Untitled - MEREBO Messe Marketing
Untitled - MEREBO Messe Marketing
Show Fact INDO WATER SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM INDONESIA’S NO.1 WATER, WASTEWATER & RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY EVENT INDO WASTE SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM INDONESIA’S NO.1 WASTE TECHNOLOGY, MANAGEMENT AND SOLUTION EVENT INDO RENERGY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM INDONESIA’S NO.1 RENEWABLE AND NEW ENERGY INDUSTRY SHOW INDO MEELEX SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM SURABAYA’S NO.1 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY SHOW INDO SECURITY FIREX SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM SURABAYA’S NO.1 FIRE PROTECTION, RESCUE, SAFETY & SECURITY INDUSTRY EVENT July 28 - 30, 2010 GRAND CITY CONVEX SURABAYA This is what the show is all about: 1. INDO WATER SURABAYA 2010, INDO WASTE SURABAYA 2010, INDO RENERGY SURABAYA 2010, INDO MEELEX SURABAYA 2010, AND INDO SECURITY FIREX SURABAYA 2010 EXHIBITION WAS HELD CONCURRENTLY WITH : • Workshop “Harga Ke-Ekonomian Listrik Dari Sumber Energi Terbarukan” By METI (Masyarakat Energi Terbarukan Indonesia) / IRES (Indonesian Renewable Energy Society), July 29, 2010, Diamond Room, Grand City Convex Surabaya • Technical Product Presentation 2. IT WAS SUPPORTED BY : • • • • • • • • • • Ministry of Public Works Ministry of Trade Ministry of Industry Ministry of Environment Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Masyarakat Energi Terbarukan Indonesia (METI) Masyarakat Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia (MKI) Asosiasi Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Indonesia (APLI) Asosiasi Kontraktor Listrik dan Mekanikal Indonesia (AKLI) Indonesian Exhibition Companies Association (IECA/ASPERAPI) 02 Show Fact 3. SUPPORTING PUBLICATIONS • • • • • • • Asian Water Magazine Water & Wastewater Asia The Green Book Exhibit Media BCI Asia National Geographic Indonesia Eksplo • • • • • • Listrik Indonesia Building Indonesia Respects Dabindo Greeners Industrial Guide 4. OFFICIAL RADIO Radio Suara Surabaya (FM 100) 5. OFFICIAL HOTELS • Hotel Majapahit Surabaya • Hotel Surabaya Plaza 6. OPENING CEREMONY – GUEST OF HONOUR Mr. Mohamad S. Hidayat Minister - Ministry of Industry Represented by : Mr. Ansari Bukhari Director General of Metal Machinery Textile and Multi Various Industries Ministry of Industry 7. NUMBER OF EXHIBITING COMPANIES : 287 Companies (including principals/agents from 17 countries) 8. NUMBER OF COUNTRIES/REGIONS Total Countries : 17 Countries : 1. Australia 7. Indonesia 2. China 8. Italy 3. Finland 9. Japan 4. France 10. Korea 5. Germany 11. Malaysia 6. India 12. Singapore 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 03 Switzerland Taiwan Thailand The Netherlands The United States of America Show Fact 9. NUMBER OF PAVILION COUNTRIES Total Pavilion : 6 Pavilions 1. Indonesia 3. Europe 2. China 4. Korea 5. Singapore 6. Taiwan 10. TOTAL SQUARE METRES : 1) Exhibition Hall : • 4,042 sqm GROSS • 1,895 sqm NETT 2) Convention Hall : • 2,580 sqm GROSS • 580 sqm NETT 04 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO ABTP Marketing Sdn Bhd Esareka Sdn Bhd AjouNBC ALS Indonesia, PT ALS Laboratory Group ALS Indonesia, PT Alva Diwipa Anugerah, PT Amida Tulus Sejati, PT Union Metal Industrial Co., Ltd Analytical Technology Inc Indomitra Aneka Abadi, PT AQUA-WIN Watertec Co., Ltd Aquex Korea Co., Ltd. Ark Co., Ltd Asia Supply Trading Pte Ltd Asian Water Magazine Association Of Hazardous Waste Management In Indonesia (APLI) B&E Tech Co., Ltd Bars Korea BCI Asia Biomax Technologies Pte Ltd Bioseptic Waterindo Abadi, PT BNF Co., Ltd Bookang Tech Borouge Bossco Indolestari, PT Brataco / Ion Exchange Asia Pacific Burkert Contromatic Singapore Pte Ltd Burkertindo Kontromatik, PT Burkert Contromatic Singapore Pte Ltd C.C.K Kouw Pinnq Enterprise Co., Ltd Cheonsei Ind. Co., Ltd CIMM Alva Diwipa Anugerah, PT Criterion Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT Crystaline Water Master Co., Ltd Dae Han Heavy Electric Machhinery Co., Ltd. Dalian LingFeng Sci-Tech Development Co., Ltd. 05 COUNTRY BOOTH Malaysia Korea Indonesia Malaysia Indonesia Indonesia USA Taiwan Korea Korea Singapore Malaysia Indonesia DP 46 D 113 D 16 D 16 D 27 D 81 DP 47 D 36 D 116 D 110 DP 12 DP 30 D 03 Korea Korea Indonesia Singapore Indonesia Korea Korea Singapore Indonesia Indonesia Singapore D 116 D 86 DP 29 D 94 DP 49 D 111 D 116 D 88 D 42 D 57 DP 17 Indonesia DP 17 Taiwan D 33 Korea D 75 - D 80 Italy D 27 USA DP 01 Taiwan D 37 Korea D 78 China D 50 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO Daya Manunggal Diesel, PT Ulu Ulu Utomo, CV Deputy for Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management Dong Won Pump Co., Ltd Dong-il Canvas Engineering Co., Ltd Dongmyung Industry Co., Ltd Doshion Veolia Water Solutions Doshion Veolia Water Solutions Indonesia, PT Doshion Veolia Water Solutions Indonesia, PT DPD AKAINDO Jatim Dwi Surya Abadi Kharisma, PT Dwyer Instrument Swahusada Guna Instrumentasi, PT Ebara Corporation Ebara Indonesia, PT Ebara