Scleral buckling
Scleral buckling
3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Dr. Ayman M. Khattab MD, FRCS professor of Ophthalmology Cairo University Surgical Treatment • Pneumatic retinopexy • Scleral buckling. • Primary pars plana vitrectomy. 1 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling • Indications for scleral buckling. SB is used to treat the majority of cases with rhegmatogenous RD without significant PVR ( PVR less than C1) Inferior retinal breaks Retinal dialysis Pediatric population Scleral buckling • Principles of scleral buckling. 1- close retinal breaks by apposing the RPE to the sensory retina. 2- reduce dynamic vitreoretinal traction at sites of vitreoretinal adhesion. 2 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling • Surgical Technique 12345- Peritomy & isolation of muscles. Localization of breaks. Treatment of retinal breaks. Scleral buckling. ±Drainage of SRF ±air injection. DACE technique Scleral buckling • Surgical Technique peritomy & isolation of muscles 3 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Peritomy & isolation of muscles Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • localization of breaks. Precise localization of retinal breaks on the sclera is crucial for accurate placement of the buckle on the sclera. Indirect ophthalmoscope & scleral localizer. The position of each break is marked externally on the sclera. 4 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • localization of breaks. small breaks are marked with single spot. Large horseshoe tear → marked with 3 spots. Retinal dialyses → mark the 2 ends and the posterior extent of the mid point Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • localization of breaks. Difficult localization Highly elevated retina Posterior break 5 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • localization of breaks. Highly elevated retina The retinal break may appear because of parallax ,further posterior than its true location when the detachment flattens Scleral indentation is begun anteriorly in the meridian of the break where the retina is closest to the choroid then move posteriorly Presence of RPE changes underlying the retinal break Drainage of SRF + intravitreal saline injection Scleral buckling • Surgical Technique localization of breaks. 6 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Treatment of retinal breaks Rationale for treatment : is to form an adhesion between the RPE & retina. Methods : 1- cryotherapy 2- diathermy 3- photocoagulation Scleral buckling • Surgical Technique Treatment of retinal breaks A-Cryotherapy Mechanism Expansion of a high pressure gas (nitrous oxide) at the tip of a probe generating temperature down to -89°C. The temp. effect is confined to the tip of the probe by insulating sleeve 7 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Treatment of retinal breaks A-Cryotherapy Goal of treatment To surround all retinal breaks with 1-2 mm of contiguous treatment without significant overlap. Treatment should include both retina and choroid to create stronger adhesion The treatment endpoint is retinal whitening without ice crystal formation. Allow to melt before removing the cryo probe. Don’t freeze bare RPE in the bed of the retinal break … why? Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Treatment of retinal breaks A-Cryotherapy • A common mistake is to use the shaft, rather than the tip, of the cryoprobe to indent the sclera. 8 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Purpose to close retinal breaks & relieve vitreoretinal traction. Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Methods of buckling 1-exoplant→ the buckling material is sutured to the surface of the sclera. 2-implant → the buckling material is placed beneath scleral flaps after lamellar scleral dissection 9 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Methods of buckling Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Buckling materials 1- solid silicone rubber →tire, band ,strips or wedges . 2- silicone sponge 10 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Type of scleral buckle( orientation ) 1- Segmental radial placed at right angle to the limbus Circumferential placed parallel to the limbus 2- Encircling placed around the entire circumference of the globe to create 360° buckle Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Type of scleral buckle 11 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • The height of the buckle is determined by The greater the diameter of the buckle, the greater height The greater the separation of sutures, the higher the buckle Low buckle→ 2 mm wider than the buckle size High buckle→ 3-4 mm wider than the buckle size The tighter the sutures over the buckle the greater the height The lower of the IOP, the higher the buckle Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Buckle sutures The sutures are arranged in mattress fashion. One-half of the scleral thickness. Intrasclearal course 4-5 mm long. Parallel to the long axis of buckle. The tip of the needle should be visualized at all times as it is passed through the sclera. 12 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Buckle sutures Type of needle»» spatulated 3/8 of circle Type of suture »» 5/0 Ethibond polybutylate Coated braided polyester Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Buckle size The buckle must be of sufficient width to leave a safety margin of 1 mm of retina between the break and the edge of the buckle 13 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Buckle size The width of the buckle is mainly determined by: The size of the retinal break to be closed The distance separating multiple breaks if present Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling indications Radial buckle 1-large flap tear 2-relatively posterior tear. 14 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Radial buckle 3 mm 1 mm 53mm mm 7 5mm mm 5 mm 7.5mm mm 10 15 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Radial buckle Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling indications Circumferential buckle 1-long retinal tear eg retinal dialysis 2-multiple breaks close together. 16 3/6/2014 17 3/6/2014 18 3/6/2014 19 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling technique Circumferential buckle. Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Encircling buckle 1-retinal breaks involving 3 or more quadrants 2-diffuse retinal pathology eg extensive lattice degeneration 3- to support local buckle 20 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Scleral Buckling Encircling buckle. Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Drainage of subretinal fluid (SRF) Rationale 1-To diminish the intraocular volume so as to allow elevation of the buckle without elevation of IOP. 2-To allow the retina to settle on elevated buckle by removing fluid from the subretinal space. 21 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Drainage of subretinal fluid (SRF) When Indications 1-bullous RD Where (when) How to place the retinal break in apposition to the buckle 2-inferior retinal break : inferior breaks tend to settle less readily on the buckle inferior breaks are less effectively managed postoperatively with air injection. Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Drainage of subretinal fluid (SRF) Indications 3- chronic RD ( old standing RD & retinoschesis with RD) viscous SRF→ delayed absorption. 4-poor RPE function as in high myopia → delayed absorption. 5- the need for internal tamponade. 6- danger of high IOP. Open angle glaucoma,recent cat. Surgery, poor ocular perfusion, thin sclera. 22 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Drainage of subretinal fluid (SRF) Selection of drainage site (where) Done in an area where there is sufficient SRF. Drainage just above & or below the horizontal meridian → the choroid is less vascular → nasal quadrant may be preferred why ? . Drainage is avoided in areas treated with cryotherapy → because choroidal congestion induced by cryo predispose to hemorrhage. → Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Drainage of subretinal fluid (SRF) Technique (How) 23 3/6/2014 Scleral buckling Surgical Technique • Drainage of subretinal fluid (SRF) Technique Scleral buckling Surgical Technique 24 3/6/2014 Thank You 25
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