- Maynooth University ePrints and eTheses Archive


- Maynooth University ePrints and eTheses Archive
0 11 s c o i 1 n a h É i r e a n n
Mé N u a d
The music of three Dublin musical societies of the late eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries: The Anacreontic Society, The Antient
Concerts Society and The Sons of Handel. A descriptive catalogue.
Catherine Mary Pia Kiely-Ferris
Volume IV of IV: The Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets
Catalogue and Appendices
Thesis submitted to National University o f Ireland, Maynooth for the Degree o f
M aster o f Literature in Music.
Head o f Department:
Professor Gerard Gillen
M usic Department
National University o f Ireland, M aynooth
M aynooth
Co. Kildare
Dr Barra Boydell
M usic Department
National University o f Ireland, M aynooth
M aynooth
Co. Kildare
July 2005
Volume IV of IV
Cataloguing procedures and user guide............................................. 1
The Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue....................12
Appendix A: The Anacreontic Society: composers and
repertoire........................................................................................ 274
Appendix B: The Anacreontic Society: order of works within
Bound Sets...................................................................................... 282
Appendix C: The Antient Concerts Society: composers and
repertoire........................................................................................ 290
Appendix D: The Antient Concerts Society: order of works within
Bound Sets...................................................................................... 310
Appendix E: Illustrative photographs from The Anacreontic
Society, The Sons of Handel and The Antient Concerts
Bibliography.................................................................................... 345
Accompanying photographs to The Antient Concerts Society Bound
Sets Catalogue: CD 3b & 4b
This catalogue w as produced to fulfill the requirem ents o f the Royal Irish
A cadem y o f M usic library and to provide researchers w ith a descriptive and
detailed catalogue o f each score and m anuscript associated w ith The A ntient
Concerts Society. For one to be able to utilize the catalogue, one m ust first
understand the m ethods o f cataloguing and the form at that the catalogue takes.
The form at for this catalogue is derived from three sources: the Royal Irish
A cadem y o f M usic library’s current cataloguing standards, A nne D em psey’s
catalogue o f the A rm agh Cathedral C ollection1, and the A nglo-A m erican
Cataloguing Rules. It developed to incorporate the further requirem ents needed
to represent these collections.
For the purpose o f this catalogue, printed scores and m anuscripts are not
separated into individual catalogues.2 Each item is included in the M ain
Catalogue. Should any tw o or m ore pieces be secured or bound together (a
‘Bound S et’) then these pieces are catalogued separately in the Bound Sets
Catalogue. Each piece in the Bound Sets Catalogue has a corresponding entry in
the M ain Catalogue to facilitate the research er3. Therefore, if accessing a work,
the call num ber m ay be obtained from the M ain Catalogue. H owever, if looking
for a full descriptive and detailed account o f an item , then the Bound Sets
Catalogue should be referenced. The M ain Catalogue entry w ill refer to the
relevant entry in the B ound Sets Catalogue.
The catalogues are arranged alphabetically according to com poser and uniform
title. Each entry in the catalogue represents one unique item. Identical item s are
1 Itse lf b ased on Sarah M c C le a v e ’s catalogu es o f the A ylw ard and M ackw orth co llectio n s.
M cC lea v e, Sarah: A C a t a l o g u e o f P u b l i s h e d M u s i c i n t h e M a c k w o r t h C o l l e c t i o n (C ard iff
U n iversity, 1996)
2 O ne m ay assu m e that, in the ca se o f m u ltip le co p ies, th ese m anuscripts w ere co p ied from the
scores, so that m ore perform ers m ay participate in the w ork. T herefore, as they w ere used
together, th ey should be stored together.
3 T he corresponding entry in the M ain C atalogu e contains m inim um inform ation: com p oser, text
author, arranger, uniform title, opus num ber, m ain title, subsidiary title and statem ent o f
resp onsib ility.
included in the ‘copies’ field o f the relevant entry. Should a score have a
different publisher address or publishers im print (but be identical in every other
sense) then this score is catalogued as an entry in its ow n right.4 M anuscripts o f
the same w ork are catalogued as one entry.5
A ny inform ation provided in the catalogue in square brackets indicates that it did
not originate from the item, but was ascertained from another source. The
inform ation w ithin sm art brackets refers to the relevant photograph on the
accom panying CD.
The follow ing is the layout o f the catalogue. A ll fields m ay not be relevant in
every entry.
call no.
Text author
[U niform title , Opus No.]
Series title , Series title number.
Main title : Subsidiary title / Statem ent of responsibility.
Numbering or part of work.
Publisher inform ation. Plate No.
Medium, scoring (pagination)
Additional notes.
SOH or ACS m arkings. RIAM m arking. O ther Stamps.
Copies or Parts and call numbers.
4 I f item s w ere p u b lish ed at different tim es, then the item s m a y h a v e b een purchased at different
tim es and therefore m ay h ave b een origin ally perform ed at differen t tim es.
5 T he ju stifica tio n that h o ld s ab ove d o es not hold here. T w o scrib es m a y have b een em p lo y ed to
copy w orks for o n e perform ance/rehearsal sea so n , and as n o additional ev id en ce m a y be glean ed
from m anuscripts o f the sam e work to identify or separate them , th ey are catalogu ed together as
one item.
The follow ing is a description o f each o f th e fields, illustrating positioning on
the page, capitalization and punctuation:
Call number
E.g. ACS.4.BAC; A C S.BS.39.4.V A R /59
This field com prises three or four sections. The first denotes the society name,
ACS (for A ntient C oncerts Society), follow ed by BS (for B ound Set) if
applicable. The second section, follow ing the full stop, denotes the num ber o f the
unique item in the collection 6 follow ed by the num ber o f the instrum ental or
vocal part w ithin that item group7. The third section, follow ing the full stop,
denotes the first three letters o f the com poser’s nam e. The fourth section, only
applicable in the A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue, denotes the
num ber o f the w ork w ithin the set. In the A ntient C oncerts Society M ain
Catalogue, if the call num ber is not provided, in bold, at the right hand side o f the
entry, then it is a reference to the Bound Sets Catalogue and the call num ber
appears on the last line o f the entry.
Composer 1, Composer 1 dates
Additional composer : Composer 2, Composer 2 dates ;
Composer 3, Composer 3 dates ; Composer 4, Composer 4
Text A uthor / Text Source : A uthor 1, A uthor 1 dates ; Author
2 , A uthor 2 dates ; Author 3, A uthor 3 dates.
Arranger : Arranger 1, Arranger 1 dates ; Arranger 2,
Arranger 2 dates ; Arranger 3, Arranger 3 dates.
e.g. H andel, G eorge Frideric, 1685-1759
Text A uthor : D ryden, John, 1631-1700 ; Ram ler, K arl W ilhelm [transl.],
1725-1798 ; [H am ilton, N.].
A rranger : M ozart, W olfgang A m adeus, 1756-1791.
6 Arranged alphabetically accord in g to co m p oser and uniform title.
7 A rranged according to strict score order hierarchy e.g. (d ep en d in g on the num ber o f parts
extant), flute w ill be num ber 1, and c e llo num ber 2 3 .
e.g. Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A dditional com poser : Croft, W illiam , 1678-1727.
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
The definitive version o f the com poser’s, author’s (o f the sung text or libretto)
and arranger’s nam es and dates are taken from the N ew Grove Online or The
British Library Catalogue Online. The m ore obscure nam es etc. are taken from
G rove’s 1900 edition o f A D ictionary O f M usic a n d M usicians, B row n’s British
D ictionary o f M usicians and C athedral Anthem s (1895). The com poser’s nam e is
placed in bold form at, and it is according to this nam e that the alphabetical
arrangem ent o f the catalogue is sorted. Should m ore than one com poser have
been involved, their details are included on a new line. Every field o f inform ation
following the com poser’s is indented to em phasize the beginning o f each entry.
The details regarding the origins o f the text follow on a new line. The author o f
the original text (A uthor 1), or the origins o f the tex t (e.g. Bible) appears first;
those who adapted or translated the text are nam ed following a semicolon, w ith
their specific involvem ent noted subsequently in square brackets. The arranger’s
details follow on a new line. Should m ore than one arranger have been involved,
their details are included follow ing a sem icolon. The details o f those who
provided accom panim ent are provided in this field w ith their specific
involvem ent noted subsequently in square brackets.
fU niform Title, Opus N o.]
e.g. [M orning Hymn, Z 198]
The uniform title is the definitive title under w hich all versions, arrangem ents or
publications o f the sam e w ork are known. The uniform title for distinctive titles
generally reverts to the original language or that w hich was used w hen first
published (e.g. the uniform title for The Seasons is Die Schöpfung). U niform
titles for generic w orks are constructed using the follow ing inform ation in the
order: the genre o f the work, in the plural (e.g. Concertos), the instrum entation
(e.g. violin), the opus num ber, the key and if the w ork is arrangem ent o f the
original (e.g. Symphony, N o .6, Op.68, F M ajor, a r r .) .8 A ll indefinite articles are
om itted at the beginning o f uniform titles to enable the alphabetization o f the
catalogue. If a uniform title could not be ascertained, the m ain title was
substituted in its stead. The opus num bers are taken from the N ew Grove Online
and The British Library Catalogue Online and not from the item. N ot all opus
num bers could be established. Further research and exam ination o f the scores
m ay clarify the identity o f m any o f these works.
Series Title : Series Title, Series Number
e.g. Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
The series title is included if the item is part o f a greater published collection
w hich was sold in separate parts.
Main Title : Subsidiary Title / S tatem ent o f Responsibility.
Numbering or Part of Work.
e.g. Turn Thee U nto M e : Full A nthem for Five V oices / Com posed by Dr.
This is a transcription o f the title page m aintaining spelling, punctuation and
capitals as far as possible. W here words w ere originally in block capitals, only
the first letter o f the w ord is kept capitalized.9 Inform ation regarding the section
or m ovem ent o f the w ork, included w ithin the item, w hich is not specified on the
title page is taken from the m usic and is stated follow ing the transcription.
8 N o t all o f this in form ation w as availab le at tim e o f su b m ission . T he N e w G r o v e O n l i n e and T h e
w ere referenced in each case.
9 For aesthetic purposes, and for ease o f reading for the user.
B r itis h L ib ra r y ’ C a ta lo g u e O n lin e
City of publication 1 : Name of publisher, address of publisher
; City of publication 2 : Name of publisher 2, address of
publisher 2 ; City o f publication 3 : Name of publisher 3,
address o f publisher 3 ; City of publication 4 : Name of
publisher 4, address of publisher 4 ; City of publication 5 :
Name of publisher 5 : {P ublisher s ta m p /im p rin t} ; {P ublisher
s ta m p /im p rin t 2 } ; {P ublisher sta m p /im p rin t 3 } ; {P ublisher
s ta m p /im p rin t 4>. Plate No.: {P late N o.}.
e.g. London : J. A lfred N ovello, London Sacred M usic W arehouse : 69 D ean
Street, Soho & 24 Poultry : {A C S.pub.l 1}. Plate N o : 2043.
The publication details are taken from the title page, caption or colophon. Only
the essential inform ation is transcribed: the city, nam e and address o f the
publisher.10 In order to clarify this inform ation, punctuation is not m aintained.11
I f publisher details are n o t supplied on the score, but m arkings are evident then
the latter inform ation is prefixed in the catalogue by ‘Publisher m arkings’.
Local supplier : Local supplier, Local supplier address [dates of
the local supplier at this address] : {Local supplier s ta m p } ;
Local supplier 2, Local supplier address 2 : {Local supplier
stamp 2 } ; Local supplier 3, Local supplier 3 address : {Local
supplier stam p 3 }.
e.g. Local supplier : Pigott & Co., 112 G rafton Street [1836-66] :
{ACS.SS.19} ; R obinson, Bussell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {ACS.SS17}.
10 T hereby om ittin g n o tes e.g . “ W here m ay b e had the scores o f . . . ”
11 Frequency o f com m as saturated the phrases in the original e.g . “N o v e llo , 2 4 , Poultry, and 6 9 ,
D ean St., S o h o ” .
The local supplier inform ation is taken from the stam ps and/or labels on the
scores. These fields do not refer to secondary publishers or m usic sellers in
general, but to businesses in D ublin that sold the scores. All o f the dates have
been taken from B arra B oydell’s D ublin M usic Trade to 1900.
Medium : Scoring (Pagination)
e.g. M an u scrip t; Orch ([1] If, 44p lvs)
The m edium specified either score or m anuscript. The scoring field outlines
the orchestral or vocal parts for which the w ork is scored. This m ay not
correspond to w hat the piece w as originally w ritten for. The inform ation is
taken from the m usic and not from the title page. Pagination in the M ain
Catalogue follow s the following format: [# o f blank leaves] #folio, # leaves.
Pagination in the Bound Sets Catalogue refers to the page num ber w ithin the
book, if one w as provided by the binder/copyist and follow s the following
format: ‘page
The size in centim eters o f the item should be included at this
stage, but due to the tim e restraints o f this project, this inform ation was
Additional notes
This field includes additional inform ation on each o f the items ' and refers to
the relevant photograph on the accom panying CD. The order o f inform ation, if
relevant to an entry, is as follows:
Cross-reference: in the M ain Catalogue this refers to the full
descriptive entry in the Bound Sets Catalogue, or to another catalogue
for a related entry: e.g. Cross ref. : A C S.B S.36.VAR/15
I f no title page is extant, w here the title inform ation as taken from: e.g.
Title inform ation from caption and cover.
12 [#] #f, # lv s
13 In the A n tien t C oncerts S o c ie ty B ou n d Sets C atalogue, there m ay be a duplication o f
inform ation w ith in th is field , in different entries. T his occurs w h en the inform ation relates to the
Bound S et rather than the p ie c e w ithin it, and so w ill be d uplicated in each entry regarding that
Bound Set. In th ese ca ses and on ly w ith in the additional n otes section , the call num ber nam ed
w ill not include th e fourth sectio n (i.e. /# ), as this sp e c ifie s the p ie c e w ithin the B ound Set and
w ill not be relevant.
Inform ation regarding the identity o f the com poser, if not evident or
ascertainable from the item: e.g. Com poser m ay be Elliot, Jam es
(1783-1856) or Elliot, Jam es W illiam (fl. 1886).
D escription o f contents.
Appendages: m anuscripts, scores or other paraphernalia found secured
to, or originally stored w ithin the item: m anuscripts found w ithin cover
: 'Aria, For the m ountain. Elijah. V iolin' & 'Violin. Elijah. Recit.
ending w ith "and m y flesh shall also rest in hope'", the form er
m anuscript stam ped by Trundle RIA M : {ACS.iig.182}.
Binding idiosyncrasies: e.g. M anuscript bound into end o f score :
Inform ation taken from the publication: e.g. Printed by "Darling &
Sons, 126, B ishopsgate Street, C om hill, London" [colophon],
N otable anom alies on publisher m arkings.
Date and source. All dates follow the format: day month, year (except
in the case o f Novello im prints w hich are provided, and therefore
transcribed as dd.m m .yy): e.g. Date : 1856 (ACS).
Copyist / Publishing idiosyncrasies (the om ission o f clefs, and key
signatures etc.): e.g. C opyist om its clef and key signature after first line
o f m anuscript.
Editing idiosyncrasies (e.g. text altered, m usic altered and the m eans o f
altering etc.): e.g. Score edited w ith superim position o f handw ritten
m a n u sc rip t: {ACS.fig.196}.
Bars o f m usic written, included or bound onto the item.
N otes on the m usic regarding the perform ance (e.g. duration): e.g.
Perform ance directions on m a n u sc rip t: {ACS.fig.313}.
General notes on the m usic (e.g. notes by perform ers)
D raw ings (e.g. by perform ers)
Societies or individuals w ho had possession o f the items: Cover signed
“Mr. F. R obinson” : {ACS.sig.68}.
Other m usical societies who had possession o f the items: Stamp o f the
Philharm onic Society D ublin : {A C S.fig.10}.
ACS marking : {ACS m a rkin g }. RIAM m arking : {AS.RIAM
m a rkin g }. O ther stam ps : {A S .o s}.
The ACS m arkings fields refer to the photographs w hich ju stify the
inclusion o f the item in the catalogue, including stam ps, im prints, labels on
covers or inscriptions. The RIA M m arkings include both stam ps and
imprints. O ther stam ps are those w hose provenance is, thus far,
The copies field lists the call num bers o f the item s identical to that o f the
m ain entry. The parts field lists all o f the call num bers o f the extant
individual parts w hich correspond to the inform ation in the m ain entry.14
The follow ing is a list o f the abbreviations used throughout the catalogues:
alto (voice) or to define pitch o f instrum ent (e.g. Alto trom bone)
A ccom p.
A ccom panim ent
A ntient C oncerts Society
A dapt.
A dapted
A non.
anonym ous [composer]
A nacreontic Society
bass (voice), or to define pitch o f instrum ent (e.g. Bass trom bone),
or double bass [the latter only w hen listed last in the ‘parts’
B drum
bass drum
bound set
T his is constructed from the title p age, u su ally on ly su rvivin g w ith the p rin cip al’s score.
canto (voice)
Cross ref.
cym bals
folio (s) [paper printed/w ritten on only one side]
F rc
full score
H rp
label [on cover]
N o.
num ber
O ph
O rch
O rg
other stam p
piano (instrum ent)
Royal Irish A cadem y o f M usic
soprano (voice)
Sons o f Handel
local supplier stam p
string quartets
sym phonies
tenor (voice), or to define pitch o f instrum ent (e.g. Tenor
trom bone)
Tim p
T pt
trum pet
treble (voice)
T rbn
trom bone
T ri
unattributed [composer]
various com posers
V ol.
volum e
V ia
Vc & B
‘cello and double bass
w aterm ark
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
A bt, Franz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A C S.BS.44.V A R /55
[Birds are com ing hither]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
The birds are com ing hither.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 193)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS25}.
A bt, F ranz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A C S.BS.44.V A R /56
[C heerful drum ]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
The cheerful drum.
London : R obert C ocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 197)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}.
A bt, Franz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A C S.BS.44.V A R /24
[Schw äbisches Liedchen]
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Robert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
The earth it loves rain.
London : Robert Cocks & Co., N ew Burlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
S c o re ; (page 81)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS25}.
A bt, Franz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A C S.BS.44. VAR/34
[G ut'nacht, m ein L ie b ]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
G ood night.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew Burlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 117)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : (A C S 2 5 ).
A bt, F ranz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A C S.BS.44.V A R /25
[Gute Nacht, du m ein herziges Kind, Op. 137 no.2]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Fondest, dearest, now good night.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 85)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS25}.
A bt, Franz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A C S.BS.44.V A R /30
[H ark! hark! it is the evening breeze]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
Hark! hark! it is the evening breeze.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 97)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS25}.
A bt, Franz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A CS.BS.44.V A R /53
[H untsm an's Song]
Series title : R obert C ocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] E dited by Joseph W arren.
The H untsm an's Song.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 189)
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}.
Abt, Franz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A CS.B S.44.V A R /27
[Love's greeting]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] E dited by Joseph W arren.
Love's greeting.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 89)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}.
A bt, Franz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A CS.B S.44.V A R /49
[M y Fatherland]
Series title : R obert C ocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, C atches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] E dited by Joseph W arren.
M y Fatherland.
L ondon : R obert C ocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 173)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS25}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
A bt, Franz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A CS.B S.44.V A R /28
[Soldier's adieu]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
The soldier's adieu.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 93)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}.
A bt, Franz W ilhelm , 1819-1885
A CS.BS.44.V A R /51
[Song o f C onsecration]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
The Song o f Consecration.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 185)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}.
A dam , Carl F., 1770-1810
A C S.B S.39.V A R /59
[M aiden Listen]
A nticnt Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired German
Com posers [...], B ook 9 N o .59 .
M aiden Listen / C.F.Adam,
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /59 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /59 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /59 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /59
A dam , C arl F., 1770-1810
A C S.BS.37.V A R /59
[M aiden Listen]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired German
C om posers [...], B ook 9 N o .59.
M aiden Listen / C.F.A dam .
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 72 N ew gate Street, from B ow Church.
RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /59 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /59
A lbrecht, Johann L orenz [?], 1732-1773
A C S.BS.39.V A R /10
[Banish Oh M aiden]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], B o o k 2 No. 10.
Banish. O h M aiden / Lorenz.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Parts : T 1: A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /59 ; B I : A CS.B S. 3 9.2. VAR/5 9 A C S.B S.39.3.V AR/59 ; B II : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /59
A lbrecht, Johann L orenz [?], 1732-1773
A C S.BS.37.V A R /10
[Banish Oh M aiden]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], Book 2 N o. 10.
Banish. O h M aiden / Lorenz.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS6}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /10 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /10
Albrecht, Johann L orenz [?], 1732-1773
A CS.BS.38.V A R /4
[Banish Oh M aiden]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B o o k 2 N o. 10.
Banish. Oh M aiden / Lorenz.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., Bow Church Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .38.1.V A R /4 - A C S.B S.38.3.V A R /4 ; T I I :
A C S.B S.38.4.V A R /4 - A C S.B S.38.6.V A R /4 ; B I : A C S.B S.38.7.V A R /4 A C S.B S.38.8.V A R /4 ; B I I : A C S.B S.38.9.V A R /4 - A C S .B S .38.11.VAR/4.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Aldrich, Henry, 1648-1710
[G ood indeed]
Series title : Robert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
Catch on Tobacco : "Good indeed".
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 32)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Anacker, August Ferdinand, 1790-1854
[Miners Song]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .4 1 .
The M iners Song / Annacker.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /41 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /41 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /41 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /59
Anacker, August Ferdinand, 1790-1854
[Miners Song]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .4 1 .
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
The M iners Song / Annacker.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /41 T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /41
[Boat, a boat]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [...].
Boat, A Boat; & Here's A Health To A ll The G ood Lasses.
Score ; Chorus 3 w , accom p. (page 21)
Title inform ation from caption.
[Boat, a boat]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [ ...]
Boat, A Boat; & Here's A H ealth To A ll The G ood Lasses.
Score ; Chorus 3 w , accom p. (page 65)
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 8 }.
ACS.BS.34. VAR/24
[Chi more p er dio]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & S ix V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o.24.
A chi m ore per dio.
London : W. H awes, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 888.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 133).
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Cries o f Durham]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited b y Joseph Warren.
The cries o f Durham.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 168)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
ACS.BS.44. VAR/44
[Hail! hail! green fields]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited b y Joseph Warren.
Hail! hail! green fields.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
S co re; (page 156)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 25}.
[Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1778]
Arranger : N elson , Sydney, 1800-1862.
[G od save the Queen]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
God save the Queen.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 121)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1778
[Rule Britannia]
Rule Britannia.
A C S marking : (A C S .lb l.5 ) ; {A C S.lb l.2} ; {A C S .lb l.10}.
Parts : A II : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /28 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /28 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /28 - A C S.B S .35.1 l.V A R /2 8 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.12.V A R /28 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /28 ;
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
B I : A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /28 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /28 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .19.V A R /28 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /28
Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1778
Arranger : B ishop, Sir Henry R. [p f accornp.], 1786-1855 ; Jackson, W illiam
[harmony], 1730-1803.
[Where the bee sucks]
Series title : A C ollection o f E nglish G lees, by The M ost Em inent Com posers ;
Edited W ith an A ccom panim ent for the Piano Forte , (A d Libitum) by Sir
Henry R. Bishop.
W here The B ee Sucks : G lee / The M elody C om posed by Dr. Arne,
Harm onized by Jackson, Edited w ith an A ccom pt. for the Piano Forte, (ad.
lib.) by Henry R. B ishop M us. Bac. O xon. Professor o f M usic in the
U niversity o f Edinburgh.
London : D 'A lm aine & M ackinlay, Soho Square : {A C S .S S .3 }.
Score ; SST B, p f (page 137)
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }.
Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1778
Arranger : B ishop, Sir H enry R. [p f accom p.], 1786-1855 ; Jackson, W illiam
[harmony], 1730-1803.
[Where the bee sucks]
Series title : A C ollection o f E nglish G lees, by The M ost Em inent Com posers ;
Edited W ith an A ccom panim ent for the Piano Forte , (Ad Libitum) by Sir
Henry R. Bishop.
W here The B ee Sucks : G lee / The M elody C om posed b y Dr. Arne,
H arm onized by Jackson, Edited w ith an A ccom pt. for the Piano Forte, (ad.
lib.) by H enry R. B ishop M us. Bac. O xon. Professor o f M usic in the
U niversity o f Edinburgh.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets C atalogue
London : D 'A lm aine & M ackinlay, Soho Square.
Local supplier : R obinson, B u ssell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3}.
Score ; SST B , p f (page 95)
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 5}.
Attwood, Thomas, 1765-1838
Text Author : [Tobin, S. J.]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [ ...]
Hark! The Curfew's Solem n Sound / T. A ttw ood.
Score ; SSB , p f (page 167)
Title inform ation from caption.
Attwood, Thomas, 1765-1838
Text Author : [Tobin, S. J.]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
The Curfew.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 9)
Title inform ation lfo m contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntienl C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Attwood, Thomas, 1765-1838
ACS.BS.40. VAR/26
T ext Author : [Tobin, S. J.]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [ ...]
Hark! The Curfew's Solem n Sound / T. Attwood.
Score ; SSB , p f (page 49)
Title inform ation from caption.
Baildon, Joseph, cl727-1774
[Mr. Speaker]
Series title : Robert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
Mr. Speaker.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
S co re; (page 16)
Title information from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Bates, Joah, 1741-1799
[Sir, you are a comical fellow ]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Sir, you are a com ical fellow .
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 156)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 25}.
Baur, [Anton]
[Wave high your hats]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .43.
W ave high your hats / Baur.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6 }.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /43 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /43 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /43 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /59/43
Baur, [Anton]
[Wave high your hats]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .4 3 .
W ave high your hats / Baur.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /43 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /43
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Beale, William, 1784-1854
ACS.BS.41. VAR/32
[Come let us join the roundday]
Com e let us join the roundday : A Third M adrigal For Four V oices /
C om posed by Wm. B eale.
London : Rt. Birchall, 133 N e w Bond Street.
Score ; A TTB (page 235)
Beale, William, 1784-1854
ACS.BS.34. VAR/3
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
Madrigal Society, [ ...] B y W . H aw es [ ...] , N o .3.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 411.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 17)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIAM marking : (A C S .R IA M .l).
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
ACS.BS.39. VAR/40
[Sextet, Op.8lb, E flat major, arr.j
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .4 0 .
The V esper H ym n / B eethoven.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1.V A R /40 ; B I : A C S .B S .3 9 .2 .V A R /4 0 A C S .B S .3 9 .3.V A R /40 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /40
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
[Sextet, Op.81b, E fla t major, arr.J
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 7 N o .4 0 .
The V esper H ym n / Beethoven.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /40 ; T I I : A C S .B S .3 7 .2 .V A R /40
[Bennet, John, fl. 1599-1619]
[All creatures now are merry]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ . . . ] , N o .5.
A ll creatures n ow are merry.
London : W . H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 799.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 27)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIAM m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Bennet, John, fl. 1599-1619]
ACS.BS.35. VAR/25
[Come Shepherd Follow Me]
C om e Shephard F o llo w Me.
M an u scrip t; (page 16)
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /25 ; S I I :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /25 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /25 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /25 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 1 .V A R /25 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35 .1 2 .V A R /25 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 5.V A R /25 ; B I :
A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /25 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /25
[Bennet, John, ft. 1599-1619]
[Come, shepherds, follow me]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & S ix V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ooks, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o.25.
C om e, shepherds, fo llo w m e.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 894.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 136)
A C S marking : {A C S 5}. RIAM m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Bennet, John, fl. 1599-1619]
[Thyrsis, sleepest thou]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & S ix V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W . H aw es [ . . . ] , N o.27.
Thyrsis, sleepest thou.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 903.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 149)
A C S marking : {A C S 5}. RIA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Bergt, August, 1771-1837
[Sun is gone]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 5 N o.29.
The sun is gone / Bergt.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6 }.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1.V A R /39 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /39 A C S .B S .3 9 .3.V A R /39 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /39
Bergt, August, 1771-1837
ACS.BS.37. VAR/29
[Sun is gone]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 5 N o .2 9 .
The sun is gone / Bergt.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /29 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /29
Bertelsmann, [Carl August]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 11 N o .73.
The Request / Bertelsm ann.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /73 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /73
Bertelsmann, [Carl August]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 11 N o .73.
The Request / Bertelsm ann.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /73 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /73 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /73 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /73
Bicci, Antonio, 1552-1614
[Dainty, white pearl]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & S ix V o ices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W . Flawes [ ...] , N o .15.
D ainty, w hite pearl.
L ondon : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 817.
Score ; Chorus 6 w , (page 74)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Bishop, Sir Henry R., 1786-1855
[Blow, gentle gales]
B lo w gentle G ales : G lee for F ive V o ices Sung by M iss Careni, Mastr Barnett,
Mr. Taylor, Mr. Com er and Mr. Tinney in the opera o f the Slave at the Theatre
R oyal, C ovent Garden / C om posed by Henry R. B ishop, com poser & director
o f the m usic to the Theatre R oyal, Co vent Garden.
London : G oulding & D'Alm aine, 20 Soho Square.
Score ; SA TTB , p f (page 105)
Bishop, Sir Henry R., 1786-1855
[Blow, gentle gales]
B lo w gentle G ales : G lee for Five V oices Sung b y M iss Careni, Mastr Barnett,
Mr. Taylor, Mr. Com er and Mr. Tinney in the opera o f the Slave at the Theatre
R oyal, C ovent Garden / C om posed by Henry R. B ishop, com poser & director
o f the m usic to the Theatre R oyal, Covent Garden.
London : G oulding & D'Alm aine, 20 Soho Square : {A C S.pub.15}. Plate N o :
Score ; SA TTB , p f (page 61)
Bishop, Sir Henry R., 1786-1855
[Mourn fo r the mighty dead]
Series title : Robert Cocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
Mourn for the m ighty dead.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 113)
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 25}.
Bishop, Sir Henry R., 1786-1855
Text Author : P ocock, J.
[When the moon shines bright]
W hen The M oon Shines B r ig h t: G lee from the m usical bijou for
M D C C C X X IX / The Poetry by J. P ocock Esq. The M usic by Henry R. Bishop.
London : G oulding & D A lm ain e, 20 Soho Square : {A C S.pub.3}. Plate N o :
Local supplier m arking : {A C S .S S .5}.
Score ; Chorus (page 177)
A C S m arking: {A C S 11}.
Bishop, Sir Henry R., 1786-1855
Text Author : Pocock, J.
[When the moon shines bright]
W hen The M oon Shines B r ig h t: G lee from the m usical bijou for
M D C C C X X IX / The Poetry b y J. P ocock Esq. The M usic by Henry R. Bishop.
London : G oulding & D'Alm aine, 20 Soho Square. Plate N o : 6120.
Local supplier : H. B u ssell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], Dublin :
{A C S .S S .5}.
Score ; Chorus (page 175)
Title inform ation from caption.
AC S marking : { A C S 1 1}.
A utieri! Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Bishop, Sir Henry R., 1786-1855
Text Author : M oore, Thomas, 1779-1852 ; Leyden, [John], 1775-1811.
[ When wearied wretches sink to sleep]
Series title : N e w Edition R evised And Corrected B y The Author G lees,
C om posed and D edicated to the G lee and Choral Societies o f Great Britain by
Henry R. B ishop M us. Bac. O xon, Professor o f the theory o f m usic, in the
U niversity o f Edinburgh, N o .34.
W hen W earied W retches Sink To Sleep : G lee / Poetry by Thos M oore and Dr.
Leyden, com posed by Henry R. B ish o p .. .M us. Bac. O xon, Professor o f the
theory o f m usic, in the U niversity o f Edinburgh.
London : D 'A lm aine and Company, 20 Soho Square. Plate N o : 10618.
Local supplier marking : {A C S .S S .2 }.
Score ; SA T B , p f (page 117)
Title inform ation from caption.
Bishop, Sir Henry R., 1786-1855
Text Author : M oore, Thomas, 1779-1852 ; Leyden, [John], 1775-1811.
[When wearied wretches sink to sleep]
Series title : N e w E dition R evised A nd Corrected B y The Author G lees,
C om posed and D edicated to the G lee and Choral Societies o f Great Britain by
Henry R. B ishop M us. Bac. O xon, Professor o f the theory o f m usic, in the
U niversity o f Edinburgh, N o .34.
W hen W earied W retches Sink To Sleep : G lee / Poetry by Thos M oore and Dr.
Leyden, com posed by Henry R. B ish o p .. .M us. Bac. O xon, Professor o f the
theory o f m usic, in the U niversity o f Edinburgh.
London : D 'A lm aine and Com pany, 20 Soho Square. Plate N o : 10618.
Score ; SA T B , p f (page 75)
Title inform ation from caption.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
[Bishop, Sir Henry R., 1786-1855]
[Where art thou, Beam o f Light]
W here art thou, B eam o f Light.
M an u scrip t; (page 35)
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S .lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V A R /15 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /15 ; S I I :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /15 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /15 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /15 ;
A l l : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /15 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /15 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /15 - A C S .B S .35.11.V A R /15 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.12.V A R /15 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /15 ; B I :
A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /15 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /15 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /15 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /15
Blewitt, Jonathan, 1782-1853
[Bacchus own me fo r thy son]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited b y Joseph Warren.
Bacchus ow n m e for thy son.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 109)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
Blum, Karl, 1788-1844
[Come Boys]
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 N o .5.
Com e Boys' / C.Blum .
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
AC S marking : {A C S 5} ; {A C S 6}. RIA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /5 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /5
Blum, Karl, 1788-1844
[Youthful Flower]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 1 N o.2.
Youthful Flow er / C.Blum .
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Date : 183- (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}. RIA M marking
: {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1 .V A R /2 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /2 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /2 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /2
Blum, Karl, 1788-1844
[Youthful Flower]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 1 N o.2.
Y outhful Flow er / Marschner.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
A C S m arkin g : { A C S 5 } ; { A C S 6 } . R I A M m a rkin g : { A C S . R I A M . l } .
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /2 ; T II : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /2
Boyce, William, 1711-1779
ACS.BS.44. VAR/15
[Bloomingyouth lies buried here]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
A bloom ing youth lies buried here.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 45)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Byrd, William, cl540-1623
[Non nobis, Domine]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited b y Joseph Warren.
N o n nobis D om ine.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 4)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
[Dear M aid]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 5 N o.31.
Dear M aid / Call.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1.V A R /31 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /31 A C S.B S .39.3.V A R /31 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /31
Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
[Dear Maid]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 5 N o .3 1 .
Dear M aid / Call.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T 1: A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /31 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /31
Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 2 N o .8.
Evening / de Call.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
A C S m a rk in g : {A C S . lb l.3 6 } ; { A C S 5 } ; { A C S 5 8 } ; { A C S 6 } .
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /8 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /8 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /8 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /8
Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 2 N o .8.
Evening / de Call.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.9}. RIA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 8.1.V A R /2 - A C S .B S .38.3.V A R /2 ; T I I :
A C S .B S .38.4.V A R /2 —A C S .B S .38.6.V A R /2 ; B I : A C S .B S .38.7.V A R /2 A C S .B S .38.8.V A R /2 ; B I I : A C S .B S .38.9.V A R /2 - A C S .B S .3 8 .11.'VA R /2.
Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 2 N o .8.
Evening / de Call.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S 6 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /8 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /8
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
[O ft when night has rest bestow’d]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .47.
Oft when night has rest bestow'd / de Call.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /47 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /47 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /47; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /47
Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
[O ft when night has rest bestow'd]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o.47.
Oft w hen night has rest bestow'd / de Call.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /47 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /47
Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
[Pleasing Pain]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .53.
Pleasing Pain / de Call.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
A C S m a rkin g : {A C S . lb l.3 6 } ; { A C S 5 } ; { A C S 5 8 } ; { A C S 6 } .
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /53 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /53 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /53; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /53
Call, Leonhard von, 1767-1815
[Pleasing Pain]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .53.
Pleasing Pain / de Call.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local supplier : R obinson, B u ssell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3 }.
R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /53 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /53
Calicott, John Wall, 1766-1821
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
The Fairies.
L ondon : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 78)
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 25}.
Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821
[How Sophia!]
Series title : Robert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
Ah! h ow Sophia!
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 188)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 25}.
Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821
[Queen o f the valley]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
C om posers [ ...]
Q ueen O f The V alley / Callcott.
Score ; A T T B B , p f (page 73)
Title inform ation from caption.
Callcott, John W all, 1766-1821
[Queen o f the valley]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [ ...]
Q ueen O f The V alley / Callcott.
