Untitled - Repository STIKES Aisyiyah
Untitled - Repository STIKES Aisyiyah
1st International Nursing Conference PROCEEDING BOOK “Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015” SCHEDULE 1st INTERNATIONAL NURSING CONFERENCE (INC) OCTOBER, 22nd–23rd 2014 Day 2nd , Thursday, October 22nd, 2014 (1st International Nursing Conference – Day 1st) TIME TOPIC 07.15–08.15 Registration 08.15–08.50 Opening Ceremony Reading the Holy Qur‟an 08.50–09.50 Greeting‟st 1. Speech from SC 2. President AIPNEMA 3. Keynote Speech Major Bandung City - Beating the “Gong” - Photo Session 09.50–10.00 Coffee Break 10.00–11.30 Expert Panel Presentation 1. Implementation of transcultural nursing in academy 2. Implementation of tanscultural nursing in academy and clinical setting: Thailand Perspective 3. AINEC–AIPNI Reward‟s Announcement and Handover the Souvenir for SC, Speaker, and Moderator 11.30–12.55 Pray and Lunch 12.55–17.00 Poster exhibition SPEAKER Panitia 1. Moh. Afandi, S.Kep., Ners., MAN 2. H. Edy Soesanto, S.Kp., M.Kes. 3. Ridwan Kamil Panitia - Prof. Junko - Prof. Khannitta, RN., PhD - Muhammad Hadi, SKM., M.Kep., Dr.(Cand.) Moderator: Kusman Ibrahim, S.Kp., MNS., Ph.D Secretary: Warsiti, M.Kep., Sp.Mat. Ass. Prof. Dr. Somporn Rungruangkulkit Dr. Nichapatrphuttikhamin Oral dan poster presentation 17.00–17.30 Joint research program: joint research team Report session Discussion Wrapping Ass. Prof. Dr. Somporn Rungruangkulkit Dr. Nichapatrphuttikhamin GALA DINNER 19.00–19.15 19.15–19.20 19.20–19.30 19.30–20.00 20.00–20.10 20.10–20.15 20.25–20.30 20.30–20.50 20.50–21.00 21.00–21.30 21.30–21.45 21.45–22.00 - Traditional dance Opening Gala Dinner Greeting by the chairman of committees Dinner and acustickecapi suling Dance‟s performance Introducing participants by MC Acustic live music (fazah performance) Angklung Performance Organ Performance MOU / lembar joint research Traditional song Performance participants and Closing Day 3rd , Wednesday, October 23rd , 2014 (1st International Nursing Conference – Day 2nd ) TIME TOPIC 08.30–10.45 Opening dan Panel Expert 1. Implementation of transcultural nursing in academy and clinicalsetting: Taiwan Perspective 2. Implementation of transcultural nursing in academy and clinical setting: Malaysia Perspective 3. Implementation of transcultural nursing in academy and clinical setting: Indonesian Perspective Reward‟s Announcement and Handover the Souvenir for SC, speaker and moderator SPEAKER - Dr. Paris - Prof. Zabidah, RN., PhD - Dr. Titi Moderator: Moh. Afandi, S.Kp, MAN Secretary: Angga W., S. Kep., Ners. 11.00–11.15 Closing 11.15–11.15 Pray and Lunch City Tour Panitia OPENING SPEECH Proceeding is published related to the activities that have been organized by The Association of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Nurse Education (AIPNEMA) in collaboration with Institute of Health Sciences „Aisyiyah Bandung (STIKes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung), that is an international seminar (first national nursing conference) as the Annual meeting of the Association of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Nurse Education (AIPNEMA) . This international seminar will be held at Horizon Hotel Bandung on 22-23 October 2014. The theme of this international seminar is “Building Transtructural Nursing in Education and Practice to Facing ASEAN Community 2015”. This activity held in scientific forum includes of working paper presentation, discussion and poster. Seminar is conducted parallelly by using presentation and discussion method by researchers from domestic and foreign universities. It is expected to motivate lecturer to publish the result of research in proceeding or national and international journal. We thank all of participants in this activity. We hope this proceeding give benefit for all readers. Bandung, October 2014 H. Edy Soesanto, S.Kp., M.Kep President of AIPNEMA FROM THE COMMITTEE Thanks to Allah S.W.T who has been giving us blessing and mercies. Let's say thank to Muhammad SAW as our own prophet. Because of his strugle now we are walking on the right way. As one of the efforts for coordination and consultation of the Association of Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Nurse Education (AIPNEMA), Annual Meeting of AIPNEMA conducted annually. This year, STIKes Aisyiyah Bandung welcomes its occasion in Bandung city and we also like to thank you for the trust that given by AIPNEMA to organize these activities. At this time Annual Meeting of AIPNEMA was held in conjunction with the First International Nursing Conference with the theme "Building Transtructural in Nursing Education and Practice to Facing the ASEAN Community 2015". It is our hope, that through these activities can contribute to the world of education, especially in the institutional environment of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah - 'Aisyiyah, in addition to strengthen the relationship among nursing institutions both within and outside the country. Finally, we would like to thank all participants in this activity and we also apologize for any shortcomings that may occur during this activity. Bandung, October 2014 Tia Setiawati, S.Kp., M.Kep., Ns.Sp.Kep.An Chair of Institute of Health Sciences „Aisyiyah Bandung (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan „Aisyiyah Bandung) FROM THE COMMITTEE Assalamu‟alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokaatuh. Thanks to Alloh SWT who has been given us bleesing and mercies. Transcultural nursing is a theory based humanistic discipline, desaigned to serve individuals, organizations, communities, and societies. Human care/caring is defined within the context of culture. Culturally competent care can only occur when culture care values are known and serve as the foundation for meaningful care. Collaboration between health care providers is needed to minimize the gap and improv health care services. In order to deliver better care to clients, nurses need to build interest. This cooperation will then give assurance in understanding clients and consideration of humanized care. The objectives of this event are to identify evidence based best practice that promote trancultural nursing, demonstrate research based models or promoting culturally competence care, describe transcultural nursing partnerships that promote cultural competence, and apply transcultural nursing theories to local, national and international health care issues. The target of this event are the academics, the researchers, and nursing service practicioners. STIKes Aisyiyah is very proud to present this event and hope that it will give a lot of benefits for all the participants. We would like to thank for the speaker for spending the time in order to give us a new knowledge and sharing the experience and also we would like to thank for all the participants for your presence and participations. We also would like to give the highest appreciation and honour for the institutions and company for their support so that this event can be presented now. The last but not least we wish that this event can be useful for all. Be enjoy in Bandung. Bandung, October 2014 Nandang Jamiat Nugraha, S.Kp., M.Kep., Ns, Sp.Kep.Kom Chair of Organizing Committee INC Implementation of Transcultural Nursing in academy and Clinical Setting: Malaysian Perspective This paper outlines the cross cultural insights that emerged concerning language, culture, and social context in respect of the issue of transcultural nursing in Malaysia. It highlights the cultural and religious safety in academy and clinical practices in the nursing curriculum and in the clinical setting. The nursing academy has to be mindful of creating a curriculum that is responsive to the diverse needs of the communities, while the clinicians are always conscious of the cultural diversity in the clients and communities they serves. Through obliging to this requirement the nurses felt the sense of cultural humility and an appreciation of the sources and values of their own culture. Thus the tensions inherent in a multicultural practice are minimized in the Malaysian health settings. The implementation of transcultural nursing in academy and clinical practice in the Malaysian perspectives will be discussed. Brief CV: Zabidah Putit Associate Profesor Dr Zabidah Putit, is the Head of the Nursing Department, UNIMAS, Malaysia. She obtained her PhD from University of Bristol UK, MHSc (Hons) in New Zealand, BNSc (Hons) in UM, while midwifery and nursing in Nursing college, Kuching. She has been in nursing since 1983. Besides in Malaysia, she also has nursing experiences in Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital and teaching in the School of Policy studies, University of Bristol, UK in 2005 – 2008. Her research interests are domestic violence, behavioral sciences and nursing, and have been presenting her related research projects both nationally and internationally. AP Dr Zabidah is an author of five books;(1) Perempuan Di(Se)Balik dinding kaca, (2)Domestic Violence: Towards a better exit, (3) Sarawak Women Treading the path of post-independence years (4) Sarawak women in Politics and (5) Sarawak women in Volunteerism (Invited writer). Besides, her works has also been published in Journals. She reviewed manuscript for journals and books for publication. She has been external examiners of various nursing programme of higher education in Malaysia. She is currently the President of Malaysian Nursing Council, Public Institution of Higher Learning. Throughout her service, she received several awards. Beyond academia, AP Dr Zabidah is known to be actively engaged in the public community services and was recognized by the State government of Sarawak and thus was honored to be offered as member for Women and Family Council Sarawak since January 2011. BRIEF CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Junko Tashiro, RN, PHN, MW, MA, PhD Affiliation: Professor, Nursing in Health Care & Social Service, Global Health Nursing St. Luke‟s International University, Professor (1999-present) Specialty: Global Health Nursing (Public Health Nursing, Human Resource in Nursing) Research Area: Development of International Collaborative Working Model for Strengthening Community Nursing in Developing Countries. Development of Web-based Educational Program for International Collaboration to Improve Health for All. Service Learning at College or School of Nursing. Adolescent Health Focusing on Health Promoting Lifestyle Behaviors and Risk Behaviors in Japan. Education: Ph.D., Nursing Sciences, Graduate College, University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1996 M.A., Sociology, Graduate College, Master Program, Rikkyo University (St. Paul University), Tokyo, Japan, 1975 B.S., Nursing, St. Luke‟s College of Nursing, Tokyo, Japan, 1972 Professional Experience: Professor, St. Luke‟s College of Nursing, teaching Nursing Research, Nursing Theory, and Global Health Nursing Doctoral and Master Students, 1999 to present. Associate Director of WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing in PHC at St. Luke‟s College of Nursing. Professor, College of Nursing and Medical Technology (Associate Degree Program), University of Tsukuba, 1996-1998, Teaching Fundamental Nursing, and Community Nursing. Associate Professor. St. Mary Junior College of Nursing, teaching Maternal and Child Health and Nursing, 1985-1991. Lecturer, College of Nursing and Medical Technology, University of Tsukuba, teaching Pediatric Nursing. 1980-1984. Head Nurse, Hospital, University of Tsukuba, 1975- 1980. Social Activity (Current): Board of Director (Associate Director), Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 2011-2013. Subject Editor of Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2011-present. Chair of Preparatory Committee for Council of National Representative (CNR) and International Council of Nurses (ICN) Conference in 2007. Board of Director, East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholar, 2002 - 2006. Representative of WPRO, Global Network, WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing & Midwifery 2002-2006. Director and Board of Director, St. Luke‟s Society of Nursing Research, 2002-2005. Others (Major one only): Expert of Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Pakistan Nursing Education Project, Cooperation of Mid-level Pediatric Nursing Education, 1988-1990, and its after care 2002. Short Term Expert of JICA for Kenya Medical Training College Project. Current Work (Publication) Tashiro,J.,Shinpuku,Y.,Naruse,K.,Maftuhah,& Matsutani,M.,(2012) Concept analysis of reflection in nursing professional development.,Japan. Journal of Nursing Science. Doi:10.111/j.1742-7942.2012.00222.x Kishi, R; McElmurry, B. J.; Vonderheid, S; Alfeld, S; McFarlin, B; Tashiro, J. (2010). Health care for women international 32:Japanese women‟s experiences from pregnancy through early postpartum period.,Routledge.,1,57-71 doi:10.1.1080/07399331003728634 Tashiro,J.,William Holzemer(Ed.) (2010). Chapter 7. Defining the research problem in improving health through nursing research. The International council for nurses; Wiley-blackwell.,69-76. Naruse, K.; Tashiro, J.; Sakyo, Y.; Ichikawa, W.; Karani, A. (2008). Stakeholders‟ perception of the desired Master‟s program for Kenya in community health nursing: Areas of competency. Areas of competency. Japan Journal of Nursing Science No.5. 61-67. Tashiro, J., Nagamatsu, Y., Omori, J. Hishinuma, M., Matsutani, M., Oikawa, I. & others. (2007). Webjyou deno herusu borantia gakusyu to borantia gakusei gakusyu shien puroguram kaihatu: kaihatukatei [Development of an e-learning program for the community and supporting student health volunteer: Process of the Development]. 11 109-115. Tashiro, J., Nagamatsu, Y. (2007). Syushikatei kokusaikangogaku kaikou no kei to gakubu ikkkan no ko-su tennkai. [Starting a Master Course and Consistent Development of Baccalaureate Course in International Nursing at St. Luke‟s College of Nursing]. ,3111-115 Tashiro, J., Nagamatsu, Y., Omori, J. Hishinuma, M., Matsutani, M., Oikawa, I. & others. (2007). Beikoku ni okeru sa-bisu ra-ningu no rinen to torikumi. [ Concept and implementation of service learning at the two universities- Report of Observation Surveys-. ,368-73 (Current Presentation ) Tashiro, J; Mafutuhah; Mizutani, M; Karuyadi; Matsutani, M. (2013) Strategies for stregthening Nursing and Midwifery percecived by stakeholders in Indonesia. At ICN 25 th Quadrennial Congress (C032c). May 18 -23, 2013, Melbourne, Australia. Mizutani, M.; Tashiro, J.; Mafutuhah. (2013). Perceived health, health concerns and health lifestyle of middle-aged Muslim farmers in a rural district of West Java, Indonesia- A pilot study. At 3rd World Academy of Nursing Science Conference. Oct, 16-18, 2013. At Soul, Korea CURICULUM VITAE Nama Tempat/Tgl Lahir Alamat Rumah Email : MUHAMMAD HADI : Lamongan, 1 Mei 1971 : Jl.Budi Mulia I RT.003/06, Pademangan Barat Jakarta Utara : [email protected] RIWAYAT PENDIDIKAN; 1. SDN di Lamongan – Jawa Timur 2. SMPN di Lamongan – Jawa Timur 3. SMA N2 di Lamongan – Jawa Timur 4. AKPER RSIJ Jakarta 5. S1– Universitas Indonesia 6. S2 – Universitas Indonesia 7. S3 – Universitas Indonesia RIWAYAT PEKERJAAN: 1. Dekan FIK UMJ s.d. sekarang RIWAYAT ORGANISASI; 1. Ketua PPNI Jakarta Pusat 2001 s.d. 2012 2. Ketua Bidang Hukum dan Pemberdayaan Politik – Pimpinan Pusat Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia 2005 s.d. 2010 3. Wakil Ketua ICMI Jakarta Utara 2006 s.d. sekarang 4. Pengurus Pusat Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Muhammadiyah seluruh Indonesia 2007 s.d. sekarang 5. Pengurus Pusat Ikatan Ners Kardiovaskuler Indonesia 2006 s.d sekarang 6. Sekjend Asosiasi Institusi Pendidikan Ners Indonesia (AIPNI) 2009 s.d. 2013 7. Task Force Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri PT Kesehatan (LAM PT Kes) 8. Asessor BAN PT s.d. sekarang 9. Ketua Bid Hukum Pengurus Himpunan Perawat Manager Indonesia 2013 s.d. sekarang 10. Ketua Umum AIPNI 2013-2017 Jakarta, 2013 Muhammad Hadi CURRICULUM VITAE I. Data Perorangan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nama Jenis Kelamin Tempat, tanggal lahir NIP Agama Status Perkawinan Pendidikan Terakhir Kantor Pangkat / Golongan Alamat Kantor Telepon Faximile Email Web 11. Alamat rumah Nomor HP E-mail : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, MP. Perempuan Sukabumi, 7 Mei 1963 19630507 1990 02 2 001 Islam Menikah, satu orang putri S-3 (Doktor) SEAMEO SEAMOLEC Jakarta Pembina Tingkat 1/ Golongan IV b 021-21-7422184 021-7422276 [email protected] www.seamolec.org Jalan Perwira No. 3A Cianjur - Jawa Barat +62 87884782750 [email protected] II. Riwayat Pendidikan No 1 2 3 Tingkat Nama Pendidikan Doktor (S-3) Magister Sarjana Universitas Brawijaya Universitas Brawijaya IPB-Institut Pertanian Bogor Ijasah/Tanda Lulus/ Tahun 2006 1996 1987 Tempat Malang Malang Bogor III. Riwayat Pekerjaan No Jabatan 1 Deputy Director 2 Atase Pendidikan Nama Institusi SEAMEO SEAMOLEC Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Manila, Filipina Tempat/Waktu/Pengalaman Jakarta, 2014-sekarang Manila-Filipina/ Desember 2010- September 2014 Indonesia-Filipina - Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Basic Education. - Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Higher Education - Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Vocational Education Indonesia-Palau Republic Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Education. Indonesia-Marshall Island Mengembangkan MoU Government to Government Collaboration on Education Mengembangkan 268 (dua ratus enam puluh delapan) University to University Collaboration Mengembangkan 21 (dua puluh satu) Sister School Indonesia-Filipina Mengembangkan 100 Beasiswa Pemerintah Indonesia untuk Guru Madrasah Mindanao, Filipina Mengembangkan 500 Beasiswa Miskin untuk siswa WNI miskin di Mindanao, Filipina Menembangkan Indo-Phil Journal Mengembangan 2 (dua) SMP Terbuka di Mindanau, Filipina 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Konsultan Program BERMUTU (Better Education through Reform Management Universal Teacher Upgrading) Kerjasama Bank DuniaPemerintah BelandaPemerintah Indonesia Manager of Indonesian German Institute di PPPPTK Pertanian Dekan Fakutas Sain Widyaiswara PPPTK Pertanian Cianjur Dekan Fakultas Pertanian Quality AssuranceDocument Coordinnator Marketing Manager Divisi Agribisnis Pembantu Dekan 1 Fakultas Pertanian Kepala Departemen Agronomi World Bank dan Direktorat Bindiklat Jakarta Mengembangkan Sekolah Indonesia General Santos, Mindanao, Filipina Jakarta 2009-2010 Mengembangkan CPD guru di 75 Kabupaten/Kota dan 16 Provinsi PPPPTK Pertanian Cianjur, 2008-2010 Universitas Suryakanca Cianjur PPPPTK Pertanian 2014-sekarang Universitas Suryakancana PPPPTK Pertanian PPPPTK Pertanian Universitas Suryakancana PPPPTK Pertanian Cianjur, Jawa Barat 1990-2010 Cianjur 2005- 2014 Cianju 2002-2003 Cianjur 1999-2001 Cianjur 2001-2004 Cianjur 1996-1999 IV. Diklat, Kursus, Pelatihan Dalam dan Luar Negeri No Jenis Pelatihan 1 4 5 6 7 8 Environmental policy, objectives targets and programs Identification environmental aspect Environmental Management Manual Communication and Plan ISO 14001 action plant ISO 14001 documentation Awareness ISO 14001 ISO Leadership 9 10 11 12 3-D-Microscopy TOT KTSP International Management Training Biotechnology Course 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ISO 14001 Lead Auditor Biotechnology Management Advanced Biotechnology Professional Training ISO 17025 Consultancy Skill Creative Decision Making Management Training 21 Management Training 22 Management Training 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Laboratory safety ISO 9001 :2000 Terampil Mengaudit Statistic Process Control Marketing Plan Bio-farming Pelatihan Instruktur AKTA 31 32 33 34 Bahasa Inggris Pra Pasca Fasilitator Nasional untuk ME Fasilitator Pengembangan Kur. SLTP Keterampilan Fasiltator Nasional untuk SLTP Keterampilan Fasilitator Kur. SLTP Micro Entreprise Training 2 3 35 36 37 Jakarta Lama Pelatihan 2 hari Jakarta Jakarta 2 hari 2 hari 2008 2008 Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta ISO leadership-Austria di Semarang Canada Jakarta Germany Martin Luther UniversityGermany InWent-Germany InWent-Germany Martin Luther University Germany 2 hari 2 hari 3 hari 1 hari 5 hari 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 21 hari 6 hari 20 hari 3 bulan 2008 2005 2005 2005 4 hari 12 hari 5 hari 7 bulan 2 bulan 6 hari 6 hari 2 hari 2004 2004 2004 20032004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2 hari 2003 2 hari 2003 5 hari 14 hari 4 hari 3 hari 4 Hari 4 hari 2 bulan 5 bulan Tempat Pelatihan Jakarta Jakarta Thailand German Institute Bangkok Singapore German Institute Singapore Malaysia German Institute Kuala Lumpur Germany VEDCA VEDCA VEDCA Hotel Wijaya VEDCA PPPG Pertanian IKIP Jakarta Tahun 2009 LIA Jakarta Univ. Brawijaya PPPG Pertanian PPPG Pertanian 5 bulan 3 bulan 1 minggu 10 hari 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 1990 1990/ 1991 1992 1994 1996 1997 PPPG Pertanian 10 hari 1997 Hotel Utami VTET Brunei Darussalam 7 hari 1 bulan 1997 1999 V. Tanda Penghargaan /Jasa No 1 2 Penghargaan Keterangan Tanda kehormatan Cumlaude Satyalancana Karya Satya 10 Tahun Lulusan Terbaik pertama di Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya Tahun 1996 VI. Kegiatan Lain a. Pengabdian Masyarakat No Jenis Kegiatan 1 2 Sekretaris Aisyiyah Pembinaan Industri Pupuk Organik 3 3 Wakil ketua PD Aisyiyah Pembina Perhimpunan Pertanian Organic Tempat Tahun Cianjur Singkawang-Kalimantan Barat Cianjur, Jawa Barat Cianjur, Jawa Barat 2007– 2009 2008-sekarang 1992-2006 1999 b. Seminar/Simposium No Seminar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Teaching Factory Usaha Kecil dan Manengah Success story Unit Produksi Bio-Product Prospek UKM di Jawa Barat Teaching Factory Unit Produksi SMK Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Pada Pendidikan Tinggi Sistim Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi Asesmen Institusi untuk Lembaga Perguruan tinggi Business Plan IGI Management Training Balance Scored Card Management Facilities Sistem Audit padaPerguruan Tinggi Sistem Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi Prospek Chitosan untuk Pelpis Benih Study Chitosan untuk “ Coating Fruit” Prospek Mycorhiza sebagai pengikat Unsur Fosfor Prospek Trochoderma sebagai dekomposer Pemenfaatan Gigaspora pada Gramineae Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia Fitopatologi Potensi dan Kendala Sistem Pertanian Organisk Pemanfaatan Mikoriza Pencegahan Efek Rumah Kaca Prospek Agribisnis pada Milenium ke Tiga Pemasaran Produk Agribisnis 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tempat Tahun Semarang Cianjur Salatiga Cianjur Jakarta Jakarta Kopertis-Bandung 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 Kopertis-Bandung Bandung Bandung 2005 2004 2003 Hotel Jayakarta Bandung TGI - Bangkok SGI- Singapura MGI- Kuala Lumpur Bandung Bandung Malang Malang Malang 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 Malang Malang PPPG Pertanian Cianjur Univ. Brawijaya Malang Univ. Brawijaya Malang Univ. Brawijaya Malang Univ. Brawijaya Malang Hotel Mulia Jakarta Hotel Atlit Jakarta 2001 2001 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 c. Karya Ilmiah No Topik/Judul Penelitian 1 2 3 Pendidikan Jarak Jauh-Flora sebagai sumber Belajar Pendidikan Jarak Jauh-Lahan sebagai Belajar Pertanian Organik Cianjur Cianjur Cianjur 4 Bio-pestisida 5 Bio-insektisida 6 Bio-fertilizer 7 Implementasi KBK pada program studi Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan Peluang Penerapan Sistem Mutu Internasional pada Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Suryakancana Implementasi KBK pada program studi Budidaya Pertanian Using Chitosan to Elicit Beta 1,3 Glucanase on Chili Fruit Khitosan Sebagai Bahan Pengendali Penyakit Antraknosa pada Buah Cabai Biorodenticide Production Study Pemanfaatan Chitosan untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk de Barry pada Buah Tomat Study Pemanfaatan Chitosan untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Buah pada Cabe Study Pemanfaatan Chitosan untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Busuk Buah pada Cabe Rawit Pengujian daya simpan benih okra Pengujian varietas benih okra Cianjur dan Singkawang Cianjur dan Singkawang Cianjur dan Singkawang Pelabuhan Ratusukabumi Cianjur 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Tempat Tahun 2009 2009 2000sekarang 1996sekarang 1996sekarang 1996sekarang 2005 2004 Cianjur 2003 Germany 2005 Cianjur-Germany 2005 Cianjur Balithor- Cipanas 2004 2003 Balithor- Cipanas 2003 Balithor- Cipanas 2003 PPPG Pertanian PPPG Pertania 1998 199 d. Organisasi Profesi No Jenis Kegiatan Tempat 1 2 Association of Bio-agro-input in Indonesia (ABI) Indonesia German Institut Jakarta Jakarta 3 International Bio-Pesticide Manufacturing Association Perancis 4 Perhimpunan Anggrek Indonesia Malang 5 PGRI Cianjur 6 Perehimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia Bogor 7 Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia Bogor 8 Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia Bogor Tahun 2008 2002sekarang 2005Sekarang 2000sekarang 1995Sekarang 1990sekarang 1987Sekarang 1987Sekarang e. Kemampuan Berbahasa Asing No Bahasa Asing yang dikuasai 1. 2 Inggris Jerman Keterangan Aktif Pasif Demikian Data Riwayat Hidup ini dibuat, untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya. Cianjur, 7 Maret 2014 Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, MP. TABLE OF CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Evidence Based on Nutrition Education as an Effective Nursing Intervention to Improve Nutritional Status of Children with Malnutrition Indarwati, Ferika ……………………………………………………....……………… Structure and Relations of Health Behavior for Middle-Aged Muslim Women with Hypertension in Rural West Java, Indonesia : A Pilot Study Mayumi Mizutani, Junko Tashiro, Maftuhah, Heri Sugiarto, Lily Yulaikhah, Riyanto Carbun ...……………………………………………………....……………… 1-6 7 The Effect of Spiritual Quantum Touch to the Pain When Turning to the Left and Right Position in Post Surgery Patients at RSUD Serang 2014 Ani Haryani, F. Sri Susilaningsih, Aat Sriati ………………………………………… 9 - 13 The Learning Model of Reproductive Health through a Peer Group with a Culture of Early Marriage in the Traditional Boarding School, Jember Awatiful Azza, Cipto Susilo ……………………………………………………....…… 15 - 22 The Description of Component Antenatal Care Examination in the 3rd Trimester Pregnant Women in Public Health Center Wonosari I Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta Disa Grapella …………...……………………………………………………....……… 23-28 The Influence of Psychoeducation toward Family’s Caring Ability and Schizophrenia Patient’s Independence Level in Pontianak Dewin Safitri, Wahyu Kirana, Sarwito Rachmad Barmawi …………...…………… 29 - 32 Perception Differences between Nurse and Acute Coronary Syndrome Patient toward Spiritual Needs in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Hana Ariyani, Suryani, Aan Nuraeni …………...…………………………………… 33 - 40 The Influence of Family Support on Hiv Patients’ Compliance to Take Therapy Program in VCT Clinic Kebumen State Hospital Herniyatun, Dita Try Ubaya Sakti, Sarwono …………...…………………………… 41 - 45 The Effectiveness of Assertiveness Training Therapy to the Assertive Communication Skill of the Nursing Practice Students to the Inpatients Nurses Ike Mardiati Agustin, Novy Helena CD, Ice Yulia Wardani …………...………… 47 - 55 The Key-Determinant Factors of Depression Level in Eldery Patients Shintha Silaswati, Muftadi, Rizqika Nurlis Manda Putri …………...…………… 57 - 66 i 11. The Effect of Educative Blog About Diabetes Mellitus (DM) to Fasting Blood Glucose on Diabetic in Public Health Center Wirobrajan Maya, Erfin Firmawati …………...……………………………………………………. 67 - 72 12. Self Regulation and Anxiety on Home Visit and Clinical Visit (A Cohort Study in Postpartum Mother) Giari Rahmilasari1, Avip Syaefullah, Vita Murniati Tarawan …………...………… 73 - 81 13. Positive Deviance in a Group of Children Nutritious Good Nutrition in Rural Poor Families in Banyu Biru and Kedunggudel Widodaren Ngawi East Java Yuli Isnaeni …………...……………………………………………………....………… 83 - 90 Oxytocin Massage in Increasing Breast Milk Production of Postpartum Mother in Mergangsan Public Health Service Center of Yogyakarta in 2014 Warsiti, Lilis Wijayanti …………...…………………………………………………… 91 - 97 14. 15. Motivation, Adaptation, and the Family Roles: A Qualitative Case Study of Chronic Renal Failure Tassyah Devina Rayani, Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo, Nurlailatul Masruroh, Edi Purwanto …………...……………………………………………………....…………… 99 - 104 16. The Perceptions of Nurse Students to the Learning Environment University of Muhammadiyah Semarang Based on Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) Tri Nurhidayati, Desy Ariyana, Fatkul Mubin …………...………………………… 105 - 111 17. Meaning of Spirituality in Patients with Stage III Cervical Cancer in Gynecology Inpatient Ward Hospital Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung, Indonesia Inggriane Puspita Dewi …………...……………………………………………………113 - 118 18. Range of Motion (ROM) Effect to Reduce of Pain and to Increase the Activity of Daily Living (ADL) in Elderly with Mobilization Disorder Due to Rheumatic in Pasirgunung Selatan Depok City Nandang Jamiat …………...……………………………………………………....…… 119 - 123 19. Effect of Head Up and Supine Position of Hemodynamic Changes on Patients with Heart Failure in the High Care General Hospital Center Dr Hasan Sadikin, Bandung Popy Irawati …………...……………………………………………………....………… 125 - 130 20. The Association between Support, Coping Strategy, Family Burden, Health Status of Elderly and the Incident of Elderly Abuse Depok, West Java Etty Rekawati, Achir. Yani S. Hamid, Junaiti Sahar, Sudijanto Kamso, Widyatuti …………...……………………………………………………....…………… 131 - 139 ii 21 Application of Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory in Handling Risk of Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance on Post-Operative Children at BCH Ward of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Fauziah Rudhiati, Nani Nurhaeni, Siti Chodidjah …………...…………………… 141 - 145 22. Description Level Knowledge of Diet DM On DM Sufferer in Region Work of Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta Isra Nur Utari S. Potabuga, Erfin Firmawati …………...…………………………… 147 - 151 23. Acupuncture for Nausea Vomiting in Pregnancy Imtihanul Munjiah …………...……………………………………………………....… 153 - 158 24. The Difference in Oxygen Saturation Value (SpO2) with Suction Time in Patient with Endotracheal Tube in ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin 2014 Solikin, Zaqyyah Huzaifah …………...…………………………………………………159 - 164 25. The Experience of Student Nurses in Communication During the Cross-Cultural Learning Program Nur Lailatul Masruroh, Reni Ilmiasih …………...…………………………………… 165 - 172 26. Factors Related to the Relapse Incident in Children with Acute Leukemia Limpoblastik at Pediatric Outpatient Unit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, Jakarta 2014 Nyimas Heny Purwati, Lestari …………...……………………………………………173 - 177 27. Prevalence and Risk Factors of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among Pulmonary TB Close-Contacts in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Reynie P. Raya, Raspati Cundarani, Merrin Rutherford, Karen Hornby, Rovina Ruslami, Bachti Alisjahbana, Philip Hill, Dick Menzies, Ab. Schaap …………...……………………………………………………....………… 179 - 188 28. Gymnastics Effectiveness in Reducing Dismenorhea Adolesenct in Class XI Social Mojolaban 1 High School District Sukoharjo Datik Kurniawati, Sri Mintarsih …………...………………………………………… 189 - 194 29. Differences in the Mean and Limit of Agreement of the Result Visual Estimation, Nomograms and Formulas Ross Laboratories in Patients in the Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung Yani Trihandayani, Tri Wahyu Murni, Kusman Ibrahim …………...……………… 195 - 208 30. The Methods to Overcoming Malnutrition Problem in Bandarlampung Gunawan Irianto …………...……………………………………………………....…… 209 - 213 31. The Description of Self Care by Maternal Postpartum Do A Postnatal Care Aspects Sri Ayu Rahayu, Sri Sumaryani …………...………………………………………… 215 - 220 iii 32. The Description of Smoking Dependence on Senior High School Students in Yogyakarta Ayu Purwasih, Sutantri …………...…………………………………………………… 221 - 227 33. The Relationship between Spiritual Care Knowledge with Nurse’s Attitude in Fulfilling the Clients Spiritual Needs at Rajawali Hospital Bandung Sajodin, Istianah, Ariandini D. …………...…………………………………………… 229 - 237 34. Health-Related Disaster Mitigation Management in Ciamis Regency Supported by Application of Information Technology Etika Emaliyawati, Ayu Prawesti, Iyus Yoses, Kusman Ibrahim …………...…… 239 35. Systematic Review Spiritualities and Spiritual Influence of Nursing Cancer Patients Triana Dewi Safariah …………...……………………………………………………. 241 - 247 36. Caring Experience the Mothers Who’s Premature Babies with Different Culture Dewi Mustikaningsih …………...……………………………………………………. 249 - 254 37. Social Capital Approach to Improving Sustainability Awareness in Prevention Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Nur Mukarromah, Soedjajadi Keman, Rahmad Hargono …………...…………… 255 - 260 38. The Utilization of Jargon in Nursing Learning Process of HIV-AIDS in Stikes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung Perla Yualita …………...……………………………………………………....……… 261 - 269 39. The Effect of Yoga Therapy on the Level of Insomnia Among Elderlies at Budhi Dharma Nursing Home in Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta Suratini, Suhesti…………...……………………………………………………....…… 271 - 277 40. Dimensions of Cultural Organizations that Influence Caring Behavior in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Temanggung Lutfi Fauzy Asriyanto, Puguh Widiyanto, Sodik Kamal …………...……………… 279 - 284 41. The Effectiveness of Hip Exercises to Decrease Low Back Pain in the Elderly in the Kalirejo Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency Sigit Priyanto, Erfiana …………...…………………………………………………… 285 - 290 iv 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: EVIDENCE BASED ON NUTRITION EDUCATION AS AN EFFECTIVE NURSING INTERVENTION TO IMPROVE NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF CHILDREN WITH MALNUTRITION Indarwati, Ferika School of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Malnutrition in children has been a significant issue for many decades in developing country. Indonesia as one of the developing countries in South East Asia faced the same problem. According to the National Economic and Social Survey 2005 Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia, the percentage of children under five by nutritional status are 8.80% severely malnourished, 19.24% lack of nourishment, 68.48% moderately nourished and only 3.48% well nourished. Furthermore UNICEF in 2006 also reported that the prevalence of underweight children in Indonesia is 28 % and it is contribute 4.2 % of total underweight children in the world. In Indonesia, protocols and programs were established particularly in dietary management to treat children who suffer from malnutrition however these programs still can not thoroughly solve the problem. Methods: A Literature review was conducted to find the effectiveness of nutrition education to prevent malnutrition in developing countries. Six data bases were searched and finally 15 articles were found. All studies included in this literature review were analysed for strengths and weaknesses using the relevant appraisal tools. The qualitative studies were critically appraised by a Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) tool. Quantitative studies were analysed with Health Care Practice Research and Development Unit (HCPRDU). After critical appraisal, the articles were analysed to define the level of evidence using National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) levels of evidence and grades for recommendation (2009). Result: The results showed that an intensive nutrition education can significantly improves the nutritional status of children with malnutrition. The evidence obtained from the articles indicates that these evidence support the use of nutritional education intervention as a treatment to improve child growth and development especially children with malnutrition. Conclusion: Even though this evidence is only at level II based on the hierarchy of evidence and not at the highest level of the hierarchy of evidence, this finding still can be used to support the nursing practice and can be trusted to guide practice in most situation according to NHMRC(2009). The implementation of the evidence should be integrated with other government programs and need a strong effort of each element that involved in malnutrition management in Indonesia so that the effectiveness of this program can be achieved. Keywords: Malnutrition, Nutrition Education. 1 Introduction Malnutrition in children has been a significant issue for many decades in developing country particularly in southern Asia and subSaharan Africa. Indonesia as one of the developing countries in South East Asia faced the same problem. According to the National Economic and Social Survey 2005 Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia, the percentage of children under five by nutritional status are 8.80% severely malnourished, 19.24% lack of nourishment, 68.48% moderately nourished and only 3.48% well nourished (Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia, 2005). Furthermore UNICEF also reported that the prevalence of underweight children in Indonesia is 28% and it is contribute 4.2% of total underweight children in the world (UNICEF, State of the world’s children, 2006). In addition, more than 50% of the 10-11 million children under 5 years of age, die each year because of malnutrition. Not only causing mortality of children under five years this condition also contribute to children growth and development. Around 200 million children under 5 years also suffer from developmental delays, most of them come from developing countries (Grantham-McGregor et al., 2007 cited in Avan & Kirkwood, 2010, p: 102). After searching the databases and found articles that answering my research question “In children under five years with severe malnutrition in developing countries, are combination treatments: standard treatment + intensive nutrition education more effective than standard treatment only in treating children with severe malnutrition (weight-for-height >70% or ànormal Z score based on the National Centre for Health Statistics (NCHS) median)?”, in this paper I would like to discuss the contribution of evidence that I found in the treatment of malnutrition. The discussion will involve a brief description of each article, level of evidence, applicability and contribution of each article in my clinical practice. The Literature Review A. A brief description of each article 1. Title : Intensive nutrition education with or without supplementary feeding improves the nutritional status of moderately-malnourished children in Bangladesh. Brief description : This study was a quantitative study with prospective randomised controlled trial approach; the aims of the study were: to test the effectiveness of a specific nutrition education to reduce malnutrition and to change mothers’ behaviour related to feeding practice, care giving and health seeking practices in Bangladesh. The result of the study showed that an intensive nutrition education significantly improves the status of moderatelymalnourished children with or without supplementary feeding (Roy et al, 2005, pp. 320-329). Developing country like Indonesia has been strugling for many years to eradicate malnutrition. The government has been colaborate with International Organisations like World Health Organisation (WHO) espescially UNICEF and other Non Government Organisations to overcome malnutrition. Protocol and program were established particularly in dietary management to treat children who suffer from malnutrition however these program still can not thoroughly solve the problem. Indonesia for example still at the fourth place in the world according to UNICEF statistics 2006 as a country with children with malnutrition. That is why finding an evidence based clinical treatment for children with malnutrition in developing countries should be found and apply it to the clinical and community setting in Indonesia. 2 | Article 1 2. Article 2 Title : Prevention of malnutrition among young children in rural Bangladesh by a food-health-care educational Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to Facing Asean Community 2015 Evidence Based on Nutrition Education as an Effective Nursing Intervention to Improve Nutritional Status of Children with Malnutrition in China. The intervention group received educational messages and home visits and the control group received standard treatment. After 1 year, infants in the intervention group gained more weight rather than the control group (Shi.J,et al, 2009, p.556). intervention: A randomized, controlled trial. Brief description : This study conducted by Roy, SK et al in 2007. The researchers conducted a community-based, randomised control trial in Bangladesh. The objective of this study is to explore the efficacy of a nutrition education package to prevent malnutrition among young children. The intervention group had a significant weight increase than the control group and this intervention also successfully prevented growth flattering and malnutrition among young children (Roy et al, 2007, p. 375) . 5. Article 5 Title : Using the theory of planned behaviour to examine the effectiveness of an educational intervention on infant feeding in China. Brief description : A quantitative cluster randomised controlled trial was conducted in Laishui, China. The aims of this study were to determine the effectiveness of an educational intervention on infant feeding and mothers’ psychosocial mediating factors based on the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), and to predict the influence of mediating factors on mothers’ intention and feeding practices. 485 families (251 intervention and 234 control groups) were evaluated after 11 months intervention. The results showed that mothers’ psychosocial variables will affect infant feeding behaviour and child growth and development (Zhang. J et al, 2009, p. 529) 3. Article 3 Title : Effectiveness of an educational intervention delivered through the health services to improve nutrition in young children: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Brief description : This study was conducted in Peru. The researchers did a quantitative experimental study with a cluster-randomised controlled trial of an educational intervention in a poor peri urban area. This study enrolled 187 infants from intervention area and 190 from control area. After 6 months the result showed that the activation of nutrition education conducted by health professionals can decrease the number of children with stunted growth in childhood areas (Penny. M.E et al, 2005, p.1863). 6. Article 6 4. Article 4 Title : Effectiveness of an educational intervention on complementary feeding practices and growth in rural China: a cluster randomised controlled trial. Brief description : The researchers did a quantitative study with cluster randomised controlled trial. This study involved 599 infants age 2-4 months from eight townships in Laishui, a rural area 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 Title : An evaluation of a community dietetics intervention on the management of malnutrition for healthcare professionals. Brief description : The researchers conducted a quantitative experimental study involving health care professionals in midlands, the Republic of Ireland in 2006 and 2007. This study involved 87 health care professionals that provide services for patients at risk of malnutrition. The researchers used pre and post test design to assess nutritional knowledge of the participant before and after the intervention. In conclusion, the | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 3 Based on NHMRC levels of evidence this study included in level IV because this study employed pre-post test design, without controlled group. researchers found that an educational program increased health care professionals’ nutritional knowledge and improved the management of patients with malnutrition in the community (Kennelly. S, 2010, p. 567). B. Over all, the evidence from all of the articles included in level II based on NHMRC levels of evidence because the evidence that I found consist of more than one studies applying quantitative randomised controlled trial designs. The evidence obtained from the articles that I found in databases indicates that these evidence support the use of nutritional education intervention as a treatment to improve children growth and development especially children with malnutrition. Level of evidence All of the studies that I found from searching the databases are quantitative studies so that I will use the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) levels of evidence and grades for recommendation (2009) according to type of research question to analyse the level of evidence of each article. Level Type of evidence (Intervention) I A systematic review of all relevant randomised controlled trials. II A randomised controlled trial (RCT). III-1 A pseudo-randomised controlled trials (alternate allocation or some other method), or loss of benefits of randomisation. III-2 A comparative studies with concurrent controls and allocation not randomised (cohort studies), case-control studies, or interrupted time series with a control group. III-3 A comparative studies with historical control, two or more single-arm studies, or interrupted time series without a parallel control group. IV Case series, either post-test or pretest and post-test. (NHMRC, Levels of evidence according to type of research question, 2009). 1. Article 1 to 5 Based on the guideline all of these articles included in level II because these studies employed a randomised controlled trial design. 2. Article 6 4 | C. Limitation of the evidence Limitation of the evidence that I found from searching databases was that I cannot find a systematic review of level II studies. It means this evidence is not at grade A for recommendation according to NHMRC grades of recommendations (2009). The evidence that I found was at level B, it is not the best evidence but the body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice in most situation (NHMRC, 2009, p. 8). D. Discussion of Applicability and contribution After analysing the level of evidence of each article, in this section I will discuss the applicability and contribution of this evidence into my area of practice. The discussion will include assessing the quality of the studies, are the findings applicable or relevant to my setting and what do the results means to my patients. The first and second studies were done by Roy, SK et al in (2005) and (2007), First study employed a randomised controlled trial approach; the aims of the study were: to test the Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to Facing Asean Community 2015 Evidence Based on Nutrition Education as an Effective Nursing Intervention to Improve Nutritional Status of Children with Malnutrition 0.4) can affect the reliability of the study (Contento et al, 2002, pp. 2-25). The limitations of the second study are about 20 % of participants dropped out and the study has inability to blind the participants, these limitations can cause possible bias in this study. effectiveness of a specific nutrition education to reduce malnutrition and to change mothers’ behaviour related to feeding practice, care giving and health seeking practices in Bangladesh. This study was well conducted. The result of the study was highly significant with p value <0.0001. The result showed that an intensive nutrition education significantly improves the status of moderatelymalnourished children with or without supplementary feeding (Roy.S.K et al, 2005, pp. 324-326). The last article conducted in midlands, the Republic of Ireland in 2006 and 2007. The researchers used pre and post test design to assess nutritional knowledge of the participants before and after the intervention. The results were highly significant with p value < 0.001 (Kennelly. S et al, 2010, p. 570). However, this study was not a randomised controlled trial, and only conducted in nursing homes area. That is why the validity and generalisation of this study need to be reviewed again. Second articles aimed to explore the efficacy of a nutrition education package to prevent malnutrition among young children. The intervention group had a higher weight gain than the control group (1.81 vs 1.39 kg, p<0.001). It means that the result was significant enough to prove that educational intervention can prevent malnutrition in children ( Roy. S.K et al, 2007, pp. 378-381). Overall, all of the findings from these studies are applicable to be implemented in my practice area. All of the studies were conducted in developing countries which are similar to Indonesia, cost effective and the resources to support this educational program are available in Indonesia. However, I’m still not sure about the effectiveness of the intervention because I still cannot find a systematic review for this intervention. A systematic review is the highest level of evidence according to NHMRC (2009). Furthermore, this intervention cannot be effective if delivered alone, there must be collaboration among government or policy maker, health professionals and other institutions, conducting integrated programs to eradicate malnutrition in Indonesia. Third study was conducted in Peru. The strength of this study are randomised controlled trial design, the sample size more than enough to ensure sufficient power to test the hypotheses, and the results are significant with p value of each hypothesis < 0.05 (Penny.M.E et al, 2005, p. 1867). However there are some weaknesses, this study cannot be blinded, which can led to bias. The respondents have heterogeneity in their prior knowledge and socioeconomic status that can affect the results. The fourth and fifth studies conducted in China. Both of the studies have the strengths: significant results with p value < 0.05, randomised controlled design, standardised evaluation procedures and carefully designed data analysis. On the other hand, these studies also have limitations. First study was conducted in one rural China area; it means we have to be careful when generalising the findings to greater area, and a poor internal consistency (Cronbach’s alphas Conclusion In conclusion, most of the evidence that I found used randomised controlled trial design in their studies. Even though this evidence is only at level II based on the hierarchy of evidence and not at the highest level of the hierarchy of evidence, this finding still can be 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 5 used to support my practice and can be trusted to guide practice in most situation (NHMRC, 2009, p. 8). The implementation of the evidence that I found should be integrated with government program and need a strong effort of each element that involved in malnutrition management in Indonesia so that the effectiveness of this program can be achieved. Reference Avan. B & Kirkwood. B, 2010, Role of neighbourhoods in child growth and development: does ‘place’ matter?. Social science & medicine, vol 71, pp: 102 – 109, Elsevier, viewed 20 March 2011, (online ProQuest). Central Bureau of Statistics Indonesia, 2009, Precentage of children under five by nutritional status 2005, viewed 27 March 2011, diunduh melalui: < w w w. d d s . b p s . g o . i d / e n g / t a b _ s u b / view.php?tabel=18daftar=1&id_subyek=30¬ab=4>. Contento. I.R, Randell.J.S, Basch. C.E, 2002, Review and analysis of evaluation measures used in nutrition education intervention research, Journal of Nutrition education, vol 34, pp. 2-25,viewed 18 May 2011, (online ProQuest). Kennelly. S, Kennedy. N.P, Rughoobur. G.F, Slattery. C.G, & Sugrue. S, 2010, An evaluation of a community dietetics intervention on the management of malnutrition for healthcare professionals, Journal of human nutrition and dietetics, vol 23, pp. 567-574,viewed 27 March 2011, (online CINAHL). NHMRC, 2009, NHMRC levels of evidence and grades for recommendations for developers of guidelines, viewed 12 May 2011, online www.nhmrc.gov.au. trial, The lancet, vol 365, pp. 1863-1872, viewed 20 March 2011, (online Proquest). Roy. S.K, Fuchs. G.J, Mahmud. Z, Ara. G, Islam. S, Shafique. S, Akter. S.S, Chakraborty. B, 2007, Intensive nutrition education with or without supplementary feeding improves the nutritional status of moderatelymalnourished children in Bangladesh, Journal Health Population Nutrition, volume 4, pp. 320-330, viewed 27 March 2011, (online CINALH). Roy. S.K, Jolly. S.P, Shafique. S, Fuchs. G.J, Mahmud. Z, Chakraborty. B, Roy. S, 2005, Prevention of malnutrition among young children in rural Bangladesh by a foodhealth-care educational intervention: A randomized, controlled trial, Food and Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 28, no. 4, The United Nations University, pp. 375-383, viewed 27 March 2011, (online CINALH). Shi. L, Zhang. J, Wang. Y, Caulfield. L.E, Guyer. B, 2009, Effectiveness of an educational intervention on complementary feeding practices and growth in rural China: a cluster randomised controlled trial, Public health nutrition, vol 13, ed 4, pp. 556-565, viewed 20 March 2011, (online Science direct). UNICEF, 2006, Global framework for action, viewed 28 March 2011, www.unicef.org/about/ execboard/files/global_framework for action 1.0 - Dec 2006 pdf. Zhang. J, Shi. J, Chen. D, Wang. J, Wang. Y, 2009, Using the theory of planned behaviour to examine effectiveness of an educational intervention on infant feeding in China, Journal of preventive medicine, vol 49, pp. 529-534, viewed, 20 March 2011, (on line Science direct). Penny. E.M, Creed-Kanashiro. H.M, Robert. R.C, Narro. M.R, Caulfield. LE, Black. R.E, 2005, Effectiveness of an educational intervention delivered through the health services to improve nutrition in young children: a cluster-randomised controlled 6 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to Facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: STRUCTURE AND RELATIONS OF HEALTH BEHAVIOR FOR MIDDLE-AGED MUSLIM WOMEN WITH HYPERTENSION IN RURAL WEST JAVA, INDONESIA: A PILOT STUDY Mayumi Mizutani1, Junko Tashiro2, Maftuhah3, Heri Sugiarto4, Lily Yulaikhah4, Riyanto Carbun4 1 Doctoral Program in Nursing, St. Luke’s International University, Tokyo, Japan 2 St. Luke’s International University, Tokyo, Japan 3 Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia 4 Indramayu College of Health Science, Indramayu, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: In order to prevent and control hypertension, it is important to promote healthy behaviors of people. However, there is limited knowledge of health behaviors of people with hypertension in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to describe the structure and relations of health behaviors of middle-aged Muslim women with hypertension in rural West Java in order to promote health behaviors of people in culturally appropriate way. Methods: A 76-item Health Behavior Questionnaire was developed based on nine categories of health behaviors, which were derived from a qualitative study and literature review. Frequency of each behavior (item) was analyzed on a four-point Likert scale. A face-to-face questionnaire was conducted with 102 middle-aged Muslim women with hypertension in rural West Java. The data were analyzed by factor analysis and reliability analysis. Results: 12 factors with 31-item were extracted by principal factor method with promax rotation based on eigenvalues greater than 1.0. These factors are: 1) Islamic spiritual practice; 2) caring for other people; 3) seeking health information; 4) seeking health care; 5) resting; 6) relaxing; 7) reducing salt; 8) eating fried food; 9) eating fruits and vegetables; 10) eating meat; 11) activity for family; and 12) stress management. The cumulative contribution of these factors was 59.5% of the total variance. Factor loading ranged from .917 to .402. Cronbach’s alpha was .724 for the global (total) health behavior questionnaire (scale). Factor of caring for other people showed weak and medium correlations (r=.409~280) with six other factors. Factor of Islamic spiritual practice showed weak correlations (r=.309~.240) with five other factors. Conclusion: The structure of health behaviors for middle-aged Muslim women with hypertension in rural West Java was similar to the categories of health behaviors, which were derived from the qualitative study. Since some of their health behaviors was related to caring for other people and Islamic spiritual practice, it is necessary to support these behaviors in order to promote their health behaviors. Further study is needed with a larger sample to examine the structure of their healthy behaviors. Keywords: health behavior, hypertension, Indonesia, Muslim. 7 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE EFFECT OF SPIRITUAL QUANTUM TOUCH TO THE PAIN WHEN TURNING TO THE LEFT AND RIGHT POSITION IN POST SURGERY PATIENTS AT RSUD SERANG 2014 Ani Haryani1, F. Sri Susilaningsih2, Aat Sriati2 1 Nursing Program, STIKes Faletehan, Serang 2 Post Graduate Nursing Program, Padjadjaran University, Bandung E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Post-major surgery patients have risk for complications that threatening their condition. Early mobilization is one procedure to prevent the complication, but mobilization leads to increased pain. Spiritual Quantum touch (SSQ) is a biofield energy-based complementary intervention has been widely used. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of SSQ to the pain when turning to the left and right position in post-surgery patients. Methods: The research design was pre-experimental one group pretest-post test design. The number of samples was 18 peoples obtained through purposive sampling. The intensity of pain was measured using the Numeric Rating Scale (0-10). Wilcoxon test was used for analysis the differences of pain intensity at pre and post test measurements. Results: The results showed a median value of pain intensity at rest was 5, turning without SSQ was 8, turning after SSQ1 is 5.5 and turning after SSQ 2 was 5. There was a significant decrease in pain intensity when turning after SSQ1 (p = 0.001) and SSQ 2(p=0,041). Conclusion: SSQ can be an alternative for nurses in the critical care nursing in nonpharmacological pain management to improve mobilization. Further research is needed using a larger sample and various cases. Keywords: Biofield, Mobilization, Post-surgery Pain, Spiritual Quantum Touch Introduction Despite the advantages of mobilization and immobilization adverse effects in patients after surgery has been widely emphasized in postsurgery patient care guidelines, but it is not without obstacles. The results of the study on 74 patients showed an average ICU time change of position was 7.7 h (5-12 hours) and only 2.7% of patients were positioned every 2 hours. Lack of manpower and nurse time, hemodynamic instability, patients who are intolerant and pain are impediments to change position so it cannot be done every two hours4. The development of medical technology has driven the increasing operating procedure. The use of anesthetics and organ manipulation in major surgery causes postoperative recovery process is more complex. 1 . The risks of malfunctioning of the body which can be life threatening including respiratory and circulation problems. These risks are also exacerbated by the state of immobilization. The mobilization is important in the management of post-surgery to prevent complications. Early mobilization increases whole organ function. Mobilization has a significant effect on recovery and prevent postsurgery complications. 2,3 The results of the study in 5,957 ICU patients showed that changes position as the most painful procedure (mean 4.93; SD 3.09, scale 0-10). The other research in 1680 post9 surgery patients also showed that 4.2% of patients experienced severe pain postoperatively at rest and increased to 26.9% while moving5. Pain can activate stress response by activating the sympathetic nervous system, triggering an imbalance of hemodynamic and poor wound healing 6,7 . Farmacologic management as first choice in pain management remains less favorable consequences8,9. Nurse challenged to reduce pain at change. The strong association pain with emotional can be an opportunity for develop psychological approach to decrease pain. Psychological approaches offer greater benefits because can increase personal control10. One of the nonpharmacological interventions in the nursing services that have been developed is a touch therapy that uses the biofield therapy approach. Biofield is the electromagnetic wave surrounds the body, believed the unity of various combinations of the electromagnetic field of the body ions and play a role in integrating the entire body system. There was an evidence that biofield significantly increasing alpha wave in the frontal and central areas of cerebral cortex after 4 minutes of therapy as the basis of the physiological process in reducing pain intensity11. Biofield energy received by large somatosensory fibers as not pain stimulus that activating inhibitory interneurons, which in turn will close the pain gate. Closing of the gates strengthens the biofield transmission to the brain and changing beta into alpha waves and release beta-endorphin and dynorphin 11-12. of 18 patients were obtained using purposive sampling. The research was conducted from March to July 2014 in an intensive care RSUD Serang hospital. Pain was measured by Numeric Rating Scale (0-10). first SSQ therapy was conducted 20 minutes. Results Almost all respondents (94.40%) were female. Most of the respondents (83.3%) are in the ages of 18-40 years and a half of the respondents came from Sundanese cultural background. Half of the respondents were patients with post sectio Caesarea (50%), the type of anesthesia used is general and spinal anesthesia and most have programs providing analgesic every 12 hours. According to the day of post-surgery care, most respondents are patients who have been treated for 24-48 hours of surgery. Almost all respondents is the first experience of patients with surgery. The intensity of pain was not significantly different in the various measurement positions based on the characteristics of the respondents (p value>0.05 by Mann Whitney and Kruscall Walis test). Changes in pain intensity when turning before and after the intervention are shown in chart 1. In Indonesia, a growing therapeutic touch is Spiritual Quantum Touch (SSQ). SSQ is defined as the art of healing with the touch of a hand that is based on love and pray accompanied with a sincere heart, thus allowing the healing to happen 13. The study aims to determine the effect of Spiritual Quantum Touch to pain intensity when change the position on postoperative patients in intensive care. Methods The study was designed to use the preexperimental one-group pretest-post test. A total 10 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Effect of Spiritual Quantum Touch to the Pain When Turning to the Left and Right Position in Post Surgery Patients at RSUD Serang 2014 Chart 1.The difference in the intensity of post-surgery pain in the supine position/ rest, turning and turning before the intervention SSQ and after SSQ intervention in post-surgery patients in RSUD Serang Hospital 2014 (n = 18) Discussion The results showed that the intensity of post-surgery pain in patients at rest was increase. Value of pain intensity in this study was higher than the results of previous research. Dominique research found that the average of post-surgery pain in the first 24 hours was 2.7 at rest and 4.9 while moving. This difference is caused by the difference in assessment time. in this study pain assessed three hours after administration of analgesics so the peak effect of analgesic has been reduced. Dominique pain assessment studies conducted periodically for 24 hours with appropriate analgesic administration program14. The time measurements difference in the range providing analgesic pain will greatly affect the value of the intensity of pain. Patients with opioid titration and administration of non- opioid analgesics still got the benefits of analgesia, so the intensity of the pain will be reduced. Measurement of pain intensity in this study was 3 hours after 30 mg kethorolac administration, so the peak effects was passed. Most of the patients get non-opioid analgesic after leaving the recovery room. Administration of non-opioid analgesic completed the titration, the analgesic program continued with the non opioid analgesic every 8 hours or 12 hours. The majority of respondents have analgesic program every 12 hours, they have risk to experience moderate to severe pain in the 10 hours and fall on persistent acute pain that lead to chronic post surgery pain and delayed wound healing. 15-16 Based on the assessment of pain intensity on turning without SSQ intervention, the results showed an increase in pain intensity from moderate category to severe category. This result is consistent with the results of the Puntillo research, also showed a change in position as a painful procedure. The increase in the intensity of pain in turning will also be potential barriers in the early mobilization procedures. Severe intensity of pain can trigger stress responses that lead to disruption of the patient’s 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 11 hemodynamic and affect the patient emotional, perceived spread of the touch of the hand so the patient may be experiencing emotional distress. therapist, feeling like the flow of a low electrical power that makes relaxed and calm feeling. Ten In contrast to the results of the assessment of the eighteen respondents (56%) reported sleep more soundly after undergoing therapy. in turning without SSQ, the assessment results in turning after the 1st SSQ intervention lower and significantly different. Similarly on the third measurement turning with 2nd SSQ intervention occurs a significant reduction in pain intensity, so that the intensity of pain assessment after the 2nd SSQ intervention. Based on observations during the process of therapy, the majority of respondents (67%) fall asleep during the treatment process even on respondents who reported very high pain intensity (9-10). Conclusion The reduction in pain intensity after SSQ SSQ as complementary intervention biofield intervention can be affected by the emotional and spiritual approaches of the SSQ procedure. energy-based proven to reduce the intensity of pain during turning left and right on the analgesic Developing communication to establish a trusting relationship before doing therapy so that effect has been reduced, so that the turning left and right mobilization can still be done safely. patients with consciousness is willing to follow therapy. Spiritual approach is built by referring References the patient to pray for deliverance from pain and recovered soon. The nurse-patient relationship, touch and closeness have meaning attention that mediate empathy thereby increasing the nurse-patient relationship, facilitating the patient to feel peaceful, safe and light in the face of suffering. Trusting relationship also allows the nurse to be able to minimize distress to the procedures that causes pain. 17-19 Clinically, the results of this study are very helpful for patients after surgery in the early stages of mobilization intervention. The researchers interviewed the five respondents who experienced good progress in mobilizing ability. Respondents revealed that the SSQ intervention greatly enhances their ability to mobilize, because the most difficult to mobilization is the time to start, because the pain is very strong, but after often moved the pain is decrease. Weiser, T.G, Regenbogen, S.E., Thompson, K. D., Hayners, A.B., Berry, W.R., & Gawande, A.A., (2008). 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Jakarta: EGC. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 13 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE LEARNING MODEL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH THROUGH A PEER GROUP WITH A CULTURE OF EARLY MARRIAGE IN THE TRADITIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL, JEMBER 1 Awatiful Azza1, Cipto Susilo1 Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Jember E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Legally marital in Indonesia have been regulated in the Marriage Law No. 1 of 1974. The data reveal the impact of early marriage give asymmetrical gender relations and lead to a lack of access of women to various things such as food, health, education and skills that directly lead to poverty. Early marriage often leads to a loss in terms of both health and development for the women, was also an issue of human rights violations that are widely ignored and is usually associated with social and physical that will bring harm to young women and their offspring. Methods: The purpose of this study was to explore the ability of young women in the traditional boarding to rise and increase self-awareness about the health rerpoduction through peer group. This study used a pre-experimental approach to assessing changes in knowledge about early marriage, with the questionnaire data collection. This research was conducted in the traditional boarding Wirowongso, Jember. Total sample of 30 female students Results: The results of this study showed that 65% of female students have never received information on health reproductive and female organs as well as the impact when early marriage. Analysis using the Spearman Rho on the peer group learning showed 0:00, there is the influence of peer learning model with an understanding of the students about early marriage. Female students need to gain an understanding of health reproduction not only through religious education, but also need understanding of the social impact. Keywords: early marriage, reproductive health learning, peer group. average age of marriage was 19.1 years. In East Java, South Kalimantan, Jambi, and West Java, the incidence of early marriage consecutive 39.4%, 35.5%, 30.6%, and 36%. Even in some rural areas, marriage is often done immediately after the first menstrual period. The number of girls at the age of child marriage rate, indicating that the empowerment of law enforcement in a legal marriage is still low. Introduction Married at the age of 18 years is a reality that must be faced by most children around the world, especially developing countries. Although the Declaration of Human Rights in 1954 to explicitly oppose child marriage, but ironically, the practice of early marriage is still going on in various parts of the world and it reflects the protection of human rights are neglected younger age groups. Implementation Act often ineffective and broken by the customs and traditions that govern the social norms of a community group. Early marriage very closely with the exploitative culture to children, which makes the child powerless against the will of the adults, either parents who want the marriage, as well as those who marry. Some of the forms of exploitation include is exploiting children in the name of economic or material, because of The number of cases of early marriage in Indonesia reached 50 million people with an 15 prestige or self-esteem could marry his son with people who are considered respected regardless of whether her prospective husband is married or not, whether her daughter is ready physically, mentally and socially or yet. There are exploiting children as mentally hedonists, seeking pleasure in many things including polygamy with children under age. Some are due to mental disorders, pedophili. Another reason even exploiting children in the name of religion, although many religious leaders have emphatically stated that early marriage is not a religion, especially if claimed as part of the sunna of the Prophet SAW. Early marriage is a social phenomenon that is influenced by the culture they profess, which is produced by the action if the local community that are thought to be still deeply entrenched in the public trust. Many effects are caused by early marriage socially, psychology, and health, especially reproductive health. This is very important because it affects the quality of the reproductive health of the fetus is produced, and also affect the level of health of the mother, because the progress of a nation can be indicated with maternal mortality. This condition requires alternative solutions to women who do early marriages can access knowledge about reproductive health. The learning model of reproductive health through peer group systematically arranged and as a strategy for health development is an attempt to build a young generation resources as well as to raise awareness of their potential in an effort to improve the reproductive health status. 1.1 Problem Formulation According to Elizabeth (2010) stated that traditionally youth are regarded as “storm and stress” is an emotional time when tension rises as a result of physical changes and glands. These conditions can be concluded that the physical and emotional adolescence not yet mature enough to be able to undergo a marriage bond. Early marriage often results in a loss in terms of both health and development. 16 The data showed that the women will be more at risk due to early marriage, early marriage besides also an issue of human rights violations that are widely overlooked and is usually associated with social and physical that will bring harm to young women and their offspring. Doing a wedding without the readiness and careful consideration of one side can indicate appreciative attitude toward the meaning of marriage and even further to an abuse of the sanctity of marriage. According to the United Nations Development of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Indonesia is the country with the 37th highest number of early marriages in the world. To the level of ASEAN, Indonesia ranks second only to Cambodia. Therefore important to have an understanding of provisioning and reproductive health for adolescents so that women are able to make decisions about marriage 1.2 Specific Objectives The risk of reproductive health problems can be influenced by many interrelated factors such as the cleanliness of the reproductive organs, sexual intercourse too early, access to health education, sexual violence,. These conditions place the most vulnerable young women in their reproductive systems face health problems. This study aims to explore the ability of young women to rise up and increase self-awareness about the health reproduction through peer group. Specific objectives to be achieved in this study are: a. Identify the knowledge and perceptions of female students about the impact of early marriage for reproductive health before being given treatment b. Identify the knowledge and perceptions of female students about the impact of | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Learning Model of Reproductive Health through a Peer Group with a Culture of Early Marriage in the Traditional Boarding School, Jember Darussa’adah Jember with 30 sample, the manager of a traditional boarding school with a number of 10 people. early marriage for reproductive health after being given treatment c. Analyzing the learning model of reproductive health through a peer group with a culture of early marriage in the traditional boarding school districts Jember d. The data collected in this study include primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained directly as a source of data that is through observation, questionnaires and interviews were conducted to the young women. This study also requires secondary data. Secondary data was obtained from community leaders, managers boarding school through Focus Group Discussion (FGD), in addition to the researchers also need other sources of relevant policies and programs related to adolescent reproductive health. Methods a. Research Design This study aims to prove whether a healthy reproductive learning through peer group can increase the knowledge of students of about the negative impact of early marriage for their reproductive health. Therefore, the design of this research study using experimental pre - post test design. Female students will be assessed before being given his knowledge of reproductive health and further learning will be re-evaluated after a given learning knowledge of reproductive health through peer group. b. c. e. Data Processing Techniques Processing of data obtained theoretically and from the field will be analyzed quantitatively by Spearman Rho. However, to complete this study will be presented qualitative data to clarify the meaning of quantitative data. Location Research and Research Time This study was conducted in a traditional boarding school Darussa’adah daughter who was in the village Wirowongso, Jember. Range to achieve the goal of this research is done in stages, researchers focus more on formulating an appropriate model in teaching reproductive health of young women in traditional boarding school. These activities are carried out through discussions and interviews with managers of traditional boarding schools, self-assessment as well as explore the potential for teenage girls at the boarding school to determine the learning model that best fits the reproductive health for young women in traditional boarding school. Data Collection Techniques Results a. Identify the needs learning of female students at the boarding school traditional about Reproductive Health. Table 1. The needs Learning of female students about reproductive health The needs learning of female students about reproductive health Anatomy of the reproductive organs Pregnancy Menstruation Gynecology Total amount % 10 33,30% 9 4 7 30 30,00% 13,30% 23,40% 100% Population and Sample The study involved young women who are in a traditional boarding school 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 17 Based on these data the majority of students want to get learning about the anatomy of the reproductive organs. Until now, traditional boarding school is a nonformal education based on religion, not related to the learning curriculum about reproductive health. Some of the issues about health reproduction discussed in the book Fath al-Qarib about menstruation and childbirth blood. b. Meanwhile, learning of sexual problems is usually called jima ‘is more focused on Islamic law which only focuses on the procedures jima’ according to religious or legal sanctions for violations. While the development of information access in a variety of media outside the boarding school very quickly, it must be balanced with the knowledge that the strengthening of female students to understand the limits of reproductive health risks. The formulation of the model of learning through peer group about reproductive health. Peer tutoring is a group of students who have completed the learning materials, provide assistance to students who have difficulty in understanding the lessons learned material. Help learning by peers can eliminate the awkwardness.Communication with peers group more easily understood. besides, no reluctance, low self-esteem, shame, and so on, so it is expected that students who do not understand do not hesitate to reveal the difficulties faced. The learning model is very suitable to be applied in boarding school. The peer group model’s which tested in boarding Darussa’adah wirowongso Jember district are as follows : Female student Female student Peer tutoring Female student Female student Figure 1. Model of learning reproductive health through peer tutoring in Boarding school Darussa’adah Jember In the process of reproductive health education in boarding schools, cleric is not the only source that can be used as a guide by students. This means that students must be self-sufficient, independent and not rely on reproductive health education materials from the cleric alone. By utilizing a variety of learning resources available students trying to actively seek learning resources related to reproductive health education materials. Peer tutoring learning method can improve the understanding of the students about their own reproductive health and more responsible. 18 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Learning Model of Reproductive Health through a Peer Group with a Culture of Early Marriage in the Traditional Boarding School, Jember c. Analysis of students knowledge before and after being given a healthy reproductive learning through peer group Table 1. Correlations: before and after learning of reproductive health in Boarding school Darussa’adah Knowledge before Knowledge after Correlation 1.000 .627** Coefficient Knowledge before . .000 Sig. (2-tailed) 30 30 N Spearman's rho Correlation .627** 1.000 Coefficient Knowledge after .000 . Sig. (2-tailed) 30 30 N **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Results using Spearman’s rho test showed 0.00 where < value is smaller than 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is influence on the understanding female students of learning about reproductive healthy and the impact of early marriage for reproductive health Discussion a. Impact of Early Marriage Against Reproductive Health. Married women under the age of 20 years have a risk to the reproductive organs because at this stage, immature reproductive organs to perform its function. Womb (uterus) new ready to perform its function after the age of above 20 years up to 35 years of age, because at this time of hormonal function through a period of maximum. At the age of 14-18 years, the development of the muscles of the uterus has not been good enough and the strength of contraction of the uterus so that if there is a pregnancy can rupture (tear). At the age of 14-19 years, the hormonal system is not stable, unstable pregnancy becomes easy bleeding and there was a miscarriage or fetal death. Too early gestational age of delivery prolong the active reproductive age range. Pregnancy at a very young age is apparently correlated with maternal mortality and morbidity. Mentioned that girls aged 10-14 are five times higher risk of dying during pregnancy or childbirth compared to age group 20-24 years, while the risk was more than doubled in the age group 15-19 years. Anatomy of the child’s body is not ready to process pregnancy and birth, so that there can be complications such as obstructed labor and obstetric fistula. UNFPA data from 2003, showed 15% -30% of the delivery at an early age is accompanied by chronic complications, namely obstetric fistula, this condition can also occur as a result of sexual intercourse at an early age. Early marriage is also closely associated with high fertility, pregnancy with a short distance, also the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies. Younger age at first sexual intercourse also increases the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection. Many teenagers who quit school early to get married when they are tied up in the institution of marriage, they often do not understand basic reproductive health, including the risk of HIV infection. Largest HIV infections acquired as a direct transmission from an infected partner who had sex before. Furthermore, the age difference is too much may cause the child hardly ask for safer sex due to the dominance of the pair. Weddings young age is also a risk factor for cervical carcinoma. