- Otago University Research Archive
- Otago University Research Archive
AKT1 AND THE NEGATIVE CORRELATION BETWEEN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS AND SCHIZOPHRENIA Natasha Anne Austin A thesis submitted for the degree of Masters of Science in Genetics at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Date: Wednesday 28th July 2010 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am most grateful to Associate Professor Tony Merriman, my fantastic supervisor for giving me the chance to work on a topic close to my heart. His academic and moral support in all areas has been quite amazing and I consider myself very lucky to work under a supervisor who has so much time for his students. In particular, I am most appreciative for the time he put in to providing in depth feedback and comments on the draft chapters of this thesis. Under Tony’s supervision I felt encouraged and motivated every step of the way. I would also like to give special mention to Jade and Fathin. Without these two wonderful ladies I would have been lost in my first months in the lab. I am very grateful that they were there to point me in the right direction with everything from bench work to statistics. Their continued support has made my time in the Merriman lab as stress free as possible. To Mandy and Marylyn, I am thankful for their help through the troubles with my mouse primers and RFLP work. To Ruth, I would like to offer thanks for her time and patience in assisting me with my SNPmax work. To all other members in the Merriman laboratory, Mohan, Sara, Ange, Ani, Cushla, Xin, Rebecca D and Morgan I thank you for all your contributions. I am grateful to everyone who gave up their time to guide me and help me. Most of all thank you all for the friendly environment you provided. To Reece, the loving support you have provided throughout this journey has been second to none. Without you to encourage me to stick at it when things were not going according to plan I may not have made it to the end. I dedicate this thesis to my fantastic Whanau who have given me nothing but support throughout my time at university. To mum, for encouraging me to be the best that I can be and to Dad, who is unwavering in his love. To all my brothers and sisters, especially Darcy whose daily struggle with rheumatoid arthritis inspired me try and do something about the disease. Without my family I would not be who I am today and I am thankful for all they have done for me. I ABSTRACT Nearly 3% of the world’s population is affected by some form of autoimmune disease, with current estimates of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) prevalence at 0.7-1% of Caucasians. This degenerative disorder is characterized by chronic inflammation of the joints resulting in irreversible joint damage and disability. RA has a complex aetiology with both environmental and genetic factors having a role. Numerous studies have identified genes that predispose individuals to RA and a large proportion of these have been focused on genes playing a role in the immune system. Mental illness is a common form of neurological disease, with estimates of 1 in 4 people experiencing some form of the disease during their lifetime. Schizophrenia (SZ) is one form of mental illness that affects 0.5-1% of the population. An inverse relationship between RA and SZ is well documented. Recent evidence suggests that there may be a common disease pathway for these two disorders. Recently, genes traditionally associated with RA have been implicated in SZ disease pathways and vice versa. AKT1 belongs to a pathway of genes involved in cell survival and function. A number of genes in this pathway have been implicated in autoimmune diseases. DISC1 is known to play a role in the development of SZ. Recent findings suggest this gene is implicated in the same pathway as AKT1. The first aim of this study was to investigate AKT1 and genes involved in the same pathway for association with RA. Three candidate genes, DISC1, NFATC1 and NFATC2 were identified from RA genome wide association scan study results. Meta-analysis of genotyping results with Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC RA data for AKT1 SNPs resulted significant associations for AKT1_rs2494731 (p = 0.033, OR = 1.08[1.0-1.2]) and AKT1_rs4983386 (p = 0.006, OR = 1.10[1.0-1.2]). Haplotype analysis of these two SNPs was significant (haplotype 21 p = 0.0009, OR = 1.473[1.2-1.8]) for a combined genotyping dataset (NZRA and UKRA). Conditional analysis provided evidence for independent effects at these loci (p = 0.415) It was therefore concluded that there is evidence for two independent effects of AKT1 in development of RA. Meta-analysis of genotyping and WTCCC RA data for NFATC2_rs8119787 was significant for association (p = 0.032, OR = 0.92[0.86-0.99]) whereas separate analyses for each sample set was not (WTCCC p = 0.057, NZRA p = .0.314 Three SNPs within DISC1 (DISC1_rs4658966p = 0.001 OR = 0.81[0.71-0.91], rs321577 p = II 0.018 OR = 0.90[0.83-0.98] and DISC1_rs872624p = 0.017 OR = 0.85[0.71-097]) were significantly associated with RA in a meta-analysis of genotyping and WTCCC RA data. Haplotype analysis for three DISC1 SNPs (DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, and DISC1_rs872624) provided evidence of association in three haplotypes (111 p = 0.013 OR = 1.30[1.06-1.61], 211 p = 0.002 OR = 0.60[0.44-0.83] and 21 p = 0.005 OR = 0.65[0.490.88]). The SNPs were investigated for association with SZ and a broader sample for mental illness (two SZ cohorts and bipolar disease, BD). None of the SNPs within AKT1, NFATC1, NFATC2 or DISC1 were significant for this analysis. All SNPs were also investigated for sex bias within each sample set. No significant associations were found when analyzing the sexes separately for AKT1 or NFATC2. For NFATC1_rs2002311 the results although significant were inconclusive. DISC1 SNP rs9431714 was significant for females in the WTCCC RA (p = 0.004) and Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN) SZ (p = 0.006) sample sets. For this SNP the OR of WTCCC conveyed susceptibility to RA (OR = 1.26[1.07-1.47]) and the OR of GAIN conveyed protection against SZ (OR = 0.88[0.72-1.08]). A similar, although borderline, effect was seen for the WTCCC RA and psychosis datasets for DISC1_rs872624 in females (WTCCC p = 0.056 OR = 0.82[0.67-1.01], psychosis p = 0.041 OR = 1.18[0.921.52]). This analysis provides evidence for a shared disease pathway for RA and SZ in females at least. This thesis also investigated SNPs from within the genes of interest (AKT1, NFAT and DISC1) in the SZ literature. A meta-analysis was carried out for the common SNPs in the literature for AKT1 and DISC1. For ATK1 none of SNPs examined were significant for association with SZ. This was the result when all information was analysed together and when it was separated for ethnicity. In DISC1 one SNP, rs821597 was significantly associated with SZ (p = 0.025) when the two studies from the literature were analysed in combination with GAIN SZ. This analysis provides additional support for the involvement of this DISC1 SNP in the development of SZ. The last section of this thesis was focused on the involvement of the GRIK1 and GRIK2 genes in the development of inflammatory arthritis (IA) in a mouse model of the human disease. Recent data suggests a common pathway involving GRIK2 may link RA and SZ. A III microsatellite assay, containing 57 microsatellite markers, was prepared to identify breeding animals for involvement in the serum transfer model of IA induction. Following the failure of this method the assay was modified for use in identifying animals for the spontaneous method of IA induction. The spontaneous model was yet to be tested at completion of this thesis. IV TABLEOFCONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................ I ABSTRACT .............................................................................II TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................. V LIST OF TABLES .................................................................... X LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................... XIII LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................XVI I N T R O D U C T I O N ................................................................................................................... 19 1.1. Autoimmune Disease......................................................................................................... 20 1.1.1. Rheumatoid Arthritis ................................................................................................. 20 Trigger ................................................................................................................... 21 Mechanism ............................................................................................................ 22 Diagnosis ............................................................................................................... 23 Genetic factors ....................................................................................................... 24 Environmental factors ........................................................................................... 29 Treatments ............................................................................................................. 32 Related conditions ................................................................................................. 33 1.2. Neuropsychiatric Disease .................................................................................................. 34 1.2.1. Schizophrenia ............................................................................................................ 34 Trigger ................................................................................................................... 35 Mechanism ............................................................................................................ 35 Genetic Factors ...................................................................................................... 37 Environmental Factors........................................................................................... 41 Treatment ............................................................................................................... 46 1.3. A Genetic Link Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Schizophrenia.................................. 47 1.3.1. Experimental Evidence .............................................................................................. 47 1.3.1. Theories for the Association Between RA and SZ .................................................... 48 1.3.2. Significance ............................................................................................................... 48 1.4. Candidate Genes ................................................................................................................ 49 1.4.1. Genome Wide Association Scanning for Identifying Associated Genes .................. 49 1.4.2. AKT1 .......................................................................................................................... 51 1.4.1. GRIK ......................................................................................................................... 53 1.4.2. AKT1 Pathway Genes ................................................................................................ 53 PTEN ..................................................................................................................... 53 PDK1 ..................................................................................................................... 54 BAD ....................................................................................................................... 54 GSK3E ................................................................................................................... 54 CCND1 .................................................................................................................. 55 Beta-CTN (E-CTN) ............................................................................................... 55 1.4.3. DISC1 ........................................................................................................................ 55 1.4.4. NFAT ......................................................................................................................... 56 1.5. Meta-Analysis of Published Literature .............................................................................. 58 1.5.1. History of Meta-analysis ........................................................................................... 58 1.5.2. Conducting a meta-analysis ....................................................................................... 59 1.5.3. Advantages of Meta-Analysis ................................................................................... 60 V Disadvantages of Meta-analysis ................................................................................ 61 1.5.4. 1.5.5. Future directions of Meta-analysis ............................................................................ 62 1.6. Animal Models for Rheumatoid Arthritis ......................................................................... 64 1.6.1. Knockout Mouse Approach ....................................................................................... 65 1.6.2. Mouse Models for Rheumatoid Arthritis .................................................................. 65 1.6.3. KRN model of Inflammatory Arthritis ...................................................................... 66 Spontaneous arthritis model .................................................................................. 66 Serum induced arthritis model............................................................................... 66 Similarities and Differences with human Rheumatoid Arthritis ........................... 66 1.7. Project Aims ...................................................................................................................... 68 M A T E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S ...................................................................................... 69 2.1. Human Genotyping Sample Sets ....................................................................................... 70 2.1.1. Ethics Approval ......................................................................................................... 70 2.1.2. Participant recruiting ................................................................................................. 70 2.1.3. DNA extraction ......................................................................................................... 71 2.1.4. Sample storage........................................................................................................... 72 2.2. GWAS Datasets ................................................................................................................. 73 2.2.1. Primary Sample sets .................................................................................................. 73 WTCCC ................................................................................................................. 73 GAIN SZ ............................................................................................................... 73 2.2.2. Additional samples sets ............................................................................................. 74 Non-GAIN SZ ....................................................................................................... 74 GAIN Bipolar Disease ........................................................................................... 75 2.2.3. Datasets for the Detection of Sex Bias ...................................................................... 75 2.3. Selection of SNPs .............................................................................................................. 76 2.3.1. Literature search ........................................................................................................ 76 2.3.2. BC|SNPmax ............................................................................................................... 76 Imputing SNPs in WTCCC and GAIN.................................................................. 78 2.3.3. Linkage Disequilibrium analysis ............................................................................... 80 2.4. Human Sample Genotyping .............................................................................................. 82 2.4.1. RFLP primer design for human genotyping .............................................................. 82 2.4.2. Polymerase chain reaction ......................................................................................... 84 Optimisation of marker assays .............................................................................. 84 PCR amplification ................................................................................................. 85 2.4.3. Restriction enzyme digest.......................................................................................... 86 2.4.4. Gel electrophoresis .................................................................................................... 87 2.4.5. TaqMan...................................................................................................................... 88 2.4.6. Quality Control .......................................................................................................... 90 2.4.7. Data Analysis............................................................................................................. 91 Association Analysis ............................................................................................. 91 Hardy-Weinberg Testing ....................................................................................... 93 Haplotype association analysis .............................................................................. 93 Conditional analysis .............................................................................................. 95 2.5. Meta-Analysis of Genotyping and Published Literature ................................................... 97 2.5.1. Meta-Analysis of Genotyping ................................................................................... 97 2.5.2. Meta-Analysis of Published Literature ...................................................................... 98 2.6. Mouse Sample Preparation ................................................................................................ 99 2.6.1. Ethical Approval ........................................................................................................ 99 2.6.2. Breeding the Mouse strains ....................................................................................... 99 KRN ....................................................................................................................... 99 VI GRIK ................................................................................................................... 100 2.6.3. The serum transfer model ........................................................................................ 100 2.6.4. Induction of IA via the Spontaneous Model............................................................ 101 2.6.5. Animal Handling ..................................................................................................... 103 Housing Conditions ............................................................................................. 103 Food and Water ................................................................................................... 103 Identification........................................................................................................ 103 Weaning ............................................................................................................... 103 Tail Sample Collection ........................................................................................ 104 Testing for Inflammatory Arthritis ...................................................................... 104 Serum transfer ..................................................................................................... 104 Animal Euthanasia............................................................................................... 105 2.6.6. Mouse Genomic DNA extraction ............................................................................ 105 DNA Extraction from Tail-tips ........................................................................... 105 DNA Extraction from Mouse Liver .................................................................... 106 Phenol Chloroform extraction ............................................................................. 106 NanoDrop spectrophotometery ....................................................................... 107 2.7. Mouse Sample Genotyping ............................................................................................. 108 2.7.1. Gel electrophoresis .................................................................................................. 108 2.7.2. KRN +/+ .................................................................................................................. 108 2.7.3. GRIK -/-................................................................................................................... 109 2.8. Mouse Microsatellite Assay ............................................................................................ 112 2.8.1. Selection of microsatellites...................................................................................... 112 Microsatellites for the serum transfer model ....................................................... 112 Microsatellites for the spontaneous IA model ..................................................... 113 2.8.2. Preparing the assay ................................................................................................. 113 Gel electrophoresis .............................................................................................. 113 Non-informative microsatellites .......................................................................... 114 2.9. Materials and reagents ..................................................................................................... 115 2.9.1. Solutions .................................................................................................................. 115 2.9.2. Enzyme buffers ........................................................................................................ 116 2.9.3. Restriction enzymes................................................................................................. 118 2.9.4. Website addresses .................................................................................................... 119 R E S U L T S .................................................................................................................................. 121 3.1. Genotyping of RA Candidate Genes from the AKT1 Pathways ...................................... 122 3.1.1. SNP selection........................................................................................................... 122 AKT1 ................................................................................................................... 122 NFAT ................................................................................................................... 123 DISC1 .................................................................................................................. 125 BAD ..................................................................................................................... 126 CCND1 ................................................................................................................ 126 GSK3B ................................................................................................................ 127 PDK1 ................................................................................................................... 128 PTEN ................................................................................................................... 128 Beta-CTN (E-CTN) ............................................................................................. 129 3.1.2. Linkage Disequilibrium Analysis ............................................................................ 129 AKT1 ................................................................................................................... 129 NFAT ................................................................................................................... 130 DISC1 .................................................................................................................. 130 3.1.3. SNPs within and Surrounding AKT1 ....................................................................... 132 VII Case-Control Association Analysis ..................................................................... 132 Meta-analysis ....................................................................................................... 134 Haplotype Analysis ............................................................................................. 139 Effect in Psychosis .............................................................................................. 140 Sex Differences.................................................................................................... 143 3.1.4. SNPs within NFAT.................................................................................................. 145 Case-Control Association Analysis ..................................................................... 145 Meta-analysis ....................................................................................................... 145 Haplotype Analysis ............................................................................................. 148 Effect in Psychosis .............................................................................................. 149 Sex Differences.................................................................................................... 150 3.1.5. SNPs Within DISC1 ................................................................................................ 152 Case-Control Association Analysis ..................................................................... 152 Meta-analysis ....................................................................................................... 154 Haplotype Analysis ............................................................................................. 159 Effect in Psychosis .............................................................................................. 161 Sex Differences.................................................................................................... 164 3.2. Meta-Analysis of SNPs from SZ Candidate Genes In the Literature .............................. 167 3.2.1. AKT1 ........................................................................................................................ 167 SNP selection....................................................................................................... 167 AKT1 Meta-analysis – part 1 .............................................................................. 169 AKT1 Meta-analysis – Part 2 .............................................................................. 173 3.2.2. DISC1 ...................................................................................................................... 176 DISC1 Meta-analysis – part 1 ............................................................................. 178 DISC1 Meta-analysis – Part 2 ............................................................................. 184 3.3. Genotyping mice for KO status ....................................................................................... 188 3.3.1. KRN ......................................................................................................................... 188 3.3.2. GRIK1 ..................................................................................................................... 189 3.3.3. GRIK2 ..................................................................................................................... 191 3.4. Induction of Inflammatory Arthritis in a Mouse Knockout Model ................................. 192 3.4.1. Serum Transfer Model ............................................................................................. 192 3.4.2. Spontaneous Model ................................................................................................. 192 3.5. Microsatellite Assay for Differentation Between Genomic DNA From Mouse Strains B6 and 129....................................................................................................................... 193 3.5.1. B6/129 Assay........................................................................................................... 193 3.5.2. B6/NOD Assay ........................................................................................................ 197 Testing the Assay ................................................................................................ 197 Backcross One ..................................................................................................... 199 Selecting breeding animals from the assay.......................................................... 201 D I S C U S S I O N A N D C O N C L U S I O N S ....................................................................... 202 4.1. Genotyping of RA Candidate Genes from the AKT1 Pathways ...................................... 203 4.1.1. AKT1 ........................................................................................................................ 203 Association with RA............................................................................................ 203 Association with psychosis.................................................................................. 204 Sex bias ................................................................................................................ 204 Summary.............................................................................................................. 205 4.1.1. Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells (NFAT) .......................................................... 205 Association with RA............................................................................................ 205 Association with psychosis.................................................................................. 206 Sex bias ................................................................................................................ 206 VIII Summary.............................................................................................................. 207 4.1.2. Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) .................................................................... 207 Association with RA............................................................................................ 207 Association with psychosis.................................................................................. 208 Sex bias ................................................................................................................ 209 Summary.............................................................................................................. 209 4.1.3. Limitations of this Study ......................................................................................... 210 4.2. Two Hypotheses for the Negative Corrolation Between RA and SZ .............................. 211 4.2.1. Hypothesis 1 ............................................................................................................ 211 Support for hypothesis 1 ...................................................................................... 212 4.2.2. Hypothesis 2 ............................................................................................................ 213 Support for hypothesis 2 ...................................................................................... 213 4.3. Meta-Analysis of SNPs from SZ Candidate Genes In the Literature .............................. 215 4.3.1. AKT1 ........................................................................................................................ 215 4.3.2. DISC1 ...................................................................................................................... 215 4.3.3. Limitations of this Study ......................................................................................... 216 4.4. Induction of Inflammatory Arthritis in Mice................................................................... 218 4.4.1. Limitations of this Study ......................................................................................... 218 4.5. Microsatellite Assay for Differentation Between Genomic DNA From Mouse Strains B6 and 129....................................................................................................................... 220 4.5.1. Limitations of this Study ......................................................................................... 220 4.6. Summary and Future Research ........................................................................................ 221 4.6.1. Human ..................................................................................................................... 221 4.6.2. Mouse ...................................................................................................................... 221 4.6.3. Future Research ....................................................................................................... 221 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 223 A P P E N D I C E S ......................................................................................................................... 260 IX LISTOFTABLES Table 1.1: The 1987 revised criteria for the classification of RA. .................................................... 24 Table 1.2: Morbid Risk of RA for Relatives of RA Patients............................................................. 25 Table 1.3: Phenotype frequencies of HLA DRB1 ............................................................................. 26 Table 1.4:Confirmed Rheumatoid Arthritis susceptibility loci . ....................................................... 28 Table 1.5: Morbid Risk of Schizophrenia for Relatives of Schizophrenic Patients. ......................... 37 Table 1.6: Potential Schizophrenia susceptibility loci....................................................................... 40 Table 1.7: The incidence of rheumatoid arthritis in schizophrenic patients and controls. ................ 47 Table 1.8: Trends in numbers of published articles on human genome epidemiology, metaanalysis and genome-wide association studies .................................................................................. 51 Table 2.9: The number of case and control samples for each sample set used in this study............. 71 Table 2.10: DNA plate nomenclature for RA cases and controls. .................................................... 72 Table 2.11: Example of data output for PLINK case-control analysis in SNPmax .......................... 78 Table 2.12: PCR reaction mix for a single 10 µL reaction ................................................................ 85 Table 2.13: Thermocycler settings for PCR amplification ................................................................ 86 Table 2.14: Restriction digest reaction mix per reaction for enzymes not requiring BSA................ 86 Table 2.15: Restriction digest reaction mix per reaction for enzymes not requiring BSA................ 86 Table 2.16: 3.5% agarose gel ............................................................................................................ 87 Table 2.17: TaqMan reagents for a single reaction. .......................................................................... 88 Table 2.18: Example of STATA input file layout ............................................................................. 97 Table 2.19: Tail lysis buffer for DNA extraction ............................................................................ 105 Table 2.20: 3.5% agarose gel .......................................................................................................... 108 Table 2.21: PCR reaction mix for a single 25 µL reaction .............................................................. 109 Table 2.22: Thermocycler settings for PCR amplification .............................................................. 109 Table 2.23: PCR reaction mix for a single 10 µL reaction .............................................................. 110 Table 2.24: Thermocycler settings for PCR amplification .............................................................. 110 Table 2.25: 4% agarose gel.............................................................................................................. 113 Table 2.26: Restriction enzymes utilised in this study and their working conditions. .................... 118 Table 3.27: PLINK genotyping information for all AKT1 SNPs in the WTCCC rheumatoid arthritis and GAIN schizophrenia sample sets.. .............................................................................. 123 Table 3.28: A comparison of genotyping data for AKT1 SNPs of interest in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. ........................................................................................................................... 123 Table 3.29: PLINK genotyping information for all NFATC1 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets.. ..................................................................................................................................... 124 Table 3.30: PLINK genotyping information for the NFATC2 SNPs with the most significant p-values in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets.. ........................................................................... 124 Table 3.31: A comparison of genotyping data for NFATC1and NFACTC2 SNPs of interest in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. ............................................................................................... 124 Table 3.32: PLINK genotyping information for DISC1SNPs with the most significant pvalues in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets................................................................................. 125 Table 3.33: A comparison of genotyping data for DISC1SNPs of interest in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. ........................................................................................................................... 126 Table 3.34: PLINK genotyping information for all BAD SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. ...................................................................................................................................... 126 Table 3.35: PLINK genotyping information for all CCND1 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. ...................................................................................................................................... 126 Table 3.36: PLINK genotyping information for all GSK3B SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. ...................................................................................................................................... 127 X Table 3.37: PLINK genotyping information for all PDK1 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. ...................................................................................................................................... 128 Table 3.38: PLINK genotyping information for all PTEN SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. ...................................................................................................................................... 128 Table 3.39: PLINK genotyping information for all E-CTN SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. ...................................................................................................................................... 129 Table 3.40: Case-control analysis for the AKT1SNPs. .................................................................... 133 Table 3.41: Meta-analysis for the AKT1SNPs over all sample sets genotyped in this study and WTCCC.. ......................................................................................................................................... 135 Table 3.42: Haplotype analysis for the two AKT1 SNPs in LD, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs4983386, shown for the WTCCC sample set. ................................................................... 139 Table 3.43: Haplotype analysis for the two AKT1 SNPs in LD, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs4983386 over the GAIN SZ dataset.. ................................................................................ 139 Table 3.44: Haplotype analysis for the two AKT1SNPs in LD, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs4983386, over the combined genotyping sample set (NZRA, ARA and UKRA).. .......... 140 Table 3.45: Analysis for AKT1 SNPs, in three mental illness datasets. .......................................... 141 Table 3.46: Analysis of males versus females for the four AKT1 SNPs. ........................................ 143 Table 3.47: AKT1_rs7146661 association results over NZRA, WTCCC RA, GAIN SZ and psychosis for female cases versus controls and males cases versus controls. ................................. 144 Table 3.48: Case-control analysis for the SNPs NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787. ....................................................................................................................... 145 Table 3.49: Meta-analysis for the NFAT SNPs over NZRA, WTCCC.. ......................................... 146 Table 3.50: Association analysis for NFAT SNPs, NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787, in three mental illness datasets. .................................................................... 149 Table 3.51: Analysis of males versus females for NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787.. ...................................................................................................................... 151 Table 3.52: NFATC1_rs2002311 association results over NZRA, WTCCC RA, GAIN SZ and Psychosis for female cases versus controls and males cases versus controls.................................. 151 Table 3.53: Case-control analysis for the DISC1 SNPs .................................................................. 153 Table 3.54: Meta-analysis for the DISC1 SNPs over the sample sets genotyped in this study and WTCCC. ................................................................................................................................... 154 Table 3.55: The Haplotype analysis for three DISC1 SNPs, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, and DISC1_rs872624 are shown for the WTCCC RA sample set .................. 159 Table 3.57: The Haplotype analysis for three DISC1 SNPs, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, and DISC1_rs872624 are shown for the NZRA sample set. ........................... 160 Table 3.58: Analysis for DISC1 SNPs, DISC1_rs9431714, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577 and DISC1_rs872624, in three mental illness datasets ....... 162 Table 3.59: Analysis of males versus females for the SNPs DISC1_rs9431714, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577 and DISC1_rs872624 ............................ 165 Table 3.60: Sex specific association results for DISC1. .................................................................. 166 Table 3.61: Table of SNPs occurring more than once in the literature. .......................................... 167 Table 3.62: Literature information for AKT1 SNPs investigated in a range of neurological disorders.. ........................................................................................................................................ 168 Table 3.63: Genotyping information for AKT1 SNPs of interest extracted from the literature. ..... 169 Table 3.64: Meta-analysis for the AKT1SNPs investigated in the schizophrenia literature.. .......... 170 Table 3.65: SNPs for inclusion in the ethnicity based meta-analysis.............................................. 173 Table 3.66: Meta-analysis for the AKT1 SNPs investigated in the schizophrenia literature. .......... 173 Table 3.67: Table of DISC1 SNPs occurring more than once in the literature ............................... 176 Table 3.68: Literature information for DISC1 SNPs investigated in a range of neurological disorders.. ........................................................................................................................................ 177 Table 3.69: Genotyping information for DISC1 SNPs of interest extracted from the literature. .... 178 XI Table 3.70: Meta-analysis for the DISC1 SNPs investigated in the schizophrenia literature.. ....... 179! Table 3.71: SNPs for inclusion in the ethnicity based meta-analysis. ............................................. 184! Table 3.72: Meta-analysis for the DISC1 SNPs investigated in the schizophrenia literature. ........ 185! Table 3.73: Results from the genotyping of KRN mice. All mice tested were males. .................... 189! Table 3.74: Results from the genotyping of GRIK1 mice. M=Male, F=Female. ........................... 190! Table 3.75: Results from the genotyping of GRIK2 mice. M=Male, F=Female. ........................... 191! Table 3.76: Microsatellites investigated in this thesis and whether they were included in the B6/129 assay.. .................................................................................................................................. 194! Table 3.77: Successful informative microsatellites with their exact position on the chromosome..................................................................................................................................... 196! Table 3.78: Microsatellites investigated in this thesis and whether they were included in the B6/NOD assay. ................................................................................................................................ 198! Table 3.79: DNA concentrations of Mouse DNA samples used in the backcross one assay.. ........ 199! Table 3.80: DNA concentrations of Mouse DNA test samples used in the backcross one assay................................................................................................................................................. 199! Table 3.81: B6/NOD assay results. 2 = test sample 2, 5 = test sample 5. ....................................... 200! Table 5.82: Supporting evidence for hypothesis one. ..................................................................... 213! Table 5.83: Supporting evidence for hypothesis two. ..................................................................... 214! Table A.84: Primer sequences for mouse microsatellite markers ................................................... 261! Table A.85: Primer sequences for SNP markers ............................................................................. 265! Table A.86: Assay conditions for mouse microsatellite markers contained in the assay. ............... 266! Table A.87: Assay conditions for human SNP markers .................................................................. 267! Table B.88: BC|SNPmax genotyping information for DISC1 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN cohorts. ............................................................................................................................................ 268! Table B.89: BC|SNPmax genotyping information for NFATC2 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN cohorts. ................................................................................................................................. 275! XII LISTOFFIGURES Figure 1.1: Summary of the pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis. ............................................. 23 Figure 1.2: Haematoxylin and eosin stain of joint tissues from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. .............................................................................................................................................. 23 Figure 1.3: Relative risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in subjects exposed to different combinations of smoking and HLA-DR shared epitope (SE) genes ................................................. 30 Figure 1.4: The influence of risk factors over time on the development of schizophrenia. .............. 41 Figure 1.6: Risk of schizophrenia in non-white ethnic minorities according to their proportion in their local area. .............................................................................................................................. 45 Figure 1.7: A summary of the interaction between candidate genes of interest with RA and SZ. ..................................................................................................................................................... 52 Figure 1.8: Activation and inhibition of AKT1 through a multiple signalling pathway. ................... 52 Figure 1.9: Involvement of DISC1 in the AKT1 pathway. ................................................................ 56 Figure 1.10: The activation of Ca2+ dependant NFATC through..................................................... 57 Figure 1.11: A typical graphical representation of meta-analysis results.......................................... 60 Figure 1.13: Initiation of arthritis in K/BxN mice ............................................................................. 67 Figure 2.14: Example of SNPmax setup for PLINK case-control analysis....................................... 78 Figure 2.15: Example of SNPmax setup for IMPUTE of SNPs in AKT1. ........................................ 79 Figure 2.16:Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of one block of DISC1 SNPs. ..................................................................................................................................... 80 Figure 2.17: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping illustrating a region of complete LD between SNPs.......................................................................................................... 81 Figure 2.18: The process of primer design for forced and natural cut sites.. .................................... 83 Figure 2.20: An example of a RFLP assay. ....................................................................................... 87 Figure 2.23: The two forms of TaqMan analysis software output.. .................................................. 90 Figure 2.24: Data input for single site analysis in SHEsis.. .............................................................. 92 Figure 2.25: Data input for haplotype analysis in SHEsis................................................................. 94 Figure 2.26: Run variables for a haplotype association analysis for selected DISC1 SNPs in the WTCCC RA dataset. ................................................................................................................... 95 Figure 3.27: Example layout for Map and Ped files used in conditional analysis. ........................... 96 Figure 2.28: The breeding program for induction of inflammatory arthritis in GRIK knockout mice. ................................................................................................................................................ 101 Figure 2.29: The breeding program for induction of spontaneous inflammatory arthritis in GRIK knockout mice.. ..................................................................................................................... 