Atlantic Sheep Sale catalogue
Atlantic Sheep Sale catalogue
36th Annual Atlantic Sheep Sale ‘16 Saturday, September 3rd/16 Beginning at 11:00 am Provincial Exhibition Grounds Truro, NS Purebred Breeds Clun Forest, Polled Dorset, North Country Cheviot, Rideau Arcott, Suffolk, Texel Sponsored by Purebred Sheep Breeders’ Association of Nova Scotia Phone: 902-893-6639 Email: [email protected] www: 2 3 36th Annual Sale of Breeding Stock Sponsored by the Purebred Sheep Breeders’ Association of NS Program Friday, September 2nd 6:00 pm All entries for the sale must be in the barn. 3:00 pm Veterinarian will begin to check rams. Culling committee will begin to check ewes. 8:00 pm Shepherd’s Social (sponsored by PSBANS) Saturday, September 3rd 10:00 am 10:15 am 11:00 am Sale office opens to issue buyer numbers. Lamb ultrasound scanning demonstration Welcome by the president of PSBANS 11:10 am Sale Begins: Order of Sale - Registered Ewes - Crossbred Ewes - Rams Canteen Service available during the day in the sale barn Accommodations The following accommodations are available in the area It is advisable to make reservations due to holiday weekend Willow Bend Motel 902-895-5325 Comfort Inn 902-893-0330 Rainbow Motel 902-893-9438 Holiday Inn Stonehouse Motel Best Western Glengary Super 8 Motel 902-895-1651 902-893-9411 902-893-4311 902-895-8884 Acknowledgements This catalogue is published & distributed by The Purebred Sheep Breeders’ Association of Nova Scotia For more Information contact: Holly Hines 902-893-6639 [email protected] Andrew Hebda 902-369-2969 [email protected] Bruce Sinclair 902-783-2093 [email protected] 4 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 Atlantic Sheep Sale Rules 2016 1. Entry Eligibility Requirements: Rams: Rams every breeder has a basic allocation of one registered ram per breed. For additional rams of the same breed, two registered ewes of the same breed must be consigned. Ewes: Both registered and commercial ewes will be accepted. 2. Age: No animal over the age of 4years on Sale Day will be entered into the sale. 3. Entry Fee: An entry fee of $10.00 per Registered ewe or ram and $10 per lot for commercial entries must accompany sale application. The fee being refundable Only to members of PSBANS if the animal is sold thr ough the sale. (Note) To receive this and other benefits offered to our membership please fill in the enclosed membership and send it and the membership fee of $30.00, along with your sale entries and fees. 4. Consignors are required to provide: (a) Original Certificates of Registration with the animal on deliver y to the sale. Without the original certificate the animal will not be sold. 5. (b) Signed Transfers. (c) A Cheque (including taxes) made payable to Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC) for transfer fees. These will be processed by the Sale Committee following the sale, for warded to CLRC in Ottawa and then forwarded to respective buyers. (d) On your entry form for registered animals the name (if applicable) the tattoo and CSIP tag number (all nine digits) or the dual tag CSIP tag number (all nine digits). For commercial animals just the CSIP tag number (all nine digits) is r equir ed. All animals consigned to the sale must be in the barn no later than 6pm on Friday. In case of an emergency (truck break down) you may call 890-3723 6. Sale Commission is 10%. However, if a lamb is sold on behalf of a Nova Scotia 4-H Member, and is his/her own cur rent 4-H lamb, no commission will be charged. 7. Order of Sale: Animals will be sold in catalogue order. Each year we will advance the breed order alphabetically in reference to the breed sold first in the previous year’s sale. Consignors will advances 5letters alphabeti cal each year and this year begins with sur name first letter “T”. 