New Polish Films 2006 - Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej


New Polish Films 2006 - Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej
New Polish Films 2006
New Polish Films 2006
t is my great pleasure to present, on behalf of the Polish Film Institute, this up-to-date catalogue of new Polish films. I am
convinced that this exhaustive survey of modern Polish cinema is a better invitation to collaboration than any words could
be. Here you will discover the number and range of movies being made in modern day Poland and the extent of talent and
resources behind them. This publication also provides you with useful information about the film industry in Poland, including
the most important address: that of the Polish Film Institute. You are always welcome - filmmakers, producers, buyers,
journalists - to get professional guidance and information about Polish film and movie making in Poland, a country with
modern film legislation, attractive locations, an extensive pool of talent in all film professions - the right place for your next
co-production project.
Agnieszka Odorowicz
General Director
Polish Film Institute
t’s been over a half of century since I started making films in Poland. During
the course of those years, I have witnessed great triumphs but likewise
painful falls in our cinematography. I have seen international successes as
well as periods of almost complete absence from the world scene.
Today, I look with great joy as Polish filmmakers - both my more experienced
collegues and most importantly - the younger genaration, have been
granted an opportunity which not only enables them to make movies but will
also enable those movies to be shown to international audiences. This is
possible thanks to the new film legislation in Poland. I am sure we - the
filmmakers, will be able to take advantage of it and Polish cinematography
will be talked about all over the world, the way it used to be.
This catalogue of new Polish films is a great testimony to these prospects.
Andrzej Wajda
Poland is a country exceptionally rich in talented filmmakers, a country with tradition and experience. It is simply the best
suited country in the region to expand its own film production as well as to provide various services in this area to others.
What was missing, until recently, were the right financial and organizational structures of cinematography. But now these
things will be provided for, thanks to the newly passed Act of Cinematography and the recently founded Polish Film Institute.
So, the future belongs to us, the filmmakers...
Agnieszka Holland
New Polish Films 2006
Film Associations & Organisations
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Film and Audiovisual Media Department
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Departament Filmu i Mediów Audiowizualnych
ul. Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie 15/17
00-071 Warszawa
(+48 22) 421 04 62
(+48 22) 826 74 89
[email protected]
[email protected]
National Film Archive
Filmoteka Narodowa
ul. Pu∏awska 61
02-595 Warszawa
(+48 22) 845 50 74
(+48 22) 646 53 73
National Chamber of Audiovisual Producers
Krajowa Izba Producentów Audiowizualnych
ul. Jaracza 2
00-378 Warszawa
phone/fax (+48 22) 622 24 44-47
[email protected]
The Association of Polish Filmmakers
Stowarzyszenie Filmowców Polskich
ul. Pu∏awska 61
02-595 Warszawa
(+48 22) 845 51 32
(+48 22) 845 39 08
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Polish Television - Film Agency
Telewizja Polska - Agencja Filmowa
ul. Woronicza 17
00-999 Warszawa
(+48 22) 547 81 67; 547 67 32
(+48 22) 547 42 25
New Polish Films 2006
Poland is the right place for your film
Polish Film Institute (PISF) is the newest film institute in Europe, established in 2005 in accordance
with the new cinematography law, passed by Polish Parliament. It is set up similarly to the
mechanisms of film industry support existing in many European countries.
Poland has a long tradition of quality filmmaking, marked by names of directors like
Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Zanussi, Agnieszka Holland and Krzysztof Kieslowski. Their
accomplishments set the standards of excellence which are being followed the new
generation of Polish filmmakers. Polish Film Institute is there to help them to make their films
to be known internationally, and to help Polish cinema to restore and maintain its traditional
position in the world.
The Institute’s principal task is to provide the Polish film industry with the modern mechanism
of support – from the development of projects, production, promotion, distribution and
circulation of Polish and European films. We support films from concept to screen, with
particular emphasis on international co-productions.
The Institute’s tasks are as follows:
To create conditions for the development of Polish film production and international
To inspire and support the development of all types of Polish film creativity, in particular
artistic films, including the development of film projects and the production and
distribution of such films;
To support activities aimed at creating conditions for common access to the heritage
of Polish, European and world film art;
To support film debuts and the artistic development of young filmmakers;
To promote Polish film internationally;
To subsidise the enterprises in the field of development film projects, film production,
distribution of films and dissemination of films;
To support the upkeep of film archives.
The Polish Film Institute welcomes all foreign partners – producers, distributors and filmmakers alike
– interested in all forms of collaboration with the Polish film industry. We shall provide you
with all the necessary information and guidance regarding Poland, its film potential, legal
regulations, locations and help to find the film professionals to collaborate with as well as
potential partners for coproductions.
Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej Polish Film Institute General Director Agnieszka Odorowicz
address ul. Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie 21/23, 00-071 Warszawa, Poland
phone [+48 22] 42 10 518 fax [+48 22] 42 10 241 e-mail [email protected] website
Sponsor of PISF:
New Polish Films 2006
Film Schools in Poland
The National Film Television & Theatre School
Paƒstwowa Wy˝sza Szko∏a Filmowa Telewizyjna i Teatralna
ul. Targowa 61/63
90-323 ¸ódê
(+48 42) 634 58 20
(+48 42) 674 81 39
[email protected]
University of Silesia, The Radio & Television Department of Krzysztof Kieslowski’s name
Uniwersytet Âlàski, Wydzia∏ Radia i Telewizji im. Krzysztofa KieÊlowskiego
ul. Bytkowska 1 B
40-955 Katowice
(+48 32) 258 24 28, 258 70 11, 258 70 70
(+48 32) 258 24 28
Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing
Mistrzowska Szko∏a Re˝yserii Filmowej Andrzeja Wajdy
ul. Che∏mska 21
00-724 Warszawa
(+48 22) 851 10 56, 851 10 67
phone/fax (+48 22) 851 10 57
[email protected]
Warsaw Film School
School of Art under the patronage of Minister of Culture and National Heritage
Warszawska Szko∏a Filmowa
Policealna Szko∏a Artystyczna pod patronatem Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
ul. Âwieradowska 43
02-662 Warszawa
phone/fax (+48 22) 543 55 99
(+48) 691 490 171
[email protected]
[email protected]
Polish Film Festival Gdynia
31th Polish Film Festival
31. Festiwal Polskich Filmów Fabularnych
Gdynia, September 11-16, 2006
Pomorska Fundacja Filmowa
ul. Armii Krajowej 24
81-372 Gdynia
(+48 58) 621 15 09
(+48 58) 621 15 83
e-mail [email protected]
New Polish Films 2006
International Film Festivals in Poland
14th International Film Festival of
the Art of Cinematography Camerimage
14. Mi´dzynarodowy Festiwal
Autorów Zdj´ç Filmowych Camerimage
6th Era New Horizons
International Film Festival
6. Mi´dzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy
Era Nowe Horyzonty
Lodz, November 25 – December 2, 2006
Wroc∏aw, July 20-30, 2006
Fundacja TUMULT
ul. Rynek Nowomiejski 28
87-100 Toruƒ
(+48 56) 621 00 19
(+48 56) 652 21 97
e-mail [email protected]
[email protected]
Era New Horizons IFF, c/o Gutek Film
ul. Zamenhofa 1
00-153 Warszawa
(+48 22) 536 92 00
(+48 22) 635 20 01
[email protected]
press office
e-mail [email protected]
visitor service e-mail [email protected]
46th Cracow Film Festival
46. Krakowski Festiwal Filmowy
International Competition
National Competition
Kraków, May 30 – Juni 4, 2006
36th International Film Festival –
Lubuskie Film Summer – ¸agów
36. Mi´dzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy –
Lubuskie Lato Filmowe – ¸agów
¸agów, July 2-9, 2006
Krakowska Fundacja Filmowa
ul. Pychowicka 7
30-364 Kraków
ul. Morawskiego 5, apt. 437
30-102 Kraków
(+48 12) 294 69 45
[email protected]
Klub Kultury Filmowej
ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 21
65-047 Zielona Góra
(+48 68) 325 59 84
(+48 68) 452 97 62
[email protected]
22th Warsaw International FilmFest
22. Warszawski Mi´dzynarodowy
Festiwal Filmowy
October 6-15, 2006
Application deadline for films is June 15, 2006
Warszawska Fundacja Filmowa
p.o. box 816
00-950 Warszawa 1
e-mail [email protected]
25th Festival of Film Debuts
“The Young and Cinema”
25. Koszaliƒski Festiwal Debiutów
Filmowych „M∏odzi i Film”
Koszalin, Juni 20-24, 2006
Miejski OÊrodek Kultury
ul. Zwyci´stwa 105
75-001 Koszalin
(+48 94) 347 57 00
(+48 94) 342 26 12
festival director e-mail
[email protected]
New Polish Films 2006
Awards and Honors received by Polish films
at international film festivals in 2005
Holiday Weekend / D∏ugi weekend
Acting award in the supporting actor category for
Marek Walczewski at the Stozhary International
Film Festival, Kiev, Ukraine
director Robert Gliƒski
Symmetry / Symetria
The Silver Plaque Award for TV comedy, Chicago
International TV Awards
The Golden Casket Award for best screenplay (in
the TV feature film category) at the 30th
International TV Film Festival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
My Nikifor / Mój Nikifor
director Krzysztof Krauze
Grand Prix, the Crystal Globe at the International
Film Festival in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
The Crystal Globe for best director at the
International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary, Czech
The Crystal Globe for best actress (Krystyna
Feldman) at the International Film Festival in Karlovy
Vary, Czech Republic
“Don Quichote”, International Federation of Film
Clubs award
Grand Prix for Krystyna Feldman at the International
Actors Festival in Kiev, Ukraine – Stozhary 2005
The Best Actress Award for Krystyna Feldman at the
Cinemanila International Film Festival, Manila,
The FIPRESCI Prize at the 18th Panorama of
European Cinema, Athens, Greece
Grand Prix, the “Golden Hugo” at the 41th
International Film Festival in Chicago, USA
The Silver Hugo Award for best Actor (Roman
Gancarczyk) at the International Film Festival in
Chicago, USA
The Best Actress Award for Krystyna Feldman at the
50th International Valladolid Film Festival, Spain
The Best Actress Award for Krystyna Feldman at the
4th International Film Festival in Pune, India (2006)
Krzysztof KieÊlowski Prize for the best european
film at 28th International Film Festival Denver, USA
Pitbull / Pitbull
director Patryk Vega
Directing Award at the “Youth and Film” Film Festival
in Koszalin, Poland
Acting Award for Marcin Dorocinski at the “Youth
and Film” Film Festival in Koszalin, Poland
Special Citation Award at XV Courmayeur Noir
Festival, Italy
Queen of Clouds / Królowa chmur
The Bronze REMI Award in the TV film category at
the 38th International film Festival in Houston, USA
Stranger / Ono
director Ma∏gorzata Szumowska
Nomination for the European Academy of Film Art
Award for Malgorzata Szumowska in the
“Discovery of the Year” category
Directing award at the “goEast” Film Festival (films
from Eastern and Central Europe) in Wiesbaden,
Acting award in the non-professional actress
category for Malgorzata Bela at the Stozhary
International Film Festival, Kiev, Ukraine
director Jan Hryniak
Platinum Award for best actor (Marek Kondrat) at
the International Film Festival in Viareggio, Italy
Tomorrow’s Weather / Pogoda na jutro
director Jerzy Stuhr
Grand Prix at the International Golden Knight Film
Festival in Chelyabinsk, Russia
Award for best music score at the Golden Knight
Film Festival in Chelyabinsk, Russia
Torn / Zerwany
director Jacek Filipiak
The Grand Prize for the young filmmaker at the
International Film festival in Gwangju, South Korea
Warsaw / Warszawa
director Dariusz Gajewski
The Platinum REMI Award in the feature film
category at the 38th International Film Festival in
Houston, USA
The Special Jury Prize at the “Baltic Debuts”
International Film Festival in Svietlogorsk, Russia
The Wedding / Wesele
director Wojciech Smarzowski
The Special Jury’s Honorable Mention for “East of
the West” at the 40th International Film Festival in
Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
The Welts / Pr´gi
director Rados∏aw Piwowarski
Best film award at the Durango International Film
Festival, USA
Directing award at the International Film Festival in
RiverRun, USA
Acting award for Arkadiusz Detmer at the
International Film Festival in RiverRun, USA
The Third / Trzeci
director Konrad Niewolski
director Magdalena Piekorz
The Silver Knight Award at the Golden Knight Film
Festival in Chelyabinsk, Russia
Grand Prix and the Audience Choice Award at the
“Trinec Summer” Film Festival, Trinec, Czech
Your Name is Justine / Masz na imi´ Justine
director Franco de Peña
Award for cinematography for Arkadiusz Tomiak at
the International Film Festival in Montreal, Canada
Zhoorek / ˚urek
director Ryszard Brylski
Directing award in the Young Genaration Category
at the International Dubrovnik Film Festival, Croatia
The Bronze Griffon Award/the Grand Prix at the
Giffoni International Children’s Film Festival, Italy
The Golden Eagle Award at the Los Angeles Polish
Film Festival, Los Angeles, USA
New Polish Films 2006
Marcinek / Marcinek
director Mariusz Malec
A Bird’s Eye View / Co czuje bocian?
director Katarzyna Maciejko-Kowalczyk
The Platinum REMI Award in the category
“documentary: family matters” at the 38th
International Film Festival in Houston, USA
Children of Leningradsky /
Dzieci z Leningradzkiego
On the Edges / Na kraw´dziach
director Monika Górska
directors Andrzej Celiƒski, Hanna Polak
Special Award for Andrzej Celiƒski and Hanna
Polak “Ale Kino!” International Film Festival for
Children, Poznaƒ, Poland
Award for the best documentary film at the
International Film Festival, Manila, Philippines
The Major of Olomouc Award and Student Award
for Andrzej Celiƒski i Hanna Polak at the Academy
Film Festival, Olomouc, Czech Republic
International Documentary Association (IDA) Award
in the category: short documentary film
director Jacek B∏awut
director Artur ˚mijewski
director Wies∏aw Saniewski
director Micha∏ Nekanda-Trepka
director Maciej Adamek
Best film at the DocuDays Beirut Documentary Film
Festival, Liban
Gold Award at the Roshd International Film Festival,
Golden Remi Award for a documentary film at the
38th International Film Festival, Houston, USA
Teaspoon for Life / ¸y˝eczka ˝ycia
Grand Prize at KunstFilm Biennale Cologne,
A Split or Gombro in Berlin /
Rozdarcie, czyli Gombro w Berlinie
I Am with You / Jestem
Lubuskie Film Summer’s Grape and the PolishGerman Cooperation Fund’s special prize for the
best non-fiction Polish film, ¸agów
Repetition / Powtórzenie
Special Jury Prize and Audience Award at 23¯me
Festival International du Film de Vol Libre, St. Hilaire
du Touvet, France
Best Director Award at 5th Sliven International
Mountain Film Festival, Bulgaria
Best Film at Mountain Film Festival – World Tour,
Banff, USA
“Judges Choice”, and special mention in the
category Mountain Adventure at Kendal Mountain
Film Festival, England
Golden REMI Award in the category “documentary:
family matters” at the 38th International Film Festival,
Houston, USA
Rat in a Crown / Szczur w koronie
Grandpa / Praszczur director Miros∏aw Dembiƒski
The Children’s Jury Prize at the 10th Film Festival for
Children, Mexico City, Mexico
Bronze Medal at the “Man in the World”
International Film Festival, Stokholm, Sweden
Second prize at the 2nd HA-MOTIV HA-JEHUDI
International Film Festival, Warsaw, Poland
Tomek W. / Tomek W.
Life to Live / ˚ycie przed tobà
director Anna Wi´ckowska
Commended at the International Film Festival,
Chelabinsk, Russia
director Maciej Adamek
The National Geographic award for the best
documentary film at the FlickerFest International
Short Film Festival, Sydney, Australia
Silver Medal at the “Man in the World”
International Documentary Film Festival, Stokholm,
The Audience Award at the International Short Film
Festival, Dawson, Canada
The Jury Prize at the International Short Film
Festival, Isfahan, Iran
The Best Document at the 27th International
Children Film Festival Chicago, USA
Like a Butterfly / Jak motyl
director Tomasz Wiszniewski
The “Gates of Freedom” award at the International
Festival, Gdansk, Poland
Commended at the “Divisions of Europe”
International Days of Documentary Films, Lublin,
Silver Plaque Award in the social and political
document category at the Chicago International TV
Wide Tracks / Szerokie tory
director Ewa Pi´ta
Silver Plaque for a documentary film in the Chicago
International Television Awards competition
Award for a documentary at the International Film
Festival in Calgary, USA
Award at the International Documentary and
Anthropological Film Festival in Parnu, Estonia
Bronze Medal at the International Documentary Film
Festival, Stokholm, Sweden
New Polish Films 2006
We all’re made of Coal /
Wszyscy jesteÊmy z w´gla
director Barbara W∏odarczyk
Gold Plaque in the education/documentary series
category at the Chicago International Television
Awards competition
Short Student Films
Melodrama / Melodramat
The Wooden Dog / Drewniany pies
director Andrzej Maleszka
director Filip Marczewski
Commended at the Short Film Festival, Prague,
Czech Republic Czechy
Award at the “Youth” Festival, Kiev, Ukraine
Commended at the student film festival at VGIK,
Moscow, Russia
Special Prize at the MFF Mediaschool, Lodz, Poland
Grand Prix at the festival in St. Louis, USA (best
short film in the international competition)
Gerszom / Gerszom
director Jacek Podgórski
Award for the best short student film at the
International Film Festival in Chelabinsk, Russia
Tomorrow / Jutro
director Leiv Igor Devold
Other Awards
Jan A. P. Kaczmarek received an Academy Award
for best original music score in “Finding Neverland”
(dir. Marc Forster)
The British film “My Summer of Love” directed by
Polish-born Pawel Pawlikowski received the BAFTA
Award for the best British Film
Andrzej Seweryn received the highest French
national award, LÈgion d’honneur, in 2005.
Pawel Edelman received one of the Hollywood Film
Awards, “The Cinematographer of the Year”.
Director Tadeusz Wilkosz received the Minister of
Culture Award for lifetime achievement and
outstanding achievement in children’s cinema at the
15th International Children’s Film Festival in Cairo,
Andrzej Wajda received the Honorary Golden
Bear award for lifetime achievement at the
International Film Festival in Berlin.
Second prize for a short film at the Next Reel
International Student Film Festival, New York, USA
Alas / Niestety
director Mariusz Wilczyƒski
Commended in the animated film category in the
International TV Awards competition
The Bronze Cairo Award at the International
Children’s Film Festival, Cairo, Egypt
Children’s Jury Prize at the International Children’s
Film Festival, Cairo, Egypt
ROCKIE award in the “children’s programmes”
category at the International Film and TV show
Festival, Banff, Canada
Grand Prix / Prix Danube prize in the “Fiction”
category at the 18th International Television Film
and Children’s Programmes Festival, Bratislava,
Fallen Art / Sztuka spadania
director Tomasz Bagiƒski
Shortlisted in the Short Animated Film category,
Jury Honors – FF Siggraph Los Angeles, USA
Golden Nica – Prix Ars Electronica Festival, Linz,
Animago Award – Stuttgart, Germany
Youth Oscar Animation – Dresden Film Festival,
Best Animated Short – Amzac 2005, Arizona Film
Festival, USA
Best Animated Short – Beverly Hills Film Festival,
Best Animated Short – Bitfilm Festival, Germany
Grand Prix – Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival –
International Digital
Grand Prix MFF Tirana, Albania
Grand Prix MFF Krótkometra˝owych Teheran, Iran
BAFTA nomination – The British Academy of Film
and Television Arts awards (2000)
Ichthys / Ichthys
director Marek Skrobecki
Awarded in the category: Independent Short Film
Competitions at the International Animated Film
Festival, Ottava
For Children
Ice Mountain / Lodowa góra
director Robert Tur∏o
Golden World Medal in the children’s programmes
category at the 48th New York Festival, USA
New Polish Films 2006
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
After the Season / Po sezonie
director Janusz Majewski screenplay Janusz Majewski director of photography Witold Adamek art director Janusz Majewski set decorator
Zofia Nasierowska costume design Anna Kwapiƒska film editor Milenia Fiedler sound design Stefan Chomnicki cast Leon
Niemczyk (Leon Kos), Magdalena Cielecka (Emilia “Imeila” Or∏owska), Ewa WiÊniewska (Mrs Rita), Ma∏gorzata Socha
(Dasia), Zbigniew Buczkowski (Hubert), Ewa Awramik (pharmacist), Jan Barszcz (policeman) produced by Close Up Sp. z o.o.
co-produced by Documentary and Feature Film Studio, ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22) 840 18 86, e-mail
[email protected], Film Production Agency (co-financing) producers Witold Adamek, W∏odzimierz Niderhaus production
manager Tadeusz Drewno distributed by Kino Âwiat International, ul. Belwederska 20/22, 00-762 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 840
68 01-05, fax (+48 22) 840 68 06, e-mail [email protected] world sales open
Betacam, color, 80’, Poland 2005
A small inn at the Mazurian Lakes is not a busy place in January. The owner agrees to rent a room to a young
woman who comes there every year and is treated more like a family member than a guest. An elderly
gentleman, the owner’s friend, comes there as well. A cross between a romantic relationship and friendship
starts between the “off season” tourists...
Janusz Majewski
was born in Lvov in 1931. He graduated from Krakow Polytechnic University, where he
studied Architecture in 1955 and from Lodz Film School (Film Directing) in 1961. He began his career in the
film industry as a production designer. In 1983-90 he was the Chairman on the Association of Polish
Filmmakers’s Board of Directors; in 1987-91, he was a member of the Cinematography Committee. Since 2001
Majewski has been the President of the Council of ZAiKS (Association of Authors and Composers). He has
also been a professor of film art at Lodz Film School. He received the Polonia Restituta Cross in 2001 and the
“Star of Polish Television” award for his creative work in TV Theater and television in 2002.
filmography as a director (selected)
1964: Avatar (Awatar, czyli zamiana dusz; the Chairman of Radio and TV Committee’s
award; The FIPRESCI Award at the International Film Festival, Monte Carlo); 1966: The Lodger (Sublokator; award for best
director and screenwriter at the International Film Festival, Panama; the FIPRESCI Award at the International Film Festival,
Mannheim); 1967: The Black Gown (Czarna suknia; the Golden Praha Award for best director at the International Film and
Television Festival in Prague) 1968: The Position (Urzàd); 1969: A Murderer Who Stole the Murder (Zbrodniarz, który
ukrad∏ zbrodni´); 1970: Lokis (Lokis; Grand Prix at the International Film Festival, Sitges; the Gold Medal at the International
Film Festival, Venice); 1973: Jealousy and Medicine (ZazdroÊç i medycyna); Lost Night (Stracona noc); 1975: Hotel Pacific
(Zakl´te rewiry; the directing award at the International Film Festival, Panama); 1977: The Case of Gorgonowa (Sprawa
Gorgonowej); 1979: A Lesson in a Dead Language (Lekcja martwego j´zyka); 1982: Salty Rose (S∏ona ró˝a); 1985: The
Daydream (Mrzonka; the Prix Futura Honorable Mention at the Festival of TV Films, Berlin ‘87); The Deserters (Dezerterzy);
1989: The Black Gorge (Czarny wàwóz); 1990: Moscow [in:] Napoleon (Moskwa [w:] Napoleon; TV series); 1994: The
Devilish Education (Diabelska edukacja); 1998: Deserters’ Gold (Z∏oto Dezerterów); Habitation (Siedlisko).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
An Angel in Love / Zakochany anio∏
director Artur Wi´cek “Baron” screenplay Witold BereÊ, Artur Wi´cek “Baron” director of photography Piotr Trela music Grzegorz Turnau
art director Ryszard Melliwa costume design Jolanta ¸agowska film editor Marek Klimaszewski sound design Marian Bogacki, Piotr
Domaradzki cast Krzysztof Globisz (Giordano, the angel), Anna Radwan-Gancarczyk (Roma), Jerzy Trela (Szajbus), Janusz
Gajos (Arsen Lupin), Marta Bizoƒ (Irenka Rajska), Tomasz Schimscheiner (Lubega, the angel), Rafa∏ Dziwisz (Lubega’s assistant),
Sonia Bohosiewicz (Malutka), Bart∏omiej Âwiderski (Pawe∏), Andrzej Kozak (Raphael, the angel), Dorota Segda (Karioka),
Kamil Bera (Karol) produced by BereÊ & Baron Media Productions, ul. Nowowiejska 5/7, 30-052 Kraków, phone (+48 12) 294 60
77, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48
22) 547 63 64, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25; Gremi Film Production SA; Kino Âwiat International sp. z o.o. executive producer
BereÊ & Baron Media Productions producer Witold BereÊ production manager Piotr Uss Wàsowicz distributed by Kino Âwiat
International, ul. Belwederska 20/22, 00-762 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 840 68 01-05, fax (+48 22) 840 68 06, e-mail
[email protected] world sales BereÊ & Baron Media Productions
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby stereo SR, 98’, Poland 2005
The main character of “Angel in Love” is the angel Giordano, who was in the prequel of this film, “Angel in Krakow”.
After his friend Hanka’s death he continues to live in Krakow, take care of her son and help people. Giordano
cannot return to heaven but he can always count on some discreet help from above. Every month he finds a
wallet full of money and he also has a magical aerosol spray that can fix or heal what is broken or sick. But
heaven has a limited budget and cannot contact the angel - no one is answering the phone up there and the
aerosol spray is running out...
Artur Wi´cek “Baron”
was born in 1967. Film director, screenwriter and producer. For many years he has
been working for public television where he made the first series of “Conversations at the End of the Century”
(Rozmowy na koniec wieku). Director of “A History of Philosophy in Highlanders’ Style” (Historia filozofii po
góralsku) based on rev. J. Tischner’s writings. Co-screenwriter of television films “This House Is Haunted”
(W tym domu straszy) and “This House Is Still Haunted” (W tym domu nadal straszy), and the author of the
animated film “Kleofas in the World of Capitalism” (Kleofas w Êwiecie kapitalizmu), which explains the basic
notions of economics. This film was awarded by the Foundation of Entrepreneurship. Baron has made a
documentary titled “Goralenvolk” for Polish TV. His feature debut was “Angel in Krakow”.
2002: Angel in Krakow (Anio∏ w Krakowie; the Jury Award for the best debut and for the best comedy PFF, Gdynia;
nomination for the Polish Film Award Eagle in the “best film of the year” category).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Call of the Toad / Wró˝by kumaka
director Robert Gliƒski screenplay Pawe∏ Huelle, Cezary Harasimowicz, Klaus Richter based upon the novel by Günter Grass
director of photography Jacek Petrycki music Richard G. Mitchell art director Robert Czesak, Jochen Schumacher costume design
Anna Kiljaƒska, Bea Gossmann film editor Krzysztof Szpetmaƒski sound design Gregor Voigt cast Krystyna Janda (Aleksandra
Piàtkowska), Matthias Habich (Alexander Reschke), Dorothea Walda (Erna), Udo Samel (Vielbrand), Marek Kondrat
(Marczak), Mareike Carriere (Johanna), Joachim Król (Karau), Zbigniew Zamachowski (Bieroƒski), Aleksandra Kisio
(Iwonka), Krzysztof Globisz (Wróbel), Miros∏aw Baka (mechanic) produced by Filmcontract Ltd, ul. Che∏mska 21, bld. 3,
apt. 106, 00-724 Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22) 841 65 91, 840 22 78; Ziegler Film GmbH & Co., KG – Regina Ziegler, Neue
Kantstrasse 14, 14057 Berlin (Germany), e-mail [email protected] co produced by Zieglerfilm Köln, Film and Music
Entertainment Ltd. Degeto Film GmbH, Polish Television, Kino Âwiat, City of Gdaƒsk executive producer Hartmut Köhler
producers Henryk Romanowski, Regina Ziegler production managers Ma∏gorzata Jurczak, Gregori Winkowski distributed by Kino
Âwiat, ul. Belwederska 20/22, 00-762 Warsaw, e-mail [email protected] world sales Telepool GmbH München,
Sonnenstrasse 21, D-80 331 Munich (Germany), fax (+49 89) 55 876 188, e-mail [email protected]
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby stereo SR, 99’, Poland – Germany 2005
He - Alexander, a German born in Gdansk, living in Germany. She - Aleksandra, a Polish woman, born in Vilnius,
living in Gdansk. He left Gdansk in 1945; She left Vilnius also in 1945. They did not simply go away, they were
exiled. They meet each other in Gdansk in 1989, when Alexander comes back after an absence of more than
40 years. He was in the Hitlerjugend when he was very young; She was very active as a member of the ZMP,
the Polish Youth Association. Between a mix of flirting and arguing they fall in love with each other. Both of
them would like to contribute to the reconciliation of the two nations, Polish and German. They start the PolishGerman Cemetery Society in order to give the dead the right to symbolically come back to their homelands.
