Clean Teeth – Healthy Gums – HAPPY PEOPLE
Clean Teeth – Healthy Gums – HAPPY PEOPLE
Clean Teeth – Healthy Gums – HAPPY PEOPLE Page 2 Page 4 individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis (iTOP) Interdental Access Probe O R A L C A R E S Y S T E M Page 5 CURAPROX «prime» Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 – 13 Page 14 –15 CURAPROX CS 5460 «ultra soft» CURAPROX CS «single» CURAbaby CURAkid Curasept ADS supporting dental professional and patients 2 individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis (iTOP) CURAPROX T H E R I G H T T O O L M A K E S T H E D I F F E R E N C E 3 A regular toothbrush is not enough! acc. to Jiri Sedelmayer For nearly two decades Jiri Sedelmayer has been teaching iTOP (earlier called the New School of Individual Prophyla- oral hygiene at the dental school of Hamburg. Now, his xis) already has thousands of enthusiastic followers world- innovative approach in brushing teeth and in motivating wide. For many patients and dental professionals iTOP is and controlling individualized personal oral care has got a a synonym for lifelong pre servation of teeth and oral health! name: individually Trained Oral Prophylaxis (iTOP). iTOP stands for a compliant, consequently trained, extremely effective and fully atraumatic oral care – which is founded Jiri Sedelmayer University Hamburg on three pillars: compliant, efficient and atraumatic. iTop is taught and accompanied for a lifetime by specially trained dental-professionals who use and recommend individually selected oral care tools only. Today Jiri Sedelmayer’s method earns increasing attention among dental authorities A regular toothbrush cannot offer full plaque control in the critical and most important gum line. Dental plaque remaining in uncontrolled spots is responsible for 100% of caries and gingivitis. This occurs because of bristles and heads of regular toothbrushes: bristles are too hard to adapt to the toothanatomy and the brush-heads are oversized to offer full access. In addition they mislead the unaware patient to powerful brushing which causes the well-known disastrous lesions to the gums and exposed tooth-necks. CURADEN offers to dental professionals and their patients solutions for every care need – particularly for interproximal spaces, where no toothbrush can reach. (e.g. K. Rateitschak, Parodontologie, 3rd edition 2004, page 229). iTOP, his New School will change oral health for this world – for the better for dental professionals and their patients! Jiri Sedelmayer‘s opinion about iTOP and the important role of dental professionals Why iTOP? What is iTOP? dentists and patients made me understand the practical difficulties to perform perfect oral hygiene with the goal of lifelong preservation of teeth and oral health. I clearly understood: with the common cleaning-tools conceived for «group-prophylaxis», the present methods and know-how, total plaque control and lifelong oral health are out of reach. Since I also understood how intimate oral hygiene is, how respectful you ! ! Fact: Dental floss and toothpicks will neither effectively clean the concave surfaces nor the gum lines. An interdental brush being too small does not reach the critical spots. Successful with the right tools: iTOP: «Touch to teach»! My individual teaching of oral care, face to face with thousands of students, ! CPS «prime»: Spacefilling and atraumatic CS 5460 «ultra-soft»: Gentle bristles and small-sized brush-head CS «single»: the sulcular brush – for the «SOLOTechnique» The regular and correct use of CURAPROX CPS will compensate for the main shortcoming of toothbrushes – the lacking interdental plaque control. Spacefilling CURAPROX CPS respect the intact papilla of your healthy patients and provide an essential contribution to the prevention of gingivitis and bad breath! The tightly-packed, ultra-fine but flexible CUREN® bristles maintain their smooth and tender action whether used wet or dry. Small brush-heads ensure easy access to the entire arch and allow gentle penetration into the gum line and fissures. Your patients will feel the difference with the simple «Tongue Test»: All surfaces feel smoother – teeth appear whiter – gums feel «firmer». Gently cleans the gum lines and the rear surfaces of distal