in this issue - Museum Foundation


in this issue - Museum Foundation
Member news
Donors help create
memorable shows.............1
Supporting the state's
museums and artists.......4
Jerry Richardson
awarded for leadership
and support.........................7
member newS
winter 2010–2011
Dear Members,
Photo: Dana Waldon
t is with great pleasure that I have
begun my new role as executive
director of the Museum of New Mexico
Foundation. Since arriving in Santa
Fe this fall with my wife, Mary, I have
been grateful for the warmth and openness of the community leaders and residents who have welcomed us. Among
these are the staff and friends of the
Foundation and the Museum of New
Mexico, who have patiently assisted me
in the transition and encouraged me in the work ahead. As I learn more about the important work of the Foundation, I am
inspired by the accomplishments of the past and the promise of the
future. I salute former director Tom Aageson and all of the leaders
in the Foundation’s 48-year history. During this time, their efforts
to advance, preserve, and protect the state museums, monuments,
and Office of Archaeological Studies have created a healthy and vital
Foundation that benefits all New Mexicans. Their collective knowledge and experience provides me with a solid footing for tomorrow.
Speaking of contributions, the cover story in this issue of Member
News is a testament to the creative ways that Foundation members
and donors are supporting the Museum of New Mexico. From purchasing objects to donating works of art to hosting private fund raising events, members are providing meaningful gifts to help museum
curators in their important work.
As Foundation stewards today, we stand on the shoulders of those
who have come before us. So I thank the many members and friends
whose years of dedicated support have kept the Foundation strong.
As we celebrate the holiday season and a new year, I invite you
to consider a gift to the Foundation’s Annual Fund for Museum
Excellence. I also look forward to the opportunity to meet each of you
during holiday events and in 2011.
Our Mission
The mission of the Museum of New Mexico Foundation
is to support the Museum of New Mexico’s efforts to
preserve and enhance New Mexico’s unique cultural
resources through fundraising, collaboration, advocacy, and other essential support services.
We envision a Museum of New Mexico that will have
ever-increasing resources to pursue its mission and
create engaging cultural experiences for all New
Mexico residents and visitors.
member news staff
Mariann Minana-Lovato
Senior Membership Officer, Editor/Writer
Carmella Padilla, Copy Editor
Autumn DeHosse, Designer
John P. Easley
Executive Director
For additional information about the Museum of
New Mexico Foundation, please call 505-982-6366
or visit
Cover: Valerie Verzuh, collections manager at the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture, selects a
basket for the upcoming exhibition From Function to Fine Art, opening in November 2011. Photo
by Dana Waldon.
Exhibition Puzzle
Private Donors Help Put the Pieces Together
Photo: Dana Waldon
Exhibition designer Caroline Lajoie and graphic designer Natalie Baca designed El Hilo de la Memoria at the New Mexico History Museum (above) for
efficient travel and installation at the show's three museum venues.
very day, a small museum army—
curators, registrars, designers,
fabricators, marketing staff, educators,
docents, guards, event planners, and others—tends to exhibition details.
In 2010 alone, our museums, monuments, and Office of
Archaeological Studies presented nearly two dozen unique
shows. Often conceived three to five years in advance, exhibitions are rarely inexpensive, and state budgets do not provide
exhibition funding.
That’s where Museum of New Mexico Foundation members
and other supporters come in. While museum staff achieve amazing things with limited resources, they rely on private donors
to support in-house exhibitions and important traveling shows.
From shipping fees for loan items, research travel for curators,
and object conservation, to gallery preparation, advertising, publications, and education programs, private funding is a pivotal
piece of the exhibition puzzle.
Here are some creative ways that members and other private
partners are helping museum staff create meaningful, memorable
exhibition experiences.
El Hilo de la Memoria:
España y los Estados
Recently making its American debut at
the New Mexico History Museum (on
view until January 9, 2011), this traveling
exhibit of 138 rare documents, illustrations,
and maps from Spain’s General Archive
of the Indies details the country’s early
presence in North America. Appearing on
the heels of Santa Fe’s 400th anniversary,
the exhibition is a timely opportunity for
museum-goers to learn about New Mexico’s
significant place in Spanish history. But it
wouldn’t have happened without an international team of visionary supporters who
secured its visit to the museum.
The process began more than two years
ago when former Foundation executive
director Tom Aageson saw the show in
Seville. Soon, History Museum director Frances Levine and Department of
continued next page
Member News 1
Photo: Dana Waldon
Folk Art of the Andes
Assistant Curator Ruth Lanore provides a sneak peek at some of the items to
be shown in Folk Art of the Andes at the Museum of International Folk Art.
2 Member News
Photo: Museum of International Folk Art
Cultural Affairs Secretary Stuart Ashman were talking to Spanish officials about bringing the exhibit to
New Mexico. With support from SEACEX, a Spanish
cultural organization, and with Spain’s Ministries of
Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Culture, they
arranged to transport the priceless documents from
Spain to Santa Fe.
Other exhibition costs and logistics, including translating the catalog from Spanish to English and purchasing equipment to regulate gallery humidity and
temperature levels, were left to the museum. Staff
arranged to share costs and some of the workload with
colleagues at the other exhibit venues, the New Orleans
Historical Collection and El Paso Museum of History.
Meanwhile, Foundation and museum staff convened
a volunteer fund raising committee with trustee and
History Museum Development Team chair Sherry
Davis. Santa Fe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
founder Leveo Sánchez invited friends to join him as
exhibit sponsors, while BBVA/Compass and Wells Fargo
provided grants for a website, lectures, demonstrations,
performances, and school tours. The City of Santa Fe
contributed financial support, and in Albuquerque,
Dr. Miguel and Maria Estela de Ríos and Maggie and
Norman McDonald hosted fund raising receptions.
“This was a terrific model for teamwork,” Levine
says. “We surpassed our $200,000 funding goal and
allowed the museum to host an exhibit so important
to New Mexico that also highlights the importance of
Spanish origins in 17 states in the US.”
Opening in April 2011 at the Museum of International Folk Art,
this exhibit showcases more than 850 works illustrating religious,
textile, costume, utilitarian, and festival folk art traditions from
the Andean region of South America during the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. Barbara Mauldin, museum curator of Latin
American folk art, drew on five years of research and fieldwork
to create the show. While the museum’s collections provided
valuable items for display, Mauldin says borrowing pieces from
private collections was essential.
“Lenders are so important to my project,” she says. “To be able
to select and include things that other people have acquired helps
to complement our collection. It allowed me to show the best
examples of folk art produced by the Andean people.”
In some cases, donors helped Mauldin fill in gaps in the permanent collection. Connie Jaquith, Foundation trustee and cochair of the museum’s development team, purchased objects that
Mauldin wanted for the project. "I enjoy supporting the exhibit
in this way because I know the pieces fulfill Barbara's vision for
the museum collections,” Jaquith says. “Acquisitions not only
enhance this exhibit but enhance the strength of the museum for
the future."
Folk Art of the Andes is also the title of the 300-page book
that documents the pieces featured in the exhibition and
highlights Mauldin’s research. Exhibition books provide
another funding opportunity, and the International Folk Art
Foundation made a significant contribution to the book’s publication. The museum seeks to raise another $30,000 to support
the show’s installation costs.
Portable Altar with Santiago and Virgin Mary. La Paz, Bolivia, late 19th–early 20th
century. Maguey, gesso, wood, paint, fabric, metal. Gift of Connie Thrasher Jaquith.
Photo: Dana Waldon
Guest curator and basketry scholar Larry Dalrymple (left) with Collections Manager
Valerie Verzuh work in the basket collection at the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture.
From Function to Fine Art
To support a specific exhibit, or contribute to a museum exhibition fund,
contact Director of Development Kathryn Wroth at 505-982-6366 ext. 102, or
email [email protected].
