LOCAL, 2-A HIGH HOLY DAYS A MIXED BLESSING FOR CONGREGATIONS S e r v i n g I hope my grandfather’s rhyme about dadburn hurricane season proves true: “September — remember; October — all over.” SPOR TS, 1-B Saints take ‘home’ opener against Bills P a s c a g o u l a , O c e a n S p r i n g s , M o s s P o i n t , G a u t i e r a n d Old Crab ® L u c e d a l e THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS 25¢ Monday, October 3, 2005 Our online affiliate Lawmakers still face full Katrina agenda By EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS The Associated Press JACKSON — Mississippi legislators still have plenty of heavy lifting this week when they resume their special session on Hurricane Katrina recovery. When the Senate convenes this afternoon, it will resume a debate about a bill to let coastal casinos move off the water and 800 feet onto the FOR WANT OF A NAIL Review: Better construction could have saved homes from Katrina By JAY REEVES The Associated Press GULFPORT— A few more nails and extra bolts could have made a big difference for some homes that were blown away by Hurricane Katrina. An initial engineering review found that most of the wood-frame houses that survived the storm’s 130-mph gusts held up because of little things — plenty of nails, metal straps attaching rafters to frames and bolts anchoring frames and porches to concrete. Often, the homes with the most damage simply weren’t built as well, inspections showed. John van de Lindt, a Colorado State University professor who was part of a team that assessed storm damage, said the pattern showed up in about 100 different structures the group inspected at 30 locations in southern Mississippi and eastern Louisiana. “The lesson to be learned is attention to detail,” said van de Lindt. “If the (building) code was followed, things seemed to do really well.” The five-person research team organized by the University of Alabama spent three days visiting communities that were hit by Katrina in search of clues to help determine why some homes were OK after the storm and others were uninhabitable. The team included university researchers, building-code specialists, engineers and officials from the wood industry. The group — which will make recommendations for possible changes to the standards used in building codes — didn’t spend much time looking at the rubble of homes nearest the coast. Such structures were washed away by a storm surge and waves topping 35 feet. “Designing against surge can be done, but it would be so expensive that no one could afford it,” said Andrew Graettinger, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Alabama. But just a little inland, researchers checked houses and found a pattern: Damage was most severe to homes where builders used too few nails or didn’t properly use metal straps to secure roofs, as outlined in building codes for hurricane-prone areas. See CONSTRUCTION, Page 8-A shore. The 1990 nos should be permitted state law that to build just onshore to Related story, give them more stability authorized casiPage 3-A nos restricted in storms. them to the “This industry has waters of the invested billions of dolGulf of Mexico or the Mississippi River. lars in our economy and it employs tens of thouGov. Haley Barbour has angered some of his sands of our people,” Barbour said after the socially conservative supporters by saying casi- House passed the casino bill Friday night. “If the state had said to the industry, ‘We’re not going to let you move a few hundred feet despite all you’ve done,’ I think that would’ve had a negative effect on people’s attitudes about coming here,” the Republican governor said. The House tried late Friday to end its part of the special session. But rules prohibit one chamber from working more than three days without See LAWMAKERS, Page 8-A NEIGHBORHOOD RECOVERY NO TIME FOR TEARS Gritty Cleveland Avenue residents rebuilding their lives By ALLISON MATHER The Mississippi Press PASCAGOULA — After 64 years of living in his small “Navy” house on Cleveland Avenue and having two feet of Hurricane Katrina’s floodwater inside, Harry A. Price is starting over. But not without a smile. “I went down to zero and I had to do something — either go up or down,” he said, his mischievous eyes twinkling. “I’m 92 years old. I’m not ready to kick the bucket yet.” Price isn’t sure what his next step will be. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has delivered a trailer, but no keys. His insurance adjuster won’t show up until Oct. 20, nearly two months after Katrina hit. “I’ve applied, and I can’t do a damn thing except cuss or admire pretty women,” he said. “I got a (FEMA) trailer, and I got it all fixed up. They ain’t give me permission to move in yet,” he said. Price said he may resort to breaking into the trailer rather than wait on FEMA officials to deliver the keys. “They may put me in jail, but they have to feed me if they do,” he “The crying’s over with. Now we just have to get it done.” — Debra Tyler, Pascagoula resident said. In the meantime, he’s living with his girlfriend’s son in north Pascagoula while he figures out how to pay for the necessary repairs to his home. He had two feet of water inside and enough wind to shift the house and crack his living room ceiling. “The drywall’s out. The house is halfway cleaned out, but I don’t know where the money is coming from to fix it,” Price said. “I’m going to have to beg FEMA for the money to repair it and be able to move back in.” In spite of it all, his sense of humor has prevailed. He swears he’s allergic to women — at least the ugly ones — and only curses or drinks if he’s alone or with someone. “I’m as harmless as an old man can be. But I ain’t guaranteeing it,” he said with a laugh. See NEIGHBORHOOD, Page 8-A Carisa Anderson/The Mississippi Press ABOVE: ‘I hit bottom and I’ve got to get back,’ says Harry A. Prince, 92, before he checks on the work done to his Cleveland Avenue home in Pascagoula. AT LEFT: David Tyler looks over his kitchen after he and his wife, Debra, pulled out soaked cabinets and ruined tile that they had just put in to their Pascagoula home on Cleveland Avenue at 11th Street. The Tylers’ three children are going to school in Birmingham and living with their aunt while they work on the home. Peace meets pets at St. John’s annual ‘Blessing of the Animals’ ■ Observance also helps Rev. Marcia King blesses Danny, a Boston terrier, held by Jim Bright of Ocean Springs during the blessing of the pets ceremony at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ocean Springs Sunday evening. The ceremony celebrates the Feast of St. Francis on Oct. 4. creatures great and small displaced by Katrina By JOY E. STODGHILL The Mississippi Press Carisa Anderson/The Mississippi Press LOCAL, 3-A Coast congregations rally against land-based casinos Storm shelter ship bound for Port of Pascagoula OCEAN SPRINGS — Roscoe, a somber-eyed basset hound nuzzled a nearby pooch amid a multitude of wriggling and whimpering dogs and cats, as well as turtles, birds and fish, as the Rev. Marcia King drew near. “Roscoe, bring joy to your parents and everyone around you— including this dog you’re sniffing,” King, assistant SPOR TS, 1-B Red Sox, Astros clinch playoff berths priest at St. John’s Episcopal Church said. “I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Roscoe and a menagerie of other creatures, great and small, gathered on the lawn of the church for the annual “Blessing of the Animals.” Approximately 50 pets joined their owners for the celebration of St. Francis Day. St. Francis of Assisi is known as the patron saint of animals. The Rev. Dr. Wayne Ray, senior pastor at St. John’s, related a tale of how the saint went out into the woods to chat with a wolf which had been killing farmers’ sheep. INDEX Advice . . . . . . . . . . . .7-A Classified . . . . . . . . .4-B Comics . . . . . . . . . . .6-A MISSISSIPPI PRESS HURRICANE HEADQUARTERS: (251) 219-5551, (866) 843-9020 As the story goes, Francis spoke to the wolf, and farmers had no more trouble with the wild animal. This is one of many stories passed down about the saint and his interaction with animals. “Every one of God’s creatures is important and is linked to one another,” Ray said. With the help of Angel Paws, a bull mastiff, Phil Fleming and his wife, the Rev. Susan Carney, collected donations for the Humane Society of South Mississippi. The money will help the organization care for animals rescued See ANIMALS, Page 4-A Sports . . . . . . . . . . . .1-B TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-A Vol. 159 — No. 286, 16 Pages © 2-A THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS Gulf Coast Jews struggle to commemorate High Holy Days after Katrina destruction By RACHEL ZOLL The Associated Press Bad luck keeps following Stephen Richer. Last year at the start of Rosh Hashana, a hurricane evacuation sent him and a cantor at his tiny Biloxi synagogue on an odyssey across the state to find a congregation where they could mark the Jewish New Year. This year, as the High Holy Days begin tonight, Richer will once again be searching for a spiritual home. His Conservative synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel, is one of many across the Gulf Coast that have been shuttered by extensive damage from Hurricane Katrina. “I’m very happy to have this year over,” Richer said. “We’ve had a lot of tragedy.” The 10-day period of repentance and renewal, among the most important in the Jewish calendar, arrives as Jewish evacuees are scattered throughout the country, their homes destroyed, their jobs gone and their future unclear. Victims say the generosity of religious leaders in cities where they’ve sought refuge has helped ease discomfort about celebrating the holidays in an alien environment. Orthodox Jews have found housing for evacuees near congregations so they can observe the Jewish prohibition against driving on the High Holy Days. One Florida rabbi packed his Cessna with kosher meat and cheese, Sabbath candles and challah and flew the supplies to Biloxi, where members of Beth Israel may hold services at a military base. Other Jewish groups have sent prayerbooks, while Baptist, Roman Catholic and Unitarian churches have offered space for services. Still, many displaced Jews say the pain of having lost everything will only be com- MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 MISSISSIPPI COAST WEATHER TODAY Partly cloudy 88° 71° TUESDAY Partly cloudy 86° 68° WED. T-storms 89° 72° LUNAR STAGES ALMANAC New moon Oct. 3 Record High 90° in 1954 First quarter Oct. 10 Record Low 48° in 2001 Full moon Oct. 17 Yesterday’s High 88° Last quarter Oct. 24 Yesterday’s Low 70° Yesterday’s Rain 0.02” 25.2pts/1000 This Month’s Rain 0.02” 84.02° Year to Date Rain 67.83” MISSISSIPPI SOUND Salinity Water temperature TIDES Morry Gash/The Associated Press Stephen Richer, president of Congregation Beth Israel, stands outside the synagogue Friday in Biloxi. Richer says the synagogue is unusable for the upcoming Jewish holy days. The 10-day period of repentance and renewal, among the most important in the Jewish calendar, arrives as Jewish evacuees are scattered throughout the country, their homes destroyed, their jobs gone and their future unclear. pounded by observing sacred rituals among strangers. “I think the word is bittersweet,” said Ruth Kullman, president of Touro Synagogue in New Orleans, a Reform congregation that was damaged and will not reopen for the holiday period, which ends with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Kullman, her husband and her 93-year-old mother-in-law fled to Memphis where Kullman’s sister lives. “We’re all so grateful to be here and together. We’re just sad that we can’t be celebrating the way we always had,” she said. Jewish leaders don’t know when — if ever — their communities will reunite. About 10,000 Jews lived in the New Orleans area and Eric Stillman, executive director of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans, has been trying to track them. Working out of the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston, he has contacted about 1,400 of the 3,600 families who were in his organization’s database. Synagogue leaders have started their own online lists, but many families still have not been reached. “It’s hard to predict,” said Stillman, who fled New Orleans with his wife and two children. “Some people have said they’re not going to come back. ... Some people have already returned.” Those able to get home have found their synagogues with smashed roofs, shattered windows, flooded basements, and mold and mildew growing in sanctuaries. As Katrina battered the region, anxiety spread among Jewish leaders about the Torah scrolls inside the buildings. The scrolls, which Jews believe contain the word of God, are the holiest objects in Judaism. About a week following the storm, a caravan of Jewish volunteers, accompanied by armed officers from outside New Orleans, went into the city to retrieve the scrolls. Some members of the mission had to swim through floodwater to reach their buildings, but all the Torahs were retrieved intact. Cumbest Bluff. Mr. Cumbest was a welder and rigger for a number of years with Ingalls Shipbuilding and also worked the same occupation in the construction field. He was an avid fisherman and loved the outdoors. Mr. Cumbest was preceded in death by His parents, John and Mamie Cumbest, a daughter, Teresa Rose Cumbest, and two brothers, Oris and John Lewis Cumbest. Survivors include his wife of 42 years, Brenda J. Cumbest of Cumbest Bluff; two sons, Darrell (Amanda K.) Cumbest of Pascagoula; and Johnny (Amanda Gail) Cumbest of Pascagoula. Grandchildren: Lacy, Matt, Luke, Michael, Justin and Kalyn Cumbest; Wendy Keel and Donovan Cowart. Mr. Cumbest also leaves to honor his passing, two close and special friends, Randall Simmons and Ernest Havard. Visitation will be held Sunday evening, Oct. 2, 2005, from 6-9 p.m. at Heritage Funeral Home in Escatawpa, Mississippi. Funeral Service will be Monday, Oct. 3, 2005, at 11 a.m. from Caswell Springs United Methodist Church in Wade, Mississippi, with the Revs. Jim Fisher, David Cumbest and Chris Cumbest, officiating. Mr. Cumbest will lie in state at the church one hour prior to service time. Pallbearers will be: Fred Mitchell, Vince Schornhorst, Lee Cumbest, Robbie Cumbest, Jack Nicholson and Dennis Skinner. Honorary pallbearers are Ernest Havard and Mike Shepard. Funeral arrangements by Heritage Funeral Home, locally owned and operated. You may view and sign a register book for Mr. Cumbest on line at ——————— JOHNSON Catherine (Aunt Rena) Agnes Johnson, 90, died September 28, 2005. She was born April 25, 1915, in Pascagoula, Miss., to the union of Henry and Mary McDonald Thomas. She was a devoted member of St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church. She was preceded in death by her par- ents, Henry and Mary Thomas; her devoted husband, Andrew Johnson Jr.; a daughter, Jhelisa Maureen Tinsley; siblings James McDonald, Louise (Ernest) Patton, Celestine (Peter) Lacobier, Henry McDonald, Eddie McDonald, Jeanette Fisher, Mary (Cemore) Abney and Gertrude (Leonard) Cook. She is survived by her devoted children, Andrea (Linda) Johnson and Robert (Bobby) Johnson, both of Pascagoula; nieces Mrs. Gloria (Philip) Mosely of Port Arthur, Texas, Beverly Cook of California, Janet Cook Morris of Moss Point and Philicia (Clearly Jr.) Parker; nephews Kermit Brazley (Marie) of Louisiana, Cemore Abney of Moss Point, Miss., Joseph Paul Abney of Sulphur, La., and Robert L. Thompson and Samuel Thompson, both of Pascagoula, Miss.; a devoted godchild, Brenda Harris; special devoted friends Ellen Abney, Gayle Bass, Jittaun Robinson Payne, Verna Ayers, and Jean Carter, all of Pascagoula, Miss., Antoinette Planer of Moss Point, Miss., Debra Bivins of Fayetteville, SUNRISE/SET Rise Set Mon. 6:39 am L 10:59 pm H Mon. 6:49 am 6:37 pm Tues. 6:39 am L 10:59 pm H Tues. 6:49 am 6:37 pm Wed. 8:28 am L 11:23 pm H Wed. 6:50 am 6:35 pm Thur. 9:30 am L 11:59 H Thur. 6:51 am 6:33 pm Fri. 10:51 L Fri. 6:51 am 6:32 pm Sat. 12:51 am H 12:32 pm L Sat. 6:52 am 6:31 pm Sun. 1:56 am H Sun. 6:53 am 6:30 pm 2:06 pm L RIVER STAGES MARINE FORECAST Pascagoula River (Cumbest Bluff) 8.65 feet Pascagoula River (Merrill) 8.58 feet Chickasawhay River (Leakesville) 14.50 feet East winds around 20 knots. Seas 6 to 8 feet. Protected waters rough. Scattered showers. Tides 2 to 3 feet above normal. Tropical Storm Otis weakens SAN CARLOS, Mexico (AP) — Hurricane Otis weakened to a tropical storm Sunday and headed north toward an unpopulated stretch of the Baja California Peninsula, while another tropical storm crossed the Yucatan peninsula, apparently heading for open Gulf waters. No immediate reports of damages or injuries were received in connection with either Otis or Tropical Storm Stan, officials in the states of Baja California Sur and Quintana Roo said. Otis, once a Category One hurricane, had wind speeds of about 45 mph by Sunday and was expected to weaken and fall below tropical storm strength, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. The storm was swirling about about 125 miles south of Cabo San Lazaro, near the tip of the Baja California peninsula, and could cross over a relatively unpopulated stretch of coast about 300 miles north of the resort of Cabo San Lucas on Monday. N.C., Charles (Me Go) Williams of Ocean Springs, Miss., and Ms. Annie Bell Edwards and Valerie Evans, along with a host of grand nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Visitation will be Tuesday, October 4, from 10 to 10:45 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 4114 1st St., Moss Point, Miss., with a Rosary to follow at 10:45 a.m. Funeral mass will be at 11 a.m. with Father William Norvel officiating. Turner’s Gulf Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. ——————— MOONEY Samuel Clark Mooney, 53, of Gulfport, Miss., died Saturday, October 1, 2005, at Covington County Hospital in Collins, Miss. Clark was a member of First Baptist Church, Gulfport. He was born in Collins on September 17, 1952, and had lived on the Coast for 27 years. He was employed at Northrop Grumman Ship Systems. He is survived by his wife, Barbara G. Mooney of Gulfport; one daughter, Kathryn Leigh Mooney of Gulfport; one son, Samuel Patrick Mooney of Gulfport; mother, Mary Lou Jordan, and stepfather, George Jordan, of Mize; two sisters, Mary Gail Eubanks of Covington County and Lou Ann Daves of Wiggins; numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. He is also survived by his father, Samuel Arnold Mooney of Collins. Funeral services are to be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Wade-Nowell Funeral Chapel in Collins with Dr. Chuck Register officiating. Interment is to be in the Collins City Cemetery. Visiting will be Monday from 5 until 8 p.m. at the funeral home. OBITUARIES CUMBEST Jerrel Olen Cumbest, age 61, of Cumbest Bluff, Miss., died Sept. 29, 2005, in THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS Publication USPS 354420 — ISSN: 1059-7166 The Mississippi Press continues The Chronicle, The Chronicle Star and the Moss Point Advertiser, published daily. Second class postage paid at Pascagoula, Miss. 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All carriers, dealers and distributors are independent contractors, keeping their own accounts free from control. Therefore, The Mississippi Press, Inc., is not responsible for advance payments made to them, their agencies, or representatives. However, we do have a Pay-by-Mail Subscription Department, whereby you can pay directly to The Mississippi Press for your newspaper in advance. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATIENCE AND LOOK FORWARD TO ASSISTING OUR CURRENT AND NEW CLIENTS DURING THESE DIFFICULT TIMES AND IN THE FUTURE. The Law Offices of GEORGE SHADDOCK & JOE R. COLINGO are relocating to 1253 Jackson Ave., Pascagoula, MS Opening October 10, 2005 We will handle individual insurance claims and disputes, personal injury and criminal matters. (228) 762-7188 (228) 935-9511 MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 3-A THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS Contact: Lance Davis, News Editor, (866) 843-9020 E-mail address: [email protected] LOCAL/STATE Cruise ship shelter bound for Pascagoula By JOHN SURRATT The Mississippi Press PASCAGOULA — The Port of Pascagoula is essentially ready for the cruise ship Carnival Holiday, Port Director Mark McAndrews said Sunday. “The berth is physically ready,” he said. “We’ve got the potable water system up and running. I believe they (Federal Emergency Management Agency and Carnival officials) are still dealing with some logistics items such as transportation and sewer disposal and some security issues, but they’re working through those. I expect to see it here sometime this week.” The Holiday has been expected at the Port of Pascagoula since it was designated as a temporary residence for Jackson County residents who had been living in shelters since Hurricane Katrina hit the area on Aug. 29. About 150 county residents moved on board Morry Gash/The Associated Press Bishop DeBruce Nelson holds a service on the street outside his Lighthouse Apostolic Church Sunday in Biloxi. The church was damaged by Hurricane Katrina. In the churches that operate in the shadows of Biloxi's tattered casinos, religious opposition to gambling is colliding with the region’s economic reality. Mississippi is considering allowing the casinos to move off the water and rebuild on land. Storm-battered casino industry faces opposition ■ Some churches worry about allowing gambling on land By MATT APUZZO The Associated Press BILOXI — In the churches that minister in the shadows of Biloxi’s tattered casinos, religious opposition to gambling is colliding with the region’s economic reality. Mississippi is considering allowing its coastal casinos to rebuild on land, a move that would help repair the state’s $2.7 billion gambling industry following Hurricane Katrina. But while pastors and politicians in the state capital haggle over slots and sinning, many in the pews here have a pressing concern: survival. “We have a lot of casino workers here and we don’t take a stand. It’s all about jobs,” said Ersell Mason, a deacon at the Lighthouse Apostolic Holiness Church, the remains of which sit just up the street from many of the region’s casinos. “God wants you to come to him and be a Christian. You can still do your job and come to him.” Some state lawmakers made God a player in the debate last week over the legislation that would allow the coastal casinos, currently restricted to barges, to creep 800 feet on shore. Supporters say that would give them more stability in storms, but opponents worry it would be a foothold for inland gaming. State Rep. Deryk Parker, a Democrat whose Lucedale district is more than an hour “Casinos, that gives us jobs. If they rebuild, it’s going to give everybody jobs again.” — Jackie Trieu, whose daughter started work at a casino just days before Hurricane Katrina made landfall. northeast of the Coast, held up a hand-lettered sign during hearings last week reading “casino” with the letters “sin” written in red. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is my Mississippi, too,” he said. “And I don’t want that type of reputation for my state, for me or my children.” The House narrowly passed the legislation last week; debate on the bill is expected to resume Monday afternoon in the Senate. It would expand a 1990 state law that authorized casinos while restricting them to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico or the Mississippi River. With a membership that includes about 25 percent of the state’s population, the Mississippi Baptist Convention is one of the most powerful anticasino forces in the state. About 50 Baptist pastors from across the Mississippi converged last week on the Capitol in Jack- son, urging legislators not to allow casinos on land. That message was repeated Sunday at the First Baptist Church in Gulfport, which normally holds services just blocks from the casinos but had to move to the local high school after the hurricane. D. Saxon, 77, of Gulfport, said he wanted to see gambling eliminated from the community. But he acknowledged that many in the church survived off the casinos, either by working for them or by working in related industries that benefit from the tourism. “As long as it’s legal, it’s an honest living,” said Saxon. Fellow churchgoer Tommy Truhett said the region would find other, better work if the casinos left. “The answer to our problems is not the gambling. The answer to our problem is not the politicians,” Truhett said. “The Lord is the answer.” At the Vietnamese Martyrs Church in Biloxi’s Point Cadet neighborhood, where nearly half the Catholic parishioners work in the casinos, the answer is different. “Casinos, that gives us jobs,” said Jackie Trieu, whose daughter started work at a casino just days before the storm. “If they rebuild, it’s going to give everybody jobs again.” Her 21-year-old daughter, Angela, said it’s unfair to bring God into the debate in Jackson. “I don’t think they should have a say,” she said. “They have jobs up there. They’re not down here.” Serving Jackson And Harrison Counties! 3257 Hwy. 90 Gautier the 1,452-passenger cruise ship the first day. More than 1,000 residents now call the ship home. “We hope we can get the maximum number (of people) on there,” FEMA spokesman Gene Romano said. “It will probably get better once the ship is moved to Pascagoula. Our goal is to get the people closer to home.” The Holiday is one of three ships leased by FEMA from Miami-based Carnival Cruise Lines for six months for $192 million. It was supposed to have been moved to Pascagoula earlier, but was delayed by work to prepare the port’s south facility on the Pascagoula River and by Hurricane Rita, which raised safety concerns because of rough weather and seas. Reporter John Surratt can be reached at [email protected] or (251)2195551. Wall of notes to missing teen stored away MOUNTAIN BROOK, Ala. (AP) — A “Wall of Hope” with messages for the 18-year-old Mississippi native who went missing in Aruba has been taken down outside a church and placed in storage. A note and yellow ribbon were left in its place at the entrance to the youth center at Mountain Brook Community Church. The wall went up June 8, just over a week after Natalee Holloway disappeared on a trip to the Caribbean island with other recent graduates from Mountain Brook High School. The teenager attended junior high school in Clinton, Miss., and her father lives in Meridian. “Watching it come down does not mean this is over,” Holloway’s aunt, Marcia Twitty, Space Savers ™ Self-Storage Portable Storage Available Immediately •Moving Supplies •Truck Rentals HOUSES GUTTED CHEAP said Friday. “It just means we’re in a new phase. We’re just working on what the next steps are.” She said the wall was taken down to protect it from the weather, which was causing it to fade. A Paulk Company (251) 625-0597 CALL: 228-235-4641 OPEN EARLY TUESDAY 9AM McRae’s Super Tuesday 3 GREAT REASONS TO SHOP 1 SENIOR DAY! We invite all customers 55 and older to take an % 15off extra 10% off home your ENTIRE PURCHASE* regular, sale & clearance priced merchandise *If you’re 55 or older save an extra 15%, or 10% in our home department, on your purchases for the day. Just show proof of age to any Sales Associate. Normal brand exclusions apply. Also excludes cosmetics & fragrances, Incredible Value Items, lease departments, bonus buys, doorbusters. Cannot be used in combination with any other coupon or discount offer. Selection varies by store. Valid Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2005 only. FINAL CLEARANCE SAVINGS! 2 Look for clearance signs throughout the store on final clearance merchandise. 3 FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE! Reserve your gift now. Free 7 piece gift with any 24.50 Estée Lauder purchase. While supplies last. At participating stores. Limited quantities ORIGINAL PRICE NOW Up to - 27.00 28.00 - 51.00 52.00 - 103.00 104.00 or More 2.98 4.98 9.98 19.98 Plus, save an extra 15% with Senior Day discount Tuesday only. Serving The Entire Gulf Coast 934-2555 • 896-9555 Ad #: 0227 Name of ad: Senior Day Oct McRae’s Run Date: 10/03/05 Size: 56/31.5 Designer: Brenda x6661 Copy: Jamie 6752 4-A THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 Tour boat overturns; at least 20 dead By CHRIS CAROLA LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. — A glass-enclosed boat carrying senior citizens on a cruise overturned Sunday on a calm, chilly lake in upstate New York, killing at least 20 people and sending more than two dozen shivering passengers to a hospital. The accident may have occurred when the boat was hit by the wake of a larger passing vessel, Warren County Sheriff Larry Cleveland said. “We haven’t ruled anything out yet,” he said. The boat was carrying a tour group from the Trenton, Mich., area, among others, and was sailing just north of the village of Lake George, a popular tourist destination. With calm waters, clear skies and temperatures in the 70s, it seemed perfect boating weather. The 40-foot Ethan Allen capsized around 3 p.m. on Lake George about 50 miles north of Albany in the Adirondack Mountains. The accident apparently happened so fast that none of the passengers was able to put on a life jacket, Cleveland said. Adult boat passengers are not required to wear life jackets in New York, but boats must carry at least one life jacket per passenger. Patrol boats that reached the scene within minutes found other boaters already pulling people from the water. All passengers had been Vessel may have swamped tour boat Authorities are investigating whether a large passing boat created a wake, Detail causing a tour boat of 49 people to NEW YORK overturn and sink Sunday on Lake George. Twenty people killed after boat capsized VERMONT The Associated Press 87 8 Lake George NEW YORK Glens Falls 0 15 mi 0 15 km SOURCE: ESRI 9 Hudson River AP accounted for within two hours. Twenty-seven people were taken to a hospital in nearby Glens Falls. Some suffered broken ribs and others complained of shortness of breath. Five people were to be admitted, hospital spokesman Jason White said. Police investigators were at the hospital late Sunday to question survivors. Dorothy Warren, a resident who said she brought blankets and chairs to shore for survivors, said one passenger told her “she saw a big boat coming close and she said, ‘Whoop-dee- doo. I love a rocking boat.”’ Warren said the woman did not know how she got out of the water but said her mother was killed. Officials gave conflicting information on the number of dead and passengers. Cleveland said there were 48 or 49 people aboard, which was close to the boat’s maximum capacity of 50. Investigators were interviewing survivors to get an accurate count. The National Transportation Safety Board was expected at the lake Monday, the sheriff said. The captain, the only crew member aboard, survived. Cleveland said he was well known and well liked by law enforcement officials. Trenton, Mich., Mayor Gerald Brown said the group left Tuesday on a weeklong busand-rail trip to see changing fall colors along the East Coast. The trip was organized through the city’s parks and recreation department and arranged through a Canadian company, Brown said. “We’re in mourning,” Brown told Detroit television station WJBK. “It’s not a very big community. Many of those people I knew. We’re still not sure which ones didn’t make it.” The mayor said 14 Trenton residents were among those on the boat. Of those, three were killed, six survived, and the conditions of the other five were unknown. Animals From Page 1-A after Katrina. After the people sang songs and heard scriptures, each animal was blessed the clergy. Four members of the clergy made their way through the wriggling, whimpering crowd, saying prayers over each dog, cat, turtle, gerbil and fish. In his blessing of a tiny turtle, the Rev. Jim Lancaster, a deacon in the church, prayed, “Bless, O Lord, this pet, enabling him to live as you have planned.” Deborah Cruthirds of Ocean Springs brought her 3-year-old Doberman mix, Donald, to the blessing. Donald remained still throughout the ceremony. “I’ve always gone to the blessings,” Cruthirds said. She added that she used to take both her cats, who were brothers, to blessings when she lived in the Asheville, N.C., area. “In a blessing, there’s grace,” she said. “(The animals) benefit from it.” Susan Ray has been attending the annual observance for six years. She had her Airedale, Magpie, in tow. The ceremony was the first for 10-month-old Magpie, who took in all the sights and smells with delight in her eyes. “I love seeing all the animals and the animals’ owners,” Ray said. “I love the idea of St. Francis remembering how important animals are.” King said the annual event is “a way of recognizing how important pets are in people’s lives.” Reporter Joy E. Stodghill can be reached at (251) 2195551 or [email protected]. AP Rescuer Brian Hart, left, of East Greenbush, N.Y., is thanked by one of the women he saved after a tour boat capsized on Lake George Sunday afternoon in Lake George, N.Y. At least 20 people where killed. U.S. Rep. John Sweeney, who talked with survivors at the hospital, said the boat flipped in about 30 seconds, giving victims no time to react. Many of the bodies were laid out along the shore, and the site was blocked off by police with tarps. A hearse, police TO OUR READERS In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, The Mississippi Press is experiencing production problems that — in some instances — delay delivery of the newspaper. The Mississippi Press apologizes for the delays, and appreciates your patience. We will continue to do everything in our power to provide you with the latest information during this difficult time. — Editor Steve Cox Carisa Anderson/The Mississippi Press Rev. Jim Lancaster holds Puppy, who belongs to Lena Melton, as he blesses the dog. The ceremony was part of the annual Blessing of the Animals at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ocean Springs. vehicles and several sport utility vehicles later began taking the dead from the scene. The weather did not appear to be a factor on the lake, a long, narrow body of water that is a popular tourist destination in the summer and quiets down after Labor Day. The water temperature was 68 degrees. “This was as calm as it gets,” said Jerry Thornell, a former Lake George Park Commission patrol officer and a lake enforcement officer for the county sheriff ’s department. ROOFING Fortner’s Home Improvement 850-626-8694 Featuring: Elk Product 30 Years/80 MPH Windload 15 Year Non Prerated Warranty from Elk Roofed by Florida Building Code *Stump Grinding Available* Tell us your survival story. CALL (251) 219-5551 Has your homeowner’s insurance company denied you coverage for damage to your home or property caused by Hurricane Katrina? F EST REE IMA TES E FRE TES IMA EST LMA CONSTRUCTION ROOFING DIVISION Serving: Pascagoula, Gautier, Ocean Springs, Vancleave, Hurley & Moss Point 475-1191 5912 Highway 63 • Moss Point Licensed & Insured If so, call The Scruggs Law Firm at 866-844-5088 to protect your rights. Free background information available upon request. The Scruggs Law Firm Offices in Moss Point and Oxford, Mississippi “Serving the Gulf Coast since 1980” 3 4!4%&!2ISHERETOHELP !T3TATE&ARM®WECONTINUETOWORKWITHOURPOLICYHOLDERS WHOHAVEBEENAFFECTEDBY(URRICANE+ATRINAANDWEWILLBE HEREUNTILTHEJOBISDONE)FYOUREAPOLICYHOLDERANDYOU NEEDTOSUBMITACLAIMPLEASE s s s #ONTACTANY3TATE&ARM!GENT #ALL3&#,!)-TOREACH OURCATASTROPHEOPERATORSOR 6ISITSTATEFARMCOM§TOINITIATEYOURCLAIMONLINE )FYOUVEALREADYSUBMITTEDACLAIMPLEASEKNOWTHATOUR CATASTROPHETEAMISWORKINGDILIGENTLYTORESPONDTOALL OURPOLICYHOLDERSAFTERTHISUNPRECEDENTEDSTORM)FYOU HAVEQUESTIONSABOUTYOURCLAIMSSTATUSPLEASECALL 3&#,!)- 0ROVIDING)NSURANCEAND&INANCIAL3ERVICES 3TATE&ARM)NSURANCE#OMPANIESs(OME/FlCES"LOOMINGTON), MARMADUKE ZIGGY 6-A THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS DENNIS THE MENACE MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 CLOSE TO HOME GARFIELD PEANUTS CLASSICS DILBERT BORN LOSER SNUFFY SMITH KATHY BLONDIE BABY BLUES B.C. TODAY’S FUN BEETLE BAILEY PUZZLES THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Henri Arnold and Mike Argirion Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. OPUCE ©2005 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. IKKAH FOXTROT CHINTS ASTOAN Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. Answer: Saturday’s FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE CURTIS “ ” (Answers tomorrow) OZONE IRONIC KISMET Jumbles: MOUSY Answer: What the hotshot salesman wanted when he joined the Army — HIS “COMMISSION” MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 7-A THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS TV/ADVICE Pool incident is ‘water under the bridge’ now Dear Annie: A few days ago, my husband, who had been running an errand, walked into our house and asked if I had given our neighbor permission to use our water. I said, “No,” and went to see what was going on. Our neighbor had attached his hose to our faucet on the side of our house and was using it to fill his pool. My husband immediately asked our neighbor for an explanation. Our neighbor said that it was an emergency Annie’s and he Mailbox needed to fill his pool quickly before it became damaged. He was using his own water, too. Our neighbor said he assumed no one was home because he didn’t see our car in the driveway. He never made an attempt to knock on the door, ring the bell or phone us. Instead, he figured when we saw his hose connected to our faucet, we would question him about it. He offered to pay for the water. I am upset that he didn’t make a greater attempt to ask our permission or notify us. What if we never noticed the hose? How do I know he would have paid for it if we didn’t catch him? I guess I expected a little more from someone who is a friend, and whose kids play with ours. How should I handle this? — Surprised Dear Surprised: Handle it as if you are fond of your neighbor and have no reason to think he’s lying. Yes, he should have made a greater effort to get your permission, but if it truly was an emergency, it’s understandable that he would assume his good friends would say it’s OK, which indeed, you would have. Since he wasn’t being secretive, and offered to pay for the water, we say let it go. MONDAY PRIME TIME TV b 6:00 WEAR News 32 WWL News 74 WKRG CBS News 3135 Jeopardy! WALA 7593 FOX 6:30 Millionaire The Insider The Andy Griffith Show 7715 7:00 7:30 Wife Swap 7932 King/Queens How I Met The King of How I Met Queens 5628 Your Mother 3999 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 NFL Football: Green Bay Packers at Carolina Panthers 560135 News Two Men Out/Practice CSI: Miami: Prey. 4086 News Late Show W/Letterman Two and a Out of Prac- CSI: Miami: Prey. The dark News 6888357 Late Show With David LetterHalf Men 1048 tice 3883 side of Miami’s nightclub scene. man: (10:35) Actor Freddie 91609 Prinze Jr.. 7286593 Wheel of For- Arrested Kitchen Confi- Prison Break: Part 2. Abruzzi News 28777 tune 8845 Development dential 7357 and Sucre team up to break the 9086 devil’s back. 31241 11:30 Inside Ed. Access H. Late Late Show/Craig Ferguson Everybody Loves Raymond 51154 Everybody Loves Raymond 37574 Frasier (Part 1 Frasier 72785 of 2) 17816 News News It’s a Miracle 48680 Tonight Show w/Jay Leno Late Night Tonight Show w/Jay Leno Late Night News 64628 Pascagoula First Baptist Church 54715 Interracial marriage ends ties with Dad Dear Abby: Two years ago, I married a wonderful man I’ll call “Kenny.” I am white and Kenny is African-American. After I announced my marriage, my father stopped taking Off the Air Off the Air my phone calls and e-mails, News 5777 Wheel of For- Wife Swap: Mayfield/Wasdin. NFL Football: Green Bay Packers at Carolina Panthers 270135 News 4736135 Nightline WLOX tune 9357 Order for chaos. 77067 (11:35) and refuses to have any contact 8187680 ABC with me whatsoevNews 3195 Entertainment Surface: Episode 3. Lee and Las Vegas: Double Down, Medium: Time Out of Mind. News 9559116 The Tonight Show With Jay Late Night WPMI Tonight 4425 Cirko link the species to global Triple Threat. A card counter’s Allison dreams the past of a Leno: (10:35) Actress Denise With Conan er. He has warming. 62135 daughter. 71883 woman. 68319 Richards. 6337654 O’Brien NBC never even met my The NewsHour With Jim Antiques Roadshow: Mem- Leonardo’s Dream Machines: Leonardo’s Dream Machines: Tavis Smiley Charlie Rose 233999 GED ConnecWMAH Lehrer 52929 phis. Watercolor by George Kil- Crossbow and a glider. (Part 1 Crossbow and glider. (Part 2 of 74357 tion 31628 spouse. burn. (Part 3 of 3) 60319 of 2) 79067 2) 59203 PBS I continue to send My Wife and My Wife and Arrested Kitchen Confi- Prison Break: Part 2. Abruzzi Everybody Everybody That ’70s One on One: All of Us: Kiss, A Different my father World 29195 WXXV Kids 89845 Kids 12375 Development dential 12339 and Sucre team up to break the Loves Ray- Loves Ray- Show 34777 House Dad. Kiss, Pass. 64048 devil’s back. 40593 mond 13951 mond 57116 43425 25796 FOX cards on his birthThe That ’70s One on One All of Us Girlfriends Half & Half My Wife and The Bernie That ’70s King of the Malcolm in The Drew Dear day, WJTC Simpsons Show 4516883 5242048 4592203 4511338 Kids Mac Show Show Hill 1317195 the Middle Carey Show Father’s Abby King/Queens King/Queens 7th Heaven Just Legal: The Limit. Will & Grace Will & Grace Sex/City Sex/City Cheaters Cops WB Day and 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Christmas, but I never receive any response. We live only Cold Case Files: Mark of a Superman II (PG, ’80) ››› The Man of Steel gets serious with Lois Lane Airline Crossing Jordan: Gray Superman II (PG, ’80) ››› A&E Killer; Dead Ends. 432785 and fights three Krypton outcasts in league with Lex Luthor. 948932 482280 Murders. 717777 (Christopher Reeve) 603357 three miles apart. Should I give up on communicating with Dr. T & the Women (4:30) The Karate Kid (PG, ’84) ››› A New Jersey teen moves to California, Stand By Me (R, ’86) ››› (Wil Wheaton, On Golden Pond (11:15) AMC (R, ’00) ››› 312593 meets bullies and learns karate from a handyman, Mr. Miyagi. 302116 River Phoenix) 4998883 (PG, ’81) ››› 17601086 him? I just cannot turn my back on my own father, but it Planet’s Funniest Animals Animal Precinct 6940067 Animal Cops Francisco Planet’s Funniest Animals Animal Precinct 6485715 ANPL The Most Extreme appears he has done this to me. Something to Sing About (’00) ›› (Irma P. Hall) 963680 The Parkers The Parkers Living Color Living Color Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx BET 106 & Park Gospel I knew his feelings on interDukes of Hazzard 100 Greatest Songs Concert 3811390 George Strait: Insider Dukes of Hazzard Willie Nelson Uncut CMT racial marriage when I married Daily Show Showbiz Green South Park Blue Collar Blue Collar Daily Show Daily Show A. Carolla Blue Collar COM Saving Silverman (5) Kenny, but how long should a That’s So That’s So Halloweentown High (’04) (Debbie The Buzz on Naturally, Sister, Sister That’s So That’s So Phil of the Kim DIS 45-year-old woman let a parRaven Raven Reynolds, Kimberly J. Brown) 4941203 Maggie Sadie 100834 Raven Raven Future Possible ent’s disapproval stand in the American Hot Rod 723338 Monster Garage 732086 American Chopper 712222 American Chopper 722609 American Hot Rod 321154 DISC Kustomizer 737357 way of her own happiness? — E! News The Soup The E! True Hollywood Story 404512 Hollywood Wives’ Tales Presidential Bash 2004 The Soup At the Palms E! Disowned Daughter in VirAn American Werewolf in Paris (R, ’97) ›› 3196113 Mona Lisa Smile (8:45) (PG-13, ’03) ›› 32795680 Fire Birds (10:45) ENC Cop Land (5:05) 42080154 ginia Figure Skating: European Championships 900067 SportsCenter 783970 ESPN SportCenter Monday Night Countdown 420999 Dear Daughter: At age 45, Frankly NFL Films Monster Shark T’rnament Billiards 6223319 Billiards 6236883 Billiards 6239970 Hollywood Frankly ESPN2 you made a mature decision. The Journey Home Super Saints Holy Rosary Abundant Life 6221951 The World Over 6231338 Daily Mass: Our Lady EWTN Daily Mass: Our Lady You knew when you married Smallville 269715 Whose Line Whose Line Whose Line Whose Line Whose Line Whose Line The 700 Club 883319 Fun Videos Fun Videos FAM your husband that there would Unwrapped Emeril Live 2773951 Unwrapped Unwrapped Secret Life Secret Life Iron Chef 2772222 Emeril Live 4680241 FOOD Good Eats be a price tag for your happiMLB 2005: On the Wire Beyond the Glory Spo. Report Best Damn Sports Show Spo. Report FSS Best 101 Knockouts Part II PRIDE Fighting Champ. ness, and this is it. Face it: ’70s Show ’70s Show Die Hard 2 (R, ’90) ››› (Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia) 8128796 Die Hard 2 (R, ’90) ››› (Bruce Willis) 4800406 FX Your father is a racist whose Walker, Texas Ranger Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Fashion 5481406 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H HALL Walker, Texas Ranger prejudice is more important to The Whole Ten Yards (PG-13, ’04) › 4853135 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Extras Violence Movie HBO Johnny English (5:30) him than your happiness. Enthusiasm Extras Rome 9604406 Rome: Egeria. 9617970 Real Sex REAL Sports Gumbel Movie HBO2 Children of Beslan Please waste no more time hopVanity Fair (PG-13, ’04) ›› (Reese Witherspoon) 9518357 Purple Rain (R, ’84) ›› (Prince) 8365425 HBO3 Down With Love (6:15) (PG-13, ’03) ›› 91620883 ing he will “mellow.” Live your Dream H’se Renovation Designed Debbie Travis’ Facelift Design/Dime Paint Designers Dream H’se HGTV Curb Appeal House Hunt Designers life and concentrate on your UFO Files 2782609 Decoding the Past Decoding the Past Digging for the Truth UFO Files 4699999 HIST Modern Marvels 9191241 future. Victim of the Haunt A psychic helps suburban parents Haunting Sarah (’05) (Kim Raver, Audrey Dwyer) 800086 Will & Grace How Clean How Clean The Golden Please stop banging on a LIFE fight the evil that haunts their new dream house. 898241 509845 Is Is Girls door that may never open. The Closer (R, ’04) ››› (Julia Roberts, Jude Law) 598864 Sudden Impact (R, ’83) ›› (Clint Eastwood) 801715 Accidental Stripper MAX Thunderheart (5) 521067 next move, if there is to be one, Collateral (R, ’04) ››› (Tom Cruise) 7576222 Emmanuelle in Space 5440086 Hot Line is up to your father. MAX2 Flight of the Phoenix (PG-13, ’04) ›› 7571777 SpongeBob Zoey 101 Full House Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Cosby Show Roseanne Roseanne Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Dear Abby: A friend of NICK OddParents Jimmy Countdown Outdoor E-Force Outtakes Survivor: Africa 5938086 Survivor: Africa 5908845 Rodeo 6606131 many years is terminally ill, OUTDOOR Survivor: Africa 3984999 Stargate SG-1 6922661 Stargate SG-1 6948609 Stargate SG-1 6928845 Barb Wire (’96) ›› (Pamela Anderson Lee) 2231208 with only a few days left on SCIFI Stargate SG-1 6309338 The L Word (8:05) Weeds Weeds Noise (R, ’04) ›› (Trish Goff) 229357 Tupac this Earth. When I heard the SHOW Philadelphia (PG-13, ’93) ››› (Tom Hanks) 5740339 Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights 8316512 Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star SHO Me sex, lies ... news, I immediately rushed to SHOW2 The Prince & Me (PG, ’04) ›› (Julia Stiles) 7573135 see her. We hadn’t seen each Ultimate Knockouts UFC Ultimate Fight Night 192970 The Ultimate Fighter TNA iMPACT! 770932 SPIKE UFC Unleashed 427203 other for about two years Friday Night Lights (PG-13, ’04) ››› 13845203 The Alamo (10:05) (PG-13, ’04) ›› 47363390 STARZ Miracle (5:40) (PG, ’04) ››› (Kurt Russell) 82282845 because of an argument. The Night of the Hunter (’55) ››› 5000947 Cape Fear (’62) ››› (Gregory Peck) 6211574 The Big Steal 8963067 TCM Born Free (5:15) The argument seems so trivTrauma: Life in the ER Untold Stories of the E.R. 627 Lb. Woman: Jackie Trauma: Life in the ER Untold Stories of the E.R. TLC Medical Mysteries ial now. Because of it, we Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life 961222 The Punisher (R, ’04) ›› (Thomas Jane) 9442512 Gone Dark (11:05) TMC Uptown Girls (5:25) missed two precious years Law & Order 172116 Law & Order 181864 Just Legal 101628 Without a Trace 104715 The X-Files 796970 TNT Law & Order 443241 together. I feel fortunate that Codename Billy/Mandy Codename Billy/Mandy Cartoon Ed, Edd Dragon Ball Futurama Family Guy Aqua Teen Inuyasha TOON Imaginary we got to talk and make All in Family All in Family Little House on the Prairie Andy Griffith Sanford/Son Good Times All in Family 3’s Comp. Night Court Cheers Sanford/Son TVL amends, and she knows how WWE Monday Night RAW (6:55) 79370357 RAW Exposed: Top 10 Mummy Returns 177777 USA 2 Fast 2 Furious (5) much I love her. We cried the Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos News 619222 Sex/City Becker Da Vinci’s Inquest 334154 WGN Funniest Home Videos moment we saw each other. Everybody, Everybody, Friends Friends Friends Friends Family Guy Family Guy Zoolander (PG-13, ’01) ›› (Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson) WTBS Raymond I thank God I got this opporRaymond 288715 909796 264135 276970 634970 619796 625222 tunity. So many times we don’t have the chance. Please remind everyone that they really do need to say “I love you” today, I have seen many doctors, because one day there will not even preDear Dr. Gott: I am a be a tomorrow. none of whom can come up ventable 70-year-old man who I’m glad I got to say everywith answers. Can you — with smoked cigarettes for 30 thing I needed to her, as well as help? appropriyears. goodbye. Dear Reader: Sweats ate theraAt the age of 45, I was My heart is aching. She’s often reflect a hidden infecpy. smoking three packs of cigSir Winston Churchill taking a part of me with her. tion in the body, a problem In conarettes a day, and suffered said, “Everyone has his day We always thought we’d be with the body’s thermostat trast, total blockage of the main and some days last longer here for each other all of our emphyse- or a reaction to many drugs. artery where it separates to than others.” At the bridge lives. I can’t believe I have to In your case, the annoying ma is a go to each leg. table there are days when carry on without her. — Lost symptom could be caused chronic It has been over 25 years Peter you are by any one of the drugs you Soul in Syracuse lung dissince that happened and I Gott, M.D. delighted Dear Lost Soul: Thank you are taking. order haven’t had another cigabecause for an important letter, and for I suggest that you return marked rette. everythe reminder that sometimes it to your primary care physiby breakdown of the tiny Within the last year, I thing is takes a tragedy to remind us air sacs where carbon diox- cian, who should test you have developed extreme going that life is so fragile and to put further and, perhaps, ide is exchanged for oxygen. shortness of breath. Three your way. our priorities in order. sequentially withdraw one months ago, my cardiologist This leads to the trapping But there When carrying a grudge fourth-highest spade and medication at a time to see sent me to the hospital for a of stale air in the lungs, are other takes over someone’s life, somethe contract would have what happens. with resulting breathlessbreathing test. days times the most healing thing a ness and diminished pulThe results of it were quickly died. Instead, South when you person can do is simply forgive © NEA Inc. Write to Dr. below normal. He told me I monary efficiency that is showed his heart strength. wish you Philip and move on. Peter Gott, c/o United Media have the beginning signs of progressive in people who Then, when North did not had Write Dear Abby at Alder of 200 Madison Ave 4th are consistently subjected asthma and prescribed rebid three spades to indistayed or P.O. Box Floor, New York City, NY Advair. During my next vis- to air pollution, including cate a stopper in that suit, home. 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. 10016. tobacco smoke. it with my primary care South could anticipate North and South felt the Emphysema is treatable three top losers. So, despite physician, he told me that latter way after this deal with supplemental oxygen people my age don’t develop holding 19 prime points, from a 10-table club pair and medications, but the asthma, and that I have South passed out four diaevent. affliction is incurable. In emphysema. monds. North’s three-diamond END US YOUR STORM STORIES many instances, emphyseHow can I find out for In theory, this was a great response was pre-emptive. ma and asthma co-exist, so sure what I have? move, since five diamonds This was part of an excelDo people develop emphy- simultaneous therapy for goes down one. However, On Aug. 29, Hurricane Katrina altered the Gulf Coast. lent method called inverted both conditions is often sema after not smoking for West did not listen closely Now, we are asking to share your stories with your comminor-suit raises. A forcing effective in reducing symp25 years, and if so, what is enough to the auction. He single raise — one club -two munity by sending them to The Mississippi Press. the life expectancy of some- toms. led the club 10, not the clubs, or one diamond - two Dear Dr. Gott: I am 95 one my age that has it? I spade eight. Now South diamonds — shows either a years old and, for the past am told that there is no could win, draw trumps, limit raise or a [email protected] year or so, have experienced cure, and that it is always and run the clubs, discarding raise. A jump raise sug- ing one of dummy’s spades. fatal. drenching sweats without a gests the values for a norDear Reader: Asthma is demonstrable pattern. Still, scoring 150 was a disor mail them to: mal single raise. It sounds I have a pacemaker and a aster because all eight pairs basically a spasm of the backwards, but you need THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS defibrillator, take OxyConmuscles in the bronchial in five diamonds were perthe extra bidding space tin, Ambien, Synthroid and tubes. mitted to make the conP.O. Box 849, Pascagoula, MS 39564 when you have a good hand. tract. The only consolation hydrochlorothiazide. It is reversible — and Now South was tempted was that one pair went to shoot out three no-trump, down in three no-trump. Say you saw it in The Mississippi Press but West would have led his © 2005 NEA Inc. Some days you are not so lucky WDSU WDAM WKFK PAX WYES News 1777 Ent News 8203 Wheel Pascagoula First Baptist Church 95086 Surface: Episode 3. 93067 Surface: Episode 3. 80593 Doc: Happy Trails. 26319 Las Vegas 49965 Las Vegas 99241 Diagnosis Murder: Murder Blues. 35067 Medium 82951 Medium 86777 Early Edition: Faith. 15203 Conflicting diagnoses leave reader confused S 8-A THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 Lawmakers From Page 1-A the other being at the Capitol, so the House will have to return Tuesday to consider changes the Senate might make to the casino bill or other legislation. The House and Senate still need to agree on final versions of bills to make technical changes in state laws to help local governments and school districts keep operating. Also pending are Barbour’s proposals to establish a $500 million line of credit for local governments affected by Katrina and to create a $25 million no-interest loan program for small businesses. The House and Senate passed different versions of the loan bill. The House added $100 million to make grants of up to $25,000 to people whose homes were damaged or destroyed by Katrina. The Senate upped the ante, increasing the home grant provisions to $500 million, but it was unclear whether the move was simply intended to kill the House proposal. Barbour said last week that the homeowner grant proposal was a “tiny fraction” of what’s needed. He’s pushing the federal government to pick up as many of Mississippi’s hurricane recovery expenses as possible. Senators started debating the onshore casino bill late Friday, but arguments were forced to cease at midnight when the legislative day ended. The House had passed the bill 60-53 just hours earlier. It would let casinos move 800 feet on shore in Hancock County, the westernmost coastal county. Casinos in the central coastal county of Harrison could go inland 800 feet or to the southern boundary of the beach-side U.S. 90, whichever is greater. The Senate passed an amendment by Sen. Billy Hewes III, R-Gulfport, to remove references in the legislation to St. Louis Bay, Biloxi Bay and Pascagoula Bay. A Gaming Commission interpretation of current state law has allowed casino developments on Biloxi Bay, sometimes also called Back Bay. Hewes said he worried that explicitly naming the three bays in law could allow casinos to move farther inland than many lawmakers anticipate or want. Along with the coastal counties of Hancock and Harrison, five of the 11 river counties have casinos. The 1990 law establishing casino gambling says that a casino developer may apply for an operating license in any of the Coast or river counties. After the application is filed, residents of the county can petition for a local vote on whether to allow gambling. If no petition is filed, the county becomes a legal venue for casinos. When debate about the onshore bill ceased Friday, the Senate was considering an amendment by Sen. Charlie Ross, R-Brandon, to block casino development in any Coast or river county that doesn’t already have it. “There is concern out there that this bill is a slippery slope,” Ross said. Some opponents of onshore gaming worry that casinos might try to move farther inland. Sen. Tommy Moffatt, R-Gautier, lives in Jackson County — the only coastal county that has rejected gambling in a local referendum. He said he knows of no sentiment Moffatt favoring casinos there now, but he told Ross that future generations might have different thoughts. “What you’re doing is taking the ability of local government and local people to move their own destiny,” Moffatt said. BRIEFS Cathedral holds first service since Hurricane Katrina NEW ORLEANS — Churchgoers gathered to pray at the historic St. Louis Cathedral, convening in the building described as the “soul of the city” for its first Sunday Mass since Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans more than a month ago. Emergency workers and soldiers — many of them outof-towners who descended on Louisiana in the aftermath of the hurricane — mixed with newly returning residents as they prayed for the resolve to carry on. One man, standing in the back of the church, said to himself as if in prayer: “Welcome back, New Orleans.” Louisiana Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes spoke of the more than 900 people who perished and offered hope for those who remain to face rebuilding a region that still has some floodwaters, scattered power outages and wind damage. “This is indeed an historic moment in the life — not only in the church of New Orleans but in the whole city,” Hughes said. “The structure which harbors the soul of our city has come back to life. ... Thanks be to God.” Chilling video shows suspected Bali bomber just before blast BALI, Indonesia — Police raised the alert level for Indonesia’s capital and the president warned of more attacks Sunday as a chilling video shot the day before showed a suspected bomber clutching a backpack and strolling past diners moments before one of three suicide bombings killed 26 people on Bali. The near-simultaneous bombings on the resort island also injured 101 people, including six Americans. — From Wire Reports Carisa Anderson/The Mississippi Press Harry A. Prince, 92, checks in his kitchen and sees his cabinets are dry after workers came in and ripped out soaked sheet rock in his Cleveland Avenue home in Pascagoula. Neighborhood From Page 1-A Next door, Debra and David Tyler worked to remove ceramic tile in their newly-remodeled kitchen. They, too, had flooding and roof damage. “The crying’s over with. Now we just have to get it done,” Debra said. Both work full-time jobs — David six days a week, so they have only a few hours each evening and weekends to recover and rebuild. “We’re just moving on, trying to just recoup, get a place so my kids can come back home,” Debra said. The couple’s three small children have been staying with Debra’s sister in Birming- ham, Ala., for about a month. “It wasn’t an easy decision, but they’re better off,” she explained, tearing up. They’ve settled with their insurance company but haven’t heard from FEMA, despite registering for assistance two days after Katrina hit. The insurance money was enough to get started on repairs. “We may sell it after that,” Debra said. “My husband keeps saying he’s going to put up a sign: ‘Waterfront property for sale.’” “We’re just going to rebuild and move on,” she said. David agreed, but noted that government red tape may make pulling permits for nec- essary repairs difficult. “I’d like to get my roof done,” he said. “If we can stop that, we’d be all right. It’d stop ruining everything.” Setting a goal for completion is hard, the couple said. “I’d like to get everything put back together by Christmas, but it ain’t going to happen,” David said. “At least we have our health and our lives,” Debra said. “Most people don’t. And we’re safe. We were going to stay.” Reporter Allison Mather can be reached at [email protected] or (251)219-5551. Construction From Page 1-A Dave Johnson, a building inspector in Harrison County, said most of the area’s coastal towns operate under a building code that requires that structures withstand winds up to 130 mph. Farther inland, buildings are rated to weather 100 mph winds, he said. Johnson said code inspectors ensure there are only “very minor differences” in construction from one contractor to the next, but the research team found evidence of spotty quality. “There definitely was, unfortunately, a difference from builder to builder,” said van de Lindt. Rather than purposely skirting building codes, builders apparently didn’t understand all the requirements of constructing hurricane-proof homes, the team believes. New