8. No Short Docking: No Short Docked Sheep will be allowed in the Sale: Based on the “Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep” which came into effect in 2013 “Docked tails must cover the vulva in ewes and the equivalent length in rams. Tails must be docked no shorter than the distal end of the caudal fold.” For details go to nfacc/pdfs/codes/sheep_code_of_practice.pdf, and r efer to Section 5.7 and Appendix F 9. Substitutions, Are allowed (within breed) and changes (in lot sizes) must be communicated to the Sale Secretary prior to culling committee check and will be posted on the pen and /or near the Sale Information desk. 10. 11. Consignors may provide performance data for all consigned animals at the pens. Consignors or Appointed Representatives (who are to be identified to Sale Secretary on arrival at the sale) are expected to….. a) …. be present for vet check 5 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 12. No sheep to which the rights to show are reserved will be permitted in the sale. 13. All animal entered in the sale is the responsibility of the seller until the animal is sold, at which time the buyer assumes responsibility for the sheep. 14. No sheep, except those consigned to the sale, will be allowed on the grounds on Sale Day. 15. The Association does not allow individual sellers to place minimum reserve bids on animals, however the Association has set a minimum bid of $300 on all rams and $200 on all registered ewes and ewe lambs. 16. Shearing of Sheep All registered and commercial sheep, with the exception of long-wool breeds, born before December of the year previous to this year’s sale, must be shorn, as in the Code of Practice Section 5.4. 17. All complaints must be made to the Sale Committee within two hours of the end of the Sale, or before the ani mals are removed from the Sale facility, whichever is sooner. 18. Buyers must obtain a buyer number at the Sale office before the Sale starts and give the office staff the exact name and address to which registered stock should be transferred. 19. All animals leaving the barn must be checked by sale committee before loading. Animals will be removed only after the sale. The sale secretary may, under extreme circumstances, and with the cooperation of the sale committee working the sale area, allow animals to be removed before the end of the sale. 20. Culling Committee for Registered Animals: (members of the PSBANS and local Vet) Should the Culling Committee find any registered animals unacceptable under the following criteria, they will be removed from the sale. Health Concerns: Overall health: respiratory problems, diarrhea, body conditions, eye problems, external parasites, hernia, lesions Body Condition: animals must be in breeding condition with a body condition score of no less than 2.5 Rreproductive Hhealth: testicles, penis. Feet: evidence of footrot, lameness Mouth: overbite, lesions, abscesses (ie.orf) Conformation: Recommendations of the veterinarian on conformation defects will be taken under advisement, however, the culling committee will make the final decision 21. 22. Culling Committee for Commercial Ewes: (members of the PSBANS) Commercial ewes will be reviewed by the culling committee. If any are identified to be culled due to poor body condition, a score no less than 2.5, or other health concerns the vet will confirm the recommendations. Phone Bids: For those unable to attend the Sale, phone bids may be handled by (English) Bruce Sinclair Ph: (902) -870-1846 or 902-783-2093 Email: [email protected] Andrew Hebda Ph: (902) -369-2969 Email: [email protected] (French) 6 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 RÈGLEMENTS DE VENTE 2016 1. Conditions d’admissibilité : Béliers : Brebis : Un quota de base d’un (1) bélier enregistré par race est alloué à chaque éleveur. Pour chaque bélier ad ditionnel de la même race, deux brebis enregistrées de la même race devront être mises en consignation. Les brebis de race pure enregistrées et les brebis croisées sont admissibles. 