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PDF format - Cognitive Science Society
PROGRAM • COGSCI 2015 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Mind, Technology, and Society Pasadena, California, 23-25 July 2015 Organized by Rick Dale Carolyn Jennings Paul P. Maglio Teenie Matlock David C. Noelle Anne Warlaumont Jeff Yoshimi Cognitive and Information Sciences University of California, Merced Dear Cognitive Scientists, Welcome to Pasadena for the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Our conference brings together some of the most innovative research in cognitive science. The program features cutting-edge plenary talks by three international figures from diverse research areas: Martha Farah, Rich Ivry, and Rosalind Picard. It also includes three invited symposia aimed at showcasing the three broad themes for this year: Mind, Technology, and Society. CogSci 2015 received 882 submissions, including 669 full papers, 186 member abstracts, 3 publication-based presentations, 13 symposium proposals, and 10 workshop and tutorial proposals. Following a rigorous review process, final selections were 187 papers for oral presentation (28%), 287 papers for poster presentation (43%), 185 member abstracts for poster presentation, 2 publication-based talks, and 6 symposia. All 10 tutorials and workshop submissions were accepted this year (even though one workshop was withdrawn). We hope you enjoy the meeting this year and the city of Pasadena, home of CalTech, the Rose Bowl, and Huntington Library and Gardens. The Pasadena Convention Center is conveniently located near hundreds of restaurants, cafes, and shops, and is relatively close to many attractions and points of interest in the greater Los Angeles area, including Universal Studios Hollywood and Disneyland. Enjoy your time in Southern California! Your Hosts, Rick Dale, Carolyn Jennings, Paul P. Maglio, Teenie Matlock, David C. Noelle, Anne Warlaumont, and Jeff Yoshimi 1 Acknowledgments We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the planning, organization, and success of this year’s meeting. We start by thanking the 172 Program Committee members and over 1,000 reviewers, who were essential to the review process, and the awards committee, who helped evaluate the prize-winning papers. The conference would not be possible without your time and effort. (All committee members are listed on pages 4-5 and all reviewers are listed in the proceedings.) We are grateful to many individuals who helped us organize the meeting. We thank Jessica Wong, the Cognitive Science Society’s Conference Officer, for coordinating many of the planning details, and Deborah Gruber, the Cognitive Science Society’s Business Manager, for handling the business details. We thank the Executive Committee, especially Richard Catrambone, Nora Newcombe, and Susan Goldin-Meadow, and the Governing Board for continued support and guidance in planning. We also thank the Scarritt Group, Inc., for logistics and support as well as James Stewart of Precision Conference Solutions for improving the conference reviewing system. We are grateful to Martin Butz and Anna Belardinelli for coordinating our student volunteers, and we thank the student volunteers themselves for helping us run the conference on site. A special thanks goes to Bodo Winter for assistance with member abstracts and to Andy Stull, Mary Hegarty, Ken Forbus, Bob Glushko, Wayne Gray, and last year's organizers for advice that helped us with early planning. We are grateful to our conference sponsors (listed on page 8) for generous financial support. Last, we thank the Cognitive Science community for continued support and interest. The many suggestions and contributions we received from society members helped us achieve a successful meeting. We hope that it is an enjoyable and stimulating experience for everyone. Rick Dale, Carolyn Jennings, Paul P. Maglio, Teenie Matlock, David C. Noelle, Anne Warlaumont, and Jeff Yoshimi Organizing Committee, Cognitive Science 2015 2 Committees Organizing Committee: Rick Dale Carolyn Jennings Paul P. Maglio Teenie Matlock David C. Noelle Anne Warlaumont Jeff Yoshimi University of California, Merced Organizing Committee Chair: Paul P. Maglio Program Chairs: David C. Noelle and Rick Dale Member Abstracts Chairs: Teenie Matlock and Jeff Yoshimi Tutorials & Workshops Chair: Anne Warlaumont Awards Committee: Rick Dale, chair Chen Yu, Indiana University Florencia Reali, Los Andes University Paul Bello, Office of Naval Research Max Louwerse, Tilburg University Student Volunteer Chairs: Martin Butz and Anna Belardinelli University of Tübingen Website Coordinators: Jeff Yoshimi and Rick Dale Artwork: Teenie Matlock Conference Officer: Jessica Wong, University of Chicago 3 Program Committee Members Dor Abrahamson Afra Alishahi Erik Altmann Michael Anderson Mark Andrews Blair Armstrong Inbal Arnon Sudha Arunachalam Richard Ashley Thomas Barkowsky Mike Barley Daniel Bartels Sieghard Beller Andrea Bender Sven Bertel Brad Best Perrin Bignoli Dorrit Billman Stephen Blessing Jean-Francois Bonnefon Anna M. Borghi Will Bridewell Henry Brighton Monica Bucciarelli Bruce Burns Daniel Casasanto Sanjay Chandrasekharan Franklin Chang Ron Chrisley Morten Christiansen Catherine Clement Jonathan Cohen Christopher Conway Fintan Costello Seana Coulson Scotty Craig David Danks Judith Danovitch Eddy Davelaar Felipe De Brigard Gedeon Deák Morteza Dehghani James Dixon Alex Doumas Susan Epstein Thomas Farmer Caitlin Fausey Michele Feist Jozsef Fiser Anna Fisher Ken Forbus Mike Frank Stefan Frank Christian Freksa Bob French Daniel Freudenthal Wai-Tat Fu Danilo Fum Riccardo Fusaroli Alexia Galati Timothy Gann Dedre Gentner Ashok Goel Laura Gonnerman Cleotilde Gonzalez Noah Goodman Lisa Grimm Maurice Grinberg Prahlad Gupta Todd Gureckis Thomas Hannagan Stephen Jose Hanson Mary Hegarty Sebastien Helie Shohei Hidaka Thomas Hills Eva Hudlicka Stephanie Huette Alistair Isaac Robert Jacobs T. Florian Jaeger Christian Janssen 4 Gary Jones Michael Jones Ion Juvina Michael Kalish Vsevolod Kapatsinski Irvin Katz Mark Keane Christopher Kello William Kennedy Sangeet Khemlani Celeste Kidd Agnieszka Konopka Stefan Kopp Nate Kornell Kenneth Kurtz Chigusa Kurumada David Landy Michael Lee George Luger Gary Lupyan Dermot Lynott Lorenzo Magnani Hanspeter Mallot Art Markman Ralf Mayrhofer Russ McBride Marek McGann Craig R. M. McKenzie Padraic Monaghan Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martin Gregory Murphy Christopher Myers Yuki Nagai Hansjoerg Neth Sergei Nirenburg Timothy Nokes-Malach Nader Noori Howard Nusbaum Marta Olivetti Andrew Olney Luca Onnis Daniel Osherson John Pani David Pautler David Peebles Mark Pitt Marie Postma-Nilsenovia Marco Ragni Stephen Reed Marjorie Rhodes Daniel Richardson Mike Richardson Kai-Florian Richter Etienne Roesch Timothy Rogers Yasuaki Sakamoto Franz Schmalhofer Ute Schmid Mike Schoelles Christian Schunn John Schwenkler Colleen Seifert Kevin Shockley Patrick Simen Chris Sims Michael Spivey Terrence Stewart David Stracuzzi Ron Sun Naveen Sundar Jakub Szymanik Thora Tenbrink Josh Tenenbaum Paul Thagard Jim Thompson Joe Toscano Jennifer Trueblood Barbara Tversky Kristian Tylén M. Afzal Upal Frederic ValleeTourangeau Sashank Varma Paul Vogt Mikkel Wallentin Hongbin Wang Anne Warlaumont Takeo Watanabe Markus Werning Jon Willits Sharon Wood Eldad Yechiam Jeffrey Yoshimi Robert Youmans Jason Zevin Corinne Zimmerman Student Volunteers Nicole Beckage, University of Colorado, Boulder Davie Floyd, Columbia University Sarah Green Goodman, University of California, Santa Cruz Theodros Haile, University of Massachusetts Katherine Kimura, University of California, Berkeley Daniel Lenzen, University of California, San Diego Rachel A. Lerch, Drexel University Butovens Mede, University of California, Merced Alexandra Paxton, University of California, Merced Jessica Ross, University of California, Merced Emily Sumner, University of Rochester Kejkaew Thanasuan, Michigan Technological University Brandon Thomas, University of Cincinnati Alfredo Vernazzani, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Yunan "Charles" Wu, Wabash College 5 Registration and Information Desk For those who have registered, badge pick-up is in the main level lobby, at the main entrance outside the Ballrooms. On-site registration is in Room CC 204. Certificates of Attendance can be picked up in Room CC 204. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday On-site Registration Badge Pick Up 08:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 14:00 08:00 – 12:30, 13:30 – 17:00 08:00 – 12:30, 14:00 – 16:00 08:30 – 10:30 08:00 – 17:00 08:00 – 17:00 08:00 – 17:00 08:00 – 12:30 Coffee Breaks Coffee and tea breaks are held in the foyer outside Ballroom C-F. Coffee and tea are complimentary. Juice, soda, and other beverages are available for purchase. Convention Center Map Rumelhart&& Recep;on& ! Poster&Sessions& Conference& Center&(CC)& Badge&Pickup& Lobby,&Street&Level& Onsite&Registra;on& Room&204,&Street&Level& Conference& Center&(CC)& Paper&Sessions&will&be&held&on& the&Lower&Level&(Rooms&101H107)& 6 Coffee&Breaks& Internet Access 1. Connect to the PCOC_visitor wireless network. 2. Once connected, open your web browser. 3. You will be redirected to a splash page, where you can enter a passcode. 4. Enter passcode cogsci2015 (case sensitive) and select “agree to terms”. 5. You will be connected and be redirected back to the web. Cognitive Science Society Business Meeting The Cognitive Science Society Business Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 23rd at 18:00 in Ballroom A-E. In Case of Emergency Call 911 7 Sponsors GE Global Research The Robert J. Glushko and Pamela Samuelson Foundation IBM The Mind Science Foundation University of California, Berkeley University of California, Merced University of Southern California Wiley Presentation Instructions Oral presentations: Standard oral presentations are allocated 20 minutes each. Speakers should present material for 15 minutes and answer questions for 4-5 minutes after the presentation. Each room is equipped with a video projector with standard VGA input and audio input, and is also equipped with a microphone. The projectors support a 4:3 aspect ratio. For best results, please ensure your presentations use a 4:3 aspect ratio (rather than a wide-screen format). Speakers must bring their own laptops. Mac/Apple users must also bring an Apple-VGA connector cable. Note: Presentations that are part of workshops, tutorials, or symposia may use different schedules. Please contact the organizer of the given workshop, tutorial, or symposium for information about the correct amount of presentation time. Session chairs: This year, the last speaker of each session will serve as the session chair. That individual will quickly announce each speaker and strictly monitor the time of each talk. Each room will have signs that the chair can use to signal to the speaker how much time is left. Poster presentations: Posters will be presented on poster boards during the poster sessions. Poster boards and push-pins will be provided. Maximum poster dimensions are 8 feet wide and 4 feet high (244 cm x 122 cm), though of course they can be smaller. Presenters must remove their posters at the end of the poster session. 8 Proceedings The proceedings are available at: http://mindmodeling.org/cogsci2015/ The proceedings for past conferences are available at: http://cognitivesciencesociety.org/conference_past.html How to Cite Your Paper APA formatted citation for a 6-page paper: Author A. & Author B.. (2015). This is the title of the paper. In D. C. Noelle, R. Dale, A. S. Warlaumont, J. Yoshimi, T. Matlock, C. D. Jennings, & P. P. Maglio (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. PAGES). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. APA formatted citation for a published abstract: Author A. & Author B. (2015). This is the title of the abstract [Abstract]. In D. C. Noelle, R. Dale, A. S. Warlaumont, J. Yoshimi, T. Matlock, C. D. Jennings, & P. P. Maglio (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (p. NUMBER). Austin TX: Cognitive Science Society. APA formatted citation for a talk (or poster) presentation: Author A. & Author B. (2015, July). This is the title of the talk or poster. Paper (or Poster) presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Pasadena, California USA. 9 The MIT Press CONSCIOUSNESS, ATTENTION, AND CONSCIOUS ATTENTION Carlos Montemayor and Harry Haroutioun Haladjian A rigorous analysis of current empirical and theoretical work supporting the argument that consciousness and attention are largely dissociated. 292 pp., 10 illus., $40 cloth PROCESSING INACCURATE INFORMATION Theoretical and Applied Perspectives from Cognitive Science and the Educational Sciences edited by David N. Rapp and Jason L. G. Braasch Interdisciplinary approaches to identifying, understanding, and remediating people’s reliance on inaccurate information that they should know to be wrong. 480 pp., 23 illus., $50 cloth A NATURAL HISTORY OF NATURAL THEOLOGY The Cognitive Science of Theology and Philosophy of Religion Helen De Cruz and Johan De Smedt “Why is religion culturally universal? Why do our senses of order, design, and beauty lead us to infer a Designer? De Cruz and De Smedt lucidly and seamlessly join philosophy with cognitive science to provide accessible, empirically based answers. Their huge achievement greatly advances religious studies.” —Stewart Elliott Guthrie, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Fordham University; author of Faces in the Clouds: A New Theory of Religion 264 pp., 1 illus., $40 cloth AFTER PHRENOLOGY How to Study the Brain Michael L. Anderson A proposal for a fully postphrenological neuroscience that details the evolutionary roots of functional diversity in brain regions and networks. A Bradford Book 432 pp., 7 color illus., 26 b&w illus., $45 cloth SPACE IN MIND Concepts for Spatial Learning and Education edited by Daniel R. Montello, Karl Grossner, and Donald G. Janelle Leading researchers offer a range of disciplinary perspectives on the implications of spatial thinking and reasoning for education and learning. THE MORAL BRAIN A Multidisciplinary Perspective edited by Jean Decety and Thalia Wheatley An overview of the latest interdisciplinary research on human morality, capturing moral sensibility as a sophisticated integration of cognitive, emotional, and motivational mechanisms. 328 pp., 8 illus., $35 cloth 352 pp., 36 illus., $45 cloth ARTIFICIAL COGNITIVE SYSTEMS A Primer David Vernon A concise introduction to a complex field, bringing together recent work in cognitive science and cognitive robotics to offer a solid grounding on key issues. THE CONCEPTUAL MIND New Directions in the Study of Concepts edited by Eric Margolis and Stephen Laurence New essays by leading philosophers and cognitive scientists that present recent findings and theoretical developments in the study of concepts. 288 pp., 27 illus., $40 cloth 640 pp., 11 color illus., 35 b&w illus., $58 cloth MINDS WITHOUT MEANING An Essay on the Content of Concepts Jerry A. Fodor and Zenon W. Pylyshyn Two prominent thinkers argue for the possibility of a theory of concepts that takes reference to be concepts’ sole semantic property. CATEGORIZING COGNITION Toward Conceptual Coherence in the Foundations of Psychology Graeme S. Halford, William H. Wilson, Glenda Andrews, and Steven Phillips A proposal for a categorization of cognition based on core properties of the constituent processes that integrates theory and empirical findings across domains. 216 pp., 13 illus., $30 cloth The MIT Press mitpress.mit.edu 352 pp., 46 illus., $45 cloth 10 UNIFYING THE MIND Cognitive Representations as Graphical Models David Danks “Few philosophers address questions of interest to working scientists. David Danks is one of the few. His ideas about conceptualizing cognitive representations as graphical models have profound implications for all mind-brain investigators…” —John T. Bruer, President, James S. McDonnell Foundation 304 pp., 24 illus., $40 cloth COMPUTER GAMES FOR LEARNING An Evidence-Based Approach Richard E. Mayer A comprehensive and up-todate investigation of what research shows about the educational value of computer games for learning. 296 pp., 29 illus., $35 cloth Visit our BOOTH for a 30% DISCOUNT Exhibitors Oxford University Press Featuring two new Oxford Handbooks in the Oxford Library of Psychology Series: Busemeyer et al., Oxford Handbook of Computational and Mathematical Psychology and Calvo et al., Oxford Handbook of Affective Computing. Also new in Paperback: Eliasmith's How To Build a Brain in the Oxford Series in Cognitive Models and Architectures and Kolko's Exposing the Magic of Design in the HTI Series. And much more from Oxford University Press. The MIT Press The MIT Press publishes extensively in the field. Please visit our booth to browse our new and classic titles. 