Meeting Packet - TransACT EduPortal
Meeting Packet - TransACT EduPortal
Meeting Packet Board Agenda for June 24, 2013 June 24, 2013 7:00 PM Packet page 1 of 106 Board Agenda for June 24, 2013 MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT District Administrative Center 7106 South Avenue, Middleton, Wisconsin Agendas are subject to change at the discretion of the School Board. For further information, call 829-9004. This meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. and will be conducted at the District Administrative Center, 7106 South Avenue, Middleton, Wisconsin. Monday, June 24, 2013 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR BOE MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. 2. RECOGNITION - STATE TRACK PARTICIPANTS AND STATE TENNIS PARTICIPANTS FROM MHS 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular and Closed Minutes of June 10, 2013 Action Required: Motion to Approve Minutes 06.10.13 Regular BOE minutes.pdf (p. 7) 4. COMMUNICATIONS If interested in addressing the School Board during the Communications portion of the meeting, please fill out the Citizen Comment form found on the table as you enter the Board Meeting. Once you have completed the form and read the guidelines, give the form to one of the board members for recognition by the school board president. a. Correspondence/Board Communication b. Citizen Comments 5. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT a. Upcoming Events and Updates 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Administrative/Business Services i. Approval of Bills Payable Check numbers 228480 through 228947 totaling $1,535,701.59 are submitted and have been reviewed by the Board Treasurer. Action Required: Motion to Approve Bills Payable 06.24.13 Payables List.pdf (p. 11) Electronic Payments-ACH.pdf (p. 22) ii. Approval of Treasurer's Report The Treasurer’s Report for May 2013 is attached and has been reviewed by the Treasurer. Action Required: Motion to Approve the Treasurer's Report May 2013 Treasurer's Report.pdf (p. 23) Packet page 2 of 106 b. Employee Services i. Approval of Resignations The administration recommends approval of the following resignations: Molly Morse, Special Education Teacher at Glacier Creek Kristan Nielsen, Special Education Teacher at Kromrey Terri Tessmann, Project Lead the Way Teacher at MHS Brad Troeger, Physical Education and Health Teacher at MHS ii. Approval of Leaves of Absence The administration recommends approval of the following leave of absence: Caroline Estabrook, Grade 2 Teacher at Park, has requested a childrearing leave of absence to begin on or around November 21, 2013 to the end of the 2013-2014 school year. iii. Approval of Staff Appointments The administration recommends approval of the following staff appointments: Jonathan Daugherty, to a 0.20 FTE regular contract Spanish Teacher at MHS. Jonathan’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 4B of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. This will give Jonathan a 0.50 FTE overall contract. Kristine Hardy, to a 1.0 FTE temporary contract Physical Education, Health and Adaptive Physical Education Teacher at Glacier Creek. Kristine’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 3 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. Jenniper Hylbert, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Grade 5 Teacher at Park. Jenniper’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 4 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. Katherine Kruczynski, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Grade 3 Teacher at Park. Katherine’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 3 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. Chelsea Kupsch, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Physical Education and Health Teacher at MHS. Chelsea’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 3 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. Rebecca Lubnow, to a 0.40 FTE regular contract and 0.60 FTE temporary contract Speech and Language Therapist at MHS. Rebecca’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 3 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. Adam Martz, to a 1.0 FTE temporary contract Grade 3 Teacher at Sunset Ridge. Adam’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 3 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. Katelyn Meves, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Speech and Language Therapist at MHS. Katelyn’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 3 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. Krystal Porter, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Communications Studies Teacher at MHS. Krystal’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 3 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. Megan Stam, to a 0.90 FTE regular contract Social Studies Teacher at MHS. Megan’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 3 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. Erica Wagoner, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Elementary Computer Literacy Teacher at Elm Lawn. Erica’s salary is based on Range 1, Step 3 of the 2012-2013 salary schedule. iv. Approval of Retirements The administration recommends approval of the following retirement: Pauline Gilbertson, Special Education Teacher at Kromrey v. Approval of Lay Offs There are no layoffs to approve at this time. c. District Consent Items i. Approval of Intergovernmental Agreements - Police Liaison and Crossing Guards Background: The MCPASD enters into an agreement each year with the City of Middleton in sharing costs related to our police liaison programs and crossing guards. Attached are the agreements and the projected budgets for the Middleton services. Packet page 3 of 106 Action Required: Motion to Approve the Police Liaison Program and Crossing Guards Intergovernmental Agreements with the City of Middleton SRO Intergovernmental Agreement.pdf (p. 29) Crossing Guard Intergovernmental Agreement.pdf (p. 32) ii. Approval of Public Depositories for 2013-14 Fiscal Year Background: The Board is required to annually designate financial institutions/investment entities to serve as official depositories for school district funds and investments. The following financial institutions/depositories/investment entities are recommended to serve this purpose for 2013-14: State Bank of Cross Plains – primary depository for the District Wisconsin Investment Series Cooperative (WISC) – cash flow management program and reinvestment of bond proceeds (and corresponding financial institutions where investments are awarded/placed) Bank of Montreal/Harris Bank – purchasing card program State of Wisconsin Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) Saulsbury Hill Financial/SUNTRUST – lease purchase financing escrow Morgan Stanley – OPEB trust iii. Approval of Athletic Tournaments in Fund 96 as Fundraisers Background: Middleton High School hosts a number of athletic tournaments (including WIAA) or competitions each year. The District utilizes a special fund, Fund 96 to account for the revenues and expenditures related to these tournaments or competitions. Many of the tournaments hosted by MHS generate more revenues than expenditures, thereby resulting in a profit. According to DPI, with approval of the school board on an annual basis, these tournaments can be treated as “fundraisers.” This action permits the profits from these tournaments to be accounted for in a different fund (Fund 21). Fund 21 is utilized for gifts and other fundraising activities that are carried over from year-to-year. The funds raised through the hosting of tournaments would be used, in large part, towards capital expenditures that enhance the facilities hosting the tournaments. For example, profits made from hosting a WIAA football playoff game at Breitenbach as a neutral site may be used to assist with funding a capital project to increase capacity for restrooms and a ticket booth at the Stadium. Proposed capital improvements would be brought to the Board for approval. The fund could also be used to support students in need who are not able to afford the fees surrounding a sport of their choice. 7. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION/DISCUSSION a. Enrollment Update Background: George Mavroulis will update the board on the current enrollment and the projected enrollment for the 2013-2014 school year. Presentation Time: 5 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 5 minutes 2013-14 Actual Enrollment.pdf (p. 33) 2013-14 Projected Enrollment.pdf (p. 34) Enrollment Comparison Data.pdf (p. 35) b. Building Projects Update Background: Don Johnson and Tom Wohlleber will update the board on the progress of the three building projects that are starting in the district. Presentation Time: 5 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 5 minutes Packet page 4 of 106 c. Education Foundation Report Background: Perry Hibner will report to the board on the Education Foundation. Presentation Time: 5 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 5 minutes Education Foundation Update Materials.pdf (p. 39) d. Agenda Setting for July 22, 2013 Background: The board will have the opportunity to plan the agenda for the July 22, 2013 regular board meeting or to defer the planning to the agenda committee on June 25, 2013. Presentation Time: 5 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 5 minutes 8. ITEMS FOR ACTION a. Approval of School Nutrition Program Meal Prices for 2013-14 Background: Following careful study of our current revenue/expenditures and consideration of other CESA 2 districts, Susan Peterman is recommending several increases to the lunch prices. See attached 2013-2014 pricing charts. Presentation Time: 5 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 5 minutes Action Required: Approval of School Nutrition Program Meal Prices for 2013-14 School Nutrition Meal Price Data.pdf (p. 43) b. Resolution Authorizing the Financing of $1,127,747 of Equipment Pursuant to a Master-Lease Purchase Agreement with Saulsbury Hill Financial LLC Background: Bids were received on June 11th for FY 2013-14 lease/purchasing financing for school buses and technology equipment. The list of equipment being financed was reviewed with the Board Finance Committee on June 10th. A summary of the bid responses is attached. The low bid with an interest rate of 1.3890% was received from Saulsbury Hill Financial, LLC (who is the firm that provided the lease/purchase financing in 2007 for the high school stadium field turf) partnering with SunTrust. Our legal counsel has reviewed the documents and has recommended two changes (in sections 3.4 and 12.20 to the attached standard Master Lease-Purchase Agreement. These changes are being reviewed by Saulsbury Hill Financial and SunTrust. The District should be receiving the final version of the Master Lease-Purchase Agreement and related documents for approval by the Board on Monday. Presentation Time: 5 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 5 minutes Action Required: Approval of the Resolution Authorizing the Financing of $1,127,747 of Equipment Pursuant to a Master Lease-Purchase Agreement with Saulsbury Hill Financial LLC Lease Purchase Bids and Equipment.pdf (p. 53) Master Lease Agreement.pdf (p. 56) c. Approval of Budget Changes for 2012-2013 Background: This agenda item involves a routine accounting procedure that requires Board action. The procedure is to utilize budget transfers to balance accounts among functional areas and account for changes that arise following the October budget adoption. These changes are summarized below. General Fund – Transfers within school sites and departments & increases to grant expenditures and revenues Special Projects Fund – Reallocations within the expenditure budget Debt Fund – Allocation of the premium from referendum bond sales Capital Projects Fund – Allocation of the referendum bond proceeds & building expenditures Trust Fund – Increase in OPEB expenditures Community Service Fund – Increase in rental revenue & increase in site maintenance expenditures Package Program Fund – Increase in tournament receipts & program expenditures Packet page 5 of 106 A copy of the budget changes in DPI budget adoption format is attached. Lori Ames and Tom Wohlleber will provide a brief overview and respond to any questions. A roll call vote is required to approve the budget changes. Presentation Time: 2 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 2 minutes Action Required: Approval of Budget Changes for 2012-2013 June Budget Changes.pdf (p. 92) d. Approval of Student Fee Schedule for 2013-2014 Background: Administration has reviewed and updated the attached 2013-14 Student Fee Schedule for the high school and middle schools. The list of fees has expanded from past years due to the inclusion of resale fees that are charged in addition to our regular school fees. Changes to existing fees are highlighted in yellow. The Elementary Student Fee Schedule is still under review and will be presented to the Board at the July 22, 2013 meeting. Presentation Time: 5 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 5 minutes Action Required: Approval of Student Fee Schedule for 2013-2014 High School Student Fees 2013-14.pdf (p. 94) Middle School Student Fees 2013-14.pdf (p. 96) e. Approval of Revised 2013-14 Budget Planning Goals, Parameters and Assumptions Background: When the Board originally approved the 2013-14 Budget Planning Goals, Parameters, and Assumptions, little information on the State Budget was available. Attached the Board will find an updated document reflecting a $75 revenue limit per member increase, a $75 categorical aid per member, and a $200,000 transfer of service exemption. Presentation Time: 2 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 5 minutes Action Required: Approval of Revised 2013-14 Budget Planning Goals, Parameters and Assumptions Budget Goals, Parameters and Assumptions.pdf (p. 97) f. Approval of Administrative and District Goals Background: The administrative and district goals have been reviewed several times and revisions made. The final revisions have been made and administrative is requesting approval of the 2013-2014 goals. Presentation Time: 2 minutes School Board Discussion Time: 2 minutes Action Required: Approval of Administrative and District Goals District Goals-for 2013-14.pdf (p. 99) Administrative Goals for 2013-14.pdf (p. 100) 9. CONVENE IN POSSIBLE CLOSED SESSION UNDER S.S. 19.85 (1)(c) a. Discussion of MEA Contractual Issue b. Elementary Administration Personnel Update 10. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION 11. NEXT MEETING DATES AND ADJOURNMENT July 22, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. District Administrative Center, Regular Board Meeting Draft Agenda for 7.22.13.pdf (p. 104) FOCUS.pdf (p. 105) Packet page 6 of 106 Board Agenda for June 10, 2013 Meeting Minutes MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT District Administrative Center 7106 South Avenue, Middleton, Wisconsin 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR BOE MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District Board of Education was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by President Ellen Lindgren. Present: President Ellen Lindgren, Vice President Diane Homung, Clerk Annette Ashley, Treasurer Bob Green, and Board Members Anne Bauer, Jim Greer, Leeanne Hallquist, Bob Hesselbein and Terry Metzger Not Present: None Others Present: Superintendent Don Johnson, Assistant Superintendent George Mavroulis, and Representative Dianne Hesselbein 2. RECOGNITION - MATH 24 WINNER AND DESTINATION IMAGINATION TEAMS Advanced Learning Specialist MaryJo Nelson introduced the Math 24 winner, William Grosspietsch, and Destination Imagination teams that participated at the state and global levels. The board recognized them for their great accomplishments. 3. BOARD QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION WITH REPRESENTATIVE HESSELBEIN AT 7:30 P.M. Representative Dianne Hesselbein spoke regarding the status of the proposed state budget. She also shared information on the voucher proposals. The board asked questions about changes to referendum policies, the student information system debate, common core, and other projects being worked on by the Representative. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by Green SECONDED by Hallquist to approve the Regular and Closed Minutes of May 20, 2013. Motion carried unanimously, 9-0. 5. COMMUNICATIONS a. Correspondence/Board Communication Several of the board members spoke about their experiences at graduation. MHS graduated just over 500 students on Sunday, June 9. Leeanne shared her thoughts on the Kromrey graduation. Ellen asked for input on the groundbreaking ceremonies at the two middle schools. Anne Bauer attended the CESA 2 meeting and stated to contact her if anyone had questions. Anne visited Clubhouse for Kids in Middleton and stated that the 4K students are definitely ready for kindergarten next year. b. Citizen Comments Margit Gundlach is a third grade teacher at Elm Lawn and she came to thank the board for the networking that goes on in the district. Margit worked with technology (Jim Blodgett) and ELL to find two used computers for a family in need. Margit shared thank you letters from the two students who received the computers. Packet page 7 of 106 6. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT a. Upcoming Events and Updates Don stated that he attended the two honors breakfasts at the middle schools last week. The construction at the three facilities has started. b. MHS Schedule Change Don highlighted some of the items on the MHS proposed schedule change. Don shared the motivation and rationale for the proposed change and spoke about the issues the district ran in to with communications. The high school did decide to keep the current schedule for the 2013-14 school year. c. Common Core Math Common core has been discussed in the legislature and at the district level. The district is using common core for math curriculum adoption and revisions. 7. CONSENT AGENDA MOVED by Greer SECONDED by Ashley to approve the following items for consent agenda: 7.a. 1 Approval of Bills Payable, 7.b.l. Approval of Resignations (with addendum), 7.b.2. Approval of Leaves of Absence, 7.b.3. Approval of Staff Appointments 7.c.l. Approval of CESA 2 Contract for 2013-2014, and 9.B. Approval of Technology Access for All Program for 2013-14. Motion carried unanimously, 9-0. a. Administrative/Business Services i. Approval of Bills Payable Check numbers 228178 through 228479 totaling $1,356,461.79 were reviewed by the Board Treasurer and approved under consent agenda. (Exhibit A) ii. Approval of Treasurer's Report There is no Treasurer's Report to approve at this time. b. Employee Services i. Approval of Resignations The board approved under consent agenda the following resignations: Andrea (Annie) Isenbarger, Keyboarding/Technology Enrichment Teacher at Elm Lawn Elizabeth (Beth) Marcott, German Teacher at Kromrey Stephanie Mueller, Bilingual Resource Teacher at Elm Lawn and Sunset Ridge Meredith Tunison, Social Studies Teacher at MHS ii. Approval of Leaves of Absence The board approved under consent agenda the following leave of absence: Bridget Remington, Grade 3 Teacher at Sunset Ridge iii. Approval of Staff Appointments The board approved under consent agenda the following staff appointments: Erika Brownlee, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract English Teacher at MHS Kelly Chadesh, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Grade 8 Science Teacher at Glacier Creek Packet page 8 of 106 Heather Clancy, to a 0.70 FTE regular contract Family Consumer Science Teacher at MHS and to a 0.20 FTE regular contract Grade 6 Family Consumer Science Teacher at Glacier Creek Kris Cody-Johnson, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract English Teacher at MHS Jenna Collins, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Kindergarten Teacher at Sunset Ridge Deborah Dagitz, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Library Media Specialist at West Middleton Kara Flynn, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Grade 3 Teacher at Elm Lawn Marni Ginsberg, to a 0.40 FTE regular contract Occupational Therapist for the District Lori Hunt, to a 0.10 FTE regular contract Project Lead the Way Teacher at MHS Tricia Rodey, to a 0.80 FTE temporary contract Chemistry Teacher at MHS Krista Rossing, to a 1.0 FTE temporary contract Kindergarten Teacher at Sunset Ridge Kayla Simonson, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract English Teacher at MHS Katy Spain, to a 0.50 FTE regular contract Special Education Teacher at Elm Lawn Mattie Washa, to a 1.0 FTE regular contract Grade 5 Teacher at Sunset Ridge David Yentsch, to a 0.10 FTE regular contract Elementary Music Teacher at West Middleton iv. Approval of Retirements There were no retirements to approve at this time. v. Approval of Lay Offs There were no lay offs to approve at this time. c. District Consent Items i. Approval of CESA 2 Contract for 2013-2014 The board approved under consent agenda the CESA 2 Contract for 2013-2014. (Exhibit B) ii. Approval of Global Academy Intergovernmental Agreement Bob Green asked that this item be removed from the consent agenda and asked several questions about the agreement. MOVED by Green SECONDED by Hornung to approve the Global Academy Intergovernmental Agreement. Motion carried unanimously, 9-0. (Exhibit C) 8. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION/DISCUSSION a. Preliminary Budget and State Budget Update Lori Ames briefly updated the board on the preliminary budget for the district and reported on the current status of the proposed state budget. b. Board Agenda Planning Discussion The board had a discussion about board agenda planning and the length of the meetings. The group reviewed the survey information, discussed the importance of agenda items, time allotment, recognition criteria, length of presentations and the evaluation of meetings. The board will continue to meet at 7:00 p.m. for regular board meetings at 6:00 p.m. for finance meetings. 