- Girls' Track& Field Winning Teams CLASS 1A Quinter COACH Joel Kuchera CLASS 2A Clifton-Clyde COACH Ken McClanahan CLASS 3A Lindsborg-Smoky Valley COACH Jay Myers CLASS 4,A Andover COACH George Stewart CLASS 5A Shawnee Heights COACH Kerry Kapfer CLASS 6,4 Junction City COACH Bob Schmoekel CLASS1A TEAM SCORES 1.Quinter,45.00; 2. Spearville,38.00; 3. Argonia,34.00; 3. Logan,34.00; 5. Goessel,28.00, 6. Scandia-PikeValley,22.00; 7. Montezuma-SouthGray,22.00; 8. Macksville,18.00; 9. Ashland, 16.00; 9 . B u c k l i n ,1 6 . 0 0 ; 9. Highland, 16.00; 9. Hutch.-Ctrl Christian, 16.00; 13. SharonSpr.-S/al.Co, 1b.00; 13. Sylvan Grove-Sylvan,15.00; 42. Grainfield-Wheatland, 1.00: 42. Hope, 1.00; 42. Jennings-PH, 1.00; 42. Lewis, 1.00: 42. l,eRoy,1.00; 47. Bazine, .50 Girls'3200 Meter Run 1. Andrea Burgess,Bun Oak-Wht. Rk, 12:06.g0 2. JodelleMeador,Satanta,I2:L4.90 3. Jenifer White, Ashland, l2:22.g0 4. Allison Stull, Natoma,12:25.70 5. Mindy Sluss,Rosalia-Flinthills, 12:80.20 6. Beth Baalman,Grinnell, 12;3b.00 Girls'100 Meter High Hurdles 1. VanessaSchmidt,Goessel,1b.77 2. SueannaHilton, Hutch.-Ctrl Christian, 15.g0 3. Kim Rothlisberger,Randolph-BlueVal., 16.2g 4. Janeen Garetson,Montezuma-So Gray, 16.gb 5. Gina Pruter, Natoma, 16.g5 6. Jennifer Nylund, Scandia-pikeValley, 12.g6 Girls' 4x200 Meter Relay 1. l,ogan,1:48.06 2. Quinter, I:48.27 3. SharonSpr.-Wal.Co, 1:49.96 4. Goessel,1:50.71 5. Kiowa-SouthBarber,1:51.70 6. [.ewis,1:52.93 Girls'100 Meter Dash l. Melaney McDaniel, Spearville, 12.60 2. JanayeWhite, Argonia, 12.90 3. Julie Lackey,Highland, 13.00 4. StephanieWalker, Utica-Nes T|e La Go, 13.10 5. Heather Delong, Bucklin, 13.80 6. DeeannaClaytor, tongton-Elk Valley, 13.60 15.Satanta,14.00; Girls'1600 Meter Run 1. Tiffany Pinkston, I\tacksville,5:29.61 16.Denton-Midway,12.00; 17.Burr Oak-WhiteRock,11.00; 2. Monica Kemper, l,ogan. 5:88.8g lE. Beloit-SaintJohn's,10.00; 18.Kensington-WSmith Co., 10.00; 18.Natoma, 10.00; 18. Pretty Prairie, 10.00; 18.South Haven, 10.00; 2 3 .C a l d w e l l , 9 . 0 0 ; 24. Frankfort, 8.50; 3. Tiffany Messenger,South Haven, S:40.65 4. Clar Butler, JC-Saint Xavier, 5:42.18 5. Mindy Sluss,Rosalia-Flinthills,5:43.93 6. Melody Underwood,Bur Oak-Wht.Rk 5:45.b0 Girls' 4x100 Meter Relay 1.Bucklin,51.25 2. Argonia,52.02 2 5 . G r i n n e l l ,8 . 0 0 ; 3. Wetmore,52.30 4.I-agan,52.32 26. Almena-NorthernVal.. 6.00: 5. Quinter,52.39 2 6 .B e r n . 6 . 0 0 : 6. SharonSpr.-Wal.Co, 52.91 2 6 .I n g a l l s , 6 . 0 0 ; Girls'400 Meter Dash 1. Janaye White, Argonia, 59.49 2. Melaney McDaniel, Spean'ille, 59.63 26. Randolph-BlueVal., 6.00; 26. Wetmore,6.00; 31. Centralia,5.00; 32. JC-Saint Xavier. 4.00: 3. Sheila Budke, Beloit-SaintJohn's,b9.99 4. Jenny Stover,Quinter, 1:00.89 32. Norwich.4.00: 5. ChandaTliplett, l,ogan,1:01.10 32. Rosalia-Flinthills,4.00: 6. Jodi Mader, Quinter, l:0L77 32. Stafford, 4.00; 32. Utica-NesTle La Go.4.00: Girls'300 Meter Low Hurdles 1. Andrea Houser.Quinter, 46.27 2. SueannaHilton, Hutch.-Ctrl Christian, 46.36 3 2 .W i l s o n , 4 . 0 0 ; 38. Kiowa-South Barber, 3.00; 38. Longton-Elk Vailey,3.00; 4 0 .H a n s t o n , 2 . 0 0 ; 4 0 .M o s c o w . 2 . 0 0 : 38 3. JessiCullison,Satanta,47.38 4. Gina Pruter, Natoma, 47.50 5. Janeen Garetson,Montezuma-SoGray,48.06 6. Stacy Weatherman,Sylvan Grove-Slwr,48.g9 Girls'800 Meter Run 1. Andrea Houser,Quinter, 2:2L.80 2. Tiffany Pinkston, Macksville, 2:23.80 3. Becky Gmnd, Sharon Spr.-Wal.Co,2:26.90 4. Chrissy Ptacek, Wilson, 2:28.40 5. TeresaStinemetz, Hanston, 2:81.20 6. Chandra Kickhaefer,Hope, 2:32.90 Girls'200MeterDash 1. Melaney McDaniel, Spearville,26.18 2. JanayeWrite, Argonia, 26.60 3. Julie Lackey,Highland,26.85 4. Sheila Budke, Beloit-Saint John's, 26.82 5. Cheri Gaskill, Moscow,2Z.30 6. Kelli Thomas, Kiowa-SouthBarber,2Z.B5 Girls' 4x400 Meter Relay 1. Quinter,4:10.59 2.1-ogan,4:14.80 3. Ashland,4:16.27 4. StafIord, 4:17.74 5. SharonSpr.-Wal.Co,4:19.43 6. Grainfield-Wheatland,4:20.14 Girls'Shot Put 1. Stacy Wewe,Pretty Prairie, g6'11.00" 2. Heather Reed,Scandia-PikeValley,36,02.00,' 3. Tami Gaede,Ingalls, 36'03.00" 4. Kristy A1'res,Norwich, 35'04.28' 5. Chyanne Hilburn, Logan, g4'10.50" 6. Stacy TFue, I-eRoy,34'04.50" Girls'Discus 1. Abby Levin, Kens.-W Smith Co., 118'05.00" 2. RebeccaWolff, Caldwell, 117'11.00" 3. Betsy Droge, Bern, 113'09.00" 4. Allison McCarty, Ashland, 111'11.00" 5. Mendy Downey,Bucklin, 107'0G.00" 6. Stacy Houlden, Caldwell, 105'02.00" Girls'High Jump 1. VanessaSchmidt, Goessel,S'0b.00" 2. Janeen Garetson,Montezuma-SoGray, 5'03.00" 3. Cori Cox,Almena-Northern Val., b'09.00" 4. Jennifer Wolt South Haven, b'01.00" 5. Heather f)elong, Bucklin, 5'01.00" 6. Jenny Fangman, Frankfort, 4'11.00" 6. Jennifer Foos,Bazine, 4'11.00" Girls'Long Jump 1. Melaney McDaniel, Spearville, 18'08.00" 2. Jennifer Nylund, Scandia-PikeMy. 12,06.25', 3. Shellie Ninemire, Denton-Midway,16'10.25" 4. StacyWeatherman,Slvan Grove.Slvn,16'09.?5" 5. DeeannaClaytor, Longton-Elk My, 16'0Z.ZE" 6. Julie Lager, Grinnell, 16'04.25" Girls'Javelin 1. Connie Meitler, Sylvan Grove-Slwt.12G'11.00" 2. Jenny F-angman,Frankfort, 123'02.00" 3. Beth Baalman,Grinnell, 115'04.00" 4. Debra Steinlage,Centralia, 115'04.00" 5. Tonya Hunsaker, Highland, 112'00.00" 6. BrendaAdams,Centralia,111'03.00" Girls'Triple Jump i. Jennifer Nylund, Scandia-PikeMy. 3T'01.00" 2. JaneenGaretson,Montezuma-SoGray, 36'11.2b" 3. Shellie Ninemire, Denton-Midway,35'06.?5" 4. VanessaSchmidt, Goessel,35'06.75" 5. Katie Booth, Highland, 34'06.25" 6. Annie Jacobs,Jennings-PH, 34'04.00" KSHSAA Yearbook CLASS 2A TEAMSCORES 6. Winchester-Nor-JCN,1:51.22 1. Clyde-Clifton-Clyde, 58.00; Girls'100 Meter Dash 1. Cristy Ruda, Atwood, 12.89 2. Atwood,36.00; 2. Shelly Bowman, Clyde-Clifton-Clyde, 13.10 3. Hanover,27.00; 4. Saint Francis,26.00; 3. Marsha Rezac,Rossville,13.37 4. Jalayne Gerber,Kismet-SW Hgts., 13.55 5. Pratt-Skyline,25.00; 5. RachelReves,Washington,13.67 6. Lincoln,24.00; 7. GardenPlain,22.00, 6. Jenna Oest,Lyndon,13.75 8. Inman,20.00; 8. Victoria. 20.00: 8. Washington,20.00; 8. Whitewater-Remington,20.00; 12. Little River, 19.00; 13.Otis-Bison,18.00; 14.Ellis, 17.00; 15. Oxford, 16.00; 16.Saint John, 15.00; 17. Johnson-StantonCo., 14.00; 17. Kismet-SW Hgts., 14.00; 19. Cunningham, 12.00; 20. Moundridge, 11.00; 20. Winchester-Nor-JCN.11.00: 22. Langdon-Fairfreld, I 0.00; 23. Blue Rapids-VH, 8.00; 24. Holton-JacksonHgts., 6.00; 24. Kinsley,6.00; Girls'1600 Meter Run 1. Jenny Cassidy,Saint Francis,5:29.10 2. Jenny Kreidler, Oxford, 5:31.55 3. Danielle Stohs,Hanover,5;33.34 4. ReganMartin, Johnson-StantonCo., 5:33.61 5. Jayci Williams, Uniontown, 5:37.45 6. Rusty Sowers,Melvern-Quen.-MDC{ 5:40.34 Girls' 4x1 fi) Meter Relay 1. Clyde--Clilton-Clyde,51.37 2. Whitewater-Remington,52.09 3. Lincoln,52.30 4. Otis-Bison,52.3L 5. Garden Plain, 52.76 6. Little River.52.98 Girls'400 Meter Dash 1. Cristy Ruda, Atwood, 58.13 2. RebekahErickson, Clifton-Clyde,59.78 3. Alycia Pmitt, Victoria, 1:00.00 2 4 .L i n n , 6 . 