exec 216_20151208154314
exec 216_20151208154314
Adopted by Council at its meeting held August 24,20"15 [M35f -2015] /SV Windsor, Ontario August 24,2015 REPORT NQ.216 of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of its meeting held Ju.ly 27 ,2015 Members Present: Mayor Dilkens Councillor Borrelli Councillor Bortolin Councillor Elliott Councillor Francis Councillor Gignac Councillor Holt Councillor Kusmiercryk Councillor Marra Councillor Sleiman Regrets: Councillor Payne The following recommendation of the Executive Committee BE APPROVED as follows: Moved by Councillor Sleima¡, seconded by Councillor Elliott, THAT the Delegation of Authority Semi-Annual Status Report for the frrst half of 2015 (January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015) BE RECEIVED for information; and THAT City Council ÄPPROVE an amendment to Parking Fee (Flat Rate) for Business Improvement Area (BIA) Special Events (Section L22 of ¡J:Le Delegation of Authority ByJaw 208-2008) to provide the Chief Administrative Officer the authority to administer a flat rate parking fee for any event, not just BIA Special Events and rename the item to "Parking Fee (Flat Rate) for Special Events"; and THAT City Council APPROVE an amendment to Alleys, Right-of-Ways and Easements (Section 3.28 of the Delegation of Authority ByJaw 208-2008) as follows: "Authority for the Chief Administrative Officer to approve amendments to street and alley closing byJaws, subject to suppoft by City Planner, for the following purposes: (a) easements; (b) to convey r.rnclaimed parcels in accordance with applicable street and alley closing policy in effect from time to time; (c) set conveyance price in accordance with applicable sheet and alley closing policy in effect from time to time; ald THAT Crty Councii APPROVE the addition of a new item to the Delegation of Authority ByJaw to allow for "Purchase of Altemate Vehicles and Equipment"; and further THAT City Council AUTHORIZE the City Solicitor to amend the Delegation of Authority ByJaw 208-2008 to reflect amendments and add a1l updates to Bylaw for Delegated Items previously approved by City Council as outlined in this report. Canied. Councillor Francis declares an interest and abstains from voting on the issue of adding a new delegated item for "Purchase of Altemate Vehicles and Equipment". Councillor Marra declares an interest on Page i9 of 40 CAO2991, Page 28 of 40 - CAO3089 and Page 38 of 40 - CAO3022 and abstains from voting on those items. - LIVELINK #17840, Ç!g!!þ'1þ: ASl77 48 The report authored by the Manager of Corporate Administration dated July 13, Status Report for the period 2015 entitled "Delegation of Authority information. January l,2015 through June 30, 2015" is CHAIRPERSON Notification Name Contact Information " Item No.2l THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WINDSOR Executive Committee . CAO Administrative Report MISSION STATEMENT: ''ow ciD' is bul¡ on rclationsh¡ps and region - all - be\,een c¡r¡:ens and the¡r gove nent, businesses and pubric ¡nsritutions, cil, interconnected, mutuølly suppo ¡ve, andloots;d on the brightest future trc cak cre.tte togeúet... Livelink REPORT #: 17840 AS/7748 Author's Name: Diane Ryan / Larissa McCorkell Author's Phone: 519-255-6100 ext,6312 / exr. 6607 Report Date: July 13, 2015 Date to Standing Committee: Júy 27,,2015 Classification #: Author's E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] To: Executive Standing Committec Subject: Delegation of Authority Semi-Annual Status Report for the period January l, 20lS through June 30,2015 1. RECOMMENDATION: City Wide: X Ward(s): THAT the Delegation of Authority Semi-Annual Status Repof for the first half of 2015 (January I, 201 5 through June 30, 2015) BE RECEIVED for information; and THAT city council APPROVE an amendmenr to parking Fee (Flat Rare) for Business Improvement Area (BIA) specìal Events (section 1 .22 of the Delegarion of Authority By-la'i 208-2008) to provide the Chief Administrative Officer the authority to adminisler a fiat rate parking fee for any event, notjust BIA special Events and rename ìhe irem to ,,parking Fee (Flat Rate),for Special Events"; and THAT city council APPROvE an amendment ro Alleys, Right-ofl-ways and Easemenrs (Section 3.28 of the Delegarion of Authority ByJaw 20à-2008) as follows; "Aulhority for the chief Administrative offìcer to approve amendments to street and alley closing by-laws, sub.lect to support by City planner, fôr the following pu¡poses: (a) easements; (b) to convey unclaimed parcels in accordance with applicable street and alley.closing policy in effèct from time 1o time; (c) set conveyance price in accordance with appricabre street and alley closing policy in effecl from timc to time; and THAT city council APPRovlì the addition of a new item to rhe Delegation of'Authority Bylaw to allow llor "Purchdse o/ Alternate l/ehicles and Equipment',; and lirther I of 40 TFIAT City Courcil AUTHORTZE the City Solicitor ro amend the Delegarion of Authority Bylaw 208-2008 to reflect amendme¡ts and add all updates to ByJari for Delegated Items previously approved by City Council as outlined in this ieport. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A 2. BACKGROUND: The objective of the Delegation of Authority (DoA) process is to reduce the number of generar administrative reports requiring city council app.ouâl by delegating administrative responsibilities to senior management staff. This process is AeiigneA to streamline the council agenda, speed up delivery of standard approvals, improve customer service and alow city council more time to focus on policy, strategic planning, and major issues facing;"ity DoA first approved in November 2004 (cF.1063/2004, ByJaw 389-2004) and further consolidated as By-law 208-2008 in December 20òg in o¡der to ín"íoa" irr tt uy-tu* additional items council had delegated to the chief Administrative officer (cAo) .in"Ë " tn" original by-law was drafted. since then, as new items are delegated by city co;cilìo *" ceo for approval, By-law 208-2008 is updated accordingly. The. p¡ocess was It is¡oted th¿t all items approved by the cAo through this semi-annually through this report. 3. process are reported to city council DISCUSSION: Requested Additions to the Deleeation of Authority Bvlaw 20g_200g Two new items are recommended for addition to the DOA ByJaw. ¡ Amend Parking Fee (Frat Rate) for Business Improvement Area (BIA) speciar Events (Section 1.22) to include all events on November 1,2005, city council amended rhe ByJaw (cR65r/2005;ByJaw 298-2005) to include the authority to administer a flat rate parking fee for a business improvement area (BIA) for special events. This applies to a BIAihat submits a written."qu"rt to parking hulre fees waived fo¡ customers attending special events such as sidewalk salei. Instead, the BIA is responsible for paying a flat rate for the parking area. Administ¡ation has the authority to waive custome¡ parking fees in lieu of a flat rate paid by the BIA to the City. Administration also has the authority to periodically adjust the flat rate to be reflective of actual revenues for the area. In addition, the city occasionally receives requests from individuals, asiociarions, organizations and other entities hosting special events on city property to have parking fees waived and instead pay a flat rate to the city. ln most cases, the rãquóst is included in the Special Events Agreement under the Fee schedule. However. there is the rare occasion where the hosting entity makes this request after the special Evenr Agreement has been processed. By amending the CAO's authority to administe¡ a flat rate parking fee for special 2oî40 events, rega¡dless of whether or not it is a BIA event, this will make the process more efücient should Administ¡ation receive late requests. It is noted that all new and./or any.event r_equiring a "significant municipar event,, designation will continue to go before counc regardreì. of-wh"thã. o. ,rot it is a rËc¡rring i, also noted, the city still receives revenue for parking; "ro"ni-r, however, the revenue is based on a flat rate rather than on an individual basis. r Amend the delegated item re: Alleys, Right-of-Ways and Easements (Section 3.2E) to include authority for approving amenãed convåyance costs and Èasements cRl06/2003' as amended by. cRrg2/2005, requires Administration to review the conveyance price esøblished by byJaw if the by-raw to close an alley is more rhan one v""i iÀi, process confirms that this conveyance price is "i¿. påri"y in acco¡dánce with the,t utt"y and if any changes to easements are necessary. Administration ""tâoa reviews the .utt", áãìn" Legal Department (Property) updates the corweyance cost and adjusts acco.diúly.