Fact Book 2008
Fact Book 2008
Main List FACT BOOK 2007 Data 2008 WARSAW STOCK EXCHANGE 1 Fact Book 2008 Official publication of the Warsaw Stock Exchange © Copyright Warsaw Stock Exchange, 2008 Książęca 4, 00-498 Warsaw, Poland Internet: www.wse.com.pl E-mail: [email protected] Design by Art Group Print by MILLER Druk ISSN 1428-118X Every effort has been made to ensure that the details contained in this publication are accurate. However, the Warsaw Stock Exchange assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. This publication is for information purposes only, and is not intended as an offer or a solicitation with respect to any product described herein. 2 Main List The Warsaw Stock Exchange Fact Book 2008 contains information about the organisation and operation of the Exchange, statistical data for the year 2007 and comparisons with previous years. It also features descriptions of important events, information about listed companies and brokerage houses (WSE members), as well as contact details for the most important institutions in the Polish capital market. The first part contains information on the regulated WSE market, whereas the second part is devoted to the NewConnect market. The annual Fact Book aims to make it easier to follow developments in the Polish capital market and to improve understanding of the WSE's role in the economy. We sincerely hope that the Fact Book will prove a useful reference source for the Reader. Warsaw Stock Exchange 3 Fact Book 2008 2007 Market indicators - Main List Domestic companies market capitalisation (at year-end) PLN 509.9 bn Foreign companies market capitalisation (at year-end) PLN 570.4 bn Turnover value - cash market PLN 487.9 bn Turnover value - futures contracts PLN 674.6 bn Turnover value per session (all financial instruments) PLN 4 668.8 m Number of transactions per session (all financial instruments) 74,000 Number of newly listed companies in 2007 81 Number of domestic companies listed (at year-end) 328 Number of foreign companies listed (at year-end) 23 WIG20 index change in 2007 5.19% mWIG40 index change in 2007 7.90% sWIG80 index change in 2007 25.17% WIG index change in 2007 10.39% TechWIG index change in 2007 -12.43% WIG-PL index change in 2007 9.23% P/E ratio (at year-end) 14.8 P/BV ratio (at year-end) 2.45 Number of sessions in 2007 249 PLN exchange rates (average) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 1 USD 2.77 3.10 3.23 3.65 3.89 1 EUR 3.78 3.90 4.03 4.53 4.40 Source: National Bank of Poland 4 Main List Contents The Warsaw Stock Exchange ................................................................................... 7 The Polish Capital Market ......................................................................................... 9 Important Events in 2007 ....................................................................................... 12 The Exchange in 2007 ............................................................................................ 19 Companies ............................................................................................................. 22 Bonds ..................................................................................................................... 68 Structured Products ............................................................................................... 73 Investment Certificates .......................................................................................... 75 WSE Indices ........................................................................................................... 77 The Derivatives Market ....................................................................................... 106 Investors ............................................................................................................. 118 WSE Listing Process ........................................................................................... 121 WSE Partner Programmes ................................................................................... 129 WSE Members .................................................................................................... 133 Organisation of Trading ....................................................................................... 139 Electronic Distribution of Market Data ................................................................. 148 The History of the Warsaw Stock Exchange ....................................................... 152 Organisational Structure ...................................................................................... 157 The International Status of the WSE .................................................................... 160 Listed Companies ................................................................................................ 163 NewConnect Market ........................................................................................... 175 Important Addresses ........................................................................................... 201 Selected WSE Publications ................................................................................. 205 Additional Closing Dates in 2008 ......................................................................... 206 5 Fact Book 2008 Warsaw Stock Exchange Książęca 4 00-498 Warsaw Poland Secretariat tel. (+48 22) 628 32 32 fax (+48 22) 537 77 90 Promotion & Public Information Bureau tel. (+48 22) 537 79 57 fax (+48 22) 625 67 48 Infoline for companies Main List tel. (+48 22) 537 75 61 (+48 22) 537 70 98 fax (+48 22) 537 71 95 6 NewConnect tel. (+48 22) 537 70 88 (+48 22) 537 76 10 Internet Main List NewConnect www.wse.com.pl www.newconnect.pl E-mail Main List NewConnect [email protected] [email protected] Main ListStock Exchange Warsaw The Warsaw Stock Exchange The responsibility of the Warsaw Stock Ex- Stock markets change (WSE) is to organise trading in finan- The Warsaw Stock Exchange conducts tra- cial instruments. The Exchange ensures that ding in financial instruments on two markets: buy and sell offers can be concentrated at the same place and time in order to determine prices and execute transactions. The Warsaw Stock Exchange operates under the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005 under the supervision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA) (Act on Capital Market Supervision of 29 July 2005). The Main List has been in operation since 16 April 1991. This is a regulated market, supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and recognised by the European Commission as a regulated market. The following securities and financial instruments are traded here: equities, bonds, pre-emptive rights, rights to shares, investment certificates, structured In its current form, the WSE opened its doors on 16 April 1991, operating an electronic trading system from the very start. The WSE is a instruments and derivatives, i.e. futures contracts, options and index participation units. joint stock company established by the State NewConnect is a market organised and Treasury. Its share capital is PLN 41,972,000, maintained by the WSE as an alternative subdivided into 59,960 registered shares with trading system. It was designed for start- a value of PLN 700 each. ups and developing companies, especially from the sector of new technologies. At the end of 2007 the WSE had 37 sharehol- NewConnect was launched on 30 August ders, including brokerage houses, banks, in- 2007. Instruments which may be traded vestment fund companies, listed companies under this alternative trading system inc- and the State Treasury, the latter holding lude equities, rights to shares, pre-emp- a 98.81% stake in the share capital. tive rights, depository receipts, as well as other equity-based instruments. WSE markets Warsaw Stock Exchange Unregulated market Main List (Regulated market) 7 Fact Book 2008 Supervision stors can also access the WSE's market in- The role of the WSE is to supervise listed formation free of charge: via Teletext from companies' compliance with disclosure re- public television (TVP) and the websites of quirements and to ensure that market parti- specific markets. However, coverage offe- cipants have equal access to information red by public sources is limited and provi- published by issuers. The WSE also super- ded with some delay. vises members' compliance with applicable The WSE also publishes Cedula, an official WSE rules. daily electronic bulletin featuring quotations, market indicators and decisions adopted by Stock market information the WSE authorities. Market information is distributed mainly through electronic channels. Information is Promotion and education made available through commercial and The Warsaw Stock Exchange participates in public services. Distributors that have signed conferences and seminars on capital mar- a relevant agreement with the WSE are pro- kets and supports such initiatives financial- vided with market information on a commer- ly or by making its premises available free cial basis, receiving information in real time of charge. The WSE releases educational via satellite. Distributors then forward the publications and runs programmes promo- data to other groups, including individual ting knowledge of capital markets. An edu- investors or financial institutions. cational programme called the Exchange Apart from commercial services, available School, organised and financed by the WSE, through data vendors, brokerage houses, has been conducted annually in a number internet portals or mobile operators, inve- of Polish cities since 1999. 8 Main ListStock Exchange Warsaw The Polish Capital Market The main institutions of the Polish capital form with the standards of the European Sin- market are: the Warsaw Stock Exchange gle Financial Market, as defined in Directi- (WSE), which organises the trading in finan- ves of the European Parliament and Coun- cial instruments; the National Depository for cil, and in Commission Regulations. Securities (NDS), which handles clearing and settlement of transactions, processes corpo- Other aspects of market operations are re- rate actions and provides safekeeping of fi- gulated by other acts of law, among them nancial instruments, and, thirdly, brokerage the Investment Funds Act of 27 May 2004 houses, which serve as intermediaries in (with subsequent amendments) and the transactions. The NDS uses the National Bonds Act of 29 June 1995 (with subse- Bank of Poland (NBP) as its clearing bank. quent amendments). A regulated off-exchange market is organi- The Polish Financial Supervision Authority sed by MTS-CeTO. This market handles (PFSA) is a government agency which su- mainly wholesale transactions in debt secu- pervises the capital market. Moreover, the rities. MTS-CeTO is part of the WSE group PFSA exercises supervision over banks, of companies. At the end of 2006 the WSE investment companies, insurance compa- held a 31.15% stake in MTS-CeTO. nies and pension funds. Its supervision co- The capital market is supervised by the Po- vers, among others, the Warsaw Stock lish Financial Supervision Authority. Exchange, the National Depository for Securities, investment companies, investment Legal regulations The capital market in Poland is regulated by the following legal acts: Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and on Public Companies (the Public Offering and Companies Act); Act on Trading in Financial Instruments (the Trading Act); Act on Capital Market Supervision (the Supervision Act). fund companies, brokers, investment advisors and issuers of WSE-quoted financial instruments. This supervision over the capital market is intended to ensure universal access to reliable information on the securities market and observance of fair trading and competition rules by entities operating on that market. The PFSA works with other government agencies, the National Bank of Poland as well as capital market institutions and participants. The PFSA's responsibilities include drafting of legal acts concerning the capital market and disseminating knowledge of that market. Each of these acts addresses one of the main three aspects of capital market operations: primary market, secondary trading and market supervision. Statutory regulations con9 Fact Book 2008 Structure of the Polish capital market POLISH FINANCIAL SUPERVISION AUTHORITY National Depository for Securities Warsaw Stock Exchange Clearing Bank (NBP) Institutional Investors Individual Investors Exchange Members Issuers MTS-CeTO Regulatory powers of the Warsaw Stock Exchange The rules concerning organisation of trading, Operations on the WSE are open only to its tions are defined in the WSE's Rules and in members. The WSE determines the eligibi- Detailed Exchange Trading Rules. lity criteria for membership. Members are su- order placement and conclusion of transac- pervised by the Warsaw Stock Exchange Corporate Governance with regard to their activities on the exchan- On 4 July 2007, the 'Best Practices for WSE ge. Membership applicants are required to Listed Companies' were adopted by the Su- submit a declaration of compliance with the pervisory Board on the basis of a motion fi- WSE Rules. led by the Management Board. These prac- Operations in breach of the Rules are sub- tices have been in force since 1 January ject to admonition or fine. Disputes between 2008. Compared with the previous sets of the WSE and its members are resolved by rules, the new code more fully reflects opi- the Exchange Court. In special cases a mem- nions held by market participants. ber may be punished by being suspended or even excluded from operating on the WSE. According the Best Practices, when a corporate governance principle is not applied The Warsaw Stock Exchange also supervi- on a continuous basis or when it is violated ses issuers of listed securities. An issuer's occasionally, the issuer is obliged to publish failure to meet obligations imposed by WSE a report specifying which rule was not ap- regulations is punishable by admonition or plied, detailing the circumstances and re- fine. In special cases an issuer may be puni- asons for non-compliance and explaining shed by suspension of quotations or even how the issuer intends to eliminate the con- by delisting of its securities. sequences of non-compliance, if any, or 10 Main ListStock Exchange Warsaw what steps are to be taken to reduce the risk issuer gains reasonable assurance that the of non-compliance with the Best Practices principle will not be applied, either in gene- in future. The report should be published on ral or in a specific case. In any case, the ob- the issuer's official website and sent via the ligation should be fulfilled immediately after channel used by the issuer to submit cur- a violation of a corporate governance prin- rent reports. The obligation to publish a re- ciple. port should be fulfilled immediately after the 11 Fact Book 2008 Important events in 2007 As an institution which organises trading in breaking 2006. On the 21 December session financial instruments and provides busi- the trading value exceeded PLN 4,141 bil- nesses with capital, the Warsaw Stock Ex- lion, thus reaching a new all-time high. change may count 2007 as the best year in its history. The core role of a stock exchange, i.e. providing businesses with capital to fuel their growth, has never been fulfilled by the WSE Total turnover value (PLN million)* Shares and rights to shares as effectively as in the past 12 months. The Bonds all-time high in trading volume coupled with Futures a record number of new listings, including major foreign companies, have boosted the economic significance and the international status of the Warsaw bourse. New listings Options 2007 2006 Change (%) 462 220 323 920 3 264 42.7 5 488 -40.5 662 876 377 407 75.6 28 206 19 453 45.0 * Excluding block trades, public offerings, substantial share acquisitions, and buy in transactions Capitalisation At the end of 2007 the market value of lis- In 2007 a record number of new companies ted companies exceeded PLN 1 trillion were listed on the WSE: there were 81 new- (PLN 1.08 trillion) for the first time in histo- comers on the Main List. The value of this ry, with PLN 510 billion for domestic and year's offerings also reached a record level: about PLN 570 billion for foreign companies. over PLN 18.2 billion on the main floor, out In comparison with 2006, the capitalisa- of which new issues represented as much tion of WSE-listed companies rose by about as PLN 15.4 billion. 12 of the newcomers PLN 440 billion and the capitalisation of fo- were foreign companies, and 8 of them con- reign companies nearly tripled during the ducted a new share offer in connection with year: from PLN 198 to 570 billion. This im- their arrival on the WSE. In terms of value, pressive growth was largely fuelled by the the largest offering came from Immoeast debut of UniCredit, traded from 20 Decem- (over PLN 10.7 billion), followed by Orco ber. Its capitalisation on that date was ap- Property Group (PLN 652 million) and Ker- proximately PLN 270 billion. nel Holding (PLN 546 million). At the end of 2007 a total of 351 companies were listed on the main floor of the WSE, including 23 foreign-based organisations. Equities trading Indices After the 16 March session new rules came into force regarding index calculation and qualification of companies into indices. According to the rules, companies may be inc- 2007 saw record levels in equities trading. luded in indices when their free float exce- The trading value exceeded PLN 482 billion, eds 10% and EUR 1 million, and which are which was up by 40% over the record- not in a special situation (e.g. insolvency, 12 Main ListStock Exchange Warsaw bankruptcy). Blocks of shares in all indices Derivatives market are calculated on the basis of free float. The total trading volume in all derivatives in The previous MIDWIG index was replaced 2007 reached 9.9 million instruments, up by the mWIG40, and the WIRR superseded 50% over 2006. The total value of trading by the sWIG80. The portfolios of the WIG20, generated in 2007 approximated PLN 703 the mWIG40 and the sWIG80 are defined billion, i.e. nearly 80% higher than in the on the basis of a single ranking list of com- previous year. panies based on trading volume in the past The average monthly number of transactions 12 months and market value. for all derivatives in 2007 was 256,240, which was 32% higher than in 2006. The average Warsaw has been turning into the regional 'tycoon' as an IPO destination for companies from the large and promising developer in- monthly number of orders for all derivatives was 3,675,637, which represents a 46% increase when compared with 2006. dustry, as many companies from this sector have made their debuts on the WSE or are planning to do so. In order to provide inve- International co-operation stors with a new analytical tool, on 18 June On 16 May, the Warsaw Stock Exchange si- the WSE started calculating a new sectoral gned an agreement with PFTS, the Ukrainian subindex, WIG-Developers, to reflect the bourse, to establish a long-term collabora- performance of this sector. At the end of tion between the two exchanges and provi- 2007 this subindex included 16 constituent de benefits for entrepreneurs: easier capital companies. raising and access to a wider group of investors. New market segmentation Starting from 2 April 2007 securities of all companies listed on the regulated market were classified into 3 newly defined segments: 5 PLUS, 50 PLUS and 250 PLUS. The segment labelled 5 PLUS includes shares in companies with a capitalisation of under EUR 50 million. 50 PLUS covers companies with a capitalisation between EUR 50 and 250 million whereas capitalisation of over EUR 250 million puts companies into the segment called 250 PLUS. The aim behind this segmentation was to introduce transparent identification of listed issuers by size. On 12 October, the Warsaw Stock Exchange became a shareholder of the Sibiu Monetary Financial and Commodities Exchange, Sibex (Bursa Monetar Financiara si de Marfuri; Sibiu, Romania). As a result of the WSE's contribution to the capital increase, the Management Board of Sibex allocated shares to the WSE representing 1.8% of Sibex share capital. In 2007, the WSE also signed cooperation agreements with the Baku Stock Exchange and Vietnam's HOSE. Securities from new companies are classi- Best Practices for WSE Listed Companies fied into segments after their first trading On 4 July the Supervisory Board of the WSE session based on end-of-day capitalisation. adopted new corporate governance rules entitled 'Best Practices for WSE Listed Companies'. This document came into force on 1 January 2008. 13 Fact Book 2008 The aim behind the 'Best Practices for WSE derivatives markets in Central and Eastern Listed Companies' is to reinforce transparen- Europe. cy in listed companies, improve the quality of communication between companies and investors, enhance protection of shareholder rights, also in matters not regulated by law. The practices are designed with a view to avoid burdens that would not be offset by market benefits. International conferences at the WSE On 18-19 January 2007 the first CEE Market Forum took place. The main idea of the Forum is to provide a platform for exchanging experience and information between investors and companies from Central and Eastern Europe. More than 40 domestic and foreign companies listed on the WSE took part in the Forum, alongside brokerage houses (including foreign WSE members), WSE IPO Partners, bourses from the region, investors, local and foreign journalists. On 22-23 October the WSE organised the CEE Business Forum for companies from Central and Eastern Europe potentially interested in a listing in Warsaw. A total of 40 companies from Ukraine, Belarus, the Czech Republic and Lithuania were represented. The aim of the CEE Business Forum is to familiarise foreign companies with the Polish capital market and its key institutions: the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (market regulator), the Warsaw Stock Exchange (its current status and growth prospects) and the National Depository for Securities (responsible for clearing and settlement of stock market transactions). The CEE Derivatives Forum, held on 22-23 International Companies Information Forum On 26 February the first International Companies Information Forum was held. The aim of this initiative was to familiarise investors with foreign companies listed on the WSE and to stimulate trading in shares of those companies. New sites In 2007 the Warsaw Stock Exchange prepared and launched a number of solutions providing investors with better access to information and improving communication on the stock market: www.WSEInfoSpace.eu In May the WSE and the Polish Press Agency (PAP) jointly launched a new content site as the first ever one-stop destination offering comprehensive news and data on all companies listed on the Warsaw bourse. www.corp-gov.gpw.pl In October 2007 the first site entirely dedicated to corporate governance in WSE-listed companies was launched. www.wseinternational.eu This dedicated site on foreign companies listed on the WSE was launched on 17 December. The aim of the site is to give investors a better picture of foreign companies listed on the Warsaw bourse. The site is intended for all domestic and foreign investors, both individual and professional. November, was another international initia- WSE members tive in 2007. The main idea of the CEE Deri- In 2007 ten organisations became new vatives Forum is to create a platform for members of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. exchanging information and experience on Of these, 8 are foreign-based (Societe Ge- 14 Main ListStock Exchange Warsaw nerale from France, BNP Paribas Arbitrage Fees from France, Cashline Securities from Hun- On 1 April, all WSE's transaction fees were gary, Nordnet Bank from Sweden, Cyrrus reduced by about 15%. Moreover, the ma- from the Czech Republic, NeoNet Securities ximum fee charged from WSE members for from Sweden, Hansapank from Estonia, executed orders was reduced by 12% (from DekaBank Girozentrale from Germany) and PLN 1,000 to 880) for all cash market trans- 2 are domestic companies: Opera Dom Mak- actions. This means that the WSE will char- lerski and X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski. ge no more than PLN 880 for an executed Trading generated by WSE's remote mem- order, regardless of the size and value of the bers has been rising dynamically and its order. value more than tripled since 2006 (from On the derivatives market, fees on index- and PLN 6.9 billion to over 22 billion). stock-based futures were reduced by 15% while fees charged for bond futures were Investors cut by 20%. The reduction for options ex- In 2007 the largest share of equities trading, ceeded 16%. 37 per cent, was generated by domestic institutional investors. Foreign investors came For the period between 1 October 2007 and second with a share of 33 per cent whereas 30 June 2008 the WSE cancelled the fees individual investors generated 30 per cent on currency futures charged to its members of trading. by the WSE and the National Depository for Individual investors played the dominant role Securities. on the options and futures markets. For more information, please see the 'Investors' chapter. Timeline of important events in 2007: 18-19 January Trading system The first edition of the Central & Eastern Eu- In June 2007 the WSE enhanced the efficien- ropean Market Forum took place. This event cy of its WARSET trading system, replacing is intended for investors, companies and its central computer and some of the sys- other institutions associated with the stock tem infrastructure. This complicated ope- market. Meetings with specialists and com- ration was undertaken not only in order to panies as well as public debates with Polish ensure security and adequate technical in- and foreign experts are organised within the frastructure for market participants but, abo- CEE Forum. ve all, to address the increasing activity of trading participants, reflected in the high growth of the number of orders placed during sessions. Undoubtedly, this was the most serious and most complicated operation on the system since its start-up. All required work and related projects were performed in house by the WSE. 5 February All sectoral subindices were denominated at a 10:1 ratio. 16 March New rules for computing and qualifying companies to indices came into force. The previous MIDWIG index was replaced by the mWIG40, and the WIRR superseded by the sWIG80. The portfolios of the WIG20, the mWIG40 and the sWIG80 are defined on the 15 Fact Book 2008 basis of a single ranking list of companies 12 October based on trading volume in the past 12 mon- The Warsaw Stock Exchange became a sha- ths and market value. reholder of the Sibiu Monetary Financial and Commodities Exchange, Sibex (Bursa Mo- 1 April netar Financiara si de Marfuri; Sibiu, Roma- Segmentation of listed companies was mo- nia). As a result of the WSE's contribution to dified and three segments of equities were the capital increase, the Management Board introduced: 5 PLUS, 50 PLUS and 250 PLUS. of Sibex allocated shares to the WSE repre- The segment labelled 5 PLUS includes sha- senting 1.8% of Sibex share capital res in companies with a capitalisation of under EUR 50 million; 50 PLUS covers com- 17 December panies with a capitalisation between EUR 50 A site devoted to foreign companies listed and 250 million whereas capitalisation of on the WSE was launched at over EUR 250 million puts companies into www.wseinternational.eu. the segment called 250 PLUS. The aim of the site is to enable investors to get a better picture of foreign companies li- 9 May sted on the Warsaw bourse. The site is in- A new online service, designed by the WSE tended for all domestic and foreign inve- and the Polish Press Agency, was launched stors, both individual and professional. at www.WSEInfoSpace.eu. WSEInfoSpace is a business news site with 20 December information on Polish and foreign compa- UniCredit, an Italian company and the lar- nies listed on the WSE, providing news from gest bank in Central and Eastern Europe, markets in Central and Eastern Europe. The made its debut on the WSE, becoming the site is fully accessible to the public and free largest company listed on the Warsaw bo- of charge, with information available in two urse. language versions (Polish and English). 21 December 30 August The equities trading value per session re- NewConnect, a new market, organised and ached an all-time high at PLN 4,141 billion. operated by the WSE, was launched. NewConnect is designed to finance start-ups and new companies with a high growth potential. Among the first companies to have made their debuts on this market (on the first day of trading) were: Digital Avenue, S4E, ViaGuara, Virtual Vision and Wrocławski Dom Maklerski. NewConnect has the status of an organised market but is operated by the WSE outside the regulated market, as an alternative trading system (for more information, please see the 'NewConnect' chapter). 16 Main List MAIN LIST 17 Fact Book 2008 18 Main List The Exchange in 2007 2007 saw very dramatic changes in equity Positive changes were observed for banks prices and brought a record-high number of as well as companies from the construction debuts with a rising trading volume for dif- and the oil&gas sectors (increasing by over ferent financial instruments. 12%). Prices for IT companies remained virtually unchanged during the year (their in- The WIG, the broad market index, gained dex rose by 0.5%), while decreases were over 10% in 2007. The WIG20, the blue chip recorded for telecoms (-5%) and the food index, rose by 5% during the same period. sector (-13%). The medium size companies index, the mWIG40 increased by 8% while the sWIG80, The moderate degree of change in index the index of small companies, went up by values from previous years by no means in- an impressive 25% before the end of the dicates that the market situation was stable year. throughout 2007. On the contrary, this year saw both surges and short-lived falls. WIG20 5.19% mWIG40 7.90% The first two months raised the WIG index sWIG80 25.17% to an all-time high of 55,702 points (session WIG 10.39% on 23 February). This record was beaten TechWIG -12.43% WIG-PL 9.23% a few times over the following months. Subsequent sessions, until 5 March, brought decreases and the WIG fell to 50,746 points. Increases in the first quarter of 2007 can be Among sectoral subindices, the most im- credited mostly to major investors, which is pressive growth in 2007 was observed in the evidenced by the low number of transactions media sector, its index going up by over per session and a high value of an average 22%. At the other end were developers, deal. whose index suffered a near 27% loss duThe subsequent upward trend lasted four ring the year. months: from early March to the first ten WIG-BANKING 12.19% WIG-CONSTRUCTION 12.59% up by 33%, reaching a new record high of WIG-DEVELOPERS -26.82% 67,568 on 6 July. These increases took the 0.46% monthly equities trading volume to a new WIG-IT days of July. During this period the WIG went record level of nearly PLN 43 billion. The WIG-MEDIA 22.38% WIG-OIL & GAS 12.68% WIG-FOOD -13.42% ment funds. During the first six months of -5.21% the year the assets accumulated by those WIG-TELECOM growth was mostly driven by individual investors, participating in trading via invest- investors rose from PLN 99 to 139 billion, 19 Fact Book 2008 exceeding the total assets managed by The year's total value of transactions in equ- open-end pension funds. ities and rights to shares was PLN 462 billion, which gives an average of PLN 1.8 bil- Subsequent summer sessions exerted a lion per session, i.e. PLN 0.5 billion higher major influence on the market situation, le- than in 2006. The unprecedented level of an- ading to a drop in equities trading volume nual trading volume was reflected in record- and a reduction in equity prices until 16 Au- level volumes per session and per month. gust when the WIG lost over 6%, falling to In July the equities trading volume reached a low of 55,510 points. PLN 43 billion, and the session on 21 December saw a volume of PLN 4.1 billion. Between mid-August and the end of Octo- Throughout the year, the average number ber the market rebounded, making up for of orders placed per session was 182,000, some of the summer losses, and stopped at with an average of 61,000 deals being clo- 63,759 points on 29 October. sed. The last two months, except for the first Domestic financial institutions topped the week of December, restored stability in the investor ranking with a share of 37% in equ- market. The average value of the WIG du- ity trading. In that group, the highest share ring this period was 55,000, closing the year of trading was generated by the largest fi- at 55,648. nancial institutions i.e. investment funds and The WIG index in 2007 68 000 66 000 64 000 62 000 60 000 58 000 56 000 54 000 52 000 50 000 48 000 Jan 20 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Main List pension funds. In the second place, with ket, 12 of them being based in other coun- a 33% share, were individual investors, with tries. As a result, the value of all listed com- foreign institutions coming third. panies exceeded PLN 1 billion at the end of the year, with new companies generating 4% 2007 was also a year of debuts. During the of trading volume in equities and rights to twelve months of the year 81 new compa- shares. nies brought their shares to the main mar- 21 Fact Book 2008 Companies In 2007 the shares of 81 new companies it topped the ranking with over PLN 10.7 bil- were floated on the WSE. The value of sha- lion, followed by Orco Property Group with res offered by those companies reached PLN PLN 652 million and Kernel Holding with 18.2 billion, out of which PLN 15.39 billion PLN 546 million. were offered as new issues. UniCredit, the Italian banking group, was the biggest new- Corporate Governance comer in 2007. In terms of the number of The first document laying down the princi- new companies on regulated markets (as ples of corporate governance (best practi- defined by the EU), the Warsaw bourse took ces) was adopted by the WSE Supervisory the second position in Europe and was out- Board and the Management Board in Sep- performed only by the London Stock Ex- tember 2002. On 4 July 2007 'Best Practices change. for WSE Listed Companies' were adopted by the Supervisory Board upon a motion filed At the end of 2007, a total of 351 companies by the Management Board. These practices were traded on the main floor, out of which have been in force since 1 January 2008. 23 were foreign entities. Shares and rights to shares of 345 compa- According to the Best Practices, when a cor- nies were traded under the continuous qu- porate governance principle is not applied otation trading system and the remaining on a continuous basis or when it is violated 6 were traded under the single-price auction occasionally, the issuer is obligated to pu- system with two auctions daily. blish a report specifying which rule was not 327 companies were listed on the main and applied, detailing the circumstances and re- 24 on the parallel market. asons for non-compliance and how the issuer intends to eliminate the consequences At the end of the year the capitalisation of of non-compliance, if any, or steps to be ta- the WSE reached PLN 1.08 trillion, out of ken to reduce the risk of non-compliance which the share of domestic companies was with Best Practices in future. The report sho- PLN 509.9 billion and the share of foreign uld be published on the issuer's official we- companies was PLN 570.3 billion. bsite and sent via the channel used by the Foreign Companies issuer to submit current reports. The obligation to publish a report should be fulfilled 12 foreign companies made their debuts on immediately after the issuer gains reasona- the Warsaw bourse in 2007. The value of ble assurance that the principle will not be shares offered publicly by new entrants applied, either in general or in a specific case. exceeded PLN 13 billion. 8 foreign compa- In any case the obligation should be fulfilled nies carried out new share issues in connec- immediately after a violation of a corporate tion with their WSE debuts. The highest va- governance principle. lue was recorded for the issue of Immoeast: 22 Main List The WSE-listed logo Each WSE listed company acquires the right to use the 'Listed on WSE' logo. A way to communicate the company's listed status, this logo is aimed at enhancing the identification of the company and its promotional efforts. PLEASE NOTE: All names of companies from tables included in the Fact Book 2008 are given as at 31 December 2007 - cf. Table 'Changes in company names', page 27 Newly listed companies in 2007 No Company Issue price First quotation* date price** Price** at year-end (PLN) Price change vs. issue price first quotation (PLN) (PLN) (%) (%) 2.40 3.01 3.98 0.12 -95.0 -97.0 IVMX 25.00 11.01 33.29 33.21 32.8 -0.2 PROCAD 35.00 15.01 39.50 2.62 -92.5 -93.4 1 MEWA 2 3 4 B3SYSTEM 4.00 24.01 6.58 3.67 -8.3 -44.2 5 WARIMPEX 42.83 29.01 56.00 25.00 -41.6 -55.4 6 KOLASTYNA 3.50 13.02 4.05 2.85 -18.6 -29.6 7 HAWE 72.00 14.02 97.00 8.61 -88.0 -91.1 8 ORZEL 28.20 15.02 24.30 0.21 -99.3 -99.1 9 GADUGADU 21.00 23.02 24.40 23.00 9.5 -5.7 10 ESSYSTEM 5.80 9.03 7.09 7.80 34.5 10.0 11 SEKO 15.50 15.03 14.88 18.90 21.9 27.0 12 TFONE 25.00 29.03 29.00 19.50 -22.0 -32.8 13 ELEKTROTI 18.00 11.04 30.50 20.00 11.1 -34.4 14 NTTSYSTEM 4.50 12.04 5.10 2.48 -44.9 -51.4 15 HELIO 10.50 16.04 13.11 6.99 -33.4 -46.7 -47.3 16 MAKARONPL 9.00 18.04 9.49 5.00 -44.4 17 RADPOL 6.80 10.05 8.85 8.10 19.1 -8.5 18 ERBUD 50.00 11.05 91.50 90.60 81.2 -1.0 19 PRONOX 20.00 14.05 21.59 17.40 -13.0 -19.4 20 IMMOEAST 38.57 25.05 40.30 26.19 -32.1 -35.0 21 BUDVARCEN 15.00 28.05 26.80 11.75 -21.7 -56.2 22 NOBLEBANK 10.50 30.05 16.10 12.50 19.1 -22.4 23 ACE 20.50 1.06 20.50 11.80 -42.4 -42.4 24 JWCONSTR 71.00 4.06 80.00 42.45 -40.2 -46.9 25 POLREST 20.00 6.06 26.00 19.80 -1.0 -23.9 26 KREDYTIN 12.00 11.06 13.20 14.40 20.0 9.1 27 MOJ 28 GFPREMIUM 6.30 13.06 7.11 4.16 -34.0 -41.5 28.00 14.06 25.33 16.92 -39.6 -33.2 * Closing price ** Shares / rights to shares (PDA) 23 Fact Book 2008 Newly listed companies in 2007 No Company Issue price First quotation* date price** Price** at year-end Price change vs. issue price first quotation (PLN) (PLN) (PLN) (%) (%) -38.1 29 ORCOGROUP 434.98 21.06 470.00 291.00 -33.1 30 RAFAMET 64.90 25.06 57.50 23.50 -63.8 -59.1 31 KAREN 16.00 27.06 15.96 2.64 -83.5 -83.5 32 LCCORP 6.50 29.06 6.06 3.03 -53.4 -50.0 33 KOMPUTRON 39.10 9.07 49.75 37.97 -2.9 -23.7 34 MAKRUM 35 PETROLINV 36 37 5.30 11.07 6.25 6.75 27.4 8.0 227.00 16.07 590.00 325.00 43.2 -44.9 MERCOR 41.00 19.07 56.00 48.40 18.1 -13.6 PANOVA 38.00 20.07 46.00 42.49 11.8 -7.6 38 SILVANO 19.81 23.07 21.00 16.80 -15.2 -20.0 39 ABMSOLID 29.50 24.07 34.50 24.37 -17.4 -29.4 40 POLAQUA 77.00 30.07 81.00 78.00 1.3 -3.7 41 ARMATURA 1.80 31.07 2.04 2.04 13.3 0.0 42 STAPORKOW 30.00 3.08 38.59 51.75 72.5 34.1 43 QUANTUM 23.20 16.08 20.10 20.40 -12.1 1.5 44 BOMI 23.00 20.08 20.60 28.00 21.7 35.9 45 KRAKCHEM 7.00 23.08 6.83 3.95 -43.6 -42.2 46 ZASTAL 4.20 27.08 4.00 2.35 -44.1 -41.3 47 ARCUS 17.00 10.09 13.75 10.98 -35.4 -20.2 48 OPONEO 8.00 12.09 7.93 8.50 6.3 7.2 49 HBWLOCLAW 539.50 18.09 555.00 440.00 -18.4 -20.7 50 ENERGOINS 18.00 25.09 18.24 19.40 7.8 6.4 51 OLYMPIC 21.97 26.09 22.15 13.28 -39.6 -40.1 52 RESBUD 42.00 27.09 41.70 29.90 -28.8 -28.3 53 WOLAINFO 22.00 28.09 21.96 15.30 -30.5 -30.3 54 MAGELLAN 42.00 1.10 44.00 42.00 0.0 -4.6 55 RAINBOW 9.00 9.10 8.63 7.77 -13.7 -10.0 56 CPENERGIA 9.00 10.10 9.85 7.80 -13.3 -20.8 57 KPPD 117.00 17.10 115.80 83.65 -28.5 -27.8 58 PLAZACNTR 10.39 19.10 10.78 11.20 7.8 3.9 59 ORZBIALY 28.00 22.10 27.90 22.96 -18.0 -17.7 60 IZOLACJA 64.00 23.10 75.00 43.00 -32.8 -42.7 61 TERESA 27.00 24.10 35.99 28.00 3.7 -22.2 62 ASBIS 6.50 30.10 6.89 8.80 35.4 27.7 63 INTEGERPL 13.50 30.10 14.89 13.65 1.1 -8.3 64 BIPROMET 25.00 31.10 23.98 18.19 -27.2 -24.2 65 RONSON 5.75 5.11 5.70 4.85 -15.7 -14.9 66 ZNTKLAPY 33.00 7.11 29.30 116.10 251.8 296.3 67 INTROL 11.50 8.11 10.84 9.74 -15.3 -10.2 68 COMPLEX 5.00 14.11 4.70 3.29 -34.2 -30.0 * Closing price ** Shares / rights to shares (PDA) 24 Main List Newly listed companies in 2007 No Company Issue price First quotation* date price** Price** at year-end (PLN) (PLN) (PLN) Price change vs. issue price first quotation (%) (%) 69 ASSECOBS 11.00 19.11 11.32 12.50 13.6 10.4 70 PRIMAMODA 12.00 20.11 9.90 7.84 -34.7 -20.8 71 KERNEL 24.00 23.11 24.00 34.00 41.7 41.7 72 WIELTON 7.00 28.11 8.48 8.00 14.3 -5.7 73 CITYINTER 9.00 30.11 11.30 9.00 0.0 -20.4 74 DROP 18.00 4.12 28.50 29.99 66.6 5.2 75 SECOGROUP 37.00 5.12 39.10 45.90 24.1 17.4 76 KONSSTALI 65.00 6.12 74.80 68.90 6.0 -7.9 77 REINHOLD 25.37 13.12 37.20 29.89 17.8 -19.7 78 NEPENTES 17.00 14.12 20.40 20.10 18.2 -1.5 79 UNICREDIT 20.00 20.12 20.10 20.44 2.2 1.7 80 EFH 7.50 21.12 6.86 7.02 -6.4 2.3 81 WARFAMA 4.00 27.12 3.91 3.99 -0.3 2.1 * Closing price ** Shares / rights to shares (PDA) Newly listed foreign companies in 2007 No First quotation Country 1 Company WARIMPEX 29.01 Austria 2 IMMOEAST 25.01 Austria 3 ACE 1.06 Spain / Luxembourg 4 ORCOGROUP 21.06 Luxembourg 5 SILVANO 23.07 Estonia 6 OLYMPIC 26.09 Estonia 7 PLAZACNTR 19.10 Holland 8 ASBIS 30.10 Cyprus 9 RONSON 5.11 Holland 10 KERNEL 23.11 Ukraine / Luxembourg 11 REINHOLD 13.12 Sweden 12 UNICREDIT 20.12 Italy 25 Fact Book 2008 Delistings in 2007 No Company 1 ASSECOPOL 2 EKODROB 3 BCHEM 4 ZREW 5 POLMOSLBN 6 RMFFM 7 EMAX 8 UNIMIL 9 Suspension date SPIN Delisting date Reason for delisting since 3.01 since 16.01 merger with another company since 14.09.06 since 26.01 acquisition by another company since 27.03 on 30.03 acquisition by another company since 2.04 on 20.04 merger with another company since 15.02 on 25.05 shares converted to paper form since 16.03 on 15.06 shares converted to paper form since 30.05 on 18.06 merger with another company on 19.04 on 6.07 acquisition by another company on 26.06 on 18.07 merger with another company 10 PROVIMROL since 27.06 on 9.08 acquisition by another company 11 POLMOSBIA since 14.06 on 31.08 shares converted to paper form 12 HYDROBUD since 9.08 13 ELEKTROEX 14 CSS on 7.12 since 3.09 merger with another company since 14.12 safety of trading on 21.12 merger with another company Share splits in 2007 No Company Date of last quotation before split Date of quotation after split Split ratio 1 PCGUARD 24.01 25.01 1 : 100 2 IDMSA 7.02 8.02 1 : 10 3 ELKOP 7.03 8.03 1 : 13 4 BYTOM 24.05 25.05 1 : 10 5 FON 1.06 4.06 1:5 6 KRUK 22.06 25.06 1 : 11 7 HTLSTREFA 11.07 12.07 1:5 8 FAMUR 1.08 2.08 1 : 107 9 PROCAD 14.08 16.08 1 : 10 10 PEPEES 24.08 27.08 1 : 100 11 IMPEXMET 5.09 6.09 1 : 25 12 VISTULA 6.09 7.09 1 : 10 13 POLIMEXMS 19.09 20.09 1 : 25 14 PEMUG 21.09 24.09 1 : 10 15 ORZEL 5.10 8.10 1 : 31 16 SYNTHOS 14.11 15.11 1 : 67 17 MEWA 21.11 22.11 1 : 20 18 ECHO 28.12 2.01.2008 1 : 10 26 Main List Changes of quotation markets in 2007 No Company Trading market Date of quotation before change after change last before change first after change 1 CAPITAL parallel main 14.02 15.02 2 CASHFLOW parallel main 14.05 15.05 3 TUP parallel main 19.12 20.12 Change of company names in 2007 No Old name Old ticker New