102 Figure 2.30: The binding pattern of GRIK1 and Neo primers within the GRIK1 gene.. ................ 111 Figure 3.31: A Haploview LD plot showing the SNPs of interest in and around the gene AKT1.. .............................................................................................................................................. 130 Figure 3.32: Haploview LD plot (r2) showing haplotype block 21of DISC1 ................................. 131 Figure 3.33: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs2494731 in AKT1. ................................... 136 Figure 3.34: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs1130214 in AKT1.. .................................. 136 Figure 3.35: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs4983386 near AKT1. ............................... 137 Figure 3.36: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs7146661 near AKT1.. .............................. 137 Figure 3.37: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs2494731 in AKT1.. .................................. 137 Figure 3.38: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs1130214 in AKT1. ................................... 138 Figure 3.39: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs4983386 near AKT1. ............................... 138 Figure 3.40: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs7146661 near AKT1.. .............................. 138 Figure 3.41: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs2494731 over the mental illness datasets.. .......................................................................................................................................... 141 XIII Figure 3.42: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs1130214 over the mental illness datasets.. .......................................................................................................................................... 142 Figure 3.43: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs7146661 over the mental illness datasets.. .......................................................................................................................................... 142 Figure 3.44: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs493386 over the mental illness datasets. ........................................................................................................................................... 142 Figure 3.45: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for rs2002311 in NFATC1. ......................................... 147 Figure 3.46: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for rs8119787 in NFATC2.. ........................................ 147 Figure 3.47: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for rs2002311 in NFATC1.. ........................................ 147 Figure 3.48: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for rs8119787 in NFATC2.. ........................................ 148 Figure 3.49: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for NFATC1_rs2002311.............................................. 150 Figure 3.50: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for NFATC2_rs8119787.............................................. 150 Figure 3.51: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs9431714 in DISC1. ................................ 155 Figure 3.52: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872625 in DISC1. .................................. 156 Figure 3.53: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs4658966 in DISC1.. ............................... 156 Figure 3.54: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821577 in DISC1.. ................................. 156 Figure 3.55: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872624 in DISC1. .................................. 157 Figure 3.56: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs9431714 in DISC1. ................................ 157 Figure 3.57: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872625 in DISC1. .................................. 157 Figure 3.58: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs4658966 in DISC1.. ............................... 158 Figure 3.59: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821577 in DISC1. .................................. 158 Figure 3.60: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872624 in DISC1. .................................. 158 Figure 3.61: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs9431714 in DISC1.. ............................... 163 Figure 3.62: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872625 in DISC1. .................................. 163 Figure 3.63: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs4658966 in DISC1. ................................ 163 Figure 3.64: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821577 in DISC1. .................................. 164 Figure 3.65: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872624 in DISC1.. ................................. 164 Figure 3.66: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs1130214 in AKT1.. .................................. 171 Figure 3.67: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs2498804 in AKT1. ................................... 171 Figure 3.68: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs3803304 in AKT1. ................................... 172 Figure 3.69: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Caucasian ancestry AKT1_rs1130214 ................... 174 Figure 3.70: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Asian ancestry AKT1_rs1130214. ......................... 174 Figure 3.71: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Asian ancestry AKT1_rs2498804 .......................... 175 Figure 3.72: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Caucasian ancestry AKT1_rs3803304 ................... 175 Figure 3.73: Random effects meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821616. .......................................... 180 Figure 3.74: Random effects meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs3738401. ........................................ 181 Figure 3.75: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs1000731 ................................................. 181 Figure 3.76: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs3738398. ................................................ 182 Figure 3.77: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821597.. ................................................. 182 Figure 3.78: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs843979. .................................................. 183 Figure 3.79: Random effects meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs999710. .......................................... 183 Figure 3.80: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Caucasian ancestry DISC1_rs821616.. ................. 185 Figure 3.81: Random effects meta-analysis plot for Asian ancestry DISC1_rs821616. ................. 186 Figure 3.82: Random effects meta-analysis plot for Caucasian ancestry DISC1_rs3738401. ........ 186 Figure 3.83: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Asian ancestry DISC1_rs843979. ......................... 187 Figure 3.84: Gel electrophoresis visualisation of nine microsatellites over B6 and 129 DNA....... 193 Figure 3.85: Visual representation of the approximate placement of microsatellite markers included in the B6/129 assay. .......................................................................................................... 195 Figure 3.86: Gel electrophoresis visualisation of five microsatellites over B6 and NOD DNA..... 197 Figure 4.87: A schematic of a proposed theoretical model for the negative association between rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia. ............................................................................ 212 XIV Figure C.88: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of all validated AKT1 SNPs.. .................................................................................................................................... 278! Figure D.89: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of all validated DISC1 SNPs.. .................................................................................................................................. 279! Figure D.90: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of one block of DISC1 SNPs .................................................................................................................................... 279! Figure E.91: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of all validated NFAT SNPs...................................................................................................................................... 280! XV LISTOFABBREVIATIONS ADHD ATK1 BAD BD B-D bp CBT CCND1 CCP CD64 CI CI CIA CMA COMT COX CTNNB1 D1 DISC1 DMARD DNA dNTP DSM DTNBP1 EA EBV EDTA ES FEZ1 GAIN GI GPI GRIK GSK3ȕ GWAS HHV-6 HLA HW HWD HWE IA Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder v-AKT murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 Bcl-2-associated Agonist of cell Death Bipolar Disease Breslow-Day base pairs Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Cyclin D1 anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Cluster of Differentiation 64 Confidence Intervals Confidence Interval Collagen-Induced Arthritis Comprehensive Meta Analysis Catechol-O-Methyl-Transferase Cyclooxygenase Catenin (cadherin associated protein), beta 1 Dopamine Receptor D1 Disrupted In Schizophrenia 1 Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drug deoxyribose nucleic acid dinucleoside triphosphate Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Dysbindin European-American (ancestry) Epstein Barr Virus ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Embryonic Stem (cells) Fasciculation and Elongation protein Zeta 1 Genetic Association Information Network Gastro-Intestinal Glucose-6-Phosphate Isomerise Glutamate Receptor, Ionotropic, Kainate Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta Genome Wide Association Scan Human Herpes Virus 6 Human Leuocyte Antigen Hardy Weinberg Hardy Weinberg Disequilibrium Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium Inflammatory Arthritis XVI ICD IGBMC IgG IL -1 IL-2 IL23R IP LD LTD4 MAF Mb MGS M-H MHC mL MS NDE1 NFAT ng NGR1 NOD NSAID NZ OC OR OXRA PCR PDE4ȕ PDK1 PFC PPL PTEN PTPN22 RA RF RFLP rpm SPF STAT4 SZ Taq TCR TE TNF International statistical Classification of Diseases and related health problems Institut de Genetique et de Biologie Moleculaire et Cellulaire Immunoglobin G Interleukin 1 Interleukin 2 Interleukin 23 Receptor Intraperitoneal Injection Linkage Disequilibrium Leukotriene D4 minor allele frequency Megabase Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia Mantel-Haenszel Major Histocompatibility Complex Millilitre Multiple Sclerosis nudE Nuclear Distribution gene E homolog 1 Ca2+ dependant Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells, Cytoplasmic Nanogram Neuroregulin 1 Non-Obese Diabetic (mouse) Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug New Zealand Obstetric Complications Odds Ratio Oxford Rheumatoid Arthritis Polymerase Chain Reaction Phosphodiesterase 4 Beta Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase isozyme 1 Pre-Frontal Cortex Periplakin Phosphate and tensin homolog deleted from chromosome 10 Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Non-receptor type 22 Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid Factor Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism revolutions per minute Specific Pathogen-Free (environment) Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription factor 4 Schizophrenia Thermus aquaticus polymerase enzyme T-Cell receptor Tris -EDTA Tumour Necrosis Factor XVII TNFAIP3 TNFR TNF-Į TRAF1 UKRA UV VitD WTCCC ȕ-CTN ȝL Tumour Necrosis Factor, Alpha-Induced Protein 3 Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha TNFR associated Factor 1 United Kingdom Rheumatoid Arthritis (also known as London samples) Ultra Violet Vitamin D Welcome Trust Case Control Consortium Cadherin-associated protein Beta micro litre XVIII Chapter 1: Introduction CHAPTERONE INTRODUCTION 1.1. Autoimmune Disease 1.2. Neuropsychiatric Disease 1.3. A Genetic Link Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Schizophrenia 1.4. Candidate Genes 1.5. Meta-Analysis of Published Literature 1.6. Animal Models for Rheumatoid Arthritis 1.7. Project Aims 19 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. AUTOIMMUNEDISEASE Autoimmune disease is defined as an immune system attack on ‘self’ tissues and cells (Cooper & Stroehla, 2003). Nearly 3% of the world’s population is affected by some form of autoimmune disease (Reviewed by Cooper & Stroehla, 2003). Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and dermatomyositis are described as systemic. This is when many organs or tissue types are affected and prognosis is generally poor. Many individuals have a reduced life expectancy and experience a number of secondary conditions, although the introduction of new drugs has helped vastly in this area (discussed later in this review). The other major type of autoimmune disease is organ specific and this class includes conditions such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (affects the islet cells of the pancreas) and multiple sclerosis (MS, immune attack on the myelin sheath). Autoimmune diseases generally have a complex aetiology with both environmental and genetic factors having a role. The main aim of this study was to identify candidate genes involved in the negative association between RA and SZ. This was achieved by utilising two major strategies: casecontrol analysis, and meta-analysis of candidate gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the literature. A review of the research that prompted this study is included in the introduction. Topics of interest include the immunology of RA, the factors contributing to the development of RA and SZ and the genetic link between these two diseases. 1.1.1. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Arthritic disease comes in many forms including: osteoarthritis, crystal induced arthritis or gout, septic/viral arthritis and the autoimmune forms rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and psoriatic arthritis. Recent studies estimate that RA affects around 0.7-1% of Caucasians, with the highest prevalence in developed countries (Helmick et al., 2008; Myasoedova et al., 2010). This degenerative disorder results in irreversible joint damage and disability (Sherrer et al., 2005). Primarily characterised by chronic inflammation of the joints, this disease has a symmetrical pattern attacking mainly the wrists, hands, elbows, shoulders, knees and ankles. Individuals experience varying degrees of disability caused by pain and swelling in the joints but may also be affected by fatigue, malaise and weight loss (Gabriel, 2001). Rheumatoid nodules, a protruding mass of subcutaneous cells, may also be present and are generally 20 Chapter 1: Introduction associated with a poorer prognosis (Kaye et al., 1984). Also of concern is that patients with inflammatory arthritis have increased morbidity from a range of disorders, including cardiovascular disease, infection and lymphoma (Maradit-Kremers et al., 2005; Turesson et al., 2004). Trigger It is hypothesised that individuals with an underlying genetic susceptibility to RA (see section who have been exposed to the appropriate environmental risk factors (see section still may not develop this disease unless exposed to a trigger. Viral infection has been suggested as the trigger of some autoimmune diseases by recent epidemiological studies (Balandraud et al., 2004; James et al., 1997; Newkirk et al., 1994). Epstein-Barr virus (EBV or Human Herpes Virus 4) and Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6) were both implicated in RA due to the high levels of anti-EBV and anti-HHV6 antibodies detected in patients with RA versus healthy controls (Balandraud et al., 2004). Until further studies are done to confirm this association, EBV and HHV-6 remain only candidates for a trigger. One infectious agent that has been implicated in RA is the microorganism Sheiphali "Toxoplasma" gondii (T.gondii). A species of parasitic protozoa in the genus Toxoplasma, T.gondii, causes the disease toxoplasmosis. In humans this condition has been linked to schizophrenic-like behaviours such as hallucinations (Torrey & Yolken, 2003). A study has shown that T.gondii infection was elevated in 75 individuals with RA compared with controls (Tomairek et al., 1982). Interestingly, the exposure to cats, the definitive host of T.Gondii, in childhood has also been linked to RA (Torrey & Yolken, 2001). Odds ratios of 3.04-3.60 were found in two independent studies of cat ownership before puberty for individuals with RA, indicating a significant association with the disease (Bond & Cleland, 1996; Torrey & Yolken, 2001). Here T. Gondii is being proposed as a trigger for both diseases. An individual would require an underlying genetic susceptibility to either RA or SZ for it to develop. 21 Chapter 1: Introduction Mechanism The immune system basis of RA has been studied in detail (Arend & Dayer, 1995; Balandraud et al., 2004; Liu & Pope, 2003; Wordsworth & Bell, 1992). The normal function of the immune system is a process tightly regulated by two sets of mediators, one for the initiation of the immune response and one involved in turning this response off at the appropriate time (Choy & Panayi, 2001). The damage to cartilage and bone seen in RA is due to an imbalance between these two sets of mediators causing chronic inflammation (Choy & Panayi, 2001). A local immune reaction is established through interaction between antigen presenting cells (APCs, i.e. macrophages) and T cells (Arend, 1997). Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules are present on the cell surface of APCs and these present antigens which bind to specific receptors on CD4+ T cells (Arend, 1997). It has been shown that a specific set of peptides are presented by APCs in RA development(Wordsworth et al., 1989). The binding of these molecules may be influenced by alleles in the gene coding the human leukocyte antigen (HLA, see section The interaction between T cells and APCs causes activation of macrophages and B cells (Figure 1.1). Immunoglobins, IgG and IgM, are released into the synovium tissues by activated B lymphocytes (Arend, 1997). Both immunoglobins and macrophages signal the upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines (i.e. IL-1, IL-8, IL-17, TNFĮ and INF-Ȗ) (Arend, 1997). These cytokines cause the serum complement cascade to become activated, leading to inflammation, oedema, vasodilation and infiltration of activated T-cells and cytokines (Lee & Weinblatt, 2001). In the final stages of RA development, a pannus (granulated tissue) forms (Figure 1.2) surrounding the synovial lining (Lee & Weinblatt, 2001). This structure initiates angiogenesis (construction of new blood vessel structures) and the production of tissue damaging enzymes (Koch, 1998). Late stage RA is characterised by joint destruction. This destruction is due to thickening of the synovium and disintegration of underlying bone and cartilage (Lee & Weinblatt, 2001). 22 Chapter 1: Introduction Figure 1.1: Summary of the pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis. Adapted from Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: New Therapeutic Approaches with Biological Agents (http://altmed.creighton.edu/FishOil/rheumatoidoverview.htm). Figure 1.2: Haematoxylin and eosin stain of joint tissues from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A synovial pannus invading bone and cartilage (original magnification x100). (Taken from Lee & Weinblatt, 2001). Diagnosis Diagnosis of RA is confirmed using a variety of techniques; the most common include joint x-rays, rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide testing (CCP). RF is present in approximately 65% of people presenting with RA symptoms (Aho et al., 1985). The autoantibody RF forms a complex with the immunoglobin IgG which can activate the immune complement cascade in rheumatoid synovium (Aho et al., 1985). The presence of these autoantibodies may precede development of organ specific autoimmune diseases by many years, however onset of RA is generally more rapid (Aho et al., 1985). Elevated antiCCP levels are strongly associated with early onset RA, with 79% of patients testing positive (Vasishta, 2002). Localised induction of anti-CCP by citrullinated proteins in the inflamed synovium is responsible for these elevated levels (Masson-Bessiere et al., 2001). Although numerous studies have been involved with determining the effect of anti-CCP on disease pathology, little is known about the exact mechanism. It has been shown that these autoantibodies are involved in the early stages of the disease and increased levels are related to an increased severity of symptoms (Dubucquoi et al., 2004; Grootenboer-Mignot et al., 2004; Kastbom et al., 2004; Söderlin et al., 2004). Anti-CCP testing has the additional advantage of distinguishing between erosive and non-erosive RA with patients that test antiCCP positive developing more joint damage that those without the antibodies (Vasishta, 2002). 23 Chapter 1: Introduction The 1987 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification system is commonly used for diagnosis of RA (Arnett et al., 1988).Under this classification, patients are said to have RA if they satisfy at least 4 of the 7 criteria outlined in Table 1.1 below. Patients must be afflicted by these 4 criteria for at least 6 weeks. Table 1.1: The 1987 revised criteria for the classification of RA (Taken from Arnett et al., 1988). Criterion Definition 1. Morning stiffness Morning stiffness in and around the joints, lasting at least 1 hour before maximal improvement 2. Arthritis of three or more joint areas At least three joint areas simultaneously have had soft tissue swelling or fluid (not bony overgrowth alone) observed by a physician. The fourteen possible areas are right or left PIP, MCP, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, and MTP joints 3. Arthritis of hand joints At least one area swollen (as defined above) in a wrist, MCP, or PIP joint 4. Symmetric arthritis Simultaneous involvement of the same joint areas (as defined in 2) on both sides of the body (bilateral involvement of PIPS, MCPs, or MTPs is acceptable without absolute symmetry) 5. Rheumatoid nodules Subcutaneous nodules, over bony prominences, or extensor surfaces, or in juxta-articular regions, observed by a physician 6. Serum rheumatoid factor Demonstration of abnormal amounts of serum rheumatoid factor by any method for which the result has been positive in 4% of normal control subjects 7. Radiographic changes Radiographic changes typical of rheumatoid arthritis on postero-anterior hand and wrist radiographs, which must include erosions or unequivocal bony decalcification localized in or most marked adjacent to the involved joints (osteoarthritis changes alone do not qualify) Genetic factors Both environmental and genetic factors play a role in the susceptibility to and development of RA (Firestein, 2003). Twin studies have played a key role in highlighting the effect size of the genetic component of the disease. It has been estimated that RA has a heritability of around 60% in Caucasians (MacGregor et al., 2001a). An individual’s risk will increase ~32 fold if they have a monozygotic twin (see Table 1.2) with this disorder, but only ~9 fold if their dizygotic twin is affected (Kwoh et al., 1996). 24 Chapter 1: Introduction Table 1.2: Morbid Risk of RA for Relatives of RA Patients. (Adapted from Kwoh et al., 1996) and (Lawrence, 1970) Relationship General population Spouses of patients Parents Siblings Children Dizygotic twin Monozygotic twin % Shared genes NA NA 50 50 50 50 100 Risk (%) 1 1 4.2 4.6 1.3 9 32 RA = Rheumatoid Arthritis Gender is a major factor in the risk of RA onset. A recent study found women are affected by the disease at a disproportionately higher rate (3-5 times more likely) than males (Alamanos et al., 2006). Although females are more likely to be affected by the disease, there is no evidence that they are more likely to be adversely affected in disease outcome(Harrison & Symmons, 2000). For over 30 years it has been known that the MHC on chromosome 6p21.3 is associated with RA (Stastny, 1976). This gene rich region (~220 genes) covers over 3.6Mb and consists of three distinct regions, classes I, II and III (Newton et al., 2004). The class I region contains HLA class 1 genes (HLA-A, -B and –C), class II contains the HLA-DR, -DP and DQ loci and class III falls between these two regions (Newton et al., 2004). Various studies since the late 1970s have shown that different alleles of the HLA-DRB1 gene confer different levels of association with RA. For example, the phenotype HLA-DRB1*0404 is positively associated with RA (see Table 1.3) conferring susceptibility (Thomson et al., 2001)whereas DRB1*0103 is negatively associated with RA providing protection (Milicic et al., 2002). The shared epitope (SE) hypothesis was proposed in the late 1980s to account for the differences in association between allele types (Gregersen et al., 1987). It was suggested that the susceptibility alleles (see Table 1.3) encode a conserved sequence of amino acids which shape one side of the antigen binding site and therefore effects the presentation of antigen. 25 Chapter 1: Introduction Table 1.3: Phenotype frequencies of HLA DRB1 HLA DBR1 phenotype *0101/2 *04 *0401 *0404 *0405/8/9 *1001 SE+ Controls (n=286) 62 100 63 10 5 3 127 Cases (n=680) 155 306 204 77 19 17 400 Odds Ratio (95% CI) 1.0 (0.8-1.5) 1.5 (1.1-2.0) 1.5 (1.1-2.1) 3.5 (1.8-6.8) 1.6 (0.6-4.3) 2.4 (0.8-7.8) 1.8 (1.4-2.4) SE+ = shared epitope positive. CI = confidence interval. (Taken from Silman & Pearson, 2002) The variability of HLA alleles is not limited to within a population, with a high degree of variability seen between ethnicities. The predominant alleles in each population are: *0401 and *0404 in Caucasians, *0405 in Japanese, *0101 in Israeli Jews and *09 in Chileans (Newton et al., 2004). HLA alleles have also been associated with a number of different disorders besides RA. Examples include DRB1*0101 in Lyme disease (Steere et al., 2006) and DRB1*0103 with Crohn's disease (Fernandez et al., 2004) and ulcerative colitis (Puzanowska et al., 2003). DR1 has also been linked with schizophrenia in Japanese (Narita et al., 2000). The association of the HLA alleles with RA is robust with supporting evidence over many different populations (Balsa et al., 2000; Citera et al., 2001; Del Rincón & Escalante, 2001; Pascual et al., 2001; Wakitani et al., 1997; Zanelli et al., 2000). However the penetrance of these genotypes is relatively low. Approximately 30% of the normal population have the HLA-DRB1*04 allele and ~30% of cases with no SE-encoding alleles at all (Newton et al., 2004). Twin studies have indicated that only ~50% of the genetic contribution to RA is due to the HLA alleles (MacGregor et al., 2001b). This finding has lead to the investigation of other genes in the region of MHC, for example the proinflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor (TNF). TNF is located within the MHC class III region, 1000kb from HLA-DRB1 (Newton et al., 2004). There have been many studies investigating the association of this gene with RA (Orozco et al., 2009b; Plenge et al., 2007b; Thomson et al., 2007). However, due to a lack of LD studies in the MHC region, few recognise this association may be due to linkage between markers in TNF and HLA (Newton et al., 2004). 26 Chapter 1: Introduction Techniques and resources such as Genome Wide Association Scanning (GWAS) and the International HapMap (a catalogue of common human variants) has led to a staggering increase in the publication of genes associated with RA (Choi et al., 2006; Gregersen, 2005; Steer et al., 2007; Xavier & Rioux, 2008). The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) took advantage of this technology to run one of the biggest genome wide research projects. This group genotyped 2,000 cases and 3000 shared controls to identify variants in each of 7 different diseases (RA, hypertension, bipolar disorder, coronary artery disease, Crohn's disease, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes) (WTCCC, 2007). Thus far the GWAS approach has confirmed the contribution of previously identified RA associated genes such as the antigen-presenting genes of the chromosome 6 HLA complex, STAT4 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 4) and the T-cell activation regulator PTPN22 (Gregersen et al., 2006; Wordsworth et al., 1989; Xavier & Rioux, 2008). PTPN22 has also been implicated in systemic lupus erythematosus, Grave’s disease and type 1 diabetes, indicating a general autoimmune role (Xavier & Rioux, 2008). GWAS studies have also identified a number of novel RA associated genes. These include the inflammatory mediator TNFAIP3 on chromosome 6 and TNFR–associated factor 1 (TRAF1) on chromosome 9 (Xavier & Rioux, 2008). TRAF1 is known to bind TNFAIP3, therefore TNF-mediated responses and TNF-Į inhibitor drugs have become an important focus for understanding and treating this disease (Xavier & Rioux, 2008). A list of Confirmed RA susceptibility loci is given in Table 1.4. 27 Chapter 1: Introduction Table 1.4:Confirmed Rheumatoid Arthritis susceptibility loci with their chromosome positions, function, supporting literature and power (updated from Barton & Worthington, 2009). Loci HLA-DRB1 Position 6p21 Function Immune system – presents peptides of extracellular proteins. Regulation of the T cell receptor signalling pathway via CBL. PTPN22 1p13 TNFD 6p21 Activation of immune response and antiapoptosis pathways STAT4 2q32 Transcription factor TRAF1/C5 9q33 IL2RB PRKCQ KIF5A AFF3 CD40 CTLA4 IL2-IL21 MMEL1 PADI4 22q13 10p15 12q13 2q11 20q12 2q33 4q27 1p36 1p36 FCRL3 1q21 Involved in regulation of TNFD signalling. Endocytosis and mitogenic signals T-cell activation Transport of neurofilaments Transcription factor Activation of antigen presenting cells T cell regulation (inhibitory) Regulation of immune cells Involved in homeostasis Regulation of granulocyte and macrophage development Immune system regulation CD244 TNFAIP3 1q23 6p23 Regulation of leukocyte activation Inflammatory mediator References (Brinkman et al., 1997; Mulcahy et al., 1996; Tuokko et al., 1998; Udalova et al., 2002; WTCCC, 2007) (Begovich et al., 2004; Farago et al., 2009; Harrison et al., 2006; Hinks et al., 2005; Karlson et al., 2008; Kokkonen et al., 2007; Majorczyk & Jasek, 2007; Michou et al., 2007; Naseem et al., 2008; Orozco et al., 2005; Stahl et al., 2010) (Brinkman et al., 1997; Mulcahy et al., 1996; Orozco et al., 2009b; Plenge et al., 2007a; Thomson et al., 2007; Udalova et al., 2002; Waldron-Lynch et al., 2001) (Okamoto et al., 2003) (Barton et al., 2008a; Martinez et al., 2008; Orozco et al., 2008; Remmers et al., 2007; Stahl et al., 2010; Zervou et al., 2008) (Kobayashi et al., 2008) (Barton et al., 2008a; Chang et al., 2008; Kurreeman et al., 2007; Plenge et al., 2007b; Stahl et al., 2010; Zervou et al., 2008) (Barton et al., 2008b; Stahl et al., 2010; WTCCC, 2007) (Barton et al., 2008b; Raychaudhuri et al., 2008; WTCCC, 2007) (Barton et al., 2008b; Raychaudhuri et al., 2008; Stahl et al., 2010) (Barton et al., 2009; Stahl et al., 2010) (Orozco et al., 2009a; Raychaudhuri et al., 2008; Stahl et al., 2010) (Barton et al., 2009; Plenge et al., 2005; Raychaudhuri et al., 2008) (Barton et al., 2009; Raychaudhuri et al., 2008; Zhernakova et al., 2007) (Raychaudhuri et al., 2008; WTCCC, 2007) (Fan et al., 2008; Ikari et al., 2005; Kang et al., 2006; Plenge et al., 2005; Suzuki et al., 2003; Takata et al., 2008) (Begovich et al., 2007b; Owen et al., 2007) (Begovich et al., 2007b; Davis, 2007) (Suzuki et al., 2008) (Plenge et al., 2007a; Stahl et al., 2010) *= Effect size as calculated as an average odds ratio, +=1-1.5, ++=1.5-2, +++=>2 28 Ethnicity European Effect size* +++ European ++ European ++ Asian European +++ + Asian European + + European European European European European European European European Asian + + + + + + + + ++ European Asian Asian European + ++ + + Chapter 1: Introduction Environmental factors RA is a complex disease with both genetic and environmental factors playing a role in the manifestation and outcome of the disease. There are a range of environmental factors which may influence RA. These include: demographics, socio-economics, smoking, diet, psychological, hormonal and climate. These all have an effect to varying degrees. Epidemiological studies provide the best support for the involvement of different environmental elements. Epidemiology has addressed the common perception among lay people that weather can influence RA disease activity (Symmons, 2003). Studies have shown that the weather has no influence over disease progression (Symmons, 2003) but may influence subjective pain levels (Gorin et al., 1999; Strusberg et al., 2002). Socioeconomic factors have been widely investigated for evidence of impact on disease outcome. Lower education levels were linked to increased rates of morbidity and mortality in RA in three independent studies (ERAS Study Group, 2000; McEntegart et al., 1997; Pincus & Callahan, 1985; Pincus & Callahan, 1988). It was suggested that lower socioeconomic status is directly correlated with reduced access to medical care (Symmons, 2003). However, Vlieland et al., conducted their research in Scotland where medical care is publically funded and freely available and found low socioeconomic status was still significantly linked to RA incidence (1997). An alternative hypothesis was that the prescription charges may have been a negative factor in compliance (Symmons, 2003). Smoking is now widely accepted as a negative contributing factor towards onset of RA (Wilson & Goldsmith, 1999). It has been shown that smokers are 4 times more likely than non-smokers to be affected (Stolt et al., 2003). Smokers who are homozygous for the HLADR SE (see section are 21 times more likely to be affected than non-smokers with no SE genes (Klareskog et al., 2006).As shown in Figure 1.3 this effect is only seen in individuals positive for anti-CCP antibodies. This may be due to stimulation of the pathway responsible for the production of anti-CCP (see section initially in the lungs of all individuals but then in as part of a wider autoimmune response in those carrying HLA-DR SE genes. 29 Chapter 1: Introduction Figure 1.3: Relative risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in subjects exposed to different combinations of smoking and HLA-DR shared epitope (SE) genes. A) RA patients who are positive for anti-CCP antibodies. B) Results in RA patients who are negative for anti-CCP antibodies. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals (CI). In A) the value of 40.2 represents the upper boundary of the 95% CI for smokers with double copies of SE genes. (Taken from Klareskog et al., 2006) Interestingly smoking is known to increase the production of another diagnostic maker, RF (see section This is true in both RA patients and the wider population (Saag et al., 1997; Tuomi et al., 1990; Wolfe, 2000). RA patients that smoke are far more prone to the development of extra-articular features, such as nodules and rheumatoid lung disease, than non-smokers (Banks et al., 1992; Harrison et al., 2001; Masdottir et al., 2000; Saag et al., 1996; Struthers et al., 1981). Yet it has been shown that smoking has a positive effect in a number of inflammatory diseases (Baron, 1996; Harrison, 2002). An RA study which found this association differed from previous studies by including patients in the early stages of the disease (Harrison et al., 2001). It was hypothesised that smoking may slow disease progression by suppressing immune cell function, and thus joint inflammation, in the initial stages of RA (Spector & Blake, 1988). Due to a lack of follow up studies, this effect remains unconfirmed. For many years it has been known that pregnancy can reduce RA symptoms in woman. However, only recently have epidemiological studies shed light on the size of this effect. Most pregnant RA patients find a 50-75% reduction in the activity of the disease (Symmons, 2003) and that 16% entered total remission (Barrett et al., 1999). Immune tolerance during pregnancy may play a role (Symmons, 2003). This hypothesis was supported in a study by Nelson et al., where patients with the greatest reduction in symptoms were those with the most HLA class II differences between mother and child (Nelson et al., 1992). Both reduced disease activity and remission very rarely last post-pregnancy (Oka & Vainio, 1966; 30 Chapter 1: Introduction Symmons, 2003). Breastfeeding is also inversely correlated with risk for RA, with two independent studies finding that breastfeeding for a period of 12 months or longer was significantly protective (Pikwer et al., 2009; SE & Grodstein, 2004). There has also been some evidence of reduced disease activity in RA patients receiving hormone replacement therapy (HRT, (Bijlsma et al., 1987)). Diet is one area where there has been extensive research. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid found in nuts, vegetable and oily fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel and eels). It has been shown that increased dietary intake of these food groups may benefit RA patients (Shapiro et al., 1996; Symmons, 2003). A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials found that Omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduce pain and stiffness in RA patients (Ariza-Ariza et al., 1998). Another strain of supporting evidence is in the form of epidemiological studies in Southern Europe (Italy and Greece) and Northern Europe (Cimmino et al., 1998; Drosos et al., 1992; Salvarani et al., 1992). Southern European countries have high fish content diets and a reduced frequency and severity of RA. Due to confounding variables between these two populations (i.e. vitamin D intake, genetics) more robust investigation is required. The behaviours that RA patients use to manage symptoms which induced stress (i.e. pain) can affect the manifestation of the disease. It has been shown that those with negative coping strategies (i.e. pessimism, restricting activity) are more likely to have reduced functioning and depression than those with positive coping strategies (Brenner et al., 1994; Fournier et al., 2002; Newman & Revenson, 1993). Vitamin D (vitD) intake has been tentatively linked with RA (Hillman et al., 1994). The main source of vitD is via irradiation of the skin. However, it is also available in the diet through fish oils (Cantorna, 2000). VitD is traditionally known for its involvement in bone formation and resorption through calcium homeostasis (Cantorna, 2000). However, recent studies have provided evidence for a role of active vitD (1,25-(OH)2D3) in the immune response, with supplementation preventing development of arthritis (Cantorna et al., 1998). VitD therapy may assist in the formation of stronger bones and reduce autoimmunity (Cantorna, 2000). Current research indicates that there may be a role for vitD receptor polymorphisms in susceptibility of RA (Ranganathan, 2009) but this falls outside the scope of this review. 31 Chapter 1: Introduction Treatments There is currently no cure for RA but there are a range of medical and alternative therapies. The five main classes of medical treatments are: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), glucocorticoids, disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (also known as slow acting anti-rheumatic drugs, DMARDs), immunosuppressants and biological agents. NSAIDs control pain, stiffness and inflammation but have no effect on disease progression (Rang et al., 2003). They are normally used as “bridge” therapy to provide relief during the initial stages of DMARD treatment. Some common NSAIDs include low dose aspirin and ibuprofen. Glucocorticoids, such as prednisone, are also used as “bridge” therapy for DMARDs and can decrease joint pain and swelling (Rang et al., 2003). These drugs have immunosuppressant as well as anti-inflammatory properties and therefore can have a dosedependent effect on disease progression (this is limited by toxicity at high doses) (Rang et al., 2003). There are a number of DMARDs in circulation, however the most popular is methotrexate due to its low cost and effectiveness (Rang et al., 2003). These drugs are generally utilised by patients with severe forms of the disease. DMARDs work through immunosuppressive mechanisms and can decrease disease progression or even trigger a remission of symptoms (Cash & Klippel, 1994). Immunosuppressant drugs have a wide variety of actions, for example, azathioprine stops proliferation of the pannus tissue, cyclosporine A inhibits cytotoxic T cell and IL-2 production and leflunomide prevents proliferation of rapidly dividing cells (i.e. lymphocytes) (Rang et al., 2003). Biological agents are the newest drug class for RA treatment. They are different to all the other classes of drugs in that they block specific components of the inflammatory cascade. The development of new technologies (discussed in section has aided in identifying mediators in the RA disease pathway and thus specific components can be investigated as therapeutic targets. These drugs have limited availability in New Zealand and can be expensive. IL-1 inhibitors, TNF-Į inhibitors, such as infliximab (a receptor fusion protein), and proteins blocking the activation of T or B cells all fall in this class. TNF-Į inhibitors are currently the most effective drug treatments for RA. Interestingly, the anti-nausea drug thalidomide, which caused a great deal of public panic in the 1950s and 60s, is being utilised as a biological agent in RA for its anti-angiogenic properties (Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, 2005). Alternative medicines are also widely used by RA patients. Over 65% of patients who tried the following treatments found them beneficial: chiropractic treatments, special diets (including high Omega-3 intake), 32 Chapter 1: Introduction acupuncture and spiritual healing (Rao et al., 1999). The main reasons people tried an alternative treatment approach was due to insufficient pain relief from prescribed drugs (Rao et al., 1999). Increasing vitD levels is thought to decrease the risk of RA due to its roles in bone metabolism and immune system modulation (Merlino et al., 2004). However, preliminary studies of the influence of vitD in RA risk indicate an inverse association only in older women (Merlino et al., 2004). Related conditions Many of the medical therapies for RA also have debilitating adverse effects and in some cases can result in life threatening conditions (Kirwan, 1995). Some of these can be controlled in a dose dependent manner. For example, strict dose control is used to prevent Cushing’s syndrome, weight gain and infections (due to immunosuppression) following the use of glucocorticoids (Chrousos, 1995). Long term use of NSAIDs (even at low doses) can cause renal toxicity and increased incidence of cardiovascular events due to blockage of COX enzymes (Emery et al., 1999). Even the widely used DMARD treatment, methotrexate, must be closely monitored due to the severity of the adverse effects. Incidence of hepatic toxicity (including liver cirrhosis) is common (>15%) with this drug, and gastrointestinal (GI) effects are also an issue (Kremer et al., 2005; Tilling et al., 2006). Combination therapy is one way that the incidence of side effects can be decreased. Immunosuppressants are generally given in combination with DMARDs and this means that smaller doses of both drugs can be given, whilst still achieving the desired effect (Katchamart et al., 2008; Smolen et al., 2007). However, immunosuppressant drugs can be dangerous in the long term. This is because suppression of the immune system prevents the body from efficiently fighting infections (D'Haens et al., 2008). 33 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.2. NEUROPSYCHIATRICDISEASE The most common form of neurological disease is mental illness. It is estimated that 1 in 4 people will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime (Kessler et al., 2008). There are many different types of mental illness, the most common including: schizophrenia (see section 1.2.1), bipolar disorder, manic depression and psycho-affective disorder. A negative stigma surrounds mental illness and as a result many affected individuals and their families can be victims of discrimination (Sartorius, 2007). This can affect the quality of care they receive and the access to appropriate treatments (Sartorius, 2007). As in RA, the onset of mental disorders has been attributed to environmental stressors in the presence of an underlying genetic predisposition. 1.2.1. SCHIZOPHRENIA Schizophrenia (SZ) is a relatively common disorder, affecting 0.5-1% of the population and frequently co-morbid with substance abuse, depression and suicide (Lewis & GonzalezBurgos, 2006). SZ is made up of two types of symptoms, positive and negative. Hallucinations, paranoid delusions and thought disorder make up the positive symptoms and these are often accompanied by negative catatonic behaviours such as avolition (lack of desire or motivation), alogia (lack of additional, unprompted content seen in normal speech) and affective flattening (lack of emotional reactivity) (Harrison, 1999). Catatonic behaviour is associated in some context with many different disorders including psychotic episodes (SZ, bipolar, depression and post-traumatic stress syndrome), infections (i.e. encephalitis), stroke and discontinuation of prescription medications (i.e. benzodiazepines) making diagnosis of SZ difficult. Diagnosis of this disorder is based on the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders, this resource states that patients must have two or more of these symptoms for a “significant proportion of time” over a one month period (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) is another important reference for classification of medical conditions (World Health Organisation, 1992). Both the ICD and the DSMIV use the same classification code for SZ. 34 Chapter 1: Introduction Trigger A host of literature is available offering insight into the trigger of the first psychotic episode associated with SZ. However, as with RA it appears that underlying genetic components predispose for SZ but cumulative interaction with the environmental factors mentioned here is needed for development of this disorder. One environmental factor which may be playing a role in the initiation of SZ is exposure to the infectious agent T. Gondii. This parasitic protozoa causes the disease toxoplasmosis which has been linked to schizophrenic-like behaviours in humans (Torrey & Yolken, 2003). Four independent studies have shown that T. gondii infection is elevated in individuals with SZ (Delgado & GarcÌa, 1979; Gilmore et al., 2000; Qiuying et al., 1999; Yolken et al., 2001). Ownership of cats (the definitive host of T.Gondii), in childhood has also been linked to SZ (Torrey & Yolken, 2001). In SZ patients, cat ownership in childhood was over 50% compared to 38% of controls (Torrey et al., 2000; Torrey & Yolken, 1995). Exposure to T. Gondii has also been implicated in development of RA (see section indicating that an immune basis for SZ may be a possibility. The onset of schizophrenia is also varied between individuals. Messias et al., found in a longterm follow-up study that 50% of patients had an acute onset while the remainder had an extended prodrome (2007). The appearance of negative symptoms often starts around five years before the initial psychotic episode (Hafner et al., 1999). Mechanism In the hundred years since Kraeplin first described this disorder, little mechanistic information has been obtained (Harrison, 1999). In fact, only 20 years ago the challenge for neuropathologists was to confirm that SZ is in fact a disease of the brain (Harrison, 1999). Various studies have indicated different biological factors in the initiation and progression of this disease, with lack of consistency being a major issue (Harrison, 1999). A number of different hypotheses have been proposed to explain the neuropathology of SZ. The neurodevelopmental and neurochemical are discussed in more detail here. 35 Chapter 1: Introduction The neurodevelopmental hypothesis implicates an interaction between multiple susceptibility genes and environmental factors early in life results in altered brain development leading to the appearance of psychosis in adulthood (Jarskog et al., 2007). This hypothesis favours an effect caused in early development which remains static until its ‘unmasking’ during maturation (i.e. puberty). However, a longitudinal neuroimaging study has shown that if the effect is neurodevelopmental, it is also progressive (Lieberman et al., 2001). This study and others like it illustrate a progressive loss of gray matter in several areas of the brain, including the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, in individuals who later develop psychosis (Gur et al., 1998; Lieberman et al., 2001; Nelson et al., 1998; Pantelis et al., 2003). Animal studies have shown that schizophrenic-like behaviours are seen when there is increased dopamine signalling to the striatum (striatal hyperdopaminergia) (Wiedholz et al., 2007). A recent case control analysis has replicated this finding in humans (effect size =1.25) (Huang et al., 2009). They also found that individuals with prodromal SZ symptoms had an intermediate level (effect size =0.75) of hyperdopaminergic activity in the striatum (Howes et al., 2009). This indicates that dopamine over-activity may precede SZ onset, however the sample size was small (n=43) and requires replication. Interestingly, brain imaging studies have shown an opposite effect in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of SZ patients. Here dopamine levels are reduced compared with control subjects (Okubo et al., 1997). The authors suggest that the lower levels are seen due to decreased binding to dopamine (D1) receptors. They also show that low levels of dopamine in the PFC are related to increased severity of negative SZ symptoms (Okubo et al., 1997). Future research in this area has found that activity in the PFC is inversely correlated with dopamine levels in the striatum (Meyer-Lindenberg et al., 2002). Additionally, blocking transmission of glutamate from the ventral tegmental area* increases dopamine release in the striatum and decreases its release in the PFC (Takahata & Moghaddam, 2002). This is effectively a replication of the pathology seen in SZ patients. The neurochemical hypothesis states that abnormal dopamine levels in the PFC and striatum of SZ patients may be the result of glutamate transmitter hyperactivity in the primary cortex (Reviewed by Laruelle et al., 2003). This hypothesis provides a better explanation for symptoms of SZ than the neurodevelopment hypothesis. This is because both negative and * The Ventral tegmental area (VTA) is a cluster of neurons found in the midbrain. This area is the origin of dopaminergic cells that feed into the dopamine system (Reviewed by Bannon & Roth, 1983) Alamanos Y, Voulgari PV, Drosos AA (2006). Incidence and Prevalence of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Based on the 1987 American College of Rheumatology Criteria: A Systematic Review. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 36: 182-188. 