Robert Gliƒski
was born in 1952. He is a screenwriter and director. He is a graduate of Wroc∏aw
Polytechnic (architecture) and of ¸ódê Film School (film directing). Gliƒski began his career as a
director of documentaries. In 1983 he wrote and directed “Sunday Games” (Niedzielne igraszki). This
film was banned for four years but its subsequent release gained audience and critics’ recognition.
Robert Gliƒski also co-operates with numerous Warsaw theatres as well as with the TV Theatre. He
was a member of the Committee of Cinematography from 1989 to 1991.
selected filmography
1983: Sunday Games (Niedzielne igraszki; Journalists’ Award at PFF, Gdynia, 1987; FIPRESCI Award, Film
Ducat, International Catholic Award at IFF in Mannheim 1987); 1985: Poisonous Plants (RoÊliny trujàce); 1988: Swan Song
(¸ab´dzi Êpiew; award for directing at PFF, Gdynia); 1992: All That Really Matters (Wszystko, co najwa˝niejsze; Grand Prix
- best film award as well as the Journalists’ Award at PFF, Gdynia; Peace Award at the Central and Eastern Europe Film
Festival in Triest); 2001: Hi, Tereska (CzeÊç, Tereska, Grand Prix Golden Lions, Journalists’ Award, Audience Award at PFF,
Gdynia; K. KieÊlowski Award at FF in Denver; special award at IFF in Karlovy Vary; Eagle - Polish Film Award: best directing,
best screenplay in 2001; award for directing at IFF in Setubal; the Minister of Culture and Art Award for 2001)
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Chaos / Chaos
director Xawery ˚u∏awski screenplay Xawery ˚u∏awski director of photography Marian Prokop music Jan Komar art director Ma∏gorzata
Mizieliƒska costume design Anna Englert film editor Bartek K´dzierski sound design Dariusz Tr´towicz produced by SPI International
Polska, ul. Tyniecka 38 A, 02-621 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 854 03 37, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Documentary and Feature
Film Studio, Polish Television, Film Production Agency (co-financing) producers Piotr Reisch, Radek StyÊ production manager Kama
Jaƒczyk cast Maria Strzelecka (Mania), Marcin Brzozowski (Niki), S∏awoj J´drzejewski (S∏awek), Bolec (Blonde), Helena
Sztyber (Marta), Anna Gryszkówna (Ania), Borys Szyc (Bald), Robert Sikorski (Franek), Magdalena Cielecka (Hanna von
Broheim), Pawe∏ Wilczak (Er), Maciej Zabielski (Iron), Mariusz Bonaszewski (von Broheim), Wojciech Kowman (Great),
Krzysztof Stroiƒski (Karol), Ireneusz Kozio∏ (father), Barbara So∏tysik (Kalinka) world sales SPI International Polska
35 mm, color, Dolby digital, 124’, Poland 2006
The European Economic Forum is starting in Warsaw. Anti-globalists announce that protests will take place. Niki,
Blonde, Slawek and Mania, Blonde’s half-sister, are among them.
Niki is an anarchist who wants to change the world. He is in love with Mania. Blonde would like to become a
gangster. He likes Marta, who is trying to change her life. Slawek is a young lawyer who gets married but at the
same time has a lover. Is he going to become a blackmailer?
Generally speaking there is a lot of chaos...
Xawery ˚u∏awski
is a director and screenwriter. He was born in Warsaw in 1971. He is a graduate of Lodz
Film School (directing), where he made seven shorts shown at many film festivals such as Camerimage in Lodz,
Kazimierz, Lagow and Mannheim. He has also directed commercials and worked as an assistant director and
second director on feature films with Mariusz Grzegorzek and Artur Urbaƒski.
˚u∏awski has also made documentaries: “Bad Brains in Poland” (Bad Brains w Polsce), “Conversation”
(Rozmowa), “Brain” (Mózg) and shorts: “King of Elves” (Król Elfów”) and “Mother Father” (Mama Tata).
“Chaos” is ˚u∏awski’s feature debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Collector / Komornik
director Feliks Falk screenplay Grzegorz ¸oszewski director of photography Bartek Prokopowicz music Bart∏omiej Gliniak art director
Anna Wunderlich costume design Ma∏gorzata Braszka film editor Krzysztof Szpetmaƒski sound design Maria Chilarecka-
Barczyƒska cast Andrzej Chyra (Lucek), Ma∏gorzata Ko˝uchowska (Anna), Kinga Preis (Gosia), Marian Opania (Che∏st), Jan
Frycz (Chudy), S∏awomir Orzechowski (WiÊniak), Marian Dzi´dziel (Horst), Grzegorz Wojdon (Jasiek Marczak, Lucek’s
assistant), Mieczys∏aw Gràbka (the prosecutor) produced by Film Studio PERSPEKTYWA, ul. Pu∏awska 61, 02-595 Warsaw,
phone/fax (+48 22) 845 54 94, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul.
Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25; Canal+ Poland, ul. Kawalerii 5, 00-468
Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 657 09 42, fax (+48 22) 657 77 30; Documentary and Feature Film Studio, ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724
Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22) 840 18 86; e-mail [email protected]; Film Production Agency (co-financing) executive producer
Film Studio PERSPEKTYWA producers Janusz Morgenstern, Jerzy Buchwald, Dorota Ostrowska-Orliƒska, Andrzej Serdiukow,
Pawe∏ Mossakowski production manager Pawe∏ GabryÊ distribution by ITI Film Studio, ul. Wiertnicza 166, 02-952 Warsaw, phone
(+48 22) 453 36 02, fax (+48 22) 453 36 04, e-mail [email protected] world sales Polish Television – International
Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail: [email protected]
35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby stereo digital, 93’, Poland 2005
48 hours from the life of a ruthless debt collector. His despotism, nonchalant and arrogant attitude towards his
debtors leads to tragic events. Later on he tries to repair the damage he caused but unfortunately his
enemies take advantage of his previous behavior. Worse still, people he tries to compensate for his wrong
doings will not help him either. His disillusionment initiates the process of internal transformation.
Feliks Falk
born in 1941 in Stanis∏awów, is a film and theatre director, screenwriter and playwright.
Falk is a graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Art (faculty of graphic design and painting, 1966)
and Lodz National Film School (directing). He once worked as a graphic designer at “Magazyn
Polski”. Falk is the author of various theater, television and radio plays. He is the screenwriter of the
films: “Casting” (Zdj´cia próbne), “Laureate” (Laureat), “The Big Run” (Wielki bieg), “Baritone”
(Baryton; award for screenplay at the PFF in Gdaƒsk ‘85). Falk was a lecturer at the Lodz Film School
and currently co-owns a production studio, Fokus Film.
selected filmography
1975: Midsummer (W Êrodku lata; honorable mention at the San Remo International Film Festival); 1977:
Top Dog (Wodzirej); 1979: Opportunity (Szansa; award for screenplay at the PFF Gdaƒsk, third prize at the Rotterdam Film
Festival, Ecumenical Jury prize at Locarno); 1981: There was Jazz (By∏ jazz); 1984: The Idol (Idol); 1986: Hero of the Year
(Bohater roku; Silver Lions - award for directing at the PFF in Gdaƒsk, the Jury’s special prize and the Soviet Filmmakers
Award at the Moscow Film Festival); 1993: Illicit Act (Samowolka; award for directing at the PFF in Gdynia); 1994: Summer
of Love (Lato mi∏oÊci); 1995: Far from Home (Daleko od siebie); 2000: Faces and Masques (Twarze i maski; TV series); 2005:
A Short Story of a Certain Board [in:] Solidarity, Solidarity (Krótka historia pewnej tablicy [w:] SolidarnoÊç, SolidarnoÊç).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Cross-Way Cafe / Rozdro˝e Café
director Leszek Wosiewicz screenplay Leszek Wosiewicz director of photography Andrzej Ramlau music Kazik Staszewski art director Aneta
Suskiewicz-Majka costume design Monika Pop∏awska film editor Leszek Wosiewicz, Krzysztof Raczyƒski sound design Bart∏omiej
Woêniak cast Robert Olech (GrzeÊ), Maria Pakulnis (mother), Jacek Rozenek (Matys), Dominika Markuszewska (Dusia), Piotr
G∏owacki (Micha∏), Cezary ¸ukaszewicz (Irek), Miros∏aw Zbrojewicz (Gerard), Krzysztof Kolberger (senator), Agnieszka
Krukówna (Katarzyna), Martyna Peszko (Mariola) produced by Odysey Films; Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17,
00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25; Canal+ Poland, ul. Kawalerii 5, 00-468 Warsaw, phone
(+48 22) 657 09 42, fax (+48 22) 657 77 30; ITI Film Studio, ul. Wiertnicza 166, 02-952 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 453 36 02,
fax (+48 22) 453 36 04, e-mail [email protected]; Film Production Agency (co-financing) executive producer Odysey
Films, phone (+48) 501 866 467, e-mail [email protected] producers Maciej Karpiƒski, Andrzej Serdiukow, Pawe∏
Mossakowski, Marek Trojak, Ryszard Sibilski, Ma∏gorzata Retej, Leszek Wosiewicz production manager Roman Sawka
distributed by ITI Cinema, ul. Wiertnicza 166, 02-952 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 453 36 02, fax (+48 22) 453 36 04, e-mail
[email protected] world sales open
color, 35 mm, 1:1,85, Dolby stereo digital, 112’, Poland 2005
A contemporary story about a group of young, ambitious people from the countryside who commit a serious crime
to improve their financial status.
Musician Kazik Staszewski narrates the film, singing about people in doubt who try to find their way in a deceitful
world devoid of ideals.
Leszek Wosiewicz
was born in 1947 in RadomyÊl Wielkopolski. He is a film, stage and television director as well
as a screenwriter. He has written several adaptations of foreign classical literature for the screen and stage.
Wosiewicz graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, majoring in psychology (1975) and from Lodz
Film School (1979), where he studied film directing.
He was a faculty member at the Silesian University in Katowice and co-founded the Karol Irzykowski Film Studio.
He has directed several documentaries. His film “Case of Herman Palacz” (Przypadek Hermana Palacza) received
a prize at the Krakow Short Film Festival, the Head of Cinematography Award and the Grand Prize at the
Oberhausen Short Film Festival. Wosiewicz’s film, “Breaking the Silence” (Prze∏amujàc cisz´) won the Certificate of Honor at
the Krakow Short Film Festival in 2003.
selected filmography
1980: The Taste of Water (Smak wody); 1982: Christmas Eve ‘81 (Wigilia ‘81); 1988: Kornblumenblau
(Andrzej Munk Film Award, the Chairman of Cinematography Committee Award, Award for directing at the Polish Film Festival,
Gdynia); 1991: Cynga; 1997: House Chronicles (Kroniki domowe; Don Quichote - the Polish Federation of Film Clubs Award’s
prize at the Polish Film Festival, Gdynia, nominations for the Polish Film Award Eagle in the “best screenplay” and “best director”
categories); 2000-2001: Moves (Przeprowadzki; TV series, co-directing); 2005: Clinic of the Lonely Hearts (Klinika samotnych
serc; TV show, co-directing, episodes 1-8).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Destined for Blues / Skazany na bluesa
director Jan Kidawa-B∏oƒski screenplay Przemek Angerman, Jan Kidawa-B∏oƒski director of photography Grzegorz Kuczeriszka music
D˝em art director Joanna Bia∏ousz costume design Ewa Krauze film editor Cezary Grzesiuk sound design Pawe∏ Fidala cast Tomasz
Kot (Rysiek Riedel), Jolanta Fraszyƒska (Gola Riedel), Maciej Balcar (Indianer), Przemys∏aw Bluszcz (Leszek Martinek,
D˝em’s manager), Adam Bauman (Jan Riedel, Rysiek’s father), Joanna Bartel (Krystyna Riedel, Rysiek’s mother), Anna Dymna
(Mrs Polowa, Gola’s mother), Zbigniew Zamachowski (janitor), Marcin KwaÊny (college student), Barbara Majewska˚uromska (usherette), Miros∏aw Baka and members of the D˝em: Beno Otr´ba, Adam Otr´ba, Pawe∏ Berger, Jerzy
Styczyƒski, Zbigniew Szczerbiƒski as themselves produced by Gambit Production sp. z o.o., ul. Przemys∏awa 7, 02-496
Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 662 61 20, fax (+48 22) 667 75 80 co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17,
00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 63 64, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25; Canal+, ul. Kawalerii 5, 00-468 Warsaw, phone
(+48 22) 657 09 42, fax (+48 22) 657 77 30; IF Max-Film; D˝em sp. c.; Sephia; Film Production Agency, Polish Script Agency
(co-financing) executive producer Gambit Production Sp. z o.o. producers Jan Kidawa-B∏oƒski, Ma∏gorzata Kidawa-B∏oƒska
production manager Zofia Wieczorek distributed by ITI Film Studio, ul. Wiertnicza 166, 02-952 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 453 36 02,
fax (+48 22) 453 36 04, e-mail [email protected] world sales Polish Television – International Cooperation and Trade
Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail: [email protected]
35 mm, color, Dolby stereo A-type, 101’, Poland 2005
It is a summer morning in Tychy, a small Silesian town, in the year 1993. Rysiek Riedel, the leader of the music
group “D˝em”, takes off with his band for a concert in Warsaw. It happens to be a significant day and an
exceptional concert in the life of the 37-year-old musician...
“Destined for Blues” is a biography of Riedel, the legendary leader of the band “D˝em”. It is a story of an
escape from the drab reality of communist Poland into the world of music and unfortunately, drugs. It is the
portrait of a charismatic musician lost in a blind, deadly alley.
Jan Kidawa-B∏oƒski
was born in 1953 in Chorzów. He is a director, screenwriter and film producer.
He studied architecture at the Silesian Technical University, and later directing at the Moscow Film
School. He graduated from Lodz Film School (Directing) in 1980.
Kidawa-B∏oƒski collaborated with SILESIA Film Studio and after its dissolution with OKO and ZODIAK
film studios. He was a co-owner and president of the Gambit Production Corporation Ltd., a company
producing feature and documentary films, TV programs and commercials.
Kidawa-B∏oƒski has been a member of the Cinematography Committee since 1990. He was the president of the
Association of Polish Filmmakers from 1990 to 1994 and a member of the Board of Directors of the Independent Film and
TV Producers Association from 1991 to 2001.
filmography (as a director)
1984: Three Feet Above the Ground (Trzy kroki nad ziemià; the Wyspianski Award for the Young
Artists; chairman of the Cinematography Committee Award); 1988: Men’s Business (M´skie sprawy); 1992: Memoirs Found
in the Hunched Back (Pami´tnik znaleziony w garbie); 2000-05: Presbytery (Plebania, TV show, episodes: 400-405); 2003:
Bao-bab (TV show, episodes: 1, 4-6, 8-10); 2005: Witches (Wiedêmy, TV show).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Doubles / Dublerzy
director Marcin Zi´biƒski screenplay Piotr Rossenberg adapted from the original version by Tomasz Wojtczuk director of photography
Grzegorz Kuczeriszka, Marian Prokop (Sicily) music Maciej Zieliƒski art director Jacek Turewicz, Wojciech ˚oga∏a, Monika
J´drzejewska (Sicily) costume design Katarzyna Dzier˝ykray-Morawska, Nika Jager (Sicily) film editor Robert Gryka sound design
Maria Chilarecka, Mariusz Bielecki (Sicily) produced by Butterfly Film sp. z o. o., Al. Wilanowska 317, 02-665 Warsaw, phone/fax
(+48 22) 853 00 17, e-mail [email protected] producers Krzysztof Dobosz, Tomasz Karaczewski, Jacek Wielgopolan
executive producer Jacek Wielgopolan production manager Artur Zgadzaj, Jacek Lipski (Sicily) cast Andrzej Grabowski (Leon),
Robert Gonera (Maks), Zbigniew Zamachowski (Góraj), Kayah (Maria), Bronis∏aw Wroc∏awski (don Luciano Gambini),
Krystyna Feldman (grandmother Gambini), Magdalena Czerwiƒska (Sophia Gambini), Konrad Imiela (Antonio Gambini),
Marek Perepeczko (don Corazzi), Krzysztof Kowalewski (officer Zadyma), Tadeusz Huk (agent Berkowitz), Krzysztof
Kiersznowski (agent Konarski), Maria Pakulnis (manager Braun), Magdalena Rembacz (dr. Anna), Miros∏aw Zbrojewicz
(Wiesiek), Jerzy Boƒczak (jail director) world sales Butterfly Film
35 mm, color, dolby digital SR, 118’, Poland 2006
“The Doubles” is a criminal comedy. Leon and Maks meet each other by chance and become friends. Bad luck follows
them almost everywhere. After a while they get caught up in a dangerous plot involving the special police forces
that are fighting the Sicilian family Gambini.
Marcin Zi´biƒski
was born in 1967 in Gdaƒsk. He is a film director. Zi´biƒski is a graduate of the National
Lodz Film School, where he studied film directing.
1992: When Reason Sleeps (Kiedy rozum Êpi; Poland-France; Award for the best debut at the San
Sebastian International Film Festival); 1993-1994: A Bank out of This World (Bank nie z tej ziemi; TV series); 1997:
Anger (Gniew)
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Extras / StatyÊci
director Micha∏ Kwieciƒski screenplay Jaros∏aw Sokó∏ director of photography Arkadiusz Tomiak art director Arkadiusz KoÊmider costume
design Pawe∏ Grabarczyk film editor Rafa∏ Listopad sound design Andrzej Bohdanowicz produced by Akson Studio ul. St´piƒska
22/30, 00-739 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 840 68 34, fax (+48 22) 840 77 82, e-mail [email protected] producer Micha∏
Kwieciƒski production manager Kamil Prze∏´cki cast Du Minghua (Ch), Wang Wanduo (Liu), Wang Kun (Wu), ¸ukasz Simlat
(Szymon), Bartek Opania (Romek), Kinga Preis (Bo˝ena), Anna Romantowska (Maria), Ma∏gorzata Buczkowska (Dorota),
Dorota Chojecka (Ela), Krzysztof Kiersznowski (Gralewski), Xang Junjie (cameraman), Xu Xiaodong (director A), Dong
Yajun (assistant B), Antoni Li Jiangyi (clerk X), Stanis∏aw Brudny (Józef), Ewa Serwa (Alicja), Marek Pra˝anowski
(Bronis∏aw), Ewa Z∏otowska (Szymon’s mother), Krzysztof Stelmaszyk (Edmund Ochman) world sales ITI Cinema,
ul. Wiertnicza 166, 02-952 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 453 36 02, fax (+48 22) 453 36 04, e-mail [email protected]
35 mm, color, Dolby digital, 110’, Poland 2006
“Extras” is a comedy.
Chinese filmmakers decide to shoot a movie in Poland. They perceive Poland as a nation full of sad people
and so they decide to hire them when they need Europeans with gloomy faces to work as extras. The
surprising events on the film set will lead to a revision of stereotypes. People from two different nations will
look at each other from a distance and as a result they are brought together.
Micha∏ Kwieciƒski
(born in 1951), is a director and film producer. He received his Ph.D in Chemistry in 1981,
before graduating from the National Theater School in Warsaw, where he majored in directing. He has
directed several plays for TV Theater as well as onstage operas at the Warsaw Chamber Opera. He is the
owner of Akson Studio, Tilsa and Arka Film companies, specializing in production for TV Theater. His
companies have made approximately 150 productions, including adaptations, plays, and both studio and
outdoor scenes.
Kwieciƒski is also a film producer. “The White Dress” (Bia∏a sukienka), a film he made for Polish TV in 2003, was his feature
directorial debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
A Few People, A Little Time / Par´ osób, ma∏y czas
director Andrzej Baraƒski screenplay Andrzej Baraƒski based on the novel by Jadwiga Staƒczakowa “A Shared Diary” (Dziennik we
dwoje) director of photography Dariusz Kuc art director Arkadiusz KoÊmider set decorator Albina Baraƒska costume design Katarzyna
Morawska film editor Wanda Zeman sound design Barbara and Piotr Domaradzki cast Krystyna Janda (Jadwiga), Andrzej Hudziak
(Miron), Igor Przegrodzki (grandfather), Arkadiusz Detmer (Tadek), Monika Obara (Anka), Witold Skaruch (Julian), El˝bieta
K´piƒska (Stacha), Krystyna Tkacz (Zosia), Maria G∏adkowska (Marysia), Joanna Pierzak (Agnieszka), Zdzis∏aw Wardejn
(Jadwiga’s ex-husband), Maria Klejdysz (Borkowa), Barbara Dziekan (Berbera), Sylwia Lewandowska (Kicia Kocia), Anna
Nykowska (Anula), ˚anna Gierasimowa (Anna), Janusz LeÊniewski (Lech Emfazy Stefaƒski), Marysia ¸yszkowska (Justyna)
produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25
executive producer Pawe∏ Rakowski – Skorpion Art, ul. Dzielna 6/32, 00-162 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 851 11 04, 841 61 71, e-mail
[email protected] production managers Ma∏gorzata Jurczak, Mariusz Mielczarek distributed by Polish Television world sales
Polish Television – International Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail
[email protected]
35 mm, color, 101’, Poland 2005
Jadwiga Staƒczakowa is blind. She lives with an imperious and overprotective father, resulting in her strong
dependence on him..
Her friendship with Miron Bia∏oszewski, an eccentric poet and prosaist completely changes her life.
Miron’s helplessness with everyday chores encourages Jadwiga to be more active and self-reliant. She becomes
Miron’s secretary: records his dictations and later types them up. The artist repays her by giving Jadwiga advice
on the diary she writes. But their relationship exists not for practical reasons alone. It stems from a deeper need
which roots from the complications of their lives. The friendship with Jadwiga significantly influences Miron’s
Andrzej Baraƒski
was born in Piƒczów in 1941. Film director and screenwriter, he graduated from the Lodz Film
School, Department of Directing in 1973. He has made over 30 short films.
feature filmography (selected)
1975: At Home (W domu; TV, Award for the best TV feature debut at the
Gdansk Polish Film Festival); 1982: The Haunted (Niech ci´ odleci mara; The Polish Critics’ Award - the Warsaw
Mermaid); 1984: Woman from the Provinces (Kobieta z prowincji; Special Jury Prize and Film Critics Award at the
Polish Film Festival, Gdansk, The Young Cinema Forum Award at the Berlin International Film Festival); 1987 Tabu; 1990:
The Peddler (Kramarz); 1991: By the River Nowhere (Nad rzekà, której nie ma; Chairman of TV and Radio Committee Award
for screenplay and directing at the Polish Film Festival, Gdynia); 1992: A Bachelor’s Life Abroad (Kawalerskie ˝ycie na
obczyênie); 1993: Two Moons (Dwa ksi´˝yce); 1995: Horror in Happy Swamp (Horror w Weso∏ych Bagniskach); 1996: History
of the Big Fish (Dzieƒ wielkiej ryby); 2000: Let the Music Play (Niech gra muzyka; TV); 2002: All Saints (Wszyscy Êwi´ci; TV;
Award for the best TV feature at the Gdynia Film Festival).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
French Number / Francuski numer
director Robert Wichrowski screenplay Mariusz Pujszo, Robert Wichrowski based upon the original idea of Mariusz Pujszo director
of photography Marek Rajca music Mighty Bop, Tede, Collective Soul, MPeople art director Natasza Eichelkraut-Galimska
costume design Dorota Roqueplo film editor Marcin Piàtkowski sound design Wies∏aw Znyk cast Jan Frycz (Stefan), Karolina
Gruszka (Magda), Jakub Tolak (Janek), Yaya Samake (Machu), Piotr Borowski (Sergey), Maciej Stuhr (Chwastek), Robert
Wi´ckiewicz (Leon), Bronis∏aw Wroc∏awski (Kurowski), Marcin Dorociƒski (Mateusz) produced by ITI Film Studio
ul. Wiertnicza 166, 02-952 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 453 36 02, fax (+48 22) 453 36 04, e-mail [email protected];
Multikino producers Ma∏gorzata Retei, Marek Trojak production manager Micha∏ Sitek, Joanna Tylman world sales ITI Cinema
35 mm, color, 1:2,35, Dolby digital, 100’, Poland 2006
“French Number” is an unusual film containing aspects of a thriller as well as a generous dose of humor. The film
tells the story of four people planning a trip to Paris in a dilapidated car. Both the car and the owner - an
attractive woman, are the source of an unexpected turns of events which keep viewers hanging on the edges
of their seats.
The film is set in Warsaw and Paris.
Robert Wichrowski
was born in Bydgoszcz in 1966. He is a director who makes TV commercials and
video clips.
He is a graduate of Gdaƒsk University (Art History and Political Science), and Lodz Film School (TV
Production). Wichrowski also completed the Master Class in Film Directing, run by Andrzej Wajda at
the Theater Academy in Kraków.
“French Number” is his feature debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Foundation / Fundacja
director Filip Bajon screenplay Filip Bajon director of photography Wojciech Todorow music Micha∏ Lorenc art director Micha∏ Hrisulidis
costume design Barbara Sikorska-Bouffa∏ film editor Witold Chomiƒski sound design Piotr Domaradzki cast Jan Nowicki (Mieczys∏aw
Ma∏ecki), Maciej Stuhr (Darek Koliba), El˝bieta Jarosik (Mrs. Ma∏ecka), Agata Kulesza (Anka), Zbigniew Lesieƒ (deputy), Jerzy
Trela (prosecutor), Kinga Preis (Kazia) produced by Argomedia Production Lambros Ziotas, ul. Wystawowa 1, 51-618 Wroc∏aw,
mobile phone (+48) 602 26 35 25, fax (+48 71) 372 87 89 producer Lambros Ziotas production manager Marek Bàczyk world sales
Argomedia Production Lambros Ziotas
35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby digital, 102’, Poland 2006
“The Foundation” is based on true events. It tells the story of a con man who managed to trick the entire law
enforcement system. His creativity, finesse and exceptional charm gained far more publicity than any regular
press attention.
His story seems even juicier because he masterminded the entire criminal plan while being jailed as a suspect in
another case.
Filip Bajon
was born in 1947 in Poznaƒ. After graduating from law school at the Adam Mickiewicz University
in Poznaƒ in 1970, he continued his education at Lodz Film School (Film Directing) and graduated in 1974.
Bajon also is a screenwriter and has written several novels. He has also worked extensively for various stage
theatres and television. He has won numerous awards at film festivals.
1976: Videocassette (Videokaseta); 1977: The Return (Powrót; Golden Camera - the Film Magazine
Award for the best TV debut); 1979: Aria for an Athlete (Aria dla atlety; awarded as the best debut at the PFF, Gdaƒsk, and at
IFF San Remo); 1980: The 1901 View (Wizja lokalna 1901; Grand Prize at PFF, Gdaƒsk); 1981: Daimler-Benz Limousine (Limuzyna
Daimler-Benz); A Little Pendulum (Wahade∏ko; Grand Prize, and award for the best script at PFF, Gdaƒsk); 1984: Engagement;
1986: A White Visiting-Card (Bia∏a wizytówka; TV show); The Magnate (Magnat; special prize at the PFF, Gdaƒsk); 1989: The
Ball at Koluszki Railway Station (Bal na dworcu w Koluszkach); 1990: Pension Sonnenschein (Germany); 1991: Une Petite vie
tranquille (France); 1992: Sauna (TV); 1993: It’s Better to Be Rich and Beautiful (Lepiej byç pi´knà i bogatà); 1996: Poznaƒ ‘56
(special prize at the PFF, Gdynia, and the best director award at IFF Moscow); 2001: The Spring to Come (PrzedwioÊnie); 2005:
Petrol [in:] Solidarity, Solidarity (Benzyna [w:] SolidarnoÊç, SolidarnoÊç)
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Galician Tales / OpowieÊci galicyjskie
director Dariusz Jab∏oƒski screenplay Andrzej Stasiuk, Dariusz Jab∏oƒski based on the novel by Andrzej Stasiuk director of
photography Tomasz Micha∏owski art director František Liptak costume design Ma∏gorzata Gwiazdecka, Agata Culak film editor
Krzysztof Szpetmaƒski sound design Bartek Woêniak cast Jiři Machacek (Andrzej), Zuzana Fialova (Lubica), Jerzy
Radziwi∏owicz (priest), Marian Dzi´dziel (KoÊciejny), Cezary Kosiƒski (Edek), Maciej Stuhr (Janek), Lech ¸otocki
(Lewandowski), Mieczys∏aw Gràbka (sergeant), Marek Litewka (Zalatywój) produced by Apple Film Production ul. Bagatela
10/12, 00-585 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 851 84 40-43, fax (+48 22) 851 84 44 co-produced by Telewizja Polska, Polish Film
Institute, Trigon Production (Slovakia) supported by Eurimages producer Violetta Kamiƒska, Iza Wójcik production manager Leszek
Pieszko to be released fall 2006
35 mm, color, Dolby digital, Poland 2006
It is a tale of a moment, in which you are so fed up with your life that you decide to sentence yourself to the most
remote whistle-stop in the whole world and it is there that you unexpectedly learn to respect and taste every
single bit of your life.
