Panther Advocate-Fall 09 - Plainfield Public Schools


Panther Advocate-Fall 09 - Plainfield Public Schools
October 1, 2009
The Panther Advocate
Plainfield…Orange, Black, and Going Green.
By Kim Caouette and Adam Main
There’s an empty water bottle in your hand; you walk up to the front your classroom. What do
you see? Well, by law, you should see three bins in front of you. One bin for recycling paper, another
for plastic bottle, and the last for non recyclable garbage. Our problem in Plainfield High is that we only
have one, two if we are lucky. Who is to blame? Should we blame our students for lack of caring? Or
maybe we could blame our school administrators for not
enforcing it. We could just blame the janitors for not doing
their jobs. The only problem with all that is it isn’t fixing the
problem. It doesn’t matter whose fault it is, it only matters
that nothing is being done to fix it. We as students should
care more about our school, and the planet as a whole, than
to be so lazy that we throw a plastic bottle in the trash at
lunch. Try placing it in a recycling bin that’s right next to it.
As I have stated early, it is the law to recycle in all public
and private schools in Connecticut. Everyone seems to agree
on one thing; what we are doing isn’t enough. We should be
recycling the following; glass, metal, beverage containers,
newspapers, white office paper, oil, batteries, also the leaves
and the grass should be composted. Recycling provisions should also be made for all in and outdoor
special events, such as school dances and sporting events.
One man that Adam and I had a chance to interview was the head custodian, Mr. Kettle. Mr.
Kettle was very supportive of our interest in the recycling system of our school. He seemed like he
• On Track to Safety
wanted to do anything he could to help, but he didn’t know too much. He had no idea why we weren’t
supplied with the acquired the bins system in all classrooms. Plus he had no clue that some blue recy-
• Young, Broke, and
• Freedom for Freshman?
• Hey Guys, I Think
There’s a Sni—
cling bins were filled with a black trash bag. He did know about the laws for recycling in schools, but
he knows that we aren’t doing enough to enforce it. How are we really going to make the entire Plainfield High population want to recycle? How can we make this a bigger priority in the school? Deep
Background that Adam and I had talked to stated that there is no recycling in the school. That they just
throw everything into one big bin and send it off to the trash company to deal with. When mentioning
this to Mr. Kettle he was dumbfounded. He said that is not true and that the janitors take their time to
put all the black and clear bags into one big bin, and take them outside. When outside the janitors separate the bags into recyclables, and non recyclables. He was happy to go outside and show us these bins
Editor in Chief:
Marcus Tichenor
Layout Editors:
Dean Roussel
Zack Nadeau
that they divide out garbage amongst, and it seemed legit. It all comes down to the janitors and if they
are doing their jobs, and according to Mr. Kettle they are. So if everybody is doing what they are supposed to then why don’t we have a better recycling system in PHS? We needed to talk to someone with
a higher standing to see his side of things.
Continued on next page...
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It seems that Mr. Kettle shares a similar opinion with someone very high on the food chain in this school, Mr. Worth. Kim
and I step into the principal’s office. Mr. Worth, cursing us for being late, actually arrived at the same exact time as we did. We
move on to the interview. We start out with a simple question. Do we have a proper recycling program in this school? He notes that
yes, we do indeed have a recycling program, but that we need a bit more effort. Unfortunately, we haven’t used our multiple available medias to advertise to the students and faculty to get that effort out there. We started discussing how we could develop a way to
get the entire student body involved in the program, and Mr. Worth seemed quite pleased with the idea. Kim and I, being on the
morning announcements, discussed with him about doing a special on recycling one day, featuring Mr. Worth and recycling videos
from students of Mr. Melchior’s Vis. Com. II class. In doing so, we have high hopes of spreading the word that recycling really is
important, and that our school does indeed recycle. We then brought up the question dealing with our anonymous source, deep background. Mr. Worth responded with “I don’t know”. We told him about how the janitors are the ones who do the cleaning up of the
recycling bins. He proceeded to tell us that they should be doing it the right way then, and that if there was a problem discovered,
he’d have to see why this is happening.
We’ve been discussing how we believe that the school isn’t doing enough, but it is also up to the students that actually use
the program. Mr. Worth went on to say that it is up to the student that wants to see that change that actually makes the change happen. I’d like to see these bins have more use than just sitting there like a large paperweight. This town’s tax money went to something that we don’t even use…cough cough…rock climbing wall…cough. We have these bins, but they aren’t being used to their full
potential. We need to motivate the student body and faculty, obtain the proper three bin system in each classroom, and get this recycling program off the ground! Why pretend that we recycle when we have such a mediocre program? What do you believe? Do you
want to see the change in this school?
Commentary by: Mariah Mccracken
Recently, our community suffered a tragic loss. On September 4th, a Plainfield teenager was struck by a train as he drove over the tracks. The police report states that the glare
from the sun is most likely the reason he did not see the train coming. This particular railroad
crossing was not equipped with a gate, only flashing warning lights. If this railroad crossing
had a gate as well as warning lights, the accident never would have happened.
The fact that most railroad crossings in our town do not have a gate, never seemed
relevant to me before. As a matter of fact, it was not something I noticed or paid any attention to. But in light of this tragic accident, I wonder why there is not a law that requires that
every railroad crossing should have both a working gate and flashing lights.
According to the Connecticut Department of Transportation website, around 500
people annually die from accidents of the same nature in the United States. Although it is a
law that every vehicle is to stop at a railroad crossing with flashing lights before traveling
over it, in this instance the flashing lights were probably not visible due to the glare. If a gate
had been in place, the driver would have had no choice but to stop, therefore avoiding the
collision entirely. Also stated by the Connecticut Department of Transportation website, 50%
of the accidents mentioned previously occur at railroad crossings equipped with warning devices. However, the statistics do not clarify which warning device, whether it is with both a gate and flashing light or a crossing with
only one or the other. Although flashing lights are important to warn drivers of an oncoming train, in this instance and many others,
they were useless.
We should petition the state to make it mandatory that each railroad crossing be equipped with both warning devices. This
would save many lives and keep the town from having to suffer these terrible losses. The cost of installing automatic warning devices can be $100,000 or more, stated by the Connecticut Department of Transportation website and the money often has to come
from public sources. But once installed, the railroad covers the cost of maintaining them.
$100,000 seems like a lot of money, but the cost of just one innocent life is much greater.
Picture from
On Track to Safety
Is The Right thing Always the Right Thing to Do? By Eneriko
September 15th, 2009, an incident occurred at Plainfield High School. As students entered the school that morning they noticed graffiti on a wall next to the school’s front
entrance. Were the intentions of the vandalism bad? On the
wall it read “RIP Ricky Cima,” an Ellis Tech graduate who
had passed away a few weeks earlier in a train accident.
Ricky was friends with many students at Plainfield High.
However, “This memorial doesn’t excuse the destruction of
school property” explained head custodian Mr. Kettle. According to Mr. Kettle, there was more spray paint on a few
of the doors and windows near the front entrance but the
janitors managed to clean that up before the students arrived
at school.
As of right now there is still an ongoing investigation about this incident. School principal Mr. Worth says
that he doesn’t know who did this and can tell that he/she
was deeply impacted by the death of Ricky Cima. “ vandalize school property was the wrong way to approach this situation and there were definitely other alternatives to make a memorial
in the name of the Ellis Tech graduate.” Mr. Kettle informed me," This isn’t the first time that Plainfield High was vandalized but it
was the first form of vandalism used as a tribute in someone’s name.”
In the opinions of some students at PHS the intentions may have been for a good cause but to vandalize isn’t a good way to
make a memorial. “Perhaps they could have made a plaque with a meaningful quote that best describes him and placed somewhere
where everyone can see it,” says Mary Dixon, a sophomore at PHS. When fellow junior classmate Ashleigh Daigle was asked for her
opinion, she replied, “it wasn’t right but it was in good taste. It’s understandable that they covered the graffiti because it could have
acted as a flood gate for other students to graffiti the school.”
This issue wasn’t addressed properly since it was never mentioned on the morning announcements. The majority of students
didn’t know about it and as students we have a right to know about incidents such as vandalism happening to our school. As of right
now the graffiti is gone; it was originally covered by plastic and duck tape by Mr. Kettle and washed off on that same day. It is unknown as to who put the graffiti on the wall but the administration is looking into it.