Photo: Dana Waldon
At times, museums invite guest curators to prepare an exhibition. Such is the case for this Museum of Indian Arts & Culture
exhibit that examines Native American basketry from 1880 to
1930. The show is scheduled to open in November 2011.
For the past two years, guest curator and basketry scholar
Larry Dalrymple has been working with Valerie Verzuh,
museum curator of individually catalogued collections, to
choose 250 examples from the museum’s vast basket collection. The collection covers a wide range of materials, techniques, forms, designs, and functions, but it doesn’t go beyond
the 1930s.
Dalrymple and Verzuh are thus relying on loans from private collectors to connect the museum collection to contemporary Native American basketry. Collectors are being invited
to loan baskets that complement the collection and extend the
basketry story to today. Other basket enthusiasts are providing funds ranging from $100 to $5,000 to “sponsor” groups of
baskets in the show.
“It’s so wonderful to draw people together around an
extraordinary exhibit like this one,” says museum director Shelby Tisdale. “Scholars, collectors, art dealers, artists,
donors, and members help build excitement for an exhibition
and make our work so interesting and rewarding.”
Though expenses for presenting an exhibit from
a museum's own collection are often less than those
associated with traveling exhibits or works on loan,
the cost of mounting a show can be substantial.
Significant financial support for Case Studies came
from Friends of Contemporary Art, or FOCA. The
group’s 250 members pay annual dues and organize contemporary art events to build awareness for
contemporary art and local artists and to boost the
museum’s contemporary art programs. The group
committed $15,000 to the show.
“FOCA’s support aligned perfectly with this opportunity to show the public how strong our contemporary art collection is,” says Laura Addison, museum
curator of contemporary art.
Among the most critical costs for any Museum of Art
exhibit is conservation. Fortunately, longtime museum supporters Barbara and Bud Hoover consider conservation an
essential and ongoing museum need, directing a portion of
their annual museum gift to provide for the work.
”In order for valuable pieces in the collection to stay protected and preserved for the future, conservation is important,”
Foundation trustee Barbara Hoover explains. “Especially if it
means that an amazing artwork will safely be on exhibit so it
can be shared with us.”
The range of exhibition costs makes a strong case for creating permanent exhibition endowment funds to provide our
institutions with a steady, long-term source of support. But
until then, it will take more than museum staff to make interesting and inspiring exhibitions happen. Foundation members,
donors, and collectors will all continue to play a vital role.
Case Studies
from the Bureau
of Contemporary Art
At the New Mexico Museum of Art, rarely seen gems from
the museum's contemporary art holdings are highlighted in
this whimsically titled exhibition (on view through March 20,
2011). The idea for the show came from conversations with
museum visitors who asked to see contemporary works from
the permanent collection.
Laura Addison, curator of contemporary art at the New Mexico Museum of Art, studies
John Garrett’s Midway/Wheel of Fortune, a piece that will be featured in Case Studies
From the Bureau of Contemporary Art.
Member News 3
in our shops
L ife , L andscape , L egend
New Mexico Creates, a program of the Museum of New Mexico Foundation Shops, offers
some of the state’s finest works of art. More than 3,500 pieces of original art by over 1,200
New Mexico artists —including handmade jewelry, Native American and Hispanic art, art
glass, textiles, and more—can be found at the Museum of New Mexico Foundation Shops or
online at Proceeds from New Mexico Creates benefit the Museum
of New Mexico and the participating artists. Meet six artists who draw inspiration from
nature, dreams, culture, and life in New Mexico. Members receive a 10% discount on any
of the items featured below.
George Zarolinski, Chimayo
George Zarolinski’s studio lies in a lush river
valley tucked between the northern New
Mexico badlands and
the Sangre de Cristo
mountains. The area’s
scenic beauty inspires
many of her colorful
Zarolinski’s jewelry is made by fusing
layers of dichroic glass in a kiln. The glass
appears one color from the front, but as the
piece is rotated, the color changes. The senDichoric glass pendant
suous show of light and color in each piece
necklace by George
is similar to the natural beauty of dragonf ly
wings or fire opals.
Laura Bruzzese, Albuquerque
Laura Bruzzese creates handpainted raku
and wood-fired vases, pendants, cups,
bowls, sculpture, and other ceramic home
décor, personal adornment, or gift-giving
items. Especially unique is her collection
of raku vases inspired by New Mexico
skies, colors, and plant life.
Raku pottery was developed in Japan
more than 400 years ago as the ceremonial tea ware of the Zen
Buddhist masters. Bruzzese allows you to
bring this tradition—and a piece of the
New Mexico outdoors—into your home.
Touch the sky. Watch a sunset. Discover
a f lower. Experience the power of clay as
transformed in Bruzzese’s hands.
Jacqueline Gala,
Taos Pueblo
Gala’s contemporar y
j e w e l r y
originates in
her dreams.
She keeps a
s k e t c h b o ok
by her bed
to capture
her dream
designs, then follows the shape of
semiprecious stones to flesh out the
work. Her innovative use of silver patterns, plates, bars, and wires showcases each stone’s special qualities.
Describing her jewelry as “wearable art,” Gala’s designs reflect classical American, European, and Asian
art as well as her
traditional Native
American heritage.
The self-taught silversmith also studied art and photography at the Institute
of American Indian
Sterling silver and
rosarita pendant by
Jacqueline Gala
August 2010, raku vase
by Laura Bruzzese
4 Member News
All photgrraphy by Candace Allen
Randall Chitto, Santa Fe
Randall Chitto is a member of the
Mississippi Band of Choctaw. Born
on the Choctaw Reservation in
Philadelphia, Mississippi, he spent
most of his childhood in Chicago,
where he became interested in graphic arts. He later came to Santa Fe
to study at the Institute
of American Indian Arts,
where his art took a new
direction as a “storyteller” ceramist.
A member of his tribe’s
Turtle Clan, Chitto’s trademark is the turtle, who
is revered as the keeper of
Choctaw histor y and lore.
Chitto narrates his people’s
unique beliefs and traditions
through turtle storytellers,
Koshare clowns, and other
ceremonial figures.
Turtle Koshare Eating Watermelon by
Randall Chitto
Barbara Harnack and
Michael Lancaster, Cerrillos
In their charming studio high above the Turquoise
Trail, Barbara Harnack and Michael Lancaster collaborate in bringing characters to life as one-of-akind vessels fired in the style of American Raku
Michael cuts and
throws the pieces,
then passes them to
Barbara, who draws
and paints people and
other fanciful characters with underglazes.
The sculptures are
pulled from the outdoor kiln when red hot and
placed in a barrel of straw. “When I was a girl,
I studied with a wonderful puppet maker from
Paris named Madame
Sorrell,” Barbara says. “I
never got over the experience of creating ‘living
beings’ from nothing.”
Raku face sculpture by
Barbara Harnack
Christopher Pruitt, Laguna Pueblo
Christopher Pruitt only began making jewelry in
2006. He learned the basics of polishing, brazing,
and sawing from his brother, award-winning jeweler
Pat Pruitt. He also studied
stone inlay with his long time
friend and renowned jeweler
Charlie Bird.
Today, Pruitt expresses his
love for stones, rocks, and various metals in extraordinary
pieces of contemporary jewelry, including kinetic pieces
that move when worn. He
often inlays turquoise, coral, black
jade, and fossilized
ivory into hammered
and textured silver,
and recently began
to set diamonds into
his work. In addition to his cultural
heritage and jewelry
mentors, Pruitt says
his work is inspired
by his background as
a culinary chef.
Bracelet with diamonds by
Christopher Pruitt
in our shops
Member News 5
in the news
F oundation M embers and
E vents M a k e N ews
Worthy of Mention
Reciprocal Membership with
Museum of Spanish Colonial
Art to End
Shops Update Websites with Sleek Design
and Mission Focus
Photo: Andrew Neighbour
The Museum of New Mexico Foundation Shops recently
launched new versions of their online marketplaces– and Shoppers
can now browse more than 5,000 items from over 5,000
artists while seamlessly shopping between the two sites
using a single shopping cart. They also can easily access
the Foundation's website from a tab at the top of the page.
