Measuring water resources available within an RBD
Measuring water resources available within an RBD
The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts Dorothy Furberg Master’s Thesis in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure KTH, Stockholm, Sweden June 2006 Advisor: Susanna Nilsson, Ph. Lic. Examinator: Jan-Erik Gustafsson TRITA-LWR M A S T E R T H E S I S I SSN 1651-064X LWR-EX-06-16 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank first and foremost Sindre Langaas for suggesting the subject of this thesis and for his encouragement and enthusiasm for the topic. She is also very grateful to Susanna Nilsson for her guidance, patience and ready willingness to help. Special thanks go to Duncan McConnachie, who patiently answered numerous questions about GIS and decision support systems, to Jan-Erik Gustafsson, who generously gave of his time and resources at a moment’s notice and to Jerzy Buczak, whose tireless efforts made this thesis technically possible. Finally, the author is very thankful for her husband, “the Excel expert.” ii The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts Table of Contents Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................ii Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... v Sammanfattning ..................................................................................................................................... v Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1 Aim .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 The Context for European Freshwater .............................................................................................. 3 Freshwater Problems in the EU ......................................................................................................... 3 The EU Water Framework Directive ................................................................................................. 5 Methods................................................................................................................................................... 6 General Approach............................................................................................................................... 6 Characterization................................................................................................................................... 6 Description of Data Sources .......................................................................................................... 7 Measuring Water Resources Available within an RBD.................................................................... 8 RBD Water Quality: Classification or Comparison?........................................................................ 8 RBD Ranking System ......................................................................................................................... 9 Selection of Indicators for Ranking ................................................................................................ 9 Ranking the Districts.................................................................................................................... 10 Results ................................................................................................................................................... 12 Correlations between Indicator Datasets........................................................................................... 16 Discussion............................................................................................................................................. 17 Data Limitations and Uncertainty Analysis ....................................................................................... 17 Conclusion and Recommendations................................................................................................... 20 References and Data Sources ............................................................................................................ 21 References......................................................................................................................................... 21 Consulted Sources............................................................................................................................. 22 Map Layer and Information/Dataset Sources.................................................................................. 23 Appendixes.............................................................................................................................................. 1 Appendix I: Graduated Color Maps Illustrating the Indicator and Aggregated Indexes ....................... 2 Appendix II: Indicator Information per River Basin District.............................................................. 12 Appendix III: RBD Characterization Maps ........................................................................................ 23 iii Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER Figures and Tables FIGURE 1: THE DPSIR FRAMEWORK FOR REPORTING ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ..................................... 6 FIGURE 2: PRESSURE ON AND STATE OF WATER RESOURCES IN THE EUROPEAN RBDS ............................. .12 FIGURE 3: PRESSURE MANAGEMENT PER RBD.................................................................................................... 14 FIGURE 4: PRESSURE MANAGEMENT INDEX PLOT - STATUS VS. PRESSURE PER RBD ................................... 15 FIGURE 5: EEA QUANTITY MEASURING STATIONS………………………………………....………....…18 FIGURE 6: COMPILED WATER QUANTITY MEASURING STATIONS .................................................................... 18 TABLE 1: RIVER BASIN DISTRICT CHARACTERISTICS AND INDICATORS ............................................................. 7 TABLE 2: PROCEDURES FOR OBTAINING THE INDICATOR AND AGGREGATED INDEXES............................. 11 TABLE 3: REPEATEDLY HIGHEST AND LOWEST RANKED RIVER BASIN DISTRICTS ....................................... 13 TABLE 4: RBD INDICATOR-RESULT DATASET CORRELATIONS ......................................................................... 16 TABLE 5: INDICATOR DATA PER RIVER BASIN DISTRICT ...............................................................13(APPENDIX) TABLE 6: MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM ANNUAL NUTRIENT CONCENTRATION AVERAGES ........18(APPENDIX) iv The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts A BSTRACT This study gives a first indicator-based assessment of the differences and similarities between the river basin districts (RBDs) established under the EU Water Framework Directive. The RBDs are intended to be the management units for EU water, which faces the particular problems of eutrophication and regional water scarcity. Yet no harmonized or easily comparable data currently exists for this new administrative level. Therefore, there is a need for making an initial assessment of the RBDs, using a set of identical parameters for the whole continent. The analysis was performed with the help of geographic information systems (GIS) and information sources such as public domain GIS databases, environmental monitoring databases and other statistics. A major goal of this project was to rank the river basin districts according to the pressure on and status of their water resources. The results show a clear northsouth dichotomy and that the most serious water situations occur in Western Europe, although a few regional variations appear for some indicators. The current assessment was limited in terms of the information available and more comprehensive assessments of the RBDs for comparison and policy-making purposes are needed. Keywords: Water Framework Directive; River basin districts; Freshwater resources; Pressure indicators; Status indicators; Indicator index S AMMANFATTNING Denna studie ger en första, indikatorbased bild av skillnader och likheter mellan de nya vattendistrikten i Europa, etablerade med anledning av EU: s ramdirektiv för vatten. Distrikten har en ny administrativ och geografisk struktur baserad på avrinningsområden för att bättra hantera specifika vattenproblem, som eutrofiering och brister. I dagsläget finns ingen jämförbar information för alla distrikt, vilket behövs för att kunna bestämma politiken angående vattenfrågorna i Europa. Denna studie utfördes därför med ett antal identiska parametrar för hela kontinenten. Med utgångspunkt i ett antal publikt tillgängliga GIS databaser, miljöövervakningsdatabaser och annan statistik, har en indikatorbaserad analys gjorts. Studien har lagt tonvikten på påverkans- och vattenstatusinformation. Resultaten visar en tydlig nord-syd gradient, med flest problemområden i Västeuropa, dock finns det för några indikatorer mer lokala variationer. Studien begränsades av den tillgängliga informationen och flera djupare studier inom samma ämne behövs. v The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts threats, and when combined with socioeconomic indicators, assess the trade-offs at stake. I NTRODUCTION The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is intended to be a comprehensive encapsulation of European Union water policy, providing guidelines and requirements for how Member States are to manage their water resources. The overall objective of the WFD is to achieve “good ecological status” for all waters within a predetermined timescale, and the Directive stipulates a number of steps that Member States are to take in order to reach this goal. Probably the most novel of these are those pertaining to the establishment and management of River Basin Districts (RBDs), outlined in Articles 3, 5, 11 and 13 of the WFD. Indicators are useful because they simplify complex issues. They can be used in management decisions and in establishing long-term monitoring programs. Regional level indicators can aid in natural resource management and pollution control (Revenga, 2005). The European Environment Agency (EEA) continually uses indicators to assess the state of the environment (e.g. EEA, 2005a, 2005b and 2005c); however, the indicators are normally presented per country and not per river basin or RBD. As the RBDs are supposed to be the management units for water in the EU and as no harmonized and easily comparable data and information currently exist for this new administrative level, there is an urgent need for making an initial assessment of the RBDs established under the WFD, using a set of identical parameters for the whole region. In March 2005, Member States had to submit their first analysis of characteristics of each RBD (Article 5 reporting) to the European Commission. These reports, along with other information and data collected during WFD implementation will be gathered and presented in the Water Information System for Europe (WISE), currently developed by the European Commission ( In the short term, WISE is intended to serve as a publicly accessible portal for WFD information. In the long term, the aim is to develop an