My Six and a Half Hour Cheat With Death!
Commentary by Scott Behm
“It was once a lonely summer’s dawn, on the dark road of sunset” when the lord
called upon the White Wizard also known as Worth, he called upon the five yellow demons, known as “The Busses.” They kidnapped all the villagers and sent them to the dungeon. From there they were chained to the wall and educated in dark arts by the Plainfield
staff. I was once able to walk down the road until the demons came. They took us to the
dungeon and kept us against our will until after 2:00 PM.
Of course, all the kids of the village were taken. We decided that we weren’t going to be saved from the horribly dreaded dungeon of Plainfield. Out of nowhere a giant
appeared in the room, given the appropriate name Bitgood the Tall by his minions. He
inched closer and closer, taking the younger kids into a different part of the dungeon. We
thought we would never see them again. We heard them screaming for help while others chained to the wall were laughing at their
Suddenly a voice boomed through the dungeon halls putting a stop to our laughing. Most of the guys were cowering; the
girls were crying. An evil harpy known as “The Riley” flew in and attacked one of us. We never saw him again only hearing his
screams and cries in terror as he was taken away. Soon our horror met its fullest when the yellow demons stopped outside, we heard
their roaring.
Inside we were terrified of what might happen. Soon the chains disappeared and we were thrown to the floor by the feet of
Arremony and Chaviaras. They started telling us to run. If they taught us dark arts they have to get us in shape to use it. We did what
any other kid would do, we ran: dodging and hurling over spikes traps and flying spears. We heard something rip through the air, the
Riley was back.
She started to soar down and scoop us up, like a hawk hunting a mouse. She would pick us up and we would never see the
daylight again. Then we heard a loud screeching noise, then the walls fell and the monsters left. And we saw in big bold letters.
Back to School Commentary
Administrative Interview
Improving the World One Kid at a Time
Interview by: Kayla Charlwood
Hey Plainfield High School, guess who the “Big Man on Campus”
is this year? If you don’t already know, it’s Mr. Worth our new principal. As
a child he moved all around because his dad was in the Navy. Mr. Worth
was born in California and moved to South Carolina. After South Carolina
he hustled on over to a couple towns in Virginia which later led him here to
Connecticut in 1973. When Mr. Worth was just a little guy, he wanted to be
what every other kid in the world wanted to be: a firefighter or an army soldier.
His journey began when he wanted to be a science teacher. He went
to the University of Connecticut majoring in Agricultural Science, switching to a Bachelors in Animal Science. Mr. Worth
went to Sacred Heart to get his degree in administration. He taught in Lebanon for seventeen years, then as an administrator in
Plainfield for one. He returned to Lebanon as an administrator for three years and came back to Plainfield for his fourth year
as an administrator. Now, being the principal here at Plainfield High School, he holds a different view on things. When he
first started the job, he saw a lot more of the responsibilities he has to take care of, even out of the school. Also, professionally, he wouldn’t mind his old job back, but he wants to keep growing and moving up in his career.
The new team of James C. Worth, Jean B. Riley, and Christopher Bitgood is a working team that keeps each other
going in the loop. Mr. Worth likes helping the kids grow and seeing them get involved in their academics. He really wants to
improve the school and show everyone that he is determined to help each and every student to succeed to a career. One thing
he wants kids, administrators, and adults to do is to think more before they actual go forth on an action. Mr. Worth knows that
not all kids know what they want to do in their futures, and that’s what he wants to help the kids with. He wants to know what
we strive to do and help us be who we want to be.
Being principal would be a very memorable moment for anyone to achieve. The 2010 class is a very special class for
Mr. Worth. The class of 2010 is his graduating class. Mr. Worth just wants to succeed and keep moving up to help the children. He knows that everyone in Plainfield High School can be at the top of the chain one day.
Back to School Commentary
My Day Would Probably be Better if I Had a Moustache Commentary by Adam Main
Knock, knock. Who’s there? It’s me, wondering why you’re not dressed for school (edited for content, awesome). Knock,
knock, who’s there? It’s me, still wondering..I slam my cell phone until the alarm ceases to hammer into my ears. It’s 5:30 am and I
feel as if I’d been hit by a stampede of cattle. My head rings of Jon Lajoie lyrics and my dog barking at probably another squirrel.
Awesome, I ♥ school. Showered, lookin’ good, I rush about trying to find my notebook so I’m not completely unprepared for class
on the first day. Keys in hand, I sprint over to my majestic Subaru with its electric seatbelts and its blue interior. I knew it was going
to be a fantastic day. I’m not really sure if I’m doing the speed limit because my speedometer is off, but I truck along anyways down
the jungle that is Kate Downing Road. I slowly pull into my cousin Robin’s driveway, brakes squealing like a pig because that is
what Subarus do. I wait for her to rush out the door.
We speed down 14A, getting stuck behind what we call the “triangle bus”, mostly because there is
a small triangle on the back for the elevator. You wouldn’t get it, we’re awkward. We scream in disgust,
“EVERY FREAKING DAY WE GET STUCK BEHIND THIS BUS!” We race onto northbound 395, heading for the magical exit 89. Rounding the corner as we plunge down the exit ramp, the time being 7:10ish,
we decide to go to Cumby’s and get Chillzones. Bad decision on our part. The machine for the blue raspberry flavor spit out pure syrup into my cup, making it extremely sweet. Seventy nine cents of delicious, tax
not included. Well, not so delicious this time. Maybe next time, maybe. Speeding out of the parking lot and
through Moosup, observing all of its glory, we make our way to the fantastic Plainfield High. I parked my
Scooby and entered said school. FRESHMAN EVERYWHERE! They seem to shrink and shrink every year.
Seriously, when did they get so tiny? I think I was their size in like the fifth grade. Anyways, I ran over to
the guidance department to find that my guidance counselor wasn’t there, again. After yet another disappointment, I try and find my locker.
Off to class, my mind numb and my body aching from lack of sleep, I find my way to Vis Com II. After that, Journalism
with Mr. Greene which wasn’t too bad, then AP History, which was actually a good time. Study hall was pretty lame considering I
hadn’t filled out my form for senior privilege. Being stuck in study hall when you could be leaving is no bueno. The clock creaks its
way to 2 o’clock, the bell playing my favorite song, freedom. The only reason this day wasn’t absolutely awful, it was payday. My
day really would have been better with a moustache, just throwin’ that out there.
Administrative Interview
Big Friendly Giant Interview
By: Ashleigh Daigle
I waited eagerly to interview the man of the hour. Or should I say fifteen minutes. You all have seen him before. Mr.Bitgood. Have you ever
wondered about the tallest man to grace these here walls of Plainfield High School? Well here are some answers.
You’re a Plainfield graduate, Do you like working where you were
Bitgood: Yes
Which teacher was your favorite, and why?
Bitgood: Uhm, Mr. Ditoconsalatorie, because he was a French teacher,
who’d interject old François unique phrases into the language.
Are any of the same teachers that were around when you went to school
still here?
Bitgood: Yes, I’d like to reveal their names but I don’t want to deal with
the repercussions of revealing their names which coincides with revealing
their ages.
How long have you been working at Plainfield?
Bitgood: Fifteen years.
You used to be a graphic design teacher, what’s it like being an Assistant
Bitgood: Uhm, it’s like being a graphic design teacher with a lot less
graphic design.
Do students who have had your class before have a hard time taking you
Bitgood: Uhm, no.
During your childhood did you like to read comics, and if so, what was your favorite comic book character?
Bitgood: I liked to watch cartoons. I like to watch Johnny Quest and the original Fantastic Four from the 1960s.
You’ve told me before that you’re a vampire and your picture won’t show up on a camera, when were you transformed into said
Bitgood: I’m not really a vampire, nor am I a fan of the Twilight series. I just detest having my picture taken.
Do you follow more of a Twilight vampire? Or are you more of a Dracula? Or more of a Nosferatu?
Bitgood: I’m more of a Christopher-Lee-Dracula-Hammer-Brothers-movie from the 1960s.
