2014 Membership Directory - American College of Veterinary
2014 Membership Directory - American College of Veterinary
The American College of Veterinary Pathologists 2014 Membership Directory Join ACVP for the 2014 Annual Meeting November 8-12, 2014 Atlanta, Georgia Officers & Seminars of the College President Secretary Meeting Site 2014 C. Brayton M.J. Topper Atlanta 2013 M. Wellman M.J. Topper Montreal, Canada 2012 C. Andreasen M.J. Topper Seattle 2011 D. A. Mosier M. J. Topper Nashville 2010 M. D. Lairmore M. J. Topper Baltimore 2009 D. J. Meuten D. A. Mosier Monterey 2008 J. M. Cullen D. A. Mosier San Antonio 2007 M. A. Thrall D. A. Mosier Savannah 2006 P. C. Stromberg D. A. Mosier Tucson 2005 R. K. Harris D. A. Mosier Boston 2004 L. Munson P. C. Stromberg Orlando 2003 H. David P. C. Stromberg Banff, Canada 2002 M. A. Miller P. C. Stromberg New Orleans 2001 S. E. Weisbrode P. C. Stromberg Salt Lake City 2000 G. A. Boorman P. C. Stromberg Amelia Island 1999 D. R. Patterson M. A. Miller Chicago 1998 N. J. MacLachlan M. A. Miller St. Louis 1997 G. L. Cockerell M. A. Miller Albuquerque 1966 L. C. Cork M. A. Miller Seattle Neoplasia 1995 H. M. Acland M. A. Miller Atlanta Mol. Path of Bacterial Infections 1994 T. T. Brown, Jr. G. L. Cockerell Montreal Cardiovascular System 1993 J. B. Moe G. L. Cockerell San Antonio Skeletal Systems 1992 H. W. Casey # G. L. Cockerell San Diego Eye and Ear 1991 L. E. Perryman G. L. Cockerell Orlando Skin 1990 O. J. Fletcher G. L. Cockerell Phoenix Liver & Exocrine Pancreas 1989 W. W. Carlton H. M. Acland Baltimore Inflammation 1988 J. A. Shadduck H. M. Acland Kansas City Intestinal 1987 D. C. Dodd H. M. Acland Monterey Immunopathology 1986 P. K. Hildebrandt H. M. Acland New Orleans Toxicological Pathology 1985 K. W. Prasse H. M. Acland Denver Reproductive & Teratology 1984 K. R. Pierce P. K. Hildebrandt Toronto Neuropathology 1983 H. W. Moon P. K. Hildebrandt San Antonio Blood and Bone Marrow 1982 B. I. Osburn P. K. Hildebrandt Atlanta Endocrine System 1981 N. F. Cheville P. K. Hildebrandt Monterey Respiratory Disease Deceased # Seminar Topic 50th Anniversary TEAC H RVE SE The American College of Veterinary PathologistsTM R ESEAR C H 2014 Membership Directory Members in Good Standing Qualified as Veterinary Anatomic Pathologists and/or Veterinary Clinical Pathologists Council Officers: President: Cory Brayton President-Elect: R. Mark Simpson Secretary/Treasurer: Michael J. Topper Secretary/Treasurer-elect: Mark R. Ackermann Immediate Past President: Maxey L. Wellman Councilors: David E. Malarkey Anne M. Barger Krista M. D. La Perle Glenn H. Cantor General Correspondence To: Website: Wendy J. Coe, CAE Executive Director American College of Veterinary Pathologists 2424 American Lane Madison, WI 53704-3102 Phone: 1-608-443-2466, ext. 149 Fax: 1-608-443-2478 Email: [email protected] Examination Correspondence To: Michael J. Topper, DVM, PhD c/o American College of Veterinary Pathologists 2424 American Lane Madison, WI 53704-3102 Phone: 1-608-443-2466 Fax: 1-608-443-2478 Email: [email protected] 2014 2015 2016 2017 http://www.acvp.org Mission: The American College of Veterinary Pathologists fosters excellence in veterinary pathology to protect and improve animal, human, and environmental health to benefit society. Vision: To be an innovative and integral contributor to global health solutions by understanding disease. 1 ACVP 2014 Membership Directory Membership Information Renewal: The annual deadline for renewing your membership and paying dues is January 31. Renewals by this date ensure continuation of your journal subscription and other mailings. Please note that there is no longer a reinstatement fee to renew a lapsed membership. Emeritus Membership: An ACVP member who has retired and is no longer earning a living or receiving compensation for pathology related activities may request emeritus status by contacting the ACVP Executive Office. The Constitution of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists defines five types of members. It stipulates that an Emeritus member is any member who has retired from the practice or teaching of veterinary pathology. Emeritus members shall be exempt from the payment of dues but shall have all privileges of members, except the right to hold office. All Emeritus members receive free access to the online version of Veterinary Pathology but Emeritus members may continue to receive the printed version of Veterinary Pathology at the rate provided for members (currently $55 annually). Emeritus membership is voted upon and granted by Council at the request of regular members desiring to change their membership status. Emeritus membership is intended to give our retired members a financial break yet keep them on the membership rolls and potentially active in College affairs. We have many senior members with broad collective experiences that could benefit the development of the College. Continued interaction could provide the opportunity to tap this experience at the same time providing opportunity for interested members to contribute their expertise and remain involved. We recognize that many want to pursue alternate nonscientific activities but remain in touch with College news and colleagues. Emeritus members may engage at the level of their interest. Council interprets Emeritus membership to be appropriate for members who have retired from the practice of pathology and are no longer earning a living, performing the tasks or receiving compensation for pathology related activities. In the modern world, retirement may have many varied meanings. An individual may retire from a career in one institution and work in another or continue to consult. Council does not consider such individuals to be retired for the purposes of Emeritus membership. This information is also available on the ACVP website: http://www.acvp.org/about/ emeritus.php. Directory Use: The information in the ACVP Membership Directory must not be used by anyone for commercial purposes. The ACVP does not sell the membership directory or member email addresses. 2 ACVP 2014 Membership Directory Contents ACVP Council.............................................................................................................................................. 1 ACVP Executive Offices/Address for General Correspondence................................................. 1 ACVP Secretary/Treasurer Address for Examination Correspondence................................... 1 Members in Good Standing (Alphabetical)...................................................................................... 5 Geographic Distribution of Members.............................................................................................167 Veterinary Clinical Pathologists.........................................................................................................192 Dual Certified Veterinary Pathologists............................................................................................194 Honorary Members...............................................................................................................................194 Charter Members...................................................................................................................................195 Distinguished Members.......................................................................................................................195 Presidential Awards...............................................................................................................................195 Deceased Members...............................................................................................................................196 Emeritus Members.................................................................................................................................198 Inactive Members ..................................................................................................................................200 2014 Committees of the College......................................................................................................201 2014 Commitees & Taskforce with Council Liaisons..................................................................205 2012 - 2017 Strategic Plan Overview..............................................................................................207 ACVP Harassment and Discrimination Policy..............................................................................211 ACVP Constitution.................................................................................................................................212 ACVP Bylaws.............................................................................................................................................214 Change of Address.................................................................................................................................223 Found an Error?.......................................................................................................................................225 Officers and Seminars of the College ......................................... (inside front and back covers) 2014 Council Meeting Dates.............................................................................(outside back cover) Future Examination Dates..................................................................................(outside back cover) Future Annual Meeting Dates...........................................................................(outside back cover) SAGE Publications Correspondence...............................................................(outside back cover) 3 ACVP 2014 Membership Directory _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Abbi - Affo American College of Veterinary Pathologists Members in Good Standing No Symbol = Certified in Veterinary Pathology * = Certified in Veterinary Clinical Pathology + = Certified in both Abbitt, Bruce 9455 Lightsey Ln College Station, TX 77845 W: 979-676-2525 H: 979-846-6172 E: [email protected] Abbott, David Peter 35 Route De Vallieres Rilly sur Loire, 41150 France H: 33-2 54 209906 E: [email protected] Ackerman, Larry Joseph PO Box 2365 179 White Farm Lane Andrews, NC 28901 W: 828-321-3316 H: 828-321-8300 F: 828-321-2298 E: [email protected] Ackermann, Mark R. 2625 Meadow Glen Road Ames, IA 50014 W: 515-360-7893 F: 515-294-5423 E: [email protected] Acland, Helen M. 110 Marlbrooke Way Kennett Square, PA 19348 W: 610-444-4510 E: [email protected] Adams, Edward Terence 2560 Jonquil Street New Orleans, LA 70122 H: 610-585-8629 E: [email protected] Adams, Eugene W. 704 Patterson St Tuskegee, AL 36088 W: 334-727-1716 H: 334-727-1716 E: [email protected] Adams, Leslie Garry Texas A&M University CVM, Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology Veterinary Medical Research Bldg, Room 141 College Station, TX 77843-4467 W: 979-845-9816 H: 979-693-6799 F: 979-845-1088 E: [email protected] Adaska, John M. University of CA, CAHFSL 18830 Rd 112 Tulare, CA 93274 W: 559-688-7543 F: 559-686-4231 E: [email protected] Adissu, Hibret Amare Pathology Core, Centre for Modeling Human Disease The Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics 25 Orde Street Toronto, ON M5T 3H7 Canada W: 416‐586‐4800 x4340 H: 519-841-5144 F: 416‐837‐5831 E: [email protected] Adler, Rick R. GlaxoSmithKline Safety Assessment PO Box 13398, 5 Moore Dr (RD9-3004) Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-4716 F: 919-483-0692 E: [email protected] Affolter, Timothy W. Pfizer La Jolla 10646 Science Center Dr (CB4) San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-622-8058 F: 858-678-8290 E: [email protected] 5 Agne - Alde Agnew, Dalen W. Michigan State University 4125 Beaumont Rd. DCPAH, Rm. 165 Lansing, MI 48910 W: 517-432-5806 H: 517-655-1404 E: [email protected] Aguirre, Shirley A. Pfizer, Inc DSRD 10646 Science Center Dr (CB4) San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-526-4073 F: 858-678-8290 E: [email protected] Aina, Olulanu H. University of California, Davis County Rd 98 & Hutchison Dr Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-0332 H: 916-686-3354 E: [email protected] *Aird, Betsy 9134 St Croix Tr N Stillwater, MN 55082 W: 651-238-0164 F: 651-760-4322 E: [email protected] Ajithdoss, Dharani K. Washington State University PO Box 647040 VMP & WADDL Pullman, WA 99164-7040 W: 979-599-6336 H: 979-422-2502 E: [email protected] Akare, Sandeep J. Eisai Inc. 4 Corporate Drive Andover, MA 01810 W: 978-722-6720 H: 217-384-6312 E: [email protected] 6 Al-Dissi, Ahmad Western College of Veterinary Medicine University of Saskatchewan 52 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada W: 306-966-7643 F: 306-966-7439 E: [email protected] Al-Haddawi, Muthafar Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, A*STAR #06-01 61 Biopolis Drive Proteos, Singapore 138673 Singapore W: +65 6589 9629 F: +65 6478 9016 E: [email protected] Albassam, Mudher Roche TCRC Inc 430 E 29th St Pharmaceutical Sciences New York, NY 10016 W: 646-461-5189 E: [email protected] Albers, Theresa M. Charles River Laboratories 251 Ballardvale St Wilmington, MA 01887 W: 781-222-6107 H: 508-366-0284 F: 978-988-8793 E: [email protected] Alcaraz, Ana Western University CVM 309 E 2nd St Pomona, CA 91766 W: 909-706-3479 F: 909-469-5635 E: [email protected] Alden, Carl L. 20242 Augusta Dr Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 W: 617-460-3966 H: 812-577-0668 E: [email protected] Alen - Alve Alenghat, Theresa 6719 Cinnamon Drive Philadelphia, PA 19128 W: 267-971-1232 E: [email protected] Allavena-Geisel, Rachel Elizabeth University of Queensland School of Veterinary Science University of Queensland Gatton Campus Gatton, QLD 4343 Australia H: +61 746612400 E: [email protected] *Alleman, Arthur Rick 13337 NW 172nd Ave Alachua, FL 32615 W: 352-294-4078 H: 386-462-0482 F: 352-392-2938 E: [email protected] Allison, Neil 1838 Red Mountain Drive Santa Clara, UT 84765 H: 435-703-9778 E: [email protected] *Allison, Robin W. Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine Rm 250 McElroy Hall Stillwater, OK 74078 W: 405-744-6279 F: 405-744-5275 E: [email protected] Almes, Kelli M. Kansas State University Vet Diagnostic Lab, CVM L229 Mosier Hall, 1800 Denison Ave Manhattan, KS 66506 W: 785-532-3995 F: 785-532-4481 E: [email protected] *Almy, III, Frederic Spiers Janssen Research & Development 1400 McKean Rd PO Box 776, Bldg 29-4005 Spring House, PA 19477 W: 215-628-6981 H: 706-621-2882 E: [email protected] Aloisio, Fabio Idexx Laboratories via Toscana 28 Terni, 05100 Italy W: +39 327 5772267 H: +39 327 5772267 E: [email protected] Alroy, Joseph Tufts Medical Center Dept of Pathology 800 Washington St Box 115 Boston, MA 02111 W: 617-636-0581 H: 617-965-5643 F: 617-636-8302 E: [email protected] *Alsaker, Richard D. 1609 Monticello Ln Waunakee, WI 53597 H: 608-850-3007 E: [email protected] Altera, Kenneth P. Westpath Corporation PO Box 1358 Los Altos, CA 94023 W: 650-941-4170 H: 650-823-7183 F: 650-941-4170 E: [email protected] Altman, Norman University of Miami Department of Pathology PO Box 016960 (LC: R-46) Miami, FL 33101 W: 305-243-6700 F: 305-243-5662 E: [email protected] Alves, Derron A. 5125 Good Memory Lane Ellicott City, MD 21043 W: 301-319-1146 H: 301-982-5028 F: 301-619-4627 E: [email protected] 7 Amer - Andr *Ameri, Mehrdad Comparative Biology & Safety Sciences One Amgen Center Drive MS 29-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1799 W: 805-447-9416 E: [email protected] Amuzie, Chidozie Joshua MPI Research 54943 North Main Street Mattawan, MI 49071 W: 269-668-3336 x2173 H: 517-944-5938 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] Anderson, Charles 1900 JFK Blvd Apt 1907 Philadelphia, PA 19103 H: 215-575-0730 Anderson, Daniel C. 775 Forest Oak Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30044 H: 770-972-5923 E: [email protected] Anderson, Marilyn P. 10956 Parkdale Ave San Diego, CA 92126 H: 858-271-1506 Anderson, Mark L. California Animal Health & Food Safety Lab, UCD 620 W. Health Sciences Drive PO Box 1770 Davis, CA 95617 W: 530-752-8747 H: 530-758-6324 F: 530-752-6253 E: [email protected] Anderson, Timothy D. Pfizer Global Research and Development 1 Eastern Point Road MS 8274-1211 Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-441-3865 F: 860.715.8493 E: [email protected] 8 *Andreasen, Claire B. Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine 16th and Elwood Dr (University Blvd) Ames, IA 50011 W: 515-294-3843 F: 515-294-8341 E: [email protected] *Andrews, Dina A. Amgen, Inc One Amgen Center Dr, MS 29-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 W: 805-447-7882 H: 805-482-1816 F: 805-376-9467 E: [email protected] Andrews, Edwin J. 278 Serenity Hill Circle Chapel Hill, NC 27516-0389 W: 919-942-6730 E: [email protected] Andrews, Gordon Allan Kansas State University Coll of Vet Med Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology Veterinary Medical Ctr 1800 Denison Ave Manhattan, KS 66506 W: 785-532-4459 H: 785-537-4439 F: 785-532-4481 E: [email protected] *Andrews, Janice M. 1901 Olde Mill Forest Dr Raleigh, NC 27606 W: 919-851-1192 H: 919-656-6154 F: 919-851-9423 E: [email protected] Andrews, John J. 2886 Fall Creek Dr Grand Junction, CO 81503 W: 970-250-8523 H: 970-250-8523 E: [email protected] Andr - Assa Andrews, Laura K. Marshfield Laboratories Veterinary Division 1000 North Oak Ave Marshfield, WI 54449 W: 715-389-3795 F: 715-389-3744 E: [email protected] Andrews-Jones, Lydia L. Allergan 2525 Dupont Drive Mailstop RD2-2C Irvine, CA 92612 W: 714-246-3502 H: 775-741-0118 F: 714-246-5850 E: [email protected] Anttila, Marjukka O. Evira Finland Mustialankatu 3 Helsinki, 00790 Finland W: 358-503544601 F: 358-295304361 E: [email protected] Anver, Miriam R. Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc., Frederick National Labs PO Box B Frederick, MD 21702 W: 301-846-5922 H: 540-364-9669 F: 301-846-1953 E: [email protected] Arenas, Angela Texas A&M University 4467 TAMU College Station, TX 77843 W: 979-845-4185 E: [email protected] Armien Medianero, Anibal Guillermo University of Minnesota, CVM 1333 Gortner Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-625-8270 H: 612-730-1489 F: 612-624-8707 E: [email protected] Armstrong, Larry Dale 11631-76 Ave Edmonton, AB T6G 0K9 Canada W: 780-436-8042 H: 780-436-8042 E: [email protected] +Arndt , Tara P. 2668 Edgevale Rd. Columbus, OH 43221 W: 614-813-8229 E: [email protected] Arp, Lawrence H. Charles River Laboratories Pathology Associates 4740 Kincross Ct Boulder, CO 80301 W: 303-527-0005 H: 303-527-1894 F: 303-527-0005 E: [email protected] Arthur, Donald Graeme Selwyn/Rakaia Veterinary Services Weedons Rd, RD 4 Christchurch, 7674 New Zealand W: 64-3-3254444 H: 64-3-3253086 F: 64-3-3254442 E: [email protected] Arzt, Jonathan USDA/ARS Plum Island Animal Disease Center PO Box 848 Greenport, NY 11944 W: 631-323-3336 H: 631-323-8034 E: [email protected] Asakawa, Midori Goto 1871 Ellis Hollow Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 H: 919-455-6392 E: [email protected] Assaf, Basel T. 6285 NE Carillion Drive, Unit 102 Hillsboro, OR 97124 H: 530-400-0163 E: [email protected] 9 Atki - Bake Atkin, Thelda Joy 13814 Possum Tree San Antonio, TX 78232 E: [email protected] *Aulbach, Adam D. MPI Research 54943 N Main St Mattawan, MI 49071 W: 269-668-3336 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] Avakian, Arlen V. 290 Pleasant Street, Apt. 303 Watertown, MA 02472 W: 617-388-4608 H: 617-388-4608 E: [email protected] *Avery, Paul R. Colorado State University 1619 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523 W: 970-491-7838 H: 970-232-8276 F: 970-491-0523 E: [email protected] Ayers, Kenneth M. 5301 Huntingwood Dr Raleigh, NC 27606 H: 919-622-0434 E: [email protected] Aziz, Neel Ibn-Anwar Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahidol University 999 Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road Salaya Salaya, Phutthamonthon Nakhonpathom 73170 Thailand W: 011-668-1353-7883 H: 240-283-8458 E: [email protected] Bacmeister, Cynthia Xochitl 1 Calandria Irvine, CA 92620 W: 800-745-4725 x2423 H: 714-734-9925 F: 949-930-3684 E: [email protected] 10 Baer, Keith E. 4144 Mill Creek Drive Cresco, PA 18326 W: 917-545-2871 H: 917-545-2871 E: [email protected] Bailey, Charles C. The Scripps Research Institute, Florida 130 Scripps Way 3C1 Jupiter, FL 33458 W: 561-228-2435 E: [email protected] Bailey, Keith L. Oklahoma State University Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (OADDL) Farm Road & Ridge Road Stillwater, OK 74078 W: 405-744-8808 F: 405-744-8612 E: [email protected] Bain, Fairfield T. Washington State University P.O. Box 646610 Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Pullman, WA 99164-6610 W: 509-335-0901 H: 682-229-9447 F: 775-593-8341 E: [email protected] *Bain, Perry James Tufts University LAH, Dept of Biomedical Sciences 200 Westboro Rd North Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-887-4544 E: [email protected] +Baker, Dale C. 3808 N. County Road 13 Fort Collins, CO 80524 W: 970-631-2903 H: 509-262-6682 E: [email protected] Bake - Barn Baker, William H. Charles River Laboratories-Preclinical Services 640 N Elizabeth St Spencerville, OH 45887 W: 419-647-4196 H: 419-629-0415 F: 419-647-6560 E: [email protected] Bangari, Dinesh S Genzyme Corporation Five Mountain Road Department of Pathology Framingham, MA 01701-9322 W: 508-270-2521 E: [email protected] Bakthavatchalu, Vasudevan 3600 Brookewind Way Apt. #6202 Lexington, KY 40515 W: 859-489-5667 H: 859-402-1695 E: [email protected] *Barger, Anne M. University of Illinois 181 SAC 1008 Hazelwood Dr Urbana, IL 61802 W: 217-244-4106 F: 217-333-5341 E: [email protected] +Baldessari, Audrey Eleanor 11808 194th Ave NE Redmond, WA 98053 W: 206-616-1708 H: 425-283-8888 E: [email protected] Barkyoumb, Steven D. WIL Research 1407 George Road Ashland, OH 44805 W: 419 282-6839 E: [email protected] Baldwin, Thomas James UT Veterinary Diagnostic Lab 950 E 1400 N Logan, UT 84341 W: 435-797-1895 F: 435-797-2805 E: [email protected] Barlow, Norman James Sanofi 153 Second Avenue Waltham, MA 02451 W: 781-464-3970 H: 610-952-9716 E: [email protected] Ball, Roger A. 2204 Wydewood Dr Midland, TX 79707 *Barlow, Valerie Guilpin Sanofi 49 New York Avenue Framingham, MA 01701 W: 508-271-4543 E: [email protected] *Banajee, Kaikhushroo H. LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Pathobiological Sciences Skip Bertman Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70803 W: 225-578-7419 H: 225-578-9733 E: [email protected] Banas, Deborah A. EPL, Inc PO Box 169 Sterling, VA 20167 W: 703-471-7060 x205 H: 540-338-4866 F: 703-471-8447 E: [email protected] Barnett, Dean Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc 10000 Chatodd Ct Evansville, IN 47712 W: 812-985-9106 H: 812-985-9106 F: 812-985-9106 E: [email protected] 11 Barn - Baue *Barnhart, Kirstin F. Abbott Laboratories Dept. R469, Bldg. AP13A-3 100 Abbott Park Road Abbott Park, IL 60064 W: 847-938-5868 H: 713-301-5500 E: [email protected] Barr, Bradd C. 1428 Vicki Lane Nipomo, CA 93444 W: 530-219-8891 E: [email protected] Barthel, Anna PO Box 982 Moab, UT 84532 H: 435 355 0052 E: [email protected] Barthel, Curt H. 2743 Three Mile Run Rd Perkasie, PA 18944 W: 215-258-3762 H: 215-258-3762 F: 215-258-3762 E: [email protected] Barthold, Stephen W. University of California, Davis Center for Comparative Medicine 1 Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-1245 F: 530-752-7914 E: [email protected] Bartsch, Robert 10040 E Happy Valley Rd #467 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 H: 480-515-1239 F: 480-515-1242 Basaraba, Randall Joseph Colorado State University Dept Microbiol, Immunol & Pathology 1619 Campus Delivery, CVM & Biomed Sciences Fort Collins, CO 80523-1619 W: 970-491-3313 H: 970-407-1847 F: 970-491-0603 E: [email protected] 12 *Basel, Dean L. 2812 East Acoma Dr Phoenix, AZ 85032 W: 602-906-2900 H: 602-867-3933 F: 602-906-2916 E: [email protected] Baseler, Laura Rocky Mountain Laboratories Bldg. 28, 903 S. 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840 W: 406-375-9734 E: [email protected] Baskin, Gary B. Charles River Laboratories Preclinical Services, Nevada 300 Reine St. Mandeville, LA 70448 W: 985-624-2851 F: 985-624-2851 E: [email protected] Baszler, Timothy Washington State University Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory PO Box 647034, Bustad Hall, Room 155N Pullman, WA 99164-7040 W: 509-335-6047 F: 509-335-7424 E: [email protected] Batey, Kenneth Lance 406 Hidden Deer La Vernia, TX 78121 W: 210-464-8085 H: 830-947-4082 E: [email protected] *Battison, Andrea L. CrustiPath Box 682 Charlottetown, PE C1A 7L3 Canada H: 902-892-2877 E: [email protected] Bauer, Rudy W. 11711 N. Oak Hills Pkwy Baton Rouge, LA 70810 W: 225-578-9777 E: [email protected] Baug - Beaz Baughman, Brittany S. MS Veterinary Research & Diagn. Lab P.O. Box 97813 Pearl, MS 39288 W: 601-420-4788 E: [email protected] Baumgaertner, Wolfgang University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Department of Pathology Bunteweg 17 Hannover, D-30559 Germany W: +49 511 9539620 E: [email protected] Baumgartner, Roxanne Ellen 109 S Market St Loudonville, OH 44842 W: 513-608-5920 H: 419-994-3109 E: [email protected] Baumgartner, Wes Mississippi State University 240 Wise Center Dr. Mississippi State, MS 39762 W: 662-325-2167 E: [email protected] Bawa, Bhupinder Kansas State University 1800 Denison Ave Diagnostic Medicine Pathobiology Manhattan, KS 66506 W: 785-532-3789 H: 979-204-2597 E: [email protected] Baze, Wallace B. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 650 Cool Water Dr Bastrop, TX 78602 W: 512-321-3991 H: 512-321-1323 F: 512-332-5397 E: [email protected] Beam, Sheree L. Preclinical Pathology Consulting Service, LLC 4833 166th Ave NE Ham Lake, MN 55304 W: 763-413-4972 H: 763-432-3420 F: 763-432-3420 E: [email protected] Beamer, Gillian L. Tufts University Building 20 200 Wesboro Rd. Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-839-7901 H: 614-668-0485 F: 508-839-7911 E: [email protected] Bearss, Jeremy J. 11510 Regnid Drive Silver Spring, MD 20902 W: 301-295-6214 H: 301-335-7758 E: [email protected] *Beaudin, Sylvie 764, 43rd Ave Montreal-Lachine, QC H8T 2J4 Canada W: 514-756-5781 H: 514-637-3969 F: 514-637-3969 E: [email protected] *Beaudoin, Sandra 4375 Ave Beaudry St. Hyacinthe, QC J2S 8W2 Canada W: 450-771-7291 H: 450-263-8986 F: 450-771-4158 E: [email protected] Beazley, Shelley L. MPI Research PO Box 151 Mattawan, MI 49071 W: 269-668-3336 x1860 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] 13 Beck - Bend Beck, Amanda The Scripps Research Institute 130 Scripps Way #3B3 Jupiter, FL 33458 W: 561-228-2355 H: 914-262-6019 E: [email protected] Behr, Melissa Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab 445 Easterday Lane Madison, WI 53705 W: 608-262-5432 x1224 F: 847-574-8085 E: [email protected] Beck, Byron E. 360 Stepping Stones Rd Vernon, BC V1H 1W9 Canada W: 250-545-7753 E: [email protected] Bell, Cynthia M. Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 445 Easterday Lane Madison, WI 53706 W: 608-262-5432 F: 847-574-8085 E: [email protected] Bedard, Agathe Charles River Preclinical Services-Montreal 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x8324 H: 514 419-4356 E: [email protected] *Bedard, Christian University of Montreal Faculte de Medecine Veterinaire 3200 Rue Sicotte Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 2M2 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x8519 H: 450-956-1557 F: 450-778-8107 E: [email protected] *Beeler-Marfisi, Janet Christine Ross University School of Vet. Medicine P.O. Box 334 Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis W: 869-465-4161 x1122 H: 869-661-5974 E: [email protected] *Behling-Kelly, Erica L. Cornell S1-062 Schurman Hall, Dept. of Population Medicine/Diagnostic Services CVM Upper Tower Road Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 607-253-3018 E: [email protected] 14 *Bell, Regan R.W. 220 SE High Street Pullman, WA 99163 W: 509-432-9326 H: 509-335-0745 E: [email protected] Bell, Ronald Chance IDEXX Reference Laboratories 6100 East Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38141 W: 901-473-5158 H: 804-283-0285 E: [email protected] Bell, Todd M. 802 3rd St. SE Washington, DC 20003 W: 301-619-8214 E: [email protected] Belote, Duane A. 2664 E. Via De Palmas Gilbert, AZ 85298-2068 W: 703-853-8717 E: [email protected] Bendele, Alison M. Bolder BioPath, Inc 5541 Central Avenue Suite 160 Boulder, CO 80301 W: 303-633-5400 H: 303-601-9072 F: 720-294-9971 E: [email protected] Bend - Berg Bendele, Raymond A. 1071 Black Canyon Rd Crawford, CO 81415 H: 970-921-3148 E: [email protected] Bender, Hannah S Murdoch University School of Veterinary and Life Sciences - VBS 2.010 90 South St Murdoch, WA 6150 Australia W: +61 8 9360 2212 E: [email protected] *Bender, Holly S. Iowa State University Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching 3024 Morrill Hall Ames, IA 50011 W: 515-294-3584 H: 515-233-6450 F: 515-294-5423 E: [email protected] Benirschke, Kurt 8457 Prestwick Dr La Jolla, CA 92037 W: 619-543-5719 H: 858-449-9132 F: 619-543-7711 E: [email protected] Benjamin, Stephen A. 1229 Coho Run Fort Collins, CO 80524 W: 970-223-4698 H: 970-223-4698 F: 970-223-4698 E: [email protected] Benoit, Jean-Marc CRP L’Assomption 880 boul. de l’Ange Gardien app. 7 L’Assomption, QC J5W 1T5 Canada W: 450-589-5745 x5056 H: 450-346-7860 E: [email protected] Benoit-Biancamano, Marie-Odile Université de Montréal 3200, rue Sicotte Pavillon CDEVQ, office 1.34 St-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 2M2 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x8283 H: 514-573-2753 F: 450-778-8116 E: marie-odile.benoit-biancamano@ umontreal.ca Benson, Catherine J. 11801 97th Lane NE Apt A629 Kirkland, WA 98034 W: 217-390-1299 H: 217-390-1299 E: [email protected] Bera, Monali 7500A Beach Road #24-303 Plaza Apartments Singapore, Singapore 199591 Singapore W: +65 9183 9756 E: [email protected] Berens, Shawn J. Allergan DSE RD2-2c 2525 Dupont Drive Irvine, CA 92612 W: 714-246-2977 E: [email protected] +Berent, Linda M. University of Missouri 203 Veterinary Medicine Building 1600 Rollins Rd Columbia, MO 65211 W: 573-884-6774 F: 573-884-5044 E: [email protected] Berg, Ivan E. 3617 5th St W West Fargo, ND 58078-8100 H: 701-282-3040 Bergeland, Martin E. 46092 217th St PO Box 98 Sinai, SD 57061 H: 605-826-4128 15 Berg - Best Bergin, Ingrid L. University of Michigan Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine 1150 W Medical Ctr Drive, 018 ARF Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5614 W: 734-936-1701 H: 734-730-1030 E: [email protected] *Berrington, Allan John True North Veterinary Diagnostics Inc. 320-6325 204th Street Langley, BC V2Y 3B3 Canada W: 604-539-5550 F: 1-888-336-9408 E: [email protected] Berkowitz, Asaf Kimron Veterinary Institute 12 Hamaccabim Rd. Room 215 Beit Dagan, Hamerkaz 50250 Israel W: +972-50-624-1033 H: +972-2-994-1417 F: +972-3-968-1730 E: [email protected] Berry, Peter Harry Ipsen Innovation Zone Industrielle de Courtaboeuf 5 Avenue du Canada Les Ulis, 91940 France W: +33-1-60922000 E: [email protected] Berman, Katherine Gray 51 Hilton Gardens Glasgow, Scotland G13 1DB United Kingdom W: 44 0141 330 2284 H: 44 0786 036 4150 E: [email protected] Berman-Booty, Lisa D. 331 Melrose Avenue Merion Station, PA 19066 W: 781-223-8104 E: [email protected] Bernard, Jennifer M. 1617 Brookes Ave Apt 4 San Diego, CA 92103 W: 901-569-0895 E: [email protected] Berridge, Brian R. GlaxoSmithKline Safety Assessment 5 Moore Dr, RD9.3005 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-315-6592 H: 919-381-1856 F: 919-483-0692 E: [email protected] 16 Bertram, Timothy A. Tengion, Inc Tengion Laboratories 3929 Westpoint Blvd, Ste G Winston-Salem, NC 27103 W: 336-201-0152 F: 336-722-2436 E: [email protected] Besier, Anthony Shane Animal Health Laboratories Dept of Agriculture and Food, WA 3 Baron-Hay Crt South Perth, WA 6151 Australia W: +61 8 9368 3454 E: [email protected] Besselsen, David G. University of Arizona University Animal Care 1501 N. Campbell Ave, Room 1126 Tucson, AZ 85724-5092 W: 520-626-1066 F: 520-626-4079 E: [email protected] *Besteman, Elizabeth G. 1408 North Bend Court Lansdale, PA 19446 W: 215-652-1813 H: 267-421-5923 E: [email protected] Beye - Bjor Beyer, Joseph Christian Genentech, Inc 1 DNA Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-225-6716 F: 650-225-2797 E: [email protected] Bhaskaran, Manoj 7127 Windsor Lakes Place Indianapolis, IN 46237 W: 1-317-651-7965 E: [email protected] Bickford, Arthur A. 1650 Simon Dr Turlock, CA 95382-2880 W: 209-634-5837 H: 209-632-4258 F: 209-667-4261 E: [email protected] Bienvenu, Jean-Guy Charles River Laboratories 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x8692 F: 514-630-8230 E: [email protected] *Bienzle, Dorothee University of Guelph Dept of Pathobiology Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54351 F: 519-824-5930 E: [email protected] Bildfell, Robert John Oregon State University Dept of Biomedical Sciences PO Box 429 Corvallis, OR 97339-0429 W: 541-737-6965 H: 541-757-2951 F: 541-737-6817 E: [email protected] *Bilenduke, Jim True North Veterinary Diagnostics 8626 Commerce Court Burnaby, BC V5A 4N6 Canada W: 604-444-4479 H: 604-874-3331 F: 1-888-318-5350 E: [email protected] *Billings, Allison P. 3644 SW 48th Pl. Portland, OR 97221 W: 215-681-5427 E: [email protected] Binnington, Brian D. 29 Kenwoods Circle Kingston, ON K7K 6Y1 Canada H: 613-547-5330 E: [email protected] Birkebak, Ted Alan Peninsula ToxPath Consulting, LLC 55 Waterside Circle Redwood City, CA 94065 W: 650-350-0831 E: [email protected] *Bisby, Tricia M. 6900 Plymouth Rd. Downers Grove, IL 60516 W: 630-684-0650 H: 765-337-4070 E: [email protected] Bishop, Sanford 105 Perry Place Birmingham, AL 35242 H: 828-506-6749 E: [email protected] *Bjorneby, John M. Antech Diagnostics PO Box 130218 Carlsbad, CA 92013-0218 W: 760-931-1854 H: 760-436-8504 E: [email protected] 17 Blac - Boke Black, Hugh E. Hugh E. Black & Associates, Inc 270 Sparta Avenue Suite 104, PMB 315 Sparta, NJ 07871 W: 973-726-8400 F: 973-726-9560 E: [email protected] Blackshear, Pamela 4108 League Way Durham, NC 27705 H: 919-451-0527 E: [email protected] Blanchard, Terrell W. 2237 Shrewsbury Run E Collierville, TN 38017 W: 901-565-2113 H: 901-371-7009 E: [email protected] Blankenship, Brad A. Covance 3301 Kinsman Blvd Madison, WI 53704-2523 W: 608-242-2712 x1239 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Blas-Machado, Uriel Athens Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory The University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine Athens, GA 30602 W: 706-542-5349 F: 706-542-5977 E: [email protected] Blomme, Eric A.G. AbbVie 1 North Waukegan Rd North Chicago, IL 60064 W: 847-937-2269 H: 773-381-4436 F: 847-935-7845 E: [email protected] *Blue, Julia T. 18955 Maisons Dr Lutz, FL 33558 W: 813-451-1895 H: 813-909-0578 E: [email protected] 18 Bochsler, Philip N. Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Lab. Dept of Pathobiological Sciences UW-Madison 445 Easterday Ln Madison, WI 53706 W: 608-262-5432 H: 608-798-0386 F: 847-574-8085 E: [email protected] +Bodes, Elmarie AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP 1800 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19850 W: 302-885-6989 F: 302-886-2341 E: [email protected] *Boes, Katie M. 2706 Wellesley Court Blacksburg, VA 24060 W: 540-231-0774 H: 540-558-8251 E: [email protected] Boger, Lore Pennsylvania Veterinary Laboratory 2305 N Cameron St Harrisburg, PA 17110 W: 717-787-8808 H: 215-805-0338 F: 717-772-3895 E: [email protected] *Bohn, Andrea A. 3500 Bingham Hill Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80521 W: 970-297-5111 H: 970-484-1219 E: [email protected] *Boisvert, Agatha M. 8895 VT Rte 122 Sheffield, VT 05866 W: 802-525-3510 E: [email protected] Boker, Amy PO Box 36 Cockeysville, MD 21030 W: 410-527-0653 F: 410-527-0361 E: [email protected] Boli - Bouc Bolin, David C. University of Kentucky Livestock Disease Diagnostic Ctr PO Box 14125 Lexington, KY 40512 W: 859-253-0571 F: 859-255-1624 E: [email protected] Bolon, Brad The Ohio State University 1900 Coffey Rd 450 VMAB Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-0676 F: 614-292-6473 E: [email protected] Boone, Allison C. 1270 Shadowbark Ct Raleigh, NC 27603 W: 919-669-9762 E: [email protected] *Boone, Laura I. Covance Laboratories 671 S. Meridian Road Greenfield, IN 46140 W: 317-467-2066 H: 317-498-2218 F: 317-277-4954 E: [email protected] Boorman, Gary A. Covance Laboratories 14500 Avion Pkwy Suite 125 Chantilly, VA 20151 W: 703-245-2200 x5129 H: 919-929-3780 E: [email protected] Boosinger, Timothy R. Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine 208 Samford Hall Auburn, AL 36849 W: 334-844-5773 H: 334-826-6572 F: 334-844-5778 E: [email protected] *Borjesson , Dori Leanne 1219 Harvard Drive Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-754-5202 H: 530-792-1417 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] Botero-Anug, Ana Maria Yehosha Ben Hanania 81 POB 8553 Rehovot, 76391 Israel W: 972 8 935 4193 H: 972 8 935 4175 F: 972 8 949 1079 E: [email protected] Botts, Suzanne Vertex 50 Northern Avenue Boston, MA 02210 W: 617-961-1631 H: 919-827-3879 F: 617-341-6625 E: [email protected] Bouchard, Page R. Novartis Inst. for Biomedical Research 250 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-871-4838 H: 978-475-2704 E: [email protected] Boucher, Magalie Pfizer Inc. 445 Eastern Point Rd MS 8274-1221 Groton, CT 06340 E: [email protected] Bouchiha-Olson, Sophie 156 Gwynedd Manor Road North Wales, PA 19454 W: 267-664-9912 H: 215-699-6078 E: [email protected] 19 Boul - Brad Bouley, Donna Michelle Stanford University School of Medicine Quad 7, Bldg 330, 287 Campus Dr. Stanford, CA 94305 W: 650-498-5403 H: 650-324-1493 F: 650-725-0940 E: [email protected] Boulineau, Theresa M. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. 1 Health Plaza Bldg 137, Rm 235 East Hanover, NJ 07936 W: 862-778-8996 H: 973-486-0802 F: 973-781-8265 E: [email protected] *Bounous, Denise I. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Drug Safety Evaluation PO Box 4000 F14-03 Princeton, NJ 08543 W: 609-252-3247 H: 908-806-2011 F: 609-252-3183 E: [email protected] Bourque, Andrea C. AVC UPEI Diagnostic Services 550 University Ave. Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-566-0864 H: 902-892-8927 F: 902-566-0871 E: [email protected] Bowenkamp, Kathryn E. Gilead Sciences, Inc. 333 Lakeside Drive Foster City, CA 94404 W: 650-372-7278 F: 650-522-1309 E: [email protected] Boyce, Rogely Waite Amgen Inc PO Box 536 Clay, WV 25043 W: 805-313-5393 H: 304-587-7871 E: [email protected] 20 Boyd, Kelli Lynn Vanderbilt University Medical Center AA-6206 Medical Center North Nashville, TN 37232-2130 W: 615-322-3596 H: 615-260-3108 F: 615-343-7682 E: [email protected] *Boyd, Susan Patricia 91 / 1 Celestial Court Carina, QLD 4152 Australia H: +61 738433996 E: [email protected] Boyle, Michael C. One Amgen Center Drive 29-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 W: 805-313-1599 E: [email protected] Boyle, Molly H. Integrated Laboratory Systems, Inc. 1420 Feather Hill Ct Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, NC 91320 W: 919-914-3598 H: 919-914-3598 E: [email protected] Boysen, Byron G. 2950 Spore Rd Argyle, WI 53504 H: 608-543-3661 E: [email protected] Bozynski, Chantelle C. University of Missouri, Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab 1600 E. Rollins St. Columbia, MO 65211 W: 573-882-6811 H: 573-424-2096 F: 573-882-1411 E: [email protected] Bradley, Gregory A. University of Arizona 2831 N Freeway Tucson, AZ 85705 W: 520-621-2356 F: 520-626-8696 E: [email protected] Brad - Bren Bradley II, Charles W. University of Pennsylvania SVM MJR VHUP Rm 4005 3900 Delancey Street Philadelphia, PA 19108 W: 415-305-9656 H: 214-573-3022 F: 215-898-0719 E: [email protected] Brannick, Erin M. University of Delaware Dept. of Animal & Food Sciences 531 S. College Ave. Newark, DE 19716 W: 302-831-1342 E: [email protected] Branstetter, Daniel G. 48313 SE 130th Street North Bend, WA 98045 W: 206-265-7138 H: 425-831-2425 F: 206-599-6460 E: [email protected] Brash, Marina Louise University of Guelph Animal Health Laboratory Laboratory Services Division Box 3612 Guelph, ON N1H 6R8 Canada W: 519-824-4120 ext 54550 H: 519-527-0535 F: 519-821-8072 E: [email protected] Brassard, Jacqueline A. Allergan, Inc Drug Safety Evaluation, Pathology 2525 Dupont Dr, RD2-2C Irvine, CA 92612 W: 714-246-5698 F: 714-796-9512 E: [email protected] Brayton, Cory Johns Hopkins University 733 North Broadway BRB Ste. 851 Baltimore, MD 21205 W: 443-287-2953 H: 410-502-3050 F: 443-287-2954 E: [email protected] +Brazzell, Jennifer Lee 510 Willard St. W Stillwater, MN 55082 W: 612-290-6280 H: 612-290-6280 E: [email protected] Brees, Dominique J. Novartis Pharma AG Werk Klybeck Translational Science WKL 135.1.73 Basel, CH-4002 Switzerland W: 41 61 6967267 E: [email protected] Bregman, Carla L. 4720 Thatchwood Dr Manlius, NY 13104 H: 315-637-4405 E: [email protected] *Breickner, Liesl C. 324 Night Sail Dr N Apt 114 Memphis, TN 38103 W: 901-473-7619 H: 908-910-0968 E: [email protected] Breider, Mike A. Celgene Corporation 10300 Campus Pointe Drive San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-795-4755 H: 760-230-1237 F: 858-552-8775 E: [email protected] Brennan, Kathleen Kelly Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Research Tower T4-008C Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 607-253-3383 F: 607-253-4447 E: [email protected] Brennan, Sebastian James Novartis 1 Health Plaza 406-237 East Hanover, NJ 07936 W: 862-778-8892 E: [email protected] 21 Bren - Brix Brennecke, Lucas Charles River Laboratories, Inc PAI 15 Worman’s Mill Ct Ste I Frederick, MD 21701 W: 301-624-2001 H: 301-733-9304 F: 301-663-8994 E: [email protected] Brice, Angela K. Univ. Of Pennsylvania ULAR Old Vet Quadrangle, Suite 177E SVM, 3800 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6009 W: 215-898-4009 H: 410-258-1537 F: 215-573-9998 E: [email protected] Brenneman, Karrie A. Pfizer Drug Safety Research and Development One Burtt Road Andover, MA 01810 W: 978-247-1976 H: 978-208-0094 F: 978-247-1389 E: [email protected] Brinkley, William W. OUHSC Comparative Medicine 940 Stanton L Young Blvd, Room 203 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 W: 405-271-6423 F: 405-271-3226 E: [email protected] Brenner, Ori Jacob The Weizmann Institute of Science Dept of Vet Resources 1 Herzl St Rehovot, 76100 Israel W: +972-8-9342473 H: +972-3-6815671 F: +972-8-9342823 E: [email protected] Brenseke, Bonnie 425 Lassiter Farms Lane Clayton , NC 27520 W: 910-893-1746 H: 336-816-2643 F: 910-893-1777 E: [email protected] Breshears, Melanie Ann Oklahoma State University 250 McElroy Hall Stillwater, OK 74078 W: 405-744-4463 H: 405-612-1162 F: 405-744-5275 E: [email protected] 22 Brinster, Lauren R. NIH Bldg 28A, Rm 117 9000 Rockville Pike - MSC 5230 Bethesda, MD 20892 W: 301-451-2176 F: 301-402-1068 E: [email protected] Briscoe, Crystal Maria 16 Eleanor Court, North Portsmouth, VA 23701 W: 614-424-6407 H: 757-465-2342 F: 757-424-7441 E: [email protected] Britt, James O. 14015 Windsor Road Little Rock, AR 72212-3202 W: 501-225-7674 H: 501-225-7674 E: [email protected] Brix, Amy Elizabeth Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc PO Box 12766 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-998-9407 F: 919-998-9607 E: [email protected] Broc - Brow *Brockus, Charles Wayne CBCP Consulting LLC 4719 Cougarcreek Trail Reno, NV 89519 W: 775-828-4620 H: 775-828-4620 E: [email protected] Brooks, Andrew S. Animal Health Laboratory Kemptville Campus Mail Bag 2005, University of Guelph Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Canada W: 613-258-8320 E: [email protected] Brooks, Jason W. The Pennsylvania State University Animal Diagnostic Laboratory Orchard Road University Park, PA 16802 W: 814-863-0837 H: 814-349-2277 F: 814-865-3907 E: [email protected] Brown, Corrie C. University of Georgia 501 D.W. Brooks Dr CVM, Department of Pathology Athens, GA 30602-7388 W: 706-542-5842 H: 706-549-5794 F: 706-542-5828 E: [email protected] Brown, Danielle L. WIL Research 310 Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 W: 919-245-3114 x118 H: 919-341-4392 F: 919-245-3115 E: [email protected] *Brown, Diane E. Morris Animal Foundation 10200 E. Girard Ave. Suite B430 Denver, CO 80231 W: 857-272-1135 E: [email protected] Brower, Alexandra I. University of Nottingham Rm. B23 Vet. Acad. Bldg Sutton Bonington Campus Loughborough, LE 12 5RD United Kingdom W: +44 1159516425 E: [email protected] +Brown, H. Roger GlaxoSmithKline, Inc 5 Moore Dr, Rm 9.2012 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-7719 H: 919-968-0462 F: 919-483-6858 E: [email protected] Brown, Ammon W. USDA PPRL 1150 E 1400 N Logan, UT 84341 E: [email protected] Brown, Talmage T. 3605 Pauley Ct Raleigh, NC 27610-8272 H: 919-772-4308 F: 919-772-4308 E: [email protected] Brown, Cathy A. 855 Double Bridges Rd Winterville, GA 30683 W: 706-542-5568 H: 706-546-5673 F: 706-542-5977 E: [email protected] Brown, Thomas P. 31 Birch Hill Road Lyme, CT 06371 W: 978-886-3371 H: 978-886-3371 E: [email protected] 23 Brow - Buet Brown, W. Ray 389 Creek Road, RD #1 Doylestown, PA 18901 H: 215-345-8475 F: 215-345-8475 E: [email protected] Browne, Elizabeth A. PO Box 8445 Kooringal, 2650 Australia W: +61 0 413 297 472 H: +61 0 269 261 968 E: [email protected] Bruner, Richard H. 401 Augusta Rd Clemson, SC 29631 W: 864-654-2088 F: 864-654-2928 E: [email protected] Brunnert, Steven R. Merck 2000 Galloping Hill Road Building K15, Mailstop 2305 Kenilworth, NJ 07033 W: 908-740-4077 H: 973-457-1578 F: 908-740-2543 E: [email protected] Bryan, Lorraine Ann Box 36 RR #5 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J8 Canada H: 306-374-0658 Bryant, Mark A. 8501 Burning Tree Road Bethesda, MD 20817-2943 W: 301-885-6798 H: 301-469-6387 E: [email protected] Buccellato, Matthew Allan 2812 Eastborough Drive Fort Collins, CO 80525 H: 614-397-1768 E: [email protected] 24 Bucci, Thomas J. 175 Shoreline Dr Mountain Home, AR 72653 W: 870-425-5968 H: 870-425-5968 F: 870-425-5968 E: [email protected] Buck, Wayne R. AbbVie 1 N Waukegan Rd R463 AP9A North Chicago, IL 60064 W: 847-938-2161 H: 985-264-9863 F: 847-935-7845 E: [email protected] Buckle, Kelly N New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries Investigations & Diagnostic Centres and Response 66 Ward Street Wallaceville, Upper Hutt 5140 New Zealand W: +64 277 331790 E: [email protected] Buckles, Elizabeth L. Cornell University Upper Tower Rd VRT T6 008 Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 607-253-3826 F: 607-253-3357 E: [email protected] Buergelt, Claus D. University of Florida Dept of Infectious Diseases and Pathology Box 110880 Gainesville, FL 32611 W: 352-294-4157 H: 352 -378- 2524 F: 352-392-9704 E: [email protected] Buetow, Bernard S. Pfizer 10646 Science Center Drive Building CB4, Room 2135 San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-622-7610 E: [email protected] Bulm - Burr Bulmer, William S. 500 South Parinean Lake Rd Maple Leaf, ON K0L 2R0 Canada W: 613-388-3027 E: [email protected] Bunte, Ralph M. Duke University-National University of Singapore 8 College Road Singapore, 169857 Singapore W: 65 65162357 H: 65 96447733 F: 65 62218625 E: [email protected] *Burgess, Hilary J. 19 Dragan Cres Saskatoon, SK S7H 5C8 Canada W: 306-966-2688 H: 306-249-3799 E: [email protected] *Burke, Kathrin 5930 Piper Lane College Station, TX 77845 W: 979-450-6948 H: 979-846-9747 F: 979-458-4015 E: [email protected] Bunton, Tracie E. Eicarte LLC PO Box # 4359 Gettysburg, PA 17325-4359 W: 717-642-8482 E: [email protected] *Burkhard, Mary Jo The Ohio State University Dept of Veterinary Biosciences 1925 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-247-8024 F: 614-292-6473 E: [email protected] Burcham, Grant N. Purdue University Hansen Life Sciences Research Bldg 201 S University St West Lafayette, IN 47907 W: 765-494-6329 H: 812-384-6127 E: [email protected] Burkhardt, John Eric Abbvie 1 North Waukegan Rd. Dept R466, Bldg. AP13-A North Chicago, IL 60064 W: 847-938-7454 F: 847-938-3076 E: [email protected] Burek, Joe D. PO Box 626 Point Pleasant, PA 18950 H: 215-297-9710 E: [email protected] Burns, Rachel E. 39 Buckland St Unit 1323 - 3 Manchester, CT 06042 H: 828-713-7236 E: [email protected] Burek-Huntington, Kathleen A. Alaska Veterinary Pathology Services 23834 The Clearing Dr Eagle River, AK 99577 W: 907-242-2566 H: 907-696-1427 F: 907-696-3565 E: [email protected] Burger, Gary T. 3803 S Sangre Rd Stillwater, OK 74074 H: 405-372-2151 F: 405-707-9147 Burris, Jennifer A. 111 Boca Ciega Rd Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 H: 321-868-4483 Burrough, Eric Ryan 4020 Laura Ct. Ames, IA 50010 W: 515-294-0190 E: [email protected] 25 Burt - Camp *Burton, Shelley A. UPEI, Atlantic Veterinary College Path & Micro 550 University Ave Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-566-0751 H: 902-892-8795 F: 902-566-0851 E: [email protected] Busch, Martin D. M. Linsenbergweg 13 Marbach a. N., D-71672 Germany W: +49 71416483164 F: +49 71416483170 E: [email protected] Busch, Robert H. 21244 Victory Ln Taylors Falls, MN 55084 H: 651-465-7964 Bush, Jamie Marie IDEXX Laboratories 6100 E Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38141 W: 901-473-5144 H: 901-570-6751 E: [email protected] Butt, Mark T. Tox Path Specialists, LLC 8747 Chestnut Grove Road Frederick, MD 21701 W: 301-845-0719 F: 866-902-0771 E: [email protected] Cain, Gary R. Genentech, Inc 1 DNA Way 24-318 South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-467-4797 H: 925-462-6445 F: 650-225-2797 E: [email protected] Calderwood Mays, Maron B. Florida Vet Path, Inc 13703 Millhopper Rd Gainesville, FL 32653 W: 352-332-1734 H: 352-332-1734 F: 352-331-8032 E: [email protected] Calise, David Vincent Charles River Laboratories 6995 Longley Lane Reno, NV 89511 W: 775-682-2011 H: 774-287-1859 E: [email protected] Callis, R. Thomas 7246 John Picket Rd Woodbine, MD 21797 Cameron, Alexander M. 25 Harvey Rd Eureka Springs, AR 72632 W: 479-253-2099 H: 479-253-2099 E: [email protected] Buza, Elizabeth L 1631 Spruce St. Apt 1R Philadelphia, PA 19103 W: 305-333-1436 E: [email protected] Campbell, Gregory Alan Merial, LTD 10001 S Fairgrounds Rd Perkins, OK 74059 W: 405-334-6239 H: 405-547-8658 F: 678-495-9692 E: [email protected] Cafe Marcal, Valeria 18 Cathedral Street Norwich, Norfolk NR11LX United Kingdom W: +44 7770904678 E: [email protected] Campbell-Hawthorn, Aine M. A. 412 S 181st St. Burien, WA 98148 H: 425-691-9558 F: 540-231-6033 E: [email protected] 26 Camu - Carr *Camus, Melinda S. 1081 Holly Point Way Watkinsville, GA 30677 W: 706-542-5846 H: 706-310-9848 F: 706-542-5828 E: [email protected] Cann, Jennifer A. 22125 Creekview Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20882 W: 301-398-0910 E: [email protected] Cantor, Glenn H. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co Mailstop HPW 17-2.03 PO Box 5400 Princeton, NJ 08543 W: 609-818-4115 F: 609-818-3675 E: [email protected] Caplazi, Patrick A. Genentech Inc Research Pathology, MS72B 1 DNA Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-467-9203 H: 509-901-0623 E: [email protected] +Car, Bruce D. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company PO Box 4000 Rt 206 & Provinceline Rd Princeton, NJ 08543 W: 609-252-3460 F: 609-252-7156 E: [email protected] *Carakostas, Michael 2 Reeve Ct St Helena Island, SC 29920 E: [email protected] Cardy, Richard H. 13995 Clarksville Pike Highland, MD 20777 H: 301-854-0171 E: [email protected] Carlson, Cathy S. University of Minnesota 495 AnSci/VM 1988 Fitch Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-625-7717 F: 612-624-3934 E: [email protected] *Carlson, Gary P. 500 Antioch Dr Davis, CA 95616 H: 530-753-9231 E: [email protected] Carlson, Tracy Karin 23 Lakewood Drive Oakwood Hills, IL 60013 H: 614-288-5659 E: [email protected] Carlton, William W. Purdue University c/o Carolyn Arnold Comparative Pathobiology Dept School of Vet Med West Lafayette, IN 47907 H: 765-463-3183 F: 765-494-9830 E: [email protected] Carmichael, K. Paige University of Georgia 501 DW Brooks Dr Athens, GA 30602 W: 706-542-5728 F: 706-542-1004 E: [email protected] Carpenter, James L. 206 Lower Rd Deerfield, MA 01342 H: 413-325-8258 E: [email protected] Carreira, Vinicius 6352 Parry Lane Cincinnati, OH 45213 W: 517-763-4854 H: 802-522-4025 E: [email protected] 27 Carr - Catt Carrigan, Mark Joseph IDEXX Laboratories Pty Ltd PO Box 1119 Coorparoo Brisbane, QLD 4151 Australia W: 61-07-3456-6000 F: 61-07-3456-6001 E: [email protected] Carroll, Erica Eggers Defense Threat Reduction Agency Division of Translational Medicine 508 Piping Rock Drive Silver Spring, MD 20905 W: 703-767-3382 H: 301-384-4119 E: [email protected] Carroll, Vincent W. IDEXX Laboratories 3 Centennial Drive Suite One North Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-887-7961 E: [email protected] Carsillo, Mary E. 47 Bridge Street Newton, MA 02458 H: 614-440-0186 E: [email protected] Carter, James L. 7224 Springfield Cir Waunakee, WI 53597 W: 608-849-7589 H: 608-849-7589 E: [email protected] *Caruso, Kimberly J. PO Box 1613 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92082 W: 760-580-6730 H: 760-751-9120 E: [email protected] Carvallo, Francisco R. CAHFS San Bernardino 105 W Central Ave San Bernardino, CA 92408 W: 909 3834287 E: [email protected] 28 Caserto, Brian G. Cornell University Anatomic Pathology 240 Farrier Rd. Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 607-253-4125 E: [email protected] Cassone, Lynne University of Kentucky UK-VDL PO Box 14125 Lexington, KY 40512-4125 W: 859-257-6716 H: 502-598-8602 E: [email protected] Castillo Alcala, Fernanda Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine P.O. Box 334 Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis W: 869-465-4161 F: 869-465-1203 E: [email protected] Castleman, William L. University of Florida UF Dept Infect Disease and Pathology PO Box 110880 Gainesville, FL 32608 W: 352-294-4120 H: 352-283-0364 F: 352-392-9704 E: [email protected] Caswell, Jeff L. University of Guelph Dept of Pathobiology Ontario Veterinary College Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-824-4120 ext54555 H: 519-823-1430 F: 519-824-5930 E: [email protected] Cattley, Russell C. Auburn University Greene Hall College of Veterinary Medicine Auburn, AL 36849 W: 334-844-2693 E: [email protected] Cave - Chat Cavender, Kimberly 3673 South 100 West Nibley, UT 84321 H: 435-770-0806 E: [email protected] Caverly Rae, Jessica M. DuPont Haskell Global Centers for Health and Environmental Science PO Box 30 S320/529 Newark, DE 19714-0030 W: 302-451-4591 H: 610-747-0390 F: 302-451-4530 E: [email protected] *Cazzini, Paola 5 Waldo St, Apt 0/1 Glasgow, G13 1JZ United Kingdom W: +44 01413304392 H: +44 07507133270 F: +44 01413305748 E: [email protected] Cecere, Thomas E. VAMD Regional CVM Virginia Tech - Dept. of Biomedical Sciences Duckpond Dr. (0442) Blacksburg, VA 24061 W: 540-231-8505 H: 540-314-0686 F: 540-231-6033 E: [email protected] Chalkley, Mark 300 E Wilson Bridge Rd Suite 200 Worthington, OH 43085 W: 614-438-6304 H: 612-940-4646 E: [email protected] Chance, Taylor B. USAMRIID 1425 Porter Street Frederick, MD 21702-5011 E: [email protected] Chandler, Jr., Francis W. 1050 Hixon’s Bluff Greensboro, GA 30642 W: 706-467-3847 H: 706-467-3847 E: [email protected] Chandra, Sundeep A. GlaxoSmithKline Dept of Safety Asmt , Bldg 9.3014 5 Moore Dr, PO Box 13398 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-6616 F: 919-483-0692 E: [email protected] Chapman, Jennifer L. 5010-B Green Valley Rd Monrovia, MD 21770 W: 240-674-2470 E: [email protected] Cesta, Mark F. NIEHS MD B3-06 PO Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-541-3229 F: 919-541-7666 E: [email protected] *Chapman, Seth E. IDEXX 300 E Wilson Bridge Rd Ste 200 Worthington, OH 43085 W: 614-438-6330 F: 979-845-9231 E: [email protected] Chaffee, Beth Kira MD Anderson Cancer Center 650 Cool Water Dr. Bastrop, TX 78602 W: 512-332-5350 H: 979-220-5492 E: [email protected] Chatman, Linda A. 57 Mystic Meadow Lane Mystic, CT 06355 W: 860-572-8998 H: 860-572-8998 E: [email protected] 29 Chen - Clar Cheng, Lily I. MedImmune One Medimmune Way Rm 2225 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 W: 301-398-5981 F: 301-398-8981 E: [email protected] Cheville, Norman F. 2512 Eisenhower Ave Ames, IA 50010 H: 515-232-0183 E: [email protected] Chilton, Jennifer A. Charles River Labs 6995 Longley Ln Reno, NV 89511 W: 775-682-2232 F: 775-682-2100 E: [email protected] Ching, Shelley V. 2008 Sterling Silver Dr Apex, NC 27502 W: 919-387-8483 H: 919-387-8483 E: [email protected] Chouinard, Luc Charles River Laboratories Preclinical Services, Montreal 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 ext 8426 F: 514-630-8230 E: [email protected] Christensen, Christine L. 4899 Elmer Derr Road Frederick, MD 21703 W: 301-295-1073 E: [email protected] Christian, Ralph G. Lot 30 50512 Range Road 245 Leduc County, AB T4X 0P5 Canada W: 780-499-6539 H: 780-955-2136 F: 780-955-3565 E: [email protected] 30 *Christopherson, Peter William Auburn University Department of Pathobiology 164 Greene Hall Auburn University, AL 36849 W: 334-844-2797 H: 334-707-1717 F: 334-844-2652 E: [email protected] Church, Molly E. 300 27th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 W: 415-370-7199 E: [email protected] Cianciolo, Rachel E. The Ohio State University 1925 Goss Laboratory Columbus , OH 43210 W: 614-292-9717 H: 215-760-3829 E: [email protected] *Cienava, Elizabeth A. West Vet Diagnostic Laboratory 5019 North Sawyer Ave. Garden City, ID 83714 W: 208-884-0700 E: [email protected] Cimprich, Ronnie E. PO Box 786 Elmer, NJ 08318 W: 856-358-2763 H: 856-358-2763 F: 856-358-8773 E: [email protected] *Clancey, Noel P. Atlantic Veterinary College 550 University Ave Dept of Pathology & Microbiology Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-620-5046 E: [email protected] Clark, Edward G. 71 Douglasview Road S.E. Calgary, AB T2Z 2S8 Canada W: 403-698-9875 E: [email protected] Clar - Cole *Clark, Phillip Curtin University Biomedical Sciences GPO Box U1987 Perth, WA 6845 Australia W: +618 9266 7378 E: [email protected] Clark, R. Gary 14 Rimu Ln Wanaka, Otago 9305 New Zealand W: 64-03-4435378 H: 64-03-4435378 E: [email protected] Clarke, George L. 15070 SW Bull Mountain Rd Tigard, OR 97224 H: 503-579-5164 Clarke, Heather E. Pennsylvania Veterinary Laboratory 2305 N Cameron St. Harrisburg, PA 17110 W: 717-787-8808 H: 916-202-6009 F: 717-772-3895 E: [email protected] +Clemo, Frances A.S. Baxter Healthcare Corporation WG2 25212 W. IL, Route 120 Round Lake, IL 60073 W: 224-270-5730 F: 224-270-5559 E: [email protected] Clifford, Charles B. Charles River 251 Ballardvale St Wilmington, MA 01887 W: 781-222-6172 E: [email protected] Cline, J. Mark Wake Forest University Dept of Pathology Section on Comparative Medicine Medical Center Blvd, School of Medicine Winston-Salem, NC 27157 W: 336-716-1564 H: 336-721-0701 F: 336-716-1515 E: [email protected] Cockerell, Gary L. 432 Athens Way Grand Junction, CO 81507 W: 269-720-7310 E: [email protected] Coffee, Laura L. New Jersey AHDL PO Box 330 Trenton, NJ 08625 W: 609-671-6407 H: 917-687-8094 F: 609-671-6413 E: [email protected] *Coldrick, Oliver TDDS Limited The Innovation Centre, Rennes Dr. Uni of Exeter Exeter, Devon EX4 4RN United Kingdom W: +44-1392247914 F: +44-1392262354 E: [email protected] Cole, Clarence R. The Ohio State University Dept of Veterinary Biosciences 1925 Coffey Rd Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-5661 F: 614-292-6473 E: [email protected] 31 Cole - Conn Cole, Patricia Ann Colorado State University Dept of Microbiol Immunol & Pathology Fort Collins, CO 80523 W: 970-297-5127 F: 970-491-0320 E: [email protected] Cole, Phaedra Irene MPI Research, Inc 54943 North Main St. Mattawan, MI 49071 W: 269-668-3336 ext1873 H: 269-521-4456 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] Colegrove, Kathleen M. University of Illinois CVM, Zoological Pathology Program 2160 S 1st St, LUMC Bldg 101, Rm 0745 Maywood, IL 60153 W: 708-216-1186 E: [email protected] Coleman, Gary Dwayne WIL Research 1407 George Road Ashland, OH 44805 W: 419-289-6928 E: [email protected] Colgin, Lois Oregon National Primate Research Center 505 NW 185th Ave Beaverton, OR 97006 W: 503-690-5240 H: 503-635-2918 F: 503-690-5318 E: [email protected] Colleton, Curtis Alan 1944 Willow Lake Dr Newburgh, IN 47630 W: 812-307-2141 H: 812-842-0959 F: 812-307-2199 E: [email protected] 32 Collins, James E. MN Veterinary Diagnostic Lab College of Veterinary Medicine 1333 Gortner Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-625-9289 H: 612-429-4591 F: 612-624-8707 E: [email protected] *Collins, Nathaniel David Celgene 86 Morris Ave. Summit, NJ 07901 W: 908-673-2127 H: 908-725-2342 E: [email protected] Confer, Anthony W. Oklahoma State University Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology 224 McElroy Hall Stillwater, OK 74078-2007 W: 405-744-4542 H: 405-372-5807 F: 405-744-5275 E: [email protected] Conley, Kenneth J. Wildlife Conservation Society 2300 Southern Blvd. Bronx, NY 10460 W: 718-220-7105 H: 352-514-8190 E: [email protected] Conner, Michael W. Theravance, Inc 901 Gateway Blvd South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-808-6159 H: 650-712-1620 E: [email protected] *Connolly, Sara L. University of Melbourne Faculty of Veterinary Science 250 Princes Highway Werribee, VIC 3030 Australia E: [email protected] Conr - Corn Conroy, James D. 2216 Mountain Oak Rd Prescott, AZ 86305 H: 928-771-0960 E: [email protected] Conway, Julia A. University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine PO Box 110880 Gainesville, FL 32611-0880 W: 352-294-4153 H: 352-745-1762 E: [email protected] Cook, James E. PO Box 666 Lebanon, KY 40033 W: 270-692-6787 F: 270-692-1721 E: [email protected] *Cook, Jennifer R. 3541 Kings Lake Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23452 W: 757-271-8425 H: 757-289-7561 E: [email protected] Cook, Roger W. 2 Evelyn Villa Dr Alstonville, NSW 2477 Australia W: 61-2-6628-0033 H: 61-2-6628-0033 E: [email protected] Cooley, Avery J. 885 Valley Hills Circle Starkville, MS 39759 W: 662-325-5751 E: [email protected] Cooper, Barry J. 27505 Riggs Hill Rd Sweet Home, OR 97386 W: 541-367-2568 F: 541-367-2034 E: [email protected] Cooper, Timothy K. Penn State Hershey Medical Center Dept of Comparative Medicine, H054 500 University Dr, PO Box 850 Hershey, PA 17033-0850 W: 717-531-8460 H: 717-359-7806 F: 717-531-5001 E: [email protected] *Cora, Michelle C. NIEHS/NTP 111 TW Alexander Drive PO Box 12233 RTP, NC 27709 W: 919-316-4717 E: [email protected] Cordes, Donald O. 11A Midway Ave Castor Bay Auckland, 0620 New Zealand H: 64-9-4101026 E: [email protected] Cork, Linda C. 620 Sand Hill Rd, #404D Palo Alto, CA 94304 H: 650-838-0150 E: [email protected] *Corn, Stephanie C. 300 E Wilson Bridge Rd, Ste 200 Worthington, OH 43085 W: 614-438-6323 H: 614-659-1248 F: 614-438-6302 E: [email protected] Corner, Sarah M. 2340 Club Meridian Dr. Apt A7 Okemos, MI 48864 W: 810-845-1673 E: [email protected] Cornish, Todd E. University of Wyoming Wyoming State Vet Lab 1174 Snowy Range Road Laramie, WY 82070 W: 307-766-9967 F: 307-721-2051 E: [email protected] 33 Cost - Cram +Costecalde, Yanina 24 Cypress Tree Ln Irvine, CA 92612 H: 949-415-4919 E: [email protected] Courtin, Francois 2 rue Vicairie St Brieuc, 22000 France E: [email protected] *Courtman, Natalie F. 31 Johnson St Hawthorn, Victoria 3122 Australia W: +61437756181 H: +61437756181 E: [email protected] Courtney, Cynthia L. Yerkes National Primate Research Ctr 954 Gatewood Road Atlanta, GA 30329 W: 404-727-7743 H: 678-377-8536 E: [email protected] Cowart, Jerry R. CMR 402, Box 910 APO, AE 09180 Germany W: 011-6371-86-8957 H: 580-559-2485 E: [email protected] *Cowell, Rick L. 1617 Hillside St Stillwater, OK 74074 W: 214-695-8410 H: 405-612-2074 F: 405-743-2010 E: [email protected] Crabbs, Torrie Ann 138 Maywood Ave. Raleigh, NC 27603 E: [email protected] 34 Craft, Serena Laura Mae University of Florida V3-158, VAB PO Box 110880 Gainesville, FL 32611 W: 352-294-4154 H: 352-317-7630 F: 352-392-9704 E: [email protected] Craig, Linden E. 4701 Sunset Rd. Knoxville, TN 37914 W: 865-974-8213 H: 865-523-0786 F: 865-974-5616 E: [email protected] Craig, Peter H. 72 Spring Mills Rd Milford, NJ 08848 W: 908-995-9544 H: 908-995-9544 E: [email protected] Cramer, Donald V. 2570 Calzada Ave Santa Ynez, CA 93460 W: 818-370-3319 H: 805-686-0779 F: 805-686-0779 E: [email protected] Cramer, Sarah D. PO Box 392 Jefferson, MD 21755 W: 301-846-5152 H: 301-639-8194 E: [email protected] Crameri, Flavio M. F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd Non-Clinical Safety PNPP, Bldg 73-6A Basel, CH-4070 Switzerland W: 41-61-6881721 F: 41-61-6888101 E: [email protected] Craw - Czaj Crawley, Ronald 4503 Honey Locust San Antonio, TX 78249 H: 210-492-3148 F: 210-492-0478 E: [email protected] Credille, Kelly M. 2650 S Parkview Dr New Palestine, IN 46163 W: 317-277-6173 H: 317-861-9986 F: 317-277-4954 E: [email protected] *Cregar, Laura C. MPI Research 54943 North Main Street Mattawan, MI 49071 W: 269-668-3336 x3099 H: 217-390-0077 E: [email protected] Crissman, James Woodard 2887 Oakhaven Ct Midland, MI 48642 W: 989-297-3009 H: 989-631-2790 F: 989-631-2790 E: [email protected] Crowley, Ann M. PO Box 504 Newport, NSW 2106 Australia W: 61-299-741551 F: 61-299-741579 E: [email protected] *Cruz Cardona, Janice A. Idexx Laboratories 12839 Gulf Freeway Houston, TX 77034 W: 281-464-1644 E: [email protected] Cullen, John M. North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine 1060 William Moore Dr. Raleigh, NC 27607 W: 919-513-7720 H: 919-969-8449 F: 919-513-6464 E: [email protected] Culp, William E. 5 Zweibrucher Bruchmuhlbach, Germany E: [email protected] Crofton, Lisa M. 307 N Hawksbill St Luray, VA 22835 W: 540-660-1785 H: 540-743-4999 E: [email protected] Cushing, Tim Clemson Veterinary Diagnostic Center 500 Clemson Rd Columbia, SC 29229 W: 803 726 7827 E: [email protected] *Crosse, Patricia A. 122 Avenue Wagram Paris, 75017 France W: 00-3362-731-3353 E: [email protected] Cutlip, Randall C. 1910 Bel Air Circle Ames, IA 50010 H: 515-233-1698 E: [email protected] Crowell, Wayne A. University of Georgia Department of Pathology College of Veterinary Medicine Athens, GA 30602 W: 706-542-5838 H: 706-549-7569 F: 706-542-5828 E: [email protected] Czajkowski, Melissa Charles River Laboratories 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H3W 2G7 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x2260 H: 514-660-1507 F: 514-630-8230 E: [email protected] 35 D’Amo - Davi D’Amours, Genevieve 75 Casey Avenue Hamilton, New Zealand W: 64-7-855-2452 H: 64-7-850-6861 E: [email protected] Daft, Barbara M. 648 Alder Ct Banning, CA 92220 H: 951-922-0718 Dagle, Gerald E. 2543 Harris Ave Richland, WA 99354 W: 509-438-2732 H: 509-375-4131 E: [email protected] Dailey, Deanna D. 2701 W. Stuart St. Fort Collins, CO 80526 W: 970-420-2186 E: [email protected] Dallaire, Andre D. University of Montreal Faculte de Medecine Veterinaire 3200 Sicotte St-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 2M2 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x8474 F: 450-778-8116 E: [email protected] Dambach, Donna M. Genentech, Inc. Safety Assessment One DNA Way, MS 59 South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-225-8535 H: 650-243-7546 F: 650-225-2997 E: [email protected] Dangler, Charles A. The Jackson Laboratory 600 Main Street, Maibox 274 Bar Harbor, ME 04609 W: 207-288-6270 E: [email protected] 36 Danilenko, Dimitry M. Genentech, Inc Dept of Safety Assessment One DNA Way, MS 59 South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-225-2672 F: 650-225-8936 E: [email protected] Daoust, Pierre-Yves University of Prince Edward Island 550 University Ave Atlantic Veterinary College Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-566-0667 F: 902-566-0851 E: [email protected] *David, Martin 5227 Cornerstone Dr Fort Collins, CO 80528 W: 970-988-3989 E: [email protected] Davies, Jennifer Lee University of Calgary Clinical Skills Building 11877 85 St. NW Calgary, AB T3R 1J3 Canada W: 403-210-7664 E: [email protected] Davis, Arthur J. 3415 Emerald Dr Ames, IA 50010 W: 515-337-7528 H: 515-232-7899 F: 515-233-9197 E: [email protected] Davis, Barbara J. 261 Old Littleton Rd. Harvard, MA 01451 W: 978-877-2582 H: 978-456-3179 F: 508-839-7936 E: [email protected] Davis, Corrine R. 81211 E. Wapinitia Rd Maupin, OR 97037 W: 510-517-6715 E: [email protected] Davi - DeBe *Davis, Deborah G. Idexx Laboratories 3 Centennial Drive, Ste 1 North Grafton, MA 01536-2210 W: 508-887-7959 H: 508-234-9064 F: 508-887-7901 E: [email protected] Davis, Harold 5732 Highway 212 Covington, GA 30016 W: 678-342-3879 H: 678-342-3879 F: 678-625-4192 E: [email protected] Davis, Wendell Phillip Charles River Laboratory - Sherbrooke QC 1580 Ida-Métivier Sherbrooke , QC J1E 0B5 Canada W: 819 346 8200 x7110 H: 603-868-9926 F: 819-346-7663 E: [email protected] Davis, III, Kelly James Toxicologic Pathology Associates National Center for Toxicological Research 3900 NCTR Road Jefferson, AR 72079 W: 870-543-7689 H: 870-942-4236 F: 870-543-7401 E: [email protected] Day-Lollini, Patricia A. 3236 Brittan Ave. San Carlos, CA 94070 H: 650-592-0127 E: [email protected] de Bruin, Alain Universiteit Utrecht Hoofdafdeling Pathobiologie Postbus 80158 Utrecht, 3508 TD Netherlands E: [email protected] De Cock, Hilde E.V. Veterinary Pathology Services bvba Koekoekweg 8 Hemiksem, 2620 Belgium W: +32-032590305 H: +32-032838006 F: +32-032838006 E: [email protected] de Lahunta, Alexander PO Box 907 Rye, NH 03870 H: 603-568-1708 E: [email protected] De Paoli, Alexander 1568 Rialto Ln Davis, CA 95618 W: 800-444-4210 H: 530-757-6158 E: [email protected] *Dean, Gregg Alan Colorado State University 1619 Campus Delivery Pathology Building Fort Collins, CO 80523 W: 970-491-6144 H: 919-523-3555 F: 970-491-0603 E: [email protected] Dean, Jr., Charles E. Amgen, Inc 1201 Amgen Court West AW1-J2120 Seattle, WA 98119 W: 206-265-8669 H: 360-620-2776 F: 206-599-6460 E: [email protected] DeBey, Brad M. Kansas State University Dept Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology 1800 Denison Ave Manhattan, KS 66502 W: 785-532-4461 H: 785-587-8183 F: 785-532-4481 E: [email protected] 37 Debi - DeSi Debien, Elaine Charles River Laboratories 1580 Ida-Metivier Sherbrooke, QC J1E 0B5 Canada W: 819-346-8200 x7016 H: 819-564-9059 F: 819-346-7663 E: [email protected] Decker, Joshua Harry AbbVie Inc. Dept. R469, Bldg. AP13A 1 N. Waukegan Rd. North Chicago, IL 60064 W: 847-937-1552 E: [email protected] *Decker, Lilli S. IDEXX Laboratories 510 E62nd Street New York, NY 10065 W: 212-329-8684 H: 631-806-8645 E: [email protected] *DeJong, Keith 5777 Snake Rd. Oakland, CA 94611 W: 510-364-3488 F: 510-315-3050 E: [email protected] Del Piero, Fabio Louisiana State University 1909 Skip Bertman Dr LADDL Room 2016 Baton Rouge, LA 70803 W: 610-806-3581 E: [email protected] Delaney, Martha Ann University of Washington School of Medicine South Lake Union, N310 850 Republican Street Seattle, WA 98109 W: 206 616 1460 H: 508 596 5221 F: 206 685 9615 E: [email protected] 38 DeLay, Josepha P. University of Guelph Animal Health Lab PO Box 3612 Guelph, ON N1H 6R8 Canada W: 519-824-4120 H: 519-823-1646 F: 519-821-8072 E: [email protected] DeMartini, James 947 Lochness Ct Fort Collins, CO 80524 W: 970-491-5410 H: 970-221-1364 F: 970-491-0603 E: [email protected] *DeNicola, Dennis B. IDEXX Laboratories One IDEXX Dr Westbrook, ME 04092 W: 207-556-3497 H: 207-892-6126 F: 207-556-3497 E: [email protected] Denlinger, Robert H. 2938 Avenida Valera Carlsbad, CA 92009-7114 H: 760-448-5447 E: [email protected] Dennis, Michelle M. 11 Riverview Place Metroplex on Gateway Murrarie, QLD 4172 Australia H: +61-0406758176 E: [email protected] DeSilva, Rupika T. 1101 N Lincoln St Stillwater, OK 74075 W: 405-743-7869 H: 405-780-7588 E: [email protected] Desj - Dieh Desjardins, Danielle R. Phoenix Central Laboratory 4338 Harbour Pointe Blvd. SW Mukilteo, WA 98275 W: 425-355-5252 H: 425-355-3676 E: [email protected] Desoutter, Anais V. 9 rue du capitaine Desmier Baie des pecheurs Noumea, Nouvelle-Caledonie 98800 New Caledonia E: [email protected] Detilleux, Philippe G. Sanofi R&D DSAR - Preclinical Safety 13 Quai Jules Guesde, BP 14 Vitry Sur Seine, 94400 France W: 33-1-58-93-31-44 F: 33-1-58-93-81-64 E: [email protected] Detrisac, Carol J. Charles River Laboratories 10 W 35th St Chicago, IL 60616 W: 312-567-4876 H: 708-445-0359 F: 312-567-4882 E: [email protected] *Di Terlizzi, Roberta University of Pennsylvania Dept of Pathobiology, SVM 3850 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 W: 215-898-8859 H: 515-450-6385 F: 215-898-0719 E: [email protected] Diab, Santiago S. 322 Mills Dr Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-1557 H: 530-219-1963 E: [email protected] +Dial, Sharon M. University of Arizona Veterinary Diagnostic Lab 2831 N Freeway Tucson, AZ 85705 W: 520-621-2356 x15 H: 520-792-3086 F: 520-626-8696 E: [email protected] Diamond, Sheldon S. 18755 West Berniardo Dr, #1057 San Diego, CA 92127 W: 858-451-6913 H: 858-451-6913 E: [email protected] Dick, Jr., Edward J. Texas Biomedical Research Institute 1945 FM 477 Seguin, TX 78155 W: 210-258-9894 F: 210-670-3305 E: [email protected] *Dickinson, Ryan M. 2015 Linden Dr Madison, WI 53706 W: 306-966-7272 E: [email protected] Dickson, Leonora J 17006 Madrillon Way Accokeek, MD 20607 W: 301-319-7440 H: 301-283-0878 F: 301-319-9699 E: [email protected] Diegel, Kelly L. Boehringer Ingelheim 900 Ridgebury Road Ridgefield, CT 06877 H: 317-292-1212 E: [email protected] Diehl, Lauri J. 1460 Hollidale Ct Los Altos, CA 94024 W: 650-225-7483 H: 650-960-4007 F: 650-225-8989 E: [email protected] 39 Dien - Dona Diener, Robert M. 185 Aster Ct Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 W: 908-534-5582 H: 908-534-5582 F: 908-534-5522 E: [email protected] Diep, Anh Stanford University 269 Campus Drive CCSR South, Room 1250 Stanford, CA 94304 W: 832-279-0738 E: [email protected] Dill, Garrett S. 923 Augusta Glen Dr Columbus, OH 43235 H: 614-451-0223 E: [email protected] Dillberger, John E. Preclinical Development Consultant 4121 Lower Schooner Rd PO Box 2118 Nashville, IN 47448 W: 812-988-6385 F: 812-988-6386 E: [email protected] Dillehay, Dirck L. 652 Hilton Ave Lawrenceville, GA 30044 W: 770-979-0846 H: 770-979-0846 F: 770-979-0846 E: [email protected] Dittmer, Keren E. IVABS, Massey University Private Bag 11 222 Tennant Drive Palmorston North, 4442 New Zealand W: 0064 6 3569099 H: 0064 21 0237 0067 F: 0064 6 350 5714 E: [email protected] 40 Dobson, Elizabeth Cara Gribbles Pathology 1868 Dandenong Rd Clayton, VIC 3168 Australia E: [email protected] Dochterman, Leland Wayne 10326 Brattlie Rd Mount Horeb, WI 53572 W: 608-242-2712 x2269 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Dodd, David C. 11506 Oakmont Ct Fort Myers, FL 33908-2823 H: 239-454-6758 E: [email protected] Doherty, Peter C. University of Melbourne Dept of Microbiology & Immunology Parkville, VIC 3010 Australia H: 61-8344-7968 F: 81-8344-7990 E: [email protected] +Dolce, Karen Suzanne Professional Veterinary Pathology Services 1 Science Court, Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29203 W: 803-252-1913 H: 803-873-2910 F: 803-753-5074 E: [email protected] Dominick, Mark A. 1048 Wyngate Ct Evansville, IN 47725 W: 812-483-9632 E: [email protected] Donahoe, Shannon L. 15/12 Leichhardt Street Glebe, NSW 2037 Australia E: [email protected] Dona - Duco *Donald, Jennifer Jane New Zealand Veterinary Pathology Ltd. PO Box 944 Hamilton, 2015 New Zealand W: 64-7-839-1470 H: 64-7-823-8259 F: 64-7-839-1471 E: [email protected] Donovan, Taryn A. Animal Medical Center 510 East 62nd St. New York, NY 10065 W: 212-838-8100 E: [email protected] Dore-Sirois, Monique Universite de Montreal Dept de Pathologie 3200 Sicotte St-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C6 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x8237 H: 450-778-9686 F: 450-778-8128 E: [email protected] Dorr, Thomas E. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 1 Squibb Dr, Bldg 125 PO Box 191 New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0191 W: 732-227-7291 H: 215-364-1836 F: 732-227-3880 E: [email protected] *Dorsey, Karen E. 4040 W Royal Ln. Ste 124 Irvine, TX 75063 W: 405-517-5228 E: [email protected] Doster, Alan R. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Veterinary Diagnostic Center East Campus and Fair Streets Lincoln, NE 68583-0907 W: 402-472-1434 F: 402-472-3094 E: [email protected] Doty, Rosalinda Ann The Jackson Laboratory 600 Main Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609 W: 207-288-6493 H: 217-819-8327 E: [email protected] Drew, Clifton P. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd. NE Atlanta, GA 30333 W: 404-345-3123 E: [email protected] Driskell, Elizabeth A. University of Illinois, CVM 2522 Veterinary Med. Basic Sciences Bldg 2001 S. Lincoln Urbana, IL 61802 W: 217-333-4781 H: 515-450-2453 F: 217-244-7421 E: [email protected] Drolet, Richard Universite de Montreal Faculte de Medicine Veterinaire CP 5000 St. Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C6 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x8283 F: 450-778-8116 E: [email protected] Dubielzig, Richard R. University of Wisconsin Dept of PBS, SVM 2015 Linden Dr Madison, WI 53706-1102 W: 608-263-9805 H: 608-233-0676 F: 608-262-9150 E: [email protected] Ducore, Rebecca Maps Oregon National Primate Research Center 505 NW 185th Ave Beaverton, OR 97006-3448 W: 503-614-3774 E: [email protected] 41 Duha - Durh Duhamel, Gerald E. Cornell University CVM, Dept of Biomedical Science Rm T4 012A Ithaca, NY 14852 W: 607-253-4492 H: 402-435-0507 F: 607-253-4447 E: [email protected] *Dunbar, Mark David 2233 Peachtree Rd NE, #1405 Atlanta, GA 30309 W: 352-256-1003 E: [email protected] Duncan, Colleen CSU Vet Diagnostic Lab 300 West Drake Ave Fort Collins, CO 80526 W: 970-297-5422 H: 970-214-1779 F: 970-297-0320 E: [email protected] +Duncan, J. R. 1571 Gober Rd Bishop, GA 30621-1687 H: 706-769-6104 Duncan, Mary Saint Louis Zoo One Government Dr Forest Park St. Louis, MO 63110 W: 314-646-4634 H: 314-962-3057 F: 314-646-5534 E: [email protected] Duncan, Neil M. University of Pretoria, South Africa Section of Pathology P/ Bag X04 Understepoort, Gauteng 0110 South Africa W: +27 836593602 E: [email protected] 42 Duncan-Evans, Dawn LADDL LSU, River Road, RM 1043 Baton Rouge, LA 70803 W: 225-578-9790 F: 225-578-9784 E: [email protected] Duniho, Steven Marc Seattle Genetics 21823 30th Dr SE Bothell, WA 98021 W: 425-527-4924 H: 425-379-7809 F: 425-527-4925 E: [email protected] Dunmore, Daniel E. 129 Madison Lane Claysburg, PA 16625 W: 814-239-9222 E: [email protected] Dunn, Dale G. 8716 Piccadilly Pl Springfield, VA 22151 W: 703-378-2164 x2301 H: 703-426-4874 F: 703-263-9169 E: [email protected] Dunstan, Robert W. Biogen Idec 14 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142 W: 617-914-1205 H: 857-445-7639 E: [email protected] Durham, Amy C. University of Pennsylvania MJR-VHUP, Room 4005 3900 Spruce St. Philadelphia, PA 19104-6051 W: 215-898-8822 F: 215-898-0719 E: [email protected] Durham, Stephen K. Charles River 6995 Longley Lane Reno, NV 89511 W: 775-682-2176 F: 775-682-2100 E: [email protected] Durk - Ehrh Durkes, Abigail Purdue University 406 So. University Street West Lafayette, IN 47906 W: 765-413-7665 H: 765-494-6283 E: [email protected] Dybdal, Noel Oline 1600 Grandview Drive South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-467-2829 H: 530-400-0400 E: [email protected] Dyer, Neil North Dakota State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab NDSU Dept 7691, PO Box 6050 Fargo, ND 58108-6050 W: 701-231-7521 H: 218-233-9278 F: 701-231-7514 E: [email protected] Dykstra, Jaclyn 2746 Dellwood Avenue Roseville, MN 55113 W: 651-702-1219 E: [email protected] +Easley, J. Roger 20962 NW 167th Place High Springs, FL 32643 W: 386-454-9721 E: [email protected] Eaton, Kathryn A. University of Michigan 6746 Med Sci II 1150 West Medical Center Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 W: 734-936-3883 H: 734-255-1091 F: 734-936-3235 E: [email protected] Eckhaus, Michael A. 9852 Middle Meadow Rd Ellicott City, MD 21042 W: 301-496-4465 E: [email protected] Eckstrand, Christina 819 Arthur St Davis, CA 95616 W: 302-650-5942 E: [email protected] Eden, Kristin B. 1110 Huff Lane Blacksburg, VA 24060 W: 571-344-6488 E: [email protected] *Edwards, David F. 1107 Ellejoy Crossing Way Walland, TN 37886-2246 W: 865-323-3808 E: [email protected] Edwards, Jeffrey L. 16919 Apple River Dr. Cypress, TX 77433 W: 979-595-5877 H: 281-304-2239 E: [email protected] Edwards, John F. Texas A&M University Dept Vet Pathobiology College Vet Med, 4467 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4467 W: 979-845-4608 H: 979-764-0686 F: 979-845-4052 E: [email protected] Eggers, Jeffrey Stuart Covance Laboratories Inc 3301 Kinsman Blvd Madison, WI 53704 W: 608-242-2712 x2314 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Ehrhart, E. J. 812 E. CR 30 Fort Collins, CO 80525 W: 970-443-0833 E: [email protected] 43 Eigh - Ely Eighmy, Johnnie Joel Covance Laboratories, Inc 3301 Kinsman Blvd, Mail Code 19 Madison, WI 53704 W: 608-242-2712 x7463 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Eisenbrandt, David L. 5570 Sawdust Loop Parker, CO 80134 H: 303-840-9101 F: 303-840-9101 E: [email protected] Ekstrom, Merlin E. 607 S. Washington Mount Pleasant, MI 48858 W: 248-798-5892 H: 248-798-5892 E: [email protected] Elangbam, Chandikumar S. GlaxoSmithKline Safety Assessment (RD9-3010.2D) 5 Moore Dr Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-0043 F: 919-483-0692 E: [email protected] Elcock, Laura E. Laura Elcock Pathology 12607 Pawnee Lane Leawood, KS 66209 W: 913-469-4282 H: 913-469-4282 F: 913-469-4282 E: [email protected] Elliott, George A. 10543 Countryside Dr Grand Ledge, MI 48837-9143 H: 269-375-2812 F: 269-375-2812 *Elliott, Glenn S. 305 Greensburg Circle Reno, NV 89509 H: 775-323-6627 E: [email protected] 44 Elliott, Michelle Winn 1618 Wheyfield Drive Frederick, MD 21701 W: 301-301-1718 H: 301-682-4422 E: [email protected] Ellis, Angela E. 265 Ponderosa Drive Athens , GA 30605 W: 706-338-9755 H: 706-542-5914 E: [email protected] *Ellis, Kathi A. 410-22 Park Meadows Drive SE Medicine Hat, AB T1B 4E8 Canada W: 403-527-1825 H: 403-977-0711 E: [email protected] Elmore, Susan A. NIEHS Cellular and Molecular Pathology Branch- MD B306 111 Alexander Dr, Bldg 101, Rm B-326 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-541-3474 H: 919-967-4172 F: 919-541-7666 E: [email protected] Elwell, Michael R. Covance Laboratories Suite 125 14500 Avion Parkway Chantilly, VA 20151 W: 703-378-2164 x8313-2313 H: 703-435-1657 E: [email protected] Ely, Ray W. 1901 Wildwood Dr Stillwater, OK 74075 H: 405-624-9953 Embu - Ever Embury-Hyatt, Carissa Kelly National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease Canadian Food Inspection Agency 1015 Arlington Ave Winnipeg, MB R3E 3M4 Canada W: 204-789-2024 F: 204-789-2038 E: [email protected] Emerson, James L. Emerson Consulting International 290 Landfall Rd NW Atlanta, GA 30328 W: 404-849-3738 H: 404-252-1738 F: 404-255-6421 E: [email protected] Engelhardt, Jeffery A. EPL, Inc. 5407 Castillo de Rosas Camarillo, CA 93012 W: 805-377-1319 F: 805-445-7105 E: [email protected] Engiles, Julie B. University of Pennsylvania New Bolton Center 382 W St Rd Kennett Square, PA 19348 W: 610-925-6451 F: 610-925-8110 E: [email protected] +Ennulat, Daniela GlaxoSmithKline 709 Swedeland Rd UEO462 King of Prussia, PA 19406 W: 610-270-6484 H: 610-593-4822 F: 610-270-7202 E: [email protected] Esplin, D. Glen 1815 Parkridge Dr Salt Lake City, UT 84121 W: 801-583-2787 x2235 F: 801-584-5104 E: [email protected] Estep, J. Scot 1007 Wagon Wheel Dr Spring Branch, TX 78070 W: 830-237-2955 H: 830-885-2241 F: 210-916-5495 E: [email protected] Estes, Paul 527 Green Hill Beach Rd Wakefield, RI 02879-6215 Eustis, Scot L. 437 County Road A18A Las Vegas, NM 87701 H: 505-454-0590 E: [email protected] *Evans, Ellen W. 20 A Doyle Road Waterford, CT 06385 W: 860-715-6806 F: 860-686-5475 E: [email protected] Evans, Mark G. Pfizer Inc La Jolla Laboratories, Drug Safety R&D 10646 Science Center Dr, CB4, Rm 2134 San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-638-6122 F: 858-678-8290 E: [email protected] *Everds, Nancy Ellen Amgen, Inc. 1201 Amgen Ct W Seattle, WA 98119 W: 206-265-8334 F: 206-216-5929 E: [email protected] *Everett, Raymond M. 204 Harbor Dr Columbia, SC 29229 W: 803-699-3269 E: [email protected] 45 Ever - Fend Evering, Winston N. Pfizer Global Research 10646 Science Center Dr San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-622-6029 H: 760-727-4634 F: 858-526-4139 E: [email protected] Everitt, Jeffrey GlaxoSmithKline PO Box 13398, N2.2210 5 Moore Dr Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-6533 H: 919-493-7153 F: 919-483-6382 E: [email protected] +Ewing, Patty J. 35 Old Shirley Rd Harvard, MA 01451 W: 617-541-5014 F: 617-522-7356 E: [email protected] Eydelloth, Ronald S. Nonclinical Development Consulting Services LLC 3 Autumn Meadow Lane Malvern, PA 19355 W: 484-320-8059 E: [email protected] Fabry, Andras 3547 53rd Ave W # 193 Bradenton, FL 34210-3489 W: 941-727-9875 H: 941-727-9875 F: 801-437-1878 E: [email protected] Facemire, Paul R. 10301 Grovesnor Pl Apt 1111 North Bethesda, MD 20852 W: 301-319-7491 H: 240-529-7569 E: [email protected] 46 Fairchild, David G. David G. Fairchild, DVM, Inc. Consultants in Toxicologic Pathology 1115 Idylberry Rd San Rafael, CA 94903 W: 415-479-9489 H: 415-479-9489 F: 415-472-6079 E: [email protected] Fairley, Robert A. Apt 26, 41 Cambridge Tce Christchurch, 8013 New Zealand W: 64-3-363-6716 H: 64-3-365-2428 F: 64-3-379 9485 E: [email protected] Fales-Williams, Amanda J. Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine Dept of Vet Med, 2724 Vet Med Ames, IA 50011-1250 W: 515-294-7445 H: 515-294-5742 F: 515-294-5423 E: [email protected] Farina, Lisa Lee University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine PO Box 110880 Gainesville, FL 32611-0880 W: 352-294-4114 H: 352-376-5037 F: 352-392-1769 E: [email protected] Farman, Cindy Ann 8950 Beacon Ridge Trail Reno, NV 89523 W: 650-296-2487 H: 775-746-8920 F: 775-746-8920 E: [email protected] Fender, Marlan Ray Antech Diagnostics 1235 E Sheena Dr Phoenix, AZ 85022 W: 602-544-8100 H: 602-548-0287 F: 602-841-1319 E: [email protected] Fent - Fish Fenton, Karla Ann 2207 Post Office St. #204 Galveston, TX 77550 W: 515-708-1197 H: 517-432-5864 E: [email protected] Ferguson, Hugh W. Pathobiology Program St. George’s, Grenada W: 44-14734444175 H: 44-1259-742369 E: [email protected] *Fernandes, Peter J. 3109 Rubio Canyon Rd Altadena, CA 91001 W: 888-433-998 x68632 H: 407-257-8310 E: [email protected] *Fernandez, Fidelia R. VCA - Antech Diagnostics 6405 Tryon Rd. Suite 200 Cary, NC 27518 W: 919-851-4978 H: 919-818-6230 F: 919-829-2405 E: [email protected] *Fernandez, Nicole 198 Tuscay Ravine Close NW Calgary, AB T3L 2Y6 Canada W: 403-210-9131 F: 403-692-4336 E: [email protected] Ferns, Linda E. 2698 Carstairs Drive Courtenay, BC V9N 4A6 Canada H: 250-871-1695 E: [email protected] Ferrell, John F. 18399 Harbour Town Terr Leesburg, VA 20176 W: 703-435-8840 x209 F: 703-435-1330 E: [email protected] *Fettman, Martin J. 1572 N Saguaro Cliffs Ct Tucson, AZ 85745-8839 E: [email protected] Ficken, Martin Dale TVMDL 1162 East Sarah DeWitt Drive Gonzales, TX 78629 W: 830-672-2834 H: 402-499-1945 F: 830-672-2835 E: [email protected] *Fierro, Brittney R. 775 West Cobble Hollow Drive Roosevelt, UT 84066 H: 517-303-5816 E: [email protected] *Figueiredo, Josely F. 3100 Lake Mendota Drive Apt. 301 Madison, WI 53705 W: 317-403-6586 H: 608-729-4354 E: [email protected] Fikes, James D. AstraZeneca B2.086 35 Gatehouse Drive Waltham, MA 02451 W: 781-472-5121 F: 781-672-4277 E: [email protected] *Fisher, David J. IDEXX Veterinary Services 2825 KOVR Drive West Sacramento, CA 95605 W: 916-267-2449 F: 916-267-2458 E: [email protected] Fisher, Lawrence F. 818 N Lanyard Dr Cicero, IN 46034 W: 317-984-3357 H: 317-984-3357 F: 317-984-3357 E: [email protected] 47 Fish - Fore +Fishman, Cindy Ellen GlaxoSmithKline 709 Swedeland Rd UE 0383 King of Prussia, PA 19406 W: 610-270-7477 H: 267-254-8762 E: [email protected] Fletcher, Anthony M. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company PO Box 191 MS 125-1-127 New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0191 W: 732-227-5493 H: 609-356-0652 E: [email protected] Fitzgerald, Scott David Michigan State University Diagnostic Center for Population & Animal Health 4125 Beaumont Rd Lansing, MI 48910 W: 517-353-1774 H: 517-655-1952 F: 517-355-2152 E: [email protected] Fletcher, Oscar J. North Carolina State University College of Vet Medicine 1060 William Moore Dr Raleigh, NC 27607 W: 919-513-6491 H: 919-460-9125 F: 919-513-6464 E: [email protected] Fix, Andrew Stephen Procter & Gamble Co One Procter & Gamble Plaza Cincinnati, OH 45202 W: 513-698-7906 E: [email protected] *Flaherty, Heather Iowa State University CVM, Rm 1791 Dept Vet ClinPath Ames, IA 50011-1250 W: 515-294-0960 E: [email protected] *Flatland, Bente University of Tennessee Dept of Biomedical & Diagnostic Sciences 2407 River Drive Knoxville, TN 37996 W: 865-974-8238 F: 865-974-5616 E: [email protected] Fleetwood, Michelle 8 Thompson Ln Durham, NH 03824 W: 603-862-3535 H: 603-617-8845 F: 603-862-0179 E: [email protected] 48 *Flint, Carrie L. IDEXX Reference Laboratories 1595 Cliveden Avenue Delta, BC V3M 6M2 Canada W: 800-667-3411 x65151 E: [email protected] Floyd, Eugenia Pfizer Inc. 200 Cambridge Park Drive Cambridge, MA 02140 W: 860 581 0021 E: [email protected] Foley, George L. AbbVie 1 North Waukegan Rd. North Chicago, IL 60064 W: 847-938-6710 E: [email protected] Foreman, Oded 2760 Ottowa Avenue Davis, CA 95616 E: [email protected] Forest, Tom Merck & Co WP45-223 770 Sumneytown Pike, PO Box 4 West Point, PA 19486 W: 215-652-1575 E: [email protected] Forz - Fran Forzan, Maria J. Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre Atlantic Veterinary College/University of Prince Edward Island 550 University Ave Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-566-0545 H: 902-368-3667 F: 902-566-0871 E: [email protected] Fossey, Stacey L. AbbVie Dept. R469, Bldg. AP13A-3 1 North Waukegan Road North Chicago, IL 60064 W: 847-938-8424 H: 225-288-4583 F: 847-938-3076 E: [email protected] Foster, Robert A. University of Guelph OVC Pathobiology Ontario Veterinary College Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54648 H: 519-824-6632 F: 519-824-5930 E: [email protected] Fournier, Dominique LEPAQ, Quebec 2700 rue Einstein Quebec, QC G1P 3W8 Canada W: 418-643-6140 x2610 H: 418-704-2975 F: 418-644-2644 E: [email protected] Fowler, Edward H. 302 Chester Rd Candia, NH 03034 W: 603-483-8179 F: 603-483-8179 E: [email protected] Fox, Karen Colorado Parks and Wildlife 317 W Prospect Rd Fort Collins, CO 80525 W: 970-472-4318 H: 970-420-3418 E: [email protected] Frame, Steven R. DuPont Haskell Global Centers for Health and Environmental Sciences PO Box 50 Newark, DE 19714 W: 302-366-5169 E: [email protected] Franca, Monique S. 1193 Whisperwood Ln Lawrenceville, GA 30043 W: 470-222-0577 H: 404-806-3766 E: [email protected] Frank, Anthony A. Colorado State University Office of the President 102 Administration Bldg Fort Collins, CO 80523 W: 970-491-6211 F: 970-491-0501 E: [email protected] Frank, Chad 1033 Parkview Dr Fort Collins, CO 80525 W: 970-305-0418 H: 970-305-0418 E: [email protected] Frank, Doyle Schering-Plough Research Institute PO Box 32 Newton, NJ 07860 W: 973-940-4285 H: 908-362-5851 F: 973-940-4329 Frank, Rodney Kevin 4157 Winding Way Kalamazoo, MI 49004 W: 269-833-0924 H: 269-615-7004 F: 269-833-8497 E: [email protected] 49 Fran - Fros Franko, Lavun R. 6502 E. Claire Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85254 W: 602-971-4110 x202 H: 480-515-2403 E: [email protected] Frantz, Jerry D. 4810 Wetona Road Columbia Cross Roads, PA 16914 W: 570-297-5104 H: 570-297-5485 E: [email protected] Frasca, Jr., Salvatore University of Connecticut Dept of Pathobiology & Veterinary Science 61 N Eagleville Rd # U-3089 Storrs Mansfield, CT 06269 W: 860-486-1138 H: 860-228-1356 F: 860-486-2794 E: [email protected] Frazier, Kendall S. GlaxoSmithKline Safety Assessment UE0376 709 Swedeland Rd, PO Box 1539 King of Prussia, PA 19406 W: 610-270-7977 F: 610-270-5169 E: [email protected] Frelier, Paul 4600 Buffalo Jump Rd Three Forks, MT 59752 W: 406-285-3952 H: 406-285-3952 E: [email protected] +French, Adrienne F. New Zealand Veterinary Pathology IVABS Bldg, 1st Floor, Tennent Dr Massey University Palmerston North, 4474 New Zealand W: +64 063533-83 H: +64 0273356444 F: +64 063533986 E: [email protected] 50 French, Dorothy M. Genentech, Inc. Dept of Pathology 1 DNA Way MS 72B South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-225-2294 H: 650-799-1605 F: 650-225-8989 E: [email protected] *Friedrichs, Kristen R. University of WI - School of Vet Medicine 2015 Linden Dr Madison, WI 53706 W: 608-890-0479 F: 608-263-0438 E: [email protected] Fritz, David L. 23790 NW Turner Creek Road Yamhill, OR 97148 E: [email protected] *Fromstein, Jordan M. 39 Colvin Crescent Thornhill, ON L4J 2N7 Canada W: 647-894-3494 H: 905-881-3494 E: [email protected] Frontera-Acevedo, Karelma University of the West Indies Building 47, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex Uriah Butler Highway Champ Fleurs, Trinidad and Tobago W: 1-868-729-8732 E: [email protected] Frost, Denzil F. Covance Laboratories, Inc 14500 Avion Parkway Suite 125 Chantilly, VA 20151-1130 W: 703-378-2164 x83132302 H: 410-721-8166 F: 703-263-9169 E: [email protected] Fry - Gail *Fry, Michael M. University of Tennessee Dept of Biomedical & Diagnostic Sciences, UTCVM 2407 River Dr, Rm A201 Knoxville, TN 37996-4542 W: 865-755-3063 H: 865-692-3065 F: 865-974-5616 E: [email protected] Fuji, Reina N. Genentech 1 DNA Way South San Francisco, CA 94080-4990 W: 650-467-1227 H: 650-745-5540 F: 650-225-2797 E: [email protected] Funk, Kathleen Ann EPL, Inc PO Box 169 Sterling, VA 20167 W: 703-471-7060 x206 H: 703-938-4810 F: 703-471-8447 E: [email protected] Furrow, Robert D. 2218 SE 11th St Cape Corral, FL 33990-1909 H: 239-283-9375 E: [email protected] Gabor, Leslie J. Novartis Animal Health Australasia Pty Ltd, Research Centre, Yarrandoo R&D Centre 245 Western Rd, Kemps Creek Sydney, NSW 2178 Australia W: +61 2 98263300 H: +61 405 469 893 F: +61 2 98261710 E: [email protected] Gabor, Melinda J. State Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory Dept of Industry and Investment EMAI, Woodbridge Meanagle, NSW 2568 Australia W: +61 2 4640 6343 F: +61 2 4340 6400 E: [email protected] Gabrielson, Kathleen L. Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine Research Bldg Rm 855 733 N Broadway St Baltimore, MD 21205 W: 410-955-4584 H: 410-592-7687 F: 443-287-2954 E: [email protected] Gaffney, Patricia M. 7942 Camino Kiosco San Diego, CA 92122 W: 530-574-1243 E: [email protected] Gagea-Iurascu, Mihai University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Dept of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery, 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Unit 63 Houston, TX 77030 W: 713-792-9507 H: 713-582-8156 F: 713-794-4546 E: [email protected] Gailbreath, Katherine L. WestVet Diagnostic Laboratory 5019 N. Sawyer Ave Boise, ID 83714 W: 208-375-1600 H: 208-577-1888 E: [email protected] Gaillard, Elias T. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc 900 Ridgebury Rd PO Box 368 Ridgefield, CT 06877 W: 203-798-4150 H: 203-264-0088 F: 203-837-4926 E: [email protected] 51 Gain - Gard Gains, Malcolm John CiToxLAB 445 Armand-Frappier Boulevard Laval, QC H7V 4B3 Canada W: (450) 973-2240 E: [email protected] *Gara-Boivin, Carolyn Université de Montreal c.p. 5000 St. Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C6 Canada H: 514-292-7242 E: [email protected] Gal, Arnon University of Illinois, Urbana, Champaign 2303A Melrose Dr. Champaign, IL 61820 W: 217-722-9011 H: 217-722-9011 E: [email protected] Garcia Tapia, David Zoetis, LLC 333 Portage Street KZO-300-321NW Kalamazoo, MI 49001 W: 269-833-4751 H: 269-329-1725 F: 269-833-8497 E: [email protected] Galarneau, Jean-René Novartis 300 Technology square Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-871-3807 F: 617-871-4092 E: [email protected] Galbreath, Elizabeth J. 360 Binney Street Cambridge, MA 02142 W: 617-444-5315 F: 317-276-6510 E: [email protected] *Galezowski, Angelica Veterinary Diagnostic Services 545 University Cres. Winnipeg, MB R3T 5S6 Canada W: 204-945-1765 F: 204-945-7646 E: [email protected] *Galgut, Bradley I. 34A Catalina Ave Ashburton, VIC 3147 Australia W: +61397565600 H: +614 12 392 746 E: [email protected] Gamble, David A. 236 Beverly Rd Huntington Station, NY 11746 W: 631-470-5719 H: 631-470-5719 E: [email protected] 52 Gardiner, Chris H. Army Medical Dept Head, JCIDS Capability Document Cell 2377 Greely Rd, DCDD, ATTN: MCCS-FCC Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-7731 W: 210-295-0531 H: 830-385-6633 F: 210-221-0121 E: [email protected] Gardiner, David W. Animal Reference Pathology PO BOX 17580 Salt Lake City , UT 84117 W: 385-228-2889 H: 385-228-2889 E: [email protected] Gardner, Donald J. Rocky Mountain Laboratories 903 S 4th St Hamilton, MT 59840 W: 406-363-9467 H: 406-961-4436 F: 406-363-9368 E: [email protected] Gardner, Murray B. University of California at Davis Center for Comparative Medicine 1 Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616 Garl - Geno Garlick, David S. 96 Coolidge Circle Northborough, MA 01532 W: 540-477-4440 E: [email protected] Garman, Robert H. Consultants In Veterinary Pathology, Inc PO Box 68 Murrysville, PA 15668 W: 724-733-5154 H: 724-733-4597 F: 724-733-3032 E: [email protected] Garner, Alana Pavuk 5401-F Creek Ridge Lane Raleigh, NC 27607 W: 864-905-2184 H: 864-905-2184 E: [email protected] *Garner, Bridget C. University of Georgia 501 DW Brooks Drive Dept of Veterinary Pathology Athens, GA 30602 W: 706-542-5847 E: [email protected] Garner, Michael M. 654 W Main St Monroe, WA 98272 W: 360-794-0630 H: 360-668-1379 F: 360-794-4312 E: [email protected] Gary, Joy M. 9522 Ewing Dr Bethesda, MD 20817 W: 301-594-5164 H: 970-217-6185 E: [email protected] Gasper, David Joseph 1325 Drake Street Apt 2 Madison, WI 53715 W: 530-771-7834 H: 530-771-7833 E: [email protected] +Gass, Jerome H. 24086 W Saxony Dr Lake Villa, IL 60046 W: 224-270-2765 F: 224-270-5559 E: [email protected] *Gaunt, Stephen D. Louisiana State University SVM Dept of Pathobiological Sciences Baton Rouge, LA 70803 W: 225-578-9715 F: 225-578-9701 E: [email protected] Geil, Robert G. 2208 Oakland Ridge Dr Kalamazoo, MI 49008 W: 269-381-2530 E: [email protected] Gelberg, Howard B. Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine 233 Magruder Hall Corvallis, OR 97331 W: 541-737-6865 H: 541-745-5549 F: 541-737-6817 E: [email protected] Gendron-Fitzpatrick, Annette P. University of Wisconsin Comparative Pathology Lab Rm 374 Enzyme Inst., 1710 University Ave Madison, WI 53726 W: 608-262-1239 H: 608-231-1385 F: 608-265-2698 E: [email protected] Genovese, Lucy M. Abbey Veterinary Services 89 Queen Street Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 2BG United Kingdom W: 44 1626 353 598 H: 44 1364 642 157 F: 44 1626 335 135 E: [email protected] 53 Geol - Gidd Geoly, Frank J. Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development Eastern Point Rd MS 8274-1210 Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-686-1077 F: 860-686-0557 E: [email protected] George, Catherine IPSEN INNOVATION CRAS-IBH 5 Avenue du Canada Les Ulis Cedex, 91966 France W: 33-1-60929403 E: [email protected] *George, Jeanne W. 425 Heron Pl Davis, CA 95616 H: 530-756-8257 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] *Gerber, Karen L. James Cook University School of Vet & Biomedical Sciences 1 Solander Rd Townsville, QLD Q4811 Australia W: +61-0459122917 E: [email protected] Gerdin, Jodie A. 372 S. Manning Blvd Albany, NY 12208 W: 804-317-4433 E: [email protected] Gers, Sophette Western Cape Department of Agriculture Private Bag X5020 Stellenbosch, 7599 South Africa W: 27-21-8870324 H: 27-83-2851919 F: 27-88-65341 E: [email protected] 54 Getzy, David Michael 1001 Ogden Ct Fort Collins, CO 80526 W: 970-310-8009 H: 970-282-1711 F: 970-282-1711 E: [email protected] Gibson, Christopher J. 1076 S Daniel Way San Jose, CA 95128 W: 650-496-1108 H: 215-327-0365 F: 650-496-1117 E: [email protected] Gibson, Isobel R. New Zealand Veterinary Pathology, Ltd Cnr Anglesea and Thackeray Sts PO Box 944 Hamilton, Waikato 3240 New Zealand W: +64 078391470 H: +64 078563939 F: +64 078391471 E: [email protected] Gibson, John P. 11150 Maple Knoll Ter. J303 Cincinnati, OH 45246 H: 513-746-3140 E: [email protected] Gibson-Corley, Katherine N. Univeristy of Iowa 200 Hawkins Drive, 1167 ML Iowa City, IA 52242 W: 319-384-4430 F: 319-335-8453 E: [email protected] Giddens, W. Ellis Pathology Consulting 3754 Lytle Rd NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 W: 206-780-4168 H: 206-780-4168 E: [email protected] Gigl - Goed Gigliotti, Andrew Paul LRRI 2425 Ridgecrest Dr SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 W: 505-348-9600 F: 505-348-4980 E: [email protected] Gillett, Nancy A. 4520 W. Phantom Hill Rd. Prescott, AZ 86305 W: 781-222-7677 H: 928-778-1203 F: 928-778-0425 E: [email protected] Gillette, Deborah M. 85 W Stratford Ave Lansdowne, PA 19050 W: 610-622-6955 F: 610-622-3375 E: [email protected] *Gilroy, Cornelia Visser University of Prince Edward Island Atlantic Veterinary College 550 University Avenue Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-566-0759 H: 902-658-2953 F: 902-566-0723 E: [email protected] Ginn, Pamela E. University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine 2015 SW 16th Ave PO Box 100125 Gainesville, FL 32610-0125 W: 352-294-4233 H: 352-351-1882 F: 352-846-2744 E: [email protected] Girard, Christiane University de Montreal Fac De Med Vet CP 5000 3200 Sicotte St-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C6 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x18329 H: 450-773-2242 F: 450-773-2161 E: [email protected] Giri, Dipak K. 3130 Millbrook Drive Pearland, TX 77584 W: 832-605-2773 E: [email protected] Gliatto, John Michael 15 Broads Ave Natick, MA 01760-6012 W: 508-620-1384 H: 508-650-9171 F: 508-620-0305 E: [email protected] Glock, Robert D. University of Arizona AZ Veterinary Diagnostic Lab 2831 N Freeway Tucson, AZ 85705 W: 520-621-2356 H: 520-572-3802 F: 520-626-8696 E: [email protected] Glover, Christiana 2-4790 Rue Jolicoeur Pierrefonds, QC H9H 5M6 Canada W: 514-457-7400 x265 H: 514-784-0299 F: 514-784-0299 E: [email protected] Goad, Mary E. P. Pecquet Goad Consulting LLC 111 Chestnut St Andover, MA 01810 W: 617.480.5069 E: [email protected] Godfrey, Virginia Lee University of North Carolina 1101 Bioinformatics Bldg CB # 7115 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 W: 919-966-2903 H: 919-932-3473 F: 919-843-9340 E: [email protected] Goedken, Michael Rutgers University 41 Gordon Road New Brunswick, NJ 08854 E: [email protected] 55 Gogo - Goul Gogolewski, Ronald Peter Merial Australia Pty LTD Building D, 12-24 Talavera Rd. Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Australia W: 61-2-8666 2862 F: 61-2-8899 1199 E: [email protected] Goldschmidt, Michael H. 5 Santa Maria Drive Hilton Head Island, SC 29926 H: 484-574-1247 E: [email protected] Gomez, Gabriel 1109 Chinaberry Drive Bryan, TX 77803 W: 979-845-4185 H: 979-774-7869 E: [email protected] Goodman, Dawn G. Toxicologic Pathology Consultant 9200 Pavonia Court Potomac, MD 20854 W: 301-340-8714 H: 301-340-8714 F: 301-309-8581 E: [email protected] Gopalakrishnan, Gopakumar Hoffman La Roche 340 Kingsland St Nutley, NJ 07110 W: 973-235-3013 H: 862-242-8469 E: [email protected] Goravanahally, Madhusudan P. 1851 Todd Rd., #D3 Manhattan, KS 66502 W: 304-906-9300 H: 304-906-8811 E: [email protected] Gordon, Donovan E. 833 Kimball Road Highland Park, IL 60035 H: 847-432-2859 F: 847-432-0633 E: [email protected] 56 *Gorman, Maria Elena 154 NW 30th St Corvallis, OR 97330 W: 541-737-6917 H: 541-971-1621 F: 541-737-6817 E: [email protected] Gosselin, Sylvie J. Huntingdon Life Sciences PO Box 2360 Mettlers Rd East Millstone, NJ 08875 W: 732-873-2550 F: 732-873-8513 E: [email protected] *Gossett, Ruanna E. 7768 Chaparral Way Fair Oaks, CA 95628 H: 916-342-6214 E: [email protected] Gottdenker, Nicole L. University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Pathology 501 DW Brooks Dr Athens, GA 30602 W: 706-542-6360 H: 706-316-9301 F: 706-542-5828 E: [email protected] Gough, Alec W. awg Pathology 130 Cinnamon Teal Court Lincoln, CA 95648 W: 916-434-6895 H: 916-434-6895 F: 916-434-6895 E: [email protected] Gould, Daniel H. 623 West Mountain Ave Fort Collins, CO 80521 H: 970-482-1074 E: [email protected] Goul - Grie Goulet, Félix Charles River Laboratories 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 ext 2331 E: [email protected] *Graff, Emily C. Auburn University Department of Pathobiology 166 Greene Hall Auburn, AL 36849 W: 334-844-8637 H: 979-204-6578 E: [email protected] Graham, Catherine Elizabeth Canadian Food Inspection Agency Box 640, Twp Rd 9-1 Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Z4 Canada W: 403-382-5527 H: 403-327-1011 F: 403-381-1202 E: [email protected] Graham, Tanya D. Biosafety Consulting For Veterinary Medicine, LLC 46189 195th St. Estelline, SD 57234 W: 605-695-1895 F: 605-873-2944 E: [email protected] Green, David Earl PO Box 45350 Madison, WI 53744 W: 608-270-2482 F: 608-270-2415 E: [email protected] *Green, Robert A. 4633 Tanner View Drive Clinton, WA 98236 W: 717-417-9372 E: [email protected] Greenlee, Justin J. USDA, ARS, NADC 1920 Dayton Ave, Bldg 24 PO BOX 70 Ames, IA 50010 W: 515-337-7191 E: [email protected] Greenlee, Paul G. 32 Old Wagon Rd Wilton, CT 06897 W: 203-762-5683 H: 203-762-5683 E: [email protected] *Greig, Barbara Marshfield Laboratories 1000 N Oak Ave Marshfield, WI 54449 W: 800-222-5835 E: [email protected] Graham, W. Robert 4168 College Ave Manistee, MI 49660 H: 231-723-7815 E: [email protected] Gribble, David H. 15593 State Rte 9 Mount Vernon, WA 98274 H: 360-422-7563 F: 360-422-7564 E: [email protected] *Grasperge, Britton J. 555 Heavens Drive Mandeville, LA 70471 W: 225-235-6440 E: [email protected] Gries, Christian L. 4985 N Fortville Pike Greenfield, IN 46140 H: 317-326-3929 E: [email protected] Greeley, Melanie A. WIL Research Laboratories 1407 George Rd. Ashland, OH 44805 W: 419-989-3161 F: 419-289-3650 E: [email protected] Grieves, Jessica L. 310 W. 4th St Apt 805 Winston Salem, NC 27101 H: 614-370-2500 E: [email protected] 57 Grif - Grue Griffith, James W. 2704 Harbormaster Dr Southport, NC 28461 H: 910-269-7380 E: [email protected] *Grimes, Carolyn N. Université de Montréal Département de Pathologie et Microbiologie 1500 rue des Vétérinaires, Bureau 3461 Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 2M2 Canada W: 450.773.8521 x8216 H: 450-501-3292 E: [email protected] Grimes, Sheila D. 101 Huntingdon Pl Birmingham, AL 35242 W: 205-581-2062 H: 205-408-2674 F: 205-581-2044 E: [email protected] *Grindem, Carol Beth North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine 1060 William Moore Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 W: 919-513-6277 H: 919-662-0784 F: 919-513-6556 E: [email protected] *Grodecki, Krystyna M. 2000 Islington Ave Ste 1610 Toronto, ON M9P 3S7 Canada H: 416-247-8068 E: [email protected] Gröne, Andrea Burgwal 13 Woudenberg, 3931 HL Netherlands W: +31-302534364 F: +31 302516853 E: [email protected] 58 Groom, Stephen C. 147 Confederation St Glen Williams, ON L7G 3S3 Canada W: 905-873-8931 H: 905-877-2476 F: 905-873-7401 E: [email protected] Gropp, Kathryn E. Pfizer MS 8274-1213 Eastern Point Rd Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-686-9112 H: 860-885-1946 F: 860-686-0557 E: [email protected] Gross, Thelma Lee Idexx VS/CDS 2825 Kovr Dr West Sacramento, CA 95605 W: 916-267-2467 F: 916-372-4938 E: [email protected] Groth Jr, Aaron H. 2041 Country Squire Rd Auburn, AL 36830 H: 334-821-1725 E: [email protected] *Gruber, Erika J. 152 Crescent Place Ithaca, NY 14850 W: 607-235-1366 H: 607-253-3255 E: [email protected] Grubor, Branka Novartis-NIBR 100 Technology Square 611-7103 Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-871-8779 E: [email protected] Gruebbel, Margarita M. EPL, Inc PO Box 12766 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-998-9407 x660 F: 919-998-9607 E: [email protected] Grum - Hadl Grumbein, Sondra L. 57803 E Badger Rd Benton City, WA 99320 H: 509-628-1391 E: [email protected] +Gupta, Aradhana 1270 Weatherstone Drive Atlanta, GA 30324 W: 904-955-6849 E: [email protected] Guffroy, Magali R. Pfizer Inc BLDG 200 - Room 3608 401 N Middletown Road Pearl River, NY 10965 W: +1 845 602 3216 E: [email protected] Gurfield, A. Nikos County of San Diego, Environmental Health 5570 Overland Ave Ste 102 San Diego, CA 92123 W: 858-694-8973 H: 858-349-1103 E: [email protected] Gumber, Sanjeev Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University 954 Gatewood Road NE Atlanta, GA 30329 W: 404-727-7022 E: [email protected] Guyot, Deborah J. 1641 Trafalgar Pl Thousand Oaks, CA 91361 H: 805-630-1851 E: [email protected] Gumprecht, Laura A. Merck Research Labs PO Box 4; WP81-403 770 Sumneytown Pike, WP81-403 West Point, PA 19486 W: 215-652-6655 F: 215-993-7748 E: [email protected] *Gunn-Christie, Rebekah Gray 103 La Quinta Ct Cary, NC 27518-9443 W: 919-859-5639 H: 919-280-4725 F: 919-859-5917 E: [email protected] Gunson, Diane E. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp Bldg 406/247 1 Health Plaza East Hanover, NJ 07936 W: 862-778-3156 H: 908-735-9709 F: 973-781-8738 E: [email protected] Gunther, Roland 435 St. Croix Rd SE Pine City, MN 55063 E: [email protected] Guzman, Roberto E. Amgen One Amgen Center Drive MS 29-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 W: 805-313-5462 H: 734-223-3226 F: 805-376-9467 E: [email protected] Habecker, Perry L. 1584 S Bailey Rd Coatesville, PA 19320 W: 610-925-6385 H: 610-384-0452 F: 610-925-6810 E: [email protected] +Haddad, Jamie L. 45 Kimball Terrace Yonkers, NY 10704 W: 212-317-3234 H: 267-408-4339 E: [email protected] Hadlow, W. J. 908 South 3rd St Hamilton, MT 59840-2924 H: 406-363-2805 F: 406-363-2245 59 Hafn - Hall Hafner, Scott 252 Ashbrook Dr Athens, GA 30605 W: 706-546-3556 H: 706-546-9427 F: 706-546-3348 E: [email protected] Hahn, Fletcher F. Lovelace Respiratory Research Inst 2425 Ridgecrest Dr SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 W: 505-348-9428 H: 505-884-4362 F: 505-348-8567 E: [email protected] Haley, Patrick Joseph Incyte Corporation Experimental Station Rte 141 & Henry Clay Rd, Bldg E400 Wilmington, DE 19880 W: 302-498-6992 H: 610-793-7530 F: 302-425-2760 E: [email protected] Hall, Allen 630 Wynora Ave Dayton, OH 45404 H: 612-889-9211 E: [email protected] Haile, Solomon K. Charles River Laboratories 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x8070 E: [email protected] Hall, David Gregory Lilly Research Laboratories Lilly Corporate Center Indianapolis, IN 46285 W: 317-433-0468 H: 317-326-1480 F: 317-651-6346 E: [email protected] Haines, Diana Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc., Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research PO Box B Frederick, MD 21702 W: 301-846-5921 F: 301-846-1953 E: [email protected] *Hall, Robert L. Covance Laboratories 3301 Kinsman Blvd Madison, WI 53704 W: 608-242-2712 x2326 H: 608-318-0121 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Haines, Robyn A. 207 Foxwood Ln. Franklin, TN 37069 W: 615-837-5292 H: 615-587-5230 E: [email protected] Hall, William C. Hall Consulting, Inc. 12337 Sherwood Forest Dr Mount Airy, MD 21771 W: 301-865-8114 H: 301-831-9630 F: 301-865-8118 E: [email protected] Haldorson, Gary Washington State University 402 Bustad Hall, PO Box 647040 Pullman, WA 99164-7040 W: 509-335-6332 H: 509-336-9774 F: 509-335-7424 E: [email protected] Hale, Sarah Louise 1916 Logan Manor Dr Reston, VA 20190 H: 703-855-2145 E: [email protected] 60 Halliwell, William H. 3450 Crooked Creek Ct Stuart, FL 34997 W: 772-781-7426 H: 772-781-7426 E: [email protected] Halp - Hans Halpern, Wendy Green Genentech 1 DNA Way, MS-59 South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-467-6506 F: 650-225-2797 E: [email protected] Halsey, Charles H.C. 3806 Leland St. Chevy Chase, MD 20815 H: 970-227-0353 E: [email protected] Hamelin, Nicole Charles River Laboratories Preclinical Services 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x8322 F: 514-630-8230 E: [email protected] Hamilton, Bradley F. GlaxoSmithKline 9.3005.20 5 Moore Dr PO Box 13398 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-5020 H: 919-960-6081 F: 919-483-0692 E: [email protected] Hamilton, Valerie T. Merck Research Laboratory 770 Sumneytown Pike WP81-416 West Point, PA 19486 W: 215-652-7903 F: 215-993-7748 E: [email protected] Hammerman, Katherine Masek 217 Greenwood street Newton, MA 02459 W: 617 665-7509 E: [email protected] Han, Sushan Colorado State University 1644 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523-1644 W: 970-297-5125 H: 970-488-0101 F: 970-297-5352 E: [email protected] Hanes, Martha A. UTHSCSA 7703 Floyd Curl Drive Mail Code 7859 San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 W: 210-567-6157 H: 210-695-8772 F: 210-567-6208 E: [email protected] Hanika Holland, Christine 1870 Cestus Ln Charleston, SC 29414 H: 843-737-0870 E: [email protected] Hanna, Paul E. University of Prince Edward Island Dept of Pathology & Microbiology 550 University Ave Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-566-0852 H: 902-894-4145 F: 902-566-0851 E: [email protected] Hanrahan, Lynn A. 36 Lake Ridge Ln Jasper, AL 35504 H: 205-384-6154 Hansen, John F. 303 S Cassidy Dr Georgetown, TX 78628 H: 512-863-4336 E: [email protected] Hanshaw, Daren M. Gribbles VETLAB 33 Flemington Street Glenside, SA 5065 Australia W: +61 8 82023301 E: [email protected] 61 Hans - Harr Hanson, Margaret A. 18802 Nathans Place Montgomery Village, MD 20886 W: 270-300-1431 H: 301-295-6207 E: [email protected] *Harbo, Sam J. SNBL USA 6605 Merrill Creek Parkway Everett, WA 98203 W: 425-322-2522 F: 425-407-8601 E: [email protected] Hard, Gordon C. 203 Paku Dr Tairua, 3508 New Zealand W: 64-0-7-864-9203 E: [email protected] Hardam, Erin E. 249 Hillcrest Road Whitinsville, MA 01588 W: 508-887-0116 E: [email protected] Hardcastle, Michael R. Gribbles Veterinary Pathology PO Box 12049 Penrose Auckland, 1642 New Zealand W: +64-95744701 H: +64-98354403 E: [email protected] Hardisty, Jerry F. EPL, Inc. PO Box 12766 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-998-9407 x600 H: 919-732-2718 F: 919-998-9607 E: [email protected] Hargis, Ann M. 17905 Talbot Rd Edmonds, WA 98026 W: 425-775-6903 F: 425-670-2881 E: [email protected] 62 Hargreaves, Adam PathCelerate Ltd. The BioHub at Alderley Park Mereside, Alderley Park Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK10 4TG United Kingdom W: +44(0)7967 613433 E: [email protected] Harkema, Jack R. Michigan State University 212 Food Safety & Toxicology Bldg East Lansing, MI 48824 W: 517-353-8627 H: 517-347-1291 F: 517-353-9902 E: [email protected] Harms, Naomi Jane Environment Yukon Government of Yukon PO Box 2703 (V-1) Whitehorse, YT Y1A 4Y9 Canada W: 867-667-8663 H: 867-334-8490 F: 867-393-7197 E: [email protected] *Harr, Kendal Elizabeth URIKA, LLC 8712 53rd Pl W Mukilteo, WA 98275-3145 W: 352 258 4055 H: 425 322 1875 E: [email protected] Harrington, Daniel D. 51 Edgewood Ct West Lafayette, IN 47906 H: 765-583-4823 F: 765-494-9181 E: [email protected] Harrington, Norelene T. Royal Veterinary College Hawkshead Lane North Mymms Hatfield, AL9 7TA United Kingdom W: 07 800 509 077 H: 01 707 666497 E: [email protected] Harr - Hawe *Harris, Matthew P. TDDS Unit G, The Innovation Centre University of Exeter, Rennes Drive Exeter, EX4 4RN United Kingdom W: +44 01392247914 H: +44 07812 080943 E: [email protected] Harris, R. Keith University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Pathology Athens, GA 30602-7388 W: 706-614-0630 H: 706-705-1331 E: [email protected] Harris, Seth P. University of Nebraska-Lincoln P.O. Box 82646 Lincoln, NE 68501-2646 W: 402-472-8542 H: 402-309-5743 E: [email protected] Hartke, James R. Celgene Corporation 86 Morris Ave Summit, NJ 07901 W: 908-673-9096 F: 908-673-2842 E: [email protected] Hartman, Howard A. 16 Ventosa Dr Morristown, NJ 07960 W: 973-540-8008 H: 973-540-8008 F: 973-539-5071 E: [email protected] Haruna, Julius A. CiToxLAB North America Inc. 445 Blvd. Armand-Frappier Laval, QC H7V 4B3 Canada W: 450-973-2240 H: 514-697-9002 F: 450-973-2259 E: [email protected] Harvey, Catherine Jane New Zealand Veterinary Pathology PO Box 44422 Point Chevalier Auckland, 1246 New Zealand W: 64-9-378-9006 H: 64-9-818-8191 F: 64-9-378-8773 E: [email protected] *Harvey, John W. University of Florida CVM, Box 100125 Gainesville, FL 32610-0125 W: 352-294-4277 H: 352-495-1219 E: [email protected] Haschek-Hock, Wanda M. University of Illinois CVM Dept of Pathobiology 2001 S Lincoln Ave Urbana, IL 61802 W: 217-333-3947 F: 217-244-7421 E: [email protected] Hattel, Arthur L. Pennsylvania State University Animal Diagnostic Lab Orchard Rd University Park, PA 16802 W: 814-863-2024 F: 814-865-3907 E: [email protected] *Hatzis, Aristodimos Vetlab Solomou 7 Str Halandri Athens, Attiki 15232 Greece W: +30 211 1832566 H: +30 6937360820 F: +30 211 1832566 E: [email protected] Hawes, Michael L. Charter Preclinical Services 21 Main St, Ste 3A Hudson, MA 01749 W: 978-212-5428 H: 508-789-1537 E: [email protected] 63 Hawk - Hein Hawkins, Ian Bridge Pathology Horner Court 637 Gloucester Road Bristol, BS7 0BJ United Kingdom W: 01179511283 H: 07586343796 E: [email protected] Hawkins, Kathleen L. 14075 Lindsay Dr Brookfield, WI 53005 H: 262-781-3078 E: [email protected] Hayden, David W. 17030 116th St N Stillwater, MN 55082 H: 651-351-0248 E: [email protected] Hayes, M. Anthony 171 Dimson Avenue Guelph, ON N1G 3C5 Canada W: 519-835-7115 H: 519-763-2632 F: 416-913-1474 E: [email protected] Hayes, Schantel A. Charles River Laboratories 11506 Helmond Way Raleigh, NC 27617 H: 240-687-9454 E: [email protected] Haynes, Joseph S. Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine 2718 Veterinary Medicine Bldg Ames, IA 50011 W: 515-294-0879 H: 515-232-3915 F: 515-294-5423 E: [email protected] 64 Hayward, Isaac J. Hayward Histopathology, PC 1663 Madison Ln, SE Conyers, GA 30013 W: 678-863-9316 H: 770-922-4304 F: 770-922-7141 E: [email protected] Hazlett, Murray James University of Guelph Animal Health Lab Box 3612 Guelph, ON N1H 6R8 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54525 F: 519-821-8072 E: [email protected] Healy, Laura N. HistoTox Labs, Inc. 5541 Central Ave. Suite 160 Boulder, CO 80301 W: 303-633-5401 F: 303-565-3764 E: [email protected] *Hebert, Pierre Biovet 4375, av. Beaudry St-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 6N1 Canada W: 450-771-7291 F: 450-771-2996 E: [email protected] Heidel, Jerry R. Veterinary Diagonostic Laboratory Oregon State University PO Box 429 Corvallis, OR 97339-0429 W: 541-737-3261 H: 541-752-5501 F: 541-737-6817 E: [email protected] Heinz-Taheny, Kathleen Eli Lilly & Co 355 E Merrill St Bldg 98C, 2nd Floor, DC0424 Indianapolis, IN 46225 W: 317-277-0256 H: 317-539-2346 E: [email protected] Heli - Hild Helie, Pierre University of Montreal Dept of Pathology PO Box 5000, 3200, Rue Sicotte St-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C6 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x8403 F: 450-778-8116 E: [email protected] Helke, Kristi L. Medical University of South Carolina 114 Courtney Dr Ste 648 MSC777 Charleston, SC 29425 W: 843-876-5202 H: 843-847-1379 F: 843-876-5210 E: [email protected] Helman, Rowland G. 349 South Zurich Ave Tulsa, OK 74112 W: 972-447-6725 H: 940-268-7651 F: 972-447-2740 E: [email protected] Hendrick, Mattie 75 Wynnedale Road Narberth, PA 19072-1724 W: 610 667-6173 F: 610 667-6173 E: [email protected] Henningson, Jamie N. Kansas State University Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Lab 1800 Denison Ave. Manhattan, KS 66506 W: 785-532-4129 H: 402-639-7112 E: [email protected] Henson, James B. Washington State University International Programs Pullman, WA 99164 W: 509-335-2541 H: 208-882-3830 F: 509-335-1060 E: [email protected] *Henson, Kristin L. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp One Health Plaza East Hanover, NJ 07936 W: 862-778-7071 H: 973-267-0671 F: 973-781-8738 E: [email protected] Herbet, Aurelia Sanofi aventis R&D DSAR 371 rue du Professeur Blayac Montpellier, 34184 France W: +33 499 77 66 74 F: +33 499 77 62 04 E: [email protected] Hertzke, Donna M. Marshfield Laboratories Veterinary Division 1000 N Oak Ave Marshfield, WI 54449 W: 715-389-3740 H: 715-387-0624 F: 715-389-3744 E: [email protected] Heskett, Travis 458 Finley Drive Auburn, AL 36830 W: 813-528-0731 E: [email protected] Highland, Margaret A. USDA-ARS-ADRU - Washington State University Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology ADBF 3033 Pullman, WA 99164 W: 608-213-3025 H: 509-335-6327 E: [email protected] Hildebrandt, Paul K. 9035 Mountainberry Circle Frederick, MD 21702 W: 301-662-5065 H: 301-662-5065 E: [email protected] 65 Hill - Hoen *Hill, Jenifer Anne Vetpath PO Box 18 Belmont, WA 6984 Australia W: 61-8-9259-3666 H: 61-8-93758279 E: [email protected] Hill, Joseph E. 1080 Glenwood Ln Bogart, GA 30622 W: 706-546-3109 F: 706-546-3383 E: [email protected] Himsworth, Chelsea G. Animal Health Centre, BC Ministry of Agriculture 1767 Angus Campbell Road Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3 Canada W: 604-556-3037 H: 604-510-3203 E: [email protected] Hines, II, Murray E. 401 Adams Rd Chula, GA 31733 W: 229-386-3340 H: 229-388-8361 F: 229-386-7128 E: [email protected] Hiraragi, Hajime Amgen, Inc. 1201 Amgen Court West AW1-J2120 Seattle, WA 98119 W: 206-265-6728 E: [email protected] Hirth, Robert S. 1688 Stanley Rd Cazenovia, NY 13035 H: 315-655-3919 Hixson, Clifford J. Bristol-Myers Squibb PRI PO Box 191, Bldg125 One Squibb Dr New Brunswick, NJ 08903 W: 732-227-7286 H: 215-321-4315 F: 732-227-3880 E: [email protected] Hoane, Jessica S. Charles River Laboratories, Pathology Associates 4025 Stirrup Creek Dr. Durham, NC 27703 W: 919-206-7023 E: [email protected] Hodge, Thomas G. 107 rue Pelleport Paris, 75020 France W: 33-6-74675255 H: 33-1-43644149 E: [email protected] *Hodges, Joanne U.C. Davis 3309 Seabright Ave Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-753-4285 E: [email protected] Hodgin, Clay 1710 May St Baton Rouge, LA 70808 W: 225-802-3388 H: 225-387-1191 F: 225-590-3841 E: [email protected] Hoefling, Douglas 1408 245th Ave Galesburg, IL 61401 H: 309-342-9708 E: [email protected] Hoenerhoff, Mark J. Natl Inst. of Environmental Health Sciences NIH, B350 Rall Bldg 111 TW Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-541-3440 F: 919-541-7666 E: [email protected] 66 Hoer - Holz Hoerr, Frederic J. Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology, LLC 2033 Hummingbird Lane Auburn, AL 36830 W: 334-750-7566 H: 334-750-7566 E: [email protected] Hoffman, Jay Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab PO Drawer 3040 College Station, TX 77841-3040 W: 979-845-3414 H: 979-690-7159 F: 979-845-1794 E: [email protected] +Hoffman, Richard L. Veterinary Pathology Services, LLC 2644 E. Bell Rd. Suite A Phoenix, AZ 85032 W: 602-971-1301 H: 602-334-7067 F: 602-493-3662 E: [email protected] Hoffmann, Guenther Covance Laboratories, Inc. 3301 Kinsman Blvd Madison, WI 53704 W: 608-242-2712 x2259 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Hoffmann, Victoria J. 4015 Lawrence Avenue Kensington, MD 20895 W: 301-443-7249 H: 301-674-9742 F: 301-402-1068 E: [email protected] Hoffmann, Walter UIUC 1224 Vet Med Basic Sciences Bldg, CVM Vet Diagnostic Lab, 2001 S Lincoln Ave Urbana, IL 61802 W: 217-333-2123 E: [email protected] HogenEsch, Harm Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine 625 Harrison St West Lafayette, IN 47907-2026 W: 765-496-3487 F: 765-496-1261 E: [email protected] *Hokamp, Jessica Anne 4308 Addison Court College Station, TX 77845 W: 979-220-7470 H: 972-438-9589 E: [email protected] Holder, Kali San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research 15600 San Pasqual Valley Rd. Escondido, CA 92027 W: 760-747-8702 x5719 H: 386-290-0415 E: [email protected] Holland, J. Michael 1207 Silk Oak Ct. Fort Collins, CO 80525 H: 970 223 0795 E: [email protected] *Hollinger, Charlotte Michigan State University 4125 Beaumont Rd., Rm. 152C Lansing, MI 48910 W: 404-273-0783 E: [email protected] Holman, John E. 11807 Enid Dr Potomac, MD 20854 Holmberg, Charles A. 17833 East 1250 Road Erick, OK 73645 W: 580-821-0115 E: [email protected] Holzinger, Edwin A. 3801 Campbell Rd Raleigh, NC 27606 H: 919-859-6248 E: [email protected] 67 Home - Host Homer, Bruce L. Pfizer Global R&D 200 CambridgePark Drive Room T4017B Cambridge, MA 02140 W: 617-665-5546 F: 617-665-7060 E: [email protected] Hong, C. B. 4236 Forsythe Drive Lexington, KY 40514 H: 859-223-4431 E: [email protected] Honnold, Cary L. 9620 Brigadoon Place Frederick, MD 21704 W: 301-319-9305 H: 443-801-5394 E: [email protected] Honnold, Shelley Peck USAMRIID 1425 Porter Street Frederick, MD 21702-5011 W: 301-619-6706 E: [email protected] *Honor, David J. Abbvie 100 Research Dr Worcester, MA 01605 W: 508-688-3363 E: [email protected] Hooper, Billy E. 4676 Ironstone Lane West Lafayette, IN 47906 H: 765-463-0141 E: [email protected] Hooper, Celia Coralie Gribbles Veterinary Pathology 1868 Dandenong Rd, Clayton Melbourne, VIC 3168 Australia W: +61 03-9538 2271 H: +61 03-9882 2022 F: +61 03-9538 6741 E: [email protected] 68 Hoover, Dennis M. 6450 Castle Drive Mason, OH 45040 W: 317-910-5134 H: 317-936-5143 E: [email protected] Hoover, Edward A. Colorado State University 200 W. Lake Street 1619 Campus Delivery - Pathology Fort Collins, CO 80523 W: 970-491-7587 H: 970-218-7672 F: 970-491-0523 E: [email protected] *Horney, Barbara Sue Atlantic Veterinary College 550 University Ave Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-566-0638 H: 902-621-0489 F: 902-566-0958 E: [email protected] Horvath, Christopher J. 209 Plain Street Taunton, MA 02780 W: 508-813-7440 E: [email protected] Hostetter, Jesse M. Iowa State University 2720 Veterinary Medicine Ames, IA 50011 W: 515-294-0953 H: 515-669-8091 F: 515-294-5423 E: [email protected] Host - Hukk *Hostetter, Shannon Jones Iowa State University Veterinary Pathology 2764 Veterinary Medicine Ames, IA 50011-0001 W: 515-294-0952 H: 515-509-3448 F: 515-394-5423 E: [email protected] *Hotz, Christine S. 6538 Hazel Ave Orangevale, CA 95662 W: 916-995-3503 H: 916-989-3503 E: [email protected] Houle, Christopher Pfizer Eastern Point Rd MS-8274-1330 Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-686-2490 E: [email protected] Howard, James R. Howard Veterinary Consultation & Research PO Box 191 Brawley, CA 92227 W: 760-344-5738 H: 760-344-4630 F: 760-344-5999 E: [email protected] Howerth, Elizabeth W. University of Georgia Dept of Pathology Coll of Vet Med Athens, GA 30602 W: 706-542-5833 H: 706-548-8516 F: 706-542-5828 E: [email protected] Hsu, Helen Han Jonhson & Johnson 25F, Xinmei Union Square No. 999, South Pudong Rd Shanghai, 200120 China W: 86 21 5132 7971 F: 86 21 5138 8393 E: [email protected] Hu, Liangbiao (George) 24 Fieldstone Court New City, NY 10956 W: 845-602-3429 E: [email protected] Hubbard, Gene B. 21689 Fairview Circle Garden Ridge, TX 78266-2055 H: 210 651 6836 E: [email protected] Hubben, Klaus PO Box 341 Landenberg, PA 19350 W: 610-274-0385 H: 610-274-0385 E: [email protected] Hubbs, Ann Frances NIOSH, CDC Health Effects Lab Division 1095 Willowdale Rd, MS L2015 Morgantown, WV 26505 W: 304-285-6128 H: 304-598-3839 F: 304-285-5938 E: [email protected] Hughes Hanks, Jennifer M. 10251 N. Rumans Rd. Centralia, MO 65240 W: 601-738-3434 E: [email protected] Hughes-Earle, Angela R. GlaxoSmithKline 709 Swedeland Road, UE0376 King of Prussia, PA 19406 W: 610-270-4307 E: [email protected] Hukkanen, Renee Rosemary The Dow Chemical Company Toxicology & Environm’l Rrsch & Consulting Michigan Operations, Bldg 1803, Office 36 Midland, MI 48674 W: 989-636-2148 F: 989-638-9863 E: [email protected] 69 Hull - Ilha Hulland, Thomas J. 73 White Pine Way Guelph, ON N1G 4X7 Canada H: 519-824-5094 Hullinger, Gordon A. Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 950 E. 1400 N. Logan, UT 84321 W: 435-797-8007 H: 435-535-3536 F: 435-797-2805 E: [email protected] Hunt, Charles E. 619 Myrtle Ave Holland, MI 49423 H: 616-335-5652 Hunt, Ronald D. 125 Hillside Ave Concord, MA 01742 H: 978-369-5629 E: [email protected] Hunter, Stuart Andrew Wildbase Pathology, Massey University Institute of Veterinary Animal and Biomedical Sciences PO Box 11222 Palmerston North, 4442 New Zealand W: +64 6 356 9099 H: +64 2 7266 2204 F: +64 6 350 5636 E: [email protected] Hurley, Ruth E. 810 Jenna Ct. Verona, WI 53593 H: 608-217-6105 E: [email protected] Huso, David L. The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Broadway Research Bldg, Suite 851 733 N Broadway Baltimore, MD 21205 W: 443-287-2953 F: 443-287-2954 E: [email protected] 70 Hutt, Julie A. Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute 2425 Ridgecrest Dr SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 W: 505-348-9567 F: 505-348-8567 E: [email protected] Hutto, David L. 48 Frankland Rd. Hopkinton, MA 01748 W: 978-837-4953 E: [email protected] Hutto, Elizabeth H. 48 Frankland Rd. Hopkinton, MA 01748 H: 508-435-2472 E: [email protected] Huzella, Louis M. 13907 Old Frederick Rd Rocky Ridge, MD 21778 W: 301-471-2949 H: 301-471-2949 E: [email protected] Ibanes, Joelle D. 230 Golden Pond Cir Kalamazoo, MI 49009-9393 W: 269-668-3336 x3142 H: 269-353-9453 E: [email protected] Ibrahim Aibo, Daher 17 New Meadow Trail Parsippany, NJ 07054 W: 862-778-6569 E: [email protected] Ilha, Marcia R. S. 609 East 12th Street Tifton, GA 31794 W: 229-386-3340 H: 229-848-4955 F: 229-386-7128 E: [email protected] Illa - Jack Illanes, Oscar G. Ross University Dept. of Pathobiology, SVM 630 US Hwy 1, Suite 600 New Brunswick, NJ 08902-3331 W: 869-465 4161 x1304 H: 869-466 4362 E: [email protected] Imai, Denise Masami Comparative Pathology Laboratory 1000 Old Davis Rd. Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-383-7908 E: [email protected] Imes, George D. 316 Highview Place Silver Spring, MD 20901 W: 301-587-6640 H: 301-587-6640 Inhelder, James L. 1092 Rand Hill Rd Morrisonville, NY 12962 H: 518-561-2745 F: 518-562-1560 E: [email protected] +Irizarry, Armando R. Eli Lilly and Company Toxicology and Drug Disposition Lilly Corporate Center Indianapolis, IN 46285 W: 317-655-1969 E: [email protected] Irwin, Michael R. 3713 Hickory Way Oceanside, CA 92057 H: 760-966-1760 E: [email protected] *Ishizaki, Teita 402 Tores Madera 6-1-7 Higashi-Sapporo Rokujyo, Shiroishi-ku Sapporo, 003-0006 Japan W: 405-744-4713 H: 501-888-7146 E: [email protected] Iverson, William O. 340 Twin Hollow Lane Faber, VA 22938-2673 W: 301-398-4880 H: 434-361-0144 F: 301-398-9880 E: [email protected] Jaax, Nancy K. 10051 S Glenview Lane Olathe, KS 66061 W: 785-293-4420 H: 785-293-4420 E: [email protected] Jackson, Carney B. University of Kentucky Vet Dx Lab 1490 Bull Lea Road PO Box 14125 Lexington, KY 40512-4125 W: 859-257-6926 H: 859-623-2808 F: 859-255-1624 E: [email protected] *Jackson, Karen V. 4 George St Gladesville Sydney, NSW 2111 Australia W: +61 2 9898 7405 H: +61 427 541 222 F: +61 2 9898 7378 E: [email protected] *Jackson, Marion L. University of Saskatchewan Western Coll of Vet MedDept of Vet Pathology 52 Campus Dr Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada W: 306-966-7332 F: 306-966-7439 E: [email protected] Jackson, Michael K. SNBL USA 6605 Merrill Creek Pkwy Everett, WA 98204 W: 425-322-2494 H: 425-379-9796 F: 425-407-8601 E: [email protected] 71 Jack - Jard Jackson, Nicolette D. 12523 N. Dowling Rd. College Station, TX 77845 W: 979-224-9006 H: 979-450-7223 E: [email protected] *Jacocks, Katy A. 2105 Bent Twig Circle Edmond, OK 73013 W: 405-615-1549 H: 405-650-4995 E: [email protected] Jacob, Binod Charles River Laboratories 640 N Elizabeth St Spencerville, OH 45887 W: 419-647-4196 H: 567-712-2340 F: 419-647-6560 E: [email protected] Jakowski, Richard M. 106 Liberty Highway Putnam, CT 06260 W: 860-963-9055 E: [email protected] *Jacobs, Robert M. Ontario Veterinary College University of Guelph Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54827 H: 519-822-2948 F: 519-824-5930 E: [email protected] Jacobsen, Matthew Charles AstraZeneca Safety Assessment 23F, Mereside, Alderley Park Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 4TG United Kingdom W: +44 0-1625 516288 F: +44 0-1625 514812 E: [email protected] Jacobson, Stewart B. SNBL USA 6605 Merrill Creek Parkway Everett, WA 98203 W: 425-322-2576 H: 703-298-0042 F: 425-407-8601 E: [email protected] Jacoby, Robert O. Yale University, School of Medicine Section of Comparative Medicine PO Box 208016 New Haven, CT 06520 W: 203-737-5226 H: 203-457-0672 F: 203-785-7499 E: [email protected] 72 James, Clare A. 26 Wensely Road Chapel Allerton, Leeds LS7 2LX United Kingdom H: +44-7817856989 E: [email protected] Janardhan, Kyathanahalli Integrated Laboratory Systems P.O. Box 12233, MS B3-06 111 Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-541-1716 F: 919.541.7666 E: [email protected] Janke, Laura St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 262 Danny Thomas Place, MS 250 Memphis, TN 38105 W: 901-595-3165 H: 901-861-7732 E: [email protected] Janovitz, Evan B. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co PO Box 5400 Princeton, NJ 08543 W: 609-818-4695 H: 609-655-7428 E: [email protected] Jardine, John E. VETPATH Laboratory Services PO Box 18 Belmont, WA 6984 Australia W: +61 89-259-3600 F: +61 89-259-3627 E: [email protected] Jay - John *Jay, Elizabeth E. 6100 E. Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38141 W: 901-473-5142 F: 901-473-5141 E: [email protected] Jayo, Manuel J. Jayo LLC 2534 Warwick Rd Winston-Salem, NC 27104 W: 336-408-1466 H: 336-201-3487 F: 336-201-3487 E: [email protected] Jefferson, Michelle A. 421 I St, SE Washington, DC 20003 W: 301-619-1137 H: 202-642-3544 E: [email protected] *Jeffery, Unity B. 24490 680th Avenue Colo, IA 50056 W: 515-291-1396 H: 515-294-0959 E: [email protected] Jelesijevic, Tomislav University of Georgia 501 DW Brooks Dr Infectious Diseases Athens, GA 30602 W: 706-201-9674 F: 706-542-3853 E: [email protected] Jennings, Ryan N. 124 E. Sprague St. Winston Salem, NC 27127 H: 517-775-0439 E: [email protected] Jennings, Samuel Hollis Cummings SVM at Tufts University 200 Westboro Rd North Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-887-4971 H: 847-975-5521 E: [email protected] Jensen, Richard K. 1453 S Spruce Drive Kalamazoo, MI 49008 H: 269-385-3693 E: [email protected] *Johns, Jennifer Lynn Stanford University School of Medicine Dept. of Comparative Medicine 300 Pasteur Dr. Edwards Bldg R 321, Stanford, CA 94305 W: 650-721-6468 E: [email protected] Johnson, A. Neill 341 Mine Brook Rd Bernardsville, NJ 07924 W: 908-766-7959 H: 908-766-4013 F: 908-766-3042 Johnson, Anthony J. 10221 Krause Road, Unit 87 Chesterfield, VA 23832 H: 804-748-2544 E: [email protected] Johnson, Bill J. 5415 S Deer Trail Stillwater, OK 74074 W: 405-385-1974 H: 405-385-0808 E: [email protected] Johnson, Calvin M. Auburn University CVM 104 Greene Hall Auburn, AL 36849 W: 334-844-3694 H: 334-887-7301 F: 334-844-3697 E: [email protected] Johnson, Carol Woodling Amgen, Inc 1 Amgen Center Dr MS 29-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 W: 805-447-9005 H: 805-375-1681 F: 805-375-8524 E: [email protected] 73 John - John Johnson, Charles Comparative Pathology Shared ResourceMasonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota 1988 Fitch Ave Ansci/Vetmed Bldg 435-01 St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-624-3371 E: [email protected] Johnson, Crystal L. Charles River Laboratories 4025 Stirrup Creek Drive Suite 150 Durham, NC 27703 W: 919-206-7026 F: 919-206-7001 E: [email protected] Johnson, Gary R. Anacortes, VA 98221 H: 513-523-5496 F: 513-523-2706 Johnson, Gayle C. University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab PO Box 6023 Columbia, MO 65205 W: 573-882-6811 F: 573-882-1411 E: [email protected] Johnson, Gerald R. Atlantic Veterinary College/UPEI Pathology & Microbiology 550 University Ave Charlottetown, PE C1A 3P3 Canada W: 902-566-0853 H: 902-964-2117 F: 902-566-0851 E: [email protected] +Johnson, Jeremy S. 2252 Banbury Circle Roseville, CA 95661 W: 916-267-2428 E: [email protected] 74 Johnson, Julie K. 340 Hummingbird Ln Lindenhurst, IL 60046-7900 W: 847-938-3995 F: 847-938-3076 E: [email protected] Johnson, Keith A. 422 Bass Lake Rd Traverse City, MI 49685 H: 231-943-8124 E: [email protected] Johnson, Kenneth H. 3510 Skycroft Drive St. Anthony Village, MN 55418-1780 H: 612-789-5912 F: 612-624-8707 E: [email protected] Johnson, Linda K. 83 Cook St Townsville, QLD 4810 Australia W: +61 747814758 E: [email protected] *Johnson, Mark C. Texas A&M University Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology CVM & Biomedical Sciences College Station, TX 77843-4467 W: 979-845-9178 H: 979-324-8774 F: 979-458-1325 E: [email protected] *Johnson, Melanie Elaine 215 Troy Lane Starkville, MS 39759 W: 662-325-2408 H: 662-617-1846 F: 662-325-4548 E: [email protected] Johnson, Robert C. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation One Health Plaza Bldg. 137/1220A East Hanover, NJ 07936 W: 862-778-7158 H: 973-300-9470 F: 973-781-8738 E: [email protected] John - Jone Johnson, Robert L. Eli Lilly & Company Lilly Research Laboratories 355 E. Merrill St. Indianapolis, IN 46225 W: 317-277-2413 H: 317-804-9699 E: [email protected] *Johnson, Sarah L. 9524 49th Ave W Apt 13E Mukilteo, WA 98275 W: 317-319-7945 H: 317-319-7945 E: [email protected] Johnson, Shannon Leigh Idexx Laboratories Ltd. 1345 Denison Street Markham, ON L3R5V2 Canada W: 905-968-1815 H: 416 231 2509 E: [email protected] Johnson, Tammy Lynn 209 East Gibbs Rd Knotts Island, NC 27950 W: 888-433-9987 x68603 H: 757-618-3933 F: 252-435-0690 E: [email protected] Johnson, Todd O. 6605 Windsor Ct Columbia, MD 21044 W: 301-295-6201 H: 443-621-6688 F: 301-295-5971 E: [email protected] *Johnsrude, Jocelyn Dee IDEXX Reference Laboratories 2825 KOVR Dr West Sacramento, CA 95616 W: 916-267-2531 E: [email protected] Jokinen, Micheal P. 4007 Redwood Road Durham, NC 27704 H: 919-682-2423 E: [email protected] Jolette, Jacquelin Charles River Laboratories Preclinical Services Montreal 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x8323 H: 450-455-8524 F: 514-630-8230 E: [email protected] Jolly, Robert D. Massey University Dept of IVABS Palmerston North, 5320 New Zealand W: 64-6-3569099 x7891 H: 64-6-3545852 F: 64-6-3505636 E: [email protected] Jones, Carroll J. 19 Oakland Dr Auburn, MA 01501 W: 508-887-7927 H: 508-832-4535 F: 508-887-7901 E: [email protected] Jones, Megan E.B. 2496 Asbury Ct Decatur, GA 30033 H: 619-208-0843 E: [email protected] *Jones, William O. Tuskegee Univesrity PO Box 1187 Tuskegee Institute, AL 36087 W: 334-727-5416 H: 334-727-5167 F: 334-727-7726 Jones-Hall, Yava L. 3293 Secretariat Cr. West Lafayette, IN 47906 W: 517-388-1615 F: 765 494 9830 E: [email protected] 75 Jord - Kams *Jordan, Holly L. GlaxoSmithKline 5 Moore Dr, R&D 9.2007 PO Box 13398 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-4909 H: 919-572-2612 F: 919-483-0131 E: [email protected] *Juopperi, Tarja A. Advanced Cell Technology 33 Locke Drive Marlborough, MA 01752 W: 508-756-1212 x326 H: 410-825-3852 E: [email protected] Jordan, William H. 755 W 300 N Greenfield, IN 46140 W: 317-525-1102 H: 317-462-3270 E: [email protected] Kagan, Rebecca Ann US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Lab 1490 E. Main St. Ashland, OR 97520 W: 541-482-4191 H: 708-308-9163 E: [email protected] Jortner, Bernard S. Virginia Tech College of Veterinary Medicine Lab for Neurotoxicity Studies Blacksburg, VA 24061 W: 540-231-4817 H: 540-951-1516 F: 540-231-6033 E: [email protected] Kagawa, Yumiko Northlab 8-35 Hondori 2 choume Kita Shiroishiku Sapporo, Hokkaido, 003-0027 Japan W: +81-118277407 F: +81-118277406 E: [email protected] Juan-Sallés, Carles Private Diagnostic Pathologist Arquitecto Santiago Pérez Aracil 30 bajo (CV La Marina Exóticos) Elx, Alacant 03203 Spain E: [email protected] Kakuk, Thomas J. 7600 Hunters Ridge Dr Kalamazoo, MI 49009-3820 W: 269-375-6173 H: 269-375-6173 E: [email protected] Julian, Alan F. 53A Ryburn Road, RD6 Hamilton, 3286 New Zealand W: +64-7-850-0777 H: +64-7-858 2264 F: +64-7-850-0770 E: [email protected] Juliana, M. Margaret University of Alabama at Birmingham c/o Animal Resources RSB 203 1720 2nd Ave S Birmingham, AL 35294-2800 W: 205-975-9307 H: 205-989-7099 F: 205-934-4201 E: [email protected] 76 Kaminska-McNamara, Grazyna Z. 30 Toboggan Trail Sussex, NJ 07461 H: 973-875-9137 F: 973-875-9137 E: [email protected] Kamstock, Debra A. KPDI 2519 S Shields St. #116 Fort Collins, CO 80526 W: 954-609-5098 F: 970-491-9606 E: [email protected] Kana - Kenn Kanaly, Suzanne T. Allergan Inc 2525 Dupont Dr RD2-2C Irvine, CA 92612-1599 H: 714-246-4741 E: [email protected] Kasali, Olajide Babatunde Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Ibadan Ibadan, 2340 Nigeria H: 734-761-9162 E: [email protected] Kaufmann, Arnold F. 2155 Mountclaire Ct Stone Mountain, GA 30087 H: 770-414-5139 E: [email protected] Kavirayani, Anoop Murthy Boston University Boston, MA 02135 E: [email protected] Kazacos, Evelyn A. Purdue University College of Vet Med Dept of Comparative Pathobiology Vet Path Bldg. 725 Harrison St West Lafayette, IN 47907-2027 W: 765-494-7455 H: 765-583-2873 F: 765-494-9830 E: [email protected] Keating, John H. 25 Upper Spruce Shore Rd Harpswell, ME 04079 W: 207-522-1257 E: [email protected] Keel, Kevin UC Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine Vet Med 3A, Room 5315 One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-2941 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] Keenan, Charlotte 874 Limekiln Rd Doylestown, PA 18901 W: 215-340-1195 H: 215-340-1195 E: [email protected] Keenan, Kevin P. K.P. Keenan ToxPath Consultancy 874 Limekiln Road Doylestown, PA 18901-2353 W: 215-340-1195 H: 215-340-1195 E: [email protected] Keesler, Rebekah I. Utrecht University Yalelaan 1 Department of Pathobiology Utrecht, 3584 CL Netherlands E: [email protected] *Keeton, Kerry S. 149 Bethany Dr Manhattan, KS 66503 W: 785-532-4614 H: 785-776-0924 E: [email protected] Keirstead, Natalie D. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals 35 Gatehouse Drive Waltham, MA 02451 E: [email protected] *Keller, Sonya L. IDEXX Laboratories 1345 Denison Street Markham, ON L3R 5V2 Canada W: 800-667-3411 x86269 H: 905-553-4291 E: [email protected] Kennedy, Fidelma A. 400 N Phelps Ave Winter Park, FL 32789-3965 W: 407-644-4887 H: 407-924-9140 F: 407-644-4887 E: [email protected] 77 Kenn - Kim Kennedy, George A. 1029 Bertrand St Manhattan, KS 66502 W: 785-776-3771 H: 785-539-9545 F: 785-532-4481 E: [email protected] Kennedy, Laura A. University of Kentucky PO Box 14125 Lexington, KY 40512-4125 W: 859-257-8283 H: 502-839-3626 F: 859-2551624 E: [email protected] Kerlin, Roy L. Pfizer Inc Pfizer Worldwide R&D, Drug Safety R&D 1 Eastern Point Rd, 8274-1210 Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-441-8846 H: 860-464-2551 F: 860-441-1197 E: [email protected] Kerns, William D. PO Box 322 112 Bolton Rd Harvard, MA 01451 W: 978-456-9975 F: 978-456-9976 E: [email protected] Kerr, Kirklyn M. University of Connecticut Pathobiology and Veterinary Science 61 North Eagleville Road Storrs, CT 06269-3089 W: 860-486-2048 H: 860-429-4382 F: 860-486-2794 E: [email protected] Kessell, Allan E. School of Animal and Veterinary Science, CSU Locked Bag 588 Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678 Australia H: +61 04 2475 0381 E: [email protected] 78 Kesterson, James W. 673 Matthew Clark Rd Quincy, FL 32351 W: 850-442-4052 H: 850-442-4052 E: [email protected] Khan, Nasir Kanwar M. Pfizer, Inc. 1 Eastern Point Rd, MS: 8274-1421 Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-686-9499 F: 860-441-5499 E: [email protected] *Kidney, Beverly University of Saskatchewan Dept. of Vet Path 52 Campus Dr Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada W: 306-966-7304 H: 306-382-7684 F: 306-966-7439 E: [email protected] *Kiehl, Anita R. Florida Vet Path PO Box 67 Bushnell, FL 33513 W: 352-568-7923 H: 352-303-0893 F: 352-569-9292 E: [email protected] Kikkawa, Rie Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research One Health Plaza, Bldg. 137 - 239 East Hanover, NJ 07936-1080 W: 862-778-8300 E: [email protected] Kim, Dae Young University of Missouri Vet Med Diagnostic Lab 1600 E. Rollins St. Columbia, MO 65211 W: 573-882-6811 F: 573-882-1411 E: [email protected] Kim - Klum Kim, Yongbaek Seoul National University Laboratory of Clinical Pathology, College of Vet. Medicine #1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu Seoul, 151-742 South Korea W: +82 28801273 H: +82 1090117995 E: [email protected] Kincaid, Anne L. Marshfield Clinic Laboratories Veterinary Diagnostic Services 1000 N. Oak Avenue Marshfield, WI 54449 W: 800-222-5835 H: 715-569-4192 F: 715-389-3744 E: [email protected] King, John M. 336 Savage Farm Dr Ithaca, NY 14850-6504 W: 607-253-3344 H: 607-257-6912 F: 607-253-3851 E: [email protected] King, Norval W. 10 Mount View Dr Paxton, MA 01612 W: 508-753-8637 H: 508-753-8637 E: [email protected] Kinsel, Michael J. University of Illinois Zoological Pathology Program LUMC, Bldg 101 Rm 0745 2160 S First Ave Maywood, IL 60153 W: 708-216-1185 F: 708-216-5934 E: [email protected] Kircher, Charles H. 5047 Landisville Rd Doylestown, PA 18902-1223 W: 215-345-1180 E: [email protected] Kirchhof, Nicole 12308 Hilloway Rd W Minnetonka, MN 55305 W: 763-514-9312 F: 763-757-3033 E: [email protected] Kiupel, Matti DCPAH, Michigan State University 4125 Beaumont Rd 152A Lansing, MI 48910 W: 517-432-2670 F: 517-432-6557 E: [email protected] *Klaassen, James K. 10320 227th Ave SE Monroe, WA 98272 W: 425-220-1056 H: 360-794-6369 F: 360-794-8578 E: [email protected] Klein, Edwin C. University of Pittsburgh S 1040 Biomedical Science Tower 3500 Terrace St Pittsburgh, PA 15261 W: 412-648-8906 H: 724-733-1257 F: 412-648-8449 E: [email protected] Klopfleisch, Robert Boothstrasse 21 Berlin, 12207 Germany W: 49 030 838 62460 H: 49 030 80202281 F: 49 030 838 62522 E: [email protected] Kluge, John P. 57160 Sand Hill Ln Ames, IA 50010 H: 515-232-5185 E: [email protected] Klumpp, Sherry A. 9127 Harbor Hills Dr Houston, TX 77054 H: 713-668-0627 E: [email protected] 79 Knig - Kola Knight, Cameron Greig Univ of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 3280 Hospital Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N4Z6 Canada W: +1-4036295938 F: +1-4032109740 E: [email protected] Knoblaugh, Sue E. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Comparative Medicine Shared Resource 1100 Fairview Ave N, Mailstop: DE-360 Seattle, WA 98109-1024 W: 206-667-6971 H: 206-851-1288 F: 206-667-6845 E: [email protected] Knobloch, Cheryl Porter 7303 NW 25th Ln Jennings, FL 32053 H: 386-938-3912 F: 386-938-2228 E: [email protected] *Knoll, Joyce S. Tufts University Cummings School Vet Med 200 Westboro Rd North Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-887-4558 H: 508-393-6067 F: 508-839-7936 E: [email protected] Knostman, Katherine Ann Brownstein 79 W. Beaumont Rd. Columbus, OH 43214 W: 614-424-6459 H: 614-263-3121 F: 614-424-7441 E: [email protected] Knowles, Susan National Wildlife Health Center 6006 Schroeder Rd Madison, WI 53711 W: 608-270-2462 F: 608-270-2415 E: [email protected] 80 +Kociba, Gary 2975 East Orange Road Lewis Center, OH 43035 H: 740-548-5602 E: [email protected] Kociba, Richard 4412 Eleven Mile Rd Auburn, MI 48611 H: 989-662-4567 E: [email protected] Kock, Nancy D. Wake Forest School of Medicine Dept. of Pathology, Comp Medicine Section 1 Medical Center Blvd Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1040 W: 336-713-7389 H: 336-961-3526 F: 336-713-7395 E: [email protected] Koehler, Jennifer (Jey) W. Auburn University 166 Greene Hall College of Veterinary Medicine Auburn, AL 36849 W: 334-844-2667 H: 334-728-4312 E: [email protected] Koistinen, Keith A. USAMRIID 1425 Porter St Frederick , MD 21702 W: 301-619-1328 H: 410-635-6086 E: [email protected] *Kol, Amir 2820 Eel Ave Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-574 1279 E: [email protected] Kolaja, Gerald J. 2500 6th Ave Unit 107 San Diego, CA 92103 W: 805 231 0818 H: 619 795 8858 E: [email protected] Kole - Kreh Kolenda-Roberts, Holly M. SNBL USA, Ltd. 6605 Merrill Creek Parkway Everett, WA 98203 W: 425-322-2523 E: [email protected] Kondo, Hirotaka Copious Oji 301, 19-2, Sakae-cho Kita-ku, Tokyo 1140005 Japan H: +81-80-7997-2370 E: [email protected] Kooistra, Linda H. Charles River Laboratories Pathology Associates, Suite 150 4025 Stirrup Creek Dr Durham, NC 27703 W: 919-206-7021 H: 919-481-3183 F: 919-206-7001 E: [email protected] Kornegay, Robert Wayne 711th HPW 4141 Petroleum Road Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234 W: 210-539-7320 H: 210-804-1696 F: 210-539-7676 E: [email protected] Kosanke, Stanley D. Oklahoma University, HSC BMSB 203 940 S L Young Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73104 W: 405-209-6916 H: 405-341-7880 F: 405-271-6493 E: [email protected] Kovatch, Robert 21659 Leitersburg/Smithsburg Rd Hagerstown, MD 21742 W: 301-416-7294 H: 301-416-7294 E: [email protected] Kovi, Ramesh C. University of Minnesota 1333 Gortner Ave., VDL 261 St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-624-9620 H: 508-667-2553 F: 612-624-8707 E: [email protected] *Kowalewich, Natalie (Tasha) 12195 Agar Street Surrey, BC V4A 3B9 Canada W: 604 525 1700 E: [email protected] Kraipowich, Nicole R. 4430 Craig Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 W: 603-540-4284 H: 970-377-2038 E: [email protected] *Kramer, John W. 1415 NW Douglas Dr Pullman, WA 99163-3321 H: 509-332-7273 E: [email protected] Kramer, Joshua 12 Rawston Road Roslindale, MA 02131 W: 908-433-6660 H: 617-553-0887 E: [email protected] Kramme, Patrick M. P.O. Box 8073 Janesville, WI 53547 W: 608-563-0902 E: [email protected] Kreeger, John Michael 1636 Route 163 Oakdale, CT 06370 W: 860-686-9056 H: 860-686-9056 E: [email protected] +Krehbiel, Janver D. 1200 W Howell Rd Mason, MI 48854 W: 517-719-8369 H: 517-676-6283 E: [email protected] 81 Kreu - Laas *Kreutzer, Kurt 3904 Ladue Ct Columbia, MO 65202 W: 573-754-0120 H: 573-754-0120 E: [email protected] Krotec-Skiba, Kristine Lynne Antech Diagnostics 9 Schilling Rd, Ste 211 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 W: 410-527-0142 H: 410-357-9870 E: [email protected] Kubiski, Steven V. 2929 Salem Ave Davis, CA 95616 W: 530 752 3300 E: [email protected] Kufuor-Mensah, Eric 1411 Manchester Way Tustin, CA 92782 W: 800-542-1151 x2426 H: 714-259-0682 F: 949-930-3684 E: [email protected] Kuiken, Thijs Erasmus MC Dept of Virology PO Box 2040 Rotterdam, 3000 CA Netherlands W: +31-107044066 H: +31-182513202 F: +31-107044760 E: [email protected] Kunz, Lawrence L. Bio Genetics Research Labs 3968 Resort Rd Greenbank, WA 98253 W: 206-390-6178 E: [email protected] 82 Kuroki, Keiichi University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory 1600 E Rollins, PO Box 6023 Columbia, MO 65205 W: 573-882-6811 H: 573-356-7351 F: 573-882-1411 E: [email protected] Kurtz, Harold J. 1805 N Fairview Ave St. Paul, MN 55113 W: 651-644-5445 H: 651-644-5445 E: [email protected] Kuruvilla, Sabu Merck 770 Sumneytown Pike WP 45-213 West Point, PA 19486 W: 215-652-0438 F: 215-652-3888 E: [email protected] Kusewitt, Donna F. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Department of Carcinogenesis PO Box 389 Smithville, TX 78957 W: 512-237-9347 H: 512-321-4052 F: 512-237-2475 E: [email protected] La Perle, Krista M. D. The Ohio State University Department of Veterinary Biosciences 1925 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-5480 H: 614-505-6482 F: 614-292-6473 E: [email protected] Laast, Victoria A. Covance Laboratories, Inc 14500 Avion Parkway Suite 125 Chantilly, VA 20151 W: 703-378-2164 H: 703-726-0900 E: [email protected] Labe - Lamm Labelle, Phil Antech Diagnostics 1111 Marcus Ave M28 Lake Success, NY 11042 W: 800-872-1001 x4752 E: [email protected] LaFranco Scheuch, Lisa 940 Haldeman Road Schwenksville, PA 19473 W: 215-652-5556 H: 610-287-3550 E: [email protected] LaBranche, Timothy Paul Pfizer, Inc 200 Cambridge Park Drive Cambridge, MA 02140 H: 617-800-6003 E: [email protected] Lahmers, Kevin K. VMRCVM/Virginia Tech DBSP Phase II/Duckpond Dr. Blacksburg, VA 24061 W: 540-231-6441 E: [email protected] Lacey, Janice K. 4818 E Quien Sabe Way Cave Creek, AZ 85331 W: 602-793-5379 E: [email protected] Lackner, Andrew Alan Tulane National Primate Research Center 18703 Three Rivers Rd Covington, LA 70433 W: 985-871-6201 F: 985-871-6569 E: [email protected] Lacy, Shannon H. 10510 Hayes Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20902 W: 301-295-6204 H: 301-821-7642 E: [email protected] Ladds, Philip W. 15 Shoal Place Kingscliff, NSW 2487 Australia H: 61 2 6674 0151 E: [email protected] Lafond, Jean-Francois Charles River Laboratories 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x2208 E: [email protected] Laing, Steven T. 819 Arthur Street Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-750-9431 H: 530-219-0345 E: [email protected] Lairmore, Michael D. UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95618 W: 530-752-1361 E: [email protected] Lamb, Martin Biogen Idec 14 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142 W: 617-914-1169 H: 617-923-1078 F: 617-679-3463 E: [email protected] Lambert, Andre-Jean 290 Denonville St.Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7J1 Canada W: 450-502-3883 E: [email protected] Lamm, Catherine Grace IDEXX 2825 KOVR Drive West Sacramento, CA 95605 W: 916-267-2524 E: [email protected] 83 Land - LaRo Landolfi, Jennifer Ann 1943 W. Fletcher St. Chicago, IL 60657 W: 708-216-1185 H: 708-305-0611 F: 708-216-5934 E: [email protected] Lane, Emily P. National Zoological Gardens of South Africa PO Box 354 Derdepark Pretoria, Gauteng +0035 South Africa W: +27-12-339-2706 H: +27-12-342-3362 F: +27-086-680-5093 E: [email protected] Lane, Joan H. Biogen-Idec 14 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142 W: 617-914-7256 H: 617-513-8122 F: 617-679-3463 E: [email protected] *Lane, Laura V. 5618 Hadley Street Merriam, KS 66202 H: 405-334-7229 E: [email protected] *Lanevschi, Anne Apartado 23 A Estrada, Pontevedra 36680 Spain E: [email protected] Langford, Michael J. 14 Gladhill Drive Middletown, MD 21769 W: 631-323-3022 H: 240-405-5011 E: [email protected] Langloss, John M. 15 Hidden Spring Circle Newtown Square, PA 19073 H: 610-359-9594 E: [email protected] 84 Langohr, Ingeborg Maria Louisiana State University PBS, School of Veterinary Medicine 1909 Skip Bertman Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70803 W: 225-578-9722 H: 517-410-7472 F: 225-578-9916 E: [email protected] Lankton, Julia S. USGS-National Wildlife Health Center 6006 Schroeder Rd. Madison, WI 35711 W: 608-270-2459 H: 540-808-8381 E: [email protected] Lanthier, Isabelle Université de Montréal Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire 3200 rue Sicotte CP 5000 St-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C6 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x8327 H: 450-261-8182 F: 450-778-8116 E: [email protected] Lapointe, Jean-Martin 2307 Chemin Principal St-Joseph du lac, QC J0N 1M0 Canada H: 450-413-1358 E: [email protected] Lappin, Patrick Bruce Pfizer, Inc. 10646 Science Center Drive San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-526-4040 H: 760-448-5984 E: [email protected] LaRock, Richard G. 8214 N. Buena Vista Drive Casa Grande, AZ 85194 W: 520-836-5824 E: [email protected] Laro - Leac Laroque, Philippe Andre Laboratoires MSD CHIBRET Route de Marsat, Centre de Recherche 63203 Riom Cedex Clermont-Fd, 63 963 France W: 33-4 73 675097 F: 33-4 73 675851 E: [email protected] Law, Jerry McHugh North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine 1060 William Moore Dr. Raleigh, NC 27607 W: 919-515-7411 H: 919-852-1320 F: 919-515-4237 E: [email protected] Larsen, Dana M. Mbed Pathology 1204 Avenue Road Unit 2 Toronto, ON M5N 2G4 Canada W: 519-803-2864 E: [email protected] Lawrence, Wade B. 10749 West M Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49009 W: 608-241-4471 x83112869 E: [email protected] Larsen, Thomas Covance Laboratories, Inc 14500 Avion Parkway Suite 125 Chantilly, VA 20151-1130 W: 703-378-2164 x2306 E: [email protected] Latendresse, John R. Toxicologic Pathology Assoc./NCTR 3900 NCTR Rd Jefferson, AR 72079 W: 870-543-7404 H: 501-868-3032 F: 870-543-7401 E: [email protected] *Latimer, Kenneth S. Covance Laboratories, Inc. 680 Morton Rd. Athens, GA 30605-5012 W: 706-296-5489 H: 706-353-1377 E: [email protected] *Latouche, Jean-Sebastien IDEXX Laboratories 7525 NE Ambassador Place Suite A Portland, OR 97220 W: 503-258-3534 H: 503-630-5975 F: 503-258-3501 E: [email protected] Layton, Arthur William Montana Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Box 997 Bozeman, MT 59771 W: 406-994-6388 H: 406-586-0239 F: 406-994-6344 E: [email protected] Le Net, Jean-Loïc Le Net Pathology Consulting 18, Rue Henri Dunant Amboise, 37400 France W: 33 - 247 30 57 89 H: 33 - 681 41 08 95 E: [email protected] Le-Calvez, Sophie 3 Needham Place St. Stephens Square Norwich, Norfolk NR1 3SD United Kingdom W: +44-1937544027 H: +44-1603628414 E: [email protected] Leach, Michael W. Pfizer Drug Safety Research and Development One Burtt Rd, M/S G3001B Andover, MA 01810 W: 978-247-1023 H: 508-845-2447 F: 845-474-3860 E: [email protected] 85 Leav - Lemb Leav, Irwin 21 Codjer Ln Sudbury, MA 01776 W: 508-856-5539 H: 978-443-3502 F: 508-839-7936 E: [email protected] Lebish, Irwin J. 41 Fairfield Ave Westport, CT 06880 W: 203-226-1231 H: 203-222-0626 E: [email protected] Legge, Carolyn H. University of Calgary Clinical Skills Building 11877 85 St. NW Calgary, AB T3R 1J3 Canada W: 403-220-3630 E: [email protected] LeGrand, Edmund K. 1631 Leffle Webb Rd Crossville, TN 38572 H: 931-788-1846 E: [email protected] Leblanc, Bernard Appt B43 12 Rue du Champ de l’Alouette Paris, 75013 France W: 33-975695511 E: [email protected] Lehmkuhl, Aaron D. 404 25th Street Ames, IA 50010 W: 515-337-7175 H: 515-231-1956 F: 515-337-7527 E: [email protected] *LeBlanc, Casey J. The University of Tennessee CVM, Dept of Pathobiology 2407 River Dr, Rm A201 Knoxville, TN 37996-4542 W: 865-740-4651 F: 865-974-5616 E: [email protected] Leighton, Frederick A. Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre Dept of Veterinary Pathology Univ of Saskatchewan 52 Camus Dr Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada W: 306-966-7281 H: 306-665-6074 F: 306-966-7387 E: [email protected] +Ledet, Arlo 54303 306 Ln Huxley, IA 50124 E: [email protected] Leedle, Robert A. 2920 Ridley Rd Hartland, WI 53029 W: 262-951-8788 F: 262-367-4004 E: [email protected] Lees, George E. Texas A&M University Small Animal Clinical Sciences 4474 TAMU College Station, TX 77843 W: 979-845-9054 F: 979-845-6978 E: [email protected] 86 Leininger, Joel R. WIL Research 310 Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 W: 919-245-3114 x120 H: 703-403-4208 F: 919-245-3115 E: [email protected] Lemberger, Karin Yael Consultant 13 rue des Cures Tassin la Demi Lune, 69160 France W: 33 6 66 51 19 32 E: [email protected] Lenz - Li Lenz, Stephen D. Purdue University Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory 406 S. University St West Lafayette, IN 47907 W: 765-494-7440 E: [email protected] +Lepherd, Michelle L. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 1275 York Avenue, Box 270 M.B. Zuckerman Research Center, Room 929 New York, NY 10065 W: 646-888-2419 H: 607-220-6583 E: [email protected] LeRoith, Tanya Virginia Tech VMRCVM Phase II/Duckpond Dr. Blacksburg, VA 24060 W: 540-231-7627 H: 540-552-0980 F: 540-231-6033 E: [email protected] *LeRoy, Bruce E. AbbVie, Inc R45M, AP13A-3 1 N Waukegan Road North Chicago, IL 60064-1802 W: 847-938-2321 H: 262-891-2257 E: [email protected] +Lester, Sally J. 2106 Cedar Rd Lake Stevens, WA 98258 W: 425-334-1281 F: 425-512-0207 E: [email protected] Levin, Stuart Takeda Development Center, Americas Drug Safety Research and Evaluation One Takeda Parkway Deerfield, IL 60015 W: 224-554-2781 H: 847-772-6857 E: [email protected] *Levine, Gwendolyn J. 4708 Johnson Creek Loop College Station, TX 77845 W: 979-218-5499 E: [email protected] Lewis, Anne Oregon National Primate Research Ctr. 505 NW 185th Ave Beaverton, OR 97006 W: 503-690-5356 H: 503-579-4552 F: 503-690-5318 E: [email protected] Lewis, Barbara C. Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab PO Drawer 3040 College Station, TX 77843 W: 979-845-3414 H: 979-260-6951 F: 979-845-1794 E: [email protected] Lewis, Bridget S. 8829 Willowwood Way Jessup, MD 20794 W: 301-319-9074 H: 301-776-8598 F: 301-319-9699 E: [email protected] *Lewis, Hugh Bilson 400 W 8th St Unit 418 Vancouver, WA 98660 H: 360-695-3358 E: [email protected] Lewis, Ronald J. 2098 Sandstone Dr Abbotsford, BC V3G 2B9 Canada H: 604-859-6467 E: [email protected] Li, Xiantang Pfizer DSRD MS 8274-1259, Bldg 274 Eastern Point Rd Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-686-9045 H: 860-333-4764 E: [email protected] 87 Ligg - Liu Liggett, Alan D. 1213 Shephan Ct Tifton, GA 31793 H: 229-238-3719 E: [email protected] Liggitt, H. Denny University of Washington School of Medicine Box 357190 Health Sciences Center Seattle, WA 98195 W: 206-685-3256 H: 425-778-1550 F: 206-685-3006 E: [email protected] Lillie, Brandon N.M. University of Guelph - Ontario Veterinary College Department of Pathobiology Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54667 H: 905-693-0588 E: [email protected] Lillie, Leonard E. (Len) 277 Parkway Drive West Milton, ON L9T 1A7 Canada H: 905-875-4443 E: [email protected] Lin, Patricia QPS 103, Lane 169, Kangning St. Xizhi District New Taipei City 221, 98203 Taiwan W: +886 2 2695 7767 x652 F: +886 2 66159989 E: [email protected] *Lin, Tzu-yin 17 Shiva Court Sacramento, CA 95838-5014 W: 530-220-0708 E: [email protected] Lincoln, Stuart D. 16267 Frost Rd Caldwell, ID 83607 W: 208-459-4407 H: 208-459-4407 E: [email protected] 88 Linder, Keith E. North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine 4700 Hillsborough St Raleigh, NC 27606 W: 919-513-6257 F: 919-513-6464 E: [email protected] Lindsey, J. Russell 4409 Briar Glen Dr Birmingham, AL 35243 H: 205-967-4974 E: [email protected] Linn, Michael J. 1629 Kings Mill Way #104 Madison, WI 53718 W: 646-831-8597 E: [email protected] Lipscomb, Thomas P. 6 Aura’s Way Bow, NH 03304 W: 603-223-5095 F: 603-223-5095 E: [email protected] *Little, Elizabeth Idexx Laboratories 2010 Cabot Blvd West, Ste D Langhorne, PA 19047 W: 215-240-2849 E: [email protected] Little, Peter B. EPL 8653 Sideroad 15, RR #2 Belwood, ON N0B 1J0 Canada W: 919-313-0667 H: 519-843-3720 E: [email protected] Liu, David Xianhong Tulane National Primate Research Center 18703 Three Rivers Rd Covington, LA 70433 W: 985-871-6635 E: [email protected] Liu - Long Liu, Serena Mei-Sen 527 E 78th St Apt 2D New York, NY 10075 W: 530-867-2450 H: 530-867-2450 F: 916-267-2484 E: [email protected] Löhr, Christiane V. Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine 105 Magruder Hall Corvallis, OR 97351 W: 541-737-9673 E: [email protected] Liu, Sylvia Hsau-T 43593 Edison Club Ct Ashburn, VA 20147 W: 908-246-3862 E: [email protected] Loiacono, Christina M. National Animal Health Laboratory Network USDA, APHIS, VS, NVSL 1920 Dayton Av Ames, IA 50010 W: 515-337-7911 H: 515-432-1351 F: 515-337-7397 E: [email protected] Lochner, Dan H. 2445 Sunkist Country Club Rd Biloxi, MS 39532 H: 228-388-3748 E: [email protected] Locke , Erin Paige Antech Diagnostics 6625 Kitimat Rd Mississauga, ON L5N 6J1 Canada W: 519-767-2116 H: 519-767-2116 E: [email protected] +Loeb, Walter F. Box 169-C7 Rte 1 Paw Paw, WV 25434 W: 304-947-7848 H: 304-947-7848 E: [email protected] Loeffler, Diana G. DVM Pathology 4122 E Agave Rd Phoenix, AZ 85044 W: 480-704-1713 H: 480-704-1713 F: 501-665-5233 E: [email protected] *Logan, Michael R. 18 Brule Cir. Madison, WI 53717 W: 765-532-3776 H: 765-463-4226 E: [email protected] Lollini, Lance O. 3236 Brittan Ave San Carlos, CA 94070 H: 650-592-0127 E: [email protected] Lombardini, Eric D. USAMC-AFRIMS APO, AP 96546 W: +66-26962831 E: [email protected] Long, Fenella 92 John St Williamstown, VIC 3016 Australia E: [email protected] Long, Gerald G. Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc. 9312 Clune Ln Indianapolis, IN 46256 W: 317-576-0785 E: [email protected] Long, Philip H. Vet Path Services, Inc 6450 Castle Dr Mason, OH 45040 W: 513-469-0777 H: 513-515-9380 F: 513-469-2474 E: [email protected] 89 Long - Lums Long, Richard E. 3912 Windjammer Court Lee’s Summit, MO 64082 W: 508-925-6489 H: 816-813-9783 E: [email protected] Longeart, Loic E. Chateau de Vaudenuits 4bis rue de la Croix Buisée Vouvray, 37210 France W: 33-607700503 E: [email protected] Lopez-Martinez, Alric 1209 Kings Lynn Rd Stoughton, WI 53589 W: 920-747-0459 E: [email protected] Losco, Patricia E. 2 Chelsea Ct Newton, NJ 07860 H: 973-579-1972 E: [email protected] Louden, Calvert St. George Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceuticals 1400 Welsh and McKean Road Building 41: Room 1102A Spring House, PA 19477 W: 215-628-7004 E: [email protected] Lovering, Sandra L. 13018 Tall Timber Dr. College Station, TX 77845 W: 979-845-3414 H: 979-690-6185 E: [email protected] Lowenstine, Linda J. University of California, Davis SVM, Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology One Shields Ave, 4206 VM3A Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-1182 H: 530-756-5182 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] 90 Loy, James K. Bristol-Myers Squibb, PRI 5 Research Pkwy, MS 3EF- 534 Wallingford, CT 06492 W: 203-677-5048 F: 203-677-6193 E: [email protected] Loynachan, Alan T. University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory PO Box 14125 Lexington, KY 40512-4125 W: 859-257-6570 F: 859-255-1624 E: [email protected] Lucas, Julia Nicole Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine 200 Westboro Rd North Grafton, MA 01536 W: 513-535-8319 H: 317-651-6861 E: [email protected] Luff, Jennifer Ann 1601 Lethbridge Court Raleigh, NC 27606 E: [email protected] Luginbuhl, Hansruedi Mattenstr 27 Gumligen, CH 3073 Switzerland H: 41-796689706 *Lumsden, John H. 1 Cedarcroft Place Guelph, ON N1G 4X7 Canada H: 519-821-7206 E: [email protected] Lumsden, John S. University of Guelph Dept of Pathobiology Ont Vet College Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54519 H: 519-824-5930 F: 519-824-5930 E: [email protected] Lund - Maha Lund, John E. 7209 West Day Forest Rd Empire, MI 49630 W: 231-334-4272 H: 231-334-4272 E: [email protected] Luong, Richard Stanford University Research Animal Facility-1 287 Campus Drive Stanford, CA 94305-5410 W: 650-723-3308 H: 646-591-5564 E: [email protected] Luther, Pamela B. 6909 Battle Bridge Rd Raleigh, NC 27610 W: 919-419-8879 E: [email protected] Lyons, Jeremiah A. Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Department of Biomedical Sciences 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 H: 865-898-6133 E: [email protected] Machotka, Samuel V. Merck & Co, Inc. Dept of Safety Asmt WP 45-207 West Point, PA 19486 W: 215-652-7012 F: 215-652-7758 E: [email protected] MacKenzie, William Frank 5450 Witherspoon Dr., #G108 Colfax, NC 27235-9531 W: 336-855-0455 H: 336-329-8753 E: [email protected] Mackie, John T. Vepa Labs 36 Balaclava Street Woolloongabba, QLD 4102 Australia W: +61-300837252 E: [email protected] Macklin, A. W. 620 Country Ln Cary, NC 27513 F: 919-467-8516 MacLachlan, N. James University of California School of Vet Medicine VM: PMI Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-754-8125 H: 530-758-3706 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] *MacNeill, Amy L. Colorado State Univeristy 1682 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523 E: [email protected] *Maddux, Jeanne M. 1174 Vasi Way North Pole, AK 99705 W: 907-452-6055 H: 907-488-6659 F: 907-456-5942 E: [email protected] Madson, Darin 29084 653rd Ave Maxwell, IA 50161 W: 515-594-1950 H: 515-460-8087 E: [email protected] *Maguire, David Grange House Sandbeck Way Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS22 7DN United Kingdom E: [email protected] Mahaffey, Edward A. 1611 Cedar Rd Watkinsville, GA 30677 W: 706-769-5057 H: 706-769-5057 F: 706-769-5057 E: [email protected] 91 Maha - Mans Mahapatra, Debabrata 2116 Junewood Ln Morrissville, NC 27560 W: 919-274-9669 E: [email protected] Manickam, Balasubramanian 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr Chesterfield, MO 63005 W: 501-442-8601 E: [email protected] Mahrt, Charles R. Lilly Research Laboratories 639 S Delaware St DC0438 Indianapolis, IN 46225 W: 317-651-6961 H: 419-884-7026 F: 317-651-6346 E: [email protected] Mankowski, Joseph L. Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine 733 N Broadway Ln, Ste 831B Baltimore, MD 21205 W: 410-955-9770 F: 410-955-9823 E: [email protected] Makovec, G. Tracy 8254 Mystic Trail Kalamazoo, MI 49009 W: 269-668-3336 x1545 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] Malarkey, David E. Nat’l Inst of Environmental Health Sciences 111 Alexander Dr. Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-541-1745 E: [email protected] Malhi, Pritpal S. 442 Hastings Crescent Saskatoon, SK S7V 0C8 Canada W: 306-966-7215 H: 306-850-1073 E: [email protected] *Mandell, Carol Paffumi Jefferson Park Veterinary Clinic 910 Jefferson Blvd West Sacramento, CA 95691 W: 916-371-9400 F: 916-371-9403 E: [email protected] Manhart, Karen L. 13108 Venetian Road Silver Spring, MD 20904 W: 917-670-1840 H: 917-670-2529 E: [email protected] 92 Mann, Jill Fernecia 287 High Ridge Dr Pelham, AL 35124 W: 205-581-2163 F: 205-581-2044 E: [email protected] Mann, Peter C. EPL NorthWest 600 N 36th St Suite 220 Seattle, WA 98103 W: 206-284-1900 H: 206 920 4058 E: [email protected] Mansell, K. Joanne E. Texas A&M University Dept Vet Pathobiology-4467 College Veterinary Medicine College Station, TX 77843-4467 W: 979-845-0785 F: 979-862-1147 E: [email protected] Mansfield, Keith G. 30 Arbor Dr Shrewsbury, MA 01545 W: 508-624-8183 H: 508-842-5732 F: 508-624-8135 E: [email protected] Mant - Mart Mantena, Srinivasa Raju Pfizer G3002A 1 Burtt Rd Andover, MA 01876 W: 636-247-3322 H: 217-419-3896 E: [email protected] Maratea, Kimberly A. 15 Forrest Rd Northborough, MA 01532 W: 508-271-3632 E: [email protected] March, Thomas H. 3309 Beach Rd NW Albuquerque, NM 87104 W: 505-248-0831 F: 505-248-0831 E: [email protected] *Marcotte, Lynne 896-G rue Jean-Charles-Cantin St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC G3A 1A4 Canada W: 866-683-2551 x86295 H: 418-666-3356 F: 514-633-8820 E: [email protected] Marit, Gary B. WIL Research Laboratories 4040 Twin Township Road Lewisburg, OH 45338 W: 937-839-0807 H: 937-839-0807 E: [email protected] Markovits, Judit E. Houston Methodist Research Institute 6670 Bertner R4-219 Houston, TX 77030 W: 713-441-8404 F: 713-441-8917 E: [email protected] Marler, Ronald J. Mayo Clinic Arizona 13400 E. Shea Blvd. Scottsdale, AZ 85259 W: 480-301-4308 F: 480-301-6969 E: [email protected] Maronpot, Robert R. 1612 Medfield Road Raleigh, NC 27607-4726 W: 919-818-9964 H: 919-851-2236 E: [email protected] Martin, Chelsea K. University of Prince Edward Island Dept. of Pathology & Microbiology 550 University Ave. Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-213-2840 E: [email protected] Martin, Philip L. National Cancer Institute - Frederick Center for Advanced Preclincal Research PO Box B, 539/225B Frederick, MD 21702 W: 301-846-5292 H: 301-466-2986 F: 301.846.6666 E: [email protected] Martineau, Daniel Universite de Montreal Fac de Med Veterinaire 3200 Sicotte Dept de Pathologie Et Microbiologie St. Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7C5 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x8307 F: 450-778-8113 E: [email protected] Martinez, Mark Joseph 12215 Old Frederick Rd Thurmont, MD 21788 H: 301-898-7459 E: [email protected] Martinson, Shannon A. New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory/ University of New Hampshire 129 Main Street, Kendall Hall Durham, NH 03824 W: 603-862-0057 H: 603-397-5651 E: [email protected] 93 Mart - McAr Marty, Gary D. Animal Health Centre Ministry of Agriculture 1767 Angus Campbell Rd Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3 Canada W: 604-556-3123 F: 604-556-3010 E: [email protected] Maslin, William R. Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine Box 6100 Mississippi State, MS 39762-6100 W: 662-325-1190 H: 662-324-2527 F: 662-325-4548 E: [email protected] *Mastrorilli, Cinzia Auburn University 166 Greene Hall College of Veterinary Medicine Auburn, AL 36849 W: 334-844-8264 H: 334-212-4584 E: [email protected] Mauldin, Elizabeth A. University of Pennsylvania SVM, Laboratory of Pathology 3850 Spruce St Philadelphia, PA 19104 W: 215-746-3253 F: 215-898-0719 E: [email protected] Maurer, James K. 482 Ridgeview Lane Maineville, OH 45039 H: 513-480-4277 E: [email protected] Maxie, Grant University of Guelph Animal Health Laboratory PO Box 3612 Guelph, ON N1H 6R8 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54544 H: 519-822-1640 F: 519-821-8072 E: [email protected] *Mathews, Jennifer L. 3672 Cannongate Drive Columbus, OH 43228 H: 614-886-1051 E: [email protected] McAllister, Milton M. University of Adelaide, Roseworthy Campus School of Animal & Veterinary Sciences Roseworthy, SA 5371 Australia W: +61 883137820 F: +61 883137956 E: [email protected] Matise, Ilze Lejasurgas Alejas Kekavas Pagasts, Kekavas novads LV-2111 Latvia H: +371-22040 719 E: [email protected] McAloose, Denise Wildlife Conservation Society 2300 Southern Blvd Bronx, NY 10460 W: 718-220-7105 F: 718-220-7126 E: [email protected] Mattix, Marc Edward Regional Western Pathologists, PC 6941 Bristol Ln Bozeman, MT 59715 W: 406-586-3519 H: 406-586-3519 E: [email protected] McArthur, Mark J. 954 Antioch Rd Paige, TX 78659 W: 713-792-2797 H: 979-777-8250 F: 713-794-5834 E: [email protected] 94 McCa - McEl *McCartney, Jeffrey E. Charles River Laboratories 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x8300 F: 514-630-8230 E: [email protected] McCaskey, Patrick C. 1041 Grey Drive Bogart, GA 30622 W: 706-765-8970 H: 706-548-1461 E: [email protected] *McCleese, Jennifer K. 416 S. Maple St. Winchester, KY 40391 H: 614-271-4438 E: [email protected] McConnell, Ernest E. Tox Path, Inc. 3028 Ethan Ln Raleigh, NC 27613 W: 919-848-1576 F: 919-848-1576 E: [email protected] McConnell, Robert F. 19255 Wildwood West Dr Penn Valley, CA 95946 H: 530-432-8522 E: [email protected] McCowan, Christina I. Department of Primary Industries 5 Ring Road Bundoora, VIC 3083 Australia W: +61 3 9731 2356 H: +61 3 97482170 E: [email protected] +McCoy, Joseph P. 11 Clapp Street Easthampton, MA 01027 W: 413 527 5600 F: 339 707 2515 E: [email protected] McCracken, Malcolm D. 221 Crowfield Rd Knoxville, TN 37922 H: 865-690-0441 McCullough, Bruce 5188 Mountaon Top Road East New Hope, PA 18938 W: 267-528-4707 H: 215-794-6852 E: [email protected] McCully, Robert M. 4015 Weller Rd Silver Spring, MD 20906-4427 McDonough, Sean P. Cornell University S2-111 Schurman Hall, Box 10 1 Upper Tower Rd Ithaca, NY 14853-6401 W: 607-253-4299 H: 607-844-4338 F: 607-253-3357 E: [email protected] McDorman, Kevin S. Charles River Laboratories Pathology Associates Maryland 15 Worman’s Mill Court Frederick, MD 21701 W: 301-360-1735 E: [email protected] McDorman, Leah Ann 19941 Brownsville Rd Knoxville, MD 21758 H: 334-559-0189 E: [email protected] McElhaney, Mary Rebecca 19785 Hillcrest Dr Woodland, CA 95695 W: 916-267-2456 H: 530-666-6604 F: 916-267-2413 E: [email protected] McElliott, Valerie R. 905 Castlemaine Ct. Birmingham, AL 35226 W: 469-939-0569 E: [email protected] 95 McEl - McLe McElwain, Terry F. Washington State University School for Global Animal Health PO Box 647090 Pullman, WA 99164-7090 W: 509-335-6342 F: 509-335-6328 E: [email protected] McGill, Lawrence D. Animal Reference Pathology PO Box 17580 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 W: 800-426-2099 H: 801-942-4152 F: 801-905-1964 E: [email protected] McEntee, Michael F. University of Tennessee CVM, Dept of Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences 2407 River Dr, Rm A201 Knoxville, TN 37996 W: 865-974-8215 F: 865-974-5616 E: [email protected] *McGrath, John P. 4850 Osprey Drive South #104G St. Petersburg, FL 33711-4695 H: 727-865-6717 E: [email protected] McEwen, Beverly J. University of Guelph Animal Health Laboratory Box 3612, Bldg 89 Guelph, ON N1C 1B8 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54537 F: 519-821-8072 E: [email protected] McEwen, Scott A. Univ of Guelph Ontario Vet Coll Dept of Population Medicine Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54751 H: 519-837-3025 F: 519-763-3117 E: [email protected] McGavin, M. D. Univ of Tennessee College of Vet Med Dept of Pathobiology 2407 River Dr Rm A201 Knoxville, TN 37996-4542 W: 865-607-7128 H: 865-693-9684 F: 865-974-5616 E: [email protected] McGee, Evan Davis 63 Creek Source Lane Saluda, NC 28773 W: 828-749-2530 H: 828-749-2530 E: [email protected] 96 McKenzie, Basil E. 8505 Moor Park Run Duluth, GA 30097 H: 678-261-7755 F: 678-261-7755 E: [email protected] McKinney, LuAnn FDA WO-22-4923 10903 New Hampshire Avew Silver Spring, MD 20903 H: 301-588-1759 E: [email protected] McKnight, Christy A. 8165 Contingo Terrace Kalamazoo, MI 49009-9654 W: 269-323-0620 E: [email protected] McLachlan, Alexander D. Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Health & Production Division Robinson Hugh Building, Grantham Road Private Mail Bag, Raiwaqa Suva, Fiji E: [email protected] McLeland, Shannon M. 2804 Harvard Street Fort Collins, CO 80525 W: 515-290-5237 E: [email protected] McLe - Meeh McLeod, Jr., Charles G. VCA - Antech 1212 St. Julien Dr. Eutawville, SC 29048 W: 803-492-3074 H: 803-492-3077 F: 803-492-3054 E: [email protected] McMahill, Barbara Gericota 1270 Goodrich Dr Lander, WY 82520 W: 530-601-1143 E: [email protected] *McManus, Patricia M. IDEXX Reference Laboratories 7525 NE Ambassador Place, Ste A Portland, OR 97220 W: 503-258-3524 H: 503-208-3774 F: 503-258-3501 E: [email protected] McMartin, Donald N. 127 Hillcrest Rd. Flemington, NJ 08822 W: 908-751-4820 H: 908-751-4820 F: 908-751-4820 E: [email protected] McNac, Delana Taylor Banfield Charitable Trust 3621 So. 112th East Ave. Tulsa, OK 74146 W: 503-922-5683 F: 503-922-6683 E: [email protected] McNamara, Tracey Suzanne 8651 Yellow Tail Pl, Unit 1 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-0310 W: 909-706-3542 H: 909-652-0769 F: 909-469-5635 E: [email protected] *McSherry, Leo J. Antech Diagnostics 1111 Marcus Ave., Suite M28 Lake Success, NY 11042 W: 516-326-3998 H: 714-697-4273 E: [email protected] *Meachem, Melissa D. Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan 52 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada W: 306 966 2688 F: 306 966 7439 E: [email protected] +Meador, Vincent P. 2906 West Eaton Street Seattle, WA 98199 W: 608.338.6464 H: +206.283.0589 E: [email protected] Mebus, Charles A. US Department of Agriculture Aphis NVSL Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab PO Box 848 Greenport, NY 11944 W: 516-323-2500 H: 516-323-2798 Mecklenburg, Lars Mecklenburg-Consulting Saseler Chaussee 17 Hamburg, 22391 Germany W: 49 40 27809778 E: [email protected] Meehan, James T. PO Box 593 185 Sheldon Lane Chazy, NY 12921 H: 518-846-8207 E: [email protected] McPherson, Leslie Covance 3301 Kinsman Boulevard Madison, WI 53704 W: 608-242-2712 x3975 E: [email protected] 97 Mehd - Mese Mehdi, Nabeel Consultant Pathologist 32 Hazelwood Close Harrow, Middlesex HA2 6HD United Kingdom W: 44-7794050569 H: 44-208-4242587 F: 44-208-4242587 E: [email protected] Meier, William A. Covance Laboratories Inc. 3301 Kinsman Boulevard Madison, WI 53704-2523 W: 608-242-2712 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Meierhenry, Earl Charles River Laboratories 6995 Longley Lane Reno, NV 89511 W: 775-682-2000 F: 775-682-2230 E: [email protected] *Meinkoth, James Harold Oklahoma State University 9122 W Lakeview Rd Stillwater, OK 74075 W: 405-744-4521 H: 405-624-8539 F: 405-744-5275 E: [email protected] Meisner, Rene Oncomed Pharmaceuticals 800 Chesapeake Dr. Redwood City, CA 94063 W: 650-995-8211 H: 650-394-4045 E: [email protected] *Menard, Michele VDIC 21672 SE Drake Rd. Damascus, OR 97089 W: 503-258-3536 F: 503-722-8076 E: [email protected] Mendes, Odete R. Regeneron 777 Old Saw Mill River Road Tarrytown, NY 10591 W: 914 847 7052 H: 908 938 6838 E: [email protected] Mense, Mark G. Covance 14500 Avion Parkway, Suite 125 Chantilly, VA 20151-1130 W: 703-378-2164 x2304 F: 703-263-9169 E: [email protected] Meola, Linda F. 5500 Highland Drive, #337 Little Rock, AR 72223 W: 501-907-2469 H: 281-686-2830 E: [email protected] Merrill, Christine L. GlaxoSmithKline Five Moore Dr, Rm 9.3013 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-9336 H: 919-851-4717 F: 919-483-0692 E: [email protected] Melidone, Raffaele 306 Marinella Aisle Irvine, CA 92606 E: [email protected] Meschter, Carol Comparative Biosciences Inc. 786 Lucerne Dr Sunnyvale, CA 94085 W: 408-738-9261 F: 408-738-9278 E: [email protected] Mellick, Paul W. 2413 Lariat Ln Richland, WA 99352 W: 509-528-3600 H: 509-627-4545 F: 509-627-3833 E: [email protected] Meseck, Emily K. Covance 3301 Kinsman Blvd Madison, WI 53704 W: 608-242-2712 x2634 H: 518-569-2798 E: [email protected] 98 Mesf - Mich Mesfin, Gebre M. 109 Condor Ridge Ct Audubon, PA 19403 W: 215-652-0563 H: 215-855-4107 F: 215-993-2600 E: [email protected] +Meuten, Donald J. 808 Brantleytown Rd Zebulon, NC 27597 W: 919-513-6296 H: 919-605-1691 F: 919-496-7406 E: [email protected] *Mesher, Christopher I. Phoenix Central Laboratory 4338 Harbour Pointe Blvd SW Mukilteo, WA 98275-5453 W: 800-347-0043 F: 425-355-3676 E: [email protected] *Meyer, Dennis J. Charles River 6995 Longely Lane Reno, NV 89511 W: 775-682-2156 F: 775-682-2100 E: [email protected] *Messick, Joanne B. Purdue University 725 Harrison St. West Lafayette, IN 47907 W: 765-337-5395 E: [email protected] *Meyer, Jonathan Vetpath Laboratory Services 39 Epsom Ave Ascot Perth, WA 6104 Australia W: +61 8 9259 3666 E: [email protected] Mete, Asli CAHFS W Health Sci Dr Davis, CA 95617-1770 W: 530-752-8748 E: [email protected] Meteyer, Carol Uphoff USGS National Center 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr. Reston, VA 20192 W: 703-648-4057 E: [email protected] Metz, Alan L. 2098 Scio Church Ct Ann Arbor, MI 48103 W: 734-358-9475 E: [email protected] Meunier, Paul C. Theravance, Inc. 901 Gateway Blvd South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-808-3771 H: 650-892-7785 F: 650-827-8683 E: [email protected] Meyerholz, David K. University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine 500 Newton Rd., 1165 ML Dept. of Pathology Iowa City, IA 52242 W: 319-353-4589 F: 319-335-8453 E: [email protected] Mezza, Lawrence E. 4316 Lafayette Road Jamesville, NY 13078 H: 315-469-7610 *Michael, Helen NCI 37 Convent Dr, Rm. 5002 Bethesda, MD 20892 W: 301-496-8596 +Michel, Robert L. 122 Cavette Hill Lane, #111 Farragut, TN 37934-6675 H: 865-777-4859 E: [email protected] 99 Midd - Mill Middleton, Dorothy M. 685 Hill St Grasswood, SK S7T 1A9 Canada H: 306-373-1507 E: [email protected] Mietelka, Kristy A. 3949 N. Eager Rd Howell, MI 48855 W: 517-353-5369 H: 734-718-8642 E: [email protected] Migaki, George 4409 NE Birdhaven Loop Newberg, OR 97132 H: 503-537-0798 E: [email protected] Mikaelian, Igor Abbott Bioresearch Center 100 Research Drive Worcester, MA 01605-4314 W: 508-688-3221 H: 201-295-1595 F: 973-235-4710 E: [email protected] Millar, Peter M. 22 Inverleith Gardens Edinburgh, EH3 5PS United Kingdom W: 44-131-5553979 H: 44-131-5521802 F: 44-131-5553385 E: [email protected] *Miller, Amy G. CytoVet, PLLC 5916 Willow Ln Dallas, TX 75230-2154 W: 214-558-1012 H: 972-290-0444 F: 972-692-7929 E: [email protected] 100 Miller, Andrew David Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Biomedical Sciences T5-006A Veterinary Research Tower Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 607-253-3559 F: 607-253-3541 E: [email protected] Miller, Doris M. Athens Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 2820 Antioch Church Rd Watkinsville, GA 30677 W: 706-542-5568 H: 706-255-1196 F: 706-542-5977 E: [email protected] Miller, Georgina F. 1057 Alpensee Dr Breckenridge, CO 80424-9604 H: 970-423-6622 E: [email protected] Miller, Glen K. Merck & Company, Inc. PO Box 4, WP81-401 770 Sumneytown Pike West Point, PA 19486 W: 215-652-8068 F: 215-993-7748 E: [email protected] Miller, Janice M. 1024 NW Irvinedale Dr Ankeny, IA 50023 H: 515-964-4225 E: [email protected] Miller, L. Devon 215 Essex Dr Lebanon, IN 46052 W: 847-287-4865 H: 765-335-0163 E: [email protected] Mill - Moel Miller, Lisa Maag Atlantic Veterinary College Department of Pathology and Microbiology 550 University Ave, UPEI Charlottetown, PE C1A 4P3 Canada W: 902-566-0858 F: 902-566-0846 E: [email protected] Miller, Margaret A. Purdue University Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab 406 S University St West Lafayette, IN 47907 W: 765-494-7456 F: 765-494-9181 E: [email protected] Miller, Richard Thomas GlaxoSmithKline PO Box 13398 5 Moore Dr Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-6091 F: 919-483-0131 E: [email protected] Miller, Richard Ian IDEXX Laboratories 3 Overend St East Brisbane, QLD DC 4151 Australia W: 61-7-345-66000 E: [email protected] Miller, Rodney A. EPL PO Box 12766 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-998-9407 x610 H: 919-732-8707 F: 919-998-9607 E: [email protected] Millins, Caroline L. 35 Maxwell Avenue Bearsden Glasgow, Scotland G61 1PA United Kingdom H: +44 753 553 2858 E: [email protected] Mirsky, Michael L. Pfizer Inc MS 8274-1207 Eastern Point Rd Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-441-0810 F: 860-441-1197 E: [email protected] Mishra, Sasmita 18773 West Meadow Grass Drive Lake Villa, IL 60046 W: 847-938-0423 H: 706-424-1546 F: 847-938-3266 E: [email protected] Mitchell, Frank E. 760 Hollon Ave Auburn, AL 36830 H: 334-826-6417 E: [email protected] Mitchell, Geoffrey M. PO Box 1268 Albany, WA 6331 Australia W: +61 898 464 449 H: +61 438 801 191 E: [email protected] Mitsui, Ikki No Boundaries Animal Pathology, LLC 1-364-27 Suzuki-cho Kodaira-shi Tokyo, 187-0011 Japan W: +81-80-8904-3988 H: +81-80-1030-5930 F: +81-50-3153-0639 E: [email protected] Moe, James B. 4231 Congressional Drive Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 W: 843-903-3144 E: [email protected] Moeller, Robert B. 5826 W Monte Verde Ave Visalia, CA 93277 W: 559-688-7543 H: 559-635-9535 F: 559-686-4231 E: [email protected] 101 Mog - Mont Mog, Steven R. FDA CFSAN 5100 Paint Branch Parkway HFS-205 College Park, MD 20740 W: 240-402-1190 H: 301-253-8974 F: 301-436-2973 E: [email protected] Mohanan, Sunish 2250 N. Triphammer Rd., #T3F Ithaca, NY 14850 W: 336-293-3486 E: [email protected] Mohr, Chuck University of California, Davis Dept Pathol Microbiol & Immunology One Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-7234 H: 530-400-0463 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] Mohr, Ulrich Muthesiusweg 25 Hannover, 30559 Germany H: 49-511-520322 F: 49-511-9525870 E: [email protected] Moisan, Peter Gerard North Carolina Department of Agriculture 9113 Coconut Ln Raleigh, NC 27603 W: 919-827-6078 H: 919-827-6078 E: [email protected] Monette, Sébastien Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Research Animal Resource Center Lab of Comp Pathology, 1275 York Ave, Box 270 New York, NY 10065 W: 646-888-2420 H: 917-514-0836 F: 646-422-0139 E: [email protected] 102 Montali, Richard J. Johns Hopkins University 733 N. Broadway BRB 805 Baltimore, MD 21205 W: 571-643-1254 E: [email protected] *Monteith, Catherine PO Box 84 Edam, SK S0M 0V0 Canada W: 800-663-1425 x65460 H: 306-397-2584 F: 306-397-2907 E: [email protected] Montgomery, Charles A. PO Box 527 Jay, OK 74346 W: 918-253-6031 H: 918-253-6031 E: [email protected] Montgomery, Donald L. Wyoming State Veterinary Lab Dept of Veterinary Science 1174 Snowy Range Rd Laramie, WY 82070 W: 307-766-9977 H: 307-745-3446 F: 307-721-2051 E: [email protected] *Monti, Paola 2 Gateway Gardens Ely, Cambridgeshire CB6 3DE United Kingdom W: +44 787 1432628 E: [email protected] Monticello, Thomas M. Amgen One Amgen Center Drive MS 29-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1799 W: 805-447-4177 F: 805-375-1257 E: [email protected] Moon - Morr Moon, Harley W. 100 6th St Apt 17 Nevada, IA 50201 H: 515-382-2426 F: 515-294-5423 E: [email protected] +Moore, Frances M. Marshfield Labs Veterinary Services 1000 North Oak Ave Marshfield, WI 54449 W: 1-800-2225835 F: 715-389-3744 E: [email protected] Moore, Peter F. University of California-Davis Dept Path Microbio & Immunology 4206 VM3A Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-5204 H: 530-758-9344 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] Moore, Rebecca 5908 Orchid Valley Rd. Raleigh, NC 27613 W: 919-998-9407 x603 F: 919-998-9607 E: [email protected] Moore, Ronda P. Burns & Levinson, LLP 125 Summer St Boston, MA 02110 W: 617-345-3221 F: 617-261-3175 E: [email protected] *Moore, William E. 144 S Dartmouth Dr Manhattan, KS 66503 H: 785-539-5965 E: [email protected] Morency, Andréanne 2000 Laure Conan St-Hyacinthe , QC J2S 0J2 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x8347 H: 450-768-5930 E: [email protected] Morgan, Sherry J. 132 Hill Country Road Alto, NM 88312 W: 847-938-7934 E: [email protected] Morgan, Timothy W. Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine P.O. Box 6100 Mississippi State, MS 39762 W: 662-325-1106 E: [email protected] Morin, Michel 1330 Chabot Ave. St. Hyacinthe, QC J2S 6T9 Canada H: 450-773-2932 E: [email protected] *Morissette, Eric 1989 Rockwood Drive Chesapeake, VA 23323 W: 757-287-6894 H: 757-287-6894 E: [email protected] Moroff, Scott D. Antech Diagnostics 1111 Marcus Ave., Ste M28 Lake Success, NY 11042 W: 800-872-1001 x3937 H: 212-369-3313 F: 516-326-7256 E: [email protected] Morris, C. Fred 8447 Beebe Road Cheboygan, MI 49721 W: 231-625-9355 H: 231-625-9717 E: [email protected] Morrison, James P. Charles River Laboratories, Pathology Associates 4025 Stirrup Creek Dr, Suite 150 Durham, NC 27703-9399 W: 919-206-7024 E: [email protected] 103 Morr - Mura Morrissey, Robert Leroy 39 S Columbine Ave Lombard, IL 60148-2474 W: 630-424-0211 H: 630-424-0211 E: [email protected] Moyer, Carolyn F. 1140 Cadiz Court Oxnard, CA 93035 W: 805-313-5696 H: 215-794-7718 E: [email protected] Morthole, Venee Ione 13639 Cedar Creek Lane Silver Spring, MD 20904 W: 410-436-3885 H: 301-388-0076 E: [email protected] Mozzachio, Kristie L. 110 Merlot Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278 W: 919-413-2956 H: 919-241-4468 F: 919-241-4468 E: [email protected] Morton, Daniel 1 Dover Lane Lexington, MA 02141 W: 617-665-5739 H: 781,862,1761 E: [email protected] Morton, Laura Dill Novartis 200 Tech Square 1032K Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-871-3599 H: 617-955-7769 E: [email protected] Mosher, A. Harris 239 S Dietz Mill Rd Telford, PA 18969 H: 215-723-2906 F: 215-723-4460 E: [email protected] Mosier, Derek A. Kansas State University Dept of Diagnostic Medicine & Path 1800 Denison Ave Manhattan, KS 66506 W: 785-532-4410 H: 785-539-2524 F: 785-532-4039 E: [email protected] Mouser, Pamela Angell Animal Medical Center Pathology Department 350 South Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02130 W: 617-524-5687 E: [email protected] 104 Mullaney, Thomas P. Michigan State University Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health 4125 Beaumont Rd Lansing, MI 48910 W: 517-353-9572 F: 517-355-2152 E: [email protected] Munday, John Stephen 61 Cashmere Drive Fitzherbert Palmerston North, New Zealand W: +64-63569099 F: +64-63505636 E: [email protected] Muniappa, Nagaraja Merck Research Laboratory 770 Sumenytown Pike Bldg 45-250 West Point, PA 19486 W: 215-652-4571 F: 215-993-2600 E: [email protected] Muravnick, Kathleen Pfizer 588 Eastern Point Rd 274-1210 Groton, CT 06340 E: [email protected] Murn - Namb Murnane, Robert D. University of Washington Washington Nat’l Primate Research Center 3018 Western Ave Seattle, WA 98121 W: 360-929-1954 F: 206-221-2820 E: [email protected] Murphy, Brian 4024 Atlantis Dr Davis, CA 95618 W: 530-752-9011 E: [email protected] Murphy, James C. 5602 Pheasant Ln Middleborough, MA 02346 H: 508-947-3983 Muthupalani, Sureshkumar Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Ave 16-849, Division of Comparative Med Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-253-9441 F: 617-252-1882 E: [email protected] Muthuswamy, Anantharaman Wisconsin National Primate Research Center University of Wisconsin - Madison 1220 Capitol Court Madison, WI 53715-1299 W: 608-209-5709 H: 859-420-7045 E: [email protected] Myers, Ronald K. Iowa State University Dept of Vet Path 2726 Veterinary Pathology Ames, IA 50011 W: 515-294-0876 F: 515-294-5423 E: [email protected] *Myers, Sherry L. Prairie Diagnostic Services 52 Campus Dr Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada W: 306-966-7292 F: 306-966-2488 E: [email protected] Mysore, Jagannatha V. Dept of Pathology, DSE One Squibb Drive, P.O. Box 191 Bristol-Myers Squibb New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0191 H: 706-255-7470 E: [email protected] *Nabity, Mary B. Texas A&M University Department of Veterinary Pathobiology 4467 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4467 W: 979-845-9180 F: 979-458-1325 E: [email protected] Nadella, Murali Vara Prasad AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals 35 Gatehouse Dr C0.105 Waltham, MA 02451 W: 781-839-4432 F: 302-886-2341 E: [email protected] Nagy, Tamas University of Georgia 501 DW Brooks Drive UGA, College of Vet Med, Pathology Athens, GA 30602 W: 607-227-2792 F: 706-542-5828 E: [email protected] Nairn, Malcolm E. 4 Devon Rd Swanbourne, WA 6010 Australia W: 618-8-93855382 H: 618-8-93844427 F: 618-8-93855382 E: [email protected] Nambiar, Prashant R. Pfizer Inc Eastern Point Road Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-686-4970 F: 860-686-0557 E: [email protected] 105 Nara - Newb Naranjo, Carolina Dinamarca, 11 La Floresta (Sant Cugat del Vallès), Barcelona 08198 Spain W: +34-637413546 E: [email protected] Nelson, Danielle D. PO Box 37 Albion, WA 99102 W: 509-335-6023 H: 509-338-9503 F: 509-335-7424 E: [email protected] Narayanan, Sanjeev K. 905 Laussac Dr Manhattan, KS 66503 W: 785-532-4430 H: 785-341-5977 F: 785-532-4039 E: [email protected] Nelson, Keith G. MPI Research 54943 North Main St. Mattawan, MI 49071 W: 269-668-3336 x3166 H: 269-344-3068 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] Nasarre, Carmen 1136 Mansiones Ln Chula Vista, CA 91910 W: 619-292-1116 E: [email protected] Nation, Patrick N. Animal Pathology Services, LTD 18208 Ellerslie Rd Edmonton, AB T6W 1A5 Canada W: 780-720-5378 H: 780-430-8128 E: [email protected] Neef, Natasha Bristol Myers Squibb 1 Squbb Drive New Brunswick, NJ 08903 W: 732 227 6867 E: [email protected] *Neel, Jennifer A. 1411 Courtland Dr Raleigh, NC 27604 W: 919-513-6254 H: 919-755-4834 F: 919-513-6556 E: [email protected] Neimanis, Aleksija National Veterinary Institute Dept of Pathology and Wildlife Diseases Uppsala, SE-751 89 Sweden W: +46 18 67 4655 H: +46 84 08 20242 F: +46 18 67 4364 E: [email protected] 106 *Neo, Sakurako Azabu University 1-17-71 Fuchinobe Chuo-ku Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-5201 Japan W: +81-427547111 F: +81-363260272 E: [email protected] *Neta, Michal 51 Fren Wood Rise Westdene Brighton , BN1 5ER United Kingdom E: [email protected] Neu, Suzanne M. Vet Path Services, Inc. 6450 Castle Drive Mason, OH 45040 W: 513-469-0777 F: 513-469-2474 E: [email protected] Neufeld, James L. 6 Rochester Ave Winnipeg, MB R3T 3V9 Canada H: 204-269-6492 F: 204-269-6492 E: [email protected] Newberne, James Wilson 8580 Cavalier Dr Cincinnati, OH 45231 H: 513-522-5649 F: 513-522-5639 Newb - Nimm Newberne, Paul M. 33 Wildwood Dr Bedford, MA 01730 W: 781-275-9517 H: 781-275-9517 F: 781-275-4504 E: [email protected] Nichols, Donald K. USAMRIID 14016 Mountain Rd Purcellville, VA 20132 W: 301-619-8395 F: 301-619-4627 E: [email protected] Newell, Teresa K. North Dakota State University Dept of Veterinary & Microbiology, Van Es Hall PO Box 6050 Fargo, ND 58108-6050 W: 701-231-8307 F: 701-231-7514 Nielsen, N. Ole 11-51127 Range Rd 255 Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 1A8 Canada H: 780-470-4404 F: 780-470-3140 E: [email protected] Newkirk, Kimberly M. University of Tennessee CVM, Dept of Pathobiology 2407 River Dr, Rm A205 Knoxville, TN 37996-4543 W: 865-974-5877 E: [email protected] Nielsen, Svend W. 9178 Hollow Pine Dr Bonita Springs, FL 34135 H: 239-390-3273 E: [email protected] Newman, Shelley J. 4701 Seminole Rd. Knoxville, TN 37918 W: 865-974-8218 H: 865-688-3022 F: 865-974-5616 E: [email protected] Newsholme, Stephen John GlaxoSmithKline 709 Swedeland Rd PO Box 1539 King of Prussia, PA 19406 W: 610-270-7848 H: 610-983-9583 F: 610-270-7504 E: [email protected] Newton, Alisa L. Wildlife Conservation Society 2300 Southern Boulevard Bronx, NY 10460 W: 718-220-7105 E: [email protected] Nietfeld, Jerome C. Kansas State University Dept of Diagnostic Medicine & Pathobiology Mosier Hall Manhattan, KS 66506 W: 785-532-5650 H: 785-776-0747 F: 785-532-4481 E: [email protected] Nikula, Kristen J. Seventh Wave Laboratories 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr, Ste 209 Chesterfield, MO 63005 W: 636-519-4885 F: 636-519-4886 E: [email protected] Nimmo, Judith Stephanie ASAP Laboratory PO Box 8003 Clayton, VIC 3800 Australia W: 61 3 9562 5077 H: 61 3 9898 8229 F: 61 3 9562 0055 E: [email protected] 107 Njaa - O’Har Njaa, Bradley L. Oklahoma State University 226 McElroy Hall Department of Pathobiology Stillwater, OK 74074 W: 405-744-6769 H: 405-533-3107 F: 405-744-5275 E: [email protected] Noh, Susan M. USDA-ARS-ADRU 3005 ADBF, WSU Pullman, WA 99164-7030 W: 509-335-6162 F: 509-335-8328 E: [email protected] Nold, James B. 114 W. Cardinal Drive Littleton, NC 27850 H: 252-586-7112 E: [email protected] Norrdin, Robert W. Colorado State University Dept of Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology Fort Collins, CO 80523 H: 970-493-2821 F: 970-491-0603 E: [email protected] Norris-Haburjak, Aimee JoAnne 35 Bryan Ct Alamo, CA 94507-2873 W: 925-451-8836 H: 925-552-6072 E: [email protected] Novak, Janelle M. 3755 S Swan Ridge Circle Memphis, TN 38122 H: 352-262-5406 E: [email protected] Novak, Joseph US Army Veterinary Corps Chief, Anatomic Pathology Fort Sam Houston San Antonio, TX 78260 W: 210-539-6732 H: 443-910-0920 E: [email protected] 108 Novilla, Meliton N. SNBL USA, Ltd 6605 Merrill Creek Parkway Everett, WA 98203 W: 425-322-2408 H: 425-948-7876 F: 425-407-8601 E: [email protected] Nunes, Jairo Santos 6355 Highland Green Dr. Medina, OH 44255 H: 317-374-3286 cell E: [email protected] *O’Brien, Peter James University College Dublin 9 Bellevue Heights Greystones, Wicklow ON Ireland W: +353-1716-6048 F: +353-1716-6157 E: [email protected] O’Brien, Timothy D. University of Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Lab 1333 Gortner Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-625-8175 H: 320-286-5907 F: 612-624-8707 E: [email protected] O’Hara, Amanda J. Murdoch University - CVM School of Veterinary and Life Sciences South Street Murdoch, WA 6150 Australia W: 618-9360-2297 F: 618-9310-4144 E: [email protected] O’Hara, Peter J. 219 Plateau Rd Te Marua Upper Hutt, 5018 New Zealand W: 64 4 5267 883 H: 64 4 5267 883 E: [email protected] O’Nei - Oliv *O’Neil, Elizabeth J. 120 Gaudet Crescent Summerside, PE C1N 5E1 Canada W: 902-724-2367 E: [email protected] *O’Rourke, Laurie G. 1955 Cascades Road Blacksburg, VA 24060 W: 540-552-5690 H: 540-552-0665 E: [email protected] O’Sullivan, M. Gerard University of Minnesota Dept of Veterinary Population Medicine 435C Animal Science/Vet Med, 1988 Fitch Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-625-3254 H: 651-483-5322 F: 612-624-9146 E: [email protected] Obert, Leslie Ann 8 Kensington CT Mystic, CT 06355 W: 860-686-9443 E: [email protected] Ochoa, Ricardo Pre-Clinical Safety Inc. PO Box 718 69 Quarry Dock Rd. Niantic, CT 06357 W: 860-691-1553 H: 860-739-9797 F: 860-739-7139 E: [email protected] Odani, Jenee S. Hawaii State Veterinary Laboratory 99-941 Halawa Valley St Aiea, HI 96701 W: 808-483-7129 H: 808-455-8434 F: 808-483-7110 E: [email protected] Odin, Marielle Hoffmann-LaRoche Inc. 340, Kingsland St Bldg 100/328 Nutley, NJ 07110-1199 W: 973-235-4404 H: +33-673-736-792 F: 973-235-4710 E: [email protected] Oglesbee, Michael J. The Ohio State University Dept of Veterinary Biosciences 1925 Coffey Rd Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-4489 H: 614-668-1189 F: 614-292-6473 E: [email protected] Okerberg, Carlin V. 217 High Meadow Lane Mystic, CT 06355 W: 860-686-9336 H: 860-245-5670 E: [email protected] Olander, Harvey J. 6388 Strath Gordon Ln Winters, CA 95694 H: 707-678-0539 F: 707-678-0539 E: [email protected] Oliveira, Fabiano 4272 Hollow Stone Rd College Station, TX 77845 H: 979-574-2484 E: [email protected] Oliver III, Julian L. Sanofi 5 the Mountain Road Framingham, MA 01701 W: 508-270-2284 F: 908-231-2629 E: [email protected] 109 Oliv - Over Olivier, Alicia K. University of Iowa Department of Pathology 100 Medical Laboratories, Rm 1163 Iowa City, IA 52242 W: 319-384-4668 H: 515-509-1513 E: [email protected] Ortega Porcel, Joaquin School of Veterinary Medicine, University CEU-UCH C/ Tirant lo Blanc, 7. Alfara del Patriarca, Valencia 46115 Spain W: +34-961369000 x66114 E: [email protected] Olson, Erik Jarl University of Minnesota 244 Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 1333 Gortner Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-625-8787 F: 612-624-8707 E: [email protected] Osburn, Bennie I. University of California-Davis SVM Dept of Pathol, Microbiol & Immunology 1 Shields Ave - Dean’s Office Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-219-3427 H: 916-687-6741 F: 530-752-2801 E: [email protected] *Olver, Christine S. Colorado State University Dept of Microbio Immuno & Pathology 1619 Campus Delivery CSU 80523 Fort Collins, CO 80523 W: 970-491-1340 H: 970-472-1422 F: 970-491-0603 E: [email protected] Orbell, Geoff New Zealand Veterinary Pathology IVABS/Massey University P.O. Box 325 Palmerston North, Manawatu 4410 New Zealand W: +646 3533983 H: +646 5600282 E: [email protected] Origgi, Francesco Carlo University of Bern Institute for Fish & Wildlife Health, CVM Länggassstrasse 122 Bern-CH, 3012 Switzerland W: + 41 31 631 2443 F: + 41 31 631 2635 E: [email protected] Orr, James P. 2 Hendersyde Ave Kelso, Scotland TD5 7TZ United Kingdom H: +44 1573228626 E: [email protected] 110 Oslund, Karen L. VDx 2019 Anderson Rd Suite C Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-753-4285 E: [email protected] Ossiboff, Robert J Wildlife Conservation Society Wildlife Health Center 2300 Southern Blvd. Bronx, NY 10460 W: 718-220-7105 H: 607-592-2074 F: 718-220-7126 E: [email protected] *Overmann, Jed A. University of Minnesota Veterinary Clinical Sciences Dept 1352 Boyd Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-626-0646 E: [email protected] *Overvelde, Sebastien IDEXX Reference Laboratories - Canada 342 rue Huguette Laval, QC H7P 5T8 Canada W: 514-820-1973 F: 514-633-8820 E: [email protected] Owen - Paly *Owen, Jennifer 455 SE 61st Court Ocala, FL 34472 W: 954-263-3413 H: 352-840-0096 E: [email protected] *Owens, Sean Dietrich University of California, Davis One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-400-6012 H: 530-792-1417 F: 916-372-2783 E: [email protected] Owston, Michael Andrew 4181 CR 4516 Hondo, TX 78861 W: 210-258-9661 H: 210-275-4538 E: [email protected] Oyejide, Adelekan (Lekan) Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 777 Old Saw Mill River Rd 32-010 Tarrytown, NY 10591-6707 W: 914-847-5100 H: 949-235-9203 F: 914-847-7685 E: [email protected] Pace, Lanny W. Mississippi State University Veterinary Research & Diagnostic Lab System PO Box 97813 Pearl, MS 39288 W: 601-420-4700 F: 601-420-4719 E: [email protected] Pacheco-Thompson, Michelle E. 20011 Park Bluff San Antonio, TX 78259 W: 210-292-6589 H: 210-310-3975 E: [email protected] Pack, Franklin D. 29 Cherry Hill Rd. Fairfield, CT 06825-1005 W: 203-798-5294 H: 203-374-1221 F: 203-798-5797 E: [email protected] Pageon, Laura R. MD Anderson Cancer Center Department of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery – Unit 63 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Room TB.4055D Houston, TX 77030-4009 W: 713.563.9234 F: 713.794.4546 E: [email protected] Painter, J. Todd Merck Research Laboratories K-15-2, F2018B 2015 Galloping Hill Rd. Kenilworth, NJ 07033 W: 908-740-2478 F: 908-740-3303 E: [email protected] Palanisamy, Gopinath S Genentech 1600 Grandview Dr MS 59 South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-225-6716 H: 970-412-4551 E: [email protected] *Palic, Jelena Guttenbrunner Weg 15 Munich, 81829 Germany E: [email protected] *Pallatto, Valarie A. 486 Reynwood Vista Sanford, NC 27330 W: 919-859-9428 H: 919-777-0464 F: 919-859-9513 E: [email protected] Palotay, James L. PO Box 7907 Bend, OR 97708 H: 541-318-1024 E: [email protected] Palyada, Kiran MPI Research 54943 N Main Street Mattawan, MI 49071 W: 2696683336 x2176 E: [email protected] 111 Panc - Parn Panciera, Roger J. Oklahoma State University School of Veterinary Medicine Stillwater, OK 74078 W: 405-744-4520 F: 405-744-5275 E: [email protected] Pandher, Karamjeet 5920 Huntington Hill Dr. Fort Collins, CO 80525 W: 860-686-4826 H: 860-581-8167 E: [email protected] Pandiri, Arun Kumar Reddy EPL, Inc., and CMPB, NTP, NIEHS BG 101 RM B358 MSC B3-06 111 T.W. Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-541-1811 F: 919-541-7666 E: [email protected] Panigrahi, Dibakar 9 River Edge Rd Belle Mead, NJ 08502 H: 908-874-7017 Papendick, Rebecca E. Wildlife Disease Laboratories San Diego Zoo Global PO Box 120551 San Diego, CA 92112-0551 W: 619-231-1515 x4536 H: 619-584-0406 F: 619-744-3357 E: [email protected] Papenfuss, Tracey L. The Ohio State University Dept of Veterinary Biosciences 1900 Coffey Rd, 370 Vet Med Academic Bldg Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-7343 H: 614-505-0325 F: 614-292-6473 E: [email protected] 112 Paquet, Marilene University of Montreal 3200 rue Sicotte Pavillon CDEVQ, bureau 1.38 Saint Hyacinthe, QC J2S 2M2 Canada W: 450-773-8521 x49061 E: [email protected] Paranjpe, Madhav Gajanan BioReliance 9630 Medical Center Dr Rockville, MD 20850 W: 301-610-2225 F: 301-738-2362 E: [email protected] Pardo, Ingrid D.R. 13 Osprey Dr Gales Ferry, CT 06335-2017 W: 860-715-1086 H: 860-381-5426 E: [email protected] *Pargass, Indira Sonja 1 Woodlands Road Valsayn North, West Indies Trinidad and Tobago H: +868 6621648 E: [email protected] Parker, George A. WIL Research 310 Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 W: 919-619-0553 H: 919-967-0882 F: 919-245-3115 E: [email protected] Parker, Robert F. 3556 Dixboro Lane Ann Arbor, MI 48105 H: 734-668-1027 E: [email protected] Parnell, Pamela G. Professional Veterinary Pathology Services 1 Science Court Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29203 W: 803-252-1913 H: 803-735-9356 F: 803-753-5074 E: [email protected] Paro - Paul Parodi, Andre Laurent Anatomie Pathologique Ecole Nationale Veterinaire D’Alfort 7 Ave du General de Gaulle Maisons-Alfort, Cedex F-94704 France W: 33-1-43 96 72 60 H: 33-1-48 83 55 67 F: 33-1-43 96 71 25 E: [email protected] *Parrula, Maria C. M. Bristol-Myers Squibb 1 Squibb Drive125-101A New Brunswick, NJ 08903 H: 609-372-6679 E: [email protected] Parry, Nicola M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology DCM, Bldg 16, Room 849 77 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 774-293-0243 H: 774-293-0243 E: [email protected] *Patel, Reema T. 10980 Rice Field Place Fairfax Station, VA 22039 H: 703-425-7573 E: [email protected] Patrick, Daniel J. MPI Research 54943 North Main St Mattawan, MI 49071 W: 269-668-3336 x1292 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] +Patrick, Darryl H. Post Office Box 99 Remington, VA 22734-0099 H: 540-937-4921 E: [email protected] *Patten, Penny Kay 803 Forestcrest Ct Euless, TX 76039 W: 972-621-8618 H: 817-545-9551 F: 972-929-0124 E: [email protected] Patterson, D. Reid Reid Patterson Consulting, Inc. 23620 Waterside Dr Bonita Springs, FL 34134-4905 W: 239-676-9371 E: [email protected] Patterson, Jon Scott Michigan State University CVM, DCPAH Bldg Rm 163 4125 Beaumont Rd Lansing, MI 48910 W: 517-353-9471 H: 517-651-6719 F: 517-353-5293 E: [email protected] Patterson-Kane, Janet C. University of Glasgow Institute of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation RB622 Level B6, III - GBRC, University Place Glasgow, Scotland G12 8TA United Kingdom W: +44-1413303689 E: [email protected] Patton, Clark S. 511 Echo Springs Rd Knoxville, TN 37923 H: 865-690-5979 E: [email protected] Patton, Kristin M. 3948 Summitview Rd. Dublin, OH 43016 W: 509-372-6771 H: 503-559-0985 E: [email protected] Paulin, Jaime Medtronic, Inc. Physiological Research Laboratories 11520 Yellow Pine St. NW Minneapolis, MN 55448-3105 W: 763-514-6844 E: [email protected] Paulin-Curlee, Geisa G. Ethicon-Endo Surgery 4545 Creek Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 H: 513-823-0753 E: [email protected] 113 Paul - Perr Paulman, April 5404 N Brandywine Rd Shelbyville, IN 46176 H: 317-835-7281 E: [email protected] Paulsen, Daniel B. Louisiana State University Pathobiological Sciences Skip Bertman Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70803 W: 225-578-9728 H: 225-330-9657 F: 225-578-9720 E: [email protected] Payne, Bobby Joe 23 Acorn Cluster Ct The Woodlands, TX 77381 W: 832-257-2522 H: 281-298-9388 E: [email protected] Pearse, Gail GSK , David Jack Centre R&D Building 4 Discovery and Regulatory Pathology Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 0DP United Kingdom W: +44-1992 502584 E: [email protected] *Pearson, Renee C. Pearson Consulting, LLC 2973 SE Summerfield Drive Corvallis, OR 97333 W: 703-663-0768 E: [email protected] Peauroi, John Rene VDx-Veterinary Diagnostics 2019 Anderson Rd #C Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-753-4285 F: 530-753-4286 E: [email protected] 114 Peden, W. Michael Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Research and Development 4601 Highway 62 East, PO Box 1500 Mt. Vernon, IN 47620-1500 W: 812-307-2240 H: 812-401-8944 F: 812-307-2432 E: [email protected] *Penraat, Kelley Alene Alpha-Omega Vet Consultant Services 47 Race Rd Lafayette, NJ 07848 W: 862-268-7095 F: 973-300-5920 E: [email protected] Percy, Dean H. RR #2 368 S River Rd Elora, ON N0B 1S0 Canada W: 519-846-5965 H: 519-846-5965 E: [email protected] Pereira, Marcia E. 4301 11th St N Arlington, VA 22201 W: 202-725-5897 E: [email protected] Perkins, Laura E. Leigh Abbott Vascular 359 Dudley Ferry Rd Mattaponi, VA 23110 W: 408-845-3602 H: 804-286-4452 F: 804-286-4452 E: [email protected] Perron Lepage, Marie-France Ricerca Biosciences Les Oncins St-Germain sur l’Arbresle, 69210 France W: 33-4-74-01-65-07 H: 33-4-72-52-98-51 F: 33-4-74-01-63-99 E: [email protected] Perr - Phil Perry, Allen W. 1305 Barnes Close SW Edmonton, AB T6W 1G6 Canada H: 587-521-1406 E: [email protected] Peters, Rachel M. Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co. 35 Landsdowne Rd Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-551 3716 E: [email protected] Perry, Rick Pfizer Drug Safety Research and Development 455 Eastern Point Road, Office 1704E MS 8274-1426 Groton, CT 06340 W: 518-846-6226 H: 518-643-0116 F: 860-686-0557 E: [email protected] Peters-Kennedy, Jeanine 11 John Street Ithaca, NY 14850 W: 607-253-3319 F: 607-253-3357 E: [email protected] Perryman, Lance E. 1532 Arroyo Drive Windsor, CO 80550 H: 970.674.3237 E: [email protected] Pesavento, Patricia A. University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Vet Med:PMI, 4206 VM3A 1 Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-1166 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] Pessier, Allan Patrick Wildlife Disease Laboratories San Diego Zoo Global PO Box 120551 San Diego, CA 92112 W: 619-231-1515 x4510# F: 619-744-3357 E: [email protected] *Peta, Heidi GR IDEXX Laboratories 8131 Roper Road Edmonton, AB T6E 6S4 Canada W: 780-437-8808 E: [email protected] *Petersen, Don J. Abaxis Veterinary Reference Laboratories 1355 E. 155th Street Olathe, KS 66062 W: 913-815-7415 H: 913-549-2451 E: [email protected] Peterson, II , Richard Allan GlaxoSmithKline 5 Moore Dr Safety Assessment, 9.3009 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-315-2450 H: 919-732-5259 F: 919-483-0131 E: [email protected] +Petrites-Murphy, Marie B. 7550 Wurth Road Paducah, KY 42001 W: 800-222-5835 H: 270-534-0722 F: 270-534-0722 E: [email protected] Phemister, Robert D. 3136 Rock Park Dr. Fort Collins, CO 80528 H: 970-282-8995 E: [email protected] 115 Phil - Pivi Philibert, Helene University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine Dept of Vet Pathology Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada W: 306-966-2369 H: 306-244-6393 F: 306-966-7439 E: [email protected] Phillips, Lucy A. 40 Rice Ave Northborough, MA 01532 W: 508-270-2278 E: [email protected] Pillatzki, Angela E. Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab 1650 Vet Med, 1600 S 16th Street Ames, IA 50011-1250 W: 515-294-6250 E: [email protected] Pinard, Joëlle 30 Clifton Park Rd. Clifton Bristol, BS8 3HL United Kingdom E: [email protected] Phillips, Lynette Ann 1425 137th LN NW Andover , MN 55304 W: 763-514-5421 F: 763-514-9360 E: [email protected] Pinkerton, Marie E. University of Wisconsin-Madison Dept of Pathobiological Sciences 2015 Linden Dr Madison, WI 53706 W: 608-890-1811 F: 608-263-0438 E: [email protected] *Piché, Caroline IDEXX Laboratories 2300 54th Avenue, Bureau #220 Montreal-Lachine, QC H8T 3R2 Canada W: 866-683-2551 x46470 E: [email protected] Pino, Michael V. Sanofi 55 Corporate Drive Mailstop 55B-430A Bridgewater, NJ 08807 W: 908-981-3373 E: [email protected] Picut, Catherine Ann 310 Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 W: 919-245-3114 x150 H: 919-619-0554 E: [email protected] Pinson, David M. 11609 N. Strathmoore Court Peoria, IL 61525-9455 W: 309-671-8443 H: 913-568-7363 E: [email protected] *Pieczarka, Emily M. 361 Promontory Dr. West Newport Beach, CA 92660 W: 925-330-8333 E: [email protected] Piper, Richard C. 125 Waters Dr Southern Pines, NC 28387-2237 H: 910-949-3674 E: [email protected] Pierce, Kenneth R. 4730 Stonebriar Cir College Station, TX 77845-8987 H: 979-690-9066 E: [email protected] Piripi, Susan University of Sydney 410 Werombi Road Camden, NSW 2570 Australia W: +61 2 9036-7705 H: +61 2 4655-1274 F: +60 2 4655-1212 E: [email protected] 116 Plat - Port *Piviani, Martina University of Liverpool Leahurst Campus Chester High Road Neston, Cheshire CH64 7TE United Kingdom W: +44-7446875341 H: +44-7446875341 E: [email protected] *Pohlman, Lisa M. Kansas State University Dept of Diagnostic Med/Pathobiology 1800 Denison Ave Manhattan, KS 66506 W: 785-532-4882 H: 334-821-1633 F: 334-844-2652 E: [email protected] Plattner, Brandon L. University of Guelph Ontario Veterinary College Dept of Pathobiology, Room 3843 Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54766 H: 519-265-0785 F: 519-824-5930 E: [email protected] *Poitout-Belissent, Florence M. Charles River Laboratories CTBR 22022 Transcanadian Rd Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x2201 F: 514-630-8230 E: [email protected] *Plier, Michelle PO Box 51622 Irvine, CA 92619 W: 949-752-5612 x2431 H: 949-916-0494 E: [email protected] Pocknell, Annabella Marie Finn Pathologists The Old Schoolhouse One Eyed Lane Weybread, Diss, Norfolk IP21 5TT United Kingdom W: 44 0-1379 854 180 F: 44 0-1379 852 424 E: [email protected] Podell, Brendan Colorado State University 200 W. Lake St. 1619 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523 W: 970-491-5746 H: 970-420-4958 E: [email protected] Polack, Evelyne Biogen Idec Preclinical Safety 14 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142 W: 617-679-3608 F: 617-679-3463 E: [email protected] Pool, Roy R. Texas A&M University Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology College Station, TX 77843-4467 W: 979-845-0786 Poonacha, K. B. 3310 Tisdale Dr Lexington, KY 40503 H: 859-223-5768 E: [email protected] Popielarczyk, Melissa M. 19 Berkshire Dr W Clifton Park, NY 12065 W: 518-877-5584 H: 518-877-5584 F: 518-877-5584 E: [email protected] 117 Port - Pric Popp, James A. Stratoxon, LLC 1853 William Penn Way Lancaster, PA 17601 W: 717-735-3646 H: 610-286-7611 F: 717-293-4470 E: [email protected] Porter, Brian F. Texas A&M University Dept. of Veterinary Pathobiology College Station, TX 77845 W: 979-847-8541 H: 979-693-7895 E: [email protected] Porter, Robert Edwin Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Lab CVM, 1333 Gortner Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-624-7400 H: 651-493-1863 F: 612-624-8707 E: [email protected] Potter, Kathleen A. Washington State University Dept of Vet Microbiology & Pathology PO Box 7040 CS Pullman, WA 99164-7040 W: 509-335-7259 H: 208-882-6254 F: 509-335-8529 E: [email protected] Poulet, Frederique M. 46 Cottage Lane Sparta, NJ 07871 W: 908-740-2258 H: 973-579-3250 E: [email protected] Pouleur-Larrat, Benedicte Orbio Laboratoire Miniparc du Chene 12C rue du 35eme RGT d aviation BRON, 69500 France H: 0033781248522 E: [email protected] 118 Powe, Joshua R. 62 Sacramento St Cambridge, MA 02138 W: 617-551-3716 H: 857-756-4082 E: [email protected] *Powell, Roger 1 Whitegale Close Hitchin, Herts SG4 9LP United Kingdom W: +44 1582 881368 H: +44 1462 422842 E: [email protected] Powers, Barbara E. Colorado State University Diagnostic Laboratory 300 W Drake Fort Collins, CO 80523 W: 970-297-1281 F: 970-297-0320 E: [email protected] +Prasse, Keith W. 889 Austin Reynolds Rd Bethlehem, GA 30620 W: 770-867-2665 H: 770-867-2665 E: [email protected] *Pratt, Suzanne M. 7114 SE 18th Ave Portland, OR 97202 H: 503-432-5412 E: [email protected] Premanandan, Christopher The Ohio State University Goss Laboratory 1925 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-2797 E: [email protected] *Prescott, Judith S. GlaxoSmithKline 5 Moore Dr RD9-2009, PO Box 13398 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-483-3455 F: 215-483-0131 E: [email protected] Prie - Quis Price, Teena Louise 2552 Regis Dr Davis, CA 95618 W: 530-754-9543 H: 530-220-4844 F: 530-752-7242 E: [email protected] *Priest, Heather L. Cornell University Clinical Pathology, CVM S1 050 Schurman Hall, Upper Tower Rd Ithaca, NY 14850 W: 607-253-3267 H: 607-280-1126 F: 607-253-3711 E: [email protected] Priestnall, Simon L. The Royal Veterinary College Dept Pathology & Pathogen Biology Hawkshead Ln, North Mymms Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL9 7TA United Kingdom W: +44-1707666351 E: [email protected] Proctor, Stanley Jim E. Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies 1000 Rt 202 N, B113E Raritan, NJ 08869 W: 908-927-5982 F: 908-704-4950 E: [email protected] *Provencher Bolliger, Anne Charles River Laboratories 1580 rue Ida-Métivier Sherbrooke, QC J1E 0B5 Canada W: 819-346-8200 x7340 H: 450-799-2330 F: 819-346-7663 E: [email protected] Pruimboom-Brees, Ingrid Mireille Werk Klybeck PCS TA Coordination - Office 135.1.67 Basel, CH-4002 Switzerland W: +41 0616965051 E: [email protected] Pulley, L. Thomas 16050 Shannon Rd Los Gatos, CA 95032 H: 408-356-8345 E: [email protected] Pulliam, James D. 648 Arlington Ave Westfield, NJ 07090 H: 908-654-4037 E: [email protected] Qualls, Jr., Charles W. 1943 Roadrunner Ave. Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 W: 805-447-6602 H: 805-375-7672 E: [email protected] Quance, Jerry Lee 101 Council St, #3 Frederick, MD 21701 H: 301-695-9573 E: [email protected] +Quance-Fitch, Fonzie Juliene 7918 Wild Eagle St San Antonio, TX 78255 H: 210-695-1732 E: [email protected] Quander, Ricardo Covance Laboratories, Inc. 14500 Avion Parkway, Ste 125 Chantilly, VA 20151-1130 W: 703-378-2164 x2308 F: 703-263-9169 E: [email protected] Quast, John F. 2771 N Lakeview Dr Sanford, MI 48657 W: 989-687-9192 H: 989-687-9192 F: 989-687-9126 E: [email protected] Quinn, William J. 5100 S 19th Ave Bozeman, MT 59718 W: 406-579-6089 H: 406-587-8213 F: 406-587-8213 E: [email protected] 119 Quis - Ranc Quist, Charlotte F. PO Box 109 Dillon, MT 59725 W: 406-835-2163 H: 406-835-2163 E: [email protected] Quist, Erin M. NIEHS 111 T.W. Alexander Drive MD: B3-06 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 520-909-7030 H: 919-541-3036 E: [email protected] Radi, Zaher A. 6 Meeting House Circle Bedford, MA 01730 E: [email protected] *Radin, M. Judith The Ohio State University Dept of Veterinary Biosciences 1925 Coffey Rd Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-4266 F: 614-292-6473 E: [email protected] Radovsky, Ann WIL Research Laboratories 1407 George Rd Ashland, OH 44805 W: 419-289-8700 x3029 H: 419-289-5542 F: 419-289-3650 E: [email protected] Ragsdale, John M. NMDA VDS 1101 Camino de Salud, NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 W: 505-383-9299 H: 505-922-1595 F: 505-383-9294 E: [email protected] Rahaley, Robert S. PO Box 6228 Linden Park, SA 5065 Australia W: +61 0-419739715 E: [email protected] 120 Rajeev, Sreekumari University of Georgia Veterinary Diagnostic & Investigational Lab 43 Brighton Rd. Tifton, GA 31793 W: 229-386-3340 F: 229-386-7128 E: [email protected] Raju, Narayan R. Pathology Research Laboratory, Inc. 521 Rocca Ave South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-580-1951 H: 650-225-0666 F: 650-875-1905 E: [email protected] *Ramaiah, Lila 150 Bay Street Apt 907 Jersey City, NJ 07302 H: 201-706-1215 E: [email protected] *Ramaiah, Shashi Kumar Pfizer Global R&D 200 Cambridge Park Drive Pfizer-Biotherapeutics Cambridge, MA 02140 W: 617-665-5733 H: 636-222-0593 F: 845-474-5022 E: [email protected] Ramiro-Ibanez, Fernando Carretera de Cuenca-Teruel Canete, Cuenca 16300 Spain E: [email protected] Ramos, Meg Allergan, Inc Drug Safety Evaluation 2525 Dupont Dr, RD2-2A Irvine, CA 92612 W: 714-246-4289 H: 949-212-6041 F: 714-246-5850 E: [email protected] Ranck, Rose Sydlowski 4421 Thistlehill Ct. Raleigh, NC 27616 H: 419-376-4943 E: [email protected] Rann - Read *Rannou, Benoit VetAgro Sup Laboratoire de Biochimie et Endocrinologie 1 avenue Bourgelat Marcy l’Etoile, 69280 France W: +33 4 78 44 24 11 H: +33 6 74 93 15 52 F: +33 4 78 87 05 16 E: [email protected] Rao, Deepa B. NTP/ILS P.O. Box 12233, MS B3-06 111 Alexander Drive RTP, NC 27709 W: 919-541-0036 H: 608-358-1936 F: 919-541-7666 E: [email protected] Rao, Srinivas S. Vaccine Research Center, NIH NIAID, NIH 40 Convent Dr, Bldg 40, Rm 1407 Bethesda, MD 20892 W: 301-594-8465 F: 301-402-8114 E: [email protected] *Raskin, Rose E. Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine 725 Harrison St, VPTH West Lafayette, IN 47907 W: 765-496-6612 F: 765-494-9830 E: [email protected] Rasmussen, Lorna 8 Minerva Crescent Vermont South, VIC 3133 Australia W: 61397638290 H: 61398036519 F: 61397638920 E: [email protected] Ratke, Christine C. 24356 44th St Bloomingdale, MI 49026 H: 269-521-6543 E: [email protected] Raverty, Stephen A. Animal Health Center 1767 Angus Campbell Rd Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3 Canada W: 604-556-3026 H: 604-266-7393 F: 604-556-3010 E: [email protected] Ravi, Madhu Babu Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development 6909-116 Street Edmonton, AB T6H 4P2 Canada W: 780-427-8285 H: 780-271-8353 E: [email protected] Raymond, James T. 158 General Stonewall Jackson Blvd. Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 W: 240-215-2105 H: 304-725-9212 F: 304-725-9212 E: [email protected] Raymond, Jo Lynne W. 158 General Stonewall Jackson Blvd. Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 W: 301-619-4263 H: 304-725-9212 F: 202-782-9150 E: [email protected] Read, Deryck H. University of California, Davis 105 W. Central Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92408 W: 909-383-4287 H: 909-797-7849 F: 909-884-5980 E: [email protected] Read, Robert W. ComPathCon Research PO Box 130940 The Woodlands, TX 77393 W: 832-813-5518 H: 832-244-0600 E: [email protected] 121 Read - Rega Reader, J. Rachel UC Davis - CNPRC 1 Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-3482 E: [email protected] *Reagan, William J. Pfizer Inc Drug Safety R & D Global Research & Dev Eastern Point Rd, MS8 274-1203 Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-715-2650 H: 860-739-0358 F: 860-715-0414 E: [email protected] Reams, Rachel Y. Covance Laboratories, Inc. 671 South Meridian Rd Greenfield, IN 46140 W: 317-467-2065 F: 317-467-7430 E: [email protected] Reavill, Drury Robb 7647 Wachtel Way Citrus Heights, CA 95610 W: 916-725-5100 H: 916-725-6155 F: 916-725-6155 E: [email protected] *Rebar, Alan H. 3612 Farnsworth Dr. West Lafayette, IN 47906 W: 765-496-6625 H: 765-743-6469 F: 765-494-7474 E: [email protected] Rebelatto, Marlon C. MedImmune, Inc. Translational Sciences - Research, Experimental Pathology One Medimmune Way Gaithersburg, MD 20878 W: 301-398-4372 F: 301-398-8981 E: [email protected] 122 Rech, Raquel R. Texas A&M University 215 Vet Med Sciences 4467 TAMU Pathobiology College Station, TX 77843 W: 979-845-6948 H: +1 9792208570 F: 979-845-4052 E: [email protected] Reed, L. Tiffany National Cancer Institute 37 Convent Dr. Room 1126 Bethesda, MD 20892 W: 317-625-2969 E: [email protected] Reed, Scott Douglas 4713 Timberhill Ct. Nashville , TN 37211 W: 615-837-5294 H: 225-773-2848 E: [email protected] Reed, Willie M. Purdue University Lynn Hall, Rm 1176 625 Harrison St West Lafayette, IN 47907-2026 W: 765-494-7608 H: 765-463-6097 F: 765-496-6235 E: [email protected] Reel, Danielle 1213 Wilkinson Rd Knoxville, TN 37923 W: 865-974-8205 E: [email protected] Regan, Karen S. 1457 Township Rd 853 Ashland, OH 44805 W: 419-207-0559 H: 419-282-9966 F: 419-207-8086 E: [email protected] Reha - Renn Rehagen, David A. MPI Research, Inc 54943 N. Main Street Mattawan, MI 49071 W: 269-668-3336 x1874 H: 269-377-6916 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] Rehg, Jerold E. St Jude Children’s Research Hospital Dept of Pathology 262 Danny Thomas Place Memphis, TN 38105 W: 901-595-2293 F: 901-595-3100 E: [email protected] Rehm, Sabine 462 N Valley Rd Paoli, PA 19301 W: 610-578-0606 H: 610-578-0606 E: [email protected] Reilly, Christopher M. 23861 County Road 103 Woodland, CA 95776-9159 W: 530-752-3178 H: 774-280-6055 F: 530-752-7242 E: [email protected] Reindel, James F. Amgen, Inc 1201 Amgen Court W, MS AW1/J 2133 Seattle, WA 98119 W: 206-265-6833 H: 989-996-0992 F: 206-599-6460 E: [email protected] Reinhard, Mary Kathryn University of Florida Department of Animal Care Services PO Box 100006 Gainesville, FL 32610 W: 352-273-9238 H: 386-518-6325 E: [email protected] Reis, Jr., Janildo L. SQN 206 Bloco B apt 302 Asa Norte Brasilia, D.F. 70844-020 Brazil W: +55 619969-7726 E: [email protected] *Relford, Roberta Lynn IDEXX Laboratory Services 4444 Trinity Mills Rd, Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75287 W: 972-447-2751 F: 972-447-2740 E: [email protected] Remick, Amera Kristine WIL Research 310 Millstone Dr Hillsborough, NC 27278 W: 919-245-3114 x113 H: 919-215-9046 F: 919-245-3115 E: [email protected] Remmers, Genevieve IDEXX Laboratories ltd 1345 Denison Street Markham, ON L3R 5V2 Canada W: 800-667-3411 x86213 H: 905-968-6213 F: 905-475-7305 E: [email protected] Render, James A. NAMSA 6750 Wales Road Northwood, OH 43619 W: 419-662-4451 H: 734-693-9326 F: 419-662-4802 E: [email protected] Renne, Roger A. Roger Renne ToxPath Consulting, Inc 15401 52nd St E Sumner, WA 98390 W: 253-826-0585 H: 253-299-0050 E: [email protected] 123 Renn - Rick Renninger, Matthew L. Covance, Inc. 671 S. Meridian Road Bldg 240 - D6026 - Pathology Greenfield, IN 46140 W: 317-467-2072 E: [email protected] *Rich, Lon J. 117 Starcrest Irvine, CA 92603 W: 949-752-5612 x2421 H: 949-854-5299 F: 949-725-9336 E: [email protected] *Renschler, Janelle S. IndyCyto 2050 N. Alabama St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 W: 317-931-8805 H: 317-875-1508 E: [email protected] Richards, Ronald Barry 34 McLean St Melville, WA 6156 Australia H: +61 8 9329 9280 E: [email protected] Reuter, Ruth PO Box 176 Macclesfield, SA 5153 Australia W: 61 8 8388 9468 H: 61 8 8388 9468 F: 61 8 8388 9468 E: [email protected] Reynolds, Jack A. JAReynolds & Associates PO Box 1367 Madison, CT 06443-1367 W: 203-245-0280 H: 203-245-8079 F: 203-245-0297 E: [email protected] Reynolds, Taylor L. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 733 N Broadway MRB 606 Baltimore, MD 21205 W: 410-614-6124 H: 617-633-1849 E: [email protected] Ribelin, William E. PO Box 4989 Gulf Shores, AL 36547 W: 251-968-5318 H: 251-968-5318 E: [email protected] 124 Richardson, James A. UT Southwestern Medical Ctr-Dallas Dept of Pathology 5323 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas, TX 75390-9072 W: 214-648-4006 F: 214-648-4070 E: [email protected] Richey, Lauren J. Tufts University Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine 136 Harrison Ave Boston, MA 02111 W: 617-636-6488 F: 617-636-8354 E: [email protected] Richter, Alexander G. 106 Cedric Rd Newton, MA 02459 W: 800-458-4141 x172 H: 860-798-5365 E: [email protected] Richter, Ward R. Druquest International, Inc 5736 Lakeside Rd Leeds, AL 35094 W: 205-956-4813 E: [email protected] Rickman, Barry H. 1146 Sea Vista Place Edmonds, WA 98020 W: 206-683-2058 H: 206-683-2058 E: [email protected] Ride - Rizz Rideout, Bruce Wildlife Disease Laboratories San Diego Zoo Global PO Box 120551 San Diego, CA 92112-0551 W: 619-231-1515 x4535 F: 619-744-3357 E: [email protected] Rippy, Marian K. Rippy Pathology Solutions, Inc. 9323 Duckwood Trail Woodbury, MN 55125 W: 651-261-6396 H: 651-578-2883 F: 651-204-6725 E: [email protected] Rietcheck, Randall L. CMR 402 Box 472 APO, AE 09180 W: 011 49 6371 867839 H: 785-789-4348 E: [email protected] Rissi, Daniel R. University of Georgia Department of Pathology College of Veterinary Medicine Athens, GA 30602-7388 W: 706-542-5916 E: [email protected] *Rigas, Johanna D. Utah State University Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 950 E 1400 N Logan, UT 84321 W: 435-797-1799 H: 503-819-6006 F: 435-797-2805 E: [email protected] Ritchey, Jerry William Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine McElroy Hall Rm 250 Stillwater, OK 74078 W: 405-744-8219 H: 405-743-1858 F: 405-744-5275 E: [email protected] Rigatti, Lora H. 321 Jacksonia Street Pittsburgh, PA 15212 W: 412-874-3171 H: 412-624-3641 E: [email protected] Ritter, Jana M. CDC 1600 Clifton Rd. NE Bldg 18, Mailstop G32 Atlanta, GA 30333 W: 404-639-1611 E: [email protected] Riggs, Michael W. University of Arizona School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences 1117 E. Lowell St, Rm 302 Tucson, AZ 85721 W: 520-621-8445 F: 520-621-6366 E: [email protected] Ringenberg, Michael Alan GlaxoSmithKline 709 Swedeland Road UE0376 King of Prussia, PA 19406-0939 W: 610-270-7544 F: 610-270-7504 E: [email protected] Rivers, Sonja A. 41 Raglan Gardens Oxhey Watford, Herts WD19 4LJ United Kingdom W: +44 0-1626 353598 H: +44 01923 - 231004 E: [email protected] *Rizzi, Theresa E. Oklahoma State University 250 McElroy Hall Stillwater, OK 74078 W: 405-744-8482 F: 405-744-7120 E: [email protected] 125 Road - Roho Roady, Patrick 703 Western Hills Drive Mahomet, IL 61853 W: 618-535-7936 H: 618-535-7937 E: [email protected] Roberts, Christopher Sean Indiana University School of Medicine 975 W Walnut Street IB008 Indianapolis, IN 46202 W: 317-278-8604 E: [email protected] Roberts, E. Donald 517 Brook Hollow Rd Nashville, TN 37205 E: [email protected] Robinson, Nicholas A. University of Minnesota 1333 Gortner Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-626-5322 E: [email protected] Robinson, Richard M. 103 Walton Dr College Station, TX 77840 H: 409-693-5059 F: 979-764-1133 E: [email protected] Robinson, Wayne F. 85 Pryors Rd Scotsburn, VIC 3352 Australia W: 61353412560 H: 61353412560 E: [email protected] Robison, Rodney L. 3220 E Partridge Ct Traverse City, MI 49684 W: 231-228-4140 H: 231-228-4140 E: [email protected] 126 Rodrigues Hoffmann, Aline Texas A&M University Department of Veterinary Pathobiology College of Veterinary Medicine, 4467 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4467 W: 979-458-4172 H: 979-422-3708 F: 979-845-4052 E: [email protected] Rodriguez Alfonzo, Carlos Enrique Disney’s Animal Kingdom Department of Animal Health 1200 N. Savannah Circle Bay Lake, FL 32830 W: 409-938-5966 E: [email protected] Roe, Wendi 110 Te Arakura Rd RD 5 Feilding, New Zealand W: 0064 6 356 9099 x4843 H: 0064 6 323 9099 E: [email protected] Rogers, Arlin B. Tufts-Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Department of Biomedical Sciences 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-887-4805 H: 508-843-0118 F: 508-839-7936 E: [email protected] Rogers, Laura A. Box 101 North River, NL A0A 3C0 Canada W: 709-729-6879 H: 780-432-5323 F: 709-729-0055 E: [email protected] Rohovsky, Michael W. 4931 Bonita Bay Blvd Unit 1902 Bonita Springs, FL 34134 H: 215-794-0218 F: 215-794-9111 E: [email protected] Rols - Rowl Rolsma, Mark D. Pfizer Worldwide Research & Development Drug Safety Research & Development Eastern Point Rd. Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-686-9395 H: 860-823-1523 E: [email protected] Romeike, Annette Covance Laboratories 2-8, rue de Rouen ZI Limay-Porcheville Porcheville, 78440 France W: +33-1-34795134 H: +33-1-689778954 E: [email protected] *Romsland, Tracie Denise 5411 McGrath Blvd. #621 North Bethesda, MD 20852 W: 206-643-2519 H: 206-643-2519 E: [email protected] Rose, Rebecca Rose Pathology Services, LLC 983 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 W: 651-472-2026 H: 651-222-4571 E: [email protected] Rosol, Thomas J. The Ohio State University Dept of Veterinary Biosciences 1925 Coffey Rd Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-5661 H: 614-459-3376 F: 614-292-6473 E: [email protected] Ross, Paul E. 17120 25th St Gobles, MI 49055 W: 269-668-3336 x1387 H: 269-628-6216 E: [email protected] +Roth-Johnson, Lois Dual Boarded Inc 2955 Herring Brook Rd Eastham, MA 02642 W: 774-207-0372 H: 508-274-7905 E: [email protected] Rothenbacher, Hansjakob PO Box 12 State College, PA 16804 W: 814-863-0837 H: 814-234-2506 E: [email protected] Rotstein, David S. 19117 Bloomfield Road Olney, MD 20832 W: 240-694-5850 H: 240-389-1223 E: [email protected] Rottman, James B. Amgen One Kendall Sq, Bldg 1000 Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-444-5082 H: 978-440-9419 F: 617-577-9913 E: [email protected] Roudabush, Alice D. Ohio ADDL 8995 East Main Street Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 W: 614-728-6220 H: 614-604-6139 F: 614-728-6310 E: [email protected] Rousselle, Serge D. Alizée Pathology 20 Frederick Road Thurmont, MD 21788 W: 240-356-0056 H: 240-575-9992 F: 866-929-5455 E: [email protected] Rowland, Peter H. PO Box 115 Cummington, MA 01026-0115 W: 518-373-8820 H: 413-634-8077 E: [email protected] 127 Roya - Russ *Royal, Angela B. University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine A344 Clydesdale Hall 900 E. Campus Drive Columbia, MO 65211 W: 573-882-0086 E: [email protected] Rozmanec, Michael Rivendell, The Common Wellington Heath Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 1LT United Kingdom W: +44 1531 630063 E: [email protected] Ruben, Zadok Patoximed Consultants 412 Sandford Ave Westfield, NJ 07090 W: 908-233-9740 H: 908-654-3707 F: 908-233-5451 E: [email protected] Rudmann, Daniel G. 12024 Gray Eagle Drive Fishers, IN 46037 W: 317-651-1809 H: 317-849-9262 E: [email protected] Ruecker, Frederick A. 434 Glan Tai Dr Manchester, MO 63011-4068 W: 636-227-6087 H: 636-227-6087 F: 636-209-4772 E: [email protected] *Ruehl, William W. 444 San Antonio Rd Apt 5A Palo Alto, CA 94306 W: 408-592-7256 H: 650-852-9656 E: [email protected] 128 *Ruotsalo, Kristiina K. University of Guelph Animal Health Lab, Box 3612 Guelph, ON N1H 6R8 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54653 H: 519-837-1623 F: 519-821-8072 E: [email protected] Rush, Laura J. 703 Olde Settler Pl Columbus, OH 43214 W: 614-893-4095 H: 614-459-3376 E: [email protected] Rushton, Steven D. North Carolina Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory 403 Treybrooke Dr Morrisville, NC 27560 W: 919-733-3986 H: 919-630-7575 F: 919-733-0454 E: [email protected] Russell, Duncan S. The Ohio State University Rm 201 Goss Laboratory 1925 Coffey Rd Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-247-8333 H: 607-342-7963 E: [email protected] *Russell, Karen E. 2011 Pinewood Drive Bryan, TX 77807 W: 979-458-3548 H: 979-779-5368 F: 979-458-1325 E: [email protected] Russell, Robert G. 2425 Ridgecrest Dr. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108-5127 W: 505-348-1983 E: [email protected] Russ - Sanc Russell, Stephen W. Grant Writers’ Seminars and Workshops PO Box 259 Solvang, CA 93464 W: 805-688-1638 H: 805-688-6794 F: 805-691-9458 E: [email protected] Sagartz, John E. Seventh Wave Laboratories LLC 743 Spirit 40 Park Dr, Ste 209 Chesterfield, MO 63005 W: 636-519-4885 H: 636-273-9097 F: 636-519-4886 E: [email protected] Ruth, George R. 1210 Roselawn Ave W Roseville, MN 55113 W: 651-338-3290 H: 651-488-9031 E: [email protected] Saied, Ahmad A. 3550 Nicholson Dr., #1089 Baton Rouge, LA 70802 W: 515-745-2158 E: [email protected] Ryan, Anne M. Pfizer Global R&D-Groton DSTC (274), Room 3704A Eastern Point Rd, MS 8274-1224 Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-715-1282 F: 860-715-7989 E: [email protected] Ryan, Michael J. Battelle Columbus 505 King Ave Columbus, OH 43201 W: 614-424-7997 H: 614-833-1176 F: 614-424-7441 E: [email protected] *Ryseff, Julia K. 2469 Hobbs Drive Manhattan, KS 66502 H: 618-795-0705 E: [email protected] Sacre-Salem, Beatrice J. Laboratories Merck Sharp & Dohme Centre de Recherche Route de Marsat, RIOM Clermont-Ferrand, Cedex 963 963 France W: 33 4 73 67 58 62 H: 33 4 73 38 56 63 F: 33 4 73 38 56 91 E: [email protected] Saik, Judith E. 3575 Fannie Thompson Rd Monroe, GA 30656 H: 770-207-8662 E: [email protected] Sakamoto, Kaori University of Georgia Dept of Pathology College of Veterinary Medicine Athens, GA 30602 W: 706-542-5844 H: 706-614-3699 F: 706-542-5828 E: [email protected] Saladino, Brett H. 402 Meadow Trace Deerfield, WI 53531 W: 919-459-8659 H: 608-239-9264 E: [email protected] Salas, Elisa N. 1930 Timber Ridge Road Lincoln, NE 68522 W: 402-440-9070 H: 402-472-1434 E: [email protected] Sanchez, Melissa D. University of Pennsylvania Room 4005, MJR-VHUP 3850 Spruce St. Philadelphia, PA 19104 W: 215-898-7871 F: 215-898-0719 E: [email protected] 129 Sanc - Saun Sanchez Picado, Sergio A. PO Box 11044-1000 San Jose San Jose Costa Rica W: 306-966-7061 F: 306-966-7439 E: [email protected] Saravanan, Chandrassegar 7 Village Way Apt 1 Natick, MA 01760 W: 617-871-3325 H: 339-293-2465 E: [email protected] Sanderson, Thomas Paul Bristol-Myers Squibb 4601 Highway 62 East PO Box 1500 (P3) Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 W: 812-307-2249 H: 812-476-3309 F: 812-429-8441 E: [email protected] Sargeant, Aaron M. Charles River 640 North Elizabeth Street Spencerville, OH 45887 W: 419-647-8443 H: 937-394-2024 F: 419-647-6560 E: [email protected] Sandusky, George E. Indiana University Medical Center Med Science Bldg, Rm 128 635 Barnhill Dr Indianapolis, IN 46202 W: 317-278-2304 F: 317-278-2018 E: [email protected] Sandy, Jeanine Rhoda 113 Bainbridge St Ormiston, QLD 4160 Australia H: +613458818101 E: [email protected] Sanford, Stephen Ernest 252 Concord Rd London, ON N6G 3H8 Canada W: 519-641-1785 F: 519-641-2334 E: [email protected] Sangster, Cheryl Taronga Zoo Bradleys Head Mosman PO Box 20 Mosman, NSW 2088 Australia E: [email protected] 130 Sartin, Eva A. 500 Twin Creek Road Hoover, AL 35226 W: 334-703-0046 H: 334-703-0046 E: [email protected] Sasseville, Vito G. Novartis Inst. for Biomedical Research 300 Technology Square Cambridge , MA 02139 W: 617-871-3300 E: [email protected] Saturday, Greg A. 502 Chesley Court Bel Air, MD 21015 W: 410-436-2542 H: 410-638-7616 F: 410-436-1132 E: [email protected] Sauer, Robert M. 9200 Pavonia Ct Potomac, MD 20854 W: 301-340-8714 Saunders, Geoffrey K. Virginia Tech College of Veterinary Medicine Blacksburg, VA 24061 W: 540-231-7578 H: 540-951-9146 F: 540-231-6033 E: [email protected] Saun - Schl Saunders, James Robert 20109 36A Ave Langley, BC V3A 2R9 Canada H: 604-532-9408 E: [email protected] Schaffer, Paula A. PO Box 923 Laporte, CO 80535 W: 650-380-1686 H: 970-297-5123 E: [email protected] Saunders, William P. O. Box 3054 Eagle, CO 81631-3054 E: [email protected] Schaudien, Dirk Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine Nikolai-Fuchs-Strasse 1 Hannover, 30625 Germany W: 495115350324 H: 4917662602575 E: [email protected] Sayi, Soraya T. Prairie Diagnostic Services Inc 52 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N5B4 Canada W: 306-966-7225 H: 306-955-2414 E: [email protected] Scanlon, Tiffany Antech 9 Schilling Rd, Ste 211 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 W: 410-527-0326 E: [email protected] Scase, Timothy J. Bridge Pathology The Courtyard 26 Oakfield Road Bristol, Avon BS8 2AT United Kingdom W: 44 117 9466 650 E: [email protected] *Schaefer, Deanna Marie Wurmstein Cornell University Dept of Pop. Med. & Diagnostic Sciences S1-050 Schurman Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 607-253-3255 F: 607-253-3711 E: [email protected] Schafer, Kenneth A. 112 North State Street Greenfield, IN 46140 W: 513-608-3113 H: 317-462-1943 F: 513-469-2474 E: [email protected] Schellhase, Christopher W. USAMRIID 1425 Porter St. Ft. Detrick, MD 21702 W: 301-619-6353 H: 301-515-2805 E: [email protected] Schelling, Scott H. Pfizer Drug Safety Research and Development 1 Burtt Rd Andover, MA 01810 W: 978-247-1503 H: 978-258-3845 F: 845-474-4065 E: [email protected] Schiller, Chris A. 2121 N Union Rd Stillwater, OK 74075 W: 877-809-7188, x405007 H: 405-269-9531 F: 405-707-7556 E: [email protected] Schlafer, Donald H. Cornell University VRT T6020, Bo 18 Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 607-253-3352 F: 607-253-3317 E: [email protected] 131 Schm - Schu +Schmidt, Donald A. 1408 Business Loop 70 W, Apt N210 Columbia, MO 65202-1365 W: 573-443-0967 H: 573-443-0967 E: [email protected] Schmidt, Robert E. Zoo/Exotic Pathology Service 3324 West Morse Dr Anthem, AZ 85086 W: 800 457 7981 H: 623 399 8795 F: 623 399 8795 E: [email protected] *Schmidt, Sarah M. 3406 W. Barcelona St. Tampa, FL 33629 H: 904-524-6475 E: [email protected] Schmidt, Stephen P. 5704 Tudor Drive Madison, WI 53711-5439 W: 860-686-9141 E: [email protected] Schmitz, John A. University of Arizona Arizona Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 2831 N. Freeway Tucson, AZ 85705 W: 520-621-2356 F: 520-626-8695 E: [email protected] Schneider, Sarah M. 702 Swiss Ct. College Station, TX 77840 W: 843-441-7492 E: [email protected] *Schnelle, Amy N. 705 S Grove St Urbana, IL 61801 W: 217-265-4531 H: 217-417-5156 E: [email protected] 132 Schoeb, Trenton R. University of Alabama at Birmingham Dept Genetics, 724 KHGB 720 South 20th St Birmingham, AL 35294 W: 205-934-2288 H: 205-989-7099 F: 205-975-4418 E: [email protected] Schoeniger, Sandra Johanna Institut fuer Veterinaer-Pathologie Universität Leipzig An den Tierkliniken 33 Leipzig, 04103 Germany W: 0049-341-9738278 E: [email protected] Schoning, Polly 2321 Grandview Terr Manhattan, KS 66502 W: 785-539-4175 H: 785-456-2717 E: [email protected] Schuh, JoAnn JCL Schuh, PLLC 1752 Lewis Pl NW Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-3663 W: 206-295-4944 H: 206-842-7067 E: [email protected] Schulman, Frances Yvonne 6 Auras Way Rd Bow, NH 03304-5711 W: 603-223-5095 F: 603-223-5095 E: [email protected] *Schultze, A. Eric 178 Derbyshire Drive Cumberland, IN 46229 W: 317-276-3760 H: 317-894-9382 F: 317-276-6510 E: [email protected] Schumacher, Vanessa Lea Ferdinand-Maria-Strasse 24 Bad Heilbrunn, 83670 Germany E: [email protected] Schu - Seaw Schutt, Leah K. Genentech Inc. 1 DNA Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-467-7712 H: 650-438-2070 E: [email protected] Scott, Danny W. Cornell University CVM, Dept of Clin Sci & Biomed Sci Ithaca, NY 14853-6401 W: 607-253-3060 F: 607-253-3534 E: [email protected] Schutten, Melissa M. Genentech Safety Assessment, MS-59 1 DNA Way South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-467-1002 H: 608-658-5825 E: [email protected] *Scott, Michael A. Michigan State University, CVM Veterinary Medical Center 784 Wilson Rd, G347 East Lansing, MI 48824-1314 W: 517-515-9544 F: 517-432-2598 E: [email protected] Schwahn, Denise J. 5426 South Hill Drive Madison, WI 53705 W: 608-890-3175 H: 608-819-8239 F: 608-265-2698 E: [email protected] Scruggs, Daniel W. 511 Heritage Ct Auburn, AL 36830 W: 662-769-13-2 H: 601-324-5075 E: [email protected] Schwartz, Julie Ann 1118 Cottonwood Ct Davis, CA 95618 W: 530-297-3295 H: 530-753-7258 F: 530-297-3296 E: [email protected] Schwartz, Lester W. PO Box 716 Kimberton, PA 19442 W: 610-469-0237 F: 610-469-3189 E: [email protected] Schwartz Sterman, Annette J. 175 Hubbardston Rd Princeton, MA 01541 W: 508-849-2540 H: 978-464-2056 F: 508-793-4895 E: [email protected] Scott, Dana P. 505 Bourne Lane Victor, MT 59875 H: 830.581.9805 E: [email protected] Scurrell, Emma 7 Lea End, Lea End Lane, Hopwood Birmingham, Worcestershire, UK B48 7AY United Kingdom W: +44-153 163 0063 H: +44-776 666 6849 E: [email protected] Seaman, William J. 7651 Cobblewood Drive Kalamazoo, MI 49009 H: 269-375-4975 E: [email protected] *Searcy, Gene P. Box 4, RR 1 Wakaw, SK S0K 4P0 Canada W: 306-233-5726 H: 306-233-5726 F: 306-966-7439 E: [email protected] Seawright, Alan 78 Carbine Rd Upper Brookfield, QLD 4069 Australia W: 617 3374 2858 F: 617 3274 9003 E: [email protected] 133 Seba - Shan Sebastian, Manu M. 762 Spinnaker Crt Secaucus, NJ 07094 W: 646-202-3875 H: 646-688-4476 F: 773-254-2723 E: [email protected] *Seddon, Dawn 29 Harlock Pl Huntly, Waikato 3700 New Zealand W: 647-8391470 H: 647-828-6469 F: 647-828-6469 E: [email protected] Seebaransingh, Ravi A. IDEXX 2 Burwell Crescent Markham, ON L3P 6T6 Canada W: 905 968 6374 H: 905 868 7935 E: [email protected] *Seelig, Davis University of Minnesota Veterinary Clinical Sciences Room 339, Veterinary Medical Center, 6192A St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 970-404-1699 H: 612-626-0471 E: [email protected] Seely, John Curtis Experimental Path Labs PO Box 12766 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-998-9407 H: 919-313-0630 F: 919-998-9607 E: [email protected] Sellers, Rani S. Albert Einstein College of Medicine Price Center 1301 Morris Park Dr Bronx, NY 10461 W: 718-678-1042 H: 914-819-8443 F: 718-678-1018 E: [email protected] 134 Sells, Donald M. 10520 Center Village Rd Galena, OH 43021 H: 740-965-2576 E: [email protected] Serra, Fabienne Heirangi Bühlstrasse 40 Bern, 3012 Switzerland H: +41767933087 E: [email protected] *Shackleton, Nicola M. Ridge Rd, RD 2 Christchurch, New Zealand W: 64 3 325 5045 H: 64 3 325 5045 F: 64 3 325 5047 E: [email protected] Shadduck, John A. 9612 Crestridge Ct Denton, TX 76207 W: 940-262-0358 H: 940-262-0358 F: 940-262-0358 E: [email protected] Shahriar, Farshid 19 Colonial Irvine, CA 92620 W: 714-258-0330 H: 714-258-0330 E: [email protected] Shaia, Carl I. 4113 Olney-Laytonsville Rd Olney, MD 20832 W: 301-295-6203 H: 301-570-3115 E: [email protected] Shank, Alba Maria IDEXX 3 Centennial Drive Suite One N Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-887-7956 E: [email protected] Shan - Sher Shanmukhappa, Shiva Kumar Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Division of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of Cincinnati 3333 Burnet Ave, MLC 1035 Cincinnati, OH 45229 W: 513-803-4289 H: 513-612-8614 F: 513-636-3924 E: [email protected] *Sharkey, Leslie C. University of Minnesota C339 VMC 1352 Boyd Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 651-402-1261 F: 612-624-0751 E: [email protected] Sharma, Alok K. Covance Laboratories Inc Dept of Pathology, Mail Box #19 3301 Kinsman Blvd Madison, WI 53704 W: 608-242-2712 x2856 H: 608-467-1575 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Sharpnack, Doug Vet Path Services, Inc 6450 Castle Dr Mason, OH 45040 W: 513-469-0777 x224 H: 513-255-0978 F: 513-469-2474 E: [email protected] Shaw, Daniel Porter University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory PO Box 6023 Columbia, MO 65205 W: 573-884-0879 H: 573-682-5693 F: 573-882-1411 E: [email protected] Shearn-Bochsler, Valerie I. USGS National Wildlife Health Center 6006 Schroeder Rd Madison, WI 53711 W: 608-270-2457 H: 608-798-0386 F: 608-270-2415 E: [email protected] Sheffield, W. Douglas 3033 38th Ave W Seattle, WA 98199 W: 425-497- 1700 x234 H: 206-719-2847 E: [email protected] Sheldon, James 1173 Clouds Rest Point Mesquite, NV 89034 W: 602-432-1749 H: 702-613-4052 E: [email protected] *Shelly, Sonjia M. VDx - Veterinary Diagnostics 2019 Anderson, Ste C Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-753-4285 H: 530-756-4244 F: 530-753-4286 E: [email protected] Sheppard, Barbara Jane University of Florida Dept of Infectious Disease and Pathology 2210 SW 86th Ter Gainesville, FL 32607 W: 352-294-4140 F: 352-392-9704 E: [email protected] *Sherry, Kate Axiom Laboratories Manor House Brunel Road Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4PB United Kingdom W: +44 7900990754 E: [email protected] 135 Shiv - Silv Shive, Heather R. 4000 Tunlaw Rd. NW, #725 Washington, DC 20007 W: 301-451-6896 H: 979-492-5585 F: 301-402-5054 E: [email protected] Shkumatov, Artem A. University of Illinois 2001 S. Lincoln Ave. Urbana, IL 61802 W: 773-732-2270 H: 773-732-2270 E: [email protected] Shoieb, Ahmed Mohamed Suez Canal University Department of Pathology College of Veterinary Medicine Ismailia, Egypt W: 20-40-3308343 H: 20-10-2518701 F: 20-6433-27052 E: [email protected] Sidor, Inga Frost NH Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory University of New Hampshire Kendall Hall Durham, NH 03824 W: 603 862-2726 H: 860 617 4528 F: 603-862-0179 E: [email protected] *Siegel, Andrea IDEXX 510 E 62 Street New York, NY 10065 W: 917-742-6390 H: 718-791-9780 E: [email protected] Silkstone, Malcolm A. 89 Queen St Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 2BG United Kingdom W: +44-1626353598 H: +44-1626368285 F: +44-1626335135 E: [email protected] Short, Brian Gordon Allergan, Inc Drug Safety Evaluation, Pathology 2525 Dupont Dr, RD2-2A Irvine, CA 92612 W: 714-246-4394 F: 714-246-5850 E: [email protected] Sills, Robert C. NIEHS 111 TW Alexander Dr Bldg 101, South Campus MD B3-06 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-541-0180 F: 919-541-7666 E: [email protected] Shott, Leonard D. 7172 Secret Garden Loop Roseville, CA 95747 H: 916-789-1878 E: [email protected] Silva-Krott, Ilse U. 2209 Telegraph Hill Dr Rocklin, CA 95765 H: 808 721 3146 E: [email protected] *Sibley, Taryn Ann 8 Great Road East Greenwich, RI 02818 W: 401-886-1610 H: 571-212-7895 E: [email protected] Silverman, Lee R. Agios Pharmaceuticals 38 Sidney Street Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-649-8611 E: [email protected] 136 Simk - Skow Simko, Elemir University of Saskatchewan Dept of Veterinary Pathology 52 Campus Dr Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada W: 306-966-7307 H: 306-477-8287 F: 306-966-7439 E: [email protected] Simmons, Quincey R. 143 Chestnut Ave Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-1826 W: 617-444-7534 H: 617-388-5666 E: [email protected] Simon, Meredith A. 203 Chestnut St Hudson, MA 01749 H: 978-562-9927 F: 978-562-9927 E: [email protected] *Simoni, Robert S. IDEXX Reference Laboratories 3 Centennial Drive, Suite One North Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-887-7923 F: 508-887-7901 E: [email protected] Simpson, R. Mark National Cancer Institute 37 Convent Drive Bldg 37, Rm 2000 Bethesda, MD 20892 W: 301-435-7176 H: 301-435-6276 F: 301-480-1138 E: [email protected] Simutis, Frank J. 1200 Tanglewood Dr Mount Vernon, IN 47620 W: 812-307-2107 H: 812-643-0197 F: 812-307-2432 E: [email protected] Singer, Allen Battelle Columbus 505 King Ave Columbus, OH 43201 W: 614-424-7444 H: 614-570-5299 F: 614-458-7444 E: [email protected] Singh, Bhanu Pratap Janssen Research & Development Drug Safety Sciences 1400 McKean Rd, Bldg 41-1102D Spring House, PA 19477 W: 215-628-5344 H: 919-749-7080 E: [email protected] Singh, Kuldeep 2203 Grange Circle 2001 Urbana, IL 61801 W: 217-244-0133 H: 217-766-3148 F: 217-244-2439 E: [email protected] *Sirivelu, Madhu University of Pennsylvania 3850 Spruce Street Room 4043 Philadelphia, PA 19104 W: 517-230-2659 E: [email protected] Skirpstunas, Ramona T. Phoenix Central Laboratory 4338 Harbour Pointe Blvd. SW Mukilteo, WA 98275 W: 425-355-5252 H: 435-890-0634 F: 435-322-0651 E: [email protected] Skowronek, Anthony J. Battelle Columbus 505 King Ave, 7037E Columbus, OH 43201 W: 614-424-7259 H: 740-663-4126 F: 614-424-7441 E: [email protected] 137 Skub - Smit *Skuba, Elizabeth V. Novartis Pharmaceuticals One Health Plaza East Hanover, NJ 07936 W: 862-778-3203 F: 973-781-8738 E: [email protected] Slauson, David O. 5516 E Birkenhead Ln Colbert, WA 99005-9243 W: 509-238-3163 H: 509-238-3163 E: [email protected] Slayter, Michael V. 1644 Marina Lake Drive Kissimmee, FL 34744-6460 W: 508-887-7926 H: 407-201-7679 F: 508-887-7901 E: [email protected] Sledge, Dodd G. 4352 Dell Road, Apt M Lansing, MI 48911 W: 517-353-9012 E: [email protected] Sleight, Stuart D. 6250 Skyline Dr East Lansing, MI 48823 H: 517-332-4922 E: [email protected] Slone, Theodore W. 1423 E Crooked Lake Dr Kalamazoo, MI 49009 W: 269-668-3336 x1212 H: 269-353-4780 F: 269-353-4780 E: [email protected] Smedley, Rebecca Candace Michigan State University DCPAH, Rm #152E 4125 Beaumont Rd Lansing, MI 48910 W: 517-432-5803 H: 517-882-0376 F: 517-355-2152 E: [email protected] 138 Smith, Brian W. 13609 Warrior Brook Terrace Germantown, MD 20874 W: 979-220-1076 H: 301-540-4869 E: [email protected] Smith, C. D. PO Box 220164 St. Louis, MO 63122 W: 573-727-4411 H: 301-662-1519 E: [email protected] *Smith, Graham S. CanBioPharma Consulting Inc 190 Harris St Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 Canada W: 519-856-0075 E: [email protected] Smith, Jodi D. Iowa State University Department of Veterinary Pathology 2714 Veterinary Medicine Ames, IA 50011 W: 515-294-9013 H: 515-450-3447 F: 515-294-5423 E: [email protected] Smith, Mark A. 19032 Steeple Place Germantown, MD 20874 W: 301-319-9018 H: 301-244-8485 E: [email protected] Smith, Sionagh Helen The University of Edinburgh Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Roslin Institute Easter Bush, Roslin Edinburgh, Midlothian EH25 9RG United Kingdom W: +44 0131 650 8787 F: +44 0131 650 6599 E: [email protected] Smit - Somm Smith, Steven G. Idexx Veterinary Services, Inc. 2825 KOVR Dr West Sacramento, CA 95605 W: 916-267-2489 E: [email protected] Smits, Bronwyn 17 Longwood Pl Harrowfield Hamilton, 3210 New Zealand E: [email protected] Snekvik, Kevin R. Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory PO Box 647034 Pullman, WA 99164-7034 W: 509-335-6331 H: 509-878-2025 F: 509-335-7424 E: [email protected] Snider, III, T. G. (Ron) PO Box 71055 Albany, GA 31708-1055 W: 229-854-7698 H: 229-432-1454 E: [email protected] Snook, Eric R. Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory 4600 Kensington Rd. Bryan, TX 77802 W: 979-458-6193 H: 225-773-3249 E: [email protected] Snook, Sandra S. Janssen R&D A Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson &Johnson 3210 Merryfield Row San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-450-2304 F: 858-450-2026 E: [email protected] *Snyder, Laura Ann 2342 N 91st St. Wauwatosa, WI 53226 W: 715-383-3224 E: [email protected] Snyder, Paul William Purdue University College of Vet Med Comparative Pathology Dept 725 Harrison St West Lafayette, IN 47907 W: 765-494-9676 H: 765-463-0352 F: 765-494-9830 E: [email protected] Snyder, Stanley 6048 Hwy 20 NW Albany, OR 97321 H: 541-928-1544 Snyman, Heindrich N. Animal Health Centre - British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture 1767 Angus Campbell Road Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3 Canada W: 1-604-556-3037 H: 1-519-994-8790 E: [email protected] Sokoloff, Leon SUNY at Stony Brook Dept of Pathology 25 View Rd Setauket, NY 11733 W: 631-444-3000 H: 631-751-8117 F: 516-444-3424 E: [email protected] *Solter, Philip F. 508 W Vermont Ave Urbana, IL 61801 W: 217-244-6106 H: 217-367-6921 F: 217-244-7421 E: [email protected] Sommer, Mary M. Pfizer Inc Eastern Point Rd MS8274-1221 Groton, CT 06340 W: 860-441-6466 F: 860-441-5499 E: [email protected] 139 Sord - Spri Sorden, Steven D. 5130 Minocqua Crescent Madison, WI 53705-1320 W: 608-242-2712 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Southard, Teresa Cornell University Department of Biomedical Sciences Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 607-253-3309 F: 607-253-3357 E: [email protected] *Souza, Cleverson D. 1035 Crestview Pullman, WA 99163 W: 509-335-0726 E: [email protected] Spagnoli, Sean T. 140 SE Viewmont Avenue Apartment D Corvallis, OR 97333 W: 845-820-0679 H: 845-820-0679 E: [email protected] *Spangler, Elizabeth 1035 Pleasant Ave Auburn, AL 36832 W: 334-844-2691 H: 334-826-3263 F: 334-844-2652 E: [email protected] Spangler, Taylor 1424 Banyan Place Davis, CA 95618 W: 877-753-4285 H: 530-758-8455 F: 530-753-4055 E: [email protected] Spangler, William L. 40 Parkside Dr. Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-297-0470 H: 530-753-1392 F: 530-297-0470 E: [email protected] 140 Speltz, Maureen C. 1713 Rush Point Drive Stanchfield, MN 55080 W: 651-247-7386 E: [email protected] Spencer, G. R. 811 SE Klemgard Ave, #159 Pullman, WA 99163 H: 509-332-6474 Spinato, Maria T. University of Guelph Animal Health Lab PO Box 3612 Guelph, ON N1H 6R8 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x56895 F: 519-821-8072 E: [email protected] Spitsbergen, Jan Marie Oregon State University Department of Microbiology 220 Nash Hall Corvallis, OR 97330 W: 541-737-5055 H: 541-924-0760 F: 541-737-2166 E: [email protected] Spraker, Terry Colorado State University Diagnostic Lab 300 West Drake Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 W: 970-297-4155 H: 970-419-0669 F: 970-297-0320 E: [email protected] *Springer, Nora L Cornell University 526 Campus Rd Weill Hall Room 153 Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 646-489-8498 F: 607-253-3711 E: [email protected] St-Pi - Sted St-Pierre, Isabelle 480, Route 138 St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC G3A 1W7 Canada W: 418-643-6140 x2626 H: 418-878-7176 E: [email protected] +St. Leger, Judith A. Sea World California 500 Sea World Dr San Diego, CA 92109 W: 619-225-4259 H: 619-563-6708 F: 619-226-3951 E: [email protected] Stabinski, Lea G. 130 Mustang Way Norristown, PA 19403 H: 610-279-4601 E: [email protected] Stacy, Brian Adams NOAA Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources University of Florida PO Box 110885 Gainesville, FL 32611 W: 352-294-4098 E: [email protected] *Stacy, Nicole I. University of Florida 2015 SW 16th Ave Gainesville, FL 32610 W: 352-870-5108 H: 352-294-4093 E: [email protected] Stalis, Ilse H. Wildlife Disease Laboratories San Diego Zoo Global PO Box 120551 San Diego, CA 92112-0551 W: 619-231-1515 x4487 F: 619-744-3357 E: [email protected] Stalker, Margaret J. University of Guelph Animal Health Laboratory PO Box 3612 Guelph, ON N1H 6R8 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54545 F: 519-824-5930 E: [email protected] *Stanton, Christine Ann 1695 Bluebell Drive Brighton, CO 80601 W: 800-872-1001 H: 919-523-4913 E: [email protected] Stanton, James B. University of Georgia 501 D. W. Brooks Dr Athens, GA 30602-7388 W: 706-542-2853 F: 706-542-5828 E: [email protected] Starost, Matthew F. National Institutes of Health 9000 Rockville Pike, NIH Bldg 28A, Rm 115 Bethesda, MD 20892 W: 301-443-7251 H: 301-208-8843 F: 301-402-1068 E: [email protected] Staska, Lauren M. Integrated Laboratory Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 13501 Morrisville, NC 27560 W: 919 281 1110 E: [email protected] Stebbins, Kenneth Edward Dow Chemical Company 1803 Bldg Midland, MI 48674 W: 989-636-0828 F: 989-638-9863 E: [email protected] Stedham, Michael A. 284 Yates Rd Chehalis, WA 98532 W: 360-748-6189 H: 360-748-6189 141 Sted - Stev Stedman, Nancy L. 6108 Chalon Ct Lutz, FL 33558 W: 813-987-5266 H: 978-430-9510 F: 813-987-5548 E: [email protected] Steele, Keith E. 24717 Kings Valley Rd Damascus, MD 20872 W: 301-398-2050 H: 410-491-2295 E: [email protected] *Steeves, Elizabeth B. IDEXX Laboratories Grange House Sandbeck Way Wetherby, W. Yorkshire LS22 4ET United Kingdom H: +44-7981152440 E: [email protected] Stefanski, Steven A. Novartis Insitutes for Biomedical Research Novartis Pharmaceutical Corp., Preclinical Safety One Health Plaza East Hanover, NJ 07936-1080 W: 862-778-5266 H: 973-857-7205 F: 973-781-8738 E: [email protected] Steffen, David J. 7221 Woody Creek Lincoln, NE 68516 W: 402-472-1434 H: 402-421-8290 F: 402-472-3094 E: [email protected] Stegelmeier, Bryan L. USDA/ARS Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory 1150 East 1400 North Logan, UT 84341 W: 435-752-2941 H: 208-747-3094 F: 435-753-5681 E: [email protected] 142 Steinbach, Thomas J. EPL PO Box 169 Sterling, VA 20167 W: 703-471-7060 H: 703-568-0840 F: 703-471-8447 E: [email protected] Steinberg, Howard University of Wisconsin - Madison Dept of Pathobiological Science, SVM 2015 Linden Dr W Madison, WI 53706 W: 608-265-2473 H: 608-273-1315 F: 866-441-2154 E: [email protected] *Steinberg, Jennifer Danielle IDEXX Laboratories 806 Cromwell Park Dr Suite Y Glen Burnie, MD 21061 W: 410-424-3545 F: 410-590-0231 E: [email protected] Stephens, L. Clifton 2601 La Teche Lane Seabrook, TX 77586 H: 281-326-4466 E: [email protected] Stern, Adam W. Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory 2001 S. Lincoln Avenue Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Urbana, IL 61802 W: 217-333-1620 H: 217-369-2820 E: [email protected] Stevens, David R. 6025 Highland Hills Ct Fort Collins, CO 80528 W: 970-443-7676 E: [email protected] Stev - Stoo Stevens, Edward L. Public Health Command District Southern Europe CMR 427 Box 2475 APO AE, 09630 W: 00-39-0444-716679 H: 00-39-0444-985353 E: [email protected] *Stevenson, Connie Kathleen Phoenix Central Laboratories 4338 Harbour Pointe Blvd. SW Mukilteo, WA 98275-0043 W: 800-347-0043 H: 425-322-5734 F: 425-355-3637 E: [email protected] Stevenson, Daniel A. Box 1335 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Canada H: 613-258-3966 E: [email protected] Stevenson, Gregory W. Iowa State University VDL 1600 S. 16th St. Ames, IA 50011 W: 515-294-1124 H: 515-450-5054 F: 515-294-6561 E: [email protected] +Stewart, Jennifer E. 36 Pippin Grove Royston, Herts SG8 5HP United Kingdom H: +44 777 457 8103 E: [email protected] *Stickle, Julia E. Michigan State University Dept of Pathology G348 Veterinary Medicine Complex East Lansing, MI 48824 W: 517-355-1797 H: 517-507-7705 F: 517-432-2598 E: [email protected] Stiver, Shane Lee 1945 Locust St Napa, CA 94559 W: 800-444-4210 x72586 H: 707-226-6121 F: 916-267-2413 E: [email protected] *Stock, Graham J. IDEXX Laboratories Vet Med Labor GmbH Mörikestr. 28/3 Ludwigsburg, 71636 Germany E: [email protected] *Stockham, Steven L. 4766 Grantham Dr St. George, KS 66535 W: 785-532-4453 H: 785-494-2503 F: 785-532-4039 E: [email protected] Stoffregen, Deidre E. 14811 Huebner Rd. Apt# 10110 San Antonio , TX 78231 H: 937-414-1023 E: [email protected] Stoffregen, William C. 2390 Legion Ln Lake Elmo, MN 55042 W: 763-694-3141 H: 651-770-8890 F: 763-694-5505 E: [email protected] *Stokol, Tracy Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine Dept of Population Med and Diagnostic Sciences, Clinical Pathology S1-058 Schurman Hall, Upper Tower Rd Ithaca, NY 14853 W: 607-253-3255 F: 607-253-3711 E: [email protected] Stookey, James L. PO Box 98 20707 Mouth of Monocacy Rd Dickerson, MD 20842 H: 301-874-2910 143 Stor - Sund Storts, Ralph W. Texas A&M University Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology 4467 TAMU, VMS Bldg Rm 119 College Station, TX 77843 W: 979-845-5075 H: 979-696-7453 F: 979-862-1147 E: [email protected] *Stowe, Devorah A. Marks 19 Stratton Ct. Robbinsville, NJ 08691 E: [email protected] Stromberg, Paul C. The Ohio State University Dept of Vet Biosciences 1925 Coffey Rd Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-975-9651 H: 614-882-0949 F: 614-292-6473 E: [email protected] Stuart, Barry P. 27187 Pine Bluff Lane Golden, MO 65658 W: 913-406-5208 H: 913-837-5259 E: [email protected] Suepaul, Rod The University of the West Indies Building 47 WEMSC Champs Fleurs, Trinidad and Tobago W: 868-498-9259 H: 868-668-3489 E: [email protected] Sugimoto, Yoko Kashida Boehringer Ingelheim 6-7-5, Minatojima-Minamimachi, Chuo-ku Kobe, Hyogo 650-0047 Japan W: +81-78-306-4552 F: +81-78-306-1437 E: [email protected] 144 Sula, Mee-Ja M. Oklahoma State University - CVHS 250 McElroy Hall Stillwater, OK 74078 W: 405-744-6769 H: 405-334-2481 E: [email protected] Sullivan, John Morris Eli Lilly & Co 639 S. Delaware St. Drop Code 0424 Indianapolis, IN 46225 W: 317-433-1765 H: 317-462-7512 F: 317-277-4954 E: [email protected] Sullivan, Neill D. IDEXX Laboratories PO Box 1119 Coorparoo Brisbane, QLD 4151 Australia W: 61-7-34566000 H: 61-7-33780775 F: 61-7-34566001 E: [email protected] Sullivan, Ruth University of Wisconsin-Madison 374 Enzyme Institute 1710 University Ave Madison, WI 53726 W: 608-262-8740 F: 608-265-2698 E: [email protected] Summers, Brian A. 1/14 Alma Street Malvern East, Victoria 3145 Australia W: +61 395 682 759 E: [email protected] Sundberg, John P. The Jackson Laboratory Box 98 600 Main St Bar Harbor, ME 04609 W: 207-288-6410 H: 207-244-9601 F: 207-288-6073 E: [email protected] Sura - Szla Sura, Radhakrishna The Dow Chemical Company 1803 Bldg, TERC, Washington Street Toxicology & Environmental Research & Consulting Midland, MI 48674 W: 989-636-6696 H: 860-617-4414 F: 989-638-9863 E: [email protected] Susta, Leonardo ARS-USDA, SAA SEPRL 934 College Station Road Athens, GA 30605 W: 706-206-4623 F: 706-546-3161 E: [email protected] Suter, Maja M. University of Bern Institute of Animal Pathology Laenggassstrasse 122 Berne, 3012 Switzerland W: +41-316312395 H: +41-319512969 F: +41-316312635 E: [email protected] Suttie, Andrew W. Covance Laboratories Inc 14500 Avion Parkway Suite 125 Chantilly, VA 20151-1130 W: 703-378-2164 x2312 E: [email protected] Swayne, David E. USDA-ARS SE Poultry Research Lab 934 College Station Rd Athens, GA 30605 W: 706-546-3433 H: 706-769-5138 F: 706-546-3161 E: [email protected] Swenberg, James A. University of North Carolina Environmental Sciences & Engineering Campus Box 7431 253C Rosenau Hall Chapel Hill, NC 27599 W: 919-966-6139 H: 919-542-6447 F: 919-966-6123 E: [email protected] *Swenson, Cheryl L. Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center CVM 784 Wilson Rd Rm G346 East Lansing, MI 48824 W: 517-281-1750 H: 517-347-5034 F: 517-432-2598 E: [email protected] Sykes, Greg P. 105 Phillips Mill Rd West Grove, PA 19390 W: 484-678-4433 H: 610-869-8469 E: [email protected] Szabo, James Robert Szabo Pathology Services 1200 Macon Road Perry, GA 31069 W: 440-357-3752 H: 440-477-9832 E: [email protected] Szabo, Kathleen Charles River Laboratories 4025 Stirrup Creek Dr. Suite 150 Durham, NC 27703 W: 919-206-7022 F: 919-206-7001 E: [email protected] *Szladovits, Balazs The Royal Veterinary College Dept of Pathology & Infectious Diseases Hawkshead Ln North Mymms, Hertfordshire AL9 7TA United Kingdom W: +44-1707666364 H: +44-7962429244 F: +44-1707661464 E: [email protected] 145 Taka - Tata Takacs, Norbert NMDA/Veterinary Diagnostic Services 1101 Camino de Salud NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 W: 505-383-9299 F: 505-383-9294 E: [email protected] Tappe, James P. Antech Diagnostics 23540 680th Ave Colo, IA 50056 W: 641-377-3502 F: 641-377-3503 E: [email protected] *Tan, Emmeline O. IDEXX Laboratories Inc. Mississauga Oakville Veterinary Emergency Hospital 2285 Bristol Circle Oakville, ON L6H 6P8 Canada W: 905-829-9444 H: 519-731-1221 F: 905-829-9646 E: [email protected] Tarara, Ross Peter UC Davis - CNPRC 1 Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-7241 H: 530-668-0839 F: 530-752-2880 E: [email protected] Tan, Rommel Max T. Delaware Valley College Dept. of Animal Biotechnology & Conservation 700 E. Butler Ave, 131A Mandell Hall Doylestown, PA 18901 W: 408-202-3494 E: [email protected] +Tanabe, Mika 3-11-1 Chuo Nakama, Fukuoka 809-0030 Japan E: [email protected] Tang, Kai-Ning Antech Diagnostics 17672-B Cowan Ave Irvine, CA 92614 W: 949-752-5612 x2424 F: 949-930-3684 E: [email protected] Tannehill-Gregg, Sarah H. Amgen One Amgen Center Drive MS 29-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 W: 805-313-5357 H: 614-404-1666 F: 805-480-9692 E: [email protected] 146 *Tarigo, Jaime 823 Spartacus Court Cary, NC 27518 W: 919-793-5082 F: 919-513-6464 E: [email protected] *Tarpley, Heather Leigh 717 Pea Ridge Road Cornelia, GA 30531-4880 W: 706-864-1005 E: [email protected] *Tarrant, Jacqueline Genentech Safety Assessment 1 DNA Way, Drop Code 59 South San Francisco, CA 94080 W: 650-467-7420 F: 650-225-2797 E: [email protected] *Tasker, John B. 101 Briny Ave #2305 Pompano Beach, FL 33062 H: 954-547-9516 E: [email protected] Tatalick, Lauren M. 21235 NE 50th St Redmond, WA 98053 W: 425-527-2736 H: 425-868-6065 E: [email protected] Tayl - Thak Taylor, David P. 3 English Ave Castle Hill, NSW 2154 Australia H: +61 298946042 E: [email protected] Taylor, Dee O. 2215 Spyglass Ln El Cerrito, CA 94530 W: 510-237-8627 H: 510-237-8627 E: [email protected] Taylor, H. W. 104 Alcan Way Dothan, AL 36301 H: 334-699-8780 E: [email protected] Taylor, Theresa G. 243 North St Medfield, MA 02052 W: 508-359-7621 H: 508-359-7621 F: 508-359-2723 E: [email protected] Teifke, Jens Peter Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut Federal Research Inst for Animal Health Sudufer 10 Greifswald-Insel Riems, MVP D-17493 Germany W: +49-3835171230 H: +49-3835181188 F: +49-3835181188 E: [email protected] Teixeira, Leandro University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Vet Med, Dept. of PBS 2015 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 W: 608-209-7885 H: 608-263-4958 F: 608-262-9150 E: [email protected] Tellier, Pierre A. Charles River Laboratories 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8228 F: 514-630-8230 E: [email protected] Terio, Karen A. University of Illinois LUMC, Bldg. 101, Rm 0745 2160 S First St. Maywood, IL 60153 W: 708-216-1185 F: 708-216-5934 E: [email protected] Terrell, Scott P. Disney’s Animal Kingdom Veterinary Services 1200 N Savannah Circle Bay Lake, FL 32830 W: 321-229-9363 H: 407-238-0693 F: 407-938-1909 E: [email protected] Terrell, Timothy G. 348 Shinob Kai Way Ivins, UT 84738 H: 435-817-0144 E: [email protected] Thacker, H. Leon 5656 Roseberry Ridge Lafayette, IN 47905 W: 765-414-1639 H: 765-447-6647 F: 765-494-9181 E: [email protected] Thake, Daryl C. MW ToxPath Sciences LLC 17718 Littleleaf Ct. Chesterfield, MO 63005 W: 636-812-2393 H: 636-537-2886 E: [email protected] 147 Thib - Thom Thibault, Stephane Pfizer inc. 10646 Science Center Drive San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-622-6086 H: 518-593-6420 F: 858-678-8290 E: [email protected] *Thomas, Jennifer S. Michigan State University PDI / DCPAH G350 VMC East Lansing, MI 48824 W: 517-353-1633 F: 517-432-2598 E: [email protected] Thibodeau, Michael Scott Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 900 Ridgebury Road PO Box 368 Ridgefield, CT 06877 W: 203-791-6124 H: 860-210-7997 E: michael.thibodeau@boehringer-ingelheim. com Thomas, Nancy J. 440 State Road 78 Mount Horeb, WI 53572 H: 608-523-3607 E: [email protected] *Thiessen, Amy E. 1767 Banbury Ln Hernando, MS 38632 W: 888-397-8378 H: 662-298-3480 E: [email protected] *Thilakaratne, Dilini School of Vet. & Bio Med Sciences James Cook University Townsville, QLD 4811 Australia W: +61-747813154 E: [email protected] Thilsted, John P. 124 Loblolly Ln Bastrop, TX 78602-9516 W: 614-746-6826 H: 512-321-4052 E: [email protected] Thomas, Heath C. GlaxoSmithKline 709 Swedeland Rd PO Box 1539, Mailcode UE0360 King of Prussia, PA 19406 W: 610-270-6492 F: 610-270-7504 E: [email protected] 148 Thomassen, Robert W. 11924 N Labyrinth Dr Oro Valley, AZ 85737 W: 520-797-4733 H: 520-797-4733 F: 520-797-4733 E: [email protected] *Thompson, Craig A. Purdue University Dept of Comparative Pathology, SVM VPTH, 725 Harrison St West Lafayette, IN 47907 W: 765-494-9916 F: 765-494-9830 E: [email protected] Thompson, Jennifer J. 75 Cassandra Blvd. Don Mills, ON M3A 1S7 Canada W: 647-528-2672 H: 416-445-7380 E: [email protected] Thompson, Keith G. Massey University Pathobiology Section Inst of Vet, Animal, & Biomed Sciences PO Box 11222 Palmerston North, 4442 New Zealand W: +64-63569099 H: +64-63231173 F: +64-63505636 E: [email protected] Thom - Toka Thompson, Roger B. 103 Sagebrush Rd Ashville, AL 35953 W: 205-472-0803 H: 205-472-0803 F: 205-472-0803 E: [email protected] Tierney, Lauren Adrian Amgen 1 Amgen Center Drive MS 29-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 W: 805-447-9607 E: [email protected] Thompson, Samuel W. Charles Louis Davis, DVM Foundation 6241 Formoor Ln Gurnee, IL 60031 W: 847-367-4359 H: 847-247-1969 F: 847-247-1869 E: [email protected] Tillman, Heather W.S. 118 Fiona Way Knoxville, MD 21758 W: 301-443-2596 H: 706-338-9986 E: [email protected] Thomsen, Bruce V. National Veterinary Services Lab Pathobiology Laboratory 1920 Dayton Ave Ames, IA 50010 W: 515-337-7908 F: 515-337-7527 E: [email protected] *Thorn, Catherine E. 537 Battleview Dr Smyrna, GA 30082 W: 404-961-3110 H: 770-431-0576 F: 404-367-8283 E: [email protected] *Thrall, Mary Anna Ross University SVM Box 334 Basseterre, St. Kitts West Indies W: 732-898-0188 E: [email protected] Thurman, J. Dale Global Pathology Services 140 Indian Hannah Road West Chester, PA 19382 W: 302-312-8914 H: 610-793-1061 E: [email protected] Tippett, Fredrick E. Tuskegee University School of Veterinary Medicine Dept of Pathobiology Tuskegee Institute, AL 36088 W: 334-727-8511 H: 334-244-8634 F: 334-724-4110 E: [email protected] *Tobey, Jean C. 965 Todd Rd Kamloops, BC V2C 5A9 Canada W: 250-374-5649 F: 250-374-1235 E: [email protected] *Tobias, Elaine J. 7351 Abercrombie Lane Memphis, TN 38119 H: 901-857-4000 E: [email protected] Toft, II, John D. 4076 Longhill Road Upper Arlington, OH 43220-4847 H: 614-459-9166 E: [email protected] Tokarz, Debra 1500D Mary Frances Place Raleigh, NC 27606 W: 919-513-7828 H: 734-730-8802 E: [email protected] 149 Toml - Tren *Tomlinson, Julie K. 2226 Donald St. Ames, IA 50014 W: 901-461-7928 E: [email protected] +Tomlinson, Lindsay Pfizer Inc 200 Cambridge Park Dr Cambridge, MA 02140 W: 617-665-5734 H: 732-356-5637 E: [email protected] Tomlinson, Michael J. Nova Pathology, PC 1015 Railroad Ave. Suite 103 Bellingham, WA 98225-5093 W: 360-306-8907 H: 360-393-3803 F: 360-306-8923 E: [email protected] Toplon, David Edward 6440 Brownlee Dr. Nashville, TN 37205 W: 615-418-3069 H: 615-356-9682 E: [email protected] Topper, Michael J. Merck & Co., Inc. WP81-311 PO Box 4 West Point, PA 19486 W: 215-652-0803 H: 215-513-0206 F: 215-993-7648 E: [email protected] *Tornquist, Susan J. Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine 200 Magruder Hall Corvallis, OR 97331 W: 541-737-6943 H: 541-754-7789 F: 541-737-4245 E: [email protected] 150 *Torrance, Andrew G. TDDS Ltd Unit G The Innovation Centre University of Exeter, Rennes Drive Exeter, Devon EX4 4RN United Kingdom W: +44 1392247914 H: +44 1626891952 F: +44 1392262354 E: [email protected] Trainor, Karen E. Texas A&M University 4467 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4467 W: 607-351-2752 F: 979-845-9231 E: [email protected] Traslavina, Ryan P. 2611 Klingle Road NW Washington, DC 20008 W: 516-967-1713 H: 530-752-1368 E: [email protected] *Travlos, Gregory S. NIEHS 111 Alexander Dr PO Box 12233 MD B3-06 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 W: 919-541-0653 H: 919-932-1831 F: 919-541-7666 E: [email protected] Tremblay, Claudine Charles River Laboratories PCS-MH Preclinical Services Montreal, Inc 22022 Transcanadienne Senneville, QC H9X 3R3 Canada W: 514-630-8200 x8647 F: 541-630-8230 E: [email protected] Trenka-Benthin, Susan 24 Poor Farm Rd Pennington, NJ 08534 W: 609-737-3867 E: [email protected] Treu - Tune Treuting, Piper M. University of Washington Box 357190 Seattle, WA 98195-7190 W: 206-616-6725 H: 425-766-0730 F: 206-685-6725 E: [email protected] *Tripathi, Niraj Kumar Covance 3301 Kinsman Blvd Madison, WI 53704 W: 608-242-2712 x2562 F: 608-242-2607 E: [email protected] Troan, Brigid V. 707 Evanvale Court Cary, NC 27518 W: 919-522-1933 H: 919 522 1933 E: [email protected] Troth, Sean Patrick Merck Research Laboratories Safety Assessment, WP81-404 West Point, PA 19486 W: 215-652-6834 F: 215-993-7748 E: [email protected] Troutman, J Mitchell American Preclinical Services 8945 Evergreen Blvd Minneapolis, MN 55433 W: 763-951-8090 H: 919-357-3514 F: 763-951-8091 E: [email protected] Trueblood, Esther S. Amgen, Inc 1201 Amgen Court West Seattle, WA 98119 W: 206-265-7451 H: 425-488-2216 E: [email protected] Trupkiewicz, John G. Philadelphia Zoo 3400 W. Girard Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19104 W: 215-243-5324 F: 215-243-0219 E: [email protected] Trybus, James A. 3905 Eaton Dr Amarillo, TX 79109 W: 806-353-7478 E: [email protected] Tryphonas, Leander Consultants in Pathology & Toxicology 31 Welkin Crescent Ottawa, ON K2E 5M4 Canada W: 613-727-0644 H: 613-225-0855 F: 613-225-0855 E: [email protected] Tsuchiya, Takayuki Merck Research Laboratories - Pathology WP45-227 770 Sumneytown Pike PO Box 4 West Point, PA 19486-0004 W: 215-993-5685 F: 215-652-3888 E: [email protected] Tucker, Alison 5929 Fordland Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 W: 919-733-3986 H: 919-851-3279 F: 919-733-0454 E: [email protected] Tunev, Stefan S. 1934 San Marcos Dr Santa Rosa, CA 95403 W: 707-566-1642 H: 707-578-8901 F: 707-566-1408 E: [email protected] 151 Tuom - Uhl Tuomari, Darrell Lee Merck 556 Morris Ave Mailstop S12-2508 Summit, NJ 07901 W: 908-473-5598 H: 215-295-4614 F: 908-473-4520 E: [email protected] Turk, James R. Amgen One Amgen Center Drive MS 15-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 H: 573-239-2950 E: [email protected] Turner, Oliver C. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation One Health Plaza Pathology: 137-243 East Hanover, NJ 07936 W: 862-778-7897 H: 201-919-4435 F: 973-781-8738 E: [email protected] Turnier, John C. Deerfield Pathology LLC 47 Deerfield Trace Burlington, CT 06013 W: 860-673-2637 H: 860-673-2637 E: [email protected] Turnquist, Susan E. 94 Holland Rd Tifton, GA 31794 W: 229-386-3020 H: 860-319-1108 E: [email protected] +Tvedten, Harold W. Tjalinge 29 Vange, SE 740 20 Sweden H: 46-18-370675 E: [email protected] 152 Twenhafel, Nancy A. 670 Bucher John Rd Union Bridge, MD 21791 W: 301-619-6733 F: 301-619-4627 E: [email protected] Twitchell, Erica 38 Cedar Pond Dr Apt 11 Warwick, RI 02886 W: 860-966-2934 E: [email protected] *Twomey, Leanne Vetpath Laboratory Services PO Box 18 Belmont, WA 6984 Australia W: +61 8 9259 3600 F: +61 8 9259 3627 E: [email protected] Tyagi, Gaurav Regeneron Pharmaceuticals 777, Old Saw Mill River Road Tarrrytown, NY 07110 W: 914-847-5704 H: 973-943-6026 E: [email protected] Tyler, David 406 Garnet Court Fort Mill, SC 29708-7892 W: 706-542-5837 H: 706-543-6721 F: 706-542-5828 +Tyler, Ronald D. 728 Caro Cr Harlingen, TX 78552 W: 405 227 9922 H: 405 227 9922 E: [email protected] Uhl, Elizabeth W. University of Georgia Dept. of Pathology 501 DW Brooks Drive Athens, GA 30605 W: 706-583-0475 E: [email protected] Ulla - Van D Ulland, Borge M. 36360 Stony Point Road Purcellville, VA 20132 H: 540-668-6331 E: [email protected] *Urbasic, Ashlee S. Antech Diagnostics 2601 W. 22nd Street Oak Brook, IL 60523 W: 1-800-745-4725 x2902 H: 1-630-234-3632 E: [email protected] *Urbiztondo, Rebeccah A. 921 Roanoke Road Cleveland Heights, OH 44121 W: 515-451-6570 H: 787-632-3762 E: [email protected] Usborne, Amy L. 8551 E. State Road 234 Wilkinson, IN 46186 W: 317-277-6574 H: 269-377-4971 E: [email protected] Uzal, Francisco A. University of California, Davis 105 W Central Ave San Bernardino, CA 92408 W: 909-383-4287 H: 909-337-8765 E: [email protected] Vaatstra, Bernard L. 208 Onepuhi Rd Marton, 4787 New Zealand W: +64 6 356 7100 H: +64 6 327 4103 E: [email protected] Vahle, John L. Lilly Research Laboratories Lilly Corporate Center Indianapolis, IN 46285 W: 317-277-9649 F: 317-277-4954 E: [email protected] Valdez, Reginald A. Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research Developmental & Molecular Pathways 300 Technology Square 611-7110 Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-871-3738 E: [email protected] *Valenciano, Amy C. 7409 Palomino Cir Flower Mound, TX 75022-6085 W: 800-444-4210 x76722 H: 817-490-9065 E: [email protected] Valentine, Beth A. Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine 105 Magruder Hall Corvallis, OR 97331 W: 541-737-5061 H: 541-367-2568 F: 541-737-6817 E: [email protected] Valerio, Marion G. 3575 Heritage Rd Woodlawn, VA 24381 W: 610-331-6495 H: 276-730-0472 E: [email protected] +Valli, Victor E. 5622 Cowell Blvd Davis, CA 95618-7212 W: 530-757-2053 F: 530-753-4055 E: [email protected] Van Alstine, William G. Purdue University Comparative Pathobiology 725 Harrison St West Lafayette, IN 47907-2027 W: 765-494-7472 F: 765-494-9830 E: [email protected] Van Dreumel, Tony A. 19 Yewholme Dr Guelph, ON N1G 2N5 Canada W: 519-821-3337 H: 519-821-3337 E: [email protected] 153 Van G - Varn Van Gessel, Yvonne A. 10 Woodland Road Andover, MA 01810 W: 978-837-4977 H: 978-775-5513 E: [email protected] Van Kruiningen, Herbert J. University of Connecticut Dept of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science 61 N Eagleville Rd Storrs, CT 06268 W: 860-486-0837 H: 860-742-7517 F: 860-486-2794 E: [email protected] Van Pelt, Carolyn S. 4 Dolbow Rd Salem, NJ 08079 H: 856-279-2796 E: [email protected] Van Tongeren, Susan E. Boehringer Ingelheim 900 Ridgebury Road Ridgefield, CT 06877 W: 203-798-5778 H: 914-455-2908 F: 203-798-5797 E: susan.vantongeren@boehringer-ingelheim. com Van Wettere, Arnaud J. Utah State University School of Veterinary Medicine 950 East 1400 North Logan, UT 84341 W: 435-797-7066 F: 435-797-2805 E: [email protected] Van Winkle, Thomas J. University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School 3800 Spruce St Philadelphia, PA 19104 W: 215-898-4523 H: 610-667-6173 F: 215-898-0719 E: [email protected] 154 Van Zwieten, Matthew J. PO Box 57 Furlong, PA 18925 H: 215-794-7996 E: [email protected] *Vandis, Maria A. IDEXX Laboratories 3 Centennial Drive Suite One North Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-887-7960 E: [email protected] *VanSteenhouse, Jan L. 161 Ann Ct. Hope, MI 48628-9401 W: 269-668-3336 x1556 H: 989-689-6015 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] *Vap, Linda M. Colorado State University 300 West Drake Rd., Bldg C Fort Collins, CO 80523-1644 W: 970-297-0312 H: 970-669-6052 F: 970-297-4441 E: [email protected] Vapniarsky, Natalia 1013 Cabot St. Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-400-1405 H: 530-400-9170 E: [email protected] Varnado, Sharon S. 500 6th Avenue Hattiesburg, MS 39401 W: 601-545-1948 H: 601-545-1948 E: [email protected] Vasc - Vinl Vasconcelos, Daphne Y. Battelle Columbus 505 King Ave Columbus, OH 43201 W: 614-424-6384 H: 614-475-4144 F: 614-424-7441 E: [email protected] Vashisht, Kapil Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research One Health Plaza Bldg 137 - 244 East Hanover, NJ 07936-1080 W: 862-778-6088 F: 973-781-8738 E: [email protected] *Velguth, Karen IDEXX Laboratories 10901 Roosevelt Blvd N, Ste 400D St Petersburg, FL 33701 W: 727-954-1804 H: 978-204-9943 E: [email protected] Vemireddi, Vimala Huntingdon Life Sciences PO Box 2360 100 Mettlers Road East Millstone, NJ 08875 W: 7328732550 x2740 H: 269-267-2074 E: [email protected] *Vernau, William University of California, Davis Dept. Path., Microbiology & Immunology Rm 4206, VM3A Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-754-7162 H: 530-758-1275 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] Vice, Carol C. Mississippi State University CVM MS Vet Research & Diagnostic Lab PO Box 97813 Pearl, MS 39288 W: 601-420-4747 H: 601-853-7284 F: 601-420-4716 E: [email protected] Vicek, Thomas J. Finn Pathologists One Eyed Lane Weybread Diss, Norfolk IP21 5TT United Kingdom W: 44 1379 854180 F: 44 1379 852424 E: [email protected] Vidal, Justin D. GlaxoSmithKline 709 Swedeland Rd UE0376 King of Prussia, PA 19406 W: 610-270-7742 F: 610-270-7504 E: [email protected] Vilches-Moure, Jose G. 2228 24th Street, Unit D Sacramento, CA 95818 W: 530-771-7142 H: 787-464-3149 F: 530-752-7242 E: [email protected] Vince, Andrew R. Laboratory Services Division University of Guelph Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-546-3923 H: 519-824-4120 x54527 E: [email protected] Viner, Tabitha C. 813 Leonard St. Ashland, OR 97520 W: 541-488-6505 H: 541-601-0076 F: 541-482-4989 E: [email protected] Vinlove, Michael P. PO Box 155 Kingston, MO 64650 W: 775-682-2949 H: 775-853-7367 E: [email protected] 155 Vits - Walb +Vitsky, Allison Pfizer Global Research and Development 10646 Science Center Drive San Diego, CA 92121 W: 858-622-8060 H: 619-546-4318 E: [email protected] *Wagg, Catherine 5840 Dalford Road NW Calgary, AB T3A 1L2 Canada W: 403-286-5858 H: 403-470-0933 E: [email protected] Voelker, Frank A. Flagship Biosciences LLC 5 Crosby Lane Brewster, MA 02631 W: 508-896-8378 H: 508-896-8378 F: 508-896-8378 E: [email protected] Waggie, Kimberly S. ZymoGenetics 1201 Eastlake Ave E Seattle, WA 98102 W: 206-442-6647 F: 206-442-6608 E: [email protected] Voelker, Richard W. 472 Cole Hill Ln Warsaw, VA 22572 H: 804-333-3229 E: [email protected] Vogel, Peter St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 262 Danny Thomas Place Mail Stop 250 Memphis, TN 38105 W: 901-595-4992 H: 281-298-9187 F: 901-595-3100 E: [email protected] *von Beust, Barbara R. Jonas Furrerstrasse 45 Winterthur, 8400 Switzerland W: +41-522133205 F: +41-522133204 E: [email protected] Vonderfecht, Steven L. Beckman Research Institute/City of Hope 1500 E. Duarte Road Duarte, CA 91010 W: 626-256-4673 x32348 H: 805-490-2611 E: [email protected] 156 Wagner, Bernard M. 915 Roosevelt Way Westbury, NY 11590-6686 W: 516-279-4467 H: 516-279-4467 F: 516-320-8947 E: [email protected] Wakamatsu, Nobuko Louisiana State University SVM Dept. Pathobiological Sciences Skip Bertman Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70803 W: 225-578-9679 F: 225-578-9701 E: [email protected] *Wakenell, Patricia S. Purdue University Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory 406 S. University St. West Lafayette, IN 47907-2065 W: 765-496-3347 H: 765-430-3839 F: 765-494-9181 E: [email protected] Walberg, James 125 Mill Rock Road Accord, NY 12404-5501 W: 845-687-2850 H: 845-657-9464 F: 845-657-9466 E: [email protected] Wald - Wams Walder, Emily J. 623 Woodlawn Ave Venice, CA 90291 W: 310-574-3327 H: 310-821-4466 F: 310-574-3330 E: [email protected] Walsh, Alexander H. 475 Route 81 PO Box 789 Killingworth, CT 06419 H: 860-663-2417 F: 317-663-2414 E: [email protected] *Walker, Dana B. Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research 300 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139 W: 617-871-8769 H: 578-572-1883 E: [email protected] Walsh, Timothy Francis Smithsonian National Zoological Dept of Pathology 3001 Connecticut Ave NW Washington, DC 20008 W: 202-633-4267 F: 202-673-4660 E: [email protected] Wall, Henry G. Wall Pathology LLC 7301 New Forest Lane Wake Forest, NC 27587 W: 919-264-7259 F: 919-570-3350 E: [email protected] *Wallace, Koranda A. University of Pennsylvania MJR-VHUP Room 4005 3900 Delancey Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 W: 267-496-2768 E: [email protected] Wallace, Shannon M. 3920 Atascadero Dr. San Diego, CA 92107 E: [email protected] Wallig, Matthew A. 2211 Fletcher Street Urbana, IL 61801 E: [email protected] Walling, Brent E. University of Illinois 1109-B Plymouth Dr Champaign, IL 61821 W: 217-265-0714 H: 240-461-1401 F: 217-244-2439 E: [email protected] *Walter, Gail L. 325 Grandview Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49001 W: 269-383-0025 H: 269-345-9211 F: 269-342-2207 E: [email protected] Walter, Mark K. 1605 Matthew Rd Camp Hill, PA 17011 H: 717-728-9234 E: [email protected] *Walton, Raquel Maria IDEXX Laboratories Animal Medical Center 510 East 62nd Street New York, NY 10065 W: 212-317-3233 E: [email protected] Walz, Heather Thomas Bishop Sparks State Diagnostic Lab 890 Simms Rd. / P.O. Box 2209 Auburn, AL 36831-2209 W: 334-844-7262 H: 334-332-3044 F: 334-844‐7224 E: [email protected] *Wamsley, Heather L. 5463 SW 91st Ter Gainesville, FL 32608-4343 W: 352-871-8141 H: 352-871-8141 F: 352-392-2938 E: [email protected] 157 Wanc - Wein Wancket, Lyn M. The Ohio State Univeristy 1925 Coffey Road Columbus , OH 43210 W: 614-355-6734 H: 614-459-8594 E: [email protected] *Webb, Julie Lyn University of Wisconsin-Madison Dept. of Pathobiological Sciences 2015 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 W: 608-890-2421 E: [email protected] Ward, Billy C. 204 Stardust Ln Georgetown, TX 78633 H: 512-868-2126 E: [email protected] Webster, Joshua D. 1405 11th Ave San Francisco, CA 94122 W: 517-410-7034 E: [email protected] Ward, Jennifer Gale 520 N 74th St Seattle, WA 98103 W: 206-453-5691 E: [email protected] Weeks, Bradley R. Texas A&M University Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology MS-4467 College Station, TX 77843-4467 W: 979-485-1074 E: [email protected] Ward, Jerrold M. 10513 Wayridge Drive Montgomery Village, MD 20886 W: 301-869-6792 H: 301-869-6792 E: [email protected] *Wardrop, K. Jane WA State Univ CVM OF Dept of Vet Clinical Science Pullman, WA 99164 W: 509-335-0745 +Warren, Amy L. 4534 Montgomery Ave. NW Calgary, AB T3B 0K9 Canada W: 403-210-6179 E: [email protected] Webb, Brett T. North Dakota State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory NDSU Dept. 7691 PO Box 6050 Fargo, ND 58108-6050 W: 701-231-5271 H: 970-980-6223 F: 701-231-7514 E: [email protected] 158 Wegner, Matthew 1226 Everette Rd Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010 H: 907-687-7908 E: [email protected] *Weingand, Kurt Central Garden & Pet 301 W. Osborn Road Phoenix, AZ 85013 W: 602-281-3845 E: [email protected] *Weinstein, Nicole M. 1903 Lindale Drive Blacksburg, VA 24060 H: 702-283-1252 E: [email protected] Weinstock, Daniel Janssen R&D 1400 McKean Road Spring House, PA 19477 W: 215-628-7074 E: [email protected] Weis - West Weisbrode, Steven E. The Ohio State University Dept of Veterinary Biosciences 1925 Coffey Rd Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-4263 H: 614 451 6484 F: 614 292 6473 E: [email protected] *Weiser, Glade 5703 Puma Drive Loveland, CO 80538 W: 970-215-8011 E: [email protected] *Weiss, Douglas J. 3148 Bungo Creek Lane SW Pine River, MN 56474 H: 218-587-3808 E: [email protected] *Welles, Elizabeth G. Auburn University 171 Greene Hall Auburn University, AL 36849-5519 W: 334-844-2689 H: 334-826-7116 F: 334-844-2652 E: [email protected] *Wellman, Maxey L. The Ohio State University CVM Dept of Veterinary Biosciences 1925 Coffey Rd Columbus, OH 43210 W: 614-292-1877 H: 614-888-8986 F: 614-292-4688 E: [email protected] Wells, Gerald A. H. The Wain House Bridge End Much Cowarne, Herefordshire HR7 4JL United Kingdom W: +44 0-1531 640124 H: +44 0-1531 640124 F: +44 0-1531 640124 E: [email protected] Wells, Monique Y. 52, rue Lhomond Paris, 75005 France W: 33 0-1 43 31 63 50 F: 281-596-6918 E: [email protected] Wells, Roger E. Consulting Tox Path Services 104 Whipple Road Kittery, ME 03904 W: 207-450-1681 H: 207-439-2787 E: [email protected] +Wells-Stock, Michele R. 300 Paynes Depot Ct Powell, OH 43065 W: 614-571-6688 F: 614-438-6302 E: [email protected] Werner, Jonathan A. Amgen One Amgen Center Dr 29-2-A Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 W: 805-313-5633 F: 805-376-9467 E: [email protected] *Werner, Linda L. 1704 Westshore St. Davis, CA 95695 W: 800-444-4210 x72452 E: [email protected] Westhouse, Richard A. Bristol-Myers Squibb PO Box 4000, F14-07 Rte 206 & Provinceline Rd Princeton, NJ 08540-4000 W: 609-252-4927 F: 609-252-7156 E: [email protected] Westmoreland, Susan V. Harvard Medical School/ NEPRC One Pine Hill Dr Southborough, MA 01772 W: 508-624-8063 F: 508-624-8181 E: [email protected] 159 Whit - Wied White, Julie R. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Tri-Institutional Lab of Comp Path, 1275 York Ave, Box 270 MB Zuckerman Research Center, Rm 931 New York, NY 10065 W: 646-888-2405 H: 212-652-5629 F: 646-422-0139 E: [email protected] White, Melvin Randall Bristol-Myers Squibb 4601 Hwy 62 E, Bldg 101 PO Box 1500 (P3) Mount Vernon, IN 47620 W: 812-307-2332 F: 812-307-2199 E: [email protected] White-Hunt, Stephanie J. 12 Stone Creek Lane Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889 W: 908-740-4153 H: 860-816-2644 E: [email protected] Whiteley, Herbert E. University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine 2001 S Lincoln Ave MC-002 Urbana, IL 61802 W: 217-333-2760 H: 217-840-0175 F: 217-333-4628 E: [email protected] Whiteley, Laurence O. Pfizer Inc 35 Cambridge Park Drive Cambridge, MA 02140 W: 617-665-7602 F: 617-665-7060 E: [email protected] Whitenack, Delbert 5870 S 76th East Ave Tulsa, OK 74145-9323 H: 405-372-9520 Whitley, Derick B. 6320 Steep Hollow Circle Bryan, TX 77808 W: 979-436-6984 E: [email protected] 160 Whitley, Elizabeth M. Iowa State University Dept of Pathology 2716 Veterinary Medicine Ames, IA 50011 W: 515-294-9434 E: [email protected] Whitney, Katharine Mason AbbVie Dept R469, Building AP13A 1 North Waukegan Road North Chicago, IL 60064 W: 847-938-4926 F: 847-938-3076 E: [email protected] *Whitney, Marlyn S. University of Missouri D102 Vet Med Diagnostic Lab 900 E Campus Dr Columbia, MO 65211 W: 573-884-7805 H: 573-441-8415 F: 573-882-5526 E: [email protected] Whitten, Kimberly A. 592 D Renee Dr Joppa, MD 21085 W: 410-436-1198 H: 410-679-0940 F: 410-436-1132 E: [email protected] Wicks, Joan Ruth Alizee Pathology 20 Frederick Rd Thurmont, MD 21788 W: 240-422-0666 H: 240-575-9992 F: 866-929-5455 E: [email protected] *Wiedmeyer, Charles E. University of Missouri, Columbia A345 Clydesdale Hall 900 E Campus Dr Columbia, MO 65211 W: 573-882-0052 H: 573-447-3020 F: 573-882-5526 E: [email protected] Wigh - Will Wight-Carter, Mary T. 422 Brighton Drive Murphy, TX 75094 W: 214-648-1402 H: 972-881-0315 F: 214-648-4104 E: [email protected] Wikse, Steven E. 1203 C Munson College Station, TX 77840-2522 W: 979-695-1631 H: 979-695-1631 E: [email protected] *Wilcox, Angela Lynn 1630 Dutch Ravine Ct. Reno, NV 89521 W: 775-682-2197 E: [email protected] Wilhelmsen, Catherine L. 1616 Old National Pike Middletown, MD 21769-9213 W: 301-619-7274 H: 301-371-4733 F: 301-619-4627 E: [email protected] Wilkerson, Gregory K. 13617 Sundapple Court Manor, TX 78653 W: 512-718-0624 H: 512-718-0625 E: [email protected] +Wilkerson, Melinda J. Kansas State University Mosier K242 1800 Denison Ave. Manhatan, KS 66506 W: 785-532-4818 E: [email protected] *Wilkins, Robert J. 1810 Columbia Dr. Englewood, FL 34223 W: 516-330-2822 H: 941-681-2019 F: 516-277-2870 E: [email protected] Wilkins, William L. 8602 Ridge Rd Bethesda, MD 20817 W: 410-436-1100 H: 301-365-3602 E: [email protected] Wilkinson, John Erby Univ of Michigan - ULAM Dept of Pathology 018 Animal Research Facility 1150 W Medical Center Dr Ann Arbor, MI 48109 W: 734-936-1702 F: 734-936-3235 E: [email protected] Williams, Bruce H. 10301 Grosvenor Place #1505 Rockville, MD 20852 W: 301-295-6193 H: 301-467-4024 E: [email protected] Williams, Gail D. PO Box 92 Presho, SD 57568 W: 605-350-6775 H: 605-895-2339 F: 605-895-2339 E: [email protected] Williams, Gary M. New York Medical College BSB 413 Valhalla, NY 10595 W: 914-594-4627 F: 914-594-4163 E: [email protected] Williams, Kurt J. Michigan State University G380 Veterinary Medical Center, CVM East Lansing, MI 48824 W: 517-432-6320 E: [email protected] *Williams, Marjorie J. Williams Veterinary Diagnostics, LLC 801 US#1 Vero Beach, FL 32960 W: 404-536-3591 H: 404-536-3591 F: 772-567-8824 E: [email protected] 161 Will - Wise *Williams, Matthew L. 801 U.S Highway 1 Vero Beach, FL 32960 W: 404-394-7900 E: [email protected] Williams, Neil Mason University of Kentucky Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center PO Box 14125 Lexington, KY 40512 W: 859-253-0571 F: 859-255-1624 E: [email protected] Williams III, Fred University of Missouri 1600 E Rollins Columbia, MO 65202 W: 573-884-9832 H: 573-864-9115 F: 573-882-1411 E: [email protected] Williamson, Mark M. 16 Helmsley Ave. Lysterfield Melbourne, VIC 3156 Australia W: 61 3 9538 6735 H: 61 3 9752 8546 F: 61 3 9538 6741 E: [email protected] +Wills, Tamara B. 475 NW Robert St Pullman, WA 99163-3640 H: 509-336-9833 E: [email protected] Wilson, Dennis W. University of California-Davis CVM, Dept of Path., Microbiol & Immunology 1 Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-0158 H: 530-758-0396 F: 530-752-3349 E: [email protected] 162 *Wilson, Randolph Jeffery CVS Diagnostic Laboratories-Finn Pathologists Units 3C&3D Mayflower Way Harleston, Norfolk IP22 4QG United Kingdom W: 44 01379 854180 H: 44 07527 417079 F: 44 01379 855598 E: [email protected] Wilson, Sharon Ruth Animal Reference Pathology PO Box 17580 Salt Lake City, UT 84117 W: 800-426-2099 E: [email protected] Wilson, Terrance M. Biosecurity / Emergency Response Veterinarian 2671 Fairfield Commons Chico, CA 95928 W: 530-809-2070 E: [email protected] Wimberly, Harry C. 114 Dogwood Lane Lexington, SC 29072 W: 803 520-4338 H: 803-760-2939 E: [email protected] *Winjum, Nancy 3450 Crooked Creek Ct Stuart, FL 34997 W: 772-781-7426 H: 772-781-7426 E: [email protected] Winter, Hans 175 Boscombe Rd - Brookfield Brisbane, QLD 4069 Australia H: 61-7-3374-1630 F: 61-7-3374-2271 E: [email protected] *Wiseman, Michael 1630 Post Road E Unit 312 Westport, CT 06880 E: [email protected] Wobe - Wood Wobeser, Bruce Kendall Western College of Veterinary Medicine 52 Campus Dr Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B4 Canada W: 306-966-8060 H: 306-477-3946 F: 306-966-7439 E: [email protected] Wollenberg, Gordon K. Merck Research Laboratories Safety Assessment; WP-45-253 770 Sumneytown Pike, PO Box 4 West Point, PA 19486-0004 W: 215-652-2526 H: 215-997-2126 F: 215-652-3888 E: [email protected] Wojcik, Susan PO Box 2235 Glenview, IL 60025 E: [email protected] *Wong, Valerie M. University of Guelph Ontario Veterinary College Department of Pathobiology Guelph, ON N1H 4Y9 Canada W: 519-591-8399 F: 519-591-8399 E: [email protected] Wojcinski, Zbigniew W. Drug Development Preclinical Services, LLC 4782 Northgate Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 W: 734-660-4564 H: 734-424-9601 F: 734-424-9703 E: [email protected] Woldemariam, Moges Woldemeskel University of Georgia Tifton Veterinary Diagnostic & Investigational Lab. 43 Brighton Rd Tifton, GA 31793 W: 229-386-3340 H: 229-382-9677 F: 229-386-7128 E: [email protected] Wolf, Jeffrey Curtis EPL, Inc PO Box 169 Sterling, VA 20167 W: 703-471-7060 F: 703-471-8447 E: [email protected] Wolfe, Lauren G. 2231 Longwood Dr Auburn, AL 36830-7105 H: 334-821-6692 E: [email protected] Wolfe, Marilyn J. 1226 Chase Heritage Circle Apt 203 Sterling, VA 20164-4997 H: 703-444-6579 E: [email protected] Wood, Charles E. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 109 T.W. Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27711 W: 919-541-1171 H: 336-682-9910 E: [email protected] *Wood, Darren University of Guelph Dept of Pathobiology Guelph, ON N1G 2W1 Canada W: 519-824-4120 x54654 F: 519-824-5930 E: [email protected] Wooding, William L. 241 Heath Village Hackettstown, NJ 07840 H: 908-684-5239 E: [email protected] Woods, Leslie W. CAHFS-UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine PO Box 1770 Davis, CA 95617-1770 W: 530-219-8852 F: 530-752-6253 E: [email protected] 163 Wool - Year Woolard, Kevin D. University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine 1 Shields Ave, Bldg VM3A, Rm 4323 Davis, CA 95616 W: 530-752-2235 H: 202-680-8857 E: [email protected] Woolford, Lucy University of Adelaide School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Roseworthy, SA 5371 Australia W: +61883137632 E: [email protected] *Workman, Heather C. 739 Muessing Rd Indianapolis, IN 46239 H: 530-903-2422 E: [email protected] Wosu, N. Jonathan 9 Sumner Pl Piscataway, NJ 08854-4826 W: 732-463-1505 H: 732-463-1505 E: [email protected] Wuenschmann, Arno University of Minnesota Dept. of Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine 1333 Gortner Ave St. Paul, MN 55108 W: 612-624-3249 H: 651-647-1181 F: 612-624-8707 E: [email protected] *Wunn, Denise S. IDEXX Laboratories 3 Centennial Dr, Ste 1 North Grafton, MA 01536 W: 508-887-7929 H: 508-839-7231 F: 508-887-7901 E: [email protected] Wyand, D. Stuart 315 Wormwood Hill Rd Mansfield Center, CT 06250 W: 860-429-5093 H: 860-429-5093 164 Wyand, Michael S. 113 Maple St Stow, MA 01775 W: 978-697-5486 F: 978-897-4161 E: [email protected] *Wycislo, Kathryn L. 1605 Lyndhurst Drive, Unit D Savoy, IL 61874 W: 217-653-0256 H: 217-333-5371 E: [email protected] Yaeger, Michael J. Iowa State University Dept of Veterinary Pathology College of Veterinary Medicine Ames, IA 50011 W: 515-294-1128 H: 515-433-0418 E: [email protected] Yano, Barry L. 4004 N Perrine Rd Midland, MI 48642 H: 989-832-2040 E: [email protected] Yantis, Jr., Loudon D. 719 Virginia Avenue Unit 414 Indianapolis, IN 46203 W: 317-433-9444 E: [email protected] Yarrington, John T. 980 MacGregor Ave Worthington, OH 43085-2971 H: 614-436-6737 E: [email protected] Yearley, Jennifer H. Merck Research Laboratories 901 S California Ave Palo Alto, CA 94303-1104 W: 650-496-1177 E: [email protected] Yekk - Zavo Yekkala, Krishna Yale University School of Medicine 310 Cedar St., Suite LSOG109 P.O. Box 208016 New Haven, CT 06520-8016 W: 203-785-4303 F: 203-785-7499 E: [email protected] Yellayi, Srikanth The Integrated Research Facility Division of Clinical Research, NIAID, NIH 8200 Research Plaza, Fort Detrick Frederick, MD 21702 W: 267-971-9211 F: 301-631-7388 E: [email protected] Yeomans, Stephen M. 33 Highlands Ave Gordon, NSW 2072 Australia W: +61 401 148 002 E: [email protected] *Young, Elizabeth S. 878 Birds Mill SE Marietta, GA 30067 W: 404-257-9352 H: 678-243-9337 E: [email protected] Young, G. David 4683 Lee Hill Dr Boulder, CO 80302 W: 303-747-6383 F: 303-325-3102 E: [email protected] +Young, Jamie Kay 3829 N. Strahl Drive Greenfield, IN 46140 W: 317-467-2073 H: 317-326-4047 F: 317-467-7431 E: [email protected] Youssef , Sameh A. Building 137 Tawniat smouha Apartment 52, Garden City Smouha Alexandria Egypt, Arab Rep. W: +31659585455 E: [email protected] Zabka, Tanja S. Genentech (Member of the Roche Group) 1 DNA Way South San Francisco, CA 94080-4990 W: 650-225-6890 H: 858-335-7702 E: [email protected] *Zabolotzky, Shanon IDEXX 2825 KOVR Dr. West Sacramento, CA 95605 W: 916-267-2498 F: 916-267-2413 E: [email protected] Zachary, James University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology 2001 S Lincoln Ave Urbana, IL 61802 W: 217-333-9029 F: 217-244-6629 E: [email protected] Zack, Philip M. 235 Pacheco St. San Francisco, CA 94116 H: 650-868-2486 E: [email protected] *Zaks, Karen L. 1514 Peterson St Fort Collins, CO 80524 W: 970-672-8555 E: [email protected] Zaucha, Gary M. 5900 Union Ridge Dr Adamstown, MD 21710 W: 301-619-4212 H: 301-874-0229 F: 301-619-1965 E: [email protected] Zavodovskaya, Regina University of California, Davis SVM 4216 Arroyo Avenue Davis, CA 95618 W: 530-752-1368 H: 530-902-3014 E: [email protected] 165 Zeis - Zwic Zeiss, Caroline J. Yale University Section of Comparative Medicine P.O. Box 208016 New Haven, CT 06437 W: 203-737-4303 H: 203-453-4791 F: 203-785-7499 E: [email protected] Zink, Chris Johns Hopkins University Dept of Molecular & Comparative Pathobiology 733 N Broadway, Ste 811 Baltimore, MD 21205 W: 410-955-9770 F: 443-287-5628 E: [email protected] Zeman, David Henry DHZ Vet Path LLC 202 Trail Ridge Rd Brookings, SD 57006 W: 605-691-1833 H: 605-697-6658 E: [email protected] *Zinkl, Joseph G. University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Dept of Microbiology & Pathology Davis, CA 95616 H: 530-756-6450 E: [email protected] Ziegra, Cynthia J. 29 Larsen Rd Ringoes, NJ 08551 W: 908-295-7838 H: 908-237-9946 E: [email protected] Zook, Bernard C. 2250 Franciscan Dr West Lafayette, IN 47906 H: 765-497-7186 E: [email protected] Zimmerman, Bevin Janssen R&D 1400 McKean Road PO Box 776 Spring House, PA 19002 H: 614-325-4582 E: [email protected] +Zimmerman, Kurt L. 3596 Indian Meadow Dr Blacksburg, VA 24060-8846 W: 540-231-3692 H: 540-961-3192 F: 540-231-6033 E: [email protected] *Zimmerman, Shawn Marie 1009 College Station Road Athens, GA 30605 W: 225-328-5080 H: 706-542-9889 E: [email protected] Zimmermann, John L. 1348 Pauls Dr Greenfield, IN 46140 H: 317-462-2856 F: 317-462-4310 E: [email protected] 166 Zwick, Laura S. 5534 Brady Rd Howell, MI 48843 W: 269-668-3336 x1329 F: 269-668-4151 E: [email protected] Geographic Distribution Alabama Alaska Arkansas Ashville Roger B. Thompson Eagle River Kathleen A. Burek-Huntington Eureka Springs Alexander M. Cameron Auburn Timothy R. Boosinger Russell C. Cattley Emily C. Graff Aaron H. Groth Jr Travis Heskett Frederic J. Hoerr Calvin M. Johnson Jennifer (Jey) W. Koehler Cinzia Mastrorilli Frank E. Mitchell Daniel W. Scruggs Elizabeth Spangler Heather Walz Lauren G. Wolfe Peter William Christopherson Elizabeth G. Welles North Pole Jeanne M. Maddux Jefferson Kelly James Davis, III John R. Latendresse Gilbert Duane A. Belote Alamo Aimee JoAnne NorrisHaburjak Birmingham Sanford Bishop Sheila D. Grimes M. Margaret Juliana J. Russell Lindsey Valerie R. McElliott Trenton R. Schoeb Oro Valley Robert W. Thomassen Altadena Peter J. Fernandes Phoenix Dean L. Basel Marlan Ray Fender Richard L. Hoffman Diana G. Loeffler Kurt Weingand Banning Barbara M. Daft Dothan H. W. Taylor Gulf Shores William E. Ribelin Hoover Eva A. Sartin Jasper Lynn A. Hanrahan Leeds Ward R. Richter Pelham Jill Fernecia Mann Tuskegee Eugene W. Adams William O. Jones Fredrick E. Tippett Arizona Anthem Robert E. Schmidt Casa Grande Richard G. LaRock Cave Creek Janice K. Lacey Prescott James D. Conroy Nancy A. Gillett Scottsdale Robert Bartsch Lavun R. Franko Ronald J. Marler Tucson David G. Besselsen Gregory A. Bradley Sharon M. Dial Martin J. Fettman Robert D. Glock Michael W. Riggs John A. Schmitz Little Rock James O. Britt Linda F. Meola Mountain Home Thomas J. Bucci California Brawley James R. Howard Burbank Richard J. Montali Camarillo Jeffery A. Engelhardt Carlsbad John M. Bjorneby Robert H. Denlinger Chico Terrance M. Wilson Chula Vista Carmen Nasarre Citrus Heights Drury Robb Reavill 167 Geographic Distribution Davis Olulanu H. Aina Mark L. Anderson Stephen W. Barthold Dori Leanne Borjesson Gary P. Carlson Alexander De Paoli Santiago S. Diab Christina Eckstrand Oded Foreman Murray B. Gardner Jeanne W. George Joanne Hodges Denise Masami Imai Kevin Keel Amir Kol Steven V. Kubiski Steven T. Laing Michael D. Lairmore Linda J. Lowenstine N. James MacLachlan Asli Mete Chuck Mohr Peter F. Moore Brian Murphy Bennie I. Osburn Karen L. Oslund Sean Dietrich Owens John Rene Peauroi Patricia A. Pesavento Teena Louise Price J. Rachel Reader Julie Ann Schwartz Sonjia M. Shelly Taylor Spangler William L. Spangler Ross Peter Tarara Victor E. Valli Natalia Vapniarsky William Vernau Linda L. Werner Dennis W. Wilson Leslie W. Woods Kevin D. Woolard Regina Zavodovskaya Joseph G. Zinkl Duarte Steven L. Vonderfecht El Cerrito Dee O. Taylor 168 Escondido Kali Holder Oxnard Carolyn F. Moyer Fair Oaks Ruanna E. Gossett Palo Alto Linda C. Cork William W. Ruehl Jennifer H. Yearley Foster City Kathryn E. Bowenkamp Irvine Lydia L. Andrews-Jones Cynthia Xochitl Bacmeister Shawn J. Berens Jacqueline A. Brassard Yanina Costecalde Suzanne T. Kanaly Raffaele Melidone Michelle Plier Meg Ramos Lon J. Rich Farshid Shahriar Brian Gordon Short Kai-Ning Tang Penn Valley Robert F. McConnell Pomona Ana Alcaraz Rancho Cucamonga Tracey Suzanne McNamara Rancho Santa Fe Kimberly J. Caruso Redwood City Ted Alan Birkebak Rene Meisner La Jolla Kurt Benirschke Rocklin Ilse U. Silva-Krott Lincoln Alec W. Gough Roseville Jeremy S. Johnson Leonard D. Shott Los Altos Kenneth P. Altera Lauri J. Diehl Los Gatos L. Thomas Pulley Napa Shane Lee Stiver Newport Beach Emily M. Pieczarka Nipomo Bradd C. Barr Oakland Keith DeJong Oceanside Michael R. Irwin Orangevale Christine S. Hotz Sacramento Molly E. Church Tzu-yin Lin Jose G. Vilches-Moure San Bernardino Francisco R. Carvallo Deryck H. Read Francisco A. Uzal San Carlos Patricia A. Day-Lollini Lance O. Lollini Geographic Distribution San Diego Timothy W. Affolter Shirley A. Aguirre Marilyn P. Anderson Jennifer M. Bernard Mike A. Breider Bernard S. Buetow Sheldon S. Diamond Mark G. Evans Winston N. Evering Patricia M. Gaffney A. Nikos Gurfield Gerald J. Kolaja Patrick Bruce Lappin Rebecca E. Papendick Allan Patrick Pessier Bruce Rideout Randall L. Rietcheck Sandra S. Snook Judith A. St. Leger Ilse H. Stalis Stephane Thibault Allison Vitsky Shannon M. Wallace San Francisco Donna M. Dambach Joshua D. Webster Philip M. Zack South San Francisco Joseph Christian Beyer Gary R. Cain Patrick A. Caplazi Michael W. Conner Dimitry M. Danilenko Noel Oline Dybdal Dorothy M. French Reina N. Fuji Wendy Green Halpern Paul C. Meunier Gopinath S Palanisamy Narayan R. Raju Leah K. Schutt Melissa M. Schutten Jacqueline Tarrant Tanja S. Zabka Stanford Donna Michelle Bouley Anh Diep Jennifer Lynn Johns Richard Luong Sunnyvale Carol Meschter Santa Ynez Donald V. Cramer Thousand Oaks Mehrdad Ameri Dina A. Andrews Michael C. Boyle Molly H. Boyle Deborah J. Guyot Roberto E. Guzman Carol Woodling Johnson Thomas M. Monticello Charles W. Qualls, Jr. Sarah H. Tannehill-Gregg Lauren Adrian Tierney James R. Turk Jonathan A. Werner Solvang Stephen W. Russell Tulare John M. Adaska San Jose Christopher J. Gibson San Rafael David G. Fairchild Santa Rosa Stefan S. Tunev Visalia Robert B. Moeller West Sacramento David J. Fisher Thelma Lee Gross Jocelyn Dee Johnsrude Catherine Grace Lamm Carol Paffumi Mandell Steven G. Smith Shanon Zabolotzky Winters Harvey J. Olander Woodland Mary Rebecca McElhaney Christopher M. Reilly Colorado Boulder Lawrence H. Arp Alison M. Bendele Laura N. Healy G. David Young Breckenridge Georgina F. Miller Brighton Christine Ann Stanton Crawford Raymond A. Bendele Denver Diane E. Brown Eagle William Saunders Turlock Arthur A. Bickford Tustin Eric Kufuor-Mensah Venice Emily J. Walder 169 Geographic Distribution Fort Collins Paul R. Avery Dale C. Baker Randall Joseph Basaraba Stephen A. Benjamin Andrea A. Bohn Matthew Allan Buccellato Patricia Ann Cole Deanna D. Dailey Martin David Gregg Alan Dean James DeMartini Colleen Duncan E. J. Ehrhart Karen Fox Anthony A. Frank Chad Frank David Michael Getzy Daniel H. Gould J. Michael Holland Edward A. Hoover Debra A. Kamstock Nicole R. Kraipowich Amy L. MacNeill Shannon M. McLeland Robert W. Norrdin Christine S. Olver Karamjeet Pandher Robert D. Phemister Brendan Podell Barbara E. Powers Terry Spraker David R. Stevens Linda M. Vap Karen L. Zaks Sushan Han Grand Junction John J. Andrews Gary L. Cockerell Laporte Paula A. Schaffer Loveland Glade Weiser Parker David L. Eisenbrandt Windsor Lance E. Perryman 170 Connecticut Burlington John C. Turnier Fairfield Franklin D. Pack Gales Ferry Ingrid D.R. Pardo Groton Timothy D. Anderson Magalie Boucher Frank J. Geoly Kathryn E. Gropp Christopher Houle Roy L. Kerlin Nasir Kanwar M. Khan Xiantang Li Michael L. Mirsky Kathleen Muravnick Prashant R. Nambiar Rick Perry William J. Reagan Mark D. Rolsma Anne M. Ryan Mary M. Sommer New Haven Robert O. Jacoby Krishna Yekkala Caroline J. Zeiss Niantic Ricardo Ochoa Oakdale John Michael Kreeger Putnam Richard M. Jakowski Ridgefield Kelly L. Diegel Elias T. Gaillard Michael Scott Thibodeau Susan E. Van Tongeren Storrs Kirklyn M. Kerr Herbert J. Van Kruiningen Storrs Mansfield Salvatore Frasca, Jr. Wallingford James K. Loy Killingworth Alexander H. Walsh Waterford Ellen W. Evans Lyme Thomas P. Brown Westport Irwin J. Lebish Michael Wiseman Madison Jack A. Reynolds Manchester Rachel E. Burns Mansfield Center D. Stuart Wyand Mystic Linda A. Chatman Leslie Ann Obert Carlin V. Okerberg Wilton Paul G. Greenlee Delaware Newark Erin M. Brannick Jessica M. Caverly Rae Steven R. Frame Wilmington Elmarie Bodes Patrick Joseph Haley Geographic Distribution District of Columbia Washington Todd M. Bell Michelle A. Jefferson Heather R. Shive Edward L. Stevens Ryan P. Traslavina Timothy Francis Walsh Florida Alachua Arthur Rick Alleman Bay Lake Carlos Enrique Rodriguez Alfonzo Bay Lake Scott P. Terrell Bonita Springs Svend W. Nielsen D. Reid Patterson Michael W. Rohovsky Gainesville Claus D. Buergelt Maron B. Calderwood Mays William L. Castleman Julia A. Conway Serena Laura Mae Craft Lisa Lee Farina Pamela E. Ginn John W. Harvey Mary Kathryn Reinhard Barbara Jane Sheppard Brian Adams Stacy Nicole I. Stacy Heather L. Wamsley High Springs J. Roger Easley Jennings Cheryl Porter Knobloch Jupiter Charles C. Bailey Amanda Beck Kissimmee Michael V. Slayter Lutz Julia T. Blue Nancy L. Stedman Bradenton Andras Fabry Miami Norman Altman Bushnell Anita R. Kiehl Ocala Jennifer Owen Cape Corral Robert D. Furrow Pompano Beach John B. Tasker Cocoa Beach Jennifer A. Burris Quincy James W. Kesterson Englewood Robert J. Wilkins St Petersburg Karen Velguth John P. McGrath Fort Myers David C. Dodd Vero Beach Marjorie J. Williams Matthew L. Williams Winter Park Fidelma A. Kennedy Georgia Albany T. G. (Ron) Snider, III Athens Uriel Blas-Machado Corrie C. Brown K. Paige Carmichael Wayne A. Crowell Bridget C. Garner Nicole L. Gottdenker Scott Hafner R. Keith Harris Elizabeth W. Howerth Tomislav Jelesijevic Kenneth S. Latimer Tamas Nagy Daniel R. Rissi Kaori Sakamoto James B. Stanton Leonardo Susta David E. Swayne Elizabeth W. Uhl Shawn Marie Zimmerman Angela E. Ellis Atlanta Cynthia L. Courtney Clifton P. Drew Mark David Dunbar James L. Emerson Sanjeev Gumber Aradhana Gupta Jana M. Ritter Bethlehem Keith W. Prasse Stuart William H. Halliwell Nancy Winjum Bishop J. R. Duncan Tampa Sarah M. Schmidt Bogart Joseph E. Hill Patrick C. McCaskey 171 Geographic Distribution Chula Murray E. Hines, II Winterville Cathy A. Brown Gurnee Samuel W. Thompson Conyers Isaac J. Hayward Hawaii Highland Park Donovan E. Gordon Aiea Jenee S. Odani Lake Villa Jerome H. Gass Sasmita Mishra Idaho Lindenhurst Julie K. Johnson Cornelia Heather Leigh Tarpley Covington Harold Davis Decatur Megan E.B. Jones Duluth Basil E. McKenzie Greensboro Francis W. Chandler, Jr. Lawrenceville Daniel C. Anderson Dirck L. Dillehay Monique S. Franca Marietta Elizabeth S. Young Monroe Judith E. Saik Perry James Robert Szabo Boise Katherine L. Gailbreath Caldwell Stuart D. Lincoln Garden City Elizabeth A. Cienava Illinois Abbott Park Kirstin F. Barnhart Champaign Arnon Gal Brent E. Walling Smyrna Catherine E. Thorn Chicago Carol J. Detrisac Jennifer Ann Landolfi Stone Mountain Arnold F. Kaufmann Deerfield Stuart Levin Tifton Marcia R. S. Ilha Alan D. Liggett Sreekumari Rajeev Susan E. Turnquist Moges Woldemeskel Woldemariam Downers Grove Tricia M. Bisby Watkinsville Melinda S. Camus Edward A. Mahaffey Doris M. Miller 172 Evanston Joshua Harry Decker Galesburg Douglas Hoefling Glenview Susan Wojcik Lombard Robert Leroy Morrissey Mahomet Patrick Roady Maywood Kathleen M. Colegrove Michael J. Kinsel Karen A. Terio North Chicago Eric A.G. Blomme Wayne R. Buck John Eric Burkhardt George L. Foley Stacey L. Fossey Bruce E. LeRoy Katharine Mason Whitney Oak Brook Ashlee S. Urbasic Oakwood Hills Tracy Karin Carlson Peoria David M. Pinson Round Lake Frances A.S. Clemo Savoy Kathryn L. Wycislo Geographic Distribution Urbana Anne M. Barger Elizabeth A. Driskell Wanda M. Haschek-Hock Walter Hoffmann Amy N. Schnelle Artem A. Shkumatov Kuldeep Singh Philip F. Solter Adam W. Stern Matthew A. Wallig Herbert E. Whiteley James Zachary Indiana Cicero Lawrence F. Fisher Cumberland A. Eric Schultze Evansville Dean Barnett Mark A. Dominick Fishers Daniel G. Rudmann Greenfield Laura I. Boone Christian L. Gries William H. Jordan Rachel Y. Reams Matthew L. Renninger Kenneth A. Schafer Jamie Kay Young John L. Zimmermann Indianapolis Manoj Bhaskaran David Gregory Hall Kathleen Heinz-Taheny Armando R. Irizarry Robert L. Johnson Gerald G. Long Charles R. Mahrt Janelle S. Renschler Christopher Sean Roberts George E. Sandusky John Morris Sullivan John L. Vahle Heather C. Workman Loudon D. Yantis, Jr. H. Leon Thacker Lawrenceburg Carl L. Alden Iowa Lebanon L. Devon Miller Ames Mark R. Ackermann Claire B. Andreasen Holly S. Bender Eric Ryan Burrough Norman F. Cheville Randall C. Cutlip Arthur J. Davis Amanda J. Fales-Williams Heather Flaherty Justin J. Greenlee Joseph S. Haynes Jesse M. Hostetter Shannon Jones Hostetter John P. Kluge Aaron D. Lehmkuhl Christina M. Loiacono Ronald K. Myers Angela E. Pillatzki Jodi D. Smith Gregory W. Stevenson Bruce V. Thomsen Julie K. Tomlinson Elizabeth M. Whitley Michael J. Yaeger Mt Vernon Frank J. Simutis Melvin Randall White W. Michael Peden Thomas Paul Sanderson Nashville John E. Dillberger New Palestine Kelly M. Credille Newburgh Curtis Alan Colleton Shelbyville April Paulman West Lafayette Grant N. Burcham William W. Carlton Abigail Durkes Daniel D. Harrington Harm HogenEsch Billy E. Hooper Yava L. Jones-Hall Evelyn A. Kazacos Stephen D. Lenz Joanne B. Messick Margaret A. Miller Rose E. Raskin Alan H. Rebar Willie M. Reed Paul William Snyder Craig A. Thompson William G. Van Alstine Patricia S. Wakenell Bernard C. Zook Wilkinson Amy L. Usborne Ankeny Janice M. Miller Colo Unity B. Jeffery James P. Tappe Huxley Arlo Ledet Iowa City Katherine N. Gibson-Corley David K. Meyerholz Alicia K. Olivier Maxwell Darin Madson Nevada Harley W. Moon 173 Geographic Distribution Kansas Winchester Jennifer K. McCleese Maryland Leawood Laura E. Elcock Lousiana Aberdeen Proving Ground Matthew Wegner Manhattan Melinda J. Wilkerson Kelli M. Almes Gordon Allan Andrews Bhupinder Bawa Brad M. DeBey Madhusudan P. Goravanahally Jamie N. Henningson Kerry S. Keeton George A. Kennedy William E. Moore Derek A. Mosier Sanjeev K. Narayanan Jerome C. Nietfeld Lisa M. Pohlman Julia K. Ryseff Polly Schoning Merriam Laura V. Lane Olathe Nancy K. Jaax Don J. Petersen St. George Steven L. Stockham Kentucky Lebanon James E. Cook Lexington Vasudevan Bakthavatchalu David C. Bolin Lynne Cassone C. B. Hong Carney B. Jackson Laura A. Kennedy Alan T. Loynachan K. B. Poonacha Neil Mason Williams Paducah Marie B. Petrites-Murphy 174 Baton Rouge Kaikhushroo H. Banajee Rudy W. Bauer Fabio Del Piero Dawn Duncan-Evans Stephen D. Gaunt Clay Hodgin Ingeborg Maria Langohr Daniel B. Paulsen Ahmad A. Saied Nobuko Wakamatsu Covington Andrew Alan Lackner David Xianhong Liu Mandeville Gary B. Baskin Britton J. Grasperge New Orleans Edward Terence Adams Maine Bar Harbor Charles A. Dangler Rosalinda Ann Doty John P. Sundberg Harpswell John H. Keating Kittery Roger E. Wells Westbrook Dennis B. DeNicola Accokeek Leonora J Dickson Adamstown Gary M. Zaucha Baltimore Cory Brayton Kathleen L. Gabrielson David L. Huso Joseph L. Mankowski Taylor L. Reynolds Chris Zink Bel Air Greg A. Saturday Bethesda Lauren R. Brinster Mark A. Bryant Joy M. Gary Helen Michael Srinivas S. Rao L. Tiffany Reed R. Mark Simpson Matthew F. Starost William L. Wilkins Chevy Chase Charles H.C. Halsey Cockeysville Amy Boker College Park Steven R. Mog Columbia Todd O. Johnson Damascus Keith E. Steele Dickerson James L. Stookey Ellicott City Derron A. Alves Michael A. Eckhaus Geographic Distribution Frederick Miriam R. Anver Lucas Brennecke Mark T. Butt Taylor B. Chance Christine L. Christensen Michelle Winn Elliott Diana Haines Paul K. Hildebrandt Cary L. Honnold Shelley Peck Honnold Philip L. Martin Kevin S. McDorman Jerry Lee Quance Srikanth Yellayi Keith A. Koistinen Ft. Detrick Christopher W. Schellhase Gaithersburg Jennifer A. Cann Lily I. Cheng Marlon C. Rebelatto Germantown Brian W. Smith Mark A. Smith Glen Burnie Jennifer Danielle Steinberg Knoxville Leah Ann McDorman Heather W.S. Tillman Middletown Michael J. Langford Catherine L. Wilhelmsen Monrovia Jennifer L. Chapman Montgomery Village Margaret A. Hanson Jerrold M. Ward Mount Airy William C. Hall North Bethesda Paul R. Facemire Tracie Denise Romsland Olney David S. Rotstein Carl I. Shaia Potomac Dawn G. Goodman John E. Holman Robert M. Sauer Hagerstown Robert Kovatch Rockville Madhav Gajanan Paranjpe Bruce H. Williams Highland Richard H. Cardy Rocky Ridge Louis M. Huzella Hunt Valley Kristine Lynne Krotec-Skiba Tiffany Scanlon Silver Spring Jeremy J. Bearss Erica Eggers Carroll George D. Imes Shannon H. Lacy Karen L. Manhart Robert M. McCully LuAnn McKinney Venee Ione Morthole Jefferson Sarah D. Cramer Jessup Bridget S. Lewis Joppa Kimberly A. Whitten Kensington Victoria J. Hoffmann Woodbine R. Thomas Callis Massachusetts Andover Sandeep J. Akare Karrie A. Brenneman Mary E. P. Goad Michael W. Leach Srinivasa Raju Mantena Scott H. Schelling Yvonne A. Van Gessel Auburn Carroll J. Jones Bedford Paul M. Newberne Zaher A. Radi Boston Joseph Alroy Suzanne Botts Anoop Murthy Kavirayani Ronda P. Moore Pamela Mouser Lauren J. Richey Brewster Frank A. Voelker Thurmont Mark Joseph Martinez Serge D. Rousselle Joan Ruth Wicks Union Bridge Nancy A. Twenhafel 175 Geographic Distribution Cambridge Page R. Bouchard Robert W. Dunstan Eugenia Floyd Jean-René Galarneau Elizabeth J. Galbreath Branka Grubor Bruce L. Homer Timothy Paul LaBranche Martin Lamb Joan H. Lane Laura Dill Morton Sureshkumar Muthupalani Nicola M. Parry Rachel M. Peters Evelyne Polack Joshua R. Powe Shashi Kumar Ramaiah James B. Rottman Lee R. Silverman Lindsay Tomlinson Reginald A. Valdez Dana B. Walker Laurence O. Whiteley Vito G. Sasseville Concord Ronald D. Hunt Cummington Peter H. Rowland Deerfield James L. Carpenter Eastham Lois Roth-Johnson Easthampton Joseph P. McCoy Framingham Dinesh S Bangari Valerie Guilpin Barlow Julian L. Oliver III Grafton Gillian L. Beamer Harvard Barbara J. Davis Patty J. Ewing William D. Kerns 176 Hopkinton David L. Hutto Elizabeth H. Hutto Hudson Michael L. Hawes Meredith A. Simon Jamaica Plain Quincey R. Simmons Lexington Daniel Morton Marlborough Tarja A. Juopperi Medfield Theresa G. Taylor Middleborough James C. Murphy Alba Maria Shank Natick John Michael Gliatto Chandrassegar Saravanan Newton Mary E. Carsillo Katherine Masek Hammerman Alexander G. Richter North Grafton Perry James Bain Vincent W. Carroll Deborah G. Davis Samuel Hollis Jennings Joyce S. Knoll Julia Nicole Lucas Jeremiah A. Lyons Arlin B. Rogers Robert S. Simoni Maria A. Vandis Denise S. Wunn Northborough David S. Garlick Kimberly A. Maratea Lucy A. Phillips Paxton Norval W. King Princeton Annette J. Schwartz Sterman Roslindale Joshua Kramer Shrewsbury Keith G. Mansfield Southborough Susan V. Westmoreland Stow Michael S. Wyand Sudbury Irwin Leav Taunton Christopher J. Horvath Waltham Norman James Barlow James D. Fikes Natalie D. Keirstead Murali Vara Prasad Nadella Watertown Arlen V. Avakian Whitinsville Erin E. Hardam Wilmington Theresa M. Albers Charles B. Clifford Worcester David J. Honor Igor Mikaelian Michigan Ann Arbor Ingrid L. Bergin Kathryn A. Eaton Alan L. Metz Robert F. Parker John Erby Wilkinson Zbigniew W. Wojcinski Geographic Distribution Auburn Richard Kociba Bloomingdale Christine C. Ratke Cheboygan C. Fred Morris East Lansing Jack R. Harkema Michael A. Scott Stuart D. Sleight Julia E. Stickle Cheryl L. Swenson Jennifer S. Thomas Kurt J. Williams Empire John E. Lund Gobles Paul E. Ross Grand Ledge George A. Elliott Holland Charles E. Hunt Hope Jan L. VanSteenhouse Howell Kristy A. Mietelka Laura S. Zwick Kalamazoo Rodney Kevin Frank David Garcia Tapia Robert G. Geil Joelle D. Ibanes Richard K. Jensen Thomas J. Kakuk Wade B. Lawrence G. Tracy Makovec Christy A. McKnight William J. Seaman Theodore W. Slone Gail L. Walter Lansing Dalen W. Agnew Scott David Fitzgerald Charlotte Hollinger Matti Kiupel Thomas P. Mullaney Jon Scott Patterson Dodd G. Sledge Rebecca Candace Smedley Ham Lake Sheree L. Beam Manistee W. Robert Graham Minnetonka Nicole Kirchhof Mason Janver D. Krehbiel Pine City Roland Gunther Mattawan Chidozie Joshua Amuzie Adam D. Aulbach Shelley L. Beazley Phaedra Irene Cole Laura C. Cregar Keith G. Nelson Kiran Palyada Daniel J. Patrick David A. Rehagen Pine River Douglas J. Weiss Midland James Woodard Crissman Renee Rosemary Hukkanen Kenneth Edward Stebbins Radhakrishna Sura Barry L. Yano Mount Pleasant Merlin E. Ekstrom Okemos Sarah M. Corner Sanford John F. Quast Traverse City Keith A. Johnson Rodney L. Robison Minnesota Andover Lynette Ann Phillips Lake Elmo William C. Stoffregen Minneapolis Jaime Paulin J Mitchell Troutman Roseville Jaclyn Dykstra George R. Ruth St. Anthony Village Kenneth H. Johnson St. Paul Anibal Guillermo Armien Medianero Cathy S. Carlson James E. Collins Charles Johnson Ramesh C. Kovi Harold J. Kurtz Timothy D. O’Brien M. Gerard O’Sullivan Erik Jarl Olson Jed A. Overmann Robert Edwin Porter Nicholas A. Robinson Rebecca Rose Davis Seelig Leslie C. Sharkey Arno Wuenschmann Stanchfield Maureen C. Speltz Stillwater Betsy Aird Jennifer Lee Brazzell David W. Hayden Taylors Falls Robert H. Busch 177 Geographic Distribution Woodbury Marian K. Rippy Mississippi Biloxi Dan H. Lochner Hattiesburg Sharon S. Varnado Hernando Amy E. Thiessen Mississippi State Wes Baumgartner William R. Maslin Timothy W. Morgan Pearl Brittany S. Baughman Lanny W. Pace Carol C. Vice Columbia Linda M. Berent Chantelle C. Bozynski Gayle C. Johnson Dae Young Kim Kurt Kreutzer Keiichi Kuroki Angela B. Royal Donald A. Schmidt Daniel Porter Shaw Marlyn S. Whitney Charles E. Wiedmeyer Fred Williams III Golden Barry P. Stuart Kingston Michael P. Vinlove Lee’s Summit Richard E. Long Manchester Frederick A. Ruecker Starkville Avery J. Cooley Melanie Elaine Johnson St. Louis Mary Duncan C. D. Smith Missouri Montana Centralia Jennifer M. Hughes Hanks Bozeman Arthur William Layton Marc Edward Mattix William J. Quinn Chesterfield Balasubramanian Manickam Kristen J. Nikula John E. Sagartz Daryl C. Thake Dillon Charlotte F. Quist Hamilton Laura Baseler Donald J. Gardner W. J. Hadlow Nebraska Lincoln Alan R. Doster Seth P. Harris Elisa N. Salas David J. Steffen Nevada Mesquite James Sheldon Reno Charles Wayne Brockus David Vincent Calise Jennifer A. Chilton Stephen K. Durham Glenn S. Elliott Cindy Ann Farman Earl Meierhenry Dennis J. Meyer Angela Lynn Wilcox New Hampshire Bow Thomas P. Lipscomb Frances Yvonne Schulman Candia Edward H. Fowler Durham Michelle Fleetwood Shannon A. Martinson Inga Frost Sidor Rye Alexander de Lahunta Three Forks Paul Frelier New Jersey Victor Dana P. Scott Belle Mead Dibakar Panigrahi Bernardsville A. Neill Johnson 178 Geographic Distribution Bridgewater Michael V. Pino East Hanover Theresa M. Boulineau Sebastian James Brennan Diane E. Gunson Kristin L. Henson Robert C. Johnson Rie Kikkawa Elizabeth V. Skuba Steven A. Stefanski Oliver C. Turner Kapil Vashisht Newton Doyle Frank Patricia E. Losco Westfield James