Conference 60 years Accounting
Conference 60 years Accounting
60 years Finance and Accounting Faculty in the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) INVITATION PROGRAM COMMITTEE Prof. Snezana Basheva PhD President Prof. Stoyan Stoyanov PhD Prof. Ognyan Simeonov PhD Assoc.Prof.Stoyan Alexandrov PhD Prof. Nadezhda Nikolova PhD Prof. Sc Nicholas Nenovski PhD Prof. Emilia Milanova PhD Prof. Yanaki Andreev PhD Prof. Biser Slavkov PhD ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Assoc.Prof. R. Pozharevska PhD President Assoc.Prof. S. Trifonova, PhD Vice-President Prof. Margarita Alexandrova PhD Assoc.Prof. Oleg Dimov PhD Assoc.Prof. Bogomil Manov PhD Assoc.Prof. Boychinka Yonkova PhD Assoc.Prof. Daniela Feschiyan PhD Assoc.Prof. Dimitar Nenkov PhD Assoc.Prof. Daniela Petrova PhD Assoc.Prof. Dimitar Dinev PhD Assoc.Prof. Emil Asenov PhD Assoc.Prof. Emil Harsev PhD Assoc.Prof. Katia Miteva PhD Assoc.Prof. Kameliya Savova PhD Assoc.Prof. Lena Roussenova PhD Assoc.Prof. Mariana Mihailova PhD Assoc.Prof. Maya Nachkova PhD Assoc.Prof. Marco Lyubomirov Timchev PhD Assoc.Prof. Pavlina Anachkova PhD Assoc.Prof. Presiana Nenkova PhD Assoc.Prof. Rumen Brusarski PhD Assoc.Prof. Rosica Ivanova PhD Assoc.Prof. Todor Nedev PhD Assoc.Prof. Christina Oreshkova PhD Emilia Stoimenova Nikolay Katsarski 60th Anniversary International Scientific Conference dedicated to 60 years of foundation Financial Accounting Faculty in the University of National and World Economy topic: Crisis and Economic Growth October 26, 2012 Topics: Accounting and Analysis Finance Financial Control APPLICATION for participants in 60th Anniversary International Scientific Conference in the UNWE: Crisis and economic growth Name and surname: Account for participation and sponsoring the conference Conference Fee (for foreign participants) is 60 (sixty) lev with VAT. The official fixed exchange rate of the Bulgarian lev to the Euro is 1 Euro = 1,95583 BGN. Data for Invoice University, organization, firm: Registered office: Company Registration number: Scientific degree and title: _____________________________________ Institution: Address, phone, e-mail: Company Registration number for VAT: Person responsible: Subject of report: Bank account for transaction BNB Bank, BIG: BNBGBGSD; IBAN: BG03 BNBG9661 3100 1746 01; Holder: University of National and World Economy Topic: Purpose of an bank transaction: Conference fee for participation in 60 anniversary on FAF Equipment multimedia needed for presentation: projector Date…………………………….. Working languages: Bulgarian, English, Russian SUBMIT Terms On 09.01.2012 – Sending the application form On 09.15.2012 – Sending the report with the theme, abstract and keywords to [email protected] On 09.30.2012 – Sending back answer to approved reports Address for correspondence: Bulgaria, Sofia, PO Box 1700 Student town "Hristo Botev" University of National and World Economy Finance and Accounting Faculty, Room 1037 tel +359-02-8195-302 e-mail: [email protected] The e-mail that you must send your report, abstract and key words is: [email protected] Place of the conference: University of National and World Economy Guidelines for participation: • Abstract of up to 150 words of English and Bulgarian • Keywords - 10 • Maximum amount of reports - 10 pages • Each author participated with only one report to be presented personally • Reports are submitted within the time specified by email address and during the conference - on paper and electronically Consistency in the design of the report • Summary • Keywords • Exhibition • Bibliography Format on page A4, Orientation: Portrait; Margins: Top – 3 см, Bottom – 2 см, Left – 3.5 см, Right – 2 см. Numbering - below, center Title: Capital letters, 14 pt, Bold, Center Academic rank, grade, name and surname of the author, place of work: under the heading; Size-14 pt; Italic; Centered Main text. Times New Roman, Times New Roman Cyrilic, Size-12 pt; Line spacing: Single Figures. Inserted at the appropriate point in the text within the text box. When inserting an image from an external file, it should be available in a format jpg. Under the figure - the number and name: Font style: Bold; Alignment: Center Tables. Above the table - number and name: Font style: Italic. Tables - centered, title - right justified to the table. Citation: footnotes standard with numbers from 1 to "n" (Footnote Getting the text - 10 pt)