EZ LOADER ONE COMPANY... ALL THE CHOICES. Happy 60th Birthday EZ Loader! T EZ Loader Custom Illusion Series Non-Marking Dual-Density Rollers he first EZ Loader Boat Trailer was built in an auto repair shop in the early 1950’s by Lawrence (Larry) Johnson for his own personal use. His outstanding design soon led to the formation of EZ Loader Boat Trailers, in Spokane , Washington. As the years went by, with Larry’s constant improvements and many patents, EZ Loader became the leader in the boat trailer industry. What started in Spokane soon became an national trailer company with distributors throughout the United States, Canada and the world. Randy Johnson, President of EZ Loader Boat Trailers, Inc. foresees a solid future for the marine industry and the EZ Loader Trailer. “Our market continues to grow with international sales taking a strong hold. We constantly strive to stay ahead of the curve in technology and design. The name EZ Loader had become synonymous with quality, safety and dependability, bringing us attention from all over the globe.” With a solid foundation and a clear vision of the future, EZ Loader Boat Trailers, Inc. looks forward to the next 60 years, providing the world with the very best! Torsion Axle Suspenion Adjustable Roll System Rogged & Durable Hot Dipped Galvanized Finish Easy-Wind Winch Strap Adjustable Winch Stand Model Featured EZR 17-20 3100 Safety Chains Molded Composite Fender Molded Composite Taillight Steps Sealed-Circuit L.E.D. Lights 2 Oil Bath Hub Bearing Protection V-5 Modified Mag Sports Wheels Radial Tires Enclosed Protected Wiring Corrosion Resistant Hub-Coating EZ LOADER DISC BRAKE SYSTEM ALUMINUM WHEEL HYDRAULIC DRUM BRAKES New disc brake’s calipers resist corrosion and add additional Protection in tough saltwater conditions. Upgrade your trailer with these hot new aluminum wheels. Available in 12” through 16” wheels EZ Loader’s hydraulic drum brakes are hot-dipped galvanized for additional protection against corrosive elements. PVC LOAD GUIDES VERTICAL LOAD GUIDES CHINE LOAD GUIDES Sturdy ez loader pvcload guides help direct your trailer during launching and guide your boat in. Bunk or roller vertical load guides – a Unique low profile load guide system perfect assist for adverse water & weather Centers & protects boat during & loading. conditions. Available on select models. Available on select models. SWING TONGUE OPTIONS & EXCHANGES SPARE TIRE AND CARRIER FOOTED TONGUE JACK New design. A perfect solution when your Get the additional peace of mind when boat trailer is too long for its storage area. Traveling with an O.E.M. Spare tire and Available on many models. Carrier. Many styles to choose from. Heavy duty footed tongue jack provides a strong and sturdy solution for heavier trailer/tongue weight. FIXED BUNK EXCHANGE FIXED BUNK EXCHANGE ON Y-FRAME JONBOAT EXCHANGE For boats that require extra support on smaller EZ Loader boat trailers. Ask your dealer if your model applies. Extra boat support for y-frame boat railer models. Ask your dealer if your model applies. Cross bunk to give extra support for adds longer bunks and a forward jon boats and other flat bottom boats. Recommended for