name New ticker Change date 1 ARKSTEEL ASL POINTGROUP PGM 9.01 2 12PIAST 12N BBIDEVNFI BBD 12.01 3 SOFTBANK SFT ASSECOPOL ACP 17.01 4 HOGA.PL HGA WASKO WAS 24.01 5 07NFI 07N BBICAPNFI BBC 18.01 6 VENTUS VNT HAWE HWE 21.02 7 STRZELC STC ADVADIS ADS 27.03 8 7BULLS 7BC TRITON TRI 13.04 9 COMPLAND CPL SYGNITY SGN 16.04 10 ELDORADO EDR EMPERIA EMP 14.05 11 ELMONTWAR ELW STORMM STM 9.07 12 02NFI 02N KREZUS KZS 16.07 13 PTAGRUPP PTA SILVANO SFG 13.09 14 EUROFILMS EUF ERGIS EEF 14.09 15 IDMSAPL IDM IDMSA IDM 18.09 16 PUE PUE ZPUE PUE 16.10 DWR SYNTHOS SNS 31.10 10N BBIZENNFI BBZ 14.12 17 DWORY 18 10FOKSAL 27 Fact Book 2008 Equity trading value in 2007 (PLN million) Continuous trading Single-price system Block trades Other* Total January 38 048.0 9.7 1 917.8 47.9 40 023 February 36 543.8 10.5 493.8 1 035.1 38 083 March 42 763.7 5.8 956.3 33.6 43 759 April 42 175.3 5.2 1 677.8 0.0 43 858 May 38 786.9 1.6 772.4 424.3 39 985 June 41 699.0 3.1 2 009.2 0.0 43 711 July 42 939.5 4.5 2 673.2 0.0 45 617 August 37 030.0 4.8 2 415.8 180.8 39 631 September 27 511.9 4.0 677.8 11.3 28 205 October 38 202.0 3.6 893.9 0.0 39 099 November 35 760.7 2.0 1 397.8 202.2 37 363 December 33 492.4 1.5 1 333.0 1 000.3 35 827 454 953.1 56.4 17 218.8 2 935.5 475 164 Total * Other: invitations to sell shares, public offerings carried out through WSE and buy in/sell out transactions 28 Main List Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Turnover Share in Annual value turnover turnover (PLN ratio million) (%) (%) Order-book trades Block trades Average Average Average volume number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 1 KGHM KGH 39 249.6 8.63 91.8 730 826 1 504 4 465 276.8 40 2 TPSA TPS 37 256.1 8.19 60.5 3 250 968 972 3 071 1 681.2 130 3 PKOBP PKO 33 128.2 7.28 69.7 1 303 564 1 362 3 642 1 530.6 58 4 PKNORLEN PKN 31 494.4 6.92 72.1 1 227 838 1 048 3 380 242.0 38 5 PEKAO PEO 28 709.4 6.31 34.3 231 550 601 1 877 370.6 37 6 BIOTON BIO 10 328.3 2.27 126.0 13 450 618 1 769 7 001 146.6 11 7 BANKBPH BPH 9 648.9 2.12 20.0 22 894 302 939 55.1 9 8 BZWBK BZW 8 928.0 1.96 38.7 68 484 410 1 474 37.5 9 9 PGNIG PGN 8 418.2 1.85 17.3 3 570 109 726 2 264 25.9 12 10 GTC GTC 8 310.4 1.83 40.2 350 931 701 1 932 66.4 22 11 GETIN GTN 7 200.6 1.58 36.5 1 001 031 474 1 374 48.3 22 12 TVN TVN 6 668.8 1.47 83.0 550 832 615 2 073 18.5 11 13 BRE BRE 6 506.1 1.43 22.8 26 923 283 691 17.1 9 14 POLNORD PND 5 446.3 1.20 120.6 57 988 474 1 039 559.2 43 15 ELEKTRIM ELE 4 715.4 1.04 320.6 1 028 748 1 459 3 428 126.2 26 16 HANDLOWY BHW 4 565.2 1.00 17.1 89 336 93 261 24.4 6 17 LOTOS LTS 4 543.6 1.00 88.2 196 321 492 1 894 13.2 11 18 MILLENNIUM MIL 4 000.5 0.88 20.2 682 337 215 631 30.4 10 19 AGORA AGO 3 961.1 0.87 102.0 172 821 304 1 048 13.9 7 20 CEZ CEZ 3 956.1 0.87 2.3 54 265 164 435 34.3 6 21 MOSTALZAB MSZ 3 926.1 0.86 181.2 709 704 697 1 734 187.5 24 22 POLIMEXMS PXM 3 841.9 0.84 16.7 288 781 308 695 122.7 11 23 PROKOM PKM 3 500.1 0.77 86.5 47 533 296 950 4.0 4 24 STALEXP STX 3 448.7 0.76 221.0 1 297 505 1 106 2 825 7.2 13 25 MOSTALEXP MSX 3 120.9 0.69 483.6 842 162 954 2 120 14.7 7 26 PBG PBG 3 090.4 0.68 55.1 17 772 185 506 147.0 33 27 CIECH CIE 2 902.2 0.64 48.6 53 734 142 372 41.4 7 28 MCI MCI 2 557.7 0.56 158.3 238 139 726 1 676 81.0 15 29 ASSECOPOL* ACP 2 513.1 0.55 40.7 68 875 120 361 203.3 15 30 FON FON 2 483.8 0.55 84.1 5 030 483 950 2 461 0.3 1 31 CERSANIT CST 2 472.9 0.54 22.6 120 624 208 565 3.6 2 32 BUDIMEX BDX 2 452.3 0.54 46.9 47 996 178 459 1.2 3 33 GANT GNT 2 443.0 0.54 170.4 60 969 602 1 403 116.2 19 34 MOL MOL 2 437.1 0.54 3.1 13 565 82 303 33.7 7 35 ECHO ECH 2 340.2 0.51 2.9 47 919 155 484 6.8 5 36 SANWIL SNW 2 318.1 0.51 1 225.7 4 846 247 849 2 186 58.4 7 37 MASTERS MST 2 297.1 0.50 691.6 9 049 040 819 2 934 1.5 1 38 INGBSK BSK 2 156.5 0.47 9.6 5 008 55 198 7.6 1 39 IDMSA IDM 2 008.7 0.44 78.3 236 697 415 932 91.0 24 40 PROCHNIK PRC 1 980.5 0.44 850.8 3 094 895 606 1 560 5.5 2 * Formerly Softbank 29 Fact Book 2008 Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Turnover Share in Annual value turnover turnover (PLN ratio million) (%) (%) Order-book trades Block trades Average Average Average volume number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 41 MMPPL MMP 1 894.2 0.42 50.2 314 565 189 625 16.9 14 42 AMREST EAT 1 838.8 0.40 83.7 32 008 73 205 895.2 32 43 ORBIS ORB 1 829.3 0.40 31.1 48 206 78 278 332.7 2 44 PCGUARD PCG 1 820.8 0.40 798.4 4 999 525 722 2 083 1.1 1 45 SYNTHOS SNS 1 722.3 0.38 7.4 200 602 157 432 64.3 8 46 IMMOEAST IEA 1 720.3 0.38 3.2 168 613 129 420 79.3 6 47 DUDA DUD 1 708.7 0.38 93.6 290 736 444 1 511 2.5 7 48 14ZACH 14N 1 680.4 0.37 171.9 584 627 558 1 473 7.6 7 49 SKOTAN SKT 1 674.6 0.37 135.6 261 528 731 2 212 182.7 19 50 CEDC CDC 1 634.0 0.36 27.2 31 041 11 50 79.9 11 51 BUDOPOL BDL 1 615.2 0.35 474.5 476 444 689 1 730 --- --- 52 ZURAWIE ZUR 1 604.2 0.35 461.5 115 090 652 1 669 1.3 2 53 KREZUS KZS 1 598.8 0.35 184.1 369 132 692 1 725 120.5 21 54 KETY KTY 1 588.6 0.35 46.5 16 631 85 297 31.4 5 55 TOORA TOR 1 564.8 0.34 709.6 595 501 700 1 611 7.4 1 56 BBIDEVNFI BBD 1 555.1 0.34 198.4 1 408 904 607 1 547 4.3 7 57 PEGAS PGS 1 549.5 0.34 83.1 29 911 38 137 35.2 10 58 CAPITAL CPA 1 545.4 0.34 292.0 276 234 603 1 634 12.3 12 59 SWARZEDZ SWZ 1 508.8 0.33 603.6 2 851 088 556 1 651 3.4 4 60 NETIA NET 1 481.6 0.33 46.3 705 703 296 1 097 23.0 5 61 LENTEX LTX 1 480.0 0.33 165.8 65 007 294 878 93.8 20 62 DOMDEV DOM 1 440.3 0.32 18.9 18 502 99 310 5.3 4 63 DROZAPOL DPL 1 408.6 0.31 461.7 253 237 619 1 569 0.3 1 64 STALPROD STP 1 332.5 0.29 17.8 2 766 94 303 --- --- 65 IBSYSTEM IBS 1 276.2 0.28 818.3 1 611 805 537 1 376 3.4 4 66 FAM FAM 1 272.8 0.28 281.4 258 159 449 1 126 45.8 21 67 CCC CCC 1 259.6 0.28 35.0 40 449 48 163 160.9 2 68 LUBAWA LBW 1 248.5 0.27 353.2 1 218 506 541 2 082 8.7 14 69 POLICE PCE 1 246.9 0.27 72.2 198 221 308 878 2.4 4 70 LCCORP LCC 1 245.6 0.27 39.7 1 132 162 704 1 883 329.6 59 71 KOPEX KPX 1 245.1 0.27 62.6 47 716 275 699 1 275.9 61 72 VISTULA VST 1 244.9 0.27 21.6 63 417 60 189 189.6 10 73 HUTMEN HTM 1 240.6 0.27 131.3 106 981 430 1 212 32.8 27 74 JUPITER JPR 1 224.9 0.27 492.2 509 041 485 1 162 8.3 10 75 BORYSZEW BRS 1 185.2 0.26 44.4 103 299 234 844 55.2 35 76 RUCH RCH 1 171.7 0.26 43.6 95 251 140 496 29.9 5 77 CENSTALGD CSG 1 140.1 0.25 154.3 151 219 445 1 200 1.6 3 78 MNI MNI 1 130.0 0.25 184.1 438 667 376 1 187 166.3 24 79 SYGNITY SGN 1 101.3 0.24 93.6 34 827 154 516 4.3 7 80 PULAWY ZAP 1 082.0 0.24 33.7 23 049 98 309 5.1 3 30 Main List Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Turnover Share in Annual value turnover turnover (PLN ratio million) (%) (%) Order-book trades Block trades Average Average Average volume number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 81 IMPEXMET IPX 1 078.1 0.24 5.6 36 166 111 298 137.4 10 82 KREDYTB KRB 1 072.2 0.24 11.5 94 257 69 236 319.1 2 83 JWCONSTR JWC 1 042.1 0.23 18.3 61 157 346 1 029 92.4 8 84 COMARCH CMR 1 033.4 0.23 44.7 10 663 55 210 13.1 1 85 LPP LPP 1 029.3 0.23 21.5 1 038 33 142 101.6 1 86 GRAJEWO GRJ 1 023.0 0.22 17.9 35 436 36 122 6.0 4 87 PPWK PWK 1 014.6 0.22 613.0 386 359 479 1 158 28.7 29 88 PONARFEH PNF 1 013.7 0.22 475.8 71 663 432 1 164 36.7 10 89 DEBICA DBC 1 010.3 0.22 37.3 20 657 61 250 --- --- 90 ADVADIS ADS 1 008.4 0.22 500.2 1 499 888 380 1 224 17.2 19 91 ENERGOPOL EPL 963.4 0.21 261.9 60 656 399 1 099 3.8 1 92 PEP PEP 925.8 0.20 82.4 60 910 153 399 3.5 1 93 HYGIENIKA HGN 871.1 0.19 666.9 296 857 371 897 12.7 5 94 HAWE HWE 866.3 0.19 913.9 138 516 538 1 342 23.9 8 95 STORMM STM 850.9 0.19 553.4 178 669 353 862 36.5 16 96 PAGED PGD 843.5 0.19 120.2 42 606 160 421 23.2 8 97 JAGO JAG 838.3 0.18 643.0 344 042 344 819 79.2 29 98 NFIEMF EMF 812.7 0.18 19.4 79 304 50 131 3.7 4 99 PGF PGF 812.7 0.18 40.9 17 746 39 142 1.0 2 100 LZPS LZP 800.1 0.18 276.4 180 505 230 556 12.2 6 101 NOBLEBANK NBL 776.1 0.17 13.6 181 207 227 626 47.3 6 102 KRUK KRK 767.1 0.17 66.9 25 870 181 575 1.3 1 103 CCIINT CCI 752.1 0.17 24.7 50 157 47 140 0.9 2 104 TUP TUP 746.3 0.16 210.8 47 188 348 938 11.5 3 105 KOLASTYNA KOL 727.9 0.16 179.1 439 439 478 1 273 24.0 3 106 OPOCZNO OPO 720.7 0.16 46.3 30 579 59 234 --- --- 107 PETROLINV OIL 710.1 0.16 17.5 11 570 478 1 224 3.7 4 108 POLCOLOR PLT 703.1 0.15 331.6 570 860 298 914 9.7 8 109 ATLANTIS ATS 703.0 0.15 1 116.4 530 093 398 1 101 --- --- 110 BARLINEK BRK 696.5 0.15 19.7 75 846 118 343 5.1 2 111 FAMUR FMF 684.5 0.15 5.6 107 610 125 309 0.2 1 112 MIDAS MDS 682.3 0.15 32.6 49 334 240 701 286.8 34 113 BYTOM BTM 679.1 0.15 144.2 164 840 318 837 --- --- 114 ALCHEMIA ALC 676.8 0.15 34.1 84 209 308 907 214.9 43 115 ABG ABG 613.4 0.13 54.6 169 836 148 650 5.1 2 116 TIM TIM 607.8 0.13 37.4 32 234 93 311 40.1 5 117 ENERGOPLD EPD 607.4 0.13 286.6 219 831 289 855 64.8 35 118 MOSTALWAR MSW 604.1 0.13 31.1 24 996 128 363 0.4 1 119 IMPEL IPL 589.2 0.13 149.2 38 927 106 334 1.0 3 120 FERRUM FER 588.2 0.13 123.7 51 659 237 772 110.1 16 31 Fact Book 2008 Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Turnover Share in Annual value turnover turnover (PLN ratio million) (%) (%) Order-book trades Block trades Average Average Average volume number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 121 04PRO 04N 587.2 0.13 59.0 108 427 244 625 16.2 7 122 HTLSTREFA HTL 574.5 0.13 14.7 37 493 171 572 0.8 3 123 SWIECIE MPP 556.8 0.12 11.6 12 417 46 166 512.0 30 124 EMPERIA EMP 554.5 0.12 26.1 8 274 29 113 12.0 1 125 TRITON TRI 547.4 0.12 211.2 53 407 249 779 85.8 29 126 RELPOL RLP 539.7 0.12 386.9 11 823 132 435 63.3 13 127 INTERCARS CAR 516.4 0.11 23.7 10 822 48 151 10.7 6 128 NOWAGALA CNG 505.2 0.11 89.3 159 461 133 386 4.1 3 129 WARIMPEX WXF 496.9 0.11 16.5 24 011 131 547 34.2 5 130 ORZEL ORZ 485.0 0.11 532.8 1 049 934 311 966 0.9 1 131 RAFAKO RFK 484.2 0.11 34.9 65 164 124 463 1.8 3 132 EUROCASH EUR 483.8 0.11 18.7 95 915 19 69 0.3 1 133 TECHMEX TEX 477.3 0.10 85.0 28 145 95 285 8.9 2 134 ULMA ULM 474.8 0.10 19.0 3 168 68 233 --- --- 135 MEWA MEW 470.2 0.10 217.1 1 672 982 260 736 5.4 4 136 STALPROFI STF 462.1 0.10 65.0 35 153 124 308 0.5 1 137 ELSTAROIL ELS 457.4 0.10 43.4 81 466 116 418 12.7 4 138 KOGENERA KGN 451.9 0.10 26.0 15 529 27 126 --- --- 139 ELKOP EKP 451.3 0.10 710.6 186 559 274 725 1.3 3 140 POLAQUA PQA 439.7 0.10 38.8 27 454 91 271 1 028.8 84 141 INSTALKRK INK 423.1 0.09 104.8 24 951 124 331 3.4 4 142 OPTIMUS OPT 422.6 0.09 427.1 160 598 240 729 0.5 1 143 TRASINTUR TIN 416.1 0.09 296.3 213 142 196 637 10.7 3 144 BBICAPNFI BBC 415.8 0.09 80.6 87 810 168 413 39.5 20 145 KOELNER KLR 412.7 0.09 15.3 16 903 35 144 68.4 22 146 ORCOGROUP OPG 401.2 0.09 5.3 3 901 8 131 21.9 4 147 BMPAG BMP 396.1 0.09 108.5 74 397 164 491 6.1 5 148 WSIP WSP 391.1 0.09 46.4 56 689 60 222 3.7 4 149 ELBUDOWA ELB 390.1 0.09 23.3 3 945 38 152 --- --- 150 ZTSERG ERG 382.0 0.08 290.6 44 790 177 520 3.4 4 151 SWISSMED SWD 380.2 0.08 135.1 204 448 195 700 0.2 1 152 JUTRZENKA JTZ 380.1 0.08 42.2 4 410 40 147 1.7 2 153 INTERFERI INF 379.4 0.08 394.9 77 775 165 525 11.7 9 154 POLNA PLA 378.1 0.08 410.4 13 719 160 442 --- --- 155 NAFTA NFT 370.4 0.08 70.8 16 796 105 305 --- --- 156 PEPEES PPS 368.1 0.08 101.0 208 254 144 408 181.1 17 157 CASHFLOW CFL 363.6 0.08 488.9 48 529 170 495 2.4 6 158 NOVITA NVT 354.3 0.08 166.0 13 567 106 350 20.6 8 159 BOMI BMI 351.5 0.08 52.7 76 694 67 227 99.3 31 160 HYDROBUD HBD 344.7 0.08 27.8 5 471 42 145 6.6 2 32 Main List Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Turnover Share in Annual value turnover turnover (PLN ratio million) (%) (%) KBL Order-book trades Block trades Average Average Average volume number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 344.1 0.08 99.3 7 785 112 384 2.8 2 339.8 0.07 10.7 4 191 32 131 1.2 2 GGU 339.7 0.07 141.4 41 054 119 455 4.1 6 PJP 339.1 0.07 76.4 14 307 74 239 31.8 5 PRATERM PTM 336.9 0.07 34.4 14 224 28 107 0.5 2 166 ERBUD ERB 335.6 0.07 15.2 14 141 54 195 --- --- 167 ENAP ENP 334.8 0.07 345.4 213 453 191 492 --- --- 168 ATM ATM 332.1 0.07 4.7 5 065 43 158 12.6 5 169 SKYEUROPE SKY 331.4 0.07 27.4 42 730 88 379 0.9 2 170 ACTION ACT 321.2 0.07 44.5 28 843 76 242 8.4 4 171 EUROFAKTR EFR 317.7 0.07 289.9 52 045 146 447 --- --- 172 COMP CMP 316.4 0.07 73.9 7 590 21 110 31.2 6 173 FARMACOL FCL 311.0 0.07 16.0 13 624 14 78 3.1 2 174 MOSTALPLC MSP 309.2 0.07 109.1 8 251 79 230 2.3 1 175 08OCTAVA 08N 306.8 0.07 62.7 90 209 145 472 18.5 6 176 ZELMER ZLR 305.4 0.07 17.8 10 728 67 251 --- --- 177 QUMAKSEK QSM 303.3 0.07 127.9 49 453 95 288 6.7 3 178 ROPCZYCE RPC 303.0 0.07 67.8 11 430 68 247 21.0 6 179 APATOR APT 301.6 0.07 28.0 26 296 51 217 65.3 10 180 ALMA ALM 299.1 0.07 31.8 4 631 36 126 --- --- 181 RADPOL RDL 290.7 0.06 57.7 82 797 142 489 1.1 2 182 SFINKS SFS 289.1 0.06 32.8 11 880 55 192 0.5 1 183 ODLEWNIE ODL 288.9 0.06 122.5 62 181 137 471 0.8 3 184 ELEKTROTI ELT 281.2 0.06 37.4 22 763 90 288 9.1 22 185 ECARD ECD 278.9 0.06 169.5 207 677 187 652 6.4 3 186 GRAAL GRL 277.8 0.06 54.4 15 497 29 182 3.4 3 187 HYPERION HYP 275.9 0.06 122.8 54 346 97 354 7.4 9 188 ZPUE PUE 271.3 0.06 82.6 1 308 17 65 18.4 2 189 JCAUTO JCA 270.7 0.06 59.3 17 850 55 185 --- --- 190 KROSNO KRS 265.4 0.06 70.4 71 445 113 388 --- --- 191 MERCOR MCR 264.5 0.06 19.2 23 666 53 165 --- --- 192 INWESTCON INC 264.4 0.06 190.3 34 933 115 383 15.1 15 193 TETA TET 262.7 0.06 64.9 22 290 44 201 1.0 1 194 MONNARI MON 260.2 0.06 70.3 16 705 74 248 5.8 9 195 POINTGROUP PGM 253.3 0.06 487.6 126 251 176 582 --- --- 161 KABLE 162 HBWLOCLAW HBW 163 GADUGADU 164 PROJPRZEM 165 196 INSTAL INS 249.9 0.05 247.7 59 962 148 401 2.0 1 197 AMICA AMC 246.4 0.05 88.8 19 859 61 337 2.8 4 198 FORTE FTE 238.1 0.05 48.4 45 857 56 198 0.7 2 199 GROCLIN GCN 237.4 0.05 49.7 9 680 46 229 8.9 6 200 ACE ACE 237.1 0.05 29.1 41 855 54 204 1.3 2 33 Fact Book 2008 Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Turnover Share in Annual value turnover turnover (PLN ratio million) (%) (%) Order-book trades Block trades Average Average Average volume number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 201 ATMGRUPA ATG 235.2 0.05 25.9 2 170 21 78 57.9 4 202 PLASTBOX PLX 233.3 0.05 238.2 13 588 90 280 12.9 9 203 06MAGNA 06N 230.7 0.05 59.3 48 784 118 333 1.5 1 204 ABPL ABE 224.6 0.05 81.9 19 499 32 108 42.8 3 205 SANOK SNK 224.3 0.05 17.6 2 029 7 43 --- --- 206 KOMPAP KMP 222.6 0.05 359.9 32 487 133 389 5.5 4 207 ENERGOPN EPN 218.1 0.05 19.3 18 434 63 239 0.3 1 208 BBIZENNFI BBZ 215.8 0.05 130.1 45 759 114 321 14.5 7 209 SNIEZKA SKA 215.5 0.05 17.0 9 147 13 63 --- --- 210 FOTA FOT 211.3 0.05 37.2 11 638 50 208 --- --- 211 INTERIA.PL INT 211.2 0.05 58.4 6 575 27 136 0.2 1 212 ESSYSTEM ESS 207.2 0.05 24.8 50 922 68 218 2.5 1 213 BEEFSAN BEF 205.1 0.05 75.6 120 548 109 337 38.5 8 214 BANKIER.PL BPL 205.0 0.05 140.9 36 377 93 335 21.9 14 215 AMBRA AMB 199.4 0.04 36.2 25 718 18 105 1.5 1 216 HOOP HOP 199.3 0.04 36.6 11 106 70 225 113.4 4 217 ASSECOSLO ACS 197.3 0.04 26.7 868 7 48 6.7 2 218 MEDIATEL MTL 195.3 0.04 231.8 28 252 85 338 --- --- 219 AMPLI APL 191.8 0.04 359.5 33 613 105 326 --- --- 220 GINOROSSI GRI 187.3 0.04 47.5 18 071 62 278 32.7 7 221 PAMAPOL PMP 183.8 0.04 15.4 14 091 51 189 3.0 7 222 ERGIS EEF 173.4 0.04 60.5 50 061 91 267 45.7 2 223 MIESZKO MSO 171.6 0.04 59.5 95 357 92 356 1.7 3 224 PEKAES PEK 171.4 0.04 18.5 20 204 49 178 39.5 3 225 KAREN KAR 169.3 0.04 110.9 109 327 214 619 14.0 2 226 ARMATURA ARM 167.3 0.04 207.9 401 798 226 514 16.5 7 227 PROCHEM PRM 166.9 0.04 24.4 3 796 18 87 --- --- 228 PROSPER PSP 162.7 0.04 123.9 15 640 44 192 5.2 7 229 SILVANO SFG 161.0 0.04 18.3 39 364 35 100 112.6 4 230 ASTARTA AST 160.7 0.04 18.2 18 030 46 181 2.2 3 231 PROVIMROL PRX 156.4 0.03 30.3 23 962 12 69 --- --- 232 ARTMAN ART 155.9 0.03 54.0 4 891 32 107 --- --- 233 DECORA DCR 155.3 0.03 16.8 6 357 18 85 24.0 1 234 ELEKTROEX ELX 154.6 0.03 270.9 100 441 118 356 --- --- 235 IGROUP IGR 153.6 0.03 35.3 33 743 61 243 --- --- 236 EMAX EMX 153.1 0.03 24.8 5 354 13 73 16.8 2 237 LENA LEN 152.8 0.03 29.9 29 361 49 180 0.4 1 238 BAKALLAND BAK 151.8 0.03 49.5 39 051 86 373 4.2 4 239 FASING FSG 148.1 0.03 82.5 10 290 83 289 --- --- 240 IVMX IMX 145.8 0.03 15.4 8 124 25 98 --- --- 34 Main List Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Turnover Share in Annual value turnover turnover (PLN ratio million) (%) (%) Order-book trades Block trades Average Average Average volume number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 241 B3SYSTEM B3S 144.3 0.03 121.3 38 131 105 340 --- --- 242 REDAN RDN 143.2 0.03 81.4 48 328 73 292 4.8 4 243 NORTCOAST NCT 141.3 0.03 65.5 57 886 75 248 --- --- 244 SRUBEX SRX 138.8 0.03 163.8 6 354 42 166 12.4 1 245 WILBO WLB 129.6 0.03 159.1 60 692 66 259 --- --- 246 TORFARM TFM 129.3 0.03 23.2 3 289 19 97 2.6 1 247 YAWAL YWL 128.5 0.03 61.1 5 336 56 188 20.3 5 248 HYDROTOR HDR 126.7 0.03 57.3 3 693 31 126 26.5 2 249 MISPOL MIP 123.9 0.03 23.2 12 411 32 112 --- --- 250 TELL TEL 121.0 0.03 83.3 2 227 20 91 2.4 2 251 TRAVELPL TVL 117.9 0.03 50.5 4 362 35 207 --- --- 252 RONSON RON 117.6 0.03 8.9 303 372 21 80 104.2 3 253 KRUSZWICA KSW 117.1 0.03 7.7 3 980 27 123 --- --- 254 PROCAD PRD 113.7 0.02 54.6 24 478 87 272 --- --- 255 POLMOSBIA PLB 112.8 0.02 28.2 3 340 14 62 22.1 22 256 ZNTKLAPY ZNT 112.0 0.02 57.4 20 140 389 973 --- --- 257 ARTERIA ARR 111.9 0.02 60.3 8 321 44 216 2.5 2 258 KERNEL KER 111.4 0.02 3.2 88 080 30 78 --- --- 259 EUROTEL ETL 108.9 0.02 71.1 12 096 34 141 0.9 3 260 DGA DGA 107.4 0.02 264.1 13 401 63 221 --- --- 261 WASKO WAS 106.7 0.02 11.9 37 431 80 375 8.5 4 262 EFEKT EFK 103.0 0.02 91.3 5 407 51 173 0.8 1 263 ONE2ONE O2O 100.2 0.02 70.1 16 056 62 237 10.6 12 264 CSS CSS 99.6 0.02 56.5 5 520 20 113 40.9 4 265 WAWEL WWL 99.1 0.02 10.4 610 16 95 1.7 2 266 MUZA MZA 98.6 0.02 208.8 22 189 60 253 1.7 3 267 INDYKPOL IND 97.4 0.02 17.0 1 505 8 49 1.2 1 268 TFONE TFO 95.3 0.02 22.5 10 103 39 177 --- --- 269 SUWARY SUW 95.2 0.02 120.5 2 553 46 179 35.9 17 270 REMAK RMK 94.5 0.02 53.1 5 918 30 135 3.5 5 271 NOVITUS NVS 94.5 0.02 37.8 7 318 27 149 0.6 1 272 VARIANT VRT 83.1 0.02 68.1 7 214 46 186 4.4 7 273 SEKO SEK 81.8 0.02 129.0 13 470 35 145 10.7 1 274 LSISOFT LSI 79.8 0.02 165.2 15 857 53 197 --- --- 275 BETACOM BCM 79.6 0.02 102.0 7 589 43 221 --- --- 276 CPENERGIA CPE 75.2 0.02 21.2 199 497 520 1 099 --- --- 277 PEMUG PMG 72.2 0.02 17.2 14 287 36 114 3.5 1 278 ZYWIEC ZWC 71.4 0.02 0.6 266 18 103 5.8 5 279 EUROMARK EMK 71.0 0.02 18.4 9 027 17 91 --- --- 280 SIMPLE SME 70.7 0.02 195.1 14 219 39 200 --- --- 35 Fact Book 2008 Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Turnover Share in Annual value turnover turnover (PLN ratio million) (%) (%) Order-book trades Block trades Average Average Average volume number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 281 WANDALEX WDX 69.5 0.02 50.2 14 722 45 156 --- --- 282 01NFI 01N 67.4 0.01 192.0 49 590 74 283 11.8 6 283 ZETKAMA ZKA 58.6 0.01 95.8 5 896 29 116 9.6 6 284 ZEG ZEG 57.8 0.01 48.3 2 058 39 188 1.8 2 285 NETMEDIA NEM 56.6 0.01 31.0 11 637 35 163 --- --- 286 13FORTUNA 13N 54.9 0.01 160.1 44 592 67 250 7.9 7 287 ELZAB ELZ 54.7 0.01 69.1 2 102 26 136 42.3 12 288 POLLENAE PLE 53.7 0.01 43.0 4 279 27 113 289 NTTSYSTEM NTT 52.9 0.01 14.2 68 455 62 294 0.8 2 290 UNIMA U2K 52.3 0.01 125.2 7 181 24 132 4.4 6 291 RAFAMET RAF 51.9 0.01 59.4 6 530 64 255 0.3 1 292 EMCINSMED EMC 51.5 0.01 26.1 4 447 24 108 --- --- 293 ORZBIALY OBL 47.8 0.01 10.4 46 345 45 148 26.2 15 294 MAKARONPL MAK 47.0 0.01 40.0 20 420 34 157 5.0 7 295 FORTISPL FTS 46.8 0.01 0.5 355 29 151 --- --- 296 MENNICA MNC 46.4 0.01 3.3 837 18 98 2.5 1 297 ZASTAL ZST 45.2 0.01 36.6 87 272 113 358 --- --- 298 MOJ MOJ 42.9 0.01 103.3 40 733 84 269 3.6 8 299 BACA BCA 42.8 0.01 0.0 167 4 37 --- --- 300 PERMEDIA PMD 41.0 0.01 23.6 955 17 95 --- --- 301 MCLOGIC MCL 40.8 0.01 40.1 1 633 12 72 19.6 17 302 05VICT 05N 40.2 0.01 92.1 33 798 52 201 2.9 2 303 UNIMIL UML 36.9 0.01 104.4 25 024 22 89 6.9 2 304 STAPORKOW ZUK 36.2 0.01 9.9 4 274 19 70 0.5 2 305 INTERSPPL IPO 32.0 0.01 17.1 5 000 7 44 --- --- 306 KREDYTIN KRI 32.0 0.01 23.3 9 686 27 114 --- --- 307 IZOLACJA IZO 31.5 0.01 77.0 6 505 126 384 --- --- 308 PLAZACNTR PLZ 31.3 0.01 0.5 28 764 27 87 --- --- 309 SPRAY SPY 31.2 0.01 32.4 2 008 9 74 7.4 1 310 PANOVA NVA 30.6 0.01 10.0 4 438 14 72 --- --- 311 KOMPUTRON KOM 29.9 0.01 4.5 3 760 36 112 --- --- 312 ATLANTAPL ATP 29.1 0.01 18.5 4 448 11 81 --- --- 313 BUDVARCEN BDV 29.0 0.01 11.3 9 106 39 249 0.7 1 314 PRONOX PRO 27.6 0.01 13.9 6 261 21 120 4.5 6 315 SPIN SPN 25.5 0.01 7.2 2 828 19 105 --- --- 316 TALEX TLX 25.3 0.01 69.9 3 257 21 127 --- --- 317 IRENA IRE 23.0 0.01 12.4 2 700 18 101 1.5 4 318 POLREST POL 23.0 0.01 11.6 3 993 22 95 4.0 5 319 ABMSOLID ABM 20.6 0.00 11.0 4 235 18 79 0.2 1 320 KPPD KPD 17.9 0.00 5.8 1 927 38 143 --- --- 36 Main List Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Turnover Share in Annual value turnover turnover (PLN ratio million) (%) (%) BEST BST 16.3 322 UNICREDIT UCG 15.2 323 ZREW ZRW 14.4 324 MAGELLAN MAG 14.0 325 GFPREMIUM PRE 326 TUEUROPA 327 328 Block trades Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 3.2 726 4 30 --- --- 0.00 0.0 88 311 399 1 035 --- --- 0.00 2.1 240 10 46 --- --- 0.00 7.5 2 658 10 48 25.5 2 13.5 0.00 21.8 4 244 18 152 8.6 6 ERP 13.3 0.00 80.4 227 7 61 902.0 10 POLMOSLBN PLS 13.1 0.00 13.5 1 293 20 50 --- --- MAKRUM MKM 13.0 0.00 2.3 10 513 21 133 0.3 1 329 RESBUD RES 11.7 0.00 19.2 2 260 31 119 0.8 2 330 REINHOLD RHD 11.4 0.00 2.7 18 002 228 640 --- --- 331 NORDEABP NDA 11.0 0.00 0.5 684 7 54 0.5 1 332 HELIO HEL 11.0 0.00 12.4 3 394 13 81 1.9 4 333 OLYMPIC OEG 10.9 0.00 0.2 4 385 9 44 --- --- 334 KRAKCHEM KCH 10.8 0.00 12.9 21 763 40 168 0.4 1 335 ASBIS ASB 10.6 0.00 1.4 19 430 23 84 --- --- 336 OPONEO OPN 7.9 0.00 4.9 14 599 29 106 3.2 5 337 LDASA LDS 7.5 0.00 148.7 13 237 11 91 --- --- 338 RMFFM RMF 6.7 0.00 67.4 209 3 18 --- --- 339 ENERGOINS ENI 5.9 0.00 1.0 3 899 15 53 0.4 2 340 QUANTUM QNT 3.8 0.00 16.1 1 483 17 127 0.5 1 341 BOS BOS 3.6 0.00 0.3 83 3 42 3.1 3 342 WISTIL WST 3.5 0.00 2.0 50 2 23 1.3 2 343 ASSECOBS ABS 3.0 0.00 1.9 4 776 9 33 6.8 7 344 RAINBOW RBW 2.9 0.00 3.9 8 206 25 113 --- --- 345 INTEGERPL ITG 2.0 0.00 4.8 4 444 11 53 4.2 7 346 COMPLEX CMX 1.9 0.00 1.0 29 091 16 65 --- --- 347 BEDZIN BDZ 1.9 0.00 1.0 115 2 42 0.1 1 348 ASSECOPOL ACP1 1.7 0.00 40.7 282 11 30 --- --- 349 DZPOLSKA DZP 1.7 0.00 0.0 73 2 33 --- --- 350 WOLAINFO WIN 1.4 0.00 0.9 4 095 6 41 --- --- 351 TERESA TER 1.3 0.00 1.7 1 061 10 47 0.4 1 352 SECOGROUP SWG 0.9 0.00 0.1 709 8 33 --- --- 353 BCHEM BCH 0.9 0.00 0.0 152 1 12 --- --- 354 PRIMAMODA PMA 0.5 0.00 2.3 9 032 28 93 --- --- 355 CITYINTER CIA 0.1 0.00 0.0 4 902 16 69 --- --- 356 EKODROB EKD 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 --- --- 321 0.00 Order-book trades Average Average Average volume number of number of per session transactions orders (shares) 37 Fact Book 2008 Shares with highest daily turnover in 2007 No Shares Date Turnover value (PLN million) Turnover volume (shares) No Shares Date Turnover value (PLN million) Turnover volume (shares) 1 TPSA 18.01 1 237.5 23 625 767 41 KGHM 17.07 338.8 1 357 152 2 PEGAS 11.07 855.9 4 165 859 42 TPSA 6.12 334.8 6 830 301 3 PEKAO 18.12 683.1 1 440 821 43 KGHM 18.04 332.2 1 393 438 4 TPSA 25.10 655.2 13 908 831 44 TPSA 7.12 327.3 6 589 740 5 TPSA 24.10 640.8 14 101 150 45 PEKAO 28.12 326.3 706 991 6 BANKBPH 14.02 623.3 322 649 46 PKNORLEN 16.08 324.6 3 118 351 7 PEKAO 21.12 596.5 1 266 173 47 BRE 13.07 323.1 319 860 8 PKOBP 9.11 533.5 5 028 634 48 KGHM 12.04 321.3 1 401 956 11 069 828 9 PKOBP 6.02 487.4 5 109 356 49 GETIN 7.08 319.2 10 KGHM 21.12 474.4 2 205 050 50 POLNORD 15.02 318.8 1 060 543 11 TPSA 21.12 471.0 10 174 900 51 PKNORLEN 6.07 317.8 2 695 577 12 KGHM 6.07 457.7 1 927 201 52 PKNORLEN 4.06 317.2 3 111 586 13 BZWBK 3.08 452.2 868 854 53 PKOBP 2.10 317.1 2 810 350 14 PEKAO 4.10 446.4 886 254 54 KGHM 27.06 315.4 1 456 618 15 PEKAO 17.12 422.8 850 947 55 TPSA 31.07 313.2 7 103 512 16 BANKBPH 14.03 415.7 238 633 56 KGHM 10.04 312.8 1 412 366 17 KGHM 8.06 403.6 1 835 537 57 TPSA 10.12 312.8 6 271 191 18 PKOBP 21.12 397.7 3 775 863 58 PKOBP 9.10 310.6 2 788 803 19 PEKAO 20.12 397.1 851 687 59 TPSA 7.11 309.9 6 640 168 20 PKOBP 28.02 391.2 4 359 298 60 PEKAO 25.10 309.6 588 538 21 TPSA 22.03 387.1 8 069 934 61 TPSA 2.08 305.4 6 993 240 22 PKNORLEN 13.07 383.3 3 232 557 62 PKNORLEN 24.07 305.1 2 631 867 23 TPSA 9.10 381.9 8 955 031 63 JWCONSTR 4.06 304.4 1 817 553 24 TPSA 19.12 376.6 8 149 195 64 PKOBP 22.03 302.0 3 099 676 25 TPSA 21.09 373.2 8 519 404 65 KGHM 9.07 300.1 1 208 487 26 PKNORLEN 17.07 368.7 3 144 733 66 PEKAO 19.12 297.4 633 065 27 PKNORLEN 25.07 364.6 3 200 802 67 KGHM 9.11 295.4 1 237 076 28 TPSA 8.06 360.6 8 562 873 68 PEKAO 7.11 295.0 547 313 29 KGHM 20.06 359.2 1 433 591 69 PKNORLEN 19.07 294.3 2 555 044 30 RUCH 10.07 357.9 5 676 551 70 PKOBP 10.10 290.8 2 574 414 31 KGHM 15.06 356.7 1 469 035 71 KGHM 31.05 290.0 1 241 025 32 TPSA 26.10 354.3 7 518 048 72 GRAJEWO 30.11 288.8 3 012 664 33 PEKAO 1.02 352.7 696 837 73 POLNORD 29.03 286.7 621 133 34 PKOBP 11.01 350.7 3 904 267 74 TPSA 25.04 284.0 6 224 166 35 TPSA 16.01 350.4 6 854 250 75 KGHM 5.01 284.0 1 773 757 36 TPSA 26.06 343.7 7 385 980 76 KGHM 16.04 281.9 1 209 943 37 PKNORLEN 21.12 341.8 3 230 647 77 PKNORLEN 20.07 279.8 2 467 018 38 KGHM 16.03 341.4 1 878 362 78 KGHM 5.12 279.0 1 214 910 39 PEKAO 23.10 340.1 657 451 79 PKNORLEN 8.11 279.0 2 723 424 40 KGHM 24.07 339.5 1 290 002 80 PKNORLEN 5.06 279.0 2 661 133 38 Main List Shares by return in 2007 No Company Rate of return since year-beginning (%) low (PLN) high (PLN) Price end (PLN) (in PLN) (in EUR) 1 FON 880.9 942.0 0.19 1.02 0.55 2 ELKOP 359.6 388.3 1.38 6.82 4.83 3 LPP 260.6 283.1 700.00 2 708.00 2 668.50 4 PCGUARD 220.5 240.4 0.11 2.16 0.11 5 INTERCARS 184.7 202.4 43.10 173.00 123.80 6 LZPS 171.6 188.6 3.09 15.80 11.00 7 HYGIENIKA 159.2 175.4 1.90 15.72 4.57 8 BYTOM 156.8 172.8 1.89 7.24 3.72 9 SANWIL 152.0 167.9 0.26 3.17 0.31 10 POLICE 148.5 164.0 6.29 19.63 16.85 11 PEP 142.6 157.8 14.10 43.20 37.00 12 MOSTALPLC 132.0 146.5 35.10 133.20 94.10 13 ENAP 130.7 145.1 1.57 6.44 2.42 14 KRUK 129.4 143.7 11.45 40.45 28.00 15 POLNA 129.1 143.4 20.52 145.00 23.00 16 MCI 127.6 141.8 7.60 38.00 18.55 17 NAFTA 127.4 141.6 22.00 85.90 63.00 18 KOMPAP 117.4 131.0 6.35 25.34 8.86 19 ZURAWIE 111.3 124.4 10.45 64.00 19.34 20 PULAWY 106.2 119.1 54.00 140.50 117.00 21 IDMSA 103.1 115.8 7.07 25.98 14.46 22 MOSTALZAB 94.6 106.8 3.80 18.39 8.00 23 PONARFEH 92.8 104.8 8.51 144.50 9.75 24 CIECH 90.4 102.2 64.60 178.40 121.00 25 EMPERIA 89.5 101.3 78.60 180.90 163.00 26 ELBUDOWA 88.9 100.7 98.50 304.50 200.00 27 ASTARTA 87.2 98.9 12.10 32.99 32.00 28 FORTISPL 86.8 98.4 114.60 550.00 221.70 29 ATMGRUPA 84.6 96.2 128.00 299.50 250.00 30 MENNICA 83.9 95.4 75.10 149.00 143.90 31 AMREST 80.8 92.1 67.55 158.90 134.00 32 ROPCZYCE 80.6 91.8 32.85 83.00 61.00 33 ACTION 78.7 89.8 15.90 35.00 33.15 34 YAWAL 78.2 89.3 33.63 75.45 52.00 35 JAGO 75.3 86.2 2.55 8.00 3.21 36 POLNORD 75.2 86.1 72.50 347.00 141.90 37 OPTIMUS 73.1 83.9 2.45 9.59 2.95 38 CCIINT 67.9 78.4 20.50 40.00 35.00 39 IMPEXMET 65.4 75.7 5.70 16.76 9.20 40 BEST 65.1 75.4 29.00 59.00 52.35 39 Fact Book 2008 Shares by return in 2007 No Company Rate of return since year-beginning (%) high (PLN) Price end (PLN) (in PLN) (in EUR) low (PLN) 41 TECHMEX 65.1 75.4 21.20 44.89 38.90 42 CEDC 65.0 75.3 79.80 152.00 146.00 43 ARTMAN 62.6 72.7 36.50 93.00 60.00 44 TUP 61.2 71.2 10.20 67.30 16.99 45 ULMA 60.4 70.4 175.00 600.00 320.00 46 TELL 58.5 68.4 69.10 140.00 116.00 47 AGORA 57.6 67.4 36.49 58.00 55.50 48 EUROCASH 57.0 66.8 7.20 12.25 12.00 49 KOPEX 56.7 66.4 30.58 74.90 48.60 50 ABPL 56.1 65.9 16.21 28.70 26.70 51 HOOP 52.3 61.8 24.52 51.00 38.50 52 SIMPLE 51.5 61.0 7.65 13.00 11.97 53 BRE 50.3 59.7 321.10 614.50 505.00 54 QUMAKSEK 48.9 58.2 8.99 16.49 14.03 55 MILLENNIUM 48.6 57.9 7.96 15.30 11.63 56 ASSECOPOL 47.1 56.3 49.44 92.00 73.50 57 POLIMEXMS 46.7 55.9 5.80 12.80 8.56 58 WSIP 46.6 55.7 11.00 16.78 15.71 59 PGNIG 46.3 55.4 3.38 6.10 5.10 60 INTERSPPL 46.0 55.1 8.01 17.70 12.45 61 FASING 45.3 54.3 13.17 46.30 20.70 62 MOSTALEXP 44.6 53.7 2.72 14.98 4.18 63 PLASTBOX 44.4 53.5 14.50 62.20 16.40 64 JUTRZENKA 43.0 51.9 92.10 250.00 140.00 65 JCAUTO 41.5 50.3 20.43 49.40 29.00 66 NFIEMF 41.3 50.1 13.05 27.80 19.00 67 NOWAGALA 40.8 49.6 4.68 8.70 5.50 68 STALPROD 40.2 49.0 520.00 1 488.00 750.00 69 ZYWIEC 38.6 47.2 471.60 743.00 640.00 70 CEZ 38.4 47.0 114.50 200.00 183.00 71 DEBICA 38.3 47.0 73.90 135.00 105.20 72 KGHM 37.9 46.5 78.50 145.00 105.80 73 DZPOLSKA 36.9 45.4 33.50 61.00 47.90 74 ALMA 36.8 45.4 89.00 160.00 130.00 75 GANT 34.7 43.1 44.10 126.00 61.90 76 TUEUROPA 34.1 42.5 87.00 143.00 130.00 77 BBICAPNFI 34.0 42.4 5.38 19.20 8.10 78 VISTULA 33.1 41.4 8.55 17.20 11.98 79 ZPUE 32.5 40.7 276.40 605.00 390.00 80 FAM 31.3 39.5 5.70 15.70 7.72 40 Main List Shares by return in 2007 No Company Rate of return since year-beginning (%) (in PLN) (in EUR) low (PLN) high (PLN) Price end (PLN) 81 ZTSERG 29.4 37.5 5.60 50.00 8.85 82 MOSTALWAR 29.3 37.3 29.00 70.00 53.00 83 SRUBEX 26.8 34.7 33.60 52.00 48.82 84 ELZAB 24.0 31.7 44.00 64.40 53.50 85 BUDIMEX 22.7 30.3 63.15 185.90 92.00 86 SNIEZKA 22.4 30.1 37.10 65.00 47.00 87 MCLOGIC 21.1 28.6 44.00 59.00 56.00 88 ZEG 20.7 28.2 34.50 83.40 43.80 89 PBG 20.5 28.0 252.00 438.00 307.10 90 OPOCZNO 19.4 26.9 35.10 59.70 48.00 91 HANDLOWY 18.9 26.3 85.00 138.00 99.90 92 PAGED 18.8 26.2 21.00 77.60 30.00 93 KREDYTB 18.5 25.9 19.10 28.20 23.50 94 RELPOL 17.3 24.6 14.30 260.00 15.80 95 01NFI 17.0 24.3 1.72 3.78 2.55 96 STALPROFI 17.0 24.3 15.00 50.90 18.80 97 NORDEABP 16.8 24.1 21.41 49.00 26.00 98 INSTAL 16.8 24.1 4.62 13.40 6.19 FAMUR 16.5 23.8 2.80 7.43 4.38 100 99 GETIN 16.2 23.5 11.05 17.85 14.70 101 PERMEDIA 15.8 23.0 48.50 170.00 55.00 102 PGF 14.3 21.4 70.25 125.40 89.10 103 13FORTUNA 14.2 21.3 1.85 3.38 2.74 104 PKOBP 13.9 21.0 42.51 59.25 52.60 105 ZELMER 13.9 21.0 45.00 68.80 63.00 106 BZWBK 13.8 20.8 213.00 319.00 251.00 107 JUPITER 13.5 20.6 2.81 7.49 3.61 108 SPRAY 12.9 19.9 25.10 38.60 35.90 109 MOL 11.9 18.9 300.00 465.00 360.00 110 SYNTHOS 11.4 18.3 1.15 2.95 1.30 111 APATOR 11.0 17.9 19.30 27.35 24.00 112 KOGENERA 10.9 17.8 46.03 75.00 60.00 113 GTC 10.7 17.6 37.50 57.65 44.50 114 ORBIS 10.6 17.6 57.00 95.00 69.50 115 EMCINSMED 10.6 17.5 13.80 42.00 17.35 116 ELEKTRIM 10.4 17.3 4.36 18.80 7.76 117 ASSECOSLO 10.0 16.9 396.00 498.00 440.00 118 ZETKAMA 9.9 16.7 15.40 27.50 18.35 119 PRATERM 9.2 16.0 34.81 65.30 50.10 120 PKNORLEN 8.8 15.6 40.71 61.20 51.90 41 Fact Book 2008 Shares by return in 2007 No Company Rate of return since year-beginning (%) high (PLN) Price end (PLN) (in EUR) low (PLN) 121 TALEX 7.9 14.6 12.30 18.95 14.42 122 ERGIS 7.9 14.7 3.51 11.04 5.45 123 INDYKPOL 7.7 14.4 87.10 166.00 114.50 124 BACA 7.4 14.1 460.30 579.50 500.00 125 04PRO 6.7 13.4 5.70 21.50 6.18 126 MUZA 6.2 12.8 5.80 12.25 7.05 127 REMAK 5.8 12.4 18.99 49.90 22.22 128 BANKIER.PL 5.8 12.4 8.50 14.25 11.00 129 PROCHNIK 5.8 12.4 0.79 2.09 0.91 (in PLN) 130 MASTERS 5.4 11.9 0.19 0.93 0.21 131 PEGAS 5.3 11.8 91.00 118.00 102.90 132 05VICT 5.1 11.7 1.75 2.93 2.27 133 WAWEL 4.9 11.4 198.10 404.00 276.00 134 HYDROTOR 4.5 11.0 42.90 92.90 47.88 135 INTERIA.PL 3.9 10.3 49.00 79.90 65.95 136 TIM 3.8 10.3 21.01 64.90 25.00 137 IBSYSTEM 3.8 10.2 0.72 2.80 0.83 138 PEKAO 3.6 10.1 215.00 278.40 227.00 139 TORFARM 2.8 9.2 60.90 99.90 68.00 140 PAMAPOL 2.2 8.6 19.96 35.60 23.40 141 TVN 1.9 8.3 19.50 29.28 25.00 142 BBIDEVNFI 1.1 7.4 1.05 3.38 1.25 143 PROJPRZEM 0.7 7.0 27.33 74.00 39.00 144 NORTCOAST -0.3 5.9 2.72 8.10 3.42 145 COMP -0.7 5.5 69.85 143.50 76.00 146 RAFAKO -0.9 5.3 9.16 42.39 11.12 147 ABG -1.6 4.5 5.30 8.90 6.90 148 PROKOM -2.1 4.1 123.70 179.30 132.70 149 BEEFSAN -2.2 3.9 2.75 4.31 3.13 150 TPSA -2.3 3.8 20.03 27.16 22.51 151 INGBSK -2.4 3.7 675.00 1075.00 725.00 152 CASHFLOW -2.9 3.2 7.11 25.50 8.50 153 FARMACOL -3.0 3.1 35.20 57.00 42.20 154 NOVITUS -3.0 3.1 19.35 31.60 22.80 155 NETMEDIA -3.1 2.9 6.67 13.10 9.00 156 IRENA -3.8 2.2 10.55 23.89 12.00 157 POLLENAE -4.0 2.0 15.00 39.00 16.99 158 GRAJEWO -4.1 1.9 44.00 85.20 53.00 159 KROSNO -4.3 1.7 3.22 10.80 3.63 160 BOS -4.4 1.6 75.90 90.40 85.95 42 Main List Shares by return in 2007 No Company Rate of return since year-beginning (%) high (PLN) Price end (PLN) (in PLN) (in EUR) low (PLN) 161 COMARCH -4.7 1.2 127.10 259.80 182.00 162 BUDOPOL -5.8 0.1 3.12 11.95 3.73 163 PEPEES -6.0 -0.1 0.85 2.49 1.02 164 BETACOM -6.4 -0.5 15.00 24.50 16.60 165 GRAAL -6.7 -0.8 25.70 47.96 35.28 166 WISTIL -6.9 -1.1 112.00 266.00 135.00 167 DGA -7.4 -1.7 4.85 32.50 5.98 168 ATLANTIS -7.6 -1.9 1.10 5.29 1.57 169 VARIANT -7.6 -1.9 12.14 33.60 13.65 170 SANOK -7.7 -1.9 181.10 300.00 185.00 171 CERSANIT -8.5 -2.8 29.45 52.00 33.50 172 CCC -8.9 -3.2 40.41 86.70 45.00 173 LOTOS -9.1 -3.4 38.50 59.80 44.50 174 TRITON -9.8 -4.2 5.60 31.40 9.15 175 ECHO -9.9 -4.3 67.80 119.20 79.70 176 BAKALLAND -10.0 -4.4 6.06 9.19 7.10 177 EFEKT -10.3 -4.7 26.50 48.00 28.19 178 MISPOL -10.8 -5.2 13.80 28.30 15.44 179 PROSPER -10.9 -5.4 15.90 28.50 16.50 180 CAPITAL -10.9 -5.4 4.02 18.90 6.20 181 PEKAES -11.4 -5.9 10.89 25.00 12.40 182 BEDZIN -11.8 -6.3 31.00 38.95 31.80 183 STORMM -12.1 -6.7 4.60 19.20 5.93 184 MMPPL -15.2 -10.0 9.10 14.35 10.40 185 TETA -17.0 -11.8 18.22 29.00 19.90 186 INSTALKRK -18.3 -13.2 15.65 48.38 21.49 187 KETY -18.4 -13.3 145.10 245.00 160.00 188 SWARZEDZ -19.2 -14.1 0.44 1.59 0.52 189 FOTA -19.2 -14.1 19.00 53.80 27.72 190 BMPAG -19.3 -14.3 7.25 13.64 7.52 191 BBIZENNFI -19.9 -14.9 4.62 19.70 5.49 192 STALEXP -20.2 -15.3 2.32 8.88 2.80 193 ENERGOPOL -20.4 -15.4 7.40 110.00 10.85 194 NOVITA -21.5 -16.6 22.53 122.60 30.30 195 POLCOLOR -22.0 -17.1 0.79 3.69 0.93 196 BARLINEK -22.8 -18.0 12.35 26.40 12.70 197 IMPEL -23.4 -18.6 15.15 44.50 16.65 198 WILBO -23.6 -18.8 2.76 6.04 3.01 199 ECARD -23.6 -18.9 1.01 5.49 1.33 200 KREZUS -24.6 -19.9 3.65 16.00 4.30 43 Fact Book 2008 Shares by return in 2007 No Company Rate of return since year-beginning (%) high (PLN) Price end (PLN) (in PLN) (in EUR) low (PLN) 201 NETIA -24.8 -20.1 3.41 5.13 3.80 202 WASKO -25.6 -21.0 3.30 7.33 4.73 203 IGROUP -25.8 -21.2 6.02 14.50 7.64 204 TRAVELPL -28.0 -23.5 31.00 100.00 36.00 205 LDASA -28.6 -24.1 0.60 2.50 0.60 206 MIESZKO -29.0 -24.5 2.45 4.64 2.50 207 MNI -29.5 -25.1 3.08 6.97 4.19 208 PROCHEM -30.7 -26.4 43.30 109.00 47.99 209 HYPERION -30.8 -26.5 6.00 13.15 6.00 210 LENTEX -31.3 -27.0 21.40 98.00 32.99 211 SWIECIE -31.4 -27.1 56.85 113.00 67.90 212 KABLE -31.5 -27.3 43.11 120.80 46.00 213 DECORA -32.3 -28.0 30.00 71.00 34.00 214 AMBRA -33.3 -29.1 10.15 20.60 10.15 215 WANDALEX -33.7 -29.5 4.76 14.20 5.80 216 DOMDEV -33.9 -29.8 96.40 195.00 99.00 217 ENERGOPLD -34.5 -30.4 2.29 20.99 3.19 218 AMICA -34.9 -30.8 16.86 32.90 18.89 219 TRASINTUR -36.3 -32.4 1.65 5.63 2.03 220 KOELNER -37.7 -33.9 29.00 77.95 33.00 221 EUROFAKTR -38.6 -34.7 4.80 26.78 6.98 222 ODLEWNIE -39.0 -35.2 4.61 13.40 5.90 223 ALCHEMIA -39.3 -35.6 7.60 66.60 10.89 224 SKYEUROPE -40.1 -36.4 6.03 25.00 6.38 225 FORTE -40.8 -37.1 5.06 14.50 6.70 226 KRUSZWICA -42.3 -38.7 41.00 75.30 42.05 227 DROZAPOL -43.1 -39.6 4.10 18.50 5.12 228 REDAN -43.6 -40.0 2.73 8.17 2.85 229 PEMUG -43.7 -40.2 2.40 4.60 2.65 230 ENERGOPN -43.8 -40.3 10.62 31.60 13.48 231 DUDA -43.8 -40.3 6.10 15.14 7.50 232 GINOROSSI -44.6 -41.2 10.10 29.60 10.80 233 MIDAS -45.2 -41.7 13.60 42.00 17.77 234 INTERFERI -45.5 -42.1 4.66 13.53 5.18 235 SWISSMED -47.2 -43.9 1.66 5.15 1.78 236 GROCLIN -47.3 -44.0 21.20 68.05 25.05 237 SFINKS -47.6 -44.3 22.02 78.50 26.20 238 BORYSZEW -48.1 -44.9 9.58 32.90 11.92 239 ADVADIS -48.8 -45.6 0.59 2.30 0.70 240 FERRUM -49.1 -45.9 6.76 39.00 9.80 44 Main List Shares by return in 2007 No Company Rate of return since year-beginning (%) low (PLN) high (PLN) Price end (PLN) (in PLN) (in EUR) 241 ELSTAROIL -49.8 -46.7 4.76 15.79 7.50 242 SUWARY -50.1 -47.0 46.15 124.40 49.90 243 LUBAWA -51.0 -47.9 0.80 2.81 1.02 244 UNIMA -51.3 -48.2 7.00 18.40 7.35 245 LENA -51.8 -48.8 4.91 13.00 5.10 246 INWESTCON -52.3 -49.3 5.82 25.95 7.30 247 MEDIATEL -52.4 -49.5 7.10 22.70 9.87 248 EUROMARK -52.8 -49.9 7.65 21.90 9.53 249 14ZACH -55.9 -53.1 2.25 9.05 2.63 250 06MAGNA -58.6 -56.0 3.17 12.75 3.33 251 BIOTON -59.2 -56.6 0.78 2.44 0.89 252 ATLANTAPL -60.0 -57.5 6.22 18.25 6.80 253 ATM -60.1 -57.6 60.05 184.90 64.10 254 PPWK -62.5 -60.2 3.12 16.70 3.82 255 ONE2ONE -62.5 -60.1 4.88 17.30 5.25 256 AMPLI -62.9 -60.6 3.70 21.18 4.34 257 SYGNITY -65.4 -63.3 25.50 128.50 35.11 258 POINTGROUP -65.5 -63.3 1.70 5.86 1.85 259 CENSTALGD -66.9 -64.9 5.37 31.90 5.70 260 HTLSTREFA -67.6 -65.6 6.02 23.00 6.40 261 HUTMEN -71.2 -69.4 8.11 35.81 8.30 262 SKOTAN -71.7 -69.9 4.25 20.88 5.80 263 08OCTAVA -86.7 -85.9 3.30 40.88 3.89 264 BANKBPH -88.3 -87.6 102.00 1 095.00 104.00 265 TOORA -94.1 -93.7 1.33 28.39 1.46 45 Fact Book 2008 Shares with highest monthly returns in 2007 by month Months Shares Return (%) January ALCHEMIA February (in PLN) (in EUR) 178.5 171.4 02NFI 66.8 67.4 March ELKOP 363.9 369.7 April PPWK 104.8 109.2 May PAGED 134.8 132.9 June PCGUARD 187.4 191.5 July OPTIMUS 90.6 89.4 August POLNA 121.9 120 September SANWIL 86.8 89.1 October RELPOL 57.3 63.7 November EUROFAKTR 68.5 68.7 December MEWA 355.4 358.5 Shares with highest monthly returns in 2007 No Shares Month Return (%) No Shares Month 1 ELKOP March 363.9 2 MEWA December 355.4 3 MASTERS March 196.2 4 PCGUARD June 187.4 5 FON 6 ALCHEMIA 7 21 OPTIMUS 358.5 22 199.7 23 191.5 24 SANWIL 369.7 Return (%) (in PLN) (in EUR) (in PLN) (in EUR) July 90.6 89.4 POLNA May 90.4 88.8 04PRO March 87.4 89.7 September 86.8 89.1 March 178.5 182.0 25 LZPS March 85.7 88.0 January 178.5 171.4 26 MOSTALEXP March 85.3 87.6 FON June 143.8 147.2 27 BUDOPOL January 84.8 80.1 8 TUP March 137.6 140.6 28 CASHFLOW March 84.6 86.9 9 PAGED May 134.8 132.9 29 MOSTALZAB January 83.9 79.2 10 INSTAL March 125.7 128.5 30 GANT January 82.4 77.7 11 MOSTALEXP January 124.9 119.2 31 ENERGOPLD January 82.2 77.6 12 PONARFEH March 122.1 124.8 32 TUP January 80.2 75.6 13 POLNA August 121.9 120.0 33 MOSTALPLC 14 ZTSERG March 118.6 121.3 34 ZNTKLAPY 15 FORTISPL March 114.8 117.5 35 ZEG March 77.1 79.3 16 PPWK April 104.8 109.2 36 PCGUARD January 76.2 71.6 17 HYGIENIKA March 103.9 106.4 37 JAGO January 75.1 70.6 May 79.8 78.3 December 79.7 80.7 18 ECARD April 99.1 103.4 38 PCGUARD March 73.1 75.3 19 KOMPAP March 98.9 101.3 39 ELMONTWAR September 73.0 75.1 20 SANWIL March 97.7 100.1 40 POLICE 71.4 70.0 46 May Main List Dividends paid by listed companies in 2007 No Company General Record Dividend Meeting date date per share (PLN) No Company General Record Dividend Meeting date date per share (PLN) 1 ACTION 30.01 16.02 0.15 41 BEDZIN 11.06 2.07 1.80 2 SWIECIE 23.03 10.04 5.40 42 WASKO 12.06 29.06 0.04 3 ASSECOSLO 23.03 12.04 98.60 43 PGF 13.06 29.06 2.40 4 MILLENNIUM 26.03 9.05 0.17 44 DGA 14.06 3.07 0.54 1.00 5 ZYWIEC 4.04 20.04 31.00 45 SYGNITY 14.06 4.07 6 MENNICA 16.04 14.05 2.50 46 SANOK 14.06 31.07 6.00 7 BZWBK 17.04 4.05 6.00 47 KRUK 15.06 29.06 0.19 8 CEZ 23.04 23.04 2.75* 48 INSTALKRK 16.06 10.07 0.10 9 TUP 23.04 1.06 0.20 49 CCC 20.06 5.07 1.00 10 PEKAO 26.04 16.05 9.00 50 PROSPER 20.06 12.07 0.55 11 MOL 26.04 16.05 77.43* 51 HANDLOWY 21.06 5.07 4.10 12 BANKBPH 26.04 17.05 36.20 52 PAGED 21.06 6.07 0.50 13 PKOBP 26.04 20.07 0.98 53 CIECH 21.06 10.07 2.10 14 BACA 3.05 7.05 14.99* 54 KRUSZWICA 21.06 31.08 1.72 15 INGBSK 9.05 24.05 27.90 55 EFEKT 22.06 30.08 0.50 16 DOMDEV 9.05 30.05 0.15 56 HYDROTOR 23.06 30.08 0.50 17 TPSA 10.05 25.05 1.40 57 GRAJEWO 26.06 12.07 1.09 18 DECORA 10.05 28.05 0.28 58 PROKOM 26.06 20.07 1.08 19 TVN 11.05 30.05 0.37 59 IMPEXMET 26.06 31.07 3.00 20 DEBICA 11.05 17.07 2.20 60 WANDALEX 26.06 1.08 0.10 21 KETY 15.05 12.06 4.00 61 MOSTALPLC 26.06 1.08 0.75 22 SPIN 17.05 4.06 0.07 62 HOOP 27.06 12.07 0.61 23 ABG 17.05 4.06 0.09 63 RUCH 27.06 16.07 0.35 24 IMPEL 21.05 1.06 0.27 64 IVMX 27.06 20.07 0.30 25 ASSECOPOL 23.05 15.06 0.40 65 NORTCOAST 27.06 27.07 0.12 26 ATMGRUPA 24.05 12.06 1.12 66 STALPROD 27.06 14.09 10.00 27 PROJPRZEM 25.05 22.06 0.40 67 BOS 28.06 12.07 0.13 28 LOTOS 28.05 11.06 0.36 68 KOGENERA 28.06 13.07 1.85 29 TORFARM 28.05 14.06 1.23 69 POLIMEXMS 28.06 17.07 0.46 30 ELZAB 29.05 20.07 2.45 70 EUROCASH 28.06 19.07 0.23 31 ELBUDOWA 30.05 6.06 2.00 71 PGNIG 28.06 27.07 0.17 32 KGHM 30.05 25.06 16.98 72 ORBIS 28.06 31.07 0.34 33 WARIMPEX 31.05 4.06 0.57* 73 SNIEZKA 28.06 24.08 1.00 34 STALPROFI 31.05 31.07 0.30 74 POLMOSBIA 29.06 10.07 7.55 35 PROCHEM 2.06 20.06 1.00 75 ATM 29.06 11.07 7.60 36 KREDYTB 5.06 2.07 0.37 76 ZELMER 29.06 12.07 1.92 37 WSIP 6.06 20.06 1.06 77 EUROTEL 29.06 16.07 0.23 38 PERMEDIA 6.06 31.08 2.50 78 AGORA 29.06 16.07 1.50 39 YAWAL 11.06 27.06 0.60 79 FORTE 29.06 18.07 0.25 40 APATOR 11.06 28.06 0.46 80 EMPERIA 16.07 14.09 1.74 * Converted into PLN at the National Bank of Poland's average rate on the date when the rights to dividend are established 47 Fact Book 2008 Dividends paid by listed companies in 2007 No Company General Record Dividend Meeting date date per share (PLN) No Company General Record Dividend Meeting date date per share (PLN) 81 INTERCARS 7.08 24.08 0.34 84 BAKALLAND 14.11 30.11 0.09 82 BETACOM 25.09 11.10 0.55 85 PULAWY 22.11 7.12 1.70 83 06MAGNA 4.10 5.11 2.17 86 AMBRA 5.12 4.01.08 0.20 Interim dividends paid by listed companies in 2007 No 1 Company General Record Dividend Meeting date date per share (PLN) 29.10 6.12 0.20 APATOR Redemptions of shares in 2007 No Company Date of Number of shares redemption after redemption No Company Date of Number of shares redemption after redemption 1 01NFI 19.02 7 935 161 7 05VICT 2 13FORTUNA 20.02 7 930 508 8 SYGNITY 3 CENSTALGD 23.02 5 187 167 9 4 UNIMIL 26.03 19 607 170 10 SNIEZKA 5 BBIZENNFI 29.05 5 475 534 11 06MAGNA 28.09 12 840 482 6 ZYWIEC 22.06 10 742 933 12 14ZACH 17.12 95 135 965 PAGED 25.06 8 570 157 2.08 10 702 691 7.08 9 000 000 23.08 11 798 750 Rights to shares (PDA) traded in 2007 No Company 1 FON-PDA 28.07.06 - 2 MOSTALZAB-PDA 19.09.06 3 SKOTAN-PDA 10.10.06 4 CAPITAL-PDA 29.11.06 5 SWARZEDZ-PDA 29.11.06 6 LENTEX-PDA 7 BAKALLAND-PDA 8 ARTERIA-PDA 9 MONNARI-PDA 10 11 12 MASTRES-PDA 48 No Company 2.01 13 EUROTEL-PDA 29.12.06 - 30.01 - 11.01 14 SPRAY-PDA 29.12.06 - 21.02 - 2.01 15 BYTOM-PDA 3.01 - 1.03 - 5.01 16 MEWA-PDA 3.01 - 13.02 - 19.01 17 IBSYSTEM-PDA 10.01 - 3.04 6.12.06 - 25.01 18 SWISSMED-PDA 11.01 - 30.01 11.12.06 - 2.01 19 IVMX-PDA 11.01 - 2.02 15.12.06 - 11.01 20 LZPS-PDA 11.01 - 19.03 20.12.06 - 12.02 21 PROCAD-PDA 15.01 - 8.03 LSISOFT-PDA 21.12.06 - 1.03 22 PROJPRZEM-PDA 15.01 - 12.03 RUCH-PDA 22.12.06 - 30.01 23 TRASINTUR-PDA 17.01 - 8.03 28.12.06 - 23.01 24 B3SYSTEM-PDA 24.01 - 31.01 Trading dates Trading dates Main List Rights to shares (PDA) traded in 2007 No Company Trading dates No Company 25 26 INWESTCON-PDA 5.02 - 21.03 65 LCCORP-PDA 29.06 - 2.08 PBG-PDA 9.02 - 29.03 66 ARMATURA-PDA 31.07 - 16.08 27 28 DROZAPOL-PDA 13.02 - 15.03 67 KOMPUTRON-PDA 9.07 - 21.08 KOLASTYNA-PDA 13.02 - 13.04 68 MAKRUM-PDA 11.07 - 22.08 29 HUTMEN -PDA 15.02 30 TETA-PDA 16.02 - 4.04 69 PETROLINV-PDA 16.07 - 22.08 - 13.03 70 08OCTAVA-PDA 16.07 - 3.10 31 MNI-PDA 21.02 32 GADUGADU-PDA 23.02 - 24.04 71 ELKOP-PDA 16.07 - 23.10 - 23.03 72 MERCOR-PDA 19.07 - 28.08 33 ESSYSTEM-PDA 34 SEKO-PDA 9.03 - 23.04 73 PANOVA-PDA 20.07 - 24.08 15.03 - 5.04 74 ORZEL-PDA 25.07 - 24.08 35 TIM-PDA 19.03 36 GRAAL-PDA 21.03 - 7.05 75 ABMSOLID-PDA 24.07 - 27.08 - 14.05 76 SWARZEDZ-PDA 30.07 - 24.09 37 FAM-PDA 27.03 - 27.04 77 POLAQUA-PDA 30.07 - 25.09 38 39 TFONE-PDA 29.03 - 27.04 78 PPWK-PDA 31.07 - 14.09 RAFKO-PDA 10.04 - 6.06 79 NOWAGALA-PDA 3.08 - 21.08 40 ELEKTROTI-PDA 11.04 41 NTTSYSTEM-PDA 12.04 - 21.05 80 STAPORKOW-PDA 3.08 - 14.09 - 18.07 81 ECARD-PDA 6.08 - 11.09 42 HELIO-PDA 16.04 43 CENSTALGD-PDA 