0 0 ; 4. Laura Worthing, Inman, 1:00.30 Co., 1:01.36 5. BrendaJones,Johnson-Stanton 24. Pleasanton,6.00; 6. Michelle Eggtng,Pratt-Skyline, 1:01.94 24. Rossville,6.00; Girls'300 Meter Low Hurdles 1. Nicky Ramage,Little River, 46.95 29. Stockton,5.00; 30. Canton-Galva,4.00; 30. CottonwoodFalls-CC.4.00: 30. Sedgwick,4.00; 30. Valley Falls, 4.00; 34. Melvern-Quenemo-MDC{ 3.00; 34. Moran-Marmaton Val., 3.00; 4. Amy Puetz, Garden Plain, 36'02.00" 5. Teri Welch,Moran-Marmaton Val., 35'04.00" 6. Tfeva Russell,Saint John, 35'02.00" Girls'Discus *1. Katie Panek, Garden Plain, 134'10.00" 2. Tammie TFue,Washington,119'06.00" 3. Destiny Bauer, Kinsley, 115'04.00" 4. Tfeva Russell,Saint John, 113'01.00" 5. Jennifer Thoman, Clifton-Clyde, I 13'01.00" 6. Kathleen Carr, Atwood, 112'11.00" Girls'High Jump 1. Kristi Rinehart, Langdon-Fairfield, 5'07.00" 2. JessicaBrungardt, Victoria, 5'05.00" 3. Amy Davidson,Pleasanton,5'01.00" 4. Brenda Jones,Johnson-StantonCo., 5'01.00" 5. Shana Bowden,Saint John, 5'01.00" 6. Nicole Dinkins, Alma-Wabaunsee,5'01.00" Girls'Long Jump 1. Tiffany Lohse,Hanover, 16'11.75" 2. Carly Pagenkopf,Pratt-Skyline, 16'10.00" 3. JessicaRorabaugh,Ellis, 16'09.25" 4. J oey Gray, Whitewater-Remington, 16'08.75" 5. Cristy Ruda, Atwood, 16'08.00" 6. JessicaWalters, Brkville.-Ell-Sal., 16'00.50" Girls'Javelin 1. Mindy Lyne, Lincoln, 135'02.00" 2. Tfeva Russell,Saint John, 130'11.00" 3. Amy Thomsen,Hanover, 130'04.00" 4. Brandy l,ervold, Clifton-Clyde, 126'09.00" 5. Angie Morgan, Peabody,116'03.00" 6. Teri Welch,Moran-Marmaton Val., 113'11.00" 2. RobbiRorabaugh,Ellis,47.80 Jump Girls'Triple 3. Laura Betzen,Cunningham,48.25 4. Kelly Miller, Canton-Galva,48.66 1. Michelle Eggr.rg,Pratt-Skyline, 37'10.50" 2. Nicky Ramage,Little River,37'07.50" 3. Joey Gray, Whitewater-Remington, 36'06.75" 5. Kelly Renk, Saint Francis,49.27 6. Ginger Sommers, Whitewater-Remington, 4. Jennifer Rollins, Cttnwd. Falls-CC,35'10.50" 49.65 5. JessicaRorabaugh,Ellis, 35'01.75" Girls'800MeterRun 6. Tara Holloway,Moundridge,34'11.00" 36. Uniontown.2.00: 1. Laura Worthing, Inman, 2:22.50 38. Alma-Wabaunsee,1.00; 38. Brookville-Ell-Sal.. 1.00: 2. HopeWarders,Blue Rapids-YH,2:23.20 3. SheenaScholes,Pratt-Skyline, 2:23.90 CLASS 3A TEAMSCORES 38. Lyndon,1.00 4. Danielle Stohs,Hanover,2:26.30 5. Jenny Cassidy,Saint Francis,2:29.40 2. Seneca-NemahaValley,49.00; 3. Oberlin-DecaturComm..30.00: 6. Amy Kriley, Stockton,2:30.30 4. Herington,26.00; Girls'200MeterDash 1. Cristy Ruda, Atwood, 25.96 5. Galena,22.00; 6. Hoisington,20.00; 2. Shelly Bowman, Clyde-Clifton-Clyde, 26.63 3. Alycia Pruitt, Victoria, 26.89 7. Norton-NortonComm.,19.33; 8. Marion-Florence,18.00; 4. Darcy Morris, Sedgwick,27.30 5. RachellePanek, Garden Plain,27.49 8. Plainville. 18.00: 10.Sterling, 17.00; 6. Sara Tirnm, Atwood,27.52 3. Laura Betzen,Cunningham,16.77 4. Carrie Heinen, Valley Falls, 16.84 Girls' 4x400 Meter Relay 1. Moundridge,4:L0.32 2. Clyde-Clifton-Clyde, 4:I1,.32 11.Gypsum-SEof Saline, 16.00; 12. Wichita-Collegiate,14.00; 13.Hillsboro,13.00; 14.Ellinwood,12.00: 5. Christina Amerin, Kismet-SW Hgts., 17.16 6. RobbiRorabaugh,Ellis, 17.18 3. Linn, 4:13.37 4. Stockton.4:13.74 14.Minneapolis,12.00; 16.Andale,11.00; Girfs' 4x2OOMeter Relay 1. Clyde-Clifton-Clyde, 1:45.89 5. Saint Francis,4:15.39 6. Whitewater-Remington,4: 15.75 16.Elbing-BereanAcad.,11.00; 18.Belleville.10.00: 36. Peabody,2.00; Girls'3200 Meter Run 1. Jenny Cassidy,Saint Francis, 11:40.00 2. Jenny Kreidler, Oxford, 11:57.70 3. Anita Hallauer, HoltonJacksn. Hts., 12:16.60 4. ReganMartin, Johnson-StantonCo., 12:34.20 5. Rusty $nwers,Melvern-Quen.-MDCY12:40.00 6. Mandy Jueneman, Hanover, 12:53.80 Girls'100 Meter High Hurdles 1. Amy Gast, Winchester-NorJCN, 16.37 2.Laura Dewald,Otis-Bison,16.70 2. Lincoln, 1:48.05 3.Inman, l:48.24 4. Garden Plain, 1:48.31 5. Atwood, 1:48.65 1992-93 School Year Girls'Shot Put 1. Tammie TFue,Washington,37'03.00" 2. Nancy Garza, Kismet-SW Hgts., 36'07.50" 3. JessieSloan,Otis-Bison,36'06.25" 1. Lindsborg-SmokyVal., 50.00; 18.Beloit, 10.00; 18.Hoxie, 10.00; 18.Sublette,10.00; Comm., 10.00; 18.WaKeeney-Tbego 39 18.Wellsville,10.00; 24. Cheney,9.00; 6. Sterling,52.84 2 5 .O a k l e y , 8 . 0 0 ; 25. Saint Marys, 8.00; Girls'400 Meter Dash 1. Mieka Woudstra,Sterling, 59.15 25. Silver Lake, 8.00; 2. Erin Kessinger,Lindsborg-SmokyVal., 5g.57 3. StaceyDame, Hoisington, 59.75 28. Perry-Lecompton,7.33; 29. Halstead,7.00; 29. Leoti-Wichita Co., 7.00; 31. Caney-CaneyValley,6.00; 3 1 .C i m a r r o n , 6 . 0 0 ; 5. Norton-Norton Comm..52.42 4. Kari Pitman, OsageCitl', 59.94 5. Susan Harder, Sterling, 1:00.63 6. Shelby McKinley, Norton-Nor. Comm., 1:01.86 3 1 .L y o n s , 6 . 0 0 ; Girls'300 Meter Low Hurdles 1. Andrea Lehning, Sublette,47.09 3 1. Phillipsburg,6.00; 2. Becky Korf, Oakley,47.68 3 5 .H e s s t o n , 5 . 0 0 ; 3. RebekahPaige,Minneapolis,47.80 4. AnCr Sharp, Howard-WestElk, 48.52 5. Janee Reimer,Leoti-Wichita Co., 4g.20 6. Chris Moore,Eskridge-Miss.VaII.,49.21 3 5 .L a k i n , 5 . 0 0 ; 37. Howard-WestElk, 4.00: 37. OsageCity, 4.00; 37. Richmond-Cen. Hgts., 4.00; 40. Eskridge-Miss.Vail., 3.00; 40. St George-RockCreek, 3.00 Girls'800 Meter Run 1. Sherri Elwood, Oberlin-Dec.Com., 2:1G.70 2. Mary Kerns, Plainville, 17'02.25" 3. Emily Allen, Caney-CaneyValley, 17'01.50" 4. Phyllis Nickel, Hillsboro, 16'09.25" 5. Misti Thuro, Wellsville, 16'03.00" 6. Tiffany Granzow,Herington, 15'11.50" Girls'Javelin 1. Kim Feldkamp, Seneca-Nem.Vly,135'07.00" 2. JessicaResley,Cheney,131'08.00" 3. Kristin Johnson,Phillipsburg, 128'05.00" 4. Anna Whitham, Leoti-Wichita Co., L27'04.00" 5. Cheri Widener,Ellinwood, 125'10.00" 6. Sarah Morland, St George-RockCrk, 120'07.00" Girls'Triple Jump 1. Lisa Myers, Lindsborg-SmokyVal., 36'f0.Zb" 2. Phyllis Nickel, Hillsboro, 35'09.50" 3. Nikki Runnebaum, Seneca-Nem.My., 3b'00.25" 4. Joni Coles,Cimarron,34'08.00" 5. Chris Moore, Eskridge-Miss.Vall., 34'00.75" 42. Erie, 1.00; 42. Neodesha,1.00; 44. Riley-RileyCo.,.33 2. Andi Simecka,Saint Marys,2:23.00 3. Ashl ey Zongker,Wichita-Collegiate, 2:25.20 4. Robin Spies,WaKeeney-TlegoComm.,2:24.80 5. Heather Bowell,Belleville,2:27.30 Girls'3200 MeterRun 6. Kim Clark, Seneca-NemahaValley,2:28.60 1. Andover,50.00; 2. ScottCity-S.Comm.,42.00; 1 . S h e r r i E l w o o d ,O b e r l i n - D e c. C o m . 1 l : 3 2 . 9 0 2. Pam Kmse, Marion-Florence,12:07.20 Girls'200 Meter Dash 1. Erin Kessinger,Lindsborg-SmokyVal., 26.28 3. Clay Center Comm., 30.00; 4. Concordia,29.00: 3. Beth Montgomery,Halstead, 12:08.10 4. CrissyHeinen,Seneca-Nem.Vly. 12:10.10 2. StaceyDame, Hoisington, 26.48 5. Altamont-Labette Co.,28.00; 3. Christine Eveleigh,Norton-Nor. Com., 26.75 5. Hays-TMP-Marian, 28.00; 5. Kim Wood,Richmond-Cen. Hgts., 12:15.80 6. Kari Derksen, Neodesha,12..29.70 4. Betty Oliver,Galena,27.13 7. Colby,24.0O; 8. Marysville,22.0O; Girls'100 Meter High Hurdles 1. Lana Harris, Gypsum-SEof Saline, 16.29 6. TeshaRatzlaff, Hillsboro, 27.27 5. Pearl Busenitz,Elbing-BereanAcad.,27.26 2. Nikki Runnebaum, Seneca-NemahaMy, 16.32 3. JunessaSpielman,Lyons,16.34 4. Michelle Waechter,Lakin, 16.41 Girls' 4x400 Meter Retay 1. Lindsborg-SmokyVal., 4:06.61 2. Anda]e,4:09.74 3. Wellsville,4:13.09 6. Katie Eck, Andale, 34'00.00" CLASS 4A TEAMSCORES 9. Abilene,20.00; 9. Lansing,20.00; 11.Topeka-Hayden,17.00; 12. Council Grove, 16.00; 12. Hugoton, 16.00; 5. Janet Eck, Andale, 16.89 4. Ellinwood,4:13.59 14. Chapman, 12.00; 6. Cami Sowers,Cheney,16.94 5. Cimarron,4:15.58 14. Osawatomie,12.00; Girls' 4x200 Meter Relay 1. Plainville, I:47.9I 6. Leoti-WichitaCo.,4:16.50 14. Wamego,12.00; 2. Herington,l:48.52 Girls'Shot Put *1. Kim Feldkamp,Seneca-Nem. My.,43'10.00" 17.R"ose Hill, 11.00; 18. Carbondale-SFl, 10.00; 3. Norton-Norton Comm., 1:49.09 4. Sterling, 1:49.70 2. Jenny Deiter, Silver Lake, 38'00.00" 3. Amy Sidener,Minneapolis,37'09.50" 19.Anthony-Harper-Chap.,9.00; 19.Ulysses,9.00; 5. Wellsville,1:50.31 4. Marlea Woodman,Belleville, 36'05.00" 21. DeSoto,8.00; 6. Erie, 1:50.99 5. Heather Milburn, Beloit, 35'04.50" 6. Tiffany Stephey,Hesston,34'07.50" 21. Nickerson,8.00; Gi rl s' D i scus 21. Sabetha,8.00; 