aluminum boats only BUNK LOAD GUIDES T-BUNK LOAD GUIDE When the going gets rough, load guides A convenient medium-duty load guide that help you launch & load no matter what is easy to install and fits most small-tothe weather. Available on most models. medium EZ Loader boat trailers. BRAKE FLUSH KIT INBOARD CROSSMEMBER EXCHANGE* Help clean brake components with this handy flush kit. Attach a garden hose & flush! Useful in saltwater environments. Special recessed cage helps protect your boat’s inboard shaft and propeller during launching & loading. CHROME WHEELS FOUR BUNK EXCHANGE FOUR BUNK OPTION The optional chrome wheel adds beauty and glamor wherever it rolls. Replaces the regular two bunk system With a heavy-duty 3x4 four bunk pivoting system for increased support. Adds two additional, fully adjustable bunks to an existing two-bunk system. KEEL PADS AND KEEL ROLLERS 12” HEAVY DUTY DOUBLE KEEL ROLLER OWNERS MANUAL Ez loader’s owner’s manual provides For extra protection. A selection of 4”, 5”, Maintenance instructions and safety tips. 8” and 12” keel rollers are available, Free to any ez loader owner. as well as a variety of keel pad sizes. Adjusts to your boat perfectly during launching and loading. Automatic pivoting action. Adjustable height. CHANNEL GLIDE BUNK COVERS EZ Loader copolymer bunk covers attach over carpeted bunks and let your boat slide on & off the trailer with ease. ROLL EXCHANGES Want to update your boat trailer with the latest in patented non-marking roller technology? Ask your dealer today! 3 EZ LOADER BUNK TRAILERS EZB 12-14 1000 EZB 14-17 1250 EZL90B 17-19 2350 Roller trailers launch with ease in shallow or deep water conditions. Our nonmarking Dual Density Ribbed Rollers have a soft outer surface for gentle boat contact and a sensitive cradling and a hard center core for strength and control. Bunk trailers are “float on, float off” technology and function best when used on steeper ramps. If you usually launch and load in deep water conditions, bunk trailers are the ideal choice. 4 EZB 17-20 3100 EZ LOADER TEZB 17-20 4000 TEZL96B 19-22 4700 TEZB 23-25 5800 TIEZB 26-30 12000 ROLLER TRAILERS EZR 14-17 1250 EZWR 14-18 2100 EZL90R 17-19 2350 EZR 17-20 3100 Specifications for trailers on page 4 & 5 can be found on pages 8 & 9. TEZL96R 17-20 4000 TEZL96R 19-22 4700 TEZR 23-25 5800 TIEZR 26-30 9500 5 EZ LOADER Pontoons & WV’s EZP 16-18 2150 EZWV 1150 EZP 20-22 2700 EZWV 1250 When you want the reliability and strength of an EZ Loader and the economy of spring axle technology, the Limited Series is for you! Ease of use and sturdy support is the reason EZ Loader pontoon and personal watercraft trailers are chosen by more marine consumers. TEZP 20-22 3300 EZWV 2100 TEZP 24-26/28 4700 6 Specifications for these trailers can be found on pages 9 & 10 EZWV 2325 EZ LOADER ALUMINUM TRAILERS ALB 16-18 2100 TAB 20-23 5200 The beauty and flexibility of aluminum makes it a popular choice for both fresh and salt-water use. The corrosion resistance and strength of aluminum provides confidence in any environment. TIAB 30-34 12000 Specifications for Aluminum trailers can be found on page 10. The exclusive EZ Loader I-Tube Construction design provides additional frame strength and added protection for wiring and brake lines inside a noncorrosive environment. I-Tube is available on 2200# - 5200# capacity models. 