Spring 2014
Spring 2014
medicalphysicsweb review In association with the journal Physics in Medicine & Biology Spring 2014 MRI guides radiation treatments Clinical treatment has now started on the ViewRay MR-guided radiation therapy system. The ViewRay MR-guided radiotherapy system has been used for the first time to perform real-time continuous MR imaging during a patient treatment. This breakthrough treatment took place in January of this year at the Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine (St Louis, MO), where the ViewRay system is now in regular clinical use. MR guidance enables the clinician to visualize a patient’s tumour and surrounding anatomy in real-time and ensure that the radiation beam remains on target as the tumour moves. “This has never been done before,” said Michael Saracen, ViewRay’s senior director of marketing. “Previously, it had not been possible to visualize what was going on during the whole treatment. Now, we can make movies of it.” Tami Freeman caught up with Saracen to find out more. TF: How does ViewRay’s device differ from other MR-guided radiotherapy systems? MS: ViewRay’s system uses cobalt-60 sources, rather than integrating the MR scanner with a linac. Cobalt-60 was somewhat of an arcane technology that delivered low doses, but ViewRay uses highly activated cobalt and three heads that fire simultaneously to provide an equivalent output to a 4 MV linac. The system also uses doubly focused multileaf collimators that provide the sharpest beam penumbra possible and deliver equivalent performance to a standard linac. Welcome to medicalphysicsweb review, a special supplement brought to you by the editors of medicalphysicsweb. This issue, distributed at ESTRO 33 in Vienna, Austria, and the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRMESMRMB in Milan, Italy, brings you a taster of our recent online content. If you like what you see, why not register for free as a member – simply go to medicalphysicsweb.org or visit us at booth #1900 (ESTRO) or booth #112 (ISMRM-ESMRMB). Tami Freeman Editor, medicalphysicsweb Real-time monitoring: the ViewRay system includes a rotating gantry assembly with three Cobalt-60 teletherapy heads and three multileaf collimators, as well as a split-magnet MRI system for soft-tissue imaging. ers superior imaging with no dose. Even if you couldn’t image during treatment, this improves patient alignment. But because it’s MRI, you are able to image in real time throughout the treatment. The doctors can see the target, check it is in range and make changes or adapt the treatment if required. It’s not like other systems that use surrogates to track respiratory motion. What treatments have been Here, you’re looking at the anatomy performed to date? One of the first treatments was ste- and treating the anatomy – it’s really reotactic body radiation therapy game changing. (SBRT) for lung cancer; 3D conformal and intensity-modulated radio- Are adaptive treatments being therapies have also been performed. performed? The centre has already treated a wide Knowing that this has never been variety of disease sites including done before, the Washington Unilung, stomach, colon, bladder, ilium, versity team is moving slowly abdomen, breast and mediansti- towards the adaptive stage. They num, to name but a few. The system are collecting data with the goal of is really being used for everything, defining protocols. For example, if from palliative to curative therapies the targets are within a percentage at all sites. Five patients have already threshold during a treatment then completed their treatment, but most it’s good to go; if not, then maybe the of the others are undergoing stand- doctors need to replan. With the Vieard fractionated courses of six to wRay system, you can do that at the eight weeks. console while the patient is on the table. I believe in the next month or How does the MR imaging help? two they plan to start incorporating Replacing cone-beam CT with that as well, they’re very eager to start high-contrast soft-tissue MRI deliv- using this. Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org EDITORIAL So it’s possible to perform online changes during treatment? Yes the ViewRay system is capable of doing that. When James Dempsey designed this almost 10 years ago, that’s what he had in mind. The system includes autocontouring tools and ultrafast Monte Carlo dose calculation that can, for example, create a 9-beam prostate plan in just 20 s. about treating 20 patients a day. Alongside the clinical treatments, the researchers are also performing imaging studies. They are working on getting a bunch of abstracts out for forthcoming meetings – there’s a lot of activity on that front. Are any other ViewRay systems in use yet? A total of six systems have been purchased, with three currently in the Is the Siteman Cancer Center solely using the device clinically? installation phase. One system is now It’s a research centre, so they’re tak- being used for imaging studies at the ing the approach that it’s not just University of Wisconsin in Madison, and UCLA has finished the RF shielding and is now installing the system. Typically, once a system is delivered, it’ll be used for imaging studies for a month or two and then the team will install the sources and perform the dosimetry. Interestingly, because it is cobalt-based, and cobalt is the standard by which all radiation is measured, some commissioning elements of the ViewRay system can actually be much faster than for a standard linac. The therapists have been really keen on using the system and have got up to speed really quickly. “Previously, it had not been possible to visualize what was going on during the whole treatment. Now, we can make movies of it.” Tami Freeman is editor of medicalphysicsweb. PMB UPDATE Physics in Medicine & Biology focuses on the application of physics to medicine and biology and has experienced outstanding growth in recent years. The journal continues to build on its reputation for publishing excellent research rapidly. Our 2012 impact factor stands at 2.701*. Editor-in-Chief: S R Cherry University of California, Davis, USA iopscience.org/pmb *As listed in the 2012 ISI Journal Citation Reports® medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 Tomorrow’s Technology Today See what is possible with these advanced treatment planning system features: Monte Carlo Electrons Atlas Based Auto Segmentation Fallback Planning Multi Criteria Optimization for IMRT & VMAT - Real Time Dose Adjustments with Navigational Sliders Protocol Based Planning Dose Tracking / Adaptive Replanning Deformable Registration Proton Planning... and much more www.raysearchlabs.com [email protected] EUROPE +46 (0)8 545 061 30 NORTH AMERICA +1-877-778-3849 ASIA +46 (0)8 545 061 30 focus on: MR-guided therapy 3 How to optimize MRI-linac gradient coils Hybrid MRI-linacs offer a promising new approach to image-guided radiotherapy, delivering soft-tissuebased position verification during treatment. Such systems are often designed with split gradient coils to accommodate the accelerator and the patient in the gap. The rapid pulsing of these coils, however, induces electric fields and currents within the patient, a phenomenon that needs to be evaluated for patient safety. Potential health risks of electric field induction by pulsed gradient coils include stimulation of the peripheral nerves and muscles and/ or induction of retinal light flashes. If the patient is positioned between split coils at right-angles to the magnet bore, the field interactions are very different to those seen in conventional MR scanners. In addition, the gradient field produced outside the imaging region by a split coil has a different spatial distribution to that produced by a standard nonsplit coil. “Further research is needed to work out the optimal design of the gradient coils and patient positioning,” explained Stuart Crozier, Director of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Queensland in Australia. With this aim, Crozier and colleagues performed a detailed simulation study to evaluate the electric fields and associated current densities induced in a patient being scanned in an MRI-linac system. Hybrid strategy ups target dose Hybrid adaptive radiotherapy using MRI provides higher doses to treatment targets compared with conventional strategies in patients with cervical cancer, according to a retrospective treatment planning study by researchers in Canada. The strategy exploits the soft-tissue detail provided by MRI and uses scans over the course of therapy to both guide the positioning of the patient’s tumour and replan the treatment, correcting for target motion and deformation (Radiother. Oncol. doi: 10.1016/j. radonc.2013.11.006). “We found that the integrated strategy is remarkably successful even for the most difficult cases of cervix cancer,” said Young-Bin Cho, who conducted the study with colleagues at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto. Traditionally, cervical cancer patients are positioned for treatment using X-ray-based imaging of bony landmarks in the pelvis, with a single treatment plan prepared for the duration of therapy. However, the treatment target can move relative to the bony anatomy and pelvic softtissue anatomy can change significantly over the course of treatment, Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org Patient orientations: the human model positioned inside the coils along the radial (left) and axial (right) directions. They studied human voxel models in six different treatment positions, using a range of split-geometry gradient coils (Phys. Med. Biol. 59 233). The models were sited in the MRI-linac along the axial or radial direction, with the targeted regionof-interest (ROI) in the body centre (position 1), the chest (position 2) or the head (position 3). The researchers examined a series of activelyshielded gradient coils, including three split transverse (x-) coils: classic connected coil (CC), classic separated coil (CS) and flanged coil (FC), a conventional non-split x-coil (CV), and a split longitudinal (z-) coil (ZC). The researchers first simulated a voxel model of the body with 4 mm resolution, to compare the x-coil geometries. Within the ROI, the amplitudes and distributions of electric fields and current densities induced by the different coils were similar. Outside the ROI, however, the fields and currents induced by the split gradient coils were higher than those due to the non-split conventional coil. This effect was especially pronounced in position 3, where most of the body was far from the ROI. With the model in the axial orientation, the largest peak current density (0.9463 A/m 2 ) occurred using the CC in position 2, while the maximal electric field (6.655 V/m) was seen using the CS in position 1. In the radial position, the largest peak current density (0.2284 A/m2 ) and highest electric field (8.8244 V/m) were both induced by the CS in position 2. According to ICNIRP guidelines, the 99th percentile value of the induced electric field (E99%) should remain below 0.8 V/m for tissues exposed to a time-varying magnetic field between 400 Hz and 3 kHz. The highest value of E99% (0.9021 V/m) was seen for the axially-oriented model in position 1, induced by the CC. This value was 22.6% higher than that calculated for a conventional non-split coil in the same position. The researchers also simulated voxel models with 2 mm resolution, to study the distribution of peak induced current densities inside the body. For the flanged coil (FC), peak current densities occurred in different organs for different body position, orientation and gender, while peak electric fields mostly occurred reducing a plan’s effectiveness. The researchers investigated the impact of soft-tissue MRI-based positioning and replanning over conventional approaches, simulating treatments in 15 patients. Each patient had already been treated and received CT and MRI scans for treatment planning, plus weekly MRI scans over their five-week treatment course. The weekly scans were carried out using an MRI simulator with the patient positioned as if for treatment. Simulated soft-tissue and bony positioning approaches – both using MRI – were combined with either zero, one or four (weekly) replans. The updated plans, generated from the weekly scans, were applied after a week’s delay to mimic clinical workflow. Online replans based on the weekly MRIs were also simulated, but these were introduced without delay. Patient anatomy at each treatment fraction was assumed to be the same as that seen on the preceding weekly scan. In general, a hybrid strategy that used soft-tissue image guidance and off line replanning provided superior treatment volume coverage. The improvement was marked in five cases identified as difficult and increased with the frequency of replanning. In these cases, weekly replans resulted in D98 values – the dose to 98% of the target volume – that exceeded 95% of the prescribed dose in 100% of the treatment volumes. In the non-adapted treatments that relied on bony anatomy, the equivalent figure was only 60%. Online replanning was the only approach to match the hybrid strategy in dosimetry, but Cho argues this is not the solution for routine clinical treatments given its labour intensive nature and associated higher costs. “More importantly, the technology is not yet available in clinics” said Cho. “On the other hand, hybrid adaptation strategy, which performs similarly, is feasible with current technology and requires only moderate overall expenses.” In ongoing work managed by coauthor David Jaffray, head of Radiation Physics at Princess Margaret Hospital, the MRI system used in the study is being adapted to image patients immediately before treatment while they are on the linac couch. The mobile system sits on rails that enable it to be removed from the room during treatment. The team is currently testing the system and expects to have it up and running later this year. MR guidance for cardiac ablation Jude Dineley is a freelance science writer and former medical physicist based in Sydney, Australia. MRI Interventions