30% discount (Exhibits are located outside of the foyer of Ballroom C-F.) Advertisers Elsevier We are proud to play an integral part within the Cognitive Science community by delivering first class information and innovative tools, to meet the needs of educators, researchers and students worldwide. The MIT Press The MIT Press publishes extensively in the field. Please visit our booth to browse our new and classic titles. 30% discount Wiley Wiley is a global provider of knowledge and knowledge-enabled services that improve outcomes in areas of research, professional practice, and education. Visit www.wiley.com for more information. 11 MITCogNet From the MIT Press Authoritative and unrivaled, MIT CogNet is the essential research tool for scholars in the Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Since its inception in 2000, MIT CogNet has become an essential resource for those interested in cutting-edge primary research across the range of fields that study the nature of the human mind. 2015 MARKS THE LAUNCH OF A NEW, ENHANCED MIT COGNET. FEATURES INCLUDE: r.PSFUIBO.*51SFTTCPPLT.*51SFTTSFGFSFODFXPSLT BOE.*51SFTT+PVSOBMTXJUIOFXDPOUFOUBEEFESFHVMBSMZ r%3.GSFFCPPLSFGFSFODFBOEKPVSOBMDPOUFOU r"OFXDMFBONPEFSOEFTJHO r*OUFHSBUFECPPLSFGFSFODFBOEKPVSOBMTFBSDI r/FX.*5&$4The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences CBTFEUBYPOPNZGPSCFUUFSCSPXTJOH A FULLY-FUNCTIONAL VERSION OF MIT COGNET IS AVAILABLE FOR A FREE, 60-DAY TRIAL FOR ANY INSTITUTION. r/FXTUBUFPGUIFBSUTFSWFSBOE%SVQBMCBTFEQMBUGPSN GPSHSFBUMZJNQSPWFEQFSGPSNBODFBOETUBCJMJUZ Contact us at [email protected] “MIT CogNet is an invaluable resource for all cognitive science research. It provides one-stop access to the best in both reference material and cutting-edge research, and is my starting point for every new project.” — David Danks, Professor of Philosophy & Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University cognet.mit.edu 12 Robert J. Glushko Dissertation Prizes The Cognitive Science Society and the Robert J. Glushko and Pamela Samuelson Foundation award up to five outstanding dissertation prizes in cognitive science each year. The goals of these prizes are to increase the prominence of cognitive science and encourage students to engage in interdisciplinary efforts to understand minds and intelligent systems. The hope is that the prizes will recognize and honor young researchers conducting ground-breaking research in cognitive science. The eventual goal is to aid in efforts to bridge between the areas of cognitive science and create theories of general interest to the multiple fields concerned with scientifically understanding the nature of minds and intelligent systems. Promoting a unified cognitive science is consistent with the belief that understanding how minds work will require the synthesis of many different empirical methods, formal tools, and analytic theories. 2011 was the inaugural year of this prize, and a new competition is held annually. The 2015 recipients of the Robert J. Glushko Prizes for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertations / Theses in Cognitive Science are listed below. Dr. Harm Brouwer, The Electrophysiology of Language Comprehension: A Neurocomputational Model, PhD 2014, University of Groningen Dr. Da Cheong (Jena) Hwang, Identification and Representation of Caused Motion Constructions, PhD 2014, University of Colorado Dr. Brenden Lake, Towards more human-like concept learning in machines: Compositionality, causality, and learning-to-learn, PhD 2014, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dr. Jessica Sullivan, The Roles of Inference and Associative Learning in the Construction of Mappings Between Number Words and Numerical Magnitudes, PhD 2014, University of California, San Diego For more information about awardees and their dissertations, see http://www.cognitivesciencesociety.org/about_awards_glushko_recipients.html The Glushko Dissertation Prize Symposium showcases the award winning projects, moderated by Linda B. Smith (Indiana University), Thursday, 23 July, 15:00 13 Paper Awards Marr Prize The Marr Prize, named in honor of the late David Marr, is awarded to the best student paper at the conference. All student first authors were eligible for the Marr Prize for the best student paper. The Marr Prize includes an honorarium of $1000 and is sponsored by The Cognitive Science Society. The winner of the 2015 Marr Prize for the Best Student Paper is Tiffany Doan, Stephanie Denison, Christopher Lucas, and Alison Gopnik: Learning to reason about desires: An infant training study Friday, 24 July, 10:30 Computational Modeling Prizes Four prizes worth $1000 each are awarded for the best full paper submissions to CogSci 2015 that involve computational cognitive modeling. The four prizes represent the best modeling work in the areas of perception/action language, higher-level cognition, and applied cognition. These prizes are sponsored by The Cognitive Science Society. The winners of the 2015 Computational Modeling Prizes are listed below. Perception and Action: Judith E. Fan, Daniel L. K. Yamins and Nicholas B. TurkBrowne: Common object representations for visual recognition and production Thursday, 23 July, 10:30 Language: Yang Xu, Terry Regier and Barbara Malt: Semantic chaining and efficient communication: The case of container names Saturday, 25 July, 10:30 Higher-Level Cognition: Nisheeth Srivastava and Ed Vul: Attention dynamics in multiple object tracking Friday, 24 July, 15:00 Applied Cognition: Peter Krafft, Robert X.D. Hawkins, Alex Pentland, Noah Goodman and Josh Tenenbaum: Emergent Collective Sensing in Human Groups Thursday, 23 July, 10;30 14 Student Travel Awards The Robert J. Glushko and Pamela Samuelson Foundation generously sponsored $10,000 for student travel awards. Travel awards have been provided to students whose submissions were accepted as full papers, received high rankings, and who indicated a need for travel funding. This year’s travel awards went to the individuals listed below. Nicole Beckage, University of Colorado, Boulder Neil Bramley, University College London Gregory Cox, Syracuse University Tiffany Doan, University of Waterloo Richard Fereday, Cardiff University Jessica Hamrick, University of California, Berkeley Rose Hendricks, University of California, San Diego Julian Jara-Ettinger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Max Kleiman-Weiner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Peter Krafft, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Saebyul Lee, The Ohio State University Timothy Lew, University of California, San Diego Tze Kwan Li, University of Hong Kong Stewart McCauley, Cornell University Francis Mollica, University of Rochester Amanda Pogue, University of Rochester Alexander Rich, New York University Joshua Rule, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Eric Schulz, University College London Janelle Szary, University of California, Merced 15 Invited Presentations Rumelhart Prize Lecture and Symposium Explorations in Representation Michael Jordan, UC Berkeley Friday, 24 July, 17:00 The Symposium in Honor of Michael Jordan will be moderated by Tom Griffiths (UC Berkeley) and include panelists David Blei (Columbia University), Emily Fox (University of Washington), Geoff Hinton (Google/University of Toronto), Robbie Jacobs (Rochester), and Josh Tenenbaum (MIT). Friday, 24 July, 15:00 Heineken Prize Lecture Toward a Parallel Distributed Processing Approach to Mathematical Cognition James McClelland, Stanford University Thursday, 23 July, 17:00 Keynotes Embodied Decision Making: System Interactions in Movement Execution and Action Selection Richard Ivry, UC Berkeley Thursday, 23 July, 09:00 Surprising Findings from Measuring Emotion in Real Life Rosalind Picard, MIT Media Lab Friday, 24 July, 09:00 Neuroscience and Society: Past, Present and Future Martha Farah, University of Pennsylvania Saturday, 25 July, 09:00 16 Invited Symposia Cognitive Science in Society Organizer: Teenie Matlock, UC Merced Panelists: Michael Ranney, University of California, Berkeley Daniel M. Russell, Google Daniel C. Richardson, University College London Thursday, 23 July, 10:30 Human-Machine Symbiosis 50 Years Later Organizers: Paul Maglio and David C. Noelle, UC Merced Panelists: Mike Van Lent, SoarTech Leila Takayama, GoogleX David Woods, The Ohio State University Friday, 24 July, 10:30 Contemporary Perspectives on Sensory Perception and Multimodality Organizers: Carolyn Jennings and Jeff Yoshimi, UC Merced Panelists: Clare Batty, University of Kentucky Casey O'Callaghan, Washington University in St. Louis Ladan Shams, UCLA Saturday, 25 July, 10:30 17 18 Days at Glance 19 20 21 Track 7 CC 105 (Note: HTML format on cognitivesciencesociety.org includes links to maps, abstracts and papers) Business Meeting (Ballroom A-E) Heineken Prize Presentation: Jay McClelland Department of Psychology, Stanford University Toward a Parallel Distributed Processing Approach to Mathematical Cognition (Ballroom AE) Spatial Cognition Sentence Processing 17:00 18:00 18:00 19:00 Track 8 CC 106 Numeric Cognition Lexical Acquisition I Coffee Break (Outside Ballroom CF) Relational Representations I Gesture 16:30 17:00 Motor Control & Learning Bilingualism & Language Variation Culture 15:00 16:30 Lunch (on Your Own) Break (on Your Own) Perception 14:30 15:00 Symposium: Connecting learning, memory, and representation in math education Group Cognition Poster Session 1 (Exhibit Hall A) Glushko Dissertation Prizes Symposium: The Relevance of Alternative Possibilities throughout Cognition 13:00 14:30 12:00 13:00 10:30 12:00 Invited Symposium: Cognitive Science in Society Track 6 CC 104 Coffee Break (Outside Ballroom CF) Track 5 CC 103 10:00 10:30 Track 4 CC 102 Keynote: Rich Ivry Dept of Psychology and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, UC Berkeley Embodied Decision Making: System interactions in movement execution and action selection (Ballroom AE) Track 3 CC 101 9:00 10:00 Track 2 Ballroom H Opening Session Organizing Committee Track 1 Ballroom G Thursday, July 23rd 8:30 9:00 Time CogSci 2015 Day at a Glance Adaptation Decision Making Under Risk Track 9 CC 107 22 23 Track 5 CC 103 Track 6 CC 104 17:00 18:30 16:30 17:00 Symposium: Communicating Cognitive Science Track 7 CC 105 Sequential Dependence in Learning Similarity & Association Language Development Creativity Explanation Learning (Note: HTML format on cognitivesciencesociety.org includes links to maps, abstracts and papers) Ethical Decision Making II Pragmatics Coffee Break (Outside Ballroom CF) LanguageBased Learning Philosophy of Science 15:00 16:30 Music & Aesthetic Cognition Break (on Your Own) 14:30 15:00 Symposium: Generative and Discriminative Models in Cognitive Science Relational Representations II Poster Session 3 (Exhibit Hall A) Testimony 13:00 14:30 Variance in Performance Lunch (on Your Own) Social Cognition & Learning 12:00 13:00 10:30 12:00 Invited Symposium: Contemporary Perspectives on Sensory Perception and Multimodality Track 4 CC 102 Coffee Break (Outside Ballroom CF) Track 3 CC 101 10:00 10:30 Track 2 Ballroom H Keynote Presentation: Martha Farah University of Pennsylvania (Ballroom AE) Neuroscience and Society: Past, Present and Future Track 1 Ballroom G Saturday, July 25th 9:00 10:00 Time CogSci 2015 Day at a Glance Track 9 CC 107 Language Universals & Change Statistical Learning from Sequences Causation Cognitive Engineering Lexical Acquisition II Mental Simulation Track 8 CC 106 Program 24 CogSci 2015 Detailed Schedule Wednesday Workshops and Tutorials Workshop on optimizing experimental designs: Theory, practice, and applications, Fullday workshop (9:0016:00), Track 1 [CC 211] Organizers: Jay Myung, Mark Pitt, & Maarten Speekenbrink Evidence accumulation modeling: Bayesian estimation using differential evolution, Fullday tutorial (9:0016:00), Track 2 [CC 212214] Organizers: Andrew Heathcote, Brandon Turner, & Scott Brown Physical and social scene understanding, Fullday workshop (9:0016:00), Track 3 [CC 101] Organizers: Tao Gao, Yibiao Zhao, & LapFai (Craig) Yu Full day tutorial on quantum models of cognition and decision, Fullday tutorial (9:0016:00), Track 4 [CC 102] Organizers: Jennifer Trueblood, James Yearsley, Zheng Wang, & Jerome Busemeyer Applying for National Science Foundation funding, Halfday workshop (13:0016:00), Track 5 [CC 103] Organizers: Anne Cleary, Hector AvilaMunoz, Evan Heit, Chris Hoadley, Laura Namy, Alumit Ishai, & Betty Tuller Programming online experiments with jsPsych, Fullday tutorial (9:0016:00), Track 6 [CC 104] Organizer: Joshua de Leeuw Quantifying the dynamics of interpersonal interaction: A primer on crossrecurrence quantification analysis using R, Halfday tutorial (9:0012:00), Track 7 [CC 105] Organizers: Moreno Coco & Rick Dale Women in Cognitive Science Panel Discussion and Reception, Evening session, 16:0018:30 (with Reception), Track 7 [CC 105] Organizers: Laurie Feldman, & Natasha Tokowicz Tutorial: Bayesian data analysis, Fullday tutorial (9:0016:00), Track 8 [CC 106] Organizer: John Kruschke Language & common sense: Integrating across psychology, linguistics, and computer science, Full day workshop (9:0016:00), Track 9 [CC 107] Organizers: Joshua Hartshorne & Joshua Tenenbaum Thursday Morning, Keynote 1 (09:0010:00) [Ballroom AE] Keynote: Rich Ivry Dept of Psychology and Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, UC Berkeley Embodied Decision Making: System interactions in movement execution and action selection (Ballroom AE) Thursday Morning, Coffee Break (10:0010:30) [Outside Ballroom CF] Thursday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 1 [Ballroom G]: Invited Symposium: Cognitive Science in Society Cognitive Science in Society Organizer: Teenie Matlock, UC Merced Michael Ranney, University of California, Berkeley Daniel M. Russell, Google Daniel C. Richardson, University College London Thursday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 2 [Ballroom H]: Symposium: The Relevance of Alternative Possibilities throughout Cognition The Relevance of Alternative Possibilities throughout Cognition Author(s): Jonathan Phillips, Joshua Knobe, Andrew Shtulman, Charles Kalish, Anne Riggs, Christopher Hitchcock Thursday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 3 [CC 101]: Group Cognition presenter of the last talk serves as session chair A Comparison of Small Crowd Selection Methods Author(s): Henrik Olsson, Jane Loveday The Roles of Knowledge and Memory in Generating Top10 Lists Author(s): Michael Lee, Emily Liu, Mark Steyvers You 're special, but it doesn't matter if you 're a greenhorn: Social recommender strategies for mere mortals Author(s): Pantelis P. Analytis, Daniel Barkoczi, Stefan Herzog Emergent Collective Sensing in Human Groups Author(s): Peter Krafft, Robert X.D. Hawkins, Alex Pentland, Noah Goodman, Josh Tenenbaum 25 Thursday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 4 [CC 102]: Perception presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Common object representations for visual recognition and production Author(s): Judith E. Fan, Daniel L. K. Yamins, Nicholas B. TurkBrowne Modeling the Object Recognition Pathway: A Deep Hierarchical Model Using Gnostic Fields Author(s): Panqu Wang, Garrison Cottrell, Christopher Kanan The suggestible nature of apparent motion perception Author(s): Nicolas Davidenko, Yeram Cheong, Jacob Smith Motion perception of biological swarms Author(s): Adriane Seiffert, Sean Hayes, Caroline Harriott, Julie Adams Thursday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 6 [CC 104]: Gesture presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Creating New Sign Systems from Scratch: Gesture has the Upper Hand Author(s): Casey J. Lister, Nicolas Fay, T. Mark Ellison, Jeneva Ohan More than Meets the Eye: Gesture Changes Thought, even without Visual Feedback Author(s): Kensy Cooperrider, Elizabeth Wakefield, Susan GoldinMeadow Language and Gesture Descriptions Affect Memory: A Nonverbal Overshadowing Effect Author(s): Mark Koranda, Maryellen MacDonald Visuospatial Working Memory and the Comprehension of Iconic Gestures Author(s): Ying Choon Wu, Bonnie Chinh, Seana Coulson Thursday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 7 [CC 105]: Numeric Cognition presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Symbolic Integration, Not Symbolic Estrangement, For DoubleDigit Numbers Author(s): Allison Liu, Christian Schunn, Julie Fiez, Melissa Libertus Independent Recognition of Numerosity Requires Attention Author(s): Saebyul Lee, Vladimir Sloutsky The mental numberline spreads by gestural contagion Author(s): Tyler Marghetis, Luke Eberle, Benjamin Bergen Development of