Anthurium Pot Plants Anthurium Cut Flowers Bougainvillea Heliconia
Anthurium Pot Plants Anthurium Cut Flowers Bougainvillea Heliconia
Anthurium 2016 - 2017 Anthurium Pot Plants Anthurium Cut Flowers Bougainvillea Heliconia Table of Contents 2 The Legacy 4 Anthurium Pot Plants Large Pots Large Flowering THE LEGACY Large Pots Multi Flowering Dümmen Orange™ represents a legacy of floricultural excellence more than a century in the making. By uniting the world’s top breeders under one distinctive brand, we blend traditional techniques and emerging technologies to provide the largest selection of superior flowers and plants on earth. Globally accessible and locally embedded, we continue to be at the forefront of our industry while bringing stability and opportunity to our partners and associates worldwide. Grounded in this rich history, wise growth and deep commitment to our customers, Dümmen Orange™ blooms brighter year after year. Small Pots Large Flowering Small Pots Multi Flowering 20 Anthurium Cut Flowers Large Medium 5 LARGE POTS LARGE FLOWERING 10 LARGE POTS MULTI FLOWERING Small 28Bougainvillea 30Heliconia 32 Supply options for young plants Table of Contents 3 14 16 SMALL POTS MULTI FLOWERING SMALL POTS LARGE FLOWERING 34Contact 20 ANTHURIUM CUT FLOWERS 30 HELICONIA 28 BOUGAINVILLEA 5 Anthurium RIJNPLANT BY DÜMMEN ORANGE ANTHURIUM LARGE POTS LARGE FLOWERING All large flowering, brightly coloured varieties within the ‘large pot large flowering’ segment are respected, appreciated and currently sold worldwide. The members of this collection are rich flowering and are long-lasting like all other Dümmen Orange Anthurium varieties. Available in a variety of colours such as Red, Pink, White, Orange, Black and Purple. KING® RED VR0199 RED VICTORY® VR0317 QUEEN® BLACK VR0405 Anthurium 7 THUNDERBIRD LUXURY® VR0480 QUEEN® GREEN VR0502 KING PINK® VR0754 BUGATTI ROYALE® VR0755 PRINCESS ARIANE® PRIDE VR0661 PRINCE® OF ORANGE VR0691 BUGATTI VEYRON® VR0793 MOZAÏEK® FANTASY VR0794 RED WINNER® VR0715 PRINCESS ALEXIA® RED VR0744 Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane are the three daughters of the Dutch King and Queen. Following on from our existing collections - The Queen, King and Prince - the names of these princesses are an appropriate addition. As a Dutch company, we are highly honoured to have acquired the trademark for these names. The varieties that bear these names are carefully selected and just like the princesses, have their own character. PINK EXPLOSION® VR1010 Anthurium 9 BLACK BEAUTY® VR1020 WHITE WINNER® VR1089 WHITE EXPLOSION® VR1113 >21 >8 cm / inc h 17 c 7 in m / ch 14 c 6 in m / ch 12 c 5 in m / ch 9c m 4 in / ch 7c m 3 in / ch 23465 26426 101359 103365 101929 105679 105525 106312 110219 108450 110889 109692 Co ld Tol era n VB N co de RIJN200310 Co lo Gro r up PB R na m e e Red King VR0317 Anthurium Queen® Black VR0405 RIJN200449 Thunderbird Luxury® VR0480 RIJN200543 Queen® Green VR0502 RIJN200565 Princess Ariane® Pride VR0661 RIJN200679 Prince® Of Orange VR0691 RYN2006109 Red Winner® VR0715 RYN2007017 Princess Alexia® Red VR0744 RYN2007046 King Pink® VR0754 RYN2007056 Bugatti Royale® VR0755 RYN2007057 Bugatti Veyron® VR0793 RYN2008009 Mozaïek® Fantasy VR0794 RYN2008010 Pink Explosion® VR1010 RYN2010074 Queen® Sweet VR1017 RYN2010081 Black Beauty® VR1020 RYN2010084 Dynamite® Purple VR1024 RYN2010088 NEW Real® Pink VR1063 RYN2011035 NEW Dynamite Red® VR1083 RYN2011055 NEW DYNAMITE RED® VR1083 co d