25. Garnett-AndersonCo., 7.00: 25. Parsons,7.00: 4. Christine Eveleigh,Norton-Nor. Com., 13.23 1. Kim Feldkamp, Seneca-Nem.My. 134'11.00" 2. Heather Heidrick, Beloit, 125'03.00" 3. Tlistin Douglas,Gypsum-SEof Sal. 120'03.00" 5. Lisa Myers, Lindsborg-SmokyVal., 13.31 4. Tiffany Stephey,Hesston, 118'07.00" 27. Clearwater, 6.00; 27. Douglass,6.00; 6. Kirsten Guggisberg,Elbing-Ber.Acad., 13.37 5. Mandy Prockish,St George-RkCrk, 118'03.00" 6. SonjaSeirer,Halstead,1i6'03.00" 27. Eflingham-Atch. Co.,6.00; 27. Goodland,6.00; Girls'High Jump 1. Amanda Janzen, Marion-Florence,5'03.00" 27. LaCygne-P.View, 6.00; 2. Ashley Zongker,Wichita-Collegiate,5:21.90 3. Robin Spies,WaKeeney-tego Comm., 5:26.60 2. Andrea Schultz, Herington, 5'01.00" 33. Baldwin,5.00; 4. Heather Bowell,Belleville,5:30.70 5. Kim Wood,Richmond-Cen. Hgts., 5:31.00 2. Jenny Brown, Perry-Lecompton,5'01.00" 4. SusanWeis,Hoxie,5'01.00" 33. Iola,5.00; 33. Larned,5.00; Girls'100 Meter Dash 1. Erin Kessinger,Lindsborg-SmokyVal., 12.87 2. Betty Oliver, Galena, 13.01 3. StaceyDame,Hoisington,13.13 Girls'1600 Meter Run 1. Sherri Elwood, Oberlin-Dec.Comm., 5:09.80 6. Recky Oppliger,Lakin, 5:33.90 Girls' 4r100 Meter Relay 1. Herington,57.25 2. Elbing-BereanAcad.,51.71 3. Hoxie,52.35 4. Ellinwood,52.40 40 b 5. Kristi North, Ellinwood, 5'01.00" 6. Hannah Rockhill, Perry-Lecompton,4'11.00" 6. Darci Haas,Riley-RileyCo.,4'11.00" 21. Ellsworth,8.00; 27. Tonganoxie,6.00; 3 3 .P a o l a . 5 . 0 0 : 37. Atchison,2.00; 37. Kingman,2.00; 6. Cheri Miller, Norton-Norton Comm.,4'11.00' 37. Russell,2.00; Girls'Long Jump l. Betty Oliver, Galena, 17'04.00" 40. Hoyt-Royal Valley, 1.00 40. Hiawatha, 1.00; KSHSAA Yearbook Girls'3200 MeterRun 6. Amy Moore,tllysses, 2:26.60 4. Great Berrd,40.00; 1, Charity Swartz, Andover, 10:59.50 2. BrendaWolfe,Wamego,11:36.50 Girls'200 Meter Dash 1. Taren Woodruff,Clay Center Comm.,26.00 5. Salina-Central,32.00; 3. Jamie Lightwine,DeSoto,11:40.10 2. Gina Brockmeir,RoseHill, 26.74 3. Andrea Blochlinger,Concordia,26.T2 4. KeenaHittle, Hugoton,26.78 7. Arkansas City, 29.00; 8. Wichita-KMC,22.00; 4. Joni Thayer,Abilene,ll.42.50 5. Juiie Heiskell,Parsons,1l:43.80 6. ElizabethGriffiths,Andover,11:49.00 Girls'100 Meter High Hurdtes 1. Megan Lowdermilk. Marysvtlle, 16.b4 2. Michelle Bigham, Ellsworth, 16.22 3. Danie Sumrall, Osawatomie,16.77 5. Jill Aufdemberge,Tonganoxie,26.29 6. Bridget Deghand,Topeka-Hayden,27.00 5. SM-Miege,32.00; 9. Winfield, 18.00; 10. Valley Center, 17.00; 11.OP-SI.ThomasAq., 16.00; 12.El Dorado.14.00: 4. Robin Gostautas,Paola, 16.82 Girls' 4x400 Meter Relay 1. ScottCity-S.Comm.,4:07.08 2. Altamont-LabetteCo.,4:08.93 3. Hays-T}lP-Marian, 4:09.15 5. Shanon Gottschalk,Hays-TMP-Manan, 17.21 6. MelissaLee,Paola,17.31 4. Topeka-Hayden, 4:10.03 5. Sabetha,4:11.82 Girls' 4x800 Meter Relay 1 .A n d o v e r , 9 : 5 3 . 1 0 2. Topeka-Hayden, 9:55.23 6. Carbondale-SFT, 4:13.19 17. Coffeyville-FI! 10.00; 18.Ottawa, 8.00; Girls'Shot Put 1. Lisa Beran,Hays-TMP-Marian,39'01.00" 19.Fort Scott,7.00; 20. KC-Schlagle,6.00; 3 . S a b e t h a1, 0 : 0 1 . 0 7 4 . C h a p m a n ,1 0 : 0 2 . 5 5 2. Nancy Kickhaefer,Chapman, 38'04.00" 3. Christina Sunrners,LaCygrre-P.Vw, 88'02.b0" 4. MeiissaRussell,Ulysses,37'06.00' 20. KC-Sumner Academy,6.00; 5. Parsons,10:02.60 6. Hiawatha, 10:06.59 Girls'100 Meter Dash 1. Taren Woodruff,Clay Center Comm., 12.82 2. Amy Gossard,Altamont-LabetteCo., 13.31 3. Tonya Lytle, Garnett-AndersonCo., 13.33 4. Jill Aufdemberge,Tonganoxie,13.39 5. Keena Hittle, Hugoton, 13.43 6. Gina Brockmeir, RoseHill, 13.48 Girls'1600 Meter Run 1. Cristy Swartz, Andover,5:08.36 2. Charity Swartz, Andover,5:08.66 3. Joni Thayer, Abilene, 5:24.36 4. Michaela Weilert, Wamego,5:24.50 5. Allison Lawrence,DeSoto,5:25.39 6. Julie Heiskell,Parsons,5:26.86 Girls' 4x100 Meter Relay 1. Clay Center Comm.,50.48 5. VonettaGatewood,Parsons,37'0J.S0" 6. Becky Gilliland, Hoyt-RoyalValley,36'10.00" Girls'Discus 1. Lisa Beran,Hays-TMP-Marian,121'02.00" 2. Erin Haist, Concordia,119'09.00" 3. Regina Taylor, Colb.y,116'09.00" 4. Katy Lonergan,Iola, 116'03.00" 5. Jamie Walker, Clearwater, 111'08.00" 6. Janet Duft. Iola. 109'10.00" Girls'High Jump 1, Amy Honeck,Hugoton,5'04.00' 2. Jamie Hauser,Colby,5'01.00" 3. Chrjstina Frick, Larned,5'01.00" 3. Heather Hess,Baldwin,5'01.00 5. Julie Davis,Anthony-Harper-Chap., 5'01.00" 6. Carrie Shar+', Andover,5'01.00" 13.Buhler, 12.00; 14.Hays, 11.00; 14. KC-Ttrrner, 11.00; 14.Maize, 11.00; 20. Pittsburg, 6.00; 20. Wichita-Carroll, 6.00; 2 4 .K C - H a r m o n , 2 . 0 0 ; 24. Salina-South,2.00; 26. Topeka-Seaman,1.00 Girls'3200 Meter Run 1. Lisa Kaul, Winflreld,11:34.60 2. Kathryn Wolfram, Liberal, 11:48.80 3. Ariann Hilger, Wichita-Carroll, 1l:54.10 4. StephanieClark, El Dorado,11:58.10 5. Christina Misegadis,Great Bend, 12:00.60 6. Maggie Simonich, KC-Tirrner, 12:08.20 Girls'100 Meter High Hurdles 1. Angela Showalter,McPherson,15.12 2. Akilah Carter, Tecumseh-Sh.Hghts., 1b.20 3. Amber Mounday,Valley Center, 16.20 4. Mellanee Welty, Maize, 16.62 5. SandraSmith, Liberal, 16.71 2. Lansing,50.98 Girls'Long Jump 1. AngelaBurgess,Colby,17'06.75' 3. ScottCity-S.Comm.,51.39 4. Marysville, 51.82 2. Kathy Bishop,Lansing,17'06.00" 3. Charity Schlumbohm,Nickerson,16'03.00" 2. SM-Miege,9:52.70 5. Concordia,51.90 6. Altamont-LabetteCo.,51.92 4. Julie Williams,Concordia,16'00.50" 5. Emily Luman, Nickerson,15'11.75" 3. El Dorado,10:00.17 4. OP-SI.ThomasAq., 10:02.90 Girls'400 Meter Dash 1. Amy Gossard,Altarnont-LabetteCo.,5g.2b 6. Mandy Sprague,Altamont-Lab.Co.,1b'11.00" 5. McPherson,10:06.09 6 . H a y s ,1 0 : 0 6 . 1 5 6. Chantay Brush, McPherson,16.98 Girls' 4x800 Meter Relay 1. Arkansas City, 9:50.45 3. Julie Davis,Anthony-Harper-Chap., 1:00.1? Girls'Javelin 1. JoyceBurnett, CouncilGrove,137'08.00" 2. Laurie Larsen, Concordia,129'02.00" 4. Bridget l)eghand, Topeka-Hayden,1:00.62 5. Amber tloodeyon,Osawatomie,1:01.4g 3. TbaceyRoudebush,Eff.-Akh. Co., 128'06.00" 4. Emilee Moore, Ciearwater, 126'09.00" 2. Tina Buckner, Wichita-KMC, 12.76 (Tted record prelim. 12.00) 6" April BalCwin, Carbondale-SFT,l:01.59 5. CandyMitchell, Kingman, 123'07.00" 6. JenniferHauschel,Concordia,121'10.00" 3. KenyettaFears,Salina-Central,12.76 4. Kaley Glidewell, McPherson,13.24 Girls'Triple Jump 1. DeandraDoubrava,ScottCity-S.Com.,37'02.50' 5. Dahlia Ingram, Liberal, 13.45 6. Lisa Speer,Valley Center, 13.60 3. GingerMcllaniel, Goo<iland, 47.52 4. Jenna Britton, l,'lysses,48.20 2. Jen Clark, Marysville,36'08.75" Girls'1600MeterRun 3. FondaAdams,CouncilGrove,35'06.00" 5. Misty Myers, Atchison,48.28 6. Erin Katzer, Garnett-AndersonCo.,48.40 4. Kathy Bishop,Lansing,35'03.75" L Julie Dollar, KC-T\rrner,5:23.89 2. Kathryn Wolfram, Liberal, 5:26.22 3. Lisa Kaul, Winfield,5:29.29 2. DeandraDoubrava,ScottCity-S.Com.,b9.4? Girls'300 Meter Low Hurdles 1. Erin Hansen,Abilene,46.40 2. RobbieOtrr-ien, ScottCity-S.Comm.,46.?1 Girls'800 Meter Run 1. Cristy Swartz, Andover,2:2I.00 2. April Baldwin, Carbondale-SFT,2:22.00 3. Amy Page,Douglass,2:22.40 4. Amber Goodeyon,Osawatomie,2:23.2C 5. Cortney Rein, Russell,2:23.60 1992-93 School Year 5. JessicaPelky,RoseHill, 35'03.75" 6. Julie Davis,Anthony-Harper-Chap., 35'00.00" Girls'100 Meter Dash 1. KarissaOwens,Tecumseh-Sh. Hghts., 12.T8 CLASS 5A TEAMSCORES 4. Karen Franke, OP-SI.Thomas Aq.,S:BL.Z7 5. Christina Misegadis,Great Bend, 5:32.44 6. Marji Karleskint, Fort Scott,,5:36.65 1. Tecumseh-Sh. Hghts.,74.00; 2. Liberal, 70.00; 3. McPherson.64.00: Girls' 4x100 Meter Relay 1. Tecumseh-Sh. Hghts.,49.10 (new recordprelim. 