2. Âge: Aucun animal âgé plus de 4 ans le jour de la vente sera entré dans la vente. 3. Frais d’inscription : Une somme de 10 $ par brebis ou bélier enregistré et une somme de 10 $ par lot doit accompagner le formulaire d’ins cription. Ces frais d’inscription seront remboursés aux membres de PSBANS seulement, si l’animal est ven du sur place. 4. Les consignateurs doivent fournir : (a) L’original des certificats d’enregistrement doit êtr e pr ésenté avec l’animal avant la mise aux enchèr es. Faute de quoi, l’ani al ne pourra être vendu. (b) Les actes de transfert dûment signés. (c) Un chèque (incluant les taxes) fait à l’or dr e de la Société canadienne d’enregistrement des animaux. Sui vant la vente, le comité de vente s’occupera d’envoyer la documentation à la S.C.E.A., à Ottawa, puis de la ren voyer aux acheteurs . 5. Tous les animaux consignés doivent être dans le hall à bestiaux avant 19 h le vendredi. En cas d’urgence, téléphoner Jonathan (902-890-0303) ou Rosemary (902-890-4212). 6. La commission de vente est de 10%. Toutefois, aucune commission ne sera prélevée dans le cas d’un agneau vendu pour le compte d’un membre d’un club 4-H de la Nouvelle-Écosse, s’il s’agit de son animal de projet 4-H. 7. Ordre de Vente: Les animaux seront vendus en ordre de catalogue. Chaque année, nous allons avancer l’ordre de la race par ordre al phabétique et en référence de la race vendue en premier dans la vente de l’année précédente. Les consignateurs avanceront de 5 lettres alphabétiques chaque année et cette année commencera avec le surnom débutant avec la lettre “T”. 8. Aucunes brebis à queue coupée courte sera autorisé dans la vente: Basé sur le “Code de pratiques pour le soin et la manipulation des moutons" qui est entré en vigueur en 2013, “queues coupées” doit couvrir la vulve de la brebis et la longueur équivalente chez les béliers. La queue ne peut pas être coupée plus courte que l'extrémité distale du pli caud ale. Pour plus de détails voyez le document CNSAE / pdfs / codes / sheep_code_of_practice.pdf, et se référer à la sect ion 5.7 et l'annexe F. 9. Toute substitution (laquelle est permise pour les animaux de même race) et tout changement de la taille des lots doi vent être communiqué au secrétaire du comité de vente avant l’inspection du comité de triage. Les changements seront affichés sur l’enclos et près du bureau de vente. 10. Des données relatives au rendement des animaux en consignation peuvent être fournies à l’enclos. 11. Consignateurs ou Représentants Appointés (qui ont été identifiés à leur arrivé par le Secétaire des Ventes) sont attendus de: - Être présent pour la vérification du vétérinaire - Aider à marquer le numéro de lot sur le dos de leurs moutons - Emporter leurs animaux à travers la vente - Assister à une reunion vendredi soir avant la vente 12. Les consignateurs doivent être présents pour la vérification du vétérinaire et pour indiquer le numéro de lot sur le dos de chaque animal. 13. Les consignateurs doivent accompagner leurs animaux dans l’arène, puis les reconduire dans l’enclos. 7 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 14. 