molars. The CS «single», used in combination with CURAPROX CPS «prime» interdental brushes, ensures a complete plaquecontrol regime and perfect oral hygiene – fully atraumatic and easy to learn! Once you or your patients experience the difference – you won’t ever want to do without it! relationship and the professional equipment. Applying the essence of iTOP and the latest atraumatic care-tools, they can enjoy the win-win situation of enthusiastic and compliant patients with motivated professionals and their next patients. Why do you use and recommend CURADEN products? have to approach each individual, how much endurance is needed to change an individual’s oral care practice and how crucial the tools are in Since 1995, CURADEN is my first choice as supplier of premium interdental this process – I realized the urgent need for innovative and different and oral care products. I appreciate the constant high quality together with methods and products to make oral hygiene successful for every interested the user-friendly design. CURADEN has adopted and integrated many of individual. iTOP is the outcome of my teaching-experiences – keeping in my findings and recommendations into their communication and product mind that brushing teeth is an art which needs basic training and lifelong design. CURADEN has everything I myself, our students, colleagues and guidance. patients need to take full advantage of iTOP. From whom should interested people learn better oral care practice which assures lifelong teeth preservation? What is your opinion on plaque, gum-bleeding and bad breath? Certainly not from themselves or from their parents! Only dental-professionals have everything what is needed to change oral hygiene habits of interested individuals: the necessary authority, education, the personal Keeping in mind, that today it is possible to have 100% control of dental plaque, it is obvious that these are symptoms of insufficient or incomplete oral care – but they are also a professional’s best chance to motivate patients to improve their oral hygiene habits. CURAPROX I A P I n t e r d e n t a l A c c e s s P r o b i n g a n d C h a r t i n g 4 CURAPROX offers the professional interdental space measuring tool. No more guessing! The last visible colour indicates the maximum size CURAPROX CPS «prime» for your patients. 1 pcs. / 12 pcs. access radius ›0,6 mm cleaning radius ‹2,2 mm 5 CURAPROX interdental brushes: Approved and established for decades Guessing is fair – probing is professional: IAP «prime» probe CURAPROX T H E N E W G E N E R A T I O N CPS «prime» 5 sizes control 95% of interdental care problems CPS «prime» (Pack of 5) CURAPROX CPS «prime» interproximal space brushes with the finest yet strongest wire core on the market, offer complete interproximal plaque-control for everybody. CPS CURAPROX CPS «prime» respects the intact papilla and is easy to use! access radius ›0,7 mm cleaning radius ‹2,5 mm Make your patient feel confident: The patented IAP-IAC probing is a breakthrough for teaching and motivating successful interdental plaque control: the last visible color is the optimal brush-size. Invented and designed by Jiri Sedelmayer. access radius ›0,8 mm cleaning radius ‹3,2 mm access radius ›0,9 mm cleaning radius ‹4,0 mm 06 07 08 09 011 14Z 15 18 CPS «regular» Special needs – special indications CPS «regular» (Pack of 6) Although the new «prime»-Generation fits 95% of all needs, the traditional «regular» design with a strong wire core and dense bristles fits special care needs: Ideally suited for orthodontic appliances, under bridges and for elderly users with limited dexterity. CPS «regular» are not recommended for closed interdental spaces with intact papilla. CPS 10 11 12 14 CPS «strong & implants» Implants are OK – Implant care is professional CPS «strong & implant» access radius ›1,1 mm cleaning radius ‹5,0 mm Name/Nom/Nome/Name IAC chart L R Invented by Invented by Questo schema dentale corrisponde ad una visione speculare riflessa. This tooth chart is a mirror image for ease of patient reference. 