Score ; A T T B B , p f (page 29)
Title inform ation from caption.
Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821
[Red Cross Knight]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [ ...]
The Red Cross K night / Callcott.
Score ; TrTrB, p f (page 5)
Title inform ation from caption.
Callcott, John W all, 1766-1821
[Red Cross Knight]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [ ...]
The Red Cross K night / Callcott.
Score ; TrTrB, p f (page 41)
Title inform ation from caption.
Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821
[Red Cross Knight]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Robert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
The Red Cross knight.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 101)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
Callcott, John W all, 1766-1821
Text Author : [Wright, George]
[Snatch me swift from these tempestuous scenes]
O Snatch M e S w ift / C om posed by Dr. Callcott.
Publisher : G eorge Wright. Plate N o : 530.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 197)
Title inform ation from caption.
Callcott, John W all, 1766-1821
Text Author : [Wright, George]
[Snatch me swift from these tempestuous scenes]
O Snatch M e S w ift / C om posed by Dr. Callcott.
Supplier marking : {A C S .S S .6 }.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 212)
Title inform ation from caption.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
[Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821]
T ext Author : [Sackville, Charles]
[To all you ladies now on land]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
C om posers [ ...]
To A ll Y ou Ladies N o w On Land ; & F ive Tim es B y The Taper's Light.
Score ; A T B , p f (page 107)
Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821
[When time was entwining]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [ ...]
W hen Tim e W as Entwining, Callcott & Breathe Soft Y e W inds, Paxton.
London : M usical bouquet office, 192 H igh H olbom , W. Strange, 21
Paternoster Row.
Score ; A T B , p f (page 1)
Title inform ation from caption.
Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821
[When time was entwining]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [ ...]
W hen Tim e W as Entw ining, Callcott & Breathe Soft Y e W inds, Paxton.
London : M usical bouquet office, 192 H igh H olbom , W . Strange, 21
Paternoster R ow .
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Score ; A T B , p f (page 25)
Title inform ation from caption.
Callcott, John Wall, 1766-1821
[When time was entwining]
Series title : Robert Cocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren
W hen Tim e w as entwining.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 45)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S.R L A M .l}.
Cherubini, Luigi, 1760-1842
[Pérfida Clori]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
Pérfida Clori.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 17)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Chwatal, Franz Xaver, 1808-1879
[Lovely Night, Op.240]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 3 N o. 15.
L ovely N igh t / Chwatal.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S 6 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /1 5 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /15
Chwatal, Franz Xaver, 1808-1879
[Lovely Night, Op. 240]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 3 N o .15.
L ovely N ig h t / Chwatal.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /15 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /15 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /15 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /15
Conversi, Girolamo,,/?. 1572-5
[Sola soletta]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
W hen all alone m y pretty love w as playing.
London : Robert Cocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Simkin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 169)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /48 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /48
Conversi, Girolamo, fl. 1572-5
[Sola soletta]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
Madrigal Society, [ ...] B y W . H aw es [ ...] , N o. 13.
W hen all alone.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 364.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 66)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Cooke, Benjamin, 1734-1793
ACS.BS.44. VAR/21
[Hark! the lark at heaven's-gate sings]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
Hark! the lark at heaven's-gate sings.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
S c o r e ; (page 69)
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 25}.
Cooke, Benjamin, 1734-1793
[How sleep the brave who sink to rest]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
H ow sleep the brave w ho sink to rest.
London : Robert Cocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 5)
T itle inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 25}. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Cooke, Thomas Simpson, 1782-1848
[Shades o f the heroes]
Shades O f The H eroes : A G lee For F ive V o ices and Chorus ad libitum /
C om posed and respectfully inscribed to the Right H onble. Lord Burghersh by
T. Cooke.
London : Cramer, B eale & C o., 201 R egent Street and 67 Conduit S tr ee t:
{A C S.pub .4}.
Score ; A T T B B (page 1)
A C S marking : {A C S 7 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Cooke, Thomas Simpson, 1782-1848]
[Shall I waste my youth in sighing]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Shall I w aste m y youth in sighing.
M an u scrip t; (page 32)
A C S marking ; {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V A R /14 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /14 ; S I I :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /14 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /14 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /14 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /14 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /14 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /14 - A C S .B S .35.11.V A R /14 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.12.V A R /14 - A C S .B S .35 .1 5 .V A R /14 ; B I :
A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /14 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /14 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /14 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /14
Croce, Giovanni, cl557-1609
[Cinthia il tuo]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W . H aw es [ . . . ] , N o . 18.
Cynthia, thy song and chanting.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 840.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 91)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Croce, Giovanni, cl557-1609]
[Cinthia il tuo]
Cynthia thy song.
M anuscript; (page 1)
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S .lb l.10}
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Parts : S I : A C S.B S .35.1.V A R /1 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /1 ; S II :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /1 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /1 - A C S.B S .35.6.V A R /1 ; A
II : A C S .B S .3 5 .7.V A R /1 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /1 ; T I : A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /1 A C S .B S .3 5 .1 1.V A R /1 ; T I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 2 .V A R /1 - A C S .B S .3 5 .15.VAR/1 ;
B I : A C S .B S .3 5 .16.V A R /1 - A C S .B S .3 5 .18.V A R /1 ; B II :
A C S .B S .3 5 .19. V A R /1 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /1
[C roft, W illia m , 1678-1727]
A C S .B S .35.V A R /12
[G od is gone up]
God is gone up.
Manuscript ; (page 25)
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S .lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1.V A R /12 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /12 ; S II :
A C S .B S .3 5 .4 .V A R /12 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /12 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /12 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .3 5 .7 .V A R /12 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /12 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35 .9 .V A R /12 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 1.V A R /12 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 2 .V A R /1 2 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /12 ; B I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 6 .V A R /1 2 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /12 ; B II :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 9 .V A R /1 2 -A C S .B S .3 5 .2 2 .V A R /1 2
C u rsch m an n , K a rl F ried rich , 1805-1841
A C S .B S .4 4 .V A R /3 6
[Time! thy hours o f pleasure]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
O Time! thy hours o f pleasure.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Score ; (page 125)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 25}.
Danby, John, c l 757-1798
[Awake Aeolian lyre]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
C om posers [ ...]
A w ake A eolian Lyre / Danby.
Score ; SA T B , p f (page 17)
Title inform ation from caption.
Danby, John, cl757-1798
[Awake Aeolian lyre]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
C om posers [...]
A w ake A eolian Lyre / Danby.
Score ; SA T B , p f (page 61)
T itle inform ation from caption.
Dehn, Siegfried, 1799-1858
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 11 N o .71.
Hilarity / Dehn.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /71 ; T I I : A C S.B S .37.2.V A R /71
Dehn, Siegfried, 1799-1858
ACS.BS.39. VAR/71
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 11 N o .71.
Hilarity / Dehn.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S.lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1.V A R /71 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /71 A C S .B S .3 9 .3.V A R /71 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /71
Dowland, John, 1563-1626
[Now, O now I needs must part]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ooks, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o .l.
N o w , O now I needs m ust part.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 786.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 1)
A C S marking : {A C S 5}. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Dowland, John, 1563-1626
[Sleep wayward thoughts]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, F ive & S ix V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o.29.
Sleep, wayward thoughts
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 982.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 162)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Dowland, John, 1563-1626]
[Sweet hony sucking bees]
S w eet H oney Sucking B ees
M an u scrip t; (page 7)
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1.V A R /4 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /4 ; S I I :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /4 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /4 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /4 ; A
I I : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /4 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /4 ; T I : A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /4 A C S .B S .3 5 .11.V A R /4 ; T I : A C S .B S .35.12.V ARM -A C S .B S .3 5 .1 5 .V A R /4 ;
B I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 6 .V A R /4 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /4 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /4 —A C S .B S .35 .2 2 .V A R /4
East, M ichael, cl580-1648
[How merrily we live]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
H ow merrily w e live.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 33)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver, 1783-1855
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o .23.
A Canon / Eisenhofer.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local supplier : Robinson, B u ssell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3}.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /23 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /23
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver, 1783-1855
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o .23.
A Canon / Eisenhofer.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /23 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /23 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /23 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /23
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver, 1783-1855
[Serenade, O p .l]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 0 N o .64.
Serenade / Eisenhofer.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
Alternate words provided (by hand) in both scores : {A C S .fig .2 3 3 }.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /64 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /64
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver, 1783-1855
[Serenade, O p .l]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 10 N o .64.
Serenade / E isenhofer.
L ondon : J. J. Ewer & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6 }.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1 .V A R /64 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /64 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /64 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /64
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver, 1783-1855
T ext Author : H. H.
[Stolen Kiss]
Series title : Arion, A C ollection o f V ocal Quartetts, From the m ost admired
foreign Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 N o .6.
Oh what bliss / Eisenhofer.
D ublin : Robinson, B u ssell, and Robinson, N o .7 W estm orland Street [185265],
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1 .V A R /1 0 0 ; T II : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /100
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver, 1783-1855
[Stolen Kiss]
Series title : Arion, A C ollection o f V ocal Quartetts, From the m ost admired
foreign Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1, N o .6.
Oh what bliss / E isenhofer.
D ublin : Robinson, B u ssell & R obinson, N o .7 W estm orland Street [1852-65].
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6 }. RIAM marking
: {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1 .V A R /88 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /88 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /88 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /88
Elliot, James [?]
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
The B ee : A G lee For Four V o ices / C om posed and D edicated to J. Bull, Esq.
by J. Elliott.
London : The R oyal H arm onic Institution, A rgyll R oom s, 246 R egent Street.
Plate N o : 1512.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 224)
Title inform ation from caption. Com poser m ay be E lliot, James (1783-1856)
or E lliot, James W illiam (fl. 1886).
A C S marking : (A C S 7 ).
Envelope, Lee
[Proclaim ye this among the gentiles]
Proclaim ye this am ong the gentiles : A Sacred Scena / The words selected
from the Prophet Joel. The M usic C om posed by L ee E nvelope.
Evans, Charles Smart, 1778-1849
[As a rosy wreath]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, F ive & S ix V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W . H aw es [ . . . ] , N o .8.
A s a rosy wreath.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 806.
Score ; Chorus 3 w , (page 42)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Festa, Constanzo cl485/90-1545]
[Quando ritrova]
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets C atalogue
D ow n in a Flow ry Vale.
M anuscript; (page 18)
AC S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S .lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V A R /9 - A C S .B S .3 5 .3.V A R /9 ; S II :
A C S .B S .3 5 .4 .V A R /9 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /9 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /9 ; A
I I : A C S .B S .3 5 .7.V A R /9 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /9 ; T I : A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /9 A C S .B S .3 5 .11.V A R /9 ; T I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 2 .V A R /9 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /9 ;
B I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 6 .V A R /9 -A C S .B S .3 5 .1 8 .V A R /9 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /9 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /9
Fink, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1783-1846
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o.48.
The T w elve / W .Fink.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local supplier : Robinson, B u ssell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D ublin : {A C S .S S .3 }.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /48 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /48
Fink, Gottfried Wilhelm, 1783-1846
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o.48.
The T w elve / W .Fink.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
A C S m a rk in g : {A C S .lb l.3 6 } ; { A C S 5 } ; { A C S 5 8 } ; { A C S 6 } .
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /48 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /48 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /48 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /48
Flemming , [Friedrich Ferdinand]
[Integer vitae]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 3 N o. 19.
Integer vitae / Flem m ing.
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S 6 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /19 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /19
Flemming, [Friedrich Ferdinand]
[Integer vitae]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 3 N o. 19.
Integer vitae / Flem m ing.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /39 ; B I : A C S .B S .3 9 .2 .V A R /3 9 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /3 9 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /39
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
[Fusz, Janos, 1777-1819]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 5 N o .32.
The Sacrifice / Fuss.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /32 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /32
[Fusz, Janos, 1777-1819]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 5 N o .32.
The Sacrifice / Fuss.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1.V A R /32 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /32 A C S .B S .3 9 .3.V A R /32 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /32
Giardini, Felice, 1716-1796
[Beviamo tutti tre]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
B eviam o tutti tre.
London : Robert Cocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 96)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
Giardini, Felice, 1716-1796
[Beviamo tutti tre]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [ ...]
O Bird O f E ve, Earl O f M om ington; & B eviam o Tutti Tre, Giardini.
Score ; SA TTB , p f (page 25)
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 8 }.
Giardini, Felice, 1716-1796
[Beviamo tutti tre]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A ch oice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
C om posers [ ...]
O Bird O f E ve, Earl O f M om ington; & B eviam o Tutti Tre, Giardini.
Score ; SA TTB , p f (page 69)
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 8 }.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
[Giardini, Felice, 1716-1796]
[Viva tutte le vezzose]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [ ...]
Boat, A Boat; & Here's A H ealth To A ll The G ood Lasses.
Score ; TTB, accom p. (page 21)
Title inform ation from caption.
[Giardini, Felice, 1716-1796]
[Viva tutte le vezzose]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [ ...]
Boat, A Boat; & Here's A Health To A ll The G ood Lasses.
Score ; TTB, accom p. (page 65)
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 8 }.
Gibbons, Orlando, 1583-1625
[Round about]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, F ive & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
Madrigal Society, [ ...] B y W . H aw es [ . . . ] , N o.28.
Round about.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 973.
Score ; Chorus 6vv, (page 154)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. R IA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Gibbons, Orlando, 1583-1625
ACS.BS.34. VAR/14
[Silver swanne]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
Madrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o .14.
The silver swan.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 322.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 70)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Gibbons, Orlando, 1583-1625
[That the learned poets o f this time]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, F ive & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
Madrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o .7.
O that the learned poets.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 802.
Score ; Chorus 6 w , (page 37)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Giordani, Tommaso, c l 730/33-1806
[Celebrated death song o f the Cherokee Indian]
The Celebrated D eath Song O f The Cherokee Indian / Com poss'd [sic] by
Sign. Giordani
D ublin : A nne Lee, N o .2 D am e Street near the R oyal Exchange.
Score ; Chorus, p f
A nticnl C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
N u m e ro u s signatures on inside back c o v e r : {A C S .fig .2 8 }.
A C S m arkin g : {A C S .lb l.9 }
Grassini, Francesco M aria, fl. 1653
[I tell thee boy!]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 6 N o.33.
I tell thee boy! / Grassini.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIAM m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1 .V A R /33 ; T II : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /33
Grassini, Francesco Maria, fl. 1653
[I tell thee boy!]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 6 N o.33.
I tell thee boy! / Grassini.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S m a rk in g : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /33 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /33 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /33 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /33
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
T ext Author : Dryden, John, 1631-1700 ; Ramler, Karl W ilhelm [transl.],
1725-1798 ; [Ham ilton, N .].
Arranger : Mozart, W olfgang A m adeus, 1756-1791.
[Alexander ’s Feast, HWV 75]
A lexanders F e s t : oder die G ew alt der M usik. Eine Grosse Cantata / aus dem
E nglishchen des D ryden übersetzt vo n C. W. Ramler. In M usik gesetzt von G.
F. H andel, m it neuer Bearbeitung von W . A . M ozart. I Theil.
L eipzig : C. F. Peters. Plate N o : 1049.
L ocal supplier m arking : {A C S .SS. 11}.
Score ; Chorus, p f
D ate : 1838 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 42} ; {A C S 4 3 }. R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
A CS.BS.l.H AN/2
T ext Author : Dryden, John, 1631-1700 ; Ramler, Karl W ilhelm [transl.],
1725-1798 ; [Ham ilton, N .].
Arranger : M ozart, W olfgang A m adeus, 1756-1791.
[Alexander’s Feast, HWV 75]
A lexanders F e s t : oder die G ew alt der M usik. Eine Grosse Cantata / aus dem
Englishchen des D ryden übersetzt v on C. W . Ramler. In M usik gesetzt von G.
F. H andel, m it neuer Bearbeitung v on W. A . Mozart. II Theil.
L eipzig : C. F. Peters. Plate N o : 1089.
Score ; Chorus, p f
D ate : 1838 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 42} ; {A C S 4 3 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
[Allegro, il Penseroso ed il M oderato]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets C atalogue
Let M e W ander N o t U n seen : Arranged w ith an A ccom panim ent for the Piano
Forte / C om posed by G. F. Handel.
London : M etzler & C o., 37 Great M arlborough Street.
Score ; S, p f
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.16}. RLAM m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Text Author : [M ilton, John, 1608-1674] ; [Harris, J.] ; [Jennens].
Arranger : Clarke-W hitfeld, John [accom p.], 1770-1836.
[Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, IiW V 55]
Series title : The V ocal W orks C om posed b y G. F. H andel, Arranged for the
organ or piano forte by Dr. John Clarke o f Cambridge, N o .37.
L' A llegro : C om e, Pensive N u n D evout And Pure.
London : J. Surman, 9 Exeter Hall, Strand.
Score ; S, p f
Title information from title page, caption and colophon.
RLAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
T ext Author : [M ilton, John, 1608-1674] ; [J. Harris] ; [Jennens].
Arranger : Clarke-W hitfeld, John [accom p.], 1770-1836.
[ Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55]
Series title : The V ocal W orks C om posed by G. F. Handel, Arranged for the
organ or piano forte by Dr. John Clarke o f Cambridge, N o .36, N o .34, N o .37.
L'Allegro : H ence Loathed M elancholy ; H ence, V ain D eluding Joys ; Com e,
Com e Thou G oddess ; Com e Rather Goddess.
London : J. Surman, 9 Exeter H all, Strand.
Score ; S, p f
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Text Author : [M ilton, John, 1608-1674] ; [Harris, J.] ; [Jennens].
Arranger : Carnaby, W illiam , 1772-1839.
[Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55]
H ence Loathed M elancholy / C om posed by H andel and Arranged from the
Original Score w ith an A ccom panim ent for the Piano Forte, by W illiam
Cam aby M us. D oc. Cantab.
London : Z. T. Purday, 45 H igh H olbom .
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Text Author : [M ilton, John, 1608-1674] ; [Harris, J.] ; [Jennens].
Arranger : H orsley, W illiam , 1774-1858.
[Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55]
Haste Thee N ym ph / C om posed by Handel. Arranged by W m . H orsley M us.
Bac. Oxen.
Score ; S, p f
Title inform ation from caption.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets C atalogue
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
T ext Source : [Bible : Exodus x v and Prayer B o o k Psalter]
Arranger : Perry, G eorge Frederick, 1793-1862.
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
Israel in Egypt. N o .7 : Chorus. "He gave them hailstones for rain" / by Perry.
London : J. Surman, 22 W inchester Street, Pentonville.
Score ; FI I
Title inform ation from caption and colophon.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}
[Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759]
T ext Source : [Bible : Exodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
Arranger : Perry, [G eorge Frederick, 1793-1862],
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
Israel In E g y p t : N o .6 "He spake the word".
M anuscript; Tpt
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and k ey signature after first
line o f manuscript.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4 ; A C S.lbl.3}
Parts : T p t : A C S .B S .7.1.H A N /1 ; T rbnB: A C S .B S .7.2.H A N /1
[Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759]
T ext Source : [Bible : Exodus x v and Prayer B o o k Psalter]
Arranger : Perry, [G eorge Frederick, 1793-1862],
[Israel In Egypt, HWV 54]
N o .7, Chorus : "He G ave Them H ailstones For Rain" Israel In Egypt
London : J. Surman, 22 W inchester Street, Pentonville.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Title information from caption and colophon. Score om its clefs after first line :
{A C S .fig .2 6 9 }.
A C S marking : {A C S.lbl.4 ; A C S .lb l.3}
Parts : T p t : A C S .B S .7.1.H A N /2 ; T rbnB: A C S .B S .7.2.H A N /2
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
T ext Source : [Bible : Exodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
The Lord shall reign N o .32 (34)
M an u scrip t; FI I
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and k ey signature after first
line o f manuscript in : {A C S .fig .1 5 5 }.
A C S marking : {A C S.lb l.4}
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Text Source : [B ible : Exodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
H e G ave Them H ailstones N o .7, 9, 12.
M anuscript; FI I
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and k ey signature after first
line o f m an u scrip t: {A C S .fig .1 5 1 }.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}. R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
T ext Source : [B ible : E xodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
But A s For H is People N o . 10
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Local supplier : M anuscript paper originates from R obinson & B ussell, 7
W estm orland Street [1843-52]: See {A C S .fig .1 5 3 } for colophon.
M anuscript; FI I
Title information from caption. C opyist om its c le f and k ey signature after first
line o f m anuscript: {A C S .fig .1 5 2 }.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
T ext Source : [B ible : Exodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
N o .7, Chorus : "He G ave Them H ailstones For Rain" Israel In Egypt
London : J. Surman, 22 W inchester Street, Pentonville.
Score ; Tmp
Title inform ation from caption and colophon.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}
[Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759]
Text Source : [B ible : Exodus xv and Prayer B ook Psalter]
Arranger : Perry, [G eorge Frederick, 1793-1862],
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
Israel In E g y p t : N o. 14 But the water o'erwhelm ed
M anuscript; Tmp
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and key signature after first
line o f manuscript.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Text Source : [Bible : E x o d u s x v and Prayer B o o k Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
The people shall hear N o .30, 35, 37, 39.
M an u scrip t; FI II
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and key signature after first
line o f manuscript : {A C S .fig .1 5 9 }.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}
[Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759]
T ext Source : [Bible : Exodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
N o .2 3 . Cho. The depths [...? ] covered them : N o .2 4 . Cho. Thy right hand O
M anuscript; Tmp
Title inform ation from caption. Copyist om its c le f and key signature after first
line o f manuscript.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
T ext Source : [B ible : Exodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
The people shall hear N o .30 (33).
M an u scrip t; FI I
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and k ey signature after first
line o f m anuscript: {A C S .fig .1 5 4 }.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Text Source : [Bible : E x o d u s x v and Prayer B o o k Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
But A s For H is People N o . 10 Chorus.
L ocal supplier : M anuscript paper originates from R obinson & B u ssell, 7
W estm orland Street [1843-52]: See {A C S .fig.153} for colophon.
M anuscript; FI II
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and k ey signature after first
line o f m an u scrip t: {A C S .fig .1 5 8 }.
A C S marking : {A C S.lb l.4}
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
T ext Source : [B ible : Exodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
The Lord shall reign N o .35, 37, 39.
M anuscript; FI I
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and key signature after first
line o f manuscript in : {A C S .fig .1 5 6 }.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
T ext Source : [B ible : Exodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
But A s For H is People N o . 10 Chorus.
Score ; FI II
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets C atalogue
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Te xt Source : [B ib le : E x o d u s x v and Prayer B o o k Psalter]
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
H e Gave Them H ailstones N o .7, 9, 12
M an u scrip t; FI II
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and key signature after first
line o f manuscript in : {A C S .fig.157}.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4}
[Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759]
T ext Source : [B ible : Exodus x v and Prayer B ook Psalter]
Arranger : Perry, [G eorge Frederick, 1793-1862],
[Israel in Egypt, HWV 54]
N o .2 4 . Cho : Thy right hand O Lord
M anuscript; Trumpet I & II
Title inform ation from caption. C opyist om its c le f and key signature after first
line o f manuscript.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.4} ; {A C S .lb l.3}. RIAM m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T p t : A C S .B S .7.1.H A N /3 ; Trbn B: A C S .B S .7.2.H A N /3
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861.
[Dettingen Te Deum, HMV 283]
Handel's D ettingen "Te Deum" : C om posed In The Year 1743 / In V ocal
Score, W ith A Separate A ccom panim ent for the Organ or Pianoforte N e w ly
Arranged by V incent N o v ello .
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , London Sacred M usic W arehouse : 69 Dean
Street, Soho & 24 Poultry, Simkin, M arshall & Co ; B oston : W ilkins &
Local supplier : H. B u ssell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
{A C S .S S .5}.
D ate : 1854 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1} ; {A C S .c.86}. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
C opies : A C S .B S .6.2.H A N
Handel, George Frideric, 1685-1759
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861.
[Zadokthe priest, HMV 258]
Handel's Coronation Anthem : "Zadok The Priest", Com posed In The Year
1727 / W ith A Separate A ccom panim ent For The Organ or Pianoforte
Arranged by V incent N o vello.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , London Sacred M usic W arehouse : 69 D ean
Street, Soho & 24 Poultry, Sim kin, Marshall & Co.
A C S marking : {A C S 1} ; {A C S .c.86}. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
C opies : A C S .B S .6.2.H A N
IHarington, Henry, 1727-1816]
[Dame Durden]
D am e Durden : A Humorous G lee Arranged for Three V oices w ith Piano-forte
Accom panim ent.
Score ; TTB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
[Harington, Henry, 1727-1816]
[Dame Durden]
D am e Durden : A Humorous G lee Arranged for Three V o ices w ith Piano-forte
Accom panim ent.
Score ; TTB, accomp. (page 111)
Title inform ation from caption.
Harington, Henry, 1727-1816
[Give me the sweet delights o f love]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
G ive m e the sw eet delights o f love.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 88)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
Harington, Henry, 1727-1816
[Three old women in a country churchyard]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
Three old w om en in a country churchyard.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Score ; (page 16)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. M A M m arking : {A C S .M A M .l} .
Harrison, Samuel, 1760-1812
Arranger : Clarke-W hitfeld, John, 1770-1836.
[Nanny w ilt thou gang with me]
Oh Nanny w ilt thou gang with m e : G lee H arm onized for Four V o ices, as sung
at the A ntient & V ocal Concerts / & D edicated b y Perm ission to the M ght
Honourable, the Director o f the Concerts o f A ntient M usic by Sam uel Harrison
arranged by Dr. John Clarke.
London : M essrs Birchall & Co., 118 N e w Bond Street.
Score ; TrATB, p f (page 97)
Stamp o f the Philharmonic Society D ublin : {A C S .fig.10}.
Harrison, Samuel, 1760-1812
Arranger : Clarke-W hitfeld, John, 1770-1836.
[Nanny w ilt thou gang with me]
Oh N anny w ilt thou gang w ith m e : G lee H arm onized for Four V o ices, as sung
at the A ntient & V ocal Concerts / & D edicated by Perm ission to the M ght
H onourable, the Director o f the Concerts o f A ntient M usic by Sam uel Harrison
arranged by Dr. John Clarke.
London : M essrs Birchall & Co., 118 N e w Bond Street.
L ocal supplier : R obinson & B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1843-52], Dublin
: { A C S .S S .l} .
Score ; TrATB, p f (page 53)
A C S marking : {A C S 7 }.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Hartel, [August]
[Miller's Daughter]
Series title : Orpheus. Five V ocal Quartetts, To be sung without
Accom panim ent, B ook 15 N o. 17.
The miller's daughter / Hartel.
London : Ew er & C o., 390 Oxford Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.15}
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .36.1.V A R /11 ; B I I : A C S .B S .36.2.V A R /11 A C S .B S .3 .V A R /1 1
Hawes, William, 1785-1846
[Sweet Philomela]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, F ive & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o.23.
Sw eet Philom ela.
London : W . H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 886.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 126)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Haydn, M ichael, 1737-1806
[Mariners Song]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 6 N o .36.
The Mariners Song / M .Haydn.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
A C S m a rkin g : {A C S . lb l.3 6 } ; { A C S 5 } ; { A C S 5 8 } ; { A C S 6 } .
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /36 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /36 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /36 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /36
Haydn, Michael, 1737-1806
[Mariners Song]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 6 N o .36.
The Mariners Song / M .Haydn.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /59 ; T I I : A C S .B S .3 7 .2 iV A R /59
Hayes, William, 1708-1777
[Come follow me to the greenwood tree]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
C om e fo llo w m e to the greenw ood tree.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 192)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Hiller, Friedrich Adam, c l 767-1812
[World, thou art wonderous fair]
Series title : Orpheus, B ook 30 N o .24.
O world, thou art w onderous fair / F.Hiller.
London : Ewer & Co., 390 Oxford Street.
A C S marking: {A C S .lb l.15}
Parts : B I : A C S .B S .36.1.V A R /16 ; B I I : A C S .B S .36.2.V A R /16 A C S .B S .36.3.V A R /16
ACS.BS.39. VAR/66
[Mariner's return]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 10 N o .66.
The Mariner's return / H oesler.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
T ext altered by hand in score A C S .B S .39.V A R /66 : {A C S .fig.230} ;
{A C S .fig .2 3 1 }.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6 }.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1.V A R /66 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /66 A C S .B S .3 9 .3.V A R /66 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /66
ACS.BS.37. VAR/66
[Mariner's return]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 0 N o .66.
The Mariner's return / H oesler.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
R IA M m ark in g: {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /66 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /66
K alliw oda, Johann W enzel, 1801-1866
A C S.B S.37.V A R /27
[C ruel M aid]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 5 N o.27.
O h cruel M aid / K alliw oda.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /27 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /27
K alliw oda, Johann W enzel, 1801-1866
A C S.B S.39.V A R /27
[ Cruel M aid]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 5 N o.27.
Oh cruel M aid / K alliw oda.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /27 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /27 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /27 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /27
K alliw oda, Johann W enzel, 1801-1866
A CS.B S.39.V A R /49
[Libera me dom inej
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o.49.
Libera m e dom ine / K alliw oda.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6 }.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /49 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /49 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /49 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /49
K alliw oda, Johann W enzel, 1801-1866
A C S.B S.37/VAR/49
[Libera me dom ine]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o.49.
Libera m e dom ine / K alliw oda.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local supplier : Robinson, B u ssell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3 }.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /49 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /49
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
K ing, M atthew Peter, c l 773-1823
A CS.B S.44.V A R /19
[W assail]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
The W assail!
L ondon : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 57)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. RIA M m arking : (A C S .R IA M .l).
K ing, M atthew Peter, cl7 7 3 -1 8 2 3
A C S.BS.44.V A R /50
[W itches]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited b y Joseph Warren.
The W itches.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 177)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A CS.B S.39.V A R /50
[C hapel]
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .50.
The Chapel / Kreutzer.
L ondon : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /50 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /50 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /50 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /50
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.B S.37. VAR/50
[C hapel]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .50.
The Chapel / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
L ocal supplier : R obinson, B ussell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [18364 3 ], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3 }.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S .37.1.V A R 750 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /50
K reutzer, [C onradin, 1780-1849]
A CS.B S.37.V A R /20
[D as 1st der Tag das H errn]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o .2 0 .
The Three H untsm en / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Local supplier : R obinson, B u ssell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3}.
A C S marking : {A C S 6 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /20 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /20
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.BS.39.V A R /20
[D as ist der Tag das H errn]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o.20.
The Three H untsm en / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /20 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /20 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /20 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /20
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.B S.39/VAR/70
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 11 N o .70.
The Equinox / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /70 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /70 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /70 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /70
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.B S.37.V A R /70
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 11 N o .70.
The Equinox / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /70 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /70
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A CS.B S.39.V A R /13
[H ark! above us]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 2 N o .13.
Hark! above us / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /13 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /13 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /13 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /13
K reutzer, [C onradin, 1780-1849]
A CS.B S.37.V A R /13
[H ark! above us]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 3 N o . 13.
Hark! above us / Kreutzer.
L ondon : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
ACS marking : {ACS6}. RIAM marking : {ACS.RIAM.l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /13 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /13
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A CS.BS.37.V A R /98
Text Author : M uller ; H.H. [adapt.].
[H unter's Joys]
Series title : Arion, A C ollection o f V ocal Quartetts, From the m ost admired
foreign Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 N o.4.
The Hunter's Joys / Kreutzer.
D ublin : R obinson, B u ssell, and Robinson, N o .7 W estm orland Street [185265],
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /98 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /98
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A CS.BS.39.V A R /86
[H unter's Joys]
Series title : Arion, A C ollection o f V ocal Quartetts, From the m ost admired
foreign Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1, N o.4.
The Hunter's Joys / Kreutzer.
D ublin : R obinson, B u ssell & Robinson, N o .7 W estm orland Street [1852-65].
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1.V A R /86 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /86 A C S .B S .3 9 .3.V A R /86 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /86
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
A C S.BS.37.V A R /58
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
[H untsm an's Joy]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 9 N o .58.
Huntsman's Joy / C.Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 72 N ew gate Street, from B o w Church.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /58 ; T i l : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /58
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A CS.B S.39.V A R /58
[H untsm an's Joy]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 9 N o .58.
Huntsman's Joy / C.Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /58 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /58 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /58 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /58
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.BS.38.V A R/1
[Sabbath Call]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 2 N o .7.
The Sabbath Call / Kreutzer.
L ondon : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
ACS marking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIAM marking : {ACS.RIAM.l}.
Parts : TE N O R I: A C S .B S .38.1.V A R /1 - A C S .B S .38.3.V A R /1 ; TE N O R II:
A C S .B S .3 8 .4 .V A R /1 - A C S .B S .38.6.V A R /1 ; B A S S I: A C S .B S .38.7.V A R /1 A C S .B S .38.8.V A R /1; B A S S II: A C S .B S .38.9.V A R /1 - A C S .B S .3 8 .11.V A R/1
K reutzer, [C onradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.B S.39.V A R /7
[Sabbath Call]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 2 N o.7.
The Sabbath Call / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6 }. RIAM m arking
: {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /7 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /7 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /7 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /7
K reutzer, [C onradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.B S.37/VAR/7
[Sabbath Call]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 2 N o.7.
The Sabbath Call / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S 6 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : ACS.BS.37.1.VAR/7 ; T I I : ACS.BS.37.2.VAR/7
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.BS.37.V A R /68
[Spring time]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 10 N o .68.
Spring tim e / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /68 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /68
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.B S.39.V A R /68
[Spring tim e]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 10 N o .68.
Spring tim e / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /68 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /68 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /68 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /68
K reutzer, [C onradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.B S.39.V A R /54
[T hro' Woods and F ields]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .54.
Thro' W oods and Fields / Kreutzer.
L ondon : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
ACS marking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S .39.1 .V A R /54 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /54 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /54 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /54
K reutzer, [Conradin, 1780-1849]
A C S.BS.37.V A R /54
[T hro' Woods and F ields]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .54.
Thro' W oods and Fields / Kreutzer.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local supplier : R obinson, B u ssell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3}.
R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /54 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /54
K ucken, Friedrich W ilhelm , 1810-1882
A C S.B S.36.V A R /9
[Erw artung]
Series title : Orpheus. F ive V ocal Quartetts, To be sung w ithout
A ccom panim ent, B ook 15 N o . 15.
H ie thee shallop / Kucken.
London : Ew er & C o., 390 O xford Street.
Score ; T
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.15}
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 6 .1 .V A R /9 ; B I I : A C S .B S .36.2.V A R /9 A C S .B S .36.3.V A R /9
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
K ucken, Friedrich W ilhelm , 1810-1882
A CS.B S.39.V A R /75
[H ark the lark]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 2 N o .7 5 .
Hark Hark The lark / F.Kucken.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6 }.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /75 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /75 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /75 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /75
K ucken, Friedrich W ilhelm , 1810-1882
A CS.B S.37.V A R /75
[H ark the lark]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 12 N o .75.
Hark Hark The lark / F.Kucken.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /75 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /75
K ucken, Friedrich W ilhelm , 1810-1882
A CS.B S.37.V A R /80
[Soldatenliebe, O p.22]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 1 2 N o .80.
Soldiers Love / F.K ucken.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
RLAM m arking : {A C S.R IA M . 1}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /80 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /80
K ucken, Friedrich W ilhelm , 1810-1882
A CS.BS.39.V A R /80
[Soldatenliebe, Op. 22]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 2 N o .80.
Soldiers Love / F.Kucken.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1.V A R /80 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /80 A C S .B S .3 9 .3.V A R /80 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /80
K ucken, Friedrich W ilhelm , 1810-1882
A C S.B S.44.V A R /39
[Song o f the m iner]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
Song o f the miner.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
S co re; (page 137)
T itle inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
K ucken, Friedrich W ilhelm , 1810-1882
A C S.B S.36.V A R /10
[W ar Song]
Series title : Orpheus. F ive V ocal Quartetts, To be sung without
Accom panim ent, B ook 15 N o. 16.
War song / Kucken.
London : Ew er & C o., 390 Oxford Street.
A C S marking : {A C S.lb l.15}
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .36.1.V A R /10 ; B II : A C S .B S .36.2.V A R /10 A C S .B S .3 6 .3.V A R /10
K ucken, Friedrich W ilhelm , 1810-1882
A C S.B S.44/VAR/38
[W ine that flo w s]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
The w ine that flow s.
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
S co re; (page 133)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S m a rk in g : {A C S 2 5 }.
K uhlau, Frederick D aniel R odolph [?], 1786-1832
A C S.BS.39.V A R /51
[U nder every Treetop]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .51.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Under every Treetop / Kuhlau.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6 }.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /51 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /51 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /51 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /51
K uhlau, Frederick D aniel R odolph [?], 1786-1832
A CS.B S.37.V A R /51
[U nder every Treetop]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .5 1 .