Which color of umbrella do you prefer? And why?
Bitgood: Multicolors, I prefer red and white it reminds me of the umbrella incorporation from the Resident Evil video game series.
If I took a look inside of your refrigerator, what would I find?
Bitgood: Hot sauce and ice cream sandwiches.
If you are alone in a desert what are your thoughts? Specifically what will be your first thought be?
Bitgood: “Where am I going to plug in my Xbox console?”
How would you react if you were turned into a fish?
Bitgood: I’d probably use my memory of the movie The Incredible Mr. Limpet starring Don Knotts. To help me cope with the experience, the transcendental experience.
Teacher Interview
From Military to High School Teacher: The Inside Scoop on Mr. Decelles!!
By: Mary Dixon
What do you remember your high school days being like?
Well certainly the fashion because it was in the 80s. So
fashions were quite a bit different, also I had some pretty
interesting teachers. I had an excellent physics teacher
which is one of the reasons why I became a teacher myself. Then I had a crazy English teacher who was sort of
like a hippy, used to do things like not shower and all sorts
of crazy stuff but he was an excellent teacher as well.
What made you decide to join the Air Force?
Well, two reasons. Number one is I wanted to go into the
military because I needed money to finish my schooling.
So that’s one. Number two is my family has a history of
military service. My father was in the Air Force, my
mother was in the Army, my grandfather in the Army, and
we have military service all the way back to World War 1.
Do you have any advice for someone planning on joining
the military?
I would say make sure you are doing it for the right reasons, not just for money for college, but also because you have some interest
in serving your country as well and be physically prepared when you get there.
How long were you in the Air Force and do you miss it today?
Eight years and yes sometimes I do miss it.
What was one of your biggest life lessons you learned being in the Air Force?
(Long pause!) Probably to be flexible, because nothing ever works out exactly the way you want it to.
What was the biggest change from switching careers from the Air Force to becoming a High School teacher?
Actually, there was not a huge amount of change probably because of my style of teaching. I tend to be a bit more structured then
most people are. I think the biggest change for me was the change in hours, having to wake up so early in the morning to be here
because I usually almost always worked either the evenings or night shifts.
What is your biggest pet peeve as a teacher?
Cell phones. Honestly I could solve the cell phone problems very easily. All I would need to do would be smash one cell phone into
little tiny bits and you would never see another cell phone again.
Did you have a person when you were a child that you looked up to?
Well I had several people; like I said those teachers in high school they really helped focus me and helped make me think about becoming an educator later in life. Some people in the military that I served with that I certainly looked up to and I was in Boy Scouts
and had some really good Boy Scout leaders as well.
Do you speak any other language other than English?
I understand a little bit of French, and actually I am currently learning Arabic.
What is you favorite aspect of being a teacher?
Working with the students and building a relationship with them.
If you had only one day to live, what would you do and why?
(Long pause, again!) I guess I would try to visit some place that I haven’t been to yet. I’ve traveled quite extensively so there are a
few places that I would like to go. Like the south, like Antarctica or a couple places in Asia and Africa, that sort of thing.
What is your opinion on Barrack Obama becoming President?
Obviously, I can’t really say if I like him or not as a president because this is really the beginning of his first presidency, you know
he is really still getting his feet wet. I don’t think anyone could have done worse than our last president so I think anything and anyone is an improvement. I think that who ever ended up getting the job certainly had their work cut out for them.
If you could change Plainfield High School in any way, what would you change?
That is a difficult question because high school for me was quite a bit different. When I went to high school you used to be able to
leave if you had a study hall or a free period. You could leave because we had open campus and it was a lot more like what you can
expect for college, I think as you gradually narrow things down to where you can’t leave you can’t move here or there you are not
preparing students to make that next step when you get to college. So I guess part of me would say try to move towards a more campus feel. And I’ve always been a stickler for school uniforms because it makes things easier!
Teacher Interview
Meeting Mrs. O’Brien
Interview and picture by Shelby Langlois
Jessica O’Brien is a new teacher here at Plainfield High
School, but she’s not new to Plainfield. After living in Central Village her entire life, she graduated from Plainfield High School in
1998. After high school, Mrs. O’Brien went off to college at the
University of Connecticut where she got her Bachelor’s degree in
Chemical engineering. Afterwards, she went to Eastern Connecticut
University where she got her Master’s in Secondary Science.
Why science? Mrs. O’Brien developed a love for science
as she became a tutor for her little brother and his friends when she
was still in high school. She’d provide homework help and lessons
in math and science after school. Soon, her tutoring became regular
and she “got hooked” on teaching. Aside from her kitchen, Mrs.
O’Brien also taught in Coventry. She’s happy to be back in Plainfield, (especially teaching) and loves our new building and the opportunities it provides for us.
In her spare time, Mrs. O’Brien enjoys being outdoors with her two children and husband, who was her “high school sweetheart.” She enjoys fall, the color purple and keeping an optimistic mind. Mrs. O’Brien’s biggest aspiration as a teacher is to give students the tools they need to succeed and become productive members of society. Mrs. O’Brien is a genuine example for what you
can do when you set goals for yourself. Plainfield is proud to have such a successful graduate and a phenomenal teacher here as a
role model for its students and future students.
Fashion News
The Brightside of Darkness Commentary by: Beth Carlton
You’ve seen them everywhere: walking down the halls, in the mall, at the movies, anywhere you go. It seems like the
rainbow has broken apart and these kids got hit with the pieces. It’s all about bold neon colors, hair accessories, colorful makeup,
choppy hair and big smiles that can brighten up any day. But there is more behind this “scene style” than meets the eye…
The scene style is very close to the well known emo style which is welcomed to both boys and
girls. They are referred to as ‘Scene Kids’ or ‘Scenesters.’ Though no one really knows exactly how it
started, it is said that it roots from punk although neither are anywhere close to punk. It all began as a music trend just like punk rock to claim individuality and uniqueness around the early 2000s. It became quite
popular around 2003 when it was taken further and made into a lifestyle and trend. Their lifestyle is all
about music and creativity. Art, tattoos, photography, music and clothing are just some of the ways they
can show their creativity through. “Most girls blend in, but we prefer to make a scene,” one girl stated for a
better understanding of their style. The point is to shout your personality through the clothes you wear.
You will probably see them walking around in skinny jeans, tight shirts, and tons of accessories that clearly
show the point they are trying to make.
MySpace and other social networking websites were huge factors in making the scene style so
well known. Certain teens have gotten to be insanely popular on the internet because of their style.
Younger scene kids look up to these social networking idols known as ‘Scene Queens.’ An example would
be Audrey Kitching, who is a model and actress who displays the scene style extremely well with her
bright pink hair and colorful clothes. Other scene kids idolize Jeffree Star who is a very popular musician and is extremely scene.
This style turned into a fashion trend when MySpace started supporting Screamo, (a genre of music that applies to a more aggressive style and involves screaming) Indie, and Techno bands. Instead of only playing at
gigs, they were now able to upload their music onto the internet for all to hear. These bands were considered
scene and emo; so when these bands got popular so did their style. The style has changed a lot over time and
is still changing today with the influences of other countries such as Japan and England. The style has also
spread with the rise of alternative music and is still growing.
So the next time you see someone who is scene you will have a better understanding of his or her clothing
and lifestyle. The things that the scene majority project through creativity involving music, art and other such
things are usually outstanding. Hopefully you will be able to appreciate these things even more and maybe
they could even inspire you to try something around that area for yourself if you do not already. So pick up a
paintbrush or a guitar and make a scene.
Teacher Interview
Return of the Wiz
Interview & Photograph By: Christine Byars
After one year, Mrs.Wisniewski has come back to teach at Plainfield and I had the pleasure to have a one on one interview with her.
Why did you leave Plainfield High School?
I had an opportunity to teach at the high school I went to when I was young
and I worked there before, I did my student teaching there and they had a
job opening so I went for it.
Where did you go?
Montville High School.
How was it?
It was good…I thought it would be really different from here but in actuality it wasn’t…I was still teaching sophomore’s and did a lot with CAPT…so
it wasn’t as different as I thought it would be.
Why did you decide to come back?
