PFAC NEWS - Professional Fiduciary Association of California
PFAC NEWS - Professional Fiduciary Association of California
PFAC NEWS a f f i l i a t e o f t h e n a t i o n a l g u a r d i a n s h i p a s s o c i a t i o n professional fiduciary association of california Volume iii, issue i — winter 2012 “...when only a professional will do.” IN THIS MARKET DON’T TRUST ONE OF YOUR CLIENT’S LARGEST ASSETS TO JUST ANYONE Now More Than Ever, Experience Counts! Andrew de Vries, mba Probate Realtor: - Sells Your Probate, Estate and Trust Properties for More Money in a Shorter Time. - Has Successfully Sold 100’s of Probate, Estate and Trust Properties (With and Without Court Confirmation) in San Francisco, Marin, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. - Is an Eight-Year PFAC Supporter Who Understands the Needs of Fiduciaries, Attorneys and Their Clients. - Provides a Dedicated Team of Professionals to Help with Estate Liquidation, Cleaning, Hauling and Pre-Sale Repairs. Call Today for a Free Consultation (415) 664-9175 x277 Table of Contents PFAC Board of Directors 2011-2012 President Norine Boehmer, NCG, CLPF (310) 246-9055 [email protected] Vice President/ President Elect Scott S.H. Phipps, NCG, CLPF (510)508-9588 [email protected] Secretary Linda Banta, NCG, CLPF (510) 526-6465 [email protected] Treasurer Gary Loebner, CLPF (650) 961-3368 [email protected] Past President Stella Shvil, NCG, CLPF (858) 794-0394 [email protected] Executive Director’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Southern Region President Linda L. Cotterman, NCG CLPF (310) 927-3553 [email protected] President’s Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Northern Region Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Southern Region Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A New Year in Politics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Quick Facts from PFAC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Save the Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Region Chapter Contacts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Dodge a Real Estate Tax Trap . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Health Care Law Provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Calendar of Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Southern Region Director Julia Nelson, NCG, CLPF (818) 957-4729 [email protected] Northern Region President Marilyn S. Bessey, NCG, CLPF (916) 930-9900 [email protected] Northern Region Director Joyce Anthony, NCG, CLPF (650) 383-5313 [email protected] Executive Director’s Report San Diego Region President Beverly Brito, NCG, CLPF (760) 505-5699 [email protected] Congratulations are in order! PFAC has topped 500 members! Our growth is a direct result of the licensing requirement (SB 1550 of 2006), which required licensure by the State of California beginning in July 2008. This has increased our professional stature and provided an avenue for those seeking a professional calling. That said – it is critical that our newer members be mentored or provided counseling as they encounter the more difficult aspects of the professional fiduciary’s practice. There are always growing pains and challenges, but the Association is up to that challenge. San Diego Region Director Monika Pelletier, NCG, CLPF (858) 335-4920 [email protected] PFAC Staff One Capitol Mall Suite 320 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 916.669.5330 Toll-Free: 866.886.7322 Fax: 916.444.7462 Web: Email: [email protected] Communications Director Cindi Alvidrez [email protected] Membership Coordinator Ellyse Dill [email protected] Executive Director Jackie Miller [email protected] Jackie Miller, Executive Director the EA exemption, PFAC is sponsoring legislation that will tighten the Professional Fiduciaries Act. The bill is in spot form right now and is authored by Senator Ted Gaines. Our Educational Conference And speaking of growth, continues to grow, both in size our stature in the Legislature and quality. The Conference continues to be enhanced, Committee and Education thanks to the efforts of our Committee reviewed over Legislative Committee, 130 proposed presentations chaired by Past President Stella in order to select the program Shvil, and Jerry Desmond, content for 2012. In addition Jr., of the Desmond & to general sessions and Desmond lobbying firm. breakouts, there will be three In addition to beating back Continued on page 13.... Accounting Services Connie Payne [email protected] professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 3 President’s Message By Norine Boehmer, PFAC President P FAC has had a busy quarter with does it say about us that we are meetall of our regional and chapter ing by Disneyland! I know some of meetings. us frequently feel we have our own Disneyland dealing with some of our We are moving forward in the legis- cases. lative area as well as working toward one of our most successful confer- I also want to thank Marilyn Bessey ences ever. and the Education Committee for the great work they have done in Our new legislative advocate, Jerry tightening up our CEU requireDesmond, Jr., has found an author in ments. As in all of our endeavors, we the Legislature to help us with chang- must keep our ethics in mind when es to the licensing requirements in the we take credit for our CEU’s. This, as Professional Fiduciaries Act. We are everything else in this business, must sponsoring a bill to change some of be above reproach and looked at as if the language in the area of “durable it is as important as keeping our clipower of