Under every Treetop / Kuhlau.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local supplier : R obinson, B u ssell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3 }.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1 .V A R /5 9 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /59
L ancelott, F.
A C S.B S.41.V A R /23
[Wo, Dobbin, w o]
W o, Dobbin, W o; alias T hieves, P olice : A Favorite Catch / C om posed by F.
Score ; Chorus, p f (page 156)
Title information from caption.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Lancelott, F.
A C S.B S.40.V A R /20
[Wo, Dobbin, wo]
W o, Dobbin, W o; alias Thieves, P olice : A Favorite Catch / C om posed by F.
Score ; Chorus, p f (page 114)
Title inform ation from caption.
L assus, O rlande de, 1530/32-1594
A C S.BS.34.V A R /21
[Rossignol p laisant]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W . H aw es [ ...] , N o .21.
The nightingale.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 845.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 115)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Lindpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.BS.9.L IN /3
Text Author : Griineisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desm ond.
[Jungling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W idow o f N ain : (Der Jungling von N ain, G edicht von Carl Griineisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .5.
London : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, C om er o f H anover S tr e e t:
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 8044.
Score ; A
M anuscript bound into end o f score : {A C S .fig .2 5 1 }. D ate : 1855 (A C S).
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
ACS marking : {ACS13}. RIAM marking : {ACS.R1AM.1}
L indpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.B S.8.L IN /1
Text Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desm ond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W id ow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling v o n N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .2
London : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, C om er o f Hanover Street. Plate
N o : 8041.
Score ; S
Date : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
L indpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.BS. 11.LIN /4
Text Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desm ond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W idow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling v on N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .13
L ondon : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, Com er o f Hanover S tr e e t:
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 3051.
Score ; B
D ate : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 13}. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets C atalogue
L indpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.B S.9.L IN /2
Text Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desmond
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W idow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling vo n N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices And Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
English V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .4
London : W essel & Co., 229 Regent Street, C om er o f H anover S tr e e t:
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 8043.
Score; A
Manuscript bound into end o f score : {A C S .fig .2 5 1 }. Date : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 13}. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
L indpaintner, P eter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S .B S .ll.L IN /2
Text Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desm ond.
[Jüngling von N ain, Op. 155]
The W id ow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling vo n N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices And Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .7
London : W essel & C o., 229 Regent Street, C om er o f H anover S tr e e t:
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 8046.
Score ; B
Date : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
L indpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
W id ow O f Nain.
A CS.B S.8.L IN /2
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
M anuscript; S
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 13}. R IA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von, 1791-1856
A C S.B S.9.L IN /1
T ext Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desm ond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W id ow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling v o n N ain, G edicht vo n Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .2
London : W essel & Co., 229 R egent Street, Com er o f H anover S tr e e t:
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 8041.
Score ; A
M anuscript bound into end o f score : {A C S .fig .2 5 1 }. Date : 1855 (ACS).
A C S marking : {A C S 13}. RIA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
L indpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.BS.8.L IN /3
T ext Author : Grüneisen, Carl
A rranger: Ryan, Desm ond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W id ow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling v o n N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .8
London : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, Com er o f H anover Street. Plate
N o : 8047.
Score ; S
D ate : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
L indpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A CS.B S.9.L IN /4
Text Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desmond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W idow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling vo n N ain, G edicht v on Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed b y P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o . 13
London : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, Com er o f H anover S tr ee t:
{A C S.pub.70}. Plate N o : 8051
Score ; A
M anuscript bound into end o f score : {A C S .fig .2 5 1 }. D ate : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Lindpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.B S.8.L IN /4
T ext Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desm ond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W idow o f N ain : (D er Jüngling von N ain, G edicht vo n Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed b y P. v on Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o . 12
London : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, C om er o f H anover Street. Plate
N o : 8050.
Score; S
D ate : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets C atalogue
Lindpaintner, P eter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.B S. 11.LIN/1
Text Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desmond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W id ow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling von N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion b y D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .2
London : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, C om er o f H anover S tr e e t:
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 8041.
Score ; B
Date : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Lindpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.B S.10.L IN /1
T ext Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desm ond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W id ow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling von N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .2
London : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, C om er o f Hanover Street [ ...] :
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 8041.
D ate : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIAM m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets C atalogue
L indpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.BS.10.L IN /3
Text Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desmond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W id ow o f N ain : (D er Jüngling von N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o. 13
London : W essel & C o., 229 Regent Street, C om er o f H anover S tr e e t:
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 8051.
Date : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R L A M .l}.
L indpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.BS.10.L IN /2
T ext Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desm ond.
[ Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W idow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling v on N ain, G edicht vo n Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o . 12
London : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, C om er o f Hanover S tr e e t:
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 8050.
Date : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Lindpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S.BS.8.L IN /5
Text Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desmond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W idow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling v on N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V oices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
English V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .13
London : W essel & C o., 229 Regent Street, Com er o f Hanover Street. Plate
N o : 8051.
Score ; S
Date : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Lindpaintner, Peter J o sef von, 1791-1856
A C S .B S .ll.L IN /3
Text Author : Grüneisen, Carl
Arranger : Ryan, Desm ond.
[Jüngling von Nain, Op. 155]
The W idow o f N ain : (Der Jüngling von N ain, G edicht von Carl Grüneisen.)
Oratorio, for V o ices A nd Piano / C om posed by P. von Lindpaintner. The
E nglish V ersion by D esm ond Ryan, Esqr. [ ...] N o .10
London : W essel & C o., 229 R egent Street, Com er o f Hanover S tr e e t:
{A C S.pub .70}. Plate N o : 8049.
Score ; B
Date : 1855 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 3 }. RLAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Linley, Thom as, 1756-1778]
A C S .B S.35/VAR/11
[C arnival o f Venice]
Let m e careless & unthoughtful Lying.
A ntient C onceits Society B ound Sets Catalogue
M anuscript; (page 23)
ACS marking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V A R /11 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /11 ; S I I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .4 .V A R /1 1 ; A I : A C S .B S .3 5 .5 .V A R /1 1 - A C S .B S .3 5 .6 .V A R /1 1 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .3 5 .7 .V A R /1 1 - A C S .B S .3 5 .8 .V A R /1 1 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /11 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 1.V A R /11 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .12.V A R /11 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /11 ; B I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 6.V A R /1 1 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 8 .V A R /1 1 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 9 .V A R /1 1 - A C S .B S .3 5 .2 2 .V A R /1 1
L inley, Thom as, 1756-1778
A C S.B S.34/VAR/31
[C arnival o f Venice]
"Let m e careless" / T. Linley.
M anuscript; Chorus 5 w ,
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
L ocke, M atthew , cl6 2 2 -1 6 7 7
A C S.BS.33.V A R /1
T ext Author : [Shakespeare, W illiam , 1 5 6 4 -1 6 1 6 ]; [Davenant (adapt.)].
Arranger : B o yce, W illiam , 1711-1779.
[M acbeth]
The Original Songs, Airs & Choruses w h ich w ere introduced in the Tragedy o f
M acbeth in score / C om posed by M atthew Locke, Chapel Organist to Queen
Catharine Consort to K ing Charles II. R evised & corrected by Dr. B oyce.
D edicated to D avid Garrick Esqr.
London : Longm an & Broderip, N o .2 6 Cheapside.
Score ; Chorus, orch
Signatures on title page : {A C S .fig .2 7 }. Signatures on inside back cover :
{A C S .fig .2 8 }.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.9}. R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Locke, M atthew , cl6 2 2 -1 6 7 7
A C S.B S.35.V A R /25
T ext Author : [Shakespeare, W illiam , 1564-1616] ; [Davenant (adapt.)].
[M acbeth]
Choruses in Macbeth.
A C S marking : {A C S.lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /25 ; S I I :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /25 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /25 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /25 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 1 .V A R /25 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.12.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /25 ; B I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 6.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 8.V A R /25 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /25 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /25
L ow e, A dolph
A C S.BS.43.V A R /8
[Rem em ber O L ord]
Anthem (for com petition) / C om posed by A dolph Low e. Rem em ber O Lord.
M anuscript; T, p f
Title inform ation from caption and text.
M arenzio, L uca, 1553/54-1599
A C S .B S.34/VAR/22
T ext Author : [M oscaglia, G .B.]
[D issi a I ’am ata m ia lucida Stella]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [...] from the Original B ooks, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [...] B y W . H aw es [...], N o.22.
D issi al'amata.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets C atalogue
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 381.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 122)
A C S marking : {A C S 5}. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
M arschner, H einrich A ugust, 1795-1861
A C S.BS.39.V A R /5
[Tunnel-Festlied, Op. 46]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [...], B ook 1 N o .5.
Com e Boys' / Marschner.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Date : 183- (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}. RIA M marking
: {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /5 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /5 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /5 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /5
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.36.V A R /14
[Abendstandchen, Op. 75]
Series title : Orpheus. Four V ocal Quartetts. To be sung without
A ccom panim ent. C om posed by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy, B ook 17 N o.28.
L ondon : J. J. Ewer & C o., 390 O xford Street.
Score ; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.15}
Parts : B I : A C S .B S .3 6 .1 .V A R /1 4 ; B I I : A C S .B S .36.2.V A R /14 A C S .B S .36.3. V A R /14
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.37. VAR/85
T ext Author : Bartholom ew, W illiam
[A bsch ied vo m Walde, O p.59]
Series title : Orpheus. S ix V ocal Quartetts, For tw o Trebles, Tenor & B ass (to
be sung w ithout A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to Mrs.
H em ielle B enecke by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy. O p.59. The W ords by W.
Bartholom ew. N o. 13 N o .3.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 72 N ew gate S tr ee t; L eipzig : B reitkopf & Haertel.
Score ; S
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /85 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /85
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.36. V AR/13
[Abschiedstafel, O p.75]
Series title : Orpheus. Four V ocal Quartetts. To be sung without
A ccom panim ent. C om posed by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy, B ook 17 N o.27.
Farew ell M eeting.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., 390 O xford Street.
S core; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.15}
Parts : B I : A C S .B S .36.1.V A R/13 ; B I I : A C S.B S.36.2.V A R /13 A C S .B S .36.3.VAR/13
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.BS.36.V A R /8
[A uf dem See, Op. 41]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Orpheus. Five V ocal Q uartetts, To be sung w ithout
A ccom panim ent, Book 15 No. 13.
O n the sea / M endelssohn.
L ondon : Ew er & Co., 390 Oxford Street.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.15}
Parts : B 1: A C S.B S.36.1.V A R /8 ; B I I : A C S.B S.36.2.V A R /8 A CS.BS.36.3.V A R/8
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.24.M E N /5
[D rei Kirchenmusiken, O p.23]
N ovello's E dition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn B artholdy, Op.23. Ave
M aria : for E ight V oices / W ith an A ccom panim ent for the O rgan by Felix
M endelssohn Bartholdy.
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 69 D ean Street, Soho ; Bonn : B a N. Simrock.
Score ; Chorus 8 w , org
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.B S.36.V A R /15
Text A uthor : G oethe, Johann W olfgang von, 1749-1832
[Eastern D rinking Song]
Series title : O rpheus. F our V ocal Quartetts. To be sung w ithout
A ccom panim ent. C om posed by Felix M endelssohn B artholdy, B ook 17 N o.29.
Eastern D rinking Song
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & Co., 390 O xford Street.
Score ; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl. 15}
Antient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Parts : B I : A CS.B S.36.1.V A R /15 ; B I I : A C S.B S.36.2.V A R /15 A CS.BS.36.3.V A R/15
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.13.M E N /3
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; [Bartholom ew , W illiam (English adapt.)].
[Elijah, Op.70]
N o .33 : A rise N ow N o .33, 35.
M a n u sc rip t; S
Title inform ation from caption. Scrap o f paper bearing signature found w ithin
b o o k : { A C S .sig .ll} .
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.13.M E N /2
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
Series title : Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy's O ratorio Elijah. The W ords
adapted from the B ible by W . B artholom ew Esqre. [ ...], N o. 15, N o .19, N o.21
& No. 28.
London : E w er & Co., N ew gate S tr e e t; B onn : N. Sim rock ; Paris : Richault.
Score ; S
Title inform ation from caption. Scrap o f paper bearing signature found w ithin
b o o k : { A C S .sig .ll} .
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.13.M EN /1
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholomew, William [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Felix M endelssohn B artholdy's O ratorio Elijah. The W ords
adapted from the Bible by W. B artholom ew Esqre. [...], N o.2, N o .7 & N o .8.
D uet & Chorus. Zion spreadeth her hands : L ord bow thine ear ; D ouble
London : Ew er & Co., N ew gate S tr e e t; B onn : N . Sim rock ; Paris : Richault.
Score ; S
Title inform ation from caption. N o .7 bears handw ritten m usic o f the preceding
m o v e m e n t: {ACS.fig.191}. Scrap o f paper bearing signature found w ithin
b o o k : { A C S .sig .ll} .
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.17.M E N /6
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
Series title : Felix M endelssohn B artholdy's O ratorio Elijah. The W ords
adapted from the B ible by W. B artholom ew Esqre. [...], N o.41.
O com e every one [...]
London : E w er & Co., N ew gate S tr e e t; B onn : N . Sim rock ; Paris : Richault.
Score ; B
Loose m anuscripts found w ithin cover : 'Aria, F or the m ountain. Elijah. V iolin'
& 'Violin. Elijah. R ecit. ending w ith "and m y flesh shall also rest in hope'", the
form er m anuscript stam ped by Trundle RIAM : {ACS.fig.182}. Printed by
"Darling & Son, Printers, 126, B ishopsgate Street, C om hill, London"
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.17.M E N /5
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholomew, William [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
N o.36.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from caption. Loose m anuscripts found w ithin cover : 'Aria,
For the m ountain. Elijah. V iolin' & 'Violin. Elijah. Recit. ending w ith "and my
flesh shall also rest in hope'", the form er m anuscript stam ped by Trundle
R IA M : {ACS.fig.182}.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.17.M E N /4
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
"Night falleth round me" N o .33
M a n u sc rip t; B I
Title inform ation from caption. Loose m anuscripts found w ithin cover : 'Aria,
For the m ountain. Elijah. V iolin' & 'Violin. Elijah. Recit. ending w ith "and my
flesh shall also rest in hope'", the form er m anuscript stam ped by Trundle
R IA M : {ACS.fig.182}.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.17.M E N /3
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [S ch u b rin g ]; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
R ecitative : E lijah / M endelssohn. N o .8, N o .10, N o .12, N o .13, N o .15, N o .16,
N o. 17, N o .19, N o.23, N o.30 & N o.31.
Title inform ation from caption and colophon. Loose m anuscripts found w ithin
cover : 'Aria, F or the m ountain. Elijah. V iolin' & 'Violin. Elijah. Recit. ending
w ith "and m y flesh shall also rest in hope'", the form er m anuscript stam ped by
Trundle R IA M : {ACS.fig.182}. M ovem ent N o. 13 edited w ith
superim position o f handw ritten m a n u sc rip t: {ACS.fig.184}.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
I ll
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.14.M EN /2
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
"Elijah" : D ouble Q uartet (Angels).
M a n u sc rip t; B I & II
Title inform ation from caption. Loose m anuscripts found w ithin cover also:
'Aria, For the m ountain. Elijah. V iolin' & 'Violin. Elijah. Recit. ending w ith
"and m y flesh shall also rest in hope'", the form er m anuscript stam ped by
Trundle RIA M : {ACS.fig.182}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.16.M E N /4
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
Elijah No. 18, Air: W oe unto Them.
M anuscript.
Title inform ation from text. C over signed : {ACS.sig.68}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.19}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.BS.17.M EN/1
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
Introduction : "Has G od the L ord o f Israel liveth before w hom I stand".
M an u sc rip t; B I
Title inform ation from caption and text. Loose m anuscripts found w ithin cover
also: 'Aria, For the m ountain. Elijah. V iolin' & 'Violin. Elijah. Recit. ending
w ith "and m y flesh shall also rest in hope'", the form er m anuscript stam ped by
Trundle R IA M : {ACS.fig.182}.
ACS m arking : {AC S.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.16.M EN /2
Text Source : [B ib le ]; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
Elijah : D ouble Quartett.
M a n u sc rip t; T I & II
Title inform ation from caption and cover. Cover signed “M r. F. R obinson” :
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.19}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.16.M EN /1
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
Elijah : Recitative N o .3 & N o.4.
Score ; T, p f
Cover signed “Mr. F. R obinson” : {ACS.sig.68}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.19}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.12.M E N /3
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
Series title : Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy's O ratorio, Elijah, The W ords
adapted from the Bible by W. B artholom ew , Esqre. [...]
N o 27 ; N o.28 : Recit. See now he sleepeth ; Trio. L ift thine eyes
London : Ew er & Co., N ew gate S tr e e t; B onn : N. Sim rock ; Paris : Richault.
Score ; A I I
Title page signed “T he M isses Reeves [ ...? ]” : {ACS.sig.60}.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.22}
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.15.M E N /2
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op. 70]
C horus : "Have ye not heard" E lijah / M endelssohn.
Score ; A I I
Title inform ation from caption, colophon and text.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.22}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.15.M E N /1
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
N o .6 & N o .7 : R ecitative & D ouble Chorus E lijah / M endelssohn.
Score ; A II
Title inform ation from caption and colophon.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.22}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.12.M E N /4
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
E lijah N o.35, Q uartett & Chorus: H oly, holy.
M anuscript.
Title inform ation from cover, caption and text.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.34}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.12.M E N /2
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholomew, William [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Elijah D ouble Q uartett (angels).
M an u scrip t; S I & II
Title inform ation from cover, caption and text.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.34}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.12.M EN /1
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[E lija h Op. 70]
Elijah N o2, D uet w ith Chorus: Lord bow Thine ear to our pray'r.
Score ; S
Title inform ation from cover, caption and text.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.34}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.BS.18.M EN/1
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
N o. 10 : R ecit. W ith Chos.
M a n u scrip t; T
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.16.M EN /3
T ext Source : [B ib le ]; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
A rra n g e r: B artholom ew , W illiam .
[Elijah, Op. 70]
Series title : Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy's O ratorio Elijah. The W ords
adapted from the B ible by W. B artholom ew Esqre. [...], N o .l 5.
Q u a rte tt: C ast thy burden upon the Lord
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : Ew er & Co., N ew gate S tr e e t; B onn : N . Sim rock ; Paris : Richault.
Cover signed “Mr. F. R obinson” : {ACS.sig.68}.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.19}. R IA M m ark in g : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.18.M EN /5
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
Series title : Felix M endelssohn B artholdy's O ratorio Elijah. The W ords
adapted from the Bible by W. B artholom ew Esqre. [...], N o.41.
London : Ew er & Co., N ew gate S tr e e t; B onn : N. Sim rock ; Paris : Richault.
Score ; S
Scrap o f paper bearing signature [Ms. M ac M ahon] found w ithin this book :
{ A C S .sig .ll} .
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.BS.14.M EN/1
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
N o .6 : Recitative. E lijah / M endelssohn.
Score ; A I
Title inform ation from caption and colophon.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.22}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.14.M EN /3
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; Bartholomew, William [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
N o .7 : E lijah / M endelssohn.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets C atalogue
Score ; A I
Title inform ation from caption and colophon.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.22}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.14.M EN /4
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op. 70]
Series title : Felix M endelssohn B artholdy's O ratorio Elijah. The W ords
adapted from the Bible by W. B artholom ew Esqre. [...], No. 15 & N o. 18.
London : E w er & Co., N ew gate S tr e e t; B onn : N. Sim rock ; Paris : Richault.
Score ; A I
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.22}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.14.M E N /5
Text Source : [B ib le ]; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op. 70]
Series title : Felix M endelssohn B artholdy's O ratorio Elijah. The W ords
adapted from the Bible by W. B artholom ew Esqre. [...], No.28.
London : Ew er & Co., N ew gate S tr e e t; B onn : N . Sim rock ; Paris : Richault.
Local supplier : R obinson, Bussell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {ACS.SS.17}.
Score ; A I
Title page signed : {ACS.sig.16}.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.22}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.14.M E N /2
Text Source : [Bible]; [Schubring] ; Bartholomew, William [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
"Elijah" : D ouble Q uartet (Angels) N o .7
M a n u sc rip t; A I
Title inform ation from caption.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.22}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.14.M E N /6
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op. 70]
"Recit. Q uartet and Chorus" No.35.
M a n u sc rip t; A I
Title inform ation from caption. M anuscript signed “M iss M e D erm ot” :
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.22}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.13.M E N /5
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
Series title : Felix M endelssohn B artholdy's O ratorio Elijah. The W ords
adapted from the Bible by W. B artholom ew Esqre. [...], No.41.
London : Ew er & Co., N ew gate S tr e e t; B onn : N. Sim rock ; Paris : Richault.
Score ; T
A CS m arking : {ACS28} ; {ACS.lbl.20}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.13.M E N /4
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
N o.40.
M a n u sc rip t; S
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets C atalogue
Title inform ation from caption. Scrap o f paper bearing signature [Ms. M ac
M ahon] found w ithin this book : {ACS.sig. 11}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.18.M E N /4
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op.70]
N o .39.
Score ; T
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.18.M E N /3
Text Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, Op. 70]
N o.27 : Recit.
M anuscript ; T
Title inform ation from caption.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.18.M E N /2
T ext Source : [Bible] ; [Schubring] ; B artholom ew , W illiam [English adapt.].
[Elijah, O p.70]
N o.25 : Recit. E lijah / M endelssohn.
Score / M anuscript ; T
Title inform ation from caption and colophon. Score edited w ith
superim position o f handw ritten m anuscript : {ACS.fig.196}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.20}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A ntiént Concerts Society B ound Sets C atalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.36.V A R /12
[Frohe Wandersmarm, O p.75]
Series title : Orpheus. Four V ocal Q uartetts. To be sung w ithout
A ccom panim ent. C om posed by Felix M endelssohn B artholdy, B ook 17 N o.26.
The M erry W ayfarer.
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & Co., 390 O xford Street.
S c o re ; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
ACS m arking : {A C S,lbl.l5}
Parts : T1 : A C S.B S.36.1.V A R /12 ; B II : A C S.B S.36.2.V A R/12 A CS.B S.3.V A R /12
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.39.V A R /62
IFruhlingsahnung, Op. 48]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], Book 10 N o.62.
The first day o f Spring / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /62 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /62A C S.B S.39.3.V A R/62 ; B II : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /62
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.37. V A R /62
[Fruhlingsahnung, O p,48]
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f th e m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 10 N o.62.
The first day o f Spring / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /62 ; T I I : A C S.BS.37.2.V A R /62
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.37.V A R /84
Text A uthor : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Frühzeitiger Frühling, Op. 59]
Series title : O rpheus. Six V ocal Q uartetts, For tw o Trebles, Tenor & B ass (to
be sung w ithout A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to M rs.
H enrielle B enecke by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy. O p.59. The W ords by W.
Bartholom ew ., N o. 13 N o.2.
Spring Is Come.
L ondon : J. J. E w er & Co., 72 N ew gate S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Haertel.
Score ; S
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /84 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /84
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS. 19.M EN/2
T ext A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der F rem de]
Series title : M endelssohn Bartholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
Text freely adapted from the G erm an, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [ . . . ] , N o .3.
Song, Soprano : H ow oft the young have w ondered [...]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
London : Ew er & Co., 390 O xford S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Score ; S I.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.29}. R 1A M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.19.M E N /6
T ext A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der F rem de]
Series title : M endelssohn B artholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
Text freely adapted from the G erm an, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [...], N o .14.
Finale : O leave him m y Father
London : Ew er & Co., 390 O xford S tre e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Score ; C a I
Blue R educed Rate Stam p: Sixpence Per Sheet.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.29}
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.20.M EN /2
Text A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der F rem de]
Series title : M endelssohn B artholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
Text freely adapted from the Germ an, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [ . . . ] , N o.2.
D uett [sic], Sopr. & Contralto : N ow H ere N ow There [...]
London : Ew er & Co., 390 O xford S tre e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Score ; C a I
Blue R educed Rate Stamp: Sixpence Per Sheet.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.29}
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.BS.19.V A R /3
T ext A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der Frem de]
Series title : M endelssohn B artholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
Text freely adapted from the Germ an, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [ . . . ] , N o .6.
Terzette, Sopr Ten & B ar : O how w ilt thou
London : Ew er & Co., 390 O xford S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Score ; S I
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.29}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.BS.20.M EN/1
Text A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der Frem de]
Series title : M endelssohn B artholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
Text freely adapted from the G erm an, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [ . . . ] , N o .l.
R om ance for C ontralto : There Sate [...]
London : Ew er & Co., 390 O xford S tre e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Score ; C a I
Blue R educed R ate Stamp: Sixpence Per Sheet.
A CS m arking : {AC S.lbl.29}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.19.M E N /1
Text A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der Frem de]
Series title : M endelssohn Bartholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
T ext freely adapted from the G erm an, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [...], N o.2.
D uett [sic], Sopr. & Contralto : N o w H ere N o w There [...]
London : E w er & Co., 390 O xford S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Score ; S I.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.29}. R1AM m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.19.V A R /4
T ext A uthor : K lingem ann, [ K .] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der Frem de]
Series title : M endelssohn B artholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
Text freely adapted from the G erm an, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [...], N o .12.
Ballad. Sopr : The Flow ers are ringing
London : E w er & Co., 390 O xford S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. Bussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Score; S I
A CS m arking :{A CS.lbl.29}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.20.M EN /3
T ext A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der F rem de]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : M endelssohn Bartholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
Text freely adapted from the Germ an, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [...], N o.7.
Do. C ontr Bar & Bass : You w ish to breed a strife [...]
London : E w er & Co., 390 O xford S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Score ; C a I
Blue R educed Rate Stamp: Sixpence P er Sheet.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.29}
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.19.V A R /6
T ext A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der Frem de]
Series title : M endelssohn B artholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
Text freely adapted from the Germ an, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [...], N o .14.
Finale : O leave him m y father
London : E w er & Co., 390 O xford S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. Bussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Score ; S I
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.29}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.43.V A R /5
Text A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der Frem de]
Series title : M endelssohn B artholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
Text freely adapted from the G erman, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [ . . . ] , N o .13.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Chorus : W e come, we are here
L ondon : E w er & Co., 390 O xford S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Score ; S I
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.29}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.20.M E N /4
T ext A uthor : K lingem ann, [K.] ; [Chorley, F. (transl.)].
[H eim kehr aus der Frem de]
Series title : M endelssohn B artholdy's O peretta entitled Son and Stranger, The
T ext freely adapted from the G erman, o f C. K lingem ann Esqr. by Hy. Chorley,
Esqr. [ . . . ] , N o. 13.
Chorus : W e com e, we are here [...]
London : E w er & Co., 390 O xford S tre e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Co.
Local supplier : H. B ussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
Blue R educed Rate Stam p: Sixpence Per Sheet.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.29}
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.36.V A R /8
[In the Woods]
Series title : O rpheus. Five V ocal Q uartetts, To be sung w ithout
A ccom panim ent, B ook 15 No. 14.
In the w oods / M endelssohn.
London : Ew er & Co., 390 O xford Street.
Score ; T
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.15}
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.36.1.V A R / ; B I I : A C S.B S.36.2.V A R /8 A CS.B S.3.V A R/8
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.37.V A R /88
T ext A uthor : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Jagdlied[ Op. 59]
Series title : Orpheus. Six V ocal Q uartetts, For tw o Trebles, T enor & Bass (to
be sung w ithout A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to Mrs.
H enrielle Benecke by Felix M endelssohn B artholdy. O p.59. T he W ords by W.
Bartholom ew ., No. 13 N o .6.
H unting Song
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 72 N ew gate S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Plaertel.
Score ; S
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /88 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V AR/88
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.37.V A R /90
T ext A uthor : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Jager A bschied, Op. 50]
Series title : O rpheus. Six V ocal Q uartetts, For four M ale V oices (to be sung
w ithout A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to M rs. H enrielle
Benecke by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy. The W ords by W. B artholom ew
Esq., N o .14 N o .8
The H unter's Farewell.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 72 N ew gate S tr e e t; Leipzig : F. Kistner.
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : ACS.BS.37.1.VAR/90 ; T I I : ACS.BS.37.2.VAR/90
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.36.V A R /2
T ext A uthor : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Jager Abschied, Op. 50]
Series title : Orpheus. Six V ocal Q uartetts by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
The Poetry by W. B artholom ew , B ook 14 N o .8.
The H unter's Farew ell / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., N ew gate Street.
Score ; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
ACS m ark in g : {ACS.lbl.15}
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.36.1.V A R /2 ; B I I : A C S.B S.36.2.V A R /2 A CS.B S.3.V A R /2
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.36. V AR/5
T ext A uthor : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Liebe u n d Wein, Op. 50]
Series title : O rpheus. Six V ocal Q uartetts by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
The Poetry by W. Bartholom ew , B ook 14 N o .l 1.
Love A nd W ine / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., N ew gate Street.
Score ; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.15}
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.36.1.V A R /5 ; B I I : A CS.B S.36.2.V A R /5 A CS.B S.3.V A R/5
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.B S.37.V A R /93
Text A uthor : B artholom ew , W illiam
[Liebe u n d Wein, Op. 50]
Series title : O rpheus. Six V ocal Q uartetts, For four M ale V oices (to be sung
w ithout A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to Mrs. H enrielle
Benecke by Felix M endelssohn B artholdy. The W ords by W. B artholom ew
Esq., N o .14 N o .11.
Love A nd W ine
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 72 N ew gate S tr e e t; Leipzig : F. Kistner.
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.VAR/93 ; T I I : A CS.BS.37.2.V A R/93
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.22.M EN /5
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
O p.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, O p.52 [ . . . ] , N o.4.
A ll ye th at cried
Plate N o : 1044.
Score ; T
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.lbl.10}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.22.M EN /1
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia Cantata
N o .l, O p.52 [...], N o.3.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Sing ye Praises
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 69 D ean Street, Soho ; Leipzig : B reitkopf &
Hartel. Plate N o : 1025.
Local supplier : R obinson, Bussell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {ACS.SS.3}.
S c o re ; T
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.lbl.10}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.22.M E N /2
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, O p.52 [...], N o.4.
A ll ye that cried
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 69 D ean Street, Soho ; Leipzig : B reitkopf &
Hartel. Plate No : 1025.
Local supplier : R obinson, Bussell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {ACS.SS.3}.
Score ; T
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.lbl.10}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.22.M EN /4
[Lobgesang, O p.52]
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, Op.52 [...], N o.2.
A ll m en all things [...]
Plate N o : 1044.
Score ; T
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.lbl.10}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.21.M E N /3
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
O p.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, O p.52 [ . . . ] , N o.4.
All ye that cried
Plate N o : 1044.
S c o re ; S
Back cover signed “Mr. R obinson, 3 U pper Fitzw illiam St” : {ACS.sig.6}.
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. R IA M m ark in g : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.21.M E N /8
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
I w aited for the Lord : D uett [sic], from A H ym n o f Praise, Sym phonia
C antata N o .l / by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 69 D ean Street, Soho. Plate N o : 1025.
Score ; S
Back cover signed “Mr. R obinson, 3 U pper Fitzw illiam St” : {ACS.sig.6}.
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.21.M E N /7
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
N o .l Sinfonia : H ym n o f Praise / M endelssohn.
Plate N o : 1025.
Score ; S
Back cover signed “M r. R obinson, 3 U pper Fitzw illiam St” : {ACS.sig.6}.
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.21.M E N /6
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello’s Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia Cantata
N o .l, Op.52 [...], N o .10.
Y e nations offer to the Lord : (Chorus)
Plate N o : 1044.
Score ; S
B ack cover signed “M r. R obinson, 3 U pper Fitzw illiam St” : {ACS.sig.6}.
A CS m arking : {ACS5}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.21.M EN /5
[Lobgesang, Op.52]
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, Op.52 [ . . . ] , N o.8.
Let all m en praise the Lord : (Chorale)
Plate No : 1044.
B ack cover signed “M r. R obinson, 3 U pper Fitzw illiam St” : {ACS.sig.6}.
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.21.M EN /4
[Lobgesang, O p.52]
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, Op.52 [...], No.7.
The night is departing : (Chorus)
Plate N o : 1044.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
S c o re ; S
B ack cover signed “Mr. Robinson, 3 U pper Fitzw illiam St” : {ACS.sig.6}.
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.22.M E N /3
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, O p.52 [...], No.6.
The Sorrows o f D eath
London : J. A lfred Novello, 69 D ean Street, Soho ; Leipzig : B reitkopf &
H artel. Plate N o : 1025.
Local supplier : R obinson, Bussell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {ACS.SS.3}.
Score ; T
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.lbl.10}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.21.M E N /3
[Lobgesang, O p.52]
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia Cantata
N o .l, Op.52 [...], N o .7.
The night is departing : (Chorus)
Plate N o : 1044.
B ack cover signed “Mr. R obinson, 3 U pper Fitzw illiam St” : {ACS.sig.6}.
A CS m arking : {ACS5}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.22.M E N /6
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello's E dition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
O p.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, O p.52 [...], No.5.
I w aited for the L ord : (D uet and Chorus)
Plate N o : 1044.
Score ; T
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.lbl.10}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.21.M EN /2
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello's E dition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
O p.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, Op.52 [...], N o.2.
All m en all things [...]
Plate N o : 1044.
Score ; S
Back cover signed “M r. Robinson, 3 U pper Fitzw illiam St” : {ACS.sig.6}.
A CS m arking : {ACS5}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.BS.21.M EN /1
[Lobgesang, O p.52]
Series title : N ovello's E dition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia Cantata
N o .l, Op.52 [...], N o.2.
A ll m en all things [...]
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 69 D ean Street, Soho ; Leipzig : B reitkopf &
Hartel. Plate N o : 1025.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Local supplier : R obinson, Bussell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {ACS.SS.3}.
Score ; S
Back cover signed “Mr. R obinson, 3 U pper Fitzw illiam St” : {ACS.sig.6}.
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.22.M EN /9
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello's E dition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
O p.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, O p.52 [...], N o .10.
Ye nations offer to the Lord : (Chorus)
Plate N o : 1044.
Score ; T
A CS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.lbl.10}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.22.M E N /8
[Lobgesang, Op. 52]
Series title : N ovello's E dition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
Op.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, Op.52 [ . . . ] , N o.8.
Let all m en praise th e L ord : (Chorale)
Plate N o : 1044.
Score ; T
A CS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.lbl.10}. RIAM m arking : {ACS.RLAM .l}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.22.M EN /7
[Lobgesang, Op.52]
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy,
O p.52. Selections from M endelssohn's H ym n o f Praise Sym phonia C antata
N o .l, O p.52 [...], N o.7.
The night is departing : (Chorus)
Plate N o : 1044.
S c o re ; T
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.lbl.10}. R IA M m arking : {ACS.R1AM.1}.
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.39.V A R /76
[L ord have m ercy]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m o st adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], B ook 1 2 N o .76.
Lord have m ercy / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /76 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /76 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /76 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /76
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.B S.37.V A R /76
[L ord have m ercy]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B ook 1 2 N o .76.
Lord have m ercy / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
R IA M m arking : {ACS.R1AM.1}.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Parts : T 1: ACS.BS.37.1.VAR/76 ; T I I : ACS.BS.37.2.VAR/76
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.37.V A R /86
Text A uthor : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Nachtigall, Op. 59]
Series title : Orpheus. Six V ocal Q uartetts, For tw o Trebles, Tenor & Bass (to
be sung w ithout A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to M rs.
H enrielle Benecke by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy. O p.59. The W ords by W.
Bartholom ew ., N o .13 N o.4.
The N ightingale
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 72 N ew gate S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Haertel.
Score ; S
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /86 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /86
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.23.M EN /2
[Psalm 114. Op. 51]
"W hen Israel O ut o f Egypt Came" : Psalm 114 / by Felix M endelssohn
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.c.13}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : S : A C S.B S.23.1.M EN /2 - A C S.B S.23.9.M EN /2 ; A :
A C S .B S .23.10.M EN /2 -A C S .B S .2 3 .2 1 .M E N /2 ; T : A C S .B S .23.22.M E N /2A C S.B S.23.31.M EN /2 ; B : A C S.B S.23.32.M EN /2 - A CS.B S.23.40.M EN /2
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.24.M EN /3
[Psalm 114. Op. 51]
N ovello's E dition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn B artholdy. W hen Israel
O ut O f Egypt Cam e : The 114th psalm , for Chorus (8 parts) and O rchestra /
C om posed by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy. The A ccom panim ent A rranged
for the O rgan or Piano Forte, by the C om poser and D edicated to the H alifax
Choral Society.