Numerosity Estimation: A Linear to Logarithmic Shift? Author(s): Dan Kim, John Opfer Thursday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 8 [CC 106]: Lexical Acquisition I presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Adults Track Multiple Hypotheses Simultaneously during Word Learning Author(s): Suzanne Aussems, Paul Vogt Iconicity in English Vocabulary and its Relation to Toddlers’ Word Learning Author(s): Lynn Perry, Marcus Perlman, Gary Lupyan Statistical Word Learning is a Continuous Process: Evidence from the Human Simulation Paradigm Author(s): Yayun Zhang, Daniel Yurovsky, Chen Yu Toddlers Always Get the Last Word: Recency biases in early verbal behavior Author(s): Emily Sumner, Erika DeAngelis, Mara Hyatt, Noah Goodman, Celeste Kidd Thursday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 9 [CC 107]: Decision Making Under Risk presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Human behavior in contextual multiarmed bandit problems Author(s): Hrvoje Stojic, Pantelis P. Analytis, Maarten Speekenbrink Modeling choice and search in decisions from experience: A sequential sampling approach Author(s): Douglas Markant, Timothy Pleskac, Adele Diederich, Thorsten Pachur, Ralph Hertwig Computational evolution of decisionmaking strategies Author(s): Peter Kvam, Joseph Cesario, Jory Schossau, Heather Eisthen, Arend Hintze Learning and decisions in contextual multiarmed bandit tasks Author(s): Eric Schulz, Emmanouil Konstantinidis, Maarten Speekenbrink 26 Thursday Lunch (12:0013:00) [On Your Own] Thursday, Poster Session 1 (13:0014:30) [Exhibit Hall A] Thursday Afternoon, Break (14:3015:00) [On Your Own] Thursday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 1 [Ballroom G]: Glushko Dissertation Prizes Glushko Dissertation Prize Symposium Organizer: Linda B. Smith, Indiana University Harm Brouwer, University of Groningen The Electrophysiology of Language Comprehension: A Neurocomputational Model Brenden Lake, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Towards more humanlike concept learning in machines: Compositionality, causality, and learningtolearn Jessica Sullivan, University of California San Diego The Roles of Inference and Associative Learning in the Construction of Mappings Between Number Words and Numerical Magnitudes Da Cheong (Jena) Hwang, University of Colorado (talk canceled, speaker unable to attend) Identification and Representation of Caused Motion Constructions Thursday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 2 [Ballroom H]: Symposium: Connecting learning, memory, and representation in math education Connecting learning, memory, and representation in math education Author(s): Martha Alibali, Chuck Kalish, Timothy Rogers, Christine Massey, Phil Kellman, Vladimir Sloutsky, James L. McClelland, Kevin Mickey Thursday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 3 [CC 101]: Culture presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Resolving Rogers’ Paradox with Specialized Hybrid Learners Author(s): Milad Kharratzadeh, Marcel Montrey, Alex Metz, Thomas Shultz That went over my head: Constraints on the visual vocabulary of comics Author(s): Neil Cohn, Beena Murthy Eye to I: Males Recognize Own Eye Movements, Females Inhibit Recognition Author(s): Sanjay Chandrasekharan, Geetanjali Date, Prajakt Pande, Jeenath Rahaman, Rafikh Shaikh, Anveshna Srivastava, Nisheeth Srivastava, Harshit Agrawal A Communal Exchangebased Framework for Cultural Evolution Author(s): Liane Gabora Thursday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 4 [CC 102]: Motor Control & Learning presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Deliberate Practice Revisited: Complexity and Creativity in the Practice Process in Breakdance Author(s): Daichi Shimizu, Takeshi Okada Cognition in reach: continuous statistical inference in optimal motor planning Author(s): Santiago AlonsoDiaz, Jessica F. Cantlon, Steven T. Piantadosi Can Joint Action be Synergistic? Studying the Stabilization of Interpersonal Hand Coordination Author(s): Veronica Romero, Rachel Kallen, Michael Riley, Mike Richardson Visualmotor coordination in natural reaching of young children and adults Author(s): John Franchak, Chen Yu Thursday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 5 [CC 103]: Bilingualism & Language Variation presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Defaulting effects contribute to the simulation of crosslinguistic differences in Optional Infinitive errors 27 Author(s): Daniel Freudenthal, Julian Pine, Gary Jones, Fernand Gobet You say potato, I say tŭdòu: How speakers of different languages share the same concept Author(s): Benjamin Zinszer, Andrew Anderson, Olivia Kang, Thalia Wheatley, Rajeev Raizada Why is Number Word Learning Hard? Evidence from Bilingual Learners Author(s): Katie Wagner, Katherine Kimura, Pierina Cheung, David Barner Examining the Bilingual Advantage on Conflict Resolution Tasks: A MetaAnalysis Author(s): Seamus Donnelly, Patricia Brooks, Bruce Homer Thursday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 6 [CC 104]: Relational Representations I presenter of the last talk serves as session chair The early emergence and puzzling decline of relational reasoning: Effects of prior knowledge and search on inferring “same” and “different” Author(s): Caren Walker, Sophie Bridgers, Alison Gopnik Comparison and Function in Children's Object Categorization Author(s): Katherine Kimura, Samuel Hunley, Laura Namy Learning mode and comparison in relational category learning Author(s): John Patterson, Kenneth Kurtz Learning and Generalizing CrossCategory Relations Using Hierarchical Distributed Representations Author(s): Dawn Chen, Hongjing Lu, Keith Holyoak Thursday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 7 [CC 105]: Spatial Cognition presenter of the last talk serves as session chair An adaptive cue combination model of spatial reorientation Author(s): Yang Xu, Terry Regier, Nora Newcombe Both symbolic and embodied representations contribute to spatial language processing; Evidence from younger and older adults Author(s): Ioanna Markostamou, Kenny Coventry, Chris Fox, Lynn McInnes VisuoSpatial Memory Processing and the Visual Impedance Effect Author(s): Rebecca Albrecht, Holger Schultheis, WaiTat Fu Memory foraging in a spatial domain Author(s): Janelle Szary, Chris Kello, Rick Dale Thursday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 8 [CC 106]: Sentence Processing presenter of the last talk serves as session chair ConstraintBased Parsing with Distributed Representations Author(s): Peter Blouw, Chris Eliasmith Learning a CenterEmbeddding Rule in an Artificial Grammar Learning Task Author(s): Won Jae Shin, Kathleen Eberhard Statistical Structures in Artificial languages Prime Relative Clause Attachment Biases in English Author(s): Felix Wang, Mythili Menon, Elsi Kaiser Production is biased to provide informative cues early: Evidence from miniature artificial languages Author(s): Maryia Fedzechkina, T. Florian Jaeger, John Trueswell Thursday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 9 [CC 107]: Adaptation presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Reconstructing the Bayesian Adaptive Toolbox: Challenges of a dynamic environment and partial information acquisition Author(s): Percy Mistry, Jennifer Trueblood Connecting ruleabstraction and modelbased choice across disparate learning tasks Author(s): Hilary Don, Micah Goldwater, A. Ross Otto, Evan Livesey Nearmisses sting even when they are uncontrollable Author(s): Desmond Ong, Noah Goodman, Jamil Zaki Structured priors in visual working memory revealed through iterated learning Author(s): Timothy Lew, Ed Vul Thursday Afternoon, Coffee Break (16:3017:00) [Outside Ballroom CF] 28 Thursday Evening, Heineken Prize Presentation (17:0018:00) [Ballroom AE] Heineken Prize Presentation: Jay McClelland Department of Psychology, Stanford University Toward a Parallel Distributed Processing Approach to Mathematical Cognition (Ballroom AE) Thursday Evening, Business Meeting (18:0019:00) [Ballroom AE] Friday Morning, Keynote 2 (09:0010:00) [Ballroom AE] Keynote: Rosalind Picard MIT Media Laboratory Surprising Findings from Measuring Emotion in Real Life (Ballroom AE) Friday Morning, Coffee Break (10:0010:30) [Outside Ballroom CF] Friday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 1 [Ballroom G]: Invited Symposium: HumanMachine Symbiosis 50 Years Later HumanMachine Symbiosis 50 Years Later Organizers: Paul Maglio and David C. Noelle, UC Merced Mike van Lent, SoarTech Leila Takayama, GoogleX David Woods, The Ohio State University Friday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 2 [Ballroom H]: Symposium: Analogical Processes in Language Learning Analogical Processes in Language Learning Author(s): Bozena Pajak, Micah Goldwater, Dedre Gentner, Adele Goldberg, Ruxue Shao Friday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 3 [CC 101]: Ethical Decision Making I presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Emergence of systematic iconicity: transmission, interaction and analogy Author(s): Tessa Verhoef, Sean Roberts, Mark Dingemanse Inference of Intention and Permissibility in Moral Decision Making Author(s): Max KleimanWeiner, Tobias Gerstenberg, Sydney Levine, Josh Tenenbaum Moral Reasoning as Probability Reasoning Author(s): Yiyun Shou, Fei Song Choosing fast and slow: explaining differences between hedonic and utilitarian choices Author(s): Nisheeth Srivastava, Ed Vul Friday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 4 [CC 102]: PerceptionAction Development presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Powerlaw fluctuations in eye movements predict text comprehension during connected text reading Author(s): Sebastian Wallot, Beth O'Brien, Charles Coey, Damian KeltyStephen Congenitally Deaf Children Generate Iconic Vocalizations to Communicate Magnitude Author(s): Marcus Perlman, Jing Paul, Gary Lupyan Children’s early perceptual and lateemerging social sensitivity to accented speech Author(s): Sarah Creel, Emilie Seubert A finegrained understanding of emotions: Young children match withinvalence emotional expressions to their causes Author(s): Yang Wu, Paul Muentener, Laura Schulz Friday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 5 [CC 103]: Education presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Effectiveness of LearnerRegulated Study Sequence: An invivo study in Introductory Psychology course Author(s): Paulo Carvalho, David Braithwaite, Josh de Leeuw, Benjamin Motz, Rob Goldstone The Impact of Granularity on Worked Examples and Problem Solving 29 Author(s): Guojing Zhou, Thomas Price, Collin Lynch, Tiffany Barnes, Min Chi Pathways of Conceptual Change: Investigating the Influence of Experimentation Skills on Conceptual Knowledge Development in Early Science Education Author(s): Peter Edelsbrunner, Lennart Schalk, Ralph Schumacher, Elsbeth Stern Executive Functions and Conceptual Change in Science and Mathematics Learning Author(s): Stella Vosniadou, Dimitrios Pnevmatikos, Nikos Makris, Kalliopi Eikospentaki, Despina Lepenioti, Anna Chountala, Giorgos Kyrianakis Friday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 6 [CC 104]: Embodiment presenter of the last talk serves as session chair The perceptual foundation of linguistic context Author(s): Francis Mollica, Steven Piantadosi, Michael Tanenhaus Reading Words Hurts: The impact of pain sensitivity on people’s ratings of painrelated words Author(s): Erica Cosentino, Markus Werning, Kevin Reuter Interactivity, Expertise and Individual Differences in Mental Arithmetic Author(s): Lisa Guthrie, Charlotte Harris, Frederic ValleeTourangeau Insight and cognitive ecosystems Author(s): Frederic ValleeTourangeau, Sune Vork Steffensen, Gaelle ValleeTourangeau, Angeliki Makri Friday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 7 [CC 105]: Time presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Temporal Binding and Internal Clocks: Is Clock Slowing General or Specific? Author(s): Richard Fereday, Marc Buehner An ACTR Model of the ChooseShort Effect in Time and Length Author(s): Jung Aa Moon, John Anderson New spacetime metaphors foster new mental representations of time Author(s): Rose Hendricks, Lera Boroditsky Do potential past and future events activate the Lateral Mental Timeline? Author(s): Roberto Aguirre, Julio Santiago Friday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 8 [CC 106]: Social Development presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Learning to reason about desires: An infant training study Author(s): Tiffany Doan, Stephanie Denison, Christopher Lucas, Alison Gopnik Linking Joint Attention with HandEye Coordination – A Sensorimotor Approach to Understanding ChildParent Social Interaction Author(s): Chen Yu, Linda Smith Beliefs about desires: Children's understanding of how knowledge and preference influence choice. Author(s): Julian JaraEttinger, Emily Lydic, Josh Tenenbaum, Laura Schulz Understanding young children’s imitative behavior from an individual differences perspective Author(s): Yue Yu, Tamar Kushnir Friday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 9 [CC 107]: Reasoning Under Uncertainty presenter of the last talk serves as session chair The Exemplar Confusion Model: An Account of Biased Probability Estimates in Decisions from Description Author(s): Deborah Lin, Christopher Donkin, Ben Newell Some Probability Judgments may Rely on Complexity Assessments Author(s): Antoine Saillenfest, JeanLouis Dessalles Belief Utility as an Explanatory Virtue Author(s): Samuel Johnson, Greeshma RajeevKumar, Frank Keil Predictions from Uncertain Beliefs Author(s): Samuel Johnson, Thomas Merchant, Frank Keil Friday Lunch (12:0013:00) [On Your Own] Friday, Poster Session 2 (13:0014:30) [Exhibit Hall A] 30 Friday Afternoon, Break (14:3015:00) [On Your Own] Friday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 1 [Ballroom G]: Rumelhart Symposium Symposium in Honor of Michael Jordan Organizer: Tom Griffiths, UC Berkeley David Blei, Columbia University Emily Fox, University of Washington Geoff Hinton, Google and University of Toronto (via video) Robbie Jacobs, University of Rochester Josh Tenenbaum, MIT Abstract: Michael Jordan has worked on a variety of topics in cognitive science and machine learning, exploring how the process of learning itself can be formalized and drawing deep connections to statistics. This symposium will feature speakers who have been influenced by different eras of Jordan's research program from neural networks, to first contact with statistics, to expressive probabilistic models and nonparametric Bayesian inference. The presentations will explore the impact of this work in both cognitive science and machine learning, highlighting the ways in which Jordan's work has influenced how we think about learning in both humans and machines. Friday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 2 [Ballroom H]: Symposium: Causality and Agency Across Cultures and Languages Causality and Agency Across Cultures and Languages Author(s): Sieghard Beller, Andrea Bender, Jürgen Bohnemeyer, Annelie RotheWulf, York Hagmayer, Rita Astuti Friday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 3 [CC 101]: Entrainment & Coordination presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Syntactic Alignment is an Index of Affective Alignment: An InformationTheoretical Study of Natural Dialogue Author(s): Fermín Moscoso del Prado Martín, John W. Du Bois Verbal Synchrony in Large Groups Author(s): Jorina von Zimmermann, Daniel Richardson Physiological entrainment and behavioral coordination in a collective, creative construction task Author(s): Riccardo Fusaroli, Johanne Bjørndahl, Andreas Roepstorff, Kristian Tylén Investigating Strategy Discovery and Coordination in a Novel Virtual Sheep Herding Game among Dyads Author(s): Patrick Nalepka, Cristopher Riehm, Carl Bou Mansour, Anthony Chemero, Michael J. Richardson Friday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 4 [CC 102]: Attention presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Attention dynamics in multiple object tracking Author(s): Nisheeth Srivastava, Ed Vul Development of selective attention in category learning Author(s): Samuel Rivera, Vladimir Sloutsky Influence of Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance on Local Processing Bias in Autism Spectrum Disorder Author(s): Yukie Nagai, Takakazu Moriwaki, Minoru Asada The Attentional Learning Trap and How to Avoid It Author(s): Alexander Rich, Todd Gureckis Friday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 5 [CC 103]: Color Concepts presenter of the last talk serves as session chair How do children construct the color lexicon? : Restructuring the domain as a connected system Author(s): Noburo Saji, Michiko