9. ITEMS FOR ACTION a. Approval of Administrative and District Goals Bob Hesselbein asked for a minor grammatical change under District Goal 2. Leeanne asked that the transportation software be added to the department goals. After discussion, the board decided to table this item and bring it back to the June 24 regular board meeting for approval of the revised goals. b. Approval of Technology Access for All Program for 2013-2014 The board approved under consent agenda the Technology Access for All Program for the 2013-2014 school year. Packet page 9 of 106 10. CONVENE IN POSSIBLE CLOSED SESSION UNDER S.S. 19.85 (l)(e)(f) MOVED by Green, SECONDED by Hallquist to move into closed session to decide on expulsion recommendations and discuss the MESA negotiations request. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote, 9-0. a. Decision on Expulsions b. MESA Contract Request Update 11. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION 12. NEXT MEETING DATES AND ADJOURNMENT The regular board meeting adjourned at 10:01 p.m. Cheryl Janssen, Board Secretary Approved by Board President Packet page 10 of 106 Date Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District A/P 06/06/2013 - 06/20/2013 Check Nbr Check Amount 228480 $2.50 228481 $5.00 228482 $53.50 228482 -$53.50 228483 $60.50 228483 -$60.50 228484 $2.50 228485 $5.00 228486 $5.00 228487 $5.00 228488 $5.00 228489 $2.50 $2.50 228490 228491 $2.50 228492 $5.00 228493 $30.50 228493 -$30.50 228494 $2.50 228495 $5.00 228496 $54.50 228496 -$54.50 228497 $2.50 228498 $2.50 228499 $5.00 228500 $50.00 228500 -$50.00 228501 $2.50 228502 $7.50 228503 $58.00 228503 -$58.00 228504 $7.50 228505 $56.00 228505 -$56.00 228506 $2.50 228507 $2.50 228508 $49.50 228508 -$49.50 228509 $2.50 228509 -$2.50 228510 $62.00 228510 -$62.00 228511 $2.50 Check Date 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 06/20/2013 06/06/2013 06/20/2013 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 06/06/2013 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ESTHER CONNOLLY-LEDERER, SHEILA JANE COPE, KRISTIN Y COREY, KRISTINE KELLER COUSER, JAMES CRAWMER, THOMAS & PATRICIA D'ORAZIO, VICKI 228559 228560 228561 228562 228563 228564 228565 228566 228567 228568 228569 228570 228571 228572 228573 228574 228575 228576 228577 228578 228579 228580 228581 228582 228583 228584 228585 228586 228587 228588 228589 228590 228591 228592 228593 228594 228595 228596 228597 228598 228599 228600 228601 228602 228603 228604 228605 $10.05 $37.75 $13.65 $37.85 $142.55 $126.50 $21.05 $9.40 $32.05 $7.95 $54.90 $6.45 $20.85 $21.60 $41.80 $98.90 $59.05 $25.13 $19.95 $22.10 $9.90 $81.65 $23.95 $83.15 $6.60 $57.35 $22.31 $10.92 $11.60 $218.70 $19.35 $49.15 $21.93 $37.70 $45.20 $66.45 $13.15 $2.95 $3.35 $11.25 $32.90 $52.61 $10.15 $5.35 $9.85 $6.95 $5.00 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 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AMY HENRY, MARY BETH & CHRIS HILGERS, JOSEPH & JUDITH HOOT, ROBERT HUGHLEY, JENNIFER HUNGNESS, SONJA M HUNT, DOUGLAS & MARY HURSH, DOUGLAS & SHERYL JAUME, FABIAN & PATRICIA JIMENEZ, HEIDY JIN, SHI JONES, JOHN JOYCE, CASEY 228606 228607 228608 228609 228610 228611 228612 228613 228614 228615 228616 228617 228618 228619 228620 228621 228622 228623 228624 228625 228626 228627 228628 228629 228630 228631 228632 228633 228634 228635 228636 228637 228638 228639 228640 228641 228642 228643 228644 228645 228646 228647 228648 228649 228650 228651 228652 $42.10 $13.11 $52.25 $11.15 $3.20 $12.35 $25.31 $7.10 $22.50 $30.95 $4.85 $17.00 $29.25 $37.60 $16.85 $14.90 $20.90 $12.40 $123.80 $126.75 $10.43 $46.05 $23.25 $32.18 $16.95 $259.15 $55.35 $99.45 $33.05 $49.60 $23.45 $65.35 $39.85 $20.55 $4.60 $9.90 $28.10 $23.40 $131.85 $25.30 $9.15 $99.15 $16.95 $33.70 $9.20 $33.40 $8.95 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 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MAYHEW, BRIAN & REBECCA MC PHERSON, KEVIN & BARBARA MCCOY, DON MCDONALD, T.A. MCGINLEY, CAROLYN MCKEE, STEVE & RAINFORD, WENDY MCLEOD, DOUGLAS & LAURIE MCMAHON, MAUREEN MEINHOLZ, KURT & DEBBIE MEITZEN, MARK & KAY METZ, JIM & LYNN MITCHELL-RAVEL, BETH MORRICK, JODY MOSER, PAULA MURPHY, DANIEL & JUDY MURPHY, MAUREEN 228653 228654 228655 228656 228657 228658 228659 228660 228661 228662 228663 228664 228665 228666 228667 228668 228669 228670 228671 228672 228673 228674 228675 228676 228677 228678 228679 228680 228681 228682 228683 228684 228685 228686 228687 228688 228689 228690 228691 228692 228693 228694 228695 228696 228697 228698 228699 $2.80 $112.61 $3.90 $41.90 $15.05 $259.00 $2.50 $3.90 $2.32 $82.65 $4.05 $17.40 $5.00 $24.75 $9.87 $17.50 $64.65 $54.70 $9.03 $60.00 $16.10 $24.30 $51.78 $34.10 $7.10 $13.50 $6.35 $4.45 $2.12 $17.50 $36.30 $4.65 $6.10 $13.25 $22.60 $34.15 $59.55 $25.90 $61.40 $337.75 $26.90 $6.80 $10.55 $19.15 $24.30 $79.25 $26.70 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 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LOUISE SULOFF, DONALD & JOETTE SZACHNOWSKI, PETER & BARBARA THIELKE, DEREK THOLE, KELLI THOMPSON, ANDREW THOMPSON, BARBARA TOON, AL & JANE TREHEY, MIKE & PEGGY TUITE, MICHAEL & MONICA TURLEY, JEFF & MARN TUSCHEN, ELIZABETH & TERRY URQUIDI, RENE & KAREN VAN AARTSEN, STAN VIG, JIM & LAURA WADZINSKI, TED & MARIA WAGNER, ANGELYNE 228700 228701 228702 228703 228704 228705 228706 228707 228708 228709 228710 228711 228712 228713 228714 228715 228716 228717 228718 228719 228720 228721 228722 228723 228724 228725 228726 228727 228728 228729 228730 228731 228732 228733 228733 228734 228735 228736 228737 228738 228738 228739 228740 228741 228742 228743 228744 $12.00 $6.60 $18.40 $22.45 $29.45 $40.10 $16.15 $27.95 $18.45 $2.75 $4.73 $6.95 $20.15 $21.05 $11.10 $647.60 $15.61 $291.10 $5,000.00 $660.00 $484.00 $17,733.56 $97.50 $332.40 $308.04 $2,189.38 $345.19 $3,735.55 $1,520.34 $60.00 $5,940.00 $320.00 $6,000.00 $260.00 -$260.00 $130.00 $6,414.30 $75.00 $16,000.00 $0.00 $38,225.00 $29,150.00 $12,879.24 $31,750.11 $6,882.53 $4,375.00 $585,682.43 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/12/2013 06/13/2013 06/13/2013 06/13/2013 06/13/2013 06/13/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/17/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 WAGNER, GARY & JESSICA WALLENFANG, LAURA WALTHER, MARK & KARIL WELLS, JODI WILDES, DAVID & SANDRA WOLFF, KURT & SARAH WOLFF, MATTHEW & SUSAN WOLFINGER, CYNTHIA MARY WRASMAN, JAMES & HELEN YEAZEL, DAN YOUNG, TRACEY ZIEGLER, DIANA ZIMMERMAN, GARY ZUBELLA, RODNEY & ANN ZUENGLER, TODD EILERT, KATHRYN KELLEY FASTENAL COMPANY MESSNER INC ROJECT LEAD THE WAY/ WASHINGT VITERBO UNIVERSITY CPASD EDUCATION FOUNDATION EN MEA DUES STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT UNITED WAY OF DANE CO US DEPT OF EDUCATION WEAC WI DEPT OF REVENUE WI SCTF WISCONSIN COUNCIL 40 DANE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS ELERT & ASSOCIATES NETWORKING HINCHLEY, TINA/ HINCHLEY'S DAI WI DEPT OF SAFETY AND PROFESSI WISCONSIN SCTF WISCONSIN SCTF WISCONSIN SCTF ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT REPAIR CORP CABALKA, TOM AMERA CORNER, INC/ CONNECTING CDW GOVERNMENT, INC CDW GOVERNMENT, INC CPM EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM GRAINGER HEINEMANN FIRST HAND NETECH CORPORATION WEA (NORTHWEST EVALUATION ASS UNITY HEALTH PLANS 228745 228746 228747 228748 228749 228750 228751 228752 228753 228754 228755 228756 228757 228758 228759 228760 228761 228762 228763 228764 228765 228766 228767 228768 228769 228770 228771 228772 228773 228774 228775 228776 228777 228778 228779 228780 228781 228782 228783 228784 228785 228786 228787 228788 228789 228790 228791 $1,200.00 $17,820.00 $287.00 $39.83 $42.00 $178.00 $204.85 $136.00 $4,344.00 $30.01 $22.90 $11.05 $13.56 $711.76 $51.52 $5.00 $5.25 $403.64 $6.33 $943.75 $129.16 $465.00 $2.50 $244.92 $38.64 $27,240.00 $31,030.00 $284.13 $1,390.00 $2.45 $95.15 $406.15 $1,335.36 $1,499.04 $27.20 $134.47 $330.00 $843.75 $426.53 $128.60 $79.94 $2.50 $1,575.00 $540.00 $107.35 $69.95 $14.49 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 A SLING AND A STONE LLC ACADEMY FOR LITTLE LEARNERS AMERICAN RED CROSS ANEY, JENNIFER KAY ARROWHEAD TROPHIES ASCD ASHE, TIMOTHY M ATHANAS, JENNIFER DAWN BAKER TILLY VIRCHOW KRAUSE, LL BAKER-VLASAK, BLANCHE J BAKRI, HAYTHAM BALASUBRAMANIAN, RAMESH BALLWEG, LAURA ROSEMARY BARKER, CATHY BAUER, DANIEL PATRICK BERG, DEBI BLAKLEY, LAURI E BLASER, JENNIFER BOEHNEN, PANDORA CHRISTINE BRAIN DANCE LLC/ KAY RHODE BROMLEY, BONITA JO CARACAS EMPANADAS CATALDO, LAURA CENTURYLINK/ BUSINESS SERVICE CITY SUPPLY CORP CLUB HOUSE FOR KIDS -CROSS PLA CLUB HOUSE FOR KIDS- MIDDLETON COLLINS, KELLIE M OMMON THREADS FAMILY RESOURCE CONTRERAS, FAUSTO CONWAY, DEBRA HERGOTT COREY, KRISTINE KELLER CROSS PLAINS POLICE DEPT CRS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CRUZ, EVELYN CYRA, SHERRI SUE DAVIS & KUELTHAU, SC DOMINOS PIZZA/BREW CITY PIZZA DUMMEYER-SAVINO, MARY BETH EARTHGRAINS CO-GARDNER DIV EDUCATION WEEK EIFLER, ERICH WILLIAM EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CORPORATION EQUAL RIGHTS DIVISION EWY, AMY LYNN FISHER, LYNN ELLEN FLECK-MUELLER, CHRISTINE MARIE 228792 228793 228794 228795 228796 228797 228798 228799 228800 228801 228802 228803 228804 228805 228806 228807 228808 228809 228810 228811 228812 228813 228814 228815 228816 228817 228818 228819 228820 228821 228822 228823 228824 228825 228826 228827 228828 228829 228830 228831 228832 228833 228834 228835 228836 228837 228838 $146.47 $28.40 $195.00 $5.99 $386.25 $13,218.00 $700.00 $3,364.50 $1,262.50 $160.00 $35.15 $120.44 $11.49 $802.93 $208.04 $60.46 $236.47 $67,211.10 $110.92 $15.20 $96.00 $1,053.01 $3,075.00 $16.25 $14,058.50 $132.10 $545.60 $30.00 $19,060.00 $73.90 $1,402.75 $182.82 $27.52 $12,650.00 $8,320.00 $990.00 $146.79 $2.50 $2.50 $1,002.14 $46.40 $95.72 $900.00 $65,917.50 $21.30 $30.00 $68.26 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 FOX RIVER FOODS INC FRAWLEY, RUTH A FTJ ADMINISTRATORS GINSBERG, MARNIASHA ALEXA GLS UTILITY LLC GORDON FLESCH CO GRAINGER GREEN LAKE CONFERENCE CENTER HEAD, DIANE HEITZINGER & ASSOC HELLENBRAND, LINDSEY MELBY HENSEN, JESSICA LEE HERBIN, RUTH MARIA HIEBINGS REFRIGERATION HIPWELL, TRACI LEA HOELKER, JANET ANN IMAGINE A CHILDS CAPACITY INC INFINITE CAMPUS INC IRWIN, GINNA SUSANNE JANSSON, MOLLY & ERIK JOHNSON, ERIK JOHNSON CONTROLS JOSTENS INC JOYCE, ADAM & MARSHA K-12 MANAGEMENT INC KAUFMAN, DALE ANN KECHELE, PETER JAMES KHARRAZIHASAN, MAJID KIDS JUNCTION PRE-SCHOOL KLAGOS, KENT & SALLY OMPAS CARE/ AMELIA Y HOLCOMB KRACHT, DONNA J KRUEGER, CRISTY LYN LA PETITE ACADEMY-FOURIER LA PETITE ACADEMY-GAMMON LAFORCE, INC LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES LAUFENBERG, ANTIONETTE LAUFENBERG, DAVID LEDIN, HEATHER LEE, KENNETH & HELEN LEPAK, CATHERINE LYNN LITERACY NETWORK LITTLE RED PRESCHOOL, INC LIU, FENGLONG LOCHNER, LYNN LUEBKE, WILLIAM RONALD 228839 228840 228841 228842 228843 228844 228845 228846 228847 228848 228849 228850 228851 228852 228853 228854 228855 228856 228857 228858 228859 228860 228861 228862 228863 228864 228865 228866 228867 228868 228869 228870 228871 228872 228873 228874 228875 228876 228877 228878 228879 228880 228881 228882 228883 228884 228885 $53.39 $3,664.75 $345.00 $121.58 $176.04 $21.90 $4.00 $145.76 $200.00 $14,653.00 $850.00 $471.02 $7.30 $13.22 $74,219.00 $2,915.14 $303.00 $21,255.00 $25,432.50 $45.57 $6.99 $1,682.00 $4.45 $21.00 $62.26 $44.44 $240.00 $18.17 $110.34 $71.95 $582.30 $3,237.48 $97.44 $37.10 $15.07 $75.00 $4,512.68 $436.46 $6,948.00 $4.45 $81.32 $234.36 $1,300.32 $30,992.50 $22.60 $7,519.88 $8.00 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 LYONS, MARGARET I MADISON METRO SCHOOL DISTR AGGIE B. COMMUNICATIONS/ MARG MALCHESKI, CYNTHIA CHRISTINE MAROHN, SHOSHANAH LEE MARTINSON, KRISTI A. MARTINEZ, MELISSA MAURICE, MANDI LYNN MAYNE, TROY MC FARLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT MCFARLANE MFG CO MESSNER INC MEYER, SHERYL & SCOT MICKELSON, TAD A CITY OF MIDDLETON POLICE DEPT MIDDLETON COOPERATIVE MIDDLETON PLAYERS THEATRE MIDDLETON BABY AND CHIILDCARE MIDDLETON PRE SCHOOL MIELKE, THOMAS S MIKKELSON, THERESA LOU MILIO'S SANDWICHES MOLONEY, SHANNON MOON, SUSAN MUELLER, STEPHANIE ANNE MURPHY, CAROLINE ANNE MYRLAND SPORTS TRAINING LLC NELSON, MARYJO KATHRYN NELSON, PHILIP J NESTINGEN-PALM, EMILY KRISTINE NEWS PUBLISHING NORTHERN OZAUKEE SCHOOL DISTR NORTHSIDE SCHOOL O'SHEA, EILEEN & MIKE OAKLEY, HEATHERJANE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CENTERS ONE TOUCH POINT/CCI OPERATION FRESH START ORCHARD RIDGE NURSERY SCHOOL ORUM, GREGORY & JANNA ARK SCHOOL PETTY CASH ACCOUNT PAVELEC, KRISTIN ANN PISANI, MICHAEL MARINO POOH BEAR CHILD CARE AND PRE-S POPHAL, AMY OKRAY PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY PREMIUM WATERS 228886 228887 228888 228889 228890 228891 228892 228893 228894 228895 228896 228897 228898 228899 228900 228901 228902 228903 228904 228905 228906 228907 228908 228909 228910 228911 228912 228913 228914 228915 228916 228917 228918 228919 228920 228921 228922 228923 228924 228925 228926 228927 228928 228929 228930 228931 228932 $332.48 $118.36 $63.18 $50.85 $46.25 $113.90 $210.59 $155.39 $480.00 $60.00 $12.30 $31.00 $4.75 $53.00 $946.11 $1,075.00 $74.36 $724.08 $15.48 $80.69 $33.80 $24.43 $2.32 $252.22 $27.07 $120.00 $34.32 $889.90 $43.84 $767.25 $850.81 $400.00 $152.84 $450.38 $11.76 $2,500.00 $4,139.00 $3,431.08 $2,759.00 $268.77 $265.00 $854.00 $220.00 $231.88 $18.99 $40.73 $405.00 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 PRINTING PLACE PRO BUILD REEVES-METZ, SARA KRISTIN REINDERS, LYNN MARIE REISS, G & SUSAN RICE, KAREN L RICHGELS, KRIS RUSZALA-COUGHLIN, JANET RUTABAGA RYAN, BILL & TERRI SARHAN, ABDUL & SUZANNE SAUK TRAIL SCHOOL PETTY CASH SCALLON, BETSY J SCHMIT, AUSTIN SCHULTZ ELECTRIC INC SCHULTZ VENDING LLC SEIDEL, COURTNEY LANE SELECT SOUND SERVICE, INC SIMON, GLADYS S SIMS-MORMINO, SUSAN AUDREY SMITH, JUDITH SOMERS, MOLLY ANNE SPECIAL ED/ STUDENT SERVICES SRIPANAWONGSA, PIYANUT STALEY, CLAIRE ALLISON STUNTEBECK, DAN SUNSET RIDGE SCHOOL PETTY CASH T A MILLER ELECTRIC LLC TAYLOR-WADE, JOY ELIZABETH TEN PIN ALLEY TESSMANN, TERRI LYNN THOMPSON, JOE TOFTE, JULIE PADGHAM TOOLS OF MARKETING TORRES-MOLINA, ASTRID E TRANSFINDER UDA SUMMER CAMPS UNITED MAILING SERVICES INC UW HOSPITAL & CLINICS UW WHITEWATER DINING SERVICES VERONA AREA SCHOOL DISTR WASTE MANAGEMENT -MADISON WATERTOWN HIGH SCHOOL WEISS, BRENDA KAY WEST MIDDLETON SCHOOL WILSON, JEAN WERLINGER WISCONSIN DEPT OF NATURAL 228933 228934 228935 228936 228937 228938 228939 228940 228941 228942 228943 228944 228945 228946 228947 $54.00 $122.67 $113.51 $59.89 $30.40 $4,790.00 $270.16 $225.47 $63.28 $48.98 $10,000.00 $15,290.00 $30.00 $5,675.59 $150.00 TOTAL $1,535,701.59 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 06/19/2013 WISCONSIN TURF EQUIP CORP WISCONSIN ALUMNI RESEARCH FOUN WISE, CINDY LEE WOHLLEBER, THOMAS E WOOD, LAURIE ANN WORKS INTERNATIONAL, INC. WORLDWIDE TICKET CRAFT WYMORE, LYNNE ELIZABETH WYNGAARD, NANCY OSER YENTSCH, DAVID SCOTT YMCA- (ST.MARTINS) YMCA- (ST. DUNSTANS) ZINDA, MELANIE ONATION CENTER/TORNADO RELIEF USTA/MIDWEST SECTION Electronic Payments 06-08-2013 to 06-20-2013 Description State Withholding Federal Withholding and FICA Tax Wisconsin Retirement Contribution Wisconsin Sales Tax Short & LTD Insurance Self-Insured Dental Claims Paid Purchasing Card Transactions Debt Payments: Principal Interest Payroll Deducts - TSA Payroll Deducts - EBC Other: Amount $90,221.34 $438,146.58 0.00 $276.63 $2,426.70 $36,057.95 $174,291.72 $0.00 $0.00 $46,065.15 $15,290.76 Special Pay/Health Trust Total $354,652.87 $1,157,429.70 MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT TREASURER'S REPORT May 31, 2013 GENERAL FUND (FUND 10) DEPOSITORY ACCOUNTS (book balance reported) State Bank of Cross Plains-Payroll State Bank of Cross Plains-Accounts Payable State Bank of Cross Plains-Depository SUBTOTAL-DEPOSITORIES INVESTMENT ACOUNTS State Investment Pool DEBT SERVICE FUND (FUND 38) - Non-Referendum Debt INVESTMENT ACOUNT State Investment Pool DEBT SERVICE FUND (FUND 39) - Referendum Debt INVESTMENT ACOUNT State Investment Pool CAPITAL PROJECTS SINKING FUND (FUND 41) INVESTMENT ACOUNT State Investment Pool ENDING BALANCE $0.00 -$315,326.40 $861,566.45 $546,240.05 N/A N/A N/A 0.19% N/A N/A N/A 0.19% $13,240,725.89 0.09% 0.14% ENDING BALANCE $60,946.63 ENDING BALANCE $678,084.36 ENDING BALANCE $415,873.92 STEM Project (Fd 42) ENDING BALANCE INVESTMENT ACOUNT State Investment Pool $0.00 SCHOOL SAFETY/SECURITY (Fd 45) ENDING BALANCE INVESTMENT ACOUNT State Investment Pool FOOD SERVICE FUND (FUND 50) INTEREST RATE CURRENT PRIOR MONTH MONTH $0.00 ENDING BALANCE INTEREST RATE CURRENT PRIOR MONTH MONTH 0.09% 0.14% INTEREST RATE CURRENT PRIOR MONTH MONTH 0.09% 0.14% INTEREST RATE CURRENT PRIOR MONTH MONTH 0.09% 0.14% INTEREST RATE CURRENT PRIOR MONTH MONTH 0.09% 0.14% INTEREST RATE CURRENT PRIOR MONTH MONTH 0.09% 0.14% INTEREST RATE CURRENT PRIOR MONTH MONTH INVESTMENT ACOUNT State Investment Pool $390,170.31 SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND (FUND 72) INVESTMENT ACOUNT Morgan Smith Barney $499,294.01 BEGINNING VALUE $4,644,708.45 ENDING VALUE 4,589,873.03 0.09% PERCENT CHANGE IN VALUE FROM PRIOR MONTH -1.18% See attached Investment Portfolio REFERENDUM PROCEEDS/CAPITALIZED INT BEGINNING VALUE INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Wisconsin Investment Series Corp Proceeds $59,139,799.68 Wisconsin Investment Series Corp Cap. Int. 965,263.05 $60,105,062.73 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS */ DEPOSITORY ACCOUNTS (book balance reported) **/ INVESTMENT ACOUNTS State Investment Pool Wisconsin Investment Series Corp Morgan Smith Barney SUBTOTAL-INVESTMENTS ENDING VALUE $58,794,773.27 965,267.44 $59,760,040.71 ENDING BALANCE $546,240.05 $15,285,095.12 $59,760,040.71 $4,589,873.03 $79,635,008.86 */ Total does not include checking account for MHS Student Activity Funds. 0.14% INTEREST RATE CURRENT PRIOR MONTH MONTH ENDING BALANCE INVESTMENT ACOUNT State Investment Pool POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS TRUST (FD 73) 0.09% INTEREST RATE CURRENT PRIOR MONTH MONTH 0.19% 0.19% 0.09% 0.14% -1.18% from prior mnth 0.14% Packet page 25 of 106 Packet page 26 of 106 Packet page 27 of 106 Packet page 28 of 106 Packet page 29 of 106 Packet page 30 of 106 Packet page 31 of 106 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT Pursuant to a resolution by the City of Middleton (herein referred to as the Municipality) and the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District (herein referred to as the School District). Said Municipality and School District hereby mutually agree to the following conditions regarding the employment of School Crossing Guards: 1. This Agreement shall be established for the period of September 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. 2. The School District is to be the operator and fiscal agent and shall contract with employee(s) to provide Crossing Guard services and shall be deemed the employer of said employee(s). 3. The School District and Municipality will jointly participate in the hiring process for School Crossing Guards. The School District will post the position, and the Municipality will perform the background checks. 4. The School District will attempt to place a substitute, when available in the event a School Crossing Guard is absent. If no substitute is available, the Municipality is responsible for covering the absence, except in the event of an emergency. 5. The Municipality will be responsible for all training and equipment. 6. The Municipality is responsible for School Crossing Guard employee evaluations with input from the School District. 7. The Municipality will reimburse the School District for all salary and fringe benefit costs for School Crossing Guard assignments. 8. The Municipality agrees to reimburse the School District for all program costs in January and June. 9. Notice of intent to non-renew this agreement by the Municipality or School District shall be made in writing and communicated no later than sixty days prior to the proposed nonrenewal. Dated: City of Middleton Dated: Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District (Fiscal Agent) Kurt Sonnentag, Mayor __________________________________ Ellen Lindgren, President Lorie Burns, Clerk __________________________________ Annette Ashley, Clerk Packet page 32 of 106 2013-14 ACTUAL ENROLLMENT (June 18, 2013) K 1 2 3 4 5 Elm Lawn 88 4 79 4 82 4 104 5 84 4 97 4 534 25 K 1 2 3 4 5 Total Northside 61 4 73 4 68 3 86 4 86 4 83 4 457 23 K* 1 ** 2 ** 3 ** 4 5 Total Sauk Trail 59 5 78 5 68 4 70 5 67 3 67 3 409 25 Park 22.0 19.8 20.5 20.8 21.0 24.3 21.4 15.3 18.3 22.7 21.5 21.5 20.8 19.9 11.8 15.6 17.0 14.0 22.3 22.3 16.4 K 1 2 3 4 5 52 57 69 68 65 51 362 3 3 3 3 3 2 17 K 1 2 3 4 5 Total Sunset Ridge 96 5 89 5 92 4 91 4 85 4 99 4 552 26 19.2 17.8 23.0 22.8 21.3 24.8 21.2 K 1 2 3 4 5 Total West Middleton 67 4 92 4 71 3 75 4 67 3 81 3 453 21 16.8 23.0 23.7 18.8 22.3 27.0 21.6 * = Title 1 Funding for 1 Position ** = SAGE Funding for 1 Position District Totals K 423 1 468 2 450 3 494 4 454 5 478 Total 2767 June 18, 2013 Class Average 16.9 18.7 21.4 19.8 21.6 23.9 20.2 21.0 17.3 19.0 23.0 22.7 21.7 25.5 21.3 # of Sections 25 25 21 25 21 20 137 133 (With SAGE) (W/O SAGE) Glacier Creek Middle School 6th 196 8 24.5 7th 234 10 23.4 8th 199 10 19.9 Total 629 28 22.5 Kromrey Middle School 6th 224 10 22.4 7th 234 10 23.4 8th 248 10 24.8 Total 706 30 23.5 6 - 8 Total Enrollment = MHS 9th 515 10th 460 11th 504 12th 502 Total 1981 1335 CLARK STREET 9th 14 10th 27 11th 19 12th 53 Total 113 K - 12 Building Enrollment = 4K Enrollment 245 6196 2013-14 Projected Enrollment by School (May 10, 2013) K 1 2 3 4 5 Elm Lawn 92 4 80 4 82 4 105 5 84 4 101 4 544 25 K 1 2 3 4 5 Total Northside 64 4 76 4 71 3 87 4 92 4 88 4 478 23 K* 1 ** 2 ** 3 ** 4 5 Total Sauk Trail 60 5 78 5 65 4 75 5 71 3 67 3 416 25 Park 23.0 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.0 25.3 21.8 16.0 19.0 23.7 21.8 23.0 22.0 20.8 12.0 15.6 16.3 15.0 23.7 22.3 16.6 K 1 2 3 4 5 52 58 70 63 65 49 357 3 3 3 3 3 2 17 K 1 2 3 4 5 Total Sunset Ridge 92 5 97 5 93 4 95 4 92 4 103 4 572 26 18.4 19.4 23.3 23.8 23.0 25.8 22.0 K 1 2 3 4 5 Total West Middleton 65 4 92 4 72 3 79 4 68 3 72 3 448 21 16.3 23.0 24.0 19.8 22.7 24.0 21.3 * = Title 1 Funding for 1 Position ** = SAGE Funding for 1 Position District Totals K 