11/2005 Nächste Konsultation Prochain Rendez-vous/Prossimo incontro/Next meeting 2 1 3 The wire core in these brushes is reinforced and plastic-coated. The brush, longer than normal, is particularly suited for all cases of implants and bridges. Inform in writing! plastic-coated wire to offer special protection to delicate titanium sufaces. By charting your findings on IAC, your patients take home the visualized care instruction – and bring it back for the next oral hygiene brush-up! CRA «roto» for professional cleaning and polishing IAC card, 50 pcs. Diese Zahnkarte ist spiegelverkehrt und entspricht der Ansicht der Zähne im Spiegel. Ce schéma dentaire correspond à une vision inversé par reflet. (Pack of 5) CURAPROX® CRA «roto» CPS 22 24 25 28 (Pack of 50) Spiralbrushes mounted on RA-shank for professional cleaning and polishing between teeth and difficult to reach spots. Also suited for debris removal during root CURAPROX PRIME 06 canal treatment. 07 08 09 011 CRA 06 07 08 09 011 10 11 12 14 CURAPROX T H E N E W G E N E R A T I O N 6 Spacefilling AND atraumatic makes the difference Cleaning radius Cleaning radius Access radius Access radius CURAPROX I N T E R D E N T A L C A R E – S I M P L Y B E T T E R A N D B E T T E R V A L U E ! 7 CPS «prime» handy: always ready to use! CURAPROX CPS «prime» can reach the angles and concavities of interdental spaces. They control plaque at spots where floss cannot reach. Only CURAPROX CPS «prime» is made of the Ni-free CURAL® surgical-wire offering extreme durability with the thinnest available wire-cores*. Click-System! Recommended by All handy come with pre-assembled CPS. The holder is reusable with all CURAPROX IN NO VA TI ON CPS- refills. CPS handy CPS handy chairside Pre-assembled, ideal for patients preferring not to assemble. IN *CURAL ®: new high-yield surgical grade wire-alloy with 5 times improved break resistance NO Pre-assembled, in transparent container for chairside interproximal cleaning and patientinstruction. VA TI 5x ON longer lifetime CPS «prime» handy CPS «prime» handy (Pack of 4) 106, 107, 108, 109, 1011 Recommended by Traditional interdental brushes cannot remove plaque from underneath the contact-points or from the interdental gum line. They have a substantial traumatic potential. CPS 150 «prime» handy Mixed Set (Pack of 5) 1 x CPS 106, 107, 108, 109, 1011 106 CPS reach the critical sites! Convenient chairside interproximal brushing made easy with the new CURAPROX handy in the new dispenser boxes, fitting 5 cm drawers. CPS reach the critical sites! Traditional brushes don‘t reach the critical sites! 107 108 109 1011 CPS «prime» handy chairside (Pack of 30) 306, 307, 308, 309, 3011 Traditional brushes don‘t reach the critical sites! CPS «regular» handy CPS «regular» handy (Pack of 4) 110, 111, 112, 114, 114Z, 115, 118 110 111 112 114 114Z 115 118 CPS «regular» handy chairside (Pack of 30) 310, 311, 312, 314, 314Z, 315, 318 CPS «strong & implant» handy CPS «strong & implant» handy (Pack of 4) 122, 124, 125, 128 CPS «strong & implant» handy chairside (Pack of 30) Visit to view oral care instruction 122 124 125 128 CURAPROX H O L D E R S F O R P E R S O N A L P R E F E R E N C E 8 CURAPROX S E T S W H I C H F I T P A T I E N T S N E E D S 9 Get started without individual assessment of sizes «Anything works» – but individual recommendation is professional click! CPS Sets Case for refills Made to comply when individual measuring of spaces cannot be performed. CURAPROX refills combined with UHS holders for any patient’s need or preference. Angled holders offer a superior access to interdental spaces between molar teeth and palatinally. Straight holders are easy to manipulate and satisfy an increasing demand among the interdental care community. CPS 405 «prime-set» click! 06 07 08 011 click! bendable holder (with «click-fastening» wristjoint and protective cap) Comes with: CPS 06, CPS 07, CPS 08 and CPS 011 with protective cap CPS 410 «prime-set» 06 08 UHS 450 09 UHS 407 011 CPS 457 «pocket-set» Green aluminum-holder UHS 410 «mono» Smart and elegant case for holder and 4 refills. Highly appreciated for its hygienic, aesthetic and motivating oral care approach. Comes with: CPS 06, CPS 08, CPS 09 and CPS 011 CPS 450 «prime-set» 06 UHS 450 «mini-click» The esthetically designed plasticholder with click-fasting for all CPS, also comes with an elegant pocket-case (UHS 460 without refill, CPS 457 with 4 refills). UHS 410 UHS 411* UHS 412* UHS 413* UHS 