Ushio Light Bulbs
Spezial-Lampen UV-Programm · IR-Programm Special lamps UV-Product range · IR-Product range BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH A company of USHIO Group 2004/2005 A company of USHIO Group The Company Since its foundation in 1968, BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH has developed into a manufacturer of special lamps with worldwide activities. These high technology lamps are designed and manufactured in BLV’s plant at Steinhöring near Munich, Germany. It has always been a guiding principle of BLV’s philosophy to serve customers with the highest quality and to offer an innovative range of products in order to remain flexible and meet changing market demands. 2 BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH Das Unternehmen Seit der Gründung im Jahr 1968 hat sich die BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH kontinuierlich zu einem weltweit aktiven Hersteller von Speziallampen entwickelt. Die hochtechnologischen Lampen werden am Firmensitz in Steinhöring bei München entwickelt und gefertigt. Es ist der Grundsatz der Firmenphilosophie, eine innovative Produktpalette in höchster Qualität anzubieten, die flexibel den Bedürfnissen des Marktes angepasst werden kann. BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] R FIZIER TI T ST EM QU AL IT ÄT S M AN A G EMENT SY REG.NR. 19205-02 Inhalt Content IR-Strahler IR-emitters IR-Strahlung IR radiation 6 Wärmetechnik Heating technology 8 Betriebshinweise Operating instructions 10 Technische Informationen Technical information 12 Integrierter Reflektor Integrated reflector 15 Zubehör Accessories 17 Flexibilität von IR-Strahlern Flexibility of IR-emitters 18 Sockel Bases 21 IR-Produktübersicht IR-Product table 22 Anforderungsblatt IR-Strahler Product request form for IR-emitters 24 UV-Strahler UV-emitters UV-Strahler Einführung UV-emitters introduction 26 Lampenphysik Lamp physics 28 Lebensdauer Life 28 Ozonerzeugung Ozone production 28 Partner-Anlagensicherheitsservice (PASS) Partner equipment continuity service (PASS) 29 Handhabung Handling 29 UV-Hochdruckstrahler 30 UV high-pressure emitters Produktübersicht Bräunung / Medizin Product table tanning / medicine 31 Produktübersicht Technik Product table technical 32 Standardsockel Standard bases 32 Spektrale Verteilung Spectral distribution 34 UV-Reflektorstrahler MHL-R UV-Reflector emitters MHL-R 35 UV-Mitteldruckstrahler UV-medium-pressure emitters 36 Spektrale Verteilung Spectral distribution 37 Spezialsockel Special bases 37 Produktübersicht Product table 38 Standardsockel Standard bases 38 Anforderungsblatt UV-Strahler Product request form for UV-emitters Allgemeines In general Notizen Notes 40 Der Weg zur BLV How to find BLV 41 Allgemeine Informationen General notes 41 [email protected] BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 39 3 S ZE E DIN ISO 9001 BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH A company of USHIO Group Quality BLV was the first lamp manufacturer in the world to be awarded the DIN EN ISO 9001 certification. BLV meets the challenge, to “live“ quality in all fields of activity, from incoming orders up to the delivery of goods. Highly motivated employees and regular training programmes support this objective. Yearly inspections ensure that BLV works according to the strictest standards of quality. Environment One of the company’s principle objectives is to optimize environmental protection in all its fields of activity. Thus particular emphasis is placed upon an ecologically acceptable packaging. Qualität Die BLV wurde weltweit als erster Lampenhersteller nach DIN EN ISO 9001 zertifiziert. Heute „leben“ wir Qualität in allen Bereichen und bei allen Tätigkeiten, von der Auftragsannahme bis zur Auslieferung. Unsere hoch motivierten Mitarbeiter und regelmäßige Schulungsprogramme unterstützen diese Zielsetzung. Die jährlichen Audits bestätigen uns und unseren Kunden, dass wir nach strengsten Qualitätsmaßstäben arbeiten. Umwelt Unsere Zielsetzung ist Umweltverträglichkeit in allen Bereichen. Wir arbeiten ständig an deren Optimierung. Die Langlebigkeit der Lampen und eine ökologisch sinnvolle Verpackung sind unser Beitrag zum Umweltschutz. Competence in Lighting BLV’s product range offers a wide choice of discharge and tungsten-halogen lamps. This extensive range is completed by special lamps in the field of infrared and UV-radiation. The competence of the enterprise is based on the extraordinary quality and the long lifetime of the products as well as on the sophisticated assortment of lamps. Technology BLV has its own Research & Development department. All the machinery and procedures for the production lines are developed in-house. This gives the ability to remain flexible in production, meet the ever changing market demands and precisely fulfill customer requirements. Kompetenz in Sachen Licht Das BLV-Programm umfasst eine große Auswahl an Entladungs- und Halogenglühlampen. Speziallampen im Infrarot- und UV-Bereich ergänzen dieses breit gefächerte Angebot. Unsere besondere Leistung beruht auf der hervorragenden Qualität und der langen Lebensdauer unserer Produkte sowie auf dem ausgereiften Lampensortiment. Technologie Die BLV hat eine eigene Entwicklungs- und Konstruktionsabteilung. Dort werden nicht nur die Lampen entwickelt, sondern auch die dazu notwendigen Herstellverfahren und Maschinen. Nur dadurch können wir die hohen Anforderungen aus der Produktion genauestens erfüllen und unserem hohen Qualitätsanspruch im Interesse unserer Kunden entsprechen. 4 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] Infrarot-Strahler individuell hochwertig vielseitig Infrared-emitters individual high-quality versatile R FIZIER TI T ST EM QU AL IT ÄT S S ZE E DIN ISO 9001 M AN A G EMENT SY REG.NR. 19205-02 BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH A company of USHIO Group IR-Strahlung IR radiation Prinzip der Wärmeübertragung Zur Erwärmung von Objekten stehen folgende Verfahren zur Verfügung: Principle of heat transmittance Objects can be heated by use of one of the following processes: KONDUKTION Übertragung durch direkten Kontakt mit der Wärmequelle Transmittance by direct contact with the heat source CONDUCTION KONVEKTION Übertragung durch direkten Kontakt mit den erhitzten Medien Transmittance by direct contact with the heated media CONVECTION STRAHLUNG Kontaktlose Übertragung durch elektromagnetische Strahlung Contactless transmittance through electromagnetic radiation RADIATION IR-Strahlen liegen außerhalb des Bereiches von sichtbarem Licht und sind deshalb vom menschlichen Auge nicht wahrnehmbar. Nach DIN 5031 ist die IR-Strahlung im Spektralbereich von 0,78 µm bis 10,0 µm definiert. IR radiation lies beyond the range of visible light and therefore it can not be seen by the human eye. According to DIN 5031 the spectral range of IR radiation is defined from 0.78 µm to 10.0 µm. Der IR-Bereich ist in die Abschnitte IR-A, IR-B und IR-C unterteilt, wie in der Abbildung dargestellt. The IR range is divided in the sections IR-A, IR-B and IR-C, as shown in the diagram. ultraviolettes Licht 0,10 µm–0,38 µm UV UV 0.10 µm – 0.38 µm ultraviolet light sichtbares Licht 0,38 µm–0,78 µm VIS VIS 0.38 µm–0.78 µm visible light kurzwelliges IR 0,78 µm–1,40 µm IR-A IR-A 0.78 µm–1.40 µm short wavelength IR mittelwelliges IR 1,40 µm–3,00 µm IR-B IR-B 1.40 µm–3.00 µm medium wavelength IR langwelliges IR 3,00 µm–10,0 µm IR-C IR-C 3.00 µm–10.0 µm long wavelength IR Lichtspektrum Spectrum of light Ein von einer Wärmequelle bestrahltes Objekt kann bis zu 92 % der auftreffenden Strahlung aufnehmen. Diese Strahlung kann im Körper in Wärme umgewandelt werden. Um einen möglichst hohen Wirkungsgrad zu erzielen, muss der Absorptionskoeffizient des Körpers mit dem Spektrum der Strahlung übereinstimmen. An object irradiated by a heat source can absorb up to 92 % of the radiated energy. This radiation can be transformed into heat within the heated object. To gain the highest possible efficiency the material of the heated object has to have an absorption coefficient which matches the spectrum of the IR-emitter. 6 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] Einteilung des IR-Bereiches Mit den Begriffen kurzwellig, mittelwellig und langwellig werden IR-Strahler häufig klassifiziert. Sie sind zwar einprägsam, aber technisch gesehen nicht zutreffend. Festkörperstrahler, auch Glühstrahler genannt, haben ein Strahlungsspektrum, das immer mindestens zwei der genannten Bereiche überdeckt. Dividing up of the IR range It is customary to use the terms short wave, medium wave and long wave to classify IR-emitters. These definitions are easily remembered but from a technical point of view they are incorrect. Solid state or monolithic emitters, i. e. incandescent emitters, continuously emit radiation within two of the above mentioned wavelength ranges. Das Bild zeigt ein typisches Spektrum eines Festkörperstrahlers bei verschiedenen Farbtemperaturen. The diagram shows a typical spectrum of an incandescent emitter at different colour temperatures. Farbtemperatur Colour temperature 2900 K 2400 K Strahlungsleistung Radiance 2100 K 1700 K 0 0,5 1 1,5 Wellenlänge in µm Spektrum eines Festkörperstrahlers 2 2,5 3 3,5 Wavelength in µm Spectrum of an incandescent emitter Je nach gewünschter Wellenlänge der Strahlung kommen unterschiedliche Strahlerbauformen zum Einsatz: kurzwellige IR-Strahler, mittelwellige Quarzrohr-Strahler oder langwellige Keramik- oder Metallrohrstrahler. Depending on the required wavelength, different types of IR-emitters can be used: short wavelength IR-emitters, medium wavelength open quartz-tube emitters or long wavelength ceramic- or metal-tube emitters. Kurzwellige Halogen-IR-Strahler werden oft als „Hell-Strahler“ bezeichnet, da sie einen Teil ihrer Strahlung im sichtbaren Bereich abgeben. Das Strahlungsmaximum liegt bei 1 µm. Reaktionszeit: 1–3 Sekunden Short wavelength halogen-IR-emitters are often referred to as “bright emitters”, because a part of the radiation is emitted within the visible light spectrum. Maximum radiance is at 1 µm. Reaction time: 1–3 seconds Offene Quarzrohr-Strahler, d. h. ohne Abschmelzung der Enden und mit Widerstandsmaterial als Strahlungsquelle, haben ihr Strahlungsmaximum bei ca. 3 µm und nur einen geringen sichtbaren Anteil. Reaktionszeit: bis 60 Sekunden Open Quartz-tube emitters, i.e. without a pinch at the ends of the IR-emitters and with a highly resistant material as a radiation source, have their maximum radiance at 3 µm, and very little radiance within the visible light spectrum. Reaction time: up to 60 seconds Keramik- oder Metallrohr-Strahler sind so genannte „Dunkel-Strahler“, deren Strahlungsmaximum bei Wellenlängen größer als 4 µm liegt. Sie geben keine sichtbare Strahlung ab. Reaktionszeit: einige Minuten Ceramic- or metal-tube emitters are also referred to as “dark emitters” and reach maximum radiance at wavelengths above 4 µm. They emit no visible light. Reaction time: several minutes [email protected] BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 7 Wärmetechnik Heating technology BLV-Infrarot-Strahler (IR-Strahler) werden aus Quarzglas gefertigt und sind für eine lange Lebensdauer ausgelegt. Im Produktspektrum sind kurz-, mittel- und langwellige Strahler enthalten. BLV Infrared-emitters (IR-emitters) are manufactured from quartz glass and are constructed to ensure longevity of the emitter. The product range consists of emitters for short wave, medium wave and long wave applications. Standardstrahler sind mit Leistungen von 200 W IR-emitters available from 200 W up to 6500 W bis 6 500 W erhältlich. Erreichbare Farbtemperaturen von unter 800 K bis 3 200 K IR-Strahler sind mit oder ohne integrierten Reflektor erhältlich. Individuelle Anpassung durch Zusatzrohre und Beschichtungen möglich Eine Besonderheit sind unsere IR-Strahler mit Keramik-Schnell-Steck-Verbindern „KSSV”. Sie gewährleisten einen hervorragenden elektrischen Kontakt und einen problemlosen, schnellen Lampenwechsel ohne Fachpersonal. Kundenspezifische Modifikation oder Neuentwicklung von Strahlern auf Anfrage möglich Bei verminderter Leistungszufuhr kann bei kurzwelligen Strahlern eine mittelwellige Strahlung erreicht werden, ohne eine Lampenschwärzung zu verursachen. Colour temperature from less than 800 K up to 3200 K IR-emitters available with or without integrated reflector Radiation adaptation in accordance with the appli- cation, by use of additional tubes or coatings A unique feature is the BLV IR-emitter with the ceramic quick plug-in connector (KSSV). This ensures an excellent electrical connection and an easy and fast IR-emitter-exchange, without the necessity of qualified personnel. Customer specific modifications or new developments of IR-emitters on request By reduction of the wattage, the short wave IRemitter will have a medium wavelength without blackening the quartz tube. Anwendungsbeispiele für IR-Strahler Application fields of IR-emitters Glas- und Kunststoff-Verformung (PET) Glass and PET thermoforming Warmhalten von Speisen in der Gastronomie Keeping food warm in catering Heizen von Wafern in der Halbleiterindustrie/ Heating of wafers in the semiconductor industry/ Epitaxie Spachtelmasse und Lacke trocknen (Kfz-Gewerbe) Feuchtigkeitsregulierung in der Papierherstellung Medizinische Behandlungen Toner in Kopiergeräten oder Druckmaschinen fixieren Schweißnähte bei Metallen entspannen Lot in der Leiterplattenfertigung aufschmelzen Kleber aktivieren Harze aushärten Werkstoffprüfung Kugellager aufschrumpfen Zementhärtung Hallen- /Raumheizung Folien schrumpfen Lösungsmittel verdampfen (Filmentwicklung) Wasserverdunstung in Luftbefeuchtern 8 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 epitaxy Drying of filler and varnish in the car industry Humidity control in the paper industry Medical applications Fixing of toner in copy and printing machines Release of tension on metal welding joints Soldering of printed circuit boards Activation of glue Hardening of resins Material testing Shrink-fitting of ball bearings Hardening of cement Heating air in halls and in public transport vehicles Shrinking of foil Evaporation of solvents (development of films) Evaporation of water in air humidifiers [email protected] Für IR-Strahler sprechen folgende Vorteile: Benefits of use of IR-emitters Extrem kurze Strahler-Reaktionszeit von 1–3 Se- Short IR-emitter reaction time: 1–3 seconds, i. e. kunden, d. h. thermisch sehr geringe Trägheit beim Einschalten, Regeln oder Abschalten Wichtig beim Stopp der Material-Zufuhr! IR-Strahler geben 92 % der aufgenommenen elektrischen Leistung in Form von Strahlung im IRBereich ab. Ca. 8 % gehen durch Wärmeleitung und Strahlung im sichtbaren Bereich verloren. Typische mittlere Lebensdauer1 von 5 000 Stunden bei Nennspannung Keine Erwärmung der Luft durch kurzwellige IRStrahlung Keine Vorheizzeiten/-kosten Mechanische und thermische Robustheit durch hochwertige Quarzrohre Dimmbarkeit beim Einsatz von Phasen-Anschnittsbzw. Phasen-Abschnitts-Steuerung Gute Richtungsmöglichkeiten der Wärmestrahlung durch Reflektoren, kaum Strahlungsverlust Kühlluft wird gleichzeitig als Transportmedium für Feuchte oder Lösemittel eingesetzt Spezifische Flächenbeheizung in Anlagen von 1–300 kW/m2 IR-Strahler ermöglichen aufgrund ihrer kleinen Strahlungsquelle den Bau von kompakten Anlagen. Breites Angebot an Leistungsdichten von 10 bis 270 W/cm Heizlänge very little delay between switch-on, control and switch-off. Very important if the material supply is stopped! IR-emitters transform 92 % of the total input electrical power into IR radiation. 8 % is lost to visible light and through heat conduction. Typical average life1 of 5,000 hours at rated voltage No heating of the surrounding air through short wave radiation No warm-up cost or heat-up time High quality quartz tubes guarantee mechanical and thermal robustness Dimmable with falling and leading-edge phase cutting dimmers IR radiation can be directed by use of an integrated reflector – Low IR power loss Transport of process humidity and/or solvents by the cooling-air Specific area heating from 1 up to 300 kW/m2 Construction of compact machines due to the small dimensions of the IR-emitters Specific power density from 10 up to 270 W per cm heat length 1 Definition on life see page 11 1 Definition zur Lebensdauer siehe Seite 11 Papiertrocknung mit IR-Strahlung Quelle: Jac de Vries, NL [email protected] Paper drying with IR-emitters Source: Jac de Vries, NL BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 9 Betriebshinweise Operating instructions Allgemeine Hinweise Beim Berühren von IR-Strahlern sollten saubere Handschuhe getragen werden, um Verschmutzungen des Quarzrohres zu vermeiden. Sind Verschmutzungen auf dem nicht beschichteten Quarzrohr vorhanden, müssen diese mit Spiritus oder einem anderen geeigneten Alkohol entfernt werden. IR-Strahler dürfen nur angefasst werden, wenn sie keine Netzspannung führen. Auch nach dem Abschalten kann der IR-Strahler noch so heiß sein, dass Verbrennungen beim Berühren nicht ausgeschlossen werden können. Werden IR-Strahler ausgetauscht, sind die Fassungen auf Verschmorungen zu prüfen und ggf. auszutauschen. Die Nennspannung ist zu beachten, eine Feinabsicherung der Versorgungsspannung wird empfohlen. Bei IR-Strahlern mit integriertem Reflektor ist auf die richtige Position zu achten. Die Hinweise auf dem Beipackzettel der IR-Strahler sind zu beachten. General Hints Clean gloves must be worn when handling IR-emitters, to avoid contamination of the quartz tube. If cleaning is necessary, this should be done using spirit or a suitable alcohol. IR-emitters may only be handled if disconnected from the power supply. Even after switching off, IR-emitters can be so hot that they can cause burns. When changing lamps, the lamp holders should be checked for charring and if necessary replaced. The rated voltage must be complied with and a fine fuse is to be recommended. It is important to take care to have the correct positioning when using IR-emitters with reflectors. The instructions which are enclosed with the lamp packing are to be observed at all times. Zulässige Brennlage Beim Betrieb von IR-Strahlern ist die zulässige Brennlage der Strahler unbedingt zu beachten. Sie ist im Katalog bei jedem Artikel angegeben. Wird die Brennlage nicht eingehalten, kann das zu einem frühzeitigen Ausfall des Strahlers führen. Für den Betrieb in senkrechter Lage gibt es spezielle Strahler, bei denen die Wendel-Stützelemente am Quarzrohr fixiert werden (dimple). Permissible burning positions During operation the burning position must be in accordance with the specification. The burning position is specified for every IR-emitter. If the IR-emitter is operated outside of the permissible burning position, the life will decrease significantly. BLV has IR-emitters which are especially designed for vertical use. These have spacers on the filament which are fixed to the quartz tube (dimple). Unzulässiger Bereich Brennlage p15 horizontal 15 ° max. p45 horizontal 45 ° max. Unpermissible orientation Burning position p75 horizontal 75 ° max. u360 beliebig universal Sicherheit BLV-IR-Strahler unterliegen einer ständigen Fertigungskontrolle und sind so konstruiert, dass sie bei bestimmungsgemäßem Gebrauch grundsätzlich nicht platzen. Völlig lässt sich dies jedoch nicht ausschließen. Bei Bedarf sind konstruktive Schutzmaßnahmen vorzusehen. Für den Betrieb der Strahler dürfen nur geeignete Fassungen verwendet werden. Die vom Hersteller angegebenen maximal zulässigen Betriebstemperaturen und Ströme der Fassungen sind unbedingt zu beachten. Safety BLV IR-emitters are subject to continuous quality control measures and are designed not to burst or cause damage when used according to the instructions. However, this can never be totally excluded. If necessary constructive measures should be taken. The emitters may only be used with suitable sockets. Please observe manufacturer’s instructions for the maximum operating temperature and current of the sockets. 10 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] Defekte Fassungen sind auszutauschen. Bei Betrieb von Infrarot-Strahlern entstehen zum Teil relativ hohe Temperaturen. Ausreichende Abstände zu den Strahlern müssen bei der Konstruktion der Geräte unbedingt beachtet werden, um Hitzeschäden zu vermeiden. Damaged sockets must be replaced. IR-emitters generate a high amount of heat. When installing, care must be taken to maintain adequate distance between the emitter and the heated surface, as well as the reflector/fixture, in order not to cause any damage. Zulässige Betriebstemperaturen Um beim Betrieb der IR-Strahler das Quarzrohr nicht zu schmelzen, den Halogenkreisprozess nicht zu unterbinden und die gequetschten Strahlerenden nicht zu zerstören, müssen die folgenden Betriebstemperaturen eingehalten werden. Permissible temperature range To avoid melting of the quartz-tube, interruption of the halogen cycle and breakage at the pinch during operation of the emitter, care has to be taken to keep the operating temperatures as listed below. Molybdän-Folie Molydenum Foil Quarzrohr Litze Quartz-tube Lead-wire Schweißstelle Welded Point Wolfram-Wendel Quetschung Tungsten filament Pinch max. Quetschungstemperatur: 350 min. Quarzrohrtemperatur: 250 max. Quarzrohrtemperatur: 900 optimale Quarzrohrtemperatur: 300– 450 °C °C °C °C max. pinch seal-temperature: 350 min. quartz tube-temperature: 250 max. quartz tube-temperature: 900 optimum quartz tube-temperature: 300– 450 °C °C °C °C Lebensdauer Die Lebensdauer von IR-Strahlern ist von der angelegten Netzspannung abhängig. Die Angaben im Katalog beziehen sich auf den Betrieb bei Nennspannung und wurden als Mittelwerte im Laborbetrieb bei 50 Hz Netzfrequenz ermittelt. Bei Betrieb mit Überspannung kann sich die Lebensdauer erheblich reduzieren. Bei geringfügiger Unterschreitung der Nennspannung ist eine Lebensdauersteigerung möglich. Die daraus resultierende niedrigere Leistung ist in der Applikation zu berücksichtigen. Life Life of IR-emitters depends directly on the voltage of the power supply. The life-value in the specification of the IR-emitter refers to the rated voltage and is an average value which is examined at 50 Hz under laboratory conditions. If the IR-emitter operates at over-voltage, the life decreases significantly. Lowering the power to a value slightly under the rated voltage leads on the one hand to a small improvement of the life and on the other to a reduction of the radiated power. Dimmen Alle BLV-IR-Strahler sind dimmbar. Eine beliebige Verlängerung der Lebensdauer kann durch den Betrieb mit Unterspannung jedoch nicht erreicht werden. Dimming All BLV IR-emitters are dimmable. The lifetime increases marginally through operation at lower voltage than specified. [email protected] BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 11 Technische Informationen Technical information Bauformen BLV bietet IR-Strahler in folgenden Bauformen an: Einzelrohrstrahler Doppelrohrstrahler Zwillingsrohrstrahler Types BLV has different IR-emitter types Single-tube emitters Double-tube emitters Twin-tube emitters In den meisten Applikationen werden Einzelrohrstrahler eingesetzt. Sie können in Gruppen zusammengeschaltet werden, um die Applikation zu optimieren. Most applications use the typical single-tube emitter. They can be mounted in groups to optimise the application. Doppelrohrstrahler sind die mechanische Kombination von zwei Einzelrohrstrahlern. Sie bieten die Möglichkeit des einseitigen elektrischen Anschlusses. Man spricht dann von einer Single-ended (SE)Ausführung. Doppelrohrstrahler werden meistens als so genannte kurzwellige Strahler gefertigt. Double-tube emitters consist of a mechanical combination of two single-tube emitters. They offer the advantage that the power can be supplied from one side of the emitter. This construction is called single-ended (SE). Double-tube emitters are usually manufactured as short wave emitters. Bei Zwillingsrohrstrahlern sind die beiden Rohre mit einem durchgehenden Steg verbunden, wodurch eine hohe mechanische Stabilität erreicht wird. Eine typische Anwendung der Single-ended (SE)Version sind technische Öfen. Both tubes of the twin-tube emitters are melted together. This ensures very high stability. One of the typical applications where single ended (SE) twintube emitters are used is in technical ovens. Die intensive Zusammenarbeit von Entwicklung und Fertigung gibt uns die Möglichkeit, anwendungsspezifische IR-Strahler herzustellen. Oft genügt bereits eine kleine Modifikation, um die Applikation zu verbessern. Through close cooperation of the R&D and production departments, BLV is able to develop and produce application-specific emitters. Sometimes a small modification is sufficient to optimise the application. 12 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] Absorptionsverhalten Die Grafik zeigt die Abhängigkeit des Absorptionsverhaltens zur Wellenlänge der Strahlung für gängige Materialien. Zum Vergleich sind die Wellenlängenbereiche der IR-Strahler von BLV zu sehen. Absorption characteristic The diagram shows the absorption characteristic of different materials in relation to the wavelength of the radiation. The wavelength range of BLV’s IRemitters is also shown. IR-Strahler IR-emitter IR-Strahler mit gray tube IR-emitter with gray tube IR-Strahler mit black coating IR-emitter with black coating Polystyrol Polystyrol PVC PVC Polyamid Polyamid Haut Skin Industrielot Industrial solder Tinte/Farbe Ink/Paint Trockenes Papier Dry paper Wasser Water Speisen (Catering) Food (Catering) PET PET 0 1 2 3 4 5 µm Absorptionsverhalten verschiedener Materialien und Spektrum von IR-Strahlern Absorption characteristic of different materials and radiation of IR-emitters Abhängig von der Applikation ergibt sich eine optimale Wellenlänge der IR-Strahlung. Deshalb bietet BLV unterschiedliche Strahler und Ausführungen an. Depending to the application, every process has an optimum wavelength. Therefore BLV offers numerous types of emitters. Im kurzwelligen Bereich mit dem Strahlungsmaximum innerhalb von 0,78 bis 1,4 µm werden Einzelrohr-, Doppelrohr- und Zwillingsrohrstrahler verwendet. Im mittelwelligen Bereich zwischen 1,4 und 3,0 µm können sowohl kurzwellige Strahler mit Zusatzrohr als auch rein mittelwellige Strahler mit Widerstandsdraht eingesetzt werden. Erstere haben den entscheidenden Vorteil, dass sie die mittelwellige Strahlung mit der sehr kurzen Reaktionszeit kurzwelliger Strahler erzeugen. Im langwelligen Bereich oberhalb von 3,0 µm werden die Applikationen häufig mit Keramikstrahlern betrieben. Hier bietet BLV als Alternative kurzwellige Strahler mit einer Zusatzbeschichtung (black coating) an, die eine Verschiebung des Strahlungsspektrums in den langwelligen Bereich bewirkt. Damit bleibt auch hier der Vorteil der kurzwelligen Strahler erhalten, die Leistung mit einer sehr kurzen Reaktionszeit zur Verfügung zu haben. In the short-wavelength range, with the maximum radiation between 0.78 and 1.4 µm, single-tube, double-tube and twin-tube emitters are used. In the medium wavelength range, from 1.4 up to 3.0 µm, there are two possibilities: first a medium wavelength emitter constructed with a cantal filament, secondly a short wave emitter with an additional tube that converts the radiation to medium wavelength. The big advantage is that such an emitter still has the short reaction time of a short-wave emitter. For long wavelength radiation above 3.0 µm, ceramic heaters are used. As an alternative, BLV can offer a short wave emitter with a special coating (black coating). This coating converts the radiation to long wavelengths. The favourable short reaction time is still applicable. [email protected] BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 13 Hitzeverteilung Die gleichmäßige Wendelstruktur unserer IR-Strahler stellt eine homogene Wärmeverteilung sicher, die über die gesamte Lebensdauer des Strahlers erhalten bleibt. Heat distribution The continuous filament guarantees a homogenous heat distribution. This heat distribution will not change during the life. Eine unregelmäßige Wärmeverteilung kann in einzelnen Anwendungen von Vorteil sein, z. B. wenn am Rand der Heizzone eine höhere oder geringere Wärmeleistung benötigt wird. Zur Erfüllung dieser Anforderungen hat BLV mit der Technik der segmentierten Wendel ein geeignetes Verfahren entwickelt. A special and irregular heat distribution is sometimes preferred for the application, e. g.: when the temperature on the materials edges should be higher or lower than in the middle. For such requirements BLV can offer emitters with a segmented filament and an adapted heat distribution. Zusatzrohre Durch die Fertigung unserer IR-Strahler nach höchsten Qualitätsvorgaben kann ein Bersten der Strahler fast gänzlich ausgeschlossen werden. Tube types Because of the high quality, BLV’s IR-emitters will normally not rupture during operation at rated voltage. Im Catering-Bereich werden IR-Strahler für das Warmhalten von Speisen eingesetzt. Um den entsprechenden Vorschriften gerecht zu werden, bieten wir unsere IR-Strahler mit einem transparenten Schutzrohr an, das auf dem Strahler fest montiert ist und mögliche Glassplitter zurückhält. In catering applications, IR-emitters are also used to keep food warm. In accordance with the required standards, BLV can offer IR-emitters with an additional clear tube (shroud) which confines possible splinters of glass in the unlikely event of damage. Zur Vermeidung der Blendwirkung beim Einsatz von IR-Strahlern kann der sichtbare Anteil der Strahlung gefiltert werden. Durch ein spezielles Schutzrohr aus Rubinglas wird das (sichtbare) Licht um fast 80 % reduziert, sodass nur noch ein rotes Leuchten zu sehen ist. Diese Strahler eignen sich besonders gut zur Raumheizung und in industriellen Anlagen, wo eine Blendung durch das sichtbare Licht vermieden werden soll. For eye protection the visible part of the radiation has to be filtered. The visible light can be reduced up to 80 % by use of an additional „ruby tube“, so that only faint red light is visible. These emitters are usually used for room heating and in industrial machines where visual protection is required. Aufspritzen des integrierten Reflektors 14 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 Spraying of an integrated reflector [email protected] Integrierter Reflektor Integrated reflector Aufgrund der länglichen Bauform von IR-Strahlern wird eine radiale Abstrahlung erreicht. Durch den Einsatz von Reflektoren wird eine Richtwirkung erzeugt, wodurch sich die nutzbare Strahlungsleistung auf bis zu 170 % erhöht. Due to the longitudinal dimensions of IR-emitters the radiation is radial. By use of a reflector, the radiation can easily be directed, increasing usable IR power up to 170 %. Zum Einsatz kommen, je nach Anwendung, externe oder integrierte Reflektoren. Letztere garantieren eine einfache Handhabung bei hoher Güte und gleichzeitig einen Hitzeschutz des Strahlergehäuses. Integrated or external reflectors can be used depending on the application. Integrated reflectors guarantee high quality, easy handling and heat protection of the emitter’s housing. Integrierte Reflektoren werden von außen direkt auf das Quarzrohr aufgebracht. Hierbei hat sich Aluminiumoxidkeramik mit einem Wirkungsgrad von ca. 80 % besonders bewährt. Die hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit von bis zu 1000 °C wirkt sich in Applikationen ohne Kühlung günstig aus. Integrated reflectors are directly mounted on the quartz tube. In most cases the reflector is made of alumina ceramic. It has an efficiency of approx. 80 %. The high temperature resistance of the alumina ceramic reflector of up to 1000 °C also helps in applications without forced air cooling. Relative, radiale Strahlungsverteilung in % Strahler ohne Reflektor Relative, radiale Strahlungsverteilung in % Strahler mit Reflektor [email protected] Relative, radial radiant power in % Emitter without reflector Relative, radial radiant power in % Emitter with reflector BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 15 Heizen von PETFlaschen-Rohlingen (PET preform) Quelle: Femit, CH Heating of PETbottle moulds Source: Femit, CH Trocknung des Leiterplatten-Schutzlackes Quelle: Lantronic, NL Drying of protective coating for printed circuit boards Source: Lantronic, NL 16 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] Zubehör Accessories Haltefedern für Einzelrohrstrahler (ISE) und Doppel-/ Zwillingsrohrstrahler (ISD) Springholders for single-tube emitters (ISE) and double/twin-tube emitters (ISD) ISE ISD 10 10 Federstahl R6 Rändelmutter Steelspring Rändelmutter M3 Knurlnut Steelspring Knurlnut 22±1 25±1 M3 Federstahl R6 8,5 Keramik Ceramic 25 25 5 9,5 M5 M5 U-Scheibe DIN 125-M5 Ø15 Disk DIN 125-M5 Abmessungen in mm Dimensions in mm Steckbuchse für KSSV-Sockel Socket for KSSV emitter base 8,5 3,5 Ø 12,5 M6 (2 Nm max.) Anschlussleitung Leads Ø 13,5 SW = 8,5 Abmessungen in mm 1 Fassung Lampholder Verwendung bei Sockel Used for base Sockelreferenz1 Base reference1 Art.-Nr. Type no. Dimensions in mm xLirU Steatit B KSSV ISE ISD U B KSSV Einzelrohrstrahler/Single-tube emitter (d = 8–12 mm) Doppel- und Zwillingsrohrstrahler/Double- and Twin-tube emitter (8–12 mm * 18–23 mm) 7 1 3 4–6, 9, 10 12 41001407 41001406 41001405 41019915 41019905 Sockel siehe Seite 21 [email protected] 1 Bases see page 21 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 17 Flexibilität von IR-Strahlern Flexibility of IR-emitters IR-Strahler mit ruby tube IR-emitter with ruby tube IR-Strahler mit Reflektor IR-emitter with reflector Filtern von sichtbarem Licht Filtering of visible light IR-Strahler mit clear tube IR-emitter with clear tube Richtwirkung und Erhöhung der Strahlungsleistung Increased and directed heat radiation Schutz Protection IR-Strahler IR-emitter Mittelwellige Strahlung wird verstärkt Medium wavelength part of the radiation is increased Langwellige Strahlung wird verstärkt Long wavelength part of the radiation is increased IR-Strahler mit gray tube IR-emitter with gray tube IR-Strahler mit black coating IR-emitter with black coating 18 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] IR-Strahler mit ruby tube IR-emitter with ruby tube Spektr. Leistung/Spectral density (W/m2) IR-Strahler mit Reflektor IR-emitter with reflector ruby tube Filterkurve ruby tube filter curve 0 1 2 3 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (µm) Richtwirkung und Erhöhung der Strahlungsleistung Increased and directed heat radiation 5 IR-Strahler mit clear tube IR-emitter with clear tube Spektr. Leistung/Spectral density (W/m2) Filtern von sichtbarem Licht Filtering of visible light 4 0 1 2 3 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (µm) 4 5 Schutz IR-Strahler IR-emitter Spektr. Leistung/Spectral density (W/m2) Protection 0 Mittelwellige Strahlung wird verstärkt Medium wavelength part of the radiation is increased 0 1 2 3 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (µm) [email protected] 4 5 4 5 IR-Strahler mit black coating IR-emitter with black coating 0 2 3 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (µm) Langwellige Strahlung wird verstärkt Long wavelength part of the radiation is increased Spektr. Leistung/Spectral density (W/m2) Spektr. Leistung/Spectral density (W/m2) IR-Strahler mit gray tube IR-emitter with gray tube 1 1 2 3 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (µm) 4 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 5 19 Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an: For further information please contact: E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +49 (0) 80 94/9 06-211 [email protected] BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 20 IR-Sockelcodierung IR-Base codes Die Bezeichnung der Sockeltypen setzt sich aus folgenden Sockelbauteilen zusammen: F G R S L Lr Li Lir Mr U R M B dU The code for the base types is a composition of the following base parts: Flachstecker Gabelkabelschuh Ringzunge Rundstecker Litze, blank, axial angeschlagen Litze, blank, rechtwinklig angeschlagen Litze, isoliert, axial angeschlagen Litze, isoliert, rechtwinklig angeschlagen Molybdändraht, rechtwinklig angeschlagen Keramik, u-förmig Keramik, rund Metallkappe Blechlasche Keramik, u-förmig für Doppelrohr F G R S L Lr Li Lir Mr U R M B dU FASTON plug Fork contact Ringterminal Pin contact Leadwire, bare, axially connected Leadwire, bare, rectangularly connected Leadwire, insulated, axially connected Leadwire, insulated, rectangularly connected Molybdenum wire, rectangularly connected Ceramic, u-type Ceramic, cylindrical Metal cap Metal ribbon Ceramic, u-type for double-tube Beispiel einer Sockelcodierung · Example of a base code G Lir U Keramik, u-förmig · ceramic, u-type Litze, isoliert, rechtwinklig angeschlagen Leadwire, insulated, rectangularly connected Gabelkabelschuh · fork contact Bild 1 B pic. 1 Bild 2 Fa4 pic. 2 Bild 3 KSSV pic. 3 Bild 4 Lr pic. 4 Bild 5 Lir pic. 5 Bild 6 LirM pic. 6 Bild 7 LirU pic. 7 Bild 8 MrR pic. 8 Bild 9 Mr pic. 9 Bild 10 LiR pic. 10 Bild 11 R7s pic. 11 Bild 12 LidU pic. 12 21 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] IR-Produktübersicht IR-Product table Mittlere Lebensdauer (h) Average life (h) Gesamtlänge (mm) Overall length (mm) Heizlänge (mm) Heating length (mm) Brennlage Burning position Sockel Base Sockelbild Base picture 2300 2600 2400 2500 2300 2400 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2450 2450 2500 2500 2400 2500 2500 2450 2200 2200 2500 2650 3000 3000 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2500 2650 2400 2600 2600 2500 2500 2700 2450 2450 3000 2600 2500 2500 2500 2500 2700 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 16,8 46,2 50,0 18,5 27,7 34,1 41,7 30,3 30,3 30,3 39,4 30,3 30,3 30,3 30,3 30,3 30,3 30,3 30,9 37,6 37,6 26,0 46,7 81,3 81,3 36,8 36,8 39,4 39,4 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 36,8 37,9 77,4 77,4 77,4 77,4 77,4 53,6 53,6 107,1 103,2 103,2 103,2 103,2 42,7 103,2 39,4 39,4 39,4 39,4 39,4 5000 1000 1000 5000 5000 2000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 2000 2000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 2000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 7000 7000 1000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 190 117 120 224 190 186 225 222 244 244 220 260 238 220 226 260 244 226 224 260 235 311 222 213 185 349 349 340 340 349 361 370 349 349 349 370 349 349 370 349 370 354 354 375 224 224 224 221 224 354 354 221 224 224 224 221 445 224 540 511 503 506 512 119 65 60 162 119 126 120 165 165 165 127 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 162 173 173 250 150 123 123 272 272 254 254 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 272 290 155 155 155 155 155 280 280 140 155 155 155 155 375 155 406 406 406 406 406 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p75 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p45 p45 p45 p15 p15 p15 u360 u360 p15 p15 u360 p15 u360 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 u360 u360 u360 u360 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p45 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 u360 p15 u360 p15 p15 R7s R7s LirU/300 GLirU/230 R7s R7s LiR/200 R7s B B Lir/145 KSSV LiR/200 R7s GLirU/150 KSSV B GLirU/200 GLirU/240 KSSV LiR/60 R7s LirU/140 Fa4 MrR/30 LirU/200 LirU/200 KSSV KSSV GLirU/200 LiR/100 B GLirU/200 RLirU/150 LirU/200 B GLirU/200 LirU/200 B GLirU/200 B GLirU/200 GLirU/200 LiR/300 RLirM/150 GLirU/195 GLirU/150 GLirM/150 GLirU/155 GLirU/230 GLirU/230 Fa4 RLirM/150 GLirU/195 GLirU/150 GLirM/150 LiR/400 GLirU/150 KSSV LirU/200 Lr/159 LrM/155 GLirU/200 11 11 7 7 11 11 10 11 1 1 5 3 10 11 7 3 1 7 7 3 10 11 7 2 8 7 7 3 3 7 10 1 7 7 7 1 7 7 1 7 1 7 7 10 6 7 7 6 7 7 7 2 6 7 7 6 10 7 3 7 4 6 7 22 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Art.-Nr. Type No. Spezifische Leistung (W/cm) Specific Wattage (W/cm) 230 240 240 240 230 220 115 120 120 120 120 230 230 230 230 230 235 235 240 228 228 230 240 120 120 230 230 230 230 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 240 400 235 144 144 144 144 235 240 240 245 144 144 144 144 230 235 240 240 240 240 240 Besonderheit Special feature Farbtemperatur (K) Colour temperature (K) 200 300 300 300 330 430 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 650 650 650 700 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1100 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1500 1500 1500 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 Reflektor Reflector Nennspannung (V) Rated Voltage (V) Single-tube emitters Leistung (W) Wattage (W) Einzelrohrstrahler 191705 196205 196291 clear tube 311823 191505 190305 197702 195405 195429 195489 310510 192501 192504 192505 192507 192591 192509 192583 clear tube 310123 196101 196104 191305 190125 192901 193202 191005 191095 192601 192691 191003 191004 191009 191023 191024 191025 191029 191083 191085 191089 191093 191099 black coating 310363 black coating 315563 198001 194226 194291 194292 194298 196791 gray tube 311123 ruby tube 311223 192801 194126 194191 194192 194198 193992 196691 190701 190703 190706 190708 190723 [email protected] IR-Produktübersicht IR-Product table Mittlere Lebensdauer (h) Average life (h) Gesamtlänge (mm) Overall length (mm) Heizlänge (mm) Heating length (mm) Brennlage Burning position Sockel Base Sockelbild Base picture 2500 2500 2500 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2900 2450 2500 2500 2200 2500 2450 2400 2400 2500 3200 39,4 36,4 36,4 71,4 49,3 71,4 71,4 71,4 71,4 71,4 71,4 71,4 71,4 71,4 93,0 71,4 71,4 48,8 35,0 81,4 52,0 46,9 46,9 97,7 267,5 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 1500 5000 5000 7500 5000 5000 7000 5000 5000 5000 700 503 540 540 350 503 349 349 370 347 347 349 349 349 370 334 334 354 508 782 379 580 781 781 379 300 406 440 440 280 406 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 215 280 280 410 685 307 500 640 640 307 243 p75 p15 p15 u360 p15 u360 u360 p15 p15 p15 p15 p15 u360 u360 p15 p15 p15 p15 u360 p15 p15 u360 u360 p15 p15 Lr/156 KSSV KSSV Lir/90/120 KSSV GLirU/195 RLr/115 B RLirM/150 GLirM/195 GLirU/195 GLirU/195 GLirU/195 B Fa4 GLirU/230 GLirU/230 B RLiR/70 LirU/225 GLirU/400 B B LirU/225 RLr/54 4 3 3 5 3 7 4 1 6 6 7 7 7 1 2 7 7 1 10 7 7 1 1 7 4 x x x x ruby tube gray tube x ruby tube x x 190796 197301 197391 196801 192701 194003 194007 194009 194026 194027 194029 194089 194093 194099 194501 310923 311023 311011 190405 193585 311523 198202 198209 198985 195503 Farbtemperatur (K) Colour temperature (K) Spezifische Leistung (W/cm) Specific Wattage (W/cm) Mittlere Lebensdauer (h) Average life (h) Gesamtlänge (mm) Overall length (mm) Heizlänge (mm) Heating length (mm) Brennlage Burning position Sockel Base Sockelbild Base picture Reflektor Reflector Besonderheit Special feature 600 700 1500 3000 110 235 220 220 2400 2300 2400 2400 75 56 75 60 5000 5000 5000 5000 150 190 315 640 80 125 200 500 u360 p15 p15 p15 LidU/500 LidU/500 LidU/500 LidU/500 12 12 12 12 x x x x single ended 198301 single ended 199291 single ended 198401 198601 [email protected] BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 Art.-Nr. Type No. Nennspannung (V) Rated Voltage (V) Double-tube emitters Leistung (W) Wattage (W) Doppelrohrstrahler x Art.-Nr. Type No. Spezifische Leistung (W/cm) Specific Wattage (W/cm) 240 240 240 220 230 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 235 240 240 240 400 240 400 240 380 380 400 480 Besonderheit Special feature Farbtemperatur (K) Colour temperature (K) 1600 1600 1600 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2400 2500 2600 3000 3000 3000 6500 Reflektor Reflector Nennspannung (V) Rated Voltage (V) Single-tube emitters Leistung (W) Wattage (W) Einzelrohrstrahler 23 Anforderungsblatt IR-Strahler Product request IR-emitters Bitte möglichst vollständig ausfüllen und zurückfaxen: Please fill out the form as accurately as possible and fax it to: Firma Company Straße/Hausnr. Street/Code PLZ/Ort ZIP code/City Land Country Kontaktperson Person in charge Telefon Phone Telefax Fax E-Mail E-mail Internet Internet Anwendung Application Stückzahlen Quantity Referenztype Reference type Betriebsspannung Operational voltage [V] Leistung Power [W] Spezifische Leistung Specific power [W/cm] Farbtemperatur Colour temperature [K] Brennlage Burning position horizontal/horizontal Bauart Type +49 (0)80 94/9 06-211 Muster/samples 1. Jahr/1st year 2. Jahr/2nd year vertikal/vertical Einzelrohr/single tube Doppelrohr/double tube single ended double ended Zwillingsrohr/twin tube single ended double ended Heizlänge Heat length [mm] A Gesamtlänge Overall length [mm] B Litzenlänge Wire length [mm] C Litzenmaterial Wire material Anschlussstück Connector Tiphöhe Tip height [mm] E Kolbendurchmesser Tube diameter [mm] F Sockel Base Zusatzkolben Additional tube Integrierter Reflektor Integrated reflector Besonderheiten Special Features 24 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 D G [email protected] UV-Strahler UV-emitters Made in Germany R FIZIER TI T ST EM QU AL IT ÄT S S ZE E DIN ISO 9001 M AN A G EMENT SY REG.NR. 19205-02 BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH A company of USHIO Group UV-Strahler UV-emitters UV-Strahler, oft auch als UV-Lampen bezeichnet, gehören zur großen Gruppe der Gasentladungslampen. UV-Strahlung ist ein Teil der elektromagnetischen Strahlung und umfasst den Wellenlängenbereich von ca. 100 bis 380 nm. Im Gegensatz zur herkömmlichen Glühlampe bildet sich bei diesen Strahlern zwischen zwei Elektroden, die in der Strahlerachse angeordnet sind, eine Gasentladung (Lichtbogen). Der Abstand der Elektroden wird als Bogenlänge bezeichnet. UV-emitters, often referred to as UV-lamps, belong to the general group of gas discharge lamps. UV – radiation is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum between approx. 