425 1 481 2 453 3 504 4 472 5 480 Total 2815 May 10, 2013 Class Average 17.0 19.2 21.6 20.2 22.5 24.0 20.5 21.2 17.3 19.3 23.3 21.0 21.7 24.5 21.0 # of Sections 25 25 21 25 21 20 137 133 (With SAGE) (W/O SAGE) Glacier Creek Middle School 6th 190 8 23.8 7th 238 10 23.8 8th 195 10 19.5 Total 623 28 22.3 Kromrey Middle School 6th 233 10 23.3 7th 242 10 24.2 8th 247 10 24.7 Total 722 30 24.1 6 - 8 Total Enrollment = MHS 9th 520 10th 456 11th 507 12th 480 Total 1963 1345 CLARK STREET 9th 26 10th 24 11th 16 12th 45 Total 111 K - 12 Building Enrollment = 6234 Total Enrollment Comparison Trend Without 21st Century eSchool and 4K 6300 6250 6200 6150 6100 6050 6000 5950 5900 5850 5800 5750 5700 5650 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Packet page 35 of 106 April May June July August September 5693 5759 5834 5857 5984 6136 5715 5791 5883 5939 6022 6167 5709 5794 5890 5973 6076 6196 5774 5805 5925 6011 6111 5863 5884 6023 6095 6244 5868 5787 6037 6018 6159 6234 Projected Enrollment = K – 5 Enrollment Comparison Trend Without 21st Century eSchool and 4K 2880 2840 2800 2760 2720 2680 2640 2600 2560 2520 2480 2440 2400 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Packet page 36 of 106 April May June July August September 2447 2473 2555 2558 2659 2744 2459 2502 2571 2615 2680 2758 2449 2495 2566 2629 2694 2767 2496 2509 2594 2657 2715 2540 2526 2642 2710 2776 2543 2504 2657 2668 2754 2815 Projected Enrollment = 6 – 8 Enrollment Comparison Trend Without 21st Century eSchool 1420 1400 1380 1360 1340 1320 1300 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Packet page 37 of 106 April May June July August September 1322 1343 1368 1353 1362 1335 1329 1340 1382 1360 1369 1337 1332 1335 1382 1371 1375 1335 1342 1338 1383 1375 1379 1363 1354 1404 1377 1412 1361 1341 1398 1358 1391 1345 Projected Enrollment = 9 – 12 Enrollment Comparison Trend Without 21st Century eSchool 2150 2100 2050 2000 1950 1900 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Packet page 38 of 106 April May June July August September 1924 1943 1911 1946 1963 2057 1927 1949 1930 1964 1973 2072 1928 1964 1942 1973 2007 2094 1936 1958 1948 1979 2017 1960 2004 1977 2008 2056 1949 1942 1955 1992 2014 2074 Projected Enrollment = Inspiring Experiences! Spring 2013 Grants of the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District Education Foundation. Our vision is: To build partnerships with our citizens, businesses, parents, staff, and current and former students. To serve as an independent investment vehicle for private giving through endowment, pass-through grants, and scholarships. To ensure equitable access to learning opportunities. To enrich learning by funding innovative and creative programs and experiences in our district. Find out more at An iPad to Bring in the World West Middleton Elementary School Environment-In-Art Sauk Trail Elementary School Literacy Project Park Elementary School Youth Frontiers Courage Retreat Kromrey Middle School Build Club Clark Street Community School Response to Intervention Behavior Acknowledgement Committee Middleton High School Packet page 39 of 106 West Middleton Elementary fifth-grade teacher Pernille Ripp will receive a grant of $461 to purchase an iPad for use by students in her classroom. The students will create podcasts, contribute to classroom’s existing blog and use other applications designed to enhance learning. Environment-In-Art is a project by art teacher Anne Gustafson. During the project, students will create photos, drawings, paintings or poems based on their exploration of the environment around their school. A grant of $300 will support the purchase of digital camera equipment, photo printing and materials for display. Teacher Amy Callies at Park Elementary is spearheading a project to enhance the school’s selection of books for K-2 students to take home and use to enhance their reading skills. The Foundation will award a $250 grant to support this project. This project allows all Kromrey seventh-graders to attend a one-day Courage Retreat through Youth Frontiers. The retreat helps children learn to accept others, resist following the crowd and act with moral courage. School counselor Kerry Burke notes that the program has been a tremendous success for the past four years, but was at risk due to the expiration of an existing grant. The Foundation’s $1,000 grant will help ensure the continuation of this valuable opportunity. The Foundation’s $250 grant to the Build Club at CSCS will be used to purchase tools for projects that will allow students to express what they have learned through hands-on, practical learning. For example, instead of a poster about bat houses, students can build one and directly observe its impact on the environment. Community member and substitute teacher Erich Eifler submitted this application. This committee focuses on ways to acknowledge students and staff members as the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports program is implemented at Middleton High School. The Foundation’s $1,000 grant will be used to support a “kick-off” for the program and will impact all 1,900-plus students at MHS. Committee members include Larry Martin, Nicole Morehouse, Cherie Hellenbrand, Tim Simon, Michael Kusch, Ellen Fish and Jody Schriever. Education Foundation hands out first grants It was a special and historic day for the MCPASD Education Foundation. The Education Foundation announced its six grant winners for the spring 2013 cycle on Wednesday, May 1. The six staff members -- Park's Amy Callies, West Middleton's Pernille Ripp, Sauk Trail's Anne Gustafson, Kromrey's Kerry Burke, Clark Street's Erich Eifler and Middleton High School's Larry Martin -received grants totaling more than $3,200. The 2-hour yellow bus tour included stops at the six schools. Seventeen MHS band members played "On Wisconsin" in each of the schools before chair Courtney Ward-Reichard presented each recipient with flowers donated by Copps, a certificate and an Education Foundation pin. "It was great to have the band members be a part of this,'' Ward-Reichard said. "It made an already special day even more special.'' Other Foundation board members who attended part or all of the celebration included Don Johnson, Ellen Lindgren, Tom Kobinsky, Stephanie Moen-Mueller, John Selbo, Shawna Bertalot and Charlie Saeman. "The best part was finally being able to give money to our grant winners,'' said Moen-Mueller, who coordinated much of the event. "Days like this make the hard work of asking for money worthwhile. It’s amazing to think that we started with not much more than good intentions – and now we’re funding programs that will really make differences in many classrooms and even the way teachers and students approach their learning.'' In all, the grants should impact approximately 3,000 students in the district. Packet page 40 of 106 Education Foundation-Board of Education June 24 meeting presentation A lot has happened since our last update to the Board in October 2012: Developed and approved a sponsorship guide, based on models used in the Sun Prairie and Fort Atkinson school districts. Established a grant process for district teachers, including an application and rubric for evaluating grant proposals. Received 15 grant applications this spring from district teachers. Handed out six grants totaling more than $3,200 that will impact about 3,000 students. Held a Spring Celebration on May 19 to honor the grant recipients and to do more friend-raising and awareness in the community. Funds were raised to have rooms at MHS and Northside named after retiring teachers Tom Kaufman and Janet Coughlin, respectively. Received our $35,000 grant from Madison Community Foundation for surpassing $70,000 in funds raised. We are on pace to have more than $120,000 in our fund by the end of December. Held a strategic retreat to identify goals and more clearly assess budget needs. Worked with MHS to add nearly 10 more scholarships for seniors in 2013. Developed a video that was shown at the Spring Celebration. A shorter version will be available to Foundation board members to show as they do presentations in the community. To watch, click this link: 3&theater Here is what the Foundation will focus on over the coming months: Packet page 41 of 106 Promoting, evaluating and handing out grants this fall. The Foundation has already secured more than $3,500 to hand out in grants in November, including a $1,250 grant per year for the next five years from State Bank of Cross Plains. Strategically meet with area businesses about opportunities to support the Foundation, whether with a grant, donor recognition or hardware purchases. Strategically applying for funds from other Foundations to support programs in the district. Marketing the donor recognition opportunities at our two middle school facilities. Evaluating and eventually purchasing a donor software program that will better allow us to monitor and track funds and touches. Identifying another event, likely in January or February, that will provide more visibility for the Foundation and act as another fundraiser. Foundation’s Spring Celebration ‘fantastic’ Nearly 100 people attended inaugural Education Foundation Spring Celebration on Sunday, May 19 at the Middleton Performing Arts Center. There was an informal meet-and-greet from 6:30 to 7 p.m. in the PAC lobby. More than a dozen MHS athletes were available for photos. The Scholastic Art Award-winning entries from MHS were displayed along with more than 20 works of art from Sauk Trail students. Next to the art displays were many of the freedom rugs that will be sold by Northside students later this month to raise funds for Goodweave. Glacier Creek's Sue Moen also had an digital presentation available showing some of the graphic novels, web pages and digital stories her eighth-grade classes have done. Chocolates were provided by Chocolaterie Stam, 1651 Deming Way, while 100 frozen custard singleserving containers were donated by Culver's, 2906 Parmenter St. In addition, Zimbrick donated 200 bottles of water and Bloom Bake Shop, 1834 Parmenter St., provided more than 70 cupcakes. The one-hour formal program included performances from five students at Sauk Trail along with the barbershop quartet from the MHS spring musical, "The Music Man." J.H. Findorff & Son's Mike Dillis along with Aleta Kaplan and Monica Schlicht from BMO Harris were among those in attendance. Both businesses have made significant contributions to the Foundation's endowment fund. The Foundation's board was introduced during a formal presentation by board chair Courtney WardReichard. Retiring teachers Tom Kaufman (MHS physical education) and Janet Coughlin (Northside music) were honored during the ceremony. Both will have rooms named after them at their respective schools in the fall as part of the Foundation's new sponsorship and donor recognition program. In addition, each of the six spring grant recipients -- Park's Amy Callies, West Middleton's Pernille Ripp, Sauk Trail's Anne Gustafson, Kromrey's Kerry Burke, Clark Street's Erich Eifler and Middleton High School's Larry Martin -- were introduced and brought to the stage. "I thought