VR0199 Red Victory® Pl King® Red DÜMMEN ORANGE | REAL® PINK VR1063 ce SUCCESS WHITE® VR1118 Pro d na uct me DYNAMITE® PURPLE VR1024 Flo w siz er e QUEEN® SWEET VR1017 White Winner® VR1089 RYN2011061 White Explosion® VR1113 RYN2011085 Success White® VR1118 RYN2011090 116235 117464 116486 117466 116417 116231 116238 117427 large red yes yes yes yes large red yes yes yes yes large black no yes yes yes large purple yes yes yes large green no yes yes large red no large orange yes large red yes large red no large pink yes large orange yes large red yes large white no large pink no large pink yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes large black yes yes yes yes large purple yes yes yes yes large pink ? large red yes large white yes large white no large white no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 11 Anthurium RIJNPLANT BY DÜMMEN ORANGE ANTHURIUM LARGE POTS MULTI FLOWERING This collection combines excellent growth with a very long shelf life. These varieties are bushy and rich flowering. It consists of very special varieties with remarkable flower and spadix colours and shapes which are unique in the world. BEAUTY® PINK VR1001 LOVE® BLACK VR1042 BEAUTY® WHITE VR1091 LOVE® FANTASY VR0154 FANCY FEVER® VR1041 LOVE® BURNING VR1074 LOVE® PURPLE VR0990 Anthurium 13 PINK ROMANCE® VR1055 PRINCESS AMALIA® HOTLIPS VR0973 PRINCESS ALEXIA® AMOR VR0890 >21 >8 cm / inc h 17 c 7 in m / ch yes yes yes medium red yes yes yes yes medium black no yes yes yes yes medium red yes yes yes yes yes medium pink yes yes yes yes yes small purple yes yes yes yes medium pink yes yes yes yes medium pink yes yes yes yes medium pink yes yes yes yes medium red yes yes yes yes small white yes yes yes yes medium pink yes yes yes yes medium pink yes yes yes yes medium purple yes yes yes yes medium green yes yes yes yes 12 c 5 in m / ch yes yes 9c m 4 in / ch yes yes 7c m 3 in / ch no white Co ld Tol era n pink small Co lo Gro r up 14 c 6 in m / ch ce RYN2010065 VR1091 RYN2011063 NEW Fancy Fever® VR1041 RYN2011013 NEW Love® Black VR1042 RYN2011014 Love® Burning VR1074 RYN2011046 Love® Fantasy VR0154 NEW Love® Purple VR0990 NEW Love® Special VR0958 Love® Summer VR0600 Pink Romance® VR1055 Princess Alexia® Amor VR0890 Princess Alexia® Snow VR0765 Princess Amalia® Elegance VR0796 Princess Amalia® Hotlips VR0973 Purple Heart® VR0353 Romance® VR0969 1999-22 RYN2010054 RYN2011022 RIJN200618 RYN2011027 RYN2009016 RYN2007067 RYN2008012 RYN2010037 RIJN200346 RYN2010033 NEW VB N co de e PB R na m Pl VR1001 Beauty® White NEW medium Anthurium Beauty® Pink NEW PRINCESS AMALIA® ELEGANCE VR0796 co de Pro d na uct me ROMANCE® VR0969 DÜMMEN ORANGE | PRINCESS ALEXIA® SNOW VR0765 PURPLE HEART® VR0353 Flo w siz er e LOVE® SUMMER VR0600 116418 117460 110245 117408 113717 101168 117462 103364 116233 110779 110487 108453 117425 28528 117423 yes yes yes yes 15 Anthurium RIJNPLANT BY DÜMMEN ORANGE ANTHURIUM SMALL POTS LARGE FLOWERING Within this collection we have selected varieties with a very compact body, small leaves and large bright flowers. These varieties have been developed to grow well in small pots. Remarkable characteristics are the exuberant amount of flowers with a rela- PRINCESS ARIANE® SECRET VR1015 PRINCESS ARIANE® GLOSSY VR1029 GIANT CHOCOLATE® VR1007 Co ld Tol era n Flo w siz er e red yes yes yes yes yes yes medium white no yes yes yes yes yes yes large red no yes yes yes yes large brown yes yes yes yes large orange yes yes yes yes yes large