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 19 Limitation of motion as a wife and a lack of support to health services due to hit the husband permit conditions, economic constraints, the barrier is certainly contributing to increased morbidity and mortality in pregnant teenagers. b. Factors that support Early Marriage Phenomenon. 1. child of both parties who have become husband and wife, as well as the sustainable development efforts of both sides the parents, where these efforts is a branch of the business that need each other and complement each other. 3. Environmental Factors The reason his parents soon marries a young age is to immediately unite familial bond between relatives of the bridegroom and the bride’s relatives that they want together. The desire of the bond will bring benefits to both parties, that is where the bridegroom after the marriage-law living in the house as well as boys can be utilized as an aid to the labor law. In the hold of a marriage, here women do not measure what age she can be married. It is based on a criterion that is if he has reached a certain level of physical development. The fact is because the common law does not recognize a sharp boundary between someone who is already mature and capable illegal or not. 4. Economic Factors The reason parents marry off their children at a young age seen from the economic factors are as follows: a) b) 20 To simply meet the need or lack of financing life his parents, especially the parents of the bride. Because of the wedding of her children in this young age, will receive donations in the form of goods, materials, or the number of companion money that can be used subsequently to cover the cost of the needs of everyday life for some time. To ensure the preservation or expansion of the parents of the bridegroom and the bride’s parents for the convening of their marriage at a young age is so that later the Religious factors Religion to regulate all aspects of human life throughout the ages. God Almighty created man is also accompanied with religious guidelines, it is to keep humans are not ruined in sin, and in addition it is also equipped by reason as a tool to think and make sense of all the problems it faces, one aspect of which is governed by religion is the institution of marriage. In addition, to maintain harmony and peace among relatives and to prevent the marriage with another person who is not approved by parents or relatives who are concerned with the implementation of the marriage. 2. Social factors 5. Educational factors Low level of education makes young people do not know the negative effects of child marriage. So they get married without giving them enough, so they do not know about the negative effects for reproductive health. 6. Cultural factors Cultural factors also take a big influence, because this culture is rooted. In local culture trust if not immediately marry his daughter, it would be a shame because they did not sell the family in its environment. Or if there are people who are financially considered very capable and | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Learning Model of Reproductive Health through a Peer Group with a Culture of Early Marriage in the Traditional Boarding School, Jember propose their children, regardless of age or marital status, most parents accept the proposal because they thought the future would be brighter for the child, and of course that is expected to reduce the burden of the parents c. The Learning Model of Reproductive Health Through Peer group in a traditional boarding school in reducing the number of early marriages Boarding school life are familiar with the character of social media is good enough to develop a method of learning through peer group. The learning with peer group is an independent group formed on the basis of awareness of the importance of the learning process in life, especially for adolescents in terms of biological, psychological, and sociology have special needs. In general, adolescent phase is a phase of self that often can not be controlled by the environment. provisions, the expected teenagers capable to take decision right about reproductive rights in making a decision about marriage Conclusions a. Boarding School is a non-formal education has a big influence in helping to improve the intelligence of the nation. b. There is the influence of reproductive health learning through peer groups in improving students’ knowledge of the impact of early marriage on reproductive health References Adolescent Reproductive Health Working Group (2002); Facilitators Guide For My Puberty. Dhaka, Bangladesh Anita, Atashendartini dan Saparinah. (2006).Implementation of Article 12 of Law No. 7 of 1984 Care Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum. Yogyakarta : Surviva Paski, Nitiprayan. The formation of a study group is a collection of adolescent peer knowledge sharing through dialogue and discussion about anything related to life. Iriyanti (2003) suggested that adolescents have a tendency to form groups and interact with they friends, so will try to break away from dependence on parents or family. Azza, A. (2009). Burden of Women with HIV / AIDS in a gender perspective. Faculty of Health Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Jember Some teens join to form a peer group. In addition to the formation of peer groups, are considered the same age the teenagers also noticed other similarities, such as hobbies, socioeconomic status, family background, school equation, residence, religion, and also race (Desmita, 2009). Desmita. (2009). Peer group models as a learning medium. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Peer group has a very important role in adolescent adjustment and preparation for life in the future, and also affect the outlook and behavior. Through adequate Convention Watch.(2007). Rights of women Legal Instrument to Achieve Gender Equality. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Dian. (2010). Boarding school in the perspective of Indonesian Islamic education. thesis : STAIN Jember not publication. Iriyanti.(2003). The development of Adolescent Psychology. Jakarta : EGC Nurhasanah (2006). Patterns Boarding School Education: Study Against boarding school at the city of Pekanbaru. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching UIN Suska Riau Mas’udi, & Masdar. (2007). Islam and women’s reproductive rights: In the empowerment. Bandung : Mizan. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 21 Sarwono dan Suprihatin. (2000). Learning Method Peer group Tutor improve Learning Outcomes-Based Self-Regulation. Makara, Social Humanities, Vol. 14, No. 2, Desember 2010: 91-97 Savitri. (2003). Socializing women’s reproductive health. USU digital library 22 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT ANTENATAL CARE EXAMINATION IN THE 3rd TRIMESTER PREGNANT WOMEN IN PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER WONOSARI I GUNUNG KIDUL IN YOGYAKARTA Disa Grapella Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: In Indonesia, Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is still quite high. Poor quality of health care Antenatal Care (ANC) is an obstacle to reduce the MMR. ANC service utilization is still low in some areas, this is caused by various factors such as low education mother. Involving families in care during pregnancy is very important to improve the welfare of the mother and fetus. Known description of ANC examination were do in the third trimester pregnant women public helath center Wonosari I, Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta. Methods: This study used a non-eksperimental type of research that is descriptive quantitative and purposive sampling technique. Total sample of 30 respondents who are 3rd trimester pregnant women, pregnant women with minimum elementary school education last, pregnant women with Javanese culture, and pregnant women who can Indonesian. Result: In doing anamnesis, weight measurements, blood pressure checks, and measurement of TFU 100% of pregnant women have been conducted. As many as 23 (76.6%) of pregnant women consume iron tablet. Most pregnant women have been immunized TT1, as many as 28 (93.3%) of pregnant women, while TT2 immunization by 22 (73.3%), immunization TT3 13 (43.3%), immunization TT4 only 5 (16.7%) pregnant women, and immunization TT5 only 2 (6.7%). Laboratory tests were conducted with 22 pregnant women (73.3%) while the last component of the ANC including counseling as many as 24 (80%) of pregnant women has been do. Keywords: Antenatal Care Examination, Pregnant, Maternal Mortality Rate. Introduction hypertensive disorders, infection and hemorrhage (Indriyani, 2013). Indirect causes Based on Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (2012), Maternal Mortality Ratio (Ratio) of maternal death include anemia, chronic energy deficiency (CED), and the state of the reached 359 per 100,000 live births. This is an increase compared to the Maternal Mortality “four too” (too young / old, often, and a lot), maternal mortality is also characterized by non- Rate (MMR) in 2007, as many as 228 per 100,000 live births. There are various causes technical matters are categorized as basic causes, such as the low status of women, of maternal deaths due to pregnancy which consists of the direct and indirect causes, but helplessness, and low educational level (Saifuddin, 2006). generally there are three main causes of 23 Indonesian Health Ministry recommends components Antenatal Care quality services, namely (1) measurement of height and weight, (2) measurement of blood pressure, (3) iron tablets, (4) immunization Tetanus Toxoid (TT), (5) abdominal examination, (6) testing of blood and urine samples, (7) informasi about the signs of pregnancy complications. According to research Rahmani and Brekke (2013) low utilization of antenatal and obstetric Care because of to the limited knowledge of maternal and child health, financial problems, transportation difficulties, especially for poor rural women and uneducated, and low family support. study is shown by the frequency distribution Based on preliminary surveys on the date December 11, 2013 at the Health Office in Yogyakarta, obtained Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in 2012 in Gunung Kidul as many as 107 per 100,000 live births, Sleman district as many as 87.6 per 100,000 live births, Kulon Progo as 87.34 per 100,000 live births, the city of Yogyakarta as many as 87.3 per 100,000 live births and Bantul area as many as 52.2 per 100,000 live births. Ministry of Health expressed K4 coverage of pregnant women visit Yogyakarta Province in 2012 amounted to 93.31% where it is already more than the government’s target, which is 90%, but of the five districts/cities in the province, three of which have achieve the target, which is Sleman 92.67%, 90.68%, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta City and 90.34%, as well as two districts that have not reached the targetwhich is, Gunung Kidul 87.35%, 85.52% and Bantul. Village, Siraman Village many as 9 people, Duwet Village 2 and Wareng Village by 4 people. Based on these explanations can be concluded that the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) which is the highest in DIY is in Gunung Kidul, which is 107 per 100,000 live births and maternal kujungan K4 coverage in Gunung Kidul is still low, 87.35%, in this case researchers became interested in researching focus description of of ANC examination were do in the third trimester pregnant women. Results Methods This study used a descriptive quantitative approach using the observation sheet table. The population in this study is the third trimester pregnant women were included in the work area as much as 98 health centers I Wonosari pregnant women. The sample in this study is a three trimester pregnant women. Researchers using purposive sampling technique where the number of samples in this study only 30 respondents. Researchers take five villages of the districts Wonosari I, the Village Karangrejek many as 9 people, as many as 6 people Pulutan The five villages and has the characteristics of respondents almost the same region, as well village distance is not too far compared to other villages. Samples taken from the population must also meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The criteria for inclusion: third trimester pregnant women, pregnant women with at least elementary school education last, pregnant women with Javanese culture, and pregnant women who can Indonesian. Exclusion criteria: pregnant women experience abortion events during the study, pregnant women who do not follow the research process, and pregnant women who come out of the course of study. Tabel 1. Distribution Component Antenatal Care Examination ANC Component Anamnesa Yes No Measurement of Weight Yes No Frequency Percent instruments. The study was carried out from February-April 2014 Analysis of the data in this 24 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 30 0 100 0 30 0 100 0 The Description of Component Antenatal Care Examination in the 3rd Trimester Pregnant Women in Public Health Center Wonosari I Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta ANC Component Frequency Percent Measurement of Blood Pressure Yes 30 100 No 0 0 Measurement High Fundus Uteri Yes 30 100 No 0 0 Consume Iron Tablet Yes 23 76.6 No 7 23.3 Imunization TT1 Yes 28 93.3 No 2 6.7 Imunization TT2 Yes 22 73.3 No 8 26.7 Imunization TT3 Yes 13 43.3 No 17 56.7 Imunization TT4 Yes 5 16.7 No 25 83.3 Imunization TT5 Yes 2 6.7 No 28 93.3 Laboratorium Test Yes 22 73.3 No 8 26.7 Conseling Yes 24 80 No 6 20 Amount 30 100 Tabel 1. Showed In doing anamnesis, weight measurements, blood pressure checks, and measurement of TFU 100% of pregnant women have been conducted. As many as 23 (76.6%) of pregnant women consume iron tablet. Most pregnant women have been immunized TT1, as many as 28 (93.3%) of pregnant women, while TT2 immunization by 22 (73.3%), immunization TT3 13 (43.3%), immunization TT4 only 5 (16.7%) pregnant women, and immunization TT5 only 2 (6.7%). Laboratory tests were conducted with 22 pregnant women (73.3%) while the last component of the ANC including counseling as many as 24 (80%) of pregnant women has been do. Discussion According Siswosudarmo & Emilia (2008) Antenatal Care is care that is do / given to a pregnant woman until the time of delivery. Pregnancy can be divided into three periods of roughly the same interval (less than 13 weeks, or 3 months), which is known as the first trimester, II, III. This division should not be used to indicate the age of the pregnancy, but only to show the conditions / diseases that commonly occur in a given period. Sarwono cit Indriyani (2013) suggested minimum standard of antenatal care is called “7T”, which is balanced body weight and height, blood pressure measuring, measuring fundal height, Tetanus Toxoid immunization (TT) complete, giving iron tablets for a minimum of 90 tablets pregnant, tests against sexually transmitted diseases, and colloquium in order counseling referral. During pregnancy the mother and fetus circumstances should always be monitored if there are deviations from the normal state, can be detected early and given proper treatment. Based on Table 1, showed that 100% of pregnant women has been doing anamnesis, weight measurements, blood pressure checks, and measurement of TFU. Sofian (2013) suggested that it may be investigated when history is made up of the identity of the patient such as name, age, religion, occupation, education, address, marital status and so on. According Mufdlilah (2009) range of healthy and safe reproductive age is 20-35 years. Menstrual history that explains how the history of the first menstruation, when the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP), when the mother does 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 25 not remember HPHT, ask about other things tetanus. Based on the Expanded Programme such as fetal movement or feeling nauseous. Primigravida feel fetal movement at 18 weeks on Immunization (EPI) and the Maternal and Child Health Care (MCH) is recommended to gestation, whereas at 16 weeks multigravida (Hutahaean, 2013). Pregnancy history consists give Tetanus Toxoid immunization twice during pregnancy. of the use of contraception, childbirth, and childbirth before, kind of birth, number of children Only 23 (76.6%) of pregnant women who living/dead, how his weight, who help, is there any illness during pregnancy, birth just months/ no (Siswosudarmo & Emilia, 2008). Is there a history of previous miscarriage, pregnancy problems/previous delivery such as prematurity, birth defects, and hemorrhage (Mufdlilah, 2009). Complaints experienced by the mother as appetite, sleep, micturition, defecation, pain during pregnancy, bleeding, and so forth (Sofian, 2013). consume tablets Fe, whereas iron tablets is essential for fetal development. According to investigators pregnant women do not like taking tablets Fe because it will give the effect of nausea. This is supported by the opinions Mufdlilah (2009) who explains that giving vitamin iron begins to give one tablet a day as soon as possible after the nausea passes. Each tablet contains FeSO4 mg (60 mg of iron) and 500ìg folic acid, minimum 90 tablets each. Iron tablets Obstetric Examination according Manuaba should not drink tea or coffee together, because disturbing the absorption, the husband / family Indriyani cit (2013) consists of: gestational age, fundal height (SFH), Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) for pregnancies of more than twelve weeks, should always be involved for the mother of taking iron tablets to assure that the iron really drunk. measurements outside the pelvis. According Hutahaean (2013), a pelvic examination in Research Azizah & Nurhidayati (2012) pregnant women especially primigravida needed to assess the situation and shape of pelvic disorders or whether there are circumstances that can cause delivery complications. As for the TT immunization are still many who do not complete. Immunization TT1 as many as 28 (93.3%), TT2 immunization by 22 (73.3%), immunization TT3 13 (43.3%), immunization TT4 only 5 (16.7%), and immunization TT5 only 2 (6.7%). According to the researchers this is due to maternal age varied so that the majority of pregnant women have done to TT2 immunization, and the government also recommends minimum pregnant women given TT2 minimum until immunization. It is also supported by the Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (2012) Tetanus Toxoid immunization given during conducted in health centers with sample Yogyakarta is a three trimester pregnant women explained that there is a relationship incidence of anemia in pregnant women three trimesters with the midwife’s role in giving iron tablet during pregnancy examination. Midwives can be a facilitator or liaison with relevant parties regarding the provision of blood booster tablets, but it can also be a motivator midwife for regular checkups at the nearest health facility. Other factors that can affect pregnant women consume iron tablet is in support of her husband. Based on research Novyta & Anjarwati (2009) explains that there is a significant relationship between the level of husband’s support in consume iron tablet with anemia. That is, the higher the possibility of husbands’ support, the lower the incidence of anemia. pregnancy to protect the newborn from neonatal 26 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Description of Component Antenatal Care Examination in the 3rd Trimester Pregnant Women in Public Health Center Wonosari I Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta Based on table 1 laboratory examination done by 22 pregnant women (73.3%). According Sofian (2013) maternal urine and blood should be checked at least twice during pregnancy, once at the beginning and once again when the end of pregnancy. The first visit was also made to the examination of blood hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, and white blood cell count (Hutahaean, 2013). Acknowledgement We are very thankful to the sub district health centre of Gunung Kidul, Wonosari for allowing us to conduct this study. We are also indebted to the village midwives of the Public Health Community for helping us to collect the baseline data. Finally, we would extend a special thanks to all the respondents for their useful information and While the last component of the ANC cooperation. We hope this study will make a positive impact on their lives in the future. This including counseling as many as 24 (80%) of pregnant women has been do. According to work was supported by School of Nursing Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta. We are researchers, women who do not do counseling can result from several factors, including the also grateful to the College for its generous financial support and scholarly guidance. factors of health care providers / midwives. Pregnant women want the service provider References concerned, giving clear information and education related to pregnancy. When pregnant women are not satisfied with the service provided, it is likely they will visit a lot of other health services. The pregnant woman wants to receive care in systems that offers a clean, friendly area for children, an efficient schedule, and minimal waiting time (Walsh, 2008). Other factors that can affect pregnant women in ANC examination is the perception of high risk pregnant women about pregnancy. The better perception of high risk pregnant women about pregnancy, then the chances are high for pregnant women dutifully perform the greater Antenatal Care (Listianingrum and Sugiyanto, 2008). Conclusion Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that most of the components of the ANC examination of pregnant women in the region of the first health centers Wonosari incomplete. Azizah, N., Nurhidayati, E., (2012). Hubungan Peran Bidan dalam Pemberian Tablet Fe dan Penyuluhan Gizi dengan Kejadian Anemia Ibu Hamil Trimester III. Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan, Vol.8 No.1, Juni 2012:34-40. Yogyakarta. Badan Pusat Statistik. (2012). Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia. Access of 30 Oktober 2013. Available www.datastatistik-indonesia.com. at: Dinkes D.I. Yogyakarta (2013). Profil Kesehatan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta. Hutahaean, Serri. (2013). Perawatan Antenatal. Jakarta: Salemba Medika. Indriyani, D. (2013). Aplikasi Konsep dan Teori Keperawatan Maternitas Postpartum dengan Kematian Janin. Yogyakarta: ArRuzz Media. Indriyani, D. (2013). Keperawatan Maternitas Pada Area Perawatan Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Antenatal. Listianingrum & Sugiyanto (2008). Hubungan Persepsi Ibu Hamil tentang ResikoTinggi 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 27 Kehamilan dengan Kepatuhan Melakukan Antenatal Care di Wilayah Puskesmas Sanden Bantul. Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan Vol 4. Nomor 2, Desember 2008 (hal. 109-118). Mufdlilah. (2009). Antenatal Care Fokused. Yogyakarta: Nuha Medika Novyta, R. N., Anjarwati., (2009). Hubungan Dukungan Suami tentang Konsumsi Tablet Fe dengan Kejadian Anemia pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III di Puskesmas Mergangsan Yogyakarta. Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan, Vol.5, No.2, Desember 2009:102-112. Yogyakarta. Profil Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Gunung Kidul (2013). Ibu.Yogyakarta. Angka Kematian Saifuddin, A.B. (2006). Buku Acuan Nasional Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal dan Neonatal. Jakarta : Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo. SDKI. 2012. Adult and Maternal Mortality.Jakarta. SDKI. 2012. Reproductive Health. Jakarta. Siswosudarmo, R., & Emilia, O. (2008). Obstetri Fisiologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Cendikia, 2008. Sofian, A. (2013). Rustam Mochtar Sinopsis Obstetri. Jakarta: EGC. Walsh, L.V.(2008). Buku Ajar Kebidanan Komunitas. Jakarta:EGC. 28 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE INFLUENCE OF PSYCHOEDUCATION TOWARD FAMILY’S CARING ABILITY AND SCHIZOPHRENIA PATIENT’S INDEPENDENCE LEVEL IN PONTIANAK Dewin Safitri1, Wahyu Kirana2, Sarwito Rachmad Barmawi3 Program Sudi S1 Keperawatan STIKes Yarsi Pontianak, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Schizofrenia is a syndrome with various causes. Family as the main nurse of patient needs some treatments to improve their knowledge and ability in caring for the patient. Psychoeducation is the education delivering for the family to improve their understanding and ability in caring for their family members who have mental illness (schizophrenia). Patients who get support and good response will have motivation to get their independence. The aim of this research is to find out the influence of psychoeducation toward family’s caring ability and schizophrenia patient’s independence level. Method: The type of the research used is quasi experiment with pre and post test without control group. The sample consists of 30 respondents that determined by using purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by using questioner and observation sheets, and analyzed by the marginal homogeneity test. Result: The research finding showed that there is a significant influence in family’s caring ability before and after psychoeducation treated, cognitive ability (p=0.002), affective ability (p=0.033), psychomotor ability (p=0.012), and there is a significant influence of schizophrenia patient’s independence level before and after psychoeducation treated, observed by researcher (p=0.020), observed by family (p=0.005). Conclusion: Based on the research, it can be concluded that psychoeducation is effective to improve family’s caring ability and schizophrenia patient’s independence level. Keywords: Family psychoeducation, schizophrenia, caring ability, indepenence level. 29 Introduction caregivers of client require treatment to improve The inability of a person to overcome sources of stress can lead to mental emotional disorder that often leads to the occurrence of mental disorders. One of the types of severe mental disorder is schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a group of psychotic reactions that affect the various functions of the individual, including the functions of thinking and communication, receive and interpret reality, to feel and show emotions, and behave irrationally. Until now the treatment of patients with schizophrenia has not been satisfactory, this is especially true indeveloping countries, due to families and communities ignorancy against these types of mental disorders (Stuart & Laraia, 2005). their knowledge and skills in caring client (Gunadarsa, 2004). In addition to medical treatment, the client is also need others aid that encourage and motivate him/her to be independent. So, acceptance and social support from the family are very needed. Psychoeducation therapy is intended so that schizophrenia patients can adapting to their surrounding social environment and can caring for thier self independently and also not become the burden for the family and society (Mohr, 2006). Family psychoeducation terapy is one form Mental disorders including schizophrenia be come a serious problem. At this time the number of family therapy mental health care by providing information and education through therapeutic of patients with schizophrenia have increased. Data from the WHO, in 2011 3/1000 communication. Psychoeducation program is an approach that is both educational and schizophrenia affects the adult population and in 2012 increased to 7/1000 of the adult population, especially the 15-35 year age pragmatic. Based on research, family psychoeducation proven effective for family with grouped. The prevalence of schizophrenia in Indonesiais 0.3 to 1% and usually occurs at the age of 18 to 45 years but there is also 11 to 12year-old has been suffering from schizophrenia. Data from the number of outpatient visits were obtained from the results of preliminary studies in the Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Sungai Bangkong Pontianak City in 2013 also increased. In September there are 794 visits, 825 visits in October, 841 visits in November and 853 visits in Desember (Arif, 2006). Schizophrenia not only cause suffering for the individual, but also for people who are nearby. Usually the family is most affected by the presence of schizophrenia in their families. Family is very important factor in the healing process of clients who get mental illness, including schizophrenia. Family conditions that theraputic and support client are very helpful for the client’s healing. Family as the primary 30 social isolation client, family with drug client and family with depression client. Referring to this, the authors focus on family psychoeducation conducted with clients schizophrenia. The author expects that by family psychoeducation that treat in familiy with clients schizophrenia, the family’s caring ability for schizophrenia client can be increased and also can increase the independence of schizophrenia client (Carson, 2000 in Stuart & Laraia, 2005). Methods The type of the research used is quasi experiment with pre and post test without control group. The sample consists of 30 respondents that have fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria and it is determined by using purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by using questioner and observation sheets, then the data was analyzed with the marginal homogeneity test. | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Influence of Psychoeducation toward Family’s Caring Ability and Schizophrenia Patient’s Independence Level in Pontianak Result much as 20% and after psychoeducation The research finding showed that there is a significant influence in family’s caring ability before and after psychoeducation treated, cognitive ability (p=0.002), affective ability (p=0.033), psychomotor ability (p=0.012), and there is a significant influence of schizophrenia patient’s independence level before and after increased to 40%, 36.7% families have considerable ability before and after psychoeducation, psychoeducation increased to 43.3% while families have less ability prior to psychoeducation is as much as 43.3% and after psychoeducation decreased to 16.7%. Psychomotor ability enhancement is psychoeducation treated, observed by researcher (p=0.020), observed by family probably related to learning theory that explains people learn not only from direct experience but (p=0.005). from imitation, and modeling. In accordance with the statement from Notoatmodjo(2007) that the Discussion Family psychoeducation therapy can improve cognitive abilities because it contains elements to increase family knowledge about the disease, teach techniques that can help families to know the symptoms of deviant behavior, and also increased support for the family members themselves. The purpose of this educational program are to improve the achievement of family knowledge about the disease, teach families how teaching techniques to help their families in an effort to protect his family by knowing the symptoms of behavioral behavioris the result of cognitive factors and the environment, it is meaning that a person is able to have certain skills when there is a positive braids and stimulation that observed and the characteristics of a person. At the independence level of schizophrenic patients, the results showed before psychoeducation, patients independent on the total care level was 56.7% and after psychoeducation decreased to 33.3%, patients independent on the partial care level before psychoeducation was 23.3% and after and supportive family strength. psychoeducation increased to 40.0%, while the patients independent on self care level before The affective ability is an learning outcomes that related to attitudes and values of a psychoeducation was 20.0% and after psychoeducation increased to 26.7%. This person.This ability is interrelated with the knowledge and psychomotor achievement of shows that berfore psychoeducation, clients has been unable to achieve their independence, learning goals. Affective ability emphasis on attitudes, feelings, emotions and moral while after psychoeducation, clients are able to achieve their independence including physical characteristics that required in social life. In this research, most of the families have sufficient careand daily activities. affectiveabilities. This shows that the family already has a consciousness to accept the conditions ofhis family members who suffer from schizophrenia and has a willingness to care the Although there was an in crease after the intervention in this research, but the average is still on moderate independence. It can be caused due to necessary acculturation longer to change the behavior and needed consistency assistance to clients and families in order to have family member. In psychomotor ability, families have good good behavior can persist and increase. ability to care berofe psychoeducation is as 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 31 Conclusion Based on this research, psychoeducation Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo. (2007). Promosi Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku. Jakarta : PT Rineka Cipta influenced family’s caring ability including cognitive ability, affective ability, psychomotor Stuart, G. W., & Laraia M. (2005). Principles and ability and also influenced the independence of schizophrenia patients. Practice of Psychiatric Nursing, (8th ed.). St. Louis : Mosby Acknowledgement I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to complete this research. A special gratitude I give to my family for all of their support. Furthermore I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation to the chief of STIKES YARSI and also my supervisor Ns.Wahyu Kirana.,M.Kep,Sp.Jiwa, who gave me so many advises. Her enthusiasm, encouragement, and faith in me throughout have been extremely helpful. She was avalaible for my questions and she was positive and gave generously of her time and vast knowledge. She always knew where to look for the answer to obtacles while leading me to the right source, theory and perspective. Sudaryono. (2012). Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu References Arif, Iman Setiadi. (2006). Skizofrenia memahami dinamika keluarga pasien. Bandung : Refika Aditama. Gunarsa, Singgih. (2004). Dari anak sampai usia lanjut. Jakarta : EGC Hawari, D. (2001). Pendekatan holistik pada gangguan jiwa skizofrenia. Jakarta : EGC Keliat, Budi Anna. (2010). Manajemen keperawatan jiwa komunitas desa siaga/ CMHN (intermediate course). Jakarta : EGC Mohr, W. K. (2006). Psychiatric mental health nursing (6th ed). Philadelphia : Lippincott William & Wilkins. 32 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: PERCEPTION DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NURSE AND ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROME PATIENT TOWARD SPIRITUAL NEEDS IN CARDIAC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT AT HASAN SADIKIN HOSPITAL Hana Ariyani, Suryani, Aan Nuraeni Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: This research is motivated by the high incidence of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) disease. The patient with ACS experience some psychological and spiritual beside physical problem. Nurses have an important role to meet the spiritual needs of the patient to enable them reach the Spiritual Well Being (SWB). If SWB is not achieved then the physical, psychological and social aspect of patient can not function optimally. One of the factors that influence the spiritual needs fulfillment is perception. Method: This research examined the comparison of ACS spiritual needs perception between nurse and patient in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit of Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital. The perception of ACS spiritual needs was assessed by spiritual needs perception questionnaire. Participants of this research were 19 nurses and 26 patients using total sampling method for nurse population and concecutive sampling for patient population. Data analysis used independent sample t test. Result: The result showed that nurse’s total score mean was 85,4 with deviation standard was 13,1 and patient’s total score mean was 88,2 with deviation standard 13,5. T test analysis 0,666 and p value 0,509. It showed that there’s no differences ACS spiritual needs perception between nurse and patient in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit of Dr Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Keywords: Acute Coronary Syndrome, Nurse, Patient, Perception, Spiritual Needs. Introduction In Indonesia, the sum of deaths from noncommunicable diseases was 1.064 million Cardiovascular disease is a noncommunicable disease that can cause people. From these figures, the cause of death was dominated by cardiovascular disease (30 significant mortality. According to the data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2008 %) (WHO , 2011). According to the number of heart patients hospitalized in 2007 from 36 million of the 57 million deaths that occur in this world are caused by non-communicable Direktorat Jendral Pelayanan Medik data in 2008 showed that Acute Coronary Syndrome diseases, at first rank , heart disease , and then stroke and diabetes later. (ACS) is a disease in a great number, there were 33 67,800 outpatients and 22,454 inpatient (Depkes, 2009). At Doctor Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS) Bandung which is the highest referral hospital in West Java was also noted that the case of the SKA as the most dominant cardiac disorder. It can be seen from a record number of patients treated in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) from January to November 2013 which showed that the total number of ACS was 53.5 % or 282 cases from the total number of cardiac disorder. The ACS type based on the most as follows: Coronary Artery Diseases ST Elevation Miocardial Infarct (STEMI CAD) as many as 219 people, Coronary Artery Disease Non- ST Elevation Miocardial Infarct (CAD NonSTEMI) as many as 44 people and Unstable Angina Pectoris (UAP) as many as 19 people . SKA begins with the rupture of atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries, which stimulates platelet aggregation and thrombus formation that will inhibit the coronary arteries which provide the heart muscle perfusion (Overbaugh, 2009) . At the time of severely blocked coronary artery, the patient usually feels the pressure in the chest area accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath and fatigue (Arora et al., 2010). According to opinion from Kanel et al. (2011) on the acute conditions patients would experience anxiety because of the fear of death and sense of helplessness. In the opinion of Timmins and Kelly (2008) that patients with cardiac disorder will experience the hospitalization so that they will experience a new and unfamiliar environment, in this situation it will lead to isolation feeling and alienation form daily life. In these circumstances the patient will experience spiritual distress ( Carpenito - Moyet, 2006) . One of the ways to overcome this problem is by providing spiritual care in the spiritual beliefs of patients (Smeltzer et al . , 2010). In fact from the preliminary study that spiritual care was not actually given in the CICU because nurses were more focused on the patient’s physiological problems. This is in accordance with the opinion of Edwards et al. (2010) that one of the factors that impede the fulfillment of spiritual needs is the limited time, cultural differences and beliefs, and the lack of special education about spiritual care . Spiritual care is benefit to the patient because it can reduce the ACS patient’s psychological problems such as depression and anxiety and improve patient ‘s ability to cope with both of them (El Noor, 2012). In practice, spiritual care has not actually given to the patient, because the nurse thought that spiritual care is only limited in helping patients in worship activities, involving family and religious leaders, as well as giving spirit (Romadona , 2012) . The nurse’s perception was difference with the patient’s perception. Patient’s perception of the spiritual needs broader than just maintain a relationship with God and fellow human beings. In Nuraeni study (2012) which explores the meaning of spirituality produce several themes: accept the disease as a reprimand or trials; life become more better; resignation to God; worship or communication with God; hope; request for forgiveness; gratitude; attention, love and affection from others and the success of the family; provide benefits for others; and hobby or activity in nature. This research is supported by the opinion from Galek et al. (2005) that the spiritual needs of patients who experienced a hospitalization were consists of multiple dimensions, namely: Love/belonging/respect; Divine; Positivity/gratitude/hope/peace; meaning and purpose; morality and ethics; appreciation of beauty; resolution / death. support form which appropriate to the needs and 34 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Perception Differences between Nurse and Acute Coronary Syndrome Patient toward Spiritual Needs in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Hasan Sadikin Hospital needs so that nurses can meet the spiritual According to the differences in perception above, the researcher found that it is necessary needs of patients in accordance with patient’s expectations . to examine the perceptions of nurses and ACS patients toward the spiritual needs in CICU. Methods According to Pareek (1996) this perception is very important to study because the end result In this study, the entire population of the nurses who have been working in the CICU of a perception process is an action in the form of behavior (in Sobur, 2003). So the researchers Doctor Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung totaly 19 people, and all ACS patients were treated in assume that by examining differences in nurses and ACS patients perceptions towards the the CICU Doctor Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, as many as 27 people. The sample spiritual needs, it will be known what is needed by the patient but not yet filled by the nurses. group of nurses in this study were taken using a total sampling method that was 19 people. The results of this study may provide information to nurses about the things that are needed by ACS patient sample group in this study were taken using a non probability sampling method the patient in meeting the patient’s spiritual that is concecutive sampling. In this sampling method, the respondents of the study were who meet the inclusion krieria during the period JuneJuly 2014 that as many as 26 people. Results Tabel 1. The frequency distribution of respondents in the CICU Doctor Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung based on religious background, ethnicity and age. No 1 2 3 Characteristic Religion Islam Kristen Ethnicity Sundanese Batak Javanese Age 18-40 40-60 >60 Nurse (n=19) Sum Percentage Patient (n=26) Sum Percentage 17 2 89% 11% 26 0 100% 0% 16 2 1 84% 11% 5% 26 0 0 100% 0% 0% 15 4 0 79% 21% 0% 1 17 8 4% 65% 31% Tabel 2. Perception’s Differences of nurses and ACS patients toward the spiritual needs in the CICU Doctor Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung 2014. Nurse Mean 85,4 Patient SD 13,1 Mean 88,2 SD 13,5 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 t 0,666 | p value 0,509 Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 35 Discussion Based on the table 2 above, we see the perception’s differences between nurses and ACS patients toward spiritual needs with p value of 0.509. The p value greater than 0.05, then Ha is rejected, so it can be concluded that generally there is no difference between nurse and ACS patient’s perceptions toward the spiritual needs in CICU Doctor Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung. This is consistent with the results of comparative research on the perception of the spiritual needs conducted by Emblen and Lois (1993) using qualitative research methods to the nurse, patient and religious leaders. The results showed some several themes namely: religion, values , relationships, transcendental, affective feelings, and communication . The common perception seems to be influenced by culture. In table 1 shows that almost all respondents both nurses and patients coming from the Sundanese, only 3 nurses who comes from the Javanese and Batak. In Sundanese culture, religiosity was very important because it is an identity a Sundanese people (Rahmawati, 2012). The results of this study are not accordance with the opinion of Cancer Research United Kingdom (2014) that one of the factors that affect the spiritual needs nurses seem not all provide spiritual care to patients. The nurse looks more priority treatment to the patient’s physical problems, such as giving medications, feeding, observe vital signs, and so on. Results of interviews with patients as well as that two of the three patients stated that nurses have not fully provide spiritual care. Nurses sometimes remind the time of prayer, facilitating patient to worship, bring the family, but rarely to spend time with a patient to pray together, to invite discussion about life after death, help the patient explore feelings about the meaning of life and so on. The difference between the results of the research with the assumptions of previous studies probably influenced by other factors. At first the researchers refer to the opinion of Sobur (2003) and Purnawati (2010) that perception is influenced by the behavior. Unlike the case with the results of this study, it seems that the factors influencing the behavior of spiritual needs of patients by nurses is not influenced by perception, because the results showed no difference in perception between nurses and ACS patients toward spiritual needs. According to the analysis the researchers, there seems to be another factor that can affect the ACS patient’s unfulfilled spiritual needs. In Green (1980) stated that not only was culture, in this research shows that there is no perception differences although there is a perception that affect the person’s behavior, but other factors are also as a contributing factors. variety in ethnicity, maybe due to an imbalance number of samples from each ethnicity. According to the researcher analysis, in this case nurses perceptions are good, but there is The results of this study are not in no supporting factors in the work environment, where nurses are required to work extra. This accordance with the initial assumption of researchers in stating that there is a difference in perception between nurses and ACS patients toward spiritual needs. This assumption is based on observations from the room for one week and interviews of three patients. The results of previous observations showed that 36 is in accordance with the opinion of Robbins and Judge (2008) that one of the factors that influence a person’s behavior is the work situation. Average nursing services in a shift of about 3-4 people capacity when the number of patients able to achieve 8 people with average | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Perception Differences between Nurse and Acute Coronary Syndrome Patient toward Spiritual Needs in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at Hasan Sadikin Hospital using the ventilator in each of his shift 2. According to Gillies (1986) ideally the ratio between nurses and patients in the intensive care 1:1 if using a ventilator, and 1:2 if without using of a ventilator. According to researchers analysis it is the factor that affects the behavior of the patient’s spiritual needs fullfilment. dominant stimulus is received by individual. In patient respondents, the dominant stimulus becomes concerned was that their illness, while nurses in healthy physical condition, so that patients have the perception that the “respectful care of bodily needs “ is needed . Other data that may support why this item Opinions of Robins and Judge (2008) and Green (1980) above is reinforced by the results is needed by the patient is of length of stay. Most patients were in treatment period of 1-3 days , of research Tzu Lee et al . (2014) and Edwadrs et al . (2010) that the work environment or which is an acute-phase period . In this phase the patient is still in a state of helpless and need situation and time constraints become an obstacle for nurses in meeting the spiritual assistance to meet their physical needs. This is consistent with the illness behavior theory that needs of the patient. Not only the work situation and time, according to Tzu Lee et al. (2013) and one person’s reaction to the ill condition is inability to perform the self-care independently. Edwars et al. (2010) there is one other factor that inhibits the provision of spiritual care, it was If left unchecked, then the patient will feel hopeless and helpless, so that the sick person’s education continuing education that is specific to the field of spiritual care to patients. According condition are expecting their physical needs are met in a good way (Young , 2004). to the nurse, from all nurses who served in the CICU room, only one person trained become The next item that shows the difference is “to give and receive love”. It was very important during hospital visits . According to Strain (1979) warois. Among the results of the analysis showed generally no differences in perception between nurses and ACS patients toward spiritual needs, there are two items that showed statistically difference, the item were”For respectful care of your bodily needs” and the item “Give or receive love”. Both of these items are on the dimensions of “ Love/belonging/respect “. If seen from the mean, it appears that the mean value of the patient is much higher than the mean value of nurses. This indicates that the second item is much needed by patients compared with nurses. According to the researchers analysis this is most likely due to the perception of the respondents are influenced by attention. According Hugenberg and Bodenhausen (2009) that perception is influenced also by the attention. “Attention” is attention to the a that one of the sick person’s response is fear of losing the love from the people around them. Under these conditions it is important for nurses to meet the needs of “love and belonging” for the patient being treated. The form of intervention that can be done by nurses to meet the item “give or receive love” which is as follows: to establish a good relationship with the patient, empathy, present at the time and the patient needs to understand the feelings/patient complaints such as pain, anxiety and so on ( Emakpor and Nyback , 2010). Conclusion Based on the research that has been done by using descriptive comparative study of two groups: nurses and patients, which amounted to 19 people and 26 people, it can be concluded that in general there is no difference in 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 37 perception between nurses and ACS patients toward spiritual needs in CICU Doctor Hasan Departemen Kesehatan. (2009). Profil kesehatan Indonesia 2008. Jakarta: Sadikin Hospital Bandung. However, there are two items on the dimensions of “Love/belonging/ Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Retrieved 24 Maret 2014, from respect” that shows the difference. Both of the item are the “respectful care of your bodily http://www.litbang.depkes.go.id/sites/ download/profil/profil_kesind/ needs” and “to give/receive love” Profil_Kesehatan_Indonesia_2008.pdf According to the assumptions of researchers, this common perception occurs because most of the background of the two groups respondents ws same, which is derived from the same ethnic and religious groups. However, there is little difference in the perception of the dimension of “Love/belonging/ respect” because it can be affected by factors of concern/attention. According to the perception of the patient, both of these items is more needed than what is perceived by nurses. This happens because the patient has a physical disorder, whereas nurses do not experience it. In such conditions, patients are usually more focused on themself and tend to demands their physical needs met by others in a good way and need more attention and affection people that they love. 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Data taken in VCT Clinic of Kebumen State Hospital show that the number of HIV patients who have ever had therapy were 128 persons. 57 of them show COMPLIANCE to take therapy and the rest were not obedient. High COMPLIANCE is not only for a day, but for lifetime. COMPLIANCE can be gained from the closest persons like family. to find out the influence of family support on HIV patients’ compliance to take therapy program in VCT Clinic, Kebumen State Hospital. Method: the method of this research is cross sectional study. The samples consist of 50 HIV patients. Data analyses of this research are frequency distribution, Chi-square statistic for bivariate analysis, and logistic regression for multivariate one. Results: there are significant influence of the following supports on HIV patient compliance to take therapy program: information (p=0.001), consideration (p=0.000), instrumental (p = 0.001), and emotional (p = 0.000). The emotional support is the dominant variable influencing HIV patients’ compliance to take therapy program with exp B value 16,032. Therefore, much more better emotional family support is needed to increase HIV patients’ compliance to take therapy program. Keywords: family support, compliance, ARV therapy. Introduction (ARV). The drug does not kill the HIV virus, but it can slow down the growth of the virus. Time slow the growth of the virus, as well as HIV HIV is a health problem that threatens Indonesia and many countries around the world. Currently no country is free from HIV problem disease (NAM, 2012). (Zein, 2006). Treatment programs, Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) through the In HIV-positive, individuals with immune systems will decline and it takes several years provision of antiretroviral therapy or called ARV, means treating HIV infection with multiple drugs. until the discovery of the symptoms of advanced stage and then the patients is diagnosed as Because HIV is a retrovirus, these drugs are commonly referred to as an antiretroviral drug AIDS patients. It depends on the physical and 41 psychological condition. When someone has been infected as HIV patient, he/she will show changes in the character of life, psychosocial stress, depression, feeling a lack of social support, and behavioral changes. HIV patients face their own conditions without the support of friends and family which then will give impact of anxiety, depression, guilt and suicidal thoughts or behavior. It not only affects the patient, but Results The results of the family support are: in the informational support category, 46.0% of the respondents have good category, 22% of the respondents have fair category, 32% of the respondents have less category. In the support assessment category, 66.0% of the respondents have good category, 12% of the respondents also can affect the family or the closest people. have fair category, and 22% of he respondents have less category. In the instrumental category, High compliance is not a one day issue, but it is for a lifetime. Therefore, it is necessary 58.0% of the respondents have good category, 20% have good category, 22% have less for HIV patients to have support and encouragement, even though the patients have category. In the emotional support, 68.0% of the respondents have good category, 8% of the been very obedient for many years. Support can be obtained from the nearest parties like family. respondents have fair category, 24% have less category. Based on this table, it can be seen In some cases, it takes time for the family to process information about the HIV status of that 39 respondents (78.0%) categorized as compliant in undergoing treatment and 11 family members and adjust to the changes that occur in HIV patients. Family support is defined by Gottlieb (1983) in Zainudin (2002) as verbal respondents (22.0%) categorized as noncompliant in undergoing treatment. information, objectives, tangible assistance or behavior given by people who are familiar with the subject in the social environment and the presence or in the form of things that can provide emotional benefits or influence on the acceptance behavior. Methods This study used a cross-sectional study design, which aims to examine the correlation between the dependent variable with the independent variables at the same time or time point approach. Several variables at the same time (Notoadmodjo, 2010). The populations consist of 128 HIV patients undergoing treatment in VCT clinic Kebumen Hospital. The The results indicate that there is influence of informational support to HIV patients compliance in undergoing treatment (p = 0.001), support for an assessment to the HIV patients compliance in undergoing treatment (p = 0.000), instrumental support to the HIV patients compliance in undergoing treatment (p = 0.001), and emotional support to HIV patients compliance in undergoing treatment (p = 0.000). Emotional support is the most influential factor to HIV patients compliance in undergoing treatment with a B value of emotional support exp 16,032 (fixed to 16), which means that it is expected to provide more family emotional support to increase HIV patients compliance in undergoing treatment samples consist of 50 respondents taken by using purposive sampling technique. The samples can represent the characteristics of the population (Nursalam, 2003). 42 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Influence of Family Support on Hiv Patients’ Compliance to Take Therapy Program in VCT Clinic Kebumen State Hospital Discussion Family Informational support influences the HIV patients’ compliance in undergoing treatment. The families can help in terms of providing advice, information and advice that can be used to reveal problems. This informational support may suppress the emergence of a stressor because the provided information can give peace as HIV patients become more understanding about the disease. This will lead to awareness for the HIV patients to always take medicine regularly. Some studies show that compliance has declined, even in people who are very obedient. This phenomenon is called saturation or saturation pill therapy. HIV patients feel tired and useless to take medication because the drug does not provide a cure for them so that they have the feeling of depression, suicidal, and a sense of surrender. In this case the family emotional support is needed more so that patients will not experience saturation in taking medication. High compliance is not a one day issue, but it is for a lifetime. Therefore, it is If there is no special attention or positive necessary for HIV patients to have support and encouragement, even though the patients have rewards to someone with HIV, the selfconfidence and self-esteem will be disrupted. been very obedient for many years. Compliance can be very difficult and would require support Patients will withdraw themselves from the environment so that it will interfere with social to HIV patients become accustomed to the changes caused in his life. function. This will affect HIV patients when taking medication since they feel worthless or vain to Conclusion take medication in the absence of a positive appreciation of his family. There is influence of informational support to HIV patients compliance in undergoing Family plays a major role in the instrumental treatment (p = 0.001), support for an assessment to the HIV patients compliance in support. The support is provided directly by facilitating by providing what patients’ need, such as transportation, or delivering the patient when to go for treatment. This can be seen from how the families know the health status of the patients and their willingness to provide support in a program of treatment, as evidenced by the presence of the family who would deliver or accompany treatment to the VCT. With the support of this instrument, HIV patients become easier with no obstacles in undergoing the treatment, taking the drug regularly with no delay. 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Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Perubahan Perilaku pada Pasien HIV/AIDS di Klinik VCT Bunga 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 45 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ASSERTIVENESS TRAINING THERAPY TO THE ASSERTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILL OF THE NURSING PRACTICE STUDENTS TO THE INPATIENTS NURSES Ike Mardiati Agustin¹, Novy Helena CD², Ice Yulia Wardani³ ¹ STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Students of nursing clinical practice is part of a professional nurse who is required to communicate well, effectively and assertively both when they are in the room and when they are talking to clients or patients. Method: The goal of this research is to gain an overview of the influence of Assertiveness training (AT) therapy to the assertive communication skills for nursing clinical practice students to the nurses in inpatient ward. The samples consist of 60 respondents with 30 respondents in intervention group and 30 respondents in control group. Results: The results show that students with assertive communication skills increased the AT significantly by 2.27 (4,54%) with a p value <0.05. This therapy is recommended in a therapy to increase assertive communications for nursing clinical practice students. Keywords: students practice, assertive communication skills, assertiveness training therapy. Introduction and develop. Therefore, a nurse on demand and Humans are social creatures that need is able to improve his knowledge about the dynamics of communication, appreciation of the interaction with others. In human interaction requires communication. Nurses are social advantages and disadvantages of self and sensitivity to the needs of others (Hamid, 2000). beings who always interact with others that the patient or the health professions fellow peers. Research conducted by Begley and Glacken (2004) on assertive communication skills of students, stating that the average student has the ability not assertive, they tend to be passive and aggressive in communicating that causes low levels of student assertiveness, in this study said that after a workout assertive communication ability of students to be more assertive at the end of the study period. Good communication and effective nurse can facilitate the achievement of the quality of nursing services that can meet the patient or customer satisfaction (Supratman, 2009). Professional nurses always tried to behave therapeutic, meaning that every interaction that made an impact therapy allows clients to grow 47 Based on the above explanation, we need a technique or attitude in communicating that could predispose a person is able to communicate what they want, feeling and thinking to others, through assertiveness that can be trained through assertiveness training therapy (Nursalim,2005). Research conducted Daulima and Mustikasari (2002) states that students practice experience mild anxiety level. Anxiety that may lead a person to behave aggressively is to give a response before the other person stops talking, speak with a loud tone, or a passive one that is in doubt, speak softly, giving approval regardless of his own feelings (Nursalim,2005). Assertive is defined as the ability to be able to express emotions, maintain and defend the truth of interaction with others in an honest, responsible and free from anxiety (Willis and Daisley, 1995). Efforts to improve the ability of a person to be more assertive communication can be done through training assertiveness therapy. Assertive communication is the communication that drives a person to develop optimally, both physically and psychologically, it contains a message that is clear, positive, open, trustworthy and non-judgmental (Ramadhani, 2008). This study will be conducted in hospitals Kebumen which is owned by the Government General Hospital, as the hospital type C plus with vision as a health referral center and community pride Kebumen, in line with the vision of the district general hospital Kebumen is used as one of the practitioner land for students, both students of nursing, midwifery and medicine. Data known to students of nursing practice using Kebumen District Hospital as a practice within the last three months between January to March 2014 totaled 100 students who come from a 48 variety of practice nursing education institutions (hospitals TRAINING Kab.Kebumen, 2014). Based on the preliminary study results of observations on 10 students undertaking clinical practice of nursing in the hospital using the observation sheet assertiveness therapy training modules obtained 55% of students passive in communicating that students tend not to dare to ask, anxious and afraid to express their needs and desires when practices, 30 % which is less likely to communicate politely aggressive in communicating demonstrate behaviors that challenge, talk slowly and loudly, blaming a friend practice when asked, and only 15% are able to communicate assertively with a relaxed attitude, willing to listen to other people talk. The results of the discussion will be undertaken in 10 nurses in the inpatient nurse in the room to get the data that students who tend to complain of passive communication so as to make room nurse confused about how to facilitate targets Student competence. The results of the observations and discussions show that it takes a form of activity that can improve the communication skills of students one of them through communication training. Training can be given through assertiveness training so that one can learn to communicate all needs oneself or someone else with better. Therefore the author was interested to conduct a research on how the influence of assertiveness training on assertive communication skills of nursing students clinical practice. Methods This study used a quasi-intervention method (Quasi-experimental) with pre-post test design with control group assertiveness training with therapeutic intervention. This study measures the ability of assertive communication | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Effectiveness of Assertiveness Training Therapy to the Assertive Communication Skill of the Nursing Practice Students to the Inpatients Nurses student nursing clinical practice before and after people (55%). The results of statistical tests, the assertivenesstraining. students showed gender equality with (p value> 0.05). Respondents involved in this study a number of 60 people, with 30 people as the control group and 30 as the intervention group. The sampling used was simple random sampling that the sampling in such a way that each unit of the base (people) have the same opportunity to be taken as a sample (Polit & Hungler, 2006). Measuring equality characteristics in the control group and the intervention used Correlation test, equivalence test for assertive communication skills using the paired-t test. While the analysis of differences in assertive communication skills before and after the intervention using the Mann-Whitney U-test because the data are numerical and not normally distributed. Results Assertive communication skills of clinical practice of nursing students in the intervention group had a mean score of 35.83 (71.66%) with a standard deviation of 5.547 and the value of communication skills of students in the control group had an average of 20.60 (41.2%) with standard deviation value of 9.933. Statistical analysis showed the assertive communication skills of students is not equivalent or not homogeneous (p value <0.05). Based on the above table assertive communication skills of students in the intervention group after getting AT unknown mean values were 38.1 (76.2%) this means an increase in communications capability by an Average student nursing clinical practice average of 2.27 (4.54%). Assertive communication skills of students in the control 20,03 years old with the youngest 19 years old and the oldest 23 years of age. The test results group after group intervention known to get AT average rating of 21.2 (42.4%) this means an showed that the age of the student equality intervention and control groups are not increase of 0.63 (1.26%). equivalent to (p value <0.05). Gender characteristics of students in both groups were women amounts to at most 33 Statistical test results showed that there was a therapeutic effect on the ability of AT assertive communication where value (p value <0.05) in both the intervention group and the control group. Tabel 1.1 Pengaruh AT terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Asertif Mahasiswa Sebelum dan Sesudah Mendapatkan AT di Ruang Inap RSUD Kabupaten Kebumen Bulan Mei - Juni 2014 (n=60) Kelompok Intervensi Kontrol Mean Mean Sebelum Sesudah 35,80 38,10 20,60 21,20 Selisih Mean 2,27 0,63 SD Selisih 0,828 0,718 t p value 15,000 4,829 0,001 0,001 Differences in assertive communication skills of students in both groups were performed using Mann-Whitney analysis of U-Test. Tests have been selected because the data is numeric and the data are not normally distributed, and consist of 2 groups. The results of the analysis can be seen in table 1.2 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 49 Tabel 1.2 Perbedaan Kemampuan Komunikasi Asertif pada Kelompok Intervensi setelah Mendapatkan Terapi Assertivenes Training dan kemampuan komunikasi asertif pada Kelompok Kontrol setelah Kelompok Intervensi mendapatkan AT (n=60) Variable Intervensi (post test) Kontrol (post test) n Mean SD SE t p value 30 38,10 5,68 1,04 15,000 0,001 30 21,23 9,84 1,80 4,829 Based on Table 1.2 shows the ability of that the female gender is the most includes 33 assertive communication between the group of students who received assertiveness training people (55%) compared to male sex. Explained that women are able to feel and express with the group who did not receive therapy training assertivenes different from (p value emotions and desires than boys, because more men are taught to adapt to difficult situations <0.05). and stressful than using emotions and feelings (Mubayidh, 2006). This can affect the admission Discussion Based on the results, that the average age of 20.03 years students practice with the youngest 19 and the oldest 23 years old, and these results can be seen that the students belonging to the developmental phase of young adulthood. At this stage of development of an individual young adult is able to perform an intimate interaction with others (Keliat, et al, 2011). Age is a characteristic studied communications relating to a person’s ability to establish relationships with others because of the age of a person closely related to the experience of growing skills in dealing with various kinds of stressors, the ability to utilize sources of support and skills in coping mechanisms (Goleman, 1998). The research associated with increasing age also increase the person’s maturity, psychological maturity showed maturity, seen from the behavior of an increasingly discerning, capable of rational thinking, emotional control, and is considerate of others (Nurjanah, 2008). Another characteristic of this study were gender, based on the survey results revealed 50 to a treatment for behavior change. Assertive communication skills students in the intervention group needs before getting Assertiveness Training has an average score of 35.83 average values show that the communication ability of students still need to be improved. After getting treatment increased assertiveness training assertive communication skills average or an increase of 38.10 (4.54%) have increased three scores, This is consistent with the results of the study Deltsidou, (2008) who found that the level of assertiveness in the semester students end slightly increased after participating in learning about assertive behavior is often also called assertive communication skills. Assertive communication skills essential shared by all nurses and students as a qualified health practitioner at all levels of health care delivery. Many studies support the use of assertive communication skills in the delivery of clinical care. Although nurses assertive behavior has been investigated in many situations, the empirical evidence is still inadequate with respect to frequency and use | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Effectiveness of Assertiveness Training Therapy to the Assertive Communication Skill of the Nursing Practice Students to the Inpatients Nurses assertive communication skills by nurses and midwives in clinical care so that it will have an impact on the study process of clinical practice in the hospital on the student (Timmins & McCabe , 2005). benefits of what will be gained during the training assertiveness therapy (Will & Daisley, 1995). Assertive behavior should be encouraged through learning methods. Student nurses Assertive communication skills of students should receive this training during the study, therapists have an important role in the in the control group before the intervention therapy group assertiveness training average improvement and achievement assertivenes training curriculum for students (Deltsidou, value of 20.60 indicates that the communication ability of students is still below the average 2008). Results of research conducted by Begley and Glacken (2004) states that students who standard assessment scores. This group of students communication skills at the end of the are involved in activities assertiveness skills training will be more effective than having the measurement after the intervention AT mandapatkan average to 21.2 (42.4%), this communication skills to nursing students who are not trained for the study. means an increase of 0.63 (1.26%). Improved communication skills that experienced by the The results showed significant differences control group of students who are not given the AT is not too significant, but this may occur could be caused by the possibility of students learn to communicate assertively with the modeled room nurses, peers and fellow students practice (Shukri & Zulkarnain, 2008) The results showed the therapeutic effect of the training assertivenes assertive communication skills of nursing students clinical practice with p <0.05. Hypothesis which says there is no treatment effect assertivenes training on assertive communication skills of students rejected. The big difference in the ability of assertive communication between the student before or after this intervention proves that this approach, which assertivenes therapy training to improve communication skills assertive students have a different effect or influence Assertive communication requires selfawareness of the student’s attitude for communicating with clients, clinical instructor, and the peer group. Without self-awareness, not be followed by a change in attitude and behavior. Aspects of attitude may change if there is a cognitive understanding of the purpose and in assertive communication skills therapy students were given the AT with the control group with p <0.05. Hypothesis which says there are no significant differences in assertive communication skills to students who get the AT AT is not getting rejected. Group therapy Assertiveness Training support students to understand and respond to any emotional response that is raised as a result of client unmet client needs (Townsend, 2014). Assertiveness training, self training students receive the emotions themselves, accept client emotions, thinking about how to respond to emotions with active clients. Students will understand that in a way that is aggressive or passive every time we face a client complaint, will not have a positive impact on the relationship nurses (student) with client (Gotman & DeClaire, 2008). Spread differential assertive communication skills in the group receiving group therapy training Assertiveness significantly higher than the group who did not receive therapy group assertiveness training. At the beginning of the intervention, assertive communication skills before therapy is not the same / heterogeneous 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 51 between the two groups, but after receiving the intervention showed a significant difference in The difference in the ability of assertive communication between groups of students who the rise of the assertive communication skills in the control group. The lack of a heterogeneous get assertiveness therapy training with the group who did not receive therapy training condition assertive communication skills of students between the intervention group with the assertiveness significantly different . control group is due, before the intervention, the researchers did not test the homogeneity according to plan. Homogeneity test was not done because of the limited number of samples. although researchers knew that the homogeneity test is very important to improve Acknowledgment References Begley, C.M., Glacken, M., 2004. 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Journal of advanced Nursing. 12 (4) Jul, pp 505513.diakses dari www.scholar google.com pada 8 april 2014. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 55 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE KEY-DETERMINANT FACTORS OF DEPRESSION LEVEL IN ELDERY PATIENTS Shintha Silaswati, Muftadi, Rizqika Nurlis Manda Putri STIKes Bani Saleh Bekasi E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Eldery is a condition of person who reached an age more than 60 years. The existance of eldery is considered as family and surrounding community burden with changes both physical and psychology make an eldery as vulnerable groups to make problems complicated especially depression. Assessment on the factors that affect the level of depression in the elderly patients are very important. The aims of the study was to know the factors that affect the level of depression in the eldery patients. The study was conducted at the Budi Dharma Geriatric Home in Bekasi. Method: The research method were descriptive design with Cross-Sectional approaches. The number of samples was 86 eldery patients in the Budi Dharma Geriatric Home in Bekasi. To analysis the data, we applied univariate and bivariate methods (Chi Square with ñ value< 0,05). Results: The result of the research revealed that elderly patients with the mild levels of depression were 58,1%, while with the severe levels of depression were 41,9%. The bivariate analysis indicated that only geriatric nursing syndrome influence the depression level of the patients (ñ value < 0,05). Whereas, other factors such as sex ratio, ages, daily activity, social support and history of the health have no influence with the level of depression (ñ value > 0,05). The results suggested that it will be necessary to implement a valid and reliable and comprehensive geriatric nursing syndrome measurement with increase the number of population and larger samples. Keywords: Depression, Elderly, Nursing Home, Geriatric Nursing Syndrome. 57 Introduction The increase of life expectancy has an impact on the increasing number of population on the aged over 60 years. The presence of elderly is always negative, as a burden in the family and in the surrounding community. It leads to a perception that when we get older, we will be more experience with health problems. (Nugroho, 2008). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), within the last few years, starting in 2010, the elderly population had reached 350 million people, 20% of elderly person lived with depression. In 2011, among 250 million elderly people, 19% of them lived with depression. In 2012, the number of elderly population had reached 680 million people and 32% live with depression. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, the number of elderly in Indonesia physical and psycho-social (Rachmawati, 2008). Depression phenomenon also occurs in geriatric home. Syamsuddin (2006) stated that most of elderly people want to live and loved with and by their family, as well as to have a good attention and a care from them. However, in reality, most of elderly people do not have a good care from their family due to some factors, e.g. no children/family, their children passed away, daily activities of their family, no attention to their parents and other reasons. Those factors cannot be well accepted by the elderly people (Ollyvia, 2012). This study was conducted in Bekasi. The geriatric home is owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Based on the initial survey conducted by the authors at Tresna Whreda Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi the elderly people who increases every year. In 2008, among 9.5 million elderly people, 20% lived with depression. In live in this geriatric home were abandoned by their family and through an observation, there were some elderly who show symptoms of 2009, among 11.3 million people, 18% lived with depression. Among 19.5 million elderly, 32% depression. Based on this phenomenon, this study will examine the level of depression in the lived with depression in 2011 (Isaac, 2013). According to the data which is released by elderly and the factors that influence in TresnaWhreda Budi Dharma Geriatric Home government, there are 264,080 of 2,888,548 elderly which have their condition neglected in Bekasi, to identify the factors that caused depression in the elderly in TresnaWhreda West Java. The majority of the elderly are abandoned and living in a poor economic Bekasi Geriatric Home in 2014. condition. The phenomenon was revealed in Rapat Kerja Daerah (Rakerda) or Regional Methods Work Meeting, Lembaga Lanjut Usia Indonesia (LLUI) or Institute for Indonesian Elderly in Dinas using descriptive design intended to examine a phenomenon based on empirical facts in the Kesehatan Jawa Barat. Head of Social Service of West Java, Aip Rivai, stated that 1,580 elderly field with the cross sectional approaches. In data processing, the authors used an 86 respondents have been accommodated in Social Institution, Geriatric Home Tresna Wreda which are owned of the TresnaWhreda Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi that fit to the criteria. The research by government and private (Pelita, 2014). period was conducted in between 1 February to 21 April 2014. The elderly people are vulnerable with their This type of research was a quantitative health problems especially the level of depression caused by various changes both in 58 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Key-Determinant Factors of Depression Level in Eldery Patients Results Table 1. Distribution of respondents by gender in the level of depression in the elderly population in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi. Year 2014 (n = 86) Gender Male Female Total Level of Depression Moderate to Mild to Moderate Psychotic n % n % 15 50,00% 15 50,00% 35 62,50% 21 37,50% 50 58,10% 36 41,90% Amount n 30 56 86 pvalue % 100% 100% 100% 0,373 95% CI 0,245 1,472 OR 0,6 Based on the Table 1, the result of the moderate to psychotic depression level by gender revealed that the percentage of male is higher than female with 50% of 15 male respondents and 37.5% of 21 female respondents. The results obtained (Chi-square = 0.373; p value> 0.05) indicated that there is insignificant impact by gender for the level of depression in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi, and 95% CI = 0.245 to 1.472 with OR = 0.600. It means that the female respondents have 0,600 times higher risk for moderate to psychotic depression compared to male respondents. Table 2. Distribution of respondents by age in the level of depression in the elderly population in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi Year 2014 (n = 86) Level of Depression Age 60-74yo ? 75 yo Total Mild to Moderate n 33 17 50 % 64,70% 48,60% 58,10% Moderate to Psychotic n % 18 35,30% 18 51,40% 36 41,90% Amount n 51 35 86 pvalue % 100% 100% 100% 0,205 95% CI 0,808 4,666 OR 1,941 Based on Table 2, the result of moderate to psychotic depression level by age 60-74 year old displayed 35.3% of 18 respondents and 51.4% of 18 respondents by age above 75. Statistical results obtained 0.355 (p value> 0.05) and concluded that there is no significant impact by age for the level of depression in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi, and 95% CI = 0.808 to 4.666 with OR = 1.941, it means that the respondents aged above 75 year old have 1.941 times higher risk compare to 60-74 year old respondents. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 59 Table 3. Distribution of respondents based on daily activities in the level of depression in the elderly population in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi Year 2014 (n = 86) Level of Depression Daily Activities Mild to moderate dependency Moderate to complex needs dependency Total Mild to Moderate n 39 % 61,90% Moderate to Psychotic n % 24 38,10% Amount n 63 pvalue 95% CI OR 0,355 0,677 1,773 % 100% 11 47,80% 12 52,20% 23 100% 50 58,10% 36 41,90% 86 100% 4,645 Based on Table 3, the result of moderate to psychotic depression level by daily activities shows 38.1% of 24 respondents with mild to moderate dependency and 52.2% of 12 respondents with moderate to complex needs dependency. Statistical results obtained 0.355 (p value> 0.05) and can be concluded that there is no significant impact by age for the level of depression in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi, and 95% CI = 0.808 to 4.666 with OR = 1.941. It means that the respondents aged above 75 year old have 1.941 times higher risk compared to 60-74 year old respondents. Tabel 4. Distribution of respondents based on nursing geriatric syndromes in the level of depression in the elderly population in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi Year 2014 (n = 86) Geriatric Nursing Syndrom 2 types of disorders > 2 types of disorders Total Level of Depression Amount pvalue 95% CI OR 0,001 1,994 5,25 n 30 % 78,90% Moderate to Psychotic n % 8 21,10% 20 41,70% 28 58,30% 48 100% - 50 58,10% 36 41,90% 86 100% 13,825 Mild to Moderate n 38 % 100% Based on the Table 4, the result of moderate to psychotic depression level by nursing geriatric syndromes showed that 21.1% of 8 respondents with less than 2 kinds of disorders and 58.3% of 28 respondents with more than 2 kinds of disorders. Statistical results obtained 0.001 (p value < 0.05) and concluded that there is no significant impact by age for the level of depression in PSTW Budi Dharma Bekasi, and 95% CI = 1.994 to 13.825 with OR = 5.250. It means that the respondents with more than 2 kinds of disorders have 5.250 times higher risk compared toless than 2 kinds of disorders. 60 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Key-Determinant Factors of Depression Level in Eldery Patients Table 5. Distribution of respondents by level of social support in depression level in the elderly population in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi Year 2014 (n = 86) Level of Depression Social Support Supporting Not supporting Total Mild to Moderate n 24 26 50 % 70,60% 50,00% 58,10% Moderate to Psychotic n % 10 29,40% 26 50,00% 36 41,90% Amount n 34 52 86 pvalue % 100% 100% 100% 0,095 95% CI 0,96 6 OR 2,4 Based on the Table 5, the result of moderate to psychotic depression level by social support resulted 29.4% of 10 respondents with social support and 50.0% of 26 respondents without social support. Statistical results obtained 0.095 (p value > 0.05) and can be concluded that there is no significant impact by social support in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi, and 95% CI = 0.960 to 6.000 with OR = 2.400, it means that the respondents without social support have 2.400 times higher risk compared torespondents with social support. Table 6. Distribution of respondents based on the history of patient on the level of depression in the elderly population in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi Year 2014 (n = 86) Level of Depression History of Patient ? 2 types of diseases > 2 types of diseases Total Amount pvalue 95% CI OR 0,291 0,706 2,019 n 42 % 61,80% Moderate to Psychotic n % 26 38,20% 8 44,40% 10 55,60% 18 100% - 50 58,10% 36 41,90% 86 100% 5,773 Mild to Moderate n 68 % 100% Total 50 58.1% 36 41.9% 86 100% Based on Table 6, the result of moderate to psychotic depression level by type of diseases shows 38.2% of 26 respondents who have less than 2 types of diseases and 55.6% of 10 respondents who have more than 2 types of diseases. Statistical results obtained 0.291 (p value > 0.05) and concluded that there is no significant impact by type of diseases in Budi Dharma Geriatric Home Bekasi, and 95% CI = 0.706 to 5.773 with OR = 2.019. It means that the respondents with more than 2 types of diseases have 2.019 times higher risk compared to respondents with less than 2 type of diseases. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 61 Discussion Based on the results of the bivariate analysis in this study, the p value> 0.05 is 0.373, it can be concluded that there is no significant influence by gender in the level of depression. The results of this study are consistent with the results of Ratna (2013) that concluded that there is no relevancy between the gender with depression in the elderly in UPTD Rumah Sejahtera Geunaseh Sayang Ulee Kareng Banda Acehin 2013. The p value> 0.05 is obtained 0.205, it can be concluded that there is no significant impact by age in the level of depression. The results of this study are consistent with the results of the study Ollyvia (2012) that stated that there is no relevancy between age and levels of depression in elderly in Geriatric Home Tresna Whreda Budi Mulia 4 South Jakarta. Theory of Nevid (2003) stated that the age of the depression can become chronic if the depression appears for the first time at the age of above 60 year old. Based on the results of a study of elderly patients with depression in a period of 6 years depression treatment, approximately 80% of the patients did Whreda Mulia Dharma Geriatric Home Kabupaten Kubu Raya” The value> 0.05 is obtained 0.129 which stated that no relevancy with the activity patterns of stress level. of the elderly in Nursing Home Tresna Whreda Mulia Dharma Botanical District. Theory of Sugiarto (2005) stated Activities of Daily Living (ADL) is a routine activity undertaken by humans. The ability of daily activities decreases at our old age, the decrease in the function of the body organs due to the aging process experienced by the elderly. Daily activities are such as bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence, feeding and up down the stairs. These assessments are helpful to know type of activities that the elderly people do every day, and are being independence in performing daily activities. The daily activities of elderly with moderate-severe dependence have 1,773 times higher risk compared with respondents who selfdependence, because the condition of having moderate-severe dependence can not perform daily activities optimally as the elderly who are severely ill, this makes elderly people need assistance in performing daily activities. not recover but continue have depression due to the decrease in the function of the organs of There is no significant impact between the daily activities in the level of depression. The p the body, as well as the increasing age e” 75 years that a person would also have a 1.941 value> 0.05 is obtained 0.355. The results of this study are consistent with the results of times greater risk for moderate to severe depression due to old age will tend to decline in Diamond, et al (2013), the title “Relationship Activity Patterns of Basic Needs Fulfillment With memory (often forgotten), sleep disorder, and decreased physical conditions and weak. Stress Levels of Elderly In Nursing Home Tresna Whreda Mulia Dharma Kubu Raya District” The The p value> 0.05 is obtained 0,355t in this study and can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the activities of daily life in the level of depression. The results of this study are consistent with the results of the study Diamond, et al (2013), the title “Relationship Activity Patterns of Basic Needs Fulfillment With Elderly Stress Levels In Tresna 62 value> 0.05 is obtained 0.129 which stated that there is no relevancy with the activity patterns of stress level of the elderly in Nursing Home Tresna Whreda Mulia Dharma Botanical District. Based on the results of the bivariate analysis in this study, the p value> 0.05 is obtained 0.095, it can be concluded that there is no significant impact of social support in | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Key-Determinant Factors of Depression Level in Eldery Patients depression levels. The results of this study are hormones, enzymes, and substances that are not in line with the results of the Goddess (2011), the title “The Relationship Between Social required for immunity. Support With Depression Levels In Geriatric Home Whreda In Jakarta (Quantitative Study of Conclusions This study shows that there is only nursing Two Institutions In Whreda)” The value <0.05 is obtained 0.000, which stated that there is the geriatric syndromes (GNS) has the impact on the depression level of elderly (p value <0.05 is influence of the support social to the elderly. The theory is supported by Hestie (2008) entitled 0.001) . as follows: “The Relationship Between Social Support With Depression In Elderly” The value <0.05 is obtained 0.002 which statesd that there is irrelevant between social support and 1. There is no significant impact by gender in the level of depression of the elderly (p value> 0.05 is 0.373). 2. depression in the elderly. The difference of the results obtained the differences of instrument There is no significant impact by age in the level of depression of the elderly (p value> 0.05 is 0.205). and research location. 3. There is no significant relevancy between the level of depression and medical history . The p value> 0.05 is obtained 0.291, it can be concluded that the results of this study are consistent with the results of Ayu (2011) entitled daily activities and depresion level of the elderly (p value> 0.05 is 0.355). 4. 5. diseases and illness. One of the factors that can trigger depression is a physical health condition. The cause of the disease in the elderly generally comes from within the body (endogenous), as There is no significant relevancy between social support and depression level of the elderly (p value> 0.05 is 0.095). conditionand depression condition of the elderly in nursing home. According to Maryam, et al (2008), elderly people are seen and considered as the biological degeneration along with various There is a significant relevancy between nursing geriatric syndrom and depression level of the; statistical result was obtained 0.001 (p value <0.05) “Genesis And Depression In Elderly Level Comparative Study In Nursing Home and Community” . The value> 0.05 is obtained 0.626 which stated that there is no relevancy of health There is no significant relevancy between 6. There is no significant relevancy between medical history and depression level ofthe elderly (p value> 0.05 is 0.291). Acknowledgment For Tresna Whreda Budi Dharma Geriatric well as someone who was getting older it has> 2 types of disease and tend to have 2,019 times Home Bekasi nursing is expected to minimize depression in old age through early detection higher risk for moderate to severe depression. 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Bandung: Alfabeta. 66 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE EFFECT OF EDUCATIVE BLOG ABOUT DIABETES MELLITUS (DM) TO FASTING BLOOD GLUCOSE ON DIABETIC IN PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER WIROBRAJAN Maya1, Erfin Firmawati2, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is the important causes of morbidity and mortality in the world that needed long time care. If diabetic did not control and not true to treat her illness, it can cause complications. One treatment of DM is health education that can given used internet acces and it can changes behavior of diabetic more positive and can control blood glucose to prevent compication of DM. To know effect of educative blog about diabetes melitus (DM) toward fasting blood glucose on diabetic in public health center Wirobrajan. Methods: This research used quasi experiment with two group pretest-postest and control group design. Sampling technique used purposive sampling with 48 diabetic respondents. Data collection researcher do check blood glucose, while data analys is used Paired Wilcoxon Signed Rank test dan Mann-Whitney U. Result: The results showed that there are not significant different between intervention and control group after given educative blog about DM toward fasting blood glucose level with p value 0.63 (p>0.05). Conclusions: Educative blog about DM did not affect to blood glucose. Keywords: blood glucose,diabetes mellitus, educative blog. Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO)3 in 2007th Indonesia was ranked 4 with Diabetes Mellitus is an important causes of morbidity, mortality, and disability in the world highest number of diabetic in the world, as many as 8.4 million people with diabetes in 2000th and that needed long-term care and DM is a problem that many happened in developing countries, is predicted can increase 21.3 million in 2030th. including Indonesia (Suyono, 2007)1. Number of diabetic in Indonesia is high, because dietary behavior of diabetic is low, of Based on reports the International Diabetes 98 respondents was 60.1% of respondents did not obedient to do diet (Widyastuti, 2012)4. Federeation (IDF) 2 in 2013th, the number of diabetic in the world as many as 282 million people and can increase to 592 million in 2035th. 67 Beside of that, diabetic in Indonesia high Blog is a media that easier to accessed because life style and obesity (Suyono, 2007). through gadgets like mobile phones, which is currently many used by public. Almost all Diabetes is a chronic disease that must controlled, therefore people with diabetes should always maintain blood glucose within normal limits (Waspadji, 2009)5. If blood glucose levels of diabetic not controlled and handled properly, it can causes many kind complications such as hyperglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic foot complications, diabetic retinopathy, and erectile dysfunction (International Diabetes Federation/IDF, 2013)6. According study by 7 Indonesian people used gadgets and as many as 95% just to access social media (Merdeka, 2013)13. Gadgets like mobile phones currently available with a variety of features that can be directly connected to the internet, so that patients can consult whenever and not limits hours of work practice medical team (Gloriane & Ayub, 2009)14. Therefore, the researchers tried to examine Maarifuddin and Burhanudin (2013) of 20 respondent, 16 respondent had level blood the influence of an educativeblog about DM toward blood glucose levels type 2 diabetes glucose is bad with average of blood glucose > 140 mg/dl. patients in the territory work Public Health Centers of Wirobrajan. Efforts to prevent the serious condition and complications of diabetes, therefore treatment Methods of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia standardized into 4 pillars include meal planning, physical exercise, medicine, and education participation (Association of Indonesian Endocrine/ PERKENI, 2006)8. Education is one of the the program that can improve knowledge of diabetic, dietary behavior more better and blood sugar levels is controlled (Soegondo, 2009)9. According to the Departemen kesehatan RI (DEPKES RI)10 (2008) effort to delivery health promotion messages can given with indirectly through media such as gadgets delivered with accessing the Internet which is now highly developed, such as blog. Health education through web access used gadgets have a positive impact such as increased knowledge, changes in dietary behavior, physical activity and blood glucose control, as well as decreased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides (Hyu, Parsons, Mamdani, Levobic, Shah et al, 2012)11; McMahon, Gomes, Hohne Jye Hu, Levine & This study used a quantitative research method with Quasi exsperiment design with pretest-posttest control group. The population in this study were all patients with type 2 diabetes who are at the Public Health Center of Wirobrajan. Sampling technique used purposive sampling, researcher include respondents based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and the researchers obtained 48 respondents were divided into 24 intervention group and 24 control group. The variable in this study is blood glucose levels of patients with type 2 diabetes in Public Health Center of Wirobrajan region. Blood glucose levels were measured at pre-test and post-test used glukotest. Results of the measurement is categorized by scale ratio when scores on blood glucose is reduce that showed blood glucose levels is normal. The research instrument was a glukotest to measure blood glucose levels. Conclin , 2005)12. 68 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Effect of Educative Blog About Diabetes Mellitus (DM) to Fasting Blood Glucose on Diabetic in Public Health Center Wirobrajan The statistical test that used to determine differences blood glucose levels before and after given educative blogs about DM on one group pretest-posttest intervention and control are used Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and, to compare results of the measurement blood glucose levels in the two groups during the post-test group used Mann-whiney U. Results 1. The effect of an educational blog about DM toward fasting blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes patients at Public Health Center of Wirobrajan. a. Difference test to one group The difference results of the pretest-posttest levels Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) Table 1. Comparison Value of Different Levels pretest-posttest FBG on Intervention and Control Group in Public Health Center of Wirobrajan (N = 40) Pretest MR SR 9,65 96,5 8,54 102,5 Intervensi (n=20) Control (n=20) Postest MR SR 10,39 93,5 11,42 68,5 Z 0,6 7,41 p 0,95 0,46 Table 1 shows the increase value of Mean Rank blood glucose on the intervention group and the control group, Mean Rank intervention group at pre-test= 9.56 and at post-test = 10.39 and the value of Mean Rank control group at pretest = 8.54 and posttest = 11.42. Based on the analysis of data with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test both the intervention and control groups showed no significant difference in blood glucose levels with value p> 0.05. b. Different test to two groups The difference in the results of fasting blood glucose level between the intervention group and the control group Table 2. Comparison of Different Value fasting blood glucose level between intervention and control groups in the Public Health Center of Wirobrajan (N = 40) FBG Pretest Postest Intervensi (n=20) MR SR 22,92 458,5 23,92 478,5 Kontrol (n=20) MR SR 18,08 361,5 17,08 341,5 U P 151,5 131,5 0,19 0,63 Based on Table 2, it showed the value of Mean Rank at pretest in the intervention group=22.92 while the control group=18.08 and after the test used the Mann-Whitney U test obtained p 0.19 (p > 0.05). At the posttest Mean Rank values in the intervention group=23.92, while in the control group=17.08 and after the test used the Mann-Whitney U test obtained p 0.63 (p> 0.05). It can be concluded that there is no significant effect of educational blogs about diabetes on blood glucose levels of respondents. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 69 Discussion The results from different test between the two groups pretest-pretest obtained p 0.19 (p> 0.05) and the posttest-posttest p 0.63 (p> 0.05). It can be concluded that there is no influence of educational blogs on blood glucose levels then H0 is rejected. In addition to adherence to diet, physical activity such as exercise can also affect blood glucose levels diabetic patients who are not controlled by the researcher at this time. Studies conducted by Dewi (2013)17 shows that the practice of sports that are less able to cause fasting blood glucose levels are not normal, this There is not significant effect on blood is in line with research conducted by Achmad (2011)18 that regular exercise associated with glucose levels may be causes to limited time, researcher used 2 weeks to do reseach, so that success in the management of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 diabetes such as the blood glucose levels of the respondents have not been fully controlled and can be viewed by uncontrolled blood glucose levels. the data pretest and posttest in both groups average fasting blood glucose level of respondents >126 mg/dl. This is supported by studies conducted by McMahon et al., (2005)12 who showed that a decrease in glucose levels in patients with diabetes control is low during Stress factors also affect the patient’s blood glucose levels, which are not controlled by the researcher. Based on studies conducted by Putri (2009)19 that there is a relationship of stress with uncontrolled blood glucose levels and an increase in the blood glucose levels of In addition, there are several things that can respondents. Research conducted by Nugroho and Purwanti (2010)20 said blood glucose levels in patients who are experiencing stress tend to affect blood sugar levels such as medication adherence antihipoglikemi (OHO) which are not rise. In addition, obesity factors can also affect the blood glucose levels are not controlled by controlled by the researcher. Studies conducted by Mihardja (2009) 15 reported that the researchers, according to Ilyas (2007)21 obesity causes insulin receptors on target cells adherence to the diabetes medication blood glucose levels of diabetic can be controlled, throughout the body less sensitive and thus reduced the amount of insulin in the blood can Mihardja also delivered one of the causes of uncontrolled blood glucose level is the amount not be exploited and cause glucose levels in blood is high. of food consumed by diabetic which include errors in dosage amount of food that will be Conclusion the 1-year study. consumed. Obedience of diabetic to management of eating such as the amount of the meal, type and schedule can also affect the blood glucose levels of DM patients. Studies conducted by Widyastuti There is no effect of educative blog about DM toward blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes patients in Public Health Center of Wirobrajan. Acknowledgment 16 (2012) say that almost all respondents of the study after the analysis does not adhere to the diet and this could potentially affect the balance of blood glucose levels of respondents. 70 We are very thankful to the health centre of Wirobrajan, for allowing us to conduct this study and we would extend a special thanks to all the respondents for their useful information and | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Effect of Educative Blog About Diabetes Mellitus (DM) to Fasting Blood Glucose on Diabetic in Public Health Center Wirobrajan cooperation. We hope this study will make a evaluating a web based self management positive impact on their lives in the future. This work was supported by School of Nursing site for patient with type 2 diabetessystematic website development. Journal Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta. 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No. 9 Widyastuti, W. (2012). Hubungan Antara Depresi Dengan Kepatuhan Melaksankan Diit Pada Diabetisi di Pekalongan. Diploma III. Stikes Muhamadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan. Vol. IV No. 1. Dewi, R.P. (2013). Faktor resiko perilaku yang berhubungan dengan kadar gula darah pada penderita DM tipe 2 di RSUD Kabupaten Karanganyar. Jurnal kesehatan masyarakat. Volume 2, No.1. Straus, S.E. (2012). Designing and 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 71 Achmad, Y. (2011). Hubungan antara 4 pilar pengelolaan DM dengan keberhasilan pengelolaan DM tipe 2. Artikel Ilmiah. Semarang: Universitas Diponegoro. R.N. (2009). Hubungan tingkat stres klien DM tipe 2 dengan kadar glukosa darah di Poliklinik khusus penyakit dalam RSUP DR. M. Djamil. Penelitian Keperawatan Medikal Bedah. Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Andalas. lyas, E.I. (2007). Olahraga bagi diabetesi. Jakarata: FKUI. 72 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: SELF REGULATION AND ANXIETY ON HOME VISIT AND CLINICAL VISIT (A COHORT STUDY IN POSTPARTUM MOTHER) Giari Rahmilasari1, Avip Syaefullah2, Vita Murniati Tarawan3 1 STIKES Aisyiyah Bandung, Indonesia 2,3 Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Literature rivews on postpartum care show that home visit, could enhance knowledge and self regulation ability during postpartum period, also reduce anxiety and depression among post partum women. The ability of postpartum women on self regulation assumed be able to reduced maternal and infant morbidity and mortality rate. Methods: To prove that assumption, a prospective cohort study with observational technique was done. STAI was used to measure anxiety and questionnaire made by Miller, Brown and Lawendowsky (1999) was used to measured self regulation. Results: show no difference between maternal anxiety who receive home visitation and who visit the clinic p=0.480 (p > 0.05). This could happen because all of the respondents used Jampersal. However, there are significant differences between self-regulation mothers receiving home visit with those who visit a clinic that is p=0.048 (p < 0.05). The difference in time of visit (3rd day, 6th day, and 14th day), there is no significant difference between the anxiety with home visits and clinic visits, all in all it shows p value> 0.05 (p = 0.725 , p = 803 , and p=0.677), whereas on self-regulation, there are significant differences in self-regulation on the 14th day where p value = 0.042 (p < 0.05). There is no correlation between anxiety with home visits and clinic visits, and there is no relationship between self-regulation with home visits and clinic visits, all with p value > 0.05. Multivariate analysis finds that mothers having high anxiety are 1.27 times at risk on lower regulation. Conclusion: home visits at least on the 6th day or on the 14th day is necessary, as it is known that on the 6th day anxiety occurs its highest, and self- regulation abilities show their lowest, while on the 14th day home visits can affect the ability of self-regulation. Keywords: anxiety, clinic visits, home visit, postpartum, self- regulation. 73 Introduction Physiological changes during postpartum period have impacts on psychological changes due to the fact that puerperium is a stressful transitional period4. The first one to three days after delivery is the time when women are in the phase of dependency on others in terms of getting comfort, rest, and nutrition. This period is the appropriate time for health care workers to provide guidance and learning on postpartum care, because these women usually feel unable to control the situation and have the eagerness to learn and apply every advice from others to meet their needs and their baby’s needs.5. . anxiety level between postpartum women who received home visit and those who did clinical visits as well as to reveal the correlation between self-regulation and anxiety in women who received home visits and those who did clinical visits. Methods This study observed postpartum women on the third, sixth, and 14th days after delivery. Respondents were postpartum women who gave birth in Puskesmas with in-patient service (Puskesmas DTP) in Bandung City who met the inclusion, exclusion and minimum sample size criteria and willing to participate in Postpartum women who stay at home can learn and make adjustments safely and the study after receiving information followed by informed consent signing. comfortably, enable them to control their emotional state. On the contrary, postpartum The questionnaires used wereSelf women who stay in the hospital can easily feel anxious and vulnerable, which may lead to postpartum blues or to a more severe condition, namely postpartum depression3, 6. It is presumed that by prevention through self-regulation may overcome the anxiety among postpartum Regulation Quetionnaire (SRQ) and State Trait Anxiety Inventory STAI). Only the anxiety part of the STAI questionnaire was used, i.e. using 20 adjectives (r = 0.96). Translation into Indonesian was performed using back translation method, interpretation was based on women14. the average assessment in the study with a common division of anxiety based on normal Early postpartum discharge, which is currently the policy of the health care facilities, distribution28. The self-regulation questionnaire used was Self Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ) requires a good follow-up care, as a key to improved service satisfaction during the based on Miller & Brown, 199145. postpartum period18. The follow-up care can be given at home (home visit) and in the clinic (clinical visit). Several studies reveal that the home visit in populations at risk, has not been able to ease the burden of health and social problems; therefore home visit to all postpartum women is expected to reach clients with special needs who may not seek help out of the house 19. 3 . Thus, the purpose of this study was to The validity testing of the questionaires was conducted in two stages, direct validity (professional /expert judgment) with expert consultation (DR. Intaglia Harsanti., S.Psi., MSI), and derivative validity testing (statistical testing). The results of the validity testing on the anxiety questionnaire (STAI ) produced 10 items on anxiety statements with R = 0.866 and r = 0.484 to 0.806. For the self-regulation questionnaire, 16 items were stated as good items (valid) with R = 0.914 and r = 0.308 to 0.80661. measure the difference in self-regulation and 74 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Self Regulation and Anxiety on Home Visit and Clinical Visit (A Cohort Study in Postpartum Mother) Results The following table describes the frequency distribution of the respondent characteristics: Tabel 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents Home Visit n = 21 5 13 3 7 11 3 % p <25 25-35 > 35 Primiparous Multiparous Grandmultiparous Clinical Visit n = 20 10 9 1 12 7 1 n = 41 15 22 4 19 18 4 36.6 53.7 9.7 46.3 43.9 9.8 0,185 Elementary school 3 4 7 17.07 Junior High School Senior High School 8 6 14 34.14 8 8 16 39.02 Higher Education 1 3 4 9.75 Characteristics Age Parity Education Total 0.204 0.704 Chi Square test Table 1 illustrates that the number of respondents who did clinical visit and home visit tend to be distributed evenly, i.e. 20 people did clinical visits and 21 people did home visit with a total respondents were 41 people. Most of the respondents aged 25-35 years old (53.7%), Almost half of them were primiparous women (46.3%) with 39.02% were high school graduates. Anxiety and Self-Regulation of Women who Received Home Visit and Clinical Visit The difference in the anxiety and self-regulation scores in postpartum women is listed in table 2 below: Table 2. Differences in Anxiety based on the Place of Service Delivery (Home visit and clinical visit) Mean Visit classification Day 3 Day 6 Day 14 Clinical Visit Home Visits 29,05 29,45 29,6 29,714 29,857 28,952 P value 0.480 Wilk's Lambda test (General Linear Model) Women who received home visits were able to reduce their anxiety on day 14, which is better than women who did clinical visits. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 75 Table 3. Differences in Self-Regulation data was controlled by methods of service based on the Place of Service Delivery provided: (Home visit and clinical visit) Mean Visit Clinical Home classification p Value Visit Visit Day 3 60.150 64.667 0,003 * Day 6 35,25 32,429 Day 14 34,7 42,619 Table 4. Relationship between Anxiety and Self-Regulation The results showed no association between anxiety and self-regulation (p> 0.005). The relationship and the probabiity of anxiety can actually be observed by controlling other Time of Visit Wilk's Lambda test (General Linear Model) Table 3 shows that there are differences in self-regulation between women who received home visits and clinical visits, with a significant value of p = 0.003 (p <0.05). The mean scores indicate that women who received home visits had higher scores. The same is true for day 14. It is clear that women who received home visits could regulate themselves better on day 14. Relationship between Anxiety and SelfRegulation Day 3 Day 6 Day 14 Pearson Test R p value 0, 268 0, 091 -0.1 67 0, 296 -0.0 30 0, 853 variables. The following is the end result of modeling of the relationship between visit and self-regulation after controlling the age, education, and parity (adjusted association) (see table 5) The following table shows the relationship between anxiety and self-regulation after the Table 5. Relationship between Self Regulation and Anxiety, Age, Education and Parity Regulation Highmedium Visit home Age Group <25 25-35 > 35 Education Elementary School Junior high school Senior high school Higher education Parity Primiparous (1) Multiparous (2-3) Grandmultiparous (> 3) 76 Anxiety day 3 Crude OR (P value) Anxiety 6th day Anxiety day 14 0.95 (0.945) 1.6 (0.492) 1.36 (0.624) 1.97 (0.280) 0.9 (0.867) 1.1 (0,879) 1.8 (0.387) ~ (0,999) 1.65 (0.458) 1.14 (0.906) 1.37 (0.638) 1.14 (0.906) 0.417 (0.355) 0.96 (0.986) ~ (0,999) 0.3 (0,213) 1.25 (0.809) ~ (0,999) 0.417 (0.355) 0.750 (-, 753) ~ (0,999) 1.71 (0.626) 0.8 (0.840) 1.71 (0.626) 0.636 (0.626) 1.39 (0,619) 3.33 (0.33) | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Self Regulation and Anxiety on Home Visit and Clinical Visit (A Cohort Study in Postpartum Mother) Table 6. Final model of the relationship between Anxiety and Self-regulation with Age, Education, and Parity Controlled Variables Regulation Anxiety Day 6 adjOR 95% CI 1.81 Anxiety day 14 adjOR 95% CI (0.351 to 9.36) 1.20 (0.281 to 513) Logistic Regression Test On day 6 and 14, women who have high regulation had the possibility to have higher anxiety compared to women with lower self-regulation at home after visit, age, education, and parity variables were controlled. Table 7. Final Model of Relationship between Service Method (Visit) and Self-regulation with age, education, and parity controlled Regulation Variables day 3 adjOR 95% CI Visit 3.03 (0.26) 0.43-21 Logistic Regression Test Regulation day 6 adjOR 95% CI 0.18 (0.54) 0.03-1.03 Regulation day 14 adjOR 95% CI 1.86 (0.41) 0.42-8,15 On day 3 and 14, women who visited have higher anxiety (1.97 times) compared to clinics had 3.03 times higher risk to have low regulation compared to women who received women who visited clinic. On day 14, the home visited women have 1.1 times higher possibility home visit after the age, education, and parity variables were controlled. to be anxious compared to those who went on clinical visits. The older the women, the more Discussion anxious they are compared to women with younger age. The parity data also show the the In general, delivery, even if it is a normal/ spontaneous delivery, can be stressful for women who undergo the process. This is observed especially on day 6, when the anxiety and self-regulation in home visits and clinical visits reach the lowest score. This is due to an increase in anxiety on day 5 and 10 after4. The transition period lasts for 1-14 days, with a peak on day 566. higher the parity, the more anxious the postpartum women are. Financial concerns as the most frequently found concerns among postpartum women (in addition to appearance after childbirth, and household chores as the things that mostly contribute to postpartum women anxiety) 68 are no longer found in this study because all respondents were participants of the On day 6, women with medium to high regulation have a 1.6 times higher possibility to Jamkesmas, which was applied in Indonesia until December 31, 2013. have high anxiety, and 1.36 times possibility to have high anxiety on day 14. On the third day, Another factor that most frequently affect women who received home visits, will probably the one-month postpartum period is the 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 77 resilience factor, namely mastery, social Self-regulation is formed through seven support, and marital satisfaction. The mastery and social support factors may be better in home stages: receiving relevant information, evaluating information, triggering a change, visits because women will be able to receive information better in a place that is considered looking for options, formulating a plan, implementing the plan, evaluating the comfortable (home)70. effectiveness of the plan43,There is a possibility that all of those stages can be formed better in Another reason that may explain the slightly different anxiety between home visit and clinical visit is that several things are very much related to the provision of care, i.e. performance of the midwife who provide care, the ability to listen, empathy, problem-solving techniques, and all interpersonal skills, and not only the reliability of medical treatment71. A significant difference was found in self-regulation (p = 0.003), indicating that the visit can contribute to a decrease in self-regulation. This is possible because on the third day the women are still generally dependent on the people around her to meet her needs (taking in phase); therefore the women are not able to regulate themselves properly. Rubin in his theory stated that there are three phases in the postpartum period: “Taking in phase, Taking hold phase, and Letting go phase” or are also called the dependence phase (at this time women tend to be passive in their environment), the transition phase (women become more sensitive and in desperate need of support), and responsibility take over phase (at this time women already feel comfortable) . The results of this study indicate that during 70 the first phase (day 3) the regulation is low for clinical visit and home visit groups. In the second phase (day 6), the self-regulation is lower than the previous phase in home visit and clinical visit groups while in the third phase (day 14 ) women who received home visits are able to regulate themselves better than the women who visited clinic70. a home visit scheme. In accordance with the results of previous studies, women who received home visit of care workers are able to improve the overall quality of newborn parenting ability54, and postpartum women who receive home visits shwo a significant increase in the knowledge on exclusive breastfeeding, pregnancy spacing (contraceptives), danger signs in postpartum period, and danger signs for newborns 21 . Therefore, women who received home visits are able to absorb information better, leading to a good self-regulation. Difficulties and challenges faced by postpartum women were written in a nursing journal entitled Negotiating Motherhood: The Difficulties and Challenges of Rural First Time Mothers in Parung, West Java. This study noted that although postpartum women complain of lack of sleep and fatigue, but due to the traditional society culture that emphasizes on the dua roles of postpartum women (being a mother who takes care of the children, and become wife who takes care of the husband and housework), all women try to meet the expectation of the dua role. This leads to “sacrifice”, a discourse that a good mother is “patient” and “compassionate” and always puts the needs of the children and husband over her own needs or interests, both in terms of personal, sexual, educational, and economic needs90. This study found another finding, which is that the majority of the respondents in this study lived with their parents, both by going back to 78 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Self Regulation and Anxiety on Home Visit and Clinical Visit (A Cohort Study in Postpartum Mother) the parents’ home or inviting the parents to stay at the respondents’ house. It is clear that the women try to anticipate their dual role after childbirth that they choose to live close to the parents who are considered to be able to help them performing the role. This enables women to deal with their anxiety better so that in this study, there is insignificant difference in anxiety in this study ( p> 0.05). Correlation between self-regulation of anxiety after the age, education, and parity are controlled show that women with high anxiety has 1,27 times higher risk to have lower regulation. This is consistent with the theory that one of the factors that can limit self-regulation is mood disorders44. Conclusion There is no significant difference in anxiety between postpartum women who received home visits and who did clinical visits. Thre is a significant different in self-regulation between postpartum women who received home visits and who did clinical visits. Thre is no significant correlation between anxiety and self-regulation both in home visit group and in clinical visit group. bringing the total number of respondents in this study amounted to 41 people, leading to the inability to generalize the results for all postpartum women. Another limitation is that the questionnaire was ”self-reported”, allowing respondents not to express their true feelings. As stated by Oates, 1998 and Rilley, 1995 women do not express their fears openly 52, leading the possibility of bias in the answers given in the questionnaire. References Varney H, Kriebs JM, Gegor CL. 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Effect of Postnatal Home Visits on Maternal/Infant Outcomes in Syiria: a Randomized Control Trial. Public Health 2008;25(2):115-25. Nursing. Afiyanti, Yati. MAKARA: Negotiating Motherhood: The Difficulties and Challenges of Rural First Time Mothers in Parung, West Java. Kesehatan, vol 6 no.1, Juni 2002, Faculty of Nursing, Jakarta, 10320). 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 81 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: POSITIVE DEVIANCE IN A GROUP OF CHILDREN NUTRITIOUS GOOD NUTRITION IN RURAL POOR FAMILIES IN BANYU BIRU AND KEDUNGGUDEL WIDODAREN NGAWI EAST JAVA Yuli Isnaeni STIKES ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Assumption of malnutrition occur in poor households, not entirely true (Jogja Daily, Thursday, February 6, 2014). Parenting influence on the incidence of malnutrition that not all children who grow up in poor families grow unhealthy. This study aims to explore in depth pratek positive deviant behavior or positive deviance in groups of infants from poor families well-nourished, which includes aspects of feeding (feeding), child care (carrying), the search for health care (health seeking) passage and hygiene (hyiene ). Methods: The research design was a qualitative study with an ethnographic approach, the subjects of this study were mothers of well-nourished infants from poor families and families in the village capable of Banyu Biru and Kedunggudel Widodaren Ngawi, totaling 10 people. Data collection was performed using the technique of focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews. Data processing is done with qualitative data analysis. Results: Some solutions to address the nutritional problems already exist within the community, just need to be known observed positive deviation form practiced covering any aspect. Positive deviance practiced by mothers of poor families with well-nourished infants in this study include breastfeeding from birth and complementary feeding from 6 months which made instant and local materials, the frequency of eating 5 times a day is given as you play and add to the chili vegetable soup, side dish and vegetables come from around the house or rice field. Mother familiarize bath up to 3 times, rinse with lukewarm water when brushing your teeth and putting on footwear while playing. Mother carrying child while working in the fields, and supervise children playing, the use of games owned sister or brother of the same age. When sick mother gave special attention and use of traditional medicine for mild pain. Conclusion: Positive deviance is obtained quickly provide solutions, affordable family, do not need to rely on outside resources to practice new behaviors, much more cost effective, participatory, and original, because the solution is already in place and Culturally acceptable Keywords: positive deviance, the poor family, malnutrition child. 83 Introduction Under-nutrition in children under five groups is a serious problem for thenation, because this toddler group is an asset of human resources in the future (Isnaeni,201). According Soekirman (2000), the incidence of malnutrition inchildren under five in Indonesia is still quite high, reaching 18.6%. MOH (2004) states that in 2003 there were 27.5% (5 million) under five are malnourished, as much as 19.2% (3.5 million) experienced malnutrition and 8.3% (1.5 millionchildren under five) malnourished. Ngawi is one of the ten regions in East Java, which has a fairly high rate of malnutrition (Ayunin & Sutikno, 2008, in digilib.its.ac.id accessed on February 9, 2014), ie, there were 68 infants with poor nutritional status, where as 420 other less nutritional status (PR Ngawi, blogspot accessed February 9, 2014). The incidence of malnutrition in PHC Widodaren relatively high, compared to other health centers around Ngawi West (PHC Profile, Walikukun Widodaren, 2013). Fatma (2014) mention that the perception of malnutrition cases occur in poor households, not entirely true (Jogja Daily, Thursday, February 6, 2014). Parenting influence on the incidence of malnutrition that not all children who grow up in poor families grow unhealthy. Conversely, children whose parents have sufficient income even more, there are many suffering from malnutrition, this happens because of child care, feeding and child pearwatan submitted to caregivers who have limited knowledge of the importance of the provision of nutritious food. The results of a preliminary study in the region Widodaren, mother of 5 them also have a toddler malnutrition or underweight and of 5 family of children with poor category, but 3 of them have young children who grow up healthy and have good nutritional status or obese (FGD, January 29, 2014). Category of poor mothers who mentioned that during this parenting alone all her children, providing meals and invited to playon the sidelines of busy work, the reason to save the mother breastfeed the child. This family also used to cook vegetables from around the house. This behavior is a form of positive deviance behavior. Positive aspects of this behavior needs to be investigated, in order to be foundand used as a parenting wisdom possessed by the people themselves. There are four patterns of parenting role in preventing malnutrition in children under five, namely feeding (feeding), child care (carrying), the search for health care (health seeking) passage and hygiene (hyiene) (Save the Children, 2003), which became responsibilities of community nurses. A series of community nurses have a role in this at-risk population that ischildren under five, of whom act as educators and program planners toincrease the health status of children under five (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2004). As educators, nurses are expected to increase the knowledge, the ability and willingness of parents of children under five who are malnourished by feeding pattern is true in daily life. Positive deviant behavior this poor familyneed to be explored and its findings can be used as a toddler parenting goodfor the poor and middle to the top. Based on the above, the researcher is interested in conducting research to identify the Positive Deviance in a group of well- toddlers middle class and above, 2 of 84 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Positive Deviance in a Group of Children Nutritious Good Nutrition in Rural Poor Families in Banyu Biru and Kedunggudel Widodaren Ngawi East Java nourished infants from poor families not afford the well-nourished children and 5 people from affluent families with children less nourished. Age of the participants in Puskesmas Widodaren NgawiEast Java. Methods This study aims to explore in depth pratek varied between 21-40 years, having the number of children 1-4 and children aged between 10 positive deviant behavior or positive deviance in groups of infants from poor families well- months - 5 years. The level of education of participants, among primary school-PT, nourished, which includesaspects of feeding (feeding), child care (carrying), the 7 housewives but at certain times of workers in the fields weeding grass orleaves of sugarcane search for health care (health seeking) passage and hygiene (hyiene ). and the rest Ngrasak entrepreneur and teacher. Results of Data Analysis Research Themes . The research design was a qualitative study This section describes the themes that emerged based on the participants’ with an ethnographic approach, which aims to investigate the behavior of positive deviations answers when the Focus Group Discussion (FGD), as follows: (positivedeviance) on the poor but wellnourished children under five living in the village 1. of Banyu Biru and Kedong Güdel Ngawi East Java. Behavior feed poor families with wellnourished toddlers. a. Exclusive breastfeeding and breastfeeding. The subjects of this study were mothers of well-nourished infants from poor families and families in the village capable of Banyu Biru and Kedong Güdel Widodaren Exclusive breastfeeding mothers in the group was not able to start from birth orbreast-fed the next two days, while the first group Ngawi, totaling 10 people. Data collection was performed using the technique of focus group of women or wealthy familiesare able to start breastfeeding after 2- discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews. Data processing is done with stage 1). 3 days, according to a statement the participants: Write FGD transcripts, 2). Compile andcategorize the data, 3). Looking for a pattern or theme, with a view to understand the meaning of the –tema theme, 4). Doing ... ”Bu midwife immediately put my son in the chest, he said to to want interpretation orinterpretation to give meaning to the analysis, explaining the pattern or category, to breastfeed..., but not yet out...” (P.1) and (P.4) find the relationship between various concepts and 5). Data analysisis inductive / qualitative ... ”Once breastfeeding has not come out first, then given just 2 tablespoonsmilk in the first day, after basis of the facts found in the field and thenconstructed a hypothesis or theory. that yes... ASI continues...” (P.3) Results ... ”I am off to breastfeed after 2.5 years, when breastfeeding Participants in this study were 10 mothers with toddlers, 5 people from families who can 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 Ekslusifnya 6months...” (P.1) | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 85 ... ”Yes... the benefits of breastfeeding to 6 months, after that the milk bottles until now ...” (P.6) b. processing, while the family is able to preferinstant food. a. ... ”Sometimes my kids eat up to 5 times, disposable dishes tempeh, Complementary Feeding Mother ’s poor start giving complementary tofu and vegetable Santen... love him...” (P.1)... If his father to eat, like foods (complementary feeding) the age of 6 months with a combination disuapin want... a mouthful of two bribes... if I eat, yes... while I suapi... of instant and local, while the mother ’sfamily is able if you want.” (P.5) to provide complementary feeding at 6 months, although the The mother of the family was able to express the following statement: PASI has given birth to some instant food alone. Contained in the ... ”If I, not my schedule... yes... if he asked me give, because love does notwant to be forced-forced ...” (P.7) followingexpression: .... ”I started giving complementary foods, since my children aged 6 ...”About eating my maid affairs, rarely fed my child ... once a months...” (P.5) week ... even in those rare ... I think my son eat 2-3 times a ... ”My children from the age of eight day ..” (p.10) patang (4 x 35 days) or 4 months...” (P.1) ... ”Since the baby is bottle- fed ... kalau eat solid anyway since the age of 6 months ..” (p.10) .... ”Type XX given additional food, alternating with bananas... 2. Frequency of eating children up to 5 times a day b. Ways mother feed the child outside the home while playing with friends Mothers of poor families more often outside the home while giving and the team” (P2) (feeding) children, while families are able to feed more in the house. ... ”If I intervene, XX and YY for 1.5 months ..” (P 8) .... ”Menyuapin while Pattern Toddler Feeding Feeding patterns up to 5 times a day, special tips for children to eat by playing, or disuapin while the streets ...” (P.5) ... ”While watching TV at home alone...” (P.7) adding sambal (chili) and local food 86 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Positive Deviance in a Group of Children Nutritious Good Nutrition in Rural Poor Families in Banyu Biru and Kedunggudel Widodaren Ngawi East Java c. How to increase children’s appetite ... ”I was shopping at markets or by adding chili to the fry vegetables. stalls practical nuggets, sausage noodle satu... never take vegetables A mother of a poor family in the vegetables add chilli to increase around the house... troublesome...” (P8) appetite,while the family’s mother was able to not mention specific efforts to improve the child’s appetite. ... ”My son wants sauce, if not life gravy sauce... not exhausted d. 3. Behavioral Health Keeping Yourself Toddler a. Bathe the child every time his dirty Santen, I love chili 2 seed, his son wants tuh, no problem... (Meaning Mother bathing more than 2 times no abdominal painor pungency)...” (P. 3) ... ”Kids like to play in mud, then ... ”I let it go... yaa... nanti when after I finished playing immediately washed... could be 3 times or hungry will eat ...” (p.10) more when dirty ...” (P.1) a day. While the toddler of the family can afford, simply bathed 2 times a Food processing (side dishes and day. vegetables) are from around the house or rice field. ...”Yes ordinary bath 2 times, morning and afternoon soap alone child health..” Types of side dishes and vegetables taken from the environment around the house or rice field around a b. The habit of always brushing your family residence, while the family was able to choose an instant. teeth with boiled water Brushing the teeth is still supported by the mother, at ... ”Father looking for catfish in the field... otherwise yes... wader.. for least 2 times a day anduse boiled water, as mentioned in the following side dish” (P.3) expression: ...”Vegetable cassava leaves and ’elung’ (leaves of sweet potato or ...”Grab a glass, rinse with water sweet potato) and ’gori’ (jackfruit)..” (P.5) mateng tell, if it’s okay ketelan..” (P.4) ... ”Some times cook ’potato ireng’ or ’potato kleci’ ... or simply boiled also been good ... just.” (P.4) 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 87 c. The habit of always wearing ... ”Children are footwear while playing. of ... playing the maid during the day, I work ...”(P.7) ... ”Kids playing in the front yard, sometimes beyond... playing-dirty c. care Tool used games former plaything playing using sandals...” (P.3) of his brother The habit of wearing sandals is Simple play thing owned and used rarely performed in the family is able to: to belong to an older brother or sister who is the same age ...”Remove your sandals when belong, while the family was always able to buy new toys,according to a playing on mud yaa...” (P.5) 4. taken statement as follows: Parenting Behavior ... ”Tool used games ... his brother’s bike, still good ...” (P.1) a. ... ”No cars, the remains of his Take along a child while working brother ...” (P.4) Mother and child while working to Family able to state:... ”... I bought a bring into the fields, while the family was able, toddlers cared for by new bike. But sometimes playing games,.. ... ”(P.6) attendants all day. ... ”...If the rice fields. I take it, that work just weed ... ”(P.5) ... ”Yes ... There who keep at home, my maid...., I came home from work b. Health maintenance and help-seeking behavior when a child is sick. Maintenance is done by the mother’s at 15:00" own health with simple treatments using traditional medicines. A watchful eye on the condition a. Simple maintenance and use of of danger when playing traditional medicine Mother families are not able to do very strict supervision, while my If a child is sick, the mother to give more attention and use of traditional family was able to nurture carried by the maid: medicine: ... ”My house by the roadside, at concerned, usually eat eel dishes...” (P.5) 06.00 am ready to take care of children.... I could not careless if the child is awake... all the attention to him...” (p.2) 88 5. ... ”If a child is sick, the food is ... ”Midwife rarely check... if diarrhea, use of salt... or guava leaves...” (P.1) | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Positive Deviance in a Group of Children Nutritious Good Nutrition in Rural Poor Families in Banyu Biru and Kedunggudel Widodaren Ngawi East Java ... ”In love onions and vegetable field. The practice of adding chili, especially oil packaging, attached .. (P.4) capcasain content can improve health, kills cancer cells and stabilize cholesterol But there is if his sick mother immediately brought to the doctor and midwife, it looks like the following statement: ”... to bring the child to the pediatrician immediately...” (p.10) b. (Rusman, 2014) and the spicy taste can improve children’s appetite. Mother familiarize bath up to 3 times, rinse with lukewarm water when brushing your teeth and putting on footwear while playing. Bath, keeps the body clean and comfortable so nap more Mothers bring their own children to posyandu soundly, rinse withlukewarm water using a more secure and custom footwear prevent worm All mothers of poor families always diseases. Mother carrying child while working in the fields, and supervisechildren playing, the bring their children to the neighborhood health center, use of games owned sister or brother of the same age.Age of the children is the golden unless there is an event that can not be left behind while thefamily’s period, needed love and attention and stimulation (Noorastuti, 2012). When sick mother was never able to bring their own children to a neighborhood mother gave special attention and use of traditional medicine for mild pain. Guava leaf health center. decoction can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and stphylococcus aureus that are anti- ... ”I own that brought the child to the neighborhood health center, get to knowthe scales ..” (P.4) ... ”I could never work... posyandu...” (P.6) diarrhea; primarily caused by infection (Father Mother, 2014). Some of the advantages of positive deviance method is obtained quickly provide solutions, affordable family, do not need to rely on outside resources to practice new Discussion Positive deviance is used to describe a state of positive deviation related to health, growth and development, parenting in particular children with other children within the same community or family. Some solutions to address thenutritional problems already exist within the community, just need to be known observed positive deviation form practiced covering any aspect. This study found a toddler feeding practices of poor families that eat 5 times a day frequency is given while playing and add the chili vegetable soup, side dishes and vegetables come from around the house or rice behaviors, much more cost effective, participatory, and original,because the solution is already in place and could Culturally accepted. In Indonesia, positive deviance studies have been carried out by Jauhari, et al (2000) in Jakarta, Bogor and Lombok, the results showed maternal interaction with children aged 6-17 months was positively related to the nutritional state of children. Children who always strived to consume food, get a response whenchattering, always got a smile from the mother, better nutritional statecompared with their peers who received less parental attention. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 89 Conclusion Positive behavior practiced by mothers of poor families with well-nourished infants in this study include breast feeding from birth and complementary feeding from 6 months which made instant and local materials, the frequency of eating 5 times a day is given as you play and add to the chili vegetable soup, side dish and vegetables come from around the house or rice field.Mother familiarize bath up to 3 times, rinse with lukewarm water when brushing your teeth and putting on footwear while playing. Mother carrying child while working in the fields, and supervise children playing, the use of games owned sister or brother of the same age. When sick mother gave special attention anduse of traditional medicine for mild pain. 90 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: OXYTOCIN MASSAGE IN INCREASING BREAST MILK PRODUCTION OF POSTPARTUM MOTHER IN MERGANGSAN PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE CENTER OF YOGYAKARTA IN 2014 Warsiti1, Lilis Wijayanti2 STIKES Aisyiyah Yogyakarta,Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Breast feeding and breast milk play important role in children health development and significantly affect the decrease of children death rate which becomes the 4th MDG’s target. Breast milk is a kind of food which suffices all baby’s physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. WHO, in Health Department (2012), mentions that in 2012, breast milk scope in many countries was still less than 80%. In Indonesia, exclusive breast milk scope is only 32% and is on the 10th rank among 18 countries which join The Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Regional Committee for South-East Asia. The research aims at revealing the influence of oxytocin massage on breast milk production of postpartum mother in Mergangsan Public Health Service Center in 2014. Methods: The research uses Quasi Experiment method with Static Group Comparison. The samples are 30 postpartum mothers with purposive sampling technique which comprises of 15 experiment group respondents and 15 control group respondents. Result: Data analysis uses Chi Square test. The research reveals that oxytocin massage increases breast milk production of postpartum mother effectively which is shown in the value of p=0.032 Conclusions: oxytocin massage increases breast milk production of postpartum mother effectively Keywords: breast milk production, oxytocin massage. 91 Introduction There are many factors which influence Breast feeding and breast milk play exclusive breast milk feeding such as the myth important role in children health development or society’s perception, breast milk blocking after and significantly affect the decrease of children delivery/the small amount of breast milk, baby’s death rate which becomes the 4th MDG’s target. problem in sucking breast milk, mother’s Breast milk is a kind of food which suffices all problems with her nipples, working mother and baby’s physical, psychological, social and the influence of promotion on breast milk spiritual needs. WHO, in Health Department substitute (Mardiyaningsih, 2010). (2012), mentions that in 2012, breast milk scope in many countries was still less than 80%. In Indonesia, exclusive breast milk scope is only 32% and is on the 10th rank among 18 countries which join The Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Regional Committee for South-East Asia The fact shows that the slight breast milk production and ejection in the first days after delivery becomes a problem in early breast feeding. According to Cox (2006), mother who is unable to breast feed in the first days is caused by mother’s anxiety and fear on the limited breast milk production and also mother’s limited The government has enacted Government knowledge on breast feeding process Policy No 33 (2012) about Exclusive (Mardiyaningsih, 2010). Mother’s anxiety and Breastfeeding. In the policy, the government fear decreases oxytocin hormone production, states that every baby born must feed exclusive thus breast milk is unable to come out directly breast milk in which breast milk is given to the after delivery and eventually, mother decides to baby after delivery for 6 months without adding give milk substitute to her baby (Putri, 2010). and/or replacing breast milk with any other food or beverages (Kemenkes, 2012). Oxytocin massage is one of the solutions to solve the breast milk disfluency. Oxytocin According to SDKI survey result in 2012, massage is a massage on the whole backbone exclusive breast milk scope in Indonesia is only (vertebrae) and is an effort to stimulate oxytocin 27,1%. This number is considered as very low hormone after delivery (Biancuzzo, 2003; since the exclusive breast milk feeding scope Indiyani, 2006; Yohmi & Roesli, 2009 in is 80% (Riskesdas, 2012). In Yogyakarta Mardiyaningsih, 2010). Province, exclusive breast milk percentage in Methods 2011 is 49,5% in which Bantul District is 63,5%, Kulon Progo is 58,0%,Gunung Kidul 44,8% and This research uses Quasi Eksperimen Sleman 42,3%, while Yogyakarta is 46,4% Static Group Comparison method in which (Dinkes DIY, 2013). experiment group receives intervention (oxytocin massage) which is followed by 92 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Oxytocin Massage in Increasing Breast Milk Production of Postpartum Mother in Mergangsan Public Health Service Center of Yogyakarta in 2014 measurement or observation (breast milk comprises of 15 respondents as the experiment production)the observation result is then group and 15 respondents as control group. controlled or compared to observation result in Oxytocin massage intervention is done 2 times control group which receives no intervention. in a day for 3 days which is done by family. The samples are all postpartum mother who data analysis uses Chi Square test. were treated in delivery ward in Mergangsan Result Publich Health Service Center of Yogyakarta. 1. The samples were taken by using purposive Respondent Characteristics sample technique. There are 30 samples which Table 1. Respondent Characteristics based on Age, Parity and LILA in Mergangsan Public Health Service Center of Yogyakarta in 2014 No 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 Characteristics Age < 20 years old 20 - 35 years old > 35 years old Total Parity Primipara Multipara Total LILA 23,5 – 26,5 cm >26,5 cm Total Based on table 1, it is revealed that Group Experiment Control f (%) f (%) 2 10 3 15 13,30% 66,70% 20,00% 100% 1 12 2 15 6,70% 80,00% 13,30% 100% 6 9 15 40,00% 60,00% 100% 4 11 15 26,70% 73,30% 100% 15 0 15 100% 0% 100% 12 3 15 80,00% 20,00% 100% 2. Breast feed production in Postpartum the respondent characteristics in both Mother in Control Group groups have the same scope tendency/ Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Postpartum Mother based on Breast homogeny in the characteristics of age, Milk Production in Control Group in Mergangsan Public Health Service parity and upper arm circumference (LILA) which is more in healthy reproductive age Center of Yogyakarta in 2014 (20-35 years old), multi-parity and LILA in normal number. No 1 2 Breast Milk Production Sufficient Insufficient Total 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Frequency Percentage 11 4 15 73,30% 26,70% 100% Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 93 Based on table 2, it is revealed that Statistic test result using Chi-Square from 15 postpartum mother respondent in test shows p value = 0,032 (p value < control group, there are 11 respondents 0,05). This result indicates that there is (73,3%) who are included to have influence of Oxytocin Massage on Breast sufficient breast milk. Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers in Mergangsan Public Health Service Center of Yogyakarta in 2014. 3. Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mother in Experiment Group According to the research result, it is revealed that from 15 respondents who are given oxytocin massage intervention, all of them (100%) belong to sufficient category of breast milk production. Based on the observation, it is revealed that the baby’s weight increase in the 15th day is 400 gram compared to baby born weight. 4. The Influence of Oxytocin Massage on Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers in Mergangsan Public Health Service Center of Yogyakarta in 2014 Table 3. The Influence of Oxytocin Massage on Breast Milk Production in Discussion The results shows that breast milk production in postpartum mothers who are not given oxytocin massage intervention in which of 15 respondents who have enough milk production there are 11 respondents (73.3%) and respondents whose breast milk production was not quite much are 4 respondents (26.7%) with an average baby weight gain on the 15th day is 200 grams Based on the characteristics of the respondents, from 11 people who have enough breast milk production, multipara, are 9 respondents (81.8%). The success of lactating mothers on the earlier lactation makes mothers more confident to succeed in the current Postpartum Mothers in Mergangsan Publich Health Service Center of lactation. The confidence stimulates the Yogyakarta in 2014 hormone oxytocin so that breast milk can be Group Experiment Control N 15 15 Value Asymp. Sig (2-sided) 4,615 0,032 released smoothly (Mardiyaningsih, 2010). According to Arini (2012) it is 35 years old mothers or more closely related to anemia of nutrition that can affect milk production compared to younger mothers (20-35 years old), over 35 years old women will face many obstacles such as limited breast milk production and fatigue (Lester, 2012). This age range, 94 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Oxytocin Massage in Increasing Breast Milk Production of Postpartum Mother in Mergangsan Public Health Service Center of Yogyakarta in 2014 including in young adults, in which this period, into the blood. This Oxytocin causes the cells the growth of the body function is at optimum around the alveoli to contract miopitelium and level. With the optimal body function, the mother stimulate the breast milk to flow from the alveoli can breastfeed their babies with few obstacles to duktuli towards sinus and then is sucked by bodily functions. the baby’s through nipples. The smoother breast Based on the size of MUAC, the majority of respondents in control group have LILA size in the range of 23.5 - 26,5cm and of the 12 respondents with upper arm circumference size in the range of 23.5 - 26,5cm most of them, that are 8 respondents (66.67%) show improvement in average body weight of 200 grams and the milk release the more breast milk production. As stated by Mardiyaningsih (2010) that by giving oxytocin massage, mother will feel relaxed, more comfortable and fatigue will disappear after childbirth and also by giving oxytocin massage it will stimulate the oxytocin hormone and breast milk is easily released. respondent with MUAC> 26.5 cm average, the This result is in accordance with the results baby’s weight increase is by 300 grams of Rusdiarti’s (2014) research entitled “The compared to birth weight. This shows that with Effect of Oxytocin Massage in Postpartum better nutritional status, the more the production Mothers on Breastfeeding Release in Jember”. of breast milk is produced. However, this study Based on the calculations using SPSS it reveals does not assess the nutritional scope or p value 0.000 <á 0.05 or (5%) which means that mothers’ nutritional intake scope during 2 weeks there is the influence of oxytocin on breast milk of postpartum. release in postpartum mother. The results shows that milk production in In addition to the factors of oxytocin mothers postpartum massage intervention massage in this study, breast milk production in oxytocin all of them (100%) have adequate the experimental group is sufficient because of breast milk production and the statistic test other factors related to the characteristics of the results using Chi-Square test reveals p value = respondents. Based on the parity status of the 0.032 (p value <0.05) multipara (60%), the average weight gain in The result of this study indicates that by giving oxytocin massage it facilitates more breast milk production in postpartum mothers. Oxytocin massage performed on the mother’s back gives comfort to the infants in multipara respondents is 400 grams, whereas in primipara is only 300 grams. This result suggests that breast milk production in multipara is more than in primipara. mother. Age and nutritional status of the mother can Physiologically, it stimulates oxytocin reflex or affect breast milk production. The results of the let down reflex to secrete the oxytocin hormone study in most of the experiment respondents 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 95 aged between 20-35 years old are 10 respondents (66.7%). The growth body function of mothers aged 20-35 years old is at the optimal level. This result is reinforced by the results of Purnama’s research (2013) showing that breast milk is influenced by mother’s age with most maternal age are in the age range of 20-35 years old (Purnama, 2013) . Based on the size of MUAC, in the experimental group, all respondents (100%) References Bappenas (2011) Laporan Pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium di Indonesia. Tersedia dalam : <http:// www.bappenas.go.id/files/1913/5229/9628/ laporan-pencapaian-tujuan-pembangunanm i l e n i u m - d i - i n d o n e s i a 2011__20130517105523__3790__0.pdf> [Diakses 01 Februari 2014] have LILA size in the range of 23.5 to 26.5 cm. Dinkes DIY. (2013) Profil Kesehatan Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta : Dinkes DIY This means that the nutritional status of all Dinkes Kota Yogyakarta (2013) Profil Kesehatan respondents in both experimental groups is in a good condition. This is in line with Nugroho Kota Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta : Dinkes Kota Yogyakarta (2011) which states that nutrition in breast Kemenkes (2012) Peraturan Pemerintah feeding mothers is closely associated with Republik Indonesia Nomor 33 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pemberian Air Susu Ibu Eksklusif. Jakarta : Kemenkes RI breast milk production, which is needed for the growth and development of infants. Conclusion The research result shows that of 15 respondent groups postpartum mothers who are Lestari. A. 2012. Motivasi Ibu bekerja dalam Memberikan ASI Eksklusif di PT. Dewhirst Men’s Wear Indonesia. Students e-journals vol 1, No 1 (2012). Bandung : FIK Universitas Padjajaran given oxytocin massage, all of them (100%) have sufficient breast milk production. There is Mardiyaningsih, E. (2010) Efektifitas Kombinasi influence of oxytocin massage on the increase Teknik Marmet Dan Pijat Oxytocin Terhadap Produksi ASI Ibu Post Seksio Sesarea Di breast milk release process with p value = 0.032 (p value <0.05). Rumah Sakit Wilayah Jawa Tengah. Tesis, Universitas Indonesia. Purnama, R. 2013. Efektivitas Antara Pijat Oxytocin dan Breast Care terhadap Produksi ASI pada Ibu Post Partum dengan Sectio Caesarea di RSUD Banyumas. Skripsi. Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Fakultas Kedokteran Dan Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan Purwokerto 96 Jurusan | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Keperawatan Oxytocin Massage in Increasing Breast Milk Production of Postpartum Mother in Mergangsan Public Health Service Center of Yogyakarta in 2014 Putri, T. (2010) Mengapa ASI Tak Langsung Keluar. Tersedia dalam : <http:// kesehatan.kompas.com/read/2010/01/07/ 1 2 2 0 4 0 6 0 / Mengapa.ASI.Tak.Langsung.Keluar> [Diakses 24 Januari 2014] Riskesdas (2011) Data Cakupan ASI. Tersedia dalam : <http://www.riskesdas.go.id> [Diakses 24 Januari 2014] Survey Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (2012) 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 97 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: MOTIVATION, ADAPTATION, AND THE FAMILY ROLES: A QUALITATIVE CASE STUDY OF CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE Tassyah Devina Rayani1, Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo2, Nurlailatul Masruroh3, Edi Purwanto4 School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang E-mail: [email protected] Introduction: Chronic renal failure is a progressive destruction of the kidney structure which happen continuously. Common problem for CRF patient is generalized weakness and edema. The treatment is requiring hemodialysis and rigorous treatment with the support of family. The purpose of this study was to determine how to treat the patient with CRF using a family approach. Methods: This study was a qualitative research using a case study approach. Sample of this study were patients who were diagnosed with a chronic renal failure for 7 years and had been doing hemodialysis for approximately ± 2604 times. The data were gathered using interview, observation, documentation, and data analysis. Result: The results of this study identified three themes, namely 1) Treatment of chronic renal failure with hemodialysis, 2) Treatment of chronic renal failure at home, 3) Client’s motivation with chronic renal failure. Conclusions: Treatment of chronic renal failure with hemodialysis should be done by patients to improve their quality of life. In addition, treatment of chronic renal failure at home is believed to maintain the stability of the patient’s condition. High motivation to patients is believed to improve the quality of life. Keywords: chronic renal failure, family roles. 99 Introduction According to Corwin (2009), Chronic renal failure is a progressive destruction of the kidney structure which happen continuously. In During the process of data collection, researchers recruited families as clients (. Through this approach, the researcher obtained the data needed to conduct research. addition, according to Baradero (2008), CRF is Based on the interviews results with the a progressive deviation of kidney function which respondents with chronic renal failure patients, cannot be recovered, where there is a failure Mr. S (61 years), the respondents suffered from on body’s ability to maintain metabolic balance chronic kidney disease for 7 years and he also and fluid and electrolyte which is resulting in claimed to have had a kidney stone operation uremia. Chronic renal failure is a terminal in 2007 and had performed hemodialysis or disease when there is a decreasing kidney dialysis for 7 years (± 2604 times hemodialysis). function in regulating the metabolic balance of Based on the interviews with the respondents’ fluid and electrolytes in the body. family, the family is very active in providing care The United States Renal Date System (USRDS)’s report in 2007 showed an increasing in the population of patients with chronic renal failure in the United States compared to previous years, where the prevalence of chronic renal failure patients reach 1,569 people per million population (Butar & Siregar, 2007). While the number of patients with kidney failure in Indonesia is relatively high, reaching 300,000 people. However, not all patients can be handled to the respondent. One of them is the family plays an active role in controlling the types of foods which can be consumed, limiting fluid intake, and providing insight to the respondent for not doing heavy activity, and controlling medicine administration for the respondent. In addition, the family also plays an active role in providing motivation to respondents because the family believes that the great spirit can improve the quality of life of the respondents. by the medical personnel. Approximately 25,000 Based on the above discussion, it can be new patients who can be treated, which means concluded that there are still several patients that there are 80% of patients were completely (80%) with chronic renal failure in Indonesia who untouched by the proper treatment (Susalit, have not received treatment. The important role 2012). of the family in providing care to patients with This study uses a systems approach to nursing homes. Family nursing approach consists of four types of approaches. They are a family context, the family as a client, family as a system and the family as a social component. chronic renal failure is believed to help people to improve their health status. Therefore, the researchers wanted to explore more about how to deliver a proper care which is given by the family to a chronic renal failure patient to improve the quality of life of patients. 