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COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND” FACTS & FIGURES t 16,,"61$MVCCFSTBSF"#$TPDJBMMZ mobile 18 – 30 year olds; 50/50 male/ female split Celebrating 10 years as the world’s leading club night organiser, PUKKA UP is looking for commercial partners and sponsors to share in its success. t 16,,"616,$MVC/JHIUTIBWFPWFS 115,000 admissions a year across 120 nights The following opportunities exist for brands to associate with PUKKA UP in 2013: t 16,,"61*#*;"#PBU1BSUJFTIBWFPWFS 35,000 admissions over a 17-week period in Ibiza The Day The World Partied - 10th Anniversary Celebrations – 27th April 2013 t 16,,"61*OUFSOBUJPOBM$MVC/JHIUTo over 20,000 admissions a year t PUKKA UP reaches out to 5,261,995 of the UK’s 18-24 year olds PUKKA UP IBIZA 2013 - 17 weeks of boat parties in the clubbing capital of the world t 16,,"61SFBDIFTPVUUPNJMMJPO tourists to Ibiza during the PUKKA UP season from: UK 38.7%; Germany 26.3%; Spain 11.9%; Italy 8%; France 4.9%; Others 10.2% PUKKA UP UK TOUR 2013 - Over 100 PUKKA UP nights across the UK With residencies in some of the world’s biggest clubbing destinations, PUKKA UP is an established international trend-setter from the coastline of Ibiza to the far-flung clubs of China or anywhere in between that has a house beat and dancing feet. t .PSFUIBOIBMGPG6,BEVMUTWJTJU nightclubs, with 18-24-year-olds the most frequent attendees In the UK and Ireland, the PUKKA UP Tour is constantly expanding with the hottest venues on the clubbing map signing up for PUKKA UP events, which will see the brand in every major city in 2013. t "NPOHBHFHSPVQBSF hardcore/occasional clubbers and 31% sporadic clubbers t "NPOHBHFHSPVQBSF hardcore/occasional clubbers and 28% sporadic clubbers PUKKA UP offers potential sponsors the chance to engage directly with this young, cool and affluent target audience through a wide range of promotional and marketing media including print, outdoor, press and online. t $MVCCFSTBSFNPTUMJLFMZUPCF single and around a third spend a considerable amount of time online each day (four hours+) 4PVSDFT16,,"616,(PW0/4*CJ[B-JWF and scribd surveys CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 1 COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND ” WHY GET INVOLVED? There are many benefits of an association including: Brand Association – aligning your company with PUKKA UP enables you to engage with an 18-30 target audience in an innovative way and associate with one of the coolest, hippest, trend setting club promoters in the UK and Internationally BRANDING & PR Sponsors, Supporters, Suppliers and Partners will have rights to associate with PUKKA UP for PR and advertising activity. Brand Exposure / Huge PR Opportunity - through advertising & PR an association with PUKKA UP will raise brand awareness of a sponsor’s products and services. PUKKA UP will generate media coverage in international, national and regional media BDSPTT573BEJP1SFTT.BHB[JOFTBOE0OMJOF.BYJNJTF exposure though a multi media approach including print, outdoor, online and experiential PUKKA UP offers huge opportunities to create media coverage for sponsors through news PR activity. Press releases and email newsletters will be issued through a variety of regional