16.04 - 9.05 82 ATM-PDA 10.08 - 16.10 - 14.05 83 QUANTUM-PDA 16.08 - 24.09 44 MAKARONPL-PDA 18.04 45 BBIDEVNFI-PDA 18.04 - 5.06 84 ADVADIS-PDA 17.08 - 27.09 - 14.06 85 BOMI-PDA 20.08 - 10.09 46 IGROUP-PDA 20.04 47 DUDA-PDA 20.04 - 4.05 86 ZURAWIE-PDA 22.08 - 25.09 - 24.05 87 ATMGRUPA-PDA 22.08 - 22.10 48 BBICAPNFI-PDA 26.04 49 POLREST-PDA 6.05 - 11.06 88 KRAKCHEM-PDA 23.08 - 5.10 - 13.07 89 ARCUS-PDA 10.09 - 50 RADPOL-PDA 10.05 - 1.06 90 ALCHEMIA-PDA 12.09 - 26.10 51 NOVITUS-PDA 52 PONARFEH-PDA 11.05 - 25.05 91 OPONEO-PDA 12.09 - 12.11 11.05 - 8.06 92 ENERGOINS-PDA 25.09 - 29.10 53 54 ERBUD-PDA 11.05 - 18.06 93 WOLAINFO-PDA 28.09 - 7.12 GANT-PDA 11.05 - 6.07 94 MAGELLAN-PDA 1.10 - 3.12 55 56 PRONOX-PDA 14.05 - 17.07 95 RAINBOW-PDA 9.10 - 21.11 BUDVARCEN-PDA 28.05 - 10.07 96 CPENERGIA-PDA 10.10 - 27.11 57 58 NOBLEBANK-PDA 30.05 - 13.07 97 TRITON-PDA 19.10 - 27.12 JWCONSTR-PDA 4.06 - 5.07 98 RAFAMET-PDA 19.10 - 59 ENERGOPLD-PDA 6.06 - 14.09 99 60 SFINKS-PDA 8.06 - 1.06 100 Trading dates TUP-PDA 22.10 - 13.11 ORZBIALY-PDA 22.10 - 21.11 61 KREDYTIN-PDA 11.06 - 6.07 101 EMPERIA-PDA 24.10 - 7.11 62 ENERGOPOL-PDA 11.06 - 31.07 102 TERESA-PDA 24.10 - 27.11 63 MOJ-PDA 13.06 - 13.08 103 HYGIENIKA-PDA 24.10 - 3.12 64 GFPREMIUM-PDA 14.06 - 31.08 104 INTEGERPL-PDA 30.10 - 3.12 49 Fact Book 2008 Rights to shares (PDA) traded in 2007 No Company No Trading dates 105 BYTOM-PDA 30.10 - 106 BIPROMET-PDA 31.10 - 19.12 107 PCGUARD-PDA 8.11 - 108 INTROL-PDA 8.11 - 118 109 COMPLEX-PDA 14.11 - 12.12 119 110 PONARFEH-PDA 14.11 - 27.12 120 111 ASSECOBS-PDA 19.11 - 11.12 121 112 PRIMAMODA-PDA 20.11 - 19.12 122 113 TRASINTUR-PDA 23.11 - 123 114 FERRUM-PDA 23.11 - 5.12 Company Trading dates 115 YAWAL-PDA 26.11 - 116 WIELTON-PDA 28.11 - 117 CITYINTER-PDA 30.11 - DROP-PDA 4.12 - SECOGROUP-PDA 5.12 - KONSSTALI-PDA 6.12 - NEPENTES-PDA 14.12 - EFH-PDA 21.12 - WARFAMA-PDA 27.12 - 27.12 Rights to shares (PDA) by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Order-book trades Block trades Turnover Share Annual Average Average Average value in turnover volume number of number of (PLN turnover ratio per session transactions orders million) (%) (%) (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 1 PETROLINV-PDA OILA 563.3 8.15 111.3 20 019 547 1 269 31.7 2 2 ERBUD-PDA ERBA 306.1 4.43 71.5 67 238 446 956 8.2 7 3 NOBLEBANK-PDA NBLA 278.7 4.03 56.3 263 924 296 701 --- --- 4 POLAQUA-PDA PQAA 221.5 3.21 48.7 34 142 90 238 7.8 4 5 NTTSYSTEM-PDA NTTA 199.8 2.89 179.4 295 753 272 722 --- --- 6 LCCORP-PDA LCCA 199.7 2.89 50.5 691 296 416 1 017 149.9 10 7 CENSTALGD-PDA CSGA 183.1 2.65 18.7 621 712 1 122 1 981 --- --- 8 JWCONSTR-PDA JWCA 161.2 2.33 29.6 44 436 363 981 --- --- PPWK-PDA PWKA 155.6 2.25 45.2 572 024 467 1 053 0.2 1 10 9 KOLASTYNA-PDA KOLA 153.5 2.22 129.2 461 505 398 982 --- --- 11 RUCH-PDA RCHA 139.7 2.02 20.3 149 916 402 1 252 0.4 1 12 MNI-PDA MNIA 135.2 1.96 19.5 307 797 226 542 --- --- 13 RAFAKO-PDA RFKA 132.4 1.92 8.6 112 021 126 343 --- --- 14 PONARFEH-PDA PNFA1 129.7 1.88 19.6 49 650 374 774 1.9 1 15 PCGUARD-PDA PCGA 127.6 1.85 48.8 24 422 758 649 2 788 --- --- 16 GANT-PDA GNTA 127.4 1.84 33.3 15 945 151 372 --- --- 17 BBIDEVNFI-PDA BBDA 125.6 1.82 19.9 597 800 228 595 --- --- 18 GADUGADU-PDA GGUA 121.4 1.76 72.4 117 601 427 1 088 9.2 4 19 KOMPUTRON-PDA KOMA 120.9 1.75 82.8 38 727 146 328 --- --- 20 BUDVARCEN-PDA BDVA 119.1 1.72 152.1 77 656 386 1 046 0.8 1 21 ELEKTROTI-PDA ELTA 118.7 1.72 52.4 71 816 187 420 --- --- 22 SWARZEDZ-PDA SWZA 113.2 1.64 7.7 1 354 013 233 678 --- --- 23 PANOVA-PDA NVAA 113.2 1.64 47.9 46 794 142 359 2.4 2 24 HUTMEN-PDA HTMA 110.4 1.60 12.8 62 214 287 756 --- --- 50 Main List Rights to shares (PDA) by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Order-book trades Block trades Turnover Share Annual Average Average Average Turnover Number of value in turnover volume number of number of value transactions (PLN turnover ratio per session transactions orders (PLN million) (%) (%) (shares) million) 25 MOJ-PDA MOJA 102.6 1.49 195.2 148 592 253 607 --- --- 26 IBSYSTEM-PDA IBSA 100.2 1.45 182.2 858 445 197 518 --- --- 27 ENERGOPLD-PDA EPDA 96.8 1.40 27.1 125 609 155 383 0.4 1 28 FAM-PDA FAMA 91.1 1.32 26.2 239 873 331 703 --- --- 29 ADVADIS-PDA ADSA 83.3 1.21 38.3 1 249 086 233 585 3.9 3 30 RADPOL-PDA RDLA 76.7 1.11 61.4 227 384 174 417 --- --- 31 ESSYSTEM-PDA ESSA 76.0 1.10 71.8 155 596 127 280 --- --- 32 DROZAPOL-PDA DPLA 75.1 1.09 41.7 180 086 332 776 0.3 1 33 ABMSOLID-PDA ABMA 68.6 0.99 58.2 42 421 83 194 --- --- 34 MEWA-PDA MEWA 64.7 0.94 214.1 354 202 294 692 0.4 2 35 08OCTAVA-PDA 08NA 61.4 0.89 6.3 125 800 85 196 --- --- 36 PONARFEH-PDA PNFA 61.0 0.88 19.6 106 259 270 739 47.6 8 37 ENERGOPOL-PDA EPLA 59.6 0.86 12.9 30896 179 572 --- --- 38 ELKOP-PDA EKPA 58.5 0.85 154.9 121093 138 377 --- --- 39 MAKRUM-PDA MKMA 58.4 0.85 51.4 137001 218 542 --- ----- 40 DUDA-PDA DUDA 57.1 0.83 4.5 97614 179 431 --- 41 TFONE-PDA TFOA 55.8 0.81 40.4 50486 130 356 --- --- 42 MERCOR-PDA MCRA 50.5 0.73 28.2 17928 26 94 --- --- 43 MAKARONPL-PDA MAKA 47.4 0.69 76.4 69477 113 363 --- --- 44 MONNARI-PDA MONA 47.2 0.68 37.6 28972 105 280 2.9 1 45 BBICAPNFI-PDA BBCA 46.8 0.68 10.0 94265 117 256 --- --- 46 ALCHEMIA-PDA ALCA 45.9 0.66 1.4 67 338 184 457 2.2 1 47 TIM-PDA TIMA 44.9 0.65 20.5 19 544 39 137 --- --- 48 POLREST-PDA POLA 42.3 0.61 62.6 27 164 100 262 3.0 2 49 ARCUS-PDA ARCA 41.5 0.60 80.1 24 201 71 266 --- --- 50 IVMX-PDA IMXA 38.8 0.56 44.3 33 863 137 296 --- --- 51 ARMATURA-PDA ARMA 38.2 0.55 56.4 772 684 331 708 7.4 4 52 PBG-PDA 37.8 0.55 4.6 1 855 22 75 --- --- 53 PRONOX-PDA PROA 37.5 0.54 59.0 19 230 81 254 --- --- 54 TRASINTUR-PDA TINA1 35.0 0.51 66.7 114 203 112 289 --- --- 55 HYGIENIKA-PDA HGNA 34.5 0.50 57.9 190 835 195 460 2.4 1 56 ZURAWIE-PDA ZURA 33.7 0.49 25.5 24 592 188 540 --- --- 57 GFPREMIUM-PDA PREA 32.9 0.48 35.1 12 541 72 324 --- --- 58 CPENERGIA-PDA 32.1 0.46 58.7 51 813 119 341 --- --- PBGA CPEA 59 ORZEL-PDA ORZA 29.9 0.43 49.0 76 738 190 549 --- --- 60 KREDYTIN-PDA KRIA 28.9 0.42 77.7 48 549 106 268 --- --- 61 RAFAMET-PDA RAFA 28.8 0.42 21.2 12 976 83 246 --- --- 62 ENERGOINS-PDA ENIA 28.7 0.42 21.1 30 355 39 107 --- --- 51 Fact Book 2008 Rights to shares (PDA) by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Order-book trades Block trades Turnover Share Annual Average Average Average Turnover Number of value in turnover volume number of number of value transactions (PLN turnover ratio per session transactions orders (PLN million) (%) (%) (shares) million) 63 ATM-PDA ATMA 28.5 0.41 8.6 2 214 14 57 --- --- 64 OPONEO.PL-PDA OPNA 26.4 0.38 53.3 36 135 61 171 7.5 2 65 KRAKCHEM-PDA KCHA 25.8 0.37 37.4 58 446 110 335 --- --- 66 BOMI-PDA BMIA 25.0 0.36 33.3 35 891 58 184 2.5 3 67 LENTEX-PDA LTXA 24.5 0.35 5.6 16 483 118 323 0.8 1 68 STAPORKOW-PDA ZUKA 23.9 0.35 80.2 10 687 53 136 --- --- 69 NEPENTES-PDA NEPA 23.2 0.34 35.4 70 732 165 392 1.2 2 70 LZPS-PDA LZPA 23.2 0.34 32.3 63 113 69 217 --- --- 71 FERRUM-PDA FERA 21.8 0.32 11.2 58 050 91 251 0.6 2 72 ATMGRUPA-PDA ATGA 19.9 0.29 5.3 849 3 18 --- --- 73 B3SYSTEM-PDA B3SA 19.8 0.29 131.3 255 940 510 1 114 --- --- 74 WIELTON-PDA WLTA 19.4 0.28 11.7 58 329 47 151 --- --- 75 PROCAD-PDA PRDA 19.3 0.28 61.4 6 294 77 266 --- --- 76 GRAAL-PDA GRLA 18.9 0.27 10.3 6 583 14 70 --- --- 77 PROJPRZEM-PDA PJPA 18.6 0.27 15.1 5 546 18 76 --- --- 78 HELIO-PDA HELA 18.5 0.27 67.4 43 123 107 261 1.7 4 79 SFINKS-PDA SFSA 18.2 0.26 33.6 1 598 12 57 --- --- 80 TERESA-PDA TERA 17.4 0.25 90.9 10 793 74 204 --- --- 81 BYTOM-PDA BTMA 17.3 0.25 31.6 71 185 100 277 --- --- 82 SEKO-PDA SEKA 16.4 0.24 33.2 34 236 112 388 --- --- 83 INWESTCON-PDA INCA 16.3 0.24 16.2 17 171 66 228 --- --- 84 TRITON-PDA TRIA 15.8 0.23 16.5 18 128 61 179 12.3 4 85 MASTERS-PDA MSTA 15.6 0.23 13.8 1 956 060 126 503 --- --- 86 LSISOFT-PDA LSIA 14.7 0.21 66.7 15 521 57 284 --- --- 87 BYTOM-PDA BTMA 13.0 0.19 31.6 7 432 23 78 --- --- 88 IGROUP-PDA IGRA 12.8 0.18 5.8 67 327 61 141 1.2 1 89 MOSTALZAB-PDA MSZA 12.7 0.18 5.0 189 636 111 287 --- --- 90 SECOGROUP-PDA SWGA 12.1 0.17 12.5 9 662 34 111 --- --- 91 TUP-PDA TUPA 11.7 0.17 7.1 17 095 80 233 4.6 1 92 MAGELLAN-PDA MAGA 11.3 0.16 58.3 2 855 6 29 10.8 1 93 EUROTEL-PDA ETLA 9.9 0.14 43.1 15 165 52 226 8.2 4 94 INTROL-PDA INLA 9.2 0.13 12.1 14 189 27 176 --- --- 95 NOWAGALA-PDA CNGA 8.3 0.12 3.2 51 042 82 197 --- --- 96 EMPERIA-PDA EMPA 8.3 0.12 1.7 2 489 4 17 --- --- 97 SKOTAN-PDA SKTA 8.2 0.12 0.5 237 707 1 098 2 393 --- --- 98 ASSECOBS-PDA ABSA 7.4 0.11 7.8 19 095 15 44 2.4 1 99 INTEGERPL-PDA ITGA 7.1 0.10 28.2 9 949 22 75 5.4 3 100 QUANTUM-PDA QNTA 6.8 0.10 40.0 5 771 52 279 1.3 1 52 Main List Rights to shares (PDA) by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Order-book trades Block trades Turnover Share Annual Average Average Average Turnover Number of value in turnover volume number of number of value transactions (PLN turnover ratio per session transactions orders (PLN million) (%) (%) (shares) million) 101 KONSSTALI-PDA KSTA 5.6 0.08 17.1 2 815 51 163 --- --- 102 CAPITAL-PDA CPAA 5.5 0.08 2.9 88 363 199 584 --- --- 103 ECARD-PDA ECDA 5.5 0.08 7.1 65 103 58 175 --- --- 104 SWISSMED-PDA SWDA 4.9 0.07 5.8 56 198 90 229 --- --- 105 CITYINTER-PDA CIAA 4.7 0.07 8.4 12 403 55 173 --- --- 106 RAINBOW-PDA RBWA 4.5 0.07 13.4 8 650 28 189 --- --- 107 YAWAL-PDA YWLA 4.4 0.06 3.1 2 173 23 80 1.0 1 108 BIPROMET-PDA BPMA 4.2 0.06 14.9 2 866 16 107 --- --- 109 SWARZEDZ-PDA SWZA 4.0 0.06 7.7 182 072 45 239 --- --- 110 ORZBIALY-PDA OBLA 3.7 0.05 3.8 3 131 20 94 --- --- 111 PRIMAMODA-PDA PMAA 3.7 0.05 18.1 9 851 29 136 --- --- 112 TETA-PDA TETA 3.6 0.05 3.9 4 348 29 98 --- --- 113 NOVITUS-PDA NVSA 3.2 0.05 5.7 5 160 5 17 --- --- 114 SPRAY-PDA SPYA 3.1 0.04 13.9 1 437 11 77 --- --- 115 TRASINTUR-PDA TINA 3.0 0.04 66.7 29 653 22 109 --- --- 116 WOLAINFO-PDA WINA 2.6 0.04 7.6 1 365 11 72 --- --- 117 COMPLEX-PDA CMXA 2.1 0.03 6.4 11 468 18 81 --- --- 118 ARTERIA-PDA ARRA 1.7 0.02 5.2 5 583 38 181 --- --- 119 WARFAMA-PDA WFMA 1.5 0.02 2.4 90 270 109 270 --- --- 120 DROP-PDA DRPA 0.9 0.01 5.0 1 046 17 75 --- --- 121 FON-PDA FONA 0.8 0.01 2.6 389 680 179 373 --- --- 122 EFH-PDA EFHA 0.7 0.01 1.3 15 387 44 161 --- --- 123 BAKALLAND-PDA BAKA 0.1 0.00 0.1 3 375 4 64 --- --- 53 Fact Book 2008 Pre-emptive rights traded in 2007 No Company Record date Subscription ratio Trading dates 1 MNI 15.09.06 1:3 24.01 - 2 TETA 20.11.06 7:2 8.01 - 16.01 3 INWESTCON 8.12.06 1:1 9.01 - 16.01 4 DUDA 8.12.06 1:1 20.03 - 28.03 5 HUTMEN 12.12.06 1:2 15.01 - 23.01 6 GRAAL 12.12.06 1 : 0.39 19.02 - 23.02 7 DROZAPOL 2.01 2:1 8.01 - 12.01 8 PONARFEH 15.01 1:6 10.04 - 17.04 9 30.01 ENERGOPLD 15.01 1:3 7.05 - 16.05 10 PBG 17.01 8.59286 : 1 18.01 - 19.01 11 FAM 31.01 1:2 27.02 - 7.03 12 ALCHEMIA 5.02 1:3 6.08 - 21.08 13 BBIDEVNFI 16.02 1:1 19.03 - 27.03 14 PPWK 19.02 1 : 10 4.07 - 11.07 15 TIM 20.02 20 : 3 21.02 - 27.02 16 RAFAKO 23.02 1:3 12.03 - 20.03 17 ADVADIS 28.02 1:2 17.07 - 23.07 18 BBICAPNFI 15.03 1:2 26.03 - 4.04 19 ELKOP 15.03 1:1 13.06 - 21.06 20 ENERGOPOL 23.03 1:4 30.04 - 10.05 21 TRITON 23.03 1:1 26.09 - 28.09 22 YAWAL 13.04 2:1 15.10 - 26.10 23 ECARD 7.05 1:1 2.07 - 9.07 24 FERRUM 10.05 1:1 19.10 - 26.10 25 RAFAMET 18.05 1:2 17.09 - 25.09 26 HYGIENIKA 18.05 1:1 19.09 - 28.09 27 JAGO 29.05 1:1 21.11 - 6.12 28 SWARZEDZ 30.05 4:3 25.06 - 3.07 29 BYTOM 31.05 2:1 1.10 - 9.10 30 ZURAWIE 1.06 3:1 10.07 - 18.07 31 ATMGRUPA 5.06 38 : 7 26.07 - 31.07 32 PCGUARD 11.06 1 : 10 4.10 - 15.10 33 NOWAGALA 15.06 2:1 2.07 - 5.07 34 MASTERS 15.06 2:1 17.12 - 27.12 35 VARIANT 21.06 10 : 1 27.11 - 6.12 36 ORZEL 22.06 1:2 25.06 - 3.07 37 ATM 16.07 2.73643 : 1 17.07 - 20.07 38 TRASINTUR 30.07 2:1 12.10 - 18.10 39 PONARFEH 24.08 1:5 15.10 - 25.10 40 DGA 21.08 2:7 1.10 - 6.12 41 RELPOL 15.10 01:10 17.12 - 20.12 42 ELBUDOWA 12.11 8:1 17.12 - 21.12 54 Main List Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No Company Shares outstanding (million) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) 2.5 Domestic companies 1 PEKAO 261.87 59 443.73 11.66 6.84 28.8 2 PKOBP 1 000.00 52 600.00 10.32 4.74 20.1 1.9 3 TPSA 1 400.00 31 514.00 6.18 1.84 15.4 6.2 4 PGNIG 5 900.00 30 090.00 5.90 1.40 16.0 3.3 5 PKNORLEN 427.71 22 198.10 4.35 1.11 14.9 --- 6 KGHM 200.00 21 160.00 4.15 2.49 5.8 16.0 7 BZWBK 72.96 18 313.03 3.59 4.34 19.3 2.4 8 BRE 29.61 14 955.56 2.93 4.70 21.9 --- 9 HANDLOWY 130.66 13 052.89 2.56 2.40 16.5 4.1 10 GETIN 709.79 10 433.87 2.05 3.46 18.9 --- 11 MILLENNIUM 849.18 9 875.98 1.94 4.11 23.1 1.5 12 GTC 219.37 9 762.10 1.91 2.87 13.6 --- 13 INGBSK 13.01 9 432.25 1.85 2.47 14.8 3.8 14 TVN 15 ZYWIEC 16 KREDYTB 271.66 6 383.98 17 LOTOS 113.70 5 059.65 18 STALPROD 6.73 5 043.75 0.99 19 LPP 1.70 4 545.79 0.89 20 CERSANIT 132.95 4 453.70 0.87 21 PBG 13.43 4 124.35 0.81 22 POLIMEXMS 464.36 3 974.88 0.78 4.20 46.5 0.2 23 ASSECOPOL 51.09 3 755.14 0.74 2.58 28.7 0.5 24 FORTISPL 16.77 3 718.17 0.73 3.35 24.1 --- 25 SWIECIE 50.00 3 395.00 0.67 3.64 11.3 8.0 26 CIECH 28.00 3 388.00 0.66 2.64 13.7 1.7 27 ECHO 42.00 3 347.40 0.66 2.29 10.9 --- 28 KOPEX 67.63 3 286.94 0.64 1.66 7.1 --- 29 ORBIS 46.08 3 202.35 0.63 1.98 37.8 0.5 30 AGORA 54.98 3 051.25 0.60 2.59 34.2 2.7 31 BANKBPH 28.72 2 986.49 0.59 0.44 1.8 34.8 32 NOBLEBANK 215.18 2 689.73 0.53 5.44 25.1 --- 33 GRAJEWO 49.62 2 630.07 0.52 4.25 26.0 2.1 34 POLNORD 17.48 2 480.18 0.49 3.14 32.5 --- 35 ALCHEMIA 224.98 2 450.08 0.48 4.45 21.2 --- 36 DOMDEV 37 BIOTON 38 EMPERIA 14.77 2 407.54 39 BUDIMEX 25.53 2 348.77 40 JWCONSTR 54.70 2 321.94 41 PULAWY 19.12 2 236.46 347.89 8 697.37 1.71 6.79 36.9 1.5 10.74 6 875.48 1.35 7.00 16.7 4.8 1.25 2.88 17.6 1.6 0.99 0.91 8.0 0.8 6.69 14.8 1.3 12.83 35.4 --- 5.24 34.5 --- 5.74 46.3 --- 24.56 2 431.46 0.48 3.73 12.1 0.2 2 721.90 2 422.49 0.48 2.44 21.5 --- 0.47 5.53 35.3 1.0 0.46 4.64 x --- 0.46 5.23 22.5 --- 0.44 1.73 14.6 1.5 55 Fact Book 2008 Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No Company 42 POLAQUA 27.50 2 145.01 0.42 3.63 58.9 --- 43 FAMUR 481.50 2 108.97 0.41 3.97 23.8 --- 44 IMPEXMET 213.51 1 964.31 0.39 2.18 11.5 1.3 45 DZPOLSKA 41.00 1 963.90 0.39 8.02 96.1 --- 46 NFIEMF 102.59 1 949.15 0.38 5.65 22.4 --- 47 PETROLINV 5.87 1 908.73 0.37 4.53 x --- 48 PROKOM 13.89 1 843.31 0.36 1.64 5.9 0.8 49 CCC 38.40 1 728.00 0.34 9.52 32.9 2.2 50 SYNTHOS 1 323.25 1 720.23 0.34 1.35 3.5 --- 51 ULMA 5.26 1 681.80 0.33 7.32 33.9 --- 52 MMPPL 157.70 1 640.08 0.32 2.90 17.0 --- 53 IDMSA 109.09 1 577.42 0.31 5.09 13.2 --- 54 EUROCASH 127.74 1 532.90 0.30 7.24 x 1.9 55 NETIA 389.28 1 479.25 0.29 0.81 x --- 56 KETY 9.23 1 476.11 0.29 2.15 16.5 2.5 57 INTERCARS 11.82 1 463.45 0.29 9.52 28.5 0.3 58 DEBICA 13.80 1 452.05 0.28 2.32 23.5 2.1 59 COMARCH 7.96 1 448.83 0.28 5.40 30.5 --- 60 LCCORP 446.56 1 353.07 0.27 1.52 13.6 --- 61 RUCH 56.49 1 299.27 0.25 2.55 50.0 1.5 62 BOS 15.05 1 293.81 0.25 1.41 16.7 0.1 63 POLICE 75.00 1 263.75 0.25 1.63 x --- 64 BARLINEK 96.78 1 229.11 0.24 3.25 25.6 --- 65 HBWLOCLAW 2.77 1 220.32 0.24 10.67 43.8 --- 66 MOSTALZAB 149.13 1 193.04 0.23 6.89 13.2 --- 67 NORDEABP 45.42 1 180.86 0.23 1.91 17.8 --- 68 ERBUD 12.57 1 138.93 0.22 6.19 35.9 --- 69 PGF 12.59 1 121.89 0.22 4.23 15.7 2.7 70 ATMGRUPA 4.30 1 075.00 0.21 4.61 45.7 0.4 71 KOELNER 32.29 1 065.55 0.21 3.26 28.8 --- 72 MOSTALWAR 20.00 1 060.00 0.21 3.89 26.9 --- 73 MIDAS 59.19 1 051.75 0.21 6.85 x --- 74 TUEUROPA 7.88 1 023.75 0.20 4.27 15.8 --- 75 FARMACOL 23.40 987.48 0.19 2.00 14.6 --- 76 VISTULA 80.22 961.06 0.19 3.82 22.6 --- 77 ZELMER 15.20 957.60 0.19 3.71 26.1 3.0 78 MENNICA 6.57 945.44 0.19 2.69 27.5 1.7 79 KRUSZWICA 22.34 939.35 0.18 2.27 83.0 4.1 80 KOGENERA 14.90 894.00 0.18 1.23 16.8 3.1 81 GANT 14.20 878.98 0.17 2.22 8.9 --- 82 APATOR 35.29 847.04 0.17 5.57 22.9 0.8 83 ELBUDOWA 4.22 844.02 0.17 8.31 27.8 1.0 56 Shares outstanding (million) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) Main List Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No Company Shares outstanding (million) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) 84 OPOCZNO 16.45 789.60 0.15 2.66 30.0 --- 85 RAFAKO 69.60 773.95 0.15 2.26 56.6 --- 86 MCI 40.49 751.16 0.15 7.46 15.9 --- 87 BORYSZEW 62.69 747.22 0.15 1.23 53.5 --- 88 DUDA 96.40 723.00 0.14 1.61 14.9 --- 89 STALEXP 247.26 692.33 0.14 2.50 x --- 90 PEP 18.65 690.23 0.14 4.97 22.5 --- 91 MERCOR 14.24 688.98 0.14 5.07 36.3 --- 92 ABG 94.59 652.67 0.13 1.50 24.4 0.9 93 SNIEZKA 13.85 650.95 0.13 4.18 17.9 2.1 94 ELEKTRIM 83.77 650.06 0.13 2.37 x --- 95 TIM 23.44 585.93 0.11 3.33 15.9 --- 96 ALMA 4.24 551.67 0.11 4.09 18.5 --- 97 ACTION 16.41 543.99 0.11 3.79 22.8 0.5 98 PAMAPOL 23.17 542.10 0.11 3.87 18.6 --- 99 SANOK 2.87 530.45 0.10 2.47 12.1 3.2 100 PRATERM 10.33 517.76 0.10 2.47 15.4 --- 101 KRUK 18.46 516.76 0.10 8.45 31.6 0.7 102 HOOP 13.09 503.91 0.10 3.53 18.6 1.6 103 BOMI 17.98 503.50 0.10 7.20 39.9 --- 104 08OCTAVA 125.84 489.53 0.10 1.24 2.1 --- 105 INTERIA.PL 7.04 463.99 0.09 18.56 67.9 --- 106 MONNARI 13.35 440.46 0.09 5.10 26.7 --- 107 WASKO 91.19 431.32 0.08 3.37 20.8 0.8 108 ABPL 15.95 425.87 0.08 5.36 46.8 --- 109 WSIP 26.41 414.84 0.08 3.18 14.3 6.7 110 WAWEL 1.50 413.93 0.08 2.79 19.7 --- 111 PEKAES 33.25 412.30 0.08 1.22 x --- 112 HTLSTREFA 63.98 409.49 0.08 3.32 27.1 --- 113 GADUGADU 17.58 404.45 0.08 4.52 64.7 0.1 114 ZPUE 1.02 397.07 0.08 5.59 23.1 --- 115 IVMX 11.83 393.04 0.08 2.33 22.5 0.9 116 SECOGROUP 8.42 386.30 0.08 4.39 28.0 --- 117 ORZBIALY 16.64 382.10 0.07 6.21 8.4 --- 118 DECORA 11.21 381.13 0.07 3.00 16.0 0.8 119 SYGNITY 10.81 379.66 0.07 1.26 x 2.8 120 MNI 90.29 378.30 0.07 2.08 29.4 --- 121 NAFTA 5.90 371.90 0.07 6.74 34.0 --- 122 JUTRZENKA 2.61 365.77 0.07 1.49 4.1 --- 123 ELSTAROIL 48.21 361.59 0.07 2.50 x --- 124 COMP 4.75 360.84 0.07 2.47 22.0 --- 125 LENTEX 10.89 359.33 0.07 1.85 58.5 --- 57 Fact Book 2008 Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No Company 126 INDYKPOL 3.12 357.76 127 ASSECOBS 28.61 357.67 128 PONARFEH 36.39 354.83 0.07 129 ENERGOINS 18.00 349.20 0.07 6.62 19.2 --- 130 BBICAPNFI 42.49 344.20 0.07 2.14 17.9 --- 131 BEST 6.50 340.28 0.07 19.73 103.2 --- 132 PANOVA 8.00 339.92 0.07 2.84 28.0 --- 133 ESSYSTEM 42.86 334.34 0.07 3.14 29.4 --- 134 STALPROFI 17.50 329.00 0.06 2.11 13.9 1.6 135 TECHMEX 8.37 325.54 0.06 2.31 32.8 --- 136 ENERGOPN 23.83 321.19 0.06 2.39 78.0 --- Shares outstanding (million) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) 0.07 2.11 16.4 --- 0.07 3.44 59.7 --- 6.85 128.7 --- 137 NOWAGALA 57.04 313.71 0.06 1.67 24.6 --- 138 SKOTAN 54.00 313.20 0.06 2.50 x --- 139 04PRO 47.43 293.14 0.06 1.02 1.6 --- 140 ATM 4.50 288.45 0.06 1.25 12.2 8.7 141 BBIDEVNFI 228.44 285.54 0.06 5.31 42.2 --- 142 GRAAL 8.06 284.23 0.06 1.58 30.0 --- 143 KOMPUTRON 7.45 282.88 0.06 3.92 32.9 --- 144 MAKRUM 41.69 281.41 0.06 3.96 92.2 --- 145 ROPCZYCE 4.61 280.96 0.06 2.03 x --- 146 MAGELLAN 6.51 273.59 0.05 3.87 22.1 --- 147 PAGED 9.00 270.00 0.05 1.91 17.0 1.7 148 TORFARM 3.95 268.32 0.05 1.62 16.1 1.8 149 FOTA 9.42 261.01 0.05 1.34 26.1 --- 150 TUP 15.21 258.46 0.05 5.71 43.4 0.8 151 AMBRA 25.21 255.85 0.05 1.45 17.1 2.0 152 ARTMAN 4.26 255.67 0.05 5.52 35.9 --- 153 IMPEL 15.14 252.11 0.05 1.09 23.9 1.6 154 IGROUP 32.76 250.26 0.05 1.51 43.7 --- 155 14ZACH 95.14 250.21 0.05 2.14 4.9 --- 156 FAM 31.88 246.14 0.05 2.25 34.4 --- 157 SFINKS 9.28 243.16 0.05 3.78 27.1 --- 158 KREZUS 54.70 235.22 0.05 1.42 4.1 --1.0 159 PROJPRZEM 6.02 234.94 0.05 2.35 36.7 160 STAPORKOW 4.50 233.07 0.05 7.76 32.4 --- 161 TRITON 25.46 232.94 0.05 9.19 29.7 --- 162 MISPOL 14.54 224.48 0.04 2.34 15.7 --- 163 JCAUTO 7.50 217.50 0.04 1.96 62.2 --- 164 ERGIS 39.44 214.93 0.04 1.44 31.8 --- 165 HUTMEN 25.60 212.45 0.04 0.56 x --- 4.06 211.25 0.04 2.96 9.4 1.2 18.73 206.02 0.04 6.74 62.6 --- 166 YAWAL 167 LZPS 58 Main List Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No Company Shares outstanding (million) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) --- 168 CENSTALGD 35.19 200.57 0.04 0.83 x 169 RADPOL 23.95 194.01 0.04 3.60 30.8 --- 170 ELEKTROTI 9.70 194.00 0.04 2.34 19.3 --- 171 ABMSOLID 172 JUPITER 7.93 193.36 0.04 2.42 29.3 --- 52.14 188.24 0.04 0.99 4.1 --- 173 MOSTALPLC 2.00 188.20 0.04 3.56 19.1 0.8 174 ZURAWIE 9.71 187.82 0.04 2.38 32.8 --- 175 PROCHEM 3.90 187.30 0.04 2.14 18.3 2.1 176 MOSTALEXP 44.56 186.26 0.04 1.86 7.6 --- 177 TETA 9.00 179.10 0.04 3.90 25.2 --- 178 PPWK 45.99 175.69 0.03 1.58 24.5 --- 179 INTERSPPL 13.93 173.47 0.03 4.84 70.6 --- 180 POINTGROUP 91.57 169.40 0.03 2.26 x --- 181 BYTOM 45.00 167.40 0.03 4.92 37.0 --- 182 AMICA 8.74 165.05 0.03 0.57 x --- 183 BEEFSAN 52.26 163.57 0.03 1.77 46.2 --- 184 PRONOX 9.31 161.99 0.03 2.06 19.4 --- 185 FORTE 23.75 159.13 0.03 0.65 15.0 3.7 186 ARMATURA 77.00 157.08 0.03 1.70 50.6 --- 187 INSTALKRK 7.29 156.57 0.03 2.42 32.7 0.5 188 DROZAPOL 30.29 155.11 0.03 1.24 17.9 --- 189 CPENERGIA 19.76 154.13 0.03 11.31 x --- 190 STORMM 25.24 149.69 0.03 1.25 x --- 191 BAKALLAND 21.00 149.10 0.03 3.25 18.3 1.3 192 CAPITAL 24.04 149.05 0.03 2.51 13.7 --- 193 TFONE 7.57 147.68 0.03 1.99 26.1 --- 194 GINOROSSI 13.62 147.10 0.03 2.04 15.3 --- 195 TELL 1.27 146.74 0.03 3.33 20.3 --- 196 ZNTKLAPY 1.23 142.47 0.03 8.57 64.6 --- 197 QUMAKSEK 10.13 142.05 0.03 2.75 19.2 --- 198 ENERGOPLD 44.00 140.36 0.03 1.97 x --- 199 BBIZENNFI 25.36 139.24 0.03 1.86 x --- 200 KABLE 3.00 138.00 0.03 1.62 5.6 --- 201 GROCLIN --- 202 NTTSYSTEM 203 5.50 137.78 0.03 0.59 14.1 55.40 137.39 0.03 1.16 21.3 --- KPPD 1.62 135.71 0.03 2.40 9.0 1.5 204 WISTIL 1.00 135.00 0.03 0.41 x --- 205 NOVITUS 5.62 128.20 0.03 1.84 16.6 --- 206 KOLASTYNA 44.55 126.96 0.02 1.45 16.1 --- 207 LENA 24.70 125.97 0.02 1.80 22.6 --- 208 SEKO 6.65 125.69 0.02 3.14 28.3 --- 209 POLREST 6.25 123.75 0.02 3.32 25.9 --- 59 Fact Book 2008 Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No Company Shares outstanding (million) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) 210 PCGUARD 1 100.00 121.00 0.02 21.79 517.1 --- 211 ENERGOPOL 11.10 120.44 0.02 1.58 7.8 --- 212 FERRUM 12.27 120.26 0.02 1.06 10.1 --- 213 PEPEES 117.00 119.34 0.02 0.66 1.8 --- 214 EUROMARK 12.22 116.44 0.02 2.14 x --- 215 BUDVARCEN 9.90 116.27 0.02 2.57 19.3 --- 216 HYDROTOR 2.40 114.83 0.02 1.99 12.0 2.1 217 PROSPER 6.86 113.27 0.02 1.08 10.3 3.3 218 CITYINTER 12.54 112.86 0.02 15.43 51.9 --- 219 NORTCOAST 32.00 109.44 0.02 2.52 12.9 3.5 220 SPRAY 3.02 108.58 0.02 4.04 61.5 --- 221 ADVADIS 154.08 107.86 0.02 0.87 x --- 222 OPONEO 12.68 107.75 0.02 10.00 72.2 --- 223 PERMEDIA 1.96 107.53 0.02 3.57 11.6 4.5 224 MCLOGIC 1.89 105.77 0.02 5.91 16.5 --- 225 EMCINSMED 5.90 102.37 0.02 3.10 154.6 --- 226 MIESZKO 227 BEDZIN 228 HYGIENIKA 21.23 97.02 0.02 229 BUDOPOL 26.00 96.98 0.02 230 RAINBOW 12.00 93.24 0.02 231 KROSNO 25.28 91.77 232 EUROTEL 233 SWARZEDZ 234 40.87 102.17 0.02 1.36 105.1 --- 3.15 100.14 0.02 1.48 14.5 5.7 8.43 x --- 6.19 47.4 --- 9.97 13.8 0.6 0.02 0.56 x --- 3.91 91.41 0.02 3.52 21.5 1.0 174.78 90.88 0.02 1.70 x --- LUBAWA 87.00 88.74 0.02 1.45 9.4 --- 235 SRUBEX 1.80 87.78 0.02 1.19 129.3 --- 236 NETMEDIA 9.72 87.48 0.02 6.86 50.7 --- 237 ELZAB 1.61 86.33 0.02 2.24 13.1 4.6 238 WOLAINFO 5.61 85.86 0.02 4.58 12.3 --- 239 SWISSMED 47.59 84.72 0.02 3.25 x --- 240 COMPLEX 25.50 83.90 0.02 1.93 883.1 --- 241 PROCHNIK 242 FON 90.91 82.73 0.02 3.38 x --- 149.30 82.12 0.02 13.89 x --- 243 INTEGERPL 5.94 81.05 0.02 18.66 378.7 --- 244 BANKIER.PL 7.22 79.47 0.02 5.63 40.3 --- 245 TRAVELPL 2.17 78.03 0.02 15.72 x --- 246 NOVITA 2.50 75.75 0.01 2.22 x --- 247 INTERFERI 14.56 75.44 0.01 0.81 49.7 --- 248 ODLEWNIE 12.71 75.01 0.01 1.75 15.7 --- 249 KREDYTIN 5.00 71.93 0.01 1.85 36.9 --- 250 ZETKAMA 3.90 71.64 0.01 2.11 17.6 --- 251 MASTERS 340.53 71.51 0.01 3.81 x --- 60 Main List Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No Company Shares outstanding (million) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) 252 IRENA 5.89 70.69 0.01 1.22 x --- 253 POLCOLOR 75.95 70.63 0.01 0.53 x --- 254 HYPERION 11.48 68.85 0.01 1.27 10.0 --- 255 GFPREMIUM 4.00 67.68 0.01 1.09 37.0 --- 256 REMAK 3.00 66.66 0.01 2.16 x --- 257 VARIANT 4.80 65.52 0.01 1.52 7.9 --- 258 ARTERIA 259 PEMUG 260 FASING 3.11 64.32 0.01 261 TERESA 2.29 63.98 0.01 262 ECARD 48.00 63.84 0.01 2.81 263 CASHFLOW 264 REDAN 265 3.42 64.96 0.01 3.57 26.1 --- 24.31 64.41 0.01 13.93 13.1 --- 1.08 x --- 10.61 23.3 --- x --- 7.50 63.75 0.01 1.89 9.4 --- 20.94 59.67 0.01 0.88 23.1 --- INWESTCON 7.55 55.11 0.01 1.76 54.5 --- 266 WANDALEX 9.25 53.65 0.01 1.97 20.6 1.7 267 ELKOP 11.10 53.62 0.01 144.93 166.0 --- 268 ZEG 1.14 49.71 0.01 1.58 34.2 --- 269 WILBO 16.20 48.76 0.01 0.64 5.5 --- 270 JAGO 15.14 48.60 0.01 1.66 x --- 271 ZASTAL 20.50 48.17 0.01 0.92 19.9 --- 272 POLLENAE 2.83 48.07 0.01 3.24 36.8 --- 273 EFEKT 1.67 46.94 0.01 1.23 16.2 1.8 274 IBSYSTEM 56.53 46.92 0.01 2.88 18.4 --- 275 ENAP 19.20 46.47 0.01 5.95 25.0 --- 276 MAKARONPL 8.92 44.59 0.01 0.77 25.6 --- 277 TALEX 3.00 43.26 0.01 1.02 21.6 --- 278 06MAGNA 12.84 42.76 0.01 0.47 x 59.1 279 TRASINTUR 20.82 42.26 0.01 1.33 37.3 --- 280 SUWARY 0.84 41.87 0.01 1.78 21.8 --- 281 ATLANTAPL 6.09 41.42 0.01 0.92 x --- 282 HAWE 4.77 41.09 0.01 0.13 x --- 283 KRAKCHEM 10.00 39.50 0.01 0.88 23.6 --- 284 INSTAL 6.08 37.60 0.01 3.82 16.1 --- 285 MOJ 8.56 35.61 0.01 1.16 16.9 --- 286 PLASTBOX 2.15 35.26 0.01 0.97 31.5 --- 287 KAREN 13.35 35.24 0.01 1.62 25.4 --- 288 HELIO 5.00 34.95 0.01 1.79 9.4 --- 289 ZTSERG 3.94 34.84 0.01 1.77 x --- 290 EUROFAKTR 4.96 34.63 0.01 0.94 x --- 291 LSISOFT 3.07 34.57 0.01 2.24 34.6 --- 292 B3SYSTEM 9.36 34.35 0.01 4.73 27.6 0.8 293 RAFAMET 1.44 33.83 0.01 1.14 248.7 --- 61 Fact Book 2008 Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No 294 Company ORZEL Shares outstanding (million) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) 160.31 33.66 0.01 1.09 x --- 295 BETACOM 2.02 33.53 0.01 1.59 12.4 3.3 296 ONE2ONE 6.30 33.08 0.01 2.32 23.7 --- 297 SANWIL 100.23 31.07 0.01 0.52 3.5 --- 298 TOORA 20.92 30.54 0.01 0.43 x --- 299 QUANTUM 1.47 29.99 0.01 2.08 18.7 --- 300 MEDIATEL 3.04 29.96 0.01 3.19 x --- 301 OPTIMUS 302 MEWA 9.38 27.68 0.01 0.00 x --- 215.39 25.85 0.01 1.27 x --- 303 RESBUD 0.84 25.12 0.00 1.93 44.5 --- 304 PRIMAMODA 3.20 25.09 0.00 9.13 23.2 1.4 305 SIMPLE 2.00 23.99 0.00 3.82 51.8 --- 306 PROCAD 9.02 23.63 0.00 1.51 26.1 --- 307 13FORTUNA 7.93 21.73 0.00 2.57 x --- 308 KOMPAP 2.34 20.73 0.00 3.62 x --- 309 01NFI 7.94 20.23 0.00 2.53 x --- 310 MUZA 2.85 20.11 0.00 1.06 x --- 311 UNIMA --- 312 ATLANTIS 313 05VICT 314 POLNA 0.83 19.15 0.00 315 IZOLACJA 0.38 16.34 0.00 316 AMPLI 3.28 14.24 0.00 317 RELPOL 0.87 13.80 318 DGA 2.26 13.51 319 LDASA 2.79 2.69 19.74 0.00 1.08 19.7 12.40 19.47 0.00 18.81 x --- 8.57 19.45 0.00 2.76 x --- 1.46 4.3 --- 2.17 16.3 --- 1.00 24.9 --- 0.00 0.32 5.5 --- 0.00 0.63 3.9 9.0 Total domestic companies 1.67 0.00 0.00 7.3 --- 509 887.41 100.00 2.66 18.8 2.6 273 170.16 47.89 1.90 11.4 --- Foreign companies 1 UNICREDIT 13 364.49 2 CEZ 592.21 108 374.58 19.00 4.58 22.5 1.5 3 BACA 202.03 101 015.87 17.71 2.76 9.3 2.1 4 MOL 109.68 39 483.18 6.92 4.01 15.2 1.8 5 IMMOEAST 833.82 21 837.85 3.83 0.78 10.7 --- 6 CEDC 40.05 5 847.23 1.03 3.85 37.2 --- 7 PLAZACNTR 292.35 3 274.28 0.57 2.30 28.7 --- 8 ORCOGROUP 10.48 3 048.95 0.53 1.86 4.3 1.0 9 KERNEL 63.34 2 153.59 0.38 13.57 44.9 --- 10 OLYMPIC 151.00 2 005.28 0.35 4.02 22.5 1.7 11 AMREST 14.17 1 898.86 0.33 6.36 37.4 --- 50.83 1 779.19 0.31 3.36 34.1 --- 226.67 1 099.33 0.19 11.94 51.6 --- 12 CCIINT 13 RONSON 62 Main List Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No Company 14 PEGAS 15 WARIMPEX 36.00 900.00 0.16 16 ASTARTA 25.00 800.00 0.14 17 ASSECOSLO 1.58 696.96 0.12 5.88 18 SILVANO 40.00 672.00 0.12 5.02 10.9 --- 19 ASBIS 55.50 488.40 0.09 2.89 14.3 0.5 20 SKYEUROPE 42.80 273.04 0.05 0.00 x --- 21 ACE 22.12 260.96 0.05 3.10 10.5 --- 22 REINHOLD 23 BMPAG Shares outstanding (million) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) 9.23 949.71 0.17 3.19 14.6 2.7 1.63 12.5 2.2 3.21 17.1 --- 37.3 2.4 Total foreign companies 7.00 209.23 0.04 1.78 x --- 17.50 131.60 0.02 1.40 8.4 --- 570 370.25 100.00 2.28 12.5 0.8 63 Fact Book 2008 Sectoral market indicators (end of 2007) Macrosector / Sector Number of companies Market capitalisation Share in 2007 (million PLN) (%) turnover (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) INDUSTRY FOOD 21 15 513 1.4 1.45 3.57 18.0 2.5 LIGHT 12 2 838 0.3 2.89 2.51 44.9 --- WOOD & PAPER CHEMICALS OIL & GAS 8 7 931 0.7 1.13 3.26 16.9 4.2 19 18 702 1.7 5.28 2.18 15.4 1.0 6 98 894 9.2 10.44 1.73 15.0 1.8 BUILDING MATERIALS 15 9 307 0.9 1.86 3.67 32.2 0.1 CONSTRUCTION 29 21 345 2.0 6.30 4.37 39.6 0.1 ELECTROENGINEERING 23 11 267 1.0 1.66 2.52 14.9 0.3 METALS 18 33 113 3.1 10.76 2.62 7.8 10.7 OTHERS 4 708 0.1 0.38 1.88 31.5 --- BANKING 17 582 510 53.9 23.17 2.48 12.7 1.2 DEVELOPERS 16 32 373 3.0 5.88 2.62 11.7 0.2 FINANCE INSURANCE OTHERS 1 1 024 0.1 0.00 4.27 15.8 --- 23 27 969 2.6 3.53 0.93 11.1 0.1 22 16 942 1.6 1.94 5.91 35.4 0.7 SERVICES RETAILS WHOLESALE 27 13 922 1.3 2.26 3.02 24.4 0.4 IT 32 12 520 1.2 3.55 2.35 22.2 0.8 TELECOM 8 35 532 3.3 10.11 1.76 x 5.5 MEDIA 14 16 909 1.6 3.42 4.35 36.8 1.4 POWER 5 110 577 10.2 1.23 4.45 22.4 1.5 HOTELS & RESTAURANTS OTHERS TOTAL 64 8 7 720 0.7 0.99 2.94 31.5 0.7 14 2 640 0.2 1.78 2.68 x 0.2 342 1 080 258 100.0 100.00 2.45 14.8 1.6 Main List Invitations to sell shares in 2007 No Company Ticker Invitation announced by Announcement date price (PLN) 1 POLMOSBIA PLB Carey Agri International - Poland Sp. z o.o. 17.01 103.00 2 SYNTHOS SNS Michał Sołowow 23.01 64.98 3 SRUBEX SRX Koelner SA 30.01 34.50 4 PROVIMROL PRX Nutrilux s.a.r.l. 31.01 21.31 5 NOVITA NVT Zakłady " Lentex" SA 1.02 35.00 6 BEEFSAN BEF Lucjan Pilśniak 2.02 3.15 7 KREZUS KZS Roman Krzysztof Karkosik 22.02 6.88 8 KRESUS KZS Roman Krzysztof Karkosik 22.02 6.89 9 WILBO WLB Pamapol SA 23.02 4.00 10 WILBO WLB Pamapol SA 23.02 4.40 11 POINTGROUP PGM Michał M. Lisiecki 27.03 4.05 12 INTERIA.PL INT ComArch SA 17.04 64.15 26.04 /1 7.05 25.00 13 ZETKAMA ZKA Avallon MBO SA, Kuźnia Polska Sp. z o.o, Jan Jurczyk, Tomasz Jurczyk, Maciej Jurczyk, Jakub Jurczyk, Sebastian Jurczyk, Leszek Jurasz, Andrzej Herman, Leszek Gawlik, Jerzy Kożuch 14 ENERGOPN EPN Polimex Mostostal SA 15 INTERIA.PL INT Bauer Media Invest GmbH 10.05 64.47 16 PROVIMROL PRX Nutrilux s.a.r.l. 18.05 26.25 17 STALEXP STX Atlantia SA 4.07 5.87 18 PEPEES PPS Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu spożywczego " PEPEES" SA 31.07 2.70 19 MCLOGIC MCL Macrologic SA 23.08 56.50 KOPEX KPX Leszek Jędrzejewski, Krzysztof Jędrzejewski, Anna Jędrzejewska 30.08 55.00 21 ZEG ZEG BBI Capital NFI SA 1.10 56.00 22 GADUGADU GGU MIH Poland Holdings B.V. 4.10 23.50 23 BBIZENNFI BBZ BB Investment Sp z o.o. 5.10 10.56 24 PERMEDIA PMD BVF Czech a.s. 9.10 104.03 25 MIESZKO MSO SIA Alta Capital Partners 16.10 3.50 26 SRUBEX SRX Koelner SA 24.10 50.00 27 06MAGNA 06N NFI Magna Polonia SA 25.10 17.50 28 13FORTUNA 13N Buskot Trading Limited 30.10 2.19 29 05VICT 05N Keystar Holdings Limited 30.11 2.21 30 ELEKTRIM ELE PAI Media SA 30.11 6.25 31 ELEKTRIM ELE PAI Media SA 30.11 7.82 32 INTERIA.PL INT Bauer Media Invest GmbH 3.12 /2 33 PRATERM PTM Dalkia Polska SA 14.12 51.00 34 ORZBIALY OBL Desislava Investments S.a r.l. 24.12 21.99 20 /1 PLN 16.00 - price for Central Europe Valves LLC PLN 17.95 - price for an entity other than Central Europe Valves LLC /2 PLN 66.62 - price for ordinary shares PLN 80.00 - price for registered shares 65 Fact Book 2008 Shares and rights to shares (PDA) – basic figures 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 WIG20 index at year-end 3 456.05 3 285.49 2 654.95 1 960.57 1 574.04 mWIG40 index at year-end 4 028.37 3 733.26 2 207.74 1 730.10 1 269.34 Indices sWIG80 index at year-end 15 917.92 12 716.59 5 471.33 4 738.62 2 740.68 WIG index at year-end 55 648.54 50 411.82 35 600.79 26 636.19 20 820.07 1 052.13 1 201.50 844.41 666.26 571.86 TechWIG index at year-end 55 011.93 50 361.39 35 277.67 26 540.11 20 825.02 Return on WIG20 (%) WIG-PL index at year-end 5.19 23.75 35.42 24.56 33.89 Return on mWIG40 (%) 7.90 69.10 27.61 36.30 33.58 100.69 Return on sWIG80 (%) 25.17 132.42 15.46 72.90 Return on WIG (%) 10.39 41.60 33.66 27.94 44.92 Return on TechWIG (%) -12.43 42.29 26.74 16.51 60.60 9.23 42.76 32.92 27.44 44.95 Return on WIG-PL (%) Companies Number of all listed companies at year-end 351 284 255 230 203 of which domestic companies 328 272 248 225 202 of which foreign companies 23 12 7 5 1 Capitalisation at year-end (PLN million) 1 080 258 of which domestic companies 509 887 of which foreign companies 570 370 635 910 437 719 198 190 424 900 308 418 116 482 291 697 214 313 77 385 167 717 140 001 27 715 Average P/E ratio* 17.7 13.5 15.5 24.4 79.0 Average P/BV ratio* 2.82 1.95 2.06 1.86 1.51 Dividend yield at year-end (%)* 2.0 2.6 1.8 1.5 1.6 Total turnover value for the year (PLN million) 479 481 338 696 197 033 119 518 80 235 Average turnover value per session (PLN million) 1925.6 1349.4 785.0 468.7 319.7 Number of transactions per session 60 830 44 984 19 837 15 592 12 282 Average value of transaction (PLN) 15 828 14 998 19 786 15 030 13 014 Turnover ratio for companies (%) 19.5 20.9 18.4 17.3 20.3 Number of sessions for the year 249 251 251 255 251 Investment accounts at year-end ('000) 997 909 853 851 947 Continuous trading Number of all listed companies at year-end Number of transactions per session Total turnover value for the year (PLN million) 345 277 240 206 159 60 787 44 862 19 725 15 394 12 138 461 861 323 731 180 978 110 223 66 551 * Average annual figure for all listed companies 66 Main List Shares and rights to shares (PDA) – basic figures 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Single-price system Number of all listed companies at year-end 6 7 15 24 44 Number of transactions per session 33 117 110 195 141 Total turnover value for the year (PLN million) 56 189 156 244 163 Number of transactions (single-counted) 2 509 1 409 593 816 742 Average value of transaction (million PLN) 3.50 5.24 13.41 5.55 9.11 17 563 14 776 15 900 9 051 13 521 Block trades Total turnover value for the year (PLN million) Pre-emptive rights – basic figures 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 1 162 1 013 89 83 17 4.67 4.04 0.35 0.33 0.07 Continuous trading Total turnover value (PLN million)* Average turnover value per session (PLN million) Number of transactions per session Average value of transaction (PLN) 581 420 78 65 16 4 014 4 799 2 259 2 535 2 208 82 31 0 0 0 1 022 922 0 0 0 168 57 0 0 0 Block trades Number of transactions (single-counted) Average value of transaction (PLN thousand) Total turnover value (PLN million) * Excluding block trades 67 Fact Book 2008 Bonds At the end of 2007, a total of 57 bond issues The majority of bonds traded on the WSE were traded on the WSE, including 51 issu- are Treasury bonds. es of Treasury bonds and 6 issues of corporate bonds, of which four had been issued WSE-quoted bonds may be subdivided into by foreign institutions. All bonds are quoted three major groups by their interest calcula- under the continuous trading system. tion method: The total value of trading in bonds reached floating-rate bonds* PLN 3.5 billion in 2007, down by 40% in com- fixed-rate bonds** parison with 2006 (PLN 5.5 billion). zero-coupon bonds*** * The interest rate on floating-rate bonds depends on the rate on Treasury bills or WIBOR (Warsaw Interbank Offered Rate). The nominal value of these bonds ranges from PLN 100 to PLN 1,000. ** The interest rate on fixed-rate bonds ranged from 5.0% to 7.3% per annum, depending on the maturity date. The nominal value of a single bond is PLN 100 or PLN 1,000, depending on the type of bond. *** The interest rate on these bonds is linked to the way they are marketed: with a discount, i.e. at a price below their nominal value. Upon maturity, the bondholder receives a sum which equals the nominal value of the bond. 68 Main List Floating rate bonds in 2007 No Bonds Interest rate low high (%) (%) (%) Price end Turnover value (PLN (%) million) Average volume Average Block number of trades value transactions (PLN million) Treasury 1 DZ0107 1.00+c --- --- 100.00 0.00 0 0 0 2 DZ0108 1.00+c 99.90 101.00 99.90 27.35 54 0 3.23 3 DZ0109 1.00+c 100.30 102.00 100.30 54.67 107 1 1.95 4 DZ0110 1.00+c 101.05 102.90 101.40 61.80 120 1 5.01 5 DZ0407 1.00+c --- --- 100.15 0.00 0 0 0 6 DZ0707 1.00+c 100.00 100.50 100.00 0.09 0 0 0 7 DZ0708 1.00+c 99.80 101.30 99.80 16.56 32 1 1.73 8 DZ0709 1.00+c 100.50 102.30 100.52 45.28 87 1 1.33 9 DZ0811 c 98.00 99.65 98.00 46.23 91 2 1.39 10 DZ1111 c 98.61 99.75 98.61 7.59 15 1 0 11 TZ0207 0.99*w 99.90 100.01 0.00 0.59 35 0 0 12 TZ0208 1.00*w 99.70 100.10 99.90 72.52 1 443 6 16.37 13 TZ0209 0.92*w 99.40 100.40 100.20 30.18 603 4 0 14 TZ0210 0.93*w 98.00 100.50 100.40 9.76 218 1 0 15 TZ0507 1.00*w 99.95 100.10 99.99 17.59 1 107 2 0 16 TZ0508 0.99*w 99.70 100.19 99.70 96.71 1 925 6 26.59 17 TZ0509 0.92*w 99.50 100.60 100.60 8.25 164 1 0 18 TZ0510 0.93*w 99.56 100.50 100.00 6.20 189 1 0 19 TZ0807 1.00*w 99.90 100.10 99.91 21.23 741 5 0 20 TZ0808 0.98*w 99.81 100.20 99.90 65.80 1 312 5 0 21 TZ0809 0.93*w 99.00 100.99 100.20 16.14 322 2 0 22 TZ0810 0.93*w 99.50 100.43 100.01 4.31 217 2 0 23 TZ1107 1.00*w 99.20 100.10 100.00 127.11 3 075 6 0 24 TZ1108 0.96*w 99.50 101.50 99.70 28.13 560 4 0 25 TZ1109 0.93*w 96.80 100.99 100.28 16.32 325 2 0 26 TZ1110 0.93*w 99.61 100.50 100.35 4.84 667 3 0 27 WZ0118 j 100.05 100.30 100.05 32.20 74 1 1.42 28 WZ0307 h 99.95 100.10 99.95 29.32 265 2 0 29 WZ0911 g 100.00 100.40 100.11 102.41 204 3 20.54 p 125.00 592.00 592.00 27.28 3 1 0 e --- --- 99.85 0 0 0 0 Corporate 1 MCIOB0709 Foreign 1 EIB0908 c - Average rate of return on 52-week Treasury bills. e - Until 14.09.2004, interest rate: 6% per annum. After this date, annual interest: 4% plus twice the difference between the 10-year and 2-year Polish zloty interest rate swaps. g - Calculated for every coupon period as an average of 6M WIBOR from last three business days, where the last day of this 3-day period falls at the latest two business days before the day on which the given coupon period begins. 