Asano, Midori Oishi, Mutsumi Imai Language evolution in the lab tends toward informative communication Author(s): Alexandra Carstensen, Jing Xu, Cameron Smith, Terry Regier Signatures of DomainGeneral Categorization Mechanisms in Color Word Learning Author(s): Daniel Yurovsky, Katie Wagner, David Barner, Michael Frank Inferring the Tsimane’s use of color categories from recognition memory Author(s): Pernille Hemmer, Kimele Persaud, Celeste Kidd, Steven Piantadosi 31 Friday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 6 [CC 104]: Discourse presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Metaphors Affect Reasoning: Measuring Effects of Metaphor in a Dynamic Opinion Landscape Author(s): Paul Thibodeau, Peace Iyiewaure, Lera Boroditsky Comparing Metaphors Reveals their Persuasive Capacity Author(s): Paul Thibodeau, Karlyn Gehring Explaining Injustice in Speech: Individualistic vs. Structural Explanation Author(s): Saray Ayala, Nadya Vasilyeva Wonky worlds: Listeners revise world knowledge when utterances are odd Author(s): Judith Degen, Michael Henry Tessler, Noah D. Goodman Friday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 7 [CC 105]: Math Education & Number Concepts presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Representing and Learning a Large System of Number Concepts with Latent Predicate Networks Author(s): Joshua Rule, Eyal Dechter, Joshua Tenenbaum Semantic Alignment of Fractions and Decimals with Discrete Versus Continuous Entities: A Crossnational Comparison Author(s): Hee Seung Lee, Melissa DeWolf, Miriam Bassok, Keith Holyoak The Role of Executive Functions for StructureMapping in Mathematics Author(s): Kreshnik Begolli, Lindsey Richland, Susanne Jaeggi Analyzing chunk pauses to measure mathematical competence: Copying equations using ‘centreclick’ interaction. Author(s): Peter Cheng Friday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 8 [CC 106]: Language Processing & Production presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Phrase similarity in humans and machines Author(s): Samuel Gershman, Josh Tenenbaum Modeling idiosyncratic preferences: How generative knowledge and expression frequency jointly determine language structure Author(s): Emily Morgan, Roger Levy Implementation of selective attention in sequential word production Author(s): Nazbanou Nozari, Gary Dell, Kyle Schneck, Barry Gordon Individual Differences in Chunking Ability Predict Online Sentence Processing Author(s): Stewart M. McCauley, Morten H. Christiansen Friday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 9 [CC 107]: Search & Decision Making presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Active learning as a means to distinguish among prominent decision strategies Author(s): Paula Parpart, Eric Schulz, Maarten Speekenbrink, Brad Love Verbal Reports Reveal Strategies in MultipleCue Probabilistic Inference Author(s): Matthew Walsh, Michael Collins, Kevin Gluck Why do people fail to consider alternative hypotheses in judgments under uncertainty? Author(s): Brett Hayes, Guy Hawkins, Ben Newell Are Biases When Making Causal Interventions Related to Biases in Belief Updating? Author(s): Anna Coenen, Todd Gureckis Friday Afternoon, Coffee Break (16:3017:00) [Outside Ballroom CF] Friday Evening, Rumelhart Presentation (17:0018:00) [Ballroom AE] Rumelhart Prize Presentation: Michael Jordan UC Berkeley (Ballroom AE) Friday Evening, Rumelhart Reception (18:0019:00) [Exhibit Hall C] Saturday Morning, Keynote 3 (09:0010:00) [Ballroom AE] Keynote Presentation: Martha Farah University of Pennsylvania (Ballroom AE) Neuroscience and Society: Past, Present and Future 32 Saturday Morning, Coffee Break (10:0010:30) [Outside Ballroom CF] Saturday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 1 [Ballroom G]: Invited Symposium: Contemporary Perspectives on Sensory Perception and Multimodality Contemporary Perspectives on Sensory Perception and Multimodality Organizers: Carolyn Jennings and Jeff Yoshimi, UC Merced Clare Batty, University of Kentucky Casey O'Callaghan, Washington University in St. Louis Ladan Shams, UCLA Saturday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 3 [CC 101]: Social Cognition & Learning presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Reasoning about sentience and animacy: Children’s and adults’ inferences about the properties of unseen entities Author(s): Kara Weisman, Ellen Markman, Carol Dweck In Search of Triggering Conditions for Spontaneous Visual Perspective Taking Author(s): Xuan Zhao, Corey Cusimano, Bertram F. Malle Social Eye Cue: How Knowledge Of Another Person’s Attention Changes Your Own Author(s): Miles Tufft, Matthias Gobel, Daniel Richardson Responsibility judgments in voting scenarios Author(s): Tobias Gerstenberg, Joseph Halpern, Josh Tenenbaum Saturday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 4 [CC 102]: Variance in Performance presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Support for a Deliberative Failure Account of BaseRate Neglect: Prompting Deliberation Increases BaseRate Use Author(s): Natalie Obrecht, Dana Chesney ACTR and LBA Model Mimicry Reveals Similarity Across Modeling Formalisms Author(s): Christopher Fisher, Matthew Walsh, Leslie Blaha, Glenn Gunzelmann Variability in Human Response Time Reflects Statistical Learning and Adaptive DecisionMaking Author(s): Ning Ma, Angela Yu Exploring Individual Differences via Clustering on Capacity Coefficients Author(s): Joseph Houpt, Leslie Blaha Saturday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 5 [CC 103]: Testimony presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Can children balance the size of a majority with the quality of their information? Author(s): Jane Hu, Andrew Whalen, Daphna Buchsbaum, Tom Griffiths, Fei Xu Children and adults differ in their strategies for social learning Author(s): Falk Lieder, Zi Lin Sim, Jane C. Hu, Tom Griffiths, Fei Xu The better part of not knowing: Virtuous ignorance Author(s): Jonathan F. Kominsky, Philip Langthorne, Frank C. Keil The reliability of testimony and perception: connecting epistemology and linguistic evidentiality Author(s): Claire Lesage, Nalini Ramlakhan, Ida Toivonen, Chris Wildman Saturday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 6 [CC 104]: Relational Representations II presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Evaluating Human Cognition of Containing Relations with Physical Simulation Author(s): Wei Liang, Yibiao Zhao, Yixin Zhu, SongChun Zhu Semantic chaining and efficient communication: The case of container names Author(s): Yang Xu, Terry Regier, Barbara Malt Statements of equivalence can imply differences: Asymmetries in directional comparisons Author(s): Eleanor Chestnut, Carla Remulla, Ellen Markman Animation Facilitates Source Understanding and Spontaneous Analogical Transfer Author(s): James Kubricht, Hongjing Lu, Keith Holyoak 33 Saturday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 7 [CC 105]: Learning presenter of the last talk serves as session chair How learners use feedback information: Effects of social comparative information and achievement goals Author(s): Masayuki Suzuki, Tetsuya Toyota, Yuan Sun SelfDirected Information Gathering Improves Learning in Young Children Author(s): Eric Partridge, Matthew McGovern, Amanda Yung, Celeste Kidd When Do Nonspecific Goals Help Learning? An Issue of Model Quality Author(s): Saskia Kistner, Bruce Burns, Regina Vollmeyer, Kortenkamp Ulrich Change your Mind: Investigating the Effects of SelfExplanation in the Resolution of Misconceptions Author(s): Laura Allen, Danielle McNamara, Matthew McCrudden Saturday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 8 [CC 106]: Lexical Acquisition II presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Eye Movements Reveal Sensitivity to Sound Symbolism Early and Late in Word Learning Author(s): Kate Pirog Revill, Laura Namy, Lynne Nygaard Daxing with a Dax: Evidence of Productive Lexical Structures in Children Author(s): Sara AlMughairy, Ruthe Foushee, David Barner, Mahesh Srinivasan Understanding deverbal nominals: World knowledge or lexical semantics? Author(s): Anastasia Smirnova Predicting a Child's Trajectory of Lexical Acquisition Author(s): Nicole Beckage, Michael Mozer, Eliana Colunga Saturday Morning (10:3012:00), Track 9 [CC 107]: Mental Simulation presenter of the last talk serves as session chair The “Fundamental Attribution Error” is rational in an uncertain world. Author(s): Drew Walker, Kevin Smith, Ed Vul Think again? The amount of mental simulation tracks uncertainty in the outcome Author(s): Jessica Hamrick, Kevin Smith, Tom Griffiths, Ed Vul The naïve utility calculus: Joint inferences about the costs and rewards of actions Author(s): Julian JaraEttinger, Laura Schulz, Josh Tenenbaum Causal relations from kinematic simulations Author(s): Sangeet Khemlani, Geoff Goodwin, Phil JohnsonLaird Saturday Lunch (12:0013:00) [On Your Own] Saturday, Poster Session 3 (13:0014:30) [Exhibit Hall A] Saturday Afternoon, Break (14:3015:00) [On Your Own] Saturday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 1 [Ballroom G]: Symposium: Generative and Discriminative Models in Cognitive Science Generative and Discriminative Models in Cognitive Science Author(s): Brad Love, Michael Ramscar, Tom Griffiths, Matt Jones Saturday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 3 [CC 101]: Music & Aesthetic Cognition presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Reading and writing direction effects on the aesthetic perception of photographs Author(s): Chahboun Sobh, Flumini Andrea, Carmen Pérez González, I. Chris McManus, Julio Santiago Music Reading Expertise Modulates Hemispheric Lateralization in English Word processing but not in Chinese Character Processing Author(s): Tze Kwan Li, Janet H. Hsiao The Smell of Jazz: Crossmodal Correspondences Between Music, Odor, and Emotion 34 Author(s): Carmel Levitan, Sara Charney, Karen Schloss, Stephen Palmer A Computational Approach to Modelling the Perception of Pitch and Tonality in Music Author(s): Kat Agres, Carlos Cancino, Maarten Grachten, Stefan Lattner Saturday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 4 [CC 102]: Philosophy of Science presenter of the last talk serves as session chair How the curse of intractability can be cognitive science's blessing Author(s): Iris van Rooij Why Build a Virtual Brain? Largescale Neural Simulations as Testbed for Artificial Computing Systems Author(s): Matteo Colombo Rethinking the Conceptual History of the Term ‘Cognitive’ Author(s): Nicholas Zautra What is the Role of Conceptual Analysis in Cognitive Science? Author(s): Liam Kavanagh, Christopher Suhler Saturday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 5 [CC 103]: LanguageBased Learning presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Making Sense of TimeSeries Data: How Language Can Help Identify LongTerm Trends Author(s): Jordan Harold, Kenny R. Coventry, Irene Lorenzoni, Thomas F. Shipley Odor naming is difficult, even for wine and coffee experts Author(s): Ilja Croijmans, Asifa Majid Flexible Use of Phonological and Visual Memory in Languagemediated Visual Search Author(s): Daniel F. Pontillo, Anne Pier Salverda, Michael K. Tanenhaus Teaching with Rewards and Punishments: Reinforcement or Communication? Author(s): Mark Ho, Michael Littman, Fiery Cushman, Joseph Austerweil Saturday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 6 [CC 104]: Pragmatics presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Pronominal Reference and Pragmatic Enrichment: A Bayesian Account Author(s): Andrew Kehler, Hannah Rohde Let’s talk (ironically) about the weather: Modeling verbal irony Author(s): Justine Kao, Noah Goodman Speakerspecific generalization of pragmatic inferences based on prenominal adjectives Author(s): Amanda Pogue, Chigusa Kurumada, Michael Tanenhaus The special status of color in pragmatic reasoning: evidence from a language game Author(s): Peter Baumann Saturday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 7 [CC 105]: Explanation presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Goals Affect the Perceived Quality of Explanations Author(s): Nadya Vasilyeva, Daniel Wilkenfeld, Tania Lombrozo The EcoCognitive Model of Abduction (ECModel). Is Abduction Really IgnorancePreserving? Author(s): Lorenzo Magnani Explanations and Causal Judgments are Differentially Sensitive to Covariation and Mechanism Information Author(s): Nadya Vasilyeva, Tania Lombrozo IgnoranceBased Chance Discovery. Beyond Dark Events Author(s): Lorenzo Magnani, Selene Arfini, Tommaso Bertolotti Saturday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 8 [CC 106]: Statistical Learning from Sequences presenter of the last talk serves as session chair A Bayesian Framework for Learning Words From Multiword Utterances Author(s): Stephan Meylan, Thomas Griffiths Constraints on Learning NonAdjacent Dependencies (NADs) of Visual Stimuli Author(s): Jia Li, Toben Mintz The learnability of Auditory Centerembedded Recursion Author(s): Jun Lai, Emiel Krahmer, Jan Sprenger 35 Saturday Afternoon (15:0016:30), Track 9 [CC 107]: Cognitive Engineering presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Multiple Language Gender Identification for Blog Posts Author(s): Juan SolerCompany, Leo Wanner Memory Processes of Sequential Action Selection Author(s): Frank Tamborello, Gregory Trafton, Erik Altmann Restoring the Context of Interrupted Work with Desktop Thumbnails Author(s): Adam Rule, Aurélien Tabard, Karen Boyd, James Hollan Assessing Emotions by Cursor Motions: An Affective Computing Approach Author(s): Takashi Yamauchi, Hwaryong Seo, Yoonsuck Choe, Casady Bowman, Kunchen Xiao Saturday Afternoon, Coffee Break (16:3017:00) [Outside Ballroom CF] Saturday Closing (17:0018:30), Track 1 [Ballroom G]: Symposium: Communicating Cognitive Science Communicating Cognitive Science: Improving Awareness and Understanding Among People Who are Not Ourselves Author(s): Kevin Gluck, Wayne Gray, Marsha Lovett, Art Markman, Jim Spohrer Saturday Closing (17:0018:30), Track 3 [CC 101]: Ethical Decision Making II presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Moral Dynamics In Everyday Life: How Does Morality Evolve In Time? Author(s): Albert BarqueDuran, Emmanuel Pothos, James Yearsley, James Hampton The Effect of Probability Anchors in Moral Decision Making Author(s): Chris Brand, Mike Oaksford When killing the heavy man seems right. Making people utilitarian by simply adding options to moral dilemmas Author(s): Alex Wiegmann, Karina Meyer Mental states are more important in evaluating moral than conventional violations Author(s): Carly Giffin, Tania Lombrozo Saturday Closing (17:0018:30), Track 4 [CC 102]: Sequential Dependence in Learning presenter of the last talk serves as session chair Staying afloat on Neurath's boat Heuristics for sequential causal learning Author(s): Neil Bramley, Peter Dayan, David Lagnado Elemental Causal Learning from Transitions Author(s): Kevin Soo, Benjamin Rottman Learning of Time Varying Functions is Based on Association Between Successive Stimuli Author(s): LeeXieng Yang, TzuHsi Lee Can You Repeat That? The Effect of Item Repetition on Interleaved and Blocked Study Author(s): Abigail Kost, Paulo Carvalho, Rob Goldstone Saturday Closing (17:0018:30), Track 5 [CC 103]: Similarity & Association presenter of the last talk serves as session chair A Dissociation between Categorization and Similarity to Exemplars Author(s): Nolan Conaway, Kenneth Kurtz Quantifying the time course of similarity Author(s): Andrew Hendrickson, Daniel Navarro, Chris Donkin An Account of Associative Learning in Memory Recall Author(s): Robert Thomson, Aryn Pyke, Laura Hiatt, Greg Trafton A Dynamic Approach to Secondary Processes in Associative Recognition Author(s): Gregory Cox, Richard Shiffrin Saturday Closing (17:0018:30), Track 6 [CC 104]: Language Development presenter of the last talk serves as session chair 36 2yearolds use syntax to infer actor intentions in a rationalaction paradigm Author(s): Melissa Kline, Jesse Snedeker Neural Effects of Childhood Language Deprivation on Picture Processing: Insights from Adolescent FirstLanguage Learners Author(s): Tristan Davenport, Naja Ferjan Ramirez, Matthew Leonard, Rachel Mayberry, Eric Halgren Explaining the Number Hierarchy Author(s): Robert Malouf, Farrell Ackerman, Scott Seyfarth Children’s Online Processing of AdHoc Implicatures Author(s): Erica J. Yoon, Yunan Charles Wu, Michael C. Frank Saturday Closing (17:0018:30), Track 7 [CC 105]: Creativity presenter of the last talk serves as session chair A Study and Preliminary Model of CrossDomain Influences on Creativity Author(s): Liane Gabora, Nicole Carbert A Computational Model of Mind Wandering Author(s): Laura Hiatt, Greg Trafton Constructing