Dariusz Jab∏oƒski
Born in 1961. Director and film producer, president of Apple Film Production. One of the
most experienced polish producers, his productions have been appreciated across Europe and world wide.
Jab∏oƒski directs rarely, however his most famous achievement as a producer is the documentary “The
Photographer”, which he directed. “The Photographer” was awarded a number of international film awards.
Jab∏oƒski is a graduate of Lodz Film School (Directing) and has worked on polish cinematography’s biggest
films - he was the second director on “Decalogue” by Krzysztof Kieslowski and first assistant director on the
“White Visiting Card” and “Magnate” by Filip Bajon. He produced and directed the first Polish independent
documentary film “The Visit of an Elderly Lady” (Wizyta starszej pani, 1986).
Organizer of Polish Film Awards and a founder of Independent Film Foundation, created to promote polish films
and their authors in Poland and abroad. He is a member of the European Film Academy.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Heaven & Hell / Piek∏o, niebo
director Natalia Koryncka-Gruz screenplay Andrzej Go∏da director of photography Damian Pietrasik music Micha∏ Lorenc art director Elwira
Pluta costume design El˝bieta Radke film editor Milenia Fiedler sound design Maria Chilarecka-Barczyƒska cast Bartek G∏ogowski
(Father Piotr), Justyna Lorenc (Marta), Jan Frycz (Marchwiƒski), Anna Radwan-Gancarczyk (Mrs. Marchwiƒska), Lech Gwit
(pastor), Krzysztof Kiersznowski (Kulawik), Maria Maj (housekeeper), Maria Klejdysz (grandmother), Wies∏awa Niemaszek
(teacher), Waldemar Ob∏oza (policeman) produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw,
phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25 executive producer Film Studio PERSPEKTYWA, ul. Pu∏awska 61, 02-595 Warsaw,
phone/fax (+48 22) 845 54 94, e-mail [email protected] production manager Pawe∏ GabryÊ world sales
Polish Television – International Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail
[email protected]
Betacam SP, Dolby stereo A-type, 58’, Poland 2005
Father Piotr, a young Catholic priest, arrives in a small town to help the old pastor with his duties. It is the
beginning of May, a time of preparation for First Communion. Suddenly the elderly pastor suffers a heart
attack and is taken to the hospital. Now Father Piotr will have to do all duties himself.
When he teaches religion class a young girl, Marta, gets his attention. She is sad, very reserved and
sometimes aggressive. It turns out Marta is the daughter of the wealthiest man in town. During confession
Father Piotr senses that the girl is hiding something from him. When the day of the First Communion arrives
the girl runs away from the church. After a long search Father Piotr finds her hidden in the sacristy. Marta
confesses a horrifying secret...
Natalia Koryncka-Gruz
was born in Warsaw. She is a director and screenwriter. She graduated from the
University of Warsaw, Department of Polish Language and Literature in 1980. She is also a graduate of the
Lodz National Film School where she studied film directing and graduated in 1984.
From 1986 to 1987 she worked with the Karol Irzykowski Film Studio and Film Studio Perspektywa.
She has made several documentaries.
1998: Amok (Amok; Award for feature film debut at the Polish Film Festival, Gdynia); 1999-2000 Affection and Lies
(Czu∏oÊç i k∏amstwa; TV show); 2000-2005: L as in Love (M jak mi∏oÊç; TV show).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Hi Way / Hi Way
director Jacek Borusiƒski screenplay Jacek Borusiƒski director of photography Bogumi∏ Godfrejow music Dariusz Basiƒski art director
Grzegorz Policiƒski costume design Katarzyna Kaƒska-Sierociƒska, Agnieszka Modelska-Paluch film editor Cezary Kowalczuk
sound design Marian Bogacki cast Jacek Borusiƒki (Jaco, Marek), Dariusz Basiƒski (Pablo), Mirek Meyer (Meyer), Mariusz
Zonik (Jacunio’s uncle; a guy in the picture) Gabriela Olczyk (neighbor; aunt Agnieszka), Jadwiga Basiƒska (neighbor;
a lady from the city), Tomasz Skorupa (neighbor; Fo∏ta), Czes∏aw K∏ose (a man in the mirror 2; policeman), Piotr Rybak
(a man in the mirror; bartender), Maciej S∏ota (Andrzej), Weronika Twardowska (girl at the cafe), Katarzyna
Bargie∏owska (a woman from the magazine cover; Marek’s mother), Renata Spinek (Andrzej’s wife), Ma∏gorzata
Hajewska-Krzysztofik (a wife at the restaurant, Ola’s mother) produced by Opus Film, ul. ¸àkowa 29, 90-554 ¸ódê, phone
(+48 42) 634 55 00, 634 55 07, fax (+48 42) 634 55 49, e-mail [email protected]; Polish Televison – Film Agency,
ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25 executive producer Maciej Parnowski
producer Piotr Dzi´cio∏ production manager Adam ¸ukaszek world sales Opus Film
HD / 35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby surround, 90’, Poland 2006
Comedy. Two young aspiring filmmakers - director Jaco and cameraman Pablo - travel from Katowice to
Warsaw. During their journey they talk about life and movies.
Jacek Borusiƒski
(b. 1972) is an actor and director, a co-founder of the Mumio Cabaret as well as
Gugulander and Epty-a theaters. He has acted in a few films, for example “Angelus” by
Lech Majewski, “Metanoia” by Rados∏aw Markiewicz, and “St. Barbara’s Feast” by Maciej Pieprzyca.
“Hi Way” is his feature directorial debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Hyena / Hiena
director Grzegorz Lewandowski screenplay Grzegorz Lewandowski director of photography Arkadiusz Tomiak music zespó∏ Variété art
director Marek Zawierucha, Sebastian Gomu∏ka, Rafa∏ Waltenberger costume design Maria Duffek make-up Cezary Kostrzewski
film editor Andrzej Tomczak sound design Artur Kuczkowski cast Borys Szyc (man, father, ice-cream man), Jakub Romanowski
(Small), Magdalena Kumorek (Small’s mother), Krzysztof Dracz (policeman), Aleksander Wysocki (Bryndza), Robert Wabich
(Arak), Alicja Ba∏uk (Bo˝enka), Wojciech Grzywa (Chicken), Franciszek Gurgul (Big) artistic supervision Krzysztof Zanussi
produced by Skorpion Art, ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22) 841 61 71, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by
Film Production Agency producer Pawe∏ Rakowski production manager Rafa∏ Widajewicz (Gruppa) world sales open
35 mm, color/black & white, 1:2,35, Dolby digital, 85’, Poland 2006
“Hyena” is a thriller. It takes place in the Silesia region of Poland. Small is a teenager whose father died in a mining
accident. He lives with his mother. Their house is in the middle of a deserted field by a marsh that is full of
industrial waste, metal scrap and pieces of machinery. Rumor has it that a man-hunting hyena lives on the
marshland. Small is very scared of the hyena since he has to cross the area everyday on his way to school. He
befriends a man who lives in a wooden hut on the marshland. The man seems to be hiding from someone. Small
helps him as much as he can, bringing him food and in return the man promises to defend him from the hyena. But
at the same time children start disappearing from a nearby town. When a little girl, Small’s friend, does not come
back home, Small starts to suspect the man...
Grzegorz Lewandowski
was born in 1959. He is a director and screenwriter. He graduated in 1999 from the
Silesian University, where he studied film directing. Lewandowski was a laureate of the Polish Edition of the
Hartley-Merrill Screenwriting Competition in 1999. He has co-worked on feature films with Polish directors
such as Sylwester Ch´ciƒski, Wies∏aw Saniewski, Jan Jakub Kolski and Zbigniew Kamiƒski.
Lewandowski has also written numerous TV shows. “Hyena” is his feature debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
I Am / Jestem
director Dorota K´dzierzawska screenplay Dorota K´dzierzawska director of photography Arthur Reinhart music Michael Nyman art
director Monika Konarzewska costume design Mariola Dziomdziora film editor Arthur Reinhart, Dorota K´dzierzawska sound
design Bartek Putkiewicz cast Piotr Jagielski (Kundel), Agnieszka Nagórzycka (Kuleczka), Edyta Jungowska (Kundel’s
mother), Pawe∏ Wilczak (Kuleczka’s father), Basia Szka∏uba (sister), Marcin Sztabiƒski (Chudy), Janusz Chabior (fellow)
produced by Kid Film, ul. Orzechowskiego 19, 04-824 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 615 72 23; Polish Television – Film Agency,
ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25 co-produced by Orka Film, Panavision
Polska, Film Production Agency (co-financing) executive producer Kid Film producers Arthur Reinhart, Maciej Karpiƒski, Andrzej
Serdiukow production manager Wies∏aw ¸ysakowski distributed by Kino Âwiat International, ul. Belwederska 20/22, 00-762
Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 840 68 01-05, fax (+48 22) 840 68 06, e-mail [email protected] world sales Kid Film
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby stereo digital, 95’, Poland 2005
“I am” is the story of an eleven year old boy trying to find his way in life. He lives alone on an abandoned river boat.
One day the boy befriends a girl from the neighborhood. This encounter results not only in their first infatuation,
maybe even love, but also in a wonderful discovery: you do not have to be lonely in this world. If luck is on your
side you can find people who think similarly to you, have dilemmas like yours and perceive the world the same way.
Dorota K´dzierzawska
was born in Lodz. Director and screenwriter, she studied at Lodz University
(Cultural Studies) and Moscow Film School VGIK (Film Directing) before graduating from Lodz Film
School, Department of Directing.
As a student in Lodz, she made numerous student films such as “The Egg” (Jajko; main prize at the Third
European Student Film Festival, Munich, Nomination for a Student Film Oscar, Los Angeles); “The
Beginning” (Poczàtek; Second Documentary prize at the Third European Film Festival, Munich); “Gucia”
(Gucia; The award for the best movie and best director at the International Student Film Festival, Potsdam).
feature filmography
1988: The End of the World (Koniec Êwiata; TV, the Golden Dukat of the City of Mannheim Award, the
FIPRESCI Prize at the International Film Festival, Mannheim); 1991: The Devils, the Devils (Diab∏y, diab∏y; the Jury Prize at the Polish
Film Festival, Gdynia, honorable mention at the International Film Festival, Cannes, Grand Prix of the City of Bellinzona at the
International Bellinzona Children Film Festival); 1994: The Crows (Wrony; the Coup de Coeure Award at the International Film
Festival, Cannes, the “Charlie Chaplin” award at the International Comedy Festival, Vevey, the Special Jury Prize, the Film Critics
Award, the Zloty Klakier Award, the Don Quichote Award at the Polish Film Festival, Gdynia, the Bronze Award at the
International Bellinzona Children Film Festival, Grand Prix Belfast, the UNICEF Award at the International Film Festival, Berlin, the
One Feature Prize at the International Film Festival, Munich, the Golden Poznaƒskie Kozio∏ki Award and the CIFEJ Award at the
Children Film Festival, Poznaƒ); 1998: Nothing (Nic; the Special Jury Prize and the Film Critics Prize at the Polish Film Festival,
Gdynia, the Eastern European Screenwriting Foundation Award “for the best screenplay of 1998”, the Special Jury Prize and the
FIPRESCI Award at the International Film Festival, Soczi, the Eagle - Polish Film Award for the best director in 1998 and nomination
for the Eagle Award for the best screenplay and the best producer, the “Polityka Weekly” Passport Award “for the best film” in
1998, the Krzysztof KieÊlowski Award for the best European film and the Festival Award for “the achievement in the film art”,
International Film Festival, Denver).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
I'll Show You! / Ja wam poka˝´!
director Denis Deliç screenplay Katarzyna Grochola, Cezary Harasimowicz director of photography Marian Prokop music Piotr Rubik art
director Joanna Bia∏ousz costume design Gra˝yna Grzyma∏a film editor Marcin “Kot” Bastkowski sound design Pawe∏ ¸uczycWyhowski cast Gra˝yna Wolszczak (Judyta), Pawe∏ Delàg (Adam), Cezary Pazura (Tomasz), Maria Nikliƒska (Tosia),
Agnieszka Pilaszewska (Ula), Marta Lipiƒska (mother), Krzysztof Kowalewski (father), Maksymilian Paw∏owski (teen),
Mieczys∏aw Gràbka (editor-in-chief), Tadeusz Szymków (Kochasz), Waldemar B∏aszczyk (Krzysztof), Anna Korcz (vicious
woman), Hanka Bielicka (aunt), Bartosz Obuchowicz (Filip), Ma∏gorzata KoÊcielniak (Ma∏gosia), Anna Prus (Jolka) produced by
Film Media SA, ul. Zawilca 7, 05-092 ¸omianki, phone (+48 22) 424 16 25 executive producer Roma Hulewicz producers Jacek
Samoj∏owicz, Mariusz Cichowicz production manager Maciej Wojtulewicz world sales Polish Television – International
Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail [email protected]
35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby digital, 112’, Poland 2006
“I’ll Show You!” is a comedy. It is a sequel to “Never Ever” (Nigdy w ˝yciu), an earlier story about Judyta.
Judyta’s professional career is now thriving. Her daughter Tosia will be taking her matriculation exams in a few
months and Adam, her boyfriend, proposed to her. Despite the fact that he is planning to travel to the US soon,
Judyta is very happy.
But when everything is finally going well for her, other problems arise. Judyta’s family relations and her
relationship with Adam are put to the test. Will her common sense and innate sense of humor overcome the
Denis Deliç
is an actor and film director. He was born in Zagreb in 1966.
Delic is a graduate of Koln University (Art History) and Lodz Film School (Directing).
“I’ll Show You!” is his feature debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Immensity of Justice / Bezmiar sprawiedliwoÊci
director Wies∏aw Saniewski screenplay Wies∏aw Saniewski director of photography Mariusz Palej music Maciej Muraszko, Stefano
Giannotti art director Tomasz Cho∏uj costume design Anna Weber film editor Jaros∏aw Barzan sound design Pawe∏ ¸uczyc-
Wyhowski cast Jan Frycz (Micha∏ Wilczek), Robert Olech (¸ukasz), Jan Englert (Pawe∏ BoÊ), Artur BarciÊ (prosecutor),
Bo˝ena Stachura (Bo˝ena), Artur ˚mijewski (Jerzy), Robert Gonera (judge), Wojciech Mecwaldowski (Wiktor), Tomasz
Schimscheiner (Andrzej), Magdalena Nieç (Anna), Adam Pater (Patryk), Alina Kamiƒska (¸ucja), Ewa Wencel (¸ukiƒska),
Edwin Petrykat (¸ukiƒski), Ewa B∏aszczyk (juror), Halina Âmiela-Jacobson (juror), Gra˝yna Krukówna (juror), Joanna Rossa
(Stenia), Weronika Rosati (transcriptionist), Igor Przegrodzki (archbishop), Jerzy Schejbal (¸ukasz’s father), Bronis∏aw
Wroc∏awski (psychiatrist) produced by Saco Films Ltd., ul. Wystawowa 1, 51-618 Wroc∏aw, phone (+48 71) 339 81 33, 780 24 80,
mobil phone (+48) 601 728 631; Polish Television, Atlas Group, Polish Film Institute (co-financing) producer Wies∏aw Saniewski
production manager Andrzej Stachecki world sales Polish Television – International Cooperation and Trade Office, phone
(+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail [email protected]
HD / 35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby digital, 110’, Poland 2006
A famous defense lawyer tells a young law school graduate the story of a trial which took place a long time ago. A TV journalist
who was eight months pregnant at the time, was murdered. Her co-worker, a married man, with whom she had been having
an affair for a year, was accused of the crime. Despite pleading not guilty and the lack of any evidence against him, he was
convicted to 25 years in jail.
The film is an analysis of court trials and the process of passing sentences in criminal cases based only on circumstantial
evidence and when the judge’s and defense lawyer’s conduct is solely determined by external circumstances, in no way
directly related to a case.
Wieslaw Saniewski
was born in Wroclaw in 1948. He is a film director, screenwriter and producer. He is a
graduate of Wroc∏aw University (department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) and the Department of
Screenwriting at Lodz Film School. He also studied Art History and Journalism.
He was an editor of the film section at “Opole” and “Odra” monthly magazines, from 1974 to 1981. He is also a
film critic. Saniewski has also written several books related to the cinematography, ie. “The First Step to Hell”
(Pierwszy stopieƒ do piek∏a), “The Innocence Lost in the Theater” (NiewinnoÊç utracona w kinie), and “Fortunetelling from the Cinema” (Wró˝enie z kina).
He has been a lecturer at many film schools, both in Poland and abroad.
Wies∏aw Saniewski is a laureate of the Karol Irzykowski Award which he received for his publications on cinematography in 1975,
and the John Paul II Foundation Award for his film art which “expresses exceptional care for the man and the basic humanistic values,
such important under extremely complex, socio-moral conditions of Poland.”
feature filmography
1981: Freelancer (Wolny strzelec); 1983: Custody (Nadzór; the Independent Cultural Solidarity Award for the
best film of 1984; the FIPRESCI Prize at the Mannheim International Film Festival in 1985; an award for the best feature debut at the
PFF, Gdaƒsk, in 1985), 1985: The Stalking Season (Sezon na ba˝anty); 1988: The Touched (Dotkni´ci; the film critics’ award at the PFF,
Gdynia); 1993: Stranger Must Fly (Obcy musi fruwaç; the first prize at the Phoenix International Film Festival; the Silver Award at the
Houston Film Festival; Silver Award at the Charleston International Film Festival); 1996: The Rainy Soldier (Deszczowy ˝o∏nierz; the
Polish Cultural Foundation Award at the PFF, Gdynia; the Gold Star Award, directing award at the Houston International Film Festival).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
It's Me, Now / Teraz ja
director Anna Jadowska screenplay Anna Jadowska director of photography Robert Mleczko, Aleksander Jaquet art director Kacper
Ràczkowski costume design Kacper Ràczkowski film editor Robert Cionyk sound design Micha∏ Kosterkiewicz cast Agnieszka
Warchulska (Hanka), Maciej Marczewski (Pawe∏), Ewa Szykulska (woman), Grzegorz Ruda (Wojtek), El˝bieta Gruca
(Ma∏gosia), Sylwester Jakimow (Marek), Hanna Piaseczna (Monika) produced by SPI International Polska sp. z o.o.,
ul. Tyniecka 38 A, 02-621 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 854 03 37, fax (+48 22) 848 45 70, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Polish
Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25; executive producer
SPI International Polska sp. z o.o. producers Rados∏aw StyÊ, Piotr Reisch production manager Pawe∏ Wolff distributed by SPI
International Polska sp. z o.o. world sales SPI International Sp. z o.o.
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby stereo digital, 85’, Poland 2005
One day Hanka goes shopping and never comes back. She gets onto a bus which happens to be carrying school
kids going on a trip. Hanka’s disappearance upsets her boyfriend and he starts searching for her. He talks to the
neighbors and reports her missing to the police. The main characters make their own journeys: she escapes from
him and he tries to find her. They meet people who, just like them, cannot find their way in life.
Anna Jadowska
was born in 1973 in OleÊnica. Director and screenwriter, she studied Polish language and
literature at Wroc∏aw University before graduating from Lodz Film School. She currently is a student at the
Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing in Warsaw.
She made her literary debut in “Brulion” and later worked at the Polish Radio Station in Wroclaw. Her short
film “The Corridor” (Korytarz), screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 2005 as a part of “Europe in Shorts:
Eastern Europe”.
Jadowska co-directed the feature film “Touch Me” (Dotknij mnie) which won numerous awards: the main prize in the
Independent Cinema Competition at the PFF, Gdynia, the Best Movie Award at the Slamdance Poland Film Festival, Wroc∏aw,
The Bronze Castle at the IFF “Off Cinema” Poznaƒ.
Jadowska’s screenplay of “All Because of Love” (Z mi∏oÊci) won the Polish main prize in the Hartley-Merrill International
Screenwriting Competition.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Jasminum / Jasminum
director Jan Jakub Kolski screenplay Jan Jakub Kolski director of photography Krzysztof Ptak music Zygmunt Konieczny art director
Joanna Doroszkiewicz costume design Ewa Helman film editor Witold Chomiƒski sound design Jacek Hamela cast Adam Ferency
(prior of the order – Father Kleofas), Gra˝yna B∏´cka-Kolska (Natasza), Janusz Gajos (Father Health), Krzysztof
Pieczyƒski (Father Hagberry), Grzegorz Dami´cki (Father Plum), Franciszek Pieczka (Saint Roch), Bogus∏aw Linda (Zeman,
an actor), Krzysztof Globisz (mayor), Dariusz Juzyszyn (Father Cherry), Cezary ¸ukaszewicz (young Father Hagberry),
Monika Dryl (Patrycja), Marta Dàbrowska (angel) produced by MS Films, ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, phone (+48 22)
840 50 56, fax (+48 22) 840 59 35, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Polish Television, Canal+ Poland, Documentary and
Feature Film Studio, Film Production Agency (co-financing) producer Micha∏ Szczerbic production manager Gra˝yna Koz∏owska
HD/35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby digital SR, 113’, Poland 2006
“Jasminum” is a comedy with a little bit of bitterness. It is situated in a Camedolite order in the little town of
Jasminow. There are five monks: Father Kleofas, who is the prior; Father Health, Father Plum, Father Hagberry
and Father Cherry who are all serving God from within the walls of the order. The three names - Plum, Hagberry
and Cherry reflect the special feature of each monk: they smell of plum, hagberry and cherry. One day a young
woman arrives at the convent with her little daughter. The church authorities hired her to preserve the paintings
there. She works during the day but at night she does strange things in the attic where she is staying: she takes
little bottles of fragrant oils, measuring glasses, pipettes, distilling flasks out of her trunk and starts alchemic
Jan Jakub Kolski
was born in 1956 in Wroclaw. He has directed many feature films and documentaries and
is also a cinematographer and film producer. He also writes theater plays, short stories and novels. He has
worked as a director or cinematographer in over 20 shorts and documentaries.
Kolski received numerous awards at Polish (Gdynia) and international film festivals, for example in Bratislava,
Cottbus, Tokyo, Moscow and Trieste. He was a laureate of the “Passport” award in “Polityka” weekly in 1995.
Kolski became a member of the European Film Academy in 2000.
feature filmography
1990: Burial of a Potato (Pogrzeb kartofla); 1992: Pograbek 1993: Magneto (Magneto), Johnny the Aquarius
(Jaƒcio Wodnik); 1994: Miraculous Place (Cudowne miejsce); 1995: Playing from the Plate (Grajàcy z talerza), Sword from the
Commander (Szabla od Komendanta); 1998: History of Cinema in Popielawy (Historia kina w Popielawach); 2000: Far From the
Window (Daleko od okna); 2001: Malopole or the World (Ma∏opole, czyli Êwiat; TV series); 2003: Pornography (Pornografia);
2005: The Big Dipper [in:] Solidarity, Solidarity (Wielki Wóz [w:] SolidarnoÊç, SolidarnoÊç)
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Just Love Me / Tylko mnie kochaj
director Ryszard Zatorski screenplay Ryszard Zatorski director of photography Tomasz Dobrowolski music Maciej Zieliƒski art director Anna
Adamaszek costume design El˝bieta Radke film editor Milenia Fiedler sound design Marek Wronko cast Maciej ZakoÊcielny (Micha∏),
Agnieszka Grochowska (Julia), Agnieszka Dygant (Agata), Marcin Bosak (assistant), Przemys∏aw Sadowski (officer), Dominika
Kluêniak (¸ucja), Tomasz Karolak (Ludwik), Iwona Wszo∏kówna (neighbor), Bartosz ˚ukowski (constable), Gra˝yna
Szapo∏owska, Danuta Stenka, Jan Frycz, Artur ˚mijewski produced by MTL Maxfilm, ul. Kazimierzowska 3, 02-589 Warsaw, phone
(+48 22) 856 71 30, (+48 22) 565 23 25, fax (+48 22) 565 23 29, e-mail [email protected]; TVN, ul. Wiertnicza 166, 02-952
Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 856 60 60, producers Tadeusz Lampka, Dariusz Gàsiorowski production manager Ryszard
Chutkowski world sales MTL Maxfilm
35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby digital, 95’, Poland 2006
“Just Love Me” is a romantic comedy.
Michal is a young, handsome architect who is always impeccably dressed and shaved. Everything in his life is in order,
except in the field of love. But one day, three women: Agata, Julia and Michalina, turn Michal’s quiet life upside
down. He will have to choose the woman of his life, the one who is the most beautiful and most tempting. But it
is so hard to decide: the delicate Julia, or sensual Agata?
Ryszard Zatorski
was born in 1955. He is a graduate of Lodz Film School (directing). He also studied Russian
language at Warsaw University. Zatorski is a director, screenwriter, actor and producer. He started his film
career on the set of “Vabank” (1981). He also worked as an actor in “The Issa Valley” (Dolina Issy) and
“A Girl with a Wet Head” (Panna z mokrà g∏owà). Zatorski made his directorial debut with “Kacperek”
(1985), a TV show for children. His first feature was “Nobody’s Guilty” (Nikt nie jest winien), which he also
wrote, in 1986.
Zatorski has also written numerous films and TV shows.
His romantic comedy, “Never Ever!” (Nigdy w ˝yciu!) has been viewed by over 1.7 million Polish viewers.
1986: Nobody’s Guilty (Nikt nie jest winien); 1997: The Z∏otopolscy (TV show, episodes 73-78); 1999: The
Graczykowie (TV show, episodes 1-13); For Good and for Bad (Na dobre i na z∏e; TV show, episodes 1-4, 8-10); 2000-2004:
L as in Love (M jak mi∏oÊç; TV show, episodes 1-4, 40-43, 56-58, 86-89, 94-96; 113-116); 2000: For Good and for Bad (Na dobre
i na z∏e; TV show, episodes 14-16, 20-22); 2004: Criminals (Kryminalni; TV show), Never Ever! (Nigdy w ˝yciu!)
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Lawstorant / Lawstorant
director Miko∏aj Haremski screenplay Tadeusz Por´bski director of photography Zdzis∏aw Najda music Jacek ¸àgwa art director
Natasza Eichelkraut-Galimska costume design Natasza Eichelkraut-Galimska film editor Jaros∏aw Kamiƒski sound design Zofia
Kucharska-Kowalik cast Zbigniew Buczkowski (Lawstorant), Micha∏ WiÊniewski (Fragles), Ma∏gorzata Pieczyƒska (Burska),
Jolanta Mrotek (Monika), S∏awomir Orzechowski (Caruso), Irek Czop (Daks), Tomasz Sapryk (Kiddy), Jerzy Trela
(Notary) produced by PDB EDBUD Sp. z o.o., ul. Bronikowskiego 55, 02-796 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 649 17 67, e-mail
[email protected] executive producer AT-FILM Sp. z o. o., ul. Lotników 1, Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 543 03 40/41,
(+48) 696 22 13 39, (+48) 693 41 01 87 producers Edward Gierwia∏∏o, Edward Mazur production manager Tomasz Orlikowski
distributed by ITI Cinema, ul. Wiertnicza 166, 02-952 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 453 36 02, fax (+48 22) 453 36 04, e-mail
[email protected]; world sales PDB EDBUD
35 mm, 1:1,85, Dolby stereo digital, 104’, Poland 2005
Bogdan Jaworski, nicknamed Lawstorant, is a petty crook and swindler who also makes a living by tricking
women. He is planning to start a fictional company which will order various goods from producers and sell
them to a stolen goods dealer for half the price. Of course Lawstorant’s company will disappear when the
time comes and he will run away with the cash. Business goes very well at first but all of a sudden the local
mafia boss wants to see Jaworski...
