2016 Fall Brochure - Borough of Cresskill
2016 Fall Brochure - Borough of Cresskill
Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 1 Cresskill Recreation Fall 2016 Programs General Info Pg. 2-4 Camps Pg. 19-21 After School Programs Pg. 6-9 Lightning Detection Policy Pg. 5 Sports Pg. 12-13 Fitness Pg. 17-18 Dance Pg. 10 Certification Pg. 21 Pre School Pg. 11-12 Adult Programs Pg. 15-16 Upcoming Events Pg. 22-23 Phone: 201-816-8065 Other Contacts Pg. 24 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 2 General Information Payments: The only forms of payment that will be accepted are checks, money orders or credit cards. All checks should be made payable to the Borough of Cresskill. There is a $30 fee for returned checks. Equipment Return: Coaches who do not return equipment to the Recreation Department are prohibited from coaching in future programs until the equipment is returned. Registrations: You may register in person at the Community Center or on-line at www.cresskillboro.com. A $15 registration fee must be paid for each participant. This fee covers the calendar year January 1 to December 31. All programs must be paid in full before participating. Non-residents who attend a school in Cresskill will be able to register; all other non-residents will be placed on a waitlist. Spaces will not be held with out payment. Volunteer coaches are always needed Hours of Operation Monday/-Thursday 9:00 am—9:00 pm 10:00am—12:00pm (Subject to Change—Call First) Late Registrations: A $10 fee will be charged if not registered seven business days prior to program start. Meetings 2016/2017 The Recreation Committee holds its meetings at the Community Center on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Room: C 8/24, 9/28, 10/26, 11/23, 12/28 1/25 2/22, 3/22, 4/26, 5/24, 6/28 Note: meetings in July and August are subject to change. Insufficient enrollment: If group minimums are not met, programs may be condensed, start later to allow for further enrollment, cancelled or changed. Those enrolled in the program will be notified of all changes. General: All programs are held at the Community Center unless indicated otherwise. Please note the dates and times of your class. All children must be picked up on time. No child should be dropped off and left unattended. A parent should be with him/her until program begins. 9:00 am—8:00 pm Saturday Registration Deadlines: Each individual sport, after school programs and camps have a registration deadline. Deadlines can be found in the description of each program. Refunds: Refunds will not be made seven business days prior to the start of a program or after the program begins. Refunds will be made if a program is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment. A cancellation fee of $10 will be charged prior to the seven days. Any late fees that may have been paid will also be lost to the registrants. Refunds are issued by borough checks, (allow at least four to six weeks for refund). All requests must be made in writing. Friday Committee Members Joe Scalia (Chair) ~*~ (Vice Chair) Carmen Cristantiello, Michael DePalo, Joanne Dimitriadis, George Kassab, Anna Kebabjian John Park, Regina Morrissey, How to watch a good program die: Nothing kills a program faster than participants who wait until the last minute to enroll. There is a point at which courses must be canceled due to insufficient registration. Please enroll early! Photos: Please be advised that participants involved in any recreation programs or special events are subject to being photographed. Any photos obtained may be used in the future by the Recreation Department for programs, guides, brochures, pamphlets, flyers, news releases, facebook ,etc., without obligation to provide compensation. Ronnie Hartmann (Secretary) Gina Glynn (Program Supervisor) Barbara Mann (Director) Mayor and Council Benedict Romeo ~ Mayor James Cleary ~ Councilman Gregory Mueller ~ Councilman Hector Olmo ~ Councilman Kathleen Savas ~ Councilwoman Simone Tsigounis ~ Councilwoman Mark Spina ~ Councilman ~ Cresskill Recreation is always looking for volunteers. Please join us. ~ Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 3 General Information Note to Parents Concussion Awareness Course Our Recreational Sports programs rely on volunteer coaches. We understand that not everybody is able to set aside the time each season to be a head coach, but please help out any way you can. Even if you are unable to be at every practice or game, you can still be an assistant coach who can help out the head coach when needed. To help minimize the risk of concussion related injuries, the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association is now requiring all coaches to take the National Federation of State High Schools Association’s free online course. “Concussion in Sports - What you need to Know.” The course provides critical information designed to minimize the risk of serious consequences Our parent coaches volunteer their time and talent for due to concussions. The Mayor and Council along with the kids and we need to make sure that we are support- the Recreation Department believe that it is important ive of their efforts. With the cooperation of all parents to take to keep athletes safe. we can ensure a positive and successful season. A second course that is also worthwhile is “A Guide to Please also realize that when a program is full we need Heat Acclimatization and Heat Illness Prevention.” to close it until we have more coaches available. Coach Information Once you have completed the on-line course and at the conclusion, print out the certificate and drop it off at the Recreation Office. Coaches will not be allowed to coach until this requirement is met. No exceptions. If you are interested in helping out as a coach, please contact the Recreation Department at 201-816-8065 or Coaches and parents can access these free NFHS courses online at www.nfhslearn.com. In the top left corner e-mail [email protected]. of the page, next to NFHS logo click on “Courses” and All coaches must be certified in the sport they will select the desired course under the “Free Courses” coach. You must be certified through NAYS or heading. In order to complete the course you will have Rutgers. All coaches must be fingerprinted/background to create an account which will allow you to manage checked and complete an on-line concussion awareness your courses and access your certificates of completion. course. If you are asked for a primary position you should enter “Coach” and Cresskill Recreation. Fingerprinting/Background check information Accident Reports If you have not been fingerprinted, please pick up a form at the Recreation office or go on-line to print out the form at: http://www.njsp.org/info/ pdf/052014_universform_vsv.pdf. In box #7 you will need to enter the VRN # for Cresskill ( B04004 ). After any serious injury coaches must send an accident report to the Recreation Department Office so it can be kept on file. You can make an appointment on-line at www.IDentgo.com or call 1-877-503-5981. The nearest fingerprinting facility is in Paramus at 299 Forest Ave. 1st Floor Suite B. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS I hereby agree that if I fail to conform my conduct to the foregoing while attending, coaching, officiating or participating in a youth sports event, I will be subject to disciplinary actions, including but not limited to the following in any order or combination: When you attend your appointment please make sure 1. Verbal warning issued by a league, organization or you bring a valid government ID and your completed school official. 2. Written warning issued by a league, organization or form or you will be turned away. school official. Once fingerprinted please return the form with receipt attached for reimbursement. Reimbursement will not be 3. Suspension or immediate ejection from a youth sports processed without a receipt. Any fees incurred for event issued by a league, organization or school official missing an appointment or not having the proper who is authorized to issue such suspension or ejection documentation will not be reimbursed. A voucher will by a school board or youth sports organization. be processed for our financial department and will need 4. Suspension from multiple youth sports events issued by a league, organization or school official who is auto be signed and returned so we can process a check. thorized to issued such suspension by a school board or youth sports organization. Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 4 Facilities Fields Tennis Courts (Permit required) Three courts are located on 3rd Street next to the ComAckerman Field (Soccer): Located behind Borough munity Center. Hall across from Merritt School, between Ackerman Tennis Court Rules: Place and Dogwood Lane. Courts are lighted from dusk till 10:00 pm with the Cook Field (Soccer): Located on Madison Avenue and exception of December, January, and February 3rd Street when the lights are off. Regan Field (Soccer): Located at the end of 3rd Street A key and ID for use of the courts can be obtained across from the Municipal Pool parking lot. for a fee of $35 at the Community Center. Proof of residence required. 3rd Street Baseball Field (Baseball): Located at the Cresskill Recreation sponsored programs have prioriend of 3rd Street across from the Community Center. Coughlin Field (Football): Located at the end of 3rd Street across from the pool. International Field (Baseball): Located on Margie Place and Piermont Road behind Merritt Memorial School. 12th Street Field (Baseball): Located on Stivers Street, Magnolia Avenue and 12th Street. Merritt Field (Softball): Located on Margie Avenue behind Merritt Memorial School. Parks Cranford Park: Located on Cranford Place between Woodland Avenue and Douglas Avenue, it has a basketball court, swings and a playground. ty. All play is for one hour only. All court time begins on the hour and the court must be relinquished if another resident arrives to play. Tennis shoes or sneakers only will be permitted on the courts. Players must wear shirts at all times. No bikes, skate boards, scooters or skates are permitted on the courts. No ball playing. No commercial tennis allowed You must supply your own tennis equipment. FRIDAY NIGHT OPEN GYM Open Gym is operated by the Community Center. Terhune Park: (Ages 3-5) Located at Palisades Ave- Please refer all questions to the e-mail and phone numnue and County Road, this park has a playground and ber below. basketball court. Mike Hamlett Carolyn Schultz Park: (Ages 2-12) Located at the end 201-816-8066 of Fifth Street and the Municipal Pool parking lot. This [email protected] shaded park has a playground, swing set and picnic table. Age 12 and under 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm ( Adult supervision required ) Moschella Park: This park is located at the end of Merrifield Way. Age 13 and above 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm 12th Street Park: Located on Stivers Street and 1. Magnolia Avenue. 2. 3. Basketball Courts Two regulation sized courts are located on 3rd Street behind Cook Field. 4. Cresskill Residents only Proof of Residency required. Anyone under the age of 12 must have a parent or other adult who has been assigned responsibility by the parent. No more than five (5) children can be supervised by any one adult. Each child must be signed in at front desk with a note giving permission for another parent to watch their child. Basketball Court Rules Courts are lighted from dusk till 10:00 pm with the 5. exception of December, January and February when lights are off. Cresskill Recreation sponsored programs have pri- Rules subject to change. Changes will be sent by e-mail. ority. Please check your email Basketball shoes or sneakers only will be permitted on the courts. Players must wear shirts at all times. Please keep our facilities clean — No Littering Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 5 Lightning Detection Policy 1.) When lightning approaches a ten mile radius from Cresskill, the Lightning Detection System will activate a flashing light and an alarm will sound for 1.) Plan ahead: Coaches should watch the weather approximately fifteen seconds. forecast prior to using the field. Five Levels of Lightning Safety: 2.) As soon as the Lightning Warning System enables, everyone MUST remove themselves from their outdoor activity and seek shelter or face severe penalties and fines. 2.) Use the ‘30-30 Rule’: After you see lightning, count the seconds until you hear thunder. If the time is 30 seconds or less, go inside. Stay inside until 30 minutes after the last strike of thunder. 3.) The flashing light will then continue for thirty minutes after the last lightning strike within a ten mile radius; all fields must remain cleared through the duration of the activated warning system. 