- Normally, these requests then proceed with a report to the planning, Herirage & Economic sranding committee before being submine¿ ror roniár fevelo.gqelt council. It is recommended thar DoA By-law-zog-zooa be further amèn¿e¿ "ppr";ñ;¿î;' to cAo to approve these changes in the^corweyance price (the addition or Ite- (") åltãr¡ít¡" u"io*i. ln addition, rhe other provisions of s.3.28 have-been ievieù¿ *¿ should be ,i.fíiri"ã". íi"." amendments will make the process mo¡e effìcient as these reports are considered admini strative in nature. with approval of this change, section 3.2g regarding Alreys, Right-of-ways would be amended as follows: and Easements "Au-thoriry for the chief Administrar.ive ofrcer to approve amendments to street and alley closing byJows, subject to support by City'ptanner, for the follow,fig purposes; (a) easements: þ) to convey unclaimed parcels in accordance with applicable street and alley closing policy in effect from time ,o time; (c).set conveyance price in ac.cordance with applicable street and alley closing policy in ef.fect from time to. " . Add a new delegated item for purchase of Alternate Vehicles and Equipment In order to better allow the Freet Review committee to work with the user departments, it has been. deemed necessary to bu d in some flexibility for procuring various types or required bv each deparrmenr & rheir changing neéds. rieregatin! *m*iti i"ir,. "tui1."nr approve the purchase ofarternate vehicres & èquipment wi-thin the approíed totar replacement budget better accommodates changing needs within a"pu.tn"ni" ro tt at they can ---' acquire appropriate equipment to_carry out evei-changing job duties. prou"tiã ame¡dment to the DoA byJaw eliminates cunent ¡eJriclions and offsets the difficulty ofn predicting exact equipment needs and prices ahead of acquisition. iÅöî tii, Sh.ould City Council approve the Recommendations in this report, the iwo items outlined abovc will be added to the Delegation of Authority By_law. 3 of40 Undates to ByJaw for Deleeated Items previously Apnroved bv Citv Co_uncil: city council occasionally approves items to be added to the Delegation of Authority By-law during regular council business. The summary below ¡eflects a brief outline of fìve ite;s;at have already been delegated to the cAo, but had not yet been formally added to the ooÀ eylaw As a housekeeping measure, these items will now be included in the updated by-lãw. .. ; Community Garden License Agreements As a brief reminder, the community Gardens on Municipal property poricy provides a structure and process for community gardens on city-owneã property. The requilments to apply for a community garden on city-owned properry u." eipúirr"ã in the policy. public consultation shall be required as part ofthe application process and information about how to as well as the application form are now available on the City of Windso¡ website. City lPPlv Council approved the following (M397 -2014) on November tl,ZO!C: I. "THAT the following documents BE AH?ROVED by City Council: A) Community Gardens on Mtmicipal property poticy auached as Appendix A; B) Municipal properties recommended for community Gardeä auached as Appendix B; THAT the chief Administrative oficer BE AIJTHùRTZED to approve a community Garden Template Licence Agreement or Renewal Agreemenß, âs the case may bí; II AND FURTHER that the Delegation of Authority Bytaw (208-2005i ßÉ AMENDED to reflect thar such authority has been granùd; III. IV. ¡ THAT the Chief fdministrative oficer BE ÀurHoRrzED to e)recute rhe community Garden Licence Agreement, ro be satisfactory in content to rhe Executive Director of Parks, or designates, and in financial content to the City Treasurer and to be in the approved temprale form or satisfactory to the city soliciior, or designate. TIIAT the Executive Director of parks BE AUTiToRTzED'to execute *y ui"iot, of the Community Garden Template Licence Agreement, to be satilactoõ in content to the City Planner or designate and to be in ai approved remplate form.; .. .\ i. i Work Placement Program lnifiatives on August 5'2014, city councir to approve an amendment to DoA rtem 1.27 regarding work Placement program Initiatives thát-would include additional language pertaining to "disadvan-taged, underemployed or disabled populations." The byJaw through, council resolution cRl97/20114, will now be updated to in¿lu;e the following text: " a request was made to llork Placement Programs with agencies that serve disadvantaged, underemployed or disabled popuraríons as weV as other pubric e-ducationar instilulions and/or professional associations. " r waive Provisions of schedure 3 to public vehicre Licensing Bylaw ll7-2007 Per M I 0l -201 4 (February r B, 20 r 4), the cAo was delegared authority pertaining to the waiver ofprovisions of Schedule 3 ofthe public Vehicle Licensing ny-ia* -iooi ¡n order to allow a livery vehicle operalor, a "class F Vehicle" thorsJ drär+n caniage) in previous approvals, the opportunity to temporarily operate a livery vehicle event site for the du¡ation of a special event. The resolution states: lll operator t¡tã"gfrlrìì" ii.--'l 4 of40 ¡ "THAT an amendment of the Deregation of Authorþ ByJau, 20g-200g to add authority for the chief Admtnisyatiy ro waive the pávisions of schedure s o¡ tne iuttic Vehicle Licensing By-løw 137_2007 " for special evints Sp ¿pinOV¿O.. glfic; . , Municipal Access Agreements Municipal Access Agreements define the rights and responsibilities of the city and utility companies in respect of the construction, m;intenance, iepair, operation and de.ã*.i.rion of the derivery systems. Adding this irem to the Deregatiån oî Ár,tr,*ity ey-iu*äo*, ro, expedienr processing ofagreements wirh relecoo, oih", ;t;å""upiit ,igt r_ of-wav within rhe city of windsor. cRr l/2012 (January 23, "o-puni". í0r2¡, granted,apiíovar" for the CAO to execute these agreements as necessary: "TIIAT By-Law 208-2008 (Detegation of Authority) BE AMENDED INSERTING a new paragraph 3.tB to iead. as follou,s: Approvar and execution of municipar access agreement by the chief Adninisrrarive fficer, such agreements to be between The Corporation of the Cify of I4/indsor anct various utility companies to permit.wotk by the ititity conpanies in tíe righr_of_way, -'' subject to approval as toform by the City Solicitor, jnanc'ial content b tËe C;,y Tteasurer and in technical content to thi City E gii"er, AND TIIAT the City Soticitor BE DIRECTED ø"prepare the necessary amending by_ law. r " Lifesaving Society License Agreements The Lifesaving society's swrM PROGRAM is designed to comprement the sociery,s fife¡ayrne and lifegr.rard training-programs, providing us with a variety of resoui." -ut"¡ut. including work sheets, c?nlia1t1_nroCresr r"poir, candidate recognition certif,rcates, education materials, swrM pi*r, resson plans uni a.t.. "or"*ã Arri.tunt Instructor FurtTer, the society provides 'R.GRAM "o..i"utuswim Instructo. "t ,."_ tiuinirrg pì'fr.urn., certification system for Swim Instructors and certification and re-certification fo¡ Swim Instructor Trainers, amongrther certification programs. per cRr 10/2009 (March 30, 2009), city council granted the following authority'to ihe cAo perøining ì" rìi"ì'"-r'i're sr.r"ry License Agreements: "-That the chief Adminis*ative officer and city cterk BE AIJTH,RIZED to sign the "sÍI4M pR'GRAM License Àpvee-rrt", oí behatf of the citv w¡larrriî¡",rn -ora -in" 'city will confirm the muri_year ogrà"*"rr "¡ ti" o¡ víiraio, L-ifesaving society to.participate in the Lifesaving pnocn su society',s þrm satisfactory to the c¡ty soticitor, and-infnaiciar and that the Deresation of uthoriry By-Lo, nB ,sMsñiEi "oít*t-to't'h" ,i àrín rï"'inîöü"r .. '' Administrative OfJìcer to sign on futrrà agreemenrs with the Lifesdvni Sii¡"i ,: t"i""i All of the above previously approved matters delegated to the Delegation of Authority By-law 20g-200g. iwu cAo will be ói;l;;;;;, * formally added to the 5 of40 REPORTING RESULTS FOR JANUARY 1.,2015 _ TUNE 30. 2OT5 During the p¡evious six months, a total of r92 repilrts were processed undei ,,Delegation of exceeding a previous high total of 184 reports recorded in the firsr half of Zo I ,+'u1ho,nty'" ffrii is the largest number of reports processed in any ¡,-iven 6 month period since the DoA process was fi¡st approved in November 2004. l. Rep-orts approved under Pu¡chasing ByJaw 93-2{,12 accounted for 19% of the reports in the fi¡st halfof2Ol5- close to l1o% of the approvals were reports categorized as .other', àost of which relate to personnel matters such as employment ccntracts, eÉãnsion of acting assignments, departmental reorganization, job title change, etc. as approved unde¡ the cAõ By-ia;21g_2002. Almost 9% of the approvals w€re reports regardir,g Spìcial Events at city Faciliies p*k., followed by Leases at 8%o, and Letters of Non-ot Èction at more thar 6%. A summary listing all approved administrative reports under delegated a uthority during the first half of attached for City Council's review (Appendix B) -ã 201íi, " Also attached for this time period, is a spreadsheet outlining the report types approved for - each as well as a chart further illushating the breakdãwn by aam"ist uiiue typ" (Appendices A and C). jurisdiction 4. RISK ANALYSIS: The level of corporate risk is minimized by virtue of the Delegation of Authority By-law and the Purchasing By-law which clearly outline approval and spending limits. Items oítrlce tr," authority of the byJaws are not approved by Administræion wiìhout Council resolution to do so. The $150,000 limit for cAo approval of expenditures as set out in the purchasing sv-lu* Jrtr'., as one example of ongoing risk mitigation for the Corporation. _- It is noted that with the most recent amendment to the purchasing By-law, the cAo is authorized to approve- Tender awa¡ds greater than $ 150,000, if within tudget. ihis does not include Requests for Proposals (RFps). 5. FINANCIAL MATTERS: N/A 6. ¡ ¡ r ¡ o r 7. GONSULTATIONS: E. Castellan, Purchasing Supervisor D. Wilson, Manager of Development Applications wolf' Senior Manager of rraffic operations, parking and rransportation planning {. P. LaBute, Manager of Community Development M. Wintenon, City Engineer rü.H.D. Vendrasco, Deputy City Solicitor GONCLUSION: This report is provided to city cormcil, through the Executive standing committee, to fulfill an 6 of40 ongl. delegr, ìmitment for submitting semi-annual reports outlining items approved under ithority as a means of monitoring all activities covered under thg Delegation of Authori, yJaw, and 10 process an update to By-law 208-2008 in order to ensure ongoing efficienr !,- irations of the Corporation. --/ a7*'a--z;æ ffi Executive Administrative Assistant Manager of Corporate Administration and Assistant to the CAO /lm APPENDICES: A - Spreadsheet of report types by jurisdiction (Jânuary t -June 30,2015) B - Listing of reports approved under Delegation of Author¡ty (Januåry I -Jun€ 30,20t5) C - Chart illustrating tot¡ls by administrativc typc (Jsnusrv I - June 30. 