415* «Inox» *UHS 411 – UHS 420 with second hole for the SS-series UHS 430 07 UHS 431 autoklavable 08 011 UHS 407 «home & travel» Flexible holder with joint and «click»-mechanism. UHS 460 «mini-click & UHS 460 pocket box» without refills Professionally instructed interdental care requires the supply of accurately selected brushes. Ideal for dental professionals dispensing only the needed sizes to their patients. UHS 420* UHS 669 UHS 669 «double-tray» Organizer for refills and support for brushes and holders in one. Will not fall over. UHS 410 – 415 «mono» Your patients like a touch of cool, solid metal for the careful cleaning of every single interdental space. UHS aluminum holders with screwfastening for all CPS are our classic holders – since 1975. UHS 420 «duo» Your patient needs two different sizes – but you do not want to recommend two holders. UHS 420 doubleended silver coloured aluminum holder with screwfastening for all CPS. UHS 430, 431 «maxi-click» Your patients like to see what you do! Your choice UHS 430. This long-handled plastic holder with click-fastening for all CPS is ideal for good visual control. Holder UHS 450 «mini-click» Comes with: CPS 06, CPS 07, CPS 08 and CPS 011 CPS 657 Pocket Display CPS 658 Pocket Display CPS 757 Pocket «refill» Display with 12x CPS 757 Display with 24x CPS 757 like CPS 457 but without mini-grip bag; for displayrefill CPS 669 «prime» Set TS 261 «travel set» Starter-Set for your patients with double-tray CPS 669, UHS 430, CPS «prime» 06, 08, 09, 011, PCA 222 disclosing tablets, and stainless steel dental mirror. Set with Travel Toothbrush super soft, Curasept ADS 705, Gel Toothpaste (5ml) and Tartar Stick (TP 945) in container. ADS 705 «mini» Refill for TS 261 «travel set». Curasept ADS 705 Gel Toothpaste (5ml), 3 pcs. CURAPROX B R U S H U P Y O U R T O O T H B R U S H R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S ! 10 5460 CUREN® bristles are perfect – individual instruction is professional! CS 5460 «ultra soft» The ultra-gentle CUREN® filaments and the compact head with the straight octagonal handle are the distinctive elements of CURAPROX sensitive toothbrushes. The striking acceptance among users and the far better plaque removal with any brushing technique makes a difference with CURAPROX CS sensitive toothbrushes. The graduated stiffnesses make it easy for any patient to move from harder to softer texture. The SOLO-Technique*: perfection for perfectionists! 6 mm CS 1006 ideal for SOLO-Technique * the SOLO Technique for individual brushing of each tooth and each tooth's sulcus. Developed by bendable necks allow individual angulation for individual preferences CS 5460 «ultra soft» CS 3960 «super soft» CS 1560 «soft» CUREN® 0,10 mm 5460 bristles CUREN® 0,12 mm 3960 bristles CUREN® 0,15 mm 1560 bristles ! 11 Post-Surgical special care CS 1006 / CS 1009 «single» CS «single». The perfect toothbrush with ultrafine CUREN® filaments for the SOLO-Technique: efficient cleaning of all individual tooth-surfaces and gum lines. the compact brush-head, densely tufted with ultrafine CUREN® filaments reaches all surfaces in the oral cavity The advantage of ultrafine CUREN® CURAPROX S I N G L E – F O R L I F E L O N G P R E S E R V A T I O N O F H E A L T H Y T E E T H Herbert F. Wolf, Edith M and Klaus H. Rateitschak refer to Jiri Sedelmayer in their famous publication «Periodontology» about the illogic behaviour of many individuals in brushing teeth: «they take scrupulous care of places which would barely need any brushing such as eminent toothsurfaces and the gums, which leads to retracted gum lines and lesions at the bare tooth-necks. Notorious plaqueniches, particularly the interproximal spaces, the sulcus and oral distal surfaces of teeth generally remain unconsidered and rarely get cleaned»… Principally he is right and introduces at the same moment the new SOLO-technique of sulcular brushing, which offers, at least for individuals which wish to take some time for their health – a valid alternative to the usual «scrubbing» (the SOLO-Technique – an alternative way to brush teeth). CS Surgical «mega soft» Prof. N. Lang recommends the use of a surgical toothbrush with a painters-brush-like structure for the postsurgical plaque-control and the local application of CHX-mouthwash. Ideally suited for patients undergoing a radiotherapy. 