7 8 M od e l A nd Hu l l L e ng th E Z T 14 ’ * * EZ T 14 ’ ** EZ B 1 2- 1 4 E Z 1 2- 14 ’ ** EZ W 1 2 -1 4’ E Z 12 - 1 4’ E Z 1 4- 1 7’ EZ 14- 1 7 ’ E ZN 14 - 1 7’ E Z N 1 4- 1 7’ E Z 14 - 17 ’ E ZW 14 - 18 ’ EZ W 1 4- 1 8 ’ EZ 15 - 18 ’ EZ 1 7 -2 0’ E Z 1 5- 1 8’ E Z 17 - 2 0’ E Z 15 - 18 ’ EZ 17- 2 0 ’ EZ 1 9- 2 2’ EZ 1 7- 2 0’ ** E Z 1 9- 22 /2 4 ’ * * * T EZ 17 - 20 /2 2’ * T EZ 1 7 -2 0/ 22 ’ * TE Z 1 9- 2 2/ 24 ’ * TEZ 19 - 22 /2 4’ * T EZ 2 3- 2 5 /2 7’ * TEZ B 2 3 -2 5/ 27 ’ * TE ZB 23 - 25 /2 7’ * TE ZB 25 - 27 ’ T EZ B 28- 3 0 ’ TI EZ B 2 6- 3 0 ’ TI E ZB 26 - 3 0’ TI E ZB 3 0- 34 /3 6 ’ * * * EZ 1 02 1 5- 1 8 ’ EZ 10 2 15 - 1 8’ E Z 10 2 1 7- 20 ’ TEZ 1 02 1 7- 2 0/ 22 ’ * T EZ 10 2 1 7- 2 0/ 22 ’ * TE Z1 0 2 19 - 22 /2 4’ * T EZ 10 2 1 9- 2 2/ 24 ’ * TE Z1 0 2B 23- 2 5 T EZ 10 2 2 6- 3 0’ T EZ 10 2 2 6- 3 0’ T I EZ 1 02 2 6- 3 0’ TI EZ 10 2 29 - 31 TI E Z1 0 2 3 2- 3 5 EZ L 8 0 13 - 14 ’ EZ L 80 1 5- 1 6’ EZ L 90 1 5- 1 6’ EZ L 90 1 4- 1 8’ E ZL 90 15 - 17 ’ E Z L9 0 1 7- 1 9’ E Z L9 6 1 7- 1 9’ E Z L9 6 1 5- 1 7’ EZ L 9 6 15 - 18 ’ EZ L 96 1 5- 1 8’ EZ L 96 1 7- 2 0’ EZ L 96 1 5- 1 8’ E ZL 96 17 - 20 ’ E Z L9 6 1 9- 2 2’ EZ L 96B 17 - 2 0 T EZ L 9 6 17 - 20 \2 2’ TEZ L 96 17 - 20 \2 2’ T EZ L 96 1 9 -2 2\ 24 ’ E ZL 1 02 1 5 -1 8 ‘ E Z L1 0 2 15 - 18 ’ E ZL 1 02 17 - 20 ’ E Z L1 0 2 15 - 18 ’ E ZL 1 02 17 - 20 ’ E Z L1 0 2 17 - 20 ’ TE Z L1 0 2 17 - 20 \2 2’ * TE ZL 10 2 1 7- 2 0\ 22 ’ * T EZ L 102 19 - 22 \2 4’ * We ig ht C ap a city 600# 800# 700# 1000# 1200# 12 25 # 1250# 12 50 # 1400# 1650# 2000# 2100# 2300# 2350# 23 50 # 2800# 2 80 0# 3100# 31 00 # 3100# 3700# 37 00 # 4000# 4000# 4700# 5200# 5800# 68 00 # 7500# 8500# 8500# 9000# 1 2000# 1 1800# 2350# 2800# 3100# 4000# 4000# 4700# 5200# 5700 7500# 8500# 1 2000# 1 5500# 15500# 1480# 2000# 2100# 2100# 2350# 2350# 2100# 2100# 2450# 2800# 2800# 3100# 3100# 3100# 3400# 4000# 4 00 0# 4 70 0# 23 00 # 2800# 2800# 3100# 3100# 3400# 40 00 # 4 00 0# 47 00 # N umb er o f B un ks 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 A xl e S t y le S pri ng S p rin g To rsi o n Tor s io n Tor s io n Sp r in g Tor s io n S p rin g Spr i ng S pri ng Sp r in g Tor s io n Tor s io n To rsi o n To rsi o n Tor s io n Tor s io n To rsi o n To rsi o n Tor s io n To rs i on To rsi o n Tor s io n To rsi o n To rsi o n Tor s io n To rsi o n To rsi o n To rsi o n To rs i on Tor s io n Tor s io n To rsi o n To rsi o n To rsi o n Tor s io n Tor s io n To rsi o n To rsi o n Tor s io n To rsi o n Tor s io n Tor s io n To rsi o n Tor s io n To rsi o n To rsi o n Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g S pri ng Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g S pri ng Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g S pri ng Sp r in g Sp r in g S pri ng Sp r in g Spr i ng Sp r in g S pri ng S pri ng S pri ng S pri ng S pri ng S pri ng S pri ng Sp r in g S pri ng Ti re Si z e 480x8B 480x12B 480x8B 480x12B 480x12B 480x12B 480x12B ST 175\ 80R 13C 530x12C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 