristi & William Larzelere, Jr. James LeBeau Earleen & Wayne Lombardo Lawrence Mancuso Jane & Kenneth Margavio Nanette & John Martin M. Craig Martin Frederick Masset, Jr. Annette & Leonard McCaffery, Jr. Laurie & Charles McClain, Jr. Christine & A. Ed McGinty Jane & Joseph McMahon, Jr. Joyce & F. Emmett Meyer, Jr. Judy & Lee Miller, Jr. Barbara & Randall Mire Barbara & George Muller III Michael Mundy Nancy Ann & Paul Newfield III Jo Anne & Paul Nick Kathy & Louis Nogues III Janet & Sewall Oertling II Marilyn & Charles Palermo, Jr. Antonio Papale, Jr. Fay & David Paysse Karni & Joseph Perez III Wendy & Rhett Powers Rita & David Raphael, Sr. Priscilla & Paul Reising Barbara & Robert Roger John Roppolo Amanda & Harry Short Martha & Stanley Simons Marie & James Tallon, Jr. Carol & Eric Timmreck Natia & Joseph Trapani Holly & Michael Tudury Emile Wagner III Patricia & Edward Welsch Gayle & Wesley Werling Mary Ellen & Merlin Wilson, Jr. Shirley & William Winston, Jr. Margaret & Ronald Wood Darlene & Robert Zollinger 1961 Ella & Donald Adams Stephanie & Brent Barron Cheryl & Woodrow Bergeron, Jr. Thomas Blum Dianne & Raynald Bordelon Bruce Lynn Bosworth Dale Boudreaux Joy & Jack Boudreaux Mary Jane & Timothy Cambias Georgia & Fabio Canton Becky & James Conner, Jr. Joseph Cuccia Gerard Danos, Sr. Mildred & Jack Dodson Sally & Thomas Dowd III Sandra & Fortune Dugan Linda & Lawrence Ecuyer Dominique & F. Leo Faust, Jr. Paula & Nash Friloux Mary & John Glas Marie & Ardley Hanemann, Jr. Cheri & Carl Hanemann Amelie & William Harris III Suzanne & Lawrence IVerson III Michael Kettenring Patricia & John Klause Ann & Alfred Kuhlmann, Jr. Margaret & Philip Lawless Cheryl & J. Sidney Lawton, Jr. Merideth & Dennis LeBlanc August Leopold, Jr. Linda & T. Bart Livaudais III Gayle & Martin Macdiarmid, Jr. Susan & Robert Martin, Jr. Gayle & Gerald Martinez, Sr. Marilyn & John Mauffray, Jr. Karen & F. King McGoey, Jr. Kathleen & Howard McGregor, Jr. Wendy & Jacques Michell Gwen & Harry Morel, Jr. Terry & John Nolan, Jr. Laura & Robert Perez Norman Pettingill Malvern & Stephen Phillippi Jackie & Jack Pregeant Judith & Stephen Rando Hope & Michael Read Loraine & Donald Schlater Carole & J. Cressend Schonberg Carol & James Scott, Jr. Linda & Kurt Sins Bonnie & Harold Smith, Jr. Jackie & Clarence Steeg, Jr. Betty & Kenneth Vairin Joan & James Vinci, Jr. Debbye & Robert Vosbein, Sr. Dianne & C. Walet, Jr. 1962 Virginia & John Amato Judy & Barry Babin Allen Betz II James Breaux Melba & David Bruce Lyn Caliva Betty & David Cambre Gary Carroll George Clark, Jr. Tootie & James Conway III Mary & Charles Couvillion Scottie & John Crawford Wynn & Robert Develle, Jr. Jerry Dickson II James Donelon III Jerilyn & Frank Faulstich III Claire & Ronald Faust Sue & John Fisk Bert Flanders Sylvia & Leonard Fontenot Diana & James Gardiner Peggy & Andrew Gonczi III Dana & Raymond Gonzalez Susan & Charles Grey, Jr. Carolyn & Daniel Heard Tish & Robert Hess, Jr. Alvin Hotard, Jr. Cha Hwa & Warren Jones Mary & John LaBarthe Janet & Edward LaBruyere, Jr. Linda & Frank Lambert III Isla & James Lazare, Jr. Laurel & M. Kent Lemarie II Sandra & Gary Lummen Cheryle & Edwin Mazoue, Jr. Elizabeth & David McMahon Joycelyn & Anthony Messina Wilfred Middleton, Jr. Diane & Martin Miller II Darienne & Daniel Mobley Eleanor & Jack Morrison James Muller Cathy & Edward O’Dwyer II Janis & George Papale Joe Ann & Thomas Perrien Jeanie & Claiborne Perrilliat, Jr. Elizabeth & William Peters III Walter Philbin, Jr. Glenn Phillips Michele & Glenn Picou Mary & Frank Pringle, Jr. Frank Radosta Eileen & James Rossini 13 14 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Liz & Alvin Rouchell Peggy & James Ryder, Jr. Louis Sandoz III Gayle & Donald Sarrat, Jr. Cecilia & Rodrigo Solorzano, Sr. Barbara & Michael Songy Susan & John Stephens, Jr. Lorraine & David Wire III Judy & Elm Wood, Jr. Sherry & James Young III 1963 William Abbott, Jr. Linda & Rodney Abele, Jr. Irita & Joseph Angelico Kathy & Joseph Anzelmo Linda & William Blake III Kay & Theodore Bourgeois Penny & Jorgé Bravo Mary Ann & Gary Breedlove Stephanie & Edward Brown, Jr. Anne & Frank Buescher, Jr. Jane & Robert Cahill Sheila & Richard Cambeilh Elaine & Michael Casey III Peggy & Patrick Casey Edward Chambliss Candy & Robert Coleman, Jr. Ann & Alfred Colfry, Jr. Priscilla & Joseph Cummins, Jr. Carlos & Gary Danos Cynthia & Warren Duclos, Jr. Diane & Wayne Ducote Beth & Frank Dudenhefer, Jr. Cindy & Lawrence Duplass Beth & Robert Ebberman, Jr. Elroy Eckhardt Linda & John Edwards Gayle & Lucas Ehrensing Susan & Frank Fortier III Donna & Alexander Fraiche Joseph Franks II Robert Gall Wanda & John Gaudry Robert Giardina Sue & Nathan Gisclair, Jr. Lucille Stand & James Gravois Benjamin Gravolet, Sr. Sue & Michael Guarisco Andrea & Charles Haddad Susan & Michael Hanemann Jack Hasling, Jr. Cheryl & Lloyd Hebert, Jr. Fini & Timothy Higgins Jackie & John Hughes, Sr. Kathleen & Owen Jones, Jr. Ann & Herman Klein, Jr. Marianne & Edward Koehl, Jr. Linda & Toby Kolstad, Jr. Jeanie & Louis Kreig, Jr. Debby & Andrew Kreller III Win & Joseph Kuchler Iris & Louis LaBruyere III Terri & Gerald Landry Clyde LeBlanc, S.J. Oscar Lepine Paula & Patrick McCarthy FY 2014 Michael McGuinness Kathy & Steven Medo, Jr. Barbara & Peter Michell Joanne & James Moran Barry Muldrey Thomas Naquin James Nolan Cindy & Michael Nolan Marilyn & Ernest Orillion Betty & Clifford Parent Janet & George Pesce III Nancy & William Postell, Jr. Mary & Salvador Prestigiacomo, Jr. Randolph Quijano Judy & J. John Raviotta James Reteneller Faye & Ronald Roemershauser Gary Rouse Sally Faucheaux & Louie Roussel III Barbara & Harold Ryan Suzy & Patrick Sabadie Claire & William Satterlee III Jane & John Schoen, Jr. Paul Seiler, Jr. Glenva & John Thompson, Jr. Mercedes & Paul Tibbits Jane & Roy Timmreck Helena & Christopher Tompkins Betty & R. Collins Vallee Patricia & William Vincent, Jr. Diane & Hughes Walmsley Lindy & Dennis Weber Arlene & Roland Wiltz Diane & Robert Winston Jeannie & John Winters Carmie & Michael Winters Thomas Young 1964 Brenda & J. William Barrois Susan & Bruce Bernard David Boudreaux Ellen & Creed Brierre, Sr. Sally & William Brierre, Jr. Phyllis & James Brodtmann Robert Casey Sharman & L. Thomas Cashio Patricia & Ralph Cox, Jr. Richard Cromwell Dottie & Paul Daigre Krista & Henry Daries Cathy & Lawrence Dawson, Jr. Ana Luisa & Peter DeSalvo John DiLeo II Pat & Donald Ellis Janice & Danny Enzone Sheryn & John Finnan, Sr. Jean Marie & J. Michael Fitzpatrick William Gallwey III Barbara & Michael Galvin, Jr. Barbara & Gerald Gilbert Janice & James Glas Sue & Anthony Glorioso Barbara & Earl Gorrondona Lynn & R. Paul Guilbault, Jr. Peggy & Zachary Heard III Lynn & J. Keefe Hecker TOP 10 CLASSES BY A M O U N T D O N AT E D Grad Donors Living Grads Percent Donation YearAlumni Donating Amounts 1970 50 145 161 34% $336,353 1976 71 200 204 36% $137,143 1985 73 226 234 32% $133,111 1942 11 37 164 30% $105,421 1965 62 191 222 32% $105,188 1963 92 185 210 50% $104,484 1979 64 232 240 28% $92,301 1960 86 183 226 47% $88,970 1991 74 213 218 35% $72,376 1974 49 146 157 34% $72,029 Jeanne & Albert Heikamp, Jr. Michael Helwick Michael Herman, Jr. A. Kemp Heumann Lynne & Cary Kuhlmann Gena & Louis Lenfant, Jr. Ann & David Lentz Joan & Julian LeSaicherre III Clariece & Charles Lilly, Jr. Denna & Emmett Maddry Bebe & Howard Maestri Lynn & Arthur Mann III Priscilla & Craig Maumus Michael McColloster Jeanne & Malcolm Meyer Maureen & Thomas Mouras Carol & Thomas Musso Catherine & Thomas Pennison, Sr. Catherine & Timothy Porter Jackie & Joseph Rausch Janice & Joseph Redding, Jr. Kenneth Reine Molly & Edward Richardson Kathie & Michael Ripp, Sr. Dianne & Robert Rittiner Janet & Keith Rodriguez Ellen & John Ruckert, Jr. Trisha & Gary Sander Shella & Edgar Schafer III Marie & Milton Seiler, Jr. Barbara & Robert Spangenberg IV Lettice & Walter Stuart IV Jeana & Kenneth Thomas Kathi & Roy Troendle, Jr. Joseph Windmeyer 1965 Richard Andrée, Jr. Phala & C. Clifton Andressen Anonymous Carl Aspelund Victor Babin III Debby & Brod Bagert Nina & Shepherd Baumer Carolyn Keefe & Alvin Boudreaux Trudy & Kenneth Bourgeois Eileen & Lawrence Braud Judy & Harold Brauninger Marion & Ronald Britsch Claire & John Carrere, Jr. Noel Cipriano Deborah & Michael Coogan Lucien Delery, Jr. Barbara & L. Leonard Drury, Jr. Karen & Bert Durel, Jr. Kay & E. Timothy Eagan Nancy & Thomas Eberle Peggy & William Fitzgerald Karen & John Franck, Jr. Pamela & Victor Fulham Dale & Roy Gibson Madeline & Clave Gill III Nicette & Glenn Goodier Louis Gruntz, Jr. † William Hammond Susan & Patrick Kane, Jr. Joann & Henry Kinney III Connie & Thomas Kitchen Carolyn & Alan Lafourcade David Lagarde Steven Lanoux Roselle & Lyle LeCorgne Kathleen & Paul Livaudais Cheryl & Joseph Macaluso Liz & Gus Manthey, Jr. Donna & Joseph Maselli, Jr. Pat & C. Walter Mattingly Carolyn & James McClellan George Mentz, Jr. Marilyn & Nicholas Milazo Vicki & Noel Monjure Julie & Philip Mossy Emily & Bruce Nolan ALUMNI GIVING Gunne May & Bernard Pettingill, Jr. Vivian & Louis Piazza Peggy & F. Walker Pitts, Jr. Nell & Eddy Quijano Paula & Raphael Rabalais, Jr. Donna & Jerry Rubli Cindy & Kevin Schoenberger, Sr. Priscilla & Gerald Schroeder, Jr. Claire & George Simno III Nellrea & Donald Simpson Lisa & Piercy Stakelum III Jeanne & Harold† Stephens Cheryl & Warren Valentino Harry Vorhaben, Jr. Victoria & Donald Wambsgans Susan & Rudolph Woessner 1966 Susan & Gary Bougere E. Stephen Bultman Antoinette & Samuel Burguieres, Jr. Kerry & William Coleman III Maggie & Richard Cuccia Maureen & Foster de la Houssaye Liz & René deBoisblanc Vicki & Dennis Derbes Karen & Thompson Dietz IV Lynn & Clement Donelon Homer Dupuy III Patty & John Elstrott, Jr. Denise & Barry Faust James Flatley Annette & Wayne Francingues Marcelle & Lloyd Frischhertz Glenn Gennaro Charles Gill Mary & Gary Glynn Anita & Bruce Guenin Maureen & Raul Guevara Maureen & William Guste III Patricia & Guy Hardwick Charlotte & J. Lowell Haro Resa & Eric Hennings Kathy & Eugene Hoffman III Helen & Eugene Katz Carolyn & Keith LaRose Gail & Gilbert Lebreton John Lipani Donna & Richard Marino Celia & Colin McCormick Liz & Arn Mentz Kathy & Gerald Meunier Peggy & Ivan Miestchovich, Jr. Jackie & George Moisant III Wayne Munsch Carol & August Palumbo Debbie & Martin Petrusek Austin Phillips, Jr. Donna & Alvin Raitman, Jr. Sheree & E. Foley Ranson Elizabeth & John Ryan Debbie & Robert Ryan Wayne Sandoz Debbie & Hal Simeon Mary & Stephen Sklamba Andree & Warren Surcouf, Jr. Kathleen & Joseph Tynan Roseann & Michael Vesely Mona & Malcolm Villarrubia, Jr. Jan & Edmund Vinci Priscilla & James Walsh John Weilbaecher Suzanne & George White, Jr. David Whitmore, Sr. 1967 Teresa & Perry Anthony, Jr. Robert Barbalich, Jr. Harvey Becnel Jason Berry, Jr. Borne Boudreaux, Jr. Barbara & André Boutte Kathy & Don Paul Charlet Alva & Edgar Chase III William Collins Cathy & Clyde Crochet James Dalferes II Lucinda & Drake DeGrange Liz & Clyde DeLoach Sheila & Lewis Derbes Dale & Keith Desonier Priscilla & Stephen Dilorenzo Judy & Michael Duran Fernin Eaton Diane & John Engelhardt Debbie & Wallace Farge III Craig Forshag Patricia & Xavier Hartmann III Edward Hemard III Pam & Eric Holsten Mary Ann & John Krupsky Shelley & William Kurtz Beth & Michael Lachin Terry Sue & Anthony LaNasa Suzanne & Kenneth Lange Linda & W. Joseph Laughlin, Jr. Claudia & Richard Launey Leo Lay, Jr. Gaye & James LeBlanc Lynn & Thomas Long Mark Marley Patsy & Anthony Milazzo, Jr. Suzanne & Joseph Montgomery Elizabeth & Warren Mouledoux, Jr. Yvonne & James Perrier, Jr. Janice & Wesley Randall, Jr. Ginger & Gregory Rigamer Dovie & Glenn Scheyd Charles Schoennagel, Jr. Robbie & Pierre Serio, Jr. Beth & Robert Surcouf, Jr. Linda & J. Charles Upton Barbara & Peter Weilbaecher, Sr. 1968 Cora & Bruce Ashley II Ronald Babin Charlene & Julian Baudier, Jr. Ruth & Bryan Bertucci Linda & M. Michael Bonfanti, Jr. Denise & Ronald Bonfanti Pam & Michael Boos, Jr. Sylvia & Martin Broussard, Jr. Denise & Gregory Bruce Janice & Thomas Burguieres Jan & Leonard Caruso Cindy & Henry Cerise Robert Cisneros, Jr. Alika & Michael Cognevich Molly & David Cortes Judy & Frank Cusimano, Jr. Ventress & Albert Dugan, Jr. Marie & Albert Elliot Melanie & Ronald Espinosa Joseph Fein III Mary & Terrence Fitzmorris Jennifer & Lloyd Fitzpatrick, Jr. Nancy & Harry Forst Liz & Lawrence Frischhertz Maureen & Donald Fulham Smitty & Edward Gaden Leah & Matias Grau, Jr. Patricia & Stanley Green, Jr. Lois & Wilfred Grusich III Diane & Dale Hunn Linda & George Joint, Jr. Mary Ellen & Charles Keller, Jr. Trudy & Terry Labat Susan & André Livaudais Cathy & Robert Markway Charline & James Martin Frank Maselli Cynthia & John McDonald III Suzanne & Michael McGlone Kathleen & Gerald Meyn Patrick Mooney Luci & Stephen Morgan Eleanor & André Mouledoux René Mouledoux Adrienne & Vincent Paciera, Jr. Edward Pavur, Jr. Sharon & William Phillips Anne & Michael Prat Sheila & Vincent Provenza Fran & Ronald Pursell Sharon & Michael Raymond John Robinson IV Betty Ann & James Rodgers Emily Eisenhauer & Thomas Ryan Judy & Gerard Ryder Wendy & Edward Saer III Patricia & Michael Smyer Gloria & Francisco Solorzano Kathleen & William Steen Janet & Robert Tompkins Dana & Terrence Truxillo Sheila & Gerald Vocke Edward Yoerger, Jr. 1969 Jane & John Anderson Mary Beth & G. Lawrence Arbour Sharon & Thomas Block Dolly & Harold Breaux, Jr. Carolyn & Roy Brennan Yvonne & Robert Brossette, Jr. Elise & William Brundige, Jr. Donna & Marcel Bulliard, Jr. Linda & Donald Cerise Deborah & Salvador D’Amico, Jr. John Dean Christopher Dey Margo & Richard Dicharry David Duprey Debbie & Morel Elmer III Debbie & Charles Escher Terri & Scott Eschmann Mary Kay & Donald Faust Katherine & Wayne Fontana Jamie & Darryl Foster Donna & John Fraiche Anne & Robert Gaffney, Sr. Joan & Timothy Galvin Kathleen & Stanley Gauchet Susie & Gregory Glowacki Lana & Richard Haydel Ann & Kevin Heigle Patricia Tibbits & Sterling Helwick, Jr. Henry Hinrichs, Jr. Mary & Raymond Jeandron, Jr. Susan & Wallace Jeanfreau Helen & Frederick Kolb Michelle & Wallace Landry III Jeanine & David Latham Penny & Robert LeBlanc Henri Louapré Pamela & Donald Meyn Marilyn & Michael Mitchell Lynn & Robert Murphy, Jr. Louise & Russell Nolan Laura & Lawrence Quartana Adrienne & M. Michael Quinlan Jeanne & Kevin Poorman Gerald Reine Claudia & Roger Rholdon Phyllis & Wayne Robichaux Cathy & Thomas Rodgers III Lorraine & Theodore Saba Susan & David Sabrio Cheryl & Louis Schilling III Diane & Thomas Skelly Debbie & Gerald Slattery, Jr. Elizabeth & James Spadaro, Jr. Kathy & Robert Toye III Stephanie & James Tramonte Jeanne & Frank Walk, Jr. Wesa & Paul Wood Joy & Jay Zainey 1970 Michele Zembo & Glade Bilby II Jackie & Kurt Blankenship Thomas Boos Ann & Thomas Bourgeois Rickey Brown Tillie & Dennis Caballero Karen & Edward Cambon Stanley Carr Germaine & Clyde Carroll Susan & Edward D’Antoni Lisa & Kurt Forshag Deborah & James Freyder Colleen & Stephen Frick Cecilia & Terrell Fugetta Donna & Randolph Gonzales John Guidry Clare & Glenn Guilbault Amy & J. Spencer Hayman 15 16 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Kathy & Irwin Joubert, Jr. Shelby & J. Scott Key Mary & Kenneth Krobert Jean & Charles LaCour Melissa & Paul Lacroix III Kathy & Michael Larkin Cindy & J. Kenneth Lota José Martinez, Jr. Belinda & Ronald Mason, Jr. Dey & J. Scott Mathews III Arthemise & Kevin McNeely Linda & Christy Montegut Jana & Ross Muller Dolores & Charles Nehlig Karen & Lawrence Oertling FY 2014 Joseph Palermo, Jr. Michael Power Karen & Harry Quarls Marsha & Kirt Raymond Lois & Thomas Richard Lyn & John Rouchell John Russell, Jr. Janet & John Ryan III Mary Lynne & Scott Springmann Maria & Gregory Steen, Sr. Joyce & Paul Stevens Maureen & Harry Sullivan, Jr. Judith & Michael Waldo Brian Winters Bonnie & Robert Woods Carla & Emile Zinser III Cindy & Peter Zuppardo 1971 Rebecca & Robert Angelle Anonymous Eileen & David Baril Mary Ellen & Robert Bourg Fran & William Brown IV Sandy & Raymond Caballero Judy & Kevin Caliva Denise & Vincent Costello Lana & James Cronvich Gary Cusimano Paul Danove Ginger & George Del Marmol Rosemary & William Donnelly, Jr. G. David Dubois John Esparros Denise & V. William Farrington, Jr. Laura & Donald Foret Lisa & Donald Gandolini, Jr. José Garcia II Virginia & Roy Hauck, Jr. Maria & David Huete Jan & Clifford Hurndon Yazmin & Charles Incaprera Bonnie & Daniel Knowles III Renee & Philip Kurica Kathleen & Michael Lipari Diana & Fred Maher III W H Y W E G I V E ... “As You Give, So Shall You Receive”… “Men for Others”… “Service Above Self” are doctrines that are, respectively, from the Bible, Jesuit High School, and Rotary International. I have learned these credos over the years, but my parents actually instilled them in me as a child. I believe that if you don’t “actually do,” that is take action, these principles are merely nice-sounding Michael Waldo ’70 celebrated the renewal of the long-dormant Jesuit-Pensacola High rivalry by repainting his phrases. Mercury Grand Marquis a splendid Blue & White, then detailing it with several Jesuit logos, including “Fighting Certainly, I have benefited Jayson.” Mike and his wife Judy live in Pensacola and together, they drove their “Jaymobile” west on I-10 to New Orleans, drawing some curious stares from other drivers. The Waldos parked the “Jaymobile” in Jesuit’s Traditions from my years at Jesuit Courtyard where it became an integral and memorable part of a Blue Jay pep rally in the fall of 2013. High School. College was easier than studying at Jesuit (and because of Jesuit). My Jesuit education attracted multiple scholarships to various universities. Beyond knowledge acquired, Jesuit imparted an “esprit” that only a few high schools or colleges achieve at a level that high. But someone else put up money and effort before I even became a Blue Jay, which established the Jesuit that was there to give to me. So, how can I not give back for others who may likewise receive just as I did? I can’t remember my father (Harry Waldo, Jr. of the Class of 1945) ever sending a