I liked my job here… I enjoyed working here and I thought it was a really
fun job so when I had to leave my other job, if there was anywhere I could
teach, it would be Plainfield.
After two years, how does it feel to be back at this school?
I feel like I never left…I really like the new staff and I feel like there’s a
good vibe here.
In your experience, has anything changed in this school?
I think with new administration…that we’re really taking a step forward. I think the English department
changed with new teachers and curriculum I am excited to continue to improve.
Where did you come up with your nickname Wiz?
My high school principal made it up for me…always passing me in the hall and calling me out and said
“Nobody beats the Wiz!”…ha-ha
Do you have a favorite word?
I would have to say facetious
Why do you like this word in particular?
Is being sarcastic in a smart way.
Have you ever hated a certain word? If so, then why do you hate this word?
Can’t…I hate the word can’t because my students have always said “They can’t” but I think won’t is
more suited.
If you could be any kind of fruit, what do you think you would be?
I would be a watermelon because it reminds me of summer and if you’re thirsty then you could just eat
one and feel like you drank gallons of water.
Do you have any pets?
I have half of one; I share her – Macy who’s a chocolate lab- with my parents
Would you pet a snake?
I would and I have
Have you ever been out of the country?
Yes, I’ve been to Mexico, Canada and soon Greece for my honeymoon.
How many people have you taught?
That’s a hard question…about 600 or so...I think.
How many have graduated?
All but thirty…maybe.
Do you find it weird that Mr. Worth is now the principal?
No, I think it’s stellar, he will be a great leader.
Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I never really connected with teachers in high school but once I went to college and saw how passionate the teachers were there, it made me want to be one.
Do you enjoy teaching the students you have so far this year?
Yes, my students seem eager and willing to learn.
Do you think you’ll stay at this school?
Yes, I plan on spending quite a few years at PHS.
beats the
Local News
Young, Broke, and Jobless
By: Lauren Curley
This week alone I’ve visited eleven different businesses in search of a part-time job. The words “We’re not hiring right
now” buzz around my head every time I think about my future; the cost of a car, insurance, of college, of an apartment. Every day
there’s a report on the economic situation and how horrible it is, but there never seems to be any information about the group who’s
suffering the most, or what to expect after graduation day.
As of August 2009, the national unemployment rate is 9.7%, higher than it’s been since 1982 according to, the
website for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The combination of the economic recession, country-wide inflation, and the lack of work
resulted in one of the toughest job markets in decades. The website states that in Connecticut the
unemployment rate continues to rise at 7.8% as of July of 2009. Nationally, the teenage (16-19 years old) unemployment rate has
peaked at 25.5% and has no sign of decreasing. It is the highest it has been since the Bureau of Labor Statistics kept track of teenage
unemployment in 1948, as recorded on
I was shocked when I surveyed eighty-eight Plainfield High juniors and seniors to find out how they’d been dealing with
this very competitive market. Of the students that I surveyed, only 27% were employed. The seniors held 11% of that number while
the juniors made up 16%. I then asked what they would need a job for in the first place, and overall, 9% needed money for college,
4% needed money for a car or insurance, 31% just wanted extra spending money, 45% needed all three things mentioned previously,
and 17% said they didn’t want a job. More adults than ever are taking part-time jobs, leaving no work available for teenagers. In fact,
as of early September 2009, 9.1 million adults were employed in part time jobs.
“Students should be
A problem with young people finding jobs is that they are so pushed to go to college that they don’t exposed to as many
even realize that it’s more productive to study something that will be useful in ten years, rather than any
opportunities of as
subject that interests them. The most needed jobs are mainly low and medium skilled. The Bureau of Labor
Statistics created a list of jobs with the highest employment growth from 2006-2016, some of which are:
Registered nurses, retail salespersons, office clerks, home care aides, bookkeeping clerks, truck drivers,
elementary school teachers, and landscaping workers. Out of the jobs listed here, the highest education
needed is a Bachelor’s degree. Out of the thirty jobs listed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only seven
many varieties as
-Mrs. Liebel in the
Career Center
require an Associate’s or a Bachelor’s degree, and only two other jobs require any higher education.
Schools need to alert students of careers
that will be needed in years to come, when
the job market isn’t predicted to be any better. Schools could focus
efforts on getting students into careers, rather than blindly sending
them off to college with the dream that with a college degree,
there’s always work available. It’s time to wake up and realize that
it isn’t up to the government to fix the job market; we need to either
prepare for the future or save a spot in the unemployment line.
Freshman News
What’s the Beef? And Not at Lunch.
Picture by: Ashleigh Daigle
Commentary by: Ashleigh Daigle
It’s hard to avoid them, you see them all over
the place. Freshman. Everyone’s got beef with freshman. Is there any real reason to why, or is it just because
they’re at the bottom of the food chain? Is it because
they’re an easy target to pick on? Whatever the reason
may be, we all agree that no one likes freshman.
No one likes being a freshman, you’re an easy
target to pick on. What do we know about freshman,
they’re immature, they’re short, and overcrowd the hallways. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t avoid
Are we just getting taller of are they getting
shorter? They’re almost impossible to see; unless you’re
looking down. “Well, with the exception of Kevin
Thoare they’re tiny this year. When I was a freshman I
was like 5’7” and now these freshman are like 5’2” and 5’2” is really short,” says junior Eneriko Ferraj.
Even teachers have something to say “They really need to grow up” Math teacher Mrs. Noble said, “They need to realize
this is high school, and we’re not going to hold their hands anymore. Their work ethic needs to change. You didn’t do your homework? You can’t just have mommy write you a note and everything will be okay. No, but that’s how they need to grow up.”
Have you ever had this problem, you’re walking through the hallways, or attempting to, and all of a sudden you’re at a halt.
Why? The reason, there’s an over abundance of freshman crowding the hallway and you can’t get by. You’re faced with few options
do you, A: Tell them to move out of the way. B: Go back the way you came and go around it. Or C: Push your way through them?
“I think they should probably just go to class earlier, because they’re annoying. They talk as if they’ve never talked in a hallway before,” says junior Beckay Demuth.
Freedom For Freshman?
By: Dean Roussel
What has 400 legs, 200 minds, about a dozen teachers and is the length of a hallway? Give up? It’s the new
freshman academy, which Plainfield High School uses as a pedestal for ninth graders.
The most important thing about being a freshman is receiving credits to shed the freshman title. No one
wants the label of freshman for more than a year. However, the students and the teachers both share the responsibility
of equipping the freshman with the knowledge they need to become a sophomore. Such a task can be broken down
by Freshman Academy’s very own Mr. Mariano, one of two World Civilizations teachers for freshman.
“About 20% of last year’s freshman are not sophomores this year… some students really fall through the cracks, so
we teachers are all trying to come together to have the same procedures, similar rules… we talk either as our team, or
with the teachers of the same subject.”
These teachers are truly dedicated to making sure that all of this year’s freshman pass and put in the effort and pass,
but it’s not all them. “Freshman… in order to pass into their sophomore year, are held accountable for their actions.”
According to Mr. Mariano. As with any grade, all a student needs to do is his/her homework, study and the rest, like
test grades, should follow. So, the real
definition of Freshman Academy is not just
“freshman stuck in a hallway”, which is
the common misconception among upperclassmen. It’s an initiation for freshman to
show the responsibility that comes with
being a high-school student, with some
training wheels. In the end, it’s up to the
freshman if this prototype works or not!
Picture by: Ashleigh Daigle
“About 20% of
last year’s
freshman are
this year…
some students
really fall
through the
-Mr. Mariano
Panthers 09 Schedule
9/18/09 vs. Woodstock Academy
6:30 pm
9/25/09 @Ledyard High School
6:30 pm
10/02/09 @ Montville High
School 6:30 pm
10/16/09 @ Waterford High
School 6:30 pm
10/23/09 vs. Putnam High
School 6:30 pm
10/30/09 vs. Bacon Academy
6:30 pm
11/06/09 vs. New London High
School 6:30 pm
11/13/09 vs. Norwich Free Academy 6:30 pm
11/19/09 @ Windham High
School 6:30 pm
11/26/09 @ Griswold High
School 6:30 pm
“People have to step it up this
year. If I have to start a sophomore, I’ll start a sophomore. I’ll
go down to the freshman
level if I need to. Nothing’s
Pride of the Panthers
sound of the first day of practice for the Plainfield High
School football team echoed through the old practice field
that sits behind what used to be Plainfield High School. The
start of a new season began with that familiar sound. All
the weight lifting and running that players did during the
offseason are going to be put to the test Thursday, September 17th when the Panthers strap on their helmets, throw on their jerseys and take on Woodstock
at Plainfield High School. Led by senior running back Jeff Buchert, the Panthers look to start off
strong in their home opener. With the loss of twenty-three seniors, a lot of young and inexperienced players are going to have to step up and make the season click for the Panthers. Although it
is going to be an intricate task to live up to the senior class that the team had last year, I’m willing
to bet that this year’s team will do a pretty good job as well.
