individual parts / faucet repairs
individual parts / faucet repairs
INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS FAUCET MOUNTING SUPPLIES MOUNTING ACCESSORIES FOR SINGLE HOLE CHICAGO FAUCETS MOUNTING ACCESSORIES FOR FAUCETS WITH 1/2" SHANKS 11 FAUCET SHANK FAUCET SHANK (1-1/16" diam.) 9CF0099 STEEL WASHER (50-014) 9CF0091 LOCK NUT (50-003) FAUCET SHANK 9CF0106 RUBBER WSHR (52-007) 9CF6802 STEEL WSHR (807-112) 9CG0169 BRASS NUT 393Z004 PLASTIC NUT RP44122 949I607 (2ea) 3/8"-16 plastic nuts RP41667 949I615 11/16" wrench w/ specialty nut RP11722 (Use w/ 944R614) 949I616 Specialty nut only RP40526 6 7 3/4" diameter hole 949I612 Bracket, spacer, 8 & specialty nut 949I614 Bracket w/ 9/16" hole RP11721 (Use w/ 944R615) 5 RP21945 949I608 Wrench w/ 5/16" nut 9/16" diameter hole 9CG1251 (pair) Optional 1" shank extension for deep countertops 393Z004 Plastic lock nut for 1/2" shank RP51739 RP53217 RP6001 9CG1250 (single) Optional 2-1/2" shank extension for deep countertops Bracket only RP6893 RP5785 4 348C002 SUPPLY NUT 949I611 Bracket, spacer, & special 5/16" nut 949I605 Bracket & wrench w/ 1/4" nut 949I606 (2ea) Discs & 3/8"-16 nuts 9CG0169 BRASS NUT 393Z004 PLASTIC NUT 949I610 RP6092 3 842C001 DEEP ROSETTE 842C002 FLAT ROSETTE 11/32" diameter hole 949I602 (2ea) Brackets & 1/4"-20 nuts 949I603 (2ea) Brackets & 1/4"-20 nuts 9CF0966 SPACER (515-313) 348C002 SUPPLY NUT MOUNTING ACCESSORIES FOR DELTA FAUCETS 2 9CF0106 RUBBER WSHR (52-007) #350 (3/4" diam.) CL111 2pc of these three items #50 FOR MOST 4" FAUCETS W/ SHANKS (3/4" diam.) RP51685 / RP52609 (Use 15/16" wrench) 949I618 15/16" metal wrench RP40531 9 949I619 15/16" plastic wrench RP60924 Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 1-67 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS PRE-PACKED TRIM KITS AND ESCUTCHEONS 11 AMERICAN STANDARD DELTA 2 3 Cat No: ASTK02 ASTK03 Kit Includes: H&C stems, 2 flanges, 2 nipples. H&C stems, diverter stem, 3 flanges, and 3 nipples. Cat No: DETK1 Kit Includes: Escutcheon, clear knob handle, 2 escutcheon screws, 1 escutcheon tube GERBER 4 (HANDLES SOLD SEPARATELY, PAGES 1-42--1-44) AMERICAN STANDARD 5 Cat No: 712C012 761B020 Description: Escutcheon flange (2-7/8" OD) Escutcheon nipple (brass) BRIGGS 6 Description: Escutcheon flange (2-7/8" OD) Escutcheon nipple (brass) Cat No: CBTK2 Kit Includes: H&C stems & handles, 2 flanges, and 2 nipples. H&C stems & handles, diverter stem and handle, 3 flanges, and 3 nipples. CENTRAL BRASS Kit Includes: H&C stems, seats & handles, 2 flanges, 2 sleeves, and 2 nipples. GBTK3 H&C stems, seats & handles, diverter, seat & handle, 3 flanges, sleeves, nipples. (METAL CANOPY HANDLES INCLUDED.) HARCRAFT U ED 7 Cat No: 712C009 761B001 Cat No: GBTK2 9 CBTK3 (METAL CANOPY HANDLES INCLUDED.) 1-68 D IS C O N TI N 8 Cat No: HA33H HA33HD 711C014 711C015 Description: H & C Handles Diverter Handle Short escutcheon discontinued Tall escutcheon Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS PRE-PACKED TRIM KITS AND ESCUTCHEONS MIXET PRICE PFISTER 11 2 3 Cat No: MXTK1 Kit Includes: 5-1/2" escutcheon, clear volume handle, chrome plastic temperature handle, handle screw. MOEN Cat No: PFTK1 Kit Includes: 8 sided escutcheon, clear handle, escutcheon tube, and two escutcheon screws. 4 PRICE PFISTER 5 6 MOTK1 Cat No: PFTR2 PFTR3 MOTK2 Kit Includes: H&C stems, 2 flanges, 2 nipples. H&C stems, diverter stem, 3 flanges, and 3 nipples. 7 (HANDLES SOLD SEPARATELY, PAGES 1-56--1-57) Notes: 8 Cat No: M0TK1 M0TK2 Kit Includes: DEEP escutcheon, round clear volume handle & screw, chrome escutcheon tube, 2 escucheon screws. 9 FLAT escutcheon, teardrop clear volume handle & screw, chrome escutcheon tube, 2 escucheon screws. Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 1-69 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS TRIM KITS AND ESCUTCHEONS 11 PRICE PFISTER The Bodyguard pressure balancing bath valve has been redesigned by Price Pfister. Most old 2 styles are no longer available. Use the PF60 conversion kit to rebuild this valve, using any of the new 3 style handles shown on page 1-34. Most items in this bracket are not available any more. 9PF1602 9PF1601 990P005 9PF1604 PF61 9PF1603 9PF1600 PF60 Conversion Kit: Includes everything in this bracket (but NOT the handle-- order from handles shown on page 1-40 ) PRICE PFISTER PRICE PFISTER 4 5 Cat No: 712C011 761P006 Description: Escutcheon flange (2-7/8" OD) Escutcheon nipple (plastic) Cat No: 711C018 PRICE PFISTER Description: Escutcheon for widespread faucets REPCAL "Coffin" escutcheon 6 1 # Cat No: 1 711C016 2 9PF0970 3 711C017 4 761P006 7 5 9PF0842 6 9PF0091 7 9PF0954 8 9PF0092 3 2 4 Description: Round flange Locking cap (use with #3) Teardrop flange Escutcheon nipple (plastic) Screw only for extension Broach extension only Nipple extension only 5 3 pc extension kit (5,6,7) former style 7 6 8 Cat No: 711C020 "Coffin escutcheon, as pictured. Cat No: RCTK2 Kit Includes: H&C handles, 2 flanges, 2 nipples. REPCAL PRICE PFISTER 8 1 9 # Cat No: 1 9PF0832 2 711C035 3 9PF0811 1-70 2 Description: Screw only Flange with screw Sleeve 3 (CROSS HANDLES INCLUDED IN KIT) Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS TRIM KITS AND ESCUTCHEONS SAYCO 4 1 2 OLD STYLE # Cat No: 1 711C007 2 711C012 3 711C013 4 711C008 5 711C011 SAYCO 5 3 Description: New style sleeve Old style sleeve Mounting ring Round escutcheon Oval escutcheon ESCUTCHEON HOLDER NUTS Cat No: 761C008 761C004 761C012 761C009 761C005 761C006 761C001 761C010 761C011 761C002 761C003 761C007 Thread: ID Hole: Fits: Match: 9/16" x 18T 7/16" Crane, Spkmn A 9/16" x 20T 3/8" Am Std B 9/16" x 20T 7/16" Central Brass B 9/16" x 20T 7/16" Acorn (Hex) B 9/16" x 24T 3/8" Eljer C 5/8" x 16T 7/16" Kohler D 5/8" x 18T 7/16" Price Pfister E 5/8" x 18T 3/8" Repcal E 5/8" x 18T n/a Repcal (Solid) E 5/8" x 24T 7/16" Briggs, Ster'g F 5/8" x 24T 3/8" Gerber F 11/16" x 24T 1/2" Sayco G 11 2 3 ESCUTCHEON NIPPLES FOR TWO HANDLED SHOWERS: Cat No: SCTR1 SCTR2 Kit Includes: H&C stems & handles, 2 ROUND flanges, sleeves, and mounting rings. H&C stems & handles, 2 TEARDROP flanges, sleeves, and mounting rings. FOR THREE HANDLED SHOWERS: Cat No: SCTR3 SCTR4 Kit Includes: Hot, cold & diverter stems, 3 handles, 3 ROUNDflanges, sleeves, and mounting rings. Hot, cold & diverter stems, 3 handles, 2 OVAL flanges, 1 ROUND flange, 3 sleeves, and mounting rings. FIT-ALL ESCUTCHEONS Cat No: 761B025 761B005 761B021 761B026 761P005* 761B011 761P003* 761P006* 761B002 761B003 761B009 761B001 761B020 9AS3591 OD Size: 9/16" x 18T 9/16" x 20T 9/16" x 20T 9/16" x 24T 9/16" x 24T 5/8" x 16T 5/8" x 16T 5/8" x 18T 5/8" x 18T 5/8" x 20T 5/8" x 20T 5/8" x 24T 5/8" x 24T 11/16" x 18T Lgth: 4-1/2" 2-1/2" 4-1/2" 5" 12" 5" 12" 2-3/4" 2-3/4" 2-1/4" 5" 2-1/4" 5" 3" Fits: Match: 4 Crane A Am. Std B Am. Std B Eljer, Harc. C Eljer, Harc. C Royal, Koh. D Royal, Koh. D Price Pfister E 5 Price Pfister E Various H Various H Briggs, Gerb F Briggs, Gerb F Am. Std I * Nipples marked with * are plastic. All others are brass. 2 PIECE FIT-ALL FLANGES 2 piece fit all escutcheons reversible sleeve converts flange from shallow to deep, and locks escutcheon in place. 6 7 Use with 761P006 (Price Pfister) or 761B012 (fit all) nipple. Cat No: 711C021 711C022 8 Includes: Round flange and reversible sleeve Teardrip flange and reversible sleeve DEEP BELL FLANGE Cat No: 712C001 761B012 761P012 761B013 Description: Fit all escutcheon flange (2-7/8" OD) Fit all escutcheon nipple (brass) Fit all escutcheon nipple (plastic) Slotted escutcheon holder (nut) R For 1/2" copper tubing 9 Cat No: 866C115 Includes: Chrome plated plastic flange Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 1-71 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS FLANGES AND ESCUTCHEONS 1 1 FLAT 2 BELL 3 CAT NO: HOLE: 5/8” 7/8” 11/16” 13/16” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” 2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-3/4” 2-3/4” 3-1/2” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 3/8” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat Flat TYPE: FOR: 712Z004 712C006 712C002 712Z007 712C008 11/16” 13/16” 1.9" 1-1/4 1-1/2” 2-3/8” 2-3/8” 3” 3” 3” 1-1/4” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 1-1/2” 1-1/2” Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell 3/8” IP 1/2” IP 1-1/2" IP 1 1/4” tubular 1 1/2” tubular 711C024 713C001 713Z002 2-3/8" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 3” 3” 3” 1-5/8” 1-5/8” 1-5/8” Box Box Box 2” IP 1 1/4” tubular 1 1/2” tubular 711C001 711C000 711C002 711Z003 711C023 711C004 711C005 711C006 OD: BOX SPLIT FLOOR & CEILING PLATES CAT NO: 4 5 6 Packed 12 to a carton. 