Miko∏aj Haremski
was born in 1957. He graduated from Lodz University where he majored in
Cultural Studies and from Lodz Film School (Film Directing). He is a screenwriter and director.
Haremski has made several documentary and educational films, such as “Refrain” (Refren), “Ignacy
Daszyƒski”, and “Józef Pi∏sudski - the Legend” (Józef Pi∏sudski - Legenda), “Going to the Bottom of the
Sea” (ZejÊcie na dno morza), and “The Polish-Arabian Horse” (Polski koƒ arabski).
He has also directed a few TV Theater plays, including “A Twin” (Bliêniak), “Rudy” (the Poznaƒskie Kozio∏ki Award at the
“Ale Kino” 18th Young Viewer Film Festival); “The Little Picture” (Obrazek; honorable mention at the “Ale Kino” 19th
Young Viewer Film Festival) and “Suckers” (˚ó∏todzioby).
He has also directed many TV shows and commercials.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Legend / Legenda
director Mariusz Pujszo screenplay Mariusz Pujszo director of photography Andrzej Glacel art director Anna Kowarska costume design Atelier
Brodziƒska film editor Krzysztof Szpetmaƒski sound design Wojciech Chudziƒski cast Micha∏ Anio∏, Agata Dratwa, Andrzej
Nejman, Joanna Liszowska, Roksana Krzemiƒska produced by Kurka Wodna Productions Sp. z o.o., ul. Dragonów 2/51, 00-467
Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 841 75 25, e-mail: [email protected] co-produced by SPI International, Studio P9, EBH,
UNIGREG producers Mariusz Pujszo, Adam Zar´ba production manager Agnieszka ChruÊciel world sales SPI International Polska
ul. Tyniecka 38 A, 02-621 Warsaw, tel. (+48 22) 854 03 37, fax (+48 22) 848 45 70, e-mail [email protected]
Betacam SP, 1:1,66, color, Dolby stereo A-type, 80’, Poland 2005
A girl decides to hold her bachelorette party in a secluded medieval castle in the Sudety Mountains. She invites five
female friends to come with her. Craving for sensation, the girls willingly listen to a legend told by the castle’s
weird caretaker. They do not realize that the tale is not a piece of fiction but the true story of events that took
place in the castle hundreds of years before. These events make an impact... The girls have to face powers that
they never knew existed...
Mariusz Pujszo
was born in 1957. He is a graduate of The Actors’ Studio in Gdaƒsk. He is an actor,
screenwriter and producer. He has worked both in France and Poland since 1981. Pujszo has written numerous
screenplays and acted in films such as “GunBlast Vodka” (directed by Jean-Louis Daniel) and “Commes des
Rois” (Królowie ˝ycia), directed by Fran˜ois Velle.
He is also a founder of the Kurka Wodna Productions Company.
filmography (as a director)
2002: Polish Kicz Projekt (honorary mention at the Independent Cinema Competition at the 27th PFF,
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Loneliness on the Net / SamotnoÊç w sieci
director Witold Adamek screenplay Cezary Harasimowicz, Witold Adamek based upon the book of Janusz L. WiÊniewski director
of photography Witold Adamek art director Monika Sajko-Gradowska costume design Ewa Machulska sound design Wac∏aw
Pilkowski cast Magdalena Cielecka (Ewa), Andrzej Chyra (Jakub), Agnieszka Grochowska, Anna Dymna, Kinga Preis,
El˝bieta Czy˝ewska, Jan Englert, Janusz L. WiÊniewski, Pawe∏ Kukiz, Jacek Borcuch, Szymon Bobrowski, Harold Evan, Ruby
Rosales, Robin Gooch produced by Close Up, ul. Konduktorska 4 apt. 14, 00-775 Warsaw, phone/fax ((+48 22) 851 20 42;
Polish Television – Film Agency; Documentary and Feature Film Studio (Warsaw) co-financing Polish Film Institute producer
Witold Adamek production manager Andrzej Stempowski
color, 35 mm, 1:1,66, 120’, Poland 2006
Ewa lives in Poland, Jakub in Germany. Her world is a TV newsroom; his a science lab and lecture hall. They have
met once before on passing trains at Berlin ZOO Station, but neither of them remember this encounter.
They accidentally meet again – they both take a liking to the same painting on an internet auction. From that
moment on they start meeting on the net and become closer and closer to each other. Safely, from a distance,
they take a chance and it seems they are close to a win...
Eventually they decide to meet in person. He makes the journey from New Orleans, she takes off from
Warsaw. This time their tracks cross in Paris...
But fate likes to play a hand too and she turns out to be a sophisticated player...
Witold Adamek
is a cinematographer, film director and producer. He was born in 1945. Adamek is a
graduate of the Department of Cinematography at ¸ódê Film School (1969). He has worked with
filmmakers such as Krzysztof KieÊlowski, Andrzej Wajda, Jerzy Skolimowski, Janusz Zaorski, Wies∏aw
Saniewski, Juliusz Machulski, Janusz Majewski, Rados∏aw Piwowarski, Feliks Falk, Jacek Bromski and Jerzy
Stuhr. He has also directed TV theater productions and was the cinematographer on several TV shows.
filmography (as a film director)
1998: Monday (Poniedzia∏ek); 2002: Tuesday (Wtorek), Miss Wet T-shirt (Miss mokrego
podkoszulka); 2004: The Fourth Power (Czwarta w∏adza; TV show)
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Lovers of Marona / Kochankowie z Marony
director Izabella Cywiƒska screenplay Cezary Harasimowicz, Izabella Cywiƒska based on the novel by Jaros∏aw Iwaszkiewicz director
of photography Marcin Kosza∏ka music Jerzy Satanowski art director Jacek Osadowski costume design Magda Biedrzycka film editor
Anna Wagner sound design Nikodem Wo∏k-¸aniewski cast Karolina Gruszka (Ola), Krzysztof Zawadzki (Janek), ¸ukasz Simlat
(Arek), Danuta Stenka (Mrs Hornowa), Janusz Micha∏owski (Horn), Ewa Kasprzyk (Eufrozyna), Jadwiga Jankowska-CieÊlak
(Ms Gulbiƒska), ¸ukasz Sikora (Józio) produced by Agencja Media Plus sp. z o.o., ul. Narbutta 40/1, 02-564 Warsaw, phone
(+48 22) 848 40 50, fax (+48 22) 848 40 11; Techfilm Sp. z o.o., ul. Dominikaƒska 9, 02-738 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 853 50 45,
fax (+48 22) 843 26 91, e-mail [email protected]; Film Production Agency (co-financing) executive producer Techfilm
sp. z o.o. producers Leszek Andrzej Wyszyƒski, Tadeusz Âcibor-Rylski production manager Teresa Paszkiewicz distributed by SPI
International Polska Sp. z o.o., ul. Tyniecka 38 A, 02-621 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 854 03 37, fax (+48 22) 848 45 70, e-mail
[email protected] world sales open
35 mm, 1:2,35, color, Dolby stereo digital, 104’, Poland 2005
The village of Marona is situated near a beautiful lake. Marona is small village that has only a school and a
convalescent home for people sick with tuberculosis. The local schoolteacher falls in love with one of the
patients. Her love is strong, intense and full of sacrifice. When another man, the patient’s friend, enters the scene,
an unusual love triangle comes into play. Eros and Thanatos meet in this remote setting.
Izabella Cywiƒska
is a theater, TV and film director. She graduated from Warsaw University where she
majored in Ethnography and later in 1966 from the Theater Academy in Warsaw where she studied stage
She was a director at the Wojciech Boguslawski Theater in Kalisz from 1970 to 1972 and a director at Teatr
Nowy in Poznaƒ from 1973 to 1989. She was Minister of Culture and Art under T. Mazowiecki’s government
and a founder and president of The Foundation of Culture. Cywiƒska wrote a memoir “Sudden Substitution” in
1992, describing her days as a minister.
She has directed nearly a hundred stage plays and TV Theater plays and has won numerous awards at theater festivals in
Kalisz, Opole and Wroclaw. Cywiƒska was awarded the Minister of Art and Culture Prize for her directing achievements in
theater and TV Theater in 1989, as well as the Kalos Kagathos medal. The TV series “God’s Lining” was her debut as a film
1997: God’s Lining (Bo˝a podszewka, TV series); 2000: The Miracle of Purim (Cud purymowy; TV, part of the “Polish
Holidays” series; The National Council of Radio and Television Prize at the Gdynia Polish Film Festival, The European
Parliament’s special prize, the Willy Brandt Award at the Berlin Prix Europa, The Golden Nymph Award at the Monte Carlo
International Film and TV Festival).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Lovers of the Year of the Tiger / Kochankowie Roku Tygrysa
director Jacek Bromski screenplay Jacek Bromski director of photography Marcin Kosza∏ka music Grzegorz Daroƒ, Henry Seroka art
director Wei Hong Yu costume design Andrzej Szenajch film editor Wojciech Mrówczyƒski sound design Wojciech Chudziƒski,
Yang Yue Dong cast Micha∏ ˚ebrowski (Wolski), Li Min (Song), Sun Ji Feng (Guo), Wu Fen Xia (Guo Da Ma), Norbert
Rakowski (Stankiewicz) produced by Changchun Film Studio, No. 20, Hong Street Changchung, Jilin Province, China 13, ZEBRA
Film Studio, ul. Pu∏awska 61, 02-595 Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22) 845 54 84, 845 65 88, e-mail [email protected] co-produced
by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25;
Vision Film Production, Film Production Agency (co-financing) executive producer Vision Film Production, ul. Rydygiera 7,
01-793 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 839 13 91, fax (+48 22) 839 13 67, e-mail [email protected] producers Jacek Bromski,
Juliusz Machulski, W∏odzimierz Otulak production manager Piotr Ânieg distributed by Vision Film Distribution, ul. Rydygiera 7,
01-793 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 839 13 91, fax (+48 22) 839 13 67, e-mail [email protected] world sales open
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, dolby stereo A-type, 100’, Poland – China 2005
It is the year 1913. Two Poles escape exile and get through the Siberian taiga to China. Crossing the Amur River
ends tragically for one of them. The second man is found unconscious by an old Chinese hunter who takes
him to his mountain shack. The hunter has a beautiful sixteen year old daughter. So as not to tempt fate, the
parents make the girl cut her hair and dress like a boy. But is it enough to prevent the feelings between the
Jacek Bromski
Born 1946. Film director, screenwriter, film producer. Studied at the Academy of Fine
Arts in Warsaw (1965-1970), at the University of Warsaw (Polish Language and Literature, 1972-1974)
and at ¸ódê Film School (Film Directing, 1974-1978). Co-founder and literary director of the Zebra Film
Studio. Chairman of the Association of Polish Filmmakers. Vice President of the International
Association of Film Authors. Bromski has received many awards at both national and international film
feature filmography
1980: Alice; 1983: Funeral Ceremony (Ceremonia pogrzebowa, tv); 1986: Kill me, Cop (Zabij mnie,
glino); 1988: The Art of Loving (Sztuka kochania); 1990: Polish Cuisine (Kuchnia polska); 1992: 1968, A Happy New Year
(1968: Szcz´Êliwego Nowego Roku); 1996: Children and Fish (Dzieci i ryby); 1998: As Snug as a Bug in a Rug (U Pana Boga
za piecem; Golden Claqueur - the Audience Award, the Prize for the Best Director, the President of Gdynia’s prize for the
Best Comedy at PFF, Gdynia); 2000: It’s Me, the Thief (To ja, z∏odziej; Grand Prix, Catholic Jury’s prize, the prize for the
Best Script at IFF Mar Del Plata ‘01); 2002: Nikos Dyzma Carieer (Kariera Nikosia Dyzmy); 2005: Do You Know What? [in:]
Solidarity, Solidarity (I wie pan co? [w:] SolidarnoÊç, SolidarnoÊç).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Master / Mistrz
director Piotr Trzaskalski screenplay Piotr Trzaskalski, Wojciech Lepianka director of photography Piotr Âliskowski music Wojciech Lemaƒski
art director Wojciech ˚oga∏a costume design Monika Ugrewicz film editor Cezary Kowalczuk sound design Jan Freda cast Konstantin
¸awronienko (Master), Jacek Braciak (Junior), Monika Buchowiec (Anna), Teresa Branna (And˝ela), Aurelia Georges (Elodie)
produced by Opus Film Sp. z o.o., ul. ¸àkowa 29, 90-554 ¸ódê, phone (+48 42) 634 55 00, 634 55 07, fax (+48 42) 634 55 49, e-mail
[email protected] co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67,
fax (+48 22) 547 42 25; Peter Rommel Productions, ZDF, ARTE, with Film Production Agency & Media Plus (co-financing) executive
producer Opus Film Sp. z o.o. producers Piotr Dzi´cio∏, ¸ukasz Dzi´cio∏ production manager Jacek Gawryszczak distributed by Studio
Interfilm sp. z o.o., ul. Marsza∏kowska 28 A apt. 25, 00-576 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 621 33 66, 621 30 86, fax (+48 22) 622 10 80,
e-mail [email protected] world sales open
35 mm, cinemascope, color, Dolby stereo digital, 110’, Poland 2005
A 45 year old Russian man travels across Poland with a wandering circus. One night he lets the animals out of their
cages and watches them with enchantment as the animals - tigers, camels and elephants - walk through the market
square of the sleeping town. The next day he loses his job at the circus. He starts to travel on his own and
accidentally meets And˝ela and Junior. They start to perform together on the streets. The Master throws knives,
And˝ela assists him and Junior plays the accordion. The Master has an ambitious goal: to get to Paris, where he
expects to find the right atmosphere for his art...
Piotr Trzaskalski
(born 1964) graduated from Lodz University (cultural studies) in 1989 and Lodz Film School
(directing) in 1992. He won a scholarship to study at the Leeds Metropolitan Film and TV University in Leeds,
United Kingdom, where he made a feature film “Someone”. He has been working for television since 1992.
His work includes documentaries, TV shows, video clips, commercials and various programs devoted to fine
feature filmography
2002: Edi (Edi; Special Jury Prize, Film Critics Prize and awards for cinematography, set design and supporting
actor at the Polish Film Festival, Gdynia; Grand Prix of the International Film Festival, Warsaw; The Audience Award,
International Film Festival, Split; Film Critics Award, Alba; off-competition Philip Morris Award at the International Film Festival,
Karlovy Vary; The main prize in the Central and Eastern European film competition at the Independent Cinema Festival,
Cleveland; The Silver Prometheus Award at the International Film Festival, Tibilisi; The Ecumenical Jury Prize at the Young
Cinema Forum and International Film Club Association Award and FIPRESCI Award International Film Festival, Berlin;
nominations for the Eagle Polish Film Award for the best director and screenplay, 2002); 2005: A Ballpoint Pen [in:] Solidarity,
Solidarity (D∏ugopis [w:] SolidarnoÊç, SolidarnoÊç)
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Metanoia / Metanoia
director Rados∏aw Markiewicz screenplay Rados∏aw Markiewicz director of photography Dariusz Radecki music Maciej Talaga art
director Grzegorz Policiƒski costume design Katarzyna Kaƒska, Agnieszka Modelska film editor Norbert Rudzik sound design
Krzysztof Suchodolski, Jacek Go∏àb cast Mariusz Bonaszewski (Jozue), Arkadiusz Bazak (abbot), Jerzy Wasiuczyƒski
(hermit), Marta Król (woman) produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone
(+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25; co-produced by Gama-Film Sp. z o.o. executive producer Gama-Film sp. z o.o.,
ul. Wróblewskiego 75, 41-106 Siemianowice Âlàskie, phone (+48 32) 258 36 73, e-mail [email protected] production manager
Micha∏ Tatarek world sales Polish Television – International Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax
(+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail [email protected]
35 mm, 1:1,66; color, 90’, Poland 2005
A story of a man searching for God. The form and symbolism of an icon have inspired the film.
Jozue, a forty-something monk, leaves the monastery to care for a dying hermit. Disappointed by humanity
Jozue decides to replace the hermit and finish the iconostas, started by him long ago...
Metanoia (Greek) means a conversion, a spiritual change and a process of moral improvement.
Rados∏aw Markiewicz
was born in Katowice in 1976. He graduated from the Silesian University
where he studied film and TV Directing in 1999.
His first feature, “Scrap” (Z∏om), won the special prize in the Independent Cinema Competition at the
Polish Film Festival, Gdynia 2002, first prize at the International OFF Cinema Film Festival, Poznaƒ 2002,
and the main prize at the Slamdance Poland in Wroc∏aw, 2002.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Ode to Joy / Oda do radoÊci
director Anna Kazejak-Dawid (Silesian part), Jan Komasa (Warsaw part), Maciej Migas (Pomeranian part) screenplay Anna Kazejak-
Dawid, Jan Komasa, Maciej Migas directors of photography Klaudiusz Dwulit (Silesia), Piotr Niemyjski (Warsaw), Rados∏aw
¸adczuk (Pomerania) music Jacek Lachowicz art director Arkadiusz KoÊmider costume design Magda Biedrzycka film editors Maciej
Pawlicki, Bartosz Pietras, Rafa∏ Listopad sound design Wojciech Chudziƒski, Robert Czy˝ewicz cast Silesia: Ma∏gorzata
Buczkowska (Aga), Dorota Pomyka∏a (Aga’s mother), Barbara Kurzaj (Danka); Warsaw: Piotr G∏owacki (Micha∏), Roma
Gàsiorowska (Marta); Pomerania: Les∏aw ˚urek (Wiktor), Tomasz Lengren (Wiktor’s father), Jan Dravnel (Eryk) produced by
Akson Studio, ul. St´piƒska 22/30, 00-739 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 840 68 34, fax (+48 22) 841 77 82, e-mail [email protected]
co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22)
547 42 25, Canal+ Poland, ul. Kawalerii 5, 00-468 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 657 09 42, fax (+48 22) 657 77 30;, Film Production
Agency (co-financing) executive producer Akson Studio producers Micha∏ Kwieciƒski, Krzysztof Gierat production manager Kamil
Prze∏´cki world sales open
35 mm, 1:2,35, color, Dolby stereo digital, 110’, Poland 2005
After many months in Great Britain, Aga returns to her hometown. When she gets there she finds a difficult situation: her father is about to lose
his job because the coal mine he works for is going on strike and her mother has lost her job at the hair salon. Aga decides to invest the
money she made abroad and open her own hair salon.
Anna Kazejak-Dawid
was born in 1979. She attended Lodz University and the Silesian University (Cultural Studies). She is
currently studying film directing at the Lodz Film School. She worked as a second director in a few student films.
2000: Et cetera (experimental); 2002: View From the Top (Z góry; short feature, Honorary Mention at the Oskariada Short Film
Festival, Honorary Mention at the Off Cinema Festival in Poznaƒ); 2003: Pulse (Puls; a documentary presented at over 30 Polish and
international film festivals); My Place (Moje miejsce; doc.); 2004: You Are There (JesteÊ tam; Grand Prix for a Debut at the Koszalin Film Festival,
The Golden KANewka at the KAN Festival in Wroc∏aw, Grand Prix at the International Cottbus Film Festival, The Bronze Castle Award at the
8th International Off Cinema Film Festival)
Michal wins a radio hip-hop contest. He has a girlfriend, Marta. Marta’s father decides to send her to study in London. Michal tries to convince
Marta not to go. Marta’s father is displeased by their relationship and tries to humiliate Michal. This and other family complications lead to
a serious argument between Michal and Marta. The girl does not want to know Michal anymore...
Jan Komasa
was born in 1981. He studied philosophy at the Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw and he is currently a student
at the Lodz Film School, Department of Directing.
2003: Off (short feature), The Bald (¸ysy; documentary, Honorary Mention and Award at the Offensiva Film Festival in Wroc∏aw);
2004: Project: The Family (Projekt rodzina; doc.); It is So Great That You Exist (Fajnie, ˝e jesteÊ; short feature, The Third Cinefondation Prize at
the 57th International Cannes Film Festival)
After graduating from college Wiktor returns home to a small town. He has to live with his parents and gets a job in a fish smokehouse. His friends
are Rysiek who’s a drunk and Eryk, a crock. Wiktor cannot live with his parents any longer because his mother wants to rent his room out to
tourists. After an argument with his boss who is behind with his salary, Wiktor quits his job at the smokehouse. Eryk suggests going abroad
with his friend. No one knows how he got the money, but Eryk wants to cover all the travel expenses...
Maciej Migas
was born in 1976. He graduated from Wroc∏aw University where he studied journalism. He is currently studying at
the Lodz Film School (Directing) and The Andrzej Wajda Master Film School of Directing in Warsaw.
2000: Birthday (Urodziny, short feature, Grand Prix at the Off Cinema in Poznaƒ, first prize at the Smofi Festival in Kraków); 2001:
European City (Europejskie miasto; short documentary, Grand Prix at the Smofi Festival in Kraków, first prize and the Film Critics Award at the
Offensiva Film Festival in Wroc∏aw, first prize in the Centrum Solidarnosci Foundation competition in Gdaƒsk); 2002: The Real Show (Prawdziwe
show; short feature); The Family Firm (Rodzinna firma; short doc.); 2003: The End of a Fairy Tale (Koniec bajki; short feature, the Independent
Cinema Competition Award at the Tenth Film and Art Festival “Lato Filmów” in Kazimierz); The Great Run (Wielki bieg; short documentary).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Palimpsest / Palimpsest
director Konrad Niewolski screenplay Igor Brejdygant director of photography Arkadiusz Tomiak music Bart∏omiej Gliniak art director
Monika Sajko-Gradowska costume design Pawe∏ Grabarczyk film editor Jarek Pietraszek sound design Maria Chilarecka
produced by Film Studio Zebra, ul. Pu∏awska 61, 02-595 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 845 65 88, e-mail [email protected]
co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, Canal+ Poland producer Juliusz Machulski, Wojciech Danowski, Krzysztof
Gierat, Pawe∏ Mossakowski production manager Ewa Jastrz´bska cast Andrzej Chyra (Marek), Robert Gonera (Tomek),
Tomasz Sapryk (Maciek), Magdalena Cielecka (Hanna), Arkadiusz Bazak (keeper), Henryk Talar (commander), Grzegorz
Warcho∏ (neighbour), Adam Ferency (Malina) world sales open
35 mm, cinemascope, color, 80’, Dolby digital Surround, Poland 2006
Marek is a police inspector who is on the verge of a mental breakdown. The film is executed in two spheres. The
first is a criminal plot and the second is laid in the sphere of the main character’s psychological sensations.
Over the course of the film the viewer becomes acquainted with the deepest nooks and corners of Marek’s
consciousness. One can ask what is real and what is phantasmagoria and where the boundary between
reality and imagination lies. Or what justifies human suffering and what is the most important thing in life.
Konrad Niewolski
was born in Warsaw in 1972. He studied Physics at Warsaw University from 19901991. He graduated from the school of Business Administration in Warsaw in 1995.
He has been a filmmaker since 2002. Niewolski is also a snowboard instructor and FIS international
2002: “D.I.L.” (the main prize at the TVP 2 Independent Cinema Festival); 2003: Symmetry
(Symetria; the Film Critic Award at the Polish Film Festival, Gdynia; the Best Film Award at the Durango International Film
Festival; directing award at the International Film Festival in RiverRun).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
A Perfect Afternoon / Doskona∏e popo∏udnie
director Przemys∏aw Wojcieszek screenplay Przemys∏aw Wojcieszek director of photography Jola Dylewska music Rados∏aw ¸ukasiewicz,
Zespó∏ Pustki art director Andrzej P∏ocki costume design Zuzanna Winiarska film editor Andrzej Bressa sound design Artur Kuczkowski
cast Micha∏ Czarnecki (Miko∏aj), Magdalena Pop∏awska (Anna), Ma∏gorzata Dobrowolska (Maria), Jerzy Stuhr (Andrzej),
Dorota Kamiƒska (Barbara), S∏awomir Orzechowski (Henryk), Krzysztof Czeczot (Krzysiek), Anita Podd´bniak (Marta),
Krzysztof Dracz (Marek) produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67,
fax (+48 22) 547 42 25; Film Production Agency (co-financing) executive producer Pawe∏ Rakowski – Skorpion Art, ul. Dzielna 6/32,
00-162 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 851 11 04, 841 61 71, e-mail [email protected] production manager Rafa∏ Widajewicz
world sales Polish Television – International Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83,
e-mail [email protected]
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby stereo SR, 90’, Poland 2005
Mikolaj, his girlfriend Anna and his business partner Krzysiek are the co-owners of a small publishing company,
located in the suburbs of Gliwice. Mikolaj and Anna are getting married in a couple of days. However the young
couple is not in a festive mood. After the commercial failure of their first published book they are frantically
searching for material that may potentially be successful.
Teresa, Mikolaj’s mother who lives in Warsaw, is visited by her ex-husband from Wroclaw. He insists they go to
the wedding ceremony together. After a long talk Teresa agrees. Traveling together to Gliwice might give them
a chance to reunite...
Przemys∏aw Wojcieszek
was born in 1974. He studied journalism at Wroc∏aw University. He wrote
“Monday” by Witold Adamek (1998) and “Made in Poland”, awarded by the Sundance Institute screenwriting
workshop in Hungary (1999).
1999: Kill Them All (Zabij ich wszystkich); 2001: Louder than Bombs (G∏oÊniej od bomb; nominated
for the Polish Film Award Eagle for screenplay); 2004: Down Colourful Hill (W dó∏ kolorowym wzgórzem; award
for directing at the Polish Film Festival, Gdynia).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Persona non grata / Persona non grata
director Krzysztof Zanussi screenplay Krzysztof Zanussi director of photography Edward K∏osiƒski music Wojciech Kilar art director
Jagna Janicka costume design Jagna Janicka film editor Wanda Zeman sound design Wies∏aw Znyk cast Zbigniew Zapasiewicz
(Wiktor), Nikita Micha∏kow (Oleg), Jerzy Stuhr (legal adviser), Daniel Olbrychski (deputy minister), Andrzej Chyra
(Waldemar), Maria Bekker (Oksana), Halina Golanko (Wiktor’s wife), Marcin KwaÊny (man) produced by TOR Film
Production, ul. Pu∏awska 61, 02-595 Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22) 845 50 45, 845 53 03, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by
Leonid Vereschagin, Nikita Micha∏kow – Three T Productions, 11 Maly Kozikhinsky Lane, Moskwa 103001; Sintra; Polish
Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 63 64, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25; Canal+
Poland, ul. Kawalerii 5, 00-468 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 657 09 42, fax (+48 22) 657 77 30 executive producer TOR Film
Production producers Krzysztof Zanussi, Iwona Ziu∏kowska-Okapiec production manager Micha∏ Szczerbic distributed by Vision
Film Distribution, ul. Rydygiera 7, 01-793 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 839 60 09, fax (+48 22) 839 13 67 world sales open
35 mm, 1:1,85, Dolby stereo digital, 117’, Poland – Russia – Italy 2005
Wiktor, a Polish ambassador in Uruguay is mourning the sudden death of his beloved wife. When he returns to Poland he
meets up with Oleg, a Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs who was his friend 20 years previous. Wiktor was
then an activist in the political underground and Oleg was beginning a career as a Soviet diplomat in Poland. Their
friendship is not free of suspicion. Wiktor thinks Oleg infiltrated the Polish underground and was his wife’s lover...