attorney”. ents’ well-being uppermost. The conference is moving forward under the direction of Marguerite Lorenz and Julia Nelson. It will take place April 25-28 in Anaheim – close to Mickey’s house. Hmmm – what a member. I also spoke about it in my last message. That said, I want to reiterate that we are not the ethics police but here to help any member who is being brought to our attention by a complaint. Thanks very much to all of the members I have spoken with since becoming President. It is an honor and a pleasure to be of service to this organization. Finally, I hope all of you are not tired of me talking about Ethics, as it seems to be popping up everywhere I look. By now you have received the email blast regarding the removal of PFAC Mission Statement The members of the Professional Fiduciary Association of California (PFAC) are dedicated to serving and protecting the best interests of those who have placed their trust in them by: • • • • • Ensuring the highest standards of ethics and practice Establishing comprehensive statewide certification Maintaining high qualifications for membership Requiring the continuing education of members Promoting communications among members to share resources • Mentoring of new members by already established members • Contributing to the development of effective regulation and legislation • Enhancing awareness of and respect for the Professional Fiduciary Association of California Michele Smith FIDUCIARY SUPPORT SERVICES Fiduciary Support Services Include: • Conservatorship/Trust/Estate Accountings • Client Systems Set-Up • Document & Data Management • Full-Charge Bookkeeping • Project Management 1118 Ridgegate Court Antioch, CA 94531 Cell: 925.207.9263 Fax: 925.753.1929 [email protected] Quality, timely services at competitive rates. professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 4 PFAC Region Update Northern California Update Our Northern California PFAC Region has had a busy two months: D ecember 2nd, PFAC NorCal held their annual Education Day at the South San Francisco Convention Center. Two of the popular topics covered were “What is our Obligation for Marshaling Online Assets? What are Online Assets?” and “Succession Planning…How to plan for the future”. The Education Day was great with a large attendance and financially very successful! Our Hats go Out to Joyce Anthony and her committee, particularly Cecilia Mason who implemented our new regional credit card payment program. Thank you . Joyce Anthony did a repeat performance January 19th by planning the Northern Regional Dinner Meeting which was held in the Silicon Valley at Michael’s Restaurant Shoreline in Mountain View. Again a great turnout and terrific program “When and Under What Circumstances Should a Professional Fiduciary Agree to Mediation, Trial by a Private Judge or Both?” Speakers, the Honorable Catherine A. Gallagher (Ret.) and Attorney Michael Desmarais, provided good information about the value of the JAMs program available to fiduciaries, and when and how it should be used in potentially litigious situations. Plus, the banter between the Judge and Mr. Desmarais was highly entertaining. Again, Joyce, thank you, now relax and enjoy. Marilyn Bessey I am planning the next Regional Dinner in the Davis/ Sacramento area March 22nd. The bar has been set pretty high by Ms. Anthony, I’d better get busy! Watch for further information regarding PFAC’s proposed Mentoring Policy. Pat McVey-Ritsick and Rosalie Rowsey are busy heading up a task force to develop a sound PFAC Mentoring Policy. These are two very hardworking, dedicated PFAC members. A house-keeping note: the new Santa Rosa Chapter Representative is William Zuur, wzuurconsulting@ and Susie Below, [email protected] is the new Chapter Representative for the Feather River Chapter. Welcome to you both and our thanks to retiring “reps”Jan Logan and Ronda Brunson! g Marilyn Bessey Northern Regional President As an endorsed insurance provider for the Professional Fiduciary Association of California, Dominion Insurance Services assists PFAC members in securing the quality insurance coverage they require. The PFAC-approved professional liability insurance program is underwritten through Lloyd’s of London and is available for PFAC members only. The Lloyd’s policy is specifically designed for professional fiduciaries and is available at an affordable rate. For further information, go to PFAC’s website,, and click on the Dominion logo. Toll Free: (888) 313-9977 Phone: (925) 313-9977 Fax: (925) 313-9978 Email: [email protected] professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 5 PFAC Region Update Southern California Greetings from Southern Region, O ur January meeting at the Sportsmans Lodge in Studio city was well attended by 65+ members and affiliates. Susan Bernatz, PhD., a forensic neuropsychologist, enlightened us all regarding evaluations to determine “undue influence” and steps to take to protect seniors. Her expertise, experience, and humor took a serious topic and presented it in a way that was informative, lighthearted, and solicited questions from PFAC members. Remember, the Southern Region PFAC booth (picture in last newsletter) is available for use. Let me know if there is an event, conference, etc. in which PFAC can spread the good news about the services we offer. Linda Cotterman Our Southern Region will be hosting a one-day Educational Day in August or September. The format and Our next meeting will be March 29th 11:30-1:30pm presenters will be much the same as the Northern Reat Alhambra Court, in Alhambra with Judge Aviva Bob