100 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Motivation, Adaptation, and the Family Roles: A Qualitative Case Study of Chronic Renal Failure Methods “... I don’t want to. If the speed is too fast, my heart could not bear with it “(W / The design of this study is a qualitative Tn.S / 09/07/14). study using case study approach. This research was conducted in Mr. S’s family in PHC Dinoyo “... I do understand because I have been Malang. diagnosed this disease for 7 years” (W / Tn.S / 09/07/14). Results 1. Theme I : Treatment of chronic renal 2. Theme II : Treatment of chronic renal failure at home failure with hemodialysis Hemodialysis is one way that can be done to improve kidney function in patients with chronic renal failure. However, there are some hemodialysis machine that can cause discomfort to the patient. Treatment of chronic renal failure at home is also important. The role of the family in providing care to family members who suffer from chronic kidney disease is very important for the provision of treatment of chronic renal failure at home. “... I will discontinue the treatment if I feel pain. I’m not strong “(W / Tn.S / 09/ 07/14). “... I should not do heavy chores, my mother also reminds me. She usually control my diet, what should I eat and I “... I was not strong. I felt dizzy “(W / should not eat. I should not drink plenty Tn.S / 09/07/14). of water “(W / Tn.S / 09/07/14). “... I will discontinue the treatment one “... when I collapsed, my mother will hour before it finish” (W / Tn.S / 09/07/ refer me to the hospital to do 14). hemodialysis. “(W / Tn.S / 09/07/14). “I always watch over my father. He In addition, experience in performing hemodialysis patients can should not work too hard. He also also improve patients’ knowledge cannot eat carelessly “(W / Ny.S / 17/07/ associated with hemodialysis. 14). “... I have a similar body weight before “... he should not drink plenty of water” (W / Ny.S / 17/07/14). and after the procedure “(W / Tn.S / 09/ 07/14). 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 101 3. Theme III : clients’ motivation with chronic renal failure Motivation is very important in promoting the spirit of the client’s life. The high motivation of the patient could increase the patients’ quality of life. “I love my grandchildren very much. Sometimes I asked my son to bring them to my house to cheer me up “(W / Tn.S / 09/07/14). After undergoing hemodialysis, the patients will feel more relaxed. These changes are due to toxic substances in the blood has been removed; also fluid in the patient’s body has been secreted (Supriyadi, Wagiyo, & Widowati, 2011). Based on the theory above, there are similarities between the theory and the participants’ condition. Participants (Mr .S) also experience things described in theories such as breathlessness and chest pain and tightness of “He loves his grandchildren. They chest pain which are complication of chronic usually come over his house. He wants kidney disease. However, after performing to keep alive to see his grandchildren hemodialysis, chest tightness and pain is grows “(W / Ny.S / 17/09/14). reduced. This proves that hemodialysis is very important to be done to reduce the complications Discussion Treatment of chronic renal failure with in patients. Treatment of chronic renal failure at home. hemodialysis. It is not easy for people with kidney failure According to Corwin (2009) Hemodialysis is a process which is used on acutely ill patient and require dialysis therapy short-term (a few days to a few weeks) or patients with terminal stage renal disease (ESRD: end-stage renal disease) who require treatment for a long period or permanent therapy. Hemodialysis process takes approximately 4-5 hours and generally lead to physical stress, the patient will feel fatigue, headache, and cold sweat due to decreased blood pressure. Patients with chronic renal failure will feel discomfort, tightness, edema, chest pain, nausea or even vomiting, and muscle cramps which is resulting in severe who undergo a strict diet and perform a healthy lifestyle. Weight loss, weakness (fatigue) and loss of muscle mass in chronic renal failure patients are often diagnosed as malnourished, but the disorder is a consequence of metabolic processes that occur in chronic renal failure, not because of lack of nutrition (Kuhlmann, 2007). The diet in patients with kidney disease focused on controlling the intake of energy, protein, fluid, electrolytes sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus contained in everyday foods (Uyun & Brahmantio, 2011). Based on the theory described, there are similarities between the theories with participants. Mr. S with the help of pain (Supriyadi, Wagiyo, & Widowati, 2011). 102 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Motivation, Adaptation, and the Family Roles: A Qualitative Case Study of Chronic Renal Failure his wife (Ny. S) also controls the intake of dietary chronic renal failure. Performing routine and fluid restrictions daily. This is one way of hemodialysis is important in order to improve participating family in providing care to the quality of life of patients. Treatment of chronic participants who suffer from chronic renal failure. renal failure at home can be done by controlling Motivation of client with chronic renal failure. the dietary intake of patients, limiting the amount of liquids, and limit heavy chores. It is believed Assessing sources, coping strategies, and to maintain in order to stabilize the condition of family processes provide a foundation to help the patient. High motivation is needed by families adapt and achieve a higher degree of patients with chronic renal failure which is mainly well-being. Achieve a higher degree of well- sourced from partner, family and friends. The being is the purpose or reason for the existence high motivation given by the family will also of family nursing practice. Strengthening and increase the patients’ spirit in improving their encouraging response and adequate adaptive quality of life. capacity, and reduce the actual and potential stressors from within and outside the family is Acknowledgments part of the broad purpose and scope of this dr. Bayu Tjahjawibawa Head of Puskesmas (Friedman, 2010). The spirit of life for patients Dinoyo Malang and Elief Yuniarti, S.Kep., Ns with chronic renal failure is very important to as a community nurse who has provided carry out routine hemodialysis. The spirit of life opportunities for researchers to conduct this derived from the support of a spouse, family, research as well as assisting during the research friends and caregivers of hemodialysis. Support process. is very important is the support of a partner, if the support weakened, the patient could rapidly decreased physically and psychologically (Raziansyah, Widyawati, & Utarini, 2012). References Baradero, Mary., Wilfrid, Mary., & Dayrit. (2008). Klien Gangguan Ginjal). Jakarta : EGC. Based on the theory described there are similarities between the data of the theory with the data obtained from the participants. Participants (Mr. S) considered his family as the biggest motivation when suffering chronic renal failure and undergoing hemodialysis. Butar, Agustina., & Siregar, Cholina Trisa. (2007). Karakteristik Pasien dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik yang Menjalani Terapi Hemodialisa. Vol. 2, No.3. Corwin, Elizabeth J. (2009). Buku Saku Patofisiologi. Jakarta : EGC Conclusion Haemodialysis is a therapy to replace renal function which must be done by patients with 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 103 Friedman, Marilyn M. (2010). Buku Ajar Saryono. (2010). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif Keperawatan Keluarga : Riset, Teori, & dalam Bidang Kesehatan. Yogyakarta : Praktik. Jakarta : EGC. Nuha Medika. Gilliss, C.L., Rose . D. B., Hallburrg, J. C., & Soemantri,S. (2012). 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Penentuan Komposisi Bahan Pangan Metodologi Penelitian Keperawatan Untuk Diet Penyakit Ginjal dan saluran Pedoman Skripsi, Tesis, Dastrument Kemih dengan Alogaritma Genetika. Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan. Jakarta : Salemba Ilmu Gizi, Vol. 3, No. 2. Medika. O’Callaghan, Chris. (2006). At a Glance Sistem Wright. L,M., & Leahey,M. (2004). Nurses and Families : A Guide In Family Assessment Ginjal, Edisi Kedua. Jakarta : Erlangga. and Dalam. Jakarta : FKUI. Raziansyah., Widyawati., & Utarini, Adi. (2012). (3 rd ed). Philadelphia:Davis. Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia. (2005). Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Intervention Yin, Robert. K. (2004). Case Study Research,Design and Methods, Third Edition. Sage Publications, Inc. California. Pengalaman dan Harapan Pasien yang Menjalani Hemodialisis di RSUD Ratu Zalecha Martapura. Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan, Vol.15, No.2. 104 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE PERCEPTIONS OF NURSE STUDENTS TO THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH SEMARANG BASED ON DUNDEE READY EDUCATION ENVIRONMENT MEASURE (DREEM) Tri Nurhidayati, Desy Ariyana, Fatkul Mubin Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Learning environment is a major consideration of nurse professional program to reform and improve the quality as an educational institution by providing a useful service. This study aimed to evaluate the learning environment in the Nurse Program of Nursing and Health faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Semarang. Methods: The method used in this study was descriptive. The data collection used Dundee Ready Education Environment (DREEM) instrument. Results: The characteristics of respondents were as follows: female in majority, living in a boarding house, unmarried, and unemployed. Nurse student perceptions of the learning activities were above average (32.15), the advisory lecturers were good (39.19), the learning achievement were good (31.24), learning atmosphere was good (42.32), and social problems were fair (19:38). Conclusions: The perceptions of Nurse Students on the learning activities was above average, advisory lecturers were good, learning achievments were good, learning atmosphere was comfortable, and social problems were fair. The management of Nurse Internship programme of Unimus should improve the learning activities especially student-focused activities by changing learning methods. Keywords: DREE, perception, learning environment Introduction students. This provides the atmosphere and Learning environment is a major consideration of nurse professional program to characteristics of educational institutions, something which is suggested and affirmed as reform and improve the quality as an educational institutionby providing a useful well as concerning the patterns of life that are expressed and perceived. The students’ service. The learning environment is the overall environment of an educational institution that perceptions of the learning environment is very useful as a basis for modifying and improving is important for education providers and the quality of learning. A Perception is a set of processes that causes an individual to become 105 aware of his environment, and then interprets in following clinical education, marital status, the results of the information obtained. Meanwhile, according to Robbins, a perception place of residence, career choices, and student learning achievement in the form of a is a process by which an individual organizes and interprets her/his sensory impressions to cummulative achievement index during the study (Emilia, 2008). give meanings to their environment. Kreitner and Knickl said that a perception is more a mental Environment is also a part of marker factors. and cognitive process that makes an individual able to interpret and understand the surrounding The learning environment in hospital is a unique social context with special conditions for environment (Sari, 2008). practical learning and learning resources, practical opportunities, and application of the Students as learnurse who seek knowledge, learn and interact in a educational institution will knowledge and evaluation. The specific level of independence (autonomy), good supervision make an interpretation of the environment. Meanwhile, as social beings, students need and social supports, reasonable workload, role clarity, variation in clinical experiences and perceptions to adapt in continuing the life (Sarwono, 2008). One of the most important attentions to teaching and learning are the learning conditions expected (Emilia, 2008, perceptions is a perception of students toward the learning environment (Sari, 2008, Kossioni. Lokahetty. et al, 2010, Khan et al, 2010). et al, 2012). A process variable is described as an Different perceptions of the learning interaction between student characteristics and attributes of clinical learning environment. This environment are influenced by gender and ethnic stereotypes, giving rise to variations in interaction will result in a unique way in dealing with the learning environment in the hospital and interests, perceptions, expectations and reasons for choosing a career. Gender that includes in dealing with the burden of learning as well as the possibility of stress. The success of students men’s and women’s perspectives has a strong influence in perceiving something. In addition, in meeting the learning burden will affect the approach and success of student’ learning interest arises because of the presence of motivation. Academic assessment and demonstrated with the real achievement and the perceptions of the achievements (Pinnock. et achievement are strong motivators (Baldo. et al, 2010). al, 2011). Continuous changes of professional learning strategy result in a need for a study on In the Biggs’ model, learning is influenced the evaluation of professional learning environments to investigate the impact of the by personal and environment variables, and stress is considered as a barrier variable due to the interaction between the students and the environment/context. The marker factors (presage according to the Biggs’ term) when students are in learning learning environment. Objectives of the study determine Nurse students’ perceptions of learning environment based on DREEM in Muhammadiyah University of Semarang. environments include personal and environmental/contextual variables. The personal variables are gender, the time needed 106 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Perceptions of Nurse Students to the Learning Environment University of Muhammadiyah Semarang Based on Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) Methods Table1. Characteristics of respondents of Nurse Students of Unimus in July 2013 The method used in this study was a descriptive with survey . The population of this study was Nurse Students of Muhammadiyah Characteristic University of Semarang. The sample were 102 students. The data collection used Dundee Gender Ready Education Environment (DREEM) instrument. DREEM instrument had been Recidency translated and modified for the use of professional learning situation. This instrument Marital Status consisted of 50 statements with 5 alternative answers (5 Likert scale) that consisted of Employment Status aspects of learning activities, lecturer, academic achievement, learning atmosphere, and social issues. The scores of positive question items were strongly agree with a score of 4, agree with a score of 3, doubtful with a score of 2, disagree with a score of 1 and strongly disagree with a score of 0. Nine of 50 items were negative statements (4, 8, 9, 17, 25, 35, 39, 48, 50). The interpretations of the scores on the negative Not work good, 151-200 for very good. Results 1. Characteristics of Respondents Data that met the criteria were 86 respondents. The percentage of the respondent characteristics 63 13 72 15 70 Based on Table 1, the majority of the respondent’ characteristics was female, living in a boarding house, married and unemployed 2. Student perceptions described into 5 subscale scores and 1 total score of DREEM Table 2. Perceptions of Nurse Students of statement were 0 for strongly agree, 1for disagree, 2 fordoubtful, 3 for disagree, and 4 for strongly disagree. The overall interpretations were 0-50 for poor, 51-100 for fair, 101-150 for Male Female Own his/her self house Boarding Married Not married Work Total / Percentage 22 63 22 Unimus by5 sub-scale in July 2013 Perception of students Learning activities Educator Academic achievement Learning atmosphere Social problems Total score Value 32.15 39.19 31.24 42.32 19.38 164.28 Average score 2.68 3.56 3.90 3.53 2.77 Based on Table2, learning environment had the best score while the smallest score was social problems. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 107 3. Perceptions of Nurse Students of Unimus based on statement items Table 3. Perceptions of Nurse Students of Unimus on the statement item of learning activities in July 2013 Learning activity item I am encouraged to participate in class (1) The teaching is often stimulating (7) The teaching students is student centres (16) The teaching is sufficiently concerned to develop my competence(16) The teaching is well focused (20) The teaching is sufficiently concerned to develop my confidence(22) The teaching time is put to good use (24) I am clear about the learning objectives of the course(38) The teaching encourages me to be an active learner (44) Long-term learning is emphasized over short-term (4)7 Average score 4.18 3.66 3.46 4.19 3.94 4.02 3.78 3.72 3.93 3.64 Tabel 4. Perceptions of Nurse Student of Unimus on the statement item of educator in July 2013 Educator item The teaching is student-centred (2) The teachers are patient with patients (6) The teachers ridicule the students (8) The teachers are authoritarian (9) The teachers have good communications skills with patients (18) The teachers are good at providing feedback to students (29) The teachers provide constructive criticism here (32) The teachers give clear examples (37) The teachers get angry in class (39) The teachers are well prepared for their class (40) The students irritate the teachers (50) Average score 4.6 3.52 3.09 2.89 3.69 3.61 3.79 3.45 3.02 3.52 3.73 Based on Table 4, the highest score was from the statement item No 2 ie lecturers have Based on Table 3, the statement item no. 16 which is the practice of the profession enough knowledge, while the statement item No 9 had the lowest score, ie lecturer is helpeing to develop the competency received the highest score, while the statement item No. authoritarian. 13 which is student-focused learning activities received the lowest score. The findings were in line with Murdochetal (2007) that learning activities affected the learning atmosphere. 108 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Perceptions of Nurse Students to the Learning Environment University of Muhammadiyah Semarang Based on Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) Tabel 5. Perceptions of Nurse Students of Tabel 6. Perceptions of Nurse Students of Unimus on academic statement item in July 2013 Unimus about the statement item of learning atmosphere in July 2013 Average score I am confident about my passing 4.28 this year (10) I feel I am being well prepared 3.98 for my profession (21) Last year’s work has been a 3.93 good preparation for this year’s work (26) I am able to memorize all I need 3.41 (27) I have learned a lot about 4.12 empathy in my profession (31) My problem-solving skills are 3.92 being well developed here (41) Much of what I have to learn 4.05 seems relevant to a career in medicine (45) Academical item Learning atmosphere items Based on Table 5, the highest score was from the statement item No 10, ie, students are confident that this year they get good grades, whereas item No 41had the lowest score, ie, problem solving skills. The atmospheres is relaxed during the ward teaching (11) This school is well time-tabled (12) The atmosphere is relaxed during the lectures (23) There are opportunities for me to develop inter-personal skills (30) I feel comfortable in class socially (33) The atmosphere is relaxed during seminars/tutorials (34) I find the experience disappointing (35) I am able to concentrate well (36) The enjoyment outweighs the stress of studying medicine (42) The atmosphere motivates me as a learner (43) I feel able to ask the questions I want (49) Average score 3.34 3.67 3.26 3.96 3.86 3.56 3.71 3.54 3.05 3.68 4.0 Based on Table 6, the highest score was from the statement item No 49, ie, getting the opportunity to performa skill, whereas the statement item No 42 had the lowest value, ie, happiness to follow practices. The findings were in line with a study by Wilkinson (2006) and a study by Murdoch et.al (2007) that practical experiences were more powerful and had many factors like happiness to follow the practices so that it required CI character, friends in the group (Chan, 2002). 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 109 Tabel 7. Perceptionsof Nurse Students of Unimus about the statement item of social problems in Juli 2013 Item of Social Problems There is a support system for students who get stressed(3) I am too tired to enjoy this course (4) I am rarely bored on this course (14) I have good friends in this school (15) I seldom feel lonely (28) My accommodation is pleasant (46) Average score 2.69 improve the learning atmosphere, particularly the happiness during the practice by giving facilities for counseling, and improve the social interaction of students, especially students who are too tired during the practice by organizing the stages and coordinating with CI of the 2.51 Hospital so that students do not solely follow the routine activities of the Hospital, 3.01 but they are more emphasized to achieve their competence. 4.27 Acknowledgements 3.49 3.49 Based on Table 7, the statement item No15 had the highest score, ie, having good friends, Researchers would like to thank all participants of the internship nurse programme University of Muhammadiyah Semarang and staff for assistance with piloting the questionnaires. whereas the statement item No 4 had the lowest score, ie, students are too tired to follow practice. References This finding was in line with a study by Nolan and Ryan (2006) stating that manystudents Baldo, Hassan, M., Sharaf-Eldin, A.O., Abdullah, D.I, (2010), Medical Education Measuring the medical educational environment at experienced stress due to too much workload. Conclusions 1. Perceptions of Nurse Students about the learning activities were in upper average, the supervising lecturers were good, the learning achievements were good, the learning environment were comfortable, and the social problems were enough. 2. The management of Nurse internship programme of Unimus should improve the learning activities, especiallystudentfocused activities by changing learning Methods, improve educators, especially the authoritarian attitude by training them with positive feedback, improve academic achievement, especially the problem Alzaeim Alazhari University, Khartoum Medical Journal Vol 03, No 03 Emilia, O, (2008). Kompetensi Dokter dan Lingkungan Belajar Klinik. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. Fraenkel, J. & Wallen, N., (2009).How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. San Fransisco: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Khan, A.S., Akturk, Z., Al Megbil, T., (2010) Evaluation of the learning environment for diploma in family medicine with the Dundee Ready Education Environment (DREEM) inventory, Journal Education Evaluation for health profession vol 7 No 2 solving skills by applying clinical PBL, 110 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Perceptions of Nurse Students to the Learning Environment University of Muhammadiyah Semarang Based on Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) Kossioni, A.E., Varela, R., Ekonomu, I., Lyrakos, G., Dimoliatis, I.D. K., ( 2012), Students’ perceptions of the educational environment in a Greek Dental school, as measured by DREEM, European Journal of Dental Education vol 16 Lokuhetty, M., Warakulasuriya, S., Perera, R., De Silva, H., Wijesinghe, H., ( 2010) Students perception of the educational environment in a medical faculty with an innovative curriculum in Sri Lanka, South East Asian Journal of Medical Education vol 4 no 1 Pinnock, R., Shulruf, B., Hawken, S., Hennis, U., Jones, R., (2011) Student’s and teacher’s perceptions of the clinical learning environment in years 4 and 5 at the University of Auckland, Journal of the New Zealand Medical Association Vol 124 No 1334 Sari, D.N., 2008, Tingkat Persepsi Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter FK UGM Terhadap Situasi Pembelajaran Studi Berdasarkan DREEM: Kajian Berdasarkan Persepsi Mahasiswa Angkatan 2007 Sebelum dan Sesudah Terpapar Kegiatan Belajar, Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Profesi Kesehatan Indonesia vol 3 No4 Sarwono, S. W. (2008) Teori teori psikologi sosial, Edisi revisi. Jakarta: PT. Raga Grafindo Persada. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 111 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: MEANING OF SPIRITUALITY IN PATIENTS WITH STAGE III CERVICAL CANCER IN GYNECOLOGY INPATIENT WARD HOSPITAL DR HASAN SADIKIN BANDUNG, INDONESIA Inggriane Puspita Dewi Nurse Bachelor Programme, Aisyiyah School of Healthy Bandung E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Professional nurses view the humans as a whole including biopsychosocial and spiritual aspects. Clients with cervical cancer have physiological effects, psychological, social and spiritual. The purpose of this research is to gain a deep meaning of spirituality patients with stage III cervical cancer. Methods: This research is a qualitative research method case study, in which researchers are trying to determine the meaning of spirituality in patients with stage III cervical cancer. The total sample of eight people who come by purposive sampling technique. Result: The results of this study found six theme of spirituality stage III Cervical Cancer patients, namely 1) belief in the spiritual source, 2) how to meet spiritual needs, 3) the meaning of pain, 4) social support on patient spiritual, 5) the meaning giving and receiving affection, 6) hope and strength. Conclusions: The pain and suffering of the patients gave a spiritual experience, the meaning of God as a spiritual source, how to meet spiritual needs, the meaning of pain, the meaning of love and hope and strength can vary influenced by the patient’s previous life experiences and spiritual understanding of the patient. Besides pain also cause feelings of despair, so that social support in the spiritual power stage III Cancer Patients is urgently needed, that there is a deal with a sick patient and considered as a test or trial or regard the disease as a form of God’s injustice toward him. Keywords: cervical cancer, spirituality. 113 Introduction Cancer is a chronic and progressive disease, with the side effects of cancer treatment can cause physiological,psychological and spiritual effects. Physiological impact of emerging as pain , weakness , impaired skin integrity , nutrition less than the requirement , the risk of secondary infection often experienced by sufferers , anxiety reactions appeared that described the feelings of fear and guilt as a result of actions in the past , grieving , body image disturbance , as well as the issue of spiritual distress1 . This study aims to explore the meaning of spirituality in patients who develop cervical cancer stage III Methods This research using the Methods of qualitative research to the type of case study , the researchers explore the spiritual meaning in the case of patients with stage III disease Cervical Cancer through in depht interview . Researchers are looking for a purposive sample ( non- probability ) . Called non probability because the study does not aim to generalize The crisis in the face of chronic illness , the findings of the research . There is no standard criteria regarding how the number of suffering and death can cause spiritual distress2 . The characteristics of spiritual distress respondents to be interviewed , but the number is usually less than ten people1 The subject of according to NANDA cited by Taylor , including one or more of the following signs : difficulty in this research will be taken from patients with cervical cancer who were treated in the defining the meaning of life and death , having trouble sleeping or nightmares , reveal the gynecology ward ( 17 C ) RS DR . Hasan Sadikin . The number of informants were taken in this values and beliefs conflict with his situation , inability to seek spiritual source and fulfillment study was 8 people who meet the inclusion criteria for women with stage III cervical cancer of their needs , seek spiritual help , ask about the meaning of pain and suffering , angry with aged between 30 to 50 years , able to communicate and express their feelings and be God , not sure of his religion , irregularities or mood disorders evidenced by crying , anger , willing to cooperate in this research . withdrawal , suicide attempts , anxiety , feelings of helplessness or apathy3. People who suffer from chronic illnesses often suffer as a result of lifestyle changes they experienced . Feeling lonely in the face of these circumstances can be a thing that is a threat , causing fear , anxiety and despair . A person may be feeling lost his purpose in life and feel no longer useful4. Advanced cancer who require chronic long time in the treatment . Progress of treatment or Results Characteristics of respondents in this study is 8 respondents consisted of women aged between 35 till 48 years old , all are married, Moslems , with 3 widows , the rest still have a husband . Experienced by respondents varied wedding , even one time there were 3 times . Highest educational background is a junior high school. The results showed some spiritual themes obtained based on in-depth interviews. cure of cancer clients one of which is determined by the immune system. Where the immune system is affected by one’s spiritual condition5 . 114 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Meaning of Spirituality in Patients with Stage III Cervical Cancer in Gynecology Inpatient Ward Hospital Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung, Indonesia Tabel 1. Respondents Spiritual Themes with Cervical Cancer Stage III Spiritual Resources The way to meet the spiritual needs Meaning of pain and suffering Meaning of Pain and Suffering THEMES Source of Spiritual Psychological feeling towards Allah SWT that appears when first diagnosed with cancer Belief in Allah involvement in answering his prayer Perceptions of affection Allah SWT The habit of the respondents to improve the spiritual ( faith ) The influence of pain on the worship of the client as well as the feeling that accompanies Manner and purpose of prayer annoying thing at this time due to illness The habit of the respondents to improve the spiritual ( faith ) Spiritual source is Allah SWT Sad , frightened , grieving feeling unfairly Believed that Allah SWT grant her prayer 1. Allah SWT loves His servant 2 Desperate to Allah SWT Prayer, du’a and dzikr Fixed obligations except during menstruation The influence of the ill client Not perform worship Worship and feelings that Feelings impure , dirty accompany Sense of sin How to: pray the prayer or dzikr Manner and purpose of prayer Purpose pray motivation to recover Fatigue Annoying thing at this time due Pain to illness Sleep disorders Rest It is normal people do to reduce Crying or screaming the suffering caused by illness Begging to end his suffering The scary thing from the current Fear of death Lonely state of the respondents Chalenge, Lessons from pain Feeling sick as a bad luck Angry Sad Feelings accompanying pain Guilty Shame Do not want to be a burden to Motivation to recover others , Responsibility for the The role taken by the husband , Changes in the role after feeling son or brother , feeling ill and accompanying embarrassed , sad , worthless 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 115 Results How to meet the spiritual source and spiritual needs Spiritual source is a need for basic beliefs or basic trust , are useful to raise awareness of something higher than his power1 Source of spiritual respondents in this study is Allah SWT, according to the belief in Islam . Respondents spiritual source is not separated from the role of parents is crucial in a child’s spiritual development . Parents eighth respondents in this study are Muslims2. Hospital as part of the psychological impact of life issues such as sadness , anger , despair and fear . This is experienced by the eighth respondent , as the first reaction when diagnosed with the disease3. Spiritual feelings that accompany the psychological condition of the respondents experienced when it looks different . Six of the eight respondents perceive that God as the source of spiritual still gives his love even though he was in a state hospital . If further examination , it is not apart from the frequent ritual or religious messages that the respondents obtained either from family or Meaning of pain and suffering All respondents claimed that before being diagnosed with cancer , have symptoms of vaginal discharge more than usual , while the perceived symptoms appear different time ranging from 4 months to 1.5 years before diagnosis appeared . Feelings of pain being felt as a result of bleeding often experience fatigue , so that the activity day - the day began to fail , this is where they feel the helplessness , so there is a feeling that accompanies illness such as anger , guilt and shame as a result of inability to express his helplessness . Other factors that influence the behavior of pain is pain threshold of the patient1 . Two people with the same disease stage III cervical cancer , has a different pain behavior, People will feel more pain and suffering of others while the other person does not feel pain . This is due to their different perceptions of pain . Pain behavior would be different result is that there is a deal with a sick patient and consider the trials of life as those that regard illness as a cause of suffering to be unfortunate fate . Feelings ( Suffering ) is located in the area spiritual activities which respondents follow , in addition to coping strategies that respondents of a person’s emotions , but when one is used to keep the religious message in his mind then mechanism open to receive suggestions or advice from others . Of the eight respondents , he will perceive suffering as a test of life or something because the will of God as revealed two responen stated that he was not loved by his Lord with life events or problems that four respondents that pain is a difficult life .In contrast to one of the respondents who saw the happened . These respondents had a bitter life events in his view is divorced by three husbands suffering and pain as the fate of the poor , what respondents perceived by NANDA ( 2012) , because they can not give offspring while respondents lainny . Life experience is positive belong to the spiritual pain ( spiritual pain) due to the loss of the meaning of the love of God , or negative can affect a person’s spirituality . The opposite is also influenced by how one so that he was sick as a matter of understanding which makes an ugly fate. defines a spiritual experience4 . 116 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Meaning of Spirituality in Patients with Stage III Cervical Cancer in Gynecology Inpatient Ward Hospital Dr Hasan Sadikin Bandung, Indonesia responsibilities in accordance with its role as Social support Inability or limitations which is owned by a person with cancer will alter the stability of the family that has been running well1. A mother who before the illness , but when the sick role is partly or entirely taken by the family as a form of affection ( affective ) against the respondent . takes care of the usual role and take full responsibility for household affairs , when Support that is moral and material can help boost the spirit of life which the respondent is suffering from cancer with weakness due to frequent bleeding should share the role with his one of the basic spiritual needs . One form of support is expected respondent is prayer , visit family . , entertainment as well as the place to share stories . This will run smoothly when supported For families who have open communication among members of this role change will be easy to adjust , it can be seen from either the child or the family support that replaces the role of the mother’s husband when sick . Other basic needs is the need for the spiritual life of society is filled with religious values 2. From here we see that not every individual involved in the activity or active in the community , so when ill and had to undergo treatment , clients immediate neighborhood medical team and care services can be a great social support for these clients . Harmonious social life or religious nature of the shape of the respondents get community activities such as lectures , speeches , even posyandu . Basically, these activities provide spiritual support to the respondent through counsel , moral and spiritual needs of the respondents to distribute horizontally . by good communication patterns between patients and families2. Hope And Strength Respondent four perceive that God as the source of hope , if seen his background , the respondent is recitation activists who have moral sport tresponden more than others , so the message - often spiritual message he received from his sermons made him able to place as a source of spiritual strength and hope to recover. But for the majority of respondents perceive the support of the family that became the foundation for achieving strength and hope in continuing life . It is not independent of the need for enhanced spiritual that is horizontal , where harmony and harmony with fellow human beings to drive to believe that he deserves to struggle to get healing . Support expected respondents apart from family is from health care workers who become Giving And Receiving Love One of the important functions of the family is the place to get warmth , support, love and acceptance . Through meeting the needs of the individual was able to have the ability to relate intimately with members of his family 1 . Expression of love and warmth shown by the fifth respondent to perform the duties and immediate neighborhood of the respondents at the time of illness and treated . Empathy , mental and behavioral suport friendly and willing to respond to complaints - complaints respondents are therapeutic action in helping respondents to address and hopefully , settle the problems they face3. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 117 Agustian AG. Rahasia sukses membangkitkan Conclusions The pain and suffering of the patients gave ESQ power: sebuah inner journey melalui al-ihsan. 10 ed. Jakarta: Arga; 2006. a spiritual experience , the meaning of God as a spiritual source , how to meet spiritual needs Craven. Fundamentals of nursing : Human , the meaning of pain , the meaning of love and hope and strength can vary influenced by the health and function. Philadelphia: Lippincot William and Wilkins; 2000. patient’s previous life experiences and spiritual understanding of the patient . Besides pain also cause feelings of despair , so that social support in the spiritual power stage III cancer patients is urgently needed. Büssing A. Spirituality as a Resource to Rely on in Chronic Illness: The SpREUK Questionnaire. religions. 2010:9-17. Kozier B, Erb G, Berman A, Syider SJ. Fundamentals of Nursing : Concept, References DiGiulio M, Jackson D, Keogh J. Medicalsurgical nursing Demystified. New York: Mc.Graw Hill; 2007. Available from: http:// andaners.wordpress.com/2010. Carpenito LJ, Moyet. Nursing diagnosis : application to clinical practise. 12 ed. Philadelphia: Lippincot William & Wilkins; 2008. Elizabeth Taylor J. Spiritual Care: Nursing theory, reseach and practise. New Jersey: Process and Practice. New Jersey: Pearson Ed.; 2010. Wall RJ, Engelberg RA, Gries CJ, Glavan B, Curtis JR. Spiritual care of families in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2007;35(4). Rene van Leeuwen, Tiesinga LJ, Post D, Jochemsen H. Spiritual care: implications for nurses’ professional responsibility. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2006 15:87584. Prentice Hall; 2002. Potter PA, G.Perry A. Fundamental Keperawatan. 7 ed. Jakarta: Salemba Medika; 2009. Benson PL, Scales PC, Sesma AJ, Roehlkepartain EC. Adolescent Spirituality. 2000. Polit DF, Beck CT. Essential of nursing research. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2006. Hawari D. Al-Qur’an, ilmu kedokteran jiwa dan kesehatan jiwa. Yogyakarta: PT. Dana Bhakti Prima Yasa; 1996. 118 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: RANGE OF MOTION (ROM) EFFECT TO REDUCE OF PAIN AND TO INCREASE THE ACTIVITY OF DAILY LIVING (ADL) IN ELDERLY WITH MOBILIZATION DISORDER DUE TO RHEUMATIC IN PASIRGUNUNG SELATAN DEPOK CITY Nandang Jamiat Nurse Bachelor Programme, ‘Aisyiyah School of Healthy Bandung E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Elderly Aggregate are at risk and vulnerable groups with the condition of the disease, due to lack of access to services and support. The limitation is exacerbated by the disruption mobilization. It is necessary to foster family care elderly health, especially in the prevention of disorder and disability mobilization. One of the efforts of family nursing care is to provide motion exercises/Range of Motion (ROM). The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of ROM to a decrease in pain and an increase in self-efficacy in older adults with impaired mobilization. Methods: The research method using the Wilcoxon test. Result: The results showed a decrease in pain level: 80% down, 10% fixed and 10% increased rate of pain. In addition, an increase in the numbers on the Barthel Index at 60% family, 30% fixed and 10% declined. Conclusions: There is a ROM effect on reducing the level of pain and improvement of selfefficacy in older adults with impaired mobilization due to arthritis. Is necessary to the continuous preventive and promotive ability of nurses to elderly optimum. Keywords: disorders mobilization, range of motion, pain. Introduction aspects of the life of the elderly, both individually and in relation to family and community. Development of health has succeeded in reducing infant mortality, and maternal morbidity Individually due to increasing age aging process occurs that causes a variety of problems both and result in improved community nutrition so that an increasing number of elderly in physical, biological / medical, mental, social or economic. Indonesia. The resulting positive impact is the increased life expectancy (life expectancy), According to Stanhope and Lancaster which in turn will lead to an increase in the number and proportion of elderly population. (2004), the elderly are a group at increased risk for the disorder biology / health. Elderly are at This demographic change will affect many risk (at risk) because at the elderly there are 119 health risk factors that influence the occurrence Problem Formulation : How does the ROM of disease or unhealthy namely : Biologic risk age (age risk and biology), Social risk (social influence the reduction of pain and the increase of ADL in the elderly with mobilization disorder risk), Economic risk (economic risk), life - style risk (risk lifestyle), life - event risk (the risk of due to arthritis ? events in the life) . Age risk and biologic risk factor are suitable with the theory of consequences. According to Miller (2004 ), The theory postulates that the elderly experience the General objectives: To identify the effect of ROM in reducing of pain and increasing of ADL in the elderly with mobilization disorder due to arthritis ? consequences of the functional consequences due to age-related changes and additional risk Specific Objectives : 1 ) identify the effect of ROM on reducing pain in older adults with factors. The combination of age-related changes and risk factors can interfere with the body’s mobilization disorder due to arthritis ; and 2 ) identify the effect ROM to increased ADL at the biological functional ability . elderly with mobilization disorder due to rheumatic? One of the affected system is the musculoskeletal system (skeletal muscle). The Framework concepts. Elderly with limitations of movement and the reduction of the use of joint movement can aggravate these mobilization disorderneeds to get help from community nurses / family . The assistance conditions (Miller, 2004) . The decreased of musculoskeletal ability may decrease physical activity and exercise , so it will affect the elderly provided should be done with due regard to the level of intervention and intervention strategies. in performing activities in daily life (activity daily living or ADL ) ( Westerterp & Meijer , 2001 in Miller , 2004) . Mobilization disorder will cause the elderly become susceptible to health problems . Vulnerable population is easier to get the health problems . The vulnerability occurs as a result of the interaction of internal and external factors that cause a person to become vulnerable to poor health ( Stanhope & Lancaster , 2004) . One of the interventions is to provide ROM exercises. The goal is that it can decrease the pain scale based on the Wong / Baker Faces Rating Scale ( Loretz , 2005), and enhance the ability of self-activity in the Barthel Index scale. Methods Research with quantitative approach conducted on a sample size of 10 clients by using a pre - post comparison analysis. If the Treatment of Rheumatic disorders due to unknown is the mean ( interval scale data / ratios or numerical ), and the nature of the research is mobilization can be carried out by community nurses . Community nurses can perform research with paired samples ( before and after ) it can be obtained a sample of 7 clients . promotive and preventive efforts at mobilization disorders . One of the treatment that can be Researchers took a sample of 10 clients in order to avoid dropouts. Measurement of pain relief performed in the elderly with rheumatic disorders is to provide exercises Range Of as the output as a result of family nursing intervention provided, as well as an increase in Motion ( ROM ) or commonly called joint motion exercises ( Tseng , CN . , Chen CCH . , And lin ADL as measured using the Barthel index used to measure the degree of independence of the , LC , 2006) client, an analysis of the comparative analysis 120 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Range of Motion (ROM) Effect to Reduce of Pain and to Increase the Activity of Daily Living (ADL) in Elderly with Mobilization Disorder Due to Rheumatic in Pasirgunung Selatan Depok City of pre - post ( before and after intervention ) using T test pairs ( if the data were normally distributed ) or using the Wilcoxon test ( if the data is not normally distributed ). Testing normality done analytically by using the Shapiro Wilks test . Results Results nursing care performed on the entire family assisted obtained the following results : A decrease in the level of pain : 80 % Discussion Practice domain has modest degree of skill levels to levels that are difficult skills (complex). Someone needs practice and skill- application process which consistently achieved to seize the complex skill level . Based on this theory, it is appropriate to authors organized a ROM exercise in elderly with mobilization disorder due to arthritis. Based on the results of family nursing care, decreased , 10 % remained, and 10 % increased rate of pain. In addition, an increase in the we can conclude that most of the elderly get in pain which caused by arthritis. Pain is felt among numbers on the Barthel Index at 60 % family , 30 % remained and 10 % declined. Statistically other neck and back pain, shoulder pain, buttock pain and leg pain ( Miller, 2004). These based testing using the Wilcoxon test ( because the data are not normally distributed based on complaints are common complaints. The pain usually increases with movement and slightly the Shapiro Wilks test ) results obtained p - value = 0.023 . where this value indicates that there decreases with rest. Some particular movements sometimes cause more pain than is a significance reduction in pain after the intervention ( from 3.2 ± 0.63 to 2.4 ± 0.84 ). So the other movements. to measure pain we can use the scale 0-5 from the Wong / Baker Faces is the case with ADL improvement obtained by using the Wilcoxon test p - value = 0.018 which Rating Scale ( Loretz , 2005). indicates that an increase in ADL after the intervention ( from 84 ± to 90 ± 6:14 8:16 ). Pain Statistic Mean (SD) Median Min – Max p-value Normality P-value wilcoxon Before 3.2 (0.6) 3.0 2.0 - 4.0 0.012 0.023 After 2.4 (0.8) 2.0 1.0 - 4.0 0.172 ADL Statistic Mean (SD) Median Min – Max P-value Normality P-value Wilcoxon Before 84 (6.15) 85.00 75 - 90 0.046 0.018 After 90 (8.16) 90.00 75 – 100 0.169 ROM exercises is the exercise which is given to elderly who are at risk or experience the limited mobilization. Range of Motion Exercise is one type of physical exercise, physical fitness component that can be trained is the elasticity (flexibility ) which is the ability to move muscles and joints in the entire movement. Physical exercise can be done to increase and improve flexibility. The benefits of this ROM exercises are ; optimize the motion of muscles and joints ; improve physical fitness ; reduce the risk of injury to muscles and joints ; reduce muscle tension and pain ( Perry & Potter , 2002). In this study, it can be proved that the range of joint movement or range of motion ( ROM ) can affect the reduction in pain with p-value under 0.5 or 5%. The existence of the respondents who experienced an increase in pain due to other comorbidities is high 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 121 cholesterol. When do the ROM, the respondent form of handling and care of the elderly with performs very limited. In addition to pain, the respondent was also decreased ADL. This is mobilization disorder due to arthritis as the ROM can be an alternative solution . due to the pain that is felt due to increased cholesterol values . Movement to perform daily Refferences activities be limited . Friedman , Bowden , and Jones (2003 ) states that the family should be involved in providing assistance to the family members who are sick ( health problems ) as efforts to Allender, J.A, & Spradley B.W. (2005).Community Health Nursing.Promoting and Protecting the Public’s Health. Philadelphia. Lippincot & Williams implement family health tasks . Families also need to have the support of the social Amendola, MG. (2011). Empowerment : Healthcare Professional’s and Community environment, especially the group of cadres who had been trained to monitor the treatment Member’s Contributions. Diunduh dari www.ebsco/journal of cultural diversity pada program in elderly impaired mobilization due to arthritis. Cadres and families should continue tanggal 18 April 2012) to cooperate in improving the ability of elderly optimal Conclusions 1) 2) A decrease in the level of pain : 80 % decreased , and 10 % remained . An increase in numbers in the Barthel Index at 60 % of families , and 30 % remained . This shows an increase in the ability of elderly independent in carrying out daily activities / day ( ADL ) 3) The influence ROM movement towards decreased levels of pain in older adults with physical mobilization disorder due to arthritis 4) The influence of the increase in ADL ROM movement elderly with physical mobilization disorder due to arthritis Health department is expected to provide guidance program on a regular basis and planned cadre. Coaching or training in question is an attempt to help the elderly to remain optimal Departemen Kesehatan RI. (2010). Pedoman pembinaan kesehatan usia lanjut bagi petugas kesehatan. Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Bina Kesehatan Masyarakat.Departemen Kesehatan RI. Departemen Kesehatan RI. (2010). Pedoman Pengelolaan Kegiatan Kesehatan di Kelompok Lanjut Usia, Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Bina Kesehatan Masyarakat.Departemen Kesehatan RI. Fitzcharles MA, Lussier D, & Shir Y. (2010).Management of Chronic Arthritis Pain in the Elderly.Diperoleh dari www.ebscohost. Drug aging 2010 tanggal 2 Januari 2012 Friedman, M., Bowden, V.R, & Jones, G.Elaine (2003).Family nursing: research, theory & practice.5th Ed. New Jersey Helvie.C.O,(1998). Advanced Practice Nursing in The Community, Sage Publications Thousand Oaks London. New Delhi. in carrying out daily activities. Training in the 122 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Range of Motion (ROM) Effect to Reduce of Pain and to Increase the Activity of Daily Living (ADL) in Elderly with Mobilization Disorder Due to Rheumatic in Pasirgunung Selatan Depok City Junaidi.Y. (2008).Nyeri Sendi Artritis. Bandung : Familia Medika Middling et. al. (2011).Gardening and the social engagement of older people.Diunduh dari www.Ebsco. Pada tanggal 18 April 2012 Miller,C.A (1999). Nursing care of older adult : Theory and practice. 3rd edition. Lippincot Pender NJ, Murdaugh CL, & Parsons MA.(2002). Health Promotion in Nursing Practice. New Jersey : Prentice Hall Perry & Potter.(2002). Fundamental of Nursing. New Jersey: Mosby Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J (2004). Community health nursing: promoting health of aggregates, families, and individuals. 6th ed. USA: Mosby Tseng, CN., Chen CCH., dan lin, LC. (2006). Effect of a Range Of Motion exercise Programme. JAN original research. Diunduh dari www.ebsco. Tanggal 12 Maret 2012 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 123 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: EFFECT OF HEAD UP AND SUPINE POSITION OF HEMODYNAMIC CHANGES ON PATIENTS WITH HEART FAILURE IN THE HIGH CARE GENERAL HOSPITAL CENTER DR HASAN SADIKIN, BANDUNG Popy Irawati Institute of Health ‘Aisyiyah Bandung, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Intoduction: In critical condition, position is one of nursing procedures that influence patient in changing his hemodynamic condition. Patient with critical cardiac failure usually positioned sitting to alleviate respiratory of the patient. Position changing influence hemodynamic parameters include blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation. Objectives: This study is aimed to identify the hemodynamic changes on head up position and supine changes on among patient with cardiac failure. Method: Used in this study was one group pretest-posttest control group design with consecutive and complete random sampling. Twenty five (25) respondents with cardiac failure was included in this study, consist of 11 male and 14 female; range of age was 17-75 years. Intervention was introduced to the respondents starting with position head up 600, head up 300 continue to supine within 2 minutes, and then measuring hemodynamic parameters include blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation on each of the position. Data collected from the study was analyzed using ANOVA. Result: Results of the analysis show on position, head up 600 and head up 300and supine,to all hemodynamic parameters changes (blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation) there was no significant result. Conclusion, there is no significant difference between supine and head up towards hemodynamic in patients with cardiac failure. Therefore, recommended that head up and supine positions can be doing in patients with cardiac failure with nurses attentions. Keywords: cardiac failure, hemodynamic changes, head-up position, supine position. 125 Introduction Heart failure is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality of heart patients (Mariyono & Santoso, 2007; Woods, Froelicher, Motzer, & Bridges, 2010). In the critical state of the patient with heart failure requiring pharmacologic management of both pharmacological and non, with the aim to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.Pada severe acute heart failure is an emergency condition that requires appropriate management includes knowing the causes, improved hemodynamics, pulmonary congestion and eliminate improvement of tissue oxygenation. Placing the patient in a sitting position with a high concentration of oxygen administration is the first act that can be given to patients with heart failure (Mariyono & Santoso, 2007). The position is one factor that must be considered in maintaining adequate systemic circulation as it can affect the hemodynamic system including the venous system. (Gelman, 2008). According to some theories, changes in body position can affect non-invasive hemodynamic changes including, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation and respiratory rate (Kozier, ERB, Berman, & Synder, 2004). The sitting position often makes the patient uncomfortable if done in a long period of time, most patients with acute heart failure will experience severe shortness of more than 2 hours, causing muscle strain which adds to the discomfort. This study investigates the influence of the position of the lower 30 and supine position on the hemodynamics of blood pressure, pulse, respiration and oxygen saturation in patients with heart failure. Methods The method used in this study was one group pretest-posttest control group design with random consecutive sampling as technique. This study was conducted on 25 respondents with heart failure consisting of 11 men and 14 women with ages between 17-75 years. Research techniques, are used to make changes ranging from head-up position 60 degree and subsequent supine head-up 30 degree with 2-minute intervals, then measuring hemodynamic consisting of blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation at each position. Data were analyzed using ANOVA. Results Table Effect of Head-up and supine position on Hemodynamics in patients with heart failure (n = 25) Parameter Head Up 60 Head Up 30 Supine *p value Sistol 126.48 ± 22.69 127.32 ± 24.47 124.08 ± 23.37 0.880 Diastol 82.32 ± 15.03 83.28±15.45 82.32 ±16.94 0.970 MAP 96.52 ± 16.67 97.60 ± 17.49 96.00 ± 18.67 0.948 Denyut jantung 96.40 ± 19.72 94.96 ± 17.19 95.32 ± 18.61 0.949 Frekuensi pernapasan 25.28 ± 4.646 25.16 ± 6.18 26.76 ±5.79 0.659 Saturasi Oksigen 97.08 ± 2.48 97.20 ±2.09 97.08 ± 2.19 0.775 126 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Effect of Head Up and Supine Position of Hemodynamic Changes on Patients with Heart Failure in the High Care General Hospital Center Dr Hasan Sadikin, Bandung From the table above for systolic, diastolic, The lack of effect of position on blood and MAP, if we look at the maximum of the range of values obtained supine values lower than pressure can be caused due to the small sample in this study was not due to confunding . it could the value of the other two positions, ie 60 degree head-up and head-up position 30 degree. This be caused by pharmacological therapy with which therapy given to respondents affected value is included in Stage 1 hypertension category while the minimum range was still blood pressure. Among them, the first ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors) as within the normal range is between 100 - 120 The p-value> 0.05 then the change in systolic, much as 52% of respondents using this medication, ACE I, works to inhibit the enzyme diastolic, and MAP wasn’t significant. On the heart rate, the maximum value of the range it that inhibits the angiotensin II increases aldosterone expenditure which can cause was found that the head-up position 600 is the value in the high category tachycardia, while the vasoconstriction of the blood vessels so that blood pressure can be maintained. Other drugs minimum range that has a normal value>70x/ mnt. Allthaugh Therefore, changes in heart rate that affect the blood pressure are a beta blocker that work to suppress the sympathetic system were not significant. or systems andrenergik a state of hyperactivity (Andrew & Raymond, 2005). Other causes that For respiratory frequency, obtained from the maximum range that the supine position was the highest position, the range was a range that is included in the category of tachypnea, but the change was not statistically significant. Similarly, the oxygen saturation, the minimum of the range it was found that the supine position is the lowest can lead to a lack of response to changes in the position of the blood vessels is age. Most respondents were in their middle and older adulthood. According Setianto (2007), the blood vessel walls become more rigid with age, due to increased collagen connective tissue in the position, the range was still within normal limits. tunica media and adventitia of medium and large arteries. As a result, increased vascular Discussion resistance and become flexible. Calculations showed that statistically there was no difference From the results of research, there was no difference in blood pressure in the head-up in heart rate in the supine position and the headup. But when seen from the maximum range position 60 degree, 30 degree and supine , both in systole, diastole or MAP. When viewed from even at the starting position, including the category of tachycardia, seen a decrease of 2 the mean value and range of values in the blood pressure has almost the same value at to 4 x / min in the head-up position 30 and supine.Therefore changing this position does every position, but even so when seen from the minimum range of the MAP had a tendency to not worsen the condition of patients at risk for heart rate parameters. As in blood pressure, decrease 1-3 mmHg. there was no influence on the position of the heart rate can be caused by several small cause In terms of blood pressure values , the maximum value was still higher than normal and included in stage 1 hypertension, it was caused due to a history of the disease in as many as 24% of respondents were hypertensive. number of sample was one of the most important. Furthermore pharmacological therapy that is affecting both the sympathetic autonomic nerves and the sympathetic nerves. Inotropic (+) or digitalis affects heart rate, 78% of 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 127 respondents use the digitalis digoxin which has In oxygen saturation can be concluded the effect of strengthening the contraction of the heart and lowers the heart rate. Treatment is there was no difference in oxygen saturation in head-up position and supine. It can be seen in aimed at controlling the rhythm and heart rate so that the response to changes in heart rate mean oxygen saturation values , although there was a trend decline in value there is only a due to the change in position is reduced. Other drugs which affect the heart rhythm and rate are difference of less than 1.Sehingga, nurses can change position and still maintain the oxygen beta-blockers and anti-arrhythmia. saturation in the third that position. Oxygen saturation at e” 95% of all respondents then Other causes that can affect the position effect is age, a decline in beta-adrenergic response to stimulation due to increasing age, the result is a decreased heart rate and contractility are limited in the face of the load. In addition to the degenerative processes of the nervous system, including sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves to make the reflex when the blood flow to the heart rate and a stable heart rhythm controlled, oxygen-containing blood circulation is not obstructed so that the change in position does not cause an excessive increase in oxygen demand. This is supported by respondents that used oxygen therapy using a nasal cannula. becomes slower. From the results of this study concluded there was no difference in changes This study has limitations, among others, this study has a small sample size because in in respiratory rate and supine head-up position. However, if the average seen in the initial position has a respiratory rate above normal this study does not take into account confounding variables. There is not yet studies on the same subject with the study so it is difficult values . With the changes into the supine position there is a tendency of increased to compare study with previous research. respiratory rate, so that the ± 5.79 standard deviations it is feared the supine position, breathing frequency increases> 30 x / min. Therefore, for nurses who will change positions, they need to considered initial respiratory rate did change in position. In patients with heart failure patient’s Conclusions Statistically, there was no hemodynamic changes in the head-up and supine positions in patients with heart failure. References Andrew, Y., & Raymond, Y. (2005). respiratory condition is strongly influenced by the oxygenation in the body which is also heavily Pharmakolotherapy for Chronic Heart Failure. recentclinical trial. ann intern Med, influenced by the CO, when the function of the heart to meet the body’s need for oxygen 132-145. breathing frequency will tend to be stable. In this study the respondents are already in a stable Arif, I. (2009). 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(2000). 130 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SUPPORT, COPING STRATEGY, FAMILY BURDEN, HEALTH STATUS OF ELDERLY AND THE INCIDENT OF ELDERLY ABUSE DEPOK, WEST JAVA Etty Rekawati1, Achir. Yani S. Hamid2, Junaiti Sahar3, Sudijanto Kamso4, Widyatuti5 FIK UI Depok, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: The elderly person generally represents a high risk group. They often experience a drop of functions that lead to the inability to meet their daily needs independently, thus they do require family support. The object of this study, is to identify the relationship between support, coping strategies, family burden, health status and the incidence of abuse. Method: The method of this study used a cross sectional study involving a sample selected by proportional cluster sampling. Data analysis is elaborated in the frequency distribution and a correlative, distribution format. Result: The result of this study concluded that more than 50% of participants were able to provide valuable informational support (55.5%), valuable instrumental support (56.3%), valuable appraisal support (54.1%), and valuable emotional support (50.3%). The majority of families, that were involved in this study, used coping strategy seeking spiritual support (66.7%). Most of caregivers didn’t feel burdened in taking care of elderly parents (89.6%). Most of the elderly persons were perceived to be in poor health and physical condition (48.1%) and psychosocially (45.2%). The numbers of those abused, are as follows physical abuse (24.2%), psychological abuse (74.8%), financial abuse (45.2%), and neglect (43.7%). Bivariate analyses showed that appraisal support was associated with elderly abuse (p=0.019); emotional support was associated with elderly abuse (p=0.007); coping strategies Acquiring Social Support was associated with elderly abuse (p=0.032); psychosocial health was associated with elderly abuse (p=0,048). Keywords: elderly, abuse, family support, family coping strategies, family burdens, the health status of the elderly. 131 Introduction It is estimated that the elderly population has been consistently increasing. Based on United Nations report (2005), Demography Institution of Economic Faculty University of Indonesia (2009), and Statistics Indonesia (2009) that the elderly population, particularly those over the age of 60 years, in developed Functional Consequences Theory by Miller (2004), health impairment in elderly persons occurred because of their biological alteration. Health impairment will be significantly severe if it is accompanied and complicated because of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle during their younger and developing years. Their natural family is the closest countries, has been estimated to increase from 20% in 2004 to 32% in 2050. In developing environment and the main support for elderly persons and as such, they are expected to countries, the number of older adults, over the age of 60 years is also estimated to significantly accommodate them and to take on the task to enable them to improve their health, comfort, increase from 8% in 2005 to 20% in 20152050. This estimation has been proven in and well-being (Friedman, 2003). However, it was found that not every elderly person received regards to the number of elderly people aged above 65 years in Southeast Asia 13.146 million appropriate attention and support from their family. people in 1980; 17.147 million people in 1990; 24.893 million in 2000; 59.316 million people (estimated) in 2025. The final estimation is strengthened by the national survey report by Statistics Indonesia (2010) that revealed data that the number of Indonesian citizens accounts for a total of 237.5 million people with the number of elderly people ranging from 59-75 years, accounted for 23.992 million. Elderly abuse in the family is best described as the inability to care for them adequately in their physical, psychological, spiritual and social health. (National Centre on Elder Abuse USA, 2005). The early stages of abuse or neglect can emanate from a families strain and exhaustion in meeting their needs and thus they become more of an exhausting burden for the family, as World Health Organization (2002) estimated a whole. The phenomenological study of Asniar (2007) about the families experience in taking that the number of the elderly in Indonesia could reach 11.34% by 2020 or specifically, 28.8 care of a post stroke victim at home, concluded that the experiences were assorted and as such, million individuals. This percentage is predicted to exceed the number of toddlers at an estimated the caregivers perceived a twofold burden in taking care the elderly who may have developed 6.9 %. Even though, the percentage of the elderly population in Indonesia is relatively small a health impairment. The family deemed it as a stressful circumstance. compared to the elderly people in some other countries, the actual number is high and they The nursing model that was developed by represent the fourth position after China, India, and the United States of America. (National Commission for Older Persons Indonesia, 2010). Elderly persons are at risk and potentially Sahar (2002) has established that a Family Carer’s Training Program brought about positive impacts towards the health status of the elderly which was directly proportional to their ability in taking care of the elderly. In other words, a family with this education became competent exposed to various diseases. Based on the 132 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Association between Support, Coping Strategy, Family Burden, Health Status of Elderly and the Incident of Elderly Abuse Depok, West Java caregivers in their respective home and could of physical abuse stood at 16%; financial abuse affect the health status of the elderly. 24%; 44% of elderly experienced psychological abuse; none experienced neglect. The National Centre of Elder Abuse, USA (2005) stated that elderly neglect is one Based on Caplan, 1976, (in Friedman, description of elderly abuse. From 1986 until 1996, there was an increase in the number of 2003), it was noted that the family provided the function to give social support as information instances of elderly abuse. According to (Duckhorn, 1997), it was reported that the figure seekers and givers; provided emotional support that helped maintain emotional control; gave of the elderly abused was 117,000 in 1986; 128,000 in 1987; 140,000 in 1988; 211,000 in direct support in supporting financial assistance and taking care of elderly 1990; 213,000 in 1991; 227,000 in 1993; 241,000 in 1994; 286,000 in 1995; 293.000 in parents. Limited supportive resources in any given family can be the main reason of elderly 1996. The WHO (2012) elaborated that the abuse of women was prevalent in older adults abuse (Miller, 2004). The study that was conducted by Ramlah (2011) stated that there than men. In 1995, 7.4% of women experienced abuse and the incidence of abuse was gradually was relationship between informational support, instrumental support, appraisal support, increasing. In 2010, it stood at 9.2% and it has been predicted that it could reach 13% by emotional support and the incidence of elderly neglect. 