orange yes yes yes yes yes yes large red no yes yes yes yes large orange no yes yes yes yes Co lo Gro r up VB N co de e PB R na m co de Pl 9c m 4 in / ch SUCCESS RED® VR0880 medium Anthurium Dynamite Red® VR1083 RYN2011055 Success White® VR1118 RYN2011090 Success Red® VR0880 RYN2009006 Giant Chocolate® VR1007 RYN2010071 NEW Orangina VR0944 RYN201008 Prince® Of Orange VR0691 RYN2006109 NEW Princess Ariane® Secret VR1015 RYN2010079 NEW Princess Ariane® Glossy VR1029 RYN2011001 NEW 7c m 3 in / ch DÜMMEN ORANGE | 17 c 7 in m / ch SUCCESS WHITE® VR1118 14 c 6 in m / ch PRINCE® OF ORANGE VR0691 12 c 5 in m / ch ORANGINA VR0944 ce DYNAMITE RED® VR1083 Pro d na uct me diameter from 7 cm to 12 cm. >21 >8 cm / inc h tively big size. These varieties can be best grown in pots with a 116417 117427 111562 116237 117459 105525 117428 117463 yes yes 17 Anthurium RIJNPLANT BY DÜMMEN ORANGE ANTHURIUM SMALL POTS MULTI FLOWERING Each member collection has outstanding flowering capabilities, a very compact body, small leaves and very many flowers. These varieties can be best grown in pots with a diameter from 7 cm to 12 cm. Available in colours such as Red, Pink, White, Orange, Black and Purple. NANO RED® VR0614 BABY® BOOMER VR0343 MILLION® FLOWERS RED VR0979 BABY® RED VR1062 BABY® ORANGE VR0339 PINK FEVER® VR1025 PRINCESS ALEXIA® VIOLET VR0719 LIPSTICK® RED VR1043 PRINCESS ALEXIA® WHITE VR0395 PRINCESS ARIANE® ORANGE VR0706 DÜMMEN ORANGE | ANTHEDESIA® PINK VR0456 MILLION® FLOWERS BORDEAUX VR0959 >21 >8 cm / inc h 14 c 6 in m / ch 12 c 5 in m / ch Co ld Tol era PB R na m co de Pl Anthurium Baby® Boomer VR0343 RIJN200336 Baby® Orange VR0339 RIJN200332 Nano Red® VR0614 RIJN200632 NEW Lipstick® Red VR1043 RYN2011015 NEW Million® Flowers Red VR0979 RYN2010043 Baby® Red VR1062 RYN2011034 Pink Fever® VR1025 Barmodu Princess Alexia® Violet VR0719 RYN2007021 Princess Alexia® White VR0395 RIJN200439 Princess Ariane® Orange VR0706 RYN2007008 Princess Ariane® Red VR0424 RIJN200468 Princess Amalia® Elegance VR0796 RYN2008012 Love® Black VR1042 RYN2011014 Princess Amalia® Purple VR0798 RYN2008014 NEW 9c m 4 in / ch VR0912 7c m 3 in / ch BABY® WHITE VR1166 nc e PRINCESS AMALIA® PURPLE VR0798 Co lo Gro r up LOVE® BLACK VR1042 Flo w siz er e BABY® PURPLE VR1117 VB N co de PRINCESS ALEXIA® GLORIOUS VR1021 e PRINCESS AMALIA® ELEGANCE VR0796 Pro d na uct me PRINCESS ARIANE® RED VR0424 17 c 7 in m / ch Anthurium 19 26427 26423 105516 117426 117233 108344 27962 108448 101352 107306 101932 108453 117408 110901 101931 117467 medium red yes small orange yes yes small red yes medium red yes small red yes small red not tested yes yes yes small pink no yes yes yes small white yes yes yes yes medium white yes yes yes yes yes medium orange yes yes yes yes yes small red no medium pink yes medium black no small purple yes small pink yes medium pink no small pink not tested yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Anthedesia® Pink VR0456 RIJN200519 Million® Flowers Bordeaux VR0959 RYN2010023 NEW Princess Alexia® Glorious VR1021 RYN2010085 NEW Baby® Purple VR1117 RYN2011089 small purple yes yes yes yes yes NEW Baby® White VR1166 RYN2012003 small white no yes yes yes yes NEW VR0912 VR0912 RYN2009038 small white no yes yes yes 117465 yes yes yes 21 Anthurium RIJNPLANT BY DÜMMEN ORANGE ANTHURIUM LARGE Large sized cut flower Anthuriums are characterized by the diameter size which is at least 16 cm. The RijnPlant assortment offers you new unique shapes and a wide range