20 DEPARTMENTS/OTHERS CONSULTED: Name: Phone #: 519 ext. NOTIFICATION: Name Address Wira Vendrasco c/o Legal Department Email Address wvendrasco@cityì.vindsor.ca l-eleÞhone (s r9) 255-6 r00 ext- 6375 Fax 7 of40 Spreadsheet by Type and Jurisdíction For period January 1,2015 to June 30, 3015 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY ITEM Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward City Comb¡ned ents and S¡gnir Bank Accounts + All reports listed as "Other" relate to Personnel Matters (employmenl contracts/matters, exension of acting assignments, departmental reorganization, job title change, etc.)approved underthe CAO By-law 218-2002 and are not detailed in this report. Approved reports include: CAO-2888, 2895,2924,2944,2945,2946, 2960.2966,2968,2974,2983,3023,3040,3057,3064,3066,3075,3083,3093,3098, and 3137. \-,,. ir_,--.t ¡'i- '.,_ri 8 of 40 APPENDIX B CITY WIDE iGAO # 2625 :ITEM , :]. :- Amendment to CAO-2625 (orig¡na y approved March 16, 2014) to update company name as Real Estate Adved¡ser was sold to H¡gh Times Publication Ltd. lll;,N :(,li j :::AUTHOR|TY.[rE|Ií .] Adm¡n¡strative Malters 'tÌ,ìL¡rE¡:'E(']A Approved Apr 14,2015 . (formerly CR14l3/87) Encroachment Agreement between C¡ty and High Times Publication Ltd. for newspaper vendor boxes Financial Revenue: $983 ($100 refundable after aoreement is sioned) cAo2713 Amendment to CAO-2713 (orig¡na y approved May 29, 2014) to amend the terms of lhe Talenl Management Agreement, primadly the expected Appfoved Jan 30, 2015 Purchas¡ng ByJaw Approved Jan 6,2015 HUrCnasrng uy-raw Approved Jun 12,2015 Purchas¡ng ByJaw Approved Jan 30, 2015 Purchasing Bylaw t¡meline Type: lnformal Quotation Process Exempt per Section 1(d) of Schedule A to the Purchasing Bylaw 93-2012 regarding Train¡ng & Education Financials: $15,000 inclus¡ve of HST UA(J283',1 l'r UAU2880 cAo2912 Amendment to ÇAO-2831 (ong¡na y approved September 3, 2014) to use SuMo IT Solut¡ons as the resoller lor lhe software l¡ceßing with SêN¡ceNow ¡nstead of dealing with SeN¡ceNow directly Agreement between City and SuMo lT Solutions for the provision of consulting services to implement Service Management Software and to act as reseller for the software l¡censing with ServiceNow Type: Request for Prcgosal - #70-14 F¡nancials: 9142.620.50 Dlus HST Agreement between City and D'Amore Construction (2000) Ltd. for the purposes of Watermain Reconstruction, Cold Milling & Asphalt Paving on Wyandotte St. W. from Ouellette Ave. to Caron Ave. (cR120/2013) Type: Request for Proposal - #28-1S F¡nancials: $2.478.560,00 olus HST Agreement between City and KimleyHorn & Associates lnc. for KITS Ul upgrede (Phase 1) from version 11.11.17.O to the latest version 14.11 at minimum as previously approved by Council (CR636/2002: CR359/2005; CR71/2010) Type: Sole Source Financials: $124,000 USD plus taxes 9 of40 GAO cAo2916 # i:€IAT.US C i.,ri ,rnity Gardens new àtes: '1 r L¡cônse Agreement Approved Jan 12,2015 .-lJÈLrÈ('Al l9Nrf,l-, AUTHORITY]ITEM Administrative Matters (delegated by cR232t2012) 2) Renewal Agreement 2919 cAo2920 (M397-2014) Financials: N/A Authority for the Executive Director of Human Resources and the City Clerk to submit applications to School Boards, accredited Universities and Community Colleges and approved training agencies (Community-based) that serve students, disadvantaged, underemployed and/or disabled populations and to execute memoranda of understanding and/or other necessary documents for the Corporat¡on's participation in various unpaid Work Placement Agency Program lnitiatives fÍom January 16, 2015 through to November 30, 2018 F¡nancials: Placements w¡ll be unpaid, however costs for training, equipment or special preparation that is required to be incurred bv the Citv Agreement Þetween City and Experiential Marketing Limited Partnership d/b/a/ Sponsorship Canada for the purpose of providing services to maximize the value of the commerc¡al rights available to the Local Organizing Committee and the prov¡sion of genuine budget rel¡eving Value ln Kind serv¡ces and supplies to the 2016 FINA World Swimming Approved Jan 30, 2015 Work Placement Program lnitiat¡ves Approved Jan 27,2015 Purchasing Bylaw : Championships 25m Term: from time of execution to December 31, 2016 Type: Request for Proposal -#11314 Financials: $6,000/month (part months to be pro-rated) plus HST 2928 CAO. 2934 olus a 10% comm¡ssion stnrctrrrc Renewal of agreement between City and Microsoft Premier Support Services Term: April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016 Type: Sole Source Financials: $76.728 olus HST Agreement between City and EnergyCAP for the acquisition, applicat¡on, implementation and ma¡ntenance of an Energy Data Management System Type: Request for Proposal -#121- Approved Feb 4.2015 Purchasing By-law Approved Ma¡ 23. 2015 Purchasrng Eyiaw 14 Financialsi $99.115 Dlus HST l0 of40 ]:j-'UELÈ(iA ?949 i aj sc. rer Tyi i between City and Hatch .ronald for the purpose of .g a review of spec¡fic sewer in certa¡n areas of the City '/e had basement flooding :viding recommended rs for basement flooding ation within each study area l{t N t F.l Approved Feb 24,2015 T.AUTIIORITY'ITEM Purchasing Bylaw Approved FeÞ 24,2015 Purchasing By-law ¡\pproveo Feo 24, ¿u1c Student and Youth Employment Opportunities jole Source Fini )ials: $98,500 plus HST (w¡th an L set l¡m¡t of $150,000 should addr:.onal scope work be needed per 2952 cAo2954 Agreement between City and Windsor Essex County Health Unit for services prov¡ded under the 2015 Corporate Wellness Program Type: Exempt per Section 137 of Purchasing By -law 93 -20 12 regarding Contract Renewals and Extensions F¡nancials: $1 19.289 olus HST Application to Canadian Museums Assoc¡ation's 2015 Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations Program (June 16 - September 5, 2015; no limít to number of Programs participants) UA(J2957 cAo2958 Financials: $7,61 9.81/student costshared between Canadian Museums Association and City ($1,904.96 City's share/student after maximum funding is applied; funded by Windsor Community Museum's ooerat¡no budoetì Application to Service Canada's 2015 Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) Program (approximately 6-16 weeks in duration; between April-August 2015; no limit to number of participants) Financials: a 16 week placement costs approximately $6,826.9o/student afier maximum funding through CSJ of $2,970 is applied; funded by participating deoertmenl's ôoerãlin.l hud.tÞlq Agreement þetween City and St. Clair College of Applied Arts & Technology to employ up to students enrolled in the Horticultur€ Technician Landscape Program for Spring/Summer 2015 Financials: $1 5.98/hour/student (funded by Parks Department's oDeratino budoetl I Approved Mar 24,2015 Student and Youth Employment Opportunities Programs rpproved Mar 1,2015 -. Student and Youth Employment Opportunities Programs t I of40 ' cAo # ITEM UA(J- Amendment to Schedule A of ByJaw 2959 15-2010 Bu¡lding lnspector staff¡ng changes to comply with the Building Code Act F¡nancials: N/A L,;A(-,- Agreement between City and Walter K. Noe & Associates for the purpose of conducting candidate test¡ng for the recruitment of the posit¡on of Executive Director of Operations 2962 Approved Mat 4,2Q15 ,|',ÈLE('.A I It,N'IJF :.AUT¡IOR]TY lTEìI By-law Amendments Approved Mar 1,2015 Purchasing By-law AÞproved AÞr 5, 2015 Committees, Executives and Boards of D¡rectors Approved Apr 5, 2015 Comm¡ttees, Executives and Boards of Directors Approved Mar 17 Grant Applications Approved Mar 28 . 201 5 'STATUS Type: Sole Source Financialsi $6.885 olus HST cAo2970 Approval for Executive Director of Transit Windsor to serve on the Executive Committee of the 2971 Canadian Urban Transit Assoc¡ation Board of Directors Term: March 2015 - June 2016 Financials: No additional cost for meetings held ¡n conjunction w¡th conferences, held via teleconference or due to nature of meeting, travel costs mav be covered bv CUTA Approvar ror trxeculrve urreclor 01 Transit Windsor to serve on the Ontario Public Transit Associat¡on Board of Directors -lerm:2015-2017 Financials: No additional cost to attend as meetings held ¡n conjunct¡on with other meet¡n9s or held vie teleconference cAo2973 2015 Ch¡ld Care Wage Enhancemer and Home Child Care Enhancement Grant (HCCEG) Administration Funding Letter Financial Revenue: $241,025 (one time funding from Ministry of ,2015 Educat¡onì cAo2977 2014 Non-Union Vacat¡on Carryover Report in accordance with the Non-Union Vacation Carryover requirements of the Non-Union Vacation Carryover Procedure - 36 non-union employees, includ¡ng the CAO, forfeited a total of 61 .15 vacetlon days cAo2981 Agreement between City and lnFlight Corporation for the purpose of consulting services to deliver a proof of concept, including the installat¡on and configuration, for trial use of lnFlight Foundation Softwere lntegration Tool with the City's Approved Mar 31 , 2015 SharePoint environment to PeopleSoft Type: Sole Source Financials: $14.850 olus HST 12 of 40 cAo # UAU2982 cAo2984 cAo2987 cAo2999 UAU3000 cAo3001 cAo3006 iITEM 2014 Assessment Appeals for the 2015 Taxation Year pursuant to Section 40 of the Assessment Act i:srAT!