bandung metropolitan area
bandung metropolitan area
SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY FOR BANDUNG METROPOLI TAN AREA Mr. Rudi Mahmud Z, MSP , MT OUTLINE • • • • BACKGROUND DESCRIPTION OF BMA STRATEGIC ISSUES OF BMA SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT POLICY IN BANDUNG CITY 1 BACKGROUND consequences Based on Gov’t Regulation No.26/2008 Bandung M etropolitan Area (BMA) is : – National Activity Center (Pusat Kegiatan Nasional) – National Strategic Area (Kawasan Strategis Nasional) • BMA has a significant role as : • national center of activities • Regional and national scale economic growth pole • Provision of regional infrastructure • Spatial Planning THE PROFILE OF BANDUNG METROPOLITAN AREA 2 Bandung Metropolitan Area Total Area 343.267 Ha, consist of : • Bandung City (16.729,65 Ha) • Cimahi City (4.023 Ha) • Bandung and West Bandung Regency (307.389 Ha) • Part of Sumedang Regency (15.486 Ha) Demography W ADUK CIR A TA Total Population 6.893.009 people Density 20 people/hectare Population Growth 2,86% CIK ALON G WETAN G. T angku banP ar ahu $ % CI PEUN DE UY % % .S Cib e ur eu m CI SAR UA % % LEM BAN G PAR ON GPO NG C IPA TAT % % k ap u nd u n g S . Ci NG AMPR AH % % PAD ALARA NG SUK ASA RI % % CI ME NYA N KOTA CIM AHI % C ILEN GK RANG % B ATUJAJA R % TAN JUNG SAR I KOTA BANDUNG CI LEUN YI RO NGG A W ADUK SA GULI %NG % CI PO NG KOR JATI NANG OR % % % KABUPATEN SUMEDANG % CIM ANG GU NG M ARG AASI H M ARG AHA YU D AYEU HKO LOT C ILI LIN % % G. K e rn c % S ORE ANG CI CALEN GKA % KA TAPAN G % P AME UNG PEU K % S. i ta C % ru m SOL OKAN JER UK % BALEEN DA H % % % % MAJALA YA ARJAS ARI de y NAG REG $ IB UN % % ik % PASE H G. Man dala wang i % Ciw i S. it ar % % BANJA RAN % S .C CI KANC UNG CIP ARA Y % G UNU NG HALU SN I D ANG KER TA $ k S . Cita r i RAN CAE KEK B OJON GS OANG % CI MAU NG KABUPATENB ANDUNG % PAS IRJA MB U CI WI DEY % Hu l u PACE T Band ung City Pop ulation (p eop le) % 4,37 13 2,80 Cimahi City 424.932 105 1,74 Tanjungsari 58.472 16 2,25 Cimanggu ng 64.060 16 3,00 Jatinangor 84.846 32 3,00 6.893.009 20 2,86 ta rum .C i S Pop .Growth (%) 139 Total 2.333.124 RAN CABA LI Pop . Density (p eop le/Ha) 3.927.575 Bandung & West Bandung Regency S .Ci sa n gk u y Band ung Metrop olitan Area % PAN GAL ENG AN % $ KERTA SAR I G . P atu ha G. Ma a l ba r $ 3 G. a T n g ku b a n Pa r a hu $ I KL C A ON G WE A TN % The Growth of Built Up Area in BMA 1994 Cipeu nde uy W ADUKCI RATA C IP E U N D E UY % % I SR C A UA % Padalar an g G A MP R A N H % % PAD AL AR A NG % SU KASAR I % Jatin an gor C IL E N GK R A NG % % BanduKOTA ngBAN-Cim ahi DUN G CI L E UNY I Cililin % % I ME C NY A N KOTA CI MA HI A T U JA JA R B CP I ON GK OR E MB A L NG % % RO N GGA % Lem ban g PA R ON GP ON G I PT C AAT % W ADUKSAG L UI NG I IL IL N C TN A J UN GS A R I J AT I NA N GOR % % KAB UPATE NSU MED ANG % MA R G A A IS H % MA R GA H A Y U % % % C IC A L E N GK A P A ME U N GP E U K % BAL E NDAH Sor eang C IK A N CUNG % % % Majala ya % % MA J AL AYA RJ A A S A RI BAN J A RA N % % PA SEH G. Ma ndaa l w angi $ % I U BN KABU PATEN BAN DUNG C IMA U N G PAS I R JA MB U N A GR EG % % S IN D A N GK E R T A I WID E Y C % C IP A R AY % GU N U N GH A L U % S OL OK A NJ E R UK Banjar an % $ RA N CA E K EK OJ ON B GSOANG % KA T APN AG G. Kre n c e ng % % S OR E A NG C IMA N GGU N G Rancae kek DA Y E U H K OL OT 2004 % % P A CE T RA NCA BAL I % % Pangale ng an PA N GA L E N GA N % $ E RT A K S A RI G. Pa tu h a G. Ma a lb a r $ WADUK CI RA TA C IK A L O N G WE A TN 2001 G. T n a g ku b a n P a ra h u $ % Cipeu nde uy C IP E UNDE UY % % C IS A RUA % % E MB N L AG I A C PTAT PA R ON GP ON G % % Padalar an g Lem ban g N G A MP RAH % % SUK A S A IR PADA L AR ANG % % C IM E N Y A N KO TAC IMA HI % C IL E N GK R A NG % BA T U JA JA