The In ationary Impacts of Fossil Fuel Price Reform in Vietnam
The In ationary Impacts of Fossil Fuel Price Reform in Vietnam
THE INFLATIONARY IMPACTS OF FOSSIL FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PRICE REFORM IN VIET NAM Center for Analysis and Forecasting Draft paper December 2013 Phase II: Developing a Roadmap for Fossil Fuel Fiscal Policy Reform Please note: This report is a draft only and has not been edited. Please send any comments to: [email protected] and [email protected]. The opinions, analyses and recommendations contained in this document do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the United Nations Development Programme in Vietnam. The Report is an independent publication commissioned by UNDP. THE INFLATIONARY IMPACTS OF FOSSIL FUEL AND ELECTRICITY PRICE REFORM IN VIET NAM – A Static Analysis1 December 2013 1 This study is conducted by La Hai Anh ([email protected]), Nguyen Thang, and Nguyen Thi Thu Phuong (Center for Analysis and Forecasting under the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) under Phase 2 of the UNDP Project on “Developing A Roadmap for Fossil Fuel Fiscal Policy Reform”. Valuable comments are provided by research components, especially Michaela Prokop, Koos Neefjes and Pham Thi Lien Phuong from UNDP, Peter Wooders, Andrea Bassi and Nguyen Tu Chi from IISD-GSI. We also would like to thank peer reviewers and experts - Le Thi Thuy Van, Nguyen Duc Thanh, Vo Tri Thanh, Vu Thanh Tu Anh, Pham Thi Lan Huong and Pham Chi Lan - for their useful comments. We are grateful to Bui Trinh for his data support. 2 TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................... i LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................. iii LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. iv ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................. v SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... vi I. CONTEXT .......................................................................................................................... 1 II. ENERGY SECTOR IN BRIEF – DEMAND, SUPPLY AND PRICING ................................ 2 1. Energy Demand and Supply.......................................................................................... 2 2. Energy pricing and consumption subsidy ...................................................................... 6 III. LITERATURE REVIEWS ............................................................................................... 13 IV. METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 18 4.1. The price impact on other sectors – An IO model application ................................... 18 4.2. The inflationary impact ............................................................................................. 23 4.3 Building Scenarios..................................................................................................... 25 V. DATA SOURCES ........................................................................................................... 30 5.1. The 2007 Input-Output Table ................................................................................... 30 5.2. The 2010 Viet Nam Household Living Standard Survey ........................................... 32 VI. ENERGY-INTENSIVE SECTORS AND CONSUMPTION PATTERNS .......................... 33 6.1. Energy-intensive sectors .......................................................................................... 33 6.3. Expenditure patterns ................................................................................................ 38 VII. INFLATIONARY IMPACT ............................................................................................. 57 7.1. The fossil fuel price impact on other industries – The PPI......................................... 57 7.2. Inflationary Impact .................................................................................................... 60 7.3. The inflation structure ............................................................................................... 64 7.4. Possible mitigation measures ................................................................................... 67 7.5. Limitation of Results ................................................................................................. 75 VIII. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 77 APPENDIX A ...................................................................................................................... 84 APPENDIX B ...................................................................................................................... 87 i APPENDIC C ...................................................................................................................... 92 APPENDIX D ...................................................................................................................... 93 ii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - Oil supply and consumption in Viet Nam, 2011 3 Table 2 – Electricity supply and consumption in Viet Nam, 2011 4 Table 3 – Fossil fuel consumption subsidies of Viet Nam during 2007-2011 6 Table 4 - Price composition for one litre of refined petroleum products 7 Table 5 - IBTs for Vietnam’s Power Sector from 1999 to Present 9 Table 6 – A comparison on the inflationary impact of 20 percent increases in electricity and petroleum prices 18 Table 7 – Summary table: Quantitative approaches to impact assessment 20 Table 8 - Average retail prices of electricity 25 Table 9 - Percent changes in petroleum prices 29 Table 10 – IO Link with CPC and ISIC codes 31 Table 11 – Alternative IBTs scenarios (Unit: VND/kWh) 54 Table 12 – Increase in coverage and cross-subsidy amount among alternative IBT scenarios 55 Table 13 – The inflationary impact – Robustness check 62 Table 14 – Expenditure shares on the most consumed food 71 Table 15 – The magnitude of inflationary mitigation resulting from a potential VAT exemption 71 Table 16 - Indicators for Assessing Existing Mitigation Mechanisms 74 Table 17 - Indicators for Assessing Existing Mitigation Mechanisms (cont.) 74 iii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Petroleum price comparison among different countries during 1998-2012 8 Figure 2 – Fuel used in production, transmission and distribution of electricity 28 Figure 3 – The history of petroleum prices 29 Figure 4 – Industries intensive in electricity and petroleum products 34 Figure 5 – Share of energy consumption 35 Figure 6 – Energy-intensive sectors among household businesses 36 Figure 7 – Business income as percent of total household income 38 Figure 8 – Expenditure patterns by urban/rural areas 39 Figure 9 – Expenditure share for energy in rural/urban 42 Figure 10 – Fossil fuel use by urban/rural households 43 Figure 11 – Energy Ladder 44 Figure 12 – Per capita income/expenditure by decile and urban/rural areas 44 Figure 13 – Durable ownership by expenditure deciles 45 Figure 14 – Household expenditure on energy in urban/rural areas 47 Figure 15 – Benefit shares from lifeline tariff in rural/urban areas in 2013 48 Figure 16 – Cross subsidy among different household groups 49 Figure 17 – Changes in unit cost and EVN’s profit/loss 50 Figure 18 – Distribution of electricity consumption by urban/rural deciles 51 Figure 19 – Percentage changes in HH electricity expenditure among alternative IBT scenarios 56 Figure 20 – Energy price impact on other industry prices 58 Figure 21 - Iterations of the electricity price impact on other industries 59 Figure 22 - Inflation vs. refined petroleum product prices 60 Figure 23 - Iterations of the energy price impact on the inflation rate 60 Figure 24 – Inflationary impact of energy price on rural/urban households 61 Figure 25 – Indirect impact as percent of total impact in rural areas 63 Figure 26 - Inflation and expenditure categories in Urban Viet Nam 64 Figure 27 - Inflation and expenditure categories in Rural Viet Nam 66 Figure 28 - Inflation and household deciles in Viet Nam 67 Figure 29 – Crude Oil Index and Food & Foodstuff Index 69 Figure 30 – Share of rice subsidy in rural/urban areas 72 iv ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank CGE Computable General Equilibrium CIEM Central Institute for Economic Management CPI Consumer Price Index EVN Viet Nam Electricity Company FPSF Fuel Price Stabilization Fund GDP Gross Domestic Product GSI Global Subsidies Initiative HB Household Business IBT Incremental Block Tariff IEA International Energy Agency IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development IMF International Monetary Fund IO Input-Output kWh Kilowatt hours LDU Local Distribution Utilities LEAP The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas LRMC Long Run Marginal Cost MOIT Ministry of Industry and Trade MOLISA Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs MTOE Million Tons of Oil Equivalent OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries PDP Power Development Plans PM Prime Minister SAM Social Accounting Matrix TWh Terawatt hours UNDP United Nations Development Programme USD United States Dollar VHLSS Viet Nam Household Living Standard Survey VND Vietnamese Dong VOV Radio The Voice of Vietnam v SUMMARY Our analysis based on detailed Vietnamese data sets shows that the magnitude of the fossil-fuel price impact can be substantial in Viet Nam, with a 20 percent increase in both petroleum and electricity prices raising Consumer Price Index by maximum 4.0 percent. Higher inflation rate is found in urban areas compared to rural ones (4.3 percent vs. 3.8 percent). More than half of this comes from the indirect effect of fossil-fuel price changes on prices of other goods and services consumed by households, especially in rural areas and in case electricity prices rise. We employ a static inputoutput model to estimate inflation. Although the poorer face a smaller impact in absolute term than the richer do, they are more affected indirectly in both absolute and relative terms because of their higher price pass-through from fuel and electricity particularly to food and foodstuff. Particularly, about threequarters of the inflationary impact faced by the rural poorest 10 percent come indirectly. This analysis was also conducted to determine which households would be most affected by higher energy tariffs and to what extent mitigation measures, such as lifeline tariffs or direct cash transfers, might lessen the impact for poor and vulnerable households. vi I. CONTEXT Viet Nam has achieved high economic growth rates for over two decades. The economic growth in Viet Nam in the last decade is arguably characterized as investment-led, heavily relying on extensive mobilization of resources. In particular, rising intensity of energy usage has been a key feature of Viet Nam’s recent growth. However, it has become increasingly clear that such a resource-based model cannot help Viet Nam sustain its past impressive development records. Indeed, in recent years, economic growth slows down, with the average annual growth rate declining from 7.5 percent in the 2001-2005 period to 7.02 percent during the 2006-2010 period and well below 6 percent in the first half of the 20112015 period. The average rate of inflation rose from 5.04 percent during the 2001-2005 period to 11.5 percent during the 2006-2010, and increased further to 18.1 percent in 2011 before declining to 6.81 percent in 2012. As a consequence, the country has recently changed the course, embarking on a long-term and large-scale structural reform program, which consists of (i) a stabilization package, widely known as Resolution 11 effective as of February 2011, to keep down inflation and macro imbalances to manageable levels by implementing more prudent demand management, notably in the form of tighter monetary and fiscal policies; and (ii) a restructuring program, officially announced in October 2011, with a view to rooting out inherent structural weaknesses on the supply side, with a special focus on raising efficiency of public investment, state-owned-enterprises and the banking system. These reforms aim to bring the economy back on a path of stable, sustainable and rapid growth, through a shift from the current resource-based growth model to one that will be largely based on efficiency. Earlier, Viet Nam embarked a long run reform agenda for the energy sector, with the aim of restructuring the sector to improve internal operations, efficiency, and the quality of services. The launch of this program was part of the Government’s efforts to complete the transition towards a market economy, which effectively means the removal of or substantial reduction in subsidies that still prevail in a few markets, including the energy one. To this effect, an energy subsidy phase-out plan was initiated in the late 2000’s, with the introduction of new incremental block tariff (IBT) structure for residential consumers under the Government’s Decision 21 in March 2009, which narrowed the band of consumption under a preferential rate (known as the “lifeline tariff”) from 100 KWh to 50 kWh per month and increased the 1 retail price of electricity to all users. Despite growth slowdown and macroeconomic instability, causing huge challenges to businesses and households, the Government of Viet Nam shows its determination to consistently implement the energy price reforms by making the energy subsidy phase out part of the above mentioned stabilization package. However, the current context of Viet Nam requires that the energy price reform should be implemented carefully. Although long-term gains of the reform efforts in the form of improved economic efficiency and environmental sustainability are without doubt, short-term pains in the form of higher inflation should not be overlooked, as cost-push inflation driven by rising energy prices does not only raise already high inflationary expectations, but also results in rising production costs on the supply side and increasing costs of consumption baskets with perceived negative impacts on livelihoods and the living of many poor and low income people. In short, the inflationary impact of energy price reform on the economy in general, and various population groups in particular, has become a key concern, and mitigating this impact to minimize short-term pain is key to achieving long-term gain. This is also the main question that this paper attempts to address. This question be further elaborated into subquestions, including (i) to what extent do energy price increases affect prices of other goods and services? (ii) how do the expenditure patterns change across different household groups and influence prices of their consumption baskets (i.e. individual household-specific CPI), and (iii) what are possible mitigation measures, their advantages and disadvantages? To answer the above questions, the study first makes an overview of the energy sector presented in Section II, followed by a review of the literature in Section III. Sections IV and V present the methodology and data used in this research, respectively. Section VI describes energy-intensive industries and consumption patterns across different household groups. Results and possible mitigation measures are shown in Section VII and the conclusion follows in Section VIII. II. ENERGY SECTOR IN BRIEF – DEMAND, SUPPLY AND PRICING 1. Energy Demand and Supply 2 Recently, Vietnamese people increased their primary energy consumption2 at an average rate of 7.15 percent per annum, from 28.74 million tons of oil equivalent (MTOE) in 2000 to 61.21 MTOE in 2011 according to IEA statistics 3 . Out of the latter figure, fossil fuels accounted for 71.77 percent of total energy consumption, of which 33.50 percent was from crude oil and oil products, 25.38 percent from coal and peat, and 12.16 percent from natural gas (IEA). The demand for crude oil and refined petroleum products keeps rising while Viet Nam’s domestic supply is limited. Over the past two decades, this country has been an important oil and natural gas producer in the Southeast Asian region. Viet Nam has boosted exploration activities, allowed for more foreign investment and cooperation in the oil and gas sectors, and introduced market reforms to support the energy industry. However, since 2004 after several years of steady increases, Viet Nam's oil production has slowly declined and become a net oil importer (by volume) since 2010 when consumption surpassed supply, according to IEA statistics. Table 1 gives more details on fossil fuel supply and consumption by volume in Viet Nam. In 2011, crude oil was mainly exported (57.3 percent of total production and stock changes). 36.1 percent of total supply, a significant increase from 9.3 percent in 2009, was used to produce refined petroleum products thanks to the operation of Viet Nam’s first refinery Dung Quat since July 2009. Specifically, the percentage of domestically produced motor gasoline increased significantly from 16.7 percent in 2009 to 51.8 percent in 2011. Meanwhile, 36.2 percent of the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and diesel demand was supplied domestically in 2011 while 55.7 percent was imported. However, kerosene and fuel oil were almost completely imported (99.9 percent of domestic demand and international marine/aviation bankers) in 2011. Along with Nghi Son refinery started its construction in 2011 and another refinery planned to build in Long Son, it is forecasted that until 2025 the domestic supply of petroleum products could serve two thirds of the expected domestic demand (UNDP, 2012). Table 1 - Oil supply and consumption in Viet Nam, 2011 2 Primary energy consists of coal and peat, crude oil, imported oil products, natural gas, hydropower, imported electricity, biofuels and waste. 3 3 In thousand tons of oil Crude LPG Motor Jet Other Gas/ Fuel Oil Coal Natural Electri Biofuels Hydro equivalent (ktoe) Oil Gasoline Kerosene Kerosene Diesel &Peat Gas -city &Waste Production 16956 382 2557 46 2874 162 24916 8079 8529 14706 2565 Imports 770 2160 988 28 5288 1951 644 536 Exports 10086 270 59 23 1044 227 10023 92 Domestic Supply* 7694 1152 4941 195 77 7850 1919 15537 8079 8973 14706 2565 - Transformation 6352 273 895 + Electricity Plants 273 5140 7627 2565 + Oil Refineries 6240 Final Consumption** 517 1415 4942 195 78 7579 921 10397 451 7819 13811 - Industry 212 12 1241 798 8716 451 4140 2581 - Transport 4807 195 5617 88 - Residential 798 53 43 5 1275 2868 11228 - Commercial & Public Ser. 405 13 280 22 385 726 - Agriculture/Forestry 135 398 8 21 86 Notes: * Covering international marine/aviation bunkers and stock changes ** Covering energy industry own use and non-energy use Source: IEA Energy Statistics ( Fossil fuels have been increasingly important for power generation in Viet Nam (see Table 2). While hydropower explained 28.58 percent of the domestic electricity supply in 2011, 41.74 percent and 20.05 percent were generated by gas turbine and coal fired thermal plants, respectively. In addition, 4.6 percent of power came from oil products. However, the electricity loss rate was still high with 9.64 percent of the total domestic supply. The VIth and VIIth Power Development Plans (PDPs for 2005-2025 and 2010-2030 periods, respectively) envisage rapidly increasing electric power demand. This demand is estimated to grow at an average annual rate of between 9.9 - 11.2 percent for the 2005-2025 period. Electricity generation might increase from 97.4 TWh in 2009 to 227-305 TWh in 2020, and to 695-834 TWh in 2030, of which 54.6 percent could be covered by coal-fired thermal plants and therefore 25 percent is expected to rely on about 80 million tons of imported coal per year, which reflects the more dependence of electricity tariff on the international base (UNDP, 2012). Table 2 – Electricity supply and consumption in Viet Nam, 2011 GWh Percent - Coal and peat 20920 20.05 - Oil 4749 4.55 - Gas 43548 41.74 4 - Hydro 29820 28.58 - Imports 6231 5.97 - Export -1073 -1.03 Domestic Supply* 104337 100 Losses 10060 9.64 Final Consumption** 90922 100 Note: * Cover power generated by biofuels and wind ** Cover energy industry own use Source: IEA Energy Statistics ( Looking back to Table 1, fossil fuel plays the most important role (71.3 percent of total fuel demand) while 28.7 percent comes from non-fossil fuel (biofuels and waste). Fuel is most widely used in industries (37.7 percent of total fuel demand), followed by households (33.8 percent), and transport sector 4 (22.2 percent). However, while households consume substantially non-fossil fuel (69 percent of total fuel demand in the residential sector) and industry sector utilizes 14.2 percent of their need on non-fossil fuel, 100 percent of the fuel demand in the transport sector comes from fossil fuel. Out of total fossil fuel consumption, 44.1 percent is from refined petroleum production, 30.3 percent from coal and peat, and 22.8 percent from electricity. The transportation sector uses 70.8 percent of refined petroleum products while more than 80 percent of coal and peat and 52.3 percent of electricity are utilized in the industry sector. This sector consumes 15 percent of oil products. Meanwhile, households rank the second with their consumption of 12.3 percent of coal and 36.7 percent of electricity. In terms of refined petroleum products (see Table 1), diesel was the most consumed fuel (48.5 percent), followed by gasoline (31.6 percent), LPG (9.0 percent), fuel oil (5.9 percent) and kerosene (1.7 percent). Among final consumers, 97.3 percent of gasoline and above 70 percent of diesel and kerosene were consumed in the transport sector while a majority of fuel oil (86.6 percent) was used in industries. Meanwhile, LPG is mostly utilized in residential sector (56.4 percent), followed by commercial and public services (28.6 percent) and industry sector (15.0 percent). 4 Note that the transport sector covers the usage of motorbikes/cars by households. 5 2. Energy pricing and consumption subsidy Since Viet Nam is greatly dependent on imported refined products, the domestic petroleum prices fluctuate with the international prices. According to Decree 84/2009/ND-CP, the energy reform allows Vietnamese retailers to increase domestic petroleum prices by 7 percent when international prices upsurge by the same rate within a 30-day period. Beyond this percentage, the government attempts to lower the rising price level through a number of mitigation measures such as import tariff reduction 5 and/or the usage of Fuel Price Stabilization Fund (FPSF)6, which comes from a surcharge on petroleum products paid by consumers at different points of time. Although the government’s purpose is to sustain a growing economy, keep down the inflationary impact, and protect consumers, these measures sometimes deplete the FPSF, forcing the government to roll back fuel subsidies and apply market-based pricing in order to alleviate state budget constraints. For instance, when international oil prices escalated in 2010, the FPSF was used and tariffs on refined petroleum products were cut several times. However, this resulted in a substantial amount of petroleum subsidies in 2011 (1.02 billion USD, equivalent to 25 percent of the total energy subsidies in Viet Nam, compared to 0 percent in two previous years – see Table 3)7 although fuel prices finally increased by 34 percent in 2011, and an additional 12 percent by March 20128. Table 3 – Fossil fuel consumption subsidies of Viet Nam during 2007-2011 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total fossil fuel consumption subsidy (billion $), of which: 2.10 3.56 2.15 2.93 4.12 - Oil 0.32 1.09 0 0 1.02 - Natural gas 0.09 0.21 0.13 0.23 0.16 - Coal 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 5 When international fuel prices increase by more than 12 percent. 6 In case that international fuel prices increase by an amount between 7 and 12 percent, retailers are allowed to raise the domestic fuel prices by 60 percent of this amount while the remaining is subsidized from FPSF. 7 IEA data 8 Note that this is denominated in VND. In terms of USD, the corresponding rates are 20.5 percent in 2011 and a further 8.6 percent in March 2012. 