D. Pulliam Zadok Ruben Nutley Gopakumar Gopalakrishnan Marielle Odin Whitehouse Station Robert M. Diener Stephanie J. White-Hunt Parsippany Daher Ibrahim Aibo New Mexico East Millstone Sylvie J. Gosselin Vimala Vemireddi Piscataway N. Jonathan Wosu Pennington Susan Trenka-Benthin Albuquerque Andrew Paul Gigliotti Fletcher F. Hahn Julie A. Hutt Thomas H. March John M. Ragsdale Robert G. Russell Norbert Takacs Flemington Donald N. McMartin Princeton Denise I. Bounous Glenn H. Cantor Bruce D. Car Evan B. Janovitz Richard A. Westhouse Hackettstown William L. Wooding Raritan Stanley Jim E. Proctor Las Vegas Scot L. Eustis Jersey City Lila Ramaiah Ringoes Cynthia J. Ziegra New York Kenilworth Steven R. Brunnert J. Todd Painter Robbinsville Devorah A. Marks Stowe Elmer Ronnie E. Cimprich Lafayette Kelley Alene Penraat Milford Peter H. Craig Morristown Howard A. Hartman New Brunswick Thomas E. Dorr Anthony M. Fletcher Michael Goedken Clifford J. Hixson Oscar G. Illanes Jagannatha V. Mysore Natasha Neef Maria C. M. Parrula Salem Carolyn S. Van Pelt Secaucus Manu M. Sebastian Sparta Hugh E. Black Frederique M. Poulet Summit Nathaniel David Collins James R. Hartke Darrell Lee Tuomari Sussex Grazyna Z. KaminskaMcNamara Trenton Laura L. Coffee Alto Sherry J. Morgan Accord James Walberg Albany Jodie A. Gerdin Bronx Kenneth J. Conley Denise McAloose Alisa L. Newton Robert J Ossiboff Rani S. Sellers Cazenovia Robert S. Hirth Chazy James T. Meehan Clifton Park Melissa M. Popielarczyk 179 Geographic Distribution Greenport Jonathan Arzt Charles A. Mebus Huntington Station David A. Gamble Ithaca Midori Goto Asakawa Erica L. Behling-Kelly Kathleen Kelly Brennan Elizabeth L. Buckles Brian G. Caserto Gerald E. Duhamel Erika J. Gruber John M. King Sean P. McDonough Andrew David Miller Sunish Mohanan Jeanine Peters-Kennedy Heather L. Priest Deanna Marie Wurmstein Schaefer Donald H. Schlafer Danny W. Scott Teresa Southard Nora L Springer Tracy Stokol Jamesville Lawrence E. Mezza Lake Success Phil Labelle Leo J. McSherry Scott D. Moroff Manlius Carla L. Bregman Morrisonville James L. Inhelder New York Liangbiao (George) Hu Mudher Albassam Lilli S. Decker Taryn A. Donovan Michelle L. Lepherd Serena Mei-Sen Liu Sébastien Monette Andrea Siegel Raquel Maria Walton Julie R. White 180 Pearl River Magali R. Guffroy Setauket Leon Sokoloff Tarrrytown Gaurav Tyagi Odete R. Mendes Adelekan (Lekan) Oyejide Durham Pamela Blackshear Jessica S. Hoane Crystal L. Johnson Micheal P. Jokinen Linda H. Kooistra James P. Morrison Kathleen Szabo Westbury Bernard M. Wagner Hillsborough Danielle L. Brown Joel R. Leininger Kristie L. Mozzachio George A. Parker Catherine Ann Picut Amera Kristine Remick Yonkers Jamie L. Haddad Knotts Island Tammy Lynn Johnson North Carolina Littleton James B. Nold Andrews Larry Joseph Ackerman Morrisville Debabrata Mahapatra Steven D. Rushton Lauren M. Staska Valhalla Gary M. Williams Apex Shelley V. Ching Cary Fidelia R. Fernandez Jill Findlay Rebekah Gray Gunn-Christie A. W. Macklin Jaime Tarigo Brigid V. Troan Chapel Hill Edwin J. Andrews Gary A. Boorman Virginia Lee Godfrey James A. Swenberg Clayton Bonnie Brenseke Colfax William Frank MacKenzie Raleigh Janice M. Andrews Kenneth M. Ayers Allison C. Boone Talmage T. Brown Torrie Ann Crabbs John M. Cullen Oscar J. Fletcher Alana Pavuk Garner Carol Beth Grindem Schantel A. Hayes Edwin A. Holzinger Jerry McHugh Law Keith E. Linder Jennifer Ann Luff Pamela B. Luther Robert R. Maronpot Ernest E. McConnell Peter Gerard Moisan Rebecca Moore Jennifer A. Neel Rose Sydlowski Ranck Debra Tokarz Alison Tucker Geographic Distribution Research Triangle Park Rick R. Adler Brian R. Berridge Amy Elizabeth Brix H. Roger Brown Mark F. Cesta Sundeep A. Chandra Chandikumar S. Elangbam Susan A. Elmore Jeffrey Everitt Margarita M. Gruebbel Bradley F. Hamilton Jerry F. Hardisty Mark J. Hoenerhoff Kyathanahalli Janardhan Holly L. Jordan David E. Malarkey Christine L. Merrill Richard Thomas Miller Rodney A. Miller Arun Kumar Reddy Pandiri Richard Allan Peterson, II Judith S. Prescott Erin M. Quist John Curtis Seely Robert C. Sills Gregory S. Travlos Charles E. Wood Michelle C. Cora Deepa B. Rao Saluda Evan Davis McGee Sanford Valarie A. Pallatto Southern Pines Richard C. Piper Southport James W. Griffith Wake Forest Henry G. Wall Winston Salem Jessica L. Grieves Ryan N. Jennings Timothy A. Bertram J. Mark Cline Manuel J. Jayo Nancy D. Kock Zebulon Donald J. Meuten North Dakota Fargo Neil Dyer Teresa K. Newell Brett T. Webb West Fargo Ivan E. Berg Ohio Ashland Steven D. Barkyoumb Gary Dwayne Coleman Melanie A. Greeley Ann Radovsky Karen S. Regan Cincinnati Vinicius Carreira Andrew Stephen Fix John P. Gibson James Wilson Newberne Geisa G. Paulin-Curlee Shiva Kumar Shanmukhappa Cleveland Heights Rebeccah A. Urbiztondo Columbus Tara P. Arndt Brad Bolon Mary Jo Burkhard Clarence R. Cole Garrett S. Dill Katherine Ann Brownstein Knostman Krista M. D. La Perle Jennifer L. Mathews Michael J. Oglesbee Tracey L. Papenfuss Christopher Premanandan M. Judith Radin Thomas J. Rosol Laura J. Rush Duncan S. Russell Michael J. Ryan Allen Singer Anthony J. Skowronek Paul C. Stromberg Daphne Y. Vasconcelos Steven E. Weisbrode Maxey L. Wellman Rachel E. Cianciolo Lyn M. Wancket Dayton Allen Hall Dublin Kristin M. Patton Galena Donald M. Sells Lewis Center Gary Kociba Lewisburg Gary B. Marit Loudonville Roxanne Ellen Baumgartner Maineville James K. Maurer Mason Dennis M. Hoover Philip H. Long Suzanne M. Neu Doug Sharpnack 181 Geographic Distribution Medina Jairo Santos Nunes Northwood James A. Render Powell Michele R. Wells-Stock Reynoldsburg Alice D. Roudabush Spencerville William H. Baker Binod Jacob Aaron M. Sargeant Upper Arlington John D. Toft, II Worthington Mark Chalkley Seth E. Chapman Stephanie C. Corn John T. Yarrington Oklahoma Edmond Katy A. Jacocks Erick Charles A. Holmberg Jay Charles A. Montgomery Oklahoma City William W. Brinkley Stanley D. Kosanke Perkins Gregory Alan Campbell 182 Stillwater Robin W. Allison Keith L. Bailey Melanie Ann Breshears Gary T. Burger Anthony W. Confer Rick L. Cowell Rupika T. DeSilva Ray W. Ely Bill J. Johnson James Harold Meinkoth Bradley L. Njaa Roger J. Panciera Jerry William Ritchey Theresa E. Rizzi Chris A. Schiller Mee-Ja M. Sula Tulsa Rowland G. Helman Delana Taylor McNac Delbert Whitenack Damascus Michele Menard Hillsboro Basel T. Assaf Maupin Corrine R. Davis Newberg George Migaki Portland Allison P. Billings Jean-Sebastien Latouche Patricia M. McManus Suzanne M. Pratt Sweet Home Barry J. Cooper Tigard George L. Clarke Oregon Yamhill David L. Fritz Albany Stanley Snyder Pennsylvania Ashland Rebecca Ann Kagan Tabitha C. Viner Audubon Gebre M. Mesfin Beaverton Lois Colgin Rebecca Maps Ducore Anne Lewis Camp Hill Mark K. Walter Claysburg Daniel E. Dunmore Bend James L. Palotay Coatesville Perry L. Habecker Corvallis Robert John Bildfell Howard B. Gelberg Maria Elena Gorman Jerry R. Heidel Christiane V. Löhr Renee C. Pearson Sean T. Spagnoli Jan Marie Spitsbergen Susan J. Tornquist Beth A. Valentine Columbia Cross Roads Jerry D. Frantz Cresco Keith E. Baer Doylestown W. Ray Brown Charlotte Keenan Kevin P. Keenan Charles H. Kircher Rommel Max T. Tan Geographic Distribution Furlong Matthew J. Van Zwieten Narberth Mattie Hendrick Telford A. Harris Mosher Gettysburg Tracie E. Bunton New Hope Bruce McCullough Harrisburg Lore Boger Heather E. Clarke Newtown Square John M. Langloss University Park Jason W. Brooks Arthur L. Hattel Hershey Timothy K. Cooper Kennett Square Helen M. Acland Julie B. Engiles Kimberton Lester W. Schwartz King of Prussia Daniela Ennulat Cindy Ellen Fishman Kendall S. Frazier Angela R. Hughes-Earle Stephen John Newsholme Michael Alan Ringenberg Heath C. Thomas Justin D. Vidal Lancaster James A. Popp Landenberg Klaus Hubben Langhorne Elizabeth Little Lansdale Elizabeth G. Besteman Lansdowne Deborah M. Gillette Malvern Ronald S. Eydelloth Merion Station Lisa D. Berman-Booty Murrysville Robert H. Garman Norristown Lea G. Stabinski North Wales Sophie Bouchiha-Olson Paoli Sabine Rehm Perkasie Curt H. Barthel Philadelphia Theresa Alenghat Charles Anderson Charles W. Bradley II Angela K. Brice Elizabeth L Buza Roberta Di Terlizzi Amy C. Durham Elizabeth A. Mauldin Melissa D. Sanchez Madhu Sirivelu John G. Trupkiewicz Thomas J. Van Winkle Koranda A. Wallace Pittsburgh Edwin C. Klein Lora H. Rigatti Point Pleasant Joe D. Burek Schwenksville Lisa LaFranco Scheuch Spring House Frederic Spiers Almy, III Calvert St. George Louden Bhanu Pratap Singh Daniel Weinstock Bevin Zimmerman State College Hansjakob Rothenbacher West Chester J. Dale Thurman West Grove Greg P. Sykes West Point Tom Forest Laura A. Gumprecht Valerie T. Hamilton Sabu Kuruvilla Samuel V. Machotka Glen K. Miller Nagaraja Muniappa Michael J. Topper Sean Patrick Troth Takayuki Tsuchiya Gordon K. Wollenberg Rhode Island East Greenwich Taryn Ann Sibley Wakefield Paul Estes Warwick Erica Twitchell South Carolina Charleston Christine Hanika Holland Kristi L. Helke Clemson Richard H. Bruner Columbia Tim Cushing Karen Suzanne Dolce Raymond M. Everett Pamela G. Parnell 183 Geographic Distribution Eutawville Charles G. McLeod, Jr. Fort Mill David Tyler Hilton Head Island Michael H. Goldschmidt Lexington Harry C. Wimberly Myrtle Beach James B. Moe St Helena Island Michael Carakostas South Dakota Brookings David Henry Zeman Estelline Tanya D. Graham Presho Gail D. Williams Sinai Martin E. Bergeland Tennessee Collierville Terrell W. Blanchard Crossville Edmund K. LeGrand Farragut Robert L. Michel Franklin Robyn A. Haines Knoxville Linden E. Craig Bente Flatland Michael M. Fry Casey J. LeBlanc Malcolm D. McCracken Michael F. McEntee M. D. McGavin Kimberly M. Newkirk Shelley J. Newman Clark S. Patton Danielle Reel Memphis Ronald Chance Bell Liesl C. Breickner Jamie Marie Bush Laura Janke Elizabeth E. Jay Janelle M. Novak Jerold E. Rehg Elaine J. Tobias Peter Vogel Nashville Kelli Lynn Boyd E. Donald Roberts David Edward Toplon Scott Douglas Reed Walland David F. Edwards Texas Amarillo James A. Trybus Bastrop Wallace B. Baze Beth Kira Chaffee John P. Thilsted Bryan Gabriel Gomez George E. Lees Karen E. Russell Eric R. Snook Derick B. Whitley College Station Bruce Abbitt Leslie Garry Adams Angela Arenas Kathrin Burke John F. Edwards Jay Hoffman Jessica Anne Hokamp Nicolette D. Jackson Mark C. Johnson Gwendolyn J. Levine Barbara C. Lewis Sandra L. Lovering K. Joanne E. Mansell Mary B. Nabity Fabiano Oliveira Kenneth R. Pierce Roy R. Pool Brian F. Porter Raquel R. Rech Richard M. Robinson Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann Sarah M. Schneider Ralph W. Storts Karen E. Trainor Bradley R. Weeks Steven E. Wikse Cypress Jeffrey L. Edwards Dallas Amy G. Miller Roberta Lynn Relford James A. Richardson Denton John A. Shadduck Euless Penny Kay Patten Flower Mound Amy C. Valenciano Fort Sam Houston Chris H. Gardiner Robert Wayne Kornegay Galveston Karla Ann Fenton Garden Ridge Gene B. Hubbard 184 Geographic Distribution Georgetown John F. Hansen Billy C. Ward Gonzales Martin Dale Ficken Harlingen Ronald D. Tyler Hondo Michael Andrew Owston Houston Janice A. Cruz Cardona Mihai Gagea-Iurascu Sherry A. Klumpp Judit E. Markovits Laura R. Pageon Irvine Karen E. Dorsey La Vernia Kenneth Lance Batey Manor Gregory K. Wilkerson Midland Roger A. Ball Murphy Mary T. Wight-Carter Paige Mark J. McArthur Pearland Dipak K. Giri San Antonio Thelda Joy Atkin Ronald Crawley Martha A. Hanes Joseph Novak Michelle E. PachecoThompson Fonzie Juliene Quance-Fitch Deidre E. Stoffregen Seabrook L. Clifton Stephens Seguin Edward J. Dick, Jr. Virginia Smithville Donna F. Kusewitt Anacortes Gary R. Johnson Spring Branch J. Scot Estep Arlington Marcia E. Pereira The Woodlands Bobby Joe Payne Robert W. Read Ashburn Sylvia Hsau-T Liu Utah Ivins Timothy G. Terrell Logan Thomas James Baldwin Ammon W. Brown Gordon A. Hullinger Johanna D. Rigas Bryan L. Stegelmeier Arnaud J. Van Wettere Moab Anna Barthel Nibley Kimberly Cavender Roosevelt Brittney R. Fierro Salt Lake City D. Glen Esplin Lawrence D. McGill Sharon Ruth Wilson David W. Gardiner Santa Clara Neil Allison Vermont Sheffield Agatha M. Boisvert Blacksburg Katie M. Boes Thomas E. Cecere Kristin B. Eden Bernard S. Jortner Kevin K. Lahmers Tanya LeRoith Laurie G. O’Rourke Geoffrey K. Saunders Nicole M. Weinstein Kurt L. Zimmerman Chantilly Michael R. Elwell Denzil F. Frost Victoria A. Laast Thomas Larsen Mark G. Mense Ricardo Quander Andrew W. Suttie Chesapeake Eric Morissette Chesterfield Anthony J. Johnson Faber William O. Iverson Fairfax Station Reema T. Patel Leesburg John F. Ferrell Luray Lisa M. Crofton Mattaponi Laura E. Leigh Perkins 185 Geographic Distribution Portsmouth Crystal Maria Briscoe Purcellville Donald K. Nichols Borge M. Ulland Burien Aine M. A. CampbellHawthorn Chehalis Michael A. Stedham Remington Darryl H. Patrick Clinton Robert A. Green Reston Sarah Louise Hale Carol Uphoff Meteyer Colbert David O. Slauson Springfield Dale G. Dunn Edmonds Ann M. Hargis Barry H. Rickman Sterling Deborah A. Banas Kathleen Ann Funk Thomas J. Steinbach Jeffrey Curtis Wolf Marilyn J. Wolfe Everett Sam J. Harbo Michael K. Jackson Stewart B. Jacobson Holly M. Kolenda-Roberts Meliton N. Novilla Virginia Beach Jennifer R. Cook Greenbank Lawrence L. Kunz Warsaw Richard W. Voelker Kirkland Catherine J. Benson Woodlawn Marion G. Valerio Lake Stevens Sally J. Lester Washington Monroe Michael M. Garner James K. Klaassen Albion Danielle D. Nelson Mount Vernon David H. Gribble Bainbridge Island W. Ellis Giddens JoAnn Schuh Mukilteo Danielle R. Desjardins Kendal Elizabeth Harr Sarah L. Johnson Christopher I. Mesher Ramona T. Skirpstunas Connie Kathleen Stevenson Bellingham Michael J. Tomlinson Benton City Sondra L. Grumbein Bothell Steven Marc Duniho 186 North Bend Daniel G. Branstetter Pullman Dharani K. Ajithdoss Fairfield T. Bain Timothy Baszler Regan R.W. Bell Gary Haldorson James B. Henson Margaret A. Highland John W. Kramer Terry F. McElwain Susan M. Noh Kathleen A. Potter Kevin R. Snekvik Cleverson D. Souza G. R. Spencer K. Jane Wardrop Tamara B. Wills Redmond Audrey Eleanor Baldessari Lauren M. Tatalick Richland Gerald E. Dagle Paul W. Mellick Seattle Charles E. Dean, Jr. Martha Ann Delaney Nancy Ellen Everds Hajime Hiraragi Sue E. Knoblaugh H. Denny Liggitt Peter C. Mann Vincent P. Meador Robert D. Murnane James F. Reindel W. Douglas Sheffield Piper M. Treuting Esther S. Trueblood Kimberly S. Waggie Jennifer Gale Ward Sumner Roger A. Renne Vancouver Hugh Bilson Lewis Geographic Distribution West Virginia Clay Rogely Waite Boyce Harpers Ferry James T. Raymond Jo Lynne W. Raymond Morgantown Ann Frances Hubbs Paw Paw Walter F. Loeb Wisconsin Argyle Byron G. Boysen Brookfield Kathleen L. Hawkins Deerfield Brett H. Saladino Hartland Robert A. Leedle Janesville Patrick M. Kramme Madison Melissa Behr Cynthia M. Bell Brad A. Blankenship Philip N. Bochsler Ryan M. Dickinson Richard R. Dubielzig Jeffrey Stuart Eggers Johnnie Joel Eighmy Josely F. Figueiredo Kristen R. Friedrichs David Joseph Gasper Annette P. GendronFitzpatrick David Earl Green Robert L. Hall Barb C. Hernandez Guenther Hoffmann Susan Knowles Julia S. Lankton Michael J. Linn Michael R. Logan Leslie McPherson William A. Meier Emily K. Meseck Anantharaman Muthuswamy Marie E. Pinkerton Stephen P. Schmidt Denise J. Schwahn Alok K. Sharma Valerie I. Shearn-Bochsler Steven D. Sorden Howard Steinberg Ruth Sullivan Leandro Teixeira Niraj Kumar Tripathi Julie Lyn Webb Marshfield Laura K. Andrews Barbara Greig Donna M. Hertzke Anne L. Kincaid Frances M. Moore Mount Horeb Leland Wayne Dochterman Nancy J. Thomas Stoughton Alric Lopez-Martinez Verona Ruth E. Hurley Waunakee Richard D. Alsaker James L. Carter Wauwatosa Laura Ann Snyder Wyoming Lander Barbara Gericota McMahill Laramie Todd E. Cornish Donald L. Montgomery Australia New South Wales Elizabeth A. Browne Roger W. Cook Ann M. Crowley Shannon L. Donahoe Leslie J. Gabor Melinda J. Gabor Ronald Peter Gogolewski Karen V. Jackson Allan E. Kessell Philip W. Ladds Susan Piripi Cheryl Sangster David P. Taylor Stephen M. Yeomans Queensland Rachel Elizabeth AllavenaGeisel Susan Patricia Boyd Mark Joseph Carrigan Michelle M. Dennis Karen L. Gerber Linda K. Johnson John T. Mackie Richard Ian Miller Jeanine Rhoda Sandy Alan Seawright Neill D. Sullivan Dilini Thilakaratne Hans Winter 187 Geographic Distribution South Australia Daren M. Hanshaw Milton M. McAllister Robert S. Rahaley Ruth Reuter Lucy Woolford Victoria Sara L. Connolly Elizabeth Cara Dobson Peter C. Doherty Bradley I. Galgut Celia Coralie Hooper Fenella Long Christina I. McCowan Judith Stephanie Nimmo Lorna Rasmussen Wayne F. Robinson Ronald Slocombe Mark M. Williamson Natalie F. Courtman Brian A. Summers Western Australia Hannah S Bender Anthony Shane Besier Phillip Clark Jenifer Anne Hill John E. Jardine Jonathan Meyer Geoffrey M. Mitchell Malcolm E. Nairn Amanda J. O’Hara Ronald Barry Richards Leanne Twomey Canada Alberta Larry Dale Armstrong Ralph G. Christian Edward G. Clark Jennifer Lee Davies Kathi A. Ellis Nicole Fernandez Catherine Elizabeth Graham Cameron Greig Knight Carolyn H. Legge Patrick N. Nation N. Ole Nielsen Allen W. Perry Heidi GR Peta Madhu Babu Ravi Catherine Wagg Amy L. Warren British Columbia Byron E. Beck Allan John Berrington Jim Bilenduke Linda E. Ferns Carrie L. Flint Chelsea G. Himsworth Natalie (Tasha) Kowalewich Ronald J. Lewis Gary D. Marty Stephen A. Raverty James Robert Saunders Heindrich N. Snyman Jean C. Tobey Hilde E.V. De Cock Manitoba Carissa Kelly Embury-Hyatt Angelica Galezowski James L. Neufeld Brazil New Foundland Laura A. Rogers Belgium Janildo L. Reis, Jr. 188 Ontario Hibret Amare Adissu Dorothee Bienzle Brian D. Binnington Marina Louise Brash Andrew S. Brooks William S. Bulmer Jeff L. Caswell Josepha P. DeLay Robert A. Foster Jordan M. Fromstein Krystyna M. Grodecki Stephen C. Groom M. Anthony Hayes Murray James Hazlett Thomas J. Hulland Robert M. Jacobs Shannon Leigh Johnson Sonya L. Keller Dana M. Larsen Brandon N.M. Lillie Leonard E. (Len) Lillie Peter B. Little Erin Paige Locke John H. Lumsden John S. Lumsden Grant Maxie Beverly J. McEwen Scott A. McEwen Dean H. Percy Brandon L. Plattner Genevieve Remmers Kristiina K. Ruotsalo Stephen Ernest Sanford Ravi A. Seebaransingh Graham S. Smith Maria T. Spinato Margaret J. Stalker Daniel A. Stevenson Emmeline O. Tan Jennifer J. Thompson Leander Tryphonas Tony A. Van Dreumel Andrew R. Vince Valerie M. Wong Darren Wood Prince Edward Island Andrea L. Battison Andrea C. Bourque Shelley A. Burton Noel P. Clancey Pierre-Yves Daoust Maria J. Forzan Cornelia Visser Gilroy Paul E. Hanna Barbara Sue Horney Gerald R. Johnson Chelsea K. Martin Lisa Maag Miller Elizabeth J. O’Neil Geographic Distribution Quebec Sylvie Beaudin Sandra Beaudoin Agathe Bedard Christian Bedard Jean-Marc Benoit Marie-Odile BenoitBiancamano Jean-Guy Bienvenu Luc Chouinard Melissa Czajkowski Andre D. Dallaire Wendell Phillip Davis Elaine Debien Monique Dore-Sirois Richard Drolet Dominique Fournier Malcolm John Gains Carolyn Gara-Boivin Christiane Girard Christiana Glover Félix Goulet Carolyn N. Grimes Solomon K. Haile Nicole Hamelin Julius A. Haruna Pierre Hebert Pierre Helie Jacquelin Jolette Jean-Francois Lafond Andre-Jean Lambert Isabelle Lanthier Jean-Martin Lapointe Lynne Marcotte Daniel Martineau Jeffrey E. McCartney Andréanne Morency Michel Morin Sebastien Overvelde Marilene Paquet Caroline Piché Florence M. Poitout-Belissent Anne Provencher Bolliger Isabelle St-Pierre Pierre A. Tellier Claudine Tremblay Saskatchewan Ahmad Al-Dissi Lorraine Ann Bryan Hilary J. Burgess Marion L. Jackson Beverly Kidney Frederick A. Leighton Pritpal S. Malhi Melissa D. Meachem Dorothy M. Middleton Catherine Monteith Sherry L. Myers Helene Philibert Soraya T. Sayi Gene P. Searcy Elemir Simko Bruce Kendall Wobeser Yukon Naomi Jane Harms China France Andre Laurent Parodi Beatrice J. Sacre-Salem David Peter Abbott Peter Harry Berry Francois Courtin Patricia A. Crosse Philippe G. Detilleux Catherine George Aurelia Herbet Thomas G. Hodge Philippe Andre Laroque Jean-Loïc Le Net Bernard Leblanc Karin Yael Lemberger Loic E. Longeart Marie-France Perron Lepage Benedicte Pouleur-Larrat Benoit Rannou Annette Romeike Monique Y. Wells Helen Han Hsu Germany Costa Rica Sameh A. Youssef Jerry R. Cowart Jens Peter Teifke Wolfgang Baumgaertner Martin D. M. Busch William E. Culp Robert Klopfleisch Lars Mecklenburg Ulrich Mohr Jelena Palic Dirk Schaudien Sandra Johanna Schoeniger Vanessa Lea Schumacher Graham J. Stock Fiji Greece Alexander D. McLachlan Aristodimos Hatzis Finland Grenada Marjukka O. Anttila Hugh W. Ferguson Sergio A. Sanchez Picado Egypt Ahmed Mohamed Shoieb Egypt, Arab Rep. 189 Geographic Distribution Ireland Netherlands South Korea Peter James O’Brien Alain de Bruin Andrea Gröne Rebekah I. Keesler Thijs Kuiken New Caledonia Anais V. Desoutter New Zealand Geoff Orbell R. Gary Clark Kelly N Buckle Isobel R. Gibson Dawn Seddon Donald Graeme Arthur Donald O. Cordes Genevieve D’Amours Keren E. Dittmer Jennifer Jane Donald Robert A. Fairley Adrienne F. French Gordon C. Hard Michael R. Hardcastle Catherine Jane Harvey Stuart Andrew Hunter Robert D. Jolly Alan F. Julian John Stephen Munday Peter J. O’Hara Wendi Roe Nicola M. Shackleton Bronwyn Smits Keith G. Thompson Bernard L. Vaatstra Yongbaek Kim Israel Asaf Berkowitz Ana Maria Botero-Anug Ori Jacob Brenner Italy Fabio Aloisio Japan Mika Tanabe Yoko Kashida Sugimoto Sakurako Neo Hirotaka Kondo Teita Ishizaki Yumiko Kagawa Ikki Mitsui Latvia Ilze Matise Nigeria Spain Carles Juan-Sallés Carolina Naranjo Fernando Ramiro-Ibanez Anne Lanevschi Joaquin Ortega Porcel St. Kitts and Nevis Mary Anna Thrall Janet Christine Beeler-Marfisi Fernanda Castillo Alcala Sweden Harold W. Tvedten Aleksija Neimanis Switzerland Dominique J. Brees Flavio M. Crameri Hansruedi Luginbuhl Francesco Carlo Origgi Ingrid Mireille PruimboomBrees Fabienne Heirangi Serra Maja M. Suter Barbara R. von Beust Olajide Babatunde Kasali Singapore Muthafar Al-Haddawi Monali Bera Ralph M. Bunte South Africa Neil M. Duncan Emily P. Lane Sophette Gers 190 Taiwan Patricia Lin Thailand Neel Ibn-Anwar Aziz Eric D. Lombardini Geographic Distribution Trinidad and Tobago Indira Sonja Pargass Karelma Frontera-Acevedo Rod Suepaul United Kingdom Timothy J. Scase Paola Monti Adam Hargreaves Matthew Charles Jacobsen Martina Piviani Oliver Coldrick Lucy M. Genovese Kate Sherry Malcolm A. Silkstone Andrew G. Torrance Caroline Millins Michael Rozmanec Gerald A. H. Wells Gail Pearse Simon L. Priestnall Balazs Szladovits Roger Powell Sonja A. Rivers Jennifer E. Stewart Clare A. James Nabeel Mehdi Sionagh Helen Smith Valeria Cafe Marcal Sophie Le-Calvez Annabella Marie Pocknell Thomas J. Vicek Randolph Jeffery Wilson Katherine Gray Berman Caroline L. Millins James P. Orr Janet C. Patterson-Kane Elizabeth B. Steeves David Maguire Emma Scurrell Alexandra I. Brower Paola Cazzini Norelene T. Harrington Matthew P. Harris Ian Hawkins Peter M. Millar Michal Neta Joëlle Pinard 191 ACVP 2014 Member Directory Veterinary Clinical Pathologists Betsy Aird Arthur Rick Alleman Robin W. Allison Frederic Spiers Almy, III Richard D. Alsaker Mehrdad Ameri Claire B. Andreasen Dina A. Andrews Janice M. Andrews Adam D. Aulbach Paul R. Avery Perry James Bain Kaikhushroo H. Banajee Anne M. Barger Valerie Guilpin Barlow Kirstin F. Barnhart Dean L. Basel Andrea L. Battison Sylvie Beaudin Sandra Beaudoin Christian Bedard Janet Christine Beeler-Marfisi Erica L. Behling-Kelly Regan R.W. Bell Holly S. Bender Allan John Berrington Elizabeth G. Besteman Dorothee Bienzle Jim Bilenduke Allison P. Billings Tricia M. Bisby John M. Bjorneby Julia T. Blue Katie M. Boes Andrea A. Bohn Agatha M. Boisvert Laura I. Boone Dori Leanne Borjesson Denise I. Bounous Susan Patricia Boyd Liesl C. Breickner Charles Wayne Brockus Diane E. Brown Hilary J. Burgess Kathrin Burke Mary Jo Burkhard Shelley A. Burton Melinda S. Camus Michael Carakostas Gary P. Carlson Kimberly J. Caruso Paola Cazzini 192 Seth E. Chapman Peter William Christopherson Elizabeth A. Cienava Noel P. Clancey Phillip Clark Oliver Coldrick Nathaniel David Collins Sara L. Connolly Jennifer R. Cook Michelle C. Cora Stephanie C. Corn Natalie F. Courtman Rick L. Cowell Laura C. Cregar Patricia A. Crosse Janice A. Cruz Cardona Martin David Deborah G. Davis Gregg Alan Dean Lilli S. Decker Keith DeJong Dennis B. DeNicola Roberta Di Terlizzi Ryan M. Dickinson Jennifer Jane Donald Karen E. Dorsey Mark David Dunbar David F. Edwards Glenn S. Elliott Kathi A. Ellis Ellen W. Evans Nancy Ellen Everds Raymond M. Everett Peter J. Fernandes Fidelia R. Fernandez Nicole Fernandez Martin J. Fettman Brittney R. Fierro Josely F. Figueiredo David J. Fisher Heather Flaherty Bente Flatland Carrie L. Flint Kristen R. Friedrichs Jordan M. Fromstein Michael M. Fry Angelica Galezowski Bradley I. Galgut Carolyn Gara-Boivin Bridget C. Garner Stephen D. Gaunt Jeanne W. George Karen L. Gerber Cornelia Visser Gilroy Maria Elena Gorman Ruanna E. Gossett Emily C. Graff Britton J. Grasperge Robert A. Green Barbara Greig Carolyn N. Grimes Carol Beth Grindem Krystyna M. Grodecki Erika J. Gruber Rebekah Gray Gunn-Christie Robert L. Hall Sam J. Harbo Kendal Elizabeth Harr Matthew P. Harris John W. Harvey Aristodimos Hatzis Pierre Hebert Kristin L. Henson Jenifer Anne Hill Joanne Hodges Jessica Anne Hokamp Charlotte Hollinger David J. Honor Barbara Sue Horney Shannon Jones Hostetter Christine S. Hotz Teita Ishizaki Karen V. Jackson Marion L. Jackson Robert M. Jacobs Katy A. Jacocks Elizabeth E. Jay Unity B. Jeffery Jennifer Lynn Johns Mark C. Johnson Melanie Elaine Johnson Sarah L. Johnson Jocelyn Dee Johnsrude William O. Jones Holly L. Jordan Tarja A. Juopperi Kerry S. Keeton Sonya L. Keller Beverly Kidney Anita R. Kiehl James K. Klaassen Joyce S. Knoll Amir Kol Natalie (Tasha) Kowalewich ACVP 2014 Member Directory Veterinary Clinical Pathologists - continued John W. Kramer Kurt Kreutzer Laura V. Lane Anne Lanevschi Kenneth S. Latimer Jean-Sebastien Latouche Casey J. LeBlanc Bruce E. LeRoy Gwendolyn J. Levine Hugh Bilson Lewis Tzu-yin Lin Elizabeth Little Michael R. Logan John H. Lumsden Amy L. MacNeill Jeanne M. Maddux David Maguire Carol Paffumi Mandell Lynne Marcotte Cinzia Mastrorilli Jennifer L. Mathews Jeffrey E. McCartney Jennifer K. McCleese John P. McGrath Patricia M. McManus Leo J. McSherry Melissa D. Meachem James Harold Meinkoth Michele Menard Christopher I. Mesher Joanne B. Messick Dennis J. Meyer Jonathan Meyer Helen Michael Amy G. Miller Catherine Monteith Paola Monti William E. Moore Eric Morissette Sherry L. Myers Mary B. Nabity Jennifer A. Neel Sakurako Neo Michal Neta Peter James O’Brien Elizabeth J. O’Neil Laurie G. O’Rourke Christine S. Olver Jed A. Overmann Sebastien Overvelde Jennifer Owen Sean Dietrich Owens Jelena Palic Valarie A. Pallatto Indira Sonja Pargass Maria C. M. Parrula Reema T. Patel Penny Kay Patten Renee C. Pearson Kelley Alene Penraat Heidi GR Peta Don J. Petersen Caroline Piché Emily M. Pieczarka Martina Piviani Michelle Plier Lisa M. Pohlman Florence M. Poitout-Belissent Roger Powell Suzanne M. Pratt Judith S. Prescott Heather L. Priest Anne Provencher Bolliger M. Judith Radin Lila Ramaiah Shashi Kumar Ramaiah Benoit Rannou Rose E. Raskin William J. Reagan Alan H. Rebar Roberta Lynn Relford Janelle S. Renschler Lon J. Rich Johanna D. Rigas Theresa E. Rizzi Tracie Denise Romsland Angela B. Royal William W. Ruehl Kristiina K. Ruotsalo Karen E. Russell Julia K. Ryseff Deanna Marie Wurmstein Schaefer Sarah M. Schmidt Amy N. Schnelle A. Eric Schultze Michael A. Scott Gene P. Searcy Dawn Seddon Davis Seelig Nicola M. Shackleton Leslie C. Sharkey Sonjia M. Shelly Kate Sherry Taryn Ann Sibley Andrea Siegel Robert S. Simoni Madhu Sirivelu Elizabeth V. Skuba Graham S. Smith Laura Ann Snyder Philip F. Solter Cleverson D. Souza Elizabeth Spangler Nora L Springer Nicole I. Stacy Christine Ann Stanton Elizabeth B. Steeves Jennifer Danielle Steinberg Connie Kathleen Stevenson Julia E. Stickle Graham J. Stock Steven L. Stockham Tracy Stokol Devorah A. Marks Stowe Cheryl L. Swenson Balazs Szladovits Emmeline O. Tan Jaime Tarigo Heather Leigh Tarpley Jacqueline Tarrant John B. Tasker Amy E. Thiessen Dilini Thilakaratne Jennifer S. Thomas Craig A. Thompson Catherine E. Thorn Mary Anna Thrall Jean C. Tobey Elaine J. Tobias Julie K. Tomlinson Susan J. Tornquist Andrew G. Torrance Gregory S. Travlos Niraj Kumar Tripathi Leanne Twomey Ashlee S. Urbasic Rebeccah A. Urbiztondo Amy C. Valenciano Maria A. Vandis Jan L. VanSteenhouse Linda M. Vap Karen Velguth William Vernau Barbara R. von Beust Catherine Wagg 193 ACVP 2014 Member Directory Veterinary Clinical Pathologists - continued Patricia S. Wakenell Dana B. Walker Koranda A. Wallace Gail L. Walter Raquel Maria Walton Heather L. Wamsley K. Jane Wardrop Julie Lyn Webb Kurt Weingand Nicole M. Weinstein Glade Weiser Douglas J. Weiss Elizabeth G. Welles Maxey L. Wellman Linda L. Werner Marlyn S. Whitney Charles E. Wiedmeyer Angela Lynn Wilcox Robert J. Wilkins Marjorie J. Williams Matthew L. Williams Randolph Jeffery Wilson Nancy Winjum Michael Wiseman Valerie M. Wong Darren Wood Heather C. Workman Denise S. Wunn Kathryn L. Wycislo Elizabeth S. Young Shanon Zabolotzky Karen L. Zaks Shawn Marie Zimmerman Joseph G. Zinkl ACVP Dual Certified Veterinary Anatomic Pathologists and Veterinary Clinical Pathologists Tara P. Arndt Dale C. Baker Audrey Eleanor Baldessari Linda M. Berent Elmarie Bodes Jennifer Lee Brazzell H. Roger Brown Bruce D. Car Frances A.S. Clemo Yanina Costecalde Sharon M. Dial Karen Suzanne Dolce J. R. Duncan J. Roger Easley Daniela Ennulat Patty J. Ewing Cindy Ellen Fishman Adrienne F. French Jerome H. Gass Aradhana Gupta Jamie L. Haddad Richard L. Hoffman Armando R. Irizarry Jeremy S. Johnson Gary Kociba Janver D. Krehbiel Arlo Ledet Michelle L. Lepherd Sally J. Lester Walter F. Loeb Joseph P. McCoy Vincent P. Meador Donald J. Meuten Robert L. Michel Frances M. Moore Darryl H. Patrick Marie B. Petrites-Murphy Keith W. Prasse Fonzie Juliene Quance-Fitch Lois Roth-Johnson Donald A. Schmidt Judith A. St. Leger Jennifer E. Stewart Mika Tanabe Lindsay Tomlinson Harold W. Tvedten Ronald D. Tyler Victor E. Valli Allison Vitsky Amy L. Warren Michele R. Wells-Stock Melinda J. Wilkerson Tamara B. Wills Jamie Kay Young Kurt L. Zimmerman ACVP Honorary Members Wolfgang Baumgaertner Kurt Benirschke Maxine M. Benjamin# Alexander de Lahunta Peter C. Doherty Chris H. Gardiner Murray B. Gardner #John R. Gorham Gordon C. Hard Walter Hoffmann #William F.H. Jarrett Deceased # 194 Kenneth H. Johnson Robert D. Jolly #K.V.F. Jubb George E. Lees Hansruedi Luginbuhl #Bernard J. McSherry Ulrich Mohr #Jack Moulton Andre Laurent Parodi #Joachim Pohlenz Roy R. Pool #O. Schalm Danny W. Scott Alan Seawright Leon Sokoloff #Benjamin F. Trump Bernard M. Wagner Gerald A. H. Wells Gary M. Williams #Robert W. Wissler ACVP 2014 Member Directory ACVP Charter Members #Clifford W. Barber #E. A. Benbrook #J. S. Bengston #H. E. Biester #F. Bloom David L. Coffin Clarence R. Cole #Donald R. Cordy #C. L. Davis #C. Elder #W. H. Feldman #L. W. Goss #Leonard J. Goss #E. T. Hallman #G. S. Harshfield #J. R. M. Innes #Rue L. Jensen #Thomas Carlyle Jones #E. Jungherr #A. G. Karlson #H. C. H. Kernkamp #Robert F. Langham #H. Marsh #Fred D. Maurer #S. H. McNutt #J. H. Milliff #Charles C. Morrill #I. E. Newsom #P. Olafson #Carl Olson #Wayne H. Riser #Virgil B. Robinson #L. M. Roderick #R. A. Runnells #H. W. Schoening #F. W. Schofield #L. B. Sholl #H. R. Siebold #H. A. Smith #E. L. Stubbs #W. T. S. Thorp #L. Van Es #R. L. Vawter ACVP Distinguished Members Carl L. Alden #F. Bloom #Charles C. Capen William W. Carlton Norman F. Cheville Clarence R. Cole #Donald R. Cordy Linda C. Cork #C. L. Davis #Donald L. Dungworth #W. H. Feldman David H. Gribble W. J. Hadlow Paul K. Hildebrandt Ronald D. Hunt #Thomas Carlyle Jones #Peter C. Kennedy #Adalbert Koestner Janver D. Krehbiel #Robert F. Langham #Robert W. Leader Walter F. Loeb #Kenneth McEntee M. D. McGavin #J. T. McGrath John P. McGrath Janice M. Miller Richard J. Montali Harley W. Moon #Linda Munson James Wilson Newberne Paul M. Newberne #P. Olafson #Carl Olson Bennie I. Osburn Roger J. Panciera #Victor Perman Keith W. Prasse #Wayne H. Riser #John H. Rust #Leon Z. Saunders #F. W. Schofield John A. Shadduck #H. R. Siebold Brian A. Summers #John D. Strandberg Jerrold M. Ward Steven E. Weisbrode ACVP Presidential Awards Gary Cockerell (2012) Amanda J. Fales-Williams (2013) Robert L. Hall (2011) Keith Harris (2012) Joseph S. Haynes (2011) Jerry “Mac” Law (2010) James B. Moe (2011) Daniel Morton (2008) D. Reid Patterson (2007) Anne M. Ryan (2013) Rani S. Sellers (2010) Paul C. Stromberg (2012) Matthew A. Wallig (2008) Glade Weiser (2010) Elizabeth M. Whitley (2013) 195 ACVP 2014 Member Directory ACVP Deceased Members J. Adcock A. F. Alexander W. Anderson Damon R. Averill, Jr. Clifford W. Barber Deborah Barber-Axthelm C. N. Barron Paul D. Beamer Joseph N. Beasley E. A. Benbrook J. S. Bengston Maxine M. Benjamin John Bentinck-Smith H. E. Biester Leonard H. Billups F. Bloom G. Daniel Boon Charles H. Bridges Duane F. Brobst Richard J. Brown Charles C. Capen Herbert C. Carlson R. G. Carlson Harold W. Casey Manik Chandra K. M. Charlton Clarence E. Chrisp H. K. Cohen Donald R. Cordy Michael T. I. Cronin Robert F. Cross Robert R. Dahlgren C. L. Davis Michel Desnoyers Earl Dickinson L. P. Doyle Robert B. Duncan Donald L. Dungworth H. W. Dunne Matthew J. Eggert C. Elder R. Empson Willard Halsey Eyestone Robert L. Farrell Ernest S. Feenstra W. H. Feldman William E. Field Robert A. Fiske James E. Fitzgerald R. Flatt Robert W. Fleischman Duane F. Ford 196 Tracy W. French Ronna Fulton F. M. Garner C. Gilmore Chester A. Gleiser John R. Gorham L. W. Goss Leonard J. Goss Kent A. Gossett Jack E. Gray Richard A. Griesemer Robert Thomas Habermann E. T. Hallman Barry G. Harmon G. S. Harshfield Olaf R. Hedstrom Chas F. Helmboldt Edwin Hoff G. H. Hottendorf E. B. Howard Richard Hughes Arthur I. Hurvitz Robert L. Iles J. R. M. Innes William Inskeep II William F.H. Jarrett Rue L. Jensen Donald F. Johnson R. L. Johnston Albert M. Jonas Larry P. Jones Sidney R. Jones Thomas Carlyle Jones K.V.F. Jubb E. Jungherr Jiro Jerry Kaneko A. G. Karlson William A. Kelly Peter C. Kennedy H. C. H. Kernkamp L. D. Kinter Adalbert Koestner Choudari Kommineni Samuel Kruckenberg Malcolm John Lancaster Robert F. Langham Karl A. Langheinrich E. John Larson E. Duane Lassen Robert W. Leader Robert M. Lewis Allan Lock L. Lombard Fernando Lozano-Alarcon F. Lynd Peter S. MacWilliams Kyleigh Anne Mahard Joel F. Mahler H. Marsh Fred D. Maurer Kenneth McEntee J. T. McGrath G. E. McKissick S. H. McNutt Bernard J. McSherry J. H. Milliff James H. L. Mills Joseph A. Molello W. Monlux Charles C. Morrill Jack Moulton Linda Munson Dennis T. Nelson Laurnie W. Nelson Stuart L. Nelson I. E. Newsom Timothy P. O’Neill P. Olafson Carl Olson Norris V. Owen John C. Peckham Victor Perman John M. Pletcher Joachim Pohlenz F. K. Ramsey Raymond E. Reed W. P. C. Richards C. G. Rickard Julia H. Riley Wayne H. Riser F. R. Robinson Virgil B. Robinson L. M. Roderick James R. Rooney Martin A. Ross George N. Rowland Theodore A. Rude R. A. Runnells John H. Rust Vance L. Sanger Daniel P. Sasmore Leon Z. Saunders Jay Howard Sautter ACVP 2014 Member Directory ACVP Deceased Members - continued O. Schalm H. W. Schoening F. W. Schofield Cameron L. Seger W. T. Shalkop R. P. Shields L. B. Sholl H. R. Siebold Joseph Simon William L. Sippel D. L. T. Smith H. A. Smith Joseph Smith Philip J. Snoy Joseph S. Spano Robert A. Squire Ernest L. Stair, Jr. John D. Strandberg C. Spencer Streett E. L. Stubbs David J. Sullivan Reginald J. Sutherland George M. Szczech Judith Annette Taylor Morrow B. Thompson Reginald G. Thomson F. Thorp W. T. S. Thorp Glen C. Todd Gerhard W. Trautwein Gilberto S. Trevino D. Trotter Benjamin F. Trump Walter E. Tucker, Jr. Marvin J. Twiehaus L. Van Es R. W. Van Pelt Robert J. Van Ryzin John F. Van Vleet R. L. Vawter James H. Vickers Kathleen M. Walsh Stanley D. Warner Adolf M. Watrach Gary Lee Watson Glenn L. Waxler Harris D. Webster Charles E. Whiteman Richard E. Whitmire Elizabeth S. Williams Donald A. Willigan Ronald B. Wilson Robert W. Wissler James C. Woodard Behzad Yamini D. H. Yost Gary M. Zwicker 197 ACVP 2014 Member Directory ACVP Emeritus Members Eugene W. Adams Richard D. Alsaker Charles Anderson Daniel C. Anderson Marilyn P. Anderson Edwin J. Andrews John J. Andrews Larry Dale Armstrong Kenneth M. Ayers Roger A. Ball Dean Barnett Curt H. Barthel Robert Bartsch Gary B. Baskin Byron E. Beck Stephen A. Benjamin Ivan E. Berg Martin E. Bergeland Arthur A. Bickford Sanford Bishop Carla L. Bregman Talmage T. Brown W. Ray Brown Thomas J. Bucci Claus D. Buergelt William S. Bulmer Joe D. Burek Gary T. Burger Jennifer A. Burris Robert H. Busch R. Thomas Callis Alexander M. Cameron Richard H. Cardy Gary P. Carlson William W. Carlton James L. Carpenter Francis W. Chandler, Jr. Norman F. Cheville Ralph G. Christian Ronnie E. Cimprich George L. Clarke Clarence R. Cole James D. Conroy James E. Cook Roger W. Cook Barry J. Cooper Donald O. Cordes Linda C. Cork Peter H. Craig Donald V. Cramer Ronald Crawley Wayne A. Crowell 198 Randall C. Cutlip Barbara M. Daft Gerald E. Dagle Harold Davis James DeMartini Robert H. Denlinger Sheldon S. Diamond Robert M. Diener Garrett S. Dill Dirck L. Dillehay David C. Dodd J. R. Duncan George A. Elliott Ray W. Ely D. Glen Esplin Paul Estes Scot L. Eustis Raymond M. Everett Linda E. Ferns John F. Ferrell Edward H. Fowler Doyle Frank Jerry D. Frantz Robert D. Furrow Robert G. Geil Jeanne W. George John P. Gibson W. Ellis Giddens Donovan E. Gordon W. Robert Graham Robert A. Green Christian L. Gries James W. Griffith Krystyna M. Grodecki Aaron H. Groth Jr Sondra L. Grumbein Deborah J. Guyot W. J. Hadlow Fletcher F. Hahn Allen Hall William H. Halliwell Christine Hanika Holland Lynn A. Hanrahan John F. Hansen Daniel D. Harrington Kathleen L. Hawkins James B. Henson Robert S. Hirth Douglas Hoefling J. Michael Holland John E. Holman Charles A. Holmberg Edwin A. Holzinger C. B. Hong Billy E. Hooper Klaus Hubben Thomas J. Hulland Charles E. Hunt Ronald D. Hunt George D. Imes James L. Inhelder Michael R. Irwin Nancy K. Jaax Robert O. Jacoby Richard M. Jakowski A. Neill Johnson Gary R. Johnson Keith A. Johnson William O. Jones Thomas J. Kakuk Grazyna Z. KaminskaMcNamara Arnold F. Kaufmann Kerry S. Keeton George A. Kennedy James W. Kesterson John M. King Norval W. King Charles H. Kircher John P. Kluge Cheryl Porter Knobloch Gary Kociba Richard Kociba Robert Kovatch John W. Kramer Patrick M. Kramme Janver D. Krehbiel Harold J. Kurtz Philip W. Ladds John M. Langloss Irwin Leav Irwin J. Lebish Arlo Ledet Edmund K. LeGrand Hugh Bilson Lewis Ronald J. Lewis Leonard E. (Len) Lillie J. Russell Lindsey Dan H. Lochner Walter F. Loeb Lance O. Lollini Patricia E. Losco John H. Lumsden John E. Lund ACVP 2014 Member Directory ACVP Emeritus Members - continued William Frank MacKenzie A. W. Macklin Edward A. Mahaffey Carol Paffumi Mandell Ernest E. McConnell Robert F. McConnell Malcolm D. McCracken Bruce McCullough Robert M. McCully M. D. McGavin John P. McGrath Basil E. McKenzie Delana Taylor McNac Charles A. Mebus Paul W. Mellick Lawrence E. Mezza Robert L. Michel Dorothy M. Middleton George Migaki Georgina F. Miller Janice M. Miller L. Devon Miller Frank E. Mitchell Charles A. Montgomery Harley W. Moon Ronda P. Moore William E. Moore Robert Leroy Morrissey A. Harris Mosher James C. Murphy Malcolm E. Nairn James L. Neufeld James Wilson Newberne Paul M. Newberne N. Ole Nielsen Svend W. Nielsen James B. Nold Robert W. Norrdin Peter J. O’Hara Harvey J. Olander James P. Orr Bennie I. Osburn James L. Palotay Roger J. Panciera Dibakar Panigrahi Clark S. Patton Dean H. Percy Lance E. Perryman Robert D. Phemister Kenneth R. Pierce Richard C. Piper K. B. Poonacha Keith W. Prasse L. Thomas Pulley James D. Pulliam John F. Quast Christine C. Ratke Sabine Rehm William E. Ribelin Ronald Barry Richards E. Donald Roberts Richard M. Robinson Rodney L. Robison Michael W. Rohovsky Hansjakob Rothenbacher Frederick A. Ruecker Stephen W. Russell Robert M. Sauer James Robert Saunders William Saunders Donald A. Schmidt Polly Schoning Lester W. Schwartz William J. Seaman Gene P. Searcy Donald M. Sells John A. Shadduck James Sheldon Leonard D. Shott David O. Slauson Stuart D. Sleight Stanley Snyder G. R. Spencer Lea G. Stabinski Michael A. Stedham Daniel A. Stevenson James L. Stookey Ralph W. Storts Barry P. Stuart Brian A. Summers John B. Tasker Dee O. Taylor H. W. Taylor H. Leon Thacker Nancy J. Thomas Robert W. Thomassen Roger B. Thompson Samuel W. Thompson John D. Toft, II Harold W. Tvedten David Tyler Ronald D. Tyler Borge M. Ulland Herbert J. Van Kruiningen Matthew J. Van Zwieten Michael P. Vinlove Richard W. Voelker Alexander H. Walsh Billy C. Ward Douglas J. Weiss Delbert Whitenack Steven E. Wikse Gail D. Williams Terrance M. Wilson Harry C. Wimberly Nancy Winjum Hans Winter Lauren G. Wolfe William L. Wooding D. Stuart Wyand Barry L. Yano John T. Yarrington John L. Zimmermann Bernard C. Zook 199 ACVP 2014 Member Directory ACVP Inactive Members Jeffrey Roy Abbott Tawfik A. Aboellail Ali M. Al-Darraji Raida Karim Al-Rukibat Virginie Allegret Bruce C. Anderson Lakshmanan Annamalai Esther Arifin Michael Kent Axthelm Rebecca J. Baker H. John Barnes Jaromir Benak Elizabeth Herst Bertoy Patricia C. Blanchard Julie Boisclair Luke Borst John T. Boyce Roderick T. Bronson Jennifer S. Brown David G. Brownstein Melanie Amber Buote Loraine D. Cannon Maurice G. Cary Jennifer Anne Charles Mary M. Christopher Shawn P. Clark Phillip B. Conran Suzana S. Couto Cheryl Ann Cross M. R. Culbertson Patrick K. Cusick George H. D’Andrea Michael Dark Thomas Davis Heather Leigh DeHeer Richard W. Diters Darlene Dixon Robert Lindsey Donnell J. Robert Duncan James C. Eastep Lillian M. Edwards John A. Ellis Susan G. Emeigh Hart Susan E. Fielder Jonathan H. Fox Gregory O. Freden Susan Friend Barbie J. Gadsden Chanran K. Ganta Steven Ronald Gilbertson 200 Shir Gilor Olga D. González Roberta Graca David L. Graham Tanya M. Grondin DeWitt Wayne A. Hagemoser James Richard Hailey Wael Hananeh Margaret L. Harbison Lenn R. Harrison Thomas F. Hastings James E. Heath Robert J. Higgins Susan Lynnett Hill Stephen A. Hines Vanessa M. Hirsch H. J. Holshuh Barbara S. Hook Terry A. Jackson Richard D. Jensen William Dean Johnson Francis A. Juck Yumiko Kam Kathryn Kewish Donald N. Kitchen Donald Patrick Knowles Steven Krakowka Paula M. Krimer Suzette M. LeClerc Carol A. Lichtensteiger Robert T. Lobingier Larry G. Lomax Douglas E. Lyman James Majka Glen E. Marrs, Jr. Gary L. Mason Sandra E. McConkey Cheryl L. McCullough Bruce McManus Joyce I. Merryman Donn C. Miller Richard B. Miller David C. Morfitt Kevin T. Morgan Thomas E. Murchison Carl B. Myers Hai T. Nguyen Guy H. Palmer Bruce W. Parry David A. Pass Paula C. Perkins C. P. Peter Ida Piperisova Nicolas Pouletty Roger E. Price James R. Prine Michelle Puette Pauline M. Rakich Felipe Reggeti Laura Kim Richman Casey M. Riegel M. Gary I. Riley Nadia Robert John Ford Roberts Jennifer L. Rojko John W. Sagartz Ulla M. Sarmiento Mark D. Schrenzel Ronald L. Schueler Robert M. Shull Robert E. Sigler Christina J. Sigurdson Heather A. Simmons Jeffrey R. Sirninger Ronald F. Slocombe Matthew D. Smith Timothy A. Snider Cecile Sobry Melanie S. Spoor James R. L. Stanley Jason Stayt Barbara A. Steficek James H. Stoltz Melinda J. Tarr Johnson Thomas E Joanne Thompson James A. Thomson Larry P. Thornburg Darrell Trampel Ronald W. Trotter Daniel B. Tumas Kent R. Van Kampen Elizabeth A. Wilson Ronald W. Wilson Brenda M. Yamamoto John T. Young Yang-Dar Yuan Ellen L. Ziemer ACVP 2014 Member Directory 2014 Committees of the College 2014 Annual Meeting: Program Chair: J. Rottman Education Committee Chair: K. Boyd ASVCP Program Chair: J. Neel Exhibits Liaison: K. La Perle Focused Scientific Groups Chair: S. Newman Focused Scientific Groups Co-Chair: L. Diehl Awards Chair: L. Diehl ACVP Council Liaison: K. La Perle Education Committee: Program Chair: Education Committee Chair: ASVCP Program Chair: Past Program Committee Chair: Member-At-Large Reps: Focused Scientific Groups Chair: Focused Scientific Groups Co-Chair: Awards Chair: Special Liaison in Charge of the Emerging Disease Session: ACVP Council Liaison: Education Committee Advisory Group: STP: Corporate Partners Liaison: Website, Newsletter and Social Media: IEPC Liaison 2014 20152016 J. Rottman K. Boyd A. Olivier K. Boyd A. Olivier J. Neel L. Snyder L. Snyder K. Frazier J. Rottman K. Boyd M-O. Benoit-Biancamano E. Brannick A. Confer C. Löhr S. Newman L. Diehl L. Diehl L. Diehl L. Diehl D. Meyerholz K. La Perle K. McDorman M. Evans A. Sargeant E. Galbreath Education Committee Special Interest Groups: Mouse Pathology Consortium: D. Bouley ITPIG Liaison: K. Frazier ACVP/STP Coalition: G. Cockerell Primate Pathology Workshop: K. Mansfield C.L. Davis Foundation B. Williams 2014 Focused Scientific Session Chairs Clinical Pathology: J. McCartney (Chair) Diagnostic Pathology: B. Lewis (Chair) Education: T. Cecere (Chair) Experimental Disease: B. Plattner (Chair) Industrial and Toxicologic Pathology: M. Conner (Chair) Natural Disease: I. Langohr (Chair) Council Liaison: K. La Perle AAALAC Representative: C. Brayton AAVLD: Representative: M. Kiupel 201 ACVP 2014 Member Directory 2014 Committees of the College - continued ASIP/ICPI Travel Award: A. MacNeill (Chair), E. Galbreath, M. McArthur, E. Whitley, A. Barger (Council Liaison), G. Cantor (Council Liaison) AVMA - American Board of Veterinary Specialties G. Coleman (Representative) Casey Award Committee: A. Durham (Chair), A. Barger (Council Liaison) Certifying Examination 2015 Ad Hoc General Path (Phase 1) Committee: K. Barnhart, S. Burton, K. Eaton, A. Lewis, J. McCarney, N. Parry, K. Terio, M. Topper (Council Liaison) Corporate Partners Committee: M. Evans (Chair), B. Bolon, P. Bouchard, C. Fishman, D. Weinstock, M. Wellman (Council Liaison) Credentialing Committee: T. Johnson (Chair), W. Baze, L. Craig, S. Rao, T. Schoeb, M. Topper (Council Liaison) Development Committee: C. Andreasen (Chair), T. Brown, M. Conner, S. Dial, K. Harris, J. MacLachlan, L. Perryman, A. Rebar, T. Rosol, C. Wood, M. Wellman (Council Liaison) Domestic Alliances Committee: E. Whitley (Chair), K. Brazier, E. Galbreath, D. Kamstock, M. Kiupel, P. Pesavento, B. Uhl, K. La Perle (Council Liaison) Examination Committee: General Chair: K. Zimmerman, M. Topper (Council Liaison) Veterinary Anatomic Pathology: N. Kock (Chair), D. Agnew, K. Linder, R. Luong, A. Miller, T. Morgan, B. Njaa, P. Pesavento, D. Rudmann, C. Lamm, L. Woods Proctors: J. Nunes, B. Porter, M. Benoit-Biancamano Veterinary Clinical Pathology: K. Zimmerman (Chair), A. Bohn, E. Gorman, S. Owens, J. Webb, D. Wood. Proctors: M. Dunbar, B. Vernau, A. Warren Externship Scholarship Committee: A. MacNeill (Chair), B. Buetow, J. Decker, K. Kuroki, C. Lamm, K. Linder, T. Painter, D. Schwahn, A. Barger (Council Liaison), G. Cantor (Council Liaison) Government Policy Committee: G. Coleman (Chair), M. Calderwood-Mays, J. Hill, S. Mog, L. Pace, R. Reams, M. Smith, G. Cantor (Council Liaison) 202 ACVP 2014 Member Directory 2014 Committees of the College Graduate Student/Resident Travel Award Committee: K. Newkirk (Chair), T. Tawfik, Aboellai, G. Beamer, S. Hale, M. Ilha, M. Srinivasa, A. Barger (Council Liaison), G. Cantor (Council Liaison) Honorary and Distinguished Member Committee: D. Mosier (Chair), M. Wellman (Council Liaison) Inskeep Award Committee: K. Newkirk (Chair), T. Tawfik, Aboellai, G. Beamer, S. Hale, M. Ilha, M. Srinivasa, A. Barger (Council Liaison), G. Cantor (Council Liaison) International Alliances Committee: D. Mosier (Chair), S. Burton, F. Crameri, G. Cockerell, F. Del Piero, B. Jacob, L. Johnson, R. Kikkawa, Y. Kim, I. Langohr, J. Patterson-Kane, I. Pardo, E. Polack, B. Szladovits, K. Thompson, N. Wakamatsu, M. Wells Advisory Group: B. Bolon, C. Lamm, P. Stromberg, B. Williams, M. Simpson (Council Liaison) Intersociety Experimental Pathology Committee: E. Galbreath (chair), W. Buck, T. Cooper, W. Halpern, D. Hutto, R. Johnson, T. LaBranche, A. MacNeill, M. McArthur, M. Oglesbee, R. Sullivan, M. Schutten, B. Uhl, P. Vogel, E. Whitley, M. Simpson (Council Liaison) Life Long Learning Committee: L. Craig (Chair), B. Caserto, M. Goad, G. Parker, D. Pinson, L. Pohlman, J. Turk, A. Barger (Council Liaison) Maintenance of Certification Development Committee: A. Fales-Williams (Chair), E. Blomme, M. Cline, A. Gröne, R. Hall, G. Weiser, M. Simpson (Council Liaison) Member Relations Committee: K. Henson, P. Bain, D. Kamstock, S. Kanaly, T. Painter, G. Cantor (Council Liaison), D. Malarkey (Council Liaison) Nominations Committee: M. Wellman (Chair) Pathology Chairs: A.Rogers, M. Simpson (Council Liaison) Shared Resources Task Force: S. Dial (Chair), L. Craig, A. Durham, M. Fales-Williams, P. Fernandes, N. Robinson, A. Sargeant, L. Sharkey, G. Weiser, A. Barger (Council Liaison) Student Chapters Committee: C. Lamm (Chair), M. Carsillo, R. Fuji, A. Hoffmann, B. LeRoy, J. Patterson-Kane, D. Russell, K. Sakamoto, K. La Perle (Council Liaison) Student Chapters Travel Awards Committee: C. Lamm (Chair), M. Carsillo, R. Fuji, A. Hoffmann, B. LeRoy, J. Patterson-Kane, D. Russell, K. Sakamoto, K. La Perle (Council Liaison). 203 ACVP 2014 Member Directory Student Poster Awards Committee: C. Lamm (Chair), M. Carsillo, R. Fuji, A. Hoffmann, B. LeRoy, J. Patterson-Kane, D. Russell, K. Sakamoto, K. La Perle (Council Liaison) Training Program Committee: L. Sharkey (Chair), A. Durham (Vice-Chair), E.J. Ehrhart, B. Porter, J. Radin, N. Robinson, A. Barger (Council Liaison) Veterinary Pathology: Editor-in-Chief: J. Caswell Editors: A. Gröne (ECVP), J. Yamate (JCVP) Managing Editor: J. Findlay Associate Editors: Oncology (Research): M. Kiupel Infectious Disease (Research): J. Segales Degenerative and Immune-mediated Disease (Research): M. Shibutani Diagnostic Pathology (Domestic Animals): H. Gelberg Wildlife, Marine, And Zoo Animals: D. Agnew Laboratory Animals: J. Ward Animal Models Of Human Disease: D. Meyerholz Poultry: D. Swayne Pharmaceutical Pathobiology: E. Blomme, C. George, K. Mitsumori Environmental Pathobiology: R. Kuiper, R. Sills Diagnostic Exercise: T. Schoeb Book Review: P. Treuting Pathology in Focus: B. Buetow, L. Johnson, L. Lujan, E. McInnes, P. Pesavento E-Vetpath: M. Mense Images: S. Ferro, D. M. Gillette, D. Gunson Veterinary Pathology Contract Renewal Task Force: J. Ward (Chair), C. Alden, E. Blomme, J. Caswell, S. Elmore, A. Gröne, E. Howerth, J. Yamate, G. Cantor (Council Liaison), D. Malarkey (Council Liaison), J. Findlay (ad hoc), W. Coe (ad hoc) VCS ACVP Oncology Pathology Working Group: D. Kamstock (President), E. Malone (President-Elect), K. Rissetto (Secretary), H. Von Euler, M. Hauck, B. Hershey, H. Priest, J. Steinberg, K. La Perle (Council Liaison) Website, Newsletter, and Social Media Board: A. Sargeant (Chair), W. Burnside, P. Fernandes, B. Harrington, K. Henson, C. Lamm, Jean-Martin Lapointe, B. Jacob, S. Kanaly, A. Lopez, M. Law, M. Mense, J. Patterson-Kane, R. Rech, J. Rottman, K. Sakamoto, G. Cantor (Council Liaison), D. Malarkey (Council Liaison) Ad Hoc and Administrative: W. Coe, J. Goedken, B. Hernandez Young Investigator Awards: L. Diehl, A. Barger (Council Liaison) 2015 Ad Hoc General Pathology (Phase 1) Examination Committee: K. Barnhart,S. Burton, K. Eaton, A. Lewis, J. McCartney, N. Parry, K. Terio 204 ACVP 2014 Member Directory 2014 Committees (& Task forces) of the ACVP (with Council liaisons) Committee or GROUP/BUCKET Chair Liaison - 2014 AWARDS GROUP K. Boyd A. Barger/ G. Cantor AWARDS K. Boyd A. Barger/ G. Cantor ACVP American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians L. Diehl ACVP American Society for Investigative Pathology Travel Award E. Whitley Casey Award A. Durham Extern Scholarships Committee A. MacNeill Graduate Student/Resident Travel Awards K. Newkirk Intersociety Council for Pathology Information Travel Award A. MacNeill William Inskeep Award K. Newkirk Student Chapter Travel Awards C. Lamm Student Poster Awards C. Lamm Young Investigator Awards L. Diehl COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATING GROUP D. Malarkey/ G. Cantor Veterinary Pathology Editorial Board J. Caswell, Editor in Chief D. Malarkey/ G. Cantor Website, Newsletter and Social Media Board A. Sargeant D. Malarkey/ G. Cantor Member Relations Committee K. Henson D. Malarkey/ G. Cantor K. Boyd K. La Perle EDUCATION COORDINATING GROUP Education Committee Life-long Learning Committee L. Craig A. Barger Maintenance of Certification Development Committee M. Fales-Williams M. Simpson Student Chapters Committee C. Lamm K. La Perle Training Program Committee L. Sharkey A. Barger CERTIFYING EXAM COORDINATING GROUP Secretary Treasurer Examination Committee K. Zimmerman M. Topper/ M. Ackermann Certifying Examination Board K. Harris M. Topper/ M. Ackermann Credentialing Committee T. Johnson M. Topper/ M. Ackermann ABVS G. Coleman M. Topper/ M. Ackermann 205 ACVP 2014 Member Directory 2014 Committees (& Task forces) of the ACVP (with Council liaisons) FUNDRAISING COORDINATING GROUP M. Wellman Past President Development C. Andreasen M. Wellman (Past Pres) Corporate Partners M. Evans M. Wellman (Past Pres) Non-Traditional Fundraising P. Carmichael/K.Topper M. Wellman (Past Pres) E. Whitley K. La Perle IEPS/ASIP E. Uhl G. Cantor VCS-ACVP Oncology Pathology Working Group D. Kamstock K. La Perle USCAP P. Pesavento D. Malarkey ASVCP A.Barger A. Barger AAALAC Board of Trustees C. Brayton C. Brayton AAVLD M. Kiupel AVMA M. Topper M. Topper ICP/IPCI C Brayton C. Brayton SOT/TEPSS G. Cantor G. Cantor ALLIANCES COORDINATING GROUP Domestic Alliances Committee Government Policy G. Coleman G. Cantor International Alliances D. Mosier M. Simpson (Pres Elect) SPECIAL PROJECTS and TASK FORCES President Nominations: Officers M. Wellman (Past Pres) M. Wellman (Past Pres) Nominations: Honorary and Distinguished Members Committees C. Andreasen M. Wellman (Past Pres) Very Important Pathologists M. Wellman (Past Pres) M. Wellman (Past Pres) Pathology Chairs A. Rogers M. Simpson (Pres Elect) Veterinary Pathology Strategic Plan Implementation Task Force A. Rogers D. Malarkey/ G. Cantor Veterinary Pathology Contract Renewal Task Force J. Ward D. Malarkey/ G. Cantor Veterinary Pathology Case Reports Task Force TBD D. Malarkey/ G. Cantor TASK FORCES Shared Resources Task Force S. Dial A. Barger Exam Passing Point Task Force D. Dunn M. Topper/ M. Ackermann (Secretary/Treasurer) 206 2012 - 2017 Strategic Plan Overview 2012-2017 Strategic Plan Overview Implementation Plan • Actions are to be accomplished over the next 5 years, 2012–2017. • Committees and task forces can determine prioritization, method of implementation, and resources needed. • Each committee and task force, and its Council liaison, will report progress to Council. Strategic Goal 1: Uphold the high standards of veterinary pathology by advancing American College of Veterinary Pathologists’ (ACVP) certification as the premier credential in the field of veterinary pathology Objectives: 1. Utilize the ACVP Examination Board to provide oversight for the certifying examination processes. 