homes fared better than older ones, he said, but porches were a problem area. “The columns supporting them were just resting on the concrete, and the wind would just pick it up,” said van de Lindt. “That led to roof failures on both homes and light industrial buildings.” The Home Builders Association of Mississippi, a trade group with about 4,000 members, said it supports the adoption of a uniform statewide building code — currently lack- ing in the state — but it did not immediately respond to other questions about the damage review. The states of Louisiana and Alabama already use codes published by the nonprofit International Code Council, which develops building guidelines used by many governments. Nick Jones, an engineer who has studied the way wind flows around buildings during hurricanes, said the construction industry isn’t using all the techniques it could to reduce damage in storms like Katrina. “This leads in most cases to the most spectacular and catastrophic failures, as it sounds like was the case here,” said Jones, dean of engineering at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Damage from the storm surge and waves extended as far as a half-mile inland in some areas, Graettinger said. Building houses on stilts isn’t the sole answer to protecting them from hurricanes since elevated homes are more susceptible to wind damage, he said. “To design against this would require construction comparable to a bomb shelters, which, of course, can be built, but would be extremely expensive,” he said. The research team’s work was funded by the National Sci- ence Foundation, which will use the findings along with the American Society of Civil Engineers to develop better standards for wood-frame structures. The report is being completed and could be circulated within the industry within weeks, according to van de Lindt. Gretchen Hesbacher, a spokeswoman with the International Code Council, said the 2006 rules are being prepared now, so any changes prompted by Katrina would appear in amendments published in 2007. “Generally, lessons learned in a natural disaster show up in codes fairly quickly,” she said. WILSON LAW OFFICE, P.A. 3318 Pascagoula Street Pascagoula, MS 1-800-205-1115 Hurricane Insurance Disputes & Personal Injury Your life depends on it. S PORTS THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS Contact: JR. Wittner, (251) 219-5553 E-mail address: [email protected] B Monday, october 3, 2005 Brooks, Saints win in San Antonio By JIM VERTUNO The Associated Press SAN ANTONIO — Aaron Brooks saw an opening and bolted. Crossing the goal line just ahead of a defender, he spiked the ball and raised his arms to celebrate. That’s when he heard it: the deafening roar of a crowd cheering for the New Orleans Saints. And for one Sunday afternoon at least, San Antonio and the Alamodome felt like home for Brooks and his nomadic teammates. “From the time we stepped out of the locker room going out there to warm up, they really were into it,” said Brooks, who scored the Saints’ only touchdown in a 19-7 win over the Buffalo Bills. “They were excited about us being here and they embraced us,” Brooks said. “We thank them for it.” John Carney kicked four field goals, Donte’ Stallworth grabbed eight receptions for 129 yards and Deuce McAllister rushed for 130 yards for the Saints (2-2), who snapped a two-game losing streak. Hurricane Katrina forced the Saints from their home at the Superdome in New Orleans and into a cross-country journey with three home games scheduled for the Alamodome and four others closer to home in Baton Rouge, La. After opening the season on the road, their first “home” game was a Monday night loss against the Giants at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. The Alamodome was clearly a more comfortable venue. Tens of thousands of gold pompoms were distributed to the 58,688 in attendance at the 65,000-seat stadium. Fans used to cheering the NBA champions San Antonio Spurs did the wave and deafening chants of “Dee-Fense” forced the Bills (1-3) to take a delay-of-game penalty in the first quarter. “It was a mix of New Orleans people and San Antonio people,” Saints coach Jim Haslett said. “I think you saw the result. It helped our football team.” By the fourth quarter, the crowd was on its feet when the Saints stuffed Willis McGahee on fourthand-inches, taking possession for a drive that would lead to Carney’s third field goal, making it 16-7 with 5 minutes left. “We’re still the New Orleans Saints,” Stallworth said. “New Orleans is still cheering for us and we have San Antonio on our side as well.” But it wasn’t just the crowd that made a difference for the Saints. After committing 10 turnovers in their previous two games, the Saints had none against the Bills and generally negated the sloppy play they showed on the road. “That’s the difference in every ball game,” Brooks said. “We didn’t do that today.” The Bills, meanwhile, continue to struggle behind first-year starting quarterback J.P. Losman, who was handed the reins of the offense over veteran Drew Bledsoe, who left the team and is now the starter in Dallas. Losman was 7-of-15 for 75 yards with an interception and three sacks before he was replaced by Kelly Holcomb at the start of the fourth quarter. The Bills have just two touchdowns in their last 14 quarters and managed just 208 total yards Sunday. “I’m not happy. You’re never happy when you’re pulled,” Losman said. “I’m trying not to take it personally ... but it’s tough.” Bills coach Mike Mularkey said Losman will remain his starter. “J.P.’s the starter, and I’m going with J.P.,” Mularkey said. “I think TOP: Fireworks are set off as the New Orleans Saints run onto the field as they host the Buffalo Bills in their first game at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Sunday. RIGHT: New Orleans running back Duece McAllister rushes for a first down before being tackled by Buffalo’s Lawyer Milloy during the third quarter Sunday in San Antonio. everyone understands that.” Losman looked sharp early, rushing for 23 yards and passing for 28 as the Bills drove 75 yards for a touchdown on their first possession. The quick 7-0 lead looked like it might take the crowd out of the game. “It kind of gives you the sense we should have been doing that more and more,” Mularkey said. “After the first drive we really couldn’t put anything together.” But then Losman misfired badly with a throw into double coverage in the second quarter and Jason Craft returned the interception 39 yards. That set up Brooks’ 4-yard touchdown run that gave the Saints a 107 lead. Brooks dropped back to pass before he spied an opening and slipped across the goal line in front of Troy Vincent and spiked the ball. Carney’s 40-yard field goal with 13 seconds left in the half made it 13- 7. The Bills nearly retook the lead in the final seconds of the half when Terrence McGee returned the ensuing kickoff 82 yards, crisscrossing the field and ducking through defenders before he was finally tripped up inside the Saints 5 after time expired. “That was huge,” Brooks said. “If that guys scores, that would have taken a lot of air out of us.” Red Sox, Astros claim final playoff spots By the Associated Press AP The car of Michael Waltrip flips through turn 2 as his teammate Dale Earnhardt Jr., drives past during an incident on the 19th lap of the UAW-Ford 500 at the Talladega Superspeedway in Talladega, Ala. Sunday. Jarrett wins wild race at Talladega ■ The usual Big One takes out top runners in Chase By JENNA FRYER The Associated Press TALLADEGA, Ala. — Dale Jarrett’s voice was hoarse and choked with emotion. He had just won a frantic shootout to end a 98-race drought and steal the spotlight from NASCAR’s championship drivers. Jarrett, a hardened veteran, could hardly believe what had happened Sunday during a crash-filled race at Talladega Superspeedway that shuffled the points standings and moved Tony Stewart back on top of the Nextel Cup leaderboard. “When you get to this point FLORIDA LOTTERY Cash 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-2-9 Play 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-3-9-7 Fantasy 5 . . . . . .1-9-11-13-31 LOUISIANA LOTTERY Pick 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-6-7 Pick 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0-1-9-9 of your career, you’re not exactly sure when that last victory is going to be there so you learn to cherish each one,” Jarrett said. “It is very emotional. When I was coming down that backstretch, it was very emotional.” Jarrett, an also-ran most of the race, used a three-wide pass to challenge Tony Stewart for the lead on the final lap of a three-lap overtime shootout, then passed Stewart on the backstretch in the UAW-Ford 500 for his first victory since 2003 at the nowdefunct North Carolina Speedway. “Everybody was talking about the top 10 cars in the Chase,” said crew chief Todd Parrott, “and the old faithful one here (Jarrett) kind of hanging around where he needed to hang around and to be around at the end and then to make the move that he did is pretty special. “Me and this guy have worked a lot of magic together and we’re not done.” Kyle Petty spun to bring out a caution before the leaders UAW-Ford 500 Statistics Time of Race: 3 hours, 30 minutes, 51 seconds. Margin of Victory: Under caution. Winner’s Average Speed: 143.818 mph. Caution Flags: Ten for 33 laps. Lead Changes: 50 among 20 drivers. Point Standings: 1. T.Stewart, 5,519. 2. R. Newman, 5,515. 3. R. Wallace, 5,443 4. J. Johnson, 5,437. 5. G.Biffle, 5,421. 6. C.Edwards, 5,419. 7. M.Kenseth, 5,408. 8. J.Mayfield, 5,407. 9. M. Martin, 5,381. 10. Kurt Busch, 5,339. crossed the finish line, freezing the field. NASCAR then had to review tape to establish a final finishing order. The final decision had Stewart second and in the points lead after the third of 10 Chase for the championship races. “The big picture is what we were worried about today,” Stewart said. “Even if we finished 10th and gained points, that was the big thing. I wish we could have won it, but if we couldn’t, I was glad to see DJ do it.” Matt Kenseth finished third and Ryan Newman was fourth. Stewart holds a fourpoint advantage over Newman — who originally thought he was the new points leader — after a race that shuffled the Chase standings. Meanwhile, Jimmie Jimmie Johnson’s reputation and championship hopes were damaged after he was blamed for causing an early accident. Johnson, who started the day as the points leader, was involved in two accidents and dropped to fourth in the standings — 98 points back. Talladega is the wild card of NASCAR’s 10-race championship hunt. Because drivers are forced to use horsepower-sapping restrictor plates, the cars all run in one tight pack and the slightest bobble is capable of wiping out See NASCAR, Page 2-B HOUSTON — The Houston Astros clinched the NL wild card on the final day of the regular season — just as they did last year. Roy Oswalt (20-12) became the first pitcher since 2001-02 with consecutive 20-win seasons, throwing six innings and driving in a run in Houston’s 6-4 victory Sunday over the Chicago Cubs as the Astros completed a remarkable comeback from a miserable start. The Astros, 15-30 after a loss to the Cubs on May 24, became the first team since the 1914 Boston Braves to make the playoffs after being as many as 15 games under .500. Houston (89-73) will play Atlanta in a rematch of last year’s NL division series, won by the Astros in five games for their first postseason series victory. The Braves were 5-1 against Houston this season, including a four-game sweep in Atlanta, where Game 1 is Wednesday. By winning their regular-season finale, the Astros avoided a tie with the Phillies for the wild card and a trip to Philadelphia for a one-game tiebreaker. Jason Lane’s 26th homer tied it at 4 in the sixth, and a throwing error by shortstop Neifi Perez allowed the goahead run to score. Chicago’s Greg Maddux (13-15) finished with a losing record for the first time since going 6-14 as a rookie for the Cubs in 1987. Brad Lidge worked the ninth for his 42nd save. Chicago’s Derrek Lee was 0-for-4, but still wrapped up the major league batting title at .335 — the first Cubs player to do so since Bill Buckner in 1980. Red Sox 10, Yankees 1 BOSTON — Manny Ramirez hit a three-run homer and also threw out Derek Jeter from the outfield to lead the Boston over the New York Yankees 10-1 Sunday as the Red Sox claimed the AL wild-card berth. Boston and New York both finished at 95-67, with the Yankees winning the division because they took the season series 10-9. The Cleveland Indians (93-69) fell short of Boston, losing to Chicago 3-1 and getting swept by the White Sox in the closing three-game series. The playoffs open Tuesday with the defending champion Red Sox at the White Sox and the Yankees at the Los Angeles Angels, who also finished 95-67. The Angels have the home-field advantage because of a 6-4 head-to-head record against New York. Curt Schilling (8-8) held the Yankees scoreless for five innings; by that time, the Indians had already lost and assured Boston’s berth. Jaret Wright (5-5) subbed for Mike Mussina, who will start New York’s postseason opener, and allowed three runs, three hits and five walks in 3 1/3 innings. White Sox 3, Indians 1 CLEVELAND — The Indians lost for the sixth time in their last seven games following a 17-2 run. Cleveland went 7-for56 (.125) with runners in scoring position in the final seven games — five of them one-run losses. Phillies 9, Nationals 3 See MLB, Page 2-B 2-B THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 BY THE NUMBERS FOOTBALL National Football League Glance All Times CST AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA Miami 2 1 0 .667 68 51 New England 2 2 0 .500 87 108 N.Y. Jets 1 3 0 .250 47 73 Buffalo 1 3 0 .250 48 69 South W L T Pct PF PA Indianapolis 4 0 0 1.000 78 26 Jacksonville 2 2 0 .500 62 64 Tennessee 1 3 0 .250 69 106 Houston 0 3 0 .000 24 65 North W L T Pct PF PA Cincinnati 4 0 0 1.000 104 38 Pittsburgh 2 1 0 .667 81 37 Baltimore 1 2 0 .333 30 52 Cleveland 1 2 0 .333 45 64 West W L T Pct PF PA Denver 3 1 0 .750 80 68 Kansas City 2 2 0 .500 91 91 San Diego 2 2 0 .500 127 88 Oakland 1 3 0 .250 76 89 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA Washington 3 0 0 1.000 43 37 N.Y. Giants 3 1 0 .750 136 98 Philadelphia 3 1 0 .750 112 68 Dallas 2 2 0 .500 88 88 South W L T Pct PF PA Tampa Bay 4 0 0 1.000 77 45 Atlanta 3 1 0 .750 86 57 New Orleans 2 2 0 .500 68 87 Carolina 1 2 0 .333 71 67 North W L T Pct PF PA Chicago 1 2 0 .333 52 39 Detroit 1 2 0 .333 36 58 Minnesota 1 3 0 .250 64 107 Green Bay 0 3 0 .000 43 60 West W L T Pct PF PA Seattle 2 2 0 .500 89 76 St. Louis 2 2 0 .500 97 111 San Francisco 1 2 0 .333 62 101 Arizona 0 3 0 .000 43 96 ———— Sunday’s Games New Orleans 19, Buffalo 7 N.Y. Giants 44, St. Louis 24 Washington 20, Seattle 17, OT Denver 20, Jacksonville 7 Indianapolis 31, Tennessee 10 Cincinnati 16, Houston 10 Tampa Bay 17, Detroit 13 San Diego 41, New England 17 Baltimore 13, N.Y. Jets 3 Atlanta 30, Minnesota 10 Oakland 19, Dallas 13 Philadelphia 37, Kansas City 31 San Francisco vs. Arizona at Mexico City, (n) Open: Miami, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cleveland Today’s Game Green Bay at Carolina, 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9 Baltimore at Detroit, noon Miami at Buffalo, noon Seattle at St. Louis, noon Tennessee at Houston, noon Tampa Bay at N.Y. Jets, noon New England at Atlanta, noon New Orleans at Green Bay, noon Chicago at Cleveland, noon Indianapolis at San Francisco, 3:05 p.m. Philadelphia at Dallas, 3:15 p.m. Carolina at Arizona, 3:15 p.m. Washington at Denver, 3:15 p.m. Cincinnati at Jacksonville, 7:30 p.m. Open: Kansas City, Oakland, N.Y. Giants, Minnesota Monday, Oct. 10 Pittsburgh at San Diego, 8 p.m. AP Top 25 Record Pts Pvs 1. So. Cal (59) 4-0 1,619 1 2. Texas (6) 4-0 1,564 2 3. Virginia Tech 5-0 1,494 3 4. Florida St. 4-0 1,391 6 5. Georgia 4-0 1,318 7 6. Ohio St. 3-1 1,279 8 7. Alabama 5-0 1,150 15 8. Tennessee 3-1 1,143 10 9. Miami 3-1 1,118 9 10. California 5-0 988 12 11. LSU 2-1 978 4 12. Notre Dame 4-1 966 13 13. Florida 4-1 792 5 14. Wisconsin 5-0 773 17 15. Texas Tech 4-0 588 16 16. Penn St. 5-0 493 — 17. Arizona St. 3-2 491 14 18. Boston College 4-1 464 21 19. Michigan St. 4-1 455 11 20. UCLA 4-0 412 20 21. Michigan 3-2 335 — 22. Auburn 4-1 298 — 23. Louisville 3-1 288 24 24. Georgia Tech 3-1 226 25 25. Oregon 4-1 121 — Others receiving votes: Nebraska 107, Minnesota 49, Texas A&M 47, Virginia 44, Colorado 32, TCU 25, Fresno St. 14, Iowa St. 14, West Virginia 13, Iowa 11, Wyoming 11, Purdue 9, North Carolina 3, Southern Miss 2. USA Today Top 25 Poll 1. So. Cal. (60) 2. Texas (1) Record 4-0 4-0 Pts 1547 1483 Pvs 1 2 3. Virginia Tech (1) 5-0 1425 3 4. Georgia 4-0 1332 6 5. Florida State 4-0 1287 7 6. Ohio State 3-1 1169 8 7. Tennessee 3-1 1124 9 8. Miami 3-1 1081 10 9. California 5-0 993 11 10. Alabama 5-0 982 16 11. LSU 2-1 953 4 12. Notre Dame 4-1 850 14 13. Texas Tech 4-0 770 13 14. Wisconsin 5-0 737 17 15. Florida 4-1 717 5 16. UCLA 4-0 497 t20 17. Boston College 4-1 449 23 18. Penn State 5-0 438 — 19. Michigan State 4-1 418 12 20. Arizona State 3-2 374 15 21. Auburn 4-1 336 t24 22. Louisville 3-1 326 22 23. Georgia Tech 3-1 182 t24 24. Michigan 3-2 175 — 25. Virginia 3-1 111 18 Others receiving votes: Minnesota 82, Nebraska 75, Oregon 72, Colorado 29, Texas A&M 25, Fresno State 22, Purdue 19, West Virginia 14, TCU 12, Wyoming 11, Vanderbilt 9, Utah 7, UTEP 6, UAB 3, Iowa State 3, Oklahoma 2, Boise State 1, Bowling Green 1, Southern Mississippi 1. Harris Top 25 Record Pts Pv 1. So. Cal (108) 4-0 2,796 1 2. Texas (4) 4-0 2,685 2 3. Virginia Tech 5-0 2,576 3 4. Florida State 4-0 2,390 6 5. Georgia 4-0 2,303 7 6. Ohio State 3-1 2,153 8 7. Miami 3-1 1,948 9 8. Alabama 5-0 1,877 15 9. Tennessee 3-1 1,820 12 10. California 5-0 1,763 11 11. Notre Dame 4-1 1,655 13 12. LSU 2-1 1,650 5 13. Wisconsin 5-0 1,431 17 14. Florida 4-1 1,271 4 15. Texas Tech 4-0 1,169 16 16. UCLA 4-0 990 18 17. Michigan State 4-1 905 10 18. Boston College 4-1 868 21 19. Penn State 5-0 837 — 20. Arizona State 3-2 663 14 21. Michigan 3-2 581 25 22. Auburn 4-1 420 — 23. Louisville 3-1 416 24 24. Georgia Tech 3-1 268 — 25. Nebraska 4-0 188 — Others receiving votes: Virginia 145, Minnesota 132, Oregon 130, Texas A&M 69, West Virginia 54, Purdue 53, Colorado 46, Iowa State 41, Oklahoma 24, TCU 24, Washington State 13, Fresno State 10, Vanderbilt 9, Maryland 8, South Florida 8, Southern Mississippi 5, Wyoming 5, Iowa 4, UAB 2, Boise State 1. BASEBALL National League Glance East Division W L Pct x-Atlanta 90 72 .556 Philadelphia 88 74 .543 Florida 83 79 .512 New York 83 79 .512 Washington 81 81 .500 Central Division W L Pct x-St. Louis 100 62 .617 y-Houston 89 73 .549 Milwaukee 81 81 .500 Chicago 79 83 .488 Cincinnati 73 89 .451 Pittsburgh 67 95 .414 West Division W L Pct x-San Diego 82 80 .503 Arizona 77 85 .475 San Francisco 75 87 .463 Los Angeles 71 91 .441 Colorado 67 95 .414 x-clinched division y-clinched wild card Sunday’s Games Florida 7, Atlanta 6, 10 innings Philadelphia 9, Washington 3 Colorado 11, N.Y. Mets 3 Pittsburgh 3, Milwaukee 1 Houston 6, Chicago Cubs 4 St. Louis 7, Cincinnati 5 San Francisco 3, Arizona 1 San Diego 3, L.A. Dodgers 1 End Regular Season GB — 2 7 7 9 GB — 11 19 21 27 33 GB — 41⁄2 61⁄2 10 141⁄2 NL Boxes ASTROS 6, CUBS 4 CHICAGO abr h bi CPttson cf 4 0 1 1 Macias 2b 5 0 0 0 DeLee 1b 4 0 0 0 Grcprr 3b 4 1 1 0 Burnitz rf 4 1 1 0 Barrett c 4 1 2 2 Murton lf 4 1 2 0 NPerez ss 3 0 3 1 Grieve ph 1 0 0 0 Mddux p 3 0 0 0 Wuertz p 0 0 0 0 Ohman p 0 0 0 0 buren p 0 0 0 0 Hill p 000 0 TWalkr ph 1 0 0 0 Theriot pr 0 0 0 0 Totals 37410 4 HOUSTON abr h bi Biggio 2b 4 1 2 0 Burke lf 000 0 Tveras cf 2 0 1 0 Ensbrg 3b 4 1 2 1 Brkmn lf 4 0 0 0 Lamb 1b 4 1 2 1 Brntlett lf 0 0 0 0 Lane rf 312 1 Asmus c 4 0 0 0 AEvrtt ss 3 1 1 0 Oswalt p 2 0 1 1 Bgwell ph 1 0 0 0 Gipson pr 0 1 0 0 Qualls p 0 0 0 0 Wheelr p 0 0 0 0 OPlmro ph 1 0 0 0 Lidge p 000 0 Totals 32 611 4 Chicago 000 022 000 —4 Houston 200 103 00x —6 E—NPerez (12), Berkman (8), Bruntlett (2). DP—Chicago 2, Houston 1. LOB—Chicago 7, Houston 6. 2B—CPatterson (15), NPerez (33), Biggio (40). HR—Barrett (16), Lane (26). SB—AEverett (21). S—Taveras 2. IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Maddux L,13-15 51⁄3 10 6 4 1 2 2 Wuertz ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Ohman 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Van buren 1 Hill ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Houston Oswalt W,20-12 6 9 4 4 0 6 Qualls 1 0 0 0 0 1 Wheeler 1 0 0 0 0 0 Lidge S,42 1 1 0 0 0 1 HBP—by Oswalt (CPatterson). WP— Wuertz, Oswalt. Umpires—Home, Phil Cuzzi; First, Jerry Crawford; Second, Ed Rapuano; Third, C.B. Bucknor. T—2:38. A—42,288 (40,950). ——— MARLINS 7, BRAVES 6, 10 innings ATLANTA FLORIDA abr h bi abr h bi Furcal ss 3 0 2 0 Pierre cf 6 0 5 3 Btemit ss 2 0 1 2 Aguila lf 3 0 1 1 MGiles 2b 3 0 0 0 CDlgdo 1b 2 0 1 1 Orr 2b 200 0 Conine 1b 5 1 1 0 CJones 3b 3 1 2 1 MiCbra 3b 3 0 0 0 AMrte 3b 1 0 0 0 Hrmida rf 5 1 2 2 AJones cf 3 0 1 0 Lowell 2b 4 0 0 0 Lngrhn cf 1 0 0 0 Willis p3 0 1 0 JuFrco 1b 2 1 1 0 JVrgas pr 0 1 0 0 LaRche 1b2 0 0 0 Wilson ss 1 1 1 0 Frncur rf 5 1 1 0 Andino ss 2 0 0 0 BJordn lf 3 1 1 0 Dillon ph 1 1 1 0 Devine p 0 0 0 0 TJones p 0 0 0 0 Boyer p 0 0 0 0 LHarrs ph 0 0 0 0 Foster p 0 0 0 0 Villone p 0 0 0 0 Brower p 0 0 0 0 L Duca ph 1 0 0 0 JEstda ph 1 0 1 0 Tranor c 2 1 1 0 Jhnson pr 0 1 0 0 Wlnhm c 1 1 0 0 Frnswr p 0 0 0 0 Davies p 1 0 0 0 McCnn c 5 1 2 3 HoRmz p 2 0 0 0 Hlndsw lf 2 0 2 0 Totals 41614 6 Totals 39 7147 Atlanta 000 210 030 0—6 Florida 001 000 302 1—7 Two outs when winning run scored. DP—Atlanta 2, Florida 1. LOB—Atlanta 8, Florida 10. 2B—McCann (7), Wilson (1), Dillon (1), Treanor (8). 3B—Furcal (11). HR— CJones (21), Hermida (4). CS—AMarte (1), Pierre (17). S—Willingham. IP H R ER BB SO Atlanta HoRamirez 5 5 1 1 1 4 Devine 1 1 0 0 1 1 Boyer 0 3 3 3 1 0 Foster 0 1 0 0 0 0 Brower 1 0 0 0 1 1 Farnsworth 1 0 0 0 1 0 Davies L,7-6 12⁄3 4 3 3 0 0 Florida Willis 7 9 3 3 2 12 TJones 1 5 3 3 0 0 Villone W,3-2 2 0 0 0 1 2 Boyer pitched to 4 batters in the 7th, Foster pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. HBP—by Farnsworth (Wilson). Umpires—Home, Dan Iassogna; First, Dale Scott; Second, Tim Tschida; Third, Jeff Nelson. T—3:01. A—29,214 (36,331). American League Glance East Division W x-New York 95 y-Boston 95 Toronto 80 Baltimore 74 Tampa Bay 67 Central Division W x-Chicago 99 Cleveland 93 Minnesota 83 Detroit 71 Kansas City 56 West Division W x-Los Angeles 95 Oakland 88 Texas 79 Seattle 69 L 67 67 82 88 95 Pct GB .586 — .586 — .494 15 .457 21 .414 28 L 63 69 79 91 106 Pct GB .611 — .574 6 .512 16 .438 28 .346 43 L 67 74 83 93 Pct GB .586 — .543 7 .488 16 .426 26 x-clinched division y-clinched wild card ——— Sunday’s Games Chicago White Sox 3, Cleveland 1 Toronto 7, Kansas City 2 Boston 10, N.Y. Yankees 1 L.A. Angels 7, Texas 4 Minnesota 6, Detroit 4 Baltimore 6, Tampa Bay 2 Oakland 8, Seattle 3 End Regular Season AL Boxes RED SOX 10, YANKEES 1 NEW YORK BOSTON abr h bi abr h bi Jeter ss 2 0 1 0 Damon cf 3 2 1 0 Bllhorn ss 3 0 1 0 Hyzdu cf 1 0 1 0 Cano 2b 3 0 2 0 Rnteria ss 3 0 1 0 Wmack 2b 2 0 1 0 Cora ss 200 0 ARod 3b 3 0 0 0 DOrtiz dh 2 1 1 1 Crosby cf 2 0 1 0 Shppch dh 1 1 0 0 Shffield rf 3 0 1 0 MRmrz lf 2 1 2 3 Lawton lf 1 0 0 0 Mchado lf 1 1 0 0 Matsui lf 3 1 2 0 Nixon rf 300 1 Phillips 1b 1 0 0 0 Varitek c 3 1 1 0 Posada c 2 0 2 1 Mrbelli c 2 1 1 3 Vento rf 1 0 0 0 Olerud 1b 5 0 1 0 BWllms cf 3 0 0 0 Mueller 3b 3 1 2 1 Esclna ss 0 0 0 0 Yukilis 3b 0 0 0 0 Sierra dh 4 0 0 0 Grffnno 2b 1 1 0 1 TMrtnz 1b 2 0 0 0 HaRmz ss 1 0 0 0 WNives c 2 0 0 0 Totals 37111 1 Totals33 101110 TV SPORTWATCH TODAY’S LISTINGS Pro Football 8 p.m. — Green Bay at Carolina (Ch. 13) TUESDAY’S LISTINGS College Football 6:30 p.m. — Troy at North Texas (ESPN2) Major League Baseball Noon — Playoffs: Padres at Cardinals (ESPN) 3 p.m. — Playoffs: Red Sox at White Sox (ESPN) 7 p.m. — Playoffs: Yankees at Angels (Ch. 10, 25) LOCAL SCHEDULE Today’s Games Prep Volleyball New York 000 001 000— 1 Boston 001 513 00x— 10 LOB—New York 11, Boston 9. 2B—Matsui (45), Posada (23), Hyzdu (1). HR—MRamirez (45), Mirabelli (6), Mueller (10). SF—Nixon, Graffanino. IP H R ER BB SO New York 1 JSWright L,5-5 3 ⁄3 3 3 3 5 1 2 Proctor ⁄3 3 3 3 0 1 2 Chacon ⁄3 3 1 1 0 0 2 WFranklin ⁄3 0 2 2 2 0 FeRodriguez 12⁄3 2 1 1 1 4 1 ⁄3 Embree 0 0 0 0 0 2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 Leiter Boston Schilling W,8-8 6 8 1 1 1 3 Arroyo 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 Papelbon ⁄3 0 0 0 1 2 1 Delcarmen ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 2 MMyers ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 Timlin Umpires—Home, Larry Poncino; First, Paul Nauert; Second, Mark Wegner; Third, Gary Darling. T—3:36. A—34,534 (35,095). Postseason Glance DIVISION SERIES American League Chicago vs. Boston Tuesday, Oct. 4 Boston (Clement 13-6) at Chicago (Contreras 15-7), 3:09 p.m. (ESPN) Wednesday, Oct. 5 Boston (Wells 15-7) at Chicago (Buehrle 16-8), 6:09 p.m. (ESPN) Friday, Oct. 7 Chicago (Garland 18-10) at Boston (Wakefield 16-12), 3:19 p.m. (ESPN2) Saturday, Oct. 8 Chicago at Boston (Schilling 8-8), if necessary Sunday, Oct. 9 Boston at Chicago, if necessary Los Angeles vs. New York Tuesday, Oct. 4 New York (Mussina 13-8) at Los Angeles (Colon 21-8), 7:19 p.m. (FOX) Wednesday, Oct. 5 New York (Chacon 7-3) at Los Angeles (Lackey 14-5), 9:09 p.m. (ESPN) Friday, Oct. 7 Los Angeles (Washburn 8-8) at New York (Johnson 17-8), 7:19 p.m. (FOX) Saturday, Oct. 8 Los Angeles at New York, if necessary Sunday, Oct. 9 New York at Los Angeles, if necessary National League St. Louis vs. San Diego Tuesday, Oct. 4 San Diego (Peavy 13-7) at St. Louis (Carpenter 21-5), 12:09 p.m. (ESPN) Thursday, Oct. 6 San Diego (Astacio 4-2) at St. Louis (Mulder 16-8), 3:09 p.m. (ESPN2) Saturday, Oct. 8 St. Louis (Morris 14-10) at San Diego (Eaton 11-5) Sunday, Oct. 9 St. Louis at San Diego, if necessary Monday, Oct. 10 San Diego at St. Louis, if necessary Atlanta vs. Houston Wednesday, Oct. 5 Houston (Pettitte 17-9) at Atlanta (Smoltz 14-7), 3:09 p.m. (ESPN) Thursday, Oct. 6 Houston (Clemens 13-8) at Atlanta (Hudson 14-9), 7:19 p.m. (FOX) Saturday, Oct. 8 Atlanta (Sosa 13-3) at Houston (Oswalt 20-12) Sunday, Oct. 9 Atlanta at Houston Monday, Oct. 10 Houston at Atlanta, if necessary LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES American League Tuesday, Oct. 11 at higher percentage, 7:20 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12 at higher percentage, 7:20 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14 at lower percentage or wild card, 7:10 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15 at lower percentage or wild card, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 at lower percentage or wild card, 3:35 p.m., if necessary Tuesday, Oct. 18 at higher percentage, 7:20 p.m., if necessary Vancleave at East Central, 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19 at higher percentage, 7:20 p.m., if necessary National League Wednesday, Oct. 12 at higher percentage, 7:20 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13 at higher percentage, 7:20 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15 at lower percentage or wild card, 3:25 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 at lower percentage or wild card, 7:15 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17 at lower percentage or wild card, 7:20 p.m., if necessary Wednesday, Oct. 19 at higher percentage, 3:20 p.m., if necessary Thursday, Oct. 20 at higher percentage, 7:20 p.m., if necessary WORLD SERIES Saturday, Oct. 22 National League at American League, 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23 NL at AL, 7:10 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 25 AL at NL, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26 AL at NL, 7:25 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27 AL at NL, if necessary, 7:25 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29 NL at AL, if necessary, 6:55 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30 NL at AL, if necessary, 6:55 p.m. NASCAR UAW-Ford 500 Results Sunday At Talladega Superspeedway Talladega, Ala. Lap length: 2.66 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (2) Dale Jarrett, Ford, 190. 2. (4) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 190. 3. (11) Matt Kenseth, Ford, 190. 4. (3) Ryan Newman, Dodge, 190. 5. (10) Carl Edwards, Ford, 190. 6. (27) Brian Vickers, Chevrolet, 190. 7. (16) Sterling Marlin, Dodge, 190. 8. (21) Kurt Busch, Ford, 190. 9. (5) Joe Nemechek, Chevrolet, 190. 10. (42) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 190. 11. (6) Bobby Labonte, Chevrolet, 190. 12. (14) Jamie McMurray, Dodge, 190. 13. (28) Kasey Kahne, Dodge, 190. 14. (32) Jeremy Mayfield, Dodge, 190. 15. (30) Dave Blaney, Chevrolet, 190. 16. (15) Travis Kvapil , Dodge, 190. 17. (36) Scott Wimmer, Dodge, 190. 18. (29) Ricky Rudd, Ford, 190. 19. (33) Mike Wallace, Chevrolet, 190. 20. (31) Bobby Hamilton Jr., Chevrolet, 190. 21. (40) Jeff Green, Dodge, 189. 22. (43) Tony Raines, Dodge, 189. 23. (22) Robby Gordon, Chevrolet, 189. 24. (38) Kyle Petty, Dodge, 189. 25. (41) Rusty Wallace, Dodge, 185. 26. (39) Ken Schrader, Dodge, 183, accident. 27. (8) Greg Biffle, Ford, 172. 28. (17) Martin Truex Jr., Chevrolet, 170, engine failure. 29. (19) J.J. Yeley, Chevrolet, 165. 30. (37) Kevin Lepage, Ford, 160. 31. (9) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 158. 32. (23) Mike Bliss, Chevrolet, 149, accident. 33. (13) Kyle Busch , Chevrolet, 146, engine failure. 34. (1) Elliott Sadler, Ford, 128. 35. (18) Jeff Burton, Chevrolet, 71, accident. 36. (7) Scott Riggs, Chevrolet, 65, accident. 37. (12) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 65, accident. 38. (26) Casey Mears, Dodge, 65, accident. 39. (34) Kerry Earnhardt, Chevrolet, 57, accident. 40. (20) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 19, accident. 41. (24) Mark Martin, Ford, 19, accident. 42. (25) Michael Waltrip, Chevrolet, 19, accident. 