The sites also focus on the mission of the Museum
Shops. Compelling images and messages remind shoppers that every online or in-store purchase supports
the Museum of New Mexico as well as artists from New
Mexico and around the world. In the last decade, the
Foundation Shops have provided more than $1 million in
support for the Museum of New Mexico and $6 million
for New Mexican artists and their families.
Members of the
Museum of New
Mexico Foundation
and Museum of
Spanish Colonial Art
will no longer receive
reciprocal membership privileges, including free admission, beginning in
January 2011. The agreement was created in 2002 to help the new Museum
Hill institution get off the ground by
drawing upon Foundation membership to attract audiences, and vice versa.
The Museum of Spanish Colonial Art now has its own
membership program, with more than 800 members who
support its collection of more than 3,000 objects and museum education programs. Foundation members will continue to receive free admission to the New Mexico History
Museum/Palace of the Governors, New Mexico Museum of
Art, Museum of International Folk Art, Museum of Indian
Arts & Culture, all state monuments, and the Harwood
Museum of Art in Taos.
The Circles Celebrate 25 Years of Membership Support
More than 160 members of The
Circles gathered at the home
of Sydney and Andrew Davis
to commemorate The Circle’s
twenty-five-year anniversary.
The Circles now have more
than 250 members and provide more than a half-million
dollars in annual support.
Circles founding member Nancy Bloch
Founding member Nancy
Bloch, who nurtured the group
in its formative years, was honored at the celebration. Bloch
6 Member News
now resides in southern California, but has deep ties to
New Mexico. She was a 1997 recipient of the Governor’s
Award for Excellence in the Arts, sponsored the Amy
Rose Bloch Wing at the Museum of Indian Arts &
Culture, and has made numerous gifts through the years
to support museum capital projects and exhibitions.
Current members who attended with more than twenty
years of membership were also recognized, including
JoAnn and Bob Balzer, Elizabeth Boeckman, June and
Tom Catron, Joan Dayton, Blaine Gutermuth, Barbara and
Bud Hoover, Nancy Meem Wirth, Edwina and Charles
Milner, Abe and Marian Silver, and Eileen Wells.
Jerry Richardson
The 2010 Award for
By Bonnie McLeskey
In 1994, Santa Fe fiber artist Maggy
Ryan bequeathed a substantial charitable remainder trust to the Museum
of New Mexico Foundation as a way
to perpetuate her passion for the
state’s museums and art education.
The Foundation’s Maggy Ryan Legacy
Society honors those who have made
an estate gift. To join the Maggy
Ryan Legacy Society contact Bonnie
McLeskey at (505) 982-6366, ext. 113,
or [email protected].
Anonymous (3)
Charmay B. Allred
Marilyn Almendinger
Keith K. Anderson and
Barbara G. Lenssen
M. Carlota Baca, Ph.D.
Susan and Lee Berk
Robert H. Blommer
Bill Bohnhoff
Dorothy Bracey
Beverly M. Carl
Joan and Richard Chodosh
Ruth H. Dillingham
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
George Duncan and Sheryl Kelsey
Ardith Eicher
Natalie Fitz-Gerald
Anthony Foltman and Terese Lyons
Sheilah Garcia
Robert H. Glaze
Gilda M. and Norman C. Greenberg
Jim and Pat Hall
Dorothy S. Harroun
Pat Haueter
Bertram and Pauline Heil
Jan and Howard Hendler
Barbara and Bud Hoover
Connie Thrasher Jaquith
Eleanore B. Joseph
Judith Kingsley
Ronald P. Klein and Doris Rosen
Walter and Allene Kleweno
Patricia Kuhlhoff
Henry and Judith Lackner
Charitable Remainder Trust
Bruce and Mary Anne Larsen
David and Janice Matthews
Susan McGreevy
Helene Singer Merrin
Doris Meyer
Edwina Hawley Milner and
Charles P. Milner
Edgar H. Mueller
Ann Murdy
Scott Murray and Mihail Lari
Bob Nurock
Dolores Duke Ortiz
Jane and Tom O’Toole
Don Pierce
Binnie Postelnek
Jerry Richardson
Sallie Ritter and Kent F. Jacobs, M.D.
Nancy Anderson Roberts
Mara and Charles Robinson
Paul Rosenberg
Keith Roth
John Sadd and Maggie Alexander
Jacqueline and Richard Schmeal
Abe and Marian Silver
Albert and Barbara Simms
Sue Ann Snyder
Michael and Anita Stevenson
Vicki A. And Ronald L. Sullivan
Robert W. Uphaus and Lois M. Rosen
Warren von Preissig
Sue and Felix Warburg
Johnette Ward
Carol H. and Robert A. Warren
Eileen A. Wells
In Memoriam
Carl M. Allen
Nancy Ballenger
Rhoda H. Barkan
Lewis Barker
Edwin E. Bewley
Gladys and Selig Burrows
James Lee Byars
Lawrence Calcagno
Charles D. Carroll
Mel Carter
Jordie M. Chilson
Anne Croy
William Wallace Cunningham
Helen M. Derbyshire
Richard Dillingham
Robert C. Ellis
R.D. Erwin
Eva Feld
Robert Frazer
Rod Goebel
J.B.L. Goodwin
Henriette Harris
Mildred N. Healy
Mickey Inbody
James R. Johnson
Clinton and Narcissa Swift King
Greg LaChapelle
Barbara H. Lidral
Eileen A. Maynard
Seymour Merrin
Mary Sue Mize
Jerome Munday
Dr. Ernestine O’Connell
Claudia O’Keeffe
Frank V. Ortiz
Melinda Miles Phister
Aline Porter
Margery Clark Primus
Richard C. Pritzlaff
Joan Higgins Reed
Maggy Ryan
Henry A. Sauerwein
Gertrude Schweitzer
Rosemarie Shellaberger
Eugenie Shonnard
Helen McKaig Spuhler
Helen L. Starbuck
Virginia E. and Douglas
Starkweather ■
M Me me mb eb re r N eN we ws s 7 7
maggy ryan legacy society
hilanthropy is inspirational.
Even more so are the philanthropists who undertake selfless
acts of kindness and generosity
for the well-being of others.
Jerry Richardson, the 2010
recipient of the Museum of New
Mexico Foundation Award for
Outstanding Philanthropy, has
done this—and more—to benefit the Museum of New Mexico.
As a longtime Foundation trustee and Palace of the
Governors/New Mexico History Museum supporter,
Richardson's tireless dedication made him an obvious
choice for the award, which is given to philanthropic leaders who have significantly impacted the Museum of New
Mexico Foundation.
“Awards like this are usually given to the people who
are able to write big checks to help make important things
happen. I am not one of those people,” Richardson says.
“I was recognized for my contribution of time and commitment over many years to the Foundation and to the
museums and monuments that we support.”
Richardson’s involvement dates to 1986, when he
became a founding member of the Palace Guard, the support group for the Palace of the Governors that he has since
served in many capacities. He has served as board chair,
vice chair, and secretary, as well as chair of the Long Range
Planning Committee. He currently is chair of the Audit
Committee and a member of the Governance Committee.
A retired attorney, Richardson’s professional pro-bono
contributions to the Foundation are valued for their
thoughtfulness and clarity. He also has made a generous
bequest to the Foundation’s endowment fund and the
Palace of the Governors endowment through the Maggy
Ryan Legacy Society.
In receiving the award, Richardson joined a roster of
distinguished past honorees, including John and Anne
Marion, Lloyd Cotsen, and Eileen Wells.
“I feel very honored and valued. It affirms so strongly
the values at the Foundation, where every contribution,
whether it be of time, energy, money, critical thinking, or a
combination of these things, is valued," he said. "It makes
me feel proud to be a part of the Foundation.”