36 Chapter 1: Introduction positive symptoms can be accounted for by the biological pathways (i.e. dopamine reward pathway) affected by dysfunction of dopamine signalling (Jarskog et al., 2007). The discovery of the involvement of dopamine in the pathophysiology of SZ has lead to an understanding of the effectiveness of anti-psychotic drugs. It is now known that atypical antipsychotics (i.e. Clozapine) improve the symptoms of SZ by partially blocking DA receptors to prevent over-activity of dopamine in the striatum. Some (i.e. Clozapine) also increase the levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex (Rollema et al., 1997). Should additional supporting evidence for this neurochemical hypothesis become available, there is also the potential for the development of novel treatments outside the dopamine pathway. Genetic Factors Family and twin studies have shown that genetics play an important role in SZ (McDonald & Murray, 2000). An individual’s risk will increase ~10 fold if they have a first degree relative (see Table 1.5) with this disorder, over 40 fold if a mono-zygotic twin is affected (Cardno et al., 1999) and nearly 50 fold if both parents suffer from SZ (Gottesman). A meta-analysis of twin studies has estimated the genetic contribution of SZ to be over 80% (Sullivan et al., 2003). Table 1.5: Morbid Risk of Schizophrenia for Relatives of Schizophrenic Patients. (Taken from Tsuang, 2000) Relationship General population Spouses of patients First cousins Aunts/Uncles Nieces/nephews Grandchildren Half-siblings Parents Siblings Children Siblings with 1 SZ parent Dizygotic twin Monozygotic twin Children with 2 SZ parents % Shared genes NA NA 12.5 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 SZ = Schizophrenic 37 Risk (%) 1 2 2 2 4 5 6 6 9 13 17 17 48 46 Chapter 1: Introduction Numerous studies have been involved in pinpointing the genetic components responsible for susceptibility to SZ (Middleton et al., 2002; Rubinstein, 1997; Schwab et al., 2005) (see Table 1.6). However, SZ is a complex disease and therefore the result of multiple gene interactions, each with small to moderate effect sizes. Similar to recent RA studies (WTCCC, 2007) SZ research groups are turning towards GWAS for identification of susceptibility genes. 2007 saw the publication of the Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN), another GWAS utilising large cohort sizes for the study of numerous disorders (including Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, ADHD, diabetic neuropathy, major depressive disorder, psoriasis, and bipolar I disorder) (As described in The GAIN Collaborative Research Group, 2007). The study of SZ used two sample sets, one of European ancestry (1440 cases and 1469 controls) and the other with African ancestry (1280 cases and 1000 controls) (GAIN, 2007) Many allelic markers reached genome wide significance for association with SZ in this study, for example SNPs within the genes disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) and v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (AKT1). Genes implicated in neurological and neurodevelopmental pathways hold special interest for researchers. One such gene is the neurotransmitter, Neuroregulin-1 (NGR1). In 2006 a metaanalysis of 14 studies found no association between single NGR1 variants and SZ but did find a significant association (p = 0.016) for combined NGR1 haplotypes (Munafo et al., 2006). There is also evidence to sugggest involvement of immune system genes in the development of SZ. A number of studies have indicated genes in the immunoregulatory rich 6p22.1 region are likely associated with SZ suspectibility (Purcell et al., 2009; Shi et al., 2009b; Stefansson et al., 2009). Histone protein production genes (DNA transcription/repair) and the human leucocyte antigen complex (reulation of the immune system) are both included in this region (Muller & Dursun, 2010; Rogers & Goldsmith, 2009). In addition, the transducer of ERBB2 number 1 (TOB1) pathway, which regulates anti-proliferative reached significance in a recent SZ GWAS analysis (p = 0.018) (Jia et al., 2010). Other genes with biological plausibility (functions shown in Table 1.6) include DISC1 (see section 1.4.3), regulator of G-protein signalling 4 (RGS-4), catechol-O-methyl-transferase (COMT) and dysbindin (DTNBP1). To illustrate the importance of DISC1 function in neurodevelopment, a study has shown that interruption of this gene illustrates many of the same aspects of neuropathology of SZ (Kamiya et al., 2005). The dopamine reward pathway has been linked to SZ and genes that play a role have already shown association in the 38 Chapter 1: Introduction literature. For example, the vesicular monoamine transporter protein accumulates dopamine among others into vesicles, an activity that is elevated in SZ patients (Howes & Kapur, 2009). Research has shown that a SNP (rs2270641) in this gene is associated with SZ (OR=1.63) (Howes & Kapur, 2009). AKT1 is another dopamine pathway influencing gene associated with SZ. A 2008 study identified a coding variant (AKT1_rs1130233) which affected brain measures relating to dopaminergic function (Tan et al.). Further research is required to provide evidence implicating whole pathways in the development of SZ. AKT1 and GRIK2 are currently among the regions of interest for SZ researchers (see section 1.4, (Steer et al., 2007)). 39 Chapter 1: Introduction Table 1.6: Potential Schizophrenia susceptibility loci with their chromosome position, function, supporting literature and power. Loci COMT Position 22q11 Function Metabolism NRG1 8p12-21 Neurotransmission, Myelination DTNBP1 6p22 Organelle biogenesis RGS4 DISC1 1q21-23 1q42 GTPase activating protein Neuronal migration, cAMP signal transduction ZNF 10q23-33 Regulation of transcription ADAMTSL3 GRIK3 15q25 1p33-34 Neurotransmitter receptors GRIK4 PTPN21 11q22 14q31 NOTCH4 DAOA AKT1 6p21 13q34 14q32 Neurotransmitter receptors Regulation of cell growth and differentiation Cell fate NMDA regulator Growth factor induced neuronal survival References (Egan et al., 2001; Herken & Erdal, 2001; Shifman et al., 2002) (Gu et al., 2009; Li et al., 2006; Ohmori et al., 1998; Park et al., 2002) (Green et al., 2005; Li et al., 2006; Shi et al., 2009a; Stefansson et al., 2003) (Li et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2004) (Bray et al., 2005; Edwards et al., 2008; Funke et al., 2004; Li & He, 2007; Riley et al., 2009a; Van Den Bogaert et al., 2003; Williams et al., 2004a) (Chowdari et al., 2002; Talkowski et al., 2006; Williams et al., 2004b) (Cannon et al., 2005; Hodgkinson et al., 2004; Schumacher et al., 2009; Tomppo et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2006a) (Chen et al., 2007) (Need et al., 2009; O'Donovan et al., 2008; Riley et al., 2009b; Shi et al., 2009a) (Need et al., 2009) (Begni et al., 2002; Djurovic et al., 2009) (Ahmad et al., 2009) (Pickard et al., 2006) (Shi et al., 2009a) (Need et al., 2009) (Li et al., 2006) (Bajestan et al., 2006) (Xu et al., 2007) *= Effect size as calculated as an average odds ratio, +=1-1.5, ++=1.5-2, +++=>2 40 Ethnicity European Asian European Asian European Effect Size* ++ ++ + + +++ European European ++ +++ Asian European + + European European Asian European European + ++ ++ + + European Asian European Asian + + +++ + Chapter 1: Introduction Environmental Factors Environmental risk factors also play a role in the development of SZ. In 2000 McDonald et al., suggested that the environmental influences on SZ occurred in a three step approach: early effects on neurodevelopment, childhood risk factors and events proximal to the onset of the disease ( Figure 1.4). All of these effects have been linked to an earlier onset of SZ (McDonald & Murray, 2000) Early effects on neurodevelopment include genetic factors (discussed in section and obstetric complications (OCs). Urban living, social isolation and low self esteem are all childhood risk factors. Events proximal to the onset of the disease encompass drug use, migration and adverse life events (or social stress). All of these factors (see Figure 1.5) will be discussed in this section in relation to recent meta-analyses, which provide the best support for association. ! "#$%&'()*)+)(,! -&.&$! ! ! ! 732+,!%&2&*23+! 839325$! ! ! ! !"#$%&'(")*+%,(&"#%* ! ! /00)123()4.! ! ! ! "4%)3+!356&2$)(,! ! ! ! ! ! -./!012/345!6* ! ! :)(,!+);&! ! <2#1!3*#$&! Figure 1.4: The influence of risk factors over time on the development of schizophrenia. (Taken from McDonald & Murray, 2000) 41 ! Chapter 1: Introduction Figure 1.5: Environmental factors influencing the development of SZ and their relative risks. Undated from (Sullivan, 2005) Early effects focus on OCs; these are broadly grouped as: complications of pregnancy (bleeding, preeclampsia etc), abnormal growth and development (low birth weight etc), and complications during labour (asphyxia, emergency caesarean section etc) (Cannon et al., 2002). Various studies associating the following factors with an increased risk of up to 7-fold in the general population (see Figure 1.5): maternal influenza during pregnancy (Wright et al., 1995), premature birth, low birth weight, perinatal brain damage and pregnancy bleeding (Hultman et al., 1999; Jones et al., 1998; Wright et al., 1995). These effects show the strongest association with SZ in males (McDonald & Murray, 2000). In addition, research indicates a role for prenatal malnutrition, extreme prematurity and hypoxia as the leading OCs implicated in development of SZ (Dalman et al., 1999; Isohanni et al., 2005; Rosso et al., 2000; Susser & Lin, 1992; Zornberg et al., 2000). There is robust evidence for maternal illness during pregnancy causing an increased risk for SZ (Brown et al., 2004; Brown et al., 2002; Mednick et al., 1988; Munk-Jorgensen, 1987). A study in 2000 found maternal infection with the rubella virus during pregnancy provided a relative risk for SZ of 5.2 (Brown et al.). There is also support for viral infection during early development. A relative risk of 5 was also found for toddlers (average age of 26 months) infected with meningitis during the 1971-1974 epidemic in Brazil (Gattaz et al., 2004). This evidence also provides support for the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of SZ (see section (Murray & Lewis, 1987; Weinberger, 1987). 42 Chapter 1: Introduction Season of birth is another factor with strong support (Davies et al., 2003; Messias et al., 2007; Torrey et al., 1997). Individuals with SZ are more likely to be born during the winter months (5-8% in meta-analysis), an effect seen in both hemispheres (Torrey et al., 1997). Two hypotheses for this effect have been proposed: that the mother is in the second trimester at the height of the flu-season and that risk is increased via the interaction of seasonal effects and genetic susceptibility (Messias et al., 2007). Advancing paternal age has been investigated as a risk factor for SZ since the mid-20th century (Messias et al., 2007). More recently epidemiological studies from Europe and America have provided increased support (Aleman et al., 2003; Brown et al., 2002; Byrne et al., 2003; Dalman & Allebeck, 2002; Malaspina et al., 2001; Zammit et al., 2003). It was found that the relative risk for SZ was elevated with increasing paternal age, with a relative risk of 2.96 in the 55 years age group compared with the 20-24 years group. Individuals that go on to develop SZ often differ from their peers early in childhood (Messias et al., 2007). These children are more inclined to be socially anxious and isolate themselves from their peers (Howes et al., 2004). They reach developmental milestones later than their peers (Isohanni et al., 2001; Jones, 1997; Jones et al., 1994), have lower levels of cognitive functioning (David et al., 1997; Gunnell et al., 2002) and educational achievement is impaired (Cannon et al., 1999; Done et al., 1994; Isohanni et al., 1998; Jones et al., 1994). It has been shown that SZ patients had significant neurological and motor skills development issues in the first decade of life (Messias et al., 2007). A study by Poulton et al., has shown the best indicator for SZ risk is an interview at age 11 years (2000). The children were interviewed regarding quasi-psychotic phenomena (such as “have other people ever read your mind”) and scored based on strength of response. These individuals were then tested at age 26 years for schizophreniform disorder. Risk for SZ was increased 16 fold for individuals with strong affirmative answers to one or more of the questions. In addition to these factors, events in adulthood also play a significant role in the risk of developing SZ. Numerous studies have linked urban living and migration with increased incidence of SZ in a range of populations (Reviewed by McDonald & Murray, 2000). Allardyce et al., found a 2-fold higher risk of SZ associated with living in London versus living in rural Scotland (2000). Many other studies have reported similar findings with the 43 Chapter 1: Introduction risk of SZ doubled in urban areas compared with rural (Harrison et al., 2003; Lewis et al., 1992; Mortensen et al., 1999; Pedersen & Mortensen, 2001; Spauwen et al., 2004). Migration as a social isolator has a negative impact on an individual’s stress levels. A recent metaanalysis examining SZ in first and second generation migrants found an overall relative risk of 2.9 (Cantor-Graae & Selten, 2005). The relative risk was much higher for second generation migrants (OR=4.5), and migrants with a different skin colour than the majority of people in the destination country (OR=4.4, see Figure 1.6). Authors of the meta-analysis hypothesise that these increased risk ratios are due to the increased stress of living in a new country and for the second generation migrants the stress of being treated as foreign in their birth country (Cantor-Graae & Selten, 2005; Selten & Cantor-Graae, 2005). 44 Chapter 1: Introduction Figure 1.6: Risk of schizophrenia in non-white ethnic minorities according to their proportion in their local area. (taken from Howes et al., 2004) RR = relative risk Individuals with SZ often have mutations in the dopamine reward pathway (see section causing increased sensitisation of receptors to dopamine (Chen et al., 2003). This effect provides support for the neurochemical hypothesis of SZ development (see section Many recreational drugs are regulated via this system including cannabis and methamphetamines. Those users who are genetically susceptible to SZ presumably have increased susceptibility to the psychogenic effects of the drugs (Howes et al., 2004). This statement is supported by the findings of the New Zealand Birth Cohort Study (Moffitt et al., 2001). Information on the cannabis consumption of individuals was obtained at 15 and 18 year olds by interview. At age 26, the same individuals were then tested for schizophreniform psychosis. It was found that consumption of cannabis at 15 years was associated with a relative risk of SZ of 4. Other papers published on the cannabis consumption issue, report relative risks between 2-25 (Arseneault et al., 2002; Van Os et al., 2002; Weiser et al., 2003; Zammit et al., 2002). Howes and colleagues found evidence for a dose dependant relationship between cannabis use and psychosis (2004). Although most studies agree that drug abuse and dependency seems to be an influencing factor in triggering episodes, the size of this effect is not consistently reported. Bersani et al., state that drug or alcohol abuse precedes the first symptoms of SZ in 67% of patients (2002), Bühler et al., found 62% (2002) and for Hambrecht et al., this number is only 33% (2000). 45 Chapter 1: Introduction Treatment Little is known about the pathophysiology (Lewis & Levitt, 2002) and therefore successful therapeutic treatments are limited. Remission or improvement of symptoms is seen as a more achievable goal than a cure for this disorder. Most treatments for SZ are aimed at binding receptors in the dopamine reward pathway (see section Anti-psychotic medications (typical anti-psychotics and atypical or second generation psychotics) are available for the management of positive symptoms. Typical anti-psychotics are available as either highpotency (i.e. fluphenazine) or low-potency (i.e. chlorpromazine) depending on the needs of the patient (Kane, 1999). High-potency drugs can be given as a depot (slow release subcutaneous injection) to ensure drug compliance with patients who refuse treatment (Kane, 1999). Clozapine is an atypical anti-psychotic with lower incidence of adverse effects than other prescribed drugs (Kane, 1999). It is primarily used in treatment-resistant SZ (unresponsive to at least two different anti-psychotics). Cognitive behavioural treatment (CBT) is a new therapy for SZ patients with promising results (Zimmermann et al., 2005). CBT is aimed at altering problematic emotions and social behaviours through recognition of their consequences (Zimmermann et al., 2005). Many patients with SZ self-medicate with substances such as cannabis (28%), smoking (74%) and alcohol (42%) for relief from negative symptoms (Bellamy et al., 1992; Hambrecht & Hafner, 2000). However, schizophrenic drug abusers have a higher incidence of depression and alcohol abusers are more likely to engage in self-destructive behaviours (Hambrecht & Hafner, 2000). 46 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.3. AGENETICLINKBETWEENRHEUMATOIDARTHRITISAND SCHIZOPHRENIA 1.3.1. EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE Experimental evidence suggests that factors which contribute to RA susceptibility are protective against SZ and vice-versa (Oken & Schulzer, 1999; Spector & Silman, 2004). The correlation between these two disorders has been highlighted in a number of publications, as shown in Table 1.7. A meta-analysis of studies published before 1999 described the relative risk of schizophrenic patients developing RA compared with the general population as less than 0.1 (Oken & Schulzer, 1999). Recent research on the link between these two disorders has been centred on a common disease pathway (Lewis & Gonzalez-Burgos, 2006). This suggests that either the pathway responsible for RA has an active component in the neurological system or that SZ has an autoimmune basis (Kipnis et al., 2006; Torrey & Yolken, 2001). Although this hypothesis would neatly facilitate a mechanistic relationship, no evidence has been produced in its support. Table 1.7: The incidence of rheumatoid arthritis in schizophrenic patients and controls. All control sets have another psychiatric illness unless otherwise stated. (Updated from Oken & Schulzer, 1999). Sample Size Data Source Location Cases Controls RA frequency, n (%) Cases Controls (Ross et al., 1950) Quebec 800 808 0 4 (0.49) (Pilkington, 1956) (Mellsop et al., 2008) England Australia 130 301 188 3,157 1 (0.77) 0 (Österberg, 1978) Sweden 40,426 142,406 (Baldwin, 1980) (Mohamed et al., 1982) England USA 2,314 111 5,404 51 19 (0.047) 2 (0.09) 0 5 (2.66) 234 (7.41) 149 (0.10) 23 (0.43) 3 (5.88) (Allebeck et al., 1985) (Oken & Schulzer, 1999) (Oken & Schulzer, 1999) (Eaton et al., 2006) * Sweden Canada 1,190 27,630 4,599 202,342 2 (0.17) 30 (0.11) USA 1,323 661 1 (0.08) Denmark 7,704 192,590 15 (0.19) *controls were free from psychiatric illness 47 19 (0.41) 900 (0.44) 2 (0.30) 336 (0.17) Odds ratio 0.11 (0.0062.08) 0.28 (0.03-2.46) 0.02 (0.0010.33) 0.45 (0.28-0.72) P value 0.14 0.25 0.006 0.001 0.20 (0.05-0.86) 0.06 (0.0031.23) 0.41 (0.09-1.74) 0.24 (0.17-0.35) 0.03 0.07 0.25 (0.02-2.75) 0.26 1.15 (0.055-2.5) <0.05 0.22 0.001 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.3.1. THEORIES FOR THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN RA AND SZ There have been many proposed explanation for the negative correlation between RA and SZ, including: a genetic, biochemical or immunological link or an infection which can trigger either disease (Torrey & Yolken, 2001).The genetic approach has generally been focused on the influence the HLA system (see section has on the two diseases. Alleles of the HLA-DRB1 gene have most frequently been reported in association with SZ (reviewed by Wright et al., 2001). However, there is also evidence to suggest the HLA-D6, HLA-D8 and HLA-DQB1 genes may also be playing a role (Wright et al., 2001). Another theory is that SZ has an autoimmune basis and this is the hypothesis adopted by the current study. Literature published in this area of interest has been focused on antinuclear antibodies, antibrain antibodies (Heath & Krupp, 1967) and other autoimmune deficits (reviewed by Ganguli et al., 1993; Strous & Shoenfeld, 2006).The hypothesis of the current study is that a genetic variant in a shared biochemical pathway is a key factor in the relationship between RA and SZ. This research will investigate genes that play a role in both the autoimmune and neurological systems to find a functional variant responsible for the negative association between RA and SZ. The focus will be centred on genes which contain an allele that confers susceptibility to one disorder and protection against the other. Biologically this will be illustrated as tissue-specific opposing signals within a broad signalling pathway. 1.3.2. SIGNIFICANCE Not only will identifying genes associated with these disorders increase understanding of polygenic disease, but the putative pathway responsible for the negative correlation between RA and SZ has huge potential as a therapeutic target. It may be possible to manipulate the pathway in such a way that the body is deceived into believing one phenotype is active and thus protected against the other. It is therefore important to identify any genes which may be responsible for the link between the two disorders. 48 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.4. CANDIDATEGENES 1.4.1. GENOME WIDE ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATED GENES SCANNING FOR IDENTIFYING Many challenges surround the identification of genes involved in complex disease. One of the most important factors is the ability to get complete coverage of the genome when scanning for associated genes. The traditional method of gene identification was the candidate gene approach, seeing one or only a few genes targeted in each study (Khoury et al., 2009). However the human genome encompasses a great deal of variation between individuals with 12 million SNPs having been described (Pearson & Manolio, 2008). Therefore identifying all the possible associations using the candidate gene approach is unrealistic. The ability to undertake GWAS studies is the direct result of the completion of the Human Genome Project and the HapMap Project, while the commercial availability of dense genotyping chips makes the studies technically feasible (Huang et al., 2009). The chips make use of tagging SNPs* to ensure the highest possible proportion of the genome is represented in the scan. There are a range of commercial chips available which can currently include up to 1,000,000 tagging SNPs. Large case-control sample sets of individuals are then scanned for SNP alleles which are significantly over or under-represented in the disease group compared with the controls (Pearson & Manolio, 2008). However it is statistically improbable that the true disease associated variant is one of those included in the gene chip (Marchini et al., 2007). The information obtained on genotyped SNPs by GWAS scan can be thought of as predictors for untyped variants (Marchini et al., 2007). The imputation approach provided a way to identify genotypes for SNPs not directly included in a commercial chip. This technique involves predicting the genotype of the missing variant by utilising information obtained from: the observed data (i.e. using the genotype calling program CHIAMO), the latest HapMap build (for estimation of a fine-scale recombination map) and a population genetics model (i.e. HAPGEN). This type of data has a greater degree of uncertainty (accuracy = 98.4%) than that obtained by direct genotyping (Marchini et al., * Tagging SNPs fall in a region of the genome which has a high percentage of linkage disequilibrium. The genotype of these SNPs is therefore representative of all the variation in that region (Pearson & Manolio, 2008). TA,ManolioTA(2008).HowtointerpretagenomeͲwideassociationstudy.Jama299(11):1335.. 49 Pearson Chapter 1: Introduction 2007). Yet it provides necessary information when a SNP of interest has not been genotyped in published GWAS scans. GWAS have been particularly important in the study of diseases where no one gene is having a great effect. In SZ, for example, many SNPs studied under the candidate gene approach were insignificant for association. This can either be due to a lack of power in the studies or the gene genuinely not being associated. Many of these candidate genes have been reinvestigated under GWAS. Genes which then came up significant usually had a small effect size, illustrating that the previous studies lacked the power necessary to detect the association (Need et al., 2009). GWAS has therefore been very successful in identifying new gene associations, such as IL23R in inflammatory bowel disease (Duerr et al., 2006), and providing support for genes identified under the candidate gene approach, for example COMT in SZ (Sullivan et al., 2008) and PTPN22 in RA (WTCCC, 2007). Additionally, the hypothesis-free approach of GWAS studies has allowed the identification of pathways not previously considered appealing in disease association, for example the Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1, see section 1.4.3) pathway in SZ (Need et al., 2009) (Stahl et al., 2010). In the past three years the number of published GWAS studies has increased exponentially (see Table 1.8) and therefore caused a surge in the number of published genes. However, many of these studies lack large enough sample sets for replication and therefore their ability to robustly define associations to disease is limited. This problem has been widely discussed (Scott et al., 2007; Zeggini et al., 2008) and has facilitated an increase in the popularity of meta-analysis studies (see Table 1.8, in detail in section 1.5). Yet even with both types of analysis the portion of genetic varience discovered thus far for complex diseases, including SZ and RA, is relatively small. 50 Chapter 1: Introduction Table 1.8: Trends in numbers of published articles on human genome epidemiology, meta-analysis and genomewide association studies and numbers of genes studied, by year, 2001-2009*. (Updated from Khoury et al., 2009) Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 No. of Genes 644 809 842 1143 1324 1902 2228 3478 4970 No. of Diseases Total 691 862 883 1026 1092 1120 1304 1386 1242 2493 3200 3478 4282 5030 5357 7213 7772 8678 No. of Articles Published GWAS Metaanalyses 0 29 0 40 3 63 0 77 5 103 11 146 104 195 163 237 274 348 *=Data were obtained through a HuGE Navigator query (http://www.hugenavigator.net) conducted on February 19th 2010. 1.4.2. AKT1 AKT1 is necessary for growth factor-induced neuronal survival in the developing nervous system (Hemmings, 1997) and has been implicated in SZ (Ikeda et al., 2004; Schwab et al., 2005). It plays a major role in cell survival and function as well as angiogenesis (Downward, 2004). Of particular importance is that the AKT1 pathway is functionally implicated in RA (Kim et al., 2002) and supported by genetic data from the WTCCC (2007). Data for SNPs within AKT1was extracted from the WTCCC. An independent association analysis (via PLINK see section revealed two SNPs which reach significance (p<0.05) and two trending towards significance (p<0.06). AKT1 has an effect downstream of GRIK2 (see section 1.1.1) and has been tentatively implicated in both RA and SZ. Therefore the genes in this pathway fit the criteria for the common neurological/autoimmune basis needed to link these two disorders. AKT1 will be investigated in the current study as a candidate gene for RA. 51 Chapter 1: Introduction Figure 1.7: A summary of the interaction between the candidate genes of interest with RA and SZ. Figure 1.8: Activation and inhibition of AKT1 through a multiple signalling pathway. (Taken from Invitrogen, 2010) 52 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.4.1. GRIK Recent data suggests a common pathway involving GRIK2 may link RA and SZ (see Figure 1.7). A yeast two hybrid study indicated that GRIK2 interacts with the protein periplakin (PPL) (Myriad Genetics, unpublished), which is primarily responsible for the structural integrity of membrane receptor anchors (Beekman et al., 2004). It has been shown that PPL interacts with both the proto-oncogene AKT1 (van den Heuvel et al., 2002) and the immune response mediator CD64 (membrane glycoprotein which has a high affinity for IgG-type antibodies) (Beekman et al., 2004). PPL mediates localisation to the intracellular network by binding to the PH domain of AKT1 (Song et al., 2007). GRIK2’s potential as a candidate gene in this thesis is also supported by unpublished data illustrating it is over-expressed in the rheumatoid synovium (Paul Hessian, Physiology, unpublished data). 1.4.2. AKT1 PATHWAY GENES PTEN Phosphate and Tensin Homolog deleted from chromosome ten (PTEN) is involved in the AKT1 pathway through dephosphorylation of PIP2 to PIP3 (see Figure 1.8), preventing AKT1’s phosphorylation and consequential activation (Tarnawski et al., 2010). PTEN is a tumour suppressor and mutation of this gene has been associated with a wide range of human cancers (Goberdhan & Wilson, 2003). PTEN is involved in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis through AKT1 (Huber et al., 2006) but also regulates cell adhesion, growth and migration (Goberdhan & Wilson, 2003; Stambolic et al., 1998). PTEN knockout mice have increased expression of CCND1 (see section and decreased disease latency (Rodriguez et al., 2009). Clinically, PTEN is only found at very low levels in synovial fibroblasts invading cartilage in RA patients (Huber et al., 2006). This suggests a role for defective apoptosis in synovial hyperplasia and may therefore be an interesting candidate for association with RA (Huber et al., 2006). 53 Chapter 1: Introduction PDK1 Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase, isozyme 1 (PDK1) is involved with the mediation of homeostasis. PDK1 directly activates AKT1 (see Figure 1.8), which in turn provides the survival signal for mast cells infiltrating the rheumatoid synovium (Sawamukai et al., 2007). Cell proliferation and biosynthesis of proteins also occur downstream of PDK1 (Rodriguez et al., 2009). This protein must be phosphorylated to be active, however it is uncertain how this is achieved (Sawamukai et al., 2007). Inhibition of this protein may be pivotal in disrupting cell survival. BAD Bcl-2-associated agonist of cell death (BAD) is part of the Bcl-2 family responsible for initiating apoptosis (Lahiry et al., 2010). It forms heterodimers with Bcl-xl and Bcl-2 to reverse their anti-apoptotic activity (Scatizzi et al., 2010). AKT1 phosphorylates BAD which inhibits the mitochondrial death cascade and therefore promotes cell survival (see Figure 1.8) (Lahiry et al., 2010). Upregulation of this pathway could result in inappropriate cell survival as in the rheumatoid synovium in the form of a pannus. GSK3E Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3E) is a serine-theronine kinase with regulatory functions which include energy metabolism, body pattern formation and neuronal cell development (Plyte et al., 1992). As shown in Figure 1.8 GSK3E is directly regulated by AKT1 (section 1.4.2) and inhibits CCND1 (section, NFAT (section 1.4.4) and E-CTN (section gene is of particular interest in this study as it has been implicated in both neurological and bone disease. Pajak and colleagues investigated the role of GSK3E in Alzheimer’s disease (2009). It was found that GSK3E activity increased production of amyloid-E and therefore amyloid-E-dependent pathogenesis (Pajak et al., 2009). This includes a local plaque-associated inflammatory response and cytological disturbances both typical for Alzheimer’s (Pajak et al., 2009). Polymorphisms in this gene have been positively associated with Alzheimer’s (Schaffer et al., 2008) and bone disease in myeloma (Durie et al., 2009).It has also been shown that active GSK3E may regulate apoptosis of dendritic cells (Escribano et al., 2009). 54 Chapter 1: Introduction CCND1 Cyclin D1 (CCND1) is involved in the transition of the G1 cell growth phase to the S phase of DNA replication (Tashiro et al., 2007). Overexpression of this protein in fibroblasts has resulted in shortening of the G1 phase (Tashiro et al., 2007). It has also been associated with many cancers, with polymorphisms in CCND1 linked with breast and cervical cancer in particular (Castro et al., 2009; Lu et al., 2009; Thakur et al., 2009). Beta-CTN (E-CTN) Cadherin-associated protein beta (E-CTN), is a protein encoded by the gene CTNNB1 located at 3p21 (Kraus et al., 1994). It is part of the complex of proteins that maintain epithelial cell layers, in particular anchoring the actin cytoskeleton and signalling the end of cell division. ECTN is part of the Wnt signalling pathway recently implicated in a range of different human cancers (Park et al., 2009). It has also been shown that after interaction with the proinflammatory mediator LTD4, E-CTN becomes associated with the anti-apoptotic protein, Bcl-2 (Mezhybovska et al., 2006). As shown in Figure 1.8, E-CTN is directly regulated by GSK3E inhibition. 1.4.3. DISC1 Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) was first identified as associated with SZ in a large Scottish pedigree (Clair et al., 1990) as a balanced translocation occurring between 1q42.1;11q14.3 (Blackwood et al., 2001). Replications of this study have found that DISC1 especially predisposes to SZ in females (Hennah et al., 2003). In addition to being implicated in SZ (Ekelund et al., 2004; Hennah et al., 2003; Kockelkorn et al., 2004; Thomson et al., 2005) this gene has recently also been associated with bipolar disorder (Hodgkinson et al., 2004; Palo et al., 2007), major depression, autism and Asperger’s syndrome (Kilpinen et al., 2007). Both autism and Asperger’s are early-age neurodevelopmental disorders. This indicates there may be a neurodevelopmental basis for the DISC1 pathway and also provides support for the neurodevelopmental hypothesis of SZ causation. DISC1 is part of several pathways and acts as a multifunctional ‘hub’ (Camargo et al., 2006). A number of genes, including NDE1, PDE4B and FEZ1, involved in the DISC1 pathway are also associated with 55 Chapter 1: Introduction SZ (Tomppo et al., 2009), indicating that a disruption of the pathway and not just DISC1 is responsible for the association. A recent study has shown a place for DISC1 in the AKT1 pathway, through direct inhibition of GSK3E (Mao et al., 2009). Figure 1.9: Involvement of DISC1 in the AKT1 pathway. (Taken from Ross, 2009) 1.4.4. NFAT Bone is constantly being remodelled through processes of formation and resorption to maintain structural integrity (Sitara & Aliprantis, 2009). It is during regulation of these pathways that the Ca2+ dependant Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells, Cytoplasmic (NFATC) family plays their role (Sitara & Aliprantis, 2009). Consisting of five factors (C1-C4 Ca2+ dependant, C5) this family is activated by the protein phosphatase calcineurin (see Figure 1.10). Calcineurin has been linked to RA through its increased expression in the rheumatoid synovium (Yoo et al., 2006). It has been suggested that the observed pro-inflammatory activity is mediated through the NFATC family (Sitara & Aliprantis, 2009). NFATC1 has primarily been implicated in the bone resorption pathway. It has been dubbed a “master transcriptional regulator” due to its bottleneck effect in the multiple signalling pathway of osteoclastogenesis, the formation of bone resorption cells (Sitara & Aliprantis, 2009). It has also been shown to produce a severely osteoporotic phenotype in knockout mice (Winslow et 56 Chapter 1: Introduction al., 2006). The diversity of this family is illustrated via the involvement of NFATC2 in bone formation processes (Winslow et al., 2006). A recent mouse model study found that mice deficient in NFATC2 had reduced bone formation rates resulting in low bone mass (Koga et al., 2005). The importance of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway in RA disease pathogenesis is highlighted in the clinical efficiency of calcineurin inhibitors (Kitahara & Kawai, 2007). This is especially true for Cyclosporine A which has been shown to be effective in otherwise refractory RA (Wells et al., 2001). Additionally, both NFATC1 and NFATC2 have been shown to trans-activate ADAMTS subtypes (Thirunavukkarasu et al., 2006; Yaykasli et al., 2009), a gene which has previously been associated in SZ (see Table 1.10). Figure 1.10: The activation of Ca2+ dependant NFATC through calcineurin phosphorylation (Taken from West et al., 2002). 57 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.5. METAͲANALYSISOFPUBLISHEDLITERATURE One of the major issues with data analysis is obtaining a sample set large enough to provide adequate power. Meta-analysis addresses this issue by providing a statistical basis for combining sets of data from different studies with similar hypotheses (Egger & Smith, 1997). Using this methodology quantitative statistics for the pooled results can be obtained. In this thesis, meta-analysis is utilised to combine the results from studies in the literature review and samples sets from the genotyping. 1.5.1. HISTORY OF META-ANALYSIS Karl Pearson performed the first meta-analysis over one hundred years ago (Pearson, 1904). Pearson realised that by combining the results from a group of studies he could improve the accuracy of the data analysis. The first large scale study combining data sets from independent researchers was published in 1940 (Pratt et al., 1940). This group was investigating extra-sensory perception and combined 145 reports into a meta-analysis. They were also the first to address the influence unpublished data has on the results of metaanalysis (see section 1.5.3). More sophisticated meta-analysis techniques began to appear in the 1970s when particularly influential studies came to light. One of these investigated the effectiveness of aspirin on reducing recurrent heart attack events (Elwood et al., 1974). The results of this randomised trial were not convincing of a beneficial effect. However the results of a meta-analysis conducted on this and other randomised trials provided statistical significance for an advantageous effect of aspirin (Elwood, 2006; Peto, 1980). Also in the 1970s, the term meta-analysis was coined by Gene Glass to describe “the statistical analysis of a large collection of analysis results from individual studies for the purpose of integrating the findings” (Glass, 1976). Since this time, researchers from a broad range of disciplines have undertaken meta-analyses, with the number of published meta-analysis studies increasing steadily in the last 10 years (see Table 1.8). Today there are many statistical packages that will meta-analyse samples sets, including Comprehensive Meta Analysis (CMA) and Stata. 58 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.5.2. CONDUCTING A META-ANALYSIS Meta-regression is utilised to identify a common measure over all the sample sets. This is usually effect size measured as an odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The result for each group is controlled for differences in study characteristics and combined into an average for the combined sample set. This average effect size is a more powerful estimate than the result from any of the single studies. Identification of appropriate studies in the literature is the first step in conducting a publication meta-analysis. The quality and specificity of the study can affect the results of a meta-analysis. Therefore care must be taken to exclude studies which do not meet a predefined set of criteria (Egger et al., 1997). Study characteristics which may need to be taken into account include study design, population ethnicity, sample size, diagnostic criteria for experimental and control groups and the outcome of interest (L'Abbè et al., 1987). Another issue which needs to be addressed is whether to include unpublished data to avoid publication bias (see section 1.5.3). The study characteristics that are controlled for vary depending on the approach used. Therefore, a model appropriate to the study should be selected for statistical analysis. The ‘inverse variance method’ is one approach common in medical research. This model assigns a difference weighted mean to the effect size of each study (Egger et al., 1997). The weighting is based on study size and random variation. Smaller studies and studies with greater random variation are assigned a smaller weighting than larger studies. There are two main models for managing this variance, fixed effects and random effects. The fixed effect model follows the assumption that all variation observed is due to random variation (Yusuf et al., 1985). If this model was correct, it would be expected that infinitely large studies would provide identical results (Egger & Smith, 1997). Under this model, generalizations about the population cannot be made. The random effects model considers underlying effect differences for each study as an additional source of variation (Berlin et al., 2006). Although this model can produce wider CIs than the fixed effect model a significant difference between the two models is only seen if there is heterogeneity* between the sample sets (DerSimonian & Laird, 1986). If the results of * Statistical heterogeneity is the result of a higher than chance level of variation between studies (Higgins & Thompson, 2002) Arinami T, Ohtsuki T, Ishiguro H, Ujike H, Tanaka Y, Morita Y, Mineta M, Takeichi M, Yamada S, et al. (2005). Genomewide high-density SNP linkage analysis of 236 Japanese families supports the existence of schizophrenia susceptibility loci on chromosomes 1p, 14q, and 20p. The American Journal of Human Genetics 77(6): 937-944. 59 Chapter 1: Introduction the individual studies vary greatly under a fixed effect meta-analysis then it is appropriate to redo the analysis using the random effects model (Egger et al., 1997). The statistical results of meta-analysis are often accompanied by a graphical representation in the form of a forest plot (see Figure 1.11). These graphs present the OR and 95% CIs of each individual study together with the results from the meta-analysis. If the 95% CI crosses an OR of 1 there is no significant (P>0.05) difference between the control and experimental groups for that study (Egger et al., 1997). When the vertical line of the combined OR (represented as a diamond) cross the horizontal lines of all the studies the sample sets can be considered homogenous (Egger et al., 1997). In most meta-analysis statistical packages the heterogeneity is also expressed as a p value, with values over 0.05 indicating homogeneity. Figure 1.11: A typical graphical representation of meta-analysis results. Darkened squares represent the individual studies and their weighting. The centre of the square is the odds ratio and the line represents the 95% confidence intervals. Odds ratios are marked along the bottom with a vertical line at 1. The diamond represents the combined study effect size. (Taken from Rohatiner et al., 2005) 1.5.3. ADVANTAGES OF META-ANALYSIS There are numerous advantages of conducting a meta-analysis over analysing sample sets separately. The most significant, increasing statistical power of the analysis, has already been 60 Chapter 1: Introduction alluded to. Single studies may be affected by false positive (produces a positive effect when there isn’t one) or false negative results (no significant effect when there is one) (Egger & Smith, 1997). The sample size needed to reach a nominal level of false results is vast. For example, to detect an effect size of 10% (OR = 1.10) with a nominal level of false errors (i.e. less than 10%), over 10000 individuals would be needed in each of the case and control sample sets (Collins et al., 1992). Meta-analyses are a more efficient and cost effective way of achieving sample sets of this size (Egger & Smith, 1997). They also have increased power and thus an improved ability to detect smaller effect sizes. Meta-analysis also provides a way to generate a systematic review of the literature. The more traditional literature reviews are considered highly subjective with interpretation of individual studies at the discretion of the author (Dickersin & Berlin, 1992). These narrative reviews are therefore more prone to bias and error, with authors frequently reaching opposing conclusions (Mulrow & San Antonio, 2009; Teagarden, 1989). Meta-analyses are more objective and offer a weighting system for alignment sample sizes, a variable likely to affect the outcome of the analysis. 1.5.4. DISADVANTAGES OF META-ANALYSIS Meta-analysis also has some weaknesses. Firstly, it is only a statistical examination and therefore the quality reflects the scientific studies it is analysing (Smith & Egger, 1998). If there are underlying issues with the studies, the meta-analysis may not be truly representative of the data. It has been proposed that only studies with quality methodology should be included in meta-analysis to prevent bias (Slavin, 1984). Unpublished data are often excluded from meta-analysis. This exclusion may skew the results towards significance. Because studies which show insignificant results are less likely to be published (Easterbrook et al., 1991), there may be any number of appropriate studies which met the inclusion criteria for the meta-analysis but are not obtainable. The Cochrane Collaboration* attempts to overcome this issue by collecting both published and unpublished data from a number of medical disciplines and producing meta-analyses and systematic * The Cochrane Collaboration is a network of clinicians, epidemiologists and other health professionals first established in Oxford in 1992 (Bero & Rennie, 1995). . Arnett WD, Rosner JL (1987). Neutrino mass limits from SN1987A. Phys Rev Lett 58(18): 1906-1909. 61 Chapter 1: Introduction reviews (Bero & Rennie, 1995). Authors may also be unwilling to provide data to others, especially when the results are less favourable (Smith & Egger, 1998). This means that even the obtained unpublished literature may be unrepresentative of all the unpublished studies (Smith & Egger, 1998). English language bias may also be an issue in the collection of literature for meta-analysis. Many researchers who publish meta-analyses in English language journals have limited inclusion criteria to articles originally published in English (Grégoire et al., 1995). It is possible that research with positive results is more often published in international English journals and that negative findings are reported in local language journals (Egger & Smith, 1998). This issue was examined by Egger and colleagues by comparing research published in German language articles with English language articles (1998). They found that the percentage of publications with significant (P<0.05) results was higher in English (63%) than German (35%). This indicates that there is potential for bias in meta-analyses which only include English language literature (Egger & Smith, 1998). Another disadvantage of meta-analysis is the event of Simpson’s Paradox. This phenomenon is described as a combination of studies producing an effect opposite to the effect of the individual studies (Simpson, 1951). This bias was seen in a study on the effectiveness of nicotine gum (Silagy et al., 2004). Two trials were included and produced similar effect sizes (6%). However, when these studies were combined in meta-analysis the pooled effect size was (3%). Simpson’s Paradox is based on unbalanced experimental design (Glass, 1977). This effect could not occur if the two sample groups are of the same size (Glass, 1977). Therefore ensuring that the individual samples sets are properly weighted (as described in 1.5.2) can help eliminate this issue. 1.5.5. FUTURE DIRECTIONS OF META-ANALYSIS The Cochrane Collaboration provides the opportunity to obtain meta-analysis reports that are more objective and free from bias than can be produced by individual authors (Bero & Rennie, 1995). The inclusion of unpublished and non-English language material is part of what makes this project so attractive. 62 Chapter 1: Introduction It is generally accepted that meta-analysis studies are superior to the narrative review approach (Smith & Egger, 1998). However, the publication of poorly constructed metaanalysis studies is threatening this reputation. The most robust meta-analyses include well aligned studies which meet stringent inclusion criteria (Egger & Smith, 1997). 63 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.6. ANIMALMODELSFORRHEUMATOIDARTHRITIS The main reason for using animal models for this disease are the many limitations associated with studying RA in humans. Firstly, there is the vast number of individuals needed to reach the power level necessary for detecting all the variation within a genetic effect (Ahlqvist et al., 2009). This issue is starting to be addressed by the publication of studies with larger sample sets, i.e. GWAS. In studies such as GAIN and WTCCC there is collaboration between many different groups (see section 1.4.1) allowing the combination of recruited patients around the world into one sample set. However, at present, it is still only the strongest associations that are detectable. Secondly, the provision for follow up study in humans is restricted (Ahlqvist et al., 2009). Animal models offer the opportunity to investigate phenotypic and biological implications in more depth (Bendele, 2001). However, the value of animal research in RA rests entirely on the availability of suitable disease models (Ahlqvist et al., 2009). In the case of RA these models need to reflect the environmental and polygenic interactions seen in humans. Two of the most popular animals for RA research are mice and rats (Ahlqvist et al., 2009; Bendele, 2001; Kannan et al., 2005). Their usefulness stems from a quick reproduction cycle, ability to thrive in a laboratory environment and relatively inexpensive maintenance (Kannan et al., 2005). There are limitations with animals studies as well, the most controversial of which is the differences between the animal and human models. However it is argued that the majority of genes will act in a similar way between the species and that the pathway may be of greater importance than the individual genes (Ahlqvist et al., 2009). It is also essential to understand the mechanisms of disease in animal models as it this group which is first used to test potential therapeutic agents (Bendele, 2001). One way to address this is using the mouse knockout approach, where individual genes can be inhibited illustrating the effect on the disease (see section 1.6.1). Another issue with animal models is the difference in exposure to environmental factors. Generally in animal genetics studies the environment is controlled to allow a minimal impact of environmental factors on disease variability (Ahlqvist et al., 2009). Some factors, such as those that are human specific, may never be included in the animal model (Ahlqvist et al., 2009). In spite of these limitations animal models offer a complementary insight into human disease genetics to that provided in human studies. 64 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.6.1. KNOCKOUT MOUSE APPROACH Knockout mouse models utilise methods which inhibit gene function in a developing mouse embryo. This occurs in one of two ways, either with the mutation of the gene resulting in nonfunction or removal of the gene altogether. The first knockout mice were created in the late 1980s (Capecchi, 1989) with rat models not developed until 2003 (Zan et al., 2003). Knockouts have proven extremely useful in illustrating the effects a gene and its downstream pathways have on development of disease. In the study of hereditary hemochromatosis, knockout models facilitated the discovery that major histocompatibility complex class one (MHC-C1) may have a role in the disease (Zhou et al., 1998). Knockout mice also offer a model for testing potential therapeutic agents in diseases that are the result of a gene interruption. In retinoblastoma, for example, a knockout model has only recently been developed, hindering the progression of clinical studies (Zhang et al., 2006b). 1.6.2. MOUSE MODELS FOR RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS There are many different mouse models of inflammatory arthritis (IA) available to researchers of RA. Mouse IA has many similarities to human RA and may vary depending on the type of model used. There are two main categories of mouse models: induced and transgenic. In induced models the animal is given a substance to bring on the disease and this cannot be passed on to offspring (Holmdahl et al., 2002). The most popular induced model is Collageninduced arthritis (CIA). This model is MHC complex-dependent and has a chronic and acute form (Holmdahl et al., 2002). However, the use of transgenics in the CIA model is at present limited. This is due to the resistance of the most common transgenic background, C57BL/6, to induction of CIA (Asquith et al., 2009). Improvement of the CIA protocol is one area where this issue is currently being addressed (Asquith et al., 2009). The use of purely transgenic mouse models such as the K/BxNmodel is another way to avoid this problem (see section 1.1.1). 