3.) Avoid Dangerous Locations: DO NOT go under trees to keep dry in a thunderstorm! Avoid: elevated places, open areas, tall isolated objects, water activities, dugouts, open areas such as fields, open vehicles, unprotected open 4.) When the warning alarm sounds three five-second buildings, and large structures such as fences or bleachers. intermittent blasts and the flashing light goes out, it is 4.) Lightning Crouch (desperate last resort): If the permissible to reenter the field. lightning is about to strike near you, it will sometimes 5.) Under absolutely no circumstances is anyone al- give a warning of a few seconds or less. Sometimes your lowed back on the field prior to the Lightning Warn- hair will stand upright, your skin will tingle, light metal objects will vibrate, or you will hear a crackling static-like ing System disabling itself. “kee-kee” sound. If this happens and you’re in a group, 6.) This system may reactivate at any time throughout spread out so there are several body lengths between each the duration that the fields are open depending on the person. If one person is struck, the others may not be hit, storm activity and its whereabouts. There are no false and give first aide. Once you’ve spread out, use the lightning crouch: put your feet together, squat down, tuck your alarms. head and cover your ears. When the immediate threat of 7.) Members of the public using the parks and fields lightning has passed, continue heading to the safest spot on an individual, unorganized basis are also subject possible. Remember this is a last resort; you are much safer having followed the previous steps and not gotten to the same policy. into this high-risk situation. 8.) All protective measures must be adhered to at all 5.) First Aid: Lightning deaths are caused by cardiac times. arrest or the person has stopped breathing from the cardiac Recommendation: If you hear thunder as a storm arrest. Start CPR or rescue breathing if the person has no approaches and the alarm system has not yet activated, pulse or is not breathing, respectively. Have someone call it is recommended that you use this leeway time to 911. Use an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) if organize your group. The following shall be the one is available. Lightning Protection Policy of the Borough of Cresskill: Penalties and Fines for Disregarding the Lightning Recommendation: For places of safety during a Protection System thunderstorm, a vehicle with a solid metal roof and metal sides offers some protection. Close the windows, lean Organized activities: away from the sides of the car, and keep your hands in your lap. Do not touch the steering wheel, ignition, gear The umpire, coach, coordinator or adult in charge is responsible to ensure that their group follows the Lightshifter or radio. ning Safety Policy. Disregarding the policy subjects the Third Street Recreational Fields can seek shelter in umpire, coach , coordinator or adult in charge to a lifetime the Cresskill Community Center during normal hours of suspension of responsibility regarding all Cresskill operation. Recreation activities, and privileges including using the fields and parks for organized activity. Fines shall be Third Street Basketball Courts need to report back to issued by the Cresskill Police Department if caught in the Cresskill Community Center for shelter as well. violation of this policy and Borough Ordinance. Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 6 After School Programs TAE KWON DO EXTREME FLIGHT Children will be taught discipline, respect, confidence and coordination . Each child will be supplied with a uniform. Height and weight will be needed for proper fit. Take your building skills to the next level and join us for Extreme Flight! You will build really cool planes that know what it is to be extreme. Of course every pilot needs to start with a little training, so first you will build the J3 piper. A lightweight balsa wood glider. You will build the Air Hawk and then of course some of the flying machine we see flying in space like the super cool glow in the dark UFO is going to magically fly being controlled just by the palm of your hand! And so much more. Master Park is an 8th Degree Black belt and president of Dong Keun Park Tae Kwon Do, Inc., Head Coach of Rutgers University Tae Kwon Do Team and has trained state and national champions including US team members. Instructor: Master John Park Site: Cresskill Community Center Room A/B Late Fee begins 9/15 Tykes ~ Boys and Girls Grades PRE-K4—K Resident Fee: $200 ~ Includes Uniform $10 Late Fee begins September 8 Minimum: 10 4:00pm-4:30pm Thursdays—8 Sessions 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20 10/27, 11/3 Beginners ~ Boys and Girls Grades 1-5 Resident Fee: $250 $10 Late Fee begins September 8 Minimum: 10 each level Grade 1-5 4:40—5:25 pm Thursdays—8 Sessions 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20 10/27, 11/3 Yellow Belts ~ Boys and Girls Grades 1-5 Resident Fee: $250 $10 Late Fee begins September 8 Minimum: 10 each level Grade 1-5 5:30—6:15 pm Thursdays—8 Sessions 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20 10/27, 11/3 Phone: 201-816-8065 Boys and Girls in Grades 2—4 Resident Fee: $155 Instructor: The Hobby Quest Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 3:45—4:45 pm Thursday—8 Sessions 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3, 11/17 No class 11/10 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL EFFECTS WORKSHOP You will learn various special effects make-up techniques working with some of the same materials used by professional make-up artist. You will learn step by step how to simulate lacerations, bruises, zombie skin, and more in this hands on class. Warning– this class is not for the queasy– some applied makeup can look very realistic. Boys and Girls in Grades 2—4 Resident Fee: $50 Late Fee begins 10/21 Instructor: The Hobby Quest Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 3:45—5:45 pm Friday—1 Sessions October 28 All materials are included and each participant will receive their own kit to take home. Minimum 4 www.cresskillboro.com Maximum 15 Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 7 After School Programs INTRO TO THE SEWING MACHINE CREATIVE SEWING You will learn how to use a sewing machine while creating projects each week, from fun shaped pillows, to simple skirts and bags… Even doll clothes and hair accessories... Each class will concentrate on a different sewing technique. In this class you will learn how to thread a needle , knot their thread. You will learn how to sew a button as well as basic stitches. Each week is a new project. All materials are supplied Boys and Girls Grade 2-5 Resident $ 120 $10 Late Fee begins 9/23 Minimum: 5 ~ Maximum: 12 Boys and Girls Grade 2-5 Resident $ 99 $10 Late Fee begins 10/10 Minimum: 5 ~ Maximum: 12 Hosted By: So You Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 5:15—6:30 pm Hosted By: So You Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 3:45—4:45 pm Mondays—6 Sessions 10/17, 10/24, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 11/28 No Class: 10/31 Mondays—6 Sessions 10/17, 10/24, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, 11/28 No Class: 10/31 BEGINNER SEWING FASHION DESIGN SEWING You will learn to sew with a commercial sewing patterns and make a pair of pajama pants, a simple skirt and tote bag... All materials are supplied Each class will concentrate on a different sewing