49.03) 41 2. Salina-Central,49.96 3. McPherson,50.67 4. Liberal. 50.96 5. KC-Schlagle,51.11 6. Winfield,51.72 Girls'400 Meter Dash 1. KarissaOwens,Tecumseh-Sh. Hghts., bZ.6Z 2. Jennifer Fontenot, Great Bend, 59.21 3. Kaley Glidewell, McPherson,b9.32 4. Tina Buckner, Wichita-KMC, 59.49 5. Amber Archer, Buhler, 1:00.81 Girls'Long Jump 1. Akilah Carter,Tecumseh-Sh. Hts., 17'11.50" Girls' zlx800 Meter Relay *1. Emporia,9:31.80 2. Chantay Brush, McPherson,i6'l0.Zb" 3. Amber Archer, Buhler, 16'07.25" 2. Manhattan,9'.M.20 3. Topeka-West,9:56.00 4. Leavenworth.9:58.60 4. Brina Bruno, Pittsburg, 16'07.25" 5. SerenaWilliams, Hays, 16'00.25" 5. Lawrence,10:01.80 6. ReaganCobb,Topeka-Seaman,lb'11.50" 6. SM-East,10:11.40 Girls'100 Meter Dash 1. Churee Robinson,SM-South, 12.57 2. Nori Lewis, Junction City, L2.73 3. TeaneshaNewton, Wichita-Heights, 12.77 4. Candice Roberson,Newton, 12.99 5. Holly Bluml, Garden City, 13.04 6. Maura Hurley, SM-Miege, 1:00.24 Girls'Javelin 1. JessicaActon, SM-Miege,132'08.00" 2. Xaviera Eagan, Arkansas City, 122'05.00" 3. Sarah Diehl, Tecumseh-Sh.Hghts., 12l'0b.00" 4. Leslie Schlegel,Liberal, 119'07.00" Girls'300 Meter Low Hurdles 1. Angela Showalter,McPherson,44.74 5. Brandy Redfern,Pittsburg, 114'05.00" 6. TeresaHerring, Coffeyville-FK ll0'02.00" 2. Amber Mounday,Valley Center, 42.05 Girls'Triple Jump 3. Jean Smith, Fort Scott,48.14 *1. Dahlia Ingram, Liberal,37'08.00" 4. Dani Whayne, Tecumseh-Sh.Hghts., 48.50 5. Jeannette Buckner, rVichita-KMc, 4g.gg 6. Leslie Dudley, Leavenworth, 13.14 Girls'16fi) Meter Run 1. Frances Warner, l,eavenworth, 5: 13.79 2. Barb Zeller, SM-East,5:16.06 3. Lindsay Moser,Olathe-South,5:26.10 4. Kelly Andra, SM-Northwest, 5:26.13 5. Natasha Beavin, SM-Northwest, 5:29.59 6. Chantay Brush, McPherson,49.02 2. Tina Ward. Liberal. 37'08.00" 3. Ann Gerling, SM-Miege,36'07.00" 4. Cher Willis, KC-Schlagle,35'05.25" Girls'800 Meter Run 1. Jennifer Snowden,Arkansas City,2:25.40 5. Julia Emack, Buhler,35'02.50" 6. Sharolyn Wilson, Coffelwille-FK 35'00.2b" 2. Sarah Walter, OP-SI. Thomas Aq., 2:23.60 3. Amber Magnett, Great Bend, 2:28.80 CLASS 6A TEAMSCORES: 4. JacqueDerstein, El Dorado,2:24.10 5. Thicia Linder, Salina-South,2:24.10 6. Natalie Dunn. SM-Miege,2:24.50 1. Junction City, 63.00; 2. l,eavenworth, 51.00; 3. Emporia,49.00; 4. KC-Washington,50.58 Girls'200 Meter Dash l. Kenyetta Fears, Salina-Central, 25.64 4. Garden City, 46.00; 5. SM-South,51.23 6. SM-Northwest.51.97 2. Tina Buckner, Wichita-KMc, 26.01 3. Jennifer Fontenot, Great Bend, 26.54 6. KC-Washington,29.00; 6. SM-Northwest, 29.00; 4. Sharolyn Wilson, Coffeyville-FK 26.60 5. Kaley Glidewell, McPherson,26.99 6. Michelle Bryant, Winfield,27.53 9. SM-North,22.A0; Girls' 4x400 Meter Relay 1. Tecumseh-Sh.Hghts., 4:02.30 2. Salina-Central,4:05.20 11.SM-East,18.00; 12. Lawrence, 17.00: 13. Newton, 16.00; 3. SM-Miege,4:05.90 13. Olathe-South,16.00; 4. McPherson,4:07.50 13. Tbpeka-West,16.00; Girls'300 Meter Low Hurdles 1. Lisha Coppin, Junction City,47.20 2. Angel Cloughley, SM-South, 47.37 5. Buhler.4:09.80 16. Tbpeka-Wash.Rural, 14.00; 16. Wichita-Heights, 14.00; 3. Allison Harris, SM-North,47.45 4. Melanie Dauster, Dodge City, 47.48 18. DodgeCity, 9.00; 5. Kim Del,eon, Olathe-East,49.31 6. Summer Simpson,DodgeCity,50.37 6. Liberal,4:10.10 Girls'Shot Put 1. StaceyMagnett, Great Bend, 39'00.25" 5. SII-South,39.00; 8. Hutchinson,26.0C; 10.Manhattan,2l.00; 6. Annette Posgai,Derby,5;31.11 Girls' 4x100 Meter Relay 1. Garden City,48.99 2. Junction City,49.20 3. Leavenworth,49.2L Girls'400 Meter Dash 1. Elizabeth Jacques, Garden City, 58.20 2. Leslie Becker,Emporia,59.30 3. Erica Harris, KC-Washington,59.37 4. Jena Thiemann, Manhattan, 59.59 5. Kristee Anderson, Stilwell-B V, 1:00.93 6. Bria Klotz, Lawrence, 1:01.89 2. Leslie Scilegel, Liberal, 38'10.00" 18.Stilwell-BV 9.00; 20. Derby,8.00; 3. Lezlynn Almond, KC-Sumner Acad.37'02.75" 21. Tbpeka,6.00; 4. Laura Nelson,Tecumseh-Sh.Hts., 36'07.00" 5. Maryam Malone, KC-Harmon, 35'04.50" 22. SM-West,4.00; 6. Brianica Reynolds,Liberal, 35'00.00" 24. Olathe-East,2.00 G ir ls ' Dis c u s Girls'32fi) Meter Run 1. Lindsay Moser,Olathe-South,11:16.70 5. JessicaHall, Topeka-West,2:23.03 2. Kylie Montague, SM-Northwest, 11:34.90 1. Leslie Schlegel,Liberal, 131'01.00" 2. Becky Pfeifer,Hays, 127'09.00" 23. Olathe-North,3.00; Girls'800 Meter Run 1. FrancesWarner, Ieavenworth, 2:2I.O7 2. Jena Thiemann, Manhattan, 2:22.54 3. Megan Wright, Emporia, 2:22.87 4. L€ah Stein, Tbpeka-West,2:23.00 6. Whitney Ace, Emporia, 2:24.43 3. StaceyMagnett, Great Bend, 124'04.00" 4. Brianica Reynolds,Liberal, f23'00.00" 3. Lori Bogle,Emporia, 11:35.10 4. Wendy Platt, Slv{-Northwest,11:36.80 Girls'200 Meter Dash 1. Churee Robinson,SM-South, 25.72 2. Leslie Dudley, Leavenworth, 25.93 5. Danielle Evarts, Tecumseh-Sh.Hts. 121'05.00" 5. Annette Posgai,Derby, 11:38.50 3. CandiceRoberson,Newtnn,26.31 6. Xaviera Eagan,Arkansas City, 119'03.00" 6. Ann Golubski, KC-Washington,11:48.10 4. Holly Bluml, Garden City,26.33 Girls'High Jump 1. Angela Showalter,McPherson,5'05.00" Girls'1fi) Meter High Hurdles 1. Julie Weltmer, SM-Northwest, 15.82 5. TeaneshaNewton, Wichita-Heights,26.35 2. Kendra Kahler, Ottawa,5'05.00" 2. Lisha Coppin, Junction City', 15.91 3. Sara Jadlow, SM-South, 16.17 4. Summer Simpson,DodgeCity, 16.47 5. Shannon Penner,Hutchinson, 16.51 6. Angel Cloughley,SM-South, 16.88 Girls' 41400 Meter Relay 1. GardenCity,4:02.30 2. Emporia,4:03.30 3. Lawrence,4'.07.00 4. KC-Washington,4: 10.20 5. SM-South.4:10.60 3. StacieWeddle,Maize,5'05.00" 4. Jennifer Cade,Coffeyville-FK 5'03.00" 5. Amber Mounday,Valley Center,5'03.00" 6. MellaneeWelty,Maize,5'03.00" .1;) 6. Erica Harris, KC-Washington,26.77 , , . 4 r Y . , -,{_i.}.-/! ." r I t _ I 5. Brent Cunningham,Cawker City-Wac.E, 6 . S t i l w e l l - BV 4 : 1 1 . 6 0 Girls'Shot Put 1. Carla Littleton, Junction City, 35'04.75' 2, ManuaoLogo,Leavenworth,34'06.50" CfASS 6A OP-BlueValley No COACH Steven Dodd CI,ASS 1A 15.88 6. Ted Grubb,Bushton-QuiviraHgts., 15.91 Boys'4x800 Meter Relay 1.Caldwell8 , :15.76 2. Denton-Midway,8:22.65 3. Jannel Jackson,Wichita-Heights,34'04.?5" 4. ShawnaI)ulan, Topeka-Wash. R., 34'03.25" TEAM SCORES 1. Quinter,46.00; 2. Bushton-QuiviraHgts.,43.00; 5. DeannaSt. Cya Lawrence,33'09.75 6. Damika Wotruba,KC-Washington,32'10.50" 3. Lewis.33.00: ;i. Prett-vPrairie,29.001 Girls'Discus 1. Kelly Roberts,Topeka-Wash. R., 120'00.00 5. Aimena-Northernlal.. 28.00: 2. DesireeWalker,SM-North, 119'00.00" 3. Deanna St. Cyr, Lawrence, 118'08.00" 4. SusanSchwinn,Topeka-West, 118'04.00" 7. Kensington-WSmith Co.,20.00; 7. Macksville.20.00: 9. Minneoia.19.00: Boys'100 Meter Dash 1. Mike Lurnpkins,Bushton-Quir.iraHts., 11.49 2. Chris Schemper,Almena-Northern Val., 11.53 3. Tfavis Powell,Minneola,11.55 5. Manuao Logo,Leavenworth, 115'00.00" 10.Morrorvviile-NCtrl.. 18.00: 4. Buddy Stitt, Hamilton, 11.70 6. Heather Yeager,Derby, 109'08.00" 1 0 .O i p e .1 8 . 0 0 ; 1 2 .S a i n t P a u j , 1 7 . 0 0 ; 5. Jason Vieselmeyer,Norwich, 11.71 1 3 .C a l d w e l i .1 6 . 0 0 : Boys'1600 Meter Run 1. Todd Zenger,Morrowville-N Ctrl., 4:34.85 2. Kris Schoen,Downs,4:38.30 Girls'High Jump 1. ShannonPenner,Hutchinson,5'04.00" 2. SandyNieman, GardenCity, 5'02.00" 3. Angie T[ogdon,Stilwell-BY 5'02.00" 4. SusanHenderson,SM-East,5'02.00" 5.Norwich.28.00: 13.Hutch.-Ctrl Christian. 