69 Fact Book 2008 h - Calculated for every coupon period as an average of 3M WIBOR from last three business days, where the last day of this 3-day period falls at the latest two business days before the day on which the given coupon period begins. j - Calculated for every coupon period as an average of 6M WIBOR from last three business days, where the last day of this 3-day period falls at the day before the day on which the given coupon period begins. p - WIBOR6M + premium. w - Average of 6M WIBOR for the period of five subsequent business days, where the last day of the 5-day period falls, at the latest, five business days before the day on which the given coupon period begins. Fixed rate bonds in 2007 No Bonds Interest rate low high (%) (%) (%) Price end Turnover value (PLN (%) million) Average volume Average Block number of trades value transactions (PLN million) Treasury 1 DS0509 6.00 99.60 103.50 99.90 21.53 41 1 4.26 2 DS1013 5.00 94.30 100.40 95.00 25.06 50 1 0 3 DS1015 6.25 100.90 108.20 101.65 17.04 32 1 0 4 DS1017 5.25 94.50 101.30 94.95 8.62 17 1 0 5 DS1109 6.00 99.91 103.80 100.05 2.40 5 0 0 6 DS1110 6.00 99.70 104.40 99.90 14.90 28 0 1.91 7 IZ0816 100.85 102.80 101.50 4.72 9 0 0 8 OK0407 98.80 99.93 99.92 20.18 151 2 0.53 9 OK0408 94.74 98.50 98.48 289.40 601 8 1.97 10 OK0709 89.93 91.60 91.40 370.90 929 8 11.32 11 OK0807 97.60 99.88 99.86 210.37 711 5 0.83 12 OK0808 93.15 96.65 96.65 180.35 382 8 1.93 13 OK1207 96.11 99.86 99.86 223.03 485 4 3.95 14 OK1208 91.83 94.89 94.84 510.59 1 100 10 79.35 15 PS0310 5.75 98.99 103.55 99.30 28.46 55 1 14.82 16 PS0412 4.75 94.30 99.01 95.02 13.91 30 0 1.76 17 PS0413 5.25 --- --- 96.81 0.00 0 0 0 18 PS0507 8.50 100.00 101.20 100.00 1.73 9 0 0.21 19 PS0511 4.25 94.01 98.00 94.50 22.24 45 1 10.91 20 PS0608 5.75 99.81 102.10 99.90 13.46 26 1 1.05 21 SP0307 8.00 100.05 100.51 100.10 1.03 150 1 0 22 SP0308 5.00 99.61 100.64 99.62 31.29 614 1 4.03 23 SP0309 6.50 100.33 103.99 100.34 21.85 418 1 0 24 SP0310 5.50 98.00 103.00 98.13 15.27 299 1 0 25 SP0607 8.00 100.05 101.60 100.10 7.96 399 1 0 26 SP0608 4.50 99.30 100.20 99.50 17.32 342 1 6.67 27 SP0609 7.00 101.06 105.39 101.45 9.69 184 1 0 70 Main List Fixed rate bonds in 2007 No Bonds Interest rate low high (%) (%) (%) Price end Turnover value (PLN (%) million) Average volume Average Block number of trades value transactions (PLN million) Treasury 28 SP0610 5.00 97.00 100.85 97.50 83.45 1 670 2 0 29 SP0907 6.50 99.90 101.36 0.00 8.68 262 1 0 30 SP0908 4.50 98.91 100.10 98.92 6.38 127 0 0 31 SP0909 7.30 101.30 106.40 101.80 19.32 362 2 1.94 32 SP0910 4.40 95.00 100.00 95.62 4.14 84 1 0 33 SP1207 5.50 99.90 101.15 99.91 31.49 686 1 0 34 SP1208 6.50 100.40 103.55 100.41 14.66 281 1 2.86 35 SP1209 6.50 100.70 105.00 101.10 15.49 293 1 0.64 36 SP1210 4.50 94.00 100.00 95.22 13.35 273 1 0 37 WS0437 5.00 --- --- 91.90 0.00 0 0 0 WS0922 5.75 98.00 105.20 100.49 4.89 9 0 0 38 Corporate 1 BPHOB1108 5.30 97.01 100.25 98.90 2.00 39 0 0 2 TSTOB0807 7.50 --- --- 100.00 0.00 0 0 0 1 EIB0526 --- --- 34.80 0.00 0 0 0 2 EIB0617 --- --- 35.71 0.00 0 0 0 3 EIB1211 --- --- 45.87 0.00 0 0 0 Foreign Bonds – basic figures 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 57 65 76 81 70 Total turnover value (PLN million)* 3264 5488 5059 7820 7840 Average turnover value per session (PLN million) 13.0 22.0 20.0 31.0 31.0 Number of transactions per session 116 161 210 411 410 56 518 67 801 48 052 37 287 38 130 Number of transactions (single-counted) 111 55 35 113 1278 Average value of transaction (PLN million) 1.04 0.44 6.40 2.36 1.89 Total turnover value (PLN million) 231 48 448 533 4 834 Continuous trading Number of listed bond issues at year-end Average value of transaction (PLN) Block trades * Excluding block trades 71 Fact Book 2008 Treasury bond market calendar in 2007 First quotation No Issue Last quotation First quotation date No 22.01 1 DZ0107 Last quotation date 4.01 1 PS0412 2 TZ0210 8.02 2 TZ0207 24.01 3 OK0709 12.02 3 SP0307 14.02 4 WZ0118 19.02 4 WZ0307 19.03 5 TZ0510 08.05 5 DZ0407 3.04 6 WS0437 18.06 6 OK0407 4.04 7 TZ0810 8.08 7 TZ0507 23.04 8 TZ1110 6.11 8 PS0507 07.05 9 PS0413 26.11 Corporate bond market calendar in 2007 Last quotation No 1 72 Issue Issue TSTOB0807 Last quotation date 15.01 9 SP0607 16.05 10 DZ0707 3.07 11 TZ0807 25.07 12 OK0807 6.08 13 SP0907 16.08 14 TZ1107 23.10 15 SP1207 16.11 16 OK1207 5.12 Main List Structured products In this type of financial instrument the price bond with an attached option, a structured is dependent on the value of specific under- certificate, a warrant etc. lying market indicators (e.g. equity prices or stock baskets, index values, exchange rates). The first structured instruments to be traded They are issued by financial institutions, usu- on the WSE (introduced in 2006) were struc- ally banks or brokerage houses. The issuer tured bonds issued by Deutsche Bank AG of a structured product commits to make London. a payment to the buyer (investor) at maturity date, and the sum to be paid is calculated At the end of 2007, a total of 12 series of according to a predetermined formula. The structured products, issued by three foreign redemption formula enables the holders of financial institutions, were traded on the structured products to monitor changes in WSE: the values of their instruments on an on- Deutsche Bank - 'db Magic Three' struc- going basis. tured bonds (2 series) and WIG20 bonds (1 series), Depending on their design, two essential types of structured products can be identified: Products which ensure complete security of invested capital - very safe products which offer a predetermined share of yield generated by the underlying market indicator, coupled with a guaranteed 100 per cent refund of the invested capital (the investor will not incur a loss). Products which do not ensure complete ERSTE Bank - NTX index certificates (1 series), Raiffeisen Centrobank AG - certificates based on indices from European exchanges, oil and gold prices, as well as equities from the Ukrainian and Kazakh markets (8 series). Until 30 June 2008, the fees charged to issuers of option warrants and structured certificates have been reduced to zero. security of invested capital - they bear a higher risk as the investor has a greater More structured products are expected to share in gains and in losses generated by appear on the WSE in Q1 of 2008. the underlying product (however, they also offer high earnings opportunities to investors). Structured products can also be subdivided into short-, medium- and long-term products, depending on their maturity. Structured products may be based on a variety of designs, for instance a zero-coupon 73 Fact Book 2008 Structured products – basic figures 2007 Number of listed series at year-end Total turnover value (PLN thousand)* Average turnover value per session (PLN thousand) Number of transactions per session Average transaction value (PLN) * Excluding block trades 74 2006 12 2 25 252 1 068 101 12 3 1 14 854 5 185 Main List Investment Certificates Investment certificates are issued by closed- cates are redeemed and fund participants end investment funds. As bearer securities, receive payment according to the number they may be listed on the Exchange. Invest- of certificates held and their final valuation. ment funds issuing certificates are established for a specified period of time. Their In the course of 2007, certificates of 14 in- objective is to achieve the highest possible vestment funds were introduced to trading returns on the capital paid in by fund parti- on the Exchange. cipants - mainly through investment in securities. At the end of 2007 a total of 37 series of in- The fund ceases to exist through a liquida- vestment certificates were listed on the WSE. tion procedure whereby investment certifi- Investment Certificates – basic figures 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 37 32 21 16 5 551 793 189 172 159 827 2 216 754 637 774 13 008 128 31 11 10 171 Average value of transaction (PLN) 8 661 12 156 28 429 38 836 38 144 Number of volume per session 7 984 3 623 4 369 5 235 61 314 12 1 0 0 22 476 8 000 0 0 864 11 418 16 000 0 0 38 029 Continuous trading Number of listed investment certificates at year-end Total turnover value (PLN thousand)* Average turnover value per session (PLN thousand) Number of transactions per session 197 286 3 264 930 Block trades Number of transactions (single-counted) Average value of transaction (PLN thousand) Total turnover value (PLN thousand) * Excluding block trades 75 Fact Book 2008 Investment certificates market calendar in 2007 First quotation No Issue Last quotation First quotation date No 5.01 1 KBKEURFIZ 26.01 Last quotation date 1 SECUSFIZ 2 INVFIZ 22.01 2 SPROFITFIZ 11.05 3 KBCFINFIZ 1.02 3 SLOKATAFIZ 11.05 4 KBCATLFIZ 20.03 4 KBKLAMFIZ 25.05 5 KBCDLWFIZ 20.03 5 DWSFIZSW 12.06 6 OPERA3GR 29.05 6 KBKPFIZ 26.06 7 KBCEURFIZ 21.06 7 KBKP2FIZ 26.06 8 KBCKIVFIZ 21.06 8 KBKP3FIZ 27.08 6.07 9 ARKAGIZ07 19.12 9 INVBRFIZ 10 KBCRAZFIZ 27.08 11 KBCINDFIZ 27.08 12 KBCBRIFIZ 15.10 13 INVLBFIZ 14 KBCNEUFIZ 76 Issue 9.11 30.11 Main List WSE Indices At the end of 2007 the Warsaw Stock Ex- Indices cover all companies which are not change calculated and published the values in a special situation, as defined in the of 14 stock market indices and one external WSE Rules and which have min. 10% of index. The values of five indices were published on a continuous basis (from the start reas the WIG-PL covers all domestic com- until the end of a session): shares or EUR 1 million in free float, The WIG covers all listed companies whepanies, WIG20, The MIDWIG was replaced by the mWIG40, sWIG80, mWIG40 whereas the WIRR was replaced WIG, by the sWIG80, Companies are classified to the WIG20, TechWIG. The values of the remaining nine indices the mWIG40 and the sWIG80 on the ba- were published three times (after the first sis of a single ranking by the trading vo- and the second auction, and at the close of lume in the last 12 months and the number of shares in free float. session): WIG-PL, WIG sectoral sub-indices. Additionally, sectoral classification of com- In January the WSE adopted new regulations created: on stock market indices, implementing a tho- Developers rough reform of indices in March. Starting from 18 June, the Warsaw Stock The new rules introduced uniform inclusion Exchange began to calculate and publish the criteria for all indices, as follows: WIG-Developers subindex. panies was revised and a new sector was Monthly rates of return on WSE indices in 2007 (%) Month WIG20 mWIG40 sWIG80 WIG TechWIG WIG-PL January 6.01 13.34 13.58 8.22 6.43 8.50 February -6.92 -0.63 -0.72 -4.87 -3.26 -4.98 March 8.58 12.47 18.89 10.84 5.42 11.00 April 1.99 5.29 10.08 3.97 1.54 4.04 May 1.64 12.77 7.46 6.29 0.09 6.10 June 3.02 1.24 6.02 3.95 -0.36 4.03 July -0.64 -10.88 -7.56 -3.64 -3.78 -3.97 August -3.58 -5.79 -7.29 -4.74 -8.08 -4.90 September 0.89 -4.28 -1.81 -0.46 -3.29 -0.71 October 6.71 1.99 2.33 4.57 1.81 4.57 November -8.56 -12.12 -12.85 -10.21 -8.38 -10.44 December -2.53 -1.61 -0.80 -1.82 -0.15 -2.09 77 Fact Book 2008 The WIG20 Index The list of index participants (constituents) is compiled from a special inventory cove- Computed since 16 April 1994, the WIG20 is ring companies with free float value over the index of the largest quoted companies 10% and EUR 1 million which are not in (blue chips) and has a base value of 1,000 a special situation, as defined in the WSE points. Rules. WIG20 values are calculated on the basis of Companies selected using this method are share prices of 20 listed companies. then ranked by turnover value for the last This index is published from the start until 12 months (weight 0.6) and free float value the close of a session at 15-second intervals. (weight 0.4). The index covers companies The WIG20 is a price index, which means which are ranked 1 to 25 in the case of that income from dividends and pre-emp- a review, and ranked 30 or higher in the case tive rights is not taken into account in its cal- of an adjustment. culation. Company shares in this index are updated Changes to the WIG20 composition are during each revision and adjustment exer- made four times a year. The annual review cise, based on the current free float balan- is conducted in March, whereas quarterly ad- ce. Additionally, one company may have justments take place in June, September and a maximum share of 15% in this index. December. The WIG20 index in 2007 3 950 3 850 3 750 3 650 3 550 3 450 3 350 3 250 3 150 3 050 Jan 78 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Main List The WIG20 index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in WIG20 (%) (PLN) 1 PKOBP 52.60 375 330 000 19 742 358 000 16.70 2 PEKAO 227.00 72 099 000 16 366 473 000 13.84 3 PKNORLEN 51.90 309 998 000 16 088 896 200 13.61 4 KGHM 105.80 116 410 000 12 316 178 000 10.42 5 TPSA 22.51 505 127 000 11 370 408 770 9.62 6 BZWBK 251.00 21 546 000 5 408 046 000 4.57 7 GTC 8 PGNIG 9 BRE 44.50 118 179 000 5 258 965 500 4.45 5.10 900 000 000 4 590 000 000 3.88 505.00 8 844 000 4 466 220 000 3.78 10 POLIMEXMS 8.56 407 034 000 3 484 211 040 2.95 11 TVN 25.00 131 766 000 3 294 150 000 2.79 12 PBG 307.10 8 905 000 2 734 725 500 2.31 13 AGORA 55.50 43 483 000 2 413 306 500 2.04 14 CERSANIT 15 CEZ 16 LOTOS 17 PROKOM 18 BIOTON 19 20 33.50 68 000 000 2 278 000 000 1.93 183.00 12 121 000 2 218 143 000 1.88 44.50 46 796 000 2 082 422 000 1.76 132.70 10 173 000 1 349 957 100 1.14 0.89 1 263 002 000 1 124 071 780 0.95 POLNORD 141.90 6 337 000 899 220 300 0.76 BANKBPH 104.00 7 260 000 755 040 000 0.64 79 Fact Book 2008 The mWIG40 Index The list of index participants (constituents) is compiled from a special inventory cove- As the successor to the MIDWIG, the ring companies with a free float value over mWIG40 covers medium size companies (by 10% and EUR 1 million which are not in market value and turnover). The index has a special situation, as defined in the WSE been published by the WSE since 31 Decem- Rules. ber 1997, its base value being 1,000 points. mWIG40 values are calculated on the basis Companies selected according to this me- of share prices of 40 listed companies. thod are then ranked by turnover value for This index is published from the start until the last 12 months (weight 0.6) and free flo- the close of session in one-minute intervals. at value (weight 0.4). The index covers com- The mWIG40 is a price index, which means panies which are ranked 25 to 65 in the case that income from dividends and pre-empti- of a review, and ranked 30 to 70 in the case ve rights is not taken into account in its cal- of an adjustment. culation. Company shares in this index are updated Changes to the composition of the mWIG40 during each revision and adjustment exer- are made four times a year. The annual re- cise, based on the current free float balan- view is conducted in March, whereas quar- ce. One company may have a maximum terly adjustments take place in June, Sep- share of 10% in this index. tember and December. The mWIG40 index in 2007 5 800 5 600 5 400 5 200 5 000 4 800 4 600 4 400 4 200 4 000 3 800 3 600 3 400 Jan 80 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Main List The mWIG40 index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in mWIG40 (%) (PLN) 1 GETIN 14.70 315 195 000 4 633 366 500 10.11 2 MILLENNIUM 11.63 292 855 000 3 405 903 650 7.43 3 HANDLOWY 4 INGBSK 99.90 32 664 000 3 263 133 600 7.12 725.00 3 252 000 2 357 700 000 5.14 5 LPP 2 668.50 825 000 2 201 512 500 4.80 6 7 CIECH 121.00 17 729 000 2 145 209 000 4.68 ECHO 79.70 25 519 000 2 033 864 300 4.44 8 STALPROD 750.00 2 688 000 2 016 000 000 4.40 9 ASSECOPOL 73.50 26 751 000 1 966 198 500 4.29 163.00 11 179 000 1 822 177 000 3.97 10 EMPERIA 11 ORBIS 69.50 25 121 000 1 745 909 500 3.81 12 AMREST 134.00 12 251 000 1 641 634 000 3.58 13 KETY 160.00 8 696 000 1 391 360 000 3.03 14 KOPEX 48.60 21 143 000 1 027 549 800 2.24 15 SWIECIE 67.90 14 499 000 984 482 100 2.15 16 BUDIMEX 92.00 10 451 000 961 492 000 2.10 17 NETIA 3.80 252 073 000 957 877 400 2.09 18 VISTULA 11.98 78 822 000 944 287 560 2.06 19 KREDYTB 23.50 39 317 000 923 949 500 2.02 20 GRAJEWO 53.00 17 315 000 917 695 000 2.00 21 SYNTHOS 1.30 641 458 000 833 895 400 1.82 22 IDMSA 14.46 53 642 000 775 663 320 1.69 23 MMPPL 10.40 69 533 000 723 143 200 1.58 24 PEGAS 102.90 7 014 000 721 740 600 1.57 25 MOSTALZAB 8.00 81 647 000 653 176 000 1.42 1.29 26 IMPEXMET 27 DOMDEV 9.20 64 281 000 591 385 200 99.00 5 894 000 583 506 000 28 DUDA 1.27 7.50 76 372 000 572 790 000 1.25 29 CCC 45.00 12 619 000 567 855 000 1.24 30 GANT 61.90 8 605 000 532 649 500 1.16 31 MCI 18.55 23 154 000 429 506 700 0.94 32 SYGNITY 35.11 9 813 000 344 534 430 0.75 33 STALEXP 2.80 108 202 000 302 965 600 0.66 34 BORYSZEW 11.92 22 131 000 263 801 520 0.58 35 BBIDEVNFI 1.25 151 259 000 189 073 750 0.41 36 MOSTALEXP 4.18 42 176 000 176 295 680 0.38 37 FON 0.55 149 304 000 82 117 200 0.18 38 HUTMEN 8.30 9 470 000 78 601 000 0.17 39 MASTERS 0.21 265 934 000 55 846 140 0.12 40 SANWIL 0.31 100 234 000 31 072 540 0.07 81 Fact Book 2008 The sWIG80 Index The list of index participants (constituents) is compiled from a special inventory cove- The sWIG80 index is the successor to the ring companies with a free float value over WIRR. Its portfolio covers listed companies 10% and EUR 1 million which are not in which are smaller than the WIG20 and a special situation, as defined in the WSE mWIG40 constituents. The index has been Rules. published by the WSE since 31 December 1994, its base value being 1,000 points. Companies selected according to this me- sWIG80 values are calculated on the basis thod are then ranked by turnover value for of share prices for 80 listed companies. This the last 12 months (weight 0.6) and free flo- index is published from the start until the at value (weight 0.4). The index covers com- close of session in one-minute intervals. The panies which ranked 65 to 145 in the case of sWIG80 is a price index, which means that a review, and ranked 70 to 155 in the case income from dividends and pre-emptive ri- of an adjustment. ghts is not taken into account in its calculation. Company shares in this index are updated Changes to the sWIG80's composition are during each revision and adjustment exer- made four times a year. The annual review cise, based on the current free float balan- is conducted in March, whereas quarterly ad- ce. Additionally, one company may have justments take place in June, September and a maximum share of 10% in this index. December. The sWIG80 index in 2007 22 000 21 000 20 000 19 000 18 000 17 000 16 000 15 000 14 000 13 000 12 000 11 000 Jan 82 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Main List The sWIG80 index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in sWIG80 (%) 117.00 7 521 000 879 957 000 3.67 89.10 9 714 000 865 517 400 3.61 4 220 000 844 000 000 3.52 (PLN) 1 PULAWY 2 PGF 3 ELBUDOWA 200.00 4 COMARCH 182.00 4 549 000 827 918 000 3.45 5 EUROCASH 12.00 57 484 000 689 808 000 2.88 6 PEP 37.00 18 342 000 678 654 000 2.83 7 NFIEMF 19.00 35 159 000 668 021 000 2.79 8 LCCORP 3.03 220 203 000 667 215 090 2.78 9 CCIINT 35.00 18 014 000 630 490 000 2.63 10 POLAQUA 78.00 8 068 000 629 304 000 2.62 11 KOGENERA 60.00 10 092 000 605 520 000 2.53 12 APATOR 24.00 24 803 000 595 272 000 2.48 13 DEBICA 105.20 5 538 000 582 597 600 2.43 14 NOBLEBANK 12.50 45 000 000 562 500 000 2.35 15 MOSTALWAR 53.00 10 011 000 530 583 000 2.21 16 ATMGRUPA 250.00 2 115 000 528 750 000 2.21 17 FARMACOL 42.20 11 691 000 493 360 200 2.06 18 RUCH 23.00 21 142 000 486 266 000 2.03 19 FAMUR 4.38 110 906 000 485 768 280 2.03 20 INTERCARS 123.80 3 913 000 484 429 400 2.02 21 ZELMER 63.00 7 647 000 481 761 000 2.01 22 SANOK 185.00 2 575 000 476 375 000 1.99 23 ALCHEMIA 10.89 43 603 000 474 836 670 1.98 24 JWCONSTR 42.45 10 647 000 451 965 150 1.89 25 KOELNER 33.00 12 917 000 426 261 000 1.78 26 ULMA 320.00 1 288 000 412 160 000 1.72 27 OPOCZNO 48.00 8 484 000 407 232 000 1.70 28 BARLINEK 12.70 30 960 000 393 192 000 1.64 29 POLICE 16.85 23 286 000 392 369 100 1.64 30 PRATERM 50.10 7 751 000 388 325 100 1.62 31 RAFAKO 11.12 34 853 000 387 565 360 1.62 32 WSIP 15.71 23 227 000 364 896 170 1.52 33 ALMA 130.00 2 801 000 364 130 000 1.52 34 TIM 25.00 14 071 000 351 775 000 1.47 35 PETROLINV 325.00 995 000 323 375 000 1.35 36 SNIEZKA 1.34 37 HBWLOCLAW 38 ABG 39 MNI 40 LENTEX 47.00 6 818 000 320 446 000 440.00 665 000 292 600 000 1.22 6.90 37 751 000 260 481 900 1.09 4.19 59 509 000 249 342 710 1.04 32.99 7 340 000 242 146 600 1.01 83 Fact Book 2008 The sWIG80 index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in sWIG80 (%) (PLN) 41 TECHMEX 38.90 6 015 000 233 983 500 0.98 42 PAGED 30.00 7 268 000 218 040 000 0.91 43 PROJPRZEM 39.00 5 471 000 213 369 000 0.89 44 ATM 64.10 3 320 000 212 812 000 0.89 45 FAM 7.72 23 822 000 183 905 840 0.77 46 ELSTAROIL 7.50 23 672 000 177 540 000 0.74 47 PPWK 3.82 38 478 000 146 985 960 0.61 48 STALPROFI 18.80 7 536 000 141 676 800 0.59 49 NOWAGALA 5.50 25 033 000 137 681 500 0.57 50 ZURAWIE 19.34 7 014 000 135 650 760 0.57 51 14ZACH 2.63 51 141 000 134 500 830 0.56 52 INSTALKRK 21.49 6 189 000 133 001 610 0.55 53 MIDAS 17.77 7 036 000 125 029 720 0.52 54 04PRO 6.18 16 781 000 103 706 580 0.43 55 LZPS 11.00 9 000 000 99 000 000 0.41 56 JUPITER 3.61 24 980 000 90 177 800 0.38 0.37 57 HTLSTREFA 58 IMPEL 59 CAPITAL 6.40 13 758 000 88 051 200 16.65 5 265 000 87 662 250 0.37 6.20 14 053 000 87 128 600 0.36 60 PROCHNIK 0.91 90 910 000 82 728 100 0.35 61 DROZAPOL 5.12 15 744 000 80 609 280 0.34 62 CENSTALGD 5.70 12 563 000 71 609 100 0.30 63 LUBAWA 1.02 66 328 000 67 654 560 0.28 64 BUDOPOL 3.73 17 422 000 64 984 060 0.27 65 TRITON 9.15 6 965 000 63 729 750 0.27 66 SKOTAN 5.80 10 881 000 63 109 800 0.26 67 KREZUS 4.30 13 599 000 58 475 700 0.24 68 ENERGOPOL 10.85 4 945 000 53 653 250 0.22 69 SWARZEDZ 70 KRUK 71 IBSYSTEM 72 PONARFEH 9.75 4 304 000 41 964 000 0.18 73 FERRUM 9.80 3 949 000 38 700 200 0.16 74 ADVADIS 0.70 51 360 000 35 952 000 0.15 75 HYGIENIKA 4.57 7 515 000 34 343 550 0.14 0.14 0.52 99 871 000 51 932 920 0.22 28.00 1 677 000 46 956 000 0.20 0.83 53 175 000 44 135 250 0.18 76 POLCOLOR 0.93 36 450 000 33 898 500 77 JAGO 3.21 10 498 000 33 698 580 0.14 78 TUP 16.99 1 826 000 31 023 740 0.13 79 ATLANTIS 1.57 11 823 000 18 562 110 0.08 80 PCGUARD 0.11 100 000 000 11 000 000 0.05 84 Main List The WIG Index Changes to the composition of the WIG are made four times a year. An inventory of all Calculated since the first ever WSE session listed companies is compiled after the last on 16 April 1991, the WIG is the oldest of all session in February, May, August and No- WSE indices. Its portfolio covers all listed vember. The inventory does not cover com- companies except those whose free float is panies which fail to meet essential partici- under 10% and EUR 1 million and those in pation requirements. a special situation, as defined in the WSE Rules. Company shares in this index are determi- The base value of the WIG is 1,000 points. ned on the basis of the number of shares in Its values are calculated on the basis of sha- free float. Additionally, one company may re prices for all constituent companies. have a maximum share of 10% in the index, This index is published from the start until whereas one sector may not exceed a share the close of session in one-minute intervals. of 30%. The WIG is a total return index, which means that income from dividends and pre- The new WIG portfolio comes into force after emptive rights is also taken into account for the third Friday of March, June, September its calculation. and December. The WIG index in 2007 68 000 66 000 64 000 62 000 60 000 58 000 56 000 54 000 52 000 50 000 48 000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 85 Fact Book 2008 The WIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price 1 PKOBP 52.60 2 PEKAO 3 PKNORLEN 4 Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in WIG (%) 402 033 000 21 146 935 800 10.33 227.00 85 834 000 19 484 318 000 9.52 51.90 309 999 000 16 088 948 100 7.86 KGHM 105.80 116 410 000 12 316 178 000 6.02 5 TPSA 22.51 505 127 000 11 370 408 770 5.56 6 GTC 44.50 118 179 000 5 258 965 500 2.57 7 PGNIG 5.10 900 000 000 4 590 000 000 2.24 8 BZWBK 251.00 17 859 000 4 482 609 000 2.19 9 GETIN 14.70 261 145 000 3 838 831 500 1.88 505.00 7 338 000 3 705 690 000 1.81 (PLN) 10 BRE 11 POLIMEXMS 8.56 407 035 000 3 484 219 600 1.70 12 TVN 25.00 131 903 000 3 297 575 000 1.61 13 MILLENNIUM 11.63 242 731 000 2 822 961 530 1.38 14 PBG 307.10 8 905 000 2 734 725 500 1.34 15 HANDLOWY 99.90 27 074 000 2 704 692 600 1.32 16 AGORA 55.50 43 484 000 2 413 362 000 1.18 17 CERSANIT 33.50 68 000 000 2 278 000 000 1.11 18 CEZ 183.00 11 785 000 2 156 655 000 1.05 19 CIECH 121.00 17 729 000 2 145 209 000 1.05 20 LPP 21 LOTOS 22 EMPERIA 23 ECHO 24 STALPROD 25 ASSECOPOL 73.50 26 INGBSK 725.00 2 696 000 1 954 600 000 0.96 27 ORBIS 69.50 25 121 000 1 745 909 500 0.85 28 AMREST 134.00 12 251 000 1 641 634 000 0.80 29 KETY 160.00 8 696 000 1 391 360 000 0.68 30 PROKOM 132.70 10 167 000 1 349 160 900 0.66 31 BIOTON 0.89 1 263 003 000 1 124 072 670 0.55 32 KOPEX 48.60 21 144 000 1 027 598 400 0.50 2 668.50 803 000 2 142 805 500 1.05 44.50 46 797 000 2 082 466 500 1.02 163.00 12 680 000 2 066 840 000 1.01 79.70 25 519 000 2 033 864 300 0.99 750.00 2 688 000 2 016 000 000 0.99 26 751 000 1 966 198 500 0.96 33 SWIECIE 67.90 14 500 000 984 550 000 0.48 34 BUDIMEX 92.00 10 452 000 961 584 000 0.47 35 NETIA 3.80 252 073 000 957 877 400 0.47 36 VISTULA 11.98 78 822 000 944 287 560 0.46 37 GRAJEWO 53.00 17 316 000 917 748 000 0.45 38 POLNORD 141.90 6 338 000 899 362 200 0.44 39 PULAWY 117.00 7 521 000 879 957 000 0.43 40 PGF 89.10 9 715 000 865 606 500 0.42 86 Main List The WIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares 41 ELBUDOWA 42 SYNTHOS 43 COMARCH 44 IDMSA 45 KREDYTB 46 CEDC 47 MMPPL 48 EUROCASH 49 PEGAS 50 Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in WIG (%) 200.00 4 220 000 844 000 000 0.41 (PLN) 1.30 641 483 000 833 927 900 0.41 182.00 4 549 000 827 918 000 0.40 14.46 53 512 000 773 783 520 0.38 23.50 32 588 000 765 818 000 0.37 146.00 5 137 000 750 002 000 0.37 10.40 69 533 000 723 143 200 0.35 12.00 57 485 000 689 820 000 0.34 102.90 6 645 000 683 770 500 0.33 PEP 37.00 18 343 000 678 691 000 0.33 51 NFIEMF 19.00 35 160 000 668 040 000 0.33 52 LCCORP 3.03 220 204 000 667 218 120 0.33 53 IMPEXMET 9.20 70 532 000 648 894 400 0.32 54 MOSTALZAB 8.00 80 234 000 641 872 000 0.31 55 POLAQUA 78.00 8 160 000 636 480 000 0.31 56 CCIINT 35.00 18 014 000 630 490 000 0.31 57 BANKBPH 104.00 6 018 000 625 872 000 0.31 58 KOGENERA 60.00 10 093 000 605 580 000 0.30 59 APATOR 24.00 24 804 000 595 296 000 0.29 60 DOMDEV 61 DEBICA 62 DUDA 63 CCC 45.00 12 620 000 567 900 000 0.28 64 KERNEL 34.00 16 671 000 566 814 000 0.28 65 GANT 61.90 8 646 000 535 187 400 0.26 66 MOSTALWAR 53.00 10 011 000 530 583 000 0.26 67 ATMGRUPA 250.00 2 115 000 528 750 000 0.26 68 MOL 360.00 1 430 000 514 800 000 0.25 69 INTERCARS 123.80 4 018 000 497 428 400 0.24 70 FARMACOL 42.20 11 692 000 493 402 400 0.24 71 RUCH 23.00 21 143 000 486 289 000 0.24 72 FAMUR 4.38 110 906 000 485 768 280 0.24 73 ZELMER 63.00 7 647 000 481 761 000 0.24 74 SANOK 185.00 2 576 000 476 560 000 0.23 75 ALCHEMIA 10.89 43 603 000 474 836 670 0.23 76 BOMI 28.00 16 769 000 469 532 000 0.23 77 NOBLEBANK 12.50 37 298 000 466 225 000 0.23 78 MCI 18.55 23 642 000 438 559 100 0.21 99.00 5 939 000 587 961 000 0.29 105.20 5 539 000 582 702 800 0.28 7.50 76 373 000 572 797 500 0.28 79 JWCONSTR 42.45 10 319 000 438 041 550 0.21 80 KOELNER 33.00 12 918 000 426 294 000 0.21 87 Fact Book 2008 The WIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price 81 IMMOEAST 26.19 82 ULMA 83 OPOCZNO 84 ASSECOSLO Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in WIG (%) 16 080 000 421 135 200 0.21 (PLN) 320.00 1 288 000 412 160 000 0.20 48.00 8 485 000 407 280 000 0.20 440.00 924 000 406 560 000 0.20 0.19 85 BARLINEK 12.70 30 960 000 393 192 000 86 POLICE 16.85 23 287 000 392 385 950 0.19 87 PRATERM 50.10 7 751 000 388 325 100 0.19 88 RAFAKO 11.12 34 854 000 387 576 480 0.19 89 WSIP 15.71 23 228 000 364 911 880 0.18 90 ALMA 130.00 2 801 000 364 130 000 0.18 91 TIM 25.00 14 072 000 351 800 000 0.17 92 SYGNITY 35.11 9 813 000 344 534 430 0.17 93 ORCOGROUP 291.00 1 163 000 338 433 000 0.17 94 ERBUD 95 PETROLINV 96 SILVANO 97 STALEXP 98 HBWLOCLAW 99 SNIEZKA 90.60 3 721 000 337 122 600 0.16 325.00 995 000 323 375 000 0.16 16.80 18 171 000 305 272 800 0.15 2.80 108 203 000 302 968 400 0.15 440.00 666 000 293 040 000 0.14 47.00 6 225 000 292 575 000 0.14 100 LENTEX 32.99 8 867 000 292 522 330 0.14 101 MERCOR 48.40 5 930 000 287 012 000 0.14 102 BORYSZEW 11.92 22 132 000 263 813 440 0.13 103 NORDEABP 26.00 10 101 000 262 626 000 0.13 104 ABG 6.90 37 752 000 260 488 800 0.13 105 ABPL 26.70 9 582 000 255 839 400 0.13 106 MNI 4.19 59 510 000 249 346 900 0.12 107 TECHMEX 38.90 6 016 000 234 022 400 0.11 108 WARIMPEX 25.00 9 014 000 225 350 000 0.11 109 ACTION 33.15 6 779 000 224 723 850 0.11 110 RONSON 4.85 46 000 000 223 100 000 0.11 111 PAGED 30.00 7 268 000 218 040 000 0.11 112 PROJPRZEM 39.00 5 471 000 213 369 000 0.10 113 ATM 64.10 3 309 000 212 106 900 0.10 114 MISPOL 15.44 13 673 000 211 111 120 0.10 115 HOOP 38.50 5 366 000 206 591 000 0.10 116 NOWAGALA 5.50 37 149 000 204 319 500 0.10 117 WAWEL 276.00 718 000 198 168 000 0.10 118 PEKAES 12.40 15 250 000 189 100 000 0.09 1.25 151 260 000 189 075 000 0.09 63.00 2 952 000 185 976 000 0.09 119 BBIDEVNFI 120 NAFTA 88 Main List The WIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price ORZBIALY 22.96 Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in WIG (%) 8 089 000 185 723 440 0.09 (PLN) 121 122 FAM 7.72 23 587 000 182 091 640 0.09 123 ELSTAROIL 7.50 23 672 000 177 540 000 0.09 124 08OCTAVA 3.89 45 638 000 177 531 820 0.09 125 MOSTALEXP 4.18 42 177 000 176 299 860 0.09 126 DECORA 34.00 5 138 000 174 692 000 0.09 127 BOS 85.95 2 025 000 174 048 750 0.09 128 BBICAPNFI 8.10 21 057 000 170 561 700 0.08 129 ASBIS 8.80 19 024 000 167 411 200 0.08 130 INTERIA.PL 65.95 2 537 000 167 315 150 0.08 131 TETA 19.90 8 170 000 162 583 000 0.08 132 ASTARTA 32.00 5 000 000 160 000 000 0.08 133 ROPCZYCE 61.00 2 622 000 159 942 000 0.08 134 JUTRZENKA 140.00 1 090 000 152 600 000 0.07 135 ZPUE 390.00 391 000 152 490 000 0.07 136 GRAAL 35.28 4 258 000 150 222 240 0.07 137 MENNICA 143.90 1 036 000 149 080 400 0.07 138 ACE 11.80 12 599 000 148 668 200 0.07 139 PLAZACNTR 11.20 12 928 000 144 793 600 0.07 140 GADUGADU 23.00 6 221 000 143 083 000 0.07 141 STALPROFI 18.80 7 536 000 141 676 800 0.07 142 REINHOLD 29.89 4 713 000 140 871 570 0.07 143 MIDAS 17.77 7 837 000 139 263 490 0.07 144 QUMAKSEK 14.03 9 875 000 138 546 250 0.07 145 PPWK 3.82 36 028 000 137 626 960 0.07 146 14ZACH 2.63 51 142 000 134 503 460 0.07 147 SFINKS 26.20 5 132 000 134 458 400 0.07 148 YAWAL 52.00 2 585 000 134 420 000 0.07 149 INDYKPOL 114.50 1 166 000 133 507 000 0.07 150 INSTALKRK 21.49 6 190 000 133 023 100 0.07 151 TORFARM 68.00 1 945 000 132 260 000 0.06 152 TUP 16.99 7 776 000 132 114 240 0.06 153 PANOVA 42.49 3 106 000 131 973 940 0.06 154 PAMAPOL 23.40 5 470 000 127 998 000 0.06 155 IVMX 33.21 3 392 000 112 648 320 0.06 156 ELEKTROTI 20.00 5 631 000 112 620 000 0.06 157 ENERGOPN 13.48 8 208 000 110 643 840 0.05 158 IGROUP 7.64 14 265 000 108 984 600 0.05 159 JCAUTO 29.00 3 700 000 107 300 000 0.05 160 MONNARI 33.00 3 249 000 107 217 000 0.05 89 Fact Book 2008 The WIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in WIG (%) 161 ZURAWIE 19.34 5 541 000 107 162 940 0.05 162 PROCHEM 47.99 2 226 000 106 825 740 0.05 163 ESSYSTEM 7.80 13 430 000 104 754 000 0.05 164 04PRO 6.18 16 781 000 103 706 580 0.05 165 RADPOL 8.10 12 487 000 101 144 700 0.05 166 AMBRA 10.15 9 800 000 99 470 000 0.05 167 ENERGOPLD 3.19 30 737 000 98 051 030 0.05 168 MOSTALPLC 94.10 1 027 000 96 640 700 0.05 169 KRUSZWICA 42.05 2 280 000 95 874 000 0.05 170 BYTOM 3.72 25 456 000 94 696 320 0.05 171 FORTE 6.70 14 112 000 94 550 400 0.05 172 JUPITER 3.61 26 072 000 94 119 920 0.05 173 HYDROTOR 47.88 1 951 000 93 413 880 0.05 174 COMP 76.00 1 214 000 92 264 000 0.05 175 LZPS 11.00 8 371 000 92 081 000 0.04 176 AMICA 18.89 4 873 000 92 050 970 0.04 177 BMPAG 7.52 12 076 000 90 811 520 0.04 178 TELL 116.00 773 000 89 668 000 0.04 179 HTLSTREFA 6.40 13 758 000 88 051 200 0.04 180 ERGIS 5.45 16 113 000 87 815 850 0.04 181 IMPEL 16.65 5 265 000 87 662 250 0.04 182 CAPITAL 6.20 14 054 000 87 134 800 0.04 183 PROCHNIK 0.91 90 910 000 82 728 100 0.04 184 FON 0.55 149 304 000 82 117 200 0.04 185 ENERGOINS 19.40 4 183 000 81 150 200 0.04 186 DROZAPOL 5.12 15 812 000 80 957 440 0.04 187 ABMSOLID 24.37 3 295 000 80 299 150 0.04 188 HUTMEN 8.30 9 470 000 78 601 000 0.04 189 ASSECOBS 12.50 6 104 000 76 300 000 0.04 190 ARTMAN 60.00 1 261 000 75 660 000 0.04 191 MAKRUM 6.75 11 188 000 75 519 000 0.04 192 KOMPUTRON 37.97 1 893 000 71 877 210 0.04 193 CENSTALGD 5.70 12 564 000 71 614 800 0.03 194 SKOTAN 5.80 12 019 000 69 710 200 0.03 195 NOVITUS 22.80 3 051 000 69 562 800 0.03 196 LUBAWA 1.02 66 218 000 67 542 360 0.03 197 KOLASTYNA 2.85 23 366 000 66 593 100 0.03 198 FOTA 27.72 2 360 000 65 419 200 0.03 199 KREZUS 4.30 15 184 000 65 291 200 0.03 200 BUDOPOL 3.73 17 423 000 64 987 790 0.03 (PLN) 90 Main List The WIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in WIG (%) (PLN) 201 GROCLIN 25.05 2 551 000 63 902 550 0.03 202 TRITON 9.15 6 965 000 63 729 750 0.03 203 BANKIER.PL 11.00 5 714 000 62 854 000 0.03 204 BAKALLAND 7.10 8 755 000 62 160 500 0.03 205 BEEFSAN 3.13 19 518 000 61 091 340 0.03 206 GINOROSSI 10.80 5 391 000 58 222 800 0.03 207 WASKO 4.73 11 923 000 56 395 790 0.03 208 MASTERS 0.21 265 935 000 55 846 350 0.03 209 PROSPER 16.50 3 277 000 54 070 500 0.03 210 SWARZEDZ 0.52 99 872 000 51 933 440 0.03 211 LENA 5.10 10 149 000 51 759 900 0.03 212 NORTCOAST 3.42 15 000 000 51 300 000 0.03 213 ENERGOPOL 10.85 4 661 000 50 571 850 0.02 214 TFONE 19.50 2 573 000 50 173 500 0.02 215 SECOGROUP 45.90 1 041 000 47 781 900 0.02 216 SPRAY 35.90 1 321 000 47 423 900 0.02 217 MAGELLAN 42.00 1 122 000 47 124 000 0.02 218 KRUK 28.00 1 678 000 46 984 000 0.02 219 ELKOP 4.83 9 693 000 46 817 190 0.02 220 KROSNO 3.63 12 810 000 46 500 300 0.02 221 STAPORKOW 51.75 887 000 45 902 250 0.02 222 EUROMARK 9.53 4 729 000 45 067 370 0.02 223 CPENERGIA 7.80 5 700 000 44 460 000 0.02 224 HYPERION 6.00 7 397 000 44 382 000 0.02 225 IBSYSTEM 0.83 53 175 000 44 135 250 0.02 226 PRONOX 17.40 2 504 000 43 569 600 0.02 227 OPONEO 8.50 5 079 000 43 171 500 0.02 228 PONARFEH 9.75 4 343 000 42 344 250 0.02 229 ODLEWNIE 5.90 7 171 000 42 308 900 0.02 230 PERMEDIA 55.00 768 000 42 240 000 0.02 231 TRAVELPL 36.00 1 173 000 42 228 000 0.02 232 HYGIENIKA 4.57 9 196 000 42 025 720 0.02 233 ARMATURA 2.04 20 000 000 40 800 000 0.02 234 SEKO 18.90 2 150 000 40 635 000 0.02 235 POLREST 19.80 2 000 000 39 600 000 0.02 236 FERRUM 9.80 3 812 000 37 357 600 0.02 237 EMCINSMED 17.35 2 140 000 37 129 000 0.02 238 ZNTKLAPY 116.10 319 000 37 035 900 0.02 239 ADVADIS 0.70 51 360 000 35 952 000 0.02 240 NTTSYSTEM 2.48 14 346 000 35 578 080 0.02 91 Fact Book 2008 The WIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in WIG (%) 0.02 (PLN) 241 EFEKT 28.19 1 262 000 35 575 780 242 MIESZKO 2.50 13 894 000 34 735 000 0.02 243 ZETKAMA 18.35 1 881 000 34 516 350 0.02 244 POLCOLOR 0.93 36 450 000 33 898 500 0.02 245 REMAK 22.22 1 521 000 33 796 620 0.02 246 KABLE 46.00 734 000 33 764 000 0.02 247 EUROTEL 23.40 1 429 000 33 438 600 0.02 248 ELZAB 53.50 625 000 33 437 500 0.02 249 JAGO 3.21 10 279 000 32 995 590 0.02 250 GFPREMIUM 16.92 1 950 000 32 994 000 0.02 251 TRASINTUR 2.03 15 933 000 32 343 990 0.02 252 INTEGERPL 13.65 2 293 000 31 299 450 0.02 253 SANWIL 0.31 100 235 000 31 072 850 0.02 254 KPPD 83.65 362 000 30 281 300 0.01 255 ENAP 2.42 12 465 000 30 165 300 0.01 256 BBIZENNFI 5.49 5 476 000 30 063 240 0.01 257 BUDVARCEN 11.75 2 500 000 29 375 000 0.01 258 ARTERIA 19.00 1 532 000 29 108 000 0.01 259 ECARD 1.33 21 637 000 28 777 210 0.01 260 WILBO 3.01 9 500 000 28 595 000 0.01 261 SWISSMED 1.78 15 856 000 28 223 680 0.01 262 INWESTCON 7.30 3 806 000 27 783 800 0.01 263 INTERFERI 5.18 5 300 000 27 454 000 0.01 264 MCLOGIC 56.00 490 000 27 440 000 0.01 265 INTERSPPL 12.45 2 183 000 27 178 350 0.01 266 ZASTAL 2.35 11 053 000 25 974 550 0.01 267 NETMEDIA 9.00 2 866 000 25 794 000 0.01 268 NOVITA 30.30 807 000 24 452 100 0.01 269 PEPEES 1.02 23 026 000 23 486 520 0.01 270 MAKARONPL 5.00 4 689 000 23 445 000 0.01 271 ZTSERG 8.85 2 629 000 23 266 650 0.01 272 WOLAINFO 15.30 1 495 000 22 873 500 0.01 273 KREDYTIN 14.40 1 563 000 22 507 200 0.01 274 LSISOFT 11.27 1 980 000 22 314 600 0.01 275 BETACOM 16.60 1 334 000 22 144 400 0.01 276 PLASTBOX 16.40 1 308 000 21 451 200 0.01 277 CASHFLOW 8.50 2 482 000 21 097 000 0.01 278 POLLENAE 16.99 1 171 000 19 895 290 0.01 279 PEMUG 2.65 7 409 000 19 633 850 0.01 280 ATLANTIS 1.57 11 823 000 18 562 110 0.01 92 Main List The WIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares (PLN) Market value (PLN) Share in WIG (%) 281 EUROFAKTR 6.98 2 633 000 18 378 340 0.01 282 RAINBOW 7.77 2 349 000 18 251 730 0.01 283 REDAN 2.85 6 284 000 17 909 400 0.01 284 ATLANTAPL 6.80 2 618 000 17 802 400 0.01 285 VARIANT 13.65 1 283 000 17 512 950 0.01 286 ONE2ONE 5.25 3 195 000 16 773 750 0.01 287 KAREN 2.64 6 320 000 16 684 800 0.01 288 SKYEUROPE 6.38 2 601 000 16 594 380 0.01 289 MOJ 4.16 3 966 000 16 498 560 0.01 290 HAWE 8.61 1 899 000 16 350 390 0.01 291 BEDZIN 31.80 490 000 15 582 000 0.01 292 WISTIL 135.00 115 000 15 525 000 0.01 293 B3SYSTEM 3.67 4 204 000 15 428 680 0.01 294 MEWA 0.12 125 081 000 15 009 720 0.01 295 FASING 20.70 716 000 14 821 200 0.01 296 06MAGNA 3.33 4 449 000 14 815 170 0.01 297 SIMPLE 11.97 1 213 000 14 519 610 0.01 298 KOMPAP 8.86 1 633 000 14 468 380 0.01 299 WANDALEX 5.80 2 443 000 14 169 400 0.01 300 ZEG 43.80 321 000 14 059 800 0.01 301 POLNA 23.00 572 000 13 156 000 0.01 302 COMPLEX 3.29 3 840 000 12 633 600 0.01 303 SUWARY 49.90 251 000 12 524 900 0.01 304 OLYMPIC 13.28 934 000 12 403 520 0.01 305 POINTGROUP 1.85 6 448 000 11 928 800 0.01 306 PROCAD 2.62 4 500 000 11 790 000 0.01 307 QUANTUM 20.40 572 000 11 668 800 0.01 308 RAFAMET 23.50 487 000 11 444 500 0.01 309 PCGUARD 0.11 100 000 000 11 000 000 0.01 310 MEDIATEL 9.87 1 088 000 10 738 560 0.01 311 TALEX 14.42 733 000 10 569 860 0.01 312 UNIMA 7.35 1 400 000 10 290 000 0.01 313 KRAKCHEM 3.95 2 600 000 10 270 000 0.01 314 AMPLI 4.34 2 328 000 10 103 520 0.00 315 PRIMAMODA 316 TERESA 317 MUZA 318 HELIO 319 RELPOL 320 IRENA 12.00 7.84 1 200 000 9 408 000 0.00 28.00 325 000 9 100 000 0.00 7.05 1 226 000 8 643 300 0.00 6.99 1 143 000 7 989 570 0.00 15.80 495 000 7 821 000 0.00 644 000 7 728 000 0.00 93 Fact Book 2008 The WIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares (PLN) Market value (PLN) Share in WIG (%) 321 RESBUD 29.90 232 000 6 936 800 0.00 322 IZOLACJA 43.00 154 000 6 622 000 0.00 323 DGA 5.98 930 000 5 561 400 0.00 324 ORZEL 0.21 5 171 000 1 085 910 0.00 Sectoral sub-indices Values of sectoral sub-indices are published three times during a trading session, i.e.: The Warsaw Stock Exchange runs a sectoral classification for all listed companies. Lists of companies covered by sectoral sub- after the first auction, after the second auction, after the close of session. indices of the WIG are based on this classification. Sectoral sub-indices are based on the WIG methodology and are calculated with inco- The list of a sectoral sub-index includes com- me from dividends and pre-emptive rights. panies from one sector only. Changes in composition of sectoral sub-inAt present, the following sectoral sub-indi- dices are made alongside changes in the ces are calculated: WIG composition and company shares in sub-indices are equal to their respective shares in the WIG. New portfolios of sectoral sub-indices come into force after the third Friday of March, June, September and December. 94 Main List Monthly rates of return on WSE sub-indices in 2007 (%) Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11.1 -8.9 10.1 3.4 6.4 1.1 1.9 -6.6 0.8 5.5 -8.7 -2.0 WIG-CONSTRUCTION 22.8 -3.2 17.5 8.7 -0.7 0.5 -13.6 -0.4 0.2 -0.7 -9.1 -4.7 --- --- --- --- --- -1.2 -18.5 -0.9 5.6 6.1 -16.4 -2.1 16.2 -2.8 6.3 7.5 0.4 0.6 -2.2 -8.2 -4.2 0.3 -10.5 -0.4 WIG-MEDIA 7.7 0.9 8.5 -0.2 -1.6 -6.3 3.3 3.4 -3.5 11.7 -1.8 0.0 WIG-OIL&GAS -1.0 -5.5 8.6 -3.0 9.2 11.0 0.8 1.1 -2.5 4.9 -7.3 -2.3 WIG-FOOD 0.9 1.2 4.1 6.1 5.1 3.6 -8.2 -6.5 -6.1 -1.5 -13.3 2.4 WIG-TELECOM 3.5 -11.2 5.2 -5.3 0.9 13.5 -8.4 -3.3 -3.1 10.0 1.0 WIG-BANKING WIG-DEVELOPERS WIG-IT The WIG-PL Index -5.2 listed companies is compiled after the last session in February, May, August and No- The WIG-PL covers all listed Polish compa- vember. The inventory does not cover com- nies except those with a free float value un- panies which fail to meet essential partici- der 10% and EUR 1 million, which are in pation requirements. a special situation, as defined in the WSE Rules. This means that the calculation me- Company shares in this index are determi- thodology applied to the WIG-PL is in line ned on the basis of the number of shares in with that of the WIG. free float. Additionally, one company may The WIG-PL has been calculated since 22 De- have a maximum share of 10% in the index cember 2003 whereas since 16 April 1991 whereas one sector may not exceed a share (base date) the values of the WIG-PL have of 30%. been equal to those of the WIG. The new WIG-PL portfolio comes into force The WIG-PL values are published three ti- after the third Friday of March, June, Sep- mes during a trading session, i.e.: tember and December. after the first auction, after the second auction, after the close of session. The WIG-PL is a total return index, which means that income from dividends and preemptive rights is also taken into account for its calculation. Changes to the WIG-PL's composition are made four times a year. An inventory of all 95 Fact Book 2008 The TechWIG Index rights is not taken into account in its calculation. The TechWIG covers companies which have Changes to the composition of the TechWIG been classified to telecommunication and are made four times a year, after the third IT sectors in accordance with the WSE's sec- Friday of March, June, September and De- toral classification, as well as other listed cember. Based on the inventory of TechWIG companies which engage in manufacturing, companies, compiled after the last session and services based on high tech and bio- of February, May, August and November, the technology. list of TechWIG constituent companies is determined. The index has been published by the WSE This list may not include companies with since 31 December 1999, its base value be- free float under 10% and EUR 1 million, or ing 1,000 points. TechWIG values are calcu- those which are in a special situation, as de- lated on the basis of share prices of compa- fined in the WSE Rules. nies classified as its constituents. Company shares in indices are determined This index is published from the start to the each time a change is made, based on the close of session at 30-second intervals. The current free float. Additionally, one compa- TechWIG is a price index, which means that ny may have a maximum share of 10% in income from dividends and pre-emptive this index. The TechWIG index in 2007 1 400 1 350 1 300 1 250 1 200 1 150 1 100 1 050 1 000 950 Jan 96 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Main List The TechWIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in TechWIG (%) 1 TPSA 22.51 56 343 000 1 268 280 930 10.16 2 PROKOM 132.70 3 TVN 25.00 9 476 000 1 257 465 200 10.08 50 032 000 1 250 800 000 4 ASSECOPOL 73.50 10.02 16 458 000 1 209 663 000 9.69 5 BIOTON 6 NETIA 0.89 1 263 003 000 1 124 072 670 9.01 3.80 252 073 000 957 877 400 7 COMARCH 7.68 182.00 4 549 000 827 918 000 6.64 8 MMPPL 9 ATMGRUPA 10.40 69 533 000 723 143 200 5.80 250.00 2 115 000 528 750 000 4.24 10 ASSECOSLO 440.00 924 000 406 560 000 3.26 (PLN) 11 SYGNITY 35.11 9 813 000 344 534 430 2.76 12 ABG 6.90 37 752 000 260 488 800 2.09 13 MNI 4.19 59 510 000 249 346 900 2.00 14 TECHMEX 38.90 6 016 000 234 022 400 1.88 15 ATM 64.10 3 309 000 212 106 900 1.70 16 INTERIA.PL 65.95 2 537 000 167 315 150 1.34 17 TETA 19.90 8 170 000 162 583 000 1.30 18 GADUGADU 23.00 6 221 000 143 083 000 1.15 19 QUMAKSEK 14.03 9 875 000 138 546 250 1.11 20 IVMX 33.21 3 392 000 112 648 320 0.90 21 IGROUP 7.64 14 265 000 108 984 600 0.87 22 COMP 76.00 1 214 000 92 264 000 0.74 23 ASSECOBS 12.50 6 104 000 76 300 000 0.61 24 NOVITUS 22.80 3 051 000 69 562 800 0.56 25 BANKIER.PL 11.00 5 714 000 62 854 000 0.50 26 WASKO 4.73 11 923 000 56 395 790 0.45 27 SPRAY 35.90 1 321 000 47 423 900 0.38 28 HYPERION 6.00 7 397 000 44 382 000 0.36 29 IBSYSTEM 0.83 53 175 000 44 135 250 0.35 30 NTTSYSTEM 2.48 14 346 000 35 578 080 0.29 31 ELZAB 53.50 625 000 33 437 500 0.27 32 MCLOGIC 56.00 490 000 27 440 000 0.22 33 NETMEDIA 9.00 2 866 000 25 794 000 0.21 34 LSISOFT 11.27 1 980 000 22 314 600 0.18 35 BETACOM 16.60 1 334 000 22 144 400 0.18 36 ONE2ONE 5.25 3 195 000 16 773 750 0.13 37 HAWE 8.61 1 899 000 16 350 390 0.13 38 B3SYSTEM 3.67 4 204 000 15 428 680 0.12 39 SIMPLE 11.97 1 213 000 14 519 610 0.12 40 PROCAD 2.62 4 500 000 11 790 000 0.09 97 Fact Book 2008 The TechWIG index portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares (PLN) Market value (PLN) Share in TechWIG (%) 41 QUANTUM 20.40 572 000 11 668 800 0.09 42 PCGUARD 0.11 100 000 000 11 000 000 0.09 43 MEDIATEL 9.87 1 088 000 10 738 560 0.09 44 TALEX 14.42 733 000 10 569 860 0.08 45 UNIMA 7.35 1 400 000 10 290 000 0.08 98 Main List Index values in 2007 Session WIG20 mWIG40 sWIG80 WIG TechWIG 2.01 3 347.75 3 740.16 12 994.93 51 202.99 1 219.89 3.01 3 342.86 3 736.27 12 851.80 51 220.11 1 225.37 4.01 3 276.78 3 665.57 12 563.55 50 381.11 1 200.91 5.01 3 202.15 3 667.40 12 544.73 49 560.26 1 181.09 8.01 3 197.61 3 670.98 12 490.57 49 512.92 1 184.90 9.01 3 198.45 3 727.64 12 575.62 49 769.49 1 197.27 10.01 3 148.68 3 756.31 12 529.99 49 264.41 1 193.23 11.01 3 240.30 3 846.93 12 748.20 50 484.05 1 230.55 12.01 3 262.98 3 901.28 12 861.20 51 020.94 1 248.06 15.01 3 336.54 4 002.42 13 268.26 52 198.67 1 277.23 16.01 3 331.36 4 015.65 13 337.72 52 195.63 1 284.14 17.01 3 322.61 4 060.40 13 462.78 52 362.24 1 291.67 18.01 3 437.89 4 128.14 13 702.59 53 853.20 1 315.18 19.01 3 457.94 4 115.09 13 603.83 54 048.19 1 321.47 22.01 3 416.03 4 100.32 13 614.89 53 574.00 1 311.23 23.01 3 431.88 4 080.78 13 790.89 53 652.21 1 312.86 24.01 3 425.08 4 098.57 13 870.52 53 681.53 1 296.73 25.01 3 398.87 4 120.59 13 821.21 53 433.50 1 273.60 26.01 3 405.02 4 111.53 13 871.31 53 487.96 1 272.34 29.01 3 424.28 4 158.16 14 044.18 53 792.04 1 278.35 30.01 3 424.30 4 158.18 14 254.42 53 717.90 1 276.69 31.01 3 483.04 4 231.14 14 443.48 54 558.15 1 278.80 1.02 3 549.33 4 282.46 14 462.78 55 431.48 1 305.04 2.02 3 523.46 4 315.43 14 436.09 55 314.03 1 297.20 5.02 3 527.44 4 335.26 14 524.88 55 358.58 1 295.05 6.02 3 510.98 4 351.89 14 692.11 55 236.06 1 293.82 7.02 3 510.60 4 307.17 14 595.22 55 099.87 1 294.60 8.02 3 406.72 4 164.55 14 000.71 53 519.00 1 262.04 9.02 3 417.38 4 226.22 14 308.96 53 826.85 1 262.29 12.02 3 344.45 4 209.03 14 271.69 52 939.24 1 238.57 13.02 3 412.49 4 308.71 14 584.48 53 920.38 1 247.56 14.02 3 418.82 4 337.87 14 708.88 54 145.91 1 260.26 15.02 3 393.12 4 323.32 14 643.31 53 896.08 1 246.83 16.02 3 374.21 4 376.03 14 690.84 53 834.86 1 256.10 19.02 3 431.36 4 404.84 14 845.43 54 712.06 1 273.99 20.02 3 392.68 4 381.77 14 842.67 54 274.69 1 279.63 21.02 3 434.33 4 411.31 15 011.69 54 821.35 1 300.70 22.02 3 509.03 4 435.48 15 202.95 55 641.50 1 326.05 23.02 3 508.99 4 452.05 15 292.06 55 702.53 1 325.61 26.02 3 481.02 4 451.18 15 340.61 55 339.76 1 311.78 99 Fact Book 2008 Index values in 2007 Session WIG20 mWIG40 sWIG80 WIG TechWIG 27.02 3 325.47 4 242.10 14 385.18 52 906.36 1 242.53 28.02 3 241.99 4 204.36 14 339.11 51 900.39 1 237.17 1.03 3 213.71 4 155.91 14 150.98 51 503.02 1 217.53 2.03 3 242.12 4 189.86 14 419.63 51 917.31 1 233.35 5.03 3 179.47 4 051.38 13 945.61 50 746.74 1 206.88 6.03 3 203.36 4 154.69 14 249.84 51 482.87 1 207.77 7.03 3 173.93 4 194.44 14 346.50 51 415.62 1 203.06 8.03 3 288.98 4 295.50 14 664.49 53 059.95 1 227.55 9.03 3 269.84 4 292.57 14 674.12 52 910.76 1 230.46 12.03 3 274.16 4 330.43 14 791.83 53 053.52 1 242.70 13.03 3 249.64 4 330.05 14 918.26 52 739.95 1 240.17 14.03 3 277.56 4 277.21 15 059.11 52 873.49 1 247.14 15.03 3 288.16 4 350.49 15 354.31 53 206.81 1 249.14 16.03 3 314.67 4 390.59 15 546.64 53 676.93 1 262.27 19.03 3 376.78 4 455.24 15 735.97 54 591.45 1 285.80 20.03 3 361.83 4 474.70 15 848.41 54 537.92 1 279.69 21.03 3 402.15 4 529.90 16 168.34 55 234.92 1 290.19 22.03 3 470.55 4 631.47 16 410.89 56 315.40 1 304.83 23.03 3 511.82 4 673.04 16 559.11 56 936.49 1 313.64 26.03 3 464.33 4 658.17 16 608.02 56 464.39 1 292.08 27.03 3 479.90 4 648.05 16 626.28 56 643.45 1 290.01 28.03 3 441.93 4 650.69 16 652.70 56 288.81 1 282.84 29.03 3 511.06 4 701.85 17 002.90 57 283.19 1 299.28 30.03 3 520.24 4 728.59 17 048.31 57 524.57 1 304.28 2.04 3 466.04 4 671.01 17 026.36 56 816.19 1 294.67 3.04 3 521.29 4 712.03 17 241.74 57 604.37 1 301.79 4.04 3 531.50 4 782.14 17 377.86 57 981.75 1 