Newsletter 5, 17_5_13


Newsletter 5, 17_5_13
Wendell Park Primary School and Children’s Centre
Cobbold Road
London W12 9LB
0208 743 1372 Fax 0208 746 0298
e.mail: [email protected]
NEWSLETTER 5 DATE: 17.05.2013
Next week is going to be very busy with an
extensive range of sporng acvies for Sports and Fitness
Mr Wolfendale, PE subject leader, has idenfied the focus
for this year as ‘Hand and eye
We are very lucky with the support provided by parents on educaonal
visits out of school. It is not always possible to include every parent who
has volunteered to help, but when you do help it is great to have
Dear Mrs Mears,
Hand eye coordinaon is the ability of the vision system to
coordinate informaon received through the eyes to control, guide and direct the hands in the accomplishment of a
given task such as, hand wring or catching a ball. During
the week children will be taking part in sporng
acvies which required good hand eye coordinaon such
as, tennis, hockey, rounders and hand ball.
I would like to say how much I enjoyed my day with Recepon on their
trip to London Zoo. The group were well behaved and I was parcularly
impressed with how sensible they were when walking to and from the
coach to the Zoo. I spent most of my me with Kit, Tobi, Levy and Elyas they were fun to be with for the day. We saw many, many different
animals. My favourites were the penguins and it was parcularly excing
to go to the penguin show and watch them at feeding me.
The usual sports mornings or a,ernoons will take place. As
always parents are warmly welcome to a.end.
Thank you so much to Mrs Kaplan and Miss Browne and all of the other
staff for organising such a fantasc day. I will definitely be telling all of
the other school governors at our next meeng that is was a very good
trip. I was very red though and when I got home I had to have a sit
down and a very big cup of tea!
Please remind the children to have their PE kit in school
from Monday morning and keep your
fingers crossed for good weather. In the event of sustained
rain the events will be cancelled and parents nofied by
Best wishes,
PC Samm and the Schools Team from the Police Staon will
be providing a phone and bike security marking on Thursday 23rd May on the day of the mini marathon.
Simply bring along your mobile phone and bike and they
will security mark it for you for free. You will need to know
your postcode.
Next week in School:
9.10am, Key Stage 2 Certificate assembly
2.00pm External Fire Risk Assessment, Mark Skinner
9.10am, Key Stage 1, Certificate assembly
Mrs Hough at Middle leaders Course Lila Huset
1.30pm, Key Stage 2 Sports Afternoon
Miss Harman, Miss Browne and Miss McCarthy at SEN
training: Literacy for hearing impaired
2.00pm, Mrs Mears meeting Julie James, Headteacher
Wormholt Park Primary School
12.30pm, ‘Big Lunch’
Half-term Week
School closed: Monday 27 May to Friday 31st May
Our annual Big Lunch is to take place
on Friday 24 June 2013, the day when
the all the children, parents and
neighbours have lunch in the school
playground at the same me.
As last year, to overcome plates
blowing about if it is a windy day, we
are asking each child to bring a plate
from home in a plasc carrier bag.
Not your best bone china!
Each child will take their own plate to the playground as they go for
lunch. Contribuons of food are welcome.
Cold food should be sent into school with the children or
brought in by 10.30am.
Hot food must be brought in, ready to serve at 12.00.
Key Stage 1
Y1 Onyx
Y1 Paua
Y2 Aquamarine
Y2 Opal
Y2 Sapphire
Key Stage 2
Y3 Jet
Y3 Ruby
Y4 Emerald
Y4 Turquoise
Y5 Amber
Y5 Pearl
Y6 Amethyst
Y6 Graphite
Kia become thoroughly immersed in thinking about the
Year 5s have been wring character descripons. Nickya has used
Victorians a6er his visit to the Ragged School Museum. He
a super-hero to generate
wrote a very good diary entry of what it felt like to be a pupil at his descripon.
that 8me. Well done Kai!
Hulk Character
Dear Diary,
I had the worst day at
Awkwardly, Bruce
school ever! It all started
Banner stared through
when George pushed me
his thick glasses with a
for no reason, so I pushed
frown on his slight face.
him back. Miss Perkins
Carefully, he put his
saw me push him so I got
invenon on the table.
into big trouble. She
Scienst Bruce Banner
punished me with 10 hits
of the cane! Every me I
was curios that a cric
tried to tell her the truth
was vising his lab. He is
an intelligent, smiling
she didn’t listen and she
and geeky person. Bruce
hit me again. I just gave
Banner is not vicious on the outside, but, on the inside he’s
Then in arithmec I got
the sum wrong so she made me wear the dunce’s hat for 20
minutes. I felt so embarrassed. I hate arithmec.
Yours always,
Week commencing 06.05.13—10.05.13
School Attendance is:96.4
Run by Year 5 and 6 pupils
Attendance Cup Winner
1C 100% Paua Class
Parents and children don’t forget to listen to our school radio.
You can listen to previous broadcasts. It’s easy: Log onto the
school website, click on ‘out of school learning’ then click on
‘Wendell Airwaves’ choose the term and finally click on the
programme you wish to listen to. Happy listening!
Punctuality Cup Winner
97.5% 4S Emerald Class
Our 360 Fitness class is going strong If you want to get fit come and join us.
It was another great
assembly from Aquamarine
Class. This time all about
Katie Morag.
Big thank you goes
to Yaser and
Sharmarke who
volunteered to be
the Grannies!
Who is Katie Morag? Katie Morag is a girl who
lives on a little island called Struay in Scotland.
How do we know about her? Well, thanks to
Mairi Hedderwick who wrote many
books about her.
Katie Morag has 2
Grannies, Grannie
Island and Grannie
The two Grannies are
very different.
Grannie Mainland is
very posh and fancy and
she likes to wear
fashionable dresses and
colourful hats.
Grannie Island is a
farmer and has a prize
winning sheep called
In the book ‘Katie Morag
delivers the mail’ she accidently
slips on a slithery stone and
falls into the water with all of
the parcels she supposed to
Acting out!
Some sheep
feasting on
We wrote a
about the
Grannie Mainland!
CBeebies have chosen their Katie Morag for their show!
It will be screened in autumn.
Both Recepon classes went to the zoo on Monday. We had
been looking forward to it for weeks and everyone was very
excited on the way there. There was a lot of walking to see
all of the animals. The penguin and ger territory were
highlights as were the ancs of the parrot during the show.
The bus was much quieter on the way back to school! Many
thanks to all the parents who volunteered to help us.