¡sl Approved Mar 28, 2015 Financials: $7.200 Application to the University of Approved Mar 28,2015 Windsor for participat¡on in the 20'15 Polit¡cal Science Master of Arts Graduate lnternship Program (1 student; 25 hours^/veek at City from May-November; 10 hours/week at Unive¡sity September - December) Financials: $10,000/student ($5,000 from University; $5,000 from City (funded by Council Services' denârlmpntâl rìñÞrâf ¡nñ hr r.lñêt\ Agreement between C¡ty and Ministry Approved Mar 18,2015 of Municipal Affairs and Housing to amend Consortium Agreement Housing Collaborative lnitiative for lnformation Technology Software Development and execute Data L¡cense and Personal lnformation Sharing Agreement Financials: $1 ,533,053 (City's cost is proiected to be $142.022) One{¡me approval for the Manager Approved Mar 31 , 2015 of Provincial Offences to have authorized signatory approval for Author¡zed Requester lnformation System (ARIS) Financials: No cost to Citv Land sale DoA Template update Approved Ma|24,2015 F¡nancials: N/A Amendment to Parking By-law 9023 - Approved Aor 23,2015 Parking Modifications - Parking Lots, Street Meters, Garages Financ¡als: N/A License Agreement between City and Approved Apt 27 ,2015 Public Works and Government Services Canada for spacè at 215 Talbot St. E., Leamington, ON ..ÐELEGATIONiOF ,'ÃuTHORtTYlfiErir Local Taxation Minutes of Settlemeñt Student and Youth Employment Opportunities Programs Administrative Matters (delegated by cR232t2012) Administrative Matters (delegated by cR232t2012) Updates to DOA Report Temoleles By-law Amendments C¡ty as Lessor - Leases and/or Ass¡gnments Effective: January 1,2015 December 31, 2015 Financials: The change between the prev¡ous lease rate and the new lease rate translates to a $1,032 Net City Cost increase which will be absorbed in the 2015 Approved Budoet uA93010 Agreement between C¡ty and St. Leonard's House for Good Neighbour Services Graffit¡ Removal Program Term: January 1 - December 31, 2015 Approved Apr 20, 2015 Purchasing Bylaw Type: Sole Source Financials: $16.500 olus tax l3 of40 CAO # ::{rÈLÈ('A lll,rN ,,,ITEM .LrF ;..AIJTHOR¡TY..TTEM lt 3012 ', c F¡. th, prr the recommended Appfoveo Apr zu, zu rJ West N¡le Larviciding Requirements' Approved Apr 27, 2015 Purchasing Bylaw Approved Apr 20,2015 Purchasing By-la'iv Approved Apt 22,2015 Purchas¡ng Bylaw Approved Apr 20, 201 By-law Amendments e for the 2015 larv¡c¡d¡ng .quito monitoring program as red by the Medical Officer of ind signing and approval of ..er of support for the larviciding am to the Min¡stry of En,. )nment Fini.ìcials: The Windsor-Essex Couirty Health Unit will submit an appircatlon to the Ministry of Health requesting lhat 75o/o of the total cost of the proposal for 2015 be covered by the Ministry of Health (funded by Operat¡ons Department's operat¡ng budget; net cost in 2014 was $14.522.46). cAo3013 L;AU301 I Agreement between City and Oxford Dodge Chrysler for the purchase of 9 minivans to replace I vehicles as approved during 2015 Capital Budget process (822-2015) Type: Request for Tender - #46-15 Financials: $177 .795 Dlus HST Agreement between City and Forest Glade Tree Experts Ltd. to supply labour, mater¡als and equipment for the purpose of tree stump removal (150,000 cm in diameter more or less) on City property as required (8.21-2015 & CR1 1212013) Type: Request for Tender - #43-15 Financials: $180,000 plus HST 3025 cAo3026 cAo3027 Agreement between City and PeakRyzex ULC for renewal of Ma¡ntenance Contract relating to the sealing machine for pay stubs Effective: June 1, 2015 - May 31, 2016 Type: Small Purchase Order Financials: $2.510.20 olus HST Amendment to Parking Bylaw 9023 Parking Modifications - Parking Lots, Personal Accessible Parking, Administrative Penelties, Fire Routes, No Parking, School Bus Loading Zones, Street Meters Finencials: N/A Agreement between city and G.c. Duke Equipment Ltd. for the purchase of two 16 foot large area cutting mowers as approved during 2015 Capital Budget process (822- Approved Apr 28, 2015 2015) Type: Request for Tender - #57-15 Fiñânniâlc ql¿q RAn ñhrc l-lST l4 of40 'cAo # CAO3029 ,ITEM Agreement between City and G.u. Duke Equipment Ltd. for the purchase of two 10 foot large area cutting mowers as approved dur¡ng 2015 Capital Budget process (822- .. STATUS Approved Apl . ..JíDELEGATIONi9F ...åUTHORITY.ìTEì'i ,2015 Purchasing By-law Approved A.pl29,2015 Purchasing By-law Approved A.pl29,2015 Purchasing By-law Approved Apr 27, 2015 Purchasing By-law Approved Apr 23,2015 Purchasing Bylaw Approved Jun 2,2015 Special Event Road Closure Approved May 12,2015 ],UrCnasrng Ëy-raw 27 20r 5) Type: Request for Tender - #58-15 30.32 UAtJ3035 UA(J3043 Financials: $101 860 Dlús HST E)ítens¡on o1 Agreement between City and Cimco Refrigeration for 2 additional years for the supply, ma¡ntenance and repair services for the lce Plant Systems for various City-owned facilities Type: Request for Tender - #59-13 F¡nãnciels $3 460 ohrs HST Agreemenr oerween urty ano (jrouno Force Environmental lnc. for above ground and underground fuel storage tank removal and upgrades Type: Request fot fender - #114-14 Financials: $78.809.28 olus HST Agreement between C¡ty and Victory Ford Lincoln for the purchase of 2 snow plow trucks as approved during 2015 Capital Budget process (8222015) Type: Request for Tender - #68-15 F¡nancials Sl3T 90O ok¡s HST CAO. 3044 A9reement Þetween Crty and Brindlee Mountain Fire Apparatus to market and sell decommissioned 95' aerial platform Type: Exempt per Section 153(b) of Purchas¡ng By iaw 93-2012 regarding Means of Disposal Financials: 10% commission of the selling price of the veh¡cle (minimum $500ì zut c Foro tnlernaltonat FtreworKs 3062 Night June 22,2015 UA(J3071 Hosted by Ford and The Windsor Parade Corporation Special Event Road Closure of various roads and inclusive of Noise By-law Exemption and amend¡ng Parking By-lew 9023 Financ¡als: N/A Agreement with City and Scalar Decisions lnc. for the acquisit¡on of Nutanix lT lnfrastructure hardware and software technology Type: Request for Tender - #75-15 Financials: $128,294.84 plus HST l5 of40 ;,5ÍATUS nent to CAO-3074 (origina y Approved May 26,2015 r.::i;l,ELÈIJ,{ l.l(,N -l,r . ']:.¡AUTflORÍ TY-:f f EM' Purchasißg Bylaw May 1 1 , 2015) to adjust lls from $65,000 inclus¡ve of $60,000 plus appl¡cable taxes rent with City and Parsons .erhoff Halsall lnc. for the se of Trans¡t Windso/s asset ile costing and operations .or,:rulting services ¡ ype: Request for Proposal -#59-15 | I Financials: $60,000 plus applicable .,;d cAo3076 Jo¡nt Use Renewal License Agreement between City and Lifesaving Soc¡ety for Swim Program ) Approved Jun 24,2015 JOrnr use Agreements Approved Jun 8, 2015 Purchasing By-law Approved Jun 2, 2015 Purchasing By-law Approved Jun 8, 2015 Student and Youth Employment Opportunities Programs Approved Jun 2, 2015 Administrative Matters (delegated by Term: January 1,2015 to December cAo3077 cAo3082 cAo3096 L;AO. 3097 UA(J. 3105 31,2019 Financials: $27,035 inclusive (before discounts) Agreement between c¡ty and Royal Painting & Decorating for paintlng services for City owned facilities Term: 3 years Type: Request for Tender - #8-15 Financ¡als: $150,000 plus HST Licens¡ng Agreement Þetween City and ilookabout lnc. for new assessment data management platform Real Property Tax Analytics (RPTA) to assist Administration in its ongoing review of municipal property assessment info¡mation to ensure its completeness and accuracy Term: 6 month trial period Type: Sole Source F¡nâncials: S31 385 ohrs HST Temporary Articling Student for Office of the City Solicitor (June 22 July 31,2015) Financials: $4,121.0'l (funded by Legal Department's operating budoetì Author¡zat¡on to remove Deputy Fire Chief McLaughlin as 2nd Alternate Commun¡ty Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) from Program Ver¡fication Form Financials: N/A Renewal of Agreement between City and ATS Underground for 1 additional year for the repair and maintenance of all 27 irrigation systems/spr¡nklers on City property Type: Request For Tender - #56-13 Financials: S48,000 plus HST cR232t2012\ Approved Jun 24,2015 l6 of40 GAO # cAo3111 I ¡ tsfvt Authorization to participate in 2015 New Beginnings Summer Jobs for Youth Program and approval for Memoranda of Agreement with New Beginnings and CUPE Local 543 as .:sTATUS ;:ÐELEGATIONOF Approved Jun 18, 2015 .AIJÎHoRITY:ITEM Student and Youth Employrñent Opportun¡ties Programs it relates to partic¡pation in th¡s program (max of 14 students for 6 weeks during July - August 2015) L;4(,,. 3112 UA(J. 3116 3117 cAo31 18 cAo3129 cAo3131 Financials: $153.3o/student (includes $0.50/hr wage top up and union dues for 6 week duration); program funded by each participat¡ng department's operat¡ng budge; partlally subsidized by the Province of Ontario - M¡nistry of Children and Youth Services at $11lhr/student Agreement between City and Appl¡ed Computer Solutions lnc. and Un¡vers¡ty of Windsor (through its Connecting Windsor-Essex ectiv¡ties) for Network Management Serv¡ces Type: Small Purohase Order Financials: $5,000 Þlus HST Sign and Acknowledge the 20132016 Long Term Care Home Service Accountability Agreement Update to Schedule D to the Erie St. Clair Local Health lntegration Network (LHIN) F¡nancials: N/A Recreation and Culture's grant application to the Lifesaving Society Swim to Survive School Program Grant (annual submission) Financials: The grant covers the costs to provide lifeguards for the program and the transportat¡on costs to get students to the site. The City orovides the facilities in-k¡nd. Asset Plann¡ng's grant application to the FCM - Leadership in Asset Management Program (LAMP) Financial Revenue: $75,000 laDoroximâte orent totâlì Agreement between c¡ty and Rentokil Pest Control Canada Lim¡ted for the purpose of rodent exterminat¡on on residential properties Term: July 1, 2015 - Dec. 31, 2016 Type: Request for Tender - #96-15 Financ¡als: $72.000 olus HST Amendment to Schedule A of ByJaw 15-2010 to reflect Chief Build¡ng Off¡c¡al staffing change to comply with the Building Code Act Financials: N/A Approved Jun 17.2015 Purchas¡ng By-law Approved Jun 30,2015 Adm¡nistrative Matters (formerly CR1413/87) Approved Jun 11.2015 þranr AppIcaÛons Approved Jun 12,2015 Approved Jún 27 ,2015 Approved Jun 30, 2015 Purchasing ByJaw ByJaw Amendments 17 of 40 WARD 1 .'