9 mm CS 1009 ideal for implants, brackets and attachments CS Surgical «mega soft» CUREN® 0,06 mm 12 000 bristles Use without pressure! The round cut of the single tuft combined with gentle bristles lead to perfect adaption to the anatomy of the gum line. to view oral care instruction. Farbatlanten der Zahnmedizin 1, Parodontologie, 3. Auflage, 2004 Thieme Verlag, S. 229 Designed by Hard, thick bristles cannot reach plaque in the sulcus without the exertion of heavy pressure. Consequences: either sulcular plaque remains or the gingiva is brushed away. With CS 5460 «ultra soft», slight pressure is enough to remove sulcular plaque without trauma to gingiva! timeless elegant octagonal handle for the best possible manipulation during brushing in any angulation. CS 3960 «super soft» For your patients wishing to exert some pressure but still keep the gum line intact. CS 1560 «soft» Your patients were used to very hard toothbrushes: the soft CS 1560 «soft» is perfect to get used to sensitive toothbrushes. 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 Ideal with implants, behind last molars, orthodontic appliances, attachments of removable bridgwork. Bad breath? Hold your toothbrush angled against the gums- one half covering the gums, the other covering the teeth. Guide the toothbrush with circular movements and little pressure along the row of teeth. Thoroughly clean vertical to the occlusal surfaces, around the last molars The wide bristle head ideally suits vertical access to the difficult to reach lingual anterior areas. The narrow interior of the lower jaw is easily cleaned as well. Visit to view oral care instruction ! Bad breath is caused by anaerobic bacteria hidden in old plaque, periodontal pockets and fissures of the tongue. Efficient interdental cleaning, particularly if combined with tongue-cleaners and CURASEPT mouthwashes, will prevent and heal most cases of bad breath. Developed in cooperation with Prof. N. P. Lang, at University of Berne CURASEPT CBC CURAPROX CBC172 172«Spray» «Spray» Fights the malodor-forming bacteria. Contains ca. 0,02 % Chlor-Dioxid. Pocket-Spray, 59 ml CURAPROX B A B Y & K I D C O N C E P T 12 Lifetime oral-hygiene-motivation and an aid to parents CURAPROX B A B Y & K I D C O N C E P T 13 Developed, tested and recommended by leading Swiss pediatric dentists! Gentle CUREN - GET STARTED WITH HEALTHY TEETH ON VA TI Baby‘s oral health NO Already during the first months of life CURAbaby stimulates the baby’s senses by curiosity: visually, acoustically and tactile-orally. During teething, babies like to bite on CURAbaby’s great variety of interesting hard and soft surface-structures. This reduces teething-pain by enhancing the blood-circulation and secretion of saliva – with the benefit, that stressed parents can get across the painful period of teething without the use of medication, enjoying peaceful nights. Prof. Adrian Lussi, a leading Swiss Paediatric dentist (University of Berne) said «We are scared about the alarming increase of multifactoral dental and oral problems in infants which will compromise their oral health later.» Together with Dr. Nadia Kellerhoff he searched for preventive concepts which utilize – in a playful way – the infant’s natural curiosity and its desire to suck and bite. The intended goal is the overall stimulation of all senses in favour of a healthy physical and mental development of the infant and to overcome the ache during teething. In particular they searched for a product which helps to reduce the urge to use pacifiers and baby-bottles which are considered the main sources of gum-deformation and tooth-decay and which can improve – in a playful and joyful way – the infant’s compliance in brushing teeth. IN IN NO VA TI ON ® CURAkid, an ultra-gentle toothbrush to be used by parents and the child is the next logical step after using CURAbaby. It’s small, tapered head – tufted with ultra-gentle CUREN®filaments and fully protected with soft rubber-coating assures it’s perfect acceptance. Paediatric dentists recommend the initial use of CURAkid by a parental person immediately after the breakthrough of the first tooth – later the infant itself should use it until the age of