and international web sites as well as editorial BHSFFNFOUTXJUI.FEJB1BSUOFSTMFBEJOHUP widespread editorial coverage in TV, print and on the web. Experiential Marketing – with a wide range of events throughout the year there are numerous opportunities for TBNQMJOHQSPEVDUTBOETFSWJDFTUPBZPVUIBVEJFODF#FQBSU of a campaign which is an interactive experience, therefore making it more memorable Target Youth – PUKKA UP offers a fantastic way to promote to young, cool decision makers in an engaging setting. Opportunity to build genuine and sustained relationships with a young, social population Hospitality – an opportunity to target audiences both internal and external at PUKKA UP events Networking - access to PUKKA UP network including: celebrities Data – PUKKA UP will share with the sponsors any common databases generated for the sponsor’s future marketing activities CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 2 COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY 10 YEARS OF PUKKA UP – A BRIEF HISTORY IN THE BEGINNING PUKKA UP started in 2003 as a series of sell-out CPBUQBSUJFTPO-POEPOT5IBNFT4OBQQFEVQ by Capital nightspots such as Turnmills, Pacha and The Cross, it was obvious that there was something infectious about PUKKA UP’s ethos – putting fun first. In 2003 PUKKA UP moved to Ibiza for the summer, hosting the first of its long running 4VOTFU#PBU1BSUJFT AWARDS *O16,,"61SFDFJWFEUIF.JYNBHBXBSE for ‘most mentalist party’. Over the following five summers PUKKA UP became an Ibiza staple and as the decade went on, took up residencies in Privilege and Es Paradis. #Z16,,"61XBTDFMFCSBUJOHJUTUI Ibizan boat party and in 2010 began hosting rooms at Space on both Carl Cox’s nights on Tuesdays as well as Come Together on Fridays. This was a first for a UK club brand and a true accolade of PUKKA UP’s placing on the island. NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND” MEDIA PUKKA UP’s influence has spread way beyond the Ibizan shores. .57TJHOFEVQUPKPJOUIPTUUIF16,,"61UPVSJOCSPBEDBTUJOHQBSUJFTGSPNUIF6,*SFMBOEBOE.JBNJBDSPTTUIFJS .57(BMBYZ$IBSUTIPXT*O-JWJOH57TEPDVTPBQGPMMPXFE the PUKKA UP promotions team during their full season and JOA16,,"61XBTåMNFEGPSB##$EPDVNFOUBSZPO*CJ[B Accolades from the dance media continued with the likes of .JYNBH%+NBHBOE.BMMTJOHJOHUIFCSBOETQSBJTFTBMPOH with the award for best PR team in the Ibiza Annual Workers Awards. INTERNATIONAL RESIDENCIES The PUKKA UP tour is now bigger than ever with upcoming planned dates in: Singapore Australia - Sydney #SB[JMo3JPEF+BOFJSP Estonia – Talin *OEPOFTJBo+BLBUB#BMJ .BMBZTJB,VBMB-VNQB 4QBJO.BKPSDB*#*;" 4XJU[FSMBOEo#FSO 5IBJMBOEo#BOHLPL1IVLFU 6"&#BISBJO%PIB%VCBJ 64"o.JBNJ-" In the UK and Ireland the PUKKA UP tour is constantly expanding with the hottest venues on the clubbing map signing up for PUKKA UP events, which will see the brand in every major city by the end of 2013. CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 3 COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY WHAT MAKES PUKKA UP UNIQUE? THE PARTIES From one-off boat parties to being a global club brand, PUKKA UP parties are the exciting and fashionable face of 21st century hedonism. NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND” The PUKKA UP party is built on an