A lot of players, coaches and even fans were left with a rotten taste in their mouths at the
end of last season when our Panthers lost a heartbreaking game to Griswold on Thanksgiving.
With what seemed like an act of God Griswold quarterback Sean Brackett did something that is
still getting under the skin of Panther fans today. With only half a second left, Brackett threw up a
60 yard pass which even he didn't know what was going to happen. The Plainfield defenders did
everything right. They were underneath the pass, batted it down to watch it land right in the hands
of a Griswold receiver in the end zone to end the game. The season couldn't have ended on a luckier note for Griswold and Brackett.
As for the Panthers, maybe this year the luck will be on
their side. With a long season ahead of them, the Panthers will continue to work hard, play right and represent our school the best that
they can. Good luck boys and have a great season.
Opening Night Fight
“Down, blue eight, blue eight, ready…..HUT!” Quarterback Kyle Sousa called the cadence , received the snap and took a
knee to watch the game clock at Panthers Stadium to wind down to
-Head football coach at Plain- zero. The Plainfield Panthers are one and zero coming out of a
week one battle with the Woodstock Academy Centaurs.
field High School, Pat Smith.
The Panthers drew first blood in the first quarter of what turned into a battle of two defenses that would not give in. A fifteen yard touchdown pass to Nik Ververis from Sousa out the
Panthers up by six. Then the extra point by Devin Kotulsky proved to be the difference in the game.
The only Woodstock score came late in the third quarter when the fullback Mike Green stumbled into the end zone to narrow the deficit. On the following two point conversion attempt, Plainfield’s bulldog and captain came up with the biggest play of the
night. Woodstock’s quarter back dropped back to pass threw the ball up to watch Jeff Buchert pick it off an spoil the chance for a
Woodstock lead.
The remainder of the game was a test to see whose defense
would be tougher and who would come out of this game with a week
one victory. It got a little scary for the Panthers at one point. Woodstock had driven the ball all the way down to the Panthers 19 yard
line and were threatening. But a pair of penalties and a big stop
shifted the momentum.
Plainfield had one last drive in them as they pounded the
ball back downfield getting two first downs and letting the clock
wind down to zero.
Every hard fought battle has to come to an end at some point. When
this one ended, the Panthers came out on top.
set in stone yet. People need
to step it up.”
Pictures taken by Alexis Griffin
Tackling The NFL In 2009
By: Dean Roussel
There have been just two weeks in the season so far and the Patriots came back from a
24-13 deficit by the Buffalo Bills to win 25-24. The victory was the first of Tom Brady’s return,
and although he threw two touchdowns in under two minutes, it was clear he was protecting the
knee that he injured in the 2008 season opener. His timidity did not show in his statistics; however, he passed for 378 yards and completed 39 of his 53 passes.
America’s real past time is not baseball or fireworks. It’s not even hot dogs or apple pie. It is the National Football
League. For 32 teams, each with 55 men experience the American dream when they take the field and they thrive on us, the fans
and the energy we bring week after week. It’s time once again for that type of year when you
walk into any building and see a clash of people cheering for their hometown favorites. Our
hometown favorites, New England Patriots, and for some, the New York Giants, are both poised
to be contenders for the Super Bowl. Because of both teams are championship threats, you’re
going to see a lot more people in Connecticut being hyped for this season.
Meanwhile, the Giants shone against the Redskins in a 23-17 win, showing their defensive strength with a 37-yard fumble recovery touchdown by Osi Umenyiora. Their victory was
also backed up by three field goals by veteran kicker Lawrence Tynes. The second week of the
season, the Giants ousted the Dallas Cowboys with a Tynes field goal as time expired, by a score
of 33-31. The game was attended by more than 105,000 Cowboys fans in the new stadium. Their chances at a good opening were
thwarted by Eli Manning and company, who improved to 2-0. The Patriots lost to division rivals New York Jets in Week 2 by a
score of 16-9 without scoring a touchdown. The game was the first time the Patriots went without scoring a touchdown since December 2006, a possible sign that Brady could not be the same Tom Brady from before the injury.
Who else are going to be contenders this year? Look out for the defense-heavy Chicago Bears, who’s offense also improved by acquiring former Broncos quarterback Jay Cutler in a trade. In the AFC, the Patriots need to worry about the biggest
surprise in the league, and arguably their biggest rival, the New York Jets, backed by a rookie quarterback, Mark Sanchez. The
Jets traded up in the draft to get him; now he has to prove his worth. Although this team is a band of rejects from other teams,
let’s not forget that they beat the Patriots on Sunday, (in 2001 the World Champion Patriots had a band of throwaway players).
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Only time will tell if there’s some other buried treasure in the NFL. Stay tuned!
Rewind Through Time
Rewind at Happy Jack’s—
By: Zak Nadeau
Let’s travel back through time to a moment that would change the idea of a
cover band. Not so long ago in 2007, a majestic band was formed. It was made up of
only the best musicians around, each mastering their talent. With a band so amazing
comes a noteworthy name: Rewind. This band includes the talent of Larry Main, a
vocalist, guitarist and master of the keys who has been playing since 1975. Barry Lee,
the lead guitarist lead vocalist and EQ controller, has been playing since 1977. Steve
St. Amour plays piano, saxophone, and lead vocals; he started his love for music in
seventh grade when he started playing sax for his schools band. Jerry Suprenant is
known for his amazing drumming and “random silliness.” Mark Grenier was reported
of “locking himself in his room back in 1966 with a self taught music book and a $35
used bass. He emerged two weeks later and joined his first band.” He still rocks the
bass till this day. The final member to complete this immaculate group is Mark Campanogne, who has been playing guitar since 1977, now also covers vocals for Rewind.
Everyone in the band has known each other for years; they have been hanging out and playing together for a while and see Rewind as a fun experience. Rewind is the epitome of the phrase cover band. Doing mainly “specialty songs” says Larry Main. They dare to
play songs that other bands couldn’t imagine of even trying such as: “Scenes from an Italian Restaurant”, “Man Eater”, “Comfortably
Numb” and “Saturday in the Park.” Rewind is definitely an original group; they don’t use any amps at all, this makes sure the guitars are
not over power the vocals and that the music doesn’t get too loud. “They are too loud,” says Larry, “We are getting old.” Instead all their
instruments are hooked into a PA system so that each part is heard equally and the audience can experience the full show, without the limitations of one instrument over powering another.
Rewind is known for its “show band” status. The mostly perform at large venues but can occasionally be spotted at Happy Jack’s
in Plainfield, Connecticut. They do a lot of appearances at the Wolf Den and will be going back October 13th, 2009. Keep your eyes out for
this amazing band, and always remember to Rewind.
By: Nate Bedard
It’s a new year for the boy’s soccer team and we are more determined than ever after our defeat to Montville in states last
year. But enough about that, this year we are all driven to not just make it to states but to win as many games as possible and come
out with a state title!
We came to the first practice knowing that it would be hell because the first week started out with intense conditioning. We
had to run twenty minutes straight for the first day, twenty-five for the next, thirty and even thirty-five minutes of straight running.
Now I know why they call it “hell week.”
This year Coach Chavarias wanted to keep twenty kids on the team with the cut of the J.V. team. Now we have all the extra
kids we need, just in case we have some injuries during this long and grueling schedule. We already had three scrimmages, our first
one being against Griswold. The game was very challenging since it was our first in over nine months and Griswold is a good team.