2. Develop and execute standard procedures for assuring the validity of the certifying examination. 3. Review and revise guidelines for Examination Committee membership and recruitment. Actions: 1. Create organizational structure and create Examination Board 2. Conduct a cut-score analysis 3. Revise examination format using new technologies and accreditation standards 4. Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for role delineationbased mapping of examination questions 5. Modernize the examination question databases 6. Update Examination Committee SOP and proctor recruitment SOP 7. Implement a phased, 2-part certifying examination 8. Improve the website for the certifying examination process Success Indicators: • Certifying examination and process more compatible with National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) accreditation standards • Streamlined and more efficient preparation of the certifying examination • Wider pool of proctors for the Examination Committee • Initiation of a 2-part certifying examination. • Updated credentialing process that allows sponsors to acknowledge candidates’ competency in non-testable areas of pathology Strategic Goal 2: Support and create opportunities for lifelong learning Objectives: 1. Use the ACVP to foster lifelong learning. 2. Develop and implement a plan for maintenance of certification (MOC). 3. Design continuing education using a variety of media to provide useful and cost effective options. Actions: 1. Use Annual Meeting and other educational programs to foster lifelong learning 2. Use Veterinary Pathology to foster lifelong learning 3. Use ACVP website and new technologies to foster lifelong learning 4. Develop new educational tools to foster lifelong learning 5. Develop Maintenance of Certification (MOC) plan, including guidelines for documentation 207 2012 - 2017 Strategic Plan Overview Success Indicators: • Increased awareness and engagement of members in ACVPsponsored lifelong learning • Creation of a feasible system that documents member lifelong learning • Creation of an MOC program that is acceptable to members and the American Board of Veterinary Specialities (ABVS) • Greater attendance at the ACVP/ASVCP Annual Meeting and/or meeting workshops by ACVP members • Establishment of interactive online learning tools in conjunction with Veterinary Pathology • Development of workshops or online teaching materials for ACVP members by C.L. Davis Foundation, or other societies or groups Strategic Goal 3: To promote a uniformly high level of training on the broad range of veterinary pathology competencies, including those that are tested and those that are non-testable Objectives: 1. Provide oversight and generate ideas for enhancing training programs. 2. Foster collaborations, policies, and resource development for residency training. 3. Develop guidelines for trainee competency. 4. Enhance the professional development of trainers and mentors. Actions: 1. Identify better ways to use the ACVP/ASVCP annual meeting, Veterinary Pathology, website, and other resources to enhance training opportunities 2. Promote a Training Program Communication Network to enhance inter-program communication and resources 3. Clarify trainer responsibilities to verify competence and examination eligibility of their trainees 4. Refine guidelines for attributes not currently tested on the certifying examination (see Strategic Goal 1). 5. Develop recommendations for recruitment of high quality trainees 6. Identify resources for professional development for trainers and mentors Success Indicators: • Documented and applied method for assessing skills needed by veterinary pathologists that are not assessed by the certifying examination • Increased involvement of trainers in assuring trainee preparedness for the certifying examination • Increased sharing of resources between training programs • Completion of a supply/demand survey • Applications for training programs remain highly competitive • The ACVP examination maintains high standards and has a high pass rate • Online activity for reviewing training materials increases • Online training material content increases • Previously “non-testable” attributes become testable • Existence and utilization of externships for trainees increase in all practice areas • Increased opportunities for trainees to obtain bench research and diagnostic assay application experience • Evidence that collaborations, policies, and resource development to assist candidate readiness are improving 208 2012 - 2017 Strategic Plan Overview Strategic Goal 4: Foster domestic and international strategic partnerships Objectives: 1. Create policies that guide establishment of strategic partnerships. 2. Identify key partners and stakeholders. 3. Promote the advancement of veterinary pathology. 4. Improve communication with our key partners. Actions: 1. Establish relationships with other organizations to promote high quality education in veterinary pathology 2. Create guidelines to establish relationships with pathology organizations in other countries using corps of member ambassadors 3. Create more efficient mechanisms for interaction and communication with key pathology partners, such as American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP), Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP), American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP), others 4. Explore international alliances and survey international societies to identify areas of mutual interest 5. Network with other American Veterinary Medical Association Recognized Veterinary Specialty Organizations to identify common issues 6. Establish an annual meeting rotation between International Colleges/Societies to be held during ACVP, European College of Veterinary Pathologists (ECVP), or other annual meetings Success Indicators: • More formal interaction with the C.L. Davis Foundation to promote global pathology education • Creation of focused groups of members who serve as international ambassadors to other veterinary pathology organizations • Increased communication with our key partners • Expansion of the global outreach of Veterinary Pathology • Ongoing annual discussion between international Colleges and Societies of veterinary pathology • Increased attendance at annual meetings by members of partner organizations • Increased communications with other AVMA Recognized Veterinary Specialty Organizations Strategic Goal 5: Enhance communications to engage membership and to improve visibility and impact of the College and veterinary pathology within the veterinary profession, scientific community, and the public Objectives: 1. Facilitate an inclusive philosophy in the ACVP. 2. Develop leaders for key positions in the ACVP. 3. Promote value for ACVP membership. 4. Leverage the website and journal to achieve the missions and to enhance the visibility of the ACVP and veterinary pathology. 5. Leverage the website and other communications tools to enhance professional development for our members. 209 2012 - 2017 Strategic Plan Overview Actions: 1. Create mechanisms for increased member involvement 2. Facilitate SOPs for recruitment, chair succession, and member rotation for all standing committees 3. Explore international alliances for Veterinary Pathology 4. Use the annual meeting, other educational programs to foster communications, visibility, and member relations 5. Use Veterinary Pathology to foster communications, visibility, and member relations 6. Use website, new technologies to foster communications, visibility, and member relations. 7. Enhance the scientific mission and impact factor of Veterinary Pathology 8. Enhance the teaching and diagnostic missions of Veterinary Pathology 9. Conduct workforce analysis to update employer needs and employment opportunities Success Indicators: • Sponsoring specific events to increase member involvement. • Greater involvement of members of the College in activities of the College • Increased requests by members for placement on committees or task forces • Increased subscriptions • Increased impact factor • Media metrics (media hits, website traffic, number of articles) 210 ACVP 2014 Member Directory ACVP Harassment and Discrimination Policy American College of Veterinary Pathologists Policy Manual Policy # Policy Name: Harassment and Discrimination Council Approved: September 19 , 2013 Harassment and Discrimination Policy Purpose The American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP) is committed to providing a respectful environment free from harassment, discrimination, retaliation, as well as other intimidation and disruptive behavior for all our members, staff, residents, veterinary and graduate students, speakers, exhibitors, guests, and volunteers. Such conduct will not be tolerated. ACVP members and those associated with this organization are role models for personal and professional ethical standards. Standards also are stated for the veterinary profession in the Veterinarian’s Oath and the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics. Definitions • Harassment/Discrimination includes, but is not limited to, verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of the individual’s age, race, creed, color, disability, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, membership in the armed forces, or any other basis prohibited by law. Examples include: o An implied or expressed threat of reprisal for refusal to comply with a sexually oriented request; o Physical contact such as touching, patting, or pinching, with an underlying sexual connotation; o Unwelcome or insulting gestures, remarks, jokes, innuendoes, propositions, or taunting about a person’s body, attire, sex or sexual orientation, religious affiliation, racial or ethnic origin, place of birth, citizenship, or ancestry, age, disability, veteran status, or any other reason not related to scientific merit; o Suggestive or offensive remarks, bragging about sexual prowess, or displaying pornographic, sexist, racial, or derogatory pictures or other offensive material. • This policy extends to all ACVP-related settings, including but not limited to: o Annual Meeting, including scientific sessions, pre- and post-meeting workshops, exhibitions, tours and social events o Council teleconferences and meetings o Committee and Task Force teleconferences and meetings o Certification examination Process • Reporting of discrimination or harassment can be made to: 1) any ACVP Council member; or 2) an ACVP member or ACVP management staff member who will bring the report forward to ACVP Council. Reporting can be in person, by telephone or in writing. The existence of this policy is not intended to, and does not, supersede any employer, educational institution, or other agency’s policies, standards of conduct, and related reporting requirements applicable to a particular individual. ACVP encourages individuals to first consider any such policies, standards of conduct, and related reporting requirements before making a report to ACVP. • Every report of harassment will be investigated promptly and impartially. ACVP prohibits retaliation against any individual who in good faith reports discrimination, harassment or any other conduct prohibited by this policy. ACVP further prohibits retaliation against any individual who in good faith participates in an ACVP investigation into a report made under this policy. • ACVP will take appropriate action against any individual who violates this policy. The process is outlined in the ACVP Bylaws Article II Section 4 Disciplinary Action and Appeals Procedure and the ACVP Whistleblower Policy. Copies of the Bylaws can be obtained from any Council member, from the ACVP management team, or the ACVP website. 211 ACVP Constitution American College of Veterinary Pathologists Constitution Article I NAME Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. Article II INCORPORATION Section 1. The American College of Veterinary Pathologists shall be incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia as a non-profit educational organization. The term for which it is organized shall be perpetual. However; in the event of dissolution of the Corporation, its property shall be distributed for educational purposes. Article III OBJECTIVES Section 1. To further scientific progress in veterinary pathology (anatomic and clinical pathology). Section 2. To establish standards of training, experience, and examinations for qualification as specialists in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology and Veterinary Clinical Pathology (and subspecializations). Section 3. To further the recognition of such qualified specialists by suitable certification and other means. Article IV MEMBERSHIP Section 1. The types of membership in this organization shall be: a. Member b. Charter member c. Emeritus member d. Honorary member e. Distinguished member Section 2. Qualifications for membership: a. Member: A veterinarian who satisfies the requirements as to character and training, experience, and competence in the specialty of Veterinary Anatomic Pathology, Veterinary Clinical Pathology, or both (as hereinafter described in Article V) shall be eligible. Election of such candidates shall be accomplished by majority vote of the Council. b. Charter member: Charter members are those veterinary pathologists of established reputation who joined together to establish this organization at its organizational meeting plus others elected by a two-thirds vote of the original charter membership. These latter were elected within the first year after adoption of the Constitution and Bylaws. c. Emeritus member: Any member who has retired from the practice or teaching of veterinary pathology may be designated emeritus member by the Council, at the member’s request. Emeritus members shall be exempt from the payment of dues but shall have all privileges of members, except the right to hold office. Emeritus members may also be elected by a two-thirds vote of the charter membership within the first year following adoption of the Constitution and Bylaws. d. Honorary member: A person who has contributed in any extraordinary manner to the advancement of veterinary pathology may be elected by majority vote of the Council, confirmed by a majority of the College members voting. Honorary members shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to vote or hold office and shall not be required to pay dues. e. Distinguished member: A Diplomate of the College who has rendered exceptionally distinguished service to the College or who has contributed in an exemplary manner to veterinary pathology, may be selected by majority vote of the Council to be a Distinguished member. A person so honored shall have all the rights and privileges of membership. Section 3. Only members in good standing with no dues in arrears shall be eligible to vote or hold office. 212 ACVP Constitution Article V GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF BOARD EXAMINATION Section 1. The following general prerequisites must be met to the satisfaction of the Council before any candidate is eligible to undertake any Board Examination in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology or Veterinary Clinical Pathology. An eligible candidate must: a. Have satisfactory standing in the profession. b. Have graduated from a college or school of veterinary medicine accredited or approved by AVMA, or possess a certificate issued by the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG), or be legally qualified to practice veterinary medicine in some state, province, territory or possession of the United States, Canada or other country. c. Complete a standard route of training that includes the completion of at least three calendar years, subsequent to graduation from veterinary school, of supervised training in pathology that is acceptable to Council as detailed in the application material. Acceptable supervised training is that directed by a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and done in a program that trains veterinary pathologists as one of its primary functions. All three years shall be in the field in which certification is sought (Veterinary Anatomic Pathology or Veterinary Clinical Pathology). d. If either the supervisor is not a Diplomate or the program does not train veterinary anatomic pathologists or veterinary clinical pathologists as one of its primary functions, then the candidate must complete an alternative route of training that consists of at least four years of training in pathology. One of the four years must be spent in training under the supervision of a Diplomate or in a program that trains veterinary anatomic pathologists or veterinary clinical pathologists as one of its primary functions. e. Submit to the Council a detailed statement of qualifications, including references of any publications and other evidence of professional experience and competence. Section 2. Applications will be made to the Secretary-Treasurer in a prescribed form and will be accompanied by an examination fee fixed by the Council. Letters of reference from preceptors and others are to be sent directly to the Secretary-Treasurer. Section 3. Eligible candidates will be examined by an Examining Committee appointed by the Council at the time and place fixed by the Council and in accordance with the policy established by the Council. Article VI OFFICERS Section 1. The Council of this organization shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, four (4) Councilors. In addition, the immediate past President shall be expected to attend the meetings of the Council, but shall not be entitled to vote. Section 2. The election of these officers and their duties shall be as provided in the Bylaws. Section 3. The officers of the Council of this organization shall serve as officers for the specialties of Veterinary Anatomic Pathology and Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Article VII AMENDMENTS Section 1. Proposed amendments to this Constitution and to the Bylaws signed by at least three members in good standing shall first be submitted to the Council for its recommendation. The proposed amendment with the recommendations of the Council, favorable or unfavorable, will be announced at least thirty (30) days in advance of any regular or special meeting of the College at which time the proposed amendment may be discussed. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of members voting by mail or electronic ballot shall be required for the adoption of any amendment. 213 ACVP Bylaws American College of Veterinary Pathologists Amended and Restated Bylaws Upon the advice of legal counsel, in order to bring the ACVP back in compliance with the District of Columbia’s (where the College is incorporated) regulations regarding non-profit organizations, the Council restated and amended our Bylaws, and the Members approved them in 2009. Historically, the ACVP has had a Constitution and Bylaws; however, our lawyer recommended that our Constitution be regarded as a historical founding document, but not as an operational document, and, therefore, will no longer be amended. Our operational documents are our current Bylaws, Standard Operating Procedures, and Policies. These Amended and Restated Bylaws replace and supersede any previous versions of the Bylaws. Article I General Information Section 1. Name The name of this organization shall be the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (hereinafter referred to as the College). The College is incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia as a non-profit educational organization and is governed by the Old Act of Incorporation. Section 2. Purpose a. To further scientific progress in veterinary pathology (anatomic and clinical pathology). b. To establish standards of training, experience, and examinations for qualification as specialists in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology and Veterinary Clinical Pathology (and subspecializations). c. To further the recognition of such qualified specialists by suitable certification and other means. Section 3. Powers The College shall have such powers as are now or may hereafter be granted to non-profit organizations by the District of Columbia, by its Constitution and these Bylaws. Section 4. Offices The principal office of the College shall be located where the Council may from time to time designate. Article II Membership Section 1. Membership There shall be five types of Members: Member, Distinguished Member, Charter Member, Emeritus Member, and Honorary Member. a. Member: A veterinarian of good moral character who satisfactorily completes the board certification examination in either veterinary anatomic pathology or veterinary clinical pathology, shall be eligible for election as a Member. Election of such Members shall be accomplished by majority vote of the Council. b. Distinguished Member: A Diplomate of the College who has rendered exceptionally distinguished service to the College or who has contributed in an exemplary manner to veterinary pathology may be selected by majority vote of the Council to be a Distinguished Member. A person so honored shall have all the rights and privileges of membership. c. Charter Member: Charter Members are those veterinary pathologists of established reputation who joined together to establish this organization. 214 ACVP Bylaws d. Emeritus Member: Any Member who has retired from the practice or teaching of veterinary pathology may be designated Emeritus Member by the Council, at the Member’s request. Emeritus Members shall be exempt from the payment of dues, but shall have all privileges of Members, except the right to hold office. e. Honorary Member: A person who has contributed in any extraordinary manner to the advancement of veterinary pathology may be elected by majority vote of the Council and confirmed by a majority vote of the Members. Honorary Members shall have all the privileges of membership except the right to vote or hold office, and shall not be required to pay dues. Section 2. Dues The dues are payable by the first day of January of each year. The Council shall determine dues for Members, Distinguished Members, and Charter Members. Section 3. Good Standing and Termination of Membership Members elected by Council become Members in good standing upon payment of their annual dues. In the event any Member becomes delinquent in the payment of dues for thirty (30) days, such Member shall no longer be in good standing, shall be notified of the delinquency, and shall not receive any benefits of the organization until the dues are paid. Section 4. Disciplinary Action In case of alleged improper Member conduct, as that term is defined by the Council, a Hearing Panel consisting of five Members in good standing of the same specialty as the accused Member shall be convened by the President to adjudicate the issue. The Hearing Panel shall have the authority to recommend censure, suspension, or cancellation of membership or to find the allegation unfounded. The Hearing Panel will select its own chair and conduct a review of the presented material. The accused Member shall have full opportunity to address the Hearing Panel. Council will consider the Hearing Panel’s recommendations for Member disciplinary and/or corrective action(s) and make a final determination of which disciplinary or corrective action(s) must be taken. Section 5. Appeals Adverse decisions by ACVP entities that are eligible for appeal may include, but are not limited to, denial of adequacy of credentials prior to examination for certification; denial of certification, and cancellation of certification by disciplinary action. a. Appeals Committee The Appeals Committee shall be composed of five Members in good standing. At least one Member shall be certified in Anatomic Pathology and one in Clinical Pathology. The ACVP President will appoint the Members to serve on this committee. This committee will elect its own chair and develop its own member succession plan. Officers and Councilors may not serve on the Appeals Committee. The committee will act in accordance with Article VI of these Bylaws and its own Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The committee is charged solely with determining whether proper procedures were followed in the decisions made by the Council, Secretary/Treasurer, Executive Director, Credentialing Committee, or Examination Committee that may be considered adverse by a Diplomate or candidate for certification. The Appeals Committee will base its decision on whether the adverse decision was a consequence of: 1) Disregarding established criteria for credential approval or certification; 2) Failing to follow stated procedure; or 3) Failing to consider relevant evidence and documentation presented by the candidate. b. Appeals Process A Diplomate or candidate for certification who has received an adverse decision and who believes that proper procedures have not been followed by an ACVP entity may appeal that decision. 215 ACVP Bylaws Appeals must be submitted in writing to the ACVP Executive Director. Appeals should consist of a brief letter summarizing the reason for the appeal, along with any supporting documents. Appeals must be received by the ACVP within thirty (30) calendar days of the candidate’s notification of the decision being appealed. When an appeal is received, the Executive Director shall notify the Council; the Chair of the Examination Committee or the Chair of the Credentialing Committee; and the members of the Appeals Committee. The ACVP Executive Director and the ACVP entity that made the original decision shall submit to the Appeals Committee all data relevant to the appeal and a letter summarizing the reasons for that decision. Upon receipt of all material, the Chair of the Appeals Committee will convene a meeting to review the appeal, all data relevant to the appeal, and the summary letter from the Executive Director and ACVP entity that made the original decision. The Chair of the Appeals Committee will notify the Council and the Executive Director of the results of that review within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of the appeal by the ACVP Executive Office. The Executive Director will notify the Diplomate or candidate and the chair of the ACVP entity that made the original decision of the Appeals Committee’s decision. There shall be no further appeal of the Appeals Committee’s decision within the ACVP. However, a Diplomate or candidate can appeal a decision of the ACVP Appeals Committee by requesting mediation through the American Board of Veterinary Specialties (ABVS) of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Article III Membership Meetings Section 1. Annual Business Meeting The College shall hold an Annual Business Meeting at the time and place designated by the Council. The Annual Business Meeting shall include the announcement of officers and councilors and the transaction of such other business as may be properly be brought before the meeting. Section 2. Special Meetings Special meetings of the voting membership of the College may be called by the President, subsequent to approval of the Council, or by a simple majority vote of the Council or the membership. The Council will determine the date, time, and place for special meetings. A special meeting may be held via teleconference or other electronic methods readily available or accessible to the membership. Section 3. Notice of Special Meeting Written notice of annual meetings or any special meetings of the membership, stating the date, time, place, and purpose of the meeting, shall be delivered to the membership not less than thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting by or at the direction of the President. Such notice shall be deemed to be delivered (1) when deposited in the United States mail, with postage thereon prepaid, addressed to the Member at his or her mailing address as it appears on the records of the College, or (2) when emailed to the Member at his or her email address as it appears on the records of the College. Section 4. Voting Each Member, Distinguished Member, Charter Member, and Emeritus Member shall have one vote. Voting may be conducted by mail, telephone call, electronic mail, or any other means of electronic or telephone transmission. Whenever any corporate action is to be taken by a vote of the membership authorized to vote, it shall, except as otherwise required by law or by the Constitution, be authorized by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of Members by Members entitled to vote thereon. Section 5. Quorum A quorum of the College, when a vote needs to be conducted, shall consist of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Members of the College eligible to vote. If a meeting is informational only, then a quorum need not be present. If a meeting cannot be organized because a quorum has not attended, a majority of the voting Members present may adjourn the meeting until a quorum is present. 216 ACVP Bylaws Section 6. Matters of Business Presented by Members No matter of business for consideration at any meeting of the membership other than as contained in the Notice of the Meeting shall be presented for consideration and action at a meeting unless (1) a written statement of that matter shall have been presented to the President in writing bearing the signature of not less than twenty-five (25) voting Members. ARTICLE IV Officers Section 1. Officers The officers of the College shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer and, for the year preceding the expiration of the term of office of the Secretary/Treasurer, a Secretary/Treasurer- Elect. Section 2. Election and Terms of Office The Members shall elect the officers of the College, except those who enter office by succession, by electronic or paper ballot for terms of office as hereinafter provided, which terms shall begin and end on the date of the Annual Business Meeting. Each officer shall hold office until a successor shall have been duly elected or until death, resignation, or removal. Section 3. Resignation An officer may resign by oral tender of resignation at any meeting of the Council or by giving written notice thereof to the Council. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified and acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Section 4. Removal The Council may remove any officer whenever in its judgment the best interest of the College will be served thereby. The Council may, by a vote of a majority of its members, remove any officer at a meeting expressly called for that purpose. Section 5. Vacancies The Council may fill a vacancy in office because of the death, resignation, or removal of an officer for the unexpired term of such officer by a majority vote of the Council or, in the Council’s discretion, by special election of the Members. In filling such vacancies, the Council shall observe the succession by the President- Elect to a vacancy in the office of President and by the Secretary/Treasurer-Elect (if then elected) to a vacancy in the office of Secretary/Treasurer, as hereinafter provided. Section 6. President The President shall be the Chief Elected Officer of the College and shall preside at all meetings of the College and Council. The President shall, in general, perform all duties customarily incident to the office of President, and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Council. The President automatically shall succeed the Immediate Past President in the office upon completion of the Immediate Past President’s term of office during the Annual Business Meeting. The President shall serve a one-year term of office. Section 7. President-Elect The President-Elect automatically shall succeed the President in the office upon completion of the President’s term of office or in the event of the death, resignation, removal or incapacity of the President. The President-Elect shall assist the President and also shall perform any other duties delegated by the Council or assigned by the President. The President-Elect shall serve a one-year term of office. Section 8. Immediate Past President Upon completion of a term as President, the exiting President shall succeed to the office of Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past President shall serve as the chair of the Nominating Committee. The Immediate Past President shall perform other duties delegated by the Council or assigned by the President. The Immediate Past President shall serve a one-year term of office and will not vote. 217 ACVP Bylaws Section 9. Secretary/Treasurer The Secretary/Treasurer shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the College, and as directed by the Council, shall conduct the business affairs of the College. The Secretary/Treasurer shall provide oversight for the collection of dues and fees, payment of bills and expenses, arrangements for the safekeeping of College funds, and recordkeeping of all transactions; and shall be responsible for the preparation of an annual budget to be submitted to Council for approval, and for the submission of an annual financial report at the Annual Business Meeting of the membership. The Secretary/Treasurer shall ensure that the minutes of the meetings of the Council are recorded and retained in a manner consistent with the College’s record retention policy; ensure that the annual reports of the committees are filed with the records of the College, assure that all notices are given in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws or as required by law, and be custodian of the records of the College. If administrative functions of the College are provided by contractual agreement with a management company, the Secretary/Treasurer shall provide oversight for these functions. The Secretary/Treasurer shall perform all other duties customarily incident to the office of Secretary/Treasurer, and any other duties as may be from time to time assigned by the President or Council. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve a five- year term of office. Section 10. Secretary/Treasurer-Elect The Secretary/Treasurer-Elect shall be an assistant Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer-Elect automatically shall succeed the Secretary/Treasurer in office upon completion of the Secretary/Treasurer’s term of office. The Secretary/Treasurer-Elect shall perform any duties assigned by the Council or by the President or the Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer-Elect shall serve a one-year term in office during the last year of the term of the Secretary/Treasurer. For the year preceding the expiration of the term of office of Secretary/Treasurer, the Secretary/Treasurer-Elect shall attend Council meetings as a non-voting Member. ARTICLE V Councilors Section 1. General Powers Except as stated in the laws of the District of Columbia, the College’s Constitution or these Bylaws, all authority of the College shall be exercised or delegated by the Council. Section 2. Number of Councilors The Council shall consist of four Councilors, who are Members in good standing, and the officers of the College. Section 3. Election and Term of Office The Councilors of the College shall be elected for four-year staggered terms. The term of Councilor shall begin and end on the date of the Annual Business Meeting. Each Councilor shall hold office until a successor shall have been duly elected or until death, resignation or removal. At least one of the Councilors shall be certified as a veterinary anatomic pathologist, and at least one shall be certified as a veterinary clinical pathologist. Section 4. Resignation A Councilor may resign at any time, either by oral tender of resignation at any meeting of the Council or by giving written notice thereof to the Secretary/Treasurer. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified and acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. Section 5. Removal The Council may remove any Councilor whenever in its judgment the best interest of the College will be served thereby. The Council may, by a vote of a majority of its members, remove any Councilor at a meeting expressly called for that purpose. Section 6. Vacancies The vacancy in the office of any Councilor may be filled by vote of the Council. A Councilor elected to fill such vacancy shall be elected to the unexpired term of the predecessor in office. 218 ACVP Bylaws Section 7. Meetings The Council shall hold meetings at least three times a year, one of which shall be held preceding the Annual Business Meeting. Meetings may be held in person or by some other means whereby each officer and Councilor can communicate with all other members of Council attending the meeting. Meetings may be called by the President and any three members of the Council at such place and time as the person or persons calling the meeting shall specify in a written notice of the meeting. Section 8. Notice Notice of the time and place of each meeting shall be given not less than five (5) days nor more than forty (40) days before the date of the meeting, which notice need not specify the purpose of the meeting. Such notice shall be deemed to be delivered (1) when deposited in the United States mail, with postage thereon prepaid, addressed to the officers or Councilors at his or her mailing address as it appears on the records of the College, or (2) when emailed to the officer or Councilor at his or her email address as it appears on the records of the College. Notice of the adjournment of the meeting need not be given if the time and place to which it is adjourned are fixed and announced at such meetings. Any Councilor may waive notice of any meeting Section 9. Duties The Council shall have the duties and powers ordinarily delegated to the governing body of the corporation. Section 10. Quorum and Voting The presence of a majority of Council members is necessary to constitute a quorum of a meeting. The act of a majority present at a meeting at which a quorum exists is the act of the Council. Each member of the Council, except the Immediate Past President and the Secretary/Treasurer-Elect, shall be entitled to one vote. Section 11. Procedure The President shall preside at Council meetings and shall have the Secretary/Treasurer consult Robert’s Rules of Order on matters of procedure not specifically covered by these Bylaws. ARTICLE VI Committees and Task Forces Section 1. Committees and Task Forces Committees and task forces may be created and abolished by the Council. Such committees and task forces shall discharge such responsibilities as may be assigned to them by the Council. Section 2. Appointment and Removal Unless otherwise provided in the Bylaws, the Council shall designate a chair for each committee and task force. Section 3. Ex-Officio Members With the exception of the Appeals Committee, the President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, and task forces, and shall appoint a member of Council to serve as a liaison to each committee and task force. The Council may from time to time appoint one or more additional persons as ex-officio members of committees and task forces. Ex-officio members of committees and task forces shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of regular committee members, but shall not vote or be counted in determining the existence of a quorum. Section 4. Tenure Each committee and task force shall determine the tenure of its members. Section 5. Quorum Unless otherwise designated by these Bylaws, a majority of the whole committee shall constitute a quorum. 219 ACVP Bylaws Section 6. Manner of Acting The act of a majority of a committee or task force present at a meeting at which members are present or by some other means where each member can readily communicate with all other members shall be the act of the committee. No action of a committee or task force taken at a meeting shall be valid unless a quorum is present. Members with a conflict of interest regarding a matter brought before the committee or task force for discussion and action shall declare the conflict and recuse themselves from the matter. Section 7. Committee and Task Force Reports Each committee and task force shall prepare and deliver to the Secretary/Treasurer a written summary of its activities for inclusion in the Annual Business Meeting book. ARTICLE VII Nominating Committee Section 1. Composition The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of the Immediate Past President and four additional members in good standing. Section 2. Duties The Nominating Committee shall evaluate persons nominated for President- elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and Councilors. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a mail or electronic ballot listing at least two, but not more than four, nominees for each vacancy. If no anatomic pathologists are currently on the Council, the slate of nominees for Councilor shall consist entirely of anatomic pathologists. If no clinical pathologists are currently on the Council, the slate of nominees for Councilor will consist entirely of clinical pathologists. Section 3. Nomination by Members In addition to nominations made by the Nominating Committee, any Member in good standing may make nominations for all Council vacancies. Nominations shall be made in writing and shall include a brief statement of qualifications of the nominee. Nominations are to be submitted to the Secretary/ Treasurer in the first quarter of the election year before a date designated by Council. Article VIII Certifying Examination Section 1. Requirements for Certifying Examination The following general prerequisites must be met to the satisfaction of the Council before any candidate is eligible to undertake any Certifying Examination in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology or Veterinary Clinical Pathology. An eligible candidate must: a. Have satisfactory standing in the profession. b. Have graduated from a college or school of veterinary medicine accredited or approved by AVMA, or possess a certificate issued by the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG), or be legally qualified to practice veterinary medicine in some state, province, territory or possession of the United States, Canada, or other country. c. Complete a standard route of training that includes completion of at least thirty-six (36) calendar months, subsequent to graduation from veterinary school, of supervised training in pathology that is acceptable to Council as detailed in the application material. Acceptable supervised training is that directed by a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and done in a program that trains veterinary pathologists as one of its primary functions. All thirty-six (36) months shall be in the field in which certification is sought (Veterinary Anatomic Pathology or Veterinary Clinical Pathology). 220 ACVP Bylaws d. If either the supervisor is not a Diplomate or the program does not train veterinary anatomic pathologists or veterinary clinical pathologists as one of its primary functions, then the candidate must complete an alternate route of training that consists of at least forty- eight (48) months of training in pathology. Twelve (12) of the forty- eight (48) months must be spent in training under the supervision of a Diplomate in the same institution, or in a program that trains veterinary anatomic pathologists or veterinary clinical pathologists as one of its primary functions. e. Submit an application for the Certifying Examination that includes a detailed statement of qualifications and other evidence of professional experience and competence as required by the Council. Section 2. Applications Applications and supporting documentation will be made to the principal office of the College in a prescribed form and will be accompanied by an examination fee fixed by the Council. Section 3. Eligibility of Candidates a. Candidates deemed eligible by the Council will be examined in accordance with the policy established by the Council. b. Candidates deemed ineligible because of inadequacy of credentials may appeal this decision as outlined in Article II, Section 5. ARTICLE IX Elections Section 1. Election of Officers and Councilors Officers and Councilors shall be elected by electronic or paper ballot of the Members with voting privileges as described heretofore in Article II, Section 1. Ballots will be distributed with a deadline of June 30 and Members with voting privileges will have at least three (3) weeks to cast their ballots. The names of all nominees to be elected as officers and Councilors shall be listed on ballots in alphabetical order within each category. Section 2. Membership Referendum by the Council The Council, at any time, may conduct by ballot a referendum of the membership in connection with any issue it may consider or action to be taken. Such ballot of referendum shall specify a deadline for its return. ARTICLE X Contracts and Banking Provision Section 1. Contracts The Council may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute or deliver any instrument in the name of or on behalf of the College, and such authority may be general or confined to special instances. Section 2. Deposits All funds of the College not otherwise employed shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the College in such financial institutions and/or investments in accordance with the guidelines recommended and approved by the Council. Section 3. Checks All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness 221 ACVP Bylaws issued in the name of the College shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the College and in such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Council. Section 4. Loans No loan shall be made to the College and no evidences of indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a resolution of the Council. ARTICLE XI Indemnification Every member of Council, and such others as specified from time to time by the Council, shall be indemnified by the College against all expenses and liabilities, including legal fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon them in connection with any proceeding to which they may be made a party, or in which they may become involved, by reason of being or having been a member of Council, or any settlement thereof, whether the person is a member of Council at the time such expenses are incurred, except in such cases where in the Councilor or officer is adjudged guilty of negligence, misconduct, or criminal activity in the performance of duties. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition to and not exclusive of all other rights to which the indemnified person may be entitled. ARTICLE XII Dissolution The College shall use its funds only to accomplish the purposes specified in these Bylaws. No part of the funds shall be used to the advantage of any single person or entity or be distributed to the Members of the College except in the course of transactions at market value and as approved by the Council. In the event of the dissolution or final liquidation of the College, its remaining net assets shall be distributed to such nonprofit corporations or associations as are exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code, as deemed appropriate by the Council. ARTICLE XIII Amendments Members or the Council may request amendment or restatement of these Bylaws by the submission of a written request signed by at least three Members in good standing to the Council for its recommendation, or may be proposed by the Council. The proposed amendment or restatement, with the recommendations of the Council, favorable or unfavorable, will be announced to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance of any regular or special meeting of the College at which time the proposed amendment may be discussed. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of Members voting by mail or electronic ballot shall be required for the adoption of any amendment or restatement. (Amended 23 June 1952) (Amended 25 November 1961) (Amended 30 November 1963) (Amended 30 November 1968) (Amended 30 November 1969) (Amended 2 December 1971) (Amended 5 December 1974) (Amended 25 November 1978) (Amended 15 September 1982) (Amended 1 January 1985) (Amended 10 January 1986) 222 (Amended 12 December 1988) (Amended 15 March 1 1992) (Amended 15 January 1993) (Amended 1 February 1994) (Amended 15 January 1997) (Amended 15 January 1998) (Amended 28 January 2000) (Amended 8 October 2002) (Amended 14 January 2009) (Amended and Restated 6 November 2009) (Amended 3 January 2014) ACVP 2014 Member Directory Change of Address If you have any changes, please indicate them below and return to ACVP to ensure continued mailings. (Please Type or Print) This address is: qHome qBusiness/Institution Name:___________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________ Institution: _______________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________________ State/Province: ____________________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code:___________________________________________________ Country: _________________________________________________________ Work Phone Number: (__________) ___________________________________ Fax: (__________) _________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number: (__________) __________________________________ Comments: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Date on which changes are effective: __________________________________ Please return to: American College of Veterinary Pathologists Membership Department 2424 American Lane Madison, WI 53704-3102 USA Fax: 1-608-443-2478 E-Mail: [email protected] 223 ACVP 2014 Member Directory _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 224 ACVP 2014 Member Directory Found an Error? This directory contains information received as of February 1, 2014. We’ve done everything possible to ensure that the information in this directory is correct, but sometimes errors do occur. If you find that any information contained in this directory is inaccurate or out of date, please let us know about it so that we can correct our records and ensure that next year’s edition is even more accurate. Take a minute to fill out the information below, and return to us: (Please Type or Print) This address is: qHome qBusiness/Institution Name:___________________________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________________________ Institution: _______________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________________ State/Province: ____________________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code:___________________________________________________ Country: _________________________________________________________ Work Phone Number: (__________) ___________________________________ Fax: (__________) _________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________ Home Phone Number: (__________) __________________________________ Comments: _______________________________________________________ Please return to: American College of Veterinary Pathologists Membership Department 2424 American Lane Madison, WI 53704-3102 USA Fax: 1-608-443-2478 E-Mail: [email protected] 225 ACVP 2014 Member Directory _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 226 Officers & Seminars of the College President Secretary Meeting Site Seminar Topic 1980 R. W. Leader # P. K. Hildebrandt New Orleans Viral Disease N.F. Cheville Denver Renal Disease N.F. Cheville San Antonio Biochemical Aberrations 1979 C.C. Capen # 1978 W.J. Hadlow 1977 D.L. Dungworth N.F. Cheville Toronto Carcinogenesis 1976 H.J. Olander N.F. Cheville Miami Inflammation 1975 F.M. Garner N.F. Cheville San Francisco Muscle 1974 P.H. Craig N.F. Cheville Chicago Toxicology 1973 T.J. Hulland F.M. Garner San Antonio Wildlife Disease 1972 S.W. Nielsen F.M. Garner Atlanta Placenta and Fetus 1971 C.H. Bridges F.M. Garner Denver Intestine 1970 P.M. Newberne F.M. Garner New Orleans Immunopathology 1969 P.C. Kennedy F.M. Garner Chicago Metabolic Disease 1968 L.Z. Saunders# F.M. Garner Chicago Eye 1967 K. McEntee C.R. Cole Chicago Laboratory Animals 1966 C.N. Barron C.R. Cole Chicago Blood # # # # 1965 D.L.T. Smith C.R. Cole Chicago Avian Disease 1964 F.D. Maurer# C.R. Cole Chicago Nervous System C.R. Cole Chicago Liver C.R. Cole Chicago Infectious Disease # 1963 T.C. Jones# 1962 W.H. Eyestone # 1961 H. Siebold C.R. Cole Chicago Kidney 1960 E. Stubbs# T.C. Jones# Chicago Respiratory Disease 1959 P. Olafson# T.C. Jones# Chicago Cardiovascular System 1958 C.C. Morrill T.C. Jones Chicago Skeletal System 1957 C.R. Cole T.C. Jones Chicago Parasitic Disease 1956 W.H. Riser# T.C. Jones# Chicago Endocrine System 1955 R.A. Runnells T.C. Jones Chicago Poisoning 1954 C.L. Davis T.C. Jones Chicago Granulomatous Disease # # # # # # # # 1953 E.A. Benbrook W.T.S. Thorp Chicago Female Genital System 1952 H.A. Smith# W.T.S. Thorp# Chicago Miscellaneous Diseases 1951 A.G. Karlson W.T.S. Thorp Chicago Nervous System 1950 W.H. Feldman T.C. Jones Chicago Education 1949 W.H. Feldman T.C. Jones Chicago Organization 1948 W.H. Feldman# T.C. Jones# Chicago Organization # # # # Deceased # # # # # 2014 Council Meeting Dates January 22, 2014 Teleconference February 25, 2014 Teleconference April 4-6, 2014 Baltimore, Maryland September 10-12, 2014 Ames, Iowa November 8-12, 2014 Annual Meeting Marriott Marquis Hotel Atlanta, Georgia Future Examination Dates Scheman Building, Iowa State Center, Iowa State University, Ames, IA: 2014: September 9, 10, 11 2015: September 8, 9, 10 2016: September 13, 14, 15 Future Annual Meeting Dates October 17-21, 2015 Hyatt Regency Minneapolis Hotel & Minneapolis Convention Center Minneapolis, Minnesota December 3-7, 2016 Hyatt Regency Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana November 4-8, 2017 Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver Hotel & Vancouver Convention Center Vancouver, BC, Canada Veterinary Pathology Advertisements All inquiries regarding classified advertising in Veterinary Pathology should be directed to: SAGE Publications, Jovi Candelaria, Advertising Representative 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 USA Phone: 805-410-7132 Fax: 805-375-5282 E-Mail: [email protected]
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