Indonesia, PT EC Plaza Networks Inc Eifel Pump (Fu Zhou) Corpn., LTD EIMCO Water Technologies Pte Ltd Enbion Esareka Sdn Bhd Euroflo Pumps Int’l Pte Ltd FC Korea Co. Ltd Finnchain Siskem Aneka Timindo, PT Filad Filtration Industry Co., Ltd Fluidra Singapore Pte Ltd Franklin Electric Company Fujian Glong Electric Group Co., Ltd Geocycle Indonesia GPA Engineering Corp. Pte Ltd Grahadika Adipurnajasa, PT Huber Technology Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Grahanindo Mecanitron, PT Netzsch Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Greemman Ind. Greeners Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH Grundfos Pompa, PT H&G Hach Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT 06 COUNTRY BOOTH Indonesia Indonesia DP 03 DP 48 Korea Korea Korea India D 79-1 D 107 D 103 D 121 Indonesia D 121 Indonesia Indonesia USA Japan Indonesia Korea China Singapore Korea Malaysia Singapore Korea Finland Taiwan Singapore Singapore China Indonesia Singapore Indonesia Indonesia Korea Indonesia Germany Indonesia Korea USA DP 39 DP 51 DP 52 D 18 D 18 D 106 D 52 D 102 D 109 DP 46 D 95 D 83 DP 45 D 32 D 93 DP 02 D 49 DP 43 D 96 D 99 D 100 D 116 DP 34 D 25 D 21 D 116 DP 01 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO HACH Company Swahusada Guna Instrumentasi, PT Hach Ultra Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT Hajie Industrial Co., Ltd Hangzhou Alkali Pump Co., Ltd Hanil Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT Hankuk Fiber Co., Ltd Rukun Jaya Mandiri, PT HCP Alva Diwipa Anugerah, PT Hi Con (s) Pte Ltd Hirayama Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT Honeywell Swahusada Guna Instrumentasi, PT Huber Technology Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Hydro Hitech Optima, PT Lautan Luas Singapore Pte Ltd Hyflux, Ltd Indobara Bahana, PT Hyosung Ebara Engineering Co., Ltd Hyupsun Industrial Co., Ltd Indah Water Konsortium Indobara Bahana, PT Indomitra Aneka Abadi, PT Indopipe, PT Industrial Guide Asia Orange Media Group Industrial Guide Malaysia Orange Media Group Interjaya Surya Megah, PT Ulu Ulu Utomo, CV INVENT Urnwelt und Panca Jasa Lingkungan, PT Verfahrenstechnik AG Istek Inc. ITS Envirochem Pte Ltd Jaya Mandiri Abadi, CV Jiangying Ocean Engineering Singapore Daito Engineering Pte Ltd Equipment Co., Ltd Jiangying Water Conservancy Singapore Daito Engineering Pte Ltd Mechanization Engineering Co., Ltd Jichun Pump Industry Co., Ltd Kang Nam Co., Ltd Kern Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT Kindraco Hardware Sdn Bhd KNF Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT 07 COUNTRY BOOTH USA USA Korea China Korea Korea Taiwan Singapore Japan USA Singapore DP 52 DP 01 D 76 D 51 DP 01 D 65 D 27 DP 13 DP 01 DP 52 D 99 Indonesia Singapore Korea Korea Malaysia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Germany DP 18 D 07 D 116 D 77 D 62 D 07 DP 47 D 40 DP 33 DP 33 DP 03 DP 05 Korea D 116 Singapore D 101 Indonesia D 02 China DP 16 China DP 16 Korea Korea Germany Malaysia Germany D 79 D 116 DP 01 D 66 DP 01 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO COUNTRY BOOTH Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Korea D 116 Institute Korea Environmental Preservation Korea D 105 Association Korea Pump Industry Cooperatives Korea D 105 (KPIC) Kumho Pump Co., Ltd Korea D 80 Kusuma Baja, CV Indonesia DP 42 Lanxess Siskem Aneka Timindo, PT Germany DP 45 Lautan Luas Singapore Pte Ltd Singapore DP 18 Lautan Luas Tbk, PT Indonesia D 69 Logam Jaya Abadi, PT Indonesia D 01 Lubi Submersibles Ltd India DP 24 Mann+Hummel Mann+Hummel Filter Technology Indonesia D 90 (S.E.A) Pte Ltd Mann+Hummel Filter Technology Singapore D 90 (S.E.A) Pte Ltd Mecasys Co., Ltd Korea D 116 Mecoindo-Itron Indonesia, PT Indonesia D 17 Memmert Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT Germany DP 01 Met-Pro Corporation ITS Envirochem Pte Ltd USA D 101 Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha Co., Ltd Singapore Daito Engineering Pte Ltd Japan DP 16 Myron L Company ITS Envirochem Pte Ltd USA D 101 Nano Hitec Co., Ltd Korea D 116 Navitas Indonesia, PT Indonesia DP 10 NCI Corp. Korea D 116 Neotec UV Ltd. Korea D 116 Networks Corp Korea D 106-1 Netzsch Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Singapore D 100 Neuros Co., Ltd Korea D 116 Nijhuis Water Technology B.V The Netherlands D 30 Nivus Panca Jasa Lingkungan, PT Germany DP 05 NSV Korea D 104 Onda Mega Industri, PT Indonesia DP35 Orange Media Group Indonesia DP 33 Orbisphere Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT Switzerland DP 01 Organic Filter Co., Ltd Taiwan D 31 08 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO COUNTRY BOOTH Ozonics Co., Ltd Indomitra Aneka Abadi, PT Taiwan DP 47 Pablo Publishing Pte Ltd (Water & Singapore DP 32 Wastewater Asia) Pall Filtration Pte Ltd Singapore D 92 Pan Asian Water Solutions Ltd. Singapore D 87 Pan Asian Water Solutions, PT Pan Asian Water Solutions Ltd. Indonesia D 87 Panca Jasa Lingkungan, PT Indonesia DP 05 Pasific Ozone Technology Indomitra Aneka Abadi, PT USA DP 47 Passavant Geiger GmbH Panca Jasa Lingkungan, PT Germany DP 