meaning: Material products of a creative activity engage the social brain Author(s): Kristian Tylén, Johanne Stege Bjørndahl, Andreas Roepstorff, Riccardo Fusaroli Saturday Closing (17:0018:30), Track 8 [CC 106]: Language Universals & Change presenter of the last talk serves as session chair The perception of stroketostroke turn boundaries in signed conversation Author(s): Marisa Casillas, Connie de Vos, Onno Crasborn, Stephen C. Levinson Universals on natural language determiners from a PAClearnability perspective Author(s): Giorgio Magri, Giorgio Magri A Computational Evaluation of Two Laws of Semantic Change Author(s): Yang Xu, Charles Kemp Conceptual complexity and the evolution of the lexicon Author(s): Molly Lewis, Mike Frank Saturday Closing (17:0018:30), Track 9 [CC 107]: Causation presenter of the last talk serves as session chair A modelbased theory of omissive causation Author(s): Paul Bello, Sangeet Khemlani Modelling Causal Reasoning under Ambiguity Author(s): Yiyun Shou, Michael Smithson How, whether, why: Causal judgments as counterfactual contrasts Author(s): Tobias Gerstenberg, Noah Goodman, David Lagnado, Josh Tenenbaum Highlighting the Causal Meaning of Causal Test Questions in Contexts of Norm Violations Author(s): Jana Samland, Michael Waldmann 37 Posters 38 Poster Session 1 (Exhibit Hall A) (Note: HTML format on cognitivesciencesociety.org includes links to maps, abstracts and papers) [1] Neural Correlates of Purchasing Behavior in the Prefrontal Cortex: An Optical Brain Imaging Study Author(s): Murat Perit Cakir, Tuna Cakar, Yener Girisken [2] The Power of the Representativeness Heuristic Author(s): Sudeep Bhatia [3] Memory distortions resulting from a choice blindness task Author(s): Philip Pärnamets, Lars Hall, Petter Johansson [4] How do adults reason about their opponent? Typologies of players in a turntaking game Author(s): Tamoghna Halder, Khyati Sharma, Sujata Ghosh, Rineke Verbrugge [5] How bookies make your money Author(s): Philip Newall [6] Influences of task difficulty on initiation time and overall use of an external strategy Author(s): Timothy Dunn, Evan Risko [7] Can priming intuitions about the logic of sets promote logical evaluations of conjunctive probability judgments? Author(s): Jenny FaureBloom, Gaëlle ValléeTourangeau, Frédéric ValléeTourangeau [8] Mere Newness Bias Author(s): Yun Jie, Ye Li [9] Learning of bimodally distributed quantities Author(s): Saiwing Yeung, Andrew Whalen [10] Neural precursors of decisions that matter – an ERP study of the role of consciousness in deliberate and random choices Author(s): Uri Maoz, Liad Mudrik, Ram Rivlin, Gideon Yaffe, Ralph Adolphs, Christof Koch [11] Examining the role of Inhibitory control in bilingual language switching Author(s): Alison Shell, Jared Linck, L. Robert Slevc [12] A Computational Modeling Approach to Understanding Gender Differences in the Iowa Gambling Task Author(s): Kaileigh A. Byrne, Darrell A. Worthy [13] Tracking the Response Dynamics of Implicit Partisan Biases Author(s): Nicholas Duran, Stephen Nicholson, Rick Dale [14] Statistical learning of auditory patterns as trajectories through a perceptually defined similarity space Author(s): Jason Zevin, Hao Wang [15] An ERP study of syntactic anomaly processing in Mandarin sentences Author(s): Zhiying Qian, Susan Garnsey [16] The number of times a motion repeats influences sentence processing. Author(s): Lucy Kyoungsook Kim, Elsi Kaiser [17] Crosssituational Word Learning Results in Explicit Memory Representations Author(s): Felix Wang, Toben Mintz [18] Adaptation to Unexpected WordForms in Highly Predictive Sentential Contexts Author(s): Shaorong Yan, Thomas Farmer [19] Contextual determinants of categorybased expectations during singleword recognition Author(s): Francis Smith, Danielle Reece, Padraic Monaghan, Morten Christiansen, Thomas Farmer [20] Language input from childdirected speech and children's picture books are different Author(s): Jessica Montag, Michael Jones, Linda Smith [21] Characterizing the Difference Between Learning about Adjacent and Nonadjacent Dependencies Author(s): Felix Wang, Toben Mintz [22] Apple, pomme, manzana: Productive vocabulary and cognitive flexibility in bilingual preschoolers Author(s): Christina Schonberg, Natsuki Atagi, Catherine Sandhofer [23] Cognitive Flexibility in Mathematics: Bilingual Children Show Cognitive Advantages Author(s): Natsuki Atagi, Catherine Sandhofer [24] Modeling Lexical Acquisition Through Networks Author(s): Nicole Beckage, Ariel Aguilar, Eliana Colunga [25] Eyetracking situated language comprehension: Immediate actor gaze versus recent action events Author(s): Dato Abashidze, Pia Knoeferle, Maria Nella Carminati [26] The differences of semantic features between Chinese concrete, abstract, and emotional concept Author(s): YuehLin Tsai, ChiLin Yu, YongRu Hsiao, ShuLing Cho, HsuehChih Chen, JonFan Hu [27] The Effect of Facial Emotion and Action Depiction on Situated Language Processing Author(s): Katja Münster, Maria Nella Carminati, Pia Knoeferle [28] Priming bicultural bilingual LatinoAmericans as Latino or American modulates access to the Spanish and English meaning of interlingual homographs Author(s): Benjamin Marsh, JeanPaul Snijder, Marina Pulver, Veronica Johnson, Janna Schirmer, Hyun Seo Lee, Ashley Horiuchi, Natalie Koskela, Brandon Reynoso, Raul Fajardo 39 [29] Similarity and Variation in the Distribution of Spatial Expressions Across Three Languages Author(s): Kristen Johannes, Jenny Wang, Anna Papafragou, Barbara Landau [30] Can Modern Neuroscience Change Our Idea of the Human? Author(s): Boris Kotchoubey [31] Developing an Integrated and Comprehensive Traditional Chinese Corpus Based on MultiCharacter Words for Studying relations between words and lexicons Author(s): ChungChing Wang, Sauchin Chen, Yueh Lin Tsai, YongRu Hsiao, JonFan Hu [32] "No way!": Similar contribution of visual and auditory cues to sarcasm comprehension Author(s): Alina Larson, John Collins, Nicolas Davidenko [33] Contingent Labeling after Infants’ Pointing Helps Infants Learn Words Author(s): Zhen Wu, Julie GrosLouis [34] The influence of hand or foot responses on response times in investigating action sentence processing Author(s): Franziska Schaller, Sabine Weiss, Horst M. Müller [35] Constructional paradigms affect visual lexical decision latencies in English Author(s): Nicholas Lester, Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martin [36] Landmarks in motion: Unstable entities in route directions Author(s): Adriana Alexandra Baltaretu, Emiel Krahmer, Alfons Maes [37] Wayfinding and restructuring in a novel city: an insight problem solving task Author(s): Judit Petervari, Amory H. Danek, Virginia L. Flanagin [38] Brain activities related to target versus trajectorybased strategies in visuallyguided movement control: A functional MRI study Author(s): JeKwang Ryu, Hee Sun Eum, KyoungMin Lee [39] Social categories as ‘excluders’: Explaining stereotyping with connectionist modeling Author(s): Andre Klapper, Ron Dotsch, Iris van Rooij, Daniel Wigboldus [40] Taskset inhibition, conflict, and the n2 repetition cost: A computational model of task switching Author(s): Nicholas Sexton, Richard Cooper [41] Cognitive representations of form in pop music: A probabilistic grammars approach Author(s): Richard Ashley [42] The Role of Working Memory in Melodic Perception Author(s): Maegen Walker, Ahnate Lim, Scott Sinnett [43] Musical improvisation: Multiscaled spatiotemporal patterns of coordination Author(s): Ashley Walton, Mike Richardson, Peter LanglandHassan, Anthony Chemero, Auriel Washburn [44] Visual Working Memory as Decision Making: Compensation for Memory Uncertainty in Reach Planning Author(s): Rachel Lerch, Chris Sims [45] ActionOriented Representations in the Motor Control Author(s): Daniel Hsiwen Liu [46] Semantic Richness Effects in Memory Author(s): Mabel Lau, Winston Goh, Melvin Yap [47] HybridLogical Reasoning in the Smarties and SallyAnne Tasks: What Goes Wrong When Incorrect Responses are Given? Author(s): Torben Braüner [48] Attention and Pattern Consciousness Reorganize the Cortical Topography of EventRelated Potential Correlates of Visual Sequential Learning. Author(s): Sonia Singh, Jerome Daltrozzo, Chistopher Conway [49] Intellectualism and Psychology Author(s): Jack MarleyPayne [50] A Computational Model of Emotion and Personality in Mastery Motivational Oriented Students Author(s): Somayeh Fatahi, Hadi Moradi, Ali Nouri Zonoz [51] Cognitive Modeling of Life Story: Reconstructing Our Memories from a Photo Library Author(s): Junya Morita, Takatsugu Hirayama, Kenji Mase, Kazunori Yamada [52] The role of text in scientific reasoning: Priming misconceptions can facilitate learning Author(s): Amy Masnick, Kristin Weingartner, Marisa Cohen [53] Historical Cognition: An Investigation of Factors Affecting Reasoning about Historical Causality Author(s): Cindel White, Marcie PennerWilger, Graham Broad [54] Using Advance Organizers to Improve Learning from Video Author(s): Emma Geller, James Stigler [55] Effects of lined traces and hand motion in underlining sentences on comprehension Author(s): Misaki Horie, Sachiko Kiyokawa [56] Listen, Look, Go! The Role of Prosody and Gaze in TurnEnd Anticipation Author(s): Chiara Gambi, Torsten Kai Jachmann, Maria Staudte [57] Individual differences in older adults’ working memory capacity and speed of using touch interfaces Author(s): Kazunori Otsuka [58] Age differences in information search: An explorationexploitation tradeoff model Author(s): Jessie Chin, Evan Anderson, ChiehLi Chin, WaiTat Fu [59] Watching Fictive Motion in Action: Discourse Data from the TV News Archive 40 Author(s): Till Bergmann, Teenie Matlock [60] "The baking stick thing": Automatization of cospeech gesture during lexical access Author(s): Prakaiwan Vajrabhaya, Eric Pederson [61] Implicit Association in Mathematics and Science Author(s): Yuliya Chernykhovskaya, Carolyn Jennings, Maryam Tabatabaeian [62] Formation of an art concept: A case study using quantitative analysis of a contemporary artist’s interview data Author(s): Kikuko Takagi, Akihiro Kawase, Sawako Yokochi, Takeshi Okada [63] Confidence Judgments and Eye Fixations Reveal Adults’ Fractions Knowledge Author(s): Jenna Wall, Clarissa Thompson, Bradley Morris [64] Harmonization effects between a word’s meaning and typography: An investigation using the visual world paradigm Author(s): Kozue Miyashiro, Etsuko T. Harada [65] Shifting Covert Attention to Spatially Indexed Locations Increases Retrieval Performance of Verbal Information Author(s): Anja Prittmann, Agnes Scholz, Josef Krems [66] Effect of heaviness on the cognitive evaluation process Author(s): Keiga Abe [67] The Breadth and Depth of Ereading and Paperreading Author(s): JennYeu Chen, WanHsin Lee [68] Improving Science Writing in Research Methods Classes Through Computerized Argument Diagramming Author(s): Brendan Barstow, Christian Schunn, Lisa Fazio, Mohammad Falakmasir, Kevin Ashley [69] Preschoolers' and Chimpanzees' Use of Source Reliability on ActionBased Tasks Author(s): Melissa Hrabic, Bethany MacDonald, Michael Beran, Rebecca Williamson [70] Predicting Meme Success with Linguistic Features in a Multilayer Backpropagation Network Author(s): Keith Shubeck, Stephanie Huette [71] Stepping Up to the Blackboard: Distributed Cognition in DoctorPatient Interactions Author(s): Katherine Lippa, Valerie Shalin [72] An Embodied Cognition Approach to Studying Emotional Words: The Impact of Positive Facial Experiences on Semantic Properties Judgment Author(s): Ching Chu, ChiLin Yu, YaYun Chuang, YuehLin Tsai, JonFan Hu [73] The Role of Certainty and Time Delay in Students’ Cheating Decisions during Online Testing Author(s): ChiaYuan Chuang, Scotty D. Craig, John Femiani [74] Using false belief task to explore the effect of empathy situation on Theory of Mind function Author(s): ChiLin Yu, MinYing Wang, PeiWen Chen, JoeYi Yap, JenShen Chang, YongRu Hsiao, JonFan Hu [75] The Effect of the Structural Differences of Concepts on Learning by Drawing versus Reading Diagrams Author(s): Kayoko Ohtsu [76] Effects of Complementary Control on the Coordination Dynamics of JointAction Author(s): Lillian Rigoli, Veronica Romero, Kevin Shockley, Gregory Funke, Adam Strang, Michael Richardson [77] Twelvemontholds differentiate between typical and atypical conversational timing Author(s): Elma E. Hilbrink, Marisa Casillas, Imme L. Lammertink, Stephen C. Levinson [78] Culture, causal attributions, and development: A comparison of Chinese and U.S. 4and 6yearolds Author(s): Adrienne Wente, Sophie Bridgers, Xin Zhao, Yixin Cui, Elizabeth Seiver, Li Zhanxing, Liqi Zhu, Alison Gopnik [79] Individual differences in the use of cues during insight problem solving Author(s): Ryo Orita, Masasi Hattori [80] Let's Get Physical: Thinking with Things in Architectural Design Author(s): Daniel Smithwick, David Kirsh [81] The Standard Theory of Conscious Perception Author(s): Carolyn Jennings [82] Assessing Masked Semantic Priming: Cursor Trajectory versus Response Time Measures Author(s): Kunchen Xiao, Takashi Yamauchi, Casady Bowman [83] Topological Dependence of Rate Code Stability Author(s): William B. St. Clair, David C. Noelle [84] Tetris—: Exploring Human Performance via Cross Entropy Reinforcement Learning Models Author(s): Catherine Sibert, Wayne Gray, John Lindstedt [85] Does prior knowledge reveal cognitive and metacognitive processes during learning with a hypermedialearning system based on eyetracking data? Author(s): Michelle Taub, Jesse J. Farnsworth, Roger Azevedo [86] Distinguishing the Recent Past from the Complicated Present in Recognition Memory Author(s): Melody Dye, Rich Shiffrin [87] Searching for the best functional comparison to isolate neural processes related to response inhibtion Author(s): Jacobo Albert, Alberto SánchezCarmona, Gerardo Santaniello, Sara LópezMartín, Jose Antonio Hinojosa [88] Chunking in Working Memory and its Relationship to Intelligence Author(s): mustapha chekaf, nicolas gauvrit, alessandro guida, fabien mathy [89] More than true: Developmental changes in use of the inductive strength for selective trust Author(s): Asheley Landrum, Joshua Cloudy, Patrick Shafto 41 [90] Quit while you're ahead: Preschoolers' persistence and willingness to accept challenges are affected by social comparison Author(s): Rachel Magid, Laura Schulz [91] Teaching Children to Attribute Secondorder False Beliefs: A Training Study with Feedback Author(s): Burcu Arslan, Rineke Verbrugge, Niels Taatgen, Bart Hollebrandse [92] An Automatized HeiderSimmel Story Generation Tool Author(s): Martin V. Butz, Robert Geirhos, Jan Kneissler [93] Count on Diversity: The Cognitive and Mathematical Profiles of Children in Early Elementary School Author(s): Adam Newton, Marcie PennerWilger [94] Getting From Here to There! : Testing the Effectiveness of an Interactive Mathematics Intervention Embedding Perceptual Learning Author(s): Erin Ottmar, David Landy, Robert Goldstone, Erik Weitnauer [95] The Antecedents of Moments of Learning Author(s): Gregory Moore, Ryan Baker, Sujith Gowda [96] The Role of Embodiment on Children's Understanding and Motivation in Science Learning Author(s): Carol M. Lu, John B. Black [97] Individual Differences, Confirmation, and the Consideration of Alternative Causes Author(s): Kelly Goedert, Michelle Ellefson, Victoria Kerns [98] Mediators vs. Confounds: Exploring Different Intuitions about Causal Mechanisms Author(s): Jonas Nagel, Simon Stephan [99] Domino effects in causal contradictions Author(s): Sangeet Khemlani, Phil JohnsonLaird [100] HypothesisSpace Constraints in Causal Learning Author(s): Pedro Tsividis, Josh Tenenbaum, Laura Schulz [101] Probabilistic Versus Heuristic Accounts of Explanation in Children: Evidence from a Latent Scope Bias Author(s): Angie Johnston, Samuel Johnson, Marissa Koven, Frank Keil [102] Introducing the Cognitive Systems Institute Group Author(s): Jim Spohrer [103] The London Underground Diagram as an example of cognitive niche construction Author(s): Pedro Atã, João Queiroz [104] A CaseBased Reasoning Approach to Providing HighQuality Feedback on Computer Programming Exercises Author(s): Angelo Kyrilov, David Noelle [105] Auditory Stimuli Slow Down Responses and First Fixations: Support for Auditory Dominance in Adults Author(s): Christopher Robinson, Wesley Barnhart, Samuel Rivera [106] Emotionally mediated crossmodal correspondences affect classification performance Author(s): Joshua Peterson, Stephen Palmer [107] The Effect of Disrupted Attention on Encoding in Young Children Author(s): Karrie Godwin, Anna Fisher [108] How did Homo Heuristicus become ecologically rational? Author(s): Maria Otworowska, Marieke Sweers, Robin Wellner, Todd Wareham, Iris van Rooij [109] Topological Relations between Objects Are Categorically Coded