gion’s Educational Day last fall. Details will be forthwho will speak on mediation. Please save the date, you coming. will not want to miss this one! Thanks to Ellie Page for Lastly, we are in the process of nominating and electing bringing Judge Bob to PFAC. the Southern Region Board for 2012-2013. Richard Norene is handling nominations and elections. Our Attorney Appreciation Dinner in 2012 will be in September/October. Our attorneys are our “profes- The Santa Barbara/Tri-Cities Chapter has kindly asked sional bookends.” They are the ones who make our me to their March 12th chapter meeting in Santa Barjobs successful and are THE VITAL part of our team. bara, so I’ll see you PFAC “coastals” then! Without them we could not exist, so let’s honor and thank them royally. Please contact Julia Nelson or my- It has truly been my pleasure to serve as your President self if you can help. this past year. I’ve learned so much from all of you. We continue to encourage all informal ‘Brown Bag Thank you so much. Lunches’ in your area. Rita Michael is continuing as hostess for the informal get-togethers in her Manhat- Linda Cotterman tan Beach office. Let’s get some brown-baggers in San Southern Regional President Fernando Valley? Ventura? Beverly Hills? You name it. Just find two or more other fiduciaries in your area, get them off the phone and out-for-lunch! We all get busy, I realize. However, one hour sharing with another fiduciary will ultimately save you not only time, The National Guardianship Association but will save you headaches, stress, and lots of anxiety. In cooperation with the New Mexico Guardianship Association A problem solved is worth millions. Plus, you may make a new fiduciary friend who may be a source OF Be Cer referrals or a source FOR referrals. tain to SAVE Friday, THIS D ATE May 18 , 2012 For the 20 2 Colloquium on Guardianship The View from the Summit: Guardianship in the Next Decade and Beyond Find Us At: Professional Fiduciary Association of California at the Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town in Albuquerque, New Mexico Additional Information Available at professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 7 MARCINE KLINE Senior Escrow Officer/ Branch manager With over 32 years of escrow experience, MARCINE KLINE offers unique industry knowledge as a specialist in Probate, Trust Sales and conservatorships. This background provides her with a unique perspective and serves as a valuable tool to help her clients navigate through the challenges of these transactions. MARCINE KLINE SENIOR EScROw OffIcER/BRANcH MANAGER EScROw Of tHE wESt 13949 VENtuRA BlVd., SuItE 300 SHERMAN OAkS, cA 91423 TEL: (818) 815-4444, Ex. 3100 [email protected] With marcine, you can be assured in knowing that the most difficult escrow will be closed with ease. Our Vision: To Surpass Your Expectations This Time... Next Time... Every Time! Visit us at: New Members Affiliate Individual Member PatrickBrennan San Diego, CA92122 (858) 552-6960 Christina Files El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (415) 279-1647 Holly Galbrecht San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 409-1335 Ron Greenwald San Diego, CA 92131 (858) 776-5863 Martin Harris San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 595-6797 Justin Peek Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 635-1097 Associate Member Chandra Brown Oakland, CA 94604 (510) 502-5816 Dave Buehler Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 434-1022 Linda Callaway Claremont, CA 91711 (909) 482-1203 David Carlson Redlands, CA 92373 (949) 542-6497 Dara Fiss Northridge, CA 91328 (818) 438-6886 Patricia Gerke Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 525-7269 Beth Haley Chico, CA 95926 (530) 343-6254 Molly (Mary) Hill-Melero Orinda, CA 94563 (510) 786-8559 Bennett Hong San Francisco, CA 94131 (415) 760-1666 Nancy Howland Cost Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 206-1115 Theodore Jennings Redondo Beach, CA 90277 (310) 793-7793 H.F. Rick Leas Clovis, CA 93611 Michael Patten Oakland, CA 94618 (510) 407-1450 Michael Prilutsky San Ramon,CA 94583 (925) 355-1746 General Member Stephen Cohen San Diego, CA 92121-1733 (858)750-4200 Karen Field Fair Oaks, CA 95628 (916) 853-1618 Thomas Jacobsen Corte Madera, CA 94925 (415) 924-5246 Robert Kain Pacheco, CA 94553 (925) 825-8873 Janice Kittredge Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (925) 465-5500 Connie Kruse Albany, CA 94706 (510)410-0547 Associate to General Member John Balquist Oakland, CA 94602 (510) 684-5810 Kenneth McKean Piedmont, CA 94611 (510) 601-6588 Shoushan Movsesian Glendale, CA 91203-2020 (818) 543-1150 Michael Seibert Los Angeles, CA 90049 (310) 920-1922 Michelle Winchester Piedmont, CA 94611 (510) 507-2988 professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 9 2012- A New Year in Politics By Jerry Desmond, PFAC Legislative Advocate, Desmond & Desmond S everal key events and developments are making 2012 a most unique year and are also influencing the political environment in which legislative and regulatory proposals with a potential to impact PFAC members are being addressed. These include: The November 6 election - of either incumbent Democrat Barack Obama or a still-to-be-determined Republican challenger as the President of our country. The summer statewide primaries - which will be conducted with: • Voter-established “open primary” rules where the two top vote-getters proceed to November regardless of their party, so that two candidates from the same party could be in a run-off. • Newly-configured Senate and Assembly