.:,',ÐEIEGATIONpE ' r,A(, F cAo- Huron Lodge's grant appl¡cation to 2926 the Minisiry of Health and Long Term Care to receive one-time funding for the Late Career Nurse lnitiative (LCNI) program çAo- Authority for the Executive Direcior of LTC/Adm¡nistrator of Huron Lodge to sign the 3 year Liquor License Renewal Application for the Huron Lodge Cocktail Lounge subject to approval as to form by the City Solicitor Approved Jaî 21,2015 ¡Ji¡AUIFlORlTllltTEM,-,,. Grant Applications Finenc¡al Revenue: $24-791 2927 2997 cAo3028 cAo3042 cAo3073 tr¡ñâñ^¡âlc (áqn Waiver of Fees request trom Windsor Minor Hockey Association (WMHA) for use of the South Windsor Arena Aud¡torium for a banquet on Marcn27,2015 tr¡ñâñ^¡ãlc qrrô /l^el .êvan"êì Letter ol Non-Objectron The B¡rder Benefìt May 9, 2015 Hosted by The Dot Film Company Oiibway Nature Centre tr¡ñân^iál Pa{¡a.'r N/ 'ô Acqu¡s¡tron of vacant 15tJ x 110 parcel of land on south side of Wentworth St. for inclusion in the Tall Grass Prairie Park (M365-2014) Financials S6 0O0 olus HST Kenewat or ùervtce Agfeemenl between City and Reverend Canon Sue Paulton for the purpose of clergy services/pastoral care at Hùron Approved Jan 21 , 2015 AOmtnlslralrve Ma[ers (formerly CR1413/87) Approved Mar 24,2015 Waiver of Fees Approved Apr 22, 2015 Letter of Non-Objection Approved May 5, 2015 Property Transactions (formerly CR856/2004) Approved May 15,2015 Purchasing-Bylaw Lodge Type: Exempt per Section 10(b) of Schedule A to the Purchas¡ng Bylaw 93-2012 regard¡ng Clergy F¡nancials: $9.360 inclusive of taxes l8 of40 WARD 2 ,.-li.;,'::Ê : ;'. 2869 :: : ¿:-<1IDELEGATION,0E.. .' ..;.:;tùT* j Lease Agreement between C¡ty and Paul Adams - 3277 Sandw¡ch St., R , 'çt 'tTEir:",i'- Approveo tseo 1¿, ¿v'tt C¡ty as Lessor - Leases and/or Ass¡gnments Approved Mar 2,2015 Letter of Non-Objection Approved Apr 22, 2015 Special Events at City Unit 12 UAU2956 2991 cAo3106 Effective: January 1, 2015 December 31 , 2015 Financial Revenue: $290.72lmonth (olus HST) Letter of Non-Objection St. Patr¡ck's Day Celebration March 17,2015 Hosted by Rock Bottom Bar & Grill 3236 Sandw¡ch St. lnclusive of No¡se By-law Exemption Financial Revenue: N/A 2015 Heart Breaker Challenge May 23,2015 Malden Park Hosted by Hotel D¡eu Grace Healthcare lnclusive of Noise By-law Exemption and Letter of Non-Objection Finenciel Revenue: S2 O21 25 Lease Agreement between City and 1903344 Ontario lnc. - 3115 College Ave. (M327-2014) Effective: July 1, 2015 - August 31, 2018 Facilities and Parks Approved Jun 18,2015 C¡ty as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignments Financ¡al Revenue: September 1, 201s-August 31, 2016 - $2.595.95/month (plus HST) September 1, 2016-August 31 ,2017 - $2,613.14lmonth (plus HST) September 1, 2017-August l, 2018 - S2 647 s2lmonth lolus HSTì l9 of40 \ryARD 3 .l : .:i cAo2730 cAo- Amendment to CAO-2730 (origina y approved June 18, 2014) to add an ¡tem under the heading of Bas¡c Terms q) Special Prov¡sions - The perm¡tted use of the leased prem¡ses for the purpose of this lease are 1) an automot¡ve rust prevention shop and 2) sale of used vehicles provided that the tenant ensures at all times that it ¡s ¡n compl¡ance w¡th the zoning bylaw, as adopted þy the C¡ty Lease Agreement between City and 551749 Ontario Limited - 451 Tecumseh Rd. W. Etfective: July 1,2014 - June 30, 2016 Financial Revenue: $15,396 (plus HST) in year 1: $15,703.92 (plus HST) in vear 2 Sanitary Sewer Replacement - 562 2922 Dougall Ave. Financials: No cost to City ($5,899.98 Owner's Cost) UAL.)- Licence Agreement between C¡ty and Windsor Essex Swim Team lnc. - 401 Pitt St. W., Room 231 2939 cAo2940 cAo2955 Effective: February 1,2015 January 31, 2016 Financ¡al Revenue: $908.83/year /ñl' HSTì 'e Licence Agreement between City and Windsor Aquatic Club, - 401 P¡tt St. W., Room 232 Effective: February 1,2015 January 31, 2016 Financial Revenue: $908.83/year lñl',c ÈlST\ Lease Agreement between City and 1912962 Ontario lnc. (Court Cafe) 200 Chatham St. E. (Joint Justice '.:iri+Ï;Ì.1:,a.ri.:,'.':: Approved Feb 24,2015 r,.'ì:'.j¡DEËEGAïION:OF,r. :¡r:.:ì;iitä¡r.t{oRitÍiiEir ì City as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignments Approved May 7, 2015 Sewer Agreements Approved Feb 6, 2015 City as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignments Approved Feb 6, 2015 C¡ty as Les-sor - Leases and/or Assignments Approved Feb24,2015 City as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignments Facil¡ty) Effective: March 1,2015 - February 29,2020 Financial Revenue: $8,32S/year UA(J- 2980 lôh rq HST\ Waiver of Fees request from W¡ndsor Sportsmen's Club for free parking in Lot 5 (Dieppe Gardens) for Fishing Derby on May 9, 2015 Finenc¡als $1OO f lost revenueì Approved Mar 28, 20 15 Waiver of Fees 20 of 40 II'EM UA(J-T €TATUq I :,;íÐELEGATION:9F "..::AUT.IIORITY1TTEM C¡ty sale of remnant parcel of vacant 2985 land at 1385 Oak St. to Domenic Anthony D'Orazio (CR25O 120 1 4) Financial Revenue: $1.500 + HST UA(J2986 Amendment to CAO-2659 þngina y approved Apil 9, 2014) to amend the ex¡sting contract with CEM Engineering to add a third study that w¡ll identify the potent¡al costs and savings of implement¡ng a comb¡ned heat and power plant at W¡ndsor I nte rnat¡ona I Aq uatic a nd Tra¡ni ng Approved Mar 28,2015 Property Transactions (formerly.C R856/2004) Approved Apr 7, 2015 Purchas¡ng Ey-law Approved Apt 23,2015 Special Events at C¡ty Centre Agreement between City and CEM Engineering for 3 detailed engineering studies re ¡mplementing 3 combined heat and power plants for WFCU Centre, Huron Lodge and WlATC Type: Sole Source and RFQ -#SF031414-01 cAo2992 UA(J2993 F¡nancials: $40,000 plus HST for Windsor lnternational Aquatic and Training Centre in addition to or¡ginal financials of $88,000 plus HST for WFCU Centre and Huron Lodge Dreviouslv eoorovc.l 2015 Windsor Motorcycle Ride for DAD May 24,2015 R¡verfront Festival Plaza and Riverfront Civic Terrace Hosted by Motorcycle Ride for DAD lnclusive of Special Event Road Closure at Riverside Dr. E. and Don Sadler Way, Noise By-law Exemption and Letter of NonObjection Financial Revenue: 91 717 ?o 2015 Annual Sikh Religious Procession and Celebration Facilities and Parks Approved Apr 22, 2015 Special Events at City Facilit¡es and Parks May 10,2015 Riverfront Festival Plaza and Riverfront Civic Terrace Hosted by sikh culturat society of Metropolitan Windsor lnclusive of Special Event Road Closure beginning at Riverfront Festival Plaza and Glengarry Ave., proceeding west on Riverside Dr. E. to Church St., south on Church St. to Pitl St., east on Pitt St. to Ferry St., north on Ferry St. to Rivers¡de Dr. W, east on Rivers¡de Dr. W. to Glengarry Ave and north on Glengarry Ave. to Riverfront Fest¡val Plaza and No¡se Bylaw Exemption Financial Revenue: $1.814.20 2l of 40 ..," cAo # cAo2995 UA(J. 3003 3011 cAo3015 3030 UAU3039 ::lTEM 2015 Carrousel by the R¡ver Júne '12-14,2015 Riverfront Fest¡val Plaza and C¡vic Terrace Hosted by Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County lnclusive of Noise By-law Exempt¡on and Letter of Non-Objection F¡nencial Revenue: S5 417.60 201 5 Bluesfest lnternat¡onal July 1O-12,2015 Riverfront Festival Plaza and Civic Terrace Hosted by Bluesfest Windsor lnclusive of No¡se By-law Exemption and Letter of Non-Obiect¡on F¡nanc¡al Revenue: $5 417.60 Sanitary Sewer Replacement - 496 Crawford Ave. Financials: No cost to City ($4,237.50 Owner's Cost) 2015 Windsor Fork and Cork Festival July 3-5, 2015 Riverfront Festival Plaza and Civic Terrace Hosted by Protenders lnc. lnclusive of Noise By-law Exemption Financial Revenue SS 417 60 zul5 vvoflo s Ftnesl ùnows Mtoway June 17 -July 1,2015 Riverfront Festival Plaza and Civic Terrace Hosted by World's Finest Shows lnc. lnclus¡ve of Noise By-law Exemption Financial Revenue: $16.689 5ummerlesl tnternaûonar rug öoat ç¡,,1- ,¡;...¡,$pErEGi{H0N,.oF TAT.fJS ,'1, Approved Apr 22, 2O15 ".¡lÃUTtlORlFf fi EM Special Events at City Facilities and Parks {:'--'\ ir; Approved Apr 23, 2015 Special Events at City Facilities and Parks Approved Jun 25, 2015 Sewer Agreements Approveo Apt zt, ¿o'ta Spec¡al Events at Ç¡ty Facilit¡es and Parks Approved May 4,2015 spec¡al Events at c¡ty Facil¡ties and Parks Approved May 27,2015 Special Events at C¡ty Facilrties and Parks APproved May 21,2Q15 Special Events at City Facilities and Parks Races June 21 . 