Sunday night's event was fantastic,'' Foundation secretary Tom Kobinsky said. "What a great way to meet and mingle with our grant winners and donors and our own board members. I can't wait to see an even bigger and better event in 2014.'' Packet page 42 of 106 Packet page 43 of 106 Packet page 44 of 106 Packet page 45 of 106 Packet page 46 of 106 Packet page 47 of 106 Packet page 48 of 106 Packet page 49 of 106 Packet page 50 of 106 Packet page 51 of 106 Packet page 52 of 106 2013 Lease/Purchase Financing Bid Response Summary FIRM Saulsbury Hill Financial JP Morgan / Chase Equipment Finance ATN Leasing (on behalf of Middleton Community Bank) PNC Equipment Finance Key Government Finance Rate 1.3890% 1.5500% 1.9800% 2.3160% 2.4700% Lease Factor 0.0207629 0.2085160 0.2110700 Not Provided Not Provided MIDDLETON‐CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT EXHIBIT A ‐ List of Equipment Mfg HP HP Vendor PDS PDS Quote # 660450 660450 Product # Z220 SFF Z220 SFF HP HP PDS PDS 660456 660456 Z220SFF Z220SFF HP HP HP HP PDS PDS PDS PDS 660486 660486 660486 660486 6300 6300 6300 6300 DELL DELL DELL DELL DELL DELL 651509215 651509229 651509221 DELL DELL DELL DELL Cisco NeTech Nelson's Bus Service, Inc Nelson's Bus Service, Inc Nelson's Bus Service, Inc Nelson's Bus Service, Inc Nelson's Bus Service, Inc Nelson's Bus Service, Inc Wisconsin Bus Sales Qty Equipment Description 31 Z220 SFF ZC3.500 G 8GB 2GB Graphic 1TB W7Pro 31 Z220 SFF ZC3.500 G 8GB 2GB Graphic 1TB W7Pro 62 15 Z220S SFF 500GB 1GB Graphic Card W7Pro 15 Z220S SFF 500GB 1GB Graphic Card W7Pro 30 48 31 31 22 132 2 Equalogic Disk Shelves 2 R710 Hosts 2 DATA Switches 6 E6430 E6430 15 Latitude 14.6 E6430 8GB 500GB 7200 rpm 1G graphic 15 Latitude 14.6 E6430 8GB 500GB 7200 rpm 1G graphic 30 1 Wireless Controler and associated hardware 244265 UB2030 UB2038 UB2033 UB 2028 UB 2027 N/A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *Reflects/Includes Trade‐in value Page 1 Packet page 54 of 106 HP CTO 6300 Pro SFF Win7Pro i5 500GB 7200 rpm HP CTO 6300 Pro SFF Win7Pro i5 500GB 7200 rpm HP CTO 6300 Pro SFF Win7Pro i5 500GB 7200 rpm HP CTO 6300 Pro SFF Win7Pro i5 500GB 7200 rpm Thomas 57 Passenger school bus Thomas 81 Passenger school bus Thomas 81 Passenger school bus Thomas 81 Passenger school bus Thomas 81 Passenger school bus Thomas 81 Passenger school bus GM Microbird G5, 28 Passenger (Type A) School Bus June, 2013 Unit Price Lease Cost $1,213.00 $37,603.00 $1,213.00 $37,603.00 $75,206.00 $910.00 $910.00 $637.00 $637.00 $637.00 $637.00 $13,650.00 $13,650.00 $27,300.00 $19,747.00 $19,747.00 $14,014.00 $53,508.00 $26,700.52 $7,176.04 $5,148.64 $53,401.04 $14,352.08 $10,297.28 $78,050.40 $969.00 $969.00 $14,535.00 $14,535.00 $29,070.00 14394.72 $14,394.72 $14,394.72 $95,963* $85,232* $86,232* $86,232* $88,732 $86,232* $58,997* $587,620.00 Mfg Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Open Options Open Options Open Options Open Options HID Open Options Open Options HP HP Vendor Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Technology Resource Advisors Quote # 8573694 8574306 Product # WV‐SF438 WV‐SW458 WV‐SF336 WV‐SW355 WV‐SW3H E2‐SSP‐D2‐RSC2 E2‐SSP‐D2 E3‐2RSC1 E3‐2RSC2 HID‐5395 DNA‐350 DNA‐SC‐10 DL380e DL380e Qty 17 3 131 70 70 10 1 9 7 84 1 1 6 1 3 Equipment Description Interior 360 Camera Exterior 360 Camera Interior Fixed Dome Exterior Fixed Dome Heater for Exterior Fixed Dome Control Panel/Enclosure/Power Supply Control Panel/Enclosure/Power Supply Control Panel/Enclosure/Power Supply Control Panel/Enclosure/Power Supply HID Thinline 2 Reader DNA Fusion 3 Client, 50 Subcontroller DNA Fusion 10 Addt'l Subcontroller Video Server Access Control Server Access Control Client Machines Unit Price Lease Cost $743.00 $12,631.00 $857.00 $2,571.00 $492.00 $64,452.00 $857.00 $59,990.00 $64.00 $4,480.00 $2,140.00 $21,400.00 $1,700.00 $1,700.00 $815.00 $7,335.00 $1,250.00 $8,750.00 $150.00 $12,600.00 $2,700.00 $2,700.00 $500.00 $500.00 $8,860.00 $53,160.00 $7,883.00 $7,883.00 $815.00 $2,445.00 $262,597.00 TOTAL LEASE: Page 2 Packet page 55 of 106 $1,127,746.12 Packet page 56 of 106 Packet page 57 of 106 Packet page 58 of 106 Packet page 59 of 106 Packet page 60 of 106 Packet page 61 of 106 Packet page 62 of 106 Packet page 63 of 106 Packet page 64 of 106 Packet page 65 of 106 Packet page 66 of 106 Packet page 67 of 106 Packet page 68 of 106 Packet page 69 of 106 Packet page 70 of 106 Packet page 71 of 106 Packet page 72 of 106 Packet page 73 of 106 Packet page 74 of 106 Packet page 75 of 106 Packet page 76 of 106 Packet page 77 of 106 Packet page 78 of 106 Packet page 79 of 106 Packet page 80 of 106 Packet page 81 of 106 Packet page 82 of 106 Packet page 83 of 106 Packet page 84 of 106 Packet page 85 of 106 Packet page 86 of 106 Packet page 87 of 106 Packet page 88 of 106 Packet page 89 of 106 Packet page 90 of 106 Packet page 91 of 106 PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to State Statute 65.90 (5)(a) Notice is hereby given that the Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District Board of Education, at a Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting held at the District Administrative Center, 7106 South Avenue, Middleton, Wisconsin beginning at 7:00 PM on June 24, 2013, amended the 2012-13 budget as follows. 2012-13 GENERAL FUND (FUND 10) 2012-13 2012-13 ADOPTED BUDGETFEBRUARY AMENDEDJUNE AMENDED REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES STATE SOURCES 610 State Aid - Categorical 696,700 726,754 726,754 630 State Special Projects 120,000 120,000 125,162 650 State Youth Initiative Program 247,493 257,788 257,788 606,474 669,907 669,907 FEDERAL SOURCES 730 Special Project Grants 750 ECIA - Title I and V TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 459,147 474,286 474,286 $67,682,017 $67,800,938 $67,806,100 $19,441,185 $19,041,251 $19,115,754 EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES INSTRUCTION 110 000 Undifferentiated Curriculum 11,201,487 11,284,328 11,611,073 130 000 Vocational Curriculum 120 000 Regular Curriculum 1,843,695 1,846,695 1,879,051 140 000 Physical Curriculum 2,205,054 2,154,372 2,154,669 160 000 Co-Curricular Activities 909,120 923,901 906,296 170 000 Other Special Needs 393,178 393,178 438,501 210 000 Pupil Services 2,041,606 2,046,208 2,049,714 220 000 Instructional Staff Services 2,896,402 2,994,577 3,016,800 601,962 627,782 653,542 SUPPORT SERVICES 230 000 General Administration 240 000 School Building Administration 3,378,308 3,402,597 3,514,371 250 000 Business Administration 8,891,526 8,968,712 9,007,795 260 000 Central Services 2,303,392 2,366,256 2,384,665 516,500 491,500 491,500 270 000 Insurance & Judgements 280 000 Debt Services 290 000 Other Support Services 773,668 773,668 735,668 1,943,564 2,093,564 1,409,774 882,563 882,563 875,053 NON-PROGRAM TRANSACTIONS 430 000 Purchased Instructional Services 490 000 Other Non-Program Transactions TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCE 30,000 30,000 32,000 $60,202,528 $60,321,449 $60,326,611 2012-13 SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND (FUND 20) 2012-13 2012-13 ADOPTED BUDGETFEBRUARY AMENDEDJUNE AMENDED REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 290 Gifts-Local Sources 730 Special Projects Federal Grants TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 100 000 Instruction 200 000 Support Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCE 116,750 116,750 284,870 1,380,873 1,381,479 1,381,479 $11,793,637 $11,794,243 $11,794,243 $8,473,616 $8,461,617 $8,608,512 3,241,621 3,254,226 3,275,451 $11,793,637 $11,794,243 $11,962,363 2012-13 DEBT SERVICE FUND (FUND 30) 2012-13 2012-13 ADOPTED BUDGETFEBRUARY AMENDEDJUNE AMENDED REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 968 Premium/Accrued Interest TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 281 000 Long Term Capital Debt TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCE 0 0 1,272,497 $4,850,235 $4,850,235 $6,122,732 $4,902,351 $4,902,351 $5,209,587 $4,902,351 $4,902,351 $5,209,587 2012-13 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (FUND 40) 2012-13 TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 200 000 Support Services $850,000 $850,000 $60,713,000 $1,508,000 $1,508,000 $3,527,350 $0 $0 $150 $1,508,000 $1,508,000 $3,527,500 400 000 Other Program Transactions TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCE 2012-13 TRUST FUND (FUND 70) 2012-13 2012-13 ADOPTED BUDGETFEBRUARY AMENDEDJUNE AMENDED TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES $1,962,000 200 000 Support Services 400 000 Other Program Transactions TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCE $1,962,000 $1,962,000 $30,000 $30,000 $40,000 $1,417,000 $1,417,000 $1,818,700 $1,447,000 $1,447,000 $1,858,700 2012-13 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUND (FUND 80) 2012-13 ADOPTED BUDGETFEBRUARY AMENDEDJUNE AMENDED 2012-13 2012-13 ADOPTED BUDGETFEBRUARY AMENDEDJUNE AMENDED TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES $592,393 $592,393 $608,322 200 000 Support Services $340,024 $340,024 $356,753 300 000 Community Services $252,369 $252,369 $252,093 $592,393 $592,393 $608,846 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCE 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 PACKAGE & COOPERATIVE PROGRAM FUND (FUND 90ADOPTED BUDGETFEBRUARY AMENDEDJUNE AMENDED TOTAL REVENUES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 100 000 Instructional Services 200 000 Support Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES & OTHER FINANCING SOURCE $224,316 $224,316 $240,880 $99,316 $99,316 $113,230 $125,000 $125,000 $127,650 $224,316 $224,316 $240,880 Tom Wohlleber, Deputy Clerk Publish 06/25/2013 MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT FEE SCHEDULE 2012-13 2013-14 HIGH SCHOOL (1) Textbook Rental Fee (Year) Textbook Rental Fee (Semester) Athletic User Fee (per sport) Club User Fee (per club) Student Activity Ticket Family Activity Pass Lock Fee Lock Fee (Grade 9) Music Instrument Rental Fee - Band Music Instrument Rental Fee – Orchestra Percussion Instrument Maintenance Fee Yearbook Senior Trip Student Parking Fees(1) Quarterly (4th quarter only) Semester Yearly Graduation Fee AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Physics AP Environmental Science 172.00 21.00 40.00 100.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 30.00 46.00 23.00 172.00 21.00 40.00 100.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 30.00 -097.00 147.00 25.00 5.00 13.00 5.00 5.00 45.00 90.00 147.00 25.00 5.00 13.00 5.00 10.00 100.00 75.00 40.00 100.00 80.00 40.00 Art Foundations 2 Art Foundations 3 Art Foundations 6023 Advanced Art 1, 2 & 3 Art & Design Explorations in Art Photography 1 Photography 2 & 3 Integrated Art and Science 8.00 7.00 6.