information system that contains most of the relevant information for water resources and management on a European scale. Although WISE is a very ambitious initiative for presenting data and information on the status of Europe’s water resources, it may be questioned if the information, when available, will be comparable between countries. The information in WISE is, to a large extent, based on WFD reporting by EU Member States. Taking the so-called Article 5 reports as an example, the reports have been completed according to a country’s particular standards (and often are only available in the country’s own language), and the standards vary widely, which makes comparison between RBDs very difficult if not impossible. Additionally, limited effort appears to have been placed upon harmonizing the characterization for international districts. Thus, one can imagine that, for decision-makers especially, it is very difficult to obtain a comprehensive idea of how the RBDs throughout Europe compare to one another. European policy makers and those who influence policy need clear, brief, comparable information on the ecological status of water within the RBDs in order to make decisions (Revenga, 2003): Leaders in developing and developed countries – government, private sector, and civil society – need timely and targeted environmental indicators to understand the value and use of ecosystem goods and services, to analyze 1 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER A IM The aim of this master’s thesis is to provide a preliminary and general description and analysis – a broad assessment – of the river basin districts established under the EU Water Framework Directive using a limited set of spatial indicators (namely population density, percentage of cultivated land, and water quality and quantity) to produce statistics that identify and quantify both basic features and pressures. The major goal is to produce a ranking of the districts, illustrating which are currently experiencing more or less pressure on their water resources and which are in a “better” or “worse” condition in terms of water status. Although the information provided by the indicators used herein is general, concise and perhaps at times oversimplified, it can be used to make general assessments and policy decisions. One could view this thesis work as a useful first “summary” of the conditions related to water resources within the EU river basin districts. 2 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts achieve good status in lakes and rivers… Agriculture is the largest contributor of nitrogen pollution… to many surface water bodies (EEA, 2005b). T HE C ONTEXT FOR E UROPEAN F RESHWATER These contributions of nitrogen and phosphorus eventually lead to eutrophication of Europe’s waters. The Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) points out that reduction targets for diffuse sources of nutrients such as agriculture have not yet been fulfilled for the Baltic Sea catchment area (HELCOM, 2004). While some nutrient trends in rivers generally improved in Europe during the 1990s, these improvements have not been enough to halt eutrophication (EEA, 2005b). Freshwater Problems in the EU The WFD’s “overall aim is to maintain and improve the aquatic environment through attention to quality issues, b[y] incorporating the control of quantity as an essential ingredient, recognizing the impact that inadequate quantity could have on the maintenance of good ecological quality” (Chave, 2001). This objective directly influenced the choice of indicators for this work. In essence, it provided the focus; what factors most influence water quantity and quality in Europe? Because one of the greatest proportions of water used in Europe goes to irrigation and because the return flow is often salinized and polluted from the use of fertilizers (Lannerstad, 2002), agriculture constitutes the biggest diffuse source of water pollution leading to eutrophication of watercourses (EEA, 2005b). Domestic water use does not consume or even use much water relatively speaking, but the quality of the return flow is of concern, especially when it comes to its nutrient content and especially if minimal or no waste water treatment takes place. Industry is also often a significant point source for water pollution, but can also simply change the temperature of the water used, which can negatively impact ecosystems after it is returned to the surroundings (HELCOM, 2004). Eutrophication will continue to be a major preoccupation as long as these conditions remain unchanged. Average nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations were selected as indicators of available quality of European waters in this project because they constitute major pollutant contributions from population and agriculture (HELCOM, 2004). Perhaps Europe’s greatest water quality-related problem is eutrophication, a state which produces ecological changes that may result specifically in the loss of plant and animal life and even species, and more generally in a reduction in the water’s ecological status. Eutrophication also implies negative impacts on the use of water for human consumption (EEA, 2005a). The European Environment Agency (EEA) calls eutrophication “one of the major environmental problems across Europe” (EEA, 2005c). Europe’s long-standing preoccupation with this problem can be seen in the fact that preventing eutrophication and monitoring nutrient concentrations is the objective of several directives, such as the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), the Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC), the Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC), the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) and the Surface Water Directive (75/440/EEC). The earliest of these directives was adopted in 1975, thus the EU has been attempting to solve or at least contain this problem for more than 30 years. Water scarcity is a growing problem in river basins where demand is high relative to the available run-off. Revenga (2005) reminds us that many experts today predict “that water availability will be one of the major challenges facing human society in the twenty-first century and that the lack of water will be one of the key factors limiting development.” The EEA (2005b) predicts that “long-term availability of abundant, reliable and clean water supplies will become more important in the context of future land-use planning, especially around the Mediterranean.” In Europe in particular, regional availability often does not match regional demand. Eutrophication is a condition in which an aquatic system has high concentration levels of nutrients. The nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, are supplied to the water from either point sources, such as direct inputs from municipalities or industries, or diffuse sources, such as agriculture, managed forestry and urban areas (HELCOM, 2004). The EEA has stated in its State and Outlook Report on the European Environment that: Agricultural/cultivated land also has a significant impact when it comes to water quantity issues. One should keep in mind that 65 percent of all water withdrawals on earth go towards irrigated agriculture, and that it consumes on average 70 percent of the water supplied (Shiklomanov, 2000, as presented in Discharges of urban wastewater have been a major source of pollution by phosphorus… Agricultural sources of phosphorus… are both important and need increased attention to 3 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER Lannerstad, 2002). Irrigated agriculture takes up about 30 percent of water use in Europe, and 80 percent of that water is absorbed by crops and evaporates from fields (EEA, 2005b). Another less tangible problem that may negatively impact the quantity of European water resources now and in the future is that of climate change. Significant changes in precipitation patterns possibly linked to climate change can already be seen, causing flooding is some areas and droughts in others. There has been a marked decrease in rainfall in southern and central Europe, especially in summer, while there has been a noticeable increase in precipitation during the winter in some northern countries in recent decades (EEA, 2005b). Water stress, in southern Europe especially, can be expected to increase if these trends continue, as reduced rainfall and increased evaporation will increase demand for water for irrigation in particular. All people require a certain amount of water to maintain good living conditions and there is also, so to speak, a certain amount of water that goes to agriculture and industry per person. The question is if the current resources available are enough to meet people’s needs. Water availability (per person per year) within each RBD was therefore chosen as an indicator for examination in this thesis work. While the EU has attempted in the past through individual-subject directives to improve the quality and safeguard the quantity of its waters, it has now developed a more holistic approach to these problems, and all its water-related problems, through the adoption of the Water Framework Directive. 4 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts The EU Water Framework Directive Nilsson and Langaas (submitted) have shown that there are about 105 RBDs in total. Of these, 33% are international and area-wise, the international RBDs constitute 70% of the total area of the districts. The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), adopted in 2000, takes an integrated approach to water management, as opposed to earlier, more fragmented and at times conflicting, EU water policy. The WFD is in effect a compilation and harmonization of five Environmental Action Programs and several individual, subject-specific directives that were developed over the period 1973-2000. Recognizing the need for an integrated and holistic approach to water management, the European Commission put forward a proposal for a framework directive for water in 1997, which was adopted in 2000 (Chave, 2001). European countries have a number of tasks to complete with regard to these units according to the WFD. The Directive (Article 3.2 and 3.3) required Member States to set up or identify competent authorities to implement and enforce the directive provisions in each RBD that lies within the territory of the Member State by December 2003. Article 5 specifies that competent authorities must provide a characterization of the RBDs for which they are responsible, including details of their natural characteristics, the impact of human activity on water status and an economic analysis of water use. The Article 5 report was to be submitted in 2005. The RBD characterization is ultimately intended to inform the development of a “program of measures”, described in Article 11 and to be enacted by 2009. This program should include all appropriate measures for the prevention and control of water pollution as well as for the use and reuse of water. Finally, the RBD characterization