kindergarten. bristles for painless brushing! soft rubber-coating offers maximum protection GET STARTED WITH HEALTHY TEETH rattle bite-ring CURAkid CK 3860 «super soft» massage-toothbrush CURAbaby’s massaging toothbrush conditions and premotivates the infant for the use of CURAkid toothbrushes later on. Its form and structure will help the child to remember the earlier positively memorized CURAbaby and enhance the acceptance for brushing teeth. The inventors are convinced that this will result in a lifelong positive attitude towards oral hygiene. CURAbaby und CURAkid are completely safe, made of baby-compatible materials. CURAbaby playfully prepares the infant for the use of toothbrushes and lifelong oral hygiene – the easiest way to prevent suffering and future expenses due to tooth-decay. CURAbaby CB blue CURAbaby CB pink CURAbaby was developed by leading pedriatic dentists at the dental school of the University BERNE (Switzerland). With this project, the team won an important innovation prize. CURAbaby CKC 42 blue CURAbaby CKC 42 pink The best possible combination to assure a longlasting motivation: CURAbaby (pink or blue) & CURAkid. CURAkid CK 3860 «super soft» Comes in an attractive blisterpack. Stands on its foot – fits all children’s hands – ideal to be used by a parental person. Prof. Adrian Lussi, at University of Berne develops in cooperation with CURADEN SWISS MADE special oral-care products for babies and small children. They are clinically tested and designed to combine good acceptance with high efficacy and low traumatic potential. SWISS MADE CURASEPT C H E M I C A L P L A Q U E C O N T R O L W I T H P A T I E N T A C C E P T A N C E CURASEPT respects tasteperception and the whiteness of teeth 14 CURASEPT C H E M I C A L P L A Q U E C O N T R O L W I T H P A T I E N T A C C E P T A N C E 15 Dr. Restituta Castellaccio, head of the CURADEN research-team found new formulations to overcome the well known disadvantages and side-effects of common CHX mouthwashes. – Disturbance of taste perception – Discoloration of teeth Chlorhexidine(CHX)-Digluconate based mouthwashes are considered the gold-standard for chemical plaque control and plaque inhibition. Poor compliance of existing formulations has lead to underperformance in CHX-prescriptions. – Alcohol-relevant phenomena (burning-sensation, religion, children, cancer etc.) Important: SLS inactivates the CHX depot-effect: During the use of CHXmouthwashes, patients should not use Sodium-Lauryl-Sulphate (SLS) containing toothpastes. SLS inactivates the important depot-effect of CHX. ADS 712 ADS 350 ADS 050 75 ml Gel Toothpaste 30 ml Gel 30 ml Spray Gel Toothpaste with 0,12% CHX-Digluconate. Without SLS (Sodium-Lauryl-Sulphate). Recommended in all cases where patient must use CHXmouthwashes to prevent washing out of CHX. Gingival Gel with 0,50% CHX-Digluconate: Protects and maintains gums and protects against bacterial plaque. Without SLS. 0,50% CHX Pump-Spray with application-nozzle. For targeted local application for intense protection. Easy to carry. ADS 705 75 ml Gel Toothpaste CURASEPT ADS 205 200 ml / ADS 905 900 ml 0,05 % CHX + 0,05 % F ADS 205 (200 ml) For long-term combined protection. Contains 0.05% CHX-Digluconate and 0.05% Fluorides. Particularly suited in case of orthodontic and prosthetic treatment where caries can be a problem. Important: For regulatory reasons distribution of CURASEPT Products may be restricted in some countries outside EU. Gel Toothpaste with 0,05% CHX-Digluconate and 0,05% Flourides. Can be used as regular toothpaste. CURAPROX S P E C I A L S Visualize old and new plaque Make the uncontrolled plaque visible – show your patient the «left-out-zones» of his or her daily oral hygiene. Available as liquid, chewing-tablets and single-dose swaps – Erythrosine-free (E 127). ADS 905 (900 ml) PCA 260 Liquid PCA 222 professional packs 100/1000 tabs Disclosing Two-Tone liquid, 60 ml CURASEPT ADS 212 200 ml / ADS 912 900 ml PCA 223 For prolonged strong protection. Contains 0.12% CHX-Digluconate. 0,12 % CHX patient pack 12 tabs PCA 222 / PCA 223 each tablet individually wrapped – ideal for patients to use at home. ADS 212 (200 ml) ADS 912 (900 ml) CURASEPT ADS 220 200 ml / ADS 920 900 ml PCA 946 Plaquesearch Swaps: Single-dose swaps, individually wrapped (40x) Sensitrol Swaps: Singledose swaps, individually wrapped (40x) NEW For short-term intensive protection. Contains 0.20% CHX-Digluconate. 