185\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 235/ 80R 16E ST 235/ 80R 16E ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 235\ 80R 16E ST 225\ 75R 15D LT 235/ 85R 16 LT 235/ 85R 16 530 X 12C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 185\ 80R 13C ST 185\ 80R 13C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 225/ 75R 15D ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 185\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 225/ 75R 15C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C A pprox. Ove rall W i dth 59” 59” 58” 58” 67” 67” 67” 67” 74” 74” 80” 90” 90” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 80” 80” 90” 90” 92” 92” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” A ppro x. W i dth be tw e e n F e n de rs 45” 45” 44” 44” 54” 54” 54” 54” 61” 58” 64” 75” 75” 77” 77” 77” 77” 77” 77” 77” 78” 78” 80” 77” 77” 77” 77” 76” 76” 76” 76” 77” 77” 77” 83” 83” 83” 86” 83” 83” 83” 83” 82” 83” 77” 77” 66” 64” 74” 74” 76” 76” 80” 80” 77” 77” 77” 77” 77” 77” 77” 80” 77” 80” 86” 83” 83” 83” 83” 83” 86” 83” 84” BUNK 30’ 3” 30’ 3” 31’ 6” 34’ 8” 38’ 8” 17’ 8” 19’ 19’ 6” 19’ 6” 20’ 4” 21’ 4” 21’ 4” 20’ 4” 21’ 21’ 4” 22’ 4” 21’ 4” 22’ 4” 23’ 6” 23’ 23’ 6”/+1’ 3 ” 23’ 6”/+1’ 3 ” 25’/+1’ 3” 21’ 21’ 22’ 21’ 22’ 25’ 23’ 6”/+1’ 3 ” 23’ 6”/+1’ 3 ” 25’/+1’ 3” A pprox. Ove rall L e ngt h 16’ 16’ 16’ 7” 16’ 7” 17’ 16’ 19’ 19’ 19’ 19’ 19’ 19’ 4” 19’ 4” 20’ 5” 21’ 5” 20’ 5” 21’ 5” 20’ 5” 21’ 5” 23’ 8” 22’ 6” 24’ 6”/+2’ 22’ 3”/+1’ 3 ” 22’ 3”/+1’ 3 ” 25’/+1’ 6 ” 25’/+1’ 6” 26’ 3”/+2’ 26’ 3”/+2 ’ 26’ 3”/+2’ 28’ 3” 30’3” 30’6” 31’6” 37’/+2’ 20’ 3” 20’ 3” 21’ 3” 22’ 3”/+1’ 3 ” 22’ 3”/+1’ 3 ” 25’/+1’ 6 ” 25’/+1’ 6 ” 1913# 2035# 2455# 4250# 4400# 352# 404# 460# 504# 529# 545# 534# 517# 549# 597# 613# 609# 624# 683# 800# 827# 891# 1080# 554# 613# 621# 625# 633# 800# 838# 903# 1095# A p p r ox . S hi p p i ng Wei ght 227# 234# 231# 236# 279# 321# 300# 310# 352# 392# 446# 527# 548# 621# 636# 622# 637# 634# 649# 714# 874# 926# 900# 948# 1108 1119# 1487# 1633# 1633# 1950# 2015# 2068# 2431# 2596# 637# 638# 640# 912# 959# 1123# 1133# TRAILER SPECIFICATIONS 9 Wei g h t Ca p acit y 1 22 5# 1250# 1525# 20 00 # 2100# 2300# 2350# 2800# 3100# 2 35 0# 2 800# 28 00 # 3100# 3 10 0# 3700# 4000# 4 00 0# 47 00 # 52 00 # 5800# 6500# 7000# 8300# 8200# 95 00 # 11500# 11400# 23 00 # 2100# 2 350# 2350# 2800# 2800# 3100# 3100# 4000# 4 000# 4700# N u mb er o f R ol l er s 8 10 12 16 16 16 16 16 20 16 16 16 20 20 24 24 24 32 48 48 48 64 64 80 80 96 96 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 20 24 24 32 Axl e St y le S pri ng To rs i on S p rin g S pri ng To r sio n To rs i on To r sio n To rs i on To rs i on To rsi o n To r sio n Tor s io n To rs i on To rsi o n To r sio n To rs i on To rsi o n Tor s io n Tor s io n To rs i on To rs i on To rs i on To r sio n To rs i on Tor s io n Tor s io n To rsi o n S pri ng S p rin g Sp r in g S p rin g S p rin g S p rin g S p rin g S p rin g S p rin g Spr i ng S p rin g Ti re Si z e 480x12B 480x12B ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 185\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 235\ 80R 16E ST 235\ 80R 16E ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 