R % A N JU N G S T ARI KOTA BAND UNG gor Bandu ng -Cim ahi Jatin an KABU PATENS UMEDA NG C IL E U NYI RO N GGA C IP O G N K OR % W ADUK SAGUL ING % MA R GA H Y AU C IL IL N % % % PAE MU N G PEUK I A C CL E N GK A C IP A R A Y % Sor eang % C IK A NCUN G NA GR E G % % % % % Majala ya PA SEH AJ L M AAY A BA NJ AR AN A R JA S A IR G.Ma n d a l wa n gi $ % % % IB U N C IM A U N G % % % AL B E E ND AH Banjar an GU N U N GH A L U . K re n ce n g G Rancae kek S OO L KANE J RU K % KAT APN AG $ RANC AEE KK OJ N B O GS OA NG % S OR E ANG I MN C A GGU N G % DA YEUH K OO LT % % % % MA R G AASH I % Cililin I D S N A N GK ERT A JA T N I A N GOR % KABU PATEN BANDU NG % PASR I JA M B U I WID E C Y % ACE P T ANCA R BAL I % % PA N GA L E N GA N Pangale ng an % $ KERT ASA RI G. P a tu h a G. Ma a l b ar $ ECONOMY Regional Trading of Bandung Metropolitan Area (Flow of goods from Bandung Metropolitan Area) DKI 5,3 % Banten 4,76 % Jatim 40,4 % Jabar 34,57 % Jateng 9,59 % Jogja 0,71 % 3,53 % 34,57 % 40,4 % 4 ENVIRONMENT Subang Location of Industries IPAL terpadu : Very Poor (DO < 2 ppm) Sumeda ng : Poor (2<DO<3 ppm) Batujajar Cimahi : Good (DO>3 ppm) UjungBerung Dayeuhkolot Rancaekek Cianjur Majalaya Banjaran Gn Waya ng Garut BANDUNG METROPOLITAN AREA REGIONAL INFRAS TRUCTURE W ADUK CI RAT A G. Tan gkub an Parah u CI KALO NG W ETAN $ % CI PEU%ND EU Y % S . Cib eu r eu m CI SARU A % % LE MBA NG C IP ATAT PA RON GP ON G % % S . Cik a pu n du n g NGA MP RAH % PAD ALAR AN G % SU KAS ARI % % CI M ENY AN KOTA C M I AHI % CI LEN GK RAN G BAT UJAJA R % % TA NJU NG SAR I KOTA BAN DUNG CI LEU NY I CI PO NG KO R % % CI M ANG GU NG M AR GA ASI H % % JAT N I A NG OR % % W ADUK SAGUL I NG RO NG GA M ARG AH AYU C ILI LIN % DA YEU HKO LOT % % % K ATA PANG % PAM EU NG PEU K % S a . Cit CI CA LENG KA SO LO KAN JER UK ru m % % BA LEEN DA H % % MA JALA YA ARJAS AR I BAN JAR AN % % id e y . Ciw ta ri k NAG RE G % PA SEH G. Ma nda a l w ang i $ IBU N % % S % % % % S i . C CIK ANC UN G C IPA RA Y % G UN UNG H ALU SIN DAN G KER TA G. K renc eng k S . Cit ar i RAN CA EKE K BOJON GS OA NG % SOR EA NG W astewater Treatment Facilit y : • IPAL Bojongsoang, the capacit y is 80.835 m2/day, served people of Bandung City and Bandung Regency. KABUPA TEN S• UMEDAN G IPLT Cibeet, the capacit y is 25 m 2/day, $ served part p art of Bandung Regency. CI MA UNG KABUPA TEN B ANDU NG P ASI RJAM BU % CI WID EY % S. k uy RA NCA BAL I Cita . Ci san g S ru m Hul u PACE T % % PA NGA LEN GA N Total flood risk are a in BMA ar e 14.480 ha Regional Dr aina ge System has not been $ established % K ERT ASAR I G. P at uha G. Mal aba r $ Waste Disposal Level of Services : –Bandung Regency 23% –Bandung City 60% –Sumedang Regency 96% 5 STRATEGIC ISSUES OF BANDUNG METROPOLITAN AREA REGIONAL ISSUES OF BMA • GROWTH OF URBAN POPULATION •FAST GROWING NEEDS OF URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE •DEGRADATION OF EN VIRON MENT QUALITY •LAND CONVERSION INTO BUILT UP AREA LIMITED CARRYING CAPACITY 6 ENVIRONMENT AL PROGRAM IN BANDUNG METROPOLITAN AREA Bandung City W est Jav a Prov ince 7 Kabupaten Garut 0 Kota Bogor Regency/City 39 22 Kota Banjar 86 Kabupaten Kuningan 72 Kota Cirebon 37 Kabupaten Indramayu Kabupaten Maja lengka 85 27 64 Kabupaten Ciamis 43 Kabupaten Cirebon 49 62 Kabupaten Tasikmala ya Kota Tasikmala ya 45 Kota Sukabumi Kabupaten Cianjur 96 67 86 84 Kabupaten Sukabumi 78 Kabupaten Karawang 67 Kota Bekasi 4,000 Kota Depok 3,000 Kabupaten Bekasi 37 Kabupaten Bogor Kabupaten Purwakarta Kabupaten Subang 1,000 Kota Cimahi 2,000 Kabupaten Sumedang 5,000 Kota Bandung 6,000 Kabupaten Bandung Volume (m3/day) Bandung City Foto: Otto Sumarwoto Current Condition Waste Volume & Level of Services in West Java 8,000 7,000 23 60 45 Waste Volu me Level Of Service 13 28 19 8 Current Condition The type of formal institution SWM in West Java Section -District Service. 