15. Tonture de moutons: Tous les moutons enregistrés et comerciaux, à l’exception des races à laine longue, né avant Dé bre de l'année précédente de la vente de cette année doivent être tondu comme dans le “Code de pratique Section Offres minimum: L'Association a défini une offre minimum de 200 $ sur toutes les brebis enregistrées et agneaux femelles et une offre minimum de 300 $ sur tous les béliers et agneaux mâles. L'Association ne permet pas aux vend de placer des offres de réserve sur les animaux. cem 5.4”. eurs 16. Aucun animal, sauf les animaux mis en consignation, ne sera admis dans l’enceinte le jour de la vente. 17. L’Association ne permet pas aux vendeurs individuels de fixer un prix de départ minimum. 18. La tonte lisse des béliers n’est pas obligatoire, mais elle est toutefois recommandée. 19. Toutes les plaintes doivent être transmises au comité de vente dans un délai de 2 heures après la vente, ou avant que l’animal quitte les lieux de vente. 20. Tout acheteur doit se rendre au bureau de vente avant le début des enchères afin de se procurer un numéro d’acheteur et fournir au personnel responsable tous les renseignements pertinents pour le transfert de propriété des animaux enregistrés. 21. Tous les animaux sortant de l’enceinte doivent être inspectés par le comité de vente avant leur chargement. Les animaux peu vent être transportés seulement après la conclusion des enchères ou en ayant obtenu l’autorisation préalable du secrétaire du comité de vente. 22. Mise à la réforme : Le consignateur se porte garant de tous les animaux inscrits. Dans l’éventualité que le comité de vente déclare un animal inadmissible en vertu des critères suivant, l’animal en question sera enlevé et ne pourra être mis en vente. (État de santé) Le comité de tr iage se confor mer a aux r ecommandations du vétér inair e r elatives à l’état de santé de l’animal inspecté, et le jugement de ce dernier sera définitif. Liste de contrôle : État de santé global : Santé génésique : Pieds : Bouche : Conformation corporelle : trouble respiratoire, diarrhée, état corporel, problèmes oculaires, parasites externes, hernie, lésions (p. ex. ecthyma contagieux). testicules, pénis. signes de piétin infectieux, de boiterie. lésions ou abcès. imperfection physique visible à signaler au comité de triage. (Conformation corporelle) Les r ecommandations du vétér inair e r elatives aux imper fections physiques ser ont considér ées, toutefois la décision définitive revient au comité de triage. Liste de contrôle : Toute imperfection pouvant se présenter chez n’importe quel mouton, sans distinction de race Bouche : malformation de la bouche, surocclusion ou sous-occlusion sévère Pieds et pattes Pis (Animaux croisés) Le comité de tr iage examiner a les br ebis cr oisées afin de vér ifier leur état de santé mais ne pour r a leur accorder autant d’attention qu’aux brebis de race pure. 23. Offres d’Achat : Si vous ne pouvez pas vous présenter à la vente aux enchères, vous pouvez faire vos offres par téléphone ou par la poste en communiquant avec: (Anglais) Bruce Sinclair (Français & Anglais) Andrew Hebda Téléphone: 902-870-1846 or 902-783-2093 Courriel: [email protected] Téléphone: 902-369-2969 Courriel: [email protected] 8 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 Consignors 1. Allan, David 3683 Highway #6 River John NS B0K 1N0 902-351-2766 2. Anderson, Bryce 1121 Rte 890, Newton NB E4G 1M3 506-434-5166 3. Blackie, James & Cecile 8814 Main St. Florenceville Bristol NB E7L 3G2 506-392-6263 4. Boudreau, Marie Genevieve 84 rue Francois Petit Rocher NB E8J 1W7 506 783 3632 5. Facility of Agriculture Dalhousie (H Hines) PO Box 550 Truro NS B2N 5E3 902-893-6639 6. Fraser, Jamie 1232 Route 6, Tatamagouche NS B0K 1V0 902-657-3184 8. Fullerton, Crystal 22 Harry Elliot Rd, RR#1 Belmont NS B0M 1C0 902-662-2249 9. Jones, Gwyneth NS B0N 1T0 902-369-2969 10. King, Doug &Family 444 Lr Montaque Rd, Rte 