We actually didn’t play that bad; our defense struggled a little bit but our offense did what they needed to do. We ended up losing 52 in three twenty minute quarters.
We knew we had to work harder to improve before our next scrimmage against Ellis Tech. Ellis Tech has always been one
of the easier opponents, but you can’t take anything for granted. We went in with the same mentality as we would against the best
team in the league. Arberi Ferraj came out on fire, scoring 3 goals in the first 15 minutes of the game. By the time the second quarter
started, the game was already over with the score being 5-0. We added on some insurance goals making the final score 7-0. It was
very good game all around; our defense and offense played hard and we came out with a well deserved win.
Our last scrimmage was against the tenacious Wheeler. Based on last year we knew it would be a challenging game. We
split the season series 1-1, so something had to give in this scrimmage game. The first quarter was all about defense. Both teams
played a phenomenal defense, not letting up any goals in the thirty minute quarter. The second quarter was much of the same in. We
had a lot of good chances but we just couldn’t capitalize. It all came down to the last quarter. We started out the third quarter moving
the ball well down the field with nice crisp passes and a great opportunity to score. We took the 1-0 lead with about fifteen minutes
to go. We thought that one goal would be enough. We were wrong. Wheeler pushed the ball to our side and took a shot that was
heading over the net. Our goalie, Conar Boisse, jumped up and it looked like he didn’t touch the ball. The ref, who was the
Wheeler’s Coach, said that Boisse touched it. That set up a corner kick. The Wheeler player had a nice kick in front of the goal that
immediately got kicked to Boisse that just went off his hands into the goal. Wheeler ended up tying the game on that questionable
corner kick. No one scored after that and the game ended in a tie. Even though it was a great game, it left a sour taste in our mouths.
The Panthers have improved greatly in their three scrimmages and they’re ready for the season to start on Saturday, September 19, at Tourtellotte. We know were in for a challenging season being in the medium division, but we are definitely up for the challenge. GO PANTHERS!!
2009 Schedule
Sat., 9/19: Tourtellotte: Tourtellotte HS: 11:00
Tue., 9/22 : SMSA: Plainfield HS: 4:00
Sat., 9/26: Montville: Plainfield HS: 11:00
Wed., 9/30: New London: Plainfield HS: 4:00
Sat.,10/3: Stonington: Plainfield HS: 11:00
Mon.,10/5: Killingly: Plainfield HS: 3:45
Wed., 10/7: Bacon Academy: Away Football/Soccer field: 3:45
Fri., 10/9: Windham: WHS Ferrigno Field: 3:45
Tues., 10/13: Montville: Montville Turf Field: 6:30
Fri., 10/16: Waterford: WHS Boys Soccer Field
Mon., 10/19: Fitch: Plainfield HS
Wed., 10/21: New London: Calkins Park
Fri., 10/23: Stonington: Away
Picture of Conar Boisse taken by Eneriko Ferraj.
Tue., 10/27: Bacon Acedemy: Plainfield HS
Fri., 10/30: Windham: Plainfield HS
Tue., 11/3: Putnam: St. Marie Greenhalgh Complex
Can You Kick It?
Article and Pictures by: Kayla Charlwood
Who’s going to kick their way to victory this year? THE PLAINFIELD PANTHERS GIRLS SOCCER TEAM! The girls went to the Ray
Reed Soccer School this summer at Uconn and went through some tough
obstacles led by Coach Caesar Lopez. Striving to be victorious this season,
the girls were preparing themselves by running every week together over
the summer. Now that seems like teamwork to me.
Samantha Esposito, a senior varsity player and captain says, “I
think we’ve prepared as much as we can and now its up to us to, you
know, try our best.” Sam believes Bacon Academy will be the team’s biggest challenge of the season. The team’s goal is to try their best and to not
get killed by the Bacon girls. The girls’ determination to beat Bacon come
from the quote, “You can do it as long as we keep our heads in the game,”
says Troy Bolton.
As for the other scrimmages, the girls played well against Killingly, Ledyard, Griswold, and Wheeler. They were pretty determined to
win. As they hope and dream this year’s season will be a success, they
have some competition ahead. The team got moved up to the medium division, and is going to be playing some big girls. They know they are going
to have to work a little harder and put a little more into it, but if you set your mind to it, you know it will or can happen.
Samantha considers the team to be a very vocal one. The team’s goalie, Lindsay Letohnen, holds the team together. Sam
exclaims, “Lindsay may sometimes take the ball to the face but she handles it with grace. With her help, we are encouraged to get the
ball as far away from her as possible.” We wish our girls luck with the season ahead. GO PLAINFIELD PANTHERS GIRLS SOCCER!
Girls Varsity Schedule
Fri. 10/2 against Stonington- Away @ 4:00 p.m.
Sat. 10/10 against Parish Hill- Away @ 2:00 p.m.
Tue. 10/6 against Bacon Academy- Home @ 3:45 p.m.
Wed. 10/14 against Montville- Home @ 3:45 p.m.
Thu. 10/8 against Windham- Home @ 3:45 p.m.
Tue. 10/20 against Fitch- Away at 4:00 p.m.
“Now that we
have a core
group of girls
that I’ve had
since they were
freshmen, all
we can do is try
our best to work
as the team I
know we are.”
-Coach Z
Have Mercy! Panthers Kill!
Interview and Pictures by: Hailey Griffin
I trotted my way through the gym doors with my fellow teammates to the ballet of “Can’t be touched” by the Body Head Bangers.
As the rows of audience members caught a glimpse of the line of varsity Panthers consolidate on their home floor, they rocketed out
of their seats and clapped haphazardly. At this moment I recall the efforts we had made all summer to condition and improve all of
our aspects to this form of athletics. Before the season a group of young women formed a sisterhood having the same goals, the same
appearance, same aspirations to get further than the previous years. We were certain we would impress all of our spectators, and if
we failed we still showed how dauntless we are for giving an attempt.
We all gave our respects to the flag and what it stood for and took our spots on the floor. Six bodies all assigned a specific role on
the court all expected to persecute and uphold all of the coaches expectations. We got in our ready positions which made us look like
we were miming the action of trying to squeeze our buttocks into an infant’s booster seat. I align my body constantly dead center
with the server, to the passer, to the spiker, to whomever has the slightest impact with the ball. Always preparing for the ball to come
my way and keep it in play.
Most of the players become easily tempered with each mistake but that just shows the drive to want to be a part of a perfect and
spotless game, which is our prerogative. Concurrently we all worry about whether the crowd notices the persistent wedgy from the
spandex and the desire in our faces to release our behinds from this agitation. A volleyball game is best three out of five so there is
plenty of chances to redeem yourself from the earlier game. Except, once it comes down to the final match only one team can triumph. Will Plainfield triumph over the other teams in their division? Will the girls prove
themselves worthy for a spot in the ECC championships? Nothing is ever certain so
come be a part of the audience and support the panther ladies and their goals in being a
force to recon with.
Insight on Mr. Bob Arremony’s thoughts on being a volleyball coach.
Has your position as a Varsity volleyball coach changed your opinion on girls and
sports? If so then how?
Mr. Arremony: I’ve been coaching girls in different sports, softball and volleyball and
coaching to me is coaching, I don’t coach the girls any different than I coach the boys
and I don’t think the girls would want or expect me to do that. They expect me to treat
them as athletes and that’s what I do.
What jobs do you have during the school year?
Mr. Arremony: I teach here first then I do volleyball in the fall, basketball in the winter,
softball in another school in the spring, and softball for a travel team in the summer.
Why did you agree to be the girls’ volleyball coach?
Mr. Arremony: Because I thought it would be very challenging and I thought it would be fun, and it’s been both challenging and
Did you have any prior volleyball coaching experience before coaching at Plainfield?
Mr. Arremony: None, my only experience was going to watch my niece play when she played at Griswold, and I go and see all her
games like my whole family did. We tried to get volleyball at Plainfield when I was athletic director for years and years and it never
passed the budget. So, when they asked me to do it I said, “Sure, I tried to get this in the school for a long time so I’ll give it a shot.
What are your goals for your team this year?
Mr. Arremony: : To win more games then we did last year, win the small division, and win some state tournament games.