6 - Electricity 1.68 2.25 2.1 2.69 2.92 - % of GDP 2.95 3.94 1.24 2.83 3.4 - % of state budget expenditure(*) 8.7 11.9 3.5 8.6 9.1 Total fossil fuel consumption subsidy as: Source: CIEM (2013) – Phase 2 of the UNDP Project on “Developing A Roadmap for Fossil Fuel Fiscal Policy Reform”. Table 4 shows the composition of basic price on 6th November 2013 for one litre of different kinds of refined petroleum products. The CIF price accounts for 62.2 percent of the basic price for gasoline and 73 percent for other kinds of petroleum products, which reflect the heavy dependence of domestic prices of petroleum products on international prices. Table 4 - Price composition for one litre of refined petroleum products as of 06/11/2013 No. Cost items Unit Refined petroleum products Gasoline 92 DO 0.05S Kerosene FO 3.5S * World price on 06/11/2013 USD/barrel, tons 108.39 121.80 120.87 605.47 1 30-day average world price (FOB) USD/barrel, tons 111.41 123.92 123.12 615.43 USD/barrel, tons 2.50 2.50 3.00 30.00 2 3 Insurance and Transportation cost from overseas port to domestic port 30-day average exchange rate VND/USD 21,125 Inter-bank exchange rate VND/USD 21,036 CIF Price (4=1+2) 4 CIF Price (to calculate basic price) CIF Price (to calculate import and excise taxes) USD/barrel, tons 113.91 126.42 126.12 645.43 VND/litre, kg 14,902 16,613 16,530 13,635 VND/litre, kg 14,839 16,542 16,460 13,577 Rate (%) 18% 14% 16% 15% VND/litre, kg 2,671 2,316 2,634 2,037 Rate (%) 10% VND/litre, kg 1,751 5 Import tax 6 Excise tax 7 Cost norm VND/litre, kg 860 860 860 500 8 Profit norm VND/litre, kg 300 100 100 300 9 Price stabilization fund contribution VND/litre, kg 300 300 300 300 10 Environment tax VND/litre, kg 1.000 500 300 300 11 Value added tax VND/litre, kg 2,178 2,069 2,072 1,707 12 Basic price (12=4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11) VND/litre, kg 23,962 22,757 22,795 18,779 13 Current retail price VND/litre, kg 23,880 22,310 22,020 18,510 % -0.34% -1.97% -3.40% -1.43% 14 Gap between current retail price and 7 basic price VND/litre, kg -82 -447 -775 -269 Source: Note: * Prices of petroleum products in the Singapore market. Figure 1 – Petroleum price comparison among different countries during 1998-2012 Source: World Bank database All types of taxes and contribution fee to price stabilization fund (300 VND per litre) explain 33 percent of the basic price for gasoline and 23 percent for the others. Cost norms are 500 VND/litre for fuel oil 3.5S and 860 VND/litre for the others while profit norms range from 100 to 300 VND/litre. However, the domestic prices of refined petroleum products in Viet Nam are still cheaper than those of a majority of countries in the region, except Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar (e.g, gasoline and diesel prices shown in Figure 1). The price stabilization fund for petroleum products was established in 2009 and has been used and kept by petroleum traders to offset loses because of fluctuations in market prices. The increasing concern is transparency toward this fund. Therefore, since July 2013, the Ministry of Finance start publishing its first and second editions of quarterly statistics related to the management and use of the fuel price stabilisation fund on its website. In terms of electricity, since 2006 the Vietnamese government approved a roadmap for phasing out the current system of state monopoly and subsidies on electricity and 8 establishing a competitive power market. The first phase, started in July 20129, comprises the establishment of a competitive power generation market, where a single buyer purchases electricity from the generators and sell it to distribution companies and large consumers at regulated prices. The next phase, scheduled to start in 2017, will entail a wholesale competitive market where sellers (power plants) and buyers (distributors and large consumers) will competitively transact in a power pool. The final stage, planned to begin in 2024, will be a competitive retail market, where retail consumers are allowed to choose their suppliers. Currently, Vietnam Electricity Company (EVN) dominates the power sector with a majority in generation capacity (over 60 percent in 2010) and has a monopoly in electricity transmission and distribution. By end-2012, EVN had over 19.8 million customers, a rise by 1.08 million from 2011. Table 5 - IBTs for Vietnam’s Power Sector from 1999 to Present 10/1999 – 11/2002 – 2/2005 – 2/2007 – 3/2009 – 10/2002 1/2005 1/2007 3/2009 2/2010 PM Decision PM Decision PM Decision PM Decision PM Decision Unit: 193/1999/QĐ- 124/2002/QĐ- 215/2004/ 276/2006/QĐ- 21/2009/QĐTTg dated QĐ-TTg dated TTg dated TTg dated VND/kWh TTg dated 22/09/1999 20/09/2002 29/12/2004 04/12/2006 12/02/2009 <300 >300 kWh/m kWh/m 0-50 600 500 550 550 1100 550 51-100 845 101-150 704 900 900 1100 1110 1135 151-200 957 1210 1210 1100 1470 1495 201-300 1166 1340 1340 1340 1600 1620 301-400 1400 1720 1740 >400 1397 1400 1400 1500 1780 1790 3/2010 – 2/2011 Gov't Office Document 50/2010/TBVPCP dated 12/02/2010 600 1004 1214 1594 1722 1844 1890 3/2011 – 7/2012 – 12/2012- 8/2013 to 6/2012 12/2012 7/2013 date PM Decision PM Decision Circular No. Circular No. 24/2011/QĐ- 268/2011/QĐ- 38/2012/TT- 19/2012/TTTTg dated TTg dated BCT dated BCT dated 15/04/2011 23/02/2011 20/12/2012 31/7/2013 1242* 1284* 1350* 1418* 1369 1734 1877 2008 2060 1457 1843 1997 2137 2192 1545 1947 2105 2249 2307 1622 2044 2210 2361 2420 Note: * Poor and low Income households using less than 50kWh have paid only 993 VND/kWh Source: Prime Minister Decisions and Circulars The incremental block tariffs10 (IBTs) for electricity has been applied in Viet Nam for a long time (as shown in Table 5). Before 2009, the lowest 100 kWh block was designated as Viet 9 Tuan Hoang, “Vận hành thị trường bán lẻ điện cạnh tranh từ năm 2020”, 634/Van-hanh-thi-truong-ban-le-dien-canh-tranh-tu-nam-2020.aspx, 8th Nov 2012. 10 The incremental block tariffs (IBTs) are often used by electricity retailers to provide cross subsidies to users who consume less than a subsistence threshold considered adequate for meeting basic needs; hence the use of the term “lifeline” rate. Lifeline subsidies entail low administrative costs, and they often enjoy widespread political support. One of the major drawbacks of lifeline tariffs is that they may not be well-targeted – a household’s level of electricity consumption may not be a good indicator of poverty – and leakages to the non-poor are often high. In lieu of lifelines, many countries compensate poorer households for high electricity tariffs through income transfers and related social protection measures. 9 Nam’s lifeline band and priced at less than half of the economic cost of electricity supply in 2005, leading to a substantial leakage to the non-poor. Despite inflation and rising costs, the lifeline tariff was kept constant in nominal terms until the adjustments approved by the Prime Minister in February 2009 (Decision 21). From March 2009 to February 2011, the first block was narrowed down from 100 kWh to 50 kWh to all users and set the new lifeline tariff at around 40 percent of the economic cost of supply. However, although the new lifeline tariff increased in nominal terms, this inflation-adjusted tariff was still lower than those set in 2002. The next block (51-100 kWh) was priced at the economic cost without profits. Profits were covered by residential tariffs in higher blocks as well as cross subsidies from other tariff categories, mainly industrial and commercial users. Since March 2011, only poor and lowincome households whose monthly consumption was fewer than 50 kWh for three consecutive months are beneficiaries from the lifeline tariff. With the aim of ensuring fair treatment of all households in Viet Nam, the PM’s Decision 21 also put all residential consumers under a single, unified tariff structure, regardless of whether they were supplied by local distribuition utilities (LDUs) or EVN. The new tariffs went into effect in March 2009 for all EVN customers. The LDUs were grandfathered under the old tariff structure through September 2009, with the aim of giving them time to transition to the new cost structure (Valerie Kozel and Nguyen Viet Cuong, 2010).11 Although the tariffs in IBTs continue raising since 2009, the cross-subsidy mechanism are kept unchanged, contributing to large subsidies on electricity consumption in Viet Nam, which reached the peak of 2.92 billion USD in 2011 (see Table 3). Besides that, as an excuse of EVN for lifeline tariff increases from 600 to 993 VND/kWh, a cash transfer of 30,000 VND per month has been sent to poor households since March 2011 (according to Decision No. 268/QD-TTg), resulting in total direct subsidy of 930 billion VND in 2011. This budget shrinks in 2012 11 More than 5,600 LDUs were operating in rural communes as of June, 2008. Many LDUs were very small, operated on a narrow profit margin and struggled with issues of capacity, quality of supply, and safety. The government required LDUs to operate according to a new set of performance criteria in the future, including obtaining an electricity distribution and retail supply license, developing a reliable and transparent system of accounts, entering into a supply contract with each customer, issuing monthly bills and ensuring all customers have a certified power meter. They had to adhere to the unified tariff. However, many of them were not able to meet the standards and operate profitably under the unified IBT system. The Decision 21 allowed the takeover of financially weak LDUs by the PCs, resulting in a strong reduction in distribution utilities by LDUs from 56 percent before 2009 to 20 percent after 2009. 10 thanks to a fall in the MOLISA list of poor households12 from approximate 2.6 million in 2011 to 2.15 million in 201213. At the beginning, EVN committed to support poor households. Later, however, due to its losses, this social task was shifted to MOLISA. As also seen in Table 5, although electricity tariffs were adjusted every year, the price increases have not been much in real terms due to the devaluation VND. The price was 4.48 US cents/kWh in 1999, increased to 5.1 US cents/kWh in 2005, and nearly 6.00 US cents/kWh in 2011. This price level was lower than the 7.00 US cents/kWh, which was committed by EVN in 2001 to international financial organizations14. Before 2012, the prices that customers paid could not cover actual electricity production costs. However, in 2012, with the price reaching 6.9 US cent/kWh, EVN claimed it made a profit15 (with approximately 2,500 billion VND16 after off-setting a part of the accumulated loss from previous years). The price continues rising and touches 7.15 US cent/kWh since 1st August 2013. 17 This increment aims to achieve the profit targets and pay back gradually the accumulated loss of the exchange rate differences of 15,000 billion VND and another 8,000 billion VND debt due to high-cost electricity purchases since 2011.18 12 Note that the beneficiaries consist of poor households with monthly income per capita below 400,000 VND in rural areas and 500,000 VND in urban areas, according to the definition of the Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA). 13 Decision 14 No. 749/QD-LDTBXH dated 13rd May 2013 by MOLISA According to ADB (2003), "EVN was in default of ADB covenants requiring retail tariffs to be at 7 cents per kWh by March 2001... At the end of fiscal year 2000, the average tariff was only at 728.0 VND or 5.1 US cents, which was also inadequate to achieve the World Bank’s self-financing ratio covenant". And then "ADB and the World Bank agreed with the government on a staggered tariff increase to reach the level of 7.0 cents by July 2005". 15 According to EVN, the 2012 profit resulted from favorable weather and rising electricity prices twice during this year. Source: Hữu Tùng, “Đằng sau câu chuyện ‘lãi - lỗ’ của EVN”, news/vn/kinh-te/dangsau-cau-chuyen-lai-lo-cua-evn.html, 27th Feb 2013. 16 However, the 2012 profit calculated by EVN did not cover EVN’s debt to PVN as well as its future investment, leading to no reflection of the long-run marginal cost of power generation. 17 The applied exchange rate is 21,115 VND/USD. 18 Việt Hà/VOV (2013), “EVN xử lý 8.000 tỷ đồng lỗ do phát điện giá cao”, ty-dong-lo-do-phat-dien-gia-cao/280607.vov, 14th Sept 2013. 11 The average power price in Viet Nam is currently still lower than that of most countries in the region (e.g., the price in Thailand was 10.6 US cents/kWh in 2011) and it is therefore not attractive for local and foreign enterprises to invest in new generating capacity in Viet Nam19. Nevertheless, it is difficult to get the public’s support for any increase in electricity prices by EVN due to its mismanagement and lack of transparency. There are a number of issues that involve EVN’s mismanagement on non-core investments and over-budget salary payment. For example, since 2006, EVN has branched out an investment of 121,000 billion VND into non-score sectors, including telecommunication, securities, banking, finance and real estate and this investment only brought losses, with the total estimated at VND 2,190 billion (USD 103.3 million), which is eventually paid for by the government, hence taxpayers. It is noteworthy that this huge investment is equivalent to 28.5 percent of total investment capital demanded to develop 42 power projects. Lack of capital led to 20 out of these projects under slow progress, causing electricity shortage of 84 billion kWh, equivalent to 80-90 percent of annual power consumption.20 As reported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, currently 126 communes in Viet Nam with approximately 580,000 rural households mainly in mountainous areas and on islands, are still without access to electricity. Kerosene and candles are normally used for light in these communes. It is also hard for consumers and economists to trust EVN due to the lack of transparency in its price calculations and business performance. According to government inspectors, besides suffering losses due to non-core investments, many unjustified expenses has been accounted when calculating costs. For example, nearly 600 billion VND (28.4 million USD) for building houses, villas, tennis courts, swimming pools, and other facilities for EVN’s staff is accounted as “administrative buildings”. Public also claims on EVN’s unreasonable salary payment. Notably, there is a big gap between actual wage and wage norm: over 45 percent higher in actual wage in 2009 and 51.5 percent in 2010. Additionally, by selling electricity under prices lower than the average to steel and cement producers for which FDI accounts for a large proportion, loss compensation covered by EVN for FDI enteprises become considerable (more than VND 2,100 billion, equivalent to USD 0.1 billion in 2011). 19 Mai Hoa, “Năm mới vừa ‘tới cửa’, điện lại ‘đe’ tăng giá”, Chua-chao-nam-moi-dien-da-lai-de-tang-gia-2075068/, 7th Feb 2013. 20 Pham Huyen (2013), “Thói quen chậm tiến độ, kêu lỗ đòi tăng giá điện”, te/143888/thoi-quen-cham-tien-do--keu-lo-doi-tang-gia-dien.html. 12 Another issue of inefficiency in the electricity sector is the quality of transmission system. In major urban cities, there was still blackouts as a result of overloading in transmission, which was designed for only 77 percent of current generation capacity. The annual technical loss of an average of 10 percent decreases the actual consumption amount of electricity to below the demand level. As a result, Viet Nam imported 6,23 billion kWh of electricity in 2011, while exporting only 1,07 billion kWh (see Table 2). In World Bank’s report 2011, Vietnam only ranks at 88 out of 125 countries on the quality of electricity supply. Thus any effort to increase generation would be inadequate if lack of proper maintainance and upgrade of the transmission system. III. LITERATURE REVIEWS There is a vast literature on the impact of fuel subsidy removal and energy price increases on inflation and household welfare. Studies across household groups are based on a range of methodologies, and give mixed results. Rising energy prices increases the prices of goods and services that use fuel products as inputs, resulting in cost-push inflation. In Indonesia, for example, the Central Bank estimates that every 500 IDR (0.06 US$) rise in the subsidized fuel price can lead to the inflation rate of 1.6 percent (IISD-GSI, 2012). In Thailand, Credit Suisse finds that a 10 percent growth in the retail diesel price would increase CPI by 0.7 percent within a year (Sriring, 2011). Several studies conclude that high-income groups receive most fuel subsidies and therefore become the hardest hit when fuel prices go up. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates out of the 409 billion USD spent on fossil-fuel consumption subsidies in 2010, only 35 billion USD (equivalent to 8 percent of the total) reached the poorest quintile of the population (IEA, 2011). Similarly, using data collected from the 2009 Indonesian national household socio-economic survey, the World Bank (2011) shows that the richest 10 percent consumed 40 percent of the subsidized gasoline but the poorest 10 percent spent less than one percent.21 Likewise, in a study of energy subsidy reform in Poland, which resulted in an 21 Indonesian fuel prices are among the lowest in the world and the subsidies have for years led to a hike in demand for fuel while draining state finances and undermining foreign investment. After months of haggling, petrol and diesel prices were set to rise by an average of 33 percent amid a revised budget last year but this fuel 13 80 percent growth in energy prices, welfare declines among the richest quintile are estimated to be greater (8.2 percent) than those among the poorest (5.9 percent) under the assumption of a zero elasticity of demand (Freund and Wallich, 2000). When the elasticity of demand was taken into account, decreases in welfare range from 4.6 percent to 7.6 percent. Employing a CGE model, a study by Clements et al. (2007) demonstrates in Indonesia that the reduction in energy subsidies raises production costs, leading to other sectors’ price rise. They run both Keynesian and non-Keynesian models and conclude that the aggregate price level grows by 1.1 percent as a result of a 25 percent increase in petroleum prices. Electricity prices go up the most while agricultural goods’ prices raise the least. In the Keynesian model, the authors find a decrease in real consumption by 2.1 to 2.7 percent. In their non-Keynesian model, the decline in real consumption is much smaller, at 0.9 percent. Moreover, Clements et al. prove that high-income urban and rural groups are more affected due to their relatively higher consumption of petroleum products. This result is consistent with other studies’ findings (IEA 2011, Freund and Wallich 2000). In contrast, other researches demonstrate the poorer households are harder hit by fossil fuel prices. For example, Nganou et al. (2009) apply the social accounting matrix (SAM) model for the case of Kenya and find that for every one percent increase in oil price, the producer price index rises by 0.38 percent. They also conclude a 25-percent increase in oil price raises the costs of living by 9.2 percent, with the rise being faster in urban areas than in rural areas and larger among the poorer than the richer households. Similarly, by using the CGE model, Naranpanawa and Bandara (2011) conclude that low-income urban households in Sri Lanka become the most affected, followed by low-income rural households. Warr (2011) also adopts a CGE model for Laos and suggests that an increase in petroleum prices from 70 USD to 100 USD will bring about an 18-percent decrease in aggregate real consumption. However, different from Nganou et al. (2009) and Naranpanawa and Bandara (2011), the impact is more severe in the rural areas, where show the highest poverty incidence, and in which the people are more vulnerable to increases in transport costs. price reform failed to push through due to sparked violent demonstrations around the country and heated opposition in Parliament. As a result, the government spent $20 billion on fuel subsidies in 2012 and this was expected to rise to $23 billion this year. Source: Luke Hunt (2013), “Indonesia Finally Moves on Fuel Subsidies”,, 20th June 2013. 