16.C0: 15.Denton-Midrvay, 14.00; 15. Grainfi eld-\l'heatland, 14.00; 3. Centralia,8:28.57 4. Quinter,8:30.83 5. Axtell, 8:30.87 6. Bucklin, 8:34.73 6. Whitney T\rcker,Grainfreld-Wheatland,11.78 3. TFaceyMann, Quinter,4:39.81 4. Scott Vanarsdale,Macksville, 4:40.77 5. Emily Shopper,Olathe-North,5'00.00" 6. Jena Thiemann,Manhattan,5'00.00" 17.Scandia-Pike Valley,13.00; Girls'Long Jump 1. Nori Lewis,Junction City, 18'01.00' 18.Glasco.12.00: 20. Protection.11.00: 2. LeyshaCoppin,Junction City, 17'03.25" 20. Waverly,11.00; 3. Shannon Penner,Hutchinson, 17'00.75" 22.Attica, 10.00; 2. Pretty Praftie,44.2l 4. ShannaHughes,SM-West,16'09.75" 22. Bazine.10.00: 3. Quinter,44.86 5. Dachia Scroggins,KC-Washington,16'07.75" 22. Centralia.10.00: 4. Hamilton,45.16 6. JenniferRushton,SM-East,16'05.25" 22. Stafford. 10.00: 5. Scandia-PikeValley,45.57 Girls'Javelin 1. ShelbyHayden,Emporia, 134'02.00' 2 6 .B u c k l i n . 9 . 0 0 : 6. Lewis.46.55 2 6 .H a m i l t o n , 9 . 0 0 ; 2. RachelBurke, SM-North, 124'10.00" 28. Goessel,8.00; Boys'400 Meter Dash 1. Chris Schemper,Almena-Northern Val., 50.74 3. RondaHuff, Topeka,121'11.00" 4. Heather Yeager,Derby, 119'05.00" 28. l,enora-WSol.Vai.,8.00; 30. Cawker City-Wac.E, 6.00; 1 8 .D o w n s .1 2 . 0 0 : 5. Brian Delimont,Almena-No.Yal.,4:41.57 6. RusselMerrell, Waverly,4:43.24 Boys' 4x100 Meter Relay *1.Norwich,43.79 2. Dennis Albright, Pretty Prairie, 50.75 3. Jarrett Grosdidier,Saint Paul, 51.76 4. Shawn Maxwell, Quinter, 51.83 5. Jana Harden, Garden City, 114'07.00" 30. Frankfort,6.00; 6. Sarah Alexander,Olathe-North, 113'10.00" 30. SharonSpr.-Wal.Co,6.00; Girls'Triple Jump * 1. Dachia Scroggins,KC-Washington,38'10.00" 33. Coldwater,4.00; 5. Allen Krehbiel, Pretty Praiie,52.25 6. Scott Dinkel, Grainfreld-Wh eatland,,52.47 3 3 .J e n n i n g s - PH , 4 . 0 0 ; Boys'300MeterInter.Hurdles 2. Shannon Penner,Hutchinson, 38'09.25" 33. Kiowa-SouthBarber. 4.00: 1. Ttoy Derley,Lewis, 39.19 3. CandiceRoberson,Newton, 38'02.00" 3 6 .A s h l a n d , 2 . 0 0 ; 4. SusanHenderson,SM-East,36'04.75" 5. Leslie Dudley, Leavenworth,36'02.75" 36.Axtell,2.00; 2. Aaron Scheve,OIpe,40.15 3. Matt Durr, Norwich,40.17 6. Leysha Coppin,Junction City, 36'02.75" 36. Montezuma-SouthGray, 2.00; 36. Randolph-BlueVal., 2.00; BOYS' TRACK& FIELD Winning Teams CLASS 1A Quinter COACH Joel Kuchera CLASS 2A Pittsburg Colgan COACH Chuch Smith CLASS 3A Lakin COACH Kelly Cowan CLASS 4A Iola COACH Marvin Smith Hays-Thomas More Prep COACH Chuck Schmidt CLASS 54' Liberal COACH Gary Cornelsen CLASS 6A Blue Valley North COACH Joe Amos lvYz-vJ DcnooL teut' 3 6 .L o g a n , 2 . 0 0 ; 4. Brent Cunningham,Cawker Cty-Wac.E, 40.18 5. Ted Grubb,Bushton-QuiviraHgts.,40.92 6. Mike Iong, Hamilton,41.02 41. Bennington,1.00; Boys'800MeterRun 41. Bern, 1.00; 1. Jim Bravo. Stafford, 2:00.90 2. Todd Zenge4Morrowville-N Ctrl., 2:01.89 3. Brandy Jones,Minneola,2:01.99 4 1 . E l w o o d ,1 . 0 0 : 41. Hope, 1.00; 41. Tescott,1.00 4. Kris Schoen,Downs, 2:02.87 5. Stan Walker, Ashland, 2:03.20 Boys'3200MeterRun 6. Matt Humpert, Tescott,2:04.19 1. RusselMerrell, Waverly,9:56.39 Boys'200MeterDash 41. Rosalia-Flinthills,1.00; 2. Tlacey Mann, Quinter, 9:56.61 1. Mike Lumpkins, Bushton-QuiviraHts.,22.91 3. Christopher Denton, Denton-Midway,9:56.62 4. Shawn Papon,Kiowa-SouthBarber, 10:13.59 2. Chris Schemper,Almena-Northern Val., 22.94 3. Tlavis Powell, Minneola, 22.99 5. Rudy Perez,Lewis, 10:17.55 6. James White, Pretty Prairie, 10:22.48 4. Whitney T\rcker,Grainfreld-Wheatland,23.14 5. Todd Farrar, Norwich,23.22 6. Jarrett Grosdidier,Saint Paul, 23.53 Boys'110 Meter High Hurdles 1. Daniel Hilton, Hutch.-Ctrl Christian, 14.64 2. Matt Durr, Norwich, 15.43 3. Tfoy Derley,Iewis, 15.78 4. Aaron Scheve,Olpe, 15.82 Boys'4x400 Meter Relay 1. Pretty Prairie, 3:25.76 2. Grainfreld-Wheatland.3:27.09 3. Olpe,3:32.17 43 4 . C a i d w e l l3 , :32.91 9. Moundridge,20.00; 5. Scandia-PikeValley,3:34.86 10.Burlingame,19.00; 11.Cunningham,18.00; 11.Sedgwick.18.00; 13.GardenPlain, 17.00: 6. Minneola,3:34.99 Boys'Shot Put 1. Jarrett Grosdidier,Saint paul, 52'09.00, 2. SpencerLevin, Kens.-WSmith Co.,51'0g.25" 3. Brett Ary, Lewis,51'01.00" 4. Wyatt Mann, Quinter,48'05.00' 5. Chris \bhe, Glasco,47'Ll.S}" 6. Shawn Scobee,Rosalia-Flinthills,4?'0g.00,' Boys'Discus 1. SpencerLevin, Kens.-WSmith Co., 144'09.00" 2. Brett Ary; Lewis, 142'06.00' 3. Erik Howell,SharonSpr.-Wal.Co, 141'0g.00', 4. CodyMonroe,Coldwater,132'10.00" 5. Mitchel Fekikamp,Quinrer,196'00.00" 6. Ben Drogy,Bern, 131'03.00" Boys'High Jump 1. ShaneLary, Glasco,6'08.00" 2. Tlavis Schmidt,Guessel,6'06.00' 3. Nathan l-eeper,Protection,6'04.00' 3. RodneySalyers,Quinter,G'04.00" 5. Eric Jantz,Montezuma-South Gray,6,04.00" 6. Ryan Anderson,Scandia-PikeVallev.6'04.00" 14.Brookville-Ell-Sal.. 16.00: 14. TYoy,16.00; 16.Kinsley,14.00; 17.Oxford,13.00; 18.Rossville,11.00; 19.Kismet-SWHgts., 10.00; 19.Pratt-Skyline,10.00; 19.Whitewater-Remington, 10.00; 2 2 .A t w o o d . 9 . 0 0 ; 2 2 .S t o c k t o n , 9 . 0 0 ; 24. Canton-Galva,8.00; 24. Hanover,8.00: 24. Holton-JacksonHgts., 8.00; 24. Little River, 8.00: 2 4 .O n a g a , 8 . 0 0 ; 29. Johnson-Stanton Co..6.00: 29. Osborne,6.00; 31. Washington,5.00; 3 1 .W a t h e n a . 5 . 0 0 : Boys'Long Jump 1. Mike Lumpkins, Bushton-Quiv.Hts. 22,04.50" 2. JasonHudson,Macksville,2l'0B.ZS" 3. Daniel Hilton, Hutch.-Ctrl Chrstn., 20,07.78,' 4. Chris Fleckenstein,Jennings-PH, 20'07.00" 36. Blue Rapids-VH, 2.00; 3 7 .I n m a n , 1 . 0 0 ; 5. Andy Beckman,Kens.-WSmith Co.,20'07.00" 3 7 . O t i s - B i s o n1, . 0 0 6. tavis Chance,Bennington, 20'05.25" Boys'3200MeterRun Boys'Javelin 1. Tia"is Schaben,Bazine,187'01.00" 1. DeenJohnson,CottunwoodFalls-CC,9:57.84 2. Jamie Bradley,Brookrille-Ell-Sai., 10:18.51 3. Frank Black,CottonwoodFalls-CC,l0:21.83 4 . C h a dH o l t , U n i o n t o w n ,1 0 : 2 7 . 2 5 5. BrandonBarger,Sedgwick,10:30.g7 6. Brian Hanson,Atrvood,10:32.09 2. Aaron Anderson,Scandia-Pike My, 18G'10.00 3. Mitchel Feldkamp,Quinter, i82'11.00" .1.Craig Bowman,Macksville,177'09.00" 5. MichaelJackson,Randolph-Bl.Val. 172'04.00" 6. JaraciBackhus,Hope, 171'07.00" 33. Clyde-Clifton-Clyde,4.00; 3 3 .L a C r o s s e . 4 . 0 0 : 33. Salina-Sacred Heart. 4.00: Boys'110 Meter High Hurdles 1. Brian Yates,Sedgwick,15.33 Boys'Pole Vault 1. Chris Gerdes,Attica. 14'03.00" 2. StephenPetz,Cunningham,15.65 2. ChaseCossell,Bucklin, 13'00.00" 3. Peter Cook,Dighton, 15.67 3. Tom Wapp,Frankfort, f2'06.00' 4. Chris Motter,Whitewater-Remingt"on, 15.68 4. Clifton Flock,Macksville,12'06.00' 5. JasonJones,Logan,12'00.00" 5. Matt Scott,Johnson-Stanton Co., 16.10 6. Rob Shaffer,Burlingame,16.29 6. Curtis Albin, Quinter, 12'00.00" Boys'4x800MeterRelay Boys'Triple Jump 1 .D i g h t o n , 8 : 1 4 . 6 5 1. Mike Lumpkins, Bushton-Quiv.Hts., 46'08.75" 2. Mike David, Lenora-W Sol. Val., 46'02.75" 2 . N e s sC i t y , 8 : 2 0 . 6 1 3. Pratt-Skyline, 8 :22.72 3. Tobin Sawyers,Protection,43'07.50" 4. Jason Landreth, Centralia, 43'05.25" 4. Johnson-Stanton Co.,8:29.63 5. Dennis Schmidt,Caldwell,42'08.50" 6. Preston N{cGaughy,Elwood, 42'07.00" CLASS 2A TEAMSCORES 1. Pittsburg-St. Marys-Col.,56.00; 2. Dighton,51.00; 3. Oswego,37.00; 5. Blue Rapids-VH, 8:3,1.03 5. Hill City, 8:37.57 Boys'100 Meter Dash 1. CharlieGilmore,Pittsburg-SMc, 11.62 2. DougLake, Holton-Jacksonllgts., 12.00 3. Bryan Greig,Osborne,12.04 4. Terry Stohs,Hanover,12.07 4. Hill City, 29.00; 5. Brad Bates,Hill City, 12.09 6. SerenHumburg, NessCity, 12.10 5. Ness City,27.00; 6. CottonwoodFalls-CC.24.00: Boys'1600 Meter Run 1. Garin Williams,Uniontown,4:32.85 7.Uniontown,23.00; 7. Victoria.23.00: 2. Jamie Bradley,Brookville-Ell-Sal.,4:39.20 3. DeenJohnson,CottonwoodFalls-CC,4:39.79 44 4. John Mueller, Hanover,4:42.55 5. Kirk Seidl, Garden Plain, 4:48.14 6. JJ Wannamaker,Rossville,4:43.20 Boys'4x100 Meter Relay 1 .O s w e g o , 4 4 . 