Maggy Ryan
Legacy Society
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Board of Trustees 2010-2011
As of OCTOBER 1, 2010
Bud Hamilton, Chairman
Sherry Davis, Vice Chair
Roy Bidwell, Vice Chair
Jim Goodwin, Treasurer
Lynn Brown, Secretary
Catherine A. Allen
Keith K. Anderson
M. Carlota Baca Ph.D.,
Cynthia Bolene
Jane Buchsbaum
Rosa Ramirez Carlson
Bruce Chemel
Robert L. Clarke
John P. Comstock, M.D.
Clara L. Dougherty
Jim Duncan, Jr.
Jean Eddy
Leroy Garcia
J. Scott Hall
Catherine M. Harvey
Barbara Hoover
Kent F. Jacobs, M.D.
Photo: Cheron Bayna
Candace Jacobson
Connie Thrasher Jaquith
Cathy Kalenian
Stuart Kirk
Bruce Larsen
Jamie M. Lewinger
Ronald S. Lushing
Jim Manning
Janice Matthews
Jim McCaffery
Helene Singer Merrin
Bob Nurock
James T. Ortíz
Dennis A. O’Toole, Ph.D.
Michael E. Pettit
Jerry Richardson
Keith Roth
Judy Sherman
Marian Silver
J. Edd Stepp
Arnold Tenenbaum
Patty Terrell
Marilynn Thoma
8 Member News
Carol H. Warren
Claire Woodcock
John Young
Dr. Robert Zone
Advisory Trustees
Charmay B. Allred
JoAnn Lynn Balzer
John Berl
William Bohnhoff
Dorothy H. Bracey
Dick Chodosh
Susan Corn Conway
Liz Crews
Joan Dayton
Rosalind Doherty
Carole Ely
Jim Foley
Pat Hall
Susie Herman
Mortimer H. Herzstein
Ronald P. Klein
Margot Linton
Foundation Donors
april 1–september 30, 2010
The Museum of New Mexico
Foundation is grateful for donations made between April 1 and
September 30, 2010. Because of limited space, only gifts of $100 or more
are listed. An asterisk indicates
donors who made contributions of
$100 or more to the Annual Fund for
Museum Excellence between April 1
and September 30, 2010.
Major Leadership Donors
($25,000 and above)
The Ames Family Foundation
Bernalillo County, State of
New Mexico
The Dr. Ezekiel R. and Edna
Wattis Dumke Foundation
The Frost Foundation
Institute of Museum & Library
National Endowment for the
Santa Fe Arts Commission and the
1% Lodgers’ Tax
Santa Fe International Folk Art
William and Salome Scanlan
Marilynn and Carl Thoma
Janis Lyon
Leadership Donors
Doris Meyer
($5,000 to $24,999)
Bill Neuhaus
Acción New Mexico
Charmay B. Allred
Bank of America Foundation
Tana and Roy Bidwell *
John Bourne
Curtiss T. Brennan & Mary G.
Brennan Foundation, Inc.
Nancy and Alan Cameros
Jane and Stephen Hochberg
Karen and Stanley Hubbard
Hudson River Group
International Folk Art Foundation
La Fonda on the Plaza
Mihail S. Lari and Scott E. Murray *
Phillip LeCuyer
Nance and Ramón José López
Maryann and Jim McCaffery
McCune Charitable Foundation
New Mexico Council on
Newman's Own Foundation
Eugenia Pettit
Patricia and Leveo Sanchez
Thornburg Investment
Jane O’Toole
Alan Rolley
Donald F. Wright
Honorary Trustees Lloyd E. Cotsen
Anne and John Marion
Edwina and Charles Milner
Dolores Duke Ortiz
Binnie Postelnek
J. Paul Taylor
Eileen A. Wells
Trustees Emeriti
Thomas B. Catron III
Saul Cohen
Phyllis Gladden
James Snead ■
Eileen A. Wells
Wells Fargo Bank
Judy and Gordon Wilson
($1,000 to $4,999)
Carol and Tom Aageson
Aaron Payne Fine Art
A.M. and Paul Abbott
Adobe Gallery
Keith Anderson and Barbara
M. Carlota Baca, Ph.D.
John Barraclough
Sid Barteau
Ann Baumann *
Eric Blinman and Melissa
Lynn and Norman Brown
Camino Real De Tierra Adentro
Bruce Chemel
Antoinette and Michael Coop
Jean Cowden
Liz and John Crews *
David Richard Contemporary, LLC
Sherry and Jim Davis
Susie and Ron Dubin
James Duncan, Jr.
Marilyn and Paul Duncan
Carolyn Eason
The Essential Guide
Pat and Walter Farr
Jennifer and Roberts French *
Tammy and Leroy Garcia
Brooke Gray
Dan Greenberg and Susan
Mary Hamilton
Valerie and Bud Hamilton
Kay Harvey
Susie and C.T. Herman
Bob Himmerich y Valencia and
Eva Valencia de Himmerich *
Barbara and Bud Hoover
Sue and Art Hurley
Patsy and Bill Hutchison
Judith and Robert Kamerschen
Kate Killebrew and John Karon
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
Judy and Phil Laughlin
Fran Levine and Tom Merlan
Livingry Foundation
Dianne Loomis
Los Alamos National Bank
Ron Lushing *
Sharon and Barry Markl
Ann and Tim Maxwell
Christina Mednick
Terry and Walter Melendres
National Trust for Historic
New Mexico Humanities Council
Photo: Mariann Lovato
Left to right, Don Wright, Sherry Davis, Jan Fisher, Sharon Wright, and John Fisher
at a breakfast to thank donors who contributed $10,000 or more to the New Mexico
History Museum.
Patty and Arthur Newman
Nicola and James Ortiz
Alex and Paul Osowski Trust
Timothy Ott and Anita Petty
The Peruvian Connection Ltd.
Don Pierce
Carol and George Price
Program for Cultural Cooperation
Malcolm Purdy and Josef Diaz
Nancy Anderson Roberts *
Kari and Dan Rominski
Frauke and Keith Roth
Mary Anne and Allen Sanborn
Jacqueline and Richard Schmeal
Ruth and Sid Schultz
Teresa and Thomas Seamster
Judy and Bob Sherman
Marian and Abe Silver, Jr.
Simon Charitable Foundation
Sherill Spaar
Barbara and Stephen Stoddard
Friends of the Taylor Family
Earle Wescott and Sharon
Claire and Jim Woodcock
Peggy and Bob Zone
($100 to $999)
11 M e m b e r N e w s
Pamela and James Downey
Paula and Geoff Dransfield
Lucy and John Draper
Brenda Du Cray
Brooke Dulaney
Pam and Donn Duncan
Genevieve Duncan
George Duncan and Sheryl Kelsey
James H. Duncan, Sr.