2015 Dieppe Gardens Hosted by The W¡ndsor Parade Corporation lnclusive of Noise By-law Exemption and Letter of Non-Objection Finenc¡âl Revenue: S190.75 C;AO- Summerfest lnternational Fireworks 3045 Night June ?2,2015 Battagello R¡verwalk Hosted by The W¡ndsor Parade Corporation lnclus¡ve of Noise By-law Exemption and Letter of Non-Objection Financial Revenue: $190.75 iii..._ 22 oî 40 ) cAo# UA(J3048 UA(J3051 itT€tvt . ..;STA]U:'. Letter of Support for The Windsor Parade Corporation's application for the Building Communities through Arts and Heritage Grant Financials: N/A Approved Apr 27, 2015 Agreement between City and Greater Essex County District School Board for use of Queen Victoria Public School located at 1376 Victor¡a Ave. for Public Meet¡ng regarding Mitchell Park Redevelopment on May 28, 2015 Financials: $6.25lhr plus $15 permit Approved May 7 ,2015 iili:grlrEcAroN.oF. ..::JAUTfIORITYTTEM Letters of Support - Outside Groups/Agencies (No City Financial Comm¡tment) Short-Term Use of Fac¡l¡ties fee UAU3052 3061 UAO. 3069 3070 Lease Agreement between City and 1925000 Ontario lnc. (transferred from 1903290 Ontario lnc.) for the beverage/food service kiosk at 400 City Hall Square E. Etfective: Aptl 22, 2015 September 30, 2016 Financ¡al Revenue: $457,86/month (plus HST) plus a percentage of monthlv aross sales T'KIL'tr ZU15 Aubust 7-9, 2015 Riverfront Festival Plâza and Riverfront Civic Terrace Hosted by Windsor-Essex Pride Fest lnclusíve of Spec¡al Event Road Closure of Elliott St. E. between Dufferin Ave. and Ouellette Ave. Ouellette Ave. between Elliott St: E. and Riverside Dr. E., Noise By-law Exemption and Letter of NonObjeclion Financial Revenuer $5,207.60 Letter of Non-Objection St. Peter's Fest¡val June 26-28 , 201 5 Hosted by St. Peterls Maronite Church 166 Tecumseh Rd. W. Financial Revenue: N/A Pole Vault Competition May 2?,2015 Hosted by Athletics Ontario Special Event Road Closure of Ouellette Ave. between Park St. and University Ave. and inclusive of Noise Bylaw Exemption Finãnc¡âl Revenue Sl T¿ Approved Apr 29, 2015 City as Less-or - Leases and/or Assignments Approved Jun 2, 20'15 Spec¡al Events at City Facilities and Parks Approved May 13,2015 Letter of Non-Objection Approved May 15, 2015 Special Event Road Closure 23 of 40 cAo# cAo3079 UA(J3080 ITEM Letter of Non-Objection Bistro at the River lnternational Fireworks Night June 22,2015 Hosted by B¡stro at the Rlver (486897 Ontar¡o Ltd.) Dieppe Gardens Finencial Revenue: N/A FCA Canada lnc.'s 9oth Anniversary Picn¡c June 17, 2015 Hosted by FCA Canada lnc. Bistro by the River, Dieppe Gardens and Municipal Parking Lots 5 and 16 lnclusive of Special Event Road Closure of Ouellette Ave. north of Riverside Dr. and Noise By-law TSTATUS .:'DEL€GATION.OF :ÂUTHORITYIIIE$ Approved May 25,2015 Letter of N"on-Objection ii Approved Jun 2,2415 Special Events at City Fac¡lities and Parks Exemption UA(J. 3084 UAU3085 3091 UA93102 UA(J3104 F¡nancial Revenue: $812.45 2015 Windsor R¡b Fest August 13-16,2015 Riverfront Festival Plaza and R¡verfront Civic Terrace Hosted by Ðouglas W. Hillier o/a Family Shows Canada lnclusive of No¡se By-law Exemption and Letter of Non-Objection tr¡ñãh^¡âl ÞÂvañ"ô- R7 nÃ7 Rn Relay for L¡fe June 5€, 2015 Riverfront Festival Plaza and R¡verfront Civic Terrace Hosted by Canad¡an Society for the Control of Cancer lnclusive of Noise By-law Exemption E¡ñâñ^¡ãl Pâ\,4ñ"ê q? ?Ã7 áô Letter of Non-oþJect¡on Pf¡vate Function June 28, 2015 Hosted by Caesars Windsor 377 R¡verside Dr. E. Financial Revenue: N/A Windsor Community Museum's operating grant applicetion lo the Ministry of Tour¡sm, Culture and Sport for the Year 2015 (annual submission) F¡nancial Revenue: $25,000 (approximate grant total) Lease Agreement Þetween City and Canadian Adult Recreational Hockey Association (CARHA) - 401 Pitt St . W., Whale Room Effective: September 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016 Approved May 29,2015 Special Events at City Fac¡lities and Parks Approved May 28,2015 Spec¡al Events at City Facilities and Parks Approved Jun 8, 2015 Letter of No_n-Object¡on Approved Jun 18, 201 5 Grant Applications Approved Jun 23, 2015 City as Lessor - Leases Assignments Financral Revenue: $'l 009'17/month lolus HST) 24 of 40 ìtTEilt cAo # cAo3114 cAo3120 3121 UA93122 Art Alley July 18-19, 2015 Maiden Lane Hosted by The Squirrel Cage Special Event Road Closure of Maiden Lane between Ouellette Ave. and Pellissier St. and inclusive of Noise ByJaw Exemption Financial Revenue: $498.50 Amendment to CAO-2706 (or¡g¡na y approved March 20, 2014) to include an add¡t¡onal pick-up location of Windsor Puþlic Library - Main Branch - 850 Ouellette Ave. Agreement between C¡ty and Gardaworld Cash Services Canada Corporation for armoured car services for pick-ups from: -350 City Hall Square; - 1266 McDougall; - WFCU Centre; - Provincial Offences Off¡ce; - Windsor lnternat¡onal Aquatic and Training Centre and Adventure Bay; - Trans¡t Wndsor (2 locations); - Windsor Police Serv¡ces; Term: January 1, 2015 - December 31, 201ô Type: Request for Proposal - #832014 Financials: $50,425.26lyear plus HST (estimated $1,575.60 for the addition of Windsor Publ¡c Library plus S48,849.66 for the original contracted locations with a two year renewal option where said price is subiect to a 2yo increase annuallv) Agreement between City and EnWin Utilities for the upgrade of the Dougall lnterceptor Chamber at 300 Riverside Dr. W. Type: Exempt per Section 11 of Schedule A to the Purchasing Bylâw 93-2012 regarding Utility or Rail Works Services F¡nancials: No cost to City ($3,326.73 (plus HST) paid by Contractor of RFT #8'l-14) Encroachment Agreement between City and property owner of 705 Glengarry Ave. to permit 1 park¡ng space in the Tuscarora St. right-ofway Financial Revenue: $1,120 ($100 refundable after agreement is jlsTì¡Ailus ','a':DELtsGAl,l(JN'.GlF, Approved Jun 19, 2015 !;pecrat trvenI Koao utosure Approved Jun 18, 2015 Purchasing ByJaw Approved Jun 24,2015 ::,::ÂuntôRiÍvÎEM Enwin Hydro Connect¡on Agreemèñts Approved Jun 30, 2015 Administrative Matters (formerly CR1413/87) cinnêal\ 25 of 40 cAo# cAoô t¿J ,:s'Ì'Alus tttsM Lease Agreement between C¡ty and Parkside Tennis Club - 6 Memorial AoÞroved Jun 24,20'15 ..-.:lDËLEGATI9N'OF ,r,iìaun{oR[Ú trEM City as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignments Dr. Effective: Jvly 1,2014 - August 31 , 2019 Financial Revenue: $66,944. 16/year lolus HST) WARD 4 .cAo# ÈIyl .L UAU2449 cAo292'l Sanitary Sewer Replacement - 1389 ijíSTATUS .,. :-,.rì,i ..;. '::,.:,;:;:. : .ì:,:' ', Approved Mal24, 2015 Sewer Agreements Approved Feb 6, 2015 Purchasing Bylaw Parent Ave. Financ¡als: No cosl to City ($13,820 ôwnêrre fì¡.ìct\ Amend agreement between City and RC Spencer Association lnc. to provide eng¡neer¡ng services for the contract administration services to the Wyandotte St. E. reconstruction from Gladstone Ave. to Argyle Rd. in excess of $100,000 (original upset fee was $98,000, add¡tionâl working days increased fee by $31,338.50) Type: As per Section 140 of Purchasing By-law 93-2012 { regarding contract Amendments/Revisions Financials: S129.338.50 olus HST Þanllary Sewer Keplaoement - 1J ¡r4 2942 Approved May 12,2015 Sewer Agreements Approved Feb 12, ?O15 Letter of Non-Objection Approved May 7 ,2015 Sewer Agreements Approved Apr 9, 2015 Letter of Non-Objection Lillian Ave. Financ¡als: No cost to City ($4,965 Ownels Cost) cAo2947 Letter of Non-Objection St. Patrick's Day Celebration March 17,2015 Hosted by O'Maggio's Kildare House 1880 Wyandotte St. E. lnclusive of Noise By-law Exemption Financial Revenue: N/A Sanitary Sewer Replacement - 1590 2998 Hall Ave. Financials: No cost to City ($6,800 ôìrrnêrrc fì^etl cAo3020 Letter of Non-Objection Hospice Foundation Fundra¡ser May 2,2015 Hosted by Enzo's Trattoria 1063 Erie St. E. F¡nancial Revenue: N/A l 26 of 40 cAo.# cAo3024 3033 UA(J. 3038 ISTATUS .ÐELEGAÍ-ION:OF :.-.AUÌroRr¡Y FEût Sa sry Sewer Replacement - 1141 Els' :ere Ave. Fina;lcials: No cost to City ($11,447 Approved Jun 25, 2015 Sewer Agreements Lener oT Non-LroJecüon Uptown Ottawa Street Food and Funk May 30, 2015 Hosted by Rotary Club of Walkerville Lanspeary Lions Outdoor Rink Financial Revenue: N/A Art in the Park 2015 June 5-7, 2015 Willistead Park, Willistead Manor, Willistead Coach House Hosted by Rotary Club of Windsor Approved Apr 27, 2015 Letter of Non-OþJection Approved May 13,2015 Special Events at City Facilities and Parks (1918) lnclusive of Special Event Road Closure of Chilver Rd. from Richmond St. to Niagara St. to become one-way street northbound with parking restricted to west side of street; Devonshire Rd. from Niagara St. to Richmond St. to become oneway street southbound with parking restricted to west side of street; Niagara St. from Chilver.Rd. to Argyle St. restricted for handicap park¡ng on north side; Noise By-law Exemption and Lener of NonObjection LJAU. 3047 Financials: 4070 of net revenue from event to Willistead Manor Capital Rêstorat¡on Reserve Fund Friday Night Markets May 29, June 26, July 31, August 28 and September 25, 2015 Chilver Rd. between Wyandotte St. E. and Brant St. Hosted by Teanna Lindsay Events Approved May 25,2015 tpecrat tsvenI Koao urosure Approved May 1 1, 2015 Joint Use Agreements Canada lnc. lnclusive of Special Events Road Closure of Chilver R. between Wyandotte St. E. and Brant St. and Noise By-law Exemption cAo3054 Fiñâñ¡iâl Þêvañ',a qÂ7à 7à Jo¡nt Use Renewal Agreement between City and Rotary Club of Windsor 1918 for Art in lhe Park Term: 2015 to 2019 Finanoial Revenue: 40% of net revenue from event to Willistead Manor Capital Restoration Reserve Fund 27 o140 GAO:# II'EM I'T.AI US .,rDELtsGAìl0N0F ,,.