unrivalled atmosphere thanks to its dedication to crowd interaction. The events create the memories that make PUKKA UP the brand clubbers just keep coming back to. THEMES - PUKKA UP GIRLS Since the beginning, PUKKA UP’s Girls, or ‘resident party starters’, have helped get crowds going and kept the dance floors debauched! The PUKKA UP Girls are at every event making customers feel welcome and keeping the PUKKA UP sexy vibe alive. The team of dancers are the first onto the floor and the last to leave, armed with give-aways, novelty props, caution tape, silly signs or just their own sass. In 2013 PUKKA UP will be unleashing a troupe of new, hot and glam PUKKA UP girls identified only as ‘The Heroes’. %SFTTFEIFBEUPUPFJOåHVSFIVHHJOHCMBDLDBUTVJUT the sci-fi-esq, futuristic and sassy girls will be the centre piece in 2013. Sporting the latest technology, the PUKKA 61)FSPFTXJMMCFLJUUFEPVUXJUI-&%NBTLTBOETVJUT further anchoring the fun, sexy vibe that PUKKA UP is famous for. HEADLINERS* Paul Oakenfold Freemasons Utah Saints Seb Fontaine 'FEEF-F(SBOEF #PC4JODMBJS +VTU+BDL #MPD1BSUZ #PEZSPY "VEJP#VMMJFT +PFZ/FHSP Harry Choo Choo Romero LIVE PAs* 7VMB#BTFNFOU+BYY 5BSB.D%POBME"SNBOE7BO Helden) -VDJBOB#PEZSPY $BNJMMF+POFT'FEEF-B Grande) Peyton *EB$PSS'FEEF-B(SBOEF RESIDENT DJS /P16,,"61QBSUZXPVMECFDPNQMFUFXJUIPVU UIFJSSFTJEFOU%+T"MXBZTUIFSFUPFOTVSFFWFSZQBSUZ whether in the UK or abroad, goes with a bang are %+T4DPUU(JMFT4BN8BMLFS.BSL3PCJOTPO %FSNPU$BOE'FOUPO(FFBOEUIFMBUFTUUBMFOU from PUKKA UP Records. * Past & Present 1SFWJPVTUIFNFTIBWFJODMVEFE%JSUZ1MBZFST%JSUZ $PQT"SU#BDL*OUP)PVTF4BJMPST#VOOZ(JSMTBOE #FBDI(JSMT DJs 16,,"61%+TQMBZBDSPTTUIFCPBSEGSPNIPVTFUP FMFDUSPDMBTTJDTUPOFXHFNToCVUJNQPSUBOUMZUIF%+T themselves never over shadow the party. PUKKA UP prides itself in working with some of the best artists in the business. Some of the star studded guest PA’s and Headliners include: CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 5PN/PWZ /PSNBO+BZ Stonebridge %FOOJT$ISJTUPQIFS ,VSE.BWFSJDL Seamus Haji .JTDIB%BOJFMT Trophy Twins ,BUF-BXMFS .JDLZ4MJN Herd & Fitz ,B[+BNFT#PEZSPDLFST 4 COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND ” PUKKA UP communication channels Online www.pukkaup.com www.youtube.com/pukkauptv Pukka Up Facebook Pukka Up Twitter Official Radio Show .BODIFTUFS(MPCBM #BTF#PVSOFNPVUI +VJDF'.-JWFSQPPM 3FBM%BODF3BEJP .BE[POF Skglobe Redseadance 1PXFSNJY'. 1MBZ'.%VCMJO &OFSHZ'. 25,000 unique users 230,000 unique viewers and counting 21,000 friends/ fans 5,100 followers XXXNBODIFTUFSHMPCBMDPVL XXXCBTFSBEJPOFU XXXKVJDFGNDPN XXXSFBMEBODFSBEJPDPVL XXXNBE[POFHFOFSBUJPODPN www.skglobe.net www.redseadanceradio.com XXXQPXFSNJYGNUL XXXQMBZGNEVCMJODPN XXXFOFSHZGNDPVL TV 3FHVMBSMZGFBUVSFPODIBOOFMTTVDIBT.576,-JWJOH##$ Press .JYNBH5JMMMBUF3FHVMBSMZGFBUVSFETJODF3FBDIFEPWFSNSFBEFST CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 5 COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND” RIGHTS PACKAGES Rights fall into the following categories. A full inventory by sponsorship level is detailed: PUKKA UP sponsorship packages suit differing levels of needs: Right To Title: Presenting Sponsors / Co-sponsors / Official 4VQQMJFST0GåDJBM.FEJB1BSUOFST 10th Anniversary Party – The Day the World Partied t 1SFTFOUJOH4QPOTPSTGPSJOEJWJEVBMFWFOUT