Author(s): Andrew Lovett, Steve Franconeri [110] Analogical reasoning performance and organization is influenced by the type of semantic distractors: an investigation with adults Author(s): Yannick GLADY, Bob French, JeanPierre Thibaut [111] Frequency Effects in Morpheme Segmentation Author(s): Sara Finley [112] A computational model of bilingual semantic convergence Author(s): ShinYi Fang, Benjamin Zinszer, Barbara Malt, Ping Li [113] Assessing Two Dimensions of Gender Essentialism in Monolingual and Bilingual Adults Author(s): Jacob Brodsky, Kevin Holmes [114] Evidence for widespread thematic structure in the mental lexicon. Author(s): Simon De Deyne, Steven Verheyen, Amy Perfors, Daniel Navarro [115] Conceptual Combination Modulated by Action using Tangible Computers Author(s): Timothy Clausner, Mary Lou Maher, Berto Gonzales [116] Cultural consensus modeling of Tibetan Buddhist concepts in cognitive science: Enhancing crosscultural science education through mutual understanding Author(s): Michael Romano, Geshe Dadul Namgyal, Tsondue Samphel, Carol Worthman [117] Dogmas of Understanding in Western Art Music Performance Author(s): Linda T. Kaastra [118] Agency concepts across cultures: How intuitive is folkpsychology? Author(s): bethany ojalehto, Douglas Medin, Salino Garcia [119] Decreasing Music Familiarity Increases Incorporation of Music Themes in a Generation Task Author(s): Cynthia Sifonis, Jonathan Saulter, William Fuss 42 [120] Categorical Perception of Labeled and Unlabeled ASL Facial Expressions in Hearing Nonsigners Author(s): Hadar Zeigerson, Kevin Holmes [121] Visual abstract rule learning by 3 and 4monthold infants Author(s): Brock Ferguson, Sandra Waxman [122] “Jack is a True Scientist”: On the Content of Dual Character Concepts Author(s): Guillermo Del Pinal, Kevin Reuter [123] Effect of language on discrimination between warm and cold color hues. Author(s): Kirill Istomin, Irina Ilina, Oleg Uliashev [124] Framing effects and the folk psychiatry of addiction Author(s): Stephen Flusberg, Michael DellaValle, Paul Thibodeau [125] The specificity of the labeling effect on memory: what kinds of labels improve retrieval? Author(s): Anja Jamrozik, Dedre Gentner [126] Formalizing Risky Choice with a Logistic Model of Fuzzy Trace Theory Author(s): David Broniatowski, Valerie Reyna [127] Optimal stopping in a natural sampling task Author(s): Anna Coenen, Todd Gureckis [128] A TripleStopping Threshold System For a Sequential Decision Task: A CastNet Stopping Rule Model Author(s): Mario Fific, Marcus Buckmann [129] Asking useful questions: Active learning with rich queries Author(s): Anselm Rothe, Brenden Lake, Todd Gureckis [130] Go fishing! Responsibility judgments when cooperation breaks down Author(s): Kelsey Allen, Julian JaraEttinger, Tobias Gerstenberg, Max KleimanWeiner, Josh Tenenbaum [131] Linear Versus NonLinear Policy Capturing in a Dynamic Classification Task Author(s): Daniel Lafond, Benoit RobergeValliere, MarieEve SaintLouis, Sebastien Tremblay [132] The Cognitive Niches of KnowledgeBased Decision Strategies Author(s): Daniela Link, Julian Marewski [133] Explaining Choice Behavior: The Intentional Selection Assumption Author(s): Kelley Durkin, Leyla R. Caglar, Elizabeth Bonawitz, Patrick Shafto [134] Sensitivity to communicative norms when deceiving without lying Author(s): Keith Ransom, Wouter Voorspoels, Amy Perfors, Daniel Navarro [135] Diagnosticity: Some theoretical and empirical progress Author(s): James Yearsley, Emmanuel Pothos, Albert BarqueDuran, James Hampton [136] A Rational Model for Individual Differences in Preference Choice Author(s): Sheeraz Ahmad, Angela Yu [137] Attacker and Defender Counting Approach for Abstract Argumentation Author(s): Fuan Pu, Jian Luo, Yulai Zhang, Guiming Luo [138] A Bayesian Latent Mixture Approach to Modeling Individual Differences in Categorization Using General Recognition Theory Author(s): Irina Danileiko, Michael Lee, Michael Kalish [139] Crosssituational cues are relevant for early word segmentation Author(s): Okko Räsänen, Heikki Rasilo [140] Which Algorithms Can and Can’t Learn Identity Effects in Phonological Grammars Author(s): Paul Tupper [141] Towards semantically rich and recursive word learning models Author(s): Francis Mollica, Steven Piantadosi [142] Perspective Taking in Communicative Pointing: An Optimal Feedback Control Modeling Approach Author(s): Tobias Winner, Luc Selen, Lennart Verhagen, Pieter Medendorp, Ivan Toni, Iris van Rooij [143] The Symbolic Working Memory: memory accommodations for schematic processing of symbolic information Author(s): Nader Noori [144] Neural Basis of Episodic Memory Development: Evidence from Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Author(s): Hyungwook Yim, Simon Dennis, Christopher Bartlett, Vladimir Sloutsky [145] Hidden Markov model analysis reveals better eye movement strategies in face recognition Author(s): Tim Chuk, Antoni B. Chan, Janet Hsiao [146] The spiral of anxiety: a cognitive account Author(s): Nisheeth Srivastava [147] Linguistic Modality Affects the Creation of Structure and Iconicity in Signals Author(s): Hannah Little, Kerem Eryılmaz, Bart de Boer [148] Interpersonal Anticipatory Synchronization: The Facilitating Role of Short VisualMotor Feedback Delays Author(s): Auriel Washburn, Rachel Kallen, Charles Coey, Kevin Shockley, Michael Richardson [149] A Theory of Information Processing for LargeScale Brain Networks Author(s): Xerxes Arsiwalla, Paul Verschure [150] Behavioral Dynamics of a Collision Avoidance Task: How Asymmetry Stabilizes Performance Author(s): Brian Eiler, Rachel Kallen, Steven Harrison, Elliot Saltzman, Richard Schmidt, Mike Richardson 43 [151] Mathematical Model of Developmental Changes in Number Cognition Author(s): Richard Prather [152] Efficient analysisbysynthesis in vision: A computational framework, behavioral tests, and modeling neuronal representations Author(s): Ilker Yildirim, Tejas Kulkarni, Winrich Freiwald, Joshua Tenenbaum [153] Do Markov Violations and Failures of Explaining Away Persist with Experience? Author(s): Benjamin Rottman, Reid Hastie [154] Social network structure contributes to differences in language use Author(s): David Vinson, Rick Dale [155] Computational principles underlying people’s behavior explanations Author(s): AJ Piergiovanni, Alan Jern [156] Evaluating contingencies by a dual system of learning the structure and the parameters of the environment Author(s): Tamas Madarasz, Joseph LeDoux, Joshua Johansen [157] Hierarchical Reasoning with Distributed Vector Representations Author(s): Cody Kommers, Volkan Ustun, Abram Demski, Paul Rosenbloom [158] What causes categoryshifting in human semisupervised learning? Author(s): Bryan Gibson, Timothy Rogers, Chuck Kalish, Xiaojin Zhu [159] Tense systems across languages support efficient communication Author(s): Geoff Bacon, Yang Xu, Terry Regier [160] A Computational Model for Learning Structured Concepts From Physical Scenes Author(s): Erik Weitnauer, David Landy, Robert Goldstone, Helge Ritter 44 Poster Session 2 (Exhibit Hall A) (Note: HTML format on cognitivesciencesociety.org includes links to maps, abstracts and papers) [1] Expertise in Cognitive Task Analysis Interviews Author(s): Danny Koh, Kenneth Koedinger, Carolyn Rose, David Feldon [2] Understanding the Cone of Uncertainty: Nonexpert interpretations of hurricane forecast uncertainty visualizations Author(s): Ian T. Ruginski, Alexander P. Boone, Lace M.K. Padilla, Mary Hegarty, William B. Thompson, Donald H. House, Sarah H. CreemRegehr [3] The Effect of Spatial Representations on Discounting Rates Author(s): Andrea J. Sell, Terry SpeharFahey, Michael Gagliardo [4] Effect is sure, but explanation is unsure:Closer investigation of the foreign language effect with Japanese participants Author(s): Kuninori Nakamura [5] Inhibition Failure is Mediated by a Disposition Toward Flexible Thinking Author(s): Alexander Swan, Russell Revlin [6] The Tragedy of InnerIndividual Dilemmas Author(s): Momme von Sydow [7] Does tactile softness and hardness alter our acceptance of utilitarian judgment? Author(s): Yoshimasa Majima, Hiroko Nakamura [8] The influence of an inherence heuristic on scientific explanation Author(s): Zachary Horne, Andrei Cimpian [9] Violence Metaphors in Presidential Debates Author(s): Chelsea Coe, Till Bergmann, Teenie Matlock [10] Reducing overconfidence in forecasting with repeated judgement elicitation Author(s): Matthew Welsh, Steve Begg [11] No One Left Behind: How Social Distance Affects LifeSaving Decision Making Author(s): Yufeng Zhang, Haotian Zhou, Mo Luan, Hong Li [12] Which way to present product information is best for higher purchase intention Author(s): Soeun Her, Kwanghee Han [13] A Foreign Language Effect or a Language Proficiency Effect? Author(s): Paul Thibodeau, Evelyn KalafusMastenbrook, Matias Berretta, Aliya Tuzhilin, Nupur Agrawal [14] What drives “Unconscious” MultiAttribute DecisionMaking? Author(s): Sabine Topf, Eddy Davelaar [15] Exploring Complexity in Decisions from Experience: Same Minds, Same Strategy Author(s): Emmanouil Konstantinidis, Nathaniel J. S. Ashby, Cleotilde Gonzalez [16] Valence vs. Value in DecisionMaking in Depression Author(s): Nathaniel Blanco, W. Todd Maddox [17] How Causal Mechanism and Autocorrelation Beliefs Inform Information Search Author(s): Benjamin Rottman [18] That's not the whole story: The role of reliability and credibility in evidential reasoning Author(s): Saoirse Connor Desai, David Lagnado [19] Embodied cognition and passive processing: What handtracking tells us about syntactic processing in L1 and L2 speakers of English Author(s): Scott Crossley, YouJin Kim, Tiffany Lester, Samuel Clark [20] Education, not age, predicts variable plural production in Yucatec Maya Author(s): Lindsay Butler, Rosa Couoh Pool [21] Supervised and unsupervised learning in phonetic adaptation Author(s): Dave F. Kleinschmidt, Rajeev Raizada, T. Florian Jaeger [22] Do we use L1 probabilistic phonotactics in L2 listening? Author(s): Michael C. W. Yip [23] On the interplay between spontaneous spoken instructions and human visual behaviour in an indoor guidance task Author(s): Nikolina Koleva, Sabrina Hoppe, Mohammad Mehdi Moniri, Maria Staudte, Andreas Bulling [24] Activation and Rejection of Irrelevant Meaning in Simile Sentences Author(s): Tomohiro Taira [25] Time Course of Metaphor Comprehension in the Visual World Author(s): Seana Coulson, Tristan Davenport, Pia Knoeferle, Sarah Creel [26] Semantically underinformative utterances trigger pragmatic inferences Author(s): Ekaterina Kravtchenko, Vera Demberg [27] Context vs. Compositionality: How Do Contextinduced Adhoc Affordances Interact with Semantically Stored Telic Information? – An ERP Study Author(s): Markus Werning, Jarmo Kontinen, Erica Cosentino [28] Addressee Backchannels Can Bias ThirdParty Memory and Judgment 45 Author(s): Jackson Tolins, Jean E Fox Tree [29] Infant Locomotion, the Language Environment, and Language Development: A Home Observation Study Author(s): Eric Walle, Anne Warlaumont [30] Phonetic abilities of walking and crawling infants Author(s): Gina Pretzer, Anne Warlaumont, Eric Walle [31] Linguistic input overrides conceptual biases: When goals don't matter Author(s): Nicholas Lester [32] Natural language quantifiers are exclusively linked to exact number skills Author(s): Sarah Dolscheid [33] Crowdsourcing elicitation data for semantic typologies Author(s): Barend Beekhuizen, Suzanne Stevenson [34] Vocabulary Size is Correlated with NonNative Tone Sensitivity In English Learning Infants Author(s): Candise Lin, Toben Mintz [35] Interactions of emoticon valence and text processing Author(s): LAURIE FELDMAN, KIT W. CHO, CECILIA ARAGON, JUDITH KROLL [36] The Social Evolution and Communicative Function of Noun Classification Author(s): Michael Ramscar, Melody Dye, Petar Milin, Richard Futrell [37] Analyze Chinese Lexicon Project in the Chinese Character norms of traditional scripts Author(s): Sauchin Chen, ChungChing Wang, JonFan Hu [38] Promoting Comprehension of Health Information among Older Adults Author(s): Jessie Chin, Jessica Johnson, Darcie Moeller, Elise Duwe, James Graumlich, Michael Murray, Elizabeth Stine Morrow, Daniel Morrow [39] Speech and Print: Two Different Communication Media and Implications for Acquiring Literacy Naturally Author(s): Dominic Massaro [40] Using Wordless Picture Books during Shared Reading Boost Language Production in Preschoolers Author(s): Leydi ChaparroMoreno, Florencia Reali, Carolina MaldonadoCarreño [41] Text Analytic Techniques in Survey Questionnaire Development and Analysis Author(s): John Ford [42] Referential cues modulate attention and memory during crosssituational word learning Author(s): Kyle MacDonald, Daniel Yurovsky, Michael Frank [43] Tactile Experience Is Evoked by Visual Image of Materials:Evidence from Onomatopoeia Author(s): Maki Sakamoto, Tatsuki Kagitani, Ryuichi Doizaki [44] A holistic advantage in face drawing: higher accuracy when drawing upright faces Author(s): Jennifer Day, Nicolas Davidenko [45] Accuracy and awareness of image veracity in human perceptions of manipulated and unmanipulated images Author(s): Caldwell Sabrina, Gedeon Tamás, Jones Richard, Copeland Leana [46] Learning with Concrete and Virtual Manipulative Models: Are Models Scaffolds or Crutches? Author(s): Andrew Stull, Mary Hegarty [47] Voicespecific effects in semantic association Author(s): Ed King, Meghan Sumner [48] The Dynamics of Spoken Word Recognition in Second Language Listeners Reveal NativeLike Lexical Processing Author(s): Henna Shin, Brian Bauman, Imola MacPhee, Jason Zevin [49] General Language Ability Predicts Talker Identification Author(s): Xin Xie, Emily Myers [50] Bodycentric and worldcentric components of the largescale horizontalvertical illusion Author(s): Frank Durgin, Zhi Li, Brennan Klein [51] Cognitive Factors and Representation Strategies In Sketching Math Diagrams Author(s): Damian MordenSnipper, Ting Dai, Julie Booth, Briana Chang, Jennifer Cromley, Nora Newcombe [52] Finding the return path: allo versus egocentric perspective Author(s): Kai Hamburger, Florian Röser [53] Strategy differences do not account for gender difference in mental rotation Author(s): Alexander Boone, Mary Hegarty [54] Selecting landmarks when giving directions to different addressees on campus Author(s): Laura Carlson, Jennifer Kolesari, Christopher Galeucia, Deanne Adams [55] Knowing what he could have shown: The role of alternatives in children's evaluation of underinformative teachers Author(s): Hyowon Gweon, Mika Asaba [56] Social Situation Awareness: Empathic Accuracy in the Aircraft Cockpit Author(s): Irene Stepniczka, Livia Tomova, Dominik Niedermeier, Markus Peschl, Claus Lamm [57] Interruptionrecovery training transfers to novel tasks Author(s): Winston Jones, Jarrod Moss [58] The Increased Use of Tablets In Education: Why Physical Learning Is Sometimes Better Author(s): Sara Goodman, Travis Seymour, Barrett Anderson 46 [59] The perception and memory of object properties: The role of attention, intention, and information detection Author(s): Brandon Thomas, Michael Riley [60] Assessing Claims of Metaphorical Salience Through Corpus Data Author(s): Jenny Lederer [61] Navigation with Learned Spatial Affordances Author(s): Susan L. Epstein, Anoop Aroor, Matthew Evanusa, Elizabeth Sklar, Simon Parsons [62] Probing the mental number line: A betweentask analysis of spatialnumerical associations Author(s): ChiNgai Cheung, Vladislav Ayzenberg, Rachel F. L. Diamond, Sami Yousif, Stella F. Lourenco [63] Defeasible Reasoning with Quantifiers Author(s): Lupita Estefania Gazzo Castaneda, Markus Knauff [64] Algebraic reasoning in 3 to 5yearolds Author(s): Pierina Cheung, Mathieu Le Corre [65] Implicit Understanding of Arithmetic with Rational Numbers: The Impact of Expertise Author(s): Melissa DeWolf, Ji Son, Miriam Bassok, Keith Holyoak [66] Getting what you Ordered: Symbolic and NonSymbolic Ordinality as Predictors of Exact and Approximate Calculation in Adults Author(s): Rylan J. Waring, Marcie PennerWilger [67] Varying Effects of Subgoal Labeled Procedural Instructions in STEM Learning Author(s): Lauren Margulieux, Richard Catrambone [68] Complex Mental Addition and Multiplication Rely More on Visuospatial than Verbal Processing Author(s): Tommy Kwun Leuk Cheung, Janet Hui Wen Hsiao [69] Figurative and Literal ActionSentence Compatibility Effect in Japanese Author(s): Soichi Kozai, Katsunori Kotani, Markane Sipraseuth [70] Invertible signals: A challenge for theories of communication Author(s): Jennifer Misyak, Takao Noguchi, Nick Chater [71] Illusory inferences: disjunctions, indefinites, and the erotetic theory of reasoning Author(s): Salvador Mascarenhas, Philipp Koralus [72] What senses of agency can infants have? Author(s): Lorijn Zaadnoordijk, Sabine