legislative districts, with an unprecedented number of incumbents facing challenges and numerous legislators seeking new offices. The challenging state economy Which has decreased the income tax revenues that support the state budget. Two new characteristics of the budget process have been approved by voters and had a strong influence on last year’s budget. They are expected to play a significant role again this year: • The ability of the budget to be approved by a majority vote in the Legislature. After months of Governor-led negotiations aimed at developing a bipartisan budget, the final budget was approved by the Democrats. • The requirement that legislators pass a balanced and on-time budget or have their pay withheld. The Controller enforced this requirement and determined that an initial proposal was not balanced. A lawusuit is challenging the Controller’s authority. Possible Initiatives on the November Ballot That could number in the dozens and include three separate proposals to increase taxes, a proposal to make the legislature part-time, and a proposal to place new requirements on union use of member dues for political purposes. Within this context, close to 2,000 new bills have been introduced in this second year of the 2011-2012 legislative session. Based on our ongoing review of these measures, we’ve identified several new proposals that will be considered in the upcoming months, including: Continued on page 11.... professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 10 Legislative Upddate Continued... SB 1226 [Gaines] Professional fiduciaries. This PFAC-sponsored bill is intended to remove the “durable” before “power of attorney” in subdivision (f ) (2) of Business and Professions Code Section 6501, to ensure that licensure as a professional fiduciary is required for other types of powers of attorney for health care or finances, including special or specific powers of attorney. In its current form as introduced on February 23, SB 1226 is a “spot bill” into which the substantive provisions will be inserted. AB 2013 [Buchanan] Professional fiduciaries. Assembly Member Buchanan is pursuing this bill in an effort to help address situations where fiduciaries identify situations where professional fiduciaries become aware of undue influence, to see if there are mechanisms that can encourage and / or facilitate actions to protect the vulnerable. In its current form, the bill is also a “spot bill” into which the substantive provisions will be inserted. State License Accommodations for Military Several bills have been introduced to provide some form of assistance for the military and veterans returning from combat, including: AB 1588 Atkins That would require licensing agencies to waive the license renewal fees and continuing education requirements, for individuals who are reservists called to active duty as a member of the United States Military Reserve or the California National Guard . AB 1931 [Cook] That would declare the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would require the Department of Veterans Affairs to work with the military in order to distribute information to veterans returning from deployment regarding professional licensing opportunities available to those with military training, and regarding how to obtain a business license to start and operate a small business. AB 2598 [Fuentes] That would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would establish and administer a demonstration program that identifies, develops, and supports methods that maximize academic credit awarded by institutions of higher education to veterans and members of the military for military experience, education, and training obtained during military service in order to expedite the entry of veterans and members of the military into the workforce. A comprehensive report is being provided to the legislative committee on these bills and numerous others as the association moves forward with appropriate positions and lobbying strategies will be successful for the members. professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 11 Personal Banking I Business Banking I Investment Management I Wealth Management We take your fiduciary responsibility as seriously as you do. That’s because we know what being a fiduciary is all about, and we’re uniquely structured to meet the exacting demands of your profession. Our comprehensive suite of services and resources are here to help you help your clients. From investment management services (including personal or investment real estate assets) to a multitude of deposit and lending solutions, you’ll experience exceptional personal service from local experts that understand the unique role of the fiduciary. So if you’re looking for a financial partner that understands your world you should call us today. . Kelly Johnston, CTFA Vice President, Business Development 510.419.3911 800.797.6324 MEMBER FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. Some Wealth Management products may not be FDIC insured, may lose value and may not be bank guaranteed professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 12 PFAC Quick Facts 4 PFAC currently has nearly 500 members. 4 In 2011, PFAC members managed nearly $6 billion in cash and assets as trustees, conservators and personal representatives of estates. 4 Important shifts in aged distribution of the California population are forecast over the next 50 years, as mortality rates decline and life expectancy increases. Currently, life expectancy in California is 78.8. By 2050, we estimate a 50% probability that life expectancy in California will reach 84.2. As a result of this as well as other factors, the state’s population age 65 or older is expected to double in 25 years (over 7 million) and triple in 50 years.