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 4 Spanish 5 German 1 German 2, 3, 4 German 5 French 1 French 2 17.00 14.00 23.00 10.00 6.00 15.00 1.00 3.00 35.00 34.00 17.00 -023.00 10.00 6.00 -01.00 3.00 -0-0- CNA Medical Terminology American Red Cross Certification (Lifeguard and Water Safety) 1 State/County sales tax will be added to this fee amount Packet page 94 of 106 $ 46.00 $ 2012-13 2013-14 HIGH SCHOOL (1) -continuedFrench 3 & 4 (each) French 5 $ 1.00 35.00 $ 1.00 35.00 Visual Presentations & Technology Advanced Visual Presentations & Technology Intro to Culinary Arts 1 & 2(Semester) Each Global Foods Food Science Cardinal Café courses 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Principles Biomedical Human Body Systems Medical Interventions Biomedical Innovations Introduction to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Engineering, Design and Development Civil Engineering and Architecture Digital Electronics Comp Science and Software Engineering Engineering Graphics 1 & 2 (each) Metal Processes 1 Metal Processes 2 Precision Machining 1 & 2 (each) Woodworking Processes Home Maintenance Rec Vehicles 1 & 2 (each) Cabinet Making and Design 1 & 2 (each) Powers & Energy Tech 1 Powers & Energy Tech 2 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 Field Biology Environmental Studies 6571 & 6572 (each) Introduction to Biotechnical Honors Physics Advanced Physics Chemistry 30.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 30.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 Packet page 95 of 106 MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT FEE SCHEDULE MIDDLE SCHOOL(1) Textbook Rental Fee Athletic User Fee (per sport) Club User Fee (per club) Intramural Fee Lock-In/Spirit Night 8th Grade Celebration Dinner/Dance Upham Woods Art Fee - 6th Grade Required Art Fee - 7th Grade Required Art Fee - 8th Grade ½ Year (EOD) Art Fee - 8th Grade Full Year Family & Consumer Education - 6th Grade Required Foods Class - 8th Grade Elective Music Instrument Rental Fee - Orchestra/Band Music Instrument Rental Fee - Percussion Industrial Tech - 6th Grade Required (Technology & Engineering-Quarter) Industrial Tech - 7th Grade Required (Technology & Engineering – EOD Semester) Industrial Tech - 8th Grade Semester (GTT – Semester) Industrial Tech - 8th Grade (Exploratory – Semester) Industrial Tech – 8th Grade Year Long (Technology & Engineering/ GTT) Spanish Workbook (2 Years) French Workbook (2 Years) Foreign Language Ear Buds (Optional) Atlas Assignment Notebook/Planner (Replacement only) Yearbook (Optional) 2012-13 2013-14 $ 36.00 36.00 21.00 15.00 8.00 10.00 60.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 25.00 20.00 22.00 30.00 $ 36.00 36.00 21.00 15.00 5.00 7.00 60.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 25.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 30.00 42.00 16.00 44.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 15.00 50.00 16.00 44.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 15.00 1 Note: Above fees DO NOT include resale items (i.e. - goggles, student planners, safety glasses, workbooks, etc.) Packet page 96 of 106 2013-14 BUDGET PLANNING GOALS, PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS (as of 06/24/2013) Budget Planning Goals ■ Continue to Increase awareness and understanding of the school district budget, school finance and state school aid issues/challenges ■ Increase staff and community involvement in the budget development process ■ Develop an action plan to address anticipated budget issues/shortfalls over the next several years (Long Term Financial Plan) Budget Planning Parameters 1. The 2013-14 preliminary budget will be based on the state’s revenue limit (cap) formula using the following assumptions: Resident student increase (PreK-12)*: Allowable per member increase: State Categorical Aid per member: Transfer of Service Exemption: $ $ $ 62 75 75 200,000 st * Reflects 4K enrollment increase but not any 21 eSchool increase. 2. Program or service reductions should: a) Consider the impact on a district-wide or K-12 basis. b) Utilize the feedback from staff, parents and community to help guide budget decisions. c) Focus on whole programs or services rather than an “across-the-board” approach. 3. 2013-14 school resource allocations (site allocations include funds for site staff development principals are to reflect this in their site budget) for instructional and school operation expenses, not including salary and benefits and EEN costs, will be: High Schools Middle Schools Elementary Schools * $200 per student* $173 per student $135 per student Includes student apprenticeships, post secondary options NOTE: The above per student allocations reflect the subtraction of $31/student for the common school fund appropriation. Principals are requested to hold back (reserve) a minimum of 5% of their school resource allocation as a contingency in the event further budget reductions are needed to balance the budget. 4. A portion of the Common School Fund (Library) aid received by the district will be distributed to each school for media purchases (the exact amounts for each school to be determined). The balance of the CSF allocation will be pooled in a district account for acquisition of technology. 5. Non-school departmental budgets will remain the same for 2013-14. Administrators/managers are requested, however, to reserve a minimum of 5% of their budget allocation as a contingency in the event further budget reductions are needed to balance the budget. 6. District level funding for curriculum renewal will be targeted at $750,000. 7. General Fund personnel costs (total salaries & fringe benefits - Objects 100 & 200) will be Packet page 97 of 106 calculated using guidelines established by the Board of Education. 8. The targeted levy for the Capital Projects Fund will be $875,000. 9. The allocation to partially fund for District’s post retirement liability will remain similar to the 201213 level. Budget Planning Assumptions GENERAL 1. Equalized valuation change will be estimated at a zero (0) percent. This figure will be used in the calculation of the proposed mill rate. REVENUE ACCOUNTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. State general aid (equalization and special adjustment) amount will be estimated utilizing the amount generated by the PMA Financial Forecast Model. The initial projection is a 13.9% reduction in state general aid. Special education categorical aid will be based upon a 26.0% reimbursement level of budgeted eligible costs during the 2012-13 fiscal year. Student fees will be adjusted as determined by the School Board. Common School Funds will be estimated at $200,000. Targeted increases in non-resident open enrollment will be as follows for the 2013-14 school year: - Elementary - Closed - Middle School - Closed - High School – Closed - Clark Street School - Open st - 21 Century eSchool - Open The projected number of non-resident open enrollment students will be reviewed and adjusted following closure of the open enrollment registration window. The 2013-14 chargeback levy for uncollectible personal property taxes assessed by municipalities in 2012-13 will be established in March 2013 after all payments to municipalities have been completed. EXPENDITURE ACCOUNTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Packet page 98 of 106 Health and dental insurance accounts will be calculated using estimates/projections provided by the applicable insurance companies and/or employee benefits/insurance consultant. General liability, umbrella, fidelity bond, errors & omissions, boiler & machinery insurance increases will be estimated at 2%. Worker’s compensation insurance increase will be estimated at 16%. Unemployment compensation budget will coincide with any staff layoffs. Utility costs will be adjusted for estimated cost and usage adjustments. Class size guidelines will be reviewed to determine school staffing allocations. The number of resident open enrollment and tuition waiver students for budget development purposes will initially remain the same for 2013-14 (less graduating seniors). The projected number of resident open enrollment students will be reviewed and adjusted following closure of the open enrollment registration window. MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 School District Goals 1. The Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District will provide a world class education for all students. We intend to direct time and resources towards preparing our students for life in a 21st century global society. All students in our District need to be conversant in areas that will prepare them for immersion in a complex global environment, regardless of their chosen field of study or work. This initiative is embedded in the 4K-12 curriculum and will engage all schools and the community in the planning process. This will include, but not be limited to, emphasizing creative problem solving, critical thinking, and innovative thought processes; understanding issues from multiple cultural perspectives; and integrating technological innovation that can expand curriculum, opportunity, and our students' world view. 2. The district will enhance and improve the technology framework, infrastructure and support to improve instructional delivery, student achievement, and organizational efficiency by accomplishing the following items: • Plan for comprehensive professional development for instructional integration. • Expand the ability of students to utilize personal mobile devises at school for educational purposes. • Continue to develop a more sophisticated system of online learning in both the regular 4K-12 program and in the 21st Century eSchool. • Continue and extend the Technology Access for Low Income Students program. • Encourage and support innovative instructional frameworks to enhance achievement, including, but not limited to, flipped classrooms and blended/hybrid instruction. 3. Increase overall student achievement and reduce the achievement gaps that are connected to ethnicity and socio-economic status, using local, state and national assessment indicators to document improved learning on the part of our students. The “Continuous Improvement Process” will be a primary component to achieve this goal. Expanded benchmark data will be established to monitor and report on to determine progress annually. Professional development initiatives are also central to this effort. 4. Increase the overall student achievement in literacy, using local, state and national assessment indicators to document improved learning of students. 5. Expand efforts to communicate with all citizens of the school district utilizing electronic and traditional communication tools. 6. Continue the development of the Education Foundation as a vibrant component in the school district and the community at-large. Packet page 99 of 106 MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT Final Draft 2013-2014 District Administrative Goals Superintendent 1. Provide oversight and direction for the construction and additions at Kromrey Middle School, Glacier Creek Middle School, and Sunset Ridge Elementary with support from other key district leadership. 2. Lead efforts to close the achievement gap between key student groups, based upon economic status, English Language Learner status, minority status, and special education characteristics. 3. Continue to refine and develop achievement and other data that provides the Board and the public a more complete picture of student performance, and overall district performance. 