2025. Duckhorn (1997) also elaborates that the type of abuse in elderly, are as follows 14.6% physical abuse, 12.4% financial abuse, 7.8% Emotional support is a main factor that could lead to a higher incidence of elderly emotional abuse, 0.4% sexual abuse, 55.1% neglect, 4.1% is unknown abuse, 6.2% are other aspects, abuse. In a previous study that had been undertaken by Rekawati (2010), about a Trial Test of Detection Model on Elderly Abuse in Family that had been executed in the Ciracas Region, East Jakarta, found familial, elderly abuse with the following results: 56% of elderly are women; 76% of family caregivers were ethnic Sundanese; 20% were from Betawi; 4% were from Javanese; and 100% of elderly were moslem; 60% of elderly still had a living spouse; 40% of them are widows, widowers or unmarried. Also 72% of the elderly are uneducated, 20% had graduated from elementary school, 8% had graduated from high school. Further 60% stated that they had health complaints ranging from mild to severe, while 40% of them had no complaints. The incidence neglect. Therefore, all the above mentioned aspects of support, provided by a natural family can effectively prevent abuse in the first instance and will lead to an overall improvement in the level of health. Based on the above explanation, the researcher of this study was interested in being aware of the various factors related to the incidents of elderly abuse, specifically as follows: identifying the characteristics of the elderly and their family; support, coping strategies, the family burden, elderly health status and the number of familial elderly abuse incidents; identify the association between family support and elderly abuse in the home; identify the association between family coping strategies and the number of elderly abuse incidents in the home; identify the association between the family burden in taking care of the elderly and the number of elderly abuse incidents in the 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 133 home; identify the association between the impaired person, where the family member is health status of the elderly and the incidents of elderly abuse in the home. viewed as the person whose support is always available to help if needed. Literature Review Friedman (2013) explained that the characteristic of a family is an open system that consists of family member that respectively has interdependent characteristics, interactive, and Several studies related to family support in elderly persons have also been undertaken. Siswanu (2010) did research titled, “The association of family support and participation of elderly parents in Calisthenics Exercise for mutual. Elderly in Perumahan Sinar Waluyo, Semarang” This had a result that was described as the The family has a filter that is used to select input and output information. The respective role relationship between family support and the participation of the elderly in elderly calisthenics of family members will be different depending on such factors as social, cultural and economic exercises. The result of the Continuity Correction Test with significancy= 0.030 and á = 0,05. reality. The existence of a family as part of the larger system, i.e. the total number of residents in the home. The family as an open system (permeable limit) where there is an exchange between the system and the organization of respective family members, or the structure that will influence the function of the other family The result of the study that was conducted by Handayani (2009), concluded that family support will contribute to a declining of anxiety for the elderly residents in nursing homes. Jafar (2010) carried out a phenomenology study regarding the experience of the elderly that receive social support in nursing homes. Panti Sosial Tresna Wredha Abiyoso, in D.I. members. All the while, the developmental task of a family with elderly parents is to modify their Yogyakarta, concluded that support received for the elderly during their stay in nursing homes environment to fulfill the specific needs in the elderly and focus on fully providing physical can be divided into resources and types of support. The resources of support can be gained needs, promote comfort and support, maintain relationships between the family and other from family, nursing home workers, and any other allied concerns. Support can be best residents and embed the feeling of an understanding of life and crisis management. decried as social integration, emotional support, financial support, informational support, and service support. Family support is commonly accepted as the emotional support in the form of sympathy and best decried as the evidence of love, The meaning of family support for the elderly provides them with inner happiness. attention and ability to listen to the complaints of others. Several researchers viewed family Elderly persons deem family support as a positive content. They expect to have family support as real instrumental support and emotional or informational support (House dan support when they are in a nursing home and this maintains a good relationship through Khan, 1985 dalam Friedman, 2003). Cited from Friedman (2003), family support was attitude, having regular interaction, giving appraisal for them and preparing them during their final action, and family acceptance towards the stages of life. 134 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Association between Support, Coping Strategy, Family Burden, Health Status of Elderly and the Incident of Elderly Abuse Depok, West Java Based on several mentioned researches, it nursing homes, Panti Sosial Tresna Wredha implies that family support can dramatically influence their health status. However, the fact Kecamatan Peusangan Kabupaten Bireuen Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, proved that the remains that not every elderly person optimally enjoys support from their family and this could stress level in the elderly who lived in nursing homes was higher than those that lived with their be construed as abuse. families. The Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES) (Mc. Cubbin, Coping strategy problems are often used by the elderly in nursing homes. Religious coping 1981) was devised to identify coping strategies used by families in overcoming problems. F- strategies were more often used by the elderly in family situations and there is no difference in COPES depicts a coping dimension based on a pile-up factor, family resources and a seeking social support and coping strategies between two elderly people who lived either in perception of problems. a nursing home and those that lived with their family. Five types of coping strategies in F-COPES Scale are as follows: 1) Acquiring Social Support Strategy (ASSS) is to measure the ability of a family in utilizing support from friends, neighbors, and the extended family 2) Reframing Strategy (RS) is to assess the ability of families to redefine stress Based on the International Council of Nursing (2001), elderly abuse in families was interpreted as a families inability to take adequate care of them physically, psychologically and socially. Elderly abuse consists of four type, are as follows: 1) physical power that causes injury to the body, physical pain, and disablement and circumstances and how to overcome them 3) 4) Seeking Spiritual Support Strategy characterized by the existence of bruises, fissure from fractured bones, the evidence (SSSS) is to measure the ability of a family through spiritual support of abuse, open wound, dislocation, deep wound, bleeding, broken spectacles and Mobilising Family to Acquire and Accept reports from elderly persons that they are being hit, kicked, or any other Help Strategy (MFS) is to comprehend the ability of families in utilizing community mistreatment 2) resources 5) physical abuse, is defined as using Psychological abuse can be defined in the Passive Appraisal Strategy (PAS) is to emergence of hurt feeling, feeling pressured and pushed and displaying fear assess the ability of families in accepting problems with minimal reactions. in speaking and attitude. Generally, this is characterized in being irritable and withdrawal from interaction, The study of Hamdiana (2009) that analyzed the difference of stress levels and coping strategies in the elderly that lived 3) Neglect may be defined as the ignorance or failure in fulfilling one’s basic needs and together with family compared to those in 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 135 4) is characterized by dehydration, family caregivers were the children of elderly malnutrition and a deficit self-hygiene. persons. Financial exploitation may be defined as the misappropriation of financial, property The result of this study showed the following data: or the use of their assets without their agreement and is characterized by the sudden loss. Methods This research used simple descriptive design with cross sectional study. The participants were 135 older adults who lived with their family. Samples were taken by sampling probability technique with multistage cluster sampling. Inclusive criteria of elderly person was those equal or over the age of 60 years old, lived with family, minimal graduate from elementary school, and could communicate More than half of the participants gave good informational and instrumental appraisal, and emotional support for their elderly parents. The most coping strategy used by families in taking care of the elderly is seeking spiritual support (66,7%). Most families stated that they had no burden in taking care of their elderly (89,6%). Most of the elderly were physically healthy (51.9%), while the remainder were unhealthy psychosocially (45.2%). The incidence of elderly abuse was shown in the following table: Table 1. The incidence of elderly abuse in verbally, effectively. Whereas, inclusive criteria for family are caregiver who lived with family, families Kelurahan Harjamukti Kecamatan Cimanggis Depok, minimal graduate from junior high school, and are able to effectively communicate. July 2013 (n=135) Results No 1 Characteristic of Elderly and Family The result of this research revealed the following data: Most characteristics of elderly persons were those within the range, aged 60-69 years old (51,1%); more than half are women (55,6%), where most of them had low income under the regional minimum wage (91,9%); more than half are Betawi ethnics (57%). Characteristics of 2 3 4 family, more than half of the family caregivers were aged 20-39 years old (58,5%) and most were women (88,1%). Most of the surveyed participants had low family income, below the regional minimum wage (76,3%). Most families were from Betawi ethnics (61,5%) and most of 5 The type of abuse Abuse • No • Yes Total Physical Abuse • No • Yes Total Financial Abuse • No • Yes Total Psychological Abuse • No • Yes Total Neglect • No • Yes Total 136 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Total Percentage (%) 68 67 135 50,4 49,6 100 102 33 135 75,6 24,4 100 74 61 135 54,8 45,2 100 34 101 135 25,2 74,8 100 76 59 135 56,3 43,7 100 The Association between Support, Coping Strategy, Family Burden, Health Status of Elderly and the Incident of Elderly Abuse Depok, West Java The highest number of elderly abuse is Bivariate results showed that there is a relationship between appraisal support and elderly abuse (p=0.019); emotional support and psychological abuse (74,8%). The relationship between support, coping strategies, family burden in taking care of the elderly, health status of elderly and the incidence of elderly abuse. elderly abuse (p=0.007); coping strategy Acquiring Social Support and elderly abuse (p=0.032); elderly psychosocial health and elderly abuse (p=0.048). Recapitulative analysis bivariate between support, coping strategy, and family burden in Statistical Modelling of Research taking care, health status and the incidence of elderly abuse can be seen in table 2. Statistical modelling on this research began with the multivariate analysis with a double Table 2. logistic al regression test that was aimed to estimate the validity of the relation between Recapitulation of p value score between support, coping strategy, family burden, and health status of elderly towards physical, psychological, financial abuse, and neglect. Kelurahan Harjamukti Kecamatan Cimanggis Depok July 2013 (n=135) support, coping strategies, the family burden, elderly health status and was effectively correlated with the incident of elderly abuse in the home and the influence of such variables, as age, gender, income, ethnics, and the relationship between elderly persons and family. The result of the final modelling is shown in Table 3. Independent Variable Family support: • Informational support • Instrumental support • Appraisal support • Emotional support Family coping strategy • Acquiring Social Support • Reframing • Seeking Spiritual Support • Mobilizing family to acquire and accept help • Passive Appraisal • Family burden Elderly health status • Physical health • Psychosocial health Dependent Variable (Abuse) Table 3. The result of the final modelling multivariable test that is correlated with the incidence of 0.102 0.102 0.019* 0.007* 0.032* 0.807 0.543 0.782 0.933 0.553 elderly abuse Harjamukti Kelurahan Kecamatan Cimanggis Depok July 2013 (n=135) No Variabel 1 Informational support 2 Acquiring Social Constanta B 1.197 P value 0.001 OR 3.309 0.833 0.024 2.301 -0.940 0.003 0.391 0.345 0.048* 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 137 Modelling was obtained through logistic persons who have high dependency. The value equation: applying in society was the children had responsibility in taking care of their parents, like Y constants 1x1 2x2 -0.940 + 1.197 (informational support) + what their parents did in their childhood. This point boosted the residents to state that they 0.833 (coping strategy Acquiring Social Support Strategy) did not feel burdened in taking care of older adults. Information support is a variable that is The conformable study executed by Muraki, dominant when correlated with elderly abuse in the home because it had the biggest OR, that is at all (2007) that did investigation related to the association between patients with stroke and 3.309. dementia and the burden of family caregiver in Japan population. The conclusion of this study Discussion showed that the burden of family caregiver was high for the patients with stroke and even higher Y= The study of Hamid (1993) and this study used similar instrument, F-COPE. Although the criteria or the target of respondent between those studies are different, yet F-COPE instrument were still able to identify coping for patients with dementia in general population. It implicated that complication of functional alteration in elderly persons might increase the burden of family caregiver. strategy used by family. This point showed that F-COPE instrument could be applied to assess Kim & Cheong Seok (2003) stated that reciprocal support between older adults and their coping strategy of family in every condition. Therefore, F-COPE instrument, specifically that family caregiver would bring positive impact, especially in life satisfaction. The family who was developed already by Mc Cubbin could be applied for assessing Indonesia residents. received reciprocal support between family caregivers and older adults were more likely to Based on Swasono (1989) every culture reach life satisfaction than the family caregiver that provided support for their older parents, but had determined old stage as well as its role and social function with various values, perception, and measurement. However, there was a universal view that older adults were those who were able to collect wise and wisdom. Therefore, older adults population was deemed as an individual that has strength, certain skills, and with their huge experiences, they deserve to be respected. For conventional residents, that generally consist of large family, entering old stage was something that does not need to be worried. They would have good social warranties: their children and relatives. The children in this society, felt responsible of taking care their older parents, especially the elderly did not perceived support from their older parents. Similar evidence also stated by Merz & Consedine (2009) that positive emotional support in older adults could improve health status of older adults. This statement was conformable with this study that reciprocal family support could increase the health status of older adults. This evidence was proven from the results of questionnaire that there were families that limit the activities of older adults and there were older adults that feel desperate. Based on the result of chi-square analysis in the first step of this study, it was found that there was no relationship between the physical health of elderly persons and the incidents of elderly 138 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Association between Support, Coping Strategy, Family Burden, Health Status of Elderly and the Incident of Elderly Abuse Depok, West Java abuse, yet there was a relationship between psychosocial health and the incidents of elderly abuse. Conclusions • There was a relationship between family support and the incident of elderly abuse. • There was relationship between family coping strategies and elderly abuse. • There was no correlation between family burden and the incidence of elderly abuse • There was a relationship between the health status and the incidence of elderly abuse References 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 139 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: APPLICATION OF KOLCABA’S COMFORT THEORY IN HANDLING RISK OF FLUID AND ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE ON POST-OPERATIVE CHILDREN AT BCH WARD OF RSUPN DR. CIPTO MANGUNKUSUMO Fauziah Rudhiati1, Nani Nurhaeni2, Siti Chodidjah2 1 Pediatric Nursing, Nursing Science Study Program (S-2), STIKes Jenderal Achmad Yani, Cimahi, Indonesia 2 Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Science, Indonesia University, Depok, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Nausea vomiting is comfort disorder which is experienced by most of post-operative children. Nausea vomiting can cause fluid imbalance is risk that can happen to almost all children who have undergone surgery. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance of post surgery could result worsening on children condition which was in the end obstructed recovery process of surgical wounds. The aim of the final scientific writing was to give description of application of Comfort Theory concept in nursing care on post-operative children who had needs over fluid and electrolyte. The usage of comfort theory could improve nurse’s awareness over clients needs of comfort of every aspect physical, psycho-spiritual, environment, and socio-cultural complained by clients nor result of nurse analysis through theory application that had been applied by nurse could discover changes of comfort level before and after nursing intervention was applied. It is suggested implementation of comfort theory application can be maintained at hospital of nursing care. Keywords: Comfort theory, fluid, and electrolyte post operative. Introduction because of non infectious disease. (Hockenberry, 2010). In 2010, number of children in Indonesia suffered for non infectious disease age 1-4 years old was 4,03%, age 5-14 years old was Stress effect because of hospitalization and level of morbidity because of non infectious 8,29%, and increased to group of age 15-24 years old which amounted 12,55% (Kemenkes, disease can be minimized by fulfilling children basic needs. One of the important basic needs 2012). For several non infectious diseases surgery is required for medication, therefore, to be noticed of children clients with surgery case was the fulfillment of fluid and electrolyte, hospitalization on children is unavoidable. Hospitalization on children and parents could for children usually had to do fasting before surgery. The other reason was children were be one of stress triggers and in the end should impact on children physical condition before or vulnerable to dehydration (Nair & Balachandran, 2004). after surgery and increased level of morbidity 141 Effort of fluid fulfillment on children clients malformation of closed colostomy, hirschsprung with surgery before and after surgery was a way to increase client’s and family’s comforts disease, and anorectal malformation of PSA manufacturers and repaired colostomy. Although (Kolcaba&Kolcaba, 1991; Kolcaba, 2001;Wilson &Kolcaba, 2004). It is expected with focus on it had different medical diagnosis, the similarities of five cases were they experienced abdominal nursing care over comfort, clients and family could achieve health and welfare status that surgery and had general anesthesia procedure. were expected. More broadly if health and welfare of children with surgery case could be achieved, so level of morbidity of children with non infectious disease could be suppressed. Therefore, trial of implementation of comfort theory concept which is initiated by Kolcaba in practice of nursing care on children with surgery case should be carried out in order to develop and increase the quality of pediatric surgical nursing care. Methods Method used in writing this final scientific works was case study. In which writers presented description in details concerning application of Katherine Kolcaba’s comfort theory on nursing care of post-operative children. Surgery can cause fluid and electrolyte imbalance through mechanism of stress, pain, immunology, and anesthesia intervention which stimulated ADH secretion, so that fluid and electrolyte retention happened 48 hours post surgery (Ganong, 2003 in Kim van Wissen & Breton, 2004). General anesthesia intervention on procedure of abdominal surgery could also provoke nausea and vomiting (Rose& Watcha, 1999; Pierre& Whelan, 2012). Therefore, even varied in surgical procedure, the five cases in point had risk to experience fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Discussion of Kolcaba’s comfort theory application on the five control cases based on nursing process: those were assessment, nursing diagnosis, nursing intervention and evaluation. Assessment : range of client age on control Results cases lied on babies to school age, therefore, when starting assessment, pediatric nursing After application of comfort theory was done on five cases of post-operative children, there residence used communication technique in appropriate with children development. Non was increase of comfort related to fluid and electrolyte imbalance risk. From five cases, four verbal communication technique for instance caressing, smiling, a lot more carrying applied of which experienced increase of comfort from lowest level or relief to level of medium comfort to child F since the client was not able to communicate verbally. Egocentric respond on or ease. Whereas the other one had already been in level of medium comfort or ease and children NP, MA, and A were still dominant. By which, pediatric nursing residence underwent could be maintained until end of the treatment. an approach by letting a child to touch and to use inspection tools. Focus of assessment was Discussion focusing on assessment of client’s hydration status those were physical aspect, only level of There were five control cases that would be discussed. Those consisted of invagination/ intussusception, apendicitis, anorectal comfort of every case was different. According to Ball, Blinder, & Blinder (2008) age had effect on fluid composition in the body, in this case 142 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Application of Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory in Handling Risk of Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance on Post-Operative Children at BCH Ward of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo child F, girl, 5 months old who suffered comfort level, which meant the need of disorder invagination was client who was most vulnerable over fluid imbalance. fulfillment should be immediately settled. When observation was done there were 2 Risk of fluid imbalance was also experienced by NP, girl, 36 months old who was clients with weight problems. First, child F experienced body weight decrease for 2,5 % discovered suffering for down syndrome and post surgery of laparatomy + anastomosis. within 3 days. Child F suffered defecation of slime mixed with blood and greenish vomit and When the client went back to Bch ward after underwent 1 day care at PICU, client’s also hesitated to drink. Post surgery of laparatomy resection ileo-colon ascenden + consciousness had not entirely back to normal, for client was on drug effect of midazolam drug anastomosis ielo-colica child F was being fasted and pt on NGT to stream gastric fluid. Client 1 cc/hour with aim client could rest and decreased risk of detached stitches of post obtained fluid therapy on intravenous such as N 5 + KCl (10 mEq/L) for 26,3 ml/hour and surgery. However, as result, client was being fasted and drinking process was delayed. aminofusin therapy 5% 3 ml/hour. In taxonomic structure, this condition occurred in ease Therefore, client was given therapy N5 + KCL (10 mEq/L) as much as 38 ml/hour and AF 5% physical aspect column, since based on nurse analysis client required strict supervision and as much as 8 ml/hour. Client seemed experiencing nausea, and green fluid flew as monitoring of fluid, so that client’s needs of body fluid could be fulfilled precisely. Client needs based on nurse analysis were included in ease much as 15 cc from NGT during observation. Her lips looked dry. comfort level. Nursing intervention: what was done for fluid imbalance was sort of standard comfort Child A, age 16 months old, suffered for prolapsed colostomy with body weight 8,2 Kg. intervention which were monitoring fluid intake and output, measuring fluid balance, measuring Description body weight could also be description of amount of fluid in the body, fluid intake per day, monitoring symptoms of dehydration or electrolyte imbalance, monitoring therefore, child A also had risk to experience fluid imbalance. Besides body weight condition vital sign such as breathing frequency, pulse, temperature and observing laboratory test that could increase fluid imbalance, prolapsed colostomy on child A could also gain evaporation concerning fluids as Hb, Ht, Ur/Cr, blood electrolyte Na/K/Cl. To overcome nausea and of body fluid. vomiting occurred post surgery, acupressure was sought on point pericardium 6, on which On the case of child RA, boy, age 8 years old who suffered for chronic appendicitis had experienced bloody defecations since 1 month before hospitalized. On March 25 laboratory test could obstruct nausea/vomiting stimulation of client post surgery. Intervention to overcome pain which was was taken, it showed Hb was low 10,9 g/dL and hematocrit value was in normal level 35,1 %. standard comfort intervention was doing pain scale assessment and collaborated giving Child RA looked pale, akral cold, complained headache. According to taxonomic structure of analgesic therapy as pain reliever. However, we could also do intervention of coaching nursing, Kolcaba physical needs of RA lied on relief that was teaching mother hw to do technique of 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 143 distraction as it was taught to mother of child F. awareness in monitoring fluid output and intake Distraction techniques were singing, caressing, giving toys to clients age 15 months old, 24 of children client post surgery. months old, and 36 months old oar giving non nutritive sucking technique to baby clients age 5 months old. Besides those, imaginary guidance technique on clients age 8 years old could also be used. Comfort food for the soul was a nursing intervention to give comfort without clients asked for it, for instance giving child F damp cloth to wet their lips, light Application of Kolcaba’s comfort theory was proven increasing nurse awareness over the importance of fluid monitoring after surgery was undergone, however, the effectiveness had not been proven yet, therefore, advanced application over more cases with compared group need to be held, so its effectiveness be more visible. massaging at extremity time, or on clients’ back. References Evaluation: according to Kolcaba’s comfort theory, evaluation of nursing intervention which Ball, J., Blinder, R., & Blinder, RM. (2008).Pediatric nursing:Caring for children. had been implemented could be done through taxonomic structure, by which progress could be seen before and after interventions. Generally evaluation of comfort level of fluid and electrolyte imbalance over four cases, those were cases 1, 2, 3, and 4, they met progress. Indicators used by writers in determining changes of comfort level of fluid and electrolyte imbalance of every client could be seen on the success of accomplishment of planning result criterions of nursing intervention. If fluid and electrolyte imbalance problem occurs actually, comfort level category is relief. After nursing intervention was done and result of criterions set could be accomplished, so nursing problems of fluid and electrolyte imbalance were managed and level of comfort was shifted into ease. Conclusions Application of Kolcaba’s comfort theory in handling risk of fluid and electrolyte imbalance on post-operative children is a novelty that has not been applied before. Change that could be more felt by the implementation of comfort theory in nursing care of risk fluid and electrolyte imbalance was the improvement of nurse California: Prentice Hall. Ganong, W.F. (2003). Review of medical physiology. 20thed. New York: Appleton & Lange. Hockenberry, M.J., & Wilson, D. (2009).Wong’s essentials of pediatric nursing.(8thed). St. Louis: Mosby Elseiver Kolcaba, K. (2001). Evolution of the mid range theory of comfort for outcome research.Nursing Outlook, 49(2), 86-92. Kolcaba, KY., &Kolcaba, RJ. (1991). An analysis of the concept of comfort. Journal of Advance Nursing, 16, 1301-1310. Nair, SG.,&Balachandran, R. (2004). Perioperative fluid and electrolyte management in paediatric patients.Indian J. Anaesth, 48(5), 355-364. Pierre, S., & Whelan, R. (2012).Nausea and vomiting after surgery.Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Advance, 2012. 144 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Application of Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory in Handling Risk of Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance on Post-Operative Children at BCH Ward of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Rose, JB., &Watcha, MF. (1999). Postoperative nausea and vomiting in paediatric patient.British Journal of Anaesthesia, 83(1), 104-117. Wilson, L., &Kolcaba, K. (2004).Practical application of comfort theory in the perianesthesia setting.Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 19(3), 164-173. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 145 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: DESCRIPTION LEVEL KNOWLEDGE OF DIET DM ON DM SUFFERER IN REGION WORK OF WIROBRAJAN PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER YOGYAKARTA 1 2 Isra Nur Utari S. Potabuga , Erfin Firmawati 1 Student of School of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2 Lecturer of Medical Surgical, School of Nursing, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) was often known as “The great imitator” because the disease can affect and attack all organs and cause complaints variety greatly. Diabetes Mellitus Sufferer in Indonesia is predicted to increase the amount of 8,4 million in 2000 to around 21,3 million in 2030. Knowledge of diet DM is very important to increase intellectual behavior that can be associated with the level of knowledge. The purpose of this study was to know description level knowledge of diet DM on DM sufferer in region work of Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta. Method: Design of this research used a non-experimental with descriptive analytic. This research used Purposive Technique Sampling and obtained 40 respondents. This research start from May until June 2014 and used questionnaire. Data analysis used the frequency distirubution table. Result: The result showed description level knowledge of diet DM there are 7 respondents good category (17,5%), 13 respondents enough category (32,5%) and 20 respondents less category (50%). Conclusion: Based on the research it can be concluded that most respondents are have less knowledge of diet DM. I suggest for Wirobrajan Public Health Center to give health education and counseling to increase knowledge to be good. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Diet, Knowledge. 147 Introduction Diabetes mellitus (DM) is often known as “the great imitator” because the disease can attack all organs of the body and cause a variety of complaints with signs and symptoms vary greatly. Along with the changing times and increasing public welfare in the developing countries cause to lifestyle changes that leads to unhealthy lifestyle. It is the result diabetic from year to year continues to increase and to current the DM is a chronic disease that is classified as a world health problem. In epidemiology, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2013 estimated that the increase in the number of diabetic in the world from 382 million in 2013 to 592 million in 2035. Indonesia has now ranks fourth highest diabetes prevalence after the United States, China, and India (Association of Indonesian Hospital / PERSI, 2011), whereas according to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2007 predicted increase the number of diabetic in Indonesia from 8.4 million in 2000 to around 21.3 million in 2030. Data from the Wirobrajan Public Health Center in January 2014, in 2013 patients that diabetes control in 1624 a number of visits with an average of 135 visits Knowledge about diet DM is very important for people with diabetes to improving intellectual behavior that can be attributed to the level of knowledge, understanding, analysis and synthesis. Therefore, the researchers wanted to know description level knowledge of diet DM on DM sufferer in region work of Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta. Methods This research used a research “Nonexperiment” is descriptive analytic with using the cross sectional design. The population in this study were all patients with type 2 DM living in region work of Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta. This study obtained data about total population in 2013 in Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta as many as 186 patients. The sampling technique used in this study is using the purposive sampling. Location of the research conducted in Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta. This research was carried out for 2 months from May to June 2014. The research instrument used by the researchers in this study is a demographic data questionnaire and DM dietary knowledge per month. questionnaire. Data collection was conducted in two phases, the first phase is the preparation The incidence of diabetes is still high caused by many factors such as genetics, obesity and phase and the second phase of implementation. Validity test is done to test the truth or validity of demographics (Suyono, 2013). Another cause can be caused by lack of movement, overeating, a questionnaire about knowledge of diet DM using the Content Validity Index (CVI). pregnancy, and deficiency of insulin hormone production (Subekti, 2013). Management efforts Calculation of dietary knowledge questionnaire instrument reliability DM using the Kuder to prevent the impact of DM complications consisted of four pillars which include education, Richardson formula (KR-20) because it produces a dichotomy scores (1 and 0). Data medical nutrition therapy, physical exercise, and pharmacological management (Indonesian analysis used the univariate analysis. Univariate analysis of the data to analyze the demographic Society of Endocrinology, 2006). The success of the diet DM is supported by many factors, one of characteristics of the data to be displayed with frequencies and percentages include age, which is the knowledge of patients about diet DM. gender, education, income, information, 148 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Description Level Knowledge of Diet DM On DM Sufferer in Region Work of Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta employment and drug use. The data is displayed using a frequency distribution table. Based on Table 1 above shows the average age of people with diabetes 45-59 years (95%). Characteristics of respondents by sex, most of Results the female by 75%. Characteristics of respondents by education, the majority (52.5%) Tabel 1. Characteristics of Respondents description of DM at Wirobrajan Public had high school. Characteristics of respondents by job most of the respondents had a job as a Health Center (N = 40) housewife (55%). Characteristics of respondents by income have the most income No 1. 2. 3. Demographic Characteristics Age 30 – 44 45 – 59 Total Sex Man Woman Total Education Elementary Junior High School Senior High School Bachelor Total Occuption 4. Civil servants Private Employees Entrepreneurs Housewife Retirement Total Income 5. < 1,2 million 1,2–2,5 million 2,5 – 5 million Total 6. Got Information Yes No Total Source: Primary Data, 2014 Total (N=40) F % 2 38 40 5 95 100 is around 1.2 to 2.5 million of 67.5%. Characteristics of respondents based on got information about dietary DM by 90% of respondents ever received the information. Tabel 2. 10 30 40 25 75 100 Frequency Distribution of Knowledge of Diet DM on diabetic in Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta (N = 40) 0 16 21 0 40 52,5 3 40 7,5 100 2 2 2 11 22 1 40 5 5 5 27,5 55 2,5 100 Knowledge Categories Good Enough Less Total Number Percentage (n) (%) 7 17,5 13 32,5 20 50 40 100 Based on Table 2 appears that the level knowledge of diet DM on diabetic with good category 7 respondents (17.5%), enough category 13 respondents (32.5%), and less category 20 respondents (50%). Discussion 11 27 2 40 27,5 67,5 5 100 36 4 40 90 10 100 Based on Table 1 the characteristics of the average age of the respondents DM at Wirobrajan Public Health Center is 45-59 years. This is in accordance with the IDF Diabetes Atlas (2013) which states the majority of 382 million people with diabetes aged between 40 and 59 years. Judging from the characteristics of the respondents in this study gender domination by women by 30 respondents at 75%. The results are consistent by Sari (2013) states that the 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 149 number of respondents who suffered most with most have knowledge of diet DM were less by type 2 diabetes are female. 20 respondents (50%). I suggest Wirobrajan Public Health Center to giving health education Educational characteristics of DM patients at Wirobrajan public health center most have a history of high school education was 52.5%. According to research Wulp, et al (2012) which states that people with type 2 diabetes are largely secondary education. Based on the characteristics of DM patients at Wirobrajan Public Health Center have the majority of income is in the range 1.2 to 2.5 million with a percentage of 67.5%, it can be concluded that the average respondent has income above the Regional Minimum Wage. Characteristics of obtaining information on the dietary DM DM patients in health centers by 90% of respondents Wirobrajan obtain information about the dietary DM. Availability of information can increase one’s knowledge which will be able to change one’s lifestyle towards more positive (Notoatmodjo, 2010). and counseling about knowledge of diet DM to increase the diabetic knowledge to be good. Acknowledgment We are very thankful to Wirobrajan Public health centre, for allowing us to conduct this study. We are also indebted to doctor and nurse helping us to collect the baseline data. Finally, we would extend a special thanks to all the respondents for their useful information and cooperation. We hope this study will make a positive impact on their lives in the future. This work was supported by School of Nursing Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta. We are also grateful to the College for its generous financial support and scholarly guidance. Refferences Based on Table 2 the results of statistical Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia. (2013). Mengenal Diabetes Melitus (DM). Diakses 4 November 2013, analysis showed that the frequency distribution of dietary DM knowledge 50% in DM patients dari http://www.pbpapdi.org/ papdi.php?pb=detil_berita&kd_berita=20 categorized as having less knowledge. The things that can affect the level of knowledge of World Health Organization. (2007). Global diet DM as education, information, culture, and socio-economic experiences (Notoatmodjo, Health Observatory. Diakses 27 Januari 2014, dari http://www.who.int/topics/ 2007). According to research conducted by Purwanto (2011), states that in order to increase diabetes_mellitus/en/ the knowledge of people with diabetes required the participation of health professionals to provide appropriate information through health education for how to diet diabetes mellitus (p = 0.00). Conclusions Based on the research results of description Perkumpulan Endokrinologi Indonesia. (2006). Konsesus Pengelolaan Diabetes Mellitus. Jakarta Perhimpunan Rumah Sakit Seluruh Indonesia. (2011). RI Rangking Keempat Jumlah Penderita Diabetes Terbanyak Dunia, Diakses 4 November www.pdpersi.co.id/ level knowledge of diet DM on DM sufferer in region work of Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta, can be concluded that diabetic the 150 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 2014, dari http:// Description Level Knowledge of Diet DM On DM Sufferer in Region Work of Wirobrajan Public Health Center Yogyakarta Suyono, S. (2013). Kecenderungan Peningkatan Jumlah Penyandang Diabetes. Jakarta. Badan penerbit FKUI Subekti. (2013). Apa itu Diabetes : Patofisiologi, Gejala dan Tanda. Jakarta. Badan penerbit FKUI Internasional Diabetes Federation. (2013). Diabetes Atlas. Diakses 18 Januari 2014, dari http://www.idf.org/diabetesatlas Sari, D.P. (2013). Upaya Penanganan Dan Perilaku Pasien Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Di Puskesmas Maccini Sawah Kota Makassar Tahun 2013. Skripsi Strata Satu. Universitas Hasanudin, Makassar. Wulp, I., Leeuw, J., Gorter, K.J., Rutten, G. (2012). Effectiveness of peer-led selfmanagement coaching for patients recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetic Medicine Notoatmodjo, S. (2010). Promosi Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Purwanto, N.H. (2011). Hubungan Pengetahuan Tentang Diet Diabetes Mellitus Dengan Kepatuhan Pelaksanaan Diet Pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus. Jurnal Keperawatan 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 151 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: ACUPUNCTURE FOR NAUSEA VOMITING IN PREGNANCY Imtihanul Munjiah Lecturer School of Health ‘Aisyiyah Bandung Master of Midwifery Student Padjadjaran University E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Nausea and vomiting are experienced by approximately 50-90% of women. These symptoms become more severe in hundred of thousand pregnancies. One of the non-pharmacological treatments that is cheap and safe is acupuncture. Several studies have shown acupuncture to be effective in treating nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Most of the cases were treated by sticking needles into meridian points Pericardium 6 (Neiguan). Stimulatory effect at that point believed to increase the release of beta-endorphin and ACTH in the pituitary throughout the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) inhibits the vomiting center. Methods: This study is a review of the literature which is based on a systematic search of computerized databases in the form of journal articles and researches. Results: The mechanism of acupuncture to prevent nausea and vomiting associated with sympathetic nerve stimulus in the center by the hypothalamus resulting in the inhibition of gastrointestinal peristalsis. Acupuncture does not cause significant side effects, so it is quite appropriate to be used as an alternative medicine in the health care system. The study states that women who experience nausea and vomiting in pregnancy less than 14 weeks and getting acupuncture therapy at the point Pericardium 6 reported nausea decreased in the second week of the experiment, the study concluded that acupuncture is an effective treatment for women who experience nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy Some studies show that acupuncture is more effective than acupressure to prevent nausea and vomiting. Keywords: Acupuncture, nausea, vomiting. Introduction vomiting disappeared at 14 weeks gestation, and 90% disappeared at the age of 22 minggu.1,2,3 Pregnancy symptoms become more Nausea and vomiting experienced by approximately 50-90% of women. Nausea and severe in hundred of thousand pregnancies. Approximately 35% of women who experience vomiting occur in 60-80% and 40-60% multigravida primigravida. Approximately 25% nausea and vomiting during pregnancy lost jobs / activities with family.4 only experience nausea without vomiting. Fifty percent of women who experience nausea and 153 There are two ways that are often used to The study states that women who relieve nausea, the pharmacological and nonpharmacological. Non-pharmacological experience emesis gravidarum in gestational age less than 14 weeks and getting acupuncture Methods are not harmful to the mother and the fetus, does not have the effect of allergic or other therapy at the point Pericardium 6 reported nausea decreased in the second week of the negative effects. There are several kinds of nonpharmacological techniques to reduce nausea experiment, the study concluded that acupuncture is an effective treatment for women and vomiting among other ginger therapy, acupressure, aromatherapy, and acupuncture. who experience nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.8 Acupuncture is a complementary medicine technique that is often done and it is consider Methods non-pharmacological treatment that is cheap and safe. This study is a literature review (Literature Review) is trying to identify about acupuncture Acupuncture point or acupoint is a collection therapy, especially against Emesis Gravidarum. Sources to conduct this literature review of various nerve endings of skin and muscle that can be stimulated by a variety of Methods, such as acupuncture needles. Stimulation of acupuncture points can be activated three centers, namely the spinal cord, midbrain and pituitary. It releases neurochemicals such as endorphins, serotonin and norepinephrine that is able to block pain messages and pressing the vomiting center. In addition, stimulation of acupuncture points can also cause the release of adenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary. ACTH stimulates the adrenals to produce cortisol which is antiemetik.5,6 includes studies systematic search of computerized databases (Cochrane Google and Google Scholar) in the form of journal articles and research, with the total of 13 sources. Discussion Principles of Acupuncture Acupuncture is a method that uses fine needles to stimulate energy channels that run beneath the surface of the skin. It affects the body’s energy balance changes and work to Nause and vomiting in pregnancy can be restore health. Acupuncture is a treatment method by means of a special needle into treated with acupuncture. Therapy needed varies according to the individual and the specific points on the skin are called points akupunktur.9 Basics of Traditional Chinese severity of nausea, there were only done one time treatment of nausea and vomiting Medicine (TCM) is the theory of Yin Yang and the Five Elements are made up of elements of disappeared, the average treatment required is three times. Most of the cases were treated by Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Yin Yang balance in view of modern medicine is defined sticking needles into meridian points Pericardium 6 (Neiguan). Stimulatory effect at as the unity of humoral homeostasis, namely the immune system, the nervous and endocrine that point believed to increase the release of beta-endorphin and ACTH in the pituitary systems. The picture of the area Yang in the body is the head and neck area, where the throughout the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) inhibit the vomiting center (Tarcin et al, medical world is the center of all the activity of motion, both consciously and autonomously, 1992).5,7 Yang is fast and short activities. Yin is slow with 154 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Acupuncture for Nausea Vomiting in Pregnancy a long duration of activity, Yin is the front area nerves that affect organ viscera of the body that is relatively soft and close to the viscera organs. The theory of the five (gastrointestinal tract) resulting in inhibition of movement of the elements explain the abnormality of one element can easily affect the other elements, the more gastrointestinal tract and reduced secretion. Sympathetic nerves also affect severe the disorder, the more other elements sickness.10 the adrenal medulla and norepinephrine release epinepfrin that enhance the effects Mechanism of Acupuncture for Nausea of the sympathetic nerve, thus inhibiting gastrointestinal motility stronger (Guyton Vomiting and Hall, 1996). Acupuncture is effective at certain points on the surface of the body, called acupuncture points. The acupuncture points show a small 2. in LCS potentially with entiemetik action on ì-receptors, â-endorphin also cause nerve bundles that penetrate into the fascia. Three thousand and nine acupuncture points desensitization, CTZ and vomiting center in the medulla oblongata. located very close to the nerve, while another 286 acupuncture points are located very close to the blood vessels around the small nerves are called nerve vasorum. 3. Acupuncture also increases Adenokortikotropik hormone (ACTH). Acupuncture stimulates the hypothalamus produces ACTH, ACTH stimulates the Basic knowledge of medical acupuncture is neuroscience, namely the insertion of acupuncture points can stimulate certain nerves adrenal gland s to produce endogenous corticosteroids. These which are beneficial to health, and the effects of stimulation can also cause vasodilation of blood vessels so blood flows more smoothly, and can regulate the endocrine system. The Acupuncture at the point Pericardium 6 can stimulate the formation of â-endorphin endogenous corticosteroids are antiemetics. 4. Acupuncture norepinefrinergik cause needles are inserted at acupuncture points will cause a warm feeling to the patient and the skin nerve fibers activated. Then causes the release of norepinephrine sympathetic appears reddish. At longer excitation can stimulate the formation of endogenous atagonis effects (Guyton and Hall, 2005) .10 opioid peptides, such as oktapeptid cholecystokinin (CCK-8) by the hypothalamus which serves to inhibit gastric motility. The mechanism of prevention of nausea and vomiting can be explained by the fact that: 1. Acupuncture Point for Nausea Vomiting Acupuncture at the point Pericardium 6 (Neiguan) has been used in various clinical environments and a lot of research has been done on the effect of stimulation of Pericardium 6 point on nausea and vomiting, nausea, Acupuncture can inhibit gastric acid secretion and inhibits gastric movement. vomiting either physiological or nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is due to the movement Acupuncture stimulates the hypothalamus to activate the autonomic nervous system, or due to idiopathic etiology such as surgery, chemotherapy radiotherapy and nausea or particularly the sympathetic efferent vomiting on the way. 11 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 155 Acupuncture point Pericardium 6 is Development Conference concluded that the separated from the other point is a good strategy for nausea and vomiting due to any etiology. stimulus at the point Pericardium 6 can prevent nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, Point Pericardium 6 (Neiguan) located in the inner wrist 2 cun to the top of the wrist. It can be chemotherapy, post surgery, and motioninduced nausea and vomiting. Clinical research measured with 3 fingers of one hand is placed on the woman and the other wrist. Stimulatory on acupuncture shows the effect of different Methods of stimulating acupuncture point effect that point has not been able to fully understand, but stimulation at that point believed Pericardium 6. Several studies have shown that acupuncture is more effective than acupressure to increase the release of beta-endorphin and ACTH in the pituitary throughout the to prevent nausea and vomiting.10 chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) inhibit the vomiting center.5 The mechanism of acupuncture to prevent nausea and vomiting associated with Stimulation of acupuncture points can sympathetic nerve stimulus in the center (central) by the hypothalamus resulting in the activate three centers, namely the spinal cord, midbrain and pituitary to release neurochemicals inhibition of gastrointestinal peristalsis. Acupuncture does not cause significant side such as endorphins, serotonin and norepinehrin were able to block the pain messages. In effects, so it is quite appropriate to be used as an alternative medicine in the health care addition, stimulation of acupuncture points can also cause the release of adenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary. ACTH system. stimulates the adrenals to produce cortisol. 5 Carlson and his colleagues conducted a randomized single-blind cross check with the placebo control group in 33 women with hyperemesis gravidarum in Sweden (2000). They compared the effects of acupuncture or Pericardium 6 deep needling Superficial (placebo). The woman asked to see the impact of therapy on both nausea and vomiting by using a visual analogue scale and the results showed in the group receiving acupuncture group received deep than placebo therapy. Stated that in conjunction with conventional management, hyperemesis can be alleviated more quickly by using acupuncture, as well as reduce hospitalization time. 5 A number of clinical studies on acupuncture antiemetic effects that have been conducted, mostly using point Pericardium 6. Consensus Figure 1. Pericardium 6 Point Pericardium 6 (Neiguan), located 2 cun above the wrist. The way of matchmaking perpendicular depth from 0.5 to 0.9 cun. Acupuncture needles will be inserted at the point Pericardium 6 according to the patient’s complaints. These needles will be left for 5 minutes and then stimulated with twisted around. With this excitation is expected taste sensation like an electric shock needle up to the middle finger. When it seemed to the middle 156 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Acupuncture for Nausea Vomiting in Pregnancy finger means the treatment given start reacting. Neda Ebrahimi, et al. Optimal Management of Five minutes later stimulated again in the same way, and then left to stand for five minutes. And Nausea of vomiting of Pregnancy. International Journal of Women’s Health. so on until about 30 minutes for each therapy.12 A study that therapeutic effect of acupuncture [Review]. 2010 August 2, 2010: 241-8. on vomiting very quickly, as within a few minutes of stimulation and therapeutic effects of more than eight hours after the treatment is done.13 For pregnant women who experience nausea and vomiting mild complaint are usually disappear after one time of therapy. However, if nausea vomiting are worse, they will have to get few treatments. They do not need to do the therapy every day, two days will be enough or Kevin Gunawan, et al. Diagnosis and Management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Indon J Med Assoc. 2011 11 November 2011; Vol 61 No 11: 458-64. Mariena Feejo S, et al. High Prevalence of Severe Nause and vomiting of Prenancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum Effectived Among Relatives of Individuals. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2008; 141 (1): 13-7. if the complaints of nausea and vomit came to be unbearable, they have to come for BKPT Makassar. Acupressure effectiveness acupuncture therapy. Pregnant woman with minor complaints, they usually just need to be Complaints Against Nausea Vomiting In Pregnancy First Trimester In 2013, Napier acupuncture by usinge a needle on pericardium 6 on the right and left of their hands. Good response body only requires a single therapy. City, 2013. As for those who do not have goog respon, they need to come back for more therapy. 12 Zhao ZQ. Neural Mechanism Underlying Acupunture Analgesia. Progress in Neurobiology. 2008; 85: 355-75. Conclusions Philip B. Hyperemesis Gravidarum Literature Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy can be Review. Wilconsin Medical Journal. 2003; Volume 102 No. 3. treated with pharmacological and nonpharmacological techniques. One of the non- Smith C, Crowter C, J B. Acupuncture to Treat pharmacological techniques that is safe acupuncture techniques. Pericardium 6 Nausea and vomiting in Early Pregnancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 2002 Mar, (Neiguan) is proven to be effective in the management of nausea and vomiting during 29: 1-9. pregnancy. Kurniawan H. Role of Acupuncture in Obstetrics. In 2010. Refferences Anais Lacasse, et al. Epidemiology of Nausea Anggarda Kristianti Utomo, et al. Comparison Between Acupuncture PC6 And and vomiting of Pregnancy: Prevalence, Severity, Determinants, and the Importance Ondansetron in Preventing Nausea and Vomiting Incidence of Post-Surgical of Race / Athnicity. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. [Reseach article]. 2009 2 July Orthopedics. Indonesian Medicine. 2009; I No. 1: 25-31. 2009: 1-9. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 157 Dundee JW, McMillan C. Positive Evidence for P6 Acupuncture antiemetics. Postgraduate Medicine Journal. 1991; 67 (Review Article): 417-22. Kristianto F. Acupuncture Overcome Nausea Vomiting. 2012; Available from: threspuspa.wordpress.com. Christer P.O. Carlsson, et al. Manual Acupuncture Reduces Hyperemesis Gravidarum: A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized, Single-Blind, Crossover Study. Journal Of Pain And Sympton Management. [Original Article]. 2000 in October 2000; Vo 20, No. 4273-9. 158 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE DIFFERENCE IN OXYGEN SATURATION VALUE (SPO2) WITH SUCTION TIME IN PATIENT WITH ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE IN ICU RSUD ULIN BANJARMASIN 2014 Solikin, Zaqyyah Huzaifah Magister Of Nursing Program Banjarmasin Muhammadiyah Health College E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Endotracheal Tube which is already attached need special attention to keep the hygiene from secretion accumulation so the airways clearance still good and the procedure that often been done is suctioning. Suction procedure should be done as quick as possible to avoid hypoxia complication, there are some recommendation for suction duration that is 10 seconds maximum and 10-15 seconds. This study aimed to determine differences in oxygen saturation value (SpO2) with suction time less than 10 seconds and more than 10 seconds-15 seconds in patient with endotracheal tube. Methods: This study is an experimental with 15 respondents and every sampel was applied twice suction intervention and oxygen saturation measurement using pulse oxymetri. This study is done in ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Results: The result showed a significant differences in oxygen saturation value with suction time less than 10 seconds and more than 10 seconds-15 seconds (p=0.005, p=0.001). Conclusion: Conclusions of this study is suction with 10 seconds maximum duration will decrease the oxygen saturation value more less. For the further research hopefully could have more respondent than before and for the observation should be done in severe times or in some days in order to know the fluctuation of oxygen saturation value. Keyword: Oxygen saturation, suction endotracheal. Introduction in lungs (desaturation oxygen), hyposemia happened as it is symbolized with the reduction Endotracheal suction is the intervention of oxygen saturaction. One of the efforts which can be done is by putting attention of the which often carried out by nurse and it has vital benefits for patient to release secret from upper suctioning of endotracheal secretion (Higgins, 2005). It is important to pay attention to the side of respiration for patient who has lower conscious and low cough reflect (Dougherty and suction’s period of time to reduce the side effects. Lister in Hinggis, 2005). In secretion’s suctioning, it isn’t only secret but also oxygen 159 Based on Higgins’ (2005) that suction’s out the differences of oxygen saturation’s value procedure should be done immediately, because in the treatment, suction can also suction based on the period of time by using statistical test of Wilcoxon Test with the meaningful level oxygen/gas out and could cause collapse to alveoli. In order to minimize the suction of á = 0,05. oxygen with the suction secretion and the possibility of the reduction of oxygen level, it is important to do the procedure immediately in maximum 10 seconds to one time suction time. Results 1. The characteristic of respondents based on sex and age. Perseden (2009) showed his support in the Table 1 Respondents Distribution Based on Sex result of systematic observation and meta analysis which gave recommendation to be used and Age in ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin, May–July 2014 (n=15) as guideline for nurse to do endotracheal suction for adult on the period of time no less than 10 seconds. The idea of other reference about the time period of suction attracted researcher to find out the differences of saturation’s value of oxygen (SpO2) based on the time period of less or same as 10 seconds and more than 10-15 seconds for patient with endotracheal tube in ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Characteristics 1. Sex a. Male b. Female Total 2. Age a. Less than 32 years b. More than 32 years Total Methods This research is experimental Pre-Post test control design. The stage was started by giving pre test, post the treatment, the researcher did the post test. In this research, the treatment given was twice; the first was to measure the saturation’s value. Post that, the next thing to do was giving suction in period of time less or equal to 10 seconds. Then, the value of oxygen saturations was measured. The second treatment was carried out by measuring the oxygen saturation as the beginning, and then the suction was held for more than 10-15 seconds. The sample of this research was 15 adult patients with ETT in ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Bivariate analysis was used to find 160 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 N Percentage (%) 9 6 15 60 40 100 2 13,3 13 15 86,7 100 The Difference in Oxygen Saturation Value (SpO2) with Suction Time in Patient with Endotracheal Tube in ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin 2014 2. Oxygen saturation (SpO2) pre and post suction with the period of time less or equal to 10 seconds. Table 2 Oxygen Saturation’s Value (SpO2) Pre and Post Suction with the Period of Time less or Equal to 10 Seconds In ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin, May–July 2014 (n=15) Variables Mean SD MinMax 95% CI SpO2 Pre and Post Suction with Time Less or Equal to 10 seconds Pre Post 3. 99,53 97,33 0,834 3,395 98-100 88-100 99,53-100,00 95,45-99,21 Oxygen saturation (SpO2) Pre and Post suction with time 10–15 seconds. Table 3 Oxygen Saturation’s Value (SpO2) Pre and Post Suction with Time 10–15 Seconds. In ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin, May–July 2014 (n=15) Variables Mean SD MinMax 95% CI SpO2 Pre and Post Suction With Time More Than 10–15 Seconds Pre Post 4. 99,73 95,2 0,594 4,144 98-100 81-98 99,40-100,06 92,91-97,49 Oxygen saturation (SpO2) based on the time period of Suction Table 4 Oxygen Saturation’s Value (SpO2) Pre and Post Suction Based on the Time Period of Suction In ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin, May–July 2014 (n=15) Variable Oxygen Saturation Value (SpO2) suction less or equal Pre to 10 seconds Post Pre suction more than 10–15 seconds Post Mean SD 95% CI p value 99,53 97,33 99,73 95,20 0,834 3,395 0,594 4,144 99,07-100,00 95,45-99,21 99,40-100,06 92,91-97,49 0,005 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | 0,001 Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 161 Discussions The result shows that the youngest respondent is 18 years old and the oldest is 63 years old, while the most respondents are male. The result of the research is in the same line with Martin (2005) who stated that younger client needs shorter treatment and the client has higher level of survival, while the older one has higher level of dependency toward ventilator. Respondents’ ages are same with the patients’ age in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (Smeltzer, 2009). becomes mean 95.20. However, by analyzing the amount of saturation oxygen post the suction more than 10-15 seconds, we can recommend that the suction to patient with endotracheal tube should use suction maximum 10 seconds. The result is in the same line with Higgins (2005) which states that suction’s procedure should be carried out immediately in short period of time to minimize the oxygen suction with secret and may cause the reduction of oxygen’s level. Suction’s procedure should be should be carried out immediately in short period of time. Sex characteristic in this research is same Sujatmi (2010) also carries research about the effectiveness of long suction toward oxygen’s with the previous research by Sujatmi (2010) who states that the male respondents are more saturation perifer to stroke’s patient in ICU station RSUD Kebumen. This research is aimed than female respondents. This matter is not in the same page with Martin (2005) who sates to find out the differences of effectiveness of 1015 seconds suction toward oxygen perifer. The that the failure in respiration happens more in female, because physiologically, the compliance result shows that 10 seconds suction is more effective than 15 seconds suction. ability of male’s lung is higher than female. Smeltzer (2009) states that age factor and sex give effect to lung’s ventilation function. The reduction of ventilation happens as the growth of age, in normal condition around 50 years old, where the alveoli start to lose its elasticity. Conclusions There is difference of oxygen saturation pre and post the suction less or equal to 10 seconds with p value 0.005 (p<0.05) with mean of oxygen saturation’s value pre suction is less or equal to Statistical test result by using wilcoxon test 10 seconds is 99.53% with deviation standard of 0.834 and post treatment the mean of oxygen gets p value 0.005 for suction less or equal to 10 seconds and p value 0.001 for suction more saturation becomes 97.33% with deviation standard of 3.395. meanwhile, for suction more than 10-15 seconds which means that p value < á (0.05), means that Ho is rejected. Therefore, than 10-15 seconds shows difference that p value 0.001 (p<0.05) with mean of oxygen we can take the conclusion that there is difference in oxygen saturation’s value toward saturation’s value pre suction is less or equal to 10 seconds is 99.73% with deviation standard the suction’s period of time less or equal to 10 seconds and more than 10-15 seconds. of 0.594 and post treatment the mean of oxygen saturation becomes 95.20% with deviation standard of 4.144. After suction given less or equal to 10 second and 10-15 seconds, there is reduction of oxygen saturation’s value which is mean 99.53 becomes mean 97.33, and mean 99.73 The practice of nurse can be developed based on the existing researches, because for the practical nurse, the result can be applied for endotracheal suction treatment and for 162 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Difference in Oxygen Saturation Value (SpO2) with Suction Time in Patient with Endotracheal Tube in ICU RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin 2014 manager of nursing in hospital to set the Maggiore, S. M, et al. (2013). Decreasing the procedure of operational standard that the maximum time for section is 10 seconds so that Adverse Effects of Endotracheal Suctioning During Mechanical Ventilation the quality of nursing services can be improved. by Changing Practice. Respir Care 2013;58(10):1588 –1597. References Maggiore, S., & Volpe, C. (2011). Agustinar. (2010). Saturasi oksigen pada Endotracheal suctioning in hypoxemic patients. Reanimation Volume 20, 12-18. pasien terpasang ventilator di ICU (Intensive Care Unit) Rumah Sakit Roemani Muhammadiyah Semarang. http://jtptunismus-gdl-agustinaar-7020-2- inspiratory muscle strength training to facilitate ventilator weaning. http:// bab1.pdf (Accessed in 11 Desember 2013). chestjournal.chestpubs.org/content/122/1/ 192. full. html. (Accessed in 22 February American Association for Respiratory Care. (2010). Endotracheal Suctioning of Mechanically Ventilated Patients With 2014). NSW Intensive Care Coordination and Monitoring Unit. (2010). Suctioning an Artificial Airways 2010. http:// rcjournal.com/cpgs/pdf/06.10.0758. (Accessed in 22 Februari 2014). Augustyn,B. (2007). Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Risk Factors and Preventions. http://aacn.org/WD/CETests/ Media/C0742.pdf. (Accessed in 7 October 2013). Clark AP, Winslow EH, Tyler DO, White KM. 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Efektifitas Lama Waktu Suction 10 dan 15 Detik Terhadap Kadar Saturasi Oksigen (O2) Perifer pada Pasien Stroke di R. ICU RSUD Kebumen. Tesis. STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong. 164 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1ST INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE EXPERIENCE OF STUDENT NURSES IN COMMUNICATION DURING THE CROSS-CULTURAL LEARNING PROGRAM Nur Lailatul Masruroh1, Reni Ilmiasih1 1 Nursing Study Program-Health Science Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Malang E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: ASEAN Community is getting closer, therefore an important ability that should be prepared in facing this era is cross-cultural communication ability. Communication is a very essensial aspect of cross-cultural care nursing practice. Nurses will meet some obstacles in the situations where they do not communicate the same languange as their patients, and it will lead to the poor quality of nursing care. The purpose of the study is to explore the student nurses‘ experiences in communication during the cross-cultural learning program. Methods: The design is qualitative descriptive exploratory study. Semi structured interviews were conducted with eight students nurses from Indonesia and Thailand who participated in the cross-cultural nursing practice program. The data were analyzed thematically. Results: There are three themes that emerge as the findings of the study, these are: the barriers of communication, the strategies of communication and factors affecting communication. Students nurses have made creative startegies to communicate with the patients who have different background of culture. It is important for every school of nursing to ensure that the prospective of nurses has been equipped with sufficient knowledge and skill of cross-culture communication. It is in order to give high quality of nursing care for the patients with the different cultural and guarantee the readiness of nurses in facing the challenge of ASEAN Community. Keywords: communication, cross-culture learning program, student nurses. Introduction nursing practice . The ability to overcome the challenges of understanding a new culture allows the nurse be able to provide a higher ASEAN Community that will be launch in 2015 will bring the impact to the health care delivery system, it is including nursing. Nurses quality of nursing care through an improved nurse-client relationship and achieve the goal will face particular challenges when take care for the patients from a different cultural of improved nursing practice (Hitchcock,1999). It is essessensial for every nurse to be able to background (Potter & Perry, 2008). Understanding cultural differences is both an adapt their nursing care strategies to respond to the culture need of their patients. opportunity and a challenge to professional 165 The definition of culture is the shared beliefs, values, ideas, language, communication and norm of a group of people (Papadopoulos I., 2006). The common problem of nurses and other healthcare professionals is lacking the knowledge and skills to respond to the needs of patient from a different cultural background to their own (Berlin et al , 2006; Gerrish et al, 1996), and the major barrier in the cross-culture care is communication difficulties ( Cioffi R.N, 2003). Communication is a fundamental part of nursingIt involves sharing information, caring conversations and social interactions . Communication is a significant factor with regard to patient satisfaction and the quality nursing care (Potter & Perry, 2008). Patients’ emphasize that nurses should take time to communicate since it is through communication that nurses get to know patients, identify their needs and inform them. When communication is poor patients are dissatisfied with their care (Attree M., 2001). Accordingly, the ability to develop the skill to communication effectively is something important in the cross-culture care. Therefore, it is important to explore deeply the phenomena that will be the focus of investigation within the study which entitled the experiences of student nurses in communication during the crossculturalal learning . about the research issue (Straus A. & Corbin J., 1998). Participants for this research were purposefully selected because they all had particular experience of the topic which the researcher is trying to explore and who following requirement of inclusion criteria (Holloway & Wheeler, 2010). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 8 student nurses, four student nurses were from Indonesia and the rest were from Thailand. All of students spoke English as the daily conversation among them during the program. However, normally each of student was used to spoke in their national language as the everyday language among students who have the same nationality. As an additional information, especially for the Indonesian students were come from different background of ethnic. It is important to be noticed since each of ethnic in Indonesia is typically using different local languages. The participants were from nursing study program of a famous University in Thailand and also a Private University in East Java, Indonesia and had undertaken the students exchange program and conducted a nursing parctice in a general hospital in Malang City, East Java Province of Indonesia. The general information of the participants are shown in Table 1. Methods The overall objective of this study is to explore the student nurses‘ experiences in communication during the cross-cultural learning program. Descriptive exploratory qualitative was used to investigate the topics under investigation. The present research design will help to explore the dimensions of the problem because there is limited knowledge 166 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Experience of Student Nurses in Communication During the Cross-Cultural Learning Program Table 1 Description of participants by initial, gender, age, race/ ethnic and nationality Initial UB NP AJ BR RN TM C YA Gender Age F F F F F F M M 22 21 21 21 22 22 24 23 Year of Study 3th Year 3th Year 3th Year 3th Year 4th Year 4th Year 4th Year 4th Year The interviewing process were conducted in English and it took place and time based on the agreement of both interviewer and participants during the cross-cultural learning program. The researcher asked the same main questions, that is: “would you please tell me about your experiences in communication during undertake the cross-cultural learning program!”. The data were collected by a written open question and also in depth Interviews. The result Ethnic Thai Thai Thai Thai Lombok Sumbawa Central Java Bima Nationality Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia started with the words used by participant to prevent researcher from imposing her own framework and ideas from the data. Most of codes were generated from the data are chunks of the data that represented the main idea of each participant‘s statement. Subsequently, to find supporting evidence and identify the similar meanings which are linked to the same phenomenon, the following step was grouping the codes together which reflect every different of interviews were audio-tape recorded and labeled with the number or code, date and an significant idea (Holloway & Wheeler, 2010). anonymous name to protect the identity of each participant. All the answers of participants were Next, the researcher focused on the most frequent codes, sorted and compared amounts transcribed after each of collecting data process, and the data deleted afterwards. The data of data from these focused codes to generate categories and themes (Charmaz, 2006). In collection process was ended when the saturation of the data is achieved. It was formulating the themes and sub themes, researcher integrated quotations from the achieved in the sixth participant. However, the collecting data process was continued until two transcript of the interview to describe the experience explicitly. At this stage, the more participants in order to ensure that there is no new information anymore (Holloway & researcher identified several themes that appeared as a result of exhaustive analysis of Wheeler, 2010). the data. In order to have a deep understanding of the data, the researcher read through the Two activities were taken to develop credibility in this study. Firstly, the researcher transcribed interviews three times. Next, the researcher established initial code (open established initially familiarity with the culture of participants before the first data collection take source) on the data (Holloway & Wheeler, 2010). In this step, the researcher wrote a brief, and place. Secondly, the researcher gave an opportunity to refuse to participate in the study 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 167 to ensure that the data collection process involve of communication. A student nurse explained only those who are indeed willing to participate and prepared the data objectively (Shenton, the obstacles she had: 2004). Meanwhile, transferability ascertains with thick description, and dependability and confirmability are achieved with collected the data using semi-structured interviews on competent participants who are knowledgeable and answering essentially the same questions (Shenton, 2004). Next, audit trail is performed to ensure confirmability by writing the detailed process of how researcher achieved the conclusions (Holloway & Wheeler, 2010). Results The student nurses‘ experiences in communication during the cross-cultural learning programpresented through three themes that emerged from the data. Those are: the barriers of communication, the strategies of communication and factors affecting communication. The barriers of communication The barriers in the language lead to the problems for nurses and patients. Problems ware not only felt by the Thai student nurses, but also the student nurses from Indonesia since in general they come from different ethnic background with the patients. Despite, the difficulties that has been felt by Indonesian Students did not as hard as perceived by Thai students. Participants expressed concern that they felt uncomfortable in providing limited information when they have to explain the procedure to the patient who has East Javanese background. In fact, they feel that they generally communicate the technical aspects of what the procedure requires, an explanation of the “We couldn’t speak fluently, it didn’t feel right but I don`t know what to say...the patient didn’t get my point why I needed to change the wound dressing with the new one and I didn’t really concern to explain it either. It was more that I just did my job and… I just change it …” Another situations were emerged from the experience of participants who felt that an important thing of the caring relationship was disappeared: “There is something that missing during the nursing care... when I get in contact with the patient, It’s not organized very well…it`s difficult to say something nice to make them happy and close …when you don’t have a way to communicate…communication is essential for good nursing care...” The strategies of communication There are many strategies that participants used to developed communication with patients in situations where they did not understand the common spoken language. All of participants from Thailand concluded opinion on how important the existence of their Indonesian friends who became a partner during nursing practice. The Indonesian student nurses always facilitated the language barrier of the Thai students. Meanwhile, in such situations, Indonesian students also need a help from the nurses to translate the local language when they faced patients who did not understand the national language. reasons why the procedure needs frequently have been eliminated because of the limitation 168 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Experience of Student Nurses in Communication During the Cross-Cultural Learning Program “Fortunatelly, my Indonesian partner of communication when there was no common always help me to translate Bahasa into English...It suports me a lot during spoken language. “...we know that 70% of communication is body language so why don`t we use communication with the patient..” The national language of Indonesian is Bahasa, however the most daily conversation it; it is a good tool for communication.. we can use body language instead and of the people are using the local language in line with their ethnicity background. In general, a smile…” the patients background ethnicity are East Javanese, which typically tend to more rugged compared to the common Java language which is derived from the other Javanese ethnicity. Therefore, several participants described situations in which they had made an intentional effort to facilitate communication. For example, they had learnt a few words in the patient’s language, and it also including the Indonesian students. “I learnt how to say greeting, sorry and Factors affecting communication It was clear that there were other factors which affect communication in cross-cultural learning program. Participants varied in their attitude towards overcoming communication difficulties. Participants who were from Thai background generally emphasized the benifits of adopting a positive attitude towards addressing communication problems. “If you take your time and are interested in the patient then you can understand them” thank you in Javanese language...my friend also told me how to call someone Most participants emphasized on how by the gender and seniority in the Javanese manner...in such moment..it important to understand the different cultural norms and traditions. It supports them to help me a lot” appreciate that people behave differently and have different world views. Cultural knowledge Meanwhile, the Indonesian student nurses also learn how to speak in the high level of Java language. It is the common rule prevailing during speaking to someone older or respected. gave them more confidence in tackling unfamiliar situations which in turn led to improved communication. “You have a different attitude, you have learnt how to handle…different “ I have been stay more than 3 years in this town...but I still need time to situations. You have learnt how to think in a different way...” understand the high level of Java Language..it is completely different with mine...when you don`t know how to speak properly, people will accuse you Most of participants suggested that their experience within the cross-cultural learning as an impolite..” program had made them culturally aware and had helped them to see the individual and not Participants also emphasized the advantages of using body language as a means 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 169 just the cultural group they belonged to. It also needs and were anxious about causing offence helped them be comfortable with meeting patients from different cultural backgrounds. through their line of questioning. Medical students in the UK report similar challenges in “I have so much experience due to my cross-cultural care encounters (Kai et al, 2001). The current study points to the limitations of the background. Somehow it comes automatically and then…you cross a line, in the end you don’t see cultural differences but individual ones” student nurses in communication skills but suggests a willingness to learn more. Gerrish et al (2001) have identified how Discussion nurses can work towards ensuring effective and sensitive communication in cross-cultural care The results reported in this study are from an exploratory study of student nurses encounters. Drawing upon Kim’s (1992) work they propose that there may be generic experiences in communication during the crosscultural learning program. In accordance with communication skills which can be learned and which prepare individuals to be optimally flexible In agreement with the literatures (Leininger M, McFarland MR, 2002; Culley L , 2001; and adapt at meeting the challenges of crosscultural communication, irrespective of the Papadopoulos I., 2006). Student nurses identified that effective communication was specific cultures involved in the exchange. They call this ‘intercultural communicative fundamental to providing quality nursing care. However, they experienced the difficulties when competence’. They also emphasize the need to develop ‘cultural communicative competence’ whereby individuals acquire specific knowledge trying to communicate with patients when they did not speak the same language. Other authors have identified the anxiety nurses experience when they are unable to communicate effectively with patients (Bradby H, 2001; Kai et al, 2007) and this observation is endorsed by student nurses in the current study. Kai et al (2007) identified the professional uncertainty and disempowerment that qualified nurses and other healthcare professionals experience in crosscultural care encounters due to a perceived ignorance of cultural differences. Student nurses in the current study identified how cultural knowledge acquired through their cross-cultural learning nursing program had helped to equip them with an understanding of cultural diversity that could inform their interactions with patients from different cultural backgrounds. However, they lacked skills and confidence in applying knowledge to practice when assessing patients’ about the patient’s cultural background that might have a bearing on nursing care. Nurses should avoid stereotypes but need sufficient knowledge to know what might be relevant in the cross-cultural care encounter. The findings from the current study highlight the need for student nurses to develop these two dimensions of communicative competence. Conclusions The implications of the findings of this study could be the reference in developing the nursing curriculum that emphasizes on enhancing the ability of cross-culture communication skill and knowledge. Many challenges in the crossculture communication that have been faced by students nurses during the program, especially when they do not use the same language with the patient. Although they use many strategies to facilitate communication they find themselves 170 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Experience of Student Nurses in Communication During the Cross-Cultural Learning Program in situations where they are unable to Practice (Culley L, Dyson S, eds.), communicate effectively and this leads to dissatisfaction with the caring experience. They Palgrave, Basingstoke, 109–27. also lack skills and confidence in cross-cultural communication. Even in situations where students felt satisfied that they were able to communicate, it does not mean that the patient was satisfied with the interaction. In the light of these findings, is important that nursing programs enable student nurses to become competent in communicating in cross-cultural learning program and that the clinical learning environment provides them with the opportunity Cioffi R.N (2003). Communicating with culturally and linguistically diverse patients in an acute care setting: nurses’ experiences. Int J Nurs Stud; 40: 299–306. Gerrish K, Husband C, Mackenzie J. (1996), Nursing for A Multi-ethnic Society. Open University Press, Buckingham. Gerrish K.( 2001), The nature and effect of communication difficulties arising from to put their learning into practice. interactions between district nurses and South Asian patients and their carers. J Adv Acknowledgements Nurs; 33: 566–74. Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘Aalamiin, my greatest gratitude for Allah S.W.T, the God who blesses me a beautiful life. Next, I also would like to express my grateful thank to the Dean of Health Science Faculty and all of the University Leaders of University of Muhammadiyah Malang for the great supports Attree M. (2001) Patients’ and relatives’ experiences and perspectives of ‘Good’ and ‘Not so Good’ quality care. J Adv Nurs; 33: 456–66. H. interpreters in primary care nursing. Health Soc Care Community; 12: 407–13. Holloway, I. and S. Wheeler. 2010. Qualitative Research in Nursing and Health Care, 3th Edition. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Oxford.UK. References Bradby Gerrish K, Chau R, Sobowale A, Birks E. (2004) Bridging the language barrier: the use of ( 2001), Communication, interpretation and translation. In Ethnicity and Nursing Practice (Culley L, Dyson S, Hitchcock,Janice E. (1999), Community Health Nursing : Caring in Action, Albany,New York, Delmar Publisher. Lincoln, Y. S. and E.G. 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Strategies for Ensuring Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research Projects. Education for Information 22 2004 63–75 63 IOS Press. Available Source: http://www.angelfire.com/ theforce/shu_cohort_viii/images / Trustworthypaper.pdf 172 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: FACTORS RELATED TO THE RELAPSE INCIDENT IN CHILDREN WITH ACUTE LEUKEMIA LIMPOBLASTIK AT PEDIATRIC OUTPATIENT UNIT DR. CIPTA MANGUNKUSUMO NATIONAL HOSPITAL, JAKARTA 2014 Nyimas Heny Purwati1, Lestari2 Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Relapse in acute lymphoblastic leukemia reappeared in the blood compartment, bone marrow, central nervous system or testis after achieving complete remission. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the relapse incidence in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at pediatric outpatient unit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital. Methods: The design of this study used a descriptive cross-sectional design with a sample of 49 respondents. In analyzing the data the researcher using frequency distribution univariate analysis for age, gender, treatment adherence, treatment evaluation, as well as risk stratification and Bivariate analysis to determine the relationship between two variables, namely the relationship between age, gender, compliance, and risk stratification with events relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. Results: The results showed that there was no relationship between age and the incidence of relapse in children with LLA (p value = 0.062), there was no relationship between sex with the incidence of relapse in children with LLA (p value = 1.000), there was no relationship between compliance with the incidence of relapse in children with LLA (p value = 1.000), no correlation between the incidence of relapse risk stratification in children with LLA (p value = 0.000). Keywords: Children, Lymphoblastic Acute Leukemia, Relapses. Introduction proliferation of white blood cells, with the manifestation of the presence of abnormal cells in the peripheral blood, (Permono, et al, 2010). Children classified as individuals aged from 0 to 18 years, which is in the process of growth and development and is influenced by healthy and diseased conditions. Blood cancer Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is type of childhood cancer are most common and are responsible for 80% of cases of childhood (leukemia) is a malignant disease of blood cells derived from bone marrow, characterized by a leukemia incidence is highest in children aged 173 between 3 and 5 years. The impact on children on age, sex, degree of stratification of the and family issues are diagnosed leukemia include psychological preparedness, funding, disease and compliance. treatment time, concerns cannot recover as well as complications of the disease or treatment. Results The research results, revealed that most The success of the acute lymphoblastic leukemia therapy in children is influenced by the age incidence is 1 to 10 years of the 40 children (81.6%). Based on sex, more men than women, child’s own factors and environmental factors that include parents, socioeconomic, treatment which is 28% and 57.1%, respectively. Based on the level of compliance in the treatment adherence. showed mostly compliant treatment is 35 people (71.5%). Results of univariate analysis showed Based on the results of interviews with 10 parents, whose children were relapsed, the data obtained that the occurrence of relapse in children caused by non-compliance to treatment resulting in delays in treatment as a result of mismatches schedule for health insurance that there were 14 children (28.6%) of respondents who experienced relapse, and 17 children (34.7%) had high-risk stratification. 1. is not applicable, other factors are also caused by the condition child decreased as a result of Relation between ages with relapse Incidence in children with LLA. Based on the results of the study, indicated that the incidence of relapse in children with LLA generally occurs in such disobedience. Based on this background, researchers interested in conducting research on the factors associated with the incidence of relapse in children aged 1-10 years is 22.5% compared with patients aged> 10 years (55.5%). The statistical test also showed children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at pediatric outpatient unit DR. Cipta that there was no significant relationship between age and the incidence of relapse Mangunkusumo Hospitals include factors such as child’s age, sex, risk stratification and with p value = 0.062 adherence to chemotherapy. 2. Relation between sex with relapse Incidence in children with LLA. Methods The proportion of LLA patients who This research was conducted by using relapse equally between boys and girls (28.6%). The statistical test also showed cross sectional survey and held in Pediatric Outpatient Unit Dr.Cipto mangunkusumo no association between the sexes with an incidence of relapse with p value = 1.000. National Hospital in January 2014 through February 2014. Population observed in this study are all pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Pediatric Outpatient Unit Dr.Cipto mangunkusumo National Hospital the total sample of 49 respondents. The collection of the data used in this study are a questionnaire checklist sheet is based on data 3. Relation between compliance with relapse Incidence in children with LLA. The research result Indicates that the proportion of children with LLA equally among children undergoing treatment obedient and disobedient children, which 174 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Factors Related to the Relapse Incident in Children with Acute Leukemia Limpoblastik at Pediatric Outpatient Unit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, Jakarta 2014 4. is 28.6% with p value = 1.000. Thus it can study are consistent with the consensus be concluded that there was no significant relationship between compliance with the of the conference The Rome and NCI in the 1990s that set which is age limit 1- incidence of relapse in children with LLA. <10 years and leukocyte count of 50,000 /uL as a determining factor. This study is Relation between stratification with relapse Incidence in children with LLA. also in line with the opinion of Wong (2009) that children at the time of diagnosis Research results show that the incidence of relapse commonly occurs in between the ages of 2 years and 9 years consistently showed a better prognosis children with high risk stratification, which is 64.7%. The analysis also showed no than children who were diagnosed before the age of 2 years or after 10 years. significant relationship between the incidence of relapse risk stratification in 2. Relation between sex with relapse Incidence in children with LLA. children with LLA (p = 0.000). OR values showed children with high risk stratification The proportion of LLA patients whose has 17.7 times greater chance for relapse compared with patients with normal risk relapse, equally between male patients and female (28.6%). Value of OR = 1, stratification. indicating no difference in the relapse tendency of boys and girls. The statistical Discussion test showed no relationship between the sexes with an incidence of relapse (p = From the 49 respondents, characteristics of children are generally male sex as much as 28 (57.1%). Based on the literature 1.000). The study is not in accordance with the opinion of Cecily (2003) that cases of where ALL is more common in boys than girls. This type of leukemia is 25% of all cancers childhood leukemia incidence is highest in children aged between 3 and 5 years, affecting children under the age of 15 years. Most often occurs in children between the ages girls showed better prognosis than boys of 3-10, but sometimes occurs in adulthood by the age of 30-50 years. 1. Relation between ages with relapse Incidence in children with LLA. The incidence of relapse in children with LLA are generally occurs in children aged> 10 years, which is about 5 people (55.6%) compared with patients aged between 1-10 years which is 9 people (22.5%). From the statistical test showed that there was no relationship between age and the incidence of relapse in children with LLA (p value = 0.062). This 3. Relation between compliance with relapse Incidence in children with LLA. The results of the analysis of compliance with the incidence of relapse in children with LLA showed the same proportion of patients who relapse between adhere and non-adherent patients. There are 4 of the 14 patients (28.6%) who did not adhere to treatment has relapse. And there are 10 of 35 patients (28.6%) who adhere patients experienced a relapse/ poor prognosis. The statistical test showed no statistical relationship between compliance with the incidence of relapse in children with LLA 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 175 (p = 1.000). This study is not accordance There is no significant relationship with the Permono (2010) opinion that the level of LLA patient’s life expectancy is between age and the incidence of relapse in children with LLA in Dr. determined by two things: finding cancer at an early stage as well as patient Ciptomangunkusumo Hosiptal Jakarta. compliance in treatment. 4. 2. 3. National There is no significant relationship Relation between stratification risk with relapse Incidence in children with between sex with the incidence of relapse in children with LLA in Dr. LLA. Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. Results of the analysis of risk stratification with the incidence of relapse in children with LLA shows the proportion 4. National There is no significant relationship between the incidence of relapse of patients who relapse is greater in patients with high risk stratification treatment adherence in children with LLA in Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo compared with patients with normal risk stratification. From the 17 high-risk National Hospital Jakarta. patients, 11 (64.7%) of them relapsed, whereas 32 patients from the risk of regular, only 3 (9.4%) patients who relapse. The analysis also showed no 5. There is a significant relationship between the incidence of relapse risk stratification in children with LLA in RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta statistical relationship between the incidence of relapse risk stratification in References children with LLA (p = 0.000). OR indicates the value of risk stratification of patients Aisy, M., Rini, A.T., Sari, Y. (2010). Karaktristik with a high risk of relapse was 17.7 times greater than the risk stratification of leukemia limpoblastik Akut pada anak di rumah sakit kaker “Dharmais”Jakarta patients with normal. (CI: 3.762 to 83.495). This study was accordance with the Jurnal Of Jakarta.Jurnal 0f cancer Oktober-Desember 2010. Vol 4. No 4 opinion Permono (2010) based on the patient’s prognosis can be classified into the usual risk groups and high risk. Experts have done the research and prove the prognostic factors related to in vitro drug resistance Arbanas,C. (2012). Chemotherapy may influence leukemia relaps.darihhtp://www. news.wustl.edu/news/pages/23188.aspx pada tanggal Bailey,C ( 2008 ). l1Januari 2012 Particulary on acute Conclusion lymphoblastic leukemia , the Most Common type Childhood. Diperoleh 1. 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Br J Haematol 1998;102:729-39. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 177 1ST INC-AIPNEMA 2014: PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS OF LATENT TUBERCULOSIS INFECTION AMONG PULMONARY TB CLOSE-CONTACTS IN BANDUNG, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA Reynie P. Raya1, Raspati Cundarani2, Merrin Rutherford3, Karen Hornby4, Rovina Ruslami2, Bachti Alisjahbana2, Philip Hill3, Dick Menzies4, Ab. Schaap5 1 ‘Aisyiyah Bandung School of Health Sciences 2 TB-HIV Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung 3 5 Center for International Health, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand 4 McGill International TB Center, McGill University, Canada TB Center, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Screening and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in a high tuberculosis (TB) incidence areas is not yet a priority. This study was aimed to identify prevalence and risk indicators of LTBI among adults in close contact with pulmonary TB patients. Methods: Between April 2011 and January 2012, we performed a cross-sectional survey among adults in close-contact to pulmonary TB patients at a lung clinic in Bandung, Indonesia. Adult close contact was defined as a person of 18 years and older, who spend more than four hours per week at least one week with a pulmonary TB patient. LTBI was determined by positive skin testing, without any abnormality on chest X-Ray. Risk factors for LTBI were evaluated using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. Results: In total we included 293 close contacts, of which 56% was identified as having LTBI. Based on the univariate logistic regression analysis, some economical factors were a risk factor for developing LTBI. Risk factors identified by previous studies did not significantly affect LTBI in our study, such as age, living in the same house with index case, index case bacterial load and treatment delay and high risk working place. Conclusion: More than half of LBTI infection occurred among close contacts and socioeconomic status in the first and fourth quintile was a risk factor to LTBI. It is suggested to start prioritizing screening and giving prophylaxis to people in close contact with pulmonary TB patients. Keywords: adult close-contacts, latent tuberculosis infection, pulmonary tuberculosis. 179 Introduction Estimated is that around one third of the global population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) (1). Most people will have a latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), which means they are infected, but asymptomatic. Among them 5 to 10% will develop tuberculosis disease (TB) during their lifetime, the rest remain asymptomatic (2). Each year an estimated 8.8 million people get active TB, of which 1.1 million die due to the disease (1). LTBI is diagnosed by Mantoux test, where purified protein derivative (PPD) intracutaneous is inserted on the lower arm. If the diameter of the induration is 10 milimiter or more the result is considered positive. Chest Xray examination are done to exclude active TB (3). TB is an airborne disease and therefore transmission is more common among close contacts of TB patients (4). HIV and other diseases that impair immunity are major risk factors for developing TB (5). Other risk factors for developing TB are among others malnutrition, being in close contact with a TB patient, a history of TB and socio-economic status (SES) (5, 7). However, there are also risk factors unique for each population, such as time of employment for health care workers, homelessness for drug users, foreigners in countries with low tuberculosis incidence (6, 7, 8). risk group were age, the amount of contact with TB patients, educational level and body mass index (BMI) (9, 10). In children the LTBI prevalence was 31% in Laos and 24 – 79% in South East Asia and particularly 41% among children in Indonesia (11, 12, 13). The risk factors in children are contact with sputum positive patients and the bacterium load of the patients. Also the house environment is important, such as the number of people living in a house, number of rooms and number of windows. Indonesia has one the highest TB load worldwide, therefore it is important to know LTBI prevalence as well as identify people at risk for LTBI and treating them before they have active TB. Therefore, we aim to determine the risk factors of LTBI among close contacts of pulmonary TB patients. Some studies has been done on LTBI, some of the results said that it is more common among the close contacts of pulmonary TB patients In Indonesia, there was not yet any study on the risk factors of LTBI among close contacts of pulmonary TB patients. Therefore this study will give additional information and it can also give additional information for screening program in Indonesia. Primary objective of this study is to measure the prevalence of LTBI in close contacts of pulmonary TB patients. And specific objective is to explore risk factors of LTBI in close contacts of pulmonary TB patients. Most studies have been done in high income countries with low TB incidence, whereas Asia has a high TB incidence. In Asia only few studies have looked at LTBI prevalence Methods Study population and design A cross-sectional survey was conducted and risk factors, concentrating mostly children and health workers. In China the LTBI among close contacts of pulmonary TB patients who visited a lung clinic in April 2011 until prevalence among health care workers was 56%, whereas this prevalence varied from 47 to January 2012. This study received ethical clearance from both the ethical committee of 66% in Viet Nam. Risk factors for LTBI in this McGill University of Canada and Ethical 180 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Prevalence and Risk Factors of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among Pulmonary TB Close-Contacts in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Committee of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas to the DOTS clinic for further examination and Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia. As for this project, ethical clearance was also sought from treatment. All participants received an appropriate compensation for transport. LSHTM ethical committee. For this study we selected adults (e”18 years) in close contact to Statistical analyses a pulmonary TB patients (index case) more than 4 hours per week more than a week. Index case One of the variables used in the statistical analyses is the wealth index. This was identified as new cases of pulmonary TB patients who has positive sputum smear and wealth index was calculated with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Basically, a visited Bandung lung clinic for medication. Index cases then interviewed for determining people collection of household assets which indicate wealth was reduced to one variable. In our study, who live in the same household with them and/ or who spend more than 4 hours per week the household assets used were ownership of the house, availability of electricity, type of toilet around them. Participants were excluded if they had TB (pulmonary and/or extra pulmonary TB), used, flooring material, ceiling, cooking fuel, wall material, roof material, source of drink water, were pregnant, using hormonal contraceptive or planning to get pregnant within 6 months. cooking fuel, radio, television, VCD/DVD player, telephone/cell phone, refrigerator, bicycle, motor Data collection cycle and car and/or truck. The sum of the factor calculated by PCA was categorized to 5 quintiles After informed consent, participants received a Mantoux test; 100μl tubercule purified of wealth index. However, several of these indicators are not representative of wealth in protein derivative (PPD) is injected under the skin on the lower arm. After 48 to 72 hours the Indonesia now. Therefore we dropped having a television, electricity, telephone/cellphone and test was read by a study nurse with a specific Mantoux test scale and the induration was cooking fuel, because almost all respondents have a television (94%), electricity (99%) and reported. An induration of 10mm or more is considered positive, in which case the telephone/cellphone (88%). In addition, 87% uses gas for cooking, since the Indonesian participant has LTBI. When a participant could not come to the clinic for the Mantoux test, the government subsidized gas. study nurse would do the test at their home. All participants with an induration of 10mm and more received a chest X-ray to exclude active TB. In additions, all respondents were interviewed to determine characteristics for this study, such as demographic factors, socioeconomic status, health status, and factors related to TB and LTBI. All respondents with LTBI In this study we used descriptive statistics to characterise our study population, which include percentages, means and standard deviations. To determine the relationship between each independent variable and LTBI, we used univariate logistic regression analyses. Bases on prior knowledge, variables were selected for multivariate logistic regression and adjusted odds ratio (OR) were calculated. are randomised for LTBI treatment (either 4 month rifampin or 9 months isoniazid). In addition, patients with a positive chest X-ray were referred 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 181 Results Descriptive analysis A total of 293 close contacts were included in this study. More than half of the respondents (54%) was male, 85% aged more than 24 years, 75% married, 61% working and 54% finished primary education. We found a prevalence of LTBI of 56% (164 participants). Figure 1 shows the prevalence of LTBI in the different classes of wealth index. Figure 1. Percentage of LTBI based on wealth index Percentage of LTBI and Non-LTBI 100,0% 90,0% 80,0% 70,0% 60,0% LTBI 50,0% Non-LTBI 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% Low est Second Third Fourth Highest Wealth Index More than half of the LTBI was contracted by male (54.3%), mostly in productive age, married (75.6%), unemployed (31.1%) and finished senior high school (37.8%) and more than half (64.8%) was in the first quintile of the wealth index. Analyses show that people with LTBI do not different in sociodemographics characteristics than those who without LTBI. Complete information can be seen in the table below: Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of LTBI respondents (n=164) Characteristics Total Sex Male Female Age (years) 15 – 24 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54 ? 55 293 LTBI n (%) 164 (56.0) 151 142 89 (58.9) 75 (52.8) 0.291 25 33 34 42 30 0.200 N 45 71 59 75 43 (55.6) (46.5) (57.6) (56.0) (69.8) p value* 182 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Prevalence and Risk Factors of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among Pulmonary TB Close-Contacts in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Characteristics LTBI n (%) N Marital status Married Single Divorced/Widowed Occupation Unemployed Private company employe Government employee Self-employed Labour Private school teachers Students Retirement Seller Education Un-educated Primary Education Higher Education Wealth index 1st quintile 2nd quintile 3rd quintile 4th quintile 5th quintile 209 65 19 88 32 3 46 79 4 8 5 28 7 150 136 54 63 61 57 58 p value* 124 (59.3) 29 (44.6) 11 (58.0) 51 17 1 23 44 3 4 2 19 0.112 (57.9) (53.1) (33.3) (50.0) (55.7) (75.0) (50.0) (40.0) (67.9) 0.823 3 (42.9) 89 (59.3) 72 (52.9) 0.431 35 30 36 36 27 0.135 (64.8) (47.6) (59.0) (63.2) (46.6) Univariate analysis Univariate analysis of logistic regression was used to assess possible risk factors that of LTBI among the close contacts. We chose these factors based on prior knowledge of TB, such as history of immunosuppressant condition, BCG vaccination, smoking habit and HIV status. In addition, other variables of house conditions and relation with index case were also been analysed. Table 2 gives an overview of variables and there relation to LTBI. The analyses show that none of these variables are significantly related to LTBI. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 183 Table 2. Health condition and history of LTBI respondents (n=164) Variable Immunosuppresion condition Asthma Diabetes BCG vaccination history Vaccinated BCG scar Smoking habit Current Ex-smoker Never HIV status Positive Negative Unknown Body Mass Index Underweight Normal Overweight/obese LTBI n (%) N OR (95%CI) p value* 15 8 9 (60.0) 5 (62.5) 1.19 (0.41 – 3.43) 1.32 (0.31 – 5.63) 0.746 0.704 169 130 94 (55.6) 69 (53.1) 1.03 (0.65 – 1.65) 1.23 (0.78 – 1.96) 0.888 0.373 136 19 138 79 (58.1) 11 (57.9) 74 (53.6) 1.00 0.99 (0.38 – 2.62) 0.83 (0.52 – 1.34) 0.987 0.457 1 14 278 0 (0) 9 (64.3) 155 (55.8) 1.43 (0.47 – 4.37) 1.00 48 167 78 31 (64.6) 90 (53.9) 43 (55.1) 1.00 0.95 (0.55 – 1.63) 1.48 (0.71 – 3.11) 0.532 0.856 0.296 SES was measured by wealth index, but for the univariate analysis each of variables was assess (table 3). Table 3. Housing characteristics of LTBI respondents (n=164) Housing Characteristics House ownership Private Non-private (parents’, relatives’, rental, company’s) Electricity Yes No Toilet Private Public Flooring material Ceramics Cement Wood/bamboo LTBI n (%) N OR (95%CI) p value* 97 196 52 (53.6) 112 (57.1) 0.87 (0.60 – 1.28) 0.567 290 3 163 (56.2) 1 (33.3) 0.39 (0.03 – 4.34) 0.428 241 52 137 (59.0) 27 (51.9) 0.82 (0.45 – 1.50) 0.518 217 59 17 128 (78.1) 27 (45.8) 9 (52.9) 1.00 0.59 (0.33 – 1.05) 0.78 (0.29 – 2.11) 0.071 0.627 184 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Prevalence and Risk Factors of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among Pulmonary TB Close-Contacts in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Housing Characteristics Ceiling material Wood/bamboo Concrete Asbestos/eternite None Cooking fuel Gas Non-gas Wealth index 1st quintile 2nd quintile 3rd quintile 4th quintile 5th quintile LTBI n (%) N OR (95%CI) p value* 184 15 77 17 104 12 35 13 (56.5) (80.0) (45.5) (76.5) 0.40 (0.13 – 1.27) 1.23 (0.23 – 6.67) 0.26 (0.08 – 0.86) 1.00 0.121 0.121 0.810 255 38 146 (57.3) 8 (21.0) 1.00 1.49 (0.75 – 2.95) 0.254 2.11 (0.99 – 4.52) 1.04 (0.51 – 2.13) 1.65 (0.80 – 3.41) 1.97 (0.93 – 4.15) 1.00 0.054 0.906 0.174 0.075 54 63 61 57 58 Several variables were related to the index case, such as the relationship with index case, 35 30 36 36 27 (64.8) (47.6) (59.0) (63.2) (46.6) sputum smear. Around 45% (132 out of 293) index case had positive 3 bacterial load and only 8% was scanty. Number of LTBI was increase shared bedroom, index case’s bacterial load and time of starting treatment. Most index cases in scanty to positive 1, 48% and 59.5%. However, in positive 2 and 3, the percentage were family members, in 25.9% the spouse and in 55.6% another direct family member. Others was quite similar, 55.8% and 55.3%. The time for an index case to seek treatment at a lung (18.4%) include extended family members, housemates, and colleagues. clinic was more than 3 weeks after first symptoms in the majority of the cases (78.8%). Most of respondents did not shared bedroom with their index case (70.3%). Index As shown in table 4 none of these variables are significantly associated with the prevalence of case bacterial load was categorized from number of Mycobacterium tuberculosis found in LTBI among case contacts. Table 4. Variables that related with index case (n=293) Variable Relationship with index case Spouse Nuclear family member Others Shared bedroom Yes No N LTBI n (%) OR (95%CI) 76 41 (59.0) 1.00 163 96 (58.9) 1.22 (0.71 – 2.11) 54 27 (50.0) 0.85 (0.42 – 1.72) 87 48 (55.2) 1.05 (0.63 – 1.73) 206116 (56.3) 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | p value* 0.472 0.657 0.858 Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 185 Variable N Index case’s bacterial load Scanty Positive 1 Positive 2 Positive 3 First time visit lung clinic ? 3 weeks > 3 weeks LTBI n (%) 25 84 52 132 12 (48.0) 50 (59.5) 29 (55.8) 73 (55.3) OR (95%CI) 1.00 1.59 (0.65 – 3.91) 1.37 (0.52 – 3.56) 1.34 (0.57 – 3.17) 62 32 (51.6) 1.00 (0.99 – 1.00) 231132 (57.1) p value* 0.309 0.523 0.503 0.490 Multivariate analysis Based on prior knowledge on LTBI we selected some variables for multivariate logistic regression analysis. Table 5 shows the variables we considered and the corresponding adjusted Odds Ratios. These results show that after adjustment, only wealth index is a risk factor for LTBI. Table 5. Multivariate logistic regression Variable OR(95%CI) p value Wealth index 1st quintile 2nd quintile 3rd quintile 4th quintile 5th quintile 1.00 2.29 (1.05 – 4.98) 1.79 (0.85 – 3.78) 1.21 (0.58 – 2.54) 2.36 (1.06 – 5.26) 0.037* 0.129 0.614 0.036* BMI Underweight Normal Overweight 1.00 0.86 (0.49 – 1.52) 1.41 (0.65 – 3.02) 0.609 0.383 1.14 (0.67 – 1.92) 0.635 1.00 1.65 (0.65 – 4.17) 1.83 (0.68 – 5.01) 1.47 (0.60 – 3.57) 0.288 0.242 0.399 1.00 (0.99 – 1.00) 0.345 Sleeping arrangements In the same bedroom Index case bacterial load Scanty Positive 1 Positive 2 Positive 3 First time visit lung clinic (days) Mean±SD: 89.8±98.6 186 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Prevalence and Risk Factors of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among Pulmonary TB Close-Contacts in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia Our study was a cross-sectional study and Discussion The majority of case contacts of pulmonary TB patients have LTBI, namely 56%. In addition, we could not clearly identify factors that increased the risk of LTBI in this group. therefore appropriate to determine the prevalence of LTBI. However, this lacks strength in identifying risk factors for LTBI, since some case contact could already have LTBI prior to the index case getting TB. This study is the first to look at the prevalence of LTBI and risk factors among adult case contacts in Indonesia. Previous studies in Conclusions In conclusion, LTBI is very common among Asia have focused on different risk groups, such as children in close contact to TB patients and case contacts of pulmonary TB patients, but we could not identify risk factors of LTBI in this health workers. It is difficult to compare the LTBI prevalence we reported to other studies, since group. Therefore, we would recommend prophylactic treatment to all close case contacts. the prevalence of LTBI differs between countries and risk groups. For example, a systematic In addition, further research is needed to determine risk factors for LTBI in Indonesia. review showed that the LTBI prevalence varied between 50.5%% in Africa, 48.6 in Asia and Acknowledgment 65.5% in Americas. (14). In some populations the prevalence of LTBI is much higher, for example 61.1% of hospital workers in Hanoi have LTBI (10). In other groups, such as We would like to thank TB clinic authorities where this study was taken place which without their permission this study will not be possible. pregnant women in Tanzania and drugs users in Houston, Texas, the prevalence was lower We also would like to express our gratitude to all of the TB clinis’s staff for their continuous and generous help so that this study could be ranging from 26.2% to 45% (14, 15). done well. Previous studies have shown that close contact with TB patient, low SES, smoking, References house hold environment, such as number of people living in the house, sleeping in the same World Health Organisation. Global Tuberculosis control, Geneva: World room with TB patient and number of window and treatment delays risk factors for LTBI. However, in our study we could not identify any of these variables as risk factor for LTBI. A possible explanation is that the tuberculosis burden in Indonesia is so high, that everyone gets exposed to Mtb and therefore other factors do not increase the risk of exposure. Also our study population might be biased because people with severe TB infection might not make it to the clinic Health Organisation. 2010. Pienaar E, Fluitt AM, Whitney SE, et.al. A model Tuberculosis transmission and intervention strategies in an urban residential area. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 2010:34:86-89. Nguyen D and Menzies D. Diagnosis and Treatment of Latent TB Infection. The Canadian Journal of CME. 2009; 89-97 and people with mild symptoms might get treatment at primary health facilities. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 187 Parida S. Biology of tuberculosis: busting dogmas. Int Tuberc Lung Dis. 2010;14(6):S3-S21. Moran-Mendoza O, Marion SA, Elwood K, hospital workers in Hanoi, Viet Nam. Plos One, August 2009;4(8):e6798. Nguyen TH, Odermatt P, Slesak G and Barennes H. Risk of latent tuberculosis Patrick D, FitzGerald JM. Risk factor for developing tuberculosis: a 12-year follow- infection living in households with tuberculosis patients: a cross-sectional up of contacts of tuberculosis cases. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2010;14(9):1112-1119. survey in remote northern Lao People’s Democratic Republic. BMC Infectious Schablon A, Harling M, Diel R, Nienhaus A. Risk of latent TB infection in individuals employed in the healthcare sector in Germany: A multicenter prevalence study. 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Prevalence and risk 52. factors for tuberculosis infection among 188 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1ST INC-AIPNEMA 2014: GYMNASTICS EFFECTIVINESS IN REDUCING DISMENORHEA ADOLESENCT IN CLASS XI SOCIAL MOJOLABAN 1 HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SUKOHARJO Datik Kurniawati, Sri Mintarsih STIKes PKU Muhammadiyah,Surakarta E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Dismenorhea cramp lower abdoment is a great and very sore just before or during menstruation. Preliminary studies conducted by researchers at Mojolaban 1 High School Sukoharjo on 54 respondents, as many as 41 people (75%) of whom had dismenorhea and sometimes forced to leave school hours, while 13 people (25%) did not experience menstrual pain. One of the management dismenorhea is with physical exercise, one of them with gymnastics. Dismenorhea Gymnastics is one of the relaxation techniques. Dismenorhea many gymnastic movements targeting the lower abdominal muscles that close to the uterus. To determine the effectiveness of exercise in reducing Dismenorhea in adolescent girls. Methods: This study used a pre-experimental design with pre-post-test design types in one group (one group pre-post test design). The population in this study were all young women sitting in class XI social Mojolaban 1 High School Sukoharjo which includes 3 classes by the number of girls students 76 people. This study uses a sampling technique Non-Probability Sampling with purposive sampling. The study sample as many as 38 students of class XI social Mojolaban 1 High School Sukoharjo. Results: Data analysis is done to give the results that dismenorhea gymnastics performed with intensity < 3x effective in reducing dismenorhea with probability value of 0,046 at 5% significance level and gymnastics dismenorhea performed with intensity > 3x is also effective in reducing dismenorhea with probability value of 0,014 at the 5% significance level. Conclusion: Gymnastics dismenorhea performed with intensity > 3 times more effective than dismenorhea gymnastics performed with intensity < 3x, where the probability value of 0,046 > 0,014 at the 5% significance level. Keywords: Events Dismenorhea, Gymnastics Dismenorhea. 189 Introduction 3. High Dysmenorrheal is great cramp in the lower It is very great pain. It makes someone abdomen and very sore just before or during menstruation (Benson, 2009). Dysmenorrheal can’t do everything. They need rest. The treatment is given in high intensity. If it is is a painful cramps during menstruation. It is just a symptom not disease. Menstrual pain possible, operation can be done because it disturbs every menstruation. raise from the contraction of myometrium disritmic that displays one or more symptoms from mild to severe pain in the lower abdomen, buttocks and spasmodic pain on the medium side of thigh (Baziat, 2008). Prawirohardjo (2007) mentions that there are 2 dysmenorrheal, namely: 1. Primary dysmenorrheal It is called essential, intrinsic, or idiopathic dysmenorrheal. Primary dysmenorrheal is menstrual pain encountered without real abnormalities in the genital tool 2. Many theories have been advanced to explain the cause of primary dysmenorrheal, but the pathophysiology hasn’t been understood clearly. Apparently, there are some factors causes the primary dysmenorrheal such as psychological, constitution, obstruction of cervical canal and endocrine factors (Prawiroharjo, 2007) The most common symptoms are cramp in the lower abdomen and other symptoms like sweating, tachy cardia, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and shaking (Benson, 2009). The great symptom of dysmenorrheal are Secondary Dysmenorrheal nousea/vomiting, pale/weakness, headache/ migraine, irritable of colon and bladder (Adrews, It is called extrinsic dysmenorrheal that is got from acquired. Secondary 2009) dysmenorrheal is caused by gynecologic disorder like salpyngytis, chronicle, endometriosis, adenomyosis uteri, uterine services stenosis and others. Manuaba (2010) divides the intensity of Dysmenorrheal gymnastic is one of relaxation techniques. Sport or physical exercise can produce endorphin hormone. This hormone can act as a natural tranquilizer that is produced by the brain. It can give a comfort sense and dysmenorrheal in the three types: able to reduce the pain during contractions. Sport can increase the endorphin levels four 1. to five time in the blood. More exercise done, the higher level of endorphin. By exercise, Low Moment and it can recover quickly. The pain will go way itself without medicine. The pain doesn’t disturb the daily activity. 2. Medium someone will come out the endorphin and captured by receptor in the hypothalamus and limbic system that control the emotion (Harry, 2005) The pain needs medicine to relieve the pain. The pain can be controlled. We don’t need leaving our activity. 190 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Gymnastics Effectiveness in Reducing Dismenorhea Adolesenct in Class XI Social Mojolaban 1 High School District Sukoharjo The Implementation Time Gymnastics Dysmenorrheal Results 1. Respondents Based on Age Regular exercise can reduce stress and fatigue. Indirectly, it also reduces pain. The Table 1 Distribution Calculation Result of simple exercise and regular physical activity such as walking, running, cycling, or swimming Respondent Age at the time before and during menstruation can make the blood flow in the muscles around the Age f % 17 s / d 18 years old 25 65.8 15 s / d 16 years old 13 34.2 Total 38 100 Source: processed primary data, 2014 uterus to be smooth, so that the pain can be overcome or reduced. The exercise at least 30 minutes a week with a frequency of 3-5 times (Proverawati and Misaroh, 2009). From the data, it can be seen that the age of 15 s / d 16 years old is as many as Methods 13 respondents or 34.2% and the age of 17 s / d 18 years old is as many as 25 This study used a pre-experimental design with pre-post-test design types in one group (one respondents or 65.8%. It can be concluded that the majority of respondents group pre-post test design). The type of one group pre-post test design was chosen by the age 17 s / d 18 years old is as many as 25 respondents or 65.8%. researcher based on the purpose of study, the ability of the researcher and the data are available. So the design is the most appropriately used in this research. The characteristics type of this research is revealing a causal relationship by engaging a group of subject. The group of subjects are observed before doing intervention. Then the researchers observe more after intervention (Nursalam, 2013). The Characteristics Distribution of 2. Invariant Analysis a. Dysmenorrheal Gymnastics Intensity for Girls Table 2 The Results of Distribution Calculation for Dysmenorrheal Gymnastics Intensity for Girls Age f % Done <3x 14 36.8 Done> 3x 24 63.2 Total 38 100 Source: processed primary data, 2014 The distribution based on the intensity of dysmenorrheal gymnastic for girls. Exactly, the girls are at SMA N 1 Mojolaban Sukoharjo, XI IPS. It can be seen that the category of <3x is as many as 14 respondents or 36.8% and the category of > 3x is as many as 24 respondents or 63.2%. So we can conclude that the majority of teenagers do the category of done> 3x. Those are 24 respondents or 63.2%. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 191 b. The Condition of Girls Before Gymnastics Dysmenorrheal Trained 3. Bivariant Analysis Table 5 The comparison between the Table 3 The Results of Distribution Calculation for The Condition of Girls Before Gymnastics condition of girls before gymnastics dysmenorrheal trained and after gymnastics Dysmenorrheal Trained dysmenorrheal trained at SMA N 1 Mojolaban Sukoharjo Class XI IPS Category f % Mild pain 12 31.6 Severe pain 26 68.4 Total 38 100 Source: processed primary data, 2014 It can be seen that the distribution based on the condition of girls before gymnastics dysmenorrheal trained at SMA N 1 Mojolaban Sukoharjo, XI IPS are the category of severe pain are 26 respondents or 658.4%, and mild p-value, the significant Gymnastics dysmenorrhea <3x 0.046 <0.05 Notification H0 is rejected and Ha accepted, gymnastics dismenorhea ineffective in reducing dismenorhea Gymnastics H0 is rejected and Ha dysmenorrhea > 3x accepted, gymnastics 0.014 <0.05 dismenorhea effective in reducing dismenorhea Source: processed primary data, 2014 pain are 12 respondents or 31.6%. It can be concluded that the majority are in severe pain Based on the test results in table 4.7 by using Wilcoxon (Z) analysis can be seen that category. Those are 26 respondents or 68.4%. the result of dysmenorrheal gymnastics done less than 3 times (<3x) is 0.046 <0.05. Whereas c. The Condition of Girls After Gymnastics Dysmenorrheal Trained the result of gymnastics dysmenorrheal done more than 3 times (>3x) is 0,003 <0,05. So, it Table 4 The Results of Distribution Calculation for The Condition of Girls After can be said that dysmenorrheal gymnastic can reduce dysmenorrhea at the girls of SMA N 1 Gymnastics Dysmenorrheal Trained Mojolaban Sukoharjo XI IPS. It is more effective if it is done more than 3 times (>3x). Category f % Mild pain 22 57.9 Severe pain 16 42.1 Total 38 100 Source: processed primary data, 2014 It can be seen that the distribution based on the condition of girls after gymnastics dysmenorrheal trained at SMA N 1 Mojolaban Sukoharjo, XI IPS are the category of severe pain are 16 respondents or 42.1%, and mild pain are 22 respondents or 57.9%. It can be concluded that the majority are in mild pain category. Those are 22 respondents or 57.9%. Discussion Based on the results of test by using Wilcoxon (Z) analysis can be seen that that the result of dysmenorrheal gymnastics is done less than 3 times (<3x) is 0.046 <0.05. Whereas the result of gymnastics dysmenorrheal is done more than 3 times (>3x) is 0,003 <0,05. So, it can be said that dysmenorrheal gymnastic can reduce dysmenorrhea at the girls of SMA N 1 Mojolaban Sukoharjo XI IPS. It is more effective if it is done more than 3 times (>3x) According Anurogo and Wulandari (2009) Based on the experience of dysmenorrhea suffer, usually they perform some steps to 192 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Gymnastics Effectiveness in Reducing Dismenorhea Adolesenct in Class XI Social Mojolaban 1 High School District Sukoharjo reduce menstrual pain, but not until in severe 4. conditions is avoid stress. The body will react when it is stress. These stress factors can reduce resistance to pain. The first sign that shows stress is the tighten of body muscles because of stress hormones. The condition will cause the increasing of blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and respiration. The body will produce more the adrenaline, Dysmenorrhea gymnastic is done more than 3x (>3x) is effective to reduce dysmenorrhea by p is as many as 0.014 5. Dysmenorrheal gymnastic more effective can reduce dysmenorrhea, if it is done more than 3 times (>3x) where the value of p is 0.046>0.014 by the significant 5% Acknowledgments estrogen, progesterone and prostaglandins hormone during the stress. Estrogens may The girls are expected to do gymnastics cause more increasing of uterine contractions. Whereas progesterone inhibits contraction. The dysmenorhea before menstruation independently so that the level of dysmenorrhea increasing of the contraction can cause the pain. Moreover, the hormone adrenaline also can be reduced. The researchers are expected control the factors that can influence the degree increases. The condition can cause the tighten of body including the muscles of the uterus. It of dysmenorrhea, e.g psychological, constitutional, and activity. They can do can make pain when (Prawirohardjo, 2009). dymenorrhea gymnastics every morning and or evening in order to the result can be maximal. menstruation Conclusions References 1. The intensity of dysmenorrhea gymnastic at the girls of SMA N 1 Mojolaban Andrews, Gilly. 2009. Buku Ajar Kesehatan Reproduksi Wanita Edisi 2. Alih Bahasa Sari Sukoharjo, class XI IPS, majority performed > 3x is as many as 24 Kurnianingsih. Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC respondents (63.2%). 2. Anurogo, dr. D dan Wulandari, A. 2011. Cara The condition of girls before gymnastics dysmenorrhea trained at SMA N 1 Mojolaban Sukoharjo, XI IPS are majority in severe pain category. Those are 26 respondents or 68.4%. Whereas, the condition of girls after gymnastics dysmenorrheal trained are majority in mild pain category. Those are 22 respondents Jitu Mengatasi Nyeri Haid. Yogyakarta : ANDI. Baziat, Ali. 2008. Endokrinologi Ginekologi Edisi 2. Jakarta : Media Aesculapius FKUI Benson, Ralph. 2008. Buku Saku Obstetri dan Ginekologi. Alih Bahasa Susani Wijaya. Jakarta : Buku Kedokteran EGC or 57.9%. Bobak Lowdermik Jensen. 2004. Buku Ajar 3. Dysmenorrhea gymnastic is done less than 3x (<3x) is effective to reduce dysmenorrhea by p is as many as 0.046 Keperawatan Maternitas Edisi 4. Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC Harry, W. 2005. Hubungan Kemampuan Aerobik dan Kondisi Psikologis pada Pelajar Lakilaki SMU Negeri 1 Prabumulih. Fakultas 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 193 Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. http:// klikharry. files.wordpress.com/2007/02/ 1.doc%20+%20endorphin%20+%20dalam%20+%20tubuh. Akses October, 5, 2013. Jam 19:25 Manuaba, dkk. 2010. Buku Ajar Penuntun Kuliah Ginekologi. Jakarta : Trans Info Media Manuaba, Ida Bagus Gde. 2004. Penuntun Kepaniteraan Klinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi. Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC Nursalam. 2013. Metodologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan Edisi 3. Jakarta : Salemba Medika Prawirohardjo, S. 2007. Ilmu Kandungan. Jakarta : Yayasan Bina Pustaka Prawirohardjo, S. 2009. Ilmu Kandungan. Edisi 2. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Pustaka Proverawati, A dan Misaroh, S. 2009. Menarche Menstruasi Pertama Penuh Makna. Yogyakarta: Nuha Medika. 194 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 DIFFERENCES IN THE MEAN AND LIMIT OF AGREEMENT OF THE RESULT VISUAL ESTIMATION, NOMOGRAMS AND FORMULAS ROSS LABORATORIES IN PATIENTS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT OF DR. HASAN SADIKIN HOSPITAL BANDUNG Yani Trihandayani, Tri Wahyu Murni, Kusman Ibrahim Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Padjadjaran,Bandung E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Patients were treated in intensive care unit is usually in state of reduce consciousness or with some limitations, so often encountered in critically ill patients will be problems related to fulfillment of nutrients, oxygen, or other besic needs. Weight assessment in critically ill patients is often done by visual, using some formula or with anthropometric measurrements. Many studies have suggested that visual estimation of body weight in the determination of many inaccuracy, which can cause problem assosiated with the used of the data that weight can aggravate the condition and increase length os time the patient’s care. The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in the mean and limit of agreement of the result visual estimation, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories in patients in the intensive care unit of dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Methods: This study is an observasional, cross sectional analytic. Sampling technique with consecutive sampling as many as 19 patients and 19 helathy people as a control group. Weight determination is done by visual observation and anthropometric measurrements for later results incorporated into nomograms and formula Ross Laboratories. Results: Statistical test results obtained by measuring the mean weight probability 0.032 is smaller than á = 0.05 it can be conclude that there are significant differences in body weight between measurrement method visually, nomograms and formula Ross Laboratories. Conformance test results obtained by the Bland Altman Plots third methode of determining the weight has a p value > á = 0.05, which means there is no match between the measurrements in patients with healthy people as a control group. Conclusion: Determination of the weight formula Ross Laboratories is quite applicated for use in patients without fracture extremity complications and nomogram for patientd if there are fracture extremity. Further research is needed to determine the effect of weight determination by formula Ross Laboratories in meeting the nutritional needs of patients in intensive care. Keywords: Determination of body weight, formulas Ross laboratories, intensive care patients, nomograms, visual estimation 195 Introduction Characteristics of patients treated in an in adult patients in hospitals, especially in the emergency department (Anglemyer et.al, 2004). intensive care generally varies as major postoperative patients, emergency patients due Based on the results of preliminary studies conducted at the time of doing a residency at to major trauma, sepsis or respiratory failure. The effects of injury or serious illness of the the Hospital researcher Dr. Hasan Sadikin, the determination of estimates of body weight in energy metabolism, protein, carbohydrate and fat will affect the nutritional needs of the critically patients with decreased consciousness or limitations in providing information on the actual ill patients (Escallon, 2003). In addition, patients treated in an intensive care unit is usually in a weight being treated in an intensive care carried out by different Methods, some use a formula state with some limitations, such as limitation of motion and loss of consciousness. or perform anthropometric measurements, but most still do by asking the patient’s family Assessment is important in the scope of nursing critical areas one of which is the assessment of body weight, because the weight of data will be widely used for the determination of some requirements, such as nutritional needs, dosage requirements of drugs, resuscitation process, determining tidal volume respiration and hemodynamic assessment. However, because most critically ill patients in a state of reduced consciousness and with some limitations, so that the weight measurements for the evaluation of every day is hard to do. With regard to the above health practitioners are often in charge did not know for sure how much weight the patient, so the patient’s weight is often determined by visual estimation by a health care practitioner. And do not rule out the possibility that the weight estimation is done by a health practitioner can vary between one another. According to Leary, et al (2000) visually estimated weight carried by health practitioners to determine the approximate weight of the patient in mind that these Methods are less accurate when compared to actual patient body weight (Chittawatanarat et.al, 2012), and no study about the accuracy of the ability of health care workers in estimating the patient’s weight members or by visual estimation by looking at the patient in a lying position with regard to the patient’s height standard bed length from head to toe, which is performed by a doctor or nurse and are usually not determined but based on the opinion of 2 or 3 people. Evaluation of the patient’s weight during hospitalization in the room is not done every day, when seen from the documentation contained in the patient observation sheet, the determination of the patient’s weight did not change from the start to go up a few days patients were hospitalized in the infirmary. The nurse in the room was saying requires an effective and fast way for the determination of the patient’s weight that will support to fulfill the nutritional needs of the patient. Based on the results of a survey conducted on 15 nurses with experience of working in different clinics to perform a visual estimate of the individual’s body weight was only 3 people who can correctly determine the weight according to the actual weight of the respondents. The accuracy in the determination of the patient’s weight by health practitioners is very important, so hopefully there will be no errors in some ways related to the estimation of body weight, such as errors in drug administration, determining the nutritional needs of the patient 196 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Differences in the Mean and Limit of Agreement of the Result Visual Estimation, Nomograms and Formulas Ross Laboratories in Patients in the Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung or other things that may worsen the patient’s to the actual weight figures, made condition. Looking at the above explanation is necessary instruments weight estimation researchers to find out more about the mean difference and the weight determination of the especially for patients with loss of consciousness or with some limitations that do suitability of the results visually, nomograms and formulas according to Ross Laboratories in not allow the patient to weight measurement. patients in intensive care department of dr. Hasan Sadikin hospital. There are several Methods for estimating body weight in patients with loss of consciousness or with some limitations for measuring the weight in such a simple direct visual estimates by looking at the patient in a supine position without physical contact with the patient, the nomogram (Lorenz et.al, 2007) , calculation using the formula from Ross Laboratories (Lin et.al, 2008), anthropometric measurements (Chittawatanarat et.al, 2012) and guide measure weight based on height (Dudek, 1993 in Bare, 2006). Based on research conducted by Darnis et al (2012) concluded that the determination of weight through anthropometric measurements primarily through measurement height and circumference of the upper arm. But according to the results of other studies of Lorenz et.al (2008) says that before making a visual estimation of weight is recommended to determine the nomogram weight through anthropometric measurements using meterline Methodology This research is a quantitative nonexperimental designs are correlative. Aiming to identify the suitability of the results of the determination of visual weight, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories. The study design is cross-sectional (cross-sectional), which is used for measurements and observations were made simultaneously using visual measuring tools, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories. The population in this study were all patients who undergo intensive treatment in the NCCU (Neurosurgical Critical Care Unit) and the CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit) Hospital Dr. Hasan Sadikin, in the span of time during January 2014 sampling method used was consecutive sampling, determination of the sample using the following criteria: 1) Willing to be a respondent. body in a short time. Lin et al Besides (2009) also have shown the accuracy of the use of Ross 2) Adult patients aged 20-65 years Laboratories formula in determining weight in the emergency department, especially in male 3) Patient days - 1 to day 3 treatment patients. That the opinions of the three previous researchers and based on the test results between the use of weight estimation formula using the formula calculation of Ross Laboratories, when compared with the use of a nomogram done on researchers apparently use basic In this study, the sample size is 19 for a group of people sick and 19 healthy people to the group, so that the total sample amounted to 38 patients. The research instrument used observation sheet, measuring devices meterline in units of centimeters (cm) and weight scales tool in kilograms (kg). the nomogram to estimate body weight is closer 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 197 Analysis of the data used is the frequency of determining the suitability of test weight used distribution for the data characteristics of the respondents, and to determine the mean of the to test the numerical data Bland Altman plots. In Bland Altman Plots This test determined the three different measuring devices used repeated ANOVA test when normal distribution of the data 95% confidence limit of the standard deviation is 1.96 and the results will be considered followed by a paired t test corrected test (Bonferroni). While to determine the suitability appropriate if p value <á = 0.05 (Ho is rejected). This study will be conducted in the intensive care of the results (limit of agreement) third method unit (CICU, NCCU) Hospital dr. Hasan Sadikin. Results 1. Characteristics of Respondents Table 1.1. Frequency Distribution Characteristics of Respondents Patient characteristics of the respondents (n = 19) healthy people (n = 19). Characteristic of The Respondents Age (Year) Mean SD Minimum Maximum Male Gender Female Freq 9 10 Patient (n = 19) 40,79 12,895 20 65 % 47,4 52,6 Helthy people (n=19) 25,21 6,312 20 48 % Freq 7 36,8 12 63,2 Referring to table 1.1 above can be interpreted that the average age of this group of patients was 40.79 years, while in the group of healthy individuals was 25.21 years. Gender female respondents mostly either in the patient group and the healthy group. 2. The mean patient weight based method for determining intensive visual weight, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories The mean weight of patients based on visual determination, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories conducted using data value total weight of each study subject. Table 1.2. Distribution Average Patient Intensive Weight Loss Weight Determination Method Based Visually, nomogram and formula Ross Laboratories Intensive Patients Group Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Determination Body Weight Method Ross laboratories Visual Nomogram formula 58.63 62.42 52.56 9.494 13.116 10.992 42 42 35 80 98 75 198 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Differences in the Mean and Limit of Agreement of the Result Visual Estimation, Nomograms and Formulas Ross Laboratories in Patients in the Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung Based on table 1.2 above can be explained that the intensive group patients, mean body weight measurement results by researchers with the nomogram method showed the most weight is 62.42 kg body weight compared with the results of measurements of visual Methods and formulas Ross Laboratories. 3. The difference in mean body weight of patients based on visual determination method, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories The difference in the average weight of the patient based on the method of determining the weight visually, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories conducted using data averaged measurement results of each method, as illustrated in Table 1.3 below: Table 1.3. Analysis of Mean Differences Based on the Patient’s Weight Determination Method Visually, nomogram and formula Ross Laboratories Measurement Methods Visual Nomogram Ross laboratories Mean 58.63 62.42 52.56 Std. Deviation 9.494 13.116 10.992 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 54.06 56.10 47.26 Upper Bound 63.21 68.74 57.85 p .032 See table 4.3 above can be explained that the test results obtained by statistical probability value 0.032, smaller than á = 0.05 which means that there is a significant difference in body weight between the Methods of measuring visual weight, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories. Further analysis with the Least Square Differences (LSD) proves that the method of measurement is significantly different measurement Methods of the nomogram with the formula Ross Laboratories. 4. Analysis of Results of Conformity Determination Weight Visually, nomogram and formula Ross Laboratories in Patients in Intensive Care hospital room dr. Hasan Sadikin. Table 1.4 Analysis of Results of Conformity Determination Weight Visually, nomogram and formula Ross Laboratories Method Visual – Nomogram Visual – Ross laboratories Normogram - Ross laboratories Mean -3,8 6,1 9,9 Std. Deviation 8,42 8,24 8,39 95 % Confidence Interval Lower limit -20,3 -10,1 -6,56 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Upper limit 12,7 22,2 26,3 p 0,065 0,0048 0,0001 Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 199 Based on the data in Table 1.4 above can be explained that only the comparison between the Methods of visual and nomograms that have p-value > á = 0.05, which means that Ho is accepted or in other words there is no agreement between the two Methods of measurement. But for the other comparison Methods are still within the limits of results of conformity. Table 1.5 Analysis of Results of Conformity Determination Methods Weight Visually, nomogram and formula Ross Laboratories with Actual Weight Healthy People. Methode Visual healthy people – BB aktual Nomogram sehat– BB aktual Ross laboratories sehat – BB aktual Mean Std. Deviation 95 % Confidence Interval p 1,5 4,98 Lower limit -8,2 Upper limit 11,3 0,198 1,1 3,71 -6,2 8,4 0,21 -4,5 6,35 -17 7,9 0,006 Based on data in Table 1.5 above can be explained that only the method of Ross Laboratories formula that has a value of p < á = 0.05 when the actual weight is associated with healthy people, so it can be interpreted that Ho is rejected or in other words there is a match between Ross formula method laboratories in determining the weight to actual weight. As for the Methods of the nomogram and visually when connected with the actual weight healthy person has a p-value greater than á = 0.05, which means there is no fit. Table 1.6 Analysis of Results of Conformity Determination Methods Weight Visually, nomogram and formula Ross Laboratories In Patients In Intensive Care Room and Healthy People Group . Method Mean Std. Deviation 95 % Confidence Interval p Visual patients – Visual healthy people Nomogram patients – Nomogram healthy people 2,7 11,63 Lower limit -20,1 Upper limit 25,5 0,3185 6,9 19,26 -30,8 44,7 0,1333 Ross laboratories patients – Ross laboratories healthy people 2,7 13,6 -23,9 29,4 0,3936 Based on data in Table 1.6 above can be explained that all the weight determination method has a value of p> á = 0.05 when linked from measurements in patients in intensive care and in a group of healthy people, so it can be interpreted that Ho is accepted or in other words there is no fit. 200 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Differences in the Mean and Limit of Agreement of the Result Visual Estimation, Nomograms and Formulas Ross Laboratories in Patients in the Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung Discussion 12-24 hours of the first, in this phase of 1. metabolism will decrease because the focus of attention drawn to the efforts of Weight visually, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories patients in the intensive care department of dr. Hasan Sadikin. the body to survive. The purpose of this stress response is to restore blood The results of a descriptive analysis, perfusion into the tissues of the body, maintaining adequate oxygenation and the mean body weight measurement results with the visual method was 58.63 stop the bleeding. After the ebb phase will be followed by an acute phase or phase kg, 62.42 kg and the formula nomogram Ross Laboratories 52.56 kg. Here looks flow. This phase is the period when the body mobilizes nutrients to meet the just mean nomogram method of measurement results that have a mean metabolic needs are high due to stress. Increased levels of glucocorticoid value of the large, this can be explained because at the time of execution of the hormones, catecholamines and glucagon are also referred to as stress hormones body circumference measurements of many factors that can affect the results of will lead to hypermetabolism. The final phase is the phase of adaptation, in which such measurements are one example when measuring the waist circumference the levels of stress hormones and glucose levels will decrease and your metabolism at the umbilicus should be aligned with patients are not aware that the state will back to normal. This occurred after 7 days, after the metabolic rate returns to normal, do abdominal breathing can affect the measurement results, especially for the adequate nutritional therapy will result in a positive nitrogen balance (protein determination of weight nomogram. Because the measurement with the anabolism) and weight gain. While weight loss in adults would normally occur nomogram method one is to use the data waistlines, so there will likely produce between 60-70 days of total starvation state, and will occur more rapidly in more value than it should be so that the determination of the average weight malnourished patients and patients hypermetabolism due to stress as well as nomograms have more weight when compared with other measurement in patients with severe or critical illness (Best, 2008). So that monitoring body Methods. weight is very important, to know early malnutrition on someone. Weight assessment is widely used to provide health care to patients, including the critically ill patients, as necessary to perform the assessment of nutritional status (Fulbrook, 2007). In conditions of severe metabolic illness is a severe stress for the body. Response body changes that occur over time, the first phase of the body is experienced ebb phase which lasts for 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 201 2. Different mean weight determination weight kekauratan visually estimated at results visually, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories in patients three pharmacy students, with the conclusion that the visual determination in the intensive care department of dr. Hasan Sadikin. of the weight should not be done alone given the differences of each of these Different test analysis using ANOVA measures, so there must be at least 3 people to perform visual estimation of obtained results indicate a difference in mean weight loss between the weight to support its accuracy. measurement of visual Methods, nomograms and formulas Ross The ability of health care workers who are lacking in estimating visual weight is Laboratories. Further analysis showed that the weight measurement method found by researchers today, one of which is, as stated by Hall et.al (2004) which showed no difference is the method of measuring the nomogram by Ross states that health workers have the ability to determine weight less visually . Another Laboratories, while the weight measurement results using a visual opinion was also expressed by Corbo et.al (2005) which states that doctors and method showed a difference. nurses are only able to estimate the weight of patients approaching 10% correct on The difference in weight measurement results especially with visual Methods due to the characteristics of the measuring it self. In this study the researchers themselves do the measurements are less have the experience to care for patients in the hospital directly every day because the job of researcher is in the field of education. Based on the explanation above it can be concluded that the experience and length of service in caring for the patient will affect the results of the determination of the weight determination of weight especially visually. This is consistent with the proposed Breuer et.al (2010) which states that the visual estimation of body weight should be done by experienced personnel (such as nutritionists) who frequently perform weight estimate to determine nutritional needs. Goutelle et.al (2009) is also consistent with the above statement that conducts research on the actual weight patients, approximately 50% and the ability of doctors to estimate the patient’s weight was not supported by experience or specialization that they do. Further studies conducted by Kahn et.al (2007) stated that health workers are able to estimate the patient’s weight closer to 5% actual weight, there are only about 33%. Most estimates are conducted by health officials in determining the patient’s weight is limited by visual estimation, but today it is known that the method is less accurate compared to the actual weight (Leary, et.al, 2000). Besides those two things have the time limited by health workers, especially in emergency care units who require immediate management action and make health workers choose the simplest way is by visual estimates in determining the weight of the patient at hand (Anglemyer, et .al, 2004). 202 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Differences in the Mean and Limit of Agreement of the Result Visual Estimation, Nomograms and Formulas Ross Laboratories in Patients in the Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung 3. Suitability weight determination results Laboratories using anthropometric data of visually, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories the body ie upper middle arm circumference and height / length of the Analysis of Bland Altman plots knee, which is then inserted into the formula which has been determined by showed that only the method of Ross Laboratories formula that has a value of p <á = 0.05 when associated with actual weight in the group of healthy people, so it can be interpreted that Ho is rejected or in other words there is a match between the formula method Ross Laboratories in determining the healthy weight with actual weight. As for the Methods of the nomogram and visually when connected with the actual weight healthy person has a p-value greater than á = 0.05, which means there is no fit. Based on the analysis of the Bland Altman Plots are the Ross Laboratories . According to Lin et.al (2008) method for determining the weight Ross Laboratories formula is designed for non-emergency conditions, but trying to do the study in the emergency room, which is determined by the body anthropometric measurements using gauges meterline and the result is the existence of strong conformance between the determination of weight formula Ross laboratories with actual weight on respondents. Inaccuracies weight determination most appropriate visual Methods that have a greater probability value when compared with the nomogram method. method has been widely depicted visually in several publications as well as on research conducted by Martin, et al (1994) Ross Laboratories suitability of the retrospectively compared the patient’s weight after cardiac arrest visually use of the formula with the results of actual weight in the group of healthy individuals is supported by a statement from Lin et.al (2008) which has proved the accuracy of Ross Laboratories use this formula to determine body weight in patients in the emergency department. However, Lin et al (2008) also said that Ross Laboratories formula is more accurate in determining body weight in men than in women, it also performed by paramedics apparently differ by more than 10% of the weight The actual weight patients. Additionally Coe, et al (1999) also compared the visual weight estimation performed by an experienced physician compared with actual weight in 38 patients, and the result is more than 10% is not accurate or does not correspond to the actual patient weight. appears to have been anticipated by Ross Laboratories distinguishing formula weight Lack of accuracy of the nomogram method is supported by research determination for men and women . conducted by Darnis et.al (2012) which states that the determination of weight by Correspondence between Ross Laboratories formula in determining weight with the actual weight can be ascertained due to the method of using anthropometric measurements were inaccurate in adult patients who were hospitalized. determining the formula weight Ross 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 203 Based on the results of the suitability analysis with Bland Altman plots for method of determining the weight visually, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories determining outcome in patients with body weight in healthy people it will get the p value for the three Methods of measurement> of á = 0.05, which means is the discrepancy between the results of measurements in patients and in the group of healthy people. This can be explained comparison of the three Methods performed on the different characteristics of the two groups, where one of them is a healthy person without any limitations and other groups are sick with some limitations that differ from one another. So it is very possible once the discrepancy of the measurement results, 4. Nursing Implications Patients with critical conditions require comprehensive nursing care that starts from assessment through evaluation of nursing actions that have been performed. One of them requires assessment of data accuracy assessment result is weight, since the weight of data will be used for the determination of the need for the patient’s body, such as used in memenentukan calorie needs, the dose of medication, fluids, oxygen and other body needs, which if we do not appropriate in determining the need for either a deficiency or excess of the needs of the body should then be able to have an impact on the health of patients and duration of patient care. it should be the method of comparing measurements performed on the same Based on that in assessing the weight of nurses should be careful and use the group characteristics and should there be a default value that can be ascertained method of determining the weight which can obtain data that is approaching weight the level of accuracy to measure the suitability of the results of the method of actual weight of the patient. If until now still using the method of weight determining the weight. In order to know the accuracy of the suitability of the results determination in critically ill patients because of several limitations visually, it for all three Methods of weight determination performed on patients should only be done by a healthcare practitioner who has a long work admitted to the intensive care room, which should be used as a standard of experience in the field and not be alone but minimum 3 people, this is due to the assessment is the result of the size of the weight on the scale bed patients, who had experience and long work in caring for the patient will affect the person’s ability to previously performed calibration accuracy level. So it will be more objective in perform visual estimation of body weight. concluding the weight determination method which is most suitable for use The results of this study also says that the method of weight estimation formula approaches that produce the actual weight patients. Ross Laboratories has the most appropriate measurement results with actual weight in the group of healthy people, so it is expected for the future can be considered as a method of estimation 204 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Differences in the Mean and Limit of Agreement of the Result Visual Estimation, Nomograms and Formulas Ross Laboratories in Patients in the Intensive Care Unit of Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung of body weight in patients with loss of consciousness or with limited movement. We should be more careful in the use of visual Methods for the determination of weight especially for health practitioners who are new and have not had a lot of experience, so that we can avoid the bad Conclusions Based on the results of research and discussion, several conclusions can be presented as below: 1. There were differences in mean weight determination method results visually, effects that can occur due to a mismatch in determining the health of the patient’s nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories in patients in the intensive body weight, as a matter of necessity nutrition, the problems caused by medical care department of dr. Hasan Sadikin error, an error in the fulfillment of the needs of oxygen that can worsen the patient’s condition and the long extended patient care. 2. There is no method of determining the suitability of the results of visual weight, nomograms and formulas Ross Laboratories between the group of patients with a group of healthy people. 5. Limitations of Research In this study there are some limitations of which is the number of samples taken is not much and only from space CICU and NCCU with a variety of Advice that can be given for the hospital is to provide facilities to all intensive care beds that use a weight scale (bed scale) in order to evaluate weight loss in patients who are not diagnoses that do not cover the entire space for intensive care in adult patients aware and with limited motion in particular, and can apply method of determining the weight formula Ross laboratories for patients without in particular. Also in this study only measured by one person, while according limitation of motion and limb fracture nomogram for patients with fractures of the extremities when to the results of research Goutelle et.al (2009) to estimate a visual weight at least the scale is not yet available beds. 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St. Louis : Mosby 208 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE METHODE TO OVERCOMING MALNUTRITION PROBLEM IN BANDARLAMPUNG Gunawan Irianto STIKes Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, Lampung E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Based on the report of Bandar Lampung city Health Department in 2012, obtained the discovery of 24 cases of malnutrition with numbers Case fatality rate (CFR) increased compared to 2011 is 3.1%. There needs to be an effort that is able to resolve the problem by empowering potential that exists in society, in this case through the Positive Deviance approach, which makes high-risk communities or families (poor families) but have an infant or toddler with a good nutritional status as a pilot model problems and solutions nutrition in the community. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors and provide an alternative solution nutritional problems in the community through Positive Deviance approach. Methods: The study design was a pre Experiments with Static Group Comparison approach / Post Test Only Control Group Design. The population in this study is a family with an infant and toddler nutrition problems in the area of patient Puskesmas Pinang Jaya and Bandar Lampung Banyan Kingdom. Samples were 30 people through taking total sampling techniques. Assistance in this research for 12 days to see the application of the knowledge and behavior of Positive Deviance in the experimental group. In this study identified risk factors for nutritional problems in the community in Bandar Lampung is the intake of food, infectious diseases and food security, while through a statistical test with independent t-test obtained a significant difference in weight gain in the treatment group compared with the control group (p value: 0.00 <0.05). Results: Based on these results, it is suggested that the program can be used as the main program in resolving health problems, and of course the support and cooperation of all stakeholders is needed so that this method can work better and comprehensive. Keywords: Nutrition Issues, Risk Factors, Positive Deviance. 209 Introduction : The high number of children malnutrition is still the biggest nutritional problem in Indonesia, particularly in Bandarlampung. Based on the report of Bandar Lampung city Health Department in 2012, obtained the discovery of 24 cases with numbers Case fatality rate (CFR) increased compared to 2011 is 3.1%. Similarly, another indicator of nutritional problems, such as the number children under the red line (BGM) Therefore, the need for further studies and solutions to address the nutritional problems in this community. The alternative solution is to improve the nutritional status of children with potential resource base family (community). The approach taken in this solution is seen in the case of positive deviance in society Nutrition Problem (Positive Deviance) as a cornerstone in addressing nutritional problems in the community. of 448 children (0.57%) with the big 3 are the Palapa Public Health Centre (2.09%), Pinang The selection is based on the characteristics of the research community, Jaya (1.84%) and Segala Mider Public Health Center (1.42%). especially the poor and the percentage of children under the Red line, in this case the Malnutrition problems is influenced by many working area Pinang Jaya health center is the region that has the characteristics of the poverty factors that affect each other in complex ways. At the household level, nutritional status is influenced by the ability of households, providing food in sufficient quantity and type, rate is quite high and the lowest percentage of BGM to two (1.84%) in Bandar Lampung. Methods maternal nutrition and child care are influenced by educational and behavioral factors, and health status of household members (UNICEF, This study is a survey and once the pre experiment, the research conducted by 1998, in Pujiadi, 2000) collecting data to see the lifestyle of the people, especially their nutritional patterns and look for Starting in 1998, efforts to combat malnutrition cases enhanced through patterns of positive then implement the positive pattern in people who experience nutritional networking, referrals and free treatment at the health center or hospital. Feeding (PMT) and the problems. This study uses the approach Static Group Comparison / Post Test Only Control effort - that is another rescue attempt. Food aid such as rice for the poor (Raskin) was also given Group Design is research experiment by adding a control group for comparison with the by other sectors of society to avoid the threat of starvation. But all these efforts also can not treatment groups. seem to resolve the problem and improve the nutritional status of the community again, especially toddlers. Toddlers with poor nutritional status are getting help can be cured, but the case - the case of emerging and sometimes more so impressed countermeasures undertaken not mean much, because Malnutrition rate can not be reduced The population in this study is a family who have children with nutritional problems and a society with low economic status of the working area and PHC Banyan Pinang Jaya Jaya (Control). The sample of this study were 30 people with the sampling technique is the total sampling. Comparisons between treatment and control groups is 1: 1. Criteria inkklusi significantly. 