7 8 9 1-72 FOR: COLOR: ID x OD: 866 C 001 866 C 002 866 C 003 866 C 004 866 C 005 866 C 006 866 C 007 866 C 008 866 C 009 866 C 010 866 C 011 866 C 012 866 C 013 3/8" IP 1/2" IP 3/4" IP 1" IP 1-1/4" IP 1-1/2" IP 2" IP 2-1/2" IP 3" IP 4" IP 5" IP 6" IP 8" IP Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome .612 X 2-1/2" .827 X 2-3/4" 1.04 X 3" 1.30 X 3-1/4" 1.65 X 3-1/2" 1.90 X 4" 2.38 X 4-1/2" 2.90 X 5-1/4" 3.53 X 6" 4.57 X 7" 5.65 X 8-1/2" 6.74 X 10" 8.79 X 13" 866 W 001 866 W 002 866 W 003 866 W 004 866 W 005 866 W 006 866 W 007 866 W 008 866 W 009 866 W 010 866 W 011 866 W 012 866 W 013 3/8" IP 1/2" IP 3/4" IP 1" IP 1-1/4" IP 1-1/2" IP 2" IP 2-1/2" IP 3" IP 4" IP 5" IP 6" IP 8" IP White White White White White White White White White White White White White .612 X 2-1/2" .827 X 2-3/4" 1.04 X 3" 1.30 X 3-1/4" 1.65 X 3-1/2" 1.90 X 4" 2.38 X 4-1/2" 2.90 X 5-1/4" 3.53 X 6" 4.57 X 7" 5.65 X 8-1/2" 6.74 X 10" 8.79 X 13" 866 C 001 866 C 002 866 C 103 866 C 104 866 C 005 866 C 106 1/2" COPPER 3/4" COPPER 1" COPPER 1-1/4" COPPER 1-1/2" COPPER 2" COPPER Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome Chrome .612 X 2-1/2" .827 X 2-3/4" 1.15 X 3" 1.35 X 3-1/4" 1.65 X 3-1/2" 2.10 X 4-1/4" 866 W 001 866 W 002 866 W 103 866 W 104 866 W 005 866 W 106 1/2" COPPER 3/4" COPPER 1" COPPER 1-1/4" COPPER 1-1/2" COPPER 2" COPPER White White White White White White .612 X 2-1/2" .827 X 2-3/4" 1.15 X 3" 1.30 X 3-1/4" 1.65 X 3-1/2" 2.10 X 4-1/4" 866 C 110 866 C 111 1-1/4" TUBULAR 1-1/2" TUBULAR Chrome Chrome 1.25 X 3-1/4" 1.50 X 3-1/2" 866 W 110 866 W 111 1-1/4" TUBULAR 1-1/2" TUBULAR White White 1.25 X 3-1/4" 1.50 X 3-1/2" HIGH: 1/2” copper (5/8”OD) 3/4” copper (7/8”OD) 3/8” IP 1/2” IP 3/4”IP 1 1/4” tubular 1 1/2” tubular 2” tubular SMITTY PLATES MIRROR FINISH REMODELING COVERS (SMITTY PLATES") - Fit all standard shower fittings - Conceals damaged tile walls - 1/8" thick mirror finish acrylic - No special tools needed. - Install with adhesive caulking BEFORE AFTER 866M004 866M001 866M002 866M003 POLYSEAMSEAL TUB AND TILE CAULK • Water based • Mildew resistant - For use in high humidity areas • Will not stain or crack More CAT NO. 845-005 845-006 845-502 DESCRIPTION: Clear Caulk in 6 oz. squeeze tube White Caulk in 6 oz. squeeze tube MSDS Sheet for Vinyl Caulk Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 caulks shown on pg. 5-2 INDIVIDUALCREST/GOOD PARTS /JIFFY FAUCET REPAIRS KITS ® BUNA-N WASHER JIFFY KITS BUNA-N O-RING JIFFY KITS Filled with various sized flat - and/or beveled Buna-N faucet bibb washers. 11 different assortments available. Full details on page 1-2 & 1-3. Featuring Crest/Good's famous Buna-N O-Rings. 4 different assortments available Full details on page 1-16. 11 2 BIBB SCREW JIFFY KITS Filled with nickel plated brass bibb screws, and packaged in heavy duty metal tins. 8 different assortments available, featuring different sizes. Full details on page 1-4. FIT ALL HANDLE JIFFY KIT Includes 24 canopy handles, more than 75 handle adapters, and more. A must for any service plumber. Full details on page 1-36. 3 4 SET SCREW JIFFY KITS Filled with 250 stainless steel socket point set screws, and packaged in a Crestolac® 12 compartment case. Full details on page 1-5. Cat No: 223 C 090 Cat No: 261 C 990 WASHER RETAINER JIFFY KIT 135 piece retainer assortment to repair broken stem retainers. Packed in a heavy duty Crest-OLac divided container. Full details on page 1-5 6 HANDLE SCREW JIFFY KIT 103 assorted chrome plated brass screws to fit most faucet handles. Packed in a heavy duty Crest-OLac divided container. Full details on page 1-5. Cat No: 227 C 090 BONNET PACKING JIFFY KIT 150 different stem and bonnet packings in a fully visable assortment. Packed in a metal carry box. Includes sizing chart on box. Full details on page 1-8. Cat No: 213G090 5 Cat No: 146 C 090 CAP THREAD JIFFY KIT 7 For faucet and shower stems and ballcocks. Contains 335 gaskets in 25 plastic boxes, (over 40 different sizes,) all packed into a sturdy metal carrying case. Includes full sized sizing chart on the inside of the cover. (Included sizes are shown on chart on page 1-10.) 