and program of measures should form integral parts of the River Basin Management Plan, which must be developed for each RBD within nine years of adoption of the Directive according to Article 13. The plan should contain a description of the RBD, objectives adopted for and existing pressures on each water body, as well as the measures to be taken to achieve the objectives. A description of the public consultation process regarding the plan must also be included (Chave, 2001). As stated earlier, the overall objective of the WFD is to achieve “good ecological status” in terms of both chemistry and ecology for all waters within a predetermined timescale set by the Member States for their waters. The preamble indicates that common definitions of water quality and quantity should be developed but that local variations should also be taken into account. In addition, the Directive’s main principles illustrate its novel holistic and integrated approach to water management. The WFD aims to (Chave, 2001): Manage water as a whole on a river basin basis reflecting the situation in the natural environment; Use a combined approach for the control of pollution, setting emission limit values and water quality objectives; Ensure that the user bears the costs of providing and using water reflecting its true costs; and Involve the public in making decisions on water management. One of the first key steps Member States needed to take in order to comply with the directive was to designate their own water management units known as River Basin Districts (RBDs). Article 3.1 of the Directive stipulates that Member States must identify the river basins that exist within their borders and assign these to river basin districts. They must also appoint competent authorities to manage the districts. A river basin district can be defined as an (Chave, 2001): Area of land and sea made up of one or more neighbouring river basins together with their associated groundwaters and coastal waters which is identified under Article 3(1) as the main unit for management of river basins. 5 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER M ETHODS The DPSIR framework shows the relationship between “driving forces and the resulting environmental pressures on the state of the environment and impacts resulting from changes in environmental quality and on the societal response to these changes in the environment” (Smeets & Weterings, 1999, italics added). By applying this framework to water problems in the EU, it becomes clear that population can be a driving force/pressure indicator for eutrophication and water availability, agricultural land a driving force/pressure indicator for eutrophication, and nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations state indicators for water quality (eutrophication). The framework in essence helps to distinguish the roles of the components contributing to an environmental problem and thus to identify indicators as opposed to characteristics. General Approach In preparation for this project, relevant spatial and statistical data was collected from public domain GIS data websites, information centers and statistical bureaus. The data sources used were selected based on two main criteria: their spatial coverage (i.e. the whole of continental Europe) and public availability. These sources are described in more detail below. The layer data collected was harmonized, re-projected, displayed and statistics extracted using ArcGIS 9 software (ArcMap and ArcCatalog). Statistics in the various tables presented (water quantity and quality, land cover, population, etc.) were obtained using Excel. A characteristic is specific and consists of “a distinguishing trait, quality, or property” (MerriamWebster, 2006), “a feature that helps to identify, tell apart, or describe [something] recognizably” (Dictionary, 2006). An indicator, on the other hand, is often described as “an instrument used to monitor the operation or condition of an engine…, reservoir, or other physical system.” For the project at hand, the most apt definition is perhaps “a device for showing the operating condition of some system” (Dictionary, 2006). In this study, that “device” is a characteristic that is often accompanied by other conditions, problems or characteristics and thus indicates that a specific set of circumstances are likely present within the RBD in question. The indicators used here give an idea of the pressures on and status of water resources within the RBDs. Characterization With regard to policy making, use of the simple DPSIR framework can help in identifying causes and consequences of problems in the water cycle. It can also be helpful in understanding and reporting on the relationship between human influences on the environment and vice versa (see Figure 1): Drivers Æ Pressures Æ State Æ Impact ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ Using the RBDs as spatial units, statistics and summaries per district were extracted. The characteristics and indicators used are presented in Table 1: Responses Figure 1: The DPSIR Framework for Reporting on Environmental Issues 6 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts Table 1: River Basin District Characteristics and Indicators Characteristic or Indicator Characteristic Characteristic Indicator Characteristic Type of Indicator Pressure - Water Availability Indicator Status Nutrient (N/P) Concentrations Indicator/ Characteristics Characteristics Indicator Status m³/person· year mg/l Pressure Percent Percent Area Population Population Density Average Annual Discharge Land Cover Cultivated Land Selection and use of the indicators is described in the section on the RBD Ranking System. A more detailed explanation of the characterization maps and how the characteristics were obtained is provided in the Explanatory Notes in Appendix III. A discussion of the measurement and comparison methods used for water quantity and quality follows below. Units Data Source km² People People/km² m³ Nilsson, KTH LandScan 2003 Calculated EEA Waterbase Datasets and others (see Section VIII) Calculated EEA Waterbase Datasets GLC 2000 GLC 2000 slope, land cover, night-time lights and other input data (Sullivan, 2004). The LandScan files are available via the internet in ESRI grid or raster binary format. In terms of population measurement comparison, official census counts typically characterize residential populations rather than the ambient populations estimated in LandScan (Bright, 2002). The spatial precision of census verification is thus limited to province or even country level for most of the world. LandScan therefore proved appropriate for calculating population of the RBDs, whose limits by nature do not follow county or country borders. Description of Data Sources The definition of RBDs used for the assessment and ranking was a dataset created by Nilsson (2005). This dataset is not an official dataset of the RBDs; it is, however, based on official information available as of June 2005 from EU Member States and Candidate Countries except for Greece and Italy. This dataset is, to our knowledge, the only harmonized dataset of RBDs currently in existence. With regard to the river basin districts in Norway, it should be noted that these are based on one of two proposals currently under consideration by the Norwegian government and that some Norwegian RBD borders are not wholly accurate, i.e. they do not always follow the watershed boundary. Since Denmark reconsolidated its river basin districts in 2005 (Nielsen, 2005), the dataset was updated according to this new information in February 2006. For a more thorough description of the development of the dataset, see Nilsson et al. (2004) and Nilsson and Langaas (2006). GLC2000, a global land cover database with a one kilometer spatial resolution, was created by an international partnership of 30 research groups led by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. The land cover maps are all based on daily data from the VEGETATION sensor on-board the SPOT 4 satellite, though mapping of some regions involved use of data from other Earth observing sensors to resolve specific issues. Detailed legend definition (FAO Land Cover Classification System), image classification and map quality assurance were carried out region by region, and the global product was made through aggregation of these (Bartholomé & Belward, 2005). The data are available online free of charge for all non-commercial applications. LandScan 2003 Global Population Database was created by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) as part of its Global Population Project for estimating ambient populations at risk. It is a worldwide population database compiled on a 30" X 30" latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of one kilometer. Census counts (at sub-national level) were apportioned to each grid cell based on likelihood coefficients, which are based on proximity to roads, The GLC2000 dataset was conducive to this project in that the land cover classes were aggregated further once the dataset was obtained. Accuracy studies have shown that GLC2000 fairs well when classes are aggregated, while reliability falls as classifications become more numerous and detailed (Giri et al., 2005). Since cultivated land was the classification of primary interest in this study, an aggregation that simplified extraction of statistics from the dataset was feasible. 