100 and 380 nm. Unlike in filament lamps, a gas discharge (light arc) is built up between two electrodes, which are themselves in line with the emitter. The distance between the electrodes is known as the arc length. Unsere Entladungsgefäße bestehen aus Quarzglas, welches unter anderem drei besonders herausragende Eigenschaften aufweist: BLV discharge tubes are made of quartz glass, which amongst others is exemplified by three particularly outstanding qualities: Hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit (Im Strahlerbetrieb High temperature resistant (tube surface tempera- treten Wandtemperaturen bis 950 °C auf.) Hohe Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit durch einen niedrigen thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten Durchlässigkeit für UV-Strahlung Im Inneren des Strahlers befinden sich Edelgas (meist Argon) und Quecksilber. Durch den Zusatz weiterer Füllstoffe, wie z. B. Eisen, können bestimmte Bereiche des UV-Spektrums hervorgehoben bzw. verschoben werden. Die Füllung von zusätzlichen Stoffen (Eisen, Gallium oder anderen) zum Quecksilber wird auch Dotierung genannt. Man spricht dann von einem dotierten Strahler. Für bestimmte Anwendungen sind auch noch weitere Füllstoffe einsetzbar. An den Strahlerenden befindet sich der mechanische und elektrische Übergang vom Strahlerkolben zum Sockel. Es gibt zwei Ausführungsformen, die „Handeinschmelzung“ und die „Quetschung“. tures of 950 °C are reached during operation.) High temperature variation resistant as a result of having a low coefficient of thermal expansion Permeability for UV-radiation In the emitter are to be found rare gas (mostly argon) and mercury. By the addition of further components, such as iron, it is possible to displace or accentuate particular areas of the spectrum. The adding of additional materials (iron, gallium and others) to the mercury is known as “doping”. The emitter is then described as “doped”. For special applications it can be necessary to add further materials. At the ends of the emitter envelope is to be found the mechanical and electrical connection to the lamp base. There are two versions, the bonding and the machine pinching method. Pumpstutzen Quetschung Exhaust point Pinch Sockel Base Elektrode Folie Electrode Foil 26 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] UV-Strahler UV-emitters Die vakuumdichte Stromdurchführung (von außen zu den Elektroden) wird durch Einschmelzen oder Quetschen des Quarzglases mittels einer speziellen Molybdänfolie realisiert. Die Elektrode besteht aus Wolfram, das im Vergleich zum Quarzglas einen um den Faktor 10 höheren thermischen Ausdehnungskoeffizienten hat. Deshalb kann das Wolfram nicht direkt mit dem Quarzglas verschmolzen werden. Die Verwendung einer speziellen Molybdänfolie ermöglicht jedoch eine vakuumdichte und thermisch belastbare Verbindung mit dem Quarzglas während der gesamten Nutzlebensdauer des Strahlers. Am äußeren Ende des Elektrodensystems befindet sich der elektrische Anschlussdraht, an dem der Strahler kontaktiert wird. The vacuum sealing (externally to the electrodes) is achieved by means of a special molybdenum foil which passes through a pinched or bonded section of the quartz glass. The electrodes are made of tungsten, which has ten times the thermal coefficient of expansion of quartz. For this reason it is not possible to bond the tungsten directly with the quartz glass. However, by use of the special molybdenum foil a vacuum sealed and thermically stable connection with the quartz glass can be achieved for the entire duration of the operating life. At the outer end of each electrode is the wire, which is the electrical connection of the emitter. Der Sockel dient sowohl der mechanischen Halterung als auch der elektrischen Isolierung und besteht meist aus Keramik. Die Temperaturbelastung der Folie in der Einschmelzung oder Quetschung darf 350 °C nicht überschreiten, da sonst die Lebensdauer erheblich verkürzt wird. Je nach Anwendung und Einsatzgebiet muss der Gerätehersteller durch eine ausreichend dimensionierte Strahlerkühlung dafür sorgen, dass diese Temperatur an den Strahlerenden nicht überschritten wird. Bei einseitig gesockelten Varianten werden Spannungsüberschläge durch geeignete Konstruktionen vermieden. The electrode system, and in particular the foil, serve to transmit the current as well as disperse heat produced by the emitter. The cap fixes the lamp mechanically, and being composed mainly of ceramic, acts also as an isolator. The temperature of the foil must not exceed 350 °C as this will reduce the life of the emitter considerably. Depending on the application and location, the equipment manufacturer must ensure that by using an appropriately designed cooling system, this maximum temperature is not exceeded. It must be ensured that with single ended versions, electrical connections are so constructed that short circuits can not occur. Flash over is avoided by virtue of the construction method. Strahlerspannung UB Emitter voltage UB Strahlerstrom UB Emitter current UB Zündphase (bis zu 5 Sek.) Ignition phase (up to 5 sec.) Einbrennvorgang (ca. 1–4 Minuten) Stabilizing phase (1–4 minutes) Anlaufphase eines UV-Strahlers [email protected] Lampe brennt stabil Lamp stable Zeit Time Warm up phase of an UV-emitter BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 27 UV-Strahler UV-emitters Lampenphysik Das Edelgas (z. B. Argon) ist wegen seiner guten Zündeigenschaften im Strahler enthalten und geht mit den Füllstoffen keine Reaktion ein. Gasentladungslampen benötigen ein Vorschaltgerät und in der Regel ein Zündgerät bzw. eine entsprechend hohe Versorgungsspannung. Durch einen Zündimpuls wird im Inneren des Strahlers ein Lichtbogen gezündet. Das Vorschaltgerät begrenzt den Strahlerstrom. Bei falsch dimensionierten Vorschalteinheiten kommt es zu Fehlfunktionen. Das im Strahlerkolben bei Zimmertemperatur in flüssiger Form vorliegende Quecksilber verdampft nach und nach vollständig (siehe Bild: Anlaufphase des Strahlers), und es stellen sich der Betriebsdruck und die Strahlerspannung ein. Die zusätzlichen Dotierungen gehen zunächst teilweise in die Gasphase über. Durch Einbau eines Halogenkreisprozesses wird die vorzeitige Schwärzung, verursacht durch das verdampfende Wolfram der Elektroden, verhindert. Dadurch bleibt die UV-Leistung über die Lebensdauer deutlich konstanter und steht über die gesamte Länge des Strahlers zur Verfügung. Lamp Physics The rare gas (e. g. argon) is present in the emitter and is used because of its good ignition characteristics and the fact that it does not react with the other materials. Gas discharge lamps require control gear and generally also an igniter or correspondingly high supply voltage. An ignition-pulse creates an arc within the emitter. The control gear controls and limits the emitter current. Wrongly specified control gear leads to faults in operation. The mercury in the emitter envelope, which is fluid at room temperature, gradually evaporates fully (see diagram – warm-up phase), and the operating pressure and voltage are reached. The additional doping ingredients are converted initially into a gas discharge. By incorporation of a halogen-cycle, early blackening which can be caused by evaporation of the tungsten in the electrodes, is avoided. This is termed “the halogen cycle”. The result is that the UV output remains constant and is available throughout the entire operating life of the emitter. Lebensdauer Die Nutzlebensdauer eines Strahlers wird bestimmt durch die Konstruktion und Dimensionierung der einzelnen Baugruppen (z. B. Quarzrohrdurchmesser, Elektrodensystem, Elektrodenabstand, Strahlerfüllung) und die vom Anwender eingestellten Betriebsbedingungen (z. B. Brennlage, Kühlung, Schaltzyklen, Teillastbetrieb). Life The useful life of an emitter is determined by the construction and specification of the various system components. (e. g. diameter of the quartz, electrode system, electrode spacing, emitter filling) and the operating conditions required by the user (e. g. burning position, cooling, switching cycles, part-load operation). Ozonerzeugung Beim Betrieb von UV-Strahlern mit undotiertem Quarz entsteht Ozon. Dieser Effekt wird für bestimmte industrielle Anwendungen genutzt. Ozon ist gesundheitsschädlich, es handelt sich jedoch um eine instabile Verbindung, die am Ende einer Absaugvorrichtung wieder in Sauerstoff zerfällt. Ozon verursacht in der umgebenden Luft einen typischen stechenden Geruch. Ozon kann durch geeignete Absaugungen frei von Schadstoffbelastungen in die Abluft eingeleitet werden. Durch die Verwendung von dotierten Quarzglassorten kann die Entstehung von Ozon vermieden werden. Ozone production Ozone is produced when undoped emitters with quarzglass are operated. This effect is used to advantage in specific industrial applications. Ozone, whilst being harmful to health, has an unstable composition and can be drawn off to convert back into oxygen. Ozone causes a typical smell. By use of a suitable suction method, ozone can be dispelled without harm through the exhaust system. By the application of assorted doped quartz glass, it is possible to avoid the production of ozone. 28 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] UV-Strahler UV-emitters Warum BLV? Unsere jahrzehntelange Erfahrung in der Produktion von hochtechnologischen UV-Strahlern und unsere Kompetenz sind die Basis der Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden. Der Service ist wesentlicher Bestandteil unseres Handelns und bestimmt unser tägliches Bemühen um ihre Zufriedenheit. Die Fertigungsanlagen sind für kundenspezifische Stückzahlen ausgelegt und ermöglichen uns, in gleichbleibender Qualität Strahler sowohl in Einzelanfertigung als auch in großen Losgrößen zu produzieren. Unsere Strahler sind so konstruiert, dass sie unter entsprechenden Betriebsbedingungen eine optimale Lebensdauer erreichen. Durch den Einsatz einer eigenen Konstruktions- und Maschinenbauabteilung sind wir in der Lage, unsere Fertigungsprozesse zu optimieren. Durch zusätzliche Fülltechnologien sind unsere UV-Strahler während der Nutzlebensdauer nahezu schwärzungsfrei = „everclear“. Für einen schnelleren Anlauf der Strahler wird eine spezielle Verspiegelung der Strahlerenden angeboten. Why BLV? Our many years of experience in the production of UV-emitters and our ability in this field form the basis for our cooperation with our customers. Service is an essential component of our activities and the basis of our desire to satisfy our customer’s needs. The production facilities are flexibly designed to be able to satisfy the requirements of specific customer quantities and can maintain the same quality, whether it be for one-off manufacture or for large quantities. Our emitters are constructed to achieve an optimum life for every type of application. Because we at BLV build our own production machines, we are able to optimize our manufacturing processes. As a result of the filling technology applied, our UV-emitters remain practically free of blackening throughout their life. = “everclear”. A special reflective coating which shortens the warm up period is also available if required. Partner-Anlagensicherheitsservice (PASS) Für unsere Partner bieten wir speziell abgestimmte Möglichkeiten der Anlagensicherheit an. Je nach Bedarf und Kundenwunsch sind Vorräte von Strahlern für Anlagen, die im Dauerschichtbetrieb arbeiten, bei uns vorhanden bzw. können innerhalb festgelegter Zeiten bereitgestellt werden. Wenn Sie Ihre Anlagensicherheit erhöhen möchten, fragen Sie uns nach PASS, damit wir gemeinsam eine auf Ihren Bedarf zugeschnittene Lösung erarbeiten können. Partner equipment continuity service (PASS) We offer special “tailor-made” possibilities to our partners in the area of continuity of supply. For processes which are in permanent use and depending on the customer requirements, we can hold reserve stocks of lamps, or maintain guaranteed availability within agreed time-parameters. For this service the customer need only mention the word PASS. Handhabung UV-Strahler dürfen nur in den dafür vorgesehenen Geräten verwendet werden. Beachten Sie bitte die Hinweise des Geräteherstellers. Ein Strahlerwechsel darf erst nach Trennung des Gerätes vom Netz und nach vollständiger Abkühlung der Strahler vorgenommen werden. Die Quarzglasstrahler dürfen nicht mit bloßen Händen berührt werden, da Flecken einbrennen und zu einem vorzeitigen Ausfall der Strahler führen können. Verschmutzungen sind mit einem sauberen Tuch und Alkohol zu beseitigen. Schützen Sie Haut und Augen vor ungefilterter UV-Strahlung! Wenn Sie die Strahler für Bräunungszwecke nutzen, darf das nur in einem dafür vorgesehenen Gerät mit geeigneten Filtern erfolgen. Zu Bestrahlungsdauer und Intensität konsultieren Sie bitte einschlägiges Fachpersonal, um gesundheitliche Schädigungen zu vermeiden. Handling UV-emitters may only be used in suitable equipment. The application instructions of the manufacturer are to be observed at all times. Lamps must only be changed after the equipment has been disconnected from the mains supply and has cooled down fully. The quartz glass should not be touched by bare hands to avoid early lamp failures caused by “hotspots” on the surface of the quartz glass. Cleaning should be undertaken with a clean cloth and alcohol. Eyes and skin must be protected from harmful unfiltered UV-radiation at all times! If the emitter is being used for tanning purposes, this must only be done using correct equipment and filters. Only qualified specialists should be consulted for information on length of exposure and intensity of radiation. This is important to avoid permanent damage to health. [email protected] BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 29 UV-Hochdruckstrahler BLV-UV-Hochdruckstrahler (MHL) sind QuecksilberHochdrucklampen, deren Spektren durch den Zusatz bestimmter Metallhalogenide an anwendungstechnische und kundenspezifische Anforderungen angepasst werden. UV high-pressure emitters BLV’s UV high-pressure emitters (BLV designation: MHL) are high-pressure mercury lamps whose spectra are adapted to customer’s specific requirements, through addition of special metal-halides. Vorteile Advantages Hohe Strahlungsleistung in speziellen Spektral- High radiation intensity in special spectral ranges bereichen Kurze Bestrahlungs- und Belichtungszeiten Lang- und Kurzbogenstrahler (d. h. optimale Aus- Short irradiation and exposure times Long and short arc emitters available (optimal use of radiation through appropriate reflectors) nutzung der Strahlung mittels geeigneter Reflektoren) Produktion nach DIN EN ISO 9001 Alle Typen auch in ozonfreier Ausführung lieferbar High standard of quality due to production accor- UV-Hochdruckstrahler können für den Leistungsbereich von 100 Watt bis 10 000 Watt hergestellt werden. UV high-pressure emitters are available for wattages from 100 W to 10,000 W. Anwendungsgebiete Technik Reprografie Fotochemie/Fotopolymerisation Leiterplattenherstellung CD-Produktion Klebstoffhärtung Härten von Farben, Lacken und Kunststoffen Medizin Dermatologie (u. a. Neurodermitis, Psoriasis, Akne) Bilirubin-Fototherapie UV-Kaltlichttherapie Dentaltechnik Kosmetik Solarien/Bräunung Nagelmodellierung Applications Technology Reprographics Photochemistry/Photopolymerisation Production of circuit boards Production of CD Curing of glues Drying of paints, lacquers, varnishes Medicine Dermatology (e.g. Atopic dermatitis, Psoriasis, Acne) Bilirubin-phototherapy UV cold-light therapy Dental technology Cosmetic Tanning Manicure / Pedicure Studios 30 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 ding to DIN EN ISO 9001 Upon request, all types also available in ozone-free versions [email protected] 1 2 3 4 5 UV-Hochdruckstrahler UV high-pressure emitters Durchmesser (mm) Diameter (mm) Bild Figure Art.-Nr. Type No. 100–150 100–150 150–200 150–250 200–300 200–300 300–500 300–500 300–500 300–500 300–500 300–500 400–600 400–600 400–600 500–600 500–600 500–700 500–700 500–700 600–800 600–800 600–800 600–800 800–1000 800–1000 800–1000 1000–1400 1000–1400 1000–1400 1200–1600 1200–1600 2000–2200 2000–2200 1800–2000 1800–2000 2000–2400 2000–2200 2500–3000 3500–4000 3500–4000 Gesamtlänge (mm) Overall length (mm) 100 150 160 200 250 250L 400 400 400L 400L 400G 404 450 450L 450G 500 500L 600 600L 600G 800 800L 800G 800GS 1010 1020 1040 1200/230 1200/230G 1200/400 1500/230 1500/230G 2000/230 2000/400 2000/400P 2100/400 2200/400 2200/400P 3000/230 4000/400 4000/ozfr. Tanning and medicine Sockel + Anschlussart Base + Connection Bezeichnung Designation Leistung (W) Wattage (W) Bräunung und Medizin MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL G12-S/einseitig/single ended R7s + R7s-Kontakt /Contact G12-S/einseitig/single ended R7s + R7s-Kontakt/Contact R7s + R7s-Kontakt/Contact R7s + Litze/Leadwire R7s + R7s-Kontakt/Contact R7s + R7s-Kontakt/Contact R7s + Litze/Leadwire R7s + Litze/Leadwire GY9,5/einseitig/single ended R7s + R7s-Kontakt/Contact R7s + R7s-Kontakt/Contact R7s + Litze/Leadwire GY9,5/einseitig/single ended R7s + R7s-Kontakt/Contact R7s + Litze/Leadwire R7s + R7s-Kontakt/Contact R7s + Litze/Leadwire GY9,5/einseitig/single ended R7s + R7s-Kontakt/Contact R7s + Litze/Leadwire GY9,5/einseitig/single ended GY9,5-S/einseitig/single ended GY9,5-S/einseitig/single ended GY9,5/einseitig/single ended Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire GY9,5/einseitig/single ended Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire GY9,5 / einseitig/single ended Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire Keramik + Litze/Ceramic + Leadwire 93 72 105 82 68 75 106 106 114 114 110 106 106 114 110 118 118 120 120 125 117 117 114 135 129 102 130 137 132 137 137 130 171 171 171 184 192 192 215 215 215 12 12 14 14 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 25 25 25 25 25 25 28 28 28 28 25 25 28 25 28 28 28 1 4 1 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 3 4 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 3 2 2 3 6 6 3 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 23355502 25020101 25845501 23020101 23010102 23010201 23170101 23040101 23040201 23170201 23332003 23340101 23060101 23060201 23372001 23080101 23080201 23090101 23090201 23092002 23450101 23450201 23452001 23453005 23142002 23143001 23140501 23110301 23112001 23150301 23160301 23162001 23210401 23200401 23180401 23230701 23220301 23460301 23300301 23400301 23410301 Sonderanfertigungen und FDA-Ausführungen auf Anfrage [email protected] 6 Special lamps and FDA approved lamps on request BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 31 UV-Hochdruckstrahler UV high-pressure emitters Technische Strahler 8 Technical emitters 18 7 6 12 20 19 4 5 13 3 11 15 16 10 1 17 2 9 32 Spektrum Nr. Spectrum No. Art.- Nr. Type No. 72 63 68 88 68 68 68 105 105 105 105 110 120 120 120 110 117 118 120 208 225 134 134 146 148 157 159 134 137 133 133 133 133 133 171 12 14 14 23 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 14 25 25 25 18 23 25 25 25 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 5 5 5 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 19 2 2 16 16 4 3 2 4 1 3 1 3 1 13 R7s R7s R7s G12 R7s R7s R7s R7s R7s R7s R7s Litze/leadwire R7s R7s R7s R7s Litze/leadwire R7s R7s R7s Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire RX7s RX7s Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 5 6 4 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 25020101 25840102 25840101 25842001 23010102 23430102 23310101 23070101 23290101 25780101 25790101 25120901 23090101 25850101 25571101 25440101 23450201 23450101 23420101 25710101 25925401 25100601 25140601 25110801 25100701 25860301 25130901 25180601 25160301 25190401 25310301 25310401 25320301 25320401 25760401 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 Bemerkungen Remarks Anschlussart Connection 100 150 150LO 150H 250 260 270 460 470 480 490 12 600 650 660 800M 800L 800 800FR 880 MP 808 1000S 1007S 1000/2 1000/1 2818 13 1507S 1500 2117S 3001 3001S 3007 3007S 2000G Sockel Nr. Base No. MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL Durchmesser (mm) Diameter (mm) Bezeichnung Designation 100 150 150 150 250 250 250 400 400 400 400 500 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Standard bases Gesamtlänge (mm) Overall length (mm) Leistung (W) Wattage (W) Standardsockel Hüllkolben/Double envelope OLEC L-900 Eskofot (frosted) Sylvania MP 800 T4/6B Theimer Theimer NuArc GW114 Theimer Philips HPM 13 Theimer ESC Amerika Theimer AGFA 2000 Theimer Theimer Theimer Theimer [email protected] [email protected] Anschlussart Connection Spektrum Nr. Spectrum No. Art.- Nr. Type No. 180 180 180 187 189 189 189 189 189 220 181 190 190 232 237 230 230 190 190 190 190 198 216 216 220 247 247 250 255 275 215 215 215 240 240 242 242 242 281 281 281 281 281 310 142 222 241 241 332 385 385 385 385 387 387 305 450 385 385 25 25 25 25 28 28 28 28 28 28 25 25 25 25 25 28 28 28 28 28 28 30 33 33 30 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 25 25 25 25 25 30 40 28 26 26 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 30 34 34 8 8 8 7 3 3 3 3 3 17 7 1 1 3 8 6 6 4 1 4 1 13 3 3 17 10 10 13 9 20 1 1 1 1 1 12 18 18 7 7 7 7 7 9 16 12 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 9 9 4 9 11 11 Metall/metal Metall/metal Metall/metal Metall/metal Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Metall/metal Metall/metal Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Metall/metal Metall/metal Metall/metal Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Metall/metal Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Metall/metal Metall/metal Metall/metal Metall/metal Metall/metal Metall/metal Litze/leadwire Metall/metal Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Metall/metal Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire Litze/leadwire 3 4 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 25371101 25351101 25361101 25341201 25170901 25250901 25260901 25640901 25270901 25170801 25461201 25210401 25220401 25200702 25200701 25420101 25410101 25510301 25510401 25520301 25520401 25300301 25150901 25620902 25300801 25290601 25470601 25280301 25610101 25590601 25870601 25230401 25240401 25550401 25560401 23414701 23415701 25915701 25381201 25391201 25401201 25381301 25481201 25600101 25770801 25451601 25950703 25810703 25720601 25530701 25540701 25490301 25500701 25540717 25500717 25580301 25650101 25690301 25700301 Bemerkungen Remarks Sockel Nr. Base No. 1403 2000/2 2000/3 2000/1 17 170L 170LR 252 L 261L 16 121HT 3020S 3027S 3003 3002 4001 4007 5000 5000S 5007 5007S 4010 15 15 E 30 281L 282L 280L 4000 SPG 4003 6020S 6027S 8027S 5020S 5027S 7500/1 7500/2 7500/G 5000/2 5000/4 5000/7 5000/7L 5011 5000 SPG 6006 38KT 153LY 33LY 7700/C 7000 7000/O 7007 7007/O 7001/O 7008/O 8001 9009 10001 10002 Durchmesser (mm) Diameter (mm) Bezeichnung Designation MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL MHL Gesamtlänge (mm) Overall length (mm) Leistung (W) Wattage (W) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3500 3500 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 6000 6000 6000 6000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 8000 9000 10000 10000 Burgess 1406-03 Addalux/PAKO Addalux/PAKO NuArc HT 28 Philips HPM 17 OLEC L1250 OLEC L1250R OLEC L1252 OLEC L1261 Beltron NuArc HT 121 Theimer Theimer Sylvania MP 3000 T8/6R Sylvania MP 3000 T8/6J DuPont DuPont Theimer Theimer Theimer Theimer Sylvania MO 22 Philips HPM 15 Beltron OLEC L1281 OLEC L1282 OLEC L1280 GS SPG 4000 GS UPX 4003 Theimer Theimer Theimer Theimer Theimer Amergraph/Byerscope Amergraph/Byerscope Amergraph/Byerscope Burgess 1406-457 Addalux/PAKO Addalux/PAKO Burgess 754-18017L Addalux/PAKO GS SPG 5000 Sylvania M250 NuArc KT 38 NuArc LY 153 NuArc LY 33 Colight AutomaTech AutomaTech ORC MXA-7000H ORC SMX-7000H Bacher/Colight ORC SMX 9000H AutomaTech AutomaTech BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 33 Spektrale Verteilung Spectral distribution Eisenspektrum/Fe-Spectrum Eisenspektrum, ozonfrei/Fe-Spectrum ozone-free 2 Intensität/Intensity Intensität/Intensity 1 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (nm) Wellenlänge/Wavelength (nm) Galliumspektrum, ozonfrei/Ga-Spectrum, ozone-free Quecksilberspektrum, ozonfrei/Hg-Spectrum, ozone-free 4 Intensität/Intensity Intensität/Intensity 3 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (nm) Wellenlänge/Wavelength (nm) Quecksilberspektrum/Hg-Spectrum Eisen-Galliumspektrum, ozonfrei/FeGa-Spectrum, ozone-free 6 Intensität/Intensity Intensität/Intensity 5 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (nm) 34 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (nm) [email protected] UV-Reflektorstrahler MHL-R UV-Reflector emitters MHL-R Anwendung Applications UV-Aushärtung UV hardening Kleben, Fixieren und Vergießen von elektronischen Glueing, fixing and moulding of electronic Komponenten Verkleben von Gläsern, Metallen und Kunststoffen Verkleben von Glasfasern Fluoreszenzanregung UV-Bestrahlung ohne Infrarotanteile („kalte“ UV-Bestrahlung) Hochintensive UV-Bestrahlung und kurze Belichtungszeiten components Glueing of glass, metals and plastics Glueing of glass-fibre Fluorescent excitation UV treatment without infra-red component (“cold” UV treatment") High intensity UV-exposure times Strahlerstrom (A) Emitter current (A) min. Zündspannung (kV) min. Ignition voltage (kV) Fokusabstand (mm) Focal distance (mm) Durchmesser (mm) Diameter (mm) max. Länge (mm) max. Length (mm) Art.-Nr. Type No. tions where a maximum UV-intensity needs to be applied to a small surface High output Short exposure times Strahlerspannung (V) Emitter voltage (V) gen, bei denen ein Maximum an UV-Intensität auf eine kleine Fläche aufgebracht werden muß Hohe Strahlungsleistung Kurze Bestrahlungs- und Belichtungszeiten Strahlerleistung (W) Emitter wattage (W) Advantages High performance point-emitter for all applica- Bezeichnung Designation Vorteile Hochleistungs-Punktstrahler für alle Anwendun- MHL-R 100 UV MHL-R 150 UV 100 150 110 110 1,2 1,8 3,5 3,5 53 53 70 70 70 70 25025001* 25845001* * in Vorbereitung *in preparation Geeignet für Faserdurchmesser von 8–20 mm Suitable for fibre diameters of 8–20 mm Verwendung von Standardvorschalt- und Zünd- Used with standard control gear and ignitors Simple lamp changing without re-adjustment geräten Einfacher Lampenaustausch ohne erneute Justierung [email protected] BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 35 UV-Mitteldruckstrahler UV medium-pressure emitters Die UV-Strahler sind für einen hohen Output im UVC-Spektralbereich ausgelegt (siehe Spektrum 1), können aber auch im UVA- oder sichtbaren Spektrum optimiert werden (Spektren 2 und 3). BLVUV-Strahler sind in Bogenlängen von 60–2600 mm und in Leistungen von 40 bis über 200 W/cm lieferbar. Die in der Tabelle aufgeführten Strahler sind nur Auszüge aus einem großen Programm – fragen Sie unsere Experten nach dem richtigen Strahler für Ihre Anwendung! Wir bieten verschiedene Sockelvarianten und passen somit den Strahler genau an Ihre Bedürfnisse an. The UV-emitters are designed for high output in the UVC spectral range (see spectrum 1), but can be adapted to the UVA or visible spectrum. (spectra 2 and 3). BLV UV-emitters can be manufactured in arc-lengths from 60–2600 mm and in ratings from 40 to over 200 W/cm. The UV-emitters in the table represent only a sample of a much larger programme. We can offer various lamp caps and can manufacture lamps to meet specific demands. Ask our experts about the correct emitter for your application. Anwendungsgebiete UV-Trocknung von lösungsmittelfreien Lacken, Farben, Klebstoffen usw. Druckfarben (Bogen-, Endlos-, Trocken-Offsetdruck, Etiketten-, Flexo-, Sieb-, Tief-, Tampondruck) Lacke Klebstoffe Vergussmassen (Glasfaserverstärkte) Polyester-Spachtel, Folien UV-Desinfektion von Luft, Wasser und Oberflächen Brunnen Öffentliche Wasserversorgung (vorbeugende Desinfektion im Haushalt) Gewerbliches Wasser (Hotels, Campingplätze) UV-unterstützte Oxidation von organischen Schadstoffen in Luft und Wasser Entkeimung hoch belasteten Industrie-Abwassers Entgiftung von Galvanikabwasser (CN, Komplexbildner) Behandlung von Grundwasser (CKW, PAK, BTX) Reinigung von Deponiesickerwasser Entfärbung von Textilabwasser Industrielle Photochemie Sonderanwendungen wie Ozon-Erzeugung und UVAnalytik Applications UV-drying of solvent-free paints, colours, adhesives, etc. Printing colours (sheet-, continuous-, dry-offset-, label-, flex-, silk screen-, rollerprinting) Paints Adhesives Fillers (Glass fibre strengthened) polyester-spatula, foil. UV-disinfection of air, water and surfaces Fountains Public water supplies (preventative disinfection in the home) Commercial water supplies (hotels, camping sites) UV-supported oxidation of organic pollutants in air and water Sterilization of highly polluted industrial waste water Detoxification of waste water from galvanising (CN complex form) Treatment of ground water (CKW, PAK, BTX) Cleaning of disposal site seepage De-colouring of water used for textiles dyeing Industrial photo chemistry Special applications such as ozone production and UV-analysis Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an: For further information please contact: E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: +49 (0) 80 94/9 06-164 36 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] Spektrale Verteilung Spectral distribution Rel. Intensität/Relative intensity UVC/Hg-Spectrum (1) 1 2 6 5 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (nm) Rel. Intensität/Relative intensity VIS/Ga-Spectrum (2) Wellenlänge/Wavelength (nm) Rel. Intensität/Relative intensity UVA-B/Fe-Spectrum (3) 3 4 7 Wellenlänge/Wavelength (nm) 11 8 6 14 13 23 24 25 Spezialsockel [email protected] Special bases BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 37 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire (1) PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire (2) PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire (1) PTFE-Litze/Wire (2) PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire Silikon-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire (3) PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire (1) PTFE-Litze/Wire (1) PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire (1) PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire (1) PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire Metallsockel/Metal Base PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire (2) PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire Metallsockel/Metal Base PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire PTFE-Litze/Wire 24015002 24025502 24028502 24035002 24040502 24037002 24073902 24045102 24049902 24115402 24306802 24315502 24055002 24065002 24717002 24376002 24074002 24338002 24059502 24385102 24385202 24085002 24095002 24125002 24115102 24105102 24135002 24417002 24145002 24155002 24175002 24195002 24244002 24207502 24185002 24215002 24225002 24201502 24209502 24236502 24245002 24265002 24485002 24235002 24275002 24285002 24248002 24296002 20 12 4 3 Standardsockel 38 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 24727002 24077502 24074102 24106002 24407002 24206502 24226002 24204502 24237502 24269002 24236002 7 1 10 2 24001102 22 18 17 Art.-Nr. Spektrum 3 Type No. Spectrum 3 22.5 24.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22,5 22.5 22.5 19.5 24.5 26.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 19,5 22.5 26.5 24.5 24.5 26.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 26.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 19.5 19.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 19.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 26.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 26.5 24.5 Art.-Nr. Spektrum 2 Type No. Spectrum 2 Art.-Nr. Spektrum 1 Type No. Spectrum 1 Gesamtlänge (mm) Overall Length (mm) 230 215 230 275 275 275 420 330 330 361 275 330 380 430 350 365 480 410 329 380 380 550 550 630 710 710 800 530 860 939 1130 1230 1575 1575 1180 1390 1430 1530 1575 1575 1580 1780 1180 1548 2030 2130 1580 2330 21 19 16 106 120 125 152 152 152 305 206 206 250 152 206 247 305 250 272 356 300 250 256 256 425 425 505 585 585 680 406 740 829 1005 1105 1397 1420 1055 1265 1305 1405 1420 1420 1455 1655 1055 1420 1905 2005 1455 2205 Anschlussart Connection X X 100 80 100 100 100 115 80 100 100 80 150 120 100 100 120 100 100 120 160 150 150 100 100 100 100 100 100 170 100 100 100 100 80 80 110 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 160 120 100 100 160 120 Bildnummer des Strahlers Picture reference of emitter X 7.5 8.6 9.7 11 11 7 5 9.7 9.7 9.5 16 10 10 12 12 10,7 14.5 18 16 12 12 16 8 12.4 14.5 9 9.3 12 9 9.3 9 8.6 6.5 6.3 8.5 9.2 7.6 8 8.3 8.3 9 9.2 9.6 9.9 8.8 9 12.3 11.2 Durchmesser (mm) Diameter (mm) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Bogenlänge (mm) Arc Length (mm) Netzspannung (V) Voltage (V) 230 230 230 230 230 400 750 400 400 400 230 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 570 570 400 1000 660 660 1200 1500 950 1500 1700 2200 2300 2500 2800 2300 2600 3000 3000 2500 2500 3000 3200 3200 2500 4000 4000 3200 4000 Spez. Leistung (W/cm) Spec. Wattage (W/cm) Strahlerspannung (V) Emitter voltage (V) 145 130 150 150 150 275 500 240 240 210 150 270 280 275 265 280 275 230 280 360 360 270 600 440 440 725 850 630 900 1000 1250 1500 1870 1870 1530 1600 1970 1950 1900 1900 1900 2000 1850 1850 2400 2500 2000 2500 Strahlerstrom (A) Emitter current (A) Strahlerleistung (W) Nominal Wattage (W) 1000 1000 1300 1500 1500 1700 2500 2000 2000 2000 2250 2400 2500 3000 3000 2700 3600 3700 4000 4000 4000 4100 4200 5000 5800 5800 6700 6900 7300 8300 10000 11000 11000 11000 11700 12500 13000 14000 14200 14200 14500 16500 16800 16800 19000 20000 23200 26400 Zündgerät notwendig Ignitor necessary Bezeichnung Designation UVH 1022-0 UVH 1224-0 UVH 1322-0 UVH 1522-0 UVH 1522-1 UVH 1522/28-0 Q-3022 S-1 UVH 2022-0 UVH 2022-3 UVH 2420-0 UVH 1524-1 UVH 2026-1 UVH 2522-0 UVH 3022-0 UVH 3023-0 Q-2722-0 UVH 3522/28-0 UVH 3026-3 UVH 2524-0 UVH 4024-0 UVH 4026-0 UVH 4122-0 UVH 4222-0 UVH 5022/45-0 UVH 5822/45-0 UVH 5822-0 UVH 6722-0 UVH 6426-0 UVH 7322-0 UVH 8322-0 UVH 10022-0 UVH 11022-0 UVH 14021-0 UVH 14219-2 UVH 10522-0 UVH 12522-0 UVH 13022-0 UVH 14022 G-0 UVH 14219-0 UVH 14222-1 UVH 14522-0 UVH 16522-0 UVH 10526-0 UVH 14222-0 UVH 19022-0 UVH 20022-0 UVH 14526-0 UVH 22024-0 9 15 19 Standard bases [email protected] Anforderungsblatt UV-Strahler Product request UV-emitters Bitte möglichst vollständig ausfüllen und zurückfaxen: Please fill out the form as accurately as possible and fax it to: +49 (0)80 94/906-164 Firma Company Strasse/Hausnr. Street/code PLZ/Ort ZIP code/City Land/Region Country/Region Kontaktperson Person in charge Telefon Phone Telefax Fax E-Mail E-mail Internet Internet Anwendung Application Stückzahlen Quantity Referenztype Reference type Gesamtlänge Overall Length [mm] Bogenlänge Arc Length [mm] Strahlerspannung Emitter Voltage [V] Strahlerstrom Emitter Current [A] Rohraußendurchmesser Outer Diameter [mm] Strahlerleistung Emitter Power [W] Spezifische Leistung Specific Emitter Power [W/cm] Muster/samples 1. Jahr/1st year Gesamtlänge/Overall Length Bogenlänge/Arc Length Durchmesser/Outer Diameter Pumpstutzen eingedrückt flattended Exhaust Tube ja/yes nein/no Vergoldung Gold Ends ja/yes nein/no Sockeltypbezeichnung Base Type L1 D1 L2 D2 Litze 1 Lead 1 Durchmesser Diameter [mm] ja/yes nein/no Länge Length [mm] ja/yes nein/no Anschlussart Connector Type Litze 2 Lead 2 Durchmesser Diameter [mm] ja/yes nein/no Länge Length [mm] ja/yes nein/no Anschlussart Connector Type Dotierung Doping Quarzart Quartztype ozonbildend ozone producing ozonarm ozone reduced ozonfrei ozone free Fe synthetisch synthetic Besonderheiten Special features [email protected] Ga sonstige/other BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 39 Notes BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH A company of USHIO Group Notizen 40 BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 [email protected] Von München-Stadt: Über Autobahn A94: Autobahn A94 – Richtung „Passau”. Nach Ende Autobahn A94 weiter auf B12 Richtung „Passau”. *Nach Ortsende „Hohenlinden“ (nach ca. 2 km) rechts Richtung „Wasserburg“. Nach ca. 1 km rechts nach „Steinhöring, Abersdorf“. An Kreuzung mit B304 rechts Richtung „Ebersberg“. Nach ca. 300 m in der Kurve sofort scharf rechts Einfahrt BLV Über B304: B304 Richtung „Wasserburg“. Über Haar, Baldham, Zorneding, Kirchseeon, Ebersberg nach Steinhöring. Vor Ortsausgang in der Kurve links Einfahrt BLV Vom Flughafen München: Richtung „Erding“ nach Hohenlinden. In Hohenlinden an der Ampel links auf B12 Richtung „Passau“. weiter siehe oben * ff. From München-City: Via Autobahn A94 (motorway A94): Take motorway A94 direction “Passau“. At the end of the motorway still follow direction “Passau“ on highway B12. *About 2 km after the village of Hohenlinden turn right towards “Wasserburg“. 1 km later again turn right to “Steinhöring, Abersdorf“. Follow this road to a crossing with highway B304, turn right towards “Ebersberg“ and after about 300 m turn right and you will find the entrance of BLV. Via highway B304: Take highway B304 from München to “Wasserburg“. After having passed the villages of Haar, Zorneding, Kirchseeon, Ebersberg you will arrive at Steinhöring. Before leaving the village of Steinhöring you will find the entrance to BLV, clearly marked on the left. From the airport München (MUC II) Follow the direction “Erding, Hohenlinden“. In Hohenlinden at the traffic light turn left into highway B12 direction “Passau“. Following see above * Mkt. Schwaben 99 Flughafen Landshut Haag Forstinning 94 München 94 Hohenlinden Anzing 12 12 E 552 Wasserburg 471 15 E 45 Haar 8 E 52 Ottobrunn Ebersberg 304 304 Wasserburg 99 Grafing Allgemeine Informationen Alle bisherigen Kataloge verlieren mit Erscheinen dieses Kataloges ihre Gültigkeit. Unsere Strahler sind ausschließlich in der Ausführung und Beschaffenheit lieferbar, wie in diesem Katalog angegeben. Bei entsprechendem Auftragsvolumen sind nach Rücksprache mit BLV Sonderanfertigungen oder Neuentwicklungen möglich. Die Strahler sind nur für den bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch zugelassen. Wir behalten uns technische und formale Änderungen vor. Es gelten unsere jeweils aktuellen Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen (aufgedruckt auf der Rückseite unserer Auftragsbestätigungen). Jegliche Manipulation unserer Produkte sowie deren Verpackung, wie beispielsweise Veränderung, Umarbeitung, Umstempelung, ist unzulässig und verletzt u. a. unsere eingetragenen Warenzeichenrechte. Derartige Modifikationen können technische Eigenschaften unserer Produkte negativ beeinflussen, diese zerstören und möglicherweise Folgeschäden an anderen Objekten verursachen, für die BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH in keinem Fall verantwortlich gemacht werden kann. Hinweis an Überwachungsbehörde, dass das Erzeugnis mit europäischem Recht übereinstimmt. [email protected] Steinhöring Rosenheim General notes With the publication of this catalogue, all previous catalogues become invalid. Our emitters are available only in the versions and technical designs shown in this catalogue. For substantial bulk orders however, custommade emitters or new developments may be possible after consultation with BLV. The emitters are approved for use in accordance with the instructions only. We reserve the right to make any technical or design changes. Our current delivery and payment conditions as printed on the reverse of our order confirmation apply. Any form of manipulation of our products or the packaging thereof, including but not limited to changes, modifications, re-etching is forbidden and will inter alia infringe our registered trademark rights. Such alterations can alter or negatively influence product specifications, can destroy our products and create collateral damage to other objects, for any of which BLV Lichtund Vakuumtechnik GmbH can in no case be held liable. Note for supervisory authorities that the product conforms to European standards. BLV Produktkatalog 2004/2005 41 A company of USHIO Group How to find BLV BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH Der Weg zur BLV R FIZIER TI T ST EM QU AL IT ÄT S S ZE E DIN ISO 9001 M AN A G EMENT SY REG.NR. 19205-02 BLV Licht- und Vakuumtechnik GmbH A company of USHIO Group Münchner Straße 10 D-85643 Steinhöring/Germany Telefon +49 (0) 80 94/9 06-0 Fax +49 (0) 80 94/9 06-164 E-Mail [email protected] 79100016©BLV, 7/2003 XENON SHORT ARC LAMPS UXL/CXL SERIES PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage85. • 350- 2000 Watts • Searchlight • Followspot • Projection Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 350 500 500 550 1000 1000 1000 1430 1450 1750 2000 2000 2000 5000350 5000360 5000362 5000368 5000009 5001075 5000316 5001076 5001435 5000337 5000012 5001062 5000013 XenonShortArc UXL-351E-0 UXL-500D-0 UXL-502HS-0 UXL-553 CXL-10SC UXL-10SB UXL-1000D-0 UXL-16SB UXL-16SCB UXL-2000PR CXL-20 UXL-20FS CXL-20R 15-17 17-25 21-31 17-25 30-55 30-55 32-47 45-70 45-70 56-70 60-85 50-85 50-85 22 20 14 22 20 20 22 22 22 25 25 25 29 3-6 4-6 7-8 7-8 4-6 4-6 ––– 4-6 4-6 6-9 7-10 10-13 10-13 Diametermm (D1) (D2) (D3) (D4) (L2) (L3) 2.9 4.0 0.9 3.1 4.2 4.2 5.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 22 29 30 30 40 40 40 46.5 46.5 45 55 60 60 13 ––– M8 20 M8P1.25 M8P1.25 15 4 ––– 15 M6P1.0 ––– 25 5/16-18UNC ––– 25 11 5/16-18UNC 25 M10P1.25 M8P1.25 5/16-18UNC 25 11 25 withleadwire(L:270)5/16-18UNC 25.4 ––– 10 27 M14x1.5 14 27 7.8 9.4 27 12 10 133 234 148 161 236 245 315 245 233 365 375 342 370 120 204 135 135 222 214 275 214 220 320 320 302 320 66.5 1000 95 1500(V)/1200(H) 65 1200 65 1500 96.5 1500 98.5 1500 125 1500 98.5 1500 98.5 1500 145 2000 145 2400 147 2000 145.0 2000 L1 L2 L2 L2 L3 L3 L3 D4 D1 D2 85 D3 + 5 D4 UXL-10SB / UXL-16SB UXL-351E-0 CXL-10SC Burn Position: Horizontal +150 Vertical +150 Burn Position: Horizontal +150 L1 Burn Position: Horizontal +150 L1 L1 L2 ø8 D2 D4 D2 D1 UXL-16SCB CXL-20 Burn Position: Horizontal +150 Vertical +150 Burn Position: Horizontal +150 D4 D2 D3 D4 Burn Position: Horizontal +100/ 450 D4 D 4 D1 L1 L1 D1 L1 L1 L2 D 1 L2 L2 L2 L3 D2 D2 D1 L2 D2 UXL-2000PR D2 D1 L3 D1 L3 D1 L2 L2 L3 D2 D1 D3 D2 D1 D4 Avg Life h (L1) L1 L1 L1 Lengthmm max 98 + 5 16 25 31 25 50 50 45 65 65 70 80 80 70 152 + 5 Rated Current Rated Forced Arc Amps Control Voltage Air Gap Range Cooling A V m/sec L3 L3 L3 L3 D 2 D 3 D3 UXL-500D-0 / UXL-1000D-0 Burn Position: Horizontal +150 Vertical +150 D3 D3 UXL-502HS-0 Burn Position: Vertical +150 D3 UXL-553 UXL-20FS CXL-20R Burn Position: 0 0 Horizontal +15 Vertical +15 Burn Position: 0 0 Horizontal +15 Vertical +15 Burn Position: 0 0 Horizontal +30 Vertical +30 81 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • XENON SHORT ARC LAMPS UXL/CXL SERIES PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage85. • 2000- 7000 Watts • Searchlight • Followspot • Projection Watts Ushio Ordering Code 2000 2000 2000 2500 3000 3000 3000 4000 5000 6000 6000 7000 7000 5001434 5000336 5001063 5001077 5000764 5001079 5001064 5000631 5002044 5000943 5000860 5000020 5000634 Ushio LampCode Rated Amps Current Control Range A XenonShortArc UXL-20SC 70 UXL-2000HA 80 UXL-2000FS 70 UXL-25SC 90 CXL-30R 60 UXL-30SC 100 UXL-3000FS 100 UXL-40SC 135 UXL-50SCA 140 UXL-60SC 160 CXL-60 160 CXL-70 160 UXL-70SC 160 Rated Forced Voltage Air Cooling V m/sec 50-85 60-85 50-85 70-100 100-110 60-110 60-100 80-150 100-150 120-170 110-170 110-170 120-170 29 25 29 28 28 30 30 29 35 37 37 44 42 Arc Gap 5-10 7-10 10-13 10-13 10-13 5-10 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 10-13 Diametermm (D1) (D2) Lengthmm (D3) (D4) (L1) (L2) 7.9 9.5 342 370 370 342 428 342 428 410 413 433 417 417 433 Avg Life h (L3) max 5.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 60 52 55 60 70 60 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 27 27 27 25 27 27 27 30 30 30 30 30 30 M14P1.5 14 12 7.9 14 7.9 13 7.9 7.85 9.4 14 10 9.5 13 9.5 14 9.5 9.4 7.85 14 M14P1.5 14 7.9 9.4 D4 302 320 320 300 382 302 ––– 370 370 392 381 381 392 147.0 2000 145.0 2000 145.0 2000 147.0 1500(V)/1200(H) 171.0 1400 147.0 1500(V)/1200(H) 171.0 1200 174.5 800 171.0 176.0 500 170.0 600 170.0 600 171.0 500 D4 D4 D2 L1 D1 L1 L3 L2 D1 L2 L1 L3 D4 L2 D3 D4 UXL-2000HA CXL-70 Burn Position: Horizontal +150 Burn Position: Horizontal +150 D4 D1 L2 L3 L3 D3 L3 D3 D3 UXL-2000FS UXL-25SC UXL-40SC Burn Position: Horizontal +150 Vertical +150 Burn Position: Horizontal +150 Vertical +150 D3 D2 L1 L2 L2 D3 D2 L1 D1 D1 L1 L3 Burn Position: Horizontal +300 Vertical +300 D2 D2 L2 D3 UXL-20SC D4 D1 L3 D1 D2 D2 D3 L1 D3 D2 L1 D1 L2 D1 L1 D1 D2 D3 D4 L2 L3 L3 L3 L2 D4 CXL-30R UXL-30SC UXL-3000FS Burn Position: Horizontal +300 Vertical +300 Burn Position: Horizontal +300 Vertical +300 Burn Position: Horizontal +150 Vertical D4 UXL-60SC UXL-50SC Burn Position: Horizontal +150 Vertical L1 UXL-70SC Burn Position: Horizontal +150/-45 82 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • LAMP SPECIFICATION ABBREVIATIONS RATINGS W V kV A h K lm lm/W cd cp CRI m/sec Watts Volts kilovolts Amps hours kelvin lumens lumensperWatt candela candlepower ColorRenderingIndex meterspersecond DIMENSIONS BURNPOSITION(BURNPOS) LL LCL C-to-C OAL Dia max BD BD/30 BD/45 BD/Hor BU BU/30 Horiz H+15 H+15/-45 Any LightLength(filamentlength) LightCenterLength ContacttoContact OverallAverageLength Diameter Maximum Alldimensionsareapproximate measurementsinmillimeters(mm) BaseDown Within30ºofverticalbasedown Within45ºofverticalbasedown BaseDowntoHorizontal BaseUp Within30ºofverticalbaseup Horizontal Within+15ºofhorizontalposition +15º;-45ºofhorizontalposition AnyPosition SAFETY AND HANDLING TUNGSTEN HALOGEN AND INCANDESCENT LAMPS • AlwaysweareyeprotectionwheninstallingHalogenlamps.SomeHalogenlampshaveinternalpressuresofseveralatmospheres. • Halogenlampsoperateatextremelyhightemperaturesthatcancauseseriousphysicalinjuriesandpropertydamage. • OnlyuseHalogenlampsinHalogen-approvedfixtures.Fixturesshouldfullycontainanypartsofthehalogenlampupontheeventofalampburst. • DonotuseHalogenlampsincloseproximityofpaper,clothorothercombustiblematerialsthatcancauseafirehazard. • Lampsareveryfragile,donotdrop,crush,bendorshakethem. • DonottouchtheHalogenbulbsurfaceorinsidereflectorswithyourbarehands.Oilsfromskincanleadtobreakageorshortenthelifeofthelamp. Usecleanglovesorlintfreeclothforinstallationandremoval. • Cleananydirt,oil,orlintawayfromthelampwithalcoholandalintfreeclothortissue.Anyforeignparticlesormaterialsonthebulbsurfacecan causehotspotsonthebulbandresultinlampfailure. • Nevertouchthelampwhenitison,orsoonafterithasbeenturnedoff,asitishotandwillcauseseriousburns. • Donotlookdirectlyattheoperatinglampforanyperiodoftime;thismaycauseseriouseyeinjury. • Alwaysturnofftheelectricalpowerbeforeinserting,removing,orcleaningthelamp. • Affixthelampsecurelyinthesocket.Improperinstallationswillcauseelectricalarcing,overheatingandshortlifetolampandsocket.Replacelamp holdersandsocketswhennecessary. • KeepthetemperatureoftheHalogenlampsealbelow350ºC. • KeepthetemperatureoftheHalogenbulbwallabove250ºC. • KeepthetemperatureoftheHalogenlampbulbwallbelow800ºC. • Makesurelampsofspecifiedwattageandvoltageareonlyusedinappropriatelyratedfixtures.Unspecifiedusewillleadtoshortlamplife,breakage andoverheatingoffixture. • Lampsshouldnotbeoperatedbeyondthetotalratedvoltage.Avoidtheuseofdimmersthatmaydriveyourlampoveritsratedvoltage. • Operatethelamponlyintheindicatedburnposition.Failuretodosowillleadtooverheatingandshortlifeofthelamp. • Useanexternalfusewhenrequired. • Donotallowonelamptodirectlyexposeanother.Thismayleadtooverheatingandshortenedlamplife. 83 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SAFETY & HANDLING METAL HALIDE DISCHARGE LAMPS • AlwaysweareyeprotectionwheninstallingMetalHalidedischargelamps.SomeMetalHalidedischargelampshavehighinternalpressureeven whilecold. • MetalHalidedischargelampsemitultravioletradiationwhichisharmfultoeyesandskin! • MetalHalidedischargelampsshouldonlybeusedinenclosedfixtureswithultravioletabsorbingfilterglass.Failuretodosomaycauseseriousskin burnandeyedamage.Donotusetheselampsinfixtureswhereanyun-filteredlightisemittedfromthefixture.Donotoperatetheselampsifthe ultravioletabsorbingfilterglassisbrokenornotinstalled. • MetalHalidedischargelampsshouldonlybeoperatedinanenclosedfixturethatsafelycontainsalllamppartsintheeventofalampburstorrupture. Theselampsoperateatahighinternalpressureandathightemperatures.Alampburstcanoccurcausingphysicalinjuryandpropertydamage. • Lampsshouldneverbeoperatedbeyondtheirratedusefullife.Theriskofalampburstincreaseswithlampage,temperature,improperoperationand improperhandling. • Neverbump,drop,applyexcessivestress,orscratchthelamp.Thiscouldcausethelamptoburst!Donotoperateanylampswithanytracesof scratches,cracks,orphysicaldamage. • Neveroperatealampaboveorbelowitsratedcurrentorvoltage.Thismaycausethelamptoleakorburst. • Alwaysturnofftheelectricalpowerbeforeinserting,removing,orcleaningthelamp. • Cleananydirt,oil,orlintawayfromthelampwithalcoholandalintfreeclothortissue. • Electricalconnectionsshouldbecleanandingoodcondition.Replacelampholdersandsocketswhenneeded.Affixthelampsecurelyinthesocket. Improperinstallationswillcauseelectricalarcing,overheatingandshortlifetolampandsocket. • Nevertouchthelampwhenitison,orsoonafterithasbeenturnedoff,asitishotandwillcauseseriousburns.Lampsshouldbeallowedtocoolfora minimumoften(10)minutesafterthelampisturnedoff. • Donotuselampincloseproximityofpaper,clothorothercombustiblematerialthatcancauseafirehazard. • Donotlookdirectlyattheoperatinglampforanyperiodoftime;thismaycauseseriouseyeinjury. • MetalHalidedischargelampscontainmercury.USHIOstrivestopreservetheenvironmentandmakeefficientuseofresources.Pleaserefertoyour localenvironmentallawsregardingdisposalandrecyclingofmercurycontaininglamps.Formoreinformation, 84 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SAFETY & HANDLING HIGH PRESSURE XENON ARC LAMPS WARNING! Xenonarclampscouldburstwhennotinoperationcausingseriousinjuries!ItiscriticaltofollowsafetyinstructionswhenhandlingXenonarclamps! • Xenonarclampshaveahighinternalpressure.Dependinguponthelamp,theinternalpressurecanexceed10ATMor147PSI,evenwhennotin operation. • Alwaysweareye/faceandbodyprotectionwhenhandlingXenonarclamps! • Neverbump,drop,applyexcessivestress,orscratchthelamp.Thiscouldcausethelamptoburst! • Alwaystransportthelampintheprovidedprotectivecaseorcoveruntilinstallation! • Savetheprotectivecaseorcoverandpackagingmaterials(box)forlampsthathavebeenusedtotheirratedservicelife.Usetheprotectivecasewhen disposingofthelamps. • Nevertouchthelampwhenitison,orsoonafterithasbeenturnedoff,asitishotandwillcauseseriousburns.Lampsshouldbeallowedtocoolfora minimumoften(10)minutesafterthelampisturnedoff. • Alwaysoperatethelampinclosed,protectivehousings. • Donotlookdirectlyattheoperatinglampforanylengthoftime;thismaycauseseriouseyeinjury. • Donotuselampincloseproximityofpaper,clothorothercombustiblematerialthatcancauseafirehazard. • SomeXenonarclampsproduceOzonethatisconsideredtoxicatrelativelyhighconcentrationlevels.Useozone-producinglampsinlamphousings equippedwithexhaustsystems. • Neveroperatealampaboveorbelowitsratedcurrentorvoltage.Thismaycausethelamptoleakorburst. • Affixthelampinthecorrectpolarityaccordingtothelampandfixturedesign. • Affixlampsbyhandtighteningonly.Donotuseanytoolstotightennutsorthelampitself.Anyexcessivestresstothelampwillcauseaburst. • Electricalconnectionsshouldbecleanandingoodcondition.Replacelampholdersandsocketswhenneeded.Fixthelampanditsleadwirefirmlytothe terminals. • Cleananydirt,oil,orlintawayfromthelampwithalcoholandalintfreeclothortissue. • Xenonarclampsshouldnotbeusedbeyondtheirratedservicelife.Operationbeyondtheratedservicelifewillcausethelamptoburst. • Thelampmustbeoperatedunderthespecifiedconditionssuchaslampamperage,voltage,andcoolingconditions. • Donotovercoolthelamp.Airshouldneverbedirectlyforcedonthebulbbecauseunevencoolingwillresult. • Recommendedcoolingmethodsare:airflow,N2gasflow,heatsinkandanexhaustduct. • Thelampbasetemperaturemustbekeptbelow200ºC. Xenon arc lamp disposal • Xenonarclampsmustbedisposedofinacarefulandpropermannerinordertopreventinjury. 1. Wearaprotectivemask,leatherglovesandprotectiveclothingwhenhandlingaspentlamp. 2. Placetheusedlampinitsoriginalprotectivecaseandoriginalcardboardpackaging(box)thatwasprovidedwhenthelampwasnew. 3. Firmlyattachtapearoundtheoriginalcardboardboxtosealthelampsecurely. 4. Fromapproximatelythree(3)feetinheight,dropthecardboardbox,withthelampandprotectivecaseinside,ontoahardfloortobreakthelamp. • Thespecificationsinthispublicationsupercedeallpreviouslypublished specificationsandmaybesubjecttochangefordesignandspecification improvementwithoutpriornotice. 