210 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Methods to Overcoming Malnutrition Problem in Bandarlampung respondent is a family who has a baby or toddler suffering from malnutrition and lack included in with BGM and who showed no weight gain 2 consecutive months. this trial. The trial results showed, within six months of the implementation of the activities Results contained 30% malnutrition children have can be lowered to 10.9%. The same thing also Based on the measurement of changes in body weight during the 12 days of assistance, appears that 20.9% of children can be improved nutritional status into good nutrition. (Aryastami, then analyzed using statistical tests (independent t-test) the significance 2006) changes before and after treatment, which is in accordance with the table below: Positive Deviance approach to try to empower the community as strictly teach the Table mother to manage resources very limited, instilling discipline parenting, get used to living Changes in Body Weight Problems in Children With Nutrition Methods Through clean, stimulating upbringing and development of early and teach you how to feed the child. All Positive Deviance in Bandar Lampung in 2013 (N = 30) of these processes in the frame of family resource potential. In this study, in order to Variables Treatment Group Controls N 15 Mean 0.360 SD 0.512 SE 0.132 15 -0.320 0.417 0,107 P Value 0.00 ensure a change in behavior made assistance to families with nutrition problems conducted by nutritionist of the Pinang Jaya Public health centre regularly and carefully for 12 (twelve) days. In the table shown weight changes in the treatment group increased by an average of Improving the nutritional status in the 0.360 kg, whereas the control group had an average weight of 0,320 kg. P-value results in community can be done without having to wait for an established economic variables, are the table above is 0.00, so we can conclude the existence of a significant difference on average indispensable analysis of systematic and measurable aspects of the management and changes in body weight in the group treated with the method of Positive Deviance and control alleviation of malnutrition awareness and empowerment course itself (Soekirman, 2001). group. Conclusions Discussion This result is consistent with the application Research to improve the nutritional problems in the community in Bandar Lampung of the Positive Deviance methodes in Makassar, Jeneponto and Takalar which also increase a with the Positive Deviance approach it can be concluded that the risk factors in the emergence child’s weight gain is achieved in just 12 days (Plan International and Media Nutrition of community nutrition problems can be caused by lack of food intake, an infection disease and Napier, 2004). inadequate food security, while the factor of parental knowledge about nutrition and health A trial with the Positive Deviance approach has also been implemented in Cianjur, West Java. A total of 150 children under five are care is good enough. 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Taslim dr., MPH, Sp.GK, http://www.gizi.net, diunduh tanggal 28 Oktober 2008 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 213 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE DESCRIPTION OF SELF CARE BY MATERNAL POSTPARTUM DO A POSTNATAL CARE ASPECTS Sri Ayu Rahayu1, Sri Sumaryani2 1 2 Student School of Nursing Universitas Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta Lecturer at Maternity Nursing, School Universitas Muhammadiyah, Yogyakarta E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Postpartum period is a critical period for the mother. In Indonesia, the maternal mortality rate usually occurs in the first 24 hours postpartum period, it is often associated with the incidence of puerperal complications such as puerperal infection and bleeding. The purpose of postnatal self-care in addition to prevent morbidity and mortality is to provide comfort on a mother and raising healthy postnatal maternal behavior thus achieved a better quality of life. Objective: To know the description of postnatal self-care aspects do by maternal postpartum. Method: This research uses a Non experiment design which uses the descriptive quantitatif method and use 15 samples taken with purposive sampling technique. Result: On this research showed 15 total respondents that as many as 14 person (93.3%) was doing personal hygiene aspect, 8 person (53.3%) who do perineum care aspect, there are 4 person (26.7%) were doing after pains management aspect, there are 9 person (60,0%) was doing defecation management aspect, 5 person (33.3%) were doing fulfillment nutrition management aspect and as many as 6 person (40.0%) were doing early ambulation aspect. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the self-care for aspects of postnatal care by maternal postpartum has not been done completely. Keywords: Self Care, Postnatal Care, Maternal. Introduction causes of the high maternal mortality rate is 28% hemorrhage, eclampsia 24%, 11%, followed by infection incidence of postnatal complications, Maternal Mortality rate (MMR) becomes very important indicator in measure the degree prolonged labor and abortion (Indonesia Health Profile 2011)[6]. of maternal health in Indonesia. Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) 2007 MMR analysis was 228/100,000 live births, it increased significantly when seen MMR in 2012 Postnatal period is the most vulnerable time for mothers to experience various complications amounted to 359/100,000 live births [1]. The after give birth, so it needs sufficient knowledge 215 about postnatal care as part of efforts to prevent mother experience unwanted event. Method This study is included in this type of Postnatal care provide a very large effect in unknown and was done entirely by the mother research Non-Experiment with descriptive quantitative method. The population in this study who was in the period after giving birth. The World Health Organizations (WHO)[15] in his is a third trimester pregnant women were included in the work area Wonosari 1 public book, entitled Opportunities for Africa’s Newborns (2011) mentions that the impact health Centre, Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta as many as 45 pregnant women. Researchers occurred in the mother if it does not gain knowledge about the treatment of postnatal is conducted sampling in this study with purposive sampling. The number of samples that met the the mother can experience events like bleeding mostly happens in a 24 hour period after inclusion criteria by 15 third trimester pregnant women. The inclusion criteria is the last of childbirth attended by occurrences of infections that usually occur in parturition six weeks education minimum were primary school, Indonesian native speaker, the PBD (Prediction postnatal period and lack of knowledge capital in detecting pregnancy complications quickly so Born Day) is February-March 2014, mother who normal delivery. that the reference to health facilities was also experiencing delays (Wulandari & Ambarwati, 2012)[16]. The study was start from February-March 2014. The research of variable consist of a These problems can be addressed and single variable that is a description of self care by postnatal mothers do a postnatal care. Data prevented if every mother get appropriate care during intranatal and postnatal. Self-care in analysis used Univariate analysis to search the proportion of single variables were then postnatal are needed because at the time of parturition women will undergo a lot of changes analyzed using a statistical test frequency distribution table. in him, either physical or psychological. Postpartum self-care is not only important to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, but also important to strengthen and improve healthy behaviors in the care of the mother postnatal. Healthy behavior begins when the postpartum and needed to ensure that good mothers get a good health care (United States Agency of International Development, 2007)[14]. Based on the description, then researchers interested in conducting research that would like to describe as a self-care of maternal postpartum do postnatal care aspects. 216 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Description of Self Care by Maternal Postpartum Do A Postnatal Care Aspects Results Discussion Tabel 1. Distribution Self Care do a Postnatal Care Postnatal Care Aspect Personal Hygiene • Yes • No Perineum Care • Yes • No After Pain Management • Yes • No Defecation Management • Yes • No Nutrition Management • Yes • No Early Ambulation • Yes • No Total According to Reeder., et al, (2012) stated that postnatal care was meant for the mother to be in optimal comfort, rest and activity are N % 14 1 93,3 6,7 balanced, experienced a recovery of body functions, to prevent or minimize complications after delivery and to develop knowledge and skills for self-care mothers[11]. Farrer (2008) mentions that there are some aspects of the general care is an important concern for 8 7 53,3 46,7 4 11 26,7 73,3 management, defecation management, nutrition management, and early ambulation[4]. 9 6 60 40 From the research results in Table 1 indicate that for personal hygiene aspects there are 14 5 10 33,3 66,7 6 9 15 40 60 100 postnatal mothers, among them are: personal hygiene, perineum care, after pain people (93.3%) was doing general care. Researchers assume that basically for self-care such as bathing twice a day, changing pads twice a day and breast hygiene is an important thing becomes a habit that must to be aware. This is because the impact of good personal hygiene affects the health of the mother and child as well. This is according to research Table 1. showed 15 total respondents that as many as 14 person (93.3%) was doing personal hygiene aspect, 8 person (53.3%) who do perineum care aspect, there are 4 person (26.7%) were doing after pains management aspect, there are 9 person (60,0%) was doing defecation management aspect, as many as 5 person (33.3%) were doing fulfillment nutrition management aspect and as many as 6 person (40.0%) were doing early ambulation aspect. conducted by Puji., et al, (2007) which stated that the practice of good breast self care based on the existence of a great knowledge, attitudes that support and high motivation by postnatal mother[10]. For aspects of the perineum care there are 8 people (83.3%) who did well perineum care. According to Reeder., et al, (2012) said that good perineum care techniques include replacing and disposing of perineum pads every 4-6 hours, and wash and dry the lochia with a clean cloth or water flow[11]. In this study the researchers assume that the perineum care well done caused by any external factors that affect the knowledge of the mother, such as the existence of guidance from health workers. This 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 217 is according with research conducted by Suryati foods such as vegetables and fruits and also (2013) which states that high levels of maternal knowledge gain speed the healing of wounds given a laxative. This is according with research conducted by Fathurrohman., et al, (2012) which of perineum is fast, this knowledge is obtained from Antenatal Care program followed by states that puerperal women who experience postpartum obstipation usually occurs during the postnatal mother from since checked the pregnancy. Because at the time of postpartum 2 days basically considered normal and if more than 2 days, the health workers give a laxative[5]. maternal was given education by health workers actively on exclusive breastfeeding, how to care However, there were 6 people (40,0%) were not doing so good management with defecation. for a baby, how to treat breast and nipples as well as do a good treatment of the perineum Researchers assume that this state is influenced by the habits of the postnatal mother who do and true healing of the perineum wound in order to get a quick[12]. not pay attention to diet, this is in agree with research conducted by Mardiatun (2013) which Based on Table 1 shows that for the after states that sustainable obstipation by postnatal mother caused by disobedience in consuming pains aspects of management who are doing there are 4 person (26.7%). In this case the researchers assume that the pain felt by postnatal mother are considered as normal and vegetables and fruit as well as the lack of activity of the mother in early mobilization like get out of bed or walking[9]. some postnatal mother of the observed think this is not a serious thing. This is in agree with research conducted by Dhaher., Et al, (2008) Based on the table. 1 showed that there were 5 people (33.3%) who did postnatal maternal nutrition management is good. which says that the factors that affect each postnatal women do not seek treatment because Researchers assume that this situation is influenced by internal factors such as family they already feel well and in good health after delivery so no need to do postnatal care such support in the fulfillment of that less nutrients affects postnatal maternal nutrition management as managing pain that is felt after giving birth[3]. Meanwhile, according to Farrer (2008) stated and external factors such as family economic circumstances wholly insufficient to meet the the after pains management is something that often happens in the seventh and tenth postnatal nutritional needs of the mother postnatally. Assume research is supported by research day and it is very disturbing comfort by postnatal mothers[4]. conducted by Kumboyono., et al, (2012) who stated that family support can affect the physical For aspects of defecation management that and psychological recovery postnatal mothers in taking care of themselves[7]. In addition, the are actually doing the treatment as much as 9 person (60.0%). Doing defecation either have adequate fluid intake and eating fibrous foods (Reeder., et al, 2012)[11]. From the results of Table 1. researchers assume that the self care in conducting management defecation is study of Tittaley et al., (2010) also explained that the economic circumstances of family is unable to meet postnatal care within the first month after birth[13]. Aspects of early ambulation are 6 people influenced by the presence of continued intervention given the form of education of health (40.0%) who is doing the actions well care. Based on these results the researchers assume workers to consume plenty of water and fibrous that this state of self influenced by his own 218 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Description of Self Care by Maternal Postpartum Do A Postnatal Care Aspects mother. The desire to perform early ambulation References occurs only when the mother begins to feel healthy and can walk slowly. This opinion is Badan Pusat Statistik. 2012. Survei Demografi supported by the theory proposed by the Damai Yanti (2011) which states that postpartum mothers generally feel very tired, especially if after a long labor so that mothers tend to perform adequate rest[2]. dan Kesehatan Indonesia, Diakses 30 Oktober 2013 dari www.datastatistikindonesia.com. Damai Yanti, Sundawati (2011), Asuhan Kebidanan Masa Nifas. Bandung : Refika aditama There are factors that affect aspects of postnatal care that has not been fully Dhaher, E., Mikolajczyk, R.T., Maxwell A.E., & implemented. This is supported by research conducted Maharani (2012) which states that Kramer, A. (2008). Factors associated with lack of postnatal care among the factors related with postnatal maternal motivation in do a caring include family support Palestinian women: A cross-sectional study of three clinics in the West Bank. and knowledge of the mother’s own[8]. Biomed Central, 8:26. Diakses pada tanggal 28 November 2013 dari http:// Conclusions www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/8/26 It can be concluded that the self-care for those aspects of postnatal care by maternal postpartum has not been done completely. For researchers the results of this study can give the description of self-care on maternal Farrer, H. (2008). Perawatan Maternitas (Ed. 2) (A. Hartono, Trans.). Jakarta: EGC. (Buku asli diterbitkan 1987). Fathurohman, S.R., Ermiati & Solehati, T. postpartum. For the development of nursing research can be useful for the improvement of (2012). Gambaran kondisi fisik ibu pada hari ketiga postpartum setelah diberikan nursing care on maternal postpartum normal and evidance based on further research and for reminder tentang perawatan postpartum melalui sms di ruang Dahlia RSUD the agency as improving quality of care in the normal postpartum mothers. Sumedang. Diakses pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2014 dari http:// www.portalgaruda.org Acknowledgment Thanks full to the Health workers in health centers are Wonosari 1, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia who helped me to get the relevant data needed for this research, specially Kementrian Kesehatan RI (2011). Profil Kesehatan Indonesia.Bakti Husada. Diakses 4 September 2013 dari http:// www.kemkes.go.id thanks to all of respondent the members of family and postnatal mother for the cooperation. Kumboyono., Yuliatun, L., Fauziah,N. (2012). Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dengan This study was supported by School of Nursing Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Tingkat Kemandirian dalam Merawat Diri pada Ibu Postpartum dengan Persalinan thanks for all the support and the guidance. Sectio Caesarea di Rumah Sakit Tentara dr.Soepraoen Malang. Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Diakses 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 219 pada tanggal 12 November 2013 dari Community Members’ Perspectives In http://www.old.fk.ub.ac.id Garut, Sukabumi And Ciamis Districts Of West Java Province, Indonesia. Biomed Maharani., Lestari, W., Elita, V. (2012). Faktor – Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Motivasi Ibu Postpartum Normal Dalam Melakukan Perawatan Diri. Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Pekanbaru. Diakses pada tanggal 12 November 2013 dari http://www. http:// simlitabmas.dikti.go.id/ Mardiatun. (2013). Perawatan diri ibu nifas sebagai upaya mencegah infeksi nifas. Diakses pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2014 dari http://www.portalgaruda.org Puji., Heryanto, A., & N., Nikmatul, K. (2007). Hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan motivasi dengan pratek perawatan payudra selama hamil di wilayah kerja puskesmas guntur II. Di akses pada tanggal 12 November 2013 dari http:// jtptunimus-gdl-s1-2008-pujirahayu-261-1abstrk.pdf Central, 10:61. Diakses pada tanggal 18 Januari 2014 dari http:// www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/10/ 61 United States Agency International Development. (2007). Family Planning for Women During the Postpartum Period: A community Approach.America: Diambil tanggal 19 September 2014 dari http:// www.esdproj.org/ WHO. (2011). Opportunities for Africa’s Newborns. Diakses pada 12 November 2013 dari www.who.int/pmnch/media/ publications/oanfullreport.pdf Wulandari, D. & Ambarwati, E. R. (2012). Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas. Jogjakarta: Mitra Cendekia Press Reeder, Martin, & Grifffin, K. (2012). Keperawatan Maternitas “Kesehatan Wanita, Bayi, & Keluarga (Ed. 18) (Y. Afiyanti, I.N. Rachmawati, A. Lusyana, S. Kurnianingsih, N.B. Subekti & D. Yulianti, Trans.). Jakarta: EGC. (Buku asli diterbitkan 1997). Suryati Y., Kusyati, Eni & Hastuti, W. (2013). Hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu nifas tentang Perawatan luka perineum dan status gizi dengan Proses penyembuhan luka. Di akses pada tanggal 3 Oktober 2014 dari www.portalgaruda.org Titaley, C.R., Hunter, C.L., Heywood, P., & Dibley, M.J. (2010). Why Don’t Some Women Attend Antenatal And Postnatal Care Services?: A Qualitative Study Of 220 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE DESCRIPTION OF SMOKING DEPENDENCE ON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN YOGYAKARTA Ayu Purwasih1, Sutantri2 1 2 Student of School Nursing Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Lecturer at Community Nursing, Muhammadiyah University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: In 2010 there were an estimated 6 million people in the world die (including 190,260 people in Indonesia) as a cause of tobacco disease. Indonesia every years have an increase in smoking uptake among adolescents. This trend is particularly alarming because of smoking in adolescent ages are have a lot of risk for health, the health risks of smoking in adolescents is much worse than adults who smoke because the adolescents still at the age of growth and possibility to stop smoking will be lower. Indonesia has a many legal basis to support the control of tobacco consumption, but in international areas Indonesian has not shown a strong commitment to tobacco control, because it has not signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). So that, cause complicate efforts made in tobacco control and provide a great opportunity for the tobacco industry to freely expand their market. Considering that, to know description of smoking dependence among Senior High School Students in Yogyakarta is important. This study was to know description of smoking dependence among Senior High School Students in Yogyakarta. Method: This study was a non-experimental design with descriptive analytic approach. Used total sampling method. Analyzed of the data presented in a frequency distribution table. Total sample of 34 respondents. This research start from April until Mei 2014. Data collection tecnique used questioner. Results: From the results obtained there is shows that as many as 31 respondents in the category of very low dependence (91.1 %), 2 respondents in the category of low dependence (5.9 %), 1 respondent in the category of high dependence (2.9%) and no one respondents who included into the category of medium and very high dependence. Conclusion: Based on the research it can be concluded that most respondents are have very low dependence with a percentage of the total 91,2% as many as 31 respondents. This shows that the majority of respondents have not been addicted to cigarettes. School provide or give more education and regulation related smoking is very important to maintain the respondents remain in the category of very low dependence. Keyword: Smoking, Smoking dependence, Cigarettes. 221 Introduction The data of Riskesdas in 2010 showed that In 2010 there were an estimated 6 million people in the world die (including 190,260 people in Indonesia) as a result of tobacco diseases (1). Smoking is a public health problem in Indonesia and is one of the major risk factors of chronic diseases such as lung cancer, upper respiratory tract cancers, heart disease, stroke, bronchitis, emphysema, etc., which can even lead to death (2). And an estimated 10 million deaths will occur in 2020 if it is not promptly receive appropriate treatment (3). Not only that cigarettes also cause economic damage in many countries (4). the age of first smoking at the age of 5-9 years of 1.7%, at the age of 10-14 years sebesar17,5%, at the age of 15-19 years was 43.5%, at the age of 20-24 year by 14.6%, at the age of 25-29 years was 4.3% at the age of 3.9% e”30 year (10). This shows that the age of first smoking is most common in the 15-19 age teens. According to the above data there is an increase in the age of starting to smoke among adolescents. This trend is particularly worrying because of smoking in adolescence are particularly at risk for health, the health risks of smoking in adolescents is much worse than with adults who smoke as a teenager still at the age Based on data from the Tobacco Atlas, the prevalence of smoking among teens in 2005 is of growth and possibility to quit smoking will be lower. Cigarettes not only cause health problems still very high at 38% in men and 5.3% in women (5) . In 2012 the prevalence of smoking has in the physical but also the emotional problems decreased to 23.9% in men and 1.9% in women . Meanwhile, according to the Global Adult (6) Tobacco Survey Indonesia (7) shows the prevalence of smokers aged 15 years and above is very high among other smokers men 67.4% and women 2.7%(3). According to Eriksen (6) , the prevalence of smoking among adolescents in Indonesia at the age of 13-15 years is equal to 23.9% in men and 1.9% in women, it shows that male smokers 12 times higher than for smokers women. The statement shows that men prefer to smoke than women in Indonesia. According to cultural norms that embrace in Indonesia, assume that women who smoke are behaviors that do not fit with the culture of Indonesia (8). Many factors play a role in the increase in the number of smokers teenage boys, the tobacco industry advertising that illustrates that an individual smoker is successful and has a glamorous lifestyle or even symbolizes masculinity (9). (11). Indonesia has a legal basis to support tobacco control are included in the Health Law No. 36/2009 on the safeguarding of Tobacco Products as addictive substances for health. Under the health legislation has also made government regulation, rule with the Ministry of Health and Ministry of the Interior, and Local regulations in some provinces that include smoking area (12). Although many tobaccorelated regulations that have been made but in international areas Indonesia has not shown a strong commitment to tobacco control, because it has not signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), so that cause complicate efforts made in controlling cigarette and provides a great opportunity the tobacco industry to freely expand their markets. As for other factors that come into effect on the high level of prevalence of smoking in Indonesia that is associated with the cultural norms in Indonesia. Smoking is considered to be a reasonable thing for the people in 222 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Description of Smoking Dependence on Senior High School Students in Yogyakarta Indonesia. There are even any activities or social different values as respondent’s answer. The events in the community there will always be smoking as the main feature. Moreover, the results interpretation of questionnaire fagerstrom will categorized into 5 categories: score 0-2 = majority of people in Indonesia have a habit of eating don’t eat that matters can smoke even very low dependence, 3-4 = low dependence, 5= medium dependence, 6-7 = high smoke is considered symbolic of one’s masculinity (9). dependence, 8-10 = very high dependence. Fagerstrom assessment questionnaire form an Consider the dangers of smoking for the ordinal scale. health of adolescents, the lack of attention from the Government on the control of tobacco, as Analysis of the data in this research used descriptive analytic with Univariate analysis (to well as the high prevalence of smoking in teenagers in Indonesia, the researchers want know the description of the smoking dependence of students). The Data is displayed to know and are interested in researching the description of smoking dependence in students using a frequency distribution table. at one senior high school in Yogyakarta. Result Tabel 1. Methods Distribution frequency characteristics of respondents according to ages, class, gender This research is a type of non-experimental research that is descriptive analytic with cross sectional design research. The population in this research are all of students in class X and XI are numbered 221 students and students who smoke there are as many as 34 students. Sampling method in this research are the total sampling. Total sampling is a technique of determination of the sample by way of making the population being sampled (13). The samples used in the study was 34 students who smoke. This research was conducted in one of the senior high school in Yogyakarta. This research was carried out in April-May 2014. The variables used in this study is a single variable that is description of the dependence of smoking on students in one senior high school in Yogyakarta. The research instrument used to measure smoking dependence is fagerstrom questionnaire. Fagerstrom questionnaire consists of questions that lead to smoking (n=34) Characteristics of Respondents Ages 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years Class X XI Gender Male Female Total n % 2 4 21 7 5,88 11,76 61,76 20,6 17 17 50 50 34 0 34 100 0 100 Based on the results of this research noted that the characteristics of the age of respondents is mostly age of respondents in 16 years of as many as 21 people 61,76%. Meanwhile, the respondents at least 14 years of age is as much as 2 people (5.88%). dependency, including frequency of smoking and number of cigarettes smoked per day. The questionnaire consisted of 6 questions with 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 223 Tabel 2. Distribution frequency smoking dependence respondents on high school students in Yogyakarta (n = 34) Behavior category Very low dependence Low dependence Medium dependence High dependence Very high dependence Total Total Persentage (n) (%) 31 91,2 2 - 5,9 - 1 - 2,9 - 34 100 Based on Table 2 above shows that as many as 31 respondents in the category of very low dependence (91.1 %), 2 respondents in the category of low dependence (5.9 %), 1 respondent in the category of high dependence (2.9%) and no one respondents who included into the category of medium and very high dependence. Discussion 1. Characteristics of respondents Based on these results it is known that most of the characteristics of the respondent’s age is 16 years old respondents (61,76%) as many as 21 people. Meanwhile, the respondents were at least 14 years of age there is 2 people (5,88%). Based on a survey of 854 men and 800 women aged between 11 to 18 years will be undertaken in Ellisras, South Africa found that the increasing age of the higher levels of cigarette consumption due to exposure to cigarette advertising is very high from a variety of media such as television, video, movies and billboards (Monyeki et al, 2013) (15). In addition, age greatly affect how respondents take a decision in terms of consuming cigarettes or not, because of the increasing age of the person’s experience and knowledge is increasing (Notoadmodjo, 2003) (17). The results based on the characteristics of the class is balanced number of respondents are 17 people came from class X and 17 people from class XI. The results of research based on gender characteristics obtained all respondents were male. The number of smokers the most current from among men, reaching 61%. Based on the Global Adult Tobacco Survey Indonesia (GATS, 2011) showed the prevalence of smokers aged 15 years and above is very high among other smokers men 67.4% and women 2.7% (MOH, 2012). This is due to their association and the pressures of the environment. In addition, many factors play a role in the increasing number of teenage male smokers, such as advertising industry of cigarettes that smokers describe that is an individual who has a successful and glamorous lifestyle or even symbolic of virility (Aula, 2010), besides smoking is also considered a lifestyle trend and simply keeping track of the world (16). This is substantiated by the fact that the culture in Indonesia considers reasonable if the man smokes, not be a taboo thing if a man smokes on the contrary a man will be considered weak or not manly if dare not smoking (Aula, 2013). It is also supported by research Monyeki et al (2013) are conducted at Ellisras, South Africa that people who smoke are perceived as being relaxed, interesting, cool and rich. Plus more 224 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Description of Smoking Dependence on Senior High School Students in Yogyakarta adolescents at this age (11 to 18 years) not too young respondents and intensity very quickly receive the information obtained and applying it to real life of smoking respondents were not frequent or permanent. (Aditama, 2004) (18). 2. This is supported by nursing models Description of the smoking dependence students in one of senior Orem, Orem which states that there are three principles of self-care with attention high school in Yogyakarta to the client’s level of dependence of the system wholly compensatory, partly Based on Table 2 above shows that as many as 31 respondents in the category of very low dependence (91.1 %), this is caused by the dependence of smoking students affected by age of smoking initiation and intensity of how often they smoke, where the characteristics of the low age of the students in this study was 14 years and smoking intensity respondent is not too often because of their activity that is done in schools where the majority of the time school students are not allowed to smoke or smoking is prohibited so as to make the time to be reduced cigarette compensatory system and supportive educative system. Where in this study is based on the principle of supportive educative nursing system that can provide assistance in decision-making and control of behavior by providing guidance, support and teaching (Asmadi, 2013) (19). Researchers assume that the dependency of smoking students in the category of very low dependence because students are getting the help and support either directly or indirectly, to choose their behavior of smoking or not smoking. Also due to the students level of consumption. This resulted in the students’ level of smoking dependence are in the smoking dependence is already low coupled using standard research criteria very low dependence category. for inclusion respondent last smoked a maximum of 1 month, whereas according This assumption is supported by research Monyeki et al ( 2013 ) that smoking dependence will be difficult to change a person if the person is consuming cigarettes ranging from too young an age that is 10 to 12 years. This study is strengthened by the opinion of Leventhal and Cleary (1980 ) which states that there are at least 2 years of time that must pass to become a smoker with the use of a fixed first tried cigarettes. It can be concluded that the dependence of smoking students are mostly included in the very low dependence category because the age of smoking initiation was Benowitz (2010) (20) a person against nicotine dependence will decrease or disappear if done stops smoking for 7 days, so that when measured not show a significant value of smoking dependence on the respondent. Conclusions Based on the research it can be concluded that most respondents are have very low dependence with a percentage of the total 91,2% as many as 31 respondents. This shows that the majority of respondents have not been addicted to cigarettes. School provide or give more education and regulation related smoking 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 225 is very important to maintain the respondents remain in the category of very low dependence. Acknowledgment We are very thankful to the headmaster of senior high shcool in Yogyakarta for allowing us to conduct this study. We are also thankful to the teachers who help us to collect the data in senior high school. Finally, we would extend a special Mackay, J., Eriksen, M. (2005). Tobacco Atlas. Geneva: World Health Organization. Eriksen, M., Mackay, J., Ross, H. (2012). The Tobacco Atlas. Fourth Ed. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society; New York, NY: World Lung Fondation. Diakses pada tanggal 4 November 2013 dari http:// www.tobaccoatlas.org/more. thanks to all the respondents for their useful information and cooperation. We hope this study GATS (Global Adult Tobacco Survey). (2011). Global Adult Tobacco Survey: Indonesia will make a positive impact on their lives in the future. This work was supported by School of Report 2011. Diakses pada tanggal 4 Desember 2013 dari http:// Nursing Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta. We are also grateful to the College for its generous www.searo.who.int/entity/ noncommunicable_diseases/data/ financial support and scholarly guidance. ino_gats_report_2011.pdf References GATS (Global Adult Tobacco Survey). (2011). Global Adult Tobacco Survey: Indonesia Report 2011. Diakses pada tanggal 4 Desember 2013 dari http:// www.searo.who.int/entity/ noncommunicable_diseases/data/ ino_gats_report_2011.pdf Sirait, A.M. 2003: Perilaku Merokok, Research report. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. (2012). Kemenkes Luncurkan Hasil Survey Tembakau. Jakarta. Diakses pada tanggal 4 November 2013 dari http:// www.depkes.go.id/index.php/berita/presrelease/2048-kemenkes-luncurkan-hasilsurvey-tembakau.html World Health Organization. (2011). 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Linking Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) data to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: the case for Indonesia. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 227 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SPIRITUAL CARE KNOWLEDGE WITH NURSE’S ATTITUDE IN FULFILLING THE CLIENTS SPIRITUAL NEEDS AT RAJAWALI HOSPITAL BANDUNG Sajodin1, Istianah2, Ariandini D.3 1 STIKes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung 2 STIKes Rajawali Bandung 3 Rumah Sakit Rajawali Bandung E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Spiritual care is a treatment which fulfill human needs when facing trauma, diseased or sadness and nursing care cannot apart from spiritual aspect where nurse meets clients’ spiritual needs comprehensively. Nursing care which given by nurse must be based on knowledge to give more positive impact which is support attitude in every clients’ needs compliance including fulfilling clients’ spiritual client. The aim of this study to find the relationship between spiritual care knowledge with nurse’s attitude in fulfilling spiritual needs of adult clients. Method: The design of this research using correlation descriptive method with cross sectional approach. Respondents totaled 31 nurses. The process of data collection is done by filling out the questionnaire. Correlation test used was chy-square. Data collection May 2013. Results: The results using the chi square test showed p = 0.200 which is greater than the pvalue p = 0.005, these means statistically that the relationship between nurses’ knowledge about spiritual care toward nurses’ attitude to meet the spiritual needs of adult clients in Rajawali Bandung is have not meaningful relationship. Conclusion: This result that there is no relation significantly between spiritual care knowledge with nurse’s attitude in fulfilling spiritual needs of adult clients. Keyword: attitude of nurses, spiritual care, spiritual needs. 229 Introduction The knowledge and insight in the world of respond to the needs of clients in terms of spiritual fulfillment. health experience gained from the development of the disease process, treatment and Videback (2008) states that the beliefs and spiritual care can assist clients in coping with management of care (Mc Sherry, 2005) . with these developments, there is a recognition of stress and illness then find meaning and purpose in the situation and can offer a strong spirituality in health, recent research has shown that spiritual beliefs can improve quality of life source of support. It turns out that the spiritual needs can affect the state of the client. Thus, and accelerate the process of healing client (Noble and Colin, 2010). each nurse is important to understand the context of spiritual care, to be able to assist Lundberg and Pet (2009) stated in his research that there are five themes related to clients in meeting the spiritual needs. Spiritual is a concept that can be applied to the provision of spiritual care include providing mental support, facilitate the religious rituals and all human beings. Spiritual is also an integral aspect and universal to all human beings. cultural beliefs, communicate with the client and the client’s family, assessing the spiritual needs Everyone has a spiritual dimension and this dimension integrate, motivate, move, and affect of the clients and show respect, and to facilitate family participation in nursing care .but, Landro all aspects human of life. This reason researchers want to know the extent to which find in General Internal Medicine between 3.000 inpatient University of Chicago Medical care nurses knowledge and attitudes about spiritual care nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of Center the last three years , 41% spiritual issues and client service care that spiritual discussions the clients, and to investigate the relationship between the two. became more satisfied with the overall (Landro, 2011). Based on the results of preliminary studies Utami and Supratman (2009) in his research in Rajawali Bandung Hospital in 2013 the number of nurses in the room as much as 54 nurse states that less attention to the spiritual needs of the clients because of the knowledge adult clients. The measurement results of five nurses, three nurse obtained with good and attitude of nurses is lacking. This lack of knowledge is due to several factors, including knowledge of spiritual care and two nurses less. Meanwhile, the attitude of nurses showed lack of training or seminars on spirituality in nursing and also may be due to lack of material that two nurses support of spiritual fulfillment and three nurses was not conducive to spiritual received nurse in the learning process. Meanwhile, Narayasami and Owens (2001), fulfillment, this shows that nurses are less supportive of spiritual fulfillment adult clients. Callister et al (2004) in Lundberg and Petcharat (2009) found that there is a gap between the From the description of the statement, the researcher interested in conducting research on idea of the spiritual and the nurse’s role related to the spiritual care because nurses have the “The Relationship Between Spiritual Knowledge Attitude Care whit Nurses Meeting the Spiritual knowledge and experience that is lacking in doing spiritual care . So the nurse being less Needs Klien adult in Rajawali Hospital Bandung”. The purpose of this study that is know the relationship between the knowledge 230 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Relationship between Spiritual Care Knowledge with Nurse’s Attitude in Fulfilling the Clients Spiritual Needs at Rajawali Hospital Bandung of spiritual care by nurses attitude in meeting From the calculation of sample size the spiritual needs of clients in the Rajawali Hospital Bandung . obtained a total sample of 31 people. Thus, the sample size in this study as many as 31 people. Methods Data Collection Techniques Research Design In this study, data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires were distributed The design of this research uses descriptive correlation method using cross sectional approach in which the involvement of researchers are observational (nonexperimental) or the collection of data at once at some point (time point approach) and to all nurses who have agreed to be the respondent, where a questionnaire filled themselves by respondents previously described by researchers on how to fill. In this research, using two questionnaires, conducted at Rajawali Bandung Hospital in May is a sectional 2013.Cross the design of all types the first questionnaire about spiritual knowledge care and nurse questionnaire on attitudes of of research that the variables of measurement done once, at one time, and no follow-up nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients. Questionnaires knowledge about (Sastroasmoro and Sofyan, 2010). spiritual care nurses using structured such statement is based on the theory of spiritual In this study, researchers looked for a relationship between knowledge about spiritual care nurse with an attitude of nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients in the Rajawali Bandung Hospital by measuring instantaneous. Of course, not all of the subjects to be examined on the same day or the time, but these variables can be measured according to the state or status at the time of observation, so the cross-sectional design was no follow-up yet. answer is right or wrong according to the respondents, while the attitude questionnaire statements are prepared using the scale likert so that respondents taskbar statement according to the code given is very positive to very negative which includes strongly agree, undecided, disagree, and strongly disagree. Research Procedure Population and sample Population in research that is all nurses who served in the adult inpatient unit that is in the Suhud room , Suhadi Space, And Space Chodijah as many as 54 nurses. This research is a descriptive categorical, formula sample size used in this study are: Z 2.P.q N d2 care, which consists of positive statements and negative statements in which respondents only The procedure aims to facilitate research investigators in performing the stages of research, while the research procedures, among others: The preparation phase: Defining the research problem, Conducting preliminary studies, Develop research proposals according to the guidelines, Develop questionnaires as a research instrument, Doing research proposal exam. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 231 The implementation stage: Getting permission to test the validity of the Mitra Anugerah Lestari Hospital and get permission to conduct research at the Rajawali Bandung Hospital , Doing informed concent (to obtain the consent of the respondents), To collect the data, Perform data processing and data analysis, conclusion. The final phase: Preparation of research reports, presentation of research results. Processing and Data Analysis Researchers perform data processing actions after collecting data on the respondents. Data processing consists of editing, coding, data respondents, frequency distribution of spiritual care nurses knowledge, attitudes and distribution of nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients. In the bivariate analysis of the research results show the relationship between knowledge about spiritual care nurse with an attitude of nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients in Rajawali Bandung Hospital. Here will be presented the results of the study “The relationship of knowledge about spiritual care nurse with an attitude of nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients in hospitals Rajawali Bandung Hospital”, with as many as 31 respondents ie respondent nurses who care for adult clients in Rajawali bandung Hospital. Univariate analysis movement / data entry, and data cleaning Age Frequency Distribution of Respondents The location and time of the research This research was conducted at the Rajawali Bandung Hospital, especially in the inpatient adult clients in May 2013. Rajawali Bandung Hospita have four adult inpatient unit that Suhud space, Suhadi space, Chodijah space and space of Rafei. Results The results of the study, entitled “Relationship of knowledge about spiritual care nurse with an attitude of nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients in Rajawali Bandung Hospital” is divided into two parts, namely the univariate and bivariate analysis. In the univariate analysis were divided into five research is the result of research on the frequency distribution of the age of respondents, frequency distribution of respondents latest Table 1 Frequency Distribution of Respondents Age Rajawali London Hospital. No Age Respondent Freq. % 1 20 Year – 24 Year 2 6,5 2 30 Year – 34 Year 2 6,5 3 35 Year - 39 Year 11 35,5 4 >40 Year 16 51,6 31 100 Number Based on Table 1 shows that the age of the respondents who are spanned 20 years-24 years of 6.5%, the range of patients 30 years of age-34 years of 6.5%, age range 35 years-39 years of 35.5% and most respondents aged> 40 years at 51.6%. education, tenure frequency distribution of 232 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Relationship between Spiritual Care Knowledge with Nurse’s Attitude in Fulfilling the Clients Spiritual Needs at Rajawali Hospital Bandung Frequency Distribution of Knowledge About Last Education Distribution of Respondents Spiritual Care Nurses Table 2 Distribution of respondents Last Education Eagles London Hospital No Last Education Table 4 Frequency Distribution Nursing Knowledge About Spiritual Care in the Freq. % Rajawali Bandung Hospital 1 D3 Nursing 30 96,8 No 2 S1 Nursing, Ners 1 3,2 1 31 100 2 Number Pengetahuan Perawat Tentang Freq. % Good 17 54,8 Less than 14 45,2 31 100 Number Based on Table 2 shows that most respondents to the latest D3 Nursing education at 96.8% and respondents with recent education nurses nursing S1 by 3.2%. Work Period Distribution of Respondents 1 Work Period <5 Year Freq. % 2 6,5 2 5 Year – 10 Year 4 12,9 3 >10 Year 25 80,6 31 100 Number respondents had a good knowledge of spiritual care by 54.8%, while 45.2% had knowledge of spiritual care less. Table 3 Distribution of Respondents Working Period Eagles London Hospital No Based on Table 4 shows that most Frequency Distribution of Attitude Nurses In Adult Clients Meet Spiritual Needs Table 5 Frequency Distribution of Attitude Nurses In Adult Clients Meet Spiritual Needs In the Nurse Attitude Meet No years as much as 80.6%, as much as 12.9% have tenure ranges between 5 years to 10 years and as much as 6.5% have a service life of less than 5 years. % 1 Support 15 48,4 2 Does Not Support 16 51,6 31 100 Number Based on Table 3 shows that most respondents have a service life of more than 10 Freq. Based on Table 5 show that most respondents did not support having an attitude in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients of 51.6% and a supportive attitude shown by 48.4% of respondents 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 233 Bivariate analysis Table 6 Distribution of the sample according to the nurse’s knowledge of spiritual care by nurses attitude in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients at Rajawali Bandung Hospital Nurses in Adulth Clients Meet Spiritual Needs Nurse Knowledge About Spiritual Care Good Supports Total Not Support P Value N % N % N % 10 58,8 7 41,2 17 100 0,2 Less than 5 35,7 The results based on Table 6 shows that the nurse’s knowledge of both the attitude of spiritual care support nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients by 10 respondents, while seven respondents had a good knowledge of spiritual care by nurses attitudes is not support in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients. Nurses knowledge about spiritual care less attitude to support nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients by 5 respondents, while 9 respondents had knowledge about spiritual care nurses lack the attitude of nurses do not support in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients. The results of the statistical test using the chi-square p value of 0.200 obtained is greater than alpha (0.05), this means that there is no significant relationship between the knowledge of spiritual care nurse with an attitude of nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients in Rajawali Bandung Hospital. Discussion The results using the chi square test showed p = 0.200 which is greater than the pvalue p = 0.005, which means statistical research on the relationship between knowledge 9 64,3 14 100 about spiritual care nurse with an attitude of nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients in the Rajawali bandung hospital no relationship meaningful. However, the results of this study differ from research and Supratman Utami (2009) which states that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge of nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of patients with the attitude of nurses. Knowledge nurses are less impacting nurses less attitude in meeting the spiritual needs of the clients. Dhamani, Pauline and Joanne (2011) states that nurses in Tanzania to understand, and show a desire to do the spiritual practices and participate in spiritual practice. Many factors affect the attitudes of nurses in meeting the spiritual needs of adult clients not only of knowledge but also the views and beliefs can affect. 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Ciamis regency is the fifth most vulnerable region to disaster in West Java. The objective of this study is to develop a health information system related to disaster including health services and facilities required before and during disaster to support victims handling coordination starting from disaster location, evacuation and transportation of the victims to health service location that depend on the victims condition, health facility infrastructure, logistics required, distance and time travel to health service location, as well as human resource in the health service location. Method: This study is an operational research where the Methods used identify tools to supply data into the information system, editing and querying, visualization of background map (health service) and then compiling into kml/kmz files that were displayed in Google Earth. Results: The result was a health information system related to disaster called “SIMBARAN” (Padjadjaran Disaster Information System), which provide health service information in Ciamis Regency including 38 Community Health Centers, 1 Regency Hospital, and 2 Private Hosputals. The Hospitals are able to handle patients with red triage label, 4 Community Health Center are able to handle patients with yellow triage labels, 34 Community Health Center are able to handle patients with green triage labels. The data displayed include facilities and capacity in handling disaster victim, human resource and capacity to handle cases and referenced facilities such as ambulance. Conclusion: The project has succeeded in developing health information system related to handling disaster victims, but the system need to be further developed through collaboration with related agencies such as National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), and National Institute of Aeronatics and Space (LAPAN) in order to integrate the system to other aspects such as disaster early warning system. Keywords: Health, Disaster Mitigation, Information Technology, Simbaran. 239 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW SPRIRITUALITAS AND SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE OF NURSING CANCER PATIENTS Triana Dewi Safariah STIKes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Research on the effect of spirituality on spiritual nursing has been reviewed in cancer patients. These studies showed in terminal illness disease, especially cancer, that spiritual nursing as part of nursing interventions becomes an absolute, at least spiritual intervention can give you the confidence and happiness in the face of death. Several studies were conducted following confirms that the importance of spiritual intervention for advanced cancer patients spiritual needs cannot be met by religious communities or the medical system. Spiritual support is very closely related to the good quality of life (QOL). For example, patients with lung cancer has a serious breakdown in the psychological and social aspects of QOL. Mental condition of depression, negative paradigm of the Meaning Of Illness (MOI) as well as suffering from cancer at a young age is 37% of QOL. Another thing that lowers the quality of life is the amount of 35% of patients experienced depressed mood and 75% depressed with the family diagnosis suffering from cancer as well as depressed due to decreased sexual function. Approximately 67% of reported irregularities conditions of his life. On the study of the spirituality influence in QOL, patterns of religiosity and spirituality have a portion relationship with QOL which is it has different patterns between cancer patients from different cultures. Psychological effect on patients diagnosed with cancer again demonstrated the good quality of life and improved mood and decreased stress compared to patients who were first diagnosed with cancer. As a professional nursing in nursing spiritual intervention, a nurse assigned to provide communications that gives hope to patients. Patients with high support and is able to control themselves have high hope and are able to change the judgement. The experience of the nurses who had cancer confirms that patients need compassion and openness of the medical team as a therapeutic intervention. Keywords: Spriritualitas, Spiritual, Cancer Patients. 241 Introduction Cancer is a degenerative disease that is feared because of its prevalence continues to increase. This disease originated from genetic material damage is defined as a malignant growth or tumor cells are characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. Based on data from the WHO in 2005, estimated global cancer as a cause of death for 7.6 million people in the world (Dwipoyono, 2009). Due to the high mortality rate, the cancer patients had high levels of stress and suffered a mental collapse. This shock resulted in distrust, fear, uncertainty, loneliness and isolation constant and loss of self-control. This suggests the occurrence of a spiritual imbalance in patients. Someone who is in the diagnosis of cancer will lead to emptiness and despair of self, where both of these things can only be released with the attitude of acceptance, connectedness and forgiveness(Doris DC,2003). in the adjuvant therapy (therapy that helps) to feel the symptoms of breast cancer for 2 years after therapy. Discomfort is a common symptom of fatigue, difficulty concentrating, pain, skin irritation, depression and anxiety (Juanita, 2004). The struggle of Breast cancer women to find the meaning of life is not diminished with the passage of time, but should be aided by the support of a friendship and redefine the values that are important in their lives (Doris DC, 2003). The following studies have focused on the influence of spiritual nursing in the care of cancer patients Spiritual and Nursing Spiritual Patients with terminal illnesses such as cancer will get a palliative care (care to reduce, relieve pain). Palliative care is holistic, providing multidimensional services. Organization WHO defines palliative care is a treatment approach that improves the quality of life of patients and families of patients while the patient is Several studies conducted in women with threatened by the disease either at diagnosis or after initial indications. Many nursing authors breast cancer after several years at diagnosis to identify the characteristics of a spiritual state that spirituality is part of a holistic service dimensions and when the nurse meets the imbalance. Spiritual imbalance manifested in despair and depression, grief unreasonable spiritual needs of patients, then this is the most fundamental part of holistic nursing (Esther Mok length and loss of imagination. Besides, it also happens the fear of recurrence and sudden et al., 2009). death (Doris DC, 2003). Patients in the palliative care get special The cancer patients was reported, showed attention in balance with the cost, energy and attention to the personal and social needs. On a phenomenon symptoms of discomfort (symptom distress). These symptoms lead to the way to the terminal condition, inner confrontation occurred in the patient on the face physical and mental suffering because of the unpleasant, unusual, disturbing the comfort and of death that makes the patient must do reflection. Therefore be important for the spiritual productivity. Some symptoms show different variations in different patients. Patients in the nursing terminal patients, but nurses find it difficult to define it. early diagnosis of breast cancer shows symptoms of discomfort in the form of emotional There are fundamental differences between distress, fatigue and insomnia. Some patients the spiritual and religious. Religions talk about 242 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Systematic Review Spiritualities and Spiritual Influence of Nursing Cancer Patients the system, the social institutions in which they Spirituality and Nursing Spiritual for Cancer have confidence, worship rituals and traditions. Characterized religion has the boundary but the Patient spiritual has without limit (Edwards et al., 2010). Spiritual in some studies often has identified with some spiritual aspects such as the meaning and purpose of life, worship or vision. Spiritual concepts implemented in many ways such as welfare (well-being), and health awareness According to some Chinese-Hong Kong terminal patients in the Esther Mok study, spirituality is an abstract concept and a unique personal beliefs that give strength and relate to the meaning of life. More themes are about the meaning of life which includes interrelationships, (Meraviglia, 2005). various linkages, self-reflection and responsibility fulfillment of the obligation. In Based on an analysis of the concept, spiritual is defined as a unique experience of spiritualview, the death is believed to be a process of life to go to the silence and peace of soul expression and dynamic reflection of the belief in God, connectedness to the Divine that mind. Spiritual well-being is achieved by having faith and knowing the possibilities in life and after integrates sense, physical and mental (Meraviglia, 2005). death. According to Esther Mok, patients do not expect to get spiritual care institutions (hospitals) The oncology nurses have a unique position, where they are fully involved in the physiological and psychological well-being of the patient to help survive and healing with all their but when the nurse provide interpersonal spiritual care,the patients admitted it that give strength and support. Once the importance of spiritual experience and the impact received in life (Betty R, 2002)Spiritual nursing and attention to the intervention, Tracy et al. (2006) stated that the spiritual needs of advanced cancer patients can existence of self are in the domain of oncology nurses. Spiritual nursing intervention defined as not be met by religious communities or the medical system where spiritual support is very the provision in the domain of spirituality and has long been a focus of ChaplainsHospital. closely related to the good quality of life (QOL). Tracy also stated that religious individuals are Spiritual care has been accepted as the focus of nursing practice. North America has two often long-lived. diagnoses of nursing spiritual which in the face of difficulty and in seeking the welfare of life (well-being). Nursing enter 20 indicators for spirituality and classification of nursing interventions enter four (4) specific interventions such as spiritual-religius care, worship, spiritual support, spiritual growth facilities, facilities forgiveness, and two (2) interventions in spiritual care is bibilitoterapi with sacred text and the presence (Amy Rex S , 2006). According Meraviglia (2005) from a study of breast cancer patients, the meaning of life (meaning life) was positively related to psychological responses and negatively associated with physical responses. Worship is done is positively related to psychological wellbeing. Wisdom of life is used as a mediation between the perceived effects of the body from cancer with psychological well-being. Meraviglia also detect breast cancer patients, that those who have a good worship and feel so close to God are those with low education and low income. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 243 Has been investigated against 100 people In the study the influence of spirituality on who participated in breast cancer by Juanita (2004), the relationship of symptom distress QOL, WL Jung et al. (2009) reported that the pattern of religiosity and spirituality have a with psikospiritual welfare. This study reported that no relationship was found between age and relationship with QOL in part, which have different patterns between cancer patients from symptom distress, but age is inversely related to the welfare psychospiritual. Juanita stated that different cultures (Korean American and Korean). However, more social support mediate age and symptom distress accounted for 23.1% of the difference in welfare psychospiritual. Due the spirit of the Korean American citizens than native Korea. Psychological influences on QOL to cancer, according to Doris DC, after being declared cancer patients and support groups was also investigated by Hae-Chung Yang et al. (2007) who reported psychological following the self-transcendence, the patient is able to support other people who have cancer relationship with QOL for patients for cancer recurrence. Patients diagnosed with cancer and do advocacy work, especially breast cancer. again no improvement in physical condition and function. However, quality of life and mood was Effect of Spirituality In Quality of Life (QOL) Quality of life (QOL) is a tool that describes improved and stress was decreased. Compared with patients who were first diagnosed , the the multidimensional phenomenon that affects the experience of patients in the disease. Linda recurrence patients have lower levels of anxietyconfusion despite physical function is Sarna (2004) examined QOL of lung cancer patients, especially women and relate it to the worsewere made QOL improvement of quality of life is slower, and high symptom distress. concept of Meaning Of Ilness (MOI). Patients with lung cancer had a serious breakdown in Then, Hae-Chung Yang also pointed out that under the age of 54 years has been slow to the psychological and social aspects of QOL. Mental conditions (mood) that depression, restore quality of life. negative paradigm of the MOI, as well as suffering from the disease at a young age is 37% Necessity of Alternative Medicine And Information That Improves Hope of the QOL. These data correlate with the physical dimensions of poverty, psychological From cancer, Doris DC states that occur in the patient’s spiritual imbalance. This imbalance and social aspects of QOL. spur all participants to seek out the information, seeking support from others, searching for the Linda reported that participants had a negative impression on the MOI by 36%. Another thing that lowers the quality of life is the number of 35% of patients were depressed mood and 75% depressed families affected by the diagnosis of cancer as well as depressed due to decreased sexual function. Then about 67% reported irregularities conditions of life in which approximately 31% suffer from obstructive lung disease. source of pious and reach the inner depths of the value of life. Necessity of Alternative Medicine And Information to Improves Hope In order to seek out of information resources, Suzane (2005) states that there are 5 things related to the patient’s experience in seeking out of information resources, especially through the internet: 244 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Systematic Review Spiritualities and Spiritual Influence of Nursing Cancer Patients 1. 2. Patients receive and filter the internet for and the nurse cause trouble. Nurses should support purposes in order to find hope and new treatment options change clinical environment by building a system that involved nurses and patients to while doing the above, patients selfmanage fear by controlling information 3. Looking for a friend as a partner in the search for information where the internet information is second choice 4. 5. Making the internet information as a direct improve care. In addition, as aprofessional in spiritual nursing,the nurse must give hope to patient on communication to help. Anne (2007) states, women have difficulty and trauma of the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Patients with high support and the ability to control yourself, have supervisor hope and are able to change the verdict. Therefore, healthcare providers and nursing One constitutive pattern was searching for information on the Internet that makes communication spiritual influence for change in view of the verdict of death. cancer as a “friend” of life instead of death judgement. The Importance of Spirituality In Nursing Terminal But Paula Klem et al. (2001) showed that a group of internet information search more To understand more about the influence of depressed compared with traditional search. Therefore, before providing intervention via the spirituality and spiritual nursing for patients, Edward A et al. (2009) states that; Internet, it is necessary to first evaluate the intervention. • Spirituality focuses on connectedness, not only limited meaning and embodied in a friendship. Implications In Nursing Actions Some nurses have in the diagnosis of cancer, according to Carol P et al. (2003). Nurses have been about 50 years old. This study reported a change in the way in providing • Spirituality is a broader term that is not just religion. • Work within the framework of existing nursing spiritual encouragement. This is achieved in the physical care by focusing nursing interventions on the terminal. Their experiences as professionals and patients on attendance, walking together, listening, connecting, engaging and open with each revealed fivethemes such as role ambiguity, deepening the level of compassion for the patient, provider self-disclosure as a therapeutic intervention, be an advocate for change and other. • where it is possible to respond to the spiritual needs. volunteerism. Survival from cancer is an important factor for nurses in clinical practice. Experience as a patient confirms that patients need love and need for openness of medical team as a Strong relationships supported patients, • Involvement of home care nurse in spiritual care are less utilized. therapeutic intervention. Ambiguity of the patient 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 245 • • Establishment of a spiritual relationship in Cancer in Palliative Care Setting, Clinical the provision of spiritual care creates its own needs and if this relationship is Journal of Oncology Nursing, Volume 12, Number 4, 575 – 581. http:// damaged can result in pressure. www.ions.org.il/img/fck/file/pdf/ meyda_nurses/pain_paliativecare.pdf Barriers to spiritual care include lack of time, cultural or educational, institutional factors and professionalism. Conclusion 1. The understanding of spirituality needs of patients should be the basis for nursing intervention. 2. In the face of a terminal illness disease, especially cancer, then it becomes an absolute spiritual nursing as part of nursing interventions, at least Nursing spiritual care can give you the confidence and happiness in the face of death. 3. It is important for nurses to improve the Carol Picard, Joan Agretelis, Rosanna F. DeMarco, 2003, Nurse Experiences as Cancer Survivors: Part II—Professional, Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol 31, No.3, 537 – 542. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/15146219 Doris DC., David LK., 2003, Resolution of Spiritual Disequilibrium by Women Newly Diagnosed With Breast Cancer, Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol 31, No.2, 24 – 31. http://ons.metapress.com/content/ e80687q677404626/ Dwipoyono, Bambang, 2009, Kebijakan Pengendalian Penyakit Kanker (Serviks) quality of the spiritual self as well as communication and information to build di Indonesia, Indonesian Journal of Cancer, Vol.III, 3, Juli – September, 109 – expectations especially to patients, their families and communities 116. http://indonesianjournalofcancer.org/ images/stories/2009/ IJoC_2009_3_109.pdf References Edwards, N Pang , C Chan, 2010, The Amy Rex Smit, 2006, Using the Synergy Model to Provide Spiritual Nursing Care in understanding of spirituality and the potential role of spiritual care in end-oflife Critical Care Settings, Crit Care Nurse; 26 : 41 – 47. http://ccn.aacnjournals.org/ and palliative care: a meta-study of qualitative research, Palliat Med, 24 : 753 content/26/4/41.full.pdf – 770. http://pmj.sagepub.com/content/ early/2010/07/19/ Anne M. Reb, 2007, Transforming the Death Sentence : Elements of Hope in Women With Advanced Ovarian Cancer, Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol 34, No.6, 70 – 81. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/18024333 Betty Ferrell, Michael H. Levy, Judith Paice, 2008, Managing Pain from Advance 0269216310375860.abstract Esther Mok, Frances Wong, Daniel Wong, 2009, The meaning of spirituality and spiritual care among the Hong Kong Chinese terminally ill, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 360 – 370. http:// onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.13652648.2009.05193.x/abstract 246 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Systematic Review Spiritualities and Spiritual Influence of Nursing Cancer Patients Hae-Chung Yang, Lisa M. Thornton, Charles Suzanne S. Dickerson, Marcia Boehmke, L. Shapiro, Barbara L. Andersen, 2007, Surviving Recurrence: Psychological and Carolann Ogle, Jean K. 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Prigerson, 2006, Religiousness and Spiritual Support Among Advanced 15897928 Cancer Patients and Associations With End-of-Life Jung-won Lim, Jaehee Yi, 2009, The Effects of Religiosity, Spirituality, and Social Support on Quality of Life: A Comparison Between Korean American and Korean Breast and Gynecologic Cancer Treatment Preferences and Quality of Life, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 25, No.5, 555 – 560.http://jco.ascopubs.org/content/ 25/5/555.full.pdf Survivors, Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol 36, No.6, 699 – 705. http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19887358 Linda Sarna, Jean K. Brown, Mary E. Cooley, Roma D. Williams, Cynthia Chernecky, Leda Layo Danao, 2004, Quality of Life and Meaning of Illness of Women With Lung Cancer, Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol 32, No.1, 9 – 19. http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15660139 Meraviglia M., 2005, Effects of Spirituality in Breast Cancer Survivors, Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol 33, No.1, 1 – 7. http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16470229 Paula Klemm, Thomas Hardie, 2001, Depression in Internet and Face-to-Face Cancer Support Groups: A Pilot Study, Klemm, Vol 29, No. 4, 45 – 51 http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12011918 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 247 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: CARING EXPERIENCE THE MOTHERS WHO’S PREMATURE BABIES WITH DIFFERENT CULTURE Dewi Mustikaningsih STIKes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Characteristics of premature babies are infants of gestational age less than 37 weeks with a birth weight less than 2500 grams. Mothers who have had premature babies often care based on the origin habits and was not ready psychologically, there is a sense of fear, stress and anxiety, which can interfere with the relationship between a mother and her baby. Methods: Qualitative research phenomenological with Colaizzi method, to determine the experience of mothers caring for premature babies, 5 participants that mothers who have had premature babies weighting 1500 to 2500 grams in the village of Bandung Cipagalo. Results: Mothers who care for premature babies in the tribe of the Javanis two and Sundanis three. Mothers who have a habit of premature babies caring by maternal region of origin, with the result of the mother who comes from Javanis, babies given honey bees, honey mixed with mashed banana, milk out yellowish should not be given to babies because it is considered a disease , before the baby can swallow baby honey bees by means of smeared on the tongue. While the caring of premature babies by the mother of the Sundanis, baby in wrapped in cloth with fabric so warm, use a hot water bottle placed on either side of the baby, the baby wiped with warm water, use a 15 watt lamp with a distance of 20 cm, there is the use of bottled water heat and light, there is also a drying her baby every morning, the baby was left enclosed space wearing warm clothes and diapers and baby in wrapping the stomach. In addition it also causes premature birth is obtained, the feeling of a mother first saw the baby, mother preparing baby care, baby care information about the mother, the health of newborns, baby’s growth and development as well as the support of her husband and family care for premature babies. Conclusion: Mothers who have premature babies at home taking care of her baby based on the original custom baby’s mother. Health workers are expected to socialize again about the care of premature babies in the proper care of premature babies like a kangaroo method care. Keywords: Experience, mothers, premature babies. 249 Introduction Premature infants have a characteristic temperature is unstable and tends to hypothermia is a temperature less than 36,5oC. Cold stress can increase mortality and hinder growth, while hiperthermia and fluctuating temperatures can cause apnea (Monintja, 1997). The incidence of premature infants in Indonesia is still relatively high at 14% (Depkes RI, 1998). In Subdivision School of Medicine baby, other than that some still have the habit of bathing the newborn, warmed by means of a piece of cloth or a light warmed the coals, and rubbed the baby’s body to be warm, there are also the hot water bottle or approximated with kerosene lamps lights and some of the Methods proposed community kussu the marsupial animals that exist in the region that is similar animal kangaroo (Pratomo, 1998). In West Java, the research reported in the Perinatology IKA RSCM during 1998 obtained early neonatal mortality rate in the group of district Leuwiliang Bogor, which generally mothers who have premature or low birth weight infants with a birth weight less than 1000 grams, 1000-1499 grams and 1500-2499 grams each - infants treatment with wrapping baby with a cloth to keep warm wrapping called, using a hot water amounting to 75%, 41.9% and 6.6%. The condition of the infant at birth is neonatal bottle placed on either side of the baby, the baby wiped with warm water, some use the lights to mortality caused by handling of the case is not appropriate. Based on years of research the power of 25 watts at a distance of 25 cm as well as doing a combination of a hot water bottle Perinasia 1992/1993 on the care of premature infants reported that the customs of traditional birth attendants in the Sumatra region is bathed and light, there is also a drying her baby every morning with ten minutes old, baby left closed ro wear warm clothes and diapers in guarding with water leaves baby cikarau, cikumpal or sidingin. There is also a baby is given a drink of against wet . The duration of treatment with the administration of a hot water bottle or a light one egg beaten with palm sugar, canned milk was given and left alone. In NTB no smearing baby to two months (Sutomo, 2003). The way to keep the babies warm body temperature is the shaman habits with hibiscus leaves, leaf beluntas, palm leaves and turmeric and baby kangaroo method, warm room, heated bottles, radiant warmer, a heated water bed and covered and placed in a basket. In the area of Maros, South Sulawesi premature infants incubator. In terms of effectiveness, safety and hygiene together with the kangaroo method warmed, dried, and covered in coconut oil and then wipe with a lighted lamp (Wiknjosastro et incubator type 3 is the most advanced, yet costdiffer greatly. Kangaroo method at no charge al, 1992). Care of premature infants in Maluku Bandaneira done by rubbing the baby’s body except the love of his parents. Emotional relationship with the baby’s mother began with oil to prevent it from freezing, and eucalyptus oil given the baby’s stomach tied with pregnancy. Emotional bonds called attachment or bonding is a process of relationship with the octopus (Meutia, 1998). In the middle of the Moluccas result that 52.1% of pregnant women baby’s parents. Neonate is totally dependent physically and emotionally to take care of him found premature babies do not need to be bathed, 87.5% should be breastfed, 91.7% and (Tessier, 1998). Infants with early contact with his mother cry less, smile more often and use 57.9% carried may not be refused if the mother’s skin care made direct contact with the skin more than breastfed infants in contact with his mother late or inadequate (De Chateau, 1977). 