Karen and Stephen Durkovich
Bob Eagle and Rochanya
Jean Eddy *
John Eddy
Miki Eiko
Janita and James Eldridge
Sheila and Kirk Ellis
Carol Elwood
B & J Exodus, Ltd
ExxonMobil Foundation
James Faris and Lucy Lippard
Alice Farley
Mary Ann and Ken Fergeson
Flora and Balbino Fernandez
Gail and Douglas Fine
Charlotte and Richard Finlay
John Fitch
Sandra and James Fitzpatrick *
Georgia and Steven Flannigan
Marleigh Fletcher
Mary Kay and Jim Foley
Caroll and Richard Follingstad
Velma and Robert Frank
Robert Frazer Estate
Kathy and Jeff Friedland
James Fries
Patricia and Thomas Fritts
Ava Fullerton
Nancy and Haines Gaffner
Aileen and William Garcia
Carol Garramone
Cynthia and Billy Garrett
Catherine and Victor Garrison
Barbara and Don Gazibara *
Jim Geisler and Ann Scheflen
Carolyn Gibbs and Rick Nelson
Jean-Ellen Giblin and Jerome
Shelley and Fred Glantz
Barbara Goede
Lisa Goetz *
Susan and Kevin Golden
Byron Goldstein
George Goldstein
Larry Goldstone
Suzanne Golt
Penny and Art Gomez
Gail and Jim Goodwin
John Gordnier and Cindy Katz
Elizabeth Gordon and Helen
Sallie and Mike Grant
Dolly Gray-Bussard
Robert Gress
Member News
foundation donors
A World Feast
Michael Abatemarco
Lorin and David Abbey
Laura and John Addison
Victoria Addison
Christine and Charles Adolph
Paul Agriesti
Roberta Aidem
Cyndy and Len Alaimo
Catherine Allen and Paul
Elisabeth and Jim Alley
Cathryn Anderson
Darlene and Jeff Anderson
Katherine and Lawrence
Clara Apodaca
Socorro Aragon
Ann Ash
Jenny Auger Maw and Gilbert Maw
William Austin
Katie Avery
Karen and Frederick Bailey
Marsha and Bob Bailey
Diana Baker
JoAnn and Bob Balzer
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Joy and Julius Bankoff
Charles Bankston
Harriett and Harris Barber *
Kay Barber
Gus Baros
Elizabeth Bayne
Rich Bechtold and Sue LeeBechtold
Constance and Douglas Beck
Martha Benson
Susan and Lee Berk
John Berl and Bob
Beryl Companies
Bruce Besser
Lynn Bickley
Virginia Bixler
Richard Blake *
Ursula and Charles Boatright
Elizabeth Boeckman
Sheryl and Jim Bohlander
Geraldine Bradberry
Priscilla and Jordan Braun
Mary and Curtiss Brennan
Eleanor and Richard Brenner
Suzanne Breslauer
Sallie and Dave Brewer
Barbara Briggs
Tom Brugger and Sandy Russ
Brycon Construction
Jane and Bill Buchsbaum
Carol Burchard O'Hare
Margery and Herb Burling
Elva and Bob Busch
Carol and Elliott Byall
Erline and Melvin Bynum
Shirley and Don Campbell
Renee and Bruce Cannon
Patricia and Douglas Carpenter
June and Tom Catron *
Century Bank
Charles Dibrell Chapter, NSDAR
Kathy and David Chase
Barbara Chatterjee
Fabian Chavez
Jane Chermayeff
Janet and Robert Chesnut
Joan and Dick Chodosh
Jane and Scott Christensen
Arlene Cisneros Sena
Linda and Leroy Clarke
Camille Coates
Cofradia la Conquistedora
Marilyn and Larry Cohen
Anne-Lise and Saul Cohen
Richard Collins
Bunny and Joe Colvin
Laura and James Commers *
Jerry Cooke
Kandy and Ismael Cordova
Charlotte and Joe Cornett
Ellen Cosgrove and Jeffrey Fahl
David Coss and Carol Rose
Mary and David Cost
Kay and Michael Coughlin
Carole and Philip Coviello
Judy Cuddihy
Jo and Cameron Cunningham
Hope Curtis
Nancy Cusack and Larry Stoerner
Barbara and J.R. Damron
Daniel Anthony Studio
Pamela and Doyle Daves
Shirlee and Glen Davidson
Joan Dayton
Sue-Ellen and John de Beer
Paul De Stefano and Patricia Bacha
Robert K. Dean
Thomas Delaney and Julia Igoe
Don DeVito
Judy and Ray Dewey
Jane Dillard
Susan Dilts
Judy and Lee Dirks *
Audrey Dittert
David Dodge
Jeannie and Darryl DodsonEdgers
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
Alexandra Downen
foundation donors
Kirsten Jasna and Peirce Clayton *
Ed Jenkins
Joni Jennings
Sandia Johnston
Julianne Jones Sherman and
Robert Sherman
Eleanore Joseph *
Marcia and Douglas Jurgens
Justice for America, Inc.
Steve and Kathleen Kadner
Cathy and Paul Kalenian
David Kaplan and Glenn
Susan and Sam Keith
Photo: Andrew Neighbour
Richard J. Griego
Dave Griffith and Kathy Miller
Marilyn Guida
Suzanna and Jerry Gurulé
Kerstin and Britt Gusterman
Blaine Gutermuth
Kay and Sam Haas
Richard Haft
Ernestine and Melvin Hagman
Pat and Jim Hall
Ellen Hamilton
Handweavers Guild of America, Inc.
Stephen Harrington and Diane
Left to right, Sid Jones, Foundation Trustee John Young, Maryanne Jones, and
Beverly Young gather at the twenty-five-year anniversary party for The Circles at the
home of Sydney and Andrew Davis. The evening honored Circles founding member
Nancy Bloch and others with more than twenty years of membership in The Circles.
Harriett and Wendell Harris
Peter and Alexandra Harrison
Richard Hasbrouck
Barbara Hays
Heartland Financial USA Inc
Gary Hein and Ann Severine
Bobbi and Douglas Heller
Jane Helton
Nancy Hemry-Botts
Robin and John Hendricksen
Susan Herdman and Gus Winter
Jeri and Phillip Hertzman
Carol and Ken Heyman
Jean and Richard Higgins
Margaret and Alan Hill *
Glennis and Seth Hinshaw
Carol and Robert Hippe
Gloria and Sam Hocking
Donna and Ralph Hood
William Hook and Kate Singer
Carol and Ronald Horner
Carol and Richard Hrdlicka
Margaret and Victoria Hughes
Rosalyn Hurley
Invisible City Designs
Kent Jacobs and Sallie Ritter
Candace Jacobson
Connie Jaquith
10 M e m b e r N e w s
Willaim Keller and Bebe Van
Estee and Luke Kellogg
Donna and Paul Keshtkar
Sherry and Adel Kheir-Eldin
Elizabeth and Albert Kidd *
Jane Kimball
Nancy and Philip Kiraly
Fiddle and Stuart Kirk
Patricia Klock
Patricia and Martin Koldyke
Penelope Koven
Kranz & Company LLP
Ricki and Scott Kresan
P. Wesley Kriebel and Marilynn
Pat Kuhlhoff
Frank Kunc and Lisa Hinson
Bill Kutilek
La Sociedad Folklorica
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry
Nancy and James Lacy
Carlota and Enrique LaMadrid
Cynthia and Walt Lamar
Beverly Lanzetta and William
Ron Latimer and Joyce Ice
Joseph LaVoie
Mercia Lee
Mary Beth Leininger
Sheryl Lemesany
Diane and John Lenssen
Jayne and Glenn Levant
Carla and Roger Levien
Joyce and Jerry Levine
Liz and Dick Levine
Ellen and Benjamin Levy
Kay and Willard Lewis
Gloria and Marvin Lieberman
Shirley Lingenfelter
Margot and Robert Linton
Mary and John Loukota
Vernon Lujan
Robin and John Lyle
Stephanie and Bill Lyon
Lyric Opera of Chicago
Judith and Donald Machen
Ann MacVicar
Macy's Foundation
Michael and Tish Maffie
Sherry Malone and David
Mitzi and Stephen Maras
Margo Cutler Ltd. Real Estate
Kay and Anthony Marks
Audrey and Stephen Marmon
Frances Joan Mathien
Janice and Dave Matthews
Susan and Alan Maycock
Susan McBride and Elinor
Darryl McCall and Miren
Sue and James McCall
Maureen McCarthy and John
Susan and Thomas McCloskey
Pamela McCorduck and Joseph
Margaret and Norman
Betsey and David McKearnan
Claire and French McKnight
Pam McNair-Wingate
Mary Lynn and Guy McNallie
Art McQuiddy
Kathleen McRee
Marsha and James Meehan *
Judith and Bob Merhar
Robert Metcalfe
Pamela and Don Michaelis
Gordon Micunis and Jay Kobrin
Marilyn and Donald Miller
Edwina and Charles Milner *
Cindy Miscikowski
Lynn and David Mitchell
Susan and Charles Mize
Kathy and Peter Mizrahi
Manuel Monasterio
Marian Montano
Ann Montouri
Marjorie and Dave Morehead
Patricia and Richard Morris
Nancy and Lucian Morrison *
Linda and Don Morsman
Dianne Moss
John Mounts
Kermit Mowbray and Linda
Gump Mowbray
H. Britt and John Mullican
Arthur Mullins *
Nancy and Hiroshi Murata
Native Art Images
Marc Navarro and Gunther Cohn
Viola Navrot
Martha and Jerry Nelson
Keith Nelson
Aysen New
New Mexico Association of
New Mexico Bank & Trust
New Mexico Community
Foundation *
New Mexico Highlands
University Foundation, Inc.