14 Meanwhile, a cross-national study of Coady et al. (2006) illustrates the mixed distribution impact of fossil fuel subsidy reform. This study simulates both the direct and indirect effects of fossil fuel subsidy reform in Bolivia, Ghana, Jordan, Mali and Sri Lanka. They find that the direct effects of increasing fossil-fuel prices on aggregate real income ranged from 0.9 percent in Mali to 2.0 percent in Jordan. In some countries, the direct effects were distributed neutrally, affecting the highest and lowest income quintiles similarly. However in Ghana, Jordan and Sri Lanka, they were regressive, influencing the lowest income quintile more than the highest income groups. Indirect effects of the reform on prices of other goods and services were higher, ranging from 1.1 percent to 6.7 percent but tended to be equally distributed across income quintiles. As a result, the combined direct and indirect effects ranged from 2 percent for Mali to 8.5 percent for Ghana. For all countries, this total effect is slightly regressive, affecting the lowest quintile the most. Another cross-national research is Hope and Singh (1995)'s study on energy price reform in other six developing countries (Columbia, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey and Zimbabwe). Although some modeling was undertaken, this study was implemented based on actual subsidy reforms in the 1980s. In all six countries, the income loss due to subsidy reform ranged from 1 to 3 percent with urban poor being the worst affected. It is worth disaggregating fuel price impact according to different types of fuel. In Egypt, for example, disaggregation shows that the income effect of the gasoline- and natural gassubsidy reform would be 0 and 0.1 percent on the poorest quintile; while reform of kerosene and LPG face an income effect of 2.2 percent and 5.4 percent, respectively (World Bank, 2009). Viet Nam is currently paying more attention to assessing the impact of its fossil fuel subsidy reform. Phase I of the UNDP Project on “Developing A Roadmap for Fossil Fuel Fiscal Policy Reform”, the report titled “Fossil Fuel Prices And Taxes: Effects On Economic Development And Income Distribution In Viet Nam” applies a CGE model to analyze macroeconomic impact and assess the consequences of price increases on energy demand as well as household consumption and GDP. The report mentions that the results are based on “real” or “inflation free” price changes. It also takes into account “phased out” subsidies and 15 “phased in” tax over a three-year period, in steps, in order to minimize shocks in the economy. This analysis assesses the impacts of the targets and guidelines, with sectoral disaggregation but without details on the inflationary impact. Another report in Phase I of the UNDP Project (“Value Chain and Policy Analysis of Fossil Fuel Trade, Subsidy and Tax in Viet Nam”) applies the LEAP model to link subsidy removal to energy consumption and the generation of air emissions, without considering other socio-economic impacts. Implemented under Phase II of the UNDP Project, this study therefore will fill this gap. From late 2007 to end of March 2008, the International Monetary Fund (IMF, 2008) looked into the impact of food and fuel price increases on inflation and poverty in a number of countries, including Viet Nam. This report finds among the countries hardest hit by inflation was Viet Nam, with the annual inflation rise by almost 12.6 percent. The impact of food price growth seems to be much more significant than fuel price changes for the evolution of overall inflation. A study by Nguyen et al. (2009) employs the Input - Output (IO) table of the year 2005 and uses the Viet Nam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) in 2006 to show that 20percent increase in electricity tariff can immediately reduce the real consumption of households by 0.7 percent. Poor households in both urban and rural areas are found to experience larger direct impacts. However, this paper fails to explain for the indirect impacts of electricity price increase on other sectors’ prices and then on household consumption. Meanwhile, CIEM (2012) applies the CGE model and uses a micro-macro simulation tool to assess the impact of energy price changes in Viet Nam. The results show that when electricity price grows by 5 percent and petroleum price rises by 10 percent, the largest increase in rural CPI is found in the South Central region (2.53 percent) while the smallest is observed in the South East (2.21 percent). For urban households, the CPI goes up most slowly in the Red River Delta (2.15 percent) but rises most rapidly in the Central Highland (2.38 percent). In addition, the impact is more severe for rural households in poor regions than in richer ones. The study also concludes that the total impact is larger in the longer term than in the short term. Likewise, using regional CGE model, Pham and Bui (2009) find the inflationary impact of 0.47-0.51 percent in 8 regions of Viet Nam as a result of 8 percent increase in electricity price. The impact fluctuates among regions but seems to be equal 16 between rural and urban areas. Similar to CIEM (2012), this study also shows that long-run impact is 10-percentage point higher than the short-run impact for all regions. Another study on Viet Nam (Nguyen, 2012) employs a static approach and uses the 2007 IO table to examine the impact of increasing electricity tariff (6 US cents/kWh) to the Long Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) of 9.5 US cents/kWh on prices of consumer goods and services and the distribution impact on different quintiles. The study concludes that a rise of 58.3 percent in the electricity tariff results in the CPI increases by 4.2 percent. This study also shows that the lower quintile suffers less direct loss than the richer because the poorer pay smaller expenditure shares for electricity. This result is influenced by the fact that a number of households in rural areas are still without access to electricity. They are poor and have relatively lower electrification rates than better-income households. The overall inflationary impact therefore ranges from 3.65 percent for the poorest 20 percent to 4.54 percent for the richest. The above studies on Viet Nam take different scenarios of energy prices. Therefore, for comparison purpose, under the assumption that the inflationary impact has the linearity property, all the findings are adjusted according to 20 percent increases in electricity and petroleum prices, which is represented in Table 6. According to this table, there are some variations where the inflation rate ranges from 0.8 percent (by Committee of the National Financial Supervision) to 1.18-1.28 percent (Pham and Bui, 2009) or 1.44 percent (Nguyen, 2012) as electricity price goes up by 20 percent. Much large fluctuations in the inflationary impact are found in the case of petroleum price rise by the same percentage. This impact can be vary from very low values with 0.4-0.7 percent (Nguyen et al. 2009 and according to Committee of the National Financial Supervision) to medium ones with 2.33 percent (in accordance with Price Management Department - Ministry of Finance) or very large values with 6.6 percent (under Ho Chi Minh Securities Corporation). A combination of both electricity and petroleum price increases by 20 percent lead to CPI rise by more than 4.6-5.0 percent (CIEM, 2012). Different models and datasets give different results. None of them explores components of inflationary impact in details and then suggestions on possible mitigation measures. 17 Table 6 – A comparison on the inflationary impact of 20 percent increases in electricity and petroleum prices Sources Inflation rate (%) Inflation rate (%) due to electricity due to petroleum due to electricity and price rises price rise CIEM (2012) Inflation rate (%) petroleum prices rise >4.6-5.0 (long-term) Nguyen et al. (2009) Nguyen (2012) 0.68 1.44 Pham and Bui (2009) 1.18-1.28 Ho Chi Minh Securities Corporation* 6.6 Price Management Department** 2.33 Committee of the National Financial Supervision*** 0.8 0.4-0.6 1.2-1.4 Note: * Vietnam Economic Forum (2012), One-percent increase in petroleum price leads to CPI rise by 0.33 percent. ** Ministry of Finance. Source: Radio The Voice of Vietnam VOV (2012), 1.71 percent increase in petroleum price leads to CPI rise by 0.20 percent. *** Vietnam Chamber Commerce Industry VCCI (2013), 2/ghim-gia-de-kim-lam-phat.htm. 10 percent and 5 percent increases in electricity and petroleum prices result in CPI rise by 0.40 percent and 0.1-0.15 percent, respectively. IV. METHODOLOGY The inflationary impact of energy price increases is calculated based on two indicators: price changes in all sectors and the consumption patterns of different population groups. The effects of increasing fuel prices on the prices of other goods and services are multiplied by consumers’ budget shares for each category and then aggregated to measure the inflation. The first indicator is estimated by the Input-Output (IO) model, which is presented in the subsection 4.1 while the sub-section 4.2 gives the formula to calculate inflation rates. The final sub-section discusses different scenarios of energy price increases. 4.1. The price impact on other sectors – An IO model application To measure the energy price impact on macro-economic indicators, two methodologies - IO 18 and CGE models - are used widely in the literature under different data requirements and assumptions. The IO approach has the attractiveness of requiring substantially less data and less modeling intensity than CGE models. In contrast, a CGE model captures better the complication of the whole economy with the specification of utility and profit functions, the implicit demand equations for both final and intermediate goods as well as the complete specification of commodity and factor market structures. However, the robust and comprehensive data demanded by CGE models is often difficult to generate, particularly for developing countries in general and Viet Nam in particular, and many parameters of CGE models normally have to be borrowed from other countries. In addition, results obtained by CGE-based simulations are very sensitive to the specification of the functions and market structures (see Table 7 for a summary of quantitative approaches to impact assessment and Appendix A for further discussion). Therefore IO model is adopted in this study in order to not only take advantage of data requirement but also supplement to CGE model which was used in Phase I of this Project. The IO-based simulation methodology has a number of attractive properties such as simplicity, linearity (i.e. inflationary impact of a 20 percent increase in energy price is double that of its 10 percent increase) and adding up (i.e. inflationary impact of a combined scenario of 20 percent increase in electricity tariff and 20 percent increase in prices of petroleum products is equal to the sum of price effects under individual scenarios), in addition to the IO’s main property that allows to capture cross-sectoral inter-dependence. Furthermore, the household survey-based micro-simulation methodology employed in this study has a valuable property of high level of disaggregation, down to as low as household unit record, resulting in flexibility of impact analysis for any socio-economic group of policy concern (e.g. ethnic minorities in any region). As a result, a combined use of these methodologies can allow researchers and policy makers quickly produce, in a top-of-the head manner, estimates of inflationary impacts of any scenario, based on estimates of the main scenarios, in this case 20 percent increases in prices of electricity, and 20 percent increases in prices of petroleum products. Thanks to numerous valuable properties, including those as mentioned above, the IO price model (Leontief, 1951) has been widely used to analyze the nature of cost-price inter- 19 relationships within a sectoral framework. This model is simply representative for the production side of an economy, where the set of producers of analogous goods and services forms a homogeneous industry. Each industry requires different inputs to produce its output, with these inputs procured from other domestic industries or imported. Table 7 – Summary table: Quantitative approaches to impact assessment Data Captures impacts on… Data availability and resource requirements source(s) Income and Direct impacts only. Disaggregates energy by individual Data generally publicly available in all expenditure fossil fuels. Estimates static, first-order impacts on survey households only, can disaggregate by income group and two weeks of result of survey. Little technical countries. Useful results achievable within location. Useful for poverty analysis. Does not assess expertise is required. Input-output impacts on informal sector, energy access or Direct and indirect impacts. Usually aggregate fossil environment. I-O tables tend to be built by national (I-O) table fuels into a limited number of categories, separate from statistical agencies every 5–7 years, and can electricity. Estimates static, first-order impacts on therefore be out of date. Experienced households and economic sectors, with no analysts are able to produce results within disaggregation of households but good disaggregation of four weeks of receipt of table. Specialized Social Accounting economic sectors. Does not assess impacts on informal technical expertise is required. Direct and indirect impacts but standard SAM does not SAMs tend to be built by national statistics sector, energy access or environment. explicitly include data fields on electricity and fuel agencies or international organizations such Matrix (SAM) expenditure—this requires additional calculations. SAM and/or I-O table as the World Bank every 5–7 years, and can Estimates static, first-order impacts on households and therefore be out of date. Experienced economic sectors, but does not usually disaggregate analysts able to produce results within three households. Does not assess impacts on informal sector, months. Specialized technical expertise is Direct and indirect impacts, and typically some but not all SAMs and I-O tables are usually used as the energy access or environment. required. induced impacts. Usually aggregate fossil fuels into a core databases underlying a CGE model, limited number of categories, separate from electricity. and, as these are usually built every 5–7 Estimates dynamic impacts of different orders of years, they can be out of date. Also they causation on households and economic sectors, with require significant additional data, estimates households not usually disaggregated and economic of econometric relationships, assumptions sectors not highly disaggregated. Different models will and ad hoc adjustments. Can take an allow different variables to respond to changing experienced team up to a year to build and economic conditions, e.g., most CGEs assume full calibrate a CGE. Existing models are likely to employment and require adaptation in order to estimate require adaptation to assess fossil-fuel employment impacts. Does not assess impacts on subsidy reform. Highly specialized technical informal sector, energy access or environment. expertise is required. 20 Energy Direct and indirect impacts for energy sector only. Can Data typically available from a number of statistics, fully disaggregate individual fossil fuels. Estimates sources and fairly up to date. Building and demand and dynamic impacts on energy consumers and energy calibrating a new model can take an average supply sector, ranging from aggregated to highly disaggregated. of four months. Existing models are likely to projects Assumes no demand response to price changes. Does require adaptation to assess fossil-fuel not assess impacts on informal sector, energy access or subsidy reform. Specialized technical be adapted to project changes in for Policy-Makers expertise is inrequired. Source:environment. GSI (2013), “ACan Guidebook to Fossil-Fuel Subsidy Reform Southeast Asia”, page 51 –resource Table 10,stocks. drawing on inputs from Coady (2006); Markandya & Hunt (2004); World Bank (2010). According to Leontief (1951), IO systems are based on the following assumptions: (i) Homogeneity of output; (ii) No substitution between inputs; (iii) Fixed proportions between inputs and outputs; (iv) Absence of economies of scale; (v) Linearity of coefficients; and (vi) Exogeneity of primary inputs and final demand components. In the IO price model, the price in a particular sector, Pi, depends on: (i) The input coefficients aij, (ii) The prices of the required domestic intermediate inputs, (iii) The primary components (wages, operating surplus, indirect taxes/subsidies) or value-added per unit of output (iv) The value (price times quantity) of imported intermediate inputs per unit of output. The traditional Leontief price model has the following equation (Miller and Blair, 1985, p.354): P = AT×P + v (1) where P = the price index vector for n sectors A = n×n direct coefficient matrix AT = transpose matrix of A v = the column vector of ratios of value added to output in n sectors P = (I – AT)-1v (2) where I = the identity matrix or unit matrix 21 Equation (2) shows that when imposing a primary input price shock on the model, prices (P) of all sectors in the IO table are treated as endogenous variables. A shock to the IO price model can be imposed in two ways: (i) A price shock to one sector through an increase in, say, indirect taxes, wages, value added, imported values (ii) The price of a commodity can be rendered exogenously by dropping it partially or fully from the system. We adopt the second approach in this study. This is because we assume that the prices of petroleum and electricity (the column vector PE) are entirely exogenous while the other sectors (the column vector PN) are endogenous. The exogeneity assumption is possible and fits the fact that the electricity industry in Viet Nam is still dominated by SOEs and therefore the government rather than the market regulates the electricity prices. Meanwhile, since a majority of refined petroleum products are currently imported, the petroleum prices depend much on the international prices and therefore they become independent of cost-price interaction by other industries in Viet Nam. To model this, equation (1) is partitioned into exogenous and endogenous components: é P ù é AT ê E ú = ê EE T êë PN úû ê AEN ë ù é T ù é ANE ú ´ ê PE ú + ê vE T ú ê PN ú ê vN ANN û ë û ë ù ú úû (3) where: (i) T AEE = the transpose matrix of the energy input coefficients for the production of one unit of energy output (ii) T ANE = the transpose matrix of the non-energy input coefficients for the production of one unit of energy output (iii) T AEN = the transpose matrix of the energy input coefficients for the production of one unit of non-energy output (iv) T ANN = the transpose matrix of the non-energy input coefficients for the production of one unit of non-energy output (v) vE = the column vector of ratios of value added to output in energy sectors (vi) vN = the column vector of ratios of value added to output in non-energy sectors 22 (vii) n = the number of exogenous and endogenous sectors With PE excluded from the IO price system under the assumption of exogeneity, equation (3) is then focused on the determination of PN. Accordingly, equation (3) can be written as: PN = T T AEN PE + ANN PN + vN PN = (I – T T T ANN )-1 AEN PE +(I – ANN )-1vN (4) It is worth noting that equation (4) provides the sum of both direct and indirect impact of an increase in PE on PN. It should be borne in mind that when PE = 1, there is no deviation in the prices of the petroleum and electricity sectors from its baseline values, and therefore, the solution of the system yields a column vector of unity for PN. PN = (I – T T ANN )-1 AEN PE (5) Specific assumptions and methodological constraints need to be considered when using the IO model results. First, on the one hand, the impact on prices of other goods and services is linear with the scale of price reform due to the model structure. On the other hand, the higher the change in price, the larger the policy-induced response of the system is expected to be (e.g., lower consumption through energy substitution, energy efficiency and conservation). Consequently, the impact may become non-linear, with the growth of inflation progressively declining with higher policy-induced price increases. The results therefore imply the overestimation of the negative economic impact in the short-term and the underestimation of the positive medium to longer-term impact. Second, the IO model does not consider both endogenous and policy-induced technological changes. A reduction in energy intensity for fossil fuels would reduce the pressure on energy prices and inflation. This constraint again leads to overestimate the inflationary impact, and the results hence should be interpreted as the “maximum impact” on the inflation. In other words, this provides an upper boundary for inflation, which is crucial information for policy formulation. 4.2. The inflationary impact The price impact varies from one sector to another and the inflation rate is defined as a weighted average of the sectoral price changes. These changes - so-called Production Price 23 Index (PPI) - are estimated using sectoral output shares as weights while the inflation rates (changes in CPI) take sectoral shares of total private consumption as their weights. These weights change among locations and across different population groups. CPI is calculated using a Laspeyres index: n åp q t i CPI t®0 = 0 i n æ pt ö = åWi 0 ´ ç i0 ÷ è pi ø å pi0 qi0 i=1 i=1 n (5) i=1 where: (i) CPI t 0 = the consumer price index at the period t compared to the base period 0 (ii) pit = the price index in sector i at time t (iii) pi0 = the price index in sector i at time 0 (iv) Wi 0 = weights at time 0 where Wi 0 = pi0 qi0 n åp q 0 0 i i i=1 Then, inflation rate is calculated by: I t t 1 n CPI t 0 CPI t 10 p t p t 1 0 100 100 Wi CPI t 10 p t 1 i 1 (6) or I t®t-1 =100W T DP where T (7) WET WNT ) (i) WT = the row vector of weights ( W (ii) P P E (Using results from sub-section 4.1) PN More specifically, inflationary impacts of energy price reform can be estimated in two steps: Step 1: Calculating full price effects (direct plus indirect/spill-over) of energy price shock The quantitative model used is based on the current officially Input-Output Table (IO - 2007 version), to calculate direct and spillover effects of energy price increase under each scenario on all other prices in the economy as per the IO industry classification. 24 Step 2: Estimating average reduction (in percentage) in household welfare as measured by household’s consumption in real terms Changes in prices obtained from Step 1 are used to estimate changes in household real consumption based on data of Viet Nam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) in 2010. In this step, household expenditure items are mapped with IO’s classification of industries to calculate household’s specific Consumer Price Index (CPI). To produce CPIs that are specific to different groups of the population of policy concerns (e.g. CPI for the urban poorest deciles or CPI for ethnic minorities in the North West etc.), individual household-specific CPI will be aggregated accordingly, by household sampling weights augmented by household sizes. Such produced national CPI is different from conventional GSO’s CPI, because the former uses shares of different expenditure items derived from the 2010 VHLSS, while GSO uses a set of consumption shares estimated presumably from earlier years. The 2007 IO table and the 2010 VHLSS database will be presented in more details in Section V. 4.3 Building Scenarios To measure the impact of energy prices on other sectors in particular and the overall economy in general, alternative scenarios are set up with the possible maximum changes in petroleum and electricity prices based on the price history. It is reminded that the equations (5) and (7) give linear results with respect to the size of energy price increases. Therefore, choosing maximum growth in energy prices would result in the upper boundary for inflation. a. Electricity Since the Prime Minister in Decision 26 dated 01/26/2006 approved the roadmap and conditions for the establishment and the development of the electricity market in Viet Nam, electricity tariffs have continuously increased (see Table 8). Table 8 - Average retail prices of electricity 25 Time Average retail price (VND) % increase Sources 01/01/2007 842 7.6 45/2006/QD-BCN 01/07/2008 890 5.7 276/2006/QD-TTg 01/03/2009 948.5 6.6 05/2009/TT-BCT 01/03/2010 1,058 11.5 08/2010/TT-BCT 01/03/2011 1,242 17.4 05/2011/TT-BCT 20/12/2011 1,304 5.0 42/2011/TT-BCT 01/07/2012 1,369 5.0 17/2012/TT-BCT 22/12/2012 1,437 5.0 38/2012/TT-BCT 01/08/2013 1,509 5.0 19/2013/TT-BCT In 2011, on Decision 24/2011/QĐ-TTg when the Prime Minister approved market-based pricing mechanism for electricity, and allowed EVN to decide the level of price increase up to five percent in a three-month period, this level has been selected three times for every 6 months during 2011-2012 (Table 8). After these price increases, in 2012 EVN made a profit of about 6,000 billion VND. This figure, however, has not covered EVN’s accumulated loss from previous years. Based on a three-month period for each time of electricity price modification (under Decision 24/2011/QĐ-TTg), electricity prices are expected to increase by a maximum 20 percent (four times of 5 percent) in one year.22 Therefore, a scenario of a 20 percent increase in electricity price is taken, which may occur in 2013 due to two main reasons implied by EVN. First, raising electricity prices will help EVN offset the losses accumulated from previous years and exchange rate differences (with a total of 23,000 billion VND)23. Second, the coal and gas input costs are expected to increase. In fact, from December 2012 to July 2013, the coal price for electricity generation increased by 35.7 percent, reaching 85-87 percent of the coal production cost24, and therefore leaving a possible minimum increase of 13-15 percent in 22 This reflects the highest possibility proposed by EVN and decided by MOIT without PM interference. This scenario is taken before the latest changes in electricity tariff starting from 1st August 2013. However, the scenario of a total 20 percent price rise is possible if having the PM’s decision. The findings are also easy to modify along with different scenarios thanks to the IO model’s linearity and adding-up characteristics. 23 ___(2013). “Từ 1-8: Tăng giá điện để bù đắp chi phí”, content&view=article&id=7340:t-1-8-tng-gia-in--bu-p-chi-phi&catid=87:tin-tc-va-s-kin&Itemid=400, on 1st August 2013. 