8 1 2. Little River, 45.02 3. Hill City,45.26 4. Kjsmet-SW Hgts., 45.64 5. Clyde-Clifton-Clyde, 46.06 6. Oxlbrd,46.26 Boys'400 Meter Dash 1. Charlie Gilmore, Pittsburg--SMc, S1.08 2. Barry Parsons,Ness City, 51.78 3. RogerPowell,Kismet-SWHgts.,52.04 4. John Windholz, Yictona,52.24 5. Chris Alfolter, Clyde-Clifton-Clyde, 52.8S 6. Austin Wilkerson, Dighton, 52.84 Boys'300 Meter Inter. Hurdles 1. Peter Cook, Dighton, 39.60 2. StephenPetz, Cunningham,39.90 3. Brian Yates,Sedgwick,40.90 4. Rob Shaffer,Burlingame,41.50 5. Thad Endicott,Uniontown,41.80 6. Brandon Weidenhaft,Stockton,41.g0 Boys'800 Meter Run 1. CaseyKershner, Dighton, 2:00.07 2. Cappy McNally, Pittsburg-SMC, 2:00.42 3. Garin Williams, Uniontown, 2;00.88 4. Shannon Murphy, Garden Plain, 2:01.26 5. Rick Karstetter, Oswego,2:03.06 6. Ivlatt Dew, Victoria, 2:03.14 Boys'200MeterDash 1. Charlie Gilmore, Pittsburg--SMc, ZZ.2g 2. Wade Kelly, Atwood,23.36 3. David Muhr, Oswego,23.64 4. Tlavis Wallace,Pratt-Skylin e, 23.77 5. John Windholz,Victoria,23.84 6. Mark Dayis,Uniontown,23.91 Boys'4x400 Meter Relay 1. Pittsburg--St. Marys-Col.,3:27.65 2. NessCity, 3:28.46 3. Dighton,S:28.85 4. Moundridge, S:31.49 5. Stockton,3:31.89 6. GardenPlain, 3:32.28 Boys'Shot Put 1. Cory Winder, Thoy,50'03.50" 2. Rick Rogers,Canton-Galva,50'00.50" 3. Drew Stewart, Victoria, 49'0O.75" 4. Jeremy Foos,LaCrosse,48'02.00" 5. Darby Roberts,Hill City,47'10.00" 6. RogerHiesterman, Washington,47'09.00" B oys' D i scus *1. Clint Panek,GardenPlain, 172'02.00" 2. Darby Roberts,Hill City, 154'05.00" 3. Cory Winder, Tboy,152'05.00" 4. Adrian f3ond,Washington,146'08.00" 5. Doug Freund, Cunningham, 135'04.00" 6. Keyin Neufeld, Inman, 134'03.00" Boys'High Jump 1. Kelly Miller, Rossville,6'10.00" 2. Mike Smith, Kinsley, 6'08.00" 3. T! Lewis,Oswego,6'04.00" KSHSAA Yearbook 4. Brice Libel, Wathena,6'02.00" 5. Darrel Shults, CottonwoodFalls-CC,6'02.00" 30. Cheney,4.00; 30. Cimarron,4.00; 6. Rob Shaffer,Burlingame, O'02.00" 3 2 .E l l i n w o o d . 3 . 0 0 : Boys'Long Jump i. John Windholz, \'ictoria, 20'll.7S" 2. Ryan Harris, Oswego,20'0G.b0" 3. Jacy Holloway,Moundridge,20'06.50" 4. J W Wight, rJi',rlingame,20'06.25" 32. Oberlin-DecaturComm.,3.00: 34. Eudora,2.00; 35. Oskaioosa,1.25; 36.Andale.1.00: 36. Elbing-BereanAcad.,1.00; 5. Max Heter, Pittsburg-SMc, 20'06.25" 6. Andy Black, Otis-Bison,20'09.00" Boys'Javelin *1. Darby Roberts,Hill City, 241'00.00" 2. David Kaff, Onaga,193'05.00' 3. Max Heter, Pittsburg-SMC, 189'03.00" 4. Andy Muir, Stockton, 1?5'03.00" 5. Tannon Blake, Ness City, 172,09.00,' 36. Hoxie, 1.00; 36. Lyons,1.00; 36. Phillipsburg, 1.00; 41. Marion-Florence,.25 Boys'3200MeterRun 1. Ryan Wade,Wellsville, g:46.26 2. Chad Brake, Silver Lake, 9:51.16 3. Jeth Fouts,Gypsum-SEof Saline,9:56.26 6. Mike Ruggiero,Burlingame, 169'06.00" 4. Willie Perez,Lakin, 10:01.?4 5. Mike Murphy, OakJey,10:16.65 Boys'Pole Vault 1. JesseMort, Oxford, 13'00.00" 6. Mitchell Goossen, Hillsboro,10:18.40 2. JeffDutoit, Dighton, 13'00.00' 3. Chad Bodecker,Whitewater-Rem,12'06.00" 4. Kirk Stover,Salina-SacredHeart, 12'00.00" 5. Andy Webster,Oxford, 11'06.00" 6. Pete Studer, Wathena, 11'00.00" Boys'Triple Jump Boys'110 Meter High Hurdles 1. Brock Hutchinson,Smith Center,15.18 2. Kelly Deremus,Holcomb, 15.28 3. Brian Kroeker, Hillsboro, 1b.54 4. Erik Shupe,Minneapolis,1b.b5 5. GabeGarrett, Leavenworth-Immac.,15.90 6. Tfoy Reitcheck,Hoxie, 16.23 1. Jacy Holloway,Moundridge,46'00.00" 2. J W Wight, Burlingame, 44'01.00" 3. Chris Holborn, Kinsley, 4B'IL.LS" 4. Ryan Harris, Oswego,48'04.00' 5. Sam Zachary,Stockton,48'04.00" Boys'4x800 Meter Relay 1. Gypsum-SEof Saline,S:14.60 2. Saint Marys, 8:17.40 3. Horton,8:22.80 6. Derek Sanders,Oswego,48'09.25" 4. Wellsville,S:27.L0 CLASS 3A TEAMSCORES: 5. Oakley,8:30.10 6. Ellinwood,S:30.10 1.Lakin,49.00; Boys'100 Meter Dash *1. Levi Gillen, l,eoti-Wichita Co., 2. Norton-Norton Comm.,46.00; 3. Leoti-Wichita Co.,40.00; 11.33 (rrcw record,prelim. 10.8) 2. Chris Rakaskas,Belleville, 11.56 3. Brad Malm, Lindsborg-Smoky Val., 11.61 4. Minneapolis,39.00; 5. Holcomb,24.00; 5. Leavenworth-Imrnac..24.00: 7. Hillstroro,23.00; 7. WaKeeney-TlegoComm.,28.00; 9. Wellsville,22.00: 1 0 .H e s s t o n , 2 0 . 0 0 ; 11.Beloit, 18.00; Boys'300 Meter Inter. Hurdles 1. Jeff Martin, Lakin, 40.03 2. Brian Kroeker, Hillsboro,40.37 3. Kelly Deremus,Holcomb,4l.2Z 4. Erik Shupe,Minneapolis,4l.4I 5. Randy Sherfrck,WaKeeney-TfegoCom.,41.42 6. Brice Bohrer,Elbing-BereanAcad.,42.15 Boys'800 Meter Run 1. T J tout, Minneapolis,l:57.00 2. Matt Norton, Wichita-Collegiate,1:bg.g0 3. Josh Shoop,Neodesha,2:00.20 4. Chris Torres,Silver Lake, 2:01.70 5. Axel Wells,Mclouth,2:02.10 6. CaseySullivan, Lakin, 2:02.G0 Boys'200MeterDash * 1. L€vi Gillen, l,eoti-Wichita Co.,22.Ig 2. Gabe Garrett, Leavenworth -Immac., 22.70 3. Jeff Martin, Lakin, 23.05 4. Brad Malm, Lindsborg-SmokyVal., 23.25 5. John Gilmore, Elkhart,23.28 6. Chris Rakaskas,Belleville, 23.82 Boys'4x400 Meter Relay 1. Minneapolis,3:27.12 2. Lakin, 3:27.57 3. Saint Marys, 3:28.91 4. Lindsborg-SmokyVal., 3:30.06 5. Wellsville,3;31.16 Boys'ShotPut l. Jeremy Hawks, Norton-Nor Comm.,58'00.00" 2. Joshua Deines,WaKeeney-Tle.Com., 56'03.2b" 3. Jory Ray,Medicine Lodge,5b'01.S0" 4. Lucas Deines,WaKeeney-The.Com.,58'08.2b" 5. Ryan Manning, Norton-Nor.Comm.,E1'00.00" 6. Luke Sills, Sublette,50'11.25" Boys'Discus *1. Ryan Manning, Norton-Nor. Com., 168'02.00" 2. Joshua Deines,WaKeeney-Tle.Com., 162'09.00" 3. Jeremy Hawks, Norton-Nor.Com.,166'06.00" 4. John Gilmore, Elkhart, 11.63 5. Ryan Rush, Perry-Lecompton,11.98 6. Heath Eitzmann,Belleville,12.02 6. Lance Marx, Andale, 149'03.00" Boys'1600 Meter Run 1. T J Tfout, Minneapolis,4:27.03 Boys'High Jump f . Kelly Deremus,Holcomb,6'04.00" 4. Scott Gaskell, Mclouth, 160'05.00" 5. Luke Sills, Sublette, 152'09.00" 11.Gypsum-SEof Saline, 18.00; 11.Saint Marys, 18.00; 14. Wichita-Coliegiate,16.00; 2. Matt Norton, Wichita-Collegiate,4:28.1g 3. Ryan Wade,Wellsville,4;29.90 3. Chris Dennis, Oakley,6'02.00" 4. Axel Wells,Mclouth,4:32.79 4. Darrin Hiebert, Hillsboro, 6'02.00" 5. Chad Brake, Silver Lake,4:36.80 15. Lindsbcre-SmokyVal., 14.00; 6. Ben Crozier,Oskaloosa, 4:38.80 5. Chris Morland, St George-Rk.Crk,6'02.00" 6. JeffFarmer, Oskaloosa,6'00.00" 15. Medicine Lodge, 14.00; 15.Silver Lake, 14.00; 18.Belleville,L2.25: 18.Halstead,12.25: Boys'4x100 Meter Relay 1 .H e s s t o n , 4 4 . 3 4 2. Lal<tn,44.40 6. Gr.y Littlejohn, Halstead, 6'00.00" 6. Tbny Gilbert, Marion-Florence,6'00.00" 6. Erik Leon, Belleville, 6'00.00" 3. Leavenworth-Immac..44.90 20. Smith Center,11.00; 4. Ilalstead,45.02 2 1 . H o r t o n .1 0 . 