and Siemens Healthcare announced an agreement to co-develop and commercialize a next-generation software platform that will enable minimally invasive catheter-based procedures to be performed under real-time MRI guidance. Today, virtually all catheter-based interventions are performed using fluoroscopy. The software, to be used in combination with companion MRI-guided catheters, will enable procedures to be performed under MRI guidance instead. This shift is significant because MRI provides superior visualization of soft tissue, continuous 3D visualization and eliminates radiation exposure for the patient and physician. The platform will serve as the software component of MRI Interventions’ ClearTrace system (in development and currently limited to investigational use). The full ClearTrace system is an integrated platform of software, reusable hardware and disposable catheters designed to enable real-time, MRIguided catheter interventions. MRI Interventions’ software will be a commercial successor to an innovative research software platform in the skin and fat tissues. The highest current densities (0.7658 A/m2 ) occurred in cerebrospinal f luid (CSF) in the axiallyoriented model in position 2. The highest electric field (4.7102 V/m) was in the skin of the radially-oriented model in position 2, while the largest E99% (0.9743 V/m) occurred in the fat tissue of the radially-oriented model in position 2. Repeating these simulations for the split z-gradient coil (ZC) revealed that most peak current densities occurred in the CSF, while peak electric fields occurred mostly in skin and fat tissues. The maximum current density (0.6006 A/m2 ) was in the CSF of the axially-oriented model in position 2, while the maximum electric field (5.6157 V/m) was in the skin of the axially-oriented model in position 3. The largest E99% (0.6661 V/m) was in the fat tissue of the radially-oriented model in position 2. The authors concluded that the amplitudes and distributions of the current density depended both on the body position and orientation. In addition, they noted that both electric fields and current densities were higher for the axially-oriented than the radially-oriented models. “The findings in this paper can help when designing and implementing split gradient coils,” Crozier told medicalphysicsweb. “They could also be used to assist clinicians in the best placement of the patient within the MRIlinac unit during treatment.” created by Siemens. Under a 2009 agreement, the companies worked together on the development of the research platform, specifically for use in MRI-guided cardiac ablation procedures with MRI Interventions’ catheters. Under this new agreement, they plan to develop a commercial version of the research platform, which MRI Interventions will then sell as its own product. “We are pleased to continue our strong working relationship with MRI Interventions,” said Robert Krieg, vice-president of MR product innovation and definition at Siemens Healthcare. “We see tremendous potential to improve patient care by further expanding the therapeutic uses of MRI.” MRI Interventions’ first product, the ClearPoint Neuro Intervention System, is in commercial use for MRI-guided, minimally invasive brain surgery. ClearPoint offers neurosurgeons real-time 3D visualization of the target neuro-anatomy and surgical instruments with no radiation exposure. MRI Interventions seeks to bring these same capabilities to catheter-based procedures outside of the brain, through its development of the ClearTrace system, with an initial focus on cardiac ablation procedures to treat arrhythmias. medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 Physics in Medicine & Biology The leading international journal of biomedical physics Fast publication • Worldwide visibility • High impact Editor-in-Chief: S R Cherry, University of California, Davis, USA If you are working in any of the following areas then we would like to invite your submissions: • all areas of radiotherapy physics • radiation dosimetry (ionizing and non-ionizing radiation) • biomedical imaging (e.g. x-ray, MR, ultrasound, optical, nuclear medicine) • image reconstruction and kinetic modelling • image analysis and computer-aided detection • other radiation medicine applications IMPACT • therapies (including non-ionizing radiation) FACTOR • biomedical optics 2.701* • radiation protection • radiobiology See a Live Demo at ESTRO! * As listed in ISI®’s 2012 Science Citation Index Journal citation reports Image: Reconstructed image for a human dynamic Tc-99m-sestamibi cardiac SPECT study. G T Gullberg et al 2010 Phys. Med. Biol. 55 R111 Sun Nuclear | Booth #5500 For more information, visit iopscience.org/pmb orVisit e-mail us at [email protected]. See a special presentation at our Satellite Symposium and In-Booth T Plan Quality Distribution Metric Scoresheet Plan Summary Quality Reports [EMR]® See a Live Demo at ESTRO! Plan Quality Management Visit Sun Nuclear | Booth #5500 Filling the critical gap in plan quality assessment and electronic medical records (EMR) for radiation oncology. Attend our ESTRO Satellite Symposium and In-Booth Talks Vienna, Austria | April 4-8 • Plan quality metrics enable quality management and continual improvement • Facilitates powerful and accessible electronic plan review and chart rounds View Program Agenda and Register Online www.sunnuclear.com/ESTRO • Automates comprehensive and customized reports vital for billing and audits • Compatible with all TPS systems, delivery modalities, and R&V systems Your Most Valuable QA and Dosimetry Tools focus on: MRI 5 PET/MR shows promise for brain studies MRI addresses lung screening Screening high-risk individuals for lung cancer can identify malignant nodules sooner and at earlier stages than they might otherwise have been detected, saving lives in the process. But every CT scan performed, even at a low dose, confers a small risk of causing cancer as a result of cumulative radiation dose exposure. Could a non-ionizing MRI scan provide a viable diagnostic option? German researchers have conducted a study to investigate the potential of MRI for detecting cancer-suspicious lung lesions. Gregor Sommer, from the department of radiology at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, and co-researchers prospectively recruited 49 participants of the ongoing German Lung Cancer Screening and Intervention trial (LUSI), who had either a pulmonary lesion larger than 10 mm or a lesion with calculated doubling time less than 400 days at follow-up. All had been immediately recalled for another CT exam according to LUSI protocol and, once enrolled in the study, an MRI exam (Eur. J. Radiol. 83 600). T hir ty chest M R I datasets, recorded using identical sequences to those used for the study particiSign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org Whole-body PET/MRI: the Biograph mMR from Siemens Healthcare. such studies are missing so far.” Schmidt and colleagues first evaluated the quantification accuracy of small lesions measured using two APD-based PET/MRI systems: the BrainPET brain scanner and Biograph mMR whole-body scanner. For comparison, they also assessed the Biograph mCT, a state-of-the-art PET/CT scanner (Invest. Radiol. doi: 10.1097/RLI.0000000000000021). The researchers used the three systems to acquire PET images of a cylindrical phantom containing eight spheres (with diameters of 4–8 mm) filled with [18F]-fluoride solution at different positions inside the PET field-of-view (FoV). They calculated “recovery values” for all images, defined as the measured activity concentration divided by the decay-cor- rected true activity concentration. The BrainPET system exhibited the highest recovery values – up to 99.0% for 8 mm spheres – and could better detect the smaller spheres. The whole-body PET/MRI, meanwhile, showed similar performance to the PET/CT scanner, with recovery values up to approximately 60% for the 8 mm spheres. However, the variability of recovery values for different sphere positions was higher for the BrainPET (up to 7.4%) than the PET/ MRI (up to 4.1%) and PET/CT (up to 4.3%) systems. The use of MR-derived (rather than CT-based) attenuation correction to reconstruct images from the wholebody scanner led to an underestimation in PET activity of up to 7.2%. The researchers also evaluated the effect pants, were selected from healthy individuals. Two board-certified radiologists then interpreted the anonymized combined exams. The radiologists indicated the presence of suspicious lesions and their level of diagnostic confidence. For positive findings, they provided the size and position of each detected lesion and indicated the sequence that was most useful for diagnosis. A third radiologist unblinded the data and compared the positions of the MRdetected pulmonary nodules to the corresponding CT data sets. The CT exams showed one suspicious lesion (with an average maximum diameter of 15 mm) in 46 studies, and two lesions in the remaining four datasets. On MRI, one radiologist identified half of these (27) lesions; the other radiologist identified 25. Two malignant nodules were missed by both radiologists. The false negative ratio was 52%. The overall sensitivity of MRI was 48% (26/54) and the specificity was 88% (29/33). The sensitivity of the MR images was 78% for malignant nodules and 36% for benign ones. Based on the findings of their study, the researchers believe that MRI has the potential to replace low-dose CT as the primary tool for lung cancer screening, provided that its sensitivity and specificity for detection of malignant lung nodules can be confirmed in further clinical trials as being greater than 75% and 90%, respectively. They pointed out that MRI offers the possibility of shortening screening intervals for individuals at very high risk. They also suggest that MRI may be used to supplement a low-dose CT study when clinical scenarios merit, due to its sensitivity for identifying malignant nodules. “The expense of an MRI exam might avoid futile surgery or bronchoscopy by increasing the specificity and predictive value of the screening test,” Sommer told medicalphysicsweb. “As these invasive procedures are much more expensive than any imaging exam, I see a potential benefit of using MRI instead of CT from an economic point of view.” The authors also suggested that simultaneous evaluation of MRI along with the large prospective CT screening trials to assess the benefit of cancer-specific mortality is warranted. However, Sommer does not anticipate that this will happen soon. “As the prevalence of malignancy even in a high-risk population is very low, a prospective validation of MRI for lung cancer screening would require inclusion of thousands of individuals,” he said. Cynthia E Keen is a freelance journalist specializing in medicine and healthcare-related innovations. of activity outside the PET FoV on PET quantification. For the wholebody PET/CT and PET/MRI systems, high activity concentrations outside the PET FoV had little or no influence on sphere activity quantification. The BrainPET, however, exhibited an activity-dependent recovery gradient, resulting in activity underestimations of up to 80% near the outside source. This is most likely due to erroneous scatter correction. To investigate the long-term PET stability of the whole-body PET/MRI system, the researchers recorded a 5 min scan of a [68Ge]-cylinder phantom 14 times over eight days. The PET detector showed good long-term stability, with standard deviations (SD) over the 14 measurements of 0.10%, 0.10%, 0.11% and 0.03%, for prompt, random and true counts and single count rate, respectively. The SD of the recovery values in the resulting PET images was 0.3%. Energy spectra of each crystal and position profiles of each detector block revealed no distinct deviations between the different measurements. This long-term stability implies that reliable PET measurements can be performed, with no problems due to temperature variations of the APDs causing gain variation. They also checked the influence of MR scanning during PET acquisition, finding no influence of simultaneous MRI on counts, count rates or recovery values. For functional MRI (fMRI) studies, the MR stability of the scanner must be tested according to the functional Bioinformatics Research Network (fBIRN) protocol. The researchers tested the stability of the wholebody PET/MRI system by scanning a stability phantom using an echo planar imaging sequence for bloodoxygen-level-dependent measurements. They performed fMRI with an idle PET system, with [68Ge]-rod sources inside the PET FoV and with the PET system turned off and saw no PET-related changes. Measurements showed that the percentage fluctuation (0.07% for all PET states) and drift (between 0.16 and 0.28) were well below the fBIRN recommendations. Schmidt and colleagues concluded that the homogeneity and accuracy of APD-based PET detectors were comparable with those of bulky PMT-based detectors. The stability of the whole-body PET/MRI system was also comparable with that of stand-alone systems, allowing for quantitative PET and fMRI measurements, assuming that suitable attenuation correction is applied. As the BrainPET system showed problems with stability, the researchers plan to use the whole-body PET/ MR system for future functional brain studies. “We are performing a clinical trial on brain tumours and are planning several trials for investigating different diseases using diverse short half-life radiotracers,” said Schmidt. Phantoms eye ultralow-field MRI NIST Simultaneous PET/MRI combines the sensitive molecular imaging of PET with soft-tissue contrast and functional information from MRI. One potentially important application for PET/MRI is quantitative brain studies, which demand high performance and stability from both modalities. With this in mind, researchers from the University of Tübingen in Germany have evaluated the quantification accuracy, homogeneity and stability of two PET/MRI systems. To prevent adverse interaction between the two instruments, simultaneous PET/MRI systems employ avalanche photodiodes (APDs) instead of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) in the PET detector. APDs, however, are highly sensitivity to temperature changes or bias voltage shifts. PET detectors based on APDs must therefore be systematically evaluated before use in demanding investigations. “High stability of the PET/MR system is a prerequisite for functional brain studies,” explained lead author Holger Schmidt. “Our main motivation was to test whether existing APD-based PET/MR systems are capable of performing dynamic PET scans using short half-life radiotracers, such as cerebral blood flow studies with 15O-labelled water. While standard PET and MR quality checks are already carried out, more detailed investigations of the feasibility of Calibration tool: NIST physicist Michael Boss positions the prototype phantom in an experimental ultralow-field MRI scanner at UC Berkeley. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US has developed two prototype phantoms for calibrating ultralow-field (ULF) MRI systems, which operate at microtesla magnetic field strengths. “Tissues that may look the same in clinical MRI can look very different in ULF-MRI, which provides new contrast mechanisms,” explained NIST physicist Michael Boss. “Our hope is that we can move this technique along to attract more interest from [industry] vendors.” ULF-MRI scanners are also simpler in design, lighter and less expensive than regular MRI systems. The NIST prototypes offer a quan- titative means to assess ULF-MRI performance, validate the technique, and directly compare different experimental and clinical MRI scanners. The phantoms comprise short plastic cylinders containing six or 10 jars filled with various salt solutions that become magnetized in a magnetic field. Tests using conventional MRI at 1.5 and 3 T, and an experimental ULF-MRI scanner at between 107 and 128 µT, showed that the prototype phantoms were wellmatched to ULF-MRI applications and allowed direct comparison of ULF and clinical MRI performance (Magn. Reson. Med. doi: 10.1002/ mrm.25060). medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 6 focus on: MRI Scans identify cancer spread Metabolic MRI detects heart disease Whole-body, diffusion-weighted MRI can reveal the spread of cancer in patients with myeloma, reducing the reliance on painful bone marrow biopsies. That’s the conclusion of a study from the UK’s Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. Twenty-six myeloma patients were scanned before and after treatment. In 86% of cases, experienced doctors correctly identified whether patients responded to treatment; accurately identifying non-responders in 80% of cases. The researchers also assessed visible changes on the scans using the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). Changes in ADC correctly identified treatment response for 24 of 25 myeloma patients (Radiology doi: 10.1148/radiol.13131529). “This is the first time we’ve been able to obtain information from all the bones in the entire body for myeloma in one scan without having to rely on individual bone X-rays,” said ICR’s Nandita deSouza. “We can look on the screen and see straight away where the cancer is and measure how severe it is. The scan is better than blood tests, which don’t tell us in which bones the cancer is located. It also reduces the need for uncomfortable biopsies, which don’t reveal the extent or severity of the disease.” A metabolic MRI technique has the potential to detect the ischaemic myocardium associated with early-stage heart disease with unprecedented sensitivity, according to a proof-of-concept study by researchers at the University of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. The researchers used creatine chemical exchange saturation transfer (CrEST) MRI to map deficiencies in the metabolite produced by necrotic myocardium. Unlike other cardiac imaging techniques, CrEST does not need a contrast agent or expose the patient to ionizing radiation (Nature Medicine 20 209). “Measuring creatine with CrEST is a promising technique that has the potential to improve clinical decision making while treating patients with heart disorders and other diseases, as well as spotting problems sooner,” said senior author Ravinder Reddy. In clinical practice, ischaemic myocardium can be identified with nuclear medicine stress tests using radiopharmaceuticals, but they expose the patient to ionizing radiation. A second clinical approach, anatomical MRI using a gadolinium contrast agent GdDTPA, can distinguish between healthy and necrotic myocardium, but cannot identify ischaemia in tissue that is still viable. Nature Medicine CrEST contrast (%) 14 0 Creatine maps: healthy myocardium (left) shows noticeably more creatine than infarcted heart tissue (right). Arrow indicates infarcted tissue region. The technique is also contraindicated in patients with severe kidney disease. Measurements of local changes in metabolism that occur with earlystage heart disease, before myocardium suffers permanent damage, offer an alternative approach. CrEST works on a standard 3 tesla scanner and exploits the naturally occurring exchange of protons between the amine groups of the creatine and surrounding water molecules, which happens around 1000 times each second. During the scan, the nuclear magnetizations of the amine protons are saturated using a radiofrequency pulse from the MRI scanner specially tuned to their resonant frequency, making their net signal zero. As the protons are exchanged, more saturated protons accumulate in the water, reducing the signal from the water by an amount proportional to the concentration of creatine in the tissue. The CrEST image is formed by subtracting the saturated image from a second non-saturated image and normalizing the difference using the non-saturated image. T he researchers first compared the CrEST against 1H MR spectroscopy(MRS) using excised samples of partially necrotic myocardium taken from a pig. CrEST was significantly more sensitive, producing MR signals over 70 times greater than MRS measurements on the same samples. In a second study, scans of two healthy pigs in vivo showed uniform distributions of creatine. In two sheep and one pig that had partially necrotic myocardium, CrEST-measured creatine levels were significantly lower in these regions compared to surrounding healthy tissue. Finally, in an analogy of a cardiac stress test, the researchers scanned the calf muscles of three volunteers after exercise. CrEST detected the expected rise and subsequent fall of creatine generated by the muscle activity and the variations were validated by 31P MRS measurements made under identical conditions. In ongoing work, the researchers plan to demonstrate the differentiation of ischaemic but viable myocardium from necrotic tissue in animal models using CrEST, and are optimizing the technique for the first in vivo cardiac scans in humans. Clinically, Reddy says CrEST could eventually be used for both diagnosis and post-treatment follow-up. Other potential applications include the diagnosis and further study of other heart pathology, including cardiac hypertrophy and neurological conditions associated with creatine deficiency. ESTRO VISIT US AT ESTRO BOOTH 4700 ON YOUR MARKERS, GET SET, GO! The new CARINAnav laser control makes patient marking a breeze. Move to your preferred working location é it’s portable. Do it your way é it’s flexible. Just get it going é it’s intuitive and easy to handle. CARINAnav – SMART LASER CONTROL. www.LAP-LASER.com medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org focus on: MRI 7 A PET insert that enables simultaneous PET/MRI scans overcomes previous hurdles relating to the combined use of PET and functional MRI (fMRI) to analyse brain function. The insert enables the combination of images from both modalities, allowing researchers to directly compare PET and fMRI measurements showing the brain during activation and at rest (Nature Medicine 19 1184). The feasibility of combined PET/ MRI in small animals and humans has been previously demonstrated. However, the technique has not been used before to compare brain function between these two modalities by acquiring highly spatially and temporally correlated multiparametric data, according to the study authors. The researchers, from the Werner Siemens Imaging Center at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen in Germany, have begun to use simultaneous PET/MRI to explore functional processes in the brains of laboratory rats. Bernd Pichler, chair of the centre’s Department of Preclinical Imaging and Radiopharmacy is overseeing the project with lead author and post-doctoral research fellow Hans Wehrl. The PET insert tool was developed and built at the University of Tübingen. Functional MRI uses blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrasts and allows researchers to depict changes in blood oxygenation that are associated with brain function. The BOLD effect displays the complex interactions of blood oxygenation and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2 ), cerebral blood flow (CBF) and changes in cerebral blood volume (CBV). PET imaging, meanwhile, can help explain the metabolic basis of the fMRI signal and provide complementary information. The PET tracer can quantify changes in brain activity that are reflected by increases and decreases in the cerebral metabolic rate of glucose, as well as the baseline brain activity resulting from excitatory synaptic activity and metabolic plasticity. The researchers explained that simultaneous [18 F]FDG-PET and BOLD-fMRI acquisitions allowed the study of neuronal activity using both PET, which provided glucosemetabolic level data over a period of minutes using a sustained stimulus, and fMRI, which provided vascularlevel data and information about oxygen metabolism in a few seconds using block-design stimulus. The stimulus consisted of stimulating the whisker pads of eight laboratory rats. When the researchers stimulated a whisker pad in 30 s time blocks, BOLD-fMRI images showed that the contralateral whisker barrel field of the brain was strongly activated. They also observed strong BOLD activation in several other areas of the brain. The PET stimulus was permanently applied for 45 minutes. The data acquired during this time revealed several additional activated areas that were not seen on the BOLDfMRI images, and which are known to be involved in pain processing, emotion and attention. In total, the fMRI images identified a total of nine known neural networks. The PET images identified seven glucose metabolism-related networks. In certain brain regions, the researchers identified mismatches between glucose metabolismrelated brain activation measured with PET and oxygenation-related signals measured with MRI. They attributed this to the fact that PET and fMRI methods are sensitive to different components of the metabolic-haemodynamic coupling. They suggested that further PET/ MRI studies using the capability to observe multiple metabolic scales could help clarify these issues. “PET/MRI is an excellent tool that can be used to explore and potentially help to explain the enigmatic nature of the BOLD signal in activated and resting states. Our study clearly shows that an interplay between multiple techniques and disciplines is needed to further enhance knowledge about how the brain works,” the authors concluded. Sodium MRI aids breast imaging Mark Philbrick/BYU Photo A close look at neural activity Increasing the accuracy: Brigham Young University’s Neal Bangerter and colleagues are developing new MR methods for breast cancer screening. Investigators from Brigham Young University and the University of Utah have created a breast cancer screening device based on sodium MRI, which acquires MR data from sodium nuclei (rather than the hydrogen nuclei used in the vast majority of MR images). As sodium concentrations are thought to increase in malignant tumours, the method could potentially improve assessment of breast lesions and reduce false positives. The team developed a novel composite array – comprising a 7-channel sodium receive array, a large sodium transmit coil, and a 4-channel proton transceive array – for combined proton/sodium 3T breast MRI (Magn. Reson. Med. doi: 10.1002/mrm.24860). The device produced images with up to five times better signal-to-noise ratio than previous sodium imaging efforts. High-quality images were obtained in 20 minutes, suggesting that sodium MRI breast scans could be implemented clinically. “The images we’re obtaining show a substantial improvement over anything that we’ve seen using this particular MRI technique for breast cancer imaging,” said senior author Neal Bangerter. “We believe this can aid in early breast cancer detection and characterization while also improving cancer treatment and monitoring.” The team’s goal is to produce a device capable of obtaining both sodium and proton images without repositioning the patient. ™ STEREOTACTIC END-TO-END VERIFICATION Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 Confidence Consistency Efficiency RapidPlan™ – Knowledge-Based Planning RapidPlan™ knowledge-based planning opens the door to the next generation of individualized treatment planning by giving clinicians the confidence to treat a wide range of cancer types using knowledge-based planning. By providing access to pre-configured plan models, RapidPlan may help clinics reduce variability in treatment planning to achieve greater consistency, efficiency and quality in patient care. Streamline your planning process! Varian Medical Systems International AG Cham, Switzerland Phone +41 - 41 -749 88 44 www.varian.com/rapidplan [email protected] focus on: radiotherapy 9 First patient treated with DMLC tracking A dynamic multileaf collimator has been used to track a moving tumour with a therapeutic X-ray beam for the first time in Sydney, Australia. Last November, Tony Saunders, a 78-year-old prostate-cancer patient from the city received radiotherapy using the adaptive technology that corrects for tumour motion during treatment. His treatment at Royal North Shore Hospital is part of a clinical trial supported by Varian Medical Systems that