85 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • LAMP BASE TYPES BA9s BA15d ø9 BA15s ø15.25 E10 ø15.25 E11 ø15 E12/15 ø15 15.2 +0.5 19 19 ø11.8 E17 E26 E39 ø11.5 ø10.7 ø9.3 E40 G4 GZ4 ø0.7 ø0.7 4.0 4.0 ø17 ø26 G5.3 ø39 GX5.3/GU5.3 ø40 GY5.3 (Flat Pin) G6.35 ø1.56 ø1.56 GU5.3 GX6.35 ø1.0 5.33 5.33 G6.35/15X19 ø1.6 6.35 0.7 6.35 5.33 6.35 2.0 GY6.35 GZ6.35 G7.9 GX7.9 G9.5 GX9.5 24 35.0 Max 24 ø1.0 6.35 ø1.25 ø3.2 ø3.2 ø2.4 6.35 ø2.4 GY9.5/15X19 GY9.5/16X21 GY9.5/16X24 GY16 9.53 24.0 ø3.2 9.53 ø2.4 16 21.0 16 19.0 Max 15 30.0 Max ø2.4 G12 34.0 to 36.0 (GZ9.5 24.13 Max) ø3.2 9.53 9.53 GY9.5 (GZ9.5) ø3.17 ø3.17 7.92 7.92 ø3.2 ø2.4 ø3.2 9.53 ø2.4 ø4.7 to ø5.0 ø2.35 ø3.1 to ø3.5 12.0 9.53 15.87+0.20 86 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • LAMP BASE TYPES G22 GY22 42 G17q-7 53 ø1.27 ø11.1 ø9.35 ø6.24 G38 30 29 ø6.35 G22/30X53 28 41.62 27 42 G22/28X42 ø6.35 ø6.35 38.1 22.22 22.22 22.88 G17t-7 22.22 Source GX17q-7 P14.5s P28s P30s P40s ø1.27 ø1.27 ø27.4 18.5 Source ø39.5 Source Fc2 18 Pin Blade R7s-12/ R7s-18 RX7s 12.7 7.0 ø7.0 12, 18 6.0 9.1 4.75 87 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • LAMP FILAMENT TYPES C-2R CC-2V C-6 CC-6 CBar8 2CC-8 CC-13 CBar6 (CF-6) C8 4-C8 CC-8 6-C8 C-13D C-13 SPECIAL 88 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TABLE OF CONTENTS USHIO Lamps for the Audio/Visual, Entertainment & Photographic Lighting Page LAMP INDEX INDEX BY USHIO PRODUCT CODE ..............................................................................................................................................................3 AUDIO VISUAL PROJECTOR LAMPS .........................................................................................................................................................14 LAMP SPECIFICATIONS INCANDESCENT Projection Lamps Double & Single Contact Bayonet - BA15d, BA15s ..................................................................................................................18 Candelabra Base - E12/15, Mogul Screw Base - E39 ...............................................................................................................19 4-Pin Base G17q-7 ..................................................................................................................................................................20 4-Pin Base - G17t-7 .................................................................................................................................................................21 Medium Prefocus Base - P28s, Medium Screw Base - E26 .....................................................................................................22 Single Contact Prefocus Base - P30s, Mogul Prefocus Base - P40s ........................................................................................23 Photographic Enlarger Single Contact Bayonet Base - BA15s, Medium Screw Base - E26 .........................................................................................24 Photoflood Lamps Medium Screw Base - E26 .......................................................................................................................................................25 Entertainment & Photographic Flash Entertainment & Photographic Flash Lamps Cross Reference .................................................................................................27 TUNGSTEN HALOGEN Double Ended Quartz Lamps J Series Pin Blade, Recessed Single Contact Base - R7s-12 ...............................................................................................................28 JP Series Recessed Single Contact Base - R7s .......................................................................................................................................31 JPD Series Recessed Single Contact Base - R7s-18 .................................................................................................................................33 Single Ended Quartz JA Series P14.5s .....................................................................................................................................................................................34 JF Series PK30d ......................................................................................................................................................................................34 JC Series Single & Double Contact Bayonet Base - BA9s, BA15d ............................................................................................................35 Miniature 2-Pin Base - G4 ........................................................................................................................................................36 Miniature 2-Pin Base - G5.3 ....................................................................................................................................................37 Glass 2-Pin Base - G6.35 ........................................................................................................................................................38 Glass 2-Pin Base - GY6.35, 2-Pin Prefocus Base - GY9.5 ........................................................................................................39 JCD Series Double Contact Bayonet Base - BA15d ....................................................................................................................................40 Miniature 2-Pin Base - G5.3, Glass 2-Pin Base - G6.35, 2-Pin Base - G6.35, GX6.35 ..............................................................41 2-Pin Base - GY6.35, 2 Button Base - G9.5, Medium Prefocus 2-Pin Base - GY9.5 .................................................................42 Medium Prefocus 2-Pin Base - GY9.5, G22 .............................................................................................................................43 JCP Series Medium Prefocus 2-Pin Base - GY9.5 ......................................................................................................................................43 JCS Series 4-Pin Base - G17T-7 .................................................................................................................................................................44 Medium 2-Pin Base - G9.5, GX9.5, GY9.5 ................................................................................................................................45 Medium & Mogul Prefocus Base - P28s, P40s ........................................................................................................................46 JCV Series Double Contact Bayonet Base - BA15d ....................................................................................................................................47 Mini Candelabra - E11 ..............................................................................................................................................................48 Mini Candelabra - E11, Mogul Screw Base - E39 .....................................................................................................................49 Miniature 2-Pin Base - G5.3, Glass 2-Pin Base - G6.35, GX6.35 ..............................................................................................50 Medium 2-Pin Base - G9.5, Medium Prefocus 2-Pin Base - GY9.5, GZ9.5 ...............................................................................51 Medium Prefocus Base - P28s .................................................................................................................................................52 JS Series GY16 Base, Medium Bipost Base - G22 ..................................................................................................................................53 Mogul Bipost Base - G38 ........................................................................................................................................................54 HPL Series Heat Sink Base .........................................................................................................................................................................55 JT Series Medium Screw Base - E26, Mogul Screw Base - E39, E40 ......................................................................................................56 TABLE OF CONTENTS USHIO lamps for the Audio/Visual, Entertainment and Photographic Lighting Page LAMP SPECIFICATIONS TUNGSTEN HALOGEN Single Ended Quartz JS Series GY16 Base, Medium Bipost Base - G22 ..................................................................................................................................53 Mogul Bipost Base - G38 ........................................................................................................................................................54 HPL Series Heat Sink Base .........................................................................................................................................................................55 JT Series Medium Screw Base - E26, Mogul Screw Base - E39, E40 ......................................................................................................56 MR-8 – 25mm Reflector Miniature 2-Pin Base - GZ4 ......................................................................................................................................................57 MR-11 – 35mm Reflector Miniature 2-Pin Base - GZ4 ......................................................................................................................................................58 Double Contact Bayonet Base - BA15d ....................................................................................................................................59 MR-13 – 42mm Reflector 2-Pin Base - GX5.3 ..................................................................................................................................................................60 MR-16 – 50mm Reflector JCR Series 2-Pin Base - GX5.3 .................................................................................................................................................................61 Oval 2-Pin Base - GY5.3, 2-Pin Base - GZ6.35 .........................................................................................................................63 MR-14 & MR-18 – 45mm & 57mm Reflector 2-Pin Vented Base - G7.9, GX7.9 .............................................................................................................................................64 MR-16 – EUROSTAR™ 12V & 24V Reflector 2-Pin Base GU5.3 .....................................................................................................................................................................65 2-Pin Base - GU5.3, GX5.3 ...................................................................................................................................................... 66 MR-16 – EUROSTAR REFLEKTO™ 2-Pin Base - GU5.3 ................................................................................................................................................................ 67 MR-16 – SUPERLINE™ & SUPERLINE REFLEKTO™ 2-Pin Base - GU5.3 ................................................................................................................................................................68 MR-16 – WHITESTAR™, POPSTAR™, NEODYMIUM 2-Pin Base - GU5.3, GX5.3 ......................................................................................................................................................69 MR-16 Reflector – 50mm JDR Series Minican Screw Base - E11, Intermediate Screw Base - E17, Medium Screw Base - E26 .........................................................70 PAR– Parabolic Aluminized Reflector PAR36, PAR46, PAR56 & PAR64 .............................................................................................................................................71 FLUORESCENT BLACKLIGHT BLUE Linear Fluorescent Lamps BLACKLIGHT BLUE T5, T8, T10 & COMPACT .........................................................................................................................72 METAL HALIDE COLORLITE™ Series – Colored – Single & Double Ended Mogul Base - E39, Medium Screw Base - E26, RX7s Base ......................................................................................................73 EUROSPOT™ UHI Series – Compact Single Ended 2-Pin Base - G12 .....................................................................................................................................................................74 CERAMIQUE™ Series – Ceramic – Single & Double Ended 2-Pin Base - G12, RX7s Base ...................................................................................................................................................75 MHL Series – Single & Double Ended for Blacklight G12 Base, Recessed Single Contact - R7s ..............................................................................................................................76 UMI & SMH Series Double Ended ..........................................................................................................................................................................77 USR Series – Single Ended GX9.5 Base, GY9.5 Base, G22 Base, G38 Base .......................................................................................................................78 USD Series – Single Ended GX9.5 Base, GY9.5 Base, G22 Base ........................................................................................................................................79 MHR Series Metal Halide with Reflector Amp Connector ........................................................................................................................................................................80 XENON SHORT ARC UXL, CXL Series ............................................................................................................................... 81 LAMP TECHNICAL REFERENCE SPECIFICATION ABBREVIATIONS; SAFETY & HANDLING .........................................................................................................................83 BASE TYPES ..............................................................................................................................................................................................86 FILAMENT TYPES ......................................................................................................................................................................................88 SOCKET TYPES ..........................................................................................................................................................................................89 OTHER LAMPS AVAILABLE FROM USHIO .................................................................................................................................................91 NOTES ......................................................................................................................................................................................................92 INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 300 250 20 20 20 20 250 500 20000 20000 150 200 750 250 30 30 50 100 75 1000 3 50 1200 500 1200 500 500 750 750 1000 900 625 1000 1000 2000 2000 2000 2000 75 100 300 75 100 100 100 100 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code ANSI Coded Series 1000000 BAB 1000001 BAB/60 1000004 BAB/60/FG 1000005 BAB/B 1000007 BAB/B/FG 1000009 BAB/C/A 1000010 BAB/C/A/FG 1000014 BAB/FG 1000015 BAB/FG/SL 1000018 BAB/S 1000019 BAB/S/FG 1000020 BAB/SL 1000024 BAH 1000026 BBA 1000028 BBF 1000033 BBF/C/A/FG 1000037 BBF/FG 1000043 BBF/SL 1000046 BCA 1000047 BCK 1002165 BCM 1002288 BCM/208V 1000049 BEC 1000051 BEJ 1000053 BFK/BFL 1000057 BHB 1000060 BLC 1000061 BLK 1000062 BLX 1000065 BMY 1000066 BNF 1000068 BRH 1000070 BRK 1000071 BRL 1000072 BRN 1000077 BSH 1000082 BTG 1000083 BTL 1000084 BTM 1000085 BTN 1000086 BTP 1000087 BTR 1000088 BVA 1000089 BVE 1000091 BVT 1000092 BVV 1000093 BVW 1000094 BWA 1000095 BWF 1000096 BWG 1000100 BXE 1000104 BXT 1000119 CAL/CXP 1000128 CBX/CBS 1000129 CDD 1000130 CDJ 1000131 CDS/CDX 1000132 CEA/CEB/CDK Page Wattage 65 65 65 68 68 67 67 65 68 68 68 68 25 25 65 67 65 68 25 21 54 54 18 18 22 64 18 19 18 18 18 33 23 38 44 29 44 46 46 46 46 46 45 45 46 46 46 54 49 49 18 18 20 18 18 18 18 18 120 150 150 150 300 300 300 1000 750 1000 10000 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000 300 500 650 1500 300 50 1500 300 1000 2000 500 500 500 400 500 150 750 750 80 150 80 200 132 80 750 500 85 500 80 150 1000 80 150 50 1000 500 150 150 500 1000 1000 5000 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code ANSI Coded Series 1000133 CEM 1000134 CEW 1000135 CGP/CFK 1000136 CHK 1000137 CLS/CLG 1000138 CLX/CMB 1000139 CMV/CMT 1000948 CP24 use JCS120V-1000WCGXW 1000282 CP39 use EGR 1000283 CP40 use EGT 1000222 CP54 use DTY 1000494 CP67 use FCV 1000631 CP72 use FTM 1000509 CP77 (120V) use FEL 1001669 CP77 (220V) use FEP/220V 1000510 CP77 (240V) use FEP 1000540 CP81 use FKW 1000603 CP82 use FRG 1000604 CP89 use FRK 1000145 CWZ 1000147 CXK 1000148 CXL/CXR 1000150 CXZ 1000151 CYC 1000154 CYV 1000155 CYX 1000156 CZA/CZB 1000160 CZX/DAB 1000161 DAH 1000163 DAT/DAK 1000164 DAY/DAK 1000166 DCH/DJA/DFP 1000169 DCX 1000170 DDB/DDW 1000171 DDJ/DZZ 1000173 DDL 1000174 DDM 1000175 DDN 1000176 DDP 1000177 DDS 1000178 DDY 1000179 DEB 1000180 DED 1000183 DEK/DFW/DHN 1000186 DFE 1000188 DFN/DFC 1000189 DFT 1000192 DGB/DMD 1000196 DJL 1000197 DJT 1001611 DKZ 1000205 DMX 1000206 DNE 1000207 DNF 1000211 DNW 1000213 DPT 1000214 DPW 1000215 DPY Page 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 45 53 53 54 51 53 51 51 51 45 45 45 46 22 23 54 18 54 54 20 22 20 20 20 20 22 22 39 62 61 33 39 61 22 22 61 20 20 20 22 20 20 61 19 22 64 64 22 19 46 54 3 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 300 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 10000 500 650 1000 1000 650 375 500 1000 800 1000 800 800 800 1000 1500 250 600 600 650 650 600 600 30 100 1000 35 500 500 500 250 500 75 100 150 500 500 750 750 1000 1000 1000 500 750 1000 500 500 500 750 750 250 300 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code ANSI Coded Series 1000216 DRA 1000217 DRB/DRC 1000218 DRS 1000219 DRW 1000220 DTA 1000221 DTJ 1000222 DTY (CP54) 1000224 DVS 1000225 DVY 1000227 DWK 1000228 DWT 1000229 DWY/FAB 1000230 DWZ 1000231 DXB 1000234 DXN 1001613 DXV/240V 1000236 DXW 1000238 DXX/220V 1000239 DXX/230V 1000240 DXX/240V 1000241 DYA 1000243 DYD 1000245 DYG 1000246 DYH 1000248 DYP 1000249 DYR/220V 1000250 DYR/240V 1000251 DYS/DYV/BHC 1000252 DYS-5 1000254 DZA 1000255 DZB 1000258 DZX 1000260 EAJ 1000262 EAL 1000263 EBV 1000264 EBW 1000265 ECA 1000266 ECT 1000270 EFN 1000271 EFP 1000272 EFR 1000273 EGC/EGD 1000274 EGE 1000275 EGF 1000276 EGG 1000278 EGJ 1000279 EGK 1000280 EGM 1000281 EGN 1000282 EGR (CP39) 1000283 EGT (CP40) 1000285 EHA 1000286 EHC/EHB 1000287 EHD 1000288 EHF 1000289 EHG 1000290 EHJ 1000291 EHM Page Wattage 41 22 22 19 46 23 54 29 41 22 33 33 33 26 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 30 42 41 42 42 42 42 42 37 37 29 18 26 25 25 25 25 63 63 63 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 45 51 51 51 51 38 29 300 400 250 325 300 150 1000 750 200 150 150 80 420 650 150 80 150 1000 120 80 200 30 65 80 250 250 250 250 150 150 300 300 150 100 100 750 800 800 175 300 250 50 50 80 360 360 50 250 35 42 90 360 90 340 150 85 85 150 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code ANSI Coded Series 1000292 EHP 1000293 EHR 1000294 EHT 1000295 EHV 1000296 EHZ 1000297 EJA 1000298 EJD 1000299 EJG 1000300 EJL 1000301 EJM 1000302 EJV 1000303 EJY 1000304 EKB 1000305 EKD 1000306 EKE 1000307 EKG 1000309 EKL 1000310 EKM 1000311 EKN 1000312 EKP 1000314 EKX 1000315 EKZ 1000316 ELA 1000317 ELB 1000318 ELC 1001037 ELC/C, JER-0250 1003106 ELC-3 1003264 ELC-5 1000319 ELD/EJN 1002247 ELD/K 1000321 ELH 1003020 ELH-5 1000325 ELZ 1000326 EMC 1001630 EMC/14 1000327 EMD 1000328 EME 1000329 EMF 1000330 EML 1000332 ENG 1000333 ENH 1000335 ENL 1003125 ENL/HO, JCR12V-50W 1000336 ENW/ENC 1000337 ENX 1000338 ENX-5 1000339 ENZ 1000343 EPL 1000344 EPN 1000346 EPT 1000347 EPV 1000348 EPW 1000349 EPX 1000353 ERV 1000356 ESD 1000357 ESH 1000358 ESJ 1000359 ESL Page 33 33 48 49 29 62 31 31 62 62 62 61 42 42 62 61 42 32 61 61 62 61 37 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 64 61 61 31 31 31 37 63 63 61 61 61 63 63 61 50 61 61 61 63 61 62 63 63 63 48 4 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 250 100 150 100 250 20 20 20 20 250 150 100 100 150 150 150 250 100 250 400 400 500 250 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 300 250 250 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code ANSI Coded Series 1000360 ESM 1000361 ESN 1000362 ESP 1000364 ESR 1000365 ESS 1000366 ESX 1000368 ESX/C/A 1000369 ESX/C/A/FG 1000370 ESX/FG 1000372 ETB 1000373 ETC 1000374 ETD 1000375 ETE 1000376 ETF 1000377 ETG 1000378 ETH 1000379 ETJ 1000381 EVA 1000382 EVC/FGX 1000383 EVD 1002141 EVD/L 1000384 EVR 1000386 EVW 1000398 EXN 1000399 EXN/B 1000400 EXN/B/FG 1000402 EXN/C/A 1000403 EXN/C/A/FG 1000405 EXN/FG 1000406 EXN/FG/SL 1002249 EXN/FG/WS/4200 1003225 EXN/FG/WS/5300 1000407 EXN/S 1000408 EXN/S/FG 1000409 EXN/SL 1000414 EXR 1000416 EXT 1000417 EXT/C/A 1000418 EXT/C/A/FG 1000419 EXT/FG 1002287 EXT/FG/WS/4700 1003226 EXT/FG/WS/6500 1003200 EXT/MG/FG 1003132 EXT/OR/FG 1000420 EXV 1000421 EXW 1000422 EXX 1000423 EXY 1000424 EXZ 1001652 EXZ/B 1000425 EXZ/B/FG 1000427 EXZ/C/A 1000428 EXZ/C/A/FG 1000430 EXZ/FG 1000431 EXZ/FG/SL 1002286 EXZ/FG/WS/4200 1003224 EXZ/FG/WS/5300 1000435 EXZ/N Page Wattage 48 48 47 47 47 65 67 67 65 47 47 47 48 47 48 48 63 39 38 38 38 49 63 65 68 68 67 67 65 68 69 69 68 68 68 60 65 67 67 65 69 69 69 69 61 60 63 60 65 68 68 67 67 65 68 69 69 69 50 50 50 200 360 360 75 75 75 75 75 75 250 75 75 300 100 42 42 42 750 500 500 500 225 650 420 500 650 1000 600 500 1000 100 150 1000 500 400 1500 500 1000 500 150 100 150 100 600 1000 1000 1000 200 2000 600 420 1000 1000 1000 1000 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code ANSI Coded Series 1001653 EXZ/S 1000439 EXZ/S/FG 1000440 EXZ/SL 1000441 EYA 1000442 EYB 1000443 EYB-5 1000444 EYC 1000445 EYC/60 1000446 EYC/60/FG 1000447 EYC/FG 1000451 EYF 1000452 EYF/FG 1000453 EYH/FKT 1000454 EYJ/EZZ 1000455 EYJ/EZZ/FG 1000458 EYK 1000459 EYL 1000460 EYP 1000461 EYR 1000462 EYS 1000463 EYT 1000464 EYV 1000465 EYW 1000466 EYX 1003034 EZF/K 1000471 FAD 1000472 FAL 1000476 FBG/FBD 1000482 FBX 1000483 FBY 1000486 FCB 1000488 FCL 1000489 FCM 1000490 FCR 1000492 FCS 1000494 FCV (CP67) 1000497 FCZ 1000498 FDA 1000499 FDB 1000500 FDF 1000501 FDG 1000502 FDN 1000503 FDS/DZE 1000504 FDT 1000505 FDV 1000507 FDX 1000508 FEA 1000509 FEL (CP77-120V) 1000510 FEP (CP77-240V) 1000511 FER 1000512 FEV 1000516 FEY 1000517 FFJ 1000518 FFM 1000519 FFN, PAR64/VNSP 1000520 FFP, PAR64/NSP 1000521 FFR, PAR64/MFL 1000522 FFS, PAR64/WFL Page 68 68 68 63 41 41 66 66 66 66 66 66 41 66 66 63 39 66 66 66 49 49 49 49 62 33 33 41 33 33 33 29 31 39 38 51 29 33 32 31 32 31 39 39 38 39 33 51 51 33 47 33 33 33 71 71 71 71 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 1000 2000 1500 10 20 1000 300 150 300 360 575 25 300 500 750 1000 50 600 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 300 300 50 50 50 50 300 275 50 50 50 50 65 65 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code ANSI Coded Series 1000523 FFT 1000524 FFW 1000529 FGT 1000531 FHD/ESA 1000532 FHE/ESB 1000533 FHM 1000535 FHS 1000537 FHY 1000540 FKW (CP81-120V) 1000542 FLE 1000543 FLK/HX-600 1000544 FLT 1000545 FLW 1000208 FMC/DNS 1000209 FMD/DNT 1000210 FME/DNV 1000546 FML 1000547 FMR 1000548 FMT/FRB 1000549 FMT/C/A 1000550 FMT/C/A/FG 1000551 FMT/FG 1000552 FMV/FRA 1000556 FMV/C/A 1000557 FMV/C/A/FG 1000559 FMV/FG 1000560 FMV/FG/SL 1000563 FMV/SL 1000564 FMW 1000565 FMW/60 1001682 FMW/60/C/A 1001683 FMW/60/C/A/FG 1000566 FMW/60/FG 1000567 FMW/B 1000568 FMW/B/FG 1000570 FMW/C/A 1000571 FMW/C/A/FG 1000573 FMW/FG 1000574 FMW/FG/SL 1003340 FMW/FG/WS/4200 1003341 FMW/FG/WS/5300 1000575 FMW/S 1000576 FMW/S/FG 1000577 FMW/SL 1000578 FNA 1000579 FNB 1000580 FNC/FG 1000582 FND/FG 1000584 FNE/FG 1000586 FNF/FG 1000974 FNS (JCV120V-300WC) - (64512) 1000588 FNT 1000589 FNV 1000590 FNV/C/A 1000591 FNV/C/A/FG 1000592 FNV/FG 1000595 FPA 1000596 FPB Page Wattage 32 32 32 36 36 31 60 38 45 63 51 59 39 46 46 46 61 51 65 67 67 65 65 67 67 65 68 68 65 65 67 67 65 68 68 67 67 65 68 69 69 68 68 68 51 50 69 69 69 69 50 38 65 67 67 65 66 66 35 500 650 75 75 100 75 100 100 125 20 20 20 20 20 20 12 12 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 500 2000 410 250 200 100 500 500 500 35 35 35 35 35 35 600 600 39 70 70 150 150 70 70 70 150 150 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code ANSI Coded Series 1000600 FRB 1000603 FRG (CP82-120V) 1000604 FRK (CP89-120V) 1001032 FSA (JDR120V-75WL/N/E17) 1001030 FSB (JDR120V-75WL/M/E17) 1001013 FSC (JDR120V-100W/N/E17) 1001033 FSD (JDR120V-75WL/W/E17) 1001011 FSE (JDR120V-100WL/M/E17) 1001016 FSF (JDR120V-100WL/W/E17) 1000605 FSH 1000607 FSS 1000608 FSS/FG 1000609 FST 1000610 FST/FG 1000611 FSV 1000612 FSV/FG 1000615 FTA 1000616 FTA/FG 1000617 FTB 1000618 FTB/FG 1000619 FTC 1000620 FTC/FG 1000621 FTD 1000622 FTD/FG 1000623 FTE 1000624 FTE/FG 1000625 FTF 1000626 FTF/FG 1000627 FTH 1000628 FTH/FG 1000629 FTK 1000631 FTM (CP72) 1000636 FXL 1000647 GCA 1000648 GCB 1000649 GCC 1000652 GDA 1000653 GDA/220V 1000654 GDA/240V 1000655 GDX 1000656 GDX/FG 1000657 GDY 1000658 GDY/FG 1000659 GDZ 1000660 GDZ/FG 1003229 GLA, HP-601 1000665 GLC, HP-600 CERAMIQUE™ Series 5001320 CMS-70/T4.5/830/G12 5001321 CMS-70/T6/730/G12 5001322 CMS-70/T6/942/G12 5001323 CMS-150/T6/830/G12 5001324 CMS-150/T6/942/G12 5001410 CMD-70/TD/828/RX7S 5001316 CMD-70/TD/830/RX7S 5001317 CMD-70/TD/942/RX7S 5001318 CMD-150/TD/830/RX7S 5001319 CMD-150/TD/942/RX7S Page 66 45 45 70 70 70 70 70 70 50 59 59 59 59 59 59 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 42 53 63 50 41 37 32 32 32 59 59 59 59 59 59 45 45 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 6 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 600 600 550 550 750 375 375 575 575 750 750 575 575 750 750 375 575 575 750 750 375 575 575 750 750 400 400 575 575 500 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 300 300 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 200 200 Ushio Ordering Code HP Series 1000665 1003229 HPL Series 1000668 1000669 1000676 1000666 1000667 1000670 1000671 1000675 1003153 1000672 1002283 1003144 1003178 1003182 1000673 1002233 1002289 1003179 1003183 1000674 1002234 1003184 1003180 HX Series 1003022 1003023 1000543 1002196 J Series 1000729 1000698 1000721 1000762 1001734 1000701 1000723 1000751 1000765 1000703 1000705 1000725 1001737 1000707 1000773 1000709 1000727 1000697 1000720 1000761 1000719 1000700 1000722 1000764 1000704 1000702 Ushio Product Code Page Wattage HP-600, GLC HP-601, GLA 45 45 HPL-550/77V+ HPL-550/77X+ HPL-750/77V HPL-375/115V+ HPL-375/115X+ HPL-575/115V+ HPL-575/115X+ HPL-750/115V+ HPL-750/115X+ HPL-575/120V+ HPL-575/120X+ HPL-750/120V+ HPL-750/120X+ HPL-375/230X+ HPL-575/230V+ HPL-575/230X+ HPL-750/230V+ HPL-750/230X+ HPL-375/240X+ HPL-575/240V+ HPL-575/240X+ HPL-750/240V+ HPL-750/240X+ 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 200 200 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 500 500 500 500 500 750 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 HX-400 HX-401 HX-600/FLK HX-601 51 51 51 51 J130V-500WPB J120V-100W/79MM SHORT J130V-100W/79MM SHORT J24V-100W/79MM SHORT J12V-150WA/80 J120V-150W/79MM SHORT J130V-150W/79MM SHORT J230V-150W/79MM SHORT J240V-150W/79MM SHORT J120V-200W/79MM SHORT J120V-200WF/79MM SHORT J130V-200W/79MM SHORT J120V-250WG/83 J120V-250W/79MM SHORT J240V-250W/79MM SHORT J120V-300W/79MM SHORT J130V-300W/79MM SHORT J120V-100W/119MM LONG J130V-100W/119MM LONG J240V-100W/119MM LONG J12V-150WG J120V-150W/119MM LONG J130V-150W/119MM LONG J240V-150W/119MM LONG J120V-200WF/119MM LONG J120V-200W/119MM LONG 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 500 500 500 500 550 750 750 800 800 1000 1000 1000 800 1800 1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 1000 1500 1500 2000 625 625 625 650 1000 1250 1250 Ushio Ordering Code J Series 1000724 1000770 1000706 1000777 1000779 1000291 1000296 1000726 1000756 1000488 1000497 1000224 1000736 1000077 1000738 1000695 1000739 1000258 1000740 1000758 1000699 1000750 1000243 1000778 1000766 1000752 JP Series 1000502 1000500 1001079 1001084 1001089 1000327 1000299 1000329 1000328 1000489 1000298 1000533 1001096 1001081 1000501 1001097 1001075 1000652 1000653 1000654 1000523 1000529 1000499 1000524 1001090 1001091 1001094 1001862 1000310 1001076 1001086 Ushio Product Code Page J130V-200W/119MM LONG J240V-200W/119MM LONG J120V-250W/119MM LONG J24V-300WG J32V-300WG EHM, J120V-300W EHZ, J120V-300WF J130V-300W/119MM LONG J230V-300W FCL, J120V-500W FCZ, J120V-500WF DVS, J130V-500WB J220V-500WE BSH, J240V-500WN J220V-750WB1 J120V-1000WB J225V-1000WB DZX, J240V-1000WB J225V-1000WB1 J240V-1000WB1 J120V-1500WB J230V-1500WB DYD, J240V-1500WB J277V-1500WB J240V-2000WB J230V-2000WB 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 FDN, JP120V-500WCF6 FDF, JP120V-500WC6 JP120V-500WC7 JP220V-500WC JP225V-550WC EMD, JP120V-750WCF EJG, JP120V-750WC EMF, JP240V-800WCF EME, JP240V-800WC1UA FCM, JP120V-1000WC1 EJD, JP185V-1000WS FHM, JP120V-1000WCF1 JP240V-800W JP125V-800W FDG, JP225V-1000W JP245V-1000WS JP120V-1000WS GDA, JP120V-500WC2 GDA/220V, JP220V-500WC2/UA GDA/240V, JP245V-500WC FFT, JP120V-1000WC2 FGT, JP120V-15000WCF FDB, JP120V-1500WC FFW, JP120V-2000WC JP225V-625WCL JP225V-625WCLF JP240V-625WCL JP125V-650WS EKM, JP225V-1000WCL JP120V-1250WCF JP225V-1250WC1 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 7 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 150 200 150 200 300 375 400 400 420 420 600 600 600 650 650 650 650 650 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1050 2000 55 70 100 5 10 20 125 5 5 6 6 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 20 20 20 20 20 Ushio Ordering Code JPD Series 1001106 1000175 1001106 1000175 1000292 1000230 1000293 1000498 1000472 1000518 1000486 1000517 1000508 1000229 1000471 1000482 1000485 1001103 1000238 1001613 1000240 1000236 1000234 1000511 1000228 1000068 1000241 1000483 1001102 1000322 1000516 JA Series 1000790 1000800 1000785 JC Series 1000832 1000810 1000819 1000814 1000874 1000833 1000876 1000884 1000878 1000856 1000857 1000531 1003030 1000811 1000813 1000812 1000861 1000532 1000866 1000821 1000804 1000820 Ushio Product Code Page JPD25V-150WG1 DDN, JPD20V-200W JPD25V-150WG1 DDN, JPD20V-200W EHP, JPD120V-300WG DWZ, JPD30V-375W EHR, JPD120V-400WG FDA, JPD120V-400W FAL, JPD120V-420WC FFM, JPD120V-420WC1 FCB, JPD120V-600WD FFJ, JPD120V-600WCG FEA, JPD240V-600WC DWY/FAB, JPD120V-650WS FAD, JPD120V-650WC FBX, JPD120V-650WCF FCA, JPD120V-650WSF JPD220V-650WC DXX/220V, JPD220V-800WC1 DXV, JPD240V-800WS DXX/240V, JPD240V-800WC DXW, JPD120V-1000WC5 DXN, JPD120V-1000WS1 FER, JPD120V-1000WC6 DWT, JPD120V-1000WB1 BRH, JPD120V-1000WC1 DYA, JPD120V-1000WC2 FBY, JPD120V-1000WC5F JPD220V-1000WC ELJ, JPD120V-1050WS FEY, JPD120V-2000WC 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 JA12V-55W (H1) JA24V-70W JA12V-100W (H1) 34 34 34 JC12V-5W/BA9S JC12V-10W/BA9S JC12V-20W/BA9S JC12V-125WB/BA15D JC6V-5W/G4 JC12V-5W/G4 JC6V-6W/G4 JC9V-6W/G4 JC6V-8W/G4 JC6V-10W/G4 JC6V-10WH3 FHD/ESA, JC6V-10W JC12V-10W/G4 JC12V-10W/G4 JC12V-10WF/G4 JC12V-10W/G4 JC6V-15W/G4 FHE/ESB, JC6V-20W JC6V-20W/G4 JC12V-20W/G4 JC12V-20W/G4 JC12V-20WF/G4 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 Wattage 20 30 35 30 50 65 100 100 175 20 30 35 50 50 50 50 75 75 100 150 150 150 150 250 250 275 400 400 35 50 50 75 100 100 100 100 100 300 300 20 80 100 100 132 150 60 75 75 200 250 360 360 500 600 600 650 100 Ushio Ordering Code JC Series 1000844 1000867 1000825 1000254 1000837 1000316 1000649 1000255 1000330 1000822 1000868 1000823 1000071 1000830 1000829 1000848 1000834 1000849 1000839 1000492 1000505 1000537 1000843 1000290 1000382 1000588 1000383 1002141 1000824 1000827 1000828 1000835 1000806 1000807 1000381 1000490 1000507 1000545 1000846 1003049 1000171 1000459 1000504 1000176 1000503 JCD Series 1000915 1000916 1000917 1000648 1000453 1000442 1000443 1000476 1000246 1000247 1000225 1000892 Ushio Product Code Page JC24V-20W/G4 JC6V-30W/G4 JC12V-35WB/G4 DZA, JC10.8V-30W JC14.5V-50WC ELA, JC19V-65W GCC, JC12V-100WC5 DZB, JC12V-100W EML, JC24V-175W JC12V-20W/G6.35 JC6V-30WT1/G6.35 JC12V-35W/G6.35 BRL, JC12V-50W JC12V-50WG1.0/G6.35 JC12V-50WF/G6.35 JC24V-50W/G6.35 JC12V-75W/G6.35 JC24V-75W/G6.35 JC24V-100W/G6.35 FCS, JC24V-150WUI FDV, JC24V-150W FHY, JC24V-150W JC24V-150WL-H EHJ, JC24V-250W EVC/FGX, JC24V-250W FNT, JC24V-275W EVD, JC36V-400WS1 EVD/L, JC36V-400H1 JC12V-35W/GY6.35 JC12V-50W/GY6.35 JC12V-50W/GY6.35 JC12V-75W/GY6.35 JC12V-100W/GY6.35 JC12V-100WG/GY6.35 EVA, JC12V-100H20 FCR, JC12V-100W FDX, JC12V-100WCG2 FLW, JC24-300WA-H JC24V-300WB/GY6.35 JC12V-20W DDJ/DZZ, JC10V-80W EYL, JC12V-100WC4 FDT, JC12V-100W DDP, JC22V-132W FDS/DZE, JC24V-150W 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 JCD24V-60W/BA15D JCD24V-75W/BA15D JCD28V-75WGB GCB, JCD30V-200WC1 EYH/FKT, JCD120V-250WB EYB, JCD82V-360W EYB-5, JCD86V-360WS FBG/FBD, JCD120V-500WCP DYH, JCD120V-600WCP DYJ, JCD230V-650WSP DVY, JCD120V-650WSP JCD120V-100W/A 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 8 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 150 150 150 300 300 300 500 650 650 300 35 50 75 600 150 250 300 420 500 500 600 600 650 650 650 800 300 300 500 650 650 2000 650 10 25 20 35 50 75 100 30 30 35 42 50 50 50 50 50 80 80 80 80 Ushio Ordering Code JCD Series 1000371 1000893 1003102 1000216 1002253 1000900 1000904 1000890 1000907 1001762 1000902 1000905 1000908 1000248 1000309 1000245 1000886 1000304 1000629 1000914 1000251 1000252 1000305 1000249 1000250 1000909 1000896 1000912 1000903 1000889 1000906 1000910 JCP Series 1002110 JCR Series 1000931 1000544 1000934 1000930 1000926 1000929 1000921 1000315 1000538 1000344 1000346 1000335 1000546 1000197 1000350 1000339 1000172 1000303 1000307 1000336 Ushio Product Code Page ESY, JCD100V-150WB JCD120V-150WB JCD220V-150W/G6.35 DRA, JCD120V-300W JCD220V-300W JCD120V-300WL JCD120V-500WL JCD100V-650WL JCD120V-650WL JCD120V-300W JCD120V-35W JCD120V-50W/GY6.35 JCD120V-75W/GY6.35 DYP, JCD120V-600WM EKL, JCD21V-150W DYG, JCD30V-250WS JCD100V-300WC EKB, JCD120V-420WC FTK, JCD120V-500WCT JCD240V-500WC DYS/DYV/BHC, JCD120V-600WC DYS-5, JCD125V-600WC EKD, JCD120V-650WS DYR/220V, JCD220V-650WC1 DYR/240V, JCD240V-650WC2 JCD120V-800WC JCD120V-300WC JCD230V-300WC JCD120V-500WC JCD100V-650WC JCD120V-650WC JCD220V-2000WC 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 JCP100-650WCC 43 JCR/M6V-10WN/FG FLT, JCR/M13.8V-25W JCR/M6-20W JCR/M14V-35W JCR/M12V-50W JCR/M12V-75W/HO JCR/M12V-100W EKZ, JCR10.8V-30W FJX, JCR13.8V-30W EPN, JCR12V-35W EPT, JCR10.8V-42W ENL, JCR12V-50W FML, JCR13.8V-50W DJT, JCR13.8V-50W EPZ, JCR13.8V-50W ENZ, JCR30V-50W DDK, JCR19V-80W EJY, JCR19V-80W EKG, JCR19V-80W ENW/ENC, JCR19V-80W 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 Wattage 80 80 80 80 85 90 90 100 100 100 120 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 225 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 340 85 150 150 200 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 360 360 360 350 410 50 55 75 100 100 100 150 150 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code JCR Series 1000174 1000177 1000312 1000317 1000180 1000347 1000349 1000326 1001630 1000420 1000311 1000173 1000297 1000301 1000302 1000306 1000319 1002247 1000300 1000314 1000415 1003034 1000318 1003106 1003264 1000423 1003264 1000414 1000421 1000535 1000353 1000357 1000356 1000940 1000441 1000386 1000333 1000334 1000379 1000422 1000332 1000388 1000458 1000321 1003020 1000542 1000337 1000338 1000348 1000636 1000268 1000945 1000270 1003003 1000941 1000271 1000272 1000206 DDM, JCR19V-80W DDS, JCR21V-80W EKP, JCR30V-80W ELB, JCR30V-80W DED, JCR13.8V-85W EPV, JCR14.5-90W EPX, JCR14.5V-90W EMC, JCR12V-100W EMC/14, JCR13.8V-100W EXV, JCR12V-100W EKN, JCR17.7V-120W DDL, JCR20V-150W EJA, JCR21V-150W EJM, JCR21V-150W EJV, JCR21V-150W EKE, JCR21V-150W ELD/EJN, JCR21V-150W ELD/K, JCR21V-150W EJL, JCR24V-200W EKX, JCR24V-200W EXS, JCR30V-200W EZF/K, JCR69V-225W ELC, JCR24V-250W ELC-3, JCR24V-250W ELC-5, JCR24V-250W EXY, JCR82V-250W JCR24V-250W EXR, JCR82V-300W EXW, JCR82V-300W FHS, JCR82V-300W ERV, JCR36V-340W ESH, JCR82V-85W ESD, JCR120V-150W JCR120V-150W/B EYA, JCR82V-200W EVW, JCR82V-250W ENH, JCR120V-250W ENH-5, JCR125V-250W ETJ, JCR120V-250W EXX, JCR120V-250W ENG, JCR120V-300W EWG, JCR120V-300W EYK, JCR120V-300W ELH, JCR120V-300W ELH-5, JCR125V-300W FLE, JCR82V-360W U/D ENX, JCR82V-360W ENX-5, JCR86V-360W EPW, JCR100V-360W FXL, JCR82V-410W EFM, JCR8V-50W JCR9.5V-55W EFN, JCR12V-75W JCR12V-100W/H10 JCR12V-100WB/XX EFP, JCR12V-100W EFR, JCR15V-150W DNE, JCR120V-150W Page 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 60 62 60 60 60 62 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 64 9 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 250 150 150 1200 1200 575 600 750 1000 1000 300 500 500 575 575 625 650 900 650 500 500 500 750 750 750 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 2000 75 75 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 200 200 250 250 250 500 500 150 250 75 75 100 100 100 Ushio Ordering Code JCR Series 1000057 1000207 1000325 JCS Series 1000072 1000082 1003229 1000665 1000097 1000098 1000948 1000540 1000285 1000603 1003326 1003327 1000089 1000604 1000088 1000947 1000083 1000084 1000208 1000085 1000086 1000209 1000087 1000210 1000091 1000092 1000214 1000145 1000220 1000093 JCV Series 1000986 1000987 1000968 1000969 1000364 1000374 1000373 1000362 1000376 1000512 1001803 1000365 1000372 1000990 1000979 1000980 1000479 1000480 1000989 1000988 1000970 1000971 1000361 Ushio Product Code Page Wattage BHB, JCR120V-250W DNF, JCR21V-150W ELZ, JCR21V-150W 64 64 64 BRN, JCS120V-1200W BTG, JCS120V-1200W GLA/HP-601, JCS115V-575WX HP-600, JCS115V-600WCM BWM, JCS120V-750WC1 BWN, JCS120V-1000WC1 JCS120V-1000WCGXW (CP24) FKW, JCS120V-300WC/UA EHA, JCS120V-500W FRG, JCS120V-500WC1 JCS120V-575WC JCS120V-575WX BVE, JCS120V-625W FRK, JCS120V-650WC/UA BVA, JCS120V-900W JCS100V-650WCC BTL, JCS120V-500WBP28 BTM, JCS120V-500WCP28 FMC/DNS, JCS120V-500WB2P28 BTN, JCS120V-750WBP28 BTP, JCS120V-750WCP28 FMD/DNT, JCS120V-750WB2P28 BTR, JCS120V-1000WCP28 FME/DNV, JCS120V-1000WC2P28 BVT, JCS120V-1000WBP40 BVV, JCS120V-1000WCP40 DPW, JCS120V-1000W CWZ, JCS120V-1500W DTA, JCS120V-1500WCP40 BVW, JCS120V-2000WCP40 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 JCV120V-75WGB/BA15D JCV120V-75WGBF/BA15D JCV120V-100WGB/BA15D JCV120V-100WGBF/BA15D ESR, JCV120V-100WGB2 ETD, JCV120V-100WGB2F ETC, JCV120V-150WGB ESP, JCV120V-150WGB2 ETF, JCV120V-150WGBF FEV, JCV120V-200WCB2 JCV230V-200WGB ESS, JCV120V-250WGB ETB, JCV120V-250WGBF JCV130V-250WGBF/BA15D JCV120V-500WGB/BA15D JCV120V-500WGBF/BA15D FBT, JCV30V-150WS FBV, JCV30V-250WS JCV120V-75WGSNF/E11 JCV120V-75WGSN/E11 JCV120V-100WGSN/E11 JCV120V-100WGSNF/E11 ESN, JCV120V-100WGSN2 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 100 150 150 150 200 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 325 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 750 1000 2000 2000 125 250 250 300 300 650 1000 400 400 500 500 500 500 575 575 700 750 750 1000 1000 1000 1000 1200 600 300 500 500 750 750 1000 1000 1000 12 Ushio Ordering Code JCV Series 1000375 1000377 1000378 1000359 1001800 1000294 1000360 1000991 1001809 1000993 1000961 1001813 1000295 1000976 1000977 1000384 1000466 1000465 1000464 1000995 1000463 1000967 1000095 1000096 1000605 1000647 1000343 1000579 1000974 1000983 1001822 1003023 1003022 1000286 1000287 1001814 1000997 1000543 1002196 1000998 1000288 1000289 1000494 1000509 1001669 1000510 1000972 1000547 1000578 1000273 1000274 1000275 1000276 1000278 1000279 1000280 JDR Series 1000615 Ushio Product Code Page ETE, JCV120V-100WGSN2F ETG, JCV120V-150WGSN ETH, JCV120V-150WGSNF ESL, JCV120V-150WGSN2 JCV100V-200WGS EHT, JCV120V-250WGSN ESM, JCV120V-250WGSNF JCV130V-250WGSN/E11 JCV130V-250WGSNF JCV220/230V-250WMF JCV100V-200WGS JCV120V-300WGS EHV, JCV120V-325WBS JCV120V-400WGSN/E11 JCV120V-400WGSNF/E11 EVR, JCV120V-500WGS EYX, JCV120V-500WGSF EYW, JCV130V-500WGS EYV, JCV130V-500WGSF JCV230V-500WGS/E11 EYT, JCV120V-750WB1 JCV120V-1000WC3 BWF, JCV120V-2000W BWG, JCV120V-2000W FSH, JCV120V-125WB GCA, JCV120V-250WC EPL, JCV30V-250WS1 FNB, JCV120V-300WC8/UA FNS, JCV120V-300WC (64512) JCV120V-650WC JCV120V-1000WC4 HX-401, JCV115V-400WBM HX-400, JCV115V-400WCM EHC/EHB, JCV120V-500WCM EHD, JCV120V-500WBH JCV220V-500WBM JCV240V-500WBM FLK, HX-600, JCV115V-575WCM HX-601, JCV115V-575WBM JCV240V-700WCH EHF, JCV120V-750WCH EHG, JCV120V-750WBH FCV, JCV120V-1000WCF FEL, JCV120V-1000WCH FEP/220V, JCV220V-1000WC FEP, JCV240V-1000WCH JCV120V-1200WCH FMR, JCV120V-600WGY FNA, JCV120V-300WGY EGC/EGD, JCV120V-500WCP28 EGE, JCV120V-500WBP28 EGF, JCV120V-750WCP28 EGG, JCV120V-750WBP28 EGJ, JCV120V-1000WCP28 EGK, JCV120V-1000WCFP28 EGM, JCV120V-1000WBP28 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 FTA, JDR/M12V-12W/G/VNSP 58 0 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 12 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 100 75 75 75 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 100 50 10 10 Ushio Ordering Code JDR Series 1000616 1000617 1000618 1000619 1000620 1001843 1000621 1000622 1000623 1000624 1000625 1000626 1000627 1000628 1001001 1001002 1000999 1001000 1001003 1001004 1001007 1001008 1001005 1001010 1000607 1000608 1000609 1000610 1000611 1000612 1000655 1000656 1000657 1000658 1000659 1000660 1002223 1001032 1001030 1001033 1001013 1001011 1001016 1001834 1001022 1001031 1001836 1001029 1001014 1001012 1001017 JF Series 1001062 JR Series 1001685 1001107 1001108 Ushio Product Code Page Wattage FTA/FG, JDR/M12V-12W/G/VNSP/FG FTB, JDR/M12V-20W/G/NSP FTB/FG, JDR/M12V-20W/G/NSP/FG FTC, JDR/M12V-20W/G/SP FTC/FG, JDR/M12V-20W/G/SP/FG JDR/M12V-20W/G/M/FG/XX FTD, JDR/M12V-20W/G/NFL FTD/FG, JDR/M12V-20W/G/NFL/FG FTE, JDR/M12V-35W/G/NSP FTE/FG, JDR/M12V-35W/G/NSP/FG FTF, JDR/M12V-35W/G/SP FTF/FG, JDR/M12V-35W/G/SP/FG FTH, JDR/M12V-35W/G/NFL FTH/FG, JDR/M12V-35W/G/NFL/FG JDR/M24V-20W/N JDR/M24V-20W/N/FG JDR/M24V-20W/M JDR/M24V-20W/M/FG JDR/M24V-20W/W JDR/M24V-20W/W/FG JDR/M24V-35W/N JDR/M24V-35W/N/FG JDR/M24-35W/M JDR/M24V-35W/W/FG FSS, JDR/M12V-20W/BA/NSP FSS/FG, JDR/M12V-20W/BA/NSP/FG FST, JDR/M12V-20W/BA/MED FST/FG, JDR/M12V-20W/BA/MED/FG FSV, JDR/M12V-20W/BA/NFL FSV/FG, JDR/M12V-20W/BA/NFL/FG GDX, JDR/M12V-35W/BA/N GDX/FG, JDR/M12V-35W/BA/N/FG GDY, JDR/M12V-35W/BA/M GDY/FG, JDR/M12V-35W/BA/M/FG GDZ, JDR/M12V-35W/BA/W GDZ/FG, JDR/M12V-35W/BA/W/FG JDR120V-100W/W JDR120V-75WL/N JDR120V-75WL/M JDR120V-75WL/W JDR120V-100WL/N JDR120V-100WL/M JDR120V-100WL/W JDR120V-75WL/N JDR120V-75W/M/FG JDR120V-75WL/MF JDR120V-75WL/W JDR120V-75W/W/FG JDR120V-100WL/N JDR120V-100WL/M JDR120V-100WL/W 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 JF6.6A-100W/PK30D 34 FNV/BA, JR12V-50W/BA/VWFL JR12V-10W/M JR12V-10W/M/FG 65 65 65 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 42 42 42 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 65 65 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 20 20 20 35 35 35 50 50 50 10 50 50 50 50 50 50 2000 Ushio Ordering Code JR Series 1003154 1000366 1000370 1000028 1000037 1000000 1000014 1000001 1000004 1000600 1000548 1000551 1000552 1000559 1000564 1000573 1000565 1000566 1000461 1000462 1000460 1000416 1000419 1000424 1000430 1000398 1000405 1000589 1000592 1000595 1000596 1000451 1000452 1000454 1000455 1000444 1000447 1000445 1000446 1001112 1001113 1001114 1003110 1003111 1003112 1003113 1003114 1003115 1002143 1000580 1000582 1000584 1000586 1003132 1003200 JS Series 1000631 Ushio Product Code Page JR12V-10W/FL ESX, JR12V-20W/NSP ESX/FG, JR12V-20W/FG BBF, JR12V-20W BBF/FG, JR12V-20W/NFL/FG BAB, JR12V-20W/FL BAB/FG, JR12V-20W/FL/FG BAB/60, JR12V-20W/VWFL BAB/60/FG, JR12V-20W/VWFL/FG FRB, JR12V-35W/NSP FMT, JR12V-35W/SP FMT/FG, JR12V-35W/SP/FG FMV, JR12V-35W/MED FMV/FG, JR12V-35W/MED/FG FMW, JR12V-35W/FL FMW/FG, JR12V-35W/FL/FG FMW/60, JR12V-35W/VWFL FMW/60/FG EYR, JR12V-42W EYS, JR12V-42W EYP, JR12V-42W EXT, JR12V-50W/NSP EXT/FG, JR12V-50W/NSP/FG EXZ, JR12V-50W/NFL EXZ/FG, JR12V-50W/NFL/FG EXN, JR12V-50W/FL EXN/FG, JR12V-50W/FL/FG FNV, JR12V-50W FNV/FG, JR12V-50W/VWFL/FG FPA, JR12V-65W/NSP FPB, JR12V-65W/FL EYF, JR12V-75W/NSP EYF/FG, JR12V-75W/NSP/FG EYJ/EZZ, JR12V-75W/MFL EYJ/EZZ/FG, JR12V-75W/MFL/FG EYC, JR12V-75W/FL EYC/FG, JR12V-75W/FL/FG EYC/60, JR12V-75W/VWFL EYC/60/FG, JR12V-75W/VWFL/FG JR24V-20W/N JR24V-20W/N/FG JR24V-20W/W JR24V-35W/N JR24V-35W/M JR24V-35W/W JR24V-50W/N JR24V-50W/M JR24V-50W/W JR12V-10W/M/A FNC/FG, JR12V-50W/FG FND/FG, JR12V-50W/FG FNE/FG, JR12V-50W/FG FNF/FG, JR12V-50W/FG EXT/OR/FG, JR12V-50W/FG EXT/MG/FG, JR12V-50W/FG 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 69 69 69 69 69 69 FTM, JS220V-2000WCGY 53 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 500 750 1000 1000 1500 2000 2000 5000 10000 10000 20000 20000 75 100 100 150 250 250 500 1000 1000 500 1000 70 150 250 450 1200 100 100 150 20 20 35 35 650 200 200 300 300 500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 300 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code JS Series 1000281 EGN, JS120V-500WC 1000282 EGR, JS120V-750WC (CP39) 1000283 EGT, JS120V-1000WC (CP40) 1000154 CYV, JS120V-1000WC2 1000150 CXZ, JS120V-1500W 1000094 BWA, JS120V-2000W/G38 1000155 CYX, JS120V-2000WC 1000215 DPY, JS120V-5000WC 1000222 DTY, JS120V-10000WC 1000223 DTY/220V, JS220V-10000WG38 1002288 BCM (208V) JS208V-20000W/C 1002165 BCM, JS225V-20000W JT Series 1001156 JT120V-75WG 1001137 JT120V-100WG 1001140 JT120V-100WGF 1001883 JT120V-150WG 1001141 JT120V-250WG 1001142 JT120V-250WGF 1001143 JT120V-500WB 1001134 JT120V-1000WB 1003361 JT120V-1000WC 1001173 JT240V-500WB 1001889 JT240V-1000WB MHL Series - UV Metal Halide 5001468 MHL-70 5001381 MHL-150 5000089 MHL-250 5000114 MHL-450 5000062 MHL-1000/1 MHR Series - Fiber Optic Metal Halide 5000789 MHR-100D/L 5000790 MHR-100D/HR 5000834 MHR-150N MR-8 Series 1003116 MR-8 12V-20W/N/FG 1003117 MR-8 12V-20W/W/FG 1003118 MR-8 12V-35W/N/FG 1003119 MR-8 12V-35W/W/FG PAR Series 1000226 DWE, Q650PAR36/1 MFL 1001441 200PAR46/3NSP 1001439 200PAR46/3MFL 1001453 300PAR56/MFL 1001457 300PAR56/WFL 1001282 Q500PAR56/NSP 1001281 Q500PAR56/MFL 1001284 Q500PAR56/WFL 1001493 500PAR64/MFL, EMEP base 1001495 500PAR64/NSP 1001497 500PAR64/WFL 1000519 FFN, PAR64/VNSP 1000520 FFP, PAR64/NSP 1000521 FFR, PAR64/MFL 1003010 FFS, PAR64/WFL SMH Series 5000962 SMH-300/A1 Page Wattage 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 1000 1000 400 400 400 400 2400 4.5 6.0 7.2 9.5 15 18 30.5 36 20 40 7 9 18 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 75 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 175 175 175 175 250 250 250 250 400 400 400 1000 1000 76 76 76 76 76 80 80 80 57 57 57 57 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 575 1200 1200 2500 4000 6000 155 77 200 Ushio Ordering Code UA Series 5000916 5000177 5000153 5000154 5000156 5000157 5000175 UFL Series 3000106 3000111 3000116 3000305 3000078 3000307 3000148 3000308 3000306 3000138 3000330 3000325 3000327 UHI Series 5000439 5000950 5000875 5000821 5000822 5000823 5000824 5001453 5001452 5001498 5001499 5001455 5001454 5001500 5001501 5001484 5001485 5001486 5001487 5000947 5000946 5000948 5001189 5001188 UMI Series 5000250 5000235 5000234 5000241 5000245 5000251 UMR Series 5000253 USD Series 5002002 Ushio Product Code Page UA-AF1 UA-DF1 UA-20 UA-20UV UA-40 UA-40UV UA-98UV 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 F4T5BLB F6T5BLB F8T5BLB F10T8LB F15T8BLB F18T8BLB F30T8BLB F36T8BLB F20T10/BLB F40T10/BLB/R FPX7BLB FPX9BLB FPX18KBLB 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 UHI-S75DW/UVP UHI-S150DW/A/UVP UHI-S150DM/A/UVP UHI-150BL UHI-150GR UHI-150MG UHI-150OR UHI-S150/E26/BLUE UHI-S150/E26/GREEN UHI-S150/E26/MAGENTA UHI-S150/E26/ORANGE UHI-S175/E26/BLUE UHI-S175/E26/GREEN UHI-S175/E26/MAGENTA UHI-S175/E26/ORANGE UHI-S250/E39/BLUE UHI-S250/E39/GREEN UHI-S250/E39/MAGENTA UHI-S250/E30/ORANGE UHI-S400BL UHI-S400GR UHI-S400MG UHI-S1000BL UHI-S1000GR 74 74 74 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 UMI-575/GS UMI-1200/HB UMI-1200/GS UMI-2500/GS UMI-4000 UMI-6000 77 77 77 77 77 77 UMR-155LHF2-X 81 USD-200 79 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • INDEX BY ANSI & INDUSTRY STANDARD CODES Wattage 250 575 700 1200 400 400 575 575 700 700 1200 1200 1200 2500 4000 350 500 500 550 1000 1000 1000 1430 1750 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2500 3000 3000 3000 4000 4500 5000 6000 6000 7000 7000 10 20 300 300 300 650 1000 50 75 100 100 100 150 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code USD Series 5002003 USD-250/2 5002004 USD-575 5002005 USD-700 5002006 USD-1200 USR Series 5002007 USR-400S/A 5002007 USR-400/SA 5000283 USR-575/BE 5002008 USR-575/2 5002009 USR-700/2 5002010 USR-700/SA 5000278 USR-1200 HR 5002012 USR-1200/SA 5002013 USR-1200/2 5000280 USR-2500 HR 5002014 USR-4000 HR UXL/CXL Series 5000350 UXL-351E-0 5000360 UXL-500D-0 5000362 UXL-502HS-0 5000368 UXL-553 5000009 CXL-10SC 5001075 UXL-10SB 5000316 UXL-1000D-0 5001076 UXL-16SB 5000337 UXL-2000PR 5000012 CXL-20 5001062 UXL-20FS 5000013 CXL-20R 5001434 UXL-20SC 5000336 UXL-2000HA 5001063 UXL-2000FS 5001077 UXL-25SC 5000764 CXL-30R 5001079 UXL-30SC 5001064 UXL-3000FS 5000631 UXL-40SC 5001048 CXL-45 5002044 UXL-50SC 5000860 CXL-60 5000943 UXL-60SC 5000020 CXL-70 5000634 UXL-70SC Numerical Cross Reference 1000857 64223 use JC6V-10WH3 1000532 64250 use FHE/ESB, JC6V-20W/G4 1000974 64512 use JCV120V-300WC (FNS) 1001762 64514 use JCD120V-300W 1002253 64516 use JCD220V-300W 1000983 64535 use JCV120V-650WC 1001822 64573 use JCV120V-1000WC4 1000071 64610 use BRL 1000929 64617 use JCR/M12V-75W/HO 1000921 64624 use JCR/M12V-100W 1000490 64625 use FCR, JC12V-100W 1000504 64628 use FDT, JC12V-100W 1000492 64640 use FCS, JC24V-150WUI Page Wattage 79 79 79 79 150 150 400 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Product Code Numerical Cross Reference 1000505 64642 use FDV, JC24V-150V 1000503 64664 use FDS/DZE, JC24V-150W 1002141 64664 use EVD/L, JC36V-400H1 Page 38 39 38 