05 Passavant Intech GmbH Panca Jasa Lingkungan, PT Germany DP 05 Pedrollo Alva Diwipa Anugerah, PT Italy D 27 Perkasa Perdana Tunastehnik, PT Indonesia D 38 Philtec Co., Ltd Korea D 79 Pipeco Sdn Bhd Malaysia D 60 Polyware Sdn Bhd Malaysia D 72 Pompe Zanni Di Gualandri Egidio Ulu Ulu Utomo, CV Italy DP 03 Praher Valves GmbH Germany D 26 Prestar Precision Tube Sdn Bhd Malaysia D 15 Promedia Directories Pte Ltd Singapore DP 31 (The Green Book) ProMinent Fluid Controls Pte Ltd Dwi Surya Abadi Kharisma, PT Germany DP 51 Protech Power Flow, PT Euroflo Pumps Int’l Pte Ltd Indonesia D 95 Qing Dao Dong Won Pump Co., Ltd Dong Won Pump Co., Ltd China D 79-1 Qool Enviro Pte Ltd Singapore DP 15 Radiometer Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT France DP 01 Re-New System Korea D 116 Real Water Tech (RWT) Taiwan D 34 Redox Water & Recycling The Netherlands DP 06 Technology B.V RKR Panca Jasa Lingkungan, PT Germany DP 05 Rukun Jaya Mandiri, PT Indonesia D 65 Rusli Vinilon Sakti, PT Indonesia D 45 SAER Elettropompe GPA Engineering Corp. Pte Ltd Italy D 96 Samjin Industrial Co., Ltd Korea D 78-1 Sanki Indonesia, PT NSV Indonesia D 104 Schneider Electric Indonesia, PT Indonesia D 39 Sego Industrial Co., Ltd Korea D 76-1 09 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO COUNTRY BOOTH Shanghai Kaiquan Pump (Group) Co., Ltd Shanghai Lianceng (Group) Co., Ltd Shelco Filters Sigma Flow Instruments Silverex Co Singapore Daito Engineering Pte Ltd Singapore Water Association Sinhan Aqus Co., Ltd Sintech Precision Products Ltd Sinwinco Engineering Sdn Bhd Sinwinco Engineering, PT Siskem Aneka Timindo, PT Southern Indonesia, PT Sseng Co., Ltd Stengelin – Specker Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT Sumber Wilis Seraya, PT / Wilo Pump Swahusada Guna Instrumentasi, PT Synchong Hoe Engineering Sdn Bhd Synopex Inc. Taiwan Trade Centre Tankpac Industries Co., Ltd Teknotama Lingkungan Internusa, PT - Ecostar Group Tenang Jaya Sejahtera, PT Titanium Tantalum Products Ltd. Tongrim Entec Co., Ltd Trimitra Wisesa Abadi, PT Ulu Ulu Utomo, CV Union Metal Industrial Co., Ltd Unit Pengkajian Pengembangan Potensi Daerah (UP3D) LPPM ITS USA Composite Velp Vending Korea Co., Ltd China Indomitra Aneka Abadi, PT Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT Sinwinco Engineering Sdn Bhd Panca Jasa Lingkungan, PT China USA USA Korea Singapore Singapore Korea India Malaysia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Korea Germany Indonesia Indonesia D 53 DP 47 DP 01 D 82 DP 16 DP 19 D 84 DP 23 D 70 D 70 DP 45 D 43 D 108 DP 05 DP 01 D 46 Indonesia Malaysia Korea Indonesia Taiwan Indonesia DP 52 D 73 D 116 DP 08 D 35 D 10 Indonesia D 04 India DP 04-3 Korea D 116 Indonesia DP 07 Indonesia DP 03 Indonesia D 81 Indonesia DP 38 Indomitra Aneka Abadi, PT Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi, PT USA Italy Korea 10 D 71 DP 47 DP 01 D 85 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO COUNTRY BOOTH Vitec Corporation Waste Management Indonesia - PPLi, PT. Wave Cyber Co., Ltd Wilo SE Yanma GNS Co., Ltd Youngjin Environmental Industry Co., Ltd Yuan Chang Tsai Industry Co. Ltd Yuneco Development Co., Ltd Wadin Pertiwi, PT Indomitra Aneka Abadi, PT Taiwan Indonesia DP 47 DP 50 Indomitra Aneka Abadi, PT Sumber Wilis Seraya, PT/Wilo Pump China Germany Korea Korea DP 47 D 46 D 116 D 112 Perkasa Perdana Tunastehnik, PT Fluidra Singapore Pte Ltd Taiwan Korea Indonesia D 38 D 114 D 93 Indonesia Indonesia A 38 A 41 INDO MEELEX Alphacon Valfindo, PT Akademi Tehnik Mesin Industri Surakarta (ATMI) Asosiasi Produsen Peralatan Listrik Indonesia (APPI) Association of Indonesian Electrical & Mechanical Contractors (AKLI) Association of Small & Medium Enterprises (ASME) Bakrie Pipe Industries, PT Bambang Djaja, PT Barata Indonesia, PT Barindo Anggun, PT Benteng Steel Bakrie Pipe Industries, PT Boma Bisma Indra, PT Cahaya Kenari Baru Hari Esok Cemerlang, PT Cheema Boiler Kaltimex Energy, PT Creative Machinery Enterprise Dinamika Energitama Nusantara Dinkle International Co.,Ltd Dresser Rand Kaltimex Energy, PT Dynacool Kaltimex Energy, PT 11 Indonesia A 47-50 & A 39 Indonesia AP 31 Singapore A 69 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia India Singapore Indonesia Taiwan USA Australia A 35 A 49 A 42 A 40 A 35 A 43 AP 30 AP 34 A 61 A 37 A 25 AP 34 AP 34 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry ECVT Scindodata, PT Faro Scindodata, PT Fourway Engineering Pte Ltd Hari Esok Cemerlang, PT Heatex Industrial Technology Pte Ltd Industira, PT Kaltimex Energy, PT Listrik Indonesia Magazine ME Energy Pvt Ltd Kaltimex Energy, PT Mennekes Elektrotechnik Perwira Multi Jaya Kencana, PT GmbH & Co KG Mennekes Elektrotechnik GmbH & Perwira Multi Jaya Kencana, PT Co KG (Indonesia RO.) Metbelosa, PT Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University Perwira Multi Jaya Kencana, PT Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Ketenagalistrikan dan Energi Baru Terbarukan Reinhausen Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd. S-Link Marketing Services Pte. Ltd. Fourway Engineering Pte Ltd Sarimas Ahmadi