43. (35) Mike Skinner, Ford, 19, accident. Choi finishes strong to win Chrysler Classic From Wire Reports GREENSBORO, N.C. — K.J. Choi won the Chrysler Classic of Greensboro on Sunday for his third PGA Tour victory, closing with a 6under 66 for a two-shot victory over Shigeki Maruyama. It was Choi’s first PGA Tour victory since 2002, when he won two tournaments during a breakthrough season. He finished with a 22under 266 total, one stroke short of Jesper Parnevik’s tournament record from 1999. Office Depot Championship RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif. — South Korea’s Hee-Won Han had a one-stroke lead with 10 holes to play when the final round of the Office Depot Championship was suspended because of darkness. The 54-hole LPGA Tour event on Donald Trump’s lavish new course along the Pacific Ocean will conclude Monday. SAS Championship CARY, N.C. — Hale Irwin won for the fourth time this year to push his Champions Tourrecord victory total to 44, capping a back-nine run with an eagle in a two-stroke victory over Tom Jenkins and Bob Gilder in the SAS Championship. Dunhill Links Championship ST. ANDREWS, Scotland — Colin Montgomerie birdied the final hole to win the Dunhill Links Championship by a stroke Sunday, rallying from a five-shot deficit for his first victory in his home country since 1999. Oregon Classic EUGENE, Ore. — Jeff Gove won the Nationwide Tour’s Oregon Classic when steady morning rain forced tournament officials to cancel the fourth round. Gove had rounds of 66, 68 and 67 for a 15under-par total and three-stroke advantage over Jamie Broce, Kris Cox, Tim Wilkinson and Esteban Toledo on the Shadow Hills course. PRESEASON HOCKEY Penguins 7, Capitals 1 PITTSBURGH — Mario Lemieux had a goal and assisted on three power-play goals to help the Pittsburgh Penguins finish their preseason schedule with a 7-1 victory over the Washington Capitals on Sunday night. Senators 3, Canadiens 0 MONTREAL — Dany Heatley had two goals and an assist, and Dominik Hasek and Ray Emery each made 14 saves for Ottawa in the Senators’ 3-0 exhibition victory over the Montreal Canadiens on Sunday night. Blues 2, Blackhawks 1 ST. LOUIS — Keith Tkachuk had a successful debut, scoring with 2:01 left to give St. Louis a 2-1 win over the Chicago Blackhawks in the Blues’ preseason finale Sunday night. Predators 4, Blue Jackets 1 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Scott Walker and Ryan Suter each had a goal and an assist to lead Nashville to a 4-1 win over the Columbus Blue Jackets on Sunday. Panthers 4, Lightning 0 SUNRISE, Fla. — Niklas Hagman scored twice and Roberto Luongo stopped all 32 shots he faced, leading the Florida Panthers to a 4-0 exhibition win over the Tampa Bay Lightning on Sunday. Rangers 3, Devils 2 NEW YORK — Jaromir Jagr scored the tiebreaking goal with 4:12 left in the third period to lift the New York Rangers to a 3-2 victory over the New Jersey Devils on Sunday night in the preseason finale for both teams. MLB NASCAR From Page 1-B half the field. So it’s the one track where the 10 Chase drivers started the race knowing their title hopes could be crippled before the day was over. When the dust settled, at least five Chase drivers suffered some sort of accident-related damage and Johnson’s track record at Talladega had taken another huge hit — this time for a wreck he was involved in 20 laps into the race. It was here that Johnson started a 25-car accident in April that led Dale Earnhardt Jr. to call him an “idiot” and start a rash of backlash against Johnson’s perceived aggressive driving. This time, Johnson ran into the back of race-leader Elliott Sadler’s car, igniting a frightening eight-car accident that sent Michael Waltrip flipping down the track. The drivers involved widely blamed Johnson for the accident. “I’m really upset at Jimmie,” Sadler snapped. “I guess he’s trying to keep his streak alive — he caused a big wreck here last year and he caused a big one again this year. Maybe that’s his way of racing here at Talladega ... try to get rid of everybody so he can win the race.” But Johnson wasn’t positive he was at fault. He believed he was pushed into Sadler SPORTS DIGEST when Earnhardt ran into the back of Johnson. Either way, he knew his reputation was taking a hit. “It’s real easy to sit on your couch and point fingers and say, ‘So-and-so did something wrong,”’ Johnson said. “But until you are out there in these cars, at these speeds, and seeing all the near-misses and what is really going on, it is not worth forming an opinion.” Johnson’s accident ended the race for Chase driver Mark Martin, whose car was totaled. Martin came into the race fourth in the standings, but dropped to ninth after the race. “I’m glad this is over with,” Martin said. “I didn’t even work up a sweat.” Johnson was in a second eight-car accident that started when Newman hit Casey Mears. That accident damaged the cars of Chase drivers Rusty Wallace and Greg Biffle. Both were able to get back on the track to run for points. MOBILE GREYHOUND PARK MATINEE POST TIME 1:00 MON., WED. & SAT. EVENING POST TIME 7:30 MON. – SAT. 1-800-272-5000 Min. age 18 STEEL ROOFING & SIDING GALVALUME - GALVANIZED - PAINTED From $ 995 Per Sq. GOLDIN METALS, INC. Since 1942 GULFPORT, MS 800-777-6216 LARGE STOCK PROMPT DELIVERY From Page 1-B WASHINGTON— The Phillies did all they could to prolong their season, but it wasn’t quite enough. Jimmy Rollins stretched his hitting streak to 36 games, Kenny Lofton hit a two-run double and Philadelphia completed a three-game sweep of Washington but still fell a game short of Hous- ton in the wild-card race. Marlins 7, Braves 6, 10 innings MIAMI — Jack McKeon went out a winner. The 74-year-old McKeon told the Florida Marlins before the game that he was managing them for the last time, then watched his team rally in the ninth inning and beat the playoff-bound Braves in the 10th. ATTENTION To Reach The Mississippi Press Please Call: Circulation: 866-843-8911 Advertising: 866-265-3131 News: 866-843-9020 E-Mail: [email protected] ROLL UP & SLIDING DOOR SYSTEMS CUSTOM DESIGNED TRIM • STEEL PURLINS ACCESSORIES • INSULATION WOOD ROOF & FLOOR TRUSSES THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 3-B THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS Four teams in NFL remain unbeaten ■ Bengals, Bucs, Colts and Redskins head to Week 5 perfect By The Associated Press FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — This was finally the week the New England Patriots couldn’t plug the holes left by injuries — not against Drew Brees and San Diego’s explosive offense. The Chargers handed the Patriots their first loss at Gillette Stadium in 22 games on Sunday, beating them 41-17 as Brees threw for two touchdowns, LaDainian Tomlinson ran for two more and Antonio Gates had six catches for 108 yards. It was the first loss in Foxborough for the Patriots since Dec. 22, 2002, when they were beaten by the New York Jets. That was the only season in the last four they failed to win the Super Bowl. Tomlinson finished with 134 yards on 25 carries, and overall San Diego rushed for 183 yards against a defense that also is without last year’s starting inside linebackers, Tedy Bruschi and Ted Johnson. Bengals 16, Texans 10 CINCINNATI — The Bengals are 4-0 for the first time since 1988 — the last time they went to the Super Bowl — as T.J. Houshmandzadeh paced a bogged-down offense with 105 yards on eight catches. Shayne Graham’s 27-yard field goal with 5:04 left broke a 10-10 tie, and David Carr’s fumble with 3:14 sent the Texans to their first 0-3 start in four seasons as an expansion team. Colts 31, Titans 10 NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Peyton Manning threw for 264 yards and four touchdowns, including two to Marvin Harrison that tied the NFL record for most TDs between a quarterback and receiver. Harrison caught nine passes for 109 yards, and Edgerrin James also ran for 90 yards in helping the Colts improve to 4-0 with their highest point total this season. Redskins 20, Seahawks 17, OT LANDOVER, Md. — Rookie Nick Novak kicked a 39-yard field goal 5:31 into overtime to give the Redskins their first 3-0 start since 1991, the season they won their last Super Bowl. Broncos 20, Jaguars 7 JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Jake Plummer threw two touchdown passes to backup offensive lineman TOP: Cincinnati receiver T.J. Houshmandzadeh runs past Houston defensive back Dunta Robinson in the first half Sunday in Cincinnati. RIGHT: N.Y. Giants’ quarterback Eli Manning looks for a receiver in the Giants 44-24 win over the St. Louis Rams Sunday. Dwayne Carswell, while Mike Anderson and Tatum Bell combined for 175 yards rushing. The Broncos (3-1) won their third straight despite a short week that followed a Monday night victory against Kansas City and improved to 3-10 in Florida. They had been 02 in Jacksonville. Buccaneers 17, Lions 13 TAMPA, Fla. — Joey Galloway scored on an 80-yard reception and Brian Griese threw for 302 yards as Tampa Bay got off to its first 4-0 start since 1997. Rookie Carnell “Cadillac” Williams was slowed by a sore hamstring and held to 13 yards on 11 carries. He left the game late in the third quarter and did not return. He also has been slowed by a sprained foot. Giants 44, Rams 24 EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — Eli Manning threw for 296 yards and a career-high four touchdowns in the victory. Manning was 19-for-35 and threw for two TDs to Plaxico Burress — who had a career-high 10 catches — and one each to Amani Toomer and Jeremy Shockey. Jay Feely added three field goals for New York (3-1), which entered the game having scored the most points in the NFL this season. Eagles 37, Chiefs 31 KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Playing with a bruised chest, a sore leg and an aching abdominal strain, Donovan McNabb rallied the Eagles from an 18-point deficit. The five-time Pro Bowl quarterback hit 33 of 48 passes for 369 yards and three touchdowns as the Eagles (3-1) scored 28 straight points. That run followed a 96-yard kickoff return by Dante Hall that put the Chiefs on top 24-6 with 4:27 left in the first half. Raiders 19, Cowboys 13 OAKLAND, Calif. — LaMont Jordan ran for 126 yards and a score, Sebastian Janikowski kicked four field goals and Oakland’s defense put together a late goal-line stand to lead the Raiders (1-3). The game wasn’t decided until the final 2 minutes. Trailing 19-13 after Janikowski’s 43-yard field goal with 4:29 left, Dallas (2-2) drove inside the 5. But Tommy Kelly hit Julius Jones for a 2-yard loss on second down from the 3, and Bledsoe followed with two straight incompletions to give Oakland the ball with 1:45 to go. Bledsoe finished 11-for26 for 212 yards. Randy Moss, who had 10 touchdown receptions in five wins in his career against Dallas, had a long catch on Oakland’s first drive but was more of a decoy. Falcons 30, Vikings 10 ATLANTA — Michael Vick went down midway through the second quarter with a sprained right knee, watching the rest of the game from the sideline as backup Matt Schaub and the defense finished off the Falcons’ rout. Warrick Dunn rushed for 126 yards, including his 50th career touchdown on a 37-yard run, to lead a 274-yard performance on the ground. Vick ran for 58 yards and threw a touchdown pass before getting hurt. The Falcons’ defense made things miserable for Daunte Culpepper, who was sacked nine times, intercepted twice and lost a fumble for the Vikings (1-3). Coleman, Brady Smith and Demorrio Williams had two sacks apiece for the Falcons (3-1), who had their most sacks since a franchise-record 10 against New Orleans in 1997. Ravens 13, Jets 3 BALTIMORE — Jamal Lewis scored on a 1-yard run, Matt Stover kicked two field goals, and the Ravens won their first game of the year. The Ravens (1-2) held Curtis Martin to 30 yards on 13 carries, sacked third-string quarterback Brooks Bollinger five times and limited the Jets (1-3) to eight first downs and 152 yards. Playing in his second NFL game and first as a starter, Bollinger went 14-for-28 for 149 yards in place of injured quarterbacks Chad Pennington and Jay Fiedler. Lewis ran for 81 yards on 29 carries and Anthony Wright was 15-for-21 for 144 yards. NFL BOX SCORES Saints 19, Bills 7 Buffalo 7 0 0 0 — 7 New Orleans 0 13 0 6 — 19 First Quarter Buf—McGahee 1 run (Lindell kick), 9:40. Second Quarter NO—FG Carney 23, 9:05. NO—Brooks 4 run (Carney kick), 5:38. NO—FG Carney 40, :10. Fourth Quarter NO—FG Carney 20, 4:59. NO—FG Carney 37, 1:09. A—58,688. Buf NO First downs 13 23 Total Net Yards 208 333 Rushes-yards 23-141 41-167 Passing 67 166 Punt Returns 1-8 4-25 Kickoff Returns 6-21 6-45 Interceptions Ret. 0-0 1-39 Comp-Att-Int 10-21-1 15-26-0 Sacked-Yards Lost 4-36 1-6 Punts 5-53.4 4-40.0 Fumbles-Lost 3-1 0-0 Penalties-Yards 12-79 4-26 Time of Possession 23:40 36:20 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Buffalo, McGahee 16-84, Losman 4-38, S.Williams 2-19, Holcomb 1-0. New Orleans, McAllister 27-130, Brooks 7-33, Karney 3-6, A.Smith 4-(minus 2). PASSING—Buffalo, Losman 7-15-1-75, Holcomb 3-6-0-28. New Orleans, Brooks 15-26-0172. RECEIVING—Buffalo, J.Smith 2-30, Evans 227, McGahee 2-17, Moulds 2-14, Reed 1-14, S.Williams 1-1. New Orleans, Stallworth 8-129, McAllister 2-16, Hall 1-8, Henderson 1-7, Conwell 1-5, Karney 1-4, A.Smith 1-3. MISSED FIELD GOALS—Buffalo, Lindell 45 (WR). New Orleans, Carney 32 (WL). Bengals 16, Texans 10 Houston 0 3 7 0 — 10 Cincinnati 3 7 0 6 — 16 First Quarter Cin—FG Graham 24, 4:35. Second Quarter Hou—FG K.Brown 28, 13:31. Cin—J.Johnson 1 pass from Palmer (Graham kick), 1:09. Third Quarter Hou—Norris 4 pass from Carr (K.Brown kick), 7:40. Fourth Quarter Cin—FG Graham 27, 5:04. Cin—FG Graham 46, 1:10. A—65,714. Hou Cin First downs 18 22 Total Net Yards 254 371 Rushes-yards 23-126 25-98 Passing 128 273 Punt Returns 1-4 2-7 Kickoff Returns 5-130 2-55 Interceptions Ret. 0-0 0-0 Comp-Att-Int 17-26-0 25-34-0 Sacked-Yards Lost 7-46 2-3 Punts 4-36.3 2-47.5 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 1-0 Penalties-Yards 9-90 14-117 Time of Possession 25:26 34:34 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Houston, Davis 19-81, Carr 3-35, Wells 1-10. Cincinnati, R.Johnson 19-88, Perry 46, Houshmandzadeh 1-5, Palmer, 1-(minus 1). PASSING—Houston, Carr 17-26-0-174. Cincinnati Palmer 25-34-0-276. RECEIVING—Houston, Gaffney 6-88, Davis 431, A.Johnson 3-38, Wells 2-5, Bradford 1-8, Norris, 1-4. Cincinnati, Houshmandzadeh 8-105, C.Johnson 7-67, C.Perry 4-29, Henry 2-34, Kelly 2-20, Schobel 1-20, J.Johnson 1-1. MISSED FIELD GOAL—Cincinnati, Graham 42 (WR). Buccaneers 17, Lions 13 Detroit 0 10 0 Tampa Bay 3 7 7 First Quarter TB—FG Bryant 43, 7:59. 3 — 13 0 — 17 Second Quarter Det—FG Hanson 44, 11:30. Det—K.Jones 8 run (Hanson kick), 4:58. TB—Pittman 41 pass from Griese (Bryant kick), 1:12. Third Quarter TB—Galloway 80 pass from Griese (Bryant kick), 14:05. Fourth Quarter Det—FG Hanson 23, 7:29. A—64,994. Det TB First downs 11 17 Total Net Yards 226 353 Rushes-yards 25-91 22-69 Passing 135 284 Punt Returns 3-25 3-15 Kickoff Returns 3-33 2-29 Interceptions Ret. 3-87 0-0 Comp-Att-Int 15-27-0 22-39-3 Sacked-Yards Lost 2-2 3-18 Punts 6-42.8 3-46.7 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 1-1 Penalties-Yards 8-55 7-55 Time of Possession 28:25 31:35 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Detroit, K.Jones 12-38, Pinner 628, Bryson 3-13, Harrington 4-12. Tampa Bay, Pittman 5-30, Graham 4-15, C.Williams 11-13, Griese 1-7, Gallway 1-4. PASSING—Detroit, Harrington 15-27-0-137. Tampa Bay, Griese 22-39-3-302. RECEIVING—Detroit, R.Williams 3-54, M.Williams 3-22, K.Johnson 2-15, Pinner 2-11, Pollard 2-5, Rogers 1-15, Fitzsimmons 1-11, Bryson 1-4. Tampa Bay, Galloway 7-166, Pittman 6-96, Clayton 2-11, Becht 2-9, Alstott 2-7, C.Williams 2-6, A.Smith 1-7. MISSED FIELD GOAL—Tampa Bay, Bryant 46 (WR). Ind—FG Vanderjagt 20, 7:17. Ind—Harrison 11 pass from Manning (Vanderjagt kick), 1:17. Third Quarter Ind—James 8 pass from Manning (Vanderjagt kick), 7:55. Fourth Quarter Ind—Harrison 24 pass from Manning (Vanderjagt kick), 13:09. Ten—Scaife 6 pass from McNair (Bironas kick), 4:31. Ind Ten First downs 22 18 Total Net Yards 364 313 Rushes-yards 26-100 19-109 Passing 264 204 Punt Returns 0-0 1-1 Kickoff Returns 1-17 6-137 Interceptions Ret. 1-0 0-0 Comp-Att-Int 20-27-0 28-37-1 Sacked-Yards Lost 0-0 2-16 Punts 2-55.5 3-37.7 Fumbles-Lost 1-0 1-0 Penalties-Yards 1-10 8-66 Time of Possession 25:48 34:12 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Indianapolis, James 21-90, Carthon 4-7, Manning 1-3. Tennessee, McNair 4-40, Payton 4-37, Brown 10-31, B.Jones 1-1. PASSING—Indianapolis, Manning 20-27-0-264. Tennessee, McNair 28-37-1-220 RECEIVING—Indianapolis, Harrison 9-109, Clark 4-47, Wayne 2-48, Fletcher 2-38, James 212, Carthon 1-10. Tennessee, Kinney 7-42, Scaife 7-39, Troupe 4-34, R.Williams 2-33, B.Jones 2-22, Bennett 2-20, Brown 2-17, Calico 1-9, Fleming 1-4. MISSED FIELD GOAL—Tennessee, Bironas 38 (WL) Broncos 20, Jaguars 7 Redskins 20, Seahawks 17, OT Denver 0 14 0 6 — 20 Jacksonville 0 0 7 0 — 7 Second Quarter Den—Carswell 2 pass from Plummer (Elam kick), 6:48. Den—Carswell 1 pass from Plummer (Elam kick), :43. Third Quarter Jac—J.Smith 45 pass from Leftwich (Scobee kick), 8:52. Fourth Quarter Den—FG Elam 33, 8:48. Den—FG Elam 42, 2:42. A—66,045. Den Jac First downs 24 13 Total Net Yards 306 241 Rushes-yards 44-188 11-12 Passing 118 229 Punt Returns 2-31 3-24 Kickoff Returns 1-22 3-87 Interceptions Ret. 2-53 0-0 Comp-Att-Int 19-26-0 20-34-2 Sacked-Yards Lost 3-18 2-11 Punts 4-48.5 6-41.8 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 3-2 Penalties-Yards 5-30 15-119 Time of Possession 38:05 21:55 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Denver, Mike Anderson 23-115, Bell 15-60, Adams 1-13, Dayne 2-3, Plummer 3(minus 3). Jacksonville, Taylor 8-14, Leftwich 1-3, G.Jones 1-2, M.Jones 1-(minus 7). PASSING—Denver, Plummer 19-26-0-136. Jacksonville, Leftwich 20-34-2-240. RECEIVING—Denver, Smith 4-33, Mike Anderson 3-27, S.Alexander 3-27, Putzier 2-15, Carswell 2-3, Lelie 1-13, Adams 1-9, Bell 1-6, Sapp 1-5, Johnson 1-(minus 2). Jacksonville, J.Smith 5-109, Pearman 4-42, M.Jones 3-27, R.Williams 3-22, Wilford 2-17, Taylor 1-13, Wrightster 1-6, G.Jones 1-4. MISSED FIELD GOALS—Denver, Elam 41 (WL), 46 (BL). Colts 31, Titans 10 Indianapolis 7 10 7 7 — 31 Tennessee 3 0 0 7 — 10 First Quarter Ind—Wayne 25 pass from Manning (Vanderjagt kick), 11:31. Ten—FG Bironas 34, 4:58. Second Quarter Seattle 3 0 7 7 0 — 17 Washington 0 7 10 0 3 — 20 First Quarter Sea—FG J.Brown 53, 5:58. Second Quarter Was—Royal 1 pass from Brunell (Novak kick), 2:39. Third Quarter Was—Sellers 4 pass from Brunell (Novak kick), 7:19. Sea—Alexander 3 run (J.Brown kick), 4:10. Was—FG Novak 40, :03. Fourth Quarter Sea—Jackson 6 pass from Hasselbeck (J.Brown kick), 1:23. Overtime Was—FG Novak 39, 9:29. A—90,215. Sea Was First downs 21 26 Total Net Yards 354 352 Rushes-yards 23-119 39-141 Passing 235 211 Punt Returns 1-(-3) 1-9 Kickoff Returns 3-44 4-95 Interceptions Ret. 1-2 0-0 Comp-Att-Int 26-38-0 20-36-1 Sacked-Yards Lost 1-7 2-15 Punts 3-33.0 2-41.0 Fumbles-Lost 1-0 0-0 Penalties-Yards 8-84 2-10 Time of Possession 26:09 39:22 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Seattle, Alexander 20-98, Hasselbeck 2-16, Strong 1-5. Washington, Portis 25-90, Betts 12-35, Brunell 2-16. PASSING—Seattle, Hasselbeck 26-38-0-242. Washington, Brunell 20-36-1-226. RECEIVING—Seattle, Engram 9-106, Jackson 7-55, Stevens 3-31, Hannam 3-23, Strong 2-6, Jurevicius 1-17, Alexander 1-4. Washington, Moss 6-87, Cooley 4-61, Patten 3-15, Thrash 2-30, Portis 2-18, Royal 2-11, Sellers 1-4. MISSED FIELD GOALS—Seattle, J.Brown 47 (WL), 47 (WL). Washington, Novak 39 (BL). Chargers 41, Patriots 17 San Diego 3 14 14 10 — 41 New England 7 10 0 0 — 17 First Quarter SD—FG Kaeding 42, 6:22. NE—Dillon 1 run (Vinatieri kick), 1:34. Second Quarter SD—McCardell 11 pass from Brees (Kaeding kick), 6:21. NE—Dwight 30 pass from Brady (Vinatieri kick), 5:29. SD—Tomlinson 8 run (Kaeding kick), 2:47. NE—FG Vinatieri 24, :21. Third Quarter SD—Tomlinson 1 run (Kaeding kick), 6:16. SD—Caldwell 28 pass from Brees (Kaeding kick), :19. Fourth Quarter SD—FG Kaeding 21, 4:44. SD—Hart 49 interception return (Kaeding kick), :34. A—68,756. SD NE First downs 26 18 Total Net Yards 431 304 Rushes-yards 40-183 18-73 Passing 248 231 Punt Returns 3-24 1-8 Kickoff Returns 4-80 8-203 Interceptions Ret. 2-41 0-0 Comp-Att-Int 19-24-0 21-36-2 Sacked-Yards Lost 0-0 1-8 Punts 3-50.3 4-46.0 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 1-0 Penalties-Yards 7-50 4-62 Time of Possession 36:38 23:22 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—San Diego, Tomlinson 25-134, Turner 11-44, Sproles 2-8, Brees 1-(minus 1), Parker 1-(minus 2). New England, Dillon 14-63, Pass 1-6, Brady 2-4, Cassel 1-0. PASSING—San Diego, Brees 19-24-0-248. New England, Brady 19-32-1-224. Cassel 2-4-115 RECEIVING—San Diego, Gates 6-108, Parker 4-51, Tomlinson 3-34, Caldwell 2-36, McCardell 111, Peelle 1-5, Neal 1-4, Sproles 1-(minus 1). New England, Pass 8-55, Givens 6-66, Dwight 2-41, T.Brown 2-25, Dillon 1-23, Watson 1-23, Branch 1-6. MISSED FIELD GOAL—New England, Vinatieri 37 (WR). Giants 44, Rams 24 St. Louis 7 10 0 7 — 24 N.Y. Giants 17 10 7 10 — 44 First Quarter NY—Burress 31 pass from Manning (Feely kick), 12:51. NY—FG Feely 38, 8:39. StL—Jackson 13 pass from Bulger (Wilkins kick), 5:03. NY—Toomer 1 pass from Manning (Feely kick), 2:50. Second Quarter NY—Burress 17 pass from Manning (Feely kick), 12:20. NY—FG Feely 32, 9:25. StL—Jackson 1 run (Wilkins kick), 4:05. StL—FG Wilkins 37, 1:47. Third Quarter NY—Shockey 31 pass from Manning (Feely kick), 5:19. Fourth Quarter NY—FG Feely 23, 8:27. StL—Holt 22 pass from Bulger (Wilkins kick), 5:28. NY—Barber 16 run (Feely kick), 1:52. A—78,453. StL NY First downs 27 24 Total Net Yards 476 456 Rushes-yards 15-42 29-164 Passing 434 292 Punt Returns 1-5 1-11 Kickoff Returns 7-167 3-65 Interceptions Ret. 0-0 3-95 Comp-Att-Int 40-62-3 19-35-0 Sacked-Yards Lost 1-8 1-4 Punts 2-34.0 2-44.5 Fumbles-Lost 3-2 0-0 Penalties-Yards 11-103 11-90 Time of Possession 32:04 27:56 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—St. Louis, Jackson 10-17, Faulk 316, Bulger 1-9, Hedgecock 1-0. New York, Barber 24-128, Carter 1-22, Jacobs 2-16, Manning 2(minus 2). PASSING—St. Louis, Bulger 40-62-3-442. New York, Manning 19-35-0-296. RECEIVING—St. Louis, McDonald 9-121, Looker 8-90, Holt 7-84, Curtis 6-78, Jackson 5-42, Faulk 3-24, R.Williams 1-2, Bulger 1-1. New York, Burress 10-204, Shockey 4-57, Toomer 3-20, Barber 2-15. MISSED FIELD GOALS—St. Louis, Wilkins 48 (WL). Ravens 13, Jets 3 N.Y. Jets 0 0 3 0 — 3 Baltimore 3 3 7 0 — 13 First Quarter Bal—FG Stover 42, 6:31. Second Quarter Bal—FG Stover 25, 3:47. Third Quarter NYJ—FG Nugent 21, 11:17. Bal—J.Lewis 1 run (Stover kick), 3:12. A—70,479. NY Bal First downs 8 17 Total Net Yards 152 259 Rushes-yards 15-28 45-115 Passing 124 144 Punt Returns 4-32 4-56 Kickoff Returns 4-89 2-52 Interceptions Ret. 1-0 0-0 Comp-Att-Int 14-28-0 15-21-1 Sacked-Yards Lost 5-25 0-0 Punts 9-42.2 5-46.2 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 1-1 Penalties-Yards 5-39 3-19 Time of Possession 21:59 38:01 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—New York, Martin 13-30, Blaylock 2(minus 2). Baltimore, J.Lewis 29-81, Taylor 1132, A.Wright 5-2. PASSING—New York, Bollinger 14-28-0-149. Baltimore, A.Wright 15-21-1-144. RECEIVING—New York, McCareins 3-59, Baker 3-29, Martin 3-15, Jolley 2-15, Coles 1-16, Blaylock 1-10, Sowell 1-5. Baltimore, Mason 5-54, Heap 4-39, Taylor 2-24, Richard 1-11, Wilcox 1-10, Clayton 1-4, Mughelli 1-2. MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. Raiders 19, Cowboys 13 Dallas 0 3 3 7 — 13 Oakland 10 0 3 6 — 19 First Quarter Oak—FG Janikowski 30, 7:22. Oak—Jordan 2 run (Janikowski kick), 3:07. Second Quarter Dal—FG Cortez 29, 5:59. Third Quarter Oak—FG Janikowski 23, 8:15. Dal—FG Cortez 30, 1:05. Fourth Quarter Oak—FG Janikowski 49, 10:25. Dal—Crayton 63 pass from Bledsoe (Cortez kick), 8:51. Oak—FG Janikowski 43, 4:29. A—62,400. Dal Oak First downs 16 16 Total Net Yards 303 333 Rushes-yards 32-116 30-129 Passing 187 204 Punt Returns 0-0 5-34 Kickoff Returns 1-22 2-59 Interceptions Ret. 0-0 1-0 Comp-Att-Int 11-27-1 13-23-0 Sacked-Yards Lost 4-25 3-14 Punts 5-44.8 4-45.3 Fumbles-Lost 0-0 0-0 Penalties-Yards 6-35 13-85 Time of Possession 30:46 29:14 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Dallas, J.Jones 22-76, Thompson 7-32, Bledsoe 1-7, Marber 2-1. Oakland, Jordan 26-126, Crockett 1-2, Fargas 1-2, Collins 2-(minus 1). PASSING—Dallas, Bledsoe 11-26-1-212, K.Johnson 0-1-0-0. Oakland, Collins 13-23-0-218. RECEIVING—Dallas, Witten 5-49, Glenn 2-64, Crayton 1-63, K.Johnson 1-16, J.Jones 1-12, Thompson 1-8. Oakland, Moss 4-123, Jordan 422, Porter 3-41, Anderson 2-32. MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. Falcons 30, Vikings 10 Minnesota 0 0 0 10 — 10 Atlanta 7 17 3 3 — 30 First Quarter Atl—Crumpler 5 pass from Vick (Peterson kick), 7:44. Second Quarter Atl—Duckett 1 run (Peterson kick), 12:55. Atl—Dunn 37 run (Peterson kick), 3:40. Atl—FG Peterson 38, :01. Third Quarter Atl—FG Peterson 26, :04. Fourth Quarter Min—FG Edinger 43, 8:13. Atl—FG Peterson 39, 5:24. Min—Williamson 16 pass from Culpepper (Edinger kick), 2:33. A—69,552. Min Atl First downs 16 22 Total Net Yards 261 368 Rushes-yards 16-63 41-285 Passing 198 83 Punt Returns 2-0 3-14 Kickoff Returns 5-101 1-36 Interceptions Ret. 0-0 2-43 Comp-Att-Int 23-34-2 11-22-0 Sacked-Yards Lost 9-52 1-5 Punts 5-46.0 3-35.0 Fumbles-Lost 3-1 1-0 Penalties-Yards 11-85 8-65 Time of Possession 27:23 32:37 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Minnesota, Moore 14-57, Culpepper 1-10, Bennett 1-(minus 4). Atlanta, Dunn 18126, Vick 4-58, Schaub 4-56, Duckett 14-40, Griffith 1-5. PASSING—Minnesota, Culpepper 23-34-2-250. Atlanta, Schaub 5-14-0-39, Vick 6-8-0-49. RECEIVING—Minnesota, Moore 6-63, Taylor 5-62, Williamson 4-39, Wiggins 3-25, Bennett 2-31, Kleinsasser 2-13, Robinson 1-17. Atlanta, Finneran 3-31, Crumpler 3-16, White 2-12, Jenkins 1-12, Blakley 1-10, Dunn 1-7. MISSED FIELD GOALS—None. Eagles 37, Chiefs 31 Philadelphia 0 13 11 13 — 37 Kansas City 10 14 0 7 — 31 First Quarter KC—Holmes 3 run (Tynes kick), 9:59. KC—FG Tynes 38, 2:00. Second Quarter KC—Kennison 8 pass from Green (Tynes kick), 13:43. Phi—Brown 40 interception return (pass fail), 4:41. KC—D.Hall 96 kick return (Tynes kick), 4:27. Phi—Owens 7 pass from McNabb (France kick), 1:14. Third Quarter Phi—FG France 44, 12:14. Phi—Bartum 3 pass from McNabb (Westbrook pass from McNabb), 1:54. Fourth Quarter Phi—FG France 37, 11:38. Phi—Smith 1 pass from McNabb (France kick), 8:57. Phi—FG France 26, 3:22. KC—D.Hall 15 pass from Green (Tynes kick), 1:24. A—78,742. Phi KC First downs 25 19 Total Net Yards 396 353 Rushes-yards 17-28 27-144 Passing 368 209 Punt Returns 2-2 1-0 Kickoff Returns 5-106 8-234 Interceptions Ret. 2-60 1-0 Comp-Att-Int 33-48-1 19-30-2 Sacked-Yards Lost 1-1 3-12 Punts 3-38.0 4-48.0 Fumbles-Lost 3-1 2-2 Penalties-Yards 3-25 6-40 Time of Possession 30:57 29:03 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING—Philadelphia, Westbrook 9-15, Gordon 4-14, McNabb 4-(minus 1). Kansas City, Holmes 18-84, L.Johnson 7-34, Kennison 1-23, Green 1-3. PASSING—Philadelphia, McNabb 33-48-1-369. Kansas City, Green 19-30-2-221. RECEIVING—Philadelphia, Owens 11-171, Smith 9-67, Westbrook 6-33, G.Lewis 3-50, Gordon 2-33, Parry 1-12, Bartrum 1-3. Kansas City, Kennison 7-109, Holmes 5-24, D.Hall 4-45, Gonzalez 2-5, Boerigter 1-38. 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Please apply in person at 23 Midtown Park Drive West, Mobile, AL 36606 or send resume for appointment. 107 Building for Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 Office Space for Rent . . . . . . . . . . . 595 Warehouse Space for Rent . . . . . . . 600 Business for Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605 Comm. Property for Sale . . . . . . . . 610 Investment Property . . . . . . . . . . . . 615 REAL ESTATE RENTALS Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620 Condos/Townhouses . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 Furnished Rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630 Furnished Apartments . . . . . . . . . . . 635 Accounting/Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 Furnished Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640 Air Conditioning/Heating . . . . . . . . 805 Unfurnished Apartments . . . . . . . . . 645 Appliance Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807 Clerical Office Customer Service Rep 135 Temp to Hire positions with several different major clients in the Mobile area. Work the shift of your choice. Start immediately after background check. Ear a competitive salary plus exceptional incentive package depending on the client. Snelling Personnel 205-473-1001 Automotive dealership office has opening for TITLE & BILLING CLERK. Reynolds & Reynolds exp. preferred but not required. Only exp. SECRETARY/RECEPMidtown Litigation Law Clerks need apply: The TIONIST Firm seeks Legal Mobile Register PO Box Needed Immediately. Word #2488-388, Mobile, AL 36630 Secretary/Paralegal. Must Excel Exp a Must, Exc possess at least 2 years Pay, Serious Inquires recent legal experience. Only. Call 251-633-2016 Must be professional, motiADMINISTRATION vated, detail oriented and ASSISTANT FOR able to work independently. CONSTRUCTION JOBCompetitive salary. Send SITE resume to P.O. Box 2626, Fast paced office, Good Mobile, AL 36652. computer skills, Time sheets, delivery receipts, Computer**HURRICANE etc. Data Construction exp. preferred RELIEF Send resume’s to P. O. Box Processing 8368, Mobile, AL 36689-0368 WORK** DEPARTMENT SUPERVIE. Shore, Receptionist, SOR CSR, Data Entry, Clerical multi line system, proposto oversee production of help needed. Must be able als, customer DB, actg. photo gift ittems and manto work flexible hours! data entry, gen. office Must have customer service age 10-15 people. duties, copiers, fax, supskills & ability to type. Applicants should be complies, filing. Strong comSeveral shifts avail. Salary puter savvy and have some puter & comm. skills req’d. DOE. Call ACO for details gital background in dig FT + benefits PO Box 99, 433-7788 or apply in person graphic arts & related softat 9 Dauphin St., Mobile, Stapleton, AL 36578. ware. Any experience in Alabama 36602. Expanding law firm seeks Dye Sublimation transfer experienced legal secre- SECRETARY FOR e helpful. printing would be tary. FAIRHOPE LAW FIRM, 5 Full benefit pkg to include Send resume in confidence years Exp required, Word Health insurance, profitto P.O. Box 1603111, sharing & 401K. Resumes perfect Knowledgeable, Mobile, AL 36616. OR, PO Box to SUPERVISO Send Resume to: Atttn: 7200, Mobile, AL 36670 Personnel P.O. Box 1031, FT Secretary Fairhope, AL 36533 Immediate opening for IT Needed. Computer skills a General Contractor needs SPECIALIST. 78 year old must! Please fax resumes to: Mobile based company. RECEPTIONIST with 815-744-9214 Must be able to set up and phone skills. Quick Books & Excel maintain interactive web Construction Job Site a plus. 6161 Rangeline Rd. site as well as respond to Secretary needed for end-users. Also must know 251-747-8455 major project on Mobile Microsoft software and Infirmary Campus. Must hardware. Responsibilities Secretary have proficient computer will include design and skills Windows 2000/XP and For construction jobsite in maintenance of company Mobile. Exp in Micro Word Microsoft Office including and Excel. Fax resume to 256web site, setting up office Excel. Type 60WPM, 442-6680 or e-mail computers and trouble answer phone lines, file, [email protected] shooting for computer type correspondence. Work problems between home with Superintendent and BOOKKEEPER Project Manager. EOC. QuickBooks Pro. Min. 3 yrs office and satellite offices. Fax resume with referexperience. Northside 675- If qualified, please respond via fax to Mobile office 342ences to 205-803-0224 6088 2497. All resumes will be SECRETARY - FULL kept in strictest confiAn experienced TIME dence. Please include HOUSEKEEPER needed for a small downfor permanent position for salary expectations. town law firm. Must be Home in Springhill to work personable and computer 5 days week, 9 - 5, $8/hour, Domestic efficient. Call 251-432-0550. Paid Vacation, Paid Holidays, Bonus, Gas Allowance. Must Have Own CNA/Caregiver, N/S, priTransportation. Household vate home, W Mobile. Must Chores Include: Cleaning, be avail. nights/weekends Laundry/Ironing, Cooking, 251-607-9270 Household Errands. Must Have References, Clean Thorough & trustworthy. Record & Drug Test Hourly, 8 hrs/day for one Required. day a week, by the day do Call 251-476-4900 for not apply. Theodore area. Interview 973-2274 2 109 111 RECREATION Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705 Boats-Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 Boats-Sail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720 Jet Skis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 Boating Equip/Serv/Supplies . . . . . 