Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid


Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid
December 3-4, 2013
Organized by:
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid | December 3-4, 2013
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid | December 3-4, 2013
Dear friends:
In November 2011 the II National Hydration Congress represented a milestone for the scientific
community in our country and made an impact beyond our borders.
It is a pleasure for me to invite you to attend the I International and III National Hydration Congress, which will take place in Madrid on December 3rd and 4th.
This is an event not to be missed. It will include participation by some of our country’s most
prestigious experts, who will share their knowledge and experience with renowned international
specialists, discussing the importance of hydration on our wellbeing and the latest scientific advances in this area.
For several years now, hydration has been considered as increasingly relevant in the field of nutrition, by professionals and by the public in general. This has led us to become aware of its
importance in our diets in general, and on a daily basis. Specifically, there are more and more
specialists and scientific studies that reiterate the need to pay special attention to our body’s
hydration in order to ensure our wellbeing and our ability to maintain daily physical activity.
For The Coca-Cola Company, with a selection of over 3,500 beverages in more than 200 countries, hydration is a concept intimately linked to the history of our Brand and our Company. Every
day we make an effort to continue to contribute more and better solutions in this field, in this
way confirming our steadfast commitment to people’s wellbeing.
I would like to take advantage of this occasion to give special thanks to the scientific organizations, administrations, universities and research centres that are collaborating with us in the
development of this congress; for their trust, interest and support for this initiative.
I hope to see you and be able to greet you personally in December.
Kind regards,
Marcos de Quinto
President, Coca-Cola Iberia
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid | December 3-4, 2013
Nutrition and Dietetic Societies
Spanish Nutrition and Food
Sciences Academy (AEN)
Spanish Federation
of Nutrition, Food and Dietetic
Societies (FESNAD)
Spanish Nutrition
Society (SEN)
Spanish Society for
Community Nutrition (SENC)
Spanish Endocrinology
and Nutrition Society
Spanish Nutrition
Foundation (FEN)
Spanish Foundation
for Nutritional Research (FIN)
Network for Research
on Physical activity and Health for
Special Populations (EXERNET)
Nutrition Studies
Association (ASEN)
Dieticians - Nutricionists
Spanish Association
Spanish Nurses Association of
Dietetic and Nutrition (ADENYD)
National Authorities
National Sports
Council (CSD)
Spanish Agency for Health
Protection at Sport (AEPSAD)
International Scientific Societies
European Hydration
Institute (EHI)
Beverage Institute
for Health&Wellness.
The Coca Cola Company
Nutrition Foundation (FINUT)
Latin-American Group
of Community Nutrition
Portuguese Association
of Nutritionists (APN)
Portuguese Association
of Dietitians (APD)
Turkish Dietician
Association (TDD)
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid | December 3-4, 2013
National Medical Societies
Royal National
Academy of Medicine
Spanish Society of Residences
Doctors (SEMER)
Spanish Federation
of Sport Medicine (FEMEDE)
Spanish Association of
Spanish Society of
Family Physicians
Spanish Society of Gynecology
and Obstetrics (SEGO)
Spanish Society
of Geriatrics
and Gerontology (SEGG)
Spanish Society of Familiy
and Community
Medicine (semFYC)
International Medical Societies
Portuguese Society
of Gastroenterology (SPG)
Pharmaceutical Societies
General Council of Official
Pharmacists Colleges
Foundation (FD)
Federation of Spanish
Diabetics (FEDE)
Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC)
Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC)
Without Borders
Age & Life
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid | December 3-4, 2013
National Universities
Technical University of Madrid (UPM)
Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports
Sciences (INEF)
CEU San Pablo
Autónoma University
of Madrid (UAM)
University of Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
of Barcelona (UB)
Camilo José Cela
University (UCJC)
Complutense University
of Madrid (UCM)
Castilla-La Mancha
University (UCLM)
of Granada (UGR)
University of
Baleares Islands (UIB)
National Distance
Education University (UNED)
International Universities
of Lisbon
of North Alabama
The University
of North Dakota
The Centre of Postgraduate
Medical Education (CMKP)
National Research Centres
Institute for Health Research
La Paz University Hospital
Nutrition and Food
Improvement of Health
by Fitness, Nutrition and
Exercise Research Group
Biopolis S.L.