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 69 D ean Street, Soho.
Local supplier : R obinson, B ussell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {ACS.SS.3}.
Score ; C horus 8 w , orch
Score signed : {ASC.fig.72}.
Parts : B : A CS.B S.24.4.M EN /3
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.23.M E N /3
T ext A uthor : B all, W illiam [English adapt.]
[Psalm 114. Op. 51]
"Not U nto U s O Lord" / A dapted to English W ords by W m. Ball. Com posed
by F. M endelssohn Bartholdy.
London : J. H edgley, N o. 12 Ebury Street, Pimlico.
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.c.13}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : S : A C S.B S.23.1.M EN /3 - A CS.B S.23.9.M EN /3 ; A :
A C S .B S .23.10.M EN /3 - A C S.BS.23.21.M EN /3 ; T : A C S.BS.23.22.M EN /3 A C S.B S.23.31.M EN /3 ; B : A C S.B S.23.32.M EN /3 - A CS.BS.23.40.M EN /3
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.24.M EN /4
Text A uthor : Ball, W illiam [English adapt.]
[Psalm 155. Op. 31]
"Not U nto Us, O Lord!" : Psalm / The English W ords A dapted to the Original
M usic by W illiam B all, C om posed by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
L ondon : J. H edgley, 12 Ebury Strand, Pimlico.
Score ; Chorus, accomp.
Score signed : {ASC.fig.72}.
Parts : B : A C S.BS.24.4.M EN /3
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.24.M EN /2
T ext A uthor : Ball, W illiam [English adapt.]
[Psalm 155. Op. 31]
N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy, Op.46. Come
Let U s Sing : 95th psalm / Set to m usic by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
London : J. Alfred N ovello, 69 D ean Street, Soho ; Leipzig : B reitkopf and
Hartel. Plate N o : 1060.
Local supplier : Robinson, B ussell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D ublin : {ACS.SS.3}.
Score ; SSAA TTB B, p f
Score signed : {ASC.fig.72}.
Parts : B : A CS.BS.24.4.M EN /3
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.BS.23.M EN/1
T ext A uthor : Ball, W illiam [English adapt.]
[Psalm 155. Op. 31]
O C om e Let Us W orship : The 95th Psalm / F. M endelssohn Bartholdy.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
L ondon : J. A lfred N ovello, 69 D ean Street, Soho. Plate N o : 113.
A CS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS.c.13}. RIAM m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : S : A CS.BS.23.1.M EN /1 - A CS.BS.23.9.M EN /1 ; A :
A C S .B S .23.10.MEN/3 - A C S.B S.23.21.M EN/1 ; T : A CS.BS.23.22.M EN /1 A C S.B S.23.31.M EN/1 ; B : A CS.BS.23.32.M EN /1 - ACS.BS.23.40.M EN /1
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A CS.BS.24.M EN/1
A rranger : N ovello, J. Alfred.
[Psalm 42. Op. 42]
N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f Felix M endelssohn B artholdy, O p.42. As
Pants The H a r t : The 42nd Psalm / Set to m usic by Felix M endelssohn
Bartholdy, the accom panim ent for the piano forte arranged by the author.
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 69 D ean Street, Soho ; Leipzig : B reitkopf and
Hartel. Plate N o : 5900.
Local supplier : R obinson, B ussell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {ACS.SS.3}.
Score ; Chorus, p f
D ate : 1829 (ACS). Score signed : {ASC.fig.72}.
A CS m arking : {ACS12}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l} ;
{ACS.RIAM .7}. B inders m arking : {A C S.b.l}.
Copies : A C S .2 4 .1.M EN/1 - A CS.24.3.M EN /1
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.BS.39.V A R /72
[Recom pense]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
C om posers [...], B ook 11 N o .72.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
The Recom pense / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T 1 : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /72 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /72 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R/72 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R/72
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.37/VAR/72
[Recom pense]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], B ook 11 N o.72.
The Recom pense / M endelssohn.
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /72 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /72
M endelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
A C S.B S.37/VAR/87
Text A uthor : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Ruhethal, Op. 59]
Series title : Orpheus. Six V ocal Quartetts, For tw o Trebles, Tenor & Bass (to
be sung w ithout A ccom panim ents.) Com posed and D edicated to Mrs.
H enrielle B enecke by Felix M endelssohn Bartholdy. O p.59. The W ords by W.
Bartholom ew ., N o. 13 N o .5.
The V ale o f Rest.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 72 N ew gate S tr e e t; Leipzig : B reitkopf & Haertel.
Score ; S
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /87 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /87
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
ACS.BS.36. VAR/6
Text Author : Bartholom ew, W illiam .
[Spring's Journey]
Series title : Orpheus. S ix V ocal Quartetts by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
The Poetry by W. Bartholom ew , B ook 14 N o . 12.
Spring's Journey / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., N ew gate Street.
Score ; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.15}
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .36.1.V A R /6 ; B I I : A C S .B S .3 6 .2 .V A R /6 A C S .B S .3. V A R /6
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
Text Author : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Spring's Journey]
Series title : Orpheus. S ix V ocal Quartetts, For four M ale V o ices (to be sung
without A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to Mrs. H enrielle
B enecke by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy. The W ords by W. Bartholom ew
Esq., N o .14 N o .12.
Spring's Journey.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 72 N ew gate S tr ee t; L eipzig : F. Kistner.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /94 ; T I I : A C S .B S .3 7 .2 .V A R /94
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
ACS.BS.37. VAR/91
T ext Author : Bartholom ew, W illiam
[Summer Song]
Series title : Orpheus. S ix V ocal Quartetts, For four M ale V o ic e s (to be sung
w ithout A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to Mrs. H enrielle
B enecke b y F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy. The W ords b y W . Bartholom ew
Esq., N o .14 N o .9.
Sum m er Song.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 72 N ew gate S tr ee t; L eip zig : F. Kistner.
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /91 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /91
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
T ext Author : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Summer Song]
Series title : Orpheus. S ix V ocal Quartetts by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
The Poetry b y W . B artholom ew , B ook 14 N o.9.
Sum m er S ong / M endelssohn,
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & C o., N ew gate Street.
S core; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.15}
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .36.1.V A R /3 ; B I I : A C S .B S .36.2.V A R /3 A C S.B S .3.V A R /3
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
[Tell me not]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .55.
A h, tell m e not / F.M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /55 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /55 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /55 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /55
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
ACS.BS.37. VAR/55
[Tell me not]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .55.
Ah, tell m e not / F .M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local supplier : R obinson, B u ssell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D ublin : {A C S .S S .3 }.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1 .V A R /55 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /55
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
Text Author : Bartholom ew, W illiam .
[Turkish Drinking Song]
Series title : Orpheus. Six V ocal Quartetts by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
The Poetry by W. Bartholom ew, B ook 14 N o .7.
Turkish Drinking Song / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., N ew gate Street.
Score ; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.15}
Parts : B I: A C S .B S .36.1.V A R /1 ; B II: A C S .B S .36.2.V A R /1 A C S .B S .36.3. V A R/1
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
Text Author : Bartholom ew, W illiam
[Turkish Drinking Song]
Series title : Orpheus. Six V ocal Quartetts, For four M ale V o ices (to be sung
without A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to Mrs. H enrielle
B enecke by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy. The W ords by W. Bartholom ew
Esq., N o. 14 N o .7.
Turkish Drinking Song
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 72 N ew gate S tr ee t; L eipzig : F. Kistner.
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1 .V A R /8 9 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /89
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
[Verleih' uns Frieden]
N ovello's Edition o f the W orks o f F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy. D a Pacem
D om ine, Grant U s Thy Peace : M otett, Prayer, For Four V o ices / Com posed
and Arranged by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 69 D ean Street, Soho ; L eipzig : B reitkopf and
Score ; Chorus, accom p.
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
T ext Author : Bartholom ew , W illiam
Series title : Orpheus. S ix V ocal Quartetts by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy.
The Poetry by W. Bartholom ew , B ook 14 N o .10.
The V oyage / M endelssohn.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., N ew gate Street.
Score ; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.15}
Parts : B A SS I: A C S .B S .3 6 .1 .V A R /4 ; B A S S II: A C S .B S .36.2.V A R /4 A C S .B S .36.3. V A R /4
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
Text Author : Bartholom ew , W illiam
Series title : Orpheus. S ix V ocal Quartetts, For four M ale V oices (to be sung
w ithout A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to Mrs. H enrielle
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
B enecke by F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy. The W ords by W . Bartholom ew
Esq., N o .14 N o .10.
The V oyage
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., 72 N ew gate S tr e e t; L eipzig : F. Kistner.
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /92 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /92
Mendelssohn, Felix, 1809-1847
Text Author : Bartholom ew , W illiam
[Woods, Op. 59]
Series title : Orpheus. Six V ocal Quartetts, For tw o Trebles, Tenor & B ass (to
be sung without A ccom panim ents.) C om posed and D edicated to Mrs.
H enrielle B enecke b y F elix M endelssohn Bartholdy. O p.59. The W ords by W.
Bartholom ew., N o. 13 N o .l.
The W oods
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 72 N ew gate S tr ee t; L eipzig : B reitkopf & Haertel.
Score ; S
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /83 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /83
[Morley, Thomas, 1557/58-1602]
[Filli morir vorei]
Phillis I fain w ou ld die.
M anuscript; (page 42 )
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S.lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 .V A R /1 7 -A C S .B S .3 5 .3 .V A R /1 7 ; S II :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /17 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /17 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /17 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /17 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /17 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.9.Y A R /17 - A C S .B S .35.11.V A R /17 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.12.V A R /17 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /17 ; B I :
A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /17 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /17 ; B II :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /17 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /17
Morley, Thomas, 1557/58-1602
[Piacer, gioia]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & S ix V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W . H aw es [ ...] , N o .30.
W hen saith m y dainty darling
London : W . H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 983.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 166)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Morley, Thomas, 1557/58-1602]
[Questa dolce sirena]
M y bonny lass she sm ileth.
M anuscript; (page 38)
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 .V A R /1 6 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /16 ; S II :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /16 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /16 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /16 ;
A l l : A C S .B S .3 5 .7 .V A R /1 6 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /16 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .9 .V A R /1 6 -A C S .B S .3 5 .11.'V A R /16 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .12.V A R /16 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 5.V A R /16 ; B I :
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /16 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /16 ; B II :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /16 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /16
[Morley, Thomas, 1557/58-1602]
[Se ben mi c ’ha bon tempo]
N o w is the m onth o f M aying.
Manuscript ; (page 3)
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V A R /2 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /2 ; S II :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /2 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /2 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /2 ; A
II : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /2 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /2 ; T I : A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /2 A C S .B S .3 5 .il.V A R /2 ; T I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 2 .V A R /2 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /2 ;
B I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 6 .V A R /2 - A C S .B S .3 5 .18.V A R /2 ; B II :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /2 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /2
Morley, Thomas, 1557/58-1602
[Se ben mi c 'ha bon tempo]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
N o w is the m onth o f m aying
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 147)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Morley, Thomas, 1557/58-1602
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & S ix V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o .17.
Fire! Fire!
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 824.
Score ; Chorus 5vv, (page 86)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Morley, Thomas, 1557/58-1602]
Fire, Fire.
M anuscript; (page 5)
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V A R /3 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /3 ; S I I :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /3 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /3 - A C S.B S .35.6.V A R /3 ; A
I I : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /3 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /3 ; T I : A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /3 A C S .B S .3 5 .1 1.V A R /3 ; T I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 2 .V A R /3 -A C S .B S .3 5 .1 5. V A R /3 ;
B I : A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /3 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 8.'V A R /3 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .35 .1 9 .V A R /3 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /3
Morley, Thomas, 1557/58-1602
[Vezzosette ninfe]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & S ix V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o.4.
Dainty, fine sw eet nym ph
London : W . H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 792.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 22)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. R IA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of, 1735-1781
[Bird o f eve]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
O Bird O f Eve, Earl O f M ornington; & B eviam o Tutti Tre, Giardini.
Score ; SA TTB, p f (page 69)
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 8 }.
Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of, 1735-1781
[Bird o f eve]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
O, bird o f eve.
London : Robert C ocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 1)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of, 1735-1781
[B ird o f eve]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, R ounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [ ...]
O Bird O f Eve, Earl O f M ornington; & B eviam o Tutti Tre, Giardini.
Score ; SA TTB , p f (page 25)
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 8}.
Moscheies, Ignaz, 1794-1870
[Merry M ay]
Series title : Robert C ocks & Co.'s H and-Book o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited by Joseph Warren.
Merry M ay
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, Marshall, and
Score ; (page 73)
Title inform ation from contents page. Date : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 2 5 }.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
Text Author : [Da Ponte]
[Cosi fan tutte, K.588]
D i scriverm i ogni giorno : A Favorite Quintet, In the Opera o f C osi Fan Tutte /
C om posed by Mozart.
London : Rt. Birchall, N o . 140 N e w B ond Street.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
L ocal supplier : H. B u ssell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
{A C S .S S .5 }.
Score ; Chorus 5vv, p f
Title inform ation from caption.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
Text Author : [Da Ponte]
[Co si fan tutte, K.588]
A lla bella D espinctta : Sestetto, In The Opera o f C osi Fan Tutte / Com posed
by Mozart.
London : Rt. Birchall, N o . 140 N e w Bond Street.
Local supplier : H. B u ssell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
{A C S .S S .5 }.
Score ; Chorus, p f
Title inform ation from caption.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
T ext Author : [Da Ponte]
[ Cosi fan tutte, K.588]
Sento, Oh D io : Quintetto, In the Opera o f C osi Fan Tutte / C om posed by
London : Cramer, B eale & C o., 201 R egent Street and 67 Conduit Street. Plate
N o : 3560.
Local supplier : H. B u ssell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65], D ublin :
{A C S .S S .5 }.
S c o r e ; Chorus, p f
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 7 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
Text Author : [Gebier, T.P.]
[Thamos, König in Ägypten, K.345 / 336a (K6)]
H ym ne, Preiss dir! Gottheit! durch alle H im m el etc : (Splendente te, D eus etc.)
für vier Singstim m en m it B egleitung des Orchesters / von W. A . Mozart.
Partitur N o.I.
L eipzig : B reitkopf & Hartei.
Local supplier : Robinson, B u ssell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3}.
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}. Other stamp :
A C S .S S .ll.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
[Thamos, König in Ägypten, K 3 4 5 / 336a (K6)]
M otette, Ob fürchterlich tobend sich Sturme erheben etc : (N e pulvis et cinis
superbe etc.) für vier Singstim m en m it B egleitung des Orchesters / von W. A.
Mozart. Partitur N o.II.
L eipzig : B reitkopf & H a r te i: {A C S.pub.9}.
L ocal supplier : R obinson, B u sseil and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3}.
M an u scrip t; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 5}. R IA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}. Other stamp :
A C S .S S .ll.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791
[Thamos, König in Ägypten, K.345 / 336a (K6)]
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Partitur N o .Ill
L eipzig : B reitkopf & H a rtel: {A C S.pub.9}.
L ocal supplier : Robinson, B u ssell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3}.
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 5}. RIAM marking : (A C S .R IA M .l). Other stamp :
A C S .S S .ll.
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o .24.
M aying / M uller.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /24 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /24 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /2 4 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /24
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o.24.
M aying / M uller.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local supplier : R obinson, B u ssell and R obinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3}.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
RIAM marking: {ACS.RIAM.l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1 .V A R /2 4 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /24
[On fragrant M yrtles]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 5 N o.26.
On fragrant M yrtles / M uller.
London : J. J, E w er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /26 ; T II : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /26
[ On fragrant M yrtles]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 5 N o.26.
On fragrant M yrtles / M uller.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S m arking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1 .V A R /2 6 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /26 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /2 6 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /26
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Muller, J. G.
Series title : Orpheus, Book 30 N o.27.
Serenade / J.G. Muller.
Score ; B 1
AC S m ark in g: {A C S.lb l.15}
Parts : B I: A C S .B S .36.1.V A R /19 ; B II: A C S .B S .36.2.V A R /19 A C S .B S .36.3. V A R /19
[In felice]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , Book 7 N o.42.
In felice / Naumann.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
Com poser m ay be Johann G ottlieb (1 741-1801), Em il (1 827-1888), or Ernst
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /42 ; B I : A C S .B S .3 9 .2 .V A R /4 2 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /42 ; B II : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /42
ACS.BS.37. VAR/42
[In felice]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired G ennan
Com posers [ ...] , Book 7 N o.42.
In felice / Naumann.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Com poser m ay be Ernst (1832-1910), Em il (18 2 7 -1 8 8 8 ), or Johann Gottlieb
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /42 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /42
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 12 N o .81.
The Com plaint / F.Otto.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /81 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /81
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 12 N o.81.
The Com plaint / F.Otto.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S . B S . 3 9 . 1.V A R / 8 1 ; B I : A C S .B S .3 9 .2 .V A R / 8 1 A C S . B S . 3 9 . 3.V A R / 8 1 ; B I I : A C S .B S .3 9 .4 .V A R / 8 1
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
ACS.BS.39. VAR/77
[Hope and Fear]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 2 N o .77.
H ope & Fear / F.Otto.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1.V A R /77 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /77 A C S .B S .3 9 .3.V A R /77 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /77
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
[Hope and Fear]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 2 N o .77.
H ope & Fear / F.Otto.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1 .V A R /7 7 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /77
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o .2 1 .
Parting / Otto.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Anlient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
A C S m a rkin g : { A C S .lb l.3 6 } ; { A C S 5 } ; { A C S 5 8 } ; { A C S 6 } .
Parts : T 1: A C S .B S .3 9 .1 .V A R /2 1 B 1 : A C S .B S .3 9 .2 .V A R /2 1
A C S.B S .39.3.V A R /21 B II : A C S.B S .39.4.V A R /21
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , Book 9 N o.61.
Parting / F.Otto.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
AC S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1 .VAR/61 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /61 A C S.B S .39.3 .VAR/61 ; B II : A C S.B S .39.4.V A R /61
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
ACS.BS.3 7. VAR/21
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o .2 1 .
Parting / Otto.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local su p p lier: R obinson, B u ssell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [18364 3 ], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3 }.
RIA M m a rk in g : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
P a r t s : T I : A C S . B S . 3 7 . 1 . V A R / 2 1 ; T I I : A C S .B S .3 7 .2 .V A R / 2 1
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 9 N o .61.
Parting / F.Otto.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., 72 N ew gate Street, from B o w Church.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /61 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /61
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .52.
The Riflem an / F.Otto.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6} ; {A C S.lb l.36}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S .39.1 .V A R /52 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /52 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /52 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /52
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 8 N o .52.
The R iflem an / F.Otto.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
L ocal supplier : Robinson, B u ssell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3}.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /52 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /52
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o .22.
O! Sanctissim a / Otto.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /22 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /22 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /22 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /22
Otto, Franz, 1806-1842
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 4 N o.22.
O! Sanctissim a / Otto.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
L ocal supplier : R obinson, B u ssell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {A C S .S S .3 }.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
R I A M m a rkin g : { A C S . R I A M . l } .
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /22 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /22
Paxton, Stephen, 1734-1787
[Breathe soft ye winds]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [ ...]
W hen Tim e W as Entwining, C allcott & Breathe Soft Y e W inds, Paxton.
London : M usical bouquet office, 192 H igh H olbom , W . Strange, 21
Paternoster R ow .
Score ; (page 25)
Title inform ation from caption.
Paxton, Stephen, 1734-1787
[Breathe soft ye winds]
Series title : The Standard G lee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Eminent
Com posers [ ...]
W hen Tim e W as Entw ining, Callcott & Breathe Soft Y e W inds, Paxton.
London : M usical bouquet office, 192 H igh H olbom , W. Strange, 21
Paternoster R ow .
Score ; A T B , p f (page 1)
Title inform ation from caption.
Paxton, Stephen, 1734-1787
[How Sweet, How Fresh This Vernal Day]
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Robert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including many original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [ ...] Edited b y Joseph Warren.
H ow sweet! h ow fresh! this vernal day
London : Robert Cocks & C o., N e w Burlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 157)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 25}.
Pohlenz, [Christian August, fl. 1827-43]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 1 0 N o .65.
Bacchanalian / Pohlenz.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /65 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /65
Pohlenz, [Christian August, fl. 1827—43]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 10 N o .65.
Bacchanalian / Pohlenz.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6}.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1 .V A R / 6 5 ; B I : A C S . B S . 3 9 . 2 . V A R / 6 5 A C S.B S.3 9 .3 .V A R / 6 5 ; B I I : A C S.B S .3 9 .4 .V A R / 6 5
Pohlenz, [Christian August, fl. 1827-43]
[Huntsman's Song]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 0 N o .67.
Huntsman's Song / Pohlenz.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /67 ; T i l : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /67
Pohlenz, [Christian August, fl. 1827—43]
[Huntsman's Song]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 1 0 N o .67.
Huntsman's Song / Pohlenz.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6} ; {A C S .lb l.36}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /67 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /67 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /67 ; B II : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /67
Pohlenz, [Christian August, fl. 1827-43]
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .44.
The Sw allow s / Pohlentz fsicj.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /44 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /44 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /44 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R 744
Pohlenz, [Christian August, fl. 1827-43]
ACS.BS.37. VAR/44
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .4 4 .
The Sw allow s / Pohlentz [sic].
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /44 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /44
Pohlenz, [Christian August, fl. 1827—43]
[Twine ye Roses]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 5 N o .2 8 .
Tw ine y e R oses / Pohlentz [sic].
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
R I A M m a rkin g : { A C S . R I A M . l } .
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /28 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /28
Pohlenz, [Christian August, jl. 1827^3]
[Twine ye Roses]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 5 N o .2 8 .
Tw ine ye R oses / Pohlentz [sic],
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
Com poser m ay be Pohlenz, Christian. A. (jl. 182 7 -4 3 ).
A C S marking : {A C S.lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9.1.V A R /28 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /28 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /28 ; B II : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /28
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : Patrick ; N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[All ye people, clap your hands, Z 138]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .64.
O A ll Y e People, Clap Your Hands : A Hymn for 4 V o ices, 2 Trebles, Tenor
and B ass / Dr. Patrick's version. From a rare and unpublished M .S. in the
p ossession the R evd. James P [ ...?].
[London] : [J. A lfred N o v ello ], [67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe.] ;
[York], [Mr. J. R obinson], [Stonegate],
Score ; TrTrTB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
ACS.BS.28.P UR/45
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello, N o .72.
Canon 4 in 2 : A lleluia for 4 voices. R ecte and retro / From a M .S. in the
p ossession o f the Revd. Joshua D ix o f Faversham.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; CtCtBB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Arise my dark'ned melancholy soul]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .62.
A rise M y Dark'ned M elancholy Soul / From an unpublished M .S. in the
p ossession o f the editor, from the collection o f S. G [.. .?]bridge Esqr.
London : J. A lfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; T, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : Norris, W illiam , c l6 6 9 -1 7 0 2
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Aspiration, Z 189]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .59.
The Aspiration / The words by Mr. N orton [ ...] From the copy preserved in
the 'Harmonia Sacra', b k .l page 98.
Antienl Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson.
Score ; Chorus, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : C ow ley, Mr. [adapt.]
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Awake, and with attention hear, Z 181]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .56.
A w ake! And with attention hear, solo for a bass v o ice / The 34th chapter o f
Isaiah, paraphrased by Mr. C ow ley. From the copy [...? ] to Playford's
'Harmonia Sacra', b k .l page [...? ].
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
S c o r e ; B , org
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Be merciful unto me, Z 4]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .31.
B e M erciful Unto M e O G od : V erse Anthem for 3 V o ices, Contra Tenor,
Tenor & B ass ; and Chorus for 4 V o ices / From the copy preserved by Dr.
B oyce in his "Cathedral Music" v ol 2nd., page 276.
London : N o .66 Great Q ueen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
Robinson, Stonegate : {A C S.pub .10}.
Score ; CtTB
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[Beati omnes qui timent Dominum, Z 131]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.71.
Beati O m nes Qui Tim ent D om inum : A Latin Psalm for 4 V oices, 2 Trebles,
Contra Tenor & B ass / From a very rare and unpublished M .S. in the
p ossession o f the Revd. James Pears o f Bath.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
S c o r e ; TrTrAB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Behold, I bring you glad tidings, Z 2]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .25.
B ehold I Bring Y ou Glad Tidings : Christmas Anthem , Verse Anthem for 3
V o ices and Chorus four V o ices with Instruments / From an extrem ely rare &
unpublished M . S. [...? ] p ossession o f Mr. Greatorex [?] Orgel o f W est Abbey
by w h ose kind [...? ] perm ission [...? ].
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , N o .69 D ean Street, Soho Square ; York : Mr. J.
Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, orch (page 1)
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 15} ; {A C S 6 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Behold, now, praise the Lord, Z 3]
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .29.
B ehold N o w Praise The Lord : V erse Anthem for 3 V o ices and Chorus for 4
V o ices and Instruments / From an unpublished score in Purcell's ow n hand­
writing, in the p ossession o f the Revd. Joshua D ix o f F [.
London, N o .66 Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
R obinson, Stonegate : {AC S.pub. 10}.
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 5}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Blessed be the Lord, my strength, Z 6]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .34.
B lessed B e The Lord M y Strength : V erse Anthem for 3 V oices, A lto, Tenor
and B ass, and Chorus for 4 V o ices / From an unpublished M .S. form erly in the
possn. o f John B u sw ell M us Doct.
London, N o .66 Great Queen Street, L incolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
R obinson, Stonegate : {A C S.pub .10}.
Score ; Chorus 7vv
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Blessed is he that considereth the poor, Z 7]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.45.
B lessed Is H e That Considereth The Poor : A V erse A nthem for Contra-tenor,
Tenor and B ass / From a copy preserved in the 'Harmonia Sacra' publised by
W alsh.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; CtTB, org
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 15).
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is fo rg iv ’n, Z 8]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .42.
B lessed Is H e W hose U nrighteousness Is Forgiv'n : A V erse A nthem for 6
V oices, and Chorus / From an extrem ely rare and unpublishd. M .S. preserved
in the F itzw illiam M usm . Cambridge.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrCtTTB, org
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (A C S).
AC S marking : (A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, Z 9]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.47.
B lessed Is The M an That Feareth The Lord, : Funeral Anthem . V erse Anthem
for three V oices, Counter Tenor, Tenor & Bass / From an unpublished M .S.
preserved in the British M useum , Harlean [?] colln. n o.7350.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; CtTB, org
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (A C S).
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
A C S m a rkin g : { A C S 1 5 } .
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : Tate, Nahum , 1652-1715
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Blessed Virgin's Expostulation, Z 196]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v e llo , N o .61.
The B lessed Virgin's Expostulation : W hen Our Saviour (at 12 years o f age)
had withdrawn him self, &c / W ords b y Nat: Tate Esqr. From Playford's
'Harmonia Sacra', bk.2 page 4. N o .61
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
[Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695]
T ext Author : [Fletcher, John]
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Bonduca, Z 574]
To arms
M anuscript
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S .lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .3 5 .l.V A R /2 6 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /26 ; S II :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /26 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /26 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /26 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .3 5 .7 .V A R /26 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /26 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .9 .V A R /2 6 -A C S .B S .3 5 .11.V A R /26 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .12.V A R /26 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /26 ; B I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 6 .V A R /2 6 - A C S .B S .3 5 .18.V A R /26 ; B II :
A C S .B S .3 5 .19.V A R /26 - A C S .B S .3 5.22. V A R /26
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[Bow down thine ear, O Lord, Z 11]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .52.
B o w D ow n Thine Ear O Lord And Hear M e : A V erse Anthem for Four
V o ices / From a very rare and unpublished M .S. preserved in the Fitzw illiam
M useum at Cambridge.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , org
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Burford, Z 125]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .72.
Psalm tune : Burford.
L ondon : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtTB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Additional com poser : Croft, W illiam , 1678-1727.
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Burial Service, Z 27]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.47.
Antienl Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
C onclusion To The Funeral Service : A ppendix / C om posed by Dr. Croft [?]
from the 'M usica Sacra', v o l.l page 183.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , org
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : (A C S 15).
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Burial Service, Z 27]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited b y V incent N o v ello , N o .47.
Thou K now est Lord The Secrets O f Our Hearts : Part o f the Burial Service, for
four V oices / From an unpublished M .S. preserved in the British M useum ,
Harlean (?) colln. n o .7350.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtTB, org
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S m arking: {A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Additional com poser : Raylton, W illiam , 1688-1757.
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Burial Service, Z 27]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o vello, N o.47.
First Part O f The Burial Service : A ppendix to N o .4 7 o f Purcell's Sacred
M usic / C om posed by W. Rayton from the original M .S. w hich has never
before been published.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : J. A lfred N o vello, 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrATB, org
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Additional com poser : H um frey, Pelham , 1647/5-1674.
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[By the waters o f Babylon]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.44.
B y The W aters O f B abylon : V erse A nthem for 3 V o ices, and Chorus 4 V oices
/ C om posed by Pelham Humphries & H enry Purcell [...].
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 7 w , org
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 5 }.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A dditional com poser : K ing, Charles, 1687-1748.
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Close thine eyes and sleep secure, Z 184]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .57.
U pon A Q uiet C onscience / B y K ing Charles, the 1st. O f blessed memory.
From the copy preserved by Playford's 'Harmonia Sacra', bk:l page 41 [?].
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 2 w , accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[Consider my adversity, Z 32]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.51.
O Consider M y A dversity : A V erse Anthem for 3 V o ices, A lto, Tenor &
Bass, w ith Chorus for 4 V oices / From a very rare and unpublished
M .S.contained in the choir books belonging to York Minister.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 7 w , org
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
ACS.BS.28.P UR/23
Text Author : Fuller
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Divine Hymn]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .63.
A D ivine Hym n / The words by Dr. Fuller, B ishop o f Lincoln. From the copy
preserved in Playford's 'Harmonia Sacra', bk.2 page 1.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Divine song, Z 192]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .61.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
D ivine Song : On the passion o f our Saviour / From the copy preserved in
Playford's 'Harmonia Sacra', bk.2 page 9.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
T ext Author : [Patrick, J.]
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Early, O Lord, my fainting soul, Z 132]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .69.
Early, O Lord, M y Fainting S o u l : H ym n for 4 V oices, 3 Trebles, Contra
Tenor, and B ass / From an unpublished M .S. in the p ossession o f the Revd.
James Pears o f Bath.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrCtB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Evening Hymn on a Ground, Z 193]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .56.
Evening H ym n / From the 'Harmonia Sacra' vol: 2nd. page 23.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, org.
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
T ext Author : [Sandys, G.]
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Few and fu ll o f sorrow, Z 130]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .69.
Ah! F ew And Full O f Sorrows : H ym n for 4 V o ices / From Dr. Patrick's
version. From an exceedingly rare and unpublished M .S. in the possession o f
the Revd. James Pears o f Bath.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTAB, accom p.
Title information from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Give thanks unto the Lord, Z 33]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v e llo , N o .37.
O G ive Thanks : V erse A nthem for Four V oices, w ith Chorus / From a copy
preserved by Dr. B o y ce in his Cathedral M usic v o l.3, page 281.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate : {A C S .p u b .l}.
Score ; Chorus, org
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 2}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Gloria Patri et Filio]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .72.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Canon, 4 in 1 / From a very rare and unpublished M .S. in the p ossession o f the
Revd. Joshua D ix o f Faversham.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtTB, org
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Gloria Patri et FilioJ
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .72.
Canon, 4 in 1 : Arsin per Thesin / From a very rare and unpublished M .S. in
the p ossession o f the Revd. Joshua D ix o f Faversham.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrTB, org
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Gloria Patri et Filio, Z 104]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.72.
Canon 3 in 1 : Gloria Patri, in G m inor for a Treble, Contra Tenor, and B ass /
From a M .S. in the p ossession o f the Revd. Joshua D ix o f Faversham.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[Gloria Patri et Filio, Z 105 (?)]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .71.
A Latin "Gloria Patri" : for 4 V o ices / From Dr. Patrick's version. From a M .S.
never [?] before published.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtTB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[God, thou art my God, Z 35]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .39.
O Lord Thou Art M y God : A V erse Anthem for Counter Tenor, Tenor and
B ass and Chorus 4 V o ices
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 7 w , org
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : Patrick ; N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Happy man that fears the Lord, Z 139]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .69.
O H appy Man, That Fears The Lord : 4 V oices / From the score in Purcell's
ow n hand writing in the p ossession o f the Revd. James Pears o f Bath (the only
know n cop y extant).
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrCtB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Hear me, O Lord, and that soon, Z 13b]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N ovello, N o .32.
Hear M e O Lord A nd That Soon : V erse Anthem for Four V oices and Chorus
5 V o ices / From a M .S. form erly in the p ossession o f Mr. Richard G el [...? ],
master o f the choristers at W estm inster Abbey.
London, N o .66 Great Queen Street, L incolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 9vv
Title inform ation from caption.
RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Hear me, O Lord, the great support, Z 133]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .64.
Hear M e O Lord, The Great S u p p ort: H ym n for 3 V oices, Counter Tenor,
Tenor & B ass / From an extrem ely rare and unpublished M .S. form erly in the
p ossession o f [...? ].
[London] : [J. A lfred N o v ello ], [67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe.] ;
[York], [Mr. J. R obinson], [Stonegate],
Score ; CtTB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[Hear my prayer, O Lord, Z 15]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.48.
Hear M y Prayer O Lord : A Full Anthem for 3 V o ices / From the M .S. score in
Purcell's ow n hand writing, preserved in the F itzw illiam M useum , Cambridge.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrCtCtTTBB, org
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : Fuller
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[How have I stra y ’d, my God, Z 188]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .59.
H ow H ave I Stray'd / W ords by Dr. Fuller, B ishop o f Lincoln. From the copy
preserved in the 'Harmonia Sacra', b k .l page 67.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : Tate, N ahum , 1652-1715
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Hymn upon the Last Day, Z 182]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .60.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
H ym n U pon The Last D ay / The words by Nat: Tate Esqre. From the
'Harmonia Sacra', bk.2 page 71.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; B B , accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o vello, V incent, 1781-1861
[I was glad when they said unto me, Z 19]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , V ol.2 N o .21.
I W as Glad W hen T hey Said / From a M .S. form erly in the p ossession o f Mr.
London : V incent N o v e llo , 66 Great Q ueen Street, Lincolns Inn Field's [ . . . ] ;
York : Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[I will give thanks]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , V ol.2 N o. 14.
I W ill G ive Thanks : V erse Anthem for 3 V o ices, a Tenor and tw o B asses,
with Instrumental A ccom pts. and Chorus four V o ices / From an unpublished
M .S. formerly in the p ossession o f Mr. Bartleman.
London : V incent N o v e llo , 66 Great Queen Street, L incolns Inn Field's [ . . . ] ;
York : Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[I will sing unto the Lord, Z 22]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited b y V incent N o v ello , N o .38.
I W ill Sing Unto The Lord : A Full Anthem for Five V o ices / From a very rare
and unpublished M .S. [ ...] in the Fitzw illiam M useum at Cambridge.
London : J. A lfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrCtTB, org
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : [Sandys]
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[I'm sick o f life, Z 140]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .67.
O I'm Sick O f L ife : H ym n for 3 V oices, Contra Tenor, Tenor, and Bass /
From an unpublished M .S. in the p ossession o f Mr. H aw es.
London : J. A lfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; CtTB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
T ext Author : Fuller, W m .
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[In the black, dismal dungeon o f despair, Z 190]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .60.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
In The B lack D ism al D ungeon O f D espair / W ords by Dr. W m . Fuller, Bishop
o f Lincoln. From the copy preserved in the 'Flarmonia Sacra', bk. 1, page 7.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[In thee, O Lord, do I pu t my Trust, Z 16]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .33.
In Thee Lord D o I Put M y T r u st: V erse Anthem for 3 V oices and Chorus for 4
V o ices and Instruments / From an unpublished M .S. formerly in the possn. o f
Mr. Bartleman.
London, N o .66 Great Queen Street, L incolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
R obinson, Stonegate : {A C S.pub .10}.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[It is a good thing to give thanks, Z 18]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.25.
It Is A G ood Thing To G ive Thanks : V erse A nthem for 3 V o ices, Contra
Tenor, Tenor and B ass and Chorus 4 V o ices and Instrumental A ccom pts. /
From a M .S. form erly in the possn. o f Mr. Bartleman.
London, N o .66 Great Q ueen Street, L incolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
R obinson, Stonegate : {A C S.pub .10}.