65 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.6.3. KRN MODEL OF INFLAMMATORY ARTHRITIS K/BxN mice spontaneously develop RA as a result of the cross between autoimmune prone non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, which have a specific MHC haplotype, and KRN mice, transgenic for a T cell receptor (TCR) specifically recognising bovine pancreas ribonuclease (RNase, see fig. 4) (Kouskoff et al., 1996). This was a serendipitous discovery by a research group in 1996 (Kouskoff et al., 1996). Further study found that the development of RA was attributable to T cells of the mice recognising a self antigen of Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) peptide (Korganow et al., 1999; Kouskoff et al., 1996; Matsumoto et al., 1999). It is believed that the combination of the KRN T and B cells with the specific MHC haplotype of the NOD mouse is responsible for this phenomenon (Kouskoff et al., 1996). Spontaneous arthritis model In the spontaneous KRN model, it is necessary to breed the candidate gene knockout onto a NOD background. Therefore when the NOD knockout mice are crossed with KRN mice the offspring (K/BxN) will develop spontaneous IA. Serum induced arthritis model It has been found that transferring the serum (or even just purified IgG) of affected K/BxN mice into naïve animals is enough to induce inflammatory arthritis (Maccioni et al., 2002; Monach et al.). With this model, the knockouts do not need to be bred to a NOD background and crossed to KRN transgenics. Instead knockouts can be directly injected with serum of the affected mice and observed for signs of RA. This method provides researchers with a way to study the genetics of the RA with lowered impact on ethics and resources. Similarities and Differences with human Rheumatoid Arthritis The K/BxN model of RA has a number of similarities with human RA. For example, both present as a chronic progressive disorder with symmetrical polyarthritis characteristics and 66 Chapter 1: Introduction result in severe joint destruction (Ditzel, 2004). The major differences between the human and mouse models are the involvement of the MHC haplotype and rheumatoid factor. The IA transgenic mice are completely dependent on the presence of MHC class II molecule A(g7) (Ditzel, 2004). Although humans have a range of MHC class II, HLA-DR alleles which confer susceptibility to RA (i.e. HLA-DBR1 and HLA-DBR4, see section these genotypes are only indicative of disease in 70% of RA patients. Rheumatoid factor (see section in humans is generally (but not always) involved in the disease. In the transgenic mouse model, K/BxN rheumatoid factor is absent (Ditzel, 2004). One important issue surrounding this mouse model is that there is no illustration of sex bias. In humans, females are 4 times more likely to develop RA than in men but the K/BxN model the ratios are equal (Ditzel, 2004). However, until as recently as 2007 when the CIA DR4.AE° model was developed (Taneja et al.), none of the RA animal models incorporated this sex bias. The K/BxN model has many characteristics making it attractive for use in this thesis. It is well aligned with the human disease, as well as cost effective and allows for the manipulation of genes (Ditzel, 2004). The serum transfer model has the added benefit of being relatively quick to perform (i.e. less breeding). Figure 1.12: Initiation of arthritis in K/BxN mice as the result of dual specificity of a transgenic T-cell receptor (TCR). The KRN TCR recognises a peptide from bovine pancreatic RNase presented by the mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecule I-Ak. This TCR also recognises the self-antigen GPI peptide presented by the MHC class II molecule I-Ag7. T cells expressing the transgenic TCR assist anti-GPI B cells, which differentiate into the plasma cells that produce arthritogenic anti-GPI IgG. (Taken from Ditzel, 2004) 67 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.7. PROJECTAIMS x To establish if genes from the AKT1 pathway are associated with the genetic link between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Schizophrenia by analysis of genotype data from four different disease sample sets. x To utilise published data to conduct a meta-analysis on genes within the AKT1 pathway to determine whether these genes are responsible for the genetic link between Rheumatoid arthritis and Schizophrenia. x To identify the microsatellite markers which differ between the B6 and 129 mice strains to allow formation of a GRIK2 knockout on a B6 background. x To determine the effect GRIK2 knockouts have on a mouse model of RA by establishing a method for Inflammatory Arthritis induction in mice. 68 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2 . CHAPTERTWO MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. Human Genotyping Sample Sets GWAS Datasets Selection of SNPs Human Sample Genotyping Meta-Analysis of Genotyping and Published Literature Mouse Sample Preparation Mouse Sample Genotyping Mouse Microsatellite Assay Materials and reagents 69 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.1. HUMANGENOTYPINGSAMPLESETS 2.1.1. ETHICS APPROVAL New Zealand sample set x The Lower South Ethics Committee for control sample set (OTA/98/04/024) x The Multi-Region Ethics Committee for case (rheumatoid arthritis) sample set (OTA/99/02/007). Australia case sample set x The Research and Ethics Committee of the Repatriation General Hospital (Protocol No. 16/05). UK Oxford sample set x Oxford Research Ethics Committee (OxRec No C02.032) UK London sample set x Case sample set: The Lewisham Hospital and Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospitals local research ethics committee. x Control sample set: The European Collection of Cell Culture (www.ecacc.org). 2.1.2. PARTICIPANT RECRUITING Three case-control sample sets, New Zealand, Oxford and London, were used for association analysis in addition to publically available data (section 2.2). RA patients were diagnosed by a rheumatologist or a trained nurse and met the criteria for the disease as outlined in the 1987 ACR classification system (see section Patients were said to have RA if they satisfied at least four of the seven criteria outlined in reference to Table 1.1. Patients must be afflicted by these four criteria for at least six weeks. 70 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods The selection criteria of control participants in all sample sets included: no history of autoimmune disease and of European Caucasian ancestry (self-reported). Written informed consent was required from all volunteers invited to join the study. Each volunteer donated blood samples for the extraction of DNA. New Zealand control participants were recruited primarily from the Auckland and Otago regions and the RA patients from Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Wellington, Canterbury, Otago and Southland. The median age for controls of both sexes was 51.1 years. A set of 96 Australian case participants was recruited by Professor Malcolm Smith from the Repatriation General Hospital, Adelaide, Australia. These samples were added to the New Zealand case-control sample set for all analysis. RA patients in the Oxford sample set were recruited from the rheumatology out-patient clinic at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. Median age of onset for patients was 55 years for females and 47.5 years for males. Controls were ascertained from the blood donor register for the Oxford region based on the criteria mentioned above. The control sample set for the London sample set was purchased from the European Collection of Cell Cultures (section2.9.4). Collaborator Dr. Sophia Steer recruited RA patients from the Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospital and Lewisham Hospital (London, UK). Table 2.9: The number of case and control samples for each sample set used in this study. Sample Set Male RA Cases Female Total* RA Controls Male Female Total* 34.8% 33.7% 65.2% 66.3% 763 96 40.9% - 59.1% - 568 - Oxford 29% 71% 728 51.2% 48.8% 527 London 22.3% 77.7% 287 22.6% 68.4% 177 New Zealand Australian *Note that the numbers presented here may differ slightly to the ones in the results due to the removal of failures or samples being unavailable. 2.1.3. DNA EXTRACTION Genomic DNA was extracted from Australasian volunteer blood samples by staff in the Merriman laboratory following this protocol: 10 mL of whole blood was transferred to 50 mL Falcon tubes containing 30 mL of RBC lysis buffer. The tubes were centrifuged for 15 minutes at 2500 rpm. The supernatant was removed and 20 mL of RBC lysis buffer (refer to 71 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods section 2.9.1) added to the tube. The solution was mixed by gentle inversion of the tube and centrifuged for a further for 15 minutes at 2500 rpm. The supernatant was removed and discarded. DNA was then extracted from the pellet immediately by adding 3.5 mL of GuHCl to the tube and vortexing vigorously. A solution containing 250 PL of 7.5 M ammonium acetate, 50 PL of Proteinase K and 250 PL of sodium sarcosyl was added to the tube and vortexed briefly. The samples were then incubated at 37 qC overnight. Following this, the sample was transferred to a 15 mL tube containing 2 mL of cold chloroform. The tube was vortexed and left at room temperature for one minute before centrifuging for three minutes at 2500 rpm. The upper aqueous layer was transferred to a 15 mL tube containing 10 mL of cold absolute ethanol. This was mixed by gentle inversion to precipitate out the DNA, and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant was removed and washed by adding 4 mL of 70% ethanol and centrifuged for five minutes at 3000 rpm. This step was repeated twice. The supernatant was then tipped off and the pellet left to air-dry on the bench. Once dry the pellet was re-suspended in 200 PL of TE buffer. 2.1.4. SAMPLE STORAGE All samples were stored in 96 well 0.8ml deep well boxes. Stock DNA of 200ng/mL was stored in deep well plates and this DNA was used to refill a 40ng/mL storage plate. The storage plate was in turn used to replenish the 6ng/mL working stock plates. This process was used to minimise cross-contamination of the stock DNA. All plates were stored in the -20ºC freezer. The working stock plates were moved to the fridge for defrosting as needed. Each sample set contained a series of plates for cases and controls. These were labelled with a series of letters and numbers for easy identification (see Table 2.10). Table 2.10: DNA plate nomenclature for RA cases and controls. Sample set New Zealand Australia Oxford London Plates Cases NZRA1-9 ARA1 OXRA1-8 UKRAA-E 72 Control NZC1-6 OXC1-6 UKNC1-2 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.2. GWASDATASETS 2.2.1. PRIMARY SAMPLE SETS The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC) and Genomic Association Information Network (GAIN) were utilised as the initial datasets for investigation of SNPs in this thesis. Selection of SNPs was dependant on the GWAS case control association results (see section All cases and controls analysed from these datasets were of EuropeanAmerican (EA) ancestry only (>90%). WTCCC The WTCCC (http://www.wtccc.org.uk/) is a collaborative study which includes over 50 research groups from across the UK (see section 1.4.1). The control group is representative of the general UK population and made up of two sample sets: 1504 individuals recruited from the 1958 British Birth Cohort and 1500 individuals recruited from the UK Blood Service Control Group (WTCCC, 2007). The WTCCC RA group recruited 1999 participants from previously established UK collections for the case sample set (WTCCC, 2007). Genotyping of these sample sets was with the Affymetrix 500K platform (>500,000 SNPs). GAIN SZ GAIN is managed by the Foundation for National Institutes of Health (FNIH, http://www.fnih.org) in conjunction with a number of other partners in the public and private sector (The GAIN Collaborative Research Group, 2007). FNIH collected DNA samples worldwide for GAIN GWAS genotyping. These samples went through a review and selection process to ensure the samples conformed to disease criteria and met quality standards. (The GAIN Collaborative Research Group, 2007). GAIN controls were recruited by the market research company Knowledge Networks (San Jose, CA). Participants are recruited throughout USA and come from a range of demographics representative of the general population. Controls were screened for disease related traits (history of mental illness, substance abuse) 73 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods and personality traits (sex, ethnicity) Samples in the SZ control group incorporate the controls from the BD subset. SZ case samples were originally collected by Evanston North-Western Healthcare, from throughout Australia and USA (Suarez et al., 2006). Case subjects were required to give signed informed consent, be over 18 years of age and meet the DSM-IV diagnosis of SZ (see section 1.2.1) or schizoaffective disorder. Following the review process there were 1217 case subjects for genotyping. The control group for GAIN SZ consisted of 1442 samples. An Affymetrix Affy 6.0 platform (>900,000 SNPs) was utilised for genotyping of these samples. 2.2.2. ADDITIONAL SAMPLES SETS Non-GAIN SZ The Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia (MGS) research group manages a large casecontrol sample set. There are 2686 EA cases and 2656 EA controls, half of which were genotyped as part of the GAIN GWAS. The other half are referred to as the non-GAIN sample. These samples were genotyped with the Affymetrix 6.0 platform at the Broad Institute, Cambridge, USA. Case subjects were recruited from throughout USA and Australia. All participants had to give signed informed consent, be at least 18 years old and able to communicate in English. Cases were referred from a clinician or family member and met the criteria for SZ or schizoaffective disorder as outlined in the DSM-IV. Individuals with SZ resulting from substance abuse or neurological illness were excluded. The Knowledge Networks (see section market research company was responsible for the recruitment of control participants from throughout the USA. Controls were excluded if they had ever been diagnosed with or treated for SZ, schizoaffective disorder, BD, manicdepression, auditory hallucinations or persecutory delusions. 74 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods GAIN Bipolar Disease All GAIN sample sets were recruited as outlined in section The case subjects for bipolar disease (BD) were originally recruited by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (Dick et al., 2003). Participants located from throughout USA underwent a diagnostic interview following the conventions of the Diagnostic Instrument for Genetic Studies, (Nurnberger Jr et al., 1994). These sessions were carried out by trained interviewers. The interview results and the participant’s medical records were analysed by a senior clinician. Individuals were included in the study based on DSM-IV criteria for BD. 1081 controls and 691 cases were genotyped over the Affymetrix Affy 6.0 platform. 2.2.3. DATASETS FOR THE DETECTION OF SEX BIAS To test for sex bias, all the datasets were separated into male cases and females cases. The genotyping results for these two subsets became controls and cases respectively. This information was then analysed in the normal way. For GWAS studies, this was through BC|SNPmax (see section 2.3.2) and for single SNP genotyping this was through SHEsis (see section This analysis provided information on whether there was a significant (p < 0.05) difference between males and females for that sample set. Next, the datasets were analysed for each sex separately. The males and females were split into two subsets each containing cases and controls. These subsets were analysed as normal and the results for p value and odds ratios (ORs) were recorded. This analysis provided sex specific information for association with the disease. To provide a complete analysis, all SNPs investigated in this thesis were analysed for sex bias. 75 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.3. SELECTIONOFSNPS 2.3.1. LITERATURE SEARCH A search of the published literature was conducted to identify genes within the AKT1 pathway that had a role in pathways which could potentially be disrupted in RA and SZ. Information on the genes involved in the AKT1 pathway was obtained from the signalling pathway overview on the Invitrogen website (see section 2.9.4). A search on the online literature database, PubMed was (see section 2.9.4) conducted to identify which of these genes were implicated in immune or neurological systems. These genes were investigated for SNPs significantly associated with RA as outlined in section 2.3.2. 2.3.2. BC|SNPMAX SNPmax (provided by Biocomputing Platforms Ltd at http://www.bcplatforms.com/) is a data management and analysis platform which allowed easy access to genotyping data from SNPs identified in the WTCCC and GAIN datasets. These datasets first needed to be downloaded from online databases and uploaded to SNPmax. GAIN SZ, GAIN BD and non-GAIN SZ were obtained from NCBI Genotypes and Phenotypes (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dbgap). WTCCC data were obtained from the European Genome-Phenome Archive (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ega). Permission for access to these datasets were obtained by Tony Merriman. All datasets were provided as raw data files containing the genotyping calls for the SNP chips. GAIN and non-GAIN had additional files constraining the phenotype information for the individuals genotyped in the study. Basic epidemiological information for the WTCCC was already on file in the Merriman lab. This information was downloaded from the website and uploaded to SNPmax by Merriman Lab Research Assistant, Ruth Topless. A number of open source softwares were linked into BC|SNPMax for analysis of data. The whole genome association toolset PLINK version 1 (http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/) was integrated into BC|SNPmax for analysis of the GWAS and genotyping data. In addition to cases control analysis, PLINK was also utilised for examining haplotype associations. 76 IMPUTE version 3 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods (https://mathgen.stats.ox.ac.uk/impute/impute.html) was utilised for estimating (imputing) unobserved genotypes in SNP association studies (see section The genotyping information for SNPs in AKT1 pathway genes was obtained from these data sets to identify candidates for genotyping in this study. The protocol for this process of data collection is as follows. A subset of SNPs was created for each gene of interest using the following method: in the markers tab the folder and dataset representing the latest NCBI marker information (currently - NCBI dbSNP Build 129 (Jul 2008)) was selected. On the left hand menu, subset was chosen and the variables (chromosome number, chromosome position, subset name) for the new subset were entered. The information on these variables was obtained from the web database Ensembl (http://www.ensembl.org/index.html). The genes boundaries were rounded to the nearest 10,000bp to include flanking sequences. Clicking the CREATE button finalised the subset and it was then available for analysis. This subset was subsequently run against either the GAIN (as in Table 2.13 below) or WTCCC datasets. Figure 2.13: Example of SNPmax setup for PLINK case-control analysis in AKT1 over the GAIN SZ sample set. 77 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods To analyse the subset the following steps were taken: The genotypes tab at the top of the page was selected. This opened up a new window with the option to choose a relevant folder and genotype dataset. Under the analysis heading on the left hand menu GWAS was selected. In the new window PLINK case-control analysis was selected from under the ‘association and LD’ header. All the variables for the analysis run were entered as shown in Figure 2.13. Here, the newly created subset and the SNPs of interest could be entered under the markers section for analysis. Pressing OK started the run and the progress could be checked via the queue under tools in the left hand menu. When the run had completed the results could be viewed in the plink.assoc file under the relevant run title in the results archive (Table 2.11 below). MARKER CHR SNP BP A1 F_A F_U A2 CHISQ P ORX L95 U95 TRAIT JOBID SNP_A-2303587 14 SNP_A-2303587 104161600 C 0.2664 0.2467 G 2.58 0.1082 1.109 0.9775 1.258 job39986 39986 SNP_A-8471789 14 SNP_A-8471789 104181462 G 0.1433 0.1504 A 0.5072 0.4764 0.945 0.8087 1.104 job39986 39986 SNP_A-8699009 14 SNP_A-8699009 104188855 A 0.2511 0.2593 G 0.4506 0.5021 0.9576 0.8436 1.087 job39986 39986 SNP_A-8610251 14 SNP_A-8610251 104207826 A 0.03547 0.03055 G 0.9662 0.3256 1.167 0.8573 1.589 job39986 39986 SNP_A-4279987 14 SNP_A-4279987 104210939 G 0.4317 0.432 A 0.000492 0.9823 0.9987 0.8936 1.116 job39986 39986 SNP_A-8321182 14 SNP_A-8321182 104268612 C 0.4304 0.4447 G 1.054 0.3045 0.9434 0.8442 1.054 job39986 39986 SNP_A-8629494 14 SNP_A-8629494 104278179 C 0.4406 0.456 T 1.207 0.272 0.9397 0.8411 1.05 job39986 39986 SNP_A-2179910 14 SNP_A-2179910 104281252 A 0.4347 0.4491 G 1.064 0.3023 0.9433 0.8442 1.054 job39986 39986 SNP_A-1864783 14 SNP_A-1864783 104284388 G 0.4377 0.4538 A 1.328 0.2491 0.9369 0.8386 1.047 job39986 39986 SNP_A-2232252 14 SNP_A-2232252 104308725 C 0.3283 0.3392 G 0.6655 0.4146 0.952 0.8458 1.071 job39986 39986 SNP_A-8477816 14 SNP_A-8477816 104330751 T 0.1371 0.1417 C 0.2281 0.633 0.962 0.8204 1.128 job39986 39986 SNP_A-2299278 14 SNP_A-2299278 104330779 A 0.2939 0.2925 C 0.0118 0.9135 1.007 0.8917 1.137 job39986 39986 Table 2.11: Example of data output for PLINK case-control analysis in SNPmax (this table shows data for AKT1 in GAIN) Only those SNPs with a p value <0.05 in the WTCCC dataset were recorded. This information was presented against the genotyping data for the same SNPs in the GAIN dataset. From this list SNPs that had an OR which conveyed protection in one disorder and susceptibility in the other continued to the next stage of selection. Imputing SNPs in WTCCC and GAIN Imputations were run through SNPmax using the following protocol. A new folder called gene name + IMPUTE was set up as a location to save the data to for later analysis. In the genotypes tab the folder and dataset representing the relevant sample set (WTCCC or GAIN) was selected. On the left hand menu, GWAS was chosen and then IMPUTE from under the 78 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods imputation heading. All the variables for the run were entered as shown in Figure 2.14 with the exception of chromosome number and imputation boundaries which were changeable, dependant on the gene of interest. Following run completion the imputed genotypes data could be found in the results archive. These data were uploaded to the new IMPUTE folder using the converter IMPUTED SNPs (uses most probable genotype). The genotypes scored were then extracted as outlined in section 2.3.2. This information could be combined (metaanalysis, section 2.5) or compared (haplotype analysis, section with directly genotyped SNPs. Figure 2.14: Example of SNPmax setup for IMPUTE of SNPs in AKT1. 79 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.3.3. LINKAGE DISEQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS The SNPs of interest in this thesis were analysed for their intermarker linkage disequilibrium (LD) values with surrounding SNPs. This analysis was carried out using information from the latest genome build in HapMap (Phase 1 & 2 - full dataset). Data were imported into the haploview software (see section 2.9.4 for web address) and visualized using a haploview plot. This software illustrates areas of high LD between SNPs, called haplotype blocks (see Figure 2.15). Two SNPs are in complete LD when the r2 value is 1 and not in LD at all when r2 value is 0 (as shown in Figure 2.15). Black squares: r2 =1 Grey squares: 0 >r2< 1 % LD shown numerically White squares: r2 = 0 Figure 2.15:Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of one block of DISC1 SNPs. A haplotype is a combination of alleles along the chromosome. A haplotype block occurs when there is a cluster of SNPs in high LD with each other (see Figure 2.15). Haploview provides a visual representation of haplotype blocks and the levels of LD within a region. If a SNP uniquely marks a haplotype then it is a tagging SNP. Due to their ability to provide a representative overview of the variation in the genome, tagging SNPs are often used in GWAS studies. 80 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods If two SNPs of interest were in complete LD with each other, then only one was chosen for analysis. If suitable primers could not be designed for a significantly associated SNP, or if the SNP failed to provide a robust genotyping assay (see section 2.4.1) the haploview plot was scanned for an alternative SNP in complete or very high LD. This SNP could then be tested for suitable primers and a robust assay. Figure 2.16: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping illustrating a region of complete LD between SNPs. SNPs with red boxes are in complete LD with each other. The SNP in the green box is in high LD with the other three. The SNP in blue has no LD with the other four coloured SNPs. 81 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.4. HUMANSAMPLEGENOTYPING Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were used as markers to identify whether a segment is associated with disease in humans. SNPs are single base pair variations between individuals of the same species. SNPs are one type of marker that can be used to detect variation between individuals where a restriction enzyme cuts in the presence of one allele but not the other. 2.4.1. RFLP PRIMER DESIGN FOR HUMAN GENOTYPING Once a particular SNP had been identified for analysis (see section 0 for criteria) primers were designed for genotyping: The rs number of the SNP was searched in Ensembl (www.ensembl.com) and the flanking sequence, SNP position and frequency in Caucasian populations was documented. The NEB cutter website (http://tools.neb.com/NEBcutter2/index.php) identified an enzyme with a cutsite which can be used to distinguish between the variations of the SNP. If there were no natural cutsites for the SNP a single base pair (bp) change could be made in one primer to allow a forced cutsite (see Figure 2.17). If a forced cutsite enzyme was needed one primer must finish (3’ end) with the base which was being changed and the primer length should be approximately 30bps. The longer length of the forced primer sequence ensured correct binding would take place. An oligo calculator website (http://www.basic.northwestern.edu/biotools/oligocalc.html) was used to identify GC content (less than 50% required) and melting temperature for each set of primers. A string of approximately 20 base pairs (bps, 30 for a forced primer) 30-100bps upstream of the SNP was pasted into the website and repeated with the downstream primer until a similar temperature and GC content was reached for both primers. The number of bps from the start of the upstream primer to the cutsite needs to be significantly (>20bp) different from the number of bps from the end of the downstream primer to the cutsite. This is to ensure that the bands are significantly different in size to allow identification on gel electrophoresis. Primers were then tested with a nucleotide-nucleotide BLAST search to ensure their binding location was unique to the chromosomal region of interest (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). Primers were ordered from Sigma-Aldrich, Australia. Twice the value of the primer concentration labelled on the tube (Pl) was added as volume of TE 82 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods buffer to reach a stock concentration of 500ngPL-1. These tubes were stored in the -20ºC freezers until needed. All working stocks of the primers were at 50ngPL-1. Aliquots of 50Pl primers were added to new Eppendorf tubes containing 450Pl of TE buffer and stored in the fridge. 1. Use a natural cut site if possible Forward natural cut-site for BstUI (CG^CG) G Allele – allows enzyme to cleave DNA T Allele – prevents enzyme from cleaving TGACCGACGACGCGTTTAA DNA TGACCGACGACTCGTTTAA 2. Use a forced cut-site if no natural one is possible Forward forced cut-site for BstUI (CG^CG) G allele T Allele TGACCGACGATGCGTTTAA TGACCGACGATTCGTTTAA Change T to C to allow enzyme to cleave DNA at this position if correct SNP allele is present TGACCGACGACGCGTTTAA TGACCGACGACTCGTTTAA 2.b. Design a forward primer which includes the bp being modified on the end 5’ 3’ 5’ TGACCGACGACGCGTTTAA 3’ TGACCGACGACTCGTTTAA Figure 2.17: The process of primer design for forced and natural cut sites. A string of base pairs is shown in black surrounding a SNP of interest in red. Where it is possible for the enzyme to bind the sequence the cut sites are double underlined. The forward primers for these sequences are shown in bold with a line above. 83 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.4.2. POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION PCR is a technique whereby enzymatic replication via heat cycling is used to exponentially amplify a fragment of DNA of interest. Optimisation of marker assays The best magnesium and temperature conditions for each set of primers needed to be assessed before genotyping of samples could occur. The following procedure was used to find these conditions: 75Pl of test DNA (6Pl/mL), 11.25Pl Forward primer, 11.25Pl Reverse primer, 22.5Pl Potassium Chloride, 11.25 of dNTPs and 7.5Pl of Taq enzyme was added to each of five 1.5ml Eppendorf tubes. These tubes then had varied volumes of double distilled H2O (ddH2O) and magnesium added to give 1mM (81.75Pl ddH2O, 4.5Pl Mg), 2mM (77.25Pl ddH2O, 9Pl Mg), 3mM (72.75Pl ddH2O, 13.5Pl Mg), 4mM (68.25Pl ddH2O, 18Pl Mg) and 5mM (63.75Pl ddH2O, 22.5Pl Mg) final concentrations of magnesium. The tubes were vortexed and 15Pl of each solution was added to all the wells in a specified row of a 96 well plate. 50Pl of mineral oil was used to cover the solution in each well and prevent evaporation. The plate was added to a gradient mastercycler Eppendorf Polymerase Chain Reaction machine (PCR machine) with a starting temperature of 50qC (gradient to 65qC). The product was analysed by gel electrophoresis (see section 2.4.4) and visualized under UV light to assess which temperature and Mg concentration provided the best conditions (a single bright band) for the primers. 84 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2mM Mg2+ 3mM Mg2+ 5mM Mg2+ 4mM Mg2+ 200 150 100 75 50 50°C 65°C Figure 2.18: Primer optimization reaction for rs821585 (from DISC1). Four different concentrations of Mg2+ were tested over a temperature gradient of 50°C to 65°C (from wells 1 to 12). The optimal conditions for this assay were set at a Mg2+ concentration of 3mM and a temperature of 65°C. These conditions eliminated nonspecific bands and had a high fluorescence. Low molecular weight DNA ladder (New England BioLabs Inc.), 3.5% agarose gel. PCR amplification Once an appropriate temperature and Mg concentration was found for the primers, genotyping of the SNP over all the sample plates was undertaken. The mastermix (as in Table 2.12) was added to 5 !L of DNA for each sample. Each sample had 50 !L of mineral oil added to prevent evaporation during PCR. Conditions for this protocol are outlined in Table 2.13. Table 2.12: PCR reaction mix for a single 10 !L reaction Reagent Forward primer (50ng/!L) Reverse primer (50ng/!L) 10x NH4 (KCl) buffer 4mM dNTPs 50 mM Mg2+ ddH20 Bioline Taq polymerase Total volume Single reaction 0.75 !L 0.75 !L 1.5 !L 0.75 !L X !L* X !L* 0.5 !L 10.0 !L X values as determined by the primer optimization reaction 85 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods Table 2.13: Thermocycler settings for PCR amplification Step 1 2 3 4 5 Program Denaturing Denaturing Annealing Extension Extension Temperature 94 ºC 94 ºC x ºC* 72 ºC 72 ºC Time 4 min. 30 sec. 30 sec. 30 sec. 2 min. Cycles x1 x35 x1 * Annealing temperature was determined by the primer optimization reaction 2.4.3. RESTRICTION ENZYME DIGEST Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) is a method for identifying different variations at the same loci. The sample undergoes PCR as normal then an additional restriction enzyme step is required to allow visualization of each allele of the SNP. Restriction enzymes that cut the sequence for one allele but not the other are chosen (see section 2.4.1). When the sample is analysed by gel electrophoresis, the two alleles which have distinct base pair (bp) sizes allow easy identification. Following PCR, 10Pl of the appropriate enzyme cocktail was added to each well of the reaction. Enzymes that required an incubation temperature of 37qC were left overnight in the 37qC controlled temperature room for approximately 24hrs. For all other incubation temperatures the samples were heated on a PCR machine for two hours. Buffers are outlined in 2.9.2 on page 116. Table 2.14: Restriction digest reaction mix per reaction for enzymes not requiring BSA Reagent Restriction enzyme (10,000 U) Buffer (Specified for each enzyme) Distilled water Total Per reaction 0.2 µL 2.5 µL 7.3 µL 10.00 µL Table 2.15: Restriction digest reaction mix per reaction for enzymes not requiring BSA Reagent Restriction enzyme (10,000 U) Buffer (Specified for each enzyme) Distilled water BSA Total * For a list of enzymes requiring BSA see Table 2.26 86 Per reaction 0.2 µL 2.5 µL 7.05 µL 0.25 µL* 10.00 µL Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.4.4. GEL ELECTROPHORESIS 2µl of 6x Loading Dye (4.0% Sucrose, 0.25% Bromophenol blue) was added to each sample and a 15µl aliquot was analysed by electrophoresis on an agarose gel. Gels were electrophorised in tanks contained 1x TBE buffer and 20mg/mL of ethidium bromide. Samples underwent gel electrophoresis on a 3.5% agarose gel at 160 volts for 40 minutes. Table 2.16: 3.5% agarose gel Reagent 1x TBE Buffer Ethidium Bromide Agarose Volume 150 mL 3 !L 5.25 g ! ! Genotypes were assigned using the information visualized from gel electrophoresis. Bands were sized using a low molecular weight marker to identify the alleles (Figure 2.19). Smaller bands ran further through the gel and represented an allele that allowed a cut at the restriction site. Larger bands travelled slowly through the gel and these represented an allele that lacked the restriction site. Information from Ensembl (http://www.ensembl.org/index.html) population data were used to establish the minor allele and this was scored as a 2. The major allele was scored as a 1. 200 150 11 12 22 100 75 50bp Figure 2.19: An example of a RFLP assay, showing 18 NZ RA case DNA samples over rs872624 in the DISC1 gene. Homozygous for allele 1 (major allele) represented by 1/1, homozygous for allele 2 (minor allele) represented by 2/2 and heterozygous for allele 1 and 2 was represented by 1/2. Low molecular weight ladder, 3.5% agarose gel. 87 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.4.5. TAQMAN This automated assay differentiates between two alleles of a SNP by utilising two fluorogenic probes (6FAM dye-MGB and VIC dye-MGB labelled probes). The increased specificity of this assay is due to quantification of an allele-specific probe sequence in addition to the primer sequence. This is because each probe will bind to the sequence only if it contains a specific allele. The TaqMan probe contains two fluorophores, a reporter on the 5’ end and a quencher on the 3’ end. When these two fluorophores are in close proximity to one another (i.e. the probe is unbound) there is no fluorescent activity detected. The probe is broken apart as the DNA polymerase builds up the complementary strand. This releases the reporter fluorophore from the quencher and fluorescence specific to that probe is detected (FAM dye detected at wavelength 533nm, VIC dye detected at 568nm). A graphical representation of the TaqMan process is available at http://www.dkfz.de/gpcf/lightcycler480.html. The protocol for preparation and implementation of a TaqMan assay is as follows: The reaction mix (see Table 2.17) was vortexed and spun down before being added at a volume of 3Pl to each well in a 384-well plate using a Biohit dispenser. The 2x TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix contains 5’ nuclease and optimised buffer in reaction with probes. A 2Pl aliquot of sample DNA (6µl/mL) was added to each well using a multichannel pipette. The pipette dispenses DNA into wells in every second row and this was compensated for in the analysis of the plates. The plate was sealed and spun down at 1000rpm for 1 minute then stored on ice and protected from light with a tinfoil cover until ready to run on the LightCycler® 480 version 1.5 (Roche Applied Science, USA) . Table 2.17: TaqMan reagents for a single reaction. Reagent 2x TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix 40x SNP assay ddH2O Total 88 Per reaction 2.73 µL 0.07 µL 0.2 µL 3.00 µL Chapter 2: Materials and Methods The plate was loaded into the LightCycler® and the software was launched from the desktop of the LightCycler® PC. A new experiment option was selected followed by the apply template option. The TaqMan SNP genotyping file was chosen from the Merriman Lab Templates folder. Once this was set up the Run button could be selected. The plate was named according to the SNP and sample set being analysed. While the plate was running the subsets were set up. Typically four DNA plates each with 96 samples are run on one 384 well TaqMan plate. Each DNA plate of samples was recorded as an individual subset and was highlighted and labelled in the LightCycler® software according to the plate of samples they correspond to (i.e. NZC1, see Table 2.10). Selecting the apply option saved the selection and allowed separate analysis for each subset. Occasionally less than four sample sets were required. In order to omit the blank wells from the analysis, they were not included in a subset. Once the run had completed, the data were saved to the computer database and then to a portable disk drive to allow analysis to be undertaken at another computer station. Clicking the + symbol on the drop down menu brought up the window for performing an analysis. The analysis type had to be changed to TM CALLING then each subset was selected and analysed separately. The MINI MELT PROGRAM was selected and the colour compensation was turned ON and set to IN DATABASE. The samples were then sorted into the correct order by toggling the POSITION button on the table at the bottom left. The data files for each colour channel were exported separately by right clicking on the graph to bring up the EXPORT function. The data were moved across to the second tab and the file was exported as .xml to an external data drive. This export process was repeated for each colour and each subset. The analysed results were then saved in the LightCycler® program for future reference. The LightCycler® analysis template on the lab PC machine was used to analyse data transferred from the LightCycler® machine on the data drive. The data were opened in excel as a read only workbook and copy and pasted into the template workbook. This automatically generates a graphical representation of the data in a new worksheet (see Figure 2.20). Occasionally, the genotypes may not fall correctly within in the preset boundaries on the graph. For example, the boundary separating the 11 individuals from the 12 individuals may fall too closely to one side. This can be corrected by changing the size of the angle between the Y axis and the 89 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods boundary manually. Once all corrections had been made the data were saved onto the external data drive and could be used for further analysis (see section A B Figure 2.20: The two forms of TaqMan analysis software output. Each point on the graph is a genotyped individual from the sample subset. A) The initial graphical representation of the data for AKT1_rs2494731 over the DNA plate NZRA1 produced within an excel spreadsheet. The boundaries between the genotypes are represented by double lines. Individuals that fall outside of these boundaries were scored as unknown. Individuals close to the X/Y intercept failed genotyping and were scored as 00. Manual alterations could be made at this stage. B) The final graphical representation of the data for DISC1_rs9431714 for the DNA plate OXRA4 produced by LightCycler® 480 software 1.5. The three genotypes (11, 12, and 22) are represented by the three different colours. Blue and green represent the homozygous genotypes and red is the heterozygous. The homozygous group with the most genotypes was designated 11. 2.4.6. QUALITY CONTROL Quality control measures ensured samples had correct genotype calling and that no plates were accidentally inverted during experimentation. Eight samples from each of the NZ case and control boxes were aliquoted into a separate 96-well box. This box was analysed in the same way as the rest for that SNP (i.e. either TaqMan or RFLP) and the data were compared to the previous genotypes. If samples from the original genotyping did not match the quality control genotyping, the scoring of the samples was investigated further. If there was a mistake in the recording of the score, the whole plate was checked and samples recorded again where necessary. If there wasn’t an obvious problem with scoring the sample genotyping was repeated and the new score recorded. 90 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.4.7. DATA ANALYSIS Association Analysis The web based program SHEsis (http://analysis.bio-x.cn/myAnalysis.php) was used to assess the association of specific SNPs with RA (Shi & He, 2005). Genotyping data were entered into the web based form for cases and controls as shown in Figure 2.21. This program provided Odds Ratios (ORs), 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) and Fishers and Pearson’s p values for the allelic and genotypic frequencies of each SNP. Each sample set was analysed separately and then together as a combined sample set. To identify if the SNP was associated with RA in one sex, male case subjects were analysed against female case subjects. SNPs that differed significantly (Fisher’s and Pearson’s p values<0.05) in frequency between cases and controls were analysed in further sample sets (i.e. OXRA and UKRA). The effect size of this difference was measured as an OR with 95% CIs. CIs of 95% indicate that the OR value of another sampling subset for the population would fall within the stated parameters 95 times out of 100. An OR>1 indicated that the allele conferred a susceptibility to the disease and an OR<1 conferred protection. ORs that were far from one or had a confidence interval that did not cross one were significant. 91 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods Figure 2.21: Data input for single site analysis in SHEsis. Number of sites is the number of SNPs analysed. The SNP genotype calls were entered as a single line of data for each sample number. Fields related to haplotype analysis were left blank. 92 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods Hardy-Weinberg Testing SHEsis also provided statistical information (ORs, 95% CIs and Fishers and Pearson’s p values) on the HW value. In this thesis Pearson’s p values of > 0.05 were said to be conforming to HWE. Each individual plate of samples (see section 2.1.4) was assessed for every SNP. This information was then combined to provide an overall HW score for the cases plates and the control plates for that SNP. Where individual plates were in HWD the scoring of the genotypes was investigated. If there were no errors recording genotypes then the quality of the assay was taken into account. Assays of a poorer quality generally had problems with the ability to score the genotypes and these plates were repeated. Following these corrections, if a plate was still in HWD then the entire set of cases or controls was investigated for scoring errors. If the scoring and genotyping assay were of high quality then the plate was included in all subsequent analyses. Occasionally, inclusion of a single plate in HWE would cause the combined score for that set of cases or controls to fall in HWD. If these plates had the genotyping repeated and calling was recorded accurately then they were included in the analysis. Haplotype association analysis A haplotype is a set of SNPs on the same chromatid that are statistically associated (i.e. in high LD) and are therefore transmitted together. Haplotypes provide stronger evidence for disease association than single SNPs due to increased power for detection (Liu et al., 2008). For example, weak effects at multiple loci in LD can be analysed together to give a statistically significant association for the gene overall. Two or more markers in LD within the same gene can be analysed for association to RA. In this thesis BC|SNPMax (GWAS studies) and SHEsis (genotyping data) were utilised to identify haplotypes of SNPs significantly associated with RA. SHEsis utilises a simple fixed-point iteration (FPI) algorithm to estimate haplotype frequencies (Shi & He, 2005). The accuracy of this method is proportionate to the number of samples used in the dataset (Shi & He, 2005). The genotyping calls were entered into SHEsis for all SNPs in the haplotype and analysed cases against controls with a lowest frequency 93 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods threshold of 0.03 (3%). The selection of variables and input of data is outlined in Figure 2.22 below. The full set of SNPs in LD was analysed for association with RA. Next, different combinations of these SNPs were analysed in the same way. Only those haplotypes with a frequency above 3% were analysed. Haplotypes were also assessed for male case subjects versus female case subjects. This was to identify if any of the haplotype effects were sex specific (see section 2.2.3). Figure 2.22: Data input for haplotype analysis in SHEsis. Pair-loci D’/r2 value provides information of the LD between selected SNPs. Haplotype analysis the SNPs together as one instead of individually. Number of sites is the number of SNPs analysed. There were three individual sites for haplotype analysis and the lowest frequency threshold was 3%. The SNP genotype calls were entered as a single line of data for each sample number. The same combinations of SNPs were also analysed in the WTCCC and GAIN using BC|SNPmax, to provide a comparison with the genotyped data. The protocol for obtaining haplotype information from BC|SNPmax is as follows: Select the appropriate dataset from the genotypes tab and click GWAS under analysis in the left hand pane. Select PLINK haplotypic association under the association and D header. Enter the following variables: run title, affection status folder and dataset, and marker map. In the ‘include only’ field list the SNPs for the haplotype analysis (see Figure 2.23). Choose the basic allelic test for the test type and 94 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods select run. The association results for different combinations of SNPs as well as all of the SNPs together were available in the results archive once the run was complete. This information was utilised to provide a comparison with the haplotype analysis results for the genotyping (i.e. NZRA) data. Figure 2.23: Run variables for a haplotype association analysis for selected DISC1 SNPs in the WTCCC RA dataset. Conditional analysis Conditional analysis was utilised to assess whether a significant haplotype indicated two or more independent effects within a gene or whether the significance seen was due to the LD between the SNPs. The protocol is as follows: A Map file and a Ped file need to be created for the data (see Figure 3.27). The Map file contains information on the chromosome, rs number, 95 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods genetic distance (0) and BP position. The Ped file includes information on the Family ID, Individual ID, Paternal ID, Maternal ID, Sex (1=male; 2=female; other=unknown) and Phenotype (1=controls; 2=cases; 0=unknown). These files were created in excel and saved as a text file. Open the text file and save as unix with the suffix .map or .ped. Figure 3.24: Example layout for Map and Ped files used in conditional analysis. The newly created files are saved into a PLINK analysis folder containing information for the analysis. Open the command line program Terminal (version 2.0.2), change directories to the PLINK folder and input the analysis command: ./plink --ped pedfilename --map mapfilename --hap-snps rs#-rs# --chap --independenteffect rs# If you have no gender information in your ped file (just 0 listed for everyone) add the command –allow-no-sex: ./plink --ped IL2.ped --map IL2.map --chap --hap-snps rs6822844-rs907715 -independent-effect rs907715 --allow-no-sex An output file (plink.chap) will be saved to the PLINK folder. This file contains statistical information on the independence of the SNPs tested. If P<0.05 then the results are independent of each other. If P>0.05 then this indicates there is a single association that has been revealed at two SNPs due to the LD between the SNPs. 96 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.5. METAͲANALYSISOFGENOTYPINGANDPUBLISHED LITERATURE Meta-analysis is a form of statistical analysis which combines a series of related studies to produce a common effect size (OR). In this thesis, the different sample sets were combined to produce a combined OR, 95% CIs and an allelic and Breslow-Day (B-D, test for heterogeneity between studies) p-value for each SNP. The pooling of samples increases the power of the study to detect small to moderate effects on the disease (see section 1.5.3). Metaanalysis was used to combine the sample sets genotyped in this study with the data obtained for the various groups from BC|SNPmax. 2.5.1. META-ANALYSIS OF GENOTYPING STATA is one program which provides a form of statistical analysis for individual SNPs over various sample sets. These tests were undertaken to obtain the combined Mantel-Haenszel (M-H) odds ratios (ORs), to calculate the allelic and Breslow-Day (B-D, test for heterogeneity) p-values and to generate the odds-ratio meta-analysis plot. A tab delimited text file with the information outlined in Table 2.18 below was created for each SNP, where case1 is allele 2 (minor/lesser count) in cases and case0 is allele 1 (major/higher count) in controls. Table 2.18: Example of STATA input file layout Trial Number Trial Name Year Case1 Control1 Case0 Control0 1 Example 2009 252 850 1520 1750 2 Example2 2009 253 852 1542 1852 In the STATA program the file was imported by choosing the ASCII data created by a spreadsheet option under file, then import. The text file was located using the browse function with the enable all files option selected. Typing ‘describe’ in the command window allowed 97 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods the program to identify the data. The analysis could then be undertaken by typing the following in the command window: metan case1 control1 case0 control0, or label(namevar=trialnam) The information provided included p-values, odds ratios and a plot graph delineating odds ratios of different sample sets. The level of heterogeneity was also assessed and presented as the B-D p-value. A value less than 0.05 indicated a significant level of heterogeneity between the sample sets in the analysis. This meant that the sample sets differed significantly in some respect (i.e. population, ethnicity, disease parameters). For SNPs with significant heterogeneity score the meta-analysis was run again with the following command: metan case1 control1 case0 control0, or random label(namevar=trialnam) The randomisation of the analysis (see section 1.1) did not affect the B-D p value but did allow for differences between the sample sets by conservatively altering the ORs and allelic p values. 