will quantify the dosimetric and clinical benefits of DMLC tracking over conventional non-tracking treatments. “This trial is the first clinical implementation of MLC tracking, and with Calypso guidance represents the most accurate and precise treatment of prostate cancer,” said Paul Keall, director of the Radiation Physics Laboratory at the University of Sydney, who started to develop the technique in 1999 while an assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. “It does feel really wonderful to see the technology that so many people have worked so hard on for so long come to fruition and be realised in a patient treatment,” said Keall. Implemented on a Varian Trilogy linear accelerator at the Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, the technique adapts the treatment aperture to track the moving tumour during treatment. Real-time data on the tumour location is provided by the Calypso 4D localization system that uses electromagnetic transponders implanted in the prostate. Unlike How to view the treatment beam Air scintillation – the weak emission of UV light due to excitation of nitrogen gas by ionizing radiation – has previously been used to study cosmic ray showers entering the atmosphere and as a means to count alpha emitters. Previously, however, the technique has not been considered in the context of clinical radiotherapy. Now, researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine have assessed whether air scintillation produced during radiotherapy can be visualized and used to monitor the treatment beam. They found that an electron-multiplication CCD camera could successfully image air scintillation induced by megavoltage electron beams and kilovoltage X-ray beams (Med. Phys. 41 010702). “We believe that air scintillation gives us a unique opportunity to look at patient radiation treatment over many fractions, without any disruption in clinical workf low,” lead author Guillem Pratx told medicalphysicsweb. “We often assume that treatment machines always deliver the exact same radiation dose during fractionated treatment Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org passed to the DMLC controller for actuation, adapting the treatment aperture within 220 ms of detecting a change in tumour position. Future versions will adapt to tumour rotation and deformation. The trial is the next step in the development of the technology that has previously been tested with clinical treatment plans delivered to a moving phantom and in vivo in pigs. Thirty prostate-cancer patients will receive 40 fractions of volumetricmodulated arc therapy (VMAT) using the tracking technology. Data collection is estimated to finish by mid-2015. The recorded motions of the tumour and the DMLC will be used to reconstruct the delivered dose distributions, as well as the distribution that would have been delivered had DMLC tracking not been used. A comparison of the two, along with the original treatment plan, will enable improvements in tumour coverage and bladder and rectum sparing to be quantified. “We hypothesise that Calypsoguided MLC tracking will reduce tumour underdose and associated normal tissue overdose from 30% , observed in some cases, to less than 3% in all cases,” Keall told medicalphysicsweb. Keall and his co-workers plan to publish preliminary results after the accrual of data from the first 10 patients. Beyond the trial, they hope to exploit the accuracy of the technique to provide stereotactic body radiotherapy for prostate patients for the first time, condensing treatment courses from 40 fractions down to five. They also plan to apply the technique to other tumour sites in the abdomen and thorax where more extreme intrafraction motion occurs, including the lungs and pancreas. and then averaged the remaining image data. Air scintillation images of a 6 MeV electron beam at dose rates of 100, 60 0 and 10 0 0 MU/min clearly showed the beam outline, even at 100 MU/min. The scintillation intensity was proportional to the dose rate. The researchers then fixed the dose rate at 1000 MU/min and imaged beam energies of 6, 12 and 20 MeV. Line profiles through the scintillation images (perpendicular to the beam) showed that as energy increased, the divergence of the beam decreased and the penumbra improved. The general appearance of the beams was comparable to that seen in Monte Carlo dose simulations. The team also imaged the electron beam with a transparent head phantom placed in its path, to assess the impact of Cerenkov radiation – another luminescent phenomenon that arises from interaction with ionizing radiation. “Because Cerenkov radiation is brighter that air scintillation, we were worried that it might overshadow weaker air scintillation,” Pratx explained. They observed intense Cerenkov radiation in the region of the head phantom, but the air scintillation could still be observed. “Our results showed that Cerenkov and air scintillation are localized within different parts of the image and thus do not interfere with each other,” said Pratx. Finally, the team visualized air scintillation produced during a total skin irradiation treatment. Using the same approach as previously (averaging 20 five-second frames), they were able to image air scintillation from a treatment comprising two angled 9 MeV electron fields. Each field was imaged in real-time and the total irradiation was visualized by superposing the images. Overall, the combined electron fluence appeared spatially uniform throughout the field-of-view. “Air scintillation may be useful for total body and skin irradiation treatments because it can provide dosimetry over a very large area in a single image,” Pratx explained. “We are moving this technology towards the clinic. There are only a few technical issues left be resolved, mainly having to do with room lights. We are implementing a time-gating system to allow for room lights during air scintillation imaging. Once this is completed, we will acquire the first images of air scintillation during patient treatment.” Treatment dry run: Paul Keall, developer of the DMLC tracking technology, with the patient Tony Saunders. other previously implemented tumour tracking approaches, DMLC tracking does not rely on a surrogate for tumour motion, such as the patient’s external contour, and therefore also does not require a correlation model to relate tumour and surrogate motion. as measured during QA; with air scintillation, we have a non-intrusive way of verifying this assumption.” “The main application we envision is beam monitoring during treatment. We think that there would be an advantage in having a camera in the treatment room that monitors radiation delivery in real-time. This could be used to document every treatment fraction, or to discover hardware malfunctions and other errors before they can lead to patient harm.” Pratx and colleagues first investigated air scintillation produced by a 50 kVp/30 mA X-ray beam. They prepared the room by eliminating background light sources and placed the camera 3.4 m from the source. Images showing the conical shape of the X-ray beam could be produced with an exposure time of just 10 s. The intensity of the air scintillation – which is produced mostly in the 300–430 nm range – decreased with distance from the source as the beam diverged. Next, the researchers imaged a megavoltage electron beam inside a linac vault. Here, they could not remove all sources of ambient light and instead used a short-pass filter to block photons above 440 nm. The positional data are fed into the DMLC tracking software and used to translate the treatment aperture according to the tumour motion. An updated set of leaf positions are then calculated, within system constraints, to deliver the new aperture. The modified leaf sequences are Air scintillation: visualization of a 20 MeV electron beam. The camera was placed 4 m from the beam, which was aimed at the ground. To address noise in the CCD sensor, they acquired 20 images with 5 s exposure time each, removed any hot pixels (due to energetic photons interacting directly on the CCD) medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 10 focus on: radiotherapy Tabletop source eyes microbeam therapy Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT), in which a tumour is irradiated with an array of high-dose, microscopically thin X-ray beams, shows great promise for brain tumour treatments. Studies in animal models demonstrate that MRT can selectively eradicate tumour cells while sparing normal tissue. However, the technique’s current reliance on a synchrotron radiation source is a major roadblock for potential clinical translation. In a quest for an alternative X-ray source for microbeam radiation, researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill have developed a tabletop MRT system based on a carbon nanotube (CNT) field emission source array technology (invented in the laboratory of Jianping Lu and Otto Zhou at UNC and commercialized by startup XinRay Systems). Using a hybrid image-guided MRT protocol, they have determined the microbeam targeting accuracy in mice bearing small brain tumours (Phys. Med. Biol. 59 1283). “Instead of a single small focal spot, a distributed CNT X-ray source array spreads the thermal power over a long narrow focal track on the anode. It’s equivalent to having a large number of high-power X-ray tubes irradiating the target at the same time,” explained first author Lei Zhang. “In this way, a CNT field emission cathode can generate higher microbeam flux than conventional X-ray tubes.” Stained images: mouse brain slice irradiated with two microbeams. The pink strips correspond to the microbeam pattern and show the presence of double-strand breaks; the circled area indicates the tumour site. The prototype MRT system includes the CNT-based irradiator and a high-resolution CNT-based micro-CT scanner, also developed by the team. The irradiator comprises a linear CNT field emission cathode array, an electrostatic focusing lens and a tungsten anode. For this study, the X-rays were collimated into a 280 μm wide microbeam. Zhang and colleagues studied 14 tumour bearing mice. To identify the tumour location with respect to the microbeam position, they proposed an image guidance protocol based on registration of X-ray images with MR images. One day before treat- ment, the mice were imaged with a 9.4 T MR scanner. The 2D shape, size and location of the tumour were clearly visualized in the MR image and the average tumour size was 1.4 × 2.2 mm. On the day of irradiation, the mice were anaesthetized and immobilized in customized holders using hardware including two ear bars. Two-dimensional X-ray projections recorded by the on-board microCT scanner showed bone structures such as the skull, jaw and spinal cord, as well as the ear bars. These images were scaled, aligned manually with the sagittal MR images and used to calculate the distance from the tumour centre to the ear bars. The researchers irradiated the first two mice with a single microbeam of 138 Gy entrance dose. The second pair was irradiated by two parallel microbeams with centreto-centre distance of 900 μm and an entrance dose of 108 Gy per beam. The remaining mice were irradiated by three microbeams, with a 900 μm pitch, delivering 48 Gy each. The average dose rate at the mouse head entrance plane was 1.16 Gy/min. To verify beam delivery, the researchers placed Gafchromic films at the entrance and exit planes of the mouse head during irradiation. Selected films were scanned and analysed to create dose profiles, which were then compared with the prescribed treatment plans. An example analysis of films from a mouse treated with three microbeams showed an entrance beam width of 280 μm, consistent with tube calibration results. The measured peak dose of each beam was also consistent with the prescribed value. The peak-to-valley-dose-ratio (PVDR, the average peak dose divided by the average valley dose) for this animal was roughly 16 at the entrance plane, and 15 at the exit plane - values well within the range of synchrotronbased MRT. The researchers also used γ-H2AX immunofluorescence staining as a quantitative biomarker of radiationinduced DNA double-strand breaks (DSB). Stained images of irradiated mouse brain tissue slices showed DSBs as pink strips corresponding to the microbeam path. Of 13 mice analysed, 11 received the prescribed number of microbeams on the tumour, while two received one of three planned microbeams. They used the stained sections to measure the displacement from the centre of the microbeam to the centre of the tumour. The average localization accuracy for the 13 mice was 454 μm. They also manually registered the stained image back to the corresponding pre-treatment MR image and measured an average targeting error of 537 μm. Such values are comparable with the targeting accuracy reported for other (nonmicrobeam) image-guided smallanimal irradiators. The authors conclude that their first-generation image-guided MRT system can generate microbeams with the necessary energy, beam width and PVDR to produce similar therapeutic effects to those seen in synchrotron MRT studies. The researchers are now constructing a second-generation CNT irradiator that will increase the average dose rate by a factor of 20, enabling targeted delivery of microbeams with peak dose matching the lower end of doses used in synchrotron MRT. “The second-generation CNT-MRT system is under construction. We expect it to be coming on line soon,” said Zhang. Tracking ramps IOERT precision Cerenkov light emission tracks radiotherapy dose Image-guidance: operating theatre with multi-camera tracking system. Researchers in Spain have developed a multi-camera optical tracking system for image guidance of intraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT). The system, installed at Gregorio Marañón Hospital, uses three video monitoring cameras and eight IR cameras to record the position of the radiotherapy applicator in relation to the patient’s anatomy throughout the surgical procedure. This information is sent to the planning system, which appends the applicator position onto the patient CT and