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 83 83 83 36 36 50 41 41 50 50 38 59 59 39 39 38 3 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.364 • Canada Toll-free 877.90.07 • REPLACEMENT LAMPS FOR LCD AND DLP PROJECTORS Model # Order Code A+K AstroBeam X211 5002051 ASK C100 C105 C300HB C80 C85 C90 C95 BENQ DS650 DS650D DS655 DS660 DX650 DX650D DX655 DX660 BOXLIGHT 20HD 3600(A) 3650 6000 6001 9600 9601 CD-454m CD-455m CD-600m CD-725C CD-750m CP-7T CP-10T CP-11T CP-12T CP-13T CP-15T CP-16T CP-18T CP-19T CP-33T CP-36T CP-37T CP-300T CP-305T CP-306T CP-310T CP-315T CP-320T CP-635i CP-775i FP-90T FP-95T FP-97T MP-20T MP-25T MP-30T MP-35T MP-36T MP-37T MP-38T MP-39T 5002051 5002051 5002051 5001306 5000791 5000795 5000795 5000795 5000843 5000843 5001114 5001114 5002054 5002054 5000858 5000858 5001040 5001307 5001040 5000919 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001040 5001039 5001039 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5002035 5001445 5000941 5000843 5000941 5000918 5000937 5000937 5000937 5001039 5001039 5001039 5001384 Model # BOXLIGHT MP-40T MP-41T MP-42T MP-45T MP385T MP-650i MP-86i SP-5T SP-6T SP-9T XP-5T XP-8T CANON LV-5100 LV-5110 LV-5210 LV-5220 LV-5300 LV-5500 LV-7105 LV-7210 LV-7215 LV-7320 LV-7320 LV-7320E LV-7325 LV-7325E LV-7340 LV-7345 LV-7500 LV-7510 LV-7525 LV-7525E LV-7545 LV-7555 LV-7565 LV-S1 LV-S3 LV-X1 CHRISTIE VividWhite VividBlue RRL6 RRL8 LC41VIVID LS+58 LW25U LX20 LX25 LX25A LX26VIVID LX35VIVID LX32 LX33VIVID LX25 LX41 LX45-PKG LX50 LX65(RR) LX66 LX77 LX100(RR) Order Code Model # 5001177 5001306 5001384 5002023 5001306 5001178 5001178 5001383 5001178 5002022 5001178 5001178 5002031 5002031 5000858 5000918 5001178 5002029 5002029 5001040 5001040 5001040 5001040 5001040 5001307 5001307 5000918 5000937 5001039 5001039 5001306 5002023 5001641 5001436 5002033 5002022 5001304 5001305 5001305 5001304 5001384 5001656 5001306 5001307 5002029 5002031 5001306 5001306 5001445 5001384 5001306 5001384 5002023 5001641 5001442 5001656 5001440 5001440 Order Code DUKANE ImagePro8052 ImagePro8801 ImagePro8945 5001305 ImagePro9058 5001305 ImagePro8020 5000924 ImagePro8020A 5000925 ImagePro8048 5001114 ImagePro8050 ImagePro8800 ImagePro8800A ImagePro8900 EIKI EIP-1(Type:L) 5001640 Serial#sE03X1009-E03X1308 EIP-1(Type:03) 5001642 Serial#sE03X1309andup E0391001-E0891008 EIP-10V 5001643 EIP-25 5001644 EIP-200 5001648 EIP-1000T 5001645 EIP-1500T 5001650 EIP-2500 5001649 EIP-3500 5001654 EIP-4500LAMP1 5001653 Requires2differentlamps EIP-4500LAMP25001652 Requires2differentlamps LC-120(PAL)(U) 5000794 LC-150 5000793 LC-1510 5000793 LC-1610 5000777 LC-180 5000777 LC-180AR 5000777 LC-1810 5000777 LC-200 5000776 LC-300 5000773 LC-3010 5000776 LC-330 5000776 LC-3310 5000776 LC-350 5000775 LC-3510 5000775 LC-360 5000778 LC-3610 5000778 LC-4000 5000777 LC-4200(PAL) 5000777 LC-4300(PAL) 5000778 LC-4300(S)(U) 5000778 LC-4800 5000778 LC-5000 5000776 LC-5200 5000776 LC-5200(PAL) 5000776 LC-5300 5000775 LC-5300(PAL)(U) 5000775 LC-6000 5000779 LC-6000UL 5000779 LC-6200 5000779 LC-6210 5000779 LC-7000(U)(UE) 5000791 LC-NB1(U)(UW) 5000858 LC-HDT10 5001651 LC-NB2U 5001040 LC-NB2UW 5001040 LC-NB2W 5001040 EIKI Model # Order Code LC-NB3series (E)(S)(W) LC-NB3W LC-NB4series LC-SB10 LC-SB20 LC-SB21 LC-SB22 LC-SD10 LC-SD12 LC-SD15 LC-SE10 LC-SM1 LC-SM2 LC-SM3 LC-SM4series LC-SVGA860(U) LC-SVGA870U LC-SX1(U)(UL) LC-SX2series LC-SX3series LC-SX4(A)(i) LC-SX4L LC-SX6 LC-UXT1 LC-UXT3 LC-VC1 LC-W3 LC-W4 LC-X1 LC-X1000 LC-X1U LC-X1UA LC-X1UL LC-X2series LC-X3series LC-X3L LC-X4 LC-X4A LC-X4L LC-X5 LC-X5/L LC-X50 LC-X50M LC-X6 LC-X60 LC-X70 LC-X982 LC-X983 LC-X984 LC-X984A LC-X985 LC-X986 LC-X990 LC-X999 LC-X999A LC-X1100 LC-XB10 LC-XB15 LC-XB20 LC-XB22 LC-XB25 LC-XB26 LC-XB27N LC-XB28 LC-XB30 5001307 5001307 5001307 5002035 5002031 5002031 5001657 5002033 5002033 5001658 5002037 5001178 5001178 5001383 5001436 5000795 5000918 5000843 5000941 5000941 5001305 5001305 5001656 5001304 5001440 5001177 5001655 5001442 5000843 5001306 5000843 5000843 5000843 5000941 5000941 5000941 5001305 5001305 5001305 5001442 5001442 5002023 5002023 5001656 5001641 5001641 5001039 5001039 5001039 5001039 5001306 5001384 5001039 5001039 5001039 5001384 5002035 5002029 5002029 5002029 5002029 5002031 5001657 5002029 5002029 14 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • REPLACEMENT LAMPS FOR LCD AND DLP PROJECTORS Wattage Ushio Model # OrderingCode Ushio Order ProductCode EIKI LC-XC1 LC-XE10 LC-XG100 LC-XG110 LC-XG200 LC-XG210 LC-XGA860 LC-XGA970 LC-XGA970(UE) LC-XGA980U LC-XGA980UE LC-XGA982U LC-XM1 LC-XM2 LC-XM4series LC-XNB1U LC-XNB2U LC-XNB2UW LC-XNB2UWM LC-XNB3series LC-XNB3S LC-XNB3W LC-XNB4series LC-XNB4S LC-XNB4MS LC-XNB5M LC-XNB5MS LC-XT1 LC-XT2 LC-XT3 X1100 X986 XM4Series 5001177 5002037 5001445 5002021 5001445 5002021 5000795 5000795 5000795 5000918 5000937 5000937 5001178 5001383 5002022 5000919 5001040 5001040 5001040 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001471 5001471 5001176 5001304 5001440 5001384 5001384 5002022 EPSON ELP-3000 ELP-3300 ELP-5000 ELP-5000XB ELP5100 ELP-5500c ELP-7000 ELP-7000XB ELP-7100 ELP-7500 ELP-8000i ELP-9000i EMP-54C EMP-600P EMP-74C EMP-800P EMP-810P EMP-811P EMP-820P EMP-8300i 5000923 5000923 5000924 5000925 5000925 5000949 5000924 5000925 5000925 5000949 5001105 5001105 GENERAL ELECTRIC LCD-15 LCD-16 LCD-12 LCD-10 HITACHI CP-S370W CP-S860W CP-S958W Model # Code Page Order Wattage ModelUshio # Order Ushio OrderingCode ProductCode Code HITACHI CP-S960W CP-S960WA CP-S970W CP-X380W CP-X385W CP-X860W CP-X958W CP-X960W CP-X960WA CP-X970W IBM ILV200 5002054 INFOCUS LP1000 LP1000B LP1200 LP210 LP220 LP225 LP-260 LP340 LP340B LP350 LP-500 LP-510 LP-520 LP-530 LP-5300 LP-530D LP580 LP-630 LP-690 LP720 LP725 LP730 LP735 LP740 LP740B LP750 LP770 LS-110 5000929 5000930 5000931 5000878 5000878 5000878 5001178 5001114 5001114 5001114 5002054 5002054 5002054 5002054 5002054 5002054 5000923 JVC LX-D1000 LX-D1010 LX-D1010 Code MITSUBISHI LVP-S290U LVP-S490 LVP-S490U LVP-S50 LVP-S50 LVP-S50U LVP-S50UX LVP-S50UX LVP-S51 LVP-S51 LVP-S51U LVP-S51U LVP-SA51U LVP-SA51U LVP-SD10U LVP-SD200U LVP-SL1 LVP-SL1U LVP-SL2 LVP-SL2U LVP-SL4SU LVP-SL4U LVP-X120E LVP-X200 LVP-X200E LVP-X250U LVP-X290U LVP-X300J LVP-X300U LVP-X390 LVP-X390U LVP-X400U LVP-X490 LVP-X490U LVP-X500 LVP-X500U LVP-X50U LVP-X51 LVP-X51U LVP-X70 LVP-X70B LVP-X70BU LVP-X70U LVP-X70UX LVP-X80 LVP-X80U LVP-XD10U LVP-XD200U LVP-XD300U LVP-XD350 LVP-XD350U LVP-XD450U LVP-XL1 LVP-XL1U LVP-XL1XU LVP-XL2 LVP-XL25 LVP-XL25U LVP-XL2U LVP-XL30 LVP-XL30U LVP-XL4U LVP-XL5900U LVP-XL5950 LVP-XL5U LVP-XL8U 5002051 5000924 5000925 5000924 5000925 5000927 5000928 5000926 5002048 5002054 MEGAPOWER Ultrabeam228 5000791 Ultrabeam229 5000791 5000773 5000773 5000776 5000793 LIESEGANG dv240 dv350 dv355 dv360 MITSUBISHI LVP-AS10 LVP-AX10 LVP-ES100 LVP-HC1 LVP-HC3 LVP-S120 LVP-S250U 5002053 5002053 5002053 5002048 5002048 5002050 5002053 5002053 5002053 5002053 5002048 5002048 5002048 5002048 5002050 5002053 5002053 5002049 5002049 5002049 5002049 NEC Model # OrderPage Code S250 S290U X200 X250 X300 HT1000 HT1100 LT60LP(K) LT140 LT220 LT240 LT240K LT245 LT260 LT265 LT84 MT1000 MT1035 MT1035+ MT600 MT800 MT810 WT600 5001046 5001046 5000931 5001046 5001046 5002052 5002052 5002052 5001055 5002052 5002052 5002052 5002052 5002052 5002052 5001055 5000816 5000952 5000952 5000849 5000849 5000816 5002052 PHILIPS PXG30 5001445 PXG30Impact 5001445 POLAROID Polaview238 Polaview338 Polaview350 Polaview360 PROXIMA DP-5155 5002051 DP5600 5000791 DP5610 5000791 DP5900 5000795 DP5950 5000918 DP-6105 5002051 DP-6150 DP-6155 5002051 DP-6850 DP-6850+ DP8300 5000776 DP8400 5000776 DP9100 5000250 DP9200 5000795 DP9210 5000795 DP9240 5001039 DP9250 5000918 DP9250+ 5000937 DP9260 5001039 DP9260+ 5001039 DP9270 5001306 DP9280 5001177 DP9290 5001306 DP9295 5001384 DP9300 5000843 ImpressionA4Plus 5000925 ImpressionA6Plus 5000925 LS1 5000858 LS2 5001040 LX 5000858 LX2 5001040 15 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • REPLACEMENT LAMPS FOR LCD AND DLP PROJECTORS Model # PROXIMA ProAV9300 ProAV9310 ProAV9320 ProAV9320L ProAV9330 ProAV9340 ProAV9350 ProAV9400 ProAV9400+ ProAV9400+L ProAV9400L ProAV9410 ProAV9440 ProAV9500 ProAV9550 UltralightLS2 UltralightLSC UltralightLX UltralightLX2 Order Code 5000843 5000843 5000941 5000941 5000941 5001305 5001176 5000843 5000941 5000941 5000843 5000941 5001305 5001305 5001305 5001040 5001040 5001040 RUNCO LCP-500 SANYO PLC-100 5000793 PLC-200N 5000773 PLC-220N 5000776 PLC-250N 5000775 PLC-300M 5000776 PLC-320M 5000776 PLC-350 5000775 PLC-350M 5000775 PLC-355M 5000775 PLC-400N 5000777 PLC-500M 5000777 PLC-510M 5000777 PLC-5500(N)NA)5000791 PLC-550M 5000778 PLC-5600N 5000795 PLC-700M 5000779 PLC-750M 5000779 PLC-755M 5000779 PLC-8800N 5000795 PLC-8810N 5000795 PLC-9000(N)NA)5000843 PLC-9000NL 5000843 PLC-EF10N(NL) 5000843 PLC-EF10NA/L 5000941 PLC-EF10NAZ/L 5000941 PLC-EF10NZ/L 5000941 PLC-EF12N/NL 5000941 PLC-EF30L 5001305 PLC-EF30N 5001305 PLC-EF30NL 5001305 PLC-EF31N 5001305 PLC-EF31NL 5001305 PLC-EF60 5001656 PLC-SP10N 5000918 PLC-SP20N 5000937 PLC-SU07N 5000858 PLC-SU10N 5000858 PLC-SU208C 5001040 PLC-SU20E 5001040 PLC-SU20N 5001040 PLC-SU22N 5001040 PLC-SU25 5002035 5000849 SANYO Model # Order Code PLC-SU30 PLC-SU31 PLC-SU32 PLC-SU33 PLC-SU35 PLC-SU37 PLC-SU38 PLC-SU50 PLC-SU51 PLC-SU60 PLC-SW10 PLC-SW15 PLC-SW20 PLC-SW20AR PLC-SW30 PLC-UF10L PLC-UF15 PLC-XF10N/NL PLC-XF10NZ/L PLC-XF12N/L PLC-XF20 PLC-XF30L PLC-XF30N PLC-XF30NL PLC-XF31N PLC-XF31NL PLC-XF35N/L PLC-XF40L PLC-XF41 PLC-XF45 PLC-XF60 PLC-XP07N PLC-XP10N PLC-XP10NA PLC-XP17E PLC-XP17N PLC-XP18N PLC-XP208C PLC-XP20N PLC-XP218C PLC-XP21N PLC-XP30 PLC-XP40(L) PLC-XP41(L) PLC-XP45(L) PLC-XP46(L) PLC-XP50 PLC-XP51 PLC-XP55 PLC-XP56 PLC-XR70N PLC-XT10 PLC-XT10A PLC-XT11 PLC-XT15 PLC-XT15A PLC-XT16 PLC-XU07N PLC-XU10N PLC-XU10NA PLC-XU20B PLC-XU20N PLC-XU21N PLC-XU22N PLC-XU25 PLC-XU25A 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5002031 5002031 5002037 5001178 5001178 5001436 5001436 5002033 5001304 5001440 5000941 5000941 5000941 5001176 5001305 5001305 5001305 5001305 5001305 5001442 5001304 5001304 5001440 5001656 5000937 5000918 5000937 5001039 5001039 5001039 5001039 5001039 5001039 5001039 5001177 5001306 5001384 5001306 5001384 5002023 5001641 5002023 5001641 5000795 5001445 5002021 5002021 5001445 5002021 5002021 5000919 5000919 5000919 5001040 5001040 5001040 5001040 5002029 5002031 Model # Order Code SANYO PLC-XU30 PLC-XU31 PLC-XU32 PLC-XU33 PLC-XU35 PLC-XU36 PLC-XU37 PLC-XU38 PLC-XU41 PLC-XU45 PLC-XU46 PLC-XU47 PLC-XU50 PLC-XU50A PLC-XU55 PLC-XU55A PLC-XU56 PLC-XU58 PLC-XU60 PLC-XW15(N) PLC-XW20 PLC-XW20AR PLV-1N PLV-20N PLV-60series PLV-70(N) PLV-HD10 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5001307 5002035 5001307 5001307 5002029 5001471 5001471 5002029 5002029 5002031 5002029 5002031 5002031 5002029 5002037 5001178 5002022 5002022 5000794 5000778 5001177 5001306 5001651 SHARP DT-100 DT-400 XR-10S XR-20X 5001645 5001650 5001648 5001649 SONY VPL-PS10 VPL-PX10 VPL-PX11 VPL-PX15 VPL-X200 VPL-X2000 5000858 TOSHIBA TDP-D1 TDP-D2 TDP-S2 TDP-S20 TDP-S20B TDP-S21 TDP-S21B TDP-S25 TDP-S25U TDP-S3 TDP-SC25 TDP-SC25U TDP-SW20 TDP-T250 TDP-T3 TDP-T40 TDP-T40U TDP-TW300 TLP-250 TLP-250C TLP-251 TLP-251C TLP-260 5001114 5002054 5002054 Model # TOSHIBA Order Code TLP-260D TLP-260M TLP-261 TLP-261D TLP-261M TLP-450 TLP-450E TLP-450J TLP-450U TLP-451 TLP-451E TLP-451J TLP-451U TLP-470A TLP-470E TLP-470EF TLP-470J TLP-470K TLP-470U TLP-470UF TLP-470Z TLP-471A TLP-471E TLP-471EF TLP-471J TLP-471K TLP-471U TLP-471UF TLP-471Z TLP-510 TLP-510A TLP-510E TLP-510J TLP-510K TLP-510U TLP-510Z TLP-511 TLP-511A TLP-511E TLP-511J TLP-511K TLP-511U TLP-511Z TLP-550 TLP-550C TLP-551 TLP-551C TLP-560 TLP-560D TLP-561 TLP-561D TLP-570 TLP-570E TLP-570U TLP-571 TLP-571E TLP-571U TLP-620 TLP-650 TLP-650E TLP-650J TLP-650U TLP-651 TLP-651E TLP-651J TLP-651U 16 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • REPLACEMENT LAMPS FOR LCD AND DLP PROJECTORS Wattage TOSHIBA Ushio Model # OrderingCode TLP-660 TLP-660E TLP-661 TLP-661E TLP-670E TLP-670EF TLP-670J TLP-670U TLP-670UF TLP-671E TLP-671EF TLP-671J TLP-671U TLP-671UF TLP-680 TLP-680E TLP-680J TLP-680U TLP-681 TLP-681E TLP-681J TLP-681U TLP-710 TLP-710E TLP-710H TLP-710J TLP-710U TLP-711 TLP-711E TLP-711H TLP-711J TLP-711U TLP-770 TLP-770E TLP-770H TLP-770J TLP-770U TLP-771 TLP-771E TLP-771H TLP-771J TLP-771U TLP-780 TLP-780E TLP-780J TLP-780U TLP-781 TLP-781E TLP-781J TLP-781U TLP-790 TLP-791 TLP-B2 TLP-B2C TLP-B2E TLP-B2J TLP-B2S TLP-B2SE TLP-B2SU TLP-B2U TLP-B2ultra TLP-B2ultraE TLP-B2ultraU TLP-MT4 TLP-MT4 Ushio Order ProductCode Model # Code TOSHIBA Page Order Wattage ModelUshio # OrderUshio OrderingCode ProductCode Code Page Code TOSHIBA TLP-MT7 TLP-MT7E TLP-MT7J TLP-MT7U TLP-S10 TLP-S10U TLP-S200 TLP-S201 TLP-S220 TLP-S221 TLP-S30 TLP-S30M TLP-S30MU TLP-S30U TLP-S40 TLP-S41 TLP-S60 TLP-S61 TLP-S70 TLP-S70U TLP-S71 TLP-S71U TLP-S80 TLP-S80U TLP-S81 TLP-S81U TLP-T400 TLP-T401 TLP-T420 TLP-T421 TLP-T50 TLP-T500 TLP-T501 TLP-T50M TLP-T50MU TLP-T50U TLP-T520 TLP-T521 TLP-T600 TLP-T601 TLP-T60M TLP-T61M TLP-T620 TLP-T621 TLP-T700 TLP-T701 TLP-T70M TLP-T71M TLP-T720 TLP-T721 TLP-X10 TLP-X10C TLP-X10E TLP-X10J TLP-X10U TLP-X11 TLP-X11C TLP-X11E TLP-X11J TLP-X11U TLP-X20 TLP-X20C TLP-X20DC TLP-X20DE TLP-X20DJ TLP-X20DU TLP-X20E TLP-X20J TLP-X20U TLP-X21 TLP-X21C TLP-X21DC TLP-X21DE TLP-X21DJ TLP-X21DU TLP-X21E TLP-X21J TLP-X21U TLP-X4100U TXP-B2 TXP-X10 TXP-X11 TY-G1U TY-G3 TY-G3E TY-G3U TY-G5 TY-G5U TY-G7 TY-G7U 5001384 VIEWSONIC PJ1060 PJ750 PJ860 ProjectorManufacturersareconstantlyaddingnewprojectormodelsanddelisting existingprojectors.Becauseofthis,ts i i stronglyrecommendedthatyoucontactUSHIO toconfirmcrossreferenceinformation,availabilityandpriceforLCDandDLP Projection Lamps. Call Ushio Customer Service to request updated Cross ReferenceInformation.Information issubjecttochangewithoutpriornotification. 17 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • INCANDESCENT PROJECTION LAMPS SLIDE, FILM AND OPTICAL PROJECTION LAMPS • Double Contact Bayonet Base - BA15d Single Contact Bayonet Base BA15s • Operate Base Down (except as noted) Watts 30 35 50 75 75 100 100 150 150 200 300 75 100 100 100 100 120 150 150 300 300 300 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Lamp Code 1000060 1000260 1000062 1000066 1000128 1000130 1000132 1000049 1000135 1000051 1000138 1000100 1000104 1000065 1000129 1000131 1000133 1000134 1000136 1000137 1000139 1000151 Double Contact Bayonet Base – BA15d BLC 120 35 60.3 EAJ 12 20 101.6 BLX 120 35 60.3 BNF 120 35 60.3 CBX/CBS 120 25 79.4 CDJ 120 25 79.4 CEA/CEB/CDK 120 25 78.0 BEC 120 38 66.7 CGP/CFK 120 25 92.1 BEJ 120 38 66.7 CLX/CMB 120 27 104.8 Single Contact Bayonet Base – BA15s BXE 10 25 75.0 BXT 12 25 79.4 BMY 120 35 60.3 CDD 120 25 79.4 CDS/CDX 120 25 79.4 CEM 120 25 79.4 CEW 120 25 92.1 CHK 120 25 92.1 CLS/CLG 120 27 104.8 CMV/CMT 120 27 104.8 CYC 120 29.5 81.0 Volts Dimensions mm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 34.9 47.6 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 35.0 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 CC-2V C-8 CC-2V CC-2V CC-13 CC-2V CC-13 CC-2V CC-13 CC-2V C-13 400 650 780 1300 1250 2000 1800 3500 2900 4600 7600 2775 ––– 2850 2900 2950 2975 2970 3075 3100 3100 3200 50 300 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 25 25 BD/Hor Any BD/Hor BD/Hor BD BD BD BD BD BD BD 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 40.5 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 C-8 CBar6 CC-13 CC-2V CC-13 CC-13 CC-13 CC-13 C-13 C-13D C-13 1700 2800 1860 2000 1800 1950 2900 2995 7700 7300 7400 ––– 3250 2950 2975 2900 3000 3100 2850 3200 3100 3150 100 25 50 50 50 200 50 500 25 25 25 BD BD BD/Hor BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD 3 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A A A A C Fig.1 B C B C Fig.2 Fig.3 B C B Fig.4 18 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • INCANDESCENT PROJECTION LAMPS • Candelabra Base - E12/15 Mogul Screw Base - E39 Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Lamp Code 30 1000 1000 1000 1000061 1001611 1000213 1000219 Candelabra Base – E12/15 BLK 130 30.0 Mogul Screw Base – E39 DKZ 120 164.0 DPT 120 64.0 DRW 120 64.0 Volts Dimensions mm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 57.2 41.3 CC-2V 420 2700 50 Any 1 330 230 230 241.3 125.0 125.0 CC-8 C-13 C-13D 28000 29000 27400 3200 3200 3250 750 50 25 Any BD BD 2 3 3 A A A C C Fig.1 B B C Fig.2 B Fig.3 Fig.1 19 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • INCANDESCENT PROJECTION LAMPS • • • 4-Pin Base - G17q-7 1 9/16” (39.7mm), 1 3/4” (44.5mm) Light Center Length Proximity and Opaque Reflector Lamps Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Lamp Code 80 80 150 150 150 300 400 500 500 500 500 1000186 1000192 1000196 1000166 1000188 1000119 1000163 1000164 1000156 1000161 1000183 4-Pin Base – G17q-7 - 1 9/16” (39.7mm), 1 3/4” (44.5mm) LCL DFE 30 38.0 82.0 39.7 CC-8 DGB/DMD 30 38.0 85.7 39.7 CC-6 DJL 120 44.5 88.9 39.7 CC-8 DCH/DJA/DFP 120 25.0 90.5 39.7 CC-6 DFN/DFC 125 38.0 81.0 39.7 CC-6 CAL/CXP 120 32.0 101.6 39.7 C-13 DAT/DAK 120 32.0 103.0 39.7 C-13D DAY/DAK 120 32.0 104.0 39.7 C-13D CZA/CZB 120 32.0 101.6 39.7 C-13D DAH 120 38.0 93.0 44.5 C-13D DEK/DFW/DHN 120 38.0 89.0 44.5 C-13D Volts Dimensions mm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– 10000 12500 ––– ––– ––– 3200 3200 3150 3150 3150 3200 3200 3200 3300 3300 3200 15 15 15 ––– 15 25 25 25 25 200 25 Burn Position Fig No BD/Hor BD BD/Hor BD Horiz BD BD BD BD Horiz Horiz 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 4 4 OpaqueReflector ProximityReflector A A C Fig.1 B Reflector C A B A C Fig.2 Fig.3 B Reflector Net C B Fig.4 20 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • INCANDESCENT PROJECTION LAMPS • • • 4-Pin Base - G17t-7 1 5/16” (33.4mm) Light Center Length Proximity and Opaque Reflector Lamps Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Lamp Code 500 1000047 4-Pin Base – G17t-7 - 1 9/16” (39.7mm) LCL BCK 120 19.5 88.9 Volts Dia (A) Dimensions mm OAL LCL (B) (C) Filament Type Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No C-13D 3250 50 BD/Hor 1 38.7 ProximityReflector A Reflector C A B A Reflector Net A Reflector C C ReflectorC Net B A B C B Source Fig.1 Source 21 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • B A INCANDESCENT PROJECTION LAMPS FILM AND OVERHEAD PROJECTION LAMPS • Medium Prefocus Base - P28s • 2 3/16” (55.5mm) and 3 1/2” (88.9mm) Light Center Length • Medium Screw Base - E26 • 3” (76mm) Light Center Length Ushio Ordering Code Watts Ushio Lamp Code Volts Dimensions mm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No Medium Prefocus Base – P28S - 2 3/16” (55.5mm) LCL 300 500 500 500 500 750 750 750 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000147 1000160 1000179 1000205 1000211 1000053 1000170 1000178 1000189 1000217 1000218 1000227 CXK 120 32.0 146 CZX/DAB 120 32.0 146 DEB 120 38.0 144 DMX 120 64.0 144 DNW 120 64.0 145 BFK/BFL 120 64.0 146 DDB/DDW 120 38.0 146 DDY 120 38.0 144 DFT 120 38.0 144 DRB/DRC 120 64.0 144 DRS 120 64.0 144 DWK 230 64.0 146 Medium Screw Base – E26 - 3” (76mm) LCL 55.6 55.6 88.9 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.6 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.5 55.6 C-13 C-13D C-13D C-13 C-13 C-13 C-13D C-13D C-13D C-13 C-13D C-13 7500 12500 9000 13200 10000 17500 20000 17000 27400 28000 27400 25000 3200 3200 2850 3200 3050 3100 3250 2950 3250 3250 3250 3100 25 25 800 50 500 200 25 200 25 50 25 50 750 1000169 DCX 76.2 C-13D 19500 3200 25 120 38.0 139.7 1 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 BD 5 A A A A BD BD BU BD BD/Hor BD BD BD BD BD BD BD C B C B C B C B C B A Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4 Fig.5 22 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • INCANDESCENT PROJECTION LAMPS • Projection Sound Lamps • Single Contact Prefocus Base - P30s Mogul Prefocus Base - P40s Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Lamp Code 3 50 1500 1000070 1000148 1000221 Single Contact Prefocus Base – P30s BRK 4 0.75 16 CXL/CXR 8 ––– 43 Mogul Prefocus Base – P40s DTJ 120 ––– 64 Volts Amps Dimensions mm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 60 96 28.5 47.0 C-8 C-6 30 36 ––– 3200 50 25 Any BD 1 2 242 87.3 C-13D 42500 3200 25 BD 3 A A A C B C C Fig.1 Fig.2 B B Fig.3 23 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • INCANDESCENT PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGER LAMPS • Single Contact Bayonet Base - BA15s Medium Screw Base - E26 Watts Ushio Ordering Code 75 1001265 75 75 150 250 1001266 1001267 1001268 1001269 Ushio Lamp Code Dimensions mm Dia OAL (A) (B) Volts Single Contact Bayonet Base – BA15s PH111A,S-11 125 Medium Screw Base – E26 PH140,S-14 120 PH211,A-21 115-125 PH212,A-21 115-125 PH213,A-21NO.1 115-125 Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No BD/Hor 1 Any Any Any Any 2 3 3 3 34.9 60.3 1120 2900 25 44.45 66.68 66.68 66.68 125.4 176.2 176.2 176.2 1200 1200 2800 7000 2900 3000 3050 3400 50 100 100 3 A A A B B B Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 24 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • INCANDESCENT PHOTO FLOOD LAMPS • Medium Screw Base - E26 • Inside Frosted and Blue Bulbs • 115-120 Volts Watts 250 250 250 300 500 500 500 Ushio Ordering Code 1000026 1000046 1000265 1000024 1000263 1000264 1000266 Ushio Lamp Code Volts Dimensions mm Dia OAL (A) (B) Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Application Fig No Medium Screw Base – E26 BBA,A-21NO.1 BCA,A-21NO.B1BLUE ECA,A-23 BAH,INC115V-300W EBV,PS-25NO.2 EBW,PS-25NO.B2/BLUE ECT,PS-253200K 115-125 115-125 120 115 115-125 115-125 120 66.68 66.68 73.03 66.68 79.38 79.38 79.38 8500 5000 6500 9300 17000 10500 13650 3400 4800 3200 3200 3400 4800 3200 3 3 20 20 6 6 60 Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Photoflood Photoflood Photoflood Photocopy Photoflood Photoflood Photoflood 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 125.4 125.4 152.4 125.4 176.2 176.2 176.2 A A B B Fig.1 Fig.2 25 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • INCANDESCENT PHOTO FLOOD LAMPS • Medium Screw Base - E26 • 120 Volts Watts 500 500 Ushio Ordering Code 1000231 1000262 Ushio Lamp Code Volts Medium Screw Base – E26 DXB,INC120V-500W EAL,INC120V-500W 120 120 Dimensions mm Dia OAL (A) (B) 127.0 127.0 168.3 168.3 Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 3400 3200 6 15 Any Any 1 1 A B Fig.1 Fig.1 26 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • ENTERTAINMENT & PHOTOGRAPHIC FLASH LAMPS CROSS REFERENCE Lamp Code Lamp Description 5000916 5000177 5000153 5000154 5000156 5000157 5000175 Entertainment Flash UA-AF1,1000W,400V 1000 UA-DF1,1000W,400V 1000 Photographic Flash UA-20 400 UA-20UV 400 UA-40 400 UA-40UV 400 UA-98UV 2400 UA-DF1 Watts Volts 400 400 400-450 400-450 400-450 400-450 600-1000 UA-20 Other System Cross Reference DataflashHO1 DataflashSO1 B-G53 B-G53UV B-G61UV PhotogenicH4-6HDNorman120 Lumedyne#090(dm15)(FT400) PhotogenicH4-6Hd-UV Norman400B Norman400B-UV SpeedotronMW8QVC(14571) UA-40 UA-98UV 27 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • QUARTZ HALOGEN LAMPS • DOUBLE ENDED J SERIES • T2.5 & T4 • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Recessed Single Contact & Pin Blade Base • Compact CC-8 & Linear C-8 Filaments • Even, Linear Illumination Watts Ushio Ordering Code 500 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 300 300 1000729 1000698 1000721 1000762 1001734 1000701 1000723 1000751 1000765 1000703 1000705 1000725 1001737 1000707 1000773 1000709 1000727 Ushio Lamp Code Dia (A) Dimensions mm OAL C-to-C (B) (C) Pin Blade Base - OAL ≈ 5 11/16” (145mm) – T4 12.7 145.0 J130V-500WPB R7s-12 Base - OAL ≈ 3 1/8” (80.3mm) – T2.5, T4* 8.0 80.3 J120V-100W/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J130V-100W/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J240V-100W/79MMSHORT 12.0 85.5 J12V-150WA/80* 8.0 80.3 J120V-150W/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J130V-150W/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J230V-150W/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J240V-150W/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J120V-200W/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J120V-200WF/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J130V-200W/79MMSHORT 8.0 J120V-250WG/83 ––– 8.0 J120V-250W/79MMSHORT 80.3 8.0 80.3 J240V-250W/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J120V-300W/79MMSHORT 8.0 80.3 J130V-300W/79MMSHORT Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Avg Life h Bulb Finish 127.0 C-8 11000 2000 Clear 74.9 74.9 74.9 80.0 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 80.0 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 C-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 C-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 1450 1450 1250 2700 2400 2400 1950 1950 3460 3400 3460 4000 4500 3800 5900 5900 1500 1500 1500 2000 1500 2000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear With greater economy through long life and high output, J series lamps are ideal for flood lighting wide areas for both indoor and outdoor lighting installations. A D C C B B Pin Blade Pin Blade R7s-12 R7s-12 28 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • QUARTZ HALOGEN LAMPS • DOUBLE ENDED J SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Recessed Single Contact Base - R7s-12 • Compact CC-8 & Linear C-8 Filaments • T2.5 & T4 Watts 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 500 500 500 500 500 750 1000 1000 1000 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Lamp Code R7s-12 Base - OAL≈ 4 11/16” (119.6mm) – T 2.5 J120V-100W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J130V-100W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J240V-100W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J12V-150WG 8.0 119.6 J120V-150W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J130V-150W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J240V-150W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J120V-200WF/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J120V-200W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J130V-200W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J240V-200W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J120V-250W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J24V-300WG 8.0 119.6 J32V-300WG 8.0 119.6 EHM,J120V-300W 8.0 119.6 EHZ,J120V-300WF 8.0 119.6 J130V-300W/119MMLONG 8.0 119.6 J230V-300W 8.0 119.6 O AL≈ 4 11/16” (119.6mm) – T 2.5 8.0 119.6 FCL,J120V-500W 8.0 119.6 FCZ,J120V-500WF 8.0 119.6 DVS,J130V-500WB 8.0 119.6 J220V-500WE 10.0 119.6 BSH,J240V-500WN 8.0 119.6 J220V-750WB1 R7s-12 Base - OAL ≈ 7 1/2” (191.1mm) – T 2.5, T4* 12.0 191.1 J120V-1000WB* 8.0 191.1 J225V-1000WB 8.0 191.1 DZX,J240V-1000WB 1000697 1000720 1000761 1000719 1000700 1000722 1000764 1000704 1000702 1000724 1000770 1000706 1000777 1000779 1000291 1000296 1000726 1000756 1000488 1000497 1000224 1000736 1000077 1000738 1000695 1000739 1000258 Dia (A) Dimensions mm OAL C-to-C (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Bulb Finish 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 CC-8 1450 1450 1250 2400 2400 2400 1950 2790 2850 2850 3200 4500 5000 5000 5900 5770 5900 4800 2750 2750 ––– 2900 2800 2850 2750 ––– 2900 2900 2850 2900 2900 2900 3000 3000 ––– 2900 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 1500 2000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2000 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear Clear 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 10000 10700 10500 9500 9500 16100 3000 3000 3000 3000 2950 3050 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1500 Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear Clear 185.7 185.7 185.7 C-8 C-8 C-8 22000 22000 22000 3000 3050 3050 2000 2000 2000 Clear Clear Clear A C B R7s-12 R7s-12 29 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • QUARTZ HALOGEN LAMPS • DOUBLE ENDED J SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Recessed Single Contact Base - R7s-12 • Operate Horizontal +4º • T2.5 Watts 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 Ushio Ordering Code 1000740 1000758 1000699 1000750 1000243 1000778 1000766 1000752 Ushio Lamp Code Dia (A) Dimensions mm OAL C-to-C (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Bulb Finish OAL ≈ 10 5/64” (256.1mm) J225V-1000WB1 J240V-1000WB1 J120V-1500WB J230V-1500WB DYD,J240V-1500WB J277V-1500WB 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 256.1 256.1 256.1 256.1 256.1 256.1 250.7 250.7 250.7 250.7 250.7 250.7 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 22000 2100 35000 35000 33000 31500 3050 3050 3050 3000 3050 3050 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear OAL ≈ 13 7/54” (332.8mm) J240V-2000WB 8.0 332.8 327.4 C-8 44000 3050 2000 Clear OAL ≈ 13 5/32” (334.4mm) J230V-2000WB 8.0 334.4 322.0 C-8 44000 ––– 2000 Clear A C B R7s-12 R7s-12 30 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • QUARTZ HALOGEN LAMPS • DOUBLE ENDED JP SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Recessed Single Contact Base - R7s • Operate Horizontal +4º • T2.5, T3 & T4 Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Lamp Code 500 500 500 500 550 750 750 800 800 1000 1000 1000 800 1000502 1000500 1001079 1001084 1001089 1000327 1000299 1000329 1000328 1000489 1000298 1000533 1001096 OAL ≈ 4 11/16” (119.6mm) FDN,JP120V-500WCF6 FDF,JP120V-500WC6 JP120V-500WC7 JP220V-500WC JP225V-550WC EMD,JP120V-750WCF EJG,JP120V-750WC EMF,JP240V-800WCF EME,JP240V-800WC1UA FCM,JP120V-1000WC1 EJD,JP185V-1000WS FHM,JP120V-1000WCF1 OAL ≈ 4 23/32” (120.0 mm) 12.0 12.0 8.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 119.6 JP240V-800W 11.0 120.0 Dia (A) Dimensions mm OAL C-to-C (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Temp K Color Avg Life h Bulb Finish 114.2 114.2 114.0 114.2 115.6 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 12500 13250 13200 12500 14000 19500 20600 21400 22000 27000 33600 26000 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3350 3200 400 400 25 200 250 400 400 250 250 300 100 300 Frosted Clear Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear Frosted 114.2 C-8 20000 3200 250 Clear A C B R7s-12 A C B R7s-12 R7s-12 31 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • QUARTZ HALOGEN LAMPS • DOUBLE ENDED JP SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Recessed Single Contact Base - R7s • Operate Horizontal +4º • T3 & T4 Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Lamp Code 800 1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 1000 1500 1500 2000 625 625 625 650 1000 1250 1250 1001081 1000501 1001097 1001075 1000652 1000653 1000654 1000523 1000529 1000499 1000524 1001090 1001091 1001094 1001862 1000310 1001076 1001086 OAL ≈ 5” (127.1mm) JP125V-800W FDG,JP225V-1000W JP245V-1000WS JP120V-1000WS Dia (A) 10.0 12.0 12.0 11.0 OAL ≈ 5 5/16” (135.2mm) GDA,JP120V-500WC2 12.0 GDA/220V,JP220V-500WC2/UA 12.0 GDA/240V,JP245V-500WC 12.0 OAL ≈ 6 19/32” (167.4mm) 12.0 FFT,JP120V-1000WC2 13.0 FGT,JP120V-1500WCF 13.0 FDB,JP120V-1500WC OAL ≈ 6 21/32” (169.3mm) 14.0 FFW,JP120V-2000WC OAL ≈ 7 9/16” (191.1mm) 12.0 JP225V-625WCL 12.0 JP225V-625WCLF 12.0 JP240V-625WCL 12.0 JP125V-650WS 12.0 EKM,JP225V-1000WCL 12.0 JP120V-1250WCF 12.0 JP225V-1250WC1 A Dimensions mm OAL C-to-C (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Bulb Finish 127.1 127.1 127.1 127.0 121.7 121.7 121.7 121.7 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 26000 33000 31000 30000 3400 3400 3400 3400 25 15 15 30 Clear Clear Clear Clear 135.2 135.2 135.2 129.8 129.8 129.8 C-8 C-8 C-8 11000 13000 11000 3100 3200 3150 100 75 100 Clear Clear Clear 167.4 167.4 167.4 163.3 162.0 162.0 C-8 C-8 C-8 27000 40200 41200 3200 3200 3200 300 400 400 Clear Frosted Clear 169.3 163.9 C-8 57000 3200 125 Clear 191.1 191.1 191.1 191.1 191.1 191.1 191.1 185.7 185.7 185.7 185.7 140.0 185.7 185.7 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 15500 15000 15500 15500 25000 32500 33500 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear A C C B B R7s-12 R7s-12 R7s-12 32 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • QUARTZ HALOGEN LAMPS • DOUBLE ENDED JPD SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Recessed Single Contact Base - R7s-18 Base • Operate in Any Position Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL C-to-C (A) (B) (C) 150 200 300 375 400 400 420 420 600 600 600 650 650 650 650 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 1001106 1000175 1000292 1000230 1000293 1000498 1000472 1000518 1000486 1000517 1000508 1000229 1000471 1000482 1001103 1000238 1001613 1000240 1000236 1000234 1000511 1000228 1000068 1000241 1000483 1001102 1000516 RecessedSingleContactBase–R7s-18 JPD25V-150WG1fused 15.0 DDN,JPD20V-200W 11.0 EHP,JPD120V-300WG 15.0 DWZ,JPD30V-375W 15.0 EHR,JPD120V-400WG 15.0 FDA,JPD120V-400W 15.0 FAL,JPD120V-420WC 14.0 FFM,JPD120V-420WC1 15.0 FCB,JPD120V-600WD 15.0 FFJ,JPD120V-600WCG 15.0 FEA,JPD240V-600WC 15.0 DWY/FAB,JPD120V-650WS 15.0 FAD,JPD120V-650WC 15.0 FBX,JPD120V-650WCF 15.0 JPD220V-650WC 15.0 DXX/220V,JPD220V-800WC1 15.0 DXV,JPD240V-800WS 15.0 DXX/240V,JPD240V-800WC 15.0 DXW,JPD120V-1000WC5 18.0 DXN,JPD120V-1000WS1 18.0 FER,JPD120V-1000WC6 19.0 DWT,JPD120V-1000WB1 19.0 BRH,JPD120V-1000WC1 18.0 DYA,JPD120V-1000WC2 18.0 FBY,JPD120V-1000WC5F 18.0 JPD220V-1000WC 18.0 FEY,JPD120V-2000WC 29.0 66.7 61.0 80.3 80.3 80.3 80.3 66.7 80.3 95.0 66.7 95.0 80.3 80.3 80.3 80.3 80.3 80.3 80.3 95.0 95.0 143.5 143.5 95.0 109.5 95.0 95.0 143.5 64.7 54.7 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 62.0 74.9 89.6 61.3 89.6 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 74.9 89.6 89.6 138.1 138.1 89.6 104.1 89.6 89.6 138.1 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Bulb Finish CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 2700 5000 5650 7500 7750 10400 11000 11000 17000 17000 15000 20000 16500 16000 16300 20500 24800 20500 28000 31000 27500 23400 30000 28000 26000 25000 57000 2900 3150 2900 3000 2900 3200 3200 3200 3250 3200 3200 3400 3200 3200 3200 3200 3400 3200 3200 3400 3200 3000 3350 3200 3200 3200 3200 3000 100 2000 1000 2000 200 75 75 75 75 75 25 100 100 75 75 15 75 150 50 500 2000 75 200 150 120 400 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear Clear A C B R7s-18 R7s-18 33 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED JA & JF SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • P14.5s & PK30d Base • 13.2 & 28 Volts Ushio Watts Ordering Code 55 70 100 100 1000790 1000800 1000785 1001062 Ushio LampCode Volts Dimensionsmm Dia OAL Length (A) (B) (L1) P14.5sBase JA12V-55WH1-55 JA24V-70W JA12V-100WH1-100 PK30dBase JF6.6A-100W/PK30D 13.2 28 13.2 Amperage 6.6 Filament Type Luminous Flux lm Color Temp K Avg Life h 8.5 8.5 8.5 67.5 49.0 67.5 25.25 ––– 25.25 C-8 ––– C-8 1550 1900 2700 3000 ––– 3050 150 150 50 13.5 ––– 40.0 C-6 2400 3000 1000 A A L1 B Approx. 95mm L1 P14.5s P14.5s PK30d 34 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN LOW VOLTAGE BAYONET JC SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Single Contact Bayonet Base - BA9s Double Contact Bayonet Base - BA15d • Operate in Any Position Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) 5 10 20 125 1000832 1000810 1000819 1000814 SingleContactBayonetBase–BA9s JC12V-5W/BA9S 9.0 JC12V-10W/BA9S 9.0 JC12V-20W/BA9S 8.0 DoubleContactBayonetBase–BA15d JC12V-125WB/BA15D 15.0 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Bulb Finish 28.0 28.0 30.0 15.0 15.0 13.5 C-2R C-6 C-6 80 200 340 3000 ––– 2900 240 240 2000 Clear Clear Clear 49.0 28.8 C-8 1900 2800 1000 Clear A A C B C BA9s B BA15d 35 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN LOW VOLTAGE BI-PIN JC SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Miniature 2-Pin Base - G4 • Operate in Any Position Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 5 5 6 6 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 35 1000874 1000833 1000876 1000884 1000878 1000856 1000857 1000531 1003030 1000811 1000813 1000812 1000861 1000532 1000866 1000821 1000804 1000820 1000844 1000867 1000825 Miniature2-PinBase–G4 JC6V-5W/G4 JC12V-5W/G4 JC6V-6W/G4 JC9V-6W/G4 JC6V-8W/G4 JC6V-10W/G4 JC6V-10WH3(64223) FHD/ESA,JC6V-10W JC12V-10W/G4 JC12V-10W/G4 JC12V-10WF/G4 JC12V-10W/G4 JC6V-15W/G4 FHE/ESB,JC6V-20W JC6V-20W/G4 JC12V-20W/G4 JC12V-20W/G4 JC12V-20WF/G4 JC24V-20W/G4 JC6V-30W/G4 JC12V-35WB/G4 Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 30.0 31.0 30.0 30.0 28.0 30.0 28.0 28.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.5 19.25 19.5 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h C-6 C-2R C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-2R C-6 C-2R C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-8 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 100 60 100 100 163 130 150 200 120 140 115 175 300 450 280 350 350 330 280 800 650 3006 2720 3085 2998 3168 2850 2900 3200 2800 2900 2800 2916 3138 3200 2850 2850 2850 2900 2850 3300 2900 50 2000 100 50 50 2000 300 100 2000 2000 2000 300 100 100 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 50 2000 Bulb Finish Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear A Originally developed as light sources for optical instruments, JC lamps feature an overall compact design with precise LCL placement. The exceptional brightness of this compact lamp make this series an ideal choice for task light applications. C B G4 G4 36 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN LOW VOLTAGE BI-PIN JC SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Miniature 2-Pin Base - G5.3 Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) 30 50 65 100 100 175 1000254 1000837 1000316 1000649 1000255 1000330 Miniature2-PinBase–G5.3 DZA,JC10.8V-30W JC14.5V-50WC ELA,JC19V-65W GCC,JC12V-100WC5 DZB,JC12V-100W EML,JC24V-175W 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 13.5 51.0 55.0 44.5 57.0 51.0 57.2 27.0 32.0 25.5 32.0 27.0 27.0 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Bulb Finish C-6 CBar6 CC-6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 600 1250 1900 2900 3100 5600 3100 3200 3350 3300 3400 3200 400 100 25 200 50 125 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear A C B G5.3 37 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN LOW VOLTAGE BI-PIN JC SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Glass 2-Pin Base - G6.35 2-Pin Base - 6.35/15X19 Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 20 30 35 50 50 50 50 1000822 1000868 1000823 1000071 1000830 1000829 1000848 Glass2-PinBase–G6.35 JC12V-20W JC6V-30WT1 JC12V-35W BRL,JC12V-50W JC12V-50WG1.0 JC12V-50WF JC24V-50W 75 75 100 150 150 150 250 250 275 400 400 150 1000834 1000849 1000839 1000492 1000505 1000537 1000290 1000382 1000588 1000383 1002141 1000843 JC12V-75W JC24V-75W JC24V-100W FCS,JC24V-150WUI FDV,JC24V-150W FHY,JC24V-150W EHJ,JC24V-250W EVC/FGX,JC24V-250W FNT,JC24V-275W EVD,JC36V-400WS1 EVD/L,JC36V-400H1 2-PinBase–G6.35/15X19 JC24V-150WL-H Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h C Burn Position Bulb Fig Finish No 11.0 11.5 11.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.5 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 30.0 28.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 C-6 C-6 C-6 CBar6 C-6 C-6 C-6 280 600 650 1600 900 840 750 2850 3200 2900 3400 2900 3000 2950 2000 100 2000 50 2000 2000 2000 Any Any Any BD/Hor Any Any Any Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.0 10.5 11.0 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.0 13.5 16.0 17.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 55.0 64.0 55.0 60.0 60.0 30.0 ––– 30.0 32.0 30.0 30.0 33.0 35.0 33.0 36.0 36.0 C-6 CC-8 CC-6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 2200 ––– 1800 5000 4300 3700 8500 8400 10000 14500 14500 3300 ––– 3000 ––– 3300 3100 3400 3400 3400 3450 3400 2000 ––– 2000 50 100 1000 50 300 75 50 100 Any Any Any BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor Any BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13.5 61.0 37.0 CBar6 4800 3400 50 BD/Hor Clear 3 A A Fig.1 Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) A C B Fig.2 C B B Fig.3 38 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN LOW VOLTAGE BI-PIN & BAYONET JC SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Glass 2-Pin Base - GY6.35 2-Pin Prefocus Base - GY9.5 Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Glass2-PinBase–GY6.35 35 1000824 JC12V-35W 50 50 75 100 100 100 100 100 300 300 20 80 100 100 132 150 1000827 1000828 1000835 1000806 1000807 1000381 1000490 1000507 1000545 1000846 1003049 1000171 1000459 1000504 1000176 1000503 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position 11.0 44.0 30.0 C-8 650 2900 2000 BD/Hor Clear 1 JC12V-50W 11.0 JC12V-50W 11.0 JC12V-75W 11.0 JC12V-100W 11.0 JC12V-100WG 11.0 EVA,JC12V-100H20 11.5 FCR,JC12V-100W 11.0 FDX,JC12V-100WCG2 11.5 FLW,JC24V-300WA-H 13.5 JC24V-300WB 17.5 2-PinPrefocusBase–GY9.5 JC12V-20W 11.0 DDJ/DZZ,JC10V-80W 11.5 EYL,JC12V-100WC4 11.5 FDT,JC12V-100W 11.5 DDP,JC22V-132W 13.5 FDS/DZE,JC24V-150W 14.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 55.0 55.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 33.0 23.0 C-6 C-8 C-6 C-6 C-8 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 1000 1000 1600 2300 2300 2400 3400 3500 10450 6680 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3300 3300 3500 6600 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 50 50 50 1000 Any Any Any Any Any BD/Hor BD/Hor Any Any Any Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 55.0 51.0 62.0 57.0 57.0 57.2 30.3 27.0 36.5 27.0 33.4 33.4 C-6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 CBar6 300 1700 2900 2900 3900 5000 3000 3150 3300 3300 3250 3400 2000 1000 50 50 125 50 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 4 4 4 4 4 4 A A A A C C Fig.1 Bulb Fig Finish No B C B C Fig.2 Fig.3 B B Fig.4 39 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN LOW VOLTAGE BI-PIN & BAYONET JCD SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Double Contact Bayonet Base - BA15d Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Bulb Position Finish DoubleContactBayonetBase–BA15d 60 1000915 JCD24V-60W 12.5 60.5 35.0 CC-6 1260 ––– 500 BD/Hor Clear 75 75 1000916 1000917 JCD24V-75W JCD28V-75W/WGB 11.0 13.5 55.0 63.5 34.9 35.0 CC-6 CC-6 1600 1400 3100 2950 500 2000 BD/Hor BD/Hor Clear Clear A C B BA15d BA15d 40 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN BI-PIN SSTV & AV JCD SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) 200 250 360 360 500 600 650 1000648 1000453 1000442 1000443 1000476 1000246 1000225 Miniature2-PinBase–G5.3 GCB,JCD30V-200WC1 EYH/FKT,JCD120V-250WB EYB,JCD82V-360W EYB-5,JCD86V-360WS FBG/FBD,JCD120V-500WCP DYH,JCD120V-600WCP DVY,JCD120V-650WSP Glass2-PinBase–G6.35 100 150 150 150 300 300 300 500 650 650 300 1000892 1000371 1000893 1003102 1000216 1002253 1000900 1000904 1000890 1000907 1001762 JCD120V-100W/A ESY,JCD100V-150WB JCD120V-150WB JCD220V-150W DRA,JCD120V-300W JCD220V-300W 2-PinBase–G6.35/15x19 JCD120V-300WL JCD120V-500WL JCD100V-650WL JCD120V-650WL 2-PinBase–GX6.35 JCD120V-300W(ref.64514) Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Bulb Fig Finish No 11.5 22.0 11.5 11.5 22.0 22.0 22.0 57.0 63.5 57.0 57.0 76.0 63.0 63.0 32.0 36.5 31.8 31.8 44.5 36.5 36.5 CC-6 CC-6 CC-8 CC-8 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 5300 6050 10000 10000 13200 17000 20000 3200 3050 3300 3300 3200 3200 3400 200 150 75 75 50 75 25 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 13.5 13.5 14.0 ––– 16.0 22.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 55.0 50.0 65.0 30.0 33.0 30.0 36.0 33.0 37.0 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-8 CC-6 2CC-8 2000 3300 3200 ––– 6900 7200 3000 3075 3075 ––– 3100 3150 150 200 100 100 300 50 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor ––– BD/Hor BD/Hor Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 3 4 4 5 3 4 22.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 63.0 63.5 63.0 63.0 37.0 36.5 37.0 37.0 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 7500 13000 17750 17750 3200 3200 3200 3200 150 100 150 150 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor Clear Clear Clear Clear 6 6 6 6 19.5 57.5 37.0 Special 7700 3200 75 BD/Hor Clear 4 A A A C Fig.1 Filament Approx Type Lumens lm C B Fig.2 B A A C B Fig.3 C Fig.4 B A C Fig.5 C B B Fig.6 41 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN BI-PIN SSTV & AV JCD SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • 2-Pin Base - GY6.35 • Clear Bulb Finish 2 Button Base - G9.5 Medium Prefocus 2-Pin Base - GY9.5 Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 2-PinBase–GY6.35 35 1000902 JCD120V-35W 50 75 600 150 250 300 420 500 500 600 600 650 650 650 800 1000905 1000908 1000248 1000309 1000245 1000886 1000304 1000629 1000914 1000251 1000252 1000305 1000249 1000250 1000909 A Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 11.0 55.0 38.0 CC-2V 500 2800 1500 BD/Hor 1 JCD120V-50W 11.0 JCD120V-75W 11.5 2ButtonBase–G9.5 DYP,JCD120V-600WM 22.0 MediumPrefocus2-PinBase–GY9.5 EKL,JCD21V-150W 11.5 DYG,JCD30V-250WS 19.9 JCD100V-300WC 22.0 EKB,JCD120V-420WC 22.0 FTK,JCD120V-500WCT 22.0 JCD240V-500WC 24.0 DYS/DYV/BHC,JCD120V-600WC 22.0 DYS-5,JCD125V-600WC 22.0 EKD,JCD120V-650WS 19.9 DYR/220V,JCD220V-650WC1 24.0 DYR/240V,JCD240V-650WC2 24.0 JCD120V-800WC 24.0 55.0 55.0 38.0 38.0 CC-2V CC-8 700 1100 2800 2850 1500 1500 BD/Hor BD/Hor 1 2 60.0 21.9 CC-6 17000 3200 75 BD/Hor 3 51.0 63.5 63.0 63.0 65.3 62.0 63.0 63.0 66.0 63.0 63.0 62.0 27.0 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 2CC-8 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 2CC-8 2CC-8 CC-6 4650 8000 7500 11000 13500 12500 17000 13750 20000 16500 16500 19500 3350 3400 3200 3200 3100 3200 3200 3200 3400 3200 3200 3200 40 15 150 75 200 50 75 75 25 50 50 75 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor 4 4 5 5 4 6 5 5 5 6 6 5 A A A A A C Fig.1 B C Fig.2 C B B C Fig.3 Fig.4 B C Fig.5 C B B Fig.6 42 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN BI-PIN • SSTV JCD - JCP SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Medium Prefocus 2-Pin Base - GY9.5/15x19 GY9.5/16X21, GY9.5/16X24 & G22 Base Watts 300 300 500 650 650 650 2000 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) MediumPrefocus2-PinBase–GY9.5/15x19 1000896 1000912 1000903 1000889 1000906 1002110 1000910 JCD120V-300WC 22.0 63.5 MediumPrefocus2-PinBase–GY9.5/16x21 JCD230V-300WC 24.0 63.5 JCD120V-500WC 22.0 62.0 JCD100V-650WC 22.0 63.0 JCD120V-650WC 22.0 63.0 GY9.5/16X24Base JCP100V-650WCC 19.5 76.0 G22Base JCD220V-2000WC 40.0 165 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 36.5 CC-6 7500 3200 100 BD/Hor 1 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 2CC-8 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 7050 13000 17750 17750 3150 3200 3200 3200 75 100 150 75 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor 2 1 1 1 36.5 C-13D 18750 3300 75 BD/Hor 3 100 2CC-8 50000 3200 200 BD/Hor 4 A A A A C B C C B C B B 43 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN BI-PIN • SSTV JCS SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • 4-Pin Base • Standard Voltage (120 volts) • Monoplane Filament Watts Ushio Ordering Code 1200 1200 1000072 1000082 Ushio LampCode 4-PinBase–G17T-7 BRN,JCS120V-1200W BTG,JCS120V-1200W Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) 23.0 23.0 95.0 95.0 Filament 38.7 39.7 Type Approx Lumens lm Temp K Color Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No C-13D C-13D ––– 38200 3350 3350 20 20 BD/Hor BD 1 1 ProximityReflector Reflector C A B Reflector C Source Reflector A B C B Source Fig.1 44 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN BI-PIN • SSTV JCS SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) 575 600 1003229 1000665 Medium2-PinBase–G9.5 GLA/HP-601,JCS115V-575WX 20.0 GLC/HP-600,JCS115V-600WCM 20.0 1000 300 500 1000948 1000540 1000285 500 575 575 625 650 900 650 1000603 1003326 1003327 1000089 1000604 1000088 1000947 MediumPrefocus2-PinBase–GX9.5 36.0 110.0 MediumPrefocus2-PinBase–GY9.5 FKW,JCS120V-300WC/UA 23.0 90.4 EHA,JCS120V-500W 19.5 76.0 FRG,JCS120V-500WC1 23.0 90.4 JCS120V-575WC 25.0 90.0 JCS120V-575WX 25.0 90.0 BVE,JCS120V-625W 19.5 89.0 FRK,JCS120V-650WC/UA 22.5 90.4 BVA,JCS120V-900W 23.0 95.0 MediumPrefocus2-PinBase–GY9.5/16x24 JCS100V-650WCC 19.0 72.0 101.6 101.6 JCS120V-1000WCGXW(CP24) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 60.0 60.0 C-13D C-13D 12500 15600 3100 3200 1500 300 Any Any 1 1 55.0 C-13D 26000 3200 200 Any 2 46.5 36.5 C-13 C-13D 7800 ––– 3200 3200 200 75 Any BD/Hor 3 4 46.5 46.5 46.5 44.5 46.5 44.5 C-13D 8-C-13D 8-C-13D C-13D C-13D C-13D 13000 15500 12000 ––– 17500 ––– 3200 3200 3200 3350 3200 3300 150 300 1500 75 200 75 Any BD BD BD/Hor Any BD/Hor 3 3 3 4 3 3 36.5 C-13D 17000 3200 100 BD/Hor 5 ProximityReflector A A A C Fig.1 A C B Fig.2 A B C Fig.3 B C Fig.4 B C B Fig.5 45 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • HALOGEN PREFOCUS BAYONET • SSTV JCS SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Medium Prefocus Base - P28s Mogul Prefocus Base - P40s • 120 Volts Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) 500 500 500 750 750 750 1000 1000 1000083 1000084 1000208 1000085 1000086 1000209 1000087 1000210 MediumPrefocusBase–P28s BTL,JCS120V-500WBP28 BTM,JCS120V-500WCP28 FMC/DNS,JCS120V-500WB2P28 BTN,JCS120V-750WBP28 BTP,JCS120V-750WCP28 FMD/DNT,JCS120V-750WB2P28 BTR,JCS120V-1000WCP28 FME/DNV,JCS120V-1000WC2P28 19.5 19.5 19.5 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 23.0 127.0 127.0 156.0 127.0 127.0 156.0 127.0 156.0 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 2000 1000091 1000092 1000214 1000145 1000220 1000093 MogulPrefocusBase–P40s BVT,JCS120V-1000WBP40 BVV,JCS120V-1000WCP40 DPW,JCS120V-1000W CWZ,JCS120V-1500W DTA,JCS120V-1500WCP40 BVW,JCS120V-2000WCP40 23.0 23.0 64.0 35.0 25.0 35.0 178.0 178.0 241.3 190.0 203.0 203.2 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 55.5 55.5 88.9 55.5 55.5 88.9 55.5 88.9 C-13D C-13D C-13D C-13D C-13D C-13D C-13D C-13D 11000 13000 11000 17000 20000 17000 28500 27500 3050 3200 3050 3050 3200 3050 3200 3200 500 100 500 500 200 500 250 200 BD/Hor BD/Hor Any BD/Hor BD/Hor Any BD/Hor Any 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 100.0 100.0 87.3 100.0 87.3 100.0 C-13D C-13D C-13 C-13D C-13D C-13 23000 27500 2800 38500 39000 57500 3050 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 500 200 50 325 100 300 Any Any BD Any BD Any 3 3 6 4 5 5 A A A A A C C Fig.1 C B Fig.2 A C B B C B C B B Fig.3 Fig.4 Fig.5 Fig.6 46 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED BAYONET JCV SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Double Contact Bayonet Base - BA15d • Operate in any position • 120 Volts (except as noted) Watts Ushio Ordering Code 75 75 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 200 200 250 250 250 500 500 1000986 1000987 1000968 1000969 1000364 1000374 1000373 1000362 1000376 1000512 1001803 1000365 1000372 1000990 1000979 1000980 Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) DoubleContactBayonetBase–BA15d JCV120V-75WGB 12.0 JCV120V-75WGBF 14.0 JCV120V-100WGB 13.0 JCV120V-100WGBF 13.0 ESR,JCV120V-100WGB2 13.0 ETD,JCV120V-100WGB2F 13.0 ETC,JCV120V-150WGB 13.0 ESP,JCV120V-150WGB2 13.0 ETF,JCV120V-150WGBF 13.0 FEV,JCV120V-200WCB2 13.0 JCV230V-200WGB 15.0 ESS,JCV120V-250WGB 13.0 ETB,JCV120V-250WGBF 13.0 JCV130V-250WGBF 13.0 JCV120V-500WGB 13.0 JCV120V-500WGBF 13.0 A 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.1 41.0 41.0 41.0 54.0 54.0 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-2V CC-2V CC-8 CC-2V CC-8 CC-2V CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 A C BA15d 59.0 72.