technique. In this class you will learn how to thread a needle , knot their thread. You will learn how to sew a button as well as basic stitches. Each week is a new project. All materials are supplied Boys and Girls Grade 3-7 Resident $175 $10 Late Fee begins 9/23 Minimum: 5 ~ Maximum: 12 Hosted By: So You Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 9:30am -12:00pm Saturdays—4 Sessions 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22 No Class: Boys and Girls Grade 3-7 Resident $ 195 $10 Late Fee begins 9/23 Minimum: 5 ~ Maximum: 12 Hosted By: So You Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 3:45—5:45 pm Fridays—6 Sessions 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4 No Class: Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 8 After School Programs ZUMBA FOR KIDS ACRO & TUMBLING Zumba kids is a rockin’ high energy dance party packed with kid friendly routines. We break down steps; add games, activities and cultural exploration elements; and teach it the My Gym way. The program helps develop a healthy lifestyle and incorporates fitness as a natural part of children’s lives. Classes include key childhood development elements such a team work, confidence, self esteem, creativity, coordination, balance and cultural awareness. This class supports the dancer by building strength, flexibility, coordination, agility and balance. It concentrates on the basics of tumbling - forward rolls, backward rolls, cartwheels, round-offs, headstands, handstands, front dive rolls, back bends, and splits. Dress Code: Yoga style Pants or dance pants, leotard, no tights, no socks. (girls) Yoga style Pants or dance pants with t-shirt, no socks Boys and Girls Ages 5—7 Class size 4 Minimum 14 Class size 6 Minimum 15 Boys and Girls Ages 5—10 Resident Fee: $150 Resident Fee: $150 Late Fee $ 10 begins 9/29 Late Fee $ 10 begins 9/29 Hosted by: Next Step Broadway Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A/B Hosted by: My Gym Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D 3:45 pm –4:30 pm 4:30 pm –5:15 pm Fridays—8 sessions 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2, 12/9 No Class: 11/11,11/25 Fridays—8 sessions 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2, 12/9 No Class: 11/11,11/25 KNITTING Learn the art of knitting. In this class you will learn the basics of knitting, casting on, the knit stitch and the pearl stitch. Once an expert you will discuss another project. Grade 1-5 (Class Size: 6) Resident Fee: $100 Non Resident Fee: $150 Late fee begins 10/4 Hosted By: Shaina Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 6:00—7:00 pm Tuesdays—8 Sessions 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29 Supplies Needed: 1 Ball of worsted weight yarn (Suggested Yarn: Berroco Vintage) 1 set of straight knitting needles (Size US 7 or 8) Or 1 set of circular needs (Size US 7 or 8) Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 9 After School Programs JEDI ENGINEERING JEDI MASTER ENGINEERING The force awakens in this introductory engineering course for the young Jedi! Explore engineering principles by designing and building projects such a LEGO X -Wings, R2 Units, Energy Catapults, Defense Turrets, and Settlements from a galaxy far, far away. Create motorized and architectural projects with imagination and engineering to defeat the empire. The force awakens in this advanced engineering course for the young Jedi! Explore engineering concepts such as gear ytrains, worm drives, pneumatics , and eccentric motion. Build a LEGO X -Wings, ATAT walkers, Pod Racers, Star destroyers, Cloud Cities, Settlements, Fortresses and more. Boys and Girls Grade K-2 Resident $ 170 $10 Late Fee begins 9/21 Minimum: 11 ~ Maximum: 16 Boys and Girls Grade 3-5 Resident $ 170 $10 Late Fee begins 9/21 Minimum: 11 ~ Maximum: 16 Hosted By: Play-well Teknologies Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: B 3:45—4:45 pm Hosted By: Play-well Teknologies Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A 3:45—4:45 pm Wednesdays—8 Sessions 9/28, 10/5, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 12/7 No Class: 10/12, 11/23 Wednesdays—8 Sessions 9/28, 10/5, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 12/7 No Class: 10/12, 11/23 SOLVING MYSTERIES Fall into the fun during this session of problem Solving Mysteries! Spooky science, food experiments ( you will be using M & M’s and Skittles ) and a “ whodunit ? ” mystery will all be a part of this science exploration. Boys and Girls Grade 1-5 Resident $150 $10 Late Fee begins 10/4 Minimum: 5 ~ Maximum: 12 Hosted By: Club Scientific Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 3:45pm –4:45pm Tuesdays—8 Sessions 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1,11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29 No Class: Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 10 Dance All classes taught by Ms. Lyn Zeleny. Trained at the American Ballet Theatre, NYC, performed extensively at the Metropolitan Opera House, teaching artist with New York City Ballet. Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D Jazz Ages 5-10 ~ 6:00-6:45 This class introduces jazz with fun music and movements! Attire: Leotard and tights used in ballet class or leggings and shirt, with pink ballet slippers Tap and Ballet Combo Ages 6-9 ~ 5:15—6:00 Resident:$150—Non-Resident $180 Mondays -Cycle I 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7, 11/14 No Class 10/3, 10/10 Late fee begins 9/12 Mondays- Cycle II 11/21, 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/2, 1/9, 1/23 No Class 12/26, 1/16 Late Fee Begins: 11/14 Mondays– Cycle III 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27 Late Fee Begins: 1/23 Mondays– Cycle IV 4/3, 4/17, 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/22, 6/5, 6/12, 6/13 No Class 4/10, 5/29 *Additional Fee for longer Cycle IV* Late Fee Begins: 3/27 Recital June 13 Creative Movement/Primary Ballet A combination dance class! Great for improving rhythm, and coordination Attire: Light pink leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, and black tap shoes with hair pulled back Pointe By teacher approval ~ 7:30—8:00 The study of Pointe work. Ballet Age 9+ ~ 6:45-7:30 A study of classical ballet for the advancing student. Attire: Black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slipper , hair pulled back ADULT BALLET Ballet technique thoroughly explained and practiced in a warm supportive environment. If you have always wanted to learn ballet and benefit from the poise, coordination and posture that is developed, this is the class for you. Come enjoy the movement and the workout. Attire of choice Ages 3—6 ~ 4:30—5:15 Older Teens—Adult This class is a youthful introduction to ballet incorporating elements of Creative Movement . The class uses familiar