7 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 1 flow unit = 1 million cubic meters per year The EEA “Waterbase” Datasets are freely available from the EEA website. They contain reliable and policy-relevant data collected from EEA member countries through the Eionet-Water process, which selects validated monitoring data from national databases and adds information on the physical characteristics of the water bodies being monitored and on the pressures potentially affecting water quality. The data collected through the Eionet-Water process are from statistically stratified monitoring stations and are comparable at the European level. Waterbase data are primarily used in the production of the EEA's indicator-based fact sheets (EEA Data Service, 2006). These standards have been adapted to the quantity indicator used in this study (water availability) as shown below: No water stress = 10,000 m3/person·yr or more Risk of water stress = between 9999 and 1667 m3/person·yr Water stress = less than 1667 m3/person·yr. RBD Water Quality: Classification or Comparison? While an outside standard could be used to measure and compare water availability, finding an appropriate measure for comparison of water quality proved more difficult. Measuring Water Resources Available within an RBD Average yearly runoff is the measurement that provides the best means of gauging how much water is available for use within a given river basin district. This is because “[t]he renewal rate, not the global volume of water at a given time determines how much water is available for use” (Falkenmark and Widstrand, 1992). In order to know how much water one can sustainably extract from a lake, one must know the replenishment rate of that lake. Groundwater also has a connection to run-off in that “[g]roundwater eventually seeps to the surface in springs, or flows into rivers” (Falkenmark and Widstrand, 1992). In 1991, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency published a set of guidelines for monitoring the quality of water in Sweden. The guidelines particularly addressed quality issues stemming from nutrients, oxygen and oxygen demanding substances, light and metals (Swedish EPA, 1991). In particular, they set class designations based on quantity of total nitrogen (range: 0.3 – 1.5 mg/l N) and phosphorus (range: 0.0075 – 0.05 mg/l P). These standards were designed for and have been used for classifying Swedish waters. When an attempt is made to widen the classification to European waters, it becomes apparent that these standards are strict, as most European waters fair poorly when these standards are applied. This thesis work uses the greatest annual river runoff measured at medium to low altitude stations as an estimation of available water resources within an RBD. If the RBD contains more than one river basin, the greatest runoff from each basin is selected and these are summarized for the RBD as a whole. Reasons for this choice include the fact that this information was available and that several hydrologists agree that this is a valid unit for estimation (Lannerstad, 2002): Several EU directives specify acceptable concentration levels of nitrate (NO3), which are quite a bit higher than the Swedish standards (EEA, 2005a): Drinking Water Directive: maximum allowable nitrate concentration = 50 mg/l; Surface Water Directive: guideline nitrate concentration = 25 mg/l; Nitrates Directive: must identify waters with annual average nitrate concentrations of 50 mg/l or higher. Since river systems… contribute to more than 90 percent of the global water supply used by mankind, the mean annual river runoff is the logical basis for determining availability and deficits of water resources in any large region of the world. In order to determine how much water is enough water, population within a district was compared to the amount of water available and the following standards were applied (Falkenmark and Widstrand, 1992): These levels are, it seems, representative of a “worst case scenario”; that is, they indicate that the state of the water is so poor that action must be taken and that the water cannot, for the time being, be used as it normally would. These limits are too high for the project at hand, where a range of quality levels should be apparent. The Swedish standard is, on the other hand, too stringent to be used for Europe-wide assessment of the quality of water with regard to nutrient concentrations. Water quality will therefore Low = or < 100 people per flow unit Medium (quality or dry season problems) = 100-600 people per flow unit High (water stress) = 600-1000 people per flow unit 8 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts only be compared between RBDs and no outside standard will be applied. are devoted to agriculture. The percentage of cultivated land within an RBD can give an indication of the pressure on water resources in that district, since it provides an indication of the relative amount of nutrient pollution from agriculture one might expect to find in the area. RBD Ranking System Selection of Indicators for Ranking Population is the next important factor when looking at pressures on water quantity and quality. Population density was therefore also selected as a key indicator for pressure placed on water resources. Population density is the average number of people per square kilometer and was obtained by dividing the population of the district by the district area. Population per district was extracted from LandScan 2003, available at a resolution of one kilometer. Spatial indicators are ideal communication tools to raise awareness of the condition of the Earth’s ecosystems among different audiences… Regional spatial indicators not only inform us about the current condition of, and pressures on, ecosystems, but also about the likely capacity of the ecosystem to continue to provide goods and services to future generations. (Revenga, 2005) State indicators To obtain an idea of the actual state of water resources in Europe, quality and quantity indicators were chosen. Water availability was selected as an indicator of the available quantity of European waters. Run-off figures, when compared with population, provide information on roughly how much water is available per person within a district. Water availability is the amount of water available per person per year. It was calculated by dividing the average annual discharge by the district population. The average annual discharge per district was obtained from EEA water quantity datasets and others (see section References and Data Sources). The list of indicators of interest for use in this kind of study is extensive. Below are listed just a few of the many considered for the indicator-based characterization of the RBDs: • Health (occurrence of specific diseases, child mortality rate, etc.); • Income (GDP per capita); • Acid emissions; • Groundwater abstraction; • Percentage of population connected to wastewater treatment plants; • Municipal waste (landfill); • Water use/consumption; • Livestock population density; • Moisture index; • Protected areas; Measurements of nutrients, specifically phosphorous and nitrogen concentrations, were selected as indicators of quality of European waters. Ammonium, as representative of nitrogen concentrations, and orthophosphate, as representative of phosphorous concentrations, were used to fill information gaps because measurements of these elements were available from nearly all the RBDs. The EEA has also used orthophosphate and ammonium measurements as a gauge of total phosphorous and nitrogen in rivers. These indicators “can be used to illustrate geographical variations in current nutrient concentrations.” (EEA, 2005a and 2005b) The mean total nitrogen concentration, NCavg, or mean total phosphorus concentration, PCavg, are the mean total nitrogen, mg/l, or mean total phosphorus, mg/l, concentrations from all the quality monitoring stations in the district at which total nitrogen or phosphorus measurements were taken. Measurements from the most recent available six or seven years per station were used. Where total nitrogen and/or phosphorus data were missing, total ammonium and/or orthophosphate were used. All information on nutrient concentrations was provided by EEA water quality datasets. • Flooding frequency. Ultimately, the choice of indicators was most influenced by what information was available and by what currently seem to be the biggest freshwaterrelated problems in Europe: water quality as affected by agriculture and the addition of nutrients and water quantity as affected by population and amount of runoff available. Please see the section entitled “Freshwater Problems in the EU” for more information about the freshwater situation in Europe. Pressure indicators It is important to get some idea of the pressures being placed on Europe’s water resources. Percentage of agricultural/cultivated land constitutes a primary indicator for measuring pressure on water resources, and was thus chosen as one of the indicators for examination in this project. The geographic land cover layer selected, GLC 2000, provides information on how the land in Europe is used, including which areas 9 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER same applied when combining the population density index and cultivated land index in order to obtain an aggregated “pressure” index. Ranking the Districts A number of possible means of ranking the RBDs were explored, but few proved to be appropriate for the task at hand. Among these were Decision Tree Analysis, the Analytical Hierarchy Process and Multicriteria Evaluation. The problem with all three of these methods was that some sort of weighting system (giving relative importance to each of the indicators) would have to be used. To obtain a valid weighting system, experts on European water resources would need to be consulted and this task simply went beyond the scope of the thesis. Dividing a RBD’s score from the aggregated pressure index by its score in the aggregated status index gives an idea of how much greater or smaller the pressures within the RBD are compared to the status of its waters, and thus also gives an indication of how well an RBD is managing the pressures that are being placed on its water resources. This calculation provided the Pressure Management Index. In addition, a number of correlations were performed among the resulting datasets. Ultimately, a decision was made to carry out two basic relative rankings in Excel: one in terms of pressure placed on the water resources and one based on the current status of the waters within the RBDs. The pressure ranking is composed of two factors: percentage of agricultural/cultivated land and population density. The status ranking is also composed of two factors: water quality measured by concentrations of nutrients and water quantity measured in m3/person·year. Excel was used to perform simple and composite rankings of the RBDs based on their indicator scores. The procedures for obtaining the rankings are illustrated in Table 2. For each category (indicator), the average of all the RBD scores was calculated and each score was then divided by the average. This provided a number that revealed how many times worse or better the RBD’s score was in comparison to the category average, and it is this number that gives the RBD its rank. This series of operations was performed to obtain the indicator indexes, namely a population density index, a water availability index and a cultivated land index (index referring to the fact that the ranking is based on the scores’ relationship to the average). Since a higher score means worse ranking in each of the categories, scores for water availability were converted from m3 per person per year to persons per billion m3 per year. With a few extra calculations, a nutrient index was also obtained. Given that there are four nutrient categories (Ammonium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Orthophosphate) and that a relative score could be calculated in each category for almost all RBDs, it was possible to take the average of these per district to obtain a relative overall “nutrients” score for each RBD. The same method was used to combine the water availability and nutrient indexes and thereby obtain an aggregated “status” index. The scores from the indicator indexes for a given RBD were averaged to provide its score in the aggregated status index. The 10 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts Table 2: Procedures for Obtaining the Indicator and Aggregated Indexes Population Density Index for RBDn = Population Density (pers/km2) for RBDn AVG (Population Density for all