letter without ending it with “A.M.D.G.” He also believed, as I do, that “giving” is an integral part of “living.” A.M.D.G. — M I C H A E L WA L D O ’ 7 0 Michael Waldo ’70 followed his father’s lead and a few years ago established a scholarship that is now fully endowed. Additionally, Mike’s will includes a charitable bequest for Jesuit. A computer programmer who is an active member of his class, Mike also serves as a leader of the newly-formed Pensacola-Mobile-Destin Blue Jay Alumni Chapter. ALUMNI GIVING Marcy & Ricardo Ortega Kathryn & Arthur Parham, Jr. Jessica Borne & Robert Perret Kathy & Frederick Plaeger II Mattea & Ronald Porter, Jr. Terry & William Rau III Cindy & Terrence Riedl Lori & Michael Rodrigue Nancy & Frederick Schmitt, Jr. Mary & Lawrence Sorensen Creston Troxler III Pam & M. Mark Truxillo Dominic Tusa Mary Ann & Stephen Wegmann Carla & Albert Widmer, Jr. Jennifer & David Willem 1972 Rebecca & Nick Accardo, Jr. Barbara & Joseph Ballard Connie & Roger Bandera Billie & Stephen Barbier Rhonda & Christopher Barrilleaux Jane & George Bartlett Harry Block Vicki & Burke Brooks, Jr. Paula & Frederick Bullinger, Jr. E. Thomas Calongne III Eileen & Glenn Casey Patricia & Taylor Casey Jackie & Joseph Childress, Jr. Kevin Collins Charles Colomb III Eileen & James Danna Claire & Kerry Dooley Kathleen & Benjamin Edwards Tina & Douglas Farge Martha & J. Lindhe Guarisco Jo Ann & Karl Hagemeier III Eugene Harris, Jr. Gretchen & Bernard Hayman Elizabeth & Bruce Hoefer, Jr. Janice & Michael Huete Lorelei & Ray Johnson, Jr. Beth & Lloyd Klibert, Jr. Terri & Steven Kloor Ellen & Jay Kuebel III Jenny & Barry LaCour Krystil & Joseph Lawton III Lisa & Richard Maia Michele & Anthony Morales, Jr. Ami & W. Davis Nolan Steven Quarls F. Patrick Quinn III Rose & Paul Ramond Karen & Kerry Redmann, Jr. Jan & John Reuther Charlene & Joseph Rodrigue, Jr. Sally & Larry Schnadelbach Ann & Paul Schultz Sharon & Glen Scioneaux Carli & Frank Tessier Diane & Melvin Triay III Michiko & Mark Turegano Rosalie & Glenn Viau Rose & Brian Zeringer 1973 Margaret Ann & John Bannon, Jr. Lawrence Blake Linda & G. Gernon Brown III Roxie & Frank Bruno Sandra & Elwood Cahill, Jr. Mary & Mark Chatry Amy & John Combes E. Rusty Conzelmann III Kim & Joseph Craven, Jr. Bennett deBoisblanc Christina & Gregory DiLeo Donnalee & Norton Dupaquier, Jr. Linda & Ralph Dwyer III Lin & James Ermon, Jr. Leah & Jack Eumont, Jr. Bonnie & Raymond Faugeaux Paula & Hudson Folse Sheila & Scuddy Fontenelle III Rose & Gary Gandolfi, Sr. Catherine & Frederick Gaupp Esther & John Gin Renee & Marlin Gusman Gregory Hoffman Patrick Johnson, Jr. Allison & Paul Juge, Jr. Erin & Bryce LeBlanc, Jr. Melanie & Leonard Long Lois & Timothy Maher Lisa & Lubin Mire, Jr. Valarie & Warren Montgomery Cara & Charles Nunez Debbie & Alan Pinner Mary Lynn & George Pivach II Leslie & Michael Power Chere & Wilfred Prados III Barbara & Tom Price, Jr. Johanna & Robert Raymond Shelly & Thomas Reinecke Pam & Ronald Reinhardt Pat & Paul Rodrigue Elizabeth & Philip Slattery Christin & Jason Smith Karen & Scott Smuck Joy & Mark Spansel Theresa & Keith Stagni Linda & Edward Trahan III Jack Truxillo 1974 Diana & Kevin Alfortish Anonymous Anonymous Margaret & Wilbur Babin, Jr. Rhonda & Gary Balsamo Jeanne & Terry Billings Virginia & Richard Bordelon Usha & Warren Bourgeois III Susan & Blair Brown Mary & Robert Burch, Jr. Michael Cougevan Ginja & W. Mark Cousins Wendy & Daniel Daboval Marianne & Mark Dauer Patricia & Slaten Finger Eileen & Eugene Gambel Louis Gaudet Lisa & Robert Gilmore Cindy & David Hoerner Carolyn & Gregory Hoffman Julie & Michael Hubbell Julie & Peter Knecht Shelly & Blake Krass John Laiche Linda & Steven Larue Gretchen & Wayne Macaluso Vicki & Leonard Maffei Robyn & Paul Marsh Wendy & Michael Mentz Dennis Muller Lindell & Timothy Munch Avra & Michael O’Dwyer Cindy & Brian Pagragan Joell & Patrick Parenton Lynda & Blair Parrott, Jr. Sidonie & Keith Petagna Kay & Ewell Potts III Jan & Richard Ripberger Mary & Mark Ripple Jeanne & William Roe Michael Schmidt Roger Schroeder Cathy & Donald Sprague Kathryn & Alfonso Valdes Robert Velez George Vujnovich Linda & W. Patrick Williams Lisa & Michael Zainey Beth & Gregory Zeringue 1975 Denise & Ronald Alvarez Carrie & Robert Bartlett Cecelia & John Bentz III Charlotte & Kenneth Bernard Stephen Bruno, Sr. Gina & David Calogero Susan & Terence Casey Elizabeth & Thomas Casey, Jr. Stephen Crane Maureen & Charles Cruthirds Lynda & Blaise D’Antoni III Shannon & Gerald Daigle, Jr. Rivet Daigre Cecile & Richard Deichmann Carmel & E. Peter Dewey Brigid & Michael Durel Ellena & Leon Flettrich III Cece & Robert Funck William Gaudet Karl Gottfried III Diane & Peter Holley Helen & Leo Holzenthal, Jr. Kathleen & Daniel Housey David Indest Laurie & David McCann Susan & Timothy Moore Linda & Michael Morales Elizabeth & C. David Paternostro Eulalie & Harold Petit, Jr. Gisele & David Prados Robert Quitzau Lisa & Mark Rabito Andrew Rinker, Jr. Tery & Steven Scalco Erin & Eric Schmidt, Sr. Karen & Owen Seiler Darlene & Mark Strohbeck Karen & William Thurber Denise & Gary Toribio Jeanne & Arthur Tribou Jeanne & D. Todd Wolff 1976 Katherine & Robert Angelico Anonymous Katherine Tuttle & Andrew Boulet Karen & T. Desmond Brown Nancy & Robert Burvant Michael Cahill Donald Cangelosi Claire & Jean Chachere Mary & Anthony Classen David Comar Betty & Gerard Cruice, Jr. Rosemary & John Daboval Karen & Carl Danna Constance & David Davila Shirley & Arthur Dupré, Jr. Kathryn & William Fitzpatrick Sherry & J. Patrick Gaffney Peter Gambel R. Keith Gee Judith & Michael Giorlando Nancy & Lawrence Gordon Keith Grady Tammy & Gerard Gusman Lou & E. Nelson Heumann John Hilbert Jeannie & Julian Hillery, Jr. Lisa & Karl Hoefer, Sr. Deidre & Ivan Hoerner Nora & Timothy Huete Anne & William Hughs III Cindy & Lyle Jeansonne Lee Kelley Judi & Donald Kuebel Louis LaCour, Jr. Beate & Clifford Larsen Bonnie & Carl Lavie Edmund Leckert III Deanne & William Legrand Ann & Steven Lester Carolyn & Wake Louis Kenneth Lowenhaupt Mayra & Andrew Lukinovich III Peggy & Michael Lulich Shelly & Keith Luminais, Sr. Nancy & Anthony Macaluso IV Wanda & Michael McGarry Michelle & Marc Morial Shawn & Newell Normand Denise & Dennis Papadopoulos Lloyd Passafume, Jr. Jan & Brian Petit Carol & C. Michael Pfister, Jr. Lynn & Claytus Plaisance III Jess Power III Lesley & Kenneth Retif Janis & Robert Roux Keith Schilleci 17 18 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Edmund Schmidt III Cathy & M. Richard Schroeder Kevin Serio Karen & Erny Simmons Debbie & Bradley Simonson Marlene & Sidney Smith III Denise & James Tebbe, Jr. Lisa & Joseph Thornhill Deborah & John Tosh Patrick Toye Mariofie & Vincent Tumminello, Jr. Susan & David Vignes Mary & Gordon Wadge Erin & John Worrel, Jr. 1977 Marie & Brian Adorno Emily & James Brown, Jr. Barbara & Andrew Bruns William Collins Annie & Joseph Combes Therese & Jeffrey De Mouy Susan & Wayne del Corral Kim & Daniel DeVun, Jr. Suzanne & Gary Dildy III Lori & John Elmer, Sr. Catherine & Michael Estay Gina & Timothy Finney Antonio Garcia Janice & Timothy Gaudet Debbie & Gregory Gelpi Patricia & Carl Giffin, Jr. Cynthia & Michael Graham Donald Hood Deborah & James Hussey Kelly Ann & J. Daniel Jackman, Jr. Cynthia & Patrick Kehoe, Jr. Kim & David Lukinovich Patricia & Anthony Maurin III Cecilia & G. Edward Merritt, Jr. Lisa & Douglass Mills Thomas Nalley Mary & Thomas Nuttli, Sr. Deborah & Joseph O’Shea Mark Plaeger Lori & Frank Rabito Michael Riley Cindee & Gregory Roberts Angela & Jon Ruello, Sr. James Sanchez, Jr. Charlotte & George Shaak Kay & Craig Smith Erin & Paul Spansel Donna & Timothy Sweeney Helen & Lloyd Tabary II Melissa & David Tregre Dino Viera Rosalind & Warren Wingerter, Jr. 1978 Rosemary & Moises Arriaga Paige & Bryan Bennett Deborah & Albert Bordes III Jennifer & Michael Bordes Ann & D. Michael Boyd Florentina & Warren Breaux, Jr. Carrie & John Brown Bryant Cohen FY 2014 James Combes Heidi & Gerald Cvitanovich Robin & Mark Drewes Anthony Engolia III Elizabeth & Daniel Fitzpatrick Christy & Gerard Gillen III Faye & Paul Hebert, Jr. Penny & William Hess III Leah & Wayde Keiser Cheryl & Mitchell Landrieu Kalaya & Samuel Landry Elizabeth & Timothy Levy Ylon & Paul Lorio, Jr. Melinda & Richard Macaluso Lory & Salvador Maffei, Jr. Julie & Edward Martin III Stacy & Michael Maselli Caroline & Scott Mattson Rebecca & Stephen Metzinger Karen & John Meyer III Shawn & Rafael Miranda Bryan Misshore Ann & Timothy Mooney Rosa Maria & Al Moore, Jr. Maria & Brian Naccari Evan Ormsby Pamela & Mark Pivach Mary Martha & David Quinn Donlen & Clarence Reuther III Carol & Maurice Robichaux III Mary & C. Perrin Rome III Tessa & Neal Sansovich Judy & Christopher Schott Lori & Kyle Sherman Janine & Fernand Tiblier, Jr. Donald Truxillo Belle & Glen Wadge Wendy & Scott Whittaker Lori & William Wright III Sandra & Karl Zimmermann 1979 Cheryl & Paul Arbour Paulette & Barton Barre Yuko & Joseph Basset, Jr. Laurie & James Berrigan, Jr. Anita & T. David Bond John Bosworth Ann & James Buddendorff, Jr. Kathlynn & Joseph Caluda, Jr. Joel Carpenter Sandi & Paul Clark Peter Collins Tina & Christopher Crighton Anne & Guy Curry Rita & David Dildy Rhonda & Gregory Eckholdt Jeffrey Eumont Tracy & Ronald Faia, Jr. Elizabeth & Darryl Failla Maria & Salvador Ferro Scott Fleming Maile & Jeffrey Gieseler Deborah & Gregory Gillen Cecilia & Barry Goodspeed Robin Hanemann Jeffery Hartlage TOP 10 CLASSES BY N U M B E R D O N AT I N G Grad Donors Living Grads Percent Donation YearAlumni Donating Amounts 2014210 260260 81% $4,598 1963 92 185 210 50% $104,484 1960 86 183 226 47% $88,970 1998 79 235 237 34% $39,852 2005 75 266266 28% $9,908 1983 74 234 241 32% $52,853 1991 74 213 218 35% $72,376 1985 73 226 234 32% $133,111 1992 72 231 233 31% $28,352 1956 71 107 152 66% $36,338 Julie & Michael Haydel Amy & John Hite III Janice & Mark Jeansonne Dee-Dee & Gregory Johnson Kimberly & Neil Joseph Andree & Ramiz Khalaf Shawn & Eric Kitziger James Laiche Mark Landry Elizabeth & Michael Landry Constance & J. Dwight LeBlanc III Laura & Milton Legrand Gary Lowenhaupt Mary & William Mason Mae Belle & Christopher Maurin Jacque & Robert McIntyre, Jr. Michelle & R. Pierre Meric III Pierre Miller II Tia & Glenn Morgan Julie & René Paysse, Jr. Rhonda & Paul Perez Patricia & Raymond Posecai, Jr. Mary Ellen & Michael Pou Roberta & Gary Power Siiri & Leonard Quick Julie & D. Thomas Ranna, Jr. Laurie & Nicholas Rosato, Sr. Elizabeth & Thomas Ryan Diana & Jeffrey Silbernagel Sandra & Kevin Smith René & Lyle St. Romain Khalann & Gene Tarzetti Eileen & Jefferson Tillery Ana & Joseph Tumminello Dianne & Michael Varisco Susan & Patrick Veters Calais & Patrick Waring Claire & J. Patrick Wingerter Laurie & Eric Zimmer 1980 Trudy & David Barbier Shari & E. Gregg Barrios Allison & Timothy Baudier Lisa & Gerard Beck Corinne & John Bendernagel Dianne & David Bergeron Cyndi & David Bernard Cydnie & Daniel Bordes Jamee & Arthur Brewster Laurel & Felicien Brown Robin & Harry Bruns Jeanne & John Burvant Kendall & Peter Butler, Jr. Donna & Robert Chandler Julie Ann & Edwin Connick Sharon & Bruce Davis Cruz & John del Corral Nellie & Claro Diaz Suzanne & John Duplantier John Duplantier Ann & Timothy Dwyer Margaret & T. Bradley Escousse Gina & Alfonso Esparza Kristi & Jerry Eumont Juliette & David Glaviano Lisa & Vance Greene, Jr. Stephanie & Scott Hildebrandt Charmaine & John Hotard Leanne & Evan Howell III James Hughes III Raegan & Erik Hymel Sheila & David Johnston Karen & Robert Killeen, Jr. April & Gary Kleinschmidt, Jr. Hilary & Mickey Landry Raye & Mark Latham Theresa & John Laughlin Alicia & Michael Lavie Nicole & Richard Lemmler, Jr. ALUMNI GIVING Rhonda & Ignatius Liberto Gretchen & Manuel Lopez Albert Luke III Annette & Philip Meric Leslie & W. Gregory Merritt Cathy & David Miller Dana & Joseph Naccari Christopher Nalty Dianna & Robin Pendleton Susan & Daniel Prados Anne & Steven Queyrouze Brian Quirk Mary Frances & Felix Rabito Rhonda & Albert Jay Redmon Maureen & Timothy Rooney Holly & Patrick Schott, Jr. Kathryn & Kenneth Seeling Lisa & Brian Shearman Marjorie & Eugene Simon, Jr. J. Paul Stouse Robert Talbot Jaime & Jude Trahant, Jr. Paul Troxler Kathy & Jack Truitt Susan & Peter Tumminello Bridget & Anthony Viloria, Jr. Georgette & T. Xavier Viteri Fritz Westenberger 1981 Christine & Donald Abadie Kenneth Andrieu Benedict Baptiste Adele & Alexander Barthe Robert Bergeron Laurie & David Blasini Charles Bourque, Jr. Bridget & Ronald Cambias, Jr. Nancy & James Carriere Patti & Stephen Clement Marianne Maumus & Kevin Conrad Andrea & Kevin Cruice Cecilia & C. Patrick Cuntz M. Christine & Michael D’Antonio Robert Deano Glenda & Paul Deas Daniel DiRosa Christopher Fedoroff L. Gill Fenerty Paula & Gregory Fitzpatrick Kevin Flores Dana & Alan Ganucheau Lisa & Thomas Ganucheau Lisa & Lyon Garrison Diane & James Gatti John Gay Sharon & Jay Gogreve Kathe & David Haase Susan & Charles Hamilton III Jane & James Hotard, Jr. Cletus Junius Susan & James Kenney III Laurie & Martin Landrieu Karyn & Sam LeBlanc IV Denise & Wayne Lindemann James Lochridge, Jr. Elizabeth & Daniel Lund III Michelle & Joseph Mannino Shawn & Michael McGuire Celeste & Steven Mikes Wendy & Dennis Miller Claudia & A. James Nelson IV Kim & Harold O’Donnell III Emma & David Quatrocci Donna & Bryan Reuter Meg & Raoul Rodriguez Maryann & H. Patrick Rooney Linda & Edward Santos Kelsey & Frank Schmidt, Jr. Julie & Randall Schmidt Lynn & Stephen Schonberg Gary Thomas Barbara & Michael Tonti Ronel & Robert Treuting Martha & Guy Valdin, Jr. Beth & Eric Vargas Stephen Yeager 1982 Michelle & Herman Abry Stacie & Cary Aguillard, Jr. Kenneth Alfortish Claire & James Blazek, Jr. Sheila & Manuel Calamari, Jr. Fern & Brian Carr Janet & Daniel Crumb Therese & Albert Derbes IV Lisa & Denis Devenport, Jr. Sharon & Michael Dileo Donna & George Eckert III James Eckholdt Mary & P. Michael Elvir, Jr. Terry & Darrel Ferdinand Jodi & Timothy Fitzpatrick Tina & Richard Flick Mellissa & Philip Forcier Robert Foret, Jr. Karen & Douglas Freese Margaret & Frank Fugetta Jean Marie & Richard Ganucheau Kathy & James Garvey, Jr. Donnamaria & Michael Giambelluca Jennifer & Jude Heath Gerald Herbert Sheryl & Daniel Hoerner Arthur Hughes, Jr. Katrina & Worthing Jackman Kelli & Daniel Kelly Anita & Colin Kemmerly Lisa & Omer Kuebel III Holly & Felix Lapeyre III Lauren & Marcel Leveque, Jr. Jenny & Giovanni Lorusso Terri & Robert Munch, Jr. Terri & Michael North Philip O’Neill, Jr. Marcia & Victor Oliva Jackie & Daniel Oser Gwen & John Petitbon Nonnie & Andreas Preuss Thomas Rayer, Jr. Gregory Reinhard Theresa & Ricardo Rodriguez Suzanne & Gerard Ruch, Jr. Stacey & Paul Schott Lisa & Gary Schwabe, Jr. Lynn & Richard Shaak Judy & Eric Simonson Cynthia & Miguel Soler Debra & Kevin Trahant Marie & Frederick Tufts Stacey & Michael Walsh Emily & Andrew Webster Brett Wise Debbie & Bryan Wolff 1983 Caroline & John Alberts Jovi & Otis Alexander III Sally & Mark Alvarez Jane & René Alvarez Trudy & Mark Barrios Patti & Christopher Bazin Allison & James Blanchard II Thomas Butler Rebel & Charles Caplinger IV Stephanie & Mark Castell Martha & John Charbonnet, Jr. Shirley & Michael Charbonnet Sherry & Douglas Charles Rachel & Michael Clement Adrian Colon, Jr. Anna & Jeffrey Combes Elizabeth & Keith Crawford Rebecca & David Cressy, Jr. Christopher Cutitto Shellie & David DeHoog Rebecca & Eric Derbes Karen & Jay Desalvo Allison & Ronald Drez, Jr. Christy & Richard Dupré John Ecuyer Penny & Christopher Edwards Stacy Seicshnaydre & Gregory Ernst Dawn & Edward Fabacher III Monica & Mark Fallo Elizabeth & Kent Finger Brian Freese Mildred & David Gaines Jenna & Daniel Gillane Teri & John Gordon, Jr. Aimee & J. Stuart Hamilton Kelly & John Hammett Joycelyn & John Hazard IV Angela & Thomas Heigle Ashley & James Holmes Luis Ingles III Gregory Jordan Gina & David Keller, Sr. Catherine & Gregory Kessler Jeannine & David Martin, Jr. Jeanne & Oscar Maumus Marian & Gregory Maurin Fran & James McDermott Kim & Thomas McMahon, Jr. Adrienne & John McNamara II Joan & John Meyer Wanda & Ronald Montalbano Mary & Thomas Moore, Jr. Sueann & Brian North Terri & Robert Pajares, Jr. Marissa & Michael Pflueger Michael Prados John Robinson Leslie & Stephen Roppolo Erin & Danny Schellhaas Louis Schott Lori & Brett Schwartz Gina & Malcolm Schwarzenbach III Tammy & Daniel Senentz Jennifer & Dean Sherry Beth & Richard Slattery Petra & Sean Stratton Corey & Robert Sudderth Liza & Charles Thomas Nicole & Christopher Todaro Jenny & Michael Varisco Robert Walsh, Jr. Caroline & Mark Wegmann David White Lana & James Whitlow, Jr. 1984 Barbara & Brian Andrieu Vicky & Thomas Barbier Cathy & Kevin Barreca Candy & Robert Be Ana & C. Byron Berry, Jr. Jeanne & Kenneth Boe, Jr. Charleen & Eric Boos, Sr. Elizabeth & Timothy Brennan Laura & Philip Brooks, Jr. Timothy Brown Constance & Michael Buisson, Jr. Leslie & Steven Cassanova Brigette & Michael Castine III Charles Dalferes III Laurie Ann & Patrick Dugan Kelly & William Ellis III Denise & Jeffrey Faust Stacy Siegendorf & Thomas Finicle, Jr. Mary Kay & Darryl Fontana Mary & Brett Forshag Elizabeth & Andrew Galy Whitney & Eberhard Garrison Rita & Jimmie Gaubert Judith & Stephen Greco Nichole & Jeffrey Guillmette Liz & James Hailey III Bonnie & Bryon Hatrel Erin & Mark Hattier Nicole & Nicholas Hazard Kris & Patrick Huete Jeanne & John Illg, Jr. Ann & Cris Jackson Angela & William Kitchen III Stephanie & James Laborde Emily & Timothy Lafranca Keri & Maurice Landrieu, Jr. Laurie & David Landry Nancy & David Lavie Tracey & Matthew MacDonald Tracy & Thomas Mason Regina & Roger May, Jr. Sharon & Joseph McMahon III Wendy & Christopher Meibaum Susan & Marc Miller 19 20 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | FY 2014 Seph Dupuy ’66, Bubby Valentino ’65, and Jay Thomas ’66 enjoy the Blue Jay Fishing Rodeo weigh-in festivities in June 2014 at John Ryan Stadium. Ory Mire III Timothy Morales Tamara & Joseph Nesser Cherie & Randall Pausina Pamela & Harry Piascik Deborah & Salvador Pusateri Robin Jermann-Rabito & Michael Rabito Eric Randall Edward Rice III Sharon & Michael Rivas Ana & Roberto Rodriguez Pegeen & Timothy Romero Melissa & J. Michael Rooney, Jr. Donna & Stephen Russo Colette & George Schiaffino Shannon & F. Evans Schmidt Patricia & John Schneller IV Christopher Schonberg James Schroeder Elaine & Barry Sevin, Jr. Melanie & Peter Sinor Nancy & A. Roland Spedale, Jr. John Tonti Cathy & Wade Vinson Christine & Eric Westenberger Brian Whelan Christopher Wiseman 1985 Charles Adams III Stacey & Jesse Arceneaux Riley Armantrout III Emily & Brian Becker Jeannia & Michael Bent Bridget & Walter Bond Jeanne & Brian Bourgeois Charlene & Thomas Brooks III Brett Camet Erika & William Carter Robert Charbonnet, Jr. Lisa & Robert Comeaux, Jr. Jennifer & John Creevy Shannon & Raymond Daigle, Jr. Tonya & Gerard Danos II Lisa & Robert David, Jr. Scott Decker Nichole & Todd Dittmann Melissa & Gerald Duhon, Jr. Jeanne & Eric Eckholdt James Ellis II Susan & Robert Endom Robert Esler Gregory Faust Cammy & Robert Favret, Jr. James Foley IV Patrick Ford Timothy Frederick Rebecca & Keith Frey Lori & Scott Gardiner Andrea & Patrick Giangrosso Dawn & Glenn Gillen Dianne & Michael Happel Ann & Edward Harold Barbara & George Herrera, Jr. Lorraine & Robert Hess III Liz & James Higgins Beth & Raymond Huxen, Jr. Michelle & Brian Illg Arlea & Troy Keller Glenn Kelley Carey & Richard Kernion, Jr. Amy & William King Amy Fay & Michael Kopfler Rachel & Tommy Kurtz Sharon & John Lagarde Stephanie & Blake Landry Marcelle & Keith Landry Jan & Alan Leonhard, Jr. Michelle & Nicholas Lorusso Monique & Dante Maraldo Amy & Michael McMahon Elizabeth & Dennis Montz Dani & Dale Moore Michelle & Paul Odenwald Amy & Sean O’Donnell Arlene & Cleveland Peete Kami & Stephen Powell Cynthia & Leo Prange III Jennifer & John Rareshide Jeannie & Richard Redmann, Jr. Karla & Jason Rigol Butler Rondeno Terry Scott Robert Skinner Irene & Kevin Stierwald Dawn & Shaun Talbot Rachel Moore & Michael Thomas Amy & Richard Trahant Sylvia & Edward Vocke IV Barbara & Garald Weller Jennifer & Edward Welsch IV Stephanie & Thad Westholz 1986 Justin Angeles John Appel, Jr. Benjamin Balser Idorenyin & Willie Bradford III Christine & Bryant Brandau Jorgé Bravo III Gretchen & Ralph Breaux Tanya & James Busenlener Helen & Stephen Charbonnet Joseph Deffner Jennifer & David Ducote Sarah & Eric Ehrensing Ileana & Franklin Endom III Doni & Stephen Enright, Jr. Jodie & Richard Gallagher, Jr. Kelly & Brian Grenrood Kathleen & William Hamilton André Harrell Dawn & Rudolph Horvath Michele & James Huck, Jr. Denise & John Hummel Paige & Kent Johnson Stacey & Owen LaCour III Gina & Michael LeBlanc Patrick Lemmon Mary Beth & Jerry Lobrano Melissa & Lawrence Lorio Michelle & Daniel McCabe, Jr. Charles McColloster Jenirose & James McCormick Phala & Darren Mire Thomas Moran, Jr. Danette & J. Bradley Murret Denny North Ileana & William Oberhelman III Shannon & Jean Parent Robert Perez, Jr. Katherine & Stephen Perrien Robert Phillpott, Jr. Floyd Pitcher Stephanie & William Quinlan, Jr. Dorothy & James Rabalais III Ashley & Gordon Rush III Elizabeth & Sean Ryan Jennifer & John Sabatier IV Thomas Sandoz Tiffany & James Scott III J J & Gerald Spedale Regina & David Watermeier Leonard Young, Jr. ALUMNI GIVING 1987 Muriel-Anna & Faris Al-Tikriti Raymond Be Sarah & Jon Berthelot Cheryl & Dennis Booth Joseph Boyer Alicia & Daniel Brannan Jill & Mitchell Chapoton Felicia & Brent Cleggett Allan Crane Denean & Russell Cresson Sarah & Paul† Cressy Kerri & Jason Crumb, Sr. Amy & Andrew DiMaggio, Jr. Paul Garvey Michael Grossimon Catherine & Louis Gruntz III Stephanie & Carl Hellmers III Hilary & Lloyd Huck Suzie & Brandon Kershaw Kelli & Samir Khalaf Stephanie & Steven Kitchen Allison & Gordon Konrad Todd Korbel Michele & Stephen Larzelere Jennifer & Dennis Lauscha Heidi & Richard LeBlanc, Jr. Jennifer & Stephen Mannino Misti & David Maraldo Michelle & Daniel Marshall III Lisa & Gerald Martinez, Jr. Amy & John McMahon Bryant Moore Dana & George Morris IV Stephanie & David Myers Tracy & Brian Passantino Megan & Fernando Patron IV Joy & M. Scott Rabalais Melissa & Stephen Rareshide Mary Lou & David Redmann, Jr. Stephanie & Rodney Remetich Cate & Leon Reymond III Jamie & Jeffrey Saucier Supreeya & Keith Scarmuzza Elizabeth & Eric Tanzberger Ann & Brian Thomas Edmund Toscano III Erin & James Treigle, Jr. Kimberly & David Tullis Kristine & Richard Vanderbrook, Jr. René & James Webster Martha & Robert Weiss III Howard White, Jr. Corinne & David Woessner Sandy & Aaron Zeringue 1988 Bridgid & Alexander Aab Anonymous Melinda & John Baudouin Erin & Patrick Berrigan, Jr. Carol & P. Albert Bienvenu IV Charles Booker Jolie & Todd Bourgeois Nicholas Bouzon Lauren & Gregory Brewster Donna & Bryan Brown Gigi & William Burk IV Holly & Michael Casadaban Rachel & Ronald Ceruti, Jr. Alisa & Roberto Cortez Karen & Sean Doles Michael Dowling Jennifer & Frank Dudenhefer III Tiffany & Jason Duhe Jessica & Daren Dupepé Pam & James Durbin, Jr. Virginia & Donald Ellis, Jr. Allen Enger Tracy & Dowen Fife, Jr. Laura & Christopher Gamard Scott Gaspard John Gilluly III Ashley & Thomas Grady Keith Hill Julie & Juan Ibieta III Christine & Greg Johnson Alicia & Michael Johnson Monique & Douglas Kinler Brian Kirn Julie & Paul Kitziger Devona & Mark Knower Barbara & Jonathan Koenig Yvette & Gregory LaCour Matthew Landry Marie & Fernand Laudumiey IV Kristin & Paul Leonard Lori & P. Stephen Lundgren, Jr. Stephen Manale James Marchand, Jr. Ana & Patrick McNamara Stefanie & Scott Meric Kristen & Frank Misuraca, Jr. Tracy & Lance Moran Bridget & Bradley Naccari Marla & Derris Newman Dawn & Robert Palermo Cassandra & Chad Poche Kathleen & Gregory Prados Pierre Sabate Jacqueline & William Scheffler IV Henry Steudlein III William Tiemann Jennifer & George Vassilas Shehab Ebrahim Jani & Pedro Espinoza Frank Faulstich IV Otto Gartin III Kristin & Timothy Garvey Holly & John Gordon Scott Grant B. Seth Gravolet Michael Grilletta Allison & Kyle Happel Susan & Brett Hentze Melissa & John Holmes Michael James Kim & Christopher Kenny Aliina & John Kinabrew IV Eric Kobrock Louis Kreig III Myriam & Timothy Leach Marci & J. Alois Lichtl Robert Luke Stafford & Walter Maestri Heather & Sean Mayfield Robin & Patrick McGoey Felicite & Ryan Mire Rachel & Granville Morse III Stephen Mosgrove John Nelson Lyria & Shawn O’Brien Carolyn & Seamus O’Donnell Dori & Joseph Orr III Stephanie & Sean Pilié Mario Pino John Powers Katherine & Sidney Raymond Melissa & Stanley Richard, Jr. Jeannine & Michael Ripp, Jr. Doran & Ryan Roemershauser Mandy & Albert Schof III Alison & Michael Soileau, Jr. Kristy & Alexander Sternhell Christopher Thomas Kathryn & Jay Valentino Hilary & Paul Varisco, Jr. Stephanie & Gregory Walsh Chenae & Christopher Watermeier Mark Wilson Joseph Wiltz, Jr. 1989 1990 Jana & Thomas Anzelmo, Jr. Jennifer & Thomas Bartlett Kim & Brian Bent Chris Berthaut Amy & David Bindewald, Jr. Brian Broussard Nikki & Joshua Brown Kimberly & William Carpenter III Daniel Carr Elizabeth & David Castro Norman Comeaux Ashlie & R. Christopher Cox III Lori & Frank Daigre Laura & Paul Deichmann Scott Deichmann Sheri & Lewis Derbes, Jr. Natalie & Patrick Donnelly Stacy & Lloyd Drury III Jennifer & Jacob Amato III Blair Arroyo Molly & Kristen Baumer Melissa & Thomas Brahney Rebecca & William Couret IV Lisa & Shane Devlin Cheryl & Richard Dietz, Jr. Cinda & Keith DiMaggio John Esler Allison & Henri Friloux Lori & Kevin Frischhertz Ashley & Jeffrey Gernon Jennifer & Scott Gibson Chad Harris Christina & Edward Hayes Amy & Peter Kernion Sarah & Stephen LaCour Yvonne & Jeremy Mancheski Jennifer & Christopher Mann Edward McGowan Karla & Geoffrey Morris Gretchen & J. Patrick Morris, Jr. Juanita & Kelly Parenton Yann Pirio Jodi & Brett Power Karla & James Rather, Jr. Michelle & Randall Reinhardt Kevin Richards Elizabeth & Eric Romig Cher & Gary Sarrat, Jr. Amy & Ryan Scafidel Audra & John Shay III Summer Black & Najeeb Thomas Erin & Roland Vandenweghe, Jr. 1991 Desiree & Philip Adams, Jr. Stephanie & B. Michael Babin Mona & William Blake IV Stephen Bouzon Scott Bracey John Butera, Jr. Jennifer & Michael Caplan Kimberly & Gary Carroll, Jr. Julie & Shannon Ceasar Amy & Salvadore Christina, Jr. Robyn & Degan Dansereau Laurie & Joseph Darlak III Maria & Buonarotti de Gracia Stephanie & Derek DeHoog Elizabeth & Albert Demarest III Amber & Todd DiMaggio Amy & Craig Drez Lawrence Duplass, Jr. Bridget & Malcolm Ehrhardt Madeleine & Michael Escudier Gregory Fernandez Lindsey & John Finnan, Jr. Jennifer & Arthur Folse III Brad Fortier Karen & Derek Gardes Patrick Garon Kim & Shane Gibbs Jennifer & Gene Gillen Sara & Ryan Gootee Eugenie & Kyle Graffagnini Sherri Kolber & Allen Gregoire Kristie & Brandon Gregoire Alison & Paul Grossimon Shawn Ann & Charles Haddad, Jr. John Hamide Bradley Hamilton James Harris Kristi & Carlos Herrera Hunter Higgins John Huck Jessica & Robert Hughes Emily & Eric Kramer Jennifer & Jeffrey Laborde Julia & Beau LeBlanc Kristi & Ryan LeBlanc Gina & Jeffrey Maestri Vivian & Mark Marino Jessi & Daniel Maurin Kimberly & Brian McClure 21 22 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Glenda & Patrick McMahon Charles Meade Jennifer & Steven Medo III Natalie & David Mitchell, Jr. Annie & Arthur Mora Benjamin Mumphrey Sara & Mario Munoz Jason Murphy Sean & Gregory Nolan Jennifer & Ryan Orgeron Dawn & Stephen Oster Javier Pallais Lisa & Peter Plaia Danielle & Robert Porche Erika & Ryan Quinlan Rachele & Gary Radelat, Jr. Ryan Reuter Scott Roos Scott Smith Janine & Stephen Theriot Julie & Vinnie Varisco Sherri & Todd Wakefield Philip Weiss Maxwell Wheeler Kelly & John Whitney III 1992 Kimberly & Nathan Abercrombie Murat Akdamar Tracy & Mark Angerdina Mark Aspiazu Christopher Barnes Eric Berger Tara & August Berner III Marc Bonifacic Christie & Michael Bubrig Danielle & Carlos Calix, Jr. Jamie & John Cangelosi Raymond Canzoneri, Jr. Stephanie & Christopher Casey Marc Cavallino Amy & John Chauvin David Comeaux Jennifer & Mason Couvillon Mia & Scott Couvillon Jeffrey Crane Timothy Daigre Kenneth Domilise Daniel Doskey Anita & William Elliott III Dart Fee III Natasha & Matthew Forest Elizabeth & Grant Gibbons Leslie & Matias Grau III Michael Hall Michael Harris Sean Higgins Colette & E. Jason Hirstius John Hughes, Jr. Raquel & Jacob Janoe Liyun Li & Terrence Jenkins Catherine & Joseph Kimbrell Ana & Shawn Konrad Charles Kuebel Scott Lagarde Jennifer & Daniel Lichtl Clayton Mazoue FY 2014 Taylor McCaffery T. Hunter McGregor Loren & Michael Monahan David Moragas Amanda & Stephen Morgan, Jr. Candace & Todd Naccari Elise & Robert Occhipinti Genie & Brian Ogden Lisa & Brady Perniciaro Heather & Michael Pou Julius Prager IV Julie & Charles Prechter III Aimee & Thomas Redmann Susan & Adam Rogge Jeffrey Rouse Lynell & Kyle Ruckert Christopher Sandoz Brooks Saucier Claudia & Arthur Schott III Laura & John Smestad, Jr. Shannon & Geoffrey Smith Jennifer & Earl Stolz III David Stringer Lynda & Ryan Thibodaux Sherri & Scott Thompson Guillaume Tourniaire Celesta & Daniel Tracy, Jr. Lisa & Sean Uiterwyk Patricia & John Unsworth III Jessica & Roland Waguespack III Christina & Peter Weilbaecher, Jr. Anthony Williams 1993 Monica & Beau Bagley Christina & David Barberot Carla & William Brundige III Cherie & Brett Cascio Michelle & Jason Comboy Ann-Mercedes & Patrick Dooley Andrew Duffy Kerri & Andrew Duggan David Endom Helen & Brian Fish Gerald Gerdes, Jr. Sharon & Grant Gillen Jennifer & Sean Grilletta Charlotte & Michael Hanemann, Jr. Thomas Harold Jessica & Christopher Hartwell Molly & Cory Howat Alicia & David Joint Angel & R. William Junius III Bonnie & Boyd Kitchen Amanda & Philip Kogos Leah & Aaron LaGraize Heather & Ryan Leach John Lyons III Elizabeth & Mark Mansfield Andrea & Howard Marcotte III David Melancon Morgan & Donald Meyn, Jr. Shelley & Sean Mount Kathryn & William Newman Amy & Christopher Piacun Edina & Manelik Pou Adele & Graham Ralston TOP 10 CLASSES BY P E RC E N T D O N AT I N G Grad Donors Living Grads Percent Donation YearAlumni Donating Amounts 2014210 260260 81% $4,598 1956 71 107 152 66% $36,338 1951 62 108 168 57% $28,193 1949 25 45 95 56% $9,067 1959 71 130 171 55% $52,755 1952 52 98 159 53% $22,210 1957 61 117 152 52% $22,825 1953 52 104 168 50% $24,650 1963 92 185 210 50% $104,484 1945 22 45139 49% $8,359 Anne & Timothy Reed Nicole & John Regan III David Rojas Staci & Richard Roniger II Megan & Scott Salathe Becky & Brian Saunders Carl Servat III Cynthia & Ryan Smith Meredith & Michael Stackpole Stacey & John Steen, Jr. Brandi & Tyrone Talamo Aurea & Timothy Thomas Kelly & Trace Timken Gregory Toscano Michael Toups Sean Tynan Monique & Eric Vocke Amy & Christopher Voigt Alison & Sean Weiss Ezekiel Wetzel Tiffany & Edward Wicker, Jr. Michael Winters, Jr. Melissa & Thomas Yu Ariane & Charles Zewe III 1994 Jessica & Joseph Barnett Dana & René Baumer Kerrie & Bradley Belsome Jonathan Blankenship Noreen & Travis Bonifacic Hiroyo & Brad Bordes Michael Brandner, Jr. Zia & David Brown Amy & Kelly Burke Jen & Brian Capitelli G. Leighton Ciravolo Clare & Donald Dawson Hattie & Timothy Dietz G. Paul Dorsey III Jessica & Richard Edrington, Jr. Sabine & Steven Ellis Celeste & Curtis Eustis Ami & Jason Falterman Jill & Todd Galloway Stephanie & Cy Gannuch Robin & V. Jacob Garbin Peter Harris Kathryn & Edward Herty IV Eric Hunn Rhonda & Regan Leopold Gina & James Martin, Jr. Dominic Massa Charlotte & John Alden Meade Claire & Ryan Medo Erin & David Milling, Jr. Jamie & Eric Moore Benjamin Moscona Melissa & Robert Ory, Jr. Patrick Passantino John Perez, Jr. Aimee & Michael Plauche Rachel & Robert Quintana Joseph Raborn Anand Rohatgi Amanda & Clinton Romig III Jaclyn & Joseph Ruli Roy Salvagio Kelly & Alexander Schott Erin & Timothy Shay Ruthie & George Simno IV Amy & George Sins III Sean Spratt Brian Spreen Kevin Stolzenthaler Angelle & Stephen Stuart Leah & Jonathan Therio Michele & Scott Vanderbrook Chad Vinturella Sonya & Regan Wall Michael Yenni 1995 Angela & Ryan Adams ALUMNI GIVING Erick Aertker Kelly & Benjamin Ballay Aleshia & Eric Bonilla B. Paul Boudreaux III Dina & Ryan Brach S. Jacob & Erin Braud Carrey & Ronald Britsch, Jr. Kristin & Jeremy Broussard Jaime & Matthew Brown Kurt Buchert F. Turner Buford III Guy Bumpas IV Emily & Daniel Burke Erin & Jason Cerise Edward Commagere Amy & Stan Cowley III Stacey & Richard Crisler John Culver, Jr. Kelly & Glenn Dedeaux III Courtney & Daniel Dodson Kevin Donelon Jason Dufrechou Dottie & Michael Ellis Jean-Paul Escudier Cynthia & Brett Estrade Ryan Eustis Ryan Fitzmorris Jennifer & George Fowler IV Geoffrey Gillen Meredith & Todd Golemi Michael Goodier Petra & Henry Guste Stephen Hanemann Jesse Haworth Cristyn & Keith Hemel Stephanie & R. Scott Hogan Brandie & Mark Holmes Jennifer & Mark Hughes Anthony LaNasa, Jr. Courtney & Brian Marcotte Lance McCardle Kevin McGlone Dana & Donald Mouledoux II Nicole & Theodore Nass III C. Taylor Nobles Cortland Ralston Jonathan Russell Alan Stevens James Waldron Samuel Wheeler Michael Williams Scott Wiltz 1996 Ryoko & Andrew Abate Jennifer Vides & Paul Aragon Peter Blamphin James Bohm III Nicholas Brandner Kate & Cary Craig, Jr. Rachel & Adam Demahy Shannon & Ryan Derbes Farere Dyer Emily & Scott Francingues Thomas Freel Ellie & Bernard Fromherz Stacey & Daniel Gibbons Laurie & Jason Hernandez Hudson Higgins Raymond Hoffman III Jennifer & Jonathan Jones Liming Kwan Jennifer & Christopher LaCoste Katherine & Loren LeBlanc Brandon Lee Danielle & Walter Leger III Thomas Maginnis Lisa & Peter Mansfield Mireille & Michael Marino Scott Martina James McGregor Charles Milling Richard Moss Marie-Elysse & Michael Paulhus Chalyn Perez P. Ryan Plummer Kristin & Justin Renaudin III Gregory Rouchell Zachary Rouse Alaina & Paul Saltaformaggio Adrienne & Mark Salvaggio Matthew Schrenk Stuart Schultz III Jennifer & Steven Serio Jennifer & Kyle Solak Claudia & Raul Sonza Tom Stanley Andrew Swartz Theresa & Ryan Truxillo Quinn Shelton Vorhaben Megan & Matthew Welch Jennifer Genuardi & Gregory Wilde, Jr. 1997 Shaun Albert Christopher Argote James Baldwin III Robert Baxter Creed Brierre Mark Browning Angie & Jared Brupbacher Christopher Buckley Jeremy Burke Alexander Connolly Scott Delacroix, Jr. Meredith & Daniel Duke Marcia & Paul Edmonds Leeann & Chad Evans Stacie & Jeffrey Falati Melissa & J. Alex Fein Lindsey & Joseph Fein IV Rachel & T. Christopher Forstall, Jr. Fred Goodrow Laura & Kerth Gravener Alison & Grant Gremillion Michael Griffith Benjamin Guider III Henry Hawney Elizabeth & Glenn Hayes Jamie & Ryan Hughes Jason Jeandron Cooper Jumonville Sarah & Nathan Junius Cindy & Jason Kerth Virginia & Mark LaCour Anthony Lama III Eugene Landry Blakely & Max Lee Hector Linares III Carmen & Robert Linn Thomas Lynn Anthony Marinello III Jason McGinn Daniel Mullen III Kori & Kevin Murray II Kimberly & Ryan Neal Jeanne & John Nicholson IV Caroline & Stephen Parrish Lynne & Stephen Pesce Nicolle & Christopher Psilos Brian Rando Jennifer & Trent Roddy Benjamin Rose Megan & Lance Sannino Melanie & Christopher Spring Cullen Stackpole Cherie & Chad Stouder Jennifer & Warren Surcouf III Christopher Tilton Jennifer & Brian Usner Michael Viellion Leslie & Christian Weiler William Wynne Shelly & Harris Zeringue 1998 Christopher Adams Ashley Weiss-Aertker & Scott Aertker Christopher Ancira Brittany & Stephen Babin, Jr. Paul Bacino Gottfried Balfantz IV Victoria & Walter Baudier III Kelly & Jonathan Bernard Kevin Bode Brittany & Kevin Bordelon Phillip Bosch Bridget & Brian Branch Sarah & Brandon Briscoe David Broyles Vernon Carriere, Jr. Ashley & Ross Cascio Jonathan Cerise Alysha & A. John Colfry III Alicia & Robert Craft Aron Culotta Ayame & Carling Dinkler IV Paul Dufour James Faust Stacie & Corey Fitzpatrick Geoffrey Folse Christine & Jody Fortunato Jill & Benjamin Frischhertz Kaley & Ryan Garin Mitchell Gibbs Emily & Gavin Gillen Rebecca & Jeffrey Green Stephanie & Garrett Gremillion Lauren & Edwin Grundy III Shaun Gueringer Allison & William Guste IV Kelly & Byron Herpich Brant Hocke Warren Huber III Jeffrey Kerth Jeffrey Klibert Charles Laborde III Atticus LeBlanc Lauren & Michael Litchfield Joel Lomasney Keith