themes such as Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella to introduce classical music, dance and creativity. Attire: Light pink leotard, pink tights, pink ballet slippers , hair pulled back *Additional Fee for longer Cycle IV* Late Fee $10 after Instructor: Lyn Zeleny Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D 8:15—9:00pm Mondays -Cycle I 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7, 11/14 No Class 10/3, 10/10 Late fee begins 9/12 Mondays- Cycle II 11/21, 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/2, 1/9, 1/23 No Class 12/26, 1/16 Late Fee Begins: 11/14 Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 11 Pre-School Programs TGA GOLF TENNIS SQUIRTS Students will advance through the five- level program. They will learn basics and fundamentals of the sport, all the while being prepared to play on the golf course. Come learn the life long sport of golf. Boys and Girls Ages 3-5 Resident Fee: $135 Tennis squirts is a fun filled learning adventure that introduces children to the world of tennis. Children will have great fun learning the fundamental skills and strokes in a low pressured, fun environment. Following guidelines set out by the US T A. children will develop their tennis skills. This program offers a variety of games and activities to maximize participation Instructor: Kevin Rooney Site: Baseball Field ( weather permitting ) Boys and Girls Ages 3—5 1:00—1:45 pm Late Fee $ 10 begins Sept. 12 Cycle 1 ~ Saturdays—6 Sessions 9/17, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 Hosted by U. S. Sports Institute Site: Cresskill Community Center Tennis Courts Late Fee $10 begins 9/10 No class 9/24 Class size Minimum 5 Maximum 8 Resident: $145 12:10-1:00pm Cycle 1I~ Saturdays—6 Sessions 11/12, 1/19, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 , 1/7 Mondays: 6 Sessions 9/19, 9/26, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7 No class 10/3, 10/10 Late Fee $10 begins 11/5 No Class : 11/26, 12/24, 12/31 TOTAL SPORTS SQUIRTS PARENTS AND ME SPORTS This program introduces children to a new sport each week. Participants have the opportunity to try a variety of sports such as soccer, T-ball, lacrosse and floor hockey in a safe, structured environment. All activities promote hand-eye coordination, movement, balance, and most importantly—fun. This program is ideal for any child just starting out in the world of sports. This program introduces children to a new sport session. With a helping hand from mom or dad children will have the opportunity to try soccer, lacrosse, basketball and more. Class Size: 10 Boys and Girls Ages 3—5 Resident: $155 Class Size: 10 Resident: $155 Late Fee $ 10 begins 9/11 Late Fee $10 begins 9/11 Hosted by U. S. Sports Institute Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: Gym 2:45pm—3:30pm Hosted by: U. S. Sports Institute Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: Gym 3:45pm—4:45pm Sundays — 7 sessions 9/18, 10/2,10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6 No class : 9/25 Phone: 201-816-8065 Boys and Girls Ages 2—3 Sundays — 7 sessions 9/18, 10/2,10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6 No class : 9/25 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 12 Pre-School Programs T-BALL SQUIRTS SOCCER SQUIRTS This program introduces children to the sport of soccer, in a safe, structured environment. All activities promote hand-eye coordination, movement, balance, and most importantly—fun. T-Ball squirts is a great way to introduce your young sluggers to the exciting game of baseball. T-Ball Squirts focuses on the fundamentals skill of the game including hitting, throwing, catching and more and most importantly—fun. Boys and Girls Ages 3—5 Class Size: 10 Boys and Girls Ages 3—5 Resident: $160 Class size 10 Minimum 6 Resident Fee: $160 Late Fee begins 4/10 Late Fee $ 10 begins 9/15 Hosted by U. S. Sports Institute Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: Gym 1:45—2:45 Hosted by: U. S. Sports Institute Site: Cresskill Community Center Baseball Field Sundays—7 sessions 9/18, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6 No Class : 9/25 3:45 pm –4:45 pm Or 5:00 pm—6:00 pm Thursday—7 sessions 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3 ZUMBA FOR KIDS KIDDING AROUND YOGA Resident Fee: $130 Zumba kids is a rockin’ high energy dance party packed with kid friendly routines. We break down steps; add games, activities and cultural exploration elements; and teach it the My Gym way. The program helps develop a healthy lifestyle and incorporates fitness as a natural part of children’s lives. Classes include key childhood development elements such a team work, confidence, self esteem, creativity, coordination, balance and cultural awareness. Late Fee $ 10 begins 9/29 Boys and Girls Ages 3—4 Each class includes pranayama, meditation, and a trip to the Secret Garden. We use the yoga poses, or asanas, creatively tucked into: Partner yoga, games and activities, our original music, stories and more. Boys and Girls Ages 4—5 Class size 5 Minimum 12 Class size 6 Minimum 15 Hosted by: Ms. Sharon Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D Resident Fee: $150 Late Fee $ 10 begins 9/29 3:45 pm –4:30 pm Hosted by: My Gym Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D Thursday—8 sessions 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3, 11/17, 12/1, 12/8 3:45 pm –4:15 pm No Class: 11/10,11/24 Free Trial Class September 15 Phone: 201-816-8065 Fridays—8 sessions 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2, 12/9 No Class: 11/11,11/25 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 13 Sports FALL INSTRUCTIONAL TENNIS TGA GOLF This program offers instruction for the beginner through the advanced player. Each class offers a small instructor -to-student ratio. Rackets will be supplied during the lessons. Emphasis will be placed on fundamentals, exercise and fun. All rain dates will be made up. Barry Ruback, world ranked tennis professional and five-time United States Professional Tennis Association Eastern Male Player of the Year and his professional staff will provide the instructions. Students will advance through the five- level program. They will learn basics and fundamentals of the sport, all the while being prepared to play on the golf course. Come learn the life long sport of golf. Boys and Girls Grades K—3 Resident Fee: $135 Late Fee $10 begins 9/10 Instructor: Kevin Rooney Site: Baseball Field ( weather permitting ) Boys and Girls - Grades K and up (Limited to the first 15 per class) Resident Fee: $135 Cycle I: Late Fee $ 10 begins 9/5 Instructor: Barry Ruback Site: 3rd Street Tennis Courts Grades K—1 ~ 3:30—4:30 Grades 2—3 ~ 4:30—5:30 Grades 4—5 ~ 5:30—6:30 Grade 6 and Up ~ 6:30—7:30 Adults ~ 7:30—8:30 Grades K-3 2:00—3:00 pm Cycle 