24 Hoàng Lan, “Tăng giá bán than cho điện”, dien-2741568.html 26 coal prices. Meanwhile, during this period, gas and oil (DO and FO) prices for power production went up by 2.2 percent and 9.6 percent, respectively. Along with these increases in electricity generation cost, shares of coal and gas thermal power rose by 19 percent and 6 percent, leading to an addition 5,198 billion VND payment on coal and another 1,593 billion VND payment on gas, which can not be covered fully by the current electricity prices (according to EVN).25 b. Coal Since the second quarter of 2013, the coal price paid by the power generation plants in Viet Nam has increased to 85-87 percent of the coal production cost. According to the 2013 plan, the coal production cost is 1,291 thousand VND/ton (approximately 62 USD/ton)26 while the average domestic coal price is 1,323 thousand VND/ton (63.5 USD/ton) and the export price about 1,511 thousand VND/ton (72.5 USD/ton). Almost 100 percent of coal exports, where new demand is expected to be imported in the near future, could be utilized to generate electricity and produce cement.27 Meanwhile, the government requires gradual increases in coal prices to reach the market-based levels by the end of 2013. To meet this target, the coal price paid by the power sector might rise from 52.7 USD/ton (85 percent of the coal production cost) to at most 72.5 USD/ton (the export price of coal) or by a maximum of 37.6 percent. Cost structure in the power industry (Figure 2) shows that the majority of fossil fuel used for electricity generation, transmission and distribution was coal (5.5 percent of total sector costs), followed by refined petroleum products (2.9 percent) and natural gas (0.4 percent). 28 As a result, a rise in coal price causes electricity prices to go up. With coal prices expected to increase by 37.6 percent to reach market prices, the price of electricity is able to increase 25 Thanh Mai (2013), “Tăng giá điện, khó tránh tác động đến sản xuất và giá cả”, tuc/Kinh-te/602915/tang-gia-dien-kho-tranh-tac-dong-den-san-xuat-va-gia-ca, 2nd August 2013. 26 1 USD = 20,833 VND in 2013 27 ---, “10 lý do phải tái cơ cấu ngành Than Việt Nam”, kien-nghi/phan-bien-kien-nghi/10-ly-do-phai-tai-co-cau-nganh-than-viet-nam.html, 23rd Jan 2013 28 Note that these ratios reflect the percentages of total costs in values instead of by volume, which is calculated by IEA (where 39.80 percent and 21.82 percent were generated by gas turbine and coal fired thermal plants, respectively in the same year, 2007). 27 by 2.1 percent, which is taken into account by the scenario of a 20 percent increase in electricity prices. Figure 2 – Fuel used in production, transmission and distribution of electricity Source: Calculated from the 2007 IO Table c. Refined petroleum products Domestic petroleum products prices are expected to continue increasing. According to the Ministry of Finance, Viet Nam's petroleum product prices in 2012 were among the lowest in the Southeast Asian region, leaving a sizable gap for domestic prices to increase (e.g. the Hong Kong’s prices were double)29. Additionally, the world petroleum prices are anticipated to go up due to scarce crude oil reserves, low OPEC spare production capacity, the political turmoil in the Middle East and the disrupted supply from non-OPEC countries (according to Société Générale).30 29 Particularly, the price of RON 92 in Viet Nam (23,150 VND/liter) ranked 9/10 countries in the region, just above Indonesia (21,226 VND/liter). Gasoline prices in other countries were much higher, for example Hong Kong 46,422 VND/liter, Singapore 35,399 VND/liter, China 24,516 VND/liter, Cambodia 26,951 VND/liter and Laos 26,936 VND/liter. Similarly, RON 95 and diesel 0.05%S prices in Viet Nam also ranked 9/10 countries. (Source: 30 T.H., “Những dự báo về giá dầu năm 2012 và 2013”, nam-2012-va-2013-34-217903.htm, 20th March 2012. 28 In Viet Nam, domestic petroleum product prices depend on the international prices. There are four kinds of refined products shown in Figure 3, diesel, gasoline, kerosene and fuel oil. In the period 2006-2012, diesel and kerosene experienced most price fluctuations and fuel oil the least. Kerosene had the lowest prices over time whereas gasoline was the most expensive. However, there was a trend that prices of different kinds of refined petroleum products seem to move together. This supports the assumption that prices of all petroleum products increase together at similar rates, driven by the fact that they are all derived from crude oil. Figure 3 – The history of petroleum prices (a) Daily changes (VND) (b) Annual changes (VND) 25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10/10/2006 Diesel 0.05S Kerosene (liter) 22/02/2008 6/07/2009 Gasoline A92 Fuel oil 3.5S 18/11/2010 1/04/2012 14/08/2013 Diesel 0.05S Kerosene (liter) 5,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 Gasoline A92 Fuel oil 3.5S 2010 2011 2012 2013 Sources: GSO and Decrees on energy prices Although the Ministry of Finance tried to restrain the volatility of domestic prices, the petroleum prices still increased, on average, by 20 percent per annum during 2006-2013 (see Table 9). A scenario of petroleum price increases is therefore built on the basis of this growth (20 percent). This scenario is feasible because of the existing petroleum price gaps between Viet Nam and other countries in the region. Table 9 - Percent changes in petroleum prices Year Diesel 0.05S Gasoline A92 Kerosene Fuel oil 3.5S 29 2008 35.61 34.35 54.33 24.37 2009 -11.84 -5.96 -16.41 7.10 2010 19.65 15.25 14.57 13.92 2011 37.43 24.89 32.17 22.50 2012 3.31 7.33 3.64 16.05 Average 21.04 18.97 22.07 20.98 Sources: GSO and Decrees on energy prices V. DATA SOURCES To estimate the mutual price impact among sectors, the 2007 Input-Output (IO) table - the best and most updated data - is used. Meanwhile, to take into account the sectoral consumption patterns across household groups, the 2010 Viet Nam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) is selected because of its rich information on household income and expenditure as well as its representativeness for the whole country. 5.1. The 2007 Input-Output Table The IO table is a tool to give a comprehensive picture of a country’s economy in aspects of production technology (represented by input coefficients), consumption (reflected by gross capital formation, final consumption and exports) and value-added (described by compensation of employees, depreciation, net production taxes and operating surplus). Moreover, analysis of the IO table is an economic model useful for analysis and forecasting, which help economic managers make decisions, give socio-economic solutions benefiting the national development. The IO table for the year 2007 is the fourth one (after the 1989, 1996 and 2000 IO tables) with the dimension of 138 products (see details in Appendix B). The classification of 138 products is chosen based on their importance in the economy as well as economic analysis and statistics. The concepts and methods applied in the 2007 IO table result from those in SNA 1986 and 1993 and are consistent with those adopted in the previous IO tables. To compile the IO tables, the General Statistics Office (GSO) conducted a survey of sampled production units, which are representative for all types of ownership. 30 Industry codes classified in the 2007 IO table are compatible with CPC and ISIC codes. According to these three types of classification (Table 10), refined petroleum products (Code 48) in the IO table are defined to contain gasoline, diesel (gas oil), kerosene, mazut (fuel oil) and LPG (propane, butane). Electricity (Code 83) in the IO Table refers to power generation, transmission and distribution and is produced from diesel/oil (Code 48), gas (code 19) and coal (code 17). Fuel wood is not separated in the IO Table but among other items in logs of wood products (Code 13). Briquettes, which are consumed by households, are classified in coal product (Code 17) in the IO table. This product is differentiated by coke coal (Code 47), which is used as input for the iron and steel industry only. Table 10 – IO Link with CPC31 and ISIC32 codes IO CPC Ver 1.1 ISIC Rev. 3.1 13 – Logs of 03110 - Logs of coniferous wood 0200 - Forestry, logging and wood related service activities 03120 - Logs of non-coniferous wood 03130 - Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; 03190 - Other wood in the rough (including split poles and pickets). 17 – Coal 11010 - Coal, not agglomerated 1010 - Mining and agglomeration 11020 - Briquettes and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal of hard coal 11030 - Lignite, whether or not agglomerated 11040 – Peat 18 – Crude 12010 - Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, 1110 - Extraction of crude oil petroleum and natural gas crude 19 – Natural 12020 - Natural gas, liquefied or in the gaseous state 1110 - Extraction of crude gas 12030 - Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands petroleum and natural gas 47 – Coke 33100 - Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat; retort carbon 2310 - Manufacture of coke oven coal and by- 33200 - Tar distilled from coal, from lignite or from peat, and other products products mineral tars 48 – 33310 - Motor spirit (gasoline) including aviation spirit 2320 - Manufacture of refined Petroleum 33320 - Spirit type (gasoline type) jet fuel petroleum products, include: products 33330 - Other light petroleum oils and light oils obtained from - production of motor fuel: bituminous minerals (other than crude); light preparations n.e.c. gasoline, kerosene etc. containing not less than 70 per cent by weight of petroleum oils or oils - production of fuel: light, medium 31 CPC stands for Central Product Classification 32 ISIC stands for International Standard Industrial Classification 31 obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude) and heavy fuel oil, refinery gases 33340 - Kerosene (including kerosene type jet fuel) such as ethane, propane, butane 33350 - Other medium petroleum oils and medium oils obtained from etc. bituminous minerals (not kerosene), other than crude; medium - manufacture of oil-based preparations n.e.c. containing not less than 70 per cent by weight of lubricating oils or greases, petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals including from waste oil 33360 - Gas oils/diesel - manufacture of products for the 33370 - Fuel oils petrochemical industry and for the 33380 - Lubricating petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous manufacture of road coverings minerals, other heavy petroleum oils and heavy oils obtained from - manufacture of various products: bituminous minerals (other than crude), and heavy preparations n.e.c. white spirit, vaseline, paraffin wax, containing not less than 70 per cent by weight of petroleum petroleum jelly etc. 83 – 69111 - Electricity transmission services 4010 - The production, distribution Electricity 69112 - Electricity distribution services and transmission of electricity Source: 1. Ministry of Planning and Investment, General Statistics Office (2010), “The product classification in the 2007 IO Table linked to CPC and ISIC classification”, pp. 630-637, in “The 2007 Input-Output Table of Viet Nam” (“Bảng cân đối liên ngành của Việt Nam năm 2007”), Nhà xuất bản thống kê, 2010. 2. CPC Ver. 1.1 Code: 3. ISIC Rev 3.1 Code: The main limitation of the 2007 IO table is that various kinds of fuels such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, mazut (fuel oil) and LPG are summarized under one category named "Petroleum", so the impact cannot be separated. However, as mentioned in Sub-section 4.3 (part c), the fact supports the assumption that all refined products increase their prices together at the same rates. In addition, because this 2007 version of IO Table is rather old, all later findings are based on the assumption that the economic structures do not change much over recent 5 years. 5.2. The 2010 Viet Nam Household Living Standard Survey The Viet Nam Living Standards survey was brought to Viet Nam in the early 1990s to provide reliable data for monitoring living standards, evidence-based policy design, and evaluation of policies and programs. The first two rounds were conducted in 1992/1993 and 1997/1998 by the State Planning Committee and the GSO under the technical assistance of the World Bank. Both surveys were representative at the national level, stratified along administrative regions with probability proportional to sampling size. 32 Inheriting the technical capacity from these two surveys, the GSO carried out the series of Viet Nam Household Living Standard Surveys (VHLSS) every two years from 2002 to 2010. The 2010 VHLSS sample was selected based on a master sample, which was randomly chosen from the 2009 Population Census enumeration areas. The master sample is a twostage sample of which communes were selected in the first stage and 3 enumeration areas (EAs) per commune were chosen in the second stage. The communes were stratified along provinces and urban/rural areas. Both communes and EAs were selected with probability proportional to the 2009 Population Census. In the 2010 VHLSS, more than 3,000 communes were selected, accounting for nearly 30 percent of all communes in Viet Nam. In each chosen commune, 3 households were interviewed, generating a total household sample size of about 9,400. The 2010 VHLSS collected information through household-level questionnaires, including basic demography, employment, education, health, income, expenditures, housing and asset ownership. Household income consists of farm and non-farm production income, salary/wage, pension, scholarship, loan interest, house rental, remittances and subsidies. Of which, farm production income comes from crop, livestock, aquaculture and forestry. Meanwhile, household expenditures consist of food and non-food components. Non-food component comprises expenditures on electricity, fuel, education, healthcare, housing and durable purchases. In addition, the VHLSS gives details on different kinds of fossil fuel (gasoline, LPG, diesel, kerosene and mazut) in terms of not only their expenditure patterns but also the production cost structures (if any). VI. ENERGY-INTENSIVE SECTORS AND CONSUMPTION PATTERNS 6.1. Energy-intensive sectors a. Energy-intensive industries in Viet Nam Energy affects other industries through their cost shares for energy and their energy demand (see Figure 4). 33 Figure 4 – Industries intensive in electricity and petroleum products Source: The 2007 IO table Based on energy cost shares, electricity-intensive industries include steam and hot water distribution, air-conditioner and ice production (with electricity accounting for 25.6 percent of total industrial cost), water exploitation and supply (15.3 percent), gas distribution (11.9 percent), residential services (11.6 percent) and real estate services (7.5 percent). Electricity used as input for the steel and cement industries only explains 1.4 percent of the industrial cost in 2007, which might underestimate the current important role of electricity in these industries. However, the 2012 financial statements of listed Viet Nam’s steel and cement companies give a clue of very light changes in the steel industry and slightly larger variations in the cement companies. In these statements, the purchased service category which electricity belongs to accounts for just only 1.4 percent of total cost in some steel companies and 4-5 percent in others but between 4 and 14 percent in cement firms. This suggests that the majority of energy in cement and steel are non-electricity. In addition, raw materials cost heavily in these industries (80-90 percent of total sectoral cost in the steel industry and 55- 34 75 percent in the cement industry), implying that these industries are likely to be outsourced in Viet Nam.33 Petroleum affects many industries due to their large cost shares for petroleum products (see Figure 4). The industries spending 40 percent of their costs on refined products include fishery, other products extracted from gas and oil, road and pipeline transport. Among other transport industries, waterway and airline use more than 30 percent of their cost on petroleum while railway spends over 15 percent. Figure 5 – Share of energy consumption Source: The 2007 IO table Note: Total domestic consumption = Industry consumption + Household consumption + 33 Particularly, in 2012, in Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel joint stock Corporation, raw materials explain 82.6 percent of total cost, purchased services – 1.4 percent, for Nam Kim Steel Joint Stock Company: raw materials - 90.8 percent, general production cost - 5.2 percent; for Viet Y Steel Joint Stock Company: raw materials - 90.9 percent, general production cost – 4.5 percent; for Hoang Mai cement joint stock company: raw materials – 54.2 percent, purchased services – 4 percent; for Ha Tien 1 cement joint stock company: raw materials – 75.1 percent, purchased services and other cost – 12 percent; for Hai Van cement joint stock company: raw materials – 69.6 percent, purchased services – 14 percent. Note that purchased services cost include electricity, water, telephone, transportation fee and expenditure for hiring porters, consultants and auditors. General production cost is related to material and fuel purchases, electricity, water, telephone, fixed asset depreciation, wage and insurance contribution. 35 Government consumption + Investment In terms of the energy consumption demand (Figure 5), electricity industry explains the largest share of total power demand in Viet Nam (13.5 percent), followed by real estate services (5.6 percent), and residential services (3.6 percent) while petroleum is spent the most in fishery industry (9.2 percent), wholesale and retail sale services (9.0 percent), road, pipeline and waterway transport (above 5.8 percent for each), railway and road construction (4.5 percent). Although electricity is the most important input in steam and hot water distribution, air-conditioner and ice production and water exploitation and supply, the amount of electricity consumed in these industries is not large due to their small output share in the economy. Besides the industry sector, the residential sector also consumes a large share of energy: 34.3 percent of total electricity demand and 25 percent of petroleum demand. b. Energy-intensive sectors among household businesses There is a difference in the cost structure between household businesses (HBs) and the industry. HBs tend to be small and are more likely to be involved in the informal sector. The 2007 IO table does not cover these informal businesses. 34 The 2010 VHLSS hence supplements this shortage35. This survey sorts out the detailed information on revenue and cost components of HBs by industries, which each HB belongs to. Additionally, this survey classifies energy used by HBs in more details including electricity, gasoline, diesel, coal and firewood. Figure 6 – Energy-intensive sectors among household businesses 34 The IO table is built based on the enterprise survey, which only covers formal enterprises. 35 VHLSS does not cover migrants. We therefore assume that their businesses follow the similar cost share for energy of other household businesses. 36 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS The list of energy-intensive sectors among HBs as well as the number of sampled HBs is depicted in Figure 6. It is noted that HBs without using any kind of energy are excluded because of implied missing values and one household may run more than one business. Out of total sample of 8,474 HBs36, HBs largely work on pig husbandry sector (1,926 HBs); crop production (1,443 HBs); wholesale and retail (except automobiles and motorbikes) with 1,177 HBs; poultry (760 HBs); and food services (422 HBs). Of those, HBs in the wholesale and retail sector utilize the largest cost share for energy (20 percent). Other sectors (with 200-300 sampled HBs per each sector) include railways, road and pipeline transport; fish farming; agricultural services; foodstuff production; beverage production; forestry; and fishery. Out of these HBs, transport sector uses the largest cost share for energy (59 percent), followed by fishery (53 percent); agricultural services (36 percent); and forestry (28 percent). Details of energy components in each sector are also shown in Figure 6 (right side). Transport HBs spend 35 percent of their total cost on diesel and 20 percent on gasoline. Diesel is consumed the most in Fishery sector (46 percent of total sectoral cost) and 36 This figure does not match the number of households because one household can run more than one business. 37 Agriculture services (28 percent) while gasoline is used the most in Forestry sector (21 percent) and wholesale and retail (10 percent). Meanwhile, electricity accounts for 7-8 percent of the sectoral cost in household services and computer repairing services.37 Figure 7 – Business income as percent of total household income Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Although HBs in the above listed sectors are most affected by energy price increases, this impact is mitigated thanks to the fact that each household usually has more than one source of income. In addition to production income from at least one business, household income is also diversified by other sources such as wage/salary, bank interest, house rental, remittances and subsidies. For example, in Figure 7, on average, income from wholesale and retail businesses explains 51 percent of household income, from transport service businesses - 47.5 percent, fishery – 42 percent, agriculture services - 15 percent, forestry – 14.6 percent. For HBs in the most popular sectors including crop production and pig husbandry, the production income only accounts for 14-16 percent. 6.3. Expenditure patterns 37 For HBs working in crop production and pig husbandry sectors, fossil fuel explains only 1-3 percent of the sectoral cost. 38 The impact of increasing fuel prices on inflation and therefore household welfare arises through two channels. First, there is a direct impact on households when they directly consume fuels for cooking, heating, lighting, and private transport. Second, an indirect impact appears when higher fuel prices result in higher prices of other goods and services consumed by households. The magnitude of these effects therefore depends on two factors: (i) the fuel demand in household expenditure baskets, and (ii) the fuel intensity of other goods and services. The distributional impact across different household groups relies on the relative importance of these two factors among groups. For example, if the expenditure baskets for higher-income groups are relatively more fuel intensive than those for lowerincome groups, then the impact on the former will be greater than that on the latter. a. Expenditure structures of goods and services Before estimating the inflationary impact of energy price increases, it is worth looking at the expenditure patterns in Viet Nam as a whole, by urban/rural areas and across different household groups in particular. It is shown in Figure 8 that food and foodstuff are the most important items consumed by Vietnamese households, explaining 34.2 percent of total expenditure. This ratio climbs to 47.6 percent if covering food services, beverages and tobacco. Fuel - including electricity, petroleum and other fossil and non-fossil fuel - explains 10.5 percent of total expenditure. Education and health account for 11.1 percent while housing and telecommunication composes 7.9 percent of total expenditure. Meanwhile, the expenditure share on public transport is small (1.1 percent) as most expenditure on individual transport (by cars or motorbikes) is covered by gasoline consumption. Other expenditure consists of apparel, headwear and footwear (4.3 percent), recreation and tourism services (2.5 percent), durable purchases (10.1 percent) and other goods and services (4.8 percent).38 Figure 8 – Expenditure patterns by urban/rural areas 38 According to GSO (2011), the basket of goods and services includes food 8.18%, foodstuffs 24.35%, outside eating 7.4%, housing, electricity, water, gas and construction materials 10%; transport 8.87% and telecommunications 2.73%; equipment and housewares 8.65%; apparel, headwear and footwear 7.28%; beverages and tobacco 4.03%; medicine and health 5.61%; education 5.72%; cultural, recreation and tourism services 3.83%; other goods and services 3.34%. 