Hunnius, Marlene Meyer, Johan Kwisthout, Iris van Rooij [73] What is Lost in Translation from Visual Graphics to Text for Accessibility Author(s): Peter Coppin, Peter Coppin [74] Turn, Turn, Turn: Perceiving Global and Local, Clockwise and Counterclockwise Rotations Author(s): Bob French, Helle LukowskiDuplessy, Cory Rieth, Gary Cottrell [75] A model for full local image interpretation Author(s): Guy BenYosef, Liav Assif, Daniel Harari, Shimon Ullman [76] Partitioning the Firing Patterns of Spike Trains by Community Modularity Author(s): Hu Lu, Xing Hao Huang, Yu Qing Song, Hui Wei [77] NARS as a Normative Model of Cognition Author(s): Ozkan Kilic, Pei Wang [78] Economic Behavioral and Semantic Analysis of Generosity and Fairness in L’Arche Caregivers Author(s): Mark Graves, Kevin Reimer, Andrea Beckum, Shaina Smith, Remya Nair, Michael Spezio, Warren Brown, Steven Quartz [79] The Relationship Between Empathy and Humor use in Adolescents Author(s): YongRu Hsiao, YuehLin Tsai, HsuehChih Chen, JonFan Hu [80] Spatial Perception is Continuously Constrained by Goals and Memories Author(s): David Vinson, Jerome Scott Jordan, Alycia Hund [81] Gestures in the TV News reflect mental number space: "Tiny" and "low" numbers Author(s): Bodo Winter, Marcus Perlman, Teenie Matlock [82] When Less Can Be More: Dual Task Effects on Speech Fluency Author(s): Naomi Eichorn, Klara Marton [83] A test of the somnolent mentation theory and the cognitive shuffle insomnia treatment Author(s): Nancy Digdon, Luc Beaudoin [84] Motion event expressions in language and gesture: Evidence from Persian Author(s): Niloofar Akhavan, Nazbanou Nozari, Tilbe Goksun [85] How Physical Interaction Helps Performance in a Scrabblelike Task Author(s): Morgan Fleming, Paul Maglio [86] Communicative Efficiency and Miscommunication: The Costs and Benefits of Variable Language Production Author(s): Alexandra Paxton, Jennifer Roche, Michael Tanenhaus [87] CrossCultural Comparison of Peer Influence on Discovery Rate during Play Author(s): Shirlene Wade, Celeste Kidd [88] The Effects of Criticism on Creative Ideation Author(s): Yuko Tanaka, Yasuaki Sakamoto, Noboru Sonehara [89] How semantic is unconscious semantic integration? A visual masking study 47 Author(s): Liad Mudrik, Nathan Faivre, Sid Kouider, Christof Koch [90] Manipulating the Contents of Consciousness: A MechanisticManipulationist Perspective on ContentNCC Research Author(s): Alfredo Vernazzani [91] Multisensory Integration Induces Body Ownership of an External Tool Author(s): Veronica Weser, Gianluca Finotti, Dennis Proffitt [92] Modeling the Role of Hippocampus in Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery Author(s): Jeffrey Rodny, David Noelle [93] Making moves: How sex and race are detected from biological motion Author(s): Brian Eiler, Rachel Kallen, Mike Richardson [94] Social Cues Affect Grasping Hysteresis in ASD Author(s): Joseph Amaral, Heidi Kloos, Veronica Romero, Mike Richardson [95] Interdependence of Fixations and Saccades Author(s): Sebastian Wallot, Charles Coey, Mike Richardson [96] Minimal Requirements for Productive Compositional Signaling Author(s): Thomas Brochhagen [97] P3 as a neural index of response inhibition Author(s): Sara LópezMartín, Jacobo Albert, Sandra Hoyos, Alberto SánchezCarmona, Luis Carretié [98] Young Children’s Understanding of the Successor Function Author(s): Jennifer Kaminski [99] Children’s Trust in Technological and Human Informants Author(s): Nicholaus Noles, Judith Danovitch, Patrick Shafto [100] If at First You Don’t Succeed: The Role of Evidence in Preschoolers’ and Infants’ Persistence. Author(s): Julia Leonard, Laura Schulz [101] Incremental Object Perception in an AttentionDriven Cognitive Architecture Author(s): Will Bridewell, Paul Bello [102] Memory Capacity Limits in Processing of Natural Connected Speech: The Psychological Reality of Intonation Units Author(s): Heather Elizabeth Simpson, Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martin [103] Capturing Social Motor Coordination: A comparison of the Microsoft Kinect, VideoMotion Analysis and the Polhemus Latus Motion Tracking System Author(s): Veronica Romero, Joseph Amaral, Paula Fitzpatrick, Richard Schmidt, Mike Richardson [104] Transitivity is Not Obvious: Probing Prerequisites for Learning Author(s): Eliane Wiese, Rony Patel, Jennifer Olsen, Ken Koedinger [105] Diagrams benefit symbolic problem solving Author(s): Junyi Chu, Emily Fyfe, Bethany RittleJohnson [106] Watch out! An instruction raising students’ epistemic vigilance augments their sourcing activities Author(s): Marc Stadtler, Johanna Maria Paul, Silke Globoschütz, Rainer Bromme [107] Behaviorist Thinking in Judgments of Wrongness, Punishment, and Blame Author(s): Julian de Freitas, Samuel Johnson [108] Informative Transitions: A Heuristic for Conditionalized Causal Strength Learning Author(s): Cory Derringer, Benjamin Rottman [109] How People Estimate Effect Sizes: The Role of Means and Standard Deviations Author(s): Motoyuki Saito [110] Inferring causal structure and hidden causes from event sequences Author(s): Christopher Lucas, Kenneth Holstein, Michael Pacer [111] Naïve Beliefs About Intervening on Causes and Symptoms in the Health Domain Author(s): Jessecae Marsh, Andrew Zeveney [112] A Puzzle for your thoughts: Information about the difficulty of one task influences preschoolers’ exploratory play with a novel toy Author(s): Amanda Castro, Elizabeth Bonawitz [113] Distributed Cognition in the Age of Distributed Systems Author(s): Ethan SoutarRau, Brian Fisher [114] Neuronal Dynamics and Spatial Foraging Author(s): Timothy Shea, Anne Warlaumont, Chris Kello, David Noelle [115] The Color of Music: Synesthesia or emotionmediated crossmodal associations? Author(s): Erin Isbilen, Carol Lynne Krumhansl [116] Configural and featural face processing are modulated by spatial attention: evidence from eventrelated brain potentials Author(s): Hailing Wang, Shimin Fu [117] Lateral Inhibition Overcomes Limits of Temporal Difference Learning Author(s): Jacob Rafati, David Noelle [118] Tracking Relations: The Effects of Visual Attention on Relational Recognition Author(s): Katherine Livins, Leonidas Doumas, Michael Spivey [119] Transfer effects of prompted and selfreported analogical comparison and selfexplanation Author(s): J. Elizabeth Richey, Cristina D. Zepeda, Timothy J. NokesMalach 48 [120] Analogical comparison aids false belief understanding in preschoolers Author(s): Christian Hoyos, William Horton, Dedre Gentner [121] The Effects of Racial Similarity and Dissimilarity on the Joint Simon Task Author(s): Steve Croker, J. Scott Jordan, Daniel Schloesser, Vincent Cialdella [122] A Computational Account of Novel Word Generalization Author(s): Aida Nematzadeh, Erin Grant, Suzanne Stevenson [123] Beyond Magnitude: How Math Expertise Guides Number Representation Author(s): April Murphy, Timothy Rogers, Edward Hubbard, Autumn Brower [124] Reasoning About Diverse Evidence in Preference Predictions Author(s): Rachel Meng, Stephanie Y. Chen, Daniel M. Bartels [125] Induction with Familiar and NewlyLearned Categories in Young Children Author(s): Layla Unger, Anna Fisher [126] Adaptive Perceptual Learning in Electrocardiography: The Synergy of Passive and Active Classification Author(s): KhanhPhuong Thai, Sally Krasne, Philip Kellman [127] Deep Neural Networks Predict Category Typicality Ratings for Images Author(s): Brenden Lake, Wojciech Zaremba, Rob Fergus, Todd Gureckis [128] Belief in the unbelievable: The relationship between tendencies to believe pseudoscience, paranormal, and conspiracy theories Author(s): Emilio Lobato, Corinne Zimmerman [129] More Than a Blood Pump: An Experimental Enquiry of the Folk Theory of the Heart Author(s): Haotian Zhou, Cacioppo John [130] An Empirical Examination of Barrett’s Intuitive Expectation Sets Author(s): M. Afzal Upal [131] The space of spatial relations: An extended stimulus set Author(s): Alexandra Carstensen, Yang Xu, Charles Kemp, Terry Regier [132] Children Learn Better When They Select Their Own Data Author(s): Zi L. Sim, Michelle M. Tanner, Nina Y. Alpert, Fei Xu [133] A diffusion model account of the transferoftraining effect Author(s): Colin Kupitz, Martin Buschkuehl, Susanne Jaeggi, John Jonides, Priti Shah, Joachim Vandekerckhove [134] Causal reasoning in a prediction task with hidden causes Author(s): Pedro A. Ortega, Daniel D. Lee, Alan A. Stocker [135] Wisdom of Randomly Assembled Small Crowds Author(s): Mirta Galesic, Daniel Barkoczi, Konstantinos Katsikopoulos [136] Towards an empirical test of realism in cognition Author(s): James Yearsley, Emmanuel Pothos [137] Using Ground Truths to Improve Wisdom of the Crowd Estimates Author(s): Andrew Whalen, Saiwing Yeung [138] The Role of Outcome Divergence in GoalDirected Choice Author(s): Prachi Mistry, Mimi Liljeholm [139] Time after Time in Words: Chronology through Language Statistics Author(s): Max Louwerse, Susanne Raisig, Richard Tillman, Sterling Hutchinson [140] A DomainIndependent Model of OpenWorld Reference Resolution Author(s): Tom Williams, Matthias Scheutz [141] Extremely costly intensifiers are stronger than quite costly ones Author(s): Erin Bennett, Noah Goodman [142] The pragmatics of negation across contexts Author(s): Ann Nordmeyer, Michael Frank [143] Why do you ask? Good questions provoke informative answers. Author(s): Robert X.D. Hawkins, Andreas Stuhlmüller, Judith Degen, Noah D. Goodman [144] The Sound of Valence: Phonological Features Predict Word Meaning Author(s): Karlijn Dinnissen, Max M. Louwerse [145] A model comparison on perception of arm movements in pointlight display Author(s): REIKO YAKUSHIJIN, SACHIYO UEDA [146] Memory constraints affect statistical learning; statistical learning affects memory constraints Author(s): Josh de Leeuw, Rob Goldstone [147] An Integrated Account of Explanation and Question Answering Author(s): Ben Meadows, Richard Heald, Pat Langley [148] A Spiking Neural Model of the nBack Task Author(s): Jan Gosmann, Chris Eliasmith [149] Humans predict liquid dynamics using probabilistic simulation Author(s): Christopher Bates, Peter Battaglia, Ilker YILDIRIM, Josh Tenenbaum [150] Applying Patternbased Classification to Sequences of Gestures Author(s): Suzanne Aussems, Mingyuan Chu, Sotaro Kita, Menno van Zaanen 49 [151] A Computational Model of Jazz Improvisation Inspired by Language Author(s): Cody Komers, Alan Yuille [152] A Bayesian hierarchical model of localglobal processing: Visual crowding as a casestudy Author(s): Shunan Zhang, Man Song, Angela Yu [153] Cognitive architecture and secondorder systematicity: categorical compositionality and a (co)recursion model of systematic learning Author(s): Steven Phillips, William Wilson [154] A latentmixture quantum probability model of causal reasoning within a Bayesian inference framework Author(s): Percy Mistry, Jennifer Trueblood, Joachim Vandekerckhove, Emmanuel Pothos [155] So good it has to be true: Wishful thinking in theory of mind Author(s): Daniel HawthorneMadell, Noah Goodman [156] Learning Additive and Substitutive Features Author(s): Ting Qian, Joseph Austerweil [157] Assessing a Bayesian account of human gaze perception Author(s): Peter C. Pantelis, Daniel P. Kennedy [158] Gricean maxims influence inductive inference with negative observations Author(s): Wouter Voorspoels, Daniel Navarro, Amy Perfors, Keith Ransom [159] Alien Bacteria Found on Mars! A Model of Conceptual Change using the Recategorization Paradigm Author(s): Tim Sparer, Jared Ramsburg, Carlos Salas, Stellan Ohlsson [160] Children search for information as efficiently as adults, but seek additional confirmatory evidence Author(s): Azzurra Ruggeri, Tania Lombrozo, Tom Griffiths, Fei Xu 50 Poster Session 3 (Exhibit Hall A) (Note: HTML format on cognitivesciencesociety.org includes links to maps, abstracts and papers) [1] Representations of Time Affect Willingness to Wait for Future Rewards Author(s): Robert Thorstad, Aiming Nie, Phillip Wolff [2] Inference, Not Dilution in the Dilution Effect Author(s): Adam Sanborn, Takao Noguchi, James Tripp, Neil Stewart [3] Realworld implementation of Newcomb's thought experiment, using mousetracking techniques Author(s): Maryam Tabatabaeian, Shaun Pilkington, Rick Dale [4] Emotion and Morality: The Main Factors In Moral Judgment and Moral Behaviour Author(s): Nalini Ramlakhan [5] Individual Belief Revision Dynamics in a Group Context Author(s): Igor Volzhanin, Ulrike Hahn, Martin Jonsson, Erik Olsson [6] The Effects of Worked Examples on Transfer of Statistical Reasoning Author(s): Marianna Lamnina, Daniel Fienup [7] Interpreting Visualizations of Uncertainty on Smartphone Displays Author(s): Trevor Barrett, Mary Hegarty, Grant McKenzie, Michael Goodchild [8] How Sharing Contexts Influence Purchase Amounts: The Case of Food Choices Author(s): Jeffrey Parker, Nita Umashankar, Martin Schleicher [9] Conflict Sensitivity and the Conjunction Fallacy: Eyetracking Evidence for Logical Intuitions in Conjunction Probability Judgments Author(s): Jenny FaureBloom, Gaëlle ValléeTourangeau, Sabira Mannan [10] Systemic Metaphors Promote Systems Thinking Author(s): Paul Thibodeau, Anna Winneg, Cindy Frantz, Stephen Flusberg [11] TaskGeneral Object Similarity Processes Author(s): Gavin Jenkins, Larissa Samuelson, John Spencer [12] Developmental Changes in the Relationship Between Grammar and the Lexicon Author(s): Mika Braginsky, Daniel Yurovsky, Virginia Marchman, Michael Frank [13] Effects of Emotional Prosody and Attention on Semantic Priming Author(s): Seung Kyung Kim, Meghan Sumner [14] How Sharp is Occam’s Razor? Language Statistics in Cognitive Processing Author(s): Richard Tillman, Sterling Hutchinson, Max Louwerse [15] Sound to Meaning Mappings in the BoubaKiki Effect Author(s): Kelly McCormick, Jee Young Kim, Sara List, Lynne C. Nygaard [16] ERP indices of situated reference in visual contexts Author(s): Elli Tourtouri, Francesca Delogu, Matthew Crocker [17] Disambiguation Across the Senses: The Role of DiscoveryBased Interference Author(s): Jenna Wall, William Merriman [18] Acoustic Correlates of Speaker Confidence: Can They Tell I Don’t Know? Author(s): Krystal Duchi, Alison Kristoff, Schea Fissel, Jennifer Roche [19] Sources of developmental change in pragmatic inferences about scalar terms Author(s): Alexandra Horowitz, Michael Frank [20] Phonological Neighborhood Density Modulates Errors In Spoken Word Recognition Author(s): Mona Roxana Botezatu, JonFrederick Landrigan, Qi Chen, Daniel Mirman [21] Multiscale clustering of vocalizations during naturalistic infantcaregiver interactions Author(s): Drew Abney, Anne Warlaumont, D. Kimbrough Oller, Sebastian Wallot, Chris Kello [22] Anticipatory and Locally Coherent Lexical Activation Varies as a Function of Language Proficiency Author(s): Ryan Peters, Theres Grüter, Arielle Borovsky [23] Why do readers answer questions wrongly after reading gardenpath sentences? Author(s): Zhiying Qian, Susan Garnsey [24] Response Dominance Predicts GardenPath Comprehension: An ERP Study Author(s): Polly O'Rourke, Gregory Colflesh [25] The Relationship between Theory of Mind Abilities and Humor Comprehension Author(s): JonFan Hu, Yueh Lin Tsai, YongRu Hsiao, YuChen Lin, LiangYu Shen, Li Tsao, YuChen Chan, HsuehChih Chen [26] When high pitches sound low: Children’s acquisition of spacepitch metaphors Author(s): Sarah Dolscheid, Sabine Hunnius, Asifa Majid [27] Computational evidence for effects of memory decay, familiarity preference and mutual exclusivity in crosssituational learning Author(s): Heikki Rasilo, Okko Johannes Räsänen [28] SoundSymbolism is Disrupted in Dyslexia: Implications for the Role of CrossModal Abstraction Processes Author(s): Linda Drijvers, Lorijn Zaadnoordijk, Mark Dingemanse 51 [29] Semantic, not positional distances between words affect processing difficulty for sentences with relative clauses Author(s): Fenna Poletiek, Jun Lai [30] Cumulative Contextual Facilitation in Word Activation and Processing: Evidence from Distributional Modelling Author(s): Diego Frassinelli, Frank Keller [31] Distributional determinants of learning argument structure constructions in first and second language Author(s): Yevgen Matusevych, Afra Alishahi, Ad Backus [32] Learning multiple kinds of associations during crosssituational word learning Author(s): Martin Zettersten, Erica Wojcik, Viridiana L. Benitez, Jenny Saffran [33] Learning Exceptions in Phonological Alternations Author(s): Sara Finley [34] Largescale investigations of variability in children's first words Author(s): Rose Schneider, Dan Yurovsky, Mike Frank [35] How do different training tasks modulate our perception and hemispheric lateralization in the development of perceptual expertise? Author(s): Tso Ricky Vanyip, Au Terry Kitfong, Hsiao Janet Huiwen [36] Childhood SES affects anticipatory language