Krzysztof Zanussi
is a film director and screenwriter. He was born in 1939 in Warsaw. Zanussi studied Physics at
the University of Warsaw (1955-59) and Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University (1959-62). He graduated from
the ¸ódê Film School in 1966 and began making amateur films. Since 1980 he has been an artistic director at TOR
Film Production, and later its general director. From 1971 to 1983, Zanussi was the Vice President of the Association
of Polish Filmmakers and between 1975 and 1977 a Chairman of the Polish Federation of Film Clubs (DKF). He was
a member of the Committee of Cinematography from 1987 to 2002. He has been a lecturer at many film schools,
e.g. in ¸ódê and at the National Film School in Great Britain. He has staged numerous opera and theater spectacles
in Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France and Russia. Zanussi was chosen to be the President of the European Federation of
Audiovisual Authors in 1991. He is a consultant with the Pontifical Committee for Culture at the Vatican; former Vice Chairman of
the Program Board for Polish Public Television and a Former President of the EUROVISION Association. Zanussi is also a Professor
at the University of Silesia in Katowice, a member of the Polish PEN-Club and the Association of Literary Writers, member of the
European Film Academy and the Papal Academy of Fine Arts and Literature and the author of the books: “Time to Die” (Pora
umieraç), “Between a Fair and a Salon” (Mi´dzy jarmarkiem a salonem). He has received numerous awards in Poland and abroad.
selected filmography
1967: Face to Face (Twarzà w twarz); 1969: The Structure of Crystals (Struktura kryszta∏u); 1971: Family Life (˚ycie
rodzinne); Behind the Wall (Za Êcianà); 1973: Illumination (Iluminacja); 1974: The Catamount Killing (USA/Germany); Quarterly Balance
(Bilans kwartalny); 1975: Camouflage (Barwy ochronne); 1978: The Spiral (Spirala); 1979: Wege in der Nacht (TV, Germany); 1980: The
Constant Factor (Constans); Contract (Kontrakt); 1981: From a Far Country (Z dalekiego kraju; Poland/G. Britain/Italy); 1984: The Year of
the Quiet Sun (Rok spokojnego s∏oƒca; Poland/Germany/USA); 1988: Wherever You Are (Poland/Germany); 1992: The Touch (Dotkni´cie
r´ki; Poland/G. Britain/Denmark); 1996: At Full Gallop (Cwa∏); Weekend Stories: A Woman’s Business, Little Faith, Deceptive Charm,
Unwritten Law (OpowieÊci weekendowe); 1997: Our God’s Brother (Brat naszego Boga); Weekend Stories: The Soul Sings, The Last Circle,
Dilatory Line (OpowieÊci weekendowe); 2000: Life As a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease (˚ycie jako Êmiertelna choroba przenoszona
drogà p∏ciowà); Weekend Stories: Hidden Treasure (OpowieÊci wekendowe); 2002: Supplement (Suplement).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Pitbull / Pitbull
director Patryk Vega screenplay Patryk Vega director of photography Miros∏aw Kuba Bro˝ek music Rados∏aw ¸uka art director Elwira Pluta
costume design Justyna Stolarz film editor Jaros∏aw Barzan sound design Marek Bobowski cast Marcin Dorociƒski (Despero), Janusz
Gajos (Benek), Andrzej Grabowski (Gebels), Krzysztof Stroiƒski (Metyl), Rafa∏ Mohr (Nielat), Danuta Stenka (childmurderess), Ma∏gorzata Foremniak (KryÊka), Weronika Rosati (D˝emma), Jadwiga Jankowska-CieÊlak (Of The Last), Jolanta
Fraszyƒska (Tirowiec’s wife), Halina Rasiakówna (Halina) produced by Dziki Film Sp. z o.o., ul. Rac∏awicka 127/12, 02-117 Warsaw,
phone/fax (+48 22) 824 68 48, e-mail [email protected] coproduced by ATM Grupa SA, ul. B∏´kitna 3, 55-040 Kobierzyce; Film
Production Agency (co-financing) executive producer Dziki Film Sp. z o.o. producers Waldemar Dziki, Dorota Kurzewska, Tomasz
Kurzewski production manager Dorota Sachar-Nowe distributed by Studio Interfilm sp. z o.o., ul Marsza∏kowska 28 A apt. 25,
00-576 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 621 33 66, 621 30 86, fax (+48 22) 622 10 80, e-mail [email protected] world sales open
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby stereo SR, 101’, Poland 2005
Said is a criminal responsible for dozens of kidnappings and murders. Five troubled cops are after him: Nielat - a
junkie, disrespected by all; Gebels fights corruption but breaks down at a certain point and accepts a bribe;
Despero - a bully who obsessively hunts Said but almost loses him because of a woman. There is also Metyl who shoots his girlfriend and leaves the police, and lastly - ailing Benek.
Patryk Vega
was born in 1977 in Warsaw. He graduated from Collegium Civitas at the Polish Academy of
Science, where he studied Sociology and specialized in Media and Social Communication. He continued his
education in the Marek Miller School of Reporting. From 1998 to 1999 he was an assistant producer at the
PLEOGRAF Film Studio. He wrote a screenplay “The First Million” (Pierwszy milion), a seven episode TV show
directed by Waldemar Dziki.
He also made “Little Angels” (Anio∏ki), “Real Dogs” (Prawdziwe psy), both in 2001 and “Tapes of Horror” (TaÊmy
grozy; 2002), a twelve episode documentary TV series for TVP 1. Vega also conceived the idea for and made “Nine Unusual
Weeks” (9 niezwyk∏ych tygodni) a TV show for POLSAT TV. He also directed “Give Children the Sun” (Podaruj dzieciom
s∏oƒce) 26 TV shows for the Polsat Charity Foundation and wrote the screenplay for the thirteen episode TV show “Face to
Face” (Twarzà w twarz). Vega co-directed another TV show “The Criminals” (Kryminalni).
“Pitbull” is his feature debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Retrieval / Z odzysku
director S∏awomir Fabicki screenplay S∏awomir Fabicki, Denijal Hasanoviç, Marek Pruchniewski director of photography Bogumi∏
Godfrejow art director Wojciech ˚oga∏a costume design Aneta Flis film editor Jaros∏aw Kamiƒski cast Antoni Pawlicki (Wojtek),
Nataliya Vdovina (Katia), Jacek Braciak (Farmer), Micha∏ Filipiak (Baton), Wojciech Zieliƒski (Cauliflower), Dmytro
Melnychuk (Andriy), Jerzy Trela (grandfather), Dorota Pomyka∏a (mother) produced by Opus Film, ul. ¸àkowa 29, 90-554 ¸ódê,
phone (+48 42) 634 55 26, fax (+48 42) 634 55 49, mobile (+48) 604 070 775, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Polish
Television – Film Agency, Canal+ Poland, Polish Film Institute (co-financing) producers Piotr Dzi´cio∏, ¸ukasz Dzi´cio∏ world
sales Opus Film
35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby digital surround ex, 103’, Poland 2006
Nineteen year old Wojtek lives in a Silesian town by a river with his mother and grandfather. He tries to make
a living and help out his girlfriend Katia and her little son. Katia is an illegal immigrant from the Ukraine.
Wojtek works two jobs: one at a cement plant and the second at a debt vindication agency which, amongst
other things, evicts people who do not pay their rent. He is on really good terms with his boss who helps him
grant Katia legal immigrant status and a work permit. But Wojtek’s job starts to corrupt his morals and he
becomes ruthless, aggressive and cruel. As a result, people who were close to him start turning their backs
on him...
S∏awomir Fabicki
was born in 1970 in Warsaw. He is a film director and screenwriter.
He graduated from the Screenwriting School in 1995 and Lodz Film School in 2002. Fabicki became a
member of the European Film Academy and Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 2001. His
school film, a short documentary “Extension 55” (Wewn´trzny 55; 1998) won awards at film festivals
in Kalamata (Greece), Teheran and Oberhausen. “A Man Thing” (M´ska sprawa; 2001), a 26-minute
short feature, won numerous awards at prestigious film festivals in Krakow, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev,
New York, Mexico City, Regensburg, Stuttgart/Ludwigsburg, Munich, Edinburgh, Wiesbaden, Teheran, Tai pei, ClermontFerrand, Paris, Tampere, Barcelona and Sydney. It also received an Oscar nomination.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Rh+ / Rh+
director Jaros∏aw ˚amojda screenplay Jaros∏aw ˚amojda director of photography Tomasz Dobrowolski music S∏awomir Kulpowicz art
director Katarzyna Boczek costume design Katarzyna Morawska film editor Wanda Zeman sound design Piotr Bielawski cast Anna
Przybylska (Marta), Robert ˚o∏´dziewski (Szymon), Katarzyna Bujakiewicz (Agata), Micha∏ Figurski (Pawe∏), Grzegorz
Mostowicz-Gerszt (¸ysy), Andrzej Krukowski (Adam), Karolina Porcari (Ola), Magdalena Bendek (Paulina), Tomasz Klecyngier
(Rafa∏), Jack Recknitz (Gerard) produced by MCM Productions, INC (USA); Da Vinci Sp. z o.o. ul. Bernardyƒska 16/75, Warsaw;
phone (+48 22) 497 86 60, e-mail [email protected]; Film Production Agency (co-financing) executive producer Da Vinci producers
Ivona Karbowski, Krzysztof Karbowski, Ma∏gorzata Corvalan production manager Mariusz Mielczarek distributed by Studio
Interfilm Sp. z o.o., ul. Marsza∏kowska 28 A apt. 25, 00-576 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 621 33 66, 621 30 86, fax (+48 22) 622 10 80,
e-mail [email protected] world sales Studio Interfilm, MCM Productions
35 mm, 1:2,35, color, Dolby stereo digital, 90’, Poland – USA 2005
A group of young people who hang out together in night clubs decide to go on vacation together and spend a
weekend at the Mazurian lakes.
The youth have a lot of fun but many end up getting hurt in minor accidents. At first nobody sees the correlation
between these accidents and the events that took place before they left for vacation. One of the girls, Ola, a
victim of a car accident, was given the wrong type of blood during surgery. As a result she dies.
Finally, suspicious incidents and shocking coincidences start falling into a logical story...
Jaros∏aw ˚amojda
was born in Bydgoszcz in 1960. He graduated from Lodz Film School, Department of
Cinematography, in 1985. He is a cinematographer, director and screenwriter.
He received the Andrzej Munk Prize for Cinematography in Mariusz Trelinski’s “Farewell to Autumn” in 1990
as well as The Minister of Culture and Art Award and the Hungarian Academy of Film Art Award.
He co-directed the award-winning documentary “The Most Beautiful Caves of the World” (award at the
Sports Film Festival in Budapest and the French Television Award).
He has worked as director of photography in numerous films.
filmography (as a director)
1995: Fast Lane (M∏ode wilki; award for a new director at the Polish Film Festival, Gdynia, the Golden
Teeth Audience Award at the Polish Film Festival in Chicago); 1997: Fast Lane 1/2 (M∏ode wilki 1/2); 1999-2000: Affection and
Lies (Czu∏oÊç i k∏amstwa; TV show, co-director); 1999: The First Million (Pierwszy milion; TV show, co-director); 2000: Six Days
of an Ostrich (SzeÊç dni strusia)
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Saviour's Square / Plac Zbawiciela
directors Krzysztof Krauze, Joanna Kos-Krauze screenplay Krzysztof Krauze, Joanna Kos-Krauze, Jowita Budnik, Ewa Wencel,
Arkadiusz Janiczek director of photography Wojciech Staroƒ music Przemek Myszor art director Monika Sajko-Gradowska
costume design Dorota Roqueplo film editor Krzysztof Szpetmaƒski sound design Nikodem Wo∏k-¸aniewski cast Jowita Budnik
(Beata), Arkadiusz Janiczek (Bartek), Ewa Wencel (Teresa), Dawid Gudejko (Patryk), Natan Gudejko (¸ukasz), Beata
Fudalej (Edyta), Zuzanna Lipiec (Irena), Krzysztof Bochenek (Wiktor) produced by Film Studio ZEBRA, ul. Pu∏awska 61, 02-595
Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 845 65 88, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, Canal+ Poland
producer Juliusz Machulski, Krzysztof Gierat, Pawe∏ Mossakowski production manager Jan Kaczmarski world sales open
HD/35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby digital, 115’, Poland 2006
“Saviour’s Square” was inspired by true events. It tells the story of a modern family in crisis.
An everyday struggle with reality as well as the need to fulfill plans can lead to the disintegration and break-up
of a family.
The only thing which can make us notice and understand the needs of others, to overcome the most difficult
moments and hopeless situations turns out to be love.
Krzysztof Krauze
was born in 1953 in Warsaw. He is a graduate of Lodz Film School (cinematography).
He worked for the Studio Se-Ma-For and later for The Karol Irzykowski Film Studio. From 1985 to 1991 he
was a member of TOR Film Production. Krauze has directed various short and mid-length features. He has
won numerous awards at national and international film festivals.
He became a member of the European Academy of Film in 2001.
selected filmography
1988: New York, 4 a.m. (Nowy Jork, czwarta rano); 1996: Street Games (Gry uliczne;
The Special Jury Prize at the PFF, Gdynia); 1999: The Debt (D∏ug; Grand Prix - Golden Lions and the Critics’ Prize at the Gdynia
PFF, The Eagle - Polish Film Award in various categories: best director, best screenplay; The Passport Award by “Polityka”
weekly, award for directing at the International Film Festival in Philadelphia); 2004: My Nikifor (Mój Nikifor; the Krzysztof
Kieslowski Award at the Denver Film Festival, Grand Prix Golden Hugo Award at the International Film Festival Chicago; The
Crystal Globe Award and the Special FICC Don Quichote Award at the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary).
Joanna Kos-Krauze
is a screenwriter and a film director. She is a co-author of many commercials. She also co-wrote and was
a 1th assistant director of “My Nikifor”.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Solidarity, Solidarity / SolidarnoÊç, SolidarnoÊç
Solidarity, Solidarity is a project made to commemorate the workers’ strikes of 1980. It consists of thirteen shorts by outstanding
Polish directors, who share their personal opinions on the 25th Anniversary of Solidarity. Each film is a separate work, differing
one from another in content as well as in artistic expression. Some are documentaries, some are mini-features and others video
Irony intertwines with pathos, seriousness with the grotesque, and nostalgia and affection with disappointment, grief and anger.
As a collection, these films constitute the bitter vision of modern history.
music Micha∏ Lorenc produced by Polish Television, Ministry of Culture, Apple Film Production, Akson Studio
super 16 mm, color, 113’, Poland 2005
Sushi / Sushi
director Juliusz Machulski cast Marek Kondrat, Robert Wi´ckiewicz, Katarzyna Herman
Marek, a film producer gets an offer to make a short film about “Solidarity”. He hires advertising specialists to
help him. Together they try to find out what “Solidarity” has given them...
A Sack / Torba
director Andrzej Jakimowski cast Krzysztof Kiersznowski, Rafa∏ Guêniczak, Les∏aw ˚urek
Two thieves steal a young man’s bag on a train. To their disappointment, they find nothing in the bag but
underground leaflets printed on a home printer. The victim of the theft gets arrested when the train stops at
the next station. One of the thieves shows unexpected nobleness...
Boards / Tablice
director Jerzy Domaradzki cast Bartek Turzyƒski, Daniel Zawadzki
The story of the boards on which the Gdaƒsk Shipyard workers who went on strike, wrote their demands and
hung them on the main shipyard gate. Under martial law, the secret police stole the boards from the Maritime
Museum but they did not know that what they stole were fakes...
Big Dipper / Wielki Wóz
director Jan Jakub Kolski cast Maciej ZakoÊcielny (Janek), Eryk Lubos (Staszek), Cezary ¸ukaszewicz (Rudy)
It is the summer of 1980 in the Italian Alps. A group of cave explorers become stranded underground. While
awaiting help, they learn about the signing of the Gdaƒsk Agreement between the workers and the
government. Among the cave explorers is Jan Jakub Kolski, the director of this film...
Ballpoint Pen / D∏ugopis
director Piotr Trzaskalski cast Waldemar Czyszak (Janusz)
Janusz is attempting to sell huge plastic ballpoint pens with pictures of Pope John Paul II on them but his
enterprise is not very successful. His business will improve significantly after the Solidarity leader, Lech
Walesa, signs the Gdaƒsk Agreement with one of these very pens.
Petrol / Benzyna
director Filip Bajon cast Maciej Stuhr (Tomek), Marcin Dorociƒski (Filip)
It is August 1980. Two young people who meet on the same train are both reading “The Little Apocalypse” by
Tadeusz Konwicki. One of them is carrying a gas can. The other suspects that the man next to him wants to
burn himself alive...
Tanks / Czo∏gi
director Krzysztof Zanussi
In this short quasi-documentary, Krzysztof Zanussi ponders back to the winter of 1981 when he was shooting
“From the Far Country. Pope John Paul II” in Krakow. In one scene, the extras are supposed to put on military
uniforms and are given a choice of either Soviet and German uniforms - everybody’s hands reached for the
German ones...
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Solidarity, Solidarity / SolidarnoÊç, SolidarnoÊç
Landscape / Krajobraz
director Robert Gliƒski
This short film shows the Gdaƒsk Shipyard as it is today: engine rooms covered with rust, empty docks and
garbage flying about in the air. The only life to be seen are groups of international tourists who fill the
space that used to be “Solidarity”’s place of origin...
What Happened to Our Solidarity? / Co si´ sta∏o z naszà SolidarnoÊcià?
director Ryszard Bugajski
Grzegorz Markowski of the once popular Polish rock band Perfect, along with young rappers Bzyk and
Guzik from Wh-Hae, sing about the last 40 years of Polish history.
Do You Know What? / I wie pan co?
director Jacek Bromski cast Janusz Gajos (president of bank), Krzysztof Stroiƒski (Roman), Anna Romantowska (Roman’s wife)
Roman, once a political prisoner but now an entrepreneur, goes to the bank with a loan application. He
meets with the bank manager, a former communist party official and prosecutor, who in the past issued a
warrant to have Roman arrested.
A Short Story of a Certain Board / Krótka historia pewnej tablicy
director Feliks Falk
This is a black and white animated short film collage. The only color element is the familiar red “SolidarnoÊç”
sign, printed on a white board. Once the time of fighting, followed by the euphoria of victory finishes,
old symbols are left forgotten. The white board with the red sign lands in the prop room.
The Man of Hope / Cz∏owiek z nadziei
director Andrzej Wajda
with Andrzej Wajda, Lech Wa∏´sa, Krystyna Janda, Jerzy Radziwi∏owicz
This film is a video recorded meeting between the director of “Man of Iron” - Andrzej Wajda, the actors
who play the main characters in this film - Krystyna Janda and Jerzy Radziwilowicz and “Solidarity”
leader Lech Walesa. The meeting took place in the enormous, empty screening room of the “Neptun”
Cinema in Gdansk. In August 1980, when Walesa congratulated Wajda for making such a great movie
about the events of August he also encouraged the famous director to shoot another film titled “The Man
of Hope”. This never happened. What would it have been about today?
Father / Ojciec
director Ma∏gorzata Szumowska cast Kazimierz Borowiec, Maja Ostaszewska
In this dramatized short documentary, the director utilized archival films shot by her Father, a well-known
documentary filmmaker.
A 30 year old woman tells the story of how “Solidarity” influenced the life of her family, particularly her
idealistic Father. He never directly benefited from the political changes. His only reward is, that today,
his daughter can live in a free country.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
St. Barbara's Feast / Barbórka
director Maciej Pieprzyca screenplay Maciej Pieprzyca director of photography Marek Traskowski music Patryk Zakrocki art director Joanna
Mucha costume design Agata Culak film editor Leszek Starzyƒski sound design Robert Czy˝ewicz cast Iwona Sitkowska (Basia),
Marcin Dorociƒski (Jakub), Robert Talarczyk (Andrzej), Tadeusz Madeja (Basia’s father), Gra˝yna Zieliƒska (Basia’s mother),
Artur Âwi´s (Witek), Barbara Lubos-Âwi´s (Eleonora), Mariusz Kiljan (Markus), Maciej Wojdy∏a (cameraman), Krzysztof
Respondek (Krystian) produced by Polish Television – Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67,
fax (+48 22) 547 42 25 executive producer Film Studio PERSPEKTYWA, ul. Pu∏awska 61, 02-595 Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22)
845 54 94, e-mail [email protected] production manager Kamil Prze∏´cki world sales Polish Television –
International Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail [email protected]
Betacam SP, color, Dolby stereo A-type, 70’, Poland 2005
The director of a coalmine invites Jakub, the star of a TV show, to add splendor to the celebration of St. Barbara’s
Day. St. Barbara being the patroness of miners. Basia, a worker from the sorting department is chosen to hand
Jakub the welcoming loaf of bread. Two completely different worlds come together: flashy, success oriented
strangers from Warsaw and traditional, modest Silesians who are unwilling to change. Within the collision of
these two worlds exist a sweet girl and a refined guy (who isn’t so bad either).
Maciej Pieprzyca
was born in 1964 in Katowice. He is a director and screenwriter. He graduated from the
Silesian University in Katowice, Department of Journalism, 1989, and Department of Film Directing, 1993. He
also studied screenwriting at the Lodz Film School and graduated in 1990.
Pieprzyca has made several documentaries: 1993 “Different from Others” (Inna; first prize at the Young
Cinema Festival, Torino, the main prize at the Mediaschool Festival in Lodz); 1995 “Knockout” (Przez nokaut,
TVP 1’s Director’s prize at the Polish Short Film Festival, Krakow); “I am a Murderer” (Jestem mordercà...); “It
will Remain a Legend” (Zostanie legenda).
feature filmography
2001-2002: Dreams to Come True (Marzenia do spe∏nienia, TV series, co-director); 2001: Inferno [in:]
Generation 2000 (Inferno [w:] Pokolenie 2000; the Golden Debut Award at Cierlicke Lato Filmowe Festival, honorable mention
at the Avanca International Film Festival, the Bronze Award at the Houston International Film Festival); 2002: For Good and for
Bad (Na dobre i na z∏e, TV series, co-director); 2002-2005: Just Life (Samo ˝ycie; TV series, co-director); 2003-2005: For Good
and for Bad (Na dobre i na z∏e; TV series, co-director).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Surfers' Time / Czas surferów
director Jacek Gàsiorowski screenplay Tomasz Wieleba, Jacek Gàsiorowski director of photography Jaros∏aw Szoda music Dominik
DONIU Grabowski art director Marcin Aziukiewicz costume design Anna Goroƒska film editor Adam Kwiatek sound design
Marian Bogacki produced by Farat Film, ul. Notecka 22, 02-427 Warszawa, phone (+48 22) 863 12 70, fax (+48 22) 863 12 69,
e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Best Film, Canal+ Polska, Film Production Agency producer Robert Sojka
co-producers Krzysztof Dumieƒski, Witold Dàbrowski, Kazimierz Sioma production manager Artur P´dziƒski cast Krzysztof
Skarbiƒski (Fifi), Bogus∏aw Linda (D˝oker), Bartosz Obuchowicz (Bonus), Micha∏ Nowaczyk (Kozio∏), Zbigniew
Zamachowski (Klama), Marian Dzi´dziel (kidnapped man), Grzegorz Warcho∏ (Czarnecki), Agnieszka Maciàg (Mrs.
Czarnecka) world sales Farat Film, e-mail [email protected]
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby stereo digital, 85’, Poland 2005
“Surfers’ Time” is a criminal comedy.
The plan looks simple at first: to find and kidnap Czarnecki, a businessman, who fired Dzoker two years before. This is a
good reason for Dzoker to crave revenge. He has been collecting information about his former boss and finally finds
something on him: It seems Czarnecki has a debt with Klama, a dangerous gangster. Czarnecki is well aware that his
situation is serious so he decides to disappear. The only thing Dzoker has to do is to find Czarnecki, kidnap him, and scare
him to death by introducing himself as Klama’s accomplice; next, collect the debt and run away. Then Czarnecki,
convinced he has already paid his debt, will resurface and cruel Klama will take proper care of him. There is only one
problem: Dzoker cannot kidnap Czarnecki himself because Czarnecki knows him! So as executors he chooses Fifi, Bonus
and Koziol; his friends who have nothing better to do than having pointless conversations and watching gangster movies.
But are they skilled enough to accomplish the task?
Jacek Gàsiorowski
is a director and a screenwriter. He graduated from the Sorbonne University in Paris
in 1975, where he majored in philosophy and Polish literature. He is also a graduate of the Silesian
University (1981) in Katowice, where he studied at the Film and TV Department.
He was a co-screenwriter of “Danton” by Andrzej Wajda. Gàsiorowski was a lecturer at the School of
Film and Television in Chantilly, France, from 1988 to 1990.
He has written many plays and adaptations for Polish TV Theater and directed various feature and
documentary films for Polish and French TV.
selected filmography
1985: Visage de chien (The Face of the Dog; France, Perspectives of French Cinema Award at the International
Film Festival Cannes, the Audience Award at the “Cinema and Music” Film Festival in Aix en Provence); 1991: Yes, Yes (Tak tak; coproduction France - Poland); 1992: Evasion (French TV, Channel 6); 1999: Les sept vies du docteur Laux (French TV, Channel 6); 20032005: On Wspolna Street (Na Wspólnej; TV show, co-director, supervising producer)
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Tower / Wie˝a
director Agnieszka Trzos screenplay Agnieszka Trzos director of photography Andrzej Musia∏ music Stanis∏aw Sojka, Matt Kowalsky art
director Kinga Babczyƒska costume design Ma∏gorzata Chachaj, Gabriela Kotowska film editor Cezary Grzesiuk sound design Bartek
Putkiewicz produced by Akili Films s. c., ul. Kazimierzowska 74/15, 02-518 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 849 12 73, mobile +48 602 530
597 e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency; Film Production Agency producers Agnieszka Trzos,
Bo˝ena Krakówka cast Agnieszka Warchulska (Ewa), Robert Gonera (Bartek), Agata Stawarz (Betty), Rafa∏ Maçkowiak
(Adam), Zofia Bartoszewicz (Kasia), Mariusz Zaniewski (Mateusz) world sales Akili Films s. c., Polish Television – International
Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail [email protected]
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby SR, 96’, Poland 2005
Set in Warsaw. The main characters of this film are three women and four men. They are thirtysomething single
professionals, tied into social circles heavily associated with art, advertising, media and business. They crave
love but are afraid to lose control of their own lives. “The Tower” is a film about the paralyzing fear of closeness
and the impossibility of developing mature relationships in the surrounding world of glitz, appearances and
Agnieszka Trzos
was born in 1971 in Warsaw. She is a graduate of Warsaw University (Journalism) and Lodz
Film School (TV Production).
She started working for Polish TV in 1995.
She has made several documentaries, including “Somebody Has Thrown a Stone in my Face” (KtoÊ rzuci∏ mi
w twarz kamieniem; 1997) and “The Complaint” (Skarga; 2000). Her film “The Witches” (Wiedêmy; 2001) has
been screened at numerous film festivals, for example the Bordeaux International Festival “Women in Cinema”; the Polish Film
Festival at the Polish Cultural Institute, London, Mar Del Plata International Film Festival.
“The Tower” is Agnieszka Trzos’ feature debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Tree Doctor / Lekarz drzew
director Janusz Zaorski screenplay Jerzy Niemczuk director of photography Andrzej Wolf music Andrzej Kurylewicz, Zespó∏
Gribojedow costume design Ida Karpiƒska film editor Milenia Fiedler sound design Grzegorz Nawara, Leszek Freund cast
Magdalena Ró˝czka (Kaja), Tadeusz Szymków (Szymon), Maria Pakulnis (She) produced by ZA PRODUCTION Janusz
Zaorski phone/fax (+48 22) 648 05 63, (+48) 603 957 766 executive producer Janusz Zaorski, ZA PRODUCTION producers Jerzy
Niemczuk, Andrzej Wolf, Janusz Zaorski production manager Anna Krzysztofowicz world sales open
Betacam SP, color, 1:1,85, Dolby stereo A-type, 73’, Poland 2005
Szymon finds a naked woman by a lake and takes her to his secluded house. Initially she is in a state of shock but
slowly opens up and starts talking about herself. Through the course of the following days she tells him
strange although plausible stories from her life. Each of her stories contradicts another. Like Sheherezade
she tries to get the listener interested in order that he keeps her for one more night. It is impossible to find
out which version of her story is true. It looks like the girl is playing a double game: sometimes she seems to
be a woman who went through a lot of trauma but sometimes sounds like a child lost within its own lies. But
she is not the only one who has something to hide. The main characters play an ingenious game where mutual
animosity is mixed with fascination and enchantment.