Pratama, PT Schmitt Enertec Kaltimex Energy, PT Scindodata, PT Showy Pte Ltd Shukaku, PT Teco Multiguna Elektro, PT Thyssen Krupp Kaltimex Energy, PT Trafoindo Prima Perkasa Turbosol Asia Pte Ltd Turbosol Produzione Spa Turbosol Asia Pte Ltd Voltas (Tata Enterprise) Kaltimex Energy, PT Wei In Enterprise Co., Ltd 12 COUNTRY BOOTH Indonesia AP 01 Indonesia A 04 Switzerland A 04 Singapore A 68 Indonesia AP 30 Singapore A 67 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia India Germany A 39 AP 34 Indonesia AP 45 Indonesia Singapore A 50 A 62 Indonesia Indonesia AP 45 AP 32 Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Germany Indonesia Singapore Indonesia Indonesia India Indonesia Singapore Italy India Taiwan AP 36 A 68 A 44 AP 34 A 04 A 59 AP 29 A 48 AP 34 A 47 A 74 A 74 AP 34 A 26 AP 34 AP 45 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO COUNTRY BOOTH Surya Energi Indotama, PT China Singapore A 16 A 09 Conergy Renewable Energy Singapore Pte Ltd Surya Energi Indotama, PT Surya Energi Indotama, PT Indonesia Indonesia AP 12 A 09 Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia A 16 A 16 AP 35 A 15 Surya Energi Indotama, PT Surya Energi Indotama, PT Indonesia Indonesia Thailand Indonesia Indonesia AP 04 A 16 A 16 AP 11 AP 14 Surya Energi Indotama, PT Surya Energi Indotama, PT Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia A 16 AP 13 AP 16 A 16 AP 32 Surya Energi Indotama, PT Surya Energi Indotama, PT Surya Energi Indotama, PT Surya Energi Indotama, PT Indonesia China Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia A 36 A 16 A 16 A 16 A 16 A 16 INDO RENERGY Beijing Epsolar Conergy Renewable Energy Singapore Pte Ltd Data Bisnis Indonesia, PT Gerbang Multindo Nusantara, PT Gomsu Daguzi, PT Hartekprima Listrindo, PT Indonesia Power Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI) Kamase UGM LEN Industri, PT Leonics Majalah Eksplo Marshall Whitney Indonesia, PT - Respects Magazine Mitra Serasi, CV National Geographic Indonesia Nusantara Turbin Dan Propulsi, PT Primadelco Indonesia Pusat Penelitian & Pengembangan Teknologi Ketenagalistrikan dan Energi Baru Terbarukan Puspetindo, PT Shanghai E.M.W.C Silen Indonesia Surya Energi Indotama, PT Telehouse Engineering, PT Wiraky Nusa Telekomunikasi, PT 13 Show Fact LIST OF PARTICIPANTS COMPANY REFER TO COUNTRY BOOTH Singapore Indonesia Indonesia Taiwan A 71 AP 10 A 03 A 17 Indonesia Malaysia AP 38 A 24 Kyodensha Technologies(M) Sdn Bhd Indonesia A 24 Galva Technovision, PT Singapore A 03 INDO SECURITY FIREX Allsports Equipment Building Indonesia Galva Technovision, PT Ho Cheng Safety Enterprise Co., Ltd Hotware Indonesia, PT Kyodensha Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd Kyodensha Tehnologies Indonesia Rep Office Sony 14 Exhibitors Survey Analysis RESULTS OF EXHIBITORS’ SURVEY EXHIBITORS’ EXPECTATION 80% of exhibitors achieved or exceeded their expectation on participation Exceeded Achieved Not Achieved No Comments Total 12% 68% 10% 10% 100% EXHIBITORS RATING OF SHOW 91% rated the show as very successful or successful Very Successful 12% Successful Not Successful No Comments Total 79% 8% 1% 100% QUALITY OF VISITORS 85% rated the quality of visitors as satisfied or partially Satisfied Partially Not Satisfied No Comments Totall 25% 60% 6% 9% 100% QUANTITY OF VISITORS 69% rated the quantity of visitors as satisfied or partially Satisfied Partially Not Satisfied No Comments Total 27% 42% 20% 11% 100% OVERALL SERVICE OF NAPINDO 84% rated the overall service of organizer as very good or good Very Good Good Poor No Comments Total 20% 64% 7% 9% 100% OVERALL SERVICE OF OFFICIAL CONTRACTOR (PT. SAMUDRA DYAN PRAGA) 65% rated the overall service of contractor as very good or good Very Good Good Poor No Comments Total 14% 51% 8% 27% 100% 16 Exhibitors Survey Analysis OVERALL SERVICE OF OFFICIAL FREIGHT FORWARDER (PT. ROGERS KARYA GELAR) 65% rated the overall service of freight forwarders as very good or good Very Good Good Poor No Comments Total 13% 52% 8% 27% 100% OVERALL SERVICE OF CLEANING SERVICE 70% rated the overall service of cleaning service as very good or good Very Good Good Poor No Comments Total 17% 53% 13% 17% 100% OVERALL SERVICE OF SECURITY 81% rated the overall service of security as very good or good Very Good Good Poor No Comments Total 21% 60% 2% 17% 100% EXHIBITORS PARTICIPATED IN INDOWATER 2011, IVAC 2011, INDO WASTE 2011, INDO RENERGY 2011, INDO SECURITY 2011, INDO FIREX 2011 EXPO & FORUM 73% of exhibitors interested to participate in above mentioned events Interest Contact No No Comments Total 18.18% 54.55% 5% 22% 100% 17 Exhibitors Survey Analysis GENERAL Objectives Yes Partially No Generates sales enquiries 25.62% 20.66% 5.79% 47.93% 100% Meet existing business contacts 26.45% 16.53% 2.48% 54.55% 100% Make new business contacts 38.84% 32.23% 5.79% 23.14% 100% Launch new products/services 13.22% 4.96% 1.65% 80.17% 100% Gather general market information 21.49% 18.18% 8.26% 52.07% 100% Secure at-show orders 10.74% 11.57% 10.74% 66.94% 100% Promote corporate image 25.62% 21.49% 14.05% 38.84% 100% Recruit agents/distributors 8.26% 