displays it on high-definition medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 screens in the operating room. This navigation system enables the radiation oncologist to compare the current position and orientation of the radiation applicator to the planned position, and better estimate the dose delivered to the patient. The researchers evaluated the precision of the system using a phantom study of representative IOERT scenarios. Results revealed positioning and orientation errors of less than 2 mm, below the acceptance threshold for external radiotherapy practice (Phys. Med. Biol. 58 8769). Scientists in the US have demonstrated that Cerenkov light emitted during radiation therapy on a live animal can reveal the radiation dose being administered. The technique could enable doctors to make sure that the correct radiation doses are administered to humans undergoing radiation therapy (J. Biomed. Opt. 18 110504). It is important to carefully regulate the amount of radiation that a patient receives when undergoing radiation therapy, to minimize the risk of side effects. Unfortunately, knowing exactly how much radiation enters the body is tricky. Normally, treatment is planned according to computer simulations of the body, generated with CT scans. One or two times during a treatment course, a patient can also have a detector inserted into them to estimate the amount of incident radiation. But these methods aren’t foolproof: a patient could lose weight, for instance, leading to a relatively high dose. One new approach to measuring radiation dose is to make use of Cerenkov radiation, which is emitted when electrons and other charged particles travel through a dielectric medium faster than light would travel. Cerenkov radiation is poten- tially visible as flashes of light during radiation therapy, as the radiation penetrates the tissue, and is in most cases proportional to the dose. The trick is to see it above the ambient light, which is much, much brighter. Brian Pogue, Professor of Engineering at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH, and colleagues have now managed to measure the Cerenkov radiation emitted during radiotherapy on a dog’s oral tumour – the first time the technique, known as Cerenkoscopy, has been tested successfully on a live animal. They use a gated camera that is attuned to bursts of light, and can remove the background of room lights. “A very low light signal, which is not even visible, can be captured in real time and displayed on a computer monitor, as the beam dose hitting the tissue,” says Pogue. In tests on the dog during its radiation therapy, Pogue and colleagues found that they could not only measure the Cerenkov radiation, but that the frame rate was fast enough to capture changes in the beam shape over time. “The linear accelerator is programmed to give a dynamically changing beam, and the imaging was able to verify that the beam shape changed as it was programmed to do,” says Pogue. The main advantage for patients would be receiving exactly the right dose of radiation, in exactly the right place. But Pogue believes there may be other benefits to come. “As the system becomes established and more widely used, it will likely lead to other innovations in radiation therapy delivery, because no one has ever been able to image radiation delivery before with real time visualization of the deposited dose and the mapping to the patient anatomy,” he says. With the animal tests already successful, the researchers are moving on to human clinical trials with 12 subjects. They expect the trial to finish early next year, and will decide then what the next stage will be. “The unique part about this system is it could be implemented with essentially no extra work, because it is simply imaging of the patient during their normal treatment,” commented Pogue. “The cameras would need to be permanently positioned in the room, but this is already done for video imaging of the patient and monitoring for breathing movement.” Jon Cartwright is a freelance journalist based in Bristol, UK. Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb. focus on: radiotherapy 11 The impact of cell signalling Cell response to ionizing radiation depends not only on physical parameters such as dose, but also on biological and genetic factors. Recent research has revealed intercellular signalling to be one such factor that makes a significant contribution to cell killing in vitro, both in irradiated cells and their non-irradiated neighbours. Based on in vitro data, researchers in Northern Ireland have developed a model that incorporates this effect and used it to assess the radiobiological impact of intercellular signalling on clinical radiotherapy plans (Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 87 1148). “One common argument brought up against the data from the in vitro signalling experiments is that they’re so different to what’s normally assumed clinically that they can’t possibly translate into a clinical setting,” said Stephen McMahon, first author and physicist at the Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology at Queen’s University Belfast. “As far as we could see nobody had actually modelled that, which was part of the motivation for doing this work.” I ntercellula r signa lling, or bystander effects, occur when irradiated cells secrete a signalling molecule that diffuses through the surrounding cell population, initiating damage in neighbouring cells. The group noticed the phenomenon when they observed deaths in cells that could not solely be attributed to the dose they had received. “[Potential implications] include an effective broadening of beams, which may reduce the benefit of extremely tight dose conformation, and a dependence of target dose on the doses deposited in surrounding Signalling-adjusted dose: comparisons of physical dose distributions (top) and distributions adjusted for cell signalling (bottom) were similar, though signalling resulted in higher adjusted doses outside the treatment fields and slightly lower adjusted doses inside the fields. tissues,” said McMahon. The model assumes cell damage occurs from direct “hits” of radiation and indirectly from signal propagation between irradiated cells and their neighbours. A simplified version of the phenomenon, it also assumes homogeneous diffusion of cellular signals as a starting point for investigation. The diffusion rate is a function of λ, a constant that describes the exponential decay in signal secretion following irradiation and R, the spatial range of the signal. The model was applied to calculate IBA introduces OmniPro I’mRT+ IBA Dosimetry of Belgium released its OmniPro I’mRT+, a new software system for intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and rotational pre-treatment plan verification. “OmniPro I’mRT+, provides additional value for our existing MatriXX users as well as for all physicists that require a sophisticated, jet-fast solution for pre-treatment IMRT and rotational plan verification,” said Ralf Schira, vice-president of marketing for IBA Dosimetry. “The software was entirely redeveloped based on input from our vast user group, and with a focus on workflow efficiency. The result is a tool that fulfils the needs of a modern and busy radiation therapy department.” According to IBA, the software’s clear workflow, as well as intuitive and easy-to-use controls, enable faster operations. The new Central Database access via the hospital network makes the entire plan verification process easier and much more efficient compared to previous soluSign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org tions. The different plan verification steps - Import, Measure, Verify and Report (including approvals) - can now be managed through the network. This allows physicists and dosimetrists to choose the most efficient QA workflow for not only their department but also connected satellite hospitals. All patients, projects, and equipment data are stored on the central database providing increased data safety and integrity. “The entire software package has been completely redesigned and re-engineered from the ground up to maximize efficiency and streamline the IMRT QA process,” said says James P. Nunn, senior medical physicist at Lewis Gale Regional Cancer Center in Pulaski, VA. “The elimination of repetitive steps allows me to greatly reduce the time required for patient plan verification. For example, I save linac time by preparing all patient data beforehand in my office. During measurements I simply load the patient data and start right away using my MatriXX detector.” the survival of a population of human fibroblast cells in 3D conformal, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plans in 10 prostate cancer patients. Physical dose distributions were compared with distributions adjusted to the uniform physical dose required to produce the same cell death as when signalling effects were accounted for. A value for λ was derived from in vitro measurements and a range of biologically feasible values were chosen for R. Signalling had the greatest impact on tissue outside of the treatment fields. Contributions from nearby in-field tissue resulted in greater cell killing and signalling-adjusted doses. For example, in the IMRT plans, the physical median mean bladder dose over the 10 patients was 23.5 Gy, compared to 33.4 Gy when signalling was accounted for. The reverse was seen in cells in the treatment beam’s path, though the effect was less marked. In the IMRT plans, the physical mean planning target volume dose of 74.5 Gy compared to a signalling-adjusted dose of 71.3 Gy. Here, a lack of signalling from cells outside the beams meant the model predicted less cell damage compared to the scenario assumed clinically, where damage is independent of the dose received by neighbouring cells. Nevertheless, adjusting for signalling resulted in no dramatic departures from the physical dose distributions. It also made no significant difference to comparisons of the different treatment techniques, leading the researchers to conclude that the in vitro observations on which the model is based can be reconciled with clinical experience. “If, for example, we had predicted massive treatment failures in IMRT compared to 3DCRT that would have suggested something was wrong with the model as we know that’s not the case clinically,” said McMahon. “Fortunately, everything has come out looking fairly sensible thus far, suggesting that this is an area worth more investigation.” Future work by the researchers will include comparisons of model predictions with clinical data, in vivo testing and further in vitro investigations. Plan incorporates tumour shrinkage Radiation doses delivered to lung tumours may be efficiently escalated over a course of radiotherapy using a method that predicts tumour shrinkage, according to a preliminary planning study by US researchers. The technique, called robust predictive treatment planning (RPTP), uses a geometric model and is significantly less labour-intensive than existing adaptive approaches that require replanning treatments mid-course (Int. J. Radiat. Onc. Biol. Phys. 88 446). “In principle, RPTP should work at least as well as adaptive radiotherapy, but with a much reduced workload,” said Perry Zhang, physicist at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, New York. Shrinking tumour volumes are commonly observed over the course of radiotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Now, predicting tumour regression before the patient sets foot in the treatment bunker may only require the preparation of a single treatment plan. “We can usefully take advantage of regression as typically seen in many lung tumours, even though we don’t know the exact form of shrinkage,” said Zhang. The researchers developed the shrinkage prediction model based on in vivo tumour data, obtained from one planning CT scan and weekly cone-beam CT scans, from five patients already treated for NSCLC. The shrinkage of the tumour from the volume observed in the pre-treatment CT (GTVorig ) in each patient was then predicted using transformations derived from the other four. Each GTVorig was then morphed onto the predicted residual GTV (GTVpred ) incrementally, resulting in a total of five GTV volumes that represented the progressive shrinkage of the tumour over the course of treatment. Intensity-modulated treatment plans were calculated for planning target volumes (PTV) generated from the GTVs. PTVorig was prescribed a standard clinical dose that increased with each PTV shell, where PTVpred received the maximum dose achievable that restricted doses to surrounding organs-at-risk (OAR) to acceptable levels. The dosimetric performance of RPTP was compared with three other planning approaches, including adaptive radiotherapy. The researchers found that PTVpred overlapped with the true PTV (PTVresid ) derived from the GTV on the final CBCT scan by 76.0–88.3%. Averaged over all patients, the RPTP approach delivered the highest dose to PTVresid, with a moderate improvement seen over the adaptive, replanned approach. RPTP resulted in a mean PTVresid dose that was 5.7 Gy higher than the adaptive approach, while the minimum PTVresid was 0.4 Gy higher. There were no significant differences in doses to the lungs and spinal cord between RPTP and the three other planning approaches. medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 12 focus on: particle therapy A simpler way to image with protons medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 y (cm) 6 4 100 2 80 0 60 –2 30 –4 20 –6 –6 –4 –2 2 0 x (cm) 4 WEPL (mm) Proton radiography and proton CT employ high-energy proton beams to create planar or tomographic images of patients. Using protons rather than X-rays to image a patient enables more accurate treatment planning calculations. But the cost and technical complexity of traditional proton detection systems currently limit their clinical use. “Conventional proton radiography based on individual tracking of protons requires fast dataacquisition systems in order to acquire radiographies in a tolerable time,” explained Mauro