áuri{oRmy rrEM Encroachment Agreement between City and property owner of 1558 Howard Ave. to perm¡t an overhead sign into Howard Ave. right-of-way Financial Revenue: $860 (does not include Building Permit Fees; $100 refundable after agreement is Approved May 13,2015 cAo- Encroachment Agreement between Approved Apr 29, 2O15 3056 C¡ty and property owner of 1073 Tecumseh Rd. E. to perm¡t an Matterc '\Omrnrsüauve (formerly CR1413/87) Approved May 25,2015 Special Events at City Facilities and Parks Approved May 21, 2015 LOCar raxaüon Mrnutes ot Settlement Approved May 31, 2015 Letter of Non-Objection UA(J3055 AOmrnrsÌraûve Maners (formerly ÔR1413/87) overhead wall sign into Tecumseh Rd. E. right-oÊway F¡nancial Revenuej $860 (does not include Building Permit Fees; $100 refundable after agreement ¡s GAO3081 3088 3089 Walkervrlle Art Walk and Rock July 24-25,2015 Walkerville Jubilee Parkette and Wyandotte St. E. between Devonshlre Rd. and Gladstone Ave. Hosted by Walkerville BIA lnclus¡ve of Special Event Road Closure of Wyandotte St. E. between Devonshire Rd. and Gladstone Ave., Noise By-law Exemption and Letter of Non-Objection Financial Revenue: $401.50 Author¡ty to Sign Property Assessment Minutes of Settlement for 1950 Riverside Dr. E. for 2014 and 2015 F¡nancials: The total tax refund of $16,051 ($1 1,700 municipal share) w¡ll be posted to the provision for annual tax write-offs where there is sufficient funding ¡n the current yeais budget. The amount relating to Education taxes will be charged back as a recoverv. Letter of Non-Obiection 2015 Bob Probert Charity Ride June 14, 2015 Hosted by Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare - Twisted Apron - 1833 Wyandotte E. - Walkerville Tavern - 1850 Wyandotte St. E. - Vito's - 1731 Wyandotte St. E. - Willistead Restaurant - 1840 Wyandotte St, E. - W¡neology - 1646 Wyandotte St. E. - Lorele¡'s Bistro - 1526 Wyandotte E - Kildare House O'Maggio's - 1880 Wyandotte St. E. - Sush¡ Guru - 1801 Wyandotte St. E. Financial Revenue: N/A 28 of 40 CÊ. 30t jn-Objection Approved Jun 2, 2015 Tl,ELEÞA{J9N-lJt: ¡,i\UTHORITYfiEM Letter of Non-Objection Approved Jún 14,2015 Special Event Road Closure Approved Jun 15,2015 Letters of Support - Outside Groups/Agencies (No City :nction :015 .' Other Place Catering ;ker Rd. CAQ3100 l:)'t, Cele N/A a ltalia Çarrousel of Nations ;tion June .)-21,2015 - ll GÊ ,b¡ano - 875 Erie St. E. - ciac pasta Bar - 839 Erie st. E. - Mezzo R¡storante & Lounge - 804 Erie St. E. - La Zingara - 769 Erie St. E. - Cavalier Bar & Catfe - 707 Erie E. - La Contessa Ristorante - 780 Erie sr. E. - Spago Trattoria - 690 Erie St. E. - Mucc¡ Ristorante - 881 Erie St. E. - Via ltalia Cafe and Ristorante - 614 Erie. St. E. Hosted By Via ltalia Erie St. BIA lnclusive of Temporary Road Closure of Erie St. E. between Lillian Aveand Parent Ave., Notice Bylaw Exemption and Letter of NonObjection 31 13 31 19 Financial Revenue: $513.25 Letter of Support for the Windsor Pr¡ntmakels Forum's 2015 appl¡cation for the Ontario Arts Council Visual Artists Project Granl Financials: N/A Ottawa Street Event JU¡'e 25-27 ,2015 Financ¡al Commitment) Approved Jun 23, 2015 Parking Fee - BIA Special Events Hosted by Ottawa Stieet Business lmprovement Association Special Event Free Parking reimÞursed by the Ottawa Street Business lmprovement Assoc¡ation Financ¡al Revenue: $450/day plus HST 29 of 40 WARD '.949.iç. cAo2893 çAtJ2932 :,rtIEUl 5 ¡::,=,ÍSTATUS.,:r : r..+: f 'J::. .:l':. :l1!i.--"i'r',:1,: -,',,,:.i, r;ìpfLEGATtON,gF,. .,.:,1 ".: ;:ì,iÀuTr{oRilY,rrEur'¡. Sanitary Sewer Replacement - 1922 Larkin Rd. F¡nancials: No cost to City ($6,701 Owner's Cost) Approved Apt 27 ,2015 Sewer Agreements Lease Agreement between City and Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada (Essex Chapter) - 1168 Drouillard Rd., Unit 5 (agreement later amended in CAO-3053) Approved Jan 27 ,2015 City as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignments Effective: February 1, 201s-January 31, 2018 UAU2936 CAO2948 Financial Revenue: $478.97/month /^l' rc l.lQT\ Lease Agreement between City and Essex County Nurse PractitionerLED Clinic - 1168 Drouillard Rd., Unils 7, 14 and 15 Effective: February 13,2015 February 28, 2016 Financial Revenue: $1 397.73/month lDlus HST) Encroachment Agreement between City and property owner of 2570 Central Ave. to permit a flag pole ¡nto the Central Ave. right-of-way Financ¡al Revenue: $860 ($100 refundable after agreement is sanitary sewer Replacement - 1E4tt 2978 Approved Feb 4, 2015 City as Lessor - Leases and/or Ass¡gnments Approved Feb 17,2015 Adm¡nistrative Matters (formerly CR1413/87) Approved Apt 27,2015 Sewer Agreements George Ave. Financials: No cost to City ($4,279 Owner's Cost) 2994 Agreement between C¡ty and Landmark Engineering lnc. for engineering services for the Drouillard/vvyandotte underpass Appfoved Mar 31, 2015 Type: Sole Source Financials: S60.000 olus HST cAo3014 3017 Waiver of Fees request from Ford City Business lmprovement Association for use of Ford City Parkette located at the corner of Whelpton St. and Drouillard Rd. for a weekly Farmers Market each Sunday beginning June 14, 2015 to September 20, 2015 between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm F¡nânciels: $864 (lost revenue) Sanitary Sewer Replacement - 961 Approved May 5, 2015 Wâ¡ver of Fees Approved May 12,2014 Sewer Ellrose Ave. Financ¡als: No cost to City ($7,719 Owner's Cost) 30 of40 :STA.TUS ,:t l:li;ÈLtAIrl(JN{rF 4¡¡r+¡oRlW,¡r:g!il cAo3053 L;AO. 3101 Amendment to CAO-2932 (otigina y appmved January 27, 2015) to reflect the fo ow¡ng: a) add¡tion of French t¡tle: b) new lease commencement and tem¡nat¡on dates; c) tenant's propottionate sharc of total leased space in build¡ng is shown: d) base rent: e) add¡t¡onal rent; and 0 est¡mated total amount Lease Agfeement between C¡ty and Multiple Sclerosis Soc¡ety of Canada/Societe Canadienne De La Sclerose En Plaques (WindsorEssex Chapter) - 1 168 Drouillard Rd., Unit 5 Effective: Mat 1,2015 - Feb 28, 2018 Financ¡al Revenue: $478.97/month (olus HST) Lease Agreement between City and Autism Society of Ontar¡o (WindsorEssex) - I 168 Drouillard Rd., Unit Effect¡ve: July 1, 2015 - June 30, Approved May 4, 2015 City as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignmdnts Approved Jun 12,2015 City as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignments Approved Jun 30, 2015 By-law Amendments I 2016 CAO, 3132 Financial Revenue: $609.55 /month (plus HST) Amendment to Parking By-law 9023 - Parking Modifications - No Parking - Sterling Crescent F¡nancials: N/A WARD ,{¡4(,:* cAo2778 2813 U¡\U. 2925 .I{EM San¡tary Sewer Replacement - 461 Carling Cres. Financials: No cost to City (95,910 Owneds Costl Sanitary Sewer Replacement - 930 Matthew Brady Blvd. Financials: No cost to City ($4,780 Owner's Cost) Waiver of Fees request from Canadian Melges 24 Class Association (CM24CA) for use of the Lakeview Park Marina during the 6 ST.AT.US ìÐELËGIAT{ON.,G,F A{TT,HORITY,ITEM Approved May 4,2015 Sewer Agreements Approved Mar 24,2015 Sewer Agreements Approved Jan 30,2015 Waiver of Fees Approved Jan 21,2015 Administrative Matters 2015 Canadian National Championsh¡ps cAo2929 Financials: $1.260 llost revenue) uorrectn9 ueeo Conveyance of Part Alley Abutting 1210 Coventry Court Financials: $120 (City to bear feg¡stration costs of $60 fof the Deed and $60 for the Eesement; document preoaration cost is waived) (formefy CR1413/87) 3l of40 r:flrln{ìll .:.STÀTI S Amendment to wFcu centre Arena Events and Operating Bank Accourits Signing Authorities Financials: N/A Approved Mar 24,2015 Lease Agreement between City and Rogers Communications lnc. for the lease of a portion of land at 6705 Wyandotte St, E. Effective: December 1,2014 November 30, 2019 Financial Revenue: $15,000/year (olus HST) Encroachment Agreement between City and Business Operators of 8151-8165 Wyandotte St. E. (R¡verside Home Hardware) (c/o property owner Baker lnvestments Ltd.) to permit a sidewalk encroachment for the purpose of expand¡ng their retail space by placing objects on the municipal sidewalk Financial Revenue: $1,803. 75 ($100 refundable after agreement is Approved Apr 23, 2015 irlljÍt(lr. 2990 cAo3007 cAo3021 cAo3034 s¡qned) Lease Agreement between City and Windsor Spitfires lnc. for the lease patl ot 8787 McHugh St. (Train¡ng .:D€liEGATl9lrl ìOF:-: 'l{UT+lORtFY:ff M Serv¡ce Agreements and Signing Authorities - All Exist¡ng City Bank Accounts C¡ty as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignments Approved Jun 19. 201 5 Admin¡stÍative Matters (formerly CR1413/87) Approved May 8,2015 City as Lessor - Leases and/or Assignments Centre) cAo3041 cAo3092 Effective: August 1,2014 December 31, 2015 Financial Revenue: $2,939.3ohonth (plus HST) ¡n 2014 $2,977.30/month (plus HST) in 2015 Consent to Enter Agreement between City and property owners of 8748 Riverside Dr. E. for lhe access to the land on the north side of Riverside Dr. E. abutting the westerly limit of 8748 Riverside Dr. E. on part of Peche lsland Landing Park wh¡ch will allow the prÕperty owners to construct a new two storey single family residentiel dwelling and at the same time give a level of protect¡on to City from potentiel liabiltty issues Financial Revenue: n/a Amendment to WFCU Centre Arena Events and Operating Bank Accounts Signing Author¡ties Financials: N/A i,..1 Approved Apr 28, 2015 Property Transact¡ons (formerly CR856/2004) Approved May 26,2015 Service Agreements and Signing Authorities - All Existing City Bank Accounts ¿ 32 of 40 \ryARD 7 approved June 24, 2014) to coÍect small typographical enor, should read "509 & 513 Elinor Street as (formerly CR1413/87) ident¡f¡ed as Parts 1 and 2 on Registered Plan 12R-25775" rather than "Paft 182" Encroachment Agreement between City and property owner of 509 & 513 Elinor St. to construct a private storm drain connection on Menard st. Financ¡al Revenue: $883 ($f00 refundable after agreement signed) Agreement between C¡ty Clean Water Agency to perform a walk through to review the Little River Pollution.Control Plant, ¡dentify potent¡al energy conservation measures and produce a Technical Memorandum and for the Ontario Clean Water Agency to act as an agent for the City for the purpose of securing Onterio Power Authority Funding to complete work Type: Sole Source - Exempt per Section 2 of Schedule A to the Purchasing By-law 93-2012 regard¡ng Governmental charges 33 of40 \ryARD 8 GAO# UA(J. 2931 L.;AO- 2938 L;AO- 3049 :::=i:i:-,'ì:'liìl Consent to Enter Agreement between C¡ty and property owners of Eastown Plaza located 8150 Tecumseh Rd. E. for environmental testing via installation of two ground water mon¡tor¡ng wells as part of the City's obligat¡on to the purchaser under the sale of 9100 Tecumseh E. Financials: $6,500 (The cost of installing the two off-site monitoring wells ¡s part of the existing contract (1t4222\ wilh colder for additional groundwater investigation. The contract total is $32,950 and ¡s funded by capital project 7081019 (Site Environmental AssessmentVâ¡¡ñùqìl Correcting Deed Conveyance of whole width portion of the north/south alley between Westm¡nster Ave. and Buckingham Dr. beh¡nd 1882 Westminster Ave. Financial Revenue: $47.00 search fee + $425.00 for deed preparation and reg¡stration costs plus a reference plan to be suþmitted at Owner's exDense Letter of Non-Object¡on Private Function June 19 - 21, 2015 Hosted by The Serblan Centre 6770 Tecumseh Rd. E. Financial Revenue: N/A Approved Jun 17,2015 Property Transactions (formerly CR856/2004) Approved Mar 30, 2015 Adm¡nistrat¡ve Matters (formerly CR1413/87) Approved Apr 29, 2015 Letter of Non-object¡on 34 of 40 WARD cAo.