17, RR #2 PE C0A 1R0` 902-838-2471 11. MacDonell, John 729 Renfrew Rd, Renfield NS B2T 1H9 902-883-9126 12. Mathewson, Ruth NS B6L 6W6 902-895-4708 13. McNeil, Bill 5312 Hwy 14, RR #1 Windsor NS B0N 2T0 902-798-5509 14. Nettleton, Sarah 15. North Brook Farm (T Hiltz) P.O. Box 82 Centreville NS B0P 1J0 902-679-0160 16. Shamrock Show Sheep (B Hiltz) 46 Parker Condon Rd, Berwick NS B0P 1E0 902-538-3867 17. Wilson, Winnie 806 Zion Church Rd, West Branch NB E4W 3H9 506-523-6185 18. Zillig, Marg 1384 North River Rd, #1 Scotch Village NS B0N 2G0 5910 Hwy 215, Noel Shore, RR #1, Maitland 989 Upper Brookside Rd, Central North River 902-757-3403 9 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 Dorset Ewes Texel Ewes 1 New Scotia Lola 5861C 2 New Scotia Giddy 5841C Yearling Ewe Yearling Ewe Consignor: Dalhousie University Birthdate: Mar/5/2015 (TW) Sire: New Scotia Yoda 5108Y Dam: New Scotia Soliel 299U CSIP # 319355861 Scrapie genotyping is RR RR —————————————————–————————– 5 King Shaw Dae Yearling Ewe Consignor: Doug King Birthdate: Sire: Shawdae 5T Dam: CSIP # Info available sale day ____________________________________________________ 6 King Shaw Dae 00C Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Consignor: Dalhousie University Birthdate: Mar/3/2015 (TW) Sire: New Scotia Ziddy 9765Z Dam: New Scotia Willow 5479X CSIP # 319355841 Scrapie genotyping is RR RR Ewe Lamb Doug King Mar/2016 Dreamaker Info available sale day ————————————————–————————– Clun Forest Ewes 3 GMJ 22B Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # 2 Year Old Ewe Gwyneth Jones (TW) GMJ 31Z GMJ 12X —————————————————–————————– 4 GMJ 40B Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # 2 Year Old Ewe Gwyneth Jones (TW) GMJ 27Z GMJ 77Y 7 Zillig M 176B 8 Brynn McKenzie HLZ8D 2 Year Old Ewe Consignor: Marg Zillig Birthdate: Jan/31/2014 (TW) Sire: AVK 161Y Dam: AVK 292W CSIP # 319950852 Australian (Carwell) Grandsire Genovis data available at sale ————————————————–————————– Ewe Lamb Consignor: Shamrock Sheep Birthdate: Apr/25/2016 (TW) Sire: ChizzyHLZ5C Dam: Comfort (659710) CSIP # 319518105 ————————————————–————————– North Country Cheviot Ewes 9 WGM 34D Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Ewe Lamb Ruth Mathewson Apr/13/2016 (TW) KTN 451U WGM 8Y ————————————————–————————– 10 WGM 31D Ewe Lamb Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Ruth Mathewson Apr/13/2016 (TW) CGF 25Z WGM 26Z ————————————————–————————– 10 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 North Country Cheviot Ewes Con’t 11 WGM 28D Ewe Lamb Consignor: Ruth Mathewson Birthdate: Apr/13/2016 (TW) Sire: WGM 9C Dam: WGM18Y CSIP # Sire 9C is sired by AI from UK semen importation 2014 the “Prince” ————————————————–————————– 12 WGM 49D Ewe Lamb Consignor: Ruth Mathewson Birthdate: Apr/18/2016 (S) Sire: WGM 9C Dam: WGM 82B CSIP # Sire 9C is sired by AI from UK semen importation 2014 the “Prince” ————————————————–————————– 13 Bayhead Diamond 2D Ewe Lamb Consignor: Jamie Fraser Birthdate: Feb/7/2016 (TW) Sire: Riverview 2Y Dam: Bayhead Daisy 1W CSIP # 319950440 Twin lamb with true North Country facial features and sturdy body frame. From one of my best ewes with heritage from Woody Acre and Breckrow . A true diamond in the rough. ————————————————–————————– Rideau Arcott Ewes 15 New Scotia Sonya 4484C 17 ZZ D1 Yearling Ewe Consignor: Dalhousie University Birthdate: Feb/28/2015 (TW) Sire: New Scotia Skippy 4322B Dam: New Scotia Yola 2615A CSIP # 318854484 ————————————————–————————– Ewe lamb Genevieve Boudreau Mar/17/2016 (TR) Zeus Sunny (709398) New Scotia Maboo 4481C 317832629 Sire: ARRARR ————————————————–————————– Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # 18 New Scotia Mora 