250 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Caring Experience the Mothers Who’s Premature Babies with Different Culture Date RW 10 Cipagalo Bandung that there participants and researchers about the time of are 5 babies born with less than a month and based on sharing experiences to mothers who the interview, the researcher will conduct interviews with participants in accordance with have premature babies are not ready psychologically and burdened by fear, stress the time and place mutually agreed. Participants fill out questions in the questionnaire and anxiety, which can interfere with the relationship between a mother and her baby. demographic data sheet in accordance with the instructions of each piece. In conducting the Method interview, the researcher recorded the interviews using a voice recording of handpone and digital The design of this qualitative study with a phenomenological approach to determine how video. After completion of the interview, the researcher made a transcript of the interview, mothers experience a premature baby and the extent of readiness of mothers who have had and if there are things that are less obvious, interviews will be conducted if the has been premature babies in the care of her baby at home. The population is mothers who own and completed the saturation is achieved, in the sense that the interviews were conducted with care for premature babies at home. 5 the number of samples, because the sample size participants who otherwise would not be found more things new one. The method used is the phenomenological qualitative research is usually 10 people or less (Polit, DF, Hungler, BP, 2001, method of Colaizzi. The analysis is used to describe the process in detail which consisted hlm.215). Samples were taken by using purposive sampling, sample inclusion criteria of reading all of the procedures for obtaining their feelings, to review any interviews and were mothers of premature infants by 34 weeks of age weighing 1500 to 2500 grams, are willing express the meaning of each significant statement, the meaning of which has been to be interviewed or be a participant and can speak Indonesian. The research was conducted formulated to organize into a group theme, comparing these groups back to the procedure in the Village of Bandung Cipagalo on 1 - 28 November 2011 instrument used in this study is original to noting deviations among the various groups, with a waiver to avoid the date or themes divided into two parts. First is the demographic data questionnaire, which contains a statement that are not appropriate, integrate the results into a broad explanation of the phenomenon, of the general data of participants in the data collection sheet (questionnaire) in the form of formulating broad explanation of the phenomenon that is being investigated as a maternal age, religion, ethnicity, education last, and number of children. The second is an statements identified as specific as possible and ask the participants about these findings so far interview guide containing questions about the mother ’s experience includes caring for perhaps as a final validation step. (Polit, DF, Hungler, BP, 2001, hlm.393). premature babies at home with a number of questions about the 12. Researchers Results and Discussion approached prospective participants by contacting prospective participants to make an Causes of premature birth is maternal factors such as fatigue. Maternal factors that appointment and for approval as the study sample. Following the approach to potential cause preterm birth among other trauma during pregnancy, such as physical (falling) and participants and achieved agreement among psychological (stress), maternal age at 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 251 pregnancy of less than 20 years or more than Dissatisfaction with the results of the baby, this 35 years, women who have previously given birth more than 4 and child malnutrition experience becomes stress and fear as well as long-term problems. (Sherr, 1995) (Berhman, Kliegman, & Arvin, 2002, page 562). In addition, premature rupture of membranes Preparation of the mother to care for and infection. The cause of preterm birth is multiple pregnancy fetal factors, hydramnios, premature rupture of membranes, congenital defects, infections (eg. Ruberella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis), maternal and fetal blood incompatibility (Rh factor, a goal. ABO blood) (Berhman, Kliegman, & Arvin, 2002, page 562). Based on these results demonstrate the lack of knowledge of antenatal mothers. where the expected mothers during antenatal care to know the danger signs so that further tests can be done to prevent complications that occur during premature babies at home by preparing a box of baby bed covered with lamp of learning, room thermometer, make klentik oils for bathing and there is also a tool for the preparation wipe bath warm. Care for premature infants in the main house are seeking a neutral ambient temperature. To prevent the harmful effects of hypothermia due to low ambient temperature or chilled efforts should be made to take care of a baby in a temperature neutral environment, the temperature required for the oxygen consumption and caloric expenditure is minimal. pregnancy, including premature birth. This lock state can be achieved when the baby’s core temperature (the temperature of the body Feelings first saw the baby was feeling sad to see a premature baby because the baby is small and confused because the baby was born without dressing) can be retained 36.6o -37.5oC degrees Celsius. Temperature neutral environment can be achieved through a variety but they were sad because the state of the baby does not like a normal baby. Premature babies of ways, namely by means of an incubator. But if there is no incubator, infant environment can have a baby that looks thin, as if consisting only of skin and bones and no fat. Care of premature be warmed by putting a hot water bottle in the baby’s right and left side. Hot water bottle infants in the baby should be placed in a bed box that was given to help the light to warm the wrapped in a cloth before it is placed or a towel and placed beside the cart, not to touch or get baby’s survival. Mothers who have had premature babies fear and lack of information, too close to the baby’s body. Fill the bottle is replaced every hour or when it is not hot. Other sometimes there are mothers who do not want to see the baby is premature for the first time. participants who have no care for the way the baby is attached to the mother with the kangaroo Rejection is a natural and commonly found in the first few days because of anxiety and fear. method. This method can be practiced when there is no accompanying pathological She also could not worry that premature babies love. Anxiety and stress can relieve happy problems, good suction reflexes, coordination of sucking and swallowing reflexes both parents together. (Glover, B., & Hodson, C., 1998, hlm.37). Premature babies cause a variety of agreed and the preparation of the mother, the baby, the baby, infant observation, how high difficulty, because every baby will be different results. Experience preterm birth based breastfeeding and maternal and infant hygiene (Alisjahbana, 1998 ). If there is a power tool to on the definition, it is too early to conclude, often panic, and high medical intervention. give a warm environment is done by placing an incandescent bulb close baskets or cots on three 252 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Caring Experience the Mothers Who’s Premature Babies with Different Culture sides and placed such that it can be turned off month. Premature infants are particularly and on separately. Information about the care of the premature baby nurse, a friend who has vulnerable to infection because the immune system is not developed optimally. Wong, 2000, a premature baby, books, magazines and the internet. The nurse is an individual who can said that premature babies are vulnerable to infection due to incomplete immunity so easily explain in primary prevention and crisis management as well as facilitating adaptation, disturbed health. learning and growth so that the individual can see the benefit of his experience and can face a crisis that may occur in the future using the skills they learned. (Caplan, 2002). Based on the observations of researchers in the field and based on the results of the interview participants received information from health workers are still lacking. Involvement in breast-feeding mothers Growth and development of premature infants is different when viewed with the development of the book is always dibatas bottom curve but does not pass through the normal curve. Wong, 2000, said that the development of premature infants is different from that of term infants 2 months hampered backward when compared with term infants. only, these mothers are confused and do not understand how to care for premature babies Husband and family support to mothers who care for premature infants is a husband and wife after they return home later. help families participate in caring for the baby such as making milk alternately, buy books on Implementation of premature infant care at home is done by the mother herself and her husband after returning home, the mother can give a touch of love in a way similar to a kangaroo carrying her child as a replacement incubator and warmer tool. In this way improved the condition of premature babies, babies feel premature babies, delivering control to the doctor, clinic consultation to infant growth and advise the wife. Wong, 2000, saying that as a family support system is needed by mothers who have premature babies. Conclusions and Recomendations comfortable and calm. (Anderson, 1991). Mothers experience caring for premature Home care of premature infants are breastfed and there is time to use milk premature babies at home include the causes of premature birth, maternal feeling to see the baby first, the breast milk has not come out through the spoon when it has not been able to suck a pacifier or preparation of the mother to care for premature babies at home, information about the care of not to breastfeed, bath with swabbed, virgin coconut oil on doing while in baby massage and premature babies, premature baby care implementation in home care of premature placed on the mother’s chest skin so warm and given vitamins for the brain. This is consistent babies, premature baby health condition, growth and development of premature infants as well with the statements of participants who say the treatment of premature infants is used to warm as her husband and family support to mothers who care for premature babies at home. the warm bottles and baby oil. (Surasmi, A., Hand, S., & Kusuma, HN, 2003, pp 15). Pediatric nurse to provide health education to parents who have a premature baby on the The health condition of premature babies proper techniques in caring for premature babies at home. in the hospital often each week and once a 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 253 References Alisjahbana A. (1998). Prevention of Low Birth Infants Hipothermia of using the Kangaroo Method. Paediatrics Indonesia. Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Epidemiology). Prawirorahardjo, S. (2002). Obstetrics. Jakarta: YBPSP Berhman, Kliegman, & Arvin. (2002). Pediatrics, Jakarta: EGC Polit, F. (2001). Essential of Nursing Research. Philadelphia: Lippincot Danim, S. (2002). Being a Qualitative Robinson, C.D. (2002). Questions & Answers Researcher. New York: Loyal Reader First Year Baby Care, New York: ARCA MOH. (1998). Health Profile of Indonesia, Jakarta: Health Data Center. Soepardan, S., Widyani, R. (2001). 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Advanced Handling Premature Babies, Jakarta: Faculty of medicine Hall Publishers, 1997. Niven, N. (2002). Psiklogi Health. Jakarta: EGC Pratomo, Hadi. (1998). The views and habits of Neonatal Care in Women in Cluster West Seram Island, Central Maluku, Maluku province. Journal of Epidemiology 254 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: SOCIAL CAPITAL APPROACH TO IMPROVING SUSTAINABILITY AWARENESS IN PREVENTION DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (DHF) Nur Mukarromah1, Soedjajadi Keman2, Rahmad Hargono3 1 2,3 Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga Surabaya E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Increasing the incidence of DHF early needed the behavior change through the improving sustainability awareness independently with social capital approach. The purpose of this research was to find a indicator of social capital to increase public awareness sustainability of the prevention of DHF in Sidoarjo. Methods: The design used was a cross sectional with analysis unit for family members who were at the public health centre of Tanggulangin and the public health centre of Buduran with the sample of 296 people. The sampling method was multistage random sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The data collection was analyzed by using Mann Whitney, logistic regression and SEM. Results: The results showed that social capital in both locations there were no differences, for sustainability awareness there were significant difference with p-value 0.000 <á =0.05. 8 of the 12 indicators of social capital, the most influential on the sustainability awareness were values, sense of identity, norms, trusts systems, cooperation, attitudes, perceptions, and expectations. Strengthening social capital in improving community sustainability awareness was very important renewal approach. Social capital could move society in Sidoarjo district, in preventing and combating the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever properly. Keywords: social capital, sustainability awareness, dengue hemorrhagic fever. Introduction now very urgent. The success and failure of the PSN has been launched by the government are often carried out only when it is a case of DHF Social capital strengthening in community awareness improvement through sustainability even until death. awareness could be considered as a renewal approach that was very important. Development Coleman (1998) in his book titled Social of knowledge and attitudes about public awareness, with the approach of social capital Capital in the Creation of Human Capital states that the sustainability of any social transaction as a key factor in community development, is is determined by the presence and maintenance 255 of trust or the mandate of the parties involved. Buduran. The criteria for samples are heads of The purpose of this research was to find a model of social capital approach in an effort to increase families who have family members been diagnosed with dengue fever as well as reside public awareness sustainability of the prevention of DHF in Sidoarjo in the region at least one year. The sample total of 296 people was divided into two groups of Some of the key indicators that can be used samples with a multistage random sampling method. Data were collected through as a measure of social capital among others (Spellerber, 1997; Suharto, 2005), namely: 1) Feelings of identity; 2) Feelings have or vice versa, feeling aliens; 3) trust system and ideology; 4) The value and purpose; 5) Fear; 6) attitude towards other members of society; 7) Perceptions of access to services, resources and facilities (employment, income, education, housing, health, transport, social protection); 8) Opinion about the government’s performance earlier; 9) Confidence in institutions and the general public; 10) The level of trust; 11) satisfaction in life to be achieved in the future; and 12) Hope to be achieved in the future. Methods The study design used was analytic observational with cross-sectional design because data collect in snapshoot. Data collection was carried out on two groups of samples. Stage first was the identification and analysis of factors that serve as indicators on questionnaire, observation and interview. Data analyzed by statistical descriptive and analytic. Statistical descriptive showed frequency distribution of age, occupation and education. Statistical analytic showed by result of MannWhitney test, simple logistic regression, and confirmatory analysis of SEM. Result and Discussion Indicators of social capital in Tanggulangin district or Buduran sub-district then they were compared by using the Mann-Whitney test. Some indicators that there were differences between the two research areas were the sense of identity with a p-value of 0.006, trust systems with p-value of 0.000, participation with a pvalue (0.023), attitude with a p-value (0.000). In general, social capital research in both regions were no differences. Sustainability awareness in both regions was a significant difference with p-value of 0.000. social capital in the community. Stage second was comparing of social capital indicators that The analysis of the results of the indicators of social capital influenced on sustainability exist in endemic areas the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever, which is free of the dengue awareness in Tanggulangin district and Buduran sub-district used simple logistic regression test. fever. Stage third was developing an approach model of social capital to improve the Logistic regression test showed that values was the factor influenced sustainability awareness sustainability awareness on the prevention of DHF in Sidoarjo region. with p-value of 0.002. Odds ratio values showed results concluded that people with values less The populations are all community who lived in Sidoarjo region. Especially the individuals who lived at Tanggulangin which is outbreak district of dengue hemorrhagic fever. Another area that is free of dengue fever is likely to have good sustainability awareness both of 6.1 (95% CI: 2.04 to 18.3) times compared with those who have less value. In Buduran sub district for logistic regression appeared there was significantrelationships between the values 256 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Social Capital Approach to Improving Sustainability Awareness in Prevention Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) of the sustainability awareness and p-value of sustainability awareness both of 0.12 times 0.011. OR calculations could be concluded that the value would be less likely to have good compared with those who had less satisfaction. Buduran subdistrict showed p-value of 0.011, sustainability awareness both of 0.03 (95% CI: 0.009 to 0.12) times compared with someone which meant there was a significant correlation between satisfaction and good sustainability who had a good value. While that had a quite greater value likely had good sustainability awareness. awareness both of 0.21 times compared with those who had less value. In this study there were 12 variables expected to affect the sustainable awareness, Another significant indicator was the i.e. values, sense of identity, norms, trust systems, collaboration, participation, fears, cooperation with the p-value of 0.000. Odds ratio calculations showed that people with less attitudes, perceptions, opinions, satisfaction and hope. Overall the most influential indicators after cooperation will likely have good sustainability awareness both of 0.25 (95% CI: 0.8 to 0.78) bivariate analysis one by one independent variable (the variable that was supposed to times compared with those who had good cooperation. While the cooperation had influence) with dependent variable (sustainable awareness) are presented in Table 5.33. From sufficient opportunity to have good sustainability awareness both of 1.53 times compared with the result of the table 5.33 there were eightvalue variables p <0.25, i.e. the values, sense those who have less cooperation. Buduran Sub district showed p-value of 0.012 <á = 0.05, which meant there was a significant relationship of identity, norms, trust systems, cooperation, attitudes, perceptions, and expectations. between cooperation with sustainability awareness. OR envisaged that with the cooperation of people who were less likely to have good sustainability awareness both of 7.75 (95% CI: 2.45 to 24.5) times compared with those who had a good cooperation. While the cooperation had sufficient opportunity to have good sustainability awareness both of 3.0 times compared with those who had less cooperation. 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Washington DC: The Worid Bank Social Developmant Family Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Develompmant. 260 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE UTILIZATION OF JARGON IN NURSING LEARNING PROCESS OF HIV-AIDS IN STIKES ‘AISYIYAH BANDUNG Perla Yualita STIKes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: The jargon (terminology) of HIV-AIDS nursing process need to be introduced to prospective nurses since attending college. This is to make it easier when they plunge into the world of work. Methods: in reviewing the jargon on HIV-AIDS nursing process using qualitative analysis. The Methods used in studying the use of jargon nursing process of HIV-AIDS in the learning process is a quantitative analysis. Result: The results of the study: 202 were obtained jargon nursing process of HIV-AIDS are typically used within the scope of the HIV-AIDS. Results show jargons of 202 HIV-AIDS nursing process, as many as 37% of jargon nursing process of HIV-AIDS has been known from the learning process, and as many as 67% of jargon nursing process of HIV-AIDS is not known. Conclusion: There is jargon typical in every sphere of the nursing process, one of which is in the process of HIV-AIDS nursing jargon found 202 HIV-AIDS nursing process. List the results of these studies add vocabulary helpful to prospective nurses in the nursing process jargon of HIV-AIDS considering 67% of new HIV-AIDS is known from the study. Keywords: Jargon, HIV-AIDS Nursing Process, Learning Process. Introduction specifically shows the striking development of AIDS cases in Thailand. In 1983 the newly The number of people living with HIV-AIDS discovered one or two cases of AIDS, but only within seven years, ie in 1990, has reached in the world are growing each day. The WHO report states, spreading the disease began in 300,000 cases (Amir, 2008: 12). 1980 until further after 2000 would have grown extraordinarily in Asia, surpassing the case in So even in Indonesia, according to the Center for Public Communication, Secretariat America and Europe. In fact, Asia is expected to be the continent with the second largest General of the Ministry of Health conducted by the Disease Control and Environmental Health number of AIDS cases after Africa. Observations 261 (PP & PL) MOH. (http: // www.depkes.go.id/) the 7) the application of planning, prioritization and cumulative number of AIDS cases in Indonesia until September 30, 2009 as many as 18 442 implementation of programs based data. cases. During the period July - September 2009 AIDS cases increased by 743 cases in 32 provinces in Indonesia. The number of AIDS cases in 2009 (January to September) of 2332 cases. Transmission of AIDS cases occur through heterosexual highest (49.7%), through No exception students of STIKes Aisyiyah Bandung as prospective nurses since entering college need to be equipped knowledge about HIV-AIDS. Starting from the Introduction of terminology (jargon), symptoms, reached the stage of treatment. injecting drug users / IDUs (40.7%), and homosexual (3.4%). The proportion of patients On the basis of such thought, the researchers were interested in conducting found most frequently in the age group of 20-29 years (49.57%), followed by age group 30-39 research with the title: “ The Utilization Of Jargon in Nursing Learning Process Of Hiv- years (29.84%), and the age group 40-49 years (8.71%). Meanwhile, a report by Province, more Aids in Stikes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung .” AIDS cases in West Java, East Java, Jakarta, Papua, Bali, West Kalimantan, Central Java, Identification of the Problem Research North Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands. The number of people with AIDS who died around 3,708 1. with the jargon of the nursing process in detail with HIV-AIDS. people (20.1%). Based on the search, from the amount of 18 442 AIDS cases in Indonesia known percentages by gender, with 74% male (13 654 people), 25.5% of Women (4701 people) and 0.5% (87) cases of unknown gender. Nurses as one of the medical personnel who can also help to treat the diseases need to be given a lot of knowledge about HIV-AIDS. This is in line with the HIV-AIDS treatment strategies expressed by HIV-AIDS Commission of Indonesia (2014), namely: 1) to improve and expand the coverage of the whole prevention, 2) improve and expand the scope of care, support and treatment, 3) reduce the negative impact of the epidemic by improving access to social mitigation programs, 4) strengthening partnerships, and public health systems, 5) Treatment of HIV-AIDS disease continues to grow, but student nurses are not familiar 2. Learning the jargon of the HIV-AIDS nursing process has not been detailed. Problem Formulation Research 1. Whatever jargon used in the nursing process of HIV-AIDS? 2. How does the use of jargon nursing process of HIV-AIDS in the lesson? Objective 1. To find out what the jargon used in the nursing process of HIV-AIDS. 2. To determine the utilization of jargon in the nursing process of HIV-AIDS in the learning process. improve the coordination between the stakeholders and the mobilization of resources at all levels, 6) develop structural interventions, 262 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Utilization of Jargon in Nursing Learning Process of HIV-AIDS in Stikes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung Benefits Research approach to problem solving that enables 1. nurses to organize and deliver nursing care. The nursing process contains Scientific Aspects a. In terms of science, research results are expected to increase and expand their elements of critical thinking that allows nurses to make judgments and take action repertoire of science jargon nursing process, especially HIV-AIDS. based on the reason. The nursing process is the framework and structure creative b. The results are expected to be useful as a organization to provide nursing care, nursing process but also flexible enough source of information about the use of jargon nursing process to therapeutic communication for patients, especially patients with HIV-AIDS. 2. to be used in all spheres of nursing. 3. HIV-AIDS HIV-AIDS stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Acquired Immunod Deficiency Syndrome). The HIV Practical Aspects a. In practical terms, the results of this study can be used as a starting point to explore virus was discovered around 1983 by Lug Montaigneur a French microbiologist. In the jargon used within the scope of the HIV-AIDS. 1984, a microbiologist from the United States, Robert Gallo, also announced the b. The results of this study can be used as same discovery. AIDS is a collection of symptoms of a disease that causes the input for the development of the scope of the particular nursing terminology study body difficult to fight the infectious diseases. Itself immune deficiency caused of HIV-AIDS. by the HIV virus. These viruses attack and destroy the human immune system that Theory Platform depress immunity. 1. Jargon Basically, HIV is a type of obligate parasites, the virus that can live only in Meaning of “jargon” in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is a special vocabulary used in the field of life (a living cells or media. The virus is like to live and breed in the body fluid containing particular environment). As according to Hartmann and Stork (Alwasilah, 1993: 51) white blood cells. In the process, the virus was then attacked one of the types of which is jargon is a set of terms and phrases used by a social group or groups of workers, but not used and often not understood by the speech community as a whole. 2. white blood cells which served to ward off infection (Amir, 2008: 4). 4. Learning According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (2008: 23), learning is a Nursing Process The nursing process according to Potter and Perry (2005: 137) is an process, manner, or the act of making living beings learn. Learning, which is an activity undertaken by teachers in a way 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 263 that learners behavior change for the people and students of level Diploma III-3 of better. According to the flow of cognitive, learning is the way teachers provide Nursing (2014-2015) as many as 55 people. opportunities for learners to think in order to know and understand what is being studied (Darsono, 2000: 24). Definition of Terms Definitions of terms in this study are as follows. 1. Jargon is terminology / phrase often used by nurses in implementing the nursing process in HIV-AIDS patients in both the learning process and practices in the Research Instruments The instrument used in this study were interview guides, observation, literature studies, and questionnaires. Data Collection Techniques In this study, the author uses several techniques to collect data, namely: observation, interview, the study of literature, and questionnaire. hospital. Processing Techniques and Data Analysis 2. 3. HIV-AIDS Nursing Process is the nursing care given to patients with HIV-AIDS. Processing and data analysis technique, The process of learning in STIKes which is a technique used to process, compile, interpret and analyze the data in order to answer Aisyiyah Bandung is the opportunity given to the students Tk. Prodi III-3 Nursing D the research questions and write a conclusion. After the researchers obtained the data, the TA. 2014/2015 to learn the terminology within the scope of the HIV-AIDS which can be measured by assessment. researchers conducted data processing. The data referred to in this study is the result of Methods interviews, observations, literature studies, and questionnaires that researchers get the following The method used in reviewing the jargon steps: data collection, grouping, making a list of terminology questionnaire HIV-AIDS nursing of HIV-AIDS is a qualitative analysis carried out with data collection techniques: interviews, process, spread questionnaire, processing and data analysis, and assessment. observation, and study of the literature to obtain the expected data. The use of jargon to examine HIV-AIDS in the learning process through the use of quantitative analysis: the creation of a questionnaire list jargon nursing process of HIVAIDS, distributing questionnaires to students, processing and analysis of data, as well as assessment. Sources of Data Research Sources of data in this study is the nursing faculty who deals with HIV-AIDS as many as 3 NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NAME AIDS ACUTE RETROVIRAL SYNDROME ADJUVANT AFFECTED COMMUNITY AIDS BIBLIOGRAPHY AIDS CLINICAL TRIALS GROUP (ACTG) AIDS DEMENTIA COMPLEX AIDS EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTERS (AETC) AIDS KNOWLEDGE BASE AIDS RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE 264 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Utilization of Jargon in Nursing Learning Process of HIV-AIDS in Stikes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung NO. NAME 11 AIDS SERVICE ORGANIZATION (ASO) 12 AIDSDRUGS 13 AIDSLINE 14 AIDS-RELATED CANCERS 15 AIDS-RELATED COMPLEX (ARC) 16 AIDSTRIALS 17 ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE 18 ALOPECIA 19 ANAMNESTIC RESPONSE 20 ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK 21 ANERGY 22 ANTIBODY-DEPENDENT CELLMEDIATED CYTOTOXICITY (ADCC) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 ANTIRETROVIRAL ANTIRETROVIRAL AGENTS ANTIVIRAL APOPTOSIS ART ARV ASSEMBLY AND BUDDING ATTENUATED AUTOIMMUNIZATION AUTOINOCULABLE AUTOLOGOUS AZT B LYMPHOCYTES (B CELLS) BACULOVIRUS BCI BINDING ANTIBODY BODY FLUIDS BRANCHED DNA ASSAY CASE MANAGEMENT CD NOMENCLATURE CD4 (T4) or CD4+ CELLS CD8 (T8) CELLS CDC NATIONAL AIDS CLEARINGHOUSE CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY (CMI) CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION (CDC) NO. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 NAME CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS) DAMAGE CERVICAL DYSPLASIA CLADE CLINICAL LATENCY COMMUNITY PROGRAMS FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH ON AIDS (CPCRA) CONCORDE STUDY CORE PROTEIN CORRELATES OF IMMUNITY/CORRELATES OF PORTECTION CPCRA CST CYTOKINES CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) RETINITIS CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) CYTOTOXIC T LYMPHOCYTE (CTL) D4T DATRI DDC DDI DEMENTIA DENDRITIC CELLS DERMATITIS DIARRHEA DIVISION OF AIDS TREATMENT RESEARCH INITIATIVE (DATRI) ENV ENVELOPE EPIDEMIOLOGIC SURVEILLANCE EXPRESSION SYSTEM FOLLICULAR DENDRITIC CELLS (FDCs) FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) GFATM GP120 GP160 GP41 HAIRY LEUKOPLAKIA 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 265 NO. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 NAME HEALTH RESOURCES AND SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (HRSA) HELPER/SUPPRESSOR RATIO HEMATOCRIT HISTOPLASMOSIS HIV HIV DISEASE HIV-negatif, HIV-positif, Home based detoxification, Homoseksual, HOST FACTORS: HSTV HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS TYPE 1 (HIV-1): HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS TYPE 2 (HIV-2): HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANITGENS (HLA): HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV): HUMORAL IMMUNITY: IDU IEC Intravena (Intravenous, IV) Incinerator Infeksi Oportunistik (Opportunistic Infection) Informed concent 3TC IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA (ITP) IMMUNITY IMMUNOCOMPETENT IMMUNODEFICIENCY IMMUNOSUPPRESSION IMS INFECTION INTEGRASE INTEGRATION INTERLEUKIN-2 (IL-2) ISOLATE NEEDLE KAPOSI'S SARCOMA Universal Precautions NO. 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 NAME KILLER T CELLS KPA KPAD LAI LAV LENTIVIRUS LONG TERMINAL REPEAT SEQUENCE (LTR) LONG-TERM NONPROGRESSORS LYMPHADENOPATHY SYNDROME (LAS) Lymphadenitis LYMPHOID INTERSTITIAL PNEUMONITIS (LIP) MACROPHAGE MARPs Masif Meningitis MN MUTATION NAC NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (NICHD) NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE (NLM) NATURAL KILLER CELLS NEF NEUROLOGICAL COMPLICATIONS OF AIDS NEUROPATHY NEUTRALIZING DOMAIN Odha OI Oral Candidiasis Outreach, Penjangkauan dan pendampingan p24 Harm Reduction Supply Reduction Demand Reduction PENTAMIDINE Perjasun 266 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Utilization of Jargon in Nursing Learning Process of HIV-AIDS in Stikes ‘Aisyiyah Bandung NO. 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 NAME PLASMAPHERESIS PLHIV PMS PMTCT PNEUMOCYSTIS CARINII PNEUMONIA (PCP) POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) Prevalence Prophylaxis REGULATORY T CELLS RETROVIRUS REV REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE RIBONUCLEIC ACID (RNA) RYAN WHITE CARE ACT Semprit (Syringe) Septikemia (Septicemia) SEROPREVALENCE SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE (STD) SF-2 SHIV Silikona (silicone) SIMIAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (SIV) SIV STI SUBUNIT HIV VACCINE SUPERANTIGEN SUPPRESSOR T CELLS SURROGATE MARKER Surveilans Sentinel (sentinel surveillance) SYNCYTIA T LYMPHOCYTE PROLIFERATION ASSAY TB : Tuberculosis Shooting Gallery TERRY BEIRN COMMUNITY PROGRAMS FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH ON AIDS (CPCRA): Tes HIV THERAPEUTIC HIV VACCINE olerasi (Tolerance) TOXOPLASMOSIS NO. 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 NAME TRANSMISSION UNGASS V3 LOOP VACCINIA VCT VIRAL CORE VIRAL ENVELOPE Viral Load WASTING SYNDROME Results From the results of the collection and processing of data obtained some terminology in the nursing process of HIV-AIDS is as follows. From the questionnaire results of the HIVAIDS jargon list to 55 students of level III-3 D Nursing Academic Year 2014/2015 only 37% of jargon that has been known, while 67% have not been known. This suggests that the Introduction of the nursing process jargon HIVAIDS should be given in more detail to the students in order to increase student vocabulary knowledge and scope of HIV-AIDS. It is useful as a preparation when they plunge into the world of work. Conclusions 1. Jargon HIV-AIDS nursing process as a characteristic widely obtained from HIVAIDS nursing process is different from the treatment of other diseases. From the results of the study found as many as 202 jargon nursing process of HIV-AIDS. 2. Utilization jargon nursing process is used as an HIV-AIDS knowledge and vocabulary enrichment of students, especially in the area of HIV-AIDS. This is evident from the responses of students who considered jargon nursing process of HIV-AIDS is important, but only 37% knew 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 267 of a given list of jargon. As many as 67% Documentation Standards. Philadelphia: of the nursing process jargon HIV-AIDS is known from the study. Utilization F.A. Davis Company. implemented through the creation of a glossary of terms, spread to the students, and the assessment can be made either at the time the student supplies the practice in the hospital or at work later. References Amir, Syafruddin. 2008. HIV/AIDS dalam Solusi Islam. Bandung: Idea Spektrum Lintasmedia. Arikunto, S. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktek.. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Asmadi. 2008. Konsep Dasar Keperawatan. Jakarta: EGC. Brown, H. D. 1994. Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Francisco State University. Departemen Kesehatan. — [Online]. 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Istilah-Istilah yang Sering Dipakai dalam Aksi Respon terhadap HIV-AIDS. [Online]. Tersedia: http:// www.odhaberhaksehat.org/2011/istilahistilah-yang-sering-dipakai-dalam-aksirespon-terhadap-hiv-aids/ [ 1 Juli 2014]. Tn. Tt. Glossary. [Online]. Tersedia: http:// aids-ina.org/modules .php?name=Glossary&op=terms<r=D [1 Juli 2014]. Unggul, E. 2009. Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian. [Online]. Tersedia : http : // www. poltektegal. ac. id / files / download / Erni.../ Peng_Metopen.pdf. [ 13 Desember 2009]. Yusuf,M. Daftar Istilah Seputar HIV-AIDS. [Online}. Tersedia: http: http:// yayasanmahakasih.wordpress.com/ hivaids/daftar-istilah-seputar-hivaids-bymuhammad-yusuf/ [ 1 Juli 2014] 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 269 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: THE EFFECT OF YOGA THERAPY ON THE LEVEL OF INSOMNIA AMONG ELDERLIES AT BUDHI DHARMA NURSING HOME IN PONGGALAN UMBULHARJO YOGYAKARTA Suratini1, Suhesti2 1 Lecturer of School of Nursing ‘Aisyiyah Health Sciences College of Yogyakarta 2 Student of School of Nursing ‘Aisyiyah Health Sciences College of Yogyakarta E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: Aging is a natural process which is unavoidable. Most old agers are at risk of having sleeping disorders due to many factors such as social changes, the increasing use of medicines, the death of the spouse, and diseases. The example of insomnia among old agers are excessive sleepiness during the day, atensi and memory disorder, frequent fall, and decreasing the quality of life. A non pharmacological therapy that can be done to overcome insomnia is called yoga therapy.The objective this study was the effect of yoga therapy on the level of insomnia among old agers at Budhi Dharma Nursing Home in Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta. Methods: This research was designed with pre experiment, one group pretest-posttest. The subjects of the research consisted of elderlies with insomnia at Budhi Dharma Nursing Home in Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta with as many as 11 respondents using total sampling technic. The statistic test was using Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test. Result: Analysis showed that pretest and posttest with Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test was z value – 2.944 with significance value (p) 0,003, which means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So, it can be concluded that yoga therapy had effect on the level of insomnia among elderlies at Budhi Dharma Nursing Home in Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta. Conclusion: Suggestion it is recommended that Budhi Dharma Nursing Home in Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta should conduct weekly sport activities with the purpose of giving therapy for the elderlies who have insomnia. Keywords: Yoga Therapy, Insomnia, Elderlies 271 Introduction Indonesia is a country that entered the era of structured population aging (aging population structured) because the number of people aged 60 years and over about 7.18%. The number of senior citizens in Indonesia in 2006 amounted to approximately 19 million, with a life expectancy of 66.2 years. In 2010 the estimated population of the elderly in Indonesia will reach 23.9 million or 9.77% with a life expectancy of about 67.4 years. Ten years later or in 2020 the estimated population of the elderly in Indonesia reached 28.8 million, with a life expectancy of 71.1 years. (ANA, 2007). Currently cases of insomnia or lack of sleep is a sleep disorder that most complained. In the United States 35% of the total population experiencing insomnia disorders are quite serious. The high incidence of insomnia here due to inadequate treatment of insomnia (Hadriani, 2010). In 2004, Indonesia’s population amounts to 238.452 million there were 28,053 million Indonesian people are affected by insomnia or approximately 11.7%. This data is based on indications in general do not take into account genetic factors, cultural, environmental, social, racial (Bararah, 2010). There are some serious impact of sleep disorders in the elderly such as excessive daytime sleepiness, impaired attention and memory, mood depression, frequent falls, improper use of mortgages, and decreased quality of life. Mortality, heart disease and cancer rate was higher in the old man slept more than 9 hours or less than 6 hours per day when compared with the old man sleep between 7-8 hours per day (Amir, 2007). Actually there are more effective ways to get rid of insomnia without involving drugs. Zammit, Diriktur Sevelt Sleep Disorder Institute has introduced a therapy that can help relieve insomnia and help you sleep better. The trick with techniques that can reduce stress, such as yoga, meditation or relaxation. Yoga is more relaxed and able to refresh the mind, body and soul is very effective for people suffering from insomnia. Most people experience insomnia is caused by stress, anxiety, depression and unpleasant memories (Subandi, 2008). Yoga is one of the six Hindu philosophical teachings about meditation activity in which a person focuses the mind to control the senses and the body as a whole, with the aim to achieve unification with the Creator. Yoga refreshes and soothes the mind, body, and soul. Yoga is also a physical and mental disorders, including insomnia. Practice yoga before bed will “squeeze” all the tension and makes the body become quite tired and easy to sleep (Sindhu, 2008). After preliminary studies in the UPT Panti Wredha Budhi Dharma Yogyakarta Ponggalan Umbulharjo the data obtained in the homes of elderly who were 53 elderly which consists of 36% male and 64% female. From the results of interviews with 44 elderly get the data 75% of the elderly have trouble sleeping and woke up in the middle of the night. In the parlor there were 9 elderly are isolated and should not be interviewed. The problem of insomnia complaints by the elderly in nursing homes UPT Budhi Dharma Yogyakarta Ponggalan 272 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Effect of Yoga Therapy on the Level of Insomnia Among Elderlies at Budhi Dharma Nursing Home in Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta Umbulharjo for disturbing the rest meraka. To overcome this problem, the elderly just try to close my eyes and hope to be able to sleep again. Analysis of the data in this study using statistical parametric test Wilcoxon Match Pairs Test. Analysis of the results of the decision made by hypothesis testing based Methods on the significance level of p = 0.05. When The research design used in this study the count value of p is smaller than the was pre-experimental with pretest posttest significance level (p <0.05) then Ho is one group design is design that does not rejected and Ha accepted. have a comparison group (controls), but at Results and Discussion least we have made the first observation (pretest) which allows to test the changes that occurred after the experiment (program) (Notoatmodjo, 2012). The population in this study had a controlled criteria on confounding variables such as physical illness, emotional stress, medications, food intake, calories and the environment obtained with a number of 11 elderly respondents. Sampling technique in This research was conducted in UPT Panti Wredha Budhi Dharma Yogyakarta Ponggalan Umbulharjo. At home there are 53 seniors. a. Characteristics of respondents by sex Characteristics of respondents in this study include gender ie male and female. Image characteristics of respondents can be seen in the image below: this study with a total sampling ie sampling technique by taking all members of the Female 64% population as respondents or samples Male 36% (Sugiyono, 2009). The tools used to collect data in this study is Insomnia Rating Scale Figure 1 : Characteristics of respondents by sex. questionnaire in order to determine the score of insomnia in order to value objectively. The questionnaire consists of eight questions In Figure 1 explains that the comprising the length of sleep, dreams, the characteristics of the respondents by gender is female gender of 7 people (64%) quality of sleep, go to sleep, wake up at night and 4 men (36%). the day, time to sleep after waking, early morning waking, and feeling refreshed when waking up in the morning. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 273 b. Characteristics of respondents Based on Table 1 Data obtained according to age before given yoga therapy that results from the pretest to the highest level that Characteristics of respondents in this study include the age of the respondents. Image characteristics of respondents can be seen in the image insomnia is insomnia (82%). d. The level of insomnia after yoga therapy The level of insomnia in the elderly below: was measured after administration of therapeutic yoga. The level of insomnia 71-80 year 36% in the elderly after yoga therapy can be seen in the following table: 60-70 year 64% Table 2 Level of insomnia after yoga therapy in the elderly in nursing homes UPT Budhi Figure 2 Characteristics of Dharma Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta in January 2014. respondents by age. In Figure 2 explains that the Tingkat insomnia characteristics of respondents by age of respondents aged 60-70 years were 7 Lightweight Insomnia Total people (64%), while the 71-80 year age of 4 people (36%). c. Based on the data obtained after 4.2 table given yoga therapy that results from The level of insomnia before given yoga therapy the posttest to the highest level of mild insomnia is insomnia (100%). The level of insomnia in the elderly measured before therapy yoga. The level of insomnia in the elderly before yoga therapy can be seen in the following table: Table 1 Level of insomnia before yoga therapy in the elderly in Post Test Jumlah % 11 100 11 100 e. Hypothesis test the effect of yoga therapy on the level of insomnia in the elderly in nursing homes UPT Budhi Dharma Yogyakarta Ponggalan Umbulharjo Table 3 Results of hypothesis nursing homes UPT Budhi Dharma Ponggalan Umbulhajo testing the effects of yoga therapy on the level of insomnia in the Yogyakarta in January 2014. elderly in nursing homes UPT Budhi Dharma Yogyakarta Pre test Jumlah % Lightweight Insomnia 1 9 Medium Insomnia 9 82 Weight Insomnia 1 9 Total 11 100 Source: Primary data 2014 Insomnia Level Ponggalan Umbulharjo Asymp. Variabel Z Sig. (2-tailed) Level insomnia after -2.944 0,003 yoga terapi Level insomnia before yoga terapi 274 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Effect of Yoga Therapy on the Level of Insomnia Among Elderlies at Budhi Dharma Nursing Home in Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta Based on Table 3 it can be seen that of only a lack of exercise. Lack of exercise is the Wilcoxon z value obtained at -2944 with a significance value (p) 0.003. To one of the factors is difficult to sleep. As happened in UPT Panti Wredha Budhi Dharma determine the hypothesis is accepted or rejected then the value of significance (p) Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta, for sporting activities only done once a week. Therefore for compared to the error level of 5% (0.05). If p is greater than 0.05, then the sports activities is still lacking met for the elderly in the home. hypothesis is rejected and if p is smaller than 0.05, then the hypothesis is According Sumedi (2010) in his study says accepted. From the results, p-value less than 0.05 (p <0.05), so the hypothesis is accepted. It can be concluded that there is a therapeutic effect of yoga on the level of insomnia in the elderly in nursing homes UPT Budhi Dharma Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta. Discussion The rate of insomnia before given yoga therapy for the elderly In Table 1 it can be seen most of the elderly in nursing homes UPT Budhi that insomnia occurs due to muscle tension, when a stress it will experience some muscle tension. Active sympathetic nervous makes people can not relax or relaxed so it can not bring a sense of sleepiness. Based on the results of the study respondents said that after following the implementation of the elderly fit exercisers regularly, calmer mind is not agitated or stressed, easier concentration, feeling happy, and sleep more soundly than usual as well as easy to initiate sleep. It is therefore very necessary exercise to Dharma Yogyakarta Ponggalan Umbulharjo insomnia are as many as 9 people (82%). Seen keep the body healthy and strong, especially in the elderly are much less daily physical activity in Figure 4.1 shows that most respondents who had insomnia were female (64%) compared to with exercise, the heart will continue to work properly trained, will smooth blood circulation. 36% men. The greater the number of women who experience insomnia necessarily prove that Insomnia after a given level of yoga therapy insomnia is experienced by many women or gender factors affecting the level of insomnia. for the elderly In Table 2 it can be seen that after yoga therapy, 10 (91%) experienced a decrease According Ernawati (2010) anxiety and in the level of mild insomnia insomnia becomes level. From the results of this study indicate that lifestyle factors thought to be one of the causes of insomnia. As the opinion Ernawati (2010) yoga therapy is effective in reducing the level of insomnia in the elderly. According to Khalsa according to the research that the sex 95 respondents (42%) of the total sample were (2004) to more effectively cope with insomnia is with yoga. Researchers explained that people men, because men have lower levels of anxiety than women. Additionally Ernawati mention that with insomnia have high levels of cortisol, and stress hormones. In addition, the researchers women are more worried about the inability compared with men, men are more active, reasoned that yoga can reduce stress levels by learning to manage concentration, thus allowing exploratory, while women are more sensitive. easy insomniacs to sleep well at night. In addition to anxiety there are several other In this study still found 9% of respondents factors that affect insomnia in the elderly is one who did not experience a decrease in the level 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 275 of insomnia despite following the yoga exercise interrupted momentarily squeezed. Under these for 7 days caused a good sleep patterns because the respondent is often too long nap. conditions the brain will automatically ordered more blood gets shed body being stopped According to the research results Amir (2007) can take the form of poor sleep disorders sleep earlier. Once we normalize the position of the body as usual, blood (including calcium content hygiene and specific sleep disorders. Poor sleep hygiene can be caused by excessive is important to relax the nerve cells) will be “ejected” and more flowing around the thyroid expectations on sleep or sleep schedule. As a result, the elderly often spend time in bed or gland. From this process will bring a new balance in the body so it felt more comfortable intermittent asleep during the day. and helps the body relax and fall asleep (Subandi, 2008). In addition, respondents always use a bright light while sleeping at night. According to For the elderly enough sleep is very biologist Joan Roberts, said that in a state that really dark body produces melatonin, a hormone important, if need considerably less sleep will impact excessive daytime sleepiness, memory in the immune system is able to fight and prevent a variety of diseases including breast cancer and impairment, frequent falls, and decreased quality of life. As described QS nature. Ar-Rum: prostate cancer. In contrast, the state of sleep with the lights on at night, no matter how small 23 and QS. An-Naba: 9 explained that: “And among the signs of His power is at a time when light causes the production of the hormone melatonin stalled. In addition, Joan Roberts discovered this secret after conducting night and sleep during the day, and your seeking of His bounty in part. Verily in that are signs for a people who listen. “(QS. Ar-Rum: 23) “And We experiments on animals. When the animals were given artificial light at night, melatonin decreased made your sleep for rest.” (QS. An-Naba: 9) and weakened immune systems. Therefore, in addition to saving energy by turning off lights when you sleep is a natural way to improve health (Ernawati, 2010). The system can be likened to the human body as a machine that needs a break to be able to work again with a more optimal, as well as the human body needs a break, and break Effect of Yoga Therapy Level Against the best is sleep, because in addition to eating and drinking are basic human needs, sleep is Insomnia In Elderly In Nursing Unit Wredha Budhi Dharma Yogyakarta Ponggalan also a starting point for the emergence of a new energy to the human body. Umbulharjo In Table 4.3 it can be seen the results obtained Wilcoxon z value of -2944 with Conclusions a significance value (p) 0,003 so it can be concluded that there is a therapeutic effect of 1 The rate of insomnia before yoga therapy, the majority of respondents experiencing yoga on the level of insomnia in the elderly. When yoga is possible to move the two glands insomnia levels are 9 people (82%), mild insomnia 1 person (9%), and severe insomnia (thyroid and endocrine) that regulate the body’s calcium metabolism. By training the neck 1 person (9%). Level 2 insomnia after yoga therapy, most of the respondents experienced movements, such as the movement of the neck muscles sequeezing (like squeeze) for a few a decrease in the level of mild insomnia insomnia 10 people (91%) and 1 (9%) did not moments the muscles around the blood flow is experience a decline. 3 The difference in the 276 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 The Effect of Yoga Therapy on the Level of Insomnia Among Elderlies at Budhi Dharma Nursing Home in Ponggalan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta level of insomnia before and after yoga therapy in the elderly in nursing homes UPT Budhi Dharma Yogyakarta Ponggalan Umbulharjo obtained results of 9 people and 1 person insomnia is severe insomnia, insomnia fell into Sindhu.(2008). Hidup Sehat dan Seimbang dengan Yoga. Bandung. Qanita. Subandi.(2008). Yoga Insomnia. Jakarta. PT Elex Media Komputindo. mild insomnia. While mild insomnia 1 person who does not decline. 4. influential yoga therapy Sugiyono.(2009). Statistika untuk Penelitian. Bandung. Alfabeta. to lower levels of insomnia in the elderly in nursing homes UPT Budhi Dharma Ponggalan Sumedi.T, Wahyudi & Kuswanti.A.(2010). Umbulharjo Yogyakarta. Pengaruh Senam Lansia Terhadap Penurunan Skala Insomnia Pada Lanjut References Usia di Panti Wredha Dewanata Cilacap dalam http://www.jos.unsoed.ac.id Amir, N.(2007). Gangguan Tidur Pada Lanjut Usia Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaannya dalam http://www.kalbe.co.id diakses diakses tanggal 30 Januari 2014. tanggal 8 Oktober 2013. Bararah, V.F.(2010). 28 Juta Orang Indonesia Terkena Insomnia dalam http:// www.health.detik.com diakses tanggal 2 Desember 2013. Ernawati.(2010). Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Terjadinya Insomnia Pada Lanjut Usia di Desa Gayam Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Sukoharjo dalam http:// www.publikasiilmiah.ums.ac.id diakses tanggal 30 Januari 2014. Hermana.(2007). Penduduk Lanjut Usia di Indonesia dan Masalah Kesejahteraannya dalam http:// kemsos.go.id diakses 26 September 2013. Khalsa.(2004). Treatment of Chronic Insomnia with Yoga: A Preliminary Study with Sleep-Wake Diaries dalam http:// www.link.springer.com diakses tanggal 9 Oktober 2013. Notoatmodjo, S.(2012). Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan. Jakarta. PT Rineka Cipta. 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 277 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014: DIMENSIONS OF CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS THAT INFLUENCE CARING BEHAVIOR IN PKU MUHAMMADIYAH HOSPITAL TEMANGGUNG Lutfi Fauzy Asriyanto1, Puguh Widiyanto2, Sodik Kamal2 1 2 PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Temanggung Faculty of Health Science University of Muhammadiyah Magelang E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Introduction: The quality of health services becomes important for a health institution, as a special impact on the image, profits, productivity, and liability. One of the keys of the quality of health services provided by nurses lies in aspects of attention, empathy, and caring (caring). Based on preliminary studies in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Temanggung, it can be concluded that the behavior of nursing care can not be said to be optimal, although the management of the hospital has established a commitment to quality service through its quality policy. AIMS: to determine the factors that affect the dimensions of organizational culture with caring behavior of nurses. Methodology: The study design used was a cross sectional analytic method in 50 nurses. Bivariate data analysis using Pearson and Spearman correlation test. Result: with the result there is no relationship between the dimensions of involvement, consistency, adjustment, and mission with the nurse caring behavior. Suggestions for the management of the hospital to take care of inserting items into the standard of care and nurse performance appraisal. Keywords: Caring Behavior, Nurses, Organizational Culture. Introduction to organizational culture ever undertaken by Zees (2011) at the Prof. DR. H. Aloei Saboe Caring behavior as part of a nurse’s performance is strongly influenced by the values Hospital Gorontalo city, with a result of a significant relationship between marital status, that exist within an organization. It is based on the concept that caring behavior is an communication, training, reward, decision making, and management by nurses caring interpersonal characteristics that can not be passed down through genetics, but can be behavior. learned through cultural education as a profession (Tomey and Alligood, 2006). Organizational culture has as strong influence on the behavior and performance of Research on nurse caring behavior in relation members of the organization. Strong culture can 279 be an advantage for the organization, because Nurse caring behavior in PKU it can create common goals, motivations members, as well as control structure to form Muhammadiyah Hospital Waterford can not be said to be optimal, although the management the required behavior in order to improve the performance and achievements of the of the hospital has established a commitment to quality service through quality policy SOFT organization (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2010; within Zees, 2011). and FAST. Accordingly, the need to study more about the factors that influence nurses caring Organizational culture can be said to be behavior, in particular organizational culture variables. Therefore, the formulated research strong if each person in it to understand and believe in goals, priorities, and practices of the organization, which will affect the way of thinking and good behaving (Vesper, 1993; within Bateman and Snell, 2008). The concept shows that the higher the level of acceptance of members of the core values of the organization and the greater the commitment, the organizational culture will be stronger, and so did the opposite happens. questions: whether the cultural dimensions of organizational factors that influence nurses caring behavior in the PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Temanggung? Methods This study used a quantitative design cross sectional analytic method, which aims to analyze the dimensions of organizational culture factors that influence nurses caring behavior. The The quality of health care becomes an absolute thing, because it specifically affects the samples in this study were nurses in the inpatient unit PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in health care institution in terms of image, profits, productivity, and liability (Herjanto). One of the as many as 50 nurses. The study was conducted in April-August 2014 data were taken using a keys to quality of health care lies in aspects of attention, empathy, and caring of nurse (Nahrawi questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Pearson and Spearman correlation test. and Ichsan, 2008). Concern (caring) is the essence of nursing practice that aims to help Results clients recover from his illness (Potter and Perry; within Widiharti, Sunaryo, and Purwaningsih, Characteristics of the respondents by gender split is almost balanced by the 2011). percentage (46% male: 54% female). In the meantime, if viewed based on marital status, Caring behavior is reflected in the activities of nurses when providing nursing care to clients. This behavior is part of a nurse’s performance is influenced by the organization of the system variables, in particular organizational culture. Bijaya (2006), the Zees (2011), suggests there is a strong and significant correlation between organizational culture with the performance of the majority (84%) of respondents in the married category. age characteristics showed that the average age of nurses is 30 years, and the average tenure is 7.5 years working nurses. The results of the bivariate analysis can be seen in the following table: a nurse. 280 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Dimensions of Cultural Organizations that Influence Caring Behavior in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Temanggung The relationship between the dimensions of organizational culture with Nurse Caring Behaviors in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Temanggung; July 2014 (n=50) Variables Dimension of Iinvolvement Consistency Dimension Dimensions of Adjustment Dimensions of Mission * Significant at the α = 0,05 Nurse Caring Behaviors n p* r 50 0,539 0,089 50 0,665 -0,063 50 0,749 0,046 50 0,485 0,101 The results of the bivariate analysis above involvement of management strategies can be shows that of the four dimensions of organizational culture (involvement, effective for organizational performance, as well as strategies for creating employees a better consistency, adjustment and the mission) was not statistically associated with the nurse caring working environment. behavior. The results of this study contrast with statements Hersey and Blanchard, in Safaria and Yunastiwi (2013), performance is a function Discussion This section discusses the results of the analysis of the relationship dimensions of organizational culture, including involvement, consistency, adjustment, and mission, the nurse caring behavior. The relationship between involvement with Nurse Caring Behaviors Denison, in Fey and Denison (2003) and Herminingsih (2011), states that the involvement is voluntary, bottom-up involvement, as well as structured have a positive impact on organizational effectiveness. This concept suggests that the level of engagement and high participation creates the sense of property (sense of ownership)and responsibilities. From this awareness arises a greater commitment to the organization and will need a little more strict control of the leaders (Denison, 2000; within of motivation and ability. Thus, in completing a task or job, one must have a degree of willingness and a certain level of ability. Ammir Ali (2007), in Safaria and Yunastiwi (2013), also suggested that foster a high level of job involvement on employees can be effective for improving performance, and encourage employees to be more positive. The relationship between Consistency with Nurse Caring Behaviors Consistency is the degree of agreement of members of the organization to the basic assumptions and core values of the organization (Sobirin, 2007). An organization that is consistent and well integrated to show the effectiveness of good performance. This indicates that the organization has a strong culture, which significantly influence the attitudes Doloksaribu, 2001). and behavior of members in the ability to reach an agreement, coordinated action, and work on Walton Research and Lawler (in Denison, 1990, and Doloksaribu, 2001) suggests the common framework of values and guidelines that have been agreed upon (Pascale, 1984; within Ferryansyah, 2013). 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 281 Some authors (Frost, Moore, Louis, Research Kotter (in Fey and Denison, Londberg, and Martin, 1985; Martin and Shiel, 1983, etc.) in Denison (1990) and Doloksaribu 2000;, and Doloksaribu, 2001) lead to the conclusion that the organization of the cultural (2001) noted the importance of beliefs and shared values (shared beliefs and values) for values that promote innovation, risk taking, entrepreneurship, and leadership more effectiveness organization. successfully adapt to external influences than other organizations that do not have it. Indicators dimensional consistency are core values, agreement, and coordination and In contrast to the above concept, the integration (Fey and Denison, 2000; within Doloksaribu, 2001). In the context of the employees perceive that the risk of decisionmaking and creative efforts developed at work organization, coordination and integration between the unit / part is often a difficult thing to often gets the challenge of leadership. On the other hand, the nurse caring behavior shown is implement. This is what happens at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Temanggung, where not bad, and even tend to be either, so the statistical test shows there is no relationship constraints in cooperation with other parts of the hospital is still quite high. The employee also between the dimensions of the adjustment to the nurse caring behavior. considers that the activity perception among employees about new ways of working is not often done. In addition, the core values are used as guidelines in attitude and behavior has not been fully understood and applied properly, even though it be disseminated to employees through the distribution of the manual. The relationship between adjustment to The relationship between the mission of the caring behavior of nurses The mission is the cultural dimension that shows the organization’s core purpose, which makes members of the organization remains steadfast and focused on what is considered important by the organization (Sobirin, 2007). the nurse caring behavior Living the mission will provide two major influence on the functioning of the organization, Adjustment is the organization’s ability to respond to external changes to the way namely: 1).Determine the benefits and meaning by way of defining social roles, social goals, and organizations conduct internal organizational changes (Sobirin, 2007). The state refers to an objectives of external organizations, as well as defining the role of individuals with regard to the organization that is oriented to the customer, take risks and learn from mistakes, and have role in the organization; 2). Provide clarity of direction or rules (Denison, 1989; within the ability and experience in creating change (Fey and Denison, 2003; within Herminingsih, Ferryansyah, 2013). 2011). Vision describes the aspirations of the Culture that can help organizations organization and would like nothing, while the mission describes the organization of doing anticipate and adjust to a changing environment, will are associated with good performance in the business, customer service, and expertise needs to be developed to achieve the vision of long term (Fey and Denison, 2000; within Doloksaribu, 2001). the organization (Denison, 1989; within Ferryansyah, 2013). The mission of the organization can result in members, the non- 282 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 Dimensions of Cultural Organizations that Influence Caring Behavior in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Temanggung economic reasons, are willing to invest the effort Kewirausahaan “Optimal”, Vol. 5, No. 1. for the good of the organization, because of the expectations of the organization (Fey and Jakarta Denison, 2003; within Herminingsih, 2011). Denison Research shows that organizations are lacking in implementing the mission will result in members do not understand the results to be achieved, as well as long-term goals that are set are not clear. Conclusions Doloksaribu (2001). Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Manajerial (Studi Kasus pada Kanca BRI di Wilayah Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Yogayakarta serta Jawa Timur). Semarang Downloaded: http:// eprints.undip.ac.id/9060/1/ 2001MM977.pdf In statistics obtained shows that the relationship between the dimensions of Safaria, S., Yunastiwi, A.S. (2013). Pengaruh Keterlibatan Kerja terhadap Kinerja organizational cultures (involvement, consistency, adjustment, and mission) with a Pegawai pada PT. Seascape Surveys Indonesia. e-Journal Manajemen dan nurse caring behavior. Nonetheless, referring to the literature review and related research Bisnis, Vol. 1, No. 3 journal, obtained evidence that the dimensions of organizational culture has a huge influence on the effectiveness of the performance of members and accomplishments of the organization. Mosby Elsevier; St. Louis, Missouri Bateman, Thomas S. dan Snell, Scott A. (2008). Manajemen Kepemimpinan dan Kolaborasi dalam Dunia yang Kompetitif. Salemba Empat; Jakarta Ferryansyah, M.F, (2013). Pengaruh budaya organisasi dan Komitmen Organisasi Watson, Jean. (2002). Assessing and Measuring Caring in Nursing and Health Science : Second Edition. Springer Publishing; New York. Widiharti, Sunaryo dan Purwaningsih. (2011). terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus pada PPPA Darul Qur’an). Jakarta: Skripsi%20Muham mad%20Fadli%20Ferryansyah.pdf dalam Kehidupan Organisasi). UPP STIM YKPN; Yogyakarta Tomey, Ann M. and Alligood, Martha R. (2006). Nursing Theorists and Their Work. References downloaded http://repository.uinjkt.ac.id/ dspace/bitstream/123456789/23849/1/ Sobirin, Achmad. (2007). Budaya Organisasi (Pengertian, Makna, dan Aplikasinya Pengembangan Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Pelayanan Keperawatan Berdasarkan Analisis Porsi Perilaku Caring Perawat dengan Jendela Pelanggan. Jurnal Ners Vol. 6 No. 1 April 2011 Herminingsih, Anik. (2011). Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap Budaya Organisasi. Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Manajemen dan 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 283 Zees, R.F., (2011). Analisis Faktor Budaya Organisasi yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Caring Perawat Pelaksana di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Prof. DR. Aloei Saboe Kota Gorontalo. Depok diunduh http://lib.ui.ac.id/file?file=digital/20282247T%20Rini%20Fahriani%20Zees.pdf 284 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HIP EXERCISES TO DECREASE LOW BACK PAIN IN THE ELDERLY IN THE KALIREJO VILLAGE, SALAMAN DISTRICT, MAGELANG REGENCY Sigit Priyanto1) and Erfiana2) 1 University of Muhammadiyah Magelang Address: Nglerep, Deyangan, Mertoyudan, Magelang E-mail: [email protected] Hp 081328505262 ABSTRACT Background : The elderly lessen their physical activities after pension, although their daily activity need many muscles. Even elderly with chronic health disorder or just suffering symptom of aging process admit to do physical exercise in hip. Low back pain is pain feeling in bone lumbal sakral and sakroiliakal area. Purpose : to determine the effectiveness of hip exercise to decrease low back pain in the elderly in the Kalirejo Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency. Methods: this research use quasi-experiment. The population in this study were elderly aged 55-65 years with a number of 86 people in the Kalirejo Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency. Sampling with proportional random sampling with a sample of 51 elderly. The statistical test used the Wilcoxon test with a 95% degree of confidence or a=0.05. Results : The level of low back pain in the elderly in Kalirejo Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency as much as 56% had moderate pain scale, 44% had severe pain scale, after being given a hip exercise, as much as 56% of elderly have mild pain scale, 44% of elderly had moderate pain scale. Wilcoxon test results obtained by the analysis of the value of the level of low back pain in elderly with p value = 0.000, it means there is an effectiveness of hip exercises to decrease low back pain in the elderly. Conclusion: hypothesis that showed the effectiveness of hip exercises to decrease low back pain in the elderly, are accepted and proven. Suggestion: the results of this study are expected to improve the quality of health services in dealing with low back pain. Keywords : hip exercise, low back pain, the elderly. 285 Introduction and Objective Elderly is not a disease, but an advanced stage of a process of life that is characterized by the body’s ability to adapt to environmental stress. The decline in the ability of various organs, functions and systems of the body it is in men and 13.6% in women. National Safety Council also reports that occupational sick highest frequency of occurrence is pain/ back pain, which is 22% of the 1.7 million cases (Tarwaka, et al, 2010). According to research conducted by natural/ physiological. The decrease was due to a reduced number of cells and the ability of Melissa Aprilia (2009) to the field of construction workers on the construction project and the body. In general, the signs of aging begin to appear since the age of 45 years and will cause Recreation Facilities Sports Boker (Boker GOR) Ciracas results obtained from 38 samples of problems at the age of about 60 years (Bandiyah, 2009). The cause of the problems 94.7% of workers experience musculoskeletal complaints in several parts of his body and lower that occur in the elderly is the skin, mobility, elimination, vision, hearing, cardiovascular, back (18 , 8%), right shoulder (17.4%), and leg (15.2%). An estimated 40% of the population of respiratory, pain, depression, dementia, and elderly hematologic abnormalities. Pain is one Central Java aged over 65 years had suffered from lower back pain and its prevalence in men that is often felt by the elderly for example, pain in the legs, lower back pain. and in women 18.2% 13.6% (Tjokorda and Maliawan, 2009). Lower back pain or Low Back Pain (LBP) is a manifestation of pathological circumstances Lower back pain has not been a clear impact in people’s lives, where the pain is experienced by the tissue or organ that is part of the waist or in the lumbar region. Lower back causing disturbance or disability on the lives of people all day. Causes of low back pain varies, pain is a complaint which is closely related to age. Usually the pain is being felt in their second with most cases caused by tension in the muscles and soft tissues of the spine. Physical decade of age and found a high incidence in the fifth decade (and against & Sidhartha, 2008). causes include osteoathritis, rheumatoid arthritis, degeneration of the discus between the A person aged 40 years and above require knowledge of information about the activities of vertebrae (disc herniation), vertebral fracture, or muscle spasms. Lower back pain can be sports or physical fitness (Setiabudhi & Hardywinoto, 2005). classified into three types based on the duration of pain, the acute (within 4 weeks), subacute In Indonesia, the incidence of lower back (4-12 weeks), and chronic (12 weeks upper). Diseases of lower back pain can be treated with pain is definitely not known, but the NPB estimated prevalence rate varies between 7.6%37%. NPB problems in workers generally begins in young adulthood with a peak prevalence in the age group 45-60 years with little difference by sex (Widiayanti, at all, 2009). exercises such as stretching the hips. If simple stretches every day can set the spine to recovery at a cost that is not much of the kind described in a journal published in Journal Watch General Magazine, 2012. Research Community Oriented Program for Controle of Rheumatic Disease (COPORD) Efforts should be made to address lower back pain is the use of pharmacological therapy Indonesia shows back pain prevalence of 18.2% and non-pharmacological 286 | Building Transcultural Nursing in Education and Practice to facing Asean Community 2015 therapy. The Effectiveness of Hip Exercises to Decrease Low Back Pain in the Elderly in the Kalirejo Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency Pharmacological therapy aims to relieve pain no complications such as scoliosis, and can read such as analgesics. Non-pharmacological therapy aims to reduce pain so that no potential and write. Collecting data using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) that the degree of pain to cause effects for patients. The benefits of nonpharmacological therapy in addition to reducing are numbered 0-10, figure 0 indicates no pain and severe pain the 10 states. Pain assessment pain also have the nature of a simple, effective, and without harmful effects (Lowdermilk & Perry, performed on people suffering from lower back pain by circling the one number that has been 2004). Approach to non-pharmacological therapy can provide lower back pain relief in the specified (Sudoyo et al, 2006). Observation sheet gymnastics hip developed from research elderly. Non-pharmacological therapy to address low back pain including relaxation, massage, by Padila (2013). Statistical analysis using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann Whitney. warm compresses, acupuncture and gymnastics hip. Results One of the non-pharmacological therapy Top of Form that aims to reduce lower back pain is hip gym. Gymnastics is an exercise pelvic floor muscles Here are effective hip exercises for lower back pain relief in the elderly in Kalirejo Sub back to reduce lower back pain. Gymnastics aims hips can help improve blood circulation and Salaman, Magelang regency, the median value obtained from the pretest was 6.00 and the strengthen the back muscles and prevent osteoporosis and curvature of the body. Moreover, it can increase muscle strength waist, average is 6.68 with a standard deviation of 1.600, and for the posttest median is 3.00, the thigh and also overcomes the limitations of joint movement (Padila, 2013). Gymnastics hip can be done at least 3 times in one week to get the results back floor muscle exercises (Hirsch, et al. 2008). average is 3:48 with the standard deviation of 1.636, p value = 0.000. The test results of the difference between the intervention and control groups by Mann Whitney test showed that Sig (2-tailed) showed the value of p = 0.000, with mean 38.92 and the mean control interventions by the 13:58. Methods Research is a quantitative study using a quasi experimental design using the design of Discussion Gymnastics is an exercise hip first be pre-test and post-test control group design, which design do the two groups were observed introduced and used to restore strength, endurance and flexibility of the back muscles, before and after treatment. The samples used were 51 respondents, consisting of 25 people which aims to reduce the pressure on the facet of the body and stretch the lumbar region as in the intervention group and 26 in the control group. The intervention group performed in three well as correcting the wrong body. Dreger, quoted by Suharjana (2007) states that the hip hamlets while the control group was conducted in four villages Kalirejo village, subdistrict of exercise training program encompassing the dose of exercise, frequency of exercise, exercise Magelang regency Salaman. Inclusion criteria were 55-65 years, not taking medication within time, and other principles of training. Hip exercises require a relatively long time to get the last 1 month, experiencing lower back pain optimal results. Results hip exercises can be 1st INC-AIPNEMA 2014 | Bandung, October 22nd–23rd 2014 | 287 done in one or two weeks, it would be optimal Muscles to perform its function in pairs therefore to do three or four weeks. upon agonist muscle groups in the state to contract the antagonist muscle to the contrary Hip exercises designed to reduce back pain by strengthening the muscles that flex the lumbo-sacralspine, especially the abdominal muscles and stretch your muscles and muscle groups gluteusmaximus ektensor lower back. Stiffness in the lower back area is usually caused in a relaxed state. When this does not occur as a result of both the muscles will attract each other and will inhibit the movement. Similarly, when trying to straighten the arm biceps should be in a relaxed state. by too much lactic acid accumulates in the muscle (Wolf, 2004). Along the degeneration of Types of training programs commonly given to patients with complaints of low back pain in the nucleus protruding disc that accompanied the formation of lime and inflammation of the hospitals and other health services are usually gentle exercise or careful, which is done in a synovial capsule, lordosis increases, causing narrowing of the intervertebral foramen and the “passive” means that body movements in the exercise carried out by the therapist. According resulting emphasis. This emphasis allows the loss of motor function, sensory, and reflex. Nerve to William gymnastics hip more emphasis on contracting the back muscles so happy under root compression rate of mild pain is felt in the buttocks, to the nerve root compression levels these muscles become relaxed and become more powerful. This can reduce the pain in the greater felt in the hamstrings and lower back and leg nerve root pressure broader level felt in the legs. muscle due to weak muscles in the area and can also increase the scope of the movement (Keenenth, 2009). Hip exercises a rehabilitation program to The benefits of aerobic exercise hip is not improve the strength of your back and abdominal muscles, as well as stretching just for the elderly, lower back pain, but this exercise is also aimed at people who do not exercises to increase flexibility, but also reduce weight. Fitness exercise to prevent recurrence suffer from lower back pain. Hip exercises should be done every day, not just when the must be careful on the dorsal flexion exercise are double knee-to-chest strecth, pelvic tilt pain alone. From the above, it is necessary to do physical exercise despite his advanced age, exercise, lower trunk rotation stretch, curl up exercise, trunk flexion stretch, alternate arm-leg this exercise can also be helpful for elderly pre anticipation of back pain that occur because of extension exercise, bone lumbar extension, alternate leg extension and harmstring stretch hip exercises can improve flexibility and endurance lower back muscles. Because of while standing (Anonymous, 2008). lower back pain can not be accepted as an aging process, this condition is a chronic problem that Flexibility exercises lower back muscles by doing pelvic exercises are examples of exercises to improve muscle strength belt. Heartbeat that this exercise can strengthen the muscles which in turn can reduce pain due to muscle weakness. This is related to reduced requires a change in the daily activities that aging is not a problem. 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