# '.ITEM ì. 9 jìi¿SIATUS UA(J- 2905 2943 UAU2965 UAU2972 C;Ao- 3016 cAo3060 Sanitary Sewer Replacement - 4585 8th Concession Rd. Financials: No cost to City ($7,378.90 Owner's Cost) Amendment to Parking By-law 9023 - Park¡ng Modifications - No Parking - Wheelton Dr¡ve Financials: N/A Agreement between City and Aecom Canada Ltd. for Bridge Rehab Contract Administration Type: Sole Source Financials: $149.940 Dlus HST City acquisition of property at 4895 8th Concess¡on from the Croatian Nat¡onal Sports Club for a temporary working easement, a permanent utility easement and future corner cuþoff to allow for the proper construction of the future proposed collector road which is currently operating as a pr¡vate driveway Financials: $20.202 olus HST Encroachment Agreement between City and property owner of 4298 Baiton Cres. to permit a fence and shed encroachment into Holburn St. and 6th Concession Rd. right-ofways Financial Revenue: $2,021 (does not ¡nclude Building Permit Fees, $100 refundable after agreement is sionedl Agreement between City and Devonshire Mall for Public Consullation Sess¡on to gain Community input w¡th respect to the Parks Master Plan Process on June 13 and 14,2015 Financials: No cost to Citv ::i i.l r.r Approved Ma!24,2015 Sewer Agreements Approved Feb 3,2015 tsy-law Amendments ApProved Apr 7, 201 5 Purchasing By-law Approved Mar 31, 2015 Property Transactions (formerly CR856/2004) Approved May 25, 2015 Administrative Matters (formerly CR1413/87) Approved May 6, 2015 Short-Term Use of Facilities r 1.---. . ! ,;1.'.:Á'; .1 .:.: 35 of40 WARD -:cAO.#, Ul\U2910 | ,,, ,..'_:. '.-'lreM - 10 '::,;.:.;îì,Ð.EL'EGATION;9 F.¡= .i.-.J:itìd\UT'HORITY,IITEM :.: ;a;;;r.',;,,;,i;1. Ç¡ty acquis¡tion of property at 1001 Tecumseh Rd. W. from Pignanelli Carpentry Ltd. to allow for rear accessibility to the new Field Engineering Building at Crawford Approved Mat 24, 2015 Propeny I ransactons (formerly CR856/2004) Approved Apr 5, 2015 Administrative Matters (formerly CR1413/87) Yard UAU- 2964 Financials: $8.450 olus HST Amendments to the Active Health Services Ltd. Service Agreement for Physiotherapy Serv¡ces at Huron Lodge to reflect procurement changes and MOHLTC ¡ncreased funding ç493058 3068 Financ¡als: No cost to City as services funded entirely from MOHLTC Physiotherapy Services funding envelope based on S76s/resident bed/vear Agreement between City and EnW¡n Util¡ties for Enwin to provide electrical service for lights in the park at 1761 Kenora St. Type: Exempt per Section 11of Schedule A to the Purchasing By-law 93-2012 regarding Utility or Rail Works Services Financials: S6.441 lolus HST) LeIIer ot Non-uojecnon St. lgnatius Festival JtJly Approved May 21,2015 Enwin Hydro Connection Agreements Approved May11,2015 Letter of Non-Objection Approved May 25,2105 AOmrnrslralrve Maners 10-12,2015 Hosted by St. lgnatius Church 1808 Labelle Ave. F¡nancial Revenue: N/A cAo3086 Correcting Deed Conveyance of Part Alley Abutting 2656 Langlois Court Financials: No cost to Clty ($200 ôlus HST Transferee's Costl (formerly CR1413/87) 36 of40 COMBINED .:t;At,* cAo2913 cAo2933 ll.If M.'i ì::ir':j.. .':.t:i:.j' t;r, r'!.:'.,j.i::r.,r:-.:* Amendment to Parking Bylaw 9023 - Parking Modifìcations - No Parking - Palmetto Street; Access¡ble Parking - Marentette Avenue Financials: N/A Wards: 3, 4, 7 r: 2015 Vending Zone Agreements for operation of a refreshment vehicle 9 approved vending zone sites between 3 Mobile Vendors (8. Yewchyn, Z. Cichosz-Gzyb, and G. Stasiak) Term: January I - December 31, 2015 Financial Revenue: $7,350 Wãrds 4 5 cAo,)oÃaì Approved Jan 12,2015 By-law Amendments Approved Jan 27,2015 Renewal of Ex¡st¡ng Vending Zone Agreements Approved Feb 24,2015 By-law Amendments Approved Feb 24,2015 Bylaw Amendments Approved Ma|24.2015 ùPecrar trvenI Koao utosure Approved Apr 20, 2015 Purchasing By-law 7 Amendment to Traffic By-law 9148 Designated Truck Routes, Schedule "K" - Speed Limits Financials: N/A Wards: 1 5 I UAU 2951 Amendment to Parking By-law 9023 - Parking Modif¡cations - No Parking - Martinique Avenue, Eden Drive, Churchill Drive Financ¡als: N/A Wards: 1, 7 cAo- 2O15 Le Chocolat Run/Walk 2989 May 3,2015 Hosted by RUNNINGFLAT LTD. Special Event Road Closure of Argyle Rd. between Wyandotte St. E and Assumption St.; Assumption St. between Argyle Rd. and Devonshire Rd.: Devonshire Rd. between Assumption St. and Riverside Dr. E.; Riverside Dr. E. and W. between Walker Rd. and Askin Ave. and inclusive of Noise Bylaw Exempt¡on Financial Revenue: $287.75 Wards: 3. 4 UAO3009 Agreement between City and lnterior Environments for the purpose of supplying and installing furniture partitions to create 33 dormitor¡es at Fire Halls No. 1, 3 & 4 (CR230/2013) Type: Request fo( lender - #1ZO-14 Financials: $114,330.50 plus HST Wards: 2, 3, 10 37 ol40 # 3022 UA(J3046 cAo3059 ]TEM .. 2015 Bob Probert Charity R¡de June 14,2015 Hosted by Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Special Event Road Closure of Ambassador Dr. between lndustrial Dr. and Pool Ave.; Wyandotte St. E. between Gladstone Ave. and Devonsh¡re Rd.: Argyle Rd. between Wyandotte St. E. and Brant St. and inclusive of Noise By-law Exemption. Letter of Non-Objection requested under separate report (CAO-3089) Financial Revenue: $287.75 Wards: 2.4 Summerfest Canada Day Parade July 1 , 2015 Hosted by The Windsor Parade Corp lnclusive of cake cutting at Riverfront Festival Plaza, Special Events Road Closure of Wyandotte St. E. between Devonshire Rd. and Glengarry Ave.; Devonshire Rd. between Wyandotte St. E. and Assumption St., Noise Bylaw Exemption and Wa¡ver of Fees Financials: $3,500 lost revenue as approved by Council per CR86/2015 Wârds: 3 4 Amendment to CAO-3Oõ9 (orig¡nally approved May 4, 2015) to correct clerical error to the tendor amount to the proper value of $1,148,347.00 Agreement w¡th City and D'Amore Construction (2000) Ltd. for the purpose of proceeding with the construction of the McDougall St. Sewer, Pavement and Rehabilitation Project between CP Rail and Logan >SIÀIUS: Approved Apr 27, 201 5 ' ::_.:.:::PELE9AT|ON :9F . Approved May 26,2Q15 spec¡al Events at city Facilities and Parks Approved May 15, 2015 Purchasing By-law Approved May Lener or Non-uojeclton Ave. (82212015) Type: Request for Tender - #26-15 Financials: $1,148,347 plus HST cAo3067 Wards: 3 10 Letter of Non-Objection Carrousel of Nations June 19-21 and June 26-28,2015 Hosted by Multicultural Council of Windsor and Essex County Various Village locations: - Greek: 65 Ellis St. E.; - Hungarian: 790 Hanna E; - Romanian: 1960 Tecumseh Rd. E.; - Serbian: 2690 Seminole - Polish: 1275 Langlois Ave.; - Caribbean: 2410 Central 27 ,2015 l ''....iluTHORrTY,trEä['" Special Event Road Closure Note: Via ltal¡a approved as CAO-3100. Other villages were piivale venues not requesting exlens¡on of lheir serv¡ces Financial Revenue: N/A Wards: 3. 4. 5 38 of40 r,,t!, UAU3078 TTEM The Colour Run 5K July 18, 2015 (rainout date July 19, ?,.È'¡AtUt' Approved May 25,2015 2015) cAo3099 Riverfront Festival Plaza, Riverfront Civic Tenace and Riverfront Trail Hosted by the RUNN|NG FLAT LTD. lnclus¡ve of Special Event Road Closure of Riverside Dr. E. and W. between Glengarry Ave. and Campbell Ave. and Noise By-law Exemption Financ¡al Revenue: 93,744 Wards: 2. 3 Agreement to use City owned buildings at 1280 Wellington Ave. and 6700 Raymond Ave. for Fire Train¡ng purposes involving search, rescue and destruction on June 25, 26,29 & 30,2015 Financials: N/A Approved Jun 10. 2015 ,..TDFEE9AT|ONoF .'ìíi'ãUTl{ORITY,ïTEM Special Events at City Facilities.and Parks Use of Vacant Dwellings - Fire & Rescue Services Training Wards: 3. 6 39 of40 l.l Adminisiretive M atters ( Adrninlstrative Matters (formerly CR 1413/87) By-lãw Amendmerts Clty asLessor - Leâsesand/orAssignments Cornmittees, ExectÊÍves ând Boerds of Directol's EnW¡n Hydro Connection /qgreements G rant Applicât¡ons io¡nt Us€Agreements Letter of Non-Objection Letters of Support - Outs¡de c ro u ps/Àg encie s Local Taxat¡on M N inutesof Settlemert on-U n¡on Vâcâtion Carryover Parking Fee -BlA Spec¡âlEvents Property Transa(tlons (f ormerly CR856/20041 Purchasing By-laìá,/ Renewal of Étlsting VendirEZone Agreements Serv¡ce Agreernerts and S¡gning Authorit¡es SewerAgreements Shôrt-Term Use of Fac¡lities Special Event Road Clo$re Spec¡alEventsat C¡ty Fac¡lities and Pârks Student and Youth Employrnent U U se pdatesto DOA Report femplates of Vâcânt Dwelllngs - Fire &Rescue services- wâiverof Fees Wed N¡le Larviclding Requ¡rernents Work Placement Progrâm lnitiât¡ves .Ît 9o e9 oô =.Gt O!¡ ,o ¡ .r fo Ë -lr gÞ €c -¡ f' -o Nr o= otn 6-s ci å.n C¿ Fg No¡ oa ql