Biosearch Life
Biomedical Network Research
Centre in Physiopathology of Obesity
and Nutrition
International Research Centres
Georgia Institute
of Technology
Sport Science
Institute for Biomedicine
of Aging
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid | December 3-4, 2013
• The Coca-Cola Company
• Prof. Dr. Ángel Gil, PhD. Professor of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology. University of Granada. Granada. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Andreu Palou, PhD. Professor of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology. University of Baleares. Palma de
Mallorca. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Arturo Anadón, PhD. Professor of Toxicology
and Pharmacology. Complutense University of Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Ascensión Marcos, PhD. Research Professor at
the Spanish National Research Council. Madrid. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Carmen Gómez-Candela, MD, PhD. Head of
Clinical Nutrition Department. La Paz University Hospital.
Madrid. Spain.
• Dr. Carmen Pérez-Rodrigo, MD, PhD. President of
Spanish Society of Community Nutrition. Bilbao. Spain.
• Dr. Claudio Maffeis, MD. Head of the Unit of Clinical Nutrition and Obesity, Regional Centre for Juvenile Diabetes.
University of Verona. Verona. Italy.
• Prof. Dr. Daniel Ramón, PhD. Scientific Chairman of
Biopolis S.L. Valencia. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Emilio Martínez de Victoria, PhD. Head of the
Nutrition and Food Technology Institute «José Mataix».
University of Granada. Granada. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Gregorio Varela-Moreiras, PhD. Professor of
Nutrition and Bromathology. Head of Health and Pharmacist Sciences Department. CEU San Pablo University. Madrid. Spain.
• Dr. Hans Braun, PhD. Sport Nutrition in the German
Sport University of Cologne and the German Research
Centre of Elite Sport. Cologne. Germany.
•Prof. Dr. Isabel Polanco, MD, PhD. Professor of Paediatrics. Autonoma University of Madrid and Head of Department of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. La Paz
University Hospital. Madrid. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Javier Aranceta, MD, PhD. Associate Professor
at University of Navarra. Pamplona. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Lluís Serra-Majem, MD, PhD. Professor of
Preventive Medicine and Public Health. University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Manuel Díaz-Rubio, MD, PhD. Professor of
Medicine. Complutense University of Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Marcela González-Gross, PhD. Professor for
Sports Nutrition and Exercise Physiology. Department of
Health and Human Performance. Technical University of
Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. María Kapsokefalou, PhD. Associate Professor in Human Nutrition. Agricultural University of Athens.
Athens. Greece.
• Dr. Nieves Palacios, MD, PhD. Head of the Medicine, Endocrinology and Nutrition Service at the Sports Medicine
Centre. National Sport Council. Madrid. Spain.
•Dr. Pilar Riobó, MD, PhD. Head of Nutrition and Endocrinology Service. Hospital of Jimenez Díaz Foundation.
Madrid. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Ryszard Gellert, MD, PhD. Professor of Nephrology and Head of Department of Nephrology. Centre of
Postgraduate Medical Education. Head of Nephrology Unit.
Bielan’ski Hospital. Warsaw. Poland.
•Prof. Dr. Ronald J. Maughan, PhD. Professor of Sport
and Exercise Nutrition. Loughborough University. Loughborough. United Kingdom.
• Prof. Dr. Rosa Mª Ortega, PhD. Professor of Nutrition.
Complutense University of Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Elena Alonso-Aperte, PhD. Senior Lecturer Assistant in Nutrition and Bromathology. CEU San Pablo University. Madrid. Spain.
• Prof. Dr. Teresa Partearroyo, PhD. Associate Professor
of Nutrition and Bromathology. CEU San Pablo University.
Madrid. Spain.
• Dr. Rafael Urrialde, PhD. Health and Nutrition Manager.
Coca-Cola Iberia
The I International and III National Hydration Congress will
be recognized as a teaching activity and is accredited with
1.5 credits for students of the Complutense University of
Madrid (UCM).
Total session hours for the attendees to the I International
and III National Hydration Congress is 11hrs.
Tel: +34.91.662.46.50
e-mail: [email protected]
To be contacted: Sandra Chargy
December, 3rd
08:30-09:30 h. Hand-out of conference documentation
09:30-10:00 h. Opening Act
Prof. Lluís Serra-Majem, MD, PhD. President of the Spanish Nutrition and Food Sciences
Academy and President of the Nutrition Research Foundation. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Prof. Ángel Gil, PhD. President of the Spanish Nutrition Society and President of the Iberoamerican Nutrition Foundation. Granada. Spain.
Speakers: Pilar Farjas. Secretary General for Health and Consumer. Ministry of Health, Social Services
and Equality. Madrid. Spain.
Miguel Cardenal. Chairman of Sports Council. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.
