Far West Express


Far West Express
Far West Express
Stewards of the Chico Museum & Patrick Ranch Museum
Chico Museum Musings
- Janine Rush -
The blending of late summer and early
autumn signals the return to academic schedules
and traditional routines as the glow of summer
vacations and outdoor fun begins to fade. At the
Chico Museum, however, things just keep rolling
Scheduling the 12th Annual Country
Supper on a Sunday afternoon and offering
children’s activities provided a new twist to
this favorite Chico Museum fundraiser. Guests
enjoyed a hearty picnic dinner while listening to
mellow jazz tunes and visiting with friends. The
evening’s highlight, however, was when emcee
Linda Watkins Bennett asked the children
in attendance to help her read winning raffle
ticket numbers. These children took their
responsibilities to heart, and silence overcame
the audience as each number was purposefully
read. Kudos and many thanks go to Star Brown,
Christine Erlandson, Yvonne Koehnen, Nancy
Ostrom and Margaret Skinner who orchestrated
this superb event. Congratulations on a job
magnificently done.
Sunday, July 27, 2014, marked the closure of
“Chico in Black and White: Historical Photos
from the John Nopel Collection” after one of the
most successful exhibition runs in the museum’s
recent history. In total, more than 5,439 visitors,
including many students from Chico and
surrounding communities, viewed the exhibit
Country Supper Highlight: Josie Landon helps emcee Linda
which ran for one year and offered a glimpse into
Watkins Bennett select a winning raffle ticket while brothers Max and Bryce (hidden by
Chico’s history in the early 1900s.
Josie’s pony tail) watch. the children’s parents are Buzz and Nicole Landon of Richvale.
Partnering with the Mechoopda Indian Tribe
Photo by Gary Quiring.
of Chico Rancheria, the Chico Museum will
soon open “Mik ‘cupu dy: This is our Home,
Here we Remain.” This exhibition focuses on the Tribe’s
from the Nopel Collection with those from the private
heritage and history and is presented from the perspective of
collection of Chico Museum Steering Committee member
the Mechoopda people using the four seasons to delineate
and historian Randy Taylor. This exhibit will also include
periods of happiness and success to sadness and tragedy.
artifacts from a variety of sources as well as “snip-its” of Chico’s
A reception for Far West Heritage Association members
history from the museum’s own collection.
and donors is planned for Friday evening, October 3, and
We look forward to seeing you once again when our doors
invitations will be mailed in mid-September.
open in early October. In the meantime, if you are in the
Opening near that same time will be “100 Years of Chico
neighborhood and want to see a work in progress, please ring
History: 1860 – 1960” which will incorporate photographs
the doorbell. We’ll be pleased to welcome you.
Volume 6, Issue 2 • Summer 2014
President’s Message
- Susan S. Donohue, FWHA Board President -
Far West
270 Boeing Ave. #1
Chico, CA 95973
Office Hours:
Mon. - Thurs: 12:30-5:30;
Fri: 12:30 - 4:30
Board of Directors
Susan Donohue, President
Dianne Donoho, Vice Pres.
Paul Moore, VP Foundation
Jan Holman, Secretary
George Dailey, Treasurer
Yvonne Koehnen
Dave Rush
Roger Steel
Howie Stensrud
Jack Thorpe
Foundation Committee
Paul Moore, Chair
George Dailey
Susan Donohue
Dave Rush
Jack Thorpe
Management Team
FWHA Office Manager
Sylvie Allione
Chico Museum Interim Director
Janine Rush
Accurate Bookkeeping
Anita Weinreich
Volunteer Team
Patrick Ranch Steering
Committee Chair
Carol Oxsen
Chico Museum Steering
Committee Chair
Starlyn Brown
Chico Museum Outreach
Michael Pratt
Newsletter Editor
Beulah Robinson
Newsletter Layout
What an amazing past few months it has been for both Museums. We are
fortunate to have such a supportive community and your donations and volunteer
hours do not go unnoticed. This is what you are helping to make happen.
The many articles in this issue highlight the activities. The Chico Museum
held a successful Country Supper and received new funding from the California
Endowment to complete the Mechoopda exhibit. The Patrick Ranch Museum
held its 12th Annual Country Faire and Threshing Bee and Visitor Center Ribbon
Cutting and Appreciation reception. As a non-profit organization, we would not be
able to conduct these activities without your generous contributions.
Both Museums are unique. To date, no cultural institution has told the story of
Butte County and the agricultural history of the Sacramento Valley in a cohesive
manner. Patrick Ranch Museum has the opportunity to become the authority on
the topic as well as become the destination in the area that offers the educational
programming that will entertain the entire family. Visitors of all ages learn by
engaging all the senses. Unlike a museum, Patrick Ranch offers green space,
beautiful views and amazing tranquility.