2.5.2. META-ANALYSIS OF PUBLISHED LITERATURE A meta-analysis study of the published data for genes genotyped in this thesis was also carried out. A PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed) search was utilised to obtain studies with the necessary information. The search terms included the gene name acronym (i.e. AKT1) and schizophrenia. The resulting literature was scanned for SZ (or other related neurological diseases) case-control association studies containing SNPs in the genes of interest. The information required for meta-analysis included sample size and allele frequencies. Where this information was not contained in either the publication or the supplementary material the study was excluded from the analysis. A STATA output graph was created for Asian and Caucasian populations for each SNP with more than two publications in each population. This analysis was also done twice, once with WTCCC included and once with WTCCC excluded. As mentioned in section 2.5.1 this method provides information on whether the disease pathway is common to both SNPs or separate for each. 98 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.6. MOUSESAMPLEPREPARATION 2.6.1. ETHICAL APPROVAL The University of Otago Animal Ethics Committee approved all housing, breeding and procedures conducted with the mice in this study. ERMA approval was obtained for all transgenic mouse strains. Approval codes: Mus musculus Linnaeus 1758 x GRIK1: ERMA- GMC001197 x GRIK2: ERMA- GMC001197 Biosecurity Authority/Clearance Certificate x GRIK1 and GRIK 2: CUSMOD Release no – AF100100518364 2.6.2. BREEDING THE MOUSE STRAINS KRN KRN mice were kept in colony as heterozygotes and bred to wildtype B6 for maintenance (see Figure 2.25). The resulting heterozygote KRN offspring were identifiable based on their agouti coat colour. These mice were also systematically genotyped to confirm heterozygosity. These mice were then crossed to B6 to keep the transgene in stock. Mice were kept as heterozygous of KRN due to the deleterious effects of the homozygote phenotype. The mice were sourced from Institut de Genetique et de Biologie Moleculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC) and kept in the University of Otago Animal Containment Facility (Hercus-Taieri Resource Unit, Dunedin Campus). 99 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods GRIK The mixed strain B6/129 GRIK1 heterozygote (5 breeding pairs) and GRIK2 knockout (5 breeding pairs) mice were purchased from the Salk Institute, USA and stored in a mouse containment facility at the University of Otago. The mice were modified by the insertion of a DNA fragment, containing a neomycin resistance gene, into the gene of interest. The GRIK2 mice were provided as full knockouts (-/-) and the founder GRIK1 mice were heterozygous for the knockout (-/+).The breeding plan for GRIK1 knockouts is described in section 2.6.3 below. 2.6.3. THE SERUM TRANSFER MODEL The heterozygous KRN stock mice were crossed to NOD to produce K/BxN offspring (see Figure 2.25). Only 50% of the resulting offspring are transgenic for KRN and therefore develop spontaneous IA. The serum from these individuals was then transferred to GRIK knockouts for induction of arthritis (see section In this study, it was intended that IA would be induced via serum transfer. To minimise the number of variables within this scenario the mixed background B6/129 GRIK mice were bred to reduce genomic DNA from one strain and increase the DNA from the other. Therefore all GRIKs were backcrossed onto a B6 strain to minimise the amount of 129 genomic DNA (see Figure 2.25). To ensure that the 129 DNA component could be reduced in the shortest number of generation, individuals with high levels of B6 would be chosen for the backcross. A microsatellite assay (as described in section 2.8 on page 112) was to be used to identify the percentage of genomic DNA belonging to each strain. At various stages throughout the backcrossing the GRIK heterozygous progeny were intercrossed to obtain GRIK(-/-) for serum transfer (see Figure 2.25). 100 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods Figure 2.25: The breeding program for induction of inflammatory arthritis in GRIK knockout mice. GRIK(-/-) = homozygous knockout, GRIK(+/-)=heterozygous, GRIK(+/+) = wildtype, KRN(+/-) =heterozygous for the KRN transgene. Where the genotype is not mentioned the mice were wildtype. Only the progeny with genotypes of interest are shown. Blue box = maintenance backcross. Red line = breeding cycle of GRIK knockouts to achieve genomes with B6 DNA. Diamonds indicate the colour of the mouse coat (White, grey/agouti or black). 2.6.4. INDUCTION OF IA VIA THE SPONTANEOUS MODEL As the induction of IA in the GRIK knockouts through serum transfer was ineffective (see section 3.4.1) a new breeding program was developed. The cross between KRN transgenic and NOD mice results in the progeny developing spontaneous IA. However, the GRIK knockouts were supplied on a 129/B6 background. To obtain GRIK knockouts with high levels of NOD genomic DNA it was intended to backcross these mice to NOD over several generations (see Figure 2.26) with marker assisted selection. The resulting GRIK knockout animals would then contain high levels of NOD genomic DNA and could be crossed to KRN transgenic mice. The resulting progeny will consist of 100% GRIK knockouts with half transgenic for KRN and half wildtype. Therefore 50% of the offspring should develop spontaneous IA. The development of IA in the GRIK knockouts is dependent on the effect this gene has on the disease. If GRIK is involved in development the knockouts should not have IA or have IA to a lesser degree than non-knockout littermates. If GRIK is not involved in the disease all offspring will be affected by IA to a similar degree regardless of GRIK genotype. 101 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods Figure 2.26: The breeding program for induction of spontaneous inflammatory arthritis in GRIK knockout mice. GRIK(-/-) = homozygous knockout, GRIK(+/-) = heterozygous, GRIK(+/+) = wildtype, KRN(+/-) = heterozygous for the KRN transgene. Where the genotype is not labelled the mice were wildtype. Only the progeny with genotypes of interest are shown. Blue box = maintenance backcross. Red line = Breeding cycle of GRIK heterozygotes to NOD mice to achieve genomes with maximal NOD DNA. Diamonds indicate the colour of the mouse coat (White, grey/agouti or black). 102 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.6.5. ANIMAL HANDLING Housing Conditions The mouse housing facility at the University of Otago is a Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) environment. All animals are kept in the Merriman room in small cages (less than 58cm long x 27cm wide x 20cm deep) with no more than 10 animals per cage. All cages and the cage contents were sterilized weekly. Specific pathogen-free (SPF) environmental conditions were maintained in the housing facilities. All animal handlers were required to wear full-length surgical gowns, cap, shoe covers, facemask and gloves to avoid skin contact with the mice. Food and Water Mice were fed a diet of soy/wheat-based chow using New Zealand ingredients. Fresh food was provided weekly when the cages were replaced. The water supply bottles were checked and topped up daily as required. These processes were carried out by the Department of Animal Science laboratory staff. Identification Cards attached to the outside of each cage were used to record the details of the contained mice (i.e. mating pair, mouse strain). Weaning Weaning occurred at approximately twenty-one days post birth. Litters were separated from their parents and transferred into a new cage. At this time pups were also sexed and the males and females separated into different cages. 103 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods Tail Sample Collection The Tail-tipping method was utilised when DNA genotyping was required to determine which animals were required for breeding crosses. This is one of the least invasive DNA collection methods, therefore minimizing stress to the animals. Once animals had been identified as potential breeding stock a 5mm section from the end of the tail was cut using a razor blade. The section was placed in a labelled Eppendorf tube and genomic DNA was extracted (see section Testing for Inflammatory Arthritis K/BxN progeny spontaneously developed Inflammatory Arthritis (IA) at approximately 6-7 weeks post birth (see section 1.1.1). IA was diagnosed when the swelling in the ankles increased by a third of the normal ankle thickness (2.7-3.0mm). Measurements of each animal were recorded, including ankle size for each leg, weight, sex and strain. When the swelling reached double the normal thickness the animals were euthanized. Serum transfer The serum transfer method was utilised to induce IA in otherwise healthy mice (see section intro . K/BxN progeny that had developed IA had blood samples taken via cardiac puncture. Approximately 400 Pl was taken from each mouse. The blood of three or four animals was pooled into a 1.5ml Eppendorf tube and allowed to clot for 30-60 minutes at room temperature. The tubes were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes and the pellets were discarded. The remaining serum was pooled with other samples taken on the same day and stored at -80qC. 250Pl of serum was transferred to each of the test animals (B6 controls, GRIK1-/- and GRIK2-/-) via Intraperitoneal Injection (IP). The animals were screened for IA every 2-3 days post transfer. The first symptoms of the disease were expected to appear around 7-14 days post transfer. 104 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods Animal Euthanasia Animals with swelling over the threshold were immediately euthanized. Those that were injured or appeared to be suffering were also euthanized. Euthanasia was carried out by exposing the mice to CO2 gas. 2.6.6. MOUSE GENOMIC DNA EXTRACTION DNA Extraction from Tail-tips The strain information from the Eppendorf tube was recorded into a lab book and a sample number was given to each tube. 500µL of tail lysis buffer and 10µL of 10mg/mL Proteinase K was added to each tube. Each tube was vortexed vigorously for 20 seconds and incubated on a rotator at 37°C for 24-48hrs to dissolve the tissue. Following this, the tubes were centrifuged for 5mins at 3000rpm to pellet any remains and the supernatant was transferred to a new tube. Any remains were kept in the fridge until genotyping success was achieved. An equal volume of chloroform was added to the solution (~500 µL), vortexed and centrifuged for 12 minutes at 3000rpm. A cut off 200 µL tip was used to transfer two 150 µL aliquots of the upper aqueous phase into a new labelled Eppendorf tube. 33 µL of 3mol/L sodium acetate and 830 µL of cold absolute ethanol were added to the new tube. The solution was left in a freezer overnight to precipitate out the DNA. The tubes were then centrifuged at 3000rpm for 12 minutes. The ethanol was carefully poured off and 0.5mL of 70% V/V ethanol was added. This was then centrifuged for another 5 minutes at 3000 rpm and the ethanol poured off. The tubes were blotted and allowed to air dry for one hour. 100PL TE buffer was added, the tube vortexed and stored in the fridge for 24hrs to allow the DNA pellet to re-suspend/equilibrate before PCR. Table 2.19: Tail lysis buffer for DNA extraction Reagent 1mol/L TRIS pH 8.0 0.5mol/L EDTA pH 8.0 20% SDS ddH2O Total Volume 5mL 2mL 2.5mL 40.5 mL 50 mL 105 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods DNA Extraction from Mouse Liver Genomic mouse DNA was extracted from liver samples using the following protocol: approximately 0.5g of sample tissue was added to a 250Pl beaker with 30ml of extraction buffer and 0.15ml of Proteinase K. The solution was then mixed with a stick blender for 3minutes and transferred to 50ml Falcon tubes to be incubated in a water bath at 55qC for approximately 4 to 6 hours. Following incubation an equal volume of phenol was added to each tube and the mixture was centrifuged for 10minutes at 2000rpm. The supernatant was removed into new Falcon tubes and an equal volume of chloroform was added to each tube. The solution was centrifuged again for 10 minutes at 2000rpm. The supernatant was pipetted off and transferred to a new tube where 20ml of absolute ethanol and 2ml of 7.5M ammonium acetate was added. Again the mixture was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 2000rpm to reveal a pellet. The solution was carefully poured off and 5ml of 70% V/V ethanol was added before vortexing to wash the pellet. The solution was centrifuged again at 2000rpm for 10 minutes and the ethanol was carefully removed. The pellet was air dried on the bench for 30minutes before 1.5ml of TE buffer was added and the pellet was re-suspended by vortexing. Phenol Chloroform extraction The phenol chloroform method was used as a cleanup step to improve the quality of the DNA sample. The protocol is as follows: 375Pl of the DNA sample was aliquoted into an Eppendorf tube and an equal volume of phenol chloroform solution was added. The tube was briefly vortexed and centrifuged for 5 minutes at 3000rpm. The upper layer (~350Pl) was removed to a new Eppendorf tube and 175Pl of chloroform was added. This solution was vortexed and centrifuged for 5 minutes at 3000rpm. The supernatant was transferred to a new Eppendorf tube and 39Pl of 3mol/L sodium acetate and 975 µL of cold absolute ethanol were added. The tube was vortexed and centrifuged for 5 minutes at 3000rpm. Next, the supernatant was gently poured off and the pellet was washed in 1mL of 70% V/V ethanol. This was then centrifuged for another 5 minutes at 3000 rpm and the ethanol poured off. The tubes were blotted and allowed to air dry for one hour. 100PL TE buffer was added, the tube vortexed and stored in the fridge for 24hrs to allow the DNA pellet to re-suspend/equilibrate before PCR. 106 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods NanoDrop spectrophotometery The spectrophotometer was utilised to determine the concentration of the DNA in the extracted samples. The protocol is as follows: warm the DNA samples to 37qC for 2 hours, vortex the tubes and centrifuge at 3000rpm for 30 seconds. Add 2Pl of TE buffer to the spectrophotometer stage for calibration. Once calibrated clean the stage with Kimberley tissue and add 2Pl of DNA. Record the reading and clean the stage. Obtain three recordings for each sample. 107 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.7. MOUSESAMPLEGENOTYPING Primer pairs for genotyping were optimised following the protocol outlined in section The PCR procedure in section was identical to that used to the genotyping of mouse samples. This process was utilised to identify different genotypes (homozygous wildtype, heterozygous and homozygous transgenic/knockout) of KRN, GRIK1 and GRIK2. 2.7.1. GEL ELECTROPHORESIS Samples were analysed by gel electrophoresis on a 3.5% agarose gel at 160 volts for 40 minutes. Table 2.20: 3.5% agarose gel Reagent 1x TBE Buffer Ethidium Bromide Agarose Volume 150 mL 3 µL 5.25 g 2.7.2. KRN +/+ As the KRN mice were kept as heterozygotes, genotyping had to take place periodically to ensure the presence of the transgene. All mice to be tested had DNA extracted from tail-tip samples (see section Two sets of primers (D and E) were needed for this assay: D FWD: D REV: E FWD: E REV: AGGTCCACAGCTCCTTCTGA GTATTGGAAGGGGCCAGAG GGGCAAAAACTGACCTTGAA GAGCCTGGTTGTTTGTGGAT The PCR reaction was titrated (as described in section and the following conditions were produced: 4mM Mg2+ at 60qC. The PCR reaction was prepared as in Table 2.21 for each set of primers separately and the cocktail was added to 1Pl of DNA for genotyping in a PCR plate. Each genotyping assay was prepared in duplicate. 50Pl of mineral 108 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods oil was added on the PCR well containing the cocktail and the plate was thermocycled at the conditions in Table 2.22. Table 2.21: PCR reaction mix for a single 25 µL reaction Reagent Forward primer (50ng/µL) Reverse primer (50ng/µL) 10x NH4 (KCl) buffer 4mM dNTPs 50 mM Mg2+ ddH20 Bioline Taq polymerase Total volume Single reaction 1.25 µL 1.25 µL 2.5 µL 1 µL 3 µL 14.75 µL 0.25 µL 24 µL Table 2.22: Thermocycler settings for PCR amplification Step 1 2 3 4 5 Program Denaturing Denaturing Annealing Extension Extension Temperature 95 ºC 95 ºC 60 ºC 72 ºC 72 ºC Time 5 min. 1 min. 1 min. 1 min. 5 min. Cycles x1 x30 x1 The PCR product was run out on an agarose gel (section 2.7.1) and visualized under UV light. The D primers produced a band at 146bp and the E primers gave a band at 227bp. The presence of either one or both of the bands indicated the animal was heterozygous for the KRN transgene. 2.7.3. GRIK -/GRIK1 mice were supplied as heterozygotes and GRIK2 as homozygote knockouts. Genotyping was undertaken to ensure the mice homozygous for the gene knockout were involved in the serum transfer. Three sets of primers were designed to determine the presence 109 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods of the knockouts in the GRIK1 mice, GRIK1_1, GRIK1_2 and neo. Only the neo primers were required to identify presence of the knockout in GRIK2. GRIK1_1 FWD: GRIK1_1REV: GRIK1_2 FWD: GRIK1_2REV: Neo FWD: Neo REV: 5` GCTGAAAGTCGGTGGTGAAT 3` 3` ATCCCTGGGTGTTTCTTCCT 5` 5` CACGCTTGGTCTTGACTCTGGTTTTA 3` 3` ATTAGTTTATATCCCTGGGTGTTTCTTCCT 5` 5` CAGCTGTGCTCGACGTTGTCACTGAAG 3` 3` CATGATATTCGGCAAGCAGGCATCGCCAT 5` The Neo primer set was utilised to determine whether the Neomycin resistance cassette had been inserted. The GRIK1_1 and GRIK1_2 primer sets amplified the region of interest, the GRIK1 gene, only when the neo cassette was absent from the sequence. The primer sets were titrated (section and optimal conditions chosen (GRIK1_1: 5mM Mg2+ at 55qC, GRIK1_2: 4mM Mg2+ at 60qC, Neo: 3mM Mg2+ at 55qC). The PCR reaction was made up as in Table 2.23 and run on the Thermocycler as outlined in Table 2.24. Table 2.23: PCR reaction mix for a single 10 µL reaction Reagent Forward primer (50ng/µL) Reverse primer (50ng/µL) 10x NH4 (KCl) buffer 4mM dNTPs 50 mM Mg2+ ddH20 Bioline Taq polymerase Total volume Single reaction 0.75 µL 0.75 µL 1.5 µL 0.75 µL X µL* X µL* 0.5 µL 10.0 µL * X values as determined by the primer optimization reaction Table 2.24: Thermocycler settings for PCR amplification Step 1 2 3 4 5 Program Denaturing Denaturing Annealing Extension Extension Temperature 94 ºC 94 ºC x ºC* 72 ºC 72 ºC Time 2 min. 30 sec. 30 sec. 45 sec. 4 min. Cycles x1 x35 x1 * Annealing temperature was determined by the primer optimization reaction 110 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods The PCR product was run out on an agarose gel (section 2.7.1) and visualized under UV light. The GRIK1_1 primers produced a band at 417bp, the GRIK1_2 primers gave a band at 760bp, and the neo primers a band at 345bp. Animals homozygous for the GRIK1 knockout only had a band for the neo primers (see Figure 2.27). If all three bands were present the animal was heterozygous for the GRIK1 knockout and if only the GRIK1_1 and GRIK1_2 primer bands were present, the animal was homozygous wildtype. Figure 2.27: The binding pattern of GRIK1 and Neo primers within the GRIK1 gene. A) Wildtype GRIK gene. GRIK1_1 and GRIK1_2 can bind and produce PCR products of 417bp and 760bp respectively. Neo primers cannot bind. B) insertion of the Neo cassette interrupts the GRIK1 gene. 245bp of original sequence is replaced by 1kb of Neo cassette. GRIK1_1 and GRIK1_2 forward primers cannot bind so produce no product. Neo primers bind within the Neo cassette and produce a PCR product of 300bp. 111 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.8. MOUSEMICROSATELLITEASSAY Microsatellites are DNA-based markers composed of short repetitive sequences of bases (i.e CACACACACACA). They are commonly found in eukaryotic genomes with mice having hundreds of thousands of examples. The variations in microsatellites are produced in the length of sequence rather than the bases contained within it. The short sequences of DNA that make up microsatellites are repeated a variable number of times between mouse strains. This phenomenon can be exploited to identify genomic regions common to different strains of mice. The region is amplified with PCR by designing flanking primers unique to that area. The number of repeats defines the size of the PCR product and this can be visualised under UV light on an agarose gel. The protocols that follow involve using microsatellites to identify the origin of a mouse DNA segment. 2.8.1. SELECTION OF MICROSATELLITES Microsatellites for the serum transfer model The GRIK knockout mice supplied for this study were on a mixed B6/129 strain background. One way in which to minimize the variables with potential to affect the outcome of the serum transfer model was to reduce the amount of 129 genomic DNA. This was obtained by repetitively backcrossing the mice onto B6 (see Figure 2.25). An assay to determine the percentage of B6 DNA was produced. The microsatellites in the B6/129 assay were chosen based on the informativeness between the two strains. Previous experiments from the Merriman lab provided information on microsatellite product size over six different strains (NOD, B6, C3H, DBA, BALBC and NON) but not for 129 (Hollis-Moffat, 2006). Therefore microsatellite markers were chosen where the B6 band size was different to that of all the other strains. Genotyping could be successfully scored when microsatellite markers produced significantly different band size (>10bp) between strains. This maximized the chance that the marker was informative between the strains B6 and 129. An even spread of microsatellites over each chromosome was chosen for testing. 112 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods Microsatellites for the spontaneous IA model The change from the serum induced IA mouse model to the spontaneous IA model affected the microsatellite assay. The strains of interest altered from B6 and 129 to B6 and NOD. A new microsatellite assay was needed to determine the amount of NOD genomic DNA the B6 mice backcrossed to this strain contained. As outlined in section no microsatellite information was available for the 129 strain. This resulted in the selection of B6/129 assay microsatellites which had a different product size for B6 compared to all the other strains in the database (see section One of the strains which was required to have a different product size to B6 was NOD. This meant that all the microsatellites chosen for their potential to differentiate between B6 and 129 should also differentiate between B6 and NOD. 2.8.2. PREPARING THE ASSAY The microsatellite primers were individually optimised as in section; those that had optimal conditions underwent PCR over DNA from three different stocks B6 and 129 to test for informativeness. Gel electrophoresis Samples were analysed by gel electrophoresis on a 4%W/V agarose gel at 100 volts for 70 minutes. These samples are run for longer at a lower voltage than samples in SNP genotyping. This was to allow visualisation of the smaller size differences characteristic of microsatellites. Table 2.25: 4% agarose gel Reagent 1x TBE Buffer Ethidium Bromide Agarose Volume 150 mL 3 µL 6g 113 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods The markers informative between B6 and 129 (i.e. a differing band length in each strain) chosen to be included in the assay were selected from the gel photograph. Non-informative microsatellites When a microsatellite failed to titrate or was not informative between B6 and 129 another marker in a similar location was chosen. The process was repeated until approximately 60 informative microsatellites that represented a spread of the whole genome had been identified. 114 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.9. MATERIALSANDREAGENTS Reagents for this study were obtained from: Affymetrix, Inc., California, USA; BDH Laboratory Supplies, UK; Invitrogen, USA; New England Biolab, Ipswich, USA; Qiagen, California, USA; Scharlau Chemie, Barcelona, Spain and Sigma Aldrich, Australia. 2.9.1. SOLUTIONS All solutions were stored at room temperature unless otherwise stated. Recipes: Extraction Buffer Proteinase K 1x TE buffer 1.0 M TRIS (pH 7.5) 0.5 M EDTA (pH8.0) Made up to 0.1L with distilled water 10x TBE buffer 890 mM TRIS 890 mM Boric acid 20 mM EDTA pH ~8.3 Made up to 2L with distilled water 6x loading buffer for agarose gel electrophoresis 0.25% bromophenol blue 40% sucrose 3M/L Sodium acetate (pH 5.2) Na.Acetate.3H2O Glacial acetic acid Made up to 100mL with distilled water 115 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods RBC lysis buffer 9 parts 0.16 M NH4Cl (pH 7.4) 1 part 0.16 M Tris (pH 7.65) Stored separately and made up as required Liver lysis buffer 100 mM Tris 20 mM EDTA 20% SDS Made up to 200mL with distilled water 2.9.2. ENZYME BUFFERS All enzyme buffers were stored at 4qC unless otherwise stated. 1x NEBuffer 1 10 mM Bis Tris Propane-HCl 10 mM MgCl2 1 mM DDT Made up to 1.5mL with distilled water pH ~7.0 1x NEBuffer 2 50 mM NaCl 10 mM Tris-HCl 10 mM MgCl2 1 mM DDT Made up to 1.5mL with distilled water pH ~7.9 1x NEBuffer 3 100 mM NaCl 50 mM Tris-HCl 10 mM MgCl2 1 mM DDT Made up to 1.5mL with distilled water pH ~7.0 116 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 1x NEBuffer 4 50 mM potassium acetate 20 mM Tris-acetate 10 mM Mg-acetate 1 mM DDT Made up to 1.5mL with distilled water pH ~7.9 1x NEBuffer DpnII 100 mM NaCl 50 mM Bis Tris-HCl 10 mM MgCl2 1 mM DDT Made up to 1.5mL with distilled water pH ~6.0 117 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.9.3. RESTRICTION ENZYMES One unit of restriction enzyme is defined as the amount required to digest 1Pg of Ȝ DNA (Hind III digest) in one hour in a total reaction volume of 50µL. Restriction enzymes were used at 10,000U/ml and the incubation temperature for digestion varied with each enzyme (Table 2.26). Table 2.26: Restriction enzymes utilised in this study and their working conditions. Enzyme Aci I Dpn I BstU I Dpn II Mbo I TSP509I Cvi QI Rsa I Taq DI Nla III Msp I Restriction site 5' …C^CGC …3' 3' …GGC^G …5' 5' …GA^TC …3' 3' …CA^TG …5' 5' …CG^CG …3' 3' …GC^GC …5' 5' …^GATC …3' 3' …CTAG^ …5' 5' …^GATC …3' 3' …CTAG^ …5' 5' …^AATT …3' 3' …TTAA^ …5' 5' …G^TAC …3' 3' …CAT^G …5' 5' …GT^AC …3' 3' …CA^TG …5' 5' …T^CGA …3' 3' …AGC^T …5' 5' …CATG^ …3' 3' …^GTAC …5' 5' …C^CGG …3' 3' …GGC^C …5' Buffer for 100% activity Activation temperature BSA required NEBuffer 3 37 ºC No NEBuffer 1, 2 and 4 37 ºC No NEBuffer 1, 2 and 4 60 ºC No NEBuffer DpnII and 3 37 ºC No NEBuffer 2, 3 and 4 37 ºC No NEBuffer 1, 2 and 3 65 ºC No NEBuffer 2 and 3 25 ºC Yes NEBuffer 1, 2 and 4 37 ºC No NEBuffer 3 65 ºC Yes NEBuffer 4 37 ºC Yes NEBuffer 2 37 ºC No 118 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods 2.9.4. WEBSITE ADDRESSES The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium http://www.wtccc.org.uk/ Foundation for National Institutes of Health http://www.fnih.org Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgibin/study.cgi?study_id=phs000167.v1.p1 The European Genome-phenome Archive http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ega/page.php?page=study&study=EGAS00000000011&cat=www.wtcc c.studies.xml.ega2&subcat=RA&sid=703372d45fb1644192b0212233a45547 NCBI Genotypes and Phenotypes http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dbgap AKT1 pathway overview http://www.invitrogen.com/site/us/en/home/Products-and-Services/Applications/Cell-andTissue-Analysis/Signaling-Pathways/Akt.html Ensembl Genome Browser (Home page) http://www.ensembl.org/index.html Haploview 4.1 http://www.broad.mit.edu/mpg/haploview/download.php International HapMap Project (Home page) http://www.hapmap.org/ NEBcutter V2.0 http://tools.neb.com/NEBcutter2/index.php Oligo Calc: Oligonucleotide Properties Calculator http://www.basic.northwestern.edu/biotools/oligocalc.html STATA (Meta-analysis) http://www.stata.com/ SHEsis http://analysis.bio-x.cn/myAnalysis.php WTCCC http://www.wtccc.org.uk/ NCBI – PubMed Online Database http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 119 Chapter 2: Materials and Methods BC|SNPmax (Biocomputing Platforms Ltd) http://www.bcplatforms.com/ https://snpmax.otago.ac.nz/bcos/ (secure server) IMPUTE version 3 https://mathgen.stats.ox.ac.uk/impute/impute.html PLINK version 1 http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/purcell/plink/ HWE calculator version 1 http://ihg2.helmholtz-muenchen.de/cgi-bin/hw/hwa1.pl Google Scholar http://scholar.google.co.nz/ OR calculator version 1 http://www.hutchon.net/ConfidOR.htm European Collection of Cell Cultures http://www.ecacc.org 120 Chapter 3: Results 3 . CHAPTERThree RESULTS 3.1. Genotyping of RA Candidate Genes from the AKT1 Pathways 3.2. Meta Analysis of SNPs from SZ Candidate Genes In the Literature 3.3. Genotyping mice for KO status 3.4. Induction of Inflammatory Arthritis in a Mouse Knockout Model 3.5. Microsatellite Assay for Differentiation Between Genomic DNA From Mouse Strains B6 and 129 121 Chapter 3: Results 3.1. GENOTYPINGOFRACANDIDATEGENESFROMTHE AKT1PATHWAYS AKT1 has previously been linked to the development of RA (Kim et al., 2002) and SZ (Ikeda et al., 2004; Schwab et al., 2005). A number of other genes in the AKT1 pathway, such as DISC1, NFAT and GRIK, have also been implicated in RA and SZ. This evidence suggests there may be a functional link between the two disorders in this network. This study was focused on identifying and genotyping SNPs within candidate genes from the AKT1 pathway to provide evidence for a shared disease network for RA and SZ. 3.1.1. SNP SELECTION GWAS publications over large case-control sample sets provided valuable information for selection of SNPs in this thesis. As outlined in section 2.3.2 all SNPs in the genes identified in the literature search were extracted from the RA sample set in WTCCC (see section and the SZ sample set in GAIN (see section The case-control association information from these two studies was obtained from PLINK via BC|SNPmax (see section 2.3.2) then aligned for each SNP. As selected SNPs were genotyped over RA sample sets selection was based on levels of significance in the WTCCC RA dataset (see section 1.4.1). SNPs with a pvalue trending towards significance (p< 0.07) were selected for further analysis. The GAIN SZ genotyping data were analysed to assess whether any SNPs were significant in both datasets. It also provided a comparison for the direction of the OR (protective or susceptible) in each dataset. AKT1 AKT1 had a number of significant (p<0.05) SNPs in the WTCCC RA dataset (Table 3.27). These and the SNPs trending towards significance (p<0.07) were included in the genotyping study. Rs1130214 had a p-value outside the levels of significance required for selection in this thesis. However, as it was one of only two SNPs (also rs2494731) positioned within the AKT1 gene it was chosen for inclusion. Rs1130214 was also a prominent SNP in the AKT1 literature (see section 1.4.2). There were no significant or trending towards significant SNPs in the 122 Chapter 3: Results GAIN SZ cohort. For one of the SNPs, AKT1_rs7146661, the OR was protective in WTCCC RA and susceptible in GAIN SZ (see Table 3.28). Three other SNPs, AKT1_rs4983386, AKT1_rs6644 and AKT1_rs2494731 had an OR conveying susceptibility in WTCCC RA and protection in GAIN SZ. Table 3.27: PLINK genotyping information for all AKT1 SNPs in the WTCCC rheumatoid arthritis and GAIN schizophrenia sample sets. SNPs of interest for this thesis are highlighted in blue. Table 3.28: A comparison of genotyping data for AKT1 SNPs of interest in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. FAT Although NFATC1_rs2002311 was not significant (p<0.05) in the WTCCC RA dataset it was trending towards significance and included for genotyping of the NZ case-control sample set (Table 3.29). The OR for this SNP was in the same direction (susceptible) in both GAIN SZ and WTCCC RA. No other NFATC1 SNPs were considered for genotyping analysis. NFATC2_rs8119787 had a p-value (0.057) close to significant in the WTCCC sample set and 123 Chapter 3: Results was included for genotyping in the NZRA sample set (Table 3.29). The OR was protective for this SNP in both the WTCCC RA and GAIN SZ datasets (see Table 3.31). There were no other SNPs of interest in this gene for either the WTCCC or the GAIN sample sets. Table 3.29: PLINK genotyping information for all NFATC1 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. SNPs of interest for this thesis are highlighted in blue. Table 3.30: PLINK genotyping information for the NFATC2 SNPs with the most significant p-values in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. SNPs of interest for this thesis are highlighted in blue. Table shows SNPs with a p-value< 0.16, a complete list is available in the appendix. Table 3.31: A comparison of genotyping data for NFATC1and NFACTC2 SNPs of interest in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. 124 Chapter 3: Results DISC1 The DISC1 gene has many significant SNPs in both the WTCCC and GAIN (Table 3.32). All of the SNPs with a significant (p<0.05) or trending towards significant (p<0.07) p-value in the WTCCC RA were considered for analysis over the NZ case-control sample set. Table 3.32: PLINK genotyping information for DISC1SNPs with the most significant p-values in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. SNPs of interest for this thesis are highlighted in blue. Table shows SNPs with a pvalue<0.1, a complete list is available in the appendix. All of the highlighted SNPs from Table 3.32 above continued to the next stage of the selection protocol (see section 3.1.2). However, the SNPs of particular importance for the hypothesis testing were the ones that conferred a protective OR in one sample set and a susceptible OR in the other (refer to section 1.3.1). Table 3.33 shows a comparison of genotyping information between WTCCC RA and GAIN SZ for the SNPs that were genotyped in both sample sets (all of the highlighted SNPs from Table 3.32). 125 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.33: A comparison of genotyping data for DISC1SNPs of interest in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. BAD BAD had no significant SNPs in the WTCCC and only one significant SNP in the GAIN sample set. This gene was not included in the genotyping study and was left out of the SZ candidate gene meta-analysis. Table 3.34: PLINK genotyping information for all BAD SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. CCND1 CCND1 had no significant SNPs in the WTCCC or GAIN sample sets. This gene was not included in the genotyping study and was left out of the SZ candidate gene meta-analysis. Table 3.35: PLINK genotyping information for all CCND1 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. 126 Chapter 3: Results GSK3B GSK3B was also deemed unsuitable for genotyping in this study due to the lack of significant (or trending towards significant) SNPs in the WTCCC. This gene was also left out of the candidate gene meta-analysis. Table 3.36: PLINK genotyping information for all GSK3B SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. 127 Chapter 3: Results PDK1 SNPs within the gene PDK1 showed a lack of significance in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets (Table 3.37). This gene was omitted from all future study in this thesis. Table 3.37: PLINK genotyping information for all PDK1 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. PTEN PTEN had one (PTEN_rs2299939) significant (p = 0.038) SNP in the GAIN sample set and none in the WTCCC (Table 3.38). This gene was omitted from further study. Table 3.38: PLINK genotyping information for all PTEN SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. 128 Chapter 3: Results Beta-CTN (E-CTN) No significant SNPs were found in either the WTCCC or the GAIN sample sets for E-CTN (Table 3.39). No future study was conducted on this gene. Table 3.39: PLINK genotyping information for all E-CTN SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. 3.1.2. LINKAGE DISEQUILIBRIUM ANALYSIS AKT1 To allow a good spread of SNPs over the gene the pattern of LD was assessed. Of the SNPs of interest in WTCCC (Table 3.27), only two were from within the AKT1 gene (AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs1130214, see intro section 1.4.2). Both of these SNPs were only trending towards significance but as they were not in LD with each other (Figure 3.28) they were chosen for genotyping with TaqMan assays. Three SNPs (AKT1_rs7146661, AKT1_rs4983386 and AKT1_rs6644) downstream of AKT1 were significantly associated with RA. Appropriate RFLP primers were unable to be designed for AKT1_rs6644. However the SNP AKT1_rs4983386 was also significant in the WTCCC and was in high LD with AKT1_rs6644 (r2= 96, Figure 3.28). RFLP assays for both AKT1_rs4983386 and AKT1_rs7146661 were designable and genotyping was performed for these loci. Two additional loci were investigated to increase the spread of genotyping over the gene. AKT1_rs7146030 and AKT1_rs10137814 had primers designed; however, the RFLP genotyping assay did not produce distinct bands and both were disregarded. 129 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.28: A Haploview LD plot showing the SNPs of interest in and around the gene AKT1. SNPs of interest are highlighted within boxes (green box = downstream of AKT1, red box = within AKT1) and those that an assay could not be prepared for are crossed out in red. NFAT LD analysis was unnecessary for NFATC1 and NFATC2. This is due to each gene only having one SNP of interest (NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_8119787) in the WTCCC genotyping data. NFATC1_rs2002311 is located on chromosome 18 at position 75,274,967 and NFATC2_8119787 is location on chromosome 20 at position 49,580,478. In addition, the RFLP genotyping assay provided clear results on the first attempt and no additional assays had to be designed. The LD plot for these genes is available in the appendix. DISC1 When a LD plot for DISC1 was prepared it was found that most of the significant SNPs in the WTCCC study fell in the same haplotype block (see Figure 3.29). All the SNPs, except DISC1_rs9431714 (block 17), were within block 21. Where SNPs were in complete LD with others in DISC1 only one was chosen for analysis. 130 Chapter 3: Results Black squares: r2 =1 Grey squares: 0 >r2< 1 % LD shown numerically White squares: r2 = 0 Figure 3.29: Haploview LD plot (r2) showing haplotype block 21(indicated as block1 in this figure) of DISC1, generated from HapMap genotyping. This block was found to include the majority of SNPs associated with RA in genome-wide association analysis. SNPs of interest are highlighted in green and those that an assay could not be prepared for are crossed out in red. Of the SNPs of interest identified in the WTCCC RA study, three were in complete LD with each other, DISC1_rs821577, DISC1_rs1341555 and DISC1_rs701158. From this set only DISC1_rs701158 was chosen for genotyping analysis. Primers were designed for this SNP but optimal conditions could not be obtained in the titration phase. This SNP was discarded and an assay was successfully designed for DISC1_rs821577. There were no issues with the primer design or titration for DISC1_rs872624 and this was completed using an RFLP assay. TaqMan probes were ordered for the three SNPs DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs9431714, and DISC1_rs4658966. Although these SNPs were genotyped using TaqMan there was insufficient DNA available to complete the OXRA sample set. Only two of these SNPs (DISC1_rs872625 and DISC1_rs9431714) were completed over the UKRA sample set for the same reason. Primers were designed for a forced cut site (see section 2.4.1) at DISC1_rs821585 however the assay produced many non-specific bands and was therefore not accurate enough for genotyping. A second set of primers was designed around another forced cut site at the same loci and, again, the assay quality* was not high enough for genotyping. A * High assay quality refers to clarity of the bands allowing the fragment size to be accurately measured and a absence of non-specific bands. An example of an assay of high quality is shown in Figure 2.19. 131 Chapter 3: Results second locus (DISC1_rs1341556) that was in complete LD with DISC1_rs821585 was investigated. Primers were designed but the assay was of poor quality and both loci were discarded. 3.1.3. SNPS WITHIN AND SURROUNDING AKT1 Case-Control Association Analysis Case-control analysis was completed in order to replicate the association results found in the WTCCC. This was usually completed by RFLP as outlined in section 2.4. However, TaqMan Assays (see section 2.4.5) were used in this thesis where it was anticipated that SNPs would be genotyped over the UK and OX case control sample sets. These sample sets had limited volumes of each DNA sample available and the TaqMan assays required less DNA than RFLP assays. Association analysis for AKT1_rs2494731 (p = 0.498), AKT1_rs1130214 (p =0.93), AKT1_rs4983386 (p =0.335) and AKT1_rs7146661 (p =0.72) showed no evidence for association with RA in the NZ sample set (Table 3.40). Analysis over the Oxford sample set also found no association of the SNPsAKT1_rs2494731 (p =0.127) and AKT1_rs1130214 (p =0.105) with RA (Table 3.40). No association was found with RA in the UK sample set for AKT1_rs2494731 (p =0.112), AKT1_rs1130214 (p =0.685) and AKT1_rs4983386 (p =0.893, Table 3.40). There was an association between RA and the UK sample set for AKT1_rs7146661 (p = 0.004). However, this effect was in the opposite direction (OR = 1.61) to that found for the NZRA and WTCCC (OR = 0.907 and OR = 0.838 respectively) datasets. The results from the recent RA GWAS by Stahl et al. are included for comparison (2010). None of the AKT1 SNPs investigated in this thesis reached significance in the Stahl dataset. 132 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.40: Case-control analysis for the AKT1SNPs AKT1_rs2494731, AKT1_rs1130214, AKT1_rs4983386 and AKT1_rs7146661. Genotypes, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI) and the allelic p-value, for the SNP are from case-control analysis for the follow datasets: NZRA, OXRA (where applicable), UKRA, WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. Stahl et al., RA GWAS data included to provide a comparison. SNP Sample set NZRA rs2494731 OXRA UKRA WTCCC GAIN Stahl NZRA rs1130214 OXRA UKRA WTCCC GAIN Stahl NZRA rs4983386 UKRA WTCCC GAIN Stahl NZRA rs7146661 UKRA WTCCC GAIN Stahl Major/ Minor Samples Controls G/C Cases Controls G/C Cases Controls G/C Cases Controls G/C Cases Controls G/C Cases Controls G/C Cases Controls C/A Cases Controls C/A Cases Controls C/A Cases Controls C/A Cases Controls C/A Cases Controls C/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/C Cases Controls G/C Cases Controls G/C Cases Controls G/C Cases Controls G/C Cases 11 12 215 (0.427) 246 (0.489) 305 (0.448) 297 (0.436) 229 (0.463) 209 (0.422) 277 (0.406) 325 (0.476) 52 (0.344) 82 (0.543) 142 (0.444) 141 (0.441) 1341 (0.457) 1280 (0.437) 786 (0.423) 859 (0.462) 574 (0.438) 581 (0.444) 499 (0.434) 545 (0.474) 4344 (0.454) 4193 (0.439) 1831 (0.456) 1759 (0.438) 247 (0.471) 216 (0.412) 343 (0.460) 326 (0.437) 244 (0.501) 198 (0.407) 320 (0.452) 318 (0.449) 77 (0.513) 68 (0.453) 184 (0.563) 124 (0.379) 1463 (0.499) 1203 (0.411) 858 (0.462) 840 (0.452) 646 (0.493) 559 (0.427) 569 (0.494) 489 (0.424) 4686 0.491) 4010 (0.420) 1985 (0.497) 1655 (0.414) 187 (0.343) 257 (0.472) 233 (0.312) 352 (0.472) 37 (0.268) 70 (0.507) 79 (0.250) 157 (0.497) 945 (0.322) 1424 (0.486) 535 (0.288) 943 (0.508) 395 (0.302) 641 (0.489) 352 (0.306) 590 (0.513) 3142 (0.329) 4671 (0.489) 22 42 (0.083) 79 (0.116) 57 (0.115) 81 (0.119) 17 (0.113) 37 (0.116) 311 (0.106) 214 (0.115) 155 (0.118) 106 (0.092) 1023 (0.107) 424 (0.106) 61 (0.116) 77 (0.103) 45 (0.092) 70 (0.099) 5 (0.033) 19 (0.058) 263 (0.090) 160 (0.086) 105 (0.080) 94 (0.082) 857 (0.090) 353 (0.088) 101 (0.185) 161 (0.216) 31 (0.225) 80 (0.253) 564 (0.192) 379 (0.204) 274 (0.209) 208 (0.181) 1738 (0.182) MAF 0.328 0.334 0.326 0.357 0.384 0.336 0.324 0.346 0.34 0.329 0.326 0.325 0.323 0.322 0.296 0.323 0.26 0.248 0.295 0.312 0.294 0.294 0.300 0.296 0.421 0.452 0.478 0.502 0.435 0.458 0.454 0.437 0.426 Odds ratio (95% CI) 1.028 (0.864-1.222) 1.144 (0.962-1.360) 0.811 (0.611-1.078) 1.103 (1.011-1.203) 0.952 (0.845-1.072) 0.993 (0.939-1.040) 0.996 (0.841-1.180) 1.139 (0.954-1.359) 0.937 (0.685-1.282) 1.084 (0.991-1.185) 0.996 (0.880-1.126) 0.981 (0.927-1.030) 1.133 (0.968-1.326) 1.097 (0.827-1.457) 1.097 (1.010-1.192) 0.936 (0.836-1.048) 1.047 p-value (allelic) 1294 (0.322) 1924 (0.480) 283 (0.553) 200 (0.391) 431 (0.586) 264 (0.359) 76 (0.551) 56 (0.406) 114 (0.442) 110 (0.426) 1546 (0.532) 1153 (0.397) 1075 (0.582) 673 (0.364) 747 (0.570) 480 (0.366) 618 (0.537) 448 (0.390) 5421 (0.568) 3532 (0.370) 794 (0.198) 29 (0.057) 40 (0.054) 6 (0.043) 34 (0.132) 207 (0.071) 100 (0.054) 83 (0.063) 84 (0.073) 597 (0.062) 0.438 0.252 0.234 0.246 0.345 0.270 0.236 0.247 0.268 0.247 (0.993-1.103) 0.907 (0.753-1.092) 1.611 (1.160-2.237) 0.838 (0.761-0.922) 1.118 (0.983-1.271) 0.990 0.923 2307 (0.575) 1436 (0.358) 267 (0.067) 0.246 (0.932-1.050) 133 0.498 0.127 0.112 0.027 0.417 0.829 0.930 0.105 0.685 0.005 0.980 0.737 0.355 0.893 0.047 0.248 0.72 0.004 0.0003 0.088 0.916 Chapter 3: Results Meta-analysis Meta-analysis was performed to combine the genotyping for each of the four SNPs, AKT1_rs2494731, AKT1_rs1130214, AKT1_rs4983386 and AKT1_rs7146661 using STATA software. The analysis was performed twice for each SNP, once with GAIN excluded and once with GAIN included. SNPs that are associated with RA should give a significant p-value when combined with the WTCCC RA dataset. If the SNP is having an opposite effect in each disease (i.e. protective in RA and susceptible in SZ or vice versa), as hypothesised, the addition of the GAIN SZ dataset should cause the combined p-value to become non significant. If the disease pathway is common to both RA and SZ the p-value should remain significant or increase in significance. The Breslow-Day (B-D) test (Table 3.40) revealed that there was no evidence of genetic heterogeneity between the combined sample sets for the three of the AKT1 SNPs: AKT1_rs2494731 (without GAIN p = 0.182, with GAIN p = 0.092), AKT1_rs1130214 (without GAIN p = 0.588, with GAIN p = 0.604) and AKT1_rs4983386 (without GAIN p = 0.940, with GAIN p= 0.108). However, there were significant levels of genetic heterogeneity in the SNPs AKT1_rs7146661 (without GAIN p = 0.001, with GAIN p = 0.00004), indicating that the sample sets differed significantly in some respect (see section 2.5.1). In this thesis SNPs with a significant heterogeneity score were run again using the random effects model which allows for differences between the sample sets by conservatively altering the ORs and allelic p values. After reanalysis AKT1_rs7146661 gave a significant between-study variance when GAIN was included (p = 0.0404). When GAIN was excluded, the between-study variance was not significant (p = 0.0522). The combined allelic p-values were significant for two SNPs, AKT1_rs2494731 (p = 0.033) and AKT1_rs4983386 (p = 0.006) and trending towards significance (p<0.07) for a third, AKT1_rs1130214 (p = 0.064) when GAIN was excluded. AKT1_rs7146661 had a non-significant result (p = 0.873). When GAIN was included in the analysis there were no significant values for any of the AKT1 SNPs. 134 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.41: Meta-analysis for the AKT1SNPs over all sample sets genotyped in this study and WTCCC. Information is given for combined datasets including and excluding GAIN data. Allele count, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI, M-H), allelic p-value and the B-D p-value are given for AKT1_rs2494731, AKT1_rs1130214, AKT1_rs4983386 and AKT1_rs7146661. AKT1_rs7146661 was analysed under the random effects model. All other SNPs were analysed as normal. rs2494731 SNP GAIN Samples included NO Controls Cases YES Controls rs1130214 Cases NO Controls Cases YES Controls rs7146661 rs4983386 Cases NO Controls Cases YES NO YES Allele count 11 1837 (0.450) 1510 (0.426) 2411 (0.447) 2009 (0.428) 2031 (0.497) 1705 (0.469) 2677 (0.496) 2274 (0.475) 1169 (0.323) 847 (0.290) 1564 Controls (0.317) 1199 Cases (0.295) 1905 Controls (0.536) 1620 Cases (0.570) 2652 Controls (0.545) 2238 Cases (0.561) 12 1817 (0.445) 1622 (0.458) 2398 (0.445) 2167 (0.462) 1685 (0.412) 1608 (0.442) 2244 (0.416) 2097 (0.438) 1751 (0.484) 1452 (0.497) 2392 (0.486) 2042 (0.502) 1409 (0.396) 1047 (0.369) 1889 (0.388) 1495 (0.375) 22 MAF 427 (0.105) 0.327 Odds ratio (95% CI) 1.077 P-value P-value (allelic) (B-D) 0.033 0.182 0.152 0.092 0.064 0.588 0.105 0.604 0.006 0.940 0.087 0.108 0.873 0.0009 0.710 0.00004 411 (0.116) 0.345 (1.006-1.154) 582 (0.108) 0.330 1.044 517 (0.110) 0.341 (0.984-1.108) 374 (0.091) 0.297 1.069 326 (0.090) 0.311 (0.996-1.147) 479 (0.089) 0.296 1.052 420 (0.088) 0.307 (0.990-1.118) 696 (0.192) 0.435 1.104 620 (0.212) 0.461 (1.029-1.186) 970 (0.197) 0.440 1.054 828 (0.203) 0.454 (0.992-1.119) 242 (0.068) 0.266 1.024 174 (0.061) 0.246 (0.769-1.362) 325 (0.067) 0.261 1.043 258 (0.065) 0.252 (0.838-1.296) For AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs1130214, combining the OXRA sample set with the WTCCC genotyping data strengthened the protective effect for RA (see Figure 3.30 and Figure 3.31). For AKT1_rs4983386 combining the NZRA sample set with the genotyping data from WTCCC strengthened the protective effect for RA (see Figure 3.32). This effect was not seen for any other sample sets over the SNPs (for AKT1_rs2494731, see Figure 3.30, for AKT1_rs1130214, see Figure 3.31, for AKT1_rs4983386, see Figure 3.32 and for AKT1_rs7146661, see Figure 3.33). For the three SNPs (AKT1_rs2494731, AKT1_rs4983386 and AKT1_rs7146661) where the genotyping data from GAIN and WTCCC convey opposite 135 Chapter 3: Results effects (protection or susceptibility) toward RA, the combined sample sets including GAIN decreased the protective effect of the combined sample set excluding GAIN (AKT1_rs2494731 see Figure 3.34, AKT1_rs4983386 see Figure 3.36 and AKT1_rs7146661 see Figure 3.37). The GAIN sample set had an OR of 1.00 in AKT1_rs1130214; this decreased the susceptibility effect of the WTCCC in the combined sample set results (see Figure 3.35). Figure 3.30: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs2494731 in AKT1. The WTCCC and combined sample sets show a susceptible effect for RA (OR > 1) while the M-H odds ratio for the NZ RA, OXRA and UKRA sample sets are not significant. Figure 3.31: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs1130214 in AKT1. The WTCCC sample set shows a susceptible effect for RA (OR > 1) while the M-H odds ratio for the NZRA, OXRA, UKRA and combined sample sets are not significant. 136 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.32: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs4983386 near AKT1. The WTCCC and combined sample sets show a susceptible effect for RA (OR > 1) while the M-H odds ratios for the NZRA and UKRA sample sets are not significant. Figure 3.33: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs7146661 near AKT1. The WTCCC and combined sample sets show a susceptible effect for RA (OR > 1), the UKRA sample set conveys a protective effect for RA (OR < 1) and the M-H odds ratio for the NZRA sample set is not significant. This SNP was analysed under the random effects model. Figure 3.34: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs2494731 in AKT1. The WTCCC show a susceptible effect for RA (OR > 1) while the M-H odds ratio for the NZ RA, OXRA, UKRA, GAIN and combined sample sets are not significant. 137 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.35: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs1130214 in AKT1. The WTCCC is susceptible for RA (OR > 1) while the M-H odds ratio for the NZ RA, OXRA, UKRA, GAIN and combined sample sets are not significant. Figure 3.36: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs4983386 near AKT1. The WTCCC show a susceptible effect for RA (OR > 1) while the M-H odds ratio for the NZ RA, OXRA, UKRA, GAIN and combined sample sets are not significant. Figure 3.37: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs7146661 near AKT1. The WTCCC show a susceptible effect for RA (OR > 1) while the UKRA sample set conveys a protective effect for RA (OR < 1). The M-H odds ratio for the NZ RA, OXRA, UKRA, GAIN and combined sample sets are not significant. This SNP was analysed under the random effects model. 