225\ 75R 15D ST 185\ 80R 13C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 185\ 80R 13C ST 185\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 215\ 75R 14C ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 205\ 75R 14C ST 205\ 75R 14C A xl e Sty l e S pri ng S pri ng Sp r in g Sp r in g S pri ng S pri ng Sp r in g S p rin g S p rin g Sp r in g Spr i ng Sp r in g S p rin g S pri ng Ti re Si z e ST 175/ 80R 13C 20.5x8x10E ST 185/ 80R 13C 20.5x8x10E ST 185/ 80R 13C ST 195/ 75D 14D ST 195/ 75D 14D 20.5x8x10C ST 175/ 80R 13C 20.5x8x10D ST 175/ 80R 13C ST 175/ 80R 13C 20.5x8x10E ST 185/ 80R 13C A ppro x. W i dth be tw e e n F e n de rs 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” 82” A pprox. Ove rall W i dth 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” A pprox. Ove rall L e n gt h 19’ 21’ 21’ 23’ 23’ 23’ 26’ 25’ 25’ 27’ 28’ 27’ 29’ /+2’ 29’ /+2’ Note: Shipping weights may vary due to manufacturing variances, and added options/exchanges. Wei gh t Ca paci t y 1850# 2150# 2100# 2100# 2075# 2700# 2700# 3 30 0# 3 30 0# 3 85 0# 3750# 4 32 5# 4750# 47 00 # A pprox. Ove rall L e n gt h 15’ 9” 18’ 9” 19’ 19’ 19’ 4” 19’ 4” 20’ 4” 20’ 2” 21’ 2” 21’ 4” 20’ 4” 21’ 4” 20’ 4” 21’ 4” 22’ 5” 22’ 2”+1’ 3” 22’ 2”+1’ 3 ” 25’+1’ 6” 25’ 6”+1’ 6 ” 26’ 6”/+2’ 26’ 6”/+2’ 26’ 6”/+2’ 28’ 4” 31’ 4” 31’ 3” 31’ 3” 37’ 2” /+2 ’ 21’ 19’ 4” 20’ 4” 21’ 4” 21’ 4” 22’ 4” 21’ 4” 22’ 4” 23’ 6”/+1’ 3 ” 23’ 6”/+1’ 3 ” 25’/+1’ 3 ” A p p r ox . S hi p p i ng Wei ght 795# 836# 836# 870# 870# 884# 952# 1083# 1126# 1109# 1154# 1157# 1194# 1196# 1218# 1350# 1640# 1787# 1859# 2197# 2353# 2631# 2837# 3005# 608# 557# 594# 602# 667# 682# 692# 708# 926# 990# 1167# A p p r ox . S hi p p i ng Wei ght 325# 346# 455# 494# 578# 596# 672# 682# 721# 686# 672# 687# 699# 713# 970# 982# *A tongue extension at an additional charge, is required for the /1’ & /2’ longer models. **Available in galvanized only. †Measurements are approximate. Please check the brake and legal load/width requirements for your state. Note: Shipping weights may vary due to manufacturing variances, and added options/exchanges. CAUTION: FOR PROPER LOAD DISTRIBUTION ON TANDEM AND TRIPLE AXLE TRAILERS, THE TRAILER, WHEN LOADED, SHOULD BE PARALLEL TO THE GROUND WHEN ATTACHED TO THE TOWING VEHICLE. M od e l A nd Hu l l L e ng th EZ P 1 4- 1 6’ E ZP 1 6- 18 ’ EZ P 16 - 18 ’ EZ P 1 8 -2 0’ E Z P 1 8- 2 0’ E ZP 18 - 2 0’ EZ P 2 0- 2 2 TE Z P 2 0- 22 TE Z P 2 0- 22 T EZ P 22- 2 4 ’ TE ZP 22 - 24 ’ TEZ P 2 2 -2 4’ TE ZP 24 - 2 6/ 28’ TE ZP 24 - 26 /2 8’ A pprox. Ove rall W i dth 67” 67” 80” 80” 90” 90” 96” 102” 102” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 102” 90” 92” 92” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” TRAILER SPECIFICATIONS A ppro x. W i dth be tw e e n F e n de rs 54” 54” 64” 64” 75” 75” 77” 83” 83” 77” 77” 77” 77” 77” 78” 80” 80” 77” 77” 77” 76” 76” 76” 76” 77” 77” 77” 86” 74” 76” 76” 77” 77” 77” 77” 80” 77” 77” PONTOON M od e l A nd Hu l l L e ng th EZ 1 2- 1 4’ E Z 1 4- 17 ’ E Z 1 4- 17 ’ EZ 14 - 17 ’ EZ W 1 4- 1 8’ E ZW 14 - 18 ’ EZ 15- 1 8 ’ E Z1 02 15 - 18 ’ EZ 10 2 17 - 2 0’ E Z 1 7- 2 0’ EZ 1 5 -1 8’ EZ 17 - 20 ’ E Z 1 5- 18 ’ EZ 1 7- 2 0’ EZ 