1. 4% UPTD. 1. 4% Lo cal Co mp any . 1. 4% (BANDUNG CITY) Sanitation Office. 3. 13% Sub-District Service. 6. 25% District Service . 12. 50% • The type of formal instit ution that r un soli d waste ma nageme nt in a certain city will has significa nt infl uence on the SW M performa nce • The l ow Level Of Services i n Bandung Solid Waste Ma nageme nt caused by the still under-dev eloped & ne ed assistance (subsi dy) from the l ocal gover nment to cove r overa ll operational costs Current Condition Final D isposal Site System in West Java s anitar y landfil l, 4 ( 8%) contr olled landfill , 15 (31%) op en dumping, 29 (6 1%) ACTUALLY: • Most of FDS i n West Java Provi nce can be classified as dumpfills, with less tha n 10% achieving status of contr olled landfill. • No sanitary landfill is in e xistence alt hough there is some being planned. 9 Current Condition Existing SWM Operation MANAGED BY RW OR DISTRICT SERRVICE MANAGED BY DISTRICT SERRVICE WASTE VOLUM E TS Publci hous e RESIDENTIAL S O U R C E MARKET COMMERCIAL / OFFICE WASTE VOLUM E WASTE VOLUM E FDS CONTAINER DUSTBIN STREET / FACILITIES MANAGED BY DISTRICT SERRVICE • Solid was te collection to transfer s tation is managed by community • Solid was te transportation, p rocessing and f inal d umping a re the respons ibility of the ope rators. Current Condition Communities Involvement the community a ltoget her carrie d out the solid w as manageme nt inde pendently communities ge nerally implement simple processing i n the form of composting a nd recycli ng 10 Current Condition Land Landslid slides es in in Leuwig Leuwigajah ajah FDS FDS Feb February ruary 21, 21, 2005 2005 LEUWIGAJAH LEUWIGAJAH FDS FDS FDS FDSfo forrBandu Bandung ngCi Cittyy tempo temporary rary move move to toJelekon JelekonggFDS FDS JELEKONG JELEKONGFDS FDS Current Condition The Problem JELEKONG FDS: Capacity : 300.000 m3 Lifetime : Until Desember 2005 very difficult to find ne w FDS areas because the public impression and perce ption of FDS has been l argely ne gative 11 Current Condition Expenditure on Solid Waste Management Year 2003 in Bandung City Administrastion: 6,34 M (31,5%) Dumping: 1.11 M (5,5%) Collecting : 5,45 M (27 %) Transportation 7.26 M (36 %) • The cost inv olved in processing t he v olume of w aste at the FDS is very small • the solid waste ope rators put the F DS ma nageme nt at the end priority Solid Waste Budget % 100 2,00 90 1, 80 80 Bandung City Budget 1, 60 70 1, 40 60 1, 20 50 1,00 40 0, 80 30 0, 60 20 0, 40 10 0, 20 0 0 1,97 % Subsidy 0,44 % of APBD SWM Fee 1,53 % of APBD • Budget a llocation from APBD (Annual City De velopment Budget) for solid waste manageme nt is lowest compare d to ot her development are a. • Local gover nment put t he solid waste mana gement at t he l owest priority. 12 Environmental Pollution Environmental Pollution around FDS Surface & Ground Wat er Pollution Air Pollution Soil Poll ution Environmental Pollution Environmental Sanitation around FDS slums settlement of scavenger pond of leachate & many flies smoke combustion of solid waste 13 Environmental Pollution Flood floods caused by t he number of solid w astes in canal or river Environmental Pollution Transfer Stati on underne ath el evated highway under construction Transfer Stati on by the road side 14 Needs Of SWM Policy • Environmental pollution caused by waste management activities in Bandung City • An appropriate solid waste management policy is needed as reference in implementation of sustainable environmental management Requirement New Paradigm The Root of FDS Problems • The bad physical and chemical quality of FDS environmental caused by the open dumping method. • Many factors becoming cause operated FDS by