t $PTQPOTPSTGSPNOPODPNQFUJOHDBUFHPSJFT t 0GåDJBM4VQQMJFSTQSPWJEJOHHPPETBOETFSWJDFT as part of the PUKKA UP experience t .FEJB1BSUOFST Branding: 4JHOBHF-PHPT"U$MVCT0O#PBUT0O Coaches; On Tickets; At Press Conferences; On Officials – PUKKA UP Girls; Promotional -JUFSBUVSF8FCTJUFT PUKKA UP IBIZA 2013 Media: *ODMVTJPOPG-PHPJOBOZ57%PDVNFOUBSZ BOZ1PTU&WFOU%7%BOE.FEJB3FMFBTFT t 1SFTFOUJOH4QPOTPSTGPSJOEJWJEVBMFWFOUT t $PTQPOTPSTGSPNOPODPNQFUJOHDBUFHPSJFT t 0GåDJBM4VQQMJFSTQSPWJEJOHHPPETBOETFSWJDFT as part of the PUKKA UP experience t .FEJB1BSUOFST Experiential Marketing: 1SFTFODF.BSLFUJOH4BNQMJOH-FBýFUJOH BOE*OGPSNBUJPO#PPUIT PUKKA UP UK Club Tour 2013 Data Capture: .BJM-JTU'PSXBSEJOH4FSWJDF"DDFTT t 1SFTFOUJOH4QPOTPSTGPSJOEJWJEVBMFWFOUT t $PTQPOTPSTGSPNOPODPNQFUJOHDBUFHPSJFT t 0GåDJBM4VQQMJFSTQSPWJEJOHHPPETBOETFSWJDFT as part of the PUKKA UP experience t .FEJB1BSUOFST Hospitality & Networking: Hospitality at events; introductions to 16,,"61/FUXPSL Merchandising: -PHPTPONFSDIBOEJTFGPSFYBNQMFUTIJSUT baseball caps, beach shorts, bikinis CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 6 COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND” Taking our brand into its second decade the glamorous Heroes will be saving the world and landing in 10 of the most amazing cities. 10th Anniversary Album PUKKA UP will be releasing a 10th anniversary album featuring both boat and club mixes as well as retro tracks taking us back to the old school. 10TH ANNIVERSARY HEROES PARTY: THE DAY THE WORLD PARTIED Reminiscing on each year PUKKA UP’s 10th anniversary album will include the most memorable and hair raising tracks from those days and is due for release on 29th April 2013. 4BUVSEBZUI"QSJMJTPGåDJBMMZi5IF%BZ5IF8PSME Partied” - a global club event celebrating PUKKA Up’s tenth anniversary! Venues COUNTRY CITY CLUB/EVENT PUKKA UP will be taking their plush parties around the world to the hottest cities where the official 10th birthday will be celebrated, including: UK -POEPO Pacha Australia Sydney tbc Egypt tbc tbc 6,-POEPO #SB[JM3JP &HZQUUCD Singapore (tbc) +BQBOUCD Switzerland tbc tbc Germany tbc tbc +BQBO tbc tbc USA -BT7FHBT tbc #SB[JM 3JPEF+BOFJSP tbc Singapore Singapore tbc .BMBZTJB ,VBMB-VNQBS tbc (FSNBOZUCD 4XJU[FSMBOEUCD 64"-BT7FHBT Australia (Sydney) .BMBZTJB,VBMB-VNQBS As the world turns, parties will start in different parts of the HMPCFPO5IF%BZ5IF8PSME1BSUJFE On 27th April PUKKA UP will officially celebrate their 10th CJSUIEBZXJUIBIFBEMJOFFWFOUGPSDMVCCFSTPOUIF%JYJF Queen cruising down the Thames and ending up at their TQJSJUVBMIPNF1BDIB-POEPO *countries subject to change 10th Anniversary Preview The celebrations start with an exclusive JOWJUFPOMZFWFOUPOUI.BSDIBU-POEPOT HMBNNFTUDMVC.D2VFFOTJO4IPSFEJUDI 1BDIB-POEPOXJMMCFTIPXDBTJOHMJWFGPPUBHFGSPNUFO events around the world such as Sydney and Vegas, whilst PVS6,SFWFMMFSTXBSNVQ-POEPOTCJHHFTUEBODFýPPS PUKKA UP will unveil not only their 10th anniversary plans but they will also be showing an exhibition that will take a look back at the past decade. Heroes The party will be focused on 10 facts, 10 places, 10 events around the world with just 1 brand at the heart of it–PUKKA UP! In 2013 PUKKA UP will be unleashing a troupe of new, hot and glam PUKKA UP girls identified only as ‘The Heroes’. This will be a guest-list only landmark event to showcase the brand new artwork and celebrate PUKKA UP’S 10th birthday. %SFTTFEIFBEUPUPFJOåHVSFIVHHJOHCMBDLDBUTVJUTUIF sci-fi-esq, futuristic and sassy girls will be the centre piece of the 10th Anniversary celebrations. Sporting the latest technolPHZUIF16,,"61)FSPFTXJMMCFLJUUFEPVUXJUI-&%NBTLT and suits further anchoring the fun, sexy vibe that PUKKA UP is famous for. THE SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY We are looking for a number of sponsors to be part of the PUKKA UP experience including: Presenting Sponsors, Co-sponsors, Official 4VQQMJFSTBOE0GåDJBM.FEJB1BSUOFST CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 7 COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND” PUKKA UP IBIZA 2013 16,,"61*#*;"JTBDBMFOEBSPGCPBUQBSUZFWFOUT in Ibiza supported by a 10–date UK Tour with 250,000 expected to see PUKKA UP across the 17-week season. UK presence – May - June 2013 10 date ‘Ibiza Tour’ around the UK Ibiza presence – June to September 2013 17 weeks of boat parties every Tuesday and Friday 12 weeks of parties at Space every Tuesday and Friday IBIZA BOAT PARTIES In Ibiza heading out to party on the water has become the hottest thing to do. PUKKA UP has five boats leaving twice a week from San Antonio and POFMFBWJOHUXJDFBXFFLGSPN1MBZBEFO#PTTB on the other side of the White Isle. Over 35,000 attend the boat parties offering fanUBTUJDCSBOEFYQPTVSFUPUIFDSFBNPG#SJUJTIBOE European 18-30 year olds. 35,000+ clubbers - over 2,000 per week 180 boats – average of 200 on each one for 17 weeks THE BOAT PARTY The party starts on the boat around early evening with PUKKA UP Girls who show off their moves in this year’s themed Heroes outfits and dance on the roof of the boat as the evening wears on. The clubbers party for around three hours in an environment that ensures everyone gets to know each other, as the boat is a pretty intimate place! The music and dancing don’t stop until the boat is almost back to San Antonio, where noise laws mean it has to quieten down around 9pm. So then it’s left to the clubbers to sing the boat back home. It’s a perfect way to see the Ibiza coastline that you might not get around to otherwise, and to meet new friends! THE CLUBS After the boat party – PUKKA UP buses take people to the clubs. Clubs include Ibiza’s finest: t 4QBDF5VFTEBZ$BSM%+$PYTOJHIU t *CJ[B3PDLT'SJEBZ8F"SF3PDLTUBST1BSUZXJUIUIF MJLFTPG.BSL3POTPOBOE;BOF-PXF%+JOH THEMES This year’s theme is “Heroes”, and will feature glam jet set girls having fun with lots of giveaways including fans, sunglasses and the classic PUKKA UP boards. THE SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY We are looking for a number of sponsors to be part of the PUKKA UP experience including: Presenting Sponsors, $PTQPOTPST0GåDJBM4VQQMJFSTBOE0GåDJBM.FEJB1BSUOFST PUKKA UP will offer the following marketing support JODMVEJOH.VTJDNBHB[JOFFEJUPSJBM.BHB[JOF advertising; Radio advertising; You Tube Channel TV BEWFSUJTJOH'MZFSTBOEFýZFST4.4FNBJMBOENBJMJOH database; Posters at UK residencies and in Ibiza; PUKKA 61XPSLFSTPOMPDBUJPOJO*CJ[B#SBOEJOHBEWFSUJTJOHPO UIFPGåDJBM16,,"61DPBDI#SBOEJOHBEWFSUJTJOHPOUIF PUKKA UP boats (up to 12 every week). CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 