17- 2 0 ’ TE Z 17 - 2 0/ 22’ * TE Z 1 7- 2 0/ 22 ’ * T EZ 19 - 22 /2 4’ * T EZ 19 - 22 /2 4’ * TE ZR 23 - 25 /2 7’ * TE ZR 23 - 25 /2 7’ * TE ZR 23 - 25 /2 7’ * TE ZR 25 - 27 ’ TE Z R 2 8- 30 ’ T I EZ R 2 6 -3 0’ T I EZ R 2 6 -3 0’ T I EZ R 3 0 -3 4/ 36 ’ * ** E ZL 1 02 1 5 -1 8’ EZ L 90 1 4 -1 8’ E ZL 9 0 15 - 1 7’ E ZL 90 17 - 19 ’ EZ L 96 1 5- 1 8’ EZ L 9 6 17 - 20 ’ EZ L 9 6 15 - 18 ’ EZ L 9 6 17 - 20 ’ TE ZL 9 6 1 7- 2 0/ 22 ’ * T EZ L 9 6 17 - 20 /2 2’ * TE Z L9 6 1 9- 2 2/ 24 ’ * ROLLER TRAILER SPECIFICATIONS 10 10 Wei gh t Capa ci ty 800# 1150# 1250# 2100# 2325# WV U ni t Ca paci t y 1 1 1 2 2 Ax le S t y le Sp r in g Tor s io n Tor s io n Tor s io n S pri ng Ti re Si z e 480x12B 480x12B 480X 12B ST 175\ 80R 13C ST 185\ 80R 13C A ppro x. W i dth be tw e e n F e n de rs 45’ 45’ 45’ 85” 87” Wei gh t Cap a city 2200 2100 2450 2800 3100 2350 2800 3100 3100 40 00 40 00 5200 4000 4000 5200 6200 6200 7900 7900 8500 21 00 2 80 0 31 00 2 10 0 28 00 3 10 0 2800 3100 4000 4000 5200 4 00 0 4000 5 20 0 62 00 6 20 0 79 00 7900 8 50 0 9 00 0 90 00 9000 12 00 0 12 00 0 12 00 0 Num be r o f B un ks 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 A xl e St y le S pri ng Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g S pri ng S pri ng S pri ng Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g Sp r in g S pri ng S pri ng Sp r in g Sp r in g S pri ng To rsi o n Tor s io n To rsi o n Tor s io n To rsi o n Tor s io n To rsi o n Tor s io n To rsi o n Tor s io n Tor s io n Tor s io n To rs i on To r sio n To rs i on To r sio n To rs i on To rsi o n To r sio n Tor s io n To rsi o n Tor s io n To rsi o n To rsi o n To rsi o n Ti re Si z e ST 175/ 80R 13C ST 175/ 80R 13C ST 185/ 80R 13C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 175/ 80R 13C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 175/ 80R 13C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 225/ 75R 15D ST 225/ 75R 15D ST 235/ 80R 16E ST 175/ 80R 13C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 175/ 80R 13C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 175/ 80R 13C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 175/ 80R 13C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 225/ 75R 15D ST 225/ 75R 15D ST 235/ 80R 16E ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 215/ 75R 14C ST 225/ 75R 15D ST 225/ 75R 15D ST 225/ 75R 15D A ppro x. W i dth be tw e e n F e n de rs 75” 77” 77” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 83” 86” 84” 83” 80.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 83” 83” 86” 84” 84” 80.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” 77.5” A pprox. Ove rall L e n gt h 13’ 13’ 6” 13’ 6” 16’ 6” 17’ 6” A p p r ox . S hi p p i ng Wei ght 221# 265# 277# 560# 625# A pprox. Ove rall W i dth 90” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 102” 102” 102” 102” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 102” 102” 102” 102” 102” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” 96” A pprox. Ove rall L e n gt h 18’ 4” 20’ 2” 20’ 2” 20’ 2” 20’ 2” 21’ 2” 21’ 2” 21’ 2” 21’ 2” 22’ 9” 22’ 9” 23’ 22’ 9” 22’ 9” 23’ 6” 26’ 6” 30’ 6” 26’ 6” 30’ 9” 30’2” 20’ 2” 20’ 2” 20’ 2” 21’ 2” 21’ 