RBDs) Cultivated Land Index for RBDn = Cultivated Land (%) for RBDn AVG (Cultivated Land for all RBDs) Water Availability Index for RBDn = Water Availability (pers/m3·yr) for RBDn AVG (Water Availability for all RBDs) Water Quality Index for RBDn = ( Nitrogen (mg/l) for RBDn AVG (Nit. for all RBDs) + Phosphorus (mg/l) for RBDn AVG (Phos. for all RBDs) Orthophosphate (mg/l) for RBDn AVG (Orthophos. for all RBDs) + + Ammonium (mg/l) for RBDn AVG (Ammon. for all RBDs) 4* *This number depends on what nutrient information is available for each RBD. For example, for several districts in Ireland, no nitrogen or phosphorus information was available, so the average of only their orthophosphate and ammonium indexes is taken. Aggregated Status Index for RBDn = (Water Availability Index for RBDn + Water Quality Index for RBDn) ÷ 2 Aggregated Pressure Index for RBDn = (Population Density Index for RBDn + Cultivated Land Index for RBDn) ÷ 2 Pressure Management Index for RBDn = Aggregated Pressure Index for RBDn ÷ Aggregated Status Index for RBDn 11 ) Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER graduated color maps that were created based on the rankings. A map was created for each of the rankings performed in excel: for the indicator indexes (nutrient concentrations, water availability, population density and percentage of cultivated land), for the aggregated indexes (combined status and combined pressure) and for the Pressure Management Index (PMI). These are all located in Appendix I. The maps showing combined pressure (agricultural and population) on and combined status (quality and quantity) of water resources are shown in Figure 2: R ESULTS Using the RBDs as spatial units, statistics and summaries per district are presented in characterization maps in Appendix III. Perhaps the clearest way to view the rankings and to get a feel for the results of this study is through the Figure 2: Pressure on and State of Water Resources in the European RBDs 12 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts From the individual indicator and combined pressure/status maps, it becomes clear that there are some problem districts, if not regions, when it comes to water quantity and quality and pressures on water resources. These maps make visibly tangible what comes across again and again in the rankings; that a core group of districts repeatedly performs well with regard to the indicators when compared to the other districts, and another core group repeatedly fairs poorly. These groups are listed in Table 3 below. As can be seen from the table, the RBDs in Scandinavia (excluding Denmark) fair well when compared to the rest, while various problem areas appear in Western Europe. As might be expected given the information contained in the preceding maps, Western Europe dominates the list of RBDs with the greatest percentage of cultivated land and highest population density, which often translates into regional hotspots for high nutrient concentrations in rivers and periodic water stress. Table 3: Repeatedly Highest and Lowest Ranked River Basin Districts Repeatedly highest ranked RBDs: River Basin District Countries sharing RBD Bothnian Bay (1) Bothnian Sea (2) Telemark (8) Sogn og Fjordane (12) Nordland (16) Troms (17) Finnmark (18) Oulankajoki (22) Kemijoki (23) Finland, Sweden Norway, Sweden Norway Norway Norway Norway Finland, Norway, Russia Finland, Russia Finland Numbers in brackets are used for internal reference. Repeatedly lowest ranked RBDs: River Basin District Countries sharing RBD Humber (35) Anglian (36) Thames (37) Southeast (39) Denmark East (63) Denmark West (66) Scheldt (75) Catalonia (90) Segura (95) Great Britain Great Britain Great Britain Great Britain Denmark Denmark Belgium, France, Netherlands Spain Spain 13 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER A more nuanced picture emerges if one looks at the PMI map (see Figure 3). It indicates that some RBDs with high pressure on water resources are actually handling this pressure rather well. This is the case for the Rhine RBD and for some RBDs in Denmark, for example. On the other hand, the PMI map also reveals where pressure management is either minimal because it is not needed or very weak where it is badly needed. Several RBDs in southern Spain are not handling their pressures at all well, since these are not as extreme as elsewhere in Europe, but still lead to some of the poorest water quality and quantity conditions. In addition, it becomes clear that pressure management is minimal because pressures are low to begin with in some northern European RBDs. Thus the state of water resources there is comparatively good without the authorities having to intervene to protect them. This is the case for several districts in Sweden and Finland. Figure 3: Pressure Management per RBD 14 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts One can also get a feel for where the RBDs lie in terms of pressure on and status of water resources through the graph in Figure 4. The central line represents the average of the PMI index. Those districts that have a high pressure index and low status index, such as Denmark West, are doing very well in terms of pressure management. The reverse is true of those who have a low pressure index and high status index. It could be considered reassuring that the majority of RBDs are plotted below the average line, signifying that for this majority, pressure on water resources is a more significant problem than the actual state of their water resources. The caution here is to note that the state of water resources in certain RBDs is so poor that their scores pull the average line up a bit, and thus cause more RBDs to be plotted below the line. In essence, they make the other RBDs “look better” than may actually be the case. 5 RBDs The two lowest ranked RBDs (Segura and Denmark East) are not shown here because they are located beyond the extent of the current scale. Denmark West More og Romsdal 4 Eider Schlei/Trave Sor- og Trondelag Guadalquivir y = 1.04x - 0.03 Rogaland 3 Status Index Eastern Eider Guadalquivir 2 North Western Thames Kemijoki 1 Schlei/Trave Denmark West Northumbria Eastern Thames 0 Northumbria 0 1 2 3 4 5 Pressure Index Figure 4: Pressure Management Index Plot - Status vs. Pressure per RBD 15 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER The highest correlations occur between the various nutrients and percentages of cultivated land, with the strongest correlation of 69% occurring between total nitrogen and cultivated land percentage. There is also a strong connection between total nitrogen and population density and a negative correlation between the various nutrients and water availability, as can be seen from Table 4 below: Correlations between Indicator Datasets The correlations performed between the district indicator-result datasets are interesting in that they tend to justify the choice of indicators for this study. Table 4: RBD Indicator-result Dataset Correlations Nutrient vs. Land Cover Correlations Forest Total Ammonium (TA) Total Nitrogen (TN) Total Phosphorus (TP) Orthophosphate (OP) Shrub Cultivated Mosaic Bare Areas Water Snow Artificial Bodies and Ice Surfaces -0,05 -0,2067 0,35 -0,11 -0,16 -0,28 -0,11 0,02 -0,54 -0,13 0,69 0,2102 -0,38 -0,33 -0,24 0,37 -0,25 -0,06 0,37 -0,15 -0,16 -0,28 -0,10 0,10 -0,38 0,01 0,42 -0,16 -0,20 -0,31 -0,14 0,42 *Critical Value of r (CVr) = -0,1829 +/-0,2172 0,1829 +/-0,2172 -0,1829 -0,1829 -0,1829 0,1829 Statistically Significant? Yes: all No Yes: all Yes: TN and OP Yes: all Yes: TN Yes: TN and OP Nutrient vs. Water Availability Correlations Nutrient vs. Population Correlations Population Total Ammonium (TA) 0,10 Total Nitrogen (TN) 0,25 Total Phosphorus (TP) 0,07 Orthophosphate (OP) 0,10 No Population Density 0,12 0,51 0,14 0,40 Total Ammonium Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus Orthophosphate m3/pers/yr -0,20 -0,44 -0,1858 -0,24 CVr = 0,1829 0,1829 CVr = -0,1829 Statistically Significant? Yes: TN Yes: TN and OP Statistically Significant? Yes: all *The correlation must be greater than (if positive) or lesser than (if negative) the critical value of r if the result is to be classified as statistically significant. A positive correlation exceeding the CVr means that there is only a 5% chance that the correlation is a random occurrence and thus we can be reasonably confident of the results. (Trochim, 2002) 16 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts from the agricultural and tourist industries in particular, is at its peak. D ISCUSSION Yet it is important to note that the water availability indicator (m3/pers·yr) does not account for the coping capacity of different countries to handle water shortages (Revenga, 2005). Almost no country uses all of its available water resources, either because it does not need to or because it is too expensive to “mobilize” the rest (Falkenmark, 1992). Spain, as an alternative to bulk transfer of water, intends to increase its desalinization capacity in order to meet water demand in particularly stressed basins (EEA, 2005b). Thus there are alternatives for meeting demand in Europe’s water stressed regions; it is simply a question of mobilizing resources and technology in those areas. While the north-south gradient evident in the ranking of the RBDs comes as no real surprise, it is interesting to note that the repeatedly lowest ranked RBDs are located exclusively in Western Europe. One might have expected the major problem areas to appear in Eastern Europe in the new Member States due to the previous lack of environmental protection for water resources, particularly during the Soviet era. Certain factors may help to explain these results. Agricultural and industrial activities declined sharply in the former east bloc in the early 1990s and have only recently started to increase again. Domestic water use is only around 40 cubic meters per person per year, compared to the EU average of 125 cubic meters (EEA, 2005b). Use is expected to increase, however, as standard of living rises in these countries. It could be that pressures on water resources were reduced following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which might explain why the new Member States have faired relatively well in the rankings, both in terms of pressure and status. Yet this is only one hypothesis that requires further investigation. Another caution in this regard is that almost no quality information for Russia and Belarus was publicly available, and thus districts that share parts of these countries may not be accurately ranked. This will be addressed in more detail in the next section on data limitations and uncertainty. With regard to nutrient concentrations in particular basins, it is important to recall that this study does not provide information about trends over time. Since 1992, nitrate concentrations have fallen most markedly in Denmark, Germany and Latvia (EEA, 2005b). This is welcome news in light of the fact that RBDs within these countries are often ranked lowest in terms of nutrient concentrations. Not