740 ATV/Off Road Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . 750 Campers/Travel Trailers . . . . . . . . . 760 RV Lots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770 Motorhomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780 Motorhomes for Rent . . . . . . . . . . . 790 SERVICES 113 DriverTrucking LOCAL SHUTTLE DRIVER NEEDED NOW! Work close to home! Good pay and benefit package! Call now if you meet the following requirements: * Class A CDL * Minimum 2 years tractor trailer exp. * Clean MVR * At least 23 yrs of age Must be willing to work shift work (2 weeks on days and 2 weeks on nights). Call Baldwin Transfer at 433-3391, ext 114 Drivers IS SEEKING A COMPANY DRIVER Experienced driver with good MVR. Competitive salary Benefits package. E.O.E. New Line Transport 1-877-447-4450 113 Attorneys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810 Backhoe/Dozier Work . . . . . . . . . . . 815 Bath Tubs & Tiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820 Building/Contracting . . . . . . . . . . . . 825 Carpentry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827 Carpet Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .830 Child Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835 Computer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837 Concrete/Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840 Decorating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843 Dirt and Top Soil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845 Domestics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847 Elderly Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848 Electrical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850 Home Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853 House Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855 Investigators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860 Lawn Care/Landscaping . . . . . . . . . 865 Loans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870 Medical Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875 Miscellaneous Services . . . . . . . . . 880 DriverTrucking Overdimensional Drivers Needed. Exp Necessary. Regional Loads, Home Most Nights, BC/BS Ins, Paid Holiday & Vacation. 251-626-1344 OTR & Local Drivers Needed This position requires a Class A CDL, one or more years experience & an acceptable MVR. Excellent benefit pkg including medical, paid holidays, vacation & 401K. To arrange a confidential e contact: interview please Brad McDaniels 1-800-767-7651 Ext. 623 Or Send Resume To: P.O. Box 1089, Bay Minette, AL 36507 Attn: Brad McDaniels PITTS & SONS TOWING is taking applications for all Class ★ WRECKER DRIVERS ★ Call Mon-Fri, 8AM-5PM 251-675-8831 DRIVERS with Dump DRIVER NEEDED Trucks or Dump Trailers & 4 Wheel Drive Trucks haul- CDL Required, Local ing debris for FEMA. $3.50 Deliveries, Delivering Drywall & Shingles. Boom - $4.75/Yard. 251-583-3114 ! Mike Experience a Plus! ★★★★ 251-391-8896 AAA ASPHALT TANKER PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS DRIVERS NEEDED NOW! Start at $11/hr plus bonus pay Must be 24 years old w/2 years OTR. Hazmat and Tanker endorsements required. Regional runs available. New pay pkg, BC/BS, 401K, paid vacations & holidays. Call: TRANSWOOD at 251-653-8117 between 8a-5p, M-F ● Must have Class A CDL with Tanker and Hazmat endorsements, plus 2 years tractortrailer experience. ● Must have clean MVR and be at least 23 yrs of age. ● Good pay and benefit pack age: vac pay, sick pay, holiday pay, bonus pay, BC/BS ins., etc. Call BALDWIN TRANSFER at 433-3391, ext 114 ★★★★ ■ OTR DRIVERS Needed Immediately! PASCAGOULA CO. Class A X-Endorsement w/HazMat a must. 800-443-0172 ■ COMPANY DRIVERS Needed for Local Work 6 days on - 2 days off Hourly Training Pay 2 Years OTR- 25 yrs old Tanker & HazMat Endorsements Call Danny 800-274-1055 or 251-443-7055. EOE. M/F/D/V DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! No Exp. Req’d. Werner has immediate openings for entry-level semi drivers. Our average driver earns more than $36K first yr. 60% Werner drivers get home nightly or weekly. 15 day CDL training now offered in your area. For a new career call Today 1-866-280-5309 LOCAL DRIVERS NEEDED Class A and Class B with experience. Pascagoula, MS based company offering great pay scale and group insurance. Apply in person at Manning Trucking, 5209 Industrial Road, Pascagoula, MS 228769-6577 Local Lumber Yard seeking Class A CDL Driver. Experience preferred. Contact Rolo at 251-9473127, Mon-Fri, 7-4. Read the Classifieds 113 Painting/Wallpapering . . . . . . . . . . . 883 Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885 Pool Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890 Roof/Gutter Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893 Septic Tank & Sewer . . . . . . . . . . . . 895 Tree Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897 TV/VCR/Satellite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898 Window Tinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899 TRANSPORTATION ■ Indicates Mississippi Ads Antiques & Collectibles . . . . . . . . . . 910 Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 920 Cars Under $2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 930 Sport Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940 Sport Utility Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . 950 Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 960 Vans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970 Motorcycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980 Vehicle Rental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985 Vehicle Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990 DriverTrucking Evergreen Transportation OTR & LOCAL DRIVERS Must be 23 yrs of age. Clean MVR, hold a Class A CDL. BC/BS, paid vacation, 401k, $600 sign-on bonus For all drivers Guaranteed $600 first 3 wks of employment Rangeline Rd., Mobile 251-660-9570 113 DriverTrucking CLASS A DRIVER Needed for window and door company. Must have Class A license, double endorsements, must be able to pass background check and drug screen and be willing to load and unload product. Apply in person at 1250 West I-65 Service Road, Mobile, or call 251-344-2820 RINKER MATERIALS Gypsum Supply. DRIVER/STOCKER Positions available. Min Class B CDL License. Excellent benefits. ★★★★★★★★ Zeroforlife Safety Program. Paid DRIVERS time off, Must be able to lift, carry 100+ lbs. Allied Waste/BFI, a leader in the waste industry currently 40+hrs/week. has openings for Residential EOE, Drug free workplace. Drivers in our Mobile, Apply Alabama office. at 7770 Tara Dr. Semmes 36575. 251-645-8586 OTR 5 year non Hazard Tanker exp with class ‘‘A’’ CDL, Southeastern Region. Home at least 3 nights/wk. 251-649-4391 If You Have a Valid Class A or B CDL, We Would Like To Talk to You. Drivers Allied Waste/BFI Offers a OWNER OPERATORS Competitive Salary & Benefit NEEDED TO PULL OUR Package. If You are FLATBEDS REGIONAL Interested We provide equipment and Apply in Person at 3720 IFTA Varner sticker. Plenty of work for Drive, Mobile, Mondayexperienced owner operaFriday tors between the hours of 8:00 a.m. who have a good MVR and - 5:00 p.m. or at the Alabama want Career Center, 515 Springhill to be home weekends. Plaza Court, Mobile, FUEL Alabama PRICE HELD @ 1.25gal. Allied Waste/BFI Is a Drug Free Environment EOE, M/F/D/V New Line Transport 1-877-447-4450 SERVICE DIRECTORY “Business and Home” TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS SERVICE CALL: 934-1463 • 934-1476 • 934-1441 • 934-1477 WE SERVE ALL OF JACKSON, GEORGE AND GREENE COUNTIES. • ALL OF THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ARE TO BE PAID IN ADVANCE UNLESS A CREDIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED AND APPROVED FOR BILLING. Business Services 815 Backhoe / Dozer Work ALL TYPES OF DEMOLITION, TRACK HOE & DOZER WORK. Jackson & Surrounding Counties 1-877-A-CDOZER, 1-877-223-6937/ 318-229-7722 COTTON’S DOZER WORK Top soil, fill dirt, trackhoe & dozer. 228-588-6381 / 228-990-7490 / 228-990-7722 825 Building Contracting MAR-KEY CONSTRUCTION Residental, commerical, remodeling, MS licensed. Competitive Rates. Free est. (601)508-1222 Main Street Builders, LLC Local Custom Builder State Licensed 25 Years Exp. “We Warranty What We Build” Call DUNCAN NOBLE, JR. (228)341-1009 (228)497-5800 4400 Vancleave Rd., Gautier, MS CMC Water-Wind-Fire-Damage Work w/Insurance Co. Comm/Res 1-800-452-8515 Quality Home Improvements, additions, repairs, tile, painting, decks, elect., plumbing, pressure washing. John 228-474-1321 / Cell 355-0421 M & D Construction Co. General Contractor, demolition, debris removal, equipment rental & crush concrete. Serving Jackson County since 1970. 228-475-1571 FOUNDATION REPAIR REMODELING SPECIALIST 1 Licensed & Insured 228-806-1979 COMMERCIAL DRYWALL, Acoustical Grid Ceilings. Fully insured. J.B. Interiors 214-912-6021 830 Carpet Service Professional Carpet Cleaning w/Free Teflon protector. New truck mounted equipment. Please Call Pro-Clean 228-282-2497 835 Child Care 855 A BERRY SPECIAL PLACE Daycare has openings. For info call 228-475-2143/ 228-475-4844 House Cleaning 880Miscellaneous Services RENT -AMAID CHILD CARE 24 hrs. Christian Home ***Drop-ins Welcomed*** 497-4418 228-497-8109 Home 853 Improvement SHEETROCK, Painting, Roofing, Remodeling. Local contractor. 228-497-1811 Leave mess. 1/2“ Hardwood Plank Liquidation 4ftX6in @ $2.89 sq ft, 1-866-509-8453 REMODELING, Additions, Roofingshingle /metal, Masonry, Local contractor, Licensed, Bonded & nsured. 228-623-4679 In PAINTING, Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Pressure Washing. 228-990-3010 Southcoast Repair Team. Sheetrock, carpet & flooring removal. Sanitizing & drying of home/business. Military/Senior Disc Free est. 228-282-2337 / 826-2912 COVERALL; Roofing, Drywall, Fences, etc, Free Est. Your home improvement professional. Licensed & Insured (251)990-8572/ 850-221-8069 erwhelmed? Feeling Ove We can help. From Demo to Restoration. Call Wally & Jennifier, 228-219-3221/ 228-588-9573 20 yrs exp / Ref Avail. ROACH FENCE DECKS & Remodeling Reasonable rates Quality work 475-0528 or 228-355-0541 SAM WALLS CONSTRUCTION Roofing & Remodeling 228-249-9767 MULTI CRAFT DEMO Sheetrock Removal, Sheetrock Installation, Tree Removal, 228-217-0337 Hands Construction Home Remodeling, Repair & Maintenance No job too small!! Licensed & Bonded 228-475-4930 TOP GUARD Remodeling & Roofing We do it all! 228-522-0900 CARR’S PAINTING, Plumbing, Sheet Rock, Remodeling, Windows, Roofs, Clean-up, Flooring, Carpet & Tille. 217-0337 * Licensed * Bonded * Supplies Furnished Lawn Care / 865 Landscaping AFFORDABLE LAWN CARE & TREE SERVICE Free Est. / Call 324-7404 880Miscellaneous Services PLUMBING, CARPENTRY, A/C, Clean-up & Roofing. Call 228-327-6567 or 228-588-2992 THE W GROUP, INC. General Contractor. All types of commercial & residential. 1-800-770-7710 RIP-OUT, ROOFING & REMODELING 228-872-4628 BANKRUPTCY PETITIONS $300/Up, Noncontested legal petitions. $200/Up. Call 228-623-9820 HOUSE & PRESSURE Washing. S & J Cleaning Sam Wilkerson, 228588–6392/ 228-990-1921 BUY JUNK CARS Free Tow Offs! 228-235-2122 EARTH, WOOD,STONE & ASSOCIATES Property Restoration Specialists •Demolition •Debris Removal •Complete Rebuilding •Mold Removal Insured & Bonded 25 yrs exp. In the Field Now! Free Est. 813-245-0737 Ced’s Environmental Services Hazard Material Removal Home/Industrial Cleaning Pressure Washing w/ high / low pressure blast, Chemical wash/cleanup, 228-235-4157 QUALITY FIRST ROOFING CO. In Business Since 1975 Where Quality Counts Free Estimates Licensed & Fully Insured 228-424-5042 Read the Classifieds THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS 113 DriverTrucking READY MIX TRUCK DRIVERS 113 DriverTrucking CDL Driver for Roll Off Company needed immediately. Call 251-510-5464. Needed. Good benefits package. ATTN: OTR DRIVERS VAN & FLATBED $1000 SIGN ON BONUS SIGN ON FOR THE FIRST SIX DRIVERS BONUS! * up to .33 cpm * great benefits (BCBS/401K) * late Apply in person at: model tractors * bonus $ 2640 South McKenzie St, Foley, AL 36535. for safety & miles * 2yrs or call 800-239-3879. OTR exp reqd Wright Transportation Accepting applications for 1-800-342-4598 CDL TRUCK DRIVER. Will be home at night. LOCAL DRIVERS Needed Apply: IOE, 9225 Seafood - Class A and Class B with House Rd, Bayou La Batre. experience. Pascagoula, 251-824-4193. MS based Company offerAre You Looking for a ing great pay scale and Local Driving Opportunity? group insurance. Apply in Florida Rock & Tank person at: Manning Lines, Inc. is Growing & Trucking, 5209 Industrial Accepting Applications for Road, Pascagoula, MS Petroleum Drivers 228-769-6577 ■ BENEFITS INCLUDE: ● Paid training ● Minimum pay guarantee ● 401K K with Co. match ● Paid time off ● Health, Dental, Vision Ins ● Co. paid life Ins. ● Safety Bonuses ● $1000 Sign on Bonus MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: ● 2 yrs T/T Exp. or 1 year w/ Driving School Cert. ● Good driv ving record ● Class A CDL with Hazmat ● 25 years of age or older DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW! No experience required. Werner has immediate openings for entry-level semi drivers. Our avg. driver earns more than $36K first year. 60% of Werner drivers get home nightly or weekly. 15 day CDL training now offered in your area. For a new career call Today. 1(800) 709-7364. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS 910-340-4305 or 251-666-7742 Call 1-866-FLA-ROCK or apply online att www. Mechanic Night Mechanic m Needed for Mobile area trucking co. to perform minor Class B Drivers. 2 yrs. & major repairs. Must have driving exp. Clean MVR. own tools. Pay based on exp. for local waste co. Major medical, dental, 401k & Benefits. Apply 6225 paid holidays. Call Joe @ 251Rangeline Rd., Theodore 661-1232. KNIGHTS MARINE JOIN OUR TEAM ALL SHIPYARD CRAFTSMEN Upcoming Projects East Cost to West Coast Apply with our 2 min. Quick-App. by calling toll free: 1-877-603-7635 or 228-769-5550 apply online at: Applicants will be entered into a drawing for $500 on December 15, 2005. Medical & Dental Insurance 401K • Safety Incentives 5-B THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 113 DriverTrucking of Junk Cars & Trucks Anytime! 228-826-1709, 217-8171 Hurricane Clean-up, Trees, Debris, Sheetrock Roof patching, etc. Any Type. Fair Pricing 228-217 7-1072/ 228-219-5253 DESIGNER BRICK Work; Pressure Washing & Painting. Charles 228-623-9277/ 228-475-4384 HURRICANE CLEAN-UP Debris & Hauling, Free Est. (239)287-11845 WILL DO Minor Alterations at En-Vogue Beauty Salon Building, 1002 Telephone Rd., Pascagoula. 228-217-4558 HARRIS GUNSMITHING Service. Let us help with all your gun needs & repairs. 9 years exp. Call 475-2877 aft. 6pm General 120 General FLORIST DESIGNER DISPATCHER & DRIVER NEEDED NEEDED Both with Experience. Valid Drivers License & Prior experience with a References Needed. Unless trucking company a must! Experienced, Need Not Apply. 251-666-8038 Full benefit package to the 120 General 120 General Need CDL Drivers & Equipment Operators. Call Mark at 254-644-3739 or Bill at 254-644-3738 PARTS DELIVERY DRIVER needed. Valid Driver’s License & Drug testing req’d. Please inquire in SPRAY PAINTER/WARE- person at HOUSE Worker for Shutter GULF COAST TRUCK & Co. Nice Wage + Bonus, right person: vacation, sick EQUIPMENT CO., INC. AVON - ALL AREAS BC & BS Avail. Apply 5224 pay, 2260 Hall’s Mill Road Buy or sell. Free gift! Ind. holiday pay, BCBS insurance, Halls Mill Rd Mobile, AL 36606 Rep. 401(k), etc. Excellent oppor1-800-572-4469, 645-1839 JANITORIAL OPENING tunity for someone displaced Monday, Wednesday & M & D CONSTRUCTION by Computer Repair Trainees Katrina! Salary DOE. Friday, Taking applications for EOE. Send resume (handwrit- Bonuses up to $5,000! Up to 5am - 7am, Midtown Area. Experienced Heavy ten okay for Katrina evac- $8000 more for college Available Immediately. To Equipment Operators & uees)to: The Mobile Register, credits. HS grads or senapply Field Superintendents. PO Box 2488-392, Mobile, AL iors ages 17-34. Learn to for other positions 9am Must have verifiable expe- 36652 repair state-of-the-art com4pm rience. Pay based on daily. Apply at 813-B JANITORIAL HELP, PT puters at our expense. experience & knowledge. Excellent salary. Full Downtowner Blvd., Mobile. evenings. West Mobile. Drug Free Workplace. Medical and Dental coverExp Truss Plant needs age. 30 days vacation Pre-Screen required. only. Call 251-680-7288 earned each year. 1-888-255- Assembly Person and Fax resume & work Sawyer. Excellent fringe Excellent Job Opportunity 6289, T-F, 8-4. history to 475-6381 or benefits. Drug screen AM & PM, FT, PT. Mail to P. O. Box 5047, required. S.S. Steele, 4951 Excellent pay. Caltoday, Moss Point, MS 39563 ■ GUARDSMARK now hiring Government Blvd. 251-661Start tomorrow! 251-661Security Officers. Starting 9600 5098 BP pay Conv. Store and Pizza Inn OWNER/OPERATOR $8.15/hr. 251-476-3777. TIRE & OIL CHANGE needs Cashiers, Pizza Pros. w/Van or Box Truck (16’SPECIALIST NEEDED West Side. 251-661-0363 DODGE’S 24’) and Daycab Owner. NOW 251-621-9231, Mon-Fri, 9AMLots of Overtime STORE 5PM. Must be willing to work Mobile, AL - Now Hiring Apply 9000 Moffett Rd., CASHIER w/Qwik Cash Semmes Responsibilities Immediate Opening Pharmacy Tech Apply in person only.Palace Sav-Rex, 641 Delmas Ave., Pascagoula. Exp. only need apply. Excellent salary, benefits & working conditions. Immediate Opening, Full Tiime, Experienced Tire Changer. Apply in Person at 3 Hwy 43 S. Saraland. MOBILE SHRIMP PLANT is looking for several persons to pick & pack shrimp; Also Forklift Operator, Pallet Jack Operator, Dock Personnel & General Labor. Plenty of hours available. Starts at $5.15/hr. & up D.O.E. Apply 9am-11am M-F, 2201-A Perimeter Rd., Brookley Field, Mobile. $8.50 (per hour) Please apply at Dodge’s Store, 420 S. Schillinger Road Mobile, AL 36695. See Iris E.O.E. HIRING ALL Positions. Apply in person Scranton’s Restaurant 623 Delmas Ave., Pasc.■ Dispatcher for local waste. co. Must know Mobile & Baldwin co. areas. Good pay. Apply within 6225 Rangeline Rd., Theodore HOUSEKEEPER/NANNY. All aspects of housekeeping. 2-3 days a wk - some nights & wkends. Prefer someone with 10+ yrs exp. Needed Laborers. Must Spanish Fort area. 251-621- be able to work flexible hours. OT avail. Drug 4990, 747-0731 screen required. Starting ★★★★★★★★★★★★ pay $7.00 Per Hr. Apply at API Galvanizing, 4212 DAILY PAY Dutch Bayou Rd., Moss All local work Point, MS. ■ Carpenters $10-$14/hr 120 Now Hiring Local Route Driver, CDL Preferred. Health Insurance & Benefits Avail. Health card required. We are a Drug Free Co. 251-679-0933 IMPROVED PAY RADCLIFF/ECONOMY MARINE SERVICES Seeking Class A CDL Drivers w/Tanker and Hazmat endorsements for the Mobile area. Day, night & Part time positions avail. We offer: BC/BS Med/Dental, 401K Plan, Paid vacation/holidays. Call Kevin 251-433-0066 HTI 10 CDL A Drivers with 1 year exp wanted. New pay pkg, mileage and drop pay, ur new equipment. Choose you own time off. Mobile based, Call Martin Baker 251-653-0370 or 800-966-7092 CLASS A CDL DRIVERS Local Work Only BC/BS Ins. & Other Benefits Reply To: 800-654-4811 Truck Driver w/CDL License Class B. Run truck and pump septic tank. Call 251-649-6888 Engineers Weeks Marine, Inc. Is looking for experienced HYDRAULIC DREDGE ENGINEERS for our gulf coast operations competitive salary flexible schedule comprehensive benefits package. Fax Resume to: 985-875-2575 EEO - M/F/V/D General 120 BIG 10 TIRES Tire Changers. Immediate openings. Experience preferred. Will train right individual. Apply in person to any Big 10 Tires location. DrugFree location. APARTMENT MAINTENANCE We are looking for wellrounded MAINTENANCE PERSON with some light carpentry skills. More $$$$ for you if you have HVAC certification. LL TODAY CAL for interview Autumn Woods Apts. 251-343-5291 CABLE TV & Underground Bury Crews needed for the Mobile, Waveland & Bay St. Louis areas. Paid Holidays & Vacations, Medical Benefits available. $500 Sign-On Bonus. (251)653-8900 EOE HELP WANTED: REMODELING CREW Needed For Small Apt Complex. Sheetrock Experience Helpful! Apply B/t 8:30-4:30. 251-457-6697 Laundromat Attendant s Full-Time, Male/Female. Nights and weekends available only. Call 251-456-2400 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY AVON - $$500 Bonus! Earn extra $$ for Xmas! $10 fee. ISR 251-610-9846 100 EXTRA GENERAL LABORERS $7-$8-$9/Hr. ****** PRODUCTION WORKERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY General AARON’S SALES & LEASATTN: NOW HIRING ING Carpet Cleaner & Water Restoration. have Delivery/Wareho valid driver’sMust liscense & use good MVR. Must pass Drug test. Will Train. Mobile area. Exc. pay + benefits. Apply in person: 940 Benefits avail. Call for Schillinger Rd 251-607-7023 Directions. Service Master 251-653-9333. Immediate Opening Durable Medical Equipment Manager Flex Hrs. 7-9 & 2-9 Shift No phone calls. Apply at JAGUAR CLEANERS 6405 Cottage Hill Rd. b/t 8-2 Apply in person only.Palace Sav-Rex, 641 Delmas Ave., Pascagoula. Exp. only need apply. Excellent salary, benefits & working conditions. COLLECTOR LUBE TECH Must have experience collecting delinquent accounts over the telephone and be able to work 2PM-9PM. Call 251-662-1064 Good Benefits package COUNTER HELP Women Encouraged to Apply Needed. Please Apply in person at: 2640 South McKenzie St, Warehouse work available Foley, AL 36535. for experienced worker A Must be at least 18. or call 800-239-3879. w/good work ethic. Prefer Daily work. Daily pay. Electricians $10-$14/hr industrial warehouse exp. Painter/Sheetrock Hanger Carpenter Helpers $7-$9/hr FRONT DESK Needed - Apply at French 5808-C Hwy 90 W, Theodore Must be drug free, have Laborers $6-$8/hr Quarter Apartments, 557 251-653-1542 clean driving record and RECEPTIONIST (50 Needed) 2 N Hwy 43, Saraland valid driver’s license, basic Azalea Rd. Mobile, AL Report 5:30 AM Must be professional as 251-675-8306 Math and English compe- Tommy Couch, Mon-Fri, 2501 Government Blvd duties require greeting public A 225 St Francis St, Mobille tency and physical stamina 8am-10am. On Demand Staffing Inc. & answer multi-line phones. COAST-TO-COAST 251-438-5808 SNELLING PERSONNEL (able to life 75 lbs). Room Requires some nights/some LAUNDROMAT ATTENRemodeling, painting, SERVICE INSIDE BEARING SALES Saturdays. Several positions for advancement. Respond DANT roofing, sheetrock, tree ******************** Entry Level Position. Exp available. to: Personnel, PO Box Part-Time, Must be honest work, etc, etc, No job ● SET-UP and CLEAN-UP a plus Apply at & dependable. Apply at A-1 A growing furniture company 9344, Mobile, AL 36691. too large or too small. CREW TRAINEE Valid DL reqd. Rick 433CHRIS MEYERS AUTO immediate openings for Laundromat, 6920 Airport Please call. 936-827-4427/ 125 needed in West Mobile DELIVERY DRIVERS & MALL 8418 Blvd. 228-497-9864 area. Work day or night HELPERS. Apply in Daphne, AL Tuesday-Friday Delivery Drivers JUBILEE CHILD or call 251-626-2641 shift. Call today-Start Person General Laborer & Warehouse DEVELOPMENT CENtoday. at The Sleep Center, Painting / A TER ● Supervisor Trainee 1300 W I-65 Service Rd Associates South Career position. TTH. Opening for leading innovaDrivers must be 25 w/good Wallpapering Work 40+ hours per week. Now hiring Full & Part time tors in manufacturing of driving record. No CDL teachers. Call 251-776-7022. microcellular vinyl decking Material licensee required. Good pay $8.00 $9.00 p/hr. + bonusMINOR DRYWALL products & rigid vinyl extruand benefits pkg including es. EXPERIENCED PRESSRepair, Most Textures Handlers sion in Foley, AL. Must be BC/BS Med and Dental, 401K, ker ● Laundry Work ER Matched, 30 yrs local willing to work 12 hr shifts, Monthly Bonus, Vacation and A Career position. TTH. Full time, One Hour exp. 228-497-1903 SNELLING PERSONNEL Christmas Club. Non-smoking Ace Hardware is looking for days & nights & be a team Work 40+ hours per week Cleaners. qualified Material Handlers player. Responsibility & environment. Pre-employSERVICE ● Dietary Aid 251-456-3650 at its Loxley, AL Retail accountability are a must. ment Drug Test and Roof / ******************** Career position. TTH. Support Center. Qualifications General job duties include Background Check required. Gutter DRY CLEANER/ ● Trackhoe Operator Work 40+ hours per week include a positive attitude basic quality control such as Apply at Service Direct Hire. Fee paid by ● Warehouse Labor and a good working record reading tape measures & J&J FURNITURE SPOTTER (warehouse experience precompany. $$DOE$$ calipers, packaging, fork lift WAREHOUSE Career position. TTH. Good salary. Exp. necessary. ● General Labor ROOFING & LEAK ferred). operation & general house3314 Werkland Rd Work+ hours per week Port City Cleaners 251-456Repairs. Shingle, keeping. Salary begins at $9 or 478-1986 Direct Hire. Fee paid by ● Clean Up Crews 2400 We offer competitive wages $10 depending upon exp, with Metal & Built-up. OR company. $8.00 p/hr while ● Housekeepers and a full range of benefits. If rapid advancement depending J&J FURNITURE 228-249-6038 training Career position. TTH. PAYCHECKS in you are interested in joining a upon performance. Drug 27220 Hwy 98 ● General Labor Work 40+ hours per week world-class organization, ROOF REPAIRS Screening upon hiring & beneDaphne, AL AVAILABLE Direct Hire. Fee paid by ********************* apply directly to: fits after 90 days. Apply in 626-1116 Remodeling. Residential/ Your voice needed. Pleasant company. Work Eastern Call Carrie or Lucy person, 11746 Foley Beach CLOSED WED & SUN Commercial Kirk Harbin Atmosphere, Guaranteed Shore area. $800 p/hr while 29891 Hwy 59 Express, Foley, AL 36535. Feel 251-473-1001 Construction 497-5355 Salary, Group Medical in training. Loxley, AL 36551 free to call for further info. PET SHOP MANAGER Insurance. 251-662-1063 (251) 964.8500 (251) 943-2916. Ask for Chuck. ● Lowboy Driver Experienced Req’d. Better Tree ■ SECURITY OFFICERS Direct Hire. Fee paid by The Gulf States Marine benefits & bonuses. 251-679, armed & unarmed F/T Service company $$DOE$$ Fisheries Commission 4560 & P/T positions in the ● Line Supervisor in Ocean Springs, MS is Jackson, MOBILE GREYHOUND seeking a Staff Direct Hire. Fee paid by BEST JOB! Harrison & Hancock Co. PARK company. Excellent workAccountant. For more now hiring Lead-Outs BEST PRICE! ing environment. $25,000 to areas. Apply at 3102 information call 228-875Old Mobile Hwy, Apply within $30,000 depending on expeOver 30 Years 5912 ■ Pascagoula. 228-769-2224 rience. Experience! Landscaping Company ********************* SALES PERSONS NEEDWe specialize in: has positions available. EXP. PET GROOMER Call Carrie-Lucy or Kim ED • Storm damaged trees Scope of work includes irrineeded for established 251-473-1001 For Roofing & Siding. • Providing FEMA gation, fencing, deck, gradclientele. Apply at: Pet Great info, who may pay ing, lighting, planting and LOCAL LUMBER Harbor Veterinary Profit Potential. Bonuses placing of plants. Valid for your trees. MANUFACTURER seeks Hospital, 3110 Old Mobile Avail. drivers license required. • Senior citizens LABORERS and Hwy, Pascagoula 762-1987 Competitive salary. 251-990- We offer 25% Commission. discounts EXPERIENCED FORK- ■ Reliable Corporation. 5912 Licensed and Insured LIFT Contact Bill at 251-653-3600 DRIVERS for both Day & Entry Level Position to 228-229-9482 Maintenance Dept Learn Fence Trade, night shiifts. Immediate Delivery and set up of Manager - Pascagoula. Outside openings available. A TO Z TREE Hurricane home medical equipment. Eligible candidates must Physical Work, Must Have Call 251-432-0003 Relief. Tree removal, have 8 years or more man- Apply: 1251 Bolton’s Valid Drivers License. stump grinding, clean-up aging a large maintenance Branch Dr 36606 off Halls Full time Janitors Needed. all 251-661-4133 Ca & dirt work. Licensed & shop of 10 or more techni- Mill Rd Please apply 4-6pm, MonInsured. Senior Citizen cians. Detail knowledge of Laundromat Attendant Thurs Discount. 228-238-7587 cold storage freezer, equip$5.15 Gulf Services, RELIEF WORK 711 at ment and forklift maintean hour, Apply in person St. Louis St. 251-438nance (Electric, Diesel and 504 S. Broad St. 1638 $400.00 WK Propane) is essential. Airport Salvage Due to recent Hurricane Experienced diesel, gasoSuperior people skills and Katrina is hiring for Tire Changer line, farm equipment Engineers organizational skills are We are backed up 251-633-8921 Mechanic. Must have own required. Excellent salary on our orders tools. Fax resume to: 251and benefit pkg. Qualified ★★★★★★★ 20 pos. avail. In distribution 2 6-2744 62 Stationary Engineers need- candidates should send Call for appt EXPERIENCED DRAPAll Applications Confidential ed, excellent pay, in New resume to Human ERY WAREHOUSE/DRIVER 251-635-1881 Orleans area. Please con- Resource Dept, P.O. Box E.O.E. for local industrial supply. SEAMSTRESS. 251-433-1420 ct Lisa Diggs 504-239tac 1365, Pascagoula, MS 39581 DODGE’S STORE Insurance/401k available. 0932. GAUTIER Reply to: PO Box 16727, NOW HIRING Mobile, AL 36616 Civil Engineer, Road, Now Hiring CASHIER Drainage and Utility ALL POSITIONS Help wanted 9-5, Mon-Fri. $7.50 per hour Design Experience & Holding interviews Monday Male or female. Must have Please apply at Dodge’s Alabama PE License - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 valid DL and love cars. Store 824 Hwy 90 Westt Required. Fax resume to p.m. No phone calls. Apply Starting pay $5.50/hr. Gautier, MS 39553 251-633-2434. in person Apply at 5781 3 Notch Rd. EOE AMERICA‘S THRIFT ★★★★★★ STORES Financial Help Wanted, Apply in Asst. Manager Trainee for 312 So. Schillinger Rdperson, Gulf Coast Auto Service Industry. Mobile Furniture Some Management and/or MORTGAGE LOAN ORIG- We would like to hear Distributors, Retail Experience INATOR Wanted. from General Laborers & 701 Schillinger Rd. N. Required, Some Training is Immediate opening. Skilled Laborers. Jobs Provided. Must Have CABLE TV INSTALLERS Experience a plus. Call start at $7.50 and go up. Excellent Work Ethic & NEEDED Immediately! 