11.57% 6.61% 73.55% 100% 4.13% 5.79% 1.65% 88.43% 100% 10.74% 4.13% 0.00% 85.12% 100% Test market/do market presence Maintain market presence No Comments TOTAL BUSINESS / SALES VOLUME Sales At Exhibition Within 12 Months of Exhibition No Comments TOTAL Under IDR 100 Millions 22.31% 13.22% 64.46% 100% IDR 100 Millions – Under IDR 200 Millions 14.88% 21.49% 63.64% 100% IDR 200 Millions – Under IDR 1 Billion 8.26% 17.36% 74.38% 100% IDR 1 Billion and above 6.61% 20.66% 72.73% 100% None 27.27% 8.26% 64.46% 100% *US$ 1 = Rp. 9,000 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Objectives Enquiries Order Taken Good Average Poor No Comments TOTAL 38.02% 43.80% 7.44% 10.74% 100% 9.92% 46.28% 28.10% 15.70% 100% Values of Order Taken 10.74% 40.50% 26.45% 22.31% 100% Orders anticipated 15.70% 54.55% 9.92% 19.83% 100% Values of Future Orders 29.75% 47.93% 4.96% 17.36% 100% 18 Exhibitors Survey Analysis GENERAL OBJECTIVES Important Very Satisfied Not No TOTAL Visitors Satisfied Satisfied Comments Building Services 8% 10.74% 23.97% 5.79% 59.50% 100% Civil Engineering/Architect 7% 9.92% 27.27% 4.13% 58.68% 100% Consultant 10% 6.61% 34.71% 10.74% 47.93% 100% Developer/ Real Estate 5% 3.31% 19.83% 9.92% 66.94% 100% Environmental 9% 9.92% 28.93% 9.92% 51.24% 100% Embassy/Consulate 2% 0.83% 7.44% 1.65% 90.08% 100% Energy Supplier 5% 5.79% 11.57% 2.48% 80.17% 100% Renewable Energy Developer 4% 1.65% 11.57% 4.13% 82.64% 100% Government/Ministry 11% 9.92% 22.31% 14.05% 53.72% 100% Hospital/Medical 2% 2.48% 9.09% 4.96% 83.47% 100% Hotel/Restaurant 3% 2.48% 7.44% 5.79% 84.30% 100% Industrial Estate 8% 4.96% 30.58% 3.31% 61.16% 100% Landfill Professional 1% 0.83% 0.00% 1.65% 97.52% 100% Manufacturer/Industry 6% 9.09% 14.05% 3.31% 73.55% 100% Mining/Drilling 2% 4.96% 8.26% 4.96% 81.82% 100% Mechanical/Electrical 2% 4.13% 9.09% 3.31% 83.47% 100% Medical Waste 1% 5.79% 4.96% 6.61% 82.64% 100% NGOs/Trade Association 1% 4.96% 5.79% 2.48% 86.78% 100% Oil & Gas 2% 8.26% 9.09% 5.79% 76.86% 100% Sorting & Recycling 0% 0.00% 1.65% 0.00% 98.35% 100% Sewerage Companies 2% 2.48% 4.13% 3.31% 90.08% 100% Swimming Pool / SPA 1% 4.13% 3.31% 5.79% 86.78% 100% Trucking Professionals 1% 0.83% 0.00% 0.00% 99.17% 100% University / Education 1% 3.31% 1.65% 4.13% 90.91% 100% Waste Operator 2% 4.13% 6.61% 4.96% 84.30% 100% Water Companies 3% 2.48% 7.44% 0.83% 89.26% 100% Power Producer 1% 2.48% 5.79% 0.83% 90.91% 100% T O T A L 100% Note : The above results was based on valid questionnaires RETURNED 19 Trade Visitors Analyis TOTAL OVERALL VISITORS REGULAR VISITORS - Local - Overseas 4.416 101 4.517 247 20 267 OPENING CEREMONY 207 METI Workshop 120 OVERALL TOTAL 5.111 VIP VISITORS - Local - Overseas ON-SITE VISITORS BY COUNTRY BREAKDOWN NOCOUNTRY COUNT PERCENTAGE NOCOUNTRY 1 Australia 6 0,12% 11 Saudi Arabia 2 Belgium 1 0,02% 12 Singapore 16 0,33% 4 Germany 9 5 Hongkong 6 India COUNTPERCENTAGE 6 0,12% 29 0,59% 13 Spanyol 1 0,02% 0,18% 14 Taiwan 4 0,08% 1 0,02% 15 Thailand 6 0,12% 5 0,10% 16 The Netherlands 1 0,02% 4.783 97,53% 17 USA 1 0,02% 8 Japan 1 0,02% 18 Vietnam 2 0,04% 9 Korea 10 0,20% 10 Malaysia 22 0,45% 4.904 100,00% 3 China 7 Indonesia TOTAL 23 Trade Visitors Analyis VISITOR STATISTIC ON-SITE REGISTERED VISITORS Visitors Count Percentage Local Visitors + VIP 4.783 97,53% 121 2,47% 4.904 100,00% Overseas Visitors + VIP TOTAL Local Visitor Overseas Visitor VISITOR’S COMPANY MAIN BUSINESS Visitors Visitors Count Percentage Count Percentage J. Administration 90 1,84% K. Design/Development 88 1,79% L. Plant Management 75 1,53% M. Purchasing 145 2,96% 2,94% N. Scientist/R&D 111 2,26% 490 9,99% O. Staff 651 13,27% G. Supervisor 181 3,69% P. Others 101 2,06% H. Student 271 5,53% TOTAL 4.904 100,00% I. Managing Director 456 9,30% A. Owner / Chairman 852 17,37% B. Consultant 203 4,14% C. Department Head 699 14,25% D. Maintenance 347 7,08% E. Project Engineering 144 F. Sales/Marketing 24 Trade Visitors Analyis VISITOR’S COMPANY MAIN BUSINESS DIAGRAM Owner/Chairman 852 Consultant 203 Department Head 699 Maintenance 347 Project Engineering 144 Sales/Marketing 490 Supervisor 181 Student 271 Managing Director 456 Administration 90 Design/Development 88 Plant Management 75 Purchasing 145 Scientist / R and D 111 Staff 651 Others 101 0 200 400 25 600 800 1.000 Trade Visitors Analyis VISITOR’S MAIN JOB FUNCTION Company’s Main Business Count Percentage 1. Building Management 80 1,63% 2. Consultant/Contractor 501 10,22% 3. Environmental 142 2,90% 4. Energy User/Supplier 73 1,49% 5. Government/Ministry 120 2,45% 6. Hotel/Restaurant 73 1,49% 7. Landfill Professional 54 1,10% 8. Mining/Drilling 77 1,57% 9. Medical Waste 31 0,63% 166 3,38% 11. Sewerage Company 22 0,45% 12. Trucking Professional 39 0,80% 13. Waste Operator 217 4,42% 14. Power Producer 61 1,24% 131 2,67% 75 1,53% 3 0,06% 18. Renewable Energy Developer 43 0,88% 19. Hospital/Medical 34 0,69% 20. Industrial Estate 108 2,20% 21. Manufacturer 728 14,85% 22. Mechanical/Electrical 456 9,30% 60 1,22% 10. Oil & Gas 15.Civil Engineering/Architect 16. Developer/Real Estate 17. Embassy/Consulate 23. NGOs/Trade Association 24. Sorting and