312.65 100 5.04 3 545.53 4 781.39 17 433.09 58 183.82 1 314.32 10.04 3 585.63 4 843.42 17 770.13 58 928.03 1 324.59 11.04 3 606.90 4 859.09 17 791.36 59 206.43 1 325.66 12.04 3 570.08 4 751.00 17 394.57 58 298.23 1 300.29 13.04 3 589.64 4 803.66 17 652.36 58 822.47 1 323.51 16.04 3 638.47 4 798.72 17 900.04 59 424.56 1 336.41 17.04 3 619.88 4 827.23 17 929.22 59 353.79 1 332.66 18.04 3 624.63 4 909.62 18 054.16 59 682.03 1 337.96 19.04 3 586.65 4 897.47 18 048.49 59 268.34 1 330.31 20.04 3 649.33 4 989.91 18 418.77 60 316.69 1 340.11 23.04 3 638.64 5 015.95 18 550.85 60 311.28 1 325.92 24.04 3 594.36 4 963.77 18 525.36 59 722.61 1 321.64 25.04 3 576.69 4 946.09 18 685.38 59 535.37 1 321.47 Main List Index values in 2007 Session WIG20 mWIG40 sWIG80 WIG TechWIG 26.04 3 568.29 4 940.59 18 766.47 59 477.13 1 314.90 27.04 3 570.06 4 909.88 18 762.17 59 378.12 1 311.72 30.04 3 590.30 4 978.79 18 766.26 59 805.48 1 324.37 2.05 3 611.55 5 050.98 19 028.02 60 331.66 1 324.31 4.05 3 697.38 5 117.11 19 310.42 61 553.73 1 343.54 7.05 3 679.78 5 086.78 19 264.07 61 283.82 1 333.66 8.05 3 600.73 5 019.89 18 936.79 60 116.28 1 312.15 9.05 3 608.79 5 004.38 18 900.74 60 121.37 1 313.66 10.05 3 558.39 4 949.93 18 604.03 59 328.29 1 300.78 11.05 3 568.93 5 008.87 18 777.81 59 667.38 1 303.78 14.05 3 586.24 5 145.35 18 923.99 60 516.96 1 312.52 15.05 3 535.99 5 112.13 18 704.71 59 885.65 1 290.21 16.05 3 509.86 5 107.33 18 607.69 59 588.89 1 282.05 17.05 3 479.08 5 112.96 18 620.63 59 350.30 1 283.79 18.05 3 515.77 5 194.57 18 685.54 59 952.26 1 295.03 21.05 3 567.18 5 344.88 19 030.64 61 050.47 1 301.50 22.05 3 632.27 5 351.45 19 059.61 61 782.82 1 290.48 23.05 3 567.31 5 358.24 19 227.54 61 505.85 1 286.57 24.05 3 580.09 5 420.87 19 345.46 61 888.70 1 295.80 25.05 3 554.52 5 409.29 19 437.63 61 664.68 1 296.20 28.05 3 594.74 5 539.44 19 803.01 62 623.62 1 302.73 29.05 3 609.24 5 533.68 19 843.58 62 779.18 1 305.35 30.05 3 580.94 5 486.06 19 758.34 62 313.96 1 289.43 31.05 3 649.10 5 614.59 20 166.69 63 566.15 1 325.52 1.06 3 738.09 5 660.64 20 263.77 64 610.81 1 326.90 4.06 3 747.00 5 616.45 20 152.79 64 499.16 1 315.64 5.06 3 755.45 5 634.34 20 151.04 64 622.68 1 313.69 6.06 3 669.05 5 588.10 19 946.52 63 527.02 1 294.82 8.06 3 646.18 5 462.34 19 843.89 62 956.22 1 291.04 11.06 3 681.25 5 583.49 20 294.44 63 873.02 1 305.38 12.06 3 637.82 5 558.92 20 241.37 63 348.68 1 295.74 13.06 3 689.02 5 531.05 20 182.59 63 821.78 1 298.58 14.06 3 744.58 5 599.11 20 476.70 64 698.72 1 313.52 15.06 3 815.42 5 580.02 20 552.07 65 438.16 1 321.40 18.06 3 796.05 5 596.96 20 736.30 65 319.08 1 316.11 19.06 3 788.28 5 647.82 20 916.44 65 473.80 1 326.15 20.06 3 729.39 5 663.83 20 909.28 64 940.20 1 319.03 21.06 3 687.15 5 650.84 20 980.55 65 003.34 1 314.68 22.06 3 740.38 5 654.91 21 068.56 65 712.81 1 319.49 25.06 3 738.37 5 681.12 21 135.17 65 800.94 1 315.85 101 Fact Book 2008 Index values in 2007 Session WIG20 mWIG40 sWIG80 WIG TechWIG 26.06 3 795.99 5 730.10 21 373.90 66 578.68 1 326.80 27.06 3 720.34 5 693.92 21 204.00 65 609.18 1 313.26 28.06 3 789.25 5 688.06 21 463.72 66 425.27 1 336.43 29.06 3 759.28 5 684.46 21 381.65 66 077.69 1 320.71 2.07 3 750.42 5 619.77 21 100.85 65 637.39 1 309.11 3.07 3 821.94 5 644.34 21 403.79 66 608.21 1 323.06 4.07 3 844.32 5 674.04 21 549.81 66 951.73 1 340.01 5.07 3 833.87 5 649.35 21 689.99 66 850.08 1 350.80 6.07 3 899.59 5 640.30 21 696.76 67 568.51 1 363.65 102 9.07 3 880.98 5 622.83 21 555.81 67 288.84 1 358.02 10.07 3 812.17 5 528.88 21 220.53 66 219.44 1 341.75 11.07 3 824.23 5 384.70 20 822.11 65 815.13 1 320.77 12.07 3 829.70 5 400.90 20 766.37 65 895.90 1 317.69 13.07 3 846.05 5 368.75 20 663.82 65 989.73 1 329.14 16.07 3 827.73 5 227.91 20 038.10 65 079.43 1 301.84 17.07 3 811.03 5 223.98 20 184.26 65 056.70 1 312.27 18.07 3 793.68 5 244.30 20 124.93 64 971.55 1 304.71 19.07 3 861.02 5 304.22 20 371.15 65 915.43 1 323.62 20.07 3 825.11 5 249.61 20 190.47 65 257.29 1 318.71 23.07 3 890.49 5 306.75 20 231.12 66 045.60 1 320.39 24.07 3 845.10 5 253.99 19 883.73 65 252.94 1 303.93 25.07 3 832.95 5 175.75 19 563.37 64 842.32 1 301.28 26.07 3 725.21 5 088.50 18 979.89 63 188.16 1 269.30 27.07 3 697.31 5 023.40 18 943.83 62 609.47 1 247.89 30.07 3 685.10 4 988.51 19 376.90 62 547.98 1 255.90 31.07 3 735.25 5 065.77 19 765.15 63 670.52 1 270.77 1.08 3 670.79 4 928.74 19 234.41 62 297.26 1 238.11 2.08 3 676.18 4 973.63 19 336.42 62 426.43 1 251.11 3.08 3 624.31 4 933.46 18 980.39 61 684.42 1 244.17 6.08 3 585.97 4 841.97 18 480.45 60 750.10 1 221.15 7.08 3 627.49 4 894.83 18 510.25 61 343.31 1 238.98 8.08 3 625.70 4 868.58 18 602.00 61 302.40 1 236.39 9.08 3 564.98 4 761.62 18 350.13 60 310.62 1 218.65 10.08 3 460.86 4 549.89 17 723.36 58 395.54 1 174.44 13.08 3 557.95 4 662.25 18 034.56 59 707.66 1 200.53 14.08 3 518.36 4 622.44 17 768.48 59 123.73 1 171.45 16.08 3 329.88 4 285.85 16 474.28 55 510.57 1 082.46 17.08 3 383.11 4 363.32 16 870.84 56 506.52 1 111.10 20.08 3 392.20 4 375.77 17 013.34 56 759.16 1 114.68 21.08 3 362.35 4 303.84 16 622.91 56 034.83 1 109.41 Main List Index values in 2007 Session WIG20 mWIG40 sWIG80 WIG TechWIG 22.08 3 515.60 4 520.27 17 480.68 58 592.80 1 155.37 23.08 3 538.58 4 613.61 17 733.80 59 253.20 1 164.81 24.08 3 601.93 4 661.34 17 920.96 60 108.17 1 181.31 27.08 3 567.07 4 722.49 18 093.75 60 073.46 1 175.33 28.08 3 513.52 4 716.90 17 963.33 59 447.00 1 163.21 29.08 3 572.33 4 698.16 17 941.44 59 960.66 1 173.92 30.08 3 497.06 4 654.66 17 981.65 59 061.57 1 144.97 31.08 3 601.55 4 772.50 18 325.21 60 649.86 1 168.15 3.09 3 613.40 4 816.29 18 520.62 61 010.54 1 170.17 4.09 3 642.18 4 837.10 18 627.42 61 406.64 1 180.73 5.09 3 568.06 4 795.86 18 391.46 60 397.88 1 164.73 6.09 3 538.27 4 750.61 18 303.88 59 920.85 1 158.25 7.09 3 505.61 4 668.83 18 050.64 59 197.36 1 132.45 10.09 3 442.26 4 579.17 17 811.81 58 174.13 1 120.37 11.09 3 470.49 4 615.08 18 000.74 58 692.07 1 138.52 12.09 3 568.68 4 573.24 18 020.04 59 619.65 1 128.96 13.09 3 635.18 4 577.32 18 244.15 60 416.65 1 150.11 14.09 3 612.81 4 555.35 18 063.54 60 071.34 1 148.91 17.09 3 615.28 4 537.71 17 935.75 59 984.91 1 139.56 18.09 3 658.48 4 566.55 18 085.91 60 579.02 1 142.42 19.09 3 801.92 4 702.47 18 371.90 62 572.56 1 168.99 20.09 3 803.82 4 713.78 18 336.73 62 599.59 1 172.74 21.09 3 775.24 4 706.25 18 319.33 62 259.23 1 157.69 24.09 3 712.59 4 674.36 18 305.80 61 570.24 1 146.76 25.09 3 683.68 4 614.26 18 139.11 61 032.04 1 138.49 26.09 3 695.82 4 616.45 18 213.57 61 230.87 1 141.16 27.09 3 675.83 4 613.86 18 200.32 61 030.29 1 136.48 28.09 3 633.64 4 568.14 17 993.12 60 368.92 1 129.73 1.10 3 656.88 4 513.68 17 725.57 60 287.53 1 120.70 2.10 3 742.18 4 532.52 17 785.31 61 196.53 1 129.14 3.10 3 714.93 4 544.29 17 782.75 60 946.96 1 122.06 4.10 3 713.85 4 570.84 17 901.20 61 048.09 1 123.48 5.10 3 738.50 4 625.46 18 081.81 61 554.11 1 131.21 8.10 3 745.40 4 651.57 18 277.92 61 752.98 1 136.42 9.10 3 856.61 4 697.35 18 438.09 63 068.13 1 157.05 10.10 3 832.30 4 730.58 18 471.72 62 967.03 1 155.98 11.10 3 910.00 4 814.74 18 687.14 64 057.16 1 160.40 12.10 3 879.19 4 836.41 18 688.20 63 813.86 1 150.67 15.10 3 904.95 4 883.47 18 857.32 64 292.30 1 151.40 16.10 3 831.55 4 830.22 18 651.76 63 301.40 1 146.41 103 Fact Book 2008 Index values in 2007 Session WIG20 mWIG40 sWIG80 WIG TechWIG 17.10 3 852.24 4 838.17 18 771.70 63 618.68 1 157.11 18.10 3 777.59 4 759.84 18 603.30 62 552.95 1 152.92 19.10 3 813.76 4 806.99 18 702.64 63 132.68 1 159.35 22.10 3 798.43 4 717.69 18 515.80 62 626.86 1 145.46 23.10 3 897.75 4 759.07 18 653.60 63 836.90 1 162.73 24.10 3 869.20 4 738.42 18 618.20 63 436.77 1 155.63 25.10 3 891.31 4 731.33 18 565.82 63 604.32 1 149.89 26.10 3 885.61 4 686.85 18 541.16 63 366.34 1 154.23 29.10 3 917.87 4 713.51 18 540.47 63 759.55 1 152.30 30.10 3 890.88 4 694.57 18 417.77 63 363.58 1 149.56 31.10 3 877.62 4 659.10 18 412.85 63 126.46 1 150.19 2.11 3 812.55 4 597.72 18 126.24 62 154.65 1 142.86 5.11 3 796.19 4 567.57 17 949.09 61 759.14 1 139.85 6.11 3 796.64 4 527.15 17 682.40 61 527.41 1 132.76 7.11 3 727.59 4 381.46 16 914.77 59 953.16 1 099.45 8.11 3 677.39 4 347.04 16 791.18 59 276.14 1 089.40 104 9.11 3 606.62 4 257.47 16 590.53 58 222.82 1 077.64 12.11 3 543.76 4 176.65 16 408.79 57 244.48 1 069.77 13.11 3 616.05 4 170.28 16 377.56 57 978.35 1 071.59 14.11 3 558.57 4 163.50 16 412.85 57 383.98 1 072.53 15.11 3 496.34 3 926.36 15 629.61 55 600.24 1 037.89 16.11 3 494.30 3 967.31 15 232.53 55 517.65 1 036.15 19.11 3 513.65 3 930.45 15 205.53 55 558.00 1 034.48 20.11 3 556.89 3 871.94 15 049.67 55 668.29 1 024.35 21.11 3 525.75 3 745.47 14 573.14 54 670.59 997.01 22.11 3 553.76 3 885.10 15 080.74 55 613.80 1 022.85 23.11 3 562.22 3 961.85 15 414.86 56 094.38 1 038.26 26.11 3 505.48 3 929.27 15 293.74 55 385.73 1 020.48 27.11 3 448.47 3 886.47 15 070.63 54 575.42 1 017.60 28.11 3 529.26 3 957.45 15 419.84 55 778.34 1 037.58 29.11 3 536.75 3 997.54 15 608.02 56 105.33 1 040.56 30.11 3 545.73 4 094.34 16 047.03 56 680.28 1 053.75 3.12 3 516.03 4 104.09 15 997.24 56 412.82 1 061.73 4.12 3 530.44 4 100.49 15 888.29 56 514.37 1 075.38 5.12 3 663.65 4 140.52 16 246.94 58 142.96 1 097.84 6.12 3 661.71 4 150.53 16 208.57 58 126.18 1 099.51 7.12 3 688.52 4 192.25 16 397.58 58 635.79 1 117.05 10.12 3 708.58 4 183.29 16 381.49 58 795.04 1 117.91 11.12 3 686.01 4 130.96 16 296.14 58 396.83 1 114.25 12.12 3 715.91 4 104.56 16 356.86 58 629.86 1 112.47 Main List Index values in 2007 Session WIG20 mWIG40 sWIG80 WIG TechWIG 13.12 3 646.84 4 076.25 16 147.52 57 736.50 1 101.78 14.12 3 560.87 4 067.78 16 158.32 56 871.39 1 096.00 17.12 3 454.40 4 002.57 15 787.32 55 401.61 1 060.79 18.12 3 424.54 3 996.37 15 828.28 55 130.63 1 044.73 19.12 3 421.05 3 990.93 15 812.31 55 060.77 1 039.14 20.12 3 446.46 3 987.78 15 833.02 55 309.84 1 039.72 21.12 3 482.63 4 008.40 15 887.54 55 792.46 1 044.66 27.12 3 529.90 4 070.62 16 078.14 56 560.93 1 060.74 28.12 3 456.05 4 028.37 15 917.92 55 648.54 1 052.13 All-year high for 2007 All-year low for 2007 Licensing Index Committee In January 1997, the Warsaw Stock Exchan- Established by the WSE Management Board ge registered its indices as trademarks. From in October 1997, the Index Committee is that date those registered trademarks may a standing body with a reviewing and advi- only be used under a licence agreement si- sory function on index methodology and gned with the WSE. stock market statistics. The Committee meets before adjustments Benchmarks for financial institutions and revisions to the WIG20, the mWIG40 and the sWIG80 index portfolios are announced. The WSE creates and calculates benchmarks developed individually to meet specific needs of external institutions while maintaining clarity of design and calculation methodology. The Warsaw Stock Exchange guarantees reliability of index design and monitors the calculation of index values under existing contracts. The first service of this kind was provided to DWS Polska TFI SA, the investment fund company. 105 Fact Book 2008 Derivatives market 2007 was a record-breaking year for the de- At the end of 2007, the following types of rivatives market on the WSE. The trading derivative instruments were listed on the volume for all derivatives reached 9.9 mil- WSE: lion instruments, up 50% over 2006 when futures contracts, the volume was 6.7 million. The trading va- options, lue for all derivatives totalled PLN 703 bil- index participation units. lion, which represented an almost 80% increase over 2006. As the organiser of trading, the Warsaw Stock Exchange develops trading standards At the end of 2007 the number of registe- for each type of derivative instrument, i.e. red NIKs (individual investor numbers) to- a detailed specification which defines, for talled 46,259. instance, the calculation method used to establish the value of that instrument, the first All derivatives are traded in the continuous and the last day of trading etc. In its role as trading system. Trading opens at 9:00 a.m. a clearing house, the National Depository for and closes at 4:30 p.m. As for other securi- Securities determines procedures for clea- ties quoted in the continuous system, an ring and record-keeping as well as the re- auction is held at the opening and the close quired margin. Some WSE members act as of trading. Following the closing auction, market makers to ensure liquidity on the de- a ten-minute post-auction trading phase ta- rivatives market (financial institutions which kes place from 4:20 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. are non-members may also perform this function). This means that, under an agree- Treasury bond futures are traded according ment signed with the WSE, market makers to a separate schedule, without the post- are required to place their own buy/sell or- auction trading phase. Continuous trading ders in the order book. Dynamic and static goes on until 4:20 p.m. with a closing at 4:30 price limits, defined in relation to the refe- p.m.). rence price, apply in derivatives trading. The Warsaw Stock Exchange also enables block trades in derivatives (futures and options). A block trade may be executed at the price which falls within the price limits applicable on the central market. The Warsaw Stock Exchange specifies the minimum and maximum permitted volume for block trades. 106 Main List Futures volume ever traded. The average monthly At the end of 2007, index futures based on volume fluctuated around 0.8 million con- the WIG20, the mWIG40 and the TechWIG, tracts and the highest volume in 2007 was foreign exchange rates (USD/PLN and EUR/ recorded in August: 1,061,809 contracts. PLN) and shares in seven companies were This was the first time ever when the mon- available for trading on the WSE. Since the thly volume climbed above the 1 million launch of the WSE's derivatives market, the mark. most dynamic growth has been observed on As in previous years, WIG20 futures attrac- the WIG20 futures market. ted most attention in 2007, generating a vo- The high turnover on futures contracts is lume of over 9.3 million contracts througho- generated mostly by domestic individual in- ut the year. This figure represented 94% of vestors: they accounted for nearly 56% of the total trading volume in all derivatives. trading in those instruments in 2007. Interest in mWIG40 futures (the index of medium size companies) rose considerably In 2007, the volume of trading in futures on and the total volume for the year reached the Warsaw Stock Exchange reached 9.5 16,600 contracts (when compared with 1,700 million contracts, which was the highest contracts in 2006). Index futures contracts – basic characteristics Contract symbol FXYZkr, where: F – type of instrument XYZ – abbreviated name of underlying instrument (W20, W40, TEC) k – delivery month code (specified by the WSE) r – last digit of delivery year Multiplier PLN 10 Contract value Product of multiplier and contract price Quotation unit Index points Contract delivery months For WIG20 futures: the nearest four months from among March, June, September, December. For other index futures: the nearest three months from among March, June, September, December. Last trading day The trading day on the third Friday of the delivery month If there is no trading session on that date, the last trading session day preceding the third Friday of the delivery month is taken Expiry date The same as the last trading day First trading day for a new series The first trading day following the previous contract expiry Final settlement price Final settlement price is determined on the contract expiry date as the arithmetic mean of all values of an index (WIG20, mWIG40, TechWIG) during the last hour of continuous trading and the value of that index as determined at the close of trading Settlement date The next business day following the contract expiry date (day after the last trading day) Settlement method Cash settlement in PLN 107 Fact Book 2008 Currency futures contracts – basic characteristics Contract symbol FXYZkr, where: F – type of instrument XYZ – abbreviated name of underlying instrument (EUR, USD) k – delivery month code (specified by the WSE) r – last digit of delivery year Contract size EUR 10,000 or USD 10,000 Contract delivery months Four subsequent months from the quarterly cycle (March, June, September, December) Last trading day The trading day on the third Friday of the delivery month If there is no trading session on that date, the last trading session day preceding the third Friday of the delivery month is taken Expiry date The same as the last trading day First trading day for a new series The first trading day following the previous contract expiry Final settlement price The average EUR or USD exchange rate determined by the National Bank of Poland at the fixing on the contract expiry date multiplied by 100. It is expressed to the nearest PLN 0.01 (per EUR 100 or USD 100) Final settlement value Final settlement price (per EUR 1 or USD 1) multiplied by contract size Settlement date The next business day following the contract expiry date Settlement method Cash settlement in PLN Trading calendar for WIG20 futures and currency futures Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec March June September December March June September December 108 Main List Stock futures contracts – basic characteristics Contract symbol FXYZkr, where: F – type of instrument XYZ – abbreviated name of underlying instrument k – delivery month code (specified by the WSE) r – last digit of delivery year Number of shares per contract 100 Quotation unit PLN (per share) Contract value Product of contract price and number of shares per contract Contract delivery months Three nearest months of the following cycle: March, June, September, December Last trading day The trading day on the third Friday of the delivery month If there is no trading session on that date, the last trading session day preceding the third Friday of the delivery month is taken Expiry date The same as the last trading day First trading day for a new series The first trading day following the previous contract expiry date Final settlement price Final settlement price is determined on the contract expiry date as the volume-weighted arithmetic average of all transactions in the underlying shares at a session concluded within existing quotation t The next business day following the contract expiry date (day after the last trading day) Settlement date Settlement method Cash settlement in PLN Trading calendar for mWIG40 futures, TechWIG futures and stock futures Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec March June September December March June September 109 Fact Book 2008 Futures contracts – key figures Futures contracts (total) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 662 876 377 407 238 025 125 494 116 201 Average turnover value per session (PLN thous.) 2 662 151 1 503 613 948 305 492 134 462 951 Continuous trading Total turnover value (PLN million) Average volume per session 37 418 25 236 21 428 14 153 16 860 Number of transactions per session 11 870 8 812 6 271 4 529 5 049 Open interest (at year-end) 53 430 73 946 33 418 30 270 22 535 41 48 54 49 51 11 256 3 532 --- --- --- 160 857 51 757 --- --- --- 321 81 --- --- --- Number of series (at year-end) Block trades Total turnover value (PLN million) Volume Number of transactions WIG20 futures 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 657 677 369 347 225 296 122 192 113 662 Average turnover value per session (PLN thous.) 2 641 272 1 471 503 897 592 479 186 452 836 20 546 13 664 16 410 Continuous trading Total turnover value (PLN million) Average volume per session 36 826 24 663 Number of transactions per session 11 449 8 394 5 691 4 159 4 722 Open interest (at year-end) 50 159 72 600 30 099 27 460 20 163 256.6 174.1 170.4 164.7 207.0 4 3 3 3 3 Liquidity ratio (%) Number of series (at year-end) Block trades Total turnover value (million PLN) Volume Number of transactions 11 256 3 532 --- --- --- 160 857 51 757 --- --- --- 321 81 --- --- --- 2004 2003 TechWIG futures 2007 2006 2005 Total turnover value (PLN million) 213 279 105 102 43 Average turnover value per session (PLN thous.) 854 1 111 418 398 172 Average volume per session 35 53 30 31 17 Number of transactions per session 34 51 28 28 12 Open interest (at year-end) 31 89 209 181 39 Liquidity ratio (%) 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.2 3 3 3 3 3 Number of series (at year-end) 110 Main List Futures contracts – key figures mWIG40 futures 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Total turnover value (PLN million) 1 514 92 89 842 215 Average turnover value per session (PLN thous.) 6 080 367 355 3 302 857 Average volume per session 67 7 10 100 38 Number of transactions per session 59 6 9 83 33 Open interest (at year-end) 343 17 40 146 111 Liquidity ratio (%) 1.9 0.2 0.2 5.8 4.1 3 3 3 3 3 Number of series (at year-end) Stock futures Total turnover value (PLN million) Average turnover value per session (PLN thous.) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2 740 4 824 5 468 2 085 1 758 11 005 19 218 21 784 8 177 7 003 Average volume per session 458 449 689 345 371 Number of transactions per session 310 351 521 248 267 2 403 1 122 2 928 2 268 1 972 Liquidity ratio (%) Open interest (at year-end) 1.3 2.9 4.6 3.1 3.7 Number of series (at year-end) 23 27 33 30 32 Bond futures Total turnover value (PLN million) Average turnover value per session (PLN thous.) 2007** 2006 2005* 2004 2003 400 2 657 6 646 --- --- 1 606 10 585 30 074 --- --- Average volume per session 8 51 146 --- --- Number of transactions per session 0 1 2 --- --- Open interest (at year-end) 0 50 58 --- --- Number of series (at year-end) 0 2 2 --- --- EUR futures Total turnover value (PLN million) Average turnover value per session (PLN thous.) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 38 51 92 113 357 155 203 368 444 1 422 Average volume per session 2 3 5 5 16 Number of transactions per session 1 2 4 3 10 27 3 25 50 165 4 5 5 5 5 Open interest (at year-end) Number of series (at year-end) * Trading in bond futures began on 14 February 2005 ** Trading in bond futures was suspended from 27 December 2007 111 Fact Book 2008 Futures contracts – key figures USD futures Total turnover value (PLN million) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 294 157 328 159 166 1 180 625 1 308 625 661 Average volume per session 22 10 20 9 8 Number of transactions per session 18 8 17 8 6 467 65 59 165 85 4 5 5 5 5 Average turnover value per session (PLN thous.) Open interest (at year-end) Number of series (at year-end) 112 Main List Options writers (those opening short positions). The WSE offers European style options Option buyers do not pay margins. which means that they can be exercised only on the expiry date. As is the case with futu- At the end of 2007 a total of 98 series of op- res, trading in options is supported by mar- tions were traded (all of them were WIG20 ket makers: under a contract signed with the options). WSE they are obliged to place their own sell/buy orders in the order book. The refe- WIG20 options continued to attract high in- rence price for options is the theoretical pri- terest among investors throughout 2007. ce calculated according to the Black-Scho- The trading volume for this instrument les model. Given the nature of the instru- reached 399,113 options, a 26% increase ment, margins are required only from option when compared with 2006. Index options – basic characteristics Abbreviated name of option OW20krccc, where: O – type of instrument k – exercise month code (specified by the WSE) r – last digit of expiry year ccc – exercise price Multiplier PLN 10 per index point Option value Product of option price and multiplier Quotation unit Index points Expiry months Four nearest months of the following cycle: March, June, September, December Expiry date The third Friday of the expiry month for the series. If there is no trading session on that date, the last trading session day preceding the third Friday of the expiry month is taken Last trading day The same as expiry date Exercise price Equal to the value of the underlying instrument, with respect to which the settlement balance will be determined taking the multiplier into account Exercise value Product of exercise price and multiplier Settlement price Settlement price is determined on the expiry date as the arithmetic mean of all WIG20 values during the last hour of continuous trading and the WIG20 value as determined at the close of trading Settlement value Product of settlement price and multiplier Settlement date First business day following the date on which settlement price is determined Settlement method Cash settlement in PLN 113 Fact Book 2008 Share options – basic characteristics Abbreviated name of option OXYZkrcccp, where: O – type of instrument, XYZ – code standing for the name of underlying instrument, k – exercise month code (specified by the WSE), r – last digit of expiry year, ccc – exercise price, p – code designating option operations in connection with operations on underlying instruments or with exercise of rights arising from underlying instruments. Number of stocks per option 100 Option price Option value per underlying share, expressed in quotation units Option value Product of option price and number of shares per option Quotation unit PLN (per share) Expiry months Two nearest months of the following cycle: March, June, September, December Expiry date Third Friday of the expiry month for the series. If there is no trading session on that day, the last trading day before the third Friday of the expiry month is taken. Last trading day The same as the expiry date Exercise price A value equal to the price of the underlying instrument, with respect to which the settlement balance will be determined taking the number of shares per option into account. Exercise value Product of exercise price and number of shares per option Settlement price Settlement price is determined on the expiry date as the turnover-weighted arithmetic mean of prices of all transactions in underlying shares made within existing trading systems at a trading session Settlement value Product of settlement price and number of shares per option Settlement date First business day following the date on which settlement price is determined. Settlement method Cash settlement in PLN 114 Main List Options – key figures Options (total) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Continuous trading Total turnover value (PLN million)* 28 206 19 453 11 556 2 786 636 Average turnover value per session (PLN million) 113.28 77.50 45.32 10.93 9.21 Turnover value by premium (PLN million) 463.13 306.97 145.97 49.67 19.25 Average volume per session Number of transactions per session Open interest (at year-end) Number of series (at year-end) 471 489 1 014 309 299 1 586 1 306 345 134 117 11 181 4 509 6 845 4 775 847 98 154 122 18 16 304.8 --- --- --- --- 5.3 --- --- --- --- 4 200 --- --- --- --- 13 --- --- --- --- Block trades Total turnover value (PLN million)* Turnover value by premium (PLN million) Volume Number of transactions WIG20 options 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003** Total turnover value (PLN million)* 28 202 18 849 11 370 2 786 636 Average turnover value per session (PLN million) 113.26 75.10 44.59 10.93 9.21 Turnover value by premium (PLN million) 463.05 282.71 139.34 49.67 19.25 Continuous trading Average volume per session Number of transactions per session Open interest (at year-end) Liquidity ratio (%) Number of series (at year-end) 471 467 996 309 299 1 586 1 262 334 134 117 11 181 4 347 6 432 4 775 847 10.50 8.89 8.60 3.75 3.74 98 44 22 18 16 304.8 --- --- --- --- Block trades Total turnover value (PLN million)* Turnover value by premium (PLN million) Volume Number of transactions 5.3 --- --- --- --- 4 200 --- --- --- --- 13 --- --- --- --- * Value of trading at the underlying instrument closing price ** WIG20 options have been listed since 22 September 2003 115 Fact Book 2008 Options – key figures Stock options 2007*** 2006 2005** 2004 2003 4 604 186 --- --- Total turnover value (PLN million)* Average turnover value per session (PLN million) 0.03 2.41 3.57 --- --- Turnover value by premium (PLN million) 0.08 24.26 6.63 --- --- Average volume per session 0 22 84 --- --- Number of transactions per session 1 44 51 --- --- Open interest (at year-end) 0 162 413 --- --- 0.00 0.49 0.98 --- --- 0 110 100 --- --- Liquidity ratio (%) Number of series (at year-end) * Value of trading at the underlying instrument closing price ** Equity options have been listed since 17 October 2005 *** Trading in stock options was suspended from 4 July 2007 MiniWIG20 - index participation units Index participation units (IPUs) have been Acquisition of an IPU is equivalent to invest- quoted on the WSE since 26 November ment in a portfolio of shares issued by twen- 2001. An index participation unit is a finan- ty constituent companies of the index con- cial instrument representing all constituent cerned. IPUs are priced in PLN, with the pri- shares of an index. In terms of the expected ce of one unit being equal to 1/10 of the rate of return, the purchase of this instru- WIG20 value. IPUs offer potential earnings ment is equivalent to a purchase of the in- to those who expect the value of the index dex constituent shares without the need to to rise (long position, i.e. purchase of IPUs) actually buy the specific constituent shares. as well as those who anticipate a decline IPUs traded on the WSE are based on the (short position, i.e. selling of IPUs). WIG20 which reflects the performance of twenty of the largest listed companies. MiniWIG20 – key figures 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 15 844 10 818 7 977 15 628 33 948 Average turnover value per session (PLN thousand) 64 43 32 61 135 Average volume per session 89 73 74 179 528 Total turnover value (PLN thousand) Number of transactions per session Open interest (at year-end) Number of series (at year-end) 116 7 7 5 7 10 6 099 6 531 6 692 10 981 20 336 1 1 1 1 1 Main List MiniWIG20 – WIG20 index participation units – basic characteristics Abbreviated IPU name MW20 Underlying instrument WIG20 index Multiplier PLN 0.1 Value of an IPU Multiplier * value of underlying instrument Quotation unit PLN per IPU Last trading day Penultimate trading day in December 2025. In exceptional cases, the WSE Management Board may set the last trading day to fall on a different date but must publish such information at least 4 weeks in advance. Expiry date The date on which the settlement price is determined for the last time. The first day of trading after the last trading day Settlement price The product of the opening value of underlying instrument and the multiplier Settlement value Equal to the settlement price Rights of IPU holders The holder may exercise IPU and receive a payment from the IPU writer equal to the settlement balance as at the first trading day following the exercise of the IPU Settlement balance The same as IPU settlement value Exercise date The date on which the IPU holder exercises his right or, if there is no early exercise, the trading day preceding the expiry date. The exercise is allowed on any trading day until and including the day preceding the expiry date Settlement date The next business day following the date on which the settlement price is determined Settlement method Cash settlement in PLN Major events on the derivatives market 1 October 19 March changed. At present, futures expire in the There was an increase in the number of se- nearest 4 months of the quarterly cycle be- ries of WIG20 options brought into trading ginning in March (series remain in trading with a new expiry date. According to the new for 12 months). Also, the last trading day was trading rules, 9 series (previously 4 series) modified: now it falls on the 3rd Friday of are introduced for each option type (buy the expiry month (previously trading ended options and sell options). on the eve of the 4th Friday of the expiry The expiry cycle for currency futures was month). 24 September The number of shares for each stock futu- 15 October res contract (known as 'the multiplier') was The number of expiry dates for WIG20 futures unified. At present, all classes of futures con- and options was increased. At present these tracts have a multiplier of 100. As a result of instruments expire in the nearest 4 months this change, a nearly fourfold growth in tra- of the quarterly cycle beginning in March ding was recorded. (series remain in trading for 12 months). 117 Fact Book 2008 Investors The number of investment accounts at the The use of the internet for placing orders has end of 2007 reached 996,565, an increase been rising steadily. At the end of 2007 or- of over 80,000 since the end of 2006. Out of ders placed online represented nearly 60% this number 267,000 were online accounts. of orders concerning equities, over 60% of 12.7 million adult Poles indirectly participa- those for futures contracts and nearly 70% te in stock exchange investments, through for options. open-end pension funds and investment through fund companies. Investor structure Security Security of funds accumulated on investment accounts is guaranteed under the in- The Warsaw Stock Exchange conducts an- vestor compensation scheme, managed by nual surveys to identify the shares of vario- the National Depository for Securities (NDS) us investor groups in its trading volume. and supervised by the Polish Financial Su- 2007 did not see any significant changes in pervision Authority (PFSA). the structure of investors. The summary survey of investor groups in 2007 indicates that The scheme aims to provide additional pro- the structure of investors on the cash mar- tection for investors' assets registered on ac- ket was balanced while an increase was ob- counts and to compensate for the value of served in the number of institutional inve- lost securities and proprietary rights to which stors and foreign investors on the futures investors are entitled as part of compensa- and options market. tion for assets. Investor structure (% share in trading) Investors Foreign investors Domestic individual investors Domestic institutional investors 118 Instruments 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 shares 33 31 41 33 32 futures contracts 10 9 5 4 2 options 12 3 1 6 --- shares 30 35 26 35 29 futures contracts 56 66 75 74 74 options 53 71 75 74 --- shares 37 34 33 32 39 futures contracts 34 25 20 22 24 options 35 26 24 20 --- Main List Under the scheme, investors receive com- income realised by foreign investors on the pensation for assets accumulated on their WSE is taxed according to their country of accounts up to a limit set by law in case the residence (domicile). However, in order to entity which maintained their account goes take advantage of those provisions, foreign bankrupt. This solution is in line with EU le- investors must produce a certificate of resi- gislation. The scheme is funded from the dence, otherwise their income will be taxed annual fees paid by brokerage houses and in Poland (at 19%). banks which manage securities accounts. No limitations on capital gains transfer ap- Participation in the scheme is obligatory for ply to foreign investors. those entities. Taxation Capital gains earned by Polish individuals are taxed at a flat rate of 19%. The same rate applies to capital gains earned by legal persons. Foreign investors are generally subject to the same regulations as domestic ones, with their tax obligations being additionally regulated by the respective double taxation avoidance treaties. Pursuant to such treaties, Investor structure in 2007 – equities Domestic institutional investors 37% Foreign investors 33% Domestic individual investors 30% 119 Fact Book 2008 Investor structure in 2007 – futures contracts Foreign investors 10% Domestic institutional investors 34% Domestic individual investors 56% Investor structure in 2007 – options Foreign investors 12% Domestic institutional investors 35% Domestic individual investors 53% 120 Main List WSE Listing Process The essential legal act which regulates the (prospectus or offering memorandum) offering and introduction of shares to trading and work with the following entities du- on a regulated market is the Act on Public ring the process: Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and on Public Companies, of 29 July 2005. Another important document is the Commis- an auditor, who will audit the company's financial statements and convert them into a format that allows year-toyear comparability; sion Regulation (EC) No. 809/2004 of 29 April a brokerage house, which will offer 2004. Attention must also be drawn to the the company's shares for sale in a public WSE internal regulations, including the WSE offering. Rules which define, inter alia, terms and con- Depending on the issuer's specific needs, ditions under which financial instruments are legal and financial advisors may be hired, admitted and introduced to trading, as well which is a common practice. as fees payable by issuers in connection with their WSE-quoted instruments. The detailed contents of the prospectus are specified in Commission Regulation (EC) The following section outlines the steps to No. 809/2004 of 29 April 2004 as regards in- be taken by a company which plans a listing formation contained in prospectuses. Prior on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. to an IPO, a company may also sign an agre- Only a joint stock company may be an issuer of shares listed on the WSE. This ement with an underwriter to secure the issue against a potential failure. does not exclude entities with any other Next, the company will need to submit legal status, however their owners need a working draft of its prospectus to the to either transform the prospective issu- Polish Financial Supervision Authority er into a joint stock company or establish (PFSA). The PFSA may communicate its a joint stock company and contribute the comments on the prospectus and once necessary assets. they have been incorporated in the final As a next step, the General Shareholders Meeting should adopt a resolution appro- draft, the PFSA will decide whether to approve the prospectus. ving a public offering of shares, demate- Before initiating a public offering the is- rialisation of the shares, and an applica- suer is required to execute an agreement tion for admission of the shares to trading with the National Depository for Securi- on the regulated market. ties whereby the securities to be offered Once the decision to apply for admission will be registered by the Depository. to trading on the regulated market has At this stage, the public offering may pro- been adopted, the company may need to ceed. Rights to shares may be traded on prepare a relevant information document the WSE after the shares of a new issue 121 Fact Book 2008 have been allocated but not yet registered. Once all shares which have been introduced to trading are deposited with the Once the offering has been closed, the National Depository for Securities, the company will submit an application for public offering is closed, and the shares the admission of shares (or, possibly, also of the new issue have been registered by rights to shares) to trading on the main court, the company will apply to the WSE or the parallel market. The WSE Manage- Management Board for the shares to be ment Board will review the application at introduced to trading on the main or the one of its meetings. The application must parallel market. The WSE Management include, inter alia, the final draft of the Board will then specify the trading sys- prospectus, incorporating all recommen- tem and the date of the first trading ses- dations made by the Polish Financial Su- sion. pervision Authority. Selected terms of admission for shares The required information document has been prepared and approved by the competent regulator unless such preparation or approval is not required. No insolvency or liquidation proceedings are in progress against the issuer's enterprise. Shares to be admitted should meet the following criteria: a) the number of all the issuer's shares multiplied by the projected market price of those shares is the PLN equivalent of min. EUR 5,000,000; if such a market price cannot be determined, the issuer's own equity is taken as a multiplier instead, b) shareholders, each of whom holds less than 5% votes at the issuer's General Meeting, hold at least 15% of shares covered by the application or 100,000 shares worth min. EUR 1,000,000. Once an application is filed, the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange is obligated to adopt a resolution regarding admission or non-admission of the financial instruments concerned within 14 days. When reviewing an application for admission of financial instruments to trading, the Management Board considers the following: issuer's financial standing, current and projected, in particular the issuer's profitability, liquidity and debt-servicing ability, as well as other factors which influence issuer's financial performance, issuer's growth prospects, especially the capacity to carry out investment plans, and available sources of funding, 122 experience and qualifications of members of the issuer's governing bodies. Main List Listed companies by origin* Public offering Oferty Wchodzące Held by by State Treasury w holdings Skarbu skład grup Państwa kapitałowych 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Mieszana Mixed forma ownership własności Prywatne Private buto formerly państwowym state-held rodowodzie Private Prywatne become public od początku NIF Spółki underlying companies parterowe programu NFI Exbud Kable Krosno Próchnik Swarzędz Tonsil Wedel Wólczanka Żywiec BRE Elektrim Irena Mostostal-Export Okocim BIG (Millenium) Universal Polifarb-Cieszyn Sokołów WBK (BZWBK) Vistula Mostostal-Warszawa Efekt Agros Holding BSK Dębica Jelfa Polifarb-Wrocław Rafako Rolimpex (Provimi-Rolimpex) Stalexport AmerBank (DZPOLSKA) Kable BFK (Elektrim Kable) Remak Kredyt Bank ESPEBEPE Drosed Indykpol KrakChemia (Alma) Mostostal-Zabrze Novita Prochem Dom-Plast Optimus (GrupaOnet) PPABank (Fortis Bank) Bank Gdański BPH (BANKBPH) Bytom Górażdże Polfa Kutno Stomil Olsztyn KPBP-BICK Mostostal-Gdańsk Animex BWR (DBPBC) PBR Pekpol Beton Stal Budimex Elektromontaż-Export Jutrzenka ComputerLand (Sygnity) Farm Food Zasada Centrum Boryszew Chemiskór (4Media) Lubawa ŁDA PPWK Relpol IGROUP Echo Forte Kompap Ocean PLI (Nomi) Amica Wronki Apator Biurosystem (I&Bsystem) Ampli Atlantis Bauma (ULMA) Best Petrobank (LG Petro Bank) Warta Elektrobudowa Kęty Oława 1996 1997 Bank Handlowy Świecie (Mondi) Hutmen Impexmetal Bank Komunalny (Nordea Bank) Paged Polisa Budimex Poznań BOŚ Centrostal Gdańsk Elektromontaż -Warszawa (Stormm) Bielbaw Ferrum Grajewo Izolacja (Icopal) * Names under which companies were last quoted or are currently quoted – in brackets 123 Fact Book 2008 Listed companies by origin* Public offering Oferty Wchodzące Held by by State Treasury w holdings Skarbu skład grup Państwa kapitałowych 1997 c.d. Mieszana Mixed forma ownership własności Prywatne Private buto formerly państwowym rodowodzie state-held Private Prywatne become public od początku NIF Spółki underlying companies parterowe programu NFI KGHM Kruszwica Orbis PBK Polar Wrocław WKSM Energoaparatura Energomontaż-Płd. Poligrafia Stomil Sanok Unibud Unimil ZREW Brok Elpo (Masters) GPRD Mostostal-Kr. Mostostal-Sdl. (POLIMEXMS) Pozmeat Mieszko Strzelec (Advanced Distribution Solutions) Lentex PEPEES Polifarb Dębica Ropczyce Viscoplast ZEW Elektrociepłownia-Będzin Kopex Mennica Państwowa Bank Pekao Telekomunikacja Polska Budopol Wrocław Bank Delia Częstochowa Ekodrob Energomontaż-Płn. Instal Lublin Manometry Odlewnie Polskie ZEG Cersanit Elzab Energopol Famot Pleszew Hydrobudowa-Gdańsk Hydrobudowa-Śląsk Hydrotor Jarosław Koło Mostostal-Płock Permedia Wawel WFM Oborniki AMS AS Motors (Triton Development) Apexim Bakoma Compensa Euro Bud Inwest Gant Howell Groclin Medicinies (PGF) Murawski Holding Muza Pia Piasecki Prokom Softbank (Asseco Poland) Suwary TIM Wilbo Seafood Garbarnia Brzeg (Alchemia) Łukbut LZPS Protektor Milmet Morliny Polna Ponar-Wadowice Sanwil Stomil Bełchatów Wafapomp Wistil PKN TUP Centrozap Pemug Polnord Naftobudowa Instal Kraków Projprzem Pollena Ewa KZWM Agora Caspol (Fon) Clif Comarch CSS Farmacol Leta LTL Mitex Orfe Pażur Prosper StGroup TU Europa Ster-Projekt (ABG Ster-Projekt) Szeptel (MNI ) Pekabex Skotan EFL Krakbrokers Macrosoft (Macrologic) Fasing 1998 Yawal System (Yawal) 1999 Kogeneracja 2000 Stalprofil Beef-San MPEC Wrocław (Fortum Wrocław) * Names under which companies were last quoted or are currently quoted – in brackets 124 Main List Listed companies by origin* Public offering Oferty Wchodzące Held by by State Treasury w holdings Skarbu skład grup Państwa kapitałowych Mieszana Mixed forma ownership własności Prywatne Private buto formerly państwowym rodowodzie state-held NIF Spółki underlying companies parterowe programu NFI Netia Simple Talex Wandalex PUE (ZPUE) 2000 c.d. Getin.pl (Getin) Elkop Hoga.pl (Wasko) LPP MCI Managment Tras Tychy (Tras-Intur) Interia.pl Gki 2001 Optimus Eldorado (Emperia) Telmax (Spin) Kruk Emax BACA Duda Hoop Impel Redan Śnieżka 2002 2003 WSiP PKOBP 2004 Private Prywatne become public od początku Globe Trade Centre TVN Borsodchem RT. FAM - Technika Odlewnicza Pekaes MOL ATM Grupa Dwory (Synthos) Plastbox Betacom DGA Techmex Inter Cars JC Auto Artman Hygienika SM Media (Mediatel) Broker FM Ceramika Nowa Gala Elstar Oils PBG Capital Partners Comp Rzeszów (Assecopol) ATM Swissmed Torfarm Koelner CCC Praterm Polcolorit Ivax Corporation BMP Aktiengesellschaft Drozapol-Profil Eurofaktor * Names under which companies were last quoted or are currently quoted – in brackets 125 Fact Book 2008 Listed companies by origin* Public offering Oferty Wchodzące Held by by State Treasury w holdings Skarbu skład grup Państwa kapitałowych Mieszana Mixed forma ownership własności Prywatne Private buto formerly państwowym state-held rodowodzie Private Prywatne become public od początku Ciech Lotos PGNiG Police Polmos Białystok Puławy Zelmer Bioton Novitus Barlinek Opoczno Polmos Lublin Zetkama ZTS Ząbkowice-Erg Ambra Śrubex AmRest Holdings Atlanta Poland Comp Decora EMC Instytut Medyczny Eurocash Graal IDM (DM IDM) Jago Lena Lighting PC Guard PEP SkyEurope Spray Tell Teta Toora Poland Travelplanet.pl Variant Ruch Interferie CEZ North Coast Cash Flow Sfinks Eurofilms (Ergis) Bankier.pl Pamapol Mispol Gino Rossi Intersport Polska eCard Inwest Consulting Action Qumak-Sekom Astarta Holding Hyperion One-2-One Unima 2000 AB Euromark Polska Asseco Slovakia Dom Development Netmedia Multimedia Polska HTL Strefa Fota Żurawie Wieżowe Cinema City Bakalland Arteria Monnari Trade CEDC LSI Software Pegas Nonwovens Eurotel 2005 2006 * Names under which companies were last quoted or are currently quoted – in brackets 126 NIF Spółki underlying companies parterowe programu NFI Famur Main List Listed companies by origin* Public offering Oferty Wchodzące Held by by State Treasury w holdings Skarbu skład grup Państwa kapitałowych Asseco Business Solutions Elektrotim Hydrobudowa Włocławek Krakchemia LC Corp MOJ Noble Bank Petrolinvest Pol-Aqua 2007 Mieszana Mixed forma ownership własności Prywatne Private buto formerly państwowym rodowodzie state-held Private Prywatne become public od początku NIF Spółki underlying companies parterowe programu NFI Krakowska Fabryka Armatur Bipromet Rafamet Resbud POL-MOT Warfama Zastal ABM Solid Izolacja-Jarocin KPPD Mewa Orzeł Biały Orzeł Radpol ZUK Stąporków ZNTK w Łapach Automotive Components Europe Arcus ASBISc Enterprises B3System Bomi Budvar Centrum City Interactive Complex CP Energia DROP Europejski Fundusz Hipoteczny Energoinstal Erbud ES-SYSTEM Gadu-Gadu Grupa Finansowa Premium Ventus (Hawe) Helio Immoeast Integer.pl INTROL Infovide-Matrix J.W.Construction KAREN NOTEBOOK Kernel Holding Grupa Kolastyna Komputrronik Konsorcjum Stali KREDYT INKASO Magellan Makarony Polskie Makrum Mercor Nepentes NTT System Olympic Entertainment Group Oponeo.pl Orco Property Group P.A. Nova Plaza Centers PolRest Prima Moda Procad Pronox Technology Quantum Software Rainbow Tours Reinhold Polska Ronson Europe * Names under which companies were last quoted or are currently quoted – in brackets 127 Fact Book 2008 Listed companies by origin* Public offering Oferty Wchodzące Held by by State Treasury w holdings Skarbu skład grup Państwa kapitałowych 2007 Mieszana Mixed forma ownership własności Prywatne Private buto formerly państwowym rodowodzie state-held Private Prywatne become public od początku Seco/Warwick Seko PTA Group (Silvano) Pani Teresa Medica TelForceOne UniCredit Italiano Warimpex Wielton Wola Info * Names under which companies were last quoted or are currently quoted – in brackets 128 NIF Spółki underlying companies parterowe programu NFI Main List WSE Partner Programmes To help companies find reliable partners offering support prior to a listing, the Warsaw WSE IPO Partners - Primary Market Leaders Stock Exchange (WSE) runs two dedicated partner programmes: WSE IPO Partners to SMEs and WSE IPO Partners - Primary Market Leaders. The aim of the programmes is to provide support for organisations which seek to raise inexpensive funds from the public market in collaboration with firms experienced in working for SMEs. WSE Partners can be selected from 4 categories: brokerage houses, certified auditors, legal firms and financial advisors. The WSE endeavours to attract foreign issuers in a variety of ways, notably through the WSE IPO Partner Programmes. WSE IPO Partners for SMEs The programme is open to investment companies, legal firms, auditors, and financial consultants operating on the primary market. Under the programme the WSE authorises qualified Partners to use the promotional logo of 'WSE IPO Partner - Primary Market Leader'. In order to qualify, the candidate company should have executed at least five IPOs totalling at least PLN 300 million (this includes new issues by WSE listed companies which had been floated with the support of the candidate company) in each twoyear period under consideration. The Primary Market Leader title extends to the IPO market as well as the market of subsequent public offers made by listed companies. The logo of 'WSE IPO Partner for SMEs' is granted to investment companies, legal firms, auditors, and financial consultants participating in IPOs (initial public offerings) of up to PLN 100 million, where the cost to the issuer (cost of service rendered by the investment company and other advisors) does not exceed 5% of the raised capital, or where, as an alternative to the cost criterion, legal firms, auditors and financial consultancies participated in at least 2 IPOs of up to PLN 100 million each over two years. 129 Fact Book 2008 List of WSE IPO Partners for SMEs (as of 31 January 2008) Legal Advisors FORYSTEK & PARTNERZY Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni www.forystek.pl GIDE LOYRETTE NOUEL Tokarczuk, Jędrzejczyk i Wspólnicy Baker Tilly Smoczyński i Partnerzy Sp. z o.o. www.bakertillysmoczynski.pl BDO Numerica Sp. z o.o - International Auditors & Consultants www.bdo.pl Kancelaria Prawna GLN Spółka Komandytowa www.gide.com DGA Audyt Sp. z o.o. Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych Celichowski - Szyndler - Więckowska Spółka Partnerska DORADCA, Zespół Doradców Finansowo-Księgowych Sp. z o.o. www.kancelaria-csw.pl Kancelaria Prawna prof. Marek Wierzbowski Doradcy Prawni www.wierzbowski.com Kancelaria Radców Prawnych "Oleś & Rodzynkiewicz" Spółka Komandytowa www.oles.com.pl www.dga.pl/audyt GRUPA FINANS-SERVIS www.doradca.lublin.pl HLB Frąckowiak i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o. www.hlb.pl Kancelaria Porad FinansowoKsięgowych dr Piotr Rojek Sp. z o.o. www.kpfk.pl Łatała i Wspólnicy Spółka Komandytowa LEX-FIN Sp. z o.o. www.latala.com.pl Moore Stephens Trzemżalski, Krynicki i Partnerzy Kancelaria Biegłych Rewidentów Sp. z o.o. Stolarek & Grabalski Kancelaria Prawnicza Spółka Komandytowa www.audyt.com.pl www.msag.pl www.moorestephens.gda.pl Tomasik, Chabasiewicz i Wspólnicy s.k. PKF Consult Sp. z o.o. www.tc.net.pl Weil, Gotshal & Manges - Paweł Rymarz Spółka Komandytowa www.weil.com Wierciński Kwieciński Baehr Spółka Komandytowa www.pkfconsult.com.pl www.aeconsult.com.pl POLINVEST-AUDIT Sp. z o.o. www.polinvest-audit.pl REWIT Księgowi i Biegli Rewidenci Sp. z o.o. www.rewit.com.pl www.wkw.pl White & Case W. Daniłowicz, W. Jurcewicz i Wspólnicy - Kancelaria Prawna sp.k. www.whitecase.pl www.bzwbk.pl Financial Advisors Bank Zachodni WBK SA BRE Corporate Finance SA Statutory Auditors AdAc Sp. z o.o. www.adac.pl "AUXILIUM" S.A. Kancelaria Biegłych Rewidentów www.auxilium.com.pl www.bcf.pl DFP Doradztwo Finansowe SA www.dfp.pl GoAdvisers Sp. z o.o. www.tag.com.pl IDMSA.PL Doradztwo Finansowe Sp. z o.o. www.idmsa.pl 130 Main List Inwest Consulting SA www.ic.poznan.pl M&M Doradztwo Gospodarcze Sp. z o.o. Brokerage Houses Bank DnB Nord SA www.bmdnbnord.pl www.mm-dg.pl RSM Corporate Finance Sp. z o.o. www.rsmcf.com.pl TP Invest Sp. z o.o. www.tpinvest.pl Dom Inwestycyjny BRE BANKU S.A. www.brebrokers.com.pl Dom Maklerski PENETRATOR S.A. www.penetrator.com.pl Dom Maklerski Polonia Net S.A www.polonia.com.pl Millennium Dom Maklerski S.A. www.millenniumdm.pl List of WSE IPO Partners - Primary Market Leaders (as of 31 January 2008) Legal Advisors Millennium Dom Maklerski SA www.millenniumdm.pl Kancelaria Prawna prof. Marek Wierzbowski Doradcy Prawni UniCredit CA IB Polska SA www: www.ca-ib.pl www.wierzbowski.com Kancelaria Radców Prawnych "Oleś & Rodzynkiewicz" Spółka Komandytowa www.oles.com.pl www.hlb.pl Brokerage Houses Dom Maklerski BZ WBK SA www.dmbzwbk.pl Dom Maklerski IDM SA www.idmsa.pl Statutory Auditors HLB Frąckowiak i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o. BDO Numerica Sp. z o.o. - International Auditors & Consultants www.bdo.pl Kancelaria Porad Finansowo-Księgowych dr Piotr Rojek Sp. z o.o. www.kpfk.pl Dom Maklerski PKO Banku Polskiego SA www.bdm.pkobp.pl Companies interested in working with the WSE (as of 31 January 2008) Statutory Auditors Grupa Gumułka - Audyt Sp. z o.o. www.gumulka.pl 131 Fact Book 2008 WSE IPO Partner ner Agreement, by ensuring availability of its promotional publications and offering an opportunity to participate in events organised by the WSE to attract companies interested in having their financial instruments quoted on WSE-run markets. The following companies joined the WSE The Warsaw Stock Exchange has been acti- IPO PARTNER Programme in 2007: vely pursuing the concept of turning War- Millennium Capital LLC (Ukraine) saw into a trading centre for equities issued Wood & Company a.s. (Czech Republic) by foreign companies, particularly those AS Hansapank (Estonia) from Central and Eastern Europe. These efforts have not only led to foreign debuts on the WSE but also stimulated increasing in- Financial and Analytical Group Pro-consulting Ltd. (Ukraine) terest in the Polish market among foreign Investment Company "Uniter" (Belarus) entities engaging in brokerage operations Concorde Capital LLC (Ukraine) (pursuant to the legislation of their country of domicile) or in other financial and investment- related operations. Their role in providing sales and promotional support for the WSE is now concentrated in the new programme, launched in mid-November 2006 under the name of WSE IPO Partner. List of WSE IPO PARTNER Companies (as of 31 January 2008): Millennium Capital LLC (Ukraine) Wood & Company, a.s. (Czech Republic) AS Hansapank (Estonia) Evli Securities (Estonia) The programme provides tangible benefits for both the WSE and its IPO Partners. The WSE obtains active support from local players in foreign markets who promote the Sokrat Capital LLC (Ukraine) Altera Finance JSC (Ukraine) Investment Company "Uniter" (Belarus) Warsaw Stock Exchange and select compa- Financial and Analytical Group Pro-consul- nies interested in attracting capital through ting Ltd. (Ukraine) the WSE trading floor. A company which will Concorde Capital LLC (Ukraine) be invited to sign a Partner Agreement with the WSE may use the title of WSE IPO Partner and will receive a relevant supporting certificate. Under the Partner Agreement, IPO Partners will receive a special logo which can be used in efforts to attract issuers; they will also be allowed to include information on their WSE-authorised partner status in letters and documents. The Warsaw Stock Exchange supports its Partners by providing necessary consultations related to implementation of the Part132 Main List WSE Members A WSE member is an entity which has been reign brokers an opportunity to gain direct granted permission to operate on the WSE access to the WSE's system without a phy- and, in particular, to conduct transactions. sical presence in Poland or without using lo- The authority to grant such permission lies cal brokers. with the Management Board of the WSE. In 2007, the following 9 organisations (7 of Under the current rules and regulations, the them from other countries) were granted following entities may become WSE mem- WSE membership and authorised to perform bers: operations on the WSE: an investment firm, as defined in Article Opera Dom Maklerski Sp. z o.o. - Poland, 3(33) of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, which conducts transactions on its own account or on the account of its clients; any other entity which is a participant of BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC - France, X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski SA - Poland, Cashline Securities Ltd. - Hungary, the National Depository for Securities Nordnet Bank AB - Sweden, (NDS) and conducts transactions only on NeoNet Securities AB - Sweden, its own account; any other entity which is not a participant Cyrrus a.s. - Czech Republic, of the National Depository for Securities AS Hansapank - Estonia, and which conducts transactions only on DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale - Germany. its own account, provided that it indicates a NDS participant which has com- 2007 saw an increase in the activity of fore- mitted itself to meeting the transaction ign brokers on the WSE. The total value of clearing and settlement obligations. trading generated by remote members in 2007 reached PLN 23.5 billion, three times All categories of entities may conduct tra- as high as in 2006. The share held by remo- ding in all financial instruments. The Mana- te members in the total value of trading ge- gement Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchan- nerated by all WSE members stood, on ave- ge defines the detailed scope of operations rage, at five per cent in 2007. for WSE members. In 2007, WSE members demonstrated an inAt the end of 2007 there were 43 organisa- creased interest in derivatives, in particular tions which held the status of a WSE mem- futures contracts and options. While in 2006, ber, out of which 17 were foreign organisa- foreign members hardly marked their pre- tions from Austria, the Czech Republic, Es- sence in this category of instruments, their tonia, France, Hungary, Germany, Sweden average share in trading volume in 2007 and the United Kingdom, and 26 were Po- reached 2-3 per cent. lish entities. Remote membership offers fo133 Fact Book 2008 Exchange Brokers and Supervising Brokers Issuer's market maker WSE members are obligated to appoint in- er's market maker (animator). An issuer's dividuals (exchange brokers) who are autho- market maker is a WSE member, or other rised, on their behalf, to transfer orders to financial institution which, as part of an agre- the WSE, modify or cancel orders. ement with an issuer, undertakes to mainta- WSE members are also required to appoint in liquidity of a specific financial instrument. Similar tasks may be carried out by an issu- individuals who supervise the work of exchange brokers (supervising brokers) and The WSE Management Board may require notify such appointments to the WSE. that an issuer of a financial instrument concludes a market making contract if it consi- Market Makers ders this necessary to ensure liquidity of the instrument. The role of a market maker is to maintain liquidity of listed securities. Market maker A market maker is a WSE member or another organisation, which has signed an agreement with the WSE, whereby it undertakes to place buy or sell orders for a specific financial instrument on a regular basis, on its own account and in accordance with terms and conditions determined by the WSE Management Board. A non-member may operate as a market maker through a WSE member authorised to act on a client's account. The Warsaw Stock Exchange may sign market making contracts with multiple members for the same financial instrument. A market maker may perform its duties for a financial instrument traded in either the continuous system or the single-price auction system. At the end of 2007, there were 16 WSE members (13 domestic and 2 remote members as well as one external member: BRE BANK SA) acting as market makers on the main floor of the WSE. 134 At the end of 2007, there were a total of 16 market makers acting as issuer's market makers on the main market of the WSE. Main List List of Exchange Members (end of 2007) AS Hansapank Dom Maklerski PENETRATOR SA www.hansa.ee www.penetrator.com.pl Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG ERSTE Securities Polska SA www.ba-ca.com www.esp.pl Bank BPH SA Evli Securities AS www.bph.pl www.evli.com Bank DnB Nord SA GLITNIR AB www.bmdnbnord.pl www.fip.se Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej SA ING Bank Śląski SA www.bgz.pl www.ing.pl Bank Millennium SA ING Securities SA w Warszawie www.bankmillennium.pl www.ingsecurities.pl Bank Polska Kasa Opieki SA IPOPEMA SECURITIES SA www.pekao.com.pl www.ipopema.pl Bayerische Hypo -und Vereinsbank AG JP Morgan Securities LTD www.hvbgroup.com www.jpmorgan.com Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA KBC Securities N.V. (Spółka Akcyjna) Oddział w Polsce www.bdm.com.pl Cashline Securities LTD www.cashline.hu Centralny Dom Maklerski Pekao SA www.cdmpekao.com.pl Concorde Securities LTD www.concordesecurities.hu Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) LTD www.csfb.com CYRRUS a.s. www.cyrrus.cz DB Securities SA www.dbsecurities.pl DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale www.dekabank.de Dom Inwestycyjny BRE BANKU SA www.dibre.com.pl Dom Maklerski AmerBrokers SA www.amerbrokers.pl Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego SA www.citibank.com Dom Maklerski Banku Ochrony Środowiska SA www.bossa.pl Dom Maklerski BZ WBK SA www.dmbzwbk.pl Dom Maklerski IDM SA www.KBCmakler.pl Kredyt Bank SA www.kredytbank.pl KEPLER LANDSBANKI SOCIETE ANONYNE www.kepler-equities.com Millennium Dom Maklerski SA www.millenniumdm.pl NeoNet Securities AB www.neonet.biz Nordnet Bank AB www.nordnet.se OPERA DOM MAKLERSKI Sp. z o.o. www.opera.pl PKO Bank Polski SA www.pkobp.pl Raiffeisen Centrobank AG www.rcb.at SOCIETE GENERALE SA www.sgcib.pl UniCredit CA IB Polska SA www.ca-ib.pl Wood & Company Financial Services as www.wood.cz X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski SA www.xtb.pl www.idmsa.pl 135 Fact Book 2008 Members' share in trading in 2007 (cash market) No 1 WSE Member ING SECURITIES Shares & Rights to shares (PDA) continuous trading block trades & single-price system (PLN (PLN million) (%) million) (%) 50 735.8 11.0 679.1 continuous trading (PLN million) (%) 3.9 134.6 4.1 Bonds block trades (PLN million) (%) 0.0 0.0 2 DM BZ WBK 50 288.5 10.9 1 140.1 6.5 233.6 7.2 0.0 0.0 3 DM BH 43 749.9 9.5 2 300.3 13.1 41.6 1.3 40.5 17.5 4 UNICRCAIB 40 014.5 8.7 5 975.9 34.0 5.7 0.2 2.6 1.1 5 IPOPEMA 38 870.0 8.4 461.1 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 CDM PEKAO 32 612.3 7.1 257.5 1.5 847.5 26.0 145.5 63.0 7 DI BRE Banku 30 675.0 6.6 760.1 4.3 96.9 3.0 0.0 0.0 8 PKO BP 29 317.9 6.3 1 180.9 6.7 1 498.2 45.9 41.8 18.1 9 KBC 22 325.2 4.8 364.7 2.1 30.1 0.9 0.0 0.0 10 DB SECURITIES 19 719.3 4.3 609.7 3.5 134.8 4.1 0.0 0.0 11 BPH 15 533.0 3.4 119.7 0.7 58.2 1.8 0.0 0.0 12 DM BOŚ 12 934.2 2.8 226.3 1.3 22.6 0.7 0.0 0.0 13 MILLENNIUM DM 12 858.0 2.8 2 305.5 13.1 58.4 1.8 0.0 0.0 14 ERSTE 12 350.5 2.7 203.7 1.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 15 WOOD 10 415.4 2.3 10.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16 IDMSA 9 687.9 2.1 681.8 3.9 28.2 0.9 0.0 0.0 17 SOCIETE 5 332.9 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18 PENETRATOR 3 859.5 0.8 91.0 0.5 15.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 19 BDM SA 3 835.8 0.8 48.3 0.3 18.2 0.6 0.5 0.2 20 RAIFFEISEN 3 386.5 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21 BGŻ 2 772.3 0.6 118.1 0.7 20.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 22 HVB 2 268.7 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 23 OPERA 2 231.9 0.5 5.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24 AMERBROKER 1 824.3 0.4 6.7 0.0 6.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 25 CONCORDE 1 800.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 26 DNB NORD 1 791.4 0.4 4.5 0.0 10.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 27 DM PEKAO 378.4 0.1 12.1 0.1 2.8 0.1 0.0 0.0 28 GLITNIR 195.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29 KEPLER 123.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30 BACA 19.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 31 NEONET 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 32 SUPREMA 3.2 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33 JP MORGAN 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34 CSSELTD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 35 XTB 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 461 917.3 100.0 Turnover, double counted 136 17 563.3 100.0 3 263.6 100.0 230.9 100.0 Main List Members' share in trading in 2007 (derivatives market) No WSE Member Futures continuous trading (futures) (%) block trades (futures) (%) Options continuous trading (options) (%) block trades (options) (%) 1 DM BOŚ 3 572 073 19.2 0 0.0 49 575 6.3 0 0.0 2 DI BRE Banku 2 173 345 11.7 0 0.0 196 842 24.9 0 0.0 3 DM BZ WBK 2 021 097 10.8 0 0.0 74 923 9.5 0 0.0 4 OPERA 1 212 936 6.5 0 0.0 26 833 3.4 0 0.0 5 BPH 1 194 505 6.4 0 0.0 81 619 10.3 0 0.0 6 ING SECURITIES 1 100 454 5.9 0 0.0 8 753 1.1 0 0.0 7 CDM PEKAO 903 997 4.9 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 BDM SA 809 163 4.3 0 0.0 15 645 2.0 0 0.0 9 PKO BP 793 853 4.3 12 972 4.0 139 321 17.6 200 2.4 10 ERSTE 704 147 3.8 0 0.0 38 386 4.9 4 900 58.3 11 KBC 554 218 3.0 3 850 1.2 2 788 0.4 0 0.0 12 IDMSA 514 066 2.8 0 0.0 35 686 4.5 0 0.0 13 MILLENNIUM DM 496 773 2.7 188 312 58.5 30 603 3.9 0 0.0 14 BACA 450 859 2.4 0 0.0 4 500 0.6 0 0.0 15 UNICRCAIB 450 434 2.4 0 0.0 162 0.0 0 0.0 16 DB SECURITIES 423 228 2.3 0 0.0 42 589 5.4 2 800 33.3 17 DM BH 325 409 1.7 0 0.0 2 788 0.4 500 6.0 18 AMERBROKER 276 667 1.5 0 0.0 7 811 1.0 0 0.0 19 SOCIETE 160 104 0.9 0 0.0 10 620 1.3 0 0.0 20 DNB NORD 154 771 0.8 0 0.0 2 381 0.3 0 0.0 21 BGŻ 153 484 0.8 51 218 15.9 10 321 1.3 0 0.0 22 PENETRATOR 135 751 0.7 0 0.0 4 108 0.5 0 0.0 23 DM PEKAO 38 588 0.2 0 0.0 3 718 0.5 0 0.0 24 RAIFFEISEN 11 155 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 25 XTB 1 712 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 26 PKO BP * 625 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 27 PEKAO* 550 0.0 29 174 9.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 28 IPOPEMA 54 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 29 WOOD 4 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 30 CONCORDE 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 31 GLITNIR 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 32 CSSELTD 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 33 JP MORGAN 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 34 KEPLER 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 35 HVB 0 0.0 36 188 11.2 0 0.0 0 0.0 36 SUPREMA 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 37 NEONET 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 789 972 100.0 8 400 100.0 Total 18 634 022 100.0 321 714 100.0 Volume, double counted * Banks operating through Treasury Departments on bond futures market 137 Fact Book 2008 List of issuer's market makers (end of 2007) Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA Centralny Dom Maklerski Pekao SA Dom Inwestycyjny BRE BANKU SA Dom Maklerski AmerBrokers SA Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego SA Dom Maklerski Banku Ochrony Środowiska SA Dom Maklerski BZ WBK SA Dom Maklerski IDM SA Dom Maklerski PENETRATOR SA ING Securities SA w Warszawie KBC Securities N.V. (Spółka Akcyjna) Oddział w Polsce Millennium Dom Maklerski SA Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski SA Raiffeisen Centrobank AG UniCredit CA IB Polska SA Wood &Company Financial Services as List of market makers (end of 2007) Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA Centralny Dom Maklerski Pekao SA BRE BANK SA Dom Inwestycyjny BRE BANKU SA Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego SA Dom Maklerski Banku Ochrony Środowiska SA Dom Maklerski BZ WBK SA ING Securities SA w Warszawie Internetowy Dom Maklerski SA KBC Securities N.V. (Spółka Akcyjna) Oddział w Polsce Millennium Dom Maklerski SA Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski SA UniCredit CA IB Polska SA Wood & Company Financial Services as Raiffeisen Centrobank AG X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski SA 138 Main List Organisation of Trading Since 17 November 2000, trading on the In 2007 the WSE enhanced the efficiency of WSE has been based on the WARSET sys- WARSET by replacing its central computer tem. Similar systems are in use on a num- and some of the system infrastructure. This ber of leading exchanges worldwide. The complicated operation was undertaken not WARSET system is highly efficient in accep- only in order to ensure security and adequ- ting and processing orders while remaining ate technical infrastructure for market parti- reliable and safe. It ensures fully automated cipants but, above all, to address the incre- transmission of orders and execution of asing activity of trading participants, reflec- transactions. WARSET provides market par- ted in the high growth of the number of or- ticipants with efficient access to trading sys- ders placed during sessions. tem and broad opportunities for using realtime market information. Financial instruments and quotation system SINGLE-PRICE SYSTEM TWO AUCTIONS CONTINUOUS TRADING BLOCK TRADES SHARES / RIGHTS TO SHARES (PDA) PRE-EMPTIVE RIGHTS STRUCTURED PRODUCTS BONDS DERIVATIVES INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 139 Fact Book 2008 Transactions the number of securities (volume); Before executing a transaction on the War- additional requirements for execution of saw Stock Exchange, an investor must have the order. an investment account with an investment firm (e.g. a brokerage house) which is a WSE Types of orders member. A member firm that has received Under the WARSET system multiple order an order to execute a transaction on the WSE types may be placed which allow investors is responsible for the accurate fulfilment of to apply various investment strategies tailo- such an order. red to their goals and needs in specific situations. Transactions on the WSE can be executed There are two main types of orders used in in one of the following quotation systems: WSE trading: orders with a price limit and continuous trading, those without a stated price limit. single-price system with two auctions per day. Orders with a price limit (limit orders) Here the investor precisely defines a buy or Additionally, for large packets of financial sell price limit for the instrument concerned. instruments block trades are allowed outsi- In the case of a buy order, this would be the de the trading session. maximum price which the investor agrees to pay. In the case of a sell order, it is the Orders As a rule, investors place their orders via the internet or by phone, by contacting the brokerage house branch which runs their investment account. Orders are then forwarded to the member firm's headquarters and then, via an IT network to a broker. The broker enters the orders into the WSE computer system. The role of the internet as an order-placing channel has gained importance over time. Since member firms' IT systems are integrated with the WSE system, online order placement is fast and secure. price below which the investor is not willing to sell the instruments in question. It should be remembered that: limits for stocks, pre-emptive rights, rights to shares, investment certificates, warrants and index participation units are stated in PLN; limits for bonds are stated as a percentage of nominal value; limits for futures contracts are stated in points (index futures) or in PLN (currency and equity futures) or as a percentage of the nominal value (bond futures); limits for index options are stated in points, and those for equity options are spe- When placing an order, the investor must cified in PLN. specify: the type of order (buy/sell); the price limit, or a type of order without price limit; Orders without a price limit Orders without a limit are designed for investors who do not want to wait long for their order to be executed and when completion the order validity date; of a transaction is more important than the the name of the security or financial in- price obtained. Orders without a price limit strument to be bought or sold; 140 (respective Polish abbreviations: PKC, PCR Main List and PCRO) cannot be placed for options, pre- Hidden orders (HID; Polish abbreviation: emptive rights or warrants. Moreover, orders WUJ) are executed in stages. The investor without a limit cannot be placed for the first specifies the size of successive portions to session during which those instruments are be executed, i.e. the number of securities to quoted. be revealed at a time (minimum 100 instruments). Market orders (MARKET; Polish abbreviation: PCR) can be placed only during conti- A stop order (STOP; Polish abbreviation: nuous trading (any phase except market ba- LimAkt) is not displayed immediately after lancing), and are executed at the price of the being entered into the system, but is disclo- first best corresponding order placed ear- sed only if the theoretical opening price or lier. The unfilled portion of the order beco- last price in continuous trading reaches the mes an order with a limit price equal to that level specified by the investor. In addition at which the last transaction was concluded. to an activation limit, these orders must also contain a price limit for execution or a must- Market-on-opening orders (OPENING; Po- be-filled requirement. lish abbreviation: PCRO) are placed during the phase in which orders are accepted for Order validity dates the opening and closing in the continuous The validity of brokers' orders may be set trading system and the single-price auction on a specific date, or may be marked in one system, as well as during market balancing. of the following ways: as a day order, good- They are executed, respectively, at the ope- till-cancelled (GTC), fill-and-kill (FAK) or fill- ning price, closing price, single price, or pri- or-kill (FOK). An order marked as GTC (DOM ce determined during the balancing phase. in Polish) is valid indefinitely. Must-be-filled orders (MBF; Polish abbre- A FAK order (WiN in Polish) is valid until viation: PKC) can be placed at all stages of the time of the first transaction (or first trans- continuous trading and the single-price auc- actions, if executed within multiple transac- tion, except the intervention phase and post- tions simultaneously). A FAK is executed auction trading. When placed during the or- immediately after being placed and may be der collection period for the opening, close, executed in part. The unfulfilled portion of single-price auction and market balancing, the order when becomes void. these orders are executed respectively at the opening price, closing price, single price, A FOK order (WuA in Polish) is valid until and price determined during the market ba- the time of the first transaction (or first trans- lancing phase. actions, if executed within multiple transactions simultaneously). A FOK is executed Additional requirements for order execution immediately after being placed but must be executed in full, otherwise it becomes void. A minimum size order (MIN; Polish abbreviation: Wmin) specifies a minimum number of instruments which the investor requires to be traded if the order is to be executed. 141 Fact Book 2008 Continuous trading gardless of the quotation system, a single Before the session begins, orders are accep- instrument is always taken as the transac- ted in what is known as the pre-opening tion unit. phase when transactions are not concluded ned. After the completion of this phase, the Single-price auction system (electronic call auction) opening price is determined (an auction pro- Quotations in the single-price system are cedure) and orders entered in the pre-ope- based on a so-called auction procedure, i.e. ning phase are executed. This is when con- the price of a security is determined on the tinuous quotations begin, and buy and sell grounds of orders entered before the ope- but the theoretical opening price is determi- orders may be placed. ning. The first phase of the session is called pre-opening. During this phase, buy and sell In continuous trading, buyers and sellers place orders which are then entered into the system and executed on an ongoing basis (provided that their prices match) or are kept in the order book to await placement of a corresponding order with an appropriate price to enable a transaction. There are two priorities applicable to execution of orders: price, order placement time. orders are entered into the system, a theoretical opening price for the security is calculated and published, but no transactions are executed. The single price is determined on the basis of brokers' orders placed with and without a price limit. The moment the single price is published, it becomes the price at which transactions are concluded. To determine the single price, the following rules are applied in the system: This means that when two orders with an identical price are awaiting execution, the order entered into the system earlier will be the first to be executed. To avoid random price movements during the final part of a continuous trading session, the session to maximise trading volume; to minimise the difference between the respective numbers of instruments in buy and sell orders that are feasible at a particular price; ends with a closing auction. After the clo- to minimise the difference between the sing price has been announced, a 10-minu- price being determined and the refe- te post-auction phase follows. During this rence. phase, all transactions are executed at the respective closing prices. Once the single price is published, additional buy and sell orders are placed, with li- The most liquid stocks, all bond series, in- mits equal to the designated single price. vestment certificates, futures, options, war- This phase is referred to as 'post-auction tra- rants and index participation units are tra- ding.' In the case of the single-price system ded in the continuous trading system. If with two auctions, the prices are determi- stocks are assigned to continuous trading, ned and transactions are made twice daily. corresponding rights to shares and pre-emptive rights are also traded in this system. Re- 142 Main List Trading session schedule Continuous trading - cash market 8.30 Pre-opening (orders submitted for opening) 9.30 Opening (determining the opening price) Continuous trading phase 16.10 Pre-closing (orders submitted for closing) 16.20 Closing (determining the closing price) Post-auction trading 16.30 16.35 Pre-opening (orders submitted for next day) Continuous trading - derivatives market 8.30 9.00 Pre-opening (orders submitted for opening) Opening (determining the opening price) Continuous trading phase 16.10 Pre-closing (orders submitted for closing) 16.20 Closing (determining the closing price) Post-auction trading 16.30 16.35 Pre-opening (orders submitted for next day) 143 Fact Book 2008 Single-price auction system with two auctions 8.30 Pre-opening (orders submitted for opening) 11.00 Intervention 11.15 Single-price auction Post-auction trading 11.45 Pre-opening (orders submitted for opening) 14.45 Intervention 15.00 Single-price auction Post-auction trading 15.30 Pre-opening (orders submitted for next day) 16.35 Price variation limits In each quotation system there are limits on Continuous trading - dynamic price ranges price variations in relation to the reference WIG20 shares price. In the continuous trading system, the mWIG40 shares ±4.5% reference price for a transaction price (the Other shares ±6.5% price at which a transaction is executed) and Bonds the closing price is defined as the opening Investment certificates price set at opening or during the balancing Structured products phase at opening auction. If there is no ope- WIG20 futures ±25 points ning price, the most recent closing price is MIDWIG futures ±30 points taken as a reference price. TechWIG futures ±25 points In the single-price auction system, the refe- Equity futures rence price is defined as the most recent sin- Bond futures gle price determined for the specific instru- Currency futures ment. /1 Price ranges determined each time by the WSE Management Board, on the eve of the first day of trading at the latest 144 Index and equity options Index participation units ±3.5% ±2 percentage points ±6.5% /1 ±3.5% ±0.4 percentage points ±PLN 4 half the value of static price ranges ±PLN 5 Main List Continuous trading – static price ranges Instrument Shares Reference price (opening) Acceptable price variation limit for the opening Acceptable price variation limit for the session, in case the opening price has been determined* Closing price ±10% relative to closing price ±10% relative to opening price Index futures Daily settlement price ±5% relative to daily settlement price ±5% relative to opening price Currency futures Daily settlement price ±3% relative to daily settlement price ±3% relative to opening price Equity futures Daily settlement price ±5% relative to daily settlement price ±5% relative to opening price Bond futures Daily settlement price ±1.5 percentage points relative to settlement price ±1.5 percentage points relative to opening price Bonds Closing price ±3 percentage points relative to closing price ±3 percentage points relative to opening price Structured products Closing price ±40% (or ±100 points) relative to closing price ±40% (or ±100 points) relative to opening price Investment certificates Closing price ±10% relative to closing price ±10% relative to opening price Rights to shares Closing price ±10% relative to closing price ±10% relative to opening price Pre-emptive rights Closing price ±100% relative to closing price ±100% relative to opening price Index participation units Closing price (including offers on closing) ±5% relative to closing price ±5% relative to closing price Index and equity options Theoretical price 5% (inPLN) of the average from the last 20 closing prices for the underlying instrument from the last month relative to theoretical price 5% (inPLN) of the average from the last 20 closing prices for the underlying instrument from the last month relative to opening price * If no opening price has been determined at opening, the acceptable price variation limit is determined in relation to the closing price (the daily settlement price, the theoretical price) Single-price system with two auctions – static price ranges Instrument Shares Rights to shares Structured products Pre-emptive rights Permissible price variation limit for auction ±10% relative to the reference price of the last auction (extendable to 21%) ±3 percentage points relative to the reference price of the last auction ±100% relative to the reference price of the last auction (extendable) 145 Fact Book 2008 Transaction settlement Exchange member client Cash and securities clearing Custodian client Order Order Order Exchange members Order Warsaw Stock Exchange Remote member Transaction Transfer of clearing operations Cash and securities clearing Custodian Copy of contract notes Order Preparation of contract notes Calculation of initial cash clearing position Client Calculation of initial cash clearing position Exchange member Post trade settlement instructions National National Depository Depository for Securities Securities (NDS) (NDS) for Delivery of initial cash transfer orders Preparation of initial cash and securities clearing Settlement corrections due to shortage of securities or financial resources Delivery of correcting cash transfer orders Final cash clearing Post trade settlement instructions Calculation of final cash clearing position Final securities settlement Calculation of initial cash clearing position Delivery of final cash transfer orders Clearing bank Cash clearing Statements of cash accounts As at 31 December 2007 Source: National Depository for Securities (NDS) 146 Statements of depository accounts NDS participant NDS participant's payment bank Main List WARSET – system architecture Polish Financial Supervision Authority Information distribution National Depository for Securities Exchange members Remote installation Satellite market data distribution system Clearing and settlement WAN Exchange members Local installation Exchange member Computer Network TANDEM Warsaw Stock Exchange ... Investors Institutions Exchange member Local installation Individuals Block trades Rules lay down precise conditions for block Block trades are transactions involving lar- trade execution, defining the minimum block ge packets of financial instruments (including value and the maximum difference betwe- derivatives). en the price in a block trade and the price of the specific instrument at a trading session. These trades are most commonly made between major investors who had previously agreed all transaction details (such as block size, price, and settlement date). The WSE 147 Fact Book 2008 Electronic Distribution of Market Data In recent years, stock market data has beco- ge also charges fees based on the number me accessible on a mass scale, chiefly due of end recipients (subscribers). Under the to the use of the internet as a data distribu- WSE vendor agreement data provided in tion channel. real-time may not be redistributed without the prior consent of the WSE unless it is de- Commercial services layed by at least 15 minutes (no fees are Services delivered via data vendors charged for delayed data and such data may The recipients of commercial stock market news services are professional data vendors, be freely re-distributed, e.g. on publicly accessible websites). both traditional (news agencies) and new groups of companies interested in providing these services (such as brokerage houses, virtual banks, internet portals and software houses). Data vendors offer market information to their clients, domestic and foreign, including brokerage houses, banks, other financial market participants and individual in- In order to ensure the lowest possible prices on core stock market data for individual investors the Warsaw Stock Exchange continues to modify its pricelist, granting special discounts and user-friendly fee-calculation methods. The 45 data vendors (January 2008) who have signed relevant agreements with the vestors. Warsaw Stock Exchange include renowned All vendors may purchase, on equal terms, news agencies (Reuters, Bloomberg, Polish any or all real-time data services offered by Press Agency, Telekurs, Thomson Financial), the WSE, including: Polish and international brokerage houses Service A - Cash market (DM BZWBK, DM BPH, CDM Pekao, ING Se- - Offers and transactions curities, DM BOŚ, DI BRE, DM Millennium, - Derivatives BDM PKO BP, Fischer Partners), virtual banks - Offers and transactions (mBank, Multibank), major Polish web por- Service I - WSE indices tals (general content sites such as Onet, Service C - Statistical information. Wirtualna Polska or Interia, and specialised Service B sites such as Bankier.pl and Parkiet.pl) and The WSE charges a fixed annual fee from software houses (Statica). vendors. Firms connected directly to the WSE system pay a technical fee and a distri- Subscribers receive stock market news via bution fee, while so-called sub-vendors, who a variety of channels: fixed-line telephony, receive stock market data through another television (terrestrial and satellite signal), vendor, pay only a distribution fee. internet and, last but not least, mobile telephony. For real-time market data (transferred within max. 15 minutes after it becomes available 2000-2007 saw very a dynamic rise in the from the WSE), the Warsaw Stock Exchan- use of the internet as a real-time data chan- 148 Main List nel for the stock market. By the end of 2007, as electronic versions of numerous WSE over 160,000 Polish individual investors were publications. using stock market data delivered via their Information on the website is available online investment accounts. in Polish and English and access is free of charge. Mobile telephones are increasingly used as a vehicle to deliver stock market data. Mo- www.newconnect.pl bile phone owners can use commercial news NewConnect has its dedicated website services to access a full range of stock which, much as the WSE website, provides exchange data, price alert options or a bun- current news alerts, legal regulations, stati- dle of prices on securities within a portfolio. stics as well as contact details of listed companies, Authorised Advisors, Market Mem- Services available directly from the WSE bers and data vendors. NCIndex values and The WSE official daily bulletin CEDULA is shed in real time. The website has a Polish available via electronic subscription. It is di- and an English version, with all information stributed after the close of each session di- and data available free of charge. share prices for listed companies are publi- rectly to subscribers' mailboxes. The WSE also offers statistical information (sets of hi- New sites storical data and daily database updates with In its efforts to raise the quality of service, files of a predefined structure delivered by the WSE has launched themed sites: e-mail). www.WSEInfoSpace.eu One-stop destination for comprehensive in- WSE public data services formation and data on all companies listed Apart from services to commercial users the in Warsaw. Warsaw Stock Exchange also discloses stock market information on a free-of-charge basis. Internet www.corp-gov.gpw.pl A site focused on corporate governance in companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. www.wse.com.pl www.wseinternational.eu The Warsaw Stock Exchange maintains its A dedicated site for foreign companies listed own website where it publishes current com- on the WSE. muniqués, resolutions adopted by its Management Board and the Supervisory Board. Teletext Trading data is published at the opening and The teletext service offered via Polish pu- closing of a session and on an ongoing ba- blic television (TVP) delivers market data in sis during sessions, with a 15-minute delay. an electronic format. The 'Business News' The only exceptions are the WIG20 values, section on teletext pages 702-704 and their which are delivered in real time. subpages delivers prices on WSE listed equ- The WSE website also contains comprehen- ities and other financial instruments to all TV sive sections with statistics and stock indi- viewers who have a teletext-enabled TV sets. ces, organisational structure, operations and history of the WSE, addresses of listed companies, WSE members, data vendors as well 149 Fact Book 2008 List of WSE data distributors (as of 4 February 2008) Bank BPH SA Biuro Maklerskie GL TRADE SA www.bm.bph.pl www.gltrade.com Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej SA Biuro Maklerskie Grupa Onet.pl SA www.bmbgz.pl Infotec SA Bankier.pl SA www.infotecnet.com www.bankier.pl INFRONT AS Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA www.infront.as www.bdm.com.pl ING Securities SA Biuro Maklerskie Banku DnB NORD Polska SA www.ingsecurities.pl www.bmdnbnord.pl www.interia.pl Bloomberg LP www.onet.pl INTERIA.PL SA www.bloomberg.com KBC Securities N.V. (Spółka Akcyjna) Oddział w Polsce Bonnier Business (Polska) Sp. z o.o. www.kbcmakler.pl www.pb.pl Millennium Dom Maklerski SA BRE Bank SA - mBank www.millenniumdm.pl www.mBank.com.pl NeoNet Securities AB CAIT Sp. z o.o. www.neonet.biz www.cait.com.pl PKO BP SA Bankowy Dom Maklerski Centralny Dom Maklerski Pekao SA www.bdm.pkobp.pl www.cdmpekao.com.pl Polska Agencja Prasowa SA CQG, Inc. www.pap.com.pl www.cqg.com PRESSPUBLICA Sp. z o.o. Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku SA www.rzeczpospolita.pl www.breinwest.com.pl Proquote Ltd Dom Maklerski AmerBrokers SA www.proquote.net www.amerbrokers.pl Reuters Limited Dom Maklerski BOŚ SA www.reuters.com www.bossa.pl Saxo Bank A/S Dom Maklerski BZ WBK SA www.saxobank.com www.dmbzwbk.pl Statica Dom Maklerski IDM SA www.statica.pl www.idmsa.pl Telekurs Financial Information Ltd. Dom Maklerski PENETRATOR SA www.telekurs-financial.com www.penetrator.com.pl Thomson Financial Ecetra Internet Services AG www.thomson.com/financial www.ecetra.com Townsend Analytics, Ltd. Factiva www.townsendanalytics.com www.factiva.com UBS AG Factset Research Systems INC Wirtualna Polska SA www.factset.com FIDES Information Services www.fides.ch Fidessa plc www.fidessa.com FININFO www.fininfo.fr Fischer Partners Fondkommission AB www.fip.se FT Interactive Data www.FTInteractiveData.com 150 www.wp.pl Main List WSE online http://www.wse.com.pl e-mail: [email protected] ABOUT THE EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS INFORMATION / STATISTICS EXCHANGE MEMBERS INVESTORS COMPANIES European Code of Conduct Quotations on-line Periodical statistics List of Exchange members List of companies Listing in Warsaw History Market indicators and session results Debuts Share in turnover Equities Prospectuses Organisational structure Indices List of issuer's market makers Derivatives WSE IPO Partners Company overview Electronic publications List of market makers Bonds Corporate Governance Capital group Market data services How to become a WSE member Pre-emptive rights FAQ Closure dates Historical data Independent Software Vendors Investment certificates Regulations Benchmarks WSE IPO Partner Short selling Market calendar Newsletter Members Area WIG20 companies WARSET system USEFUL LINKS 151 Fact Book 2008 The History of the Warsaw Stock Exchange The first stock exchange in Poland opened in Warsaw on 12 May, 1817 under the name 16 April First trading session; listed companies: of the 'Mercantile Exchange'. The first tra- Tonsil, Próchnik, Krosno, Kable and Exbud; ding session took place on 16 May, 1817. trading sessions held once a week Sessions were held between noon and 1:00 p.m. In the 19th century, the Exchange traded primarily in bills of exchange and bonds. Equity trading grew in importance in the second half of the 19th century. 16 July Additional specialist's offer (post-auction trading) introduced 1 August Computerised settlement system intro- In the twenty years between the two World duced Wars, exchanges in Poland operated under 3 September a presidential executive order concerning First issue of the Ceduła - the WSE's offi- the organisation of exchanges. cial daily bulletin Apart from Warsaw, stock exchanges also 3 December operated in Katowice, Kraków, Lviv, Łódź, WSE accepted as a correspondent of the Poznań and Vilnius. World Federation of Exchanges (former- One of the oldest in Europe, the capital mar- ly FIBV) ket in Poland with its 190 years of history has an impressive heritage. Paradoxically, 1992 the interruption in exchange operations in 9 January Warsaw as a result of World War II and then Second weekly trading session introdu- the transition to the communist economic ced system enabled Poland to create a modern 28 January stock exchange which leverages best prac- First exchange terminals installed at WSE tices and state-of-the-art solutions of deve- members' offices loped European exchanges. 23 April First trading session supported by an IBM 1990 16 October Poland and France signed a co-operation agreement to open a securities exchange in Warsaw AS/400-based system 15 June T-bonds first quoted under continuous trading system 1 September T-bonds first quoted under single-price 1991 trading system 12 April Foundation act for Giełda Papierów War- 1993 tościowych w Warszawie SA 4 January (The Warsaw Stock Exchange Company) signed 152 Third weekly trading session introduced Main List 22 April WSE parallel market launched 1 May Settlement cycle changed from T+5 to T+3 9 June 17 May First public invitation to sell WSE-listed shares 18 December Crossing phase introduced to post-auction trading First share split performed 5 July Post-auction trading computerized; order 1996 6 May placement via Exchange terminals ena- WSE's capitalisation reaches PLN 20 bil- bled lion 15 July First dissemination of trading results via Teletext 8 July Shares of first five companies introduced to continuous trading 15 July 1994 NIF (National Investment Funds) certifi- 10 February cates introduced to single-price auction First quotation of pre-emptive rights associated with listed shares 1 March First allocation of new shares via public subscription 16 April WIG20 price index introduced 1 July system 12 August NIF certificates introduced to continuous trading 1 October Commercial real-time WSE data distribution system launched 20 December Fourth weekly trading session introdu- Invitations to tender for supply of new ced trading system sent out 3 October Fifth weekly trading session introduced 10 October WSE accepted as member of World Federation of Exchanges 7 November The National Depository for Securities established as a separate entity 1997 3 February WIG20 index first published during continuous trading; 1,000th trading session on the WSE 20 February First company (Elpo) listed on free market 1995 3 January WIRR (parallel market index) introduced 25 January First meeting of Coordinating Committee for the New Trading System 20 April Continuous trading first supported with 21 May 100th company listed on WSE May Number of investment accounts exceed 1 million 12 June First quotation of shares in fifteen National Investment Funds (NIF) IBM AS/400 and Exchange terminals 153 Fact Book 2008 10 July Market capitalisation reaches PLN 40 bil- Exchange (12 July) and the Paris Bourse (16 July) lion 2000 1998 16 January Derivatives market launched, WIG20 futures introduced 9 March First warrants introduced to trading 4 August First quotation of rights to shares (BRE shares) 15 September WSE accepted as an affiliate member of IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) 21 September Values of MIDWIG (mid-cap index) first published 25 September USD futures introduced to trading 28 December Last quotation of NIF certificates February Real-time WSE data first available via vendors online 5 April Corporate bonds first quoted on the WSE (issuer: Clif SA) 28 April Innovative Technologies Segment (SiTech) established 19 May TechWIG index introduced for the WSE SiTech 25 May First investment certificates introduced to trading 8 June New WSE headquarters (Exchange Centre) officially opened 1 August TechWIG futures introduced to trading 17 November 1999 New WARsaw Stock Exchange Trading 26 March System (WARSET) introduced WSE sectoral sub-indices first announced May 22 January First 'Exchange Schools' for novice inve- First equity futures introduced to trading stors launched (organised by the WSE) on shares of TPSA, ELEKTRIM, PKN OR- 31 May EUR futures introduced to trading 4 June WSE becomes associate member of LEN 07 February 2000th trading session on the WSE 9 August FESE (Federation of European Securities Memorandum of Co-operation signed Exchanges) between the WSE and the National Stock 11 June WSE's capitalisation exceeds PLN 100 billion July WSE signed two memoranda of understanding (on cooperation and information exchange): with the London Stock 154 2001 Exchange of Lithuania 22 October Futures based on shares of another five companies introduced to trading: AGORA, KGHM, PEKAO, BRE and PROKOM 26 November Index participation units based on the Main List WIG20 index (MiniWIG20) introduced to 2005 trading 14 February T-bonds futures introduced to trading 2002 08 February 11 July First remote member of the WSE starts WSE signed cross-membership and operations (Fischer Partners Fondkom- cross-access agreement with Euronext mission AB) 18 February MIDWIG futures first quoted on the WSE 25 April Convertible bonds (company: ComArch) first quoted on the WSE September 17 October Share options for shares of five companies introduced 25 November Shareholders Forum - first forum for individual investors The WSE's Supervisory Board and Management Board adopted resolutions on 2006 introducing Best Practices in Public Com- 23 February panies (Corporate Governance) Dynamic price ranges introduced as an additional mechanism to curb price va- 2003 1 September riations 17 August Post-auction trading phase introduced at First company from Eastern markets de- the end of continuous trading buted on the WSE: Astarta Holding N.V. 22 September WIG20 options introduced 14 October First foreign issuer debut on the WSE: Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG 22 December WIG-PL (domestic companies index) first published from Ukraine 1 September New ticks introduced 25 August Structured products introduced to trading (issuer: Deutsche Bank AG London). 16 October Block trades in derivatives enabled 25 October 2004 WSE welcomed the debut of CEZ, the lar- 1 May gest company in Central and Eastern New division of WSE markets: the main (regulated official) market and parallel (regulated unofficial) market 3 June WSE accepted as a full member of FESE Europe (as of debut day) 15 November Contract with the first WSE IPO Partner signed: E-volution Capital, a brokerage house from Kiev, Ukraine (Federation of European Securities Exchanges) 15 December 2007 18–19 January Best Practices in Public Companies 2005 The first edition of the Central & Eastern adopted by the WSE's Supervisory Bo- European Market Forum took place. This ard and Management Board event is intended for investors, companies and other institutions associated 155 Fact Book 2008 with the stock market. Meetings with 30 August specialists and companies as well as NewConnect, a new market, organised public debates with Polish and foreign and operated by the WSE, was launched. experts are organised within the CEE NewConnect is designed to finance start- Forum ups and new companies with a high 5 February growth potential. Among the first com- All sectoral subindices were denomina- panies to have made their debuts on this ted at a 10:1 ratio market (on the first day of trading) were: 16 March Digital Avenue, S4E, ViaGuara, Virtual New rules for computing and qualifying Vision and Wrocławski Dom Maklerski. companies to indices came into force. NewConnect has the status of an orga- The previous MIDWIG index was repla- nised market but is operated by the WSE ced by the mWIG40, and the WIRR su- outside the regulated market, as an al- perseded by the sWIG80. The portfolios of the WIG20, the mWIG40 and the ternative trading system 12 October sWIG80 are defined on the basis of a sin- The Warsaw Stock Exchange became gle ranking list of companies based on a shareholder of the Sibiu Monetary Fi- trading volume in the past 12 months and nancial and Commodities Exchange, Si- market value bex (Monetar Financiara si de Marfuri; 1 April Sibiu, Romania). As a result of the WSE's Segmentation of listed companies was contribution to the capital increase, the modified and three segments of equities Management Board of Sibex allocated were introduced: 5 PLUS, 50 PLUS and shares to the WSE representing 1.8% of 250 PLUS. The segment labelled 5 PLUS includes shares in companies with a ca- Sibex share capital 17 December pitalisation of under EUR 50 million; 50 A site devoted to foreign companies li- PLUS covers companies with a capitali- sted on the WSE was launched at sation between EUR 50 and 250 million www.wseinternational.eu. The aim of the whereas capitalisation of over EUR 250 site is to give investors a better picture million puts companies into the segment of foreign companies listed on the War- called 250 PLUS saw bourse. The site is intended for all 9 May domestic and foreign investors, both in- A new online service, designed by the dividual and professional. Data and news WSE and the Polish Press Agency, was are available in two languages: Polish launched at www.WSEInfoSpace.eu. WSEInfoSpace is a business news site and English 20 December with information on Polish and foreign UniCredit, an Italian company and the lar- companies listed on the WSE, providing gest bank in Central and Eastern Euro- news from markets in Central and pe, made its debut on the WSE, beco- Eastern Europe. The site is fully accessi- ming the largest company listed on the ble to the public and free of charge, with Warsaw bourse information available in two language versions (Polish and English) 21 December Highest equity trading value per session (PLN 4.14 billion) in WSE history 156 Main List Organisational Structure The Warsaw Stock Exchange was founded is empowered, among others, to amend the by the State Treasury as a joint-stock com- WSE Articles of Association and elect mem- pany. Its share capital is PLN 41,972,000, bers of the WSE Supervisory Board. divided into 59,960 registered shares with a nominal value of PLN 700 each. Shares in the WSE may be held by investment firms, the State Treasury, banks, investment fund companies, pension fund companies, insurance companies and issuers of WSE listed securities. Subject to approval by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), WSE shares may be purchased by other domestic and foreign legal persons. Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board oversees the operation of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The Supervisory Board consists of individuals representing banks, brokerage houses, financial institutions, chambers of commerce and issuers. WSE Supervisory Board (as at end of 2007) At the end of 2006, the WSE had 37 share- Piotr KAMIŃSKI - Chairman holders, including brokerage houses, banks, Marek WIERZBOWSKI - Vice-Chairman investment fund companies, listed compa- Maria DOBROWOLSKA nies and the State Treasury, the latter hol- Raimondo EGGINK ding a stake of 98.81% in the original share Małgorzata KALICKA capital. Marek MICHALSKI Adam RUCIŃSKI Legislative framework governing WSE operations: Polish Commercial Companies Code of 2000; Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005; Warsaw Stock Exchange Articles of Association; Warsaw Stock Exchange Rules. General Meeting of Shareholders Maria SIERPIŃSKA Sebastian SKUZA Tomasz SÓJKA Piotr TAMOWICZ Marian WRONIERSKI On 12 February 2008 an Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the Warsaw Stock Exchange was held in Warsaw. During the Meeting the new Supervisory Board of the WSE was elected: Leszek PAWŁOWICZ - Chairman Maria DOBROWOLSKA The General Meeting of Shareholders is the Marcin DYL highest governing body of the Warsaw Stock Krzysztof JAJUGA Exchange. All shareholders have the right Mirosław KACHNIEWSKI to participate in the General Meeting which Małgorzata KALICKA 157 Fact Book 2008 Mateusz RODZYNKIEWICZ to stock exchange activities and supervises Adam RUCIŃSKI the trading activities of brokers and broke- Maria SIERPIŃSKA rage houses. Sebastian SKUZA The Management Board consists of four Marek SŁOMSKI members and is headed by the President, Marek WIERZBOWSKI elected by the General Meeting. Management Board WSE Management Board (as at end of 2007) The Management Board coordinates day-to- Ludwik SOBOLEWSKI - President day operations of the Warsaw Stock Exchan- Lidia ADAMSKA - Member ge, admits securities to trading and defines Beata JAROSZ - Member related procedures, admits WSE members Adam MACIEJEWSKI - Member 158 Main List Organisation Chart of the WSE (end of 2007) GENERAL MEETING SUPERVISORY BOARD MANAGEMENT BOARD BUREAU OF THE EXCHANGE Corporate and External Communication Registration Office Secretariat of the Exchange LISTING DEPARTMENT WSE Markets Corporate Affairs - Legal Advisors Chief Specialist for Taxation Market Surveillance EXCHANGE SERVICES AND FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Operating Systems Network Administration Development of Financial Instruments Development of Exchange Services WSE BUSINESS NETWORK DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 159 INFORMATION PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT CEE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GENERAL DIRECTOR FOR TECHNOLOGY TRADING DEPARTMENT Intermediate Servers Technical Support SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT System Maintenance Trading Systems Corporate Systems Maintenance Supervision ICT Supervision New Markets and Issuers EU BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PROMOTION & PUBLIC INFORMATION BUREAU Market Promotion Public Information and Internet ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL BUREAU Financial Management Financial Accounting ANALYSIS AND STRATEGIC INFORMATION DEPARTMENT LISTING DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION & TECHNICAL BUREAU INTERNAL AUDIT BUREAU Administration HUMAN RESOURCES BUREAU Maintainance Fact Book 2008 The International Status of the WSE The Warsaw Stock Exchange is among the Since 1992 the WSE has been working join- most developed markets in Central and tly with the Federation of European Securi- Eastern Europe in terms of capitalisation, tra- ties Exchanges (FESE). In 1999, it became ding volume, number and type of traded in- an associate member of the Federation, ga- struments as well as organisational and tech- ining full membership in June 2004. nical solutions applied. Since its establishment in 1991 the Warsaw The WSE is a medium-sized European ex- Stock Exchange has strengthened its posi- change and holds a leading position among tion among European markets. the 15 new European Union member states. Today, the Warsaw Stock Exchange is one The growth of the WSE is facilitated by the of the two largest exchanges in Central and well-developed market infrastructure, found Eastern Europe. in mature markets, as well as the legal regulations in place which are in full compliance In 2007 the Warsaw Stock Exchange rein- with EU standards. forced its position in the CEE region, primarily as a result of numerous debuts (81 on The Warsaw Stock Exchange is a member the Main List). As many as 12 new listings of numerous international professional or- came from other countries, among them ganisations. UniCredit, the largest bank in the region. Since October 1994, the WSE has been a At present, the Warsaw Stock Exchange is full member of the World Federation of an international market with a cross-border Exchanges (WFE), an organisation which reach, where the largest companies from brings together all major exchanges world- CEE are listed and foreign investors genera- wide. Within this organisation the WSE co- te one third of equities trading volume. Fo- operates with other exchanges from other reign investors may operate through remo- countries in the implementation and unifi- te WSE members, i.e. authorised foreign bro- cation of standards. kers including the most renowned global investment companies. As the first exchange from Central and Eastern Europe, the WSE was granted Designated Offshore Securities Market status by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in May 1997. This status confirmed the position of the WSE as a wellregulated capital market, which meets standards recognised in the USA. 160 Main List Capitalisation of domestic companies – December 2007 (EUR billion) 250 200 150 100 50 Os lo So fia Lj ub lja na Cy pr Bu us ch ar es t Bu da pe st Pr ag ue Du bl Lu in xe m bo ur g W ar sa w Vi en na At he ns M alt a Br at is la va 0 Source: FESE Average monthly equity trading value (order-book trades) in 2007 (EUR million – single-counted) 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 Du bl in At he ns So fia Bu da pe st Pr ag ue W ar sa w Vi en na Cy pr us Br at is la va M alt Lu a xe m bo ur g Bu ch ar es t Lj ub lja na 0 Source: FESE 161 Fact Book 2008 Index contracts trading volume in 2007 – monthly average (in thousands) 2 634 1 000 800 600 400 200 Sp a ni sh Source: FESE *Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland 162 X* OM W ar sa Ex w ch an ge s (B M E) il a n M Os lo st Bu da pe ee ce ) AT H EX (G r Vi en na Pr ag ue 0 Main List Listed Companies (end of 2007) 01NFI [01N] FUND.1 PIERWSZY NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY SA 04PRO [04N] [08N] [13N] [14N] ADVANCED DISTRIBUTION SOLUTIONS SA www.ads-sa.com.pl [ARCA] ARCUS SA www.arcus.pl [ASB] ASBISC ENTERPRISES PLC www.asbis.com ASSECOBS [ADS] [ART] ARTMAN SA www.artman.pl ASBIS [ACT] [ARR] ARTERIA SA www.arteria.pl ARTMAN [ACE] [ARM] KRAKOWSKA FABRYKA ARMATUR SA www.kfa.pl ARTERIA [ABE] ACTION SA www.action.pl ADVADIS [APT] APATOR SA www.apator.torun.pl ARMATURA [ABM] AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS EUROPE SA ACTION [EAT] APATOR ARCUS-PDA [ABG] AB SA www.ab.pl ACE AMREST AMREST HOLDINGS N.V. www.amrest.eu ABM SOLID SA www.abmsolid.eu ABPL [APL] AMPLI SA www.ampli.com.pl ABG SPIN SA www.abg.pl ABMSOLID [AMC] AMICA WRONKI SA www.amica.com.pl AMPLI ZACHODNI FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY NFI SA www.zachodninfi.pl ABG [AMB] AMBRA SA www.ambra.com.pl AMICA NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY FORTUNA SA www.fortunanfi.pl 14ZACH [ALM] ALMA MARKET SA www.almamarket.pl AMBRA [06N] NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY OCTAVA SA www.octava.com.pl 13FORTUNA [ALC] ALMA [05N] NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY MAGNA POLONIA SA www.magnapolonia.com.pl 08OCTAVA ALCHEMIA ALCHEMIA SA www.alchemiasa.pl V NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY VICTORIA SA 06MAGNA [AGO] AGORA SA www.agora.pl NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY PROGRESS SA www.pzunfi.pl 05VICT AGORA [ABS] ASSECO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS SA www.assecobs.pl ASSECOPOL [ACP] ASSECO POLAND SA www.asseco.pl 163 Fact Book 2008 ASSECOSLO [ACS] ASSECO SLOVAKIA A.S. www.asseco.sk ASTARTA [AST] [ATP] [ATS] [ATM] [ATG] [B3S] [BCA] [BAK] [BPH] [BPL] [BRK[ BBICAPNFI [BBC] BBIDEVNFI [BBD] BBIZENNFI [BBZ] BEEF - SAN ZAKŁADY MIĘSNE SA www.beefsan.com.pl 164 [BDL] BUDOPOL-WROCŁAW SA www.budopol.wroc.pl [BDV] BUDVAR CENTRUM SA www.budvar.pl [BTM] ZAKŁADY ODZIEŻOWE BYTOM SA www.bytom.com.pl [BZW] CAPITAL [CPA] CAPITAL PARTNERS SA www.c-p.pl CASHFLOW [BDZ] DOM OBROTU WIERZYTELNOŚCIAMI CASH FLOW SA www.cashflow.com.pl [BEF] CCC ELEKTROCIEPŁOWNIA BĘDZIN SA www.ecb.com.pl BEEFSAN [BDX] BANK ZACHODNI WBK SA www.bzwbk.pl BBI ZENERIS NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY SA www.foksalnfi.com.pl BEDZIN [BRE] BUDIMEX SA www.budimex.com.pl BZWBK BBI DEVELOPMENT NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY SA www.nfipiast.pl [BOS] BRE BANK SA www.brebank.com.pl BYTOM BBI CAPITAL NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY SA [BRS] BANK OCHRONY ŚRODOWISKA SA www.bosbank.pl BUDVARCEN BARLINEK SA www.barlinek.com.pl [BMI] BORYSZEW SA www.boryszew.com.pl BUDOPOL BANKIER.PL SA www.bankier.pl BARLINEK [BMP] PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-HANDLOWE BOMI SA www.bomi.pl BUDIMEX BANK BPH SA www.bph.pl BANKIER.PL BOMI BRE BAKALLAND SA www.bakalland.pl BANKBPH [BPMA] BMPAG BOS BANK AUSTRIA CREDITANSTALT AG www.ba-ca.com BAKALLAND BIPROMET-PDA BORYSZEW B3SYSTEM SA www.b3system.pl BACA [BIO] BMP AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT www.bmp.com ATM GRUPA SA www.atmgrupa.pl B3SYSTEM BIOTON BIPROMET SA www.bipromet.com.pl ATM SA www.atm.com.pl ATMGRUPA [BCM] BIOTON SA www.bioton.pl ATLANTIS SA www.atlantis-sa.pl ATM BETACOM BETACOM SA www.betacom.com.pl ATLANTA POLAND SA www.atlantapoland.com.pl ATLANTIS [BST] BEST SA www.best.com.pl ASTARTA HOLDING N.V. www.astartakiev.com ATLANTAPL BEST NG2 SA www.ccc.com.pl [CFL] [CCC] Main List CCIINT [CCI] CINEMA CITY INTERNATIONAL N.V. www.cinemacity.nl CEDC [CDC] ECARD [CSG] EFEKT KORPORACJA GOSPODARCZA EFEKT SA www.efektsa.pl [CIE] EFH-PDA CIECH SA www.ciech.com CITYINTER [CIA] COMARCH [CMR] COMP [CMP] COMPLEX [CMX] CPENERGIA [CPE] CP ENERGIA SA www.cpenergia.pl DEBICA [DBC] DECORA [DCR] DGA [DGA] DORADZTWO GOSPODARCZE DGA SA www.dga.com.pl DOMDEV [DOM] DOM DEVELOPMENT SA www.domdevelopment.com.pl DROP-PDA [DRP] DROP SA www.drop-sa.pl DROZAPOL DROZAPOL-PROFIL SA www.drozapol.pl [DPL] [ELT] [EKP] [ELS] ELSTAR OILS SA www.elstaroils.pl ELZAB DECORA SA www.decora.pl [ELE] PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO ELEKTROMONTAŻOWE ELKOP SA www.elkop.pl ELSTAROIL FIRMA OPONIARSKA DĘBICA SA www.debica.com.pl [ELB] ELEKTROTIM SA www.elektrotim.pl ELKOP COMPLEX SA www.complexmetal.com [EFH] ELEKTRIM SA www.elektrim.pl ELEKTROTI COMP SAFE SUPPORT SA www.comp.com.pl [EFK] ELEKTROBUDOWA SA www.elbudowa.com.pl ELEKTRIM COMARCH SA www.comarch.pl [ECH] EUROPEJSKI FUNDUSZ HIPOTECZNY SA www.efh.com.pl ELBUDOWA CITY INTERACTIVE SA www.city-interactive.com [ECD] ECHO INVESTMENT SA www.echo-inv.com.pl [CEZ] CEZ. A.S. www.cez.cz CIECH [DZP] ECARD SA www.ecard.pl ECHO [CST] CERSANIT SA www.cersanit.com.pl CEZ DZPOLSKA DZ BANK POLSKA SA www.dzbank.pl CENTROSTAL SA www.centrostal.gda.pl CERSANIT [DUD] POLSKI KONCERN MIĘSNY DUDA SA www.pkmduda.pl CENTRAL EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION www.cedc.com.pl CENSTALGD DUDA [ELZ] ZAKŁADY URZĄDZEŃ KOMPUTEROWYCH ELZAB SA www.emc-sa.pl EMCINSMED [EMC] EMC INSTYTUT MEDYCZNY SA www.emc-sa.pl EMPERIA [EMP] EMPERIA HOLDING SA www.emperia.pl ENAP [ENP] ENERGOAPARATURA SA www.enap.com.pl ENERGOINS [ENI] ENERGOINSTAL SA www.energoinstal.pl 165 Fact Book 2008 ENERGOPLD [EPD] ENERGOMONTAŻ-POŁUDNIE SA www.energomontaz.pl ENERGOPN [EPN] [EPL] [ERB] [EEF] [ESS] [EUR] [EFR] [EMK] [ETL] [FAM] [FMF] [FCL] GINOROSSI GRAAL GRAJEWO GROCLIN GTC HANDLOWY [FSG] HBWLOCLAW FERRUM HELIO [FER] FERRUM SA www.ferrum.com.pl FABRYKI MEBLI FORTE SA www.forte.com.pl 166 [GRJ] [GCN] [GTC] [BHW] [HWE] [HBW] HYDROBUDOWA WŁOCŁAWEK SA www.hydrobudowa-wloclawek.pl [HEL] HELIO SA www.helio.pl [FON] FON SA www.fon-sa.pl FORTE [GRL] HAWE SA www.hawesa.pl FABRYKI SPRZĘTU I NARZĘDZI GÓRNICZYCH GRUPA KAPITAŁOWA FASING SA www.fasing.pl FON [GRI] BANK HANDLOWY W WARSZAWIE SA www.citibankhandlowy.pl HAWE FARMACOL SA www.farmacol.com.pl FASING [PRE] GLOBE TRADE CENTRE SA www.gtc.com.pl FABRYKA MASZYN FAMUR SA www.famur.com.pl FARMACOL GFPREMIUM INTER GROCLIN AUTO SA www.groclin.com.pl FAM GRUPA KAPITAŁOWA SA www.famgk.com.pl FAMUR [GTN] PFLEIDERER GRAJEWO SA www.pfleiderer.pl EUROTEL SA www.eurotel.pl FAM GETIN GRAAL SA www.graal.pl EUROMARK POLSKA SA www.euromark.pl EUROTEL [GNT] GINO ROSSI SA www.gino-rossi.com EUROFAKTOR SA www.eurofaktor.pl EUROMARK GANT GRUPA FINANSOWA PREMIUM SA www.grupafinansowa.pl EUROCASH SA www.eurocash.com.pl EUROFAKTR [GGU] GETIN HOLDING SA www.getin.pl ES-SYSTEM SA www.essystem.pl EUROCASH GADUGADU GANT DEVELOPMENT SA www.gant.pl ERGIS-EUROFILMS SA www.eurofilms.com.pl ESSYSTEM [FOT] GADU-GADU SA www.gadu-gadu.pl ERBUD SA www.erbud.pl ERGIS FOTA FOTA SA www.fota.pl ENERGOPOL - POŁUDNIE SA www.energopolpoludnie.eu ERBUD [FTS] FORTIS BANK POLSKA SA www.fortisbank.com.pl ENERGOMONTAŻ-PÓŁNOC SA www.energomontaz.com.pl ENERGOPOL FORTISPL HOOP [HOP] HOOP SA www.hoop.com.pl [FTE] HTLSTREFA HTL-STREFA SA www.htl-strefa.pl [HTL] Main List HUTMEN [HTM] HUTMEN SA www.hutmen.pl HYDROTOR [HDR] INTROL-PDA [HGN] [IDM] [IGR] INTERNET GROUP SA www.zigzag.pl IMMOEAST [IEA] [IPL] [IPX] [IND] [BSK] [INS] [INK] [ITG] INTERFERIE SA www.interferie.pl [JCA] JUPITER [JPR] JUPITER NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY SA www.jupiter-nfi.pl [JTZ] JUTRZENKA SA www.jutrzenka.com.pl [JWC] J.W. CONSTRUCTION HOLDING SA www.jwconstruction.com.pl [KBL] KAREN [KAR] KERNEL [KER] KERNEL HOLDING SA www.kernel.ua [CAR] KETY [KTY] GRUPA KĘTY SA www.gk-kety.com.pl INTER CARS SA www.intercars.com.pl INTERFERI [JAG] KAREN NOTEBOOK SA www.karen.com.pl INTEGER.PL SA www.integer.pl INTERCARS [IZO] NKT CABLES SA www.nktcables.com INSTAL KRAKÓW SA www.instalkrakow.pl INTEGERPL JCAUTO KABLE PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO INSTALACJI PRZEMYSŁOWYCH INSTAL-LUBLIN SA www.instal.com.pl INSTALKRK JAGO JWCONSTR ING BANK ŚLĄSKI SA www.ing.pl INSTAL IZOLACJA JUTRZENKA INDYKPOL SA www.indykpol.com.pl INGBSK [IMX] JC AUTO SA www.jcauto.pl IMPEXMETAL SA www.impexmetal.com.pl INDYKPOL IVMX FIRMA HANDLOWA JAGO SA www.jago.com.pl IMPEL SA www.impel.pl IMPEXMET [IRE] HUTA SZKŁA GOSPODARCZEGO IRENA SA www.huta-irena.com.pl IZOLACJA-JAROCIN SA www.izolacja-jarocin.pl IMMOEAST AG www.immoeast.at IMPEL [INC] INFOVIDE-MATRIX SA www.infovidematrix.pl DOM MAKLERSKI IDMSA SA www.idmsa.pl IGROUP [INL] INWEST CONSULTING SA www.ic.poznan.pl IRENA [IBS] INVAR&BIURO SYSTEM S.A www.ibsystem.com.pl IDMSA [IPO] INTROL SA www.introlsa.pl INWESTCON [HYP] HYPERION SA www.hyperion.pl IBSYSTEM INTERSPPL INTERSPORT POLSKA SA www.intersport.pl HYGIENIKA SA www.hygienika.pl HYPERION [INT] INTERIA.PL SA www.interia.pl PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO HYDRAULIKI SIŁOWEJ HYDROTOR SA www.hydrotor.com.pl HYGIENIKA INTERIA.PL [INF] KGHM [KGH] KGHM POLSKA MIEDŹ SA www.kghm.pl 167 Fact Book 2008 KOELNER [KLR] KOELNER SA www.koelner.com.pl KOGENERA LENA [KGN] LENTEX [KOL] KOMPAP GRUPA LOTOS SA www.lotos.pl [KMP] LPP [KOM] KONSSTALI-PDA [KSTA] KOPEX [KPX] KPPD [KPD] KOSZALIŃSKIE PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRZEMYSŁU DRZEWNEGO SA www.kppd.pl KRAKCHEM [KCH] KREDYTB [KRB] KREDYTIN [KRI] KREZUS [KZS] KROSNO [KRS] LC CORP SA www.lcc.pl 168 [MCI] MCLOGIC [MCL] MACROLOGIC SA www.macrosoft.pl [KRK] [KSW] ZAKŁADY TŁUSZCZOWE KRUSZWICA SA www.ztkruszwica.pl LCCORP [MST] MCI MANAGEMENT SA www.mci.com.pl W.KRUK SA www.wkruk.pl KRUSZWICA [MKM] MASTERS SA www.jeansmasters.com.pl MCI KROŚNIEŃSKIE HUTY SZKŁA KROSNO SA www.krosno.com.pl KRUK [MAK] MAKRUM SA www.makrum.pl MASTERS NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY KREZUS SA www.nfikrezus.pl [MAG] MAKARONY POLSKIE SA www.makarony.pl MAKRUM KREDYT INKASO SA www.kredytinkaso.pl [LZP] MAGELLAN SA www.magellan.pl MAKARONPL KREDYT BANK SA www.kredytbank.com.pl [LBW] LUBELSKIE ZAKŁADY PRZEMYSŁU SKÓRZANEGO PROTEKTOR SA www.protektorsa.pl MAGELLAN KRAKCHEMIA SA www.krakchemia.pl [LSI] LUBAWA SA www.lubawa.com.pl LZPS KOPEX SA www.kopex.com.pl [LPP] LSI SOFTWARE SA www.lsisoftware.pl LUBAWA KONSORCJUM STALI SA www.konsorcjumstali.com.pl [LTS] LPP SA www.lpp.com.pl LSISOFT KOMPUTRONIK SA www.komputronik.pl [LTX] ZAKŁADY LENTEX SA www.lentex.com.pl LOTOS PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO HANDLOWE KOMPAP SA www.kompap.com.pl [LEN] LENA LIGHTING SA www.lenalighting.pl GRUPA KOLASTYNA SA www.grupakolastyna.pl KOMPUTRON [LDS] ŁDA INWEST SA ZESPÓŁ ELEKTROCIEPŁOWNI WROCŁAWSKICH KOGENERACJA SA. www.kogeneracja.com.pl KOLASTYNA LDASA MEDIATEL MENNICA [MNC] MENNICA POLSKA SA www.mennica.com.pl MERCOR [LCC] [MTL] MEDIATEL SA www.medianet.pl MERCOR SA www.mercor.com.pl [MCR] Main List MEWA [MEW] ZAKŁADY DZIEWIARSKIE MEWA SA www.mewa.com.pl MIDAS [MDS] NETMEDIA [MSO] [MIL] MULTIMEDIA POLSKA SA www.multimedia.pl MNI MNI SA www.mni.pl MOJ MOJ SA www.moj.com.pl MOL MOL MAGYAR OLAJ - ES GAZIPARI NYILVANOSAN MUKODO RESZVENYTARSASAG www.mol.hu MONNARI [MON] [MSX] [MSP] [MSW] NAFTOBUDOWA SA www.naftobudowa.pl ODLEWNIE [ODL] OLYMPIC [OEG] ONE2ONE [O2O] ONE-2-ONE SA www.one-2-one.pl [MSZ] OPOCZNO [OPO] OPOCZNO SA www.opoczno.com [MZA] MUZA SA www.muza.com.pl NAFTA [NTT] OLYMPIC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP AS www.oc.eu MOSTOSTAL ZABRZE HOLDING SA www.mostostal.zabrze.pl MUZA NTTSYSTEM ODLEWNIE POLSKIE SA www.odlewniepolskie.pl MOSTOSTAL WARSZAWA S.A www.mostostal.waw.pl MOSTALZAB [CNG] NTT SYSTEM SA www.ntt.com.pl MOSTOSTAL PŁOCK SA www.mostostal-plock.com.pl MOSTALWAR [NVS] CERAMIKA NOWA GALA SA www.nowa-gala.com.pl MOSTOSTAL EXPORT SA www.mostostal-export.com.pl MOSTALPLC [NVT] NOVITUS SA www.novitus.pl NOWAGALA MONNARI TRADE SA www.monnari.com.pl MOSTALEXP [NCT] NOVITA SA www.novita.com.pl NOVITUS [MOL] [NDA] NORTH COAST SA www.northcoast.com.pl NOVITA [MOJ] [NBL] NORDEA BANK POLSKA SA www.nordeabank.pl NORTCOAST [MNI] [EMF] NOBLE BANK SA www.noblebank.pl NORDEABP [MMP] [NEM] NARODOWY FUNDUSZ INWESTYCYJNY EMPIK MEDIA & FASHION SA www.emf.pl NOBLEBANK [MIP] MISPOL SA www.mispol.com.pl MMPPL [NET] NETMEDIA SA www.netmedia.com.pl NFIEMF BANK MILLENNIUM SA www.bankmillennium.pl MISPOL NETIA NETIA SA www.netia.pl ZAKŁADY PRZEMYSŁU CUKIERNICZEGO MIESZKO SA www.mieszko.com.pl MILLENNIUM [NEPA] NEPENTES SA www.nepentes.pl NARODOWY FUNDUSZ NWESTYCYJNY MIDAS SA www.midasnfi.pl MIESZKO NEPENTES-PDA OPONEO [OPN] OPONEO.PL SA www.oponeo.pl [NFT] OPTIMUS [OPT] OPTIMUS SA www.optimus.com.pl 169 Fact Book 2008 ORBIS [ORB] ORBIS SA www.orbis.pl ORCOGROUP [OPG] [OBL] [ORZ] ZAKŁADY LNIARSKIE ORZEŁ SA www.orzel.com.pl PAGED [PGD] [PMP] PAMAPOL SA www.pamapol.com.pl PANOVA [NVA] P.A. NOVA SA www.pa-nova.com.pl PBG [PBG] PBG SA www.pbg-sa.pl PCGUARD [PCG] PEGAS [PGS] PEKAES PEKAES SA www.pekaes.com.pl PEKAO [PEO] BANK POLSKA KASA OPIEKI SA www.pekao.com.pl PEMUG [PMG] PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO MONTAŻU KONSTRUKCJI STALOWYCH I URZĄDZEŃ GÓRNICZYCH PEMUG SA www.pemug.com.pl PEP [PEP] PERMEDIA ZAKŁADY CHEMICZNE PERMEDIA SA www.permedia.pl 170 PLASTBOX [PPS] [PLZ] PLAZA CENTERS N.V. www.plazacenters.com [PGM] PLATFORMA MEDIOWA POINT GROUP SA www.point-group.pl [PQA] PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO ROBÓT INŻYNIERYJNYCH POL-AQUA SA www.pol-aqua.com.pl POLCOLOR [PLT] POLCOLORIT SA www.polcolorit.pl POLICE [PCE] ZAKŁADY CHEMICZNE POLICE SA www.zchpolice.com [PXM] POLIMEX - MOSTOSTAL SA www.polimex-mostostal.pl [PLE] FABRYKA KOSMETYKÓW POLLENA-EWA SA www.pollenaewa.com.pl POLNA [PMD] [PLX] PRZETWÓRSTWO TWORZYW SZTUCZNYCH PLAST-BOX SA www.plast-box.com POLLENAE PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRZEMYSŁU SPOŻYWCZEGO PEPEES SA www.pepees.pl [PKO] POWSZECHNA KASA OSZCZĘDNOŚCI BANK POLSKI SA www.pkobp.pl POLIMEXMS POLISH ENERGY PARTNERS SA www.pepsa.com.pl PEPEES PKOBP POLAQUA [PEK] [PKN] POLSKI KONCERN NAFTOWY ORLEN SA www.orlen.pl POINTGROUP PEGAS NONWOVENS SA www.pegasas.cz [PGN] POLSKIE GÓRNICTWO NAFTOWE I GAZOWNICTWO SA www.pgnig.pl PLAZACNTR PC GUARD SA www.pcguard.pl [PGF] POLSKA GRUPA FARMACEUTYCZNA SA www.pgf.com.pl PKNORLEN PAGED SA www.paged.com.pl PAMAPOL PGF PGNIG ORZEŁ BIAŁY SA www.orzel-bialy.com.pl ORZEL [OIL] PETROLINVEST SA www.petrolinvest.pl ORCO PROPERTY GROUP SA www.orcogroup.pl ORZBIALY PETROLINV [PLA] ZAKŁADY AUTOMATYKI POLNA SA www.polna.com.pl POLNORD POLNORD SA www.polnord.pl [PND] Main List POLREST [POL] POLREST SA www.polrest.pl PONARFEH [PNF] [PWK] POLSKIE PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO WYDAWNICTW KARTOGRAFICZNYCH IM. EUGENIUSZA ROMERA SA www.ppwk.com.pl PRATERM [PTM] [PMA] [PRD] [PRM] [PRC] [PJP] [PKM] [PRO] [PSP] [ZAP] [QNT] QUMAKSEK [QSM] RADPOL RADPOL SA www.radpol.com.pl [RPC] [RCH] [SNK] SANOCKIE ZAKŁADY PRZEMYSŁU GUMOWEGO STOMIL SANOK SA www.stomilsanok.com.pl [SNW] SANWIL SA www.sanwil.com [SWG] SECO/WARWICK SA www.secowarwick.com.pl SEKO [RDL] [RON] RUCH SA www.ruch.com.pl SECOGROUP QUMAK - SEKOM SA www.qumak.pl [RES] ZAKŁADY MAGNEZYTOWE ROPCZYCE S.A www.ropczyce.com.pl SANWIL QUANTUM SOFTWARE SA www.quantum-software.com [RMK] RONSON EUROPE N.V. www.ronson.pl SANOK ZAKŁADY AZOTOWE PUŁAWY SA www.zapulawy.pl QUANTUM [RLP] RESBUD SA www.resbud.pl RUCH PROSPER SA www.prosper.ic.pl PULAWY [RHD] PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO MODERNIZACJI URZĄDZEŃ ENERGETYCZNYCH REMAK SA www.remak.com.pl ROPCZYCE PRONOX TECHNOLOGY SA www.pronox.com PROSPER REMAK RONSON PROKOM SOFTWARE SA www.prokom.pl PRONOX RELPOL RESBUD PROJPRZEM SA www.projprzem.com PROKOM REINHOLD RELPOL SA www.relpol.com.pl PRÓCHNIK SA www.prochnik.com.pl PROJPRZEM [RDN] REINHOLD POLSKA A.B www.reinholdpolska.com PROCHEM SA www.prochem.com.pl PROCHNIK REDAN REDAN SA www.redan.com.pl PROCAD SA www.procad.pl PROCHEM [RBW] RAINBOW TOURS SA www.rainbowtours.pl PRIMA MODA SA www.primamoda.com.pl PROCAD [RAF] FABRYKA OBRABIAREK RAFAMET SA www.rafamet.com.pl RAINBOW PRATERM SA www.praterm.pl PRIMAMODA [RFK] FABRYKA KOTŁÓW RAFAKO SA www.rafako.com.pl RAFAMET PONAR - WADOWICE SA www.ponar-wadowice.pl PPWK RAFAKO [SEK] SEKO SA www.rybki-seko.pl SFINKS [SFS] SFINKS POLSKA SA www.sfinks.pl 171 Fact Book 2008 SILVANO [SFG] AS SILVANO FASHION GROUP www.pta.ee SIMPLE [SME] [SKT] [SKY] [SKA] [STX] [STP] [STF] [STM] [SUW] SWISSMED CENTRUM ZDROWIA SA www.swissmed.pl 172 [TFM] TORFARM SA www.torfarm.com.pl [TPS] TRASINTUR [TIN] TRAVELPL [TVL] TRAVELPLANET.PL SA www.travelplanet.pl [SWZ] TRITON [TRI] TRITON DEVELOPMENT SA www.tritondevelopment.pl [MPP] MONDI PACKAGING PAPER ŚWIECIE SA www.mondipackaging.com SWISSMED [TOR] TRAS-INTUR SA www.tras-intur.com.pl SWARZĘDZ MEBLE SA www.swarzedz-sa.com.pl SWIECIE [TIM] TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA SA www.tp.pl SUWARY SA www.suwary.com.pl SWARZEDZ [TFO] TOORA POLAND SA www.toorapoland.pl TPSA STORMM SA www.stormm.pl SUWARY [TET] TIM SA www.tim.pl TORFARM [ZUK] [TER] TELFORCEONE SA www.telforceone.com TOORA ZAKŁADY URZĄDZEŃ KOTŁOWYCH STĄPORKÓW SA www.zuk.com.pl STORMM [TEL] TETA SA www.teta.com.pl TIM STALPROFIL SA www.stalprofil.com.pl STAPORKOW [TEX] PANI TERESA-MEDICA SA www.pani-teresa.com.pl TFONE STALPRODUKT SA www.stalprodukt.com.pl STALPROFI TELL TETA [SRX] STALEXPORT AUTOSTRADY SA www.stalexport-autostrady.pl STALPROD TECHMEX TERESA [SPY] FABRYKA ŚRUB W ŁAŃCUCIE ŚRUBEX SA www.srubex.com.pl STALEXP [TLX] TELL SA www.tell.pl SPRAY SA www.spray.net.pl SRUBEX TALEX TECHMEX SA www.techmex.com.pl FABRYKA FARB I LAKIERÓW ŚNIEŻKA SA www.sniezka.pl SPRAY [SNS] TALEX SA www.talex.com.pl SKYEUROPE HOLDING AG www.skyeurope.com SNIEZKA SYNTHOS SYNTHOS SA www.dwory.pl SKOTAN SA www.skotansa.pl SKYEUROPE [SGN] SYGNITY SA www.sygnity.pl SIMPLE SA www.simple.com.pl SKOTAN SYGNITY TUEUROPA [ERP] TOWARZYSTWO UBEZPIECZEŃ EUROPA SA www.tueuropa.pl [SWD] TUP TUP SA www.tup.com.pl [TUP] Main List TVN [TVN] TVN SA www.tvn.pl ULMA [ULM] [UCG] [U2K] [VRT] [VST] [WDX] WANDALEX SA www.wandalex.com.pl WARFAMA [WFM] [WXF] [WAS] [WWL] WIELTON-PDA [ZNT] [PUE] ZPUE SA www.zpuesa.com.pl [ERG] ZAKŁADY TWORZYW SZTUCZNYCH ZĄBKOWICE-ERG SA www.erg.com.pl [ZUR] EFH ŻURAWIE WIEŻOWE SA www.efh-zurawie.pl ZYWIEC WAWEL SA www.wawel.com.pl [ZKA] ZAKŁADY NAPRAWCZE TABORU KOLEJOWEGO W ŁAPACH SA www.zntklapy.com.pl ZURAWIE WASKO SA www.wasko.pl WAWEL [ZLR] ZETKAMA FABRYKA ARMATURY PRZEMYSŁOWEJ SA www.zetkama.com.pl ZTSERG WARIMPEX FINANZ- UND BETEILIGUNGS AG www.warimpex.com WASKO ZETKAMA ZPUE POL-MOT WARFAMA SA www.warfama.pl WARIMPEX [ZEG] ZAKŁAD ELEKTRONIKI GÓRNICZEJ ZEG SA www.zeg.pl ZNTKLAPY VISTULA & WÓLCZANKA SA www.vistula.com.pl WANDALEX [ZST] ZELMER SA www.zelmer.pl VARIANT SA www.variant.pl VISTULA ZEG ZELMER UNIMA 2000 SYSTEMY TELEINFORMATYCZNE SA www.unima2000.com.pl VARIANT ZASTAL ZASTAL SA www.zastal.pl UNICREDITO ITALIANO S.P.A. www.unicreditgroup.eu UNIMA [YWL] YAWAL SA www.yawal.pl ULMA CONSTRUCCION SA www.bauma.com.pl UNICREDIT YAWAL [ZWC] GRUPA ŻYWIEC SA www.grupazywiec.pl [WLTA] WIELTON SA www.wielton.com.pl WILBO [WLB] WILBO SA www.wilbo.com.pl WISTIL [WST] ZAKŁADY PRZEMYSŁU JEDWABNICZEGO WISTIL SA www.wistil.pl WOLAINFO [WIN] WOLA INFO SA www.wolainfo.pl WSIP [WSP] WYDAWNICTWA SZKOLNE I PEDAGOGICZNE SA www.wsip.com.pl 173 Fact Book 2008 174 NewConnect 175 Fact Book 2008 176 NewConnect Contents Information About NewConnect .......................................................................... 