Janusz Zaorski
Born in 1947 in Warsaw. Film director, screenwriter and producer. A graduate of the
¸ódê Film School, Department of Directing, he became the Chairman of the Polish Federation of Film
Clubs (DKF) in 1987. Since 1988 he has been the Artistic Director for the DOM Film Studio. A member
of the Committee of Cinematography from 1987 to 1989, Chairman of the Committee of Radio and
Television (1991-1993), and Chairman of the National Council for Radio and Television (1994-1995).
selected filmography (as a director)
1971: To Run Away As Near As Possible (Uciec jak najbli˝ej); 1974: Promotion (Awans;
The Grand Prix at the PFF in Gdaƒsk); 1974: Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (Chleba naszego powszedniego); 1975: A
Partite for a Woodwind Instrument (Partita na instrument drewniany); 1977: A Room Overlooking the Sea (Pokój z widokiem
na morze); 1982: Mother of Kings (Matka Królów; Grand Prix at the PFF in Gdynia 1987); 1984: A Baritone (Baryton;
Special Jury Prize at the PFF Gdynia); 1985: Bodensee (Jezioro Bodeƒskie; Golden Leopard at the IFF in Locarno); 1988:
The Soccer Poker (Pi∏karski poker); 1997: A Happy New York (Szcz´Êliwego Nowego Jorku; prize for the Best Director at
the PFF, Gdynia); 2004: Saved by a Miracle [in:] Polish Loves TV show (Cudownie ocalony [w:] Polskie mi∏oÊci).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
What the Sun Saw / Co s∏onko widzia∏o
director Micha∏ Rosa screenplay Micha∏ Rosa director of photography Andrzej Szulkowski music Mateusz Pospieszalski art director Jerzy Talik
costume design Monika Jagodziƒska film editor Krzysztof Szpetmaƒski sound design Piotr Domaradzki cast Damian Hryniewicz
(Sebastian), Dominika Kuêniak (Marta), Krzysztof Stroiƒski (Józef), Jadwiga Jankowska-CieÊlak (Józef’s wife), Tomasz Sapryk
(father), Kinga Preis (brunette), Ma∏gorzata Hajewska-Krzysztofik (mother), Jan Prochyra (grandfather), Jan Machulski
(photographer), Rafa∏ Maçkowiak (Adrian), Andrzej Mastalerz (Henryk) produced by Filmcontract Ltd., ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724
Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22) 841 65 91, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency,
Documentary and Feature Film Studio, Film Production Agency (co-financing) producer Henryk Romanowski production manager
Dariusz Sidor world sales Filmcontract Ltd.
tv version Betacam, 3 x 55’; screen version 35 mm, 110’, Poland 2006
It is a hot July in a big Silesian city. Three people - Sebastian - a small boy, Marta - a teenage girl and fiftysomething
Jozef do not know each other but they have one thing in common: all of them are determined to quickly make
some money. The sum does not need to be big; however it seems impossible for them at the very moment to make
anything at all. “What the Sun Saw” consists of three stories (which are parallel but at the same time interlink)
about people who determinedly struggle with everyday life to maintain their dignity, to change their lives and
not to lose their dreams. Their stories are tales of passion, courage and pride.
The characters of Sebastian, Marta and Jozef, however unreal are based on authentic newspaper headlines, telltale
stories, police reports, randomly observed scenes and overheard conversations.
Michal Rosa
was born in 1963 in Zabrze. He is a film director and screenwriter. Rosa is a graduate of the
Silesian Polytechnic (architecture), and the Radio and TV School at the Silesian University, where he studied
film directing. He has been a lecturer there since the mid-nineties.
feature filmography
1994: Hectic Thursday (Goràcy czwartek; debut award at the Polish Film Festival,
Gdynia); 1997: Farba (The Film Club Award at the PFF, Gdynia); 2001: Silence (Cisza; award for directing at the PFF,
Gdynia, Ecumenical Jury Award at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The Wild Rider / Dziki jeêdziec
working title
director Adam Guziƒski screenplay Adam Guziƒski based on the short story “The Wild Rider” by Tarjei Vessaas director of
photography Jolanta Dylewska art director Anna Wunderlich costume design Aneta Flis film editor Jaros∏aw Kamiƒski cast Piotr
Bajor (Jerzy), Aleksandra Justa (Maria), Krzysztof Lis (Janek), Krzysztof Radkowski (Tomasz), W∏adys∏aw Kowalski (head
of the ward), Anna Seniuk (nurse), Teresa Sawicka (nurse at the ward), Ma∏gorzata Hajewska (saleswomen at the bakery),
Bart∏omiej Bobrowski (young writer), Stanis∏aw Penksyk (bus driver), Tadeusz Madeja (old man on the bus) produced by Opus
Film, ul. ¸àkowa 29, 90-554 ¸ódê, phone (+48 42) 634 55 26, fax (+48 42) 634 55 49, mobile (+48) 604 070 775, e-mail
[email protected] co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency; Polish Film Institute (co-financing) producer Piotr Dzi´cio∏,
¸ukasz Dzi´cio∏ production coordinator Marcin Adamczewski production manager Jacek Gawryszczak world sales Polish Television
– International Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail: [email protected]
35 mm, black & white, Dolby SR, Poland 2006
Jerzy, a middle aged writer lives with his wife and six-year-old son in the countryside.
He has not written anything in a while and it appears that he is going through some kind of creative crisis. This
situation negatively affects his finances as well as his relationship with his wife. In the course of the film it turns
out his son must undergo simple surgery. Jerzy and his son travel to the city. The little boy is initially very happy
by the trip but he does not know he will have to stay in hospital. He feels cheated and disappointed when his
father leaves him there. The surgery is successful and a phone conversation between Jerzy his wife seems to
solve their marital problems. Everything seems to be fine... Jerzy feels content. Then he gets a call from the chief
surgeon urging him to return to the hospital...
Adam Guziƒski
was born in 1970 in Konin. He is a graduate of the National Film School in Lodz, where he
studied film directing.
His short feature “Antichrist” won him a Grand Prix at the Bilbao Film Festival, a special mention at the Torino
Film Festival, the Student Prize at the Short Film Festival in Nice, and the “La Luna de Valencia de Plata”
Award at the Valencia Film Festival.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Windmill Bar / Bar pod M∏ynkiem
director Andrzej Kondratiuk screenplay Andrzej Kondratiuk director of photography Andrzej Kondratiuk art director Andrzej Kondratiuk
costume design Andrzej Kondratiuk film editors Józef Romasz, S∏awomir Piernik, Andrzej Kondratiuk sound design Micha∏ Muzyka,
Iga Cembrzyƒska cast Celina Przygoda-Nalepa (Celina), Roman Mielczarek (Roman), El˝bieta Mieleszczuk (Mrs. NadleÊna;
winter guest), Andrzej Kondratiuk (beggar; K∏ak, the village mafia boss), Tadeusz Lis (champion), Marek Morawski (Marek),
Monika Morawska (Monika), Waldemar Otton (Waldek), Zdzis∏aw Kmiotek (Stasio; winter guest) produced by Polish Television
– Film Agency, ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax (+48 22) 547 42 25 executive producer Iga-Film
phone/fax (+48 22) 659 13 28, e-mail: [email protected] production manager Iga Cembrzyƒska world sales Polish Television –
International Cooperation and Trade Office, phone (+48 22) 547 61 39, fax (+48 22) 547 75 83, e-mail: [email protected]
Betacam SP, color, Dolby stereo SR, 79’, Poland 2005
Celina, a single unemployed spinner, borrows money to open a fast food restaurant. Roman, a newly single laborer
with no job helps her. Despite the popular menu including marinated herring, tripe, chicken legs, draft beer and
vodka there are few customers. Roman decides the restaurant needs marketing and places a sign by the local
road. Shortly gangsters show up to extort money. Roman stands up for Celina...
Andrzej Kondratiuk
was born in Piƒsk in 1936. He is a film director, screenwriter and cinematographer. He
received his degree in cinematography at the Lodz Film School in 1963, where he also studied film directing.
Kondratiuk has written and directed various theatrical plays as well as short and experimental films.
Kondratiuk received numerous awards at festivals within Poland and abroad. He is the winner of an honorary
Jaƒcio Wodnik Award at the “Prowincjonalia” Festival.
selected filmography
1970: The Hydro-Riddle (Hydrozagadka), A Hole in the Ground (Dziura w ziemi; Grand Prix at IFF Karlovy
Vary); 1972: A Scorpio, a Virgo and a Sagittarius (Skorpion, Panna i ¸ucznik); 1973: How They Do It (Jak to si´ robi), The
Entranced (Wniebowzi´ci); 1979: The Full Moon (Pe∏nia); 1982: Stardust (Gwiezdny py∏; TV, special prize at the PFF Gdaƒsk;
Prix Futura, West Berlin); 1984: The Four Seasons of the Year (Cztery pory roku; Gdaƒsk Bronze Lions at the PFF GdaƒskGdynia, Bronze Leopard at the IFF Locarno); 1990: The Milky Way (Mleczna droga); 1995: A Spindle of Time (Wrzeciono
czasu; special prize at the PFF Gdynia, special prize at the IFF Moscow), 1997: Sundial (S∏oneczny zegar); 2001: The Prodigal
Daughter (Córa marnotrawna).
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Who Never Lived / Kto nigdy nie ˝y∏
director Andrzej Seweryn screenplay Maciej Strzembosz director of photography Piotr Wojtowicz music Jan A. P. Kaczmarek art
director Janusz Sosnowski costume design Dorota Roqueplo set decorator Wies∏awa Chojkowska film editor Anne Goursaud,
Wojciech Mrówczyƒski sound design Piotr Knop, Krzysztof Wodziƒski cast Micha∏ ˚ebrowski (Father Jan), Joanna Sydor
(Marta), Robert Janowski (Pawe∏), Teresa Marczewska (Jan’s mother), Stefan Burczyk (confessor), Andrzej ˚arnecki
(bishop), Cezary Iber (Krzysztof), Natalia Rybicka (Kasia), Mateusz Banasiuk (Mateusz), Wojciech Mecwaldowski (Artur),
Joanna Liszowska (Elka), Bogus∏aw Parchimowicz (Jarek), Piotr Szczepanik (prior), Aleksander Bednarz (Father Leon),
Robert Wi´ckiewicz (garbage man), Józef Fryêlewicz (pastor), Andrzej Seweryn (ward head), Marek Ka∏u˝yƒski (brother
gate-keeper), Modest Ruciƒski (novice), Joanna Jab∏czyƒska (Marysia), Marcel Nowek (Latin teacher), Maja Bare∏kowska
(Mrs. Leszczyƒska), Andrzej Hudziak (Marysia’s father), Monika Niemczyk (Marysia’s mother), Micha∏ Gadomski
(policeman), Marcin KwaÊny (monk), Tytus Ho∏dys (drug addict) produced by Satchwell Warszawa sp. z o.o., ul. Che∏mska 21
bld. 21, 00-724 Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22) 851 42 16, 851 44 49, e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Polish
Television – Film Agency, Documentary and Feature Film Studio, Film Studio KADR, Film Production Agency (co-financing)
producer Miros∏aw S∏owiƒski production manager Józef Jarosz world sales Satchwell Warszawa, Polish Television
35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby digital, 106’, Poland 2006
A young priest works with drug addicted youth. His supervisors do not like his attitude towards his work and the
fact that he is very well liked by his pupils. When he gets an order to start studies in Rome, he is convinced
the authorities are attempting to isolate him from his believers.
Andrzej Seweryn
was born in 1946 in Heilbronn (Germany). He is an actor, director and teacher. He is a
graduate of the National Theater Academy in Warsaw where he studied Drama. Seweryn has received
numerous acting awards. He immigrated to France in the eighties where he acted at the Odeon and Chaillot
stage theaters in Paris and TNP in Lyon. He started working with Comedie Fran˜aise in 1993.
He is best known for his roles in Andrzej Wajda’s films, such as “Promised Land” (Ziemia obiecana, 1974),
“Rough Treatment” (Bez znieczulenia, 1978), “The Conductor” (Dyrygent, 1979, the Silver Bear Award for
best actor at the International Film Festival in Berlin); “Man of Iron” (Cz∏owiek z ˝elaza, 1981), “Danton”
(1982), “Pan Tadeusz” (1999), “The Revenge” (Zemsta, 2002).
Seweryn has also acted in films by other Polish directors (including Jan Rybkowski, Krzysztof KieÊlowski, Jerzy Domaradzki,
Janusz Zaorski, Janusz Majewski, Andrzej ˚u∏awski, Sylwester Ch´ciƒski and Agnieszka Holland) as well as in French,
American, Italian, German and English films. They include “The Mahabharata” (dir. Peter Brook), “Schindler’s List” (dir.
Steven Spielberg) and “La Condanna” (dir. Marco Belocchio).
Seweryn was a lecturer at the National Theater Academy in Warsaw, Poland and at the National Academy of Art and
Theater in Lyon, France. Currently he works as a teacher in the Paris Conservatoire, which is the oldest theater school in
France. He is also a member (societaire) of Comedie Fran˜aise.
In 1996 Andrzej Seweryn received an award for the best actor in France. He was awarded an Order of the Cross “Polonia
Restituta” in Poland (1997). In France, he received the Order of Art and Literature in 1994, Orde National du Merite in 1999,
and Légion d’honneur in 2005.
He has directed stage plays at the National Theater in Warsaw as well as at the Comedie Fran˜aise in Paris.
“Who Never Lived” is Seweryn’s feature directorial debut in film.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
The World is Waiting for Us / Czeka na nas Êwiat
director Robert Krzempek screenplay Robert Krzempek director of photography Adam Nocoƒ music Czarna Dziura, Tomasz Jarczyk,
Przemys∏aw Witkowicz art director Elwira Pluta costume design Katarzyna Kaƒska-Sierociƒska, Agnieszka Modelska-Paluch film
editor Aleksandra Gruziel, Robert Krzempek sound design Andrzej ˚abicki cast Sebastian Pawlak (Fazi), Jadwiga Lesiak (Fazi’s
mother), Bartosz Zukowski (Sproket), Cezary ˚ak (rich man), Jerzy Trela (owner of meat consignment shop), El˝bieta Okupska
(Barbara), Jerzy ¸apiƒski (clerk at the employment office), Henryk Go∏´biewski (scrap-metal collector), Jerzy Matula
(warehouseman at the supermarket) produced by Documentary and Feature Film Studio, ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724 Warsaw,
phone/fax (+48 22) 840 18 86; e-mail [email protected] co-produced by Film Studio ZEBRA, Film Studio PERSPEKTYWA, Film
Production Agency (co-financing) producer W∏odzimierz Niderhaus co-producers Juliusz Machulski, Janusz Morgenstern production
manager Anna Wojdat world sales open
35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby stereo SR, 95’, Poland 2006
“The World is Waiting for Us” is a comedy. Fazi, a 30-year-old bachelor lives alone in a small apartment on the
suburbs of a big city. He has been supported for years by his mother, who always gives him half of her monthly
pension. One day a terrible thing happens:
The mailman who usually delivers pensions to senior citizens runs away with the money. As a result Fazi’s mother
cannot give him his monthly “allowance”. In addition to this, she has to go to a convalescent home for a couple
of weeks. Fazi has nothing else but a piece of bread and a bottle of ketchup in his fridge and two zlotys in his
pocket. Will he survive in the brutal world, ruled by principles that differ so much from his mother’s care?
Robert Krzempek
born in 1968 in Cz´stochowa, is a screenwriter and director. He graduated from Warsaw
University (political science) and the Silesian University (film directing).
He won the first prize in the Hartley Merrill International Screenwriting Competition (Polish section of the
competition) in 2004.
“The World is Waiting for Us” is his feature debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Wrong Number / Nie ma takiego numeru
director Bartosz Brzeskot screenplay Bartosz Brzeskot director of photography Remigiusz Prze∏o˝ny music S∏awomir Kurkiewicz art
director Zbigniew Cygler costume design Gabriela Kokot, Marcin Kokot film editor Jaros∏aw Barzan sound design Marek
Wagner cast Marcel Wiercichowski (Melchior), Agnieszka åwik (Szpula), Bogus∏aw Semotiuk (Count), Piotr Plewa (Peter),
Tomasz Wywio∏ (Fat), Dariusz Starczewski (Spaniard), Bartosz Brzeskot (Koniakowski), Jan Machulski (Kwintowski), Jan
Nowicki (crook), Agnieszka Pawlak (receptionist), Agnieszka Grzybowska (psychologist) produced by Vidia Cinema,
ul. Spó∏dzielcza 25/1, 75-205 Koszalin, mobile phone (+48) 609 604 894, e-mail: [email protected] producer
Tomasz Wywio∏ production manager Artur Olejniczak distributed by ITI Film Studio, ITI Cinema, ul. Wiertnicza 166, 02-952
Warsaw world sales open
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby stereo digital, 108’, Poland 2005
A group of friends decide to make the robbery of their lives. They want to steal money from a casino which is
involved in laundering the money of corrupted politicians. To rob the thief bigger than themselves, they have to
bypass the casino security system which was designed by the most prestigious burglars ever known. They need a
really precise plan. However, unexpected complications can always arise...
Bartosz Brzeskot
was born in Koszalin in 1968. He has won many awards at literary contests and a
scholarship in Paris. He is the director and screenwriter for Noc Kata Cabaret, a founder of Bez Oparcia
Cabaret and a leader of Rafal Kmita’s Quasi Cabaret. Brzeskot has also won numerous awards at satirical
contests, such as the Paka Festival’s Grand Prix (he is a three time winner) and was named the “Individual
of the Year” twice. He has written song lyrics and received the Grand Prix at the OPPA Festival. Recently
he has started working as the Editor in Chief of the “Garbus - pismo nie dla prostych” (The Hunchback. A
Magazine for all but the ordinary), a satirical magazine which was named “The biggest hope of Europe” at the “Satyrykon”
Festival of Satire.
Bartosz Brzeskot runs “B&P” - an agency for announcers - and writes TV screenplays.
“Wrong Number” is his film debut.
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Wszyscy jesteÊmy Chrystusami / english title tba
director Marek Koterski screenplay Marek Koterski director of photography Edward K∏osiƒski music Jerzy Satanowski art director
Przemys∏aw Kowalski costume design Magdalena Biedrzycka, Justyna Stolarz film editor Ewa Smal sound design Maria Chilarecka
cast Marek Kondrat (Adam Miauczyƒski, me), Andrzej Chyra (Adam, younger me), Ma∏gorzata Bogdaƒska (Beata), Janina
Traczykówna (mother), Micha∏ Koterski (Sylwester), Katarzyna Figura (registrar), Maria Ciunelis (female vulture), Andrzej
Mastalerz (male vulture), Wojciech Wysocki (dean), Marek Siudym (Ràczka), Andrzej Grabowski (fellow), Lech Dyblik (funeral
director), Jerzy Boƒczak (bum), Zbigniew Buczkowski (bartender), Anna Przybylska (fellow’s wife), Marcin KwaÊny (Christ),
Micha∏ Bieliƒski (student), Rafa∏ Dajbor (student), Pawe∏ Domaga∏a (student), Gabriela Frycz (student), Emilia Gacka (student),
Magdalena Górska (student), Mateusz Grydlik (student), Sylwia Krebs (student), Sylwia Najach (student), Katarzyna Zieliƒska
(student), Jacek Wytrzyma∏y (guy at the party), ¸ukasz Simlat (little me’s father), Joanna Sienkiewicz, Ma∏gorzata
Zajàczkowska, Witold Skaruch produced by Vision Film Production ul. Rydygiera 7, 01-793 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 839 13 71,
839 05 75, fax (+48 22) 839 13 67, co-financing Film Production Agency/Polish Film Institute producer W∏odzimierz
Otulak production manager Piotr Ânieg world sales Vision Film Distribution Company ul. Rydygiera 7, 01-793 Warsaw, phone
(+48 22) 839 60 09, 839 05 75 fax (+48 22) 839 13 67
35 mm, color, cinemascope, Dolby digital 104’, Poland 2006
“Would you like to tell me something, sonny?” Father dared to ask.
“I wished you were dead” confessed the Son to his Father.
Father, Adam Miauczyƒski (50), a Cultural Sciences graduate, is an
alcoholic. When we meet him, he has not been drinking and for the last
couple of years has been undergoing therapy whilst slowly sobering up.
When the film starts, Adam asks his beloved son Sylwester(20), if he’d
like to tell him anything. The son confides that there was a point some
time ago, at the end of Adam’s drinking period, when he, Sylwester,
Adam’s own son, wished him dead and even contemplated killing him.
Sylwester tells the story of how he came to this point and recalls
memories from his life with his Father.
All he remembers is his Father’s drinking and his own fear. He tells of
how drunk Adam was constantly trying to get out of his room and Beata,
Sylwester’s mom and Adam’s wife, kept pushing him back into the room.
They were always fighting and quarreling and little Sylwester was
afraid to return home and prayed that his father would not try to leave
his room.
He also recalls of when Adam peed on the neighbor’s door and Beata
stabbed him with a knife and he, little Sylwester, was so ashamed of his
father, that he did not go out to play with his friends...
When Sylwester unveils his painful memories, Adam’s own memory rewinds like a tape: his Father was also an alcoholic and
Adam was afraid and ashamed of him. As a child Adam swore never to expose his own son to such fear and embarrassment.
And yet...
Marek Koterski
was born in Krakow in 1942. He is a film and stage director, playwright and screenwriter. He is a
graduate of Wroc∏aw University, where he majored in Polish Language and Literature. Koterski also studied Art
History and Painting. He graduated from ¸ódê Film School in 1971. His literary debut was “To Scoop with the Hand”
(Zaczerpnàç d∏onià), a story about the death of Zbyszek Cybulski, a Polish movie star from the sixties. His
achievements as a stage director include “Inner Life” (˚ycie wewn´trzne) which won the Ayckbourne and Fray
Award for the best play staged in Poland in 1987, at the Wspó∏czesny Theater in Warsaw. He also directed “I Hate”
(Nienawidz´) at the Wspó∏czesny Theater in Wroc∏aw (1990); “The Teeth” (Z´by), the Dramatyczny Theater,
Warsaw 1996; “The Madhouse” (Dom wariatów), the Ateneum Theater, Warsaw 1998, and several plays in theaters in Krakow,
Rzeszów and Wa∏brzych. Koterski also worked for TV Theater, where he directed plays such as “Community” (Spo∏ecznoÊç) and
“The Three of Us” (Nas troje). He has also made numerous short films.
Marek Koterski exclusively directs films based upon his own screenplays.
feature filmography
1984: Madhouse (Dom wariatów; the Film Critics Award for the best debut of the year at the “Youth and Film”
Festival in Koszalin); 1986: Inner Life (˚ycie wewn´trzne; Grand Prix - the Gdaƒsk Lions for directing, Polish Film Critics Award - the
Warsaw Mermaid for best feature film), 1989: Porno (Porno; the blockbuster of 1990); 1995: Nothing Funny (Nic Êmiesznego); 1999:
Iloveyou (Ajlawiu); 2002: The Day of the Wacko (Dzieƒ Êwira; Grand Prix at the Polish Film Festival, Gdynia, Polish Filmmakers
Association Award for “creative portrayal of contemporary life”, individual awards: Marek Kondrat for acting, Maria Chilarecka
for sound - Gdynia, Eagle - Polish Film Award in the screenplay category; nominated in 8 categories, among others for best film and
New Polish Films 2006
feature films
Your Name Is Justine / Masz na imi´ Justine
director Franco de Peña screenplay Franco de Peña, Tomasz K´pski, Chris Burdza director of photography Arek Tomiak music Nikos
Kypourgos art director Christina Schaffer costume design Ulli Kremer film editor Jaros∏aw Kamiƒski sound design Jan Freda cast
Anna CieÊlak (Mariola), Arno Frisch (Niko), Rafa∏ Maçkowiak (Artur Bald), Barbara Wa∏kówna (Mariola’s grandmother),
Ma∏gorzata Buczkowska (Hania, Mariola’s friend), Katarzyna Cygler (Ola, Mariola’s friend), Mathieu Carriere (Gunther),
Dominique Pinon (“uncle” Goran), Jale Arikan (Nadenka), David Scheller (Jurij), Franck Sasonoff (Oman) produced by Opus
Film, ul. ¸àkowa 29, 90-554 ¸ódê, phone (+48 42) 634 55 00, fax (+48 42) 634 55 49, e-mail [email protected] co-produced
by Hemispheres Films; Polish Television – Film Agency ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 81 67, fax
(+48 22) 547 42 25; Canal+, ul. Kawalerii 5, 00-468 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 657 09 42, fax (+48 22) 657 77 30
co-financing Eurimages; Film Production Agency; Luxembourg Film Fund executive producer Piotr Dzi´cio∏ (Opus Film) producers
Piotr Dzi´cio∏, Stephan Carpiaux, Wioletta Gradkowska production manager Henryk Parnowski, Brigitte Kerger-Santos
world sales open
35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Dolby stereo digital, 97’, Poland – Germany – Luxembourg 2005
Mariola would like to break out of the small town where she lives. She dreams of a better life. Her boyfriend
Artur invites her for a short vacation to Germany where he lives and offers to introduce her to his parents.
On their way they decide to spend the night with Artur’s friends in Berlin. When the friends show up, they
hand him a sum of money: Mariola has just been sold to be a prostitute.
Two million people are sold worldwide every year. 200 thousand of them are women sold to work in brothels.
15 thousand of them are Polish women. Peña’s film is a story about one of them.
Franco de Peña
director and screenwriter was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1966. He graduated
from the National Film School in Lodz in 1995, where he majored in film directing. De Peña has made
numerous award winning short films and documentaries: 1993: “It May Be a Sin that I am Praying”
(Mo˝e to grzech, ˝e si´ modl´; main Jury Prize at the Caracas International Film Festival, second prize
at the Philadelphia International Film Festival, The Golden Dragon Award at the International Short
Film Festival in Krakow); 1997: “The Future of Illusions” (El porvenir de una illusion; FIPRESCI Prize at the
Krakow International Film Festival, the Prix Europe Award for the best documentary at the Mediawave Film Festival in
feature filmography
2003: Love in the Urban Jungle (Amor en concreto; France - Germany - Venezuela)
New Polish Films 2006
New Polish Films 2006
Behind The Fence / Za p∏otem
The Children of Leningradsky / Dzieci z Leningradzkiego
The Body of God / Bo˝e Cia∏o
director & screenplay Marcin Sauter
cinematography Dawid Soko∏owski
produced by Andrzej Wajda Master
School of Film Directing,
ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724 Warsaw,
phone (+48 22) 851 10 57, fax
(+48 22) 851 10 67, e-mail
[email protected]
color, 12’, Poland 2005
“Behind the Fence” is an attempt
to recreate the childhood
memories of vacations and
hot summers - when the long
days looked like they would
never end. There were so
many new things to discover,
so many dilemmas to solve
and so many problems to think
over in depth...
This film documents one day
from the life of the children in
a small village, spending the
summertime in the backyard of
their family home. They play
together, have their little
conflicts and encounter
unexpected problems...
director, screenplay & cinematography Adam
Sikora produced by Studio Largo
ul. Szwedzka 74/4, 30-315 Kraków,
phone (+48 12) 259 09 70, fax
(+48 12) 259 09 71, e-mail
[email protected] for Polish
Television - Program I
color, 50’, Poland 2005
This film tells the story of some
old coal miners. Their work
and families were always the
most important things in their
lives. Now, without jobs or
any social benefits from the
State, they live in extreme
poverty. Their children and
grandchildren are growing up
without any values.
directors Hanna Polak,
Andrzej Celiƒski
cinematography Hanna
Polak, Andrzej
Celiƒski, Hans Jurgen
Burkard film editor
Ewa RomanowskaRó˝ewicz sound editor
Micha∏ Dominowski
produced by Forte – Andrzej Celiƒski
Hanna Polak, e-mail
[email protected]
producers Hanna Polak, Andrzej
color, 35’, Poland 2004
In post-Soviet Russia there are
approximately two to four
million homeless children. In
Moscow about 30 thousand of
them live on the streets and in
train stations. Abandoned and
forgotten by their families,
ignored by adults and with no
support from the State, they
live their lives as outcasts
from Russian society. The film
presents several of these kids
and teenagers who beg and
work as prostitutes to support
themselves. They take drugs to
kill their hunger and forget
about the cruel world that
surrounds them.
New Polish Films 2006
Dwarfs Go to Ukraine / Krasnoludki jadà na Ukrain´
The End of the Street / Koniec ulicy
director & screenplay
Miros∏aw Dembiƒski
cinematography Szymon
Lenkowski, Micha∏
Âlusarczyk, Maciej
Szafnicki narrator
Zamachowski film editor Miros∏aw
Dembiƒski sound Grzegorz Lindemann
production manager Miros∏awa
Dembiƒska produced by Film Studio
Everest, pl. Zwyci´stwa 2 d/2, 90-312
¸ódê, e-mail [email protected]
phone (+48 42) 676 75 41, Polish
Television – Program I
co-financing Film Production Agency
color, 55’, Poland 2005
Shortly after the introduction of
martial law in Poland in 1981
people started to write antigovernmental slogans on the
walls of city buildings. The
communist authorities ordered
these slogans to be painted over.