Has your coaching techniques changed over the years of being a volleyball coach?
Mr. Arremony: They have changed over the many years I’ve been here. In volleyball I ranked it up a bit because the players have
some knowledge of the game now. Now we have to play the game and execute the game the way it’s supposed to be played. So, I’ve
picked it up each year with the volleyball team with how much we are asking for from the players. Whether they are mad or not because eventually they will come along and know that I’m not getting on them for no reason.
What will your reaction be towards the end of the year when the girls you started with in the program graduate?
Mr. Arremony: Well, I’m glad we are filling in with other kids. I’m going to miss then because we worked through a lot, we were
not very good. We sort of just stayed together and did a good job at getting this thing going and adding a player or two here and there
has really helped to stabilize this and make us the program we can be.
What is your opinion on the Varsity team finally getting spandex?
Mr. Arremony: It’s the uniform that everyone wears and I’m happy that we’ve got to the point where we have the same uniform as
everyone else. It’s like every new program. I talked to the coach of Ledyard yesterday, she started the Montville program. I was telling her the story about the shorts and she said she went through the same thing when she started the program at Montville. She had
to fight, and fight, and fight because people didn’t know what the uniform was and they thought it was something that was wrong,
and really it’s just the uniform that volleyball wears. She finally got it and so did we. Well, that’s that!
Continued from previous page
Stephanie Charron: Volleyball Captain: Senior
What are your goals for your volleyball team this year?
Stephanie: To keep working hard, play at our level, and make it further than last year.
If not playing volleyball this year what would you be doing during this time period?
Stephanie: Work, work, and more work.
If you had to choose between just doing track or volleyball what would it be?
Stephanie: That’s an impossible choice.
What is your overall opinion on your teammates?
Stephanie: I love everyone on our team! It’s nice to actually get along with everyone.
What is your favorite aspect of volleyball?
Stephanie: Playing as a team and the accomplishment of winning and knowing that our
hard work has finally paid off.
What are your feelings on this being your last year playing for Plainfield?
Stephanie: I’d rather not think about that.
Do you have any desire to play volleyball in college?
Stephanie: Of course!
What is your opinion on the Varsity team finally getting spandex?
Stephanie: It’s nice that we look like everyone else.
Kayla Robitaille: Volleyball Captain: Senior
What are your goals for your volleyball team this year?
Kayla: For the team I want to win ECC small champions.
If not playing volleyball this year what would you be doing during this time period?
Kayla: Working or cheerleading probably.
If you had to choose between just doing track or volleyball what would it be?
Kayla: I choose not to answer this question.
What is your overall opinion on your teammates?
Kayla: I love them all!
What is your favorite aspect of volleyball?
Kayla: Spiking it.
What are your feelings on this being your last year playing for Plainfield?
Kayla: Well, It’s very depressing because we have worked so hard to show everyone how
good we can play and I really love the girls.
Do you have any desire to play volleyball in college?
Kayla: Yes ma’am, but we will see how things go.
What is your opinion on the Varsity team finally getting spandex?
Kayla: It’s whatever….It’s a part of the uniform and I think it makes us look like we are a for real and accomplished team.
Kimmy Reindl: Volleyball Captain: Senior
What are your goals for your volleyball team this year?
Kimmy: My main goal for us this year is to win a ton of games in the state tournament.
If not playing volleyball this year what would you be doing during this time period?
Kimmy: I would probably be a bum and be on the computer all day.
If you had to choose between just doing track or volleyball what would it be?
Kimmy: Why do you do this to me?! Volleyball is super fun and track makes me feel super good.
What is your overall opinion on your teammates?
Kimmy: I love them! We’re the best people ever!
What is your favorite aspect of volleyball?
Kimmy: Spiking and scaring the bejeebies outta people. Be our friends. We are hardcore!
What are your feelings on this being your last year playing for Plainfield?
Kimmy: My feeling are sad feelings when I hear of this topic.
Do you have any desire to play volleyball in college?
Kimmy: Yeah, I’m going to at least do club volleyball.
Local Sports
Can You Ride it?
By Dan Trombley
BMX as a sport evolved from BMX racing. BMX meaning bicycle motocross. People started learning tricks on BMX bikes and it became very
popular. Now a days a lot of people ride street BMX; it’s strictly all tricks
and no racing. Other people also enjoy park, it’s like a street setup but
with endless things to do. Then there is vert BMX which is when you ride
at a skate park. I decided to interview Tj Parsons because he is a fellow
rider and I knew he would have some positive things to say about BMX.
What was your inspiration to start riding BMX.
TJ: Well I got a bike for my 14th birthday and started doing tricks
with my friends and it was fun.
How big of a role does BMX have in your life?
Tj: BMX used to have a big part, but recently my riding buddy quit
and I am really busy with football. So not so much anymore.
What is your opinion on skaters and bikers in a park together?
Tj: I think everyone should love each other.
How do you feel when you land a trick?
Tj: I feel amazing! Natural high and accomplished.
Would or do you ever put Bmx before school?
Tj: I would never do that unless I was pro
What do you like to ride, street, vert or park?
Tj: I prefer to ride park because there is more stuff to do, it never
really gets old.
If you could meet one person that rides who would it be?
Tj: Nathan Williams.
In your opinion, what is your favorite brand of Bmx bike and parts?
Tj: Fitbikeco
Would you ever skateboard rather than ride
Tj: No!
What is your favorite local bike shop?
Would you recommend this bike shop to the locals?
Tj: Definitely.
Do you like to film yourself and put it on YouTube?
Tj: I haven’t yet but I would like to.
Are you sponsored?
Tj: Nah, I’m not that good.
Would you like to be sponsored?
Tj: Yes, I would love to.
What would you say are the best shoes to ride in?
TJ: Nike 6.0.
How long do they usually last?
Tj: About a month before the bottoms get all worn out.
Where is your favorite spot to ride?
Tj: Downtown Norwich.
What is your favorite skate park?
TJ: Dayville skate park.
Who do you like to ride with locally?
Tj: Danny Trombley.
pictures taken from WWW.VITALBMX.COM
Q&A With Cassie Blanchette (A Junior Art StuQ: What art classes are you currently
A: I am taking AP Studio Art and Independent Study.
Q: Why do you love art?
A: I can express my emotions without
Q: Who is your inspiration, and why?
A: Personal occurrences and the artist
Q: What is the new AP art class
A: About finding your artistic talent
and finding a career in art.
Q: How do you like art? I heard you
have to read a book?
A: I love art because it’s at my level
of art and the book is for any references.
Q: What are you working on in that
A: I’m working on an inside/outside
charcoal piece.
Q: How about Mrs. Dobroki? Do you
like her as a teacher?
A: Mrs. Dobroki is a good teacher
who has spontaneous ideas.
Interview and Pictures By: Beckay Demuth
Q: What are you currently
working on?
A: My current work is a
sports piece dedicated to
all girl athletes.
Q: What is your favorite
piece of art that you’ve
made so far?
A: My Mitchell Davis
Q: Who is your favorite
artist, and why?
A: Banksy because he is
unique and starts controversy and speaks the truth.
Q: What types of art do you do? Such
as painting, drawing, ceramics, digital,
A: I mostly sketch and paint.
Q: What food do you eat to help you
concentrate on your work?
A: Skittles (: Nom!
Q: Do you have any plans with art in
the future.
A: I would like to receive my PHD in
Art Therapy.
Cassie with her current art piece
dedicated to PHS girl athletes, and
pointing to art work by her favorite
artist Banksy. This painting is Located outside of the art rooms. This
is part two of her paintings dedicated to the female athletes.
Brava for Sherrie!
Just a bit of exciting information regarding Sherrie Parenteau, former
PHS art student. Her latest one woman show is in Mystic (more info on She sold a number of paintings on the opening night including four to Television Host, Sally Jessie Raphael. Some of you know that
last year she sold two paintings to the artistic director of U2.
“Sherrie has been devoted to PHS over the years by coming back every
so often to do presentations for the art students on a voluntary basis. She was
also instrumental in helping my students to finish the tree of life ceramic mural
which graces the main corridor leading to the school cafeteria. Her most recent
visit was last June where art students were treated to seeing some of her latest
artwork. The students helped me to create a mural dedicated to Sherrie showing
her beginnings at PHS to samples of her recent work. It is on the wall outside of
the 2D art room.”