all trends are positive, however. Phosphate levels in the Duero in Spain, for example, have deteriorated over the past 25 years (EEA, 2005b). What may at first glance look like a “water stressed” region could in reality be an area whose inhabitants would claim that there are no signs of water stress. This study did not take groundwater resources into account and thus some areas that may be ranked as “water stressed” are in actuality drawing heavily upon their groundwater stores to compensate for a lack of surface water. This is the case for Germany and Denmark (EEA, 2005b). By contrast, Norway uses almost exclusively surface water resources since they are so plentiful (EEA, 2005b). But regions that draw heavily upon groundwater run the risk of lowering the groundwater table, since groundwater stores take years if not decades to recharge (Voigt et al., 2004) and of saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers, which occurs particularly in the Mediterranean region (EEA, 2005b). In this case, the “water stress” ranking is more a signal that theirs is not a sustainable situation in terms of water use, even if no immediate warning signs have yet appeared. Data Limitations and Uncertainty Analysis A particular challenge in this study was the fact that different types of information had to be obtained from different sources and then combined to give the results. The most reliable datasets available were at times incomplete and had to be complemented with information from other sources. This was the case for the EEA water quantity dataset. As can be noted in Figure 4, measuring stations and runoff information were missing for Romania and concerned areas of Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Belarus and Russia that border the EU (which is not so surprising given that the EEA would only seek to provide information concerning EU Member States). What is surprising, however, is that data for the Czech Republic, Ireland, Belgium, Poland, Portugal and Sweden (all EU Member States) are missing, which constitute large gaps of information in the dataset. It was therefore necessary to seek quantity (runoff) information for these regions from other sources (See Figures 5 and 6). Combining different datasets for the same indicator is not ideal, and the results may thus not be as accurate as they otherwise could have been due to these conditions. But the 80% of water used in European agriculture is absorbed by crops and evaporates from fields (EEA, 2005b). Evaporative demand is highest in southern Europe: Spain’s, for example, is twice that of Sweden’s (Falkenmark, 1992). This condition compounds the problem of water shortages; when temperatures are highest, water quantity is at its lowest, while demand, 17 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER results are still a useful indication of the state of water resources in each of the districts, which can be investigated and complemented with more in-depth and rigorous studies in the future. Figure 5: EEA Quantity Measuring Stations Figure 6: Compiled Water Quantity Measuring Stations 18 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts Turning to our attention to quality issues, the EEA water quality dataset lacks information for Portugal and areas of Belarus and Russia that fall within the borders of some RBDs. Thus the nutrient averages for the following districts may not be accurate: • Finnmark/Tenojoki (18) • Vuoksi (19) • Oulankajoki-Perameri (22) • Daugava (48) • Nemunas (49) • Douro (83) • Tejo-Sado (85) • Guadiana-Mira (86) • East Estonia (97) The nutrient averages would in all likelihood be higher, given the added inputs and level of water resources protection in these areas, which tends to be lower than the European average (Library of Congress, 1996 and Liga, 2003). 19 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER EEA (2005b) points out a “lack of common European definitions and procedures for calculating water abstraction and freshwater resources.” It is therefore of vital importance to establish at least common techniques for water resource accounting and for estimating water quality as soon as possible. The intercalibration process outlined in the WFD may eventually provide these common techniques for measuring water quality, but the process will (even if things go smoothly) take years to complete. Interim common techniques would be very useful for research on water resources being conducted now and in the near future. C ONCLUSION AND R ECOMMENDATIONS When looking at the results of this kind of study, one must keep in mind that “[n]o two rivers are alike; and no single indicator captures all the factors” (EEA, 2005b). The indicators used for the characterization of the RBDs provide a general idea of the water resource conditions in that district – they do not, of course, account for all the problems or positive conditions that may also exist. Neither do they show trends over time, i.e. improvements or degradation of water resources over the past decade. It is also widely recognized that there is a lack of available and/or organized information or datasets for the kind of study described in this thesis. Revenga (2005), for example, addresses the issue: The aim of this thesis is to provide a very general assessment of the river basins districts created under the EU Water Framework Directive in order to be able to compare the districts and assist policy makers in identifying regions that are most in need of support in terms of reaching the goal of “good ecological status” for Europe’s water resources. For the most part, the aim of providing a general assessment of the river basin districts was achieved. The results reveal clear patterns in that, on the whole, northern waters fair well in a Europe-wide comparison while southern waters fair poorly in terms of pressure on and status of water resources. The comparison and rankings also highlight some regional hot spots. The identification of these hot spots could be helpful in promoting cooperation between river basin districts, while geographically distant, may have common water problems and information to exchange concerning the solutions. Time and resources did not allow for all ambitions for the project to be realized, however. In the end, it was necessary to set aside the suggestion of adding other indicators, such as percentage of district population connected to wastewater treatment plants and obtaining the GDP per RBD. Perhaps these could be taken up in a more extensive characterization in the future. Much of the limitations of the current technologies is also accompanied by a lack of basic data and information, regardless of its georeferences characteristics… Some notable examples of these needed datasets include… data on surface water quantity and quality by river basin… [and] water use statistics by river basin instead of by national jurisdiction. These are precisely the datasets that would be most useful for the type of study just conducted. Yet these are also the datasets that are often missing or incomplete. The EEA (2005c) itself acknowledges the lack of data: The northwestern part of Europe is generally well covered by source apportionment studies, but there is a shortage of information from the Mediterranean countries and some eastern European countries. It is therefore of utmost importance that reliable and complete datasets of the type Revenga suggested be compiled as soon as possible. This would greatly improve the reliability of studies of this kind and help to provide a more accurate picture of the state of water resources in Europe today. In turn, this more accurate information and reporting would, it is hoped, help to produce more effective and appropriate water policy and intervention measures. What made this study interesting but also particularly challenging was its lack of precedent. Common European, or even regional, definitions for what constitutes good or poor status of water resources are conspicuously absent, being left to individual Member States to decide for themselves. Even technical methods in measuring water resources are missing; the 20 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts R EFERENCES AND DATA S OURCES References Bartholomé, E. and A.S. Belward. 2005. “GLC2000: a new approach to global land cover mapping from Earth observation data.” International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 26, No. 9, 1959-1977. Retrieved June 2006 from;jsessionid=dgaf edq62452.alice. Bright, E.A. 2002. LandScan Global Population 1998 Database. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Retrieved June 2006 from Chave, P. 2001. The EU Water Framework Directive: An Introduction. London: IWA Publishing. 2006. “Indicator.” “Characteristic.” Retrieved June 2006 from EEA, 2005(a). CSI 020 Specification – Nutrients in Freshwater. 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Retrieved October 2005 from Map Layer and Information/Dataset Sources o o o o o o European country layer: ESRI, retrieved November 2005,; RBD layer: Susanna Nilsson, KTH,; River basin layer: Joint Research Centre Catchment Database, retrieved November 2005,; Land cover layer: Global Land Cover 2000, ECDG Joint Research Centre, retrieved November 2005 from; Population layer: LandScan 2003, Oak Ridge National Library, retrieved November 2005 from; River water quality and water quantity datasets: “Waterbase – Rivers” and “Waterbase – Water Quantity”, European Environment Agency, retrieved November 2005 from; CISL'S Research Data Archive (Quantity dataset from across Europe, of particular importance for this project was the information for Portugal, Poland and Russia), retrieved February 2006 from; The BALTEX Hydrological Data Centre and SMHI (Sweden and some Russia water quantity dataset), received March 2006 from; The National Water Archive (Scotland, England and Northern Ireland water quantity dataset), retrieved March 2006 from; Wasser Blick (quantity datasets for the north of Germany), retrieved April 2006 from; Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency (quantity data for Ireland), retrieved March 2006 from; Banque HYDRO (quantity data for France), retrieved March 2006 from 23 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts APPENDIXES 1 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER Appendix I: Graduated Color Maps Illustrating the Indicator and Aggregated Indexes Please note that all color scales and color assignments to RBDs are based on the index values. The figures given next to the color scale (other than index values) are provided in order to show what indicator value can be associated with that particular color assignment. 