Testa, from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University Medical School. To address these limitations, Testa and colleagues propose a new proton radiography technique based on time-resolved dose measurements. The method requires only a 2D dosimeter array and the clinical proton beam. What’s more, it can create a radiographic image in about 100 ms, using a dose of just 0.7 cGy. The team has performed a proof-of-principle study using a prototype diode-array detector (Phys. Med. Biol. 58 8215). Proton therapy delivered via passive scattering uses a spinning range modulatorMMDI_MPW_Review_HP_Ad.pdf wheel to construct spread1 out Bragg peaks (SOBP). The dose 6 Left: proton radiography of a human skull. Right: X-ray radiography of the skull placed over the sensitive area of the diode-array detector. rate produced by a beam passing through such a wheel is periodic, with a unique pattern in time at each point along the beam path, encoding the water equivalent path length (WEPL) of the protons. Time-dose patterns measured behind a patient can therefore be used to create an image of WEPL distribution. To determine the WEPL of protons traversing phantoms with arbitrary thicknesses, the researchers first created a database of dose-rate functions at known WEPLs from 5.5 to 20 cm in a water-phantom. Once the database was acquired, the WEPL through an unknown phantom thickness could be determined using 2014-02-25 10:04 AM a single dose-rate measurement at a point distal to the phantom. For this study, the researchers used a prototype detector comprising a 2D octagonal array of 249 semiconductor diodes. Although commercial ion-chamber/diode-array detectors can acquire radiographic images, their dose sampling time is in the order of 20–200 ms. “Our prototype detector allows a sampling time of 2 ms,” said Testa. One important potential application of proton radiography is pretreatment range verification, using a low dose “scout-beam” to image the patient in the treatment position. Comparing measured WEPL values to those computed by the treatment planning system could improve calculation of the exact beam range needed to cover the target volume. When treating medulloblastoma patients, for example, this could significantly reduce the skin dose. With this in mind, the researchers compared proton radiography of a human skull with conventional X-ray imaging. The lower resolution seen for the proton radiography was partly due to the inherent multiple Coulomb scattering of protons in the patient, which leads to image blurring. However, the detector spatial resolution played a key role, with sub-millimetre resolution easily achievable with a commercial X-ray panel, but limited by the diode pitch in the proton detector. The team also examined the potential of real-time imaging of a Lucite cube moving with 1D and 2D sinusoidal motion, creating movies using a single radiographic image for each frame. For both movies, the cube’s shape and trajectory were distinctly recognizable, with the centre of the cube and the motion table position within millimetre agreement. Proton CT (pCT) is particularly advantageous for treatment planning as it removes the need to convert X-ray Hounsfield units into relative stopping power (RSP) distributions. Testa and colleagues performed pCT on a cylindrical Lucite phantom containing various rod inserts. They recorded radiographic projections at angles from 0 to 178.2°, using interleaved measurements to increase spatial resolution. Reconstructed pCT images clearly showed the lung, air and bone inserts. The RSP value for Lucite obtained from the images was close to the actual value, while RSP values calculated for the inserts were somewhat biased towards to that of Lucite. The accuracy of the obtained RSP values was impacted by the detector’s limited spatial resolution. A full-scale detector with higher spatial and time resolution should increase calculation accuracy, as would accounting for multiple Coulomb scattering in the reconstruction algorithms. “We are currently working on a new detector design that utilizes a scintillating screen coupled with a fast CCD camera,” Testa told medicalphysics web. “ This detector allows sub-millimetre spatial resolution and a sampling time of 0.1–1 ms. We plan to use it to acquire higher resolution CT images and to perform an end-to-end validation study of the range tuning method for medulloblastoma cranial fields.” Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org focus on: particle therapy 13 Proton rescanning: which works best? Active spot scanning is the delivery method of choice for most new particle therapy facilities. Treating mobile targets with spot scanning, however, is limited by interplay effects between tumour and beam motion, which lead to target dose inhomogeneities. One way to mitigate such effects is to use rescanning – either volumetric scanning, where dose is delivered across a series of full-volume rescans, or layered rescanning, which delivers all scans in one energy plane before moving to the next. To compare the two schemes, researchers from ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland have performed a detailed simulation study modelling the interplay effects for a range of system and beam delivery scenarios. In particular, they examined the impact of the beam position adjustment time (BPAT), the speed at which a particular delivery system can move the beam from one spot to the next (Phys. Med. Biol. 58 7905). “Active scanning is particularly sensitive to organ motion, and has thus been used sparingly up to now to treat mobile tumours,” said ETH’s Kinga Bernatowicz. “Rescanning is one promising motion mitigation Scanning study: the PSI team with the Gantry 2 proton therapy system. technique, and in this study we investigated its effectiveness for different delivery scenarios under the assumption of different delivery speeds and characteristics typical of currently available commercial systems.” Bernatowicz and colleagues performed 4D dose calculations for two clinical liver cases, with large and small tumour volumes, simulated for up to seven rescans. For each case, they simulated four BPAT scenarios. Motion was simulated with a typical breathing period of 5 s. They assessed the resulting plans to determine the impact of rescanning on treatment delivery time and dose homogeneity. The researchers focused first on single-field plans. They examined four BPAT scenarios: two with a fast lateral BPAT of 4 ms, and depth (energy) BPATs of 80 ms and 1 s (scenarios 1 and 2, respectively); and two with a slower lateral BPAT of 10 ms and energy BPATs of 80 ms and 1 s (scenarios 3 and 4, respectively). For systems with fast energy BPATs, dose homogeneity improved as the number of rescans increased. No significant difference in performance was seen between the two rescanning methods, although layered rescanning showed a higher dependence on the selected phase. For both patients, layered rescanning led to a smoother change in dose homogeneity with increasing rescan number, whilst volumetric rescanning showed more fluctuations. For scenario 2 (fast lateral changes and slow energy changes), results were similar to those described above. However, if both BPAT values were slow (scenario 4), clear differences in the two scanning methods appeared: layered rescanning performed best after 2–4 rescans, while for a higher number of rescans, both methods gave similar results. For scenarios with fast energy changes, layered and volumetric rescanning required similar treatment delivery times to achieve satisfactory dose homogeneity. For systems with longer energy adjustment times, however, layered rescanning achieved dose homogeneity in a noticeably shorter treatment time. “Our study shows a preference for layered rescanning for systems with slower energy changes, whereas for faster systems, both approaches result in similar dose homogeneity to the target in acceptable delivery time,” said Bernatowicz. “On the other hand, the effectiveness of volumetric rescanning appears to be somewhat less sensitive to the starting phase of the motion.” The researchers then examined multiple-field plans, comparing three rescans per field for twofield plans, two scans per field for three-field plans and six rescans for single-field plans. For treatment plans coming from the anterior-superior direction, no differences were seen between any types of rescanning or BPAT scenario. For treatments from the right or superior direction, layered rescanning showed similar dose homogeneity no matter how many fields were applied. For volumetric rescanning, multiple-field plans had slightly worse dose homogeneity than single-field plans. Overall, layered rescanning exhibited better dose homogeneity for both fast and slow BPAT scenarios, but was more sensitive to the starting phase. Layered rescanning also reduced the treatment time for slow BPATs, by up to 300 s for scenario 4. “Our study indicates that using multiple SFUD [single-field uniform dose] plans per field leads to a similar improvement in dose homogeneity as rescanning, and that smaller amounts of rescanning per field are necessary when using multiple field plans,” Bernatowicz explained. The team is now working on experimental validation of the simulated results. 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Please visit us at ESTRO 33 Booth 2800 Proton Therapy System By introducing proton therapy into your clinic, you can maximize your potential to deliver treatment above and beyond conventional radiation therapy, while continuing to thrive as you create an innovative future. Whether it’s fully integrated technology, or a robust network of partners, we believe working together creates mutual success. So join us with ProBeam® — the latest chapter in our mission to simplify, innovate and support cancer-fighting solutions. © 2014 Varian Medical Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Varian, Varian Medical Systems and ProBeam are registered trademarks of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. focus on: particle therapy 15 LET painting improves outcome Beam targeting: acoustic options LET 160 160 180 Jakob Toftegaard 200 220 104 88 180 72 200 220 240 260 280 x (mm) 300 320 220 220 56 240 260 280 x (mm) 300 320 LET maps: the non-painted plan (left) has elevated LET at the tumour edge due to the distal portion of the Bragg peak; the painted plan (right) also has elevated LET in the hypoxic volume, due to the ramped fields. Heavy ion therapy produces highlinear-energy-transfer (LET) Bragg peaks that offer one way to tackle hypoxic – or oxygen deficient – tumours that respond poorly to radiotherapy. However, if delivered across an entire tumour, high LET can also result in the excessive exposure of adjacent healthy tissue and unacceptable side-effects. Instead, researchers in Denmark and Germany are investigating the targeted approach of LET-painting, where high-LET radiation is steered into the hypoxic portion of a tumour only. In an initial modelling study, they predict superior tumour control compared to the current clinical standard of non-painted treatments that assume normoxic – or oxygenated – tumour composition (Acta Oncologica 53 25). “LET-painting could quite dramatically increase tumour control, without increasing the side effects that are normally associated with highLET radiation,” said Niels Bassler, first author and physicist at Aarhus University. The researchers compared the tumour control probabilities (TCP) calculated for LET-painted and nonpainted carbon-12 and oxygen-16 treatment plans in a patient who had already been treated for oropharyngeal cancer. Non-painted plans mimicked existing clinical approaches, using two coincident pairs of opposed, scanned beams, each delivering a spread out Bragg peak (SOBP) that gave a uniform dose and largely uniform dose-averaged LET across the entire tumour volume. TCPs for these plans were calculated for two scenarios: the first assumed a normoxic tumour, as is the current practice in centres delivering carbon-12 treatments, while the second took tumour hypoxia and the associated radioresistance into account. Painted plans were calculated for a range of hypoxic volume sizes up to 10 cm3, centred on a hypoxic volume identified in the patient’s tumour that was delineated using F-18 f luoroazomycin arabinoside (FAZA) PET imaging. The same field arrangement was used as in the nonpainted plans, but the parts of each field incident on the hypoxic volume were ramped, the SOBPs delivering 100% of the dose at the proximal edge of the volume and 0% dose at Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org the distal edge. The opposed ramped fields elevated dose-averaged LET across the hypoxic volume compared to the surrounding non-hypoxic tumour. Total energy f luence was fixed across all the plans, pinning it to the value that gave a TCP of 95% in the clinical planning standard of the non-painted plans that assumed a normoxic tumour. This ensured fair comparisons of the painted and nonpainted approaches. LET painting proved feasible, demonstrating consistently superior TCP values to the clinical reality of a non-painted plan delivered to a hypoxic tumour; this returned a TCP of 0%. However, this advantage dropped off sharply as hypoxic volume increased, with TCPs of the order of 50% or more only observed in volumes less than 1 cm3 in the oxygen-16 plans and less than 0.5 cm3 in the carbon-12 plans. The trend arises from the differences in SOBP composition required to cover the range of hypoxic volumes. As the width of the hypoxic volume increases, so too does the energy range of the SOBP needed to ensure dose coverage. At a given depth, this translates to increasingly large contributions to the doseaveraged LET from the plateaus of the individual Bragg curves. These exhibit significantly lower LET than the peaks of the curves. To negate the volume effects, the researchers boosted dose to the hypoxic volume in the oxygen-16 plans, while still limiting the total energy fluence used to irradiate the tumour. A boost of 5% produced a TCP of around 50% for a 2 cm3 hypoxic volume, around double that