enfermedades del pericardio
enfermedades del pericardio
“El pericardio es una suave túnica lisa que envuelve alcorazón y que contiene una pequeña cantidad de líquido parecido a la orina” Hipócrates, 460 AC ENFERMEDADES DEL PERICARDIO DR. ENRIQUE COURCELLES CURSO DE POSTGRADO 2009 PERICARDITIS SEROFIBRINOSA ETIOLOGÍA DE LA PERICARDITIS HIPERSENSIBILIDAD Enferm. del colágeno* INFECCIOSA Viral Tuberculosa Secundario a drogas (3) (1) Post IAM (Dressler*) Bacteriana * Pericarditis recidivante Otras (sífilis, parásitos) Idiopática* Neoplasia / metástasis* Insuficiencia renal (2) Traumática* Hipotiroidismo NO INFECCIOSA Post pericardiectomia* Infarto de miocardio Quilopericardio Post irradiación Diagnostic criteria for acute pericarditis and myopericarditis in the clinical setting Acute pericarditis (at least 2 criteria of 4 should be present)*: 1. Typical chest pain (síntoma) 2. Pericardial friction rub (signología) 3. Suggestive ECG changes (typically widespread ST segment elevation) (ECG) 4. New or worsening pericardial effusion (ECHO) Myopericarditis: 1. Definite diagnosis of acute pericarditis, PLUS 2. Suggestive symptoms (dyspnea, palpitations, or chest pain) and ECG abnormalities beyond normal variants, not documented previously (ST/T abnormalities, supraventricular or ventricular tachycardia or frequent ectopy, atrioventricular block), OR focal or diffuse depressed LV function of uncertain age by an imaging study 3. Absence of evidence of any other cause 4. One of the following features: evidence of elevated cardiac enzymes (creatine kinase-MB fraction, or troponin I or T), OR new onset of focal or diffuse depressed LV function by an imaging study, OR abnormal imaging consistent with myocarditis (MRI with gadolinium, gallium67 scanning, anti-myosin antibody scanning) Case definitions for myopericarditis include: Suspected myopericarditis: criteria 1 plus 2 and 3 Probable myopericarditis: criteria 1,2,3, and 4 Confirmed myopericarditis: hystopathologic evidence of myocarditis by endomyocardial biopsy or on autopsy. PERICARDITIS AGUDA. ETIOLOGÍA Imazio M. 1996-2004 Idiopático: 377 ( 83.2%) Etiología específica: 76 (16.8%) Neoplásica: 23 (5.1%) Tuberculosa: 17 (3.8%) Autoinmune: 33 (7.3%) Purulenta: 3 (0.7%) 453 pacientes PRESENTACIÓN CLINICA DE LAS ENF. DEL PERICARDIO • Pericarditis aguda fibrinosa • Derrame pericárdico sin compromiso hemodinámico • Taponamiento cardíaco • Pericarditis constrictiva PERICARDITIS AGUDA PACIENTES DE ALTO RIESGO QUE NECESITAN INTERNACIÓN •Síntomas subagudos (días o semanas) •Fiebre alta (38°C) + leucocitosis •Evidencias que sugieran taponamiento •Derrame pericárdico importante ( >20 mm ) •Inmunodeprimidos •Pacientes anticoagulados •Traumatismo de torax •Falta de respuesta a AINES durante 7 días •Troponina elevada que sugiera miopericarditis TAPONAMIENTO PERICÁRDICO Elevación de la presión yugular Hipotensión arterial Disminución de la presión de pulso Pulso paradojal Congestión pulmonar moderada Precordio tranquilo Cambios en el ecg Eco (+) Rapidez de producción producci n Presión Presi n intrapericárdica intraperic rdica Taponamiento Etiología: idiopático post quirúrgico urémico tuberculoso purulento neoplásico Pronóstico TAPONAMIENTO EXPERIMENTAL FISIOPATOLOGÍA PERICARDIOCENTESIS Y TAPONAMIENTO TAPONAMIENTO CARDÍACO P/V en el derrame pericárdico aspiración aspiraci n A: derrame hiperagudo B: derrame subagudo C: derrame subagudo D: derrame crónico Volume curves recorded from data acquired during pericardiocentesis. Curve A (in red) plots data from a patient with hyperacute tamponade that followed laceration of a coronary artery during an angioplasty-stenting procedure. Note the extreme elevation of pericardial pressure and that withdrawal of only 100 ml, half the volume we could aspirate, lowered the pressure to 10 mmHg. Curve B (in blue) plots data from a patient who had a history of prior pericarditis, assumed to be of viral etiology. Subsequently he developed a chronic pericardial effusion that reached at least 1500 ml in volume. At the time of presentation to our service, the jugular venous pressure was 22 mmHg. Aspiration of 300 ml of pericardial fluid reduced the pericardial pressure to 10 mmHg, and removing another 600 ml achieved a nearly normal pericardial pressure. Aspiration of the remaining large effusion did not affect pericardial pressure. The curves of cases of intermediate acuity or chronicity would fall between these two extremes. Courtesy of Ralph Shabetai MD. TAPONAMIENTO PERICÁRDICO TAAo Resp TA Flujo ESP. Hemodynamics in cardiac tamponade The M-mode through the minor axis in a patient with an anterior and posterior pericardial effusion and tamponade is seen in panel A; during inspiration, the right ventricle (RV) fills and the left