Chico Museum has the opportunity to tell a story that no one else has managed
to tell. It presents a complete picture of Chico’s past through objects and stories
that illuminate what makes this city a unique place to live with an important link
to California’s agricultural history. The exhibits share why the early pioneers of the
area managed to balance their traditional values with an entrepreneurial spirit to
make Chico the unique city that it is today.
Thank you for your support and please stop by the Museums. It is never too
late to become a member if you have not already joined the Far West Heritage
Association. It’s not too late to participate in the Annie B campaign and support the
Susan Donohue
FWHA Board President
New & Renewing Members & Donors:
April 1 - August 1, 2014
Don & Carolyn Adkisson • Don &
Barbara Anderson • Sandra Atteberry •
Dona Baird • Raymond & Roma Barker
• Jim & Rhonda Blanchard • Richard &
Marie Bordin • Gerald Brandstatt • Jim
& Carol Braziel • David Brown • Marc &
Janice Brusie • Don & Lynne Buckman
• Mark & Leanne Chrisman • Linda
Cutchen-Clark • Craig and Vickie Compton
• Vickie Compton • Barbara Conklin •
Barbara Copeland • George Dailey • Jeff
& Patty Day • Casey & Dianne Donoho •
Bob & Susan Donohue • Loren & Trish
Dunlap • Christine Erlandson • Barbara &
Trevor Evans • Ramona Flynn • Maureen
Fredrickson • Pat & Sharon Gore • R.
Gorrill Ranch Enterprises • Victor Gottman
• Herman & Bea Gray • Jim & Carol Gray
• Maribeth Growdon • Dan & Cathleen
Grzanich • Charlotte Hall • Jeannette
Hassur • Evelyn Hayes • Jerry & Cathy
Hightower • Elizabeth Hill • Carl Hoff •
Jerry & Mary Ellen Hughes • Raymond &
Christina Hurt • Howard & Joan Isom •
Laura Joplin • Denise Kaveney • Dax &
Karen Kimmelshue • Howard & Rachel
Lewis • Rick & Georgianna Light • Roger
& Linda Limberg • Gary & Linda Lindberg
• Syl & Carol Lucena • Verda Mackay •
Michael & Marjorie Maddux • Roger &
Lindy Marshall • Tom & Marsha Martin •
Ben & Alma Jean Matthews • Randall &
Luci Mattson • John & Renee McAmis •
George & Pat McIntyre • Sandra McLean •
Dr. Eugene & Bonnie Moffett • Clint and
Gail Moffitt • Ann Montgomery • Paul &
Laurie Moore • Don & Yvonne Mulkey •
Joe & Maggie Navarro • Christina Nichols
Tempra Board
Far West Express
Patrick Ranch Happenings
12 Annual Threshing Bee
the Best Ever!
Horses, tractors, stock dogs, bees,
binders, guests and wheat, Tram rides, vendors,
blacksmiths, art and good things to eat…All added up
to a “never-to-be-forgotten” trip to the Patrick Ranch!
Planning is already well under way for next year’s event.
Multiple additional venues are being planned! Mark
your calendars for June 6th and 7th, 2015!
Patrick Ranch Museum’s 2014
Come celebrate fall! Pumpkins and gourds
have been planted and will be ready for picking just in time
for Patrick Ranch’s Annual AutumnFest beginning Sunday,
October 5th and running through Sunday, October 26th every
Saturday and Sunday from 9 AM to 4PM. Families are invited
to join in the fall festivities which include a wonderful variety
of pumpkins grown here on the Ranch, hayrides, a petting zoo,
historic farmhouse tours, educational museum displays, and
many exciting children’s activities for every age group. Local
schools are encouraged to participate in educational field trips
during this time of year as well. For more details please call our
office at 342-4359.
Tis The Season! Patrick Ranch Museum’s 6th Annual Fine Art & Gift Sale
Join us on Friday, December 5th from 4-8pm,
Saturday & Sunday, December 6th & 7th, 10am-5pm for a
truly magical Holiday Fine Arts Exhibit and Gift Sale. You
will be reminiscent of elegant Christmases past.
The 6th Annual Winter Holiday Fine Art & Gift
Fundraising Sale will be held at the Patrick Ranch Museum
in Pat’s Barn with an opening reception on December 5th
for this festive event. You will experience the magical feeling
of the holiday season with beautiful works of art, just in
time for Christmas shopping. During the reception we will
be entertained with music by Aaron Jacques and friends,
munch on enticing hors d’oeuvres, enjoy wine tasting by
Dog Creek Vineyard and samples of the edible gifts for
sale. You can continue with the holiday spirit on December
6 and 7 from 10:00am-5pm. A few of your favorite gifts
might be pottery, paintings, bird houses, blown glass, turned
wood, jewelry, fiber art, sculptures and much, much more.
Admission to this fine art exhibit is free.