achieved for the non-boosted case. Overall, carbon-12 ions resulted in significantly lower tumour control than the oxygen-16 ions. “We might need ions heavier than carbon-12 ions to achieve significant increases in tumour control,” Bassler told medicalphysicsweb. “Scanning beams of oxygen-16 ions, which are available at the heavy ion facility in Heidelberg, seem to be a good candidate here.” Bassler adds that while the results are encouraging, much more research is needed before LET-painting can be introduced clinically, including similar studies with other radiobiological models and extensive in vitro and in vivo testing. Accurate targeting is imperative to fully exploit the potential benefits of ion beam therapies. Current efforts in this area include development of in-room imaging techniques that use X-rays or transmitted ions for anatomic confirmation of tumour location. Meanwhile, range monitoring techniques that assess delivered dose via detection of emerging prompt gammas or charged secondary particles are the focus of much research effort. Many of these current approaches, however, involve complex instrumentation and bulky detectors; what’s needed is a compact and costeffective alternative. Speaking at the ICTR-PHE meeting, held in February in Geneva, Switzerland, Katia Parodi described novel investigations on a technique that may just meet these requirements: “ionoacoustic” imaging. Parodi, Chair for Medical Physics at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich, Germany, explained that ionoacoustic imaging is very similar to photoacoustic imaging, in which light pulses absorbed by tissue cause localized thermal expansion and generate acoustic waves. The difference is that in this case, the therapeutic ion beam is used to induce the heating effect. “The idea is that most of the energy deposition will be concentrated in the area of the Bragg peak,” she said. “This results in thermal expansion and generation of an acoustic wave, which we can then detect with an 35 x-axis (mm) 140 120 LET (keV/um) 140 y (mm) y (mm) LET 34 36 37 38 22 23 24 25 y-axis (mm) 26 Ionoacoustics: the 2D Bragg peak. acoustic transducer.” For clinical application, Parodi and colleagues are aiming to develop an ionoacoustic imaging system with a penetration depth of more than 10 mm and sub-millimetre resolution. Ultimately, they hope to combine anatomic ultrasound imaging prior (or even in parallel) to treatment with ionoacoustic imaging of the Bragg peak during ion beam therapy. To test the potential of this approach, the LMU team performed proton beam experiments at the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratory’s Tandem accelerator. They used 20 MeV protons to irradiate a water phantom with pulsed beams of varying pulse length (1.5 ns – 4 µs). The ensuing acoustic signals were detected using a 3.5 MHz cylindrically focused ultrasound transducer and a spherically focused 10 MHz transducer. For beam intensities above 105 protons/pulse, a clear acoustic signal could be acquired. The signal showed three spikes, attributed to the Bragg peak, the entrance window and a ref lection. The distance between the first and second of these spikes is proportional to the ion beam penetration depth and can be used to assess beam range. The measured range resolution agreed with that seen in simulations. “Sub-millimetre resolution of the Bragg peak position seems to be possible, quantification is ongoing,” said Parodi. Next, the researchers moved onto 2D Bragg peak imaging, achieved by x–y scanning the 10 MHz transducer. In parallel, they imaged the Bragg peak using Gafchromic film and performed Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations. The ionoacoustic images of the Bragg peak agreed reasonably well with both the film and the simulated images, both with and without the aluminium absorber. Very recently, the LMU team has begun to investigate ionoacoustic tomography, using a 64-channel ultrasound transducer array. Parodi noted that the team has now recorded its first 3D images. She concluded that ionoacoustic detection offers a direct way to observe the energy deposition of an ion beam in tissue, with the potential for 2D and 3D imaging with sub-millimetre range resolution. The minimum detectable signal was so far found to be 10 4 protons/pulse, representing a 1012 eV energy threshold. The next steps will involve testing the ionoacoustic effect using more realistic targets and higher-energy ion beams from conventional and novel high-dose-rate sources, as well as simulating the entire imaging process and exploring the technique’s applicability to various clinical treatment sites. OnQ rts® A vendor neutral clinical software suite to complement your treatment planning system Automate the Complex with atlas-based auto-contouring, deformable multi-modality image registration, 4D contour propagation and SUV based GTV delineation for PET. Adapt your Workflow with DIR based re- contouring, adaptive dose plan review and off-line task scheduler. Analyse your Performance with the comparison metrics in Contour Analysis to improve accuracy and precision. With Task Scheduler let the software work 24/7 so you don’t have to. ESTRO 33 - Booth 5150 www.osl.uk.com [email protected] +44 (0)1743 462694 medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 16 focus on: particle therapy CERN unifies medical physics research CERN has transferred a great deal of technology into the field of medical physics over the years, from adaptation of its high-energy particle detectors for PET scanning to the design and development of dedicated accelerators for particle therapy. Now, CERN is consolidating all of its diverse activities in the medical physics arena, with the creation of a new office for medical applications. “Since the start of this year, we are trying to combine all of our research on medical applications at CERN into one coordinating office,” explained CERN’s DirectorGeneral Rolf Heuer, speaking at the recent ICTR-PHE meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. Heading up the office for medical applications is Steve Myers, formerly CERN’s director of accelerators and technology. Myers’ first task in his new role was to set up a brainstorming workshop to help guide the direction of the fledgling programme. The workshop, which took place immediately after the ICTR-PHE meeting, saw around 80 leading experts from around the globe come together to discuss matters such as accelerators and gantries, clinical perspectives, biomedical research and radioisotope production, detectors and dosimetry, and the application of large-scale computing. One of the first projects that Myers will oversee is the transformation of CERN’s Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) into a biomedical facility. LEIR is a At the LEIR facility: (left to right) Steve Myers, with researchers Daniel Abler and Adriano Garrona, and CERN Senior Scientist Ugo Amaldi. small accelerator currently used to pre-accelerate lead ions for injection into the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). But it only does this for several weeks each year, leaving a lot of spare beam time. Importantly, the ring also has an energy range that matches that of medical accelerators (440 MeV/u for carbon ions). CERN has now confirmed that LEIR can be converted into a dedicated facility for biomedical research. This “BioLEIR” facility will provide particle beams of different types at various energies for use by external researchers. Myers explained the rationale for developing such a facility. He pointed out that although protons and carbon ions are already in extensive clinical use for treating tumours, and other species such as oxygen and helium ions are under investigation, there’s still a lack of controlled exper- iments that directly compare the effect of different ions on cancer cells under identical conditions. “The big advantage here is that we don’t treat patients,” he said. “Our aim is to provide a service, so researchers don’t have to do experiments at a clinical site, they can come here instead.” As well as radiobiology experiments, LEIR is lined up for use in detector development, dosimetry studies and basic physics investigations such as ion beam fragmentation. The facility would work in the same way as particle physics experiments are carried out at CERN: researchers propose experiments, which are peer reviewed by a panel of experts who select suitable projects, and CERN controls the beam time allocation. Before this can happen, however, LEIR needs some hardware modifi- cations. CERN researcher Adriano Garonna presented a status update on the ongoing design studies. He emphasized that LEIR will continue to be used as a lead ion accumulator for the LHC and other heavy ion experiments. The challenge, therefore, is to redesign LEIR for biomedical experiments, using the simplest and most cost-effective configuration, but while maintaining its current operational performance for the LHC. Firstly, Garonna told the ICTRPHE delegates, the current front-end is tailored for use with heavy ion sources and requires at least three weeks to swap between heavy and light ions. What’s needed is a dedicated front-end, comprising a light ion source and a radiofrequency quadrupole (RFQ) optimized for light ions, that will offer fast switching between species. The beams will be injected into and accelerated in LEIR up to a kinetic energy of 440 MeV/u for carbon ions. Garonna and colleagues have identified a suitable commercial light ion source (the Supernanogan Electron Cyclotron Resonance source) that can provide hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and neon ions. The next task is modification of the extraction system, which is currently designed to transfer highbrightness, 200 ns pulses to the Proton Synchrotron. Here, the goal is to create a dedicated resonant extraction system that delivers long spills (1–10 s) with uniform intensity for biomedical experiments. Such a slow extraction scheme could be implemented using minimal new hardware, explained Garonna, by installing an electrostatic septum and two magnetic septa. The CERN team has also demonstrated the feasibility of two potential resonance driving mechanisms: quadrupole driven extraction, which is easy to implement; and RF knock-out, which delivers better beam quality but requires installation of new hardware. Finally, Garonna detailed a first proposal for two experimental beamlines for LEIR: a horizontal beamline running at up to the maximum energy (440 MeV/u) and a vertical beamline with a reduced energy of up to 75 MeV/u. The adjacent hall next to the ring, currently used for storage, will also need to be fitted out as an experimental area suitable for various biomedical experiments. The total cost of the infrastructure developments will likely come in at around €15 million. And while CERN has provided seed funding for this project, the majority of the money needs to be sourced from elsewhere. So when can we expect to see the BioLEIR facility opening its doors to the international research community? Myers predicts that the full funding should be sourced during this year. Once this is achieved, the site could be up and running roughly two years later. Deformable Image Registration tools for RT planning and assessment Multi-modal fusion Dose warping and summation Auto-contouring Visit Mirada at ESTRO 2014, booth #5400 www.mirada-medical.com medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb. focus on: nuclear medicine 17 Gelatin phantoms calibrate PET ImSimQA™ TM Virtual Phantoms for IGRT QA Atlas-based auto-contouring, deformable multi-modality image registration (DIR) and adaptive RT are on the increase. How can DIR software be tested and validated with limited access to clinical scanners? Improved quantification: a mould containing one of the gelatin spheres. Accurate volume estimation is imperative when using PET for tumour staging and treatment planning. Currently, PET systems are calibrated using phantoms made from hollow spheres filled with radioactive liquids. But the presence of a non-radioactive wall at the edge of such a sphere can cause inaccuracies. Instead, researchers in Sweden suggest that a wall-less gelatin phantom will improve PET activity quantification and volume delineation (Phys. Med. Biol. 59 1097). Previous studies on PET quantification phantoms have shown that the presence of a non-active wall decreases the lesion-to-background contrast. This creates inaccuracies in quantification, particularly when imaging a small sphere where the wall represents a large portion of its overall volume. The presence of cold walls has also been shown to affect the measured standard uptake values, which reduce as wall thickness increases. To address these shortcomings, Marie Sydoff and colleagues at Lund University’s Department of Medical Radiation Physics in Malmö have developed a simple method for creating radionuclide-doped gelatin phantoms without non-active walls. To compare these with conventional phantoms, they used a Jaszczak phantom containing three hollow plastic spheres (with inner diameters of 15.6, 22.5 and 27.9 mm) in a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cylinder. The researchers dissolved 18F-FDG in water to an activity concentration of approximately 80 kBq/ml, simulating a clinical situation. They added gelatin granules to half of the solution and water to the other half. The gelatin solution was heated, poured into spherical aluminium moulds (with diameters of 15.6, 22.5 and 27.9 mm) and then frozen to create solid spheres. The other half of the solution was used to fill the hollow plastic spheres. Finally, all six spheres were mounted in the Jaszczak phantom. The spheres were imaged with a Gemini TF PET/CT system (from Philips Healthcare) using a matrix size of 144 × 144, a voxel size of 4 × 4 × 4 mm, and a scan time of 8 min/ bed position. Measurements were made with the spheres surrounded Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb.org by water (zero background), and with background fractions of 0.08, 0.1, 0.13 and 0.2. After PET image reconstruction and attenuation