Urinalysis Microscopic examination Komson Wannasai, M.D.,FRCPath. Department of Pathology Faculty of Medicine Chiang Mai University Specimen Collection – First morning voiding – Most concentrated – Record collection time – Type of specimen – Clean catch – Analyzed within 2 hours of collection – Refrigerator 4oC – Free of debris or vaginal secretions Clean Catch Specimen Collection Supra-pubic Needle Aspiration Types of Analysis − − − − − Macroscopic Examination Chemical Analysis (Urine Dipstick) Microscopic Examination Culture (not covered in this lecture) Cytological Examination Macroscopic Examination Odor: − − − − − Ammonia-like: Foul, offensive: inflammation Sweet: Fruity: Maple syrup-like: (Urea-splitting bacteria) Old specimen, pus or Glucose Ketones Maple Syrup Urine Disease Color: − − − − − − Colorless Deep Yellow Yellow-Green Red Brownish-red Brownish-black Diluted urine Concentrated Urine, Riboflavin Bilirubin / Biliverdin Blood / Hemoglobin Acidified Blood (Actute GN) Homogentisic acid (Melanin) Macroscopic Examination Turbidity: − − − − Typically cells or crystals. Cellular elements and bacteria will clear by centrifugation. Crystals dissolved by a variety of methods (acid or base). Microscopic examination will determine which is present. Chemical Analysis Chemical Analysis Urine Dipstick Glucose Bilirubin Ketones Specific Gravity Blood pH Protein Urobilinogen Nitrite Leukocyte Esterase Microscopic Examination General Aspects Preservation - Cells and casts begin to disintegrate in 1 - 3 hrs. at room temp. - Refrigeration for up to 48 hours (little loss of cells). Specimen concentration - Ten to twenty-fold concentration by centrifugation. Types of microscopy - Phase contrast microscopy - Polarized microscopy - Bright field microscopy with special staining (e.g., Sternheimer-Malbin stain) Microscopic Examination Abnormal Findings Per High Power Field (HPF) (400x) – – – – > > > > 3 erythrocytes 5 leukocytes 2 renal tubular cells 10 bacteria Per Low Power Field (LPF) (200x) – > 3 hyaline casts or > 1 granular cast – > 10 squamous cells (indicative of contaminated specimen) – Any other cast (RBCs, WBCs) Presence of: – Fungal hyphae or yeast, parasite, viral inclusions – Pathological crystals (cystine, leucine, tyrosine) – Large number of uric acid or calcium oxalate crystals Microscopic Examination Cells Erythrocytes - “Dysmorphic” vs. “normal” (> 10 per HPF) Leukocytes - Neutrophils (glitter cells) More than 1 per 3 HPF - Eosinophils Hansel test (special stain) Epithelial Cells - Squamous cells - Renal tubular epithelial cells - Transitional epithelial cells - Oval fat bodies Indicate level of contamination Few are normal Few are normal Abnormal, indicate Nephrosis Methodology Well-mixed urine (usually 10-15 ml) is centrifuged in a test tube. – About 2-3,000 rpm) for 5 minutes Supernate is decanted and a volume of 0.2 to 0.5 ml is left inside the tube. Flicking the bottom of the tube several times. A drop of resuspended sediment is poured onto a glass slide and coverslipped. Examination Low power to identify most crystals, casts, squamous cells, and other large objects The numbers of casts seen are usually reported as number of each type found per low power field (LPF). – Example: 5-10 hyaline casts/L casts/LPF. Next, examination is carried out at high power to identify crystals, cells, and bacteria. – The various types of cells are usually described as the number of each type found per average high power field (HPF). – Example: 1-5 WBC/HPF Microscopic Examination RBCs Red blood cells in urine appear as refractile disks. With hypertonicity of the urine, the RBC's begin to have a crenated appearance. Microscopic Examination RBCs Irregular outlines of many of these RBC's, compared to two relatively normal RBC's at the center left of the right panel. These abnormal RBC's are dysmorphic RBC's. Microscopic Examination WBCs These white blood cells in urine have lobed nuclei and refractile cytoplasmic granules. If two or more leukocytes per each high power field appear in noncontaminated urine, the specimen is probably abnormal. Microscopic Examination Squamous Cells Large polygonal squamous epithelial cells with small nuclei are seen here. Their significance is that they represent possible contamination of the specimen with skin flora. Microscopic Examination Tubular Epithelial Cells Usually larger than granulocytes Contain a large round or oval nucleus Normally slough into the urine in small numbers In nephrotic syndrome and in conditions leading to tubular degeneration, the number sloughed is increased. When lipiduria occurs, these cells contain endogenous fats. When filled with numerous fat droplets, such cells are called oval fat bodies. Oval fat bodies exhibit a "Maltese cross" configuration by polarized light microscopy. Microscopic Examination Tubular Epithelial Cells Microscopic Examination Oval Fat Body Microscopic Examination Transitional Cells Renal pelvis, ureter, or bladder More regular cell borders, larger nuclei, and smaller overall size than squamous epithelium Microscopic Examination Transitional