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
ACS.BS.28.P UR/38
A rranger : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes, Z 135]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .70.
Jehova Quam M ulti Sunt H ostes : A Latin Psalm for 5 V oices, 2 Trebles, A lto,
Tenor, & B ass / From [...? ] M ajesty's Chapel R oyal.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; CaCaATB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : Taylor [transl.]
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Job’s Curse, Z 191]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .58.
Job's Curse / Translated by Dr. Taylor, B ishop o f D ow n in Ireland. From the
'Harmonia Sacra', bk. 1 page 10.
London : J. A lfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
S c o r e ; Chorus, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
[Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695]
Text Author : [Dryden, 1631-1700]
[King Arthur, Z 628]
Com e i f you dare.
A C S marking :{A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S.lb l.2} ; {A C S.lb l.10}
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1.V A R /27 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /27 ; S I I :
A C S .B S .35 A V A R /2 7 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /27 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /27 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .3 5 .7.V A R /27 - A C S .B S .3 5 .8.V A R /27 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .9.V A R /27 - A C S .B S .3 5 .1 l.V A R /2 7 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 2 .V A R /2 7 -A C S .B S .3 5 .1 5 .V A R /2 7 ; B I :
A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /27 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /27 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 9 .V A R /2 7 -A C S .B S .3 5 .2 2 .V A R /2 7
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Laudate Dominum, Z 108]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.72.
Canon 3 in 1 : Laudate D om inum for 3 v o ices / From a M .S. in the possession
o f the Revd. Joshua D ix o f Faversham.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Let God arise, Z 23]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .50.
Let God A rise : A V erse Anthem for tw o Tenors, and Chorus four V o ices /
From an unpublished M .S. preserved in the Fitzw illiam M useum , Cambridge.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 6 w , org
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (A C S).
AC S marking : {A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Lord is my light, Z 55]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .28.
The Lord Is M y L ig h t : V erse Anthem for 3 V o ices with Chorus 4 V oices and
Instruments / From an unpublished M .S. form erly in the possn. o f Mr.
London, N o .66 Great Q ueen Street, L incolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
R obinson, Stonegate : {A C S.pub. 10}.
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : Patrick ; N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Lord our governor, Z 141]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .67.
O Lord Our G ovem our [sic] : Hymn for 4 V oices, 2 Trebles, Contra Tenor and
Bass / Dr. Patrick's version. From an unpublished M .S. in the p ossession o f the
Revd. James Pears, o f Bath.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrAB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : [Patrick]
A rranger: N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Lord our governor, Z 39]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o vello, N o .40.
O Lord Our G ovem er : V erse Anthem for 5 V o ices / From a very rare &
unpubd. M .S. in the possn. o f Mr. Bartleman.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrTrBB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 5} ; {A C S6} ; (A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Lord, grant the king a long life, Z 38]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.49.
O Lord Grant The K ing A Long Life : V erse Anthem , 3 V oices, with Chos. 4
V oices and Instrts. / From a very rare & unpubd. M .S. in the possn. o f Mr. H
[...? ] o f the Chapel Royal.
London : J. A lfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 7 w , orch
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Lord, how long w ilt thou be angry, Z 25]
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v e llo , N o .30.
Lord, H ow Long W ilt Thou B e A ngry : Full A nthem for 5 V o ices, two
Trebles, Counter Tenor, Tenor and B ass / From a M .S. form erly in the possn.
o f Mr. Richard [...? ] o f W estm inster A bbey, & afterwards in the Bartleman
C ollection.
London, N o .66 Great Q ueen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrCtTB
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : Patrick ; N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes, Z 136J
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v e llo , N o .68.
Lord I Can Suffer Thy Rebukes : H ym n for 4 V oices, 3 Trebles, Contra Tenor
& B ass / Dr. Patrick's version. From an unpublished M .S. in the p ossession o f
the Revd. James Pears o f Bath.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrAB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : Patrick ; N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Lord, not to us but to thy name, Z 137]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o vello, N o .68.
Lord N o t To U s : H ym n for a Counter Tenor, Tenor and B ass / From Dr.
Patrick's version. From a very rare and unpublished M .S. in the possession o f
the Revd. James Pears o f Bath.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; CtTB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Lord, rebuke me not, Z 40]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .62.
O Lord, Rebuke M e N ot / From a M .S. in the p ossession o f the editor,
form erly belonging to Mr. Shield [?].
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Lord, who can tell how oft he offendeth?, Z 26]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .39.
Lord W ho Can T e l l : A V erse A nthem for 3 V o ices, 2 Tenors and a Bass and
Chorus 4 V o ices / From an extrem ely rare and unpublished M .S. preserved in
the F itzw illiam M useum , Cambridge.
London : J. A lfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 7 w , org
Title inform ation from caption.
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S.R 1A M .1}.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[Miserable man]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .58.
O M iserable M an / From the copy preserved in the 'Harmonia Sacra', bk.2
page 18.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , Vincent, 1781-1861
[Morning and evening service, Z 230]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o vello, V o l.2 N o .2 4 .
Purcell's E vening Service in B F la t : C onsisting o f the "Magnificat" and "Nunc
Dimittis" / From the copy preserved in Dr. B oyce's "Cathedral Music" V ol. 3.
Page 128.
London : V incent N o v ello , 66 Great Q ueen Street, L incolns Inn Field's [ ...] ;
York : Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, org
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Morning and evening service, Z 230]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , V ol.2 N o.23.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell's M orning Service in B F la t : C onsisting o f the Te D eum , Benedictus,
Kyrie E leeson [sic], and N icen e Creed / From B oyce's Cathedral M usic [ ...]
London : V in c e n tN o v e llo , 66 Great Q ueen Street, Lincolns Inn Field's [ ...] ;
York : Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66} ; {A C S.pub.67}
Score ; Chorus, org
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Morning and evening service, Z 230]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .36.
Purcell's Second M orning Service in B b : C onsisting o f "Cantate Domino" and
"Deus Misereatur" / From a M .S. copy preserved in the British M useum [ ...]
with Dr. B oyce's edn. [...].
London : J. A lfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtTB, org
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Morning and evening service, Z 230]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .35.
Purcell's Second M orning Service in Bb : C onsisting o f the "Benedicite" and
"Jubilate" / From the M .S. score written by Dr. Tudw ay & preserved in the
British M useum .
London : J. A lfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtTB, org
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : Fuller, Wm.
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Morning Hymn, Z 198]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N ovello, N o .56.
M orning H ym n / W ords by Dr. Wm. Fuller, B ishop o f Lincoln. From the copy
preserved in the 'Harmonia Sacra', b k:l page 6.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Tr, org
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[My beloved spake, Z 28]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o vello, V ol.2 N o. 13.
M y B eloved Spake, The Song o f Solom on : V erse Anthem for 4 V oices, W ith
Instrumental A ccom pts. & Chorus / From an unpublished M .S. form erly in the
possession o f Mr. Bartleman.
London : V incent N o v ello , 66 Great Q ueen Street, L incolns Inn Field's [ ...] ;
York : Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66}
Score ; TrCtTB, org
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 37} ; {A C S 6}. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[My heart is fixed, O God, Z 29]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , V o l.2 N o. 17.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
M y Heart Is Fixed : V erse Anthem for 3 V o ices, with Chorus and Instrumental
A ccom pts. / From an unpublished M .S. form erly in the p ossession o f Mr.
London : V incent N o v e llo , 66 Great Q ueen Street, L incolns Inn Field's [ . . . ] ;
York : Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[My heart is inditing, Z 30]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .54.
M y Heart Is Inditing : Coronation Anthem . A V erse Anthem for 8 V o ices and
Instruments / From an extrem ely rare and unpublished M .S. in the p ossession
o f Mr. Grealor [.?], organist o f W estm inster Abbey.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 8 w , orch
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[My song shall be always, Z 31]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.46.
M y Song Shall B e A lw ays O f The L oving K indness : A V erse A nthem , with
Chorus for 4 V o ices, and Instrumental A ccom pts. / From the copy preserved in
the 'Harmonia Sacra' published by W alsh.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (A C S).
A C S m arking: {A C S 15}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : Fuller, W m.
Arranger : N o vello, V incent, 1781-1861
[Now that the sun hath veiled his light, Z 193]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v e llo , N o .57.
E vening Hym n / W ords by Dr. W m. Fuller, Bishop o f Lincoln. From the copy
preserved in the 'Harmonia Sacra', book 1 page 1.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[On our Saviour’s Passion, Z 197]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .60.
On Our Saviour's P assion / From the 'Harmonia Sacra', b k .l page 3.
London : J. Alfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[On the conversion o f St. Paul]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .62.
On The C onversion O f St. Paul / From the original M .S. by Purcell in the
p ossession o f the Revd. Joshua D ix o f F [ ...?].
London : J. Alfred N o v ello, 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Out o f the deep have I called, Z 45]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello, N o.43.
Out O f The D eep : A V erse Anthem for 3 V o ices, Treble, Counter-tenor and
B ass, and Chorus for 4 V o ices / From the copy from Purcell's original M .S. &
published b y G oodisson.
London : J. Alfred N o vello, 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtB, org
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 1 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Penitential Hymn, Z 186]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .58.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Penitential H ym n / From the copy in Playford's 'Harmonia Sacra', b k .l page
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 2 w , accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : Patrick ; N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Plung’d in the confines o f despair, Z 142]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .66.
Plung'd In The C onfines O f D espair : H ym n for 2 Tenors and a B ass / Dr.
Patrick's version. From an unpublished M .S. in the p ossession o f Mr. H [.
London : J. Alfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TTB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Source : [Old Testament]
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Praise the Lord, all ye heathen, Z 43]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , V o l.2 N o .20.
O Praise The Lord A ll Y e H eathens : V erse Anthem for tw o Tenors, and
Chorus 4 V o ices / From an unpublished M .S. in the possn. o f Mr. H [.?],
Gentn. o f the Chapels R oyal, by w h ose obliging perm ission, it is now
engraved for the first tim e.
London : V incent N o v e llo , 66 Great Q ueen Street, L incolns Inn Field's [ ...] ;
York : Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66}
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Score ; Chorus, org
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Source : [Old Testament]
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, Z 47]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , V ol.2 N o. 15.
"Praise The Lord O M y Soul, A ll That Is W ithin Me" : V erse Anthem for 6
V oices with Instrumental A ccom pts. / From an unpublished M .S. formerly in
the possession o f Mr. Bartleman.
London : V incent N o v e llo , 66 Great Q ueen Street, Lincolns Inn Field's [ . . . ] ;
York : Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Source : [Old Testament]
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Praise the Lord, O my soul, O Lord my God, Z 48]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , V o l.2 N o. 16.
"Lord O M y Soul, O Lord M y God" : Verse Anthem for 2 V oices, W ith
Sym phonies for Instruments, and Chorus for 4 V o ic e s / From an unpublished
M .S. preserved in the British M useum .
London : V incent N o v e llo , 66 Great Q ueen Street, L incolns Inn Field's [ . . . ] ;
York : Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }.
Antienl Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
A rra n g e r : N o ve llo , Vincent, 1781-1861
[Remember not, Lord, our offences, Z 50]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited b y V incent N o vello, N o .30.
Rem ember N o t Lord Our O ffences : Full A nthem for 5 V oices, tw o Trebles,
Counter Tenor, Tenor and B ass / From the M .S. cop y formerly in the
p ossession o f Mr. Bartleman.
London, N o .66 Great Q ueen Street, L incolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
Robinson, Stonegate : {ACS.pub. 10}.
Score ; TrTrCtTB
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : C ow ley
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Resurrection, Z 183]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello, N o .59.
The Resurrection / The words from C ow ley's Pindarios. From the copy
preserved in the 'Harmonia Sacra', bk.2 page 12.
London : J. A lfred N o v e llo , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; B , accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Saul and the Witch ofEndor, Z 134]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .55.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Saul A nd The W itch O f Endor / From Playford's 'Harmonia Sacra', book 2
page 40.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtB, accom p.
Title information from caption. D ate : 1836 (A C S).
A C S marking : {A C S 15} ; {A C S 6} ; {A C S 5 }. RIAM marking :
{A C S .R IA M .l}.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Save me, O God, fo r thy name's sake, Z 51]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v e llo , N o .38.
Save M e O G od For Thy N am es Sake : Full Anthem for 5 V o ices / From an
unpublished M .S. form erly in the possn. o f Mr. Bartleman.
L ondon : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrTrCtTB, org
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Text Author : [Patrick]
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Since God so tender a regard, Z 143]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o .66.
Since G od So Tender A Regard : H ym n for 3 V oices, tw o Tenors and a B ass /
From an unpublished M .S. in the collection o f the Revd. James Pears o f Bath.
London : J. A lfred N o v ello , 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; York :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Antient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Score ; TTB, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v ello , V incent, 1781-1861
[Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms o f the earth, Z 52]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , V ol.2 N o .20.
Sing Unto God O Y e K ingdom s : Solo A nthem for a B ass V oice, with Chorus,
4 V o ices / From a very rare and unpublished M . S. in the possession o f Mr. H
[...?] Gentn. i f the Chapels Royal.
London : V incent N o v e llo , 66 Great Q ueen Street, L incolns Inn Field's [ ...] ;
York : Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate [ ...] : {A C S.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, org
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : N o v e llo , V incent, 1781-1861
[Sing unto the Lord, Z 44]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N o v ello , N o.27.
O Sing Unto The Lord : V erse Anthem for Four V o ices & Chorus / From a
very rare and unpublished M .S. formerly in the p ossession o f Mr. B [.?].
London, N o .66 Great Q ueen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields ; York : Mr. J.
R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695
Arranger : Novello, Vincent, 1781-1861
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N ovello, N o .61.
O Solitude / From a M .S. in the possession o f the editor.
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; Y ork :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A CS.BS.29.PUR /2
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[They that go down to the sea in ships, Z 57]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; E dited by V incent N ovello, No.41.
They That Go D ow n To The Sea : A V erse A nthem for 2 V oices and Chorus
w ith Sym phonies and Ritom ellos.
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; Y ork :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , orch
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS15}.
Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A CS.BS.30.PUR /11
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[Thy way, O God, is holy, Z 60]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N ovello, V ol.2 N o.22.
T hy W ay O G od Is H oly : V erse A nthem for 2 V oices, C ounter Tenor & Bass
& C horus 4 V oices / From the copy preserved in Dr. Boyce's "Cathedral
M usic" Vol. 2nd. P age 170.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
L ondon : V in centN ovello, 66 G reat Q ueen Street, Lincolns Inn Field's [...] ;
Y ork : Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate [...] : {ACS.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, org
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
P urcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A C S.B S.28.PU R /27
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[Turn Thee again, O L o rd G od o f hosts]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N ovello, N o.65.
Turn Thee A gain, O L ord G od O f H osts : H ym n for 4 V oices / From an
unpublished M .S. in the possession o f the Revd. Jam es P [ ...?].
L ondon : J. A lfred N ovello, 67 F rith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; Y ork :
M r. J. Robinson, Stonegate.
Score ; TrCtTB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A C S.B S.28.PU R /28
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[Turn thou us, O g o o d Lord, Z 62]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N ovello, N o .65.
T urn Thou U s, O G ood L ord : H ym n 4 V oices / From an unpublished M .S. in
the collection o f the Revd. Jam es Pears o f Bath.
Score ; CtTTB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A C S.B S.29.PU R /14
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[Turn thou us, O g o o d Lord, Z 62]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; E dited b y V incent N ovello, N o .50.
T urn Thou U s, O G ood Lord : V erse A nthem for 3 V oices and C horus 4
V oices. The 3rd [...] for the m artyrdom o f K ing C harles / From a very rare and
unpublished M .S. in the possession o f the Revd. Joshua D ix o f Faversham .
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; Y ork :
M r. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; C horus 7 w , org
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS 15}.
[Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695]
A C S.B S.44.V A R /12
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[U nder this stone lies G abriel John, Z 286]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
U nder this stone lies Gabriel John.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 36)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A C S.BS.30.PU R /6
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[U nto thee w ill I cry, O Lord, Z 63]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; E dited by V incent N ovello, V ol.2 N o. 18.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
U nto Thee W ill I Cry : V erse A nthem for 3 V oices, W ith Instrum ents &
C horus 4 V oices / From an unpublished M .S. form erly in the possession o f Mr.
Bartlem an.
London : V incent N ovello, 66 G reat Q ueen Street, Lincolns Inn Field's [...] ;
Y ork : M r. J. R obinson, Stonegate [...] : {ACS.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, orch
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A C S.B S.28.PU R /24
Text A uthor : [Ingelo, N.]
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[W e sin g to him w hose w isdom f o r m ’d the ear, Z 199]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N ovello, N o .63.
W e Sing To H im , W hose W isdom / From the copy preserved in Playford's
'H arm onia Sacra', b k .l page 68 [?].
L ondon : J. A lfred N ovello, 67 F rith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; Y ork :
M r. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption.
Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A C S.BS.30.PU R /7
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[W ho hath believed our report, Z 64]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; E dited by V incent N ovello, V ol.2 N o .19.
W ho H ath B elieved Our R e p o r t: V erse A nthem for Four V oices and Chorus /
From the original Score in Purcell's ow n hand writing.
London : V incent N ovello, 66 G reat Q ueen Street, Lincolns Inn Field's [ .. .] ;
Y ork : M r. J. R obinson, Stonegate [...] : {ACS.pub.66}
Score ; Chorus, org
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from title page, caption and colophon.
A CS m arking : {ACS5}.
Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A C S.B S.29.P U R /18
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[W hy do the heathen so fu rio u sly rage together, Z 65]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N ovello, N o .53.
W hy D o The H eathen : A V erse A nthem for 3 V oices w ith Instrum ental Accts.
& Chorus 4 V oices / F rom a m anuscript copy in the possession o f M r [...? ] o f
H is M ajesty's Chapels Royal.
L ondon : J. A lfred N ovello, 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; Y ork :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus 7 w , orch
Title inform ation from caption. D ate : 1836 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS 15}.
Purcell, H enry, 1659-1695
A CS.BS.28.PU R /7
Text A uthor : H erbert, G eorge, 1593-1633
A rranger : N ovello, V incent, 1781-1861
[W ith sick a n d fa m is h ’d eyes, Z 200]
Series title : Purcell's Sacred M usic ; Edited by V incent N ovello, N o.57.
W ith Sick A nd Fam ish'd Eyes / From the copy in the 'H arm onia Sacra', b k :l
page [...? ].
London : J. A lfred N ovello, 67 Frith Street, one door from Soho sqe ; Y ork :
Mr. J. R obinson, Stonegate.
Score ; Chorus, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Reichardt, [Johann Friedrich]
[Image o f the rose]
Series title : O rpheus, B ook 30 N o.25.
The im age o f the rose / G.Reichardt.
London : Ew er & Co., 390 O xford Street.
S c o re ; B I
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.15}
Parts : BASS I: A C S.B S.36.1.V A R /17 ; BASS II: A C S.B S.36.2.V A R/17 A C S.B S.36.3.V A R/17
R eichardt, [Johann Friedrich]
A CS.BS.39.V A R /35
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 6 N o .35.
The Ladies! / Reichardt.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /35 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /35A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /35 ; B II : A CS.BS.39.4.V A R /35
R eichardt, [Johann Friedrich]
A C S.BS.37.V A R /35
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [ ...], B ook 6 N o .35.
The Ladies! / R eichardt.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Y ard, Cheapside.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets C atalogue
RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /35 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /35
R eichardt, [Johann Friedrich]
A CS.B S.36.V A R /18
[Tears o f anguish]
Series title : O rpheus, B ook 30 N o.26.
Canzonetta. From The Spanish "Tears o f anguish" / G.Reichardt.
London : Ew er & Co., 390 O xford Street.
Score ; B I
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.15}
Parts : BASS I: A C S .B S .36.1.V A R /18 ; BASS II: A CS.BS.36.2.V A R /18 A C S.B S.36.3. V A R /18
R eissiger, C arl G ottlieb, 1798-1859
A C S.BS.39.V A R /87
[Sw eet C ontentm ent]
Series title : A rion, A C ollection o f Vocal Q uartetts, From the m ost adm ired
foreign C om posers [...], B ook 1, N o .5.
Sweet C ontentm ent / Reissiger.
D ublin : R obinson, B ussell & R obinson, N o .7 W estm orland Street [1852-65].
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /87 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /87A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /87 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R/87
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb, 1798-1859
A C S.B S.37.V A R /99
Text A uthor : Goethe, Johann W olfgang von, 1749-1832 ; H.H. [adapt.].
[Sw eet C ontentm ent]
Series title : A rion, A C ollection o f V ocal Q uartetts, From the m ost adm ired
foreign Com posers [...], B ook 1 N o .5.
Sweet C ontentm ent / Reissiger.
D ublin : R obinson, Bussell, and R obinson, N o .7 W estm orland Street [185265].
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /99 ; T II : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /99
A C S.BS.39.V A R /25
Schneider, Ffriedrich, 1786-1853]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [ ...], Book 4 N o.25.
A bsence / F.Schneider.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /25 ; B I : A CS.B S.39.2.V A R /25 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /25 ; B II : A CS.BS.39.4.V A R /25
Schneider, F[riedrich, 1786-1853]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], B o o k 4 N o.25.
A bsence / F.Schneider.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
Local supplier : R obinson, Bussell and Robinson, 7 W estm orland Street [183643], D u b lin : {ACS.SS.3}.
R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /25 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /25
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828
A C S. BS.39.VAR/78
[B oat Song]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], B ook 12 N o .78.
B oat Song / F.Schubert.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V AR/78 ; B I : A CS.B S.39.2.V A R /78 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /78 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /78
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828
A CS.B S.37.V A R /78
[B oat Song]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
C om posers [...], B ook 12 N o.78.
B oat Song / F.Schubert.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A rm ani Concerns Society Bound Sets Catalogue
RIAM marking : {ACS.RIAM.l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /78 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /78
Schubert, Franz, 1797-1828
A C S.BS.37.V A R /82
[Gondelfahrer, Op. 28]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f the most adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], Book 12 N o.82.
The G ondoliers Serenade / F.Schubert.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
RIAM m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /82 ; T II : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /82
Schubert, F ranz, 1797-1828
A C S.BS.39. V AR /82
/ Gondelfahrer, Op. 28]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], Book 12 N o.82.
The G ondoliers Serenade / F.Schubert.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /82 ; B I : A CS.BS.39.2.V A R /82 A CS.BS.39.3.V A R/82 ; B I I : A CS.B S.39.4.V A R /82
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von, 1776-1841
A CS.B S.39.V A R /30
[D eh con m e]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], Book 5 N o.30.
D eh con m e / Seyfried.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /30 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /30 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /30 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /30
Seyfried, Ignaz, R itter von, 1776-1841
A C S.B S.37. V AR /30
[Deh con m e]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [ ...], B ook 5 N o.30.
D eh con m e / Seyfried.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
RLAM m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /30 ; T II : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /30
Seyfried, Ignaz, R itter von, 1776-1841
A CS.B S.39.V A R /39
[Luci Serene]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired German
Com posers [ ...], B ook 6 N o.39.
Luci Serene / v Seyfried.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
ACS marking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /39 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /39 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /39 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /39
Seyfried, Ignaz, R itter yon , 1776-1841
A C S.B S.37.V A R /39
[Luci Serene]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 6 N o .39.
Luci Serene / v Seyfried.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
RIA M m ark in g : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /39 ; T I I : A C S.BS.37.2.V A R /39
Seyfried, Ignaz, R itter von, 1776-1841
A C S.B S.39.V A R /9
[Piano, P iano]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 2 N o.9.
Piano, Piano / de Seyfried.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /9 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /9 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /9 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /9
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Seyfried, lgnaz, Ritter von, 1776-1841
[Piano, Piano]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 2 N o.9.
Piano, Piano / de Seyfried.
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Y ard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.38.1.VAR/3 - A C S.B S.38.3.V A R /3 ; T I I :
A C S.BS.38.4.V A R /3 - A C S.B S.38.6.V A R /3 ; B I : A CS.BS.38.7.V A R/3 A C S.BS.38.8.V A R /3 ; B I I : A C S.B S.38.9.V A R /3 - A C S .B S .38.11.V AR/3.
Seyfried, lg n a z, R itter von, 1776-1841
A CS.BS.38.V A R /3
[Piano, Piano]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], B ook 2 N o.9.
Piano, Piano / de Seyfried.
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Y ard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS6}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /3 ; T I I : A C S.BS.37.2.V A R/3
Shield, W illiam , 1748-1829
A C S.B S.44.V A R /40
[H appy fa ir ]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited b y Joseph W arren.
O happy, happy fair.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 141)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}.
Shield, W illiam , 1748-1829
A C S.BS.44.V A R /17
[H ealth to m y Sov'reign the Q ueen]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
H ealth to m y Sov'reign the Q ueen
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 53)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Shield, W illiam , 1748-1829
A C S.B S.44.V A R /9
[Sparrow a n d D iam ond]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
The Sparrow and D iam ond
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
London : Robert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 25)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Sm ith, John, 1797-1861
A C S.B S.41/VAR/3
[M altese m ariners hym n]
M altese M ariners H ym n, Or Q ueen O f The Sea : Trio / C om posed and
dedicated to the R ight Honble. D avid R. Pigot, L ord C h ief B aron by John
Sm ith M us. Doc. Professor U .T.C .D . State com poser for Ireland, etc.
D ublin : H enry Bussell, 7 W estm orland Street [1852-65] & 39 Fleet Street.
Score ; A TB, accomp. (page 29)
Sm ith, John Stafford, 1750-1836
A C S.BS.40.V A R /23
Text A uthor : M ilton, John, 1608-1674
[Blest p a ir o f sirens]
Blest Pair o f Sirens : G lee / B y John Stafford Smith. Prize 1775. The words by
M ilton.
London : Chappel & Co., 124 N ew B ond Street.
Local supplier : W illis, 7 W estm orland Street [1817-37], D ublin :
Score ; Chorus, p f (page 131)
Title inform ation from caption.
Spazier, Johann Gottlieb Karl, 1761-1805
[Com e f i l l a m ighty m easure]
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Series title : A rion, A C ollection o f V ocal Q uartetts, F rom the m ost adm ired
foreign Com posers [...], B ook 1, No.2.
Com e fill a m ighty m easure / Spazier.
D ublin : Robinson, B ussell & R obinson, N o .7 W estm orland Street [1852-65].
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /84 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /84 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /84 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /84
Spazier, Johann Gottlieb K arl, 1761-1805
A C S.BS.37.V A R /96
T ext A uthor : H. H.
[Com e f i l l a m ighty m easure]
Series title : A rion, A C ollection o f V ocal Q uartetts, From the m ost adm ired
foreign Com posers [...], Book 1 N o.2.
Com e fill a m ighty m easure / Spazier.
D ublin : R obinson, Bussell, and R obinson, N o .7 W estm orland Street [185265],
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
R IA M m ark in g : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /96 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /96
Spero [?]
A C S.BS.43.V A R/1
[Rem em ber O Lord]
Chorus : 5 V oices / Spero R em em ber O Lord.
M a n u sc rip t; CA TTB, organum /pf
Title inform ation from caption and text.
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Spofforth, Reginald, 1769-1827
ACS.BS.44. VAR/8
[Hail, sm iling m orn]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
Hail, sm iling m om .
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
S co re; (page 21)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS25}. R IA M m ark in g : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Spofforth, R eginald, 1769-1827
A C S.B S.41. V AR /26
A rranger : Loder, John D avid, 1788-1846.
[Hail, sm iling m orn]
Series title : G em s o f English harm ony, a C ollection o f Favorite Glees,
M adrigals, Catches, R ounds, Canons, & D uets C om posed by the M ost
Em inent A ncient and M odem M asters, Selected and A rranged [...] by J.
W hitaker, E. J. Loder &c, N o .38.
"Hail! Sm iling M om " / R. Sprofforth.
London : M onro and M ay, 11 H olbom Bars., D u ff and H odgson, 65 Oxford
Score ; A TTB, accom p. (page 169)
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS 10}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Spohr, L ouis, 1784-1859
A C S.B S.37. VAR/95
Text A uthor : Kom er, Theodor, 1791-1813 ; H.H. [adapt.].
[Balm y N ight]
Series title : A rion, A C ollection o f V ocal Q uartetts, From the m ost adm ired
foreign Com posers [...], B ook 1 N o .l.
Balm y N ight / L.Spohr.
D ublin : Robinson, B ussell, and Robinson, N o.7 W estm orland Street [185265],
Title inform ation from title page and caption.
R IA M m ark in g : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /95 ; T I I : A C S.BS.37.2.V A R /95
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
A C S.B S.39. VAR/83
[Balm y N ight]
Series title : A rion, A C ollection o f V ocal Q uartetts, From the m ost adm ired
foreign Com posers [...], B ook 1, N o .l.
B alm y N ight / L. Spohr.
D ublin : R obinson, Bussell & R obinson, N o.7 W estm orland Street [1852-65],
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.VAR/83 ; B I : A CS.B S.39.2.V A R /83 A C S.B S.39.3.VAR/83 ; B I I : A C S.BS.39.4.V A R/83
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
[F ru h lin g so ra k e lO p .44]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 9 N o.56.
The Cuckoo / L.Spohr.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 72 N ew gate Street, from B ow Church.
R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1. V A R/56 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /56
Spohr, L ouis, 1784-1859
A C S.BS.39.V A R /56
[Fruhlingsorakel, Op. 44]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 9 N o .56.
The Cuckoo / L.Spohr.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /56 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /56A C S.B S.39.3.V A R/56 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /56
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
A C S.BS.39.V A R /4
[Rastlose Liebe, Op. 44]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], Book 1 N o.3.
O 'er M oor & M ountain / Spohr.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
D ate : 1 8 3 -(ACS).
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
ACS marking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}. RIAM marking
: {ACS.RIAM.l}.
Parts : T I : A CS.BS.39.1 .VAR/4 ; B I : ACS.BS.39.2.YARy4 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /4 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.Y A R /4
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
A C S.B S.37. V A R /47
[Rastlose Liebe, O p.44]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B ook 1 N o.4.
O 'er M oor & M ountain / C.M v.W eber.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow Church Y ard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS6}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /4 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /4
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
A C S.BS.32.SPO /2
Text A uthor : B a l l ; [Ihlee, J .J .] ; [M arm ontel, J.F.].
A rranger : Sm art, Sir George, 1776-1867.
[Zem ire u n d Azor, W o 0 5 2 ]
Finale To A ct 2nd : Sung by M iss Inverarily [?], M r. Penson, M iss Cawse,
M iss H. Caw se, M r. M orley, at the Theatre Royal, C ovent Garden, in the
O pera o f A zor & Z em ira / The M usic by Louis Spohr, The W ords by W. Ball,
adapted to the E nglish Stage by Sir G eorge Smart.
London : G oulding & D 'A lm aine, 20 Soho Square : {ACS.pub.3}. Plate N o :
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS 10}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
Text Author : [Ihlee, J.J.] ; [Marmontel, J.F.].
[Zem ire undA zor, W o052J
Chorus W elcom e F a ire s t: From the O pera o f A zor & Z em ira / Spohr.
S c o re ; T
Title inform ation from caption.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.21}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : ALTO: A C S.B S.31.1.SPO /3 ; TENOR: A C S.B S.31.2.SPO /3 A CS.B S.31.3.SPO /3 ; BASSO: A CS.BS.31.4.SPO /3 - A CS.BS.31.11.SPO /3
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
A C S.BS.32.SPO /3
T ext A uthor : B a l l; [Ihlee, J.J.] ; [M armontel, J.F.].
A rranger : Smart, Sir George, 1776-1867.
[Zem ire undA zor, W o 0 5 2 ]
Finale : Sung by M iss Inverarily [?], Mr. W ilson, M iss Cawse, M iss H.
Cawse, M r. M orley, Mr. Penson & Chorus at the Theatre Royal, Covent
Garden, in the O pera o f A zor & Zem ira, / The M usic by Louis Spohr, The
W ords by W. Ball, adapted to the English Stage by Sir G eorge Smart.
London : G oulding & D A lm ain e, 20 Soho Square : {ACS.pub.3}. Plate N o :
Score ; SATB, p f
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS 10}.
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
A C S.BS.31.SPO /2
T ext A uthor : [Ihlee, J.J.] ; [M arm ontel, J.F.].
[Zem ire und Azor, W o 0 5 2 ]
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Woe! D ireful Woe! : Trio & Chorus From the O pera o f A zor & Z em ira /
Score ; T
Title inform ation from caption.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.21}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : ALTO: A C S.B S.31.1.SPO /2 ; TENOR: A C S.B S.31.2.SPO /2 A C S .B S .31.3.SPO/2 ; BA SSO : A C S .B S .3 1 .4 .S P O /2 -A C S .B S .3 1.11.SPO/2
Spohr, Louis, 1784-1859
A CS.BS.31.SPO /1
T ext A uthor : [Ihlee, J .J .] ; [M arm ontel, J.F.],
[Zemire und Azor, W o 0 5 2 ]
Chorus. W hen D arkness Shrouds The D ay : From the O pera o f A zor & Zem ira
/ Spohr.
Score ; T
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.21} ; {ACS.lbl.24}. RIA M m arking :
{A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : A LTO: A C S .B S .3 l.l.S P O /1 ; TENOR: A CS.B S.31.2.SPO /1 ACS.BS.31.3.SPO /1 ; BA SSO : A CS.BS.31.4.SPO /1 - A CS.BS.31.11.SPO /1
[Spohr, L ouis, 1784-1859]
Text A uthor : B a l l; [Ihlee, J.J.] ; [M arm ontel, J.F.].
A rranger : [Smart, Sir G eorge, 1776-1867].
[Zem ire u n d Azor, W o 0 5 2 ]
W hen D arkness Shrouds The D ay : A zor & Zem ira
[London] : [G oulding & D 'A lm aine], [Soho Square]. Plate N o : 7198.
Score ; SATB, p f
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Title inform ation from colophon and text.
ACS m arking : {ACS10}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A CS.BS.37. V A R /57
[Life's deceits]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 9 N o .57.
Life's deceits / Steinacker.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 72 N ew gate Street, from B ow Church.
RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /57 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /57
A C S.B S.39.V A R /57
[Life's deceits]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B ook 9 N o .57.
Life's deceits / Steinacker.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /57 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /57 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /57 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /57
Stevens, Richard John Samuel, 1757-1837
[Blow, blow, thou w inter wind]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
Blow , blow thou w inter w ind
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 149)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}.
Stevens, R ichard John Sam uel, 1757-1837
A CS.BS.41.V A R /6
[C loud-cap ’t tow ers]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Q uartets, Catches, R ounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
The C loud C apt Tow ers / Stevens.
Score ; A A TTB B, p f (page 57)
Title inform ation from caption.
Stevens, R ichard John Sam uel, 1757-1837
A CS.BS.40.V A R /3
[ C loud-cap’t towers]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Q uartets, Catches, R ounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
The C loud C apt Tow ers / Stevens.
Score ; A A TTB B, p f (page 13)
Title inform ation from caption.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Stevens, Richard John Samuel, 1757-1837
[C rabbed age a n d youth]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
Crabb'd age and youth
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 65)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Stevens, R ichard John Sam uel, 1757-1837
A C S.BS.40.V A R /24
T ext A uthor : O ssian [Irish folklore]
A rranger : Bishop, Sir H enry R., 1786-1855.
[Some o f m y heroes are low ]
Some o f m y heroes are low : Glee / The poetry from Ossian, C om posed and
dedicated to his friend Thos. Carter by R. J. S. Stevens. Edited w ith an
accom panim ent for the piano forte by Sir H enry R. Bishop.
Score ; Chorus, p f (page 143)
Title inform ation from caption.
Stevens, R ichard John Sam uel, 1757-1837
A C S.BS.40.V A R /10
[To be g a zin g on those charm s]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Q uartets, Catches, R ounds, C anons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
To Be G azing O n Those Charm s / com posed by Stevens.
A nlient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Score ; A TTTB , p f (page 45)
Title inform ation from caption.
Stevens, R ichard John Sam uel, 1757-1837
A C S.BS.41.V A R /13
[To be gazing on those charm s]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice Collection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Q uartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
To Be G azing O n Those Charm s / com posed by Stevens.
Score ; A TTTB , p f (page 89)
Title inform ation from caption.