251-344-4022 Apply in person at 3906 Enjoy Working w/ the Get paid to train & learn. Main Street, Suite B, Public. Please Fax Paid holidays & vacation. General Moss Point. Resume to 251-471-6612 Must have truck or van. ★★★★★★ Please call 251-621-0505 for Looking for to 25476 Local church seeking Subcontractors directions JOIN THE ELITE! Friendship Rd, Suite E, financial secretary. Must Port City Security now hirDaphne be competent in Framing, Concrete, Masonry, ing professional SECURIQuickBooks & tax laws. etc....Workmans comp & gen- PART TIME DELIVERY TY OFFICERS. Many posieral liability insurance req’d. DRIVER 1-Hour Cleaners tions avail. Must have Knowledge of other softCall Mitchelll Homes, Mobile, ware programs helpful. 251-456-3650 police style equip. Previous AL 251-344-2600 Send resume to: The applicants need not apply. WAREHOUSE/HANDY- 251-649-3611 for appt. Mobile Register PO Box EXP. MAINTENANCE MAN #2488-384, Mobile, AL 36630 Person needed. Full-time position. ■ NOW HIRING COOKS, PREP-COOKS, & Experience in all phases Drug test required. SECURITY OFFICERS of maintenance, HVAC Entry level off-shore Phone: 251-459-7444 Law Enforcement & certified. Apartment + hands needed. EOE Fax Resume’: 251-459-7445 Armed Forces Salary. 228-497-4221 ■ Gulfport Marine Experience Preferred. Local Automotive Dealer Employment. 228-864-9797 Apply in person at hiring for all positions 3003 Pascagoula St, SALES, SERVICE, PARTS Help Wanted Pascagoula M-F 9-5 & TECHNICIAN. 251-473Shower Shop EOE 3203 FOUR SEASONS LAWN CARE Debris & Tree Removal. Complete Lawn Care Service. 228-355-0373 wned & Locally ow operated W ****** 883 W 893 ****** 897 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ESTABROOK FORD NISSAN has immediate openings for the following positions: • Parts • Stock/Delivery Person • Service • Technicians • Warranty Clerk/Cashier Call Walter Hammock for Interviews: (228) 762-2641 115 A&M Portables Inc. 115 FREE TOWOFF 120 118 120 WANT ADS 3510 Cottage Hill Rd Call 251-666-6615 Apply in Person Top Pay for Experienced Glaziers & Helpers Driver needed Class B, CDL required. References. Apply in person at 308 Delmas Ave., Pascagoula. 228-762-2241 ■ Read the Classifieds THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY We are now accepting applications for PT/FT Sales Associates and Warehousers. Competitive salaries. Sales Associates will assist customers, stock and price products, maintain store displays and tint and mix paint. Warehouser must have a valid AL Driver’s License, clean driving record, 18 yrs old, heavy lifting. Apply: • 8801 State Hwy., Foley, AL • 24010-A Canal Rd, Orange Beach, AL Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V The Mississippi Press is seeking applicants for the following position: NEWS REPORTER The Mississippi Press is seeking an aggressive, no-nonsense, stickler for truth, fairness and accuracy to cover Ocean Springs and the surrounding areas. The ideal candidate must be a relentless self-starter, who knows how to cultivate good sources, get the story first and get it right in a highly competitive news market. We need a reporter who understands that covering a beat is more than attending meetings, but involves digging into issues and seeing trends. The position offers excellent opportunities for growth and advancement at a newspaper committed to excellence that is raising the bar in news coverage in South Mississippi. The Mississippi Press offers an excellent pay and benefits package. Interested candidates should send a resume, plus five to ten writing samples. Send material to: Steve Cox, Editor The Mississippi Press P.O. Box 849 Pascagoula, Miss. 39568 COPY EDITOR The Mississippi Press copy desk is in need of an aggressive, no-nonsense stickler for truth, fairness and accuracy. A strong pagination background is preferred, as well as a solid working knowledge of grammar, punctuation and Associated Press style. The ideal candidate is a relentless self-starter, who shares a strong commitment to raising the bar in news coverage in a competitive media market, and who has a real passion for the newspaper business. The Mississippi Press offers an excellent pay and benefits package. Send a resume and five to ten samples of your work to: Steve Cox, Editor The Mississippi Press P.O. Box 849 THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS The Mississippi Press is an equal opportunity employer, (M/F). JIM ROBINSON AUTOMOTIVE GROUP HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR SALES, SERVICE AND BODY SHOP PERSONNEL EXCELLENT PAY PLAN, 401K AND INSURANCE AVAILABLE CALL NOW OR COME BY JIM ROBINSON AUTOMOTIVE GROUP JIM ROBINSON JIM ROBINSON Pontiac-Buick-GMC Trucks 1010 Hwy 90 at Telephone Road Pascagoula, MS Chevrolet-Cadillac 14th Street (North of Hwy. 90) Pascagoula, MS 228.762.2233 228.762.2711 6-B THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS 120 General Customer Service Rep For building material company, full-time. Retail sales experience preferred. Responsible for selling, stocking, loading and unloading merchandise, and driving a forklift. Heavy lifting required. Drug free work environment. Great benefits include Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Apply in person at Surplus Warehouse, 952 East I-65 Service Road North, Mobile. 123 Hair StylistPersonal Service HAIR STYLIST needed in busy Salon. Part-time 251-666-4466 1 of Mobile’s Busiest Salons has an opening for a talented STYLIST with a great attitude. Top earnings, flexible hrs & GREAT benefits. Francine 251-591-3854 125 RestauratHotel-Lounges COOKS, SERVERS & DISHWASHERS NEEDED! Apply in Person at HELP WANTED 19270 Scenic Hwy 98, 1.5 ALABAMA PIPE & SUPPLY Miles N. of Grand Hotel in Precast Concrete Plant Point Clear. 251-929-3912 accepting applications for 125 RestauratHotel-Lounges EXP. WAIT STAFF, COOKS & DISHWASHER Apply in person: Whistle Stop, 110 S. Florida Street. GODFATHER’S PIZZA ASSISTANT MANAGER $20K-$24K, Benefit Pkg, Opportunity for promotion. o: Send resume to 5015 Moffett Rd, Mobile, AL 36618 DISHWASHER & CASHIER needed in Saraland. Call 251-679-4500 Now Accepting Applications for F/T, P/T & Night Shift LABORERS. Concrete experiTHE PILLARS Dayshift ence a plus but not required. Positions Apply in perRestaurant seeking mature son: Sonic Drive Inn, Apply in person at 5721 Hwy HOST with neat appearance; Market St. Pasc. No 90 W., Theodore SERVERS & LINE CHEF. Full-time food service Apply within Mon-Fri 2pm- Phone Calls. ■ Manager 4pm at 1757 Government St., AMERICAN for a non-profit organizaMobile. tion. CAFE DANCERS Needed Food service certificate Now Hiring: SERVERS & BAR DOOR and Smiling, Full-Time & PartGIRL previous experience Time DIVA’S 666-7020 required. COOKS & SERVERS due to Mail resume to P.O. Box WHATABURGER increase in sales. We need 5009, people fast. 3662-A Airport NOW HIRING Vancleave, MS 39565 or fax CHICKASAW LOCATION Blvd 251-343-2524 to THE BAKERY MARKET (228) 826-2329. RESTAURANT MANNow Hiring for Retail/ AGERS - HARDEES, the Wine Shop. F/T or P/T. ★★★★★★ leader in breakfast and Apply b/t 2-4pm MonAngus beef sales, currently Fri&cquad;@ 1104 Dauphin GORDON OAKS HEALTHlooking for outstanding St. CARE customer service profesSERVERS & EXPERIsionals with an extreme Has Immediate Opening For ENCED smile. Please Fax resume A FRY COOK NEEDED Joey Richey 251-621-9555 MAINTENANCE Daphne Area. 251-626-3124 to and Delmonica Washington 251-662-0285 or cell 251-366HELPER Hart’s Fried Chicken Must be experienced. hiring Cooks and Cashiers 7784 or email: [email protected] at all locations. Excellent pay and benefits Apply b/w 2-4pm Mon-Thur. BUMPERS BILLIARDS Apply in person Mon. - Fri. 8 Now Accepting a.m. - 4 p.m. at 3151 ARE YOU ANXIOUS FOR Applications Knollwood Dr, Mobile, AL A GREAT OPPORTUNITY for Doorman & Waitress. 36693. E.O.E. AND EXPERIENCE? All Apply in Person b/t 3-5pm. HIRING EXP. Sheetrock, Mississippi restaurants are 836 W. I-65 Service Rd S. hiring for Crew & Shift Roofers & Laborers. HAMPTON INN managers at premium pay. 228-497-1811 Lv mess. ■ Tillman’s Corner Apply at Fairhope, Loxley, Now Hiring For Breakfast US Tool Grinding, Inc. Foley & Gulf Shores Positions. Must be able to is opening an industrial restaurants OR FAX 251work weekends. Please tool and abrasives distribu- 621-9555. apply in person after 10 tion facility in Mobile, HAMPTON INN a.m. at 5478 Inn Road, Alabama and has immediDaphne, AL now hiring for Mobile, AL 36619 ate openings for a Site Night Audit and Porter Manager, Inside Sales, SUBWAY hiring for MANpositions. Please apply in Buyer, Warehouse and AGEMENT Position, offers person after 10 a.m. at Delivery personnel. See bonus incentives. Also hir29451 US Highway 98, for more ing for FULL-TIME, Daphne, AL 36562 information or contact PART-TIME AND Human Resources @ 573Our hearts go out to all the EVENING POSITIONS. 431-3856, Fax 573-431-3822 victims of Hurricane 251-342-5358, 228-327-3147 or email: Katrina. In the wake of EXP’D GRILL COOK [email protected] this tragedy, McDonald’s would like to help. We are needed for breakfast & lunch. now accepting interviews Hair StylistApply in person between for Crew, Maintenance & Personal 7am-10am Mon-Fri, SPOT Exp’d Managers for FT, A, 310 Dauphin St. OF TEA Service PT or Temp. positions. If No phone calls. we can help you, please Vogue Beauty & Style has give us a call. 251-478-0701 opportunities for (1) STYLIST, Radisson Zea Rotisserie and Grill is (2) BARBERS & (1) NAIL hiring exp’d Line Cooks, Admiral Semmes TECH. Please call Mrs. Servers & Hosts. Must be NOW HIRING: Wanda 251-340-0999, 251-458- neat in appearance & qualPayroll/Human Resources 2299 ity minded. Apply MonClerk. Qualifications are for a Thurs 2-4 @ 4671 Airport University Graduate HR AVEDA Blvd. No phone calls. Major with Hotel experience 123 Virtual Aveda Concept Salon in Daphne seeks Hair Stylist, Shampoo Help, Esthetician & Receptionist. 251-626-8812 HAIR STYLISTS needed. En-Vogue Beauty Salon, 1002 Telephone Rd. 228-769-8000 ■ OLIVE GARDEN-Spanish Fort Now hiring SERVERS, LINE COOKS & HOSTESS. Paid Weekly. Please Apply in Person: Mon-Thurs b/t 24pm required. Full time, entry level. Excellent growth opportunity and benefits. Apply in person, fax 251-405-5941, email [email protected] or mail to 251 Government St., Mobile, AL 36602. Drug screen required. 125 RestauratHotel-Lounges 128 Management 130 ■ SERVERS & COOK needed at Shanghai Resturant, 228-497-9139 MedicalDental SELF STORAGE FACILI- Position available for LPN TY MANAGER & ASST at Substance Abuse MANAGER WANTED. Treatment Center. Fax RESUMES TO: The Mobile resume to 2551-865-0247. NOW HIRING Register PO Box #2488-386, Medical Assistant needed Mobile, AL 36630 in busy practice. Duties All Positions taking vitals, stockApply in person between Store Manager include ing rooms, returning 2 and 4 p.m. at all locations. patient phone calls. Ability Managers and Assistant Golden Corral now hiring to work flexible hours Managers needed for busy for all positions, Apply in required. Fax resume to Person 5327 Hall’s Mill Rd. retail tire and automotive 473-5311. service center. Automotive b/w 2-4, Mon-Thur. knowledge/retail experience a Administrative Coordinator Tillman’s Corner plus, but will train the right Our Dental Practice is individual. Excellent opportu- seeking an outstanding GUIDO’S/BINNY’S in Oakleigh is hiring exp’d nity for advancement. Blue individual to provide Kitchen help. Apply within, Cross/Blue Shield, vacation, extraordinary service for 401K and more. EOE. Drug 351 George Street. NO Free Workplace. Send resume our patients in the CALLS. Administrative Area. to Human Resources, Big 10 Dental experience is Tires, P.O. Box 9603, 366910603 or fax to 666-9431 mandatory. Learn more about this unique opportuNow hiring all locations - Hart’s Fried Chicken Now nity by calling 344-1242 Saraland, Foley & Mobile. hiring Managers and answered 24 hours for the COOKS & CASHIERS with Assistant Managers, smiling faces wanted full time Paid BC/BS ins & vacation. specifics and how to respond. & part time positions. Apply b/w 8:30 & 3pm MonCompetive pay. E.O.E. Phone Operator/Checkout Fri Now Hiring Bus Person at Hart’s office at 830 DIP. person needed in physician practice. Ability to handle Dishwashers Apply in SOUTH ALABAMA PROP- multi-line phone sys & Person ERTY comp skills a must. Fax Drug Testing Mandatory. Dick Russell’s Bar-B-Que SERVICES is looking for a resume to 473-5311. LEADMAN OR FOREMAN 5360 Hwy 90 W., Mobile Exp. Dental Assistant to oversee crews. Must wanted for busy estabNew Captain D’s Location have lished office. Please send at 2520 Government Blvd. exp in lawncare work, able resume to: The is to Mississippi Press, P.O. Now Hiring for All drive truck & trailer & Positions. Box 849 Attn: Box 770-A, have ain D’s Apply at Any Capta valid drivers lic. 251-379- Pascagoula, MS 39568 Location in Mobile, AL. 0362 ■ CASA DE LOLA GODFATHER’S PIZZA Now accepting ALL MOBILE AREAS Medicalapplications for CNAs. ★ DELIVERY DRIVERS Dental Apply within at 4213 $6/Hour 8% Commission Walters St., Moss Point. ★ DAYTIME KITCHEN & Wanted Part-Time 228-475-9606 COUNTER: $5.50-$6/Hour. Hygienist/ Full-Time ★ EVENING KITCHEN & Assistant. Must be enerOXFORD HEALTHCARE getic & friendly. Exp. pre- SEEKING COUNTER: $5.35. ferred. Send resumes to APPLY IN PERSON: RN’s and LPN’s Airport, Moffett, Dauphin, P.O. Box 249, Montrose, AL to work in state facility. 36559 Saraland & Tillman’s Call 251-661-9414 Corner ■ MEDICAL ASSISTANT CNA/Caregiver, N/S, priTGI FRIDAYS vate home, W Mobile. Must w/ X-Ray Experience be avail. nights/weekends Needed at Escatawpa Now Hiring All Positions 251-607-9270 Family Clinic. Apply in Apply in person Person or send resume to: 6945 Airport Blvd, Mobile ● P/T LPTA & P. O Box 1358, Escatawpa, ● P/T PHYSICAL THERAMS 39552 ■ Management PIST needed for growning home ■ CERTIFIED health company in Foley NURSING Manager needed, immedi- area. Contact Sonya at 251ASSISTANTS ate opening, 30 hours a 943-3222 or fax resume to: week with full benefits. New Wage Scale 251-943-7252 Send resume with salary DENTAL ASSISTANT requirements to SM, 4215 Singing River Nursing & wanted for progressive sur- Rehab. Moss Point, MS Moffett Rd., Mobile, AL gical & restorative prac36618. No Phone Call 228-762-7451; tice. Some experience Accepted. Ocean Springs Nursing req’d. Salary, bonus, retiret er, Ocean Springs, Cent APT MANAGER ment plan, vacation, AL MS 228-875-9363; With experience and Dental Hygiene program The Boyington, knowledge of rural develavail. Send resume to Gulfport, Ms 228-864opment guidelines needed. Resume, P. O. Box 1295, 6544; Salary + 2 BR Apt. Call Gulf Shores, AL 36547 Dixie White House 251-653-5642. EOE Passs Christian, MS Experienced Dental SALESPERSON 228-452-4344. Assistant needed. Great Apply in person, Red Tag hours & pd. holidays. Mon., Furniture, 5363 Hwy 90 W, Wed. & Thurs. 7:45-3:15, Now Hiring Mobile. Tues. 6:45-2:15. Must have, Limited positions availUS Tool Grinding, Inc. excellent people skills and able at the listed facilitiis opening an industrial be willing to work as a tiies. Please call or come tool and abrasives distribu- team member. Resumes by the facility of your tion facility in Mobile, to: The Mobile Register choice. Alabama and has immedi- PO Box #2488-406, Mobile, • Free Health ate openings for a Site AL 36630 Insurnace Manager, Inside Sales, • Great Pay ■ Registered Nurses Buyer, Warehouse and Immediate positions avail- • 401k w/ Co. Match Delivery personnel. See • Dental able at Biloxi, MS for more • Paid Vacation kind Experience. Good information or contact • Sick Vacation compensation and more. Human Resources @ 573• Cafeteria Plan Fax resume to 431-3856, Fax 573-431-3822 305-573-4447 or email to or email: Read the Classifieds [email protected] [email protected] KFC 130 128 MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 130 MedicalDental 135 OffshoreMarine 141 Professional -Technical Kelley’s Ambulance ALL AMERICAN Service Now Hiring FULL MARINE OR PART TIME PARAMEDIC Royal Area in ***Boat Jobs*** 51- 368Escambia Co. AL 25 NOW HIRING! TOP PAY! 5915 Ask to Speak w/ Glenn GREAT BENEFITS! or Joey. Immediate openings for AB’s, ★★★★★★ GORDON OAKS HEALTHCARE Has immediate openings for Local Law Office needs experienced Paralegal/ Legal Assistant. Word perfect experience preferred. Good benefits. Salary based on experience. Send resume to: OS’s, Captains, Eng, Unl Eng Mississippi Press, P.O. w/emd exp., Q-Med’s, Box 849, Attn: Box 766-A, Tankermen. Exp. Offshore & Pascagoula, MS 39568 ■ Inland Deckhands. Entry level deckhands needed up to ATTORNEYS, PARALE$95 per day. www.americanGALS, SPANISH LATORS or call 251-443-7771 Required immediately. MARINE PERSONNEL Exp’d Inland Licensed Captains & Deck Hands. Pay Starting $300-$325 per FULL & PART TIME day. Paid Ins. & 401k Plan. 11-7 Call 504-737-6993 9am-3pm New Pay Scale with benefits M-F RN SUPERVISORS Apply in person Mon. - Fri. 8 LOOKING FOR a.m. - 4 p.m. at 3151 100 TON CAPTAINS for Knollwood Dr, Mobile, AL 36693. E.O.E. Offshore Utility Boats. Benefits, Safety Bonuses, Insurance Analyst needed Paid Holidays, Etc. For in high-volume physician information 985-475-7995 practice. Computer skills a must. Billing experience in Professional medical setting req’d. Fax resume to 473-5311. -Technical 141 DENTAL ASSISTANT You are invited to this very special opportunity. Do you feel overworked and unappreciated? Bored and Unfulfilled? If you are an experienced dental assistant dedicated to taking your skills to the highest level possible....if you desire to join an exceptional group of individuals, who truly value quality care and each other....if you seek a secure career/not just a job, Call 228-762-9250. CROWNE HEALTHCARE is currently seeking a Full Time RN Supervisor for our 2p - 10p Shift. Must have at least 2 years long term care experience. Excellent pay and benefits. Apply in person: 954 Navco Rd ask for Will or Bonita. Contact Mgr, E. Shore, organized individual, customer DB mgmt, proposals, mailings, e-mails, phones, strong WP, DB computer skills required, follow-up, some inside sales. Graphics/newsletters and/or Spanish 2nd language experience ++. FT + benefits. Resume to: P O Box 99, Stapleton, AL 36578 Mobile, AL; 5 years min or Paralegals & exp. fo Translators. Dynamic, interesting work. Full benefits, relocation & housing assistance avail. EEO. Fax resume to: 251-343-5554 Science Teacher for Christian School Only degreed teachers need apply. Call 251-623-9989 ■ SATELLITE TV Installers & Office Sales. MS & AL. $7-$30/hr. The Wireless Center 609 Hwy 90, Gautier, MS Sun-Sat., 8-Noon 228-497-7027 / 251-634-9022 141 Professional -Technical TECHNICIAN Experienced with mechanical, electrical wiring, computer and minimal carpentry skills. Professional appearance and skilled in dealing with the public. Overnight travel required. Mobile based company. Fax resume to: 251-660-1788 ESTIMATOR Heavy civil & site work and underground utilities. Please send resume to: 7856 Westside Park Dr. Suite H. Mobile, AL 36695 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN Must have 2 yr. electronic degree and or military training. Will train to our systems. We drug screen. Top Music Co., 3656 Gov’t Blvd., M-F 10am-4pm G.A. WEST & CO OSHA Training Administrator + other training. Must be Bilingual. Salary DOE. Email resume: [email protected] or mail: PO Box 441, Saraland, AL 36571 attn Sonny Beasley G.A. WEST & CO Local Law Office needs Electrical experienced Receptionist Good benefits. Salary Superintendent / based on experience. Send Area Manager resume to: Mississippi Press, P.O. Box 849, Attn: Estimating experience a plus. Salaried position, salary Box 775-A, Pascagoula, DOE. MS 39568 ■ Outside Customer Service Rep for South AL & South MS. Base + Comm. Fax Resume to 251-344-1268 Comes w/truck, 401K, BC/BS. Email resume to [email protected] or mail to PO Box 441, Saraland, AL 36571 attn Sonny Beasley CLASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU! ■ YOU’RE INVITED TO THIS VERY SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY. Do you feel overworked and under appreciated? Bored and Unfulfilled? If you are an Exp. Dental Assistant, dedicated to taking your skills to the highest level possible... If you desire to join an exceptional group of individuals who truly value quality care and each other... if you seek a secure career-not just a job. Call 228-762-9250 Dental Receptionist Immediate opening for responsible, exp, team player. Computer & people skills essential. Please fax resume to 1-251-460-5931 135 OffshoreMarine Local Company now hiring Inland Deck Hands. Pay based on experience. Must have valid driver’s license, reliable transportation, proof of insurance, ability to pass criminal background check and drug screen. 251-433-2079 ext 3 CONSIDER IT SOLD! Old Crab’s FREE ADS! 3 LINES / 7 DAYS / FREE On any item priced $100 or less, you can run a FREE AD in the Old Crab’s Classified Corner. Ads need to include a price and one item per ad. No abbreviations. Private individuals only. You may place up to 3 free ads per day. Ads must be faxed, dropped off or mailed. s ’ b a r ld C O A SPECIAL FEATURE OF CLASSIFIED CORNER THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS T O L L 7 6 2 - C R A B F R E E 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 5 5 - 6 5 9 7 F A X 2 2 8 - 9 3 4 - 1 4 9 2 145 RetailStores 150 Sales 157 TradeCraftsSkills SALES PERSON NEEDED SALES PERSON Needed. w/Experience for Busy Retail Hours. Nights and HVAC Pre-Owned Car Lot. weekends req’’d. $8/hour. INSTALLERS & Dish It Out, located in the Must be Honestt & Reliable. HELPERS Call for Appt. 251-471-9997 Eastern Shore Shopping Excellent benefits. Center. 251-621-8283 Ask for Summerdale 251-989-2965; US Tool Grinding, Inc. Patte. Mobile 653-1515 is opening an industrial IN-STORE SALES Full & tool and abrasives distribu- Experienced Residential part tion facility in Mobile, Insulation Installers. time. Apply in person: Alabama and has immedi251-463-2810 at The Sleep Center, ate openings for a Site Carpenters and Helpers 1300 W I-65 Service Rd Manager, Inside Sales, wanted South Buyer, Warehouse and for work in the Mobile Delivery personnel. See GROW WITH US! Area. for more Do you have an eye for Call 251-973-1876 information or contact fashion and style? These AC INSTALLERS aren’t your grandmother’s Human Resources @ 573431-3856, Fax 573-431-3822 Also need people who are nursing scrubs anymore! or email: looking to learn a trade. Uniforms By Bayou is now [email protected] Benefits: health ins., temhiring Full-Time Retail porary disability, retireSales Go-Getters in our GREETER/SALES ment, paid holiday’s, vacaMobile Outlet to help us No experience necessary. tion. Competitive coordinate exciting uniCall 653-6505 Suburban wages/bonuses. EOE. Drug forms for Mobiles Homes. free work place. Apply at Healthcare Professionals. 15 REPS Needed to sell 7570 Zeigler Blvd, Mobile. Apply in person or send Home Merchandise. 251-639-9234. resume to Uniforms By Commission sales. Great Bayou, 4677 Airport Blvd., A 1st CLASS WELDER commission paid. $300 fee Mobile, AL 36609. Attn: needed. Apply 8517 for starter kit. Only hardKim. Bellingrath working, serious need Rd., Theodore between 7apply. Call 251-634-8392 3:30 Sales Earn up to $5000 a week Expd Home Remodelers working for local roofing Needed. Must have NEEDED SALESMEN For company. Please call 251Carpentry & Painting 450-2882 Roofing and Construction Skills and own transportaCompany. Income averManaged Care Co. seeking tion. (251)631-3738. ages $50K - $120K per year. a SALES PERSON for BRICK MASONS & Must have sales backinnovative services in the LABORERS ground. Call 731-467-1417. Southeast. Salary, commisExp’d. Pay up to $20/hr Training will be provided. sion and expenses. Send 251-232-2012 resume to: PCM, PO Box INSIDE BEARING SALES 91241, Mobile, AL 36691. CARPENTERS needed. Entry Level Position. Exp Must be able to Cut, a plus Frame, & Hang Siding. Valid DL reqd. Rick 433exp. a +. Pay 8418 Telemarketing Concrete DOE. Start $10 hr. Gulf Account Executive Shores area. Call Ben 251PAYCHECKS 747-7204 Mobile Territory now available. Growing Company AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED ESTIMAneeds high energy, goal Your voice needed. Pleasant TORS for Roofing & driven Sales Professional. Atmosphere, Guaranteed Construction. Must have College Degree, Salary, Group Medical Call 251-666-0243 great sales experience. We Insurance. 251-662-1063 offer competitive compenFiberglass Laminators Attention State Wide Badge sation, Medical/Dental Fabricators & Machine Deal w/ Taps. Commission plan, paid training proOperators needed. only. Call 251-490-2891 gram. Lucrative opportuniExperienced & Trainees. ty for self motivated over PHONE PROS Pay dependent on exp. achiever. Send resume to Here’s your chance. Now Apply in person: 8201 [email protected] hiring am and pm shifts. Zeigler Blvd. No phone Top pay + bonuses. Auto calls. A local company is looking dialers. 251-661-5098 for SALESPEOPLE. FLOOR COVERING Outside sales exp req’d. INSTALLER HELPER Competitive salary & comTradeNEEDED mission. Fax your resume CALL 228-826-1947 Craftsto: 251-662-3226 Skills CABLE TV INSTALLERS UPSCALE FURNITURE NEEDED Immediately! Needed 1st Class Painter. Get paid to train & learn. STORE Start Immediately. looking for Designers, Paid holidays & vacation. 251-802-1599 GENEROUS COMMISMust have truck or van. SION. Please call 251-621-0505 for Scott Bridge Company Call 251-967-3456 for appt. is taking applications for directions to 25476 Friendship Rd, Suite E, • Experienced Bridge Daphne Carpenters • Bridge Crane Operators •BLASTERS • Bridge Laborers CLASSIFIED Health/dental insurance, •SPRAYERS •SHIPPING/RECEIVING Must be well qualified & INSIDE SALES 401K available Drug Free Workplace, have references. Please REPRESENTA- EOE (F/M) apply at 5602 Orchard RD, Call 334-749-5045 Pascagoula, MS TIVE M-F, 8am-4pm ■ AAA A/C Co The Mobile Register Exp. Service Tech A 1st CLASS PIPEFITTER is currently seeking an UP2 $25/hr DOE 50+Hrs needed. Apply 8517 Inside Sales Representative Call 251-443-9323 Bellingrath 150 154 157 I for our Classified Advertising Department. Requirements: - A team player - Excellent communication skills - Type at least 45wpm - A positive disposition - Excellent multi-tasking skills - Ability to meet deadlines 157 TradeCraftsSkills 157 TradeCraftsSkills GLAZERS WANTED TELEPHONE TECHNICIAN With Experience in STC, a growing local com- Residential & Commercial. 251-473-5363, 605-0931 pany is looking for experienced Telephone Tech. SERVICE TECH Needed Great benefits, co. vehicle, Fast paced, growing comwages based on experipany in Robertsdale seeks ence. (251) 661-7400 ext 150. mechanically inclined individual willing to learn & First class FIBERGLASS able to follow directions. FABRICATOR. Top pay. Good benefits. Bay Minette Mature, dependable, & hardworking only. Benefits 251-937-8025. include medical insurance, competitive wages, 401K, Immediate Hire paid vacation. Negative drug test and clean MVR Welders required. EOE. 251-747-4557 (FC & Stick) or 251-947-5006. Mig Welders (Heavy Wire) Pipewelders (Stick, FC Tig on Carbon Steel) Shipfitters Pipefitters Out of town work Worldwide Labor Supporrt 228-762-3418 800-748-1395 Countertop Fabricators Needed Immediately Exp Laminate and solid surface countertop fabricators. Salary options & benefits included. 251-202-1520 157 TradeCraftsSkills VINYL SIDING APPLICATORS now needed 251-639-9305 Metal Stud Framers, Sheetrock Hangers & Grid Ceiling Persons. 251-6628286. PARTS PULLER 157 TradeCraftsSkills Immediate Openings INSIDE MACHINISTS WELDERS & FITTERS Apply in Person at SPI/Mobile Pulley Works 905 South Ann St, Mobile 251-653-0606 Needed. Must Have Own Tools. Top Pay. Reid’s Auto Salvage 251-456-1432 CABINET MAKER Experienced Only. Start Immediately. 251-401-1308 Immediate Need: JOB CRAFTERS, INC. NOW HIRING!!! SHIPFITTERS ELECTRICIANS 1st Class Shipyard Crafts PIPEFITTERS-PIPE for local & out of town WELDERS PAINTER/BLASTER, WELD work HVAC Sheet Metal ERS & MARINE DUCTING OVERTIME & PER DIEM Mechanics and Installers IN Long term employment needed for ERS, CARPENTERS Register your name craft Local School Jobs. 251-443- STALLE TOP PAY- Per Diem Included TODAY! 6293 251-473-1541; 877-473-1541 Established Developer hiring: one Project Mgr for Foley (main), Fairhope, and Daphne projects. Residential exp Fax 251-928-6811 MECHANIC - Build industrial machines & maintain equipment. Long term for skilled, energetic person. EEOC, M/F/V. Apply at: Centerpoint Mfg. 5375 Laurendine Rd Theodore Combination Person for Carpentry, Roofing, Siding & Painting 251-478-9805 AUTO TECH/TIRE CHANGERS Experience req’d in Tires, Brakes & Alignments. Top pay & benefits. Positions available now! Drug free workplace. EEO/M/F/V/D. Call Paul Brown at (251)370-5634. PHONE: 251-433-1270 Toll free: 1-8000-371-7504 EOE ROOFERS & LABORERS Needed. Experience helpful. Call 251-666-0243 RENOVATION WORKERS with painting, carpentry & roofing skills. Call Fred South (251)533-2635 Exp’d BOBCAT OPERAMAINTENANCE TECH TOR DUMP TRUCK DRIInterviewing all skill levVER els. Must be willing to relo251-366-3927 cate. CAREER POSITION MAINTENANCE/HANDY Satisfactory Credit & mercial building. Fax resume Crime Record Req’d. EOE. MAN to 256-442-6680 or e-mail Please mail resume to 900 [email protected] for Fast Paced, Downtowner Blvd Suite A, Manufactured Home Mobile, AL 36609 NOW HIRING 1st Class: Dealer. Salary, Benefits, FLUX CORE WELDERS Miileage. Truck & Basic Local Company has openSTEEL FITTERS Tools Required. ings for Sign Fabricator TIG WELDERS Call 251-645-1502. and Service Techs. Apply at Integrity SUN WORLD seeking qual- Fabricator should be expeIndustrial, 5514 Orchard rience in Aluminum ified help building sunAve, PAscagoula or Call rooms, window installation Framing & Mfg. welding. 228-762-9756 ■ Service tech must have & light remodeling. Call electrical expereince with Immediate Need! 251-379-8704 ballast, tranformer, neon, SATELLITE INSTALLERS stick welding and unafraid needed immediately. of heights. Call for appt. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRISteady CIANS between 8 a.m. & noon. work. Great pay. 1st Class $21.00 hr. 251-478-6499 TOP HELPERS-$15 per hour Experience Per Diem $6.50 per hour preferred. Call 800-716-2430 VEHICLE TITLE CLERK 8235 Padgett Switch Rd ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CARPENTERS needed Irvington, AL. 251-957-1095 CLERK EOE. Drug free workplace w/exp. Must have transand SERVICE CASHIER portation, handtools & be Auto Dealership experience ■ Local mill work compa- Drug Free. Good pay for preferred but not mandatony has immediate opengood work. 251-370-3632 ry. See Betty Wright at ings for EXP. Cabinet Makers & Installers. Long BATCHELOR’S MECHAN- Estabrook Motor Cars, 14th St, Pascagoula, MS ICAL term employment w/ exc. is currently hiring between 1 p.m. and 5:00 benefits. Experienced Refrigeration Piping/Start Up p.m. Monday through guaranteed top pay. AC Friday. Apply in person at 6312 Technicians. We offer top pay Shortcut Rd., Moss Point and outstanding benefits LOADER & EXCAVATOR OPERATORS NEEDED or fax resume to: 228-475- package. If interested please apply in person: 0753 3110 Old Shell Rd, Mobile Min. 5 Yrs Exp, Travel Rodriguez Boat Builders Exp’d FLOOR COVERING Required, Home Every Inc. now hiring 1st Class Second Weekend. Hourly INSTALLERS needed Fitters, Welders and Pay with Overtime & 251-471-4446 Plumbers. Apply within Benefits. Drug Free Main Office, 14843 Alba EXP. CABINET Makers & Workplace. Call 251-421Ave., Coden, AL. For more Exp. Cabinet Painters 3929 Lve Msg. info call 251-824-4067 needed. 