1 ~ Saturdays—6 Sessions 9/17, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 Late Fee $10 begins 11/16 No class 9/24 Cycle 1I~ Saturdays—6 Sessions 11/12, 1/19, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17 , 1/7 Late Fee $10 begins 11/5 No Class : 11/26, 12/24, 12/31 FENCING Cycle I—Monday—Six classes 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/17, 10/24, 11/7 No Class 10/3, 10/10, 10/31 Cycle I—Thursday—Six classes 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13 Fencing improves coordination, mental toughness, physical ability and self esteem. Learn to analyze and solve problems quickly. Fencing for kids is a challenging sport for those who want to try their hand at one of the fastest growing sports. Boys and Girls Ages 8-15 Minimum 6 Maximum 15 Resident: $156 Instructor : Rockland Fencers Club LLC Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A/B Limited to the first 15 per class 3:30—4:30pm Tuesdays—6 Sessions 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15 Late fee begins 10/4 Min. 6 Attire: Sweatpants or shorts, t-shirt and athletic shoes Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 14 Sports SENIOR SOCCER SQUIRTS SOCCER This program introduces children to the sport of soccer, in a safe, structured environment. All activities promote hand-eye coordination, movement, balance, and most importantly—fun. This program will be designed to teach kids the fundamentals of soccer. Dribbling, passing and shooting in a fun and enjoyable way. Boys and Girls Ages 5—7 (Limit 12 participants) Pre-K Resident Fee: $30 Maximum: 10 ~ Minimum: 6 Resident Fee: $155 Instructor: Site: Community Center 9:00—9:45 Late Fee $ 10 begins 9/10 Hosted by U. S. Sports Institute Site: Cresskill Community Center Field: Baseball Field Saturdays 9/17, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/19 No Class: 9/24, 11/12 6:15 pm –7:15 pm Thursday—6 sessions 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3 FALL IN-TOWN SOCCER Boys and Girls entering Grades K—2 Resident Fee: $30 All Registrations are due by September 10, 2016. A late fee of $10 will begin . Equipment Needs: Shin guards are a must Soccer cleats optional Water Parent volunteers are needed to coach for program to run. RECREATION TRAVEL SOCCER Boys and Girls entering Grades 3-8 Resident Fee: $70 Saturdays 9/17, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/19 No Class: 9/24, 11/12 All Registrations are due by August 15, 2016 K – 9:00 am ~ 3rd St. Baseball Field 1 – 10:00 am ~ 3rd St. Baseball Field 2 – 11:00 am ~3rd St. Baseball Field Subject to change Teams will be formed and a uniform must be purchased for an additional fee. Coordinator: Carmen Cristantiello This program will begin Saturday September 17. Level K-2 is purely instructional and will have no practices. All players must wear shin guards. No practices held for K/2. Volunteer coaches are always needed. Coordinator: Carmen Cristantiello There will be 1 practice per week ( Tuesday or Wednesday ) with a game on the weekend. Girls play Saturdays between12:30 pm & 4:00pm Boys play Sundays between 12:30 pm & 4:00pm You will be traveling to nearby towns: Northvale, Old Tappan, Norwood, Demarest, Closter, Haworth, Harrington Park, Emerson. Schedule will be posted on: Www.northernvalleysoccerleague/ demoephere.com Volunteer Coaches Needed Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 15 Adult Programs SALSA LINE DANCING Come learn some Salsa moves to up beat latin music. This is fun, low impact fitness/dance class designed to challenge your body and mind. No partners necessary. Men are encouraged to attend. Age 16 to Adult Class Size: 10 Resident Fee: $75 / Non-Resident Fee: $112.50 Instructor: Donay Wilford Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D 7:00—8:00 pm Rutgers Certification Fee: $30 Saturday, September TBS 3:00 pm Sports Certification is a four hour program starting at time listed. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to program to sign in and receive your paperwork. At the end of this class you will receive your certification card. Thursday 10/6, 10/13, 10/25, 10/27 Pre-Registration Required ADULT BASKETBALL Cresskill Community Center ~ Gym Resident Fee: $35 / Non-Resident Fee: $60 Guest Fee: $10 per session Session I Session II Thursdays ~ 7:00—9:00 pm 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 12/1 No program 11/24 Thursdays ~ 7:00—9:00 pm 12/8, 12/15, 12/22, 1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2 Session III Session IV Thursdays ~ 7:00—9:00 pm 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 Thursdays ~ 7:00—9:00 pm 4/6, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 6/1 No Program 4/13 Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 16 Adult Programs ADULT BALLET/OLDER TEENS Ballet technique thoroughly explained and practiced in a warm supportive environment. If you have always wanted to learn ballet and benefit from the poise, coordination and posture that is developed, this is the class for you. Come enjoy the movement and the workout. Attire of your choice. INSTRUCTIONAL TENNIS Resident:$150—Non-Resident $180 This program offers instruction for the beginner through the advanced player. Each class offers a small instructor-to-student ratio. Rackets will be supplied during the lessons. Emphasis will be placed on fundamentals, exercise and fun. All rain dates will be made up. Barry Ruback, world ranked tennis professional and five-time United States Professional Tennis Association Eastern Male Player of the Year, and his professional staff will provide the instructions. Instructor: Lyn Zeleny Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: D 8:15—9:00pm Adults Limited to the first 15 per class Resident Fee: $135 / Non-Resident Fee: $160 Late Fee $ 10 begins 9/5 Older Teens—Adult *Additional Fee for longer Cycle IV* Mondays -Cycle I 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7, 11/14 No Class 10/3, 10/10 Late fee begins 9/12 Instructor: Barry Ruback Site: 3rd Street Tennis Courts Mondays- Cycle II 11/21, 11/28, 12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/2, 1/9, 1/23 No Class 12/26, 1/16 Late Fee Begins: 11/14 Cycle I—Monday—Six classes 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/17, 10/24, 11/7 No Class 10/3, 10/10, 10/31 7:30—8:30 pm Cycle I—Thursday—Six classes 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13 KNITTING Learn the art of knitting. In this class you will learn the basics of knitting, casting on, the knit stitch and the pearl stitch. Once an expert you will discuss another project. Age 16 to Adult (Class Size: 6) Resident Fee: $100 Non Resident Fee: $150 Late fee begins 10/4 QUILTING W/ BARBARA Come learn the art of quilting. All pieces will be done by machine. Participants will choose from a lap