Recycling 16 0,33% 25. Swimming Pool/SPA 33 0,67% 26. University/Education 309 6,30% 27. Water Company/Operator 627 12,79% 28. Others 625 12,74% T O T A L 4.904 100,00% 0 26 200 400 600 800 Trade Visitors Analyis VISITORS BY VISITING PURPOSE Role In Purchase Count Percentage Decision Finalize and Purchasing 320 6,53% Recommend 689 14,05% 2.983 60,83% Source Strategic Relationship 656 13,38% Evaluate For Future Participation 148 3,02% Other 108 2,20% 4.904 100,00% Gather Information TOTAL Finalize and Purchasing 320 Recommend 689 Gather Information 2.983 Source Strategic Relationship 656 Evaluate For Future Participation 148 Other 108 0 500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 VISITOR’S BY SIZE OF THE COMPANY Size of Company Count Percentage 1 – 20 2.050 41,80% 21 – 100 1.478 30,14% Over 100 1.376 28,06% TOTAL 4.904 100,00% 3.994 3.737 2.986 1 – 20 21 – 100 Over 100 27 Trade Visitors Analyis VISITORS BY HOW TO FIND OUT THIS EVENT How to Find Out this Event Count Newspaper 1.385 28,24% 156 3,18% 2.060 42,01% Magazine Invitation/Direct Mail Percentage Television/Radio 210 4,28% Internet/Website 526 10,73% Others 567 11,56% TOTAL 4,904 100,00% Newspaper Magazine 1.385 156 Invitation/ Direct Mail Television/Radio Internet/Website Others 2.060 210 526 567 26 Forum & Technical Presentation WORKSHOP “HARGA KE-EKONOMI-AN LISTRIK DARI SUMBER ENERGI TERBARUKAN” Diamond Room, Grand City Convex TIME PROGRAM 08.00 – 09.00 Registrasi 09.00 – 10.00 Pembukaan : a. Sambutan dan paparan potensi ET, oleh Ketua METI. b. Paparan tentang kebijakan dibidang energi dan ketenagalistrikan, oleh Dirjen LPE – Kementerian ESDM. c. Sambutan dan peresmian pembukaan, oleh Gubernur Jawa Timur. 10.00 – 10.30 Rehat (coffee/tea) Konferensi Pers. 10.30 – 13.00 Paparan oleh pengembang listrik ET dan PLN (moderator : Endah Agustina / METI) a. PLT Bayu ( Dr. Pumpida, PT. Venon Energy ) b. PLTS ( Dr. Nani Wardani, PT. Surya Energi Indonesia ) c. PLT Biomass/sampah ( Raymond Oei, PT. Stern ) d. PT. PLN ( Persero ) 13.00 – 13.30 Rehat (lunch) 13.30 – 15.30 Diskusi panel ( moderator : Dr. Herman Darnel Ibrahim/Dewan Energi Nasional ) a. Pembahasan ( Faby Tumiwa, Institute of Essential Services Reform ) b. Diskusi 15.30 – 16.00 Penutupan: a. Penyampaian kesimpulan tentang hal-hal yang perlu diusulkan kepada Kementerian ESDM b. Penutup ( Ketua METI ) c. Coffee/tea 30 31 Mr. Rahmat Handojo & Mr. Hendra Mr. Purbo 16:00 - 16:45 GRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic). The Advantages Are : Environment Friendly, Strong And Energy Saving 17:00 - 17:45 Kapasitas IPAL Secara Ekonomis dengan Teknologi Zeoflocc Mr. Thori Tumborang Mr. William Chia 15:00 - 15:45 Ozone Generator & Oxygen Generator 16:00 - 16:45 Type Test Technology & Switchboard Safety Mr. Kenny Lau Mr. Daniel Simanjuntak 14:00 - 14:45 Fusion Technology In PE Pipelines Topic 13:00 - 13:45 Total Waste Management Training Time Speaker Mr. Binsar Simangunsong 15:00 - 15:45 Prepayment Kwh Meter Wednesday July 28, 2010 - Venue : Theater 2 Mr. Hendrik Bohne 14:00 - 14:45 Solar PV Updates And Project Development Issues in South East Asia Speaker Mr. Tjatur Prasetijono Topic 13:00 - 13:45 Solusi Yang Tepat Bagi Industri - Industri Penghasil Limbah B3 Time Wednesday July 28, 2010 - Venue : Theater 1 PRODUCT PRESENTATION PROGRAM Fourway Engineering Pte., Ltd. PT. Indomitra Aneka Abadi Sinwinco Engineering Sdn., Bhd. WMI – PT. PPLI Company PT. Panca Jasa Lingkungan PT. Rukun Jaya Mandiri PT. Mecoindo-Itron Indonesia Conergy Renewable Energy Singapore, Pte., Ltd. Ecostar Group Company INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY, INDOMEELEX, INDOSECURITY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM Forum & Technical Presentation 32 Mr. Adil Bawahab Mr. Faiq Alzahmi 15:00 - 15:45 WATER METER AMR SYSTEM 17:00 - 17:45 Submersible Pumps For Dirty Water & Water Treatment Plant PT. Hydro Hitech Optima (Lautan Luas Group) Mr. AJ. Wagner Mr. Lewis Soegianto Mr. Alarik Maruli Parapat 14:00 - 14:45 The Submersible Company You Trust Deep Down 15:00 - 15:45 Sucolite Series 16:00 - 16:45 Zero Waste Concept (Invitation Only) Speaker PT. Logam Jaya PT. Lautan Luas Tbk Franklin Electric PT. ALS Indonesia Company PT. Sumber Wilis Seraya / Wilo Indonesia PT. Mecoindo - Itron Indonesia Ms. Suzanna O.R. Lumme Topic Company Grundfos Pompa 13:00 - 13:45 Water Pollutants Sample Collection, Preservation & Analysis Time Wednesday July 28, 2010 - Venue : Theater 4 Mr. Hendri W. 14:00 - 14:45 Membrane Technology Speaker Mr. Tegoeh Boediono Topic 13:00 - 13:45 Sustainable Energy: System & Solutions Time Wednesday July 28, 2010 - Venue : Theater 3 PRODUCT PRESENTATION PROGRAM INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY, INDOMEELEX, INDOSECURITY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM Forum & Technical Presentation Mr. Sanjeev Srivastava Mr. Karnadi & Mr. Akhdiar 14:00 - 14:45 Water & Waste Management Technologies In Power Industry 15:00 - 15:45 Aplikasi Produk Di Lapangan Speaker Mr. Mark Toh Topic 13:00 - 13:45 Linear Electro – Dewatering Solutions Time Wednesday July 28, 2010 - Venue : Theater 