Then Waldemar Major Fydrych,
the leader of a movement called
“Pomaranczowa Alternatywa”
(Orange Alternative), which was
famous for its performance of
street happenings, conceived the
idea of drawing pictures of
dwarfs on the freshly painted
surfaces. Soon enough dwarfs
started parading the streets and
created happenings entitled
“There is no Freedom without
Dwarfs”. The arrests of the
dwarfs who participated in the
street happenings totally ridiculed
the communist authorities in the
eyes of Polish society.
New Polish Films 2006
director & screenplay Anna St´pczak-
When the “Orange
Revolution” in the Ukraine
erupted in 2004, the awakened
dwarfs took off in an orange
bus to help the
revolutionaries, bringing along
items of support, such as a
thousand orange hats and two
chocolate heads which closely
resembled the heads of the
presidential candidates. On
their way to the Ukraine the
dwarfs stopped many times to
perform, collecting signatures
supporting candidates on a
gigantic orange ribbon. They
also knitted a long scarf which
was started earlier in Warsaw
by the Ukrainian singer
When the dwarfs arrived in
Kiev, a two hundred meter
long orange ribbon was
dangled over their tent
village. The chocolate head
of Yushchenko was given to
the Orange Revolution
Museum and Yanukovych’s
head was eaten.
Patyk cinematography S∏awomir
Bergaƒski, Anna St´pczak-Patyk
produced by Andrzej Wajda Master
School of Film Directing,
ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724 Warsaw,
phone (+48 22) 851 10 67; fax
(+48 22) 841 10 57, e-mail
[email protected]
color, 20’, Poland 2005
There is a little street in a small
town in the Silesia region
where people all know each
other and likewise know
everything about one another.
The rhythm of their everyday
lives is reckoned with by work
shifts at the local coal mine.
But soon this little street will
disappear: it will be replaced
by a highway. The memories
of life as it was will remain
alive only in the consciousness
of the former residents and in
this documentary.
The newly elected president,
Yushchenko, accepted the
orange scarf as a symbol of
the unity between the Ukraine,
Poland and the world. The
dwarfs’ mission was then
From the Auschwitz Chronicle / Z kroniki Auschwitz
director Micha∏ Bukojemski screenplay
Marek Miller, Micha∏ Bukojemski
based upon “Europe According to
Auschwitz”, the Report-Chronicle
by Marek Miller cinematography
Micha∏ Bukojemski music Zygmunt
Konieczny film editor Joanna
Wojtulewicz, on-line Marcin
Bukojemski sound design Jacek
KuÊmierczyk, Andrzej
Kaczmarczyk produced by Digit-Film,
e-mail [email protected] co-produced
by Polish Television – Program II,
ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw,
phone (+48 22) 647 80 88
co-financing Film Production Agency,
Fundacja Dokumentalnego Filmu
producer Micha∏ Bukojemski
color / black & white, Poland 2004
This is a series of five documentaries
made to commemorate the 60th
anniversary of the liberation of the
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration
camp (January 2005).
Chapter One –
The Longest Roll-Call
Rozdzia∏ pierwszy –
Najd∏u˝szy apel
Chapter Two – The Orchestra
Rozdzia∏ drugi – Orkiestra
The Nazis created a symphony orchestra
made up of prisoners from the
concentration camp. The orchestra
played opera, operette music and
dance tunes to the camp crew and
their families. The orchestra members
became aware of one man with blond
hair in a SS uniform, who rarely
missed any rehearsal and was so
focused and dreamy while listening to
the music. There was no doubt he was
a true music lover. But he also loved
his job at the concentration camp:
neither did he miss a single execution.
He personally killed thousands of
Everyday lively marches
accompanied prisoners going to work
and returning to the barracks.
Exhausted with hunger and inhuman
drudgery, they hated the concerts.
Some however managed to forget
about their nightmarish life and feel
some hope when they listened to the
music. When the orchestra played
marches by the American composer
John Philip Sousa, those who were in
the know, knew this was a sign to
spread the news of the Allies’ success.
July of 1944.
Chapter Four – Love
Rozdzia∏ czwarty – Mi∏oÊç
This is a story of love and death between
a Jew - Mala Zimetbaum and a Pole Edek Galinski, in Auschwitz. Mala was
brought to Auschwitz from a
concentration camp in Belgium in
1942. Edek had been a prisoner there
since 1940. Mala was a kind, beautiful
and proud woman. Thanks to her
language skills, exceptional
intelligence and personal charm,
which won over even the camp
commanders, she performed various
duties, often saving lives of her fellow
Edek was a noble, handsome,
exceptionally courageous man.
Together they planned a daring
escape from the camp which they
made on 24 June 1944. Unfortunately
they were captured a few weeks
later, tortured and eventually killed.
Those who knew and loved this
extraordinary Shakespearean couple
recollect their lives in front of the
Chapter Five –
Chapter Three –
The Platform in Birkenau
The Sonderkommando
Rozdzia∏ piàty –
Rozdzia∏ trzeci –
Rampa w Birkenau
One Saturday evening in July 1940, during
a camp roll-call, the authorities
discovered a missing prisoner.
Infuriated with the idea of searching
for a runaway, the SS-men (soldiers
from the Nazi Schutzstaffel units),
wreaked their rage on helpless
prisoners. The prisoners had to stand
still with their arms behind their heads
or crouch with their arms stretched
before them. Whenever they moved,
they were beaten severely. After
twenty hours of such tortures the
camp commander gave the prisoners
permission to return to their barracks.
Only twelve people were capable of
returning to the barracks without
help. The remaining 500 did not
survive the roll-call.
The platform inside the Auschwitz II
Birkenau camp did not open until the
spring of 1944, but in just three months
about half a million Jews passed
through it. It was there that the
selection process took place: only
small numbers of people who were
brought to the camp were qualified
as suitable to work for the Reich. The
majority were sent to the gas
This film presents about 200
photographs taken by a German
camp photographer. They are proof
of the extermination of the Hungarian
Jews, which took place from May to
The first crematory opened in Auschwitz
in August 1940. It was serviced by
prisoners called the stokers.
During the last months of existence of
Birkenau camp, four crematories were
functioning. In each one worked a
different crew, a commando. Once in
a while each crew was replaced with
a new one and sent to death in the
gas chamber. Only 100
Sonderkommando members have
survived and today, after many years,
they talk about their experience.
New Polish Films 2006
Go to Luiza / Idê do Luizy
Hercules / Herkules
Grandpa / Praszczur
director & screenplay
Grzegorz Pacek
cinematography Marek
Traskowski music
Andrzej Smolik sound
B∏a˝ej Kukla film editor
Katarzyna MaciejkoKowalczyk produced by
Wytwórnia Filmowa
Al. Lotników 1, 00-976 Warsaw, phone
(+48 22) 843 20 02; Polish Television –
Program II, Film Production Agency
(co-financing) producer Janusz
Chodnikiewicz production manager
Ewa Dàbrowska, Witold B´dkowski
color, 42’, Poland 2005
Andreas is a black Zulu laborer who
lives in the slums. Gert is a white
Afrikaner who has a managerial
position. This is a mix of blacks
and whites, poverty and wealth,
danger and comfort.
Stach, a Polish immigrant and an
apartheid beneficiary, as single
man and wealthy factory owner,
guides us through the complicated
social relations in South Africa 10
years after the fall of the old
political system.
director & screenplay Lidia Duda
cinematography Robert Ja˝d˝yk
producer Tomasz Polaski produced by
director & film editor Miros∏aw Dembiƒski
Polish Television, Program II,
ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw,
phone (+48 22) 547 80 95
color, 27’, Poland 2004
cinematography Andrzej Musia∏,
Micha∏ Nawrocki, Robert Werenc
music Janek Pospieszalski produced
by Film Studio Everest, pl.
Zwyci´stwa 2d/2, 90-312 ¸ódê,
e-mail [email protected]
phone (+48 42) 676 75 41; Polish
color, 26’, Poland 2005
77 year old Janusz Orlowski,
nicknamed Grandpa, has been
paragliding for a couple of
years. This retired man, full of
energy and joy, dedicates all
his free time to his hobby. The
paragliding community, which
consists mainly of young
people seeking thrill, have
totally accepted him. The
elderly gentleman persistently
fights his age-related
limitations, but when he
occasionally asks for help his
younger collegues never
refuse him.
This is the compelling portrait of
nine-year-old Krzys,
nicknamed “Hercules” by his
relatives. He supports his
family because his parents are
unemployed. Krzys’ mother
used to work in a butcher’s
store and his father at the
local factory. Krzys collects
old pieces of metal in order
to sell and brings home coal
he finds near the railroad.
Meanwhile his parents sit at
home watching TV and
An important event in Krzys’
life is approaching: his First
Grandpa talks about his plans:
“Soon I will be gliding in a
world where there is no
gravity, no pressure, no effort
and no everyday problems.
Only free gliding will exist.”
New Polish Films 2006
I Am with You / Jestem
Old Book Store / Antykwariat
Like a Butterfly / Jak motyl
director & screenplay Maciej Adamek
cinematography Artur ˚urawski music
Jan Duszyƒski film editor S∏awomir
Goêdzik sound Mateusz Adamczyk,
Mariusz Bielecki produced by SPI
International Polska, ul. Tyniecka
38a, 02-621 Warsaw, phone (+48
504) 06 40 37 for Polish Television
Program II producer Piotr Reisch,
Radek StyÊ production manager Maja
color, 26’, Poland 2004
There are situations when parents
live in hospitals with their sick
kids for weeks and sometimes
even years. They leave their
everyday lives and neglect
other family members so the
sick kids do not feel lonely.
“I Am with You” tells the story
of three families and their
kids: Ala, who suffers from a
heart condition and has Down
syndrome, Patrycja, who has a
serious kidney disease and
Dawid, who has cancer.
The film is a touching tale of
parental love, dedication and
director & screenplay
Maciej Cuske
cinematography Radek
director & screenplay Ewa Pi´ta
cinematography Alex Pavloviç
narrator Bart∏omiej Woêniak music
Micha∏ Lorenc produced by MG
Production, ul. Jana III
Sobieskiego 11A, 05-070
Sulejówek; phone (+48 22) 783 56
74 producer Miros∏aw Grubek
color, 28’, Poland 2004
Przemek has been a quadriplegic
since birth. Since he could not
speak, the doctors and
caretakers believed him to be
mentally retarded. Unable to
communicate with the world, he
lived the life of a vegetable
rather than of a human being.
Nobody realized that his brain
did work and Przemek himself
was fully aware of his illness by
the age of six. When he turned
eight he was admitted into a
nursing home. One day, one of
the nurses noticed Przemek
responding to her voice; the boy
looked like he wanted to tell her
something. Przemek quickly
learned the Bliss language, which
consists of signs and symbols.
Today Przemek is 23. He belongs
to the boy-scouts and writes
poems that receive awards and
recognition in various
His story is presented in a film by
Bartlomiej Wozniak, a sound
engineer, whom Przemek
befriended when making “Like a
¸adczuk, Maciej
Cuske produced by
Produkcja Filmów
Jacek B∏awut, ul. Kardyna∏a
Wyszyƒskiego 25 m 31/32,
94-047 ¸ódê, phone/fax
(+48 42) 689 04 79, e-mail
[email protected]
color, 45’, Poland 2005
People come to the old books
store run by Krzysztof in
Warsaw’s Zoliborz district not
only for the books - which
have to be dug out from
under large heaps that crowd
the small shop. The steady
flow of regular customers visit
this place in order to meet
other people, to talk and
share their secrets. Krzysztof,
the owner, cares hugely about
everything. He plays the role
of a mentor and therapist far
more than of a salesman.
New Polish Films 2006
Olter / Olter
One Day in Peoples Poland / Jeden dzieƒ w PRL
One After Another / Po kolei
director & screeenplay
Krystian Matysek
cinematography Krystian
Matysek, Wojciech
Ostrowski music Jacek
Olter and others
producers Marcel
KuÊmierczyk, Maciej
Chmiel production by
Casablanca Studio,
al. KEN 15/101, 02-797
Warsaw, phone (+48
22) 649 11 71 for Polish
Television – Program II, ul. Woronicza
17, 00-999 Warsaw, phone (+48 22)
547 89 03, fax (+48 22) 547 72 96
color, 29’, Poland 2004
This is a documentary about Jacek
Olter, an extremely talented
Polish drummer. He participated in
20 recording sessions of other
musicians but never managed to
make his own record. It has finally
been made recently, some time
after his tragic death. Over 40
outstanding Polish musicians, such
as Leszek Mo˝d˝er, Tymon
Tymaƒski and Miko∏aj Trzaska
took part in this recording.
“Olter” tells the story of an
extraordinary talent and a
damaging disease which neither
Olter nor his friends and relatives
were able to fight.
New Polish Films 2006
director, screenplay, cinematography Maciej
director & screenplay Piotr Stasik
cinematography Piotr Roso∏owski film
J. Drygas music Pawe∏ Szymaƒski
film editor Katarzyna MaciejkoKowalczyk sound design Iwo Klimek
produced by Polish Television –
Program I, ARTE G.E.I.E., ADR
Productions, Drygas Production,
ul. Limanowskiego 11 m 84, 02-943
Warsaw, e-mail
[email protected] co-financing
Film Production Agency, CNC
France production manager Antoni
Sambor world sales ARTE
black & white 58’, Poland – France 2005
editor Anna Dymek produced by
Andrzej Wajda Master School of
Film Directing, ul. Che∏mska 21,
00-724 Warsaw, phone (+48 22)
851 10 67 fax (+48 22) 851 10 57,
e-mail [email protected]
color, 10’, Poland 2005
It is a sleepy afternoon in the
small town in Poland’s
Wielkopolska region.
Suddenly, some of the people
who live there - an old tailor,
a woman, a priest and a boy quit their everyday duties and
hit the road.
What will make it possible for
them to meet again?
It is 27th of September 1962. On this
day nothing particularly special
happened in the PRL (People’s
Republic of Poland, the official
name of Poland under the
The filmmaker Maciej Drygas
presents the reality of the times,
using archival materials found in
public records as well as in
private archives. The film is a
realistic and likewise
metaphorical synthesis of
everyday life in a Poland ruled by
communists for nearly half a
century. We can see the
ridiculous signs of misery and
inefficience of “the economy of
constant shortage”, gloomy but
funny examples of propagandist
lies and numerous cases of
hidden violence. Thanks to the
forces of the communist
government, namely: the police,
the home army, privileged
apparatchiks and tireless secret
police, total control and
monstrous surveillance of society
was possible. All this constituted
an efficient mechanism by which
to constantly harass innocent
On the Road / W drodze
Rat in a Crown / Szczur w koronie
The Ordinary People Uprising /
director & screenplay Maciej Adamek
Powstanie zwyk∏ych ludzi
cinematography Artur ˚urawski
music Andrzej Izdebski film editor
S∏awomir Goêdzik sound design
Grzegorz Nawara produced by SPI
International Polska, ul. Tyniecka
38a, 02-621 Warsaw, phone (+48
504) 06 40 37 for Polish Television
Program II producer Radek StyÊ
color, 30’, Poland 2005
A homeless married couple
wonders across Poland
searching for a place to settle
down. They carry all their
earthly possessions in two
small bags. They sleep in the
woods or in delapidated
houses and look for their food
in garbage cans. Whilst on the
road, they tell the story of
their lives; longtime
homelessness and their
relationship - which for them
is the most important thing in
director, screenplay &
director & screenplay Pawe∏ K´dzierski
cinematography Micha∏ Bukojemski
consultant Zygmunt Walkowski film
editor Urszula Rybicka sound Iwo
Klimek, Iwona Sza∏wiƒska-Klimek
production manager Agnieszka Bàk
produced by Kronika Film Studio,
ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724 Warsaw,
phone (+48 22) 841 14 91; Polish
Television – Program I co-financing
Film Production Agency, City of
color, 53’, Poland 2004
Eyewitness reports collected from
those who participated in the
Warsaw Uprising of 1944 made it
possible to create this multi-plot
and pathos-free tale about the
everyday life of Warsaw during
the uprising. It shows the initial joy
of freedom on a few Warsaw
streets as well as the despair of the
destroyed city. The stories of
people who lived in rubbled
cellars and backyards that turned
into cemeteries are recalled. They
were not soldiers, they did not
fight in barricades but they are
likewise heroes of the uprising.
They were the ones who were
placed in front of tanks and taken
away to concentration camps.
They were the ones who got killed.
However, they are not the ones
about who people sings songs
about or dedicate monuments to.
cinematography Jacek
B∏awut produced by
Produkcja Filmów
Jacek B∏awut,
ul. Kardyna∏a
25 m 31/32, 94-047
¸ódê, phone/fax (+48
42) 689 04 79, e-mail
[email protected] for Polish
Television – Program II, ul.
Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw,
phone (+48 22) 547 80 88, 547 80
95, fax (+48 22) 547 88 30
color, 51’, Poland 2004
This film tells the story of a
friendship between the
director and 30-year-old
Michal, who is an alcoholic. It
talks about addiction, hope,
helplessness and about the
delirious “rat in a crown”,
which finally encircles Michal.
New Polish Films 2006
Reflection / Odbicie
The Teaspoon for Life / ¸y˝eczka ˝ycia
director & cinematography Magdalena
Kowalczyk sound design Iwo Klimek
produced by Andrzej Wajda Master
School of Film Directing, ul. Che∏mska
21, 00-724 Warszawa, phone (+48 22)
851 10 56, 851 10 67 phone/fax
(+48 22) 851 10 57, e-mail
[email protected]
color, 11’, Poland 2005
This is the magical story about a man
who spent all his life making
mirrors. He is 84 years old today
and still does his job with passion.
In his youth he graduated from
law school and could have held
high professional positions, but...
This film is a tale about the
possibility of making choices
when it looks like there is no
choice at all. It talks about the
price one has to pay for such
choices and about happiness and
New Polish Films 2006
director Micha∏ Nekanda-Trepka
screenplay Micha∏ Nekanda-Trepka
collaboration El˝bieta Nekanda-
Trepka cinematography Micha∏
Bukojemski, Andrzej J. Jaroszewicz
collaboration Alan Segal (Canada)
music Jerzy Satanowski, Phillip
Glass sound design Micha∏
Jaroszewicz, Micha∏ Bukojemski
film editors Lidia Mandes, Marcin
Bukojemski, Zofia ˚ydaczewska,
Marek S. Szumski produced by DigitFilm, Positive Charge, APAT TVP
for Polish Television – “Polonia”,
ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999 Warsaw,
phone (+48 22) 547 85 01 producer
Leszek Mazur
color, 22’, Poland 2004
At the age of one and a half,
Elzunia was given a silver
teaspoon engraved with her
name and birthdate. It came
into her possession when she
was escaping the ghetto,
found hidden in a wooden
box stuck between the bricks.
This film is based on Elzunia’s
story as well as on the story
of Irena Sendler, who saved
two and a half thousand
Jewish children during World
War II.
A Trip to Paris / Wycieczka do Pary˝a
We are all made of Coal / Wszyscy jesteÊmy z w´gla
director & screenplay Stanis∏aw Ró˝ewicz
cinematography Zbigniew Wich∏acz
music & sound design Ma∏gorzata
Jaworska film editor Ewa Smal
produced by Filmcontract Ltd
(Henryk Romanowski),
ul. Che∏mska 21, 00-724 Warsaw,
phone/fax (+48 22) 841 65 91;
Polish Television – Film Agency
(Andrzej Serdiukow), Polish
Television - Program II (Jerzy
KapuÊciƒski), Film Production
Agency (Kazimierz Sioma)
production managers Katarzyna
Janus, Jacek Dàbrowski-Udziela
black & white, 13’, Poland 2004
“A Trip to Paris” is
a collage of
accompanied by a
commentary deliberately
limited in information. It
presents one of the darkest
figures in the history of
humanity from a bitter, ironic
distance. The dangerous,
gloomy portrait of a demon
who managed to convivce his
nation of its own uniqueness
and manipulate it into a
terrible war, emerges from the
old photographs and the
scraps of archival recordings.
After World War I, Adolf
Hitler, an aspiring painter,
dreamed of going to Paris, a
contemporary mecca for
artists. Unfortunately he was
not talent enough, so he
chose a political career
instead. Hitler first saw Paris
in 1940 when he invaded the
capital of France in a van full
of German troops.
director Tomasz Wiszniewski screenplay
Tomasz Wiszniewski, Roman
Janiszek cinematography Roman
Janiszek, Tomasz Wert, Mateusz
SoÊniak, Tomasz Wiszniewski music
Trzeci Wymiar film editor Pawe∏
Pawlicki sound Rados∏aw Kobyliƒski
produced by Periscope, Polish
Television – Program I, Film
Production Agency (co-financing)
production manager Alicja
color, 45’, Poland 2004
Walbrzych is a city in Poland’s
Silesia region. Most of the
locals have worked all their
lives in coal mines. After the
political transformation - the
fall of the communism, many
of the miners lost their jobs.
Now those who live in
poverty have built
“biedaszybs” on the town’s
outskirts, where deposits of
coal lay just underneath the
earth’s surface. These
makeshift structures make it
possible to illegally extract
coal. Such activity is life
threateningly dangerous. The
authorities use repressive
measures - for example they
confiscate the output.
Unfortunately this makes the
poor even more determined...
New Polish Films 2006
New Polish Films 2006
animated films
Alas / Niestety
director, screenplay & animation
This is the story of two old
angels who are a happy,
kind-hearted couple and
agree on everything. One
night they both have the
same dream: they are young
again. Unexpected events in
this dream shock the old
angels. But soon enough
dawn arrives...
Mariusz Wilczyƒski
cinematography Maciej
Ptasiƒski music Tomasz
Staƒko produced by Polish
Television – Program II,
ul. Woronicza 17, 00-999
Warsaw, phone (+48 22)
547 89 03, fax (+48 22)
547 72 96 producer Jerzy
black & white, 13’, Poland 2004
After Apples / Po jab∏kach
director, screenplay, animation,
cinematography Marta
Pajek music Tomek
Cho∏oniewski produced
by Akademia Sztuk
Pi´knych, pl. Matejki 13,
31-157 Kraków, phone
(+48 12) 422 44 66, fax
(+48 12) 422 65 66
black & white, 6’
Poland 2004
This animated story, shot in the style of
oneiric poetics, is full of surrealistic
humor. Somewhere, no one knows
exactly where, all the apples have
fallen off the trees and everything
is asleep. In a small apartment a
mother with a child sleep in an
armchair. And when reason sleeps...
This school film has been made
under the artistic supervision of
Professor Jerzy Kucia at the
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.
Everlasting Finale / Wieczny fina∏
director, screenplay, animation
Izabela Bartosik music
Krzysztof ¸ochowicz
produced by Akademia
Sztuk Pi´knych,
pl. Matejki 13, 31-157
Kraków, phone
(+48 12) 422 44 66,
fax (+48 12) 422 65 66
color, 9’, Poland 2004
A nostalgic and poetic dance is being
performed at a crowded café. The
music of the jazz quartet “The Shy
Boys” drowns out the murmur of
voices. There are only two people
on the dance floor. Their dancing
has a symbolic quality that
expresses the individual’s emotions.
This school film has been made
under the artistic supervision of
Professor Jerzy Kucia at the
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.
Fallen Art / Sztuka spadania
director & screenplay Tomasz Bagiƒski character design
and art direction Rafa∏ Wojtunik animation
Grzegorz Jonkajtys, ¸ukasz Pazera,
Zbigniew Lenard, Marcin WaÊko, Arek
Zawada sound Kuba Pietrzak, Wojciech
Mularczyk produced by Platige Image
ul. Rac∏awicka 99, 02-634 Warsaw, phone
(+48 22) 844 64 74, e-mail [email protected]
producers Jarek Sawko, Piotr Sikora, Tomasz
Bagiƒski executive producer Marcin Kobylecki
color, 6’, Poland 2004
Atoll. A forgotten military
base somewhere in the
Pacific Ocean. Some
exemplary officers who
are no longer of any
use to the army are
sent to the base. Some
of them have lost their
minds. Far away from
civilization and the law,
these men maintain
their bizarre habits.
New Polish Films 2006
animated films
Flax / Len
director Joanna Jasiƒska-
Koronkiewicz design,
animation, camera
Joanna JasiƒskaKoronkiewicz screenplay
based on the fairy tale
by Hans Christian
Andersen narrator Jerzy
color, 13’, Poland 2005
The flax has been sown. The sun
shines on the flax and rainladen clouds drench it in water.
A blue flower blossoms from
the buds...
The flax is delighted with itself
and proud: it will make
beautiful linen.
Ichthys / Ichthys
director Marek Skrobecki
This is the metaphorical tale of
persistence in waiting,
hope and fulfillment.
screenplay Antoni Baƒkowski
cinematography Miko∏aj
Jaroszewicz music Wojciech
Lemaƒski producer Zbigniew
˚mudzki produced by SE-MAFOR Film Production ul.
Pabianicka 34, 93-513 ¸ódê,
phone (+48 42) 681 54 74,
e-mail [email protected]
color, 16’, Poland 2005
A man enters a restaurant.
He is the only customer.
The waiter, who has the
face of a cherub, takes his
order and leaves. The time
goes by and slowly
everything takes on a
patina of gray...
Level / Level
directors Krzysztof Kiwerski,
Zbigniew Szymaƒski
produced by Longin
Studio, ul. Kopernika
10/7, 31-034 Kraków,
phone (+48 12)
422 30 88, fax (+48 12)
422 27 15, e-mail
[email protected]
35 mm, 8’, Poland 2005
This is an animated graphic
art film by Jacek Gaj;
a metaphorical tale
about crossing
What is more important
in life: a constant rat
race or the eagerness
for spiritual growth and
crossing our own
Persona / Persona
director, screenplay, animation,
Piwowarczyk music
Krzysztof Filus produced
by Akademia Sztuk
Pi´knych, pl. Matejki 13,
31-157 Kraków, phone
(+48 12) 422 44 66, fax
(+48 12) 422 65 66
black & white, 5’
Poland 2004
New Polish Films 2006
“Persona is what a man actually is
not. Persona is what a man is in
his own opinion and in that of
others” – these words
excerpted from C.G. Jung, start
the film. This is the story of two
people who are hiding their
identities from one another.
This school film has been made
under the artistic supervision of
Professor Jerzy Kucia at the
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.
animated films
Polish Fairy Tales and Stories / BaÊnie i bajki polskie
color, 2D, Digital Betacam
produced by Polish Television – Program I executive producer Ewa Sobolewska – TV Studio of Animation Films, ul. Dominikaƒska 7A,
61-762 Poznaƒ, phone/fax (+48 61) 852 01 05, mobile (+48 606) 45 49 62, e-mail [email protected] production
manager Mariola Feliszkowska distributed Polish Television
Enchanted Shoes / Zaczarowane pantofelki
director, art director, screenplay
Aniela Lubieniecka,
based on the fairy tale
“Bad Daughter” by
Narcyza ˚michowska
music & special effects
Arnold Dàbrowski
cinematography 2D & film
editing Krzysztof
Napiera∏a sound
Wies∏aw Jurga∏a
color, 13', Poland 2005
The Ice Mountain / Lodowa góra
director & design Robert Tur∏o
screenplay Aniela
Lubieniecka based on
the fairy tale “The Tale
of Princess Mary, Black
Swan and the Ice
Mountain” by Kornel
cinematography & music
Marek Kuczyƒski
color, 13', Poland 2003
Tailor Thread / Krawiec Niteczka
director Andrzej Gosieniecki
design Andrzej
Gosieniecki &
Hieronim Neumann
screenplay Hieronim
Neumann based on the
fairy tale by Kornel
Makuszyƒski “Tailor
Thread” cinematography
Mela, the daughter of a poor
shoemaker, asks her father to buy
her a pair of red slippers she has
seen in a shop window display. Her
father refuses and Mela goes to
sleep with an angry expression on
her face. Her father decides to
make the shoes for her that night.
The moon looks down on him and
decides to give a helping hand by
aiding him with magical powers. But
fussy Mela does not want the shoes
made by her father.