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 63.0 76.0 76.0 76.0 87.0 87.0 Filament Type B Color Temp K Avg Life h 1200 1125 1600 1550 1800 1750 2800 2800 2700 5500 5000 5000 4800 4800 10450 10100 2800 2850 2800 2800 2850 2850 2900 2900 2900 3200 2800 3000 3000 3000 2950 2950 1000 1000 2000 2000 750 750 2000 1000 2000 50 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Bulb Finish Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Clear Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear Frosted Frosted Clear Frosted A C BA15d Approx Lumens lm B C B Side View 47 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED SCREW BASE JCV SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Minican Screw Base - E11 • Operate in any position • 120 Volts (except as noted) Watts Ushio Ordering Code 75 75 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 200 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 1000989 1000988 1000970 1000971 1000361 1000375 1000377 1000378 1000359 1001800 1000294 1000360 1000991 1001809 1000993 1000961 1001813 Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Ushio LampCode MiniCandelabraBase–E11 JCV120V-75WGSNF JCV120V-75WGSN JCV120V-100WGSN JCV120V-100WGSNF ESN,JCV120V-100WGSN2 ETE,JCV120V-100WGSN2F ETG,JCV120V-150WGSN ETH,JCV120V-150WGSNF ESL,JCV120V-150WGSN2 JCV100V-200WGS EHT,JCV120V-250WGSN ESM,JCV120V-250WGSNF JCV130V-250WGSN JCV130V-250WGSNF JCV220/230V-250WMF JCV100V-300WGS JCV120V-300WGS 12.0 12.0 14.0 14.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 13.5 13.0 13.0 13.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 65.0 69.0 69.0 69.0 71.0 71.0 71.0 71.0 71.0 69.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 75.0 78.0 78.0 C B 32.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 32.0 41.3 41.0 41.0 41.0 ––– 42.0 42.0 Type Approx Lumens lm Temp K Color Avg Life h CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-2V CC-2V CC-8 CC-8 CC-2V CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-2V CC-8 CC-8 1170 1125 1600 1550 1800 1750 2800 2700 2800 2900 5000 4800 5000 4850 4500 4650 4650 2850 2800 2850 2800 2850 2850 2900 2900 2900 2900 3000 3000 3000 3000 2900 2850 2950 1000 1000 1000 2000 750 750 2000 2000 1000 3000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 3000 1500 Bulb Finish Frosted Clear Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Frosted Clear Clear A A A Filament C C B E11 B E11 48 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED SCREW BASE JCV SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Minican Screw Base - E11 Mogul Screw Base - E39 • 120 Volts (except as noted) Watts Ushio Ordering Code 325 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 750 1000 2000 2000 1000295 1000976 1000977 1000384 1000466 1000465 1000464 1000995 1000463 1000967 1000095 1000096 Ushio Lamp Code Dia (A) Mini Candelabra Base – E11 EHV,JCV120V-325WBS JCV120V-400WGSN JCV120V-400WGSNF EVR,JCV120V-500WGS EYX,JCV120V-500WGSF EYW,JCV130V-500WGS EYV,JCV130V-500WGSF JCV230V-500WGS EYT,JCV120V-750WB1 JCV120V-1000WC3 Mogul Screw Base – E39 BWF,JCV120V-2000W BWG,JCV120V-2000W Dimensions mm OAL LCL (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Bulb Finish 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.5 80.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 92.0 95.0 100.0 41.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 51.0 50.8 51.0 51.0 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 7800 8250 7850 10450 9500 10000 9500 9000 18500 26000 3100 2950 2950 2950 3000 3000 3000 2950 3050 3200 500 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 500 300 Clear Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Clear Frosted Clear Clear Clear 25.0 25.0 190.5 190.5 133.4 133.4 CC-8 CC-8 59000 57200 3200 3200 500 500 Clear Frosted E11 E39 49 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED JCV SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Miniature 2-Pin Base - G5.3 Glass 2-Pin Base - G6.35, GX6.35 Watts Ushio Ordering Code 125 250 250 300 300 650 1000 1000605 1000647 1000343 1000579 1000974 1000983 1001822 Fig.1 Ushio Lamp Code Dia (A) Dimensions mm OAL LCL (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No Miniature 2-Pin Base – G5.3 FSH,JCV120V-125WB GCA,JCV120V-250WC Glass 2-Pin Base – G6.35 11.5 11.5 57.0 57.0 32.0 32.0 CC-8 CC-8 2500 5880 3000 3200 200 200 BD/Hor BD/Hor 1 1 EPL,JCV30V-250WS1 FNB,JCV120V-300WC8/UA Glass 2-Pin Base – GX6.35 10.0 13.5 50.0 55.0 24.5 32.0 CC-8 CC-8 7500 8100 3400 3200 6 75 Any BD/Hor 2 2 16.0 24.0 23.0 57.5 57.5 67.5 30.0 30.0 38.0 CC-8 2CC-8 2CC-8 8100 1700 27000 3200 3200 3200 30 100 100 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor 3 4 4 (FNS)JCV120V-300WC(64512) JCV120V-650WC JCV120V-1000WC4 Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4 50 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED JCV SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Medium 2-Pin Base - G9.5 Medium Prefocus 2-Pin Base - GY9.5, GZ9.5 Watts Ushio Ordering Code 400 400 500 500 500 500 575 575 700 750 750 1000 1000 1000 1200 600 300 1003023 1003022 1000286 1000287 1001814 1000997 1000543 1002196 1000998 1000288 1000289 1000494 1000509 1000510 1000972 1000547 1000578 Ushio Lamp Code Dia (A) Dimensions mm OAL LCL (B) (C) Medium 2-Pin Base – G9.5 HX-401,JCV115V-400WBM 19.0 HX-400,JCV115V-400WCM 19.0 EHC/EHB,JCV120V-500WCM 13.5 EHD,JCV120V-500WBH 13.5 JCV220V-500WBM 15.0 JCV240V-500WBM 15.0 FLK,HX-600,JCV115V-575WCM 18.0 HX-601,JCV115V-575WBM 19.0 JCV240V-700WCH 19.5 EHF,JCV120V-750WCH 15.0 EHG,JCV120V-750WBH 19.0 FCV,JCV120V-1000WCF 19.0 FEL,JCV120V-1000WCH 19.0 FEP,JCV240V-1000WCH 19.0 JCV120V-1200WCH 22.0 Medium Prefocus 2-Pin Base – GY9.5 FMR,JCV120V-600WGY 17.0 Medium Prefocus 2-Pin Base – GZ9.5 FNA,JCV120V-300WGY 16.0 Fig.1 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 104.0 104.0 101.0 101.0 102.0 102.0 104.0 104.0 102.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 104.0 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.5 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 8500 10000 12700 10000 10500 10500 16500 12800 18000 20400 15400 26500 27500 25500 33000 3050 3200 3200 3000 3000 3000 3200 3050 3200 3200 3000 3200 3200 3200 3250 1500 300 300 2000 400 400 300 1500 350 300 2000 300 375 300 200 Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any 88.9 50.8 CC-8 12500 3000 2000 BD/Hor 3 88.9 50.8 CC-8 5800 3000 2000 BD/Hor 4 Fig.2 Fig.3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Fig.4 51 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED JCV SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio Lamp Code Dia (A) Dimensions mm OAL LCL (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position 500 1000273 Medium Prefocus Base – P28s EGC/EGD,JCV120V-500WC 14.0 152 88.9 CC-8 12700 3150 500 Any 500 750 750 1000 1000 1000 1000274 1000275 1000276 1000278 1000279 1000280 * 14.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 152 152 152 152 152 152 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 10450 20400 15750 27500 26500 21500 3000 3200 3000 3200 3200 3000 2000 500 2000 500 500 2000 Any Any Any Any Any Any EGE,JCV120V-500WB EGF,JCV120V-750WC EGG,JCV120V-750WB EGJ,JCV120V-1000WC EGK,JCV120V-1000WCF EGM,JCV120V-1000WB *FrostedEnvelope 52 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED JS SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • 2-Pin Base - GY16 Bipost Base - G22 Watts Ushio Ordering Code 2000 500 750 1000 1000631 1000281 1000282 1000283 Ushio Lamp Code Dia (A) GY16 Base FTM,JS220V-2000WCGY Medium Bipost Base – G22 EGN,JS120V-500WC EGR,JS120V-750WC(CP39) EGT,JS120V-1000WC(CP40) Dimensions mm OAL LCL (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Fig No 42.0 145.0 70.0 C-13 54000 3200 400 Any 1 23.0 23.0 23.0 117.0 127.0 127.0 63.5 63.5 63.5 C-13D C-13D C-13D 13000 21000 28500 3200 3200 3200 100 200 200 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor 2 2 2 Fig.1 Fig.2 53 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED JS SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Mogul Bipost Base - G38 P40s Base Watts 1000 1500 2000 2000 5000 10000 20000 20000 Ushio Ordering Code 1000154 1000150 1000094 1000155 1000215 1000222 1002288 1002165 Ushio Lamp Code Dia (A) Dimensions mm OAL LCL (B) (C) Mogul Bipost Base – G38 CYV,JS120V-1000WC2 23.0 CXZ,JS120V-1500W 40.0 BWA,JS120V-2000W/G38 25.0 CYX,JS120V-2000WC 40.0 DPY,JS120V-5000WC 60.0 DTY,JS120V-10000WC 80.0 BCM(208V)JS208V-20000W/C 100.0 BCM,JS225V-20000W 100.0 200.0 210.0 203.2 210.0 268.0 391.0 550.0 550.0 Fig.1 Fig.3 127.0 127.0 127.0 127.0 165.0 254.0 354.0 354.0 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h C-13 C-13 CC-8 C-13 C-13 C-13 C-13 C-13 28500 44500 54000 59000 145000 285000 580000 580000 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 200 400 500 300 500 500 400 400 Burn Position BD/Hor BD Any BD/45 BD/45 BD/45 BD/45 BD/45 Fig No 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 6 Fig.2 Fig.4 Fig.5 Fig.6 54 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED for ETC Source Four™, Source Four JR™ & Source Four PAR™ HPL SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • More Fixture Light Output Using Less Electrical Energy • Integral Heat Sink Base • Low Seal Temperature Watts Ushio Ordering Code 550 550 750 375 375 575 575 750 750 575 575 750 750 375 575 575 750 750 375 575 575 750 750 1000668 1000669 1000676 1000666 1000667 1000670 1000671 1000675 1003153 1000672 1002283 1003144 1003178 1003182 1000673 1002233 1002289 1003179 1003183 1000674 1002234 1003184 1003180 Ushio Lamp Code Description Heat Sink Base – 77 Volt JS77V-550WC JS77V-550WX JS77V-750WC HPL-550/77V+ HPL-550/77X+ HPL-750/77V 115 Volt Dimensions mm Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h 18.35 18.35 18.35 104 104 104 60.3 60.3 60.3 4-C8 4-C8 4-C8 16170 12160 22950 3250 3050 3250 300 2000 300 HPL-375/115V+ HPL-375/115X+ HPL-575/115V+ HPL-575/115X+ HPL-750/115V+ HPL-750/115X+ 120 Volt J S115V-375WC JS115V-375WX JS115V-575WC JS115V-575WX JS115V-750WC JS115V-750WX 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.35 104 104 104 104 104 104 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 4-C8 4-C8 4-C8 4-C8 4-C8 4-C8 10540 8000 16520 12360 21900 16400 3250 3050 3250 3000 3250 3050 300 1000 300 2000 300 1500 HPL-575/120V+ HPL-575/120X+ HPL-750/120V+ HPL-750/120X+ 230 Volt J S120V-575WC JS120V575WX JS120V-750WC JS120V-750WX 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.35 104 104 104 104 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 4-C8 4-C8 4-C8 4-C8 16520 12360 21900 16400 3250 3050 3250 3050 300 2000 300 1500 HPL-375/230X+ HPL-575/230V+ HPL-575/230X+ HPL-750/230V+ HPL-750/230X+ 240 Volt JS230V-375WXN J S230V-575WCN JS230V-575WXN JS230V-750WCN JS230V-750WXN 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.35 104 104 104 104 104 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 6-C8 6-C8 6-C8 6-C8 6-C8 7250 14900 11780 19750 15600 3000 3200 3050 3200 3050 1000 400 1500 300 1500 HPL-375/240X+ HPL-575/240V+ HPL-575/240X+ HPL-750/240V+ HPL-750/240X+ JS240V-375WXN J S240V-575WCN JS240V-575WXN JS240V-750WCN JS240V-750WXN 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.35 104 104 104 104 104 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 6-C8 6-C8 6-C8 6-C8 6-C8 7250 14900 11780 19750 15600 3000 3050 3050 3200 3050 1000 400 1500 300 1500 “L i censed under U.S. Patent #RE36316 claims9-12and16-17only;CanadianPatent #2,103,358; European Patent #592589 & #969496. No other licenses expressed or implied.” TopView 55 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED JT SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Medium & Mogul Screw Base • Double Envelope • 120 Volt Watts Ushio Ordering Code 75 100 100 150 250 250 500 1000 500 500 1000 1001156 1001137 1001140 1001883 1001141 1001142 1001143 1001134 1003361 1001173 1001889 Ushio Lamp Code Dia (A) • Operate in Any Position Dimensions mm OAL LCL (B) (C) Medium Screw Base – E26 Compact Version JT120V-75WG 31.0 85.0 JT120V-100WG 31.0 85.0 JT120V-100WGF 31.0 85.0 JT120V-150WG 31.0 85.0 JT120V-250WG 31.0 105.0 JT120V-250WGF 31.0 105.0 Mogul Screw Base – E39 JT120V-500WB 40.0 193.0 JT120V-1000WB 42.0 260.0 Mogul Screw Base – E40 JT120V-1000WC/E40 42.0 195.0 JT240V-500WB 42.0 193.0 JT240V-1000WB 42.0 260.0 Filament Type Approx Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Bulb Finish 51.0 51.0 54.0 54.0 58.0 58.0 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 1200 1600 1552 2800 5000 4850 2800 2800 2800 2800 2950 2950 1000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 Clear Clear Frosted Clear Clear Frosted 123.0 157.0 C-8 C-8 11000 22000 3200 3050 2000 2000 Clear Clear 123.0 123.0 175.0 C-8 C-8 C-8 25000 9500 21500 3200 3200 3400 150 2000 2000 Clear Clear Clear JT type Halogen lamps are double enveloped lamps in which a Halogen lamp serves as an inner tube. E26-ClearorFrosted CompactVersion E39andE40 56 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-8 REFLECTOR MR-8 SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Halogen Fixtures • 25mm, Dichroic Coating, Faceted Mirror Reflector • Miniature 2-Pin • Low Voltage - 12 Volt Watts Ushio Ordering Code 20 20 35 35 1003116 1003117 1003118 1003119 Ushio Lamp Code • Operate in Any Position Dimensions OAL mm Miniature 2-Pin Base – GZ4 with Front Glass Cover MR-812V-20W/NSP10/FG MR-812V-20W/NFL23/FG MR-812V-35W/SP13/FG MR-812V-35W/NFL26/FG 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 Color Temp K Angle 3050 3050 3050 3050 10o 23o 13o 26o Beam Spread NarrowSpot NarrowFlood Spot NarrowFlood Max CP cd Ave Life h 1700 800 2300 1400 2000 2000 2000 2000 GZ4 57 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-11 REFLECTOR MR-11 SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Halogen Fixtures • 35mm, Dichroic Coating, Faceted Mirror Reflector • Miniature 2-Pin Base • 12 & 24 Volt Watts Ushio Ordering Code 12 1000615 12 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 Ushio Lamp Code • Operate in Any Position • Available with Front Glass Cover (FG) Dimensions OAL mm Color Temp K Angle Miniature 2-Pin Base – GZ4 FTA,JDR/M12V-12W/G/NSP9.5 35.0 2925 9.5o 1000616 1000617 1000618 1000619 1000620 1001843 1000621 1000622 1000623 1000624 1000625 1000626 1000627 1000628 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 2925 2925 2925 2925 2925 3450 2925 2925 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 9.5o 10o 10o 17o 17o 16o 30o 30o 12o 12o 20o 20o 30o 30o 1001001 1001002 1000999 1001000 1001003 1001004 1001007 1001008 1001005 1001010 JDR/M24V-35W/FL30/FG 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 2925 2925 2925 2925 2925 2925 2925 2925 2925 2925 12o 12o 19o 19o 30o 30o 13o 13o 19o 30o FTA/FG,JDR/M12V-12W/G/NSP9.5/FG FTB,JDR/M12V-20W/G/SP10 FTB/FG,JDR/M12V-20W/G/SP10/FG FTC,JDR/M12V-20W/G/SP17 FTC/FG,JDR/M12V-20W/G/SP17/FG JDR/M12V-20W/G/SP16/FG FTD,JDR/M12V-20W/G/FL30 FTD/FG,JDR/M12V-20W/G/FL30/FG FTE,JDR/M12V-35W/G/SP12 FTE/FG,JDR/M12V-35W/G/SP12/FG FTF,JDR/M12V-35W/G/SP20 FTF/FG,JDR/M12V-35W/G/SP20/FG FTH,JDR/M12V-35W/G/FL30 FTH/FG,JDR/M12V-35W/G/FL30/FG 24 Volt, Miniature 2-Pin Base – GZ4 JDR/M24V-20W/SP12 JDR/M24V-20W/SP12/FG JDR/M24V-20W/SP19 JDR/M24V-20W/SP19/FG JDR/M24V-20W/FL30 JDR/M24V-20W/FL30/FG JDR/M24V-35W/SP13 JDR/M24V-35W/SP13/FG JDR/M24-35W/SP19 Beam Spread Max CP cd Ave Life h NarrowSpot NarrowSpot Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Flood Flood Spot Spot Spot Spot Flood Flood 2300 2300 3000 3000 1400 1400 2000 600 600 4800 4800 2400 2400 1300 1300 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 250 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Spot Spot Spot Spot Flood Flood Spot Spot Spot Flood 2200 2200 1150 1150 500 500 2100 2100 1700 1700 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 GZ4 58 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-11 REFLECTOR MR-11 SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Miniature 2-Pin & DC Bayonet Base • Low Voltage - 12 Volt • Operate in Any Position Watts Ushio Ordering Code 10 25 20 35 50 75 100 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 1000931 1000544 1000934 1000930 1000926 1000929 1000921 1000607 1000608 1000609 1000610 1000611 1000612 1000655 1000656 1000657 1000658 1000659 1000660 Ushio Lamp Code Miniature 2-Pin Base – GZ4 JCR/M6V-10WN/FG FLT,JCR/M13.8V-25W JCR/M6V-20W JCR/M14V-35W JCR/M12V-50W JCR/M12V-75W/HO JCR/M12V-100W Reflector Type Specular Specular Specular Double Contact Bayonet Base – BA15d FSS,JDR/M12V-20W/BA/NSP10 FSS/FG,JDR/M12V-20W/BA/NSP10/FG FST,JDR/M12V-20W/BA/SP17 FST/FG,JDR/M12V-20W/BA/SP17/FG FSV,JDR/M12V-20W/BA/FL30 FSV/FG,JDR/M12V-20W/BA/FL30/FG GDX,JDR/M12V-35W/BA/SP10 GDX/FG,JDR/M12V-35W/BA/SP10/FG GDY,JDR/M12V-35W/BA/SP20 GDY/FG,JDR/M12V-35W/BA/SP20/FG GDZ,JDR/M12V-35W/BA/FL30 GDZ/FG,JDR/M12V-35W/BA/FL30/FG • Faceted (except as noted) Dimensions OAL mm Filament Type Color Temp K Angle Beam Spread 40.8 35.0 33.3 36.0 35.0 35.0 37.0 C-6 CC-6 C-6 C-6 C-8 C-8 C-8 3050 3100 3200 ––– ––– ––– 3400 8.5o ––– 20o ––– ––– ––– ––– NarrowSpot 42.0 46.5 42.0 46.5 42.0 46.5 42.0 46.5 42.0 46.5 42.0 46.5 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 3000 3000 2950 2950 10o 10o 17o 17o 30o 30o 10o 10o 20o 20o 30o 30o NarrowSpot NarrowSpot ––– Spot ––– ––– ––– ––– Spot Spot Flood Flood NarrowSpot NarrowSpot Spot Spot Flood Flood Max CP cd Ave Life h 3000 50 1800 ––– ––– ––– ––– 200 500 50 50 50 50 25 4000 4000 1400 1400 600 600 4500 4500 2100 2100 1600 1600 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 BA15d with front glass cover GZ4 59 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-13 REFLECTOR JCR SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • 2-Pin Base • 42mm Dichroic Coated Reflector • Operate Base Down to Horizontal Watts Ushio Ordering Code 250 300 300 300 1000423 1000414 1000421 1000535 Ushio Lamp Code Dimensions OAL mm 2-Pin Base – GX5.3 MR-13 Reflector EXY,JCR82V-250W 44.5 EXR,JCR82V-300W 44.5 EXW,JCR82V-300W 44.5 FHS,JCR82V-300W 44.5 • Focused Beam for Optical Applications Reflector Filament Type Type Working Distance mm Center Screen lluminance lx Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 152.4 152.4 152.4 152.4 610 1100 1200 1000 3250 3350 3400 3300 250 35 15 70 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor Stippled Stippled Stippled Stippled Color CenterScreenIlluminance-Approximatevalueforreferenceonly GX5.3 60 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-16 REFLECTOR JCR SERIES • Focused Beam for Optical Applications • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • 2-Pin Base • 50mm Dichroic Coated Reflector Watts Ushio Ordering Code 30 35 42 50 50 50 50 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 85 90 90 100 100 100 120 1000315 1000344 1000346 1000335 1000546 1000197 1000339 1000303 1000307 1000336 1000174 1000177 1000312 1000317 1000180 1000347 1000349 1000326 1001630 1000420 1000311 Ushio Lamp Code Dimensions OAL mm 2-Pin Base – GX5.3 Base EKZ,JCR10.8V-30W EPN,JCR12V-35W EPT,JCR10.8V-42W ENL,JCR12V-50W FML,JCR13.8V-50W DJT,JCR13.8V-50W ENZ,JCR30V-50W EJY,JCR19V-80W EKG,JCR19V-80W ENW/ENC,JCR19V-80W DDM,JCR19V-80W DDS,JCR21V-80W EKP,JCR30V-80W ELB,JCR30V-80W DED,JCR13.8V-85W EPV,JCR14.5V-90W EPX,JCR14.5V-90W EMC,JCR12V-100W EMC/14,JCR13.8V-100W EXV,JCR12V-100W EKN,JCR17.7V-120W 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 • Operate Base Down to Horizontal Reflector Type Filament Type Specular Specular Faceted Faceted Faceted Faceted Specular Specular Specular Specular Faceted Faceted Faceted Specular Specular Stippled Stippled Faceted Faceted Faceted Specular CC-6 C-6 CC-6 C-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 C-8 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 C-6 CC-6 Working Luminous Center Screen Distance Intensity Illuminance mm cd lx 38.1 9.0 38.1 38.1 214.3 152.0 29.0 38.1 44.5 44.5 152.4 165.0 44.5 29.0 165.0 155.2 165.1 26.5 142.0 ––– 38.1 ––– ––– 2000 ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––––– ––– 19000 4500 ––– 400 350 250 ––– 230 538 650 ––– 700 600 680 646 750 900 1000 1345 538 ––– ––– ––– 1000 Color Temp K Avg Life h 3100 3300 2900 3000 3150 3150 3400 3400 3400 3200 3350 3125 3400 3400 3150 3150 3150 3200 3200 3350 3200 200 50 8000 4000 1000 1000 25 25 25 400 50 500 25 15 1000 500 500 200 200 50 120 Burn Position BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor Any Any BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor CenterScreenIlluminance-Approximatevalueforreferenceonly GX5.3 61 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-16 REFLECTOR JCR SERIES • Focused Beam for Optical Applications • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • 2-Pin Base • 50mm Dichroic Coated Reflector Watts Ushio Ordering Code 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 225 250 250 250 250 340 1000173 1000297 1000301 1000302 1000306 1000319 1002247 1000300 1000314 1003034 1000318 1003106 1003264 1001037 1000353 Ushio Lamp Code Dimensions OAL mm 2-Pin Base – GX5.3 MR-16 Reflector DDL,JCR20V-150W 44.5 EJA,JCR21V-150W 44.5 EJM,JCR21V-150W 44.5 EJV,JCR21V-150W 44.5 EKE,JCR21V-150W 44.5 ELD/EJN,JCR21V-150W 44.5 ELD/K,JCR21V-150W 44.5 EJL,JCR24V-200W 44.5 EKX,JCR24V-200W 44.5 EZF/K,JCR69V-225W 44.5 ELC,JCR24V-250W 44.5 ELC-3,JCR24V-250W 44.5 ELC-5,JCR24V-250W 44.5 ELC/C,JER24V-250W 44.5 ERV,JCR36V-340W 44.5 • Operate Base Down to Horizontal Reflector Filament Type Type Faceted Specular Specular Specular Specular Stippled Stippled Specular Stippled Faceted Specular Specular Specular Specular Faceted CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-8 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-8 Working Luminous Center Screen Distance Intensity Illuminance mm cd lx 194.5 28.0 38.1 44.5 44.5 50.8 165.0 31.7 139.7 152.4 31.7 31.8 31.8 31.8 298.5 ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– 400 ––– ––– 1500 900 320 ––– 1100 ––– 500 1500 960 960 800 ––– Temp K Color Avg Life h Burn Position 3150 3400 3400 3400 3250 3400 3400 3400 3400 ––– 3400 3400 3400 3400 3300 500 40 40 40 200 40 40 50 25 500 50 300 500 50 75 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor CenterScreenIlluminance-Approximatevalueforreferenceonly GX5.3 62 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-16 REFLECTOR JCR SERIES • Focused Beam for Optical Applications • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • Oval 2-Pin Base - GY5.3, 2-Pin Base - GZ6.35 • 50mm Dichroic Coated Reflector Watts Ushio Ordering Code 85 85 150 150 200 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 360 360 360 350 410 55 75 100 100 100 150 1000357 1000358 1000356 1000940 1000441 1000386 1000333 1000379 1000422 1000332 1000458 1000321 1003020 1000542 1000337 1000338 1000348 1000636 1000945 1000270 1003003 1000941 1000271 1000272 Ushio Lamp Code Oval 2-Pin Base – GY5.3 ESH,JCR82V-85W ESJ,JER82V-85W ESD,JCR120V-150W JCR120V-150W/B EYA,JCR82V-200W EVW,JCR82V-250W ENH,JCR120V-250W ETJ,JCR120V-250W EXX,JCR120V-250W ENG,JCR120V-300W EYK,JCR120V-300W ELH,JCR120V-300W ELH-5,JCR125V-300W FLE,JCR82V-360WU/D ENX,JCR82V-360W ENX-5,JCR86V-360W EPW,JCR100V-360W FXL,JCR82V-410W 2-Pin Base – GZ6.35 JCR9.5V-55W EFN,JCR12V-75W JCR12V-100W/H10 JCR12V-100WB/XX EFP,JCR12V-100W EFR,JCR15V-150W • Operate Base Down to Horizontal Dimensions Dia OAL mm mm Reflector Type Filament Type Working Distance mm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.00 50.67 50.67 50.67 50.67 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 44.5 Stippled Specular Stippled Stippled Faceted Faceted Faceted Specular Stippled Stippled Specular Stippled Stippled Faceted Faceted Faceted Stippled Faceted CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 CC-8 152.0 32.0 44.5 ––– 38.1 298.5 152.4 36.5 298.5 152.4 31.7 154.3 152.4 209.6 298.5 298.5 298.5 298.5 2950 3350 3350 3050 3300 3300 3250 3250 3300 3450 3300 3350 3350 3300 3300 3300 3300 3300 250 40 12 100 50 50 175 175 75 15 60 35 35 75 75 75 75 75 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 44.5 42.0 42.0 Specular Specular Specular Specular Specular Specular C-8 C-6 C-8 C-6 C-6 C-8 ––– 32.0 36.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 3000 3400 3100 3100 3400 3400 1500 50 1000 1000 50 50 BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor BD/Hor GY5.3 GZ6.35 63 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-14 AND MR-18 REFLECTOR JCR SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • 2-Pin Vented Base - G7.9 • Operate in Horizontal Position 2-Pin Vented Base - GX7.9 • 45mm and 57mm Dichroic Coated Reflector Watts Ushio Ordering Code 150 250 1000206 1000057 150 150 1000207 1000325 Ushio Lamp Code Dimensions mm Dia OAL Ref. (A) (B) (C) MR-14 & MR-18, 2-Pin Vented Base – G7.9 Line Voltage DNE,JCR120V-150W 57.2 49.9 15.9 BHB,JCR120V-250W 44.5 47.5 15.9 MR-14 & MR-18, 2-Pin Vented Base – GX7.9 Low Voltage DNF,JCR21V-150W 57.2 45.1 15.9 ELZ,JCR21V-150W 57.2 45.1 15.9 G7.9 Reflector Type Filament Type Working Distance mm Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position Specular Specular CC-8 CC-8 69.1 65.8 3350 3400 12 50 Horiz Horiz Specular Specular CC-6 CC-6 69.1 69.1 3400 3350 25 60 Horiz Horiz GX7.9 64 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-16 REFLECTOR JR 12V SERIES - EUROSTAR™ • Consistent Color • Integrated UV Protection • Precisely Focused Light Cone • Cool Beam Effect • Available with Front Glass Cover (/FG) • Only for Use in Approved Halogen Fixtures • Titanium Oxide Coated Reflector • Axial Filament • Low Voltage - 12 Volts Watts 50 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Ushio Ordering Code 1001107 1001108 1003154 1000366 1000370 1000028 1000037 1000000 1000014 1000001 1000004 1000548 1000551 1000552 1000559 1000564 1000573 1000565 1000566 1000416 1000419 1000424 1000430 1000398 1000405 1000589 1000592 OAL Ushio LampCode Dimension FilamentBeam OAL Type Angle MaxCP mm cd 2-PinBase–GU5.3 JR12V-10W/NFL21 JR12V-10W/NFL21/FG JR12V-10W/FL32 ESX,JR12V-20W/SP12 ESX/FG,JR12V-20W/SP12/FG BBF,JR12V-20W/NFL24 BBF/FG,JR12V-20W/NFL24/FG BAB,JR12V-20W/FL36 BAB/FG,JR12V-20W/FL36/FG BAB/60,JR12V-20W/WFL60 BAB/60/FG,JR12V-20W/WFL60/FG FMT/FRB,JR12V-35W/SP12 FMT/FG,JR12V-35W/SP12/FG FMV/FRA,JR12V-35W/NFL24 FMV/FG,JR12V-35W/NFL24/FG FMW,JR12V-35W/FL36 FMW/FG,JR12V-35W/FL36/FG FMW/60,JR12V-35W/WFL60 FMW/60/FG,JR12V-35W/WFL60/FG EXT,JR12V-50W/SP12 EXT/FG,JR12V-50W/SP12/FG EXZ,JR12V-50W/NFL24 EXZ/FG,JR12V-50W/NFL24/FG EXN,JR12V-50W/FL36 EXN/FG,JR12V-50W/FL36/FG FNV,JR12V-50W/WFL60 FNV/FG,JR12V-50W/WFL60/FG 44.9 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 50 21o 21o 32o 12o 12o 24o 24o 36o 36o 60o 60o 12o 12o 24o 24o 36o 36o 60o 60o 12o 12o 24o 24o 36o 36o 60o 60o 600 600 400 3500 3500 1200 1200 600 600 270 2700 6000 6000 2300 2300 1300 1300 510 510 11000 11000 3600 3600 2000 2000 850 850 Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position 2800 2800 2800 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1500 1500 1500 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any OAL GU5.3 65 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-16 REFLECTOR JR 12V & 24V SERIES - EUROSTAR™ • Only for Use in Approved Halogen Fixtures • 50mm Diameter Dichroic Coated Reflector • 2-Pin Base • 12 & 24 Volt Watts 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 20 20 20 35 35 35 50 50 50 35 42 42 42 65 65 Ushio Ordering Code 1000451 1000452 1000454 1000455 1000444 1000447 1000445 1000446 1001112 1001113 1001114 1003110 1003111 1003112 1003113 1003114 1003115 1000600 1000461 1000462 1000460 1000595 1000596 Ushio LampCode • Available with Front Glass Cover (/FG) • Consistent Color Dimension OAL mm 2-PinBase–GU5.3 EYF,JR12V-75W/SP12 EYF/FG,JR12V-75W/SP12/FG EYJ/EZZ,JR12V-75W/NFL24 EYJ/EZZ/FG,JR12V-75W/NFL24/FG EYC,JR12V-75W/FL36 EYC/FG,JR12V-75W/FL36/FG EYC/60,JR12V-75W/WFL60 EYC/60/FG,JR12V-75W/WFL60/FG 24V,2-PinBase–GU5.3 JR24V-20W/SP12 JR24V-20W/SP12/FG JR24V-20W/FL36* JR24V-35W/SP12* JR24V-35W/NFL24* JR24V-35W/FL36* JR24V-50W/SP12* JR24V-50W/NFL24* JR24V-50W/FL36* 2-PinBase–GX5.3 FRB,JR12V-35W/NSP,GX5.3 EYR,JR12V-42W/SP12 EYS,JR12V-42W/NFL23 EYP,JR12V-42W/FL38 FPA,JR12V-65W/SP13 FPB,JR12V-65W/FL/FL38 FilamentBeam Type Angle MaxCP cd Color Temp K Avg Life h Burn Position 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 44.9 45.2 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 C-8 12o 12o 24o 24o 36o 36o 60o 60o 13000 13000 4800 4800 2700 2700 1220 1220 3000 3000 5000 3000 3000 5000 5000 3000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any 44.9 45.2 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 44.9 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-6 12o 12o 36o 12o 24o 36o 12o 24o 36o 3500 3500 600 4600 1600 900 7000 2900 1600 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2950 2950 2950 2500 2500 2500 3500 3500 3500 4000 4000 4000 Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 C-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 CC-6 12o 12o 23o 38o 13o 38o 7800 9000 2800 1400 11500 2000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3050 3050 3000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 Any Any Any Any Any Any *Frontglassversionsavailable 50 50 OAL GU5.3 OAL GX5.3 66 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-16 EUROSTAR REFLEKTO™ EUROSTAR REFLEKTO™ • Only for Use in Approved Halogen Fixtures • Aluminized Multimirror Reflector • Low Voltage - 12 Volt • Less heat to back of the lamp Watts Ushio Ordering Code 10 20 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1002143 1000368 1000369 1000033 1000009 1000010 1000549 1000550 1000556 1000557 1000570 1000571 1001682 1001683 1000417 1000418 1000427 1000428 1000402 1000403 1000590 1000591 Ushio LampCode • Axial Filament • Universal Burn Position Consistent Color • • Available with Front Glass Cover (/FG) • Integrated UV Protection • Precisely Focused Light Cone Dimension OAL mm 2-PinBase–GU5.3-MultimirrorReflector JR12V-10W/NFL24/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 ESX/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 ESX/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 BBF/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 BAB/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 BAB/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 FMT/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 FMT/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 44.9 FMV/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 FMV/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 FMW/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 FMW/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 FMW/60/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 FMW/60/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-RELEKTO 44.9 EXT/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 EXT/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 EXZ/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 EXZ/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-RELEKTO 44.9 EXN/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 EXN/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 FNV/C/A,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO 44.9 FNV/C/A/FG,EUROSTAR-REFLEKTO Temp K Color Angle Beam Spread 2800 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 2950 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 24o 12o 12o 24o 36o 36o 12o 12o 24o 24o 36o 36o 60o 60o 12o 12o 24o 24o 36o 36o 60o 60o NarrowFlood Spot Spot NarrowFlood Flood Flood Spot Spot NarrowFlood NarrowFlood Flood Flood WideFlood WideFlood Spot Spot NarrowFlood NarrowFlood Flood Flood WideFlood WideFlood MaxCP cd Avg Life h 400 3500 3500 1200 600 600 6000 6000 2300 2300 1300 1300 510 510 11000 11000 3600 3600 2000 2000 850 850 1200 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 Reflekto™lampsaremadewithanaluminumdichroicdeposition processforan80%reduction inheatemissionthroughthe backofthelamp. Withnolightdiffusionfrom back-spill,allvisiblelightis projectedthroughthefront ofthelamp.Excellentfor highlightoutputrequirements. 60º Beam Spread 50 OAL GU5.3 67 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-16 SUPERLINE™ & SUPERLINE REFLEKTO™ MR-16 SUPERLINE™ & SUPERLINE REFLEKTO™ • Only for Use in Approved Halogen Fixtures • 50mm Diameter Multilense Reflector • Excellent Center-to-Edge Beam Uniformity • Consistent Color Watts Ushio Ordering Code 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 35 35 35 35 35 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1000043 1000015 1000020 1000563 1000560 1000577 1000574 1000440 1000431 1000406 1000409 1000005 1000007 1000018 1000019 1000567 1000568 1003543 1000575 1000576 1001652 1003542 1000425 1001653 1000439 1000399 1000400 1003541 1000407 1000408 Ushio LampCode • Low Voltage - 12 Volt Decorative Aluminum Coating in matte colors Integrated UV Protection • black, silver & bronze • Universal Burn Position • Available with Front Glass Cover (FG) Dimension OAL mm Color Temp K SUPERLINE™,SuperiorBeamSpread–GU5.3Base BBF/SL,SUPERLINE 45 2950 BAB/FG/SL,SUPERLINE 45 2950 BAB/SL,SUPERLINE 45 2950 FMV/SL,SUPERLINE 45 2950 FMV/FG/SL,SUPERLINE 45 2950 FMW/SL,SUPERLINE 45 2950 FMW/FG/SL,SUPERLINE 45 2950 EXZ/SL,SUPERLINE 45 3050 45 3050 EXZ/FG/SL,SUPERLINE 45 3050 EXN/FG/SL,SUPERLINE 45 3050 EXN/SL,SUPERLINE SUPERLINE-REFLEKTO™,AluminizedColoredBack–GU5.3Base 45 2900 BAB/B,REFLEKTOBLACK 45 2900 BAB/B/FG,REFLEKTOBLACK 45 2900 BAB/S,REFLEKTOSILVER 45 2900 BAB/S/FG,REFLEKTOSILVER 45 2950 FMW/B,REFLEKTOBLACK 45 2950 FMW/B/FG,REFLEKTOBLACK 45 2950 FMW/BZ/FG,REFLEKTOBRONZE 45 2950 FMW/S,REFLEKTOSILVER 45 2950 FMW/S/FG,REFLEKTOSILVER 45 3000 EXZ/B,REFLEKTOBLACK 45 3000 EXZ/BZ/FG,REFLEKTOBRONZE 45 3000 EXZ/B/FG,REFLEKTOBLACK 45 3000 EXZ/S,REFLEKTOSILVER 45 3000 EXZ/S/FG,REFLEKTOSILVER 45 3000 EXN/B,REFLEKTOBLACK 45 3000 EXN/B/FG,REFLEKTOBLACK 45 3000 EXN/BZ/FG,REFLEKTOBRONZE 45 3000 EXN/S,REFLEKTOSILVER 45 3000 EXN/S/FG,REFLEKTOSILVER StandardMultimirrorReflectorLamps Angle Beam Spread MaxCP cd Avg Life h 24o 36o 36o 24o 24o 36o 36o 24o 24o 36o 36o NarrowFlood Flood Flood NarrowFlood NarrowFlood Flood Flood NarrowFlood NarrowFlood Flood Flood 870 510 510 2000 2000 1200 1200 3000 3000 1580 1580 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 36o 36o 36o 36o 36o 36o 36o 36o 36o 24o 24o 24o 24o 24o 36o 36o 36o 36o 36o Flood Flood Flood Flood Flood Flood Flood Flood Flood 510 510 510 510 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1580 1580 1580 1580 1580 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 The geometry of the Multilense Reflector together with an axial filament design, guarantees an absolute uniform appearance across the beam without unsightly, dark NarrowFlood NarrowFlood NarrowFlood NarrowFlood NarrowFlood Flood Flood Flood Flood Flood Superline™-MultilenseReflector spots or rings. All Photos: 20 Watt, flood distribution, taken 1 meter from screen 50 OAL GU5.3 68 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS MR-16 SPECIALTY DICHROIC COATINGS SPECIALTY LAMPS • Only for Use in Approved Halogen Fixtures • 50mm Diameter Multilense Reflector • UV-Cut Halogen Capsule • Low Voltage - 12 Volt Watts Ushio Ordering Code 35 35 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1003340 1003341 1002286 1002249 1002287 1003225 1003224 1003226 1000580 1000582 1000584 1000586 1003132 1003200 1000435 Ushio LampCode • 2-Pin Base • Universal Burn Position • Integrated Front Glass Cover (/FG) Dimension OAL mm WHITESTAR™HighColorTemperature2-PinBase–GU5.3 FMW/FG/WS/4200,WHITESTAR 45.2 4200 FMW/FG/WS/5300,WHITESTAR 45.2 5300 EXZ/FG/WS/4200,WHITESTAR 45.2 4200 EXN/FG/WS/4200,WHITESTAR 45.2 4200 EXT/FG/WS/4700,WHITESTAR 45.2 4700 EXN/FG/WS/5300,WHITESTAR 45.2 5300 EXZ/FG/WS/5300,WHITESTAR 45.2 5300 EXT/FG/WS/6500,WHITESTAR 45.2 6500 POPSTAR™ColoredDichroicLens2-PinBase–GU5.3 Color FNC/FG,JR12V-50W/FG 45.2 Yellow FND/FG,JR12V-50W/FG 45.2 Red FNE/FG,JR12V-50W/FG 45.2 Green FNF/FG,JR12V-50W/FG 45.2 Blue EXT/OR/FG,JR12V-50W/FG 45.2 Orange EXT/MG/FG,JR12V-50W/FG 45.2 Magenta NEODYMIUM2-PinBase–GX5.3 EXZ/NNEODYMIUMCOATED 47.0 ––– WHITESTAR™ POPSTAR™ Whitestar™4200Klampwasdesignedtoprovidea full spectrum MR-16 for display and task lighting. This high color temperature lamp projects a high luminous intensity with low ultraviolet and infrared emissi ons to p rotect ar twor k a nd valuab le merchandise. 50 Color Temp K 50 Angle Beam Spread MaxCP cd Avg Life h 36º 36º 24o 36o 12o 36o 24o 12o Flood Flood NarrowFlood Flood Spot Flood NarrowFlood Spot 600 500 2000 1200 5000 600 1100 3300 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 12o 12o 12o 12o 12o 12o Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot Spot 9000 2000 4400 2200 5000 4400 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 24o NarrowFlood 2000 2000 NEODYMIUM TheEXZ/NneodymiumcoatedEXZreducesyellow content,enhancingreds,blues,andpurples. 50 OAL OAL GU5.3 OAL GX5.3 69 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN HALOGEN LAMPS • MR-16 REFLECTOR JDR SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • 50mm Dichroic Coated Reflector • Line Voltage - 120 Volt • Operate Base Up Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 100 1002223 1001032 1001030 1001033 1001013 1001011 1001016 1001834 1001022 1001031 1001836 1001029 1001014 1001012 1001017 MinicanScrewBase-E11 JDR120V-100W/FL36 IntermediateScrewBase-E17 JDR120V-75WL/SP14 FSA JDR120V-75WL/NFL24 FSB JDR120V-75WL/FL38 FSD JDR120V-100WL/SP12 FSC JDR120V-100WL/NFL24 FSE JDR120V-100WL/FL38 FSF MediumScrewBase-E26 JDR120V-75WL/SP14 JDR120V-75W/NFL20/FG* JDR120V-75WL/NFL24 JDR120V-75WL/FL30 JDR120V-75W/FL30/FG* JDR120V-100WL/SP10 JDR120V-100WL/NFL20 JDR120V-100WL/FL30 75 75 75 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 75 100 100 100 ANSI Code • Mini Candelabra Screw Base • Intermediate Screw Base • Medium Screw Base Dimensions OAL mm Angle Beam Spread MaxCP cd Color Temp K Avg Life h 50 36o Wide 3000 3000 2000 75 75 75 75 75 75 14o 24o 38o 14o 24o 38o Narrow Medium Wide Narrow Medium Wide 5000 1800 1300 7100 4200 2800 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 14o 20o 24o 30o 30o 10o 20o 30o Narrow Medium Medium Wide Wide Narrow Medium Wide 5000 2800 2800 2100 2100 6300 4200 2500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 *Frontglassversionsavailable 50 50 50 OAL OAL OAL E11 E17 E26 E11 E17 E26 70 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • TUNGSTEN INCANDESCENT & HALOGEN LAMPS PARABOLIC ALUMINIZED REFLECTOR PAR SERIES • Only for Use in Approved Enclosed Halogen Fixtures • PAR46 - 5 3/4” Diameter; PAR56 - 7” Diameter; PAR64 - 8” Diameter • Operate in Any Position Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 200 200 300 300 500 500 500 1001441 1001439 1001453 1001457 1001282 1001281 1001284 1001495 1001493 1001497 1000519 1000520 1000521 1000522 PAR46w/MediumSideProngs-Incandescent 200PAR46/3NSP 143.1 101.6 200PAR46/3MFL 142.3 101.6 PAR56–MogulEndProng(GX16d)Base 300PAR56/MFL 178.6 127.0 300PAR56/WFL 178.6 127.0 Q500PAR56/NSP 178.6 127.0 Q500PAR56/MFL 178.6 127.0 Q500PAR56/WFL 178.6 127.0 PAR64–ExtendedMogulEndProng(GX16d)Base 500PAR64/NSP 205.7 152.4 500PAR64/MFL 205.7 152.4 500PAR64/WFL 205.7 152.4 FFN,PAR64/VNSP 205.7 152.4 FFP,PAR64/NSP 205.7 152.4 FFR,PAR64/MFL 205.7 152.4 FFS,PAR64/WFL 205.7 152.4 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 Dimensionsmm Dia OAL (A) (B) Approx Approx Approx FieldAngle FieldBeam FieldLumens lm3 Beam Spread Color Temp K Ave Life h Degrees1 Degrees2 ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– NarrowSpot MediumFlood 2750 2750 2000 2000 34x19 57x27 32x15 42x20 66x34 23x11 37x18 13x8 26x10 44x20 2100 2200 4000 4800 6400 2750 2750 2950 2950 2950 2000 2000 4000 4000 4000 ––– ––– ––– 24x10 26x14 44x21 71x45 ––– ––– ––– 12x6 14x7 28x12 48x24 6500 6500 6500 11000 12000 14000 19000 2850 3000 2850 3150 3150 3150 3150 2000 2000 2000 800 800 800 800 MediumFlood WideFlood NarrowSpot MediumFlood WideFlood NarrowSpot MediumFlood WideFlood VeryNarrowSpot NarrowSpot MediumFlood WideFlood BeamSpreadat10%peakcandlepower BeamSpreadat50%peakcandlepower 3 Measuredwithinfieldangle 1 2 OAL OAL OAL A A A Medium Side Prongs Mogul End Prong GX16d Extended Mogul End Prong GX16d 71 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • FLUORESCENT BLACKLIGHT BLUE BLACKLIGHT BLUE FLUORESCENT LAMPS • Linear Fluorescent Lamps • High CRI Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Dimensionsmm Dia OAL (A) (B) Current A Volts V Spectral Peak (nm) UV Output (W) Avg Life h Base BLACKLIGHTBLUET-5DIAMETER 4.5 3000106 F4T5BLB 15.5 134.5 0.170 29 306 0.5 3000 G5 6 7.2 9.5 15.0 18.0 30.5 36.0 19 39.5 7.0 9.0 18.0 3000111 3000116 3000305 3000078 3000307 3000148 3000308 3000306 3000138 3000330 3000325 3000327 F6T5BLB 15.5 F8T5BLB 15.5 BLACKLIGHTBLUET-8DIAMETER F10T8BLB 25.5 F15T8BLB 25.5 F18T8BLB 25.5 F30T8BLB 25.5 F36T8BLB* 25.5 BLACKLIGHTBLUET-10DIAMETER F20T10/BLB* 32.5 F40T10/BLB/R(RAPIDSTART)32.5 BLACKLIGHTBLUE,COMPACT FPX7BLB 28.0 FPX9BLB 28.0 FPX18KBLB 40.0 210.5 287.0 0.160 0.145 42 57 368 368 1.0 1.2 3000 3000 G5 G5 330.0 436.0 588.5 893.0 1198.0 0.230 0.305 0.370 0.355 0.430 46 55 57 99 103 368 368 368 368 368 1.5 2.6 3.7 6.3 8.1 4000 4000 4000 4000 8000 G13 G13 G13 G13 G13 588.5 1198.0 0.360 0.420 58 106 368 368 3.7 8.1 4000 5000 G13 G13 115.0 145.0 225.0 0.180 0.180 0.375 45 59 58 368 368 368 1.0 1.4 3.3 4000 4000 4000 G23 G23 2G11 *Preheat B A B 20.0 13.0 B T5 Miniature Bi Pin G5 Base A A A B T8 & T10 Medium Bi Pin G13 Base G23 Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 2G11 72 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • COLORED METAL HALIDE LAMPS • SINGLE & DOUBLE ENDED COLORLITE™ SERIES PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage84. • Consistent Color • High Color Saturation • No Color Filter or Gels Required for Fixture • 6,000 Hours Useful Life Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Lamp Dimensionsmm Luminous ANSI Burn Case Volts Current Dia MOL LCL Flux Wavelength Saturation Ballast/ Position Qty A (A) (B) (C) lm nm % Fixture 250 250 250 250 400 400 400 1000 5001484 5001485 5001486 5001487 5000947 5000946 5000948 5001189 SingleEnded–E39MogulScrewBase UHI-S250/E39/BLUE ––– 3.00 UHI-S250/E39/GREEN ––– 3.00 UHI-S250/E39/MAGENTA ––– 3.00 UHI-S250/E39/ORANGE ––– 3.00 ––– 3.25 UHI-S400BL,BLUE UHI-S400GR,GREEN ––– 3.25 UHI-S400MG,MAGENTA ––– 3.25 UHI-S1000BL,BLUE ––– 4.10 1000 150 150 150 150 175 175 175 175 150 150 150 150 5001188 5001453 5001452 5001498 5001499 5001455 5001454 5001500 5001501 5000821 5000822 5000823 5000824 UHI-S1000GR,GREEN ––– 4.10 SingleEnded–E26MediumScrewBase UHI-S150/E26/BLUE ––– 1.80 UHI-S150/E26/GREEN ––– 1.80 UHI-S150/E26/MAGENTA ––– 1.80 UHI-S150/E26/ORANGE ––– 1.80 UHI-S175/E26/BLUE ––– 1.50 UHI-S175/E26/GREEN ––– 1.50 UHI-S175/E26/MAGENTA ––– 1.50 UHI-S175/E26/ORANGE ––– 1.50 DoubleEnded–RX7sBase UHI-150BL,BLUE 95 1.80 UHI-150GR,GREEN 95 1.80 UHI-150MG,MAGENTA 95 1.80 UHI-150OR,ORANGE 95 1.80 RecommendedIgnitionVoltage:4kV *Needignitorwith4kV Lampshouldbeswitchedoffforatleast15minutes/week 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 225 225 225 225 275 275 275 150 150 150 150 175 175 175 5400 21000 11000 17000 8000 35000 21000 465 530 -560 595 465 535 -500 66 50 29 54 66 63 25 M80/E* M80/E* M80/E* M80/E* M59/E M59/E M59/E 76 76 340 340 220 220 22000 92000 455 535 61 60 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 23 23 23 23 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 132 132 132 132 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 3900 12500 7500 11200 3900 12500 7500 11200 470 530 -530 600 470 530 -530 600 66 66 66 66 3000 9500 8000 10000 465 535 -515 595 ! 70 46 43 54 70 46 43 54 M102/E M102/E M102/E M102/E M57/E M57/E M57/E M57/E Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 56 50 33 60 M81/E M81/E M81/E M81/E H±45o H±45o H±45o H±45o 10 10 10 10 6 6 /E=EnclosedFixtureRequired ! 1000W Useonlyinfixturesinstalledwithtemperedsafetyglass. ! Useonlyinfixturesinstalledwithsafetyglass ! 400W ! 250W ! 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 M47/E M47/E Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ H±60o H±60o ! " AverageLife: RX7s–150W =6000hours ED17–150W,175W=6000hours T15–250W,400W = 8000hours T25–1000W =6000hours " 150W & 175W " " ! # 150W # # ! " # " # " " # " # # RX7s (T7) # ! # " E26 (ED1717) E39 (T15) E39 (T15) E39 (T25) Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 73 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • COMPACT METAL HALIDE LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED EUROSPOT™ UHI SERIES • Color Stable • High Efficacy - 80 Lm/W • Long Life - 10,000 Hours Average • Compact Design Watts Ushio Ordering Code PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage84. • 80 Color Rendering Index • UV Protection Ushio LampCode Volts Amps Dimensionsmm Dia OAL LCL Arc (A) (B) (C) Gap Color Temp K Luminous Flux lm Avg Life h* Ballast 75 5000439 G12Axial-Arc99mm,Longlength UHI-S75DW/UVP 95 0.9 23 99 56 8.5 3000 6000 10000 M98/E 150 150 5000950 5000875 UHI-S150DW/A/UVP UHI-S150DM/A/UVP 95 95 1.8 1.8 23 23 99 99 56 56 6.5 6.5 3000 4200 13000 13000 10000 10000 M102/E M102/E BurnPosition:Universal360º RecommendedIgnitionVoltage:4kV Lampshouldbeswitchedoffforatleast15minutes/week /E=EnclosedFixtureRequired Useonlyinfixturesinstalledwithsafetyglass USHIOhasincorporatedanaxialarc-tubewhichnotonlyincreasesrawlumen output,butallowslighttobemoreefficientlycollectedwithinareflector LampCodeSuffixDesignation DWS = WarmWhite,Shorterversion DW = WarmWhite DMS = CoolWhite,Shorterversion DM = CoolWhite Axial,lowstraylight portion:approximately30%higher luminousefficiencycanbeattained byaxialarrangement Transverse,highstraylight portion;straylightleadsto dazzleorloss A A A C B B C B C G12 G12 G12 G12 Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 74 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • CERAMIC METAL HALIDE LAMPS • SINGLE & DOUBLE ENDED CERAMIQUE™ SERIES PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage84. • High Color Rendering - 80 CRI • Ceramique Arc Tube • Consistent Color • Long Life Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 39 70 70 150 150 70 70 5001320 5001321 5001322 5001323 5001324 5001410 5001316 SingleEnded–G12Base CMS-39/T4.5/830/G12 CMS-70/T6/830/G12 CMS-70/T6/942/G12 CMS-150/T6/830/G12 CMS-150/T6/942/G12 DoubleEnded–RX7sBase CMD-70/TD/828/RX7S CMD-70/TD/830/RX7S 0.50 0.98 0.98 1.85 1.85 0.90 0.90 14.5 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 20.0 20.0 100 100 100 110 110 C-to-C 114.2 114.2 70 150 150 5001317 5001318 5001319 CMD-70/TD/942/RX7S CMD-150/TD/830/RX7S CMD-150/TD/942/RX7S 0.90 1.80 1.80 20.0 23.0 23.0 114.2 132.0 132.0 Lamp Current A Dimensionsmm Dia MOL LCL (A) (B) (C) Color Temp K Luminous Flux lm Avg Life h ANSI Ballast/Fixture 56 56 56 56 56 3000 3000 4200 3000 4200 3400 6200 6400 14000 13000 10000 12000 12000 12000 12000 M130/E M85/E,M98/E,M139/E M85/E,M98/E,M139/E M81/E,M102/E,M142/E M81/E,M102/E,M142/E ––– ––– 2800 3000 6500 7000 8000 15000 M85/E,M98/E,M139/E ––– ––– ––– 4200 3000 4200 7000 14500 12500 15000 15000 15000 M85/E,M98/E,M139/E M85/E,M98/E,M139/E M81/E,M102/E,M142/E M81/E,M102/E,M142/E /E=EnclosedFixtureRequired BurnPosition: G12Base:Universal360º RX7sBase:Horizontal±45º RecommendedIgnitionVoltage:4kV Lampshouldbeswitchedoffforatleast15minutes/week Useonlyinfixturesinstalledwithsafetyglass 39W A 70W A A 150W A A 70W A A B A B RX7s C BC B C BC B C BC 150W B A B G12 G12 G12 G12 G12 G12 A B RX7s G12 G12 G12 Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 75 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • UV METAL HALIDE • DOUBLE ENDED MHL SERIES PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage84. • Recessed Single Contact Base - R7s • For Blacklight Special Effects • Only Use in UV Protective Housing! Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode Volts 70 150 250 450 1200 5001468 5001381 5000089 5000114 5000062 SingleEndedMetalHalide MHL-70 95 MHL-150 95 DoubleEndedMetalHalide MHL-250 125 MHL-450 140 MHL-1000/1 135 Dimensionsmm SpectralRange Dia OAL LCL (A) (B) (C) Arc Length (D) Base Contact Avg Life h 300-450NM 300-450nm 23.0 1 02 23.0 102 56 56 — — G12 G12 — — 500 500 300-450nm 300-450nm 350-370nm 15.5 68 16.3 105 23.0 147 — — — 15.5 31.0 68.0 RSC RSC RSC R7s R7s R7s 500 500 500 250W A 70W & 150W A D B 450W, 600W & 1200W A A C B D D B B G12 R7s Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 76 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • METAL HALIDE LAMPS • DOUBLE ENDED UMI & SMH SERIES PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage84. • High Brightness • 5600K Daylight Color Temperature Watts Ushio Ordering Code 575 1200 1200 2500 5000250 5000235 5000234 5000241 4000 6000 300 5000245 5000251 5000962 Ushio LampCode Volts Arc Amps Gap UMISeries–DoubleEndedMetalHalide • UMI-575/GS 95 7.0 UMI-1200/HB 100 13.8 • UMI-1200/GS 100 13.8 • UMI-2500/GS 115 25.6 UMI-4000 200 24.0 UMI-6000 125 55.0 SMHSeries–DoubleEndedMetalHalide SMH-300/A1(HTI300W/DX) 95 3.6 Dimensionsmm Dia LCL OAL (A) (B) (C) Luminous Color Flux Temp lm K Avg Life h BaseType SFc10-4M4 SFc10-4M4 SFc15.5-60.5 SFa21-12 SFa21-12•• 7 7 10 14 21 21 27 30 115 115 180 290 145 145 220 355 49000 110000 110000 240000 5600 5600 5600 5600 750 750 750 500 34 20 38 52 340 ––– 405 450 410000 650000 5600 5600 500 300 5.5 17 ––– 92 22000 5600 1000 Burn Position 25.4x50.8 Any Any Any H+15o H+15o H+15o SFc10-4 H+15o •GapShortVersion ••165mm(x2)leadwirewith8mmdiameterringterminal C C A A C B C B A UMI-575/GS UMI-1200/GS, HB C B C C A B A A C B B A B C C A B UMI-2500/GS UMI-4000 B C A A C A C A A UMI-6000 SMH-300/A1 Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 77 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • METAL HALIDE LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED USR SERIES PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage84. • Compact Design • High Brightness • Daylight Color Temperature • Universal Burn Position Watts Ushio Ordering Code 400 575 575 700 700 1200 1200 1200 2500 4000 5002007 5000283 5002008 5002009 5002010 5000278 5002012 5002013 5000280 5002014 Ushio LampCode Volts Arc Gap SingleEndedMetalHalide USR-400/SA 54 USR-575/BE 95 USR-575/2 95 USR-700/2 72 USR-700/SA 72 USR-1200HR 100 USR-1200/SA 100 USR-1200/2 90 USR-2500HR 115 USR-4000HR 200 A A 3 7 7 8 4 11 7 10 14 20 NominalDimensionsmm Dia LCL OAL (A) (B) (C) 17 30 28 28 18 42 28 38.5 60 75 35 70 63 73 37 107 59 112 127 127 A A A A B B B B C C USR-400/SA USR-700/SA 76.0 145 121 149 79.5 200 131 169 240 250 C C B B USR-575BE Luminous Flux lm Color Temp K Avg Life h BaseType 30000 49000 49000 55000 54000 110000 96000 105000 240000 380000 5500 5600 7200 7200 5600 5600 5600 7200 5600 6000 A A 500 750 1000 1000 500 750 750 800 500 500 GY9.5 G22 GX9.5 G22/28X42 GY9.5 G38 GY22 G22/30X53 G38 G38 B B C C USR-575/2 C C USR-700/2 USR-1200/2 A A A A A A A A B B C C USR-1200/SA B B USR-1200 HR B B C C USR-2500 HR B B C C C C USR-4000 HR Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 78 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • METAL HALIDE LAMPS • SINGLE ENDED USD SERIES PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage84. • Compact Design • High Luminous Efficacy • Excellent Color • Universal Burn Position Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 5002002 5002003 5002004 5002005 5002006 SingleEndedMetalHalide USD-200 68 USD-250/2 90 USD-575 95 USD-700 72 USD-1200 115 200 250 575 700 1200 Volts Amps 2.95 3.6 6.1 11 25.6 Dimensionsmm Dia OAL (A) (B) 23 23 30 40 41 108 108 125 175 183 Arc Gap (C) 5.0 5.0 8.0 10.0 14.0 Initial Lumens lm Color Temp K Avg Life h Base Type Fig No 13500 17000 45000 55000 92000 6000 8500 6000 6000 6000 2000 2000 3000 3000 2000 GY9.5 GY9.5 GX9.5 G22 G22 1 1 1 2 2 A A B C C B Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 79 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • METAL HALIDE LAMPS • WITH REFLECTOR MHR SERIES PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage84. • Cold Mirror Reflector • Compact Design • Standard AMP Connector Watts 100 100 150 250 Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 5000789 5000790 5000834 5001377 AMPConnector MHR-100D/L MHR-100D/HR MHR-150N MHR-250N Volts 95 95 95 100 Ignition Voltage kV Lamp Current A 4 4 4 4 1.2 1.2 1.8 3.0 LuminousFluxthroughAperature ø13mm ø10mm ø25mm distance42mm distance44mm distance33mm lm* lm* lm** 1600 1600 2000 3500 1800 1800 2200 — Optimaldistancefromreflectortofiber (withø13mmfiberbundle): 100W&150W: 42mm 250W: 53mm 4600 4600 5300 — Color Temp K CRI Avg Life h ANSI Ballast/ Fixture 5200 5200 4200 4200 72 72 75 72 6000 6000 6000 4000 M90/E M90/E M81/E M80/E /E=EnclosedFixtureRequired *Measurementtakenwithopticalsphere **Measurementtakenthroughfiberbundle ▲ (ø13mm;distance53mm) LengthofBaseLeadWire:Approx.75mm BaseType:AMPUniversalMate-N-Lok MHR-100D/L: 3channelplug MHR-100D/HR: 5channelplug MHR-150N: 5channelplug MHR-250N: 5channelplug BurnPosition:Leadwirefacingup BurnPosition:Leadwirefacingup ø89mm max ø70±0.5mm ø62mm 70mm max Polarization Rib Polarization Rib 82mm max MHR-100D/L MHR-100D/HR MHR-150N Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws MHR-250N Ballast&IgnitorInformation At the end of their lifetime, metal halide lamps may show rectifier effects causing a rise in current of up to 3 times of the rated value thereby posssibly damaging the ballast. Therefore we recommend to use only ballasts with integrated thermoswitch. For line compensation, a capacitor should be used. It is recommended to use ignitors with a timer switch. The use of electronicballastsispossibleiftheoperatingfrequencyisbelow250Hz.Alllampsmustbeused with4kVignitor. MHR-100D/L Warm-upTimeto95%luminousflux:2.5minuteswithstandardballast ReignitionTime:Approximately1minute MHR-100D/HR Warm-upTimeto95%luminousflux:2.5minuteswithstandardballast Hotre-strikeversion MHR-150N Warm-upTime:3minutes Warning! ReignitionTime:Approximately2minutes ThelampemitsUVradiationwhichcan MHR-250N cause serious eye and skin damage. Warm-upTime:10minutes Therefore,thelampmustbeusedonly inclosedlamphouses. 80 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • LAMP SOCKETS Sockets for Single and Double Ended Quartz Halogen Lamps Description OrderCode LeadWireSpec Volts Amps LampType Sockets for Single Ended Halogen Lamps Miniature Bipin –– 4.0mm Pin Spacing G4Base––0.7mmPinDiameter 1000108 1000109 C-21 C-14A 1.00X150L(TeflonLeads) 24V 3A JC,MR-11 GZ4Base––1.0mmPinDiameter C-14B 0.75X150L 24V 3A JC Miniature 2-Pin (Blade) Base –– 5.33mm Pin Spacing 1000111 G5.3-4.8Base––0.5mmx4.8mmPinDimensions C-21 2.50X150L 125V 6A JCR/M-50,75,10W C-33U C-5 S-221 C-5Y S-331 J-6A J-7 J-11 2-Pin Base –– 5.33mm Pin Spacing 1002142 1000114 1000115 1001414 GX5.3orGU5.3Base––1.6mmPinDiameter C-33U 0.75X150L 24V 7A MR-16,GU5.3 C-5 1.25X160L 125V 15A JCD,MR-16 C-5(A) 1.25X300L 125V 15A JCD,MR-16 S-221 (rimmount) Oval 2-Pin Base –– 5.33mm Pin Spacing 1000116 1001415 C-5Y S-331 GY5.3Base––1.56mmFlatPin 1.25x160L 125V 15A JCR-MR-16 (rimmount) G6.35 Base –– 6.35mm Pin Spacing G6.35Base––1.0mmPinDiameter 0.75X145L 125V 10A JC,JCR G6.35Base––1.25mmPinDiameter J-11(A) 1.25X160L 125V 10A JC,JCR GY6.35Base––1.25mmPinDiameter J-6B 0.75X145L 125V 10A JC G6.35/15X19Base––1.6mmPinDiameter J-7 250V 10A JC,JCD GZ6.35Base––1.0mmPinDiameter J-11 0.75X160L 125V 10A JC,JCR 1000687 J-6A 1000681 1000688 1000689 1000680 2-Pin Vented Base –– Low Voltage –– 7.92mm Pin Spacing GX7.9Base––3.2mm,2.4mmPinDiameters 1001413 S-201 JCR-MR-14 S-201 89 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • LAMP SOCKETS Sockets for Single and Double Ended Quartz Halogen Lamps Description OrderCode LeadWireSpec Volts Amps LampType Sockets for Single Ended Halogen Lamps Medium 2-Pin Base –– 9.53mm Pin Spacing 1002225 1000106 1000112 1000113 1000679 G9.5Base-3.17mmPinDiameter 3.17ContactsforJ-10Socket250V 10A C-10 1.25X300L 125V 10A C-3 1.25X300L 125V 10A C-3(A) 1.25X1000L 125V 10A J-10 250V 10A JCD,JCV JCD,JCV JCD,JCV JCD,JCV C-10 C-3 J-9G J-10 G-12/3801 G-22 G-38 C16 P28S J-1 C8 J-3A 2-Pin Prefocus Base –– 9.53mm Pin Spacing GY9.5Base––3.2mm,2.4mmPinDiameters 1002222 ContactsforJ-9GSocket 250V 10A 1000690 1003123 1002162 J-9G 250V J-9G/4 W/4”ULLeadwire 250V J-9G/PTA 3.17Terminals 250V 10A 10A 10A JCD JCD 2-Pin Base –– 12.0mm Pin Spacing G12Base––2.35mmPinDiameter 1000638 G12/3801ScrewFixing 230L UHI 2-Pin Base –– 22.22mm Pin Spacing 1003149 G22 G22Base––6.35mmPinDiameter 1000V 20A JS 2-Pin Base –– 38.1mm Pin Spacing 1003150 G38 G38Base––11.1mmPinDiameter 1000V 40A JS Minican Screw Base E11Base––10.7mmDiameterScrew 1000683 J-12CS(A) 0.75X150LUL 125V 6A 1001264 P28Base––27.4mmBaseDiameter P28S LampSocket 250V 10A JCV Medium Prefocus Base JCS,JS Sockets for Double Ended Halogen Lamps Recessed Single Contact Base 1000110 1000117 1000677 1000686 C-16 C-8 J-1 J-3A R7SBase––7.0mmBaseDiameter W/OLeads 250V 10A 2.00X150L 250V 10A 2.00X300LUL 250V 10A W/OLeads 220V 6A J,JP,JPD J,JP,JPD J,JP,JPD J,JP,JPD 90 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • OTHER LAMPS AVAILABLE FROM USHIO Other Lamps Available from 91 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • NOTES 92 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • METAL HALIDE • SINGLE ENDED PULSESTRIKE™ SERIES • Formed Arc Tube Body • High Efficacy • Faster Warm-up Time • Faster Re-strike Time Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 5001340 5001341 5001342 5001343 5001344 5001345 5001346 5001347 5001412 5001413 5001414 5001415 5001348 5001349 5001350 5001351 5001352 5001353 5001354 5001355 5001356 5001357 5001358 5001359 MediumScrewBase–E26 MH70/U/MED/32/PS MH70/C/U/MED/32/PS MP70/U/MED/32/PS MP70/C/U/MED/32/PS MH70/U/MED/42/PS MH70/C/U/MED/42/PS MP70/U/MED/42/PS MP70/C/U/MED/42/PS MH100/U/MED/32/PS MH100/C/U/MED/32/PS MP100/U/MED/32/PS MP100/C/U/MED/32/PS MH100/U/MED/40/PS MH100/C/U/MED/40/PS MP100/U/MED/40/PS MP100/C/U/MED/40/PS MH150/U/MED/32/PS MH150/C/U/MED/32/PS MP150/U/MED/32/PS MP150/C/U/MED/32/PS MH150/U/MED/42/PS MH150/C/U/MED/42/PS MP150/U/MED/42/PS MP150/C/U/MED/42/PS BurnCycle: *11hoursON,1hourOFF **120hoursON,1hourOFF (Lampshouldbeswitchedofffor atleast15minutesperweek) PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage82. • Better Lumen Maintenance • Better Color Performance & Uniformity • Long Life • Universal Burn Position Bulb Type Color Temp K Initial Lumens Vert/Horiz BurnPosition Approx MeanLumens Vert/Horiz BurnPosition Avg Life h ANSI Ballast/ Fixture Case Qty ED17 ED17 EDX17 EDX17 ED17 ED17 EDX17 EDX17 ED17 ED17 EDX17 EDX17 ED17 ED17 EDX17 EDX17 ED17 ED17 EDX17 EDX17 ED17 ED17 EDX17 EDX17 3200 3200 3200 3200 4200 4200 4200 4200 3200 3200 3200 3200 4000 4000 4000 4000 3200 3200 3200 3200 4200 4200 4200 4200 6000/5250 5700/5050 5500/5200 5200/4800 6000/4850 5700/4650 5500/5150 5200/4800 9200/8550 8700/8100 8800/8400 8200/7900 8500/8100 8000/7650 8100/8050 7600/7500 14000/12500 13500/12000 13300/12400 12800/11600 14000/12100 13500/11600 12300/12200 11700/11400 4100/3400 3900/3200 4100/3300 3900/3100 4100/3150 3900/2950 4000/3550 3800/3400 6000/5750 5750/5450 5700/5575 5600/5500 5300/5100 5000/4800 4900/4800 4800/4650 9400/8600 9100/8200 9200/8300 8900/8100 9700/9600 9600/9400 9500/9400 9600/9300 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* 15000* M98/E M98/E M98/O M98/O M98/E M98/E M98/O M98/O M90/E M90/E M90/O M90/O M90/E M90/E M90/O M90/O M102/E M102/E M102/O M102/O M102/E M102/E M102/O M102/O 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Alldimensionsshownininchesunlessotherwisenoted. /E=EnclosedFixtureRequired/O=OpenFixturePermissible BulbType Clear Coated ColorRenderingIndex: ø 2.13 in ø 54 mm 3200K&4000K—70CRI 4200K—75CRI ø 2.13 in ø 54 mm 5.43 in 138 mm 5.43 in 138 mm 3.39 in 86 mm Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 68 ED17 /E = Enclosed fixtures only 3.39 in 86 mm EDX17 /O = Open or Enclosed fixtures Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • METAL HALIDE • SINGLE ENDED PULSESTRIKE™ SERIES • Formed Arc Tube Body • High Efficacy • Faster Warm-up Time • Faster Re-strike Time PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage82. • Better Lumen Maintenance • Better Color Performance & Uniformity • Long Life • Universal Burn Position Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 250 250 250 250 320 320 5001360 5001361 5001362 5001363 5001364 5001365 MogulScrewBase–E39,EX39 MH250/U/MOG/40/PS MH250/C/U/MOG/40/PS MP250/U/MOG/40/PS MP250/C/U/MOG/40/PS MH320/U/MOG/40/PS MH320/C/U/MOG/40/PS 320 320 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 5001366 5001367 5001368 5001369 5001370 5001371 5001372 5001373 5001374 5001375 MP320/U/MOG/40/PS MP320/C/U/MOG/40/PS MH350/U/MOG/40/PS MH350/C/U/MOG/40/PS MP350/U/MOG/40/PS MP350/C/U/MOG/40/PS MH400/U/MOG/40/PS MH400/C/U/MOG/40/PS MP400/U/MOG/40/PS MP400/C/U/MOG/40/PS Color Temp K Initial Lumens Vert/Horiz BurnPosition Approx MeanLumens Vert/Horiz BurnPosition Avg Life h ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 25000/23500 23500/22000 26000/24500 24000/22500 32500/31500 30800/29600 19000/17500 18000/16500 19500/18200 18000/16800 25500/25000 24000/23000 15000*/20000** 15000*/20000** 15000*/20000** 15000*/20000** 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** M153/E M153/E M153/O M153/O M154/E M154/E 12 12 12 12 12 12 ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 ED28 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 32500/30500 30000/28500 37000/35500 35500/33800 39000/36500 37000/34500 39000/40000 37000/39000 42000/41000 39500/40500 23000/22000 21500/20500 28000/27000 27000/26000 29000/26500 27000/24000 30000/32000 29000/31000 30000/30500 30000/29500 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** 20000*/30000** M154/O M154/O M131/E M131/E M131/O M131/O M155/E M155/E M155/O M155/O 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Bulb Type BulbType Clear Coated BurnCycle: *11hoursON,1hourOFF **120hoursON,1hourOFF (Lampshouldbeswitchedofffor atleast15minutesperweek) Alldimensionsshownininchesunlessotherwisenoted. /E=EnclosedFixtureRequired/O=OpenFixturePermissible ColorRenderingIndex:70CRI ED28 /E = Enclosed fixtures only ED28 /O = Open or Enclosed fixtures ø 3.54 in ø 90 mm ø 3.54 in ø 90 mm 8.31 in 211 mm 5.0 in 127 mm ANSI Case Ballast/ Qty Fixture 8.31 in 211 mm 5.0 in 127 mm Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 69 METAL HALIDE • SINGLE ENDED PULSESTRIKE™ SERIES • T15 Shape Formed Arc Tube Body • High Efficacy • Faster Warm-up Time • Faster Re-strike Time PleaseseeSafetyand HandlingInstructions onpage82. • Better Lumen Maintenance • Better Color Performance & Uniformity • Long Life • Universal Burn Position Watts Ushio Ordering Code Ushio LampCode 250 320 350 400 5001510 5001511 5001512 5001513 MogulScrewBase–E39 MH250/T15/40/PS MH320/T15/40/PS MH350/T15/40/PS MH400/T15/40/PS Bulb Type Color Temp K T15Clear T15Clear T15Clear T15Clear 4000 4000 4000 4000 Approx InitialLumens Horiz+15O Vertical BurnPosition BurnPosition 25000 32000 35000 40000 23750 30400 33250 38000 Avg Life h ANSI Ballast/ Fixture Case Qty 10000* 10000* 10000* 10000* M153/E M154/E M131/E M155/E 12 12 12 12 Alldimensionsshownininchesunlessotherwisenoted. /E=EnclosedFixtureRequired BurnCycle: *11hoursON,1hourOFF (Lampshouldbeswitchedofffor ColorRenderingIndex:70CRI atleast15minutesperweek) 1.81 in 46 mm 9.76 in 248 mm 5.75 in 146 mm E39 Hg-LAMPCONTAINSMERCURY ManageinAccordwithDisposalLaws 70 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • Lamps contained manufactured in under this the publication strict have guidelines been of the International Standards Organization for quality control. Launched in International verification 1987 at Geneva, Standards unified Switzerland, Organization many of the the (ISO) existing quality standards. Purchasing magazine defines ISO 9000 certification as security for the purchaser. It is “a guarantee that a supplier has the ability to provide a quality product or service, and that he will be able to do so whether you purchase it today, next week, or a year from now.” Certification is awarded by independent auditors and proves to customers that a facility meets the quality systems requirements set by the International Organization for Standardization. There are five classes of individual, but related, series on quality management and assurance of ISO standards ranging from 9000 to 9004. Providing guidelines and definitions, the 9000 and 9004 serve as a road map to other standards. Involving terse inspection procedures and a search for weak management links, the 9003 is the most limited. The 9002 rates quality requirements in production, installation, and inspection. Our Harima Factory received ISO-9002 in May of 1993 and is rated globally in the top 200 of this range. The 9001 Certification is the most prestigious, comprehensive, and difficult to obtain; it rates the quality of self-designing companies manufacturing products from scratch, and now includes new product design. Inspection starts with the manufacturing process and is closely scrutinized all the way to the consumer. In 1991, Ushio’s BLV German Subsidiary proudly received the first 9001 certification in the illumination industry. In addition to it’s ISO 9002 certification, Ushio’s Harima factory also acquired ISO 9001 certification in 1994. GRAPHICARTS Cross Reference / Catalog AB Dick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Acti Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Agfa Gevaert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Burgess/Ascor, Berkey, Pako . . . . . . . . .4 Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Crosfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Datagraphix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Dr. Hell. Hell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Howtek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Itek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Kenro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Kodak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 MacBeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Mitsubishi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Multigraphics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 nuArc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Nucographics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Olec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Sandmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Screen USA (DS America) . . . . . . . . . . .8 Simon Omega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Smith Victor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Teaneck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Theimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Visual Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / LAMP # SECTION II SECTION I CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # Agfa Gevaert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Amba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Burgess/Ascor, Berkey, Pako . . . . . . . .14 Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Eskofot. Eskofot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Graphline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Helioprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Itek. Itek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Hanovia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Heraeus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Kenro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Kuhnast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 MacBeth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 nuArc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Olec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 ORC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Philips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Sandmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Starna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Sylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Teaneck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Theimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Thorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Tobias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SECTION III LAMP SPECIFICATIONS Double Ended Recessed Single Contact Single Ended 2-Pin 4-Pin Double Contact Bayonet Single Contact Bayonet Minican Screw Miniature Halogen MR-16 Reflector 50mm Reflector MR-14 Reflector 45mm Reflector PAGE R7s-12 R7s-15 R7s-18 20 27 28 G5.3 G6.35; GX6.35; GY6.35 G9.5; GY9.5 G17t-7 BA15d BA15s E11 PK22s/CA 31 32 33 34 34 34 34 35 GX5.3 GY5.3 GZ6.35 36 37 38 GX7.9 38 Photo Flood & Enlarger E26 39, 41 Quartz Infrared QIH, QR Series 42 Fluorescent 3000K - Warm White 4200K - Cool White 6500K - Daylight Blacklight 5000K - Light Box Lamps 44 45 46 47 48 Metal Halide and Mercury MHL Series Spectral Energy Distribution: Diazo, Multi-Spectrum, Photopolymer processes 49 67 Pulse Xenon UPX Series 68 Short Arc Xenon UXL Series 70 Index by LAMP DESCRIPTION 72 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # MANUFACTURER MODEL # 145 Exposure JP125V-800W 25 Addalux 148 J220V-500WE 22 B1801-20 (5kW) 155 Exposure JP125V-800W 25 B1801-21 (5kW) 157 Exposure JP125V-500WS 22 B1801-22 (5kW) MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # 1406-07 (754-18017) MHL-5000/7 64 1406-03 (754-18025) MHL-1403 57 1406-01 (754-18013) MHL-2000/3 58 1406-02 (754-18014) MHL-2000/2 58 1601-22 (2kW) 1406-03 (754-18025) MHL-1403 57 BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO AB DICK B1801-23 (5kW) B1801-24 (5kW) ACTI PRODUCTS B1801-25 (5kW) Super V Camera FCM 26 B1801-26 (5kW) FDB 27 B1801-27 (5kW) B1801-30 (5kW) AGFA GAVERT B1801-40 (5kW) C 66 RPS1200 12548 EFR 38 B1801-50 (5kW) EFP 38 1401-11 (2kW) J110V-550WB 24 1401-21 (2kW) RPS1218 MINI 1401-52 (2kW) RPS1300 1401-53 (2kW) RPS1600 1601-02 (2kW) RPS2024SA RPS2100 12521 EME 25 1601-12 (2kW) JP225V-525W/HE 23 1601-13 (2kW) J120V-525W 23 1601-14 (2kW) JP245V-525W 23 1601-18 (2kW) 12170101 (BLV) 24 1601-18-50 (2kW) RPS2200 RPS3000 1601-48 (5kW) 1406-04 (754-18015) MHL-5000/4 63 Select Scan DDL 36 1601-49 (2kW) 1406-01 (754-18013) MHL-2000/3 58 11F20-21 JP220V-800WC1 25 1601-50 (2kW) 1406-03 (754-18025) MHL-1403 57 1230 Camera JP225V-550WC 24 1601-50 (5kW) 1406-05 (754-18016) MHL-5000/5 64 1601-51 (2kW) 1406-01 (754-18013) MHL-2000/3 58 BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1601-53 (2kW) Addalux V28-1000 1601-57 (2kW) 10431 MHL-1000/1 56 1601-58 (5kW) 1406-04 (754-18015) MHL-5000/4 63 V28-1200 1601-64 (2kW) 1406-03 (754-18025) MHL-1403 57 V43-1000 1601-65 (5kW) 1406-05 (754-18016) MHL-5000/5 64 V43-1200 1601-65-50 (5kW) 1406-07 (754-18017) MHL-5000/7 64 B1401-24 (5kW) 1406-07 (754-18017) MHL-5000/7 64 5KW-OH (5kW) B1401-50 (5kW) 5KW-SM (5kW) B1401-51 (5kW) 5K-3343 (5kW) B1421-14 (5kW) 5K-3343-W (5kW) B1601-03 (5kW) 5K-3343/755-10084 B1601-23 (5kW) 5K-3545 (5kW) B1801-06 (5kW) 5K-4252 (5kW) B1801-07 (5kW) 5K-4862 (5kW) B1801-08 (5kW) 5K/754/1200A (5kW) B1801-09 (5kW) 5K/754/1201A (5kW) B1801-17 (5kW) 5K/754/1202A (5kW) B1801-18 (5kW) 5K/754/1203A (5kW) B1801-19 (5kW) 4 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # 2-91702-000 DXN 30 2-14009-000 FCB 28 2-91702-000 DXN 30 BROWN 2000 26 MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # V-185 02-6314 FCL 21 V-186 K-Lites 532-0018 EHM 20 V-24 02-6314 FCL 21 20 KENRO V-240 26SP 3000 4000 Spectramatic 650W V-242 2-91702-000 DXN 30 V-243 2-14009-000 FCB 28 186 Superbeam 532-0020 EHZ 2-91702-000 DXN 30 187 02-6314 FCL 21 2-14009-000 FCB 28 JP120V-500WC7 22 8046P DWY/FAB 29 187DM 02-6314 FCL 21 187K 532-0019 FCZ 21 70 240 02-6314 JP120V-500WC7 22 70 241 02-6314 FCL 21 532-0019 FCZ 21 02-6314 JP120V-500WC7 22 241DM 02-6314 FCL 21 243 532-0019 FCZ 21 2600 532-0025 ETB 34 2700 EHR 28 2750 FAD 29 3700 EHR 28 FCZ 21 EHR 28 JP220V-500WC 22 CROSFIELD 636 Color Sep. Scanner 150W Xenon Scanner 150W Xenon (Long Life) UXL-S150M-O UXL-150M-O DATAGRAPHIX 14A ELS/ELR 38 14B DR. HELL Scanner BRL 32 HOWTEK 4150 Scanner EVA 32 4800 Superbeam 532-0019 613 ITEK 7000 1117 190682-001 JP120V-500WC7 22 7100 111800 7350 1218 7400 1518 175 KODAK 190682-001 JP120V-500WC7 22 190682-003 JP240V-500WC1 23 185 190682-001 JP120V-500WC7 22 275 190682-001 JP120V-500WC7 22 190682-003 JP240V-500WC1 23 AA12TQ60CB MX-14 UPX-45 68 400 190682-001 JP120V-500WC7 22 AA24-VL MX-28 UPX-47 69 430 (top) 192531-001 DYH 31 AA7-07-28CB MX-07 UPX-42 68 435 (bottom) 192511-001 FBG/FBD 31 Mark 50-HL MX-50H UPX-50 69 560 198005-001 DVY 31 Mark 50-UL 197632-001 DYR/220V 33 Mark 50-XL 197632-001 DYR/240V 33 190682-001 JP120V-500WC7 22 190682-001 JP120V-500WC7 22 613 615E KENRO V-18 02-6314 FCL IM800 MAC BETH MITSUBISHI CP-100 JCV100V-200WGS 34 CP-310 FCL 21 CP-550 J220V-750WB1 25 CP-800S QR150-1501DSF 43 21 V-184 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 5 CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # MULTIGRAPHICS MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # LY33 MHL-33LY 51 HE-15, VE-677 UPX-56 69 FT40LNS CU-71, VE409 UPX-80 69 FT40UPNS FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 NUARC 835 EXPOSURE JP125V-500WS 22 FT40AP 875 EXPOSURE JP125V-800W 25 FT40APNS 885 EXPOSURE FT40APR FT40APRNS NUARC FT40APRVE BBC1418 VE-959 ENH 37 BBC1418-2 FT18L FT40APRNSVE FT40L HE-15, VE-677 UPX-56 69 FT18L-1 FT18L-2 FT18V-1 GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 FT40UPNSLSP FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 CN-42, VE357 UPX-50 69 FT40UPNSSP FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 HT28 MHL-2000/1 58 HT121 MHL-121HT 51 KM5 use MHL-121HT HT121 MHL-121HT KM5 use MHL-121HT KT38 Replaces KT98 MHL-38KT 51 LY33 MHL-33LY 51 FT46LNS CU-71, VE409 UPX-80 69 FT46UPNS FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 KT38 Replaces KT98 MHL-38KT 51 LY33 MHL-33LY 51 CN-42, VE357 UPX-50 69 FT52LNS CU-71, VE409 UPX-80 69 FT52UPNS FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 FT52UPNSLSP FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 FT52UPNSSP FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 FT18V-2 FT26L FT26LNS FT26V-1 GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 FT40UPSP HT28 MHL-2000/1 58 FT40V2UP FT26V-2 FT26V2UP FT26V2UPNS FT40V2UPNS FT26V2UPNSLSP FT40V2UPNSLSP FT26V2UPSP FT26V3UP FT26V3UPNS FT26VNS-1 FT40V2UPNSSP HT121 MHL-121HT KM5 use MHL-121HT HT121 MHL-121HT KM5 use MHL-121HT GW114 MHL-1000/1 51 FT40V3UP 51 FT40V3UPNS 56 FT26VNS-2 FT40V6UP FT26VNSLSP FT40V6UPNS FT26VNSSP FT46APR FT26VSP FT46APRNS FT32L HE-15, VE-677 UPX-56 69 FT32LNS FT32UP FT32UPNS FT32V2UP FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 FT46V6UP FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 FT46V6UPNS HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 FT52APR HT28 MHL-2000/1 58 FT52APRNS HT121 MHL-121HT 51 KM5 use MHL-121HT FT32V2UPNS FT32V3UP FT32V3UPNS FT40-3UP FT40-3UPNS FT40-3V2UP FT40-3V2UPNS 6 FT40V2UPSP 51 FT52APRVE FT52APRNSVE FT52L HT121 MHL-121HT KM5 use MHL-121HT 51 FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 HT28 MHL-2000/1 58 FT52UPSP Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # FT52UPSP HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 VIP18 FT52V6UP KT38 Replaces KT98 MHL-38KT 51 VIP18-2 NUARC (continued) MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 VE-479 FFM 28 VE-366 FAD 29 VE-479 FFM 28 VV1418BL-6 VE-366 FAD 29 VV1418SS VE-479 FFM 28 VV1418SS-6 VE-366 FAD 29 VE-479 FFM 28 NUARC FT52V6UPNS VIP26 FT66LNS CU-71, VE409 UPX-80 69 VIP26-2 FT66UPNS FS90 MHL-4000/U1 61 VIP26NS HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 VIP26NS-2 GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 VIC1418 N1000-1 N1000-2 VIC1418-15 N1000SP N1500 VIC1418-15-6 HE-15, VE-677 UPX-56 69 N1500-1 VIC1418-25 N1500-2 N750-1 VIC1418-2 VIC1418-6 GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 VV1418 N750-2 VV1418BL NCP22 VV1418BL-2 NCP28 NL43 LY33 MHL-33LY 51 NL52 NU8000P CN-42, VE357 UPX-50 69 VV1418SSBL NUQ2600 VE-366 FAD 29 VV1418SSBL-2 NUQ3200 VE-377 DXX 29 VV1418SSBL-6 VE-366 FAD 29 NUQ3200A VV1418SS-2 VE-479 FFM 28 NUQ4800 VV1418-2 NUQ6400A VV1418-6 VE-366 FAD 29 NUQ5300 VE-366 FAD 29 VV2024M VE-377 DXX 29 OH6000 LY33 MHL-33LY 51 VV2024MBL OH631 VV2024M2 PL6000 VV2024M2BL PL631 VVE1418 VE-479 FFM 28 VE-377 DXX 29 VVE1418-2 VE-377 DXX 29 VE-598 EHP 28 VVE2024M SST1418S VE-377 DXX 29 VVE2024M2 SST1418-1-3 VE-598 EHP 28 1418SC2 VE-366 FAD 29 SST1418-1-4 VE-479 FFM 28 1418SC2-2 VE-377 DXX 29 SST1418-1-6 VE-366 FAD 29 1418SC2-4 VE-479 FFM 28 SST1418-3 VE-598 EHP 28 2024V VE-377 DXX 29 SST1418-6 VE-366 FAD 29 2024VBL SST2024 VE-377 DXX 29 2024V-6 VE-366 FAD 29 26-1K GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 GW114 Diazo MHL-1000/2 56 GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 GW114 Diazo MHL-1000/2 56 SST1418 SST2024C SST2024CS SST2024S 26-1KSP SST2024SB SST2024SBS 3K HT121 MHL-121HT 51 SST3131 32-1K GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 SST3131S 32-1KSP SSTE2024SB 4000UP HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 61 SSTE2024SBS 40-1K GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 7 CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # 40-1K GW114 Diazo MHL-1000 55 40-1KSP GW114 MHL-1000/1 56 GW114 Diazo MHL-1000 55 SANDMAR 40-6K KT38 Replaces KT98 MHL-38KT 51 EX1000 5140-631 LY33 MHL-33LY 51 FX1200 52-6K KT38 Replaces KT98 MHL-38KT 51 FX2400 52-631 LY33 MHL-33LY 51 JA2547 6K KT38 MHL-38KT 51 NUARC (continued) MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE L1261 Multi-Spectrum MHL-261L 53 10431 MHL-1000/1 56 Matchprint L1250 L1250M3 MHL-170LR 52 PL100 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250M3 Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250M3 Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250M3 Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250M3 Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250M3 Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 10431 MHL-1000/1 56 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250M3 Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250M3 Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250M3 Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 BBA-1 BBA 39 OLEC 6000V40F Print Lite Series 6000V46F 6000V52F PL15 6000V66F 66-631 LY33 MHL-33LY 51 NUCOGRAPHICS PL25 PL50 1218 EXPOSURE JP125V-500WS 22 215 EXPOSURE JP125V-800W 25 PL53 375 EXPOSURE PMX2411 OLEC PMX2412 ALKT L1K3 JCV120V-1000WC4 32 Regency II AL1CP L1CP EVA 32 RP2411 L1KS JCV120V-1000WC4 32 L1K3 BRH 30 L6C2 FCB 28 L6C2 FCB 28 AL1KT-K4 DXN 30 AL1KT-K2 FBY 30 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250R Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 AL1CX AL1KT AL1KT-C6 AL100 AL100A RP2820 RP3350 RP3350D T1218 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250R Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 Camera 800W 240V EME 25 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 Camera 1000W 120V FEL 33 L1250R Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 Camera 750W 220V J220V-750WB1 25 AL11KT L1K3 JCV120V-1000WC4 32 Step & Repeat JA12V55WLL/2000HR H3 35 AL16P L6C2 FCB 28 AL25-2 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 L1250R Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 SIMON OMEGA L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 471-027 FDV 32 L1250R Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 471-029 ELC 36 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 471-033 EJV 36 L1250R Matchprint MHL-170LR 52 471-043 ELB 36 AL6CX L6C2 FCB 28 471-400 ESJ 37 AL83 L1280 Diazo MHL-280L 53 L1281Multi-Spectrum MHL-281L 53 L1250 Diazo MHL-170L 52 AL100M AL252M AL2521 Print Lite Series 8 PAGE # SCREEN USA (DS AMERICA) Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # SMITH VICTOR MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 S65-2320 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 S80DS-2322 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 S80-2520 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 S95DS-2324 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THEIMER SV-403-004 DYH 31 S65-2120 SV-591 SV-592 TEANECK TFD-2 L1250 MHL-170L 52 TFD-3 S80DS-2521 TFD-4 TFD-6 S80-2321 TFD-7 TFD-8 THEIMER D61-2150 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 Theimoquick THS 1007 (820197) MHL-1007S 56 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 TU01a (uses 2) KX 10 (823110) UPX-45 68 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 TU03a (uses 4) THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 TU04a (uses 4) KX 30 UPX-47 69 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 TU05a (uses 2) THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 TU07a (uses 4) THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 TU112 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 1007 (820197) MHL-1007S 56 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 TU112/14 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 Multi 4 (3kW) THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 TU1125a/11 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 Multi 6 (5kW) THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 Multi 10 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 KX 10 (823110) UPX-45 68 D61-2155 D70-2152 D70-2157 F61-2300 F70-2303 F70-2308 F70-2502 F70-2505 S95DS-2523 S95-2323 S95-2522 TU112/11 Montakop 3000 Series 5000 Series 7.5kW THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 Spektra-Proof 2000 Series 3000S Series 5000S Series TU1125a/18 TU116 TU117 TU118 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 TU118/11 TU118/14 TU132a (uses 4) Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 9 CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 KX 150 UPX-80 69 THEIMER (continued) TU150 TU16a (1800) MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # TU199/11 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 TU199T THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597 MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1007 (820197) MHL-1007S 56 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THEIMER TU16a/11 (1802) TU212 TU16c (1800) TU16c/11 (1802) TU174 TU174/11 TU175 TU175/11 TU175/14 TU177 TU177T TU178 TU178/11 TU178/14 TU179 TU179/11 TU179/14 TU195 TU195/21 TU195T TU197 TU197/21 TU197T TU199 TU199/11 10 TU212/11 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S 63 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S 64 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S 60 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S 60 TU212T TU222 TU222/14 TU223 TU223/11 TU223/14 TU224 TU224/11 TU225 TU225/11 TU225/14 TU263 TU263/14 TU263/14 Copymat TU403 TU403/24 TU403/T TU404 TU404/24 TU404T Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 TU52a/11 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 Violux THS 1007 (820197) MHL-1007S 56 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 Exposure Frame Systems THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 61 66 THS 5020 (821397) MHL-5020S THS 5020 (822590) 65 MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 Multi 10 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 Violux Super Series THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 1000s Series THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 1007 (820197) MHL-1007S 56 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 5002 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 5002S THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 Xenolux 0T8 KX 150 UPX-80 69 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 1050 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 110-3821 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 110-3826 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 1125 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S 57 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 1007 (820197) MHL-1007S 56 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S 55 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 THEIMER (continued) TU405 TU405/24 TU405T TU406 TU406/24 TU406T TU409/11 TU410 TU410T TU412/11 TU413 TU413T TU415 TU415T TU416 TU416T TU417/11 TU418 TU418T TU419/11 TU421 TU421T TU52a TU52a/11 MANUFACTURER MODEL # THEIMER 1500s Series 3002 3002S 1054 1058 110-3626 1126 1127 125-3640 125-3645 125-3650 125-3655 125-3840 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 11 CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 THEIMER (continued) 125-3845 MANUFACTURER MODEL # 1802S 1804 125-3855 1804S 1340S (TU63c) 1341 (TU63a/11) 1341S (TU63c/11) 1344 1344S 1348 1348S 135-3660 135-3665 135-3670 135-3675 135-3860 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 1808 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 1808S THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 1811 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 1814 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 1818 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 2120 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 2150 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 2152 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 2300 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 2303 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 2502 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 2520 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 3310FS THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 3315FS 3320FS 3325FS 1531S (TU64c) 1534 1538 12 KX 150 UPX-80 69 TH 1000 (820190) MHL-1000 55 TH 3000 (820390) MHL-3001 59 TH 5000 (820596) MHL-5000 63 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 65 34003 KX 10 UPX-45 68 66 34005 KX 22 UPX-46 68 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 34007 KX 30 (821310) UPX-47 69 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 34207 KX 150 (820811) UPX-80 69 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 3510FS THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 3515FS THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 KX 150 UPX-80 69 1801 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 1802 67 MHL-5027S 1800 1801S MHL-8027S MHL-5020S 135-3875 1531 (TU64a/11) THS 8027 (821897) THS 5020 (822590) 135-3870 1530S (TU64c/11) PAGE # THS 5027 (822597) 135-3865 1530 (TU64a) USHIO LAMP CODE THEIMER 125-3850 1340 (TU63a) MANUFACTURER LAMP # 3520FS 3525FS 3530FS 3535FS 3540FS 3545FS 3550FS 3555FS Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / EQUIPMENT MODEL # MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 THEIMER (continued) 3560FS 3565FS 3730-FS MANUFACTURER MODEL # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP CODE PAGE # 95-3620 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 95-3621 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S 67 MP3000T8/6J MHL-3000/3 59 THEIMER 3735-FS 95-3625 95-3630 3740-FS 3745-FS 95-3635 3750-FS 3755-FS 95-3820 3760-FS 95-3825 3765-FS 4600 (uses 4) 95-3830 KX 10 (823110) UPX-45 68 95-3835 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 VISUAL GRAPHICS THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 40-00463-001 FCM 26 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 41-00345-001 QR80-600DSF 43 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 41-00654-001 QR150-1501DSF 43 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 44-00410-203 J220V-500WE 22 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 62-12201-001 EMF 26 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 62-12201-002 EJG 25 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 62-12205-002 BCK 34 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 62-12205-003 FDV 32 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 62-12205-005 DVY 31 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 62-12206-002 FDA 28 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 60-15625-011 ESJ 37 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S 66 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S 61 THS 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S 61 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S 65 4608 (uses 4) 65-3400 65-3405 65-3410 65-3415 65-3600 65-3605 65-3610 65-3615 80-3401 80-3406 80-3601 80-3606 95-3420 95-3425 95-3430 95-3435 95-3620 TOBIAS Akulite Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 13 CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / LAMP # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # AGFA GAVERT MANUFACTURER LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 MHL-1403 Multi-Spectrum 57 MHL-5000/4 Diazo 63 MHL-5000/5 Photopolymer 64 MHL-5000/7 Multi-Spectrum 64 BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO MK3 FCL 21 1406-02 12548 J110-550WB 24 (754-18014) 12010101 (BLV) 24 1406-03 12170101 (BLV) 24 (754-18025) 12521 USHIO LAMP # 1406-04 AMBA (754-18015) AM529X MHL-5000/4 Diazo 63 1406-05 AM535X MHL-1000 Diazo 55 (754-18016) MHL-1007 Multi-Spectrum 56 1406-07 MHL-1000S Diazo 55 (754-18017) MHL-1007S Multi-Spectrum 56 1406-07+240V MHL-5011 Multi-Spectrum 65 AM555XS MHL-2117S Multi-Spectrum 59 1406-457 MHL-5000/2 Multi-Spectrum 63 AM557X MHL-5027 Multi-Spectrum 65 AM563X MHL-5000/5 Photopolymer 64 AM570X MHL-13 Diazo 49 BN2-14009-000 FCB 28 AM571X MHL-15 Diazo 50 BN2-91702-000 DXN 30 AM572X MHL-17 Diazo 50 BN8046 DWY/FAB 29 AM580X MHL-12 Diazo 49 AM583X MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 AM584X MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 AM585X MHL-3000/2 Diazo 59 AM595X MHL-3001 Diazo 59 AM596XS MHL-3001S Diazo 60 AM597X MHL-3007 Multi-Spectrum 60 AM598X MHL-3007S Multi-Spectrum 60 AM604X MHL-4001 Diazo 62 PD110 AM605X MHL-4007 Multi-Spectrum 62 PD113 AM606X MHL-4010 Diazo 62 AM610X MHL-5000 Diazo 63 AM611X MHL-5000S Diazo 63 190682-001 JP120V-500WC7 22 AM612X MHL-5007 Multi-Spectrum 64 190682-003 JP240V-500WC1 23 AM613X MHL-5007S Multi-Spectrum 65 192531-001 DYH 31 AM614X MHL-5020 Diazo 65 192511-001 FBG/FBD 31 AM615X MHL-5020S Diazo 65 197632-001 DYR 33 AM616XS MHL-5027 Multi-Spectrum 65 198005-001 DVY 31 AM617X MHL-5027S Multi-Spectrum 66 AM535XS BROWN ESKOFOT 410-222-000 MHL-900 Multi-Spectrum 55 MHL-900 Multi-Spectrum 55 MHL-1000 Diazo 55 GRAPHLINE 4400-410-222 HELIOPRINT ITEK HANOVIA BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1406-01 (754-18013) 14 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 5339A400 MHL-4000/U2 Photopolymer 61 6413A500 MHL-4000/U1 Multi-Spectrum 61 HF202A11 MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 HF202A12 MHL-121HT Diazo 51 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / LAMP # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # HERAEUS HANOVIA (continued) 51 Q3147 Z4 MHL-3027S Multi-Spectrum 61 Diazo 58 Q3849 Z1 MHL-3000/2 Diazo 59 Photopolymer 64 Q402 Z1 MHL-460 Diazo 54 MHL-38KT Diazo 51 Q402 Z4 MHL-450 Multi-Spectrum 54 HF502C02 MHL-5000/4 Diazo 63 Q408 Z1 MHL-12 Diazo 49 HF502D02 MHL-5000/7 Multi-Spectrum 64 Q408 Z11 HF502F03 MHL-33LY Multi-Spectrum 51 Q4128 Z1 MHL-5000 Diazo 63 HP102C03 MHL-1000 Diazo 55 Q4128 Z4 MHL-5007 Multi-Spectrum 64 HP102D03 MHL-1007 Multi-Spectrum 56 Q4129 Z1 MHL-5000S Diazo 63 HP114A00 MHL-1000/1 Photopolymer 56 Q4129 Z4 MHL-5007S Multi-Spectrum 64 HP302C03 MHL-3001 Diazo 59 Q4137 Z1 MHL-4010 Diazo 62 HP302D03 MHL-3007 Multi-Spectrum 60 Q5125 Z4 MHL-8027S Multi-Spectrum 67 HP502C03 MHL-5000 Diazo 63 Q5138Z1 MHL-5020 Diazo 65 HP502C23 MHL-5020 Diazo 65 Q5527 Z1 MHL-4001 Diazo 62 HP502D03 MHL-5007 Multi-Spectrum 64 Q5527 Z14 MHL-4007 Multi-Spectrum 62 HP502D23 MHL-5027 Multi-Spectrum 65 Q5527 Z4 Q5846 MHL-5000/5 Photopolymer 64 HF202B12 MHL-121HT Diazo HF202C11 MHL-2000/3 HF502A02 MHL-5000/5 HF502B71 HERAEUS Q5846 Z1 MHL-5000/4 Diazo 63 Q1143 Z1 MHL-1000 Diazo 55 Q5846 Z4 MHL-5000/7 Multi-Spectrum 64 Q1143 Z4 MHL-1007 Multi-Spectrum 56 Q6138 Z1 MHL-5020 Diazo 65 Q1148 Z1 MHL-1000 Diazo 55 Q6138 Z4 MHL-5027 Multi-Spectrum 65 Q1148 Z4 MHL-1007 Multi-Spectrum 56 Q6139 Z1 MHL-5020S Diazo 65 Q1154 Z1 MHL-1000S Diazo 55 Q6139 Z4 MHL-5027S Multi-Spectrum 66 Q1154 Z4 MHL-1007S Multi-Spectrum 56 Q725 MHL-1000/1 Photopolymer 56 Q2120 Z1 MHL-3001S Diazo 60 Q727 Z4 MHL-900 Multi-Spectrum 55 Q2120 Z4 MHL-3007S Multi-Spectrum 60 Q2122 Z1 MHL-3001 Diazo 60 Q2122 Z4 MHL-3007 Multi-Spectrum 60 02-6314 FCL 21 Q2123 Z1 MHL-4010 Diazo 62 532-0018 EHM 20 Q2123 Z11 MHL-17 Diazo 50 532-0019 FCZ 21 Q2128 Z1 MHL-3001 Diazo 59 532-0020 EHZ 20 Q2128 Z4 MHL-3007 Multi-Spectrum 60 532-0025 ETB 34 Q2137 Z1 MHL-15 Diazo 50 Q2428 Z11 MHL-13 Diazo 49 JGMH1000-0 MHL-1000 Diazo 55 Q253 Z4 MHL-250 Multi-Spectrum 52 JGMH1020-0 MHL-8027S Multi-Spectrum 67 Q2842 MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 JGMH1060-0 MHL-1000/1 Photopolymer 56 Q2842 Z1 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 JGMH2000-0 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 Q2842 Z4 MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 JGMH2000-8 MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 Q2942-Z1 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 JGMH2030-0 MHL-15 Diazo 50 Q3147 Z1 MHL-3020S Diazo 61 JGMH2130-0 MHL-3000/2 Diazo 59 KENRO KUHNAST Q2137 Z11 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 15 CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / LAMP # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # USHIO LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # OLEC KUHNAST (continued) JGMH3000-0 MHL-3001 Diazo 59 L1CP EVA 32 JGMH3000-7 MHL-3007 Multi-Spectrum 60 L1KS JCV120V-1000WC4 32 JGMH3090-0 MHL-121HT Diazo 51 L1K3 BRH 30 JGMH3090-8 MHL-121HT Diazo 51 L1250 MHL-170L Diazo 52 JGMH4000-0 MHL-4001 Diazo 62 L1250R MHL-170LR Diazo Matchprint 52 JGMH4000-7 MHL-4007 Multi-Spectrum 62 L1261 MHL-261L Photopolymer 53 JGMH500-0S MHL-12 Diazo 49 L1280 MHL-280L Diazo 53 JGMH5000-7 MHL-5007 Multi-Spectrum 64 L1281 MHL-281L Multi-Spectrum 53 JGMH5010-8 MHL-5000/5 Photopolymer 64 L1282 MHL-282L Multi-Spectrum 53 JGMH550-0 MHL-12 Diazo 49 L6C2 FCB 28 ORC MAC BETH MX-07 UPX-42 68 MXA-7000H MHL-7000 Diazo 66 MX-14 UPX-45 68 SMX-7000H MHL-7007 Multi-Spectrum 66 MX-15H UPX-56 69 MX-28 UPX-47 69 MX-50H UPX-50 69 HPA1000/20 MHL-1007 Multi-Spectrum 56 MX-80H UPX-80 69 HPM12 MHL-12 Diazo 49 HPM13 MHL-13 Diazo 49 HPM15 MHL-15 Diazo 50 69 HPM16 MHL-16 Diazo 50 NUARC 16 MANUFACTURER LAMP # PHILIPS CN-42, VE357 UPX-50 CU-71, VE409 UPX-80 69 HPM17 MHL-17 Diazo 50 FS90 MHL-4000/U1 Multi-Spectrum 61 HPM19 (BT) MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 GW114 MHL-1000/1 Photopolymer 56 HPM20 MHL-3000/2 Diazo 59 MHL-1000/2 Diazo 56 HPM30 MHL-30 Diazo 50 69 TL8W54 F8T5/D HE-15, VE-677 UPX-56 HT121 MHL-121HT Diazo 51 46 HT28 MHL-2000/1 Diazo 58 HQ89 MHL-4000/U2 Photopolymer 61 10431 MHL-1000/1 Photopolymer KM5 MHL-121HT Diazo 51 L1250 MHL-170L Diazo 52 KT38 MHL-38KT Diazo 51 L1250M MHL-170LR Diazo Matchprint 52 KT98 MHL-38KT Multi-Spectrum 51 LY33 MHL-33LY Multi-Spectrum 51 MH153 MHL-153LY Multi-Spectrum 52 STR 530-0 MHL-12 Diazo 49 VE366 FAD 29 STR1000-0 MHL-1000 Diazo 55 VE377 DXX 29 STR1000-7 MHL-1007 Multi-Spectrum 56 VE479 FFM 28 STR1000-7S MHL-1007S Multi-Spectrum 56 VE598 EHP 28 STR2000-0 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 VE66 SM-100T8/1SC 34 STR2000-8 MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 VE959 ENH 37 STR2030-0 MHL-15 Diazo 50 VE980 EYH 31 STR2110-7S MHL-2117S Multi-Spectrum 59 SANDMAR 56 STARNA Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / LAMP # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # STARNA (continued) MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # SYLVANIA STR2120-0 MHL-13 Diazo 49 M044.1 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 STR3000-0 MHL-3001 Diazo 59 M045 MHL-5000/4 Diazo 63 STR3000-0S MHL-3001S Diazo 60 M045.1 STR3000-7 MHL-3007 Multi-Spectrum 60 M048 MHL-3000/2 Diazo 59 STR3000-7S MHL-3007S Multi-Spectrum 60 M054 MHL-4007 Multi-Spectrum 62 STR4000-0 MHL-4001 Diazo 62 M057 MHL-5007 Multi-Spectrum 64 STR4000-7 MHL-4007 Multi-Spectrum 62 M057.2 MHL-5007S Multi-Spectrum 64 STR4010-0 MHL-4010 Diazo 62 M058 MHL-3007 Multi-Spectrum 60 STR5000-0 MHL-5000 Diazo 63 M058.2 MHL-3007S Multi-Spectrum 60 STR5000-0S MHL-5000S Diazo 63 M059 MHL-1007 Multi-Spectrum 56 STR5000-7 MHL-5007 Multi-Spectrum 64 M059.2 MHL-1007S Multi-Spectrum 56 STR5000-7S MHL-5007S Multi-Spectrum 64 M060 MHL-5020 Diazo 65 STR5010-0 MHL-5000/4 Diazo 63 M060.2 MHL-5020S Diazo 65 STR5010-8 MHL-5000/5 Photopolymer 64 M061 MHL-4007 Multi-Spectrum 62 STR5020-0 MHL-5020 Diazo 65 M063 MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 STR5020-0S MHL-5020S Diazo 65 M063.1 STR5020-7 MHL-5027 Multi-Spectrum 65 M064 MHL-5000/5 Photopolymer 64 STR5020-7S MHL-5027S Multi-Spectrum 66 M064.1 STR5060-7 MHL-5027 Multi-Spectrum 66 M067 MHL-5027 Multi-Spectrum 65 STR5090-0 MHL-17 Diazo 50 M069 M069.2 MHL-5027S Multi-Spectrum 66 SYLVANIA M091 MHL-15 Diazo 50 H2000T8/J MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 M097.2 MHL-2117S Multi-Spectrum 59 H5000T8/V MHL-5000/5 Photopolymer 64 M105 MHL-17 Diazo 50 M001 MHL-12 Diazo 49 M111 MHL-13 Diazo 49 M001.J M111.17 M001.Q M114 MHL-12 Diazo 49 M012 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 M122.7 MHL-15 Diazo 50 M017 MHL-4001 Diazo 62 M124.17 MHL-13 Diazo 49 M019 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 M125.17 MHL-17 Diazo 50 M022 MHL-4010 Diazo 62 M223 MHL-4001 Diazo 62 M023 MHL-4001 Diazo 62 M812 MHL-5007 Multi-Spectrum 64 M024.1 MHL-1000 Diazo 55 MP1200T5 5/155 MHL-1200/2 Diazo 57 M024.2 MHL-1000S Diazo 