Stevens, R ichard John Sam uel, 1757-1837
A CS.B S.44.Y A R /16
[W hen the toil o f day is o'er]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
W hen the toil o f day is o'er.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 49)
Title inform ation lfo m contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS25}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Stevens, R ichard Joh n Sam uel, 1757-1837
[Ye spotted snakes]
A CS.BS.44. VAR/13
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs & c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
Ye spotted snakes
London : Robert C ocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 37)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}. RIA M m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Stevenson, Sir John, 1761-1833
A CS.B S.41.V A R /25
Text A uthor : O ssian [Irish folklore]
[Alone on the sea-beaten rock]
Series title : A C ollection o f A dm ired Canons, C atches and Glees, Part o f
w hich have an A ccom panim ent for the Piano Forte or H arp Com posed by Sir
John Stevenson M us D oc., Vol. 1.
A lone on the Sea-beaten R ock : A ferious [sic] Glee for five V oices w hich
obtained the Prize given by the H ibernian C atch-club, D ublin / The W ords
from Ossian. The M usic C om posed by Sir John Stevenson M us Doc.
D ublin : W. Power, 4 W estm orland Street.
Score ; SAATB (page 164)
Title inform ation from caption.
O ther stam p : A C S.os. 1
Stevenson, Sir John, 1761-1833
A CS.BS.40.V A R /22
Text A uthor : O ssian [Irish folklore]
[Alone on the sea-beaten rock]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
A lone on the Sea-beaten R ock : A ferious [sic] G lee for five V oices w hich
obtained the Prize given by the H ibernian C atch-club, D ublin / The W ords
from Ossian. The M usic Com posed by Sir John Stevenson M us Doc.
D ublin : W. Power, 4 W estm orland Street.
Score ; SAATB (page 121)
Title inform ation from caption.
O ther stam p : A CS.os. 1
Stevenson, Sir John, 1761-1833
A CS.B S.41.V A R /33
Text A uthor : M oore, Thom as, 1779-1852
[Give me the harp]
Give m e the H arp / The W ords from A nacreon by Thom as M oore Esq. The
M usic C om posed by Sir John Stevenson M us Doc.
Score ; (page 242)
Title inform ation from caption.
Stevenson, Sir John, 1761-1833
A C S.BS.41.V A R /17
T ext A uthor : W. Esqr, C_r, J. [sic].
[Raise the song]
R aise the Song : The C harter G lee & Chorus o f the Irish H arm onic Club /
C om posed by Sir J. Stevenson Mus. D oc., w ords by J. W. C_r Esqr. [sic].
Score ; C horus 3 w , p f (page 113)
Stevenson, Sir John, 1761-1833
A C S.B S.40.V A R /14
T ext A uthor : W. Esqr, C_r, J. [sic],
[Raise the song]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
R aise the Song : The Charter G lee & C horus o f the Irish H arm onic Club /
C om posed by Sir J. Stevenson M us. D oc., w ords by J. W. C_r Esqr. [sic].
Score ; C horus 3 w , p f (page 71)
Stevenson, Sir John, 1761-1833
A CS.B S.40.V A R /21
[W hen D am on is p resen t]
Series title : A Collection o f A dm ired Canons, Catches and G lees, Part o f
w hich have an A ccom panim ent for the Piano Forte or H arp C om posed by Sir
John Stevenson M us D oc., Vol. 1.
W hen D am on is present (V o l.l)
D ublin : W . Power, 4 W estm orland Street.
Score ; Chorus, p f (page 115)
Title inform ation from caption.
Other stam p : A C S.os. 1
Stevenson, Sir John, 1761-1833
A CS.B S.41.V A R /24
[W hen D am on is p resen t]
Series title : A C ollection o f A dm ired Canons, Catches and G lees, Part o f
w hich have an A ccom panim ent for the Piano Forte or H arp C om posed by Sir
John Stevenson M us Doc., Vol. 1.
W hen D am on is present
D ublin : W. Pow er, 4 W estm orland Street.
Score ; Chorus, p f (page 157)
Title inform ation from caption.
O ther stam p : A CS.os. 1
[Storace, Stephen, 1762-1796]
[Iron chest]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : The Standard Glee B ook. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Q uartets, Catches, R ounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
To A ll Y ou Ladies N ow O n Land ; & Five Tim es B y The Taper's Light.
Score ; (page 107)
Storace, Stephen, 1762-1796
A CS.BS.41.V A R /21
[Iron chest]
Five Tim es B y The Taper's L ig h t: A G lee From the Opera, o f the Iron C hest /
C om posed by Stephen Storace.
London : G oulding & Co., 20 Soho Square : {ACS.pub.3}
Local supplier : [...? ], 7 W estm orland Street, D ublin : {ACS.SS.4}.
Score ; Chorus, p f (page 149)
Title inform ation from caption.
A CS m arking : {ACS8}.
Sutor, [W ilhelm (?), -1828]
A C S.BS.37.V A R /74
[W oodnym ph]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 11 N o .74.
The W oodnym ph / Sutor.
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /74 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /74
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Sutor, [Wilhelm (?), -1828]
A C S.BS.39.V A R /74
[W oodnym ph]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f Glees o f the m o st adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 11 N o .74.
The W oodnym ph / Sutor.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /74 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /74A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /74 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /74
A CS.B S.33.V A R /5
[Un attributed]
[Air (quoth he) thy Cheeks m ay blow]
Aria, "Air (quoth he) thy Cheeks m ay blow"
Score ; Chorus, p f
Signatures on inside back cover : {ACS.fig.28}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}
A CS.B S.33.V A R /7
[C ould he w hom m y dissem bled Rigour]
Elegy III, "Could he w hom m y dissem bled Rigour"
Signatures on inside back cover : {ACS.fig.28}.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
[Fairy Glee]
The Fairy Glee / C om posed by [...? ].
S co re; (p a g e 215)
Title inform ation from caption.
RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A C S.B S.35.V A R /20
[H onour and jo y ]
H onour and jo y
M anuscript ; (page 52)
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S.B S.35.1.V A R /20 - A C S.B S.35.3.V A R /20 ; S II :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R /20 ; A I : ACS.BS.35.5.VAR720 - A CS.BS.35.6.V A R /20 ;
A I I : A C S.B S.35.7.V A R /20 - A C S.B S.35.8.V A R /20 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .9 .V A R /2 0 -A C S .B S .3 5 .1 1.V A R /20 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.12.V A R /20 - A C S.B S.35.15.V A R /20 ; B I :
A C S.B S.35.16.V A R /20 - A C S.B S.35.18.V A R /20 ; B II :
A C S .B S .35.19.V A R /20 - A C S.B S.35.22.V A R /20
A C S.BS.40.V A R /25
T ext A uthor : B yron, L ord [transl.], 1788-1824
[ I w ish to tune m y quiv'ring lyre]
I w ish to tune m y quiv'ring lyre : Glee for four voices / Translated from
A nacreone by L ord Byron.
Plate N o : 1095.
S c o re ; (page 155)
A niient C oncerts See ici y Bound Sels Catalogue
Title inform ation from caption. Date : 1848 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS24} ; {ACS36}.
[In a Vale clos'd with W oodland]
Elegy IV, "In a V ale clos'd with W oodland".
Signatures on inside back cover : {ACS.fig.28}.
ACS marking : ACS.lbl.9}
[On a Day, alack the D ay!]
Elegy I, "On a Day, alack the Day!".
Signatures on inside back cover : {ACS.fig.28}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}
[Unattributed |
[Proclaim y e this am ong the gentiles]
Dccus : Recitative Proclaim ye this am ong the gentiles.
M an u scrip t; B, accom p.
Title inform ation from caption and text. D ate : Sept. 74 (c Ivs).
ACS.BS.43. VAR/11
[Proclaim ye this am ong the gentiles]
A nthem / by a Com poser. Proclaim ye this am ong the gentiles.
A nlicnt C oncerts Society Hound Sets Catalogue
M a n u scrip t; B, accomp.
Title inform ation from title page and text.
ACS.BS.43. VAR/10
[Proclaim y e this am ong the gentiles]
V erse A nthem for a Treble, Contra-Tenor, and Bass : From the 3rd chapter o f
Joel / Com posed by. Proclaim ye this am ong the gentiles.
M anuscript ; CCtB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption and text. Com posers nam e erased :
ACS.BS.43. VAR/5
[Proclaim y e this am ong the gentiles]
Joel : 3rd Chapter, 9th, 14th, 15th, 16th V erses Proclaim ye this am ong the
M anuscript ; B, orch.
Title inform ation from caption.
[Proclaim y e this am ong the gentiles]
"Proclaim ye this am ong the G e n tile s" : A nthem for five voices. C om posed for
the A ncient concerts Dublin, A ugust 31st 1838. Proclaim ye this am ong the
M a n u sc rip t; SA TTB, p f
A nlieiit C oncerts Society Hound Sets Catalogue
[Rem em ber O Lord]
Score : Solo - Alto R em em ber O Lord.
M an u scrip t; A , accomp.
Title inform ation from caption and text. N ote w ritten on m a n u sc rip t:
[Rem em ber O Lord]
Fortuna Sequator Rem em ber O Lord.
M anuscript ; SATB, accomp.
Title inform ation from caption and text. Perform ance directions on m anuscript
: {ACS.fig.313}.
[Rem em ber O Lord]
Anthem : Lamte. o f Jerem iah Chap. 5 V erses 1, 7, 15, 17 & 19. "Orthodox"
1838. R em em ber O Lord.
M a n u scrip t; CA TB, accom p.
Title inform ation from title page and text.
[Return m y lovely M aid]
Return my lovely M aid.
M an u scrip t; (page 12)
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets C atalogue
Parts : S I : A CS.B S.35.1.V A R/5 - A C S.B S.35.3.V A R /5 ; S I I :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R /5 ; A I : A C S.B S.35.5.V A R /5 - A C S.B S.35.6.V A R /5 ; A
I I : A C S.B S.35.7.VAR/5 - A CS.BS.3 5 .8.VA R/5 ; T I : A CS.B S.35.9.V A R/5 A C S .B S .35.11.V A R/5 ; T I : A C S.B S.3 5 .12.VAR/5 - A C S.B S.3 5 .15.VAR/5 ;
B I : A C S.B S.3 5 .16.VAR/5 - A C S.B S.3 5 .18.VAR/5 ; B I I :
A C S.B S.3 5 .19.VAR/5 - A CS.B S.35.22.V A R /5
[Thou fa ire st P r o o f o f Beauty's P ow 'r]
Elegy V I, "Thou fairest P ro o f o f Beauty's Pow'r".
Signatures on inside back cover : {ACS.fig.28}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. R IA M m ark in g : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
[Thou to w hose Eyes I bend]
Invocation, "Thou to w hose Eyes I bend".
S c o re ; Chorus, p f
Signatures on inside back cover : {ACS.fig.28}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}
[Tis M ay]
Tis May.
M an u sc rip t; (page 65)
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V AR/24 - A C S.B S.35.3.V A R /24 ; S I I :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R /24 ; A I : A C S.B S.35.5.V A R /24 - A C S.B S.35.6.V A R /24 ;
A I I : A C S.B S.35.7.V A R /24 - A C S.B S.35.8.V A R /24 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .9 .V A R /2 4 -A C S .B S .3 5 .11.V A R /24 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 2 .V A R /2 4 -A C S .B S .3 5 .1 5 .V A R /2 4 ; B I :
A C S.B S.35.16.V A R /24 - A C S.B S.35.18.V A R /24 ;B I I :
A C S.B S.35.19.V A R /24 - A C S.B S.35.22.V A R /24
[W hen all alone]
W hen all alone.
M a n u sc rip t; (page 29)
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.VAR/13 -A C S .B S .3 5 .3 .V A R /1 3 ; S I I :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R /13 ; A I : A CS.B S.35.5.V A R /13 - A C S.B S.35.6.V A R /13 ;
A I I : A C S.B S.35.7.V A R /13 - A CS.B S.35.8.V A R /13 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .9 .V A R /1 3 -A C S .B S .3 5 .11.V A R/13 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.12.V A R /13 - A CS.BS.35.15.V A R/13 ; B I :
A C S.B S.35.16.V A R /13 - A CS.B S.35.18.V A R /13 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 9 .V A R /1 3 -A C S .B S .3 5 .2 2 .V A R /1 3
[W hilst fr o m our L ooks fa ir N ym ph]
Elegy II, "W h ilst from our Looks fair N ym ph".
Signatures on inside back cover : {ACS.fig.28}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
A C S.B S.35.V A R /29
[Who w ould sleep in her coral cave]
W ho w ould sleep in her coral cave.
M anuscript.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; A CS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S.B S.35.1.V A R /29 - A C S.B S.35.3.V A R /29 ; S I I :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R /29 ; A I : A C S.B S.35.5.V A R /29 - A C S.B S.35.6.V A R /29 ;
A I I : A C S.B S.35.7.V A R /29 - A C S.B S.35.8.V A R /29 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.9.V A R /29 - A C S .B S .35.11.V A R /29 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.12.V A R /29 —A C S.B S.35.15.V A R /29 ; B I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 6 .V A R /2 9 - A C S.B S.35.18.V A R /29 ; B I I :
A C S.B S.35.19.V A R /29 - A C S.B S.35.22.V A R /29
[Ye P earls o f snow y white m ess]
Y e Pearls o f snow y w hite mess.
M a n u sc rip t; (page 20)
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S.B S.35.1.V A R /10 - A C S.B S.35.3.V A R /10 ; S I I :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R /10 ; A I : A C S.B S.35.5.V A R /10 - A C S.B S.35.6.V A R/10 ;
A I I : A C S.B S.35.7.V A R /10 - A C S.B S.35.8.V A R /10 ; T I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .9 .V A R /1 0 -A C S .B S .3 5 .1 1.V A R /10 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.12.V A R /10 —A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /10 ; B I :
A C S.B S.35.16.V A R /10 —A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /10 ; B I I :
A C S.B S.3 5 .19.VA R/10 - A C S.B S.35.22.V A R /10
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
A CS.BS.33.V A R /9
[Ye Woods a n d y e M ountains unknown]
E legy V, "Ye W oods and ye M ountains unknow n".
Signatures on inside back cover : {ACS.fig.28}.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}
Viotta, Joannes Josephus, 1814-1859
ACS.BS.37. VAR/79
[D ying Child]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], B ook 1 2 N o .79.
The D ying C hild / JJ.V io tta.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
R IA M m ark in g : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /79 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /79
Viotta, Joannes Josephus, 1814-1859
ACS.BS.39. VAR/79
[D ying Child]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 1 2 N o .79.
The D ying Child / J J.V iotta.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.BS.39.1.VAR/79 ; B I : ACS.BS.39.2.VAR/79 ACS.BS.39.3.VAR/79 ; B I I : ACS.BS.39.4.VAR/79
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
[W aelrant, H ubert, cl517-1595]
A C S.BS.35.V A R /18
[H ard by a fo u n ta in ]
H ard by a fountain.
M a n u scrip t; (page 45)
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.l.V A R /18 - A C S.B S.35.3.V A R /18 ; S I I :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R /18 ; A I : A C S.B S.35.5.V A R /18 - A C S.BS.35.6.V A R /18 ;
A I I : A C S.B S.35.7.V A R /18 - A C S.B S.35.8.V A R /18 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.9.V A R /18 - A C S .B S .35.11.V A R /18 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.12.V A R /18 - A C S.B S.35.15.V A R /18 ; B I :
A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /18 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /18 ; B I I :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 9 .V A R /1 8 -A C S .B S .3 5 .2 2 .V A R /1 8
W aelrant, Hubert, cl517-1595
[O 're desert p la in s]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [...] from the Original B ooks, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [...] By W. H aw es [...], No. 12.
O 're desert plains
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 325.
Score ; Chorus 4 w , (page 62)
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
W ainwright, Richard, 1757-1825
[ L ife ’s a bum per]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Q uartets, Catches, R ounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
Life's A B um per / W ainwright.
Score ; ATB, p f (page 41)
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS8} ; {ACS9}.
W ainwright, Richard, 1757-1825
[Life ’s a bum per]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Q uartets, Catches, R ounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
Life's A B um per / W ainw right.
Score ; A TB, p f (page 85)
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {A C S8} ; {ACS9}.
W ard, John, cl589-1638
[Die not, fo n d m an]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth C enturies, [...] from the Original B ooks, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [...] B y W. H aw es [...], N o .19.
D ie not, fond m an
L ondon : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 837.
Score ; C horus 6 w , (page 97)
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
W a r r e n ., Thom as, c l 730-1794
A CS.B S.44.V A R /18
[To our m usical club here's long life]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f G lees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, English and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
To our m usical club here's long life.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 56)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS25}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
W ebbe, Samuel, 1740-1816
[ G lorious Apollo]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice Collection o f the best Standard
G lees, Trios, Q uartets, Catches, R ounds, Canons etc. By the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
G lorious A pollo / W ebbe.
L ondon : M usical bouquet office, 192 H igh H olbom , J. A llen, 20 W arw ick
Lane, Paternoster Row.
Score ; A TB , p f (page 49)
Title inform ation from caption. Publication inform ation from colophon.
W ebbe, Samuel, 1740-1816
[ Glorious Apollo]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Quartets, Catches, Rounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
C om posers [...]
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
G lorious A pollo / W ebbe.
London : M usical bouquet office, 192 H igh H olbom , J. A llen, 20 W arw ick
Lane, Paternoster Row.
Score ; A TB, p f (page 98)
Title inform ation from caption. Publication inform ation from colophon.
Webbe, Samuel, 1740-1816
[H ail! Star o f Brunsw ick!]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
Hail! Star o f Brunswick!
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Sim kin, M arshall, and
Score ; (page 161)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS25}.
Webbe, Samuel, 1740-1816
[M ighty conqueror]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Q uartets, C atches, R ounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
C om posers [...]
M ighty C onqueror / W ebbe.
Score ; A TTB, p f (page 81)
Title inform ation from caption.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
[W ebbe, Sam uel, 1740-1816]
[M ighty C onqueror]
The M ighty Conqueror.
M anuscript.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : A I I : A C S.B S.35.7.V A R /7 - A C S.B S.35.8.V A R /7 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.9.V A R /7 - A C S .B S .35.11 .VA R/7 ; T I : A C S .B S .35.12.V A R/7 A C S.B S.35.15.V A R /7 ; B I : A C S.B S.35.16.V A R /7 - A C S.B S.35.18.V A R /7 ;
B II : A C S.B S.35.19.V A R /7 - A C S.B S.35.22.V A R/7
W ebbe, Samuel, 1740-1816
[M ighty conqueror]
Series title : The Standard G lee Book. A choice C ollection o f the best Standard
Glees, Trios, Q uartets, Catches, R ounds, Canons etc. B y the m ost Em inent
Com posers [...]
M ighty C onqueror / W ebbe.
Score ; A TTB , p f (page 37)
Title inform ation from caption.
Webbe, Samuel, 1740-1816
A rranger : C larke-W hitfeld, John, 1770-1836.
[W hen w inds breathe soft]
W hen w inds breathe s o f t : Glee, for Five V oices / C om posed by Samuel
W ebbe, arranged by Dr. John Clarke.
L ondon : B irchall & Co., 140 N ew B ond Street. Plate N o : 1451.
Score ; SATTB, p f (page 183)
Title inform ation from caption.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Webbe, Samuel, 1740-1816
A rranger : Clarke-W hitfeld, John, 1770-1836.
[W hen w inds breathe soft]
W hen w inds breathe soft : Glee, for Five V oices / Com posed by Samuel
W ebbe, arranged by Dr. John Clarke.
L ondon : Birchall & Co., 140 N ew B ond S tr e e t: {ACS.pub.6}. Plate N o :
Score ; SATTB, p f (page 197)
W eber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
[B right sw o rd o f liberty]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 1 N o .l.
B right Sword o f Liberty / C.M v. W eber.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Y ard, Cheapside.
D a te : 183- (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}. R IA M m arking
: {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A CS.B S.39.1.V A R/1 ; B I : A CS.BS.39.2.V A R/1 A CS.BS.39.3.V A R /1 ; B I I : A CS.BS.39.4.V A R/1
Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826
[B right sw o rd o f liberty]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B ook 1 N o .l.
B right Sw ord o f Liberty / H. W erner.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
ACS marking : {ACS5} ; {ACS6} ; {ACS.lbl.36}. RIAM marking :
{ACS.RIAM .l}.
Parts : T E N O R II: A C S.BS.37.2.V A R/1 ; BASS: ACS.BS.37.3.VAR71
Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826
[H unting Chorus]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 3 No. 18.
H unting Chorus / v W eber.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Y ard, Cheapside.
A S m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /18 ; B I : A C S.BS.39.2.V A R /18 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /18 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /18
W eber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826
[H unting Chorus]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B ook 3 No. 18.
H unting Chorus / v W eber.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Y ard, Cheapside.
A CS m arking : {ACS6}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /18 ; T I I : A CS.B S.37.2.V A R /18
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
W eber, C arl M aria von, 1786-1826
A C S .B S.37/VAR/69
[ Grablied]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 1 0 N o .69.
H ope & Faith / v W eber.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
N ote w ritten in pen over A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /69 : {ACS.fig.232}.
R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /69 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /69
Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826
[G rablied]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B ook 1 0 N o .69.
H ope & Faith / v W eber.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., 69 N ew gate Street.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /69 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /69 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /69 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /69
W eber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
[In the Twilight]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B ook 3 N o .14.
In the Tw ilight / v W eber.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS6}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /14 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /14
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
[In the Twilight]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 3 No. 14.
In the Tw ilight / v W eber.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow C hurch Y ard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /14 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /14 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /14 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /14
Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826
[Lutrow s w ild hunt]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B ook 2 N o . l l .
Lutrow s w ild hunt / von W eber.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Y ard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /10 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /10 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /10 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /10
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
W eber, C arl M aria von, 1786-1826
A C S.B S.38.V A R /5
[Lutrow s w ild hunt]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 2 N o . l l .
Lutrows w ild hunt / von W eber.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.38.1.V A R /5 - A C S.B S.38.3.V A R /5 ; T I I :
A C S.B S.38.4.V A R /5 - A C S.B S.38.6.V A R /5 ; B I : A CS.B S.38.7.V A R/5 A CS.BS.38.8.V A R /5 ; B II : A C S .B S .3 8 .9 .V A R /5 -A C S .B S .3 8 .1 1.V AR/5.
Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826
[Lutrow s w ild hunt]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B o o k 2 N o .11.
Lutrow s w ild hunt / von W eber.
London : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Y ard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS6}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.BS.37.1.V A R/11 ; T II : A CS.BS.37.2.V A R/11
[Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826]
Text A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
Light as fairy foot.
M anuscript ; (page 49)
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
ACS marking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .3 5 .1 .V A R /1 9 -A C S .B S .3 5 .3 .V A R /1 9 ; S II :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R /19 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /19- A C S.B S.35.6.V A R /19 ;
A I I : A C S.B S.35.7. V A R /19 - A C S.B S.35.8.V A R /19 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /19- A C S .B S .35.11.V A R /19 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.12.V A R /19 - A C S.B S.35.15.V A R /19 ; B I :
A C S.B S.35.16.V A R /19 - A C S.B S.35.18.V A R /19 ; B II :
A C S.B S.35.19.V A R /19 - A C S.B S.35.22.V A R /19
[Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826]
Text A uthor : [W ieland, C.M.] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
H aste gallant knight.
M anuscript ; (page 56)
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1 .VAR/21 - A CS.B S.35.3.V A R/21 ; S II :
A C S.B S.35.4.VAR/21 ; A I : A CS.BS.35.5.V A R /21 - A CS.BS.35.6.V A R/21 ;
A l l : A C S.B S.35.7.VAR/21 - A CS.BS.35.8.V A R /21 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.9. VAR/21 - A C S .B S .35.11.VAR/21 ; T I :
A CS.B S.35.12.V A R /21 - A C S .B S .35.15.VAR/21 ; B I :
A CS.BS.35.16.V A R /21 - A C S .B S .35.18.VAR/21 ; B II :
A CS.BS.35.19.V A R /21 - A CS.B S.35.22.V A R/21
W eber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826
Text A uthor : [W ieland, C.M.]
[Oberon, J 306]
L ight as fairy foot can fall No. 1.
M a n u sc rip t; B I
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
For corresponding vocal parts: See ACS Main Catalogue. Title information
from caption.
ACS marking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIAM marking : {ACS.RIAM .l}.
[Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826]
Text A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
Glory to the Caliph.
M anuscript.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S.B S.35.1.V A R /22 - A C S.B S.35.3.V A R /22 ; S II :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R /22 ; A I : A C S.B S.35.5.V A R /22 - A CS.B S.35.6.V A R /22 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /22 - A C S.B S.35.8.V A R /22 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.9.V A R /22 - A C S .B S .35.11 .VA R/22 ; T I :
A C S.B S.3 5 .1 2 .V A R /2 2 - A C S.B S.3 5 .15.VAR/22 ; B I :
A C S.B S.35.16.V A R /22 —A C S.B S.3 5 .18.VAR/22 ; B II :
A C S.B S.35.19.V A R /22 - A C S.BS.35.22.V A R /22
[Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826]
Text A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
Spirits o f A ir &c.
M anuscript ; (page 58)
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.5} ; {ACS.lbl.2} ; {ACS.lbl.10}
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V AR/23 - A C S .B S .35.3.VA R/23 ; S II :
A C S.B S.35.4.V A R/23 ; A I : A C S.B S.35.5.V A R /23 - A C S.BS.35.6.V A R/23 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R/23 - A C S.B S.35.8.VAR/23 ; T I :
A C S.B S.35.9.V A R /23 - A C S .B S .35.11.V AR/23 ; T I :
A ntient C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
ACS.BS.35.12.VAR/23 -A C S .B S .35.15.VAR/23 ; B I :
ACS.BS.35.16.VAR/23 -A C S .B S .35.18.VAR/23 ; B II :
ACS.BS.35.19.VAR/23 - ACS.BS.35.22.VAR/23
Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826
ACS.BS.42.W EB/8
Text A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.],
[Oberon, J 306]
H aste G allant K night N o .6
M anuscript ; B
For corresponding vocal parts: See A ntient C oncerts Society M ain Catalogue.
Title inform ation from caption.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
W eber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
T ext A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
Light as fairy foot can fall N o .l .
M anuscript ; V n I
For corresponding vocal parts: See A ntient C oncerts Society M ain Catalogue.
Title inform ation from caption.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Weber, Carl M aria von, 1786-1826
Text A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
H aste G allant K night N o .6.
M anuscript ; V n I
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
For corresponding vocal parts: See Antient Concerts Society Main Catalogue.
Title information from caption.
ACS marking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIAM marking : {ACS.RIAM .l}.
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
Text A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
Light as fairy foot can fall N o .l.
M anuscript ; V n I
For corresponding vocal parts: See A ntient C oncerts Society M ain Catalogue.
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
ACS.BS.42.W EB/6
Text A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
H aste G allant K night N o.6.
M anuscript ; Chorus
For corresponding vocal parts: See A ntient C oncerts Society M ain Catalogue.
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
ACS.BS.42.W EB/2
T ext A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
H aste G allant K night N o .6
M anuscript ; V n 1
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
For corresponding vocal parts: See Antient Concerts Society Main Catalogue.
Title information from caption.
ACS marking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIAM marking : {ACS.RIAM .l}.
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
T ext A uthor : [W ieland, C.M .] ; [Planché, J.R.].
[Oberon, J 306]
H aste G allant K night N o .6
M anuscript ; V n II
For corresponding vocal parts: See A ntient Concerts Society M ain Catalogue.
Title inform ation from caption.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
[Schone Ahnung, Op. 53]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], B ook 6 N o.37.
To Song / v W eber.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /37 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R/37 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /37 ; B II : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /37
W eber, C arl M aria von, 1786-1826
A CS.B S.37.V A R /37
[Schone Ahnung, Op.53]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m o st adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 6 N o .37.
To Song / v W eber.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /37 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /37
Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
[Silent N ight]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 1 N o .3.
Silent N ight / Spohr.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
A CS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS6}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /3 ; T I I : A CS.B S.37.2.V A R/3
W eber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826
[Silent N ight]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f th e m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 1 N o .3.
Silent N ight / C.M v.W eber.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
D ate : 183- (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}. RIA M m arking
: {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Parts : T I : ACS.BS.39.1.VAR/3 ; B I : ACS.BS.39.2.VAR/3 ACS.BS.39.3.VAR/3 ; B I I : ACS.BS.39.4.VAR/3
Weelkes, Thomas, 1576-1623
[Like two p ro u d arm ies]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six Voices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [...] from the O riginal Books, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [...] By W . H aw es [...], N o . l l .
Like tw o proud arm ies
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 813.
Score ; Chorus 6vv, (page 54)
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Weelkes, Thomas, 1576-1623
[Now is m y Cloris fre sh as M ay]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [...] from the O riginal Books, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [...] By W . H aw es [...], N o.9.
N ow is m y Chloris fresh as M ay.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 808.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 45)
ACS m arking : {ACS5}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
W eelkes, T hom as, 1576-1623
A CS.B S.34.V A R /10
[W ee shepherds sing]
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : A Collection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six Voices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [...] from the O riginal Books, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [...] By W . H aw es [...], No. 10.
W e shepherds sing.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 809.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 50)
A CS m arking : {ACS5}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Weelkes, Thomas, 1576-1623
[W elcom e sw eet p lea su re]
Series title : R obert Cocks & Co.'s H and-B ook o f Glees, Catches, Canons,
M adrigals, Part-Songs &c From the m ost authentic sources, E nglish and
foreign, Including m any original com positions. W ith an ad-lib.
accom panim ent [...] Edited by Joseph W arren.
W elcom e, sw eet pleasure.
London : R obert Cocks & Co., N ew B urlington Street, Simkin, M arshall, and
S co re; (page 131)
Title inform ation from contents page. D ate : 1856 (ACS).
ACS m arking : {ACS25}.
W eelkes, Thomas, 1576-1623
[W hen Thor alls delights to w alke]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six Voices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [...] from the O riginal B ooks, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [...] By W. H aw es [...], No.26.
W hen Thoralis delights to walk.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 900.
A ntient Concerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Score ; Chorus 6vv, (page 141)
A CS m arking : {ACS5}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
W elsh, Thomas, cl780-1848
[D eath a n d veneration o f B acchus]
The D eath and V eneration o f Bacchus : A favourite Glee for four V oices This
G lee w as honoured by the aw ard o f a splendid Prize Cup from the A m ateur
G lee Club, the gift o f the H o n .. .ble G eorge O callaghan [sic] to w hom it is
respectfully inscribed by / the C om poser Thom as W elsh. The w ords by the late
M r. Cherry.
London : Cram er, A ddison & Beale, 201 R egent Street.
Score ; Chorus (page 185)
Werner, [Hildegard]
[Beauteous Clouds]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 9 N o .60.
B eauteous C louds / F.W em er.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
Score ;
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /60 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /60 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /60 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /60
W erner, [Hildegard]
A C S.B S.37.V A R /60
[Beauteous Clouds]
A ntient C onceits Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m o st adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 9 N o.60.
Beauteous Clouds / F.W em er.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., 72 N ew gate Street, from B ow Church.
RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : ACS.BS.37.1 .VA R/60 ; T II : A C S.BS.37.2.V A R /60
Werner, [Hildegard]
[K ing Joy]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f th e m ost adm ired Germ an
Com posers [...], Book 6 N o.38.
King Joy / Werner.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., Bow Church Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6} ; {ACS.lbl.36}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /38 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /38 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /38 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /38
W erner, [Hildegard]
[K ing Joy]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f Glees o f the m o st adm ired Germ an
Com posers [ . . . ] , B o o k 6 N o .38.
K ing Joy / W em er.
L o n d o n : J. J. E w er & Co., B ow Church Y ard, Cheapside.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
RIAM marking : {ACS.RIAM.l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.BS.37.1.V A R/38 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /38
W erner, [Hildegard]
[M erry a n d Free]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 1 N o .6.
M erry & Free / M arschner.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., Bow C hurch Y ard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS5} ; {ACS6}. R IA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /6 ; T I I : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R /6
Werner, [Hildegard]
[M erry a n d fr e e ]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
C om posers [...], B ook 1 N o.6.
M erry & Free / H .W erner.
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Y ard, Cheapside.
D ate : 183- (ACS).
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}. R IA M m arking
: {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /6 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /6 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /6 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /6
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Werner, [Hildegard]
T ext A uthor : G oethe, Johann W olfgang von, 1749-1832 ; H.H. [adapt.].
[Rose o f the D esert]
Series title : A rion, A C ollection o f V ocal Q uartetts, From the m o st adm ired
foreign Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 N o.3.
The R ose o f th e D esert / W erner.
D ublin : R obinson, B ussell, and R obinson, N o.7 W estm orland Street [185265].
T itle inform ation from title pag e and caption.
RIA M m a rk in g : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T 1: A C S .B S .37.1.V AR/97 ; T II : A C S.B S.37.2.V A R/97
Werner, [Hildegard]
[Rose o f the D esert]
Series title : A rion, A C ollection o f V ocal Q uartetts, From the m o st adm ired
foreign C om posers [...], B ook 1, N o.3.
The R ose o f th e D esert / W erner.
D ublin : R obinson, B ussell & R obinson, N o.7 W estm orland Street [1852-65].
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.39.1.V A R /85 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /85 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /85 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /85
W erner, [Hildegard]
A C S.B S.39.V A R /34
[Soldier's Chorus]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 6 N o.34.
Soldier's C horus / W erner.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Y ard, Cheapside.
A CS m arking : {ACS.lbl.36} ; {ACS5} ; {ACS58} ; {ACS6}.
Parts : T I : ACS.BS.39.1 .VAR/34 ; B I : A C S.B S.39.2.V A R /34 A C S.B S.39.3.V A R /34 ; B I I : A C S.B S.39.4.V A R /34
Werner, [Hildegard]
[Soldier's Chorus]
Series title : O rpheus, A Collection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B ook 6 N o .34.
Soldier's C horus / W em er.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S.B S.37.1.V A R /34 ; T I I : A C S.BS.37.2.V A R /34
Werner, [Hildegard]
[Soldier's Chorus]
Series title : O rpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost adm ired G erm an
Com posers [...], B o o k 2 No. 12.
Soldier's Song / W em er.
London : J. J. Ew er & Co., B ow C hurch Yard, Cheapside.
ACS m arking : {ACS.lbl.9}. RIA M m arking : {A C S.R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 8 .1 .V A R /1 2 - A C S .B S .3 8 .3 .V A R /1 2 ; T I I :
A C S .B S .38.4.V A R /12 - A C S .B S .3 8 .6 .V A R /1 2 ; B I : A C S .B S .38.7.V A R /12
- A C S .B S .38.8.V A R /12 ; B I I : A C S .B S .3 8 .9 .V A R /1 2 A C S .B S .3 8 .1 1.V A R /12.
Werner, [Hildegard]
[Soldier's Chorus]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B o o k 2 N o.12.
Soldier's Song / Werner.
L o n d o n : J. J. Ew er & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S m arking : {A C S 6 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /12 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /12
Werner, [Hildegard]
[Soldier's Chorus]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B o o k 2 N o.12.
Soldier's Song / Werner.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
S core;
A C S m arking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /12 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /12 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /12 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /12
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
W e rn e r, [H ild eg ard ]
A C S.B S.37.V A R /45
[Song o f Harold Harfager]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .45.
Harold Harfager / H .W em er.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /45 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /45
Werner, [Hildegard]
[Song o f Harold Harfager]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .45.
Harold Harfager / H.Werner.
L ondon : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /45 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /45 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /45 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /45
Werner, [Hildegard]
[Two roses]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B ook 3 N o .16.
The tw o roses / Werner.
L ondon : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A nticnt C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
ACS marking : {ACS6}. RIAM marking : {ACS.RIAM.l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1 .V A R /1 6 ; T i l : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /16
Werner, [llildegard]
T ext Author : F.W .R .
[Two roses]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , Book 3 N o. 16.
The tw o roses / Werner.
London : J. J. Ewer & C o., B ow Church Yard, Cheapside.
AC S m a rk in g : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .1 .V A R /1 6 ; B I : A C S .B S .3 9 .2 .V A R /1 6 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /1 6 ; B I I : A C S .B S .3 9 .4 .V A R /1 6
Werner, [Hildegard]
[War Song]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B o o k 10 N o .6 3 .
War Song / H .W em er.
L ondon : J. J. Ew er & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
R IA M m a rk in g : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .37.1.V A R /63 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /63
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
W e rn e r, [H ild eg ard ]
A C S.B S.39.V A R /63
[War Song]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 1 0 N o .63.
War Song / H.Werner.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., 69 N ew gate Street.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /63 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /63 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /63 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /63
Wilbye, John, 1574-1638
[Come, Shepherd Swains]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent C om posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
Madrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ . . . ] , N o .6.
Com e, shepherd swains.
London : W . H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 801.