2 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 3 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 4 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 5 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 6 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 7 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 8 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 9 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 10 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 11 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER Appendix II: Indicator Information per River Basin District 12 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts Table 5: Indicator Data per River Basin District ID RBD Bothnian 1 Bay/Tornionjoki 2 Bothnian Sea 3 North Baltic Sea 4 South Baltic Sea West Sea/Ostfold. Akerhus. Hedmark. 5 Oppland 6 Indre Oslofjord 7 Buskerud. Vestfold 8 Telemark Aust- og Vest9 Agder 10 Rogaland 11 Hordaland 12 Sogn og Fjordane 13 More og Romsdal 14 Sor- och Trondelag 15 Nord-Trondelag 16 Nordland 17 Troms Finnmark/Tenojoki18 Paatsjoki Vuoksi (Ladoga19 Neva basin) Country Mean Population Total Mean Total Mean Ortho- Mean Total Area Cultivated Density Nitrogen Phosphorus phosphate Ammonium 2 (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (km2) Land (%) Population (people/km ) (mg/l) FI/SE SE/NO SE SE 128190 181841 25231 61727 1 1 12 18 374106 1143140 2555860 2510230 3 6 101 41 0.38 0.41 1.89 1.89 0.02 0.014 0.07 0.04 0.004 0.003 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.13 0.08 54.16 64.01 6.47 7.20 144779 55991 2531 2869 SE/NO NO NO NO 120559 1743 24699 12501 9 9 6 3 3150480 771150 506659 144845 26 442 21 12 1.38 0.81 1.05 0.30 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.011 0.012 0.012 0.009 0.002 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.02 44.54 14137 10.41 10.68 20540 73727 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 19593 9174 14027 18251 19010 16463 19039 39435 25469 3 9 4 4 6 8 4 2 2 262529 360165 408847 87870 234075 254572 117887 228943 116015 13 39 29 5 12 15 6 6 5 0.31 0.53 0.39 0.37 0.21 0.24 0.29 0.13 0.09 0.009 0.018 0.011 0.013 0.006 0.014 0.011 0.010 0.005 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.002 0.11 0.016 0.012 0.014 0.008 0.018 0.011 0.013 0.006 14.99 2.42 5.57 4.04 3.71 3.15 0.91 7.31 4.68 57108 6724 13631 46004 15867 12361 7720 31908 40355 FI/NO/RU 98777 0 568090 6 0.18 0.006 0.002 0.014 17.74 31227 290682 2 6246170 21 0.80 0.03 0.006 0.06 75.83 12141 FI/RU 13 Average Water Annual Discharge Availability 3 3 (bill. m ) (m /pers·yr) Dorothy Furberg ID RBD Kymijoki20 Suomenlathi KokemaenjokiSaaristomeri21 Selkämeri Oulankajoki-Iijoki22 Perameri 23 Kemijoki 24 Aaland 25 North Western 26 Neagh Bann 27 Shannon 28 Eastern 29 Western 30 South Eastern 31 South Western 32 North Eastern 33 North West 34 Northumbria 35 Humber 36 Anglian 37 Thames 38 South West 39 South East 40 Severn 41 Dee 42 Western Wales TRITA LWR MASTER Country Mean Population Total Mean Total Mean Ortho- Mean Total Density Nitrogen Phosphorus phosphate Ammonium Area Cultivated (km2) Land (%) Population (people/km2) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) Average Annual Water Discharge Availability 3 3 (bill. m ) (m /pers·yr) FI 50792 3 2041580 40 1.40 0.05 0.02 0.10 9.67 4738 FI 68180 8 1738340 25 1.54 0.08 0.04 0.16 18.61 10704 102947 55545 1473 11430 8115 20279 5940 11818 12850 10550 3307 11164 8532 25334 24456 16274 17559 8292 21476 1929 11868 2 0 2 0 4 2 11 2 9 4 3 22 35 64 93 72 27 66 37 16 13 536729 138287 22740 471129 682982 696286 1473640 333468 579321 505260 857021 6634920 2539610 10955400 5013900 14107300 2821230 3369690 5468850 362661 1280700 5 2 15 41 84 34 248 28 45 48 259 594 298 432 205 867 161 406 255 188 108 0.55 0.31 0.03 0.015 0.01 0.004 0.03 0.011 26.93 19.27 50180 139371 5.66 1.77 0.17 0.15 0.12 3.22 0.14 0.27 0.19 1.18 0.20 0.64 0.17 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.10 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.24 0.51 0.13 0.96 0.48 0.69 0.18 0.51 0.19 0.19 0.02 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.11 0.54 0.14 0.25 0.14 0.15 0.08 0.25 0.11 0.10 0.05 8.33 2.82 9.93 3.88 9.27 6.46 8.99 0.52 6.06 3.06 4.68 1.92 5.82 4.41 1.06 7.48 1.04 5.48 4566 4132 540 93 841 481 595 608 913 1204 428 383 413 1565 314 1367 2869 4282 FI/RU FI FI EI EI EI EI EI EI EI GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB 3.23 0.53 4.20 14 0.56 0.13 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts ID RBD 43 Solway-Tweed 44 Scotland 45 West Estonia 46 Venta 47 Lielupe 48 Daugava 49 Nemunas 50 Vistula 51 Oder 52 Elbe 53 Eider 54 Schlei/Trave 55 Wamow/Peene 56 Weser 57 Ems Mean Average Population Total Water Mean Total Mean Ortho- Mean Total Annual Density Nitrogen Phosphorus phosphate Ammonium Discharge Availability Area Cultivated 3 3 (km2) Land (%) Population (people/km2) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (bill. m ) (m /pers·yr) 12186 13 457613 38 1.70 0.06 0.03 0.06 7.32 15993 67067 10 4892860 73 0.93 0.07 0.81 0.09 26.26 5366 23160 28 741013 32 2.23 0.06 0.06 0.10 2.61 3520 26517 46 950842 36 2.03 0.07 0.03 0.16 6.09 6401 17876 64 668052 37 5.53 0.37 0.30 1.15 2.08 3116 Country GB GB EE LT/LV LT/LV LV/RU/LT/B Y 86052 LT/PL/RU 92318 LT/PL/RU 226201 CZ/DE/PL 127422 AT/CZ/DE/ PL 146849 DE 5999 DE 5597 DE 17187 DE 47222 DE/NL 17989 AT/DE/NL/ CH/FR/LU/I 58 Rhine T/LI/BE 186797 DE/NL/FR/ 59 Meuse BE 35407 AT/CZ/DE/ PL/UA/CH/I T/SK/SI/YU/ BG/MD/RO/ BA/HR/HU/ AL/MK 60 Danube 806238 61 North Adriatic Sea IT/SI/HR 8951 20 49 56 57 2783050 4890560 26896800 16770600 32 53 119 132 1.87 2.23 3.30 4.60 0.08 0.14 0.30 0.38 0.05 0.08 0.14 0.18 0.15 0.29 0.81 1.07 20.85 15.93 34.82 19.14 7492 3257 1295 1141 57 38 76 70 63 64 24724100 534122 1013550 1483790 9468020 3672370 168 89 181 86 201 204 4.65 3.53 3.69 3.22 4.90 5.13 0.18 0.13 0.17 0.12 0.19 0.15 0.09 0.04 0.09 0.06 0.08 1.65 0.44 0.24 0.23 0.32 0.27 0.23 22.66 0.38 0.56 1.00 10.93 2.78 916 717 554 672 1155 758 42 58329200 312 4.30 0.21 0.11 0.28 82.76 1419 45 9021470 255 6.44 0.23 0.61 0.57 10.24 1135 57 37 82012400 1045860 102 117 3.40 0.92 0.18 0.02 0.11 0.05 0.32 0.15 207.35 3.08 2528 2941 15 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER Mean Average Water Population Total Mean Total Mean Ortho- Mean Total Annual Density Area Cultivated Nitrogen Phosphorus phosphate Ammonium Discharge Availability 3 3 (km2) Land (%) Population (people/km2) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) ID RBD Country (bill. m ) (m /pers·yr) 63 Denmark East DK 3973 75 2318143 583 6.42 0.23 0.14 0.29 0.44 190 65 Sonderjyllands Amt DK 1208 84 64092 53 2.65 0.11 0.02 0.11 0.23 3590 66 Denmark West DK 3414 78 2999120 878 5.54 0.12 0.05 0.13 5.13 1710 73 Bornholm DK 587 66 43700 74 10.64 0.15 0.06 0.07 0.014 330 75 Scheldt NL/FR/BE 35926 82 12536900 349 7.96 0.60 0.41 1.91 5.47 436 Rhone et cotiers 76 mediterraneens CH/FR 128366 32 15124700 118 1.92 0.21 0.12 0.48 60.00 3593 77 Corse FR 8731 2 249465 29 0.83 0.09 0.04 0.03 Adour. Garonne. Dordogne et fleuves cotiers charentais et 78 aquitains FR Loires. cotiers vendeens et cotiers 79 bretons FR Seine et cotiers 80 normands FR 81 Minho-Lima/Norte ES/PT 82 Cáaado-Ave-Leca PT 83 Douro ES/PT Vouga-Mondego84 Lis PT Tejo-Sado-Ribeiras 85 do Oeste ES/PT Guadiana-Mira86 Ribeiras do Algarve ES/PT 87 Balearics ES Cuencas Internas 89 Del País Vasco ES 117313 39 6886070 59 3.49 0.19 0.09 0.27 33.00 2985 156172 35 12067800 77 4.68 0.23 0.11 0.22 29.61 2453 95010 41299 3617 97766 64 11 15 53 17753400 3995750 1520430 4209210 187 97 420 43 5.58 0.18 0.27 0.11 0.06 0.13 0.20 15.00 11.69 727 2925 1.66 0.15 0.16 0.39 19.05 4526 11558 11 1365530 118 91255 48 10314000 113 0.97 0.73 0.52 2.68 8.73 846 77304 4999 61 43 2280210 809926 29 162 2.23 0.30 1.03 3.95 1733 1730 2 300788 174 16 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts Mean Average Population Total Water Mean Total Mean Ortho- Mean Total Annual Density Nitrogen Phosphorus phosphate Ammonium Discharge Availability Area Cultivated 3 3 ID RBD Country (km2) Land (%) Population (people/km2) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (bill. m ) (m /pers·yr) 90 Catalonia ES 16697 24 5734740 343 5.64 0.52 0.36 4.54 0.45 78 91 Ebro ES 85616 55 2913220 34 2.49 0.27 0.09 0.48 10.22 3508 92 Galicia Coast ES 12991 12 1801610 139 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.33 181 93 Guadalquivir ES 63547 63 4826260 76 5.50 4.03 0.41 2.55 10.77 2232 94 Jucar ES 40499 56 3406390 84 1.50 0.30 0.25 0.76 0.42 124 95 Segura ES 21439 71 2360460 110 2.03 0.20 3.02 0.0048 2 96 South ES 18168 41 1931940 106 1.14 0.17 0.10 0.29 0.045 23 97 East Estonia EE/RU/LV 60013 25 1104420 18 1.98 0.07 0.04 0.12 14.17 12834 98 Koiva/Gauja EE/LV 14082 32 232806 17 1.53 0.11 0.21 0.27 2.61 11198 99 Arda-Maritza BG/TR/GR 52777 67 3477600 66 0.63 0.17 0.85 3.71 1068 100 Kamchia-Veleka BG/TR 16789 53 964919 57 0.32 0.19 1.03 2.57 2661 Mesta/NestosBG/GR/MK/ 101 Struma/Strymonas YU 23277 43 1100100 47 0.17 0.22 0.57 3.03 2756 103 Malta Malta 333 47 391461 1176 17 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER Table 6: Maximum and Minimum Annual Nutrient Concentration Averages ID RBD Country Bothnian 1 Bay/Tornionjoki FI/SE 2 Bothnian Sea SE/NO 3 North Baltic Sea SE 4 South Baltic Sea SE West Sea/Ostfold. Akerhus. Hedmark. 5 Oppland SE/NO 6 Indre Oslofjord NO Buskerud. 7 Vestfold NO 8 Telemark NO Aust- og Vest9 Agder NO 10 Rogaland NO 11 Hordaland NO 12 Sogn og FjordaneNO 13 More og Romsdal NO Soroch 14 Trondelag NO 15 Nord-Trondelag NO 16 Nordland NO 17 Troms NO Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Total Total Maximum Minimum Phosphorus Phosphorus Yearly Average Yearly Average Maximum Yearly Minimum Yearly (mg/l) (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Ammonium Minimum Ortho. Ammonium Ortho. Yearly Minimum Maximum Maximum Yearly Average Yearly Average Yearly (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) (mg/l) 0.87 1.20 4.16 9.04 0.11 0.19 0.34 0.24 0.05 0.11 0.20 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.12 0.001 0.001 0.0016 0.001 0.12 0.11 1.96 1.33 0.0025 0.006 0.0113 0.0061 5.82 2.94 0.10 0.05 0.12 0.17 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.10 0.001 0.001 0.86 0.49 0.0059 0.001 5.80 0.32 0.36 0.27 0.23 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.055 0.004 0.001 0.001 1.01 0.0197 0.005 0.013 0.58 1.83 4.88 3.94 0.82 0.06 0.09 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.08 0.30 0.16 0.09 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.036 0.034 0.057 0.006 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 10.00 0.09 0.20 0.17 0.06 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005 0.61 1.43 0.67 0.23 0.12 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.12 0.06 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.044 0.014 0.088 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.25 0.05 0.18 0.019 0.0005 0.002 0.0005 0.001 18 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts ID RBD Country Finnmark/Tenojo 18 ki-Paatsjoki FI/NO/RU Vuoksi (Ladoga19 Neva basin) FI/RU Kymijoki20 Suomenlathi FI KokemaenjokiSaaristomeri21 Selkämeri FI Oulankajoki-Iijoki22 Perameri FI/RU 23 Kemijoki FI 24 Aaland FI 25 North Western EI 26 Neagh Bann EI 27 Shannon EI 28 Eastern EI 29 Western EI 30 South Eastern EI 31 South Western EI 32 North Eastern GB 33 North West GB 34 Northumbria GB 35 Humber GB 36 Anglian