open dumping (technical, budgeting, and also communit y participation aspect) • The paradigm of collect-transport-dump becoming the root of the matter all this 15 Requirement New Paradigm • SWOT method analyzed indicates that Bandung City solid waste management system in SURVIVAL condition • Bandung City solid waste management policy have should be changed, where THE COLLECT-TRANSPORT-DUMP PARADIGM IS CHANGED INTO SOLID WASTE MINIMIZATION PARADIGM Shifting Paradigm Framework in Bandung City SWM E X I S T I N G F U T U R E 16 From Policy To Strategy Shifting Collect-Transpo rtDump Paradigm into Was te Minimiza tion Paradigm Waste Minimization to Reduce Management Burden Increase Active Participation of Community Increasing Level of Services in Solid Waste Management Regional Cooperation in Solid waste Management Management Environment Impact around Final Disposal Site Operational improvement with controlled landfill method Bandung City SWM Strategy Waste Minimization To Reduce Management Burden 1 • To endorse local government in order to begin with shift of solid waste management paradigm to a reduction paradigm. • To make an informal sector of recycling organizers as working partner by opening the business opportunity for them. 17 Bandung City SWM Strategy Competency of Formal Solid Waste Management Institution 2 • Increasing capacity and competency of formal solid waste institution. • Increasing professionalism of institution. • Developing the financial system to increase the institution competency. Bandung City SWM Strategy Management Environment Impact Around Final Disposal Site 3 • Improving the condition of FDS environment. • Rehabilitation of physical-chemical environment condition with an approach of friendly environment technology. • Operational improvement from open dumping to controlled landfill method. 18 Bandung City SWM Strategy Regional Cooperation in Solid Waste Management 4 • To establish a regional cooperation in carrying out the operation of solid waste management. • To carry out the institutional function of environment quality observation around FDS. FDS CANDIDATES “GUNUNG DUR UNG” FDS CANDIDATES “CITATAH” TS CANDIDATES “LEUWIGAJAH” TS CANDIDATES “BOJONGSOANG” TS CANDIDATES “KR. PAWITAN” 19 Bandung City SWM Strategy Law Enforcement and Increase Active Participation of Community 5 • To increase the socialization of regulation and law and its implementation • To lift the existence of communit y or society group which has participated actively in solid waste management in order to become the mediator in campaign programmed • To build an inter communit y group network which has worked actively in solid waste management. • To establish pilot project area, which will become an example for the other region. Bandung City SWM Strategy The Objective Bandung City SWM Strategy • Increasing capacity Bandung City SWM institution • Increasing solid waste recycle center garbage in intercit y service scope • Increasing solid waste recycle information system • FDS operational has been updated from Open Dumping into Controlled Landfill • Regional Solid Waste Corporation for Greater Bandung has been implemented 20 Conclusion • The environment pollution caused by solid waste management activity in Bandung City reveals that the core of the problem is caused by collect-transportdump paradigm • Shifting paradigm in solid waste management policy should be taken, where the collect-transport-dump paradigm is changed into solid waste minimization paradigm • Final Disposal S ite should be developed through the mechanism of inter town cooperation • Generate and develop an active participation of the communit y in solid waste management THE END Thank you for your kind attention 21
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