249-1683 ■ WANTED: 1st Class Metal Help Wanted: ROOFERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Exp PIPE LAYERS for Stud Mechanic. AND local CALL 251-661-3000 CARPENTERS. 2-4 yrs Utility Contractor. Exp Certified Pipe Welders, Call 251-456-6576 251-370-5478, Pipefitters, & Millwrights AUTO MECHANIC/TECH370-5489 or 470-1774 needed. Drug screen req. NICIAN w/tools & experiApply in person at UOG, PLUMBERS & ence. Call 251-604-5294 6917 Stennis Blvd, Pascagoula, MS, 9:00 a.m HELPERS M-F. (228)475-3360 ROOFING HELP WANTED Project Manager Good pay. Exp. preferred. for construction project in Call Glenn 251-454-4889 Mobile. Min 5 yrs exp in com- CABLE INSTALLERS Needed for a Growing Company in the Telecommunication Field. We are looking for dependable, self-motiivated & quality individuals who are looking for a career in Communications. Experience preferred but we will train, some tools provided. MUST have own truck or van. We offer paid holidays & vacatiions, safety & sign-on bonuses, potential to make $700+ per week & medical oula benefits. 7321 Old Pascago Rd #3, Theodore or Call 251653-8900. E.O.E. GLAZERS Top Pay and benefits. Pay DOE. No experience, no problem, will train. Apply: 4415 Government Blvd; Fax: 251-666-6386. Come join our team. Metro Glass Framers Needed $4-$9 per ft. 251-937-4935 Ask for Eddie RV TECHNICIAN. Must have basic plumbing, woodwork, electrical knowlege. Apply in person B&R Camper Sales EXPERIENCED SHEETROCK FINISHER WANTED. 251-604-3486 LUMBER GRADER High Production SYP Mill has full time position open for experience Lumber Fabrication Shop accepting Grader of Grader Trainee. applications for STRUCExp. in lumber business Sign On bonus w/ exp. TURAL FITTERS, preferred but not required. 251-660-9595 or 680-0060 WELDERS & HELPERS. ★★★★★★ Positions in shop and Qualifications: Physically Asst. Manager Trainee for installation crews. Some fit, travel required. Insurance, excellent vision, good eyeAuto Service Industry. Some Management and/or 401K, Vacation. Apply at hand coordination. Must be 9490 I-65 Service Road, Retail Experience able to read and write, folquired, Some Training is Exit 22, Creola, AL Req low oral and written Provided. Must Have good matheMAINTENANCE instructions, Excellent Work Ethic & matic skills and be able to Enjoy Working w/ the read tape measure (fracTECHS ase Fax Public. Plea tions). Resume to 251-471-6612 ★★★★★★ Excellent benefits. Mechanical and electrical AC SERVICE TECH FULL BENEFITS 7-B THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 Rd., Theodore between 73:30 Wanted. I Company paid medical, dental life insurance. 10 paid holidays, We offer: retirement plan-company - Pleasant work environment match. DISPLACED WORKERS - A family oriented company OVERTIME. Call Amore from Hurricane Katrina - Competitive hourly pay The Mobile Register has an Plumbing Co 251-626-9535 ALUMINUM WELDERS - Weekly, monthly & quarterimmediate opening for a ALUMINUM FITTERS ly Maintenance Technician. Wall Crew & Foreman Immediate Hiring commissions Requirements include high experienced in concrete - Blue Cross health dental poured walls, footings and school diploma. Electrical plan trade school or equivalent foundations. Good advanceSIGN ON BONUS experience needed. Working - Vision plan ment. If qualified, will help industrial maintenance expeCALL in a production environment. Inquiries and resumes to: - Company paid life insurance rience necessary. Ability to Pay based on experiience. with relocation. Lots of Lumber Grader, P.O. Box ($17.50/hr + $60 day - Fully funded pension plan troubleshoot and repair buildExcellent benefit package work. Located in North per diem in McIntosh area; 1663, Mobile, AL 36633 - Voluntary 401k plan ing and production equipthat includes medical, paid Drywall Finishers, $17.50/hr + $50 day per diem Georgia. 706-636-4469 or - Paid vacation & holidays ment. Applicants should also Looking for holidays, vacation and 401K. in Monroeville area) Foreman 770-634-7788 - Complete training possess computer skills, Please appl l y in person no Also For long term commercial - New Smoke Free facility Sign-Service/Installation effective communication phone calls; Mon-Thurs projects. Expd only. since 2002 skills and ability to work Technician Needed. 9am-3pm. Hwy 31 South, Framing, Concrete, Masonry, Hrly & subs. 850-932-9911 unsupervised. Full-time variApply in person at: Bay Minette, AL 36507 Experience required. etc....Workmans comp & genable hours, normally dayshift G.A. WEST SUBCONTRACTORS Apply at Victor Signs, eral liability insurance req’d. Interested candidates M-F and as necessary. 12526 Celeste Road Needed orth Rd. Mobile 5000 Whitwo Call Mitchell Homes, Mobile, should apply to A Siding Applicator, local, Saraland, Alabama. to build metal frame carAL 251-344-2600 [email protected] Qualified applicants may top pay. HAPPY HOME Call 251-679-1965 SIGNS Immediate ports, buildings, patio cov(refer to Inside Sales Rep apply IMPROVEMENTS 251-438Ask for Sonny Openings for experienced S&R ROOFING needs in the subject field) ers & lean/toos. Must have on Wednesday 1-4pm 4814 Service Techs, Installers ROOFERS w/nail guns. QCI MARINE OFFSHORE, or fax to 251-219-5099 401 N. Water St. truck, trailer & tools. 251and Fabricators. Apply at Sub Crews that can tear off or apply by mail to or send resume and LLC 661-3955 Quality Sign Company, 3650 and put on. 251-661-6168, Attn: Classified Inside Sales Is Taking Applications for salary history to: PLUMBERS WANTED Hamilton Blvd. 370-7262 Rep Mobile Register 1st Class Marine For Work in Perdido Key P.O. Box 2488 Human Resources Dept. Carpenters (Joiners). Call TOP PAY NOW HIRING SUB-ROOFING CREWS, Mobile, AL 36652 Attn: Maintenance Tech and Mobile. Excellent Due to recent Hurricane 228--826-0889 or Fax 228-826Crane Operators, Heavy ROOFERS & LABORERS EOE P. O. Box 2488 Wages, Katrina 0875. Equipment Mechanic, Pile Call 251-824-1131 Mobile, AL 36652 Benefits & Sign On Bonus!! We are backed up Driving Foreman, Pile FAX: 251-219-5099 AC & Commercial Pleasse Call 850-626-0062 or Exp. Mechanic needed on our orders TOWN & COUNTRY driving Person, Laborers. Email: Refrigeration Installer, 850-698-7033 20 pos. avail. In distribution F/T for foreign & domesFURNITURE Drug Screen req. EOE. [email protected] Helper, Service Tech. Call for appt tic repairs. Must have Seeks SALESPERSON. EOE Benefit pkg, 251-973-0034. Local Manufacturing Salary & Benefits based on WANTED MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN (251)957-3800 Subcontractors PIPE WELDERS RELIEF WORK $400.00 WK own tools. Call Ray’s 251-635-1881 Automotive for more ELECTRICIAN needed. info. 228-249-1044 ■ Heavy control background. Benefits and truck. Phone AUTO BODY PERSON 251-694-0909, fax 251-694Exp’d Only. LUCASSEN 0977. BODY SHOP, 251-928-6176. ELECTRICIANS, GLAZIERS CURTAINPLUMBERS, WALL CARPENTERS & LABOR5 yrs exp. Benefits. ERS Universal Glass 433-5960; Sander’s Bros. Inc. is 331-0471 accepting applications for FENCE INSTALLER & work in the Pascagoula, HELPERS needed. Coastal MS. area. Must be safety minded and pass a compa- Fence Company 251-6619800. ny approved drug screen. For more info, call Travis JOURNEYMAN MECHANat 1-800-527-1684, ext. 128. IC EOE M/F/H/V needed for GULF COAST TRUCK/MACK TRUCKS, SEAMSTRESS- Upholstery INC. Drapery Experience a Must have own tools. Must! Call Dean 251-476-2744. 251-873-5050 or 367-8035 A/C Install Mechanics JOURNEYMAN INDUS& Helpers: Top Wages TRIAL No Travel-45+Hours INSULATORS AND Call 251-443-9323 HELPERS NEEDED. 251-653-2848 MORTGAGE LOAN ORIG- EXP. TRIM CARPENTER With Valid driver’s license INATOR Wanted. Call 251-661-3000 Immediate opening. Experience a plus. Call a FIRE ALARM TECH. 251-344-4022 Must be exp’d in alarm, detection SALES: Inbound Calls, suppression systems. Great Hourly, Commission, benefits. Co. vehicle. Benefits. Wages E-mail Cover Letter, based on exp. 251-634-3866 Resume Salary requireor ments to fax resume to 251-634-3896 [email protected] Attn: Kurt CABINET MAKER Apply in Person 2904 EXP. OUTSIDE SALES Mill St. Mobile, AL REPS needed. Exp MAINTENANCE in building trades a +. Exp’d Maintenance Person Job openings for Needed to Live & Work on Jackson & George Co. (601)947-9422/ 601-508-9422 Property. AC Knowledge a Plus. Salary + Benefits! SAND DOLLAR Tools & Trans Required. LIFESTYLE 251-635-1809 for an is now accepting applicaInterview. ROOFERS-Sub Crews tions for professional salesneeded. A/C INSTALLER people for men & women’s Call 251-943-5878, 747-8446, Need a Raise? clothing & shoe departor 942-8751 251-660-9595, 680-0060 ments. Submit resume at Airport & McGregor, SIDING REPAIR PERSON Pinebrook; or mail to P. O. Exp’d HVAC Installers $15/hr. Local D.L. Box 3020, Orange Beach, and Helpers needed. Call 251-438-4814 AL 36561. Call 251-666-8042 FORKLIFT OPERATOR BAY VILLAGE STONE for an expanding marina in ROOFERS: Metal Roofers has openings for a goal ori- Orange Beach, AL. Good Needed. Need trans. & ented sales person. Will valid salary + benefits. Call train for drivers lic. 251-232-5508 (251)981-6247 or fax resume permanent career. or 251-928-9146 to (251)981-6476. Knowledge of construction industry a plus. Mr Rooter ■■■■■ Call 251-928-2091 Position available for outside delivery and sales of medical equipment. Apply at: 1251 Bolton’s Branch Dr 36606 off Halls Mill Rd ****** A dynamic person needed for retail FURNITURE SALES DIESEL MECHANIC ■■■■■ Bender Shipbuilding J&J FURNITURE Saraland Loop, Saraland (Next to YMCA) ****** Read the Classifieds THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS ERS & PLUMBERS. Good wages & benefits, uniforms furnished. Apply at 2448 Wolf Ridge Rd., Mobile or 251-3449465. license required. Drug free. Apply in person at 2675 Government Blvd., Mobile. ASE and Chrysler Certified EXPERIENCED Technician needed. Call MECHANIC Chad Stewart 251-937-1000 NEEDED. Mon-Fri, Rick’s FRAMING CARPENTERS Garage. 251-639-9016 Helpers, Nail Drivers Carpenters. 251-370-3079 Great earnings potential w/excellent benefits package including BC/BS Health & Dental, 401K, matching Christmas Club & paid vacation. Commission rate progressive w/Sales volume. Will train. Great retail schedule. Is Now Hiring For 8:30-6:00, Closed Sundays. 5 The Following Crafts: day work week. Must be available Saturdays. Nonsmoking environment. Apply - Carpenters - Shipfitters at - Welders - Outside Machinists APPLY IN PERSON MUST PASS DRUG SCREEN G For work in Myrtle Beach. Experienced required in modform, aluminum wall gangs, handset shoring and col. mounted tables. Office: 252538-6555, Fax: 252-538-6557 AUTO GLASS MECHANICS & GLAZIERS Full time. START IMMEDIATELY. Call 251-943-2318 Dump Truck Driver’s with CDL and Heavy Equipment Plumbing now accepting applications for Operators Needed. 334-285experienced DRAIN CLEAN- 5564 leave message Needed for local trucking AUTO DETAILER TECH company shop. Must be able to work immediately without Will train the right person. Paid training w/exc growth supervision. Must have own potential. Valid drivers tools. Hourly rate DOE. Please call Mike at 251-433-3391 ext 105 Formwork Carpenters ■ NOW HIRING: HVAC TECH & Installer, ELECTRICIAN & Helper. Good Pay & benefits. Call 228-762-1786 ★★★★★★★ BODY TECHNICIAN for light and heavy collision repair. Must have experience and own tools. Great pay. Call 251-471-9606. ★★★★★★★ INSULATION HELPERS Needed. Excellent benefits. Mobile 251 653-1515 CARPENTERS & HELPERS Exp’d only 251-345-7564 MACHINIST & MILLWRIGHT Manual Machinist Needed. $12-$18/Hr DOE. Benefits. Central Baldwin Co. 251964-6688 Immediate opening for HITCH INSTALLER Full time with benefits, moonlighters needed also. Apply U-Haul, 200 W. I-65 Svr Rd S or EOE. Construction Laborers and Experienced Installers Needed for METAL BUILDING FIELD CREWS in Mobile & Baldwin Counties. Call (251) 626-0594 for Drug Testing & Employment Application. DRYWALL FOREMAN Commercial construction experience. Leadership qualities. Must travel. 251947-5224. CARPENTERS $10-$20/hr. 251-751-5731 Construction Company seeks Experienced Trackhoe Operators that can dig to grade, to work in the Gulf Shores area. Only experienced need apply. Please call (205) 349-1910 or send replies to H & W Construction, Inc., 3101 12th Street, Suite #1 Northporrt, AL 35476 ★★★★★★★★ Company is seeking WELDERS & ASSEMBLERS for F/Time Employment. Benefits include Health/Dental Ins, 401K & opportunity to advance. Please Fax Resume to: 251- 987-1238 or Call 251-- 987-1236, Greg Wood PUBLISH Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday DEADLINE Wednesday 5pm Thursday 5pm Friday 5pm Monday 5pm Tuesday 5pm Wednesday 5pm For Information Regarding Legal Notices Call Telina Birch (228) 934-1420 ★★★★★★★★ NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Jackson County School District will receive sealed bids until 2:00 p.m., October 17, 2005 at 12210 Colonel Vickrey Road, P O Box 5069, Vancleave, MS 39565-5069, for two seperate Hunting and Fishing leases on the following land in Jackson County Mississippi: (1). Section 16, Township 4 South, Range 8 West, containing 621.11 acres, more or less. (2). Section 16, Township 6 South, Range 5 West, containing 581.30 acres, more or less. All bids shall be submitted on a School District Bid Form. For bid forms and additional information you may contact Jackie S. Robinson, 16th Section Land Clerk, at (228) 8261757 ext 332. Rucks H. Robinson Superintendent No. 95265 3t 9/26-10/3-10 Merchandise 305 Antiques J&B ANTIQUES & GIFTS Certified Appraiser for all antiques. Furniture & lamp restoration. 769-0542 335 Building Materials NEED A ROOF? STEEL ROOFING & SIDING Majestic Metals, Inc. 1-800-647-8540 STEEL ROOFING & SIDING Galvalume & Colors from $9.95/sq Goldin Metals, Inc. 800-777-6216 370 Farm Equip./ Supplies 380 Willis Furniture 762-0028 390 400 Legal Notices 420 425 570Mobilehomes Sales High Quality, Low prices ‘99 Fleetwood Eagle Trace 52x24, 3 br, 2 ba. 228-990-6058 480 Pets for Sale MIN-PIN PUPS Pascagoula 228-769-8819 Real Estate Residential 505 Jackson County HURLEY, 3br/2ba, near E. Cent Schs. appt 2300sf, $129,900 Steven Jordan & Assoc. 228-475-1515 5BR/2BA, 3000 sq ft w/ acreage & other building sites, large barn, no wind driven water. 228-475-8729 A HOUSE BOAT, 60ft totally remodeled 1800sq ft, 2 story, w/generator, sleeps 12, Open House on River Rd, Pascagoula,, (850)712-8255 3 BR, 2 BA, Brk home w/ 2 ac in Big Point in Dunn Est., E. Cent. Sch. Dist. Ebay Item #4403740550 $159,000 228-588-1151 515 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS It is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College to receive bids on the following item until 10 a.m., October 13, 2005, at the Business Office in Darby Hall, Perkinston Campus, Perkinston, Mississippi 39573. Bids on this item will be awarded October 19, 2005. 1. Sale or Demolition and Removal of Old Barn It is necessary that bids be marked as such on the envelope and specifications of item being bid on. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. No. 95278 2t 9/30-10/3 170 220 FRESH SHRIMP DAILY 510 Louis Phillip CHECK FIRST Seafood BIG POINT By Owner, 4200 sq ft well-built under construction, 70% complete, 15 fenced acres, Kersey’s Auto Service 3425 large barn, other storage 2nd Street, Moss Point, MS buildings & cottage 39563, will auction off a $200,000/ firm 228-588-1133 1993 Mercury Cougar, Serial # Moss Point 1MEPM6246PH651861 on & Esca. Oct. 31, 2005. 3BR/1BA, Across from No. 95269 3t 9/26-10/3-10 E Park Elem., No Storm damage, screened Kersey’s Auto Service 3425 porch, 228-229-8137 2nd Street, Moss Point, MS 39563, will auction off a 2400 SQ FT 4 br, 2 ba, 1989 Ford Mustang, Serial 1 1/2 acres, pool. North # 1FABP41A9KF223789 on of I-10. $200,000 623-4872 Oct. 12, 2005. No. 95269 3t 9/26-10/3-10 Pascagoula ELECTRICAL FOREMAN, Commercial experience Electrician, Residential CASE 446 Tractor, w/4 required. Salary DOE. Call Journeyman, $18/hr, 2 yr 251-580-0730 local area projects. 251-344- implements, good cond, 5987 $2,000. 228-990-8926 Job Shop, 1st Class machinist with tools. Pay Furniture / Resumes to $21/hr DOE. Benefits, Household BC/BS after 90 days, 401K/holidays, previous MOBILE’S FINEST employees need not apply. CARPENTRY & FENCE Manual lathe, boring mills, RESUME Help Wanted, 800 Downtowner Blvd Suite All wood cherry beddrill press, etc. Fax 228-475-0528 A resume to 251-675-1143, room suite: dresser, 251-344-4253 overtime as required Maintenance Position mirror, chest, queen mandatory Available at Real Estate bed with rails, night Job Company. Mon-Fri 8AMCARPENTERS, HELPERS stand 4PM. Apply in person, 2321 Information & Airport Blvd, Mobile. FRAMERS. Eastern Retail Value $2,040 CHECK FIRST Special Price $999 Shore Work. 251-610-9929 SUPERINTENDENT THE MOBILE REGISTER For Commercial MECHANIC SUGGESTS THAT BEFORE Construction MAKING AN INVESTMENT Projects. 5+ Years experi- Knowledge of brakes, AC IN RESPONSE TO AN AD, systems, general repairs. ence TE BC/BS, 401K, 7 paid holidays, THAT YOU INVESTIGAT required. Drug Screen 7 days vacation, 40 hours+. THE OFFER WITH AGENRequired. “Where Quality is Salary based on exp. Call for CIES SUCH AS THE BETTER Fax Resume to 251-661-1181 appointment 251-476-8687 BUSINESS BUREAU AT 433Still Affordable” or 5494 OR THE CONSUMER AUTO DETAILER NEED- PROTECTION AGENCY IN 3202 Chico St. Apply in person @ J.C. ED Duke Assoc., 1716 MONTGOMERY, AL AT 1-800Pascagoula A+ ONLY! Must have 392-5658. Industrial Park refs. Drive, Mobile, AL. Car Washers also Needed. MACHINIST Positions 251-583-8676 MATTRESS SET Dble available. Apply in person: EXPRESS OIL CHANGE, THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS Pillow top, new in plastic, 6151 Rangeline Rd. located at 630 Schilling exceeds Serta Warranty. Theodore. 251-443-7722 SUGGEST THAT Road South, has a hood/pit Qn $250. Kg $325 BEFORE technician position availLeadmand/ delivery (850)501-0270 MAKING AN able and is looking for a INVESTMENT IN Painter motivated winner to fill RESPONSE TO AN AD, Local work. $17.00/hour that position. Experience is THAT Min. 5 years experience. helpful but not a necessity. Guns YOU INVESTIGATE THE Written test & drug screen Excellent wages, paid holirequired. Apply in person at: OFFER WITH AGENCIES S & W 1911 45 auto, days, paid vacations, G.A. WEST SUCH AS THE BETTER competition model, SS, health insurance, dental 12526 Celeste Road BUSINESS like new in box, $750. insurance and 401K. Saraland, Alabama or call BUREAU AT 1-800-987-8280 228-990-8926 Contact Mike @ 634-9332, Sonny 251-679-1965 OR THE CONSUMER M-F 8am to 10am or 4pm Henry Big Boy 44 APT MAINTENANCE PROTECTION to 6pm. Magnum, like new in box, PERSON AGENCY IN JACKSON, $485. 228-990-8926 needed immediately for MS AT 1-800-281-4418 MECHANICS split property. HVAC Earn $1000+ Per Week Certified preferred. Bring Industrial Business resume to fill out applica- Experience required in brake, Equipment tion to 1800 Shelton Beach alignment and suspension Rd Ext., Mon., Wed. & repair, ASE Certification a Opportunities MACHINE SHOP plus. Insurance, vacation, Fri., b/t 10-12 & 1:30-4. Machine Tool Sales. Superb Coffee Route 401K and more. Apply in perSalary DOE. Must pass 97 Machines in place. Dist Starbucks Type drug & background check. son to any Big 10 Tires locaUse some, sell some, tion. Drug Free Workplace. Product No phone calls. whatever. Real Estate Earn $2K wkly BRICK MASON Needed EXP. PAINTERS. Must included w/22,400 sq. ft. 1-800-799-5606 24 hrs. have own transportation. For warehouse, 16 & 22 Ton 497-5136 ■ Residential Work, Tools Bridge Cranes & Offices. Transportation Required. Owner Retiring. Roofing Shingle Subcrews Call 251-456-3676 $650,000 251-476-2177 Needed Immediately, Must Have Own Tools, READY MIX Equipment & References. LEGAL NOTICE Miscellaneous PLANT REPAIR Min of 6 man Crew. TO REVA CLAY: You are Excellent Pay! Call 251& summoned to appear 633-2016 the Mississippi TRAILERS, 16ft Tandem, MAINTENANCE Rettig’s Auto Body now before Board of Nursing on Ramps & Carrier; hiring AUTO BODY PER- December 8, 2005 at 2 p.m. TECHNICIAN 5X8 tilt; 6.5 X10; SON, AUTO BUFFER & to answer charges brought Needed. (601)766-3700 DETAILER & AUTO against you. The hearing PARTS PERSON. All jobs will be held in the hearing QUALITY STORAGE Good Benefits package must have refs & exp. 251- room at the office of the BUILDINGS Please Apply in person at: 343-2300 Mississippi Board of Built on site!12X12, $1295 2640 South McKenzie St, Nursing, which is located 12X16, $1495;16X24, $2395 Dunn Building Company Foley, AL 36535. at 1935 Lakeland Drive, 251-625-1626, pg. 423-9283 has immediate openings or call 800-239-3879. Suite B, Jackson, for Iron Workers & Metal DEAS CONSTRUCTION Roofers in Axis, Alabama. Mississippi. Failure to SOD, CENTIPEDE, St. AUG Hiring Carpenters, Helpers Apply by calling 205-288appear may result in the Bermuda. Delivery/Install 228& 9020. EOE M/F/D/V. revocation of your nursing 396-0282 1-866-374-7277 Superintendents & CDL license. Diesel Mechanics for Drivers. Full Time, Signed: Delia Y. Owens heavy duty trucks or Benefits Musical Executive Director marine experience. F/T, ailable. Exp required ava Mississippi Board of Instruments P/T, or temporary 251-478-1060 Nursing employment. Flexible FENDER DG 31 12 SHINGLE MEN hours. Top pay. Call 228- No. 95262 3t 9/19-26-10/3 strings guitar, new $575, 392-2200 or 228-243-2660 $10-12/hour 251-478-9805 asking $350. 228-424-7040 160 440 ***475-3850*** LEGAL NOTICES Pets/Animals/ DEADLINES Livestock ** $200 ** PIPE FITTERS Sales Exp. Req’d. 251-476experience. 251-928-7889 0995 Experienced Residential CARPENTERS AND CARShingle Estimators Needed PENTER HELPERS Immediately. Top Wages! NEEDED IN SILVERHILL. 251-945-5122 Call 251-633-2016 Legal Notices Gautier Vancleave Vancleave, 3br/2ba, 2628 sq ft, on 5.86 acres, $289,000. 228-826-1213 For Sale, 3br/1ba Brick home. No water damage. 228-872-4628 Beautiful Acadian Style Home on 15 ac. w/ creek. High & Dry. 3397 sq ft+ unfinished mother-in law/ studio/apt space w/ bath. main house has 3br/2ba, huge rooms, built in 1992, Must See! Great Property! $399,500. 228-826-4160/ 228-623-8508 535 Condos / Townhouses 25 TOWNHOMES in Pascagoula. Grossing $11,000 mo. $685,000 Call 228-348-2230 540 Homes in General ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ AVAILABLE NOW Magnolia Pointe Homes NEW SUBDIVISION NEW HOMES 6901 March Rd. Theodore, AL 251-957-1151 ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ BY Owner, Grand Bay, Ready to Move in. 4br/3ba, 2500sq ft, split brick, pool, fish pond, carport, barn $195,000. (251)490-0017 GREENE CO. 2500 sq ft 2 story home 5 br, 3.5 ba, garage, 2 porches, pool, office on .60 acres. $136,000 (601)394-4048 HOME for Sale - 3br/2ba, 1904 sq ft, 1.62acs, & pool, George/Greene Co. line on Hwy 57, $98,000 601-753-2327/ 601-550-8209 CONSIDER MOBILE COUNTY...Only minutes from the coast via I-10! As a former resident of Pascagoula, I’d be happy to help you search for a new home. Call Pam Templeton Weaver at Roberts Brothers (Mobile’s leading real estate company): (251)455-3868 (cell), (800)245-8643 (office), [email protected] Any condition, any area, any situation sell your house quickly. 872-4628 550 Lots & LandJackson Co. HURLEY 6 ACRES High land on paved road. $66,000 475-0164 / 990-5024 2 LARGE Cleared LOTS, No wind driven water. 228475-8729 VANCLEAVE Ramsay Oaks. Wooded lots for homes only, Covenants, Min. 1600 sq. ft. ST MARTIN Jordan Farms Partiallly cleared home sites w/water, sewer for doublewides GAUTIER Hickory Hills Wooded lots for housesDesignated area for Manufactured HomesCity water/sewer Owner Financing available 228-875-3200 VANCLEAVE 2-10 ACRE tracts, ok for mobiles homes. Owner financing. Joe West Realty, 228-497-3797 3.029 ACRES River Bluff Subd., Vancleave w/ stream. $23,500 769-1461 560 2000 BUCCANEER 16 x 80, 3 BR, 2 BA, all appls. Good cond. $25,000/OBO 251-634-1313 28 x 48 RIVERLAND 3 br, 2 ba. Immaculate. Zone 2. 601-989-2119 9am-6pm 1993 Dble wide, 3br/2ba. Will help move or may remain as is. Asking $38,000. 228-327-1808 ‘96 16X80, 3br/2ba, $18,000 /offer. 228-249-3875 ‘98 16 X80, 3br/2ba, $18,000; 1/2 ac lot $17,000; ‘78 12X65, private lot inc. $17,000. 228-475--3320 ‘97 Bellmont By Premier, 16X76, 2br/2ba, excel cond. NADA $28k ,asking $22k firm, (601)508-0373 ‘00 16 x 80 3 br, 2 ba, 2 decks. Exc. cond. $28,000 228-826-1602 16X80, 3br/2ba, w/deck, furn, appl, all kitchen equp, linens, etc. Great cond. Must See! Must move. 228-475-2233 3br/2ba, Barton comm, off Hwy 63S, fenced yard, on 1.39 acres, $40,000 negot. (601)947-6295/ 601-770-0006 No Storm Damage, 1792 sq ft, Dble wide 3br /2ba. Under $30,000. Exc. cond. Comes w/ Extras, 588-3242 aft. 5pm or 228-990-3112 Anytime Isle of Pines Trailer Park ‘93 14x56 2 br, 1 ba, w/shed & 5’ fence, deck. $16,000 228-990-2948 2001 INDIES 28 x 72, 4 br, 3 ba, formal den, living room w/fireplace. $52,500/OBO 251-634-1313 16 x 80 3 br, 2 ba, cent. h/a, enclosed front porch, attached carport, set-up on rental lot in a park near Lucedale. Call for appt. (601)947-2225 ‘99 16X80, 3BR, 2BA in N. Pascagoula, 3br/3ba, Avail now, No Flooding 228-990-7419/ 706-840-4035 520 ‘01 16 x 80 3 br, 2 ba. Assume payments. 228-826-3578 Lots & LandOther Areas Grand Bay, Quail Ridge, 1 ac lots, w/ septic, $12,900. 251-865-3200 570Mobilehomes Sales 2001 CHANDELIER 28 x 58 3 BR, 2 BA, all appls, fireplace. $35,000/ OBO 251-634-1313 Read the Classifieds THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS Ocean Springs, $32,000 2195065/ 497-3649 after 6p 575 Mobilehome Lots OCEAN SPRINGS- homesites with water & sewer hookups for rent. 875-3200 MAGNOLIA POINTE Lots For Rent 8130 Tanner Williams Rd. 1300 Schillinger Rd. Call 251-634-1313 Real Estate Commercial 590 Building for Rent Lucedale, 9,000 sq ft, 3 overhead cranes, 6 welding machines, laydown yd & office. Min. 6 mos lease. (601) 766-9170/ (601)508-7813 595 Office Space for Rent HWY 57(Near I-10) 1200SF Retailer Office, ***$600/Mo*** 228-832-4475 610 Commercial Property Commercial Building for lease in Lucealde, 1,000 sq ft, $450mo. Great location w/ high traffic (601)947-9422/ 601-508-9422 Wade, small Beauty Shop on Hwy 63, some equip inc, could be used as office space. $50,000. 228-475-1515. Steven Jordan & Assoc. 9 acres w/ Commercial 3000 sq ft metal building, perfect staging area, For hurricane construtction. 228-424-7040 Real Estate Rentals 635 Furnished Apartments 1 & 2 BEDROOMS All Utilities Furnished. $100- $125 wk. 475-7419 ROCKWELL APTS 1.5mi E. of Industrial Rd Hwy 90, 1br, util furn $110 & up wkly. 475-3736 No Pets Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act, which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familiar status, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. To report discrimination, call the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at 1-800-669-9777. The HUD TTY telephone number for the hearing impaired is 212-708-1455. 645 Unfurnished Apartments Williamsburg Square Townhomes 769-7700 Washer/Dryer Connections Senior & Military Discounts REMODELED 1BR $100/Dep, + $280/Rent, ** 990-7951***475-6813** 8-B 645 THE MISSISSIPPI PRESS Unfurnished Apartments COME & SEE!!! GAUTIER’S BEST LOCATION Singing River Apts. With-in walking to Jr. College & Singing River Mall Call about our 2 BR Specials w/W&D conn. (228) 497-1359 710 BoatsPower 21 FT. CR REST PONTOON BOAT. ’96, 115 Mariner, loaded, great shape. $8,500 251-649-9590 1999 Worldcat, 25’ w/twin 130 Hondas, 3 axle trailer. $38,500. 251-949-6150; 251422-0450 21 ft. 2000 Logic CC, T-Top, 200 Evinrude Ocean Pro, runs great $15,000 251-367-0683 780 Motorhomes 2005 Monaco Diplomat 40ft, 4 slides, 3k mi, loaded, $175,000. nego. 251-4221-1335/ 251-634-9821 COACHMAN 22ft, ‘95 fully equipped, good cond. $15,000 @ 17 Magnolia St East , Lucedale, 228-990-2881 2000 Mountain Air 33ft 2 slides, V-10 Banks eng, 24 kmi loaded, ext warr. 1 BR APT $425mo, 98 STRATOS BASS BOAT, Onan Gen. 2000 Saturn All util inc. $200 dis20’, 200HP Evinrude-new inc. $65,0000. 251-961-1675 count 1st mo 769-3781 p/head. Extra nice. $9,800 ‘89 DOLPHIN 33’ PASCAGOULA 1 & 2BR OBO 251-679-5959 Good cond. $7500/obo Furn/ Unfurn., Cable 17’ SEA STRIKE ’03 (601)508-7723 Ready All util. furn, Yamaha 60hp. Like new No Pets Avail Now! $11,000 Starting at $130-$155wkly 251-510-5400 Meredith Manor 762-5822 ‘95 BOUNDER J 34ft, 16’ Skiff 35hp Stack 3 good cond. payoff GREAT SPECIALS Johnson, 67lb Motor Guide $24,000 228-769-1020 Spacious 1 & 2 BR TM 24 volt, galvanized / 228-623-5030 Safe Residential area trailer, all in good shape. near Downtown $3,500. 251-476-2717 Beautiful Renovated ‘93 Winnebago Brave 33’ 19’ Key West Bay/Reef $410/$500. 762-8969 62k mi gas rebuilt eng, 2003, 150 Yamaha, alum. excel cond. $22,500. PATIO APARTMENTS trailer, electronics, trolling (251)649-2204/ 251-751-6604 1950 Pascagoula St. motor, low hrs, $19,900. 850206-2979 ‘89 Coachman, 30ft, new 2002 16’ PolarKraft w/50HP AC & refrigerator, Unfurnished Mercury, trolling mtr, car- 47k mi, good cond, $18,000. pet, exc. cond. $7,500 firm (251)847-3339 Houses 251-580-0459 Duplex, Escatawpa, 17’ Nitro Bass Boat, all 2br/1ba, stove, fridge, options, galvanized trailer, cent h/a, W/D hookup 115hp Mercury, looks new, Sect 8 ok. 623-5112 $6,900 obo. 251-476-11173 650 Vehicles 660Mobilehomes Rentals 2 & 3 BR, NO PETS. Credit check. $250 security deposit. $350-$480 month. Some Sect. 8 available. Empty Lots for rent $135$250 Anchor Trailer Park. 497-2475 A ’90 15 1/2’ F/G B Craft center console, 40hp Evinrude w/T & T, ’03 galv trlr. Good cond. $1995.. 251605-9283 18FT SEACRAFT ’79. 130HP Johnson ’95, Alum Trlr, DF, VHF, Bimini Top, Well Maint. $8300. 251-6399838; 802-5074 20’ Mako cc, exc cond, galGautier, private lot, vanized trailer, bimini top, Small 1br, stove, fridge, etc. Johnson 130hp Motor, $400mo/ sect 8 ok, 497-5112 $5,500 obo. 251-476-1173 E Central School District, 23’ STRATOS 2300 WA, 2Br/1Ba, stove, refrigera- Cabin/Walk around, 1993, Twin 140 Ocean Pros, tor, on 1 acre. 588-2749 VHF/Loran, Loadmaster Alum trlr. New Batts. Serviced. $12,500. 251-3447711 Lewis. Recreation ■ Indicates Jackson County 710 BoatsPower Yamaha 250 OX66, fuel injected, Salt Water Series II 2002 ENGINES. 30’’ shafts. Low hours, transferable warr until July 2007. REDUCED further $12K for pair. Gulf Shores. 251-967-1227, 510-1227 28’ Galvanized Flat Trailer w/3 axles. See at 1321 Garfield St., Pasc. $700 ’95 Leisure Cat 26’ 225hp Merc., No trlr, Head and Full Electronics, Exc. Cond., $7500 OBO 228-327-11906 A 2000 19’ Cape Horn, 150 Merc, full elec, alum trlr, t-top w/box. Exc. cond. $16,995. 251-404-6052; 6337591 ■ Indicates Jackson County 910 Antique & Collectibles ’87 Chevy Silverado Short Bed, 20K Engine, 8K Trans, Auto, O/D, AC, PS, New Paint, All Like New! $6500. 251-591-1569 CHEVROLET 1963 2-dr hardtop, 327 auto, like new. May trade for antique pickup. $9000. 251-463-8393. Chevy Corvette 1978, Silver Anniversary, T-Top, 4 Barrel V8 Engine, Great Restoration Project $5500 OBO 251-709-1216 CHEVY EL CAMINO Classic 1987. New black cherry paint, new 350 1980 23’ Robalo Cuddy Chevy engine. $8000. 