0 0 : 21. N{clouth, 10.00; 5. Belleville,45.33 Boys'Long Jump f . Levi Gillen, Leoti-Wichita Co.,22'07.25" 2. Justin Hoffman, Norion-Nor. Com., 21'08.00" 3. Clint Crone,Lakin,20'10.00" 4. Charlie Jacobson,Horton, 20'09.25" 6.Phillipsburg,51.l7 21. Oakley;1{-i.00; Boys'400MeterDash *1. l€vi Gillen, Leoti-WichitaCo.,48.40 2. Gabe Garrett, Leavenworth-Immac.,4g.l0 3. Austin Unruh, Greensburg,49.70 4. CJ Vogel,Hillsboro,51.10 5. JeffLarson,Oberlin-DecaturComm.,b1.20 6. Josiah Overstreet,Lyons, 51.60 2 1. Perry-l,eccrnpton,10.00; 21. St George-RockCreek, 10.00; 26. Sublette,9.00; 27. Elkhaft,6.00; 27. Greenstrurg,6.00; 27. Neodesha.6.00: 1992-93 School Year 2. Mike Piwarski, Perry-Lecompton,6'02.00" 5. Eric Votaw,Eudora, 20'07.25" 6. Matt Ostmeyer,Oberlin-Dec.Comm. lg'11.50" Boys'Javelin 1. Darin File, Beloit,201'02.00" 2. Chris Morland, St George-Rk.Crk. 198'05.00" 3. Luke Sills, Sublette,183'07.00" 45 .ecil5g id&Jr.. 4. Matt Renick, Cimarron, lg2'04.00', 5. Scott Komarek, Ellinwood, 169,10.00" 6. Lucas Deines, WaKeeney-te. Com., 16g'04.00', Boys'Pole Vault 1.EricPeters, Hesston, 14'06.00" 2. Zac Lee, Medicine Lodge, 14,06.00" 3. Doug Gillespie,Flalstead,14,06.00', 4. Justus Ball, Cheney,14,00.00" 5. Fred Retzlaff, Gypsum-SEof Saline, 12'06.00" 6. Brock Hutchinson, Smith Center, 12'06.00" Boys'Triple Jump 1. Justin Hoffman, Norton-Nor.Com. 48,02.7 5,, 2. Jay Heidrick, Beloit, 4g'00.50,' 3. Clint Crone, Lakin, 42,10.75,, 4. Corey Wiltz, Saint Marys, 42,05.50* 5. Gary Littlejohn, Halstead, 42,04.50,, 3. Buzzy Lambert, Baldwin, g:47.60 4. Matt Peacock.Topeka-Hayden, 9:49.90 5. Dave Bohlen,Lansing,g:56.00 6. DJ Noriega,Chapman,10:10.g0 Boys'110 Meter High Hurdles 1. James McCarty, Altamont-Labette Co., 15.12 2. T[oy Hoffman, Hays-TMp-Marian, 15.19 3. DennisCostlow,Chapman,15.34 4. Bill Lemaster,Burlington, 15.64 5. TbavisPerret, Concordia,15.?T Boys'4x800 Meter Relay 1 .I o l a , 8 : 0 8 . 5 5 2. Tonganoxie,8:19.8g Boys'Shot Put 1. Kevin Wade,Abilene, b3'0S.00" 3. Hiawatha,S:2I.28 CLASS 4A TEAMSCORES 6. Effingham-Atch. Co.,8:30.44 5.Abilene,30.00; 6. Hugoton,19.00; 7. Concordia,17.00; 8. Andover, 16.00; 8. Ellsworth, 16.00; 8. Parsons,16.00: 11. Anthony-Harper-Chap.,14.00; 11.f)eSoto,14.00; 11.ScottCity-S.Comm.,14.00: 4. CouncilGrove,3:29.18 5. Goodland,3:29.81 6. Concordia,3:32.42 4. ScottCity-S.Comm..8:ZB.7S 5. Colby,8:30.24 3. Tonganoxie,40.00; 4. Sabetha,32.00: 5. John Grant, Concordia,23.l0 6. Brian Wiliiams, Topeka-Hayden,23.16 Boys' 4x4OO Meter Relay 1. Ioia, 3:21.25 2. Hays-TMP-Marian, 8:26.7B 3. Anthony-Harper-Chap.,3:28.61 6. Marc Nichols, Hugoton, 15.90 6. Erik Shupe,Minneapolis,42,05.50,, 1. Hays-TMP-Marian,72.00: 1 . I o l a ,7 2 . 0 0 ; 3. Brian Hammond, Tonganoxie,28.05 4. Greg Lang, Hays-TMp-Marian, 25.06 Boys'100 Meter Dash 1. Mark Hammerbacher,Girard, 11.61 2. DennisDodd,Parsons,11.65 3. WebbMechling,Iola,11.68 4. Bill Milord, KC-Ward,11.80 5. Brian Hammond, Tonganoxie,11.g2 6. Tim Bratton, Eureka, 11.g4 Boys'1600MeterRun 1. Eric Hammond,Tonganoxie, 4:31.10 2. John Moyer,Ellsworth,4;31.50 3. Jim Kirtley, Clay CenterComm.,4:3b.10 4. Matt Coleman,Abilene,4:36.00 5. Justin Faulhaber,Iola, 4:36.80 6. Dave Bohlen,Lansing,4:41.00 2. Parnell Hickerson, Parsons,52'08.00', 3. Chris Grimm, Sabetha,52'00.00,' 4. Blake Wilburn, Atchison, bl'02.b0,' 5. Barry Maupin, Russell,49'02.00" 6. Jason Rohr, Andover, 49'02.00" Boys'Discus 1. Chris Grimm, Sabetha, 1b7'08.00" 2. Blake Wilburn, Atchison, 156'0?.00" 3. Brian T\rrner, Lansing, 151'10.00" 4. Jon Cook,Anthony-Harper-Chap.,lb l'0g.00,, 5. Barry Maupin, Russell, l4g'02.00', 6. Rick Coleman,Haven, 139'0b.00" Boys'High Jump 1. Dennis Seck,louisburg, 6'02.00" 2. Scott Hartley, Andover, 6'00.00" 2. Mike Dewitt, Hays-TMP-Marian, 6'00.00" 2. Marc Nichols, Hugoton,6'00.00" 5. Doug Siebenmorgan,Hiawatha, 5'10.00" 6. Chris Se;rmour,Council Grove, b,10.00,, Boys'Long Jump 1. Greg Lang, Hays-TMP-Marian, 22,09.00" 2. Monte Carson, Holton, 22'04.25" 3. Dave Pore,Andover,22'00.75" 4. Brian O'Rourke,DeSoto,21'11.00" 14.Atchison,13.00; 14.Baldwin, 13.00; 16. KC-Ward,12.00; 17.Chapman,11.00; 18.Altamont-LabetteCo.. 10.00: 4. Douglass,44.53 18.Douglass,10.00; 5. Concordia,45.75 18.Eureka, 10.00; 5. Marc Nichols, Hugoton, 2l'09.b0" Boys'400MeterDash 6. Josh Yearout,Andover,2l'08.00" 1. Brian Hammond, Tbnganoxie,49.g0 2. Mark Prestwood,Sabetha,b0.20 Boys'Javelin 1. T J Thrner, Concordia,1gg'01.00" 18. Girard, 10.00; 18.Louisburg,10.00; 23. Hiawatha,9.00: Boys'4x100 Meter Relay 1. Iola. 43.78 2. Eureka,44.43 3. RoseHill, 44.49 2 3 .L a n s i n g , 9 . 0 0 ; 3. Kevin Jukes, Iola, 50.b0 4. Joe Spangler,Colby,b0.80 25. Gardner-Edgerton,8.00; 5. Brian Williams, Tbpeka-Hayden,b1.00 2 5 .H o l t o n , 8 . 0 0 : 6. Jason Klotz, Hoyt-RoyalValley,51.60 27. Colby,7.00; Boys'300 Meter Inter. Hurdles 1. Tloy Hoffman, Hays-TMP-Marian, 39.84 2. Kyle Stephenson,Gardner-Edgerton,Bg.g? 3. Tloy Dowers,Douglass,3g.95 27. Topeka-Hayden,7.00; 29. Clay Center Comm.. 6.00: 29. RoseHill, 6.00; 31. CouncilGrove,5.00; 32. Burlington,.l.00; 32. Kingman,4.00; 3 2 .R u s s e l l , 4 . 0 0 ; 3 5 .G o o d l a n d , 2 . 0 0 ; 35. Mulvane,2.00; 35. lllysses,2.00; 38. Effrngham-Atch.Co., 1.00: 38. Haven, 1.00: 4. DennisCostlow,Chapman.40.7? 5. Bob Coats,Anthony-Harper-Chap., 41.45 6. Ryan Stover,Colby,42.05 Boys'800 Meter Run 1. Jarod Herbers, Scott City-S. Comm., 2:00.1g 2. David Williams, Iola, 2:00.28 3. Matt Coleman,Abilene, 2:0L02 4. Eric Hammond, Tonganoxie,2:01.42 38. Hoyt-RoyalVallev. 1.00 5. Britt Madison,Ulysses,2:01.45 6. Cory Cole,Hiawatha,2:01.b4 Boys'3200 Meter Run l. Justin Faulhaber,Iola, 9:44.60 2. Ryan Kohrs, Ellsworth, 9:46.50 Boys'200 Meter Dash 1. Webb Mechling, [ola,22.68 2. Bill Milord, KC-Ward,23.01 46 2. Jason Meyer, Sabetha, lg8'04.00" 3. Darrin Kurtz, Baldwin, 196'02.00" 4. Brent Garrison, Kingman, 1gg'09.00" 5. Daniel Yonash,Mulvane, 182'04.00" 6. Blake Wilburn, Atchison, f ?8'00.00" Boys'PoleVault l. Marc Nichols, Hugoton, f4'00.00" 2. Tloy Hoffman, Hays-TMP-Marian, 18'06.00" 3. Mark Carlson, Hays-TMP-Marian, 13'06.00" 4. Nathan Schmidt, I{ays-TMP-M, lg'00.00" 5. Monty Dills, Anthony-Harper-Chap.,lB'00.00', 6. Darrin Kurtz, Baldwin, 13'00.00" Boys'Triple Jump 1. Jason Christiensen,Abilene, 44'07.28" 2. Greg Lang, Hays-TMP-Marian, 44'06.50" 3. Brian O'Rourke, DeSoto, 44'09.28" 4. Sean Hilton, DeSoto,43'10.50" 5. Josh Yearout,Andover,43'04.50" 6. Keith Welsh, Eureka, 42'IL.00" KSIISiA Yearbooh CLASS 5A TEAMSCORES 5. Sean Bennington, El Dorado, 4:86.55 6. Keith Wellman, McPherson, 4:3?.6g 1. Liberal, 115.00; 2. KC-Schlagle,85.00; Boys'4x100 Meter Relay 1. KC-Schlagle,42.83 3. Topeka-Seaman,60.00; 4. Great Bend, 50.00; 2. Liberal, 42.97 5. El Dorado,32.00; 6. ArkansasCit'r,31.00; 4. Hays,44.52 7. Hays,28.00; 8. lbcumseh-Sh.Hghts., 18.00; 9. Topeka-High.Park, 16.00; 10.Winfreld.15.00: 11.OP-SI.ThomasAq., 13.33; 12.Ottawa, 12.00; 13.McPherson,11.00; 14. Goddard, 10.00; 14.Pittsburg, 10.00; 16.SM-Miege,7.00; 17.Augusta,6.33; 17. Coffeyville-FK, 6.38; 19.Independence, 6.00; 1 9 .M a i z e , 6 . 0 0 ; 19.Wichita-Hays.Campus,6.00; 22. KC-T\rr:ner.4.00: 22. Salina-Central,4.00; 24. Buhler,3.00; 25. Fort Scott, 1.00; 25. KC-Harmon,1.00; 25. KC-Sumner Academy,1.00 Boys'3200MeterRun 1. Marc Wilson,Liberal,g:25.I0 2. John Thorpe, OP-SI.Thomas Aq.,g:27.60 3. ThavisHeimer,Topeka-Seaman, g:32.10 4. Sean Bennington, El Dorado,9:4g.20 5. Aaron Lessor,Great Bend, g:51.20 6. Dwight Davis,OP-SI.ThomasAq., 9:5g.b0 Boys'110 Meter High Hurdtes 1. Bobby Williams, Great Bend, 14.89 2. Tloy Hackney,Hays, 15.88 3. David Garmon, Liberal, 1b.46 4. Doug Hovey,Arkansas City, 15.6b 5. Eric Buggeln,Augusta,15.68 6. Kenyon Eyman, Topeka-Seaman,15.21 3. Topeka-High.Park, 44.10 5. Tecumseh-Sh. Hghts.,44.62 6. Pittsburg, 44.65 Boys'400 Meter Dash 1. MauriceGreene,KO-Schlagle ,4g.79 2. Kercy Bolze,Topeka-Seaman,49.89 3. Mike Bobek,Arkansas City,4g.7g 4. Jason Armstrong, Salina-Central, 4g.g3 5. SteveOhmes,OP-SI.ThomasAq., 50.Sg 6. Darnell James,KC-Schlagle,b1.09 Boys'300 Meter Inter. Hurdles 1. David Garmon,Liberal,38.80 2. Tioy Hackney-, Hays,3g.92 3. Bobby Williams, Great Bend, 40.28 4. Zack Tfumpp, Maize,40.90 5. Eric Kidwell, Maize,4l.44 6. Chris Armstrong, Fort Scoit, 41.62 Boys'800MeterRun 1. Eddie Lewis,Liberal, l:57.L2 2. Andy Bassett,Tecumseh-Sh. Hghts., l:57.44 3. Chris Rousselo,SM-Miege,l:5g.00 4. Tim Brown, McPherson,l:59.49 5. Josh McCleary;Augusta,2:00.g9 6. Matt Hebb,Buhler,2:01.84 Boys'200MeterDash 1. MauriceGreene,KC-schlagle,21.64 2. Ivlike Bobek,Arkansas City,22.40 2. Marshall Grayson,KC-Schlagle,28,09.7 E, 3. Mark Serve,Wichita-Hays.Campus, 22,09.50', 4. Mondriel Fulcher, Coffeyville-F K, 22,05.25,, 5. Britton Ttrrkett, Goddard,2I,10.25' 6. Lance Davis, KC-Harmon. 