GB 37 Thames GB 38 South West GB Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Total Total Maximum Minimum Phosphorus Phosphorus Yearly Average Yearly Average Maximum Yearly Minimum Yearly (mg/l) (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Ammonium Minimum Ortho. Ammonium Ortho. Yearly Minimum Maximum Maximum Yearly Average Yearly Average Yearly (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) (mg/l) 2.60 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.030 0.001 0.32 0.001 7.55 0.19 0.17 0.00 0.094 0.001 2.05 0.0018 7.11 0.36 0.29 0.00 0.128 0.001 2.80 0.0023 7.69 0.31 0.60 0.01 0.165 0.002 2.83 0.0009 1.88 0.58 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.059 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.56 0.046 0.0028 0.0025 257.67 2.34 0.01 1.25 3.83 0.12 0.12 0.00 0.08 0.04 4.01 2.44 3.23 3.23 0.19 0.16 1.08 1.31 0.30 2.35 2.33 0.04 0.06 0.12 0.00 0.27 0.23 0.02 0.320 0.225 0.298 0.279 0.124 0.125 0.178 0.985 3.650 0.590 4.990 1.390 5.390 3.750 -0.003 0.011 -0.040 0.008 -0.005 0.003 0.000 0.020 0.002 0.012 0.010 0.023 0.009 0.000 0.49 0.22 0.75 0.12 0.13 0.46 0.33 0.18 7.83 4.44 4.07 1.52 1.50 0.54 0.0018 0.0275 0.0018 0.0065 0.003 0.0050 0.0084 0.0694 0.0037 0.0001 0.0014 0.020 0.0025 0.000 19 Dorothy Furberg ID RBD 39 South East 40 Severn 41 Dee 42 Western Wales 43 Solway-Tweed 44 Scotland 45 West Estonia 46 Venta 47 Lielupe 48 Daugava 49 Nemunas 50 Vistula 51 Oder 52 Elbe 53 Eider 54 Schlei/Trave 55 Wamow/Peene 56 Weser 57 Ems 58 Rhine 59 Meuse TRITA LWR MASTER Country GB GB GB GB GB GB EE LT/LV LT/LV LV/RU/LT/BY LT/PL/RU LT/PL/RU CZ/DE/PL AT/CZ/DE/PL DE DE DE DE DE/NL AT/DE/NL/CH /FR/LU/IT/LI/ BE DE/NL/FR/BE Ammonium Minimum Ortho. Ammonium Ortho. Yearly Minimum Maximum Maximum Yearly Average Yearly Average Yearly (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) (mg/l) 3.539 0.043 2.16 0.050 0.11 1.506 0.004 1.63 0.0066 0.08 0.693 0.012 0.69 0.010 0.094 0.002 0.30 0.010 0.09 0.119 0.030 0.32 0.015 0.00 51.784 0.002 1.51 0.0044 0.01 0.768 0.002 0.93 0.0055 0.01 0.152 0.001 1.34 0.014 0.03 3.121 0.009 32.00 0.033 0.02 0.308 0.010 1.22 0.023 0.02 4.577 0.001 4.38 0.010 0.02 1.821 0.006 23.36 0.035 0.02 1.651 0.010 18.20 0.010 0.02 0.657 0.005 5.73 0.025 0.09 0.066 0.015 0.53 0.113 0.11 0.255 0.062 0.67 0.081 0.08 0.089 0.029 1.09 0.095 0.06 0.194 0.010 2.60 0.025 0.10 46.660 0.023 0.43 0.050 Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Total Total Maximum Minimum Phosphorus Phosphorus Yearly Average Yearly Average Maximum Yearly Minimum Yearly (mg/l) (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) 0.67 0.14 0.75 4.20 1.98 4.09 6.37 5.33 46.36 3.46 9.99 30.75 18.03 12.95 5.18 6.55 4.66 11.02 8.96 0.32 4.20 1.42 0.13 0.89 0.75 1.40 0.72 0.48 0.22 0.90 0.82 2.72 1.73 1.98 3.09 2.43 0.16 0.97 0.18 0.22 3.59 0.52 5.37 10.90 13.59 1.04 0.16 0.34 0.18 0.42 0.21 14.62 19.64 0.50 2.05 3.13 1.21 20 0.01 0.02 1.717 49.160 0.000 0.004 6.01 12.67 0.0023 0.013 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts ID RBD Country AT/CZ/DE/PL /UA/CH/IT/SK /SI/YU/BG/M D/RO/BA/HR/ HU/AL/MK 60Danube North Adriatic 61 Sea IT/SI/HR 63Denmark East DK Sonderjyllands 65 Amt DK 66Denmark West DK 73Bornholm DK 75Scheldt NL/FR/BE Rhône et cotiers 76 méditerranéens CH/FR 77Corse FR Adour. Garonne. Dordogne et fleuves côtiers charentais et 78 aquitains FR Loires. côtiers vendéens et 79 côtiers bretons FR Seine et côtiers 80 normands FR 81Minho-Lima/NorteES/PT Cáaado-Ave82 Leca PT Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Total Total Maximum Minimum Phosphorus Phosphorus Yearly Average Yearly Average Maximum Yearly Minimum Yearly (mg/l) (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Ammonium Minimum Ortho. Ammonium Ortho. Yearly Minimum Maximum Maximum Yearly Average Yearly Average Yearly (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) (mg/l) 45.48 0.01 3.83 0.002 2.885 0.000 21.15 0.000 2.27 17.98 0.30 2.07 0.10 0.80 0.002 0.08 0.338 0.620 0.002 0.020 2.17 10.92 0.000 0.040 3.08 14.56 13.82 17.55 2.31 1.29 8.94 3.08 0.15 0.25 0.23 7.55 0.09 0.03 0.09 0.03 0.023 0.130 0.100 1.964 0.020 0.007 0.048 0.000 0.15 0.69 0.12 17.00 0.088 0.000 0.050 0.039 9.13 1.13 0.28 0.73 2.95 0.33 0.01 0.01 2.829 0.199 0.003 0.007 15.84 0.15 0.0077 0.0039 19.65 0.55 2.82 0.01 2.364 0.003 13.11 0.0019 12.15 0.95 2.47 0.02 1.658 0.007 3.77 0.0084 12.43 3.01 0.73 2.15 0.02 0.01 0.521 0.367 0.005 0.000 1.69 3.02 0.0084 0.000 21 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER ID RBD Country 83 Douro ES/PT Vouga-Mondego84 Lis PT Tejo-Sado85 Ribeiras do Oeste ES/PT Guadiana-MiraRibeiras do 86 Algarve ES/PT 87 Balearics ES Cuencas Internas 89 Del País Vasco ES 90 Catalonia ES 91 Ebro 92 Galicia Coast ES ES 93 Guadalquivir 94 Jucar 95 Segura 96 South 97East Estonia 98Koiva/Gauja 99Arda-Maritza 100Kamchia-Veleka Mesta/NestosStruma/Strymona 101 s ES ES ES ES EE/RU/LV EE/LV BG/TR/GR BG/TR 103Malta Malta BG/GR/MK/ YU Ammonium Minimum Total Nitrogen Total Nitrogen Total Total Ortho. Ortho. Ammonium Maximum Yearly Minimum Phosphorus Phosphorus Minimum Maximum Maximum Yearly Average Yearly Average Maximum Yearly Minimum Yearly Yearly Average Yearly Average Yearly (mg/l) (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) (mg/l) Average (mg/l) Average (mg/l) (mg/l) 5.35 0.16 0.71 0.01 0.970 0.000 5.15 0.0066 3.64 0.29 3.80 12.20 0.33 30.53 0.05 4.43 3.86 1.39 25.19 4.64 0.10 0.36 1.85 6.10 2.87 0.47 0.40 0.37 3.719 0.000 30.58 0.000 6.789 0.000 28.35 0.0043 0.00 7.689 0.002 62.16 0.020 0.53 0.02 0.04 0.01 1.109 0.072 0.000 0.000 10.77 0.02 0.000 0.000 4.03 4.60 7.40 0.81 0.66 3.79 3.23 1.36 4.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 3.914 6.683 1.968 0.882 0.517 4.130 1.470 1.666 0.005 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.007 0.000 0.009 39.51 25.27 22.80 3.47 0.97 5.63 14.50 6.98 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.0035 0.020 0.000 0.026 1.43 0.02 4.890 0.000 5.24 0.000 22 0.02 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts Appendix III: RBD Characterization Maps 23 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER Explanatory Notes for the RBD Characterization Maps The purpose of Appendix III is to provide an illustration and description of the characteristics and indicators for each River Basin District that has so far been proposed or designated (reported to the European Commission, Article 3). While the map of each district is somewhat self-explanatory with the help of the legend, the characteristics and indicators provided require some explanation. Area is the approximate size of the district in square kilometers, calculated in ArcMap using the RBD map layer. Population is the approximate number of people living in the district, calculated in ArcMap by extracting information from the LandScan layer on a district basis. Population density is the average number of people per square kilometer. It was obtained by dividing the population of the district by the district area. The average annual discharge was calculated by taking the average of the three to seven (depending on the information available) most recent yearly average measurements of the largest discharge rate (m3/s) measured within as many river basins as possible located within the district. The averages for the basins were added together to give a district total, which was then converted to m3/yr. Water availability is the amount of water available per person per year. It was calculated by dividing the average annual discharge by the district population. The water stress ranking was obtained by applying the following standards (adapted from Falkenmark and Widstrand. 1992): Low ≥ 10 000 m3/pers/yr = No 10 000 m3/pers/yr > Medium (quality or dry season problems) > 1 666 m3/pers/yr = Risk High (water stress) ≤ 1 666 m3/pers/yr = Yes For more information about the selection process of these standards, please see the Methods section of this report. The mean total Nitrogen concentration, NCavg, or mean total Phosphorus concentration, PCavg, are the mean total Nitrogen (mg/l) or mean total Phosphorus (mg/l) concentrations from all the quality monitoring stations in the district at which total nitrogen or phosphorus measurements were taken. Measurements from the most recent available six or seven years per station were used. Where total nitrogen and/or phosphorus data were missing, total ammonium and/or orthophosphate were used. The standard deviation, σ = √[(∑(x-xavg)2)/N], is from amongst the yearly mean nutrient concentrations at individual stations (used to calculate the mean total nutrient concentration). While the mean concentration gives a rough idea of how much N or P is present in the district’s waters, the standard deviation gives an idea of how much the N or P concentration will vary within the district and what level of disparity one could expect to find. It is a complimentary measure of variation within the district to minimum and maximum concentration values because the minimum or maximum could result from extreme or exceptional circumstances at that station or during that particular year (i.e. they could be outliers: values that are far from most others in the dataset). 24 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts Minimum and maximum concentrations, NCmin/max and PCmin/max, are the highest or lowest recorded yearly mean nutrient concentrations found within the dataset used to calculate the mean concentrations, i.e. they are either the highest or lowest concentration at a particular monitoring station for a particular year, taken from the dataset used to calculate the mean N and P concentrations. The monitoring stations at which minimum and maximum concentrations were measured are highlighted in red (Nmax), white (Nmin), pink (Pmin) and black (Pmax). Land Cover categories that were used specifically in this project, and that commonly occur in Europe, include forest, shrub/herbaceous, cultivated/managed areas, mosaic (a combination of cropland, forest, shrub and other natural vegetation), water bodies, bare areas, snow and ice, and artificial surfaces such as asphalt. The land cover information was calculated in ArcMap by extracting information from the GLC2003 layer on a district basis. 25 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 26 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 27 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 28 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 29 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 30 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 31 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 32 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 33 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER 34 The New European Water Management Geography: An Indicator-based Analysis of the River Basins Districts 35 Dorothy Furberg TRITA LWR MASTER The remaining characterization maps will be added over the summer (2006) and will be available upon request. Please write to [email protected] to obtain an electronic copy of the full set of maps. 36