* 4 By 2050, the median forecast shows nearly 11 million seniors – the size of the current population under 20. Currently, there are approximately three times as many youths as seniors; by 2050, roughly equal numbers are projected.* 4 While the total population (California) will approximately double in size between 1990 and 2040, the oldest old (age 85 and older) will experience nearly a six-fold increase from just under 300,000 to over 1.7 million (California Dept. of Aging, Statistics and Demographics). 4 The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease doubles every five years beyond the age of 65 (National Institute of Aging, 1997). 4 Alzheimer’s disease (the most common form of dementia) is the eighth leading cause of death in California – 99.1% were among people aged 65 and older. (State of California, Dept. of Health Services, Death Records, 1999 and 2000). 4 The three largest states in the country (Texas, Florida and California) will continue to have the greatest total number of Alzheimer’s disease cases and experience significant growth rates – California – 50% increase (Alzheimer’s Association study, “State-Specific Projections Through 2025 of Alzheimer’s Disease Prevalence, 2004). 4 Over 225,000 cases of elder and dependent adult abuse are handled by protective service agencies each year in California. Unfortunately, more than two-thirds of abusers are family members. Currently, it is estimated that only one in five cases is reported within our state (State of California, Office of the Attorney General Crime and Violence Prevention Center, 2005). *Center for Economics and Demography of Aging, UC Berkeley. CEDA Papers Special Report: The Growth and Aging of California’s Population: Demographic and Fiscal Projections, Characteristics and Service Needs, 2030. Ronald Lee, Timothy Miller, Ryan Edwards. Executive Director’s Message Con’t... pre-intensive sessions from which to choose. Registrations are pouring in, and we anticipate another increase in attendance. The Education Committee, chaired by Marilyn Bessey, has overhauled the Continuing Education requirements, necessitated by both the audit process of the Professional Fiduciaries Bureau, as well as PFAC’s approval as an MCLE provider. These changes will require greater paperwork and administrative efforts by chapters, regions and the Association, but should result in higher-quality educational programs. All in all – 2012 looks to be a banner year, thanks to all of our members! professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 13 Online Registration Now Open! Register by March 28, 2012 and SAVE part·ner·ship (n) [ paartn r shìp ] -- relationship between partners: the relationship between two or more people or organizations that are involved in the same activity; cooperation: cooperation between people or groups working together; group of people working together: an organization formed by two or more people or groups who work together for some purpose. syn·er·gy (n) [ sínn rjee ] -- combined effort being greater than parts: the working together of two or more people, organizations, or things, especially when the result is greater than the sum of their individual effects or capabilities. suc·cess (n) [ s k séss ] -- achievement of intention: the achievement of something planned or attempted; something that turns out well: something that turns out as planned or intended. Program: PFAC now offers just one conference per year at which you are able to earn up to 16 credit hours if you desire to accumulate them all in one place. The conference will start on Wednesday afternoon and end on Saturday early afternoon. MCLE credit will be offered for many of the classes. A complete At-A-Glance agenda is posted on the website. There will be five general sessions. Ten Things a Professional Fiduciary Needs to Know About the Attorney-Client Relationship presented by Cynthia V. Roehl and John R.Deily, Deily Law Firm (90 minute session; 1.5 CE & MCLE hours) Financial Crimes – Streamlining the Process presented by Gina Satriano, Deputy District Attorney, Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, Elder Abuse Section (90 minute session; 1.5 PFAC CE & MCLE hours) How Doctors Die: It’s Not Like the Rest of Us, But It Should Be presented by Kenneth Murray, M.D. (75 minute session; 1.25 credit hours; ETHICS) Where Does Healthy Aging End and Dementia Begin? presented by Cordula Dick-Muehlke, Ph.D., University of California, Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND) (90 minute session; 1.5 PFAC CE & MCLE hours) What Would You Do?” An Ethics Panel Discussion with Very Experienced Professional Fiduciaries presented by PFAC members Jane B. Lorenz, CPA, CLPF, Lorenz Fiduciary Services, Inc.; Norine Boehmer, NCG, CLPF, Boehmer & Mills Fiduciary Services; Debra J. Dolch, CLPF, CCF, NCG, Fiduciary Services; Lee Ann Hitchman, MBA, CLPF, NCG, Hitchman Fiduciaries . Panel will be moderated by Roberta J. Robinson, Attorney - Certified Specialist Probate, Estate Planning and Trust Law, Roberta J. Robinson, A Law Corporation (90 minutes; 1.5 PFAC CE & MCLE hours; ETHICS) professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 14 The pre-conference intensives will run from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 25th and will be offered in addition to the conference at a separate fee of $160 each and at which you may earn 3.5 credit