of colours and high yields in production. MARIJKE® VR0310 BLACK QUEEN® VR0405 RED AMOR® VR0420 23 Anthurium RIJNPLANT BY DÜMMEN ORANGE ANTHURIUM MEDIUM Medium sized cut flower Anthuriums are characterized by a diameter size which is between 12 and 15 cm. The RijnPlant assortment offers you a large range of varieties which are distinctive by the fact that they are useable in small flower bouquets as well in large flower arrangements. PRINCESS ALEXIA® MINT VR0684 SILVIA® VR0729 ANOUK® VR0380 CYNTHIA® VR0416 DÜMMEN ORANGE | ce Co ld Tol era n VB N Le cod af e VB N Cla cod ssi e c VB N co de Va s (da e Life ys) Flo w m2 ers /y / r (cm Ste m Le ng th Cu t Su Leaf itab le Co lo Gro r up e PB R na m co de Pl Pro d na uct me ) REMBRANDT® PURPLE VR0817 Anthurium Marijke® VR0310 RIJN200303 green no Black Queen® VR0405 RIJN200449 black yes Red Amor® VR0420 RIJN200464 red yes Princess Alexia® Mint VR0684 RYN2006102 green no Silvia® VR0729 RYN2007031 purple no Rembrandt® Purple VR0817 RYN2008033 purple no 55-60 50-55 55-60 55-60 50-55 60-65 80-90 100-120 100-110 80-100 110-120 75-85 39,8 40 >21 28,4 >21 33,7 103531 108347 103530 103529 103531 109690 yes yes yes no yes no WHITE KING® VR0475 VIOLET HEART® VR0598 25 Anthurium RIJNPLANT BY DÜMMEN ORANGE ANTHURIUM SMALL Small sized Anthurium cut flowers characterize themselves by the size of the flower which is 9 - 11 cm. The RijnPlant assortment assures you of extremely high yields and a long vase life. RijnPlant is the only breeder with a complete assortment in this range. no White King® VR0475 RIJN200538 white no Violet Heart® VR0598 RIJN200616 purple yes Adonis Red® VR0728 RYN2007030 red no Princess Alexia® Red VR0744 RYN2007046 red no Real Orange® VR0787 RYN2008003 orange no Queen® Sweet VR1017 RYN2010081 pink yes e PB R na m co d Pl ce no white Co ld Tol era n Cu t Su Leaf itab le purple VR0416 Ste m Le ng th (c Co lo Gro r up VR0380 VR0416 e VR0380 Cynthia® Pro d na uct me Anouk® DÜMMEN ORANGE | VB N Le cod af e SNOWY® VR0162 VB N Cla cod ssi e c QUEEN® SWEET VR1017 VB N co de REAL ORANGE® VR0787 Va s (da e Life ys) LOVE® FANTASY VR0154 Flo w m2 ers /y / r PRINCESS ALEXIA® RED VR0744 m) ADONIS RED® VR0728 Anthurium 55-60 55-60 40-45 40-45 50-55 50-55 50-55 40-45 110-120 100-110 140-150 160-180 90-100 160-180 100-110 70-90 27 24 >21 >21 >21 >21 >21 40,8 101367 100208 106313 106765 110515 103529 106313 106765 yes no yes yes no no yes LOVE® ATTRACTIVE VR0349 Anthurium 27 PRINCESS ALEXIA® PEARL VR0509 LOVE® ORANGE VR0525 ROMANCE® VR0969 LOVE® BURNING VR1074 DÜMMEN ORANGE | PRINCESS AMALIA® ELEGANCE VR0796 JAGUAR GREEN® VR0827 ce Co ld Tol era n VB N Le cod af e VB N Cla cod ssi e c VB N co de Va s (da e Life ys) Flo w m2 ers /y / r Ste m Le ng th (c Cu t Su Leaf itab le Co lo Gro r up e PB R na m Pl co d e Pro d na uct me m) LOVE® CHOCOLATE VR0712 Anthurium Love® Fantasy VR0154 1999-22 pink no Snowy® VR0162 Snowy white no Love® Attractive VR0349 RIJN200342 pink yes Princess Alexia® Pearl VR0509 RIJN200572 white yes Love® Orange VR0525 RIJN200588 orange no Love® Chocolate VR0712 RYN2007014 brown yes Princess Amalia® Elegance VR0796 RYN2008012 pink no Jaguar Green® VR0827 RYN2007024 green no Romance® VR0969 RYN2011033 green yes Love® Burning VR1074 RYN2011046 red yes 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 40-45 220-250 180-190 220-250 190-200 250-280 220-250 180-190 250-280 250-280 160-180 22,4 39,5 41,3 38 38 >21 >21 >21 26,8 >21 22085 22090 28771 101474 102804 106767 111468 