New Mexico Hispanic Culture
Preservation League
Rita and Donald Newman
Nancy Newton
Richard Nielsen
Beej Nierengarten-Smith and
James Smith
Ruth and David Noble
Nancy Nofield
Steve Novak
Irving Novick
Bob Nurock
Marilyn O'Brien *
Barbara and Michael Ogg
PALO Verde Ltd LLC
Nicolette and Pavlos
Jonathan Parks and Robert
Stuart Patterson and Elinor
Claire Peterson
Marilyn Petschek *
Michael Pettit
Elizabeth and Rob Pettus
Pamela and Robert Pierce
Yara and Gerald Pitchford *
Colette and Thomas Pogue
Stephen Pope and Maria Elena
Sharon and Jim Porter
Deborah and Earl Potter
Precyse Solutions
Mary Lou Pringle
Caren Prothro *
Malcolm Purdy and Josef Diaz
Marta and Teodoro Rael
Barbara and John Ramsay *
Agnesa Reeve
Eric Renz-Whitmore
13 M e m b e r N e w s
Photo: Andrew Neighbour
Rebecca Sanchez
Peggy and Jay Collins
Laura Sullivan
Rayena and Robert Pavlik
J. Paul Taylor
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
Kate Ware
Alex and Paul Osowski Trust
Anita and Jay Zednik
Elva and Robert Busch
Ellen Zieselman
Unitarian Congregation of Santa Fe
Gifts Received in Memory of
Governor’s Circle members Edwina and Charles Milner have a light breakfast while
listening to talks inside the Acequia Madre House. The event provided an insider’s look
at the antique furniture, paintings, and rare Spanish Colonial, Native American, and
Finnish art works collected by the home’s original owners.
Susan Tarman
Richard Taub and Betty Farrell
Edwina Taylor
Josephine and Johnny Taylor
Bev and Tom Taylor
Patty Terrell
The Ross Firm
Dr. and Mrs. David Hurst Thomas
Martha Kate Thomas
Stephanie Thomas and David
Susan Thomas
Katherine and Mark Thompson
Kathy and Rodney Thompson
William Thurwachter and
Donna Viera
Enid Tidwell
Linda Tigges
Mary and Wolky Toll
Carol and Bernie Toobin
Hortence and Pete Torres
Panda Townsend
Regina and William Turner
Unitarian Congregation of Santa Fe
John Vazquez
Lillie and Mike Veon
Veritas Foundation *
Joan and Cliff Vernick
Elizabeth and David Vlaming
Mary Wahl
Mary Ann Walz and Lawrence
Peter Wanco
Thomas P. Wangler and Julie O.
Johnette Ward
Lucindy and Tom Ward
Carol and Bob Warren
Lee Warren
Suzanne and Stephen Watkins *
Alyce and Doc Weaver
Katherine and James Weir
John Weltman and Roderick Tang
Jerry Todd Wertheim and Carol
Elizabeth West
Diane and Lance White
Grace and Glenn Whitecotten
Catherine and Thomas Willmott
Margaret and Peter Wilson
Marie C. and Joseph C. Wilson
Foundation *
Ron Winters
Clifford Wood
Sharon and Don Wright
Sara and Joe Wright
Todd Zaburski
Zaplin-Lampert Gallery, Inc *
Janet and Everett Zlatoff-Mirsky *
Gifts Received in Honor of
Tom Aageson
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
Charmay B. Allred
Beezy and Steve Bing
Tammy and Leroy Garcia
JoAnn and Bob Balzer
Pat and Jim Hall
Mary and Curtiss Brennan
Jeri and Phillip Hertzman
Eleanor and Richard Brenner
Fran Levine and Tom Merlan
Lyric Opera of Chicago
Jonathan Metcalfe
Robert Metcalfe
Museum of New Mexico
Foundation Staff
Carol and Tom Aageson
Muriel L. Block
Blaine Gutermuth
Marshall Clinard
Mary Anne and Allen Sanborn
William W. Cunningham
Elisabeth and Jim Alley
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
Jacqueline Duke
Nancy and Haines Gaffner
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
Ron Latimer and Joyce Ice
Rosalie Davidson
Barbara Shufro
Doug Dayton
Carol and Tom Aageson
Barbara and Bud Hoover
Frauke and Keith Roth
Marian and Jules Shapiro
William Hunker
Caroll and Richard Follingstad
Seymour Merrin
Carol and Tom Aageson
The Abeles Foundation
Roberta Aidem
Yasine Armstrong
JoAnn and Bob Balzer
Susan and Lee Berk
John Berl and Bob
Joan Dayton
Brian DeLay and Colleen Kelly
Ruth Dillingham
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
Velma and Robert Frank
Kathy and Jeff Friedland
Shirley and Harold Goldman
Blaine Gutermuth
Sue and David Halpern
Barbara and Bud Hoover
Kirsten Jasna and Peirce
Joy and Julius Bankoff
Judith and Robert Kamerschen
Ethel and Bernie Kolbor
Kranz & Company LLP
Member News
foundation donors
Nancy Reynolds
Jerry Richardson
William Riddle
Kathleen and Clair Riley
Phyllis Robinson and Martha
Teena and Dave Robinson
Margaret Robson
Christopher Rocca and David
Dorothy and Gilbert Romero
Polly Rose
Mary and Alex Ross
Carol and Richard Rudman
Susan and Donald Rule
Molly and Tony Russo
Judith and Frank Sabatini
Cara Lu Salam
Terri and John Salazar
Suzannah and Marshall Sale
Millicent and Alex Sanchez
Santa Fe Complex
Santa Fe Weaving Gallery
Karen and Rick Savitz
Paul Secord
Cynthia and Timothy Schneeberger
Stanley Schneider
Edie and Ernie Schwartz
Jay Shapiro
Frank Shuck and Jane Hanna
Barbara Shufro
Gerald Silverstein and Robert
Barbara and Albert Simms
Jo Anne Singer
Mary Alice and Larry Sitney
Ann and Charles Smith
Glen Smith
Jim Smith
Konye and Richard Smith
Lori and Roy Snable
Georgia and Jim Snead
Lea and David Soifer
Sotheby's International Realty
Roger Southward and Jonathan
Sarah Spencer and Mary Carmack
Marja Springer
Stephen Watts Kearny, Chapter
of DAR
Stephen's Consignment
Carole and Edd Stepp
Leslie and Phillip Stern
Anita and Mike Stevenson
Margaret Steward and Robert
Terri Stiner
Judith and Robert Stix
Roy Stoesz and Ann Bealle
Pam and Carl Storch
Margery Strass
Patricia Strother
Suzanne and Joel Sugg
Jane and Gary Swanson
Photo: Kathleen Yount
foundation members
Foundation Leadership
As of october 1, 2010
Chairman's Circle
($10,000 or above)
Miryam and Bob Knutson
Maryann and Jim McCaffery
Dee Ann McIntyre
Rick and Beth Schnieders
National Circle
Left to right, Matt Schmader, City of Albuquerque Superintendent of the Open Space
and Works; cross bow collector Don Menning; Foundation trustee Keith Anderson;
Zia Pueblo potter Ulysses Reid; and Foundation member Norman McLeskey gather for
a discussion about Menning’s crossbows. The demonstration was part of the annual
Chiles and Sherds celebration to benefit the Office of Archaeological Studies.