138 Chapter 3: Results Haplotype Analysis Haplotype analysis was performed in different ways depending on the dataset being analysed. The WTCCC RA and GAIN SZ genotyping data (see Table 3.42) were analysed with PLINK via BC|SNPmax. The NZRA and the combined genotyping sample set (NZRA, OXRA and UKRA) were investigated using SHEsis (see Table 3.44). Two analysis programs were needed as the genotype information was presented differently in the GWAS datasets and the datasets genotyped in this thesis. Only SNPs in Linkage disequilibrium (LD>0.50) were investigated in the haplotype analysis. In the WTCCC RA dataset (Table 3.42) the AKT1_rs4983386 and AKT1_rs2494731 haplotypes 12 and 22 give significant p-values (12 = 0.028, 22 = 0.007). In NZRA (Table 3.44) none of the haplotypes gave significant p-values (11 = 0.211, 22 = 0.568, and 21 = 0.286). Conditional analysis of these SNPs in the combined WTCCC and RA genotyping dataset (NZRA+ARA1+UKRA) provided evidence of two independent effects (p = 0.415). Table 3.42: Haplotype analysis for the two AKT1 SNPs in LD, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs4983386, shown for the WTCCC sample set. Haplotypes are listed in the order of decreasing control frequency and only the haplotypes with haplotype frequency greater than 3% are shown. Significant values are shown in bold. Polymorphism Haplotype Frequency Haplotypes rs4983386 (G/A) rs2494731 (G/C) Cases Control 11 22 21 G A A G C G 0.534 0.337 0.120 0.556 0.315 0.120 P-value 0.036 0.028 0.932 Table 3.43: Haplotype analysis for the two AKT1 SNPs in LD, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs4983386 over the GAIN SZ dataset. Haplotypes are listed in the order of decreasing control frequency and only the haplotypes with haplotype frequency greater than 3% are shown. Significant values are shown in bold. Polymorphism Haplotype Frequency Haplotypes rs4983386 (G/A) rs2494731 (G/C) Cases Control 11 22 21 G A A G C G 0.555 0.320 0.117 0.538 0.329 0.123 139 P-value 0.254 0.699 0.536 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.44: Haplotype analysis for the two AKT1SNPs in LD, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs4983386, over the combined genotyping sample set (NZRA, ARA and UKRA). Haplotypes are listed in the order of decreasing control frequency and only the haplotypes with haplotype frequency greater than 3% are shown. Significant values are shown in bold. Polymorphism Haplotype Frequency Haplotypes rs4983386 (G/A) rs2494731 (G/C) Cases Control 11 22 21 G A A G C G 0.514 0.317 0.150 0.547 0.326 0.110 P-value 0.073 0.601 0.0009 95% Odds Ratio Confidence Intervals 0.879 0.961 1.430 0.763-1.012 0.827-1.116 1.156-1.770 Effect in Psychosis There were no significant p-values (see Tabel 3.45) in any of the mental illness datasets for any of the AKT1 SNPs, AKT1_rs7146661, AKT1_rs4983386, AKT1_rs2494731 or AKT1_rs1130214. The combined psychosis dataset also had non-significant p-values for all SNPs. For the SNPs AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs4983386, the psychosis dataset, the OR conveyed an opposite effect to the OR of the combined RA dataset. For the remaining two SNPs, AKT1_rs1130214 and AKT1_rs7146661, the ORs for both the psychosis and combined RA datasets convey a similar effect (susceptibility). Figures 3.41 to 3.44 show a graphical representation of the alignment of the mental illness datasets. 140 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.45: Analysis for AKT1 SNPs, AKT1_rs2494731, AKT1_rs1130214, AKT1_rs4983386 and AKT1_rs7146661, in three mental illness datasets, GAIN schizophrenia, non-GAIN schizophrenia and GAIN bipolar disorder. The allelic p-value, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals are shown for each and for the combined psychosis dataset (sum of the three datasets above). Information for the combined RA dataset (NZRA and WTCCC) is shown for comparison. rs2494731 rs1130214 rs7146661 rs4983386 OR OR OR OR p-allelic p-allelic p-allelic p-allelic (95% CIs) (95% CIs) (95% CIs) (95% CIs) 0.952 0.996 1.118 0.936 0.417 0.980 0.088 0.248 GAIN SZ (0.845-1.072) (0.880-1.126) (0.983-1.271) (0.836-1.048) 1.018 1.066 0.98 1.009 non-GAIN 0.762 0.305 0.760 0.882 SZ (0.905-1.147) (0.943-1.205) (0.863-1.113) (0.902-1.128) 0.988 1.031 1.077 0.981 0.869 0.701 0.364 0.784 GAIN BD (0.851-1.146) (0.883-1.203) (0.917-1.265) (0.852-1.128) 0.971 1.018 1.085 0.958 0.579 0.734 0.153 0.392 Psychosis (0.875-1.078) (0.915-1.133) (0.970-1.213) (0.869-1.057) Combined RA 0.033 1.077 (0.006-1.154) 0.064 1.069 (0.996-1.147) 0.873 1.024 (0.769-1.362) 0.006 1.104 (1.029-1.186) Figure 3.38: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs2494731 over the mental illness datasets. Non-GAIN SZ and GAIN BD show a susceptibility effect (OR > 1) towards SZ and BD respectively, the GAIN SZ sample set conveys a protective effect (OR < 1) for SZ, the combined psychosis sample set is susceptible towards mental illness. 141 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.39: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs1130214 over the mental illness datasets. Non-GAIN SZ and GAIN BD show a susceptibility effect (OR > 1) towards SZ and BD respectively, the GAINSZ sample set conveys a protective effect (OR < 1) for SZ, the combined psychosis sample set is susceptible towards mental illness. Figure 3.40: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs7146661 over the mental illness datasets. GAIN SZ and GAIN BD show a susceptible effect (OR > 1) towards SZ and BD respectively, the non-GAINSZ sample set conveys a protective effect for SZ (OR < 1), the combined psychosis sample set is susceptible towards mental illness. Figure 3.41: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs493386 over the mental illness datasets. GAIN SZ and GAIN BD show a protective effect (OR < 1) towards SZ and BD respectively, the non-GAINSZ sample set conveys a susceptibility effect (OR > 1) for SZ, the combined psychosis sample set is protective towards mental illness. 142 Chapter 3: Results Sex Differences All SNPs were investigated to assess whether association to RA or SZ was sex specific. The SNPs were first analysed to determine if there was a significant difference between male and female cases for each dataset. Datasets were analysed separately and the allelic and genotypic p-values for each SNP are displayed in Table 3.46. There were no significant differences between males and females in the WTCCC RA, GAIN SZ, non-GAIN SZ or GAIN bipolar datasets (see Table 3.46) for any of the AKT1 SNPs. In the NZRA dataset there was a significant difference between the sexes for AKT1_rs7146661 (p-allelic = 0.015, p-genotypic = 0.043) but not for the other three SNPs (AKT1_rs4983386, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs1130214). Table 3.46: Analysis of males versus females for the four AKT1 SNPs, AKT1_rs7146661, AKT1_rs4983386, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs1130214. This analysis was completed over five different datasets, NZRA, WTCCC RA, GAIN SZ, non-GAIN SZ and GAIN bipolar. Significant values are presented in bold text. RS7146661 RS4983386 RS2494731 RS1130214 NZRA WTCCC RA GAIN SZ Non- GAIN SZ GAIN Bipolar p-value p-value p-value p-value p-value p-value p-value p value p-value p-value allelic genotypic allelic genotypic allelic genotypic allelic genotypic allelic genotypic 0.896 0.849 0.773 0.941 0.139 0.247 0.453 0.717 0.015 0.043 0.216 0.459 0.423 0.563 0.228 0.067 0.601 0.850 0.620 0.858 0.786 0.905 0.183 0.423 0.801 0.900 0.666 0.810 0.214 0.467 0.354 0.599 0.283 0.299 0.182 0.362 0.704 0.914 0.318 0.454 The SNPs with a significant difference between the sexes in the cases were then case-control analysed for male and female subjects separately. For AKT1 the only SNP to be assessed at this level was AKT1_rs7146661 (see Table 3.47). This SNP was close to trending towards significance in the NZRA females only (p = 0.082) and the WTCCC RA males only (p = 0.080) subsets. The OR for females only in NZRA conveyed a protective effect for RA (OR = 0.747). The WTCCC males only subset conveyed a protective effect for RA (OR = 0.862). The GAIN and psychosis subsets were all non-significant. 143 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.47: AKT1_rs7146661 association results over NZRA, WTCCC RA, GAIN SZ and psychosis for female cases versus controls and males cases versus controls. The males and females cases and controls group is shown for comparison. The allelic p-value, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals are shown for each dataset. The significant values are shown in bold text. NZRA WTCCC GAIN SZ Psychosis Females only cases vs. controls OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 0.747 0.082 (0.383-1.029) 0.938 0.449 (0.796-1.106) 1.064 0.553 (0.867-1.306) 1.004 0.949 (0.883-1.142) Male only cases vs. controls OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 1.058 0.709 (0.714-1.310) 0.862 0.0798 (0.731-1.018) 1.143 0.122 (0.965-1.353) 1.060 0.307 (0.948-1.187) 144 Males and Females cases vs. controls OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 0.907 0.720 (0.753-1.092) 0.838 0.0003 (0.761-0.922) 1.118 0.088 (0.983-1.271) 1.035 0.419 (0.952-1.124) Chapter 3: Results 3.1.4. SNPS WITHIN NFAT Case-Control Association Analysis Case-control analysis was completed in order to replicate the association results found in the WTCCC. Association analysis for NFATC1_rs2002311 (p = 0.727) and NFATC2_rs8119787 (p =0.314) showed no evidence for association with RA in the NZ sample set (Table 3.48). NFATC2_rs8119787 had very consistent OR scores between all three datasets (NZRA = 0.922, WTCCC = 0.923, GAIN = 0.917). Stahl GWAS data were significant for NFATC1_rs2002311 (p = 0.047) but not for NFATC2_rs8119787 (p =0.508). Table 3.48: Case-control analysis for the SNPs NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787. Genotypes, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI) and the allelic p-value, for the SNP are from case-control analysis for the NZRA (New Zealand Rheumatoid Arthritis), WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. rs8119787 rs2002311 SNP Sample set Major/ Minor Samples Controls A/G NZRA Cases Controls A/G WTCCC Cases Controls T/C GAIN Cases Controls A/G Stahl Cases Controls A/G NZRA Cases Controls A/G WTCCC Cases Controls T/C GAIN Cases Controls A/G Stahl Cases 11 202 (0.403) 339 (0.410) 1373 (0.477) 830 (0.457) 654 (0.475) 544 (0.467) 9539 (0.473) 2578 (0.465) 133 (0.264) 241 (0.298) 739 (0.253) 480 (0.260) 338 (0.245) 314 (0.268) 5102 (0.254) 1426 (0.258) 12 234 (0.467) 364 (0.440) 1253 (0.435) 800 (0.440) 579 (0.420) 478 (0.411) 8681 (0.430) 2384 (0.430) 260 (0.516) 396 (0.489) 1411 (0.482) 937 (0.508) 679 (0.493) 575 (0.491) 10019 (0.498) 2742 (0.496) 22 65 (0.130) 124 (0.150) 253 (0.088) 188 (0.103) 144 (0.105) 142 (0.122) 1946 (0.096) 577 (0.104) 111 (0.220) 173 (0.214) 775 (0.265) 429 (0.232) 361 (0.262) 283 (0.241) 4993 (0.248) 1356 (0.245) MAF 0.363 0.37 0.305 0.323 0.315 0.327 0.312 0.319 0.478 0.458 0.506 0.486 0.508 0.487 0.497 0.494 Odds ratio (95% CI) 1.029 (0.8747-1.212) 1.087 (0.9940-1.161) 1.059 (0.941-1.192) 1.036 (0.990-1.080) 0.922 (0.788-1.080) 0.923 (0.850-1.003) 0.917 (0.822-1.024) 0.986 (0.945-1.028) p-value (allelic) 0.727 0.068 0.341 0.047 0.314 0.057 0.124 0.508 Meta-analysis STATA software was used to perform meta-analysis to combine the genotyping for all sample sets. These tests were undertaken to obtain the combined Mantel-Haenszel (M-H) odds ratios (ORs), to calculate the allelic and Breslow-Day (B-D, test for heterogeneity) p-values and to generate the odds-ratio meta-analysis plot. 145 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.49: Meta-analysis for the NFAT SNPs over NZRA, WTCCC. Information is given for combined datasets including and excluding GAIN data. Allele count, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI, M-H), allelic p-value and the B-D p-value are given for NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787. GAIN Samples included rs2002311 SNP NO Controls Cases YES Controls rs8119787 Cases NO Controls Cases YES Controls Cases Allele count 11 1575 (0.466) 1169 (0.442) 2229 (0.469) 1713 (0.450) 872 (0.254) 721 (0.271) 1210 (0.252) 1035 (0.270) 12 1487 (0.440) 1164 (0.440) 2066 (0.434) 1642 (0.431) 1671 (0.487) 1333 (0.502) 2350 (0.489) 1908 (0.502) 22 318 (0.094) 312 (0.118) 462 (0.097) 454 (0.119) 886 (0.258) 602 (0.227) 1247 (0.259) 885 (0.227) MAF Odds ratio (95% CI) 0.338 1.073 0.338 (0.992-1.161) 0.314 1.069 0.335 (1.01-1.141) 0.502 0.923 0.478 (0.858-0.993) 0.504 0.921 0.480 (0.867-0.979) P-value (allelic) P-value (B-D) 0.077 0.567 0.046 0.835 0.032 0.991 0.008 0.996 The Breslow-Day (B-D) test revealed that there was no evidence of genetic heterogeneity between the combined sample sets for either rs2002311 (without GAIN p = 0.567, with GAIN p = 0.835) or rs8119787 (without GAIN p = 0.991, with GAIN p = 0.996). The combined allelic p-values were significant for rs8119787 (p = 0.032) but not rs2002311 (p = 0.077) when GAIN was excluded and significant for both rs8119787 (p = 0.008) and rs2002311 (p = 0.046) when GAIN was included (see Table 3.49). The combined odds ratios without GAIN for rs2002311 (OR = 1.073[0.99-1.16]), conveyed a susceptibility effect for RA, whereas for rs8119787 (OR = 0.92[0.86-0.99]) it conveyed a protective effect. For rs2002311, combining the NZRA sample set with the WTCCC genotyping data slightly weakened the RA susceptibility effect seen for WTCCC RA (see Figure 3.42). In rs8119787, the combined dataset had a slightly weaker protective p-value (p = 0.032) than the WTCCC alone (see Figure 3.43). When GAIN was added to the combined sample set both SNPs, rs2002311 (OR = 1.069[1.01-1.14]) and rs8119787 (OR = 0.921[0.870.98]), conveyed the same effect, although this was slightly stronger (rs2002311 p = 0.046, rs8119787 p = 0.008) than in the combined datasets excluding GAIN (Figure 3.44 and Figure 3.45). 146 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.42: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for rs2002311 in NFATC1. The M-H odds ratio for NZRA, WTCCC and the combined sample set convey susceptibility. Figure 3.43: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for rs8119787 in NFATC2. The M-H odds ratio for NZRA, WTCCC and the combined sample set convey a protective effect. Figure 3.44: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for rs2002311 in NFATC1.The M-H odds ratio for NZRA, WTCCC and the combined sample set convey susceptibility. 147 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.45: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for rs8119787 in NFATC2. The M-H odds ratio for NZRA, WTCCC and the combined sample set convey a protective effect. Haplotype Analysis Only SNPs in Linkage disequilibrium (LD>0.50) had the haplotypes investigated. Therefore rs2002311 and rs8119787 were not analysed in this way. 148 Chapter 3: Results Effect in Psychosis There were no significant p-values in any of the mental illness datasets for either NFATC1_rs2002311 (GAIN SZ p = 0.341, non-GAIN p= 0.480, GAIN BD p= 0.828) or NFATC2_rs8119787 (GAIN SZ p = 0.124, non-GAIN p= 0.537, GAIN BD p= 0.993) (see Table 3.50). The combined psychosis dataset also had non-significant p-values for both SNPs (NFATC1_rs2002311 p= 0.640 and NFATC2_rs8119787 p = 0.281). The psychosis dataset for NFATC1_rs2002311 (see Figure 3.46) had a susceptible OR (OR = 1.059). This was aligned with a susceptibility OR for the combined RA group (OR = 1.073). The psychosis dataset for NFATC1_rs8119787 had a susceptible OR (OR = 1.055, see Figure 3.47), in contrast to a protective OR in the combined RA dataset (OR = 0.923). Table 3.50: Association analysis for NFAT SNPs, NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787, in three mental illness datasets, GAIN schizophrenia, non-GAIN schizophrenia and GAIN bipolar disorder. The allelic pvalue, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals are shown for each and for the combined psychosis dataset (sum of the three datasets above). Information for the combined RA dataset (NZRA and WTCCC) is shown for comparison. rs2002311 p-allelic GAIN SZ 0.341 non-GAIN SZ 0.480 GAIN BD 0.828 Psychosis 0.640 Combined RA 0.077 rs8119787 OR (95% CIs) 1.059 (0.941-1.192) 0.958 (0.849-1.080) 1.017 (0.875-1.182) 1.025 (0.924-1.138) 1.073 (0.992-1.161) 149 p-allelic 0.124 0.537 0.993 0.281 0.032 OR (95% CIs) 0.917 (0.822-1.024) 0.966 (0.864-1.079) 0.999 (0.869-1.149) 1.055 (0.957-1.162) 0.923 (0.858-0.993) Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.46: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for NFATC1_rs2002311. The GAIN SZ and GAIN BD sample sets show a susceptibility effect (OR > 1) towards SZ and BD respectively, the non-GAINSZ sample set conveys a protective effect (OR < 1) for SZ and the combined psychosis sample set is susceptible towards mental illness. Figure 3.47: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for NFATC2_rs8119787. The GAIN SZ and non-GAIN SZ sample sets show a protective effect (OR < 1) towards SZ, the GAIN BD sample set is neither protective nor susceptible (OR = 1) for BD and the combined psychosis sample set is susceptible (OR > 1) towards mental illness. Sex Differences The initial analysis of sex variation in NFAT indicated that there was a significant difference between males and females for NFATC1_rs2002311 in WTCCC RA (p-allelic = 0.017) and in GAIN SZ (p-allelic = 0.010). This SNP was not significant for any other datasets in this analysis. However, it was trending towards significance for GAIN bipolar (p-allelic = 0.062). NFATC2_rs8119787 had no significant differences between males and females for any of the datasets (see Table 3.51). 150 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.51: Analysis of males versus females for NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787. This analysis was completed over five different datasets, NZRA, WTCCC RA, GAIN SZ, non-GAIN SZ and GAIN bipolar. Significant values are presented in bold text. RS2002311 0.204 0.402 0.017 0.048 0.010 0.038 0.181 0.278 0.062 0.146 RS8119787 NZRA WTCCC RA GAIN SZ Non- GAIN SZ GAIN Bipolar p-value p-value p-value p-value p-value p-value p-value p value p-value p-value allelic genotypic allelic genotypic allelic genotypic allelic genotypic allelic genotypic 0.863 0.525 0.553 0.305 0.880 0.251 0.792 0.865 0.189 0.076 NFATC1_rs2002311 was investigated further with separate analyses for male cases and controls and female cases and controls. The NZRA females only (p = 0.339) and males only (p = 0.839) subsets were not significant for this SNP. The WTCCC RA dataset reached significance when the sexes were analysed separately (females p = 0.028, males p = 0.002). The OR for WTCCC females only is susceptible (OR = 1.195) and protective for WTCCC males only (0.779). The GAIN SZ dataset was non-significant over all subsets (females p = 0.186, males p = 0.095, both sexes p = 0.341). The psychosis dataset was significant for females only (p = 0.034) with a protective OR (OR = 0.876). Males only (p = 0.238) and both sexes together (p = 0.971) were non-significant for the psychosis data set. Table 3.52: NFATC1_rs2002311 association results over NZRA, WTCCC RA, GAIN SZ and Psychosis for female cases versus controls and males cases versus controls. The males and females cases and controls group is shown for reference. The allelic p-value, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals are shown for each dataset. The significant values are shown in bold text. NZRA WTCCC GAIN SZ Psychosis Females only cases vs. controls OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 1.097 0.339 (0.887-1.266) 1.195 0.028 (1.02-1.4) 0.876 0.186 (0.720-1.066) 0.876 0.034 (0.775-0.99) Male only cases vs. controls OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 1.028 0.839 (0.788-1.341) 0.779 (0.663-0.915) 0.002 1.143 0.095 (0.977-1.336) 1.065 0.238 (0.959-1.183) 151 Males and Females cases vs. controls OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 1.029 0.727 (0.875-1.212) 1.087 0.068 (0.994-1.161) 1.059 0.341 (0.941-1.192) 0.999 0.971 (0.924-1.080) Chapter 3: Results 3.1.5. SNPS WITHIN DISC1 Case-Control Association Analysis Case-control analysis was completed in order to replicate the association results found in the WTCCC. Association analysis for DISC1_rs9431714 (p = 0.702), DISC1_rs872625 (p =0.181), DISC1_rs4658966 (p =0.714), DISC1_rs821577 (p =0.244) and DISC1_rs872624 (p =0.676) showed no evidence for association with RA in the NZ sample set (Table 3.53). Analysis over the Oxford sample set also found no association of the SNPs DISC1_rs9431714 (p = 0.252) and DISC1_rs872625 (p = 0.427) with RA (Table 3.53). No association was found with RA in the UK sample set for DISC1_rs9431714 (p = 0.08, OR = 0.777[0.93-1.32]) and DISC1_rs872625 (p = 0.252, OR = 1.107[0.93-1.32],Table 3.53). The Stahl RA GWAS results are shown for comparison. None of the 5 DISC1 SNPs analysed in this thesis reached significance in this GWAS. 152 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.53: Case-control analysis for the DISC1 SNPs, DISC1_rs9431714, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577 and DISC1_rs872624. Genotypes, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI) and the allelic p-value, for the SNP are from case-control analysis for the NZRA, OXRA (where applicable), UKRA (where applicable), WTCCC and GAIN sample sets. Values from the Stahl RA GWAS are included for comparison. Sample set NZRA rs9431714 OXRA UKRA WTCCC GAIN Stahl NZRA rs872625 OXRA UKRA WTCCC GAIN Stahl rs4658966 NZRA WTCCC GAIN Stahl rs821577 NZRA WTCCC GAIN Stahl rs872624 NZRA WTCCC GAIN Stahl Major/ Minor Samples Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls A/G Cases Controls A/G Cases Controls A/G Cases Controls A/G Cases Controls A/G Cases Controls A/G Cases Controls T/C Cases Controls T/C Cases Controls T/C Cases Controls T/C Cases Controls T/G Cases Controls T/G Cases Controls T/G Cases Controls T/G Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases Controls G/A Cases 11 185 (0.385) 316 (0.397) 186 (0.408) 256 (0.369) 52 (0.364) 120 (0.401) 967 (0.363) 662 (0.386) 539 (0.392) 466 (0.399) 7787 (0.386) 2201 (0.398) 256 (0.577) 497 (0.619) 326 (0.649) 426 (0.616) 89 (0.553) 170 (0.543) 175 (0.129) 1169 (0.630) 825 (0.599) 712 (0.608) 12184 (0.604) 3398 (0.614) 334 (0.711) 573 (0.720) 1708 (0.760) 1187 (0.815) 981 (0.714) 829 (0.712) 14128(0.701) 3935(0.711) 160 (0.318) 301 (0.371) 680 (0.336) 480 (0.368) 420 (0.311) 366 (0.316) 6312 (0.313) 1826 (0.330) 365 (0.726) 618 (0.735) 1568 (0.775) 1061 (0.813) 986 (0.729) 838 (0.723) 14612 (0.725) 4047 (0.731) 12 232 (0.483) 353 (0.444) 212 (0.465) 344 (0.496) 58 (0.406) 135 (0.452) 1275 (0.478) 820 (0.478) 619 (0.451) 553 (0.473) 9523 (0.472) 2575 (0.465) 168 (0.378) 273 (0.340) 150 (0.299) 235 (0.340) 64 (0.398) 121 (0.387) 1045 (0.771) 613 (0.330) 484 (0.351) 396 (0.338) 6999 (0.347) 1893 (0.342) 124 (0.264) 204 (0.256) 495 (0.220) 247 (0.170) 365 (0.266) 301 (0.258) 5506(0.273) 1480(0.267) 264 (0.525) 378 (0.466) 996 (0.493) 627 (0.480) 664 (0.491) 560 (0.483) 10005 (0.496) 2692 (0.486) 129 (0.256) 210 (0.250) 424 (0.210) 228 (0.175) 338 (0.250) 288 (0.248) 5139 (0.255) 1391 (0.251) 153 22 63 (0.131) 126 (0.158) 58 (0.127) 94 (0.135) 33 (0.231) 44 (0.147) 423 (0.159) 233 (0.136) 216 (0.157) 150 (0.128) 2851 (0.141) 760 (0.137) 20 (0.045) 33 (0.041) 26 (0.052) 31 (0.045) 8 (0.050) 22 (0.070) 135 (0.100) 75 (0.040) 69 (0.050) 63 (0.054) 978 (0.049) 246 (0.044) 12 (0.026) 19 (0.024) 45 (0.020) 23 (0.016) 28 (0.020) 35 (0.030) 531(0.026) 124(0.022) 79 (0.157) 133 (0.164) 346 (0.171) 198 (0.152) 268 (0.198) 233 (0.201) 3840 (0.190) 1019 (0.184) 9 (0.018) 13 (0.015) 30 (0.015) 16 (0.012) 28 (0.021) 33 (0.028) 415 (0.021) 100 (0.018) MAF 0.373 0.381 0.36 0.383 0.434 0.373 0.398 0.375 0.382 0.365 0.378 0.370 0.234 0.211 0.201 0.215 0.248 0.264 0.224 0.205 0.226 0.223 0.222 0.215 0.157 0.152 0.130 0.101 0.153 0.159 0.163 0.156 0.419 0.397 0.417 0.392 0.444 0.443 0.439 0.427 0.146 0.140 0.120 0.100 0.146 0.153 0.148 0.144 Odds ratio p-value (95% CI) (allelic) 1.033 (0.875-1.219) 0.702 1.107 (0.931-1.316) 0.252 0.7769 (0.583-1.035) 0.084 0.9075 (0.831-0.991) 0.031 0.9275 (0.828-1.040) 0.1957 0.968 (0.926-1.010) 0.110 0.875 (0.719-1.064) 0.181 1.085 (0.886-1.326) 0.427 1.083 (0.795-1.475) 0.614 0.896 (0.810-0.991) 0.032 0.984 (0.862-1.123) 0.811 0.961 (0.914-1.010) 0.041 0.959 (0.768-1.198) 0.714 0.747 0.0001 2 (0.644-0.867) 1.047 (0.805-0.973) 0.555 0.950 (0.897-1.006) 0.331 0.909 (0.775-1.067) 0.244 0.9 (0.814-0.995) 0.023 0.995 (0.890-1.11) 0.874 0.954 (0.914-0.995) 0.194 0.941 (0.754-1.175) 0.676 0.814 (0.694-0.954) 0.011 1.057 (0.904-1.235) 0.487 0.966 (0.910-1.025) 0.200 Chapter 3: Results Meta-analysis STATA software was used to perform meta-analysis to combine the genotyping for all sample sets on the five DISC1 SNPs. These tests were undertaken to obtain the combined MantelHaenszel (M-H) odds ratios (ORs), to calculate the allelic and Breslow-Day (B-D, test for heterogeneity) p-values and to generate the odds-ratio meta-analysis plot. Table 3.54: Meta-analysis for the DISC1 SNPs over the sample sets genotyped in this study and WTCCC. Information is giving for combined datasets including and excluding GAIN data. Allele count, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI, M-H), allelic p-value and the B-D p-value are given for DISC1_rs9431714, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577 and DISC1_rs872624. rs872624 rs821577 rs4658966 rs872625 rs9431714 SNP GAIN Samples included NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES Allele count 11 12 22 MAF Odds ratio P-value P-value (95% CI) (allelic) (B-D) Controls 1390 (0.371) 1777 (0.475) 577 (0.154) 0.391 0.949 Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls 0.378 0.389 0.374 0.223 0.213 0.224 0.216 0.135 0.119 0.141 (0.886-1.017) 0.943 (0.889-1.001) 0.931 (0.860-1.007) 0.945 (0.883-1.011) 0.806 (0.713-0.911) 0.893 1354 (0.387) 1929 (0.377) 1820 (0.390) 846 (0.344) 2262 (0.617) 1671 (0.435) 2974 (0.615) 2042 (0.751) 1760 (0.781) 3023 (0.739) 1652 (0.472) 2396 (0.468) 2205 (0.472) 1427 (0.580) 1242 (0.339) 1911 (0.498) 1638 (0.339) 619 (0.228) 451 (0.200) 984 (0.240) 497 (0.142) 793 (0.155) 647 (0.138) 189 (0.077) 161 (0.044) 258 (0.067) 224 (0.046) 57 (0.021) 42 (0.019) 85 (0.021) Cases 2589 (0.757) Controls 840 (0.333) Cases 781 (0.369) Controls 1260 (0.325) 752 (0.220) 1260 (0.499) 1005 (0.475) 1924 (0.496) 77 (0.023) 425 (0.168) 331 (0.156) 693 (0.179) Cases Controls Cases Controls 1147 (0.350) 1933 (0.766) 1679 (0.782) 2919 (0.753) 1565 (0.478) 553 (0.219) 438 (0.204) 891 (0.230) 564 (0.172) 39 (0.015) 29 (0.014) 67 (0.017) Cases 2517 (0.762) 726 (0.220) 62 (0.019) 0.138 0.076 0.053 0.136 0.075 0.252 0.099 0.332 0.001 0.068 0.020 0.133 (0.812-0.983) 0.394 0.902 0.018 0.394 (0.829-0.983) 0.427 0.935 0.053 0.411 (0.874-1.001) 0.006 0.125 0.854 0.017 0.116 (0.751-0.972) 0.132 0.931 0.160 0.129 (0.843-1.029) 0.911 0.390 0.298 0.071 The Breslow-Day (B-D) test revealed that there was no evidence of genetic heterogeneity between the combined sample sets for three of the SNPs: DISC1_rs9431714 (without GAIN p = 0.076, with GAIN p = 0.136), DISC1_rs872625 (without GAIN p = 0.252, with GAIN p = 0.332) and DISC1_rs821577 (without GAIN p = 0.911, with GAIN p = 0.390). However, there were low levels of genetic heterogeneity in the SNPs DISC1_rs4658966 (without GAIN 154 Chapter 3: Results p = 0.068, with GAIN p = 0.006) and DISC1_rs872624 (without GAIN p = 0.017, with GAIN p = 0.071). These SNPs were analysed again under the random effect model of meta-analysis and these results are reported in this section. The combined allelic p-values were significant for the three SNPs, DISC1_rs4658966 (p = 0.001), DISC1_rs321577 (p = 0.018) and DISC1_rs872624 (p = 0.017), when GAIN was excluded and significant for one SNP, DISC1_rs4658966 (p = 0.020) when GAIN was included (see Table 3.54). Two SNPs, DISC1_rs9431714 and DISC1_rs872625 were trending (p<0.07) towards significance, DISC1_rs9431714 with GAIN included (p = 0.053, OR = 0.943[0.89-1.00]) was trending towards significance and DISC1_rs872625 with GAIN excluded (p = 0.075, OR = 0.931[0.86-1.01]) was close to trending. For DISC1_rs9431714, combining the UKRA sample set with the WTCCC genotyping data strengthened the protective effect for RA (see Figure 3.48). For DISC1_rs872625 combining the NZRA sample set with the genotyping data from WTCCC strengthened the protective effect for RA (see Figure 3.49). This effect was not seen in any of the other SNPs (for rs4659866 see Figure 3.50, for DISC1_rs821577 see Figure 3.51 and for DISC1_rs872624 see Figure 3.52). For the two SNPs (DISC1_rs4658966 and DISC1_rs872624) where the genotyping data from GAIN and WTCCC convey opposite effects (protection or susceptibility) toward RA, the combined sample sets including GAIN decreased the protective effect of the combined sample set excluding GAIN (DISC1_rs4658966 see Figure 3.55, DISC1_rs872624 see Figure 3.57) Figure 3.48: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs9431714 in DISC1. The WTCCC, UKRA and combined sample set show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1) while the NZRA and OXRA sample sets are susceptible. 155 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.49: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872625 in DISC1. The WTCCC, NZRA and combined sample set show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1) while the OXRA and UKRA sample sets are susceptible. Figure 3.50: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs4658966 in DISC1. The WTCCC, NZRA and combined sample set show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1). Figure 3.51: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821577 in DISC1. The WTCCC, NZRA and combined sample sets show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1). 156 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.52: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872624 in DISC1. The NZRA, WTCCC and combined sample sets show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1). Figure 3.53: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs9431714 in DISC1. The UKRA and WTCCC datasets show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1) while the NZRA and OXRA sample sets are susceptible for RA. GAIN is protective for SZ. Figure 3.54: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872625 in DISC1. The NZRA and WTCCC datasets show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1) while the OXRA and UKRA sample sets are susceptible for RA. GAIN is protective for SZ. 157 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.55: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs4658966 in DISC1. The NZRA and WTCCC datasets show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1). GAIN conveys an effect of susceptibility for SZ. Figure 3.56: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821577 in DISC1. The NZRA and WTCCC datasets show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1). GAIN conveys an effect of susceptibility for SZ. Figure 3.57: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872624 in DISC1. The NZRA and WTCCC datasets show an effect protective for RA (OR < 1). GAIN conveys an effect of susceptibility for SZ. 158 Chapter 3: Results Haplotype Analysis Haplotype analysis was performed on the WTCCC (see Table 3.55) and GAIN (see Table 3.56) genotyping data through BC|SNPmax. The haplotypes for NZRA were investigated using SHEsis (Table 3.57). Only SNPs in Linkage disequilibrium (LD>0.50) were investigated in the haplotype analysis (DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, and DISC1_rs872624). There were six significant haplotypes in WTCCC (see Table 3.55), two of these included all three SNPs (111 p = 0.0004, 222 p = 0.0022). There were no significant haplotypes in GAIN (see Table 3.56). In the NZRA sample set, there were three significant haplotypes (see Table 3.57). Two of these included all three SNPs (111 p = 0.013, 211 p = 0.002) and one included DISC1_rs872625 and DISC1_rs4658966 (21 p = 0.005). Table 3.55: The Haplotype analysis for three DISC1 SNPs, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, and DISC1_rs872624 are shown for the WTCCC RA sample set. Haplotypes are listed in the order of decreasing control frequency and only the haplotypes with haplotype frequency greater than 3% are shown. Significant values are shown in bold. Some three SNP haplotypes have a higher haplotype frequency than the related two SNP haplotypes. This may be due to a large number of samples being excluded from the three SNP haplotype analyses and not the two SNP analyses due to missing genotypes. Haplotypes rs872625 (A/G) Polymorphism rs4658966 (T/C) Haplotype Frequency rs872624 (G/A) Cases Control P-value 11 A G 0.831 0.805 0.0076 111* A T G 0.829 0.794 0.0004 11 A T 0.818 0.787 0.0015 22 G A 0.100 0.120 0.0106 222* G C A 0.089 0.113 0.0022 22 G C 0.088 0.112 0.0019 *Some three SNP haplotypes have a higher haplotype frequency than the related two SNP haplotypes. This may be due to a large number of samples being excluded from the three SNP haplotype analyses and not the two SNP analyses due to missing genotypes. 159 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.56: The Haplotype analysis for three DISC1 SNPs, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, and DISC1_rs872624, are shown for the GAIN SZ sample set. Haplotypes are listed in the order of decreasing control frequency and only the haplotypes with haplotype frequency greater than 3% are shown. Significant values are shown in bold. rs872625 Polymorphism rs4658966 rs872624 (T/C) (A/G) (C/T) 11 11 T A - 111* T 11 22 Haplotypes Haplotype Frequency P-value Cases Control C C 0.842 0.778 0.847 0.776 0.497 0.869 A C T C A - T 0.775 0.766 0.150 0.771 0.762 0.145 0.687 0.745 0.497 222 C G T 22 22 C - G G T 0.143 0.148 0.143 0.139 0.142 0.139 0.600 0.503 0.590 211 C A C 0.070 0.078 0.175 21 C A 0.075 0.085 0.209 21 C C 0.073 0.079 0.240 *Some three SNP haplotypes have a higher haplotype frequency than the related two SNP haplotypes. This may be due to a large number of samples being excluded from the three SNP haplotype analyses and not the two SNP analyses due to missing genotypes. Table 3.57: The Haplotype analysis for three DISC1 SNPs, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, and DISC1_rs872624 are shown for the NZRA sample set. Haplotypes are listed in the order of decreasing control frequency and only the haplotypes with haplotype frequency greater than 3% are shown. Significant values are shown in bold. Haplotypes 11 Polymorphism rs872625 rs4658966 rs872624 (A/G) (T/C) (G/A) T G Haplotype Frequency Cases Control P-value Odds ratio (95% CI) 0.834 0.831 0.906 1.01 (0.82-1.26) G G 0.784 0.777 0.757 0.735 0.138 0.013 1.16 (0.95 – 1.41) 1.30 (1.06-1.61) T - 0.787 0.737 0.050 1.22 (1.00-1.50) C A A 0.133 0.121 0.139 0.129 0.694 0.637 0.95 (0.75 – 1.21) 0.94 (0.73-1.21) G C - 0.131 0.132 0.960 1.01 (0.78-1.29) 22 211 G C T A G 0.125 0.060 0.133 0.095 0.548 0.002 0.93 (0.73 – 1.18) 0.60 (0.44-0.83) 21 G T - 0.068 0.102 0.005 0.65 (0.49-0.88) 21 G - G 0.077 0.095 0.144 0.81 (0.60 – 1.08) 11 111 A A T 11 A 22 222 G G 22 160 Chapter 3: Results Effect in Psychosis There were no significant p-values (see Table 3.58) in any of the mental illness datasets for any of the DISC1 SNPs. The combined psychosis dataset also had non-significant p-values for all SNPs. For the SNPs DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966 and DISC1_rs872624, the OR psychosis dataset conveyed an opposite effect to the OR of the combined RA dataset (see Table 3.58). For the remaining two SNPs, DISC1_rs9431714 and DISC1_rs821577, the ORs for both the psychosis and combined RA datasets convey a similar effect (protection). Figures 3.61 to 3.65 show a graphical representation of the alignment of the mental illness datasets. 161 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.58: Analysis for DISC1 SNPs, DISC1_rs9431714, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577 and DISC1_rs872624, in three mental illness datasets, GAIN schizophrenia, non-GAIN schizophrenia and GAIN bipolar disorder. The allelic p-value, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals are shown for each and for the combined psychosis dataset. Information for NZRA and WTCCC are shown for comparison. GAIN SZ non-GAIN SZ GAIN BD Psychosis Combined RA rs9431714 OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 0.928 0.196 (0.828-1.040) 1.005 0.937 (0.896-1.127) 0.993 0.922 (0.860-1.146) 0.953 0.347 (0.862-1.054) 0.138 0.949 (0.886-1.017) rs872625 p-allelic 0.811 0.110 0.642 0.756 0.075 OR (95% CIs) 0.984 (0.862-1.123) 1.113 (0.976-1.270) 1.040 (0.883-1.225) 1.019 (0.907-1.144) 0.931 (0.860-1.007) rs4658966 OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 1.047 0.555 (0.805-0.973) 1.144 0.083 (0.983-1.333) 1.158 0.125 (0.960-1.396) 1.083 0.240 (0.948-1.238) 0.001 162 0.806 (0.7613-0.911) rs821577 p-allelic 0.874 0.493 0.775 0.670 0.018 OR (95% CIs) 0.995 (0.890-1.113) 1.040 (0.930-1.163) 0.980 (0.852-1.127) 0.979 (0.888-1.079) 0.902 (0.829-0.983) rs872624 p-allelic 0.487 0.201 0.376 0.310 0.017 OR (95% CIs) 1.057 (0.904-1.235) 1.107 (0.947-1.293) 1.091 (0.900-1.322) 1.074 (0.936-1.232) 0.854 (0.751-0.972) Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.58: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs9431714 in DISC1. The GAIN SZ and GAIN BD sample sets show a protective effect (OR < 1) towards SZ and BD respectively, the non-GAIN SZ sample set is neither protective nor susceptible (OR = 1) for BD and the combined psychosis sample set is protective (OR < 1) towards mental illness. Figure 3.59: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872625 in DISC1. The non-GAIN SZ and GAIN BD sample sets show a susceptibility effect (OR > 1) towards SZ and BD respectively, the GAIN SZ sample set is protective (OR < 1) for SZ and the combined psychosis sample set is susceptible (OR > 1) towards mental illness. Figure 3.60: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs4658966 in DISC1. The GAIN SZ and non-GAIN SZ sample sets show a susceptibility effect (OR > 1) towards SZ, the GAIN BD sample set is protective (OR < 1) for BD and the combined psychosis sample set is susceptible (OR > 1) towards mental illness. 163 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.61: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821577 in DISC1. The GAIN SZ sample set is neither protective nor susceptible (OR = 1) for SZ, non-GAIN SZ sample set is susceptible (OR > 1) for SZ, GAIN BD is protective (OR < 1) for BD and the combined psychosis sample set is protective (OR < 1) towards mental illness. Figure 3.62: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs872624 in DISC1. The GAIN SZ, non-GAIN SZ and GAIN BD sample sets show a susceptibility effect (OR > 1) towards SZ and BD. The combined psychosis sample set is susceptible (OR > 1) towards mental illness. Sex Differences The initial analysis of sex variation in DISC1 indicated that there was a significant difference between males and females for DISC1_rs9431714 in NZRA (p-genotypic = 0.009) and in GAIN SZ (p-allelic = 0.023). This SNP was not significant for any other datasets. However, it was close to trending towards significance for WTCCC RA (p-allelic = 0.076). DISC1_rs4658966 was significant for WTCCC RA (p-genotypic = 0.015) but not significant for any other datasets. None of the other DISC1 SNPs were significant for sex variation over these datasets (see Table 3.59). However, as the published literature suggests that there may 164 Chapter 3: Results be a sex specific effect for DISC1 in SZ (see introduction section 1.4.3), all SNPs genotyped in this gene were investigated further for sex differences (Table 3.60). Table 3.59: Analysis of males versus females for the SNPs DISC1_rs9431714, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577 and DISC1_rs872624. This analysis was completed over five different datasets, NZRA, WTCCC RA, GAIN SZ, non-GAIN SZ and GAIN bipolar. Significant values are presented in bold text. RS9431714 RS872625 RS4658966 RS821577 RS872624 NZRA WTCCC RA GAIN SZ Non- GAIN SZ GAIN Bipolar p-value p-value p-value p-value p-value p-value p-value p value p-value p-value allelic genotypic allelic genotypic allelic genotypic allelic genotypic allelic genotypic 0.307 0.076 0.065 0.050 0.822 0.607 0.435 0.733 0.009 0.023 0.815 0.472 0.645 0.484 0.987 0.998 0.897 0.810 0.807 0.957 0.805 0.531 0.065 0.940 0.977 0.455 0.274 0.137 0.229 0.015 0.692 0.926 0.443 0.697 0.520 0.059 0.197 0.308 0.661 0.712 0.676 0.499 0.688 0.113 0.727 0.860 0.621 0.451 0.449 0.645 DISC1_rs9431714 shows sex bias towards females in the WTCCC RA (p = 0.0041) and GAIN SZ (p = 0.0055) datasets conveying a susceptibility effect in RA (OR = 1.255) and a protective effect in SZ (OR = 0.881). None of the datasets were significant in males only for this SNP. DISC1_rs872624 reached significance for females only in the psychosis dataset (p = 0.041), with a susceptibility OR towards mental illness (see Table 3.60). No other datasets produced significant p-values for this SNP, although the WTCCC RA sample set was trending towards significant for females only (p = 0.056). An OR protective for RA (OR = 0.82) was produced in the WTCCC for DISC1_rs872624. There were no significant results for the separate sex analysis of DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966 and DISC1_rs821577. For all SNPs the female only subset produced ORs in opposite directions for the WTCCC RA and GAIN SZ/psychosis datasets. DISC1_rs9431714 has a susceptibility OR in WTCCC RA and a protective OR in GAIN SZ/psychosis, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577 and DISC1_rs872624 all have susceptibility ORs for GAIN SZ/psychosis and protective ORs for WTCCC RA. 165 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.60: Sex specific association results over NZRA, WTCCC RA, and GAIN SZ for DISC1_rs9431714, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577 and DISC1_rs872624. The psychosis dataset is a combination of cases and controls form GAIN SZ, non-GAIN SZ and GAIN bipolar. The allelic p-value, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals are shown for each dataset. The significant values are shown in bold text. Rs9431714 NZRA WTCCC GAIN SZ Psychosis Rs872625 NZRA WTCCC GAIN SZ Psychosis Rs4658966 NZRA WTCCC GAIN SZ Psychosis Rs821577 NZRA WTCCC GAIN SZ Psychosis Rs872624 NZRA WTCCC GAIN SZ Psychosis Females only cases vs. controls OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 1.109 0.335 (0.899-1.368) 1.255 0.0041 (1.074-1.465) 0.881 0.0055 (0.72-1.078) 0.894 0.058 (0.796-1.004) 0.806 0.170 (0.453-1.073) 0.853 0.076 (0.716-1.017) 1.107 0.871 (0.876-1.398) 1.069 0.326 (0.936-1.221) 0.961 0.789 (0.622-1.216) 0.939 0.619 (0.733-1.203) 1.081 0.540 (0.843-1.385) 1.160 0.056 (0.996-1.352) 0.913 0.430 (0.662-1.116) 0.997 0.968 (0.861-1.154) 1.109 0.263 (0.925-1.329) 1.008 0.883 (0.901-1.129) 0.977 0.875 (0.636-1.232) 0.820 0.056 (0.668-1.005) 1.180 0.200 (0.916-1.52) 1.178 0.041 (1.006-1.378) Male only cases vs. controls OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 0.830 0.151 (0.627-1.075) 1.065 0.4302 (0.911-1.245) 1.106 0.732 (0.904-1.353) 1.027 0.609 (0.928-1.136) 0.851 0.397 (0.414-1.167) 1.016 0.860 (0.849-1.217) 0.990 0.545 (0.787-1.245) 1.040 0.511 (0.925-1.169) 0.525 0.225 (0.216-1.128) 1.278 0.054 (0.995-1.641) 1.011 0.912 (0.827-1.237) 1.072 0.314 (0.937-1.227) 0.942 0.678 (0.621-1.189) 0.916 0.247 (0.789-1.063) 0.891 0.126 (0.769-1.033) 0.977 0.641 (0.885-1.078) 0.999 0.994 (0.561-1.303) 0.982 0.862 (0.795-1.211) 0.958 0.681 (0.781-1.175) 1.015 0.834 (0.885-1.164) 166 Males and Females cases vs. controls OR p-allelic (95% CIs) 1.033 0.702 (0.875-1.219) 0.908 0.031 (0.831-0.991) 0.984 0.196 (0.853-1.135) 0.970 0.421 (0.900-1.045) 0.875 0.181 (0.719-1.064) 0.896 0.032 (0.810-0.991) 1.042 0.811 (0.885-1.228) 1.053 0.238 (0.966-1.148) 0.959 0.714 (0.768-1.198) 0.747 0.0001 (0.644-0.867) 1.047 0.555 (0.805-0.973) 1.108 0.045 (1.003-1.224) 0.909 0.244 (0.775-1.067) 0.900 0.023 (0.814-0.995) 0.995 0.874 (0.890-1.11) 1.000 0.999 (0.930-1.076) 0.941 0.676 (0.754-1.175) 0.814 0.011 (0.694-0.954) 1.057 0.487 (0.904-1.235) 1.086 0.114 (0.981-1.203) Chapter 3: Results 3.2. METAͲANALYSISOFSNPSFROMSZCANDIDATEGENES INTHELITERATURE A meta-analysis of SNPs published in the schizophrenia literature was completed for AKT1 and DISC1 but not for NFATC1 or NFATC2. A literature search as outlined in section 2.5.2 produced no results for NFAT. Search terms for this gene were reduced to just the gene name but no case-control association literature in mental illness was available. 3.2.1. AKT1 SNP selection A meta-analysis of AKT1 SNPs in the schizophrenia (and other neurological disorders) literature was completed (see section 2.5.2). As BC|SNPmax used the latest NCBI build (July 2008) to obtain information on SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN, only the SNPs that were typed in this build were analysed. This meant that many of the most common SNPs in the literature (rs2494732, rs2498799, rs3730358 and rs3803300) were not studied further (see Table 3.61). Only SNPs appearing in two or more publications were included for metaanalysis. The papers listed in Table 3.25 below were those included in the meta-analysis using STATA. Of the two SNPs within the AKT1 gene that were studied in this project (AKT1_rs1130214 and AKT1_rs2494731) only AKT1_rs1130214 had appropriate data from meta-analysis published in the literature. The information for the SNPs was combined with data from the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets obtained through BC|SNPmax. Table 3.61: Table of SNPs occurring more than once in the literature, the number of studies with data for that SNP and whether the SNP was included in the NCBI July 2008 build. SNPs in bold were analysed by meta-analysis. SNP rs1130214 rs2494732 rs3803300 rs3730358 rs2498799 rs2498804 rs3803304 Number of studies 10 8 8 7 6 5 2 167 In NCBI build July 2008 Yes No No No No Yes Yes Chapter 3: Results Table 3.62: Literature information (paper title, main author, year and journal published in) for AKT1 SNPs investigated in a range of neurological disorders. Also included is the population studied. Author Journal Date Disease Population SNPs GENETIC STUDY OF EIGHT AKT1 GENE POLYMORPHISMS AND THEIR INTERACTION WITH DRD2 GENE POLYMORPHISMS IN TARDIVE DYSKINESIA Zai Schizophr 2008 Tardive American AKT1_rs3803304, AKT1_rs2498804, Res. Dyskinesia rs249473, AKT1_rs1130214 ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS OF AKT1 AND SCHIZOPHRENIA IN A UK CASE CONTROL SAMPLE Norton Schizophr 2007 Schizo UK/Ireland rs3803300, AKT1_rs1130214, rs3730358, Res. rs2498799, rs2494732, rs2498784, rs10149779, AKT1_rs2498804, rs2494738, AKT1_rs3803304 NO ASSOCIATION BETWEEN AKT1 POLYMORPHISM AND SCHIZOPHRENIA: A CASE– CONTROL STUDY IN A KOREAN POPULATION AND A META-ANALYSIS Lee Neuroscience 2009 Schizo Korean Rs3803300, AKT1_rs1130214, rs3730358, Research rs1130233, rs2494732, AKT1_rs2498804 ASSOCIATION OF AKT1 WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA CONFIRMED IN A JAPANESE POPULATION Ikeda I Biol 2004 Schizo Japanese rs3803300, AKT1_rs1130214, Psychiatry rs3730358,rs2498799, rs2494732 AKT1 GENE POLYMORPHISMS AND OBSTETRIC COMPLICATIONS IN THE PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA Joo Psychiatry 2009 Schizo Korean Rs3803300, AKT1_rs1130214, rs3730358, Invest rs1130233, rs2494732, AKT1_rs2498804 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN AKT1 GENE AND PARKINSON'S DISEASE: A PROTECTIVE HAPLOTYPE Xiromeri Neuroscience 2008 Parkinson's Greek rs2494743, rs2498788,rs2494746, siou letters AKT1_rs1130214 ASSOCIATION OF AKT1 GENE POLYMORPHISMS WITH RISK OF SCHIZOPHRENIA AND WITH RESPONSE TO ANTIPSYCHOTICS IN THE CHINESE POPULATION. Xu J Clin 2007 Schizo Han Chinese rs3803300, AKT1_rs1130214, Psychiatry. rs3730358,rs2498799, rs2494732 ASSOCIATION OF AKT1 HAPLOTYPE WITH THE RISK OF SCHIZOPHRENIA IN IRANIAN POPULATION. Bajestan Am J Med 2006 Schizo Iranian rs3803300, AKT1_rs1130214, Genet B rs3730358,rs2498799, rs2494732 NeuroGenet. POSITIVE ASSOCIATION OF AKT1 HAPLOTYPE TO JAPANESE METHAMPHETAMINE USE DISORDER. Ikeda II Int J Neuro2006 Meth use Japanese rs3803300, AKT1_rs1130214, psychopharma disorder rs3730358,rs2498799, rs2494732, FAILURE TO CONFIRM ASSOCIATION BETWEEN AKT1 HAPLOTYPE AND SCHIZOPHRENIA IN A JAPANESE CASE-CONTROL POPULATION. Ohtsuki Mol 2004 Schizo Japanese rs3803300, AKT1_rs1130214, Psychiatry. rs3730358,rs2498799, rs2494732 168 Chapter 3: Results AKT1 Meta-analysis – part 1 Meta-analysis was completed on three SNPs (AKT1_rs1130214, AKT1_rs2498804, and AKT1_rs3803304) utilizing data from the schizophrenia (and related disorders) literature (see Table 3.63). The information obtained was used to find the combined Mantel-Haenszel (M-H) test, odds ratios (ORs), allelic and Breslow-Day (B-D, test for heterogeneity) p-values and to generate the odds-ratio meta-analysis plot. The analysis was performed twice for each SNP, once with GAIN excluded and once with GAIN included. If the SNP is having an opposite effect in each disease (i.e. protective in RA and susceptible in SZ or vice versa), as hypothesised, the addition of the WTCCC RA dataset should cause the combined p-value to become non significant. If the disease pathway is common to both RA and SZ the p-value should remain significant or increase in significance. Table 3.63: Genotyping information for AKT1 SNPs of interest extracted from the literature. SNP Study (Lee et al., 2009) (Joo et al., 2009) (Zai et al., 2008) (Xiromerisiou et al., 2008) (Norton et al., 2007) (Xu et al., 2007) (Bajestan et al., 2006) (Ikeda et al., 2005) (Ikeda et al., 2004) (Ohtsuki et al., 2004) GAIN SZ WTCCC RA (Joo et al., 2009) rs2498804 (Lee et al., 2009) (Norton et al., 2007) (Ikeda et al., 2005) GAIN SZ WTCCC RA (Zai et al., 2008) rs3803304 (Norton et al., 2007) GAIN SZ WTCCC RA rs1130214 No. of Cases No. of Controls 283 23 73 306 586 286 321 182 507 544 1152 2851 23 283 660 182 1172 1861 75 653 1172 1861 350 157 114 214 660 375 383 437 437 566 1310 3579 157 350 709 437 1378 2938 113 707 1378 2938 Minor Allele Cases Controls 95 (0.168) 100 (0.143) 6 (0.130) 48 (0.153) 42 (0.288) 51 (0.224) 144 (0.235) 111 (0.259) 361 (0.308) 415 (0.314) 79 (0.138) 83 (0.111) 126 (0.196) 162 (0.211) 57 (0.157) 136 (0.156) 146 (0.144) 136 (0.156) 157 (0.144) 179 (0.158) 677 (0.294) 769 (0.294) 1682 (0.295) 2055 (0.287) 24 (0.522) 123 (0.392) 238 (0.420) 283 (0.404) 409 (0.310) 458 (0.323) 146 (0.401) 384 (0.439) 757 (0.323) 910 (0.330) 1258 (0.338) 1857 (0.316) 39 (0.260) 57 (0.252) 327 (0.250) 368 (0.260) 579 (0.247) 711 (0.258) 986 (0.265) 1474 (0.251) 169 Major Allele Cases Controls 471 (0.832) 600 (0.857) 40 (0.870) 266 (0.847) 104 (0.712) 177 (0.776) 468 (0.765) 317 (0.741) 811 (0.692) 905 (0.686) 493 (0.862) 667 (0.889) 516 (0.804) 604 (0.789) 307 (0.843) 738 (0.844) 868 (0.856) 738 (0.844) 931 (0.856) 953 (0.842) 1627 (0.706) 1851 (0.706) 4020 (0.705) 5103 (0.713) 22 (0.478) 191 (0.608) 328 (0.580) 417 (0.596) 911 (0.690) 960 (0.677) 218 (0.599) 490 (0.561) 1587 (0.677) 1846 (0.670) 2464 (0.662) 4019 (0.684) 111 (0.740) 169 (0.748) 979 (0.750) 1046 (0.740) 1765 (0.753) 2045 (0.742) 2736 (0.735) 4402 (0.749) Chapter 3: Results Table 3.64: Meta-analysis for the AKT1SNPs investigated in the schizophrenia literature. Information is given for the combined literature and GAIN dataset including and excluding the RA datasets (rs1130214 = WTCCC and genotyping, rs2498804 and rs3803304 = WTCCC). Combined genotypes, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI, M-H), allelic p-value and the B-D p-value are given for AKT1_rs1130214, AKT1_rs2498804, rs2494746, and AKT1_rs3803304. rs3803304 rs2498804 rs1130214 RA SNP datasets Samples included Controls NO Cases YES NO YES NO YES Allele count MAF Odds ratio (95% CI) 2190 0.219 0.992 6636 12919 10656 3904 1890 4245 3572 2158 0.222 0.247 0.251 0.356 (0.923-1.065) 1.013 (0.962-1.068) 0.963 Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls 3066 7923 1574 4015 0.339 0.336 (0.885-1.048) 1.030 5530 3260 2855 7662 2832 1136 945 2610 0.339 0.258 0.249 0.254 (0.971-1.094) 0.950 (0.859-1.049) 1.015 Cases 5591 1931 0.257 (0.948-1.087) Controls Cases Controls Cases 1 2 7816 P-value (allelic) P-value (B-D) 0.819 0.576 0.617 0.595 0.386 0.331 0.324 0.090 0.311 0.924 0.672 0.339 The Breslow-Day (B-D) test revealed that there was no evidence of genetic heterogeneity between the combined sample sets for any of the SNPs AKT1_rs1130214 (without RA p = 0.576, with RA p = 0.595), AKT1_rs2498804 (without RA p = 0.331, with RA p = 0.090), and AKT1_rs3803304 (without RA p = 0.924, with RA p = 0.339). The combined allelic p-value was not significant for any of the SNPs and this effect was not dependant on whether the RA datasets were included or not: AKT1_rs1130214 (without RA p = 0.819, with RA p = 0.617), AKT1_rs2498804 (without RA p = 0.386, with RA p = 0.324) and AKT1_rs3803304 (without RA p = 0.311, with RA p = 0.672). For AKT1_rs1130214, three studies (Lee et al., 2009, Zai et al., 2008, and Xu et al., 2007) were trending towards significance for susceptibility effects in schizophrenia. All the other papers were close to an OR of 1 (see Figure 3.63). For AKT1_rs2498804, two studies (Joo et al., 2009 and Lee et al., 2009) were trending towards significance for a susceptibility effect in SZ and two (Norton et al., 2007 and Ikeda et al., 2006) studies were trending towards protective effects (see Figure 3.74). The overall effect was non-significant (see Table 3.63). For AKT1_rs3803304, one paper (Norton et al., 2007) was trending towards a protective effect while the other study (Zai et al., 2008) was trending towards a susceptibility effect for SZ. 170 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.63: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs1130214 in AKT1. The M-H odds ratios for all sample sets including the combined sample set are not significant. Figure 3.64: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs2498804 in AKT1. The M-H odds ratios for all sample sets, including the combined sample set, are not significant. 