comprehension in collegeaged adults Author(s): Melissa Troyer, Arielle Borovsky [37] 16montholds use language to generate expectations about the visual world Author(s): Allison Fitch, Patricia Ganea, Paul Harris, Zsuzsa Kaldy [38] What the Baldwin Effect affects Author(s): Thomas Morgan, Thomas Griffiths [39] Expertise modulates hemispheric asymmetry in holistic processing: Evidence from Chinese character processing Author(s): Harry K. S. Chung, Jacklyn C. Y. Leung, Janet H. Hsiao [40] Scene Inversion Slows the Rejection of False Positives through Saccade Exploration During Search Author(s): Kathryn Koehler, Miguel P. Eckstein [41] Incidental Memory for Naturalistic Scenes: Exposure, Semantics, and Encoding Author(s): Moreno I. Coco, Nicholas Duran [42] “Capturing the relations between metacognition, selfexplanation, and analogical comparison: An exploration of two methodologies” Author(s): Cristina D. Zepeda, Timothy J. NokesMalach [43] Does Training of Cognitive and Metacognitive Regulatory Processes Enhance Learning and Deployment of Processes with Hypermedia? Author(s): Roger Azevedo, Amy Johnson, Candice Burkett [44] Organizing Metacognitive Tutoring Around Functional Roles of Teachers Author(s): David Joyner, Ashok Goel [45] Word order in a grammarless language: A ‘smalldata’ informationtheoretic approach Author(s): Nicholas Lester, Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martin [46] Describing Causal Events: Evidence from Patients with Focal Brain Injury Author(s): Demet Ozer, Idil Bostan, Anjan Chatterjee, Tilbe Goksun [47] Can experience with different types of writing system modulate holistic processing in speech perception? Author(s): Tianyin Liu, Janet Hsiao [48] Analyzing the Predictability of Lexemespecific Prosodic Features as a Cue to Sentence Prominence Author(s): Sofoklis Kakouros, Okko Johannes Räsänen [49] Social Influences on the Spatial PerspectiveTaking Abilities of Males and Females Author(s): Nahal Heydari, Mary Hegarty, Margaret Tarampi [50] The effects of spatial anxiety on memory for spatiotemporal scale Author(s): Devin Gill, Jeanine Stefanucci, Sarah CreemRegehr, Erica Barhorst [51] The Influence of Language on Memory for Object Location Author(s): Harmen Gudde, Kenny Coventry, Paul Engelhardt [52] Priming DynamicKinematic Routines Using Spatial Language Author(s): Deanne Adams, Christopher Galeucia, Jennifer Kolesari, Laura Carlson, Kenny Coventry [53] Sex Differences in Virtual Navigation Influenced by Scale, Visual Cues, Spatial Abilities and Lifetime Mobility Author(s): Lace Padilla, Sarah CreemRegehr, Jeanine Stefanucci, Elizabeth Cashdan [54] Giving dyads the silent treatment: Anticipatory joint action and the need for external action feedback Author(s): Daniel Schloesser, Jiuyang Bai, Jerome Scott Jordan [55] Improving Lexical Memory Access and Decision Making Processes Using Cognitive Word Games Author(s): Kejkaew Thanasuan, Shane Mueller [56] Finger Gnosis And Symbolic Number Comparison as Robust Predictors of Adult Numeracy Author(s): Marcie PennerWilger, Rylan Waring, Adam Newton, Cindel White [57] Acquisition of perceptual knowledge via information search Author(s): Miki Matsumuro, Kazuhisa Miwa, Hitoshi Terai, Misaki Kurita [58] How Grammatical Gender Affects Perspective Taking Author(s): Elena Andonova, Zornitsa Savcheva, Gergana Todorova 52 [59] Semantic Processing in the Context of the PRP Paradigm: Structurally or Strategically Bottlenecked? Author(s): Darcy White, Derek Besner [60] How are interaction between human and an autonomous agent affected by embodiments and voice?: Investigation with age groups comparison. Author(s): Etsuko, T. Harada, Riko Hasegawa, Wataru Kayano, Hirotaka Osawa [61] Individual Differences in Baserate Neglect: A Computational Dual Process Model Author(s): Carlos Salas, Tim Sparer, Sabrina Velez, Thomas Griffin [62] Convincing people of the Monty Hall Dilemma answer: The impact of solution type and individual differences Author(s): Joanne Lee, Bruce Burns [63] Do infants compare ratios or use simpler heuristics in probabilistic inference? Author(s): Samantha Gualtieri, Elizabeth Bonawitz, Stephanie Denison [64] Modeling Relational Priming and Multiplicative Reasoning with Rational Numbers Author(s): Melissa DeWolf, Miriam Bassok, Keith Holyoak [65] Robustness of semantic encoding effects in a transfer task for multiplestrategy arithmetic problems. Author(s): Hippolyte Gros, JeanPierre Thibaut, Emmanuel Sander [66] Individual Differences in Coordinating Between Graphs and Equations of Functions: Effects of CMR Facilitation Author(s): Julie Booth, Jennifer Cromley, Theodore Wills, Walt Stepnowski, Thomas Shipley, William Zahner, Jessica Rossi [67] Exploring the processing costs of the "exactly" and "at least" readings of bare numerals with eventrelated brain potentials Author(s): Maria Spychalska, Jarmo Kontinen, Ira Noveck, Ludmila Roesch, Markus Werning [68] The Moral Rhetoric of Climate Change Author(s): Eyal Sagi, Timothy Gann, Teenie Matlock [69] How soon is now? The language of timing in joint activities Author(s): Gregory Mills [70] The Bidirectional Relationship Between Source Characteristics and Message Content Author(s): Peter Collins, Ulrike Hahn, Yvlva von Gerber, Erik Olsson [71] Statistical and Chunking Processes in Adults’ Visual Sequence Learning Author(s): Lauren Slone, Scott Johnson [72] Perceptual Learning in Mathematics Produces Durable Encoding Improvements Author(s): Carolyn Bufford, Philip Kellman [73] Assessing the Perceived Predictability of Functions Author(s): Eric Schulz, Josh Tenenbaum, David Reshef, Maarten Speekenbrink, Samuel Gershman [74] Imagine That: The Relationship between Imagery Measures and Imagery Types Author(s): Margaret Tarampi, Boris Khanukayev, Rebecca Schaefer [75] We Readily Anchor Upon Others, But it is Easier to Anchor on the Self Author(s): Daniel Willard, Art Markman [76] Gaze is not Enough: Computational Analysis of Infant's Head Movement Measures the Developing Response to Social Interaction Author(s): Lars Schillingmann, Joseph Burling, Hanako Yoshida, Yuki Nagai [77] Does Learning Magnitude Knowledge help Students Learn Procedural Knowledge or Vice Versa? Author(s): Rony Patel, Ken Koedinger [78] Modelling Political Source Credibility of Election Candidates in the USA Author(s): Jens Koed Madsen [79] Finding Meaning in Neuroaesthetics Author(s): Alexander Kranjec, Julia Sienkewicz, Corey Robinson, Amanda Buchheit [80] The colors and textures of musical sounds Author(s): Thomas Langlois, Joshua Peterson, Stephen Palmer [81] Influence of High and Low Groove Music on Postural Sway Dynamics Author(s): Jessica Ross, Anne Warlaumont, Lillian Rigoli, Ramesh Balasubramaniam [82] Music familiarity modulates mind wandering during lexical processing Author(s): Shi Feng, Gavin Bidelman [83] It's all in the eye: multiple orders of motor planning in gaze control Author(s): Anna Belardinelli, Martin V. Butz [84] Memory Strategically Encodes Externally Unavailable Information Author(s): Carla Macias, Amanda Yung, Pernille Hemmer, Celeste Kidd [85] LongTerm Memory and Working Memory can be Improved by Cognitive Training Author(s): David, M. Lim, Michael, D. Patterson [86] Schematic Processing in Working Memory Tasks Relies on Learning and LongTerm Memory Resources Author(s): Nader Noori [87] A nonmonotonic extension of universal moral grammar theory Author(s): GertJan Munneke, Jakub Szymanik [88] Argument Strength Computation Based on Satisfiability Degree and Agents' Beliefs Author(s): Jian Luo, Fuan Pu, Guiming Luo [89] Is statistical learning trainable? 53 Author(s): luca onnis, matthew loumagnuson, hongoak yun, Erik Thiessen [90] Ideas in Dialogue: The Effects of Interaction on Creative Problem Solving Author(s): Christine Howes, Patrick Healey, Pietro Panzarasa, Thomas Hills [91] Matching artificial agents’ and users’ personalities: designing agents with regulatoryfocus and testing the regulatory fit effect Author(s): Caroline Faur, JeanClaude Martin, Céline Clavel [92] Does the Frequency of Pedagogical Agent Intervention Relate to Learners’ SelfReported Boredom while using Multiagent Intelligent Tutoring Systems? Author(s): Nicholas Mudrick, Roger Azevedo, Michelle Taub, François Bouchet [93] Savvy software agents can encourage the use of secondorder theory of mind by negotiators Author(s): Harmen de Weerd, Eveline Broers, Rineke Verbrugge [94] Helping students understand posterior probabilities: research with a digital learning environment on the Monty Hall dilemma Author(s): Lore Saenen, Mieke Heyvaert, Wim Van Dooren, Patrick Onghena [95] Investigating Ways of Interpretations of Artificial Subtle Expressions Among Different Languages: A Case of Comparison Among Japanese, German, Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese Author(s): Takanori Komatsu, Rui Prada, Kazuki Kobayashi, Seiji Yamada, Kotaro Funakoshi, Mikio Nakano [96] Gesture Production under Instructional Context: The Role of Mode of Instruction Author(s): Melda Coskun, Cengiz Acartürk [97] Alternating Estimation of Local Objective and Global Purpose by TwoLayer Model of Emphasizing Factors Author(s): Yoshimasa Ohmoto, Asami Matsumoto, Toyoaki Nishida [98] Is the listener really listening? Exploring the effect of verbal and gestural speaker cues on backchanneling. Author(s): Matthew Stave, Eric Pederson [99] Measuring Time Gestures with the Microsoft Kinect Author(s): Daniel Lenzen [100] Cognitive consequences of interactivity Author(s): Nan Renner [101] The Effects of Art Experience, Competence in Artistic Creation, and Methods of Appreciation on Artistic Inspiration Author(s): Chiaki Ishiguro, Takeshi Okada [102] Cognitive productivity: Can cognitive science improve how knowledge workers' use IT to learn from source material? Author(s): Luc Beaudoin, Geneviève Gauthier, Phil Winne [103] Choice Facilitates 4YearOlds' Cognitive Flexibility Author(s): Allison O'Leary, Vladimir Sloustky [104] Creating YouAreHere Maps: Mapping location and orientation using photographs Author(s): Heather Burte [105] Cultural Differences in Fluid Collaboration Author(s): Andrew Dayton, Barbara Rogoff [106] Investigation on Using 3D Printed Liver during Surgery Author(s): Akihiro Maehigashi, Kazuhisa Miwa, Hitoshi Terai, Tsuyoshi Igami, Yoshihiko Nakamura, Kensaku Mori [107] The effect of empathy on comprehension and attitude in text reading Author(s): Hideaki Shimada [108] Modern Symbolic Communication Through NonWord Text Author(s): Milagros Florentina Lopez Obeso, Morgan Magnus Fleming [109] Children’s ability to infer beliefs and desires from emotional reactions Author(s): Yang Wu, Chris Baker, Josh Tenenbaum, Laura Schulz [110] Toddlers Learn with Facilitated Play, Not Free Play Author(s): Zi L. Sim, Fei Xu [111] Why Stickiness is not Enough to Explain Persistence of Counterintuitive Religious Concepts Author(s): M. Afzal Upal [112] Building the mental timeline: Spatial representations of time in preschoolers Author(s): Katharine Tillman, Nestor Tulagan, David Barner [113] Predicting Lexical Norms Using a Word Association Corpus Author(s): Hendrik Vankrunkelsven, Steven Verheyen, Simon De Deyne, Gert Storms [114] Incorporating Background Knowledge into Text Classification Author(s): Reihane Boghrati, Justin Garten, Aleksandra Litvinova, Morteza Dehghani [115] M3 Situating Embodied Learning: Embedding Gestures in Narratives to Learn Mathematical FrActions in a digital tablet environment Author(s): Michael Swart, Benjamin Friedman, Sorachai Kornkasem, John B. Black, Jonathan Vitale [116] Personal Change and the Continuity of Identity Author(s): Sarah Molouki, Daniel Bartels [117] Folk Judgments of Normality: Part Statistical, Part Evaluative Author(s): Adam Bear, Joshua Knobe [118] Perceptual Learning with Adaptivelytriggered Comparisons Author(s): KhanhPhuong Thai, Sally Krasne, Philip Kellman [119] A PDP Account of Transitions in Conceptual Development 54 Author(s): Robert Powers, David Plaut [120] Exemplar models can’t see the forest for the trees Author(s): Nolan Conaway, Kenneth Kurtz [121] Using a TaskFilled Delay During Discrimination Trials to Examine Different Components of Learned Visual Categorical Perception Author(s): Joshua de Leeuw, Jan Andrews [122] How is the result of the categorization process represented? Author(s): Sandeep Prasada [123] Yes, No, Maybe So: The Effect of Ambiguity, Falsification, and Confirmation on ReCategorization Author(s): Jared Ramsburg, Stellan Ohlsson [124] Investigating the Visual/Analytic Shift in Students’ Knowledge in Chemistry Author(s): Maria Vlacholia, Stella Vosniadou, Katerina Salta, Petros Roussos, Smaragda Kazi, Michael Sigalas, Chrysa Tsougraki [125] Gestures Prime Temporal Concepts Author(s): Melvin Ng, Winston Goh, Melvin Yap, ChiShing Tse, Wing Chee So [126] During category learning, topdown and bottom up processes battle for control of the eyes Author(s): Caitlyn McColeman, Mark Blair [127] Argument Scope in Inductive Reasoning: Evidence for an Abductive Account of Induction Author(s): Samuel Johnson, Thomas Merchant, Frank Keil [128] A Hierarchical Cognitive Threshold Model of Human Decision Making on Different Length Optimal Stopping Problems Author(s): Maime Guan, Michael Lee, Joachim Vandekerckhove [129] When to use which heuristic: A rational solution to the strategy selection problem Author(s): Falk Lieder, Tom Griffiths [130] Generating Functions in Neural Learning of Sequential Structures Author(s): Yanlong Sun, Hongbin Wang [131] Multiple Strategies in Conjunction and Disjunction Judgments: Most People are Normative Part of the Time Author(s): James Tripp, Adam Sanborn, Neil Stewart, Takao Noguchi [132] Exploring the Concept of Utility: Are Separate Value Functions required for Risky and Intertemporal Choice? Author(s): Ash Luckman, Chris Donkin, Ben R. Newell [133] A Dualprocess Model of Framing Effects in Risky Choice Author(s): Lisa Guo, Jennifer S. Trueblood, Adele Diederich [134] Implicit learning in dynamic decision making: A glassbox approach Author(s): Sylvain Pronovost, MarieÈve StLouis, Daniel Lafond, JeanFrançois Gagnon, Sébastien Tremblay [135] Processing Overt and Null Subject Pronouns in Italian: a Cognitive Model Author(s): Margreet Vogelzang, Petra Hendriks, Hedderik van Rijn [136] Using RealTime Computational Modeling to Individually Optimize Speech Category Learning Author(s): Seth Koslov, Nathaniel Blanco, Bharath Chandrasekaran, Todd Maddox [137] Modelling insight: The case of the ninedot problem Author(s): Adrian Banks, Thomas Ormerod, Patrice Rusconi, Jim MacGregor [138] Preferred Inferences in Causal Relational Reasoning: Counting Model Operations Author(s): Marco Ragni, Stephanie Schwenke, Christine Otieno [139] Piece of Mind: LongTerm Memory Structure in ACTR and CHREST Author(s): Martyn LloydKelly, Fernand Gobet, Peter Lane [140] Generating Hyperdimensional Distributed Representations from ContinuousValued Multivariate Sensory Input Author(s): Okko Räsänen [141] Bridging the communicative gap between robots and humans, by analogy Author(s): Mark Blokpoel, Todd Wareham, J.P. de Ruiter, Pim Haselager, Ivan Toni, Iris van Rooij [142] Understanding developmental bottlenecks in active inquiry Author(s): George Kachergis, Marjorie Rhodes, Todd Gureckis [143] Not by number alone: The effect of teachers' knowledge and its value in evaluating "sins of omission" Author(s): Ilona Bass, Daniel Hawthorne, Noah Goodman, Hyowon Gweon [144] Consistency in Brain Activation Predicts Success in Transfer Author(s): Qiong Zhang, John R. Anderson, Robert E. Kass [145] The fan effect in overlapping data sets and logical inference Author(s): Kam Kwok, Robert West, Matthew Kelly [146] Use of Lexical Statistics for Compound Word Recognition and Segmentation in Turkish Author(s): Ozkan Kilic [147] Prospective uncertainty: The range of possible futures in physical prediction Author(s): Kevin Smith, Edward Vul [148] Eye Movement Pattern in Face Recognition is Associated with Cognitive Decline in the Elderly Author(s): Cynthia Y.H. Chan, Antoni B. Chan, Tatia M.C. Lee, Janet H. Hsiao [149] Pattern Probabilities for NonDichotomous Events: A New Rational Contribution to the Conjunction Fallacy Debate Author(s): Momme von Sydow 55 [150] A ResourceRational Approach to the Causal Frame Problem Author(s): Thomas Icard, Noah Goodman [151] Upsetting the contingency table: Causal induction over sequences of point events Author(s): Michael Pacer, Tom Griffiths [152] Exploring the mechanism of contextdependent memory Author(s): Chelsea Gordon, Michael Spivey [153] What defines a category? Evidence that listeners’ perception is governed by generalizations Author(s): Rachael Richardson, Naomi Feldman, William Idsardi [154] A dynamic neural field model of selfregulated eye movements during category learning Author(s): Jordan Barnes, Mark Blair, Paul Tupper, R Calen Walshe 56