179 Trading Rules ....................................................................................................... 181 Companies .......................................................................................................... 183 Investors ............................................................................................................. 188 NCIndex ............................................................................................................... 189 Listed Companies ................................................................................................ 192 NewConnect Members ........................................................................................ 193 Market Animator/Market Maker .......................................................................... 194 Authorised Advisers ............................................................................................ 195 Mandatory Disclosures ........................................................................................ 198 177 Fact Book 2008 178 NewConnect Information About NewConnect 30 August 2007 marked the launch of from innovative sectors relying on intan- NewConnect: the new market organised by gible assets, such as: information tech- the WSE aimed at providing capital for new nology, electronic media, biotechnolo- companies with high growth potential. gies, environment protection, alternative NewConnect is an equities market based on the Alternative Trading System (ATS) operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange. NewConnect was created for start-ups and new companies, particularly those from the high-tech sector. This is also a new opportunity for investors willing to accept a higher risk in exchange for potentially higher returns. energy, modern services, with a vision and a chance for a stock market debut in future. Two paths to a market debut An advantage of NewConnect and a new opportunity on the Polish capital market is that companies may bring their shares into trading via a private placement, targeted at a maximum of 99 investors, institutional or private. In this case, regardless of the size of While NewConnect as an alternative market is new to Poland, Europe already has similar platforms, notably the AIM in London or First North within OMX, the Nordic bourse group. NewConnect offers more liberal formal criteria and disclosure requirements and, as a result, an opportunity to raise ca- the issue, access to trading is granted on the basis of a brief and simple information document, approved by an Authorised Adviser. The time between the decision and the first quotation may be as short as 2-3 months, i.e. much shorter than on the regulated market. pital at lower cost. NewConnect is also intended as the first step to a flotation on the The other access path is via a public offe- regulated market. ring. Companies which choose this method After the launch of NewConnect, many com- are subject to the same access procedures panies which do not meet the listing criteria as those applied on the regulated market, applied on the regulated market have taken including the requirement to prepare a pros- the advantage of the opportunity to offer sha- pectus and submit it for approval to the Po- res in public trading. lish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA). NewConnect is intended for companies: For offerings of up to EUR 2.5 million an in- with high growth dynamics, formation memorandum, overseen by the in their first 3-4 years of operations, buil- PFSA, may be considered as an information ding their track record in business, with an expected capitalisation of up to ca. PLN 20 million, seeking to raise between a few hundred document. The time taken between the decision and the market debut is comparable to that on the regulated market, i.e. between 6 and 9 months. thousand to a few million PLN or more, 179 Fact Book 2008 Key market indicators The capitalisation of the 24 companies tra- In 2007 the trading value on NewConnect ded at the end of 2007 was over PLN 1.1 exceeded PLN 303 million, and investors billion. closed over 58,000 deals. Equity trading value in 2007 (PLN million) Continuous trading Single-price system Block trades Total August 18.5 1.0 0.0 19.5 September 15.2 1.8 0.0 16.9 October 34.8 0.0 0.0 34.8 November 21.8 0.0 0.0 21.8 December Total 62.2 0.0 0.0 62.2 152.6 2.8 0.0 155.4 Rights to shares (PDA) trading value in 2007 (PLN million) Continuous trading Single-price system Block trades Total August 29.6 0.0 0.0 29.6 September 28.3 0.0 0.0 28.3 October 17.5 0.0 0.0 17.5 November 37.6 0.0 0.0 37.6 December Total 180 34.1 0.0 0.0 34.1 147.2 0.0 0.0 147.2 NewConnect Trading Rules NewConnect operates on the WARSET trans- the obligation to place buy and sell orders. action platform, a reliable system that inves- The market maker is always a party to each tors are familiar with. Companies may cho- transaction. ose one of the two available systems: or- The choice of trading system is made at the der-driven (with participation of a market ani- issuer's sole discretion but may be prece- mator) or price-driven (with a market maker). ded by consultation with an authorised ad- Shares can be traded within a continuous viser. trading system or a single-price auction sys- At the end of 2007 all NewConnect compa- tem with two auctions daily. nies were traded under the order-driven sys- In the order-driven system the market ani- tem. The session schedule is the same as mator is obligated to stimulate trading, i.e. on the WSE's main floor and so are the ty- to support liquidity of issuer's shares. In the pes of orders and execution priorities. The price-driven system the market maker has tick size is PLN 0.01. Trading session schedule on the NewConnect Market Order-driven market – continuous trading 8:30 – 9:30 Pre-opening phase (opening call) – orders may be submitted, modified and cancelled – transactions are not executed 9:30 Opening (determination of the opening price and execution of transactions at the opening) – order submission, modification and cancellation is suspended – transactions are executed at a price equal to the opening price 9:30 – 16:10 Continuous trading phase – orders may be submitted, modified and cancelled – transactions are executed 16:10 – 16:20 Pre-closing phase (closing call) – orders may be submitted, modified and cancelled – transactions are not executed 16:20 Closing (closing price is determined and transactions are made at the closing) – order submission, modification and cancellation is suspended – transactions are executed at a price equal to the closing price 16:20 – 16.30 Post-auction trading 16:10 – 16:20 Pre-opening phase (next day opening call) – orders may be submitted, modified and cancelled – transactions are not executed 181 Fact Book 2008 Order-driven market – single-price auction 8:30 – 11:00 Pre-opening phase (opening call) – orders may be submitted, modified and cancelled – transactions are not executed 11:00 – 11:15 Intervention phase 11:15 Opening (single price is determined and transactions are made at the opening) – order submission, modification and cancellation is suspended – transactions are executed at a price equal to the opening price 11:15 – 11.45 Post-auction trading 11:45 – 14:45 Pre-opening phase (opening call) – orders may be submitted, modified and cancelled – transactions are not executed 14:45 – 15:00 Intervention phase 15:00 Opening (single price is determined and transactions are made at the opening) – order submission, modification and cancellation is suspended – transactions are executed at a price equal to the opening price 15:00 – 15.30 Post-auction trading 15:30 – 16:35 Pre-opening phase (next day opening call) – orders may be submitted, modified and cancelled – transactions are not executed Price-driven market – continuous trading 9:30 – 16:10 Continuous trading phase – Market Makers submit orders (quotations) – other Market Members submit orders – transactions are executed 182 NewConnect Companies By the end of 2007, i.e. within just four mon- NewConnect companies opted for private ths following commencement of operations, placement. The largest offering in terms of 24 companies were floated on NewConnect, value came from LUG: over PLN 20.5 mil- bringing over PLN 150 million worth of offe- lion. Five other companies offered over PLN rings, including PLN 145 million in new is- 10 million worth of shares: Stark Develop- sues. Companies and investors received ment, Inwest Connect, Mera Schody, WDM a new opportunity to offer/acquire shares and MW Trade. E-Muzyka closesd the ran- via private placement. This option turned king with an issue of PLN 1.6 million. out to be a popular choice: the majority of Newly listed companies in 2007 No Company Issue price First quotation* date price** (PLN) (PLN) (%) (%) 1 DIGITAL-PDA 28.00 30.08 30.00 18.00 -35.7 -40.0 2 S4E 1.00 30.08 13.99 9.61 861.0 -31.3 3 WDMSA 2.00 30.08 5.18 2.97 48.5 -42.7 4 VIAGUARA 1.39 30.08 8.00 2.71 95.0 -66.1 5 VISION 0.01 30.08 0.79 1.54 15 300.0 94.9 6 MERA 5.00 20.09 4.83 4.75 -5.0 -1.7 7 AUXILIUM 4.00 27.09 3.68 6.79 69.8 84.5 8 STARKDEV 23.00 27.09 20.19 21.70 -5.7 7.5 9 INWESTCNN 3.75 28.09 3.59 3.06 -18.4 -14.8 10 MWTRADE 10.00 28.09 7.68 8.20 -18.0 6.8 11 ADVPL-PDA 3.30 9.10 3.60 4.04 22.4 12.2 12 INFOSYS 6.50 24.10 6.81 6.38 -1.8 -6.3 13 DIVICOM 3.00 30.10 9.14 30.00 900.0 228.2 14 POLNOCNR 8.50 5.11 8.19 6.15 -27.6 -24.9 15 SSI 0.20 6.11 0.36 0.72 260.0 100.0 16 TELESTR-PDA 6.00 15.11 4.90 5.95 -0.8 21.4 17 TECHPARK2 57.0 18 LUG 19 LIBERTY (PLN) Price** at year-end Price change vs. issue price first quotation --- 16.11 11.08 17.40 --- 2.30 20.11 2.35 2.82 22.6 20.0 --- 30.11 2.35 1.84 --- -21.7 20 EFICOM-PDA 3.60 3.12 5.19 4.39 21.9 -15.4 21 IQP-PDA 3.00 4.12 2.89 3.28 9.3 13.5 22 BLUPREIPO 3.75 14.12 10.23 29.15 677.3 185.0 23 EMUZYKA-PDA 4.00 21.12 6.50 5.95 48.8 -8.5 24 MAKOLAB-PDA 1.75 21.12 5.10 5.99 242.3 17.5 * Closing price ** Shares / rights to shares (PDA) 183 Fact Book 2008 Shares by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Order-book trades Block trades Turnover Share in Annual Average Average Average value turnover turnover volume number of number of (PLN ratio per session transactions orders million) (%) (%) (shares) Turnover Number of value transactions (PLN million) 1 DIVICOM DVC 26.0 16.75 19.2 25 981 91 255 --- --- 2 S4E S4E 22.1 14.21 48.4 9 835 67 235 --- --- 3 VIAGUARA VGR 18.3 11.74 15.6 22 512 65 224 --- --- 4 VISION VIV 17.3 11.13 546.7 65 861 64 269 --- --- 5 MERA MER 15.9 10.24 28.9 21 427 41 154 --- --- 6 SSI SSI 13.0 8.39 13.8 1 266 727 288 628 --- --- 7 WDMSA WDM 11.8 7.59 23.3 30 542 52 225 --- --- 8 AUXILIUM AUX 10.2 6.58 66.9 24 154 57 169 --- --- 9 TECHPARK2 TP2 6.2 4.00 3.5 7 677 25 104 --- --- 10 BLUPREIPO BLU 4.7 3.02 2.9 17 618 105 306 --- --- 11 LIBERTY LTG 2.8 1.78 12.6 34 980 51 175 --- --- 12 INWESTCNN ICN 2.4 1.54 11.1 147 466 179 367 --- --- 13 MWTRADE MWT 1.5 0.98 1.0 4 062 9 55 --- --- 14 STARKDEV STR 1.4 0.93 0.0 1 249 5 35 --- --- 15 LUG LUG 1.0 0.66 0.5 61 590 43 99 --- --- 16 INFOSYS IFS 0.7 0.46 1.9 3 222 4 28 --- --- Rights to shares (PDA) by trading value in 2007 No Company Ticker Order-book trades Block trades Turnover Share Annual Average Average Average Turnover Number of value in turnover volume number of number of value transactions (PLN turnover ratio per session transactions orders (PLN million) (%) (%) (shares) million) 1 SSI-PDA SSIA 39.3 26.72 214.6 1 724 558 211 523 --- --- 2 WDMSA-PDA WDMA 38.5 26.13 51.8 188 332 321 777 --- --- 3 DIGITAL-PDA DGLA 15.2 10.33 146.6 3 698 41 170 --- --- 4 AUXILIUM-PDA AUXA 12.6 8.56 165.4 60 318 80 277 --- --- 5 INWESTCNN-PDA ICNA 10.6 7.20 71.0 36 110 27 108 --- --- 6 MWTRADE-PDA MWTA 9.0 6.09 36.6 14 548 28 138 --- --- 7 MAKOLAB-PDA MLBA 4.1 2.77 132.6 121 390 288 775 --- --- 8 IQP-PDA IQPA 3.4 2.28 28.5 33 001 52 167 --- --- 9 LUG-PDA LUGA 2.9 1.96 6.6 25 887 22 90 --- --- 10 ADVPL-PDA ADVA 2.2 1.51 15.1 5 486 8 37 --- --- 11 EMUZYKA-PDA EMUA 2.1 1.41 39.1 52 141 143 381 --- --- 12 EFICOM-PDA EFIA 2.0 1.34 15.0 12 333 30 122 --- --- 13 TELESTR-PDA TLSA 2.0 1.33 23.1 5 910 11 61 --- --- 14 STARKDEV-PDA STRA 1.5 1.02 9.4 1 204 8 64 --- --- 15 POLNOCNR-PDA PNRA 1.3 0.90 10.2 2 470 8 102 --- --- 16 INFOSYS-PDA IFSA 0.7 0.44 10.3 1 922 6 37 --- --- 184 NewConnect Shares and rights to shares (PDA) with highest daily turnover in 2007 No Shares Date 1 WDMSA-PDA 30.08 2 S4E 30.08 6.11 Turnover volume (shares) No Shares 13.33 1 255 489 Turnover value (PLN million) 8.89 19 S4E 256 002 20 SSI-PDA Date 31.08 9.11 17.12 Turnover value (PLN million) Turnover volume (shares) 2.50 84 276 2.47 3 560 949 3 SSI-PDA 7.90 8 846 663 21 SSI 4 WDMSA-PDA 31.08 7.61 715 968 22 WDMSA-PDA 4.09 2.42 2.44 2 255 477 5 DIGITAL-PDA 30.08 7.31 94 625 23 SSI-PDA 8.11 2.41 3 576 094 6 DIVICOM 30.10 5.60 357 530 24 AUXILIUM-PDA 2.10 2.34 7 VIAGUARA 30.08 4.00 239 402 25 VISION 30.10 2.29 531 946 8 SSI-PDA 11.12 3.95 2 644 356 26 MWTRADE-PDA 28.09 2.19 131 056 9 294 530 230 712 MWTRADE-PDA 19.11 3.28 230 972 27 TECHPARK2 19.12 2.13 57 977 10 VIAGUARA 31.08 3.15 157 782 28 VISION 29.10 1.93 495 077 11 AUXILIUM-PDA 27.09 3.14 402 219 29 INWESTCNN-PDA 20.12 1.88 395 668 12 WDMSA-PDA 7.09 3.13 384 841 30 SSI-PDA 10.12 1.87 1 474 876 13 DIVICOM 20.12 2.96 60 015 31 SSI-PDA 13.11 14 SSI 19.12 2.84 1 962 101 32 WDMSA-PDA 15 SSI 18.12 2.78 2 176 423 33 AUXILIUM 19.12 1.73 138 194 16 SSI-PDA 7.11 2.67 3 674 107 34 WDMSA-PDA 3.09 1.71 169 927 238 667 5.09 1.86 3 213 136 1.84 259 702 17 MERA 20.09 2.65 241 897 35 WDMSA-PDA 6.09 1.71 18 DIVICOM 31.10 2.60 140 615 36 SSI-PDA 6.12 1.70 1 717 547 Companies with largest market capitalisation (end of 2007) No Company 1 WDMSA 82 500.00 245.03 2 DIVICOM 5 400.00 162.00 3 BLUPREIPO 4 800.00 139.92 11.81 4 TECHPARK2 6 150.00 107.01 9.03 5.32 6.5 --- 5 LUG 35 992.85 101.50 8.57 13.64 43.2 --- 6 VISION 51 000.00 78.54 6.63 613.59 --- --- 7 MWTRADE 8 188.60 67.15 5.67 35.89 41.5 --- 8 VIAGUARA 19 885.00 53.89 4.55 78.44 x --- 9 SSI 73 500.00 52.92 4.47 92.03 127.5 --- 2 250.00 48.83 4.12 1 085.00 x ----- Shares outstanding (thousand) Market capitalisation (PLN million) Market share (%) P/BV P/E Dividend yield (%) 20.68 291.70 x --- 13.67 165.31 x --- 43.67 --- --- 10 STARKDEV 11 MERA 10 092.50 47.94 4.05 6.14 40.0 12 INWESTCNN 8 000.00 24.48 2.07 2.08 x --- 13 INFOSYS 3 107.08 19.82 1.67 97.17 30.5 --- 14 S4E 1 686.73 16.21 1.37 7.47 33.6 --- 15 AUXILIUM 1 525.00 10.35 0.87 13.66 39.8 --- 16 LIBERTY 5 000.00 9.20 0.78 16.00 --- --- 1 184.79 100.00 20.02 53.3 --- Total 185 Fact Book 2008 Shares and rights to shares (PDA) by return in 2007 No Company Rate of return since year-beginning (%) low high Price end (in PLN) (PLN) (PLN) (PLN) 1 DIVICOM 228.2 11.50 9.99 30.00 2 BLUPREIPO 185.0 11.16 29.17 29.15 3 SSI 100.0 0.26 0.84 0.72 4 VISION 94.9 0.31 2.56 1.54 5 AUXILIUM 84.5 3.04 7.80 6.79 6 TECHPARK2 57.0 10.00 19.40 17.40 7 TELESTR-PDA 21.4 4.49 8.00 5.95 8 LUG 20.0 2.03 2.84 2.82 9 MAKOLAB-PDA 17.5 2.50 8.50 5.99 10 IQP-PDA 13.5 2.50 4.40 3.28 11 ADVPL-PDA 12.2 3.25 4.50 4.04 12 STARKDEV 7.5 13.00 23.58 21.70 13 MWTRADE 6.8 5.46 9.99 8.20 14 MERA -1.7 3.90 7.20 4.75 15 INFOSYS -6.3 5.50 9.20 6.38 16 EMUZYKA-PDA -8.5 5.56 8.30 5.95 17 INWESTCNN -14.8 1.53 3.89 3.06 18 EFICOM-PDA -15.4 4.00 7.80 4.39 19 LIBERTY -21.7 1.60 2.94 1.84 20 POLNOCNR-PDA -24.9 5.61 8.70 6.15 21 S4E -31.3 10.00 9.99 9.61 22 DIGITAL-PDA -40.0 10.00 48.50 18.00 23 WDMSA -42.7 2.12 5.99 2.97 24 VIAGUARA -66.1 2.01 9.90 2.71 Shares with highest monthly returns in 2007 by month Months September Shares VISION Return (%) (in PLN) (in EUR) -2.5 -1.3 October VISION 65.0 71.7 November DIVICOM 59.4 59.6 December DIVICOM 111.4 112.6 186 NewConnect Shares and rights to shares (PDA) – basic figures 2007 Indices NCIndex at year-end Return on NCIndex (%) 144.17 44.17 Companies Number of listed companies at year-end Capitalisation at year-end (PLN million) Average P/E ratio* Average P/BV ratio* 24 1 185 90.0 27.95 Dividend yield at year-end (%)* 0.0 Total turnover value for the year (PLN million) 303 Average turnover value per session (PLN million) 3.6 Number of transactions per session 719 Average value of transaction (PLN) 2 535 Turnover ratio for companies (%) 14.5 Number of sessions for the year 83 Continuous trading Number of all listed companies at year-end 24 Number of transactions per session 710 Total turnover value for the year (PLN million) 300 Single-price system Number of all listed companies at year-end 0 Number of transactions per session 9 Total turnover value for the year (PLN million) 3 * Average annual figure for all listed companies 187 Fact Book 2008 Investors During the first months of operations, indi- bed above 92%. Polish financial institutions vidual investors played by far the decisive accounted for 5% and foreign investors ge- role, as their share in total trading value clim- nerated 3% of trading. Investor structure in 2007 – equities Domestic institutional investors 5% Foreign investors 3% Domestic individual investors 92% 188 NewConnect NCIndex NCIndex is the first index on NewConnect, The list of constituent companies is upda- calculated since the launch of this market, ted four times a year. After the close of the i.e. 30 August 2007. Its portfolio covers all session on the second Friday of March, June, companies traded on NewConnect. September and December, a list of all New- The base value of NCIndex is 100 points and Connect companies is compiled. Companies' its subsequent values are based on prices weightings in the index are based on the of shares or rights to shares for all constitu- number of shares or rights to shares in free ent companies. float (rounded off to the nearest thousand). NCIndex is published from the start till the Moreover, one company may account for a end of the session, at five-minute intervals. maximum of 15% of NCIndex. The new in- NCIndex is a total return index, which me- dex portfolio comes into force after the third ans that income from dividends and pre- Friday of March, June, September and De- emptive rights is also included in calcula- cember. tions. The NCIndex in 2007 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 189 Fact Book 2008 The NCIndex portfolio (end of 2007) No Shares Price Number of shares Market value (PLN) Share in NCIndex (%) (PLN) 1 BLUPREIPO 29.15 4 800 000 139 920 000 18.89 2 DIVICOM 30.00 3 991 000 119 730 000 16.16 3 TECHPARK2 17.40 6 150 000 107 010 000 14.45 4 MWTRADE 8.20 8 189 000 67 149 800 9.07 5 SSI 0.72 73 500 000 52 920 000 7.14 6 STARKDEV 21.70 2 250 000 48 825 000 6.59 7 VIAGUARA 2.71 12 000 000 32 520 000 4.39 8 LUG 2.82 8 993 000 25 360 260 3.42 9 MERA 4.75 5 045 000 23 963 750 3.24 10 WDMSA 2.97 8 000 000 23 760 000 3.21 11 INFOSYS 6.38 3 107 000 19 822 660 2.68 12 S4E 9.61 1 687 000 16 212 070 2.19 13 AUXILIUM 6.79 1 408 000 9 560 320 1.29 14 LIBERTY 1.84 5 000 000 9 200 000 1.24 15 INWESTCNN 3.06 3 000 000 9 180 000 1.24 16 ADVPL-PDA 4.04 2 000 000 8 080 000 1.09 17 EFICOM-PDA 4.39 1 400 000 6 146 000 0.83 18 IQP-PDA 3.28 1 853 000 6 077 840 0.82 19 POLNOCNR-PDA 6.15 900 000 5 535 000 0.75 20 TELESTR-PDA 5.95 743 000 4 420 850 0.60 21 DIGITAL-PDA 18.00 209 000 3 762 000 0.51 22 VISION 1.54 1 000 000 1 540 000 0.21 190 NewConnect NCIndex values in 2007 Session NCIndex Session NCIndex Session NCIndex 30.08 100.00 19.10 96.49 11.12 109.43 31.08 140.89 22.10 94.30 12.12 109.73 3.09 127.76 23.10 94.48 13.12 108.91 4.09 112.37 24.10 96.44 14.12 111.38 5.09 100.00 25.10 95.67 17.12 110.11 6.09 101.83 26.10 95.18 18.12 110.26 7.09 110.21 29.10 95.36 19.12 118.97 10.09 109.83 30.10 93.52 20.12 125.03 11.09 110.50 31.10 94.31 21.12 134.90 12.09 104.99 2.11 94.30 27.12 137.47 13.09 104.48 5.11 94.82 28.12 144.17 14.09 102.12 6.11 92.83 17.09 101.48 7.11 90.08 18.09 98.81 8.11 89.17 19.09 101.83 9.11 88.34 20.09 98.34 12.11 88.29 21.09 98.84 13.11 86.32 24.09 97.19 14.11 85.94 25.09 92.32 15.11 84.28 26.09 90.17 16.11 90.25 27.09 90.91 19.11 90.08 28.09 91.45 20.11 87.24 1.10 91.73 21.11 85.65 2.10 95.47 22.11 87.71 3.10 94.85 23.11 91.31 4.10 95.65 26.11 91.78 5.10 96.99 27.11 90.42 8.10 99.38 28.11 92.13 9.10 98.24 29.11 94.25 10.10 95.98 30.11 94.47 11.10 96.38 3.12 94.76 12.10 96.30 4.12 96.49 15.10 95.82 5.12 97.25 16.10 95.41 6.12 101.69 17.10 95.44 7.12 105.84 18.10 94.77 10.12 110.70 All-year high for 2007 All-year low for 2007 191 Fact Book 2008 Listed Companies (end of 2007) ADVPL-PDA [ADVA] ADV.PL SA www.adv.pl AUXILIUM [AUX] MWTRADE [BLU] EFICOM SA www.eficom.pl EMUZYKA-PDA E-MUZYKA SA www.e-muzyka.pl INFOSYS INFOSYSTEMS SA www.infosystems.pl INWESTCNN INWEST CONNECT SA www.ic.poznan.pl IQP-PDA IQ PARTNERS SA www.iqpartners.pl LIBERTY LIBERTY GROUP SA www.libertygroup.pl LUG LUG SA www.lug.com.pl 192 [VGR] [VIV] VIRTUAL VISION SA www.virtualvision.pl WDMSA [LUG] [TLSA] VIAGUARA SA www.viaguara.com VISION [LTG] [TP2] TELESTRADA SA www.telestrada.pl VIAGUARA [IQPA] [STR] TECHNOPARK 2 SA www.technopark2.pl TELESTR-PDA [ICN] [SSI] STARK DEVELOPMENT SA www.starkdev.pl TECHPARK2 [IFS] [S4E] SECURITY SYSTEM INTEGRATION SA www.ssisa.pl STARKDEV [EMUA] [PNR] S4E SA www.s4e.pl SSI [EFIA] [MWT] PÓŁNOC NIERUCHOMOŚCI SA www.nieruchomoscipolnoc.pl S4E [DVC] DIVICOM SA www.divicom.pl EFICOM-PDA [MER] M.W. TRADE SA www.mwtrade.pl POLNOCNR [DGLA] DIGITAL AVENUE SA www.digitalavenue.pl DIVICOM MERA MERA SCHODY SA www.mera.pl BLUMERANG PRE IPO SA www.blumerang.pl DIGITAL-PDA [MLBA] MAKOLAB SA www.makolab.com AUXILIUM KANCELARIA BIEŁYC REWIDENTÓW SA www.auxilium.com.pl BLUPREIPO MAKOLAB-PDA WROCŁAWSKI DOM MAKLERSKI SA www.wdmsa.pl [WDM] NewConnect NewConnect Members NewConnect membership is open only to market and that they have made the requ- organisations which are already members of ired payment to the fund which secures ATS the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In order to transactions (the fund is operated by the obtain NewConnect membership, the inte- National Depository for Securities). Alterna- rested WSE members must apply to the Or- tively, the payment may be made by ano- ganiser of the Alternative Trading System to ther organisation which has signed an agre- define the start date and the scope of their ement with the market member to settle operations on NewConnect. NewConnect transactions. The aforementioned declaration must be submitted no later In order to begin operations on NewConnect, than two days before commencement of members are required to submit a declara- operations. tion confirming that they intend to join the List of NewConnect Members (as of 4 February 2008) Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG Dom Maklerski IDM SA www.ba-ca.com www.idmsa.pl Bank BPH SA Dom Maklerski PENETRATOR SA www.bph.pl www.penetrator.com.pl Bank DnB NORD Polska SA ERSTE Securities Polska SA www.dnbnord.pl www.esp.pl Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej SA ING Securities SA www.bgz.pl www.ingsecurities.pl Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. IPOPEMA SECURITIES SA www.pekao.com.pl www.ipopema.pl Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA KBC Securities N.V. (Spółka Akcyjna) Oddział w Polsce www.bdm.com.pl Centralny Dom Maklerski Pekao SA www.cdmpekao.com.pl Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku SA www.breinwest.com.pl Dom Maklerski AmerBrokers SA www.amerbrokers.pl Dom Maklerski Banku Handlowego SA www.citibank.com Dom Maklerski BOŚ SA www.bossa.pl Dom Maklerski BZ WBK SA www.kbcmakler.pl Millennium Dom Maklerski SA www.millenniumdm.pl OPERA Dom Maklerski Sp. z o.o. www.opera.pl PKO Bank Polski SA www.pkobp.pl UniCredit CA IB Polska SA www.ca-ib.pl X-Trade Brokers Dom Maklerski SA www.xtb.pl www.dmbzwbk.pl 193 Fact Book 2008 Market Animator/Market Maker During at least 2 years after the flotation, a market animator and a market maker de- each company is supported by an invest- pends on the trading system chosen by the ment firm acting as a market animator who- issuer. se primary role is to ensure liquidity of trading in issuers' shares. A market animator is At the end of 2007, four market animators a counterpart of a market maker: the latter operated on NewConnect, performing their fulfils the same responsibilities under ano- role for 24 companies listed on that market. ther trading system. The choice between List of Market Animators (as of 31 December 2007) Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA www.bdm.com.pl Dom Maklerski AmerBrokers SA www.amerbrokers.pl Dom Maklerski BOS SA www.bossa.pl PKO Bank Polski SA www.pkobp.pl 194 NewConnect Authorised Advisers If a would-be debutant opts for a private pla- company which it takes to NewConnect and cement, the feasibility of such a placement supports the would-be issuer on its way to and the company's readiness for a NewCon- flotation. This role may be fulfilled by repu- nect flotation is assessed by an independent table, credible investment firms, legal firms, organisation acting as the so-called autho- audit companies and financial consultancies. rised adviser. The company and the selec- Each would-be debutant selects an authori- ted authorised adviser sign a collaboration sed adviser at its own discretion. agreement. The adviser 'warrants' for the List of Authorised Advisers (as of 11 February 2008) Acropolis Advisory Marcin Anklewicz www.acropolisadvisory.pl Biuro Doradztwa Prawnego i Podatkowego NDW Sp. z o.o. AdAc Sp. z o.o. www.ndw.org.pl www.adac.pl Biuro Inwestycji Kapitałowych Advanced Financial Solutions Sp. z o.o. www.bikinvest.pl www.afs.info.pl Business Consulting Sp. z o.o. AFS Sp. z o.o. www.buscon.pl AT INVEST Sp. z o.o. Capital One Advisers Sp. z o.o. www.atinvest.pl www.capitalone.pl Auxilium Kancelaria Biegłych Rewidentów S.A. Carlson Capital Partners Sp. z o.o. www.auxilium.com.pl Celichowski - Szyndler - Więckowska i Partnerzy Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych Spółka Partnerska Azimutus Associates Sp. z o.o. www.azimutus.com BAA Polska Sp. z o.o. www.baa.com.pl Baker Tilly Smoczyński i Partnerzy Sp. z o.o. www.bakertillysmoczynski.eu Bank DnB Nord S.A www.dnbnord.pl Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA www.bdm.pl Beskidzkie Biuro Consultingowe Capital Sp. z o.o. www.bbc.ig.pl Biuro Audytorskie Sadren Sp. z o.o. www.carlsonfinance.com www.kancelaria-csw.pl Central Eastern Europe Capital Sp. z o.o. (CEE Capital Sp. z o.o.) www.ceec.pl Chłopecki Sobolewska i Wspólnicy Doradcy Prawni Spółka Komandytowa www.smlegal.pl CMS Corporate Management Services Sp. z o.o. www.cms-proalfa.pl Conco Consulting - Nowak, Skorus, Wojtanowicz Spółka Jawna www.conco.pl www.sadren.com.pl 195 Fact Book 2008 Concordia Espirito Santo Investment Sp. z o.o. GoAdvisers Sp. z o.o. www.concordia.com.pl Corvus Corporate Finance Sp. z o.o. Gorazda, Świstuń, Wątroba, Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni www.corvuscf.pl www.gsw.com.pl Dexus Partners Sp. z o.o. Grupa EGEA Sp. z o.o. www.dexuspartners.pl www.egea.pl DFP Doradztwo Finansowe Sp. z o.o. Grupa Gumułka - Audyt Sp. z o.o. www.dfp.pl www.gumulka.pl DGA Audyt Sp. z o.o. www.dga.poznan.pl Grupa Konsultingowa Jagiełło, Wrębiak i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o. Dom Inwestycyjny Nehrebetius SA www.gkjw.pl www.nehrebetius.pl Grupa Morison Finansista Morison Finansista Corporate Finance Sp. z o.o. Dom Inwestycyjny Taurus Sp. z o.o. www.dom-taurus.pl Dom Maklerski Capital Partners SA www.dmcp.com.pl Dom Maklerski IDMSA www.idmsa.pl Dom Maklerski PENETRATOR SA www.penetrator.com.pl Dom Maklerski POLONIA NET SA www.polonia.com.pl DORADCA Zespół Doradców Finansowo-Księgowych Sp. z o.o. GRUPA FINANS-SERVIS www.doradca.lublin.pl Doradztwo Ekonomiczne -Dariusz Zarzecki www.zarzecki.pl Doradztwo Gospodarcze DGA SA www.gounited.pl www.finansista.pl Grynhoff Woźny Maliński Spółka Komandytowa www.gwmlegal.pl Grzybczyk Fuchs Kałuża Kamiński Radcy Prawni Spółka Partnerska www.gfkk.pl Grzybkowski & Guzek Adwokacka Spółka Partnerska www.grzybkowski-guzek.pl HLB Frąckowiak i Wspólnicy Sp. z o.o. www.hlb.pl Holon Consultants Sp. z o.o. www.holon.pl Horus Investment Sp. z o.o. www.horusinvestment.pl www.dga.pl INVESTIN Sp. z o.o. EBC Solicitors Arkadiusz Stryja Spółka Komandytowa Inwest Consulting S.A. www.investin.pl www.ebcsolicitors.pl www.ic.poznan.pl ECM Dom Maklerski SA Inwestexpert Corporate Finance Sp. z o.o. www.ecmdm.pl EFICOM S.A. www.eficom.pl ERSTE Securities Polska www.esp.pl EUROLINKS SA Spółka Komandytowa www.eurolinks.pl Europejskie Centrum Audytu Sp. z o.o. www.ecaudyt.pl Fabisiak i Wspólnicy Sp. K. www.fiw.net.pl FAS Polska Sp. z o.o. www.faspolska.pl Financial Markets Center Management Sp. z o.o. www.fmcm.pl Forystek i Partnerzy Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni www.forystek.pl 196 www.inwestexpert.pl IPO Doradztwo Strategiczne Sp. z o.o www.ipo.com.pl J. Chałas i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Prawna Spółka Komandytowa www.chwp.pl Kancelaria Biegłych Rewidentów REWIDO Sp. z o.o. www.rewido.pl Kancelaria Consultingowa IRED Kancelaria Porad FinansowoKsięgowych dr Piotr Rojek Sp. z o.o. www.kpfk.pl Kancelaria Prawna Waluga i Wspólnicy Spółka Komandytowa www.waluga.pl NewConnect Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów Głuchowski Jedliński Rodziewicz Zwara i Partnerzy www.kancelaria-sopot.pl Polinvest-Audit Sp. z o.o. www.polinvest-audit.pl Prof. Marek Wierzbowski Radcowie Prawni Spółka Partnerska Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Jakubisiak i Pałtynowicz www.wierzbowski.com www.jip.pl www.profescapital.pl Kancelaria Radców Prawnych Oleś & Rodzynkiewicz Spółka Komandytowa www.oles.com.pl Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Kinga Pajerska-Krasnowska www.futuro.net.pl Korpex-Audytor Sp. z o.o. www.korpex.pl Krawczyk i Wspólnicy Spółka Komandytowa www.krawczyk-legal.com Łatała i Wspólnicy Spółka Komandytowa www.latala.com.pl Łuczyński i Wspólnicy Spółka Komandytowa www.liwlegal.pl M&M Doradztwo Gospodarcze Sp. z o.o. www.mm-dg.pl M.Furtek i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Prawnicza Spółka Komandytowa www.furtek.pl Management & Consulting Dom Inwestycyjny Sp. z o.o. www.mcgroup.eu/di Małkowski Matczuk Wieczorek Kancelaria Adwokatów i Radców Prawnych Spółka Jawna www.mmwlaw.pl Moore Stephens Trzemżalski, Krynicki i Partnerzy Kancelaria Biegłych Rewidentów Sp. z o.o. www.moorestephens.gda.pl Morison Finansista Audit Sp. z o.o. www.finansista.pl Navigator Capital Sp. z o.o. www.navigatorcapital.pl New Europe Advisers Limited www.neweuropeadvisers.com O.M. Finance Sp. z o.o. www.omfin.pl PROFESCAPITAL Sp. z o.o. REWIT Księgowi i Biegli Rewidenci Sp. z o.o. www.rewit.com.pl Roedl Audit Sp. z o.o. www.roedl.pl RSM Corporate Finance Sp. z o.o. Ruciński i Wspólnicy Kancelaria Audytorów i Doradców Sp. z o.o. www.adamrucinski.com SALWIX Sp. z o.o. www.salwix.pl Secus Asset Management SA www.secus.pl SKYLINE Investment SA www.skyline.com.pl Sołtysiński & Szlęzak Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów Spółka Komandytowa www.skslegal.pl Spółka Zarządzająca Funduszami Kapitału Zalążkowego SATUS Sp. z o.o. www.bdm.com.pl T&T Consulting Kancelaria Doradztwa Gospodarczego www.trznadel.pl TDI Towarzystwo Doradztwa Inwestycyjnego Sp. z o.o. www.tdi.com.pl Tomasik, Chabasiewicz i Wspólnicy Spółka Komandytowa www.tc.net.pl Top Consulting Sp. z o.o. www.topconsult.pl Wardyński i Wspólnicy Sp. k. www.wardynski.com.pl Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr Spółka Komandytowa www.wkb.com.pl Wrocławski Dom Maklerski SA www.wdmsa.pl WYG International Sp. z o.o. www.wyginternational.pl Peter Nielsen & Partners Law Office Spółka Komandytowa www.pnplaw.pl PKF Consult Sp. z o.o. ww.pkfconsult.com.pl 197 Fact Book 2008 Mandatory Disclosures Disclosure requirements for NewConnect companies have been significantly reduced. submission of audited annual reports, compliance with corporate governance rules, with concessions arising from the In comparison with the regulated market, NewConnect offers: no requirement to submit quarterly reports, the possibility to submit unaudited semiannual reports, with selected data only, the freedom in choosing accounting standards (either internationally recognised standards or those applicable in the issuer's country of domicile). nature of traded companies. Reporting is managed through the Electronic Information Base (EIB). This is a stateof-the-art system for reporting, archiving and publicising current and periodic reports submitted by NewConnect companies. EIB was developed in house and is supervised by the WSE. The following are mandatory for NewConnect companies: submission of current reports (their scope narrower than on the regulated market), List of Data Vendors (as of 4 February 2008) Bank BPH SA Biuro Maklerskie www.bm.bph.pl Bank Gospodarki Żywnościowej SA Biuro Maklerskie Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku SA www.breinwest.com.pl Dom Maklerski AmerBrokers SA www.bmbgz.pl www.amerbrokers.pl Bankier.pl SA Dom Maklerski BOŚ SA www.bankier.pl www.bossa.pl Beskidzki Dom Maklerski SA Dom Maklerski BZ WBK SA www.bdm.com.pl www.dmbzwbk.pl Biuro Maklerskie Banku DnB NORD Polska SA Dom Maklerski IDM SA www.bmdnbnord.pl www.idmsa.pl Bonnier Business (Polska) Sp. z o.o. Dom Maklerski PENETRATOR SA www.pb.pl www.penetrator.com.pl BRE Bank SA - mBank Grupa Onet.pl SA www.mBank.com.pl www.onet.pl CAIT Sp. z o.o. ING Securities SA www.cait.com.pl www.ingsecurities.pl Centralny Dom Maklerski Pekao SA INTERIA.PL SA www.cdmpekao.com.pl www.interia.pl 198 NewConnect KBC Securities N.V. (Spółka Akcyjna) Oddział w Polsce www.kbcmakler.pl Millennium Dom Maklerski SA www.millenniumdm.pl PKO BP SA Bankowy Dom Maklerski www.bdm.pkobp.pl Polska Agencja Prasowa SA Reuters Limited www.reuters.com Statica www.statica.pl Telekurs Financial Information Ltd. www.telekurs-financial.com Wirtualna Polska SA www.wp.pl www.pap.com.pl PRESSPUBLICA Sp. z o.o. www.rzeczpospolita.pl List of Distributors of Company Reports (as of 4 February 2008) Bank BPH SA Biuro Maklerskie Grupa Onet.pl SA www.bm.bph.pl www.onet.pl Bankier.pl SA INTERIA.PL SA www.bankier.pl www.interia.pl Biuro Maklerskie Banku DnB NORD Polska SA Millennium Dom Maklerski SA www.bmdnbnord.pl Bonnier Business (Polska) Sp. z o.o. www.pb.pl BRE Bank SA - mBank www.mBank.com.pl Centralny Dom Maklerski Pekao SA www.millenniumdm.pl PKO BP SA Bankowy Dom Maklerski www.bdm.pkobp.pl Polska Agencja Prasowa SA www.pap.com.pl PRESSPUBLICA Sp. z o.o. www.rzeczpospolita.pl www.cdmpekao.com.pl Dom Maklerski PENETRATOR SA www.penetrator.com.pl 199 200 NewConnect online http://www.newconnect.pl e-mail: [email protected] QUOTATIONS ON-LINE INVESTORS COMPANIES AUTHORISED ADVISER MEMBERS REGULATIONS STATISTICS Basic info Basic info List of market members Information about listed shares Investor Guide Listed companies Market Animators Market Statistics Data Distributors Reports Share in turnover Daily Statistics Issuer Manual Weekly Statistics Index Composition Growth Indicator Fact Book 2008 Main ListStock Exchange Warsaw Important Addresses Selected Capital Market Institutions Selected Financial Information Services Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego (KNF) Polish Financial Supervision Authority Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. Warsaw Stock Exchange www.knf.gov.pl Ministerstwo Skarbu Państwa Ministry of the Treasury www.msp.gov.pl Ministerstwo Finansów Ministry of Finance www.wse.com.pl Polska Agencja Prasowa Polish Press Agency www.pap.com.pl Onet.pl www.mf.gov.pl www.onet.pl Narodowy Bank Polski National Bank of Poland Gazeta Wyborcza www.nbp.pl Parkiet Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych National Depository for Securities www.parkiet.com.pl www.gazeta.pl Puls Biznesu www.pb.pl www.kdpw.pl Izba Domów Maklerskich Chamber of Brokerage Houses www.idm.com.pl Rzeczpospolita www.rzeczpospolita.pl Bankier.pl www.bankier.pl Związek Maklerów i Doradców Polish Association of Brokers and Investment Advisors www.zmid.org.pl Stowarzyszenie Emitentów Giełdowych Issuers Association Selected International Institutions www.seg.org.pl Związek Banków Polskich Polish Bank Association www.zbp.pl Polska Agencja Informacji i Inwestycji Zagranicznych Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) www.world-exchanges.org Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) www.fese.be International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) www.paiz.gov.pl www.iosco.org Stowarzyszenie Inwestorów Indywidualnych Individual Investors' Association World Bank www.sii.org.pl www.worldbank.org European Bank for Reconstruction and Development www.ebrd.com 201 Fact Book 2008 Selected Exchanges Argentina Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires www.bcba.sba.com.ar Australia Australian Stock Exchange www.asx.com.au Austria Wiener Borse AG www.wienerboerse.at Belgium NYSE Euronext Euronext Brussels www.euronext.com Bermudas Bermuda Stock Exchange www.bsx.com Brazil Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange www.bvrj.com.br/mbre2 Brazil's Stock Exchange (BOVESPA) www.bovespa.com.br Bulgaria Bulgarian Stock Exchange www.bse-sofia.bg Canada Toronto Stock Exchange www.tsx.com Montréal Exchange www.m-x.ca Chile Santiago Stock Exchange www.bolsadesantiago.com China Shenzhen Stock Exchange www.szse.cn/main/en Croatia Zagreb Stock Exchange www.zse.hr Cyprus Cyprus Stock Exchange www.cse.com.cy Czech Republic Prague Stock Exchange www.pse.cz Denmark OMX Nordic Exchange www.omxgroup.com/nordicexchange Estonia OMX Nordic Exchange Tallinn Stock Exchange www.ee.omxgroup.com Finland OMX Nordic Exchange www.omxgroup.com/nordicexchange France NYSE Euronext Euronext Paris www.euronext.com Germany Deutsche Borse AG www.deutsche-boerse.com Greece Athens Exchange www.ase.gr Hong Kong Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing www.hkex.com.hk Hungary Budapest Stock Exchange www.bse.hu Iceland OMX Nordic Exchange Iceland Stock Exchange www.omxgroup.com/nordicexchange India National Stock Exchange of India www.nse-india.com Bombay Stock Exchange www.bseindia.com Indonesia Jakarta Stock Exchange www.jsx.co.id Iran Tehran Stock Exchange www.tse.ir Ireland Irish Stock Exchange www.ise.ie Israel Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange www.tase.co.il Italy Borsa Italiana www.borsaitaliana.it Japan Tokyo Stock Exchange www.tse.or.jp Osaka Securities Exchange www.ose.or.jp 202 Main ListStock Exchange Warsaw Latvia OMX Nordic Exchange Riga Stock Exchange www.lv.omxgroup.com Lithuania OMX Nordic Exchange Vilnius Stock Exchange www.lt.omxgroup.com Luxembourg Luxembourg Stock Exchange www.bourse.lu Macedonia Macedonian Stock Exchange www.mse.org.mk Malaysia Bursa Malaysia www.klse.com.my Malta Malta Stock Exchange www.borzamalta.com.mt Mexico Bolsa Mexicana de Valores www.bmv.com.mx Moldova Moldova Stock Exchange www.moldse.md Netherlands NYSE Euronext Euronext Amsterdam www.euronext.com New Zealand New Zealand Exchange Limited www.nzx.com Russian Federation Russian Trading System (Stock Exchange) www.rts.ru Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange www.micex.com Serbia Belgrade Stock Exchange (BELEX) www.belex.co.yu Singapore Singapore Exchange www.sgx.com Slovakia Bratislava Stock Exchange www.bsse.sk Slovenia Ljubljana Stock Exchange www.ljse.si South Africa JSE www.jse.co.za South Korea Korea Exchange www.sm.krx.co.kr Spain Spanish Exchanges (BME) www.bolsasymercados.es Bolsa de Madrid www.bolsamadrid.es Bolsa de Barcelona www.borsabcn.es Bolsa de Bilbao www.bolsabilbao.es Bolsa de Valencia www.bolsavalencia.es Norway Oslo Bors www.oslobors.no Sri Lanka Colombo Stock Exchange www.cse.lk Peru Bolsa de Valores de Lima www.bvl.com.pe Sweden OMX Nordic Exchange www.omxgroup.com/nordicexchange Philippines Philippine Stock Exchange www.pse.org.ph Switzerland SWX Swiss Exchange www.swx.com Portugal NYSE Euronext Euronext Lisbon www.euronext.com Romania Bucharest Stock Exchange www.bvb.ro Sibiu Monetary – Financial and Commodities Exchange www.sibex.ro Taiwan Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation www.tse.com.tw Thailand Stock Exchange of Thailand www.set.or.th Turkey Istanbul Stock Exchange www.ise.org 203 Fact Book 2008 United Kingdom London Stock Exchange Ukraine PFTS Stock Exchange www.londonstockexchange.com www.pfts.com Liffe – Futures & Options Ukrainian Stock Exchange www.euronext.com www.ukrse.kiev.ua United States of America NYSE Euronext www.nyse.com American Stock Exchange www.amex.com Chicago Board Options Exchange www.cboe.com Chicago Stock Exchange www.chx.com NASDAQ Stock Market www.nasdaq.com 204 Main ListStock Exchange Warsaw Selected WSE Publications Ceduła Giełdy Warszawskiej - WSE official daily bulletin Rules of the WSE Court online version online version Detailed Exchange Trading Rules Monthly Bulletin online version online version Futures Trading Rules Warsaw Stock Exchange Indices online version online version Options Trading Rules Annual Report online version online and printed version Fact Book online and printed version How to raise capital and build a market position on the Warsaw Stock Exchange online and printed version WSE Articles of Association online version WSE Rules Information and education leaflets and booklets printed version online version Online versions are available from: www.wse.com.pl 205 Fact Book 2008 Additional Closing Dates in 2008 The Warsaw Stock Exchange is open Monday to Friday except on the following dates: 1 January (Tuesday) 21 March (Friday) 24 March (Monday) 1 May (Thursday) 22 May (Thursday) 15 August (Friday) 11 November (Tuesday) 24 December (Wednesday) 25 December (Thursday) 26 December (Friday) 206
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