171 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.65: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for AKT1_rs3803304 in AKT1. The M-H odds ratios for all sample sets including the combined sample set are not significant. 172 Chapter 3: Results AKT1 Meta-analysis – Part 2 A separate analysis was undertaken for Asian and Caucasian ethnicity. This was only completed for the SNPs that had two or more datasets in either Asian or Caucasian (Table 3.65). To provide evidence for a wider effect in psychosis the non-GAIN SZ and GAIN BD datasets were included along with GAIN SZ for analysis of the Caucasian datasets. Table 3.65: SNPs for inclusion in the ethnicity based meta-analysis. Only SNPs with two or more datasets for either ethnicity are shown. SNP rs1130214 Ethnicity Caucasian Asian Asian Caucasian rs2498804 rs3803304 Datasets Zai, Xiromerisiou, Norton, Baiestan Lee, Joo, Xu, Ikeda, Ikeda II, Ohtsuki Joo, Lee, Ideka II Zai. Norton The Breslow-Day (B-D) test (see Table 3.66) revealed that there was no evidence of genetic heterogeneity between the combined sample sets for any of the SNPs AKT1_rs1130214 (Caucasian p = 0.663, Asian p = 0.391), AKT1_rs2498804 (p = 0.098), and AKT1_rs3803304 (p = 0.464). The combined allelic p-value was not significant for any of the SNPs, AKT1_rs1130214 (Caucasian p = 0.786, Asian p = 0.851), AKT1_rs2498804 (p = 0.970) and AKT1_rs3803304 (p = 0.070). Table 3.66: Meta-analysis for the AKT1 SNPs investigated in the schizophrenia literature. Information is given for either Caucasian or Asian ethnicity from the literature. For the Caucasian datasets this is combined with GAIN SZ, GAIN BD and non-GAIN SZ to produce a combined dataset. Combined genotypes, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI, M-H), allelic p-value and the B-D p-value are given for AKT1_rs1130214, AKT1_rs2498804 and AKT1_rs3803304. SNP Ethnicity Samples Caucasian rs1130214 Asian rs2498804 Asian rs3803304 Caucasian Allele count MAF Odds ratio (95% CI) 1 2 Controls 7172 2856 0.285 1.009 Cases 5990 3962 3110 1098 2396 682 540 790 0.286 0.147 0.148 0.418 (0.946-1.076) 1.012 (0.893-1.147) 1.003 568 6913 5321 408 2227 1773 0.418 0.244 0.250 (0.854-1.178) 1.027 (0.956-1.104) Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases 173 P-value (allelic) P-value (B-D) 0.786 0.663 0.851 0.391 0.970 0.098 0.070 0.464 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.66: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Caucasian ancestry AKT1_rs1130214 in AKT1. The psychosis datasets all show borderline susceptibility. Xiromerisiou, Norton and Bajestan have a protective OR and Zai has a susceptibility OR. The M-H odds ratios for the combined sample set are not significant. Figure 3.67: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Asian ancestry AKT1_rs1130214 in AKT1. Joo, Ikeda I and Ohtsuki have non-significant protective ORs, whereas Lee, Xu and Ikeda II have non-significant susceptible ORs. The M-H odds ratios for the combined sample set are not significant. 174 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.68: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Asian ancestry AKT1_rs2498804 in AKT1. Joo and Lee are nonsignificant for susceptibility ORs and Ikeda II is non-significant for a protective OR. The M-H odds ratios for the combined sample set are not significant. Figure 3.69: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Caucasian ancestry AKT1_rs3803304 in AKT1. GAIN SZ and GAIN BD are borderline protective whereas non-GAIN SZ is significant for susceptibility to SZ. Zai is nonsignificant for susceptibility and Norton is non-significant for a protective OR. The M-H odds ratios for the combined sample set are not significant. 175 Chapter 3: Results 3.2.2. DISC1 A meta-analysis of DISC1 SNPs in the Schizophrenia literature was completed using the guidelines outlined in section 2.5.2. Only one common SNP (rs2492367, three papers) was excluded from the meta-analysis due to a lack of genotyping in the NCBI build (see section 2.5.2). A list of SNPs with two or more occurrences in the literature is shown in Table 3.67. A list of papers with genotyping information for the DISC1 SNPs is included in Table 3.68. The information from the papers was combined with data from the WTCCC and GAIN sample sets obtained through BC|SNPmax. None of the DISC1SNPs investigated in this thesis (DISC1_rs9431714, DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577, DISC1_rs872624) were found in two or more publications in the schizophrenia literature (DISC1_rs701158, one study). The SNPs included in the meta-analysis were checked to determine whether any were in high LD with those investigated in this thesis. No SNPs from the literature were in high or complete LD with the genotyped SNPs. Table 3.67: Table of DISC1 SNPs occurring more than once in the literature, the number of studies with data for that SNP and whether the SNP was included in the NCBI July 2008 build. SNPs in bold were analysed by meta-analysis. SNP rs821616 rs3738401 rs2492367 rs1000731 rs2038636 rs3738398 rs751229 rs821597 rs843979 rs999710 Number of studies 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 176 In NCBI build July 2008 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Chapter 3: Results Table 3.68: Literature information (paper title, main author, year and journal published in) for DISC1 SNPs investigated in a range of neurological disorders. Also included is the population studied. Author Journal Date Disease Population SNPs ASSOCIATION BETWEEN THE TRAX/DISC LOCUS AND BOTH BIPOLAR DISORDER AND SCHIZOPHRENIA IN THE SCOTTISH POPULATION Thomson Molecular 2005 Schizo Scottish rs999710, rs821663, rs821616, rs821597, Psychiatry rs766288, rs751229, rs734551, rs701158, rs6675281, rs3890280, rs3738401, rs2812393, rs2759346, rs2492367, rs2038636, rs1954175, rs1630250, rs1615409, rs1538977, rs1411776, rs1411771, rs1322784, rs1285730, rs12404162, rs1160491, rs11122396, rs1030711, rs1025526, rs1000731, rs1000730 ASSOCIATION STUDY OF POLYMORPHISMS IN THE 5ƍ UPSTREAM REGION OF HUMAN DISC1 GENE WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA Kockelkorn Neurosci 2004 Schizo Japanese rs3806372, rs3738399, rs3738398, rs3738398 I and II Letters ASSOCIATION STUDY OF THE DISC1/TRAX LOCUS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA IN A JAPANESE POPULATION Zhang I Schizo 2005 Schizo Japanese rs999710, rs843979, rs821616, rs3738402, Research rs3738401, rs3737597, rs3524, rs2492367, rs2273890, rs1865225, rs1572899, rs1000731 CASE-CONTROL ASSOCIATION STUDY OF DISRUPTED-IN-SCHIZOPHRENIA-1 (DISC1) GENE AND SCHIZOPHRENIA IN THE CHINESE POPULATION Chen J Psych 2007 Schizo Chinese rs2295959, rs2492367, rs821616 Research GENETIC ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SCHIZOPHRENIA AND THE DISC1 GENE IN THE SCOTTISH POPULATION Zhang II American J 2006 Schizo Scottish rs1984895, rs3738401, rs751229, rs821616 of Medical Genetics NO SIGNIFICANT ASSOCIATION OF 14 CANDIDATE GENES WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA IN A LARGE EUROPEAN ANCESTRY SAMPLE: IMPLICATIONS FOR PHYCHIATRIC GENETICS Sanders American J 2008 Schizo European rs10864695, rs17768115, rs2038636, Psychiatry rs9431997, rs9432010 POSITIVE ASSOCIATION OF THE DISRUPTED-IN-SCHIZOPHRENIA-1 GENE (DISC1) WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA IN THE CHINESE HAN POPULATION Tang American J 2007 Schizo Han Chinese rs4658971, rs821597, rs821616, rs843979 of Medical Genetics 177 Chapter 3: Results DISC1 Meta-analysis – part 1 Meta-analysis was completed via STATA on seven DISC1SNPs (DISC1_rs821616, DISC1_rs3738401, DISC1_rs1000731, DISC1_rs3738398, DISC1_rs821597, DISC1_rs843979 and DISC1_rs999710) utilizing data from the schizophrenia literature (see Table 3.69). The information obtained was used to find the combined Mantel-Haenszel (MH) test, odds ratios (ORs), allelic and Breslow-Day (B-D, test for heterogeneity) p-values and to generate the odds-ratio meta-analysis plot. Table 3.69: Genotyping information for DISC1 SNPs of interest extracted from the literature. SNP Study (Thomson et al., 2005) (Zhang et al., 2005) GAIN SZ WTCCC RA (Kockelkorn et al., 2004) I rs3738398 (Kockelkorn et al., 2004) II GAIN SZ WTCCC RA (Thomson et al., 2005) rs3738401 (Zhang et al., 2005) (Zhang et al., 2006a) GAIN SZ WTCCC RA (Thomson et al., 2005) rs821597 (Tang et al., 2007) GAIN SZ WTCCC RA (Thomson et al., 2005) (Zhang et al., 2005) rs821616 (Chen et al., 2007) (Zhang et al., 2006a) (Tang et al., 2007) GAIN SZ WTCCC RA (Zhang et al., 2005) rs843979 (Tang et al., 2007) GAIN SZ WTCCC RA (Thomson et al., 2005) rs999710 (Zhang et al., 2005) GAIN SZ WTCCC RA rs1000731 No. of No. of Cases Controls 394 338 1351 1850 198 532 1351 1850 394 338 584 1351 1850 394 313 1164 1850 394 338 560 606 313 1164 1850 338 312 1164 1850 394 338 1172 1850 478 338 1378 2934 198 519 1378 2934 478 338 573 1378 2934 478 317 1369 2934 478 338 574 578 314 1369 2934 338 314 1369 2934 478 338 1378 2934 178 Minor Allele Cases Control 174 (0.221) 210 (0.220) 313 (0.463) 328 (0.485) 649 (0.240) 631 (0.229) 592 (0.160) 979 (0.167) 34 (0.086) 46 (0.116) 113 (0.106) 117 (0.113) 1318 (0.488) 1270 (0.461) 1552 (0.419) 2493 (0.425) 260 (0.330) 344 (0.360) 308 (0.456) 335 (0.496) 404 (0.346) 312 (0.272) 864 (0.320) 836 (0.303) 1185 (0.320) 1909 (0.325) 268 (0.340) 354 (0.370) 310 (0.497) 370 (0.584) 818 (0.351) 988 (0.361) 1324 (0.358) 2047 (0.349) 220 (0.279) 278 (0.291) 334 (0.494) 337 (0.499) 126 (0.113) 157 (0.137) 337 (0.278) 345 (0.298) 98 (0.157) 65 (0.104) 776 (0.333) 931 (0.340) 1052 (0.284) 1640 (0.279) 308 (0.456) 312 (0.462) 237 (0.380) 206 (0.328) 776 (0.333) 931 (0.340) 1244 (0.336) 1907 (0.325) 316 (0.401) 364 (0.381) 304 (0.450) 305 (0.451) 1172 (0.500) 990 (0.359) 1484 (0.401) 2302 (0.392) Major allele Cases Controls 614 (0.779) 746 (0.780) 363 (0.537) 348 (0.515) 2053 (0.760) 2125 (0.771) 3108 (0.840) 4889 (0.833) 362 (0.914) 350 (0.884) 951 (0.894) 921 (0.887) 1384 (0.512) 1486 (0.539) 2148 (0.581) 3375 (0.575) 528 (0.670) 612 (0.640) 368 (0.544) 341 (0.504) 764 (0.654) 834 (0.728) 1838 (0.680) 1920 (0.697) 2515 (0.680) 3959 (0.775) 520 (0.660) 602 (0.630) 314 (0.503) 264 (0.416) 1510 (0.649) 1750 (0.639) 2376 (0.642) 3821 (0.651) 568 (0.721) 678 (0.709) 342 (0.506) 339 (0.501) 994 (0.888) 991 (0.863) 875 (0.722) 811 (0.702) 528 (0.843) 563 (0.896) 1552 (0.667) 1807 (0.660) 2648 (0.716) 4228 (0.721) 368 (0.544) 364 (0.538) 387 (0.620) 422 (0.672) 1552 (0.667) 1807 (0.660) 2456 (0.664) 3961 (0.674) 472 (0.599) 592 (0.619) 372 (0.550) 371 (0.549) 1172 (0.500) 1766 (0.641) 2216 (0.599) 3566 (0.608) Chapter 3: Results Table 3.70: Meta-analysis for the DISC1 SNPs investigated in the schizophrenia literature. Information is given for the combined literature and GAIN dataset including and excluding the WTCCC data. Combined genotypes, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI, M-H), allelic p-value and the B-D p-value are given for DISC1_rs821616, DISC1_rs3738401, DISC1_rs1000731, DISC1_rs3738398, DISC1_rs821597, DISC1_rs843979 and DISC1_rs999710. Significant values are shown in bold. rs999710 rs843979 rs821597 rs3738398 rs1000731 rs3738401 rs821616 SNP WTCCC included NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES Samples Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Allele count 1 2 5189 4859 9417 7507 3707 2498 7666 6013 3219 3303 8108 6138 2757 2697 6132 4845 2616 2344 6437 4720 2593 2307 6554 4763 2730 1949 6296 4165 2113 1891 3753 2943 1827 1736 3736 2921 1169 1136 2148 1728 1433 1465 3926 3017 1712 1396 3759 2720 1449 1321 3356 2565 1658 1826 3960 3310 MAF 0.289 0.280 0.285 0.282 0.330 0.332 0.328 0.327 0.266 0.256 0.209 0.220 0.342 0.352 0.390 0.384 384 0.396 Odds ratio (95% CI) 0.976 (0.861-1.107) 0.988 (0.933-1.05) 1.04 (0.845-1.281) 0.956 (0.776-1.178) 1.021 (0.926-1.125) 0.990 (0.920-1.07) 0.373 0.369 0.366 1.069 (0.970-1.178) 1.016 (0.954-1.082) 0.894 (0.816-0.979) 0.968 (0.910-1.031) 0.358 0.364 0.339 0.350 0.378 0.484 0.386 0.443 1.013 (0.923-1.113) 1.034 (0.970-1.102) 1.392 (1.016-1.906) 1.287 (0.950-1.742) P-value (allelic) P-value (B-D) 0.710 0.040 0.696 0.050 0.711 <0.0001 0.670 <0.0001 0.678 0.482 0.788 0.506 0.176 0.113 0.625 0.101 0.016 0.053 0.310 0.009 0.782 0.143 0.307 0.239 0.040 <0.0001 0.103 <0.0001 As shown in Table 3.70 the Breslow-Day (B-D) test revealed that there was no evidence of genetic heterogeneity between the combined sample sets for the SNPs DISC1_rs843979 (without WTCCC p = 0.143, with WTCCC p = 0.239), DISC1_rs1000731 (without WTCCC p = 0.482, with WTCCC p = 0.506) and DISC1_rs3738398 (without WTCCC p = 0.113, with WTCCC p = 0.101). However there was genetic heterogeneity in the SNPs DISC1_rs821616 (without WTCCC p = 0.040), DISC1_rs999710 (without WTCCC p = <0.0001, with WTCCC p = <0.0001), DISC1_rs3738401 (without WTCCC p = <0.0001, with WTCCC p = <0.0001) and for DISC1_rs821597 (with WTCCC p = 0.009). These SNPs were analysed using the 179 Chapter 3: Results random effects meta-analysis program on Stata (see section 2.5). The combined allelic pvalue was not significant for DISC1_rs821616 (without WTCCC p = 0.710, with WTCCC p = 0.696), DISC1_rs3738401 (without WTCCC p = 0.711, with WTCCC p = 0.670), DISC1_rs1000731 (without WTCCC p = 0.678, with WTCCC p = 0.788), DISC1_rs3738398 (without WTCCC p = 0.176, with WTCCC p = 0.625) and DISC1_rs843979 (without WTCCC p = 0.782, with WTCCC p = 0.307) regardless of whether WTCCC was included or not. DISC1_rs821597 was significant when WTCCC was excluded (p = 0.016) and not significant when WTCCC was included (p = 0.310, see Table 3.70). The same was also true for DISC1_rs999710 (without WTCCC p = 0.040, with WTCCC p = 0.103). A graphical representation showing the alignment of the studies with the GAIN SZ datasets included in this meta-analysis is provided in figures 3.73 to 3.79. Figure 3.70: Random effects meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821616. The M-H odds ratios for all sample sets bar Tang are trending towards protection. The M-H odds ratios for the combined sample set are not significant. 180 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.71: Random effects meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs3738401. The M-H odds ratios for Thomson and Zhang I (Zhang 2005) are protective. Zhang II (Zhang 2006) was significant for susceptibility to SZ. The M-H odds ratios for the combined sample set are not significant. Figure 3.72: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs1000731. The M-H odds ratio for Thomson and GAIN SZ is borderline susceptible, and protective for Zhang. The M-H odds ratios for the combined sample set are not significant. 181 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.73: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs3738398. The M-H odds ratio for all Kockelkorn I and II is trending towards protection. The GAIN and combined sample set are trending towards susceptibility. The M-H odds ratios for the combined sample set are not significant. Figure 3.74: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs821597. The M-H odds ratio for all sample sets is protective. The combined sample set is significant for protection (p = 0.016). 182 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.75: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs843979. The M-H odds ratio for Tang is susceptibility to SZ and borderline protective for GAIN and Zhang. The M-H odds ratios for the combined sample set are not significant. Figure 3.76: Random effects meta-analysis plot for DISC1_rs999710. The M-H odds ratio for Thomson, Zhang I and GAIN is susceptive to SZ. The combined sample set is significant for susceptibility to SZ (p = 0.040). 183 Chapter 3: Results DISC1 Meta-analysis – Part 2 A separate analysis was undertaken for Asian and Caucasian ethnicity. This was only completed for the SNPs that had two or more datasets in either Asian or Caucasian (Table 3.71). To provide evidence for a wider effect in psychosis the non-GAIN SZ and GAIN BD datasets were included along with the GAIN SZ. Table 3.71: SNPs for inclusion in the ethnicity based meta-analysis. Only SNPs with two or more datasets for either ethnicity are shown. SNP rs821616 rs3738401 rs843979 Ethnicity Caucasian Asian Caucasian Asian Datasets Zhang II, Thomson Chen, Tang, Zhang I Thomson, Zhang II Tang, Zhang I As shown in Table 3.72 the Breslow-Day (B-D) test revealed that there was no evidence of genetic heterogeneity between the combined sample sets for Caucasian ethnicity DISC1_rs821616 (p = 0.968) or DISC1_rs843979 (p = 0.120). There was significant heterogeneity between populations for DISC1_rs3738401 (p = 0.010) and Asian ethnicity DISC1_rs821616 (p = 0.005). These SNPs were analysed using the random effects metaanalysis program on Stata (see section 1.1). The combined allelic p-value was not significant for DISC1_rs821616 (Caucasian p = 0.145, Asian p = 0.738), DISC1_rs3738401 (p = 0.275) or DISC1_rs843979 (p = 0.120). A graphical representation showing the alignment of the studies included in this meta-analysis is provided in figures 3.80 to 3.83. 184 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.72: Meta-analysis for the DISC1 SNPs investigated in the schizophrenia literature. Information is given for either Caucasian or Asian ethnicity from the literature. This is combined with GAIN SZ, GAIN BD and nonGAIN SZ to produce a combined dataset. Combined genotypes, minor allele frequencies (MAF), odds ratio (95% CI, M-H), allelic p-value and the B-D p-value are given for DISC1_rs821616, DISC1_rs3738401 and DISC1_rs843979. SNP Ethnicity Caucasian rs821616 Asian rs3738401 Caucasian rs843979 Asian Samples Allele count MAF Odds ratio (95% CI) 2915 0.304 0.953 5589 1893 1864 7578 2333 559 558 2027 0.294 0.228 0.230 0.211 (0.892-1.02) 1.062 (0.747-1.508) 1.081 6305 786 755 1947 518 545 0.236 0.397 0.419 (0.940-1.244) 1.096 (0.936-1.282) 1 2 Controls 6679 Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases Controls Cases P-value (allelic) P-value (B-D) 0.145 0.968 0.738 0.005 0.275 0.010 0.255 0.120 Figure 3.77: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Caucasian ancestry DISC1_rs821616. The three psychosis datasets have borderline protective ORs. The M-H odds ratios for Zhang II and Thomson are non-significant for protection. The combined sample set is non-significant for protection. 185 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.78: Random effects meta-analysis plot for Asian ancestry DISC1_rs821616. The three psychosis datasets have borderline protective ORs. The M-H odds ratios for Tang are significantly susceptible. Chen and Zhang I are non-significant for protection. The combined sample set is non-significant for protection. Figure 3.79: Random effects meta-analysis plot for Caucasian ancestry DISC1_rs3738401. The three psychosis datasets have borderline susceptible ORs. Zhang II is significant for susceptibility and Thomson is nonsignificant for a protective OR. The combined sample set is non-significant for susceptibility. 186 Chapter 3: Results Figure 3.80: Odds ratio meta-analysis plot for Asian ancestry DISC1_rs843979. The three psychosis datasets have borderline protective ORs. The M-H odds ratios for Tang are significantly protective. Zhang I is nonsignificant for susceptibility. The combined sample set is non-significant for protection. 187 Chapter 3: Results 3.3. GENOTYPINGMICEFORKOSTATUS K/BxN mice spontaneously develop RA. This is as a result of the cross between autoimmune prone NOD mice, with a specific MHC haplotype, and KRN mice, transgenic for a TCR which recognises a bovine pancreas RNase (see section 1.1.1) (Kouskoff et al., 1996). In the spontaneous KRN model the candidate gene knockout (ie GRIK1/GRIK2) was bred onto a NOD background. It was expected that when the NOD knockout mice were crossed with the KRN mice the offspring (K/BxN) would develop spontaneous IA. 3.3.1. KRN KRN mice were originally chosen for breeding based on coat colour. Animals with the KRN transgene had an agouti coat colour and this provided a quick and easy method of identification. Genotyping was completed systematically to confirm the presence of the transgene. The initial genotyping of the KRN primers was completed for a number of animals. Both control animals that underwent this initial genotyping were successfully found to be wildtype (see Table 3.73). A sample of stock animals was then genotyped. All except one (stock animal 6, heterozygous KO) of these mice were genotyped as wildtype (see Table 3.73). This meant that selecting the mice based on coat colour was not a robust method of selection and the mice chosen for breeding did not have the KRN transgene. Following this revelation, the three male breeding stock mice which fathered the mice from the stock set were genotyped for KRN (see Table 3.73). One of the mice was found to be wildtype (KRN27). KRN31, the father of stock animal 6, was heterozygous for the transgene. KRN30 also tested positive for KRN. Progeny from other subsequent KRN crosses were genotyped for the presence of the KRN transgene (see Table 3.73). Cross 2 is the offspring of KRN31, all of these mice tested positive for KRN. All mice in cross 3 were also heterozygous for the transgene. 188 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.73: Results from the genotyping of KRN mice. All mice tested were males. Cross Test Stock Breeding stock 2 3 3.3.2. Mouse ID B6 F control 1 B6 F control 2 KRN stock 3 KRN stock 4 KRN stock 5 KRN stock 6 KRN stock 7 KRN stock 8 KRN 27 KRN30 KRN 31 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 31.5 KRN1 KRN2 KRN3 Genotype Wildtype Wildtype Wildtype Wildtype Wildtype Heterozygous KO Wildtype Wildtype Wildtype Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO GRIK1 Initial crosses between heterozygous GRIK1 mice were set up to produce GRIK1-/- progeny. These F1 mice were then interbred to increase the numbers of homozygote KOs in the colony for involvement in the serum transfer/spontaneous IA models. The progeny of cross 1 and 2 were tested for identification of homozygous KO animals in the breeding colony. There were six heterozygous and two homozygous (6.1M and 6.2M) progeny from cross 1 and 2 heterozygous, one homozygous KO (9.3M) and three homozygous wildtype in cross 2 (see Table 3.74). Cross 3 represents the first cross between homozygous KO parents. Yet the offspring of this cross indicates that the parents were not KOs (discussed below). Crosses 4 and 5 were subsequent homozygous crosses. All animals from cross 4 were homozygous for GRIK1-/- while cross 5 produced four heterozygous (9.4M, 9.5M, 9.6F and 9.7M) and three homozygous (9.6M, 9.8M and 9.9M) offspring (see Table 3.74). Genotyping information from this thesis could also be utilised to confirm the genotype of the parents. As mentioned earlier, the parents of cross 3 are not homozygous KOs. The progeny 189 Chapter 3: Results of cross 3 indicate the parents were a homozygous wildtype and a homozygous KO. As the progeny from cross 4 are all homozygotes, it is certain that the parents of this cross were both homozygotes. However, in cross 5 the progeny are 50% homozygous and 50% heterozygous. This indicates that the parents of this cross were a heterozygote and a homozygote. Table 3.74: Results from the genotyping of GRIK1 mice. M=Male, F=Female. Cross 1 2 3 4 5 Mouse ID 6.1F 6.1M 6.2F 6.2M 6.3F 6.3M 6.4M 6.5M 9.1M 9.3M 9.3M 9.1F 9.2F 9.3F 8.1M 8.1F 8.2F 8.3F 7.1M 7.2M 7.1F 7.2F 7.3F 9.4M 9.5M 9.6M 9.7M 9.8M 9.9M 9.6F Genotype Heterozygous KO Homozygous KO Heterozygous KO Homozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Homozygous KO Wildtype Wildtype Wildtype Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Homozygous KO Homozygous KO Homozygous KO Homozygous KO Homozygous KO Heterozygous KO Heterozygous KO Homozygous KO Heterozygous KO Homozygous KO Homozygous KO Heterozygous KO 190 Chapter 3: Results 3.3.3. GRIK2 The GRIK2 mice were genotyped using the NEO primers for presence of the neo cassette. As these animals were supplied as homozygotes for the GRIK KO, presence of the neo cassette was evidence of the KO state (either heterozygous or homozygous). Cross 1 in Table 3.75 is the result of the first backcross (BC1) of GRIK2-/- mice to NOD. Cross 2 is the progeny of a heterozygous BC1 mouse to NOD. Only the males of each litter were genotyped for identification of breeding animals for the next backcross. Cross 1 contained one animal (1.5M) with the neo cassette and three animals without. Cross 2 also contained one animal (2.2M) with the neo cassette and had five animals without it. Table 3.75: Results from the genotyping of GRIK2 mice. M=Male, F=Female. Cross 1 2 Mouse ID from BC1 1.4M 1.5M 1.6M 1.7M 2.1M 2.2M 2.3M 2.8M 2.9M 2.10M Genotype Wildtype contains NEO cassette Wildtype Wildtype Wildtype contains NEO cassette Wildtype Wildtype Wildtype Wildtype 191 Chapter 3: Results 3.4. INDUCTIONOFINFLAMMATORYARTHRITISINAMOUSE KNOCKOUTMODEL 3.4.1. SERUM TRANSFER MODEL As discussed earlier, transfer of serum from spontaneously arthritic K/BxN mice into healthy animals results in the induction of IA (see section 1.1.1). The serum transfer method was performed on three groups of mice: GRIK1-/-, GRIK2-/- and wildtype controls. Pooled serum from K/BxN arthritic mice was transferred to 3-4 mice in each of these groups as outlined in section 2.6.3. After fourteen days, none of the mice were showing signs of IA. Therefore the alternative strategy was chosen; induction of IA was to be through the spontaneous model for all future experiments. 3.4.2. SPONTANEOUS MODEL As the induction of IA in the GRIK knockouts through serum transfer was ineffective, a new breeding program was developed (see section 2.6.4). The cross between KRN transgenic and NOD mice results in the progeny developing spontaneous IA (see section However, the GRIK knockouts were supplied on a 129/B6 background. To obtain GRIK knockouts with minimal 129/B6 genomic DNA these mice were to be backcrossed to NOD over several generations (see section 1.1.1). This would result in a cross between GRIK knockouts with high levels of NOD DNA and KRN transgenic mice. In order to test the effect of GRIK KO on spontaneous IA, animals with maximal NOD DNA identified from the microsatellite assay will be set up for breeding the next backcross. The breeding of K/BxN to GRIK KOs is yet to be completed. 192 Chapter 3: Results !"#" $%&'()*+,--%+,.*))*/.0('.1%00,',2+*+%(2.3,+4,,2. 5,2($%&.12*.0'($.$(6),.)+'*%2).37.*21.89:. 3.5.1. B6/129 ASSAY A database of microsatellites’ sizes across different strains of mice was available in the Merriman lab. The strains included were NOD, B6, C3H, DBA, BALBC and NON. There was no information on the 129 strain. All of the microsatellites had primers stored in the Merriman Lab. Initially these were titrated to determine PCR conditions (see section*. Where there was a distinct difference in size between the two bands, they were deemed informative (see Figure 3.81 numbers 1, 3, 4 and 6). Microsatellites that produced two equally sized bands were excluded from further analysis. Microsatellites occasionally failed titration due to non-specific amplification of the PCR, no amplification (see Figure 3.81 number 7) or bands not sufficiently defined to allow measurement. These microsatellites were retitrated and repeated. Those that were still unsuccessful were excluded from the assay. Of the 110 microsatellites investigated in this thesis sixteen were excluded for failing titration (see Table 3.76). To test for informativeness between B6 and 129, each microsatellite was analysed for band size differences using genomic DNA for purebred B6 and 129 (see Figure 3.81). Of the 94 microsatellites that titrated 37 were excluded for lack of informativeness between B6 and 129 (see Table 3.76). DNA for testing the assay was extracted from mouse liver samples (see section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B6 129 Figure 3.81: Gel electrophoresis visualisation of nine microsatellites over B6 and 129 DNA. * A full list of primer sequences and PCR conditions for the microsatellites used in this thesis is available in the appendices (see APPENDIX A:) 193 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.76: Microsatellites investigated in this thesis and whether they were included in the B6/129 assay. Microsatellites that were excluded have the reasoning listed. Microsatellite Included in Reason for Microsatellite Included in Reason for assay (Y/N) exclusion assay (Y/N) exclusion D1Mit373 Y D9Mit223 N not informative D1Mit236 N not informative D9Mit182 N not informative D1Mit490 Y D10Mit213 Y D1Mit102 Y D10Mit109 Y D1Mit209 Y D10Mit95 Y D2Mit1 Y D10Mit180 Y D2Mit56 Y D11Mit51 N not informative D2Mit305 Y D11Mit349 N did not titrate D2Mit343 Y D11Mit109 Y D2Mit296 N did not titrate D11Mit98 N not informative D2Mit147 Y D11Mit4 Y D3Mit46 N not informative D11Mit212 N not informative D3Mit25 Y D11Mit116 N not informative D3Mit230 N not informative D11Mit333 Y D3Mit84 Y D11Mit77 N not informative D3Mit147 Y D11Mit263 Y D4Mit111 N not informative D11Mit112 N not informative D4Mit26 N not informative D11Mit60 N did not titrate D4Mit204 Y D11Mit79 N did not titrate D4Mit166 Y D11Mit36 N not informative D4Mit251 N did not titrate D12Mit172 Y D4Mit254 Y D12Mit77 Y D5Mit145 Y D13Mit3 Y D5Mit164 N not informative D13Mit76 Y D5Mit80 Y D14Mit14 N did not titrate D5Mit94 N did not titrate D14Mit37 N not informative D5Mit200 N not informative D14Mit160 Y D5Mit239 N not informative D14Mit265 Y D5Mit292 N not informative D15Mit107 Y D6Mit86 Y D15Mit12 Y D6Mit188 N not informative D15Mit209 Y D6Mit105 Y D15Mit93 Y D6Mit109 N not informative D15Mit193 Y D6Mit31 N not informative D16Mit146 N not informative D6Mit314 N not informative D16Mit106 Y D6Mit14 N not informative D16Mit163 Y D7Mit178 Y D16Mit87 N not informative D7Mit228 N not informative D16Mit131 Y D7Mit44 N did not titrate D16Mit9 N did not titrate D7Mit40 Y D16Mit152 Y D8Mit291 N not informative D17Mit49 Y D8Mit242 Y D17Mit113 N did not titrate D8Mit24 N did not titrate D17Mit139 N not informative D8Mit226 N did not titrate D17Mit221 Y D8Mit225 N not informative D18Mit111 N not informative D8Mit113 Y D18Mit60 Y D8Mit125 N not informative D18Mit37 N not informative D8Mit204 N did not titrate D18Mit124 Y D8Mit223 N not informative D18Mit184 Y D8Mit64 N did not titrate D18Mit207 Y D8Mit249 N not informative D18Mit154 Y D9Mit205 Y D18mit106 N not informative N not informative D19Mit68 Y D9Mit196 D9Mit104 Y D19Mit53 Y D9Mit191 N did not titrate D19Mit106 N did not titrate 194 Chapter 3: Results The microsatellites investigated were representative of the whole genome, yet the successful markers did not cover all regions. Figure 3.82: Visual representation of the approximate placement of microsatellite markers included in the B6/129 assay. 195 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.77: Successful informative microsatellites with their exact position on the chromosome. Microsatellite Chromosome Microsatellite Chromosome Position (Mb)* Position D1Mit373 26.5 D11Mit109 37.7 D1Mit490 106 D11Mit263 55.6 D1Mit102 149.1 D11Mit4 68.4 D1Mit209 193.3 D11Mit333 108.6 D2Mit1 3.8 D12Mit172 47.2 D2Mit56 70.5 D12Mit77 100.3 D2Mit305 128.5 D13Mit3 20.5 D2Mit343 169.1 D13Mit76 111.4 D2Mit147 172.2 D14Mit160 40 D3Mit25 56.6 D14Mit265 101.7 D3Mit84 143.4 D15Mit12 3.2 D3Mit147 148.4 D15Mit209 61.5 D4Mit166 93.5 D15Mit93 72.4 D4Mit204 133 D15Mit107 84.2 D4Mit254 153.1 D15Mit193 97.8 D5Mit145 7.4 D16Mit106 98.0 D5Mit80 47.8 D16Mit163 7.33 D6Mit86 4.4 D16Mit131 7.32 D6Mit105 107.7 D16Mit152 85.8 D7Mit178 3.5 D17Mit49 45.4 D7Mit40 124 D17Mit221 90.5 D8Mit242 104.2 D18Mit60 32.6 D8Mit113 111.4 D18Mit124 57.6 D9Mit205 37.1 D18Mit184 67 D9Mit104 65.8 D18Mit207 68.8 D10Mit213 20.1 D18Mit154 75.8 D10Mit109 41.3 D19Mit68 3.6 D10Mit95 92 D19Mit53 45.2 D10Mit180 117.6 * = Chromosome positions are taken from The Jackson Laboratory website http://www.informatics.jax.org/genes.shtml 196 Chapter 3: Results 3.5.2. B6/NOD ASSAY The change from the serum induced IA mouse model to the spontaneous IA model affected the microsatellite assay. The strains of interest changed from B6 and 129 to B6 and NOD. A new microsatellite assay was needed to determine the amount of NOD genomic DNA the B6 mice backcrossed to this strain contained. As no information was available on 129, the original microsatellites were chosen if they had a product size different to all the other strains. One of these strains was NOD. This meant that all the microsatellites chosen for their potential to differentiate between B6 and 129 should also differentiate between B6 and NOD. The primers with informativeness between B6 and 129 were then genotyped over genomic B6 and NOD DNA (see Figure 3.83). 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 3.83: Gel electrophoresis visualisation of five microsatellites over B6 and NOD DNA. Where there was a distinct difference in size between the two bands, they were deemed informative (i.e. numbers 3 and 4). Microsatellites that produced two equally sized bands were excluded from further analysis (i.e. number 2). Microsatellites that failed the assay (i.e. number 1 and 5) were retitrated and repeated. Those that were still unsuccessful were excluded from the assay. Testing the Assay Some of the microsatellites in the B6/NOD assay had size differences between the strains that were too small to differentiate on gel electrophoresis. These microsatellites were deemed not informative for this assay. The spread of microsatellites was reconsidered and the appropriate amount for each chromosome continued to the next stage of investigation. Some chromosomes had few informative microsatellites in the B6/129 assay. The uninformative microsatellites for these chromosomes were tested again in the B6/NOD assay. The results are 197 Chapter 3: Results listed in Table 3.78. Some microsatellites that titrated in the B6/129 assay would not titrate in the B6/NOD assay. Of the 80 microsatellites investigated for this assay only 47 titrated (see Table 3.78). This may be due to the age and storage conditions degrading the microsatellites primers, thus affecting their ability to amplify the DNA. Table 3.78: Microsatellites investigated in this thesis and whether they were included in the B6/NOD assay. Microsatellites that were excluded have the reasoning listed. Microsatellite D1Mit373 D1Mit236 D1Mit490 D1Mit102 D1Mit209 D2Mit1 D2Mit56 D2Mit305 D2Mit343 D2Mit147 D2Mit225 D3Mit46 D3Mit25 D3Mit230 D3Mit84 D3Mit147 D4Mit111 D4Mit26 D4Mit166 D4Mit204 D4Mit254 D5Mit145 D5Mit164 D5Mit80 D5Mit200 D5Mit239 D5Mit292 D6Mit86 D6Mit188 D6Mit105 D6Mit109 D6Mit31 D6Mit314 D6Mit14 D7Mit178 D7Mit228 D7Mit40 D8Mit291 D8Mit242 D8Mit225 D8Mit113 D8Mit125 D8Mit223 D8Mit249 D9Mit205 D9Mit196 D9Mit104 Included in assay (Y/N) N Y N N N N Y N Y N N N N Y N N Y N Y N N Y N Y N N Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y N N Reason for exclusion did not titrate Microsatellite did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate not informative did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate stock empty did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate stock empty did not titrate stock empty did not titrate did not titrate stock empty did not titrate did not titrate 198 D9Mit223 D9Mit182 D10Mit213 D10Mit109 D10Mit95 D10Mit180 D11Mit51 D11Mit98 D11Mit4 D11Mit212 D11Mit116 D11Mit333 D11Mit77 D11Mit263 D11Mit112 D11Mit36 D12Mit172 D12Mit77 D13Mit3 D13Mit76 D14Mit37 D14Mit160 D14Mit265 D15Mit107 D15Mit12 D15Mit209 D15Mit193 D16Mit146 D16Mit106 D16Mit163 D16Mit87 D16Mit131 D16Mit152 D17Mit49 D17Mit139 D17Mit221 D18Mit111 D18Mit60 D18Mit37 D18Mit124 D18Mit184 D18Mit207 D18Mit154 D18mit106 D19Mit68 D19Mit53 Included in assay (Y/N) N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y N N N Y N N Y N Y N N N Y Y Y N N Y Reason for exclusion stock empty did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate not informative did not titrate not informative stock empty did not titrate not informative did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate did not titrate Chapter 3: Results Backcross One The microsatellites underwent PCR and gel electrophoresis over two test DNA samples. On the same gel there were also two reference samples, of B6 and NOD DNA, for each microsatellite. The test DNA samples were extracted from tail tips of mice from the first GRIK2 heterozygous KO/NOD backcross progeny. The progeny had been screened for the presence of the neo cassette and two mice (samples 2 and 5) were positive. Of the 47 microsatellites tested in this assay only 25 produced bands on gel electrophoresis for the test samples (see Table 3.81). These failed microsatellites underwent PCR and gel electrophoresis again but produced no new results. The microsatellites produced bands for the reference B6 and NOD DNA but not the test samples. The quality of the test sample DNA was thought to be an issue for the assay. The DNA concentration of all the samples were analysed via NanoDrop! spectrophotometer (see Table 3.79). Table 3.79: DNA concentrations of Mouse DNA samples used in the backcross one assay. Results are given as an average for three recordings. Sample B6 NOD Test sample 2 Test sample 5 DNA concentration (ng) 35.1 11.7 2.4 2.3 Due to the low concentration of the test samples, a phenol-chloroform clean up was required. The DNA concentrations of the test samples following this protocol are listed in Table 3.80. These concentrations were still too low to successfully repeat the assay. Table 3.80: DNA concentrations of Mouse DNA test samples used in the backcross one assay. Results are given as an average for three recordings. Sample Test sample 2 Test sample 5 DNA concentration 2.15 0.9 199 Chapter 3: Results Table 3.81: B6/NOD assay results. 2 = test sample 2, 5 = test sample 5. Microsatellite All bands present Test DNA = reference DNA Microsatellite All bands present Test DNA = reference DNA D1Mit236 D2Mit56 D2Mit343 D3Mit230 D4Mit111 D4Mit166 D5Mit145 D5Mit80 D5Mit292 D6Mit86 D6Mit105 D6Mit31 D6Mit314 D6Mit14 D7Mit178 D7Mit228 D8Mit291 D8Mit242 D8Mit125 D8Mit223 D9Mit205 D10Mit213 D10Mit109 D10Mit95 only reference only reference only reference only reference only reference yes yes only reference yes yes yes only reference only reference only reference only reference yes test 2 missing yes yes only reference test 2 missing only reference yes only reference 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = B6 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD - D10Mit180 D11Mit51 D11Mit98 D11Mit4 D11Mit116 D11Mit333 D11Mit77 D11Mit112 D11Mit36 D12Mit77 D13Mit3 D13Mit76 D14Mit37 D15Mit209 D15Mit193 D16Mit146 D16Mit131 D17Mit139 D18Mit111 D18Mit184 D18Mit207 D18Mit154 D19Mit53 yes yes yes yes only reference yes only reference only reference only reference only reference only reference yes yes yes test 2 missing only reference yes only reference only reference yes yes yes test 2 missing 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 5 = B6 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 2 = B6, 5 = NOD 2 = NOD, 5 = NOD 5 = NOD Twenty-five microsatellites produced results for one or both test samples. Both samples had a high proportion of NOD genomic DNA (sample 2 = 19/20, sample 5 = 23/25). Test sample 2 had the highest percentage of NOD genomic DNA (sample 5 = 92%, sample 2 = 95%). However, sample 5 had greater representation of the genome (sample 5 = 25 successful microsatellites, sample 2 = 20 successful microsatellites). 200 Chapter 3: Results Selecting breeding animals from the assay The mouse with the greatest proportion of NOD genomic DNA was to be selected from the assay results for future backcrosses. In this case only two out of seven males from two litters had the neo cassette and were analysed in the microsatellite assay. As there were only two mice for potential breeding and both had a high percentage of NOD genomic DNA (see section, both were chosen for the breeding program. 201 Chapter 4: Discussion 4 . CHAPTERFour DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 4.1. Genotyping of RA Candidate Genes from the AKT1 Pathways 4.2. Two Hypotheses for the Negative Correlation Between RA and SZ 4.3. Meta-Analysis of SNPs from SZ Candidate Genes In the Literature 4.4. Induction of Inflammatory Arthritis in Mice 4.5. Microsatellite Assay for Differentiation Between Genomic DNA From Mouse Strains B6 and 129 4.6. Summary and Future Research 202 Chapter 4: Discussion In addition to the debilitating symptoms of RA there is the potential for a number of secondary complications to occur (section 1.1.1). Clinical management (section, although crucial in maintaining quality of life in patients, has not yet being successful in reversing development of RA. Therefore identification of associated genes and pathways is paramount in providing therapies in this area. This thesis was designed to investigate the potential association of AKT1 and GRIK pathways in the development of RA and SZ. 4.1. GENOTYPINGOFRACANDIDATEGENESFROMTHEAKT1 PATHWAYS It is hypothesised in this thesis that RA and SZ have a common disease pathway. Previous findings suggest AKT1 may be a shared part of this pathway (refer to section 1.4.2). Potentially, RA-associated SNPs in the human genome were selected for analysis based on data from a publically available GWAS study in RA. A total of eleven SNPs, in three different genes, which were significantly associated or trending towards significance with RA in the WTCCC data, were genotyped across NZ and UK RA (OXRA and UKRA) sample sets (refer to sections 3.1). 4.1.1. AKT1 AKT1 is likely to be a factor in the negative correlation between RA and SZ. This is because AKT1 plays a role in the normal developmental systems which are defective in both RA and SZ. It is involved in growth factor-induced neuronal development in the developing nervous system and in cell survival and angiogenesis (Hemmings, 1997; Tarnawski et al., 2010). Association with RA WTCCC data provided evidence of association with two AKT1 SNPs and was trending towards association with three other SNPs. Two SNPs within the AKT1 gene, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs1130214, and 203 two SNPs downstream of AKT1, Chapter 4: Discussion AKT1_rs7146661 and AKT1_rs4983386, were genotyped over the NZ and UK RA sample sets. Of these SNPs only AKT1_rs7146661 showed evidence for association, over the UKRA cohort. Meta analysis of the genotyping data with the WTCCC data provided significant results for two SNPs, AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs4983386, and was trending towards significance for a third, AKT1_rs1130214. All three SNPs had ORs with the minor allele conveying a susceptibility effect to RA. However, only the analysis of the AKT1_rs4983386 combined dataset (WTCCC and RA genotyping) produced a more significant association with RA than WTCCC alone. Haplotype analysis of the genotyped data for AKT1_rs4983386 and AKT1_rs2494731 was significant for one haplotype (21, p = 0.0009). This haplotype conveyed a susceptibility OR for RA. However the genotyped results were not significant for the two haplotypes significantly associated with RA in the WTCCC (11 and 22). Conditional analysis of this haplotype in the combined WTCCC and genotyping (NZRA+UKRA) dataset revealed evidence for two independent effects in AKT1 (p = 0.415). Association with psychosis The AKT1 SNPs were assessed for association over three mental illness datasets, encompassing SZ and BD. This study found no significant association of the AKT1 SNPs with SZ or BD in the single datasets or with mental illness in the combined dataset. Due to the large size of the combined psychosis dataset it is not likely the AKT1 SNPs are associated with psychosis. A power analysis undertaken for this dataset revealed the sample size is adaquate to detect association (ie for rs7146661 it is 99% likely association will be detected with an OR of 1.2). This is true even with weak effect sizes seen in this thesis (ie for rs7146661 there is a 66% probability association will be detected with an OR of 1.1). Sex bias A significant difference between the sexes was only detected in one of the four SNPs. AKT1_rs7146661 produced a significant result for sex bias in NZRA, yet when the sexes were analysed separately there was no significant association with RA. It is unlikely that there is sex bias within AKT1. 204 Chapter 4: Discussion Summary The strengthening effect, seen for locus AKT1_rs4983386, when combining results for sample sets genotyped in this study with the WTCCC data indicates that increasing the sample size may produce a significant result for this SNP. The genotyping data of this study provides support for a significant association for a two SNP AKT1 haplotype (AKT1_rs2494731 and AKT1_rs4983386) with RA. This data, together with conditional analysis, suggests that there are two independent effects within AKT1. There is also potential for evidence of a third effect at AKT1_rs1130214. However, a larger sample size would be needed to reach statistical significance. It is also possible that the SNP AKT1_rs6644 which is at 96% LD with AKT1_rs4983386 is associated with RA and that AKT1_rs4983386 is simply encompassing the significant association of this SNP. 4.1.1. NUCLEAR FACTOR OF ACTIVATED T CELLS (NFAT) NFAT is a Ca2+ dependant nuclear factor with five subtypes, NFATC1-C5 (see section 1.4.4). These factors are involved in various parts of the bone remodelling process (Sitara & Aliprantis, 2009). Genes in this pathway have been functionally linked to RA (Yoo et al., 2006) and SZ (Thirunavukkarasu et al., 2006). Association with RA There were no significantly associated SNPs in the WTCCC for NFATC1 and NFATC2. However, there was one SNP trending towards significance for each gene, NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787. When these two SNPs were genotyped over the NZRA cohort the level of significance (p< 0.05) for association was not reached (see section 1.1.1). However, adding the NZRA genotyping data to the WTCCC data for NFATC2_rs8119787 decreased the p-value to below the threshold for significance (p = 0.032). Although there was no change to the M-H odds ratios, the significance of the result was strengthened for the combined cohort (see section It is possible that this finding 205 Chapter 4: Discussion is a false positive. If this was a true result then using a larger sized WTCCC RA sample set may result in this SNP reaching significance for protection against RA. The Stahl dataset which included information for the WTCCC among other large GWAS studies reached significance for NFATC1_rs2002311 (p = 0.047) but not NFATC2_rs8119787. The minor allele OR for both SNPs were conveying the same effect in Stahl as all other datasets. Association with psychosis NFATC1 and NFATC2 have both been shown to trans-activate ADAMTS subtypes (Thirunavukkarasu et al., 2006; Yaykasli et al., 2009), a gene which has previously been associated with SZ. For both NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787, the addition of the GAIN SZ dataset to the combined RA (WTCCC and genotyping) dataset increased the significance of association (p = 0.046 and 0.008 respectively). The OR of the minor allele in the RA datasets was also well aligned with the GAIN SZ dataset for both SNPs. This suggests that for NFATC1_rs2002311 the minor allele is susceptible to both diseases and for NFATC2_rs8119787 the minor allele is protective against both diseases. This phenomenon is discussed in a later section (see section This study found no significant association of the AKT1 SNPs with SZ or BD in the single datasets or with mental illness in the combined dataset. Sex bias A significant difference between the sexes was detected for NFATC1_rs2002311 but not for NFATC2_rs8119787. This difference was found in the analysis of male cases against female cases for the WTCCC RA (p = 0.017) and GAIN SZ datasets (p = 0.010). This analysis was also trending towards significance for the GAIN BD (p = 0.062) dataset. When the sexes were analysed separately the WTCCC RA dataset was significantly associated with disease in both the male only (p = 0.002) and female only (p = 0.028) subsets. These results were more significant than the analysis of males and females together which, as previously discussed, 206 Chapter 4: Discussion was only trending towards significance (p = 0.06). The ORs for the subsets were in opposite directions, with females susceptible to RA and males protected. The psychosis dataset was significant for the females only analysis (p = 0.034) and the OR for this subset was protective against mental illness. These analyses indicate that sex bias may be playing a role at the NFATC1_rs2002311 locus. To provide more supporting evidence for the involvement of sex in determining the effect of the minor allele a haplotype of NFATC1 SNPs should be assessed for this bias. Summary For both NFATC1_rs2002311 and NFATC2_rs8119787, the addition of the GAIN SZ dataset to the RA datasets increased the significance of the association with disease. Therefore it is possible that these SNPs fall within genes in a disease pathway common to the two diseases. In addition there is potential for sex bias to play a role in the gene NFATC1. Further studies should be undertaken to assess whether the bias seen at the SNP NFATC1_rs2002311 is illustrating a bias for the whole gene or is isolated to this one locus. 