hours. You will be able to take your pick from: • • • Real Estate Management Fundamentals for the Fiduciary presented by PFAC members William O. Gamble III, CLPF, William O. Gamble III Fiduciary Services and Russ Marshall, NMG, CLPF, Marshall Fiduciary Services (3.5 hours PFAC CE credit) The Wide-Wide World of Trusts: Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts presented by Frank R. Acu–a, Attorney at Law; State Bar of California Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Administration, Acuña, Regli & Klein, LLP (3.5 hours PFAC CE & MCLE credit) Your Client’s Healthcare – Advocating for the Best Care! presented by Pat McVey-Ritsick, CLPF, NCG, PMR Fiduciary Services; Joseph A. Ritsick, M.D.; Sylvia Gandolfo, Eldercare Services (3.5 hours PFAC CE & MCLE credit) A GREAT Opportunity to Support & Partner with PFAC Raffle & Auction Donations: We encourage you to consider making a raffle or auction donation and to pass this opportunity on to others (especially your vendors and other professionals you do business with). These activities can raise up to $15,000 or more to support PFAC programs and member benefits. We’re looking for gift cards, products and service and cash donations (for purchases). The auction flyer/form may be downloaded on the PFAC website. Forms must be completed and returned by April 18th. For more information on making donations, please contact MeetingWise at (310) 937-9473 or [email protected]. Proceeds from these activities will aid in our effort to provide greater and better service to our members and those entrusted to the care of our members! Thank You to Our Sponsors/Exhibitors We thank our sponsors & exhibitors to date (as of 2/17/12) for their participation. Their participation allows you exposure to vital services, helps keep conference costs down and provides PFAC with funds for important services to members. Encourage YOUR vendors to add their names to the list. Sponsor/exhibitor information is available at Sponsors SILVER LEVEL -- Merrill Lynch Fiduciary & Special Needs Group BRONZE LEVEL -- Bond Services of CA, LLC, Community Bank, MetLife, Inc., Phillips Bonding & Insurance Agency, Inc. GENERAL-LEVEL I -- Art Lehman, Village Associates Real Estate GENERAL-LEVEL III -- Alcaine Group of Robert W. Baird & Co., Harvey & Parmelee, LLP FRIEND OF PFAC -- Clars Auction Gallery, Green Zahn & Associates, IMT Associates, Intero Real Estate, Jackson & Efting Exhibitors Abell Auction Co. Absolute Health Care Alain Pinel Realtors Saratoga Angels Watch Home Care, Inc. Beach Equities Boker & Jaye Yaruss Care Indeed Commercial Surety Bond Agency Comprehensive Mobile Dental Care Continuity Care Home Nurses First Equitable Financial Flans & Weiner, Inc. Gamburd, Inc. Harris Fiduciary Services Home Care Assistance J&J Inventory Services Morgan Stanley-Clarke Group Myers Urbatsch, P.C. Prudent Investors Network Raya’s Paradise, Inc. Re/Max Santa Clara Valley Rehabilitation Care Coordination SEM Applications, Inc. Silverado Senior Living, At Home and Hospice Sorenson Insurance Services Stonecrest Managers Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Trust & Estate Administration UC Riverside Extension Look for additional planning details on the PFAC website ( professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 15 DIRECT PRIVATE MONEY LENDER LOAN SOLUTIONS AS UNIQUE AS YOU ARE... Every situation is unique. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get the exact loan you need. As a direct private equity finance company for over 15 years, we have partnered with: Trustees & Professional Fiduciaries Executors & Administrators Conservators & Guardians Serving Attorneys Probate and Trust Clients Members of professional community If your situation is rare and your opportunity is right done, your job is easy... sit back and capitalize. C ontact to Discuss Your Loan Scenario 800-363-1456 - we should talk. When our job is James Perry E xt. 224 [email protected] Alliance Portfolio • 120 Vantis Suite 515, Aliso Viejo, CA • 949.349.1322 • Fax 949.349.1330 Real Estate Broker California Department of Real Estate 01868859 Broker Licensed S u b m it yo ur lo a n s c e na rio a t www. a llia nc e p o rtfo lio . c o m Region & Chapter Contacts Northern Region President SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER Southern Region President Marilyn S. Bessey, NCG, CLPF (916) 930-9900 [email protected] Susan Ford (415) 674-8973 [email protected] Linda L. Cotterman, NCG CLPF (310) 927-3553 [email protected] SACRAMENTO CHAPTER Andrea Leung (415) 752-7168 [email protected] ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER Dawn Akel (916) 686-7804 [email protected] SAN JOAQUIN CHAPTER FEATHER RIVER CHAPTER Susie Below (530) 532-1757 [email protected] CENTRAL SAN JOAQUIN CHAPTER Ronald Dicken (559) 732-0759 [email protected] SAN MATEO CHAPTER Debra Dolch (415) 543-2121 [email protected] Anne Smith (415) 299-0198 [email protected] Lee Ann Hitchman (714) 276-2112 [email protected] Mary Gallagher (209) 524.9333 [email protected] INLAND EMPIRE CHAPTER EAST BAY CHAPTER DESERT CHAPTER Kellie Hayes (925) 548-0205 [email protected] SANTA ROSA CHAPTER William Zuur (707) 539-2216 [email protected] SILICON VALLEY CHAPTER Dusty L. White (408) 248-629 [email protected] SAN DIEGO REGION PRESIDENT Bev Brito, NCG, CLPF (760) 505-5699 [email protected] Sam Hlavaty (760) 244-6592 [email protected] Ronald Olund (760) 323-8857 [email protected] CENTRAL COASTAL CHAPTER Jacquelyn Quinn (805) 966-3312 [email protected] Debra Trout (805) 547-1288 [email protected] SAN GABRIEL CHAPTER Annabelle