blanket or a crib blanket. You will need to bring all supplies and a portable sewing machine later in the class. Age 14 to Adult Class Size: 10 Resident Fee: $0 / Non-Resident Fee: $0 Hosted By: Shaina Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 7:00—8:00 pm Tuesdays—8 Sessions 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29 Supplies Needed: 1 Ball of worsted weight yarn (Suggested Yarn: Berroco Vintage) 1 set of straight knitting needles (Size US 7 or 8) Or 1 set of circular needs (Size US 7 or 8) Instructor: Barbara Wortmann Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 7:00—9:00 pm Mondays 9/19, 9/26, 10/17, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 11/28, 12/5, 12/19 No Class 9/12, 10/3, 10/10, 10/31, 11/14, 12/12, 12/26 Class #1 — no supplies necessary Class #2 & 3 — cutting the pattern pieces Class #4, 5 & 6— sewing it all together Supplies needed: Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 17 Fitness Programs ZUMBA TONING WITH WENDY! ZUMBA WITH WENDY! Zumba Toning takes the original Zumba Dance fitness class to the next level utilizing an innovative muscle training program with the addition of light weight maraca-like toning sticks. Created to emphasize muscle work along with rhythm. Zumba combines high energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that allow you to dance away your worries. Zumba is not only great for the body, but also great for the mind. Reduce stress, increase energy, burn fat, lose weight, build endurance, tone muscle, strengthen your heart and gain confidence—all with a smile on your face! Resident: $87.50 Non-Resident: $105 Drop in Class: $20 Late fee begins Sept. 1 Instructor: Wendy Tilp Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A/B 9:15—10:15 am Fridays — Cycle I 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21 Late Fee begins 9/2 Fridays—Cycle II 10/28, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2, 12/9, 12/16, 1/6 No Class 11/11, 11/25, 12/23, 12/30 Late fee begins 10/21 Fridays — Cycle III 1/13, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24 Late Fee begins 1/6 Fridays — Cycle IV 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 4/7, 4/21 No Class 4/14 Late Fee begins 2/24 Fridays — Cycle V 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 No Class 5/26 Late Fee begins 4/21 Phone: 201-816-8065 Instructor: Wendy Tilp Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: A/B 9:15—10:15 am Drop in Class $20 Tuesday Resident: $87.50 Non-Resident: $105 Thursday Resident: $87.50 Non-Resident: $105 Two Classes Per Week Resident: $157.50 Non-Resident: $189 Three Classes Per Week Resident: $210 Non-Resident: $252 10% Discount on 2 classes a week 20% Discount on 3 classes a week Cycle I– Tuesdays 9/6, 9/19, 9/20, 9/27, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25 No Class 10/4 Late fee begins 9/6 Cycle I– Thursdays 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20 Late fee begins 9/1 Cycle II– Tuesdays 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29, 12/6, 12/13, No Class 12/20, 12/27, 1/3 Late fee begins 10/31 Cycle II -Thursdays 10/27, 11/17, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/29, 1/5 No Class 11/10, 11/24, 12/22, 12/26 Late fee begins 10/20 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 18 Fitness Programs CARDIO TENNIS Designed for players of all ages and abilities, Cardio Tennis is one of the most recent fitness initiatives to hit the North East. All classes and activities will be sure to raise your heart rate into the aerobic training zone, providing a whole body work out and burning optimal calories, all while improving your basic tennis skills. No tennis playing experience is necessary to join the classes. Simply a desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle in a fun social environment. Players must provide your own racket Instructor: U S Sports Site: 3rd Street Tennis Courts YOGA WITH JOAN IN THE MORNING Yoga is for everyone! This class is for a wide range of practitioners and will be geared at a moderate level with modifications being made for beginning students as well as more seasoned yogis. Boys and Girls Ages 16 and Up Minimum 4 Resident Fee: $95 Drop In: $20 Late fee $10 after 9/23 Instructor : Joan Tarrant Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : D 10:00-11:00 am Wednesdays—8 sessions 9/28, 10/5,10/19 , 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30 No Class 10/12, 11/23 Adults Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 9 Please bring your own mat, blanket and small towel. Mondays—6 Sessions Resident Fee: $145 10:00 am—11:00 am or 11:00 am—12:00 pm Late fee begins 9/12 YOGA WITH CHERLYN IN THE EVENING 9/19, 9/26, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7 No class 10/3, 10/10 Yoga is for everyone! This class is for a wide range of practitioners and will be geared at a moderate level with modifications being made for beginning students as well as more seasoned yogis. Boys and Girls Ages 16 and Up Minimum 4 Resident Fee: $95 Drop In: $20 Late fee $10 after 9/23 Instructor : Cherlyn Site: Cresskill Community Center Room : D 7:00-8:00 pm Wednesdays—8 sessions 9/28, 10/5,10/19 , 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30 No Class 10/12, 11/23 Please bring your own mat ( yoga blocks and straps are also helpful for beginners, but are optional ) Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 19 Schools Out Mini Camps WIZARDLY WONDERS FALL INTO SCIENCE Discover the wondrous wizard in you by joining this hands on magic class! You will learn everything you need to know to perform amazing tricks and illusions! Your audience will be flabbergasted . They won’t believe when you can make a flower appear from your magic wand out of nowhere! You’ll even get to make objects float in mid air. Join us for this mini camp where you will experiment with chemical reactions, go on a dino-dig, learn and implement the scientific method … and much more!! All materials are included All materials are included Hosted by: Club Scientific Site: Community Center Room: C Boys and Girls Grades 1-3 Boys and Girls Grades 1 to 4 Minimum 4 ~ Maximum 15 Resident fee $120 Late fee $10 begins 9/26 Minimum 4 ~ Maximum 15 Resident fee $ 195 Late Fee begins 9/26 9:00am to 3:00pm Hosted by: So You Sewing Site: Community Center Room: D Rosh Hashanah October 3 and 4 9:00 am to 3:00 pm ENGINEERING WORKSHOP W/LEGO Rosh Hashanah October 3 and 4 SUPER POWER SUB ATOMIC SCIENCE Mix up some super science fun all about energy! Get connected and dive into communications while understanding how cell phones work and building your own wired world model! We will also mix up some awesome physical chemistry! Bubble, pop, and fizz while understanding how to separate reactions Boys and Girls Grade K-5 Resident $ 90 Late fee begins 10/5 Hosted by : Mad Science Suite: Cresskill Community Center Room C Join play well for a workshop using the LEGO building system. Explore concepts in physics, mechanical engineering, structural engineering, and architecture while playing with your favorite creations. Boys and Girls Grade K-4 Minimum 6 ~ Maximum 15 Resident fee $75 Late fee $10 begins 10/5 Hosted by: Play well Teknologies Site: Community Center Room: D 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Yom Kippur October 12 9:00 am—4:00 pm Yom Kippur October 12 Minimum 12 Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 20 Schools Out Mini Camps CRAZY CHEMISTRY & EARTH EXPLORERS In this awesome program, you will take on the role of Jr. Chemist as we create and connect with science! We are going to travel to the center of the earth and find out just what our planet is made of !! Then we will get explosive with a Volcano !! Don’t miss out as we get deep into Mineral Mania and enter into THE WILD! Boys and Girls Grade K—5 JEWELRY DESIGN In this camp you will learn to use pliers, crimpers, wire, and various findings and fabulous beads to create one of a kind earrings, bracelets, and necklaces for yourself, family and friends….there is no limit to your design. Boys and Girls Age 8 to 12 Minimum: 4 ~ Maximum: 15 Resident $90 Minimum: 4 ~ Maximum: 15 Late Fee $10 begins 11/3 Resident $90 Hosted by: So You Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C Late Fee $10 begins 11/3 Hosted by: Mad Science Site: Cresskill Community Center Room: C 9:00 to 4:00 9:00 to 3:00 November 10 NJEA Convention November 10 NJEA Convention Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 21 Schools Out Mini Camps SEWING MINI CAMP Perfect for the intermediate young sewers as well as beginners. You will be working with more challenging fabrics making fabulous leggings and coordinating tunic top. Sewing machine will be provided. JUNKYARD CHALLENGE USING LEGO Minimum 4 ~ Maximum 15 Are you ready for the Junkyard Challenge? Iterate, build within constraints, and compete in this advanced course for our strongest builders. Design innovative answers for the challenges such as Follow the Hose. Thread the Needle, and the Tunnel Challenge using play-wells “junkyard,” a massive collection of over 20,000 pieces of LEGO. Resident fee $120 Boys and Girls Grades 3 to 6 All materials are included Boys and Girls Ages 8 to 12 Late fee $10 begins 11/9 Hosted by: So You Sewing Site: Community Center Room: C 1:00 to 3:00 Parent Teacher Conference November 16,17 & 18 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 16 Resident fee $100 Late fee $10 begins 11/9 Hosted by: Play-Well Teknologies Site: Community Center Room: B 1:00 to 3:00 Parent Teacher Conference November 16,17 &18 ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS Power up your engineering skills with Play-Well and tens of thousands of LEGO! Apply real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture through engineer-designed projects such as arch bridges, skyscrapers, motorized cars, and Battletrack! Design and build as never before, and explore your craziest ideas in a supportive environment. Boys and Girls Grades K to 2 Minimum 10 ~ Maximum 16 Resident fee $100 Late fee $10 begins 11/9 Hosted by: Play Well Tecknologies Site: Community Center Room: B 1:00 to 3:00 Parent Teach Conference November 16,17 &18 Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 22 Upcoming Events Happy Haunting October 21, 2016 7:00pm—9:00pm Come join us for a spooktacula show, take home edible spider webs ( cotton Candy ) and ghost slime. Registration required first 100~ Residents Only Rag-A-Muffin Parade and Pumpkin Painting Contest Saturday, October 22 ,2016 ~ 10:00 am Toddler through Grade 5 Ackerman Field to Cresskill Community Center Register for pumpkin painting at Borough Hall or the Cresskill Community Center Join us for treats after the parade Rain or Shine Trunk or Treat October 31—2016 6:00—8:00 pm Swim Club Parking Lot Please call to reserve a space to hand out treats 201-816-8065 Letters to Santa November 1—November 30 Mailbox in front of Cresskill Community Center Write your letter to Santa and drop it into the mailbox. Don’t forget to include a return name and address Residents Only Holiday Tree Lighting Sunday, December 4, 2016 ~ 5:30 pm Veterans Square Band and Chorus from Cresskill High School Join us after the lighting at the Cresskill Fire House Meet Santa and enjoy snacks Spring Camp 2017 April 10-13. Monday—Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm Cresskill Community Center Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 23 Upcoming Events Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 8, 2017 10:00 am Toddler to Age 7 Cresskill Community Center Come meet Peter Rabbit Easter Bonnet Parade and Breakfast with the Bunny Saturday, April 8, 2017 Parade 9:00 am line up at Cook Field ~ Breakfast 9:30 Toddler to 10 Cresskill Community Center Come meet Peter Rabbit Summer Fun Camp 2017 June 26 through July 28 Monday—Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm Cresskill Community Center Summer Movie Night Series 2017 Tuesday, June 27 Rain date 6/29 Movie : TBS Tuesday July 11 Rain date 7/ 13Movie : TBS Tuesday July 25 Rain date 7/ 27Movie : TBS Tuesday August 8 Rain date 8/ 10 Movie : TBS Tuesday August 22 Rain date 8/ 24 & Movie : TBS 8:00 pm Regan Field ~ 3rd Street Sports Complex July 4th Town wide Celebration Tuesday, July 4, 2017 ~ Rain Date Saturday, July 8 10:00 am—1:00 pm RIDES _ FOOD _ GAMES & MORE Summer Concerts 2017 Wednesday July 12 ~ TBS ) Wednesday July 26 ~ TBS Wednesday August 9 ~ TBS Wednesday August 23 ~ TBS ) 7:00pm—10:00pm Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067 Fall 2016 Cresskill Recreation 24 Other Contacts Cresskill Junior Football Cresskill Baseball P.O. Box 59 Cresskill, NJ 07626 201-503-1112 P.O. Box 150 Cresskill, NJ 07626 Derrick Cusick ~ President John Connelly ~ President [email protected] On-Line Registration www.cresskillcougarsbaseball.com Cresskill Cougars United Cresskill Cougar Travel Basketball Travel Soccer P.O. Box 82 Cresskill, NJ 07626 P.O. Box 149 Cresskill, NJ 07626 Nick Ferrara ~ President Gary Savill ~ President [email protected] [email protected] Cresskill Community Center Cresskill Municipal Pool Located at the end of Third Street 100 3rd Street Josh Aronowitz ~ Manager 201-568-4444 Mike Hamlett 201-816-8066 [email protected] Applications fees are taken at the Cresskill Borough Hall 67 Union Avenue Open Gym ~ Tennis Court permit/keys Building requests Cresskill Recreation 100 3rd Street Find Us On Facebook Affiliations Barbara Mann 201-816-8065 [email protected] Phone: 201-816-8065 www.cresskillboro.com Fax: 201-816-8067
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