4. Support and monitor both District Departmental Goals and School Improvement Goals. 5. Lead efforts to implement Educator Effectiveness pilots to improve coaching and supervision of teaching practice throughout the district. 6. Lead process of planning for implementation of the K-4, 5-8 configuration 7. Continue to develop community partnerships with business and other local governmental entities. Business Services 1. Coordinate/oversee Kromrey and Glacier Creek building projects 2. Improve school safety plan and practices • Update school safety plan and procedures • Revise response protocols • Align and enhance school safety training • Coordinate school safety/security project Security camera/access control Building security Communications • Family reunification plan • Full scale exercise • Accident reporting system • Evaluate support services efficiency Facilities Services Department 1. Hiring and training of a new Operations Supervisor and work through the necessary steps to hire the best possible candidate for the position. 2. School building projects – Sunset Ridge, Glacier Creek and Kromrey. Ensure projects are completed per plan and to manage these projects to meet the best interests of the District. 3. Capital maintenance projects – ensure these projects are managed in the appropriate manner from start to finish. 4. Yearly staff training. Fiscal Services Department 1. Review current fee structure to ensure appropriateness and consistent application. Create a process for annual review of existing fees and more formal review of new fees. 2. Completion of a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the 2012-13 fiscal year. 3. Begin implementing an ACH payment system for our non-payroll vendors. Packet page 100 of 106 School Nutrition Services 1. Continue to market School Nutrition Services to raise revenue while holding student meal participation at the SY 12-13 level with no further decreases. 2. Find additional funding for auxiliary nutrition education programs, Farm to School and local sustainability to continue these important initiatives. 3. Maintain operational integrity throughout the SY 13-14 by adjusting staffing throughout the year for any changes in meal participation of over 3% sustained for greater than two calendar months, as well as, continued vigilance for all expenditures. Transportation 1. 2. 3. 4. Analyze collision type, equipment, experience of driver. Retrain trainers on procedures and areas of concern. Broad driver retrain, or focus groups (dependent on analysis results). Update district routing software, review bell times and update routes to accommodate the new grade level configurations. Communications 1. Continue to inform our stakeholders about the middle school building projects by: a. Coordinating the groundbreaking ceremonies that will take place on June 6. b. Developing a blog about the progress of each building. c. Holding quarterly roundtables for people to come and learn more. d. Presenting updates at neighborhood or group meetings. 2. Develop materials to help educate and inform staff about the Affordable Care Act and its implications for the District. 3. Create more materials on the budget, which was a priority based on our recent survey. 4. Meet with staff at each school to ensure understanding of the protocols and proper training on our main communications vehicles (School Messenger, Infinite Campus and Constant Contact). 5. Coordinate outreach to parents and community members about the new mobile phone application the District is adding. a. Develop communication materials for how to access and use the application. b. Promote the free application to students, staff, parents and the community. c. Work with technology to make sure QR code available at each school’s orientation day. d. Monitor the application’s usage and check with stakeholders periodically to see ways we can improve the application. 6. Work with technology to provide parents with an opt-in text message feature as another way to communicate during emergencies and other important events. 7. Continue to grow and populate our Facebook and Twitter pages and further work on developing social media guidelines for staff. Education Foundation 1. Identify priorities for the Education Foundation Specialist to make better use of his time. 2. Identify and recruit potential new members of the Board of Directors. 3. Help board identify key stakeholders and organizations to approach and cultivate with regards to sponsorship opportunities, grants or scholarships. 4. Identify possible ways to raise funds for operating expenses and Specialist’s salary. 5. Fine-tune the grant application process, including helping educate staff about what kinds or programs the Foundation intends to support. 6. Identify potential donor management software programs, provide pros and cons of each for the Board and develop possible funding method for purchase. Packet page 101 of 106 7. Meet with parent groups and community members about the spaces available for donor recognition at each of our buildings, but with particular emphasis on Kromrey and Glacier Creek. 8. Continue to promote Foundation on website, Facebook and other media outlets. Educational Services – Student Achievement 1. Continuous improvement teams (district and school levels), with an educational services liaison, will become a systematic mechanism for focusing on high achievement and high value-add for all students. 2. District professional and instructional staff will do the following: a. Make curricular decisions based on global student performance data, disaggregated by various demographic groups. b. Assist school improvement teams in using data to determine priorities for continuous improvement plans, and determine how to use staff to meet the needs of all students. c. Systematize the use of common formative assessments and the analysis of results to inform instruction. d. Develop student specific instructional strategies and interventions. e. Develop a system of monitoring intervention results and student progress on an ongoing basis. 3. Continue implementation of the curriculum renewal process, including standards-based grading and reporting as well as including technology integration and infusion best practices. 4. Incorporate interventions into the curriculum renewal process beginning with cycle 2; using technology, where appropriate, to augment the differentiation and intervention process. 5. Maintain an aligned instructional system of professional development that focuses on culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy. 6. Continue to develop and implement culturally responsive practices throughout the district. This will include, but not be limited to, establishing a strategic plan for the District Equity Leadership Team (DELT) to implement in the context of budget parameters. 7. Increase staff capacity to use assessment and data systems to monitor student progress and inform instruction and to ensure rigor for all students. 8. Continue implementation of a Integrated Comprehensive Service Model (ICS) where team collaboration is supported across all levels, curricular areas, and buildings in the district so that all students have access to and are included in the general school environment for the majority of their school day. 9. Rewrite district special education procedures and processes to address cultural, economic, and racial disparity in evaluation practices. Train specific staff in the implementation of these procedures. 10. Develop a common framework of identifying, documenting, and responding to behavioral incidents at each level and building to ensure that behavioral interventions are consistent with the practices and philosophy of behavioral literacy and restoration. 11. Recognize the importance of 21st Century learning skills, ensure equitable access to digital learning used to enhance the curriculum, model and develop a culture of digital literacy, and assist teachers in how to effectively engage and support digital natives. Educational Services – Student Opportunities 1. Investigate viability of expanding summer school opportunities beyond our current credit recovery and Title I programming. 2. Provide Title I Extended Day Programming for educationally disadvantaged students by reconfiguring daily schedule. 3. Explore and expand the number of dual credit options available for MHS Students. Packet page 102 of 106 Employee Services 1. Continued development and implementation of the Employee Handbook and distribution of such to all employees within the District. (This will involve continued work with the Handbook Committee and communicating with the employees as the Handbook is rolled out.) 2. Participate with and provide support to technology system transitions in the Employee Services area including support to the new Professional Development tracking process. 3. Provide support and assistance to the Wellness Coordinator as the Wellness Program continues to develop and grow. 4. Monitor Affordable Care Act legislation and provide leadership in the area of the impacts resulting from these changes. 5. Work with administrative team to review and improve our overall support staff hiring and evaluation process for better consistency throughout the district. This includes piloting the Educator Effectiveness framework required by the Department of Public Instruction. Technology Services 1. Maintain and augment technology infrastructure to provide a robust and reliable platform in support district educational and administrative initiatives and functions. 2. Maintain customer service focus on end users. 3. Assist MCPASD administration in strategic planning. Packet page 103 of 106 BOARD OF EDUCATION MIDDLETON-CROSS PLAINS AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT MONDAY, JULY 22, 2013 District Administrative Center 7106 South Avenue, Middleton, WI 53562 BOARD AGENDA 1. Call to Order Regular Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. 2. Recognition – Girls State Soccer Participants 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Communications a. Correspondence/Board Communication b. Citizen Comments 5. Superintendent’s Report a. Upcoming Events and Updates 6. Consent Agenda a. Administrative/Business Services 1. Approval of Bills Payable 2. Approval of Treasurer’s Report b. Employee Services 1. Approval of Resignations 2. Approval of Leaves of Absence 3. Approval of Staff Appointments 4. Approval of Retirements 5. Approval of Lay Offs c. District Consent Items 7. Items for Information/Discussion a. Enrollment Update b. Energy Conservation Update 8. Items for Action a. Approval of 2013-14 Preliminary Budget b. Approval of Teachers on Call Contract c. Approval of Elementary Student Fee Schedule for 2013-2014 9. Convene in Possible Closed Session Under S.S. 19.85 (1)(c) 10. Reconvene in Open Session 11. Next Meeting Dates and Adjournment a. Future Meeting Dates – August 12, 2013 7:00 p.m. DAC Regular Board Meeting Persons needing special accommodations or more specific information about agenda items may call 829-9004. 06.20.13 Packet page 104 of 106 Packet page 105 of 106 Packet page 106 of 106