39 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. There is a recognized difference in expenditure patterns between rural and urban areas (Figure 8). Rural households tend to consume more food and foodstuff (38.0 percent of total expenditure) compared to urban households (28.9 percent) but less food services (8.2 percent vs. 12.7 percent). Expenditure structures also change across household groups39 with food contributing the most to the consumption basket of poor households. For the richest 10 percent, food makes up 26.2 percent of their budget in rural areas and 18.9 percent in urban areas. These shares become larger for poorer groups and the poorest 10 percent spend 59.1 percent of their expenditure on food in rural areas and 45.0 percent in 39 Based on the World Bank’s poverty line of 653 thousand VND per month per person, the poverty rate of Viet Nam in 2010 is 20.7 percent, i.e. some distance into the second expenditure quintile. 40 urban areas. In contrast, food services only make up 2.2 percent of the spending in the bottom rural decile but absorb 11.2 percent in the top rural decile. The similar trend but with much higher expenditure shares on food services is found in urban areas, ranging from 8.7 percent at the bottom decile to 13-14 percent among the second half of the urban population. All households in different deciles spend 9-12 percent of their expenditure on fuel (see Figure 8). However, there is a contrast between fossil and non-fossil fuel usage across these groups. The poorer tends to consume more non-fossil fuel and less fossil fuel than the richer and rural households tend to use less fossil fuel but more non-fossil fuel than urban ones. Besides that, rural households tend to spend more on beverages and tobacco but less on education, recreation, telecommunication and housing compared to urban ones. In absolute values (Figure 8), with budgets ranging from 425,000 VND/month among the rural poorest to 3,028,000 VND/month among the rural richest group and from 699,000 VND/month to 5,667,000 VND/month in urban areas, the richer spend more on all items. Remarkably, the top 10 percent of households consumes more heavily on durable purchases and outside eating. b. Energy expenditure patterns Figure 9 describes energy expenditure components in Viet Nam. Generally, Vietnamese households allocate 43.6 percent of their energy expenditure to gasoline. Following is electricity with 27.6 percent. Additional 14.9 percent of their energy disbursement was on LPG. Firewood and agriculture residuals, in terms of values, explain 10.8 percent of fuel costs although in terms of volume, they are consumed much higher (69 percent of total fuel consumption in the residental sector – see Table 2). This contradiction comes from the very cheap, even cost-free consumption of these kinds of fuel. For the remaining fuels, Vietnamese households only spend the overall 1.4 percent of their energy expenditure on diesel, kerosene and mazut and another 1.4 percent on briquettes. In spite of similar budget shares on fuel (around 10 percent), rural and urban households follow different energy expenditure patterns (Figure 9). Compared to rural households, those in urban areas tend to spend their fuel budgets more on gasoline (46.5 vs. 41.3 percent), 41 electricity (32.4 vs. 23.7 percent) and LPG (16.4 vs. 13.8 percent), which are more expensive than other fuels. Rural households are more likely to use cheaper fuels, including firewood and agricultural residuals (17.9 percent of their energy spending, compared to only 1.9 percent in urban areas). Other fuels including briquettes, diesel, kerosene and mazut are consumed negligibly.40 Figure 9 – Expenditure share for energy in rural/urban Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. 40 It is noticeable that the composition of fuel consumption differs across regions in the world. For example, the relative importance of kerosene in Africa reflects the low level of household access to electricity. In contrast, like Viet Nam, kerosene is much less important due to more extensive access to electricity. As mentioned by Dahl (1994), Bhattacharyya and Blake (2009), for households at low-income levels, kerosene is a normal good for cooking and lighting, since it is a substitute for cheaper fuels. For households at higher income levels, kerosene is an inferior good compared to other commercial sources like LPG, natural gas and electricity. 42 Figure 9 also demonstrates the expenditure of all kinds of fuel consumed by households in rural/urban areas and across groups. On average, the bottom 10 percent of rural households spend 44,000 VND per month per person on energy while the richest decile spends six times larger on fuel, respectively. Likewise, urban households’ payment for energy ranges from 81,000 VND to approximately 569,000 VND per month per person. The notably higher energy expenditure among the richest decile comparing to the others mostly come from much higher spending on gasoline and electricity. On the contrary, the poorer tend to spend more money on biomass. This leads to the richest 10 percent consume approximately one forth of fossil fuel while only 2-3 percent of fuel goes to the bottom decile in both urban and rural areas (Figure 10). Figure 10 – Fossil fuel use by urban/rural households Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. Similar energy spending patterns are also found among expenditure quintiles (Figure 9). The poorer tend to use more firewood, coal and kerosene than the better off. In contrast, the better off are likely to spend more on expensive fuel (gasoline and LPG). This fact reflects the concept of the “energy ladder” (Hosier and Dowd, 1987), which establishes a direct 43 relationship between income and the type of energy source, and shows that households will transition from biomass to modern sources as a consequence of income increases. Typical ladders have the cheapest energy sources at the bottom (preferred by the low-income families) and the most expensive at the top (see Figure 11). Figure 11 – Energy Ladder Gasoline, LPG, Electricity Kerosene, Briquettes Firewood, Agriculture residuals Under these ladders, the poor seem to be the least affected by fossil fuel prices because of their smaller expenditure shares. However, any change in the poor’s spending, though small, may have a large impact on them. According to Von Moltke et al. (2004), the sudden removal of subsidies for cooking fuels could lead to a reliance on biomass in some poorer countries, increasing pressure on forests and indoor air quality. Moreover, the poor might be the hardest hit because of their very poor income-expenditure gap (see Figure 12). Figure 12 – Per capita income/expenditure by decile and urban/rural areas Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. 44 c. Energy expenditure and ownership of appliances The main reason explaining why the richer consume more fossil fuel compared to the poorer may come from their ownership of different kinds of assets. As illustrated in Figure 13, in both rural and urban areas, the ownership of energy-consuming appliances changes across household groups. There is a trend that the poorer are less likely to own any appliance compared to the richer. Electrical appliances showing the largest differences in ownership41 in urban areas include (i) washing machine (from 5.2 percent owned by the poorest to 79.6 percent by the richest), (ii) computer (from 3.3 percent to 73.9 percent), (iii) refrigerator (19.2 to 86.8 percent), (iv) air conditioner (0 to 67.5 percent), (v) water heater (0 to 62.3 percent), (vi) juice extractor (5 to 54.3 percent), (vii) microwave oven (0.3 to 40.6 percent). Other electrical items with medium variation in urban ownership consist of (i) electronic appliances (41.7 to 75.4 percent), (ii) vacuum cleaner (0.2 to 27.2 percent), (iii) electric cooker, television and electric fan (64.6 to 94 percent). Appliance consuming both LPG and electricity are gas and magnetic cookers, ranging from 42.8 percent owned by the urban poorest to 83.3 percent by the urban richest (see Figure 13). Besides, gasoline appliances used by urban households compose of (i) motorbikes (55 percent of the poorest to 88.3 percent of the richest) and (ii) cars (0 to 21 percent). Moreover, 24-36 percent of urban households in all groups own pumps - an item consuming both electricity and gasoline. Figure 13 – Durable ownership by expenditure deciles 41 Differences in ownership are simply defined as the ownership gap for each item between the poorest and the richest deciles. 45 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population The disparity in durable ownership is shown more clearly in rural areas (Figure 13). The group of appliances owned by rural households is different from that owned by urban households. Electrical appliances showing the largest gap in rural ownership include refrigerator, electric cooker, electronic appliances, and electric fan. Meanwhile, items demonstrating the medium differences across groups consist of washing machine, television, computer, water heater, juice extractor, air conditioner, microwave oven, and vacuum cleaner. Owning motorbike - the gasoline-consuming appliance - depicts the large variation across rural deciles while owning a car illustrates medium difference because only 3 percent of the richest have at least one car. Other appliances such as pumping machines and gas/magnetic cookers also show large fluctuation in ownership among rural household groups. Owning any energy-consuming appliance makes both urban and rural HHs spend more money on energy. For instance, as estimated in Figure 14, on average, each urban household tends to pay an additional 116,000 VND/month for electricity use if this household owns at least one fridge. This gap is smaller in the case of owning car/motorbike with further 98,000 VND/month paid for gasoline use by urban households. For those owning gas cooker, additional 58,000 VND is paid per month. Among rural households, additional 87,000 VND/month, 65,000 VND/month and 88,000 VND/month are paid for owning fridge, car/motorbike and gas cooker, respectively. The most remarkable gap is found among the 46 urban richest 10 percent. Out of them, 88.3 percent who are car or motorbike owners tend to pay an extra amount of 496,000 VND/month on gasoline consumption compared to the remaining 11.7 percent. Similarly, in the same group, 86.8 percent who own fridges are likely to spend 202,000 VND/month higher on electricity than the other 13.2 percent. The large but smaller gap is also found among the rural richest decile. Out of them, 32 percent (fridge nonowner) can save an additional expenditure of above 147,000 VND/month on electricity. Figure 14 – Household expenditure on energy in urban/rural areas Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. d. Electricity expenditure patterns One explanation for why the poor in developing countries consume more firewood and kerosene is due to their limited access to electricity. However, in Viet Nam, the electricity 47 access rate of the poorest decile is very high (85 percent)42 by international comparison. The poor mainly use biomass because it is very cheap, even free. Electricity is only used by them for certain purposes such as lighting, fans. Based on the 2010 IBTs and the information on electricity expenditure available in the 2010 VHLSS, the amount of electricity consumption by each household is estimated.43 According to the government’s regulation, only the poor and low-income households benefit the lifeline band in the condition that they consume less than 50 kWh per month. However, practically, all residential consumers consuming less than this threshold receive the subsidized rate, which also spread benefits to higher-income households. Figure 15 – Benefit shares from lifeline tariff in rural/urban areas in 2013 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) Beneficiaries include households consuming less than 50 kWh per month. (iii) Assume the volumes of electricity consumption by households are kept unchanged over time, the latest IBTs in 2013 are applied. As described in Figure 15, the amount of implicit subsidies from lifeline tariff flow significantly to the urban poor (63.3 percent to the urban poorest 30 percent in urban areas, compared to 46.2 percent to the rural poorest in rural areas). Meanwhile, 31-38 percent of the subsidy 42 However, this rate of the poorest decile is still far from the national electricity access rate of 97.5 percent. 43 Although the 2010 VHLSS asks households the question on the amount of electricity consumed last month, this information is unreliable because households tend to remember their electricity spending in cash instead of volume. 48 amount goes to the middle-income groups (the 4th to 7th decile) in both urban and rural areas. The rural richest 30 percent receives 15.3 percent of total subsidy amount in rural areas while the urban richest benefits 4.5 percent. However, this leakage to non-poor households may not be a problem because of the fact that when this group consumes more, they pay more for what they consume over and above the 50 kWh with lifeline tariff, and therefore they start subsidizing, first themselves and then the poor. The more they consume the more they contribute to subsidies of the poor. As shown in Figure 16, by taking the second block tariff of the current IBTs as the production unit cost (1,418 VND/kWh), except the rural poorest 20 percent, other rural deciles and all urban deciles can subsidize themselves and cross-subsidize the rural lowest quintile. This suggests that reducing the lifeline tariff might be not a problem thanks to high cross-subsidy between higher consumers and lower ones. This lifeline tariff reduction can be used as an alternative mitigation measure of direct subsidy mechanism for saving administration cost, cutting administration procedures44, improving the leakage problem and reducing the burden of the government spending on direct subsidy. Figure 16 – Cross subsidy among different household groups 44 See more inèo-tien- dien.html 49 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. Figure 17 – Changes in unit cost and EVN’s profit/loss Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. 50 Note that the unit cost can increase if distributing other costs (e.g, accumulated loss from previous years, investment repayment and unexpected cost such as cost from operating gas turbine and coal fired thermal plants to generate extra power or from the inefficiency in the electricity production, transmission and distribution activities). Figure 17 demonstrates changes in unit cost and EVN’s profit/loss accordingly. If unit cost raises to approximately 1,660 VND/kWh45, EVN starts getting loss from the residential sector and the richer deciles can not subsidize themselves as well as the poorer. Lack of transparent unit cost limits our further analysis. Figure 18 – Distribution of electricity consumption by urban/rural deciles Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population; The latest IBTs in 2013 are applied. 45 This is possible because according to Chairman of the Vietnam Energy Association, the electricity sector will suffer loss under the sale price of 1,600 VND/kWh. Source: Bích Diệp, “Món nợ của EVN tăng lên gần 10.000 tỷ đồng”,, on 4th September 2013. 51 Figure 18 draws the distribution of electricity consumption by urban/rural household deciles. This figure demonstrates that most of people who are without access to electricity are among the rural poorest (accounting for 16.6 percent of this group). These ratios reduce to 8.8 percent for the second lowest decide and 4.6 percent for the third decile in rural areas. These ratios are arround 1-2 percent among the urban poor. As also seen in Figure 8, 26.9 percent of the urban poorest households and 65.7 percent of the rural ones consume less than 50kWh per month. The corresponding percentages for the urban and rural richest are only 1.4 and 5.6 percent. Looking at only households consuming less than 50 kWh and 100 kWh per month in 2010, Figure 18 shows that expanding the electricity lifeline band from 50 kWh to 100 kWh will benefit an additional 16.6 percent of the rural poorest households and supplemental 34.0 percent and 45.3 percent of the second and third rural lowest household deciles, respectively. Consequently, the new lifeline expands the coverage of beneficiaries (32.0 percent) who are poor and near poor. However, more benefit goes to the middle-income (from the fourth to seventh deciles) and the rich (the three highest deciles) in rural areas. Additional 52.7 percent of the middle-income and further 38.3 percent of the rich in rural areas become beneficiaries under such a modified lifeline. In contrast, benefits from expanding the lifeline to 100 kWh/month in urban areas would go more to the poor. An extra 42.1 percent of the poor, 20.6 percent of the middle-income and 6.2 percent of the rich become beneficiaries in urban areas (see Figure 18). This suggests the expansion of the lifeline band from 50 kWh to 100 kWh might benefit better the urban poorest without facing serious leakage problem.46 46 According to the IEA, “Access to electricity involves more than a first supply connection to the household; our definition of access also involves consumption of a specified minimum level of electricity, the amount varies based on whether the household is in a rural or an urban area. The initial threshold level of electricity consumption for rural households is assumed to be 250 kWh per year and for urban households it is 500 kWh per year. The higher consumption assumed in urban areas reflects specific urban consumption patterns. Both are calculated based on an assumption of five people per household. In rural areas, this level of consumption could, for example, provide for the use of a floor fan, a mobile telephone and two compact fluorescent light bulbs for about five hours per day. In urban areas, consumption might also include an efficient refrigerator, a second mobile telephone per household and another appliance, such as a small television or a computer.” Source: IEA. 2012. World Energy Outlook - Methodology for Energy Access Analysis. Paris: OECD. 52 Almost all the poorest households (97-99 percent) use less than 100 kWh/month in rural areas and 150 kWh/month in urban areas whereas only 33.1 percent of the rural richest households consume less than 100 kWh/month and 14.7 percent of the urban ones use less than 150 kWh/month. 95.7 percent of the rural richest use less than 300 kWh/month while 22.8 percent of the urban richest consume above 400 kWh/month (see Figure 18). To expand the beneficial rates and increase the benefit levels toward the poor using the lifeline tariff instrument, some scenarios of IBTs are assessed via answering a question that under the assumption that all households maintain their electricty consumption during 20102013 regardless of its prices, if expanding the lifeline from 50kWh to 100kWh or maintaining it at 50 kWh and reducing the lifeline tariff, to what extent other block tariffs should be raised to neutralize EVN’s revenue, supporting the feasibility of the lifeline expansion proposal. Using the electricity consumption structure from the 2010 VHLSS and adopting the current IBTs of the year 2013, EVN is expected to attain 46,080 billion VND revenue47 (before 10 percent VAT) from the residential sector. Five main alternative IBT scenarios are therefore proposed. They include (i) maintaining the lifeline at 50 kWh but reducing the lifeline tariff to 600 VND/kWh (the previous lifeline tariff before a direct subsidy of 30,000 VND/month to poor households48) while increasing other block tariffs by an equal rate which compensates for EVN’s revenue loss, (ii) expanding the lifeline band to 100 kWh to all less consumers but keeping its subsidized price while increasing other block tariffs by an equal rate, (iii) expanding the lifeline band to 100 kWh to less consumers in urban areas only but keeping its subsidized price while increasing other block tariffs by an equal rate, (iv) expanding the lifeline band to 100 kWh to all less consumers but reducing the lifeline tariff to 600 VND/kWh while increasing other block tariffs by an equal rate, and (v) expanding the lifeline band to 100 kWh to less consumers in urban areas only but reducing the lifeline tariff to 600 VND/kWh while increasing other block tariffs by an equal rate. 47 This figure might be underestimated due to lack of information on migrants’ electricity consumption. Based on the information of Table 7 (Sub-section 6.1), the residential and transport sectors explain 36.68 percent of total electricity demand by volume, which is estimated to be equivalent to 52,606 billion VND out of EVN’s total revenue of 143,419 billion VND for the year 2012. However, this estimated number does not reflect the cheaper price applied in residential sector compared to those in other sectors. 48 Under this proposal, the direct payments to the poor aim to be abolished. 53 However, the five above scenarios can not cover a proportion of the poor who consumes more than 50 kWh/month due to some given reasons (e.g., large households). At least 17.7 percent of the rural poorest and 71.1 percent of the urban poorest are excluded from these proposals. To improve the coverage, five other IBT scenarios are proposed, in which the first block’s lower price is applied to all households, irrespective of how many kWh they use. Table 11 – Alternative IBTs scenarios (Unit: VND/kWh) Kwh Current Scen 1 Scen 2 Scen 3^ Scen 4 Scen 5^ Scen 6 Scen 7 Scen 8^ Scen 9 Scen 10^ 0-50 1,418* 1,445* 1,548** 1,438** 1,703* 1,484* 993 993 600 600 1,913 993 1,798 600 2,201 51-100 1,418 1,445 101-150 1,622 1,653 1,770 1,645 1,948 1,698 2,188 2,365 2,057 3,129 2,517 151-200 2,044 2,083 2,231 2,073 2,455 2,140 2,757 2,980 2,592 3,944 3,172 201-300 2,210 2,252 2,412 2,241 2,655 2,314 2,981 3,222 2,802 4,264 3,430 301-400 2,361 2,406 2,577 2,394 2,836 2,472 3,185 3,442 2,994 4,555 3,664 >400 2,420 2,466 2,642 2,454 2,907 2,533 3,265 3,528 3,068 4,669 3,756 1.9% 9.2% 1.4% 20.1% 4.7% 34.9% 45.8% 26.8% 92.9% 55.2% % increase$ 1,548** 1,438** 1,703* 1,484* 600 Source: Our calculations from the 2010 VHLSS Notes: * Households consuming less than this amount pay 600 VND/kWh. ** Households consuming less than this amount pay 993 VND/kWh. ^ The lifeline block expanded to 100 kWh only works for urban households. $ Increase in non-lifeline block tariffs (%) (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. The alternative increment block tariff scenarios are presented in Table 11. Reducing the lifeline tariff to 600 VND/kWh (Scenario 1) makes other block tariffs increase by 2 percent to keep EVN’s revenue unchanged. Insteads, expanding the lifeline band to 100 kWh for less consumers in urban areas only (Scenario 3) leads to 1.4 percent rise in other block tariffs. This rise becomes much larger (9.2 percent) when the lifeline expansion is applied to all households who consume less than 100 kWh (Scenario 2). When combining both reducing the lifeline tariff and expanding the lifeline block, 20.1 percent increases in all other block tariffs (Scenario 4) are required to neutralize EVN’s revenue. This figure is much smaller (4.7 percent) if only urban households become additional beneficiaries (Scenario 5). 