0,20 % CHX Plaquesearch CURAPROX Oral Jet Stains old plaque BLUE and new plaque RED. COJ 900 For the targeted application of CURASEPT mouthwashes: periodontal pockets, brackets, implants etc. PCA 241 Desensitizing – Sensitrol makes it easy and professional! Immediate relief upon application. Ideal with bleaching. Contains oxalates. PCA 925 PCA 925 Desensitizer, 10 ml Sensitrol is easy to apply and clinically proven to reduce dentine hypersensitivity: – Following routine periodontal therapy – Following periodontal surgery – Before and after bleaching UHS 615 ADS 220 (200 ml) ADS 920 (900 ml) UHS 615 dental-mirror For your patients to control plaque at home, incl. 4 disclosing tablets PCA 222, autoclave, Ø 22 mm – Under any restorations such as crowns, composites, inlays and veneers – Prior to scaling CURAPROX S W I S S B I O L O G I C A L D E N T U R E C A R E 16 People with dentures merit your attention BDC 190 «set» For clean dentures and healthy gums. The professional set in a convenient bag contains: What makes CURAPROX BDC denture cleaning different? Citric acid, sodium citrate The removal of plaque and stain is far easier to perform after soaking the denture with the citric-acid containing BDC daily, weekly and concentrate. Contrary to the oxygen-producing products, BDC does not present any harm to the acrylic resin – the dentures remain clean and shiny for years. – – – – Eukalyptus-Oil Forms a micro-film on your dentures – leaving a fresh taste and sealing the surface of the denture with protection at once. Clean dentures are important - gum-care is essential! 17 The professional denture- and gingival-care-set TI VA NO IN Dentures obstruct the natural stimulation of the mucosa.This implicates a reduced blood-flow to the concerned areas, the impairment of saliva secretion and the loss of the self-cleaning effect. With CURAPROX BDC, which combines denture cleaning and gum-massage, your denture-patients can take optimal care of their oral health! BDC offers better protection against dry mouth (xerostomy), ulcer, degeneration of bone, loss of retention and comfort. ON Health implications of neglected denture-care combined with the lack of gum-care are dramatically underestimated: CURAPROX S W I S S B I O L O G I C A L D E N T U R E C A R E BDC 190 «set» BDC 100 «daily» Gel for daily brushing BDC 105 «weekly» concentrate for weekly bath BDC «box», for overnight storage and weekly bath BDC «brush» for precise brushing of entire denture surfaces – Toothbrush CS 5460 «ultra soft» for the daily massage of delicate gums – covered by the appliance. – Patient instruction BDC-ADS 199 «set» BDC-ADS 199 «set» Same content as BDC 190 «set» with additional Gingival Gel ADS 350 Sea-Salt Stabilizes and increases the effect of citric acid. the OMEGA-shaped spiralbrush cleans the difficult-toreach internal surfaces. BDC «box» denture bath well tufted brush for perfect cleaning of external surfaces ergonomic handle for good grip – even for elderly individuals BDC 110 Good to know: The daily massage of the gums with the CS 5460 «ultra soft» is most important to enhance the blood-flow in the mucosa, normally covered by the dental appliance. – to prevent sore gums – to slow down the process of bone-loss – to activate saliva gland in mucosa for better adhesion The use of this ultrasoft brush respects the ultra-thin mucosal membrane of your denture-patients. BDC 111 BDC 160 BDC 112 1000 ml BDC 105 BDC 100 100 ml 60 ml BDC 105 «weekly» Cleaning-bath-concentrate to be diluted for overnight immersion of appliances. BDC 100 «daily» Cleaning gel, to be applied onto the denture to support denture cleaning with BDC brush. BDC 160 «concentrate» Identical concentration as BDC 105 «weekly», in 1000 ml. Bottle for heavy users and dental clinics. BDC 110 / BDC 111 / BDC 112 «box» Denture bath container with grid and cover for storage and cleaning of dental appliances. BDC 150 «brush» white BDC 152 «brush» mint BDC 150 «brush» white BDC 152 «brush» mint The superior brush for your patient that takes care of all internal and external surfaces. CS 5460 «ultra soft» CUREN® 0,10 mm 