4.1.2. DISRUPTED IN SCHIZOPHRENIA 1 (DISC1) DISC1 is an excellent candidate gene for the negative association between RA and SZ (see section 1.4.3) as it has been associated with SZ in a number of independent studies (Clair et al., 1990; Ekelund et al., 2004; Hennah et al., 2003; Kockelkorn et al., 2004; Thomson et al., 2005) and is implicated in the AKT1 pathway, which is known to be disrupted in RA (Kim et al., 2002). Association with RA A recent study has implicated DISC1 in the RA associated AKT1 pathway through direct inhibition of GSK3E (Mao et al., 2009).The WTCCC data provides evidence for significant association of DISC1 with RA at eight SNPs and trends towards significance with one 207 Chapter 4: Discussion additional SNP. Two SNPs within the DISC1 gene were genotyped over the NZ and UK RA samples and three SNPs were genotyped over the NZRA samples only (see section 3.1.5). None of these individual SNPs illustrated association with RA. However, when the genotyping information was meta-analysed with the WTCCC RA data there was significant association for three SNPs (DISC1_rs4658966, DISC1_rs821577, and DISC1_rs872624). Of these only DISC1_rs821577 improved the significance of the association in comparison to the WTCCC RA data alone (combined dataset p = 0.018 and WTCCC p = 0.023). This SNP may have reached significance in the genotyped dataset had the sample size been larger. It is recommended that this SNP be genotyped over the UK sample set to ascertain whether this is the case*. DISC1_rs872625 was the only DISC1 SNP in this thesis to reach significance in the Stahl GWAS study (p = 0.041). The finding of this study could not be replicated in any of the genotyped sample sets. The use of a large sample set may be the reason for significance in the Stahl dataset. Significance of three SNP haplotypes, containing DISC1 SNPs DISC1_rs872625, DISC1_rs4658966 and DISC1_rs872624, illustrated evidence of association with the disease in the NZRA dataset. One of these haplotypes was also associated in the WTCCC and two were associated only in the genotyped data of this study (see section Association with psychosis DISC1 was first identified as associated with SZ in 1990 (Clair et al.). Further investigation revealed that this gene is also associated with bipolar disorder (Hodgkinson et al., 2004; Palo et al., 2007), major depression, autism and Asperger’s syndrome (Kilpinen et al., 2007). For all SNPs, except DISC1_rs9431714, the addition of the GAIN SZ dataset to the combined RA dataset decreased the significance of association. DISC1_rs9431714 was more significant (p = 0.053) when these sample sets were combined than for either GAIN SZ (p = 0.196) or * DISC1_rs821577 was analysed via PCR RFLP. DISC1 SNPs analysed in this way were not genotyped over the UK samples due to the restricted amount of DNA available. A TaqMan probe should be ordered for this SNP to allow genotyping over these sample sets. 208 Chapter 4: Discussion the RA datasets (p = 0.138) alone. Although this SNP was only trending towards significance in the combined dataset, it is possible that it is playing a role in the development of both diseases. This study found no significant association of the DISC1 SNPs with SZ or BD in the single datasets or with mental illness in the combined dataset. Sex bias Evidence from the literature suggests that there is potential for SNPs within DISC1 to display sex bias, in particular towards females (Hennah et al., 2003). Therefore, although a significant difference between the sexes was only detected for DISC1_rs9431714 and DISC1_rs4658966 all DISC1 SNPs were analysed over the separate male and female subsets (see section In this analysis, only two SNPs, DISC1_rs9431714 and DISC1_rs872624, reached significance in the female only subset and no SNPs were significantly associated with disease in the male only subset. For DISC1_rs9431714 the minor allele was significantly (p = 0.0041) susceptible to RA in the WTCCC RA dataset and significantly (p = 0.0055) protective against SZ in the GAIN SZ dataset. This indicated that in females this SNP is having an opposite effect in each disorder (see section For DISC1_rs872624 the psychosis dataset was significantly susceptible (p = 0.0413) to mental illness for females only. The females only WTCCC RA dataset for this SNP was trending towards significance (p = 0.056) for protection against RA, indicating a similar effect as seen for DISC1_rs9431714. Summary The significance of the three SNP haplotypes over the genotyped sample sets indicates that it is likely DISC1 is involved in the development of RA. To increase the significance of this result additional genotyping should be completed to increase the sample size. It is unlikely that any of the DISC1 SNPs analysed in this thesis are associated with SZ except DISC1_rs9431714. There is also potential for DISC1_rs872624 to be associated with psychosis in general. Genotyping data from the GAIN and non GAIN SZ datasets should be combined with other large GWAS studies to determine whether this potential association is real. 209 Chapter 4: Discussion 4.1.3. LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY In this thesis there are many instances where a significant association in the WTCCC data could not be replicated in the NZ and UK RA sample sets. For example, DISC1_rs1130214 reached significance in the WTCCC (p=0.005), but not in NZRA (p=0.930 in NZRA), OXRA (p=0.105) or UKRA (p=0.685). It is possible that this effect is due to the limited power of this study, which can cause false-negative results. The WTCCC contains 1860 case subjects and 2938 control subjects compared with the 763 cases and 568 controls of the NZRA cohort. This disparity is large and it has been shown that over 1000 cases and 1000 controls are required to generate sufficient power to detect a risk ratio larger than 2 (Gregersen & Olsson, 2009). However, in complex disease there are many genes for susceptibility each with a much weaker effect, usually OR=1.2-1.3. To detect odds ratios in this range sample sizes containing three to four thousand individuals are necessary (Gregersen & Olsson, 2009). As the genes investigated in this study have already been implicated in autoimmune pathways it is possible that increasing the NZ cohort size will generate a significant association. It is also possible that the association of these genes with RA or SZ is through processes not studied in this thesis, such as copy number variation or epigenetics. The issue of mutliple testing may also have had an effect on the results in this thesis. It is possible that undergoing statistical analysis that corrects for multiple testing may have led to the conculsion that the significant or near-significant findings were not valid. Therefore further testing needs to be completed. 210 Chapter 4: Discussion 4.2. TWOHYPOTHESESFORTHENEGATIVECORROLATION BETWEENRAANDSZ A negative association between RA and SZ was first established over 50 years ago and has been widely reported since. Recently, studies have addressed whether these two diseases have a common disease pathway, with one study hypothesising that they share susceptibility alleles (Watanabe et al., 2009). Watanabe et al. utilised case-control analysis to determine whether known RA associated genes were also associated with SZ patients. They were unable to provide evidence for the involvement of NFKBIL1, SLC22A4, RUNX1, FCRL3 or PADI4 in a Japanese SZ sample set. In this thesis, potentially associated RA genes were genotyped firstly in our NZ and UK sample sets, then investigated for a role in SZ using publically available GWAS data. As in the Watanabe et al. study, one aim of this thesis was to uncover an allelic variant common to both diseases that could be responsible for this correlation. The initial hypothesis favoured an allelic variant with a minor allele conferring susceptibility to one disorder and protection against the other (hypothesis one). Throughout the course of this project and others in the Merriman laboratory (Bellacosa et al., 1991) evidence was found to suggest that in some genes there may be a shared minor allele for protection or susceptibility towards both RA and SZ. This second school of thought is referred to here as hypothesis two. The two hypotheses are compatible with each other. 4.2.1. HYPOTHESIS 1 As previously discussed, this study focused on the hypothesis that the minor allele of a shared allelic variant would confer susceptibility to one disorder and protection against the other. This hypothesis supports a shared pathway for the two diseases with intercellular activation of a signalling network upstream of AKT1 (see Figure 4.84). 211 Chapter 4: Discussion Figure 4.84: A schematic of a proposed theoretical model for the negative association between rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia. Hypothesis 1 proposes that an allele which confers susceptibility in one disease will confer protection in the other. This effect occurs intercellularly upstream of the AKT1 signalling pathway. Hypothesis 2 proposes that an allele which confers susceptibility in one disease will also confer susceptibility in the other and vice versa. This effect occurs intracellularly downstream of the AKT1 signalling pathway. (Taken from Bellacosa et al., 1991) Support for hypothesis 1 The data for SNPs investigated in this thesis was primarily taken from the publically available WTCCC RA data. This information was compared with that from the GAIN SZ dataset and a number of the SNPs initially selected (seven of fifteen SNPs) had an opposite effect in each group (i.e. protective in WTCCC RA and susceptible in GAIN SZ or vice versa). Four of these SNPs (AKT1_rs2494731, AKT1_rs4983386, DISC1_rs4658966 and DISC1_rs872624) had the level of significance for the combined dataset reduced when GAIN SZ was included with the RA dataset (see Table 5.82). The same effect was also seen for DISC1_rs9431714 when the females were analysed separately. This provides supporting evidence for the minor allele having a protective effect in one disorder and a susceptive effect in the other. However, it may be that the addition of the non-significant GAIN SZ dataset is naturally reducing the level of significance seen for the RA dataset alone. To test if these minor alleles are truly illustrating an opposite effect in each disorder, the SNPs would need to 212 Chapter 4: Discussion reach significance for both disease datasets separately. The combined dataset should show a reduced significance compared to the two datasets alone. Table 5.82: Supporting evidence for hypothesis one. SNP AKT1_rs2494731 AKT1_rs4983386 DISC1_rs4658966 DISC1_rs872624 RA datasets p allelic 0.033 0.006 0.001 0.017 RA+SZ datasets p allelic 0.152 0.087 0.020 0.160 Failure of these SNPs to provide significant evidence for hypothesis 1 may be due to population heterogeneity (see section 4.3.3), a lack of power due to the small number of individuals available for genotyping or hypothesis 1 may not be correct. 4.2.2. HYPOTHESIS 2 The non-significant findings of this thesis for the initial hypothesis provided support for a second hypothesis. In hypothesis 2 it is proposed that the association between RA and SZ is caused by a single allelic variant in a shared signalling pathway conferring susceptibility to or protection against both diseases. This theory is based on intracellular activation of a signalling network downstream of AKT1 (see Figure 4.87). Support for hypothesis 2 Of the significant WTCCC RA SNPs selected for analysis in this thesis, eight were in the same direction in both the RA and SZ reference datasets (i.e. protective in both WTCCC RA and GAIN SZ or both susceptible). An increase in the significance of association when the GAIN SZ data were analysed together with the combined RA data indicates that the minor allele of the SNP is protective or susceptible for both diseases. This effect was seen for three SNPs, NFATC1_rs2002311, NFATC2_rs8119787 and DISC1_rs9431714. For all SNPs, the addition of the GAIN SZ dataset decreased the p value from that seen for the RA data alone (Table 5.83). For the NFAT SNPs this decrease resulted in a significant association with disease. For DISC1_rs9431714 the p-value only decreased to trending towards association. 213 Chapter 4: Discussion Table 5.83: Supporting evidence for hypothesis two. SNP NFATC1_rs2002311 NFATC2_rs8119787 DISC1_rs9431714 RA datasets p allelic 0.077 0.032 0.138 RA+SZ datasets p allelic 0.046 0.008 0.053 Further investigation of SNPs within these genes may determine whether hypothesis 2 provides an accurate explanation of the effect seen here. A lack of power to detect small effect sizes may be the reason why there is limited evidence to support hypothesis 2. Population heterogeneity (see section 4.3.3) may also have played a role or hypothesis 2 may be incorrect. 214 Chapter 4: Discussion 4.3. METAͲANALYSISOFSNPSFROMSZCANDIDATEGENES INTHELITERATURE Genes of interest from this study (AKT1, NFAT and DISC1) were investigated in the SZ literature for significant association with SZ through meta-analysis. This was to provide additional evidence for a shared biological pathway for RA and SZ. DISC1 has been the focus of many genetic studies in the SZ literature. There were also a number of AKT1 studies. However, NFAT did not produce any relevant SZ papers in the literature database search and was excluded from this analysis. 4.3.1. AKT1 The three SNPs meta-analysed from the literature were not significant when all data sets were combined. Although not significant, all SNPs had an OR indicating protection for SZ (rs1130214 OR = 0.99, rs2498804 OR = 0.96, rs3803304 OR = 0.95). When RA datasets were added to the meta-analysis, the OR of the combined sample set changed to >1 in all three SNPs (rs1130214 OR = 1.03, rs2498804 OR = 1.03, rs3803304 OR = 1.02). This indicates that the minor alleles for these SNPs may be conferring protection to SZ and susceptibility to RA. However without significant p- values it is not possible to support this statement with the data produced in this thesis. There were also no significant results when these SNPs were analysed separately for Asian and Caucasian ancestry. 4.3.2. DISC1 Seven SNPs were meta-analysed from the published SZ literature. All SNPs for this gene had similar combined dataset ORs regardless of whether the WTCCC data were included or not (i.e. both >1 or both <1). This indicates that the minor allele of these SNPs may be consistently conferring protection or susceptibility to both diseases. As for AKT1 above, it is difficult to support this statement without significant p-values. Only two SNPs were significant in this analysis (rs3738401 and rs821587) and neither were significant for both the combined dataset excluding WTCCC and the combined dataset including WTCCC. Rs3738401 was significant (p = 0.003) when WTCCC was included in the combined dataset 215 Chapter 4: Discussion but not significant when it was excluded (p = 0.484). Yet rs821587 was only significant when WTCCC was excluded (p = 0.025, with WTCCC included p = 0.222). Three SNPs, rs821616, rs3738401 and rs843979, were analysed for Caucasian and Asian ancestry separately. However none of these were significant. 4.3.3. LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY Population heterogeneity was an issue when undertaking meta-analysis. Combining sample sets is an effective way to increase statistical power and this analysis was performed on both genotyped and literature review SNPs in this thesis. The fixed effects model used in the metaanalysis assumes that all variation between the sample sets is due to random variation, and SNPs with a heterogeneity value of greater than 0.05 are considered to conform to this assumption (i.e. they are homogenous). SNPs with a result of less than 0.05 have an underlying difference between the populations that could influence the meta-analysis results. These SNPs were analysed again using the random effects meta-analysis model which incorporates potential population differences when weighting the sample sets. One potential difference between the sample sets is ancestral background (Begni et al., 2002). All participants were screened for inclusion based on Caucasian ancestry, yet there may be significant differences between WTCCC and NZRA and the UK sample sets. Two approaches are currently available for addressing the population stratification issue: family based control approach, where cases are matched with controls from the same family, and the genomic control approach, when the population is analysed for stratification using unlinked markers and the meta-results adjusted accordingly (Beekman et al., 2004). As these populations are post recruitment the first option is not viable. The WTCCC study has been analysed for population structure using the marker approach and they concluded that once non-European recent migrants are excluded, the effect on their association results is small (WTCCC, 2007). Therefore it is suggested that similar population stratification markers are developed for the RA sample sets. When considering the diversity geographic distribution of the sample sets it is apparent that there is also potential for different environmental factors to play a role. Gene-environment interactions may be responsible for the inconsistence in results between sample groups 216 Chapter 4: Discussion (Beekman et al., 2004). To determine the effect of environmental factors on the development of RA, a history of exposure risk for each individual should be included with the epidemiological information. 217 Chapter 4: Discussion 4.4. INDUCTIONOFINFLAMMATORYARTHRITISINMICE Two models were assessed in this thesis, serum transfer and spontaneous IA. Both models take advantage of the spontaneously arthritic progeny (K/BxN) of a KRN and NOD cross. The serum transfer method was developed from the discovery by Kouskoff et al. that IA can develop spontaneously in mice with a specific T cell receptor transgene and MHC complex (Kouskoff et al., 1996). Later it was found that IA can be induced in healthy mice injected with serum or IgG from K/BxN mice (Maccioni et al., 2002). This model is not dependant on the strain of the recipient mouse and therefore it is less resource intensive than the spontaneous model. In this thesis, the serum transfer method failed to induce IA in both test and control animals therefore the spontaneous IA method was required. The spontaneous IA method required backcross breeding of several generations of knockout mice to the NOD strain. Once the knockouts have a sufficient amount of genomic NOD DNA they can be crossed with KRN mice to produce K/BxN progeny containing the knockout. The B6/NOD assay in this thesis was utilised to identify animals with a high percentage of NOD genomic DNA for breeding stock. At the completion of this thesis the model was yet to be tested. 4.4.1. LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY It is possible that the failure of the serum transfer method was due to a lack of IgG in the serum caused by a lack of exposure to pathogens in the environment. In a previous study, failure of the model to induce IA in recipient mice was attributed to an insufficient concentration of IgG in the injected serum (Begovich et al., 2007b). The low titre may be due to a number of reasons. Firstly, it has been found that over time a serum producing colony may produce less-arthritogenic serum. In addition, anti-IgG antibodies have a reduced halflife in the recipient mice (Begovich et al., 2007a). Lastly, the pathogen free environment in which the animals are contained is responsible for the amount of antibodies generated. In a previous study it was noted that different animal containment facilities produced different titres of serum, with more stringent conditions leading to a 5 fold reduction in IgG serum concentration than facilities with more relaxed conditions (Monach et al., 2007). These 218 Chapter 4: Discussion factors may have had a role in the present study and thus prevented the development of IA in the controls. In future the IgG titre of the serum should be checked by measuring the anti-GPI antibodies via ELISA to ensure that it reaches adequate levels for induction. The breeding animals which consistently produce offspring with low IgG titre should be removed from the colony. It is also suggested that the animals be exposed to pathogens or allergens in a controlled environment to assist in the production of antibodies. 219 Chapter 4: Discussion 4.5. MICROSATELLITEASSAYFORDIFFERENTATIONBETWEEN GENOMICDNAFROMMOUSESTRAINSB6AND129 An assay was prepared to establish differences in the percentage of genomic B6 and 129 DNA contained in animals being segregated for breeding. 57 microsatellites that were informative between these two strains were identified. A second assay was prepared for B6 and NOD utilising microsatellites from the first. 47 microsatellites were informative between the strains for this assay. Nearly half of these microsatellites’ primers failed to produce PCR product for the two test animals. Of the microsatellites that worked over 90% were representative of NOD genomic DNA (test mouse 2 = 95%, test mouse 5 = 92%). 4.5.1. LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY Many of the microsatellites did not produce PCR product for the test samples in the B6/NOD assay yet did produce product for the B6 and NOD reference samples. All microsatellites were originally titrated using B6 and NOD DNA extracted from liver samples. The poor quality of the DNA extracted from the tail tip samples of the mice was most likely the reason the PCR did not work for nearly half of the microsatellites. As the mice are undergoing testing for identification of breeding animals for the IA models, it is not possible to extract DNA from liver samples. Another protocol for DNA extraction is required for use in the microsatellite assay. One option is the ear clip extraction method. 220 Chapter 4: Discussion 4.6. SUMMARYANDFUTURERESEARCH 4.6.1. HUMAN Genotyping DISC1 across the NZ RA sample sets provided some evidence for the involvement of this gene in the development of RA. There was supporting evidence for the involvement of two independent AKT1loci in RA. NFATC1 and NFATC2 may be playing a role in the link between RA and SZ with the minor allele of SNPs in these genes conferring protection against or susceptibility to both diseases. 4.6.2. MOUSE The serum transfer model was not effective at inducing IA in this study. The microsatellite assays developed in this thesis can successfully be used to determine strain differences in the genomic DNA of mice. This assay will be key in identifying the animals for breeding the knockouts against the NOD background. 4.6.3. FUTURE RESEARCH The following list details suggestions for potential studies to complement the results of this thesis: 1. More participants should be recruited to increase the NZ and UK RA cohort sizes. This would increase the power and therefore the probability of replicating associations. 2. Statistical analysis which corrects for mutliple testing should be undertaken in all future studies. 3. Deep sequencing may be utilised to identify novel genetic variants that can be genotyped to further refine associations. 4. Copy number variation and epigenetic processes could be investigated for the SNPs 221 Chapter 4: Discussion not found to be associated with RA in this thesis. 5. Other autoimmune and neurodevelopmental pathways should be investigated to discover genes with a role in both disease types. For example, the hormone systems used by the CNS to signal the immune system or immune mediators and cytokines utilised by the immune system to signal the CNS. Both these pathways could be scanned for genes showing an association to RA in the NZ and UK sample sets. 6. DISC1 SNPs with association to RA or SZ in the GWAS literature should be genotyped over the RA sample sets to provide a more comprehensive coverage of the gene. 7. The DISC1, AKT1 and NFAT SNPs genotyped in this thesis should be genotyped over other autoimmune disease sample sets to establish is there is a broad association with these types of diseases. 8. Testing hypothesis 1 – further SNPs within and surrounding AKT1 should be selected based on an opposite effect in RA and SZ. 9. Testing hypothesis 2 – Additional NFAT SNPs should be selected to develop a haplotype for testing this hypothesis. 10. 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"*&+#*(,#-.#$/#,(!$%(!,,!0(/1$%&2&1$,( Table A.84: Primer sequences for mouse microsatellite markers Marker Chromosome Position )(cM) Forward Primer Reverse Primer 5’ to 3’ 3’ to 5’ B6 NOD Amplicon Size (bp) D1Mit373 1 26.5 AGATAGCCACTCAGTTGAATACCC CTTTACAGGTCTTGAAAGCATGG 124 138 D1Mit236 1 45.4 ATACCCACCTAGCCTTTGTATAGG GGAAGAAGGCTCAGCAAGTG 143 142 D1Mit490 1 106 ATCTGAATACCTACAAGGACATACACA GAACGTACTTTAAAAAGGAGCAGG 120 124 D1Mit102 1 149.1 AAATACCAGCAAAACAATAAAGGC AAATACCAGCAAAACAATAAAGGC 120 122 D1Mit209 1 193.3 TCCATCCATACTCCTGTCTGC CAAGGACTAGGGCTGTCACTG 105 99 D2Mit1 2 3.8 CTTTTTCGTATGTGGTGGGG AACATTGGGCCTCTATGCAC 124 120 D2Mit56 2 70.5 ATACTTGAGCAGATGTCTCAGGC CACAGCAGCATTATGAAGATACTG 122 114 D2Mit305 2 128.5 CTCAGAAAACATGCAATTGAGG ATGAGTGCAAACCAAATAAAATTG 137 125 D2Mit343 2 169.1 GTGTGTATTGGGGTACATGGG GATGGTTCTTGAGGAACACTCC 183 173 D2Mit296 2 31.2 CAACTGTAAATCCAGTCGTAGGG CTCTGCTGAGGTTACTGTGGG 154 146 D2Mit147 2 172.2 CATCCCTAAGACAAGCAACTCC GTCACAATGTCCTTCTCCATCA 117 121 D3Mit46 3 29.9 ATCCCCCACCCAACTCTAAC TTCCCCAGGGAAATCTCTCT 166 162 D3Mit25 3 56.6 GTCTGGGTCGTCAGTGGC TGGAGGCTACCATCTCCAAG 134 132 D3Mit230 3 82.4 GAATGGCCAGGGTAAAATCA TTGAACTCCAAACTTGAGACCA 152 146 D3Mit84 3 143.4 CTGCTCAGAGAACAGCAGATG TCGAGTCTGTGATTGCTTGG 164 156 D3Mit147 3 148.4 TCTGCCTCTGTTAGATAGATATCCG TTGTTCATCTATCCTCTGAAGTTCC 132 144 D4Mit111 4 5.3 TGAGATGTTGGCATACTGTGTG TTGTAAGCCTAACTTTATCCACCC 126 126 D4Mit26 4 42.5 CTGATGGTAGCAGAATCAGGC CGGTAGTTTTTCAAAGATCGTG 202 194 D4Mit166 4 93.5 AGTTTCCTTTCTCTTCTACTTGTGTG AGGGCATAGGAAACTTTCAGG 199 185 D4Mit204 4 133 CTGCTGCAGCGATTCTCTC TCAGGCACCTAAGTACATGTGC 104 118 D4Mit251 4 136.5 AAAAATCGTTCTTTGACTTCTACATG TTTAAAAGGGTTTCTTTATCCTGTG 116 134 D4Mit254 4 153.1 AATACAATTATCATTTGCATTGTGG TCGTGGTGGACCTTATCTCC 135 137 D5Mit145 5 73.3 TATCAGCAATACAGACTCAGTAGGC TGCCCCTTAAATTCATGGTC 149 97 261 Appendices D5Mit164 5 131.0 TCAAGAAAGAACTACTGATGTCAACC GGAATAGAAAAGTAACTGAGACAGGC 142 123 D5Mit80 5 47.8 TTTCACCATCATGGTTGATCA CAGGTGCCCTGCATTACC 166 162 D5Mit94 5 112.7 ACCCACTGTCCATCTACAAACC GATTTCTCTGCTCTGGGTGG 126 128 D5Mit200 5 63.9 CACAGAGAAGAATCTGCGAGC TTGCAAAGTGTTTTAATCAGTATTTG 107 108 D5Mit239 5 107.8 ATTGCAGACATAAAGGATATTTTGG GCCAGCCTGGCTTACATAAG 150 152 D5Mit292 5 141.2 GTCTTACTCCTGCCTGAACCC TTACCTTACACTGAGACCAGAAAGC 114 112 D6Mit86 6 4.41 GACCAAACCAGAAGCCCCT GGAATGTAGCCCTAAGTTGGA 130 114 D6Mit188 6 75.4 GACCAAACCAGAAGCCCCT GGAATGTAGCCCTAAGTTGGA 130 114 D6Mit105 6 107.7 CTTTAGTCATTATTAGGATTGCCTATG TGGGATAGCATTGGAAACGT 130 139 D6Mit109 6 118.2 CACCATACACAAATGCCTGC TGAATACGGTGGAAAGTGAGC 132 119 D6Mit31 6 92.7 GTAGCAAATTTCAGGACAGCG ACATGGTGTAAACCCTGTTTCC 198 192 D6Mit314 6 48.6 CCAATCAGTCACTTATTTCATCTCA GGCTATTGTGTGACTTTGAGAGA 200 178 D6Mit14 6 145.6 ATGCAGAAACATGAGTGGGG CACAAGGCCTGATGACCTCT 160 174 D7Mit178 7 3.5 ACCTCTGATTTCAGAACCCTTG TAGAGAGCCACTAGCATATCATAACC 201 165 D7Mit228 7 47.2 ATTCTTGGCCTTTTCTTGTAACA AAACCTCCACACTGACTTCCA 148 142 D7Mit44 7 137.1 TTCTGGCCTCTGTGAAGTAGTG GTGAAACCATGGTGCAGATG 190 190 D7Mit40 7 124 GTCAACAGTCAGGAAAGCTGG CAGATGCTTGTATTTGCAAAGC 204 204 D8Mit291 8 33.4 GTTTAGTGTGTTTGTATGAGCATGC AACAAGAATGAAGTGTTCATGCA 96 92 D8Mit242 8 104.3 TGTGCAACCAATTTCTTCCA CCCATGATTTATTCAGACTGAGG 166 196 D8Mit24 8 35.7 ACCTCCACACGATTACAGTGG ATGATGTCACCAGCAACTTCC 160 166 D8Mit226 8 37.7 TTTTTCATCTGGAAAAGCCG TCCCATAAAACCAACACTACCC 125 107 D8Mit225 8 37.6 CCCTCTTCTTCCCTTCCACT TTTGTTGTTGCTTGCTTTGG 104 102 D8Mit113 8 111.4 GGTCACATAATAAGAAAGCCCG AACCCGTTAGGAGGACCG 138 160 D8Mit125 8 35.9 ATCGCTCTATCTACTCATCTATTCACA GACCCTGACTCTTAATCCTAGTGC 133 155 D8Mit204 8 20.0 GAACAGAACTTATGGAATGAACACA CAGCATTGTTGGCCACAG 148 150 D8Mit223 8 27.8 TGTGTATGTTTCTGTCTCTCTCTAATG ATGCTGAGGGATCTGACACC 126 124 D8Mit64 8 33.9 CTAGAACCATGTGTGCGCAT TGCATGATCTATAGAAACCCCT 166 164 D8Mit249 8 83.5 AAACTCACACACACAGAGACAACA GCCCCAGTGTGACTAAGGAG 148 176 D9Mit205 9 37.1 AATAGCCTACTCTGGATTCACAGG TACCTTCTCCTCTTTGGTTTTTG 194 180 262 Appendices D9Mit196 9 85.8 GCCTTCTGTTCAGAACTTTCTG TCTGTATTTAAGCATGCATGTGC 148 156 D9Mit104 9 65.8 TTAATTGAGACGCACTTTGGG AGGGGTCATTAGAGTTGGGG 125 121 D9Mit191 9 46.5 GTAAGTATGCCTGCGGAGGA CAGAAGACCGCTTTTCAAGG 115 99 D9Mit182 9 101.4 GTGAAATTGGTTATGTAAATGTCTGA GAGATGACTAGGGTGAACTGGG 99 115 D10Mit213 10 20.1 CTCCTCCTACTGATTGTCCCC GGGACAAACTTTTAAAAATTGCA 150 156 D10Mit109 10 41.3 GACCTGGATTCAGTCCTCCA CCAAAATAAAACGGAAGAGTGG 147 -1 D10Mit95 10 92 CCAGCCTAGAAAACCAAGCA ACAGTGCTTCCGGAAAAATG 201 167 D10Mit180 10 117.6 GACCTTCCTTTATACACAAGTCATAGC GTGGTACAGAACTTAGGTGTTTAATTG 134 156 D11Mit51 11 36.2 CCAAACAGGGTCTGTTTTATTC TAACAGGGTGAGTTTAGTGAAACA 140 124 D11Mit349 11 55.6 AGTATCAGAAGATCCAGTTGGAGG GTAGAAAAAGATACCCAGTGTCAGC 118 78 D11Mit98 11 96.7 CAATTGGAGGAAAGCAGGAG TGTTAACTTATTACAGGGACGTGC 130 112 D11Mit4 11 68.4 CAGTGGGTCATCAGTACAGCA AAGCCAGCCCAGTCTTCATA 246 244 D11Mit212 11 88.7 CTCTGGTCTCTCTGTATACATGTGC AGCAACTGGGGCATTTAATG 148 166 D11Mit116 11 76.8 CACCAGCACCCACAAAAATA ACCACTACCAATTTCAGAAGTATGC 138 142 D11Mit333 11 108.6 CATGTGGTTATTTTCTAGCCCC AGGCATCAATAACTATTTTTCAGTG 126 108 D11Mit77 11 17.7 GTATTCAAATGACTTCTGCCTGG TTGAAATGGTCTTCAAGTGGC 152 162 D11Mit263 11 55.6 GAAACCATTTTAAAATATACAGTTCGG CCAGGGTTAGGTAGGTATGGC 144 148 D11Mit112 11 58.4 TCCTTCCCTTTCATCAATGG CCCAAATGCCTCTCATGAGT 83 92 D11Mit60 11 69.5 AGAGAGGCAAAAATTCCAAGC CTTCCTGATGGTAGGATTTAGGC 316 308 D11Mit79 11 19.6 TTCTTGGTCGTAGCCCTCAC GACACACAACACCTCGCG 152 146 D11Mit36 11 83.7 CCAGAACTTTTGCTGCTTCC GTGAGCCCTAGGTCCAGTGA 234 236 D12Mit172 12 47.2 AACTGAAATCGCATTACAAAACC TAATATTGCGAGTTAGAAATGACCA 199 185 D12Mit77 12 100.3 TCCAGGTTCACTGAGAGACAA GCAGCACCACGTCATGAC 191 190 D13Mit3 13 20.5 TCAGGCTCATCCCAGATACC TTTTGCAGAGAACACACACC 159 164 D13Mit76 13 111.4 ATGCACCTGTCTAAATGTGTGC AGAGGGACTGTGGGACTGTG 106 90 D14Mit14 14 30.5 GCACATTCCAAAACACATGC GGGATGGTGTCAATCAATCC 270 -1 D14Mit37 14 63 GTCGATGGATGACTGCTGC CATGGGGACTCAGGAGATTG 136 94 D14Mit160 14 40 CAAAATTAGCAAGGATTCCAGG AGTTTAATCTCTTGGCTTTTGGG 141 141 D14Mit265 15 101.7 TCAAGAAATGACTCTTATCTACACACA AACAGCAAGATGTCAGCAAGA 148 150 263 Appendices D15Mit107 15 84.2 CAACACTTATACACTTGTGTCAGGG TCATGGTTGGAACAGCAGAC 151 145 D15Mit12 15 3.2 ATGGACACCTGACACTGCAA AAGGGCTTTTACCTGGGAAT 150 - D15Mit209 15 61.5 TTGTGCTTCACTAGATGTAGACCA TTTTATAGTTGCACATAAGCAGCA 127 121 D15Mit193 15 97.8 TTGTGTAAGCCAATCTAATAAAGCC GTTGCTGTGCTCATGGTGTC 130 110 D16Mit146 16 23.7 ACCAATCTGGAGATATGTTACAAGG TGGAAGACACATACTCTCTCTCTCA 116 112 D16Mit106 16 98.1 GTTGTTGGTCCACCATACCC GGGTATGAGGTACAATGCTTTACC 148 140 D16Mit163 16 7.33 ACCTATTTCCAGGTTAAAATAAAAGTG ATGTTGACTGATCGTGTATGTGC 117 113 D16Mit87 16 9.8 AGAGCACAGAGTCCACTTACTGG GGTGCAGGCATAGGCAATAT 139 141 D16Mit131 16 7.32 TGGTGGTGGTGTTGATGGTA AAGACCATTTCTAATAAACAACACCC 144 180 D16Mit9 16 6.7 TCTTGCTCTGGTATCAACTACAGG CCTCCTTGCCCAGCTAAAC 146 - D16Mit152 16 85.8 AGAGACCTCTGGGGTGGG TTCAAGATAGACTATTCTGGAAAAAGC 106 -1 D17Mit49 17 45.4 TCTTAGAACTCACATCAATGCCA TCCAGGGACCTTTTGTCTTG 250 256 D17Mit113 17 12.2 TCTGTCTCCTCCGTACTGGG GTCAATAAGTTCAATCACTGAACACA 127 137 D17Mit139 17 52.8 AGACATGTGAGTACTGCACAGACA ATGATGACATACCTCCTAGTAGTCCC 136 138 D17Mit221 17 90.5 AACCAGATCATTAACAGTAATAAAGCA TTGTGGCAAAAACAACCAAA 139 135 D18Mit111 18 21.7 TGCTAGCACTTCCTCTGGAA TAGAAATCCCTCATTTGCGG 117 105 D18Mit60 18 32.6 ACCTGACACCATTTTCAGGC ATCCTTGAGCCTGTTAAAAGACA 186 188 D18Mit37 18 42.6 GTGGGGGGGAGAATTGTC ATGAGAGAGCCTATCTCAAACCC 172 180 D18Mit124 18 57.6 CCCAAATGGGGTGTCTTTTA CTGCCACACATTTGTGTGTATG 151 139 D18Mit184 18 67 CACACATGTGTAGGTAGGTAGGTAGG CGCACAAGGACTACTGAAACA 172 157 D18Mit207 18 68.8 TGGTTGACTGATAGAAAATATGAACC GTGCCAGCATGCATACATG 122 134 D18Mit154 18 75.8 GATGCATCTGATGCCTTGC AAACACCAAAACAACAACAAACC 154 160 D18mit106 18 77.7 CCAGGCCAGAAAATCAAAGA GTTGTGGTGGTGGTATGTGC 115 135 D19Mit68 19 3.6 CCAATACAAATCAGACTCAATAGTCG AGGGTCTCCCCATCTTCCTA 136 122 D19Mit53 19 45.2 GCACGCCACAACTCAGAG AGAAAAGGTTCTCCTACCTCTCG 110 100 D19Mit106 19 95.2 CCTTTTTTTTTTTAACCAGACAGG ATCAATGAATGAAGAACAAATAGTTTC 124 124 264 Appendices Table A.85: Primer sequences for SNP markers Locus Forward Primer Reverse Primer 5’ to 3’ 3’ to 5’ Amplicon Size (bp) rs2494731 AACAAGGTGCACAGGATGAG GACCAGAGACCTTGCTAATT 256 rs1130214 AAACGGGAGTCCAGAGCCCTCCAGCGCAAGT CATGTTGGCCAAATGAATGAACCAGATTCAG 119 rs7146030 GGAGTCCCCTTTAGAGGGTTAGAGCAT CTTTACAGGGAGCTCATGTGGTGGACAAGC 212 rs1013781 TAACAGTTCCTACATCAGCTCTAA TTATTTACAGAACATATTGGCATTGGTTCA 157 rs7146661 TTCAGCTGTGTCTTGAATACAGCATGTAGA AAGGGCCTTAACAGGGCACTAATCCTGTT 231 rs4983386 ACTGATGCCAATGATGGCAGCCT AAGCAGAGGAACCGAGTAGCTGA 278 rs4658966 TTCTACCAGGAAAATTGCTGTCTGGGAGCCG TATCACGGCCCCAGCCCCACATGTATTAGT 240 rs701158 AAACTGTGGGGGTTGGAGAATAGATTTTCG ATGTGAGCCTGGTTTTGAAATAATCAGCCTG 257 rs872625 GGTTTCCAAGTGTCAGGAACTGCTCTAAGA GGACTTCGTGTTAGGCTGGAGTCATTCATT 187 rs872624 GTCTTCCCTCTTGGAATGTCAGCACATAC GCACTATTCTAACAGCTAGAGCTATGACGG 191 rs9431714 CTGAAAATGTGAATACATATATTCAAGCCG ACATAAATGCAGTAGCATGAGAAGGTA 145 rs821577 ACCTGTGCTTTAAGGTCATCCTGATTTCCT CTCACCCATACATCCACCTAAGGTTAGAT 161 Rs821585 CGCTCTGAGAATGACTGCTGC ACTGGGGCCACAGAGGTGAAT 143 NFATC1 rs2002311 TTTCCTCTGCTTGGGGGTTTCAGGAAGAAT ACCCCAGGAGCGAGTTTGGGACATATTTAT 163 NFATC2 rs8119787 TAGTCTCGAACTCCTGACCTCAAGTGATCTG TTTTAGGTGGTCCACCAGTGAGGACGTTGTA 182 AKT1 AKT1 downstream DISC1 Marker 265 Appendices Table A.86: Assay conditions for mouse microsatellite markers contained in the assay. Locus Mg2+ (mM) conditions Tm (oC) Conditions Locus Mg2+ (mM) conditions Tm (oC) Conditions D1Mit373 2 60 D10Mit180 4 60 D1Mit490 3 55 D11Mit263 2 65 D1Mit102 2 55 D11Mit4 4 60 D1Mit209 3 60 D11Mit333 4 60 D2Mit1 3 55 D12Mit172 2 60 D2Mit56 3 60 D12Mit77 3 55 D2Mit305 4 55 D13Mit3 3 50 D2Mit343 4 60 D13Mit76 3 55 D2Mit147 3 60 D14Mit160 3 50 D3Mit25 2 60 D14Mit265 3 45 D3Mit84 3 60 D15Mit107 2 60 D3Mit147 2 60 D15Mit193 4 55 D4Mit166 3 50 D15Mit12 4 60 D4Mit204 2 60 D15Mit209 4 60 D4Mit254 3 60 D16Mit152 3 60 D5it80 2 65 D16Mit163 3 60 D5Mit145 3 60 D16Mit131 3 60 D6Mit86 3 55 D16Mit106 3 60 D6Mit105 2 50 D17Mit49 2 60 D7Mit178 4 50 D17Mit221 2 60 D7Mit40 2 55 D18Mit60 2 60 D8Mit242 4 60 D18Mit124 2 60 D8Mit113 2 60 D18Mit184 2 60 266 Appendices D9Mit205 4 60 D18Mit207 4 60 D9Mit104 4 60 D18Mit154 4 65 D10Mit213 3 55 D19Mit53 2 55 D10Mit109 3 55 D19Mit68 2 60 D10Mit95 5 60 Table A.87: Assay conditions for human SNP markers Locus Marker Chromosome Position Mg2+ (mM) conditions Tm (oC) Conditions Restriction Enzyme AKT1 rs2494731 14 104,308,725 5 60 Dpn I rs1130214 14 104,330,779 3 55 RSA1 rs7146030 14 104,138,418 3 60 HhaI rs1013781 14 104,159,654 - - Pm1I rs7146661 14 104,161,600 4 55 Mbo1 rs4983386 14 104,281,252 4 55 BstUI rs4658966 1 230,145,237 2 60 Aci I rs701158 1 230,139,751 3 55 Msp I rs872625 1 230,141,596 5 55 TSP509I rs872624 1 230,141,523 2 55 Nla III rs9431714 1 230,008,871 3 55 Bsr I rs821577 1 232,067,057 3 60 Dpn II Rs821585 1 232,087,449 - - Nla III NFATC1 rs2002311 18 75,274,967 5 55 Taq I NFATC2 rs8119787 20 49,580,478 5 55 Cvi QI AKT1 downstream DISC1 ! 267 Appendices ! "##$%&'(!)* +,---!"%&!."'%!.$%/,0#'%.!! Table B.88: BC|SNPmax genotyping information for DISC1 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN cohorts. SNPs of interest for this thesis are highlighted in blue. Where known, the RS numbers were listed. COHORT SNP WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC RS4658966 RS1341552 RS701158 RS821577 RS1341555 RS9431714 RS872625 RS821585 RS872624 RS16854914 RS16855239 RS7416743 RS11122348 RS4658958 RS12735632 RS16854756 RS11583715 RS16854785 RS928099 RS2793091 RS16855725 RS843979 RS2806465 RS16855254 Alleles Minor Major C T C T G A G T T C A G G A T C A G G A T G T C T C G A T G C T C T C T T C A G T G G C G C C T Cases 0.101 0.003 0.420 0.421 0.417 0.375 0.205 0.010 0.139 0.007 0.203 0.031 0.204 0.204 0.203 0.000 0.317 0.031 0.277 0.264 0.000 0.336 0.441 0.019 MAF Controls 0.130 0.009 0.445 0.445 0.440 0.398 0.224 0.015 0.153 0.010 0.190 0.026 0.192 0.192 0.191 0.001 0.331 0.026 0.289 0.276 0.000 0.325 0.429 0.022 268 P OR 0.000 0.000 0.017 0.022 0.027 0.031 0.032 0.036 0.062 0.121 0.123 0.135 0.142 0.146 0.152 0.168 0.171 0.172 0.182 0.205 0.209 0.255 0.259 0.282 0.747 0.296 0.904 0.908 0.910 0.908 0.896 0.660 0.894 0.690 1.084 1.207 1.080 1.079 1.078 0.000 0.938 1.187 0.939 0.942 NA 1.052 1.049 0.852 CI L95 0.644 0.150 0.832 0.836 0.838 0.831 0.810 0.447 0.795 0.430 0.978 0.943 0.974 0.974 0.973 0.000 0.857 0.928 0.857 0.858 NA 0.964 0.966 0.636 U95 0.867 0.584 0.982 0.986 0.989 0.991 0.991 0.976 1.006 1.106 1.202 1.545 1.197 1.196 1.196 NA 1.028 1.519 1.030 1.033 NA 1.148 1.140 1.141 Appendices WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC RS12406771 RS11122325 RS4366301 RS980989 RS11122381 RS1754607 RS16856152 RS6668739 RS7533169 RS12091717 RS12757857 RS16854957 RS9432013 RS1754606 RS11590192 RS12027635 RS4658883 RS6687236 RS821645 RS12730369 RS1015101 RS16855860 RS1009587 RS2356710 RS821627 RS9803690 RS1407601 RS1538974 RS9431708 RS1407600 RS11122374 RS17748239 RS17817356 RS821628 T A C T G A T A A G C A C C C A C T A T G A A A T G G T G G G T A T C G G G A G C G G C T C T T T G T C G C A G G G C A T G A A A C G C 0.051 0.195 0.395 0.240 0.223 0.362 0.050 0.001 0.193 0.172 0.439 0.164 0.056 0.284 0.468 0.215 0.185 0.212 0.314 0.197 0.401 0.000 0.401 0.212 0.357 0.419 0.141 0.319 0.473 0.141 0.110 0.314 0.417 0.284 0.046 0.203 0.405 0.249 0.214 0.352 0.045 0.000 0.202 0.179 0.449 0.157 0.061 0.275 0.477 0.223 0.192 0.219 0.306 0.190 0.393 0.000 0.393 0.219 0.350 0.412 0.146 0.325 0.479 0.145 0.113 0.318 0.422 0.280 269 0.295 0.295 0.296 0.301 0.302 0.308 0.312 0.321 0.323 0.338 0.340 0.342 0.346 0.351 0.357 0.357 0.364 0.388 0.393 0.415 0.425 0.426 0.436 0.443 0.472 0.495 0.497 0.544 0.553 0.576 0.599 0.634 0.644 0.646 1.107 0.946 0.956 0.951 1.054 1.046 1.104 3.165 0.949 0.949 0.961 1.056 0.919 1.045 0.962 0.954 0.952 0.957 1.040 1.047 1.035 0.000 1.034 0.962 1.032 1.029 0.960 0.973 0.975 0.967 0.966 0.979 0.981 1.022 0.915 0.853 0.879 0.864 0.954 0.959 0.911 0.287 0.856 0.851 0.884 0.944 0.770 0.953 0.886 0.864 0.857 0.866 0.951 0.938 0.951 0.000 0.951 0.870 0.947 0.947 0.854 0.891 0.898 0.860 0.847 0.896 0.902 0.933 1.341 1.049 1.040 1.046 1.164 1.140 1.338 34.920 1.053 1.057 1.043 1.180 1.096 1.145 1.045 1.054 1.058 1.058 1.137 1.169 1.125 NA 1.125 1.063 1.125 1.119 1.080 1.063 1.059 1.088 1.100 1.069 1.066 1.119 Appendices WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC GAIN RS16854783 RS866596 RS7512173 RS6668845 RS821589 RS2793093 RS884158 RS1934909 RS11585959 RS7523846 RS821598 RS11580219 RS12029109 RS2793092 RS4575071 RS9432024 RS2793098 RS821592 RS6671423 RS11588799 RS12090070 RS1998406 RS4459095 RS12044355 RS11122324 RS6677638 RS10864698 RS16854779 RS16856202 RS6695678 RS16855598 RS9651122 RS16855881 RS2793092 A G T G T A G T C G T C G G A C G A C A A G A C A T A C G A 0 0 C G G A C A C G A C T A C T A A G T A G T G G A G A G C G T T G T G T A 0.348 0.284 0.104 0.104 0.082 0.224 0.012 0.154 0.315 0.104 0.298 0.398 0.054 0.226 0.363 0.342 0.224 0.288 0.103 0.399 0.127 0.244 0.127 0.347 0.349 0.127 0.105 0.343 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.353 0.281 0.101 0.101 0.080 0.227 0.013 0.157 0.318 0.102 0.295 0.395 0.053 0.228 0.365 0.340 0.226 0.286 0.102 0.400 0.127 0.244 0.127 0.346 0.349 0.127 0.106 0.344 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.218 270 0.671 0.675 0.677 0.690 0.701 0.714 0.742 0.746 0.752 0.760 0.775 0.779 0.799 0.806 0.819 0.840 0.841 0.846 0.879 0.919 0.965 0.965 0.965 0.966 0.972 0.979 0.981 0.983 0.992 NA NA NA NA 0.008 0.981 1.020 1.029 1.028 1.030 0.982 0.939 0.982 0.986 1.021 1.013 1.012 1.024 0.988 0.990 1.009 0.990 1.009 1.011 0.996 0.997 1.002 0.997 1.002 0.999 1.002 0.998 0.999 0.998 NA NA NA NA 1.195 0.899 0.931 0.899 0.898 0.886 0.890 0.645 0.876 0.903 0.892 0.926 0.931 0.854 0.895 0.909 0.925 0.897 0.921 0.882 0.916 0.882 0.910 0.881 0.919 0.916 0.885 0.873 0.916 0.739 NA NA NA NA 1.047 1.071 1.117 1.179 1.177 1.198 1.083 1.367 1.099 1.077 1.169 1.109 1.101 1.228 1.090 1.078 1.100 1.092 1.105 1.158 1.083 1.128 1.104 1.128 1.092 1.088 1.133 1.141 1.090 1.349 NA NA NA NA 1.363 Appendices GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN RS2793098 RS12076286 RS2793093 RS12091717 RS1073179 RS1015101 RS11122331 RS1009587 RS4658883 RS11122325 RS11585959 RS4366301 RS17748239 RS12044355 RS1407599 RS11122330 RS823163 RS980394 RS2812385 RS1538979 RS11122322 RS12027635 RS12143549 RS12406771 RS11122386 RS9432023 RS9432024 RS17817356 RS11122318 RS11583715 RS2812388 RS16855854 RS12060283 RS1538974 C G A C C C T A G A C C A C A C G A G A G A A A T G G T G C C T G A T A G G T T A G A G T G G A C T A G T G T G G G C A A C A T T C C C 0.247 0.207 0.244 0.194 0.372 0.411 0.125 0.414 0.205 0.215 0.323 0.416 0.321 0.350 0.357 0.127 0.352 0.346 0.364 0.134 0.352 0.205 0.258 0.043 0.044 0.362 0.329 0.401 0.342 0.323 0.226 0.045 0.046 0.323 0.220 0.183 0.218 0.172 0.345 0.385 0.143 0.388 0.185 0.195 0.300 0.392 0.299 0.328 0.334 0.143 0.330 0.325 0.342 0.150 0.331 0.224 0.277 0.053 0.053 0.383 0.350 0.422 0.322 0.303 0.209 0.054 0.055 0.304 271 0.022 0.028 0.028 0.038 0.042 0.053 0.057 0.065 0.070 0.072 0.078 0.086 0.087 0.089 0.089 0.096 0.098 0.104 0.105 0.106 0.109 0.110 0.113 0.114 0.115 0.123 0.125 0.130 0.131 0.141 0.141 0.144 0.145 0.148 1.164 1.168 1.158 1.163 1.126 1.117 0.854 1.112 1.137 1.134 1.113 1.103 1.109 1.106 1.106 0.871 1.103 1.102 1.100 0.878 1.100 0.896 0.904 0.811 0.812 0.914 0.913 0.917 1.094 1.093 1.106 0.826 0.827 1.091 1.022 1.017 1.016 1.008 1.004 0.998 0.726 0.993 0.990 0.989 0.988 0.986 0.985 0.985 0.985 0.741 0.982 0.980 0.980 0.749 0.979 0.783 0.798 0.625 0.627 0.816 0.813 0.820 0.974 0.971 0.967 0.640 0.640 0.969 1.326 1.343 1.321 1.341 1.263 1.251 1.005 1.244 1.306 1.300 1.253 1.234 1.250 1.243 1.242 1.025 1.239 1.239 1.235 1.028 1.235 1.025 1.024 1.052 1.052 1.025 1.026 1.026 1.230 1.231 1.263 1.068 1.068 1.229 Appendices GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN RS11122381 RS2793091 RS11122324 RS16854779 RS821592 RS4658972 RS12029109 RS1417584 RS9431708 RS16856152 RS9431714 RS16854783 RS6674099 RS12130935 RS9308481 RS2487453 RS16854914 RS1535530 RS2738888 RS11580219 RS11590192 RS821600 RS4266866 RS16856275 RS16856199 RS821589 RS1322783 RS1407600 RS872624 RS11588595 RS16854957 RS821585 RS4658933 RS973607 C A T C A C C C C A A A G A T T G C C G G A G C A T T C T G A T G A T G C T G T T T T G G G A G C C A T T A A G C T T C C T C A C C A G 0.205 0.286 0.355 0.349 0.272 0.045 0.052 0.441 0.466 0.045 0.365 0.349 0.427 0.093 0.269 0.355 0.010 0.321 0.147 0.387 0.468 0.351 0.186 0.037 0.027 0.087 0.146 0.138 0.153 0.041 0.147 0.020 0.193 0.121 0.221 0.268 0.336 0.330 0.290 0.053 0.061 0.422 0.485 0.053 0.383 0.331 0.444 0.083 0.255 0.341 0.013 0.334 0.157 0.399 0.482 0.364 0.195 0.033 0.023 0.094 0.154 0.145 0.145 0.045 0.155 0.017 0.185 0.128 272 0.152 0.155 0.156 0.157 0.160 0.161 0.166 0.170 0.178 0.184 0.196 0.197 0.209 0.210 0.250 0.274 0.280 0.321 0.332 0.347 0.351 0.352 0.383 0.397 0.405 0.415 0.418 0.426 0.431 0.433 0.437 0.441 0.443 0.463 0.906 1.093 1.087 1.088 0.916 0.832 0.844 1.081 0.927 0.841 0.928 1.079 0.931 1.132 1.078 1.067 0.749 0.942 0.927 0.947 0.949 0.947 0.939 1.138 1.163 0.923 0.938 0.938 1.064 0.897 0.941 1.176 1.057 0.939 0.792 0.967 0.968 0.968 0.810 0.644 0.663 0.967 0.830 0.651 0.828 0.961 0.833 0.932 0.949 0.950 0.443 0.838 0.795 0.846 0.850 0.844 0.816 0.843 0.815 0.762 0.804 0.800 0.911 0.682 0.806 0.778 0.918 0.795 1.037 1.236 1.221 1.222 1.035 1.076 1.073 1.209 1.035 1.086 1.040 1.213 1.041 1.374 1.224 1.198 1.267 1.060 1.081 1.060 1.060 1.062 1.081 1.537 1.658 1.119 1.095 1.099 1.243 1.178 1.098 1.776 1.216 1.110 Appendices GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN RS1040944 RS2812391 RS1322785 RS11122373 RS12137417 RS11122374 RS821627 RS12023889 RS11588799 RS4325116 RS1411775 RS2082552 RS821645 RS821597 RS4658966 RS16854723 RS12123082 RS843979 RS12730369 RS11122348 RS6677638 RS10864698 RS16855254 RS4658949 RS1934909 RS16855239 RS6678723 RS9431997 RS1998406 RS12090070 RS2759338 RS2738864 RS12087793 RS4459095 G T G A A C T A A G T C T A G A C G A T T A G A A A A C C A A A T T C C A G G T C G G A C T C G A C G C G C C G A C G C G G T G G G C C 0.120 0.278 0.120 0.119 0.158 0.123 0.353 0.032 0.387 0.387 0.130 0.181 0.314 0.352 0.159 0.009 0.194 0.333 0.195 0.200 0.125 0.108 0.020 0.333 0.145 0.197 0.192 0.111 0.250 0.126 0.047 0.240 0.256 0.126 0.127 0.269 0.126 0.125 0.152 0.129 0.362 0.035 0.379 0.379 0.136 0.174 0.322 0.361 0.153 0.011 0.200 0.341 0.201 0.206 0.130 0.103 0.023 0.327 0.150 0.203 0.187 0.106 0.245 0.130 0.049 0.234 0.261 0.130 273 0.470 0.486 0.504 0.518 0.523 0.524 0.527 0.528 0.531 0.536 0.539 0.543 0.547 0.549 0.555 0.561 0.581 0.584 0.593 0.598 0.601 0.605 0.621 0.623 0.630 0.633 0.634 0.635 0.638 0.639 0.648 0.657 0.664 0.667 0.940 1.045 0.944 0.946 1.051 0.947 0.964 0.906 1.037 1.036 0.950 1.046 0.964 0.965 1.047 0.846 0.962 0.968 0.963 0.964 0.957 1.049 0.908 1.030 0.963 0.967 1.035 1.045 1.031 0.961 0.942 1.031 0.973 0.964 0.795 0.923 0.798 0.798 0.903 0.802 0.859 0.667 0.926 0.925 0.805 0.905 0.857 0.861 0.899 0.481 0.837 0.861 0.839 0.840 0.811 0.876 0.621 0.916 0.824 0.843 0.898 0.872 0.908 0.815 0.727 0.902 0.858 0.818 1.112 1.183 1.117 1.121 1.224 1.119 1.081 1.231 1.161 1.161 1.120 1.208 1.085 1.083 1.219 1.488 1.105 1.088 1.106 1.106 1.129 1.254 1.330 1.158 1.124 1.110 1.192 1.253 1.172 1.134 1.219 1.178 1.103 1.137 Appendices GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN RS2812393 RS2356606 RS4658958 RS4575071 RS12735632 RS16854954 RS16854785 RS872625 RS821596 RS16856202 RS17766890 RS7512173 RS866596 RS2356710 RS821598 RS821628 RS1094401 RS6668845 RS7511740 RS17819668 RS7416743 RS7533169 RS10158776 RS821577 RS9701655 RS967244 RS1754608 RS1341555 RS6687236 RS1341553 RS821662 RS9432013 RS1475514 RS6671423 G C C T T C G C A G T A C T A A C C A A A T A C C C C A A C G G C G C T T C G T A T G T C G T C G G A T T G G C C A T T T G G G A A T A 0.430 0.221 0.200 0.352 0.202 0.285 0.026 0.223 0.302 0.029 0.061 0.104 0.289 0.216 0.304 0.288 0.236 0.104 0.104 0.363 0.027 0.191 0.029 0.444 0.202 0.180 0.290 0.441 0.218 0.418 0.341 0.055 0.419 0.103 0.436 0.225 0.204 0.347 0.206 0.288 0.028 0.226 0.299 0.031 0.062 0.102 0.287 0.218 0.301 0.286 0.238 0.103 0.103 0.360 0.028 0.189 0.028 0.446 0.200 0.178 0.289 0.443 0.219 0.420 0.343 0.054 0.421 0.103 274 0.682 0.707 0.714 0.725 0.728 0.780 0.805 0.811 0.816 0.817 0.818 0.836 0.838 0.839 0.841 0.850 0.865 0.869 0.869 0.870 0.879 0.880 0.886 0.893 0.894 0.909 0.911 0.912 0.921 0.922 0.922 0.931 0.933 0.940 0.977 0.975 0.975 1.021 0.976 0.983 0.958 0.984 1.014 0.963 0.973 1.019 1.013 0.986 1.012 1.012 0.989 1.015 1.015 1.010 0.974 1.011 1.025 0.992 1.009 1.008 1.007 0.994 0.993 0.994 0.994 1.011 0.995 1.007 0.873 0.854 0.850 0.910 0.851 0.870 0.682 0.862 0.900 0.697 0.774 0.851 0.897 0.863 0.898 0.896 0.868 0.847 0.847 0.900 0.694 0.878 0.735 0.888 0.880 0.873 0.892 0.889 0.869 0.889 0.885 0.793 0.890 0.840 1.093 1.113 1.118 1.146 1.119 1.110 1.346 1.123 1.144 1.330 1.225 1.222 1.144 1.127 1.141 1.143 1.127 1.217 1.217 1.132 1.366 1.163 1.428 1.109 1.158 1.165 1.137 1.110 1.135 1.112 1.117 1.289 1.113 1.207 Appendices GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN RS12757857 RS7418900 RS1754606 RS1754605 RS7523846 RS701158 RS2806465 RS16855093 RS9803690 RS821663 RS16855090 C C C C C C C T C T T T T T T T T G C T C C 0.454 0.103 0.289 0.289 0.102 0.444 0.434 0.046 0.405 0.341 0.047 0.453 0.103 0.289 0.289 0.103 0.445 0.434 0.047 0.405 0.341 0.046 0.941 0.948 0.951 0.951 0.952 0.958 0.963 0.973 0.976 0.988 0.997 1.004 1.006 1.004 1.004 0.994 0.997 1.003 0.996 1.002 0.999 1.001 0.899 0.839 0.889 0.889 0.828 0.892 0.897 0.766 0.895 0.890 0.770 1.122 1.206 1.134 1.134 1.194 1.114 1.120 1.294 1.121 1.122 1.300 ! Table B.89: BC|SNPmax genotyping information for NFATC2 SNPs in the WTCCC and GAIN cohorts. SNPs of interest for this thesis are highlighted in blue. Where known the RS numbers were listed. COHORT SNP WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC RS8119787 RS16996025 RS16996066 RS17199748 RS6021254 RS4811172 RS747062 RS6021191 RS4396773 RS6067758 RS6013202 RS6013172 RS1570161 RS761376 RS959996 RS880324 RS754285 Alleles Minor Major G A T C T C T C C A G A C T T A T C T C A G A G A C T A A G A G T C Cases 0.486 0.041 0.042 0.000 0.000 0.088 0.166 0.001 0.389 0.090 0.043 0.000 0.002 0.153 0.357 0.218 0.160 MAF Controls 0.506 0.034 0.049 0.000 0.000 0.096 0.157 0.000 0.398 0.096 0.047 0.000 0.001 0.158 0.363 0.212 0.164 275 P OR 0.057 0.089 0.151 0.209 0.209 0.217 0.263 0.321 0.348 0.349 0.385 0.426 0.426 0.533 0.541 0.547 0.592 0.923 1.205 0.864 NA NA 0.914 1.066 3.159 0.961 0.934 0.916 0.000 1.578 0.965 0.974 1.031 0.970 CI L95 0.850 0.972 0.708 NA NA 0.793 0.953 0.286 0.883 0.811 0.751 0.000 0.508 0.861 0.894 0.933 0.867 U95 1.003 1.493 1.055 NA NA 1.054 1.193 34.850 1.045 1.077 1.117 NA 4.895 1.081 1.061 1.140 1.085 Appendices WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC WTCCC GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN RS6021185 RS3787187 RS6021247 RS6067804 RS4809846 RS3787195 RS6123041 RS6063655 RS6067803 RS6021276 RS3787186 RS2426311 RS6123045 RS761375 RS2273642 RS6067803 RS6067814 RS6067804 RS228839 RS3787193 RS3787187 RS6021247 RS8119787 RS910156 RS12481623 RS3787195 RS761376 RS6067774 RS4809846 RS6013195 RS747064 RS16996060 RS6013184 RS6067773 T G G G T C A G G T T C T A T T G A T G T C C G C G T C A C A C T A C A A A C T T A T C C T C G C G A G A C C T T C A A A T G T G T C G 0.112 0.493 0.473 0.493 0.154 0.105 0.480 0.479 0.493 0.370 0.371 0.367 0.277 0.365 0.291 0.510 0.306 0.506 0.128 0.476 0.509 0.457 0.487 0.202 0.302 0.091 0.158 0.157 0.167 0.342 0.172 0.050 0.091 0.091 0.115 0.497 0.477 0.497 0.151 0.107 0.484 0.483 0.496 0.367 0.368 0.364 0.279 0.363 0.269 0.485 0.329 0.482 0.113 0.499 0.486 0.479 0.508 0.186 0.283 0.102 0.146 0.146 0.156 0.328 0.162 0.044 0.099 0.098 276 0.672 0.684 0.685 0.703 0.707 0.713 0.731 0.750 0.758 0.759 0.772 0.788 0.839 0.848 0.077 0.079 0.085 0.085 0.096 0.097 0.101 0.116 0.125 0.140 0.149 0.200 0.228 0.246 0.257 0.291 0.334 0.338 0.354 0.365 0.972 0.983 0.983 0.984 1.022 0.975 0.986 0.987 0.987 1.013 1.013 1.012 0.991 1.008 1.117 1.104 0.901 1.102 1.156 0.910 1.097 0.915 0.917 1.111 1.093 0.885 1.099 1.095 1.090 1.065 1.076 1.136 0.915 0.917 0.854 0.906 0.905 0.906 0.912 0.853 0.908 0.909 0.909 0.931 0.930 0.929 0.904 0.926 0.988 0.989 0.800 0.987 0.975 0.815 0.982 0.820 0.822 0.966 0.969 0.734 0.943 0.939 0.939 0.948 0.928 0.875 0.758 0.759 1.107 1.067 1.067 1.068 1.146 1.115 1.070 1.071 1.072 1.104 1.103 1.102 1.086 1.098 1.263 1.233 1.014 1.230 1.370 1.017 1.224 1.022 1.024 1.277 1.234 1.067 1.281 1.277 1.266 1.197 1.247 1.475 1.104 1.107 Appendices GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN GAIN RS747062 RS6021233 RS16996047 RS228851 RS3787186 RS6021185 RS228832 RS6021276 RS6021197 RS6021190 RS228830 RS11696959 RS4396773 RS2426311 RS2426299 RS6021220 RS4809847 RS6126248 RS6013202 RS754285 RS11086340 RS6021232 RS4811189 RS16996025 RS2179746 RS3787205 RS6021183 RS6021264 RS6063655 RS880324 RS6123041 RS6067758 C T A A A A T T G A A T T C T C T A A T T T G T T T G C G A T A T G G C G G C C T G G C C T C T G G G C C C A C C C A T A G A G 0.172 0.429 0.053 0.481 0.370 0.121 0.249 0.369 0.204 0.028 0.364 0.303 0.406 0.364 0.092 0.299 0.114 0.176 0.052 0.152 0.162 0.356 0.215 0.034 0.236 0.029 0.096 0.063 0.480 0.244 0.480 0.097 0.163 0.417 0.048 0.492 0.361 0.115 0.241 0.360 0.212 0.025 0.356 0.311 0.398 0.357 0.096 0.293 0.111 0.172 0.049 0.156 0.158 0.352 0.212 0.033 0.234 0.030 0.098 0.064 0.479 0.243 0.480 0.096 ! 277 0.371 0.406 0.407 0.459 0.493 0.502 0.519 0.527 0.529 0.534 0.550 0.556 0.574 0.617 0.620 0.624 0.672 0.693 0.711 0.719 0.727 0.775 0.789 0.814 0.846 0.850 0.854 0.909 0.917 0.925 0.962 0.976 1.070 1.048 1.113 0.959 1.041 1.060 1.043 1.038 0.957 1.114 1.036 0.965 1.033 1.030 0.953 1.031 1.038 1.030 1.049 0.972 1.028 1.017 1.019 1.037 1.013 0.969 0.983 0.987 1.006 1.006 1.003 1.003 0.923 0.938 0.864 0.859 0.928 0.894 0.918 0.925 0.836 0.792 0.923 0.856 0.923 0.918 0.789 0.913 0.872 0.891 0.816 0.835 0.881 0.906 0.890 0.764 0.890 0.699 0.816 0.787 0.901 0.885 0.898 0.832 1.240 1.172 1.432 1.071 1.167 1.258 1.186 1.163 1.097 1.567 1.162 1.087 1.156 1.155 1.151 1.163 1.236 1.191 1.348 1.133 1.199 1.141 1.165 1.408 1.153 1.343 1.184 1.238 1.123 1.145 1.120 1.209 Appendices !""#$%&'()* +%("+,-(,.(!"#$(/$"/( Black squares:r2 =1 Grey squares: 0 >r2< 1 % LD shown numerically White squares:r2 = 0 Figure C.85: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of all validated AKT1 SNPs. Outlined areas indicated separate haplotype blocks (numbers 1-3). 278 Appendices !""#$%&'(%) *%("*+,(+-(!"#$%(.$".( Black squares:r2 =1 Grey squares: 0 >r2< 1 White squares:r2 = 0 ( Figure D.86: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of all validated DISC1 SNPs. Outlined areas indicated separate haplotype blocks (numbers 17-21). The whole DISC1 gene was unable to be presented here as it includes hundreds of SNPs, too many for Haploview to export as an image. Information on the SNPs of interest in this region is available in section Black squares:r2 =1 Grey squares: 0 >r2< 1 % LD shown numerically White squares:r2 = 0 ( Figure D.87: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of one block of DISC1 SNPs that was found to include the majority of SNPs associated with RA in genome-wide association analysis. Information on the SNPs of interest in this region is available in section 279 Appendices ! ! "##$%&'(!$) *&!#*+,!+-!!"#$!.%#.! Black squares:r2 =1 Grey squares: 0 >r2< 1 White squares:r2 = 0 Figure E.88: Haploview LD plot (r2) generated from HapMap genotyping of all validated NFAT SNPs. Outlined areas indicated separate haplotype blocks (numbers 1-11). Information on the SNPs of interest in this region (NFATC1 – rs2002311 , NFATC2 – rs8119787) is available in section 280