2” 21’ 2” 21’ 2” 21’ 2” 22’ 9” 22’ 9” 23’ 22’ 9” 22’ 9” 23’ 6” 27’ 30’ 6” 30’ 9” 33’ 9” 30’2” 33’ 2” 30’ 2” 33’ 2” 34’ 2” 37’ 2” 40’ 2” A p p r ox . S hi p p i ng Wei ght 470# 499# 500# 563# 575# 575# 576# 588# 598# 774# 843# 925# 766# 834# 956# 1092# 1138# 1251# 1318# 1423# 558# 593# 605# 571# 607# 619# 600# 613# 828# 876# 962# 820# 867# 993# 1131# 1177# 1438# 1472# 1468 1800# 1765 1800# 2234# 2270# 2303# TRAILER SPECIFICATIONS A pprox. Ove rall W i dth 59” 58” 58” 99” 102” ALTHOUGH ALL TRAILER MODELS, descriptions, specifications, photographs and illustrations contained in this catalog were correct to the manufacturer’s knowledge at the time of publication, EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation has a policy of continual product improvement. EZ Loader reserves the right to make changes, additions or deletions to all its products and components without notice or obligation, which may affect specifications, accessories, optional equipment and model availability. Some models pictured in this catalog are shown with optional equipment. Please consult your EZ Loader dealer for precise information about current model specifications, availability and prices. EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation is an NMMA certified trailer manufacturer. EZ Loader boat trailers ARE MANUFACTURED AND PROTECTED UNDER ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING PATENTS: U.S. Patent No. 4210235. U.S. Patent No.3756439. U.S. Patent No. 4278388. U.S. Patent No. 4530634. U.S. Patent No.4592694. U.S. Patent No.4196502. U.S. Patent No. 4611948. U.S. Patent No.4717165. U.S. Patent No.4281367. U.S. Patent No.5335934. Canadian Patent No.718785. M od e l A nd Hu l l L e n gt h A L 9 0B 14- 1 6 A L B 1 6- 18 A L B 1 6- 18 A L B 1 6- 18 A L B 1 6- 18 A L B 1 8- 20 A L B 1 8- 20 A L B 1 8- 20 A L 1 02B 18 - 2 0 TAL 1 02 B 1 8- 2 1 TAL 1 02 B 1 8- 2 1 TAL 1 02 B 2 0- 2 3 TA L B 1 8- 2 1 TA L B 1 8- 2 1 TA L B 2 0- 2 3 TA L B 2 1- 2 5 TA L B 2 3- 2 7 TA L B 2 1- 2 5 TA L B 2 3- 2 7 TA L B 2 3- 2 7 A B 1 6 -1 8 AB 16 - 1 8 A B 1 6- 1 8 AB 1 8- 20 A B 1 8 -2 0 AB 18 - 2 0 A 1 02 B 1 8- 2 0 A 10 2B 18 - 20 TA1 0 2B 18- 2 1 TA 10 2 B 1 8- 21 TA1 02 B 2 0 -2 3 TA B 1 8- 2 1 TAB 18 - 21 TAB 2 0- 2 3 TA B 21 - 25 TA B 2 3- 2 7 TA B 23 - 27 TA B 2 6- 30 TA B 2 3- 2 7 TI A B 26- 3 0 TI A B 2 3- 27 T I AB 26 - 30 TI A B 2 7- 3 1 TI A B 3 0- 3 4 TI A B 3 4- 3 8 ALUMINUM M od e l A nd H u l l Le ngt h EZ TW V E Z WV E Z WV E Z WV E Z WV WATER VEHICLE TRAILER SPECIFICATIONS EZ LOADER E-TEZL 96B 17-20 4000 E-EZL96B 17-20 2750 EZ Loader Boat Trailers has been the world’s premier boat trailer manufacturer since 1953. With 9 USA and 4 Canandian corporately owned facilities we can provide trailers and service nearly anywhere! EZ Loader is now European Type Approved for trailers sales in Europe. With EZ Loader’s high standards in engineering and product testing, EZ Loader has the quality you want and the products you need. Call, fax or email us for more information. Model And Hul l L eng t h E- EZ L 96B 17- 20 2750 E- T EZ L 96B 17- 20 4000 E- T EZ L 96B 23- 25 5275 Weig ht Capacit y 2750 l bs 4000l bs 5275l bs N u mbe r o f B u n ks 2 2 4 