Wilson (626) 792-1664 [email protected] HARRIS FIDUCIARY SERVICES Transforming Fiduciaries’ Lives. Nationwide. Fiduciary accountings for court and non-court needs – expert & fast! Trusts, Estates, Conservatorships and Guardianships All counties; 15+ years experience; San Francisco Court-recommended preparer Long-time PFAC supporter and conference presenter Full bookkeeping services (Quicken/QuickBooks expert); systems set-up/support 2169 Folsom Street, Suite M101, San Francisco, CA 94110 (415) 595-6797 [email protected] professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 17 Dodge a Real Estate Tax Trap with a Like-Kind Exchange Courtesy of Haley & Company, LLP, Certified Public Accountants T he real estate slump of recent years has reduced the value of many investment properties. Therefore, you may expect to owe little or no tax on a sale. You may, however, have to pay a surprising amount to the IRS because of a “recapture” provision in the tax code. Repaying Prior Deductions Owners of investment property generally reduce their taxes each year with depreciation deductions. Those deductions, however, also reduce your basis in the property and thus, result in increased tax on a future sale. Example: Paul Matthews bought a small apartment building many years ago for $500,000, of which $50,000 was allocated to non-depreciable land. The remaining $450,000 of the purchase price has been fully depreciated over the years. Paul has seen the building’s value rise to $800,000 and then fall back towards $500,000 in recent years. He wishes to relinquish property management responsibilities and relocate to a distant state in retirement. HE assumes that a sale that nets him $500,000 would result in no tax: paid $500,000, received $500,000. However, Paul has taken $450,000 worth of depreciation deductions, as noted. Consequently, his basis in this property is only $50,000, not $500,000. If Paul sells the property for $500,000, his $450,000 of depreciation deductions would be recaptured at 25%, and he would owe the IRS $112,500. Deferred Like-Kind Details • In a deferred like-kind exchange, you must identify potential replacement properties, in writing, within 45 days of the date that you sell your original property. This notification can go to the accommodator. • You can name up to three potential replacement properties of any value. • Alternatively, you can name more than three properties. If you name more than three, their total value can be no more than 200% of the value of the property that you relinquished. • You must receive the replacement property within 180 days after the sale of your original property or the due date (with extensions) of the relevant tax return to your property sale, whichever is earlier. Tax Tidbits l Federal Estate Tax Exclusion – The federal estate tax exclusion will rise to $5.12 million in 2012 up from $5 million in 2011. However, the annual gift tax exclusion will remain at $13,000. l EITC – The maximum earned income tax credit (EITC) will increase to $5,891, up from $5,751 in 2011. The earned income tax credit is a refundable federal income tax credit for low-tomoderate-income working individuals and families. The allowable credit varies by family size and other factors. professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 18 Health Care Law Provisions and Benefits Now Available Expanded coverage for preventative care and screenings People who have Medicare Part B as well as those covered by many individual and employer-sponsored health plans are eligible for free (i.e. no deductible or copayments – preventative and wellness benefits, such as annual health exams, immunizations, mammograms and other screenings for diseases including diabetes and certain cancers. For instance, Medicare Part B enrollees can have a free wellness visit with their doctor every year. People with other types of insurance can ask their insurance company or physician about the free preventive services now available to them. New Options for People with Pre-Existing Conditions Adults whom private insurers consider to be “high-risk” due to prior or current health problem, and who have been uninsured for at least six months, are eligible to buy insurance through the Federal Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) in their state. Lowered Costs for People in the Medicare Part D “Doughnut Hole” People with Medicare Part D who fall into the prescription drug coverage gap will automatically receive a 50 percent discount on most brand name prescriptions and biologic drugs, as well as a discount on generic drugs. For 2012, the generic drug discount is 14 percent. Greater Consumer Protections Against Insurance Cancellations A common practice among insurers seeking to deny payments for costly medical care has been to re-examine customers’ initial applications and cancel or “rescind” policies. Now, due to the health care law, as long as you pay your premiums, your health insurance is guaranteed. The health care law prohibits insurers from rescinding coverage because of unintentional mistakes or minor omissions on an application. An End to Lifetime Limits on Health Insurance Coverage Insurers can no longer limit how much they will pay out in essential medical services over a person’s lifetime. This benefit is now automatically in effect on all insurance policies. Higher Annual Limits on Health Insurance Coverage Most insurance plans must now cover medical expenses up to at least $1.25 million per year. Expanded Coverage for Adult Children Up to Age 26 Young adults who don’t have access to an employer health plan