In a nearby castle, a prince - equally
skittish as Mela, is home alone and
gets bored. He decides to go out
and look for company. He meets
Mela, takes her to his castle and
buys her beautiful dresses and
slippers and enchanted Mela quickly
forgets about her father. With
resignation the shoemaker gives the
shoes he made for Mela to the poor
Mary is a bad and capricious princess.
To get a pearl necklace made from
her maid Zosia's tears, who was
captured by birds, she has to marry
a prince with a palace in the sky.
Alas, none of the candidates seem
acceptable. Mary meets two swans
by the lake - one white, one black.
She offers them her hand in
marriage but she wants her husband
to be a have a good singing voice.
The black bird tells Mary that swans
do not sing because singing kills
them, but she still insists. The white
swan sings and faints. To punish the
princess the black swan kidnaps the
girl and takes her to the ice
2D & film editor
Krzysztof Napiera∏a
color, 13', Poland 2005
About a Princess who Turned into a Frog /
O królewnie zakl´tej w ˝ab´
director, artwork & special
effects Robert Tur∏o
screenplay Ewa
Jab∏oƒska based on the
fairy tale by Antoni J.
Gliƒski “On a Princess
Turned into a Frog”
cinematography 2D & film
editor Krzysztof
Tailor Thread hits the road, driven by his
dreams. To begin with he is nothing
but a tailor, but later be bacomes a
An old king has to decide which one of
his sons should be his successor. He
asks the members of the senate for
help. They come up with an idea: the
princes must marry and then the
crown will be given to the one
whose wife is the best...
color, 13', Poland 2005
New Polish Films 2006
with Polish
New Polish Films 2006
All Winter Without Fire / Tout un hiver sans feu / Ca∏a zima bez ognia
director Greg Zgliƒski screenplay Pierre-Pacal Rossi director of photography Witold P∏óciennik music
Jacek Grudzieƒ, Mariusz Ziemba art director Pia Gans de St-Pre costume design Carole Favre film
editor Urszula Lesiak sound design Luc Cuveele, Micha∏ Kosterkiewicz cast Aurelien Recoing
(Jean), Gabriela Muska∏a (Labinota), Blerim Gjoci (Kastriot), Marie Matheron (Laure) produced
by CAB Productions, Mars Entertainment co-produced by Television Suisse Romande (TSR), RTBF
(Television Belge), ARTE, Polish Television, STI Studio Filmowe executive producer STI Studio
Filmowe, ul. Âniadeckich 10, 00-656 Warsaw, phone (+48 22) 547 66 28, fax (+48 22) 547 42 37
producers Jean-Louis Porchet, Gerard Ruey production manager Claudia Tur
35 mm, 1:1,85, color, Dolby stereo A-type, 88’, Switzerland – Belgium – Poland 2004
Pope John Paul II / Jan Pawe∏ II
director John Kent Harrison director of polish version Jerzy ¸ukaszewicz screenplay John Kent Harrison
director of photography Fabrizio Lucci music Marco Frisina art director Pier Luigi Basile set design
Ettore Guerrieri costume design Enrica Biscossi film editor Henk Van Eeghen cast Jon Voight (Pope
John Paul II), Cary Elwes (young Karol Wojty∏a), Ben Gazzara (Cardinal Agostino Casaroli),
Christopher Lee (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyƒski), Vittoria Belvedere (Eva), James Cromwell
(Cardinal Adam Sapieha), Robert Gonera (Tadeusz), Marcin Kuêmiƒski (Micha∏), Juliusz
Chrzàstowski (Jerzy), Miko∏aj Grabowski (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger), Jacek Lenartowicz
(Lech Wa∏´sa) produced by Rai Uno (Italy), CBS (USA), Polish Television (Poland) producers Luca
Bernabei, Matilde Bernabei, Stephen Davis, Krzysztof Grabowski (co-producer)
Polish version
sound design Marek Wronko produced by STUDIO INTERFILM producers Tadeusz Lampka, Zbigniew
˚migrodzki, Wies∏aw ¸ysakowski, Krzysztof Grabowski (Grupa Filmowa Baltimedia), S∏awomir
Jóêwik (Studio Filmowe Projektor)
127’, color, Italy – Poland – USA 2005
It is winter in the
Swiss Alps. Jean
and his wife
Laura cannot
recover from
the loss of their
five year old
daughter who
died in a house
fire. Jean tries
to live a normal
life but Laura
ends up in a
mental asylum.
starts to fall
apart. Jean gets
a job in a
piping factory
where he meets
Labinota, a
refugee from
The film begins on
13th May 1981 the day of an
attempt on John
Paul II in Rome.
bring us back to
1938 when
Karol Wojtyla
debuts in front
of an audience,
reciting poetry.
The main body
of the film
refers to events
during the
pontificate of
John Paul II. It
also addresses
the impact of
John Paul II
matters as well
as his influence
on the world’s
New Polish Films 2006
Tulpan / Tulpan
director Sergey Dvortsevoy screenplay Sergiej Dvortsevoy, Gennadij Ostrowski director
of photography Jolanta Dylewska art director Roger Martin costume design Gaziza
Korshiyeva film editor Isabel Meier sound design Olivier Dandre, Stepan Muller,
Ilija Biserov cast Askhat Kuchinchirekov (Bulat), Tulepbergen Baisakalov (Bony
M), Samal Eslyamova (Samal), Ondasyn Besikbasov (Ondas), Balzhan
Niyazbayeva (Tulpan) produced by Pandora Film co-produced by Filmcontract Ltd, ul.
Che∏mska 21, 00-724 Warsaw, phone/fax (+48 22) 841 65 91; Cobra Film AG;
Pallas Film GmbH; Producer’s Company Slovo; KAZ Export Cinema producers Karl
Baumgartner, Raimond Goebel co-producer Henryk Romanowski production manager
Jacek Dàbrowski-Udziela, Ma∏gorzata Jurczak Bohdan Graczyk
35 mm, color, 1:1,85, Germany – Poland 2005
Bulat has done military service in
the Russian Navy and returns to
the Kazakh step. Not knowing
exactly what to do, he decides
to visit his sister who is married
to a local shepherd. He is also
considering becoming a
When he meets the local chief,
he becomes aware of two
conditions he has to fulfil: he
has to learn the shepherding
trade and get married.
The first one is easy to achieve,
his brother in law can teach
him; the second obligation also
seems easy for a former seacadet.
He chooses Tulpan, the
daughter of another
shepherding family. However,
when he goes to their home to
ask for her hand, Tulpan refuses
– she does not like men with big
ears like his.
From then on Bulat has
The Unburied Man – The Diary of Imre Nagy / A temetetlen halott /
director Márta Mészáros screenplay Márta Mészáros, Éva Pataki director of photography
Nyika Jancso music Zygmunt Konieczny art director István Ocztos costume design
Katalin Jancsó sound design István Sipos film editor Éva Kármentö cast Jan Nowicki
(Imre Nagy), Lili Horvath (Erzsebet Nagy), Mariann Moór (Maria Egeto, wife
Nagy), Peter Andorai, Zsuzsa Czinkoczi, György Cserhalmi, Pál Mácsai, Jan
Frycz, Ewa Telega, János Kulka, Hajdu Ady, Matej Landl co-producers Igor Hudec,
Maciej Karpiƒski, Andrzej Serdiukow, Micha∏ Kwieciƒski produced by Cameofilm
(Hungary), Ars Media (Slovakia) co-produced by Polish Television – Film Agency,
Akson Studio producer Attila Cs·ky
color, 127’, Hungary – Slovakia – Poland 2004
New Polish Films 2006
This film is partially based on
archival documents, official
records and eyewitnesses’
reports. Except for Imre Nagy
and his family, the characters
are fictional.
Imre Nagy a former Prime
Minister of Hungary, opposed
the Soviet Union in 1956 and
withdrew Hungary from the
Warsaw Pact, proclaiming it a
neutral country. After the
pacification of the Hungarian
Uprising, the new pro-Soviet
Hungarian authorities
sentenced Nagy to death.
“The Unburied Man” depicts
the last two years of Imre
Nagy’s life, and is the study of
the mental state of a wrongfully
imprisoned man.
© Apropos Info
Relase Date
Karol. Cz∏owiek,
który zosta∏ Papie˝em
Storia di Carlo
1878124 2005-06-17
1357415 2005-07-01
Harry Potter i Czara Ognia Harry Potter
and the Goblet
of Fire
Warner Bros. 179
1346913 2005-11-25
926572 2005-05-20
Forum Film
31.12.2004 - 29.12.2005
Local Title
Gwiezdne wojny:
cz´Êç III – Zemsta Sithów
Star Wars:
Episode III –
Revenge of the Sith US
Kurczak Ma∏y
Chicken Little
757987 2005-11-11
US/GB/D Monolith/SPI 130
613486 2004-12-31
Wojna Êwiatów
War of the Worlds US
582967 2005-07-08
KubuÊ i Hefalumpy
Pooh’s Heffalump
Forum Film
574601 2005-02-04
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
447428 2005-08-05
10 Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
GB/CZ/F/I Monolith
446840 2005-09-30
11 Królestwo niebieskie
Kingdom of Heaven D/SP
418812 2005-05-06
12 Skarb narodów
National Treasure
Forum Film
374845 2005-01-28
13 Poznaj moich rodziców
Meet the Fockers
362835 2005-02-11
14 Zataƒcz ze mnà
Shall We Dance?
Monolith/SPI 80
351212 2005-02-11
15 Roboty
332878 2005-06-03
16 Zebra z klasà
Racing Stripes
317633 2005-03-11
297628 2005-08-19
18 Ocean’s Twelve: Dogrywka Ocean’s Twelve
Warner Bros. 65
289638 2005-01-14
19 Constantine
Warner Bros. 72
288774 2005-03-11
20 Plan lotu
Forum Film
274516 2005-10-14
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
17 Szeregowiec Dolot
New Polish Films 2006
© Apropos Info
Relase Date
Local Title
31.12.2004 - 29.12.2005
BOX OFFICE INFO Polish Films in Poland 2005
Skazany na bluesa
Destined for Blues
ITI Cinema
189046 2005-08-12
The Collector
ITI Cinema
145924 2005-10-07
113023 2005-04-08
Czas surferów
Surfers’ Time
Best Film
79907 2005-08-19
Zakochany Anio∏
An Angel in Love
Kino Âwiat
62382 2005-05-13
1878124 2005-06-17
Monolith/SPI 130
687491 2004-12-31
446840 2005-09-30
297628 2005-08-19
Wallace & Gromit:
The Curse of the
222586 2005-10-14
Constant Gardener,
113774 2005-10-21
Oliver Twist
Oliver Twist
GB/CZ/F Monolith
Szeregowiec Dolot
Wallace i Gromit:
Klàtwa królika
Wierny ogrodnik
Relase Date
Storia di Carlo
Karol. Cz∏owiek,
który zosta∏ Papie˝em
31.12.2004 - 29.12.2005
Local Title
BOX OFFICE INFO European Films in Poland 2005
Kino Âwiat
87392 2005-01-14
˚ycie jest cudem
Zivot je cudo
Gutek Film
79160 2005-01-07
Lucky Luke
Dalton, Les
67439 2005-02-11
66930 2005-04-08
10 Genesis
New Polish Films 2006
© Apropos Info
Relase Date
With Fire
and Sword
94 32 903 304 7 138 764 1999-02-12
Ogniem i mieczem
Local Title
BOX OFFICE INFO Polish Films in Poland 1990 – 2005
Pan Tadeusz
Pan Tadeusz
105 25 879 807 6 166 651 1999-10-22
Quo vadis
Quo Vadis
133 21 575 819 4 300 070 2001-09-14
W pustyni i w puszczy
In Desert
and Wilderness
7 928 870 2 222 553 2001-03-23
5 374 456 2 179 865 1997-10-17
ITI Cinema
The Revenge
6 933 751 1 976 984 2002-10-04
The Spring
to Come
6 669 510 1 742 707 2001-03-02
Never Ever
ITI Cinema –
7 116 163 1 622 309 2004-02-13
Nigdy w ˝yciu!
The Pianist
GB/D/F/P Syrena
4 932 515 1 252 279 2002-09-06
10 Kilerów 2óch
Two Kilers
4 414 496 1 189 800 1999-01-15
When The Sun
Was God –
An Ancient Tell
3 270 551
907 887 2003-09-19
12 Prymas. Trzy lata z tysiàca Three Years of
the Thousand
Best Film
2 371 624
758 685 2000-09-22
13 M∏ode wilki
979 316
729 689 1995-05-12
11 Stara Baʃ.
Kiedy s∏oƒce by∏o bogiem
Fast Lane
14 Sara
1 612 394
703 866 1997-05-23
15 Wiedêmin
The Hexer
2 956 759
641 318 2001-11-09
16 Nocne graffiti
Night Graffiti
1 250 315
627 545 1997-02-07
Happy New York
1 392 105
601 999 1997-09-26
18 M∏ode wilki 1/2
Fast Lane 1/2
3 249 237
580 924 1998-01-23
19 Ch∏opaki nie p∏aczà
Boys Don’t Cry
Best Film
2 384 362
550 702 2000-02-25
20 Tato
748 902
448 550 1995-12-26
17 Szcz´Êliwego Nowego Jorku Merry Christmas and
New Polish Films 2006
© Apropos Info
Date of
31 921 000
IX 60
2. W pustyni i w puszczy (I, II)
In Desert and Wilderness (I, II)
15 297 500
X 73
3. Zakazane piosenki
Forbidden Songs
15 219 000
IX 47
4. Potop (I, II)
The Flood (I, II)
13 739 000
IX 74
5. Noce i dnie (I, II)
Nights and Days
11 151 000
IX 75
6. Seksmisja
Sex Mission
11 145 000
V 84
7. Tr´dowata
The Leprous
9 828 000
XII 76
8. Kochaj albo rzuç
Love Me or Not
9 367 000
V 77
9. Skarb
The Treasure
9 312 000
II 48
10. Nie ma mocnych
Take it Easy
8 670 000
V 74
11. Wielka podró˝ Bolka i Lolka
The Big Adventure of Bolek and Lolek
8 391 000
IX 77
12. Awantura o Basi´
Argument About Basia
8 135 000
XI 59
13. Czarci ˝leb
The Devil’s Gully
8 013 000
I 50
14. Ulica Graniczna
The Borderline Street
8 011 000
VI 49
15. Dzieje grzechu
The Story of Sin
7 970 000
VI 75
16. Hubal
7 908 000
IX 73
17. Ostatni etap
The Last Stage
7 859 000
IV 48
18. Popio∏y
7 690 000
IX 65
19. Ziemia obiecana
The Promised Land
7 306 000
II 75
20. Irena do domu
Irene, Come Home
7 236 000
XI 55
21. Szatan z VII klasy
Seventh Grade Satan
7 086 000
XI 60
22. Ogniem i mieczem
With Fire and Sword
7 069 518
II 99
23. Akademia Pana Kleksa (I, II)
Mr Blot’s Academy (I, II)
6 842 500
II 84
24. Pan Tadeusz
Pan Tadeusz
6 166 651
X 99
25. Westerplatte
5 803 000
IX 67
26. Przygoda na Mariensztacie
Adventure at Mariensztat
5 725 000
I 64
27. Sami swoi
Our Folks
5 710 000
X 67
28. Popió∏ i diament
Ashes and Diamonds
5 657 000
X 58
29. Pan Wo∏odyjowski (I, II)
Colonel Wo∏odyjowski
5 450 000
III 69
30. Król MaciuÊ I
King MaciuÊ I
5 209 000
IV 58
31. Miasto nieujarzmione
Unvanquished City
5 060 000
XII 50
New Polish Films 2006
Teutonic Knights
Local Title
1. Krzy˝acy
© Apropos Info
Average ticket price (PLN)
Average ticket price (USD)
In percentage
European films
In percentage
In percentage
European films
In percentage
US films
In percentage
Total Box Office (millions USD)
Polish films
European films
Poland and Cinema
Number of admissions (millions)
Polish films
US films
In percentage
Admissions per capita
Total Box Office (millions PLN)
Polish films
Number of films released
US films
* dane wst´pne (estimated)
1 USD = 3,2 PLN
New Polish Films 2006
The full version of the operational programs and application forms can be found at
The Polish Film Institute executes its tasks through the following programs:
1. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT – budget for 2006: EUR 1 million 316 thousand
The program foresees the subsidizing of undertakings within the area of development of up to 70 per cent of a
project’s budget, with the following division: EUR 13 thousand for documentaries, EUR 21 thousand for animated films,
EUR 31 thousand for feature films. In the case of three party international co-productions the possibility exists to
increase these amounts by an additional 30 per cent, and in the case of two party Polish-German co-productions by
10 per cent.
2. FILM PRODUCTION – budget for 2006: EUR 14 million
Objective I: Directors’ debut - budget for 2006: EUR 2 million 700 thousand
Subsidy cannot exceed 90 per cent of the film’s budget and/or the amounts: EUR 263 thousand a feature film, EUR 39
thousand for an animated film, EUR 26 thousand for a documentary. In the case of international co-productions the
possibility exists to increase these amounts by an additional 35 per cent.
Objective II: Production of feature films – budget for 2006: EUR 9 million
Subsidy of a feature length feature film (over 70 minutes), intended for cinema release cannot exceed 50 per cent of
the film’s budget and/or the amount EUR 1 million. In specific cases the PFI’s Director can increase these amounts by a
maximum of 50 per cent of the amounts mentioned above. The principles regarding the subsidizing of international
co-productions are identical as in Objective I, except in the case of low budget productions.
Objective III: Production of documentary films – budget for 2006: EUR 1 million
Subsidy cannot exceed 50 per cent of the film’s budget and/or the amount EUR 131 thousand. In the case of a feature
length film (over 70 minutes) intended for cinema release, it cannot exceed 50 per cent of the film’s budget and/or the
amount EUR 526 thousand. The PFI’s Director can increase subsidies according to the principles defined in Objective II.
The principles regarding subsidization of international co-productions are identical as in Objective I.
Objective IV: Production of animated films – budget for 2006: EUR 1 million 316 thousand
In the case of animated films, subsidies cannot exceed 50 per cent of the film’s budget and/or the amount EUR 131
thousand, and in case of a feature length film (over 70 minutes) intended for cinema release, it cannot exceed 50 per
cent of the film’s budget and/or the amount EUR 789 thousand. The PFI’s Director can increase subsidies according to
the principles defined in Objective II. The principles regarding subsidization of international co-productions are
identical as in Objective I.
3. POPULARISATION OF FILM CULTURE – budget for 2006: EUR 921 thousand
The program foresees the subsidization of undertakings such as: festivals, congresses, the publishing of books,
digitalization of archives, etc.
4. PROMOTION OF POLISH FILM ABROAD – budget for 2006: EUR 789 thousand
6. PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT – budget for 2006: EUR 526 thousand
Polish Film Institute
Deputy Director: Maciej Karpiƒski
Deputy Director: Dorota Paciarelli
Address ul. Krakowskie PrzedmieÊcie 21/23
International Relations and Promotion:
00-071 Warszawa
phone (+48 22) 42 10 518
fax (+48 22) 42 10 241
e-mail [email protected]
phone (+48 22) 42 10 497
Co-productions, Training and
Institutional Relations:
phone (+48 22) 42 10 498
fax (+48 22) 42 10 546
e-mail [email protected]
General Director: Agnieszka Odorowicz
New Polish Films 2006
fax (+48 22) 42 10 546
e-mail [email protected]
Maciej Adamek . . . . . . . . . 68, 70
Witold Adamek . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Tomasz Bagiƒski . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Filip Bajon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 49
Andrzej Baraƒski . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Izabela Bartosik . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Jacek B∏awut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Jacek Borusiƒski . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Jacek Bromski . . . . . . . . . . 38, 50
Bartosz Brzeskot . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Ryszard Bugajski . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Micha∏ Bukojemski . . . . . . . . . 66
Andrzej Celiƒski . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Maciej Cuske . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Izabella Cywiƒska . . . . . . . . . 37
Piotr Stasik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Anna St´pczak-Patyk . . . . . . . 65
Ma∏gorzata Szumowska . . . . 50
Zbigniew Szymaƒski . . . . . . . . 75
Grzegorz Lewandowski . . . . . 27
Aniela Lubieniecka . . . . . . . . . 76
Andrzej Wajda . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Robert Wichrowski . . . . . . . . . 22
Artur Wi´cek . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Mariusz Wilczyƒski . . . . . . . . . 74
Tomasz Wiszniewski . . . . . . . . 72
Przemys∏aw Wojcieszek . . . . . 43
Leszek Wosiewicz . . . . . . . . . 17
Jerzy ¸ukaszewicz . . . . . . . . . . 78
Denis Deliç . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Miros∏aw Dembiƒski . . . . . 65, 67
Jerzy Domaradzki . . . . . . . . . . 49
Maciej J. Drygas . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Lidia Duda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Sergey Dvortsevoy . . . . . . . . . 79
Juliusz Machulski . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Janusz Majewski . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Rados∏aw Markiewicz . . . . . . 40
Krystian Matysek . . . . . . . . . . 69
Mártá Mészáros . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Maciej Migas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
S∏awomir Fabicki . . . . . . . . . . 46
Feliks Falk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 50
Micha∏ Nekanda-Trepka . . . . 71
Konrad Niewolski . . . . . . . . . . 42
Jacek Gàsiorowski . . . . . . . . . 52
Robert Gliƒski . . . . . . . . . . 14, 50
Andrzej Gosieniecki . . . . . . . . 76
Adam Guziƒski . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Grzegorz Pacek . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Marta Pajek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Franco de Peña . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Maciej Pieprzyca . . . . . . . . . . 51
Ewa Pi´ta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Magdalena Piwowarczyk . . . . 75
Hanna Polak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Mariusz Pujszo . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Miko∏aj Haremski . . . . . . . . . . 34
John Kent Harrison . . . . . . . . . 78
Dariusz Jab∏oƒski . . . . . . . . . . 24
Anna Jadowska . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Andrzej Jakimowski . . . . . . . . 49
Joanna Jasiƒska-Koronkiewicz 75
Anna Kazejak-Dawid . . . . . . . 41
Pawe∏ K´dzierski . . . . . . . . . . 70
Dorota K´dzierzawska . . . . . 28
Jan Kidawa-B∏oƒski . . . . . . . . 18
Krzysztof Kiwerski . . . . . . . . . 75
Jan Jakub Kolski . . . . . . . . 32, 49
Jan Komasa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Andrzej Kondratiuk . . . . . . . . 57
Natalia Koryncka-Gruz . . . . . 25
Joanna Kos-Krauze . . . . . . . . 48
Marek Koterski . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Magdalena Kowalczyk . . . . . 71
Krzysztof Krauze . . . . . . . . . . 48
Robert Krzempek . . . . . . . . . . 59
Micha∏ Kwieciƒski . . . . . . . . . . 20
Piotr Trzaskalski . . . . . . . . 39, 49
Agnieszka Trzos . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Robert Tur∏o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Patryk Vega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Krzysztof Zanussi . . . . . . . 44, 49
Janusz Zaorski . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Ryszard Zatorski . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Greg Zgliƒski . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Marcin Zi´biƒski . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Jaros∏aw ˚amojda . . . . . . . . . 47
Xawery ˚u∏awski . . . . . . . . . . 15
Micha∏ Rosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Stanis∏aw Ró˝ewicz . . . . . . . . 72
Wies∏aw Saniewski . . . . . . . . 30
Marcin Sauter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Andrzej Seweryn . . . . . . . . . . 58
Adam Sikora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Marek Skrobecki . . . . . . . . . . 75
New Polish Films 2006
index of polish titles
Antykwariat / Old Book Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Barbórka / St. Barbara’s Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Bar pod M∏ynkiem / Windmill Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Bezmiar sprawiedliwoÊci / Immensity of Justice . . . . . . 30
Bo˝e Cia∏o / The Body of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Ca∏a zima bez ognia / All Winter without Fire . . . . . . . 78
Chaos / Chaos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Co s∏onko widzia∏o / What the Sun Saw . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Czas surferów / Surfer’s Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Czeka na nas Êwiat / The World is Waiting for Us . . . 59
Doskona∏e popo∏udnie / A Perfect Afternoon . . . . . . . 43
Dublerzy / The Doubles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Dzieci z Leningradzkiego /
The Children of Leningradsky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Dziki jeêdziec / Wild Rider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Francuski numer / French Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Fundacja / The Fundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Herkules / Hercules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Hiena / Hyena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Hi way / Hi Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Idê do Luizy / Go to Luiza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Ichthys / Ichthys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Jak motyl / Like a Butterfly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Jan Pawe∏ II / Pope John Paul II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Jasminum / Jasminum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Ja wam poka˝´! / I’ll Show You! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Jeden dzieƒ w PRL / One Day in Peoples Poland . . . . . 69
Jestem / I Am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Jestem / I Am with You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Kochankowie Roku Tygrysa /
The Lovers of the Year of the Tiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Kochankowie z Marony / Lovers of Marona . . . . . . . . 37
Komornik / The Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Koniec ulicy / The End of the Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Krasnoludki jadà na Ukrain´ / Dwarfs go to Ukraine . . 65
Krawiec Niteczka / Tailor Thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Kto nigdy nie ˝y∏... / Who Never Lived . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Lawstorant / Lawstorant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Legenda / The Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Lekarz drzew / Tree Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Len / Flax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Level / Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Lodowa góra / The Ice Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
¸y˝eczka ˝ycia / The Teaspoon for Life . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Masz na imi´ Justine / Your Name is Justine . . . . . . . . . 62
Metanoia / Metanoia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Mistrz / The Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Nie ma takiego numeru / Wrong Number . . . . . . . . . . 60
Niestety / Alas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Niepochowany /
The Unburied Man - The Diary of Imre Nagy . . . . . . . 79
Oda do radoÊci / Ode to Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
New Polish Films 2006
Odbicie / Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Olter / Olter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
O królewnie zakl´tej w ˝ab´ /
About a Princess Who Turned into a Frog . . . . . . . . . . 76
OpowieÊci galicyjskie / Galician Tales . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Palimpsest / Palimpsest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Par´ osób, ma∏y czas / A Few People, A Little Time . . . 21
Persona / Persona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Persona non grata / Persona non grata . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Piek∏o, niebo / Heaven & Hell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Pitbull / Pitbull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Plac Zbawiciela / Saviour’s Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Po jab∏akach / After Apples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Po kolei / One After Another . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Po sezonie / After the Season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Powstanie zwyk∏ych ludzi /
The Ordinary People Uprising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Praszczur / Grandpa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Rh+ / Rh+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Rozdro˝e Café / The Cross-Way Cafe . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
SamotnoÊç w sieci / Loneliness on the Net . . . . . . . . . . 36
Skazany na bluesa / Destined for Blues . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
SolidarnoÊç, SolidarnoÊç / Solidarity, Solidarity . . . . . 49
StatyÊci / Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Szczur w koronie / Rat in a Crown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Sztuka spadania / Fallen Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Teraz ja / It’s Me, Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Tulpan / Tulpan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Tylko mnie kochaj / Just Love Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
W drodze / On the Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Wieczny fina∏ / Everlasting Finale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Wie˝a / The Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Wró˝by kumaka / The Call of the Toad . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Wszyscy jesteÊmy Chrystusami . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Wszyscy jesteÊmy z w´gla / We are all made of Coal 72
Wycieczka do Pary˝a / A Trip to Paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Zaczarowane pantofelki / Enchanted Shoes . . . . . . . . 76
Zakochany Anio∏ / Angel in Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Z kroniki Auschwitz / From the Auschwitz Chronicle . . 66
Z odzysku / Retrieval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Za p∏otem Behind the Fence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
editors Magda Sendecka, Gra˝yna Ika Tatarska
translation Jolanta Czaicka-Kotlarczyk
english language editor Tessa McIver
photography Piotr Bujnowicz/Fabryka Obrazu, Aleksandra Dembska, Piotr Fiuk, Justyna Go∏aszewska,
Miros∏aw Grubek, Micha∏ Ko∏odziejczyk, Tomek Kordek, Wojtek Krzywkowski, Rafa∏ Mas∏ow, Tomasz Naumiuk,
Ma∏gorzata Olecka, Renata Pajchel, Adam Palenta, Piotr Roso∏owski, Piotr Uss Wàsowicz, Mateusz Wajda,
Krzysztof Wellman, Anna W∏och, Monika Woêniak, Gutek Zegier, Artur ˚urawski, Zenon ˚yburtowicz
cover photograph Piotr Bujnowicz/Fabryka Obrazu
logo design for the Polish Film Institute Darek Komorek
graphic design LAVENTURA Maciej Sawicki
New Polish Films 2006