Madrid. Spain.
Rhona Applebaum, PhD. Vicepresident. Chief Science & Health Officer.
The Coca-Cola Company. Atlanta. United States of America.
Marcos de Quinto. President. Coca-Cola Iberia. Madrid. Spain.
10:00-11:00 h. Inaugural Conference
Prof. Ángel Gil, PhD. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of Granada. Granada. Spain.
Fluid consumption in a sample of healthy french children, adolescents and adults
Speaker: Pascale Hébel, PhD. Thesis in Statistics. Head of Department, Research Centre for the Study
and Monitoring of Living Standards-CREDOC. Paris. France.
11:00-11:30 h. Drink break and Posters Exhibition
11:30-13:00 h. Session 1
Pilar Riobó, MD, PhD. Head of Nutrition and Endocrinology Service. Hospital of Jimenez Díaz
Foundation. Madrid. Spain.
Hydration in the healthy: challenges and opportunities
Speaker: Susan Shirreffs, PhD. Scientist at New Product Research. GSK Consumer Healthcare. London.
United Kingdom.
Beverage and water intake in European countries: measurement techniques
Speaker: Mariela Nissensohn, PhD. Doctor at the Department of Clinical Sciences, University of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain.
Hydration and aerobic exercise performance: impact of environment and physiological mechanisms
Speaker: Prof. Michael N. Sawka, PhD. Professor at the School of Applied Physiology. Georgia Institute
of Technology. Atlanta. United States of America.
Dehydration, thirst mechanisms, and fluid intake in the elderly
Speaker: Prof. W. Larry Kenney, PhD. Professor of Physiology and Kinesiology Pennsylvania State University. Pennsylvania. United States of America.
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid | December 3-4, 2013
13:00-14:30 h. Session 2
Prof. Marcela González-Gross, PhD. Professor at the Department of Health and Human Performance. Technical University of Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
Hydration of body cell mass and fat free mass: functional effects in elite athletes
Speaker: Prof. Luís B. Sardinha, PhD. Professor and Head of Exercise and Health Laboratory. Faculty of
Human Kinetics, University of Lisbon. Lisbon. Portugal.
Dehydration and team sports performance
Speaker: Juan del Coso Garrigós, PhD. Head of the Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Camilo José Cela
University. Madrid. Spain.
Dehydration and endurance performance in competitive athletes
Speaker: Bob Murray, PhD, FACSM. Founder and principal of Sports Science Insights, LLC. United States
of America.
Ingestion of salt and fluid: effects on blood volume and exercise performance
Speaker: Prof. Ricardo Mora Rodríguez, PhD. Professor and Head of the Exercise Physiology Lab. University of Castilla-La Mancha. Toledo. Spain.
14:30-16:00 h. Lunch
16:00-16:45 h. Conference
Prof. Carmen Gómez-Candela, PhD. Head of Clinical Nutrition Department. La Paz University Hospital. Madrid. Spain.
Thirst and hydration status in daily life
Speaker: Prof. Mindy Millard-Stafford, PhD. Professor and Associate Chair of School of Applied Physiology. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta. United States of America.
16:45-17:45 h. Oral Communication Session
Carmen Pérez-Rodrigo, MD, PhD. President of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition.
Bilbao. Spain.
Prof. Elena Alonso-Aperte, PhD. Senior Lecturer Assistant in Nutrition and Bromathology.
CEU San Pablo University. Madrid. Spain.
• O.C.1: Adequate hydration status promotes a minor concentration of proinflammatory
cytokines in healthy people
Speaker: Bricia López. Institute for Health Research. La Paz University Hospital (Idipaz). Madrid. Spain.
• O.C. 2: Evaluation of water Intake and food sources in school children from Madrid with
different physical activity level
Speaker: Liliana Guadalupe González. Department of Nutrition. Faculty of Pharmacy. Complutense
University of Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
• O.C.3: Characterization of biompedance measures in overweight and obese hemodialysed
Speaker: Mar Ruperto. Alfonso X El Sabio University. Madrid. Spain.
• O.C.4: Frequency of consumption of sugar sweetened soft beverages and associated factors in Spanish children
Speaker: Ana María López-Sobaler. Department of Nutrition. Faculty of Pharmacy. Complutense University of Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
• O.C.5: Association of urinary biomarkers of cellular oxidation with urine volume and osmolality In Guatemalan preschoolers
Speaker: María José Soto. Department Of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Ii. University of Granada.
Granada. Spain.