Cells Microscopic Examination Bacteria & Yeasts Bacteria - Bacteriuria Yeasts - Candidiasis contaminant with Viruses - CMV inclusions More than 10 per HPF Most likely a but should correlate clinical picture. Probable viral cystitis. Microscopic Examination Bacteria Common in urine specimens Abundant normal microbial flora of the vagina or external urethral meatus Rapidly multiply in urine standing at room temperature Should be interpreted in view of clinical symptoms. Microscopic Examination Bacteria Diagnosis of bacteriuria in a case of suspected urinary tract infection requires culture More than 100,000/ml of one organism reflects significant bacteriuria Multiple organisms reflect contamination. However, the presence of any organism in catheterized or suprapubic tap specimens should be considered significant. Microscopic Examination Bacteria Microscopic Examination Yeasts Yeast cells may be contaminants or represent a true yeast infection. Difficult to distinguish from red cells and amorphous crystals but are distinguished by their tendency to bud. Most often they are Candida, which may colonize bladder, urethra, or vagina. Microscopic Examination Yeasts Microscopic Examination Casts Urinary casts are formed only in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) or the collecting duct (distal nephron). The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) and loop of Henle are not locations for cast formation. Microscopic Examination Casts Hyaline casts are composed primarily of a mucoprotein (TammHorsfall protein) secreted by tubule cells. The Tamm-Horsfall protein secretion (green dots) is illustrated in the diagram, forming a hyaline cast in the collecting duct. Microscopic Examination Casts An example of glomerular inflammation with leakage of RBC's to produce a red blood cell cast is shown in the diagram: Microscopic Examination RBCs Cast The presence of this red blood cell cast in on urine microscopic analysis suggests a glomerular or renal tubular injury. Microscopic Examination RBCs Cast - histology Microscopic Examination WBCs Cast This white blood cell cast suggests an acute pyelonephritis. Microscopic Examination Tubular Epith. Cast This renal tubular cell cast suggests injury to the tubular epithelium. Microscopic Examination Granular Cast These are granular casts, with a roughly rectangular shape. Microscopic Examination Hyaline Cast Microscopic Examination Waxy Cast Microscopic Examination Fatty Cast Severe renal dysfunction Oval fat bodies Renal tubular epth. cells or macrophages with ingested lipid(fat) DM with renal degenaration toxic nephrosis Microscopic Examination Broad cast GRAVE PROGNOSIS Urinary stasis Chronic renal disease Proteinuria Microscopic Examination Casts Erythrocyte Casts: Glomerular diseases Leukocyte Casts: Pyuria, glomerular disease Degenerating Casts: - Granular casts - Hyaline casts - Waxy casts - Fatty casts (oval fat body casts) Nonspecific (Tamm-Horsfall protein) Nonspecific (Tamm-Horsfall protein) Nonspecific Nephrotic syndrome Significance of Cellular Casts Erythrocyte Casts Leukocyte Casts Bacterial Casts Single Erythrocytes Single Leukocytes Single Bacteria Verrier-Jones & Asscher, 1991. Microscopic Examination - Urate Ammonium biurate Uric acid - Triple Phosphate - Calcium Oxalate - Amino Acids Cystine Leucine Tyrosine - Sulfonamide Crystals Microscopic Examination Calcium Oxalate Crystals These are oxalate crystals, which look like little envelopes (or tetrahedrons, depending upon your point of view). Oxalate crystals are common. Microscopic Examination Triple Phosphate Crystals These "triple phosphate" crystals look like rectangles, or coffin lids if you are feeling depressed. Microscopic Examination Triple Phosphate Crystals Microscopic Examination Cystine Crystals These cystine crystals are shaped like stop signs. Cystine crystals are quite rare. Microscopic Examination Cystine Crystals Microscopic Examination Urate Crystals Microscopic Examination Leucine Crystals Microscopic Examination Ammonium Biurate Crystals Microscopic Examination Cholesterol Crystals Uric acid Amorphous urate Calcium oxalate Amorphous phosphate Triple phousphate Ammonium biurate Miscellaneous การรายงานผล เซลล์ต่าง ๆ เช่น เม็ดเลือดแดง, เม็ดเลือดขาว, epithelial cells, และ oval fat body ให้นับด้วย กําลังขยายสูง (objective 40x) ดูประมาณ 10-15 fields แล้วมาเฉลี่ยต่อ 1 field รายงานผลเป็ น 01, 1-2, 2-3, 3-5, 5-10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-100, 100200, หรือ >200 ต่อ high power (HP) หรือ high dry (HD) หรือ high power field (hpf) หรือมากจน นับไม่ได้ให้รายงานเป็ น numerous การรายงานผล ถ้าเซลล์ชนิดใดชนิดหนึ่ งมีมากจนบังไม่ให้เห็น เซลล์อีก 2 ชนิดชัด ให้รายงานเซลล์ อีก 2 ชนิดที่ น้ อยกว่าเป็ น few, moderate หรือ many Cast ชนิดต่าง ๆ ให้นับด้วย low power, (LP) หรือ Low dry (LD) หรือ Low power field (lpf) และ รายงานเหมือนข้อ 1 การศึกษารายละเอียดใช้ high power การรายงานผล Bacteria, crytal ให้บอกชนิด รายงาน เป็ น few, moderate, numerous หรือ 1+ ถึง 4+ จากการดูด้วย HP ถ้าพบ Trichomonas, oil droplets, sperm, yeast ให้รายงานเป็ น few, moderate หรือ numerous จากการดูด้วย HP