21,08.25" Boys'Javelin 1. Jay Krom, Great Bend,212'01.00,' 2. JJ Dalton, Pittsburg, 201'04.00" 3. Aaron Gumm, Ottawa, 193'08.00', 4. Chris Mazouch,Great Bend, 185'01.00,' 5. Jerame Tbmane, Liberal, 182'0?.00,' 6. Chris Utter, KC-sumner Academy,1g2'03.00', Boys'Pole Vault 1. Jeramy Mull, Winfield, 14'08.00" 2. tavis Ford, Goddard,14'00.00" 3. Mike Sims,Topeka-Seaman, 1J'00.00,, 4. Lance Parker, Liberal, 13'00.00" 5. Tle Spillum, Buhler, 18'00.00" 6. Ryan VanFleet,Winfield, 13'00.00" Boys'Triple Jump *1. Martin Lewis,Liberal,50'01.2b" 2. Tony Nichols,El Dorado.4b'01.50" 3. Marshall Grayson,KC-schlagle, 44,Il.2S, 4. Chris Lillich, KC-T\rrner,44'10.b0" 5. Jerame T\rmane,Liberal, 44'05.b0" 6. Jason Dockery,Pittsburg, 44'00.28" CLASS 6A TEAMSCORES: 3. KC-Wyandotte,48.00; 4. Lawrence.45.00: Boys'4x400 Meter Relay 1. KC-Schlagle,3:2t.84 2. Liberal,3:2I.67 6. SM-West,31.00; 7. Newton,26.00; 3. Great Bend,3:24.58 4. Topeka-Seaman,8:26.g4 8. Topeka-Wash.Rural, 22.00; 9. SM-Northwest, 20.00; 5. McPherson,3:28.24 10.SM-North, 18.00; 11.Emporia, 17.00; 6. Arkansas City, g:29.77 3 . O t t a w a ,S : 2 3 . 1 0 4 . G r e a tB e n d , 8 : 2 3 . 5 0 2. Mike Runnion,El Dorado,55'08.00" 3. RobbieGlover,Liberal, 5g'04.00" 5. McPherson,S:27.10 6. SM-Miege,8:29.40 4. Chad Johnson,Arkansas City, 53'03.50,' 5. Tley Duncan,Liberal,b2'10.00" Boys'100 Meter Dash l NlauriceGreene,KC-Schlagle,Il.O2 2 llike Robek,Arkansas City, L1.27 3. TerelieBerry,KC-Schlagle,11.29 6. Rion Rhoades,Liberal,b1'02.00" 5. Mike Smrti'r,KC-schlagle,11.64 6. Kerry Bolzc,lbpeka-Seaman,11.67 Boys'Long Jump 1. Martin l,ewis, Liberal, 28'10.25" 3. TerelleBerry, KC-schlagle,22.5g 4. Kerry Bolze,Topeka-Seaman,22.61 5. Aaron Shriver, McPherson,23.01 6. Kevin Hammond,Liberal, 23.06 Boys'4x800 Meter Relay 1.Liberal,8:10.10 2. Tecumseh-Sh. Hghts.,8:17.S0 4. Kevin llan.rmond,Liberal, 11.62 4. IVIikeChudy, OP-St.ThomasAq., 6'02.00,, 4. IlIondriel Fulcher, Coffeyville-FK, 6'02.00" 4. Chris Grill, Augusta,6'02.00" Boys'ShotPut 1. JasonStuke,Topeka-Seaman, 5g'02.00" Boys'Discus 1. JasonStuke,Topeka-Seaman, 165,0g.00" 2. Matt Kuhn, Hays, 165'06.00' 3. Marty Dean,KC-Schlagle,1SS'11.00' 4. Mike Runnion,El Dorado,155'00.00' 1. OP-BlueValleyNo, 66.00; 2. Derby,49.00; 5. Topeka-West,40.00; 11.Junction City, 17.00; 11.l,eavenworth,17.00; 11.Topeka,17.00; 15. KC-Washington,16.00; 15.SM-East,16.00; 17.GardenCity, 14.00; 18.Hutchinson,12.00; 19.Manhattan, 10.00: 19.Olathe-South,10.00; 2L Wichita-Easr,9.00; 2 1. Wichita-West,9.00; 6. Tley Duncan,Liberal, 154'07.00" 23. Stilwell-BV 8.00; 24. Wichita-Southeast, 7.00: 25. Wichita-Northwest,6.00; 2. Marc Wilson, Liberal, 4:26.00 Boys'High Jump 1. Darth Vaughn,Topeka-High.Park, 6'08.00 3. WadeBaker, El Dorado,4:2g.84 4. GabeWacker,Winfield, 4:36.40 26. Olathe-North,4.00; 27. Olathe-East,2.00; 2. BobbyWilliams,Great Bend,6'08.00' 3. Nick Kurucz,Independence, 6'02.00" 27. Wichita-North,2.00 Boys'1600 Meter Run 1. tavis Heimer, Topeka-Seam an, 4:25.65 1992-93 School Year 5. JerameT\rmane,Liberal, 154'08.00" 47 Boys'3200 Meter Run 1. SteveFein, SM-Northwest,, g:17.b0 2. Kurt Aiken, Derby,9:28.70 3. Kevin McGinn, Emporia,9:29.00 4. Bryan Schultz, Topeka-West,9:2g.00 5. AJ Ellison.Leavenworth,g:40.50 6. Jason Hendry, Emporia, g:42.00 Boys'110 Meter High Hurdles 1. Phil Veach,Derby. 14.68 2. TheodisGatlin, SM-North, 14.82 3. Eric Nott, Wichita-Northwest,15.31 4. SteveBeal, KC-Washington,15.35 5. DanielleJackson,KC-Wyandotte,1S.32 6. Fred Thaere,SM-Northwest,15.52 Boys'4x800 Meter Relay 1.SM-West,8:0S.20 2. Emporia,8:05.80 3. Derby,8:06.80 4. Topeka,8:07.20 5. Manhattan,8:08.20 6 . O l a t h e - E a s t8, : 1 1 . 1 0 Boys'100 Meter Dash 1. Martez Young,KC-Wyandotte,11.29 2. Brian Martin, Lawrence, 11.46 3. David Cooksey,OP-Blue Valley No, ll.4Z 4. Chris McClellan,Newton, 11.S2 5. Nate Hill, OP-BlueValleyNo, ll.5g 6. Richard Somerville,Junction City, 11.74 Boys'1600MeterRun 1. Winston Tidwell, Topeka-West,4: 19.g5 Boys'400 MeterDash 1. Brian Nfartin, Lawrence,4T.g2 2. Tony Pace,Wichita-West,4g.g5 3. Nate Hill, OP-BlueValleyNo,.19.81 4. Dan Roll Olathe-South,49.95 5. TenneliLockert,Junction City, b0.30 6. Jenold Crowder,Topeka,51.12 Boys'300 Meter Inter. Hurdles 1. TheodisGatlin, SM-North,38.90 2. Kris Hiestand,Tbpeka-Wash. Rural,3g.90 3. Matt Badgett,SM-Wesr,39.50 4. Danielle Jackson,KC-Wyandotte,40.10 5. SteveBeal, KC-Washington,40.10 6. Mark Chan, Manhattan,40.50 Boys'800 Meter Run *1. WinstonTidwell, Topeka-West ,l:82.54 2. Paul Stephens,Topeka-Wash. Rural, 1:55.00 3. Seth Faulkner, Topeka,l:86.27 4. Broc Burke, Derby,l:57.04 5. JeremyThompson,Manhattan, l:b7.28 6. JacobHerrington, SM-Northwest, 1:5?.83 Boys'200 Meter Dash 1. Chris McClellan,Newton,22.0g 2. David Cooksey,OP-BlueValley No, 22.19 3. Brian Martin, Lawrence,22.24 4. Marques Browne, SM-Northwest, 22.85 5. Nate Hill, OP-BlueValiey No,22.44 6. Tony Pace,Wichita-West,22.65 Boys'4x400MeterRetay 1. Lawrence,3:21.99 2. Kurt Aiken, Derby,4:24.90 3. CaseyPohlenz,Wichita-southeast,4:27.20 2. Junction City, Bt22.gg 3. KC-Wyandotte,3:23.28 4. Cord Criss, SM-E ast,4:27.44 4. SM-Northwest,3:24.l4 5. A J Ellison, Leavenworth,4:28.7g 6. Luke Tevebaugh,Leavenworth,4:2g.62 5. Topeka-West,3:25.99 6. Manhattan,S:28.25 Boys'4x100 Meter Relay l. KC-Wyandotie,42.48 Boys'ShotPut 2. OP-BlueValleyNo,42.?0 2. Lyron Cobbins,KC-Wyandofte,56'07.00', 1. Pete Cleeves,Hutchinson, 56'07.b0,' 3. Derby,43.19 4. Newton, 43.20 3. Jason Young,Derby,bg'02.00" 4. Jake Stras, SM-West,52'05.00" 5. Olathe-North,43.65 5. GenePetersen,Topeka-West,S1'10.b0" 6. Kelley Reeves,Wichita-Southeast,S1'06.00.' 6. Wichita-North, 44.13 48 Boys'Discus 1. Gene Petersen,Topeka-West,16g'10.00' 2. L5n'onCobbins,KC-Wyandotte,1b9'02.00" 3. Dax Jones,Junction City, l5g'10.00" 4. Dan VanVuren,Newton, l56'10.00" 5. PeteCleeves,Hutchinson,152'11.00,' 6. Doyle Hill, Olathe-East, 147'05.00" Boys'High Jump 1. Jason Jones,KC-Washington,6'0g.00,' 2. Jason Archibald, Garden City, 6'0g.00" 3. Jeremie Kester, Garden City,6'06.00,, 4. Jim Eitzman, SM-East,6'04.00" 5. Brodie Knop, Olathe-North, 6'04.00,' 6. Mike Shields, SM-West,6'02.00', Boys'Long Jump 1. Marc Scheid,OP-Blue Valley No, 22'02.00" 2. Canyon Lew, SM-East,22,08.TE' 3. Matt Stephens,Olathe-South, 22,02.80" 4. Charles McKinney, Newton, 2L,10.78' 5. Charles Graham, Lawrence,21'09.00', 6. Mike Meyer, Wichita-East, 2t'06.00" Boys'Javelin 1. Sean Simoneau,SM-West, 196'04.00,, 2. Russ Hunt, Wichita-East, 195'04.00" 3. Lamar Lee, Tbpeka,192'00.00" 4. Chris Moran, Manhattan, 186'0?.00" 5. JoebobClements,Emporia, lg5'03.00" 6. Jason Young,Derbl', l8g'02.00', Boys'Pole Vault 1. Marc Romito, OP-BlueValley No, 1b'00.00,' 2. Eric Fitzwater, Stilwell-B V 14'06.00" 3. Mike Blakely, Tbpeka-Wash.Rural, 14'00.00" 4. Matt Hoopes,OP-Blue Valley No, 14,00.00,, 5. Alex Burtin, Tbpeka-West,14'00.00" 6. Garret Attig, Lawrence, 13'00.00" Boys'TripleJump 1. Melvin Lister, l,eavenworth,46'09.50,' 2. Charles Womack, Lawrence, 46,02.50,' 3. Marc Scheid,OP-Blue Valley No, 45'09.75,' 4. Paul Tan, OP-Blue Valley No,4b'09.25,' 5. Mike Seahorn,Leavenworth,45,09.00,' 6. TbavisProfit, Wichita-North, 45'06.00" KSHSAA Yearbook
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