correction, the data were processed to calculate the background-corrected relative threshold - Tvol - for all of the spheres. Tvol provides an intensity threshold with which to delineate the volumetric edges of a tumour or spherical phantom. For the largest spheres and the lowest background fraction (0.08), Tvol was lower for the hollow plastic sphere (39.7%) than for the gelatin sphere (41.4%). With the highest background (0.2), Tvol was 33.7% for the large plastic sphere and 41.1% for the large gelatin sphere. The researchers plotted Tvol as a function of the five background fractions. With zero background activity, the Tvol values for the gelatin and hollow spheres were practically the same. As the background activity increased, however, Tvol for all of the hollow spheres decreased while Tvol for the gelatin spheres remained practically constant. “When we used the Tvol values for volume calculations, the values obtained from the hollow spheres showed increasing overestimation of volume with increasing background activity levels,” explained Sydoff. “This makes the Tvol values for the gelatin spheres more accurate for structures in an active background, which is always the case in patient measurements.” The authors conclude that threshold values estimated using spheres with non-active walls should not be used for tumour delineation in patients, especially for small volumes within a high-activity background. With the gelatin spheres, however, the background corrected threshold method can be employed to define tumour volume from PET images. The researchers now plan to study the effects of plastic walls in microPET systems, where phantom walls are a much bigger problem, since the volumes are far smaller. “I am also looking at the possibilities of using this method of volume estimation on structures other than spheres, to be able to implement it in real patient measurements such as within oncology, for example,” said Sydoff. ImSimQA is an essential software toolkit that generates ground-truth DICOM test images to validate clinical software systems (OnQ rts®, MIM Maestro™, Velocity, ABAS, SPICE and Smart Segmentation®), and provides quantitative analysis of DIR algorithms. Save time and close the loop using ImSimQA, the only commercially available standalone software designed for DIR + RIR QA. ESTRO 33 - Booth 5150 www.osl.uk.com [email protected] +44 (0)1743 462694 To find out more about advertising opportunities on medicalphysicsweb and in the medicalphysicsweb review, simply contact our sales representative Paul Rucci. e-mail [email protected], tel +1 (215) 627 0880 ext. 268 medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 18 focus on: nuclear medicine CD Well eases small-animal studies Performing PET functional measurements in very small animals can be difficult, due to the limited blood volume that can be sampled and rapid changes in blood radioactivity after the radiotracer is injected. To ease this process, Japanese researchers have developed the CD Well, which uses microlitre-sized sample volumes to measure whole blood and plasma for dynamic PET studies in mice and rats. The aim was to develop a system that measures time-activity curves for arterial whole blood (wTAC) and plasma (pTAC) separately (Phys. Med. Biol. 58 7889). A quantitative PET study requires concurrent acquisition of pTAC and wTAC data to estimate the behaviour of an administered radiopharmaceutical in target tissue using compartment model analysis. For a small rodent, the volume per sample for TAC analysis is limited to 4 or 5 µl. This is constrained by the number of samples needed for metabolite analysis and pTAC and wTAC measurements, and the restriction that no CD Well researchers: the team includes collaborators from NIRS, Chuba University, Fujita Health University, Kinki University and Shimadzu. more than 10% of the animal’s total blood volume should be sampled to prevent adverse physiological effects. The small volume of these microsamples is a limiting factor when they are centrifuged to separate plasma from blood cells, and then used to perform volume and radio- activity measurements, according to lead author Yuichi Kimura, a professor at Kinki University. The CD Well overcomes this difficulty because it uses only a minute volume of blood. T he apparatus contains 36 U-shaped channels. Each holds a maximum of 4 µl of blood. The hydrophilic-lined channels have tapered inlet openings at each end, one used to sample a drop of blood and the other serving as an air vent. Each channel has a precise, uniform rectangular cross-sectional area of 200 ± 10 µl × 500 ± 10 µl to enable a volume of sampled blood to be obtained from the length of the sample in the channel. “The small size of the CD Well enables it to be placed next to a rodent during the blood sampling. This shortens the catheter length, reducing distortion of the TAC due to dispersion and minimizing the total volume of blood loss,” the authors wrote. Its size also reduces the delay between the true and measured TAC, as well as distortion of the TAC shape caused by dispersion due to the transit of sampled blood through the catheter; delay and dispersion being the major factors that cause inaccurate TAC. After serial sampling is completed, the CD Well is centrifuged to separate plasma from blood cells and then scanned with a flatbed scanner A new take on PET registration The advantages of microSPECT A new way of validating PET imaging and the segmentation of tumour images with histopathological data has been developed by researchers in the US. The technique synthesizes PET images from autoradiography images of excised tumours and could provide a more informed basis for customized PET-guided radiotherapy that selectively boosts dose to certain tumour subvolumes (Radiother. Oncol. doi: 10.1016/j. radonc.2013.12.017). “While the scientific community is excited about PET-guided fully personalized radiotherapy, we cannot ignore the fact that we are yet to demonstrate spatial correlation between even the most common of PET tracers and any of their assumed ‘identities’ such as hypoxia, cell proliferation, cell metabolism state and cell density,” said first author Marian Axente, who carried out the research at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Centre in Richmond, VA, and now works at Stanford University in California. A common approach to histopathological PET validation is to register in vivo PET scans of a tumour with histopathological images acquired after its excision. However, registration techniques have limited accuracy as the two image sets can lack common identifying landmarks and the excision and subsequent processing of the tumour can deform it from its in vivo, scanned state. Instead, the researchers’ approach uses ex vivo autoradiography to image slices of tissue sampled from throughout an excised tumour perfused with radiotracer. The images State- of-the-ar t microCT and microSPECT scanners can produce images with high enough spatial and temporal resolution to quantitatively evaluate the cardiac function of laboratory mice. According to researchers at Duke University both of these imaging technologies offer advantages over MRI, the “gold standard” for in vivo murine cardiac imaging (Mol. Imaging Biol. doi: 10.1007/s11307-013-0686-z). In a direct comparison study, the researchers also discovered that microSPECT had several advantages over microCT. This finding may be particularly valuable, because the microSPECT scanner utilized is in commercial production, whereas the microCT is unique to the Duke research laboratory. In vivo cardiac imaging of mice is a useful tool for researchers of human cardiac disease and for developers working on new clinical treatments. However, the small size of a mouse’s heart and its rapid heart rate make the acquisition of high-quality images challenging. Duke’s dual-source microCT system produces what lead author Nicolas Befera and colleagues believe is the highest spatial resolution currently available for 4D cardiac microCT imaging. The lab also owns a U-SPECTII/CT system (from MILabs of the Netherlands) fitted with a 0.35 mm multi-pinhole collimator. The research team used both systems to acquire images of a mouse with myocardial infarction, as well as six control mice, all of which were anaesthetized for the procedures. For the 4D microCT, mice were injected medicalphysicsweb review Spring 2014 Increased accuracy: first author Marian Axente and colleagues have come up with a new technique for segmentation of PET images. are used to build a 3D map of radiotracer distribution. Then, the map is combined with known PET scanner characteristics to synthesize PET images that can be compared with histopathological images also acquired from throughout the tumour. For their proof-of-concept study, they tested two human head-andneck tumour xenografts excised from two mice that had been injected with carbon-14 FDG. The radiotracer is chemically identical to the fluorine-18 FDG tracer used clinically to image glucose metabolism. The researchers cut 8 µm thick slices of tumour, in stacks of four every 120 µm throughout the volume. They used autoradiography to image one slice from each stack and carried out histopathological testing in neighbouring slices. Mayer’s haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining was used to identify viable tissue subvolumes in one slice and, while unused in this study, the other two slices can be used to visualize other characteristics such as hypoxia or proliferation. A 3D autoradiography set that mapped the carbon-14 FDG distribution was reconstructed based on a series of image registrations that included the use of needle tracks left by slice preparation procedures as registration landmarks. Overall registration accuracy was confirmed by a consistency analysis that demonstrated smooth variations in voxel intensity between slices in the 3D volume and high normalized correlation coefficients of 0.84±0.05 and 0.94±0.02 for the two tumours. Synthetic PET images were generated by convolving the 3D autoradiography data with the point spread function of a small-animal PET scanner. In an illustration of the application of their technique, the researchers showed that thresholdbased segmentation could identify viable tumour. Using thresholds of 14% and 22%, the extent of viable tumour could be detected with high sensitivities of 0.99 and 0.94 in the two tumours, respectively. Specificity, however, was low. Potential technique improvements include the use of Monte Carlo techniques to increase PET simulation accuracy and automation to increase efficiency. “Automation of the process would bring about an exquisite amount of preclinical and clinical data,” Axente told medicalphysicsweb. However, due to a lack of funding, there are no immediate plans for further testing and development. to define the regions of plasma and blood cells. The measured length is converted to volume. The apparatus is then exposed to an imaging plate for 20 minutes to measure positrons emitted from the blood in the channels, after which it is scanned by a phosphor imaging plate scanner with a spatial resolutions of 100 µm/ pixel and a 16-bit output resolution. The two images are processed using a dedicated software program. The scanned image, which depicts locations of whole blood and plasma, is superimposed on the imaging-plate derived image to acquire the radioactivity concentrations (in Bq/µl) in whole blood and plasma separately. Kimura and colleagues reported that in in vitro validation testing, the radioactivity concentrations measured by the CD Well were not significantly different from those obtained by conventional manual methods. And because the CD Well measures blood volume directly, individual differences in blood specific gravity do not affect the result. with a liposomal blood pool contrast agent, immediately after which sampling was performed using retrospective cardiorespiratory gating. Image acquisition of 2250 projections per mouse took 5–10 minutes, with a delivered radiation dose of 360 mGy. For microSPECT, mice were injected with technetium tetrofosmin, and imaged for two hours. They received a radiation dose ranging from 400 to 800 mGy. Measures of global left ventricle functions between the two modalities were comparable. Regional functional indices – specifically wall motion, wall thickening and regional ejection fraction – were also similar. One of the relative advantages of microSPECT over microCT was evident when both modalities were used to image a mouse with a surgically induced myocardial infarction. “MicroSPECT readily identified a large perfusion defect consistent with myocardial infarction involving the cardiac apex and anterolateral left ventricle wall, which could not be seen by microCT,” the authors wrote. MicroSPECT also offered an advantage in imaging myocardial infarction in that both function and radiotracer distribution data could be obtained from a single acquisition without the need for additional for additional specialized contrast agents. Another advantage is its nanomolar sensitivity in detection of molecular probes, with a 103 greater sensitivity than currently available MR techniques. The primary disadvantage compared to MRI was the use of ionizing radiation. “While this level of radiation exposure would have no effect on cardiac imaging, it could potentially become an issue in cancer studies by affecting the progression of some tumours,” they observed. Sign up as a member at medicalphysicsweb. h eALth PhySicS nUcLe A r med i c i n e d i A g n o S ti c rA d i o L o g y R a D I at Io n t h E R a p y Nearly as good as water. true Innovation First commercially available synthetic single crystal diamond detector for clinical dosimetry } Nearly water equivalent for all beam energies } Extremely small sensitive volume (0.004 mm³), ideal for small field dosimetry } One single detector for all field sizes up to 40 cm x 40 cm } Precise, accurate measurements in photon and electron fields } Minimal energy, temperature and directional dependence R A D I AT I O N T H E R A P Y When small things matter. 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