Score ; Chorus 3 w , (page 33)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. R IA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
[Wilbye, John, 1574-1638]
[Flora gave mee fairest flow ers]
Flora gave m e fairest Flowers.
M anuscript; (page 14)
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.5} ; {A C S.lb l.2} ; {A C S .lb l.10}
A ntient C oncerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
Parts : S I : A C S .B S .35.1.V A R /20 - A C S .B S .35.3.V A R /20 ; S II :
A C S .B S .35.4.V A R /20 ; A I : A C S .B S .35.5.V A R /20 - A C S .B S .35.6.V A R /20 ;
A I I : A C S .B S .35.7.V A R /20 - A C S .B S .35.8.V A R /20 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.9.V A R /20 - A C S.B S .35.1 l.V A R /2 0 ; T I :
A C S .B S .35.12.V A R /20 - A C S .B S .35.15.V A R /20 ; B I :
A C S .B S .35.16.V A R /20 - A C S .B S .35.18.V A R /20 ; B II :
A C S .B S .3 5 .1 9.V A R /20 - A C S .B S .35.22.V A R /20
Wilbye, John, 1574-1638
[Flora gave mee fairest flow ers]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o.20.
Flora gave m e fairest flow ers.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 319.
Score ; Chorus 5vv, (page 109)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Wilbye, John, 1574-1638
[Lady, your words doe spight mee]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & Six V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o. 16.
Lady, your words do spite m e.
London : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 818.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , (page 81)
A C S marking : {A C S 5 }. RIAM marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
W ilbye, J o h n , 1574-1638
A C S.B S.34.V A R /2
[Sweet hony sucking bees]
Series title : A C ollection o f M adrigals for Three, Four, Five & S ix V oices
Selected from The W orks o f the m ost Em inent Com posers o f the Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Centuries, [ ...] from the Original B ook s, as Preserved in The
M adrigal Society, [ ...] B y W. H aw es [ ...] , N o.2.
Sw eet, honey sucking-bees.
L ondon : W. H aw es, 555 Strand. Plate N o : 788.
Score ; Chorus 4vv, (page 5)
A C S marking : {A C S 5}. RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Wilson, John, 1595-1674
A dditional com poser : Saville, J.
T ext Author : Shakespeare, W illiam , 1564-1616
Arranger : B ishop, Sir Henry R ., 1786-1855.
[By rivers]
O, B y Rivers : Serenade from Dr. W ilson, & J. Saville / Arranged for Five
V o ices, Adapted to the Poetry o f Shakespeare, and the Sym phonies Com posed
by Henry R. B ishop. M us. Bac. O xon.
London : D'Alm aine & C o., Soho Square : {A C S.pub.5}. Plate N o : 10782
Score ; Chorus 5 w , p f (page 127)
Wilson, John, 1595-1674
A dditional com poser : Saville, J.
T ext Author : Shakespeare, W illiam , 1564-1616
Arranger : B ishop, Sir Henry R ., 1786-1855.
[By rivers]
A ntient Concerts Society B ound Sets Catalogue
O, B y Rivers : Serenade from Dr. W ilson, & J. Saville / Arranged for Five
V oices, Adapted to the Poetry o f Shakespeare, and the Sym phonies Com posed
by Henry R. Bishop. M us. Bac. O xon.
London : D 'A lm aine & C o., Soho Square.
Score ; Chorus 5 w , p f (page 85)
Zelter, Carl Friedrich, 1758-1832
[Doctor St. Paul]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .4 6 .
Dr. St. Paul / Zelter.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 9 .liV A R /46 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /46 A C S .B S .39.3.V A R /46 ; B I I : A C S .B S .39.4.V A R /46
Zelter, Carl Friedrich, 1758-1832
[Doctor St. Paul]
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
Com posers [ ...] , B ook 7 N o .4 6 .
Dr. St. Paul / Zelter.
London : J. J. Ewer & Co., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
RIA M marking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1.V A R /46 ; T I I : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /46
A nticnt C oncerts Society Bound Sets Catalogue
Z e lte r, C a r l F rie d ric h , 1758-1832
A C S .B S.37.V A R /17
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B o o k 3 N o.17.
The Toper's G lee / Zelter.
London : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S marking : {A C S 6 }. RIAM m arking : {A C S .R IA M .l}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .3 7 .1 .V A R /17 ; T II : A C S .B S .37.2.V A R /17
Zelter, Carl Friedrich, 1758-1832
Series title : Orpheus, A C ollection o f G lees o f the m ost admired German
C om posers [ ...] , B o o k 3 N o.17 .
The Toper's G lee / Zelter.
L o n d o n : J. J. Ew er & C o., B o w Church Yard, Cheapside.
A C S m arking : {A C S .lb l.36} ; {A C S 5} ; {A C S 58} ; {A C S 6}.
Parts : T I : A C S .B S .39.1.V A R /17 ; B I : A C S .B S .39.2.V A R /17 A C S .B S .3 9 .3 .V A R /1 7 ; B I I : A C S .B S .3 9 .4 .V A R /1 7
The Anacreontic Society: composers and repertoire
________________________ Composer
Alday, Paul
Alday, Paul
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Auber, Daniel-Frangois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Frangois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Frangois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Frangois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Frangois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Frangois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Frangois-Esprit
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Baillot, P.
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Danby, John
Uniform Title
Symphonies, No.1
Symphonies, No.2
Where the bee sucks
Which is the properest day to drink
Cheval de Bronze
Fra Diavolo
Gustavus the Third
Lac des Fees
Miltiary Pieces
Concertos, violin, No.8
Christus am Oelberge
Concertos, violin
Ruinen von Athen
Symphonies, No.5, Op.67
Symphonies, No.6, Op.68
Symphonies, No.8, Op.93
Hark Apollo
Awake Aeolian lyre
Danby, John
Devienne, Francois
Devienne, Francois
Drouet, Louis
Dykes Bower, Sir John
Fontaine, Ant.
Gaudry, Richard
Giordani, Tommaso
Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane
Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane
Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane
Giornovichi. Giovanni Mane
Haigh, Thomas
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Come ye party jangling swains
Concertos, flute
Concertos, flute, No.3
Concertos, flute, No.3
God of Love
Airs, violin, No.4
Descend celestial Queene
Take oh take those lips away
Concertos, violin, No.6
Concertos, violin, No.9
Concertos, violin, No. 12
Concertos, violin, No. 13
Concertos, violin
Acis and Galatea
Coronation anthem
Had of Jubel's lyre
Harmonious Blacksmith
Ye men of Gazza
Zadok the priest
String quartets, Op.20
String quartets, Op.33
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Hayseder, J.
Herold, Ferdinand
Herold, Ferdinand
Hoffmeister, Franz Anton
Hoffmeister, Franz Anton
Janiewicz, Feliks
Janiewicz, Feliks
Janiewicz, Feliks
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Symphonies, Hob. i/44
Symphonies, Hob. i/69
Symphonies, No.93
Symphonies, No.94 (The Surprise)
Symphonies, No.95
Symphonies, No.96 (The Miracle)
Symphonies, No.97
Symphonies, No.98
Symphonies, No.99
Symphonies, No.100 (Military)
Symphonies, No. 103 (Drumroll)
Symphonies, No. 104 (London)
Symphonies, No. 105
Polonaises, violin, No.3
Pré aux clercs
Concertos, flute
Concertos, violin, No.1
Concertos, violin, No.2
Concertos, violin, No.3
Overtures, Op.38
Overtures, Op.44
Overtures, Op.55
Overtures, Op.56
Overtures, Op.76
Overtures, Op.85
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kleinwachter, L.
Kreutzer, Rodolphe
Kreutzer, Rodolphe
Kreutzer, Rodolphe
Kucken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Lamotte, Franz
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Linley, Thomas
Lobe, Johann Christian
Logier, Johann Bernhard
Marschner, Heinrich August
Marschner, Heinrich August
Mayseder, I.
Méhul, Etienne-Nicolas
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Morley, Thomas
Overtures, Op. 101
Symphonies, Op. 106
Theme and Variations
Overtures, Op.1
Concertos, No. 11
Concertos, violin, No.4
Concertos, violin, No.9
Hark the lark
Concertos, violin
Overtures, Op.65
Bumper of good liquor
Overtures, Op.78
Overtures, Op.80
Concertos, violin, No.3
Hymn of praise
Meeresstelle und Glückliche Fahrt
Schone Melusine
Symphonies, No.2
Symphony Canata No.1
It was a lover and his lasse
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Onslow, George
Paer, Ferdinando
Paer, Ferdinando
Paxton, Stephen
Paxton, Stephen
Pieltain, Dieudonne-Pascal
Pleyel, Ignace Joseph
Pleyel, Ignace Joseph
Mistress mine
Se ben mi c’ha bon tempo
Here in cool grot
Clemenza di Tito
Cosi fan tutte
Crudeli Pirche fiuora
Don Giovanni
Laci darem la moro
Misera! Dove Son
Non ti fidar omisora
Nozze di Figaro
Symphonies, [?]
Symphonies, K.16
Symphonies, K.22
Symphonies, K.425, C major, arr.
Symphonies, K.620
Cari accente
Answer to turn Amarillis
How sweet! How fresh!
Concertos, violin, No.11
Concertos, clarinet
Concertos, violin
Pucitta, Vincenzo
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb
Rock, William
Rode, Pierre
Rode, Pierre
Rosquellas, Pablo
Rosquellas, Pablo
Rosquellas, Pablo
Rossini, Gioachino
Rossini, Gioachino
Rossini, Gioachino
Rossini, Gioachino
Ruolz, H. de
Sarti, Giuseppe
Smith, John
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Stevenson, John Andrew
Stevenson, Sir John
Caccia di Enrico
Overtures, Op. 128
Alone thro' unfrequented wilds
Airs, violin, No.6
Concertos, violin, No.9
Concertos, violin, No.2
Grand Concerto
Barbiere di Seviglia
Gazza Ladra
Guillaume Tell
Mose et Egito
Rivali delusi
Lord now callest thy servant
Symphonies, No.3, Op.78
Symphonies, Op.86
Sypmhonies, No.1, Op.20
With the sun we rise at morn
Take o take those lips away
Ask me why I send you here
Come friendly brothers
Come live with me
Come shepherd we'll follow
Fruit of Aurora's tears
Vaccari, F.
Viotti, Giovanni Battista
Glory to God
Hail lovely sounds
Lead me ye muses
Lesbie live to love
Make haste to meet
Meadows look chearfull
Now steals the punctual hour
One night when all the village
Saw you the nymph
Say not so friar
See beneath yon bower
Sigh no more ladies
Slender’s ghost
Symphonies, No.1
Symphonies, No.2
Symphonies, No.10
They play'd in air
Tol lol lol lol lol'
Twas a sweet summers morning
What tho of trace
When Damon is present
When generous wine
When the morning sun
Yes! Damon yes
You gave me your heart 'tother day
Concertos, violin, No.1
Concertos, violin
Viotti, M.
Webbe, Samuel
Webbe, Samuel
Weber, Cari Maria von
Weber, Cari Maria von
Weber, Cari Maria von
Weber, Cari María von
Concertos, violin, No. 13
Generous friendship
If love and all the world were young
Grande Symphonie
Appendix B
The Anacreontic Society: order of works within Bound Sets
Volume No
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Paer, Ferdinando
Gaudry, Richard
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mozart, Wolfgang
Composer 1
Uniform Title
Don Giovanni
Laci darem la moro
Cosi fan tutte
Misera! Dove Son
Non ti fidar omisora
Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni
Nozze di Figaro
Cari accente
Descend celestial Queen
Don Giovanni
Clemenza di Tito
Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni
Nozze di Figaro
Clemenza di Tito
Clemenza di Tito
Clemenza di Tito
Nozze di Figaro
Clemenza di Tito
Clemenza di Tito
AS. BS.2.OPERA/16a
AS. BS.2.OPERA/16b
AS. BS.2. OPERA/21
AS. BS.2. OPERA/27
AS. BS.2. OPERA/36
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Rossini, Gioachino
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Handel, George Frideric
Rossini, Gioachino
Rossini, Gioachino
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Rossini, Gioachino
Rossini, Gioachino
Rossini, Gioachino
Rossini, Gioachino
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Sarti, Giuseppe
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Pucitta, Vincenzo
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Smith, John
Handel, George Frideric
Handel, George Frideric
Handel, George Frideric
Handel, George Frideric
Clemenza di Tito
Gazza Ladra
Cosi fan tutte
Cosi fan tutte
Barbiere di Seviglia
Barbiere di Seviglia
Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni
Don Giovanni
Mose et Egito
Barbiere di Seviglia
Barbiere di Seviglia
Barbiere di Seviglia
Hark Apollo
Crudel! Pirche fiuora
Rivali delusi
Christus am Oelberge
Caccia di Enrico
Don Giovanni
Christus am Oelberge
Lord now callest thy servant
Acis and Galatea
Had of Jubel's lyre
What tho of trace
Handel, George Frideric
Handel, George Frideric
Handel, George Frideric
Handel, George Frideric
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Weber, Cari Maria von
Weber, Cari Maria von
Herold, Ferdinand
Auber, Daniel-Franpois-Esprit
Rossini, Gioachino
Onslow, George
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Méhul, Etienne-Nicolas
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Auber, Daniel-Franpois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Franpois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Franpois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Franpois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Franpois-Esprit
Auber, Daniel-Franpois-Esprit
Herold, Ferdinand
Ruolz, H. de
Lobe, Johann Christian
Ye men of Gazza
Glory to God
Zadok the Priest
Sypmhonies, No.1, Op.20
Symphonies, No.3, Op.78
Symphonies, No.8, Op.93
Grande Symphonie
Pré aux clercs
Cheval de Bronze
Guillaume Tell
Ruinen von Athen
Meeresstelle und Glückliche Fahrt
Fra Diavolo
Gustavus the Third
Lac des Fees
AS. BS.3.0RCH/25
AS. BS.3.0RCH/42
AS. BS.3.0RCH/43
Weber, Carl Maria von
Rossini, Gioachino
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Marschner, Heinrich August
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Paer, Ferdinando
Kleinwachter, L.
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb
Marschner, Heinrich August
Rosquellas, Pablo
Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane
Janiewicz, Feliks
Janiewicz, Feliks
Janiewicz, Feliks
Kreutzer, Rodolphe
Baillot, P.
Fontaine, Ant.
Gazza Ladra
Symphonies, Op.86
Symphonies, Op.86
Symphonies, Op. 106
Overtures, Op.38
Overtures, Op.44
Theme and Variations
Overtures, Op 55
Overtures, Op.56
Overtures, Op.76
Overtures, Op.85
Overtures, Op. 101
Overtures, Op.80
Overtures, Op.65
Overtures, Op.1
Schone Melusine
Overtures, Op. 128
Overtures, Op.78
Concertos, violin, No.2
Concertos, violin, No. 13
Concertos, violin, No.3
Concertos, violin, No.2
Concertos, violin, No.1
Concertos, violin, No.4
Concertos, violin, No.8
Airs, violin, No.4
AS. BS.4.0RCH/27
Rosquellas, Pablo
Vacca ri, F.
Kreutzer, Rodolphe
Kreutzer, Rodolphe
Rode, Pierre
Viotti, Giovanni Battista
Pleyel, Ignace Joseph
Hayseder, J.
Rode, Pierre
Hoffmeister, Franz Anton
Mayseder, I.
Rosquellas, Pablo
Viotti, M.
Drouet, Louis
Pieltain, Diedonne-Pascal
Pleyel, Ignace Joseph
Lamotte, Franz
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Hoffmeister, Franz Anton
Devienne, Francois
Haigh, Thomas
Rode, Pierre
Devienne, Francois
Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane
Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane
Giornovichi, Giovanni Mane
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Logier, Johann Bernhard
Haydn, Joseph
Concertos, violin, No.1
Concertos, violin, No.9
Concertos, No, 11
Concertos, violin, No. 10
Concertos, violin
Concertos, clarinet
Polonaises, violin, No.3
Airs, violin, No.6
Concertos, violin, No.3
Grand Concerto
Concertos, violin, No. 13
Concertos, flute, No.3
Concertos, violin, No.11
Concertos, violin
Concertos, violin
Concertos, violin
Concertos, flute
Concertos, flute
Concertos, violin
Concertos, violin, No.9
Concertos, flute, No.3
Concertos, violin, No. 12
Concertos, violin, No.9
Concertos, violin, No.6
Miltiary Pieces
Symphonies, Hob i/69
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/10
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/11
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/12
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/13
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/14
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/15
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/16
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/17
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/20
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/21
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/22
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/23
Haydn, Joseph
Handel, George Frideric
Handel, George Frideric
Haydn, Joseph
Reeve, William
Weber, Carl Maria von
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Linley, Thomas
Danby, John
Danby, John
Webbe, Samuel
Morley, Thomas
Webbe, Samuel
Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of
Paxton, Stephen
Kucken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Symphonies, No. 105
Acis and Galatea
Harmonious Blacksmith
Symphonies, No. 100 (Military)
Oscar and Malvina
You gave me your heart
Come shepherd we'll follow
Which is the properest day to drink
Come live with me
Bumper of good liquor
Awake Aeolian lyre
Come ye party jangling swains
Generous friendship
Se ben mi c’ha bon tempo
If love and all the world were young
Make haste to meet
Saw you the nymph
Here in cool grot
How sweet! How fresh!
Hark the lark
See beneath yon bower
Lead me ye muses
You gave me your heart 'tother day
When Damon is present
One night when all the village
They play'd in air
Come friendly brothers
Ask me why I send you here
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/24
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/25
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/26
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/27
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/28
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/29
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/30
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/31
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/32
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/33
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/34
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/35
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/36
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/37
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/38
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/39
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/40
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/41
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/42
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/43
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/44
AS. BS.5. VOCAL/45
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Rock, William
Giordani, Tommaso
Paxton, Stephen
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Stevenson, John Andrew
Stevenson, Sir John
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Where the bee sucks
Sigh no more ladies
Say not so friar
Alone thro' unfrequented wilds
Meadows look chearfull
Take oh take those lips away
Answer to turn Amarillis
Mistresse mine
It was a lover and his lasse
Twas a sweet summers morning
Fruit of Aurora's tears
Lesbie live to love
Slender's ghost
When generous wine
With the sun we rise at morn
Take o take those lips away
Twas a sweet summer's morning
Hail lovely sounds
Yes! Damon yes
When the morning sun
Now steals the punctual hour
Quartets, Op. 17
Quartets, Op. 17
Quartets, Op. 17
Quartets, Op. 17
Quartets, Op.20
Quartets. Op.30
Quartets. Op.71
Alday, Paul
Alday, Paul
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
K.425, C major, arr.
No.5, Op.67
No.6, Op.68
No.94 (The Surprise)
No.96 (The Miracle)
No.100 (Military)
No. 1
No.103 (Drumroll)
No.104 (London)
Hob i/44
No. 10
The Antient Concerts Society: composers and repertoire
________________________ Composer
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Adam, Carl F.
Albrecht, Johann Lorenz
Aldrich, Henry
Anacker, August Ferdinand
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Attwood, Thomas
Bach, Johann Sebastian
________________________ Uniform Title
Birds are coming hither
Cheerful drum
Gut' nacht, mein Lieb
Gute Nacht, du mein herziges Kind
Hark! hark! it is the evening breeze
Huntsman's Song
Love's greeting
My Fatherland
Schwäbisches Liedchen
Soldier's adieu
Song of Consecration
Malden Listen
Banish Oh Maiden
Good indeed
Miners Song
Boat, a boat
Chi more per dio
Cries of Durham
Hail! hall! green fields
God save the Queen
Rule Britannia
Where the bee sucks
Cantatas, No.1
Baildon, Joseph
Basili, Francesco
Bâtes, Joah
Battishill, Jonathan
Baur, Anton
Beale, William
Beale, William
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Beethoven, Ludwig
Beethoven, Ludwig
Beethoven, Ludwig
Beethoven, Ludwig
Beethoven, Ludwig
Belcke, Friedrich
Benedict, Sir Julius
Bennet, John
Bennet, John
Bennet, John
Lob Und Ehre Und Weisheit
Motet 3
Motet 5
There is a Calm for Those Who Weep
Mr. Speaker
Sir, you are a comical fellow
Call to Remembrance
Wave high your hats
Come let us join the roundday
Choral Fantasy
Christus am Oelberge
David in the Wilderness
Mass in C
Mount Of Olives
Sextet, Op.81b, E flat major, arr.
Vesper Hymn
Glory to God
All creatures now are merry
Come Shepherd Follow Me
Thyrsis, sleepest thou
Bennett, Sir William Sterndale
Bergt, August
Bertelsmann, Carl August
Bicci, Antonio
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Bishop, Sir Henry R
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Blewitt, Jonathan
Blum, Karl
Blum, Karl
Boyce, William
Boyce, William
Boyce, William
Boyce, William
Boyce, William
Byrd, William
Byrd, William
Call, Leonhard von
Call, Leonhard von
Call, Leonhard von
Call, Leonhard von
Callcott, John Wall
Callcott, John Wall
Callcott, John Wall
Sun is gone
Dainty, white pearl
Blow, gentle gales
Mourn for the mighty dead
Seventh Day
Seventh Day
When the moon shines bright
When wearied wretches sink to sleep
Where art thou, Beam of Light
Bacchus own me for thy son
Come Boys
Youthful Flower
Blooming youth lies buried here
Give the King thy judgements
Turn thee unto me
Where shall wisdom be found?
Wherewithal shall a young man
How sleep the brave who sink to rest
Non nobis, Domine
Dear Maid
Oft when night has rest bestow'd
Pleasing Pain
How Sophia!
In the Lonely Vale of Streams
Cherubini, Luigi
Cherubini, Luigi
Chwatal, Franz Xaver
Conversi, Girolamo
Cooke, Benjamin
Cooke, Thomas Simpson
Cooke, Thomas Simpson
Croce, Giovanni
Croft, William
Croft, William
Curschmann, Karl Friedrich
Curschmann, Karl Friedrich
Curschmann, Karl Friedrich
Danby, John
Dehn, Siegfried
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
Dowland, John
East, Michael
Edwards, Richard
Eisen hofer, Franz Xaver
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver
Queen of the valley
Red Cross Knight
Snatch me swift from these tempestuous scenes
To all you ladies now on land
When time was entwining
Masses, A
Perfida Clori
Lovely Night
Sola soletta
Hark! the lark at heaven's-gate sings
Shades of the heroes
Shall I waste my youth in sighing
Cinthia il tuo
God is gone up
We will rejoice in thy salvation
Ti Prego
Time! thy hours of pleasure
Awake Aeolian lyre
Come again, sweet love doth now invite
Now, O now I needs must part
Sleep wayward thoughts
How merrily we live
In goinge to my naked bedde
Stolen Kiss
Elliot, James
Envelope, Lee
Evans, Charles Smart
Festa, Constanzo
Fink, Gottfried Wilhelm
Flemming, Friedrich Ferdinand
Ford, Thomas
Fusz, Janos
Gardiner, William
Giardini, Felice
Giardini, Felice
Giardini, Felice
Gibbons, Orlando
Gibbons, Orlando
Gibbons, Orlando
Gibbons, Orlando
Gibbons, Orlando
Gibbons, Orlando
Gibbons, Orlando
Gibbons, Orlando
Giordani, Tommaso
Grassini, Francesco Maria
Greene, Maurice
Greene, Maurice
Greene, Maurice
Greene, Maurice
Greene, Maurice
Handel, George Frideric
Proclaim ye this among the gentiles
As a rosy wreath
Quando ritrovo
Integer vitae
What Then Is Love
Beviamo tutti tre
Here's a health to all the good lasses
Viva tutte le vezzose
Clap Your Hands
Clap your hands
God is gone up
Round about
Service, first short
Silver swan
Silver swanne
That the learned poets of this time
Celebrated death song of the Cherokee Indian
I tell thee boy!
Give thanks unto the Lord, let them give thanks
God is our hope and strength
God is our hope and strength
Let God arise
Lord, let me know mine end
Acis and Galatea
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Handel, George Frider c
Harington, Henry
Harington, Henry
Harington, Henry
Harrison, Samuel
Hartel, August
Hatton, John Liptrot
Hawes, William
Haydn, Joseph
Alexander's Feast
Allegro, il Penseroso ed ¡1 Moderato
Coronation anthem
Dettingen Te Deum
Funeral Anthem
Israel in Egypt
Judas Maccabaeus
The ways of Zion do mourn
Zadok the priest
Zadok the priest
Dame Durden
Give me the sweet delights of love
Three old women in a country churchyard
Nanny wilt thou gang with me
Miller's Daughter
Robin Hood
Sweet Philomela
Coronation Mass
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn. Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Haydn, Joseph
Hayes, William
Hiller, Friedrich Adam
Horsley, Charles Edward
Hummel, Johanni Nepomuk
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
King, Matthew Peter
King, Matthew Peter
Kreutzer. Conradin
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kreutzer, Conradin
Imperial Mass
Masses [?]
Masses, B flat major
Masses, Hob XII, D minor
Svanisce in urn momento
Mariners Song
Come follow me to the greenwood tree
Evening service, E flat major
Worship The Lord
Would you sing a catch with pleasure
World, thou art wonderous fair
Mariner's return
Quod quod in orbe
Cruel Maid
Libera me domine
Das ist der Tag das Herrn
Hark! above us
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kucken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Kucken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Kucken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Kucken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Kucken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Kucken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Kuhlau, Frederick Daniel Rodolph
Lancelott, F.
Lassus, Orlande de
Leslie, Henry
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Linley, Thomas
Locke, Matthew
Lowe, Adolph
Luther, Martin
Luther, Martin
Macfarren, Sir George
Marenzio, Luca
Marenzio, Luca
Marschner, Heinrich August
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Hunter's Joys
Huntsman's Joy
Sabbath Call
Spring time
Thro' Woods and Fields
Hark the lark
Song of the miner
War Song
Wine that flows
Under every Treetop
Wo, Dobbin, wo
Rossignol plaisant
Jüngling von Nain
Carnival of Venice
Remember 0 Lord
Geistliche Lieder auffs new gebessert
Martin Luther's Hymn
May Day
Dissi a I’amata mia lucida stella
Lady, See On Ev'ry Side
Abschied vom Walde
Mendelssohn, Fe ¡X
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ¡X
Mendelssohn, Fe ¡X
Mendelssohn, Fe ¡X
Mendelssohn, Fe ¡X
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ¡X
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
Mendelssohn, Fe ix
An die Künstler
Auf dem See
Ave Maria
Deep Repose of Night Is Ending
Drei Kirchenmusiken
Eastern Drinking Song
Erste Walpurgisnacht
Frohe Wandersmann
Frühzeitiger Frühling
Grant us peace
Heimkehr aus der Fremde
Hymn of Praise
In The Woods
Jager Abschied
Lauda Sion
Laudate pueri
Liebe und Wein
Lord have mercy
Midsummer Night’s Dream
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Morley, Thomas
Praise Jehovah
Praise the Lord
Psalm 22
Psalm 42. Op.42
Psalm 114. Op.51
Psalm 155. Op.31
Saviour of Sinners
Son and Stranger
Spring's Journey
St Paul
Summer Song
Symphonia cantata No.1
Symphony No.2
Tell me not
Turkish Drinking Song
Verleih' uns Frieden
When The West With Evening Glows
Daintie fine sweet nimphe
Dainty, fine sweet nymph
Filli morir vorei
Fire, Fire
Fyer, fyer
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of
Moscheies, Ignaz
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
My bonny lass she smileth
My bonny lasse shee smyleth
Now is the month of maying
Phillis I fain would die
Phillis, I faine wold die now
Piacer, gioia
Questa dolce sirena
Se ben mi c’ha bon tempo
Vezzosette ninfe
What saith my daintie darling?
When saith my dainty darling
Bird of eve
Merry May
Ave verum corpus
Coronation mass
Cosi fan tutte
Don Giovanni
Exaudi nos Jesu
Masses, G
Masses, No.1, C Major
Missa brevis
Thamos, Konig in Agypten
On fragrant Myrtles
Müller, J. G.
Otto, Franz
Otto, Franz
Otto, Franz
Otto, Franz
Otto, Franz
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da
Paxton, Stephen
Paxton, Stephen
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
Pohlenz, Christian August
Pohlenz, Christian August
Pohlenz, Christian August
Pohlenz, Christian August
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
In felice
Hope and Fear
Lord We Pray Thee Hear Us
Breathe soft ye winds
How Sweet, How Fresh This Vernal Day
Lord have mercy upon me
Sanctum et terribile
Huntsman's Song
Twine ye Roses
Arise my dark'ned melancholy soul
Awake, and with attention hear
Awake, ye dead, the trumpet calls
Be merciful unto me
Beati omnes qut timent Dominum
Begin the song, and strike the living lyre!
Behold, 1bring you glad tidings
Behold, now, praise the Lord
Blessed be the Lord, my strength
Purcel Henry
Purcel Henry
Purcel Henry
Purcel Henry
Purcel Henry
Purcel Henry
Purcel Henry
Purcel Henry
Purcel Henry
Blessed is he that considereth the poor
Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiv’n
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord
Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
Bow down thine ear, O Lord
British Heroine
British Worthy
Burial Service
By the waters of Babylon
Close thine eyes and sleep secure
Divine Hymn
Divine song
Early, O Lord, my fainting soul
Earth trembled
Evening Hymn on a Ground
Few and full of sorrow
Give thanks unto the Lord
Gloria Patri et Filio
Gloria Patri et Filio
Gloria Patri et Filio
Gloria Patri et Filio
God, thou art my God
Great God and just
Happy man that fears the Lord
Hear me, O Lord, and that soon
Hear me, O Lord, the great support
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Hear my prayer, O Lord
How have I stray'd, my God
How long, great God
Hymn upon the Last Day
I heard a voice from heaven
I was glad when they said unto me
I will give thanks
I will sing unto the Lord
I’m sick of life
In guilty night
In the black, dismal dungeon of despair
In thee, 0 Lord, do I put my trust
It is a good thing to give thanks
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes
Job’s Curse
King Arthur
Laudate Dominum
Let God arise
Let the night perish
Lord is my light
Lord our governor
Lord, grant the king a long life
Lord, how long wilt thou be angry
Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes
Lord, not to us but to thy name
Lord, what is man
Lord, who can tell how oft he offendeth?
Puree !, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree 1, Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Puree , Henry
Miserable man
Morning and evening service, B flat _____
Morning Hymn
My beloved spake
My heart is fixed, O God
My heart is inditing
My song shall be always
Now that the sun hath veiled his light
O all ye people, clap your hands
O consider my adversity
O Lord, rebuke me not
On our Saviour’s Passion
On the conversation of St. Paul
Out of the deep have I called
Penitential Hymn
Plung’d in the confines of despair
Praise the Lord, all ye heathen
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me
Praise the Lord, O my soul, O Lord my God
Remember not, Lord, our offences
Saul and the Witch of Endor
Save me, O God, for thy name’s sake
Since God so tender a regard
Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms of the earth
Sing unto the Lord
Tell me, some pitying angel
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb
Robinson, Joseph
Romberg, Andreas Jakob
Romberg, Andreas Jakob
Romberg, Andreas Jakob
Rossini, Gioachino
Salaman, Charles Kensington
Schneider, Friedrich
Schubert, Franz
Schubert, Franz
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
They that go down to the sea in ships
Thou knowest Lord the secrets of our hearts
Thou wakeful shepherd
Thy way, O God, is holy
Turn Thee again, O Lord God of hosts
Turn thou us, O good Lord
Under this stone lies Gabriel John
Unto thee will I cry, O Lord
Upon a quiet conscience
We sing to him whose wisdom form’d the ear
Who hath believed our report
Why do the heathen so furiously rage together
With sick and famish’d eyes
Image of the rose
Tears of anguish
Sweet Contentment
When Cold In The Earth
Lied von der Glocke
Transient and the eternal
Was bleibet und was schwindet
I arise from dreams of thee
Boat Song
Deh con me
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
Shield, William
Shield, William
Shield, William
Shield. William
Smith, John
Smith, John Stafford
Spazier, Johann Gottlieb Karl
Spofforth, Reginald
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr. Louis
Steinacker, Karl
Stevens Richard John Samuel
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Luci Serene
Piano, Piano
Happy fair
Health to my Sov'reign the Queen
Sparrow and Diamond
Maltese mariners hymn
Blest pair of sirens
Come fill a mighty measure
Remember O Lord
Hail, smiling mom
Balmy Night
Christian's prayer
Fall Babylons
Gott, du bist gross
Heilands letzte Stunden
Jüngling von Nain
Last Judgement
Masses, Op.54
Now For Him I Loved
Rastlose Liebe
Vater unser
Zemire und Azor
Life's deceits
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Cloud-cap’t towers
Stevenson, Sir John
Stevenson, Sir John
Stevenson, Sir John
Stevenson, Sir John
Stevenson, Sir John
Storace, Stephen
Sutor, Wilhelm
Tallis, Thomas
Crabbed age and youth
Some of my heroes are low
To be gazing on those charms
When the toil of day is o'er
Ye spotted snakes
Alone on the sea-beaten rock
Dublin Cries
Give me the harp
Raise the song
When Damon is present
Iron chest
Wood nymph
Preces and Responses
Thou to whose Eyes I bend
On a Day, alack the Day!
Air (quoth he) thy Cheeks may blow
Whilst from our Looks fair Nymph
Could he whom my dissembled Rigour
In a Vale clos'd with Woodland
Ye Woods and ye Mountains unknown
Thou fairest Proof of Beauty's Pow'r
I wish to tune my quiv'ring lyre
Fairy Glee
Return my lovely Maid
Ye Pearls of snowy white mess
Honour and joy
Tis May
Who would sleep in her coral cave
Viotta, Joannes Josephus
Waetrant, Hubert
Waelrant, Hubert
Wainwright, Richard
Waimisley, Thomas Attwood
Ward, John
Warren, Thomas
Webbe, Samuel
Webbe, Samuel
Webbe, Samuel
Webbe, Samuel
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Mi Manca la Voce
William Tell
Proclaim ye this among
Proclaim ye this among
Proclaim ye this among
Proclaim ye this among
Proclaim ye this among
Remember O Lord
Remember O Lord
Remember O Lord
When all alone
Dying Child
Hard by a fountain
O're desert plains
Life’s a bumper
Remember O Lord
Die not, fond man
To our musical club here's long life
Glorious Apollo
Hail! Star of Brunswick!
Mighty conqueror
When winds breathe soft
Bright sword of liberty
In the Twilight
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weelkes, Thomas
Weelkes, Thomas
Weelkes, Thomas
Weelkes, Thomas
Weelkes, Thomas
Welsh, Thomas
Werner, Hildegard
Werner, Hildegard
Werner, Hildegard
Werner, Hildegard
Werner, Hildegard
Wilbye, John
Wilbye, John
Wilbye, John
Wilbye, John
Wilbye, John
Wilson, John
Zelter, Carl Friedrich
Zelter, Carl Friedrich
Lutrows wild hunt
Schone Ahnung
Silent Night
Like two proud armies
Now is my Cloris fresh as May
Wee shepherds sing
Welcome sweet pleasure
When Thoralis delights to walke
Death and veneration of Bacchus
Beauteous Clouds
King Joy
Merry and free
Rose of the Desert
Soldier's Chorus
Soldier's Song
Song of Harold Harfager
Two roses
War Song
Come, Shepherd Swains
Flora gave mee fairest flowers
Lady, your words do spite me
Lady, your words doe spight mee
Sweet hony sucking bees
By rivers
Doctor St. Paul
The Antient Concerts Society: order of works within Bound Sets
Volume No
ACS. BS.2. HAN/2
ACS. BS.3. HAN/2
ACS. BS.5. HAN/2
ACS. BS.6. HAN/2
ACS. BS.7. HAN/2
Composer 1
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
Frider c
___________________ Uniform Title
Alexander’s Feast
Alexander’s Feast
Israel in Egypt
Israel in Egypt
Israel in Egypt
Israel in Egypt
Israel in Egypt
Israel in Egypt
Israel in Egypt
Israel in Egypt
Israel In Egypt
Israel in Egypt
Israel In Egypt
Israel In Egypt
Israel In Egypt
Let Me Wander Not Unseen
Allegro, ¡1 Penseroso ed il Moderato
Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato
Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato
Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato
Dettingen Te Deum
Zadok the priest
Israel in Egypt
Israel In Egypt
Israel In Egypt
ACS. BS.8. LIN/2
ACS.BS. 10.LIN/3
ACS.BS.11. LIN/1
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Lindpaintner, Peter Josef von
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Jüngling von Nain
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
Jüngling von
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
El ah
ACS.BS. 17. MEN/4
ACS.BS. 18.MEN/1
Heimkehr aus
Heimkehr aus
Heimkehr aus
Heimkehr aus
Heimkehr aus
Heimkehr aus
Heimkehr aus
Heimkehr aus
ACS.BS.21. MEN/3
ACS.BS.21. MEN/8
ACS. BS.24. MEN/2
Heimkehr aus der Fremde
Heimkehr aus der Fremde
Heimkehr aus der Fremde
Psalm 155. Op.31
Psalm 114. Op.51
Psalm 155. Op.31
Psalm 42. Op.42
Psalm 155. Op.31
Psalm 114. Op.51
Psalm 155. Op.31
Drei Kirchenmusiken
ACS.BS.27 PUR/10
ACS. BS.27. PUR/12
ACS. BS.27. PUR/14
ACS. BS.27. PUR/15
ACS. BS.27. PUR/16
ACS. BS.27. PUR/18
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Purcell Henry
Verleih' uns Frieden
Cosi Fan Tutte
Cosi Fan Tutte
Cosi Fan Tutte
Thamos, König in Ägypten
Thamos, König in Ägypten
Thamos, König in Ägypten
Behold, I bring you glad tidings
It is a good thing to give thanks
Sing unto the Lord
Lord is my light
Behold, now, praise the Lord
Remember not, Lord, our offences
Lord, how long wilt thou be angry
Be merciful unto me
Hear me, O Lord, and that soon
In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust
Blessed be the Lord, my strength
Morning and evening service, B flat
Morning and evening service, B flat
Give thanks unto the Lord
I will sing unto the Lord
Save me, 0 God, for thy name’s sake
God, thou art my God
Lord, who can tell how oft he offendeth?