105682 113715 101167 yes no yes 107297 102805 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Bougainvillea 29 RIJNPLANT BY DÜMMEN ORANGE BOUGAINVILLEA The Vera® varieties as well as the Rijnstar® collection are fantastic houseplants. If the temperature outside rises above 14 degrees it is also plant to freshen up your terrace or balcony, in particular the varieties of the Bougainvillea Vera® collection with their colourful flower bunches. A strong collection with im- RIJNSTAR LILA® VR4014 proved durability that keeps its intense colour over a long period. RIJNSTAR WHITE® VR4013 9c m 4 in / ch 12 c 5 in m / ch 14 c 6 in m / ch 17 c 7 in m / ch RijnBo 802 large lilac yes yes yes yes yes VR4013 RijnBo 801 large white yes yes yes yes yes yes Vera Deep Purple® VR4002 ‘Vera Deep Purple‘ medium purple yes yes yes yes yes yes Vera New White® VR4026 RijnBo 711 medium white yes yes yes yes yes yes PB R na m Pl 7c m 3 in / ch VR4014 Rijnstar White® e Rijnstar Lila® DÜMMEN ORANGE | co d Co lo Gro ur up >21 >8 cm / inc h VERA NEW WHITE® VR4026 Flo w Siz er e e Pro d na uct me VERA DEEP PURPLE® VR4002 Bougainvillea yes Heliconia 31 RIJNPLANT BY DÜMMEN ORANGE HELICONIA Originally from South America, now available as a 75 - 100 cm houseplant. Under the right conditions the Heliconia can have 3 to 5 flowers all year round. The slender shaped flowers have a mixture of fresh and bright colours, often with dark green flower tips. The exotic collection is available as young plant and suitable to grow in 17, 19 and 21 cm pots. VR3067 >21 >8 cm / inc h 17 c 7 in m / ch VB N co de e NEW VR3067 VR3067 RYNhel3067 110273 orange yes yes NEW VR3088 VR3088 RYNhel3069 yellow/pink yes yes NEW VR3098 VR3098 RYNhel3068 red yes yes DÜMMEN ORANGE | Pl PB R na m Co lo Gro ur up VR3098 e co d Pro d na uct me VR3088 Heliconia Examples of transport packaging Supply options for young plants 72 cell tray 24 cell tray 17 cm pot Plant height: 55-65 cm Plug size Ø: 17 cm 14 cm pot Plant height: 45-55 cm Plug size Ø: 14 cm 9 cm pot Plant height: 20-40 cm Plug size Ø: 9 cm 24 cell tray Plant height: 20-25 cm Plug size Ø: 7 cm 72 cell tray Plant height: 16-20 cm Plug size Ø: 4.3 cm 144 cell tray Plant height: 7-9 cm Plug size Ø: 2.6 cm Anthurium 35 CONTACT Dümmen Orange MAURICE VAN LEEUWEN Global Manager Sales [email protected] GERJO ENGBERS Sales Manager Area: Asia & Middle East [email protected] MAO LIU Account Manager Area: America & Oceania [email protected] ERWIN VAN LUIJK Sales Support [email protected] WEI GUO TANG Account Manager Area: China [email protected] JOHN CROZIER Logistics Manager Area: Worldwide [email protected] OUR GARDEN DÜMMEN ORANGE offers the largest selection of superior flowers and plants on earth. Explore our vast collection of products and experience our showcase of natural, global beauty. RijnPlant by Dümmen Orange Hofzichtlaan 5 2678 NC De Lier The Netherlands T. +31(0)174 44 56 95 F. +31(0)174 44 56 91 - Disclaimer Although Dümmen Orange has composed this brochure with great care, the information contained in this brochure is for general information purposes only. Dümmen Orange makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the information contained herein. In no event will any company part of Dümmen Orange be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, direct or indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of turnover or profits arising out of, or in connection with the information contained herein.