can now stay on a parent’s health insurance policy until they turn 26, even if they are married or don’t live at home. Previously, most insurance plans kicked young adults off family policies when they turned 18, or if the young adult was in college, soon after graduation. Insurance Supports for Early Retirees If you retiree health coverage through your work and are between 55 and 64, funding from the new Early Retirees Reinsurance Program can help your former employer maintain your health benefit until you reach Medicare age. professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 20 Health Care Law Provisions Continued... Greater Protections for Children with Pre-Existing Conditions Under most individual and group insurance plans, children up to age 19 with prior or current health problems can no longer be denied coverage. Free Wellness Care for Babies and Children Children are eligible for free annual wellness exams and immunizations from birth to age 21. Easy-to-Use Resources for Finding Affordable Insurance Consumers seeking to research private and public health insurance plans, obtain rate information, and better understand their insurance options can now visit a one-stop shopping website established by the federal government. Easier Access to Specialty Care Among the “Patient Bill of Rights” provisions in effect now are rules that prevent insurance companies from requiring primary care physician referrals for ob/gyn visits out of network emergency care. Expanded Rights of Appeal If an insurer rejects a claim or cancels coverage, customers of most plans now have the right to appeal the decision to an outside review panel. Unlike in the past, insurers will have to abide by that group’s findings. Greater Protections for Nursing Home Residents The new health care law provides expanded resources, such as access to quality ratings and complaint reports, for families seeking nursing home care and greater protections for nursing home residents. Insurance Supports for Small-Business Employers Business tax credits have been established for small business owners who want to provide health insurance to their workers. Roth IRAs 2012 Tidbits l ROTH IRAs – The amount you can put into a Roth IRA as a regular contribution is reduced or eliminated if your income goes above certain levels. In an October 20 announcement on pension plan limitations for 2012, the IRS sad that the income phase-out for married couples filing jointly will rise to the range of $173,000 to $183,000, up from $169,000 to $179,000 in 2011. According to the nonprofit Employee Benefit Research Institute, only 33 percent of workers ages 21 to 64 took advantage of 401(k) plans in 2009, the most recent year for which figures are available. And, according to the institute, only 9 percent of people who do have a 401(k) contributed the maximum dollar amount to their plans in 2005, the most recent year for which that data is available. professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 21 Calendar of Events Subject to change. Call local contact to confirm schedule, location and topics. March 2012 29 PFAC Southern California Regional 16 San Joaquin Valley Chapter Educational Luncheon Meeting Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Time: 12:00 AM Speaker: Russ Marshall, Licensed Professional Fiduciary, former Public Guardian and former PFAC President. Topic: Mediating a Probate Case Speaker: Aviva K. Bobb, Judge of the Superior Court, Retired Topic: How I Changed My Business Practices to Avoid Controversy. Cost: $35 per person in advance; $45 per person at the door; all guests $45. Please RSVP by March 9th, contact Mark Olson, Chapter Treasurer (209) 768-7044 or [email protected]. Contact Ellie Page at ellie@pagefiduciary. com or (818) 623-0099 Location: Alhambra, CA- Almansor Court Cost: $20 members, $25 non-members. Attendees receive 1 CEU Location: Fuzio Universal Bistro, Firecracker Room 21 San Diego Region Meeting April 2012 18 Time: 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Topic: Probate Update with Judge Kelety RSVP Mandatory by April 16 Topic: VA & Social Security Panel Discussion RSVP Mandatory by March 19, 2012 ABSOLUTELY NO WALK-INS Call (619) 685-7423. ABSOLUTELY NO WALK-INS Call (619) 685-7423. Location: Elijah’s San Diego Region Meeting Location: Bar Association- Broderick Room 25-28 17th Annual Educational Conference Growing Professional Partnerships: Creating Synergy and Success Location: Hyatt Regency Orange County professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 22 professional fiduciary association of california • one capitol mall, suite 320 • sacramento, ca 95814 916-669-5330 • toll-free 866-886-7322 • fax (916) 444-7462 • • email [email protected] 23 Professional Fiduciary Association of California One Capitol Mall, Suite 320 Sacramento, CA 95814 FIRST CLASS US POSTAGE PAID Sacramento, CA Permit No. 949 ORDER FORM “Answer your Questions About Fiduciaries” Pamphlet Name: Company: Address: City, State, Zip Phone: Fax: Brochures (3 Fold) Rack Cards (2 sided) Quantity *MEMBERS ONLY* PFAC Member Lapel Pin Pack Count Price per Pack *Includes Shipping Costs Pack of 25 $7.50 Pack of 50 $15.00 Pack of 100 $27.50 Per Pin (1) $7.00 Payment Information: o Check o MasterCard Card Number: o Visa o Discover o AmEx Total Total: $_________________ o Cash Security Code: Expiration Date Print Name: Signature: Please send completed form and payment to: PFAC | One Capitol Mall, Suite 320, Sacramento, CA 95814 | OR | Fax to: (916) 444-7462 Questions? Call 866-886-7322
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