251Cabin, Mercury 225HP O/B 510-8221. galv trlr. $6900 obo. Chrysler New Yorker ’47 Call Randy 251-423-0326 4 dr, straight 8, fluid drive, ’02 19’ PALM BEACH CC new paint & int. Very ’03 Yamaha 150HP w/extd sharp car. warr Great Fish & Ski $8,500. 251-653-8958 Boat, FF, CD Radio/VHF, Ford Mustang ’64 Dual Batteries, Exc Cond, Convertible, 85% Restored Trlr $15,500 251-751-5016 Must Sell! $11,000 251-662-7565 720 Boats Sail WES STSAIL 32’ 50HP Perkins Engine in Good shape. Boat damaged by Ivan. $20,000 OBO. 334-288-6494 Mercedes 220 ’71, Gas, 27K miles on rebuilt engine, Runs Good. $3500. 251-990-9604 or 219-5676 920 Cars MACGREGOR 26M ’05 Wheel, 5’11’’ headroom, M/ ACURA 3.0 CL 1997 2DR sail, trailer, water ballast. coupe, Black, sunroof, leather, Loaded! 115K, $19,990. 251-809-0408 $7000 Firm. 251-680-3829 LAKESPORT ‘02, alum, 20’ Classic AMF Robalo, 251-680-3838 175 Johnson, Tandem Trlr, 30hp Yamaha, Precision ACURA 3.2CL TYPE S ’01 Mix & trlr, $4,000. VHF, F/F, New Cover, Red, Black Lthr, CD, firm, 228-588-3988 $4500. 251-621-4844 or 251Sunroof, All 626-1595 Options! New Tires! 68K Jet A ’92 Custom Built Sturdy Miles. Skis Fishing Boat w/Trailer, $13,400. Call 251-786-7500 ’98 Tohatsu 40HP motor, BMW 325i ’01 ’04 Honda Aqua Trax 1200 $2800. 251-479-9929 Turbo, 3 Seater, Blk/Silver, Wht w/blk lthr, loaded, 46K 22’ GRADY WHITE Trlr, Custom Cover, 165HP, mi All records. $21,000 Walk around Cuddy Cabin, 20 Hrs. $8495. 251-660-2858 Call 251-623-9030 Johnson Ocean Runner, Alum Campers/ BMW 530i 2002 trailer, Great Cond! Travel Sport & Prem. Pkg 61K mi $10,000. Gray Trailers ★★ 251-583-3670 ★★ w/Gray Interior, MUST 5th Wheel 2004 Cedar SEE!! 2000 1900LSR Regal 19’, V$24,900. Call 251-421-5969 Creek By Forest River, 6, Luxury Pleasure/Ski 37FLQS, 4 slide outs, Boat, 3 Tops, 1 Owner, BMW 740 2000 sleeps 6, frpl, qn Br, Perfect Condition, Too High mileage. $15,000 27” TV, DVD/stereo, 2ac many extras to list. 251-458-6555 units, Corian ceramic , Shoreline trailer, Service BMW 740iL 1997 records. $16,200 251-604-5972 solid oak cabinets, dinette, fully loaded & outfitted, Excellent condition! ’04 31FT Trophy WA home ready, will move to 139K miles, $8900. w/Cuddy cabin. Sleeps 4. your lot, everything stays, Call 251-510-1102 Twin 225 4-stroke. Like $62,000. BMW X5 2004 3.0. new! In water only 10x. 228-826-2655/ 228-424-5815/ Automatic, 24k miles, $97,000. 251-578-5712 228-249-2285 Metallic black, sunroof, ’95 Javelin 389T Bass Boat, ‘04 Shadow Cruiser 19ft, leather (heated seats) white & red, 150 evinrude, bumper pull, like new, $42,500 251-680-5642 Galv Tandem Axle Trailer, $9,500. 228-875-7503 BUICK LESABRE 1994 Great Cond! $8750. 251-67952K, garage kept, Clean JAYCO 5th Wheel 2003, 9064 Bunkhouse w/ super slide engine, regular maintenance, Excellent 35FT Grand Banks Style cent h/a, elect jacks, qn condition $4500. 251-232-3766 Trawler ’83 New diesel bed, microwave, many generator, 2BR, 2BA, extras, inc partly furn & CADILLAC BROUGHAM radar, TV, hitch, $18,300. can also ’94 stereo, all the Toys! Loaded, Extra Nice, sell 250 Ford 6.0 liter, $92,000. 78k Miles, $5500. diesel crew camp as 251-331-0044 251-649-0355; 510-6949 combo. (601)947-3521/ 601-508-0247 Cadillac Deville 1998 AAA ’01 TRITON TR186 BASS BOAT, Mercury XR6 5th Wheel 28ft, w/ large White/tan leather, Loaded 150, 36V Motorguide TM, to the max! 88k, K. blue slide-out, like new & Garage Kept. $13,500 251book $8450, Only $6995 251Dodge 2500 diesel truck, 533-3587 583-3450 excel cond. Must see! $34,500. 228-826-4682 Chapparal 18’ ’03 CADILLAC ELDORADO like new, 30 hrs, gar kept, 2005 Keystone Springdale ’91 3.6 162k Mi, Powder Blue w/ 30ft, TT sleeps 10, large I/O, CD, alum trlr, $11,900. White LR slideout, like new, 251-679-1177 or 379-7425 Top. Beautiful Car! $19,000. 228-588-2681 ■ Reduced ★★★★★★★★★ $2450! 251-666-6585, 463-5092 2004 5th wheel Sportsman 04 Xpress w/ 05 90hp CADILLAC SEVILLE STS Mercury Like New $10,500 28.5ft, 3 slides, used 1X $25,000. (251)633-6209 ’02 Call Billy 251-679-7500 all options w/sunroof, beau2004 FLEETWOOD, 19’ Bayliner Bow Rider tiful, good gas mileage, TACOMA PopUp, 1 owner 140 I/O Mercruiser, new trade considered. excel cond., $8,200 VHF, $15,900obo. 251-510-4669 depth recorder, trailer, like 228-217-2802 or 474-6233■ Chev. Caprice Classic 89. new, $5,500. 251-653-8958 ‘88 HOLIDAY Rambler Square body, AC,, needs 15FT DU Ed Polar Craft w/ T/T 31’ Pull type, $1500 work. $1950 OBO 251-463new Refrigerator, trailer, 25hp elec start 5572, 463-9323 or 431-1831 Yamaha, Avery quick set, microwave, re-upholstered furniture. A-1 Shape. $8500 Chevy Camaro 1999, 6 cycl, blind & many add-ons. great gas mileage, good 228-497-2844 $5000. 251-454-6433 tires, factory installed 1987 17.5’’ CPS Stauter, 55 1997 COACHMAN Catalina spoiler pkg, very clean! Adult driven, well mainLite, Bumper pull, 25ft, HP Nissan, Galvinized tained, 1 owner, 95K hwy TT, fully loaded trailer, miles, Must see! $7900. 251Live well, Exc. Cond., $ excel cond. $9,500. 591-5735 4800 601-394-2709/ 601-508-1150 51-605-5640 OBO Call 25 Chevy Camaro RS ’91, 2003 Travel Trailer 28ft, All Power, Good Cond, like new, assume loan @ Sea Ray ’98, $3000 21’ Bowrider, kept indoor $200.21, 9 yrs or pay off 251-610-0659 /new trailer, $14,995. appr $16,000. 601-947-9811 Bill 251-379-1650 Chevy Camero Z28 1994 Motorhomes Rebuilt, like new motor & 12ft Aluminum Boat transmission, Very fast! w/ 25hp Johnson, $4000. 251-443-7901; 680-5994 trolling motor & trailer 34’ ‘90 PACE ARROW Chevy Caprice ’92 Station $500. 228-990-8926 1 owner. Exc. cond. Wagon, 1 owner, 63K, 25-30 Boston Whaler, 16’ 23K miles. 228-826-4262 MPG, new tires, exc trans, Dauntless, 115 Mercury. $4,800. 251-471-1912 after 6 Purchased new March ’03. Chevy Cavalier LS ’03 ‘87 Eldorado/Prelude Motor warr. til March ’08. 4dr, AC, Auto, PW, PL, Class C, 22ft, Boat is like new. Less than Cruise/Tilt, CD, $9000. 41k mi, $3,000. 50 hrs. $16,900. 251-979-6459 Call 251-865-3026 928-8119 228-497-4742 730 760 780 CHEVY CORVETTE 1998, 41k Miles, 1-Owner, Convertible, Pewter w/Blk Top, Blk Int, Good Cond. $25,000 251-751-5900 btwn 8am-8pm Chevy Corvette ZO6 ’03 17k, covered/garaged, 405hp, Awesome! 6spd, Silver $36,750 Serious only. 251-246-5745 CHEVY IMPALA ’02, leather, 59k miles, $13,500. 251-246-4311 CHEVY MALIBU 03 GAS SAVER...GOOD CAR 4dr, tan, $10,699 251-605-0656 626-1956 Chevy Malibu ’05 All Pwr, 10K mi, Cd/Mp3 Plyr, Keyless Entry, AC, $9,999 under warr. 251-753-7566 CHEVY MALIBU 2004 Auto, PW, PL, cruise, tilt, CD, under fcty warr., $10,500. Call 251-209-8651 CHRYSLER SEBRING GTC CONVERTIBLE ’04. 24K mi, cruise, 6-disc CD, garage kept, warranty. $17,900 251-661-1911 920 Cars Chrysler Concord LXI ’01 79k miles, Loaded! garage kept, Very nice! $8900. 251-675-6059 920 Cars Pontiac Grand Prix GT ’00 Blue, tan leather, Loaded! alloy wheels, sunroof, spoiler, 106k, $6500. 251-3916722; 786-4333 Dodge Intrepid SE ’03, 33k, remainder of fact warr. Pontiac Grand Prix GT1 Must see! Exc cond! ’04 Kelley Blue book $13k Only Blk, 4-dr, V6, CD, OnStar, $9995 251-583-3450 new tires/Svcd 9/14/05. 74K mi. $10,900. 251-490-5356 Dodge Neon ’04 950 Sport Utility Vehicles GMC Yukon Denali ’00, 133K mi., Silver, Fully Loaded, New Tires, Great Condition! $13,500. d. 251471-1137 or n. 454-6747 MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2005 950 Sport Utility Vehicles HONDA Passport ‘99, clean, great replacement vehicle, $6,999. 228-588-3988 TOYOTA 4-RUNNER LTD ’04 4WD, approx 15k mi, white w/ taupe lthr, loaded (TV/DVD). $33,000 obo. 251-753-0620 silver, auto, tilt, CD, GMC YUKON SLT ’03. 3rd PONTIAC Grand Prix, like new, 35k miles, row seats, loaded, leather, Toyota 4-Runner SR5 1995 ‘93, ac, elect windows, $6,900. 251-626-6888 67K miles, new tires. Loaded! Very dependable. runs great, $2,500. $21,000. 251-633-6914; 490Sunroof, 160k, $4950. 228-217-7606 FORD CROWN VIC Police 6914 251-675-7325; 377-3468 Interceptor ’04. Ready for REPO SALE police work. 3200 miles. GMC Yukon SLT 2000, V-8, Toyota 4-Runner SR5 2000 Auto Credit, Inc. $14,900. 251-666-2405 69k, green, leather, sunDealers Only 228-769-9888 Loaded, Leather, Seats 8, 107k, Tow Pkg, Burgundy roof, CD, trailer hitch, FORD MUSTANG 2003. Saturn L200 ’01 w/Chrome Trim, Great $14,300. Call 251-454-3208; Black, spoiler, all opts. 4dr, auto, fully loaded, lthr Cond, Must See! $12,100. 661-1905 Mint cond. Only 29k Mi. seats, black, 82k mi, $4,950. Call 251-605-1146 Factory Warr. $12,900 OBO Toyota Landcruiser 251-634-1080 or 895-14588 GMC Yukon SLT ’97 Blue/ 251-510-3449 625-1484 FJ-62 ’88, Rare, only 61K, Saturn L300 ’03, Luxury Slvr, 140k, grey lthr, new All Original, AT, PW, PL, FORD MUSTANG ‘99, Class, AC, sunroof, 6 disc carpet, Exc cond, all $12,900. 251-767-1258 silver,sunroof, cloth int, CD, heated seats, power power, cust rims, chrome 5 spd, loaded, no radio Toyota Sequoia Limited everything, V6 3.0 L, nerf bars, $7800 obo. 2512001 Loaded! sunroof, $6,500. (601)947-4545 $10,500 251-648-5003 345-1901 251-554-6233 white w/tan, leather, 105k Ford Mustang GT ’03, 2DR GMC Yukon SLT, ’99, SATURN SL1 ’02 miles. $17,000. 251-228-2566 Coupe, Bright Red, 5-spd, 4DR, Moving: Must Sell! Leather, all power, very Foley 4.6 lt V8, Fully Loaded, 69k Miles. Exc Condition. clean, blue, original owner, lthr, Maxed Out! 28K 103,000 miles, excellent $6500. 251-391-9066 Trucks miles. Under Fact Wrnty, condition $10,500, 251-463Scion TC ’05, Like New! $17,000. 251-747-5997 5988 or 251-343-9784 Loaded, Sil, AT, 21K, Roof, FORD MUSTANG GT ’04 Alloys, Spoiler, XM, GMC Yukon XL, ‘04, 12k CHEV SILVERADO RC 055 Spd, Black, Leather, 31K 30mpg, Wrnty, $16,500. 251- mi, no flood damage, 4X4, 3500mi., white, 6cyl, Miles, 6 Disc CD, Exc black, tow pkg, On-Star, AC, bug shield, window 990-8341 Condition! $17,900 obo. Call Bose System, sunroof, louvers, rims, $17,500 251TOYOTA CAMRY LE 2000 251-454-1904 675-8836 605-7925 heated seats, rear air, Beige, 59K Miles, CD, $30,000. D251-865-6315/ FORD MUSTANG GT 05, All Power, One Owner. CHEVROLET S-10 1998 N251-865-4765 black, premium pkg, $9800 V6, AT, Air, 53k Actual 2300 mi, like new, Call 251-454-3208; 661-1905 Correct Miles. Exc. ★★★★★★★★ not flooded, $29k negoCondition Mercedes ML320 ’98. Toyota CAMRY SOLARA tiable 228-818-0645 $5950 Call 251-633-6800 Silver, Exc Condition, 129K 02, red, PW, PDL, CD, AC, Miles. $10,900. Call 251-583Ford Taurus SE ’05, alloy whls, CC, 90k miles. CHEVROLET Z-71 ’98 Like New! Assume Note. $9,200. Must sell 251-251- 0617 3rd Door, Loaded, 140K $14,950. 251-423-8330 621-0367 ★ JEEP SAHARA 1997 ★ miles, Tool box. $7600 OBO. leave msg. (251)367-7047; 422-0700 Black, 6 cycl, 5 speed, AC, TOYOTA COROLLA ’95. ★★★★★★★★ CD, CHEVY 1500 ‘00 Single Blue, PW, PL, automatic, 80K, new tires w/2’’ lift. PONTIAC TEMPEST 1966 Sunroof, cruise, CD, 99K Cab, LWB, at, 131K mi. $8900. 251-583-0615 White, wire wheels, miles. Excellent condition. Great cond. $6700 $1200 OBO 251-545-7869 $5500. 251-414-5775 ★ JEEP WRANGLER 1991 228-522-6037 / 228-623-3937 ★★★★★★★★★★ ★ Toyota Scion XB ’04, CHEVY 2500 HD ’05 Lincoln Towncar ’03, Red, 5-spd, 2’’ Lift; new Crew cab, diesel, loaded, Loaded w/Prem Sound, XM Only 7100 miles. tires, rims, seats & stereo. silver, 4x4, 8k mi, $36,900 Radio, DVD, Fog Lights, $22,500. 251-342-2097 160K miles. $5900. 251-633- obo. Call 251-604-8172 Air Bags, Spoiler, 15k Mi, 8810 Prem Tires, 29.5 MPG HONDA ACCORD 1996 Chevy 2500 HD 2004 8.1L, City/Hwy $14,500 251-7674DR, auto, 121k miles, ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ w/tow pkg, 14k mi, $30K 8467 $5000 Cadillac Escalade ’02, gold obo. 2005 Prowler Regal 251-675-2669 or 599-3596 pkg, 1 owner, perfect cond, 34FT TT Fully Loaded! w/1 Volkswagon Jetta GLS 67k, $25,000. 251-937-0635 2002, 46k, White, Sunroof, slide out. $23,500 obo. Will Honda Accord EX ’00 deliver both. $52K for both. 85k, 33 MPG, ABS, AT, AC, Leather, CD, New Tires, ★★★★★★ 863-494-7483 $12,900. PL, sunroof, new tires, like ISUZU TROOPER ’95 Call 251-454-3208; 661-1905 White, 135k miles, $5500 new, $10,650. 251-626-5802 CHEVY 2500 HD Diesel 4x4 VW BEETLE TDI, 2000, OBO 251-626-5951 Mon-Sat., Crew Cab, LT pkg, leather, HONDA ACCORD EX ’02 new condition, warranty. Auto, 4dr, Lthr, 4cyl, AC, GLS, 40MPG, turbo diesel 8-6. $33,000. 251-610-3499 Sunroof, All Power, 58K loaded, new tires Sharp HONDA PASSPORT 1997 Mi. $12,800 ★★ 251-533-5531 Car! $10,200. 228-326-6291/ AT, V6, A/C, Pwr, CD, Chevy 3500 Dually ’95 22 28-826-0856■ 4WD, New tires. Great 130K miles, Regular Cab, Honda Accord LX 1998 shape. Consider all trades. Gas engine, needs tires, auto, 4DR, Power, CD, $7800. 251-645-1966 Sport Utility $4,700. 251-471-5962 L spoiler, low miles, HONDA PASSPORT ’97 Excellent condition $7200 Chevy Avalanche ’02, exc Vehicles V-6, Sunroof, Nice obo. 251-621-8413 cond, every option, lthr, Good Tires, $4000. Firm. BMW X5 ’04, 20.5K mi, 70k, HONDA CIVIC 1998 4-Dr 850-324-5589 black, LOADED!! 4 brand new tires ($1,200) DX Panoramic sunroof, sat w/warr. $22,000. 850-803-6533 HUMMER H2 2003 5-spd. 124K mi; 35mpg. radio, garage kept Loaded, New Tires, Pewter New tires. Exc. cond. Chevy Avalanche ’03 $36,900. 251-344-5767 Color, Lady Owner, $36,000. $4450. 251-232-6192 Black, Like New, 251-421-6591 or 421-4383 22K miles, Must Sell! HONDA PRELUDE 1985 CHEVY Avalanche ‘02, $26,000. 251-680-2161 high & dry, 22” rims, ap, ISUZU TROOPER ’99 130K mi, cold AC, good 113k, loaded, leather, sun- CHEVY Avalanche ‘03, work car, good mechanical loaded, 77k mi, clean, $15,995. 228-366-0412 roof, 4wd, all pwr, $6,500 Z66, 1 owner, fact. warr. cond, $1500. 251-454-7176 obo. 251-661-4768, 533-1231 30k mi, perfect cond, CHEVY BLAZER ’02 Honda’s From $500! loaded, $20,500. 4.3 Auto, AC, PW, New Jeep Cherokee 4x4 2000 POLICE IMPOUNDS 850-584-78883/ 850-838-4742 Tires, 6’’ lift, 33’’ tires, Great For listings call condition! $5500 obo. 800-366-9813, Extension 4500 Fact Alloy Rims, 80k, Exc Chevy C1500 1997 Shape Call 251-422-3942 Ext’d Cab Blue, 160K INFINITI G35 ’03, Silver/ $10,500. 601-508-1677 miles, 4WD, toolboxes, Jeep Grand Cherokee ’00 beige lthr, AT, sunroof, xm $6800. 251-866-0100 Chevy Blazer 1994, full 4dr, Auto, Lthr, 70K Mi, radio, loaded, 4DR, only size, runs great! Looks Mint Cond! $11,500 obo. 22k, $25,000 251-443-3258, Chevy Duramax Heavy great! Future collectors Call 251-928-3268 or 583-07002 648-0246 Duty vehicle. 169K, 350HP, V8 2003 Crew Cab, 4x4, JEEP GRAND CHEROJAGUAR S-TYPE 2001 engine, new AC, new tires, 32k miles, Very Clean, KEE ’99 4 Door, Titanium Blue, new speakers, new receiv- Limited, 4x4, Blue, $32,000. OBO. 251-747-6604 New Tires, 55k Miles er hitch, new nerf bars, Leather, All Power, 104K $22,000. 251-666-7658 Chevy S-10 ’02, white, V6, K&N air filter, tornado air Miles. $9500. Call 251-377auto, A/C, stereo, 119k mi, intake sys., k’less entry Jaguar XJ6 ’94 4829 looks & drives like new, $7500 251-633-6729 van dan tlas, good cond, Jeep Grand Cherokee $4,950. $4,900 obo. 251-458-2707 CHEVY BLAZER 2000 Laredo ’00, 4x4, Maroon, 251-634-1080 or 895-1458 or 209-5883 Fully loaded, new tires, Auto, CD, Lthr, Sunroof, Chevy Silverado ’03 low miles. Wife’s car. JAGUAR XJ8 ’98 144K, Excel Cond! $7700. 40K miles, Extended cab, Super clean. $7300. 251-61041k miles, white/tan 251-463-5514; 751-1817 $18,500 1238 leather, sunroof, like new. Jeep Grand Cherokee Ltd 251-543-1116 $14,900 251-721-5626 CHEVY COLORADO ’05 ’04 CHEVY SILVERADO 2000 Red, 2wd, Crew Cab, 975 LEXUS ES300 ’02 2wd, Black, Lthr, 27K 4x4, Red, 83K miles, Very Good Cond! Loaded! Miles. $21,800. Please Call Miles, Warr. Loaded w/all Loaded! $16,000. 53K Miles, Silver/Gray Int. 601-766-1540; 601-508-2870 Amenities! $23,500 obo. 251251-689-4743 $22,000. Call 251-276-3634 CHEVY SUBURBAN 2001 645-7157 CHEVY SILVERADO 4x4 Gold LT, auto-ride, loaded, LINCOLN LS ‘04 Pearl JEEP WRANGLER ’98 2001. SWB, V6 auto, air. clean, 89k miles, $19,500 white Leather, Loaded. 4x4, 6 cyl, auto, cold Very sharp and clean. Call Jimmy 251-656-2292 19K mi. $22,500, /offer 228AC, CD, extra clean $10,800 251-633-2473 990-7780 /228-475-5170 $10,000. 601-394-4177 Chevy Suburban LT ’96, Chevy Silverado Z-71 LS ’99 Lincoln Town Car Cartier 4WD, Pwr Mirrors, JEEP WRANGLER ’99 Black/Tan Int. Ext Cab, 5.3 PW/PL, V8, Lthr Original ’97 6 cyl, auto, alloy wheels, V8, All Power, 130K Miles, loaded, looks & runs great, Owner, Exc cond $8500 251soft top, hunter green. $11,000. Call 251-402-8523 605-6943 or 679-8212 silver w/ black top, $11,750 251-649-0841 $5,250. 251-928-0914 CHEVY Z-71 ’97. 3rd dr, CHEVY TAHOE ‘00, LS Jeep Wrangler Sahara ’97 113K mi, Silverado pkg, 5.7 3rd seat, 76k mi. 117K mi, AC, 6 cyl, 5 Lincoln Town Car Vortex eng, loaded, new No Storm Damage, Speed, Executive series 1996, tires. $9,500. 251-633-6914; Exc Cond, Green/Tan. Crimson tide Red/grey Excel Cond. $16,500. 490-6914. $9900. 251-583-0617 leather intr. 74K, $7200. 251- 228-826-4619/ 228-218-6800 626-5787 402-0738 DODGE DAKOTA 2001 JEEP WRANGLER Chevy Tahoe ’01, 2WD, all White w/ Black Leather SPORT 01 Lincoln Towncar ’01, Pwr, 72K, tow pkg, rear Interior, 4dr, 4.6L, V8, 6 cyl, auto, leather, new Executive Series, Good AC, CD, Good Looking Loaded. $9750. Call 251-986Cond, $12,250 251-473-7995/ 753-84774 tires, yellow, $13,500. 2515301 or 978-5511 973-2077, 422-3436. Power Everything, $10,500. CHEVY TAHOE 1997 251-476-4600 Dodge Dakota Sport 1998 White, leather, tow pack- Jeep Wrangler Sport ’98, 85K, tool box, cold AC, AC, Stereo Bar, Chrome MAXDA MIATA ‘91, age, mint condition! CD, $5000 hi mi, but runs great, New AM/FM/CD, loaded, good push bar, side bar and rear obo. bar, 6 Cyl, 5 Spd, soft top, timing belt, tires, & cond. 251-554-6983 after 5pm. Lv wheel cover, CD w/amp, $7000. 251-633-7750 brakes. Did Not Flood! msg $8950. 251-653-5696 $3,500. 228-623-4616 Chevy Tahoe LT 1999 Jeep Wrangler ‘‘X Pkg’’ ’04 Dodge Ram ’04, single cab, 4WD, 4DR, Tan/grey MAZDA 3 S ’04 rhino liner & cover, 5 Black, auto, CD, 11k mi, leather intr, new battery, 4 Door, Sport Package change Moon Roof, Spoiler, $18,000. new brakes, just serviced, chrome wheels, nerf bars, CD player, 42k, exc cond, front/rear bumper, $17,500. 121K, $8750 obo. 850-384251-602-6699 or 402-8818 asking $12,600. 251-978-6370 251-209-6480 9600 or 251-767-1074 MAZDA MIATA CONV ’97 DODGE RAM 1500 ’03 KIA SPORTAGE 1999 CHEVY TAHOE LT 1999 Great Gas Mileage!! Exc Auto, 4WD, PW, 110k miles V6, Auto, 52K Miles, AC, Cond! CD, 54K Miles, $8100 Pewter, 4WD, 4DR, CD, Very Good Condition! Excellent $4500 CASH Loaded! leather, CD, tow 251-471-6741 or 490-8499 $10,700. 251-981-1211; 251Call 251-583-1076 pkg, all power, 126K, $8500. 747-1616 Mazda RX-8 ’04, 4dr Coupe, 251-747-5466 Land Rover Discovery 2003 31k, silver, AT, alloys, DODGE RAM 1500 ’04, V6 Chevy Trailblazer ’02 only Silver, 4WD, Loaded, Still spoiler, 29K Mi, Silver, Auto, Under Warranty, Low ABS, CD, sporty. $21,200. 39k, exc cond! White Cruise, CD Player. $12,900 Mileage, $27,000 251-421251-626-5818 or 251-209-6613 w/gray lthr seats, still OBO. Call 251-649-9662 6591 or 421-4383 smells like new. $19,500 MERCEDES 1993 190E Dodge Ram 1996 4WD, All obo. 251-605-4450 Land Rover Discovery II Fawn. 4-dr, sunroof Pwr, Ext. Cab, Matching LE $3,750 Ford Escape XLS ’02 Camper, Exc. Cond., $5500 ’01. All Leather, Dual Moon 251-421-3618; 478-2817 White/ Gray, 60k, V6, PL, OBO Call 228-327-1906 Roof, Loaded! Ext. PD, PW, PM, K. blue book MERCEDES 300SE ’89 Warranty. DODGE RAM 2500 2003 $13,340, Only $11,500. 251White, Lthr, Sunroof, 1-533-3914 $16,500. Call 251 Cummins Diesel 583-3450 Loaded! Quad Cab, $19,400. Land Rover Discovery SE7 104k mi, $9500. Ford Expedition ’04, 251-656-4667 ’96, 4WD, All Power, tow228-475-3480 Loaded, 3rd seat, rear air, ing Dodge Ram 2500 ’99, SLT, MERCEDES 420SEL 1988 23K miles. Excellent pkg, $5500 obo. Call Randy 4x4, diesel, bedliner, new Smoke silver/brown, 26k Condition! $25,920. 601-394251-423-0326 tires 33x12.50/trans, miles. Perfect. 2nd owner 5218 camper top, 138k, Landrover Discovery 2004, $17,000. Ford Expedition 1997 $17,700obo. 251-422-9990 12,500 Mi, Blk, Wheat Call 251-455-8234 Eddie Bauer 4x4 Interior, 2 Sunroofs, GPS, Dodge Ram Hemi ’04, Black/Taupe $7,200 MERCEDES E320 SW ’00 All Power, 4WD, Trail Pkg, $19,000. Weekdays call 251-679-7465 or 680-5105 White, Leather, Sunroof, Loaded, $32,000. 251-604after 4, weekends anytime, 3rd Row Seat, No Storm Ford Expedition ’97 Eddie 0088 510-6901; 510-1773 Damage! $25,000. Walt, 228- Bauer, Emerald/Tan, Lthr, LINCOLN AVIATOR ’04 Dodge Ram Pick Up 1500 424-6555 3rd Seat, Rear AC, Tow 24K miles, loaded, ’01 LWB, V6, Auto, AC, 65K Pk, 6 CD, $6100. 251-422MERCEDES SL 500 ’99 dark sand, w/extended Miles, Excellent Condition White, immaculate, a must 2912; 660-1219 warranty $6850. Call 251-510-54338 see beauty. $23,500. Call $31,000 251-675-0383 FORD EXPEDITION E. Dodge Ram Quad Cab ’03, 251-232-7307 BAUER 02. White/tan, Mitsubishi Montero LS 1996 SLT, 4.7 V8, Loaded, Liner, MERCURY GRAND MAR- leather, loaded. TV, VCR, 4WD, 86K mi, All pwr, Cd, Boards, 63K mi, $16,200. 3rd seat, rear air. Exc. QUIS LS 2000. 68K miles, New tires, clean, great 228-990-9362 leather, CD, loaded. $9900. cond. $16,900 251-802-0096 cond., FORD 1 ton flatbed ‘87, 251-635-1125; 421-8481. 83-5998 $8000 Call 251-58 FORD EXPLORER 98 Needs Repair, SPORT. 2Dr, standard NISSAN 350-Z ’04 Mitsubishi Montero Sport $950. 228-475-6670 1 owner, 11K miles. $24,900. trans, AC, 86K mi., dk. ’99 green. $3,695 OBO. Call or Estate Sale. 251-653-1599; Limited, Leather, Sunroof, FORD 250 2003, 6.0 liter text msg. 251-533-1281 251-209-2021. New Brakes, Great Cond power stroke turbo diesel V-8, crewcab, loaded, $7900 Call 251-666-555 56 Ford Explorer Sport Track NISSAN ALTIMA ’03 leather, 6CD, sunroof, Silver, Spoiler, 47K, CD, ’04, Wht/Tan, PW, PL, CD, Nissan Pathfinder 2003, Rhino bed liner & much DVD Sys, 22’’ wheels, Grill, Tint black, 43,500 mi, cd, All more. 29K mi, Must See!, r wrnty. 35K mi, Still under Widows, DVD Ready, pwr, $28,200. (601)947-3521/ 601Nicest Around, Real Head Under cruise, Grey interior, 508-0247/ Warr. $15,900. 251-709-0112 Turner! $12K in access $18,000 Can Sell as Combo w/ $25,000 obo. 251-401-6143 OBO 601-947-0109 aftr 4pm NISSAN MAXIMA GLE ’98 Jayco 5th wheel Ford Explorer XLS ’02 V6, NISSAN PATHFINDER SE AT, Sunroof, All Power, FORD F-150 2000 Alloys, New Tires, 142K, PW, PL, PM, PS, Must ’01 see! Exc cond! K. Blue White, Beautiful Car! Champagne, CD, Running 4dr 4x4, Red w/gray interior blue $13k, Only $8995. 251$6900. 251-661-8633 Boards, Alloys, Exc Cond! CD player, bedliner 583-3450 89K Miles. $11,900. 251-421NISSAN SENTRA GXE ’98 $8350. 251-377-5444 5969 FORD EXPLORER XLT 5Spd, 87,400 Mi, PW/PL, FORD F-150 2004. 4WD, 4’00 Cruise, 1-Owner, Alpine NISSAN XTERRA ’00 dr Lariat, Ext-Cab, 4.5L Sunroof, All Power, Less Stereo w/Infinity Speakers Excellent Condition! engine, 16,001 miles. 1 than 100K Miles, $8800. $4500 251-709-9042 Silver, Auto, CD, $9800 owner, garage kept, mint Call 251-342-9341 Call 251-639-9292 Oldsmobile Alero 1999 cond. Locally owned. AMFORD EXPLORER XLT White, sunroof, spoiler, SATURN VUE ’03 FM CD Sys, Cruise, ’94 79,500 miles, new tires, all V6, Sunroof, CD Player, lthr/heated seats, alloys, 200k Mi, AT, PWR, Cold new belts/hoses, $6000. 251AC, auto, PW, PL, rear AC, 866-0100 Keyless, 25K, Factory defroster, PM, running Good Condition, $2300 OBO. Warranty. $8500 obo. 251- boards, tow pkg, back-up POLICE IMPOUNDS Call 251-634-5186 753-7566 sensors, 20,000 mi warr. Chevy’s From $500! left. $28,512. 336-380-0263. FORD EXPLORER XLT Toyota 4-Runner ’97 For listings call ’98 burgundy, good cond, auto, 800-366-9813, Extension 2241 FORD F-150 ’93 Good Condition AC, over 100k, $4,950. Pontiac Grand Am ’99, SE flare side, extra cab, 93k, exc Asking $3800 OBO. 251-661-0004 4DR, Silver, AC, AT, PB, cond, $5,475 obo. 251-649-4041 251-947-3059 Toyota 4-Runner ’98, Lmtd PS, PW, PL, Sunroof, FORD F-150 ’97 cruise, tilt, spoiler, lthr, AA GMC Envoy ’04, Like New! Ed, 2WD, 4DR, AT, AC, 57K, V6, AUTOMATIC, A/C wheels, am/fm/CD, Good Low Miles, Loaded, Under lthr, s/r, New timing belt, GOOD COND. $6350 miles, $3950. D: 251-751Warranty. $25,000. 251-610- tires, 95K, Excel Cond! ★★251-634-8119★★ $11,975. 251-471-5962 5865 N: 476-1416 0659 GMC YUKON SLT ’02 Black/Gray Leather, 4x4, 3rd Row Seat, Fully Loaded! $19,900 OBO. 251-753-3062 960 950 960 Trucks 960 Ford F-150 1992 LWB, auto, AC, $2995 850-324-5589 FORD F-150 LARIAT ’04, Crew Cab, CC, DVD, 30k, Loaded, 5.4 V-8, Warranty, $22,000. 251-604-6472; 4541612 Ford F-150 Lariat 2002 Super Cab 4x4, Loaded! Leather, Sharp! $15,900 850-324-5589 FORD F-150 STX 2004 Super Cab, 27k miles, $19,000. Call 251-865-2129 or 533-3653. Ford F-150 XLT ’02, Silver, 50K miles, Manual, sunroof, CD, Immaculate Cond! $12,500 obo. 251-377-7264 Ford F-150 XLT ’04, PW, PL, PM, tilt, cruise, CD, Super Cab, dark Blue, 29k, alum rims, $15,700. 251-3667700 Ford F-150 XLT 1995 139k, Full Size, Clean, Steel Rims, Good Cond, All Power, $4100 OBO. 251-623-9633 Ford F-250 ’01, Lariat Super Duty, V10, $15,700. 228-623-5075 or 228-474-9621 FORD F-250 XLT ’01 Turbo Diesel, 4DR, Super Duty, $17,500. 251-643-7240 or 554-8652 Ford F-350 ’02 XLT, LWB, 4dr, auto, 99k, mint cond, $22,000. 251-928-3268 or 583-0702 FORD F-350 CREW CAB ’95. Good condition. 150k miles. Great work truck. $7,000 251-232-5139 FORD F150 1988 w/Tamper Hood, 39k Original Miles, AC, Auto, AM/FM/CASS $3500. 251-432-6442 after 5PM. Ford Ranger ’02 ext cab, white, tool box, CD, auto, V6, 42k, immaculate, $12,500 obo. 251-626-0887 Ford Ranger XLT ’01, Super Cab 4DR, 4x4, stepbed, tilt, cruise, pw, pl, 4.0 V6, auto, $11,900 obo. Call 228-990-6300 GMC Sierra 1500 Z-71 1997, Black, 126k Mi, Tool Box, True Dual Exhaust, Cold AC, PW/PL, $8900 OBO. 251-583-4304 GMC SIERRA EXT CAB ’94 5 Spd, good tires, radio, AC, hitch, bedliner. Great Cond! 3-3789 $5900 obo. 850-453 GMC Z-71 SLT 2000 Ext Cab, 4x4, 71k Miles, Leather CD, PW/PL, Heated Seats. Exc Cond. $14,500. 251-421-7275 GMC Z71 1500 ’98 Ext’d Cab, Pewter/Blue, PW, PL, new tires, brush guard, dual exhaust, tool box, Rhino Liner, Great cond! 170k, $8900. 251-973-3101 Trucks TOYOTA TACOMA 2001 Crew Cab, SR5, 4wd, V6, AT, PW, PL, Ex Cond! 107K. Must Sell! $14,900. 251-533-8385 Toyota Tacoma R/C ’00 SR5. 4WD, 2.7L, AT, AC, Spray On Bedliner, Rear Slide Window, $9625 loan value 251-602-6525 Motorcycles ’04 R. King cust. 2 seats, 2 windshields, chrome front end, Vance & Hines True Dual Exhaust, detachable backrest $18,200 251-6669760 ’04 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Custom, 2100 miles, W/S, HK pipes, badlander seat, $6,750 obo. Must Sell! 251379-2064 Toyota Tundra ’02 TRD, 2wd, 4 dr access cab, 2000 Yamaha Roadstar 77k miles, gray, $14,500 Silverado 1600CC, Loaded! obo. 251-680-7966 20K miles, $7000 obo 251-649-8380; 232-8445 970 Vans 2002 HONDA 1800 2400mi, windshield, saddle bags, dble seat, triple lights, CHEVY ASTRO VAN 1996 lots of extra chrome & V-6, AT, 2 AC’s, AL, AD, access. $12,500. 228Work Vehicle, 8 Passenger, 475-8434/ 228-806-1980 White, 148k, $3800. 251-3442002 HONDA CBR600 F4I. 8812 8,OOO miles, exhaust, new Chevy Astro Van LS 2001, tires, extras. $5650 OBO Gold/Beige, 84k, Rear Air, 251-455-1879 Leave Loaded, Clean, Seats 8, Message. 6cyl, Runs Great, $8500. ‘93 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 251-599-8476 Chevy Full Size Work Van Sportster 1200 CC. Good cond. Must see. $5200/obo 1998 Looks & runs great, 601-508-7723 New tires. $4200 obo. 251990-5918 or 605-5640 AAA Red Harley 98 Dyna Chevy G20 1995 Mark III Conv in great condition with complete service Ricon chair lift (cost record, HD ws, bags, $4600), handicap, Crse, 11,800 obo. 251-605Runs Great! 92K $4650 251- extras. $1 2954. 621-9257; 680-8247 CHRYSLER T&C LXI ’96, CCI CUSTOM CHOPPER 178K miles, all power, AC ’04. Rigid frame, 100ci, 6 needs work, $2400. Call 251- spd, 1100 mi, Reduced $15,000 obo. Pics avail via 656-0831 internet. 251-583-4980 Dodge B250 1996 w/Bins & Drawers, 120k Miles, New H. D. ’03 Anniv. Gold Key Pkg. V-Rod. 16k mi. Trans & Battery. Looks & Runs Good. $5500. Day 251- Computer chip, K&N filter, Screaming Eagle pipes. 331-4020 or Night 660-5352 $26k+ invested, asking Dodge B350 1 ton Work Van $18,500 251-610-4912 1997, Long Wheel Base, Good Condition $4500 FIRM Harley Davidson 2002 Heritage Softtail. Radical Call after 6 251-471-1912 Custom Paint. Lots of DODGE GRAND CARA- extras! $16,500. 251-751-0355 VAN ’05. PW, PL, front & rear air, AM-FM CD, seats HARLEY DAVIDSON 883 XL 7, 18K miles. $15,900. 251Sportster ’01, Screaming 666-2405 Eagle Pkg, Lots of Extras! Dodge Grand Caravan ’97 $6000 obo. 753-4170; 633-7837 1 owner, Runs great! Exc cond. Dark green, cold AC, Harley Davidson Electra Glide Standard 2001. Great $3900. 251-634-4974 shape, 11,731 Miles, Black, Dodge Ram 2000, 1500 Van $14,750. 251-422-5586 Cold AC, new tires, 7 pass, very good cond. Must sell Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 Custom ’05, 700 miles, $3,995. 251-233-9545 lots of extras, $13,000. obo Ford 15 Passenger Van 251-626-7782 or 423-5949 1998 Dual AC, $7900. 850-324-5589 Honda Odyssey EX ’05 lthr, DVD, blk w/ tan int, 9k mi, loaded, $28,900. 251-776-1441, 689-0148 Harley Davidson Sportster, 1200 Custom ’99, air kit, pipes, new tires, $6000. 251973-2077, 422-3436. HD Road King ’98, 38K, custom seat, luggage rack, HONDA ODYSSEY EX ’97 windscreen, many extras, gar kept, Reduced! $9,500 1 owner, gar. kept. AM, obo. Call 228-875-3830 FM, Cass, CD, dual AC, exc. cond. $6750 251-661HONDA REBEL 2004 4288 463-4005 Black/chrome, black leather Olds Silouette Premier ’01, seats, 5k mi, great condileather, captain’s chairs, tion, excel cond, extended must see. $2300. 251-366wrnty, many extras! 0529 $13,500 obo. 251-645-4092 Honda VTX 1800R ’03 950 Mi, Pipes, Warranty, Illusion, Blue, $8900. Call 251-776-6414 Oldsmobile Silhouette ’98 111K Miles, Leather, Auto, AC, All Power, Very Nice! $5500 obo. 251-490-47705 Plymouth Grand Voyanger ’96, all options, pwr, like new GMC Z71 SLT ’96, Ext Cab, inside & out, new tires, leath, orig owner, New AC, white bedliner, tool box, brush w/tan int. $5,500. 251-653gaurd, 145K, $7999, Winch 8958 add $500. 251-422-1780 Plymouth Voyager ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ Expresso ’99, 4 New Tires Chevy S-10 extended ’00, w/70k Warr, 7 Passenger, 6 4cyl, auto, AC, very clean, Cyl, 114k mi, Exc Cond. $7,450. 251-633-5675 $5500 OBO. 251-607-0628 ★★★★★★★★★★★ GMC Sierra 1500 Pick-up ’91, More than loaded! Only 48k Miles. $8895. 251-649-5216 980 PONTIAC MONTANA ’99 All Power, AC, Auto, Runs & Drives Perfect, Very Clean! $4500. Call 251-49047005 SUZUKI 1200s BANDIT2000 ONLY 2K MILES. ONE ADULT OWNER. LOOKS NEW. First $4800 251-7513670 990 Vehicle Parts FORD EXT CAB pick up turck, ‘94, $500. 228-2491628/ 228-249-5079 TOYOTA 4RUNNER ‘89, alum whhels, complete, for parts, $500. 228-2491628/ 228-249-5079 AL BODDEN USED SUPERCENTER & WE’RE OPEN & HERE FOR YOU! SPECIAL NOTICE! We’re Going to Auction WEEKLY North of the Gulf Coast. Call Us Now and Tell Us Your Needs and We Will Buy For You at Auction!! EVERYTHING 25000 $ OVER COST Our Prayers Are With The Gulf Coast, ESPECIALLY Our Jackson & George Co. Family Main Street • Moss Point 475-9611 1-800-452-4341
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