17:45-18:30 h. Session 3
Prof. María Kapsokefalou, PhD. Associate Professor in Human Nutrition. Agricultural University of Athens. Athens. Greece.
Dehydration in geriatric patients and bioimpedance analysis
Speaker: Rainer Wirth, MD, PhD. Doctor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics. St.
Marien-Hospital Borken. Borken. Germany.
Evolution of the assessment of hydration status: eliminating the problems and advancing
the practice with bioimpedance
Speaker: Prof. Henry Lukaski, PhD. Adjunct Professor of Kinesiology and Public Health Education deparment. University of North Dakota. Dakota. United States of America.
December, 4th
09:00-09:45 h. Conference
Prof. Dr. Ryszard Gellert, MD, PhD. Professor of Nephrology and Head of Department of
Nephrology. Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education. Head of Nephrology Unit. Bielan’ski
Hospital. Warsaw. Poland.
Hydration, morbidity and mortality in vulnerable populations
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ronald J. Maughan, PhD. Professor of Sport and Exercise Nutrition. Loughborough University.
Loughborough. United Kingdom.
09:45-11:30 h. Session 4
Claudio Maffeis, MD. Head of the Unit of Clinical Nutrition and Obesity, of the Regional
Centre for Juvenile Diabetes. University of Verona. Verona. Italy.
Do minor changes in hydration status influence mood and cognition?
Speaker: David Benton, DSc. Department of Psychology. Swansea University, Wales, United Kingdom.
Impact of mild or moderate dehydration on cognitive performance
Speaker: Prof. Ana Adan, PhD. Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology. University of Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain. Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Research (IR3C), Barcelona, Spain.
Headache and hydration: scientific evidence
Speaker: Prof. Lluís Serra-Majem, MD, PhD. Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Director of the Research Institute of Biomedical & Health Sciences. University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain.
11:30-12:00 h. Drink break and posters exhibition
Presentation of the book “Food and nutrition in life: physical exercise and sport,”
published by the National University of Distance Education (UNED). Press Room, First floor. (For
additional information regarding the presentation, see page14).
12:00-13:00 h. Session 5
Prof. Andreu Palou, PhD. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of
Baleares. Palma de Mallorca. Spain.
Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid | December 3-4, 2013
Fluid intake between and during exercise bouts: A consideration for perception of sweat loss
Speaker: Prof. Eric O’Neal, PhD, CSCS. Professor at the Department of Health. Physical Education and
Recreation. University of North Alabama. Alabama. United States of America.
Hydration and human physiological function during rest and exercise
Speaker: José González-Alonso, PhD. Professor of Exercise and Cardiovascular Physiology and Head
of the Centre for Sports Medicine and Human Performance. Brunel University of London. London.
United Kingdom.
13:00-14:00 h. Closing Conference
Gregorio Varela-Moreiras, PhD. Professor of Nutrition and Bromathology. Head of Health
and Pharmacist Sciences Department. CEU San Pablo University. Madrid. Spain.
Will reducing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption reduce obesity? Evidence supporting conjecture is strong, but evidence when testing effect is weak
Speaker: Kathryn A. Kaiser, PhD. Office of Energetics, Dean’s Office, School of Public Health,
University of Alabama at Birmingham. Alabama. United States of America.
14:00 h.
Closing Act
Speakers: Prof. Marcela González-Gross, PhD. Head of the ImFine Research Group. Faculty of Physical
Activity and Sport Sciences. Technical University of Madrid. Madrid. Spain.
Nieves Palacios, MD, PhD. Head of the Medicine, Endocrinology and Nutrition Service at the
Sports Medicine Centre. National Sport Council. Madrid. Spain.
Miguel Mira. Head of Public Affairs and Comunication. Coca-Cola Iberia. Madrid. Spain.
Rafael Urrialde, PhD. Manager of Health and Nutrition. Coca-Cola Iberia. Madrid. Spain.
Presentation of the book
“Food and nutrition in life: physical exercise and sport”
Published by the National University of Distance Education (UNED)
The presentation will take place on December 4th in the press room at the Convention Centre
at 11:30 am.
Following the closure of the Congress, will be delivered a copy of the book to all attendees
through the delivery of the Congress accreditation card.
The publication of this monograph includes the participation of many specialists, among which are
Socorro Coral Calvo Bruzos, National University of Distance Education (UNED); Carlos Iglesias Rosado,
Alfonso X El Sabio University; Pedro J. Benito Peinado, Polytechnic University of Madrid; and Carmen
Gómez-Candela, La Paz University Hospital.

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