New & Renewing Members & Donors
• George & Connie Nicolaus • North Star Engineering • North
State Hulling Cooperative, Inc. • Kevin & Donica O’Laughlin
• Lois Olson • Kelly & Johnna Ornbaun • Joan E. Palmer •
Jeanne Pease • Mark Pierce • Richard & Rebecca Reiner • Reno
& Stella Ricci • Michael Ricci MD and Debbie Merrill • Bill
& Paula Rich • Nancy Roberts • Beulah Robinson • Dave &
Far West Express
Melanne Schlichting • Cathie Shanks • Michele Shover • Greg
& Casey Sohnrey • Claudia Steel • Howie & Lynette Stensrud
• Lionel Valley & Elsie Bradbury • Chrys & Liz van Eckhardt •
Larry & Mary Wahl • Ren & Connie Wakefield • George Walker
• Margaret & Richard Wilson • Philip & Barbara Wilson • Brad
& Mary Wurlitzer
Museum Night Out:
A Walk Through Old Downtown
Are you ready for a vintage Downtown Chico
experience? The theme for this year’s Museum Night Out is
“A Walk Through Old Downtown.” Make it a special occasion
by arriving in your vintage car or wearing that fabulous, old
fashioned clothing. Join other Chico Museum friends and
benefactors on Friday, September 26th at Butte Creek
Country Club for Museum Night Out 2014.
Invitations will be mailed soon, but you can make your
reservations now at chicomuseum.org. Cost is $75 per person.
The evening will include a fabulous dinner, a slide show of
historic photographs of Downtown Chico and our very popular
silent and live auctions which help fund various projects and
exhibits for the Museum each year. This year’s committee has
worked diligently putting together auction items that are sure
to please, so come prepared to make some great purchases. It’s
always a fun evening, especially when friends you’ve invited
share it with you.
For additional information or to make reservations visit
the Chico Museum website at www.chicomuseum.org or call
the Museum at
891-4336. Come
to this fun event,
win some great
auction items and
help support the
Chico Museum,
all at the same
time. It doesn’t
get better than
Please accept my donation to the Far West Heritage
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Email Address: __________________________________
Telephone: _________________________
_ I am interested in volunteering at the Chico Museum or
Patrick Ranch Museum.
FWHA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Corporation. Tax ID No.
Mail to: 270 Boeing Ave., Suite 1, Chico, CA 95973
Carnegie Library ca. 1910
CALL 342-4359 OR VISIT
O C T OA Far
Heritage Association
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Non-Profit Org.
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Permit #676
Chico, CA 95926
Far West Heritage
270 Boeing Ave. Suite1
Chico, CA 95973
Stewards of the Chico Museum
& Patrick Ranch Museum
Museum Hours
Patrick Ranch Museum Hours:
Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Chico Museum Hours:
Wednesday through Sunday
Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Events & Exhibits • Sept. - Dec. 2014
Please also check our websites for more upcoming events. (patrickranchmuseum.org; chicomuseum.org)
• Local Blacksmiths’ display Fridays & Saturdays, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Patrick Ranch Museum Visitor
• Glenwood Farm House tours, Fridays & Saturdays, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM open to the public.
• Wednesday, September 17- FWHA Board of Directors Meeting, 270 Boeing Ave.
• Saturday, September 20 - Omega Nu Barn Dance.
• Friday, September 26- Museum Night Out at Butte Creek Country Club 6:00 Cocktails and Silent
Auction, 7:30 Dinner & Live Auction
• Friday, October 3 - FWHA Member Reception for “Mik ‘cupu dy: This is our Home, Here we
• Saturday, October 4 - “Mik ‘cupu dy: This is our Home, Here we Remain” & “100 Years of Chico
History: 1860-1960” opens to the public
• Sunday, Oct. 5 – 26 – AutumnFest
• Monday, October 27- FWHA Board of Directors Meeting, 270 Boeing Ave.
• Saturdays & Sundays 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Pumpkin patch, children’s activities, hayrides,
farmhouse tours, gift shop, school field trips & much more.
• Wednesday, November 19- FWHA Board of Directors Meeting, 270 Boeing Ave.
• Thursday, November 20 - Ag Field Day
• Friday, November 21 - AgriBee
• Friday, December 5 - 4:00 PM-8:00 PM 6th Annual Fine Arts Reception in Pat’s Barn
• Saturday & Sunday, December 6 & 7, 10:00 AM-5:00 PM Holiday Fine Arts Exhibit & Gift Sale in
Pat’s Barn
• Wednesday, December 10- FWHA Board of Directors Meeting, 270 Boeing Ave.
• Saturday & Sunday, December 13 & 14 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM Glenwood Farm House Christmas tours
Annual Membership
The Far West
Heritage Association
Annual Membership
Meeting will be held
at 5:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, November
19, 2014, at Pat’s Barn,
Patrick Ranch Museum,
10381 Midway,
Durham, California.
The regularly scheduled
Board of Directors’
meeting will follow the
annual meeting at 6:30
p.m. If you would like
an item placed on the
Annual Meeting agenda
or would like to request
a special presentation,
please contact the
Far West Heritage
Association office at