55 MP1200T5 5/6J MHL-1200/1 Diazo 57 M025 MHL-3001 Diazo 59 MP2000T8/4J MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 M025.2 MHL-3001S Diazo 60 MP2000T8/4R MHL-2000/4 Diazo 58 M026 MHL-5000 Diazo 63 MP3000T8/6J MHL-3000/2 Diazo 59 M026.2 MHL-5000S Diazo 63 MP3000T8/6R MHL-3000/3 Diazo 59 M033 MHL-4007 Multi-Spectrum 62 MHL-3003 Diazo 60 M038 MHL-15 Diazo 50 MHL-5000/4 Diazo 63 M044 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 MP5000T8/V Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 17 CROSS REFERENCE BY MANUFACTURER / LAMP # MANUFACTURER LAMP # USHIO LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # TEANECK L1250 USHIO LAMP # APPLICATION PROCESS PAGE # MHL-3027S Multi-Spectrum 61 THEIMER MHL-170L Multi-Spectrum 52 THEIMER THS 3027 (821397) THS 500 MHL-12 Diazo 49 THS 5000 (820596) MHL-5000S Diazo 63 TH 1000 (820190) MHL-1000 Diazo 55 THS 5007 (820597) MHL-5007S Multi-Spectrum 64 TH 1007 (820197) MHL-1007 Multi-Spectrum 56 THS 5020 (822590) MHL-5020S Diazo 65 TH 2000 (820200) MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 THS 5027 (822597) MHL-5027S Multi-Spectrum 66 TH 2008 (820208) MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 THS 6027 MHL-6027S Multi-Spectrum 66 TH 2010 MHL-3000/2 Diazo 59 THS 8027 (821897) MHL-8027S Multi-Spectrum 67 TH 2030 MHL-15 Diazo 50 KX 10 (823110) UPX-45 68 TH 2120 MHL-13 Diazo 49 KX 105 UPX-56 69 TH 3000 (820390) MHL-3001 Diazo 59 KX 110 UPX-50 69 TH 3007 (820397) MHL-3007 Multi-Spectrum 60 KX 150 (820811) UPX-80 69 TH 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S Diazo 61 KX 22 UPX-46 68 TH 3027 (821397) MHL-3027S Multi-Spectrum 61 KX 30 (821310) UPX-47 69 TH 4000 MHL-4001 Diazo 62 KX 8 UPX-42 68 TH 4007 MHL-4007 Multi-Spectrum 62 TH 4010 MHL-4010 Diazo 62 MHL-17 Diazo 50 MHL-12 Diazo 49 TH 500 TH 500S 18 MANUFACTURER LAMP # TH 5000 (820596) MHL-5000 TH 5007 (820597) TH 5010 (821500) THORN 91-7466 MHL-1000 Diazo 55 MHL-1007 Multi-Spectrum 56 91-7483 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 91-7484 MHL-15 Diazo 50 MHL-3000/3 Diazo 59 Diazo 63 MHL-5007 Multi-Spectrum 64 MHL-5000/4 Diazo 63 TH 5017 (821507) MHL-5000/7 Multi-Spectrum 64 TH 5018 (821508) MHL-5000/5 Photopolymer 64 TH 5020 (822590) MHL-5020 Diazo 65 TH 5027 (822597) MHL-5027 Multi-Spectrum 65 PAGA 1000/1 MHL-1000/1 Photopolymer 56 TH 5060 MHL-5020 Diazo 65 PAGA 1200/1 MHL-1200/1 Diazo 57 TH 5067 MHL-5027 Multi-Spectrum 65 PAGA 2000/1 MHL-2000/1 Diazo 58 TH 508 MHL-12 Diazo 49 PAGA 2000/2 MHL-2000/2 Photopolymer 58 TH 5080 MHL-30 Diazo 50 PAGA 2000/3 MHL-2000/3 Diazo 58 TH 5090 MHL-17 Diazo 50 PAGA 2000/4 MHL-2000/4 Diazo 58 TH 510 MHL-12 Diazo 49 PAGA 3000/2 MHL-3000/2 Diazo 59 TOBIAS MP3000T8/6J OTHER TH 6027 MHL-6027S Multi-Spectrum 66 PAGA 3000/3 MHL-3000/3 Diazo 59 THS 1000 (820190) MHL-1000S Diazo 55 PAGA 4000/U1 MHL-4000/U1 Multi-Spectrum 61 THS 1007 (820197) MHL-1007S Multi-Spectrum 56 PAGA 4000/U2 MHL-4000/U2 Photopolymer 61 THS 1507 (823197) MHL-1507S Multi-Spectrum 57 PAGA 5000/2 MHL-5000/2 Multi-Spectrum 63 THS 2117 (822297) MHL-2117S Multi-Spectrum 59 PAGA 5000/4 MHL-5000/4 Diazo 63 THS 3000 (820390) MHL-3001S Diazo 60 PAGA 5000/5 MHL-5000/5 Photopolymer 64 THS 3007 (820397) MHL-3007S Multi-Spectrum 60 PAGA 5000/7 MHL-5000/7 Multi-Spectrum 64 THS 3020 (822390) MHL-3020S Diazo 61 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • LAMP SPECIFICATIONS LAMPS FOR: Camera Exposure Light Box Platemaker Scanner Quartz Halogen Miniature Halogen Reflector Halogen Incandescent Quartz IR Heater Fluorescent Metal Halide Pulse Xenon Short Arc Xenon Ceramic Xenon SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-12 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # EHM J120V-300W 1000291 KENRO - 532-0018 V186 K-Lites B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 300W 120V 3000K 5900Lm 2000Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 300W 120V 3000K 5770Lm 2000Hrs C-8 Frosted R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 300W 230V 2900K 4800Lm 2000Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-12 A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) J240V-300W 1000774 119.6mm 67mm 9.4mm ILFORD B 300W 240V 2900K 5000Lm 2000Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) B 500W 115V 3050K 10500Lm 1500Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 A MOL J115V-500WE 1000694 20 119.6mm 60mm 9.4mm MI-TRAK B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base A MOL J230V-300W 1000756 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 119.6mm 60mm 9.4mm KENRO - 532-0020 186 Superbeam B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base VISUAL GRAPHICS A MOL EHZ J120V-300WF 1000296 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 119.6mm 67mm 9.4mm A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 119.6mm 65mm 12mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-12 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # FCL J120V-500W 1000488 AGFA GEVAERT- MK3 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 500W 120V 3000K 11000Lm 2000Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 119.6mm 57mm 12mm VISUAL GRAPHICS SCREEN USA (DS AMERICA) 500W 120V 3000K 11000Lm 2000Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 500W 120V 3000K 10700Lm 2000Hrs C-8 Frosted R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) KENRO - 532-0019 187K; 241; 243 4800 Superbeam A R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) B 119.6mm 57mm 12mm A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) FDN JP120V-500WCF6 1000502 B 500W 120V 3200K 12800Lm 400Hrs C-8 Frosted R7s-12 119.6mm 67mm 12mm MOL FDF JP120V-500WC6 1000500 500W 120V 3200K 13250Lm 400Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 A MOL B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base KENRO - 02-6314 V18; V24; V184; V185; V240; V242; V243; 187; 187DM; 241; 241DM; MITSUBISHI CP-310 Platemaker FCZ J120V-500WF 1000497 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base ILFORD R7s-12 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base ESKOFOT A MOL J120V-500W/6 1000712 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 119.6mm 75mm 12mm A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 119.6mm 75mm 12mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 21 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-12 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # JP120V-500WC7 1001079 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 500W 120V 3200K 13200Lm 25Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 500W 125V 3400K 16250Lm 25Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 500W 130V 3000K 10500Lm 2000Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 MULTIGRAPHICS 835 Exposure A NUCOGRAPHICS 1218 Exposure R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 127.1mm 70mm 10mm A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) JP220V-500WC 1001084 119.6mm 57mm 12mm KODAK IM800 B 500W 220V 3200K 12500Lm 200Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) J220V-500WE 1000736 119.6mm 62mm 12mm AB DICK 148 B 22 119.6mm 62mm 8mm MOL B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base KENRO - 02-6314 187; 240; 241 AB DICK 157 Exposure DVS J130V-500WB 1000224 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base A R7s-12 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base ITEK - 190682-001 175; 185; 275; 400; 560; 613; 615E; 1117; 1218; 1518; 11800 MOL JP125V-500WS 1001080 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 500W 220V 3000K 9500Lm 2000Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 A ESKOFOT MOL KLIMSCH R7s-12 KODAK LOGETRONICS MI-TRAK MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 119.6mm 65mm 12mm ROBERTSON VISUAL GRAPHICS 44-00410-203 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-12 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # JP240V-500WC 1001093 ILFORD B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 500W 240V 3200K 12500Lm 200Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) B 500W 240V 3300K 14750Lm 20Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 525W 120V 3150K 12000Lm 30000Cycles 20sec. on/30 sec. off C-8 Clear R7s-12 B Filament Bulb Finish Base HELIOPRINT A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 119.6mm 65mm 12mm AGFA GEVAERT RPS2024SA 525W 225V 3150K 13125Lm 30000Cycles 20sec. on/30 sec. off C-8 Clear R7s-12 B HELIOPRINT A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) JP245V-525W 1001098 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life 117.6mm 60mm 12mm AGFA GEVAERT RPS2024SA JP225V-525W/HE 1001088 Filament Bulb Finish Base A MOL J120V-525W 1000716 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life 117.6mm 62mm 12mm ITEK - 190682-003 175; 275 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base Filament Bulb Finish Base A MOL JP240V-500WC1 1001858 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 117.6mm 65mm 9mm AGFA GEVAERT RPS2024SA 525W 245V 3150K 13125Lm 30000Cycles 20sec. on/30 sec. off C-8 Clear R7s-12 B HELIOPRINT A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 119.6mm 65mm 9mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 23 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-12 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # J110V-550WB 1000693 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 550W 110V 3050K 13200Lm 1000Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 550W 110V 3050K 13500Lm 1000Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) Filament Bulb Finish Base AGFA GEVAERT - 12548 RPS1200; RPS1300; RPS1600; RPS1218 Mini A MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 119.6mm 60mm 12mm AGFA GEVAERT - 12521 1230 Camera 550W 225V 3200K 11000Lm 50000Cycles 20sec. on/30 sec. off C-8 Clear R7s B 550W 225V 3200K 11000Lm 50000Cycles 20sec. on/30 sec. off C-8 Clear R7s R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) B 119.6mm 57mm 12mm Substitution BLV - 12170101 AGFA GEVAERT - 12521 1230 Camera; RPS2100; RPS2200; RPS3000 A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 119.6mm 57mm 12mm CHADWICK-HELMUTH B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base A MOL JP225V-625WCL 1001090 24 Substitution BLV - 12010101 R7s-12 12170101 (BLV) 1001590 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life 119.6mm 60mm 12mm MOL JP225V-550WC 1001089 Filament Bulb Finish Base A R7s-12 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base AGFA GEVAERT - 12548 RPS1200; RPS1300; RPS1600; RPS1218 Mini MOL 12010101 (BLV) 1001589 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 625W 225V 3200K 15500Lm 200Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 OPTICOPY A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 191.1mm 135mm 12mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-12 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # EJG JP120V-750WC 1000299 VISUAL GRAPHICS 62-12201-002 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 750W 120V 3200K 20600Lm 400Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 750W 220V 3050K 16100Lm 1500Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) B 800W 125V 3400K 26000Lm 25Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 119.6mm 69mm 12mm AB DICK 145 Exposure 155 Exposure A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) JP220V-800WC1 1001085 127.1mm 72mm 10mm MULTIGRAPHICS 875 Exposure 885 Exposure NUCOGRAPHICS 215 Exposure 375 Exposure AGFA GEVAERT 11F20-21 B 800W 220V 3200K 21600Lm 200Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) EME JP240V-800WC1 1000328 116.6mm 70mm 10mm AGFA GEVAERT RPS2024SA B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base SCREEN USA (DS AMERICA) A MOL JP125V-800W 1001081 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 119.6mm 62mm 12mm MITSUBISHI CP-550 Platemaker B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base A MOL J220V-750WB1 1000738 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 800W 240V 3200K 22000Lm 250Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 ALAN GRAPHICS A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) SCREEN USA (DS AMERICA) Camera 119.6mm 70mm 12mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 25 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-12 ORDERING CODE CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # EMF JP240V-800WCF 1000329 VISUAL GRAPHICS 62-12201-001 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 800W 240V 3200K 21400Lm 250Hrs C-8 Frosted R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) FCM JP120V-1000WC1 1000489 119.6mm 70mm 12mm ACTI PRODUCTS Super V Camera B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base A MOL 1000W 120V 3200K 28000Lm 400Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 RECOGNITION SYSTEMS A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) VISUAL GRAPHICS 40-00463-001 119.6mm 65mm 12mm FHM JP120V-1000WCF1 1000533 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 1000W 120V 3200K 27300Lm 400Hrs C-8 Frosted R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) EJD JP185V-1000WS 1000298 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base J225V-1000WB 1000739 1000W 185V 3350K 33600Lm 100Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 26 119.6mm 65mm 12mm A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 119.6mm 70mm 12mm MI-TRAK (J220/230V-1000WB) B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base A MOL 1000W 225V 3050K 21500Lm 2000Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 191.1mm 135mm 12mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-12 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # EKM JP225V-1000WCL 1000310 CHADWICK-HELMUTH B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 1000W 225V 3200K 25000Lm 200Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 191.1mm 140mm 12mm SCREEN USA (DS AMERICA) B 1000W 240V 3050K 22000Lm 1500Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) JP225V-1500WCL 1001864 119.6mm 66mm 12mm CHADWICK-HELMUTH B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base OPTICOPY A MOL J240V-1000WB4 1000760 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 1500W 225V 3200K 39000Lm 200Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-12 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION OPTICOPY A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 191.1mm 137mm 12mm Double Ended - R7s-15 ORDERING CODE CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # FDB JP120V-1500WC 1000499 ACTI PRODUCTS Super V Camera B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 1500W 120V 3200K 41200Lm 400Hrs C-8 Clear R7s-15 RECOGNITION SYSTEMS A MOL R7s-12 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 167.4mm 70mm 13mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 27 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-18 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # EHP JPD120V-300WG 1000292 NUARC - VE-598 SST1418; SST1418-1-3; SST1418-3 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 300W 120V 2900K 5650Lm 2000Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 80.3mm 18mm 12mm FDA JPD120V-400W 1000498 ARGYLE B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 400W 120V 3200K 10400Lm 200Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 VISUAL GRAPHICS 62-12206-002 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 80.3mm Lighted 18mm 15mm EHR JPD120V-400WG 1000293 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 400W 120V 2900K 7750Lm 2000Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A MOL MOL Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) B 420W 120V 3200K 11000Lm 75Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) NUARC - VE-479 SST1418-1-4; VIC1418; VIC1418-15; VV1418; VV1418BL; VV1418BL-2; VV1418SS; VV1418SSBL; VV1418SSBL-2; VV1418SS-2; VV1418-2; VVE1418 1418SC2-4 80.3mm 13mm 15mm BROWN - 2-14009-000 2000; 3000; 4000 B 28 STAR/GOODKIN 80.3mm Lighted 20mm 15mm FCB JPD120V-600WD 1000486 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base KENRO 2700; 3700; 4150 7000; 7100; 7350; 7400 R7s-18 FFM JPD120V-420WC1 1000518 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 600W 120V 3250K 17000Lm 75Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) OLEC - L6C2 AL1KT AL1KT-C6 AL16P AL6CX 95.25mm 17mm 15mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-18 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # FAD JPD120V-650WC 1000471 KENRO 2750 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 650W 120V 3200K 16500Lm 100Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 80.3mm 16mm 15mm DWY JPD120V-650WS 1000229 650W 120V 3400K 20000Lm 25Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A R7s-18 MOL Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 80.3mm Lighted 16mm 15mm VISUAL GRAPHICS B 650W 120V 3400K 19000Lm 35Hrs CC-8 Frosted R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 80.3mm 16mm 15mm DXX/220V JPD220V-800WC1 1000238 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 800W 220V 3200K 20500Lm 75Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 80.3mm Lighted 25mm 15mm DXX/240V JPD240V-800WC 1000240 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base STAR/GOODKIN MOL FCA JPD120V-650WSF 1000485 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base NUARC - VE-366 NUQ2600; NUQ5300; SST1418-1-6; SST14186; VIC1418-15-6; VIC1418-2; VIC1418-25; VIC1418-6; VV1418BL-6; VV1418SS-6; VV1418SSBL-6; VV1418-6 1418SC2; 2024V-6 BROWN - BN8046P Spectramatic B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 800W 240V 3200K 20500Lm 75Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 80.3mm 25mm 15mm NUARC - VE-377 NUQ3200; NUQ3200A; NUQ4800; NUQ6400A; SST1418; SST1418S; SST2024; SST2024C; SST2024CS; SST2024S; SST2024SB; SST2024SBS; SST3131; SST3131S; SSTE2024SB; SSTE2024SBS; VV2024M; VV2024MBL; VV2024M2; VV2024M2BL; VVE1418-2; VVE2024M; VVE2024M2; 1418SC2-2; 2024V; 2024VBL NUARC - VE-377 NUQ3200; NUQ3200A; NUQ4800; NUQ6400A; SST1418; SST1418S; SST2024; SST2024C; SST2024CS; SST2024S; SST2024SB; SST2024SBS; SST3131; SST3131S; SSTE2024SB; SSTE2024SBS; VV2024M; VV2024MBL; VV2024M2; VV2024M2BL; VVE1418-2; VVE2024M; VVE2024M2; 1418SC2-2; 2024V; 2024VBL Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 29 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Double Ended - R7s-18 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # BRH JPD120V-1000WC1 1000068 OLEC - L1K3 AL1KT B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 1000W 120V 3350K 30000Lm 75Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 95.25mm 25mm 18mm DXW JPD120V-1000WC5 1000236 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 1000W 120V 3200K 28000Lm 150Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 95.25mm 23mm 18mm FBY JPD120V-1000WC5F 1000483 OLEC AL1KT-K2 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 1000W 120V 3200K 26000Lm 150Hrs CC-8 Frosted R7s-18 A MOL R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 95.25mm 23mm 18mm DXN JPD120V-1000WS1 1000234 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Bulb Finish Base 30 1000W 120V 3400K 33000Lm 50Hrs CC-8 Clear R7s-18 BROWN - 2-91702-000 26, 26SP 2000; 3000; 4000 A MOL OLEC AL1KT-K4 R7s-18 MOL Lighted Length (A) Bulb Diameter (B) 95.25mm 23mm 18mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Single Ended - G5.3 CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # EYH/FKT JCD120V-250WB 1000453 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base 250W 120V 3050K 6050Lm 150Hrs CC-6 BD/Hor G5.3 B Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base 650W 230V 3400K 20000Lm 20Hrs 2CC-8 BD/Hor G5.3 76mm 44.5mm 22mm ITEK - 192531-001 430 (top) C C B B A A SMITH VICTOR SV-403-004 SV-591; SV-592 G5.3 G5.3 MOL (A) Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) 63.5mm 36.5mm 22mm ITEK - 198005-001 560 C C B B A A VISUAL GRAPHICS 62-12205-005 G5.3 G5.3 MOL (A) Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) 63.5mm 36.5mm 22mm C C B G5.3 A G5.3 G5.3 650W 120V 3400K 20000Lm 25Hrs CC-6 BD/Hor G5.3 DYJ JCD230V-650WSP 1000247 B A MOL (A) Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) 600W 120V 3200K 17000Lm 75Hrs CC-6 BD/Hor G5.3 ITEK - 192511-001 435 (bottom) C B DVY JCD120V-650WSP 1000225 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base 63.5mm 36.5mm 22mm C 500W 120V 3200K 13200Lm 50Hrs CC-6 BD/Hor G5.3 A G5.3 G5.3 DYH JCD120V-600WCP 1000246 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base B A MOL (A) Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) FBG/FBD JCD120V-500WCP 1000476 NUARC - VE-980 C C B A A G5.3 MOL (A) Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) 63.5mm 42.9mm 24mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 31 Single Ended - G6.35 GX6.35; GY6.35 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE BRL JC12V-50W 1000071 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base C 32 B MOL (A) G6.35 Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) C A 1000W 120V 3200K 27000Lm 100Hrs 2CC-8 BD/Hor GX6.35 C B G6.35 A G6.35 B B A A A GY6.35 A 67.5mm 38mm 23mm C B B C 55mm GX6.35 33mm 13.5mm MOL (A) GY6.35 Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) GX6.35 A OLEC - L1KS AL1KT; AL11KT; ALKT A C 100W 12V 3000K 2000Lm 2000Hrs CBar6 BD/Hor GY6.35 A B GY6.35 C B VISUAL GRAPHICS 62-12205-003 C MOL (A) G6.35 Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) C A 50.8mmGX6.35 Lighted 30mm 14mm B A SIMON OMEGA C 471-027 B C B GY6.35 C MOL (A) G6.35 Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) 250W 24V 3400K 8500Lm 50Hrs CBar6 BD/Hor G6.35 A 44mm GX6.35 30mm 11.5mm B 150W 24V 3350K 4600Lm 100Hrs CBar6 BD/Hor G6.35 EVA JC12V-100H20 1000381 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base A C JCV120V-1000WC4 1001822 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base DR. HELL Scanner SIEMENS EHJ JC24V-250W 1000290 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base EQUIPMENT MODEL # C B 50W 12V 3300K 1400Lm 50Hrs CBar6 BD/Hor G6.35 FDV JC24V-150W 1000505 Watts Volts Color Temp Approx Lumens Average Life Filament Burn Position Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # OLEC - L1CP AL1CP; AL1CX C B MOL (A) GX6.35 Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) A B A 44mm GY6.35 30mm 11.5mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Single Ended - G9.5; GY9.5 CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # C FEL JCV120V-1000WCH 1000509 SCREEN USA (DS AMERICA) Camera NUARC C Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base 1000W 120V 3200K 375Hrs 27500Lm CC-8 Any G9.5 B A MOL (A) 1 Lighted LengthFig.(B) Bulb Diameter (C) B C B A 104mm 60.3mm Fig. 2 19mm A Fig. 3 C JCD120V-300WC 1000896 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base B 300W 120V 3200K 100Hrs 7500Lm CC-6 BD/Hor GY9.5 A Fig. 1 BENCHER C C B B A Fig. 2 A Fig. 3 MOL (A) Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) 63.5mm Lighted 36.5mm 22mm C DYS JCD120V-600WC 1000251 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base C C B 600W 120V 3200K 75Hrs 17000Lm CC-6 BD/Hor GY9.5 A Fig. 1 B B A Fig. 2 A Fig. 3 MOL (A) Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) 63.5mm 36.5mm 22mm C DYR/220V JCD220V-650WC1 1000249 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base 650W 220V 3200K 50Hrs 16500Lm 2CC-8 BD/Hor GY9.5 B A Fig. 1 ITEK - 197632-001 560 C C B B A Fig. 2 A Fig. 3 MOL (A) Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) 63.5mm 36.5mm 24mm C DYR/240V JCD240V-650WC2 1000250 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base 650W 240V 3200K 50Hrs 16500Lm 2CC-8 BD/Hor GY9.5 B Fig. 1 A B Fig. 2 ITEK - 197632-001 560 C C B A A Fig. 3 MOL (A) Lighted Length (B) Bulb Diameter (C) 63.5mm 36.5mm 24mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 33 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Single Ended - G17t-7 BA15d, BA15s; E11 G17t-7 A BCK INC120V-500W 1000047 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Filament Burn Position Base 500W 120V 3250K 50Hrs C-13D BD/Hor G17t-7 G17t-7 A ETB JCV120V-250WGBF 1000372 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Bulb Finish Burn Position Base SM-100T8/1SC 8000044 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Bulb Finish Burn Position Base 250W 120V 3000K 2000Hrs 4800Lm CC-8 Frosted Any BA15d 34 VISUAL GRAPHICS 62-12205-002 A B C Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) Lighted Length (C) B 19.5mm 88.9mm 39.7mm KENRO - 532-0025 2600 A B C B Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) Lighted Length (C) 13mm 76mm 41mm A NUARC - VE66 100W 20V 3300K 50Hrs 3050Lm CC-6 Clear Any BA15s JCV100V-200WGS 1001800 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base Reflector BA15d Reflector C Source EQUIPMENT MODEL # BA15d C Source CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # B C Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) Length (C) 25mm 76.2mm Lighted 55.6mm MITSUBISHI CP-100 Platemaker A 200W 100V 2900K 2000Hrs 2900Lm CC-8 Any E11 C Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) Lighted Length (C) B 14mm 69mm 32.1mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Miniature Halogen - PK22s ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # JA12V-35W H3 1000787 35W 12V 13.2V 43W 750Lm 150Hrs PK22s 32Max 11.5 Max 18 ±0.5 Watts Volts Test Voltage Data at Test Voltage: Watts Luminous Flux Average Life Base 110 Bulb Diameter Terminal Lead Wire Length JA12V-55W H3 1000789 11.5mm CA 110mm 55W 12V 13.2V 68W 1450Lm 150Hrs PK22s 32Max 11.5 Max 110 Bulb Diameter Terminal Lead Wire Length JA12V-55WLL/2000HR H3 1000794 60.5W 950Lm 2000Hrs PK22s 11.5mm CA 110mm 11.5 Max 32Max 55W 12V 13.2V CA SCREEN USA (DS AMERICA) Step & Repeat 18 ±0.5 Watts Volts Test Voltage Data at Test Voltage: Watts Luminous Flux Average Life Base CA 18 ±0.5 Watts Volts Test Voltage Data at Test Voltage: Watts Luminous Flux Average Life Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # 110 Bulb Diameter Terminal Lead Wire Length CA 11.5mm CA 110mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 35 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION MR-16 Reflector - GX5.3 ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # B WD A WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 Diameter (A) MOL (B) Working Distance 50.67mm 44.45mm 29mm A B Film Plane A Film Plane 80W 30V 3400K 15Hrs Specular CC-6 BD/Hor GX5.3 SIMON OMEGA 471-043 Film Plane Film Plane ELB JCR30V-80W 1000317 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # C B WD GX7.9 A A WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 Diameter (A) MOL (B) Working Distance 50.67mm 44.45mm 194.5mm A B Film Plane 150W 20V 3150K 500Hrs Faceted CC-6 BD/Hor GX5.3 WD AGFA GEVAERT Select Scan7.92 Film Plane WD Film Plane Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base B GZ6.35 Film Plane A DDL JCR20V-150W 1000173 C B WD GX7.9 A A WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 Diameter (A) MOL (B) Working Distance 50.67mm 44.45mm 44.5mm A B Film Plane 150W 21V 3400K 40Hrs Specular CC-6 BD/Hor GX5.3 WD SIMON OMEGA 471-033 7.92 Film Plane WD Film Plane Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base B GZ6.35 Film Plane A EJV JCR21V-150W 1000302 C Film Plane WD 7.92 GX7.9 A B WD A WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 Diameter (A) MOL (B) Working Distance 50.67mm 44.45mm 31.8mm A B Film Plane 200W 24V 3400K 50Hrs Specular CC-6 BD/Hor GX5.3 WD Film Plane Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base B GZ6.35 Film Plane A EJL JCR24V-200W 1000300 C 36 Film Plane WD SIMON OMEGA 471-029 7.92 FOTAR GX7.9 A B WD A WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 Diameter (A) MOL (B) Working Distance 50.67mm 44.45mm 31.8mm A B Film Plane 250W 24V 3400K 50Hrs Specular CC-6 BD/Hor GX5.3 WD Film Plane Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base B GZ6.35 Film Plane A ELC JCR24V-250W 1000318 C Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • A B WD WD MR-16 Reflector - GY5.3 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Film Plane Film Plane EQUIPMENT MODEL # ESJ JER82V-85W 1000358 A B WD A VISUAL GRAPHICS 60-15625-011 SIMON OMEGA 471-400 WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 A (A) Diameter MOL (B) Working Distance B 50.67mm 44.45mm 32mm Film Plane 85W 82V 3350K 40Hrs Specular CC-8 BD/Hor GY5.3 Film Plane Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # C A JCR120V-150W/B 1000940 WD 7.92 GZ6.35 150W 120V 3050K 100Hrs Stippled CC-8 Horiz GY5.3 GX7.9 A B GY5.3 50.67mm 44.45mm 26o Film Plane Film Plane Diameter (A) MOL (B) Beam Spread ENH JCR120V-250W 1000333 250W 120V 3250K 175Hrs Faceted CC-8 BD/Hor GY5.3 A B WD A NUARC - VE-959 BBC1418; BBC1418-2 WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 Film Plane Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base WD A (A) Diameter MOL (B) Working Distance B 50.67mm 44.45mm 152.4mm Film Plane Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base B C Film Plane WD 7.92 FOTAR GX7.9 A B WD A WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 A (A) Diameter MOL (B) Working Distance B 50.67mm 44.45mm 152.4mm Film Plane 300W 120V 3350K 35Hrs Stippled CC-8 BD/Hor GY5.3 WD Film Plane Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base B GZ6.35 Film Plane A ELH JCR120V-300W 1000321 C Film Plane WD 7.92 GX7.9 A B WD A WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 A (A) Diameter MOL (B) Working Distance B 50.67mm 44.45mm 298.5mm Film Plane 360W 82V 3300K 75Hrs Faceted CC-8 BD/Hor GY5.3 WD Film Plane Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base B GZ6.35 Film Plane A ENX JCR82V-360W 1000337 C Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • A B WD WD 37 Film Pl Film Pl MR-16 Reflector - GZ6.35 A ORDERING CODE B WD GX5.3 Film Plane 75W 12V 3400K 50Hrs Specular C-6 BD/Hor GZ6.35 A A B SCREEN USA (DS AMERICA) C WD GZ6.35 Diameter (A) MOL (B) Working Distance 50mm 42mm 32mm B WD 7.92 GX7.9 WD A WD GZ6.35 B 50mm 42mm 32mm GX7.9 WD Film Plane A B 50mm 42mm 32mm GX7.9 Film Plane Diameter (A) MOL (B) Working Distance MR-14 Reflector - GX7.9 B WD A WD B CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # GY5.3 Film Plane A B Film Plane A WD 7.92 Film Plane 38 A AGFA GEVAERT C66 WD B GZ6.35 ELS/ELR JCR16V-50W 1000323 50W 16V 3100K 650Hrs Specular CC-6 Horiz GX7.9 WD B C GX5.3 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base A GY5.3 EFR JCR15V-150W 1000272 150W 15V 3400K 50Hrs Specular C-8 BD/Hor GZ6.35 7.92 Film Plane Diameter (A) MOL (B) Working Distance WD Film Plane B Film Plane A GX5.3 ORDERING CODE B C A SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION A AGFA GEVAERT C66 Film Plane Film Plane EFP JCR12V-100W 1000271 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base WD B GY5.3 GX5.3 100W 12V 3400K 50Hrs Specular C-6 BD/Hor GZ6.35 Film Plane B Film Plane A A Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base WD B EQUIPMENTGY5.3 MODEL # EFN JCR12V-75W 1000270 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Reflector Type Filament Burn Position Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # Film Plane SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION DATAGRAPHIX 14A; 14B C A B GZ6.35 WD WD 7.92 Diameter (A) (B) Working Distance 44.5mm MOL 40.6mm 205mm GX7.9 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • Photo Flood Medium Screw - E26 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # A BBA (A21 NO.1) 1000026 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base SANDMAR - BBA-1 T1218 A A 250W 115-120V 3400K 3Hrs 8500Lm C-9 Any E26 B Fig. 2 B B Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) 66.68mm 125.4mm A BCA (A21 NO. B1 BLUE*) 1000046 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base A 250W 115-120V 4800K 3Hrs 5000Lm C-9 Any E26 ECA (A23) 1000265 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base A B Fig. 2 B B Fig. 1 Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) *Blue Envelope 66.68mm 125.4mm Fig. 2 A A A 250W 120V 3200K 20Hrs 6500Lm C-9 Any E26 B Fig. 2 B B Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) 73.03mm 152.4mm A BAH INC115V-300W 1000024 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base A A 300W 115V 3200K 20Hrs 9000 C-9 Any E26 EBV (PS-25 NO.2) 1000263 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base B Fig. 2 B B Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) 66.68mm 125.4mm A A A 500W 115-120V 3400K 6Hrs 17000Lm C-9 Any E26 B Fig. 2 B B Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) 79.38mm 176.2mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 39 Photo Flood Medium Screw - E26 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE EBW (PS-25 NO. B2/BLUE*) 1000264 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base 500W 115-120V 4800K 6Hrs 10500Lm C-9 Any E26 ECT (PS-25) 1000266 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Filament Burn Position Base 40 CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # A A A B Fig. 2 B B Fig. 1 Bulb Diameter Fig. (A)2 MOL (B) *Blue Envelope 79.38mm 176.2mm A A A 500W 120V 3200K 60Hrs 13650Lm C-9 Any E26 B Fig. 2 B Fig. 1 Bulb Diameter Fig. (A)2 MOL (B) B 79.38mm 176.2mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • Photo Enlarger Medium Screw - E26 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Burn Position Base 75W 120V 2900K 50Hrs 1200Lm Fig. 2 Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) B B Fig. 1 Fig. 2 44.45mm 125.4mm A A A 75W 115-120V 3000K 100Hrs 1200Lm Any E26 B Fig. 2 B B Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) 66.68mm 152.4mm A A A 150W 115-120V 3050K 100Hrs 2800Lm Any E26 PH213 (A-21) 1001269 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Burn Position Base B Any E26 PH212 (A-21) 1001268 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Burn Position Base A A PH211 (A-21) 1001267 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens Burn Position Base EQUIPMENT MODEL # A PH140 (S-14) 1001266 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Approx Lumens CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # B Fig. 2 B B Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) 66.68mm 176.2mm A A A 250W 115-120V 3400K 3Hrs 7000Lm Any E26 B Fig. 2 B B Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Bulb Diameter (A) MOL (B) 66.68mm 176.2mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 41 LL SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Quartz Infrared Heater MOL ORDERING CODE LL QIH208-1000T/S 1001304 CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # QH1000T3 MOL LL Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Base w/ lead wire 1000W 208V 2500K 5000Hrs Horizontal Metal sleeve MOL MOL LL Lighted Length (LL) Glass Type QIH240-1000T/S 1001325 351mm 254mm Translucent Quartz QH1000T3 MOL LL Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Base 1000W 240V 2500K 5000Hrs Horizontal Metal sleeve w/ lead wire MOL Lighted Length (LL) Glass Type MOL 351mm 254mm Translucent Quartz LL QIH240-1000/VB 1001320 13713X MOL LL Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Base 1000W 240V 2500K 5000Hrs Vertical Metal clip MOL LL MOL MOL Lighted Length (LL) Glass Type LL 485mm 272mm Clear Quartz MOL LL QIH115-1350/L 1001287 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Base 13381/99 MOL 1350W 115V 2750K 3000Hrs Horizontal Round Ceramic w/ lead wire QIH240-2000/S 1001339 LL MOL LL MOL MOL Lighted Length (LL) Glass Type LL 317mm 256mm Clear Quartz QH2M/T3/1CL/HT MOL LL Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Base 42 2000W 240V 2500K 5000Hrs Horizontal Metal sleeve w/ lead wire MOL Lighted Length (LL) Glass Type 303mm 248mm Clear Quartz Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • MOL Quartz Infrared Heater LL SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # QH2M/T3/1CL/HT/VB QIH240-2000/VS 1001343 Watts Volts Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Base w/ lead wire MOL 2000W 240V 2500K 5000Hrs Vertical Metal sleeve QR80-600DSF 1001411 Watts Volts Approx Lumens Color Temp Average Life Base CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # LL MOL MOL Lighted Length (LL) Glass Type LL 303mm 248mm Clear Quartz VISUAL GRAPHICS 41-00345-001 MOL 600W 80V 12000Lm 3000K 1000Hrs R7s LL MOL Lighted Length (LL) Diameter Glass Type MOL 357mm 312mm 9mm Frosted LL QR150-1501DSF 1001410 Watts Volts Approx Lumens Color Temp Life Base MITSUBISHI CP-800S Platemaker MOL 1500W 150V 30000Lm 3000K 10K cycles R7s with 200mm lead wire VISUAL GRAPHICS 41-00654-001 LL MOL Lighted Length (LL) Diameter Glass Type 986mm 910mm 11mm Frosted Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 43 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Fluorescent Lamps 3000K - Warm White F4T5/WW 3000109 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life 4.6W 94V 100V 0.162A 110Lm 3000K 3000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 135.8mm 140.3~142.9mm 150.0mm 15.5mm D 5.9W 94V 100V 0.147A 240Lm 3000K 3000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 211.8mm 216.3~218.9mm 226.0mm 15.5mm F8T5/WW 3000119 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life D 7.9W 94V 100V 0.170A 400Lm 3000K 3000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 288.3mm 292.8~295.4mm 302.5mm 15.5mm F13T5/WW 3000070 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life D 13W 180V 236V 0.165A 820Lm 3000K 3000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 516.7mm 521.6~524.0mm 531.1mm 15.5mm F15T8/WW 3000081 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life 44 EQUIPMENT MODEL # D F6T5/WW 3000114 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # D 15W 89V 100V 0.300A 800Lm 3000K 5000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 436.0mm 441.8~444.4mm 451.5mm 25.5mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Fluorescent Lamps 4200K - Cool White F4T5/CW 3000107 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life 4.5W 103.5V 29V 0.170A 140Lm 4200K 6000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 135.9mm 140.6~143.0mm 150.1mm 15.5mm D 6.0W 103.5V 42V 0.160A 280Lm 4200K 7500Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 212.1mm 216.8~219.2mm 226.3mm 15.5mm F8T5/CW 3000117 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life D 7.9W 94V 100V 0.170A 400Lm 4200K 3000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 288.3mm 292.8~295.4mm 302.5mm 15.5mm F13T5/CW 3000068 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life D 13W 180V 94V 0.165A 820Lm 4200K 7500Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 516.9mm 521.5~524.0mm 531.1mm 15.5mm F15T8/CW 3000079 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life EQUIPMENT MODEL # D F6T5/CW 3000112 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # D 15W 94V 50V 0.300A 875Lm 4200K 5000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 436.0mm 441.8~444.4mm 451.5mm 25.5mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 45 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Fluorescent Lamps 6500K - Daylight F4T5/D 3000108 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life 4.6W 94V 100V 0.162A 95Lm 6500K 3000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 135.8mm 140.3~142.9mm 150.0mm 15.5mm D 5.9W 94V 100V 0.147A 210Lm 6500K 3000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 211.8mm 216.3~218.9mm 226.0mm 15.5mm F8T5/D 3000118 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life D 7.9W 94V 100V 0.170A 350Lm 6500K 3000Hrs B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 288.3mm 292.8~295.4mm 302.5mm 15.5mm D 13W 180V 236V 0.165A 700Lm 6500K 3000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 516.7mm 521.6~524.0mm 531.1mm 15.5mm F15T8/D 3000080 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life 46 PHILIPS - TL8W54 Apple Scanner A F13T5/D 3000069 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life EQUIPMENT MODEL # D F6T5/D 3000113 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current Initial Lumens Color Temp Average Life CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # D 15W 94V 50V 0.300A 760Lm 6500K 5000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 436.0mm 441.8~444.4mm 451.5mm 25.5mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Fluorescent Lamps Black Light F4T5/BL 3000105 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current UV Energy Average Life 4.6W 94V 100V 0.162A 0.18W 1500Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 134.5mm 140.3~142.9mm 150.0mm 15.5mm D 5.9W 94V 100V 0.147A 0.4W 1500Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 211.8mm 216.3~218.9mm 226.0mm 15.5mm F8T5/BL 3000115 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current UV Energy Average Life D 7.9W 94V 100V 0.170A 0.7W 1500Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 288.3mm 292.8~295.4mm 302.5mm 15.5mm F15T8/BL 3000077 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current UV Energy Average Life EQUIPMENT MODEL # D F6T5/BL 3000110 Watts Starting Test Voltage Rated Voltage Rated Current UV Energy Average Life CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # D 15W 94V 50V 0.300A 2.0W 3000Hrs A B C Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) 436.0mm 441.8~444.4mm 451.5mm 25.5mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 47 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Fluorescent Lamps 5000K - Light Box Lamps F15T8/C50 3000031 Watts Initial Lumens Color Temp Color Rendering Average Life 15W 620Lm 5000K 90CRI 7500Hrs A Length (A) Length (B) 457mm 25.4mm B 20W 875Lm 5000K 90CRI 9000Hrs A Length (A) Length (B) 610mm 38.1mm F30T8/C50 3000035 Watts Initial Lumens Color Temp Color Rendering Average Life B 30W 1650Lm 5000K 90CRI 7500Hrs A Length (A) Length (B) 914.4mm 25.4mm F40T12/C50 3000041 Watts Initial Lumens Color Temp Color Rendering Average Life 48 EQUIPMENT MODEL # B F20T12/C50 3000033 Watts Initial Lumens Color Temp Color Rendering Average Life CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # B 40W 2150Lm 5000K 90CRI 15000Hrs A Length (A) Length (B) 1219.2mm 38.1mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Metal Halide and Mercury ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # MHL-GAF 16/35 5000138 C Heat Shield Watts Volts 600-800W 200V Spectral Range Process to be determined 20mm B ø30.6mm A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact ø14.3mm ø17.6mm C Watts Volts 3000W 100V Spectral Range Process 350-370nm Photopolymer ø9.5mm ø12.7mm 147.5mm 57mm 21.6mm — Metal Metal MHL-5KM* 5000130 B A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 181mm 86mm 25mm — Metal Metal C MHL-12 5000068 Watts CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo *Being phased out— use MHL-121HT HERAEUS - Q408 Z1; Q408 Z11 KUHNAST - JGMH500-0S; JGMH550-0 450W 130V NUARC - KM5 Hg version of HT121 FT26V3UP; FT26V3UPNS; FT32V3UP; FT32V3UPNS; FT40V3UP; FT40V3UPNS AMBA - AM580X Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire Volts HANOVIA - HF202A12 B PHILIPS - HPM12 A STARNA - STR530-0 SYLVANIA - M001; M001.J; M001.Q; M114 THEIMER - TH 510; TH 500S; TH 500 Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 110mm C 31mm 16mm 300mm Ceramic Wire-Insulated B A C MHL-13 5000072 Watts C B A 1000W Volts 135V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo AMBA - AM570X HELIOPRINT - PD211 Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire HERAEUS - Q2428 Z11 B PHILIPS - HPM13 A STARNA - STR2120-0 SYLVANIA - M111; M111.17; M124.17 C Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Base: Insulated Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B AB A THEIMER - TH 2120 159mm C 75mm 28mm 300mm Ceramic Wire-Insulated C Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue 49 A Metal Halide and Mercury C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE A MHL-15 5000075 C 2000W Volts 240V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo AMBA - AM571X C Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire Watts CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # B HERAEUS - Q2137 Z1; Q2137 Z11 KUHNAST - JGMH2030-0 Base: Metal Contact: Metal B PHILIPS - HPM15 A B STARNA - STR2030-0 SYLVANIA - M038; M091; M122.7 A THEIMER - TH 2030 Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: R7s MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C 215mm C 132mm C 33mm 300mm B B A Ceramic A B Wire-Insulated THORN - 91-7484 A C C C MHL-16 5000080 Base: MetalBase: Metal Contact: Contact: Metal SheetMetal Watts Volts 2000W 240V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo B AB B A A C C Base: RSC Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Contact: R7s Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 220mm B C102mm AB 28mm — A Metal C Metal Sheet B A Watts Volts 2000W 240V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo C B Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MHL-17 5000081 A Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire Base: RSC Contact: RX7s Base: Metal Contact: Metal B C C B C A SYLVANIA - M105; M125.17 THEIMER - TH 5090; TH 4010 A C Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C 189mm 102mm B28mm A300mm Ceramic Wire-Insulated C B B A A 280V C C PHILIPS - HPM30 B Base: Metal Contact: Metal Sheet Volts PHILIPS - HPM17 STARNA - STR5090-0 C 4000W HERAEUS - Q2123 Z11 B Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Watts AMBA - AM572X A AB Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MHL-30 5000094 PHILIPS - HPM16 B THEIMER - TH 5080 A A B A Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo C Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Base: Wire:Ceramic Insulated Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal 50 Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 220mm B 104mm C BA 30mm A B A — Metal Metal C Sheet C Wire: InsulatedU.