54 When the lifeline tariff for the first 50 kWh consumption works with all consumers whatever the number of kWh they use, scenarios 6 to 10 are proposed. Under different assumptions, all other block tariffs in these scenarios are required to increase by significantly high ratios, from 34.9 percent in Scenario 8 to 92.9 percent in Scenario 9. Although these scenarios can expand substantially the coverage of the poor, a serious problem may arise due to a possible protest from higher consumers or the richer. Therefore, it is necessary to consider all these scenarios in terms of benefits and obstacles, which are presented in Table 12 and Figure 19. Table 12 – Increase in coverage and cross-subsidy amount among alternative IBT scenarios Scen 1 Scen 2 Scen 3 Scen 4 Scen 5 Scen 6 Scen 7 Scen 8 Scen 9 Scen 10 Increase in coverage (percentage points) Rural poorest 10% 0.0 16.6 0.0 16.6 0.0 17.7 17.7 17.0 17.7 16.6 Rural poorest 20% 0.0 25.8 0.0 25.8 0.0 27.5 27.5 26.6 27.5 26.3 Urban poorest 10% 0.0 48.5 48.5 48.5 48.5 60.6 68.6 69.7 68.6 69.3 Urban poorest 20% 0.0 44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4 61.6 70.0 74.6 69.7 74.4 Increase in cross-subsidy amount (000 VND/beneficial HH) Rural poorest 10% 8.5 3.0 0.0 14.2 8.5 4.9 -3.8 -6.2 8.7 4.3 Rural poorest 20% 9.4 4.3 0.0 17.7 9.4 7.4 -1.9 -5.4 13.2 6.4 Urban poorest 10% 12.2 9.9 9.9 31.3 31.3 11.3 7.9 9.6 30.8 34.4 Urban poorest 20% 12.1 10.8 10.8 33.0 33.0 10.5 9.9 11.5 33.9 36.8 Source: Our calculations from the 2010 VHLSS Note: (i) EVN’s revenue is neutralized under all IBT scenarios. (ii) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (iii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. First of all, in terms of increases in coverage and/or cross-subsidy amount, reducing the lifeline tariff to 600 VND/kWh (Scenario 1) does not extend the coverage but each beneficial household receives an additional 8,500 – 12,000 VND/month of implied subsidy per month. This means that theoretically the direct transfer scheme of 30,000 VND/month bring more benefits toward the poorest 10 percent than the application of lifeline tariff reduction. Under Scenario 2, 82.3 percent of the rural poorest decile and 86 percent of the rural poorest 55 quintile become beneficiaries49 while these figures in urban areas are 75 and 65 percent, respectively. These beneficial households also receive more subsidy with additional 3,0004,000 VND/month in rural areas and extra 10,000-11,000 VND/month in urban areas. These further subsidy amount increase to 14,000-18,000 VND/month in rural areas and 31,00033,000 VND/month in urban areas if applying new lifeline tariff to 600 VND/kWh and new lifeline band to 100 kWh to all less consumers (Scenario 4). This scenario therefore brings more benefits toward the urban poorest 20 percent than the direct transfer scheme. Under Scenarios 6 to 10, generally, only 1-2 percent improvement in rural coverage, however, all rural poorest who are also beneficiaries receive smaller amount of subsdies compared to Scenario 4. Meanwhile, the urban coverage increases up to 90-100 percent coverage (Scenario 8) but the subsidy amount is not much better than Scenario 4. Figure 19 – Percentage changes in HH electricity expenditure among alternative IBT scenarios 49 Note that 16.6 percent of the poorest decile and 8.8 percent of the second lowest decile in rural areas cannot access to electricity. 56 Source: Our calculations from the 2010 VHLSS Note: (i) EVN’s revenue is neutralized under all IBT scenarios. (ii) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (iii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. Details on changes in electricity expenditure for the first four scenarios are shown in Figure 19. Under Scenario 1, the rural poorest benefit the most with 19.5 percent reduction in electricity expenditure. This reduction continues with six next rural deciles at decreasing rates. In contrast, only the urban poorest 10 percent are benefitial with nearly 2 percent fall in electricity expenditrue. For the other deciles, their spendings on power raise insignificantly by a maximum 2 percent. In terms of Scenario 2, a lower half of rural households pay less by 12-17 percent and only the rural richest decile has to pay more by 4 percent. Meanwhile, urban poorest households receive larger benefits compare to those in Scenario 2 (9.6 percent reduction in the urban poorest 10 percent’s electricity expenditure while the urban second poorest decile pay less by 2.5 percent). These figures are much larger under Scenario 4 with the rural poorest’s expenditure reduces by nearly a half while the urban richest’s spending increases by approximately 20 percent. As a result, depending on the government’s target (increases in coverage or the amount of subsidy) and changes in the production unit cost. In addition, an acceptable combination is needed where the government, EVN and the rich share the cost to benefit further the poor. VII. INFLATIONARY IMPACT 7.1. The fossil fuel price impact on other industries – The PPI In terms of the power sector, the direct and indirect impact of raising electricity prices by 20 57 percent on prices of other industries are calculated based on Equation (4) in Section 2.1 and demonstrated in Figure 20. These effects are ranked in descending orders. Figure 20 – Energy price impact on other industry prices Source: Our calculation from VHLSS 2010 Note: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. Steam and hot water distribution, air conditioner and ice production industry experiences the largest impact with a price increase by approximate 5.34 percent. The second place comes to Water exploitation, processing and supply industry (3.3 percent). The next 12 industries change their prices by between +1.5 to +2.5 percent. While some industries mainly suffer the direct impact because of their large cost shares for electricity, others change their prices mostly by indirect way. Particularly, more than 93 percent of price increases in the two most-affected industries come from the direct impact (see Figure 20). Likewise, gas distribution and residential service industries depend substantially on the direct electricity price impact. Meanwhile, the indirect effect plays a more important role in the next six industries, raising the direct impact of 0.4-1.2 percent to the overall impact of 1.7-2.5 percent. This is because the cost structures of these industries rely more on electricity-intensive intermediate inputs compared to electricity itself. Moreover, the inter-relationships among industries, which are represented by iterations of 58 electricity price effects under a number of rounds, give an additional explanation for the large indirect impact. Varying responses are found among different industries (Figure 21). While the impact on some industries occurs strongly in the first round and converges immediately in the second round, other industries are affected gradually in about eight rounds before going to convergence. Figure 21 - Iterations of the electricity price impact on other industries 3.000 Gas, fuel distribution by pipeline Residental service 2.500 Fertilizer and nitrogen compound 2.000 Basic organic chemicals Plastic and primary synthetic rubber 1.500 Paper and by-paper products 1.000 Fiber (all kinds) Textile products (all kinds) 0.500 Real estate business service 0.000 Postal and delivery 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Source: Calculated from the 2007 IO table Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. In terms of refined products, the most impacted industries as a result of 20 percent increases in petroleum product prices are also illustrated in Figure 21. Products exacted from oil and gas become most affected with more than 12 percent price increase, of which two-thirds comes directly and one-third indirectly. The next seven industries experience more than 7 percent price increases, which are dominated by direct effects. For example, the direct and overall impact on fishery industry is 9.1 and 9.6 percent, respectively. Similarly, transport industries are affected with around 7-9 percent price increases, which mainly come directly (6-8.8 percent). Followed is household service industry where the direct impact nearly reaches the overall impact of 5.4 percent. In contrast, for many other industries, the indirect impact dominates the direct one due to inter-dependencies amongst industries. These industries purchase intermediate inputs from other sectors, which utilize their large cost shares on petroleum. Notably, the fertilizer, nitrogen compound and basic organic chemical industries spend negligible cost shares on petroleum, causing the direct impact to become very small (only 0.3 percent). However, the indirect impact on these 59 industries is much higher (4.4 percent).50 7.2. Inflationary Impact The inflation rate is a result of a number of factors. One of them comes from price increases in primary goods including electricity and petroleum. As observed in Figure 22, major changes in petroleum products (except LPG) reflected pretty well the variation in the inflation rates in terms of directions as well as relative magnitudes with the inflation rates seem to respond slower. Figure 22 - Inflation vs. refined petroleum product prices Figure 23 - Iterations of the energy price impact on the inflation rate 1.6 Electricity 1.4 Petroleum 3 2.5 1.2 2 1 0.8 1.5 0.6 1 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS and 2007 IO Table Notes: (i) Sample weights are applied to make the data representative for the entire population (ii) All monetary values are adjusted for regional price indexes and inflation rates according to 2013 prices. Due to iterations of energy price effects on other industries’ prices, iterations also happen to the inflation rates (as shown in Figure 23). In both electricity and petroleum cases, the inflation rates increase at gradually slower rate within 8 rounds and then converge into 50 Notes that these sectors tend to be natural gas-intensive. 60 constant values. Note that this is a function of calibrating the modeling approach used and is therefore only an internal modeling consideration. A 20 percent increase in electricity price leads to the inflation rate of 1.3 percent in rural areas (Figure 24). Out of which, the direct impact is 0.58 percentage points and the indirect impact is 0.73 percentage points.51 The indirect impact hence plays a more important role in the sense that without considering it, the overall inflation rate might be underestimated seriously. Figure 24 – Inflationary impact of energy price on rural/urban households Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS and 2007 IO Table 51 Note that the direct impact in this section is calculated based on fossil fuel expenditure shares and its price changes while the indirect impact depends on consumption shares for non-fossil fuel goods and services as well as their price changes caused by changes in fossil fuel prices. 61 The maximum inflationary impact of a 20 percent increase in petroleum price is 2.7 percent, doubling the electricity price impact because households spend a much higher expenditure share for petroleum products (see Figure 24). The indirect impact again confirms its role with accounting for 53.6 percent of the overall inflation rate. When electricity and petroleum products simultaneously raise their prices by 20 percent, the inflation rate spreads to 4.0 percent, of which 1.8 percentage points comes directly and 2.2 percentage points indirectly. These results are robust among different consumption baskets as demonstrated in Table 13 with very small fluctuations (4.00 vs. 3.97 if applying GSO consumption basket - see Appendix C for more details - or vs. 3.94 if using un-weighted consumption basket). These results are consistent with many studies in other countries where the indirect impact varies across regions. Whereas the indirect effect is over 60 percent of the total impact in Africa and South and Central America, it is less than 45 percent in Asia and Pacific (Javier Arze et al. 2010). However, in all cases it is a sizeable component of the total impact, reflecting the fact that a high proportion of total fuel consumption is for intermediate use. Consequently, it is important for any evaluation of the welfare impact of fuel price changes to incorporate this indirect effect. Table 13 – The inflationary impact – Robustness check Inflation rate Petroleum price Electricity price Petroleum and electricity increase by 20% increase by 20% price increases by 20% Direct Indirect Total Direct Indirect Total Direct Indirect impact impact impact impact impact impact impact impact Total impact Viet Nam 1) GSO consumption basket 1.22 1.55 2.77 0.48 0.73 1.21 1.70 2.27 3.97 2) 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (hhwt) 1.25 1.44 2.70 0.58 0.73 1.30 1.83 2.17 4.00 3) 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (wt) 1.24 1.44 2.68 0.60 0.73 1.33 1.84 2.17 4.01 4) 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (unweight) 1.20 1.45 2.65 0.56 0.73 1.29 1.76 2.18 3.94 2) 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (hhwt) 1.44 1.40 2.84 0.73 0.73 1.45 2.17 2.13 4.29 3) 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (wt) 1.41 1.40 2.81 0.75 0.73 1.48 2.16 2.13 4.29 4) 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (unweight) 1.37 1.41 2.77 0.70 0.73 1.43 2.06 2.14 4.20 2) 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (hhwt) 1.12 1.48 2.60 0.47 0.73 1.20 1.59 2.20 3.79 3) 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (wt) 1.11 1.47 2.58 0.49 0.73 1.22 1.60 2.20 3.80 Urban Viet Nam Rural Viet Nam 62 4) 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (unweight) 1.09 1.48 2.57 0.47 0.73 1.20 1.56 2.21 3.77 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS and 2007 IO Table There is an impact difference between urban and rural households (Figure 24). Urban households experience larger CPI increases compared to rural households (4.29 vs. 3.79 percent) when together increasing electricity and petroleum prices by 20 percent. Additionally, the indirect impact becomes larger than the direct one in both areas. However, the gap between the direct and indirect effects is found larger in rural areas since rural households suffer less direct impact (1.59 vs. 2.17 percent) but higher indirect impact (2.20 vs. 2.13 percent) compared to urban households. These impacts are shown robust across different consumption baskets (see Table 13). As also observed in Figure 24, the poor tend to experience less inflationary impact compared to the non-poor. In addition, the poorer are less affected directly but more hit indirectly in absolute term. Particularly, as shown in Figure 24, when electricity prices raise by 20 percent, the direct impact ranges from 0.36 percentage points for the rural poorest to 0.46-0.50 percentage points for the top half of rural population and from 0.71 percentage points for the urban poorest 30 percent to 0.75 percentage points for the remaining. The opposite is found in the indirect impact, reducing from 0.79 percentage points for the poorest to 0.71-0.73 percentage points for the richest in rural areas and from 0.75 to 0.71-0.72 percentage points in urban areas. Similarly, when petroleum prices increase by 20 percent, the direct impact goes the least to the poorest (0.58 percentage points in rural areas and 1.12 percentage points in urban areas), then increases and finally comes the most to the near-rich (the 7th to 9th deciles) with a maximum 1.36 percentage points in rural areas and 1.56 percentage points in urban areas. In contrast, the poorest 10 percent mainly suffer the indirect impact (1.72 percentage points in rural areas and 1.51 percentage points in urban areas) whereas the richest and near rich experiences this impact the least (1.40 percentage points in rural areas and 1.35 percentage points in urban areas). Figure 25 – Indirect impact as percent of total impact in rural areas 63 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS and 2007 IO Table This difference is shown much clearer when looking at shares of indirect impact in rural areas (Figure 25). About 75 percent of the inflationary impact indirectly affects the rural poorest 10 percent in both scenarios. These shares drop to around 70 percent for the second lowest decile and 65 percent for the third one, then reducing quickly when rural households’ incomes increase and join the middle-income group. Although higher proportions for indirect impacts are found in all deciles for both scenarios, in terms of relative terms, rural households are much more affected indirectly by the electricity price impact (above 62 percent for all rural deciles). In sum, although the rural poorest absorb the least inflation rates but they tend to be most affected indirectly. Meanwhile, the direct and indirect impacts for urban household deciles are more equal. 7.3. The inflation structure This sub-section analyzes the components of the inflation rate, which are made by different expenditure categories and household groups. Figure 26 - Inflation and expenditure categories in Urban Viet Nam (i) Petroleum 64 (iii) Electricity Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS and 2007 IO Table Figure 26 demonstrates the contribution of each expenditure category to the inflation rate in urban areas as a result of the energy price increases. Fossil fuel is the most important sector, delivering directly 50-51 percent to the overall inflation rate. By virtue of large expenditure shares on food, foodstuff and food services (41.6 percent of total household expenditure), this category comes in second place, contributing 20-25 percent to the inflation. Besides that, additional 14-20 percent of the overall inflation rate comes from education, housing and durable purchase categories. All these six sectors therefore contribute 90 percent to the inflation. When comparing different urban deciles, the poorest 10 percent suffer the biggest indirect impact, which comes mainly from Food, foodstuff and food services (explaining 53-65 percent of the indirect impact). The indirect inflationary effect from this sector ranges from 0.98 percentage points for the urban poorest to 0.52 percentage points for the urban richest as a result of petroleum price changes and reduces 65 from 0.40 to 0.21 percentage points when electricity prices expand. On the contrary, for higher income groups, other sectors contribute more to the indirect inflationary impact. Figure 27 - Inflation and expenditure categories in Rural Viet Nam (i) Petroleum (ii) Electricity Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS and 2007 IO Table This trend is shown clearer in rural areas (see Figure 27). Spending the most on food, foodstuff and food services (61.3 percent of total expenditure) makes the rural poorest 10 percent facing the biggest indirect impact caused by Food and foodstuff (59-69 percent). When rural households become richer, the contribution of this sector to the overall inflation rate shrinks from 0.46 percentage points for the poorest to 0.26 percentage points for the richest in the case of electricity and ranges from 1.19 to 0.64 percentage points in terms of 66 petroleum. Similar to urban areas, other sectors contribute increasingly to the indirect impact for richer households. Figure 28 - Inflation and household deciles in Viet Nam Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS and 2007 IO Table In terms of different household groups (Figure 28), the magnitude of the overall inflation rate also relies on expenditure share of each group in the economy. As a result, the richer contribute more to the inflation. Particularly, the top 3 deciles deliver 52 percent of the inflation rate while the poorest and near poor (the first 3 deciles) make up only 14 percent. 7.4. Possible mitigation measures Although the poorer tend to suffer the least inflation rate, these households are the least able to absorb shocks due to their monthly budget constraint. Currently, there exist various mitigation measures toward the poor, including (i) National Targeted Program for Poverty Reduction (aiming to provide preferential credit, free health insurance, education support for poor households; land, water and electricity for ethnic households; housing and clean water for poor communes; regular cash assistance and emergency relief to vulnerable population groups); (ii) Unemployment Insurance; (iii) Transport Expense Support for Agricultural Enterprises; (iv) Support Programs for Vulnerable Population (e.g., transfer of cash equivalent to 5 liter of kerosene per year for lighting to ethnic and poor households in areas without access to electricity grid; support fishermen who buy new vessel with large capacity or who switch to more fuel efficient vessel machine; support diesel cost in the amount of 3-8 million VND per fishing trip); (v) National Employment Promotion Fund; and (vi) Lifeline Tariff 67 for Low-Income Households and cash transfer scheme of 30,000 VND/month. However, under the social safety-net programs, the benefits account for only 4 percent of household income on average and the coverage rates are still small with only 37 percent of bottom 20% population in 2006 (World Bank). In addition, these programs do not cover other vulnerable groups that are most affected by energy price increase, including: (i) migrant and informal workers (the latter group includes 37 million people, accounting for 75.5 percent of total employment); (ii) the near poor and the transitory poor; (iii) the urban poor – this group is growing and actually accounts for the highest absolute number of poor people; and (iv) household businesses and farmers who use energy as inputs for production. To mitigate the inflationary impact on the poor, additional measures are considered, including (i) further targeted electricity and petroleum price subsidy to the poor and lowincome households (such as lifeline tariff expansion and petroleum voucher/rebate); (ii) conditional cash transfer program to the targeted groups (e.g., transfer of cash equivalent to 100 kWh to poor households); (iii) connect households in rural and remote areas to grid to ensure uniformity in prices and reduce monopoly power of local utility providers; (iv) provide free or subsidized LPG cookers and tanks to poor households to prevent reversing to biomass fuels for cooking, which is less efficient and more harmful for health and environment; (v) exempt valued added taxes (VAT) or import taxes for basic foods stuffs to limit the indirect impact of energy price hikes on food inflation, (vi) higher taxation on energyintensive appliances to reduce energy demand; (vii) improvement of public transportation system and bus fare reduction for switching households’ habit from car and motorbike to public transport use; (viii) provide access to low-cost housing (with reliable and affordable utilities) to the urban poor and migrants, who often have to rent and are subject to high electricity prices imposed by their landlords; and finally (iv) mitigation measures can be spread out if price increases in reality are spread out, for example over 3 years instead 1 year. Various measures may be applied simultaneously. For example, tax exemption for LPG consumption or direct subsidy to transport sector was implemented in Turkey and Nigeria; improvement of public transport or setting price ceiling on public transport fares in Ghana; application of different lifeline bands in various countries (e.g., Uganda: below 15kWh, Kenya: below 50 kWh, Peru: below 100kWh, Jordan: below 160 kWh). Besides, tax exemptions for basic foodstuffs were carried out in Jordan and Namibia. Other governments apply energy rebate to targeted groups (e.g., diesel rebated to farmers in Turkey) or (un)conditional cash transfer scheme in a majority of countries (for instance, Jordan in 1986, 68 Yemen in 1996, Armenia in 1999, Brazil in 2003, Indonesia in 2005, China in 2006, Malaysia in 2008, Iran in 2010, India in 2011, Mauritania in 2012) as well as improve social protection system (such as eliminating primary and secondary school fees, funding for health care in poor areas, increasing the minimum wage in Ghana and Jordan). See Appendix D for more details. Normally, two complement mitigation measures to the electricity price impact on the poor include direct transfer scheme and tariff-based subsidies. Lifeline tariffs provide a minimum level of electricity consumption at a subsidized price, while consumption exceeding the minimum is charged at significantly higher prices, such as full cost-recovery price. Meanwhile, the intent of providing cash transfers is to assist poor and vulnerable households in paying their electricity bills. This assistance prevents households from depleting their limited assets or reducing consumption to such an extent that their livelihoods are threatened. Opponents of tariff-based subsidies criticize their lack of progressiveness, because all households benefit equally, and criticize the absence of energy-saving incentives (Lampietti et al., 2007). Direct cash transfers are criticized for their lack of targeting efficiency and effectiveness. This sub-section will consider different scenarios of these two kinds of mitigation measures, which aims to assist low-income households as part of a poverty reduction strategy and address energy poverty, as well as VAT exemption measure for basic foods stuffs, which contribute mainly to household expenditure and hit the poorest segment of Viet Nam the most. Figure 29 – Crude Oil Index and Food & Foodstuff Index 69 Source: SBS, Bloomberg In terms of the latter mitigation measure, the trend of food and oil prices seems to go handin-hand. As described in Figure 29, the world crude oil price experienced exponential growth and peaked by May 2008. At the same time, the highest Food and Foodstuff index was also reached in Vietnam. Both crude oil and food indexes declined after that and then started to grow again. An obvious example supporting this fact is that during July 2013 after three petroleum price modifications, a series of food and foodstuffs started to increase in prices by 10-20 percent in Ho Chi Minh City.52 A basket of important food products is listed in Table 14. Rice is the most important staple food. This food is more important for the poorer groups of the population, with the poorest sharing their highest budget on rice (25.7 percent for the rural poorest and 13.4 percent among the urban poorest). On the contrary, the richest segment spends the least on rice (4.2 percent in rural areas and 1.6 percent in urban areas). Pork is the second most consumed food, ranging from 5.8-7.8 percent for the poorest 10 percent of households to 1.9-3.6 percent for the richest decile. Other important food includes poultry (mostly chicken and duck meat), fish and shrimp, oils and fats. All five types of food explain 43 percent of the rural poorest’s budget and 13.4 percent of total spending by the bottom 10 percent in urban 52 Hải Minh, “Giá các mặt hàng ở chợ bán lẻ bắt đầu tăng”, chung/item/20878102.html, on 29th July 2013. 