Luminais, Jr. Hortencia & Thomas Macaluso Andrew Markway Kendall & James Mayo Anne & Ryan Meade Justin Meunier Jessica & Ryan Morehead Jennifer & Gregory Mouras Kristin & Taylor Norton Francisco Ochoa James Oertling Nathan Ohlsson Beth & Christopher Orgeron Steven Palmieri Katie & Matthew Perez Carter & William Perrilliat III Michelle & Jeffrey Peuler Nicholas Rauber Stanton Ripp Hollie & Stephen Ritter, Jr. Mary & Richard Roth III Marla & Bradley Scott Mariah & Evan Shultz William Slaughter IV Kennedy & Mary Smith Meghan & Peter Spera III Corlee & Erik Stopa Vicki & Brett Summerville Jennifer & Paul Trepagnier Jennifer & Joshua Vallelungo Jessica & John Van Vrancken James Whitney, Jr. Mark Wilde Alia & Robert Wynne Allison & Dustin Yates 1999 Todd Adams James Baker Michael Balch, Jr. Brett Bares Katherine & G. Wogan Bernard Kyle Berner Bryan Bertucci, Jr. Boris Bosch Casey & Kyle Brechtel Joan & Patrick Browne III Ryan Chin Corey Cloninger Christine & Edward Cole Erin & Ryan Comeaux Brittany & James Courtenay Denise & Kevin Crais Genevieve & Michael D’Aquila Lacey & John Discon III Jill & Jerome Freel Eugenie & Kurt Fromherz 23 24 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | David Geerken Kelly & Brett Grau James Griffin Olivia & William Guider Tara & Charles Guilbault Elizabeth & Henry Hefler, Jr. Jonathan Hobbs Tammi & Matthew Hotard Corey Jambon Jeffrey James Casey Jaynes Kristin & Keith Jenkins Miles Jenkins, Jr. Stephen Johnson Heather & Carroll Landry III Thomas Malbrough Trey Malbrough Sean Malek Kathryn & Ryan Malone Rachel & Christopher Marino, Jr. Gabriel Markel Andrew Marshall III Catherine & Ryan Martiny Matthew Miller Joseph Moerschbaecher IV Brian Mora John Moran Thomas Mulé Sean Murray Daniel Ory Cristin & Jeffrey Paddock Michael Pappas Peter Perez, Jr. Edward Persand Emile Pilié Douglas Plaeger Leah & Joseph Rausch René & Daniel Redmann Jeffrey Reuther Christopher Rholdon Patrick Rigamer Bridget & Ryan Robicheaux Alison & Ryan Rodriguez John Saunders III Lyle Schilling Beth & Aubrey Spreen Barrett Stephens Laura & Christopher Sullivan Kara & Kevin Truxillo Matthew Waldron Lisa & Adam Werling 2000 Christopher Amador Brandi & Bart Bacigalupi Merrie Carol & Adam Barnes Mikel Bonano, Jr. Christina & Gary Bordelon II Katie & Colin Cambre Peter Catsulis Amanda & Michael Cousin Bradley Drouant Jason Dussel Shelley & Brian Early Sarah & Robert Edgecombe III Erica & Philip Ehrhardt, Jr. Mary & David Fein FY 2014 Emily & Raymond Forrester III Adrianne & Ryan Frischhertz Katy & Robert Gaffney, Jr. Jennifer & Glenn Gardner Valerie & David Gernhauser, Jr. Jennifer & George Gilly, Jr. Courtney & John Guste Emily & Christopher Hannan Eugene Harris III Lauren & Jonathan Hernandez Christian Higgins Sara & Julian Hillery III Michelle & Jordan Huck Timothy Kingston Ryan Klotzbach René Louapre IV Brendt & Scott Madden Jason Marcell Joseph Matranga IV Mandi & Brandon Mohr Kerry & Kevin Murphy Ashley & Troy Norton Charles Nunez, Jr. Joseph Palermo Matthew Psilos Alexander Rainold III Chrissy & Daniel Riehm III Michael Rodriguez Darrell Roy, Jr. David Saltaformaggio Melvin Schneider III Monique & Jeffrey Serpas Gregory Steen, Jr. Amie & Carson Strickland Colin Van Hook Thaddeus Vesely Grant Widmer 2001 Jason Baer Adam Bandera Katie & Leon Cannizzaro III Ashley & Colin Casey Ryan Casteix Darren Chevis Bernard De Santis III Katherine & John DeGenova Christopher Dendy Michael Fischer Nicholas Fraiche Nicole & Casey Genovese Craig Geraci, Jr. Jennifer & Matthew Greco Jenny & Gavin Guillot Richard Guttenberg Katie & Scott Harlan Keith Huber Andrea & John Imms Richard Joint Iain Kennedy Abigail & Robert Thomas Lupo Matthew Mims Erin & Taylor Mouledoux Bronwyn & Richard Romano, Jr. Christina & Kyle Sannino Richard Serio, Jr. Clinton Smith William Storm Anne & Douglas Swift, Jr. Katie Brillhart & Todd Taranto Adam Vesely Conrad Williams IV Albert Winters Douglass Wynne, Jr. Jay Zainey, Jr. 2002 William Alpaugh, Jr. Rebecca & George Bartlett II Andee & Christopher Bowes Matthew Brown Mary Anne & Ryan Bush Julien Chouest II Marshall Delesdernier Kevin Duffy Elizabeth & Jeffrey Fick Scuddy Fontenelle IV Casey Forshag Michael Foss Ashley & John Fury III Ryan Gaudet Ryan Griffin Dana & Timothy Guidry Patrick Hewlett Raymond Jeandron III Kevin Kavanaugh Anastasios Kydoniefs Nicole & Neil Marinello Adamantios Mellis Kenneth Miller Lauren & Derek Morel Merriweather & Michael Mulé Sarah & Millard Mulé André Neal Rajan Pandit Aaron Pattee Charles Perez Henry Peterson Megan & Steven Pinto Michael Ricci Justin Ritter Jonathan Schultis Margaret & Brett Steele Nathan Stibrich Rolando Tapia Lindsey & Joseph Vaccaro Ray Verges Matthew Watson Gordon Wogan 2003 Michael Alfortish Jennifer & José Aponte III Christopher Bennett David Bernard John Betza Ian Blanchard Courtney & Gary Boe, Jr. Christopher Breaux Brian Brignac Andrew Chaplain Dario Ciulla David Colomb James Crouch Andrew Cvitanovic Bradley Driscoll Justin Farge Ryan Favret Jordan Ferrage Travis Garrison Megan & Jace Gohres Grayson Gremillion Andrew Gulotta John Haas David Hanemann Charles Haydel, Jr. Jacques Hebert Ryan Higgins Kenneth Kleinschmidt Sean Kruse Daniel Lagarde Ryan Elizabeth & Allan LeBlanc Stephen Lee Kevin Marshall G. Mark McGregor, Jr. Erin & Peter Mistretta Barry Muldrey, Jr. Melody & Jesse Noel Ernest Norman IV Brett Pellerin, Jr. Jean Paul Perrilliat Dustin Poche John Poole, Jr. Joseph Procido III Carl Reboul Brandon Sanchez Joshua Sanderson Marshall Saunders Reginald Smith III Sean Somers Patrick Staiano Katie & James Sticker III Lee Thomas Rolla Tichenor V Melvin Triay IV Paul Villere William Walker III Jonathan Weber Walter Wiltz IV 2004 Eli Abad Ryan Adams John David Bagert Kenneth Belou, Jr. Matthew Bowman Jeffrey Briscoe Elizabeth & Christopher Capretto Spiro Catsulis Stephen Combes Edward Conrad Christine Marie & Tucker Couvillon IV Adrian & Joshua Cusimano Sarah & Mark Duggan Regan & Peter Dupuy, Jr. Thomas Eason Luke Falgoust Donald Faust, Jr. Ryan Finney Merrill Fischer II Derek Fossier ALUMNI GIVING Ryan Fraught Patrick Gallagher Adam Ganucheau Sean Gaudet Joelle & Ian Graham Michael Haas Kacie & Brian Hoerner Bryan Hritz Richard Jones Samuel LaBruyere Jenny & Dustin Lagos Ryan Lane Edward Levert III Brett Long Michael McDaniel Alyse & Pierre Mouledoux Tory & Marc Robért III Alexander Roy Graham Ryan Christian Dupré L. Reiss Eagan Alan Elmer, Jr. Alexander Farge Hersh Fernandes Matthew Flynn Keith Gaffney Kaitlin & Nicholas Gambino Johnny Giavotella, Jr. Christian Grundy Colin Guarisco Todd Hack John Haley, Jr. Charles Harmon Ashley & Brandon Hartmann Bryan Hayes Michael Heier William Hibert Adam Perricone Ernesto Posadas John Potts III James Raley Hauser Reboul Andrew Rodriguez Elizabeth & Kyle Sanderson Paul Saputo, Jr. Michael Schafer Nicholas Simoneaux Thomas Slattery Leland Smith Gregory Stokes Evan Stoudt Jeffrey Sullivan David Swetland Sarah & Joseph Testa III Reece Thomas Jay Trusheim, Jr. George Cvitanovic Scott Delatte Karl Feigley Jeffrey Ganucheau Andrew Graziano Christopher Green Rozalyn & Maxwell Gruenig Bradley Gruezke Evan Harrington Frederick Holley IV Bradley Kellett Nathan Levenson Jennifer & James Linn IV Kenneth Lota Lester Madere III Richard Maia Jonathan Mann Jordan Milazzo Michael Modica 2007 Brian Adorno, Jr. Victoria & Michael Bagot III Christopher Baldwin James Barrios David Bray Christopher Cabos Benjamin Capella Thomas Combes Ken Ehrhardt, Jr. Alexandré Faust Dwight Galiano, Jr. Ian Gunn Gerald Hebert Christopher Johnson Mark Johnson Emily & Robert Landreaux Jamal Lawson Maggie & Spencer LeBlanc Some of the volunteers on the final night of LEF included, from left, Andy Hamilton ’07, Woody Walk ’69, John Faciane ’07, Gerry Gillen ’78, David Raphael ’86, Ed Mazoue ’62, Rene Alvarez ’83, and Lionel Carey ’58. Eugene Settoon Kyle Shelly Christopher Toth Benjamin Triche James Villarrubia Tara & Andrew Waldron Christopher Zetzmann 2005 Grant Adolph John Becknell III Sarah & Jeremy Call Robert Casey II Jeremy Chenier Jerad Comarda Kevin Cowley Benjamin Cozad Daniel Currault Ryan Daspit Laurie & Craig Daste, Jr. Douglas deVerges Joel Hron II Christopher Johnson Stephen Krobert Michael Krouse Kyle Kruse Cody Kucera Jarred Lang John Leonard, Jr. Jessica & Mark Madden Thomas Maestri Ryan McCall Daniel McCullough Emily & Brett McMann Andrew Messina II Michelle Mullin & Michael Mims Amanda & John Murray Kyle Murray Thomas Nuttli, Jr. Ryan O’Malley James Truxillo Michael Tufton Ramon Vargas Bryan Whalen Alexander Wheatley Joseph Wilson Robert Wood 2006 Neal Ajubita Ryan Amedee Jeffrey Bandera Saxon Becnel III Michael Bossetta, Jr. Philip Boyd Dustin Broussard Alexander Buras Stephen Carriere Cameron Chamberlain Casey Chimento James Cronvich Benjamin Oertling Victor Perez Bonnie & John Pivach Joseph Prechter Christian Rabito Clayton Richardson Kevin Rizzo Jonathan Rowan Victoria & Vincent Scelfo Tyler Schaefer Robert Schindler Stephen Sewell Adam Tosh Jaron Villafana John Viviano Gerald Vocke, Jr. Daniel Walk Leo Webb, Jr. Cullen Wheatley Kyle Lutkewitte Justin Martineau Sean McAllister Casey McMann Jeffrey Merritt David Myers Mark Ponseti Paul Prados Jack Quinn LaDawn & Gregory Rehm Martin Roth Philip Sampognaro Andrew Schwehm Megan & Brian Seay Christopher Sellers John Stagni Patrick Stoudt William Stoudt C. Richard Talley Charles Toth 25 26 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Wade Trosclair Christopher Vitenas Patrick Vocke Elliott Waits Kevin White Eric Whittaker Andrew Worrel 2008 Jacob Altmyer Matthew Artigues Blake Banner Christopher Barberito Michael Bordes, Jr. Grant Eustis Thomas Faucheaux IV Keller Fisher Spencer Fossier Jeffrey Gelpi Evans Hadden, Jr. Sebastian Holley Preston Hymel Mathew Irimpen Nicholas James David Jensen John Kippers John Laborde III Joseph LaCour Adam Laurie Michael Levert Benjamin Malbrough Ian Miller Jacob Miranda Stephen Montelepre Levere Montgomery IV Nicholas Moore Matthew Movahed René Pastorek Andrew Prat Craig Raymond Boe Reboul Etienne René Zachary Saucier Mark Schellhaas Chad Schmaltz Edward Seyler Michael Shalaby Alexander Starlight Andrew Sullivan Jordan Teachworth Brandon Walker Thomas Wicker IV Graham Williams William Wright IV 2009 Stephen Andrieu Chad Antonatos Taylor Bacques Dylan Becnel Zachary Bienvenu Patrick Bollman Baptiste Brunner IV Nicholas Caluda Shane Delery Anthony Engolia IV Alexander Failla Leon Flettrich IV Ryan Flynn Jonathan Hartmann Taylor Hillburn Bruce Hoefer III Paul Hubbell IV Kyle Huber Jesse Jarrett Collin Jones Michael Kelly, Jr. Jacques Landrieu Matthew Landrieu Anthony Lopez Harold Plauché John Poche Stephen James Pottharst Myles Prados Alexandré Raymond Christopher Reuter Mark Reuther Jordan Rittiner Alexander Roeling Scott Rooney Ryan Rouhana John Rourke Michael Ruello Edward Sampognaro Eric Schmidt, Jr. Matthew Sewell Michael Simmons Evan Thomas Charles Tiblier II Christopher Trahant Ryan Veters Christopher Willem Kory Zimmermann 2010 Connor Chamberlain Ross Lafont James Murray 2011 Reed Dufour 2012 Taylor Billings Philip Murray Alexander Sherry 2013 Jacob Campos Cody Castle Philip Flettrich IV William North Andrew Pettus Gordon Schmidt William Wall 2014 Daniel Abadie, Jr. Jorgé Abadin Zachary Adams Matthew Alikhani Arman Alizadeh Mark Alvarez Adam Aucoin Austin Aucoin Corey Avrard, Jr. FY 2014 Christopher Babin Blake Baker Joshua Baldassaro Peter Belleau Christopher Bellone, Jr. Matthew Bennett Collin Bergeron Ryan Bergeron Brendan Besh Colton Blagrove Jonathan Blanchard Matthew Blasini Stephen Blum Adam Boe Daniel Boudreau Mitchell Bourgeois Alexander Boustany Matthew Brandt Nathan Braquet Alexander Brewster Christian Bruno Colin Burgess Grady Burnett Brian Burvant Ian Calamari John Caliva Ryan Cambias August Cannon Tyler Cao Harrison Cates Nicholas Charles Keith Collins, Jr. Clayton Colombo Riley Conroy Weldon Cousins Jason Crumb, Jr. Tristan Culotta Phillip d’Aquin Justin Daigle Nicholas David Zachary DeChristopher Evan DeHoog Chase DeMonte Clayton Deron Brett Dipuma Sean Dobies Patrick Doell Will Dufour Christopher Dupré Michael Dwyer Jake Eccles Chase Eckholdt Ryan Ellinghausen Dominic Engolia Joseph Eustis Charles Everhardt IV Gaston Eymard Charles Farley Taylor Ferris Liam Fitzgerald Evan Fitzpatrick Patrick France Dominick Frank Michael Frank Glenn Fraychineaud Jorgé Galdamez Austin Galy II Grant Garrison Connor Gillen Fernando Gonzales Charles Graham Kyle Gresham Joshua Griener-Hickey Connor Gruntz John Guerra Luke Hahn Charles Hamilton Michael Hanley, Jr. Kory Hannan Eric Hartupee Joseph Hauth William Healy, Jr. Caldwell Hebert Joseph Hebert IV Ivan Hidrovo Reuben Hogan Kyle Holzman Allan Hornbrook Tristan Humphrey Glynn Hyer, Jr. William Johnson Zachary Jones III Damian Junius Devin Keister Evan Kramer John Kurtz Jonathan Kwon Jordan Lacoste John Landry Austin Lanier Jacob Larriviere Christian Latino Matthew Lauto Stephen Lazar Taylor Lee Philip Legrand Cooper Lemoine Alex Letulle James Licciardi IV Brock Lingle Nicholas Maggio Patrick Mansour Quentin Marks Andrew Martin Cameron Martinez Christopher Maurice Joseph McAloon Michael McCombs Ryan McKeough Ryan McMahon William McQueen Jack Meehan Roy Messina Robert Michalik Kevin Mickan James Mickler Pierre Miller III Spencer Miller Christopher Mire Rahul Mirpuri John Mitton Michael Murray Riccardo Muzzetto William Myers Matthew Neagle Benjamin Nettleton Jeremy Nguyen Grant Nichols Thomas Nimmo Christopher Padilla Ross Palmer Patrick Parent Hayden Pels André Perez-Chaumont Max Perret Gavin Pertuit Peyton Pertuit Matthew Pettus Whitcomb Porter Hunter Protti Leron Prout Ashton Queyrouze Preston Raffray Douglas Regan Carson Rigol Luke Robbins Willard Robertson, Jr. Blake Robért Alex Rooney Collin Roy Patrick Ryan Alexander Scalco Brandon Sequeira Brian Sevin, Jr. Stephen Sigle Colby Simoneaux Spencer Smith Brett Spansel Herbert Spurlock III Luke St. Germain David Stahl, Jr. Jacob Stansberry Baron Steckler Patrick Steen Sean Stephens John Stieffel Quinn Stiller Christopher Sylvain, Jr. James Szeszycki, Jr. Nicholas Tadros Christopher Taliancich William Tebbe William Thompson Nicola Tomba Christopher Totaro David Treen III Andrew Tufts John Tufts Mark Veals, Jr. Adam Waguespack Cullen Walsh Corey Webb James Whitlow III Richard Williams, Jr. Christopher Wilson Evan Wolff Garrett Wolff Nicholas Wolff Kevin Yokum Sang Yun Nathan Zimmer PARENTS’ GIVING G I V I N G B Y PA R E N T S Parents and alumni-parents of current students who donated to Jesuit are listed alphabetically in this section. The list includes those parents who contributed to the PAG drive and other funds, such as the small chapel renovation project, HFA, or any endowed scholarships. Jesuit thanks Mark Cousins ’74 and his team of tri-chairs and captains for their leadership of the PAG campaign. Christine & Donald Abadie ’81 Stephanie & Scott Abadie Judy & José Abadin, Jr. Sheryl & Randall Abrams Rima & Isam AbuMousa Melissa & Stanley Adamcewicz Angela Adams Desiree & Philip Adams, Jr. ’91 Melissa & Richard Adams, Jr. Laura & Ricardo Aguilar Farrukh & Masood Ahmed Maria Tejeda & José Aleman, Sr. Jovi & Otis Alexander III ’83 Susan & Kazem Alikhani Sue & Hamid Alizadeh April & Melvin Allen II Erin & Craig Alphonso Debra & Laurence Alterman Jane & René Alvarez ’83 Angela & Vincent Amedee Cynthia & William Anderson Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous John Appel, Jr. ’86 Maria & John Argote Mary & Cory Armand Rhonda & Richard Armond, Jr. Eileen Hofrichter & Frank Arnemann, Jr. Candice Arnett Dean Arnett Gina & Edward Arnold III Jennifer & William Arnold Celeste & Matthew Arseneaux Addie & Eric Arvidson Cora & Bruce Ashley II ’68 Lauri & Kenneth Aucoin Lori & Wayne Babin, Jr. Jennifer & Joseph Babineaux II Anne Bagert Glen Bagert Tiffany & Joseph Baggott Sheri & Terrance Baker June & Peter Baldassaro III Sina & William Baldwin Jennifer & Robert Balser Joli & Marshall Baquet Jacqueline & Michael Barberito Eileen & David Baril ’71 Diana & Steven Barkate Jeanne & Michael Barras Maria & Donald Barrett, Jr. Anne & Mark Barrett Valerie & Chris Barrilleaux Angel & Darren Barrois, Sr. Bruce Barron Belinda Batiste Allison & Timothy Baudier ’80 Melinda & John Baudouin ’88 Deborah & William Baudouin, Sr. Dee & Michael Bauer Molly & Kristen Baumer ’90 Peggy & Jeffery Baxter Cornelia & Christopher Bechtel Lisa & Gerard Beck ’80 Tara & Paul Beckmann Anne & Mark Beebe, Sr. Erin & Scott Beech Elaine & Michael Begg Margaret Bell Summer Bell Doris & Pedro Belleau Francine Belleville Jill & Christopher Bellone, Sr. Nicole & Frank Ben III Dana & Elias Bendeck Tiffani & André Benjamin, Sr. Dana & David Bennett Rita Bennett Patricia Benoit Christi Bergeron Elaine & Robert Bergeron Ana & C. Byron Berry, Jr. ’84 Laurie & Joseph Berzas Jenifer & John Besh Carol & Richard Besselman, Sr. Sherri Beyer Carol & P. Albert Bienvenu IV ’88 Anne & Andrew Black, Jr. Colleen Haughton-Blagrove & Aaron Blagrove Vanessa & Timothy Blanchard Laurie & David Blasini ’81 Elizabeth & David Blosser Claudia & William Blount, Sr. Patricia & Brian Blum Denise Puente & Herbert Blum Donna & Russel Bodin Jeanne & Kenneth Boe, Jr. ’84 Sammie & Van Bohn, Sr. Mary Bonadona Nicole & William Bonck Bridget & Walter Bond ’85 Eileen & Roy Bongiovanni Christine & Jason Bonnet Charleen & Eric Boos, Sr. ’84 Cheryl & Dennis Booth ’87 Ellen & Charles Bopp, Jr. JoAnn & Karl Bosch Mary & Lawrence Boudreau Christine & Armand Bourdais Diane & Michael Bourgeois Michelle & James Boustany Stephanie & William† Boyd Karen & John Bradford, Jr. Pamela Fasick & Gary Braedt Melissa & Thomas Brahney ’90 Kim & Kenneth Brandt Debbie & Gregory Braquet Gretchen & Ralph Breaux ’86 April & Dean Bretz Jamee & Arthur Brewster ’80 Kate & John Brignac Maureen & Craig Brim Cristen & Paul Briuglio Caroline & Michael Brocato Stacey & Jerry Brodnax Rochelle & Jeffery Brothers, Sr. Patricia & Thomas Brou Norma & Troy Broussard, Sr. Sherri & Thomas Brown Stephen Bruno, Sr. ’75 Jaime & Kenneth Buck Young & Gregory Buisson Maureen & Malvern Burnett Julia Burns Ann & Andrew Burnside, Sr. Jeanne & John Burvant ’80 Tanya & James Busenlener ’86 Lisa & Brian Butler Daphne Main & Grant Butterbaugh Nicole & Kirk Buuck Sandra & Elwood Cahill, Jr. ’73 Sheila & Manuel Calamari, Jr. ’82 Alison & Carl Calamia Gloria & Raymond Caldarera Julie & Patrick Calhoun Judy & Kevin Caliva ’71 Kathlynn & Marion Caluda, Jr. ’79 Selah & Robert Cambias V Bridget & Ronald Cambias, Jr. ’81 Brett Camet ’85 Nicole & Tony Campiso, Jr. Otto Candies III Kelly & Sidney Candies Jill & Max Cannon III Trang Tran & Calvyn Cao Leila & Carlos Carino Shannon & Francis Carmello Barbara & Maurice Carr Sandy & Randy Carter, Sr. Kay & Troy Carter III Lauren & David Cashio Debra Casimire Leslie & Steven Cassanova ’84 Anne & Alvin Castay, Jr. Kevin Cates PAG LEADERSHIP TEAM Chairman Mark Cousins ’74 Past Chairman Brian North ’83 Seniors Ken Boe ’84 Mike Bourgeois Andy Galy ’84 Juniors Skip Crabtree Gerald Duhon ’85 Eric Simonson ’82 Sophomores Eric Derbes ’83 Geary Mason ’79 Philip Nimmo Freshmen Rocky Daigle ’85 Bryon Hatrel ’84 Kelly Parenton ’90 Pre-Freshmen René Alvarez ’83 Rick Kuebel ’82 Tom Leonhard ’85 Lisa Cates Tiffany & Pedro Cazabon Julie & Shannon Ceasar ’91 Fayne St. John & Russell Cecola Jennifer & David Cedro Ann & Joseph Celano Janis van Meerveld & Charles Cerise, Jr. Staci & Stephen Champlin Barbie & Jack† Chaney Denise & Kyle Chapman Kecia Charles Hienrietta Chau Charlotte & Sanjiv Chauhan Erin & Robert Chautin Leslie & George Chimento Rupa & Mahesh Chimmanamada Gaye & Kai Chin Ghada & Ali Chokr Noel & R. Paul Christmann, Jr. Alice & Anthony Cibilich W. Scarth Clark Jennifer & Keith Collins Michelle & Nicholas Colombo, Jr. Karla & Jaime Colon Melissa & Glenn Comeaux Lisa & Robert Comeaux, Jr. ’85 27 28 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Jennifer & Erich Conrad Marianne Maumus & Kevin Conrad ’81 Virginia & Edward Conroy Laurie & Randy Cookmeyer Lynn & Richard Corvers Mark Costanzo Ginja & W. Mark Cousins ’74 Christina & Darryl Couvillion, Jr. Regina & Ralph Cox III Brenda & Skip Crabtree Linda & Brian Credo Elizabeth & Terry Creel Maureen & John Cremaldi Pamela & Guy Cresson Sarah & Paul† Cressy ’87 Joy & Paul Cronvich Tiffany & Philip Crowson Kerri & Jason Crumb, Sr. ’87 Maria & Thomas Crumley Caroline & Francisco Cruz Danielle & Ray Culotta, Jr. Sherri & José Cuscó III Leanne & Tommy Cvitanovich Josie & Charles Cyr M. Christine & Michael D’Antonio ’81 Ingrid & Joseph d’Aquin III Frank D’Arcangelo Rosemary & John Daboval ’76 Barbara & Barry Daigle Shannon & Raymond Daigle, Jr. ’85 Mary-Dana & Andrew Dandry Patricia & Craig Daste Anne & Brian David Sharon & Bruce Davis ’80 Maria & Buonarotti de Gracia ’91 Christina & Phillip de Gruy Cheryl & Dennis DeBautte Lucinda & Drake DeGrange ’67 Shellie & David DeHoog ’83 Tanya & Mark Delaune Suzanne & Robert Delsa Rebecca & Scott DeMonte Ashley Dempsey Linda & Manuel DePascual Melissa & Kevin DeRamus Therese & Albert Derbes IV ’82 Rebecca & Eric Derbes ’83 Gina & Isidro DeRojas Michele & Jody Detillier Chantal & Douglas Dillon, Sr. Cinda & Keith DiMaggio ’90 Jill & Damon DiMarco Cynthia & Lucas† Dipuma, Jr. Patricia & Richard Dobies Louise Doell Frances & Mark Doherty Iris Martinez & Lazaro Dominguez Janel & Ralph Dominici III Cristina & Martin Donovan III Kristine & Troy Donovan Jennifer & Andrew Doran Jenny & Warren Doskey Ann & Adam Dowling Stacy & Lloyd Drury III ’89 Jo Anne & Mark Dubos FY 2014 The Cresson Family — Guy, Guy ’17, Elise, and Pam — attended PAG Sunday in September 2013. Brenda & Carl Ducote Rosina & Toby Ducote Jennifer & Frank Dudenhefer III ’88 April & Mace Duersel Laura & Darren Duffy Georgann & Darren Dufour Stacy & Kevin Dufour Melissa & Gerald Duhon, Jr. ’85 Patricia Pannell & John Dunlap Jessica & Daren Dupepe ’88 Lydia & Gary Duplantier Shirley & Arthur Dupré, Jr. ’76 Charlotte Dupuy & Michele Galatoire Laura & Brian Duthu Lauren & Keith Eccles Rhonda & Gregory Eckholdt ’79 Ann & Michael Ecuyer Rebecca & Daniel Edmund Sara & George Edwards DeAnn & Michael Edwards Wendy & William Edwards Terry & Thomas Eggleston Anne & Jason Ehrhardt Michele & Peter Eichhorn Virginia & Donald Ellis, Jr. ’88 Mary & P. Michael Elvir, Jr. ’82 Anthony Engolia III ’78 Faye Engolia Doni & Stephen Enright, Jr. ’86 Kelly Meilleur & J. Philip Epling III Christine & Bruce Erhardt Gina & Alfonso Esparza ’80 Jani & Pedro Espinoza ’89 H. Sprague Eustis, Jr. Patricia & Charles Everhardt III Paige & Brian Farley Catherine Cooper & Victor Farrugia Lori & Michael Fasone Lorraine & William Faust IV Anne Favret Wendi & Samuel Ferris Christine & Theron Ferry Mary Beth & Paul Fine Stacy Siegendorf & Thomas Finicle, Jr. ’84 Lisa & Robert Fisher, Jr. Mary Baudouin & Thomas Fitzgerald Jodi & Timothy Fitzpatrick ’82 Erin & John Fleming, Sr. Trudy & Louis Flores III Thomas Flower Cathy & John Flynn Lynn & Michael Flynn Lillian & Kelly Fogarty Oksana & Graham Fogg Ava Fontenot Mellissa & Philip Forcier ’82 Rhonda & Daniel Foret Mary & Brett Forshag ’84 Jane & Richard Fortier Lisa & Jeffrey Fox Patricia France Gina & Donald Frank Donna & Richard Frank Amy Theberge & Fred Frazier Ann Freibert Melanie & Ralph Freibert III Jennifer & Scott French Michele & Patrick Fresneda Jan & Robert Friend Lori & Kevin Frischhertz ’90 Margaret & Frank Fugetta ’82 Carol Coutant & Timothy Fulham Rae Gab, Jr. Mildred & David Gaines ’83 Jodie & Richard Gallagher, Jr. ’86 Elizabeth & Andrew Galy ’84 Dana & Alan Ganucheau ’81 Tracie & James Garner Lisa & Lyon Garrison ’81 Laurie & Robert Garvey, Jr. Laurie & Allen Gaudet III Jeanne & David Gauthreaux Julie & Paul Gelpi, Jr. Victoria & Michael Genova Donielle & Matthew Gerarve Michelle & Robert Gerdes, Jr. Fatme & Jawad Gharib Charles Giardina Jennifer & Scott Gibson ’90 Maile & Jeffrey Gieseler ’79 Kelly & Gary Giewat Sheri Gilbert Jennifer & Gene Gillen ’91 Sharon & Grant Gillen ’93 Deborah & Gregory Gillen ’79 Mary & Joseph Glass Lacey & Monty Glorioso Shanthi & Chandra Gogineni Sharon & Jay Gogreve ’81 Natalie & J. Pablo Gomez Mercedes Gondolfo Elizabeth & Anthony Goodgion Jodie & Robert Gordon Cynthia & Michael Graham ’77 Gilda & Jason Grana, Sr. Angelle & Shane Granier Lynette & Salvatore Greco André & Thomas Grieshaber Danny Griffin PARENTS’ GIVING P A G R E S U LT S O V E R L A S T THREE YEARS FY 2014 Amount Donated $1,102,073 Parents Donating Average Gift FY 2013 FY 2012 $1,012,922 $1,029,018 937903928 $1,176$1,122$1,109 Catherine & Alfred Groos Nancy & Randy Gros Grace & Eliot Guerin Christine Guernsey Alison & Ramiro Guerra Angelé & Borjius Guient, Sr. Lori Lorentz & Timothy Guillory Michelle & Jeffrey Guillot Gail & Edward Gunnels Julie & Daniel Haag Tracy & Scott Hahn Nadia & Robert Haik Susan & Charles Hamilton III ’81 Kathleen & William Hamilton ’86 Elizabeth & Robert Hamlin, Jr. Maria & Michael Hanley Debra & Robert Hannan Lisa & Terry Hannan Holly & Ernest Hansen III Dianne & Michael Happel ’85 Heather Harllee Deirdre & Ronald Harper, Sr. Tina & James Harris Kathleen & David Hart Carol & Brian Hartupee Bonnie & Bryon Hatrel ’84 Stephanie & James Haupt Joseph Hauth Elizabeth & Thomas Hauth Stacey & Richard Hayden Nicole & Nicholas Hazard ’84 Carol & James Headrick Heather Healy Patricia & Gary Hebert Melanie & Joseph Hebert III Stephanie & Carl Hellmers III ’87 Cheri & Brent Hemelt Linda & Eddie Henry III Rachel & Jason Hery Lorraine & Robert Hess III ’85 Susan & Cornelius Heusel, Jr. Kathleen Griener & Michael Hickey Julee & Emanuel Hidalgo, Jr. Deborah Hill Jeannie & Julian Hillery, Jr. ’76 Lisa & Pierre Hingle Amy & John Hite III ’79 Beth & Bernard Hocke Lisa & Karl Hoefer, Sr. ’76 Marie & Kavin Hogan Jill & Gary Hollander, Jr. Cynthia & Matthew Holmer Melissa & John Holmes ’89 Wendy & Robert Holzman Janice & Roch Hontas Lorell & Allan Hornbrook, Jr. Colleen & Brian Hornung Laura & Jacques Hourguettes Kathleen & Daniel Housey ’75 Leanne & Evan Howell III ’80 Bing Li & Zhuo Huang Hilary & Lloyd Huck ’87 Judith & Stephen Hudak Anna & Dieter Hugel, Sr. Gina & Tracy Huguet Toni & Grady Hurley Cassandra & Glynn Hyer Phyllis & Gerald Hymel, Jr. Michelle & Brian Illg ’85 Jeanne & John Illg, Jr. ’84 Jeanne & Paul Ineich Jennifer & Scott Ingram Donna & David Jackson Stacey & Reginald Jackson Selbra Jackson Fred Jacobs, Jr. Erin & Mark Jacobs Alison & Mark James, Sr. Judith & Carlos Jaubert Roger Javier Helen & Richard Jenkins Lorraine & R. Stewart Johnson Corinne & Todd Johnson Bridget & Michael Jones Jennifer & Zachary Jones, Jr. Lisa & Roger Jordan, Jr. Beth & Richard Juge Cletus Junius ’81 Gina & Christopher Kaupp Amy & Mark Keeler Traci & Thomas Kehoe, Jr. Gina & David Keller, Sr. ’83 Sandra & McNeil Kemmerly Jane Kenny Carey & Richard Kernion, Jr. ’85 Joan Kieff Amy & William King ’85 Rebecca & William Kitchens Shawn & Eric Kitziger ’79 Shannon & Byron Kives Denise & William Klein Suzanne & Neal Kling Wendy & Vinson Knight Alison & Andrew Knoll Barbara & Jonathan Koenig ’88 Elizabeth & Douglas Kohnke Carol & Richard Koster Sandra & Kenneth Krizan, Jr. Kelly & Albert Kropog, Jr. Lisa & Omer Kuebel III ’82 Camilla & Michael Kulivan, Jr. Margaret & Timothy Kurtz Laurel & Jerry Labit Vicky & Craig Laborde Stephanie & James Laborde ’84 Dania & Steven Lacoste Beth & Todd Lacoste Yvette & Gregory LaCour ’88 Ingrid Laffont Bridget & Carl LaForge Celeste & John LaForge, Sr. Elizabeth & Mark LaForge Emily & Timothy Lafranca ’84 Jonnie & Joseph LaHatte, Jr. Rhonda & Edwin Laizer Harriet & Gregory Landrieu Keri & Maurice Landrieu, Jr. ’84 Cheryl & Mitchell Landrieu ’78 Barbara & B. Scott Landry Stephanie & Blake Landry ’85 Melanie & Gregory Langteau Linda & David Lanson Diana & F. Henri Lapeyre, Jr. ’59 Eunice & Allan Larcena Alison & Gerald Larriviere Amy & René Larriviere Beate & Clifford Larsen ’76 Raye & Mark Latham ’80 Lisa & Joseph Latino Shelly & Clinton Lauman, Jr. Paula & Carl Lauto Nancy & David Lavie ’84 Krystil & Joseph Lawton III ’72 Linda & Stephen Lazar Susan & Chuong Le Daniel Leary, Jr. Sherie & John LeBlanc Heidi & Richard LeBlanc, Jr. ’87 Salva & Lloyd Ledet, Jr. Maria Cangemi & Stephen Ledet Susan & Andrew Lee Hae-Kyung & Ho-Hoon Lee Kimberly & Phillip Lee Kelly & Ernest Legier, Jr. Andrea & Georges Legrand Michele & Pierre Legrand Madeleine & Robert Leithman M. Lauren Lemmon Colleen & Gary Lemoine Jan & Alan Leonhard, Jr. ’85 Lauren & Marcel Leveque, Jr. ’82 Vicki & James Licciardi III Marci & J. Alois Lichtl ’89 Kristen & B. David Lingle Dawn & Cory Lobell Mary Beth & Jerry Lobrano ’86 Allison & R. Lane Lofton Rhonda & Rodney Lopez Colleen & Paul Loria Melissa & Lawrence Lorio ’86 Ylon & Paul Lorio, Jr. ’78 Jenny & Giovanni Lorusso ’82 Michelle & Nicholas Lorusso ’85 Dottie & Ricky Loupe Sherry & Peter Lozowski Jennifer & Troy Lucia Peggy & Michael Lulich ’76 Sheldon Lykes Eva & Kevin Lynch Anna & Michael Maggio Maria & David Maginnis Ashley & Dennis Maguire Michelle & Kevin Maher Lisa & Mark Maher Charel & Christopher Maheu Kathy & David Maheu Julie & Stephen Maheu Alisha & Jason Mahfouz Shirley & Bobby Ray Malbrough Kenny Malter Gina Manguno-Mire Patricia & Charles Mansour Misti & David Maraldo ’87 Sudha & Manish Mardia Maria & Kevin Marks Kyle Marks Herbert Martello, Jr. Holly & Chris Martin Jeannine & David Martin, Jr. ’83 Lisette Martin (Logan ’84) Melissa & Thomas Martin Lisa & Gerald Martinez, Jr. ’87 Judy & René Martinez Amy & John Marzullo, Sr. Michelle & Chuck Mascaro, Sr. Tracy & Thomas Mason ’84 Mary & William Mason ’79 Jeanne & Oscar Maumus ’83 Kelly & Darren Maurice Cheryle & Edwin Mazoue, Jr. ’62 Elizabeth & Leo McAloon III Lawrence McAlpine III Laurie & David McCann ’75 Kimberly & Brian McClure ’91 Lydia & Michael McCombs Monique & Bruce McConduit Gina & Troy McConnell Jacqueline & Samuel McCord Jennifer & Denman McGinnis Katina McGinnis Lisa & Darren McGowan Jenny & Patrick McGuinness Rebecca & Gregory McKeough Amy & John McMahon ’87 Amy & Michael McMahon ’85 Blanche & Hilton McManus Theresa & John McNulty Tammy & Lawrence Melito, Jr. Mary & Michael Melito Maria & Gerardo Menendez Annette & Philip Meric ’80 Stefanie & Scott Meric ’88 Leslie & W. Gregory Merritt ’80 Annette & Paul Messina Maria & Greg Meyer Joan & John Meyer ’83 Tina & Joseph Miceli III C. Lawren & James Michalik Pamela & Robert Michiels Patricia & Schaffer Mickal 29 30 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Jan & Carlos Mickan Suzanne & Richard Mickler Susan & John Mieras Beverly & Anthony Militello Karen & David Millar Tracy & Brady Miller Cathy & David Miller ’80 Wendy & Dennis Miller ’81 Jean & James Miller Pierre Miller II ’79 Joyce Minnard Phala & Darren Mire ’86 Margaret & Joseph Mire Lisa & Lubin Mire, Jr. ’73 Monica & Jeffrey Mitchell Carol & John Mitton Robin & Vlaho Mjehovich Christine & W. Michael Molaison Mary Kay & Timothy Molbert Jennifer & Juan Molina Yvette Monju Wanda & Ronald Montalbano ’83 Cindy & David Moolekamp Leslie & Jonah Moore Tracy & Lance Moran ’88 Cynthia Moreau Lyle Moreau Amy & Matthew Morel Margaret & John Moulis Joel & Kenneth Murray Laura & Kenneth Murray Danette & J. Bradley Murret ’86 Farah & Pervez Mussarat Mona & John Musser V Stephanie & David Myers ’87 Oussama Nachar L. Elizabeth & Steven Nance FY 2014 Shannon & Michael Nash Raymond Nash Julie & Gabriel Navar Kim & René Navarre Corinne & Leslie Nettleton Michelle & August Neyrey III Lizabeth Hatch & Kevin Neyrey Julie & James Nguyen Nhung Phan & Kiet Nguyen Nhan Nguyen Bachyen & Vinh Nguyen Erin & Albert Nicaud Karen & Kerry Nichols Dian & Mark Niehaus Rita & Chris North Terri & Michael North ’82 Nancy & Ronald North Mary & Thomas Nuttli, Sr. ’77 Ileana & William Oberhelman III ’86 Genie & Brian Ogden ’92 Wendy Ohle Marcia & Victor Oliva ’82 Theresa & Carlos Orellana Dori & Joseph Orr III ’89 Kim & Robert Oswald Michelle & Richard Oubre, Jr. Kecia & Salvatore Ovella III Maura & Theodore Owers III Tammy & Alfredo Padilla Terri & Robert Pajares, Jr. ’83 Madeleine & Gregory Palmer Kristin Palmer Greer & Keith Palmisano Joni & Clarence† Parent III Juanita & Kelly Parenton ’90 Tracy & Brian Passantino ’87 Marie & Guy Patron Julie & René Paysse, Jr. ’79 Dana & Angelo Pecoraro, Jr. Margaret & Michael Pelitere Kimberly & Robert Pels Jeanne & Anthony Peres Janet Perez & Michael Perez Gina & Edmond Perret, Jr. Jessica Borne & Robert Perret ’71 Guy Perrier April & John Pertuit Karla & Wayne Pertuit Erin & David Pesquié Yvette & Steven Pettus Claire & J. Scott Petty Carol & C. Michael Pfister, Jr. ’76 Elizabeth & Michael Pham Thuy Nguyen & Tue Pham Mary Phillips Michael Phillips Ruth & Rory Picou Susan & Brian Piglia Gwendolyn & Chad Pitre Pamela & Mark Pivach ’78 Dorothy & Keith Plaisance, Jr. Denise & Kevin Plessala Cassandra & Chad Poche ’88 Michele & David Poche John Pontin Louise Porter Yvonne Pottharst Mary Ellen & Michael Pou ’79 Jodi & Brett Power ’90 Susan & Daniel Prados ’80 Cynthia & Leo Prange III ’85 Jean & John Prejean Sara & Dale Price Wendy & G. Richard Puente Ruthie & John Quaglino Anne & Steven Queyrouze ’80 Erika & Ryan Quinlan ’91 Jennifer & Kenneth Rabalais, Jr. Mary Frances & Felix Rabito ’80 Janine & David Raffray Amanda & Steven Rando Maxine & Ronald Rappold Bentley & Steve Rauch Johanna & Robert Raymond ’73 Beverly & Douglas Redfearn Mary Lou & David Redmann, Jr. ’87 Jeannie & Richard Redmann, Jr. ’85 Veronica Reed Jacqueline Meriwether & Bernard Rees Lesley & Kenneth Retif ’76 Vonda & Charles Rice, Jr. Delery Rice Edward Rice III ’84 Debra & Jon Richards Rosalie & Rory Richoux Lori & Robert Riddick Karla & Jason Rigol ’85 Deborah Rivas Patricia & Jeffery Robbins Christine Robert Michele Robert Jeanne & Vincent Rodriguez, Jr. Perry & Paul Rogers Maryann & H. Patrick Rooney ’81 Melissa & J. Michael Rooney, Jr. ’84 Maureen & Timothy Rooney ’80 Kristin & René Rosenson Lisa & Anthony Rosevally Susan & Walter Ross, Jr. W H Y W E G I V E ... Although not a graduate of Jesuit High School myself, I often encounter Blue Jay alumni who are successful, fiercely loyal, and always willing to help others unconditionally. When our son William was born, Paulette and I had hopes that he would become a Blue Jay and be exposed to all that the Jesuit community has to offer. After Katrina, like so many other New Orleanians, we were forced to relocate. Our family resided in Fort Worth, Texas for seven years, but decided to return home — just so William could attend Jesuit. We support the school’s Parents’ Annual Giving drive so William and others can benefit from a quality Jesuit education. We look forward to our son’s graduation with the Class of 2017. —PAULETTE & WILL WILSON Will Wilson is an investigator with the Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office. Paulette Wilson is a revenue cycle representative with the Ochsner Health System. The Wilsons make their home in Marrero. PARENTS’ GIVING Erin & Bryan Roussel Christine & Richard Rovira Frances & Alan Row Suzanne & Gregg Roy Laurie & Darren Rozas Naomi & Philip Ruegge Angela & Jon Ruello, Sr. ’77 Jacqueline & D. Patrick Ruiz, Sr. Rebecca & Christian Ruppert IV Cathy & Greg Ruppert Miko & Thomas Rushing Donna & Stephen Russo ’84 Lori & Kent Ryan Gretchen & Beau Sagona Susan & John Salomone, Jr. Kathleen & John Charles Sandoz Linda & Edward Santos ’81 Brandi & Henry Sauviac Mary & Richard Scalco Andree & Rodney Schaubhut, Sr. Jacqueline & William Scheffler IV ’88 Carol & David Schmidt Shannon & F. Evans Schmidt ’84 Angelle & Steven Schmitt Carmen & Luis Schneider Dana & Douglas Schof Rachael & Eric Schorr Stacey & Paul Schott ’82 Lisa & Gary Schwabe, Jr. ’82 Jennifer & Frank Sclafani, Jr. Tiffany & James Scott III ’86 Cheryl & David Scripter Susan & Kent Selle John Sellers III Tammy & Daniel Senentz ’83 Karen & Jason Sentilles Michelle & Leonardo Seoane Suzanne & Michael Sepcich, Sr. Ann & Jay Sequeira Kelly & James Serio Rosalia & Wallace Serpas III Elaine & Barry Sevin, Jr. ’84 Gayle & S. Scott Sewell Cynthia Lee-Sheng & Stewart† Sheng Patricia & Gregory Sibley Diane & Robert Sigle Rhonda & Christopher Simmons Marjorie & Eugene Simon, Jr. ’80 Elizabeth & Slade Simons Judy & Eric Simonson ’82 Debbie & Cole Sisung Dina & Christopher Skinner Robert Skinner ’85 Beth & Richard Slattery ’83 Donna & Shannon Slay Mei Yen & Darrel Smith Kathryn Howard-Smith & Kevin Smith Bina & Ishvar Sojitra