-Barbara Dobrocki
Art Updates
Drama and painting two are in collaboration on designing stained glass for
“Footloose”, this year’s school play.
In October Montserrat College of Art and Art Institute of Boston will be at our
school. The date is not final. Listen to morning announcements for details.
Art by an advanced placement art student: Kristen Musser.
Club News
Let’s Go Clubbing
By: Marcus Tichenor
Our school has a case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. From the time the morning bell rings and the flood of students migrate from
bus to class, to when the dismissal bell rings and the reverse occurs, generally nothing happens. A lot of the day is a dull experience
in classes that would be more enjoyable if taught by Ben Stein. But have you ever thought about what goes on after the fact? When
the prides of jocks, flocks of preps, and packs of Goths all leave: what’s the school like? A ghost town? Haunted house? Abandoned
factory? Well you’d be surprised. In fact, the school is incredibly lively for hours after everyone has fled its grounds.
A complete transformation right out of the tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde occurs. Fun, games, and excitement are more than
abundant. What could possibly bring this effect to the school though? Some potion or maybe a spell? Wrong! It’s the many clubs and
organizations that exist, some you may not even know about. Every day of the week has something going on and a whole new experience to try out, so come and explore the after hour activities inside the school.
Anime Club: One of the eldest clubs in Plainfield, Anime Club has existed for the
2:00 - 3:00 > Room 2229
five years the new school has been around. Anime club is a place for people interested in the Japanese culture (anime, manga, movies, video games, and the lanTuesdays
guage) to have fun and discuss their interests while playing games and watching
2:00 - 3:00 > Room 1105
series. They welcome people of all fan bases but request that new members are
Good News Club > 2:00 - 3:00 > Room 1104
serious about membership. Meetings take place from 2 to 3:30 every Friday in Mr.
Ping Pong Club > 2:00 - 3:00 > Cafeteria
Farrish’s room (2104).
Student Council > 2:00 - 3:00 > Library
Astronomy Club: Astronomy Club is a bi-monthly club meeting on Wednesdays in
Mr. Belcher’s room (1208). Dedicated to those who have an interest in space, the
> 2:00 - 3:00 > Room 1208
stars, and science, they study the sky and do much hands on work from building
> 2:00 - 3:00 > Room 2227
telescopes and attending amateur astronomy conventions, to aiding UCONN’s own
astronomy program and visiting planetariums. Meetings are from 2 to 3 after school
every other week starting on September 16th.
Ping Pong Club > 2:00 - 3:00 > Cafeteria
Good News Club: Here’s a fun fact, did you know that “Good News” means The Yearbook
> 2:00 - 3:00 > 1110
Gospel? The Good News Club is a Christian-based club returning for its third year
at PHS. They host a great member base and some truly incredible plans for the fuFridays
Anime Club
> 2:00 - 3:30 > Room 2104
ture, including fund raisers to help our community nursing homes and shelters.
They want to “put their faith into action” and show that they’re around. There is a
very supporting environment coupled with a “go with the flow” and “natural order
of things” attitude in their meetings. The Good news Club meets Tuesdays at 2 in
room 1104. Refreshments are served and the discussions are satisfying, so drop by
and see what they’re about.
**Other clubs whose information could not be
ascertained in the time of publish are listed
Debate Club: Debate Club is an organization that takes its existence seriously.
Touching on local, national, controversial and miscellaneous topics, the Debate
below. Please look out for them on the anClub provides both the preparation for college-level debating clubs and leagues as
nouncements and the next issue.
well as for the self satisfaction of those who just love arguing. Hosted in Mr.
Facial Hair Appreciation Society
Mariano’s room (2227), the debate club alternates Wednesdays with Astronomy
Club. Look for the first meeting on October 7th immediately after school.
Environmental Science Club
Yearbook: The keepers of our high school mug shots and memories, the good people who put together our yearbook tire endlessly all year to make sure we have
something to look back on for years to come. They attend every function: pep rally,
dance, lock-in, spirit week, all with cameras firmly in hand. Yearbook meets on
Thursdays in Mrs. Bastien’s room 1110.
Gay-Straight Alliance
Student Council: The head of school organization and activities, the Student Council is open to all who are interested in improving the school and community. They
plan and conduct the Homecoming dance, blood drives, pep rallies, spirit week,
fund raisers for the American Heart Association, Poverty In Need and much, much
more. Meetings are after school at 2 o’clock in the library if you’d like to lend a
helping hand to the school and community.
Quilting Club
Max and Company
Ping Pong Club
Diversity Club
Pottery Club
Ski Club
Hey Guys, I Think There’s a Sni--
Page 20
Article By: Ron Benoit
Modern Warfare 2, the upcoming FPS (first-person shooter), is set to release later this
year. This slated release could possibly surpass its predecessor for top sales alone in the United
States. Modern Warfare 2 is astounding, to put it briefly. While the only piece of media we have
gotten our hands on is a few uncut official video releases and horribly shaky cam videos on YouTube, this is just a preview. There’s confidence in saying that with what has been seen, Modern
Warfare 2 is the absolute best. Because to be brutally honest, Infinity Ward really could’ve just
added new maps and weapons, with a continued storyline, but they didn’t – they updated everything without losing any of the violent charm of the original. The multiplayer is what makes it top
shot on Xbox Live and the Playstation Network, from prepubescent twelve year olds to those forty
year old virgins.
The controls haven’t changed, and it plays similar to the predecessor, but with the ultimate number of changes have increased how players can react. The game has a more strategic feel- Box art. Courtesy of: Activison
ing, where you actually need to resort to techniques on the fly and using teamwork. As a result, both offensive and defensive players should enjoy every match type available. You don’t need to get
kills to gain experience and points, you still have the ability to be the
objective winner with accolades.
Remember when you would get upset with the player who
would camp your spawn and never seemed to stop him? Yeah, he
trained his rifle on your spawn for the easy kills. With one of the new
additions to the multiplayer, deathstreaks, you are able to use the incentive “copycat”. Copycat allows you after four consecutive kills
from one player, you can copy his class, perks and He was the one who
always had his reticule trained on you and picked you off right when
you spawned.
The killstreaks, we all remember and love are back. You
would spawn right into the battlefield at the wrong time, when the airstrike dropped right on top of you...and don't lie, you probably got pissed. For those unfamiliar with killstreaks, when you go so many kills without a death, you will get support such as the
UAV, airstrike, and the chopper. Now, you have the addition to get support through the Pave Low, sentry turrets, and the AC-130 gunship. You
can customize the three that best suit you.
Rather than having a special grenade, you are able to customize it other
than with grenades at you will on your controller’s bumper. Some of the
new specials include a sticky grenade known as Semtex and the ability to
throw another spawn with “Tactical Insertion”. One of the community’s
favorites is the throwing knives; you can get headshots and if you miss,
you can pick it back up and try again. Yeah, that’s pretty sneaky.
The original weapon attachments such as the noob tube, the red dot site,
and suppressor are still here, but there’s the ability to have properties,
such as rapid rate of fire and Akimbo, which refers to dual wielding. Other things release in the private press beta included the
heartbeat sensor, thermal scope, and tactical knife. Just to bring the word noob to a higher level, shotguns and sniper rifles are suppressible now.
Primary weapons haven’t really taken much of a hit, but there are the addition of new weapons and one unique addition,
the riot shield. This allows the player to have a shield as their primary and their secondary of choice. Unfortunately, you can’t use
them at the same time, but you will be great cover for pushing up on a flag or objective. The secondary weapons, on the other
hand, are not only pistols. We are able to suit up our classes machine pistols (which are similar to SMGs), shotguns, and missile/
rocket launchers. Now, you are set for mid-range combat if you’re a sniper or take out a chopper when under pressure.
Overall, Modern Warfare 2 seems to impress and bring a lot of changes to the original Call of Duty 4 player and to the
new player. A new arcade style look and a vast amount of addition will bring this game to the top choice for this Christmas season.
Make sure to pick this up at all retail stores on November 10th; I’ll see you then.