8 COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND ” PUKKA UP UK TOUR 2013 Outside Ibiza, PUKKA UP has a calendar of party nights throughout the UK and with 115,000 expected to attend over 120 events in 2013. THE SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY We are looking for a number of sponsors to be part of the UK & International PUKKA UP $MVC/JHIUTFYQFSJFODFJODMVEJOH1SFTFOUJOH Sponsors, Co-sponsors, Official Suppliers and 0GåDJBM.FEJB1BSUOFST IN THE UK PUKKA UP is one of the most successful touring club brands in the UK with over 120 UK club nights a year, including nights in every major club such as Gatecrasher, Syndicate, Honeyclub, Air and Glam. PUKKA UP will offer the following marketing TVQQPSUJODMVEJOH.VTJDNBHB[JOFFEJUPSJBM .BHB[JOFBEWFSUJTJOH3BEJPBEWFSUJTJOH:PV Tube Channel TV advertising; Flyers and e-flyers; 4.4FNBJMBOENBJMJOHEBUBCBTF1PTUFSTBU UK residencies; PUKKA UP workers in the UK; #SBOEJOHBEWFSUJTJOHBUUIFPGåDJBM16,,"61 $VC/JHIUT 5JDLFUTGPS16,,"61FWFOUTBSFSFHVMBSMZGPVOEPOF#BZBU double the original asking price! CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 9 COMMERCIAL SPONSORSHIP & PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES S ’ D L R O W THE ER 1 BOAT PARTY TESTIMONIALS NUMB “THE UK’S LEADING CLUB BRAND” “PUKKA UP’s boat party in Ibiza was one of the maddest clubbing experiences I’ve ever had!” - Richard Mcleod, Bacardi CONTACT “PUKKA UP were a pleasure to work with and the tour generated TPNFGBOUBTUJDQSPHSBNNJOHGPS.57%BODFwBen Hack, MTV Dance “It’s always a pleasure to play host to PUKKA UP parties, they always add an extra touch of glamour to the venue. Their events are BNPOHUIFCFTUJO-POEPOBOEJUTBHSFBUIPOPVSUPIBWFUIFNBU Pacha!’’ - Gemma Ross, Pacha London “This year we have played quite a few of the PUKKA UP events... GSPNUIF16,,"61"SFOBBUUIF1MBOFU-PWFGFTUJWBMJO%VCMJOUPUIF JOGBNPVT#PBUBOE#PVUJRVFQBSUJFTJO*CJ[B&WFSZPOFPGUIFTFHJHT has been fantastic for us and we always enjoy playing for PUKKA UP as these guys know how to throw one hell of a party every time!!” Utah Saints “It’s always been a pleasure working with PUKKA UP. From the initial booking through to the way they look after our artists they’re always extremely professional. If only all promoters were as efficient!” Craig D’Souza, Mission Control Artists “2 ups for PUKKA UP... Amazing party, beautiful decor, fantastic NVTJDBOEHSFBU%+5IF16,,"61UFBNJTKVTUBXFTPNF$BOU get enough so we’ve decided to have you back!!!” Robyn Moss, Forbidden City, Singapore i%VCBJTCFFOXBJUJOHGPSBNBTTJWFOFXOJHIUUPIJUBOEJO PUKKA UP we’ve rediscovered exactly what it means to have a QSPQFSQBSUZJO%VCBJ8FSFCFHHJOHUIFNUPDPNFCBDLGPSNPSFw - Tammy, Gorgeous, Dubai CELEBRATING 10 YEARS AS THE WORLD’S LEADING CLUB NIGHT ORGANISER ORGANISED BY PUKKA UP ENTERPRISES MARKETING SUPPORT BY PURPLE TANGERINE – THE SPONSORSHIP EXPERTS 10 PURPLE TANGERINE LIMITED Forge House The High Street Charing Kent 5/-4 tel./fax: +44 1233 712 899 www.purpletangerine.com Nigel Jones - Director email: [email protected] tel. +44 7980 213 122 Paul Taunton – Account Director email: [email protected] tel. +44 7798 583 555 PUKKA ENTERPRISES 85 Stepney Way Whitechapel -POEPO &&/ www.pukkaup.com Dom Wright - Director email: [email protected] tel. +44 7775 686 757