70 areas. These shares diminish when households are wealthier and reach the bottom for the richest segment of the population (13 percent in rural areas and 7 percent in urban areas). Table 14 – Expenditure shares on the most consumed food Food items Expenditure share (%) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Rural areas Rice 25.67 20.40 16.49 14.40 12.14 10.58 9.06 8.18 6.78 4.29 Pork 6.82 6.47 6.29 6.17 6.05 5.87 5.51 5.26 5.03 3.59 Poultry 3.85 3.87 3.78 3.80 3.76 3.44 3.47 3.53 3.54 2.60 Shrimp, fish 4.94 4.33 4.24 4.19 4.15 3.99 3.63 3.47 3.19 2.04 Oil & fats 1.66 1.47 1.35 1.22 1.06 0.91 0.88 0.79 0.73 0.52 Total 42.9 36.5 32.2 29.8 27.2 24.8 22.6 21.2 19.3 13.0 Urban areas Rice 13.43 9.67 7.77 6.53 5.42 5.04 4.41 3.71 3.20 1.80 Pork 5.78 5.52 5.32 4.94 3.98 4.02 3.61 3.30 3.36 1.89 Shrimp, fish 4.22 4.44 3.60 3.21 2.83 3.07 2.71 2.38 2.18 1.42 Poultry 2.82 2.88 3.07 2.66 2.71 2.67 2.54 2.47 2.68 1.64 Oil & fats 1.08 0.91 0.78 0.71 0.63 0.62 0.54 0.47 0.46 0.24 Total 27.3 23.4 20.5 18.0 15.6 15.4 13.8 12.3 11.9 7.0 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS According to the VAT Law (the National Assembly XIIth session, 3rd session, No. 13/2008/QH12 dated 3/6/2008), the 5 percent rate is applied to goods and services including unprocessed crop and livestock products and others. If exempting completely VAT on rice and pork, the payment on rice can drop by 3.2 percent (= 5 percent – 1.8 percent) or 4.3 percent (5 percent – 0.7 percent) in the cases of petroleum or electricity price shock. Similarly, the price of pork can diminish between 3 percent and 4.1 percent. Table 15 – The magnitude of inflationary mitigation resulting from a potential VAT exemption Food items Energy price reduction (percentage points) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Rural areas Rice 1.28 1.02 0.82 0.72 0.61 0.53 0.45 0.41 0.34 0.21 Pork 0.34 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.26 0.25 0.18 71 Total 1.62 1.34 1.14 1.03 0.91 0.82 0.73 0.67 0.59 0.39 Urban areas Rice 0.67 0.48 0.39 0.33 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.09 Pork 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.09 Total 0.96 0.76 0.65 0.57 0.47 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.33 0.18 Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS Under this mitigation measure, all households benefit greatly directly (Table 15). 1.62 percentage points are removed from the inflation rate among the rural poorest 10 percent while 0.96 percentage points are dropped in the urban poorest segment. Likewise, 0.18-0.39 percentage point reductions serve the urban and rural richest. As a result, the poorest relatively becomes those most benefited from these mitigation measures. Noting that lower taxes lowers government reveues, and thus lowers their ability to spend and invest on measures which would benefit households. Yes but it is also another regressive subsidy. Figure 30 – Share of rice subsidy in rural/urban areas Source: Our calculation from the 2010 VHLSS 72 Figure 30 depicts expenditure shares on rice and pork by each decile in rural and urban areas, which also reflect budget shares in the total subsidy if adopting the above mitigation measures. Obviously, the rice market is divided equally among household deciles with only a little smaller share found in the poorest 10 percent and a slightly larger share spent on the richest 10 percent. However, a clearer bias of benefits towards the rich is found in the case of pork price subsidy, with the poorest receive only 4-5 percent of subsidy budget while the richest absorb 14-16 percent. Regarding to the food VAT exemption measure, the overall rice price subsidies are 549.6 billion VND/month in rural areas and 180 billion VND/month in urban areas. Similarly, these subsidies in case of pork meat are 263.2 billion VND/month in rural areas and 126.2 billion VND/month in urban areas. In terms of direct and indirect subsidy measures, depending on the relative importance of these objectives, the volume and the rate for the lowest block may change (Fisher, Sheehan & Colton, 2008). If the primary aim is to assist low-income households, then the lifeline tariff must be well-targeted, so that it balances the need to benefit the largest possible proportion of poor households; and benefit as few non-poor households as possible. It must also be set at a volume and rate that provides sufficient assistance. If the primary aim is to reduce energy poverty, then the lifeline tariff volume must be at the energy poverty line specified as the minimum level of electricity needed; and the rate must be set so that it is affordable for households to be above the energy poverty level. Three scenarios of mitigation measures are taken into acouunt to protect the bottom decile from electricity price increase by 10% per annum, which is expected to be in line with overall inflation rate of 7% being expected over the medium. 1. Cash transfer to the poor without changes in the existing lifeline volumes and tariffs 2. Cash transfer to the poor with lifeline tariff for the rural poorest in the bottom decile adjusted down to VND 600 kWh in order to encourage them to use electricity instead of biomass 3. Cash transfer to the poor with lifeline volumes adjusted down to 20 kWh and 40 kWh, which is defined by EVA as the energy poverty lines, in order to reduce leakages to non-poor 73 Table 16 - Indicators for Assessing Existing Mitigation Mechanisms ProgresScenarios Mitigation measures Cover- Leak- sive age age /Regres- Pover-ty Pover-ty Bene-fitrate gap Notes Cost sive (i) Lifeline tariff (993 VND/kWh) for lowusers of no more than 1. Baseline 50 kWh/month (Current (ii) Direct subsidy of IBTs) 30,000 VND/HH/month to the MOLISA's poor (i) Indirect subsidies: 908.2 billion 64.56% 16.40% 1.79 11.61% 2.79% 0.21 VND (production unit cost: 1,418 VND/kWh) (i) MOLISA's poor HHs in 2012: 100% 0% 8.55 11.39% 2.70% 1.00 9.64%, poverty rate: 11.7% (ii) Direct subsidies: 773.6 billion list (iii) Both (i) and (ii) VND 100% 16.40% 4.96 11.34% 2.67% 0.58 (i) EVN's profit increases by 375.2 (i) Lifeline tariff (993 VND/kWh) for low2. Electricity users of no more than prices 50 kWh/month billion VND (production unit cost: 64.56% 16.40% 1.79 11.76% 2.82% 0.21 (ii) Indirect subsidies: 1,120.3 billion VND (iii) Inflation rate: 0.46% increase by 7% 1,517 VND/kWh) (ii) Direct subsidy of 30,000 VND/HH/month to the MOLISA's poor 100% 0% 8.55 11.54% 2.74% 1.00 (i) Direct subsidies: 773.6 billion VND list Table 17 - Indicators for Assessing Existing Mitigation Mechanisms (cont.) (iii) Both (i) and (ii) prices increase by 7% 16.40% 4.53 11.43% 2.70% 0.53 (i) Lifeline tariff (600 (i) EVN's profit reduces by 377.8 VND/kWh for rural HHs billion VND (production unit cost: and 993 VND/kWh for 3. Electricity 100% urban HHs) for low- 64.56% 16.40% 1.88 11.66% 2.80% 0.22 1,517 VND/kWh) (ii) Indirect subsidies: 1,873.4 billion users of no more than VND 50 kWh/month (iii) Inflation rate: 0.46% (ii) Direct subsidy of 30,000 VND/HH/month to the MOLISA's poor 100% 0% 8.55 11.54% 2.74% 1.00 100% 16.40% 3.85 11.38% 2.67% 0.45 (i) Direct subsidies: 773.6 billion VND list (iii) Both (i) and (ii) 4. Electricity (i) Lifeline tariff (993 prices VND/kWh) for low- increase by users of no more than 7% 20 kWh/month for rural (i) EVN's profit increases by 1,366.7 64.56% 16.40% 2.74 11.82% 2.85% 0.32 billion VND (production unit cost: 1,517 VND/kWh) (ii) Indirect subsidies: 128.8 billion 74 HHs and 40 VND kWh/month for urban (iii) Inflation rate: 0.46% HHs (ii) Direct subsidy of 30,000 VND/HH/month to the MOLISA's poor 100% 0% 8.55 11.54% 2.74% 1.00 100% 16.40% 7.69 11.51% 2.73% 0.90 (i) Direct subsidies: 773.6 billion VND list (iii) Both (i) and (ii) (i) Lifeline tariff (600 (i) EVN's profit increases by 1,270.2 VND/kWh) for low- billion VND (production unit cost: users of no more than 20 kWh/month for rural 64.56% 5. Electricity HHs and 40 prices kWh/month for urban increase by HHs 7% (ii) Direct subsidy of 30,000 VND/HH/month to the MOLISA's poor 16.40% 2.74 11.82% 2.85% 0.32 1,517 VND/kWh) (ii) Indirect subsidies: 225.3 billion VND (iii) Inflation rate: 0.46% 100% 0% 8.55 11.54% 2.74% 1.00 100% 16.40% 7.26 11.49% 2.73% 0.85 (i) Direct subsidies: 773.6 billion VND list (iii) Both (i) and (ii) 7.5. Limitation of Results The main limitation of this analysis comes from lack of updated data. The latest versions of IO table and VHLSS are only available for years 2007 and 2010, which may not capture recent changes. Another limitation of the 2010 VHLSS is that it does not capture migrants who generally came to cities to find jobs and higher pay. The UNDP study of urban poverty53 in 2009 shows that migrants (without ho khau) are more likely to be poor, especially those moving after 2008. They face higher vulnerability as a consequence of crisis, with three quarters of them suffering economic risks. In complementary to that finding, RIM (20092011) finds a large inflationary impact on such vulnerable migrants, who tend to be double hit by low wage increases and higher living cost. This impact is partially resulted from the electricity and petroleum price increases, especially since the beginning of the process of phasing out electricity and fuel subsidies in 2011. 53 UNDP: Urban Poverty Survey (UPS) 2009: 1,637 households/individuals in Hanoi and 1,712 in Ho Chi Minh city (including migrants) 75 There exists a debate on whether the immediate energy price impact can be found amongst the poor migrants. The answer is unclear. On the one hand, the poor migrants tend to be the least affected because of their low energy consumption. For example, in terms of power use, the most common electrical appliances owned by them include a neon light, an electric rice cooker and a fan. Most migrants use a tourist gas-fired cooker, which helps them save electricity costs. Very few migrants, usually households, have a TV, a refrigerator, or an airconditioner since they expect to stay in their place for a much longer period than single migrants. Some students also own private computers. On the other hand, the energy price impact might hit migrants the most because they tend to be among the most vulnerable group. The income earned by migrants is limited and they have to save money for other purposes, such as studying or sending remittances back home. Therefore many migrants (e.g., motorcycle taxi drivers, construction workers and vendors) suffer increases in energy costs in a sense that their income is low and unstable whilst these increases add up their existing economic difficulties. In addition, many of them live in rented accommodation and face high and bias electricity charges. For instance, according to Giang (2010), landlord-imposed electricity charges ranged between 1,000 and 2,500 VND per kWh in Ha Noi for any amount of power consumed by renters, with 1,5002,000 VND per kWh being the most common fee. The tariffs were lower in Hai Phong but remarkably higher in Ho Chi Minh City, with the range of 2,000-3,500 VND per kWh. These charges were far higher than the standard tariff of 600 VND per kWh for the first 50 kWh. The current electricity subsidies are rather uniformly distributed, but their removal would lead to a relatively greater decrease in real income in poor households. Complimentary social protection policies can mitigate the expected income loss for poor and vulnerable households. However, this raises the issue of financing. Currently, energy subsidies are implicit and do not have a separate budget line in the State budget. Moving from implicit to explicit energy compensations will make the costs visible, and the response may be politically unappealing. However, even in a situation of limited fiscal flexibility, appropriate mitigation policies can be justified as instruments that provide the government with the necessary political space and time to introduce unpopular energy tariff reforms. In this section, we describe simulations of different mitigation measures aimed at protecting the 76 poor against increases in electricity tariffs. The simulations consider both distributional and cost effects. VIII. CONCLUSION Over two decades, Viet Nam’s impressive economic growth has relied heavily on extensive usage of energy. However, low growth rate associated with high inflation in recent years has forced Viet Nam to embark on a structural reform program, which aims to a sustainable growth model based on efficiency. Accordingly, the Government’s efforts to phasing out energy subsidies has been initiated since the late 2000’s, with narrowing the lifeline band from 100 KWh to 50 KWh per month and increasing retail price of electricity to all users under IBT structure. Importing a majority of refined petroleum products results to Viet Nam’ great dependence on international prices, which are predicted to increase. Likewise, electricity - another critical energy source - is expected to have demand increasing strongly and therefore able to rely on million tons of imported coal for power generation, leading to the tariff reliance on the international base. In addition, lower tariffs compared to those in most countries in the region leave a big price gap for Viet Nam to expand. Based on the historical time series data of energy prices, scenarios with maximum 20 percent increases in petroleum products and electricity prices are therefore applied. Attracted by less data and model intensity requirement, the IO model is selected to estimate the energy price impact on other industries’ prices using the latest input-output table in 2007. These energy price-induced effects are then averaged taking categories’ expenditure shares as weights, which are collected from the latest VHLSS in 2010. Below are our main findings Household businesses o HBs in transport and fishery sectors tend to be the hardest hit by petroleum price increases: 77 Energy (mostly diesel and gasoline) explains 50-60% of business cost. Around 45% of household income comes from these business activities. o HBs in forestry/agricultural services and wholesale & retail sectors (except for motorbikes/cars) tend to be less impacted by petroleum price increases: More than 50% of household income origins from wholesale and retail businesses, but energy (mostly gasoline and diesel) accounts for only 20% of these businesses’ costs. Cost shares of energy among forestry/agricultural service businesses are around 30-35% on average, but the petroleum price impact is mitigated thanks to their household income diversification (only 15% coming from these businesses) Expenditure patterns: o Food and foodstuff are the most important consumption items (44% of total household expenditure), especially for rural households (46.2%) and the poor (e.g., 61.3% for the rural poorest 10%). The richer spend lower expenditure share on food (e.g., 32-37% for the rural and urban richest 10%). o Expenditure shares on fuel are around 10% across household groups. The poorer and rural households consume less fossil fuel but more biomass fuel. As a result, the richest 10% consume one quarter of total fossil fuel value while only 3% of this fuel value goes to the bottom decile. Out of household fuel expenditure, gasoline explains nearly 45%, followed by electricity (~30%), LPG (15%), and biomass (around 10%). However, in terms of fuel consumption, 70% of household energy demand comes from biomass, a very cheap or even price-free fuel. Despite smaller fossil fuel expenditure shares, the poor might be the most affected by energy price reform because of their very poor income-expenditure gap and their more reliance on biomass, which increases pressure on forests and indoor air quality. To what extend households spend their income on fossil fuel depends on which energyintensive assets (especially refrigerators and cars) they own. The poorer less rely on fossil fuel because they have fewer assets. 78 Lifeline tariffs: o Do not cover 15% of the poorest decile, who are without access to electricity, compared to only 2.5% for the whole population. o Only cover 65% of the rural poorest and 25% of the urban poorest, who consume less than 50kWh per month. o 50-60% of implicit/cross-subsidies flow toward the poorest 30%, who tend to be less consumers and subsidized by higher consumers (the non-poor). The leakage to the non-poor may not be a problem if unit cost of electricity is predictable (or transparent) and reasonable (e.g., keeping the distribution loss low). o Expanding the lifeline from 50 kWh to 100 kWh might benefit better the urban poorest (an extra 40%) without facing serious leakage problem. The inflationary impact: o The maximum inflationary impact is 2.7% for a 20% increase in petroleum prices and 1.3% for a 20% increase in electricity prices. More than a half of this inflation rate comes indirectly through the energy price impact on other sectoral prices. These results are robust among different consumption baskets. o Urban HHs experience the larger inflation rates compared to rural HHs (4.29 vs. 3.79% when simutaneously increasing electricity and petroleum prices by 20%). Rural HHs suffer less direct impact (1.59 vs. 2.17% points) but higher indirect impact (2.20 vs. 2.13% points) compared to urban HHs. o The poor experience slightly less inflationary impact compared to the nonpoor but they are harder hit by indirect impact, especially in rural areas (75% of the inflation faced by the rural poorest 10% comes from indirect impact). Inflation components: o Fossil fuel delivers directly 50% to the overall inflation rate; food and foodstuff contribute 20-25%; education, housing and durable purchases 14-20%. o The poor suffer the bigger indirect impact, which comes mainly from food and foodstuff. 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Worth noting, the avoided costs resulting from these investments may trigger more consumption and economic growth (i.e., rebound effect). Implication: the results are likely overestimating the negative economic impacts of subsidy removal in the short term, and underestimating the positive medium to longer-term impacts. o Assumes that market dynamics will not change energy prices other than the removal of subsidies (i.e., prices are largely exogenous). The mix of energy supply is not further optimized after the introduction of subsidies, an analysis that can be done with LEAP, and for which the harmonization of assumptions is crucial. Implication: the results are likely overestimating the negative economic impacts of subsidy removal in the short term (prices may not increase as much as indicated), and underestimating the positive medium to longer-term impacts -although, in this case, the point made above (i.e., investment to improve energy efficiency) would 54 This part is written by Andrea M. Bassi, Ph.D., Andrea M. Bassi, Ph.D., KnowlEdge Srl (email: [email protected], web: 84 become less marked and relevant. o Tests various scenarios on the reallocation of the avoided public expenditure (subsidies), to understand the economy-wide impacts of subsidy removal. This analysis indicates that the reallocation of avoided expenditure mitigates the negative economic impacts of subsidy removal. On the other hand, it does not provide indications on how the reallocation should be formalized and implemented (what type of policy instrument, and for which specific sectors/actors). Implication: while the analysis is useful for policy assessment, a more detailed study of the sectors that are most impacted by the increase in prices has to be carried out to better understand to which extent the impact takes place across the value chain, and whether there is room to counter a potential reduction in economic performance in strategically relevant sectors and vulnerable actors. The I-O analysis fills part of this gap by analyzing the impacts of subsidy removal on inflation, with a higher disaggregation of economic sectors and actors. The I-O model is more detailed than the CGE model in the representation of sectors and households groups. It focuses specifically on the relations existing between subsidy removal, energy prices, value chain and inflation. This is done to assess economic impacts on energy intensive sectors and vulnerable household groups. There are specific assumptions and methodological constraints to consider when using the results of the I-O analysis: o Results for different levels of price increases are shown to be linear with the scale of subsidy reform. On the other hand, the higher the change in price, the higher should be the policy-induced response of the system (e.g., lower consumption, through energy source substitution, energy efficiency and conservation). As a result, the impact may become non-linear, with the growth of inflation progressively declining with higher policy-induced price increases. Implication: the results are likely overestimating the negative economic impacts of subsidy removal in the short term, and underestimating the positive medium to longer-term impacts. 