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
Sallye and Don Mann
Maryann and Jim McCaffery
Sue and James McCall
Pamela McCorduck and Joseph
Rita and Donald Newman
Irving Novick
Bob Nurock
Stephanie and Stanley Pastor
Phyllis and Howard Raskin
Jerry Richardson
Frauke and Keith Roth
Santa Fe Weaving Gallery
Edie and Ernie Schwartz
Jo Anne Singer
Lea and David Soifer
Patty Terrell
Eileen A. Wells
Sharon and Don Wright
Marj Mizerak
Kathleen McRee
Don Pierce
Gini and John Prihoda
Mary and Wolky Toll
Bill Murphy
Marjorie and Scott Andrus
John Berl and Bob
Sandy Besser
Marylou and Bob Best
John P. Boland
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
Mary Kay and Jim Foley
Margaret and Clarke Garrett
Chris and Scott Hall
Nancy Hemry-Botts
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
Liz and Dick Levine
Ed Oppenheimer and Victoria
12 M e m b e r N e w s
Jeanne Peters
Jerry Richardson
Judith Seltzer
Marian and Abe Silver, Jr.
Barbara and Albert Simms
Ann R. Smith
Cynthia and David Smith
Lucindy and Tom Ward
Genevieve Regas
Marjorie and Dave Morehead
Woods Design Builders, Inc.
Willard Schroeder
James Duncan, Jr.
Evie Weinstein
Elisabeth and Jim Alley
Beryl Companies
Joe Brooks
Carol Burchard O’Hare
Robert Burchard
Kristen and Lee Cohen
Julie and Sherman Frankston
Ava Fullerton
Helen Graham
Richard Haft
Carol and Ken Heyman
Ron Latimer and Joyce Ice
Bette Liebman
PerfectServe, Inc.
Precyse Solutions
Martha Schlenk
Stanley Schneider
Peggy and Joe Silva
Charlyn and Barry Slade
Helen and Ralph Snoke
Deborah C. Wyant
James H. Duncan, Sr.
Sharon Yenney
Charles Bankston ■
($5,000 to $9,999)
Barbara and Gary Ames
Karen and Bill Bohnhoff
Mary and David Cost
Ruth Dillingham
James Duncan, Jr.
Valerie and Bud Hamilton
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry Lackner
Mary Anne and Bruce Larsen
Jeanne and Jim Manning
Sue and Phil Marineau
Collins and Jon Redman
Frauke and Keith Roth
Mary and John Sparks
Jacqueline and Glenn Tilton
Adele and Milton Ward
Governor's Circle
($2,500 to $4,999)
Cyndy and Len Alaimo
Catherine Allen and Paul
Keith Anderson and Barbara
Rene and Laughlin Barker
Mr. and Mrs. S.D. Bechtel, Jr.
Susan and Lee Berk
John Berl and Bob
Tana and Roy Bidwell
Sallie Bingham
Elizabeth Boeckman
Bruce and Cynthia Bolene
Jo and Horace Bounds
Dorothy Bracey and Tom Johnson
Priscilla and Jordan Braun
Lynn and Norman Brown
Mary Ann and John Bumgarner
June and Tom Catron
Honey and Peter Chapin
Bruce Chemel
Jean and Robert Clarke
Joan and Jay Corley
Mary Costello
Sherry and Jim Davis
Nancy Dickenson
Jack Dietrich
John Duncan and Anita Sarafa
Carolyn Eason
Susan Foote and Stephen Feinberg
Debbie Fleischaker
Marlene and Darryl Fry
Myrl Good
Gail and Jim Goodwin
Kami Gupta
Pat and Jim Hall
Ann and Wade Harrison
Kay Harvey
Pauline and Bert Heil
Susie and C.T. Herman
Doris Meyer and Richard Hertz
Ruth and Frank Hogan
Christy and Ezra Hubbard
Patsy and Bill Hutchison
Kim and Fred Johnson
Maryanne and Sid Jones
Cathy and Paul Kalenian
Margot and Robert Linton
Ron Lushing
Anne and John Marion
Joan and Mitchell Markow
Janice and Dave Matthews
Joyce and Steve Melander-Dayton
Helene Singer Merrin
Edwina and Charles Milner
Ann and Russ Morton
Mihail S. Lari and Scott E. Murray
Mark Naylor and Dale Gunn
Bob Nurock
Kathryn O'Keeffe
Jane and Tom O'Toole
Michael Pettit
Don Pierce
Susan and Win Priem
Mary Lou Pringle
First Lady Barbara Richardson
and Governor Bill Richardson
Mozelle Richardson and Judy
Regina and James Richdale
Nancy Anderson Roberts
Barbara and Jim Robins
Mara and Charles Robinson
Donna and Jack Rust
Suzannah and Marshall Sale
Nan Schwanfelder
Mr. James R. Seitz, Jr.
Judy and Bob Sherman
Marian and Abe Silver, Jr.
Steve Simon and Katherine Marck
Ann and Charles Smith
Carole and Edd Stepp
Margaret Steward and Robert
Suzanne and Joel Sugg
Lorlee and Arnold Tenenbaum
Patty Terrell
Clare and Eugene Thaw
Marilynn and Carl Thoma
Joanna and Peter Townsend
Nancy and Gil Waldman
Jean and Kent Watts
Eileen A. Wells
Earle Wescott and Sharon
Claire and Jim Woodcock
Sharon and Don Wright
Beverly and John Young
Peggy and Bob Zone
Kevin Hammar and Kathy
Dorothy Harroun
Robin and John Hendricksen
Carol Burt Hilliard and Ray
Nora and Robert Hillier
Jane and Stephen Hochberg
Rae Hoffacker and Peter Pappas
Barbara and Don Homer
Barbara and Bud Hoover
Myra and Robert Hull
James Hutson-Wiley and Olga
Roger Hyndman and Elizabeth
Kay and David Ingalls
Candace Jacobson
Connie Jaquith
Diane Jergins
Kathryn Jordan
Leslie Nathanson Juris and
Hervey Juris
Sherri and Charles Karaian
Daniel "Bud" Kelly
Gayle Kuldell
Nancy and James Lacy
Judy and Phil Laughlin
Joni and John Lawler
Kyla Martensen and Larry
Jayne and Glenn Levant
Jamie and John Lewinger
Julia Kalmus and Abe Lillard
Nance and Ramón José López
Janis and Dennis Lyon
Suzy and Bill MacGillivray
Lynn Marie Marchand
Marlene and Marvin Maslow
Kathie and Bruce McBroom
Leslea and Frank McCabe
Ellen McCabe and Richard
Regents' Circle
15 M e m b e r N e w s
Business Council
As of october 1, 2010
Director’s Council
($25,000 and above)
Chairman’s Council
($10,000 to $24,999)
Buffalo Thunder Resort & Casino
Mike Kinnison
Neutrogena Corporation
The Santa Fe New Mexican
Sysco New Mexico
Wells Fargo Bank
National Council
($5,000 to $9,999)
Century Bank
Citadel Broadcasting
Clear Channel Radio
Comcast Spotlight
Encantado, An Auberge Resort
First National Bank of Santa Fe
Heritage Hotels & Resorts
Hutton Broadcasting
Los Alamos National Bank
Los Poblanos Inn
NM Business Weekly
Perfect Wedding Guide
Su Casa Magazine
Thornburg Investment
Western Art and Architecture
ZaneBennett Contemporary Art
Left to right, Susan and Bob Anderson with new Circles members Dr. Barry Ramo and his wife, Roberta, at the Los Poblanos Historic Inn &
Cultural Center. Los Poblanos provided a beautiful setting for a recent four-part lecture series by Museum of New Mexico directors.