ventricle (LV) becomes smaller; during expiration, the opposite occurs. In the graph in panel B, RV (RVEDd) and LV end diastolic diameters (LVEDd) are plotted against one another and demonstrate a negative correlation, a result of reciprocation of the chambers within the pericardium. Since the pericardium is a rigid box, as respiration brings more blood into the RV, there is less room in the LV; blood pools in the inflating lungs during inspiration. This blood plus the increased stroke volume sent to the lungs during RV inspiratory expansion reaches the lLV during expiration. As the LV expands, the RV is compressed. During RV expansion underfilling of the LV results in a drop in pulse pressure perceived as the paradoxical pulse. ECG EN LA PERICARDITIS CON DERRAME alternancia eléctrica ↑ST ↓PR ↓voltaje ↓T alternancia eléctrica bamboleo eléctrico ECG en el derrame pericárdico importante PERICARDITIS AGUDA Electrocardiogram in acute pericarditis showing diffuse upsloping ST segment elevations seen best here in leads II, III, aVF, and V3 to V6. There is also subtle PR segment deviation (positive in aVR, negative in most other leads). ST segment elevation is due to a ventricular current of injury associated with epicardial inflammation; similarly, the PR segment changes are due to an atrial current of injury which, in pericarditis, typically displaces the PR segment upright in lead aVR and downward in most other leads. Courtesy of Ary Goldberger, MD. Causes of ST segment elevation •Myocardial ischemia or infarction •Noninfarction, transmural ischemia (Prinzmetal's angina pattern or acute takotsubo cardiomyopathy) •Acute myocardial infarction (MI) •Post-MI (ventricular aneurysm pattern) •Previous MI with recurrent ischemia in the same area •Acute pericarditis •Normal "early repolarization variants" •Left ventricular hypertrophy or left bundle branch block (only V1-V2 or V3) •Other •Myocarditis (may look like myocardial infarction or pericarditis) •Brugada patterns (V1-V3 with right bundle branch block-appearing morphology) •Myocardial tumor •Myocardial trauma •Hyperkalemia (only leads V1 and V2) •Hypothermia (J wave/Osborn wave) CAUSAS DE BAJO VOLTAJE EN EL Adrenal insufficiency QRS Anasarca Artifactual or spurious, eg, unrecognized standardization of ECG at one-half the usual gain (ie, 5 mm/mV) Cardiac infiltration or replacement (eg, amyloidosis, tumor) Cardiac transplantation, especially with acute or chronic rejection Cardiomyopathy, idiopathic or secondary* Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Constrictive pericarditis Hypothyroidism, usually with sinus bradycardia Left pneumothorax (mid-left chest leads) Myocardial infarction, extensive Myocarditis, acute or chronic Normal variant Obesity Pericardial effusion Pericardial tamponade, usually with sinus tachycardia Pleural effusions CRITERIOS ECOCARDIOGRÁFICOS DEL TAPONAMIENTO CARDÍACO •Colapso de la AD al final de la diástole •Cambios recíprocos del VI y VD en relación con la respiración (VD>VI en inspiración) •Aumento de la variacion respiratoria en la velocidad de flujo en las valvulas Mi y Tricusp. •Aumento VCI y disminución en < 50% en la inspiración TAPONAMIENTO PERICÁRDICO Inferior vena cava during respiration in a normal subject The subcostal view in a normal subject shows the inferior vena cava (IVC). Left panel: Prior to inspiration, the normal diastolic IVC diameter (arrows) is less than 20 mm. Right panel: During inspiration, the IVC collapses to less than 50 percent of its original diameter. L: liver. Inferior vena cava during respiration in tamponade Panel A: The subcostal view of the inferior vena cava (IVC) in a patient with tamponade. The IVC is plethoric measuring over 20 mm in diameter. Panel B: During inspiration, the IVC diameter fails to decrease. There is a large pericardial effusion (PE) surrounding the right atrium (RA). TRAUMA TORÁXICO HIPOTIROIDISMO Y DERRAME PERICARDICO PERICARDITIS CONSTRICTIVA ABSCESO AMEBIANO EN HIGADO CARDIOMEGALIA VS. DERRAME PERICÁRDICO Cardiomegalia por radiología Ecocardiografia transtoráxica > 1 cm liquido Anterior Posterior 0.5-1.0 cm líquido sin compromiso hemodinámico < 0.5 cm líquido o no líquido Taponamiento? Observación clínica Repetir eco en 1-2 semanas Consulta urgente con cardiólogo Sospecha de pericarditis Infecciosa o maligna Considerar pericardiocentesis diagnóstica o terapéutica Observación clínica Repetir eco en 1-7 dias pericardiocentesis TRATAMIENTO DE LA PERICARDITIS AGUDA ? Derrame vs taponamiento AINES: indometacina 50 mg tid AAS 325- 650 mg tid Prednisona 20-60 mg / dia Evitar anticoagulantes Pericarditis recurrente: colchisina 1 mg/dia pericardiectomía Reacumulación de líquido Derrame lobulado Necesidad de biopsia Paciente anticoagulado Derrame pequeño