8 9 Cat No: 821F090 Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 1-73 INDIVIDUALCREST/GOOD PARTS /JIFFY FAUCET REPAIRS KITS ® AERATOR & ADAPTER JIFFY KIT 11 60 assorted chrome plated brass aerators, adapters, and washers. Packed in a heavy duty Crest-O-Lac divided container. CONTENTS OF 811 C 090: 2 Qty: 3 4 4 4 8 8 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 1 1 C/G # 811C031 811C032 811C014 811C114 811C018 813C017 811C009 813C012 813C008 813C009 813C016 813C007 811P001 811C011 813C015 145R001 813C003 811W001 Description: 13/16 Male aerator 13/16 Female aerator 15/16 Dual aerator (2.2gm) 15/16 Dual aerator (1.5gm) Male side long snap connector Female side for long snap Swivel aerator Aerator adaptor Aerator adaptor Aerator adaptor Aerator adaptor Aerator adaptor Aerator adaptor Aerator adaptor Aerator adaptor Aerator washer Aerator adaptor VP Aerator wrench 17 different chrome plated brass aerator adapters, packed in a heavy duty Crest-O-Lac divided container. Cat No: 811 C 190 811W001 AERATOR KEY FOR VANDAL PROOF AERATORS Cat No: 811 C 090 CRESTLINE REPAIR PARTS FOR DELTA FAUCETS 5 ADAPTER JIFFY KIT Includes 50 SILICONE seats for Delta and Crestline faucets, which last longer than the original rubber seats. Also includes 50 springs, plus a wrench. FAUCET SEAT JIFFY KITS Filled with the most popular and most used seats for lavs and shower valves. 6 different assortments available Full details on page 1-23. 6 Cat No: CL 77 AMERICAN STANDARD REPAIR PARTS JIFFY KIT 7 200 of the most needed repair parts to fix American Standard's Aquaseal and Nu-Renu faucet lines. Kit even includes complete stems. CONTENTS OF 132 R 090: 8 9 Qty: 2 2 24 24 12 6 24 24 24 12 24 24 2 2 1-74 C/G # Description: AS116AG Complete stem & gland AS115AG Complete stem & gland 271N001 O-Ring 132R001 Tophat washer 250C005 Seat AS117 Lock nut 227C002 Handle screw 227C007 Handle screw 102U004 Bibb washer 226C007 Bibb screw 271N004 O-Ring 271N014 O-Ring AS115G Complete stem & gland AS116G Complete stem & gland Cat No: 132 R 090 Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 INDIVIDUALCREST/GOOD PARTS /JIFFY FAUCET REPAIRS KITS ® CHICAGO FAUCETS OLD STYLE QUATURN JIFFY KIT 11 431 genuine Chicago Faucet repair parts to repair old style (pre1995) Quaturn cartridges. Packed in a Crest-O-Lac container. CONTENTS OF 942 C 090: Cat No: 942 C 090 Qty: 100 10 50 50 2 2 30 30 30 30 50 2 1 C/G # 163B007 211T006 227C008 821A005 942B002 942B003 942B004 942M001 942M002 942M003 942N001 942C001 CF01H Description: Friction ring Dome packing Screw for handle Cap thread gasket LH Sleeve RH sleeve Washer Nut Washer retainer cup Monel seat Hard seat washer CP exposed nut Handle pair CHICAGO FAUCETS NEW STYLE QUATURN JIFFY KIT 278 genuine Chicago Faucet repair parts to repair new style (post-1995) Quaturn cartridges. Packed in a Crest-O-Lac container. 2 3 4 CONTENTS OF 942 C 091: Qty: 5 30 35 25 30 50 2 2 30 6 30 30 2 1 C/G # 211G018 942N001 271N053 271N116 227C008 942B004 942B005 942B006 942M001 821A005 942M002 942M004 942C001 CF01H Description: 2 pc packing Hard seat washer O ring O ring Screw for handle Washer RH Sleeve LH sleeve Nut Cap thread gasket Washer retainer cup Monel seat CP exposed nut Handle pair 5 6 Cat No: 942 C 091 CHICAGO FAUCETS NEW & OLD QUATURN JIFFY KIT 258 genuine Chicago Faucet repair parts to repair both old style AND new style Quaturn cartridges, all in a Crest-O-Lac container. CONTENTS OF 942 C 093: Qty: 25 25 25 20 2+2 10 25 25 5 10 10 2+2 25 25 15 2 1 C/G # 163B007 211T006 227C008 821A005 942B002/03 942B004 942M003 942N001 211G018 271N053 271N116 