4652C Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Yearling Ewe Dalhousie University Feb/27/2015 (QUAD) New Scotia Anamcora 220U New Scotia Paris 70T 318854652 ZZ D2 Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Bayhead Dior 1D Ewe Lamb Consignor: Jamie Fraser Birthdate: Feb/7/2016 (TW) Sire: Riverview 2Y Dam: Bayhead Daisy 1W CSIP # 319950439 Twin lamb with true North Country facial features and sturdy body frame. From one of my best ewes with heritage from Woody Acre and Breckrow . Is valuable, like things from Dior. ————————————————–————————– 14 16 Ewe Lamb Genevieve Boudreau Mar/17/2016 (TR) Zeus Sunny (709398) New Scotia Maboo 4481C 317832630 Suffolk Ewes 19 King D 6C Yearling Ewe Doug King March 2015 (TW) Renfield 87Z KingD 6A Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Info on Sale day ————————————————–————————– 20 King D __D Ewe Lamb Doug King March 2016 Renfield 87Z Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Info on Sale day ————————————————–————————– 21 King D __D Ewe Lamb Doug King March 2016 Renfield 87Z Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Info on Sale day ————————————————–————————– 22 King D __D Ewe Lamb Doug King March 2016 Renfield 87Z Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Info on Sale day 11 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 Suffolk Ewes Con’t 23 Blackie Lass RR 5339C Ewe Lamb James Blackie Dec/26/2015 (TR) Blackie Lad 5394C Blackie Lass 5809Y 319355399 Scrapie genotyping RR RR ————————————————–————————– Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # 24 Blackie Lass RR 8802C Ewe Lamb James Blackie Dec/26/2015 (TR) Blackie Lad 5394C Blackie Lass 5809Y 319355399 Scrapie genotyping RR RR ————————————————–————————– Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # 25 XCM 816D Ewe Lamb Consignor: Bill McNeil Birthdate: Mar/26/2016 Sire: XCM 189C Dam: XCM 122Z CSIP # RR RR Genovis performance and loin eye & fat depth info avail. 26 Newtown Pasture 8207D Ewe Lamb Consignor: Bryce Anderson Birthdate: Feb/2/2016 (TW) Sire: Shady Pastures 26B Dam: Newtown Stone 5927C CSIP # 319608207 ————————————————–————————– 27 Newtown Pasture 8206D Ewe Lamb Consignor: Bryce Anderson Birthdate: Feb/13/2016 (TW) Sire: Shady Pastures 26B Dam: Newtown Stone 6772B CSIP # 319608206 ————————————————–————————– 28 Newtown Pasture 8206D Ewe Lamb Consignor: Bryce Anderson Birthdate: Feb/16/2016 (TR) Sire: Shady Pastures 26B Dam: Newtown Stone 6770B CSIP # 319608205 ————————————————–————————– 12 13 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 Grade & Crossbred Ewes 29 2 Grade Horned Dorset Ewe Lambs 39 1 Rideau X Texel Ewe Lamb Consignor: David Allan Consignor: Dalhousie University CSIP Tag: Jan/2016 (TW) CSIP Tag: 319355900 Mar/17/2016 (TR) CSIP Tag: Jan/2016 (TW) —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— 30 1 Polypay x Dorset 31 1 Polypay x Dorset Ewe Lamb Consignor: Fred Wilson CSIP Tag: 319392571 Apr/2/2016 (S) —————————————————————————— 41 Dorset X Texel 32 2 Rideau Arcott x Suffolk Ewes 42 2 Suffolk X 43 2 Clun X Texel 44 2 Texel X Black lambs —————————————————————————— Ewe Lambs Consignor: Gwyneth Jones CSIP Tag: Apr/29/2016 CSIP Tag: Apr/29/2016 —————————————————————————— 35 45 1 Grade GMJ 88A 3 Year old Ewe Consignor: CSIP Tag: Gwyneth Jones Apr/15/2013(TW) Ewe Lamb 40 1 Rideau X Texel Ewe Lamb Consignor: Fred Wilson Consignor: Dalhousie University CSIP Tag: 319392508 Apr/6/2016 (TW) CSIP Tag: 319355897 Jan/13/2016 (TR) —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— Yearling Ewe Consignor: Shamrock Sheep CSIP Tag: 319659710 May/5/2015 (TW) —————————————————————————— 33 2 Rideau Arcott x Dorset Yearling Ewes Consignor: Marg Zillig CSIP Tag: 319950848 Apr/29/2015 (TW) CSIP Tag: 319950849 May/9/2015 (TW) Dam is Dorset x East Friesian —————————————————————————— 34 2 Rideau Arcott x Dorset Yearling Ewes Consignor: Gwyneth Jones CSIP Tag: Apr/2015 CSIP Tag: Apr/2015 —————————————————————————— Consignor: Sarah Nettleton CSIP Tag: 317517337 Jan/1/2013 (TR) CSIP Tag: 317517340 Jan/4/20113 (TR) —————————————————————————— Ewes Consignor: Sarah Nettleton CSIP Tag: 319517860 Apr/14/2016 (TW) CSIP Tag: 319517859 Apr/14/2016 (TW) —————————————————————————— Consignor: CSIP Tag: 319517858 CSIP Tag: 319517857 Ewes Sarah Nettleton Apr/22/2016 (TW) Apr/23/2016 (TW) 2 Rideau Arcott x Dorset Ewes Consignor: Sarah Nettleton CSIP Tag: 319517856 Apr/23/2016 (TW) CSIP Tag: 319276642 Apr/15/2016 (TW) ————————————————————————— 36 2 Rideau Arcott x Dorset Consignor: CSIP Tag: 319094836 CSIP Tag: 319094835 Ewes Sarah Nettleton Apr/17/2016 (TW) Apr/17/2016 (TW) ————————————————————————— 37 2 Rideau Arcott x Dorset Consignor: CSIP Tag: 318529147 CSIP Tag: 318529146 Ewes Sarah Nettleton Apr/23/2016 (TW) Apr/21/2016 (TW) ———————————————————————— 38 1 Rideau Arcott Grade Ewe Lamb Consignor: Genevieve Boudreau CSIP Tag: 317832632 Mar/13/2016 (QUINT) Birth wt. 7 lbs, 50 day wt. 35lbs, 100 day wt. 75lbs —————————————————————————— 14 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 Grade & Crossbred Ewes 46 2 Suffolk X Yearling Ewes 52 1 NCC/Clun/BFL Consignor: Marg Zillig Consignor: Crystal Fullerton CSIP Tag: 319950850 May/10/2015 (TW) CSIP Tag: 317108894 Feb/23/2012 (TR) CSIP Tag: 319950851 May/10/2015 (TW) Great producer, great mother. Bred in her weanling year, had a Dam is Dorset x East Friesian single, 1 set of twins, and 2 sets of triplets. —————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— 47 1 Black Ewe 48 2 Ile de France Yearling Ewe 53 1 Suffolk Ewe Lamb Consignor: Doug King Consignor: James Blackie CSIP Tag: 318819249 CSIP Tag: 319355384 Dec/17/2015(TR) She is an all black ewe. Purebred Suffolk, unknown Sire —————————————————————————— ———————————————————————— Yearling Ewes Consignor: Doug King CSIP Tag: 319510868 CSIP Tag: 319510869 —————————————————————————— 49 1 Ile de France X 1 Charollais X Consignor: CSIP Tag: 319299379 CSIP Tag: 319510877 Yearling Ewes Doug King —————————————————————————— 50 1 Romney X NCC/Clun/BFL 51 1 Bluefaced Leicester X NCC/Clun/BFL 54 1 Suffolk 55 1 Suffolk Ewe Lamb Consignor: James Blackie CSIP Tag: 319355382 Dec/17/2015(S) Purebred Suffolk, unknown Sire —————————————————————————— Ewe Lamb Consignor: James Blackie CSIP Tag: 319355385 Dec/17/2015(TR) Purebred Suffolk, unknown Sire ————————————————————————– 56 1 Suffolk Ewe Lamb Consignor: Crystal Fullerton Consignor: James Blackie CSIP Tag: 318950813 Mar/8/2014 (TR) CSIP Tag: 319355384 Dec/13/2015(TW) A great mother with beautiful heavy black Romney fleece. Bred Purebred Suffolk, unknown Sire as a weanling and has had 1 single and 1 set of twins, all unassist- —————————————————————————— ed births. ————————————————————————— Consignor: Crystal Fullerton CSIP Tag: 318450820 Feb/27/2015 Very nice, large framed yearling ewe used as a 4H animal and bred as a weanling. She gave birth to a large ewe lamb and successfully raised it. ————————————————————————— 15 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 Texel Ram 57 62 New Scotia Charles 4497C Yearling Ram Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Dalhousie University Mar/1/2015 New Scotia Ziddy 9765Z New Scotia Willi 42T 318854497 Scrapie genotyping RR RR —————————————————–————————– Yearling Ram Consignor: Marg Zillig Birthdate: May/13/2015(TW) Sire: AVK 285Z Dam: AVK 406Y CSIP # 319950853 British (Bennachie) grandsire. Genovis data available at sale. —————————————————–———————— 63 Clun