5460 bristles BDC 200 BDC 200 A small yet powerful ultrasonic cleaner for denture cleaning CURAPROX F L O S S & S T I C K S 18 Special products for special needs CURAPROX P R O F E S S I O N A L DF 841 «3 in 1 Floss» In three parts, 70 cm long. Threader, fine brush section and floss. CURAPROX® SPP prophy paste 200g DF 843 «Periofloss» In three parts with a thick brush section, 70 cm long. Threader and floss. DF 841 DF 843 DF 844 100 x 30 x 30 x DF 844 «Bridge & Implant» Double-ended threader with a thick brush section, 25 cm long. SPP 910 Prophy Paste with pumice, without fluoride. Ideal in combination with bleaching or etching. Pleasant bubble-gum taste. Non splattering formula. CURAPROX S P E C I A L S 19 Presentation creates demand Displays for dental offices, pharmacies and specialized shops. We assist you in finding the ideal presentation. Please contact us! DIS 211 DIS 212 DIS 213 Baby counter display Kids counter display DIS 215 DIS 216 DIS 260 Curasept counter display «travel set» counter display DIS 214 CURAPROX® SPP polishing cups High quality at low price: indispensable polishing cups for professional cleaning. It makes sense to use dental floss in tight interdental spaces between incisors. Some patients like flossing but risk to damage their gums. Make certain that your patients use floss correctly! SPP 911 SPP 835 Latch-Typ, Latex 144 x Latch-Typ, 100 x (Nylon-Filament 0,15 mm) Curaprox-Curasept counter display Curasept-Curaprox counter display DIS 210 SPP 913 Screw-in, Latex 144 x SPP 837 Screw-in, 100 x (Nylon-Filament 0,15 mm) SPP 912 Snap-on, Latex 144 x Handy-Curasept counter display TP 945 TP 930 DF 966 10 x 10 x 50 x TP 945 «Tartar-Stix» TP 930 «Brushpic» The anatomically shaped tooth- Strong yet fine nylon toothpick. The patented, mineral- pick with a flocked tip. containing surface can remove tartar. DIS 201 DF 966 «Flosspic» Excellent toothpick with integrated dental floss. Recommended by CTC 201 CTC 202 «single blade» «double blade» CTC 203 «duo pack» TP 917 DF 820 DF 833 50 x 35 m 3 x 50 m TP 917 «Dentastix» Made of soft bendable PE. DF 820 «PTFE Floss Tape» Glides perfectly through contact points thanks to Teflon coating. With chlorhexidine and mint flavour. DIS 707 DF 833 «Floss» Thin-strong and lightly waxed. Dispenser with 3 spools of 50 m. Very competitive price and quality. Single-bladed and doublebladed tongue-cleaner, perfectly shaped to fit everybody‘s needs. Minimal choking effect. CTC 201 – 202 – 203 Two different tongue-cleaner for individual needs of patients: CTC 201 single bladed, narrow CTC 202 double bladed, countoured, wider version CTC 203 set containing one of each 201/202 Rotary counter display DIS 207 «handy» counter display acrylic, blue Accepts change and notes. Ideal for clinics, schools, group-practice etc. Ask for details. CURAPROX-CURASEPT Rotary floor stand DIS 941 Healthy mouth, healthy teeth – for a whole lifetime! DIS 971 DIS 924 Bad breath? DIS 927 Clean Teeth – Healthy Gums – HAPPY PEOPLE Innovative oral care for people with dentures CURADEN – Your Premium Oral Health Partner from Switzerland Dear Dentist, Dear Dental Hygienist, Dear Partner Since 1975, to CURADEN SWISS you are our most valuable and exclusive partners. Together we made a series of substantial oral care innovations happen and we are confident, that together we will continue to contribue substantially to improve oral health for this world. what you expect them to do! Most of you use our products for themselves and their families before they recommend them to their patients. Your testimony is our publicity – Thank you! Ueli Breitschmid Our products reflect a strict orientation on atraumatic yet effective plaque control and your professional needs. Swiss quality is in every single product because we know, that all of your patient-motivation is worthless if the products do not do Curaden International AG Amlehnstrasse 22 CH-6010 Kriens P +41 (0)41 319 45 50 F +41 (0)41 319 45 90 Curaprox UK Unit 11 Harvard Industrial Estate GB-Kimbolton Cambs, PE28 ONJ P +44 1480 862 084 F +44 1480 862 083 Curaden Swiss PO Box 91 Unley SA 5061 Australia P +61 (08) 8272 6196 F +61 (08) 8271 7098 Founder and Chairman of CURADEN SWISS [email protected]
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