Ti re Si z e ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C ST 205/ 75R 14C E-TEZL96B 23-25 5275 LED Lighting Roller Option A xle Sty le Spri n g Spri n g Spri n g European Type Approved Trailers A ppro x. W i dth be tw e e n F e n de rs 77” 77” 77” A p p r ox . Ov e r a l l W i d t h 96” 96” 96” A p p r ox . O v e r a l l L e ngt h 22’ 7” 23’ 11” 26’ 9” Hand Operated Parking Brake A p p r ox . S hi p p i ng We i ght 713 lbs 1037 lbs 1570 lbs 11 Distributor Locations #1 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers, Inc. PO Box 3263 717 N. Hamilton St. Spokane, WA 99220-3263 Fax (509)489-5729 (509) 489-0181 (800) 398-5623 [email protected] [email protected] #2 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers, Inc. 21424 87th Ave. SE Woodinville, WA 98072 Fax (360) 668-3408 (360) 668-3517 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation, Inc. 5305 NE 115th Ave. Portland, OR 97220 Fax (360) 668-3408 (360) 668-3517 #3 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers, Inc. 15828 111 Ave NW Edmonton AB T5M 2R8 Fax (780) 482-0784 (780) 482-0464 (855) 482-0464 #4 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers, Inc. Unit #3-45 Beghin Ave Winnipeg MB R2J 4B9 Fax (204) 669-7365 (204) 669-7007 (800) 382-0668 #5 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers, Inc. 34 McKibbon Ave Orangeville ON L9W 2Z1 Fax (519)938-9973 (800) 323-8190 (416) 605-5940 [email protected] #6 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation, Inc. Fax (450) 625-0859 514-969-6657 [email protected] #7 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation, Inc. 125 Belvedere Rd. Elkhart, IN 46514 Fax (574) 266-5757 (800) 323-8190 (574) 266-0092 [email protected] #8 EZ Loader Custom Boat Trailers, Inc. PO Box 270 6533 Hwy 126 North Midway, AR 72651 Fax (870) 481-5146 (870) 481-5138 (800) 553-7855 [email protected] [email protected] #9 Sun Belt Marine, Inc 2716 Spence St. Lufkin, TX 75904 Fax (936) 632-4350 (936) 632-6673 #10 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation, Inc. 207A East St Methuen, MA 018440 Fax (978) 738-0160 (978) 738-0140 (888) 738-0140 [email protected] #11 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation, Inc. 9 Anchor Business Centre 5851 Deale Churchton Rd Deale, MD 20751-9600 Fax (410)867-9431 (410) 867-3926 (888) 667-3926 [email protected] #12 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation, Inc. 349 Wilshire Ave. SW Concord, NC 28025 Fax (704) 784-2403 (704) 784-4420 [email protected] #13 EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation, Inc. 1462 NW Commerce Center Pkwy. Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Fax (772) 465-0102 (772) 465-7778 [email protected] #14 Windward Boats, Inc. 789 Kailua Rd. Kailua, HI 96734 Fax (808)263-3302 (808) 263-6030 For More Information about EZ Loader Adjustable Trailers: 800-398-5623 (phone) 509-489-5729 (fax) [email protected] (e-mail) (parts e-store) © 2012 EZ Loader Boat Trailers EZ Loader Adjustable Boat Trailers Sales Corporation, Inc., 1462 NW Commerce Center Parkway • Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
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