Forest Ram 59 King Clun 1C Yearling Ram Doug King Consignor: Bqirthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Sire is RR RR Dorset Rams 60 King Shawdae 1C Yearling Ram Consignor: Doug King Birthdate: Sire: Shawdae 5T Dam: Shawdae 18X CSIP # —————————————————–————————– 61 King Shawdae 3C Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Yearling Ram Doug King Shawdae 5T Shawdae 18X Sire is RR RR Ram Lamb Fred Wilson Nov/11/15(S) Fredwin 134A Fredwin 30U 318845598 Horned Dorset Ram Shaydan 318530495 Milton 2 Year Old Consignor: Crystal Fullerton Birthdate: July/19/14 (S) Sire: 3204 Ward 10-0820 Boot Bradley SG Dam: 2240 Ward 07-0786 Ellie TW CSIP # 318530495 Good temperament ram, easy to work with, who produces triplets. His lambs are strong BFL type improved leg, loin and topline. Fredwin Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Bluefaced Leicester Ram 58 Zillig M 338C 64 Elysian Fields 1Z Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # 4 Year Old Ram David Allan Mar/20/2012 (TW) Cathcart B KKN 1W Elysian Fields 6S North Country Cheviot Rams 65 WGM 18B Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Genotype: 2 Year Old Ram Ruth Mathewson Apr/20/2014 (TW) KTN 451U WGM 20W AA RR RR Johnes tested negative ————————————————–————————– 66 WGM 77C Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Genotype: Yearling Ram Ruth Mathewson Mar/23/2015 (TW) WGM 46Y WGM 13W AA RR RR Johnes tested negative ————————————————–————————– 67 WGM 6C Yearling Ram Consignor: Ruth Mathewson Birthdate: Feb/12/2015 (TR) Sire: UK 1110WC ‘The Duke’ Dam: WGM 18Y CSIP # Genotype: AA RR RR AI from UK semen importation 2014. Johnes tested negative 16 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 Suffolk Rams 68 Blackie Lad RR 5396C Yearling Ram Consignor: James Blackie Birthdate: Mar/1/2015 (S) Sire: Trillium Woods 13A Dam: Blackie Lass 1938A CSIP # 319355396 Terminal index 75%. Sire is 100% British. —————————————————–————————– 69 Blackie Lad RR 5396C Yearling Ram James Blackie Mar/2/2015 (TW) Saulsbrook Fig RR 113Y Blackie Lass 1902A 319355397 Terminal index 69%. —————————————————–————————– Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # 70 King D 17B 71 King D 1C 72 King D 2C 75 Newtown Stone Yearling Ram Consignor: Bryce Anderson Birthdate: May/04/2015 (TW) Sire: Stonehill 22Y Dam: Furze Zulu 103Z CSIP # 319355930 ————————————————–————————– 76 Blackie Lad 5020Z 4 Year Old Ram Consignor: Troy Hiltz Birthdate: Mar/12/2012(TW) Sire: Thistlestone 217U Dam: GAllivan 9S CSIP # 315775020 Lad 5020Z was the high selling ram in the 2013 Sale. Very correct, thick British type ram. ————————————————–————————– 2 Year Old Consignor: Doug King Birthdate: Sire: Thistlestone 306U Dam: CSIP # ——————————————————————————Yearling ram Consignor: Doug King Birthdate: Mar 2015 Sire: Renfield 87Z Dam: CSIP # —————————————————–————————– Yearling ram Consignor: Doug King Birthdate: Mar 2015 Sire: Dam: CSIP # ————————————————–————————– 73 Renfield 38A 3 Year Old Ram Consignor John MacDonell Birthdate: Apr/24/2013 (S) Sire: Thistlestone 212Z Dam: Thistlestone 289X CSIP # 336838316 Scrapie genotype QQ. 100% British bloodlines. A very nice big ram. ————————————————–————————– 74 Newtown Stone Consignor: Birthdate: Sire: Dam: CSIP # Yearling Ram Bryce Anderson Feb/1/2015 (TW) Stonehill 22Y Newtown 327U 319355923 100 day Adj. Wt. 55 kgs On behalf of the of the PSBANS Board of Directors & the Membership Thank You for Supporting the 2016 Atlantic Sheep Sale 17 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 18 Atlantic Sheep Sale 2016 Notes —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— —————————————————————————— ____________________________________________________ 19