Joy & Mark Spansel ’73 Julie & Kevin Spencer Stacey & Steven Spiers Ragini & Dasarathy Srinivas Jeanne & Andrew St. Germain Marzel & Ursin Stafford Denise & Joseph Stagni, Sr. Kim & Gregory Stahel Mary & David Stahl Donna Borrello & Thomas Stallings Ann & Lawrence Stansberry III Maria & James Stapp Amy & Richard Stedman II Bonnie & Kory Steen Tish & Raymond Steib, Jr. Mary Anne & Bryan Stephens Tangie & Robert Stephens, Sr. Henry Steudlein III ’88 Raylyn & John Stevens Diana & Rodney Stieffel, Sr. Dana & Jay Stiller Lourdes & James Stoddard Jill & James Stoner, Jr. Colleen & Drew Story Therese & James Stuckey Geralyn & John Suhor Jenny & Erik Sundell Victoria & Sal Sunseri Melissa & Frank Swarr Aisha & Akber Syed Katherine & James Szeszycki, Sr. M. Gabriela Tabora Kumute & Surasak Tabthong Katherine & Daniel Tadros Peggy & James Talbot Erin & Thomas Talbot Allison & Joseph Taliancich Burnett Tappel Khalann & Gene Tarzetti ’79 Karen Taylor Denise & James Tebbe, Jr. ’76 Ann & Mitchell Theriot Arleen & Terry† Thibodeaux Allison Thomas Ann & Brian Thomas ’87 Celeste & Elliott Thompson Jeanne & Lance Tingler Paul Tobin Karen & Thomas Tobin Jackie & John Tonglet Patrice & Lawrence Torres, Jr. Ramona & Orman Torres Monica & Michael Torry PAG GIVING BY CLASS Class of Donors Amount Donated 2014Seniors 193 2015 Juniors 186 209,045 2016Sophomores 184 204,480 2017Freshmen 189 196,880 2018Pre-freshmen 185 250,585 Totals 937 Mary Ann & Peter Torsch Deborah & John Tosh ’76 Amy & Richard Trahant ’85 Kristina Nguyen & Tommy Tran Michelle & David Treen, Jr. Julie & W. Travis Tresca Ashley & Gregory Tripoli Leslie & Michael Tucker Marie & Frederick Tufts ’82 Patricia & John Unsworth III ’92 Kathryn & Jay Valentino ’89 Kathleen & Maurice Valerio Kristine & Richard Vanderbrook, Jr. ’87 Gigi & Richard Vanlangendonck Beth & Eric Vargas ’81 Maria & Paul Vasquez Gina & Juan Vazquez Deborah & Stephen Vegh III Deborah & Timothy Verlander Vandana & Rajesh Verma Marian Vigo Angelle Vinet Stephanie & Paul Vlosich Shelly & John Vollenweider Teresa & Ha Vu Hanh & Phan Vuong Nicole & David Waguespack Alexis & Gregory Waguespack Pamela & Paul Waguespack Michelle & Scott Walker Thea & Ralph Wall Stacey & Michael Walsh ’82 Celia & Charles Ward, Jr. Mary Anne & Brian Warwick Chenae & Christopher Watermeier ’89 David Webb $241,083 $1,102,073 Hope Webb Dominic Weilbaecher Maureen Weilbaecher Martha & Robert Weiss III ’87 Barbara & Garald Weller ’85 Jennifer & Edward Welsch IV ’85 Kelly & Jeffrey Wenzel Christine & Eric Westenberger ’84 Eileen & Hugh Westholz Stephanie & Thad Westholz ’85 Susan & Michael Whelan Tina & Gerald White Michelle & William White Lana & James Whitlow, Jr. ’83 Nancy & Michael Whitsell Claude Wilkerson Christine & Michael Williams, Jr. Kim & Richard Williams, Sr. Paulette & William Wilson III Leslie & Robert Wingerter Susan & David Wolf Debbie & Bryan Wolff ’82 Elizabeth & David Wolff Janice & Keith Wolff Theresa & Scott Wolff Jennifer & John Womble Nicole & Keith Wood, Jr. Karen Woods Susan & Brian Yokum John Young, Jr. Barbara & Mark Young Helen & Timothy Young Sloan & Kevin Zaeringer Becky & Kamran Zaheri Sandy & Aaron Zeringue ’87 Jessie & Eddie Zeringue Elizabeth & Carlos Zervigon Brandt Zimmer 31 32 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | FY 2014 G I V I N G B Y PA R E N T S O F A LU M N I Parents of alumni (POA) constitute a growing donor group at Jesuit. For simplicity, this donor group is designated with an “O” in this report. Current parents who are not alumni transition into the parents of alumni group after their sons graduate. Many parents of alumni maintain their connection to Jesuit long after their sons officially become alumni. Parents of alumni enjoy participating in Blue Jay events throughout the year. As a group in FY 2014, 259 POA contributed $300,999 to Jesuit. The amount donated by POA doubled from the previous year, mainly due to participation in the renovation of the Holy Name of Jesus Chapel (the small chapel). Parents of alumni also donated to Scholarships and the Home Field Advantage campaign for John Ryan Stadium. Jesuit holds an annual POA drive similar to the campaigns for alumni (LEF) and parents of current students (PAG). David Abramson Louise & Herman Abry Judy & W. Ryan Acomb Cindy & Daniel Adams, Jr. Susan & Richard Adams Cynthia & Leonard Alsfeld Caron & J. Wayne Anderson Alison & John Ariail Tootie & Kevin Avin Bettye & Michael Bagot, Jr. Elizabeth Balch Claire & Charles Ballay Kathleen & Paul Barletta Alice & Walter Baudier, Jr. J. Paul Baxter Gloria Beach William Beatrous Sandra & Leonard Benedetto, Jr. Carolyn & George Bent Janice Billings Linda & Jack Biven Donna & Roy Block Kim & Gregory Booth Leonard Bossier, Jr. Mary Ann & Alvin Boudreaux Bonnie & Clay Boyd Sheryl Brown C. Emile Bruneau, Jr. Samantha & Henry Burkhardt Carolyn & James Butler Katherine & James Caire Marianne & Lance Call Diana & Faris Canahuati Bonnie & Glenn Cannon Carol Caplan Marilyn Carriere (Blaise ’56) Lucille & Michael Castine, Jr. Marion Chamberlain Deidre & Lucien Charlot, Jr. Bonnie & John Chavanne Sherri Christiana Beatriz & Robert Chuinard Gloria & R. Preston Cifreo Letty Jane Clark (William ’57) Julie & Todd Cobena Lisa & Neal Comarda Lynne & John Combe, Jr. Ann & James Commagere, Jr. Joel Conrad Claire & Russell Cresson Jackie & Jack Crouch Klara & Drago Cvitanovich Quintella and Charles Cola and Bettie and Sidney Kernion attended the Evening of Lenten Reflection held in April exclusively for parents of alumni. Wendy & Joseph Dalovisio Ida Danjean Bonnie & Valeton Dansereau Heather Davis Heidi & Nestor Deasis Karen & Peter DeBlieux Patrice & Stephen Delatte Marie Derbes (Charles ’37) Janis & Paul deVerges Elise & Raymond Diament Flo & James Donovan Jeanne & John Driscoll Patricia & George Duffy Sally Duplantier (Adrian ’45) Jeannine & Timothy Dwyer Marion & Lloyd Eagan, Jr. Mavis & Mike Early Elizabeth & Ken Ehrhardt, Sr. Linda & Philip Ehrhardt, Sr. Sandra & Stephen Ellender, Jr. Susan & Kurt Feigley Mary Fein (Jerome ’69) Genie & Harold Flanagan Debra & Philip Flettrich III Joyce Fontenelle (Scuddy ’47) Joan & J. Charles Freel, Jr. Karen & Robert Fritz Suzanne & Fabian Fromherz Laurie Fuge Jackie & Henry Fuxan Betsie Gambel Jane Gambel Valerie & Vatroslav Garbin Ann Gaudet Marian & Lawrence Gibbs Patricia Gillen (Gerard ’54) Sue & George Gilly Mary & John Gohres, Jr. Margaret Gonzalez Dianne & Fred Goodrow Jan Gravolet Debbie & Larry Griffin Maribeth & Cyril Guerrera Joan & Mark Guidry Karen & Gary Gulotta Jeanne Turner & Philip Gunn Erin & Evans Hadden Doris & Stanley Hall Cynthia & David Harlan Carol & Leroy Harper Beth & Clinton Hathaway Mildred Hawkshead (John ’35) Lisa & Harry Hawney Ann & Steven Heier Gertrude Helwick Suzette & Rudolph Herpich Kathryn & Jeffrey Higgs Mary Hillery Mathilde & Bruce Hoefer, Sr. Patricia & James Hotard, Sr. Patricia & Joel Hron Mary & James Huck Louise & Ernest Huete Donna & John Hummel Linda & Luis Ingles, Jr. Maya & Anand Irimpen Pepper & Rader Jackson Lynn & Timothy Jacquet Lisa & Michael James Deborah & William Jeffrion Joan Johnson Lisa & George Jourdan Kathleen & Michael Juhas, Sr. Stephanie & J. Robert Jumonville, Sr. Patricia & John Kelly, Jr. Bettie & Sidney Kernion Margaret Kessels Betty & Robert Killeen PARENTS OF ALUMNI GIVING Denise & Daniel Kingston Barbara & Ronald Knill Pam & Paul Koenig Nancy Konrad Nancy & Bernard Kruse III Alden Laborde† Lourdes & Gerry Lackar, Jr. Sandy & Owen LaCour, Jr. Kay & Joseph Landry Ann & Robert Lane Lesley & James Lapeze Rosalind & Leo Leach, Jr. Patricia & Byron LeBlanc Claudette & Joseph Lee, Jr. Chan & Woon Lee Deborah & Joseph Lobrano, Jr. Marilyn & Robert Lobrano Ray Lousteau Irene & Thomas Lutkewitte Paula & Thomas Lynn Helen & Charles Malachias Brenda & Anthony Marinello, Jr. Lynda & Charles Marshall Kathleen & Byron Martin III Joann & Harold Matherne, Jr. Susan & Roger May, Sr. Marty & Q.H. McDaniel III Indie & Donald McKay, Jr. Selby & David Melius Barbara Meric Ann Metzinger Beatrice Monju (Joseph ’36) Linda & Michael Moran Sharon & Thomas Moran, Sr. Margaret Mary & Salvadore Mulé Kay & Anthony Mumphrey, Jr. Kathleen & Timothy Murphy Eileen Murray Mary & Barry Naquin Mathilde & A. James Nelson III Nicholas Nelson Rhodie & Charles Newman Oanh & Hon Nguyen Millie & Robert O’Brien Gretchen & Owen Olano, Jr. Nancy & Glenn Orgeron Sherry & A.J. Palermo, Jr. Lydia Pelias Ann† & Frank Peragine Myriam Perez Lisa & D. Brent Petagna John Petagna Margaret Peters (Gerald ’62) Barbara & Hansell Plauche, Jr. Maureen & Leon Poche, Jr. Julie & Edward Poitevent II Carol Porter (Ronald ’45) Kristie & W. Eric Powers Lea & Kevin Quigley Linda Rabalais (James ’60) Cheryl Radosta Mona & Christopher Ragusa Linda & Rudolph Ramelli Gayle & Bernard Regel Steven Reisig Terry & Leon Reymond, Jr. John Ricciardi, Jr. Tricia & Don Richard, Sr. Sylvia & Thomas Riley Darlene & Marc Robért II Laura & Wayne Robertson Mari & Raoul Rodriguez Michele & James Rooney Lisa & Brian Rourke Jeanne & Peter Rowan Mary Evelyn & Gerard Ruch Lucille & Charles Ruffino, Jr. Karen & Mahlon Sanford Joan Saucier Carolyn & John Saunders, Jr. Donie & Frank Schmidt Theodore Schmidt Angela & Stanford Schneider Georgette & Dominick Sciortino, Jr. Toni & John Serpas III Margaret & John Shields Lauren & Michael Slawson Evelyn & William Smith IV Sandy & Vantromp Staub Norma & Robert Sternhell Connie & James Sticker, Jr. Carroll Suggs Janet & William Swartz Karen & Douglas Swift, Sr. Sara Swigart Sharon & Patrick Talley, Jr. Joseph Taranto Cathey Theriot Sheila & Ignatius Thomas Vicky & Mack Thomas Suzanne & Robert Thomas Debra & Scott Thompson, Sr. Wanda & Charles Tiblier Susan & Christopher Todd Kimberly & Gerard Toups Mary & B. Benson Tucker Linda & Peter Tufton Terri & Robert Vanderbrook Pat & Raymond Ventura, Sr. Sharon & Thomas Villarrubia, Sr. Janice & Michael Vitenas Linda & Terence Walsh Phyllis & Leo Webb, Sr. Jacqueline & Gerald Webre Carol & Brian Wedig Shirley Wegmann (Edward ’34) Lolita Wegmann (William ’40) Kathryn & David Weidner Merlyn Weilbaecher (Daniel ’39) Carole Ann & Francis Weller Lynne & William Western, Jr. Cornelia Whitlow Elizabeth Winston Elizabeth & Gordon Wogan Cindy & Robert Wooderson William Wynne Marlene & Harry Zengel, Jr. Merrill & Hampden Zeringue, Jr. W H Y W E G I V E ... Our son, Michael McDaniel, is a 2004 graduate of Jesuit High School. During his years there, he received an excellent education which prepared him well for a successful career in the engineering field. The math and science departments at Jesuit were outstanding, and in many courses, the teachers used college-level textbooks. We were pleasantly surprised to discover this when we visited several college bookstores during Michael’s senior year. Schools such as Jesuit — with stellar teachers and a challenging curriculum — are hard to find. We feel blessed that our son had the privilege of receiving a superior education at Jesuit. By financially supporting Jesuit, we hope to make it possible for other boys to receive the quality education that Michael experienced at Carrollton and Banks. —MART Y & “BUD” McDANIEL Q.H. “Bud” McDaniel is a self-employed connections consultant; Marty is a retired school counselor. After graduating from Jesuit, Michael attended Ole Miss and received a bachelor’s of science degree. He is an electrical engineer with Audubon Companies. The McDaniel’s youngest son Kevin is a student at St. Michael Special School in New Orleans. The McDaniel family lives in Belle Chasse. 33 H O M E F I E L D A DVA N TA G E The donors, listed in alphabetical order, contributed to the capital campaign in FY 2014 that allowed Jesuit to build John Ryan Stadium, the school’s first multi-sport athletic facility located within minutes of the school’s Mid-City campus. Marie & Brian Adorno ’77 Anonymous Margaret & Wilbur Babin, Jr. ’74 Margaret Ann & John Bannon, Jr. ’73 Shari & E. Gregg Barrios ’80 Alice & Walter Baudier, Jr. Dianne & David Bergeron ’80 Laurie & James Berrigan, Jr. ’79 Jeanne & Terry Billings ’74 Marc Bonifacic ’92 Joseph Bucher Butera Investments, Inc. Mary Jane & Timothy Cambias ’61 Cherie & Brett Cascio ’93 Ashley & Ross Cascio ’98 Salvadore Christiana ’52 Letty Jane Clark (William ’57) Alika & Michael Cognevich ’68 Adrian Colon, Jr. ’83 Lisa & Neal Comarda Deborah & Michael Coogan ’65 Patricia & Ralph Cox, Jr. ’64 Anne & Guy Curry ’79 Dale & Keith Desonier ’67 Kim & Daniel DeVun, Jr. ’77 Jennifer & David Ducote ’86 Diane & Wayne Ducote ’63 Beth & Frank Dudenhefer, Jr. ’63 Linda & Ralph Dwyer III ’73 Rebecca & Daniel Edmund Susan & Robert Endom ’85 Anthony Engolia III ’78 Jean-Paul Escudier ’95 Fran† & John Faherty ’53 Debbie & Wallace Farge III ’67 Denise & V. William Farrington, Jr. ’71 Mary & Brett Forshag ’84 Lisa & Kurt Forshag ’70 Jamie & Darryl Foster ’69 Annette & Wayne Francingues ’66 William Gaudet ’75 Marian & Lawrence Gibbs Keith Grady ’76 Eugenie & Kyle Graffagnini ’91 Dana & Timothy Guidry ’02 Elizabeth & Glenn Hayes ’97 Jeannie & Julian Hillery, Jr. ’76 Mary Hillery Iberia Bank Julie & Juan Ibieta III ’88 Cynthia & Patrick Kehoe, Jr. ’77 Kathleen & Albert Keller ’55 Shelby & J. Scott Key ’70 Connie & Thomas Kitchen ’65 Julie & Paul Kitziger ’88 Amanda & Philip Kogos ’93 Amy Fay & Michael Kopfler ’85 Virginia & Mark LaCour ’97 Stacey & Owen LaCour III ’86 Landry & Swarr, LLC Marie & Fernand Laudumiey IV ’88 Bonnie & Carl Lavie ’76 Kristi & Ryan LeBlanc ’91 Mayra & Andrew Lukinovich III ’76 Bebe & Howard Maestri ’64 Suzanne & Michael McGlone ’68 Adrienne & John McNamara II ’83 Selby & David Melius Rebecca & Stephen Metzinger ’78 Wendy & Dennis Miller ’81 Tracy & Lance Moran ’88 Gwen & Harry Morel, Jr. ’61 Shelley & Sean Mount ’93 Kerry & Kevin Murphy ’00 Christopher Nalty ’80 Jo Anne & Paul Nick ’60 Cindy & Michael Nolan ’63 Sueann & Brian North ’83 Carolyn & Seamus O’Donnell ’89 James Oertling ’98 Karen & Lawrence Oertling ’70 Denise & Dennis Papadopoulos ’76 Eulalie & Harold Petit, Jr. ’75 Mary Lynn & George Pivach II ’73 The Stanley W. Ray, Jr. Trust Lesley & Kenneth Retif ’76 Michael Riley ’77 Darlene & Marc Robért II Lori & Michael Rodrigue ’71 Meryl & J. Michael Rooney ’59 Leslie & Stephen Roppolo ’83 Darrell Roy, Jr. ’00 Janet & John Ryan III ’70 Peggy & James Ryder, Jr. ’62 Carolyn & David Schof, Jr. ’56 Jennifer & Steven Serio ’96 Carl Servat III ’93 Lisa & Brian Shearman ’80 Amy & George Sins III ’94 Joy & Mark Spansel ’73 Kathleen & William Steen ’68 Cherie & Chad Stouder ’97 Elizabeth & Eric Tanzberger ’87 Rachel Moore & Michael Thomas ’85 Summer Black & Najeeb Thomas ’90 Kristine & Richard Vanderbrook, Jr. ’87 Hilary & Paul Varisco, Jr. ’89 Julie & Vinnie Varisco ’91 Susan & David Vignes ’76 Jessica & Roland Waguespack III ’92 Whitney National Bank Mary & J. Fred Woessner, Jr. ’59 Debbie & Bryan Wolff ’82 Lisa & Michael Zainey ’74 Ariane & Charles Zewe III ’93 Sandra & Karl Zimmermann ’78 SCHOL ARSHIPS 35 SCHOLARSHIPS New full and partial scholarships in FY 2014 are in bold at the top of their lists. All fully endowed scholarships at Jesuit High School are listed. Existing partial scholarships are listed if they are active and have reached 25% of their fully endowed amount. The amount of a fully endowed scholarship is $75,000. The annual income from this scholarship funds the average financial aid grant. Last year, Jesuit introduced a new vehicle to grow its endowment — the Full Education Fund (FEF) — at $250,000. The annual income from an FEF equals the amount of a full cost tuition (tuition and gap — the difference between tuition and the actual cost of educating a Blue Jay). In FY 2014, The Wally Pontiff, Jr. Foundation generously provided Jesuit with the school’s first FEF: The Wally Pontiff, Jr. ’99 & Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 Full Education Fund. To learn more about establishing scholarships at Jesuit, contact Tom Bagwill, at (504) 483-3841, or email: [email protected]. B E N E FA C TO R S W.C. Abernathy, Jr. Rebecca & Nick Accardo, Jr. ’72 Henry Ackels Greta & Robert Acomb, Jr. ’47 Judy & W. Ryan Acomb Cindy & Daniel Adams, Jr. Laura & Ricardo Aguilar Joseph Albaral M. Nan Alessandra Alice Ama, LLC Wilbert Amerland Jeffrey Amy Judy & Allain Andry III Irita & Joseph Angelico ’63 Katherine & Robert Angelico ’76 Kathy & Joseph Anzelmo ’63 Susan & Albert Aparicio, Jr. Jennifer Vides & Paul Aragon ’96 Stacey & Jesse Arceneaux ’85 Artigues Construction Co., Inc. Sidney Artigues, Jr. Lisa & Robert Ayerst The Azby Fund Ronald Babin ’68 Annette Badeaux Suzanne & Ted Baer Bettye & Michael Bagot, Jr. Ann Bailey Gary Baker Baker Donelson, PC Joan Baldo Balfour Company Faye & Marshall Ballard Reb Banas Sara & Richard Baringer ’59 Kathleen & Paul Barletta Joy & Joseph Barreca ’43 Yuko & Joseph Basset, Jr. ’79 Victoria & Walter Baudier III ’98 Alice Wong & Ryan Baum John Baxter Ryan Beasley William Beatrous Mary Jane & John Becker ’57 Ann Bennett Virginia & Byron† Bennett Virginia Bernard (Joseph ’38) Kay & James Berrigan ’52 Walter Birdsall, Jr. Anne & Andrew Black, Jr. Edwin Blair Linda & William Blake III ’63 Jane & William Blessey ’52 Maxine Blum† Elizabeth Boh Katherine & Robert Boh ’47 Donald Bohn ’42 Brittany & Kevin Bordelon ’98 Helen Borrello Linda & Robert Bounds Kay & Theodore Bourgeois ’63 Stephanie & William† Boyd Charlotte Bracey Madine Brake Penny & Jorge Bravo ’63 Nancy & Peter Briant Sarah & Brandon Briscoe ’98 Fran & William Brown IV ’71 C. Emile Bruneau, Jr. Jeffrey Bryan Anne & Frank Buescher, Jr. ’63 Gayle Buhler Cyril Burck, Jr Pamela Burck Burns & Wilcox of Louisiana, Ltd. Carolyn & James Butler Erin & Mitchell Butler Jane & Robert Cahill ’63 Katherine & James Caire Sheila & Richard Cambeilh ’63 Betty & Michael Carey Marilyn Carriere (Blaise ’56) Vernon Carriere, Jr. ’98 Ashley & Ross Cascio ’98 Elaine & Michael Casey III ’63 Elvige Cassard John Cavaroc Jennifer & David Cedro D.B.H. Chaffe III Francine & Charles Champagne Dottie & John Charbonnet ’54 Carla & Charles Chassaignac ’57 Bonnie & John Chavanne Jackie & Joseph Childress, Jr. ’72 Ethel & Gordon Clay, Jr. ’46 Mary & Miles Clements C. Clay Clifton III Janet Clinton Cheryl & Allen Coates, Sr. Fara & Allen Coates Ann & Alfred Colfry, Jr. ’63 Joel Conrad Ann Conroy Faye Cortello Gregory Courtwright Ann Crain Judson Crane Crosby Development, LLC Katherine & E. Howell Crosby Priscilla & Joseph Cummins, Jr. ’63 Klara & Drago Cvitanovich Heidi Dale Ida Danjean Anne & John Dardis ’59 Patricia & Craig Daste Elizabeth & Dale Davis Deane Retirement Strategies, Inc. Karen & Peter DeBlieux Nancy Degan Winifred Delery Yvette Demarest Derbes Law Firm, LLC Sheila & Lewis Derbes ’67 Marie Derbes (Charles ’37) Warren Dermenstein, Jr. Melanie Dey Scott Andrews & Mario Dipietrantonio Michael Doherty The Downman Family Foundation Jeanne & John Driscoll Diane Dubroc Marie & James Duckworth Cynthia & Warren Duclos, Jr. ’63 Diane & Wayne Ducote ’63 Beth & Frank Dudenhefer, Jr. ’63 Sally Duplantier (Adrian ’45) Cindy & Lawrence Duplass ’63 Linda & Ralph Dwyer III ’73 Marion & Lloyd Eagan, Jr. Beth & Robert Ebberman, Jr. ’63 Gayle & Lucas Ehrensing ’63 Sandra & Stephen Ellender, Jr. Dottie & Michael Ellis ’95 Sondra & P. Michael Elvir ’58 Charles Eshleman, Jr. Elaine & George Esker III Everitt, Pratt, & Latham, LLC Debbie & Wallace Farge III ’67 Estate of Frank Leo Faust Denise & Barry Faust ’66 Mary Kay & Donald Faust ’69 Dominique & Frank Faust ’61 Claire & Ronald Faust ’62 Mary Fein (Jerome ’69) The Ruth U. Fertel Foundation Financial Assurance, LLC Michael Fisse Stacie & Corey Fitzpatrick ’98 Paula & Gregory Fitzpatrick ’81 Bridget Flynn Dermott Flynn Katherine & Wayne Fontana ’69 June & Donald Ford ’47 F U L L E D U C AT I O N F U N D ( F U L LY E N D OW E D ) The Wally Pontiff, Jr. ’99 & Fr. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 Full Education Fund F U L L E D U C AT I O N F U N D ( PA RT I A L LY E N D OW E D ) Raymond R. Fitzgerald, Sr. & Mary Caire Fitzgerald Full Education Fund Sally Forman Craig Forshag ’67 Warren Forstall, Jr. Brad Fortier ’91 Susan & Frank Fortier III ’63 Donna & Alexander Fraiche ’63 Joseph Franks II ’63 Marylou & Wilmer Freiberg Fringe Benefit Administrators, Ltd. Suzanne & Fabian Fromherz Cecilia & Terrell Fugetta ’70 Galatoire’s Restaurant Mary Gallagher Ellen & Charles† Gambel, Jr. ’55 Wanda & John Gaudry ’63 Joan Geagan Brenda & C. James Gelpi ’58 Robert Giardina ’63 James Gibert, Jr. Emily & Gavin Gillen ’98 Sue & George Gilly Peggy & Andrew Gonczi III ’62 Margaret Gonzalez The GPOA Foundation Lucille Stand & James Gravois ’63 Benjamin Gravolet, Sr. ’63 Kathleen & William Gray Rebecca & Jeffrey Green ’98 Stephanie & Garrett Gremillion ’98 George Griswold II Sue & Michael Guarisco ’63 Maribeth & Cyril Guerrera Marie Guidry Trudy Guinee Jimmy Gundlach Maureen & William Guste III ’66 Aimee & J. Stuart Hamilton ’83 Susan & Michael Hanemann ’63 36 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | John Hannah Patrick Hardin Lee & Dick Harding Cynthia & David Harlan Liz & Elliotte Harold, Jr. ’56 Rufus Harris, Jr. Mildred Hawkshead (John ’35) Janet Heaton John Heaton Cheryl & Lloyd Hebert, Jr. ’63 Brenda & Ronald Hebert ’58 Ann & Kevin Heigle ’69 Marietta & Richard Herr Fini & Timothy Higgins ’63 Jeannie & Julian Hillery, Jr. ’76 Henry Hinrichs, Jr. ’69 Kathleen & John Hite, Jr. ’51 Candi & Marvin Holland Martin Holt Jane & James Hotard, Jr. ’81 Patricia & James Hotard, Sr. Maureen & Hugh Howat Jacqueline Howell Patricia & Joel Hron Janet Hubler Betty & Jeff Hughes, Jr. Anita & Clay Hunley Linda & Luis Ingles, Jr. Patricia & George Irwin ’50 Irwin Dental Lab, Inc. FY 2014 Pepper & Rader Jackson Denis Janz Charles Johnson Kathleen & Owen Jones, Jr. ’63 Diana & Robert Jones Helen & Eugene Katz ’66 Keker & Van Nest, LLP Carey & Richard Kernion, Jr. ’85 Bettie & Sidney Kernion Margaret Kessels Beth & Johnny Kidder Alouyse Kissgen Connie & Thomas Kitchen ’65 Ann & Herman Klein, Jr. ’63 Marianne & Edward Koehl, Jr. ’63 Jane Kolb Linda & Toby Kolstad, Jr. ’63 Win & Joseph Kuchler ’63 Joal & Omer Kuebel, Jr. ’56 Cheryl Kuhn Shelley & William Kurtz ’67 Jerrye LaBreche Iris & Louis LaBruyere III ’63 Sandy & Owen LaCour, Jr. Missy Lacroix Melissa & Paul Lacroix III ’70 Lake Fern Hunting & Fishing Club, Inc. Terri & Gerald Landry ’63 Marcelle & Keith Landry ’85 The Wallace Landry Family Foundation Lou & Charles Lane III Ann & Robert Lane Pierre Lapeyre Justine & Larkin Lay The Lauricella Land Co. Foundation Paul Leaman, Jr. Patricia & Byron LeBlanc Clyde LeBlanc, S.J. ’63 Edmund Leckert III ’76 Drake Lee Sherron & Constant Leggio Thomas Lennox Oscar Lepine ’63 Diana & Sidney Lewis IV Kim & Francis Liantonio, Jr. Darnell Lightbourn LLOG Exploration Co., LLC Irene Long Irene & Thomas Lutkewitte Gayle & Martin Macdiarmid, Jr. ’61 Bebe & Howard Maestri ’64 Gladys Castell DeBen Majeau, Clifford J. DeBen, & J. Ashton Majeau Education Trust Michele & Steve Mangan Michelle & Joseph Mannino ’81 Nancy & Michael Marsiglia Eva & Andrew Martinez Donna & Joseph Maselli, Jr. ’65 Frederick Masset, Jr. ’60 Melinda & Mark Mayer Cheryle & Edwin Mazoue, Jr. ’62 Paula & Patrick McCarthy ’63 Laurene & Charles McClain, Jr. ’60 Blanche McCloskey Robert McComiskey Cynthia & John McDonald III ’68 Wanda & Michael McGarry ’76 Karen & F. King McGoey, Jr. ’61 Clay McGuinness, Jr. Gay McGuire Maria & James McIntosh Michael McKinney Amy & John McMahon ’87 Sharon & Joseph McMahon III ’84 Glenda & Patrick McMahon ’91 Donna & Lawrence McNamara ’56 Marion McNamara Otho Mears Kathy & Steven Medo, Jr. ’63 Angie & Louis Menard ’56 Anne & T. Sellers Meric Metairie Towers Condominium Assoc. Frank Meydrich, Jr. Barbara & Peter Michell ’63 Anne & R. King Milling Robert Mohr ’50 Beatrice Monju (Joseph ’36) Susan Montero W H Y W E G I V E ... During a recent trip to New Orleans, my wife Laurie and I visited my alma mater, Jesuit High School, where I graduated some 55 years ago. I had not been back all those years and, frankly, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Our visit turned out to be a rewarding experience. Some things have not changed — many old desks (the ones I sat in), high ceilings, tiles on the stairwells, the mammoth wooden doors facing Carrollton Avenue, and the Chapel of the North American Martyrs, where we gathered as a community for Mass. But my how much has changed! The asphalt-covered basement where morning assembly was held daily has been replaced with modern classrooms and a spacious and air-conditioned Student Commons. There are new science labs and computer labs, and the old library is now a well-utilized Resource Center. Jesuit is constantly maintaining, renovating, and improving its infrastructure and facilities. The entire city block behind Jesuit is wide-open green space, Will Clark Field. We toured John Ryan Stadium, a superb athletic facility located minutes from campus. I was happy to see that Jesuit is keeping up with the times. Laurie and I were most impressed by Jesuit’s steadfast commitment to the school’s mission of offering a first-rate education to students from all walks of life. The school’s endowment, combined with the annual giving drives for alumni and parents, allows Jesuit’s tuition to remain among the most affordable compared to the majority of Catholic and private high schools in the metro area. The school’s endowment is the source of financial aid, thus guaranteeing that no young man who qualifies for admission will ever be turned away because his family cannot afford the tuition. With this in mind, it was our honor to establish the Charles J. & Laurene Wu McClain Scholarship. Our gift will ensure that Jesuit High School — which helped me develop the competence, conscience, and compassion that I use every day — will continue to provide the same for Blue Jays, now and in the years to come. —LAURIE & CHARLES McCLAIN ’60 Charles McClain ’60 is a retired faculty member and administrator at UC Berkeley School of Law in California. He continues to write and publish in the field of legal history. His wife Laurie, herself a history educator, is also an attorney and maintains a part-time law practice. The couple have one son and live in Berkeley. SCHOL ARSHIPS Beverly & Charles Mooney Joanne & James Moran ’63 Linda & Michael Moran George Morgan III John Morgan Helena & John Morvant Rene Mouledoux ’68 Barry Muldrey ’63 Kay & Anthony Mumphrey, Jr. The Robert & Lynn Murphy Foundation Eileen Murray James Murray ’10 Philip Murray ’12 The N.O. Hispanic Heritage Foundation Mary & Barry Naquin Thomas Naquin ’63 Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co. New Orleans Country Club Clifton Newlin Maxine Nicaud (Robert ’57) Jerry Nicholson James Nolan ’63 Cindy & Michael Nolan ’63 Nordhaus Walpole, PLLC Ashley & Troy Norton ’00 A.J. Nugon, Jr. Charles Nunez, Jr. ’00 John O’Connor Connie O’Donnell Marilyn & Ernest Orillion ’63 Nancy & Markham Oswald Clarence Owen PFLAG New Orleans Betty & Clifford Parent ’63 Mignon Parker Pam & Arthur Patron, Sr. ’51 Sheila & Troy Patterson Lydia Pelias Aimee Perkins Jeanie & Claiborne Perrilliat, Jr. ’62 Carter & William Perrilliat III ’98 Karen & Desmond Perschall Janet & George Pesce III ’63 Lynne & Stephen Pesce ’97 John Petagna Carol & C. Michael Pfister, Jr. ’76 Sharon & William Phillips ’68 Patricia Polizzi The Wally Pontiff, Jr. Foundation Donna & Allen Porter, Jr. ’49 Carol Porter (Ronald ’45) Joyce Post (Robert ’51) Timothy Powers Susan & Daniel Prados ’80 Gisele & David Prados ’75 Kathleen & Gregory Prados ’88 Michael Prados ’83 Myles Prados ’09 Paul Prados ’07 June & Wilfred Prados, Jr. ’48 Chere & Wilfred Prados III ’73 Randolph Quijano ’63 Linda Rabalais (James ’60) Amy & Robert Radin Elizabeth Rafferty Christopher Ralston Kathleen Ramsey Jackie & Joseph Rausch ’64 The Stanley W. Ray, Jr. Trust Joseph Raymond Henry Read ’36 Hope & Michael Read ’61 James Reteneller ’63 Phyllis & Milton Retif, Sr. ’51 Donna & Bryan Reuter ’81 Christopher Reuter ’09 Sylvia & Thomas Riley Hollie & Stephen Ritter, Jr. ’98 Anne & Ronald Rittiner ’51 Alfred Robichaux III Employees of Rocksource Energy Corporation Alison & Ryan Rodriguez ’99 Faye & Ronald Roemershauser ’63 Olga & Curtis Rome, Jr. ’53 Elizabeth Ross Gary Rouse ’63 Sally Faucheaux & Louie Roussel III ’63 Helen & James Roy ’36 Barbara & Harold Ryan ’63 Lori & Kent Ryan Peggy & James Ryder, Jr. ’62 Suzy & Patrick Sabadie ’63 Francisco San Miguel Christine Santhin (Kirk ’67) Claire & William Satterlee III ’63 Joan Saucier Melsy & Edgar Saunders, Jr. ’51 Charles Schibler II Nicholas Schiro, S.J. ’44 Alphonse Schmitt III Betty Schmitt (Alphonse ’43) Elizabeth & J. Parker Schneidau Angela & Stanford Schneider Joan & Patrick Schott ’47 John Scott Kathy Screen (J. Patrick ’61) Paul Seiler, Jr. ’63 Christy Hanson & Jeffrey Shoemaker Rosalyn Shoemaker Nellrea & Donald Simpson ’65 Kathryn Single Joanne & George Sirgo, Jr. ’55 Debbie & Eric Skrmetta Lynn & Charles Smith Karon & Myron Smith, Jr. ’54 St. George’s Episcopal School St. Tammany Master Gardener Association Harry Stahel Norma & Robert Sternhell Catherine Stevens Carlos Suadi Amy & Michael Sugar Karen & Douglas Swift, Sr. Sara Swigart Eloise & James Taussig III Jean & James Taylor Myra Thalheim Judy Thompson Ann & Kenneth Thompson Jane & Roy Timmreck ’63 Susan & Christopher Todd Helena & Christopher Tompkins ’63 Barbara & Michael Tonti ’81 Kimberly & Gerard Toups Robert Turner Employees of U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Louisiana Betty Ann & John Unsworth, Jr. ’59 William Van Kirk Joy & R. Eric Vige Patricia & William Vincent, Jr. ’63 Judith & Michael Waldo ’70 Dianne & C. Walet, Jr. ’61 Linda & Terence Walsh Calais & Patrick Waring ’79 Edward Wegmann (Edward ’34) Lolita Wegmann (William ’40) Merlyn Weilbaecher (Daniel ’39) Sharon & Robert Weilbaecher ’56 John Weinmann Tom Whaley Diane & Russell White ’56 Cornelia Whitlow Whitney National Bank Arlene & Roland Wiltz ’63 J. Barbee Winston Diane & Robert Winston ’63 Jeannie & John Winters ’63 Elizabeth & Gordon Wogan Bonnie & Robert Woods ’70 Elaine & Dean Yarwood Raymond Young Thomas Young ’63 Aling Yu Helen Zabriskie Marlene & Harry Zengel, Jr. Estate of Paul J. Zerangue, Jr. F U L LY E N D OW E D SCHOLARSHIPS Bruce J. Borrello ’50 Scholarship Class of 1963 Scholarship Robert J. Conrad, Jr. Scholarship Gwendolyn B. & Ralph D. Dwyer, Jr. Scholarship Frank L. Faust & Ruth Reuter Faust Scholarship Linda & Luis Ingles Family Scholarship Connie & Thomas Kitchen ’65 Scholarship Dr. Wallace Landry & Clair Landry Scholarship Charles J. & Laurene Wu McClain Scholarship Murray Family Scholarship Michael J. Waldo ’70 Scholarship Paul J. Zerangue, Jr. ’42 Scholarship Capt. Nick J. Accardo, M.D. Scholarship Mrs. William Agar Scholarship Almar Foundation Scholarship Alumni Foundation Scholarship Charles Henry Bailey Scholarship Rev. Thomas E. Barberito, S.J. Scholarship Eugene H. & Paul M. Barrios Scholarship John A. “Jack” Belsom ’51 Scholarship Rev. Edgar J. Bernard, S.J. Scholarship Mrs. E. J. Bobet Scholarship Joseph V. Bologna Scholarship Henry F. Bonura, Jr. Scholarship Br. Everard J. Booth, S.J. Scholarship Shawn Bowles Scholarship James & Kay Brandau Scholarship Clendon J. Butera Scholarship 37 Aguste Capdeville Foundation Scholarship Nicholas E. Caruso Scholarship Salvadore J. Christiana Scholarship Class of 1938 Scholarship Class of 1945 Scholarship Class of 1956 Scholarship Class of 1959 Scholarship Class of 1966 Scholarship Wallie & Jules L. Coco ’69 Scholarship Philip R. & Mary C. Collins Scholarship Thomas D. Daley Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. William J. Dardis ’25 Scholarship Emma Jaquet Disimone Memorial Scholarship Malcolm S. Disimone Scholarship Hon. Adrian G. Duplantier ’45 Scholarship F. Robert Duplantier – Boys Hope Scholarship J. Michael Early Scholarship Hugh McCloskey Evans Scholarship Elizabeth Leigh Faust Scholarship Dr. Frank “Lee” Faust ’33 Scholarship Ruth U. Fertel Scholarship James E. Fitzmorris, Jr. ’39 Scholarship James E. Fitzmorris, Sr. Scholarship Norris V. Fitzmorris ’50 Scholarship St. Marc J. Flotte Scholarship C. L. Ford ’43 & Don Ford ’47 Scholarship Edmund Fortier Scholarship Adam C. Gambel ’34 Scholarship Michael J. Galvin Family Scholarship Robert A. Generes ’41 Scholarship Rev. Jean M. Germain Scholarship Gerard J. Gillen Scholarship R. Jerry Glas ’23 Scholarship Marjorie & Raymond Goodspeed ’35 Scholarship GPOA Foundation Scholarship William E. Greve ’37 Scholarship Haddad Family Scholarship Stephen S. Hall ’75 Scholarship Elliotte & Elizabeth Harold Scholarship Maurice F. Hatrel, Jr. ’43 Scholarship Heard Family Scholarship Andrew E. Hillery Scholarship Louise McQuirk & Samuel Hottinger Scholarship Elizaberth G. & Murray G. Hurd Scholarship David F. Jaubert ’75 Scholarship Jesuit High School Scholarship Albert P. Keller Family Scholarship Nellie Flynn Kingsmill Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. William B. Kitchen, Sr. – Boys Hope Scholarship Louis F. Knop, Jr. Scholarship Olivia Schaefer Knop Scholarship Alden J. Laborde Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Licciardi, Sr. Scholarship Louisiana Liaison Group Scholarship J. Ashton & Gladys Majeau Scholarship Richard H. Marshall Scholarship Logan Joseph Martin Scholarship 38 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | Benigno Andres & Marie Catherine Martinez Scholarship (Donated by Marie Carolyn & Benigno Andres Martinez, Jr. ’35) Maud Blossman McCarron Scholarship Charles “Sonny” McEvoy ’90 Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. McMahon, Jr. Scholarship Mary McNeally Scholarship Joseph A. Metzler ’33 Scholarship Robert G. Miller, M.D. Scholarship Winnie Miller Scholarship (Donated by the Byron & Pat LeBlanc Fund) Michael J. Moran Scholarship Rev. M. M. Mulvihill, S.J. Scholarship Robert D. Murphy, Sr. ’43 & Robert D. Murphy, Jr. ’69 Scholarship Hubert Murray Scholarship Ardell & George Nalley, Sr. Scholarship New Orleans Hispanic Heritage Foundation Scholarship Ulisse Marinoni Nolan Family Scholarship Frederick Harvey Nicaud Scholarship Dr. Robert A. Nicaud ’57 Scholarship Richard Norris Foundation Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. John C. Paquette & Son Scholarship Rev. Daniel W. Partridge, S.J. Scholarship Peré Marquette Foundation Scholarship Rev. A. Patrick Phillips, S.J. Scholarship FY 2014 Francis A. Plough Scholarship Poor Boys Scholarship Jeanne & J. Kevin Poorman ’69 Scholarship Jamie Porter Memorial Scholarship Ronald M. Porter, Sr. ’45 Scholarship Mrs. W. D. “Maybelle” Postell Scholarship William D. Postell Scholarship Francis J. Prevost Scholarship Stanley W. Ray, Jr. Scholarship Gerrard E. Raymond Scholarship Leola B. Raymond Scholarship Br. Joseph Remich, S.J. Scholarship Milton “Mickey” Retif Scholarship – Metro Baseball Clarence G. Reuther, Jr. Scholarship Robert W. Riordan, Jr. ’54 Scholarship Rizzo Family Foundation Scholarship Grace Redding & George A. Rizzo, Sr. Scholarship Raymond S. & Louise Rizzo Scholarship Stephen B. Rodi, Sr. ’32 Scholarship Maidee Daigle Rodriguez Scholarship RosaMary Foundation Scholarship Louie J. Roussel III Scholarship Christopher “Brent” Rozas ’90 Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Ryan Scholarship James & Enell Ryder Scholarship Theodore & Josephine Schiro Scholarship Rev. Paul W. Schott, S.J. ’40 Scholarship Owen Seiler Family Scholarship Edward W. Skinner Scholarship Michael C. Slaughter Scholarship #1 Michael C. Slaughter Scholarship #2 Bryan D. Spraberry Scholarship Daniel J. “Rusty” Staub Scholarship Mire J. “M.J.” Thomas ’48 Scholarship Andrew Quirk & Harry Tompson Scholarship Harry M. & Jeanne R. Tompson Scholarship Edwin “Eddie” Toribio Scholarship Van Geffen Foundation Scholarship Van Studdiford Scholarship Gilbert J. Vincent ’27 Scholarship Roger G. Vincent ’33 Scholarship William S. Vincent, Sr. ’32 Family Scholarship Harry Waldo ’45 Family Scholarship A. T. Webber, Jr. & Herbert W. Christenberry, Jr. Scholarship Michael J. Wheat Memorial Scholarship Linda Birdsall Wilson Scholarship Albert J. Winters, Sr. Scholarship PA RT I A L LY E N D OW E D S C H O L A R S H I P S Eunice Knopp Accardo Scholarship Frank & Josephine Gallo Barreca Scholarship Rev. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 Scholarship (Donated by the Class of 1998) Class of 1976 Scholarship Heigle Family Scholarship Amy & John M. McMahon Scholarship Patrick H. Waring Family Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Childress, Sr. Scholarship Class of 1968 Scholarship Br. William J. Dardis, S.J. ’58 Scholarship Duplantier Family Scholarship Guy Faulstich ’67 Scholarship Norma Ford Scholarship Chris Hebert Scholarship Kernion Family Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. McCaffery, Sr. Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. McGarry ’76 Scholarship Michael G. Ory Scholarship Frank S. Oser, Jr. M.D. Scholarship Wilfred O. Prados, Jr. ’48 Family Scholarship Rev. Nicholas T. Schiro, S.J. Scholarship Frederick W. “Fritz” Veters Scholarship Leo A. Welcker ’45 Scholarship F O U N D AT I O N S Support from foundations assists Jesuit in keeping tuition affordable, providing financial aid for families in need, enhancing student programs, and improving facilities. Jesuit thanks these foundations for their support in fiscal year 2014. The Almar Foundation The Azby Fund The Downman Family Foundation The Ruth U. Fertel Foundation The GPOA Foundation The JKP Family Foundation The Wallace Landry Family Foundation The Lauricella Land Company Foundation Gladys Castell DeBen Majeau, Clifford J. DeBen, & J. Ashton Majeau Education Trust The Robert & Lynn Murphy Foundation The N.O. Hispanic Heritage Foundation The Wally Pontiff, Jr. Foundation The Stanley W. Ray, Jr. Trust M ATC H I N G G I F T S Employee matching gift programs are important sources of income for Jesuit High School. In the President’s Report, benefactors receive recognition in the appropriate giving levels that reflect their own contributions plus their employers’ matching gifts. The entities listed below have employee matching gift programs that contributed to Jesuit in the 2014 fiscal year. Abbott Fund Albemarle Foundation Almar Foundation Altria Group Inc. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Apple Inc. Bank of America Charitable Foundation Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Louisiana BP Foundation C.H. Robinson Worldwide Foundation Capital One Bank Chevron Humankind Christian Health Ministries Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Minden, Inc. Coca-Cola Foundation Conoco Phillips C.V. Starr & Co., Inc. DynMcdermott Petroleum Operations Co. Dominion Foundation Edwards Lifesciences Foundation Eli Lilly & Company Foundation Emerson Electric Co. Energen Foundation Entergy Corporation Exxon Mobil Oil Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Freeport-McMoran Foundation Gannett Foundation GE Foundation Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Hats Off Salon Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation Home Depot Foundation Huron Healthcare IBM International Foundation ING Employee Benefits JP Morgan Chase Lincoln Financial Foundation Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Medtronic Foundation Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Monsanto Fund Morgan Stanley Foundation Murphy Oil Corporation Northrop Grumman Corporation Northwestern Mutual Foundation PetroQuest Energy, LLC Pfizer, Inc. Phillips 66 PPG Industries Foundation The Progressive Insurance Foundation Quest Diagnostics Regions Bank Reily Foods Company Schneider Electric Foundation Scripps Howard Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation Texas Instruments, Inc. The Standard Time Warner, Inc. Travelers Foundation UBS Financial Services, Inc. Wells Fargo Foundation MAISOUNABE SOCIET Y & IN MEMORY OF... THE MAISOUNABE SOCIETY The Maisounabe Society honors living and deceased benefactors who either have already provided, or they intend to contribute, “planned gifts” to Jesuit High School. Such extraordinary gifts are typically made through bequests, annuities, charitable trusts, or life insurance policies. The Society was formed in 1987 and took its name in honor of Father Jean Baptiste Maisounabe, S.J., founder of Jesuit High School. Charter members of the Society are denoted by an * asterisk. Names in bold indicate new benefactors. The † cross symbol denotes the person is deceased. With couples, if the † is placed after a first name, only that person is deceased. When the † is inserted at the end of a couple’s name, both individuals are deceased. Information about the various ways that charitable gift planning can benefit you and Jesuit is on the school’s website: You may also contact Tom Bagwill, director of Jesuit’s office of institutional advancement, at (504) 483-3841, or email: [email protected]. Rebecca & Nick J. Accardo, Jr. ’72 Charles Henry Bailey ’31 †* Joy & Joseph A. Barreca ’43 Sibyl & J. Pierre Bernard (1918) † Joseph V. Bologna ’35 † Marc A. Bonifacic ’92 Paul J. Bonitatibus* Thelma Bougere † William J. Bowen ’38 † William A. Cahill ’27 † Pierce D. Carey, Jr. ’31 †* Cyrus J. Caruso ’38 † Nicholas Caruso ’66 † Barbara & Michael J.† Casteix ’70 Rose Mary & Harry N.† Charbonnet ’36 Anthony J. Clesi, Jr. ’48 Carol & Alexander C. Cocke, Jr. ’50 † Wallie & Jules L. Coco ’69 John Hayden Coker ’33 †* Mary & Philip Collins ’36 † Joann & John† Combes Alwynn J. Cronvich ’36 † Thomas D. Daley ’34 †* Katherine & William J. Dardis ’25 †* Edward J. Derbes ’28 † Malcolm S. Disimone ’42 † Edward J. Drouet ’21 †* George H. Dunbar †* Sally & Adrian G.† Duplantier ’45 Homer J. Dupuy, Jr. ’31 † Louis G. Dutel, Jr. ’37 † Dorothy & William M. Eanes III ’36 † Robert “Doc” Erskine †* Hugh M.C. Evans, Sr. † Edie & Gerald P. Fedoroff ’50 † Ruth Fertel † John A. Fischer ’46 † T. Stephen Fitzpatrick, Jr. ’38 † St. Marc Flotte ’38 † Robert M. Foley ’69* Cece & Robert J. Funck ’75 Robert A. Generes ’41 † Frederick J. Gisevius, Jr. † Marie† & Thomas Greve ’43 Susan & Charles E. Grey, Jr. ’62 Liz & Elliotte M. Harold, Jr. ’56 John Hebert † Milton F. Hilbert, Jr. ’38 † Barbara & Scott D. Hines ’93 Leslie J. Hottinger ’32 † T.J. Semmes Hughs ’79* Dale T. Hunn ’68 Jason M. Jeandron ’97 Lois & Will T. Jourdan ’52 Suzie & Rodney E. Lenfant ’80 Barbara Riehl Lota † Michael A. Lulich ’76* John A. Majeau ’28 † Lynn & Arthur S. Mann III ’64 Robert J. Marino ’64 Juanita T. McBride* Jean & Emanuel McEvoy, Jr. † Merlin J. McGivney ’24 †* James A. Moreau, Jr. ’72* Edgar Murray †* Doris de la Rosa Pilié † Carol & Ronald† Porter ’45 Raphael J. Rabalais, Jr. ’65 Stanley Ray, Jr. ’33 † Paul A. Reising, Sr. ’26 †* Beverly & Clarence† Reuther, Jr. ’40 Betty & Robert W. Riordan, Jr. ’54 Stephen Rodi, Sr. ’32 † Louie Roussel III ’63 Edgar V. Schafer, Jr. ’38 † J. Garic Schoen ’38 Emmett A. Smith, Jr. ’55 Florence E. St. Paul † Durel J. Talbot ’31 †* Jerome L. Tujague ’24 † Martin T. Van Studdiford †* Roger G. Vincent ’33 † Harry J. Waldo, Jr. ’45 † Judith & Michael J. Waldo ’70 Donna & A.T. Webber † Margarette Webber † Mary Elizabeth Wilcox Westerfield † Frances & James O. Wheat † V.M. Wheeler III John Wilday, Jr. ’38 † Sarah & Samuel† ZeMurray Paul J. Zerangue, Jr. ’42 † I N M E M O RY O F … Jesuit High School gratefully acknowledges the many benefactors whose contributions were given “in memory of ” their deceased loved ones listed below. Mark Amuedo ’55 Salvador Anzelmo Edward Arnold, Jr. ’43 Joseph Basset ’40 David Beach, Sr. Alvin Bertucci ’39 Maxine Blum William Boyd Rita Brandner Margaret Breaux Daniel Brennan, Sr. Frederick Bullinger, Sr. ’49 Jacob Buuck ’91 Marion Cardwell Blaise Carriere ’56 Herbert Christenberry ’48 Rayford Coates ’44 Lloyd Cripple ’60 John Culotta ’76 Paul Delille ’85 William Dwyer ’94 Mike Gallagher ’67 Charles Gambel, Jr. ’55 Kennedy Gilly ’42 William Glennon, Jr. ’48 W. Fenton Guinee, Jr. ’45 William Guste, Jr. ’38 Rev. Donald Hawkins, S.J. John Hawkshead, Jr. ’35 Julian Hillery Walter Hobson III ’44 Gerald Hynes ’47 Edward LaBruyere ’37 Merrill Landwehr ’55 William Latham ’79 Daniel Levy, Jr. ’41 Constant Marquer, Jr. ’48 Logan Martin ’84 Stanley McDermott, Jr. ’46 Michael McKinney ’37 Rene Meric, Jr. ’42 Beauregard Parent, Jr. ’59 John Picone, Jr. ’62 Robert Post, Jr. ’51 William Quinlan ’61 James Rabalais, Jr. ’60 Colleen Randazzo Joseph Rault, Jr. ’43 Thomas Riley, Jr. ’80 Ralph Roemershauser ’62 Shirley Ruello Gerald Seely ’40 John Shea ’51 Tobie Spraberry Pierre Stouse, Jr. ’43 Peter Talluto ’48 Charlene Taranto Rev. Harry Tompson, S.J. ’54 Edward Tschirn ’55 Edward Welsch ’60 Robert Wilson ’91 Albert Winters, Jr. ’59 Thomas Zahn ’71 39 At Jesuit High School, it is not the exclusive domain of the faculty and administration to educate its students and develop in them the competence, conscience, and compassion to enable their formation into men of faith and men for others. The Jesuit Community is fortunate and blessed to be able to rely on an extensive network of volunteers who play pivotal leadership and supportive roles. Jesuit is grateful to its army of volunteers — enthusiastic and dedicated parents, alumni, and parents of alumni — for their unselfish contributions of time and talent. Jesuit is proud to recognize the many faithful volunteers who served on various boards and committees during the 2014 fiscal year. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL Chairman Arthur Mann III ’64 Attorney at Law Sundmaker Firm Secretary-Treasurer Br. William Dardis, S.J. ’58 Director of Special Projects Jesuit High School Walter Baudier, Jr. President Design Engineering, Inc. Rev. Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 President Jesuit High School Thomas Kitchen ’65 Retired Stewart Enterprises, Inc. Kevin Heigle ’69 Attorney at Law Heigle & Associates Capital Title Agency, Inc. Brian North ’83 Senior Vice President Fifth District Savings Bank Rev. Richard Hermes, S.J. President Jesuit High School of Tampa Rev. Frank Reale, S.J. Pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish Rector, Jesuit Community Participant Consultants Br. Lawrence Huck, S.J. ’87 President Good Shepherd School Michael Nolan ’63 Chairman & President Fifth District Savings Bank PRESIDENT’S ADVISORY COUNCIL Chairman Raymond Daigle, Jr. ’85 Partner CBD Wealth Management Chairman-Elect Robert Bartlett ’75 President Bartlett Engineering Brian Adorno ’77 Attorney at Law/CPA Self-employed Walter Baudier, Jr. Chairman Design Engineering, Inc. Mark Cousins ’74 (Chairman, 2013-14 Parents’ Annual Giving Drive) Veterinarian The Cat Practice Mason Couvillon ’92 President Dardis Couvillon & Associates, LLC John Dardis ’59 Chairman of the Board Dardis Couvillon & Associates, LLC John Fitzpatrick III ’86 Attorney at Law Odom & Des Roches, LLP Brett Forshag ’84 Vice President of Sales & Marketing HRI Lodging, LLC Lyon Garrison ’81 (Chairman, 2013-14 Living Endowment Fund Drive) Attorney at Law Garrison, Yount, Forte, & Mulcahy, LLC Glenn Gillen ’85 (President, 2013-14 Alumni Association) Civil Engineer Gillen Design Systems, LLC Ardley Hanemann, Jr. ’61 President Cabrini High School Kevin Heigle ’69 Attorney at Law Heigle & Associates Capital Title Agency, Inc. Arthur Mann III ’64 Attorney at Law Sundmaker Firm William Poynot President Perret’s Edwin Mazoue, Jr. ’62 Retired James Ryder, Jr. ’62 CPA Self-employed Michael McGlone ’68 Attorney at Law/Partner Kean Miller LLP Thomas Moran, Jr. ’86 Director of Business Development Bourgeois Bennett, LLC J. Stanton Murray ’81 President Murray Yacht Sales Michael Nolan ’63 Chairman & President Fifth District Savings Bank Karl Hoefer, Sr. ’76 Regional President, Louisiana Iberia Bank Brian North ’83 Senior Vice President Fifth District Savings Bank Thomas Kitchen ’65 Retired Stewart Enterprises, Inc. Robert Perez ’61 Attorney at Law/CPA Perez, McDaniel, & Faust, LLP Mark LaCour ’97 CPA Self-employed Steven Pettus (President, 2013-14 Parents’ Club) Managing Partner Dickie Brennan & Co. Patricia LeBlanc Attorney at Law & Manager LeBlanc Butler, LLC Robert Leithman President Hunt Telecommunications, LLC George Pivach II ’73 Attorney at Law Pivach, Pivach, Hufft, Thriffiley, & Dunbar, LLC Carl Servat III ’93 Attorney at Law David J. Lukinovich, APLC Robert Talbot, Jr. ’55 Chairman of the Board Talbot Realty Group C. Todd Thomas ’89 Managing Partner Sigma Consulting Corp. Gregory Tilton ’70 Cardiologist Cardiovascular Specialists, Inc. Fredericka Wicker Appellate Judge 5th Circuit Court of Appeal State of Louisiana Anthony Williams ’92 Attorney at Law/Partner Kean Miller LLP VOLUNTEERS BLUE JAY PARENTS’ CLUB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Steve Pettus Vice President Walt Bond ’85 Past President Greg Gillen ’79 Advisory Board Athletics Brett Forshag ’84 Blue Jay Bazaar Raffle Jan Mickan Dina Skinner Blue Jay Band Kenneth Boe, Jr. ’84 Dan Senentz ’83 Celebration (Fall 2013) Nancy Plough Michelle Lorusso Blue Jay Bazaar Sam McAloon Lori Ryan Faculty & Staff Luncheons Jan Mickan MCJROTC Anthony Taffaro, Jr. ’91 Mothers’ Masses & Retreats Judy Abadin Breni Crabtree Philelectic Society Deborah Hill Refreshments Mary Anne Warwick Christine Zazulak BLUE JAY ATHLETIC CLUB EXECUTIVE BOARD President Brett Forshag ’84 Vice President Fred Tufts ’82 Secretary Mike Bourgeois Treasurer Joe Helm Baseball Rick Miller Swimming Jerry Plough ’80 At-Large Chris Bellone At-Large Tim Lafranca ’84 Basketball Doug Kohnke Tennis Manny DePascual At-Large Robert Comeaux ’85 At-Large Pete Lozowski Cross Country Greg LaCour ’88 Track Chris Mills ’80 At-Large Gerald Duhon ’85 At-Large Skip McAloon Football Bruce Davis ’80 Wrestling Steven Queyrouze ’80 At-Large Arthur Dupre ’76 At-Large Michael McMahon ’85 Golf Todd Johnson At-Large Jerry Beck ’80 At-Large Andy Galy ’84 At-Large Kerry Nichols Soccer Bryon Hatrel ’84 At-Large Barry Blanchard At-Large Monty Glorioso ALUMNI STEERING COMMITTEE James Adams ’88 Banker First Bank and Trust Henry Ecuyer ’51 Retired Bell South Maxwell Gruenig ’06 Owner/Operator Koz’s Restaurant Michael Rodrigue ’71 President/Owner RODCO Worldwide, Inc. Ian Blanchard ’03 Financial Advisor CBD Wealth Management J.P. Escudier ’95 General Counsel Adriatic Marine, LLC C & C Marine and Repair, LLC Kevin Heigle ’69 Attorney at Law Heigle and Associates Capital Title Agency, Inc. Carl Servat III ’93 Attorney at Law David J. Lukinovich, APLC John Fitzpatrick III ’86 Attorney at Law Odom & Des Roches, LLP Hudson Higgins ’96 Sales Consultant Medtronic Spinal and Biologics John Fury III ’02 Medical Device Sales Territory Manager ZOLL Cardiac Management Solutions George Joint, Jr. ’68 Sales Representative Self-employed Kelly Burke ’94 Purchasing Manager Interior Exterior Building Supply, L.P. Kevin Cruice ’81 Program Manager MWH Americas, Inc. Gerald Duhon, Jr. ’85 President Duhon Consulting John-Michael Early ’05 Musician Flow Tribe Robert Ebberman, Jr. ’63 Realtor Keller Williams Realty Lyon Garrison ’81 Attorney at Law Garrison, Yount, Forte, & Mulcahy, LLC Glenn Gillen ’85 Civil Engineer Gillen Design Systems, LLC Thomas Moran, Jr. ’86 Director of Business Development Bourgeois Bennett, LLC Kelly Parenton ’90 Manager Brian Gibbs & Company William J. Perret ’46 Physician Retired Raymond Staub ’60 President Follower Foundation, Inc. James Tebbe ’76 Family Physician Ochsner Health System Michael Varisco ’83 Owner ASRS, LLC Andrew Waldron ’04 Homicide Detective New Orleans Police Department William Wynne ’97 Attorney at Law/Partner Jones Walker, LLP 41 42 REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT | FY 2014 ADMINISTRATION & STAFF, 2014 - 2015 Anthony McGinn, S.J. ’66 President Jesuit High School Raymond Fitzgerald, S.J. ’76 Assistant to the President Jesuit High School Krista Roeling Executive Development/ PAG Coordinator Office of Institutional Advancement (Development & Alumni Activities) Thomas Bagwill II Director of Institutional Advancement Marilyn Beauford Volunteer Coordinator William Dardis, S.J. ’58 Director of Special Projects Pierre DeGruy ’69 Director of Communications Editor, Jaynotes Logan Diano LEF/Events Coordinator Mat Grau ’68 Director of Alumni Affairs Joseph Latino Assistant Athletic Director Norman O’Neal, S.J. Alumni Chaplain Liddy Hanemann Administrative Assistant for Admissions & Athletics Wendy Schneider Alumni Events & Social Media Coordinator Meghan Weaver Creative Director Finance Office Office of the Principal Peter Kernion ’90 Principal Marylyn Andrée Administrative Assistant Seamus O’Donnell ’89 Chief Financial Officer Stephanie Cutrer Administrative Assistant Tooraj Badie Finance Officer Kathleen Juhas Academic Assistant Principal Rebecca Mertins Administrative Assistant Helen Swan Director of Student Affairs Cindy Moolekamp Accounting Clerk Malcolm Villarrubia ’66 Director of Professional Development Admissions Office Bret Hanemann III ’85 Director of Admissions Athletics Office David Moreau Athletic Director Discipline Office Lawerence Abshire Prefect of Discipline Darlene Loria Administrative Assistant Guidance Office Mary Favalora Director of Guidance Joan Barrera Administrative Assistant Aurora Daigle Counselor Justin Genovese ’04 Counselor Elizabeth Hoodless College Placement Counselor Mollie Roberts Counselor Andrew Schiro Counselor Donald Songy ’07 Counselor Allie Timberlake College Placement Counselor Campus Ministry Jeremy Reuther ’01 Director of Campus Ministry Donald Saunders, S.J. School Chaplain Volunteer Thank You Party, Traditions Courtyard, April 25, 2014 THIS REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 INCLUDES INFORMATION ON DONORS AND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BETWEEN JULY 1, 2013 AND JUNE 30, 2014. Jesuit High School strives to accurately recognize the many alumni, parents, organizations, and friends who have contributed to the school. Any mistakes should be brought to the attention of Pierre DeGruy ’69, director of communications, at [email protected] or (504) 483-3813. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEW ORLEANS, LA PERMIT NO. 313 Jesuit High School of New Orleans 4133 Banks Street New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 486-6631 If you received duplicate copies, or a copy for your son who has an established permanent address, please notify us at [email protected] or (504) 483-3815. Thank you for your support of Jesuit.
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