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated B Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Metal Halide and Mercury B A ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # C MHL-33LY 5000106 Watts CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # HANOVIA - HF502F03 Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated 6000W B A Volts 540V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm Multi Spectrum Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: R7s MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C240mm 127mm 24.4mm C 60mm (not insulated) Ceramic AMP Connector B A NUARC - LY33 40-631; 52-631; 66-631; FT40AP; FT40APNS; FT40APR; FT40APRNS; FT40APRVE; FT40APRNSVE; FT46APR; FT46APRNS; FT52APR; FT52APRNS; FT52APRVE; FT52APRNSVE; NL43; NL52 OH631; OH6000; PL6000; PL631 B A C C Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated MHL-38KT 5000107 6000W Volts 180V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo NUARC - KT38 replaces KT98 40-6K; 52-6K; 6000V40F; 6000V46F; 6000V52F; 6000V66F; 6K; FT40V6UP; FT40V6UPNS; FT46V6UP; FT46V6UPNS; FT52V6UP; FT52V6UPNS B Base: Metal Contact: Metal Watts HANOVIA - HF502B71 A B A C Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: RSC Contact: R7s MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 222mm 120mm 28mm C — Metal 12.7mm CMetal B A B A B C A MHL-121HT 5000071 3000W 180V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo KUHNAST - JGMH3090-0; JGMH3090-8 C Base: Metal Contact: Metal Watts Volts HANOVIA - HF202B12 NUARC - HT121 3K; FT26V3UP; FT26V3UPNS; FT32V3UP; FT32V3UPNS; FT40V3UP; FT40V3UPNS B A Base: Metal Contact: Metal B C A Base: RSC Contact: R7s MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 181mm B C 86mm 25mm — Metal 14.3mm C Metal A B A B A MHL-150 5000076 Watts Volts 150W 120V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm Multi Spectrum C C C Base: Metal Contact: Metal Sheet B Base: Metal Contact: Metal BA A B A Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal MOL (A) Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C C B 80.5mm Arc 9mm 12mm — RSC R7s B A A Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 51 C Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Metal Halide and Mercury B A ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # MHL-153LY 5000079 Watts CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # NUARC - MH153 C 6000W Volts 540V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm Multi Spectrum Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated B A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Base:Insulated Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire C240mm C127mm 28mm 60mm (not insulated) Ceramic AMP Connector B A B A C Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated MHL-170L 5000082 Watts C Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated A 5000W Volts 250V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo OLEC - L1250 AL100; AL100A; AL100M; AL25-2; AL-2552M; AL2521 Print Lite Series B B SANDMAR - L1250 PL15; PL25; PL50; PL53; PL100; RP2820; RP3350; RP3350D; 3350D A C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length B Base A B Contact Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire 189mm C102mm TEANECK - L1250 TFD-2; TFD-3; TFD-4; TFD-6 TFD-7; TFD-8 28mm 56mm (insulated) Ceramic Spade Tongue A C MHL-170LR 5000083 Watts Volts C Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated B 5000W 240V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo matchprint BA C A Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Contact: Metal B A 52 250W 125V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum 189mm 102mm 28mm C 56mm (insulated) Ceramic Spade Tongue CC C Base:Ceramic Ceramic Base: Contact:Spade AMP Connector Contact: Tongue Wire:Insulated Insulated Wire: Watts Volts SANDMAR - L1250M Matchprint L1250 PL100; PL15; PL25; PL50; PL53; RP2820; RP3350; RP3350D C B C A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length B Base A Contact B A MHL-250 5000089 OLEC - L1250M3 AL100; AL100A; AL100M; AL25-2; AL-2552M; AL2521 HERAEUS - Q253 Z4 B B Base: RSC Contact: R7s A A B A C CC Base: Ceramic Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Wire: Not Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 68mm 18mm B 15.5mm BB A — AA RSC CR7s Base: Metal Contact: Metal C Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Base: Ceramic B C C Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Metal Halide and Mercury Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire B A B A ORDERING CODE MHL-261L 5000090 EQUIPMENT MODEL # C Watts Volts 5000W 250V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm Photopolymer Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # OLEC - L1261 Print Lite Series C B C A B Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire A B Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated C A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length B Base A B Contact C A 189mm 102mm 28mm 56mm (insulated) C Ceramic Spade Tongue B A MHL-280L 5000091 Watts Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated 400V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo OLEC - L1280 AL83 C B 8000W Volts C C A B C Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire A B A C B Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated 250mm C 154mm C28mm B 95mm (insulated) A B CCeramic A Spade Tongue A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B A B A MHL-281L 5000092 Watts 8000W Volts 480V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum C CC Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Wire: Insulated C OLEC - L1281 AL83 B A BB B AA A C Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Base: Ceramic Wire: Not Insulated Contact: AMP Connector Base: Ceramic Wire: Insulated Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 247mm C 127mm C C28mm B 60mm (insulated) A B Ceramic B A Spade Tongue BA A C MHL-282L 5000093 Watts 8000W Volts 480V Spectral Range Process C CC Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Base: Ceramic Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Not Insulated Wire: Insulated 300-450nm MultiSpectrum OLEC - L1282 B A B A BB AA C Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Base: Ceramic/THS Wire: Insulated Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C B A B BA A B A 247mm 127mm C 28mm 60mm (insulated) Ceramic Spade Tongue C Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue C 53 C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Metal Halide and Mercury Base: Metal Contact: Metal B A ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # MHL-450 5000114 HERAEUS - Q402 Z4 C Watts Volts 450W 140V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # Base: RSC Contact: R7s B C A C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B105mm A 31mm 16.3mm — RSC R7s C B A Base: Metal Contact: Metal B MHL-450-2 5000453 A Watts Volts 400W 130V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum C C B A B Base: Metal Contact: Metal Sheet MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact A 115mm 31mm 16.3mm 370mm CCeramic Wire-insulated B A MHL-450-3 5000454 C Watts Volts 450W 140V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum B C C A Base: MetalBase: Wing RSC Contact: R7s Contact: Metal Base: Metal Contact: Metal MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact Base: RSC Contact: RX7s B B A A C C B B A A B MHL-460 5000115 54 A Watts Volts 450W 130V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo 115.5mm 31mm 16.3mm C 370mm Ceramic Wire-insulated C HERAEUS - Q402 Z1 Base: RSC Contact: R7s B A C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B A Base: Metal 105mm 31mm 16.3mm — RSC CR7s Contact: Metal Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • B C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Metal Halide and Mercury C Base: Metal Base: Ceramic Contact: Metal Contact: Insulated Wire Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire Spectral Range Process CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # A MHL-470 5000722 Watts Volts C B B A C B HERAEUS - Q402 A 450W 130V 350-370nm Photopolymer Base: RSC Contact: R7s C B Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated A C Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated B C A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 105mm 31mm 16.3mm — RSC CR7s B A B C A C B Base: Metal Contact: Metal A B A B MHL-900 5000136 A ESKOFOT - 410-222-000 C GRAPHLINE - 4400-410-222 C Watts 800W Volts 123V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: RSC Base: Ceramic Contact: R7s Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Contact: Metal Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Contact: Metal Sheet HERAEUS - Q727 Z4 CC B BA A B B A C A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length B A Base B Contact A 119mm C 39mm 18.5mm — C RSC R7s C B C A B Base: RSC Contact: R7s A B MHL-1000 5000061 C A Watts 1000W Volts 120V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated B Base: RSC Contact: RX7s MOL (A) A Arc Length (B) C Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base BC B A Contact B A HELIOPRINT - PD110; PD113 KUHNAST - JGMH1000-0 A A B HANOVIA - HP102C03 HERAEUS - Q1143 Z1; Q1148 Z1 BC A B Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Base: Metal Base: Ceramic Contact: Metal Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated C C AMBA - AM535X 130mm 24mm 25mm C 90mm (insulated) Ceramic AMP Connector C NUARC 26-1; 26-1KSP; 40-1K; 40-1KSP STARNA - STR1000-0 SYLVANIA - M024.1 THEIMER - TH 1000 (8020190) 2120; 2150; 2152 THORN - 91-7466 A B A C C MHL-1000S 5000064 Watts 1000W Volts 110V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated C HERAEUS - Q1154 Z1 B A B SYLVANIA - M024.2 A B THEIMER - THS 1000 (820190); TH 1000 1050; 1054; 1058; 1125; 1126; 1127; D61-2150; D61-2155; D70-2152; D70-2157; S65-2120; Spectra-Proof 2000 Series; TU112; TU112/11; TU112/14; TU1125a/11; TU1125a/18; TU195; TU195/21; TU195T; TU197; TU197/21; TU197T; TU263; TU263/14; TU263/14 Copymat; TU52a; TU52a/11; Violux 1000s Series Violux 1500s Series A C Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Base: Contact: RingMetal Tongue Contact: Metal Sheet Wire: Insulated AMBA - AM535XS MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire LengthB Base A Contact C B A B A C 134mm 24mm 25mm 80mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C 55 C Metal Halide and Mercury Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire MHL-1000/1 GW114 5000062 Watts Volts 1200W 135V Spectral Range Process 350-370nm Photopolymer CB BA A C A C B KUHNAST - JGMH1060-0 C B B A AC Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated B A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 147mm 68mm C 23mm C — RSC C B RX7s B A B HANOVIA - HP114A00 HERAEUS - Q725 Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal C A Base: Metal Contact: Metal Sheet Base: RSC Contact: RX7s CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # B NUARC - GW114 26-1K; 26-1KSP; 32-1K; 32-1KSP; 40-1K; 40-1KSP; FT18V-1; FT18V-2; FT26V-1; FT26V2; FT26VNS-1; FT26VNS-2; FT26VNSLSP; FT26VNSSP; FT26VSP; N1000-1; N1000-2; N1000SP; N750-1; N750-2; NCP22; NCP28; VIP18; VIP18-2; VIP26; VIP26-2; VIP26NS; VIP26NS-2 SANDMAR - 10431 EX1000; FX1200; FX2400; PMX2411; PMX2412; Regency II; RP2411; JA2547 OTHER - PAGA 1000/1 A A B A MHL-1000/2 5000063 Watts Volts C 1200W 135V Spectral Range Process NUARC - GW114 (Diazo) C Base: RSC Base: Ceramic Contact: RX7s Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated 400-450nm Diazo C B B A A B Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact A C B A 147mm 68mm 23mm C — RSC RX7s B A MHL-1007 5000065 Watts 1000W Volts AMBA - AM535X C HANOVIA - HP102D03 Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated C STARNA - STR1000-7 A 120V B SYLVANIA - M059 A Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B A HERAEUS - Q1143 Z4; Q1148 Z4 PHILIPS - HPA1000/20 B B THEIMER - TH 1007 (820197) 130mm C 24mm 25mm C 90mm (insulated) Ceramic AMP Connector THORN - 91-7466 A C MHL-1007S 5000066 Watts 1000W Volts 120V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated C HERAEUS - Q1154 Z4 STARNA - STR1000-7S B A SYLVANIA - M059.2 B A C 56 Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated AMBA - AM535XS MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B A B A C 134mm 24mm 25mm 80mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector THEIMER - THS 1007 (820197); TH 1007 Theimoquick; TU112; TU263/14 Copymat; TU52a; TU52a/11; Violux 1000s Series Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Metal Halide and Mercury Base: RSC Contact: R7s C B Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire Watts EQUIPMENT MODEL # A MHL-1200/1 5000069 Volts 500V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum SYLVANIA - MP1200T5.5/6J C B A 1200W OTHER - PAGA 1200/1 C Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # B AC B Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Contact: Metal Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C 233mm 156mm C 17.5mm — Metal 9.5mm Metal B A B A C B C A B A MHL-1200/2 5000070 SYLVANIA - MP1200T5.5/155 C B OTHER - PAGA 1200/2 A Watts Volts 1200W 500V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo C B Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated A C B Base: Metal Contact: Metal Sheet Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Base: RSC Wire: Insulated Contact: R7s A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 221mm C 156mm 18mm CC 255mm BCeramic ARing Tongue B A B B A C A C Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MHL-1403 5000073 Watts Volts 2000W 250V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum C Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated C B A Base: Metal Contact: Metal Base: RSC Contact: RX7s BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1406-03 (754-18025) 2kW Addalux 1401-11, 1401-21, 1401-52, 1401-53, 1601-02, 1601-22, 1601-50, 1601-64 B B A A B C A C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) B Diameter (C) AB Lead Wire Length A Base Contact 180mm C 86mm 25mm C — Metal 9.5mm B Metal A C B A B MHL-1507S 5000078 Watts 1500W Volts 130V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum C A Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Base: Ceramic/THS Wire: Not Insulated Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated C C B Base: Metal Contact: Metal B A A B A Base: Ceramic/THS Base: Ceramic Contact: Connector Contact: Ring AMP Tongue Insulated Wire:Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B C C B A C 134mm 24mm 25mm 80mm (insulated) B Ceramic A AMP Connector THEIMER - THS 1507 (823197); TH 1507 1050; 1054; 1058; 1125; 1126; 1127; D61-2150; D61-2155; D70-2152; D70-2157; S65-2120; Spektra-Proof 2000 Series; TU112/11; TU112/14; TU1125a/11; TU1125a/18; TU195; TU195/21; TU195T; TU197; TU197/21; TU197T; TU263; TU263/14; Violux 1000s Series Violux 1500s Series A C Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue 57 Base: RSC Contact: R7s SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION C Metal Halide and Mercury B Base: RSC Contact: R7s A B ORDERING CODE A C MHL-2000/1 5000084 Watts 2000W Volts 200V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo C B A Base: Metal Base: Metal RSC Contact: Contact: R7s Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: Metal Contact: Metal EQUIPMENT MODEL # C Base: Metal Contact: Metal CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # B C A B A NUARC - HT28 FT26V2UP; FT26V2UPNS; FT26V2UPNSLSP; FT26V2UPSP; FT32V2UP; FT32V2UPNS; FT40-3V2UP; FT40-3V2UPNS; FT40V2UP; FT40V2UPNS; FT40V2UPNSLSP; FT40V2UPNSSP; FT40V2UPSP OTHER - PAGA 2000/1 C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C 172mm 75mm 25mm B — C A B Metal14.3mm A Metal B A C B C A B Base: RSC Contact: R7s MHL-2000/2 5000085 A Base: Metal Contact: Metal Watts Volts 2000W 200V Spectral Range Process 350-370nm Photopolymer AMBA - AM584X A C B C B Base: Metal Contact: Metal BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1406-02 (754-18014) 2kW Addalux, 1601-18; 2kW Addalux, 1601-18-50 C HANOVIA - HF202A11 A HERAEUS - Q2842; Q2842Z4 B Base: Metal Contact: Metal KUHNAST - JGMH2000-8 A B C A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length B Base A Contact B A 180mm 86mm C 25mm C — Metal 9.5mm Metal STARNA - STR2000-8 SYLVANIA - H200T8/J; M063; M063.1 THEIMER - TH 2008 (820208) OTHER - PAGA 2000/2 B A C MHL-2000/3* 5000086 C C Base: Metal Contact: Metal Sheet Watts Volts 2000W 200V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo *Replaces MHL19BT; MHL-1401 Base: Metal Base: Metal Wing Base: Ceramic Contact: Metal Sheet Contact: Metal Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal C B Base: Metal Base: Ceramic Contact: Metal Sheet Contact: Insulated Wire A B BA B A A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base B Contact A 180mm AB B A C C 86mm C 25mm C— B Metal 9.5mm Metal AMBA - AM583X BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1406-01 (754-18013) 2kW Addalux 1601-12, 1601-13,1601-14, 1601-49, 1601-51, 1601-53, 1601-57; HANOVIA - HF202C11 HERAEUS - Q2842 Z1; Q2942-1 KUHNAST - JGMH2000-0 PHILIPS - HPM19 (BT) STARNA - STR2000-0 SYLVANIA - M012; M019; M044; M044.1 MP2000T8/4J THEIMER - TH 2000 (820200) THORN - 91-7483 OTHER - PAGA 2000/3 A C MHL-2000/4 5000087 Watts 2000W Volts 200V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Metal Wing Base: RSC Metal Contact: Contact: RX7s C C OTHER - PAGA 2000/4 B B A B BA A A Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: RX7s MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 176mm C C94mm B A 58 SYLVANIA - MP2000T8/4R C Base: RSC Contact: RX7s 25mm 255mm BCeramic ARing Tongue Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION C Base: Metal Contact: Metal Metal Halide and Mercury Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated B A B A C ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # Base: RSC Contact: R7s MHL-2117S 5000088 Watts CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # B 2000W Volts 130V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum AMBA - AM555XS C STARNA - STR2110-7S A Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated SYLVANIA - M097.2 THEIMER - THS 2117 (822297) C B A B Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Contact: Metal MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C 133mm 47mm 28mm C 90mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector A B A C B Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire A B A MHL-3000/2* 5000099 Watts Volts 3000W 350V 400-450nm Diazo *Replaces MHL-20B KUHNAST - JGMH2130-0 C B Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Base: Ceramic Contact: Metal Sheet Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact PHILIPS - HPM20 SYLVANIA - M048; MP3000T8/6J B THEIMER - TH 2010 A OTHER - PAGA 3000/2 A C B AB B 241mm C 148mm C 25mm — Metal 9.5mm Metal A A MHL-3000/3 5000447 Watts HERAEUS - Q3849 Z1 C B Spectral Range Process AMBA - AM585X C TOBIAS - MP3000T8/6J Akulite C C C 3000W Volts 350V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo SYLVANIA - MP3000T8/6R Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Base: Metal Wing Wire: Insulated Contact: Metal OTHER - PAGA 3000/3 B B B A A A Base: Ceramic Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Contact: Tongue Wire: Spade Insulated Wire: InsulatedBase: RSC Contact: RX7s MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 230mm C CC148mm B B A A 25mm 255mm BCeramic ARing Tongue C MHL-3001 5000097 Watts Volts 3000W 200V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo AMBA - AM595X C Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated HANOVIA - HP302C03 B B HERAEUS - Q2122 Z1; Q2128 Z1 A KUHNAST - JGMH3000-0 STARNA - STR3000-0 A SYLVANIA - M025 Base: Ceramic Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Wire: Not Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 133mm C 47mm 28mm 100mm (insulated) B Ceramic A AMP Connector THEIMER - TH 3000 (820390) 2300; 2303 C B A Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C C 59 C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Metal Halide and Mercury Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated C B Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire AC Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire EQUIPMENT MODEL # B A B MHL-3001S 5000098 Watts Volts 3000W 200V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo C A Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated B Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: R7s C 133mm 47mm 28mm C 90mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector F61-2300; F70-2303; F70-2308; S65-2320; S80-2321; S80DS-2322; S95-2323; S95DS-2324; Spektra-Proof 3000S Series; TU116; TU117; TU118; TU118/11; TU118/14; TU174; TU174/11; TU175; TU175/11; TU175/14; TU177; TU177T; TU199; TU199/11; TU199T; TU222; TU225; TU225/11; TU225/14 C SYLVANIA - MP3000T8/6R B A B C A C B A C B AMBA - AM596XS HERAEUS - Q2120 Z1 STARNA - STR3000-0S SYLVANIA - M025.2 THEIMER - THS 3000 (820390) TH 3000 A C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # B A B A A MHL-3003 5000100 C Watts 3000W Volts 220V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Ceramic Base: Metal Contact: Spade Tongue Contact: Metal Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated C B BA A B C A Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 237mm C145mm 25mm — Metal 9.5mm Metal C B C A B A B A B MHL-3007 5000101 Watts A 3000W Volts 220V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Base: Metal Wire: Insulated Contact: Metal C C C HERAEUS - Q2122 Z4; Q2128 Z4 STARNA - STR3000-7 A B SYLVANIA - M058 B A A Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated HANOVIA - HP302D03 KUHNAST - JGMH3000-7 B MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact AMBA - AM597X THEIMER - TH 3007 (820397) 133mm C 47mm C 28mm C 100mm (insulated) B Ceramic A AMP Connector B B A A C MHL-3007S 5000102 Watts Volts 3000W 220V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Base: Metal Wire: Insulated Contact: Metal Sheet C B A B BA A Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal C C C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B A C B A 133mm 47mm 28mm 90mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector AMBA - AM598X HERAEUS - Q2120 Z4 STARNA - STR3000-7S SYLVANIA - M058.2 THEIMER - THS 3007 (820397); TH 3007 F61-2300; F70-2303; F70-2308; S65-2320; S80-2321; S80DS-2322; S95-2323; S95DS-2324; Spectra-Proof 3000S Series; TU116; TU117; TU118; TU118/11; TU118/14; TU174; TU174/11; TU175; TU175/11; TU175/14; TU177; TU177T; TU199; TU199/11; TU199T; TU222; TU225; TU225/11; TU225/14 B 60 A Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Metal Halide and Mercury Base: Ceramic Contact: Connector Base: AMP Ceramic Wire: Not Insulated Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated B B A A ORDERING CODE CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # MHL-3020S 5000103 C Watts Volts 3000W 400V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated C B A B A Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C B A B 190mm 102mm 25mm C 90mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector HERAEUS - Q3147 Z1 THEIMER - THS 3020 (822390); TH 3020 1344; 1344S; 1348; 1348S; 1340 (TU63a); 1340S (TU63c); 1341 (TU63a/11); 1341S (TU63c/11); 3310FS; 3315FS; 3320FS; 3325FS; 65-3400; 65-3405; 65-3410; 65-3415; 80-3401; 80-3406; 95-3420; 95-3425; 95-3430; 95-3435; Montakop 3000 Series; TU403; TU403/24; TU403/T; TU409/11; TU410; TU410T; TU415; TU415T; TU416; TU416T; Violux Exposure Frame Systems; Violux 3002, 3002S A MHL-3027S 5000104 Watts C 3000W Volts 420V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated B A Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C B A 190mm 102mm 25mm 90mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector MHL-4000/U1 5000109 HERAEUS - Q3147 Z4 THEIMER - THS 3027 (821397); TH 3027 1344; 1344S; 1348; 1348S; 1340 (TU63a); 1340S (TU63c); 1341 (TU63a/11); 1341S (TU63c/11); 3310FS; 3315FS; 3320FS; 3325FS; 65-3400; 65-3405; 65-3410; 65-3415; 80-3401; 80-3406; 95-3420; 95-3425; 95-3430; 95-3435; Montakop 3000 Series; Montakop Multi 4 3kW; TU403; TU403/24; TU403/T; TU409/11; TU410; TU410T; TU415; TU415T; TU416; TU416T; Violux Exposure Frame Systems; Violux 3002; Violux 3002S HANOVIA - 6413A500 Watts 4000W Volts 500V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum NUARC - FS90 FT32UP; FT32UPNS; FT40-3UP; FT40-3UPNS; FT40UPNS; FT40UPNSLSP; FT40UPNSSP; FT40UPSP; FT46UPNS; FT52UPNS; FT52UPNSLSP; FT52UPNSSP; FT52UPSP; FT66UPNS OTHER - PAGA 4000/U1 MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 145mm 218mm 25.3mm 100mm Ceramic Banana Plug HANOVIA - 5339A400 MHL-4000/U2 5000110 Watts 4000W Volts 500V Spectral Range Process 350-370nm Photopolymer NUARC - HQ89 Hg version of FS90 4000UP; FT32UP; FT32UPNS; FT40-3UP; FT40-3UPNS; FT40UPNS; FT40UPNSLSP; FT40UPNSSP; FT40UPSP; FT46UPNS; FT52UPNS; FT52UPNSLSP; FT52UPNSSP; FT52UPSP; FT66UPNS MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 145mm 218mm 25.3 mm 100mm Ceramic Banana Plug OTHER - PAGA 4000/U2 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 61 Base: Metal Base: Metal Contact: Contact: Metal Sheet Metal B SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION B A Metal Halide and Mercury A C ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # Base: RSC Contact: R7s BC MHL-4001 5000111 AMBA - AM604X A HERAEUS - Q5527 Z1 Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal Watts Volts 3500W 250V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo C Contact: Metal KUHNAST - JGMH4000-0 B STARNA - STR4000-0 A SYLVANIA - M017; M023; M223 THEIMER - TH 4000 B Base: RSC Contact: RX7s Base: Metal CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C230mm 102mm C 28mm — Metal/Wing Metal B C A B Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire A B A MHL-4003 5000751 C C Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Watts Volts 4000W 150V Spectral Range Process 360-417nm MultiSpectrum BC BA A Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated B A Base: Metal Contact: Metal Sheet MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C 275mm 154mm 28mm 40mm Ceramic Ring Tongue C B A B A MHL-4007 5000112 C C Watts Volts 3500W 270V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MHL-4010 5000450 Watts KUHNAST - JGMH4000-7 STARNA - STR4000-7 B SYLVANIA - M033; M054; M061 MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact THEIMER - TH 4007 C230mm C102mm B B A A 28mm — Metal/Wing Metal C 4000W Volts 280V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo AMBA - AM606X HERAEUS - Q2123 Z1; Q4137 Z1 Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated 62 HERAEUS - Q5527 Z4; Q5527 Z14 B A A Base: CeramicBase: RSC Contact: Spade TongueRX7s Contact: Wire: Insulated AMBA - AM605X STARNA - STR4010-0 MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B SYLVANIA - M022 A THEIMER - TH 4010 200mm 104mm 30mm 155mm Ceramic AMP Connector C B A Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated C Metal Halide and Mercury B A B A ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # MHL-5000 5000116 Watts CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # C 5000W Volts 400V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated C Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated HANOVIA - HP502C03 HERAEUS - Q4128 Z1 B STARNA - STR5000-0 A B SYLVANIA - M026 THEIMER - TH 5000 (820596) 2502; 2520 A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact AMBA - AM610X 190mm 102mm C 28mm 100mm (insulated) Ceramic AMP Connector C B A B A C MHL-5000S 5000121 Watts 5000W Volts 400V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated C B A B A C Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: R7s MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C 190mm 102mm 28mm C 90mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector B A B A AMBA - AM611X HERAEUS - Q4129 Z1 STARNA - STR5000-0S SYLVANIA - M026.2 THEIMER - THS 5000 (820596); TH 5000 F70-2502; F70-2505; S80-2520; S80DS-2521; S95-2522; S95DS-2523; Spectra-Proof 5000S Series; TU150; TU178; TU178/11; TU178/14; TU179; TU179/11; TU179/14; TU212; TU212/11; TU212T; TU222/14; TU223; TU223/11; TU223/14; TU224; TU224/11 B A C MHL-5000/2 5000117 Watts Volts 5000W 220V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1406-457 OTHER - PAGA 5000/2 Base: Metal Contact: Metal B A C Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: RSC Contact: R7s MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 281mm 175mm 25mm C — Metal 14.3mm Metal C B A B A B MHL-5000/4 5000118 A Watts Volts 5000W 220V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Metal Contact: Metal C AMBA - AM529X C BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1406-04 (754-18015) 5kW Addalux 1601-48, 1601-58; HANOVIA - HF502C02 B A Base: Metal Contact: Metal HERAEUS - Q5846 Z1 B A Base: RSC Contact: R7s MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B A B C 281mm 175mm C 25mm — Metal 14.3mm Metal C STARNA - STR5010-0 SYLVANIA - M045; M045.1; MP5000T8/V THEIMER - TH 5010 (821500) OTHER - PAGA 5000/4 A Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • B 63 C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION ORDERING CODE Metal Halide and Mercury C Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire BC B Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire A EQUIPMENT MODEL # A MHL-5000/5 5000119 C B AMBA - AM563X A Watts Volts 5000W 220V Spectral Range Process 350-370nm Photopolymer Base: Metal Contact: Metal B A Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: R7s BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1406-05 (754-18016) 5kW Addalux 1601-50, 1601-65 C Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: R7s CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # HANOVIA - HF502A02 C HERAEUS - Q5846 B KUHNAST - JGMH5010-8 C A B MOL (A) 284mm A Arc Length (B) 190mm Diameter (C) 25mm BC C— Lead Wire Length A Base C Metal 14.3mm Contact Metal C STARNA - STR5010-8 SYLVANIA - H5000T8/V; M064; M064.1 THEIMER - TH 5018 (821508) OTHER - PAGA 5000/5 B B A B A A MHL-5000/7 5000120 B C A C Watts 5000W Volts 220V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum C Base: Ceramic Base: Metal Contact: Spade Tongue Contact: Metal Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated C B B A A BB AA C Base: Metal Base: Ceramic Contact: Metal Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated MOL (A) 281mm C Arc Length (B) 175mm C 25mm Diameter (C) B C Lead Wire Length A — Base Metal 14.3mm B Contact A C Metal B B A BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1406-07 (754-18017) 5kW Addalux, 5K-3343; 5K-3343-W; 5K-3343/755-10084; 5K-3545; 5K-4252; 5K-4862; 5K/754/1200A 5K/754/1201A; 5K/754/1202A; 5K/754/1203A; 5kW-OH; 5kW-SM; B1401-24; B1401-50; B1401-51; B1421-14; B1601-03; B1601-23; B1801-06; B1801-07 B1801-08; B1801-09; B1801-17; B1801-18 B1801-19; B1801-20; B1801-21; B1801-22; B1801-23; B1801-24; B1801-25; B1801-26 B1801-27; B1801-30; B1801-40; B1801-50 HANOVIA - HF502D02 HERAEUS - Q5846 Z4 THEIMER - TH 5017 (821507) OTHER - PAGA 5000/7 A B MHL-5007 5000123 Watts A 5000W Volts Spectral Range Process Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Base: Metal Wire: Insulated Contact: Metal Sheet Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Base: Metal Wire: Insulated Contact: Metal C B 420V A B 300-450nm MultiSpectrum A Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal C C C AMBA - AM612X HANOVIA - HP502D03 HERAEUS - Q4128 Z4 B KUHNAST - JGMH5000-7 A B STARNA - STR5000-7 SYLVANIA - M057; M812 A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B A B B A A C C B THEIMER - TH 5007 (820597) 190mm C 102mm C 28mm 100mm (insulated) Ceramic AMP Connector A C MHL-5007S 5000124 Watts 5000W Volts 420V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Base: Metal Wire: Insulated Contact: Metal Sheet Base: RSC C C B B A Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal STARNA - STR5000-7S SYLVANIA - M057.2 B A A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C C B AC B A AMBA - AM613X HERAEUS - Q4129 Z4 A B Contact: RX7s Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated C 190mm 102mm 28mm 90mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector THEIMER - THS 5007 (820597); TH 5007 F70-2502; F70-2505; S80-2520; S80DS-2521; S95-2522; S95DS-2523; Spektra-Proof 5000S Series; TU150; TU178; TU178/11; TU178/14; TU179; TU179/11; TU179/14; TU212; TU212/11; TU212T; TU222/14; TU223; TU223/11; TU223/14; TU224; TU224/11 B 64 A Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION C Metal Halide and Mercury Base: RSC Contact: R7s C B B A ORDERING CODE A B CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # A C MHL-5011 5000125 BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1406-07+240V C Watts Volts 5000W 240V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic Base: Metal Contact: Spade Tongue Contact: Metal Wire: Insulated C B B A A B Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: R7s Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated C A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 281mm C175mm 25mm B C — A Metal BC Metal A C B Base: Ceramic Contact: Insulated Wire 14.3mm A B A B MHL-5020 5000126 A Watts Volts 5000W 400V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Base: Ceramic Base: Metal Wire: Insulated Contact: Spade Tongue Contact: Metal Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated C C C C HANOVIA - HP502C23 HERAEUS - Q6138 Z1; Q5138 Z1 STARNA - STR5020-0 B SYLVANIA - M060 A B B B A AA MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact AMBA - AM614X THEIMER - TH 5060; TH 5020 240mm 154mm C 28mm C 150mm (insulated) Ceramic AMP Connector C C B A B B B A A A C MHL-5020S 5000127 Watts 5000W Volts 400V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Base: Ceramic Base: Metal Wire:Spade Insulated Contact: Tongue Contact: Metal Sheet Wire: Insulated C CC B A B BBA AA C Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire:Ceramic Insulated Base: Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Metal Wing Contact: Metal C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 240mm 154mm B 28mm A C B 150mm (insulated) BA Ceramic/THS AMP Connector A C AMBA - AM615X HERAEUS - Q6139 Z1 STARNA - STR5020-0S SYLVANIA - M060.2 THEIMER - THS 5020 (822590); TH 5020 1534; 1538; 110-3626; 125-3640; 125-3645; 125-3650; 125-3655; 135-3660; 135-3665; 135-3670; 135-3675; 1530 (TU64a); 1530S (TU64c/11); 1531 (TU64a/11); 1531S (TU64c); 3510FS; 3515FS; 3520FS; 3525FS; 3530FS; 3535FS; 3540FS; 3545FS; 3550FS; 3555FS; 3560FS; 3565FS; 653600; 65-3605; 65-3610; 65-3615; 80-3601; 80-3606; 95-3620; 95-3621; 95-3625; 95-3630; 95-3635; Montakop 5000 Series TU404; TU404/24; TU404T; TU405; TU405/24; TU405T; TU406; TU406/24; TU406T; TU412/11; TU413; TU413T; TU417/11; TU418; TU418T; TU419/11; TU421; TU421T; Violux Exposure Frame Systems B A MHL-5027 5000128 Watts C 5000W Volts 420V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated AMBA - AM616XS; AM557X HANOVIA - HP502D23 C Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: RSC Contact: RX7s HERAEUS - Q6138 Z4 STARNA - STR5020-7; STR5060-7 B B A SYLVANIA - M067; M069 A THEIMER - TH 5027 (822597); TH 5067 MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 240mm 154mm 28mm 150mm (insulated) Ceramic AMP Connector C B A Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C 65 C C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION C Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Base: Ceramic Wire: Not Insulated Contact: Spade Tongue Base: Ceramic Wire: Insulated Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Metal Halide and Mercury C B B A BA ORDERING CODE A MHL-5027S 5000129 Watts C 5000W Volts 420V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Tongue Connector Contact: Spade Wire: Insulated Wire: Insulated CC C B A B B B A A A Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated Base: Ceramic Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Contact: Spade Tongue Wire: Insulated Wire: Insulated CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # BA C MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B C A B 240mm 154mm 28mm C 150mm (insulated) C Ceramic/THS AMP Connector AMBA - AM617X HERAEUS - Q6139 Z4 SYLVANIA - M069.2 STARNA - STR5020-7S THEIMER - THS 5027 (822597); TH 5027 1534; 1538; 110-3626; 125-3640; 125-3645; 125-3650; 125-3655; 135-3660; 135-3665; 135-3670; 135-3675; 1530 (TU64a); 1530S (TU64c/11); 1531 (TU64a/11); 1531S(TU64c); 3510FS; 3515FS; 3520FS; 3525FS; 3530FS; 3535FS; 3540FS; 3545FS; 3550FS; 3555FS; 3560FS; 3565FS; 653600; 65-3605; 65-3610; 65-3615; 80-3601; 80-3606; 95-3620; 95-3621; 95-3625; 95-3630; 95-3635; Montakop 5000 Series; Montakop Multi 6 (5kW); TU404; TU404/24; TU404T; TU405; TU405/24; TU405T; TU406; TU406/24; TU406T; TU412/11; TU413; TU413T; TU417/11; TU418; TU418T; TU419/11; TU421; TU421T; Violux 5002; Violux 5002S; Violux Exposure Frame Systems A B B A A MHL-6027S 5000132 C Watts Volts 6000W 440V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Base: Ceramic Contact: Spade Tongue Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated Wire: Not Insulated THEIMER - THS 6027 CC B A BB AA Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Base: Wire:Ceramic Insulated Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact C B A B 215mm 127mm C28mm C160mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector AB A MHL-7000 5000133 C Watts Volts 7000W 550V Spectral Range Process 400-450nm Diazo Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated ORC - MXA-7000 C B A B A Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact B 385mm 280mm C 30mm 380mm Ceramic Ring Tongue A MHL-7007 5000134 Watts 66 C 7000W Volts 550V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum ORC - MXA-7000 Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated B A MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 385mm 280mm 30mm 380mm Ceramic Ring Tongue Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • C SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Metal Halide and Mercury Base: Ceramic Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Not Insulated B A ORDERING CODE CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # MHL-8027S 5000135 HERAEUS - Q5125 Z4 C 7500W Volts 540V Spectral Range Process 300-450nm MultiSpectrum B A Base: Ceramic Contact: Ring Tongue Wire: Insulated MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact METAL HALIDE LAMPS USHIO MHL Series metal halide lamps contain mercury, scandium and various other metal halogens in an inner bulb that produces a very high light output. As the high temperature of the arc discharge excites the halogenides to evaporate and separate into atoms, the metallic atoms illuminate and release the predetermined target ultraviolet wavelength. The mercury line of 365 nanometers remains present, and although depressed in strength, the combination of these halogenides effect the required ultraviolet wavelengths required for photopolymer, multi-spectrum and diazo processing applications. C B A 215mm 127mm 28mm 160mm (insulated) Ceramic/THS AMP Connector DISTRIBUTION Watts KUHNAST - JGMH1020-0 Base: Ceramic/THS Contact: AMP Connector Wire: Insulated THEIMER - THS 8027 (821897) 110-3821; 110-3826; 125-3840; 125-3845; 125-3850; 125-3855; 1353860; 135-3865; 135-3870; 135-3875; 1801; 1801S; 1802; 1802S; 1804; 1804S; 1808; 1808S; 3730-FS; 3735-FS; 3740-FS; 3745-FS; 3750-FS; 3755-FS; 3760-FS; 3765-FS; 95-3820; 95-3825; 95-3830; 95-3835; Montakop 7kW, 7.5kW; Montakop Multi 10; Violux Exposure Frame Systems; Violux Multi 10; Violux Super Series DIAZO 300 400 450 300 Peak Output 410 Nanometers 400 450 300 Peak Output 410 Nanometers 400 450 Peak Output 410 Nanometers MULTI-SPECTRUM are designed with a higher open circuit secondary and a higher current carrying capacity. A thermal fuse should also be integrated into the ballast. LAMP OPERATION AND SAFETY Metal halogens are extremely active compounds producing high levels of both UV-A and short-wave UV-B and UV-C radiation known to be harmful to the human eye and skin. To avoid danger, the bulb temperature must be maintained within the recommended limits. As the bulb temperature rises, high internal pressure can build to the fracturing point of the quartz; to stay within the safety limits the temperature must not exceed 850oC. As with mercury vapor lamps, metal halide lamps should be operated and handled only under the direction and supervision of qualified personnel. SPECTRAL specially for metal halide lamps should be used. Bridge-gap ballasts ENERGY For the operation of an MHL lamp, bridge-gap ballasts designed 300 350 400 450 300 Peak Output 365-436 Nanometers 450 350 400 300 Peak Output 365-436 450 350 Nanometers 400 Peak Output 365-436 Nanometers PHOTOPOLYMER 300 300 350 400 Peak Output 365 Nanometers 350 400 450 450 Peak Output 365 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free300 877.902.0722 • 350Nanometers 450 400 Peak Output 67 SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Pulse Xenon ORDERING CODE CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # EQUIPMENT MODEL # UPX-42 5000261 BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1106-20 C Rated Wattage 1200W Voltage Pulse Frequency Approx Lumens Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Max Seal Temp 100±10V 100pps 37500Lm 5400K 100Hrs Any 200oC B MAC BETH - MX-07 AA7-07-28CB A SYLVANIA - X202 MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact UPX-44 5000262 - 330.2mm 254mm 9.52mm 120mm Ceramic Wire-insulated BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1106-06 C - G.E. - PXA-44 Rated Wattage 600W Voltage Pulse Frequency Approx Lumens Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Max Seal Temp 52V 100pps 18000Lm 5400K 150Hrs Any 200oC B PHILIPS - XOP70F A THEIMER - KX 8 MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact UPX-45 5000264 241.3mm 152.4mm 9.52mm 188mm Ceramic Wire-insulated BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1106-12, 1122-70 A1146B; A1144A; A1147; AL1124E; AL1128A C Rated Wattage 1500W Voltage Pulse Frequency Approx Lumens Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Max Seal Temp 105V 100pps 37500Lm 5400K 100Hrs Any 200oC UPX-46 5000266 G.E. - PXA-45 B MAC BETH - MX-14 AA12TQ60CB A PHILIPS - XOP150F SYLVANIA - X101, X275 MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 393.7mm 304.8mm 9.52mm 180mm Ceramic Wire-insulated THEIMER - KX 10 (823110) 4600 (uses 4); 4608 (uses 4); TU01a (uses 2); TU03a (uses 4); TU132a (uses 4); 34003 G.E. - PXA-46 C PHILIPS - XOP250F SYLVANIA - X102 Rated Wattage 2000W THEIMER - KX 22 34005 B A Voltage Pulse Frequency Approx Lumens Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Max Seal Temp 68 115V 100pps 55000Lm 5400K 75Hrs Any 200oC MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 546.1mm 457.2mm 9.52mm 125mm Ceramic Wire-insulated Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION Pulse Xenon CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # UPX-47 5000267 BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1106-24 A1149B; A1150C; L1126A; L1116A C Rated Wattage 3000W Voltage Pulse Frequency Approx Lumens Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Max Seal Temp 210V 100pps 84000Lm 5400K 150Hrs Any 200oC G.E. - PXA-47 B MAC BETH - MX28 AA24-VL A PHILIPS - XOP300F SYLVANIA - X103, X276 MOL (A) Arc Length (B) Diameter (C) Lead Wire Length Base Contact 698.5mm 609.6mm 9.52mm 180mm Ceramic Wire-insulated THEIMER - KX 30 (821310) TU04a (uses 4); TU05a (uses 2); TU07a (uses 4); 34007 C UPX-50 5000268 Rated Wattage 4000W Voltage Pulse Frequency Approx Lumens Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Air Flow Max Seal Temp 210V 100pps 125000Lm 5400K 200Hrs Any 1600ft/min 370oC - BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1106-07, 1107-07 A1151S - G.E. - PXA-50 B HERAEUS - NXE 3600 D MAC BETH - MX-50H Mark 50-HL; Mark 50-UL; Mark 50-XL Length (A) Length (A1) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) Lead Wire Length Base/Contact 65.88±4mm 85.73mm 114.3±3.2mm 57.15mm 9.53mm 190mm Ceramic/Wire-insulated A A� NUARC - CN-42, VE357 FT26L; FT26LNS; FT32L; FT32LNS; FT40L; FT52L; NU8000P PHILIPS - XOP400F SYLVANIA - X123 THEIMER - KX 110 C C UPX-56 5000270 D C Rated Wattage 1500W 210V 100pps 45000Lm 5400K 200Hrs Any 370oC MAC BETH - MX-15H D NUARC - HE-15, VE-677 FT18L; FT18L-1; FT18L-2; FT32L; FT32LNS; FT40L N1500; N1500-1; N1500-2 E B D Length (A) Length (A1) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) Lead Wire Length Base/Contact - G.E. - PXA-56 B A Voltage Pulse Frequency Approx Lumens Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Max Seal Temp BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 4006-02 B A 59±3mm — 114.3±3.2mm A A� 57.15mm 9.53mm 110mm Ceramic/Wire-insulated A� SYLVANIA - X117 THEIMER - KX 105 C C UPX-80 5000271 Rated Wattage B D 8000W Voltage Pulse Frequency Approx Lumens Color Temp Average Life Burn Position Air Flow Max Seal Temp 1600V 100pps 240000Lm 5400K 200Hrs Any 2500ft/min 370oC A Length (A) Length (B) Length (C) Diameter (D) Length (E) Lead Wire Length Base/Contact - G.E. - PXA-80 B A BURGESS/ASCOR, BERKEY, PAKO 1106-52 A1152S D E 89.9±2mm 114.3±3.2mm 57.15mm 9.53mm 48.26±2mm 177.8mm Ceramic/Wire-insulated E MAC BETH - MX-80H NUARC - CU-71, VE409 FT40LNS; FT46LNS; FT52LNS; FT66LNS PHILIPS - XOP80 SYLVANIA - X127 THEIMER - KX 150 (820811) TU16a (1800); TU16a/11 (1802); TU16c (1800); TU16c/11 (1802); 1800; 1811; 1814; 1818; 34207 Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 69 Short Arc Xenon SPECIFICATIONS LAMP DESCRIPTION CROSS MANUFACTURER - REFERENCE LAMP # ORDERING CODE EQUIPMENT MODEL # UXL-75XE 5000371 XBO 75W/2 D1 Rated Power 65W Rated Current 5.4A Current Control Range 4.6 to 5.4 Rated Voltage 12.5V Total Lumens 1000Lm Luminous Intensity 100cd Average Life 400Hrs D1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 Fig 1 Length (L1) Length (L2) Length (L3) Diameter (D1) L1 Fig 2 88mm 80mm 36.5mm 13mm UXL-S75XE 5000376 D1 Rated Power 80W Rated Current 5.4A Current Control Range 4.6 to 5.4 Rated Voltage 15V Total Lumens 1400Lm Luminous Intensity 140cd Average Life 2000Hrs D1 L3 L2 L1 L3 Fig 1 Length (L1) Length (L2) Length (L3) Diameter (D1) L2 L1 88mm 80mm 36.5mm 13mm UXL-150M-O 5000323 Fig 2 CROSFIELD 636 Color Separation Scanner Rated Power 150W Rated Current 8.5A Current Control Range 7.0 to 8.0 Rated Voltage 17.5V Total Lumens 2900Lm Luminous Intensity 290cd Average Life 1500Hrs XBO 150W/GS OFR D1 D1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L2 L1 Length (L1)Fig 2 Length (L2) Length (L3) Diameter (D1) Fig 1 150mm 125mm 58mm 19mm UXL-S150M-O (Long Life) 5000375 CROSFIELD Scanner Rated Power 150W Rated Current 8.5A D1 D1 70 Current Control Range 8.0 to 9.0 Rated Voltage 17.5V Total Lumens 2900Lm Luminous Intensity 290cd Average Life 3000Hrs L3 L2 L1 L3 Fig 1 L2 L1 Length (L1) Fig 2 Length (L2) Length (L3) Diameter (D1) 150mm 125mm 58mm 19mm Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • Order and Inquiries • Toll-free Continental U.S. 800.838.7446 • Fax 800.776.3641 • Canada Toll-free 877.902.0722 • 71 Index by LAMP DESCRIPTION BAH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BBA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BCA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BCK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BRH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BRL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DDL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DVS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DVY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DWY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXX/220V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DXX/240V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DYH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DYJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DYR/220V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DYR/240V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EBV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ECA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EFP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EFR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EHZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EJD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EJG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EJL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EJV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EKM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELS/ELR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ESJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ETB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EYH/FKT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FBG/FBD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FBY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FCM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FCZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 39 39 39 34 30 32 36 22 31 29 30 30 29 29 31 31 33 33 33 39 40 39 40 38 38 38 32 20 28 28 20 26 25 36 36 27 36 36 37 38 25 26 37 37 37 34 32 31 29 31 30 29 28 21 26 21 FDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FDN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FDV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FFM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FHM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F13T5/CW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F13T5/D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F13T5/WW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F15T8/BL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F15T8/C50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F15T8/CW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F15T8/D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F15T8/WW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F20T12/C50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F30T8/C50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F40T12/C50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4T5/BL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4T5/CW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4T5/D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4T5/WW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F6T5/BL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F6T5/CW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F6T5/D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F6T5/WW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F8T5/BL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F8T5/CW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F8T5/D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F8T5/WW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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MHL-5020. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-5020S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-5027. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-5027S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-5KM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-6027S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-7000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-7007. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-8027S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-900. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MHL-GAF 16/35 . . . . . . . . . . . PH140. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PH211. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PH212. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PH213. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QIH115-1350/L . . . . . . . . . . . . QIH208-1000T/S. . . . . . . . . . . QIH240-1000/VB. . . . . . . . . . . QIH240-1000T/S. . . . . . . . . . . QIH240-2000/S. . . . . . . . . . . . QIH240-2000/VS. . . . . . . . . . . QR150-1501DSF. . . . . . . . . . . QR80-600DSF. . . . . . . . . . . . . SM-100T8/1SC . . . . . . . . . . . . UPX-42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPX-44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPX-45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPX-46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPX-47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPX-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPX-56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UPX-80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UXL-150M-O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . UXL-75XE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UXL-S150M-O . . . . . . . . . . . . UXL-S75XE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12010101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12170101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 63 63 63 64 64 63 64 64 65 65 65 65 66 49 66 66 66 67 55 49 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 34 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 24 24 The specifications in this publication supercede all previously published specifications and may be subject to change for design and specification improvement without prior notice.
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