85 o The I-O model does not consider technological change, both endogenous (baseline) and policy induced. A reduction in energy intensity for fossil fuels would reduce the pressure on energy prices and inflation. Implication: inflation may be overestimated, and the results should be interpreted as the “maximum impact” on inflation from a given amount of subsidy removal. This is not to be considered a negative criticism, as it provides an upper boundary for inflation, which is crucial information for policy formulation. o How energy prices could change globally is key to the estimation of inflation. For instance, removing subsidies while global prices decline will have smaller short-term impacts on the national economy (assuming that national energy prices are influenced by global markets). This is particularly relevant in the I-O analysis because: (i) Cost pass through is assumed to be 100%. This may not necessarily be the case, especially for sectors competing on price with foreign industries. (ii) Consumers are assumed not to change behavior, regardless of variations in energy prices. This also may not necessarily be the case. Implication: the results of the analysis are likely overestimating policy-induced inflation. This is possibly true especially for middle and higher income households, having access to resources to reduce their energy consumption, as well as to a broader range of (also imported) products. 86 APPENDIX B The 2007 IO Table codes Code In Vietnamese In English 1 Thóc Paddy 2 Mía cây Sugarcane 3 Cây hàng năm khác Other annual crops 4 Cao su mủ khô Raw rubber 5 Cà phê nhân xô Coffee beans 6 Chè lá và chè búp tươi Tea 7 Cây lâu năm khác Other perennial plants 8 Trâu, bò Buffaloes, cows 9 Lợn Pigs 10 Gia cầm Poultry 11 Các sản phẩm chăn nuôi khác Other livestocks & poultry 12 Dịch vụ nông nghiệp và các sản phẩm nông nghiệp Agricultural services& other agricultural khác chưa được phân vào đâu products 13 Gỗ tròn (gỗ khai thác) Round timber 14 Sản phẩm lâm nghiệp khác; Dịch vụ lâm nghiệp, dịch Forestry services& other forestry vụ trồng rừng và chăm sóc rừng products 15 Thuỷ sản khai thác Fishery 16 Thủy sản nuôi trồng Fish farming 17 Than khai thác các loại (than sạch) Coal 18 Dầu thô Crude oil 19 Khí đốt tự nhiên Natural gas 20 Đá, cát, sỏi, đất sét Stone, sand, gravel, clay 21 Các loại khoáng sản khai khoáng khác còn lại Other non-metal minerals 22 Dịch vụ hỗ trợ khai thác mỏ và quặng Mining support services 23 Thịt đã qua chế biến và bảo quản; các sản phẩm từ Processed, presersed meat & by-meat thịt products 24 Thủy sản đã qua chế biến và bảo quản; các sản phẩm Processed, presersed fishery & by-fish từ thủy sản 25 products Rau, quả đã qua chế biến và bảo quản Processed, presersed vegetables& fruits 26 Dầu mỡ động thực vật Oil & fats 27 Sữa và các sản phẩm từ sữa Milk & by-milk products 28 Gạo Rice 29 Bột các loại Flour 30 Đường Sugar 87 31 Cacao, sôcôla và mứt kẹo, các sản phẩm bánh từ bột Cocoa, chocolate, candy, cake 32 Cà phê đã qua chế biến Coffee, processed 33 Các loại thực phẩm khác còn lại (mì ống, mỳ sợi và Other foodstuff các sản phẩm tương tự; các món ăn, thức ăn chế biến sẵn; gia vị, nước chấm, giấm, men bia…) 34 Thức ăn chăn nuôi Animal feed 35 Rượu Alcohol 36 Bia Beer 37 Đồ uống không cồn, nước khoáng Non-alcohol water, soft drinks 38 Thuốc lá điếu Cigarettes 39 Sợi các loại Fiber 40 Sản phẩm dệt các loại Textile products 41 Trang phục các loại Costume 42 Da, lông thú đã thuộc, sơ chế; vali, túi xách, yên đệm Leather, fur, suitcase, bags, saddle và các loại tương tự. 43 Giày, dép các loại Shoes, sandal 44 Gỗ (đã qua chế biến) và các sản phẩm từ gỗ Wood & by-wood products 45 Giấy và các sản phẩm từ giấy Paper & by-paper products 46 Các sản phẩm in ấn, sao chép bản ghi các loại Printing products 47 Than cốc và các sản phẩm phụ khác từ lò luyện than Coke coal & by-products cốc 48 Xăng, dầu các loại Refined petroleum 49 Các sản phẩm khác chiết xuất từ dầu mỏ, khí đốt Other oil, gas products 50 Hoá chất cơ bản Basic organic chemicals 51 Phân bón và hợp chất nitơ Fertilizer & nitro compound 52 Plastic và cao su tổng hợp dạng nguyên sinh Plastic & primary synthetic rubber 53 Sản phẩm hóa chất khác; sợi nhân tạo Other chemical products 54 Thuốc, hoá dược và dược liệu Medicine & pharmacy 55 Sản phẩm từ cao su By-rubber products 56 Sản phẩm từ plastic By-plastic products 57 Thủy tinh và sản phẩm từ thủy tinh Glass & by-glass products 58 Xi măng các loại Cements 59 Sản phẩm từ khoáng phi kim loại chưa được phân vào Other non-metal mineral products đâu 60 Sắt, thép, gang Steel & iron 61 Các sản phẩm bằng kim loại khác còn lại Other metal products 62 Linh kiện điện tử; Máy vi tính và thiết bị ngoại vi của Electronic devices, computers máy vi tính 63 Thiết bị truyền thông (điện thoại, máy fax, ăng ten, Telecomunication equipment (phone, modem…) modem..) 88 64 Sản phẩm điện tử dân dụng Household electric appliances 65 Sản phẩm điện tử khác còn lại và sản phẩm quang Other electronic products học 66 Mô tơ, máy phát, biến thế điện, thiết bị phân phối và Motor, electric generators điều khiển điện 67 Pin và ắc quy Cell & battery 68 Dây và thiết bị dây dẫn Electric conductor 69 Thiết bị điện chiếu sáng Electric light equipment 70 Đồ điện dân dụng (tủ lạnh gia đình, máy rửa bát, máy Refrigerator, dishwasher, giặt, máy hút bụi,…) washingmachine... 71 Thiết bị điện khác Other electric equipments 72 Máy thông dụng General-purpose machines 73 Máy chuyên dụng Special-purpose machines 74 Ô tô các loại Cars 75 Xe có động cơ rơ moóc (trừ ô tô) Other motor vehicles 76 Tàu và thuyền Ships & boats 77 Môtô, xe máy Motorbikes 78 Phương tiện vận tải khác còn lại Other transport vehicles 79 Giường, tủ, bàn, ghế Beds, cabinets, tables, chairs 80 Đồ kim hoàn, đồ giả kim hoàn và các chi tiết liên quan; Jewelry, music instruments, sports 81 82 Nhạc cụ; Dụng cụ thể dục, thể thao; Đồ chơi, trò chơi equipments, toys Thiết bị, dụng cụ y tế, nha khoa, chỉnh hình và phục Medical and dental, orthopedic and hồi chức năng rehabilitation equipments Sản phẩm công nghiệp chế biến khác chưa được phân Other industrial products, repairing& vào đâu; Dịch vụ sửa chữa và bảo dưỡng máy móc, maintaining services thiết bị 83 Điện, dịch vụ truyền tải điện Electricity 84 Khí đốt, phân phối nhiên liệu khí bằng đường ống Gas, gas distribution by pipeline 85 Phân phối hơi nước, nước nóng, điều hoà không khí và Distribution of steam, hot water, air sản xuất nước đá conditioner, ice production 86 Khai thác, xử lý và cung cấp nước Water exploitation, processing& supply 87 Quản lý và xử lý nước thải, rác thải Waste, waste water management& processing services 88 Xây dựng nhà các loại House construction 89 Xây dựng công trình đường sắt và đường bộ, Xây Construction of rail, road, public & other dựng công trình công ích, Xây dựng công trình kỹ civil works thuật dân dụng khác 90 Xây dựng chuyên dụng Special-purpose construction 91 Bán, sửa chữa ô tô và xe có động cơ khác, Bán, bảo Services of selling, repairing, dưỡng và sửa chữa mô tô, xe máy, phụ tùng và các bộ maintaining motor vehicles& auxiliary 89 92 phận phụ trợ của mô tô, xe máy parts Bán buôn (trừ ô tô, môtô, xe máy và xe có động cơ Wholesale & retail (excluding motor khác), Bán lẻ (trừ ô tô, môtô, xe máy và xe có động cơ vehicles) khác) 93 Vận tải hành khách đường sắt Railway passenger transport 94 Vận tải hàng hóa đường sắt Railway goods transport 95 Vận tải bằng xe buýt; Vận tải hành khách bằng đường Bus & other road passenger transport bộ khác 96 Vận tải hàng hóa bằng đường bộ; Vận tải đường ống Road goods & pipeline transport 97 Dịch vụ vận tải hành khách đường thủy Waterway passenger transport 98 Dịch vụ vận tải hàng hoá đường thủy Waterway goods transport 99 Dịch vụ vận tải hành khách hàng không Airline passenger transport 100 Dịch vụ vận tải hàng hoá hàng không Airline goods transport 101 Dịch vụ kho bãi và các dịch vụ hỗ trợ cho vận tải Parking& transportation support services 102 Bưu chính và chuyển phát Postal & delivery services 103 Dịch vụ lưu trú Residental services 104 Dịch vụ ăn uống Food services 105 Dịch vụ xuất bản Publishing services 106 Điện ảnh, truyền hình, ghi âm và xuất bản âm nhạc Film, music recording& publishing services 107 Phát thanh, truyền hình Radio, television services 108 Dịch vụ viễn thông Telecom services 109 Dịch vụ lập trình máy vi tính, dịch vụ tư vấn và các Computer programing services, dịch vụ khác liên quan đến máy vi tính và dịch vụ consulting& other infomation services thông tin 110 Dịch vụ tài chính (Trừ bảo hiểm và bảo hiểm xã hội) Financial (excluding insurance) services 111 Bảo hiểm phi nhân thọ và tái bảo hiểm Non-life insurance& re-insurance services 112 Bảo hiểm nhân thọ; Bảo hiểm xã hội Life & social insurance services 113 Dịch vụ tài chính khác Other financial services 114 Dịch vụ kinh doanh bất động sản Real estate business services 115 Dịch vụ pháp luật, kế toán và kiểm toán Legal, accounting& auditing services 116 Dịch vụ của trụ sở văn phòng; Dịch vụ tư vấn quản lý Office services, management consulting services 117 Dịch vụ kiến trúc, kiểm tra và phân tích kỹ thuật Architectural, testing& technically analying services 118 Nghiên cứu khoa học và phát triển Research & development 119 Dịch vụ quảng cáo và nghiên cứu thị trường Advertising& marketing services 120 Dịch vụ chuyên môn, khoa học và công nghệ khác Other professional, science & 90 technology services 121 Dịch vụ thú y Veterinary services 122 Cho thuê máy móc, thiết bị (không kèm người điều Services for renting machine& khiển); cho thuê đồ dùng cá nhân gia đình; cho thuê equipment, personal applicances tài sản vô hình phi tài chính 123 Dịch vụ lao động và việc làm Employment service 124 Dịch vụ của các đại lý du lịch, kinh doanh tua du lịch; Traveling services, tour business, Dịch vụ hỗ trợ liên quan đến quảng bá và tổ chức tua traveling support services du lịch 125 Dịch vụ điều tra và đảm bảo an toàn Investigation& security services 126 Dịch vụ vệ sinh nhà cửa, công trình cảnh quan Sanitation services for house & landscape 127 128 Dịch vụ hành chính, hỗ trợ văn phòng và các hoạt Adminstration services, office& other động hỗ trợ kinh doanh khác business support services Dịch vụ do hoạt động của Đảng cộng sản, tổ chức Services of communist party, political- chính trị - xã hội, quản lý nhà nước an ninh quốc socio organizations phòng; bảo đảm xã hội bắt buộc cung cấp 129 Giáo dục và đào tạo (trừ đào tạo cao đẳng, đại học và Education& training (excluding college, sau đại học) universities& post-graduates) 130 Dịch vụ đào tạo cao đẳng, đại học và sau đại học College, universities& post-graduates 131 Dịch vụ y tế Healthcare services 132 Dịch vụ chăm sóc, điều dưỡng tập trung và dịch vụ trợ Care services giúp xã hội không tập trung 133 Sáng tác, nghệ thuật và giải trí; Dịch vụ của thư viện, Arts & entertainment, library services, lưu trữ, bảo tàng và các dịch vụ văn hoá khác museum and other services 134 Xổ số, cá cược và đánh bạc Lottery, betting& gambling services 135 Thể thao; vui chơi giải trí Sports, entertainment 136 Dịch vụ của các hiệp hội, tổ chức khác Other services 137 Dịch vụ sửa chữa máy vi tính, đồ dùng cá nhân và gia Repairing services for computers& other 138 đình và dịch vụ phục vụ cá nhân khác household appliances Dịch vụ làm thuê công việc gia đình trong các hộ gia Household services, self-consumption đình; các sản phẩm vật chất tự tiêu dùng của hộ gia products, international organization đình; Dịch vụ của các tổ chức và cơ quan quốc tế services 91 APPENDIC C The inflationary impact using GSO consumption basket % Petroleum price Electricity price Petroleum and electricity increase by 20% increase by 20% price increase by 20% Direct Indirect Total Direct Indirect Total Direct Indirect Total consumption impact impact impact impact impact impact impact impact impact Food 0.082 0.000 1.600 1.600 0.000 0.669 0.669 0.000 2.269 2.269 Foodstuffs 0.244 0.000 2.602 2.602 0.000 0.863 0.863 0.000 3.465 3.465 Outside eating 0.074 0.000 0.882 0.882 0.000 0.496 0.496 0.000 1.378 1.378 Electricity* 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 20.00 0.000 20.00 20.000 0.000 20.000 Petroleum* 0.061 20.000 0.000 20.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 20.000 0.000 20.000 Telecommunication 0.027 0.000 0.987 0.987 0.000 0.388 0.388 0.000 1.375 1.375 Equipment and housewares 0.087 0.000 1.059 1.059 0.000 0.699 0.699 0.000 1.758 1.758 Apparel, headwear and footwear 0.073 0.000 1.494 1.494 0.000 1.214 1.214 0.000 2.708 2.708 Beverages and Tobacco 0.040 0.000 1.705 1.705 0.000 0.844 0.844 0.000 2.549 2.549 Medicine and Health 0.056 0.000 1.044 1.044 0.000 0.768 0.768 0.000 1.812 1.812 Education 0.057 0.000 0.795 0.795 0.000 0.703 0.703 0.000 1.498 1.498 Cultural, recreation and tourism 0.038 0.000 1.109 1.109 0.000 0.809 0.809 0.000 1.918 1.918 Other goods and services 0.033 0.000 1.653 1.653 0.000 0.931 0.931 0.000 2.584 2.584 construction materials* 0.076 0.000 1.467 1.467 0.000 0.939 0.939 0.000 2.406 2.406 Transport* 0.028 0.000 3.793 3.793 0.000 0.634 0.634 0.000 4.427 4.427 1.22 1.55 2.77 0.73 1.21 1.70 2.27 3.97 Housing, water, gas and The inflation rate 0.48 Notes: Electricity and Petroleum consumption shares are defined by the 2010 VHLSS consumption basket (2.4 percent and 6.1 percent, respectively). Then the consumption sectors of Housing, water, gas, construction materials and Transport are calculated by subtracting the corresponding energy shares from those of sectors defined by GSO. 92 APPENDIX D Literature Reviews on Mitigation Measures55 Country Reform Year Mitigation Method Target Groups Measures Amenia Electricity price reform 1999 Poverty Family Cash transfer of dram 1,450 Benefit (approximately US$2.70) Poor households (18-25%) means tested conditional on electricity bill payment and efficient consumption (1% of GDP) Armenia Electricity 1999 Cash transfers Two one-off cash transfers to help Poverty Family Benefit households price reform cope with higher electricity prices and other households (9%) considered to have difficulties paying their bills Armenia Electricity price reform 1999 Dual-rate Allow households to benefit from electricity discounted night tariffs, and meters remove the need for energy Low-income households suppliers to use high cost generators during peak times of use Brazil Electricity sector 1993 Targeted fuel subsidy privatization Subsidize the supply of fuels to the Inefficient thermal power plants of inefficient thermal power plants of Amazonia, a politically sensitive Amazonia, financed by a levy on region electricity tariffs Brazil Electricity sector 1995 Cross subsidies Provide lower electricity tariffs for Low-income households low-income households privatization Brazil Fuel price liberalization 2001 Subsidies for ethanol The government introduced a new tax on the importation and producers and marketing of petroleum products to the raise revenue transportation costs of hydrocarbons Brazil Fuel price liberalization 2001 LPG used by The government introduced a new Low-income families low-income tax on the importation and families marketing of petroleum products to raise revenue 55This Appendix is prepared by Nguyen Tu Chi, from IISD-GSI. 93 Brazil Fuel price liberalization 2002 Subsidies for Thermal power plants in the supply of Amazonia, a politically sensitive fuels to thermal region power plants in Amazonia Brazil Fuel price 2003 Bolsa Familia Conditional cash transfers Low-income families (means test) liberalization Brazil Electricity sector rural people, funded by levies on privatization electricity tariffs Dominican Electricity Republic Ghana 2003 Free electricity Provide free electricity to 10 million 10 million rural people 2009 BonoLuz subsidy consumers to claxim a subsidy for reduction the use of the first 100 kWh Fuel price LEAP deregulation Ghana Ghana Use coupons for the poorest Provide cash transfers to National Health Indigent exemption for the deregulation Insurance registration and coverage of very Scheme poor households deregulation The bottom 20% of the poor households in extreme poverty Fuel price Fuel price Low-income families 2005 Assistance to the poor Elimination of fees for state-run The bottom 20% of the poor The poor primary and secondary schools; increase in public-transport buses; price ceiling on public-transport fares; funding for health care in poor areas; increase in the minimum wage; and investment in electrification in rural areas. India Kerosene 2009 Targeted subsidy Public removal Distribution Allocate PDS kerosene to ration Quote differ by income and LPG card holders connections Transfer cash directly to the poor People below the poverty line Distribute two payments of Poor households (19.2 million) System (TPDS) India Kerosene and LPG 2011 Direct Cash Subsidies subsidy removal Indonesia Fuel price increase 2005 Unconditional Cash Transfer– IDR300,000 (around US$30) Bantuan directly to poor families Langsung Tunai (BLT) Indonesia Kerosene 2009 Conversion Freely distribute a starter pack, subsidy from Kerosene consisting of a stove and a removal to LPG 20 million hhs compact-built 3-kg gas cylinder; then reduce distribution of 94 kerosene in targeted areas Iran Indirect oil subsidy cut 2007 Electronic cards system The price of rationed gasoline was Rationing required the well below the full price. implementation of a for gasoline comprehensive vehicle registration rationing and system and personalized quotas distribution and management of the gasoline quotas. Iran Indirect oil subsidy cut 2010 Unconditional About 80% of the revenue from All population Cash Transfer price increases was redistributed to households as bi-monthly cash transfers Iran Indirect oil subsidy cut 2010 Enterprise support About 20% of the revenue from 7,000 enterprises deemed to be price increases was provided to affected by the reform enterprises to support restructuring for reducing their energy intensity (direct assistance and sales of limited quantities of fuels at partially subsidized rates) Iran Indirect oil subsidy cut 2010 Multitier tariffs Unit tariffs were set using on electricity, escalating schedules differentiated natural gas, by quantity used and region. Large and water household consumers were Small users, mostly the poor charged prices marginally higher than in international markets Jordan Oil subsidy removal 2005 Compensation Minimum wage increase; one-time Multiple groups package (7% of bonus to low-income government GDP) employees; cash transfers to nongovernment employees and pensioners; tax exemptions for 13 basic foodstuffs; projects to combat unemployment and poverty Jordan Oil subsidy removal Jordan 1986 National Aid Fund Provide cash social assistance to The poor the poor Power sector 2008 Lifeline tariff Lifeline tariff for those using less Small consumers (less than 160 reform than 160 kWh per month was kWh/month) maintained with the help of crosssubsidization 95 Kenya Power sector 2003 Mitigating Rural electrification program that rationalizatio has helped increase the number of measures n and pricing connections from 650,000 in 2003 reform to 2 million at present; revolving Multiple groups fund for deferred connection fee payments; commercial bank loans for connection fees; life-line tariff for households that consume less than 50 kWh per month, which is cross-subsidized by rates imposed on larger consumers; crosssubsidies from urban to rural consumers, as tariffs are uniform across these areas. Malaysia Fuel price 2008 Cash transfers Cash grants to fishermen and increase Vehicle owners vessel owners to compensate in part for fuel price increase; rebates to private vehicle owners, especially smaller vehicles Mauritania Formulabased pricing 2011 Emergency relief measures - comprised mostly reversible for petrol Mauritania Formulabased pricing UM40 billion (3.4 percent of GDP) The poor measures 2012 Unconditional Each household receives UM 15,000 households in four rural Cash Transfer 15,000 monthly (equivalent to half areas deemed to have high food for petrol of the legal minimum wage) via a insecurity bank transfer Mexico Electricity Tariff subsidy tariff reform Tariffs are subsidized for Customers who consume less and customers who consume less and reside in warm areas reside in warm areas Moldova Electricity Nominative Cash transfer which helps cover tariff increase Targeted the cost of electricity, gas, district Categorical privileges Compensation heating, hot water, cold water, (NTC) Namibia Fuel price deregulation 2008 Mitigating measures coal, and firewood Zero-rate VAT on selected food Multiple groups items; rebate facilities for food importers; food distribution program to feed the most vulnerable; subsidized rural pump prices by subsidizing transportation costs to remote areas Niger Fuel subsidy Tickets Direct subsidy to the transport reduction modérateurs sector (less than 0.1 percent of Transport sector GDP) 96 Nigeria Fuel subsidy 2011 Urban mass Increase mass transit availability reduction by facilitating the procurement of transit Established bus operators diesel-run vehicles (subsidized loans, reduced import tariffs, etc.) 1600 buses Nigeria Nigeria Fuel subsidy 2011 Maternal and Expand conditional cash transfer reduction child health program; and upgrade facilities at services clinics Pregnant women in rural areas Fuel subsidy 2011 Public works Provide temporary employment in Poor youth and women reduction environmental projects and maintaining education and health facilities Nigeria Fuel subsidy 2011 Vocational Establish vocational training reduction centers to help tackle the problem training Youth of youth unemployment Pakistan Fuel and Benazir Income Cash transfers to help the poorest The poor electricity Support families and to cushion the price Programme negative effects of price increases increase (BISP) Philippines Power sector 2006 Lifeline tariff restructuring structures A lifeline tariff schedule at a 3 million poor households subsidized rate for poor households (5-50% discount) Philippines Oil deregulation 2008 Pro-poor Financed by windfall VAT revenue The poor spending from high oil prices and included programs electricity subsidies for indigent families, college scholarships for low-income students, subsidized loans to convert engines of public transportation to less costly LPGs, and subsidized rice to low-income families; also a conditional cash transfer program Poland Coal reform 1998 Social and Provide welfare benefits to labor market dismissed workers (especially programs younger coal workers) while they 33,000 workers transitioned into retirement or into new jobs, including soft loans for the establishment of a business, and services provided from newly established employment agencies. Peru Electricity tariff increase Lifeline tariff Subsidize households if they use less than 100 kWh per month 97 Peru Fuel and Provide households with cash Poor households in vulnerable electricity 2005 Juntos transfers in the short run and to communities tariff increase improve access to education and health services in the long run Turkey Oil price 1999 Tax exemption Forego both value added and liberalization, for LPG state-owned consumption All population pecial consumption tax for LPG enterprise privatization, and competitive energy market Turkey Oil price 2006 Tax exemption Exemption from value added tax liberalization, for public state-owned transportation and excise tax Public transport companies owned and managed by municipalities, villages, or special provincial enterprise administrations privatization, and competitive energy market Turkey Oil price 2007 Rebate for The amounts of aid are calculated Farmers liberalization, diesel used in according to the area of the land state-owned agriculture used in growing specified crops, enterprise and paid according to a schedule privatization, defined by the cabinet and competitive energy market Uganda Power tariff Lifeline tariff Lifeline tariff (USh 100/kWh) for adjustments structures poor domestic consumers for Poor domestic consumers power consumption of up to 15 kWhs a month. Yemen Fuel price increase 1996 Social Welfare Provide conditional cash transfers All population Fund to households - coverage was expanded and transfers increased in line with subsidy reform period Yemen Fuel price increase 2000 Conversion Promote the conversion from from kerosene kerosene to LPG for residential to LPG use 98 Yemen Fuel price Public Works increase Provide short-term employment Small-scale contractors and support through a laborintensive public works program Yemen Fuel price Social Fund for Promote community and small- increase Development The poor and microenterprise- development and provide short-term employment for both the transitory and chronically poor 99