5 PT. Trafoindo Prima Perkasa PT. Doshion Veolia Water Solutions Indonesia Eimco Water Technologies Pte Ltd Company PRODUCT PRESENTATION PROGRAM INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY, INDOMEELEX, INDOSECURITY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM Forum & Technical Presentation 33 34 Ms. Silvya Mr. William Chia 15:00 - 15:45 Dr. Steam Turbines 16:00 - 16:45 How Collaboration Between Companies Can Enhance Profits Borouge Pte Ltd Mr. Kenny KW Chan Mr. Hendri W. Mr. Alan Toh - Hyflux Mr. Budi Hariyanto 13.00 - 13.45 Pall Membrane Technology For Water Treatment 14:00 - 14:45 Membrane Technology 15:00 - 15:45 The Benefit Of Membrane Treatment Filtration Versus Conventional Treatment 16:00 - 16:45 Karakteristik Limbah B3 & Penanganannya CV. Jaya Mandiri Abadi PT. Indobara Bahana - Hyflux PT. Hydro Hitech Optima (Lautan Luas Group) Pall Filtration Pte Ltd Borouge Pte Ltd Mr. Youssef Company 11.30 - 12.00 Bor Eco PP For The New Generation Of Sewage Pipe Systems Topic Fourway Engineering Pte Ltd PT. Kaltimex PT. Puspetindo PT. Puspetindo Ecostar Group Company 11:00 - 11:30 Bor Safe Pe 100 Hscr For Pipes In Demanding Installation Conditions Mr. Peck Tze Time Speaker Mr. Kresno Dwipojono, Msc (Technical Service Director) 14:00 - 14:45 Opportunity Horizon & Competitive Strategy Of Puspetindo, Growing Globally Thursday July 29, 2010 - Venue : Theater 2 Mr. Kresno Dwipojono, Msc (Technical Service Director) 13:00 - 13:45 Opportunity Horizon & Competitive Strategy Of Puspetindo, Growing Globally Speaker Mr. Tjatur Prasetijono Topic 11:00 - 11:45 Solusi Yang Tepat Bagi Industri-Industri Penghasil Limbah B3 Time Thursday July 29, 2010 - Venue : Theater 1 PRODUCT PRESENTATION PROGRAM INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY, INDOMEELEX, INDOSECURITY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM Forum & Technical Presentation Mr. Asril Umar Mr. Faiq Alzahmi 15:00 - 15:45 Teknologi Daur Ulang Air Limbah 16:00 - 16:45 Pumps For Water Supply 35 Mr. Supriyadi & Mr. Geovanni Escuyos Mr. Paul Vogel / Dr. Chin Teen Teen Mr. AJ. Wagner Ms. Rossi Kumala Dewi Mr. Syarief Husain 14:00 - 14:45 The Submersible Company You Trust Deep Down 15:00 - 15:45 Sony IP Camera 16:00 - 16:45 Water, Sewage, Gas & Cable Protection Pipe PT. Indopipe PT. Galva Technovision Franklin Electric PT. ALS Indonesia Grundfos Pompa Company PT. Sumber Wilis Seraya / Wilo Indonesia PT. Bioseptic Waterindo Abadi 13:00 - 13:45 Introduction To Laboratory QC, QC Terms & Definitions Topic Company PT. Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi Esareka Sdn Bhd Holcim Indonesia 11:00 - 11:45 Pump Energy Audit Time Speaker Ms. Okto Riristina Gultom 14:00 - 14:45 Hach Solutions For Oxygen Demand Thursday July 29, 2010 - Venue : Theater 4 Mr. George Choong 13:00 - 13:45 Anti Bacteria 3 Layer Pipe Speaker Mr. Yofan Santoso Topic 11:00 - 11:45 Geocycle With Co-Processing Technology Time Thursday July 29, 2010 - Venue : Theater 3 PRODUCT PRESENTATION PROGRAM INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY, INDOMEELEX, INDOSECURITY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM Forum & Technical Presentation Mr. Anil Manocha & Mr. Yogesh Purandare Mr. Sanjeev Srivastava Mr. Lee Ho Jae Mr. Joerg Schneider 13:00 - 13:45 Total Water Management From Ion Exchange Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 14:00 - 14:45 Recycle Technologies In PDAM Segments / Handling The Water Needs By Conventional Vs Latest Technologies 15:00 - 15:45 Danfoss High Pressure Pump For R/O 16:00 - 16:45 Industrial Plug & Socket Speaker Ms. Anjelita Malik Topic 11:00 - 11:45 Program Hibah Dari Kedutaan Denmark Untuk Kerjasama Bisnis Di Sektor Lingkungan & Energi Time Thursday July 29, 2010 - Venue : Theater 5 PRODUCT PRESENTATION PROGRAM 36 Mennekes Elektrotechnik Gmbh & Co KG (Indonesia Representative Office) PT. Trimitra Wisesa Abadi PT. Doshion Veolia Water Solutions Indonesia Brataco – Ion Exchange Asia Pacific Royal Danish Embassy Company INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY, INDOMEELEX, INDOSECURITY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM Forum & Technical Presentation Mr. Syarif Hidayat Mr. Rahmat Handojo & Mr. Hendra Mr. Budi Santoso 14:00 - 14:45 Socialization Of New Enviro Law No.32/2009 15:00 - 15:45 GRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic). The Advantages Are : Environment Friendly, Strong And Energy Saving 16:00 - 16:45 Pengelolaan Limah B3, Exchange Resins Mr. Erinaldi 13:00 - 13:45 Lewatit – High Performance Ion Speaker Dr. Elisabeth A. Juliarte, Ph.D Topic 11:00 - 11:45 Solusi Yang Tepat Bagi Industri - Industri Penghasil Limbah B3 Time Friday July 30, 2010 - Venue : Theater 1 PRODUCT PRESENTATION PROGRAM 37 CV. Jaya Mandiri Abadi PT. Rukun Jaya Mandiri WMI – PT. PPLI Sistem Aneka Timindo, PT Ecostar Group Company INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY, INDOMEELEX, INDOSECURITY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM Forum & Technical Presentation 38 Speaker Mr. Lai Kuan Ho Ms. Okto Riristina Gultom Mr. Asril Umar Topic 13:00 - 13:45 3 D Laser Scanner 14:00 - 14:45 Laboratory Instrument For Wastewater Analysis 15:00 - 15:45 Teknologi Pengolahan Air Bersih Dengan Continuous Filter Time Friday July 30, 2010 - Venue : Theater 3 Mr. Abraham / Mr. Daniel / Mr. Gunawan 15:00 - 15:45 PT. Teco Electronic Motor & Inverter Speaker Mr. Abraham / Mr. Daniel / Mr. Gunawan Topic 14:00 - 14:45 PT. Teco Electronic Motor & Inverter Time Friday July 30, 2010 - Venue : Theater 2 PRODUCT PRESENTATION PROGRAM PT. Bioseptic Waterindo Abadi PT. Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi PT. Scindodata Company PT. Teco Multiguna Elektro PT. Teco Multiguna Elektro Company INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY, INDOMEELEX, INDOSECURITY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM Forum & Technical Presentation 39 Mr. Torben Revald 15:00 - 15:45 Water Cube 2 (Sea Water R/O) Produce Drinking Water Speaker Mr. Yan H. Parlindungan Topic 14:00 - 14:45 Filtration Technology for Water Treatment Application Time Friday July 30, 2010 - Venue : Theater 5 Mr. Warsito Mr. Ria Fitrayadi 14:00 - 14:45 New Mcc Product 15:00 - 15:45 4 D Tomography For Industry Mr. Novean Husni 13:00 - 13:45 Plastic Pipe Applications Speaker Ms. Rossi Kumala Dewi Topic 11.00 - 11.45 Sony IP & Video Conference System Time Friday July 30, 2010 - Venue : Theater 4 PRODUCT PRESENTATION PROGRAM PT. Trimitra Wisesa Abadi PT. 3M Company PT. Scindodata PT. Industira PT. Rusli Vinilon Sakti PT. Galva Technovision Company INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY, INDOMEELEX, INDOSECURITY SURABAYA 2010 EXPO & FORUM Forum & Technical Presentation Exhibitors Quote HANGZHOU ALKALI PUMP CO., LTD “We think it’s a successful one. It meets our needs” Mohd. Shahrul Nizam Bin “There are demo and presentation by different Mohd. Kairudin, QOOL ENVIRO PTE LTD type of company” Sally Ang, SYNCHONG HOE ENGINEERING SDN BHD “Friendly & helpful Napindo’s staffs” Jemin R. Thumar, LUBI PUMPS INDIA “Very good staff people. They are very kind & helpful. Perfect organization and good ambience” Reni, PT. ORANGE MEDIA INDONESIA “Prospective customers from quality visitors” Erwin S, DINAMIKA ENERGITAMA NUSANTARA, PT “Meet existing business contacts” Moh. Haris, UP3D – ITS SURABAYA “Professional organizer. We met new clients & networks” Yofan Santoso, HOLCIM INDONESIA, PT “Good location, good facilities” Hermawan Febriansyah, KAMASE UGM “We can meet many industrial, government, and foreign companies, so we can promote our activities, products and services” M. Miftah, PUSPETINDO, PT “The exhibition is well organized” Hendri Wijaya, HYDRO HITECH OPTIMA, “Meeting people who wants to know about our PT (LAUTAN LUAS GROUP) products” Anton Wibowo, BIOMAX TECHNOLOGIES PTE LTD “Very professionally done” Denny Prabowo, EUROFLO PUMPS INTERNATIONAL PTE LTD “We can get many information about pumps technologies” Julius Dethan, MECOINDO – ITRON INDONESIA, PT “We can meet other communities that can gain a mutual benefit to succeed our business” Thori Tumborang, INDOMITRA ANEKA ABADI, PT “Developing business relationship as one of our promotion plan” Chandra, DOSHION VEOLIA WATER SOLUTIONS INDONESIA, PT “This exhibition gives more advantages for industrial and trading sector” Theresia, INDOBARA BAHANA, PT “The visitors are accordance our target market. The event is one of the largest event in Indonesia” Cornelia Atika, SCHNEIDER INDONESIA, PT “Everything is well organized” Jerry Chen, CRYSTALINE WATER MASTER CO., LTD “Good location, great food, great people, fantastic facilities” 42 Exhibitors Quote Warren Yong, ESAREKA SDN BHD “Overall very satisfied” Sari, SUMBER ANEKA KARYA ABADI, PT “The exhibition is very good prospect to our company” John Arradaza, FRANKLIN ELECTRIC (SEA) PTE LTD “The traffic of people were good” Mohit Batra, TITANIUM TANTALUM PRODUCTS LIMITED “Well organized” EIFEL PUMP (FUZHOU) CO., LTD “We think it’s a successful one, It meets our needs” 43 Publicity & Promotion MAGAZINES & DIRECTORY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Water & Wastewater Asia Asian Water Magazine The Green Book Exhibit Media BCI Asia National Geographic Indonesia Eksplo 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Respects Greeners Industrial Guide Listrik Indonesia Dabindo Building Indonesia 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Kaltim Post Fajar (Makassar) Manado Pos Radar Sulteng Maluku Utara Pos Kendari Pos Timor Ekspress (NTT) Ambon Ekspress Cendrawasih Pos NEWSPAPERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Kompas Surabaya Post Pikiran Rakyat Jawa Pos Suara Merdeka Bali Post Lombok Pos Banjarmasin Post Pontianak Post MEDIA ELECTRONICS Radio Suara Surabaya (FM 100), Metro TV, TVRI, RCTI, SCTV, TRANS7, INDOSIAR, ANTV, JTV, SURABAYA TV ONLINE / WEBSITES INFORMATION www.napindo.com, www.indowater.com, www.indowaste.com, www.indorenergy.com, www.indomeelex.com, www.indosecurity.com, www.indofirex.com, www.thegreenbook.com, www.industrialnewsasia.com, www.taiwantrade.com.tw/CH/ch-index.html OTHERS DIRECT MAIL 1. Postcard 2. Show Preview 46
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