942B005/06 942M001 942M002 942M004 942C001 CF01H 7 Description: Friction ring Dome packing Screw for handle Cap thread gasket LH sleeve and RH sleeve Washer Monel seat Hard seat washer 2 pc packing O ring O ring RH sleeve and LH sleeve Nut Washer retainer cup Monel seat CP exposed nut Handle pair 8 9 Cat No: 942 C 093 Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 1-75 INDIVIDUALCREST/GOOD PARTS /JIFFY FAUCET REPAIRS KITS ® 11 2 3 CHICAGO FAUCETS NAIAD REPAIR PARTS JIFFY KIT 206 genuine Chicago Faucet repair parts to repair Chicago's Naiad (push to operate) cartridges, Packed in a Crest-O-Lac container. CONTENTS OF 942 C 096: Qty: 24 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 1 12 6 C/G # 271N006 821A005 942B004 942M001 942M003 942N002 949F021 949F022 949F027 949F028 949F030 949F035 949F036 949F037 949F031 949F034 949F023 949F152 Description: O Ring cap thread gasket nut nut monel seat soft seat washer spring washer retainer cup friction ring washer 333-27 washer 333-28 screw dashpot dashpot Leather Washer Dashpot Nut Cat No: 942 C 096 CRANE DIALEZE REPAIR PARTS JIFFY KIT 4 184 genuine Crane repair parts to repair Crane's "Dialeze" cartridges, Packed in a heavy duty Crest-O-Lac container. CONTENTS OF 943 B 090: 5 6 Qty: 2 2 48 2 2 2 1 1 25 24 22 50 1 C/G # CR 1630G CR 1631G 821A006 943B001 943B002 943B003 943B004 943C001 943F001 226C003 271N012 943R001 943I001 Description: RH Stem & Gland LH Stem & Gland Cap ThreadGasket L.H. Centerpiece R.H. Centerpiece Sleeve Brass Locknut Chrome Locknut Handle Adaptor Handle Screws # 10H ‘0’ Ring Dial-ese Washers Dial-ese Wrench Cat No: 943 B 090 DELTA FAUCETS JIFFY KIT CONTENTS OF 944 R 200: 7 Qty: 8 12+12 1 8 4 4 2+2 8 4 8 2 4+2 2 3 C/G # 944R001/B001 944I003 944R002 944X003 944X004 990L003/04 271N033 271N041 271N042 802B012 944B002/03 944B005 944E001 Also available: 9 Description: Short Seats & springs Single Lever Wrench Rubber Cam Nylon Cam (triangle) Nylon Cam (slotted) Long Seat & Springs #31 ‘O’ Ring #46 ‘O’ Ring #47 ‘O’ Ring Diverter Assy. Balls (#70 & #212) Adjusting Ring Handle Set Screws 70 genuine Delta Faucet repair parts to repair single handled lav, kitchen, and shower valves. Packed in a Crest-O-Lac container. Includes 50 black rubber seats for Delta and Crestline faucets, as well as 50 springs, plus a wrench. Cat No: DE 77 1-76 944B001 Cat No: 944 R 200 Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 INDIVIDUALCREST/GOOD PARTS /JIFFY FAUCET REPAIRS KITS ® FISHER FAUCETS JIFFY KIT 70 genuine Fisher Faucet repair parts to repair restaurant faucets and pre-rinse units. Packed in a clear plastic container. Qty: # Description: 6 2000-5002 Duck Stem Gasket 12 101U005 1/4 Washer 6 2912-7501 Squeeze Lever Screw 6 1000-7502 Seat Washer Screw 6 2912-6000 Spray Valve Spring 6 1000-0003 Spray Valve Stem 6 2000-6000 Check Valve Spring 6 2922-5000 Handle Gasket 6 3000-9000 1/2” spout O-Rong 2 2949-9000 black bumper 2 2949-3001 Spray Nozzle 6 10456 lube Cat No: 937 C 170 HOSE ADAPTER JIFFY KIT 30+ piece kit contains adapters, menders and other items needed when working with garden hoses. Details on page 7-2. 11 2 3 Cat No: 765 B 090 KOHLER FAUCET "VALVET" STEM JIFFY KIT 123 Kohler Faucet repair parts to repair "Valvet" style (sleeve in a sleeve) stems, all in a Crest-O-Lac container. CONTENTS OF KOK090: Qty: 12 12 12 6 6 3 2 3+3 6 12 6 12 12 6 4 C/G # 102U003 123B002 226C002 227C011 227C015 227C028 250B005 250B010/11 250C059 271N009 271N015 271N024 271N025 821F027 KO3595B Description: Bibb Washer Friction Ring Bibb Screw Handle Screw Handle Screw Handle Screw Outer Sleeve Hot and Cold brass plungers Seat O Ring O Ring, Spout O Ring O Ring Spout Gasket Hot Cartridge, Complete 4 5 6 Cat No: KOK 090 T&S BRASS FAUCET AND PRE-RINSE JIFFY KIT 94 genuine T&S Brass repair parts to repair restaurant faucets and pre-rinse units. all packaged in a Crest-O-Lac container. Cat No: TSK 090 CONTENTS OF TSK 090: Qty: 2 1 12 6 1 1 12 6 12 12 12 6 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 C/G # TS03 TS8A 271N014 TS57X TS172F TS173F 102U004 226C003 TS63L TS65L TS40L 227C008 