Member News
business council
Cris and Kenneth Abbott
Roberta Aidem
Maggie Alexander and John Sadd
Charmay B. Allred
Marilyn Almendinger
Jonathan Altman
M. Carlota Baca, Ph.D.
Marsha and Bob Bailey
Donna and John Bailey
Martha and Bill Baker
JoAnn and Bob Balzer
Betty and Russell Bellamy
Signe Bergman and Jerry
Karen and Stephen Bershad
Marylou and Bob Best
Evelyn Biery
Eleanor and M.H. Blakemore
Joyce Blalock
Martha Braniff and David
Victoria and Roy Bridges
Joseph Bryan
Jane and Bill Buchsbaum
Joyce Buford
Georgia and Bill Carson
Elaine and William Chapman
Kathy and David Chase
Linda and John Comstock
Kay and Bill Crawford
Liz and John Crews
Stan Damberger and Madeleine
Joan Dayton
Rosalind and Lowell Doherty
Ann and Richard Donnelly
Susie and Ron Dubin
Susan and Cameron Duncan
Martha Egan
Carole Ely and Bob Wickham
Sharon Ettinger-McLaughlin
and Don McLaughlin
Barbara and Ted Flicker
Marc Geller and Beth Beloff
Carolyn Gibbs and Rick Nelson
Connie and David Girard-diCarlo
George Goldstein
Jacquelyn Grimm
Blaine Gutermuth
Terri and Dan Guy
Marian and Robert Haight
Miriam and E.B. Hall
Chris and Scott Hall
Judy and Gordon Wilson
Nancy Meem Wirth
Karen Wohlgemuth
Sandy and Gary Wright ■
Photo:Andrew Neighbour
($1,500 to $2,499)
Susan McGreevy and Herb
Claire and French McKnight
Terry and Walter Melendres
Judy and Lance Mikkelsen
Beth and Steve Moise
Catherine and William Norris
Susan Corn Conway and
Patrick Oliphant
Kerry Olson and David Katz
Trudy and Dennis O'Toole
George Pelletier and Jim Hailey
Francine and Fred Pevow
Sandra and Richard Porter
Deborah and Earl Potter
Lauren and Larry Prescott
Rose Provan
Deborah and James Quirk
Roberta and Barry Ramo
Eliza Lovett Randall
Jerry Richardson
Ann and Alan Rolley
Donald Schuster
Robert A. Shelton
Nancy and George Shutt
Eve and Fred Simon
Jane and Bud Smith
Georgia and Jim Snead
David Frank and Kazukuni
Jane and Gary Swanson
Carol and James Thomson
Marge Tillman and Bill Watson
Cynthia Titus and Rey Post
Carol and Bernie Toobin
August Van Dessel
Barbara and Richard VanDongen
Joan and Cliff Vernick
Carol and Bob Warren
Helen and Pennington Way
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Weiss
Pattie White
Barbara and Peter Wiggins
($2,500 to $4,999)
Ashley Margetson, Sotheby's
International Realty
Bishop's Lodge Ranch Resort
and Spa
Catron, Catron & Pottow
Eldorado Hotel and Spa
The Essential Guide
Hilton Santa Fe
Hotel Santa Fe
Inn of the Governors
La Fonda on the Plaza
Reynolds Insurance
Rosewood Inn of the Anasazi
Santa Fean
Starline Printing
Storyteller Theatres
Photo:Mariann Lovato
business council
Governor's Council
Regents' Council
($1,500 to $2,499)
Adobo Catering
Albuquerque Journal North
Andrew Neighbour Photography
Blue Rain Gallery
Canyon Road Flowers
Careers First
Casa Cuma B&B
CB Richard Ellis / Crow
Cisneros Design
CPC Solutions/The Maravilla
Dana Waldon Photography
Dougherty Real Estate Co.
El Rey Inn
Fishbone Marketing, Inc.
Galpert/Ortega Group of Wells
Fargo Advisors
Garcia Automotive Group
Gerald Peters Gallery
Get Printing
Gruet Winery
Inn at Santa Fe
Inn on the Alameda
Invisible City Designs
Knitworks, LLC
Kyla Thompson Public Relations
Lamplighter Inn
Lewallen Galleries
Local Flavor Magazine
Maria's New Mexican Kitchen
Marshall Plan
Montgomery Ross & Assoc, Inc.
Nedra Matteucci Galleries
Old Santa Fe Inn
Pantry Restaurant
Paper Tiger
Paul Thompson & Associates/
Santa Fe Valet
Peas 'n' Pod Catering, Inc.
14 M e m b e r N e w s
Bert Heil, left, and Don Pierce have breakfast in the courtyard of the New Mexico
Museum of Art prior to a behind-the-scenes collection and gallery tour in appreciation of their membership in the Maggy Ryan Legacy Society, the Foundation’s planned
giving program.
Plaza Restaurant & Southside
Premier Distributing
Rush / Van Camp, Sotheby's
International Realty
Samuel Design Group
Sandia Office Supply
Santa Fe Party Rentals
Santa Fe Print & Images
Santa Fe Reporter
Shane Cronenweth, Sotheby's
International Realty
Shidoni Foundry and Galleries
Someone's In The Kitchen
studio x, inc.
Swell Design
Target Concierge
Vivo Studios
Water Street Inn
Whole Foods Market
Business Benefactor
($500 to $1,499)
20th Century West Art
Appraisal, Inc.
3CM Construction
Management, LLC
Addison Rowe Fine Art
Albuquerque Hispano Chamber
of Commerce
Allan Houser Inc.
Altermann Galleries &
Aquila Designs, Inc.
Armadillo Santa Fe, Protective
Art Delivery Service
Avalon Trust Company
Blue Chip Insurance
The Bull Ring
BusinessWise, Inc.
C. Michael Spain and Associates
Café Café
Casa Nova
Charter Bank
The Collector's Guide
Comunica, Inc.
Conron & Woods Architects
Counter Culture
Cowgirl BBQ
Daniel Anthony Studio
Demand Printing Solutions
Ecco Espresso & Gelato
The Edge Gallery
Emily's Artist Studio Tours
Evoke Contemporary
Felker, Ish, Ritchie & Geer, P.A.
Fire Dragon Color
First Community Bank
First Movement Moving
Freedman Group
Gallagher & Associates
General Mailing and Shipping
H & H Private Investigations
HK Advertising Branding Public
Home Planet Studio
INK Santa Fe
Inn and Spa at Loretto
Inside Santa Fe
IronStone Bank
James Kelly Contemporary Art
Karan Ruhlen Gallery
La Boca
La Posada de Santa Fe
Laura Sheppherd Salon de
Maggie's Cakes
The McIntyre Group
Michael's Valet Parking, Inc.
Michelle Vest Photography
Mining & Geological Industrial
Consultants, LLC
Moss Outdoor
Munson Graphics
New Mexico Bank & Trust
New Mexico Department of
New Mexico Magazine
Ohori's Coffee Tea & Chocolate
Passport New Mexico, Inc.
Pranzo Italian Grill
Pronto! Signs and Graphics
The Ross Firm
San Francisco Street Bar & Grill
Santa Ana Skincare Clinic
Santa Fe Alliance
Santa Fe Basket Company
Santa Fe Brewing Company
Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce
Santa Fe Convention and
Visitors Bureau
Santa Fe Indian Trading
Santa Fe P.S.
Santa Fe School of Cooking
Schenck Southwest
The Shed Restaurant
Shiprock Santa Fe
Sign Graphics
Southwest Assignments
Southwest Seminars
Southwestern Association for
Indian Arts
TAI Gallery / Textile Arts
Thomas Properties, Ltd.
Walter Burke Catering
Ward Russell Photography
Webster Enterprises
White & Luff Financial
Wolf Corporation
Youth Shelters
Ziafotos ■