Saul and the Witch of Endor
Awake, and with attention hear
Morning Hymn
Evening Hymn on a Ground
ACS .BS.28. PU R/6
ACS. BS.28. PUR/9
ACS. BS.28. PUR/10
ACS. BS.28. PUR/11
ACS. BS.28. PUR/12
ACS. BS.28. PUR/13
ACS. BS.28. PUR/14
ACS. BS.28. PUR/17
ACS. BS.28. PUR/19
ACS. BS.28. PUR/20
ACS. BS.28. PUR/21
ACS. BS.28. PUR/22
ACS. BS.28. PUR/23
ACS. BS.28. PUR/24
ACS. BS.28. PUR/25
ACS. BS.28. PUR/26
ACS. BS.28, PUR/27
ACS. BS.28. PUR/28
ACS. BS.28. PUR/30
ACS. BS.28. PUR/31
ACS. BS.28. PUR/32
ACS. BS.28. PUR/33
Close thine eyes and sleep secure
Now that the sun hath veiled his light
With sick and famish’d eyes
Job’s Curse
Penitential Hymn
Miserable man
How have I stray’d, my God
Hymn upon the Last Day
In the black, dismal dungeon of despair
On our Saviour’s Passion
Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation
Divine song
Lord, rebuke me not
Arise my dark'ned melancholy soul
On the conversion of St. Paul
Divine Hymn
We sing to him whose wisdom form’d the ear
All ye people, clap your hands
Hear me, 0 Lord, the great support
Turn Thee again, O Lord God of hosts
Turn thou us, O good Lord
Since God so tender a regard
Plung’d in the confines of despair
Lord our governor
I’m sick of life
Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes
ACS. BS.28. PUR/34
ACS. BS.28. PUR/36
ACS. BS.28. PUR/37
ACS. BS.28. PUR/38
ACS. BS.28. PUR/40
ACS. BS.28. PUR/41
ACS. BS.28. PUR/42
ACS. BS.28. PUR/43
ACS. BS.28. PUR/44
ACS. BS.28. PUR/45
ACS. BS.29. PUR/12
ACS. BS.29. PUR/13
ACS. BS.29. PUR/16
Lord, not to us but to thy name
Early, O Lord, my fainting soul
Happy man that fears the Lord
Few and full of sorrow
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes
Beati omnes qui timent Dominum
Gloria Patri et Filio
Gloria Patri et Filio
Gloria Patri et Filio
Laudate Dominum
Gloria Patri et Filio
Lord our governor
They that go down to the sea in ships
Blessed is he whose unrighteousness is forgiv’n
Out of the deep have 1called
By the waters of Babylon
Blessed is he that considereth the poor
My song shall be always
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord
Burial Service
Burial Service
Burial Service
Hear my prayer, O Lord
Lord, grant the king a long life
Turn thou us, 0 good Lord
Let God arise
Consider my adversity
ACS.BS .29.PUR/17
ACS.BS. 29.PUR/18
ACS.BS. 29.PUR/19
ACS.BS. 30.PUR/1
ACS.BS. 30. PUR/2
ACS.BS. 30.PUR/3
ACS.BS. 30. PUR/4
ACS.BS. 30. PUR/5
ACS.BS. 30.PUR/6
ACS.BS. 30. PUR/7
ACS.BS. 30.PUR/8
ACS.BS. 30.PUR/9
ACS.BS. 30.PUR/10
ACS.BS. 30.PUR/11
ACS.BS. 30.PUR/12
ACS.BS 30.PUR/13
ACS.BS. 31.SPO/2
ACS.BS. 32.SPO/1
ACS.BS. 32.SPO/2
ACS.BS. 33. VAR/1
ACS.BS. 33.VAR/2
ACS.BS. 33.VAR/4
ACS.BS. 33. VAR/5
ACS.BS 3 3. VAR/6
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Spohr, Louis
Locke, Matthew
Giordani, Tommaso
Bow down thine ear, O Lord
Why do the heathen so furiously rage together
My heart is inditing
My beloved spake
I will give thanks
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me
Praise the Lord, O my soul, O Lord my God
My heart is fixed, 0 God
Unto thee will I cry, O Lord
Who hath believed our report
Praise the Lord, all ye heathen
Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms of the earth
1was glad when they said unto me
Thy way, 0 God, is holy
Morning and evening service
Morning and evening service
Zemire und Azor
Zemire und Azor
Zemire und Azor
Zemire und Azor
Zemire und Azor
Zemire und Azor
Celebrated death song of the Cherokee Indian
On a Day, alack the Day!"
Air (quoth he) thy Cheeks may blow"
Whilst from our Looks fair Nymph
Could he whom my dissembled Rigour
ACS. BS.33. VAR/9
ACS. BS. 33. VAR/10
ACS. BS. 34. VAR/2
ACS. BS. 34. VAR/3
ACS. BS.34. VAR/4
ACS.BS.34. VAR/5
ACS. BS.34. VAR/6
ACS.BS.34. VAR/10
ACS. BS.34. VAR/12
ACS. BS.34. VAR/13
ACS.BS.34. VAR/14
ACS.BS.34. VAR/15
ACS. BS.34. VAR/16
ACS.BS.34. VAR/18
ACS. BS.34. VAR/19
ACS. BS. 34. VAR/20
ACS. BS.34. VAR/21
ACS. BS.34. VAR/22
ACS. BS.34. VAR/23
ACS. BS.34. VAR/24
ACS. BS.34. VAR/25
ACS. BS.34. VAR/26
Un attributed
Dowland, John
Wilbye, John
Beale, William
Morley, Thomas
Bennet, John
Wilbye, John
Gibbons, Orlando
Evans, Charles Smart
Weelkes, Thomas
Weelkes, Thomas
Weelkes, Thomas
Waelrant, Hubert
Conversi, Girolamo
Gibbons, Orlando
Bicci, Antonio
Wilbye, John
Morley, Thomas
Croce, Giovanni
Ward, John
Wilbye, John
Lassus, Orlande de
Marenzio, Luca
Hawes, William
Bennett, John
Weelkes, Thomas
In a Vale clos'd with Woodland"
Ye Woods and ye Mountains unknown
Thou fairest Proof of Beauty's Pow'r
Now, 0 now 1needs must part
Sweet hony sucking bees
Vezzosette ninfe
All creatures now are merry
Come, Shepherd Swains
That the learned poets of this time
As a rosy wreath
Now is my Cloris fresh as May
Wee shepherds sing
Like two proud armies
O're desert plains
When all alone
Silver swanne
Dainty, white pearl
Lady, your words doe spight mee
Cinthia il tuo
Die not, fond man
Flora gave mee fairest flowers
Rossignol plaisant
Dissi a I’amata mia lucida Stella
Sweet Philomela
Chi more per dio
Come, shepherds, follow me
When Thoralis delights to walke
ACS. BS.34. VAR/27
ACS. BS.34. VAR/28
ACS. BS.34. VAR/29
ACS. BS.34. VAR/30
ACS. BS.35. VAR/1
ACS. BS.35. VAR/6
ACS.BS.35. VAR/7
ACS. BS.35. VAR/10
ACS. BS.35. VAR/14
ACS. BS.35. VAR/19
ACS. BS.35. VAR/20
ACS. BS.35. VAR/21
ACS. BS.35. VAR/22
ACS. BS.35. VAR/23
ACS. BS.35. VAR/24
Bennet, John
Gibbons, Orlando
Dowland, John
Morley, Thomas
Linley, Thomas
Croce, Giovanni
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Dowland, John
Wilbye, John
Bennet, John
Festa, Constanzo
Linley, Thomas
Croft, William
Cooke, Thomas Simpson
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Morley, Thomas
Morley, Thomas
Waelrant, Hubert
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Thyrsis, sleepest thou
Round about
Sleep wayward thoughts
Piacer, gioia
Carnival of Venice
Cinthia il tuo
Se ben mi c’ha bon tempo
Sweet hony sucking bees
Return my lovely Maid
Flora gave mee fairest flowers
Mighty Conqueror
Come Shepherd Follow Me
Quando ritrovo
Ye Pearls of snowy white mess
Carnival of Venice
God is gone up
When all alone
Shall 1waste my youth in sighing
Where art thou, Beam of Light
Questa dolce sirena
Filli morir vorei
Hard by a fountain
Honour and joy
Tis May
ACS.B S.35 .VAR/25
ACS.BS. 35. VAR/26
ACS. BS.35. VAR/27
ACS. BS.35. VAR/28
ACS BS.35.VAR/29
ACS.BS.36. VAR/1
ACS. BS.36. VAR/2
ACS.BS.36. VAR/3
ACS. BS.36. VAR/4
ACS. BS.36. VAR/5
ACS. BS.36. VAR/7
ACS. BS.36. VAR/8
ACS. BS.36. VAR/9
ACS. BS.36. VAR/10
ACS. BS.36. VAR/12
ACS. BS.36. VAR/15
ACS. BS.36. VAR/17
ACS. BS.37. VAR/2
ACS. BS.37. VAR/4
Locke, Matthew
Purcell, Henry
Purcell, Henry
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Hartei, August
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Hiller, Friedrich Adam
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich
Müller, J. G.
Weber, Carl Maria von
Blum, Karl
Weber, Carl Maria von
Spohr, Louis
Marschner, Heinrich August
King Arthur
Rule Britannia
Who would sleep in her coral cave
Turkish Drinking Song
Jager Abschied
Summer Song
Liebe und Wein
Spring's Journey
Auf dem See
In the Woods
War Song
Miller's Daughter
Frohe Wandersmann
Eastern Drinking Song
World, thou art wonderous fair
Image of the rose
Tears of anguish
Bright sword of liberty
Youthful Flower
Silent Night
Rastlose Liebe
ACS.BS.37. VAR/6
ACS.BS.37. VAR/7
ACS.BS.37. VAR/10
ACS.BS.37. VAR/11
ACS.BS.37. VAR/12
ACS. B S. 37. VAR/13
ACS.BS.37. VAR/14
ACS.BS.37 .VAR/15
ACS.BS.37. VAR/16
ACS.BS.37. VAR/17
ACS.BS.37. VAR/20
ACS.BS.37. VAR/22
ACS.BS.37. VAR/23
ACS.BS.37. VAR/24
ACS.BS.37. VAR/25
ACS.BS.37. VAR/26
ACS.BS.37 .VAR/27
ACS.BS.37. VAR/28
ACS.BS.37. VAR/29
ACS.BS.37. VAR/30
ACS.BS.37. VAR/31
ACS.BS.37. VAR/32
ACS.BS.37. VAR/33
Werner, Hildegard
Kreutzer, Conradin
Call, Leonhard von
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
Albrecht, Johann Lorenz
Weber, Carl Maria von
Werner, Hildegard
Kreutzer, Conradin
Weber, Carl Maria von
Chwatal, Franz Xaver
Werner, Hildegard
Zelter, Carl Friedrich
Weber, Carl Maria von
Flemming, Friedrich Ferdinand
Kreutzer, Conradin
Otto, Franz
Otto, Franz
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver
Schneider, Friedrich
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Pohlenz, Christian August
Bergt, August
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
Call, Leonhard von
Fusz, Jänos
Grassini, Francesco Maria
Merry and Free
Sabbath Call
Piano, Piano
Banish. Oh Maiden
Lutrows wild hunt
Soldier's Song
Hark! above us
In the Twilight
Two roses
Integer vitae
Das ist der Tag das Herrn
On fragrant Myrtles
Cruel Maid
Twine ye Roses
Sun Is gone
Deh con me
Dear Maid
1tell thee boy!
Soldier's Chorus
ACS. BS.37. VAR/35
ACS. BS.37. VAR/36
ACS. BS.37. VAR/37
ACS. BS.37. VAR/38
ACS. BS. 37. VAR/39
ACS.BS. 37. VAR/40
ACS. BS.37. VAR/42
ACS. BS. 37. VAR/43
ACS. BS. 37. VAR/45
ACS. BS.37. VAR/46
ACS. BS.37. VAR/47
ACS. BS.37. VAR/48
ACS. BS.37. VAR/49
ACS. BS.37. VAR/50
ACS. BS.37. VAR/51
ACS. BS.37. VAR/52
ACS. BS.37. VAR/53
ACS. BS.37. VAR/54
ACS. BS.37. VAR/55
ACS. BS. 37. VAR/56
ACS. BS.37. VAR/57
ACS. BS.37. VAR/58
ACS. BS.37. VAR/59
ACS. BS.37. VAR/60
ACS. BS.37. VAR/61
ACS. BS.37. VAR/62
ACS. BS.37. VAR/63
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich
Haydn, Michael
Weber, Carl Maria von
Werner, Hildegard
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Anacker, August Ferdinand
Baur, Anton
Pohlenz, Christian August
Werner, Hildegard
Zelter, Carl Friedrich
Call, Leonhard von
Fink, Gottfried Wilhelm
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kuhlau, Friedrich
Otto, Franz
Call, Leonhard von
Kreutzer, Conradin
Mendelssohn, Felix
Spohr, Louis
Kreutzer, Conradin
Adam, Carl F.
Werner, Hildegard
Otto, Franz
Mendelssohn, Felix
Werner, Hildegard
Mariners Song
To Song
King Joy
Luci Serene
Sextet, Op.81b, E flat major, arr.
Miners Song
In felice
Wave high your hats
Song of Harold Harfager
Doctor St. Paul
Oft when night has rest bestow'd
Libera me domine
Under every Treetop
Pleasing Pain
Thro' Woods and Fields
Tell me not
Life's deceits
Huntsman's Joy
Maiden Listen
Beauteous Clouds
War Song
ACS. BS.37. VAR/64
ACS.BS.37. VAR/66
ACS. BS.37. VAR/67
ACS. BS.37. VAR/68
ACS.BS.37. VAR/69
ACS.BS.37. VAR/70
ACS. BS.37. VAR/71
ACS. BS.37. VAR/72
ACS. BS.37. VAR/73
ACS.BS.37. VAR/74
ACS. BS.37. VAR/75
ACS.BS.37. VAR/76
ACS.BS.37. VAR/77
ACS. BS.37. VAR/80
ACS. BS.37. VAR/81
ACS. BS.37. VAR/82
ACS. BS.37. VAR/84
ACS. BS.37. VAR/85
ACS. BS.37. VAR/86
ACS.BS.37. VAR/87
ACS.BS.37. VAR/88
ACS. BS.37. VAR/89
ACS. BS.37. VAR/90
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver
Pohlenz, Christian August
Pohlenz, Christian August
Kreutzer, Conradin
Weber, Carl Maria von
Kreutzer, Conradin
Dehn, Siegfried
Mendelssohn, Felix
Sutor, Wilhelm
Kiicken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Mendelssohn, Felix
Otto, Franz
Schubert, Franz
Viotta, Joannes Josephus
Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Otto, Franz
Schubert, Franz
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mariner's return
Huntsman's Song
Spring time
Hark the lark
Lord have mercy
Hope and Fear
Boat Song
Dying Child
Frühzeitiger Frühling
Abschied vom Walde
Turkish Drinking Song
Jager Abschied
Summer Song
ACS.BS.37. VAR/93
ACS.BS. 37. VAR/94
ACS.BS.37. VAR/96
ACS.BS.37 .VAR/97
ACS.BS.37. VAR/98
ACS.BS.37. VAR/99
ACS.BS.38. VAR/5
ACS.BS.38. VAR/6
ACS.BS,39. VAR/1
ACS.BS.39. VAR/2
ACS.BS.39. VAR/3
ACS.BS.39. VAR/6
ACS.BS.39 .VAR/7
ACS.BS.39. VAR/9
ACS.BS. 39. VAR/10
ACS.BS.39. VAR/12
ACS.BS.39. VAR/14
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Felix
Spohr, Louis
Spazier, Johann Gottlieb Karl
Werner, Hildegard
Kreutzer, Conradin
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver
Kreutzer, Conradin
Call, Leonhard von
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
Albrecht, Johann Lorenz
Weber, Carl Maria von
Werner, Hildegard
Weber, Carl Maria von
Blum, Karl
Weber, Carl Maria von
Spohr, Louis
Marschner, Heinrich August
Werner, Hildegard
Kreutzer, Conradin
Call, Leonhard von
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
Albrecht, Johann Lorenz
Weber, Carl Maria von
Werner, [Hildegard]
Kreutzer, [Conradin]
Weber, Carl Maria von
Chwatal, Franz Xaver
Liebe und Wein
Spring's Journey
Balmy Night
Come fill a mighty measure
Rose of the Desert
Hunter's Joys
Wanderer's Night Song
Stolen Kiss
Sabbath Call
Piano, Piano
Banish Oh Maiden
Lutrows wild hunt
Soldier's Song
Bright sword of liberty
Youthful Flower
Silent Night
Rastlose Liebe
Merry and free
Sabbath Call
Piano, Piano
Banish Oh Maiden
Lutrows wild hunt
Soldier's Song
Hark! above us
In the Twilight
Lovely Night
ACS. BS. 39. VAR/16
ACS. BS.39. VAR/17
ACS. BS.39. VAR/19
ACS BS.39.VAR/20
ACS. B S.39. VAR/21
ACS BS.39.VAR/22
ACS BS.39.VAR/33
Werner, [Hildegard]
Zelter, Carl Friedrich
Weber, Carl Maria von
Flemming, Friedrich Ferdinand
Kreutzer, Conradin
Otto, Franz
Otto, Franz
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver
Schneider, Friedrich
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Pohlenz, Christian August
Bergt, August
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
Call, Leonhard von
Fusz, Janos
Grassini, Francesco Maria
Werner, Hildegard
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich
Haydn, Michael
Weber, Carl Maria von
Werner, Hildegard
Seyfried, Ignaz, Ritter von
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Anacker, August Ferdinand
Baur, Anton
Pohlenz, Christian August
Two roses
Integer vitae
Das ist der Tag das Herrn
On fragrant Myrtles
Cruel Maid
Twine ye Roses
Sun is gone
Deh con me
Dear Maid
1tell thee boy!
Soldier's Chorus
Mariners Song
Schone Ahnung
King Joy
Luci Serene
Sextet, Op.81b, E flat major, arr.
Miners Song
In felice
Wave high your hats
ACS.BS.39. VAR/45
ACS.BS.39. VAR/46
ACS.BS. 39. VAR/47
ACS.BS.39. VAR/48
ACS.BS.39. VAR/49
ACS.BS. 39. VAR/50
ACS.BS.39. VAR/51
ACS.BS.39. VAR/52
ACS.BS.39. VAR/53
ACS.BS.39. VAR/54
ACS.BS.39. VAR/55
ACS.BS.39. VAR/56
ACS.BS.39. VAR/57
ACS.BS.39. VAR/58
ACS.BS. 39. VAR/59
ACS.BS. 39. VAR/60
ACS.BS.39. VAR/61
ACS.BS.39. VAR/62
ACS.BS.39. VAR/63
ACS.BS.39. VAR/64
ACS.BS.39. VAR/65
ACS.BS.39. VAR/66
ACS.BS. 39. VAR/67
ACS.BS. 39.VAR/68
ACS.BS.39. VAR/69
ACS.BS.39. VAR/72
ACS.BS.39. VAR/73
Werner, Hildegard
Zelter, Carl Friedrich
Call, Leonhard von
Fink, Gottfried Wilhelm
Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kuhlau, Friedrich
Otto, Franz
Call, Leonhard von
Mendelssohn, Felix
Spohr, Louis
Kreutzer, Conradin
Adam, Carl F.
Werner, Hildegard
Otto, Franz
Mendelssohn, Felix
Werner, Hildegard
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver
Pohlenz, Christian August
Pohlenz, Christian August
Kreutzer, Conradin
Weber, Carl Maria von
Kreutzer, Conradin
Dehn, Siegfried
Mendelssohn, Felix
Bertelsmann, Carl August
Song of Harold Harfager
Doctor St. Paul
Oft when night has rest bestow'd
Libera me domine
Under every Treetop
Pleasing Pain
Thro' Woods and Fields
Tell me not
Life's deceits
Huntsman's Joy
Maiden Listen
Beauteous Clouds
War Song
Mariner's return
Huntsman's Song
Spring time
ACS. BS.39. VAR/74
ACS. BS.39. VAR/75
ACS. BS.39. VAR/76
ACS. BS.39. VAR/78
ACS. BS.39. VAR/79
ACS. BS.39. VAR/80
ACS. BS.39. VAR/81
ACS. BS.39. VAR/82
ACS. BS.39. VAR/83
ACS. BS.39. VAR/84
ACS. BS.39. VAR/85
ACS. BS.39. VAR/86
ACS. BS.39. VAR/87
ACS. BS.39. VAR/88
ACS.BS.40.VAR/1 b
ACS. BS.40. VAR/2
ACS. BS.40. VAR/5a
ACS. BS.40. VAR/6a
ACS. BS.40. VAR/6b
ACS. BS.40. VAR/7
ACS. BS.40. VAR/8
ACS. BS.40. VAR/9
ACS.BS.40. VAR/10
Sutor, Wilhelm
Kucken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Mendelssohn, Felix
Otto, Franz
Schubert, Franz
Viotta, Joannes Josephus
Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Otto, Franz
Schubert, Franz
Spohr, Louis
Spazier, Johann Gottlieb Karl
Kreutzer, Conradin
Reissiger, Carl Gottlieb
Eisenhofer, Franz Xaver
Callcott, John Wall
Paxton, Stephen
Callcott, John Wall
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Danby, John
Giardini, Felice
Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of
Giardini, Felice
Callcott, John Wall
Webbe, Samuel
Wainwright, Richard
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Webbe, Samuel
Hark the lark
Lord have mercy
Hope and Fear
Boat Song
Dying Child
Balmy Night
Come fill a mighty measure
Rose of the Desert
Hunter's Joys
Sweet Contentment
Stolen Kiss
When time was entwining
Breathe soft ye winds
Red Cross Knight
Cloud-cap’t towers
Awake Aeolian lyre
Boat, a boat
Viva tutte le vezzose
Bird of eve
Beviamo tutti tre
Queen of the valley
Mighty conqueror
Life’s a bumper
To be gazing on those charms
Glorious Apollo
ACS. BS.40. VAR/12
ACS. BS.40. VAR/13
ACS. BS.40. VAR/14
ACS.BS.40. VAR/15
ACS. BS.40. VAR/16
ACS. BS.40. VAR/17
ACS. BS.40. VAR/18a
ACS. BS.40. VAR/19
ACS. BS.40. VAR/20
ACS. BS.40. VAR/21
ACS. BS.40. VAR/22
ACS. BS.40. VAR/23
ACS. BS.40. VAR/24
ACS. BS.40. VAR/25
ACS. BS.40. VAR/26
ACS. BS.40. VAR/27
ACS. BS.40. VAR/28
ACS. BS.40. VAR/29
ACS. BS.40. VAR/30
ACS.BS.41 ,VAR/2a
ACS.BS.41 ,VAR/2b
ACS.BS.41. VAR/3
AC S. BS.41. VAR/4
ACS. BS.41. VAR/5
ACS. BS.41. VAR/6
ACS. BS.41. VAR/7
Harrison, Samuel
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Stevenson, Sir John
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Wilson, John
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Callcott, John Wall
Storace, Stephen
Harington, Henry
Lancelott, F.
Stevenson, Sir John
Stevenson, Sir John
Smith, John Stafford
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Attwood, Thomas
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Webbe, Samuel
Callcott, John Wall
Cooke, Thomas Simpson
Callcott, John Wall
Paxton, Stephen
Smith, John
Callcott, John Wall
Attwood, Thomas
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Danby, John
Nanny wilt thou gang with me
Blow, gentle gales
Raise the song
When wearied wretches sink to sleep
By rivers
Where the bee sucks
To all you ladies now on land
Iron chest
Dame Durden
Dobbin, wo
When Damon is present
Alone on the sea-beaten rock
Blest pair of sirens
Some of my heroes are low
I wish to tune my quiv'ring lyre
When the moon shines bright
When winds breathe soft
Snatch me swift from these tempestuous scenes
Fairy Glee
Shades of the heroes
When time was entwining
Breathe soft ye winds
Maltese mariners hymn
Red Cross Knight
Cloud-cap’t towers
Awake Aeolian lyre
Boat, a boat
ACS.BS.41 .VAR/9a
ACS.BS.41 .VAR/9b
ACS.BS.41. VAR/11
ACS.BS.41. VAR/13
ACS.BS.41. VAR/15
ACS.BS.41. VAR/18
ACS.BS.41. VAR/19
ACS.BS.41. VAR/21
ACS.BS.41. VAR/22
ACS.BS.41. VAR/23
ACS.BS.41. VAR/24
ACS.BS.41. VAR/25
ACS.BS.41. VAR/26
ACS.BS.41. VAR/27
ACS.BS.41. VAR/28
ACS.BS.41. VAR/29
ACS.BS.41. VAR/30
ACS.BS.41. VAR/32
ACS.BS.41. VAR/33
ACS. BS.42. VAR/1
ACS. BS.42. VAR/2
Giardini, Felice
Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of
Giardini, Felice
Callcott, John Wall
Webbe, Samuel
Wainwright, Richard
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Webbe, Samuel
Flarrison, Samuel
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Stevenson, Sir John
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Wilson, John
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Storace, Stephen
Harington, Henry
Lancelott, F.
Stevenson, Sir John
Stevenson, Sir John
Spofforth, Reginald
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Welsh, Thomas
Webbe, Samuel
Callcott, John Wall
Elliot, James
Beale, William
Stevenson, Sir John
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Viva tutte le vezzose
Bird of eve
Beviamo tutti tre
Queen of the valley
Mighty conqueror
Life’s a bumper
To be gazing on those charms
Glorious Apollo
Nanny wilt thou gang with me
Blow, gentle gales
Raise the song
When wearied wretches sink to sleep
By rivers
Where the bee sucks
Iron chest
Dame Durden
Dobbin, wo
When Damon is present
Alone on the sea-beaten rock
Hail, smiling morn
When the moon shines bright
Death and veneration of Bacchus
When winds breathe soft
Snatch me swift from these tempestuous scenes
Come let us join the roundelay
Give me the harp
ACS.BS.42. VAR/3
ACS. BS.42. VAR/4
ACS. BS.42. VAR/5
ACS. BS.43. VAR/2
ACS. BS.43. VAR/3
ACS. BS.43. VAR/4
ACS. BS.43. VAR/5
ACS.BS.43. VAR/6
ACS. BS.43. VAR/8
ACS. BS.43. VAR/9
ACS. BS.43. VAR/10
ACS. BS.43. VAR/11
ACS. BS.44. VAR/3
ACS. BS.44. VAR/4
ACS. BS.44. VAR/6
ACS. BS.44. VAR/7
ACS.BS.44. VAR/8
ACS. BS.44. VAR/9
ACS. BS.44. VAR/10
ACS. BS.44. VAR/11
ACS. BS.44. VAR/12
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Weber, Carl Maria von
Envelope, Lee
Lowe, Adolph
Mornington, Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of
Byrd. William
Cooke, Benjamin
Attwood, Thomas
Baildon, Joseph
Harington, Henry
Cherubini, Luigi
Spofforth, Reginald
Shield. William
Aldrich, Henry
East, Michael
Purcell, Henry
Remember O Lord
Remember O Lord
Remember O Lord
Proclaim ye this among the gentiles
Proclaim ye this among the gentiles
Proclaim ye this among the gentiles
Proclaim ye this among the gentiles
Remember O Lord
Remember O Lord
Proclaim ye this among the gentiles
Proclaim ye this among the gentiles
Bird of eve
Non nobis, Domine
How sleep the brave who sink to rest
Mr. Speaker
Three old women in a country churchyard
Perfida Clori
Hail, smiling morn
Sparrow and Diamond
Good indeed
How merrily we live
Under this stone lies Gabriel John
ACS. BS.44. VAR/14
ACS. BS.44. VAR/15
ACS. BS.44. VAR/16
ACS. BS.44. VAR/17
ACS. BS.44. VAR/18
ACS.BS.44. VAR/19
ACS. BS.44. VAR/20
ACS. BS.44. VAR/21
ACS. BS.44. VAR/23
ACS. BS.44. VAR/24
ACS. BS.44. VAR/25
ACS.BS.44. VAR/26
ACS. BS.44. VAR/27
ACS. BS.44. VAR/28
ACS. BS.44. VAR/29
ACS. BS.44. VAR/30
ACS. BS.44. VAR/31
ACS. BS.44. VAR/32
ACS. BS.44. VAR/33
ACS. BS.44. VAR/34
ACS. BS.44. VAR/35
ACS. BS.44. VAR/36
ACS. BS.44. VAR/37
ACS. BS.44. VAR/38
ACS. BS.44. VAR/39
ACS. BS.44. VAR/40
ACS. BS.44. VAR/41
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Callcott, John Wall
Boyce, William
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Shield, William
Warren, Thomas
King, Matthew Peter
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Cooke, Benjamin
Moscheies, Ignaz
Callcott, John Wall
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Flarington, Henry
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Giardini, Felice
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Callcott, John Wall
Blewitt, Jonathan
Bishop, Sir Henry R.
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Arne, Thomas Augustine
Curschmann, Karl Friedrich
Weelkes, Thomas
Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Kücken, Friedrich Wilhelm
Shield, William
Mortey, Thomas
Ye spotted snakes
When time was entwining
Blooming youth lies buried here
When the toil of day is o'er
Health to my Sov'reign the Queen
To our musical club here's long life
Crabbed age and youth
Hark! the lark at heaven's-gate sings
Merry May
Earth it loves rain
Gute Nacht, du mein herziges Kind
Give me the sweet delights of love
Love's greeting
Soldier's adieu
Beviamo tutte tre
Hark! hark! it is the evening breeze
Red Cross Knight
Bacchus own me for thy son
Mourn for the mighty dead
Gut' nacht, mein Lieb
God save the Queen
Time! thy hours of pleasure
Welcome sweet pleasure
Wine that flows
Song of the miner
Happy fair
Se ben mi c’ha bon tempo
ACS. BS.44.VAR/42
AGS. BS.44 .VAR/43
ACS. BS.44. VAR/44
ACS. BS.44. VAR/45
ACS. BS.44. VAR/46
ACS. BS.44. VAR/47
ACS. BS.44 .VAR/48
ACS. BS.44. VAR/49
ACS. BS.44. VAR/50
ACS. BS.44 .VAR/51
ACS. BS.44. VAR/52
ACS. BS.44. VAR/53
ACS. BS.44. VAR/54
ACS. BS.44. VAR/55
Stevens, Richard John Samuel
Bates. Joah
Paxton, Stephen
Webbe, Samuel
Conversi, Girolamo
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
King, Matthew Peter
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Callcott, John Wall
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Hayes, William
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Abt, Franz Wilhelm
Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Sir, you are a comical fellow
Hail! hail! green fields
How Sweet, How Fresh This Vernal Day
Hail! Star of Brunswick!
Cries of Durham
Sola soletta
My Fatherland
Song of Consecration
How Sophia!
Huntsman's Song
Come follow me to the greenwood tree
Birds are coming hither
Cheerful drum
{A S 3} : A S .1.B E E
{A S .fig.50} : A S .B S .3 .3 3 .0 R C H /2 5
{A S .fig .2 5 } : A S .B S .3 .3 2 .0 R C H /2 8
{A S .S S .2 } : A S .2.H A N
{A S .S S .7} : A S .B S .6 .STG QT/1
{SO H 1} : SOH.1.AC1
{SO H .fig.8} : SO H .5.JU D
{A C S 13} : A C S .2 .B AC
{A C S .fig.28} : A C S .B S .33.V A R
{A C S .fig.74} : A C S.298.15.M E N
{A C S .fig.161} : A C S.166.H A N
* ( 1*11
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3tooIt of Common prayer
M l S IC
■Vo. 3.
P 8IN T K 0 IO K C IIA X U M ,
SIR JOHN STAINER, M.A., Mrs. Doc.. Oxo.v.
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D itto , d itto . R e d lsjLs.il a n d red e d g e s .. .
.. .
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No. 1.
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No. II.
Price Sixpence.
T h « C h a r t* co n ta in e d in th e a b o v e c o lle c tio n * h a v e b een C hosen fo r ih i \< » 'tra c tiv e
m e lo d y a n d » i- p t e h arm o n ic*. A s p e c ia l fe a tu re ia t h e p itc h o t th e le c itin a ; i w . c , w h ic h
m no ch a n t t-seecd« C n a tu ia l • T h e req u irem e n ts a n d c a p a b ilitie s o f V ill a g e C h o ir s
.•■»V« t n c c a ie n u ly co n sid e re d in m a ilin g th e s e le c tio n , w h ic h it i t h o p e d w ill
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. * " = * ' ‘ T i v * <®t*U
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{AS.fig.50} : AS.BSJ.33.ORCH/25
A N D C O M P A N Y . L iv rn ro
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Vol. XIX, 1920.
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{AS.fig.52J : AS.BS.3.32.0RCII/28
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{ACS.fig.161} : ACS.166.HAN
A Dictionary O f M usic and Musicians (A.D. 1450-1889) by eminent writers, English
and foreign, ed. S ir George Grove (London: Macmillan, 1900)
Beausang, Ita: ‘Dublin M usical Societies 1850-1900’, Irish M usical Studies v: The
M aynooth International M usicological Conference 1995 Selected
Proceedings: P a rt Two (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1996)
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The three societies, upon w hich this thesis focuses, are prim e exam ples o f the
w ealth o f m usic perform ances in D ublin in the late eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries. Form ed in 1740 and lasting until 1865, The A nacreontic Society was
one o f the m ore prom inent am ateur m usic societies in D ublin both prior to, and
after the social and political upheaval o f the A ct o f U nion o f 1801. The Sons o f
H andel society (1810-1824) is thought to have been the first choral society in
Ireland dedicated to the perform ance o f oratorios. Its antecedent, The A ntient
Concerts Society, was form ed ten years after the form er is said to have concluded
its perform ances, and lasted until 1864. It was established for the perform ance o f
large scale choral w orks by both the ‘ancient m asters’ and contem porary
K nowledge o f these societies and o f their repertoires has thus far been gleaned
from new spaper advertisem ents and reviews o f their concerts. H owever, these
subjective sources do not provide a com prehensive account o f the societies
activities. The only extant unbiased prim ary sources are the m usic collections o f
The A nacreontic Society, The Sons o f H andel and The A ntient Concerts Society,
w hich are housed in the Royal Irish A cadem y o f M usic, Dublin. These
collections w ere previously uncollated and uncatalogued and were im practical
for use as sources. The paucity o f evidence on the societies, and on the public
and private m usic scene as a w hole, m ay be supplem ented w ith the inform ation
provided in this work.
This thesis contains five catalogues: The A nacreontic Society M ain Catalogue,
The A nacreontic Society Bound Sets Catalogue, The Sons o f H andel Catalogue,
The A ntient C oncerts Society M ain Catalogue and The A ntient Concerts Society
Bound Sets Catalogue. It provides a detailed description o f every item in the
three collections, including any m arkings by publishers, local suppliers, binders,
the societies them selves, copyists and perform ers. It also provides a photographic
index to accom pany the catalogue, illustrating all o f the aforem entioned