TS23F TS24F TS18F TS13F TS6135 TS64L TS6134 TS66L 7 Description: Rebuild Kit Bonnet Assy Spout O-Ring Spout Gasket Blue index Red index Bibb Washer Bibb Screw Insert Gasket Cap Thread Gasket Stem Packing Handle Screw Handle Handle Union Gasket Yoke Gasket Stem Insert Stem Insert Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 8 9 1-77 INDIVIDUALCREST/GOOD PARTS /JIFFY FAUCET REPAIRS KITS ® 11 CREST GOOD'S EXCLUSIVE JOBBER'S KIT A 1000+ piece plumbing shop in a carry case! This kit insures one-stop repairs for residential and commercial customers. Includes five of our most popular assortments, as well as dozens of additional tools, guides, and repair parts. Kits-within-a-kit system features a complete visual inventory system, with no overlapping or duplication. Each kit features actual size drawings of each item on the lids. Reordering is easy, with individual numbers labelled on each kit. OVER 1000 PARTS! 2 3 4 Order kit # 591 I 009 (complete) or 591 I 010 (empty) 5 THESE FIVE KITS ARE INCLUDED IN THE JOBBER'S KIT: CAP THREAD GASKET ASSORTMENT #16 O-RING ASST. 33 different sizes -- 116 total O-Rings, packaged in 25 plastic boxes. Includes full sized sizing chart on the inside of the cover. For older and modern faucet stems 6 and flush valves. Contains 234 gaskets in 25 plastic boxes. Includes full sized sizing chart on the cover. # 271N090 # 821F090 7 STEM & BONNET PACKING ASSORTMENT Contains 108 different packings in 25 clear plastic boxes, all packed into a metal carrying case, and featuring a full-size sizing chart inside the lid. Simply match up desired packing on chart, and select replacement. 8 BIBB WASHER ASSORTMENT 285 Buna-N washers in a 12 compartment Crestolac box. Sizes include: OO, OOL, 1/4S, 1/4, 1/4L, 3/8, 3/8M, 3/8L, & 1/2. Sorting chart included on cover. # 102U091 # 213G090 #13 SINK & LAV FAUCET SEAT ASSORTMENT 9 45 different sizes, covering more than 45 manufacturers. Over 105 total seats. Fullsize ID chart included. # 250-090 1-78 JOBBER'S KIT NOW INCLUDES SLOAN REPAIR PARTS! Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS CREST GOOD'S EXCLUSIVE VISIBLE INVENTORY SYSTEM Our clear jar visible inventory (VI) systems have been proven to save time and money in stocking inventory shops. Know exactly how many of your important plumbing parts are left -- never be surprised with an empty box again! VISIBLE INVENTORY SYSTEM 11 CREST/GOOD MANUFACTURING SYOSSET, NEW YORK & SAN CARLOS, CALIFORNIA 2 SAVE TIME - Locating needed repair parts SAVE MONEY - Prevents overstocking and spillage of valuable parts 3 SAVE SPACE - The rack hangs on your wall, or stands on a shelf or the floor, and measures 49" high x 37" wide, and only 5" deep. Let your Crest/Good salesman set up your system at no additional charge to you, labelling each jar to identify contents by catalog number. If you prefer, he will update, refill, and service your VI system at a schedule that is convenient for you. Crest/Good salesmen will never order parts without your approval. The VI system includes heavy gauge metal rack and 72 clear jars: Qty: 12 36 24 Catalog #: 591X003 591X004 591X005 Size: 32oz (1 quart) 16oz (1 pint) 8oz (1/2 pint) 4 5 Catalog # 591 E 003 (rack & jars) or 591 E 001 (rack only) 6 TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS! Our copyrighted Crest/Good Maintenance Survey System Chart is an invaluable tool to help you keep your plumbing and heating repair parts inventory always in proper balance. Crest/Good salespeople have been trained to work with you, analyze your system needs, and recommend a basic stocking plan to fill your particular needs. This fill in chart gives you the entire picture at a glance. 7 8 There is no charge or obligation for this service. 9 Simply contact your local Crest/Good salesperson to schedule a walk-through. You'll be impressed with the knowledge and service you receive. Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 1-79 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS PLASTIC AND CERAMIC CARTRIDGES 11 uses 2 screws bottom uses 3 screws bottom 2 1-13/16” 3 1-7/8” 941X001 oem 57864 (4gpm) 941X002 oem 69382 (8gpm) does not use screws Spacer disc and seal kit (used with AS41C) 1-7/8” AS440 AS41C (grey plastic) (black plastic) Ultra-Mix Cartridge Ultra-Mix Cartridge AS6343 (Ceramix) oem 23529 and a952317 oem A954440 AS2900 oem 60343 AS1970 oem A952900 oem 951970 bottom 4 1-5/8” AS1462 5 oem A951462 9AS6268 9AS6269 oem 51337 AS4410 oem 66269 AS41 oem 954410 oem 44885 Includes extension 6 AS199G 7 (oem 994053) AS3773 AS199T Interchangeable Hot or Cold Interchangeable Hot or Cold oem 33773 (non-oem) 2" diameter face AS200G oem 28610 Interchangeable Hot or Cold 9AS5208 ring AS2100 oem 952100 2-1/2" diameter face 9AS5207 ring 2" FLAT diameter face AS2102 AS2103 oem 51091 9AS8021 Adapter 8 oem 77171 gray ring red ring 1-3/8” 1-3/8” Handle, set screw, & indexes: 9AS9623 9 AS2013 oem M962392 oem M962392 Indexes & set screw ONLY: 9AS6239 white bottom tan bottom AS201G oem 951764 AS4120 oem 954120 AS1472 oem M951472 AS4878 oem A954878 MORE SHOWN ALPHABETICALLY IN CHAPTER TWO 1-80 Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS PLASTIC AND CERAMIC CARTRIDGES 11 2 1-5/8” 1-5/8” 227C037 oem 918506 (bag of 3 screws) AS41D (Colony Soft) oem A951470 227C037 oem 918506 (bag of 3 screws) (Colony Soft) oem A951471 AS42D AMERICAN STANDARD TO CREST/GOOD NUMERICAL CROSS REFERENCE: Set of 3 specialty screws 227C036 AS71 oem A962682 AS72 oem 918511 (bag of 3 screws) 9AS6611 oem A951483 oem 28611 3 SHOWER DIVERTER STEMS STEMS AND CARTRIDGES: A/S# 010517 012316 023529 028610 028647 033684 033773 044885 051091 051337 057864 066269 069382 077171 072948 950070 951462 951470 951471 951472 951483 951764 951970 952100 952900 952317 954120 954410 954440 954878 962392 962682 994053 Type: stops diverter cartridge cartridge diverter diverter cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge stop diverter cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge cartridge Am. Std. # 028611 918506 918511 Crest/Good # 9AS6527 AS602D AS41C AS200G AS301D AS603D AS3773 AS41 AS2102 9AS6268 941X001 9AS6269 941X002 AS2103 9AS4816 AS604A AS1462 AS41D AS42D AS1472 AS72 AS201G AS1970 AS2100 AS2900 AS41C AS4120 AS4410 AS440 AS4878 AS2013 AS71 AS199G Page# 1-81 1-81 1-80 1-80 1-81 1-81 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-81 1-81 1-80 1-81 1-81 1-80 1-81 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-80 1-81 1-80 4 5 AS601D CAT NO. AS601D AS602D AS603D AS604D AS602D AS604D OEM# 28647 12316 33684 950070 9AS6527 (oem 10527-0070) Pair of check stops DESCRIPTION Diverter/adapter Diverter Diverter/adapters Diverter AS603D 9AS4816 (oem 72948-0400) One slotted stop stem 9 1-81 1-81 1-81 MORE SHOWN ALPHABETICALLY IN CHAPTER TWO Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 7 8 SCREWS: Crest/Good # 9AS6611 227C037 227C036 6 1-81 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS SINGLE LEVER PLASTIC CARTRIDGES 1 1 Notes: Includes cartridge and clip. 2 3 1-3/8" 1-5/8" BE66TG BE67TG oem 5001818 oem 5001836 FOR LAVATORIES BL401 oem S65-074 4 oem 5001229 FOR KNOB HANDLES 928C428 oem P-301 FOR MULTI-FOUNTS FOR LEVER HANDLES oem S65-084 oem P-309 BL402 FOR SHOWERS 5 BE68TG BL403 oem S65-090 928C427 FOR SHOWERS 928C433 oem P-310 Concinnity 6 1-1/2" (39mm) 7 CF2300G oem 2300X CF420G oem 420-X THE FULL LINE OF DELTA CARTRIDGES, EXTENSIONS, & DIVERTERS IS DISPLAYED ON PAGES 2-83 THRU 2-85 8 9 MANY MORE CHICAGO FAUCET CARTRIDGES ON PAGES 2-59 - 2-63 (OEM RP34324) 1-82 Metal Stem 1-3/8" Fits: Concinnity / Newport Brass / Barand / Jaclo / Jado CN01G oem 308.20.24 DE34324 Concinnity DE34322 (OEM RP34322) 1-3/8" CN02G oem CN2 DE587 (OEM RP50587) Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS SINGLE LEVER PLASTIC CARTRIDGES FOR A GUIDE ON WHICH SHOWER CARTRIDGE TO USE, TURN TO PAGE 2-95 11 2 #DE37TG #DE36TG (OEM 46074) #DE33TG (OEM 47201) #DE38TG (OEM 19804) (OEM 46463) 3 For Peerless Showers #DE625TG (Check valves assembly - OEM 73625) 4 #DE40TG (OEM 42142) Notes: #DE538TG #DE34TG (Cartridge - OEM 70538) 5 (OEM 32104) FOR FAUCETS WITH SPRAY HEAD FOR FAUCETS LESS SPRAY HEAD 6 Also used on Valley faucets VL12 oem VP1965 Also used on Valley faucets 9EJ0063 oem ET35 Also used on Valley faucets Also used on Valley faucets oem V6680 oem VP1964 VL06TG VL11 bottom bottom DIACORE AND MICROCORE CARTRIDGES SHOWN ON PAGE 2-92 7 8 1-3/8” GB97TG oem 97-231 GB09TG oem 95-154 GB13TG oem 97-013 GB10TG oem 92-298 STILL UNSURE? SEND US YOUR SAMPLE! Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 1-83 9 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS 1 1 PLASTIC AND CERAMIC CARTRIDGES GENERIC GENERIC GENERIC bottom bottom GENERIC Only need the cartridge? It’s our CL345. bottom bottom of main cartridge 2 1-9/16” 3 CL347 CL349 oem n/a GENERIC 1-9/16” 1-7/8” CL346 oem n/a CL344 oem n/a (this separate piece is included--bottom view) oem n/a - (all three pieces) GENERIC GLACIER BAY bottom removable limit stop 4 1-9/16” 1-9/16” 5 1-9/16” CL348 oem n/a CARTRIDGES CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 2-108 CL345 GR66TG (2 of the 3 pieces of the CL344) oem T II Note side tabs GR67TG oem T II -EF GR68TG oem 47-689 metal stem bottom 6 Diverter valve 7 GR46TG GR69TDG oem 46048 oem 47 689 KO511 oem 1017426 KO6515 oem 1016515 KO501 oem 30413 (replaces 71500) KWC FAUCETS Current gasket Former gasket 8 9 KO505 oem 77548 (replaces 77550) KO506 Former style (oem 57731) has been replaced by KO506 oem 77096 (replaces 57731) KO507 oem 1170273 (replaces 73173) KWC3260 oem k.32.60.00 MORE SHOWN ALPHABETICALLY IN CHAPTER TWO 1-84 Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS PLASTIC AND CERAMIC CARTRIDGES 11 2 (Metering Cartridge) (Non-Metering Cartridge) oem 190126 / 19898 oem 19811 ME01 ME02 (Includes cartridge nut and set screw) M01255 MO05TG(pair) 946M096 / 946T096 oem 1224 oem 1222B oem 1255 (GENERIC) Plastic Cartridge: 946P095 / 946T095 oem 1225B 3 4 (GENERIC) 1-5/8” 40mm MO1620 MO1549 1-3/8” MO6606 Brass Cartridge: 946M095 / 946T097 oem 1200B oem 52000 (hot) MO6607 (GENERIC) oem 52001 (cold) bottom PF35 ED oem 974-035 (replaces 974-570) oem 121620 oem 121620 oem 121549 bottom 6 bottom PF42 oem 974-505 5 (1-3/8" WIDE) PF23 oem 974-023 PF231G (hot) PF232G (cold) oem 910-031(H) (formerly 910-024) oem 910-032(C) (formerly 910-025) 7 PF63 (974-760) (stem only) O N TI N U STEM ONLY 9PF1009 (974-560) MO4000 (1- 3/8" WIDE) (1- 5/8" WIDE) oem 974-025 oem 16352 bottom (1- 5/8" WIDE) PF25 MO44TG ED U TI N O IS C PF62 oem 971-250 990P005 oem 974-491(black) D IS D C N PF61 oem 971-150 O N TI N U ED D IS C 8 (use PF242G) Note: The 9PF1009 and PF61 have been discontinued. Replace with PF242G for post-2004 valves. Note: The PF62 has been discontinued. Replace with PF242G for post-2004 valves. oem 971-150 SHOWN MORE 990P006 oem 974-291 (gray) 9 PF242G oem 974-042 ALPHABETICALLY IN CHAPTER TWO Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378 1-85 INDIVIDUAL PARTS / FAUCET REPAIRS PLASTIC AND CERAMIC CARTRIDGES 1 1 STERLING FAUCET bottom 2 (1- 9/16" WIDE) PF92 PF91 3 bottom bottom (1- 3/8" WIDE) (1- 3/8" WIDE) SF61G PF93 oem 974-092 oem 974-091 oem 974-170 bottom bottom FITS LF1648 SERIES FAUCETS FITS LF1649 SERIES FAUCETS bottom 4 1-9/16” 5 CL345 (formerly SV48TG) oem 1948TG 1-9/16” The 947S604 includes a wrench. If you only need the cartridge, order the GB10TG. 1-3/8” SV49TG 947S604 oem 1949TG oem KN4 FOR FAUCETS LESS SPRAY HEAD NOT drilled for screw! bottom bottom Very similar to the CL347, except this one has a metal stem. Very similar to the CL345, except this one has a metal stem. 6 1-9/16” 7 Notes: TS45 oem 013111-45 1-9/16” TS46 oem 013080-45 FOR FAUCETS WITH SPRAY HEAD Also used on Eljer faucets Also used on Eljer faucets Also used on Eljer faucets oem V6680 oem VP1964 oem VP1965 VL06TG VL11 VL12 bottom bottom 8 (no picture available) 1-5/8” 9 ZR7100 oem 80242001 ZR7200 oem 63233001 ZR7300 oem 7300-CART ZR7400 oem G66686 ZR7600 oem RK7600-CART MORE SHOWN ALPHABETICALLY IN CHAPTER TWO 1-86 Crest/Good Mfg. Co., Manufacturers of Quality Plumbing & Heating Specialties & Brass Since 1896 90 Gordon Drive, Syosset, NY 11791 • East./Central Phone: 1-800-645-1251 • Mtn./Pacific Phone: 1-800-862-7378
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